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Full text of "The Herball, or, Generall historie of plantes /gathered by John Gerarde of London, master in chirurgerie."

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gee PRUE. 

ror videtlondn oO 
7 mprintea at n by ~ 
Ton Norton. 


* of Burghley, Matter of the Court of wardesand Lineries,Chan- 
-cellor of the Uniuerfitie of Cambridge, Knight of the most noble 
~ order of the Garter, one of the Lords of bir AZ. aiesties 
most honorable priuie Counfell,and — 

pie : Eigh Treafurer of eae a oe 
caters oe - 
ore ‘A Ma <4 t © CRT eA pies " : a 
: my fi ie sete good Lord y that haute alli in, all a 
si SV |} entertained many excellent Wits y and, drawent them 
sag EX ee aoe, ee 

meee may: ed mens ace what oreate 
“e there thantobehold the earth pa 

3 id perkectic 

ee colours may a the cie, itis sis cies and flowers, that no ee no Ze 
= ever er could ce any = the like : 2if eons orif tafte may pworke fatist 

Sagi cle tray 

Th ioy 
: ie. a thet igre Peano ae cise 0 
= haue continued euer finceof nc vie both for meat intaine. 
‘medicine health, ; ue: £ chemis 

tO recouer 

. . | The Epistle Dedicatorie. 

ns the very brute beafts haue foundit out: and (whichis another vie thathe obferueth ) 
Thaib Cc 1 om, ae eee Co a ES 

Sa Furthermore, the neceffarie vie of thee fruits of the earth doth plainly appeere 

by the great charge and care of alinoft all men in planting and maintaining of gar, 
dens, not as ornaments onely, 

f g dot d eli ght; gardens, efpecially ic as 
LI ; Sen | oe 2G Ege ae | G J 

i @ man doth behold 4 flourifhing fhew of fommer beauties inthe middeft of winters 
i force {pring of flowers, when abroad a leafe isnotto be feenc. Befide 
oa ‘and other caules, there aremany examples of thofe that peat ee this {ci- 
— nce eafe your Honor to ¢all 
to roremembrance that which you knoweof Lome noble Princes i haucioyned this 
: Mithridates the great was famous 
Sie for his knowledge herein, as Plutarch south tax alfo king of Arabia, the happie 
Pintsy garden of the world for principall fimples, wrote of this argument, as Plinie fheweth : 
Diocletian might he haue his praife, hadhe not drowsed ; all his honorin the blood 
Ee of hisperfecution. Toconclude this point, the example of Salomonis before the reft 
i: and greater, whofe wifedome and knowledge was fuch, thathe was able to fet out the 
oe of all plantes, from the higheft Cedar to theloweft Mofle. Butmy very goo 
Lo g at Philofophers and | mightie| Princes, 

Lite 4 ASG | CL 
among ¢ other partes of wifedome and countell, toacare and ftudie of {pcciall herbes, 
both for the furnifhing of their gardens, an sd the furtherance of their knowledge : 
a whome I may iuftly affirme and d publith your Honor to be one, being my felfe 
for V nder y our Lordihip I haue 

ey : a oe t aN Geowts | Oe ae 1 
i 4 of 1 os tape } 1. ‘ i¢ Lee - pope aa ae J te 
sees Sat d gah 4 § Tha sie 
: : Wel serie of herb d flowers that I mt be an — 

= en ak Ge oe SS e a! 

eure is, Tleaue to the: report of t them i haue ceeyou bere oa 
icaufe gardens are ° priuate, 

- 3 R 

ae me ba wh =r _ and: after ee the cbt to make my labours 
common 1, andtofree them unt wherein 

= hi orreport of the nature of plants 

toa iuttvol thad it, asthe Reader Spice comparifon fee, richer than 
former Het I found i it La tn to whome I might dedicate my’! eae for - 

ae ord nefleI 

yl better recom- 

— = =e panes 

The pas Dediceie. - 

feruice or deuotion to performe ? Th ' f yourH aa 

Sage ; 
ne: y Ps Ff 3 Notas an exquifite 
Eee 2 Soe et | TNL 1 i ace RR Le oes g | ag aed 
that itmy y labour and feruice can affoord whereof if if further fi et this is 
2 f age men of deeper iodgeieat to 
dd h atin time the 

worke oes be SRA Thus! vont take my leaue,befeeching Godto grant 3 
ouyet many daies to liue to his glorie, tothe fiippote: of t this fate” 

\ pooh rene of honorin this word and 
; all fulneffe of gloricint 
- world tocome, 


% Loris most bumble 
= and obedient moan, 



peritifsimo,& reiherbaria 
‘. ¢allentiffimo $.D.P. 

Sp Yn fingularum medicine e partium cognitio atque ipteliigcoria loess 
5 vel dig 

}) tate, vel veilitate, » vel deniqueiucunditate , c cum ftirpium cognitione 
i odqi 

oe § i 
iM TE bs \ Lire. L 

( prout os ¢ dura ae neceffitas) primum excogitatz Scinuente fue- 
¥ runt 

*, condita, e eidemque mox creato ab ipfo mundi archite€&o donata videri 
\Po oteft. Cuiustanta apud alk fecula exiftimatio ac dignitas erat, 


=T . ~ oy pe | eS | 

tem lin = acutifsit imi 

remedia {uppedirant: ex alijs domos,naues, 
noose earum Vv veftes: noftris corpotibus fubminiftrant, ‘Tnquibus pa hai dey ee Sse 
ifter saeaete =“ 

8 . Fs 

e G | ml ¢ fragr antia naribus a fini 

nain earum conditorem impietate inficiarinon pti ‘Adeé vt abfque ‘toa ope &. 
io i aabie ne vitalis Sa haberi debeat t. : 
im igitur res pla di f \ i 4 5 digi nitate 

. 1 
co, ae tinfen. 

edat, veilitate inf uper ft 
non explora canabeak aut ingratus vt non ingenué tae quanta vn aoe Ampiis. 
commoda, ‘eae volupeates tuuis mi Gerarde i in ftir piim inueftigatione & cult bart Se 
feflus. 5 ftudium inexhauftu 
ita a vie, oie d de coos bent metendi ftudio, & quod infigni tua cum ‘lane 
greflus es virtutis glor g nda ipe Ag ein 

ue perficias. Sic enim & tibi adhit fuperttiti gl 

" tuinominis celebrtatem “auloReg vt tuarum laudum p Pi noftros a — captura fi fit 
obliuio, Bene vale. 159 

femgue fixima cn tine fibi apa pte laudi honorique_ 

Stirpium eni im complurime nobis in eben weeees seats innumetz aduerfis morbos 


Ae a ae hye fh, Lexy \ 1, 
re th - Re ae { dj Of pb Se 
nh wth pxruAcCnAan 1. eo tanea Wr ce 6 . 
pho fo denda Plantars lect ti uf vidi, de dicbunt 
+ fe oh st . PE } OSG SRE an Die ake Mrs Maen peg! gota,” . 
/ ‘- 7 J. 4 it 
i. i antiquifir uw, 

aos uum, retegere cuptdo, debet. P Theophrasti, Dio ee 
ris oe ox Galen Pee, poet toto oy ips uleata Barge | fs —] 
Brunfelfiz Fuch{iz wlebabeia nee Meta 
Dodonai,T: — la Delany Canerary, Tabernamont. Pena, ¢ 

aera woud (é ot Ee, 4 Gramine Sc motoribusad Triti- ia 
ged et 


4, CC] # S Ss 
Ss Ms seg See rife 

ludis’ gud ipfat 
v7) mon mis cultum on cnpettr wha, snorion rnp tori, Regn © es Hero ron Lamm pri eave quam . 
> mupero: exemplo. Ne c fa tibz fit pref Rtzsz, quod copia 0 ultariune d 
can finn plantaruon i iw ania po ‘onte het yab ae histo ee iffarum, histortam 
oblectanento : Singulas enim regiones peculiar res quaf- 
dam plant asguas i in alijs non facil e reperizs, gignerec magni ‘sibs fait hec eee oe 
vines Nature an ios he ee _ bore indigna, — (ez y peregrinas, cm wari ime [ola 

4, pee Pree Beis. ip LL: off . 

rs) 7 3 
eridetie in Ss ch aftdua, ape ‘net. sed Siig Seka ne of ibitertiahs he is 
form fel es 


@ pl. Ati tarui, folersc. GL tio: guam €l 

friorim Gracorum Medicorum more, ‘aperiret tonaris. Solebant autem m ation 5 fonon Mediceninum 
parse weltiebantur. Srna etiam eff Hippocratem di a if cnt cupid, permultis ‘regtonibus pera ee, 
tuiffe Cori ns aff. Melius enim est t Rei- 
cee ee 
‘maledici Z oils foripta tua abe ea dedifti enim & t 

Ld. ens 

Gi z J 
rum floribus i Flora Dea marine nobel valetudini e tilitatspotius confulens, 5 ptati, 
vale reinfas NN: b ‘pte j Li : 

eben G incertl 
medendum maxinenecelfary sa ignant ncertis sec peouy fps nti 

gitimi fimplicism iti, ¢ o> fun p meses rrr agate ae 

plicatis, ¢ 

J ° ; JE 

Wace a ee 

eLey bo os ms 

VY > id J y 
(ellularios, fordidi[e tabros. interbolatore. 
a rah ate peas ween SG, 

ie Pa Saoeee | of £, Ar Ps PEE 

Se J \ f x ise af 
ait, Q f st satq lat, canes “Eres? 

L yrs oe rf. SSS.) ee oP. ! £ » &M licus oes 

- eorun qua ad morbos 
ee Medicus vbi PI 
ind quam infami 
tanquam alls quid 
fepe etiam volens Ph 

‘tect See ibidem loti. Medico geiein Poe Grutanda, utfatis fu eee ad artem foe 

pe e J 3 Tc ic iguag 1 : % ipfi ns é J 6 VE, rs od 
| Beno a po 4 rt > Et flatin 13 pe 7 it 
im ‘ 
ad Aphorifnorum vitam brenem longam | pantie ergo tuto tla al 
Mat, Medici aut JAcdicaftri » t7 Wn Medicine bar 
4 i ps 4 
perfpedt. 2 rr; 7-3 a: Pap AD 
ji irate ian guiin ae Seisadacantie fs wmilimos sf per ‘Qeradmdn enim 
illi ( 5fi autem 
* Multi ma~ % 4 a ee oe Ye 4 aa hs : 
ty . fut 1 P si aucl. Ita aque 
wan elle 67 aul ante Medici ‘ ; HG. 
gsuanell ¢py t I ifiom dixerit : : Vertim n proptet ignorantiam 

veniffes vt omnium artium ae ih imacenfeatur, At verd hoc peccatumob hane potiffimum 
caufam AGEN videturs folimamque Medicinz nt ulla pena in rebus publicis Ratuta eft, praeter- 
quam ignominie. Ne animan c famam lederet. ob huinfmodi 
ardua Cres d iforimina, bortus ill Co [yncerws pre (quaroni is multas herbas ex alis CF Puchfio 
2 tranferip ut ipfemet mihi retulit, vernacula Germania 
inferi eri. org se vertere) eileatifer mis, nnoti[mis [4 pancis ex tot shai ah mn milled ss, 14, quinguagenis aut 
Sepiuagenis herbis 5 quibus vtebatur, eon ey Ciigiee  fitit, es ge terecair lg . bi sgrotis pertclitars : Me. ra Ma 


quamplay fof pot tt. a? Lici n fi tii eo ft sdf ide ‘o mederentur : isso He~ 

quaquam enenire ‘lofo ofophi (Hy lef fo) ) di iui 5 fs inexperts co pa par. re ado 

ape ‘d oft necan (ut: q tum e| Dhoni, 

pa 7 CO S4 ag : aranis, inter ditta ae ft are eee 
: ee ends s iccse ij le Efula, Lat 

ao fenilibus sien} gfaert ciation utendum: "pm ease mee mis 

iota rec toribus adberendum, worwin fs eae « 2 ch iutifeme rara & psx ¢ 
hoe i yeh Life P 

Co A lepares artis ornamen: nto 2 Cpr 

[= ears SS ale gy 
* J > es OK 
Sufpenfis,anb aan ants mnbocntmedlirs PEATE S sede: Loe 
. Ba Bae pep Oey Bees Hes 
eh srk pes int wus fallac appofite j Cr cecinit olimhos very z 44 
J ore peed Xd : 

oe AMR 4 
Etcim verbadamus, nil ni ~ ‘No, sen Be i 
noes Ln cen er, is 159 es Ss 

IN GE RARI - ds Pegs ge 

Ltimusecce Gerardus : tet avptinuserba? 
id nt 2 0M Ho fed dedit i tillen 

LO-TAY [thy MECLY Tey xe 3 
Sic liber eit promus,condus vt pe: erat. 
Et me we 7 cali food eg? ee 

Medicine eer 

eAd J obaimen Cerardum Chirargm 

rbarimndG, peri v2ti{sinum 

Vil ) Pa | me (. - Pe eee 
ve oO oe 
oO re fiat ice Anellac 
. Se ; a 5 t > 
Niall Cis £5, 3° eel juam quae 
Se fufam loquitur Ciceronis ab ore -diferti: $ iis 
4 “ ies: 
5 eae ; , ee 
Cuipro laude fatis talinatum effe parente, ‘ue e 
if il d ine. nomen & 
t 7 ait 
WI iz ds eee | 1 . giftri z f 

Illietenim Europe fuccos, Afizeq; liquore 
Queeque atente folo fitiens 5 parit ‘icy rractant : 

B | x a rp) £ 
BLING 4 '> s : 
Cc: 1 EM n j 
Pe) al tye : 3 
Ly LE? pd 1 Vee % .f SPER oy Seat! 
r10C Ip 2s la Que , f > 
Til t Eee ras Ae eS Bo. 

Explorata diu muleumgs emittis in auras. 


_ Praeftantesgs viridocuere fideliterartem, YE ee ae 

+e : Le ee i 2 
Sicanimo fic fronte minax, eel, bee 
Profilit, at — ceditvictoriaferro. es E Pe 

Quz tibi protanto ceditvictoria ferro” 
Premia ia perfor, Myrti laurigs coronas . 

nestiroiinpsiglaorinsi cas 

Queis hominumcuras fa rem, 

. pages erum, cuftosq au 
Eterna ftatuit fr 

- Inhiftoriam plantarum Jo.Gerardi ciuis & Chirurgi 
Londinenfis, M Jacobi lehnttonij Scoti 
Ballincrifz sei pagiportionarij 
Epigra mina. 
LS Efi = ahs ae — pomaria montibus Atlas 
rat (Hefperij munera rara foli) > 
Ansar fla ee s define ramos 
mis pendula las a fuis. 
Sige cum nonin periere, & Gorgone vifo 
sriguit vifcera verfus i las, 
Keinat Petpet poe lis hor 
rat prif aias agar: : 
Vna Geraint = s hor 
Aeterno fam re { 

Hic quiequid Ze eph a: sprodinis sucouid : — 
ntiquus plage age & nouus orbis 
Intulit in patriam na amg; € sai “aie arte: = 
ic nullo ceditt terra 2 Britanna folo, 

Ma argin e,8 Anglorumiam facit ore “ae 
‘Sic erit eternum hine ve viuas horte Gerardi, 
ultoris ftudio nobilitat ae 

ee Jn = » biforiam, a folertifgimo viro Reig, Herbariz 
imo, D.I 

oanne Gerardo, Anglicé editam 

pee cert? laudemdecus tmmortile sie 
Tu, focyG, tut, magnum & memorabile no 

(ilustrisD EVO pias sabe repre TBE RIS 

Deurttisclaffe A. RV M; Tug, (Ducafte 

Maxime EGERT =: N Vi iceman hin 1s Fitamation 

H x OV M mer ito iuabedy cenfindus 



Qezmentesbominan dni psf Gitivefia, 4. 
i, Britannum é . 

Augetis, Vo ‘bid gram pie nit aftra. 
Quin Agile, Cy inpartem Jaltem permite honoris 
Phabes veniant Vates, quipe Z 
ina mor borum. i 

Thomas Nomen: Gelitetiyin D Bi Gerardo, 

amiconon vulgar. $ 

pow set to 7 ond be Lact ont ripta voluminamystis, 

i referare docent. 
hae a 

res sa oe lens cedy us, innuba laurus, 
Nota tzbi, nota sof pe oliua tibi. 
Balfama, nareyffius,r. e, 72. nardes, amon, 

Gratulor ergo te Spe: (Gera rde) Britsnnit, 
DN ampt witog, tuo gratulor, atque m 

Nam Ces doyrit me cenuere ata - 
liore tamen fyde 63 CV as. 

Veré &exanimotuus, Thomas Newton, 
‘ordenfis itesgavms. 

Thomas Ele. Matter in See to his 
learned friend and louing brotherin Art, 
M.Fobn Gerard. 

O Fr haue I heard,and oft haue read 
In bookes of learn 

ore, ey ory 
Hitae Mian, tie nai Oh deer ee 
Or Microcofmos bore. 
And rightly fie 5 “aioe fminide said 
¢ circled world about, 

Whole! head (alittle Globe) concei 

worldly thi 
As thisin all, fonow in thee 
This chi 


~ By fpeciallnote eet Gerard her 
a | 
3 ee 

Wherein Masi ina glaffe) we fee 
u thy minde haft benr, 
Thy bate wi sthy ane ae, 
any a pou 
In eepeladte nights, ie raf ais, 

In places far 
In eh is jin — Ae 
Inc eshere andt ay 
ican till che common goo 

le&ting ftill Wee 
And a content that w sce cane 
he feede which see haft foRne. 

No a hance enor pain 
Could daunt thy harts de as 
To ae ohee thou tak’ft 

Difcharg ieee thou ae haft 
Aright good Chriftian part, 
In baininee mae to pee $00 od 
ure of th 
Norbu botched, ae a hewde, 
or pendin childith guife 
_ But fquar'd bys aa SG A proofe, 
In iudgement of th 

Could fram’de be in fich fj spon 
For in well viewing of the fam 
eneede not far to rom 

But may behold dame Natures fhote 

We fee herea pepe fpring, 
A gallant flowring May, 
Which month is pases of the world, 
ome great Clerks do fay. 

Reioice in God (good Gerard) = 
ho thus hath lent thee ftrength, 
deke infpirde thee with fac 

Toend this worke at length: 

And doubtnot et mace thou haft 

: Both and man 

: Happiearetowin doing this 
Happie eh 


In Peon dian of M {ohn Gerard fer hisdili heike® Es 
in fimpling, by W WeSterman. 

Aze they that lift vpon the loftie s 
Ge: ‘ais aa Iunoes ates suas eer 
e aire fhe vaunts hir Ar gus cic 
And dips ive a inpa ahiceeloneds rain 
How firft the fpredes,then wraps it vp agin 

Or meddle there where diftance maketh dout 

And vpright gazers minding not their feet 
Stumbling do lay their length pos the frecea 

A ioiwly arnt more fitter for his look 

Doth pleafe him better thar thefe loftie fhowes: 
The ree ee: he wakes his dail 

Med te s 

i¢ of our mother Earth, 
Which yeelds fupplie againft difeafe and dearth. 

Our mother Earth Aeesite with —— pride, 
Perceiuing Gerard io be beauties iudge, 

to trudge, 
verdant mantle {preading round about, 
She boatts the pleafance of hir goodly rou 

They all take Gerard for chiefe friend of theirs, eee = 
Towhom they framea garland fora figne ee ee 
Of that pure loue,which each to = er beares 5 a 

Eglantin 3 : 

eres se prefence in os twine: * 1 ae 

Let thofe faire flowers of our Englith field, pees 
Vawiteedlong their fragrant odours yeeld A 

— 2 Be 

oe the well affected Reader and peruler of this 
booke,St.Bredwell P hiftcion, 

ae Set the campe of glorie and ip ” for allmen, faith the yoonger Plinic : not ay 
> HE: at birth and dignitie, or men of office endewed with publike charge a 

¥ ie, are feene therein, ana Ries 7 ¢ garland of praife and preferment wasn - 
owne their mer ritss but euen the common fe oldie rhe kewife : fo as hewhofe na 

greg alour, obtaine 4 place omongi the 
eakie. Thele of ool . OEY a Rook 
ag slivaies, nor xb men i. a witles. and deg rees, le bour to ilastrate 3 fe ‘hafewer 
é the, ce 
ill deni ji fe j mendation, tothe aathersof. an booke : tocuerée one (ne a) 

mere, #HErE oe iene mea eafure. 
Dodonans pajnes, haue alreadie (bread the odour ay to names, eer el the lands ¢ of learnea ‘habitations. 
=a ge tt, for histranflation of fon ara ee ha th hereby left atombe for his honorable Sepal- 

Englifh nati :: for shis baler tf pian as itis richly replensfbed | by thal a mens rs lbonrs 
t made y things 

laid sogithe, % 5, ie Cf 
if din hi Iefho field » that neuer came cinta 5 50 
write of Againe, 295 greeted vated thefe plants, A 1g 
+h L 
J i dcfe 
onfly car ef touchine both old.and k ef fuppli See a ‘fhould too He 
vas Loh nek ‘fire, FS BOP: 3 } Se f 
a lang vif with e to finds fome plant he b, of rare vertue, he Spareth not totell of b hum. 
4 s L nga Py ey / 7 7 a I. L L. Li 72 cf - J 
Js? J ? Jv 
} Ns ogee) B ] L egy 4d yh Sew a ee 
g seht | fruit of it, vvhether I fhould more 
+f these cbei/ APT? ZL Say Pte} : Lg . 
‘ses es Soe es eS d, rose 
=. oe ee San Sas. 
1g ref t gi neath efecket came: a pe 
Sed apse Kez + tt PT ASe e 
ee tpg oe ei L, arn Somrchat 
< 2 fF 
“yare it vvill be heer cre for d 
i fe ae — vill bethe ah both to othe hin and — fr ewerse man aig in 
ape ye age 5 : es ig Seen See a pee eeker eon Be 
x : Pome tf J Sa ss a 
a cheb em BS ery Ser Ufo +h, fi ), i } fi 1g ft 
: y W y fe H. | he Sager D Tie ae 
oF £ Se Be java pee 

. =e ; h 
ioe ett see nemo: : that i ts All tee to cascode to oyeeld reward, Let mete 

Bion is not tobe. attained, -~ ries ae eodenour’ neither can = be endeuowr be accormplibed, veitheut 
This othe, ly 
s t vel, ling (a8 ) fo for shea bebo aoa 
gither, can bring fourth fo camels t garment As t this, ouer oF 2 
many: uvhat may be thought bev vould dof publi mantenince dif free 
dq £.. i re L Sy a 
yf ‘uch men 
ep ik Fa Os So Sr Seg od Pe pee A (isp a} 
“ ae ey sae L 4 = = ov) z 
he one t ‘prop unto the other “fre 
itfu Hi, PS Pe ape oe 8 take es. urs, 
of es oS SSBET ee é da ch 5 z 
S iy / ef 27 1708 
L Se Rot £36 LIL * ee 
nef J 

te uff 
Z fe ry 

but ash . 2¢ th 

that conferrei : 
ac belts porters among men : set then doubleth te igre to 7 fom it more abun- a 
y. Adi ‘rable andfer the gnitatio in of P , f’ tle ep wake 
BP ab fe #1 

houfa. tous of men, inall. Af ia and Greece, moft sk ia ci orMers : er thigh Oe nale him ee 7 toa 

srg ie fos ee cate ana flies. itten, cepts in alllearned 
ife them ein rca "fr the pata of the catures. Great u the 

marae Sofi fi thet oft res vene priva 

isfie vs. Wheres fi in thofe csi ages there had ag 

7 prefent time, 
fillnevo Alexanders, there (certa jnly uld not have tohaue mad uidence 
of thofé things 4a undred sere more ded p vntous, a nov” they be. Whereby youmay een the 
fin der res +1, ], B we 5 oo he, <j f ‘f f 
eS) It 
. Lp L. 
our aze,to eine me comfort: Ferd | 7 Cofinus: Medices 2 “ers aan Sp ee Gryllus ia 
ag Moe } ne eS) LN, : ig ceo 
ed SEES feof EK Se MY ah Ziad g oft Sire ee ere ftudi- medic, 
‘ 5 4 J o 
ous to excellin Ihotinde Bell likevvife ife (0 h 0m for ho b fel J Samat high attempts Bellon. de 
gn Moth hie be: . Lh; j Ih; neg). flirp, 
Mov ak probep 

the fludse ‘of pea ants, Seconded a Ip herein bs Montmorencie he Conftable, the Cardinals Caftilion and 

ei tions in Italie, faa, and Aff: the} fovecte} init sae asvve haue receined fame ta 
lavith, if violent death by moft accurfed ee 

J of AS ies 
had him of. And as I find a wples o f comfort 1 forren nations fovve are( Ico confit) 
hto be thankfull to God, for th h  thelitet 10. sat home. If (nenert) 
L | SY ES 2 7 /, fo VA a ae | J° cS Hi a tate Mies that 
fpirit, t 0 adde (ome i ingenions Labourer in the skill lof “fimples, they al sigh a augment. and adorne the 
v whole fiemece ce of Phific 

tion; that ont of fthofe a creatures, vehi God hath ginenman for. his health, pare tpi igs rhe 

rate vould ‘purchaf 7 more to the yt Phificke, than all the a bat fe nce  Galens 
ame baw e done: that 1 is — this one 

indge vathly of Phi 

inpicie ‘ares fem se petite pro vofe yes vvithout skill and partly o shan 
ser ka move not,it of 4 all others rs oft bafe ely defpifed. and, fe eerie , ry 

one ftoc we 

pea ke ot ged ire mdf Sis Pisce a a ‘ 
cok oe. Chari fa fe pert Ae, Se a ears. agra pe the [oom 
9 4, . y 3 ra ne Fit ain 
& Se a Sars Mecca Se poss eee Bae ie EE a5 oe vith 

den in ne bia “voli me rep 7 of man, stiles the pe light of the formace, vvould nener hane rege 

eo rfre Spr healehie Lines abe men. ze God i mens han pea pris the 


ole 8 — T abaed, fed I ian 
men that meane =e 

George Baker, one of hir Maiefties chiefe Chirurgions in 
ordinarie,and M.of the Chirurgions of the citie 
of London, to the Reader. 

22 Riftotle a Prince amongft the Philofophers, veriee his Metaphy- 
~ ficks of the nature of miankindes faith, that manis naturally inclined 
te gand defi irous of {cience. The which fentence doth teach ee that all 

N rawe 
l L S & ys a! 1 1 1. 
reator. the 
7 4 1 5 ARIES CRG | | } j reer oS i R 2 
pracipaigares f g 
L£. Cul Se + ; Rp om S| L VWs at is 1: S 1 l 1 
aN/1 N43 5 if bg 
th vh 1 SES | h 4 . AAs ok {Fetes YT, 
f o 
: pee 
for man to 0 leatne and rise all fciences, j heleffe the knowledge of naturall 
a pees : 
P g E ‘ g ; and moreouer,it doth 
; SS: en A: Ss 1 1 Pe BI TI CO 

~ was Chiron Centaure of great renowme, fonne to Saturne and Phillyre : and others 
fay that it was inuented of Apollo, and others of Efculape his fonne ; efteemin 

foexcellent a {cience could neuer proceede but from the gods iindaceeall, and chat it 
ener. for man to finde out the nature of plants, it the great worker which is 
Go For,as Plinie faith, if any thinke that thefe 
ees haue| beene net byt man, , hes vngrateall for the works of Go od. i he firft 

that» we can learne written of herbes,haue 

beene Orpheus Mole and Hefiode, hauing beene tanght by the Egyptians; then 

y g' his wifedome, which did wiite bookes of the nature 
oF p a J oom 1 Suc f qr D 

g p pe emo- 

Griteallo aa fe | | f pl | firtt Iled IP er fia, Arabia, 

Ethiopia and Egypt. Many other excellent fpirits haue taken great pleafure in this 
f{cience, which to accomplith haue hazarded = liu ues in pafling many pores 

regions Elleb 

number were Hippocrates, Crateua, Aritode, Theophrat, Diodes Cartes, Pam 


—— to bet too long. And if may vou without pantalcie of the author 
of t 

ey for 

of his skill) was neuer contented with the ee of thofe f imples 

“which grow nips pon his prof g 
3 the we 1 ot moe L: hby y me 1 1 ,notonely 
4 tohaue them 1 brought, buchath 5 cure : by hi ellent knowledge to haue them 
thall you fee allmanner of f g sherk s,rootes, plants, fee d f h 
rarethings, thati Id | vor rel ts how one of hisdegree, not hauing the 
ber,could euer accomplifh I I proteft vponmy contcience,! do 
Pe anh ops 4 ie 
uf the ig giand, 



oe ybeing ded by thatfi M.Amb.Pareys, 
ndh i pew od rT: tI Ly Sew Cc l 1 oy 6 ge 1 | li 

and ne being nere was aecilrous to go abroad with iome OF Our NerDariits,torthe which 

I was the meane' to bring them togither; d holed if 

fe archine 

F ll, my Frenchi man did notknowone 
to his fow er tas dco lsat A pe } 1 
tric, in nfetting outa booke that to this day neuer any in what language foeuer did the 
like ? aces being falfly named,mif 

taken the one for the other; and then the pictures of a great number of plants now | 

newly cut. If this man had taken this paines in Italie aad Germanie where Mathiolus 
did write,h id : For(faith he)I had fo great a defire euer 

to finifh my booke, that I neuer regarded any thing inrefpedt of the publike g good, 

out, butthat by Gods ftirring vp the Emperor Ferdinando of famous memorie, and 
1 ll TS } j aS | sek ye c p ites | Lg 

mon wealth may fay, thatthis blefling doth rather proceede of them than from me, 
There haue beene alfo ome Princes of Almaine, which haue beene asi in Le Pe 
feng oF of 

f. oes 

vard my charges. The sade of 
the which, and the ‘magnificence towards me, Teannot ficiently. T The ey 
se EE ay Dilact 

Rhine, and the excellent Toachim Marques of eer which much fupplied t my 
wants; and the like did the reuerend Cardinall and Prince of Trent, and the excellent 
Arc ithop of Saltzperg, the excellent Duke of Bauare, and the Duke of Cleues, the 
Duke Megapolencis Prince of ' Vandalis,the ftate Republike of Noremberg ; 5 sthe libe- 

ralitie o 

5 pe 2a 4 = r >Kings, Fle@ frheR Empij »Archdukes, 
: t 

‘Gaahe 7 »Bifhops Dul dP i ee 

any thing that ea be faid. Thus far Natit his owne writing of the liberalitic of 

Princes toward shim go vnre 
war tded > _ 4 5h eS Meret BLE sep ee os 
es os > eae | 1 Pea mic ny | 1 1 6 BEDE | Bes rc 
s. 4 1 pty! acts PS £4 li 1 nA Pes non } sae | 
2 i 5 > kn 4a 5S 
1 am ox 1 1 rom | a SS mT eh see 1 boo Be P Saori, § met * 
r é 
fte of the lil iF f either P Duke, Earle,B Rifhon bik ftate Leraman 
i? i 
excell neuer fo much in any a ellen T owledge, dhei { I led 


aes, a boafter, a quackfaluer or motes : forfich kinde of men can flatter, = ee Be 

emble, make of or that 
excellent at fpirit, or ‘this Elixer or r quinteffence:; which whenit 


but boafting wordes. 

To the courteous and well-willing 

f ©90900¢60 
EA 2 

if Po\ A anes of aoe oe nor in the tracing after filuer vaines, asin 
ANA ol! my t beinriched, with {uch marchandize as it hath 
t moft in felipicns and admiration : J ( 

0 : Yon poet tof 

(x 3 as = in chelee read eftate a his innocencie aid, earften nioy :an wie trea- 
lo fa te I may well termethem, feeing both Kings and Princes haue efieemed 

L + } 3} Cot. bel L tL L 1 L 3 Igt 1. EY $ 
of al 1 ot L Cc $s = Cc .. Fee ed L 5 2 J 
Reon creatures. linde Platoi Jai Sop SERIE _ icke figh 
Phebus,and yet this sei tall,or excreme ft leaftit thould 
bean ciefore = » greetie the corrupt hart of man) - fesibjes entrie ery the bowels o ; theearth, is 
f God, to the comfort of this life. 
behold in th fing of thi care, w Pharcolk what aduentures, what 

mpttcall proofes, and chymicall | trials are fet =a as notwith{tanding the chiefeft endis but 
vneertaine wealth. Co ntr, carae int the exper ert knowle edge eof Herbes, what pleafures fill renewed with 

to that moft defired benefit of inalth 2 ‘Which as i denoutly with vnto my native Countrie, and to the 

: carefull nourfi ing Mother of the fam 2 y 
hought it a chief iy dutie, thus out of my poore 
, to offer vp thefe my far Seales experiments ; fea s: wit ou vnknowen 
ete combined in this compendiou a: tball (noty errskesble,thoush vnpolifhed ) vnto your wife 
vera ionsand courteous confiderations, The drift whereof is areadie introduGion to th . ne 

Cc t 

Ps § 
Art wee nt A which i is neit ither fo bafenc nor con as (perhaps)the Englifh name may feem 
- jntimate. 

; r the be 

res inthus 
tied Hower of Apollo. As for re Artemia, it called Heese ie 

amonum ent to. reniue the memories of them bo ak 

ay toya fee ie 1e Ki ing Sa celling all the reft 
,0f f greater royaltic than they all (ebogh the Lillies of. the! field sutbecoed ae 2 he onely (1 
ne thought 

he lowly plants. I liftnot feeke the common colours of ci, saies not- 
eworidcas soak ss — fees: ncie = a Paradife, andthe garden of Eden : : 
the se oF fe earth 

G of ae ok vcs — Schands 
= se a in the soety cade of Siyfium? Whi- 
where t! 


ae alae _— ee bees And if true be 

g vile ft,a an exercife for the nobleft,a patie 

Kindly aha “a males them fois their een tele ? Who 

To the Reader. 

as ode b promt; Que fupranes, nibilad nos; 1 fappofe this new faying cannot befalfe, Que infranos, ea 

ious. The {cien ae eee 
ae by ile and kingly fauorites : the fabied thereof fo neceflarie, find heakonine that siprhivg an be 

and yet 

n, 7 Sawn ee pe eT ace ee | 1 

: and Nich isthe srealuedag shi my treatife i is 

-aleafe, ie of apn r the decoGion of 


Tek Ww 

ter, to econaecha saaekeionaa aE my pen with my pen, cp ee to Te vpon my iplaes 
fu chr ude marks, as may: defcribe my meaning, 

f fj ial 1 t b ate hei 5 their pro 

, ne 

a i 
their aiina varieties and i eueral qualities, soil of shotewhish our owne counitric papel as of 
others which I 

guages, wherein none of our countrie men hath to my knowledge taken any paines, fince that excellent 
pes oe us tte rDo oor Ts warner: after ‘which time Matter i ene iar Gentleman, tranflated Doe- 
ondo on Colledge, hath (as 

I chee a t 
y death, bie rs ikewife foci fatty, 
to fet foorth vnto the view oft he world, the fir it fr 
as may content! the Reader, i thal thinke my felfe wel 

my y fel one of ie Teal among many, haue prefomed 

! rewarded, otherwife ‘there i is noman ‘v6 ie blamed 

ceneeraie. tofer an edge | vpon fome tharper wits, by whome I w 

ifh this my courte difcourfe might be 
oth fined and ‘refined. Faults 1 confeffe haue leaped, fome by t 

ee es fome thro ough 

¢ by meanes of the greatnefle of theta bour, and 

eee fai patentecl i lini reins soldebt fr b { 
y riends to beare mea ttof the burthen. 

rT 1. f | a) 1 
h thes n “SSeS eet Ee ids (1 - Mies Ve}. Lt at 1 y Bot = its eae 
y ? 2 g nieite d woorthie 
reprehenfion for the fland ious,] pat for them, | xi vp = 
toni. ny thing they thall wit! Fe oteh : 

ot ple ee feet of balateg 
aS S this fir s a oe 

Rr Le smi 
ey Mew? 




vi ftowed : fortedas neere as ee 89 pe in ginod = 

tines and Englifh name in 1 the title, fee 

Poke) Ae No PS; 

Containing Graffes, Rufhes,Corne,Flags, Bulbo e, 
or Onion-rooted Plants, a 
The Proeme. = x Sete : a 

N this hiftorie of plants i itw ould be fedioust to ve bya . — 

Ce OSD00550/7 
ry wesc 2 oj 

ol Wp 

ned in Latine vader Arbor, Fy ruler: Suffate, pare i 
ditfering names of their oe erall parts, 
toong can well expre effe. to go dha lek thee, ¢ "a 

uile thee by the {mell or —— to geffe at the tempetattre of a: thre 

when asall and ye of thefe in their sure thall haue th 

bg yy ee Re sb CL 

hird hath trees Fine or te Hess 
Mufbroms Coral, and thicic feueral kind 

defcription, place, time shames, 

the beft receiued opinions. i Sot aamoe: 
Laft of all thou hafta g Wind Wit ol i rc elith, with aca 

of an Jndicis bi pail. barbarous mame 
And th ianneyacce 

ca gentalven of thi 
! oe age 
nd begin nwit becuse mmon, or beft knowen Gr 
Gramen sestele irs oe little and fdle conduét thee. through moft pleat 
delights vfull sia Eaten ee Kies aaa Sb 0 


I ll Ps te a PS kindes of 

prada ap tuft, Make ate fheath mayaflure our felues — 
ed = et —. vertues, ‘onne dby the Creator for the vie of man, cough dl that they pee een 
negligen and vnknowen. And therefore it this ou bor, we haue plac 

ac chef th them in their feral bed, where the diligent fearcher a nature — nif fo he pleafe, place 
his learned obferuatio: 

1 Gramen ‘pratenfe. ae 2_Gr ramen ieaent mins. 
. Medow grafle. “FAw ay - Small a graffe, 

The pees z 

1. SRP BB ot 

E Ms iL 

¢ moft part gore vpon 

hen se Baa hee I fuppofe ary snore fo ‘} foes but 
tit pontinieey all ite whole yeere, — He het it 
lanting by feede or otherwife, n not fo much ow waterie graffes : but 

sheealenes a gaine, although they hate Been drowned inwaeral thewinter 
in the wildeteos —— d {uch like places 

Greeke aypen, of the Latines Gremen, ask ihcuighed agradiendo, quod geni- 

trpat ercbrog, moms epee cat radites : foritgroweth, goeth and eae See 

ouerall fields or grounds, clorhin them with a perfect greene. Itis 
andin fome rae places rife? ‘ thenis it dried and wither of 


— a cee! 

aj caiptaceimncaae OF PLANTS. el 

The v 
aoe detoftion of aus with the ae of seer lake helpeth the diffurie and Sadi A: 

f grafle, ding to Galen, doe glew and confolidate togither newand bleeding B 
Theiuice of grafle re with honie and the gee of Sothernwood taken indrinke, killeth Cc 
w ormesin children, but: fhall {uth 
W sth aw cuits ‘ Sk at tte sandlay a ae 

of ae 

clout wer therein v vpon “i 
Fernelins faith, that ee Pad wa the obftmétions of the liuer, raines and kidneies, andall ~ 
euill 4ffGions of theraines calle lled Nephritis. 
ay fodden in wai ater i it sé tender, and applied |} f beafts thatbe chap-fallen E 
through long ftanding in pound,or ftable thaw: a a se aprebie remedie, 

- Of Red Dwarfe graffe. Chap.2. 

Gramen minimun rubrum. 2 Gramen minimum album. ; ste 

* Red Dwarfe gall. fu e us White Dwarfegrafle, Je 

ie,and ove oi 

ery finz all hai shes 4 
aoe meee kee from 

ne Ea fo) 



3 Gramen minus duriufeulun. 4. Gramen Iunceum. . 

Small hard grafle. Rufh graffe. 

%& The place. dak 
eh. 1 J : 

Bee | ~f Bag. 
7 o 

SS Ses 
aS gas pe eens . 

cad f of aS A ER 4 7s yaa “i 
be) re) wk i d oO 

= ae many other places. 3 
Te groweth in moift freth marfhes and fuch like places, 
yeth in fale narfhe Reere ete 2 1 h HT 

baie ey aah ST 
PEGE Five Sin See 

Se ee. capes 
(te Thetime. Ni ene / 
ig oe, es | is, ; and Ww 1.+h’ a 
Aas “she : = ay fe , « ¢ 
of the names in the defcription, as w: has Latin, onely._ 
rafle,to be called Xerampelinum. “as | 
Matthioli, (A ar “a 

aS : : oe fe 

agree as it is thought, with the common Medow grafie,innatur and. 73 

ey haue not been vied in phificke as yetthat I can reade of. 7 

sae i pe 
: ng ice ace et ste : 

i pibvibheds sn OF PLANTS. 

on: tilt 

i Grane fe - seal 2 Gramen harundinaceum. 

Cor Reede graffe. 

= % The place. 
Fg tg Ew pee ee | a 4, : eS n L : bs 
places. 2 = ; S 
ae oe ds Sze The time, 
Tia SGT OLE RO eS tet a ‘ C. 1 1 

The oft is calledin Englith Corne gee Of OF Lebel win his eed ie 

~ orthati iter oweth am onge corne,the which a spelen 
The fecond is calledi in Eniglth Reede graffe. OF Lobeliws in Latine 
omofa pie = that his nea or + pauls do ap 
eheRends A ad Sp 7 jag for By tes fhi ones roR uD aay Ahaken with the 
Ss age : Pi utyeoete ander rtMes. 
e| I : p 
though not vat in ile yetknowen, al 
- a AF: “M illet graffe. i Oop 
SEE “a The defeniphioe 23 
| f; lik he‘ Reed although n not oth peed 
‘Me bie ceri to Milivm,Mill ot Millet whereof it tooke his ame. Theftalke-o 
e the Bent,wherew untrie people ae 
_ The = cWatrst ein sore eats ftalke; aa e 
salled ind ane edie i 


this Water grafle doth get vnto ir fel . iddle of the ftalks andi ioints; 
which the ot her doth hot, * : 
_. 3 Gramen saeciaciaas. Se 2 Grémen maius agnasitinn 7 
==. >. Miller graffe. e . Great Water grafle, 

rhe ga sime name setergandvertats. 

erties and nat tures oe hing hat we can finde in writing. The 
their eerie gaged cure Se Season. on ete See agen. 

ates common Ree 
he ereof grow r eare, ‘ofa 2 blow oe fomewhat like Sethe 
acral ittooke his name,as alo of the Iaian cote Paice is called | Panniculaturn, 

WildeR : 2 SaaS far leffer 


_. They grow it = ar waterie places, at the fame time g d d haue thei 

z I ae : 


IG ramen Sirchinwn. mien h Meee 1612 panes ‘culate Mb 

Darnell — i V “ld e Ree 

8! Fheplade cision ab Teg apenas 


ee Phat eee “A at 11 s 
BoEwoie ita eee : x! ct Ra ere ae ee 

. # - mre a The time, , : ies Yates = ie a) rae 

OF i A, 74 ey 3. J ears « ngey oct aypatomame Sree ate : 
ere | StS ra Ae : 
& Z ae capers ‘ as oe tea a 
SIO AT LA SND ‘oi & The names. Pirone es eer ee 
Tes RACE ts 1 j L lack RAID == 

Latine ei out ar the Greckes adage pit. As for their natures and vertues, we edo not 

Of Pannicke oraffe. 7 Chap. 6. 

% The defeription. Secale 

I Rake graffe is scone with chafie arid pa? apon aon 
P two cubits shighor arriereeree naked without any blades or es 0 

2 Wood graflehath manyt thicke and threadie rootes. compact perhioniiee oe 
which deans iy immediately out of the. | mat pee ese a serch aE ‘dh 
bentie ftalks, leanes saber 1€S. like the former, bearing atthe 1 i 29s 
ape ie ge aes fa ‘ topa 2 



1. Gramen Panniculatum. 2. Gramen [yluaticum. 
Pannicke grafle... «, ood grafle, 
»y Wise 

= —— % The place andtime. : 
Thefekindes of graffes do growe in fertil] fields and paftures,at the fame time that others do, 
a = % The names gis aaa ge St ; 
— - Gramen panniculat 1g fe Sone Ape | Ane he bakers Lati 1G To oft 
 && Acerofim. Someh | for the fecondkinde of Calamogroftis : butmoft commonly itis 
called Gramen plumofam: andin Englith a Bent, or Feather-top grafle. Gramen fyluaticum, or asit 
pleafeth othets,Grame fans called i Wood grafle,or Shadow grafle. 

be co4 


see 2/¢ great Foxe-taile graffe. Chap.7. 

= nd Co 
DUNGY. ~ Gage typos con gees ae % The natireand vertues, — - ete ee 2 : *) 
reis no vertue afcribed hefe grafles, for the vfe of phificke, but they are reckoned vn- 
esboth for man and beaft. 

oo j %& The deféription. ; | 

a He great Foxc-taile graffe hath many threddie rootes like tlie common Medow grafle. 

ae ee ee ee eS | oy pa, Mees +2 b ESS ss =a Lee br» HS 1 Dp. LL = 
three Jean te Pa ee Ses a : 15 - TEES eae 


ugh in handli but 

2 > 


C 1 Sie a yee ee 
bes a . . 7 
approch of winter it dieth, and recoue- 

@1 Gramen Alopecuroides maiws. 2 Gramen Alopecuroides minus. 
Great Foxe-taile grafle, Small Roe sate gaffe, 

nen os 
BF en baftard shige s - oral, 

4G ace icieisine Mitt. 
Sinall baftard Foxe-taile 28 


defer iptio ” 
3 C Reat bafta Foxe-taile grafic ee a rare falke or ftem, which diuidethj it felfe’ iwithin 

o ” L: (=) ft fa ad = 

earth. Hidleat feccoull dg reps s a BES ' Coin i : fa baie 
chaffie fubftane 
4 Small bafta Foxe taile g fle doth refemble the former, faning thatthis kinde doth notcaft 

© “3 py te bey 1 ot pee: iL b as Fey} 7 Re L 
matipatr. b Yee } } 1 = F pots, PRY fo | ee | cols a "% 
rf 2 2 I 
% The place and time. 
La ig; ey be cS a= Bag Dap pS ir a *1 MG J = } bY a AS os Chace 6.13 

at the fame 
2 2 
time that others do. 

> Oo % The names. 
ae Th fy dalled kk: PAG OE UL Cc 

f " 
The nature aud vertues. 
TL 7 Rial oy SRW mS > ee | ey en r 
Pa 2 

\ Of great Saal cathe graffe. Chap.8. 

1 Gramen Typhinum Mal tts. : amen T yphinum m, 
Great iia tafle, ~ Small Cats-taile orate 

Phases Arodeses i 4 

font 0 op, The defripton Fhtscaen a ar ae p 
freak ver compact = gfaal fein ngs or r threds, 

Ys Soe whole roote. The fta ike rifeth vp intheneddeft; and is 

e| eed andiointed lecsne oF ae Saat or thereabout: 

lef tani, ‘The 
ae ‘roote © 

= chiefly in that i 

rooteis roel Fs and ae like rufh.o onions maces) with _— areal ings orhairie Baneds ane 
nexed vA 2 

° a ot  Theploceeaittime. 

Lp OR pdm eae | of Tee ries} F os ee . Be IA 5b gas RE OE’. | 
3 2 

rifh at ee ue time that allothers does DATA 

The Latins borrow thee names sof the Greeks, “and calli it ramen T pine, of aha Cats 
g grafle, 
% he nature and vertues. ‘ 
TL : L: : ee Yi bis 
=) 1 Oo ‘ 

seqce” BRR Of opem ga Chap-9.° , 

1sGramen Cyperoide = 
epeypens Grafle 

2 Gramen lutein aguati (um, 
Cris Reg i 


‘Cin graffe hath rootes sont enon. ieee rodle his es Kin 

——— vato the commont or ont: ca 
fea ita sera 

thio anions to Cats tailejor eede piableccnicl, andru 
id, ing thavigbeath bon iy ape elon roug ; 
gh like 

is rootes 

een sandcre -ypon 
—- ateach joint one ender benty 


% T. Seer ince? 

a Tl Pay pt J; 

C ash 1 1 q 
Pie) 2 J © 'e 
* Ti he names. 
eee ba 1:1, ba 1 a & Y ome Re 
% T. the nature and vertues. : 
The ancients aue written conoting of th profitable forthe 
vie of man and be afte: iT 

ta W. ater ae Chap. 10. 

7° GF le aaey 
v=. Water ‘ 

The deferigtion, 

2 Griamenaquaticum fyi Cath. 
ee c. 

Ater graffe,or aswemay iin it, Water burre graffe, hat hath leaues much like vnto tt the 

pe aaa or Blades: bearin: 
novi. rote aia and is madeot certaine 

common Medow eat g 
foote rae , bear fe det branch ine little rough knobs or 
\ ay oo Ith 5 Hes = EE os 5 eR, AAR oF W hred: die. 

Birioiit: prin ietors esis ate 7 is fall, fingleand naked 

{t the fame. toward the top, fpike f. athion, aneare or {pike 

mall chaffie buttons, refemblin ing the buttonie 

flowers of His roote thicke and tough, full of fibres ot 
<: iviteaeagl 2 ott =e na spleen 
‘ They C. ae 1 J inne 
3 %& Thenstureand ver. 

Torco are creed vnto Doggles we will fpeakebeeafer, 


Of Flotegraffe. — Chap.. 

1 Gramen fluuiatile. 2 Gramen fluniatile picatum, 
Flote graffe. Spiked Flote graffe. 

I eral thathalons and round = sh ae tin Sie like vnto De : 
= joint with fmall ftrings- or threds : from the which-rifeth vp long an ed ftalks, o 
Ba oe and ae one within oe with om thea tipi which horfes 
eate widlig rey he 2 ny tuft 

——— ° a 
2 Spike Flore = or fpiked Flote ral beareh at thes top < a ai flender a 
o more; and the other many, whic hmaketh 

care and no more; ep ees them; o1 
are like one the other. ao rote is ind ti thrummi 
spihece , 
Th 1 j 7A oe x re. <i 
t b 2d VV are. se Ares 
s se The names. — 
"TT. re , 2 a es y LS peo a a 
s G: mébane: in Englith Flote grafle, 
Sy ee oe ]: WoW EF ES SS ae et at 
= : J : bs Lt es lote grafle. and Flot SS b: 
they {wim and flote in the water. 
Che wa nature and vertues. 

_ Thee natunes ake vertues are as asimproftabeas 


\ ~ 2} ae 7 * 
2  Waterkneed graffe hath many longand flender ftemmes , iointed with many knobbie and 
Powtiekneec Yt LR seh, } PER | thy Ye } ras ra Oe | * L 
o J 

er ; 

Sat RS Ret eee 1s l (ee tee ty Regs eres ee pee 
Hisroote is threddie 

like the other. 

I Gramen geniculatuin, = 2 Gramen geniculatwn aquaticun. 
rafle, ; 

Water Kneed grafle; 

Kneed grafle 

SS. =X 
es © 

LZ K é 
ES rN = 
Zz = c =F : 
LF —— i Ya 
= &S E one / bo 
z DS 
g aN 

wv fm —__ SF Zé 
\ ca 
Sar SZ 
; : 


> 6, 
RSS tecanonne ae 
Wea! eaaas. : ARE 
bese? NIG Lies Kia Ges 
oy ‘ EET eet 
——— 4 Si; TONY CTs A 
Lge Py Gites SP <r Po a Ure Uy 
joe HS Ria iis 
4 is G) = 
be Z go 
NY ZEA G week Sears R 
“ai KAD aS ye cece é 
cxoiraC > = 2 Ge. 9 Sanne 
= bp \ = San liha or ei 
x @ ‘ 



ANY t 
Ss GNGs 4) 


Dy iiiwx 
_ %& The place and times i htaote 
f W Asn B jucars rey. ee rE c. 
hg in time 
— oy ce The matte ses oe erh t a8 
L yee ee a ET Ag Tae, Ut. < ats Saad , <3. £ 4 1, a 
% The nature andvertues. © 
7 1 L : ree e- J 

. <a é 4 we ae ° a a 

‘ see Se Of Bearded graffe. Chapag. = 

i & The defer, ane pe 

t. The ftalks hane one or two ioints at the moft,and many eares on the top, with- 
: vponfome ftalks f Hol- 

eares, on others fewer, muich like i 
 fpontaneum. In Englith Baitard Barly graffe. ae 
-writeth, in totes, leaues,ioints or knots and ftalks,is like the . 

“1 Gramen 


1 Gramitn Paniceion. wos “2 Gramen P aniceum paruum, 

Bearded dsr caffe, Small Pannicke graffe. 

jens CromA Pgsiti 

ae) : 
at pe Pats bak i The place in time. 

Sy ST BY gl 1S pI + L Let. 1 # J Con 
orfruifull, 2" See Ms = ee Bis 
wt ot eas Cae ee 3 Yee, RES ee eee ee ip es go 

Soe, eee x cee : ' res 
erm steets ask The nature and vertues. - east Ra 
They are vnprofitable for phificke, and-herefore there is nothing left vs of their vertues and 

- Of Hedgehog graf: Chap 4s 


er The defription. 3 oe Ea. 
se affetkath brontle; long and ftiffe eis. with dil. io 
7" 1 ke peadng one And sree ceed 
— ra 

2 ‘The fecond ooh gal  teakapeeiyand liaiie 264 goiee, tootes day 
creepe vnder the mud and Crane and at the to pl aoa peer 
"knobs or burres, Sees eee 

alin ape : ‘ : -° 


I er > Gramemexile Hir uty, 
Hedgehog graffe, Hairie grafle. 

ae The place a ibician Barge Dene tein bee 
“They grow in watery gic ches,as you ae fee ig going from Paris garden eS to Saint in Gage 
eee jand fuch like pees: where alfo are foment e grafics which we haue already defer ibed, 

# Thenames. 
Tr oon: CL EMe Ce BN Seas Come a aRe aes vet tiie. og 1 ae yD) ETE ps ore Bip 
£ hat | ef. 

sone ehos 0g. P a sudcoileaitall 
The fecond Hairie e, Gramenexile Hirfutum C: sre icaufe ic is {mall & little. ro 4 
a fiw ces i eee th he Cyperus. 2 - 


3 * The nature and 

| ae attack (eben sss 
= a Tntnames ane g 
Of. Han igh ood gr. affe. 4 Chap.s. 

% The defeription. : 
Airie Wood graffg rough leaties; fomewhat like the precedent, but the leaues of 
‘HE this alone A a from a threddie roote, which is very thicke and full of 
on graffe doth : meee rifing vp from the fame rootes : but 
a: number, ce on the end of euerie one of 
ae “i aoe of. Alla fin ot common Ramfons,wherein 

= 2 rd er and BE coma 

J ah > Se Beer 8! 

why ede 8 ree: 17 

which growon nut trees and Aller: ttées. 

1 Gramen hirforum nemorofum. Graniencyperinum nemorofurn. 
airie Wood grafle, * Cyptll Wood grafle. 


\ G 2 rae 
x\ be SY 2 A 
TN rs iV ae AV 

. : 
; . * 
Jamous Ie * The place andtime, : Lae 
Thefe two kindes do grow i dowie pl nd may in Englifh 
bean ee Thedosiscnmonih here eg 
% The nam 
bid f 2 ae. ee 
PR eA e L.faid of } * Phenancas 
‘ ct ees r ae 
oF Sea spit praffe. Be TS eee 
See, The de(eript 
i Pike Sea graffe hath: ak Pt fe ce 
wb iste fd a ne 
= Eek nt oso thicke roote, vihome il ae 
aan al es WiC bon on bork Alec a 
BS which haue on both fides fi 
; ae 

j 1. Gramen Marinum  [pisatum. 2 Gramen Marinum- -fpicatum alteruu, 
Sea Spike grafle, SaltMarfh Spike graffe, g 

nO \ i 4 ° 

Ni a) (on) yi: \ 
ys u s) 

S ris 4) Wy : | 
4. Gramen Iuncenm mar iti. 

= Marfh Rufh 

ag AN /\\ | ie 
ae \ \ \i y | 
: Wy i) Mh |) 

3 The 


1 1 W wd 4 fal 

his rooteis coma of:m arty ft gs. His ftalke ked of J 
voto 1 thétop,on which it hath many Dial patie ‘and cha buttons. ‘ 
fac ve asareinruthes, ; 
5 Gramen palustre Cyperoides. 6 Gramen Cyper Medes ‘paruun, 
Great Cyprefie grafic. Small Cypreffe graffe. 

pe Bef manyong = 
patina like ynto the Sed ae pais 

t itis Rite Bink : 
Bekei cass —— 

7 - ti etn a These, bE REE ae 
he €vnto. ering fromi it Be infiell bicanfe the tCy) rootes 
5 ES. ntl ig y right Cyperus 

stig ke Com His ftalke is} g,big and {quate, lik t oareede, an donhistopa = 
a SS ae a= 
fecon very many Brose ga tcc ssh wen ferme ers. 
Pog eteneer ghar = d Pittum mees  < 

foie ieee His ftalkeis great and large like vnto Reede, be 
anche aetare Tie tier is long,and nee di — i 

Cyperoides fpicatum. 
- Spike Cyptefle eraffe. 

ay tt ae 8. Gramen 
Water Cypreffe graffe 

9 Gramen fjlnaticion minus, = 
Small Wood graffe, 

% The defeription. 

TL ££, } Tr. L ILL 1. Po 
of which oe finall ftalks ;1as:in Medow. — bearing on the 8 inal rains chaffie 
cares. - His Toote is s longand thr eddie, 

fe » whi ch 

a ad CB 

theroote: from whi chutifé 4 ked igh d ruthie fta Iks , hani g 
{calie - chaffie knobsiorbuttons.:1! slothald } 

3 Gramen harundinaceumt wants 12 Gramen harundinaceum 
GreatReede egtdiléso: \SmalkRedde gratfe, 


( ia 

me Te tee 
ease baer py age Sah soe ee 
Reede whereofic eee Satin 3 oe eto nr Hg worg a om 
———— nl glam 3 
«Ale fe: ae he place pime ee 3 os egies 
nen eswhich we haue sods chpeg do gone math 

pre ns sft ‘Their nantes. < ditches, ac 
aa PE —. ee a a cae es the "de win,or by 


Lp ae : 
f gr t with long: white erootes, 
] ns 1:1. It 1 L ‘a ? a; 1 
3 Ly * Pa 
ther { happenetl gardens samedi, pot ets gration 
mut be taken xia itcan be pres 
7... 34 C.. *T'L nA 7 1 L 
£ e £23. ie Kr TL i1 sa 1 LL c. lL a. & Ay! 
131 7 1 Ww Crypt. 2 7 T. 1 = r, ot ‘a 
4 ? t=) a 

wa Gramen Caninum nodofin. +” 

Knotrie Dogs graffe. 

5 = ’ 
of aft ord 
The place.» sai digh 2 3h. 


haute foun figs lncbotagomng an vpwithharrowes,asbefore is reher= 
, inthe fieldsnext to Saint Lames wall as ye:go to: di the fields | from the / 
corerhillof Ls De ye.go hey inv as ye go from 
+ ee a oe 

The names, 5 
Vuwla. Thees nofBrab 
exis Leta gre OF ConnanosSreinale ale f the mine, ca og of 
ERE Ae ONE = quan omeunt sand Dogs erate 
 Camsinin biilbofia ee fe orKhane Couch gral. Ff 

% The native. 

,. The nature of Couc ch-erafle fall ith tt 

rhough that Couch — be: an paar on to fields and | gardens, rat rae vertues 
» Theleamed Phifitions of the = Cals aut focietie of London , do hold this Bulbus Couch 

gets 4 


%. The. vertuess\ 

eae healech greene seein nt hae Cahier sigs ae Ry 1A 
bladder it prouoketh \ vrine gently, and driueth foorth i grauell, Digoride and Galen doagree,that 
.. The-dece Qi } ae \ Soe C1; i Mi * ree 7% Cc Mt. D 

Marcel an old author maketh » mention: in inhiss 7 chaneeh thae feven and =" nae of this G 
bec fu imed, preffe ¢ foo 
to him that i troubled with’ the ft : 

‘ait{o gs Se ‘$ 

By pos it sere von this knotted grafle wastaken for has nie is capes i 
Gramen ot Agrostis,and hath been alfo commended againft the ftone.and difeafes of the bladder. 
Thiel = Philicions, do vfe the rogues fomtimes of this,and Canines of the other indifferently. 

GramenC ‘nin rearinum., 

ca Se er afte. 

24 THE FIRST Ehtaeas OF° THE 

he defer. 
“Ts He Sea Dogs grafle i is very lke tea the oa before named : his leaues arelong and 
flender, piked 

_ the former: alfo the rote crambleth and creepeth hither ai nie ynder theearth, 
2 The fecond Sea Dogs graflei is according vnt fe hi 
mote {preading and donger, difperfing scallion Sele ees furtherthan Serer 


with a clutter or buh of fhort thicke ieee. 
Ided her. The ftall | f is of ride kande betweene Ifhemon and the com- 
mon.Gouch' gale inroots 
ot a place rime nemespaturcand vertues. 
. “TL +L a val y pt eMaiat LL. ° emo 
; — ts NS es ] 1 Cc eRe TT oe 
oOo ade .: 

py ae De efi LS 19 
“ie leit testa in 2) Gramen Striatum. 
: ie. 4: peti — ODE 9 ees 

% 7 The de ri: ton Q 

ry yo {preading ioi islike 
vnto the io alah: at “every | y knot in the roore eo fenesct hae ibtance, 

tt euer ry 

pa: 1 —_ 

bent or a fpokie pannic 
ig Sexe fe difference i = ES ier om the oe skindet of 
aig Laces hath hath leaues ee es Say 



behold ‘it gtoweth tothe heightof wilde Pannicke, The roote is {mall and hairiejand white 6f co» 
1 Bae 1. a ae 8. s n 1, lil L dD 4 


; % hed 
t Rect TD 6K. anes } ry eee | Wee eee 
tel Sai -1 od t=) a ks) : 
LE I LI Idyand hilly pl f Szhoyyandaniwerahj com: 

mon graffe in his time of feedin 

It is is ere and maintained in our SS gardens, ge for J serena than for vertue as yet 

*% The names, : , 

LObeliuscalleth i ‘it ‘Sileatumand Gramen fir ‘Zum : it Englith the Fi d 
graffe e,the \ ao 1 3 c.. ay Ae = ie .! oN iy een ILA 
Ladies E EASES, Saat eee eae Bake cece x 


The nature and vertues.: 
The vertuies are refered to the Doss grafles, 

: = » Of Den graf. Chap.20. 
Bo souy | drama 2 Ichemon-vulgare. 

: ‘Dew graffe. ; Cocks-footegrafle, 5. 

: = > ema rae ee o: - ; 
7k ti = t Phi tal 

as 7a: 317 de: the 
to Corne. Pig tikortiree fete siie ayia 
ches RR ie. ee wherein is contained feede like es wherewiththeGer- 
fentinto — 

mans do make meate, as we in England do with e, andis 
Middleborroug halen of the Lowe countries i i ges quanse fot ae 

— Obelnebath 


2 Tr vi CK Ree Rees pS m rhs 3.43 Lee ss CTY 
fembli heotheri 'f anicl 3 ft dftalks, f ing that th ft ortuft is {pred Son fice 
f. hereupon it was sel Galli er 
ee. The mere is ses and sash, ofa oe loa or rather violet.:, The tifa is 
 fower or fiue branches like the: former Dew graffe: the leaues or — ate: like = 


common n Medow gi raffe. 
st 9 ea shy ewan time. ; 

ivi ohe emia, Tralie Jin th 

ah ftg ; ] 
baa as She reporteth. 
. 2 ithe 2 ft Fit 1 

££ Ff cy % 
MONCea ang 

4 LEa1t bee oN) a | f. ee ee eee ee | 
‘oF ay RX 
xe AE Sf SE pa a bs 1 Yad ee L Fee £: 

o% Then narnies. } 1 

it feemeth to be Sacconrand [pluestre, ac Spurism queddam gents x certaine’ ‘wilde and abated kinde of 
silee: 7 fom ewould haue i itto be Gra- 

mca acalcaton Pl, bicaufe the defc {cript jonth fis very fhort, 
aut } a {- oe ie 

a uteuery onein thefe daies is a to on ee error. Afatius a soe ae ae called it 
Ife Cheamon a Pliny, 2 and Gali crus pales ee: L Obeli us calleth it Gramen Manne efeudentumm, for thatin 

as alfo to make epottage, lowith O le: forth yhich purp ere corne, 
untri¢s 14} 11} ; L : ad Sa oern diab sale! Manna 
graffe,o r Dew orafie. s : TH : 
2 Thefecondis called Ife Ghawieoed  fylue tresand Ifo Pani palust Manne graminis 
_peciesaltera : the other kinde of Dew ere 
wT he nature. 
TL Wf. ie 5 n it 1. Ty, fT, 
grat a Be od, fost) 
ao ee : te The vertues. 
E le: fle, hogs greafe, andlenen of houtholabread, i it 

* on oe 

ys re cam bee PE ec. 
® eu sro the e,fome fo sake like Cocks toes. Apaleins rep eeu 
} : } : £ 

aoe J about the necke,and fo vied f ine 
ag Mi turneth the humors away = the wel part. 

Of Cotton reall Chap.2. Es : 

% The defeription. , 
Co tton graffe, which Z  Obelius hath co c odgiehen ended ynder the kindes of 

eral ne ng The roote is very Si ieol 
is Water Gladiole or graffie Ruth, ofall others is chefs and rae to obeholdand 
: trimming vp of hewiess bicaufe of the beautie and braueri 

the common reede. The rooteis threddie, 

1 Gramen 

t Gramen Tomei rien) pentges Deseret % 2° lida pari ep ordi, 
Corton gra of eee ps EE, te > Water Gladi ale. 

1 Cotto n gtaffe grov 
at thie ue end o 

adiolé groweth. in ftandin 
in companie raha worl ge 
from 1London ed the Dlg 

52 ie res at 
tn Malter pale: ert VV ilbraham,, acovilage 

oweth sLkeate lebyt the famous niuer Th ae 

ps kun teal hs 


ladioleis called of Z'Ob dni spr br idus paludo, if, tows ing ea, 
rofh,,, anes id, fot habia ie ed uth; ae ica ate bic s do Te 
Cyperus: » bicaufe it hath on, the top « a Hae rut] ‘afaik. afin Sunbleat Heer ae 
flowers, in fathiono the li of, Alcandt: he roy ai ane therefore. Thad rather 
callit it the Lillie gra - nf 

peat aie | pe: 
Cordus fai ‘that scones ish ie focien2 in wine sand fo Bet nia throwes si det A 
pings sof thebelieyhatwo enhauei in their shiletings 

ee is faidiiekindes of g /h maki Hite eal se aaaaaitot the 
dive whereof fome few aré | ahaa tate ‘nan ge cen, v. 
ichas they ——— Twillseits the berter contidesation weg 

ae i 

. ‘ 


i diligence of painfull La he of nature, and profecute my purpofed | Kepeus, to ynfolde the 
ers forts and manifoldkindes te isadded ynto 

ina of the gral before eee this difference chien of that is to sbi gull like, or refem- 
? hut 

ling Cyperus. 

rwanda illo Wie eS toe 

Of argh ip Gaga oF Gy. ae vil 

Cyperus wus longus. ’ A 2°C gine iP ; 
"Engh Gang WALA A, ‘i ore pat fe acme ? 

Ls | two cubits whofe : ftand fundry bran- 
mich “aley i =tanch bearing ee whe roote is blai pat 
S2py'cty long, creeping hither and shichers oe ccupyir ngmuch gro al byreafono 
PEP reading geofam welt freeea nd plea nell ‘ 
a | ie acnee yp his leaues rifing o nt got erie 
ie ftalk: itin riattiche atthe tp whereof o ftand fiue leaues amongft the tift,ftar 
sapere which alfo d o ftand fower chaffie leauies, fafhioned like the Te leaues of eu ‘Ath 
oft, as 

hoe Sf 

h ra Bigot ae SOP oe 
my el : 3 garden in London, hauing 

: 3° D im. 1 n 1 ight at Eb #3 PER Sit id eyi e oo ety Cc P etae ered 

hetncbiner esr y andknobb 

ovall in. iterlace rian har red ate ical = 

: many lo es, com ns orceroo 

preg RHEE stife: oeaee of ron tb en na garnifhed at p wit! inechalfi 
aglets, ref blac 

: ve oils. 4-Cyperms T. itius, 
23 Cyperus rotundas, ape 4 re be 2G eee 

Round sah gee 

SSS == 


d & The place and time. 
The firft of thefe llyin fennie ground dna xen pe 
— 5 sas oo hath fee! Vs. : a : 


us longusis is called of the ee a ae Ps sia Cyperus: of fonae agi sof 
angulofusand Triangular is: of others = aft alathum and se ae J b Sonate 
D utch Sat aigan sin Spanih uneeodorof: “Engh pie gale, 
paras oi it Epi flail 2 
Thepeople of Verona in Italie do call it Traci date, ‘nd Delain Itis fo named in Spaine,where 
yrchaisebie e: 
Cu flac = 7 vealthie - 

London crieO renges, P : 
citizens +I thinke rather to procure ia —. appetite tomeate, 
w% The natur 
Disfeorides (ait, that Cypermsbath an heating qualitie, Galen ith, the tootes are mofteffe@uall 
in me naan arms pee and fome do ceclaiaig behor and driein 
the ne 
b PPE Fae | A Thevertues. HW 
Saar wine sone, pe vrine, driueth pa the Rane, and | ringeth B 
turall ficknes of : is oe 

>The: cae anes ft the fti 


D_~ Fer#elius faith; theroote of C- fedinb * 

é : 
ry per ? “ «3 Saas 5 “oO oA ALT ets 
. bs « , sé a Be \ ’ 
cixyand prouoketh theremmes. BIG DATED § 30, aliia-2 32 10, ‘ HOLST eI2ige 
2 OR IL J : —. 

derfully refrefl hinge aie rea the Ser canorng ‘a Henkes, and: |incteafing 
Fac ica an icolouk decaied,and making a fwe 

he ® pov wder of Cyperus aah not onely drie c vp all moift lets pie = ae mouth, ire mem- 
Oo (=) 

slg tothe judgement of Ferwelius, 

- Of: Sea Ry ub aA (hap.23. 
I Juncus eS graminens, : 

2 Iuncuslenis, 
Sea Ruth gr. te afle. ~ Common Rufhes, 

Cp a 


_and beautifull, birt sn downie, , in manet 
¢ Juncus odoratss,but thicker er, growing togither er likea foxe taile. aac tie incheston > 
ose ter gute of white fiat rather — as aforefaid like WAlopecuros, 

; ding largely inthe — from 
as from one entire tuft, Saari 2 great companie ay imal Rufhies fo.ex edinglys well 
nowen,that I tala se eneede to fpend much time about eee heen thereof. > 
the form who’ 

tts of Ruthes befides fe pictures are not extant, anddl the 
ih ofRuthes, j 
PUR? hon Ri yee Ee 1-7 ern. 
Lob Lh if eae ees 
Ee Re Sees ee Peg 




1: 1 fal 
sia ‘oul ch D rest) 7) he s 
ona ofa: es poine..T I ler and as! PL phrastusbe 
Co} PG ae ee 4 eee jet . c cet 
a 13] } Rae vty ote 1 eR Os gt : 
> oS ado) 7 § 3 yet 
cs neuet eran: oe fach thin ng. 
Iuncus acutus, © isle esed sare is likewife common and well knowen's not much differing 
from Tuncws lewis, | bi harder, se) per} 
1 Eb ‘eS OS 1 La acticin r 
cas 1; eal s{e thi Yee ee eet. Sa TE re od ] hl 
treading 5 2 g 
4 Tuncusac 

cus Aguaticus m & 
ers WaterRuths ae re BallRuth, _ Sharpe Ruth,or hard Roth, | 

1 Juncus Marinus sie ecar Sao Penny of famous memotie, a 
d ruth in the coaft of the Mediterrane fea, inthe 

3 Juncus aquaticus 
4 Jenn 

__ the Ruth is called in'Grecke based inLatine ‘enciae ii Dutch Winken 
ch Jone : in Eye Ruthes, 

~ The Sa haue called the Bull ruth é srogelives. 
= is that ruth which Diofior Goridescalled } 
acutusis called in Gr ecke dfu39 iv. v@-In 

2 icles ae ot eaienanaee = 



%& The vertues. 

A. The feede of ruthes dried at the fire, and drunke with winealaied with water, ftaieth the laske, 
and the ouermuch flowing of womens termes. 

B Ql, ah RE aR EM ic. L C1 fs oh . 

1 Chact Cc 1° 

ma, mn) WW ] . 4 - , ae ps! c. y PaPe EM i sles ja: 1 Pet de 
7 % : bs) > : . >| Pp tHe 1OWw cL 
parts, and by little and little fend vp the coldh he head, whereb keth drowfines 
BATS Sis och ai 1 Cech 1 ae aS re i We sae ABE 
£ . % : 4g : ar 

C T ioe ul 1 rm i 1 g 7 ee Fo g f the 
fpider called Phalangium. 

D = Se Re I es Se ey, Bea TB 92 “f eS Cc 1 ry ee | 1 
admi . } Cen: i ral eas j it Poms vd ra] 


é od bed s = 

OfReedes. Chap.24. 

into two princip: 
are thefe,_ 4h 

: %& The kindes. 
O F Reedes the ancients haue fet downe many forts, Theophrastushath brought them all, firft 
allkind 5 me fst fe} , Ae epee MS * * Sd Ley Ree . * , 
¥ oy ay i) eee A 


, and Harundo vallatoria. Of thefe and the reft we 

will fpeake in their proper places. 

1 HarundoVallatoria, 2 HarundoCypria. 
Common Reede. Cyprefle Canes. 

a ¢ AK => es NLS < 32 = 
S ee es Le % The defeription. Ddwonda FB eeere bs. 
S| He Common Reede I ] ft fe folbc: Gal ck toe eee 11 
“i Hr. 1 o a 

2 : os r d y! a gt ggicleaues. The 
p72] eare doth grow atthe top of the ftalks, browne of colour, barren and witho 

RY Ke) feede. And doth refemble a bufhof feathers, which turneth into fine downe or 
N Yes -<¥ cotton, which is caried away with the winde. Therooteis thicke, long, andialot 


tuf€ or fpokie 


th mt ofall des ha eceeni lon facnesinescf 

2 The ype Reede i is the greareft o reedes, hau: very glee a eS 
r doth 

>| 7 
wheate. I . *. 1 F bf 
a ee rie 4 Calamus fagittalisL’ cae 
é Srufed Cane d am: Small ftutted Ree 

sisg bas i sol Dees 35 
3 “thek Redes 2% ia tinh Lon coins rough aR 

asitis faid, bel people ere eigen ‘ocured them ¢ parts of the A 
where they do uftwith geese tain 
the hanes aso Canes Te ieckee resents ator! d there¢ serraine | 

ane of a pins point; in manerfuch 
an — 


4 The fecond differeth in fin: es ich gy of the fer- 
tilitie of Be foile where they do Sine Pandare sath fore dats 
a Greawhahietoruen le eae able Sg 
: : fothat fhallicethatyetioknow 

aianpiea! Gane is vied efpecially i Cc. PT pe oe eas Cc aged and wealthie es 
cheese alfonoblemen and Sink gene perioeoeed ike r walking ftauesiof} caruit “oe 
antitacel. pr L 4 ga er ee er? RS Ore 2 as the figure doth m 
lulyeteordaoyon. : ned 

feene grow ibe chuthauebecn 
ihebare, stem k ciara re sea 
hall he he 

very fitly ey 1f. Bs Afb Vibe eh: pig ee 

Se Sa Pena 


5 Naffesclusy. wdo [eriptoria The eplace. ¢ 
panes ftaues, “ediengtet “The common stad groweth in ftanding wa- 
ck — and in the edges or — of rivers almoft 
uery where :: er-being the angling 
Oran for ie gone in Spams ait thofe 
hot region 

They flourifh ie pisses from Spi to the 
end of September , at what ti * are cut 
downe for the vie of canal all dol ace 
The names 

The common fewlc @ called — and 
Harundo emilee via i Frese e in Dutc 

Rice; in ae Cann a ay ifobo Of Did Pike. 

eal ds Giese or ae z ee Arundo 
Donax: in French Canne: Cana: in 
Tealian Calami a fee Commibea. ai ‘Englifh Pole 
reede,and Cane,or oo a 

a are ee anf di in, nthe ig deg, 
s Galen {ai ith, 

= o€ Fhe vértiel 
€ rootes of reede ftamped finall , drawe 
footth ioe and cs fixed in any ‘patcof 
The fend ftamped vith h vineger, eafe all 
luxations, and oo out ofioint. 

d they: d fharr eathes of pes esee ie 
vineger helpeth 1, : a ae Se Se ON | Fi 8 ca 
=} ¢ 4 | ay 
falling of th = oe ce 
‘ is 3. 2 SS ee a Sa + Le Neier a eS 
.D Fn fe rt IZ y_. RE 

oe es and pales 
as we do of laths ar Stich lee anda to i certaine dior in “i ° eda fe the = 
ie a alae pena alerted vite in is Pothier urpofk es. 
Abie? if % The 7 

este ; f an uae 
ce eee yd 

riict = Sh) vis jr ot Bo o2osipsi: mt disishib t 2s th 
2B, fs Vales. , oA PAP RD 88s v2:h3 sche: Sioledzie siths 

rhe deen #90 1029 boaftlonotsno:p aid T z 

t i; glone ftalkes; feanety oreight foore 
‘ 31:7. Ce es SS | ae hof eueryioint on : 
tions Hee eigenen te tedy: The Cane it 
lo te itlpkollomsin fe adios bur finffed with a {pungi- 
cen along ——oe 
perched, which i sine and pein buclele pasion thenother 
ichare cut 

— vay tbe nahmene fom 
: pip pee me beet moieties : much woorth 
pica Son ee a 


= ; —— eS 

Romp terheien, v\ “A wee ee a The places 
Searirficee AQ LSS, The fagat Cane groweth in many parts of Eus 

in ch 
, -~thofe of Madera, in the eaft & weft Indies,and mas 
a4 hic other places. My felfe q id plant fc fome: fhootes 

int the like : but the -coldnes of our ote made an 

ee like profitof their pom 

\ ht he ae fe: Cane is planted at aca time of the 
AE) vi 7. in thofe hot as where it doth hacirallp 
S\w He fo by reafon they feare no froftes to hurt the 

e Mocs at tin Sie eating 

The Latines haue called. this plan t Utrunds 
doe chascaetet ce is additament Indica bicaufe it 
a tite known, or Pougen India; Offome ic 

Calamus Sa oa By nglifh Su 

ane sin Ae Sane a 
¢ natur ihe ‘ 

THES ates of this Rede is ofa tripe 
' rate qualitie : it drieth and clenféth the ftomacke, 
f{mooth th 

2 ng eth evox. purteth away hoarf- 
fomcre As eke WKene: ks ama as 

ie ee 

OF the i juice SE this adel is made the aeit ple facet profitable fwweete,called fiir wtait 
is madeinfini te confeétions,co on Bes rope andi like, as alfo prefer ster itn 
orton hue hoes and fowressasRofes t8,Rofem ssi ‘flowres, an: like, which fti 
Rot fer et, Sugar Vi olet,&c. The whieh to write of would 
Ss a ane volume,and not t pertinent’ vnto whe hiftorie,for ois isnot re Cee to via 
" sec confectionarie, a Sugarbakers furnace,’ eee tlewoma 
apc ue hop ot difpenfatorie,b buronelytoronehie! vthe chiefelt mate er tha t papa to ante 
amiffe to fhewe ynto you the< ordering Cabot Ronee ‘when dove new ae ae re- 
pia it ftom the mouth of an Indiaa my feruant;he faith : They do cut them in’ finall peeces,8¢put 
them into a tro ugh made of one whole tree; wherein they pica a great {tone in maner of amilftoney 
whereunto they tica horfe, bufle, or ‘fome ‘other beat which draweth i itr rounde: :in which rough, ; 
ches ie thofe e€eces Oo! anes, Tan- : 
ners, or apples for Cyder, Buri in tae places they vie a great wheele, wherein flanes do tread and ag 
others do feede as it were the bottome of the faid _ 
a eele, wherein are ots eee orhardthings, which do cut 93 Seah the Canes into powder. 
epee de haue found the inuention = ture the wheele with water workes, as we do 
iron mils, The C. es being thus fag cates 
drons alia where they t 


Of theflamrng Reede. Chapt peers 
SS i indo fore 

_Honangteds Pe oe — ae : wwe 

slit y 1¢ tops tape 
a ei wheteupon do ehh very yee del aues, 
i of tba Nene cs o Plantai ioe 

ica % ce) a greene or erbie colours in 
S re followe ro und rou ugh , and prickly 
fie thofe of Spergepeen ss Waterburseof 
- a browne colours middle’ of th 
4: ..knobs three {mall leau ee. Theveile COnfainéd in 
* “Thole knbbyvseeeeediag i ck, ofa perfeG found. 
7... nes, of the bignes Ashi eee ta a 
is thicke, knobby andt 7: eee nall 

= reds fixed seo. 
2 y atl sk (bs 
cht ee regions, My felfe 
Ve Lee plate a eee divers times}but it 
ding, for thar itis 

= ne alg are to rari agin of our colde 

yosdy The time, 
“hn muft bee fe a area the f of 
Ait in. aspot, oe fine earth, orin a ae 
in Ds rannes #8 aberenars ers and 1 

: Cee gs 
=e Aen is inthis eit ionbes. int ial j vnto this 

calledof z’ ’ Obelius Can dhe How 
tingReed.. ? = a 
5 “od oe che ieubcs Phen iei es = poder Ph 
S > Thereisnot an Sg es ss rurhing shen peaure and set a 

eancies a 


P aaittitelins Z poset a 
Pa a Reede. | je FAT Ss 
| spacl aan % 

This kinde ofreede as — ein the borders of 
riuers about P Babylon necrethe citie Alcaire, in the 
borders # Le nuer Bios; and fich other places of 

ge RT 
+ The fot of Binding ad cd ociteeeantrcey 
_ that of the common reede,, 

(sep The names. ; : 
This kinde of reede, which ] Thaue eenglifhed Pax 

that paper was aden in Egyps, before the inuen- 

tion of paper-made of linnen.c otits. swas foutid our. 

Iti hou of. great Jearning and: vnder— 

nade that basket of ‘tadle, which, fish Zawibed 
within and without with flime fof that country, 
led ene Iudaicum, <Mo/es was put be- 
ing committed tot hewater , when Sliven of ae 
connnandmen that all the m 
Hebrues fhould be d er 
aes The nature, vertnciandy oe : 

6 7 a ee ie A 
aoc the c of t-. which do vie to 
che the a 

he people NS 
bike Spar, vdelerbed in the Cee hart 
ae MM. at Weede, ve Bia 

Yok \ f : _* Ti The kindes, 

rt. om 8 Aah pe eh ae eo 2 i 


* The defeription. ~ Cie 

— =A He h Spartum, as Piimy faith, » growetho hot it felfe, Sali from the 

a OM, roam! flender ruthie eaties, of f ots hbo, ng si 
making the 


at ‘becomeround, asis theruth, The ftub or: ftalke thereof bearech ae the 

ne turfeo 
wile Phinie defcribeth to haue along Balke poe valike to in eles 
y grafic | s tough and pliane, hard in nhandlieoeaeg) the ruthes. A fpokie 
tat the top of the ftalke, comming foo earn ae a 
ansecke theca 

2s Narcils, ae ae hiked 

2 Spartun alterum Pliny. 
Hooded Mat Weedei 

pint 4 Spartwn Anclicanum alterum, 
~~ $mall Englit Mat Weede.' od 


3 Englifh Mat weede hatha ruthie roote, Roe ee creeping an and growing | in heapes of bf and 
—— from the whi char ife ft tiffe a 3 : The ftalke 

Tic aeeets te fe 
ame OS ee ET a. 2%) ' pike g rel 
4 TheotherEnglifh M te is like ynto the f cg that the rootes i oe are long, 
lik paeex Bee: bird hruftd i reepe on 
1 Asoilve OEY pois : a ora me Pee Wat 3 + ore 
ay ae Sri o . oe } 
* 2 Pep ie. _ 

Thefe kinds of Mat weede dog y paine, countries! Sioyningsikeivife in 
many places OfEngland he fea fides efvecially in tl it pa iésk( bout Nor: folke :alfo 
and Suffolke in gteat plentie. The rink ea: 

The time seth other de TEMS SOO SORTS 
IW Y i x Ther { ii] Oe reer 
AL cay 0 ee oe aN rent 2 L ee a Pat Bee 
oot SAS Cee i ? : foe geal ewer 8 
“7% ] 1 AG Pig led e I. L 3 and that other 4 oe Z 
raps TOD jag j Wit Obhe? in Shani h Wb pelcts Beene, cas eat see 
ae. ¥ PA te) aYaeal 7 . e 
: % The nature, eee ae ; : ees Lge 
Thats Line G L ne: Loo pntioteact: “4% di = 
af g + A P 

The eee oe of the el. ioe hee TOW, 
rs nm wobec oft ee a houfes = aun eof mufhes, for which vie theydo 
excelhas iny felfe haue eee inthe werfhipfull Matter tale se hate’ in Holborn vhichis viz 
ftro wed therewith in win = 
o likewife in indy places of thellands of Madera,Canaria,Saint Thomas, 
the hg in thet rat vnto he weft Indies , make of ‘them their bores, fhoo oes, he Y 
ights . 

: ofc Camel baie. ‘Chap20 
Een I, eee Rees cas alae 
: ‘Camels Ha a : 

exteal arte 
y¥U bf 


% The defcription. 

I Amels] haie hath leaues very like vnto | Cyperus, his rootes are mats in gence meane, 

" bigger roote deepely growing in the 

} gt round, eee diuers long {talks like Cyperus grafle, fet with fome ore pv euen 
vnto theto where do lic Ot 

ofa a goer table goo ire me fauour when they ate broken, of thefauour of the Rofe, With acet- 

caine biting and nipping o 

baftard d Camels h ie ha ch if 1g bli face of th 
fth Ik Cyperus, ‘fet with nn wheaten leaues,; sat 
euery knot one, and oan the eee mo, sot el diftances : the {pikie ¢ eate ae creft is chafhe, 

not villike to the Foxetaile gr atley, tigi 
% The see 
: ee n Africa, Nab h dA bi { } {e } 1 
bolita > = aaa 4 oOo 
The time, 
Their time anfwereth the otherreedes a flags. 
~ Camels haic is calledin Greeke iv@- dpoudmes : in Latin Jumeus odoratus, and Scenanthum , in 
ps Nga thatis, Flos Juncd : in French Ag: de Chammean : in Englith C: haie, 
The nature. 
Ahegs do ss remodel, and are seg 
The vertues. 
1 L 1 L } L ME 1 
it . smoouetl Jj. 7] LJeckeeh: f. L age Ss 

adeth with tenuitie of parts. 
Pe SS ET } .. Lam. ERG -? 3 t. 31 ~ 

haffie tufts are at eae in dtinke, for them that pifle blood any waies : itis e 
miniftred tocure the pains and griefes of the guts,ftomacke,lungs, line 
hfomnes, aad fate defects of the ftomacke ; the dropfie ,convulfions = 

h the inflammation of the matt iX, pes the woman do fic ouer the 
fe aot with it alfo. 

of BurreReede. a i: ‘ nf 
* The defeription. 5g at 

d thefe pad hath n long narrow le leaues , which dbl o Lathgipe on 

5) fed vp, that riefeemeth to 
pled oo {quare, The ftalks grow among the leaues,and twoor three foote 

ided intomany a Pt es with many lke og ops oft the bignes 

ullofhairie eftrings. 


Tage ies 
? Du a ade 

Folk L b Ste L 1 

ut round about the 
ihe ftalke, and ftom the top thereof, day a certaine Hi Saag lei tis ae with many 
round wharles or rough coronets, here and there amongthe faid hilie ins Seed Male thore 

= ¢ 

=~ : 1 ies 

umn. pars A; 
Buco veya wast same a ante wt 


wif ee 
l SZ y 

* The place. 

vnto water Sara They mtenaially grow in the eate ¢ groun unds 
“Paez the ditches 2 about Saint George his fields, andi n) _ =a Hi 

% The time. : 

"TL p aE {A ae 

Cota cto PE op! eae tine real them 
- : The nave 
%& The vertaes. 
-. Somewrite. tharthel Sear ex 

LS eS a ay ee ight Se he 54 
zoos: ereamlersiiinrent ed 0S 
Of Cats taile. a Chap.31. 

The def. Z 
— ps Hea thicke and f Cres fal Gg ae ke 

~ tioned Ipeae, so eae shietibitance, b bani are pa 0 

foft, thicke, and fmooth feeming te be nothing, elfebut a deale “ Seeks thicke fer andthruft togi- 

hthe winde ‘The rootes be hard, 

ees rege fi Ce: } ite 
& ; iBS5 S 3 
le taile, 

oe The ver 

se The place. 
‘owethin pooles, and fuch ne ns ie 
eensanid fometiines in running ftr 
_ Thaue found a finaller Kinde heetof growingin 

pey.going from Sherlandhoufe to Feuerfham. 
The time. 
They flower and beare their mace or torch, in 

Tuly and Auguft. © 
y and 2.u8 ihe 
uy es callin in in Grelen nen in dating T; ae pea: : 

# > in Fren Marteau, 
ae Pe ere) Litchnonen, ad canon. in 
Italian c14 da: in Spanifh Behotlle, and 

in insipig & stares ier cy, 
ong Galingale and Cats t rope pers —_ ro 

— this plant a oF he termeth th 

fdas. eaues, Cars taile mats, as in hisfixe 
ae Fastor, 
AtD Dace oF ifcedite,ait, ers cate 

» Sastulit, in gol. 0 afirpes! mate efit, 

= is scallion. 

Lt 3 FL DAK A! ie 

°o oO 

1 ; C1. 1% vane ees A ale 

en, at 

of San dae er "pete into Sapo and mixed 

account ted amo es againftthe — 

wn2,is fallen 
eee: y fafting fo sera tiene 

tomleouetieiie 5s This being vfed, 
d feplings, but er a if i in time of their “cure, ss vie 

purpof in in a ai 

c rbeforeorafcerthe kin 

a S heeudiecy eeanieens Seer 
prooued,to heale nisbecke humbled heeles(as svi nn ag ap- 

| Ofsinchrort. 

"Chaps 32. 

pabacuctee 8 Os: PEANT SI iT 

f ftar,b 
d ly pla cl snk s00d pro eed Stwot cher, being ofthc 
ha i 533 ok 5 en the to ae vaded ,then followe’ ee ‘aid inclofed 
in round bullet Siete! cheleede of flax 
4 * . 
1 GRAS ones Fok 2 Senta FH en a 
_Stitchiwoerte  erajgyos MC Eoaet Sil Sitch cps Ss 1 yo” 
Ai PRU “ 

8 roe 

7 Y, 

a we Za a= WAND 
7 EY ae = 
aOR Aw RA 

r They giome inthe borders of fs expos Ane and ste 2 alt en re 
ue Maeedt F 

rp bp a ee it std r a. 
» A 

The Grin pln Se ee we n AAU hereof Ifeeno 
reafon excepritbe Dee eats Sere ene 
uin; notes fee or tough fubtt ance in him, so 

7 1. SE i. * The mature. Lt: e ay 3 fit 

sla 3 4 = ; > si r =< << Se 

drinke it in wi of Acormes, agaii 
ficherantocine r 5 sda 
qT faith j egy : 
opeak ey ae Diirites, thatthe feede of ae oe nan Bo 
ee a ati ne,in th : E 
te = 


isd ee = sa petmol ni sol one ARC bap IT Che 3 

aes Branch d iderwoort, “Phaline 100 RORY ahofie, a 
pi ° Vb ranehed E Spider weote: a 
UE ai 

oamany,toughyandwhire of 
2 __ Thee fecond j is like chefs udthachis ftalkeis 

3 F Thechadks Sasi of St ierorhich Eiial 

“Clufins namneth insite , hatharoote of 
ue a threddie Ags, fom the which immedi, 

os ately rife e vp ‘gtaflic leaues , nartow and fharp¢ 


ointed : among the which come foorth divers naked ftraight ftalks, becnrens ar every fide with 

fs ike flopabS PONG Hid dle to the top, of ¢ olourreddith, with ie tlhiues or threds 
ee Selshetataintamdbctn in fmall crefted knobs, like vnto patie. SOF Afpho ails, 
ats Pag < 

ae © we % The place, PSS > is x hs 
“allthefendes poveiniy erp i ng nd. & ‘ z 
ma Theta REO LAY en 
x Thefir ft dowreh i in sebecianp. VEN re am 
2 Tiefendtonie tee peta, Talaad bijen se in September. A | ‘p 
AV } fat 

= \ M f 
‘The 6 scalle Peictehed afl fr bicauf dis uesia 
thé bitin tine fpideyp Phiten : ip Englith itis called a sea 
if this caufe ewils 5 Wie ope Pidenleg to 25, flan dv vponithe 
EAL ndithe knees bowing _ a f and the hci le tuftin 
de ghee “ \ : Wie i 

2g the bitin ase call 

other venémous ; 

e rootes os ae Wey and drunke for a main iS eth 
thonghi cee bodie. : - 

o the Flaver de-luce. A hap, a 
exdiniod orfs nit! ni iow dlrs pee = sR ve flo 10 sont-obrswolTastawant 
rodiny tr ss : - wae T. 1 Ss A ae i yrest } if db 1, 

iH hp dISC 
TEs Here bem ast roy cael ng 

dfowe? See ris fweetein the roore,, for 
WIZ a atall:fome flowers area deci fome without :f 
Sas SSO ce 

ys EE 

SSinyes S10 bis fiseds ideuhes ae 

Pee: Bi Cine a A 

Hecommon Pose dela hon tl 
= a. » amongft which pent Tie 
beating flowers toward the to} aaa ep 

4s — = saison OF eee 

so sum f aie Rete icicriggirre 

ape qe = 
c Bae FT Ee 
) awe 23 
The < TI ] Ge i 1. dere 
dbrink fri 5 { 1 fandi fae, Alt h oh ark pay yetbe- 
ing planted in gardens, it profpereth well, = . 
Sires Sepia aamareeisel ai 
iliedor piled wither likeli cheles 
ee % The 
"Plone di eldin Gide 3 Bi: znd The tudo ean asthe 
fol cof rabrissby i sby which nameitis ‘AMocaled ofthe Latins Radix marica: ottather Radist 
‘bhi Tees commend, = ss 
: “ae mat rl 8 tra. 

STS ee a rit palattrislaten, farsa Ptris inEngib, 
2 gst — =" — — ———_ 


2 Thebaftard Fl > grees 8 
or biting facultie. 
ee are vertues.: 
i SF — j 7A } 1. L 7 fe A 
$ieei: arid taid pl itt ife ie } £: f man or Jaash ise pe dothi in two daies at ie met at 
L LI 1 LI c nan 1} ranie’ 
fed! Cian |} oF 1A bit fhall} {fall ck lai peece Ffilke. findall, 
Ourer pets phy 2 d “A i ier Be, L i, LY eS eray Tee we ow ae ye ty t ir 
often caufeth heate sat eet AOLMY ; dears Mig 
bri} 1 ve} Iv d fi h choler butmoft B 
er \ 1: 3 dae E = 4 } + 
efpecially nkeinwh y ¢ ¢ fo ne A liq Peek ins temper and a bes ae 
TI ke thi igh ‘humors,’ which are hardly a with dif C 
<— purged away, Gan 
1 1-1 ey eee «| f} )1 h 3 an old cough, andallinfir. D 
wii ef the -cheft ahah rife See ep 
eenes ,andthofe th b} d with copra ions or E 
cramps;bitin of facies fd ke wi th Djof- 
cor ide essand and drunke with | wine,it ge downe the mon See of women “ 
fieth and 1 openeih the matrix, F 
D > heey ye 11 j by pe WC. Ee Fg Oe nt 
fwellings. : ; == SK ey 
ho Se pee de-luce of Florence. Chap.35. oe 
» igh 
1 Iris Florentina, f 2 Irisalba. é 
Flower ei deluceof Florence, White Flows deduce. 


Ses 49 
Se > 2 Vinay erm diing fe 



% The defeription. 
5 a T7.T° 7 7. crt L ted e fL Jj Tf. L arm all 
' | 1. 7, nr. Pee Clore yee wanes Ea 4 EV, de,) i ail. 
a ae 1 2 SY TT! ] 4 pnt * 1 ee 
tog . g ets of f this Ireasi is 5 of a 
| 1 pet k RS ae Pod ot W ee: 1 a L.. W 
2 2 
2 hite Flower,de-| lik 1¢ Flower pisimes in rootes , ioe leaues 
nny 1 l D> eae} t: tharehic rweeharh hi flower 
my 1 * 1.7. hside " We 
/ > 4 > d 
“<3 Iris Dalmatica ma "4 Iris Dalmatica minor. 
Great Flower ere of Dalmatia, Small Dalmatica Iris. 

renge flower. rede ey ukare cods, 
yf fach flat feedes like the fo ormer, The rooteh: ath nofinell at all. 
her refembling 

i 14 ree - tek 

Pe Be 5 ter. The flowers 
" 1 prefentlytaken out of lk ahoe tendemes is fc that Su 
dod proper hs day, 

5 tre 

EA ae > ee 


ris Biflora. 6- Iris Violace 
ze Tie sie Flower de. dace. = we Violet Flower de-luce. 

we ‘i » 
y| 2 


33! 7 vipberdesiiag > es kD 07 v ic orlt artista 8 LrisCamer. 
© "Boring lower deduce: fi, Sis rottisiwomol: 

Peer 2 a 
be iiten ad 

ae Te Bot.: Garden, : 
ae 8os.. 


% The defeription. - 
t kind t fF 54 : lu ] four. {¢ a rR a A s Ir bringerhi fo foorth ~ the fpring 
time 1 esd tal ALI a 4 Sl 
suideite. 1: Ye, ae In leaues and a itis like 
to coe ee a de-luce of Dalmatia, but theleaues b ff mmonly 
hath 1 bist one flower vpon noneftalke el ab in A flowreth againe, i] gi 
é os Re 4 fad L : ££ lier, 3.L..0 en. Cc os 
% The defcription. 
SHIA and lead ned father of Herbarfts hath fee «Honk in his pannonick 
Epicome the picture of this beautifull Flower de-luce,with great tbroadleaues, thicke and fat, of a 
g ce, which itdoth verie 
relieenble is very fw henit is drie,and ftriueth with the Florentine Zrisin fvéet- 
SAY SN Tot ca A nh LGiledl i 1 wathf{und) colours, inforuch that my 
1 y line ot ftreake as it deferueth Teethers a thatftandev t do 
1 es that looke downwardé about 

the ee of a pale clue por part = ie wih a line of D8 ie Peer many 
fall purple lines {tripped ouer the faid white flower, 
fall hie the ne Platina Gafers. sbe cing lightly {melledvnto. s tae wt 7a 
- ae Germ Muice’ w 00 

amer aris hath fet fonds in his Zan rn Hortus 

tees rootes: the ftalke is thicke and full of ei the leaues be ve- 
:peft of Flower deluces. The flowe c growed atthetop of the ftalke, 

confifting of fix bl middle, with white ae to yeh 


‘lower de- 
reat thicke and. 

Ar ner Fold Camerarius d fent him out of Huagarie, 
and did communicate. one, of the come sot vnto =i jus, see figure he hathmal lively fet 
foorth with this defcription s differing fom coat that, thatJoashinus giue vnto 
me athis snl London. The oer faith b he,ar se | large, twife fo bepad as a F of es others. 
The ftalke i mi antes 

ys  * T rhein D 
Thefekindes ah Je-luces d ! tiger 3;notwith- 
a : T 1 na eS 

Te time. 

Tt. ca - ft. L 1 

The names. 
SS Flower dshneeisc called in Greek ckof Athenans & Hepat ites: itis: named 
alfoivestieof 2vedirkeof the Heauenly b 
Poets nae es call the Rainbowe: Savers: ‘in Latin Jrisand in agit Flower de-luce. rae 

a % The mature. re 
ag TP ode y, 2 s- .¥ L fr Ce , eee | ee: 
hid shea os 1 Pe Se et One, Yew oe mie ps 14 : gee £ 
gee 7 
% The vertues. Lets fi 
J L 1, ae Bee j L }. j | Coe ae ae | 
_- The iuice of chefe Flower de “ly mightily and vehemently draw foorth ; 
tt Yen 
rs’ ; 

Gewicbedeniptecemmeer chy. 
B The fame ia groans them that MW. 
fons, andor as arebit pen s, It profiteth aah aar that hane the 
or running of the raines, being drunke ee 7 agent St 

PEC } 
UO. eur 

a dri. 


: Of variable Flower deeluce.  Chap.36. 
1 Sris lutea 2 Iris Chaleedonic 
Variable Flower de- Juce. Turkie Flower pe 
~~ AS 

v Jani $ nanan eb 
x iat. elas 

% The Uri 

A WO ER Fae SO oaks 

| in the high time recouereth them a newe, eee able to expreff 
lours the mixtures, contained in this flower, Ic is mixedwith pu iajelone bb blacke : 
white sand da fringe or thram downethe middle of the lower leaues , of a which el yellow t gee 

Sone 1 es a 

: top of 
ra otis pee sere oaed, land pr he a ales 
pinion white anda duskith blacke fe ree leaties t ay 
od,and are mixed. in like uh but the white is nothing fo eae dees 
shin fhadowed over witha h i 

darke purple colour, fomewhat 
ee whole iciepanthl an of a — iehen‘a 


"Iris fyluestris Bizantina. : ‘ : 
Wilde Bizantine Flower de-luce. . 
1: fa 


% The defeription. 

4 Narrow leafed Flower de-luce hath an infi- 

3 es number of graffie leanes , much like vnto 

eede , among v vit rife vp many ftalkes , much 

ie thantheleaues. On the endes of the fame 

three that han ste wnwa sayy are great t than che 
reft,ofa purple colour i ftrippe ed w te and yel- 
low: but thofe three fmaltleaues sah ay next 

that ftand wprighe are of an horfeflefh colour, tip- 

ped with purple, and vnder ech of thefeleaues ap- 

— hese {mall browne aglets, like the toong of 

5 The nal ee: Flower © cei rom 
the former in fmaln of leaues , in 
other rela chaeese isno aie ence, 

<o @ 

See not spo in over wet gone. 

£03 “Sieataee oli, 

Graffe Flower eluce. 



Fi Bris « Sie _ & Thetime. zi34 

Diofeor ides in 

The name 
_ The’ Turkic Flower de-luce i is called i int the Turkith | tong — ms 90 5 with this prance? 
dine oO} Englifh 

French Flower de-luce, 

The nature and ver 
__ The f. faculties and temperature of thefe are re and beauifil flowers, are referred to the other A 

ré 4. oe “ 
TI - Col te | i i_ Vy LL | Por 5 led ty Tr , made atrer the 
-. 1 1 cP. T cts ae ek 2. 4 te ah [~d 1 
seg PARAS ae 2 1: PSE SE REE SL ae nae: 
i a % a 
pi ; 2 
Posi age 
The flowers of French Fl Je-I liftilled frndalon, and Cinnamom, and ee B 
1 1 P ee } Sel ok J. 15, 5 aS esttilanst | Ei; 
yi co fo s J 

oo inking Gladdon. Chap. 37. 

ee ws “ 

* Sanking > al (2.52 Tinking Gaudet long: narrow Sie 

$n like ae era ofadarke greenecolour; 
d,of a ftioking {mell,verie loth- { 

fome. "The nels 2 are many i innumber, 8cround to- 

£25 LIKE CT 

Flower de-luce > of an ouerwotne blewith ths 
declining to grayifh, or anafh colour. After the 7 
flowers | be vaded, there commeth great I eae or 

big asa peafe. The roote is ong and threddie, 
% The 
_ Gladdon groweth in many yarns: ‘Thane feene 


bes neere thefea, 

% The time. 
The ¢ fink te Gladdon dowrtttit in Ang: the - 
feede whereof i is eng wt ber, 



named, thatin Apion them eo ‘Pro- 

sti sree Pence ofall he Ides ‘= 

nme sand extenua’ <= 
ws honed aa oases thes hs ar : 

ee. ae ofnseiiatlieede, aa Aline Gide “A it be Wunke i in wine it : 2 
Sects iar aber to fit ouer!, it prouoketh the like effee& c “2 
moe esas. ene pero Pk: =_ —— ebirc. They couer with fieth, E 



5 foften all 


Rered ses honie, it dae out broken sete 


diltrveth® and lopeneth the Hemorthoides. Thei inice iniffed or WAS vpinto the mid on ouoketh 
eefin y Ithie excrements , which would fall into 

l L f 3 jt j) - 
E MS Ss Oe Oni mi 1 1 4 Fee 

Tt > 4 | 1 sh S. (ht 3ae aes: xc. ps i. x 
iS P S ags,being taken i ina little fweete 

ee Oe ys > 
1 | roth a sists Matti che. 
G. ‘The roote ty Xyris ot Gio is of gi rea Bee »for 
Ihe} ae er C rigor See 8 ae oe 
as > Galen faith, t iS ofhi iti * 4 fh: Pte Si ee eee 

oY Se Pe +4 - 

ily pr ae vfine. 
H "hee ote gitien in wine, called in phificke at rofiteth much againft convulfions , rup- 
tures, ee  paine of the hucklé bones, the ftrangurie, and the fluxe of the belie. Where ¢ note, that 

Bree a: fe dh i Big ec ve Oss 5 ai oft. o D4 
fe ofthe | ife pao es he ft oole ; as 
Theaarh ae the other Itides 5 eae the cry of Soumuededhive haue 
good experience,who vf inke tion of | Others do take cheinfulion there. 
vy fot Cosicheil eS 4 Ss Seater s J: 
OF Gier “Go. 38. 
Fi Zinciberi itm 2 Zinziberis verior 

The fained figure of ie Snail ake The true figure of Soete 


%& The Serine. os 
I Inger i is moft i ié F tl Id f thefe our h 5: i gions, as Bye felfe haue 

‘thereof; ‘frefh greene, and “9 of juice,as well from the Welt Indies,as from Barbarie and 
other places, which haue fprouted and budded foorth greene | leaues i inmy garden i the heate of 

f 2 

: 4} E> ivy he os f rc ly 
perifhed both bladeandroote, Tr ¢ 1 

Id I el db hich the reue- 
ren andl learned herbarift Mathias L ole, did fet foorth i in his Sneefe 'Thef forme whereof 

from L Obelisas his owne hands at the ‘eke stig The caufe of whofe 7 a Soe as alfo 
g e Gi inger, may appeere by His owne words 

roe vntome in 1 

ard and yncertainc itis, to oe ke’ in wot ane true Proportion of plants; hauing 1 no 
oie eae: than skilfull, but ae deceicfull formes of 
f f ph les, About thirty yeeres paftor mote,an 
am Dries, tofatisfie my defire, fent me from An ntwerpe to 
rondo the picture a eas which he held 1 tobe e truly and oe iwi 2 m 
tea Gi 

y felfe gaue him 

rought greene, 
cwana of i iuice from the Indies to Antwerpe: and ets that the fame had budded and 
ae by my frie nd, ay } Bey oil San ae Wi, a } 1 J 3 
é ef Fogg 
old Germane Botanicus, Theref {uffering th (whigke I 
yy paft at Flufhing in Zealand,i bik of Vilkam oe ice Paee 
Sie ; 
fi ge of fi - gh f woorthie ie Yoo if a memorie deceiue 
me not, called Vander AZill, at what time he opened 
b ‘h Jof { A fembli { and talks ofa foore hi gh, oong and tender 
fh f th de called H: ) Ithou oa ite conuenient toimpart thus 
1 AAA ae oe AF Ae ass me 
he end h fteritie! , h,in the painfull and | auels a ee 

hehath in ha be great shoe and benefit of his countrie, The Bee it taf br 

ht me fo 
bse = rough, and fet in my garden, perifhed gough the hardnes of the winter. ‘Thusmuch © 
haue Ife owne w V Lavi tine, though too fapebl foie 
done to ps: sopeaeel of my meane skill, 
as ioe ihe Con ee a 
« _uinger groweth in. Sp: - Barbarie,i inthe C ¢ Tl n d a dth A ¢ i which face 
~~ ©. ro) 4 
2 a ts ee | Lane, f af ol * ee | 1 ~ x * 
ms = T he names. 
Ginger is called in Latine Zinziber. Z 
S Thtnaiutee.) sex ad ime a * eset ae 
— eS iy ae 
_* Thevertues. a 

fork itis isoh mbetig a Hecting quali j it gently! loofeth the bellie, an is profiler the 

and cies of Be Icis to ineotient sa gee canded or condited Fie age 

_ Of eA, romaticall Reedes. Chap.39. 
Calamus Avohiaticus, | 

Le ry 2 ‘pelo mafia  falso a d 
_-Aromaticall Rede. a oe ‘Baftard or falfe Calamus 





eg yet * ot The afeipin. 
— Hi lis fuetefineling Reed is ofa darke dun colour, filll of ioi 11 fie tobe bro- 
into {mall fplinters, hollow and full of a ese white pith, cobweb wife, fomewha 
: ee Se an ng it in theteeth, a arpe bitt ed ae It is of the thick 
‘little finger,as L Obelins affirmeth of fome hich hehad feene in 
Calamus hath nfapere ie leaues like vnto erde ae or th , but natrower, 
ng:the longeft and eldeft of w ic aes + sae zs foots ofthe see as it were cur- 
co ifulealy The reft of the leafe is fmooth and-euen, among which commeth v 

on tec de, eae eeldeth out SS the middle a a certaine ses aplet x orbunch, 

oe cae L CP, eta & wee | gardens 
tf eral ese py 79 
i ade fell, See ee erp hee 
aa es red 
oweth in Arabia, and ketilt in Sia, “apeciallyinthe themoorifh 
vnto! the towneof E Tripolis, wh ere there i is great. refort of 

Gane naval eran, he wc ake “ee heat of fommeris ae, 
scott ae th abound withall in =o th likewife in the the weft 


> eo ee My ee 

- . . . 

Dil : yh p! Pai T rf } J gwe ‘ yg J n, but rasyet it eared 

ney gee ANT chalinrC india pine 3o" ep jae 

, ¥ hep sandin 

many other places. . > 

= x The time, 

rt <, : cee St a | ees a -~ ON in ed | Peek Cee 

1 1 g } 3 g 

dey ETT, 

The nam 
There haben fiéen ti time to time reat contri and many-di Eeiehe aniong wa res 
when hefetwonames ;Culamusand At Thewhich hath beentaken gene rallyto be one; an 
the fle fame plant whidh controuerfiet say eafilybedecided, that ssa 4 -tratailedine thig 

Age 9¥ M4 1S one, 
Pe a RT ee d yer differastheirdetcriptionsdo th v. Bucif nyeefve ne receied, 
% ree ‘ “Saran f cheat who haue taken for Ca mtn 
roore called ad, Het fF: fe(k | hei she 
“ae ,o ee * @ of 
ie the whict ch by ; hadi bferued to this day ql oT thinke bp heataa: that waaans 
sy 3 c V4 
Aromatase is calle in Latine bers t Avomaticts, and: Cabemnus Odoratus iicen 
rofth affabel 
ofa 2. raf 
: pe: fall baftard Ca/amusis called of the Latines 4corus,of f adieu bot vie 
truly; in Italian Cacoro: the Arabians Vage, or V. Greeke Ancelt, and dkcesr' al as witnel- 
fe th 4% leigs Be Ages odor ores, itis alfc li 7 Radix Nautica, Ss ig rg 
glifh after the Latine name, oe avomaticus. 

* The wature. 

vides (3 L RS L. 
thin Diser fabs Beg he, hotand drie, _ 
oe The vertues 

1 Plinze do affirme, that = 

F ag PN ars li 
oa ee : at : 2 r t a i A. 
uer.{pleene. and brett: convilG ee 1}. {3 b {or} the] } the pifling b 
be Cie toe | . OT vw? 2 a ¥ 
Pe > C4. ts. er ey “5 yas ol L 1 ee ts OS gee f 
g ; 3 Sf : ig >to prouoke w wo- B 
bi cs pe sae) be : ea : 
ia3i : 5 a Be ES fk ‘Vt Ipeth A Sat gps 
nn, Yo et a % Ww: co sim 2 t Xs 

‘rote nese in wine, aces dand dapplied Pieri vnto the. cated doth woonderfilllie D « 
aac te fy sch of thefame,and helpe pres a= de eCtions 0 

ie of two fcruples.and a ‘halfe o anke in rab oad ounces "of Mufeadell, E 
helped sheen chat ae bru mer ar 

a ab ‘als, 

The roote is wit oe means aonb In ovrage itis putinto Ecle legmas, F 
sym 9 and « nthe Tun eandchscppetimneaed 

ite ee: re 

Tee : 
. The beft CS Par * tons a 1 y " = 7 3 2 pew > 
ntl cing Pebantis a < 
. : y t gies * 
g Candia are better then thofe of Pontus, and yet thofe 
RSS pS rs Ais : . CES pee os 7S J 4 alot: L . 
5 ; eo =) ae 
* : 

5 ores | Lit 1389F 9 


OfCorne. (hap.4.0. 

far haue difcourfed vpon Graffes,Ruthes,St Flags,and Flower de-luces 

Lol iced f | tru& he ¢ hiftorie of Corne yan ad 

WE! thekindecth Cc Jor ¢} FGrai which er Ile, emina, 
G a “ef 

ic t d dy of which ave = purl to dif. 

qd courfe, ‘here belong to ine all fuct 
as Far Chr ie egies lf Polenta. oceames or Maul, Zpthem and\ what 
foeuer are of th 
oke :placeth ioe the graines, sas Millet » Sorgum, Panicke, Indian wheate, and ee like. Galen 
as wellthofe 
me of the grainc it felfe degenerating, orthat are changedi into fome te Finley and —_ 
—— ‘through the the faultoft the weather, or of the foile ; 5S alfo fuch as be iobidioae by gro Sin 
among at oo likew ife fitly " 

a , EA Ss fC 11 eed shi } 
f 3 

1 Triticum (picamutica. : 
White Wheate. %& The defcription. 

1:44 -ftA7L 5, Seen, ve 

Te S 8 Mutica,is the moft principal of 
ar e e eares are altogither bare 
sebaciae wit sh r chaffie beardes, The 
nes rifeth from a thredd toote, cOpact of many 

Bh gun Cc. 1 111.4 1 y like 

an 7 Wt 

to many fo Aaa to all, coal the er 

~ Ied o 

eiles pie Mp Ae Be thofe of Barley. ' 
3 The arcane ethe lft defenbed, thus 

{mall ea omming foorth of one ae great eare, 
andthe ead heerof be fhorter, then of the for- 

5 "Fae Whieate is like vnto the other kindes of 

5 get scicasliliang dcodernos dae indy this kinde is 

% The 

fer op aed ig eb naked, ba Pritt. 
t bearded, with man _— nd fharpe 


iplect pica, 

Triticum mult. 
Double eared 


Roles Te at 
WW 2 


2 Triticum aristis circumuallatum. 

5 Triticum 

4 Triticum Typhi 
Flat Wheate, 


Bright Wheate. 


%& The place. 
Wheate groweth almoft in all he a of the world that are inhabited and manured, and 
requireth | a fruicfull and fat foile, 


Ll } iL rae co 2 
2 Xx Garke 
kes a My sae anes ite Pea x 
% Thetime, 
"TL na Ta fs, 2 1. Cc. C. A F fs %. Y pci} 
d = po) 
: % The names. 
A Fy! ® ee es Ae * , Co f asinad Wiens ea Gea B Se ie 
y s ? iat =) 
kind of hich is threthed forth of tt & de cl I or fuch ordinary 

lhe momenihy Ee 

anes. Th n Italian Grano : the ae ni atts 
a rigo: the French men Bled, on Fourment : in England we er ihe ‘fet white Whegec and Flaxen 
/heate. Triticum Lucius, is called Bright Wheate : Red Wheateis called in Kent Duckbill 

2 The nature. 
The kindes of WI i ll qualities are J moift in the firkt legree, 
and drie i in the middle of the fecond, : 
y fmen,and with greateft profir. Thofe Wheates donou- 
fh, fi L Lt I Z 2 8 , SHY ER ee a 1 t pe £4. QD L f. rt. t 
bir afund sf toe (1 y } } ee Sar « 
Whe. j j} 7 } 1. b Pee ee 2 i> | CN}. 
| a SS EFS res, Sid in re] x 
1 7 pte 9 & 37 5 Se ad * The paiva 5 1. ‘ 77, To. lL D = 
appl doth cure the bites ofmadde dogs logs. : 
|. The flower of Wheate being boiled with bas and water, or with oyleand water, taketh away 
“ia i eles or bee fwellings. 

C_ The bran of Wheate boiledin {tr g vineger,clenfeth away fcurffe and dry fcales,and diffolueth 
the beginning ofall horfivellings, ther he last L GE. eam Bae DATS MRE be jaw CR e ir 
flaketh the fwellings in womens brefts. hd 

¢ graines of white Wheat,as Piinywri if 
not burnt, the powder therof mixed with sinc ris = be wating cies, ec it be laid be 
E Thedried renee ofred Wheate,boiled wi ineger helpeth the fhrinking of finews, 
The meale of Wheate siningled with gee iuice = Henbane i¢, and plaifterwife applied , appeafeth 
inflam: mations, nthon ies fire, ‘0 
the joints, which the Gracians call Kheumi ata. Pafte = of fine meale,fuch as Booke binders 
_ vle,helpeth fuch as The bran of Wheate boiled 
hat be fc » eafeth the ees veryn much. 
G  Theleauen made 2 Whee a vertue to 
xe) all fivellings, bunches, tumors and felons on mixed with fale, 

H The fine fow et mixed with the yolke of an egge, honie and spe doth draw and heale 

ule Take crums of W. heaten 
__breadone pound and an halfe; barley meale ii Feniees adi efeede of ech halfe an nai ie 
the leaues of Mallowes, Violets »Dwale, Sengrcene an Sa ana one handfull: bo: ile them 

to the¥olkes of three egs,oile of rofes,and oile of violets, ame ik Incorpor. them altogither. er, but 
ftom mation grow to Erifipelas, then adde thereto theiuice of Night sg Plantaine sand 
» ana § ti,eafeth Erifipelas or S.Anthonies fire and all in flammations very 
‘. es of fine White bread, laide to infufe or fteepe in rofe water, and fo app wt vnto noir lore i 

prefled foorth I 


= T de, yes andes 

oe 7. 


ny hot humors falling into them , ‘doth y defen dthe hu onea0d ae) ce 
of V Vheate , hea 


Se eee 

Benen ymirs 


Of Rie. eee 

fe Bae 
Wy Hel ice se wae fet chi meth vp, 
Y : is ee rei, aft itd greene, as 

SS! Z \ POY 
\\ Nf Wa e the other graines. ‘It groweth i 
ANY \} WA many ee chan thofe of Wheate,and 
. AZ longer, ts by certai ditecks 
‘ Wy like vnto Se Ube earth are orderly framed 
WZ... Mp i is canked, and com patled about with thore 
? j h Al 2 “it. 
PAS a ne ig : 

Wa: is long black ifhjflendecand ied, which fle 
aay i fillethout of the husks of it felfe. The ro es be 
y enyatendery and 4, ull of firings. 

Na ze YPIODULT Theol 
dl fos: Sage * Rie i i = erlyinieot pee 
op Qf Germanie and Polonia , as appeereth by th 
: gre at quaiititie. | broughti into Englandin times be 
dearth, _~ {catfitic of come, as happened in the 

“A yeere 1 See - other ne when there wasa 
, ‘Boe ae reafon of the 
WH: d <a ~~ abun dancefian that fellchey cere before, wher- 
Bik eal ED SRE Berea p nuti¢infued, as we of cattell, ahd all 
fq) N SE ae ~ +» other vi du 5 a8- of all maner of of graine, it grow- 
i A a oN x = eth likoife very el ‘inmoft = of. ant 
as Ke fy .lpecially toward the : North,” 
“The time. — 

= igo fy oe the fpring, sikitians 
more fi Heit p that that was lowen inthe tot he leafe, aban ne at 

dorh oaks pleat tea artaine t. tohis perfect ae andi tipene fle. 
we e 

> Rig sedate heh Duce beteny in "amet s in Span Cente i. Teton - 
Segala: Reka ao ge oie ‘na e ne Sig Bina cate 

atid Rogze ih his 18-b00 booke and bonotot 9 “A 
ei 333] Ae 1 
Rie} ditisa ne ig Hoveee tel Yu india te RB ae 3 
the bi which is ie unos teaou. a 6.2 ry ory inion 
QTE bert iy, anol Ova 

Bread,or theleuen of Rie , when EE peas praGife, doth more a 
ee eae nipen , and breake all apoftumes , botches, aigeee?, than the leans ae 

sh red 
SN ger vf “Chip. 0 
The defexiptions — - 
: it gro: eth pwith a multitude of ale ohare 3 = 

Dring th 2 a care, 
wrapp din Cera - dri¢ husks, aroae ¢ann 


Pelt is like to 
Sue Saat 
aia without Qe 


Zea fue Spelt te 
Spelt corne, —  Theplace. 
) (EF yf Men if It groweth in fatand fertill moift ground, 
wo” MFT g ee 
1 ys 4 ~ y Icis altered and changed into Wheate it felfe , 
0, i Vj : ] « p> L J L wa "W 

other that. do alter or t change 3 efpecially as Theo- 

‘togither,then at the third ba itis changed, 

~ The Grecians haue called it Cel, and Zea: the La- 
tins 5 in the Germaine rong Spelts and 

tre: off moft Italians Pirra Farr Ta: ae tg Hetru- 

ce ie and bride egto One did ea eate of that Fer . 
do a 2 The fame thing 
Aelep sc atteneibcaa z#, in his ninth booke 
sage to Abas places i tar ing oe Farris cag tha is to ae Far whichis 
.  ealled Zea,cec. And th 

e tempe erature and vertue. 
- Spelt See reporte’ count more than Bale, Galen writeth inhisbookes of me 
Bose of fimple medicines, that Spele is alls temperature in ameane betweene Wheat 
os andy may in vertue be ner = the kindes of Barly or ‘Wheate, > being indifferent “ 

ower or meale of Spelt corne. sboiled inwater with the powder oftedftunders, a ileate 
and Lillies y seis te the — ofa a applied hottaketha away the {welling of the legs 
_ geben gftan 

ofstuch Coe. Chap 43- 
eS 2 Thedefeription. iis 
His othe Bite ir Heel IES: Coe Herbarilts mylewm Frumentwe | 
rchecorn ad isakind of graine fowen to that end, orathree moneths graine sand is = 

it eee mee as 


% The place. 

Amilcorne or ftarche corne, is fowen in a 
many, Polonia, Denmarke,& other thofe eaftern 
regions , afwellto feede their cartell and a 
with, as alfoto mtn for the which pur- 
poleit doth very ficly feru 

The time 
Tris fowenin PSs or the fall of the leafe, 
and oftentimes in the Sex, ew for that caufe 
hath been called Trimeffre or three months 

‘Gilie sche with ahicy do call it sant, 4 - 
thinke gate tonameit in Latin 

peaketh of a grain 
‘ar Halicaftraum which is fowen in the fpring : 
a forthatcaufeis furnamed T'rime tre, ot three 
Bic eths Far, wher cf is made ftarche, 
sy Ifany be defirous to Jearne th Se Bon let 
5¥ ore ralight; my felfe:not wing t to ff 

®t he petureand vertu. j 

1 rae CA 1 7 PES 
pina tiny llen,and ke ftarch,th is referred vato tl bafeki j 
of Wheate or 
Of Barly, Chap.4.4. 
es © we The deferiprion, i 
Aiphone te whichis (horter and mote brittle then th at of Wheate, 
with moe ioints: the leaues are broder , an : the eare is armed with -_ 

tough , and pricking beards or ailes , and fetabout with fundry ranckes , fometimes two. 
ree moft, Th 
beflender and thicke eropthe, Barly, as Bhs writeth, is of all graines the Sohoath tp seid Sealh leaft 
cafualtie,yecldeth fruite very quick! and ini-sag 
2 sae fecond kind of Barly is like vnto the sane Lagann blades: cathe differ in the 
oe nate nt Ct De Dons 7 Cc. oS cess eee bs L. - L 4 

Pee ie: i and May, “2 2 2 an ete 553%) sete B o> Fe - bai e Presi 

« 3 Hordeum, 2 Hordeum Polyitichum vernum, 
i BeareBarly.—'«' % 

“phe : = : 
ao “SS SSSaRtl ods oa Sastiined sch brik saith éociav Obiveds oat 
I The firtt i iscalled of the Grecians 5 wead inhigh De ern: rin low Dutch 1 Sete in Irali- 

3 died ood T 
— apna: :0f oot Engin northerne people ait somes 

yground. Maule is well knowne i “hel me ie 
cen Bis words eon Ge chai — tee tae 
bro eecenerra Icis calledin high dii itch alts : t inlowe Dutch pee 
Maltum: which nameis borrow — the Germaines, _4étins a Greeke Phifition,na- 

pw 8} ith 
*) L) Poe ae Ge Rey aos o o 

ae miedh Shh chas pr red Biri, €Bino thew hich authored that aifter of the meile of 

: Maule profitable yon th n the fwel elliigeor died topfic, Zythimm, as Pilborae seca Bt Ae ech,is 

: not onely made in Egypt,but alfo in Gala a Te ae fa thew oa eae the 
countrey btingeth 7 or petigetine or oile, and ct emen are & 

drinkeof Barly, , which | 2. Dio pion aber bach ns 6 pit 
| pee ete lor" Simeon Zethij shat Grecian, calleth’ this Kinde of siwead ns saa 
aren eiBaghithit iscalled ther <ed ase 

Bag Cathet lati cotoce oheteciie sii the a 
AO eer ead 

pics sii = aie scislouie 65 

i 1¢ firft degree 
rding booke of the faculties of fi aes. I cath alfoa oe Seating: cle 
qualitie, 31 Ee RL i 1 l R 

x The vertuts. 
et eee clénfe; provoke vrine, breedeth windines, &i imie tothe fto- A 
R aly RE | ee es “4 <3 h. rofine. and B 
k ts Ll oat ¢ H ‘ ri z 
ee L i: 2 1 he j % - = eis owes Ne 
"i poppic feeds ie ta ay 

» Waxe pee eand the 
— ofa yoong boy; it doth digeft, fofien se ripen o eed fell, in ‘3 fe dared called the Kings 

C8 spo. ye 3 to\f f}.- ny T) 
eppettel laske, 


making: whereof if anie E 
be aetna to seer them is z z Obes si in the abe of Barly. | But] I Bbinke | ome 
London beere rs,would fei 

of wee ca yong cerca’ of mine | ‘¢ than by thewritings. foe 
bes e J, Mal. ¥ = _ 
4 : z = a 7 
J } 1 a. 2.2% 5 i. l Ln g 1 1 5. 1 1 f honie, or the forme of 
4. 4 ARE : aaa | } +3 C+} yw Js a Of, } 
* \ . C, Ch } L HAE , Fi 4 -. < * Ae . " 4, 
» Bs 
after thismaner. S 
A J YW 11 ee Prai eee tinnally E 
5) 5S45 f 
fh = ij g L g fe ft iL Fo caimonl au rhe. 
fech fine | halfe 2a licelehonie, anda pate 
the powder of comin, kafrade bail exam ltogith he f and fo 0 app lie 
it. There be find indry forts 6 Gtio Je of B j 
huskedor hulled Ba arlyand Men tig Peepiyhe meate Tae ke par ced, eke Gte- 
cians a properly call éagisv. Afaza 
and X 

made of parched Barly tempered with w. et Hippocrates 
enophon: Cyrus hauing called his foldiers togither ; exhorteth them to drink ewa 

ter wherein 
tobe Barly meale mixed with waterand oile. = a 

hs We, ) 

Eee of gardenP wder of G 
Renae and linefeed, and alittle hogs aint eee biceee ta ing od 

wel denote 
uid ape dropfie being applied vpon,’~ spit ale Ml 

= EE ee. Se 

em — 

Or dem sun lle pyran way Tr ; 
wil Fie mri eh ter od 7 hel id MS. 

uin hat eae ni 


- fee 
MALS? * 


Hordeum nudum, 
Naked Barly, 

%& The vertues. 
This Barly boiledin wter cooleth yn: 
naturall and hot burning choler. Inyehe. 



Oo SSS a SS i 
es eS (er Se ES 


Ni e\\ 


i OF PLANTS!) 87 

is. that: ie or Kare pb ee aleogicher ea ne 

fF POrdeam 
Soeh for aban, an enimic ie vnto cores for that ead of an earewwith-cortie; 
od og pelt isfy sejosiadoante mnadethereofio S 
OO TAY aes. ie fag: Ned teh Titoli, xy. jscalled of aear 
En lith Wall | Barly Way Barly,or a after old erie Way Be nnet. Itgroweth ypon ai 
r i peienperais maton 
rather = cae es Sea aaa 
earn vlisdtitiv: boxiony 
dh p t wat a ao en es go A 
j fi: a2 ? les bi 
n n t] 
rey ©) } 
Of: Saint Pelors Vorae OP, 47° 
oh ee 
1 Briza May oH nea Vi 2 Feitsa delice 

Saint Peters ore. ~~ Hauer Grafle, _ 

B22 231Oh fe EE Ea? 

B bes os : nde, bi sitet 

may eh hy 4 ea — : ao ‘Feftacd of ‘Narbon, Hath ftalks befer with leaues, 
another oe 9 whereupon do growe cexeiné round 


I ables Rist 



% Thénames; ©: 
111. Z ya 

ai vent L’ Obeline; y 1) Zea Monocoe Enolifh 
Sain Pete Corn SOD C : ? 
Il d iy? ba Ser T. atine derstone Aleck, V Seep as aie 7. 
Gree: aig itegae (we 2mizad odio bol blive HiT lox 
* iv ie The nature. 
eo : % The evertnes. | 
Thei iuice of, 'reftucamixed with barlymeal ledried, Couns iftned with rofe wa: 
F ZL Tim..! L Cal. Me | 
:6.-b. d plai C1 1 hes 1m. “ka ia AO at ‘ 
s ¢ ash °° ro) a 
Of Ores. ~Chap.48.. 
1 MenaVefite ~~ | ude 
Cee O res, = SP ccnetiles 
Se \YyAg 
SV — 



i’ Ze 


a5 = he defriptiom Bir vise = 
common O Dees, is called 7ofet fen endo, Sicuukke vied i iiliay cole 
is their chiefe 

t ona Vefe2, 
eahade forts of bread. eft bread fe sates 
nocks, Hauer cakes. Tharffe cal eS 

'y 3; ee ee 

% The 

Oo Irie and fomw!} Idof as oe Balen faith 
’ . The vertue ee slamsay A 

C Otes putinto a linnen bag,with a litlebay falequilted handfomly for the fame purpofe, 4 

{made hot in a frying F fapE lied y! seafeth the paine i iti the fide called the ftitch, or 
collicke in the bellie, 4 . 

Wyner hahailedi ; Vihat } . fh} L ¢ it ig tigothatis,cer- RB 
taine chaps,chink ifts inthe palmes of eof hands or feete-(adifeate Ege taflinitie with the 
pocks) be hold he fi it finoke thereof, in fome bow! } herein the Ores: 

it} 1 with blanl being Gift annkentea with thatointment 
or Pisce viually plied contra thea cane it doth perfectly cure ® the Aviaih in fixe times fo 

ae ting. 5 | 

lei s good for P i) ~,1 VE J yor wis 1 Ceall f fp res 
nt Fit T. fy 1 g re igh COU g . gi P i ve 4 

Of wilde Alias. ; Chip. Shou 
Re ES i Bromos Sterilis.:: Bat ee WO? “adie Meh 
sata ou NVilde Ores... - Wt Small wilde Ores, > 






) te 
Pra rrrne alin 

Romos erilis, oe 

vane, Si echs bapens in augers 7 ba 
ourcommon Oteshaue : they arefo = seminars iption. ee 
= op Lhereis alfoanother kinde of rapes ot ide Ors Otes = macalletis Festuca altera, not 
er fo: spe? 
on may called in Engl Small wilde Otecagresng wth Pr lis akin fs 
is nothing extan) newoorhithe node ofthe enperney asct sae. 
co: vnpfofitable. 

t Ae gilop lops Bron mcrae Bearded Ote 

oT Sees deme Ores.* ve 52. 

pee | 

[cri prio 
ae ve ahi ie Beles Yum ,isa plahtin- 
differen or parta a Bok the nature of e- 
<Rilops ati Bromos, in thew like tothe 

“naked Ores the ee is Faia ey fomewhat 

long, and of ated d ith colour, tnclofedmy ob chaftie 
husks like the catpmon ae lith- 
ed Cre or eat ed Otes,. Soe Raa itoften 
among Barly and Rie i siete grounds, Thisis 

: likeyyife seas able,and hurtful! to cornewhere- 
of is. Rg nenenren made by the ancients woorthie 


The defcription. 
2 Bitte Rie: with no one good ger in 1 phi 
or bea 

is shard toall corne wh ere it gro ty 
hat ving an fhape liketo corne, but in fte ed 
of grain tees h yee eld a Mecsas o soul 

an cuillea fte, Andt 

fi moe core oe the ching git felfeBurne corne, 

or bla 

3 When eo Vitilago aut ne, 0x Auenag 

Hens an appottable plant, degenerating es 
as the otherfrom Barly,Rie, and wheate. It 

- Piaget Anenacea. Burnt Otes, 

were in'vaine to make a long i ing itis not poffeffed with any 
- ree fe A i.h Fo 1 Fe Re, | 116.45 - > ee, bi , a, ae 
emia - ate a sib dak t a 
scar sabes ease : Chap st: 3 | 
1 “alin hank: ; Sette tn 9 Lolium ribrum.- OL 
ite Darnell. 98 BAS Deepa ye: eos Red Darnell: » 
AY ) y 
’ pie ee ay 
Y ay Ht Ny iy f . 
NA * 

an - paren Ww 

¢ <a 1. Sy eae ee ye gee 

“Mii tie firft.. geth 

of wort secighes ak C f litle’ euery parti- 
cular ne whereof con et Lat Ti ag Pa 6 Cy Ba 

. ¢ eafily fhaken ou re peel 
20 " Red Darhllisikewil Sciacca ae Tike a ‘Thei og - 
thefopa depo hath 
2 oe place. f 
o/gninfedsanonevieac aod of the corr {had fede as Galen faith,efpeci 
ayn uit and dno ee oi 
- edt = me ee om ethene ma : ioe | 
od at fpr bat ete a ae 
Pana called ii Grécke cestidehe: alu, eure and Sceylen: in French Twray: in 
lai zg banike teh Dole in Englifh Dam ne Turay and Raye, Sd opeaeel : 
‘Triticum Temulentin = 
ie Refsnes Greeke sho. 1 Phanisefedecintn colouriin Latin Lolium rubrum: 
Marisa oti 
rte ‘En: reo i fan a pape of fome_ Hordeum = SEM ang 

mae oe ‘Buy: 
a ce a es 3 to Bn sIot su aes re: Red 
htt Stee a a2 » Ss 

ce = athe oo 


iw! 2 Thevertnes..: isd gno! s of on 

A "TL fl ~CP wee : PS ay ars Ee a 

Shai Pod 1 Se Sey, kde WSS ell’ : Cok me.of a 

¥. 3 > hab =~ 

4. L Pe T We h oe ee a Be ee SEY 
B SMe romabie boar eaten hot, caulech drunken Pi esi tee 
TY leo] a hh ae eae FO RGN, RES | gee ae es chi 
Y> MUCH Gowist 1g of womens 

D-  Dishorides faith , that Darnell meale doth ftaie and anh backe cating fores, ae and 

2 > dit 
abaedangtro us tett scalled in Greeke acoai sand lepr haps 
E  Thefeede PucasWeibetchenih v3 bus ornaughticfeurife, 
Cod Tr °4 t n } 4 enies, -_ 
‘i Tiler 5 VG re Pa APY 
Fs 1 4 “isa ith ree} aa Ip A ES ey 8 4 te bits 
bin + AMO 

G “Tene, as pene w itech, being  drunke i in fowver Or st harth red wine, tet the laske, 
in bed, 

Ra A ae pane aes | The danger. if 
_ Darnel arena aa ae h ot aes core cithéc for bread ite: 
ant lolliis oculos witiantibus a we F 
Nedlestl — that, a old = eae came, hath as are ain 6 ighted fhould be 

faid ro-eate of. fDa 

aN. oO Phe Onn R. 


i ¢ hee opto. oY -y 

Iceistke ynto Darnell in fhew, as Theo 
Pigg Clie igeth foor a 
| @@Fe as corne , bur ace €ertaine fnane or 
a Mill,Millet,or nicke. The 
linie writeth, are fat ad fall of fnb- 

Hain} aeind 26 
% The 

, The e places::' t 
comes in ae territories s ofthe! Bahia ni in Babilon i 8 isdbednstylameoh Siytia: 

It io Seam 
It te ceil in thefe daies > not onely in thefe covitis before ‘named, but alfo i in the fortunate 
é . 


re ee cs ; stim i ie ie oe se 
Bae e ee ee : Saonise 3 ; 
a The Geel call ince as. “theo oi fithanzoiethe iLatings Leejles ay Gi rookeraonie 
Ory g Bitzand Rys rin EngliMh Riel 2/004 
ie Thesemperasaneiod rts 
Jem richyhac all men vie re iney.bei ing boiledjfter the faine mafier 
ertaine food,o or po ttage ay 

dha cho ndyusis. InEn oe nd we vfe to make with milke andRife,a xe hich, 
doth both 7 binde the preteen — ote pees rgoodk ae Bot foode' is nee o 
eas chote chat an aa _—— j tithe box xolcsm off 


valle ees 

qotted beat igs ie Theleaues a 
Tebrin ia se He aaa 

a Sjow si 
rom ~*~ * 
ciliun § 


ered with af W 

| Sas gtow Seabee 

+ dette < 



2 _ Milium ai run is like vnto he fc te look. 
6 b: Cornet Lt tice ; Se Cela ane ee 
o > 2 135 
= 4 The place. tee ; : 
| OR BR RR Se Ca 1} r iss 4A L. L . ia? Sa J Pee ai Andaf : 
€ time. ter 
i tal 1 nt Sat th >of it ly inay iF ar Colt 
aie 2 2 f x 7 ame « 7 OMMeM I 
Fhe time. 
Te Le ps De Ad Re mt Loc PSD gic'8 : 1 

The names. 
f 2 L xy, 

En sata Migla: high Du chipirs3 ink French diles : in low Dutch Dra sin 
ngli Roe c 7 ‘ bes “i me i: wd 

% fF, These % 

cos of zh hibance, 
00g 1 ‘sl ae trees 

ia é 
"TL 1 CM: TT. Me ] 

4. ] 

us Ambro hi, or CAmbrofe = fr 
: sith pec ira ices Sit vfedin ee cia rtian sn Sn 
ceit whereof He. ant /zoniusin his boo ke ofthe © gouerament of | health fectth downe in this 
aner : Take fai a cccodscleite d Milla fuffi 
olincesofthe hot ee Odio abd add f the beft white wine: and {o'viue it hot 

wt thepaentbngiel oer cS 5 a re Lo SelM ceilidh eS 1 IF. 
Pn ar * ee oud ‘. be 


“oe ey u ly 2a Fivligcve Gaps 54. 

. ia : i Ai Bh ay es rn The bindes,. : bee ; s 
Olina pai gai in the diff = I and for the better 

ation of the fame, I c fet foorth to your view certaine éares 1 different ee 
ic allund perfectripenes, and fich as they fhewe themfelues tobe, a their skin or filme 
Sei ae, ering. 

zi % The he deferption 7 
y Orne of Afia beare 1g gr 1 witl i like tk 

: "the top of the ftalks grow idle or barren tufts like the ¢ ommon Reede,fomtimes ofone co- 
: lowrand alone of another. Thofe cares whichare cfeuitfill do grow vpon’ the fides of ‘the ftalks 

= hireoeee woahevenas hei willbe, coe aie i Me 
bee ee of the ioints of the ftalke, three or fower from one ftalke, 
abou Te and leaues ere itwerea ica ag 
~ <Qutof which doftand long and flen 
‘Saud i¢, but greater ahd ong sc oe poe whe f 


cane Reede,but ak roader, and of a darke brownith colour towards thebortome: at - 

cnThe graineis offundrie eo fomtimes red, and ‘ome 
i ithath come to 

a i 

Beene ewe Pe 

SASSO NC ee a 



2 FrumentumTurcicum. Lurkie Corne. 


4 Erunentum Indicumalbum, © 
The care of white Turkic Wheate. 


a4 os 

oO & 





s 3 


oe) eet 

ot uv 
ss ———s | peta ee 
S = PG: 4 
S) a 3B 
Q,% 2 8 

ee CF) 

g4 25. 
= Qs 
Sz Se 
q 2g 
§ yas rere 
8 f ie : 
Bs 25 
a By fe 
i] on 




f3 = ud@auialanneone ay 
Es ice Nie, UNS e, S2€ 
iy iterates pases 
Se Lo Le : 
ne | Rg 
3 a8 5 
oe Ne 
& tis 


. idecavuay v,. 

= ci 

§ me cnaageneteanWitOe  yuguguiee 

S 5 CECI me eererhTe ep eta 8 ui 

hy ea N ope! a 

£58 suueeZ 8 ¢ Ss 

Fz 2 LLG, LE iy o€ 

n s : s <i y 

5 ial Ep} « 

ae y E 

ie oe Fr 
ny Seer ce 


% The place. 

Cent nd then 

Thefe kinds of Grai 
out.of Afiawhich isin the Farkes Dominions , as ‘alfo ou tof America a the Ilands adioytieg 
from: the eafta nd weftIndies ,and ee Te aia where they. vieto fowe or fevi it, and to 

. i 
of thefe northernr regions hen the fommer falleth out to be faire 
and hot,as my felfe haue iene rect in mine owne garden, ~ 
The time: 
Trich Pe cance 1 April BL SES 3 eal Ried are 36 } 
£ = 
& The nitnes. 

Turky wheat is called of fo wm Andicum. Strabo, Eratoitenes, 
Onc ficritus, Plinieand bibeieshave contended about gant nainé ee which I minde not to res 
hese confiding Bow vaitie and friuolous itis: “but leauing it vatill fach time as fome one Ocdipus 

all bewrai¢ any Others ay ftharhath been defcribed,or known of the old’ Writers, 
In 1 Engiifh it is called eee nea tky wheate: @ 
hs call i Maizinum and Maizupand. Mais, , 


ature and ve 
Turky wheate wa? oath i ele than either Wheate Ri, "Barly or Otes. The bread which i is 

made thereofis  meanly Ww white. ammi 
4 1 tot a Sar OS a 
ral ly bee y 3 BR IL poe BE™ 1 ae *¢ doth 1 1 n } fM W YD. 1 Wehaue 
2 oA b Ps | “ 1 LL _ 1 ve } 1 £. alee ane. 
Ae 4 ie C1. } 5: 1 el LL ] 1 fe cL q tf “erie i 
ar P mo ee gecah eh bdenteae 3 
men, ue 
Of Tirkig M ilet. Chap.55. 
(%& The defeription. 
Ng Vike Mitesisa Ry Sirona ae Ithath 
ye NYP many h igh: ear thicke and iointed, fome- 
ae Wy 

what brownifh, ‘befet vie = ying 
broad leaues tke “Tarky wheate: atthe 

ote Crear 

Reede sofa a yellowish colo ar. Theleaiele etode 

our. It i ehened wah 
apa ea the ftalkes sul aiagges 
thefeede is ripe,arered, 

%& The place. 
Tcioieth in a fatand moxft grounds groweth in 
Tealy,Spane,and other hotre region 

& The time. 
seme —— kien in 

slliséalled of ibs ecg aie 
met Space Latine pe : a 
O% oil cen ie 


Thema nicer A orowsrticiD eo chris ater] 
“Thefeed of Ti ie Millis lik he coi i¢ f ph fome. 
fen hens angen ith ; dorho ai neds ro 8 ton «fio 197/972 A 5digen 
Of Panik Chip. 56 : 
* : aeieionlie : Ga 

: “i Here be Tundrie f forts oF Panick, althoui ight of the ancients ‘there hath besne f ft Sore b 

4 spa tiat is to fay, a the males ors fielde Panick, and the garden or manured P which 
kinds goon enerate into other forts differin in ftature, albino, gal t ai { 

coer a + hallbe declared, wei ee ite : sede 

"aden Pati or orOcemede. aks 

 RThedeferption. = *s 
coweth vplike Mille whofe ftrawe is knottie or full of iointss the 

Sonar i conteined a white or slow ede, 
es It A poke Seon 
a bevp “neere the roote 
este thle sealers 

aici: oo etae fe ci eee S Saas ~ 


4 Panicum Melnt. : 5 Panicum [ylue$re, 
Germaine Panick. ae Wilde Panick. 

3 * 2.7). * 2 Lonel 28 it, s all 

CR Let : 7 hl I he eare groweth seterptnl, 

not vali blndanPancgtmuchlefer, The graines are coriteined in chaffie feales, re 

4 wilde F Panick groweth vp with long reedenftalks, full ofioints:, fet with long Jeanes like 

thee wtih »0r Indian Panick:the tuft or featherlike top is like-vnto the ecommonreede or orthe — 
die. Bs x 

Wiech ast) pane cata sm fieplarindtonts 

fper bettin Beat diereonsandwitherfe: themoft part with mich wags doth ld 
Tube When ee celica nang 

Be ea ewer: _ % The names, 

anickis called in Greeke 2 he phifitio ameth it Atel Fraga: ick ae 
aie: the TF ar: : Ls Ste fee ee Ey, ae ee Otemeale. 
: he temperature. bees gil 

= Paonia sowie and sedis as Glens ree 
}. 1 7 AAS q + ae Seba} L nee Pe a a . 34° rT < be) om mh he 

dee = a fees " : es 
i ea nomi hii = sive ly see ign ith 


Of Canarie fede, or PetiePanick. (hap.57.' 

1 Phalaris. 2 leet (ata 
Canarie feede. Fae 

fh bani Panaanat i % The deferipton : ia St Sereda [s 

dl heed: 
Fie haigt Canarie graffe after fome,h irié ‘om which arife 
rie talks joinsed like come,herupond dog ore les ie like taka Barly,which 
t doth. ry well refemble.. The owethat the top of 

feeds like thofe of pais TRE a yellow colourand fhining. 
alfe a foote, and fometime higher when 
dipall anes nantes fet with many graffie lea ues like 
= mmon med chtopa bul ot or tuft o Essie suite like thofe of 
: eis be bachastias anon vpon the moft {mall and weakefthairic foote 
talecdatna be whereupon nthofe finall p vee mo aia ant which fimall hai- 
nd fhake, in fuch forethatitis 

4S SN fp ay i eae ee ee j Jentel sig Co al: ick of it 

ere wollil 
i Augult, : 
became ‘i Oe 

= Sri 
Ce a 


Phalivis - inthe lands of Canarie _Ap:% En glifh Canarie feed,C i ’ iC 



oil rave is called in Chethire about Nantwich, Quakers.and Shakers , taking his 
name Phalaris of the tyrant Phalarisas aforefaid. 
he  watiire ana vertues. 
I finde not any thing fet r laris, notwithftanding 
thought to be of the nature of Millet. 
< Thei inice and feed as Galen faith, are rig to be e profitablie drunke againft the paines of the 

A ol ” sh ae ee Phx 

Engl and ot to feed “» seein birds, 

Of Foxetaile. . Chap.58. 

, OF guid pro quo. We vicit in 

Foxe taile. 

% The defeription, 
Oxetailehath many graffie leaues or blades, 
fF rough,and hai ike vnto thofe of Barly,but 
leffer and fhorter.. The ftalkeis likew: fe fof 
and hairie: whtediats adoth growe a {mall {pike 
cel and very downie,briftled with ve very final 
haires ape like vntoa Paewle, whereof it 
pg he isname,which diethat t theapproc of win- 
ie r, and recouer rethi it felfe then next yeere by falling 
his feed. 


The place. 
This kind of paar growerh in my garden, 
i land,and is maintained in D gat- 
dens, for itis a pretie toye for waritons, 

Itfpringeth: vpin Mis the feed that was nee 
tered the yeer re before re, and Sais his — 
his Se Sete 

not been more ore faid 25 the a ancient 
6 later pasrete as touchin ee than is fet 
downe by w which they calle itc4 } 
i glifh Foxeraile, age Sag 
ye “The nesure and-verbies, 
thing e: rthie 

ss rin En. 

* — Ifindnot 
) Heche ofeegasomrarag 

: ni 3 fk oe Of fliers. Gn. 

Obes Teates hathman a rei of thredd rootes, Fabfoote : g 
gi Tees hay noe aes poet gfom athongeft wi lh mae foorth —— 
many imall brapehes like ftrawe of comne:on the end whereof doth 
erating Spe Gromell, 

‘our, whereof! hold i kinde: eueryjofwhich ae pao 
onofehe hole commicthafinallidleox barren chal = 

Prey at hor rier 
MSW 8 CS dolias 


* HISTO? Vistwp betes 

Lachrima Job. Tobs Teates. 

very well, but feldome commeth to ripeneffe s yer 
my felfe had ripe feede thereof in my gurdea the 
fommer being very hot. 

% The t. 
or srltis $fowen carelgs inthe ee or elfe the win. 
ter will ouertake i . chen is it oie toripenefle, 

Diuers haue song it t aie Lithsfpermi_ fpeci- 
es,ot akind of G ne enich the feede doth very 
notably refemble oth notmuch differ from 
Diofcorides his Gronell, vand therefore it mighe 

Arun 1 Litho 
a thatis in Engli lit, ee rom all reede, as Cefie 
faith : itis generally called Lachrima La bya 

ry gtaine refembleth the Prue Teare 

that fallezh from tie ele 

% The nature and ver; 

* "There iso mention made of hiahe tbe for ae 
__ wie of Phificke,Onely in France ang cho plac 
where it is plentifully growing, they be ake 

beades,braclets,and chaines tro we ra with 

— sonia and fuch like 

Of: Buckwheat Chap. Gon 
% The defeription 
Veke Wheate may very well be placed 
des of 

among the kin praine or corne , for 
that oftentimes i in time o of \ conical i is 

cred togither in one ot moe tufts or vmbels, 
hely dafht quer —_ and there with a flo- 
riollighe pone colour. The feedes of 
- I" ‘grains ate of Sead eine blackith colour, 
triangled or three {quare like the feede of 
‘ _., ,blacke Bindeweede, called of the ancient ue: 
ae “Daritts Malacoci if The roote is {nal an 
799 three! © 9 & IKI E 2 30 F 

: ae Na | 4 
fous So geerbeplies . iia S 

ieon eae nu 



ripe it is very common in and aboutthe betes in Chefhire , where they fowe irafwell for 
I othe vie afor efaid. it corpse likewife in Lanca- 

“1 andE Effex, 

1 £. f 1, A: AA 

i % The time. : 
i 1 April and the beginning of Maie Shae is ab in the be- 

ginning a ‘Aogut 
Buckwheat is called of the high pio mes beoveneng: : of the bafe Almaines Buckenweint, 

thati isto fay, Hires hii Goates wheate. Of. fome Fags vi riticwm, Beech w wheate, In Grecke 


UT . 
‘ni zm Jj os, am jd a SR L 1 D,.N2 he , Fae et 
AY 4 > > ns, vneate: 
Sirah Dene an chemeaux. Soa 
a de nat . rw 
DR L bre | ae ee . . 
| i tlic, r Otes ; yet more than either Mill or Pa- 

% The vertues. $y 
1. eR. 1 fea lig {ti * it {peedily Pafleth through the bel- A 

iybus tired tie nourifhment, 

Of Cow wheate. (hap.61. 

Melampyrum album. = be 

White Cow wheate? %& The defcription. 

WA Wis ANON : 
SA Ry AY tay 7 ampyrum gr oweth vprig swith aftraighe 

WZ We Y We, Matz haning other {in mals comming» , 

SON Sey 

a * see of the done are fn datke pur 
UIE 5 ur ;and after ee no a Sie 
of the flowers. 

, i “the ptr ee saint : 
eel spe aims somone vm 


: 2 : Fig EL aes es Po % a 


%& Thetime., 
They flowerin Iune and Iuly, 
: % The names, 
12.4-£f. bee . in Englifh 

h Cowwheate, and Horfe — : 
in Goede verdyurvesy. The fecond is called lyr papas :in, 1 Englith yellow Cow wheate 
The feede of Cow wheate raifeth vp! fines ares hot and drie of nature, vihich ane takeni in 

Of Wilde Cow wheate.  Chap.62. : 

I acta 2g Crateogonon rubruue 
Wilde Co mevelicate. beak VAY oe Re leafed Cow wheae. 
| Ww 
o/ X ise 4 WY, 
B\ oY BY ye a 
a4 \ a 

SEY wy 

yp Se 

— oiohe re 
ithe knoweth not! insha 
gece enc item N 
ceived gh Bg 
UES sec very wetter cal 
a foote or more, wh aa endo: ‘ 
ieee of sence ae ph 0 
 againft the other: ome foorth tw tone ioint, 16: 
ce eee Typeset gs 
: eft a few and then more; by means wherof it is long in flowring * 
which i! Hes aoe feed veflels, wher Bie 

cups or ibroiwiie 
= not differing from he phi Be bere oC ore ts, 

eee PLANTS} Hi 9g 
Red leafed wilde Cow wheate is very lil he fe se poe stalenleste Parrower, 
sche eben hesiret iagged. The ftalks St eee diff! eee. Zp ¢ 
flo wi vers in forine are like the other, buti in colour di iflering 3 ‘e ah at ey: hollow part of t 

pure Rabe floy wet Re Phefeede and rfl. sare 

like the precedent. 
3 Crateogouon E uphrofine. 

ry a Wi is 
a2 * \ 
Eiebri night ov vriscages a 5 

‘Se whe en dice 

3. Thiskir pot wilde: Corwheate Ti iber Ito 
fille hark: fee foorth wader Wied tle oF Odbrtter ess 
others | 
Eiebrighe, “picaule i it sah in as forts rele 
efpecially inhisflowe =A eftalksof ‘ 
fi all. render; eS table to ftahd ups 
ro vgh and fawar « Thels ués are indented-2b 
the “edges, ay pin te a; andin moft Boints% 1e- 
femblingt the for heate :fo that of necef- 
fitic ixmuft be of ihe fant a andnotakinde of 
Eiebrighr, ashath beene : 

nblai ify 

Theft wilde-k cele wheate an rdwe 
ies in nc ipevaioe o b ufhie'copies, or 
lo w WO re ae Barren ahaa 
and ih ke ie aces : 2% 
rit do growe vpon Hak et heach 
ba Bn, —— -the pores buthes, arid 
Biber buthes in a of the efaid heath, 
= if ‘pa ron 8 phd where hae tr 

They flower Saas the eg oF Maywihe 
_ end of Augutt. aa 

Taber Mor ontanus M iin lar wn or Wood Miia sett gr W od | “I pickwe 
2 The fecond hath ae fame titles: in En NS : ake, 5 
Thelaftis called by Taber Montanws, Odont. ors us, Enphrafi heraandh aphyof 

bai I thinke he miftooke it, Hippocrates called the wae Con . Poly 

pe he Fete ad vertues Z 
There is not much . ‘nicivmasitic nature ony vertuesof ea oe on ry: 
that atthe feedes do caufe and hata: as Darnell ¢ F 
Be and giuenin brothor cabs mig at 
ae venerie. ae oe 
_ Some wri oui Li hc pe be Nd 7 Meowss eee 4 SEITE Che C2 

OfW ite eAphodil. Aine = ee 

Of 344: le ay es 2 Thelinds. 

Usted sede 
|s,where Cr. 1 

AL é 

f yellow 

colour, and fome of en notwithftanding Dioféorides eae ee 2 
sephora: yee Plinie {etteth do jowne two, nae ees rte -tha t thereis the ms a 
hie bulbed one, \ 

Glale sas, — 


1 Afphodelus non 7 amofiss. Afphodelws ramofies. 
White Afphodill. ; ~aviled ey 

aoe “a The defeription. 

fae | 2 11. = ae AY ag eG | fh 

iz? i 2 
ii The ftalke is round, fmooth, naked, and paponnl eave two Bat ron es th thed from 
othe middl p Dy peece; the 
colout wh fome daih ftrakes d he back fid fe Wii the flowers be cer- 
- taine {mall Fee ele bchapalt 1 
hard, blacke, and three fquare feeds as are cote orcceebeate or Seaphificre The roote is com- 
many knobbie rootes, frhe P. , fu. lof inice, witha 
¢ sand binding talte, 

1 PRS Mage k Pee a Pe pesmi eesie eat, 1 pes fy: 2 ae 

- che: apes : g out 
- branch at Secs confifteth a aitence 
as oe the teddith @ g pin rootes,ftalke,leafe, 

1e. aC .% L RAY AS A LY: FA ae 5 1 le rire 

R 1 witl y p. ell ; in the | | aie f plants, but none of aie 

knowledge of any fuch, but tell me theyhaue I that fich a one there is, 
andfohate Lalo, I 1 ase neil hears = 
if giue no coal ttomy aithorrhichl for reverence a his aimed forbeare 
4. Theyel ellow Afp ese S e3 

and dledus yellow fptig: " orga ne from oink et Sie seni thickean 

{quarenes: among the which com tae thicke walle, fet with the 

¢ yellow flowers otherwife = 

_ Teaues enento hie saris : vpon the hehdog grow ftar 
the white eabhot. : 
Ss C : : = 3° Afp 

ont tb Lo4 4 + 1 1:3 xt rang - 

(ES Oe EE aA 

3 ae Red Afphodill, 4 Aphodelus luteus. Yellow Afphodill. 
2 | dy 
Wee | 
yee. SS 

Ly Pe pe Re | CALL 
in arh h } 
"a Thesis 
a - £9 17. ¥e1 - Ta bE inning hel, and fo flow. 
ring vpwa 

The t, 

ie scalding ap waa, sims Hoaewe pn in Grebe aoc 
* in Englith Afphodill,not Daffodil ; for Daffodill is Dares is, another pepe Soe om Afpho- 
a writech Jae the ftalke w ithehe oe iscalled Astheri (Cos, andthe oote, that atis to fay, 

- be 

Of this Kishodil zn Hefod maketh mention in his works, wherehe oipina teiamer< not 
how much good there is inthe Mallowandin the, hodill, bicaufe the dveaiiieiheiene 

tobecaren “Yet Galen do thn ST hat | 

sone without v g feething ae 
fach for he feineth ove vel 

er i ‘ov str 
“Tied oAipiinbeonddieaino cide! 

The vertues. astletstocn: hacks 
_,_ After the opini of Diifeinidecandiisteries sof -Afphodill ke vri 
_ the termesieffe yee igtnpet taba 
» One dram thereof taken in 
cares conuulfionsjand the old'coug o all 
~ 4N¢ rootes boiled in dre sof wine he ie fi a lee. ndannatons of or 
Dencsscinae 8 ing > the dus, <C 

ete noe item i ie. 
Pid Lie ino empha ey 


} 25 

E Galen faith,the rootes burrztox oadhes,and mi d ke,helpeth Alopecia, brin: 
geth haire againe that was fallen bys ee ofthat tig 
F Bee weight ofa dram thereo otal drawing togither of fi cramps, 
gs. pd | 
ae a quantitie | in t aa P keth i 3 1h If hthofe tl bitten with any 
us bea ft. en Ae 
+ 5 “The uice of the 1.1 } enlacl y L ; L: nor} h if the face be annointed 
“Of the Kings Speare. Chap.64.. 
1 Aphodelus — minor. 2 oe: delus Lancastria. 
ene ie: Sot Se Albbo dill. 

iW AK Ye an ; 
SS SSS Oe r 
ES i iis mS ww j 
o* Fhe diferipion, t 
le f. x sd 35 ofa a greene, 
blew colour. Seeing eee The flowers scree thereon from 
“themiddle to the top are: 
aft come in’ place e thereof litle rnd heads or feede veffels , wherein the fede is com 
tain ed, Th / Sa fe of the ot 
~~ -vell 5 ey eT l fg Cc L aine ftrings, by ie, Sa | plat itfelfeiseafily ‘ 
peed NEUES eT = j 
A 3: Pe Sa 30 . ith Afpk dil like his laft defcribed, f 
eS a diffe a Ae geth 4; tas « von = ifull greene 
a pertains like tothofe of the Flower de-l Cornel flag, b snot fulla 
— The ftalke is ftraight,a f hi f fixe fmall ‘ 
leaues: inthe middle whe ef canefonhayelw ere ee Theleede ical : 


a ney OE TT ae a “4 
fer in the moorifh grounds there, as lle neere vnto co Mate and siteete two villages not far 

> Pi tT : 
fer oh LieeLk 



pl es, 8 , who brought the plants thereof vnto me for 
the ree <3 ra myer , 

CUT. —— n rl ? ver de 

lated oe ina in his profeffion, as alfo in thek 1 , vnto whom I reftbounden 
ell fort this plant, as alfo other 1 rare and ftrange ‘ise is com efpecially for the plant of 


an foules do make their bread, as fhall be eexprefied more at large, where I ‘thall haue occafion t “a 

en nod Raft Lill aii ee Baw pe 
_ Thetime, 
g if i ben 10t 
onThe tee hetbatits call this se Aphodil “phon: in Latine Aaa of vello 
fius : Of fome it is called HasStula Re f élls 
Aff : 
2 phos ancafhire Afmhadil; Tled in Tati NN An Pe Beare we: a 1 “71 NL3 
Atphandel 1 PL TBS on. yw Medea stad ons te Lapa J ll AGL. Aly # creme 
Jf 4 < 7 Jk f 

or the y 
% The nature and vertues. 
L . ty tone 2 Cel . 

“Eeai : > j 1 r 

Of Onion eA, ipo. Chap. 65. 

Ape buf, Onion Ap 
%& The defiript. 
T: He aos Alo Ba a ond bulbus 
e, with fom 

t Onio! 
dicreaet from the which come ‘pa ye. yee 

8 apie pee ee 

ftem, garnifhed se he top ie many tt: sake 
flowers, white of colour, contiae of fixe little 
aes pointed, with certaine chiues or 

fucceedeth finall knops or heads three fquare, 
wherein lieth the fe zo 

_,_Itgroweth in the sr of 5 herbaits in Lon. 


very. common, ae 
Ie lowrethi in eo and easd fomwhat after, 
%& The 

The ftalke and aha by like to thofe of the 
Afphodill before mentioned, doe fhewe itto 
i [pecs f Afph 



in fhape as in bitterneffe. Notwithftanding faith. Galen , my felfe haue knowen certaine countrie 

: scaled of Dodoneus Ajphodelus famina, and Aiphodelus Bulbofus of Galen Hyacintho-Ajphode 
and Aphodelus Hycinthinus and that rightly 5 for that eas roote is like the Hyacinth and the 
rss like Afphode lus oth kingles , fo likewife doth the 

Te alk d Afph chin 

4 © 
#T he nature. 
The round rooted A A fphodill di » hath the fame temperature and vertue, that 
ay a win N ol 
ne e iT e vertues. t , 
"TT Pp tat 1 s Lot. iT = 3 ; a 1 
g y stor that 
the rooteis is af power tto make thin and open. ; 
Therootes heereof, as Galez writeth 1 ke of the Faculties of fimple medicines, are like in 
vertues to wake Robin or Aton, and Pli kowpintle,and likewife to Drag forefaid, 
% . j me ad cs Be 1 tn bab By Cas 
Bex 2 & 

~~ of the haire in fpots,as poe doth. 

Of Yellow Lillies. Caer 

be as Se ome 

4 4 

Wt eee | Clou Rex ees sulbed Lillies es, we ewil 
ies chapter intreat onely ofanother kind not Babe swhich likewife is of two forts differing 
* principally in their rootess for in flowers ae are fbi than es “ce cosy sparticipating 

I aS bulbfiom : . 2 Lilium non bathafing Fbameeaee 
TheyellowLillie,  .__ : The Da y Lillie. 
— ; : 


t NY: 

Me ‘tg 1103 

>» tos 

Saas OF PLANTS. 91 
e defereption 

Heyellow Lillie hide very oe! flaggie leaves, chamfered or channeled, — in 

eee i tora which rrife thy vpa anaked 0 r bar refta Ike, ocu- 
ms , branched toward the top, I I echan 
Vt L >" et kL: Lilli ‘ 
Mie In 
RIE oS Rid eeer ily-flo fa } ‘ih ee Qe} é . 
its Re 1 Cha 1 sins 1g fe Ul a. decor 

je of —* rire or tuberous clogs, proceeding a one oy a thofe i ire’ eres At 

dillor Peonie. 
~ TheDay Lilly hath ftalks and Ieanes like the former. The flowers be like the white Lillie in 

fl which I omit. But in — 
lic elavielbeniberh fauetinntt ing his bud » which at nooneis full blowen or {pred abro 
4 eeoegenes Daemhs ae ae Vn donghil 
= Ghee Te PS es ae ee ee a CN a 
moneth togither in foule and fainy weather : is the caufe th fee f > 
4] 1 ae ack cde =. V1 1 i c=) 
= = % Theplace. 
Thef> T "W y 2 14 “= 1 gh 1 n 11 igh 2s 3 
1 Pee Gc. 9 4 a .. as 
r > Oo 
* The time. 
Thefe Lill lof { ry Lillies 
% The names. 
TN: ] 1 elie Tees, CT Wie re/izZh AS Yon a) 
Ji bulbofum : in Englith Liri fanci 1 yello Lillie “Thc dldhetbeie a name it He: 
rocallis : for they ha kindes of Hemerocallis, ] wooddie * Plant, a8 witnefleca 
L L ee L 1 ject RE A a Pape | Diiecele Le = 
ps } L 7 8 ia 1 y Pp? io 1 j ° 
pare ghee ~ SR ae if te ee Link “4 andhidderks 
} { aq di qd; is d ‘ { y Hed 1 T). Lillie Or ar ce for rq dav 
ro) Oo é 
‘* The nature. . : 
Th : 1 C. 1 Aves Ton: : fe 
% The vertues. ; \ 
Diofeorides faith, that the roote flamped vith honie, and a mother peffa Je thereof with A 
wooll,and Pa ape! br: peiltedgpplicd tosis and blood 
The lea 7 — Wy Leti. PR 
1 e3 2 * lings oO = 
pace JL 1 L 8 = See if mr. . Ee 3 heed 4 
o j Gets I t=) a 3 Cc 
Of Bulbed Flower deluce. (hap.6 a 
*T The kindes. 
Ti :% | Pe a tae ts th fa ie leaues and tuberous ) te 
knobbie rootes, variyng ve notablie in fundrie reff as, whigh eehamedlftinguithe odin theta 
proper chapters: itrefteth ati in like maner we fet foorth Hae: ogee certaine Bulbofe or 
Onion rooted Flower r_de-luces deratior 
wha ie 1 ci pot & 3 
* > 
* The defcription. 
<; Je-luce hath! r leanes chamfer 6a or ftraked 
on the backe fide, as itwere welted, below fomenhatround, apie it felfe ‘towardthe 
In he bocrcnisof the bollewoetle s madechamerinenei , and amon stile Jeavesios maa 
y wipe LI 

Powe de- es co which ee mt = oe com in a Jong thicke ie coos ol or ee wel 


wherein is contained yellowifh feede of thebigneffe ofa tare or fitch: the roote is rounde like the 

2 " Changeablg Flowerde- lace hath leaues like the eo: but thinner, narrower, ail tha arper 
ointed. T! but leffer s Thefl flower gtoweth at the 
. topyhauin likewifethe f fil ofay, 

andxthree'leffer:the greater leaties Pi racine fet baie fsa: the leffert ftand wpighr, 

Amcieche: middle of the-leates there rifethvp a yellow welt, white bbou ut re iia ts d thas 
dof ed all ouer with a wath of thin blew tending toa watchet colour. : towar the tale = ate 

vprighr, ghey ce mike A i se Ca: pl 
_ very ae yeete and pleafant ant. Th 

Of which kinde or fort there is another ity my garden which I receitied of my b aes x Jame. 
Garr Apothecarie, far more beautifull Ithan the lait defcribed. The which is dafht ou fteed ia: 
g d ye ellow Sige of finell a aes {weet ete, 

o 3 a. 
so OAs resve By a Rees | 

with bulbed rootes like thofeof the other fore. 
4 Itisreported, thatthereisinthe gard 


De: | Be witr Saigo sition sits 

< ee Ee Renee SS Secee Reeiay a sca 7 

? ? 3 
ef , ¢ 

2 Iris lulbofi oe 
re Flower ce 

ee aR Therion gh bao € f= 
3° “The yllow-bulbed Flower ded L raotes ah 1g "7 1 L = $$ 
ork fan y ae sling nob inewo pin gh a te . siyzh Oni. 2 f.L:.4 Si lo appeere 
- 6fateddit next vnto the ground, wh I peer 
efi alte gl ew condor able, 2 


4 indefcription Te iS “ae yf hs f : . pi . } th Ue. ing fi 
the other: oma oly 
Tris bulbofa 4 Iris bulbofa flor 
: Yellow free aed dolar. se Athcolourde sanity de-luce. 

The firkt of ner 4 ae de-luces ene vill or fice im thie corne fields of the 
mat et Highpsee ngewe oa /hence they 
b f 

m nis Mlerianay al obe 

en r Hierébulbuas, ae Could ay ar Balbo face ea 
itp at hs D! sfork dslograine —— — 

were called of os nate : 

fo: ilidos Ob saves] losmsaey oda ST) eo Syst Sine a ee . 
oe Theat bad loa orbs chinds pieces i 
4 oOSi3c i é t i : =: 

3 % The vertues.. rh 
eo of theherbe Hicrobnlbus x lores fuetas much, eof 


pound . 
goute, LOIS GPY ‘ 
B™ Moreouer. if an d fe th her f: ith the deco@i fk mixed a be 
meal, CT “. Ray 1 Pre y a | a Lal J : RQrfa-b Lil PF Bie 
be 7 e 9 » wav Alulles, 

Of Spanifh nth. Chap. 68. 

1 Sifierichtim. 2 Iris Tuberofa. ae 
Spanifh Nut, ch é y 

Veluet flower de-luce. |." 

— FY H ai BS Fe ) 
ie ib BS I york 3 roid ¢ AObHOWL oF ni 108 

ce Spatonresetee 



% The place. j 
rr. y ee n 31,: crt an : . 7 J >. 2 « ye Cc. 
J ah ‘ 2) A “Ad ss 
cic Herbaritts i in Lacon who haue g 
LI 1 
g  Conftantnople, i _ Greece 
Wl ra! 2S TZ. 1. 2. ox Ae 
3. L ey eT eae violins dactylis Ciplis 
by { prett g Hermodattylis, whereas iw stew it ake not 
any femblance at aliwith Hermodactylis. 
5 0 Thetime. 
Le 5 a pl 1) a. | lvl ag | a Ser. L Py we lL Le oe |! 
3 . 
se The names. 
I TL Ee eye I itl ge | re, hs L Cc I”? “XT 
. 5 Oo 
Nozella: the leffer {c Nozella,in th Milencas rh aor itto be a = of 
ye R,, IL | Re, Ry) a ’ al 1 a 
eS poe ra Sa BE SS f Pliny Sifiaric 
2 x) f eluet Flower de tet be ~ trie Hermodactylis: 
"TL es ews 7 Jy W , fein I whi hm be 
gthem fo plaine, which may be 
sige ‘ 
tt ft left Symplift in thefe our d ~conlidecingst doth not agree with the 

true ye ee in any one point. 
# The mature and vertnes. 

PA Ae wa etnies eee sa VW lafe: 
. ly 1 Sr Ly 5 Bay S: ; See at ue Lei Al. ee eo i naije *a 
-2 ns CE | Be I, a $62 115-2 Z - 
t 2 a £ 
Of Corne Flag. Ge 69.23 
2 Gladiolus Italicus. 

“1 Gladiolus atone 
: Tralian corne Flag. 

Fee corne ae 

% Thedefeription. 

To L 1.: Haig. 

I E ¢ > 
2 Cea gee ral Vt TEE Pan age EY Weal 
running tl g y i és 
pointed,of eiiawtachnietny vp: ae 


4 2 o 
Li-k L B 4 1. J 1 
" is a ia LT. Ti. fom es > gaping 
Pee Be ae EY NY os J hd eMedia in r atin Digit. alts - after 
Oo 2 ASML 
there come i 1 knobby feede veffels , fullofchathie feede, verylight, of a browne red 
{t whereof j 

cith colour, The roo te confifteth of two Bulbes, one nit id the other, the v vppermo 
: the lower more greater, but more loofe 

and lithie sebich a latlew ile ~ perifheth 
2 TealianCorne Fla: 2 narrow leaues., with many = or nerlies running through the 
fame :the ftalkei =f ffe a es ch do grow flowers orderly placed ypon one fide-of the 
ftalke,whereas the precedent hath his flowers placed on both the sah of the ftalke , in fhape and 
caldux’ like the former,as are alfo the rootes,but feldome feene one aboue another, asi inthe former, 

3 Gladiolus flore Pallido. 
Pale Corne Flag. 

3 There is athirde fort of ¢ Corne FI. g,whicha 

Lf 3 
that the flowers of this are of a pale colour, as it 
were betweeng white and that which we call aie 
s bluth, 

%& Theplace. 
‘Thefe kinds of Corne Flags growe in medowes, | 

* cesof Italy , as alfoi in the parts of Fraunce borde- 

rin ing ther nto. } 
g RSA SS z T 1 g } : efpe- 
Ti. £ L 1 fs t f 3 
-< their feemely ¢ tots s % 3, 
% e time 
eo They: flower aoe May to othe end of Iuly. 
3 + 
— re Flag is calle din in Geetke Zigov:in Latine 

Gladiolus, and of fome Enfis; of others edzy-vor, and 
rius Cordus calleth Co; ome Flag Victorialis feemina: 
:In ape mg toong © 

¢ ¢ 2 ¢ betweene Gla 
diolus and Vidorialis, {eeing t chgath right Picton 
is i etiactnde Enel y ypon the higheft 
: the Alpith mountaines, which is likewife 
ae Germains Seigiotts: fothat Baie Des calling Glediolus Vitto- 
rialis : notwithf{tanding the Germaines appellations. The fl flowers of Corne Aes, 4 ened the 
Tealians Aéonccuccio : sa Corne ic a Come Gladin: in 


¢ fs of Mm Cc 
ay er atte = C.-L) eGR a DES SAE OE RS is RL: D 
ine vpp > 4S} 4S $i chudren called 
prin ee Bee = OR EER a 
The roote of Cor 
. ee . j pe eho) 
met in Phificke and ee d apr 1 die againtt Strwma, 
Ser rophulas and fucl uch like fwvelings Boas 
ol. QrA Di os Sheed a tll. . . 
or Afflesmilke EF 
* - > 

prefentlie taketh away the paine of the collicke, 
Of Hyacinthes and their kinds. Chap.70. 

% The kindes, 

i be eaten, as Onions, ati Leekes, Pi Ciues; pishioeweags ding Tam fa to entreate of 
thofe Bilbed rootes whofe faire and beautifull flowers haue received grace and ornament in 

J > 

“pf? ° hho bs fhall L Fe He 2 a Gite. FS Wie: 
‘ i 


2 Hyacinthus viet 
Lillie Iacinth. 

I icinchu fia Pichi. 
Starrie Iacinth, 



pond I ground s haas rooteis bulbus or Onifor fathion, 
eget with on fcales orfilines ig 
her is founde snort of this | kinde hich feld hatl i le s.The 

oF spa obit ed like the other. be whitith ftarfathion, tenditrg to blewneffewhi 
-receiue enor rebinasof Patis.: 5 : 

oe ieee y brode | fpread he g nd,til vito thofe of 
gard enLillieb orter. The ftalkes do tift id \'g: vehiedin 
an handfi ull These at the top hereof do g fall blew flowers far rfaion, verie like vnto the 
precedent. IH Wofiny ae 

Tat oo : re AY Chin fl UU. WW cy Hy 

cinths of Pua aie hang rs the moft part three leaues. The ees are of a purple 
blew colour. 

: % zs he lie reg = 
Thefe plants do grow inmany places of G and mountaines , as Fuch/ius an 
Gefuer do teftific. In 1 Bohemia alfo pon ers banks tava are Stil of herbs, In England we rm 
ft % The 
"TT. y g 1, CT. oe: TL i ae 1 > ote | AZ. y 
_\The firft of thefe Hyacinths i is called yet felirw, 9 Stellaris Enchsij , of the ftat-like 
s fle. Vat 
_Thel “1: cif ie SEP EE  S Srs ae Cc A sake ft 
Re 1}. cA 4 oe Fen lif * 7 tT oe BY Cad sph gf, ws 
3 Hyacinthus autumnalis, eS | le autumna, ass 
* “Winter Hyacin’ = Great nee Bo, te 
Settn Od 

ppecta or 

ne OF PLANTS, 99 
e defcription 

3 nieaes Tacint i is the leat of all ioc It hath fi nall narrow graffie leaues aay: shrond 

vpon fet from 
the middle to the top with n many ft mall ftarlike blew flowers, hauing c certaine finall loofé chives in 
the pat: 1h 

eat winter lacint hep i ] 5 {tall dé >not differing 
inany one ete in sR 

The plac 
_ Thefe Autumne Tacints grow notof themehies or F wildedn otic > notwithftanding I haue 



. Thetime. 

Th. a 4 1 ] Fm 

e¥l is 
- The names. 

J ra eefticchilan zIurcsnthee cd, Ie, A Taixt 45.5 T. 
2 TER efor nnd Hyac. oS Se ae PRS A “<3 : tT. 
g 3 
5 Hyaci inthusAnglicus 6 ep ee ei 

Biew eee Hare Bets. e Bae: » White Englith Horesielas 

5 Thebes fies thegtound; sanonp shail tang yp naked or sat catia : mint 
= with er eles; ofa ftrong fweetefinell, fomew. rich 
ee gies ceo Celina fhining ied The roote 
is Bulbus,fal ofa flimys inice, nibs hi ap fe to {et feathers 
a cpa fer seo = a aa aoe 

100 ee ee — sae i ee 
6 TL t: g og 1 L ereofare ’ 

There is found wilde in many place so Pinelands piri ae wvfsicle hath flowers of a faire car- 

nation colour, which maketh a difference from the o 

The blew ee = wilde in woods, CBee, andin the borders of fields euery where 
through England 
yet d yg Colchefter in Effex, inthe 
field | 1s by Southfl vnto Gra’ oa as albina pices of grounde by 
burie called the Clapper, in the fields by B y Warringtonin Lan, 
cafhireand other places, st Thetime,. 
"TL a | 2 } 1 AA: 1 4 fT, 
% The names. 
"Tl CA 2 iT. Ways: 5 L i 7 kL 1 L 
1 C.N  B 1 Ss 1 Sc. J rr. he L < Ls : & os he T ae 
oo ETS See dey Es, ie See ae Baar a pee <- 
~ (oy ? é 

7 Hyacinthus orientalis ceruleys. 
The blew Orientall Iacint. 

es: ake 

"TT ‘Thedeferipton 

8 Hyacivishus. orientalis Polyarthos. 
Double Oriental Iacint, ° 


n 2 

£7 <P ‘Z 

a Z 7 



b GF YQ 



1; ow us 

‘The oriental oriental Iacint hath hol 
ielacanaghetgncterle 0 thofeleaues riledki Spee oe natch) bes without 
oan mS 

and fall ofiuice 

_ Towlike abell, greater than the Enielift facine. 
. lsat iti ws 

thofe that co 
ear for ir mp import) hath = 

fer fr vot the teil is seen 

4 COUC™ 

bo Amgete eee ae Spee ge. 

fthe {tall The roote te 
=) i i 
nat aite saint roe i iuice. 
g eg 3.0%, a ee wh fe fi 4, h 
3 whofe figures are not extant wit 
safvhich te Hi TT Se ho a sai ee . 
ve eo 
are purple co 

wife eee is another called Orientalis albus, differing alfo from the ada in colour of the 
flow vers, 

ereis ag called Hyacinth Brwmalss, ox winter Tacint , it is like the others in fhape, but 
differeth in the time of flow ing. % The place. 

» fome o out of one countre and 
__ Thefe Hinds of I Tacints | ¢ 1 bro al ‘Deyond the tea ya 
é ant 3 p 
: * The time. 
Th a F 9d 1. 2 Pa a CA sr 

° Therei isa aa which Ouéd in the tenth Boke oft his Maan is called Hyacinthns, of the 

epee | EP 

p hen he perifhed as he was play- 
ke he faith th Apollo di d print 

en writting thus, 

coe cruor, qui on fis hur fp fignauerat esha 

Défind ec: yriogue nitentior ostro 
Flos oritur, formamque capit quam Lilja, finon 
Parparens color bis ar gentens gh in itis, 
Ipfe fos gemitus foliis infer ibit eo : 
Flos ha as in uferiptum, fune aque Drie dutta est. 
at is, 
Behold the blood oft him 
Lt. 4; BO GR pe Beet Tr Aw 
And 1 st e a 
“In fhape a li were it not shall rm remaine» 
‘ a il x1 
Although t hat Phebus had the caufe ofthisgreat honor bene 
eth not that aoe cae sand therefore didhewghe pii2 
His fighs s yponthe leaues ther reof sand foin colour bri right ) 919“ OS = 
owt . if-1s ke 1 SE OAR ee ee eee eo 
, NI Ly. AOS tare AY nae 1: yee lj ‘ Ss * 
Pee Be hy leaues ei, hei(mouttning es 2 
b eS fn 7. , 4 fea Let * a b my | 
“Et me Phoebus Bere een ‘femper apud me 
. 9 Adumera fine Lauri cy faaue r, wens Thain, os 
; And me Phebus oles Phebus hath his gifts alwaies with mee’ ‘a 
_..:. Trees Laurell; owers Hyaci nth fo fweeté andred to fee. 
anus in his fecon dEclog ofhis Bucolicks: 
_ Te finemepniferomibilliani¢ra videntur 
efque Rof.e, nec dulce oar at: 
1th, Oc. lia : 

Rofe, G dulee rubens Fy iti. + 
Sephe See ant a a to me 

eam thac whenithe BeltOHiE made eReats a 
i blewnes,which iene gee 

titie, in the fixt ofhis — where he defcribeth Charons ruftie iron coloured bote , and pre- 
fently calleth the fame ble 

Ipfe ratem conto fubicit velifgue mini i 

ae nea Lae hikabes! 4 Santas 

etendt lc J 1 
a exmportines fil af foules i ina tuftic cankered | barge. 
aA d Claudius iteth rt BNE 
a f. Tighe a ¢. 5 ¢ Violets are ofa 
t Bae 

s:Saagainge  plendore rofas vaccinia anigro 
Induitse dulci violas forene ine pingit. 
= trims the rofé with bloudy bri 
And Primetree berries black he aks is 

Andde at the Violet with a fwe 

‘Darke iron colour,which it kes: 
a Bu tlet ‘vs returne to. the ¢ propernames from which we haue yc: het moft of the later Herba. 

; mat in ay fecond I booke of. is 
Corin thiacks, | I 1 i f E ‘ inth ,called of tie Hermoni fettin 
ies doneby th heir feftiv 5 ono f che gee chraaa 

TI he py bay > 34} - EN An I 

women and men Sill ote the nee olemaly leade forth the goddefie with a fately thewes 

Comofindalos, which is the blew or kie col 1 Hyaci inth, | ing tl | 1} f 
ning as aforefaid, 

_ The Hyacinths mentioned i in this cn do lightly clenfe ana binds , drying i in the thirdede- 
g olde in the feco 

* Te vertues. 

A Theroot of Hyacinth boil din wi oppeth the belly,prouoketh vrine, and help- 

B  Thefecdeis ofthe fame verte, andis of greater eee in ae of the laske and bloudy flixe: 
being drunke in wine it icprewaileth Basie - nite fic knes. « 

Cc Theo a opin: ire in beardlefle men, and fuchas haue 

Deaisacattias “ 
Of “faire haired Tacint. a eA i 

| % hee scu | 
I et TY. Cote ten: RR eS hlong pid thy gt cin fide,tr fafhion,as 
= T aah dnes.The ent ies of 
the] ee ae (of 8 ful of dimie nice, which are 
colour: the top of the {pike of a confifteth 
O! aires, whereo' 
fius,or faire haired. The =e is conearoed i final bal Fess afhining blacke colour, 
of flimie inice with 
ie threds,faftened vnto hisbotom 

3 P wl -huiiee can ie The 4 
4 3 £ 4 5 Pm Bey tae we * the h ‘part o ofthem them, which fe = i 

teth foorth the , 

OfiiinieLeseed sn fre fom Conftantinop tefemblin g the fit hairie Iacint a 

SG eee se alee es — elinkeajesootes anions 
asalfoi greater beautie 

eee ne 5 Ayaitl 


HISTORIE OF faba A 103 
1 Hyacinthus comofas, Hyacinthus comofas albus, 
Fair ei ae | ” Whitehaited acint. 

3 Hydcinthus Botryoides c.eruleys. 4 Hyscinthus Siow. WS MALOF 
Blew. Ps ¢ flower. Great a flower, 
MiAn ~COF 

1 EhOTOT Ww 

104 THE exes ° BOOKE' OF ee 
% The defiription. 

3 Thefinall Grape flower hath many long f ke! ili d,hollow 
in the middle like a little ie full of flimie i iuice dike the other Jacints : among which come 

ft g ays as not able to f{tand vp- 

ight, by reafon itis furcl ick heauie fl nfiftin ngo. aig little bottle- 

oO ae o é 

like blew 4 lofely thruft I ither lik bunch of grapes, of aftron finell, et no 
5 ANT Ys 4 CL: Loft, ie la’ 8 " 2 $ ie . 
Se oan ed = Se C..1 

4 The era Gone flower is veric Tike ‘ynto the foal of kinde, The difference confifteth in 

° °o e 
5 Hyacinthus botryoides lag amants. — 6 Hyacinthus hata) lacteus..“ 
Skie coloured Grape flowe Whit ee ¢ flower 

bitch of & 
seek ns schon ite fpors, not 
——s eafi¢to Jems tagger = a 
_ 6 Thewhite G flower gece no ot tess the she coloured Facine,, butin sd Festout of fo: 
wers : for this lacint is of apleafant w yellownefle, ee chollow 
with vhs cel E Serie e reisno difference. 
_  & Theplace, 

. = se The time. Gea 3 
Thee de — =< 


* Thenames. 
TL. me Re ee : L TP. : L At N Tr, ' Cf. 
DF Oe ed 
pull ee . Ts Leia is Cordi, ak, FR A a fT 
pa Aah 1 ‘Sar, S nd or" }: . a Th LK — Lo3 
aU Taree g 
* The nature and vertues. 
Cae dnwn nfrhe ancient orlater writers 1 srg 

er oe are ete ait ynto the other Iacints. 

Of MVM. ufcari,or Mikes Eras, foe. Chap.72 

. Mufeari flauum “9 MufcariClufii. 
Yellow musked Grape digi aa og fh ala st flower, 
cs ee aK 

ihe’ q E } 2 

ning isle : (pha ote way, hollowed 

ate thofe of faire hair ety ee Capita rs 

aie auth » become of adar 
S ose ta thicke 8 fat {tal ae ¢andweake in re- 
eat :fet fiom the middle to th 
Mires > writer fe pall pie +t or little boxe, with 
7, sermon . Tago oF fate wh ereof it tooke the name 
c ‘npr ow iene soe bale $F aes 

fahioagshon fubftance:\ te is ie 

Te scontained d blacke toote is 

toare annexed certaine fat and thicke efhing lie thofe of Dogs 
ufeari or flower, hath larg-and fa tfeanes like the preceder 

thatthefe lean Sa peer reterapies duftie’ soe 


"TL fel 1 j 
p e. 
rhs 4. & The place. 
'Thefe pn] £m }- IBRofoh 1 Afia,and about tt hich but 
tego : 2 vt 
meanes of friends haue been brougl hefe f Se in Hare hem 
{eT he time. 
"TL a + ae L IA ma 


Tipadie are called edger Mufeari, i in ie Th nfcane bi) Cane toong 7 aaa : Sr ur imi, 

| EN POLY i 1 
yk d 

oe The nature et vertues. 

tL 1 | 

AE be tues ‘of face ser. 

f. c 3 
Ii i ot for 

oxi they arekept and wean gardens 
their beautie,for that many ftinking fie sicdomce S inte fc empl chers. But ove nldfeem 

that Adathiolus called chem Vomitor iu, in that they do proctixe vomiting , which of other sisbrors 

hath not beenremembr 

Of Woolly Bulbus. nies 
Bulbsus Eriophorst 
Woolly Iacin. rhe defiri iriptio 
Bulbus plant confifting o: ny/Bulbe: 
which | hai th | pafled currant anon all ou 

late writers. 

of our nati in fundriela 

ny her: 
guages to oa asa Kinde of the Hyaci cinths: 
which in rootes and Jealiesit Goth veric well re 

leaues are broade, thicke, fat, full of iuice, and ofa 
fpiderlike webbe when n they be broken. . Among 

like vnto the ftalke of Squilla ‘ot feaOnion. . And 
from the middle to the top iti is befet round ; about 

~_ -veric like to the flowersof Afphodill, beginning to 


| yj) >sherebysitis) long it 
Ss pate flowers: the learn ed Piao of ss 
eficed slong: to werk 

sheea Nevers Rom lstiaainepls 


eis Bas Seuss ee = This painefull Heib gy | 
Cc tneuer oe = spa Heil arift wot 

ofe flow 
n ate 

Tut re hi ath fallen out to beheer of tee, 

\ lower atthe bottome , and fo vpward by de BrerSs 
before-ithath done flowring: 

re site sar a oe wwherehe diourithed i it Ye 

Shag AR A ee ee te ER CR TA NR A ik ae ee 
aeatiameeiey ibaa 

£9) tae F-fhall bafe pl other of my garden to 
piles the aches oattheend a the ab to stra i time & leaf, as thofe men of fam a 
memorie haue done. Of whofe te but 
kept in gardens to the end afore fide ?, 

. Of two fained pittures. — Chap.74. 

I piles bestia corel 2 Tigridis flos. 
Falfe bu: _ ftela The flower of Tigris. 

occ | 
I TH: t t ie-of he Hyacinthe io 
bus pl lly holden ficlagabd andadulee- : 
Thee eae shes welinghylaneertceh gh genet pleas ; 
whetebave foun dthem drawn & defcribed in our Englifh toong:bue bicaufé finde them in poe is 
y y who fhal comafter, 
16..'1 L j i. I1°..c:: * eee a Bele rately raves oncly 
sar E by others Le eee ee + SRE 
of thefe points, (faith tk then wonderfull, Thele } 
& rootes are like ee . Hyacinths, which gee itto pe place. as Ecce ie 
femble th the Daffodils or Qareiffes. ‘The whole plant con ahs a woollie or flockie matter: — 
which defcription with ——_ was fent-vnto _ Temaybe that 
Bids sete recejue inftre the Indies eof pein Greer 

wheicof Theepbrdftasand doe write'in this en eying. Fhe faweris like he 
‘ti c Gifti “of 5 uk he by ; = eae 
seeders oe pe bi Teak en ihe. 
i shaven ies f Biieoleie| intel ‘later tithe 5 
epasicuaal theese 


‘fained ppeeate likewifes, ithftanding y j fas it hath conie 
tomvh and s. T pee 1 aes & 22 Batt rip, ee Lathi a Hl pin, 2 pee Cc r9 
3 y I 2the 
which fpring vp long leaues sharpe poised narrow, and ofa frefh g lour: in the middeft of 
whi ch leaues rife vp! naked or bare {ta lkes : p wi fg ha pleafant yellow flower,ftai- 
qf. fet J b. - y, 

’ l fufedly And in the middeft of the 

val Pr rire PSS, | } nil Seam eho ear 1 Care [ pa pees Bee, 
1 sy } J } — } L Pay 7 we J S 1l i plas | a) ir ay, 

3 on 

foe: } aT; 3]. 3 r Pm | L heat ee ae hie m i pay os iT 
is pe ae A 4 1 De bet. 

? Oo Oo oe of 

Of Daffodils. Chap. 7 | . 

* The kindes. ee 
Ye pe 

Affo dill llor Naret iffits BY TLed 
Dees: one ue: in the Be a purple “circle ot coronet: the other witha at ae cuppec Ge. 
cle or coronet. Since whofe time there hath been fundry others defcribed, as fhall be fet 
foorthé in ‘hik proper place 

1 Nareiffus medio purpurens. 2 Nareiffius medio purpureus precox, 
Pere circled Daffodill., Tim <Gpaplarge Daffodil, 


meee OF neaiedosiwen 109 

£. 41. 
2 ‘The fcondhinge of D ffodill illag hwith the i “ Spec witl ee ; 
a oe 5 ° ech reel 1. be > 
: to) t=) Pe) P sand 
is is fomewhat lefler, ; 
% The de feription. 
"TL ) Mae ee TY eT ad bl. 1 . éc2%8 ? dak d ke 
ee Louel i: os ot SN eA 
leaues, ES flat, y g je top: g which ri 
faire and pleafant f ‘iecbed, aids ant 

4 The a of thet ea Dafa is ri vato the Taft before defcribed > but leffer, and doth 

3 Narciffias medio purpureus pr acocior. 4 Narciffies medio purpureus rated 
More wi Die xinged Daffodill. ‘The very haftie flowring Dati bo 

5 fg ot ORE G Hh. TL ri oe és full of iuice:a the which 

g h many mon vifeth a 
skal Seeeen tops rh Pe h a faire white A h nidd ee 
cir RC e: pi is RS ores — os 
6 eho rae * tobi in Apelland Ms vs 1m, ot : a : 

inoue countrey Gaate se pocali knowne euery ery where. It hath long fatand thickeleaues, fullofa 
1¢ 1uice: among which rifeth vp a bare thicke ale, hollow within and fullofiuice. The flower - 

Sarg ae > Of a yellowith white colour, w ithaye ellow crowne or circle in the middle : and 

oan month of Aprill;and fomeime s fooner. The roote is Bulbus fathion, 


5 Narciffius minor ferotinus, 6 Narciffasmediolutens. 
The late flowring finall Daffodill. Primrofe peerles, or th 

8 2. is Pifems 
Iral; Saill, 

mmpgetcsd OF PLANTS.) 111 

7. The feudiitl Daffodil hath mance ee rahe lx leaves; fa andl ofi iuice hollow and =the 

Leoll d sl, at C. Vo od Lia. a ed 
6 Laat Pe TREE Ee: soma oF Sain ce?- a =”) ei 
4 “e ? ci 3 
wherein cipal — the difference. LAWN Raye if 
8 The Iraliat 1 Daffodil el, 3.2 A. Vw: ay ies mis a8 } 

knowne one oR aha is impolible Their flowers, ] d lil , faving that the 
flowers of thisare fweeter and mo in number. 
9 Narciffies albus Polyathos. 10 Af totus albus. 

The double white Daffodillof Conftantinople. . ; maiee w te Daffodil, 

9 The double white Daffodill of edthene in 
ple t into etait ght Hono- 
ibe the Lord T: Treafurer, among other bulbed flowers : sh ‘ootes when pas ere ssiiccae 
our Lo: don gardens,did bring foorth beautifull flowers. v 3V hiteand double with fome yellow- 
a prio Ee mare ; ie and fveéte in fm Tne that time we neuer could 
inauttrie uTIN voto 1 
al difcharged of that birth or Bada which th ete he po arian Ee 
nding that matter, (oile or climate ager ke : fees euer fince barren and fruit 
cn Bane eect by experience that thofe plants which in Autumne did fhoote ee 
ring f eo and the others that appeered not vntill the {prin ting, did flourith& 
The fialks, leaues and rootes are “pe vato the other kinds ot Datiail, Ieis cal 

cat pals die very likeas well in ftalks as other r parts of the aap gee 
for pad: affodils, Ir ———— die owes hich ery db and hi as ither, 

112 THE FIRST we ake sabe: itn 

as are the flowers of our double Primrofe, having fewe chiues of 
bine fa origh | * J : ne TI £ 7 pe | 
e Lies Dyadl dl ace, } f. } ite LDafinddl: nr Dennen 
1 i a f }. 1 fal i } lL = Si ghee 
b) 2 3 ° i é as 

12 Narei reat acyl fein, 
Late fowring Ruth ns 

he defeription. 
Ae: I spe euih Daffodil hath ide sito wand ie Ruth. {mooth and flexible,almoft round 
Ie fpri ngeth vp in in the ape ee be of 

tis . ‘hi 4 Yeah « o 
2 PA J 
1, fl 
1 1 abe: 
qa AS 
ate > s ad 
Ze The Pes Ve ; Cc. nt Cc. sige 
3 7 
fa fa asthe Salfron ower h: vpot 3 PERT Sa) dekags beale ry | YW 

of fixe {mall leas of which Be ne inner moftare narrower than eo 
out fide. ee bok the flo erdoth grow foortha | long ftile or poincell , fer about a a 
fall chiues or thre 

a bebe et Ge hae Goce th,and thining The r spec | Bulbed, oe ou reco 
1 on the out fide, and Mae with fome thred ¢ lower par 
Autumne Dat h foorth long eae igen leaues , of ee greene 
our: amor *h rifeth vpa Fore ale aring,at the top one flower and nomore, refem- 
bling the flowers ofmead common Saffron, confifting of fixe leaues,of a bright thin 
biker sitthe middle wheteofitand fix threads orchiues, and alfo os peisllorclappes? 
: likewife. The rote is thicke and a eased ynto the precedent. 
33 aarefila 

14 The n 
_ colour: among which | 

om tote nl fol a yar aes Dated 

I " 7X arej iffies BREN minor. : : 
Small winter Daffodill. be ri 
I a Small winter “Da odill hath a bulbus roote, 
ch like vnto the Toote ofrufh Daffodill but! le 

out cles, onthe top whereof groweth afcall 
white ee with a yellow w circle in the middle, 

fwei infivell, fmething ftuffin: ing chead , as 

iiscts ae other oe dils. 

The place. 
The Dall with purple coron 
- wilde in 



Butitisnot greatiye to = mies — to fecke out their places of Siig: aa — 
that we haue th 

mall,an f 
white Daffodil stone w. ‘ld in nfields an fides = woodesi in the weft parts of England. 


ly be n in CTiskk . 1 3 
f pring, 8 2) g the end 
of Apa 
] ~ Ty. £0. 33% de | c¢ L 1f\a.-1 
% The names. 

AMRL L 7 1 P tod c. 1 1 Saw Lh P| ees 1 “ol L 1 Ty ° 
33:7: ne j: ay | Wy 1 4) as . £, ie PEs? Sap, 
g f IPE 5as alfothe 

caule why theyat are f fo cle 
scalled in tk 

Turkith ees Zaremeada Per fiana, and Za- 

e”emcatta, as for the Tio part all other fortes of Heer are. Notwithftanding the double 

somes Daffo dill, they name Gin catamer lale: which name a generally giue vnto all double 

baa TY. A | 1 WY 1 1 WN J. 2, 

chalice,and Dewe bohini,which is to fay, Camels necke,or a fay Padingwihiee find 
fae slong thankes,vrgingit from the long necke of the fo 
ruth Daffodillis ¢ wins — a of the fimiliuce the leaues haue with rufhes: of 

: Diserde des Bulbus vomitoriws,o ting Bulbe. 
Generally all the kindes a are He compre vnder d this name mari ius called of the qos 
vaprloees cifte Jan pee 
rofe peereleffe. : 
I ~~ th Jy ak J. lhe nT “mm th +. Poe Sep, 
num the finewes , fineffe or I inefle > and therefore Sophocl: i t 
ea and of the peer Pe ides bicaufe they th departed and Julled with d = iol 

oorthily k be: crowned with ha dulling flower, 

L TL 1 

fhi gierehe: 
fae where he defcribeth the transformation “. the fate boie Nanhe intoa rit of “ owne 

e, faying : 
‘u[quam cor pus erat .croceum Pe Serpere ‘ate 
_Anueniunt foliis medivon cingent : ¢ 
‘ag a oo. “1 e ry 1 : 
ia a ats 1.6 a igeete mee aay te gi Sg Por) Seat 
Wes ieetie cane of the name Narr ciffis, hich in Greeke is 
of the fith Torpedo sates ees vapin, eis benu mmeth the hands of them 

to the Narciffes whofe seg egs * drowfine 

eC Hature. 
“ye a 

%& The: vertues. 

C5 7 1h. Fo bee 2a | : 72, rire A! chant they con- 
g aed Jj 3 ey SEY 2 soicel orcr c. 
Jons. They I If besos ae ae i Ai rani a 
Mm. ROS me Ee 7 I; 7 plaifterwife,help sedpmsigt are bay 
Meare rogither finewes that ate cutin funder. 
Cc ; eee ~. Bs Lt a L L J f pe 
- The fame : ae ~ai L rp J . ag » Aes 1. fF 1 ae | bps ff pecitl 

see ek Spe i oa ome eee 

oftume: es snhichatenot ell oe enefle 
’ re “ee i ic drawet forth thornes and {tubs out of 


tag ee - pes ion hard 

a "thattouch him as bein g hurefull to the finewes, sxibenging dijaeti ty pee beatrhich Soyer 2 

irascete Wiel Aah et EE s j z Gel < slic 
~The = L yb 7 1 i 3 iB, ¢g | ee } re TI 

Of the baftard Daffodils. Chap. 76. 21 

0b luteris multiplex s 13 2 Peudonarci{fies' Anglicus > Hi eoates A 
Bote i I, z vihbonat Com mmon Saesie Oog me ve 

i aA Zi : 
 &Thedefription, jester, apt hoch 
He double yellow Daffodil hath fi | 

oli darke oes os 
mong w hb rifeth vp a naked ae ftalke , of two hands hi 
ads double 

aire ow flower , as is the Mari i E> “of a rahe pis 
ea fheadeth his flower, but there A vaaths no feed at all, asit : other 

fs boem ch fir alle re 2 oe : 
2 common yellow Daffodilly ot ea lier Sc i it seething ge 
ate T nkinde, — jeu 
gone weth in Spaine. : very lik Fy ere d vron 
alter ,ereater,and lafteth a : flower doth fall or fade. a 
= : i er 
e donk, CANT Cg of Paris, ee Fe jy} = 
— ers Acid other itgrow ar Fraunce. : : : | 
_ The yellow Englith D gi ery-where through England. The ellow S 
nith Daffodill d rth Lil ena Sa g T — ae eT y in ale i oe ah 

_ . 3 - + 7 . ~ < 
2) Ack he danbl- Tso ee ot es ee er Pa pa adhe. ie ae :s a 

116. Tua! FIRST err O'F ee 

St eT hen wares: 
The eiscalled f feudonarciffi iffics luteus P. by hos sin Englith, the'dou. 
ble we shes pelts: j 
ct are ecalledi in Dutch se Sirioncin Sbewets in Eoglitl yellowe Daffodill, 
Data nial Daffodowndilly. 
‘ Sig Are 
* %& The veriues. 
a bere i * L=> J 1 . CL. Cel 1 yi Ses hat 
des. Be a8" ee RT Pe ee s\of thisy YW Daffodilly,d h purg xe by CG gmatik pehae 
lfo | full ee ay if there be ad. 
ded tere a little “at ay pinget » > which will = the churlith hardneffe of the 
king. bill 1 LT ff i3ts 3 1. lL Ved C.1 A 1 k 7. J j LIL a em 
2 eR | WES Pe Dea ae ROY A a ibs a:¢ ge 
and a diligent fearcher of , Mafter Nicholas Poot 7, fomtimes of Kings clldgein Cae 

Of Ful; ipa or the Dalmatiante cap. Chip qa. 

1 Tulipa Bononienfis. 2 Tuli Narbonenfis. = 
Teale Tulipa eon Fiench rt 

: : ae Nat raabin, one ofe-hiahbecok the bulbed 

flowers,whereof there be findrie forts »fome greater, foe leffer 5 with which all ftudious and 
; defire to be betterac sbicaufe of that excellent diuerfitie of moft 
brave flowers which i it bees, ain there be two chiefe and generallkindes, videl. — 


and Serotina, the one doth beare his flowers timely , the other later: to thefe two, we will adde a 

thitd forecalled Media, flowring between both the others, “Aad from thefe chee forts yas from 
otwithfta adi ingm 

ndleéea Site Apothecaric i in A 

— freind Mafter Lames Garr 
n, hath vndertaken to findeo out iff it were Pai Ae nee forts by diligent ithe of their 

ya RE £ : hae; by: : 1 + Ch: 7 
Tpit bh: a ] rare . 3 Hic, 
for that each new ) Ing: } ] Lat ( Push take 
1; er Pe eee A ray 1 ne tar _ 
2 by >) 
Pe Loe,d C. ih G £. ‘ } fe. c sc * . a 
f 3 f Fulpaaparticularvolume. 
cane et aie 
© Tul; oa of Bolonia hath fat, Thicke ! ee Pa EN BR Wien cs 
2 Ez 3 sz baat 9 
emai >a little backward,& g hiclrat their firft comi 
to beofa reddifhicolour dbeing tl hl Peapod 
Cc i Poe a ge ee ee ra 7 oF age 
deth one ortwo yellow flowers , fometi ore.contit Tecate ea O° pairs 

like t toa deepe wide open cup, narrow aboue, and wide in the bottome. After i it hath = fome 


cap,called Tulipan, Tolepan, Turban, and Tur fan, whereof it tooke hi . The chiues or threads 
in the middle a “d y W L —— LI ‘ive! 7. 
4 : x; = 2 ae LS [ ly 
fonable pl ger ia his ici 1e ae r 
el ae all. Te vin fat, {mooth sng sane oS a ‘rift fubftance. The roote is Bulbofe, = 
nof Saint Thom 
"The French Ti ralacgreesivh d , exceptin the blacke k vhich this hath in 
3 Tul: ipa precox totalutes. 3 Tulipac. ; 
Timely pay? ? Late fom fot 


% The defeription. 
3 “Theyellow Tu h imely,hath thick bg leaues, ful of iuice, long, hollow 
yellow fi fifting of fixe fnall leaues without fi "fhe roote is Bulbus orlike an Onion, ~ 
4 [The fourch kinde of Tl li hat 4 hl hath leaues, fta lkes 
£. 1 1 } 1 Ll j pee | he pre 
st lik } J: Pxicacthe de a or eee kL: ne ed. The 
mi be ate 7 3 ie Ae RS pre 3s 
i - ? > D o 
5 Twlipa media lancuinea albis oris. 6 Twlipa 2 Candida fuane rubentibus ovis, 
Apple bloome Tulipa, Bluth coloured Tulipa. 

 Thefife fort of T alipawhichi is ncierof dente a nor He stitieer poise are 

eh Beers foorth his moft beautifull dowres betweetteboth. I a the laft difcribed 
eae candela, dc boxe edb = in flowers, Thea wer confifteth of fixe finall 
leaues ioined togither at th middle of which =. ae : 
The whole @ Ge £ & Fe. . 1 L a SBS Pr 1 
6 _ The fixt hath} es, foo! Be tae S| 1 
point. The flowers heereof are oh ake about the brims or cigs oa aredor ah colour. The 
sabddipeiaee is {tripped confufedly with the fame mixture wher he difference, 

ce sr Clufius sare fix forth inh his Pannonicke hiftor 3 Lip e of f Tulips , that beareth 
3 brise'tea Rowers biecheas witha h ae eae 
colour: of hich for i eh fome to haue line fowek, ageing , with t ea se 

EE ae AT 


ipa bulbife. 
ofe ftal ad T lies, 

ies the ftalke , contrarie to all the other kindes of 
Tuli a. 
8 L “Obelinsi in his learned obferuations hath fet 

ani ca, OF the Turkie 7; ulipa, faying itis theleaft of 
the {i nal kinds OE dwarfe Tulipaes, whofe How eris of 


mg with the others i in roote, leafe and ftalke 
He hath likewife fet foo ins Boies his duweris 
fike the Lillie i in proportion , but i in colout of afine 
To, We may alts behold another fort : altogith er 

of the ae eclled Amethift, not vnlike to the flow- 
s of P 

I “We ad elikewife another + cae 
eee much defited of all, with white flowers dafhto 
athe backfide, with alight wath of wai ithe et Peabo 

12 ere is another alfo in our London gardens of 

*\ tafiiow white colour :’ the edges cigh ea wafht ouer 

; we alittle of eed me call bluth co = 
¢ haue, another ‘ad the our fauing that 

bis flower is ofa flow colour, 

Thete is another to Be feene with a flow 
os with ftrakes of red and ye x scleaing s a 
flambe of fire; a te we haue called it Flam- 
There be likewife fo He more differing fo notabl ] Itho 
ftalke and spores forthe moft part one like Shea thatas I tae seer to a ot ee feue- 
rally, w ea peculiar volume, 
There bear teater than ther et, hich i bh 
roade , nd then ates folded i in the . in ee middle whereof doth ri 2 
ftalkea tesa ae on whi = oa _ =" pes one pA : pe con- 

neime 0 ligh tpurple, an ane atiaty times red : Heres 
i here is no: | a forth he edg i ae and oftent imes then nailesor — 
times rho doth run all csof tela! fome other colours. They haue no fell arall which can 
- be perc ed. The root e aré likewife bulbed or t Onion etoe: Euery of the which feueral 
hk fo tharit fhall fuftice what hath béen 

flideas as en the defcription of Tulipaes. 
% The place. 
Talia govt wild in Thracia, Cappadocia“ Tales in Bizantia 2 Sboir ee at Tri 
polis and likewife Matter 
Gartha a se seen, and Matter James Garret a alfo f Ke veil it gardens 

% Thesime. 

They @ fey ps ey a, eh 

.. L ough : 
*“Angerius Bu ee tiouiney « to ‘Cont inople, fawe betweene Hadriano is and Con- 
fantnope, great abundanc gaat hen enya 1386 

hof oflanvaieghich that wa warme arene, cary 




- bwil ti 
the Dalmatian €ap called 

-+, The lg lari: Bevis iftes by a Turkifl 

be es pe WibhcOFe werwheti itis apes feemeth to re spr refen 
nglith te ihe Turkith name Tulipa , or it RD be called Dinars ie the 
ee Ee ah ha name the old writers ¢: 
be masi, ifit were a Bulbe that might thee 
tus recht it raiiohgthed Bulb esth lat may.beeaten 

milke is crudded | be Satyriumwhicl 1 Ery 
wah ite 4 one ine hath‘ared flowet, or tities cettaine kinde of ‘Satyrium, with ‘which 
ria it doth agree orno, and how far, we leaue to thofe that will more = Spoke confi der of i it 

by the deGtocion of the Satyriens: in the T: 

Turban - Turfanof the Turkes aed. fo called,as’ aforefaid = 7 Lobelia. 

bord ; 
2 or ee 1 aS we 

I d iti hert Hefjchins faith wht 

hro i1- 

ee pis eS asad vertHe. : 
TI I th oct } AG 2 > pit omg or Te : Bo tae. ey, se oe: 
OnBuee socks Gillof owers ~ Chap. 78. 
<= phe | The Kinides. 

baat An ta ft. 4 ee, A 11.8 8.2 

ler “ae cone ee name iver of fundrie writers to this day; of Viola TI heophrafti , : 
+ Pha his Violet. But wehaue obferued three forts, 3 whereof fome bring foorth man 

2 Lencoium Bulbofum ferctinum, . 

1 Lencoinm Bulbofum pr acox. 
Late eee Bulbus violet, 

a ie Bulbus violet, 

Catarina ce te 
sa Gre ar ae 


Perper: WD y9 si Pr > QO. 
1] He fit o thefe Built iol I Twithr t o {mall leaues, 
0 Sagand ce yee ouerworne sence a among thei nec vp afmal 
4| and, tender ftalke, of twohaids high; at th whereof commeth foorth of a 

+t skannte hood, a {mal white E Blosiss of the bignelt ae a a violet,compact of fixe leaues, 
r= = thie bi igget and three! effer 
lea I ttippe d with greeneas the others be. The 
whole fewer ‘bangte downe skis tag byr see of i we foote ftalke whereoni itgrow eth. The 
te isfinall whiteand bulb 

2 > The fecond fort ‘rBulbed vic narrow leaues like thofe of the leks t bu fle gard fi oe ; 

ther,uot ynlike to the léaties of a8: baftard Daffodill. The a = a ii 
high, whereupon do¢ ane Fie miiudleepthe fon tipped wi a: epee eh init 
{mall chiues orthreeds i palemptte flower. The ae Fd nail yo tqund buttons, 
¢ roote is white and B alos q 
3 Lenco, oie bulbofim maius. ¥ 
_ (The era ulbed aay. | sill iption 

The great Bulbed violet is like vnto 5 the fe 

onely, but fine or fi ixe , b, lowin ng one 
after another,altog: itherlike ao other flowers i in 
‘forme and bign i, 

; ee Pap ae ¥ do ia “eat in ate and the 
places our London 
ede “hae pene potion “ Sheri all,many 
ict gitan in dp bepinningiof Tanua- 
. rie: a fecond in — and the laft in 
The firftis calle Roe z oe ** rathea: Sek ibe 

called it Lesconar ci 

mal sicipate of three fundry plants, that 
teof. Natcifli, ea Lilly; 

=: 6iffo OF the Lie s 
of Narciffies yan 

Violet,or : PN, ASS Rie Rm 

a i perly, confi natsies ese! it doth io sve pa 
3 di@jthe 

“ adsheyinte olour urof thé Stocke gilloflowers 

JL $38 orth Dp Ib Wy v Gil ‘ * 

ho Se fcribed, domore refemble the flowers of ft ocen les 

Ower®r: chn ve Tel ees L 1 fi g 
Site ee mil Aignifcation,yetisie gene 

ouchin hee ° 
. nothings ie do sie agate Gilloflowers me nothin; etoispeitogtia 
econ © } lS tise "Sa 
ry Se A ame aie ly : on >and fweetenes of 
x : ania . 

* 29 ft = or 

aforelaid: in "Eagli we may callit the Buleole = 
d : ‘ 

vv & viele Bulbofiy pr baie oles : L’Obelius See ee 



QE okies or acid need Chap. DD a sar ly 

‘2  Prittillaria'variegata. 

ire | i 
” Checkered Daffodil oe igen checkered Daf 

ad 2 



ee eo =a akan ce 
1° He checkered Daffodillor Ginny hen himal graffie le gwhich 
- fl sifeth vp.a ftalkeof three hands high, I yA and fomtimes 
ook i Bl senedbeehiagxdi of fixe fmallleaues , Selo moft ftrangely : wherein nature or 

} ther ¢! hings) 
the curieft painting that Arc can fet down-One fquare is of a greenifh igleyas ate other purple, 
ree tsi eeccckintn incthe 2 flower as on pes although they are blac- 

- kifh inne (quare, afe feem eth rb ethe fea 
" rofa Gin 1 . 1 ro Lent: 1 i : 
2 TL fec nd ki J o4 1 r ITV. 3 hal Lpopic n ri ndagaar 
Ahath his flower dafht ouer with a light purplejand is fomwhat gteater th — wherein cor- 
"TL ae FS IL “C1 ‘7 . Se . 1 eas L fs 
Fraunce, fromwhence theyhaue been brought into the moft arts of pe Se er ee 
it sd ete they, 
So rey. 
%& The time. ratios ELT? 
M d FApri The feedeis ripe in Iune. 

ae The 

enol ee 

The: hn: L a © bb Pop poke ag > fT. J: 

essai fib varie 
gat I illi d cl lps ithathb called Fritt. ttilla- 
ria, of o vale of boord | vpon | which men plaice at chile which Be checkers the flower 
1 Fritts f there is no certain- 

tie, f oF Marsalis feomeshincal Fritsillus, sail or the tables whereat men plaie with dice, in 
his firft booke pigrams written to Gall, 

Ta —— 18. ss gt sitet 

cl, renocati 

Et blando make proditns aie 
Arcana modo ra, pimek pp nd 

AEaddli aleat 
Now fad the boye,, hauing his nuts forfaken ; 
Of clamorous mafter called i vpon a maine, 

And lately from the p priuie kitchen taken. 
»» Being a drunke seeplaists 
I Jorha: aske to be furuciou 

ff: h fe} Bp F pas | 1 ITyY.f,A0j11 
Sow Mine? ui eS se The temperature and vertues. : : 
hes 1 n wi eS vies Cc is A Po eee eee pee Cielo i esa hi 
2 greatly > 
Of Saffron. Chap.80. ey 
I Crocus fine flore. 2 Crocus florens 

Saffron without flower. ~~?» Saffron in oederer! 


The de feription. 
Aa dap Thaue expreffed two pictures of Saffrons as you fee,yetare youto vnderftand that 
L b Fa Bey | Col t hiszh P| Le let 

f 3 J 
by 2 ee row eas | Lash belt i Ce j ] 

g y in September, 

AERIS tes b RSSy + | r Rr} 

and his long {mall gr {I e 
which to sate cho tit congenient to fet downe two ric eee you with this deferi cripti- 
on,videl, The roote is fmnall, round and Bulbus. The flower confifteth of fixe final! blew leaues ten- 
ding to purple, having in the middle many final yellow firings or oe among which are two 
aftto ong finell when they be 
dried, which doth ftuffe and crouble the head. ‘The firft picture feceeth foorth the plant when it 


The plac 
Common,or the beft knowne Saffron oes ply in Cig Saffron Walden 
and other places thereabout,as corne in = field 


Saffron al f 5 F ly fi fp i SVE he |! ec ie 

gteene all the winter ne 
#T. he nates 
is calledi des in L i Zaffaran : in Spanith Acaffon: 
in Pali Safon: in oe Arabicke toong Zahafaran. sai that are difpotedeo diffemble and ieft 
with their 
ofa Damiel whereof Owid maketh ae which to reci te were “impertinent to our hiftorie, 
Thet temperature. 

Cc m- ‘. re} } s Be Sees J. 1 bP | 
dhacejrdemigeek as herbes which are hot in the fecond d gree,and drie in the firft 
as Galen faith. 

& The vertites. 
= Sadldinck fret ear ced ch, full to the brai I Joeb 
pings now an , but uch vfin ng of it: fortoo AE YE t cutteth off fleepe, 

through want senhéreat the he sicfence are out of frame. - Bu t the moderate vfe of i iti is ay for 
Bax aay bs : the fences morequicke and liuely, Z 

$. tt | j 1 PAR haft Jvehe 

__— lungs,and remooueth Cessats or ftoppin ings. 
Sark, tis alfo fuch a fpeciall remedic fort thofe that haue ei of | the as and are , as ba 

3 saat 

* a reese daies , if oe = rs Fi ” For ie 

As oe 

ueth away deal ofk wer which de SS aad inden Gnect: 
Diofeorides teac —- ae a aS in the fame fort, itis alfo good 1 dgainft a a furfet. 

which bring d It prouoketh vrine,ftiereth flefhly luft, 
and is viedin Counts & ii for eee matrix rand fandament, &alfoin loa and feare- 
: cloths “ere SS old fw uealfoi I 

EF Ieis aovid golf into compofitions forinfirmities of the ea 

oe dife. a 
o _ oO dl 
k man well coloured Spiepir ken alike tik 
Che: “4  s Antt G. ally 

anointed with the fame « diffolued i in milke orfenell, or Fok water, are eae 


Se ee ee a a ee 

. An eas 


Py a ke 

ance eieoaa eid slahieiiadeos " tes 

r Pe’ }. 33); 

inft, "The cnn called crams Oe ocenn., so er with divers keane emplai-’ 
ftersandieké Quaries,ganriot be well made withoutthis Sa 
The waight of tengraines of al thekernels of Walnut iis ounces ii.3. Mithridae I 

one iowteees afewe fage leaues, ftamped q 
o Pp eg re > oes 1 
andima ‘oa mafle or lum lupe font a gla y san g g 


»Ofzald Saffron. op gi 
rss ees 4 _%& The kindes. - ee sie abso 

5 allo in the 
fig fhall be fet foorth vnto you. Ther eft hall 

Ssise ves "eu nature, hath. ak fo iain: and copious SPSBRENES 
thefe Pa Hote many other. 

oA I, Crocas vermis: © ER = . 2 CLOCUs VEMUS MIRO. > 9 | 
ty ato eter. iy 24201 ¥ Small all wilde Sea, beset 

ue enous 
aes fmellof 

126 eins nseatel BOOKE OF! a 

2 f. er ;tootes, 3, and flowers, is lik i 1 5 but altogi. 
SRS oe mem 1 o 
> tk ar 
3. We hane likewife i Lond d ilicelnes , lke vnto — wilde Ssitooni 
: Gt. 3 z 1 1 La ix! — 24+ fh 
ee aa: Sie ane orasert Siig age ft pe we eae sehOr 
i Herbarift her i lifferin & fr t I 5 fauing that this 

4 "TL S38 & 
; ath rs se contratic to all thereft. 

Louers of plants haue gotten into their tgardens, one fortheereof with purple. or violet colou. 
ba Renae in other on like = the 0 ther 

6 ee eda at ye 3 Here 1" 1 
mon S- Saffron,t thofe chi hict 1d rl } {mel] eafke sharihc coe 
i Saffron h As BORD neers: y 
7 Sel gurraniins brs it. Cath epors kh: ral y dec 8 tie hig yt 
soManh fe 
Many forts there are in out eines befides ehote before ipeciid, ‘whieh ‘ong needles to 
entreat OF, te their vfe is not great. 
aes %& Theplace. 
Al}.L nw hy, Ce. 3 = “4 T J Tk .£ 
; Me ib: io t ss 2 1 oe p: Roymwny 
eas do gtow Pp Sey* — ag th say le caer bane 

notable learned Hesbarit Carolus Clufias, out oft whofe peat and partly = feeing themin 

_ That uo plane that brin geth foorth yellow flowers, was fent yntome from Robinus of Par 

oe The time. 
TL ; a meee Y n f ime 8 } f+} i f 1, which 
flowrethin September. % The names. ‘ 
__ Allthefe Saffron f Po ble, A +} re } yt ly faid 1 i fol res, or wilde 
} > . C.F, 4 net 
heocdh oP _#The ——— vertites. 
ord e fac Fat oa AE 4 Ty } 1 b} 5] ha Ae : 
shen Phe. gee 
Of. Wile = ies CBipies 82. 
oo % The kinde 
»—q~ Here be fundrie forts of medowe Saffrons difxing very notably as wellin the colour of 
their flowers,asalfo in ft from whence = had theirbeing as fhall be 
declared, * iz he defeription. 
IX  Edow Saffron hath ch tely forth of the ground, long, 
¥Y i brode,fmooth,fat, much like to the leaues of the a Lillie in forme and finoothnefle 
~~ in the middle wh tin 
nut, g vpon fhort tender foot oe Sepa and opening them(elues ip aj 
ripe,full of fede tulsa rounde, and when this feede is ripe, th 

a “The rooteic lf is fill oF “hice fubftance , yeelding aiuice like milke 
s i oie ce out of theeatth. Teisin tafte fi , with a little birternefle 

wing ca f che 

ie Sa is lkedhe pre eden; diff in the colour 0: 
dowers,for chat this plant doth bring foorh te flowers, which of ee taken for the 
oe ~— epee the greater 

1 Colchicw@ 

a ee Ty ee 


HISTORIE ‘OF pags ape 127 
P. Culchium Anglicum album 
"fone i trajsystt & ow hite Englith eae Saffiisa: 




LS: ee 
um florens, 

3 Coleh oe Poe! olchicum 
Hinge nom ie Saon flo owring, 

Hing neade *Saon, 




% The maine 
Thef p f mA 1 ripe ad oF) fae pd pl t .. En: guithed 
bicaufeic neuer i c ha 1] bot 1 Joth th i Safi a that 
- the firft figure fetceth it foorth when itis in] h. And 
“Siw. lef ciation (hill fiffice for them both te rs i on yeere it ge foorth 

his leaues,thicke,farfhining and fr x 

ynto the end of lune, at whicl ime the | do with y, but i el gi f September 
fofoone asthe plant hath d hin the ground not fending 
foorth any thing vatill nies inthe y yeere tang : 
Colchicum minus - § Colchicum mont anum minus 
* ‘Small medow Saffron, - Small mountaine medow Saffron, 

% The defeription. “ cS eer 

“4. The finall medow Saffzon hath three or fower thicke fatleaues, and narrower Ce 
ioc flower ato in cic lall ote} in stile peat 

affron hath three or fer gailngleaues around albus 00% 
' ae toblewnefle a lowers in Aurumse 

Bete sgl dither 

é cole pou LUsrs6iMee oh G alcbicum Syr iacum Alexandyinam, 
Ge ncew SABE All tian medow S. Saffton, . 


serretteccee’” < 


dow S cee on aE ita ha he 
ae, 25 a fat, thicke, and gr 
hy g ef 
a inleates dowrow ellowifh flowers 
: ae shatha 
Iniddle cleft whereof: rifech ypa fof tand tender ftalke fee re 
 téthetoprainong whi eth forttyone fiagle: of like ih 

1h Saat ane GUE ISHIO 
ates Mi 

orthe us 5 eens of Aatthiol 

ERI Sit: 8 2 sais a 

OVO A 4s les 

9 Colchicummafiulinum Germanic. 10 Colchicun femininum Gertanicum, 
‘The male medow Germanic Saffron. ‘The female medow Germanie Saffron, 


— Hae * Thien whe 3 en vid il 
3: <4 rr 7 andfillof juice, and 
flowers Sree thofe of the nee medow Saito, as wellin cal ssappaniod 3and di 

inthat,that this kinde is barr. g hereft of the 
Golrtactes, which maketh cg : Lo ol bhigk 

Sa aie flowers,and theotherpurple. : ne it 

The place. 
- tere aewenetl groweth in Meffinia and in thee Colchis , wheat 
The titles o} eft 

= graeme moc ti 
adage a pa isioy, bot 
= we 2 spr be : 4 

Shepton M: 
you ge 

fall the kinds of mead faffror Wes ientaistartansesernsti 
—— romp eng ee ag 
. oft ae 

eS, See 



? Wat Ahaha i Ty, | [ode Oe pee BE =! 
dowel h fF blewar forthatthe a3 
dé f + 
Cpe Ne Ree | : } 7 
dai iach bulbe or sue roote, g 
: lI,but fi h, of hard Valerius ‘Cordus ee i ante ig 
found a | ilde Saffron Iih I kind » but with whit ite flowers, and — . 
bu Ibe, 1 fc | } fid. d wi the n 
like wheate fl fi 1 pleafa ft » This doth not grow f fic ce in 
Ge Tense Biel is brought ecclncatei y hea y! 
and ftrange wilde Saffron which late folde: ps by Ie 
i hi nd fo fhall eon moot on se : 
thati is to faie, thet e right lees with aroote white year within and without: and a baftarde 
wilde Saffr ron, with aroote blackifh or reddifh bot ote 
poe Andth fthi i nin his 

352. chapter, for he faith that Hermodac# yle i is as roote a a plane ‘bearing aoiés Het that is dower) 
which are white or yellow (rather purple) and th 
ieee hae ate pernicious and deadly poifons.. Sore to conclude, i it may appeete by that that hath 
been of England, gr ae, efpe- 
hicum of an Ile 

call pton Mallet, are the Hermodaéfyles vied i nore Iwas called Cole 
d Col h firft fe Ifo the vfe of it. Iti dof fome, Filius am ae atrem, 
sithough the’ is akinde of ‘sfmacie or Loue ftrife fo called, tient it fit erase gies rth his 
Buti this 
meade — far herwife,bicaufe itt bhis! Fel i athe feed an May, 
L } L 

that they « do ft flower and er roll oe this Saffron = fat, and moneths ie 
Latins thought t tname for it Filius ante Patrem 

an we accordingly may call it, = Sonne before the Father ‘OF. Pliny itis called Naf pare 

ens, Bulbus Acre 5tis,of fome P 

* The rtd ’ 

Mead nr, gy - BO) 

The ver 
= The seen tl mde afin’ ts of hitee to purge, Tei is propa g giuen faith Pawlusto thofe that 

The fame fta 1 mixed with the whites of ge oe and crums of bread, and 
annlied nl.ift. “f ee Bee : Cu rion 

fo rf 9! es 
‘The f ee a hee Lu £. Cg oat} 
3 t 

andis alfo sd to Sie vicers “me rotten —_ : 

nite powder of eS da Pepper,Annift ete Coma feed,anda little Mafticke, corre- 
: faffron, which is sled in — But thofe 
‘tecrste ta f L 3 

fently enfueth, oy 

E: Eee Fs 
" ofp Co ee j y hurcfull to tt e ftomacke, 
a eaten, they kill by choking as mufro ding vnto Déoftorides, wherupon fome 
haue it it Coleiown frangulatorivn, : is H 3 2 = 

ey Star of Bethlehem. Chap.83. 

Se The dead. 
eptintende . of wilde fiek PR ny ee eee 
oo ; 
= la = 


‘Starof Be 

. ra 3 

vnithog alum. 2 Cepaagraria. 
thichem, Wilde Star of Bethlehem, 



Ornithogalum luteum — 
Yellow ftar of Bethlehem, ae 

Star of Hungarie, 

4 Ornithogalum Pannonicw, m 


% The de feription. 
: <y c °D..Lit 2c. ot ] , thi cke, fat, fil ofiuice, and of 4 
QC) ‘ SS) ERT SE RE a fe ong the which 
ada 95 993i efmal 

& of fix 
leaues , cones on the backfide ket lines of a ycliowit greene, ue i is of aie white 

colour, w which openeth i it felfe at the rifing of the funne , and fhutteth again e funne fetting, 
l The flowers ‘being pale! feed doth follow 
inches in three ¢ cornered husks. 1 TI bulb 
L. W 7 te } p ple Bey A) IS 
i) a oO 
roote Theflall LY eB . 1 20). tA. 4 »} } Lael: LG 
V1 1 1. 1 C. W ive! = Lees a * bP g Cc. 1. tf. ? “1 ej 
Jj _ nay bs L £1 L <, a LZ 131 1 4 ¢ 
ro) i f . ; - 
The ellow Stat of B Bethlehem is very like vnto the laft defcribed. The flowers of this are on 
jin bac’ i 7 fle i. os ey SPS | fixe > W yt ~ 
if o 7 i) [is 
other rrelpedts. alike. 
431¢ cr wy oe x 

fembling ¢ Galens bulbed W4/phodyil in roote, habe and flowers oie: ae ns plant doth bing 
oorth white flowers {tripped with greene on thebackfide , and altogither white on the innermo: 
fide,and a Apphodyll not fo. 

% The place, 
€, CR 3.23. pero dy 933 _ 1 S¢ 3. 3P ea 
eS g ° Lirik ] ee ee 1 mgs 3 A The ve 
: le ~ . o . >§% oe Zs ° . 7 - ¢ 
ee See ar } fields, The laftis a ftrangerin England,yee 
we'haue it and the reft in our gardens, Z 
; _% Thetime. 
Lg yy SO OS Se lange 2 CL IL Se 3 3 a Fwd A “17 L 3 CRA 
E ( 
1 saad names. 

- poi: 

Touching the names th ; is fo breefe who hathonely mentio- 
ned them.In high Dutch itis called Fel wearers on wtbel : tas you ea fay ce AT IA; 
and Bulbine :i peeeee tars of. se get me z z - Agni6 


% The nature. 
Thefe are temperate in heateand dies 
oe & The vertues. = ee re 
notwithftandin ‘ 

ng Hieronymus Tagen writ at the roote 

of Bathe tar of Bethlehem rofted in inbotembers,adappledvith bent in maner of 2 

Plafine or pultus,healeth old eating vicers 

. The rootes w ate tobe vedin Phifcke i if: i fbe, do: 

a zee, faith D Diofcoridesy and be dig fted , and i ch heir windines Spee 

Of Onions. (hap.84. 

* z kindes. 

Ts pin 2 oe ane leffer oboe Hectares and linger och : 
butnohe wilde as Pliny writeth,. ae = 

kee SS Lege 

I Cepzall 2 Ceparubra. 

whe Shinn “ Red Onio ons. 

% = ription. tof 

He Oni I i! iggeftin the 
f° middle. On a top whereof groweth a Sane head couered vith oe pei or filme,which 
_beingbroken, sthere appeere little white flow ade vp in forme of a ball,and z afterward 

blacke feede In fteed El paaicbes thet isa bulbe or 

round headcompact of many coates, which sretines becommerh nice ae of: fa Tumep, 
: times lon. ng like an egge. To bore iefe, 
wees pee =~ stor 

= Bish } es L ——r ee RS ran ee $ av 

isno o difference at i ‘5 ree 
Pe pfs ee 
didigeed and dun 

eg per a and then i Saber ane 



reek xesuusor in ‘ales ef 1 emany ines Cepeintheneuter gendersthe 
onthe old writers hane given) taany fiarnames oft the nee where sey 

Moteouer,t ak onenamed Marif éa, which the coutl- a 
Ha : and thereupon it connmied ise enc mencallit Oigwon, 28 
the lowe Dutch Sea deort 

Geceedl a = 
OOS eee See siodind =e 


mice whichis ir coppedor cut kf the ee likea ee ok Ti leona neti oft his 

hapter. T (th aticto 
fay of Onions)ehe one feruing for: a ace or to feafon meate en moh fame call Gerhyon , and 
ollow es Onion sinihel: the 
as a ey. ag 8 te on ed A poh, / 
Italians Cip F 
*% T he temperature. 

All Onions befl j 1, The ot and dri¢as Galen faith , inthe 

ey be 
fourth degree,buy not fo extreme hot as garlicke. The iuice is of a ik waterie and airie {ubftance: 
the reft is of thicke par 
% The vertues. 
1. Ar J i 

4 ‘AAA ATM ¢ } ‘ aE Pt oe * 
_. TheOnions do fret, a ; being y dolofe their A 

t } ie 5 eS SRR a } I 3 Tleh . qj > dar eS 

ged,ana y ot lofe the: 

arconuating ualitie oie 
° rye | i Le I 
Th ey a Ifo reakeand confume winde » prouok tine,and| ,and B 
1 L ee 

ae be wanghefos haf that are cholericke : but a ic fuch as arereplete withrawe and G 
flegmatike humou t women that haue their termes ftaied vpon acold caufe, by reafon 
they open the conduits dais are ftopped. 

14 54 ee Eis } aut Ne by D 
themfelues or ftamped with Pulvens 
pes cote epee | 14 eed 1 a Cc 
TI Me tuice of ot 5) 5) a 
tike humours. 
3 n 4 sok fat Jt < a bie en j Pe 1 ice 
5 P 5) ? rr ae) = 3D ad dogge. F 
, RS Q 2 1 1 } 2 j s ip vi } 1) fi. 
PE > Tip sbiles and fuch G 

Theta r 3 1) ey oe ASE tad ¥: ee PL ee oe tT 
tr: cf hs “ee. > 73 ea iss: 


The i inice taketh away hi heate of fealdi 
powder, asis fet foorth es avery skilfull Chews named ae VV illiam lone one of Fthe 
Queenes Chirurgi ons 

ar os W 2 ae. 1 4 Dg >> Page * ¢ 
Pass fe lipy i peers 2 o™ e [ones TS ssa 
7 5 j ; 
% et hurts. 
hitk } iled ferh } j } h thth i and maketh 2 
than Ana Rehr nie ee E eee Sees oe = et ee po sex, ed 
2 eel > s 2 ele fp eek ©. 
ally being eaten rawe. S\ ge 
ve Ys a ? 


4; Of Sea Onion. Chaps. 

Sebi siee a 

<5 By Litt, , ha oh ve 4 ee 

ae anibod culls as Daerah —e om thofeof the lillie, b sat natrow 
eat,confifting of many coates or fcaly filmes, ofa po 

colour, oe ye age aero a capi igh blew. 
ie The fea Onion o} of Valentia, or rather the fe a Datfodill, hath many long and fatleaues, and nar- 
g vpon the ground: among whichrifeth 

aftalke a high bare & naked, bearing at the topa tuftof white rey nhapelie yoo 
mmon yi Daffodil, The feede is inclofed in thicke knobby huskes, b’ mee 
very oft, in fhape like ynto the feedes of Aristolochia longa , or long Birth woort. 
great, white,long andbulbus, 

: 14 Sie 

I Pancratinn Clusi). if 2. Pancratinm mar tune, a 
Squillorfea Onion, »:/>: stil s Sea Onion of Valentia sb itag ee 


\\ A 

aa <4 a 

digs +t 

#2. it 

/ : Wrhinrake Apes Anne 5. 
4 Wont ded 

y, VW 
1g ip 5 Se sie 4. Pancratinm marinsn litewm. 
"Red towed fe Dafodil : : Yellow. flowred faDafocil 


k Ti be econ 

PR ge CER RB CTT fion,0 i. : 1 1 

3, Yap © UKC 7 Q 

a tsthe 
‘el Pate Tp . a | eae} ‘ 4 
feethogy, and tharpe pointed.” The fall 

3 5 r De 


The e yellow flowred fea Daffodill or fea Onion, = many thicke fat léatiés like ynto as com- 
naa Squill or fea Onion? antong which ri feth vp a tender ftraight ftalke fulP6Fi inice, bearing at 
the sae Pa flowets |i ie: the common alee ote The fede and roote is like ‘the prece- 

2 I 
# The place = 

17 : 

’ The fecond alf neere vnto the fears in Italy ; eae ee Valenti ia. 2B, Ihagehad plans pF hiss 
bro ought me ftom fundry part 
mie aaa ce 3 kinds of Narciflis, 
de gro 

fi} Ce} aft of Nar! 

>in E ? i and abgut 

ei ey ee a ily about the coalts of Tri pa and Alopone neere vito the fea; , and 


ib He [2 The time. ) : 
Th Oa L. AA 1, £1 Peek eaihs 9 ie ee 
a ey pe: BRL 7 - bf -) tian 
i as te tne . 
1 ofehe Greci D Se eee eS % 
Squilla : divers: Cepa muris: the Germaines eer dutbel: the iia cabo pi a ie 
Thief 7 Hed Ezz ig! hs bs fib EN ye ike BY er at 
~ cette F be 2 eg 4 cag .@) i} : : 0 4 
en ‘tthe Cc elift k 1 ' fon TY tt fea O; f aa oe 
— Contant wWOiDg if J 
1 The temperature. 
« Thy ¢. Oyn: sek My J. rma | Aj ]. 7 YRS tA }. 5 
Poe Bee OS 1S 5 ee ey ee | = O- ee ae . ? 

Sper: The w 

€roote is to bas couered with pafte or ccs (as : Dio orides teacheth ) and then Pur. into an A, 
ouen to Spec or elfe buried in hot embers till fi oe rtithieas i it be throughly: aetied: for Loire A 
fo bab rrofted itis vey hurefl to thei a 

See ae iddeft whi Se 2 1 Bef ee ares 
< ooh 1 

Thatis is to hero a ofp ecially B 
P ' i nged, fee 
ei tees er na hareihe ma hepoessbehaagl ons Sedand ded. 
_. Thele flices of ilewine,or vineger ofS ere ae 
ismadean clei vedo ie oS han i 
_ This ae baked Onion is mixed with potions and other sient which vrine, D pe 
and t & fpleene, an is alfo put into egiued to that > 
haue the peoples the yellow Iaundife, and to tach: as aie ned nth gnpingsof the bland es 
in yan 

One part of this Onion being mixed with eight parts of fal, andeakeninthemomng Binge E 
the ‘of th the belly, : 

~. Theinner part of Squilla boiled in oile & turpentine. gteat profit ed tothe cf or 
ake eth hinge pes he 

Of Leekes (hap.86. 

% The defiription. 


He leaues a a blades of the Leeke be 

amen ee a4 } ingi gf do ips th, cee 

:the feedes are like, Th a a or roote is long : 
and ones efpecially of the vnfet sa that of 
et Leeke is thicker and grea 

% Thep 
It pares ameane ch well erie and 
digged. Itis very common euery where in other 

countries as nee asi n England 

The tim 
may be Phe in March or Aprill, and istobe 
as in September or OGober. 

% Thenames. 
The Grecians callit xesev:the Latines Porrum: 
= es Nero had great pleafiure i in this 

ek Data dsest L Pe aie be 4 cal 

es A 
~ ders Pogrette: ee Bien Puyerro : the French 
Porreau; the Englifhmen Leeke or Leckes. 

Se a ae 
a tog ‘ pte Scere: eee ee 
ing fo vied, ic yeeldeth to the body no good iuice. Bucbeing taken with colde herb > his qualities 
pg ie ea with Prifana, — creame, it concocéteth and pai ee rawe he 
SS as es ie —— bitingsof : Scinmilee 
—pinleustinrel alltime ie roe tpt te 
: E = of th : the Ge Be ee oe see s being 
drunke, ftoppeth the fpitting of bloud which hath continueda a long time. The fame age 

golem hn, 2 = 

Of Ges, Chines,or wilde Leekes. (Chap.87. 


~_ 4 

x The kinds. 5 i 
Here be diuers kindes of wilde Leekes ,fome wilde,and fome of the garden, as fhall be decla- 
T red. Thofe called Ciues,haue been taken of fome fora kinde of wilde Onion : bu all the au- 

1 Schenoprafen. ; 2 PorrumTonfile, ee 
Ciues or Chiues. bm French Leekes or Vine Leekés, 
Sutin, ; Pay o> 
Wy ke «6S mad sm whe nee 
ty WV Vio Sle \ OS 
2 te 7 ae 4) SHRROY | >! 
\ b\\ 7] y Ha” aK WY, Ss GH INQ 


Se F 
We £7 

tn rbot ey yt ; t=. ; ie 

y leatre dfull high, long flender,round,like to little 
which grow vp fimall atid tender ftalks.fendin forth certaine knops wi 
hofe SFR On ba itich hadi nag ae bulbes ¢ 

fteofthe Onion and Leeke, as it were participating of both. 
ries - I ‘oat s 
bit high foi the top whereof flandeth a ro uttoni, couered at the firft witha thin skin, 
whieh being broken, the flowers & feedes Onion.The bulbeorheaded 
Toote is round, hard and found whichis rth many bulbes, Z 
. CReee ajautiaes fone mr ot ae ee ye ¢ 
wintersPHey ate ci and 1s, they 
~The Vite Lecke groweth of it felfe i 
both ooke the name Vine Lecke and F 
therech av 1 ose Pe Le ‘it groweth 



DIENT Fi DSVOG SE Sea sre tess ; 
ily pil core! recy ke $355 ae wee Hitt > 
_Giltesis called'in Grecheajenerien, Schemprafa 

= zones Porrwm, ot Ruth Leeke: in Englifh Ciues, Chiues , Ciuet and Sweth:in French 
"The vie —— is called i in Greeke Myemnorednr, in the Lene where itnaturally groweth: it may 

called in itinm or Vitig in Englith after the Greeke and Latine 
VineLedo Henk Lecke. 

The temperature. 

Ciues are like in facultie ynto “Ae eg They. are hot and drie. The Vine Leeke hgateth more 

then doth the other Lee ke, 
The vertues. 
The Cines attenuate or make thinne , Tae  Prouoke wrine, in Sep horte and grofle prs: 

thar the Leeke doth. 
Th eVi , ee ot. BS se Lal Tr ols els aha 
oOo >> 

oft venemous beatts, 5as enor a nel 
Of Aas Chap.88. 

The defi viption. 
He bulbe or head of Garlicke , is couered 
wee moft thin filmes or skins,of a ite 
te purple colour , confifting of m 
cloues ‘fevered one fro m anothers 5 vnder whichin 

in fteede of rootes:ithath long greene leaues like 
thofe of the Leeke, among \ which rifeth vpa a ftalke 

doth growa tuft of fowerscouered with a 
skinne, in which being broken when itis peak 
peerethroun nd blacke fee se 

% The 
Garlick is ieee a tie feede, but planted 
in gardens of the fmall cloties i in Nouapber al 
December , ang 

ASS pest lic Anablauch the ow Dutch Look: 

» the Span: 1AMtos, ins, Atha; th Italians C4Glio: 

= heFrench Sr: Or Aux Spe a Ca Czefnek* 

., theEnglith e se sioreatens Treacle. 

* Garlick eae saree den 
Is vi » Hot, an Os) a n 

ia a meena 

os es ge Ereaee tt 84 Slope é The vert; 
. Being eat sjtbeatetlehe bodic enem exremely, ate eS eee 
ich as and¢lammi crm gah sndconinet hon eth obftruc-, 
tions , “isan enimichsall col arg pais ee of ve neous beals and sbere therefore Ga 
“tea ose the husban bandmans Treacle, 

rasticorum, or hes 
sag eal copencesy ahead 

‘ i 

el face as se bate ius thelefe forcible, and retaineth no longer hiseuill 

fometimes in Februarie “ 

= Iti is called i in ie fe in Grecke bse 

es ) 
sags ite 

tharpe blood. There- . 
But ifit be boiled in water va- 


"Teta ae 1 £1 t : } 7 ‘ty 13 \ 1 Ee -] sel. a1 | ar a) 
Bis pt gee = Ae A ile eae piie Sen cage x te C Sie bein: 
e, 4 oS BS), Be! 5 bat eg! ro “TL: = VW Tt. } 2. ed. 5 8" f. > 
den,is ¢ giuien to yoong ces wt beet face = the wormes. Bris 
Xe he pe thia spldatkarrack gious and peftiléntaires; | BE 
BS REF: | j RP, ee RE | had It es 
de on ater as Dif cr, sng 2 sini t 
‘ C. “EL sa A ed hLilA 5 dahdrafe omit 
ae dwathti & hep scan eh 
ith figge le ain itis laide onagainft the bitings of she monte scaled Gresko 
foilt ered i ) Host 

ie in Ua a SHR. ai 
~ Of i wild Garlic Chap: 8 = 

The defer 
He mae Gasite of crow ¢ Gari hath fale tough | leaues like vato ones, ee and 
Pte ee —— mone wh ae a ae 
ta little feedes made v ee | 


“afer the flowers be gone, 
fter like fina ll er aig s = — tafte of Garlick; In fteede of a rooté chee i is'a ‘Pbilbe. or 
eh, heade w 

Ramfons fend its cn er ce broadé leaues fhiarpe pointed, finest ee fiche 
gee colour, The ftalke is a {pan ta foot and flender, bearing’ at the top a Brie ‘of white _ 
s:In feed ofa Pade it ehath lon der Bulbe,which fendeth down a multitiide of ftrings, q 

te is is coucred with sking or dings 

Atbnin pile Stre. 

= Atm 
eo Garlick, -Ramfon 

142 THE anee oes OF THE 

They {pring vp n Aprill and May. Their feedeis is ce in Augufts 

>The Crow | Garlicke groweth i in fertill paftores i in 7 all a of a sce I founde it in sr: 
ngtomby L 
~ Ramfons doe grow in the. woods and borders of fields vader ee among | the buthes, I 


he left! der a hedge adioining toa lane thatleadéth to Hamplteede, both plows 
> eere London. ws The names. 
1 1 j aliedarlann ¢ AwGs fpluestriasi in Greeke sealed deta: 
batt the Crow Gailicki is calledof of Difertdesiowest thatis to  faie Angus uinum allium, OX orS nakes 
Rar re 1 of the later} atiti Allison V+ finwm, or Beares Garlick : lum Lati- 
y wt SI j az./. UF: y a. Se LiLp 
J h > x = ahs ? 
% T Paid 
rl aes SE “7 > Be e j 1 * f the garden, 
ape 9 4. % The vertues. ‘ by 
A. Wilde Garlick or Crow Garlick as Galen faith, is ftrong' ¢ hen the gard 
Gat ic f= J r ¥ bd 1 1... + a A ot, Oe od 2 
B_. Theleanes of Ramfons be ftamped , 
Fi oe tas ae 
be 8S 1 VL ay eRe Jag: sary big oh CLL rin 
Sait, sat nes z ~~ > 
conftitution,and laboring men. 
The Jiftille j j [ae | n “BO wed h og 5 L q 1 L . 
3 Scorodoprafum. 4 Allium Alpinum if i dit pete 

Greatmountaine Garlick, Brode leaued mountaine G 

* err a 


6.3.5 ft 

hich is f bigger then 

ier a skin beens the Sati an Onion. The skin wien it ery to perfecti 

fe of L 
pfoft and woke of ince ie thena 

atenn if ball, 
ion break. 

ethan ddifc lacke feedes follow inclo- 
fed in a three comered huske. . The roote is  bulbus « of the oe of a es Oia The whole plane 
{melleth very ftro r hereupon it t wa calle Scorodeprafum, 
as if we fho ie, Garlick Lech if f ct ather a degenerat 
Garlick growen monftrous. 
oe 1 }- Fp 1 a a. fT 
* eat BSCS P. qt en is } 1. ch. Nh a Cece 
g, Gas fafhin hag b “LL Ii 1 1 fg 3 Te. 
prea! thofe a Ramfons, but greater, — roo dlong, dwith {caley, 
cons and pa frogs.  Theplece. : 
The great eae 1 L_£. Tt 3] 
Edwards apott who foundit growing in the weft parts ofEplonk 
ee groweth in the mountaines sa Germanic,as faith Carolus Clufima, and is yet a ftranger 
inEnglandfer any thing that Ido know, 

Of —Moly,or ie pases agent Chap.go. 

‘> this a “pe spc 
Diofiori shis Moly Serpents ly 

* The deferiptiow. 
ss {tkind f Moly hatl I I for 1ewhat long, n ot vnlike 
a to the roote of the vafer Eathe ; which fendeth foorth Sk ie 7 blades of corneor 
; lof i iuice , at the't _ 

c Sg Wy e L Cc 13: * C1 a Bt eT 
Res f...11 Sotfia) O¢s te Read c ek Pca ee : i 
Doe A Bk at Po Peep) edi £02 4 H 
sae hath likewife a { bulbusr ; Tatte y the he bottomes 
graf 5 gg lour, crookedly winding andturning 
1) 1 b Ba L 1 e. Cc t i LK Cc 1 L Ls ie $ tough; ; 
thick eimae 
a hous “ cana? At ao ss nse from theit iio And among sole bulbes ete doe 
ruft fmalla ndweake foo t 
ding ta prplecolor: I gpatt, th bulbes do falid yponthe ground, wherethey 
out hel 1) 4 5 1.h by gr lyi afe; fe L x. Owe oe 1 ite bulbes har 
iataecs ot ull ot , ae | Ts i L i} 7 fis £G. 1:1 + hg Cc: ApL we 
Be sy ance lepelqonisiligeD mods d e ms Sebo 
HME lod ys ee 

Se a ee ee ey ea ee ee 

Homers h: oo ee ee L 7 3.3 9+ , th E t a , and hol- t 
a f which leaues’ ‘the bottome commeth 
foorth a: rials oof turd greene colour: whichbeing ripe and fecin the 
neth a faire plant,fuch as isthe mother. Amongt rifechyP 
oft Bichichiglt gs froogasatieall :at the top ofthe 
eit Gowers late ounce with a walhigpegeecolonr, ing 




tice oh the idowars 28 of Onions. yb re appecreth a blacke & ppedina white 
skinne oF Ie SSRN : 9 aha 
white within,and “ 5 rbiniaie ofa a great : Onion, : 
ndian Moly ha 

, aa rth at! oe Inobbie bulbe like that of, Homer The talke is) ar te fi piege, 
aa Bearidy atth sat op a clufter of fe fale babe included i na ibe thinne seal “The Toes 
is spr bulbote f. fathion,and fi full of iuic ee 
nord ats sabi Hib do sitlw owl od 
5 Caucafon. 
Widest. M3 rare Cnaption. 
Hl oy Caucafon or het the yghath avery Leg 
bub us rooe 5.greaten than the roote of Hi 

ss three or fower ereat thicke and + ieee 
withered alwaies at the pointe, wherein confifteth 

feats rife inch of frjooth greenith bulbes 
fet vpon: a footeltalk eyin tha ape and bigne effe 

planted it in the earth —_ 'alfo growe vntoa faire . 
plant like vnto the mothe — 

 Thep lace. 
Thefe plants do grav in ue ga Bolen ,asalfoin the 
gardens of Mafter Zz arret Apothecarie tie, and 
after Garths,a worl eo and expert 
in the awaits 2 of plan 

They iptingfoorth optics ore in epee 
end of Auguft, 

‘. The Fe 
Scie of the Gite writes haue derived the ; 

Monuéty Tes veat's, shes > to ) driue away ¢ difeafes. Ic 

may profitablie ie aesag et ee ong toacertaine 

bulbofe plant, ‘mot like to lick, by the woord 
Maarle, which Hipp J L Af f ee ae ‘iterpretati. § 
on on tothe Greel 1. As for repeati 1g of foolith and vaine fig irons ches, & — 
te tS 1: SEES , hh Loft 1 Sy 5 hofet 1 aus em to fuch as 7 

Thefe Moh h atin nee cand re i ea Ss, 
esareve ot, approching to the nat feats cule time oe 
excellent Males other 2 ot apie you Otae ure 0 cing tin ne fome ie 

ny good 5 
co) oul fern tobe pofleffed with. Butfor Re iia ucneither pr 
En found in the writings of the ancients any t! 

at they ate of maruellous efficacie to brit 

d with oile of the Flower-deluce according to arta 


aaybel defirotis to t heare of theit thatiniag saa peed nee Circes and magic ie 
ahs ine cha to pafle their ae fing them read 77, Homer touching oa inthe : 
sade See a sand th Cans Matter ee ae feats 

Of white Lillies. Chap:gt: 

‘% The kindes. 
ses eA OU Foe CT Wier ay pee 1 Vo Be oe Bet eee 
a d . >: 30) 3 0r Ofthe 
peters were 1, 1 ¢ ; wed ' qi ak 
Fo) 2 2 pee J R=) yon 
the feasjand fe I bl Il deuiide tt Chapters, beginning w ich 
H eae SB ee RY SIN ET) L cr . the ac 
the two white E g g 

2 Lilium album Bizan 
The white Lillie of *Conttantinople, 

ea % The defeription. Jol 
LSS e? : He hie ily hich Seg . pe ae ee 
oe i ok rfl betied Ieues oF craticorl t greene tie The tates betwo. 
sei eaeenich ad fomtimes more fet baie wit the like leaues, but ‘growing f finallet 
- on they d i he mouth likeak Tn che rib 
ss dle part of them do growfma ~* : ba dats RY ie gps 
= ee ee cick andfae. The roote is abulbe made of fea: % 
h Pye THe ee pee 

andlefen Th "Theftalher —— tics of three. cubits , fecand ee ivith leaues: alfo like 
— butmuch leffe 

2 meses ore The fi 

be 7 a Rete: 

ES nen Cat 1 aa Ane rire 

; se themfclues 

d like th Turkescap , : y more ers than our Englifh 
=P ‘lie 8 W£Q paul’ by 3 ve) 


Our ie white Lillie ae if nc of England, The other groweth pth in 
Gone st cand.she parts adiacene, from, wbenee! wehad Rlanes eae pbjwhere 

they flour ih as in their, oyene coher BD BHO> 1g ito to sis mio} Jotedvr, 22 fs d 
The tines wuniftib odilccii doidwaocls -2 ane = 
The Lillies do flower from May to o the sad oflune. * 
Lara, The CS. aS yawned (7 
e Lillies akin. CG in Latine Zé/jes and allo Pols ha Ar Si rofe bicanfe 
EE TE extents ay fcat ce toit Ris robe gtr zy, 
hots tepstertien dby 3 y, eet, LAA ra gt Pea Se pS 
¢ pes &> 
the re fellaway abundance of milke, d tl | fpiltin chel {the oth I 
earth and that of this fj fprang the | T illie, d the circle in the he4 lled Lattews Circs ul ts , orthe 
. 7 tn 5 1: a Ty 'n. 2R : }. Fy 
Pfalm me 
= LK L ] ye Engl x “ F od am 1 Po é WAV 4 pike we 2 fers Heat 
Ww ooxs : : Sp Oe CRP ET 5 
Dutch UWretls Gilgens i Italian Giglo : in Spanifh : 
French ie ex Ae gies white ellie 2 , 

The lith 
the whi Lillie of einrissple: ofthe Tutkes Senilaet Sultan —< with this aide tion 
thatit tmight be the better knowen which — - Lillie they ment, when they fentrootes of them 

t fori gra hat Sultan Zambach Mi = Bianchi, is as 

* ee nature. 
— <> ~ C£.La 


The white Lillie ish {partly 
the firft degree,and hot in the fecond. 

But if you ee the ror, it is drie in 

Thev ie - 
The toote of the garden Lillie ftamped with hone, “gleweth rogither finewes < be cut in fin- A 

er, f the head called tiles 5 and likewife all fcurui- 
ool oleebeatdandfice 
and apofteme Silom It bringeth the! ir gaine vpon pla ‘swhich hauebeene 
boned ee ifitbemi ith oil fe,and the place tt ith j 
ie cs ae ‘iz in Ppeatie ps ean eer yma 1 ale, brea- 
keth paleo botches, I i RUCaEaE or achlike. — 
‘ he flowers teed oile oliue es tite twoor three times letetme > andfet in the D 
funn —— ee lafle,is good to foft 
5 [eriptor rei rustice faith sthatifthe be curi fe pened, and therinbeput fome — ~ 
sii lon that hathn o caufticke'or buthiizg qualitie, will caufe the dowers tobe of _ 

° Tulins Alexandrinusteich 5 that ie comin a and dinnk caufeth eafie a 
deliverance and expelleh the feeondine orafterburthen in in = 
Cafarins Archi ee ne i an 

thereto,comforting the soaring as Gales evi dhe inhis: booke sn : 
srr ag P mB kewifed or a see sod 

The roote of the white Lilli amped and Rrsined itt Winey and dri 
giuen to drinke fot'tive or 
three daies togither, éxpelle on the peftitence, a and canted it ‘to breake forth iri | blifters if cf 
sheoutward pattof the kin, according tothe cof aléathed gentleman inatter BFA 
- Godorus, S iturgion to the Queenes ry of 

dor Mei: whoalloh ch cuted inany oF eeeophe 

teas “oF , tempered with batly mealeaid baked in cakes , and fo eaten ordinarily for 
fome month per arie = ore Babes 
TILTMIOL SSI SH: sigh ete St 3 ‘ ta% af te bs, a 

BSB itn <5 2 

Of Red Lillies, Chap. 92. 

% The Hindes. 
pe fea Tit LY XY pia SO oA CT ciex: z y 7 Ps agit} 
/f inEnglith red Lillies, wherof f@ of beyond 
the feas, the which fhall be ditinguied feuerally in this nt that follower ai 
1 Lilium aureum, - 2 Lilium rubrum, 
Goldied Lillie, ; The red Eillie, 

oS Wine 4 


ee Se Thedefeription. 
es red Lillie groweth to the height of two, and fometimes three cubits 

and often 
than thofe, of the common white Lillie, Th leaues be blacker and narrower fete 

t pice tree 1 fertilitic of th foil , lil i n for h (eofthe 
: ‘ 


nee get SAR aa c Saat 

scieadicebs § 

seen aaa ig like thofe of Pla Dlemaiie, Ontthe cp doth gr one aero = 4 
iny,in colour red or ly dot 4 
fo thi ¢ fer, The flow co, Lekt lo rt C: 1 nore red. : 
: Sopher tread “Therooeei Tey ike de = : 
h There is another red Lillie whi J tr - ¢ ft before 

2 t TL. 2.11 ae Ses v4 1: cand 

= : : iti 7 . a > ae 

oe a rf g Wik ethe former. Am g the footeft es-of: which 
<a ° a a J ; browne of colour: renin ello, 

m= Gamenedtoorth 
pit do fallin the endé of’ Asiguit ypon the ground, i 
ie it bapeaty increafeth,for feldo 
another fore of the ted] Lillies > Bert min icaley or _cloued roote, yellow cece 

rare and:g 

x poe a fair re ftiffe ftalke crefte He wed, of att 
a | lour , fet from the | i wers do grow 
—e h , confiifedly placed with 1 pees the’ ecinehes clofe’ iy the ftemm 
1 sa ee 2 paras Sr ry like vi to the clotiesof Garlicke before 
they vo plled, dyw hich being falll Pc I 1 of riperefle ee fhooté foorth 
. | }wherebyi increafeth, the 

flowers are in thapel like the oe Biel, be - a datke oes colour, 1 ee flame of 

4 Liliswn crucntum lati ad 
The firie red Le 

The place. 
hefe Lilli ies do growe wilde in the plowed: 
fle of Tealie and J -angaiedoctey inthe moun- 
d thofe i 
siapene They : are common in our ae 
dens salon 

% The tim 
hey 1 Bee sds a little before the 
ie Lilies, ‘when Rake do. 

or after fome purple L whic tr 
uerfies haue beenefo , and yet neuer 
cenfured , that it were much labour loft to re- 
peate them: forall rie of them haue fai 
mewhat, but nothing to the purpofe : for fome 
haue fought to mende rok errors , aa me 

made more than were 
\sithall fuffice whathath been etic 
‘onorticles's 2 
The lowerof thewed Lie (os Galen Gah) is 8 
SeAaaiieseads of thin, and parely ee 
oh anearthly effence. The roote and. 
candclenfe. maelree, digelt orwatte 

oh 8 rh x: ta 
Rao ; a ae OEM 
The fame boiled and pered with vin gery are g d g inft burnin and heale greene -B. 
gene = - 

wounds and vicers sgt sc: She es SBE AS 
: roote ro | } j Dl 7 Saran re a 1 re AES 
hardnes of the ma : es oligdé orl 1st + 

The amie Rapa Sich honie 1, LAL, } t 
away the morphew and deformitie of ve face,and'taketh away wrinckles, 


hoe rr meale, remoo: 
a Son thal Beso ggnies cen 9/14 
a eed 

Fi. The tootes boiled in wine, faith mig caufeth the cornes of the _ to fall: away within - 

i A 5 ° 

——_ es Cont tT J 
Lod ee 7 mt c=) f 
SOMEX ia, 

Of m mountaine Lilies. | Op 93. 

oft Lilian montanen Mails. 
The grea 

untaine — 

: ‘3 Lilium montanum m, : 
“ ; Small mountaine bill 

j g ge plant, ref he sil ae com me 
| A flat fc hofe of the whi of ‘Conftantinople. Vponthele 
rleaties ofa blackith gr 

2 igzistatlcanbs fied alert oo top ees ies Hometsbel 
number in at the leafthardto <a See ee ate —= ee 
= oe eee lead, potedon infide with many {pecks of the colour” 
> of ruftie iton! The whole flower doth turne it felfe sibs aoe hath caft his _ 

Beames ponit, ike vo the Tuipa or Ttkescap, as che Lillie « or Martagon of ‘i ne 

= from the: 
g thereat, of the fame colour the flower is {potted with. 
mountaine Lillie is eae vnto the former it intone lke and fone if 

: S N . j; x 
a . a ~ Fes 
y anid Na \ 
Uae “Be y 
Tt ES ad 

neti 3s dota — jer f 
29 ae % ‘ 
Ws oe sHto sri otoh b: 

: — 3 oe See | 
in th reo go & fuch hot i Jo border.vpon More 
a 7a 7% io he aed oie Or 


HISTORIE OF airman -, He 

or Greece , many daies iourneies beyond Con {tantinop i 1 2 
ote bulbus plants forthe garnifhing of the Turkes odin: daa ~ curious Bathaoes; from 

lence they I haue™ becne pet to eepeus where ‘they flourith sin their native countrey, 

j t i greater] ee not had ull 
flateyg y my ing frien | ee in London,» YS 

* Thesin time. 
ThefeT il; ye ee 1, Rae illy 45 ind f 


The great mou Lilie is called of T aber Morton, ike Saracenicum , recouseal by 
y thename ALartagon Imperiale: of fome Li/jum 
Saracenicum mas, 

ine Lillie is called i ine Lili Lilium [yluestre : of fome 
emerocallis, of oth Mar tagan; boss neither alts or sesh there is ote xh , other plants prop np 
calledby the fae names, An hy oe Dutch i it. is galled eat + imlowe Dutch 1 ultkens 

aluatien: in Spanifh Zz 

The nature a verti 
Thete hath not poli an: Sit in in wing either of Se ee or vertues of thefe plants 
bia cicce 9 we may deeme hich gaue them {uch feemely and beautifull fhape, hank ae 
left. them without their pela Sib thefinding out whereof we leaue to the learned and in. 

pers fearcher: of nature 

Thered Lilly of Cnn On 94. 

9 Lilium ss 
Tellier Catnip. 

os ae ce illic eee eee hath a 

ial faly orcloued roote 

¢ leaues are confufedly fer 

Sean nob 
peewee aoe ssby mafter Hi: Harbran 
_ _ baff ‘there, ynto my tb 
inp 5 = bina he Lond te irerofEn 

: K4 garden, 

Twtr, ir. a r 

Sears sp euuming ie bur 


152 THE dave ae OF | IRHE 
time. > | 

They flower and flourith with the ocher Les 

_ The Lillie of Conftantinople i is called lew in inEngland disp ciaed Seca sof 
Ki Turks itis called.z, Zupiti-’ 
ave: of the Venetians Merocali 
_ & The nature eh ou 
L Of hena Bs ro eae £ “4 ae 1 fe d ¢, b or ss Lelpeci lly for he 

Of the om an Lille. Oh 9. 

‘10 Lilium Perficum. 
The hits aLille, : ati 

woade. The flowers scowe tad x da 

ing his owne foote ftalke of two inches long, as 
alo his poincel or clapper from the. middle pattof 


eee Pek ws *: L 1 ae 
Lr 2 

increafed onely i inhis roote, 

The eel 
This Perfian Lillie gr. Be eth naturally in Perfia 
and thofe places adiacenc, whereof i itt tooke his 

a into thofe countries, louers of plea? a deni 
zon in fome fewe = es ee n gardens. 

This planit fowreth foil the beeing of ae 

tothe end of lune, 
> The names. 
lledin Lati: Téligon © Se Eg 
, either ‘es the Turks themfelues , or by fuch as out a fnoke oe s Brought them into 
¢,but which of both is vncertaine. Abphon fies (ws at his being nee this plant 
Spe creneig fus with this title, Penmacio Perfianoe Pianta bi : ay > fecia Giglio 6 Mar- 
¢ Tite corona Imper. oe thatis in inEn nglith, This  moft tclegant _ Pennaco of Perfiais 

me $i: . The nature and vert rtuesa 
ae nature or vertues of this Perfian Lillie, efteemed as yet fot 
on :all ifI might be fo bold with aftranger that hath vou 
: ¢ oe Tour 2 ens we haue in ow =. aes 
-xceling | 




Balan ey Of thecrowne Imperiall. Chap.96., oi oy taser 
11 cor wna Imperial “\ 92 Corona Imper. 
“Thee crowne oo The (oat cn 

e de fersption 
aes Bee He -crowne Imperiall hath fork: bis a De ae and folide t bulbe, condita 
3 i¥ pS 8 
fuiledly } aa (Lae li Sil is RS TE re , but narrower. ‘Theflower ol gombeicsopof : 
the ftalk z i mG gi ee DS et : 
hanging their heads d i is yellowifh, aes “you the true co- 
lour , which iy words st ea ae a if nore y fap berrie: poss aimed 
for r the fpace oftwo houres, and mixe a licele Saffron wi th that anh ahd laie it vpon paper, it 
i cf 50 h backfide oft the faid flower 
ps oe os ced fixe drops of moft cleere fhini ee in tafte like fuga a 

as wellin bignes: as sie in pine a sotidhftanding if er may be die eS eee 

Rone nal inifie flower according to his ownc nature,theywill neuer fall away, no notif you ftrike 
i ell,asalfofindrie - 

; itifhiapelike of 
Fae ng aa ee at limber aey 

g foorth a crowne 

ce. wings rl os aot d rr fece 2 
tied if Le : of 3 


of flowers amongft the vppermoft greene Jeaues , which fome makea fecond kinde, although in 
truth they are but one and the felfe- fame, which i in time is thought, to\gtowe to a it rn crowne , 

L: | 
_rpehnigiot okaida aeaPocaraatags oile; whofe figure ought 
= r : 
* a rican | 
TLhie nl, tl CF Mie eS By 28 1 pele Medd desea 
and ; 
RS mn T 3 5 ee CTL ] . sa _ " | 
ro) é ° 
%& The time. . 
%4 te ee a | if 3 } J. : a Oe pd 
2 433 < 2 rf 
é % The names. 

i we Be cas yr. Tn AY ¢ 2 ly, De +4: 

This rare and ftrange p. ip : f the 
Tarkes themfelues taal al and Tafa. Andasd haue fent into thef 50f thefe rootes at 
T; pa t, others Tos 

pene sree |  & 1 1 

féand Tuyfe Ghiacl iandlikewife athe and Turfanda 
he mature. and vertuts. 
The vertues of this admiral I > his faculti temperature in 

Of Dogs tooth. Chap. 97: 

13 Dens caninus, 14 eee oe les Stioribus folys, 
Dogs tooth, White te inp ‘ 


1 been found berwi jofcori dthis Dems caninws,exceptin the cdlout,which 
3s you know)doth i wari¢ pea to the diuerfaye of places where — zat asit fal- 
ee n Sepila,0 Onions ‘sitheothe rkinds o ib pent Ichat iets twolea eaues, 
{eldom three,which leabein nfhape is much liketo 4 vr finum,or R reg on a leffer, 

Th leaues a down to the Ser rd: athe ftalke is odes and Teniblejkee to Cyclamen or Sowe 
bread, about a hand ancl bias ba 
is like th ing Saffron; or healer, fulbofftreames of: naar thedodges 
bigge atid ariterinile «ta 
} a eine Mikevato Ghitiiolas ot Corte’ Rage: 10191903; yisro 
3" Tie feconid inde 8 is farre pent and pin x erat ae jit? babes Ragestovranod 

§ che firtttheydo 
atl \: CRE ee es ice: it hake sheeTo- 
as & ie the Lilie si h aa & for the gine ater 3 wherfore I haue ePhcbes, itand 
is kinds next vit» E ore the ki nds of Orchis or ftones. Th hefe faites eth, 
prea v3B abuebylitele a ad {little to- 
te after th be th in for. 
leaues be wide open ed, doe 3 aier hoffe vee it felfe 
; f 
tieth it fc 
ues. gain rofthe Cyclamen flower, 3 Ran 
fixe purple chiues anda white defoted Rile or ‘peftell. This | rte wer {s- Of no pleafant finell, oR 
commendable for thebeauitic : n the flower i is vaded, there fuccederh a three fquare huske or 
head, whereina rethe {eed ut long 
deter,andofa ss am The roote is long, thicker below than 1 abote, fet with many hit 
fibres, w as Per? ree aoe) Bi dae 1 
a. o ¢@ Ee > 

reer eae not flowe Ne 
ae slike teformer, fac inthe eaesvhichare manote anti the 
clothe or confifting of a¢olour mixtofpurple and white, 
cegohaue fide this much for the defgrip- 

etefore fich there is soother saga whi it “thal fuffic 

Ne es YS 

iodo aia , ‘ow plesifullya at re Se 3 f certaing uilsin the ge 

of Come sg Styria not farre from Gra eziums a y Mod 

and ne ein my ge 3 jo 
i : #T he time. = 

The firft is calle ¥ th atine Dens caninus Spee cae and  Bibion thacis Bae ee 
Dogs tooth. Themen of thecoumtrey where it growegh do call it Schatkat Bs 
ans abou ut Styria docallic Denali, andlikewife 1 Dens caninus flore albo, angustior. 

£ Le 53 aS el TS ‘ S asi ce 
wae ey a doSlin alg odT r5lle crit sud ,3t  Pashake ae 
eter Uahoucthe ssi ties je pence! sworg dso! 2 
sit shere, ad 
poem powderofi ition, fee len pgs gate woomeof : 

"ign rhrn thah been poe 

det ar th the bodice i 
children ofthe falling 

= _Teprouoketh bodily uftfi b 

L * 
ds 2absol ogi to Sundbiw sot anol: 


Of Dogs flones. . Chap.98. 
Bp: The kindes. 

‘Tones or Teft , nN. few, . £. Doninsis Ar, Banias TY n *. 

i= at “ ak sie R a OF ; ee ir ey be tine 
~ eames Sere roen Uk how they may be ec d ds 
ght g ideth followetht The ft Loupe nea aa f 

? d sT este ulus A, ay 

or Con wae Orcbis erp oF. cee ftones: os fift 3 ustamneria> i 

. ; mocks eds. anike ns3.258 il 3 

es i cman pag di eed Ooebnid oF 

spacers Honess:; wousa -usoles lqusg wha 

chr orchisn major aber 
Dogsftones. ....., 

hea Reat Dogs ftones hath foure,and {ometim b roewhatlike 
thofe =e nen Lillie, but fmaller. ‘Theft itthoprrohands chi shen : 

iJ 3 

4 7 mast anos PETS ° 7 ny fine Ho s ff rted ith rp pletpoess Tiiapelicos 

! = rg thape like to a foure footed beatt. The be round lik Rnecofadeee e 

-:4 beries, onehanging { J, }, ms 4 1. oo he Eon -ypermoft = 
> 3 c but faller h: — i ee ; 



wagon ne oe 2 eis 2 


— fame round about. His fpikie floweris thicke, buthic,. ee of ie bee rnd slats o 

ning to whitenfle. ff 


fakes, Pipa Roser ait Pd ms ipicn biortog bes et, haing hanging out of eucrieone ast 
pees rootes be te = former, 
Ph 4 oaran pa 
: potted Dogs Sores, Marifh Dogs ftones, 

3 c. 2 rp} he: Le * ioc ea bite od ¥ ene e« ‘se 
narrow P| 1 d and {pots. Tie Taneeiie = fase 
beh: atthe top Seat oo \ a mf or rare of an n flowers , mixed witha a darke sores 
bos = the hollows owneffe there fwhist of sbueleffer, 

sing 0 hanging out ofthe egap little rude and deformed fhape, a fc 
a ed beaft  nperoores be ieee the erties 

sith Dogs ftones hath many thicke blunt leaues ‘eset sae thicke freaked with lings or 
reer like thofe geese. The flowerisof a Zs or violet Colour. The = ge and roo cali 

oodes,and alfo 
‘. & Thetime. 
They oer fiom the beginnin ng of tiay to othemiddet of Augul 
Theft and fecondaethoe i Se eee 
Dogs ft ones after the Shs i erecee yf =e SS 


ogee The temperature. nob ol, NOT Serb 
n = ae 
Thal kinds of Dogs ftones b f , but'the.g: fe Ato oa 
Sou, TH Pa Pee Land thly lait ie 
ao ‘io fl - . Rad . . 
» Thefecond which is lefler, 7 y tending t toa hot atid d mperatur 
ashe ~ : ‘ 1 L 
to! > 
Serapias ft f'amore ert ee and Bek ae 

- prevallet to i YP att luft oft es on 
A Iti is reported as Dinfe Covides vite that if men do cate of the great at full or fat rootes of thee 
f the leffer, drie 
ot barren roote which is withered or fhrineled , — fhal} oat foorth females. Thefe are fon 
Doétors opinions on ely. 

op es }. Oil] A | Lat, 
sl L = Sy POE ee | om ee = fr 2 } = & baa: 
Cc OO. Pa 5 0 ee a aa Net L j c 
= : = . apie Ss at oom pete # > fr _ ig Mi 
h Fe ih fc f for tl pofe. But thebeft and moft effe@uall are 
re} bd roms * ] j r L 1 L TL a L 1 o£ 
ly,but the harder and fuller , andthat whicl neth moft q ie of iuice: for that whichis 
i A By te | i aes be A Ae leat : 1 * 
. i 
but often the leffe lly if ck I before the plant hath thed his 
f lowers sor when the ftalke firlt tcommeth YP > for that re is flr a ine is not the ae be. 
j 1 - 2 “ach: ms 1 Lee oer, 3 fton axeth : 
full, f i = duller of i iuice thould be ali 
V ic saan yr ¥ Y os ES ee S| 1 
z = Sac SS ee OM OS be LQ z j b eae re L L “VL 
@ 2 
he whole pl gither with the leaués and ftalkes doth Sombre weep and ei and 
which in t ime i fed ineth ftill freth and full vne othe next yeere 

OE Fools see Chap.99. 


© 6 Cynoforchis Moric fam 
. The a foi 


SOON DIF no Sfecn - aes: ee a dae 
5 He male Foole ftones hath 
Tr to thofe oft the: Lilie , oon i as are ik and fone py pce ee lack 
ewhat like the for: 

mer, but thruft more thick togither , in thape i like to a 1 fooles hood ‘or eos Wide Opes or 

and = {ma 

taile of {pur hanging downe, the backfide declining toa violercolour , of a pleafant {auour or 
6 The female Fools ftones hath alfo fmooth narrow leaues eis ve nerues like thofe of Plan« 
the form 

taine, The flowers be likewife ‘gaping , and ii ke er, aS itwere open ho ots witha little 
ho ging and fi fall grep forted or mixed among 

ling cocks bes,wi Met rere ynot tftanding BE oe tt vypon the 
Sokal flower ia fuch fort, I I y otes a are a 
couple of finall f fi The A f this fort d y 
» Zz 1 ae L pe? £ eek Ry, t Y i aprlag | 

“ a a 1 Qrf ig: fel } by} cA * 

colour fome as white as ape Fe g 

which are not poffible to be diftinguifhed. 
%& The place. 
Thefe kinds of Fooles {tones do ae naturally to their beft liking in ee and felds oo fel- 

dome or neuer are Ba ccge or manu 

The time. 
They flower in Tune , Iuly and the bagi of fail Their ftones are to be cinesel for 

% The names. 

The firft is called Cynoforchis morio: Of Fuchfius Orchis mas: of Apuleins — and alfo Or- 
chis Deiphinia :in Englith male Foole {tones and Cuckow Orchis. 

SSS ee % The temperature. : i 
¥T. he verties. -.. 
Tl, Ot Mee ee ee ee B + Sn SE: LS Fee é ane) 
they arereferred, : a oF ine 

Of Goates ones. Chap.100. 

-% The kindes. : 

yt Her be thre a kinds of G selon fe fo he os or meni 
as al ca s re: fap ell. The lat ofthe 

od + threeis t hought to beth true and right 7: hi: aeronsn 4 bp othe bel approoued opi« 
ing g is great contention for fenioritie 5 asalfo for fta- 

hauiri | lik vato the Lillie; others rlenblin ng thofe apd = 

Plant taine; fs cer f. and fomeof mixt 
: the whic i 

colours : & ae gf 
ueft we haue in hand, pa particularly were too finall purpofe , confidering =e 


I Tragorchisma 2 Tragorchismas. 
The grea seh Goaseriionss: c.g. Dhe male Goate ftones: 


5 Puan jusconune c- 255 hes 
oa jah = a tae 
REREE ription. “a 
ee teft of theG ft tft ] tt rn ie 
as o the broad leafed Plantaine,| Wee “TE {tI gi Soy ct igh 7 my OB S 
Eaten halt L nin ftor 
ae ee 

pao line key gli x ith another, like the f of the 
herbe Sauorie, - whole dover con- 

ethof a purple colour. Ther ts are like the reft =p the Orchides, but great 
he male Goate fton eshalidianes ¢ tothofe of the — a with a 1 ftalke a footie oe, f 
| about teuen to the cut ofthe flowers with thofe his leaues. The flo flowers which growe 12 
nina oft the twifted orwrithen tailes an¢ 
hich euery: of thefe{ € fall flowers is atthe e fir like a 2round clofe huske, of the bignes of : 
toward the fe A ft ff i ating vponechie ain 
sipgadoed vnto it, ike to alitele lee or oe the rl oF the ‘aida stwifted Ted 
about, and h downwa tde.The w: 4 
cof it rooke his name, 


be: Me Be yas Ft L 1 P. Lr. W 1. 


ling flies that feede vpon flefh. E The fons ar ooces ae 
“ . co) 

Ne ere 

3 Tragerthh 

“wisTonEooF PEANTST 6 

é wad . - aa § ca 4 
: Py: ees 
Tragorchis fawmina. | 

: ath = ak rheplee. 

: Thefe kinds of Goates tones delighttogrow = : 
in fat aay yrds ogg inany other foile, : 
tobe f 
% Thei bime. 

They flower in Maie and une swith theother 
kifggeof Orchis. _ 

rt i, 2 
wT ile: is 
ecians haue named Sa kindes of 
tine Testiculus i 
5, OF Scincopore: 

of. the Rinking et 
they a pi with. 

Of Foxe [fone “at S 

a The kindes. 

1 flow. ee fame Aig sends is to wee se po a 
tures; = fie the fhape and proportion of flies; in 
vnto honie bees 5 fome like butterflies 3 and other slike aie that a pairs fom 
others whit P Ce fhe 
ralf to diftines guifh li thofe | id Ifo thofe th ¢ Aiffer thededelues 
view and — would cakes a particular volume : for there is not any sear: 
offer fuch varietie vnto vsas thefekindes of ftones , exceptthe Tulipats: which go 
in thefe la 

hie | ee MES, BO "1 GESTS S 

and hire yeeres, fon the feedes of Tuli fais re to yeert ae 
*  attaine to the ende ing a sony nae 
veel this: ee the feedes of a Tulipa that bare 
Panior cub with earth, you hall r receive from that fecde , plants of 
wife, “Series and the moft 

*y - "sa estienlae Sphegodes 


a He odstica. ° 

3 Tefficulus V ul 1 Bb 4 TefticulusVulpinusmaior. 
Humble brchi Gieatlunrble Bee Ovchie, 

HISTO RIED a 3 patie abe 38 
ts2 wolley ! > 

Ees os Orchis or Sicyien jut areth hen Taenet very: iti broad lenttes like hoot ihe 
“Be _ geet thréé, The aahees “= whirelof colo refembitig dhe fhapé: of ee 
sa foote hig! 

2 at Satition commeth foorth of the ground, bearing two, {ohietime ee Cleaiies like the for- 
mer, be muh fmaller. The ftalke groweth to the height of an hand , whefeon are placed veri¢e 

orderly fim: 1. Dae tt  £ 36 ] In y Sy cr. * 
ase y - se rao oF 
aeure the! ftalke TI fi ‘i tr 5 he fi Itt on b smb! het 
bleB Git ds rs Se thereto. 
4 The great} Humble: Bee Satition gone out at te and ing ftalkesfmall and tender, 
: ining toa browne or darke colour, The 
flowers be {mall, fth | f dri | > ‘i t $24 great 1: 
ji Le wy ee | a  * Te B 

The leaues of Wafpe Sat fc turning 
nebo sagaintt the i as it were oats ‘The ale is round ee and: er apabeta Ac the 
pg p eltones or bulbes _ the 

© i 
L ipa j 1.2 

e like vn gs a 

6 The Flie Sarriont is in his cai like se other , ig that = be not of fo date a - = 
g elke in fhap 
ofcolour. 3 = 
5 Melittias Orchis, Orchis 4. yades, Me 
Wa te ¢ Pali. ee ee ig rf 


j ee 


7 Yellow Orchis efesly cic oF the elon; Seite ti aft before men- 
«toned. The ftalkeis tenderand cr Ihe wet row ase tp ello of clei ap 

ae La z 

8 The finall yellow Satyrior 
der ftalke rifeth vp inthe vid thal a high. Th flowers grow: hei cae 
top, refembling 
very round, 

7 Orchis Myodes Lusert. 8 Orchie Adyodes mi 
” Yellow Sa ae Sanat. Smallyellow Serpe 

=< = RT hedeferipto 
2 belo his hatt larg. <— eerie foes watt 

3. Ce PCy Sen Lb the like 

seat it . f Lalit ae re gs eee tas eee 

ee “ : tytion I hl if i di ly f the b 
ee tt a vb. S62 5 eee — fades 
igh: on the top whereofbe white flowers, refembling the tha conforma of afiallbd read 
sfbelimes with hir winges {pread abroad, The roores are round and finaller than any, 

7 ee forth many broad ain ees the ground 
lke vnsasholzof the prea Plantaine: among the w: afar are or jutiety 
clothed or intheleleiesieno mothe off rea "wherupon doe grow little flow’ : 

7 ba 

infide, fp ed with many ; purple {pots : | eas a: Pee eS yur cending : 
= welt Hemming facantin os | 

fe Sabie Si mi ; mt to SporcaBinconine ge 4 

KN ipa 


hophora Candida. 
ie Orchis. 



tyrion , asis the whole plant. The backe an of the flowers 
and fometim 


13 “Orch Stratematca mina. 
ers Cullions, - 

singe 279 thle nee 
* ah defeription. 

Cuflions hat iit | ee 

re fomewhat } 
es are afh colour ed : the infi jd af hie Gowers tacts a with white ik cewife. 
Beast ditione leaves ibe vnto thofe of the Lillie, featteringly fet vpona 4 
talke : whereupon do grow fmall flowers Dagar: aswellin aa ascolour, — 
nt ia a eos! like the former. E 
The place 

fc Jowes eats, asalfoia 
: eB ie Satyri d b étalkieils andheathie 

Se BP cats s Rok n d downes — 
gift nema laces -of k nit: likew ifeinafield — 
ot ota Othcligioneof halls efrom rate Gel eibete They 
ld neere ns,by : | pce te ‘dwelling, 
Robert — Abot, an excellent and diligent He: She |G 
refembleth the white Butter Ai ceili 
dh = vnto See 

o Henden a village gro 
‘iosrteerentetee Zi icheatet soe Lond andrei obek 

of Kent named matter S. ee — crc 

HAST OB Blo QFrB AN TS 1 167 

to any purpole, fo m3 ais sc — you is time to receiue thenames fet downe in their = 
rall titles, referuing what elfe es tbe faid 2 as touching the wr French 0 or Dutch names, or 
any generall Beno oath furth - co 6 a nor — Edi AdNO 

Thelekinds OE rotheeamich went the SOGEDtIa| neither bythe ee writers 

and ver 
He atts cad vertues OE thefe odes Of Orchis are certs aa fe) sake eo od namely tothofe 
of the Foxe ftori8? 2 eereamiers there isno great vie of thefei in Phificke , . but tegarded for the 
plea ee aed beautifull A hir felfe, 

of Sweete Cullions. Che. 102. 

mi e a ified ner aen 3 
8 ge ay es eee aCe YY t. L Pr fn? ano 4 
1 y > oF nT ght! 

white baie 3 poner fome flefth Sie, ae #2 os bea ee witha beer reddifh 

I Tete rams, > Th fore chis. 
Ladie T: 

3 WAT SF | Se : 22. : CSE (é . = oft kien i. : 
‘eis seein, pe aA A det 
pi kindof sree 2a, ee ion inp ofall the reft, The 
be finall, thewhich rifeth ° 
vp.a{mall, weake, and rend fale ofa sofa fng ng vispon doe reer final Seo 
Wers fpike fathion ofa pleafane f fwee two fimall {tones in fhape likethe 

2 ae i te it see er lifbres 
beset Loot Essig fimall fibr 
nome cyte 

eet {PGR Sst ne 
vies $s ke > - 

168 THE FIRST tt led ‘OF THE é 

lil come footth naked ftalkes , fall an 
SaSlesetuts ate ‘laced cettaine {mall white doveseae Fathion 5 shot! fo frreete as ae torn in 
imell and fa auour, a ‘ 

\ ! 
S03 Hg! 22 AS , 

3 Orchis Fri 21 : camobie 99791 nla OFibic reso 339199 
Jr clan Lad ace, aiseie haa DOMAIN T Fe a Soma ef 
194 so od 

bsrisict ats 2irlsxO ke 

E - Se ee | yee ie ignes sorhey cafe thatwe 
=e a from thewhich tifevp sfvelses eth th tholea —— 
_ asthe fmallleafed Plantaine: among the w naked tlk 

ies 1 Be 

sili or fa laonas ter "i i vA ott 
1 siege e two Sa SO devo asf thew 1 
ae ) two and fomtime Casi iecda made] the mids like’ nso att 
— oes Saat Dake. fewihlichBower ashelt dee, 

anouerwome  aacone 

% a 

Of Ri d3as allo. Sem eis bys - 
che Maat fa iecuen oh ae n 9 

ng hie a Say of ‘ds f Simm pale ieee ep ©: 
bs io vy anon Quenden Pied oi hy 

<The time. 1 £¢ 

wrt. 3 gg se a.” i fi 1 
ai “ SS, ~ see z 
f js i %& The names. 
Lh oo, oe Fe tee ol [tone ape | BI Be ie BF EG OS L Ni. 
: I, g G Tetlieles or Stones, 
1 rae pa Sole 4 Tie? Th 42 1 tox . he tumnalis, 
} h A Ericlifl Ug die traces: in 
2. =) 
eer oune Lnamejzas.dffame fy Balloch »fiveete Cods j SEE — and 
18 fle. idan Lo, ib % ola le. d V& Sn el pre tee) or 
-_ Ito. : Zt ae yee i a ’ Li. BG ae a . K ] 7 Or white 

Orchispum —- ) j a } 4 sks 
— es is called Lore Frizia: age bg ith Fri scalusidtrchis 
fthefe kinde of Stones or Tefticles,is called of fome Orebis Leodsenfis, aha Ore 

ne in aside lkenife ee eit ON and Trrorehis ere ete : in Englith Jellowe. Tade 

eid DME 2S & T. he temperatur > f10! 
fo THERA * of Se meet Cu idtis setes nature andemperacire ike the bac ftoties 3 aldo 
“e vied) = aban vo vertues wiito 
“a * ete % 

Thefill ‘land! fappy rootes‘of Ladie traces caten or boiled i in cae ad ete 5 penta seme: uh 
nourifh ae hen the bodie, and be good for fuch asare fallen into a confumption or or fguer 

Je3 ai inalg 2idT sw yollieas: 
amhicw& 10 Jah snk 9.0731: tind TO Saaee Ke mob} to sii aif bal 
« HeteBe fimdrie Srisiof Bedendikoneshen detdanbcient ¥inderebiipenetall uaisSaed : 
ap “nsdn ae dforthéeafier vnderftanding of the Reas 
‘odets Ehalve fee dgviie Onely nwosinalea ee Rapneee et tnhceke Slane 
if Se eSiateges bicean ob énoisio canara POrcie 
pi se 

i st i aE nt vl er = 
“Th A ae a ee : as sre 

es nsiobns Ti Sf 

e PLOY & 
503 Mi — fake AWK w doid VV . 
whod sion? 39 5 sth sons 

4 ae) ee 3 3 

Oadws Late [rtre,b- 
ar AW th dace 


% The A fciieh: 

°~Ft wt IL 

zt r 
I or cut a Shee feGtions like an hand , from the which come vp. ee andi ae 
fet with large leaues like thofe of Plantae: at the tOR: shai groweth atuft of puts 
~ fom jp with oma T pur plecolo i golwoh 
he fema hiclot 

oa ae) Cl XM. cet 
male Satyrion hai hat > i : The] aCaanS 
} Conf. Ueiatott < ‘ a) a ST nd 
BY 7 OER SS 2h Ss: 
icc cnt der ftalke, at the top whereof: dotitg ft of pu 
thion like vnto a fri hangi 1 he foile and cl 
ores =) ? Sas = to) 
1. L 2 Oe 1 % “~ r 
rimes lig! AL ERO ho 
he Sa a a reir ies 
y ts ORT P SING Z seqe Whe S Siivigall Sct ail tat 

that arev aries Pa nd Sa = Ihaue found the is ee a ¢ ecially emid eft of 
ened: in Kent called Swainefcombe wood eere to. ante by, ese ¢ Seni a af 
likewife in amet? wood fower miles a rissa ea 

BTS ibs] to 233 5 Ot abiche 

The time. 
uhay Rall Waeaidian ta feldorne later 2 9d bas, sibod o1 

Roiall bata or finger Orchis,is oiled of hela ae alma Chr 22, notwithitanding there is 
hich otherwife i is call ed Ricinus. This planti is cal- 

iApaburn| bur. yicer faith 4 don hellined ~ dike thofeof sehen albus ie i 
wifé she\rootes of Palwa Christe ‘aténothing ‘Jeff ‘Te Rlie.:a shana PRL BAL ES | 
paras se Satition roiall: tobe Digiti i Citrimirs Ayie cenna., finding fault withith tke 
hich fet foorth ge vpon AZ ibti i} thecenfi 
ican hes owe better allow of oe monkes coset banal it a 
ragetth ‘Ausicens ane whee whet is Afabafa ake or «Digit, Ciiritig wering t ante him- 
faith ; it is in figure or fhape like the hand ofaman a Goer soles Se 
and of a hardand wooddie fabftance ~ Whi ch words: noel of Avena ait in 
Christi, axe St "he Dit 
Citrini of Mathiolus. 
oa cs CC: eer) * The temperature. dg Ss I Al hn 2 both: ~ 
Le pet D fn x ipa a _ 1L 1 L LU: & » Fig A o% a rs pe. is 
; 4A 
See : - The vertues. 
Nicole Ni cabs. in the ch f q i g . faith , athe rootesof Palms 

ehrifiacof ee ey 1 pe) iuen with 
wine before the fic tcommeth, isa good femedie againft old seca: after purgation, and repor- 
“tethchatoe Bela afer he had pred fower and fortie fits w: was cured therewith, 

Spi ‘flones. Caps, 
% The kindes. 

‘and ome oFiealce bree varying oe colour, the flowers. whereof roe ‘be ss 
others purple coloured, altering according + the fo sleet ‘asthe greareft part ve 

or ‘grow sel jeans Rees be 
a of sia i 




1 Sterapias Candidoflore, = 2 Serapias minor mtente fore. 
i Wire handed Gres 3 Re . ded Orchis, op 

3 setae 

sy aterri ote Thedefcription, waishihay a vignene t 
: Tieross ; 0 “hae me { largele : 5 te¢d dnd daft twith 
_ having at ee ‘top a 2 buh or ike tuft — isk flowers, tek in nape to tholeot of . Pan : 
wt ae rake 
isos ts a aman,with fome tough and fat ftrings pie tothe vp pper part thereof. 
2 Re d ha nded Satytion i isa fal lowe and bafe ethan a {mall flender ftalke, fer with two 
; ower groweth at the oP eat fathion, 

c. . : : ae fath; Tt a } » bur leffer than the form 
Ln s ais i L a 
a. Seca hone Atri ti yi sh vie 1 1 bbi gers re thofe 
5 7 hich rife thick fat, aid fpungious fisikes fer ith 
} 2S 4 r CeL c Sy twi { 

e higher 
toward the top the rad mney are. The flower confifteth of many {mall ‘hooded cafe {c ae 
whitith , {potted within wich deepe purple fpots; the backfide of thefe little Apwers, are violet, 
mixéd wit purple. 
4 Fennie Satyrion or lee gt ftones differeth little from the former , fauiing tha’ Be fede 
73 Oolong, 

aii calles not 

Te Se | Y sek ion Tae a. 

bE Co, ASN 
5 Serepissmidntins 6 3 jas Cari p lata: Ae e) 
Mountaine Satyrion. vg nies i sical ti 


whekest gh yh 

tai ais il 

SiH - ea r, andmore in num ber : from 
dnarrow mito pei eee 

ont ra = eee fic cls, 


THIS TORIE: OR Seng ili HT 173 

flowers re refembling Flies ssbut in fa oue, or Cl gillo! fer; but farte fi 
res yen adres h many oth uing that haue both feene and {mele 
my garden ae} “Uh G3 LITID PANT get ; 
heh SerapiasCaitratum 
i eisai 

%& The defiription. 
ded Satyrion hath leaues with Sain ha like to thofe: wen ire » fer vpon aweake 
and om ftalke, wich fowersat the pelike re fembiin rigethie ¢ crowne or yhite of co- 
b flo { ¢.Gna and little Flies. ee dasitwere,or © 
_ A. IL }, wees ut ff a" iets Neti ft n L oe 

~ Thele flourifhin sy scitalews tadtncs steer Au ftiooot degetrarckinde that 
hath had fome impediment ne nit cee wr “oa neteg 

Wcehaue called thefe kindes, Serapias frones: or or Orci his Seapades, ne en bag for hac fndafe 

of them doe Pipe hooat tore flowers, refemblin g Flies and itwere from 
sof 1 =B) 

euhobad a a rete Temple at Ca- 
of lafciuious wantonnes, fongs,dauncin ' 
readin Strabyinis 7:booke. Icis allo called Eapeieps Panton, and ofthe Latines Tete leo 

itnus and Satyr ium : of fome Orchis +i ee 
sree AY pete 

\. Serapiagftones are thoughttobei sameeren Sand vertues like vieo the Satyriof toi 

—— in Phificke yet doubtlefle they worke the effec ofthe ———,. 


Of Pele iad: , Chip. 105. 
Bg 0 onthe ee 

Sep a Selyrion, 

> agree and there with v ae aire Lillie lilamapichdocip eae 
thel by: ot 
ower: —_ dafht ouer with purple: among the o ihich riko ‘ow man green 
=a The feede1 mshpe neuer obferuc , being a thing wn 
L 3c : Lt Parrot by SES aS y es in Tac hallow 3 

= ee plant bringeth foorth faire white flowers gapin: Peale the h nefle 
whereof seme things = hiddea sees little Helmets h forth 

$s dtasdal Sete hath very g tes, with { ; pes pate 
of, fafhionedlike an hand, whereof it tooke his name se gain stich & nie ees a 
stag fe 
ftalke round at vat the top of the ftalke ftandeth a faire tuft of purple flowers, with mane 
the fame, hich maketh de allo fe ich rea er r.The feedis 


rating brits like the other of his kinde 
The Eunuch Orchis: or handed. d Satyrion with refticle -hath manie or as dipeing 
ar din the grounde,contrati trati¢ toall the reft of aia cgi” 

& fame towne, qt Boe a ye 


SHS POR FE ea) Sinem, cule 

dtl rife fower ot aie boat tote — oe vnto fs fi mall Plantain, ge the whi ch 

+e incarnate colour, fpotted on the infi de with lictle epeckes of bloody colour, Theleede 1 is very 
mall, y 

3 Palma Chris ray % j 4 Palma mie repent 
Handed marith Satyrion, Handed Satyrion BEE 2: HEN 

They grow in marith and fen sand in fhad Say sale 
that are Capen 

Thelaftwas found (bys leenehnon nde gin adi ¥ Bifhop: 

groue where a Conduite head i d doth ftand, that piretGrsie Hedi 

” % Thetime o- 
They inn and flourifh about er. and Iune, 

* 7 ature and vertue. 
~ Thereis a vie of thefe i in Phificke, vol ty. are referred vn Hynto thehanded ie wherof 

Meare f bir a 
1s of eater force than any of th the Dogs {tones in procuring o ofluft. 
= Camerarius Of No: orember erge,who was the firitchat deferibed t this kinde of fcectng Orch hah 

Thaicbadno wiallehccah bica mleas yee 

4 = 

176 THE- FIRSTS BOOKE | ‘OF eRe &ec. 
Of Birdes me Chap. 106. 
qv 2 Sart loti nid ake : Joe 
SU i0 The defer créption 
ae: Irdes ee hath any linge ie 
Bs os Ae rie intricately, 
ft made 

mbleth roweés he 
Rickes: io which rifeth s a thicke foft gull 

Ct 1 c: * | 

der the tree all bs winter long: on oe jes of the 
ftalke groweth a {pikie e tuft o 

apelike ie maimed Sa ar a voce cube 
lefleit isa rece ihe whole apa as well ftalkes, 

gen — ce eG matter Adres sre 

Howcke greene, The wood belonget 

= Iohn Shall, which =e T did neuer a ale 
dbicattied it is Ae rare re Tan am the mo 

willing to giue you all t 

one ners ofthe cout is to oo, the groun ie 
uered all ouer int the fame ae neere aboutit 

Ae oe Oe Mees RAS eee Foe 7 ost See, fs SOR | 
, See > | 

% Sia 7 
eee = ce. wap sy Sem a mr Cid anf: gh 
The sia cates ; 
sand hfe a Tanne gy aoe hs ecient 
:kinde of Sa 

Tondeinp tie 


jae Few Es Same S53 
* Containing the de, scription, place, time, names, ‘ature, and 
yertues of: all forts of herbs ‘for meate, medicine, 
or Sivette Jmelling Ye, Cen 

at peel OF DIRS Ye Reem me 

He treati¢ OL we haue in our 
j TT. 

cop fs pei a par pens BE ghey cle ae a eg 

ce Rs | ‘ y} od 6G } ind fe 4 }  aipemaie 3 
the bellie. Befid 
| all eruing. for foode: He which, ae we will Tale eifcoufe 

2 in this booke, cuidingt them infuch ifort, ¢ that thofet that Eines indeed 
\<y jel! to be ofone kinde, th ay 
@)°|| fufficethat we hane fevered the bulbed flowers. from ‘hele that Foi ic 
\j] meate and nowrithment, which, otherwile might haue beene alfo ¢ 
" prehendedi 

nef. Sat | ‘The i er i 

Te Here be findrie forts of Tarneps ; (ee miles Eon of the garden; fome with round rootes 
globe fafhion ;other ouall or peare fafhion nisfome great and fome ofa finaller forte. 
oE Repu mint ns : 2 Rapurn minus 
Great Turneps, nibat ‘ae = 7 ak Bure 

A Le wy Me AE | 1 LL 


* = Eel ipiew 
| He kage hath long, g #Unics al 

o 3 . 
The flalke diuidech ir (elfe: SERN TS ae iges with 

-| deepe gafh 
NS; We — the top final — s ofa yellow iim ae fometimes of a light purple ; 3w hae 

g paft , there dé fucceed long cods fullof. fall blackith feede like rape feede 
: \ G The toon trond atomic nemnerines te {tre erchedoutin length ge 
2 ThefmallT is lik the f fauin gthatitis] . The roote is much fweeter jn 

taft,as my felfe haue often prooue 
Bsc sathird fort of, {mall nee faid to have red rootes , but my! felfe haue not as sree {eene 

any uc f'the red Beet whi ch oft 

found i in barren n grounde to hae the spore Bro to roundneffe , and Gf Sasa ted or Voce 


sted z Th place. ‘ 
1 fpereth well ina lich 3 loofe; and fat earth , dfo loofe Crefioues 
h, We itd & eat a = > ~ . ap! Lane 4 
Basa in on places of England. a a 

The finall Turnep groweth by a village neere Tekidoa ss eae Hadkeney )ina fandie ground,and 

brought to the Croffe i in rp. Be ie = the woRnGtt Of that eesti to be folde’, and are the beft z 

that euerl tafted. 

rate kinde, calledin Chethire — = = Nang Mad ness > of their el ailiiepeeer 
fing frenfieand giddineffe ofthe bpaine is a Soe 

The Turnep is called in Latin ay in ash which i is commonly \ vfedin fhops,and 
euery vi where Rapa. The Bdeiteroniss sal i it asi: ee Boetians a as Athen aus eit in 

tu rond vin Span: 
in Englifh Turnep and Rape, ee 

% The SS a and vertues. 

o Te 5 fa ‘fee given the 
- name tothe planr,is many times catenraw Snail . the oore Sie people: Wales, but moftcom- 
monly boile d. The taw roote is windie and lengendreth =e and cold blood:the boiled doth coole 

See ye bay, ; oe (oa 1 ae 

tain btot em Ta P kaha Ate Aechkeme 
edit ‘ohand pedo ne dy bree 1, Pe fe +4. But 

Cc “7h Ll a 

they doincreale sera women Biefts.and naturllfecdiand we yrine. 
= -coction of Turnepsis good againft the = of the voice, being drunke 
the ev jos mgs cca of clatfied hom hony. 

_ Déefeorides writeth tha urnep it felfe beineaapee is with good fucceffe applied vpon 
mouldie or kibed | els, and thatalfo oile of ro ae an hollowe Turnep vnder the hot 
_ aibesdatheuette 
The yoong and 3 r fhootes ot a of i at their ficft Baton foorth of the 
. ge osc oa Saeee ouoke vrine. i : ae 

ae Se, 

the af 
ter throwes of women att bon to bed ‘od dd do Caine it toyoong os ag meh 
wormes,whichit | both killeth and ad driveth foo 
H Ties see sandruggidnes of th a 

Of wilde Turneps. Chap.2. 7 

2p Pe % The kindes. ‘ 
oa? ly Foilde Ti R bi-hh |p ys ae 

Here l PS3 pe, where- 

{of fis P Weeks SA'S. 1 és P j es 
a Vv e ¥: é 2 

we call Charocks herec f he ‘ b I oa 2 one witha purple flower, the other witha 

white flo gr , 

Wide tunes. F le * Chacker Chaalock. 


“Ww! Ide Ti TanepseRapes a a hia and aie ne Semehimgeeese ib 
= fo adeepely gait edin wat The ftalkes aed and brietle. a 


: g clominant 
which containe eons abe 
fires tafte asis th the muftard, but bitterer, 

Charlocke or the wilde fpr soos Sa i “nba oe Rea 
botefcdich tend and branched, the fi fc imes p lith neh he 
j e. VaPys a Cal 31: fond ? fois 
‘ ; eee cane ted pas <<? : rootes are 
i ata gorctrpoae tiga ofthe Foote or fomenhattoore » with braunthes 
indenedabors intefpect of any of thereft of hiskinde , fet wi th rough ribbed leaues Pred 
eee ou soot Ts cite flonersgromartherp ofthe ranches, bl : 
ofikings : The root is long, tough and full 

my tS 25i3 = } olf 
ey " aie Giles 15 19 

; ? eater ey fas : 5 epen 


ination. ps nivis 
* Water Cha aS 5 AS wt \S rhe place. 

sey Rie Dera AwitheTomeps or Rapes; do grow of themfelues 
ae andhikewife fe by high waiesneete 
-bankes , and’neere 

*ovnto townes and ii se S§ rand in other Yntoiled 

‘and rough phe 

moift mei 
and marith grounds,asal{oin water ditches,and 
fuch like places. 

< Thefie, 

Thefe do owe: from March till fommerbe far 
— x meane feafon the {eede is vie 

The names. 

a en aoe atine Repiftrum, 
Re eftre, 8% cS: [ylue str wild 
moat hi ‘ hD enh on Dutch 

high Dutc 
Derick: in French ee) in En 
Rape feed. Repittrum ieted 
Kedlock sand Carl pa : 

% Thet temper atar 
Thefeede of th che jilabSindec of -Turnepe aslo chenake tet Chadlock, st hotand dics 

ftard feed is “ett es Carlock hatha Se sea es d fomewhat 


*&Thev A eee. 
A See of sere me mech a fruce beating 
me oft eset Ronn with muftard {eede : but thiskinde of faice is not fo pleafancto 
pte Some ico 
Gait : 

J iil blood Diofeovides faith . they warme the 
: Soa) J ‘S - 

"Hescbe fandckindsof Nape or Navewes d era eee 
& sce rete ni 


js. Fo See So By wee ey One: 

‘Yoesaed ae ee: AT 

\ Re The place. a 
a8 ‘ ae BN 
a bof &. yellow mould eet as doth the Turnep,8& preterit in afruit- 
ee ria,8¢ other places in the fields for the feed fake,as 

is likewife 

= ait a sae re forthe plentifullincreafe of the feeds bring- 
cree of that Coury , bicanfe that being prefled they yeeldean 
onely in lampes.2 but alfo.inthe making of, ess for of this oile er lie ae 

ill gaine tothe 
pte whichis vfednot 

of certaine afhes , is a fope whichis vfedin theLowe 
re clothes.[haitehardit cp that it is at an say Brent in Engin the fame pur-_ 

eget fy < Sa a * 
stnltnoliee hw euadiilg ercaligioael Suigg ac sicis yhoo) floms 
‘a Thetime. ; 
The Nanewis f A {feed ime that tk Tumep doth. 

Thewilde Nanew a bag Sy ee ae ey we 
on fet ‘ graweth vpon di 

+ Th REE: ‘ 
‘The Nauew js called in Latin nea apie datio puazae % Pi Qt Burhais: ee Comins 
Steckruben: 6 Peabanders acum See in Italian Wawo: the Frenchmen. > 
Aaweaw;in Englith Na uew gentle,or French N: 
% Thet eae 
ee a saitdievadiesit Monee tone 55 yet tfome Spoledie: tee 
cote ritinnin (foo ne cone, deo downe: fo cafily , and sori: 5 

at a “Of 


Of E jai Fitenep or Lyons leafe. Chapt : 

toot : 0 Ae 
ns leafe. aa * The df Bipeilie) i ae 
See | cee Yons Turne aoe sales 

denided into fundri¢e a ga Tie} the 
ftalke is two foote long, thicke,8 full of juice, 
diuiding it eerie to divers branches ori 

in the to} of 

Ee a oe 

* feedes like v vato tares, or wilde ci 
e roote is great, umped like >a Tumep, and 
ae without, 

The plac 
It groweth in sable framdsino opeti fields 
among cotne: it isfound in diuers places of 
as in Hetruria and 

é Italy , asin F ra al : 
$3 alfo and in other Prouinces and 
, wards the South . The right honorable 
Zouch , ce a pane ee from 

= The tim 
It ciety in winter,as witnelleth Peirm 

%& Then, — 
The Grecians call it Leorroximeasy, thatis 
, arr span or Lyons leafe : einen cali 
talon, yee 
“ee is ei pat pat ‘alled i othe b fame 
be Bf eo iH Ni 9% ame, Thetebe m st Bay a 
isi, ; an, Sem Sima; 


tatsanaLpcaetne™ Sole ageeede eee Siddall ; 
"Tye Teich tet saben iret heed deg, Sf datis eit as 
te r Mach Dif oe ae The vertues 8, Lise; re. ; eae * 
moft fj : dily 1 F t 14. - inc L syiie gi: ery oa, 
= <i - Of Radi. Chass 5. % d‘ eta ar 
: ae ot ThebsbimatstLso,in24 vat aia 
Pag nod CR.aAA sch Tay ae Ae : h tes others long andb 
TS chsietce saudi ; others round, or of the Deere 
wilde, otof the ikdsand fome tame, orof the garden, whereof we wilkintreat refen 
chapter, | ‘ 

= Raphans 


: (atin LD adicula fatina mino 
i oe qd * ‘Smal garden Radifh, 

“A a Ns Ee 


fabaoms roe % The tee see 

He egard hye ee large lea es ,tough, 5 eas, FF ae | 
“with deepe gathes,not valle to the garden Turnep haces sorta et, The ftalkes be round and 
2 eos car raiches: af hihi inal over ‘ofalight onto eae cela 

fw wer little leaues: and when they be paft , there do come in place fharpe pointed cods puft or. 
blowen yp toward the ftalke,full of a fpungiousfi fabftaticé, wherein is ae the feedeof a light 
browne colour, fornewhat greater chan the feeds of rea oriColewoo - The roote isgrotie, 
= grand white borhwithout ari ida and ofa fharpe taft 

fler, and more bri ye 

: ‘Thi tdlleofeevebachigesoh heron vues tke cine Thefts naan fo 
i. * Sac e . [he roote is ee i : 
3 en ground of vache 
Shea round fandlanooth ftalke y deviding sliced cept ores pao 
‘grow final p »f fower leanes @: tana sthere do 
fnalttongicods pt uftivp or =e fall oe 

tho edie oe the Colewoort! $ 

aye eee om, Or Wi) om We enue es 



3 Raphanus orbiculatus, 
Round Radifh. 

* Peretal oa 

> at 
x < 
Ss o eo ey 

Wf bid CR» A, RE tot. £ Se CAIN: 2 J, Tulie: forbeing 
¢ : h fj 3 gth yy tn lout fo ki dely fi bly “for then they do 
fe poft part kly fF no at S th L y } ot flower and feed till 

ymay t hs inth but as I faid before,the beft 
“Ges linea le 

i Ha I $f Darel — 

fo ‘likewife of ie eae ete eats a pte f the fe ‘Tetrable : racaaeie 
TL Py - wr 155 

{ : pee $85.20 FFs BYTE E : 
ni sel male inby zat de igi 

oe NESE OF PLANTS... : 185 

Id lice] ifhment, i 1 ill, But for the moft par sey are sdedas as afawce 
* hap od 2 L lp 1 rl; ou ee) iN ee 
with Sead onely: butfeeing Sa be of a harder Nigtition than meates , they: are alfo many times 

oublefome to the ftomack3 neuertheleffe , they ferue to diftribute and ee e ee 

deflmacke.° 6 < RETR RRE RE ne Sea 8 
ee ae ae aes ee auger 55 of - pity ser ie | Fi ee cee GES Fred 
oOo ? 
ing made with vineger and hony. 
1 3:7..1 1 1 1¢. sifa 4 goo ‘od Cc 
draught of he decoétion t! f be drunk I Plinie wtiteth suey fe ide hei 
hatitis good againft an old cogh; 8 ke thi Re retry hia h fticketh 
Infteed I f the Phifi f ge do vie r diftilled thereof: Soy eae ei te 
rps eS So LF La reaom, SSE ED, eee 
Thaewnndtiiced Viaid johri hs . Dd a! 7 7% es Nine. drineth G 
] ee ee 2 My pale; Oe) ‘aio 09 ea 
evi raven mightily al imell itis very lochfome, 
‘ ped y k , caufethhaire to growin F 
The feed {er} t Leth uri: Ce ee } 1 11 Soe es itkillethand @ 
driveth foorth wormes. noes ee * 
Th a. Javier Je of Darnell andalittle white wine vineger , taketh away all H 
hI eG oe a, RSE at AL ype SS n pe ee 
Th ee ea 1 mgt Wes | oO: Pee y 7 n 1] ter HT 
womens fickeneflé,and caufeth much milke, a aed pie: 
Of wilde — ipo. Chap.6. 
I wie yluestris, 2 Mach 
ilde Ra = ater Radifh 

pp Y it 
ae Sty ie WR 2D, y < 
Se a 


SE = 
Ses a 

WA ee 


% The ears 

I Ide Radifh hath ab di 
V \ cut nattore almot ihe te te of nates Sat much greater, The tal is sen 

bhi J VW TH nl J \ R S 1 C. j Th 
ind yellow : the cod: ng: id »whel J te) abil 
t=) a i 
re. Dackifrk ee 47 

EAs: “eae is long, weake, and ab this way aud pate way belt not able to ftand es wih 

but leanined 

wad the mud or mire where i it gtoweth. The lowers Frowe at the top ma ade of fower 

Jeaue's g,fet eff ll fibre ponding lig the rowell of shoe 
% The place. 

_ The firftdo grow vpon the bord f bank d ditches caftvp , and in the borders of moift 
ficlds, : ae i 

Poa. AR } = : by f ees is di ° 1 fi. .t C,.fi Wt ry 
bordereth vpon the river Frome he Sauoyin London, thewhich y finde but when 
the tide is much fpent. 

% The time. 
"TL a ree Bh ERE ALT pee NSS oS Ney, SO y 2 
badni : 2 < Z 2° 
° % Thenames. — 

The wildeRadithi is ae in Latine Radicula fylueStris, and Rephanas Bp luestr is, in Greeke japan 
inele, and of fome inhi igh Dutch Gatiper Retich : i in Span armago : in Italian 
Ramolacci : in Enplifh V Wilde Radifh 

* Thee 
i ee ees A oa Pe Cit. Ba) ee ee re ee 


AD neh writeth, that the leaues are aii non the Pot herbes, and likewite the boiled 
» which as he faith, doth heate,and prouoke vrin 

= = = Of Ha Radi. Chep.7. 

% The defiription. — ; 

Patience, b utg se eras =: sflender and brittle, 

ait the top. 
foals fall sods rei pli. sad roorels 
I and thicke asec ran 
a et of pepperwoot oa 
colour like woad,fomewhat fnipt or cutabo 
vpon the branches wherof; das little white pees root is a 

hen it is on ceria a groun fe he a : 
and {hoote vp and 

bud foorth in — y placesfax abroad, The roote 
reofit ‘tooke the: 12 
ae Pa pha am 

‘ Lg eS z 



Rashanuivatticanne, broths =) lepidiuen, Aeginete 

HorfeRadifh, 8 * Darang Pepe woloo th Obeliz. 

ote e ESSA rE: ee Se +2) Martin 
pr \ . + \ * ALA a ; 
eS ee scx *% Theplte, ee Sep ey ides Aue: 
HorfeRadith: fren ps pat eprowedh pes is plantedin seas et haue I found ir wilde in 
ceeane if edthe en pet 

na place c 5 and alfo at 
ee n baci ee 5 in sel field "ee oe a farme hau eng to tees 

ase nd g 

Deena gens; aris «oe fond wild iin a? ee 
Pasting wea the Hall of Brinne in Lancafhire,and neere to E rin fag 
to growin Bindi: ahd thadowieplaces fomewat 1 moift. 

Horf The time 
Sian a ar lwtet in Auguft, and the fede is ipe in September dies 
all, ldomefeene, as Petrus Placeatins hath ee bringeth forth no fede at 

The —- Nh: T.. a 

> ERE, ee A ee.) fad beh, ot! Pe VE ees I 

% The names. 6 
Baihiscanmontyee ania ieee bs fag? > fimply spon 

cir vee h men Werrettich, i : in Fren ee ORS ofthe 
called ==: Englith mone adi Grea Rao and Horfe Radilh, Tei 
aD inthen eee red-cole, 

iuers thinke that this iat nee atl th A ed 1 IL cen | eo 

Feet Mgt as bg to Vines, eee oe 

188 bali SECOND! poeeen ied oe 

Iti doth 
- forthwith tume itinto vineger. B : heold w d ‘ beth culng and Braft 
_ Dittanderis ere Pili ek - h i Let dia . his: booke 9 Chapa, 2 hewit 
perisis he Ge PS eT ea ae Ty ee ee SPOS feta 
x x. S (4 Rid Oo wih 
Dieande Ditany and Pepperwoort. 
% The temperature. Ss g 
TL Ye 1 eh SS A. L A iy Sa 1. y Ea g 7 1, 1 2 * i! 
2 te} al 4 oO 
fing Shen fomwhat digefting. % The vertaes. Sra ; 3 
A Ho rfe Rad fh tam mp ger f L ly fed 4 g thi G ¥ S 
fo : fauce to eat € fith with, Re 8. Tt j= ft } L ye A AS io ra 
gil pe 9 bye a: t. ae a i YI oe 
Oxy j Cty {. aA. 1 4 
Bs ofited “anit da aies,c aufeth vomit anid is commended vain ms quartaine ag 
= ae oe. dig deabes boiled: in wine and a lietle oile oliue added the teto and laid v he gr repiied is 
= ma iJ "gS softhe liner znd mite ity beinga 

Pike nye cay the belly.isa remedic for the ftra angur 
—é profire th mich in the ie, nof the fecondine or afer birth 
2 Sema andaflwageth the pai 
Teproficeth much aan che cle, ‘i 5 and difficultie of maga vet infteade 
* fimuand as afo elaid : 

Ath 1. 1. L311. Fae ids. Cie 

: ge : 
PS 7 igi C1 Lhe LeLkolh, fhe hid 

The ——— of] P pers woorte but — the rootes,be extreame hot, for or they h hauea burning 
ae aS dbl es fi imples faith Pliniein ipa bo 

+ Ct 1 se NS 
17. greene Se a ic, Fy ti 5) 
= = - . - ¢. 1 1 Ts eB Pres Shi ~ 
& Mm. f J ah * 
carres;and man, Ps 2 d o 
= Winer Cros 

a 7 ies Oe is 8. 

i : ei hare i ae ie 
; CCF 

me ¢ chal cods swe conteined 
dith {eed i 

among pot aie 
commonin ee neeretopathes and 
ee ee 


ta 8 ot 


— ‘Bucci of the Latiness€4 

| damutn, 2 Dahan Hen 3 “of | fone 
bares, andP t 

Ss. ‘SrtceraersotneDe 



ees OF PLANTS. . es 

- ‘This herbe is hot and :drie in the facut deep 
+ adeno Y ~ 
«The fede of winter C fle caufe , driueth foorth grauellandhelpeth the 4 
ae > L c OR ICL: 1 pe 7 r ee 
b) dD. 4 with B 
waren . 3 
In fall bes be fc > his herbeis th gh I | Il with Creffes of the ie 
aes orRockt. be 3 
ae: Se ee eg a ae cL. pe phe Re ape eny Uke | Same D 
c= t=) b) - 
fing it ittoworke the more ebay. @ 

Rim boxes Of “NM ustard. Chap.9. 

% The kindes. 

A. ears te. 9 CAA. A J. A Ri 72 
I E Sines fatiuum penis ‘ 2 Sinapi Satiuum alters. 
9 he a Muttard. Fielde Muftarde. 


. "y 
S G, 
8 % 
Ve y 
LN SI > 

x aK Uh Ks 
rey Nae 

Vat Poke 
me a 

2 eres ee y pe Leer 
= Bis so ms 
pS a, a 


i ne 

wires. ios Be 5 fh iste 

“Tie ten Matar re Sern ni 

hereon Jo grow tall el clone ow and ater te langvds en 
sega choco ade colotir whitith ieclinise ts yellowe, of tafte 
se hemes oom opt fielde'm 
— ‘the former ——_ igen bucletr, >and 
See Redon elon nd 



Fe aw 


° 3 rer Sileftre. 
de Muftard, % The defeription. 
RiPo, 4 "ees f 8c 3. The wilde Mu {tard hath leaues like thofe of 
Tse j WA VSS , f Wise fhepheards purfe, but roughe rand more deepely 
Ni cy) NS \ ) IX Ke, indented, with a ftalke growing to the height of 
° RO | (Wy URSF’ tw , bearing atthe top {mall yellow flow. 

SH AS Uh ( CA Beret ers made of fower leaues : the aie mall and 
RSs Lee, 4 CS Leet ender, wherein is conteined reddith feede, fi 

; Wy. y ‘Z S ee 

i mal- 
An Jer then any of the others, but nor fo fharpeo i 
ys ting. 

% The 
The garden Mallard hit feed is fowen” 
in gardens : Paladins faith 

ys Wi 

tloueth to growein 
plowed grounde, and is  eeighed with moifture, 
This kinde isnot common in England, yet haue 
difperfed the feede sharsol into fundrie parts of 
fo that I thinke itis reafonablie well 
f knowne at as day. 
: aie The other kindesdo growe of their owneac- 
Wy cordein grauelly grounds and ditch bankes, and 
A\WEZ I by high w: ee snore rubbifh, 
PEN ONG LY a Muftard dune be Gomesat in the beginning 
mm ON 2 EY LEE, fpring. The feede is ripe in Iu or Aga a 
Zi ‘SN as DSS eth to perfectio the fame yeere that it 

% The names. 
= aif The Athenians haue called muftard rém:the Lae 

tines . Sinapi: the rude and barbarous Sisapinum: 

¢. L: Ai he Frenchn inief » and Ad ard : thelowe Dutch attaert facts 
the Spaniatdes Afoftaza and Moffalla: the Bohemians Horeice: Plins eons wt 
douk tleffe itis akinde, and fome Paae leds Sewiek SN Se 

The oe Be Man cal Mita, 

The temperatur 
_ The feede of Muftatdjefpecially thar which recite ean hi, andalfo . 
drawe foo, Tris hot and drie in the pn eee 
A Shabana spe 
either fifh or 

meninges i eS 
icici oe eftion, samnedh eae and prouoketh 

B , iis gin 3 Lh 1 tho ded , 3 ft. Pp din the 
breaft wich cough gh nef Fmt brad andra. 
Cc Te appeniecnate toothach,being chew wa 
D © They vfe tomakea gargarifine with amg anak ee ede de sit thewmor 
fwe the Vuula, and the Almondes z 
E> ‘Me dronke with w sardine omic ema in cote meet oe 
Setar da ‘ol : 1, : kL Obs S wpricets Rae a AG ahh gee | “a ; ee t 
Sts cis to ae he t » ihe IG 1 Ae 
“ater fap a0 . 2 on CaAld pains 
of a SEP i a { om nodes 

codard felling. 


t Ea MCI (ea ly. oa eee Ree Ee bi | 
r > 

ILI. J, 3 + 

come ofbrufings. 


Of Rocket. (hap.10. 

‘& The kindes. 
A ofthe water,and of the fea. eee Se ? : ° 
> Eruce filuefiris, 
as ca Ee Wilde Rocket. 

aT dripion ome oe aes 
Ghee Rocket gentle, eee 4 thofe of be but not 

Cat, nor rough. Th 

; ey 

fon ane 
: otic ee ser bein 

1 Patt there a incceede long coddes, hich iperteee: o 

173 ols. 4 & pee. PER 3 

* oe : s 
mand sen nin uae d. The Goversbe 
en flenderer,the {eede is reddith and biteth the ook 

Ce 2. Lm, 


3 Eruca 

3 Eruca fpluestris ancusStifolia. 
re leafed wilde Rocket, 

e defeription. 

inde ae hath long narto owe 

unche, flower, an 
aa are like the seaden Rack t. 

‘Chere i Seeger ee 
that reuerend an nd ex 

Clufius; efles, i wae it 
felfe, ye yet cofin esemnanees tthe leaft:vntowhole 
cen{ure L’Obels is indifferent, whether tocallit 

of the one,and the other, 

5 Thereisawildekin Rocket, whichhath 

ong,weake,and tender branches tayling v 

the ground, with lon € ynto co 

Raker rather he Meise shauing finall and 

white flowers , ofe place 

coddes, erke isconteined foede like eae 

The ¢ place, 

Romain © Rocker is checthed # in Aue and 
grow. earn times of it felfe among rubbithof 
olde buildin: 

SPARS ‘ Common “garden Rocker ro in n molt 
pas cles - y fee moft brick 
The tanto Real gi + fid si {Spee MIs eS 
lk 4. Tk E asy Tt 5 aR SE, Se} }. st] OF ambithe, vs 
ra tT DY i i 31 Theat es fide 
Tfoun dente wake the food aes nen wii feain 

houfe het fir cee Crifpe did fometime dwell,called Queakes! a lots when I found 
in thar 

he lle ‘of Thanée, shardebyt 

feede of th r atp. lace, eet 
eee el Cc: 
OS Midaeies 3 tilionett he plants not yet withered nor lof cee fede, and then I 
"pete . Ss L t. c ] ra pe R 1 ; ee Me | Y a ut TL j gK 
: % The tine. - 
Ce ee oA a [R-]) Alc y ri t 77, i BS mee, sepa Sep 
TLR pee em: Te, = its oe ie 
Rocket is s called in Grecke teu aba Eruca: rca? inhigh Dutch ear nbnguthitode in Fret 
"Racker. TheP. Ss oNGap Py RE Fe ae asia ine! 
‘kerworme which 1 i 
“Hose hfe oleae Serapionts, robs Ae 
R41. Ai ne AY Gach alent ee famedtolt : 


na: Ea WE oe | a /B 

ipeiecies a sue good digeftion. 


2 ae 
PPT Gare Byta epitade sr t, fhallbe fo hard: D 


he fhall cafil endute the aines, : 
ned sat edind feede ; ineger, and thé gall ofan oxe, taketh away frec- & 

PA ey es et 

r > 

Of Tarragon. . (hap.u. 

Tarragon, %& The Acfeription. 

Arragon the ae herbe, hath long and 
natrowe leaues, of a deepe greene colour , 

ites high the branches whereof,hang 

little rounde flowers, neuer perfe@tly open 
lour mixed with blacke, like thofe 

1 Wo r € 

and fibrous, creeping fatre a ee vnder the 
earth , as doe the rootes of Couch-grafle, by: 
which fprouting —— it Wicresieth 3 yeelding 
no feede atall , but as it werea certaine chaffie 

or duftiematcer that ‘ict away with the winde, 

cragonis cheng in ‘gardens, and is en- 

oreed by the yoongfhootes : Kwellius and {uch 
others haue cna many ftrange tales heerof, 
fcai ni g;faying that the feede of: 
flaxe puti adifh roote or fea Onion,and fo 

fet doth Bring ‘oon that herbe —— 


AS 2 % The t 3 | ) fe 
AG 2S A SS —< Itis greene tunes anda gen part 

of Atomnie-ang flowreth in Iulie, 
Aes lecnchock 

\ Mater dae % The names. a Le 
q Iismmed in Laie Dra: 2 lians Dregancella in French Dragon : in Englih = 
Icsthoughrtobe ish acon h ick ioneth in his 686. ~chapter, bur he writeth 

little thereof, “as that nothing Plein affirmed 

of it. 
‘becek. tive that with Tarr, atragon, whichis alo neds Grevellestiunte, wherewith. 

% The temperatures FA 
pes Tip td divine ge = 

% The vertues. 
isnottoh cease ae aren Tn Pa 2 1 

t tL 
¢,thatit may alice er? ROR Se Tee Vk dace 

me: we 


I Nasturtium ae Of G arden Creffes - C) hap. 12. 
a nCrefl 

% The defer iption, 
Arden Creffes wae Creffes hath {mall 
sae iagged leaues, fharpe and burniq agin 
The ftalks eS rounds oaaghe which 
brin ene many {mall white flowers, and afterli. 
tle flat huskes or feede vellels. S% = to thofe of fhep- 
heards purfe, wherein are conteined feeds of a brown 
ne colour, The roote dieth when the feedeis 

PTher re is another kinde in tafte like the former, but 
in leaues farre different, which I recouered of feedes 
fent me from Robinus dwellin ng in Paris. The ftalkes 
rife vp to the he ofa ites garnifhed with many 
bro ade leaue deep ely cu cut or r indented about the 


with many ile {mall jestes or rather fhredde ar 
nes which make the fame ok a curlde fae of 
~ feat in fha 


N is : Wi ers. The feede is like the forme 
Vi K VIS g 2 Spanith Crefles rifeth fo exthof she eroundelie 
ZS, Ye SSK, voto Balill, afterwarde the es growe larger and 
Ss ee like thofe of Mar. pat among the which 

ifeth Vp 2 crooked lymmer ftalke peers doe 
Fhe feede followeth, browne of colour , fore biceps 
tafte, The whole plantis ofalothfome finell 8¢fauor. 

3 Nafartium Petreum L’Obelii, 
Stone Crefles, ; 


Creffes gtoweth flatvpon the grounde,with leaues iagged and cur'about the edges like 
fect, a well the! leaues of thepheardes s purfe, Thane not eer the flowers, and 

therefore they ig ling itis reported vntome, that re bee’ 
final W } 
orfeede sveflels like vari of Treacle rere or Thal 
* The place. bsddord 
j Lile 3 } it iketh 1. efpecially if 
Crefles is gi 3 y grouna , eipecially 
%& Thetime 
C5 C.1 y 1 seh * itg x; f quickly &bringeth 
Temay t é, “ ? jj i> 
a. both ftalke and feede : it dieth euery yeere , and hit-felfe of the fallen or 
fhakenfeede. : 
% The names. 
)) Ean BRE + rf Neer art AT a cd ‘en Ba glith 
ST al Ni n French refer : the Teal ans a and 

- Aerie: :of fome towne Gras and as Kotte | “Na afturt. Plinie 
thinke Amaribus torquendis,that is to fay of writhing the: no cabal which allo ue ais botlline {mell 
and fharpenes of the feede doth Gus Sternutamenta Or fneezin ngs. 

he temperature. 
,_Theherbe of garden ¢ Creffes , is Thabpe and biting dl che tongs and therefore it it is very hot and 
byw es fomewhat alaied, a : 
q eS + 
os * The« vertues. 
Galen faith that Creffe i Velati Spee as the] lowe Countrie r men A 
es doywho commonly vi feede of C 
flag herbs >as Tarragon d for tk 
Ttis is goodagainit the aa ahich the Germaines call il Seok me Scozgbupe? in Latine p 
a — wein En call the Scuruie, andScurby , and vpon the feas the Skyrby: it is 

das effeCtuall, as he Scuruie graffe,or water Crefles. 
erie th, i og ep Ee 

5 it itcureth the hardneffe of the c 

eS eee ee }; 
ha eee indammat a "i felons 
in Greeke vives: it forceablie eek and raileth He thie - vl humouts of - chet, 

poo EDA Ee ee ne OS a Se " 
Tedtinerh Sane : 4 mice Lelteck l eta oN eas 1 Lr 

yb i 
and prouoketh bodily | = 

ily luft.. 
‘3 Being inwardly taken, itis pesd = fuchas have me from high piace it : diffolueth aie F 

aalenas th the fame that at it donot congeal eee ¢ body : it pro- © 

_ Of Indian Creffs. Chap.13. 
% The defeription. : 

Sy I Se mL L ye : PH ee oa 4 

Refles of Inds nt 
difperfing th ot Z 

L Lh 

‘ _{uttof ground; as Biche great ren The tender Ralles ide 7 

unches , trailing lik 
Cintas orknee, which arin col wh * 

ty : 1. i. Seer 

f i The 
re Sgr " Teaues 



TI ir eu, do: L L. Aoall 1 1 <. 
EY a IF oe | 1 a: re op | 4 C4. s “ . eer T. foes > NG llietheone 
z goit, 5 
den Cr ec TL fal BH pS Cc 1... 1 1 » Pee 1 = 1 1 witha cr £. 
$ t tm) r 3 ? > Ol- 
fed tt i heinfide, of perfec purple colour; vato the backe part of the fame doth 
} her af foN in lath shal ockee etl Miabed hnrmde called all athewuieen 
we L > i © aie 1 7 7 fa Ge. 9 RS A .3 e Ss F 1. CPt se 
o *, ens ” ait 3 Panes ° SF Samer an 
1 LL j ds. 7 RS flels, on Sols le, gh,b Cc 1 and like yn- 
to the feedes of the Beéte,but fmaller. 
Nafturtium Indicum, Flores ch femina Nasturtii Indici. - 
Indian Crefles, The flowers and feeds of Indian Creffes, 





Sy Wis 


The feedes of this rare and faire plant came firft from the Indies into Spaine and thofe hotre- 

regions a nd from thence into Fraunce and Flaunders , from whence haue receiued feede that 
=, hath SRE Be 1 La AL de, eff ially th Pee > ¢f i ing fri Ar 
Robin of Paris. ees = st These, = Se 

~The feedes mi owen in.the begfhning of Aprill,vpona bed of hot horfe dung, & fome fine. 

fifted earth caft thereon ull thicke. The bed mutt be coueredin fundre places with 

, of an handft The bed. 
hoopes and poles, to fuftaine the mat or fuch like thing thatit muft be 
dlaid open to th f in the daytime 5 the which ee ee ee duce leo 

you mutt rep I f the garden, and moft fine and fertill moulde. 
Thus may you 1 me ee y Pe Brg AES BS ct, : ae A pal ade n wate Bee Pia or 
that otherwife th rey) aa | oo ise 1. [ee pay 2 = 
es 2 o Pa: 
os x The names. =< : 
__. This beautifull pl called in Latine Nafurtium Indicum : in Englith Indian Creffes.Al- 
Sipe octets tepsciad ig Sind of Canauler or Biseetecsts ove L aieuch ceasiind Ge 
itretaine the Indian : ay aa -!] +. A.) oe oe Le. trem. 
= sq tiie Sethe Se - %& The nature and vertues. 
= We haue no certainekn wledge of his na L C03 tol 
‘Creffes, Or toa farther : i 2 

Of Satstice Creffes. ‘Chap. 14... 

gi a. * The oo Wf 
Gia etn th many flend 9g fi ft tall f acubite high, cs 
ce {mall;lo ce weleat ; 
jow of colour, the ede valle be ate flat efi oe pypers i is “ fede of a redith 
goldecolour, fharpean H veephit tte intafte, is fmall, tou 
andofa biting taft 

Ar dAMAntichy 

Rae, Sciatica Snell 

It groweth vpon Rie and rough places by 
high waies fides, and fuch like: I haue founde it in 
corne pour Moiit Southfleete neere to Grauef 

flowreth accor din ng to the lee or eately. fowing 
ofi in the fieldes, in lune and Iu aly: 

%& Then, 
3 Seige: Cele is called lin Greeke tee is, _ 

Castur an os — : 
ah oe athe pion of Plinie: inEn- 
alith Sciatica Crefle, 

The n. 
Sciatica Cralid is a in oe fourth Jape al 
like’ to — Creffes both in finell and tafte. 

The, ‘ ‘ 
; _ Therootes sac A fai Bis A 
; Tien ate ayer >-all nid ate wil th good fic 
' “¢effe with 

wi p in manner of 2 
paitesand bus ypou = as are mee with 
theS itis to lic on the gricued place but 
fower and ae chav wa 

placeaft rar OX er | eo 4 PR | be qosig: “ats 4) ayy ee re 
ope se arngiaed } ‘RRS EF: 3 * S oe ae i ‘ake 
rothareieg,’ meBB IR os ag eeu aenaed ictssecie 

| OfBankeGaer. Chaps. 

‘B Ancke Creflés hath longleaues, Secpivntr or iagged vpon both fi des,not vali to thofe 
critandontics muftarde : The fta ba ieelssmnes aes yet very toug satid will “ . 

z2e? Gee do growe fina ait exten 

PoVent {li } a v YW ¢. Ile d att tt tp 
— ctor Cree tet ulneae | mre tee . 

ey 2 

Spot Theis Spline like che oth 
mbich ing oor ination ee ea oe Sia dag ois The tone sysons, 
: N3 1 Eryfonum 



Eryfimum Dioftoridis,L’ Obelii« 2 Eryfemum fylue 

Bancke Crefles, = wes bancke Cit, 

Bs > oe evi sire : 
The ancke Cr refles, gr owethin fch the former doth:1 founde it 
growing ata at ty fowisiaatsyy in Elles called little Baddowe,and in a fundrie other places. 

_# The time, 


ig rhe nenes 

Be SS ga SOS 9 SUSE TRS Sal” 4.5 

ae ni ple necoing i> Dink 
des: Theophra/tus hath an other Efi, euen.that which i pgererat | Myagrum, andis 
cat ore: Doctor William Turner of famous memory, called winter Crefles:i itis called of Diofco- 
videsand Theophrastus likewile Irio,and Irion. 

aa os cL (Pe ae, ae % Thes : ri sa Rete rg 

A: gore fe: sfbancke C fies: 7 % Thever ae Sats iss 28 Pa eer > aoe 
fame, - 2 a7 5 eke Sat Rabati 

B Iremeith he congh oe iaundife, d the Sciari, (Sees ae Pen Sees ee I jfitbe 
taken with honie in manner of a Lohoc and often 

S sal drnke gift deadly pofons moar andcingaiep inept it 
_water and honie and applied. ibis en canhrousapoftumes behince the eats 

pideeipeos nes. 

Of Docke Creffes.. Chap.16. 

Docke Creffes, % The defcription. 
7. Ocke Crefles,is a wilde woort or potherbe, 
Ss D: ee e leaues of an ouerworne greene 
ae deepely cut or = vpon both 
fides ; like “he leans of fall Turneps , but lef 
¢ tot Bech of tw 
deuiding themfelues toward the top, into fundrie 
finall braunches; re fe) I 

= flowers, like thofe of Hyeracinm or Hauke- 

T heplee 
Docke Crefles Pee moceywhere by high 
waits walles ma =ecigeepae t earth, andin 
ftonie places 

reth from Pes i ahd ende tg the 

feodel is ios in fig ake 

Docke ose is walled in ye in he 
tine Lampfanaand Napim, 
The natur 
ampfana is of nature rans > and fomewhatab- 
fetine or ee ing. 
The vertu 

aken in meateas Galen seh Silforide affirme, A 
it oe ndreth euill iuice, and naughtie noutith. 

‘h terrier & Ags & 

SR “Of water Gefis. ‘Chap.17. 

i % The hindss. 
TE Pat} 1 fy Merk 1 L 1 
seca sere sd eee Ta BoM 
Se = : pag oh eh ; ; 
I p 2 Reaty Parl 1 Vets and is CRY at, ee eos, | 8 e tee. Po a 
Hot SeeRGY Ji ee ited lp tiie ‘Alexanders, L iy RE ees ee 9 PLEA Yi 
the, i ollow,lik -Cafshes. Theroo 
uO Eris singe cheeddes. fattoed yato the tale within 5 water or ae 
goin i hee a lik ¢ Fennell, which being bry- 
fed doyeeldeaf MW b ‘pes ape 
fi hes water Creffe one great, ‘thick jhollow ftalkes, f many 

ape sidan rib like the afhe,not one oppofit eagaintt eee Sipe and out 
histinde tnuch valike the leaues of Hemlocke or Cheruile, i inall other points like cheother of 

Seas Se v4 a iin © 


a WW 4 

3 3 Naflartivmaquationn. 
- Water Crefles, 


= i r 
We x 
Si), = 
Ny Sk yg 

& NN SS ca 
Say f A 2 Ws 
LR ho UA SS 
ASS ONG eee a 
Ls q Zs Li (f 
ean, GAA NMG, 
per vi Lox 
ny . “We 


Tree a 
aol (se 

ibe “The firtt ae 
te " gtounds,and in pase es 
GR dome drie, a 


I Siummatus. re 
Great water Parfnep, ae 
3 que 

2 Sium minus. 
seals watet Creffe, 

% The defeription. 
Water Sefics ss many fat and weake hol- 
hace brau ion the grau uell and 

~_ elfebutas it vets a hr or bundell oft threedes, 

Dehes 2. 
th in imoorifh and aabie 
and wo ons that be fel 

gan Be eepiile and hitde ds Ee: in {funning 
oft cleere fountaines and granelie 

a rings where the beft for zoek do vfeto grow. 

4 Mix 
y MY 

ie Lime 
= Spring and waxe greene in Age = 

grounde, T. s are likewife com 
winged with man leaues, fet vpona 
ribbe one er,except the point leafe, 
which ftandeth b by himfelfe, asdoth that of the 
the, ifit growe in hisnaturall place, which isin 
a gravely fpring. The Vpper ae of.the whole ; 
p! tis ofa browne colour, and greene vnder the 
leaues, which is a perfeét marke to know the Phi- 
“ficall kinde from ni orgs The white flowers 
....., Browe in fpokie 1 ls. The roote is nothing 


¢ L ‘ths lek} hit felfe in March whenit is beft. and fawrerlz 

he water C . 
in former with thereft, 
7 se The names, 
ws, and rae maius Of, Dioftorides : of others itis called si- 

The firltis called in Latine Siam meaz 
wee Tragi,and alfo Pastinaca guatce. 
The fec ond iscalledin ,and alfo.sifymbrinm ; in Englith great 
nr L 1 f. Cc J Crefles u 
Wa ; 3 Sos) ae : Vie : 
Water Cr Mm. re At : i ag C4) 
‘ De m4 or ed ge 2 8 lz gee FE: 
Ts eset ee 
& The temperature. 
Water Conti: ea otand iti, 
% The ve, ertHes. 
and drunke for certaine daies togither , is verie A 
BS yonis the Tadd or ae sik . 
cho d and boi iledi he broth of flefh » andeaten for x3 xxx, dai } : 
"Beg ich 2. Ree =, . Eas? oe ee: 
doth id — fick = i hd hei and fendeth 
* 1. i L a Vt J 2 1 fom. 1 nr i Lu k: a 
ae 2 f 2 

Me wilde water Groff or Cuckows flowers. Gs 18. 

& The kindes. 
oy SRY Gey J 1 1 es oe ee 1 me Pp Ae» Gat) } Loy . J 
.- G Ld Paras 
Ey /t Bees 
aiGaciowe & flowers, 

S 0h) 
/s > 
dal, LR OX RX 


2 Cardamine Trifolia 

é 4, Cardamine latifolia. 
Three leafed Ladie fmocks. 

Great Ladiefmocks. 
i ake St Os 

i" () Walp 
: wy SS LAD MCR 
of S2.Ono>s Psoaern 

a \ S aah 
PS \ 

aw : . ates 
: iy ‘i n 
5 Cardamine lattes. pleat thine 
Blithe white Ladic Imocks, Mountaine Ladic {mocks. 

Sante yale in their vertues. 


The defeription. 
He f fatto the Cuckowe as hath leaues athis voge me ognewhar rounde , and 
1] ke Valerian: among which 
thofe that non vid L£ 1 id gro aw eet eee 
oi Ps The flowe i i 24 It Je} hi ue et ae 
binge oft The flowers gr¢ PS Reg COU ne 

ves wherein the fede is conteined. Tero roote is. is tinal and threddie. 

nd for tofCuckow ve PE fhe I] Y “ Valeri: 
an,agree ing i, ) o 
ward alight cat 
The thirde fort of Cuckowe flowers groweth créeping vpon ade tol und, with {mall threddie 
Hales whereon do eas leaues like thofe of the fie Ide Clauer,, Si led soere among 
which doco ing flo Wers at f hetop Ingres ee 
th light fleft lour dafht v ith ee. The roote is nothing el 

ci rversbael lof ions orthre 
4 Thefourth grow: weth likewi fe lat vpon a San the leales Btowe vpon aflénderribbe 23s 

doth the leaue es of Setwa ‘water Tref ong which db rife vp ftalke: 
ne HOWetS & i > : is ‘ 
5 Milkewhite Ladie finoch hath ftalkes rifing liatel the roote,deuiding themfélies 
into fundrie final wwiggic and hard| hes,fet with Jeaues li ee eae The flowers 
sf 1 j ce } Sy ie 1) “A. 1 aod dy, wathi 
a ce ces d Bped 
fome fibres annexed thereto. SZ 
CSE PES 1 Bas i,: Wal . ; ee i" a2 
es | Fs L <a oo de ae 
fings, f f {mall , weake or.tender =o of 
fundr {mall | in fl like thofe of fmall Valerian. Theftalkes bee fi aioe | brine 
: } “C.5.14 ULd<ihe Ort lind 
mupieiniiedit °5 re} 
* TI he place. 

1. ~ Cilia OA wer ‘ L 

in fach Slaccbas be veri¢ often ouerflowen not onely with raine water § but alfo with riuers re 

} & FAS SW at aaatan &. La re5] 3. > ct. 

P i is ger in thefe cold Ststles,ché refbare ss befourdiaae: 
in Effex, 

The t. 
Thefe flower for the a9 par in April rd Maie., ‘whieh the Cuckowe doth begin to fag me 
pleafant no notes w ithout ftammering. 

* Th he names, 

TL, SBA gh Roy) 1s t. 

aquaticums mins, or the leffer water Creffe: 0 of fc fome Cedonae a Si = Sai lramot Pe 
rides nch Paferage feuger 

Cuckowe flowers in:Northfolke. Caunterburie bels: at the Nope in Chefhire wh Priced 
myybeginning, Ladi fmockes, which 
ey ae | eT he nature and vertues 
"Phat: hadiacls. bk Ae g rtai Bs ator of 
Creffe they can hdiffer,and therefore to 

Of Trac «Moustarde. (Chap.19. 
% The kindes. 

TH Here t bediners sand fundrie forts of Treacle Muftardes , OF wilde aie which a = to 
ca a 

Lt Thief 

1 Thlifpi Diofcoridis. ae oe 2 ThlafpiVuleatifimum. 
Treacle ete itt ee Mecviee ee. 
sibvng ) wh, Be a 
a Ae Pap AA 

ty 4 
1d) VB 

tf) iy 


‘S eos) Anaues Moftarde, We it 

5 . 6. Thlafpi amarum. 
5 Feed pagans: Clownes Muftard; 

pA 3 

ae TH, ch atum LObeli. 
is  Bucler Meatarde, 

1 Reacle Muftarde hath long broade 
I fer, flightlyindented about the eds 

206 Rds acts caters ceuirinal emer 


2. Mythridate vitae like thle of W : ig 

beinclofed with fi sor oars to ainsi Byam hart ‘finale 
ereon rs 9 ese {mall 

do app arpe feede, 

2. s 

like the oe. The: roote is ipo and os 

Mutt titi if 


men)hath lengthen eee peas On of Dwale or deadly Nigh ufhade : it rat the ye 

of Vulu uaria a or ftinking 5 
‘hi Tw We bre! 4 f i A “The ieee he pee 
tee in ‘ea flat es Ike shoe of Sh pheardes purfe . f » butofa’ 
ran neke f 
/ ihatk {mall Jeaues li ike T de flaxe.but fr € be final.) 

y A all flen. 
fete many. The be fo fr y beduft. The feedes be placed ypon the 
7 L LG 1 1 ree - os L ‘ he rae J} . nL +) 

I i) besetaae Sido 
a fall and nM toote, 
1 fpread 1, like thofe ‘of the common Daifie, 

fo 3 Sf eas Sees Vptots 
t 8; deuidediinto 

many oni br cate fate a do gr antine 2 eR 
which fucceede tounde flat huskes or feede voll fet t vpon the ftalke by ee it were ly 

? FS o 
i as Lr 7 

6 shee Muttar li aues 
e thofe of fmall Ha ise ae feisbely indented < the dee The flowers grow at e top 
in fpokie rundels like thofe of Sefeli Creticwm, not much — from m the flowers of wilde i 


rai er et Multardb thereat. = 

7 7 “Sh qy 1 31:2 rr TY...1 
to) i 

hed or fi ong w which come vp ftalkes fi 
Me a seni high, poe aubibe many eee yellowith flowers, , in whofe place pe 
many rounds or pouc 

.8 bue uftard is avery finall, bafe,or lowe plate, hauing’ leaues like thofe of wilde 
Tyme, {et vpon final, weake and tender braunches. The flowers growe at the top like = other 
buckler Muftard.T! e Per arpe pe in 
tafte, Sibeaabic oe Th hole plant lieth fat vpon tl g BE ild tye 

The place. 
Treacle Muftard groweth wilde in fund oe pl 
ae grounde. Ifound i itin ithe come fieldes betweene Cyn #5 Gods one in Sung 

scold in many other places, es 
eg sy ges,of : field {in ftonie and d placess tacy 
growe plentifully i ia and G 3 they are feene likewifé on the ftonie bankes of the 
:Rhene. TI y ife to be found in E el 1 in fundri pl ilde, the which I haue ge 
pon 9 thei 
es : %& The time, : 
theend of Augutt. 
ee : % The names. ; 
The Greci: yy ae pe SOE ok aa RU Sie, Pes Pi AES Fae aS is like alittle 
ftuffed fhielde.Th i 1c gee Oy Sey eee g SoS 

a cooagy Neither be’ ti 

cum: itis called in Dutch Uaitne Xerfe in French s let fim in 

Engh teac Bowiers Multardes dith Muftard offome Thlafpi after the Greeke names 
ae ilteteetnle Cre ; : 
orbla/pi,thavis to fay, Garlicke Thlafpi, oftheranck® 

a + The temperature. = 

% The vertues. 

To AAs ft (FE, SS Pee eee ] 

d downwarde, A 
pave nea breaketh inwarde apie 

g L fe 5 pofes fc hich Muftard B 
de ferueth. ‘ 
a Thedanger 
Thefeede of thefe herbes be = fo exireeme hot and vehement i in working,that being taken i in = 
great aq s 2 1 bc a7 l : No nd 
theref g ging y 
7 Of Cnidie MM; etal “Ou: 20. 
Thiafpi c. Candie. by) awe a LES ashe 
Candie Muftard. ¢ deferiptio 
Andie wane eieliocs all sie reft , as 
C wellfor the comely flowers that it bring- 
I the decking vp of gardens 
and houfés, as alfo forthatit goeth beyonde the 

res in his phyficall vertues, Itrifeth vp witha very 
ittle ft high, which vide it 
filfe i into fimndrie bowes or Braun with 
leaues like thofe of the ve 2 Ao - nie >of 
graie or ouerworne green 
growe at the top i he fakes baie a shicle che 
{tering tgithien | ke thofe of Scabious or Deuils 
— ees blewe,often sik, Epnciiick car- 
or horfe-fi ae and feldome white, for an 
sacs that Ihaue feene, varying according tothe 
oile or climate, The: feede is reddith ,fharpe,and 
Se pana see in little huskes fafhio- 

The e plate. 

This plan caitnes naturally in that Pannonia 
which is nowe called A Auftria, in vntoiled places, 
i ete or Candia , in 

d by high waie fides: in Cr 3 
Spaine and Italie,and ike hot regions , fro 
ence I receiued feede 5 by tie of the 

ee gland from thofe partes with ma- 
oo Se rare ane which do flourifh in pe gar- 

% Thet. 
ome from ore of Maie vip sewed Serene, at es time you thall 

#71 %& The wares, 


: Ui od Draba: Pliniein a 27. rele 9. mes Set jones it es called 

$ into in 

BESS g M9 fe ac 

areas si na 
Je ist f the third. deg , asisthat called 

: ae iy aad ae 
*coredethlappios treacle Muftarde, 


% The 



3% The vertues.- ~ 
A ey A ET A EN l Y 1 5 OSS pe £1.) 4 bat Fe | S62. ee 
vy 3 4 filles ~ . _? 
efpecially in Cappadocia, 
B TL f. 1:1 F yf a 1 a: io ee led Dat ee Ee 
aii : . 
boiled; : fae REO Hef aR h foorth of the cheft-t gh and. raw re flegme , which ftickech 
g th 
therein, i d79¢ 
C Itisreckoned a chiefe among thofe Si an ith which mithrid J 1 Je, andis 
mixed in counter poyfons and fuch like compofitions.- 

- Of Treacle “MM. ustarde, Chap.21. a 
7 hlafpi incanum. 

2 Thlafpi Pannonicum Clufit 
" Ho arie gee ce , “te ‘Hungatie Muftarde, 

Guenys WW) 
XN eSSy3 SV Q 
ce EN . 

ower ig of fir reckoning): tthe ropofthe braun 

Cesc ing paftthere do fieceee ucceede flat huskes Pr ouhesgie hoe of Shep: é 

heards thot see baci the toon : 
ic epee foo enero cis ‘The leaues which: fill ap 

peerear ny aa sg 

fal anna ons in ht of en rebut leffer & fofter,greene onthe — 

: vppetlide,and vnder eg serbuenl sfogling esgalicte Giese 

ete aes one skill feedeand no more, Cae and 

intafte.Th cote i Py) iL. 1 C heg CN far ab = h 
nica gal, perenne geegee st ; *: ai gS, trarie to all 
tacit eft of é 2 
Narbonenfé L’Obelii. 4. Thlafpi vmbellatum XN arbonen fe. 
Ga wes Pefants Muftarde of Narbone. 

AAP ae, 
th bic: . ne ie: *% The defeription 
cra es Muftarde hath anic final twiggie ftalkes , flender, tough and pliant, fee witht fall 
ues like  thole of the Hype vith fall and idle dowers, leane husks: fearfe ee ee two. feedes, 

eax: as you fee making n no: reckoning of ‘them 
-4  Pefants Muftarde ¢ hathmany flender, pliant braunches lke the former, with a ingoed 
like thofe of Harts horne but {malle like 
uluaria, The fomers bayellowe, and. growe. ina 2a sae culty ‘The fede in afte and fauour 
isequall with the other of his kind 

ry oorth many {mall.braunches, or armes: on the top all 
Owers like thofe of Abs Wall dower: but much lefler, vehichibehag ol the huskes appeere flat, 
ae rErcocle Muftcedesftanpeatiegnd bitin 

T Elion aa tay vpon the — like the other jbut {maller. ‘The 
e culer OW. atuft of white flowers in fafhion like thofe of Tan- 
sis er. 
pti kinde of Mes hath Coredialbleaney fpred vpon the eroundelikelindte of 
re: from which rife yp {mall tender, ftalkes, fer et with three and fo ee 
The flowers grow (eannak etl ofno moment, but as it were duft, The 
ke ote 

5. Thlafpi 

210 THE ~— BOOKE b>. THE 

Thlafpi fupinum lus 
” Yellowe Bitten = 

Thlafpz album fu,  fupinum. 
ae /hite treacle Mutftard, 

7 Tiespinine minus Cla 
laf {rall Multarde. 

% The place. 
Thefekindes of wc Muftarde grow vpon hils 
and mountaines in corne fieldes , in ftonie,barraine 
and grai ygro is 

& Ther 
Thefe ower in Mae ie andIuly, The feed 
is ripe in September. 

%& The names, 
Thefe herbes are called by one Aas name 
be : the Germaines Byfembkratit ¢ the Bra- 
ers Befemerupt sin 

; by reafon ey 
muta c w — Thaue thoughtit expedient to 
name of Spee bica uf theit 

pate doh no ft ‘om 

- tretbaccpact tee burl ndes of treacle 

 flarde, baue a fharpe or biting qualitie: breake in- 
fore ers, kill 

: the birth , id hel 


Of woody -Muftarde. ( hap.21. 

ft . 2. Thla/pi fruticofum minks. 
: wet ' Small woodd piattates 


ee 4 — g 
g EZ ‘ 38 
< Y 2 
Wes : ee! 
¥ Ny 

& The Ss 

I Oo je mutta tdeh i ke thofe 

, W orn the Sica, but finaller , very mall rlenbing the leaues K: Sion: 
roug! very tough and pliant » - being of the fiubftaunce of woode : the flowers 

: froweat th the top white oft sings the fafhion oft the great | Clauer < or fielde c Trefoie: :the feedes do fol- : 

Tihafpig aac ea 

2 Small wooddie muftarde 

eaniaret Sos thofe of iipiiepes ; rr at ene top growe flowers like i thos of Rake, bay 
or Thlafpi. The whole plant growethasa fhruborhedgebufh, 

3 Thorniemuftatde growe eth vp gl 508 ddy fubft lik a 
hedge buth or wilde ub with ftalks befetwich ] q i feedes,like the latt bef. 

BF ee in all points fauing in the cruell: pricking (iis thornes wherwith this aan is ars 
med, the other se ara roote is ree ‘ooddie,a' nd fome ftringes or fibres annexed theret 

4 Thereis another fort of Thornie Muttard 

oO r 
tough ftonie me tefembling the Tat facut fauing that, that this plant hath little or no see 
Ung taft atall. svherein confifteth the differenc 

02 a Tbh 

bl, 10 
; Tomer ithe: 


aN y © ye2 igi 
y, iA 
) AY Mug 

y fy Y % The time. 

They flower when the other kindes of Thlafpi 
do, thatis,from May to the end of. Auguft, 

* Thenames. 
I fir de et more faide of their names, ei. 
ther of the auncient or later ae then is 
downe in their feuerall tytles 
% The nature and verties. 
wife T finde nothing extant of their na: 

tures or vertues , but are referred to the ki indes 
of Thlafpios, whereof no doubt et are of kin- 
ted and affinitie 

_ i of Towers MuStarde. (Chap.22. 

% The deferiptio 
x Owers Muftarde,offome ‘hath beene taken 
: foe akinde of refles, & referred a: them 

many long and large rough Jeaues, like ate 
AE See | thofe next the grounde: 
along ftalke of acubiteor — 

ubi gt 
ong, broade and fharpe se Ome 
what fript or indented about the edges lik ‘ vast 

of Sowthifties. The flowers along the ftalkes ate white > the feede conteined in rounde little 
veflels jis farand oilie ot } ee 1 L 

Feacic ¥ £ ~) f 
; by a 4 EL 1 7] 1Vbe Bl 

Sophia , wherein is 

cabalined 1 finall reli feede,bitter as ees or Cakeendaey The leaues are final] and 

darke of colour,in fhape like thofe of the ftocke Gilloflowers, but not fo thicke,nor fat. The roote 
ieeiond dfingle. 

. Se dnebnittard called Draba Vulgaris, or drunkards Muftarde, it hath finall i 

rs nda halfelong, fet with greene leaues like vito the Marigolde » though not fo 
thicke or fat: the sir of the ftalke is diuided into many braunches ofequall height , charged on the 
withman’ lowers like vnto Elder, and oft thefame iefmell. Th The feede 1 is contained in finall 
poor Mie Pp 
eres likew. fbyting muftard or’ manie weake 

le muft which hath 
ris which “c grow whitith leaues pe 
what aed “ pped about i a i ft 

which there oe = the St ke gill a 1 Lr. 7 L 

2 ? 

pry so ing ta 3h ; af 

2 Mysgrum pie Gs 
Golde ofpleafire, Tene Wome, 



- aes Aha aS & The ment 3 
Owers Treacle ¢ weth i 
hane lie: gto in the Weft pa of Englande ypon is ahd fi hep 
ete Dye Reneitin findrie other places, 28 as ays lage atichlep 
Fi Se noes ficldes, and wh ere flaxe did growe sho en: 
sae : L ; 

fea d ry CSE, a 5 

ies, and likewife wilde in fader t ee fe, and many places ofthe Lowe cous 
x —— i : 03 © ie . % The 



% The time, 

Tt ff 1 Re | Oe Ae IT. . 5 Se 1 
.' I 

TEAS Geen Rees yee <8 res | aA 
ps) ERS GENRE Sar : Fee 3 oe that 
p fone 

the oyle thereof i in feede of oye of ‘Som without ertour. 
Se ne w. a Galenin 
UL allé é pines is deferi- 
nin of Aabee fe Died 

doth not eal a plant pee ey ut AdeLam sos nt, whi fome(faith he)do call zz 
nea ray the likenes of theleanés whichi it hath with the other Adelampyrum £ Thephre 

~ is yeast ws called Ery/im 
they vic 

etempe ature. 
Thefe ee be hot and drie in an chine degrée, 
% The vertues. 3 
A Pog SRE : F rH; eee 3 3.6 L ith 
shevilie oe of be fede “t eos 
Raellize teacheth , that the i 1uice of t h | I if f ck h, d ct 4b P 
Cc Jand gi hild drinke. killeth wormes, and driueth them 
sce beh by fae a vomit. 
Of Shepheardes purfe.. Chap.22. 
Bur fa Pa. 2 Bur/a Paitoriaminims. 
_ Small Shaped aspaci 

* Site mei 

% The defeription. 
_ Hel 1 en ae | d f r growevp a Een g, gathed i in the 5 iis a thofe 
| eagetant = A = J uide d 

of Rocket gr 
into fu nde ee ras. with lik g . 
orderly p laced {mall white flowers: afer thefe come vp little fede vellels, ean ancetn nar- 

Tin oe 
not without ftri g : ~ eee 

f lik which I 
haue Englifhed ae {mockes » hauing fmall leaues “ee indented shan the eee 3; among 
which rife 4 finall tender Bales with flowers at the top, as it were chaffe, The huskes and feede 

islike er before mentioned, 
% The place. 
Thefe herbes do growe of themfe! ft high waies, in defertand 
vntilled places,among rubbifh and olde Se 

e time. 
‘They flower, flourifh and feede all the as long, - 

Shepheardes purfe is called in Latine nies berfa, or Pera Pafforis: in high Dutch Seckel: ¢ 
inlowe Dutch Bogickens crtipts in French Bourfe de Pafteur ou Curé >in ae nglifh Shephear 

in the North part we 

md Toywoort, Pickep urfe,and “agra 
he PEMPET AE y: oe 

{ J 

: fter the opinion os oe Wiss 
ugiaeeicc, but Z'Obel and Pexahold themto be hot & dry, == copies 
> 1. 32 fe C' 
oa ~ cot uf d me it fe a h ete among h 1 Talspic ldeshg the 
well haue placed t skindes thereof, he willing to content others that hae written 

before,then to psi yet haue followed theit order in age them in a this a where 
sheyinsiyftande snc rmaines, 

“& The vertnes, 

5 pieiak Gssiah bibedingio AP ES eae 
emails ernie Daurhoembane erp ae codtion A, 
good for in . éding woundes:: it tenisiou 

podk inflammat wants O¢ ly be gun,and f I difeafes whict ste checedbnicanan, 
on t Pp ue t fu of 

ELE ESGE Riilgod « i - Eye +. 

“TAY OES bs 
Sx ihs 

The pp es 
* [esting Rocket sic oem o many parts or mpi bse ofthe Abe tree, 
fe api gh, gamihe 
aaa eh gala {mall like fande or duft, in tafte 
t kis ides a > as ; wioeiddner | 

Tibbe, bra 
ftalkes stwocu 



1 Rhefeda Phinii. 2 Rhefedam. 
gates Ro ckee; Cr rbingReie 

- fF pln tht, 1: me ‘ is.Th ae 

in fundrie plac es of Kent asat Southfleete neere matter Swanweshoule vpon longfielde downes, 

which is a chalkie and h pend barren where sri will fearfely gore or Bae lag od 

but Iuniperand thefe pon illage, and 

in other places eels 2 t re; though Idou Hat they 

gov inogher places of ofthisfandesc: {ai s oxi ybwoic ohs2 WIR SK 

“Thedpans dai inane jon Ang csileal os golf giob. 110itsG20b ais “i 

- ‘Thefirltis called of Phinie, hoe Pee pong aiid one Cone — Ils 

te TUL 3) d YEN x Pe es 
zo! la << eS Oo se + 

rr ; sor ae 
parte re see Secate aterm 



eevee eens ars PLAN SS. HT ae 
re CEA pied A ip dab ad, , but hte dvae disk ot dic 
Thiftle, euenthe fame hower of his flowring,andi rich thewinde, ‘The roote is final 
andtender. 5 apgantugity boxia nwobl Ge jt 
. gt PARE Q RII 92 ORO 199% 
a E “ph ye 2 Efi rigerum T ometofiin 
; eae eeen oe 

Gr - ee The names. > 
by romdliscalled Gest ie stcaedvan va cate itis called 
abaftarde name Herbutum: in Germanie Creutstuutts: in lowe Dutt ogee Feige and 
Phan Crupt 3 in St anith Yerus cana: rolciian Cardoncello elit iofazi 
h fe fe 5) 

31 the with T; 
re 7: 5 which is not a of ut: 
; — Isvery like Foras The ‘wa faith, the herbe eee one of ft pate aad 
— of Succorie ; urther that it aa i so tale a but eee! is olde h into 

haoneis thiskinde of Grdiini astues fait! er, Bete ‘ee al 
ude lid 

irrac ansgee fia long as as the Sie age wins gases act 
MiG hts 2b PISS + Sth Boe 

recat te, crt he pinesd acho ee x 

eae ‘otf theboming heareofthe ones 8 
aoa armeaicon: 

C  Thel , 
~ ~ 
children, betnipgucd: A ytey Bi. 
NE! SOS BOE AR EPS CPt Ben ORS ae J Chant L L Ee 4 Lf. patty 0p 

- wvedal 

tl we bo SG TR «spe ER Chia SSS. atte 
t=) 290097 OR 

rey Spey he i : AS s Ce oiay ERR BS , BT Ss Pas ee 
Orr Ls P alcwe 

rootes of Affarabatcas. © 
Of Saint lames his woort. Chap.26. 
x The kindes. 

ei. ; tt ( lied Y Saag PERE I ge Ee auf hi ight to beakinde of Ground.’ 
I: fell, c. £. b or! 2 gaitone of the feas fome {weete fine) 

1 Jacobea, -% Intobes marina, 
Ragwoort. Sea Ragwoort, 


NWN e 


of common Wormwoot, 

; spied ean shout libtsoshe lanes no 
cker,not whitith or foftzof a deepe i 
-kifh: and fomwhat red withall, The armesor 

Ge Ol. 



vas ; "See eer epee Berets bits ; the ftalkes ddith as eres 
3 eon Sigh “a ft ba] 7f 1 j 5 i hel t it J f 

trar 35 > ~ jeg 
ovr ‘ c f ] y i ] E ne flower, as 2 
at GATE fi ; the flowers ges ines dene and a 
Vib ive! 
awa' aywith the ae: 5 

% The piace. 
my | ese n or age, By + 56%. We ide Wi yy 

ef neere vnto = borders of fielde 
4 sec apn in agwoo' growth neere the fea fide in fundrie places : I haue feene 

it in the fielde by Margate by Queakes houfe, and Byrchenton in the Ile of Thanet; se ee 
it groweth neere the ings melt in the Ile of ea in the Wi athe ies ading to Sherlan fe 
afteil in the fame le, Bice in 

% Thetime, 
TL a rs IA n a dpe L ae 7 og eerie ~ 
>| > / | pat J fy Te AbsS Ee COI, 
The names. 

_ Thefittis called in Latine Herba s. Jacobi, or S. Jacobi, fa and lacobea: in Pact e h Sant 

S. lameshi h ledo callit $ andS adalo Rag 
Ae pat : ry) > 
The fecondis na 1 Saint] avers. { fics ec 2 
'zer ons marin 
2H, sks Grom tiene atom. , 
% The temperature. 
ae i 3 J ae © EME 92 ae | 2 Bes Fp! 7 L r. C4 4° 
neffe which it hath, ee te J ae 
% The vertues. 

Teis iicommiaed by the later bee good forgreene woundes,and olde filthie — A 
which ichare enot {coured, mundified 8 made cleane, and alfo healeth them with thei nice hereof 

yond + toe Bt a ers Kel 14. hL a ae OE a 

sndlegs bos boiled with h. ey ee es Cc a oes < 7 a iat 
ogs gic “4 :.5 sce 
SGT Sen Lfel , 1: yw ee TT =n 
polo, Cotes he Se Se pn ai eS Sh Speer Pek a 
“erEhe leatates i. y CW Se ee es L lie at 
luice, add; 1 Se } as et RF aa OS, eee oe 
o eilh 
taketh sunny Hs ta eer Wed Caines a 

ib ports» “of ol — Chg 
: asl aadtiod a ¥ Thekinds, 7 

nhs SOE Fy ey af oe 

Cc usar muchin tion & ee 
eit sag Space 
sree shaders ders beh al 
: rallchaprers, wherein : differences thall be exprefied. 


1. Cichorium fatinum. 2% Cithorinm iti insm latifolium, 
Garden Succotie. Broade garden Succorie. _ 

ba i 
ee <u Bria 

: 2. 
rN) yp 
q > 

I) hl 

|  thederipin 
—— Gienic’ is of ewo forts sonewith broade leaues, and init with nattow deep 
bree = and gafhedon both fides. Thefirfthath broad leaues ——— not much vn- 

ike to Endiue 

Tike leaues, butfmaller. Th Gott slants ong ee 
fifti Wh pos tf inyb fe feede, 

__ Therooteis phe Bat oie omg from the which as from 
= See eetshap plant peace a and milkie mice Taeeetihe piensa 
<3 oe The fe eae ar zee Lc see be ses es = That which 
aS th the ditt aS See} La LL: io 1: ih Mm , the others 
blewe,asThauefaide. : a 
3 Garden Endiuebrin; eth foorthi long leaues doa finooth mot fesesincowias 
moft to thofe of lettuce ched in = The ftalke Browedh vp TeauesPe 

_ ingroundeandhollowe, Sere Ag into ee Saga Sree which being broken or cut ee ag 
Poa aiuicelikemilke fomewhat = Aged flow ers vpontthie br braunches confift ofmany leaues, in in colout 

| Ciled ndine hath leaues i pis ABE OF thee witha cas eee 
eae a ig which rife vp ftron roe patna fet with the like leanes but leffer . and 
fi red or cri 1c v thetop blewe ofcoloit-Theroote ‘ae 


eedaand tress isit calledwhit ceade whereof Pini 

Pea ty Feo 

‘hauecalled Suc 

: ye cri 
3 eed * Ginled Eodine. 
ee = - 5 g 

is Pe - 

gus see —* The Fovehaiet e225 mw dai - 
barren atren groun ‘ounds‘in J fEng eanicage ay Sa Bye? hich _ _ dee ae 
which is aap then ther gory, pe gathes, 

sagt 2 Ge the a guickly commeth vp to a which feedeth inbaruett and 

tootes and laide in the Sa or rae & the {pace oft two boures,, then will the leaues be tough — 
cafilyendureto bewrapped vpon pe, oa 
rie within it, which if itdid, Idcaufe fe hich foco be au 

> as in London and other ee isto be 

thefime purpof in his 20.booke8.chapter saps San 

: The nam a toe 
Thefe herbes be called by one name in ack oF notwithftanding for diftin@ion fake they 
the bi in Gr sibse =, Plinie nameth the bro ade leafe Succorie Hediprois : and 
ied Ie Dinfrides calle th acls 
andc, a -. nt ybuom (2 greffe: GE GREE 
but eer of the Poet Frac the 31. aces his firft booke, =e \ 
Cunt olite, 

iol 5 : 
With sh shih Bree chal heya haue called ipeeoien,¢ or tain, 
Arbugia come Ambabeis ia: )and nd fome there be thatn gamete Patidepd gah ai dicing 
chews wleelmus Placentinus, and Pet ¢ Germaines ¢ 
ad batten. whichis as much eofay-acthcke-per of chee EM Cichorea: the: 
Ss dea a it Gicoric and Succotie: the Bohemians Creh = 

Senamed i Gr geste Ss éets fusess'in Latine Intybun: fatinum : of (ome Endinia: of Austenne 
an adver gt Taraxacon of the Italians Scario/a, ate name precieecad in moft {hops,alfo Seriola, 
as asthough ney thould ‘fly callit Seri, but not fo well Seite with a double r : for Seridzis Lace 
raya Enuide: in Englifh Endiue and Scarj. 


d wl hath! | ht fe faid chen isit called white Endiue, 
ae The: nature. 
RB I< 2 lI Ce i j ope a. 2 wg) 1. ° 
7. Y sts S aes gf tz 1 ” ye = c °° and 
_ Garden Endiue is Sia and hot fo drie or clenfing., and by reafon oft thefe Seg be: ag 
8. hooke 

val tions of medicines = ee to the agri affected, 
The vertue 

A Tl 1. } helpe the 
ftopping of the reat 5 wee Fe lacke of fleepe, {topping of ee hot sani ‘oaks 

B Afyrupe Heres chageor ane ue ar is ve — good for the difeafes afore faid, 

C The diltilled water gand{ 

D “1 - y Inf. Posi < re) in th Tons 
of the yarde to be inieSted with a fan ing , I fle or by finall ft 
an¢  granell iffuing foorth with the vrine as he bath been feene. : ee 

E y - 3: = 3 1  - 

FS Ba FY 2 Ne 1 4 +. a} j Fewer} } 24 rp] ] as 4 
The leaues of Succorie good againft in fl f th being dly ap 

"plied to the —— place. 

Of wilde Succorte. Chap.28. 

% The kindes. 
TN lik m) L RS e PRPS RC gs ck . Ck ee Sy pat ae ‘11. bind, Cather 
of them. ke : 
1 Cichorium fluefire. “Wilde Succorie, 2 Cichor pe seeetae — Syccorie. 
: : : 2 Ss Sy die SWS 
WH BY. sae S Cae Y FE 

i ee: iS 
S} ~ 

| % The ae ription. 
ace ichath} {nipt abour the edges like the leanes of of 
av Sowthift ith a ftalk he height of bits, which is deuided to 

warde = top into many braunches. The flowers grow at the top blewé of colour: 

2 oeaie: Succoriehath longand large leaues steeply cut about the rh ei ee of the 

Haukeweede. The ftalke is braunched into findrie wheron do growe ers verie ~ 

double,refembling the flowers of Hane lion or Pifle-abed, the which being ahaa: it cGieth away 
in downewith every blafte of wi 

ES een! — = 4 — Ue ff Sd latifolium, 

eS Se 7 

f SV ¢ 
sp yy 


W/ Ne 

wey £9) 

Ds ‘ 
WA Bs ue is 
SS Ee ; 
Y ae oo 
pis? cae 
ZEN : are == SS 


Hs EY 

——" so 

Las hort leaues simeger itbsabes about the ie The atk bled 
1s Z 


: raphe nee ndiue with ces, ta Se eaten nomic eroote with 

| is a ree cm which rife vp becca baled feats te vpon the grounde like 

| thofeof garden Endi and fomewha trougher 5 among wh mos vp As ftalkes i im- 
siti bur male. | 

%& The p 
Thefe plants ctl rome lin fi in in ie in be ae vpon wilde and vntilled barren 

at TEES atin Saecoaee BOOKE OF hiees 

rf EE fi = lie Pin fe Leila 

rou her, itis called nt ? Bi Oia cada the reft of the names fetfoorth in a pier ca 
thall be fufficient for this time 
% The temperature. 

ee : ‘Me The vertues. 
A Theleaues of thefe wilde hert boiled in pottage } brothes for ficke and feeble perfons 
Bo TL y dg ryerg | £. 28% See: page fon ie J - Cc. c c k 
Of Gumme Succorie. Chap.29. 
% The kindes. 
Tofeorides defcribett fe kindes of gum Succorie, notwithanding by the diligence of 
D the la itnrs there be fiuundrie forts found a well in colour of the flowers 
Ifo in the fhar apr portion of the whole plant, which fhall bee defcribed in this Chapter 
folowing. : : 
1 Chondrilla cerule 2 Choire 
Blew Robin, 

we gum Succore eo Succori 

Ce Ne. 

£7) Thede i? ino ps 

flowers and tough roote with fome ; 

nexed thereto ileancaeskaliherot te pense toen ne 
__leaues are great and long , in of garden Succorie, but deepeliereot™ 
a | 

hee |} i lea q £. 1 J oe, 

fometime nm eb righ nas, hee + F. See es 4 . * ci 
“Gui Su : Lit 7 it 3 Little } Robi g c 

thinsade any! aadan as indeede 

fen ipjiw'rootes istike vnto = ees the. a = greater not vale vnto thofe of Endiue, 
cuicwiore deepely ¢ ‘euemto the mid g 
* 4 , eae | . 5. (1 Y ee J | om See Se 
ete reat praceand beautic. 
= we gum Sticcori ha thilong like in fe 1 deuifion of the cut leat hofe of 
wilde Sine hahoaried The ftalkeiktwo foote high,white 
and downie alfo, liuided ito fundrie t h whereupon d do growe torne Soma like thofe of 
but in col lI li d away. with the winde, 

The roote i is long and ofameane hice, pe the which as from all: H9 it of Fes pete doth 
iffue foorth a an iuice, which being died} iso f ayellowi ith. + ed., fharp ting the oong. 

¢ is founde vpon the braunches heereofa oe as maid faith, whch is ae at this a in 
Phificke inthe Ile Lemnos vas Bellonins wi itnefl 

bites thicke and fat: among which rife vp ent rales ia a5 an ite oe SF 

f : i 5 ME ARS om BY is {} oh: f,¥ L SS BE i be 
3 Chania oe =. chondrill Hi ipa : 
we gum Succotie, ~ 2 Shen anifh a Succorie. 



Ra Ruthie gum ee ee 1 in? 3, with a 

rahich ac a ae Leche LR - 

two foctre Lit rat 

Stoica and{mall, which being faded,do i 



1 L 

6 like thofe amabalanus, or Pele. 
eart en nut, with og i fattened Spa: rs which ney espa final E Sinne 
leanes en g pring eand 
1. a poe S Pig > val Ih L fot 
“1 1 1 y iyi oF ok os + Sead ln a 4 = i C, ¥ 1 be: 
é : z é are — 
5 Chondy illa Jun the  niadifsores b. ‘Chon, dr illa marina L’Obelii. 
- Ruthie sa Eee ier Sea. gum Succorie, 

Ce A ae oe oS Se 

he grounde; from the middeft whereof rile vp 
ull {< and tender ftalkes, bearing atth le vell of Dande 
‘or pifle-abed, but {maller. The feede i Neer pe ora ha 
Recs see 
~ ned ther -on + from which fpring vp final — leaues  fpread vpon the und, cut or fnipt about 
os ane Ca of an ouerworne ruft grayith colour fll amilkie ice: among which ne 
som naked ftalkes. 

int yellow colour and fomething party which being ripe d oe turne into into downe thatis carried 
away with the winde, The feede likewife cleaueth vnto the faide downe, andis likewife 
‘hbilingtboet ee t perifheth when ih perfected his feede, and recouereth ie flfeagain 

| oe 


9 Hypocherts,Porcelia. 3.7; 
4 a Succorie. eq mse same 


bh: : 

“Yeyae ghee she nad t vA ery 

+ das The e plac 

— of gum Roan do grow = Fvncild aes vpon ditch bankes and the borders of 

gretes from Maie to the end of A Aug 

The names. 
Gum fuccoti Hed of tt fh he Latines Sagrilegt ila, 
Diofeorides = a it Cichorion ty Seris , by reafonof fae likeneffe th 1 a Suce 
core , efpecially the tw ae which hau ue Biewe flowers as thofe of the fe 
maketh Cicores verrucaria to bee Zazs nthe of Mathi oles Diuers haue taken the pla with 
blewe flowers to be © Se famoi wed 
se name from the ken it hach with pests but this herbe i is not like ip ian in anie 
a ; gi flowers haue the 
rme and col, ¢ c % Peet aes Se ts Wee de 
Thelkinde afc: . Saieys 4 pie : 1 c hg ee 
Thei: : ‘ # The heed Ce eee oe : Grd ee wee | A 
Theranraan| 1 j 5 eg * 3 we hag a gage 1, en 
ot Glinetaracticn.a , a . 
The J 1 tT - $ L 5 ft 4 = gs, SA Bp Cok Y ape text 
fac ot pe S ke hi , laieth downe the 
pha E s cie homes and Tech like ss Dd 
— gum y I lo es lees made thereoflikea 
an. | See 1 _& 
The feedes i Z h 7 1e . £1 
santiofafpoo a 4 Sn to powder and gi : 
cuer they besthe which medicine a certaine ertaine Chirurgion fra did sid ea Ae syicgted 

= sees oor oe res 2st NOW 

228. THE SECOND: BOOKE : OF exdeks 
OfDandelion. Chap. 30. “a NR 

Dens Leonis Cichorizata, > 
icing 3 Succorie ee 


f Gg ie 

fy Wp) 

aati: u 
City ree 

| x The defription. 

tHe hee is Lay eatled Dindeion ast fende foorth from 

‘leauie: pee ad tas and gafhed in the edges lik nt wilde tec bi 
on euerie ftalke eth a flower greater dl then t of S 
taba as ither, of colour yello which’ di 7 nd dow 
ai thar’ is catded awaie with the winde. der, full ht je iuice 

itis the Endi i in tafte Succorie, 
of Succo which may. ps Seeacie heereunto, whofe a 

thofe of broade ie leafed Succorie: the ftalkes are not vnlike, being deuidedin ot 
—_ Deer alte vaniheth in to downe when thefeedeistipe, 

he ot ng 

oe (OF bess me 

; He ERS een a . g g the faculties, fer. 
aR ORE jswhich Paul iteth of Endi d  Succat Diuers of the later Phi fiti- 
HT ak Ww: r TY i tee W 7 L Ls 

Joalfc te) Le Sass ares 2 Be VVUECH gd 
SS — he J ot. Dent det, in Enelith Dandeli and of 
pencruit : in F presire , J 8 elion 
divers Piffeabed. 

%& The ae and ead: 
Dandelion is like i 0 fai towildeEndideIeis colde pbutic dri- 
d doth wit tha I clen {c 

passe itis good for thole foe ae Succoriei iss 5 is 
Of SowthiStle. Chap 3x. 

; % The ‘hinds, , 
he wwe oe = ed forts more founde by the diligence ofthe later writers, yi nites “ae 
Rc. ora in this chapter,andeuery one be diftingmgaey witha feueral defcription, 

“% Thedeféription, _ ae 
L ‘Ale 1 gl S61 ‘ r y b f ly 1 middle ribbe, 
‘Teter de about the edges fomething harde and fhart > with, a rough 
llowe Th ne t ft d j h ser ry of : fing. pemy 
fi nd yellow of colour:an when the fe sgreetmnhc in 
2 Behe icy Aree n oth Sowthiftle,is oftenti high, iged & hollow,of: 
palecolour and fomtimes reddifh. The! be greene,broad, f dab ith deer 
ips white sa tap Sa fl ftande at the top-of the braunches yellow of 
I Sonchus afper. 2 2% Sonchus Lauis. 
Prickly gout. A Hates Leumce. 



3 Spat lanislatifolion 4 BEN ‘florea 
Broad leafed Sowthitftle....- White. flavvecs! Seti 


IW2tws < 
In wolis 
“OF 10 WOS 

5 viene r S 


fe great 31 a 
eon the eer 

g iddle rib,fharpe pointed:the fale 
fthe colour of fhoy elisa popsh > 

ateft ofall eee 

E wre iftle 
‘ rib a in leaues as in colour of the flowers. ~ es Ago jecdeh oneal the 

one airie thre ddes: : from 

2 tt Malley 

erlea wilde cole : 
= pyar iat accthereft st offen thes. ine #6 fin ibe flowers ron at the 

ar SS Sonclu 

AZ ES : 
7 Sonchus arbovefcens, 
: Tree Sowthiftle, ~ 

aes nee 

5 Sonchus flore ninco, so 

Snowe white Sowthiftle. 




i : 





nachus flore caruleo, 
ew flowred Sowthiftle, 

= Page 
i). BAe 5 pe ™ 
ve misalsl : er? . 
: ites 

% The place. 

450] j 

Thefe bP T g 
fea, andjamong pot herbes, 

T Lr. j L S., £3 cue f+ } 

e tree Sowth y r y 
elfewhere in thefe Northerne and colde regions. 
%& The time. Z 
TL oOo saaka Tul vy A res if . 1 
ae! ae? Me | > ose 

%& The names. 
c Liat | Pe ee aes 1 , - SER, eee ¢. Bars c 

. 1c, og 

= ao is = : > 2? e Peas 

Apuleius calleth it Laéfuca Leporina, ot Hares Thiftle, of. fome Bra/S%ca leportna , ot Hares Cole. 
Len cA. Ca 1 1 a: ees CT eo | <2 1 364 lady 

ed Da 

it._£, 2 my 

fen Lattoutwe 3 the French Palays de lienre. % The temperatare. 
TL Cc Lal fial oe 7 2 j 4 1 

¢, é 

Ss oi £ ] a ate 
forall inflammations or hot fwellings if they belaide thereon: 
‘B  Sowthiftle giuen in broth,taketh away the gnawings of the ftomack proceeding of an hot caule, 
and increafe milke in the breafts of nurfes, caufing their children whom they nurfe to haue a 
ood col » aay neh ¢.- SS a © bY ERS be 1 

- fabftance,colde and likewife binding. The vertues, : 
A Whileft they 1 tender they potherb , but whether they 
3 1 1 ge L y je good 

. Co Theameeorl Pp Bie tgs PA ] f 
Of Haukeweede. (hap. 32. 

he kin 
of which Djofforides maketh two forts , and thelater 
hischapeer following, where they Mallen 

aa | C.1 Cc 3 3 

- Aukeweedeis alfo a kinde of Succorie, 
writers mo,the which fhall be d ef ibed 
“4. a 1 22h“: i} A Le Se Be i 

1 Hieracium maius Diofcoridts. 
Great Haukeweede, 

.) EN 

% The defer iption. 


He great Haukew 
T sclers thofe of the milke ~ ee he ftalke groweth to the height _ two cubits eo din. 

fundrie atmes or diuifions, lowe within as the yoong kexe, reddith of colour: wheres 

v 0 
pon do g Fo faede erie Th is thick hand threddi 
best 20s f Wee Ge n 5S 1 rm 1? TY ee 
aeST a Ek tC o 2 si 
sheen’ J »hath long 
4 Le {} 1 , pas ce le. The 


Jeaues dee 
ftalkes and dowers are like a ae the roote is compat of many final rat gs witha Ha knob, 

oras it werethe ft ean 4s + ae roote in the middle of thofe ftringes ,cut or bitten off, whereupon 
it ooke his name Diue 

Hieracium nigrum 4 Hieracinm Leporinum, 
* Blake Haaukeweede. Hares Haukewe ede: 
Mj ‘A 8 PRE 



L ZA y 

rot rele: aneng ice van aes lender andved etre om 
4 Hares era mani se theed 
‘| ag ed leaues, cutabout ges on both the fides like 
thereeth o ofafawe, tefembling very cng Pct c yellowe Diuels bitas as well in leaues as rootes, fauing 
The ftalkeis hollowe, weake and flender: the 
fons eee are butn peace fo a y 
ukeweede hath many lo 11 

Se C ital Tt t i 1 
ng on ig Th es Cah 4m. 

en oth fides to themiddle tibbe,ftom which rif 

te i nena - yt s ad | no cL. 
Stowe yellowe ar thet tps dou ble. { thicke fet ina {ealeyt 
uing great,thicke and 

eheddieroore \ 


Hieraciwn Aphacoides. 6 Hieracium intyhaceum, 
Succorie Haukeweede. Endiues Haukeweede, 
WZ : ty es a . 


7 -Hieracium longius radicatum, 8 Hieracium afferun. 
__ Longrooted Haukeweede Sharpe Haukeweede, 
‘ : Zs . 

& The défeription. 
7 Lanigtoored Hatkeweede hath thany broade leaues  fpred vpon the ground, flightly ; and con- 

eons F 


andt ote and halfe hi 1 ¢ J. AB 3 AS 
Pele . The roote is very long, white and rough. 

8 Sharpe eedeh abs Teaes like to thofe of. Laigieds ebeefe or Oxetoong, fharpe about thé 
rene Tb ih in the middle. The ftalkes be long and flender,fet with the like leaues, bue leffer: 

7 erin eo Obehjs. sion “yo Hieraciumn lat ifo ifolium 
*\tGrooked cede. Broade leafed Mlarkcweede- 

oad SE 
AS B 3 — 

: Crooked or falked Hat Sie ie 

onboth fides, with render, weake 
: TGES 5 ender, w “ot peaeere 5 ne or te a 
Se Yellowe colour andtheroote attain spon. : Bitodoxil ofa 
d’Haukeweede hath broade de long leaves "and deepely endentedo- 
vad tales eleaues of the greateft Sow thiftle. "ghee is hollowe and fpungi« 
*theropofthetalkes double and yellowe, i ee 
: The great; Leben Ae et hey ORES eee cl iA 
turé'to Golden Idenrod'or; The it lh ke ee ee nk A 
the top double and Wir gearee h ope ee te ee e tire i; se 

wabourthneedges and harper na ene is aning } , 1 pra | : nore 
sea as cee re; thi pe ey a ee 


19 Hierscium montanut lasifolinm 
Gr meat -acagprtiaateso’ Haukeweede The plac 
wy ‘Thefe kindes of ro do BES in_yntei 
places neere mito he Ep rders of gorne fieldes, in 
medowes, high waies, woodes, mountaines and 
hillie places,and ner to othe inks of ditches, 

a ower for ha este part aifthe Puig 
eee fooner and OBE slat 

Thefe plants et al conteined ynderth name of 
Hieracium : which is calle di inG ecke alle: isedaon 

in Greek itesZ, for they are repor rted to cleere their 
fight by ‘conne eying be, iuice heereof into their 
eies. Gaza calleth it ieielia, for itis numbred 
amon 8 the Speco , they arecalled alfo Lem 

very well le: the bitten or coped the 
common Diuels bb ele — 

elibales of. Hackeresde ae colde gid ei, 
and omenha inding, 

: % The ve rte. 
3 : Be Lal ee {J -f-er the fame m2. 
pes. ale in Ieoally lets ee > 5 
Lf *Peln soot Cel ae | 1: L . rt 2th ehae tharis 
oOo 2 “ im 9 
oti peter to be the beft and of greateft force. 

Theres Dirt good for an hot {tomacke, and for inflammations if ibe 
an 3 io: ee a ver 2. % Pos (oe 

1 ing IE? SSeS ae eee lx do perfor 

ej ro} 3 4 > _% 

Of Clufius Haukeweedes. (bap.33. Sa 

SS an, The kinds. + - o ss 
Ta te = eee ee orkinde of Haukeweedes,which Sane forth 
ee Sanity fear the kindes of Scorzonera, or vipers a where: 
ee 3 the whic which likewife require a pat do differ in 
fefittofe 1es fpred vponthe ground fort 
Th incendie little see clothe ssi mes Mullen ot Hig 
and fometimes dafhtheere and there with fome ———s pelike-che garde? 
Se ice : g cubi te high dew 
ding it felfe 2 ( &: > o ynlike 


gee ig een 


a eer ee blacke - hoatie and woollie cup oF sto a 
ee eee yey . 1 * 
palebleaky Kase See Cn Bo EN Ce IL AN 4 
the yew oO ? o t) ‘3 
eae: vere ee) 
o=yf4 4 tit hatt 
aes slike the e former, thati is to faie, 1 to and hoatie, ahdas it were couered ithe kinde of woo!l- 

narrower and longer then the former. The 
Pia re hi on do rowe ellowe flowers like thofe of Cece: beard or Trago- 
fae fore aaah Say Bh ee i. e roote is blacke and full of 

ge toe aPC? ae ith 
1 Hieraciumprimum C laf. ® 2 Hieratium5.Clufi. 
The os sees etal Clufias his eis of Haukeweede: 

Ry SO 

hshind of Hf eee epee To | 
rootes afinger thicke, fulloft 

stele weed :from ae | man long leaues 

me andam, aues eis ts ruflet co- 

gft the leaues come meee Sune od ine oral a w flowers fet in 

de: a: or chalice , and caried aried away ii his feede by the ~ 
* The fenenth 3. 1 Se 


vnder 1, butlying 
Sneha the Md ate ctutt of | = earth pes en se BS vp in he aitdet, with many fei i 
ted about the with: Sa 

from which rife long leaties fomewhat indent ite of 
eka ties of yell reba macro dan haitieand oft asare t roi 



3 Hitratium 6.Clafii. 4 Hitracium7.€lufit. 

Cénfisu his 6, Haukeweede, Clufius his 7. Haukeweede, 


py oy 
SSA 22 
2 WN 

aS OF 
x The time. 
nan L LS 

<J ed i 
“% The names. 
authour himfelfe hath not faidemore then heere is fer downe as touching the names, {0 
Wii | Rees eS £. Seetelos cw akeeton ty pict uN: L C Coesher conie 
2 to) = 

%& The nature and vertues. 
fin A aS fk 

fal 2 tad 9 gM = 

5 WHITE ally CApPerit 

vertues , and therefore Lfor 

Of Lettuce. Chap.34.. 

% The kindes. 
fth - fl { ae 
c.L 4 Sa L He ae = ers hale 
D4 Mul Ulli 
3 by oa ot b eS Y ond 1 ji 
3 2) 

| 2 Ladtutacrifpa: 2 

L: “ 
: Aah. ; Fi Sie 2 
P Wk, ee : : Perriac : 
: % The defiription. WR oy 
‘ Gases 1 L ae ee Pw } 3 oh ee. 1 me ese he 
t=} > = ge = +m 
isrounde, thicke f “LT Ses teres cess, FO hae os 1 L 
~upon do growe Tr eteaay, Hr. ae Si ree ae $k ‘<3 ththe 
winde, Thefeede Rickedhf on oo) be cey A Aid) Ebsunt ehigetoblon: 
fomewha tlon ng. Th I i + ] h ftrinos . which iopcuriin 
Th ] 3 hs Ae a1 A pia Wt 3 “i 
do weal £, i. nT : } CL ae L * 
uing tegardeto th Lotk es of the arti 

‘ficiall I 
times transformed into another fhape reir the ae or elfe fod 
ccictbetlescabnges gochett colew i r scarey 
= fomnthing white tending to a very light cyelow 
curled Leruceath ath great and large leaues, desnspie estas both she fides, not 


utinto many fections s. The flowers arc 
inabotah ableake colour, the which do turne in to —— andis caried eae the winde.The feed 
the former. hangeth fomtime in knefle with a roote like the former, 

3 This finall forrof curled Lettucehathm man g re iy: 
| 1 we are Tacke stbrae i aeeces very confufedly, 
and withall curledin n fuch an admirable fort that ¢ ae leafe nae " bee made of nage 
g gentle 

e e with th 
‘th The Sota mien — ants e grounde, at the firft comming vp 
manpee tabout the  edges,cri eng curling lightly this or net way , not vnlike to the 
thar pan Endiue,wi $5 flowers and feedes like the former ,as welin thape. as yee iding: Se 
milkic iuice wherewith they do all abound. 
Ae, naa PR 4 Laliues 




Lumbard Lettuce, 

Laituca Saubandica 
Sauoie Lettuce ss: 
6 Lattuca intybaces, 




tachuia Zabwra Ph cae 
Mth, Att: 

srgeet Z 

Small curled Lettuce. — 

Laétuca crifpa altera, 


5 oma Lettuce hath 

many plaine 3 and fmiooth leaues at his firft growing vp, which for the 
are thofe lea aues in — middle, 


which turne thenafelues rogither imbracing echeotherforclofely, thatiris formed in 


othat rglobe 

of Cabbage Lettuce from the 

ound head, whereof the fimplett i isnot ae The Peete aU is black , cont! “ae toallth 


A und 

ster A a5 > SS is no} oda si 
The ¢Lun nba rd I 2 aT ° eo) vate thofe oy the 
Endiu burleffer The ftalkes rife he heicht of three f 1 scar ee 
eae e e a 2 ae » ‘ om | ie J :. pe sae : fe 2 

Cl) iite 

uft be fowe 
fperth beft fi it bet fone ey thimhe. 

The he 
Lettuce delighted to growe, as Palin faith, ina manned sBiegaoi, and dunged ee desit 
: ; nd pro 

% The time. 3 
Iris certaine faith Pa/ Hb 1 1 ~ 
TI ‘i 1h. 4 “ oa “1. emmy == es a r 
‘wae. é : Co 4 > 
* The names. . 
§ et Laan 5 
s Euyarlgort 

I fall 

the = epoca Lathuca ya Laéheo fuceo, a8 the Latines doe , oft Bis mike iniee icewbich i iffueth wr 


iardes Lechue. 

the Spani nd th 
of thiskinde are pen or pescplea jt is vamed = Plinie Laétuca wipe sand of Colonel Taues 

Ceciliana: inEn er ith curld or Es Leet 
ta, d Lact ebli z Piiwenanieh it E 
- Wot 2 ct. : D Lwkt sis Enslith Cabhase 
i 4 > o oY 
' Termce and Sed hema ‘ 
{45,1 Ved tA Wo T ott rae AB ay Vo. 17T 
= Sf ; 
% The temperature, 
etre, L4. ] 1. Pam See eS Me: oa) L 1 
tocirher i. 1 7 of poy Be 1 = 
& 47 L™ 
os %& The vertues. = 
ees. 5 a 1 Ons Spa] } : i}. rit ha 
chalar Bet Faia, | tees eee is here heate & 
es Se L = 74.0: Cth ees) cae . b and 
hear Bricks Fase | YW 1 1 a . y cmpes 
ea y i , butts ‘Tather iad. 
er 3 thereunto, ise 
1 rf. 7} 7s .¢ 

boiled . is = dpe and nourifhethr more. 
s fer 

Iti eae 
any er meat tg Fe pee agen ae | = oe 
Vie it fora for, : £ 
fede quecanas ‘Lactuca i, lebat auOY titty 
: Cures ® Dic mash cor noktras inchoat tla dapes a Rpecarhoisy c: .) 
ot being paken } sd 43 'ong = OPE ode b:5 
ee eet 
. sand. ( vapors from. 
: a relents eee Mee e 
*y aig Sata a by zi oe a ce Ls 1] ; Lh: 
pie ed sp a ae 
Ror ftiptik ca b A 
pat vs ie ay ne ieee pee in itany fharpe or ee faculti 
which ours andy pak: rh to th se ne Eads ob li 
But wioeu _ Se ae } : c 
en foe mh ROA ogy neal 5 t Teta + “nt bd fF theses | ty 

Wet pati 
@5% Z 

femble ah Lettuce as well in forme as in meate to be eaten, which property is nowrobe 
: founde in Valeri 

an fearfelie ate dey gore many reogiter like a cuft or -ymnble: 
has in fteede of rootes'a a fereflende threds like vntoh 
pee oeemue 


ams in this man 

itmaketh it the jes wae which Aartialis very well-knewe writing in his rr booke ke obEpi 

Primatibi es ventréiLictuca monendo—- 

uce being outwardly applied mittigateth all itiaboditosia’ it is.good. for bane and 
fcaldings. ifit be! laide thereon with falt before the blifters do lleie as Pliniewriteth, 

q deif itbe too much vfed, but po 
cureth fleepe. Losi: 


* Tinbe Eevee, 

2 \Ladiuca A se ik 
Corn i & 

Se ye 
Sp LBS a 
Vltinns teenth 

2 wy The ¢ defeription. 

1 Goce £ {ome 
hath — te out for akinde of Valerian,but properly, for that it tae veryno! tabliere 

Ts 2 Feist iS ABR, am | ee i: ¢ Fagg 
ss Gilt Geax ye ant. Pig Mis Bae tg) } ps with fun- 
l ren h i } 1 £1 $ pane 
od or. : 3 
= ool aanaseetit comming vp, as well 1 a. 4 on the top of the 

‘vpon a broader uft2 YW Verte. which” 
eiiene to be flowers, fauin 
yp case hich Do done eis in his faft Edition ferteth foorth vader the named 
i d Wermolt 
nr te vs  LoBtiaae This ae hath {nal long leaues afinger ios ofa pale greene colouty 


i — . oe 


among which fhooteth vp afinal cornered and flender ftemme halfe a foisted sie two 

h bearing at the top 
a seb braunches tufts of v ery{mall white flowers clofely compact tpeither wih aroote like the 

% The p 
- Thefe herbes do are wilde in the Corne bids) ; and Ric; it bath ‘erowne ier ae along the 

French g g gardens as fallade herbes 

The time. 
They are found greene almoftwifter and tomer 

_ The Dutch men do nh it = ca pmntoes; hati is to {2 

-of fom smamed sfiterep: ; 
glith the White bee thetbe cal for that 

ciga rae Bg 

2 Thet - igh esha snd verties. ch : 

el 177. 1. 

perature to the garden 
pee in mend whereof i in winter andi in the sat mons of the ipveges it eg forsale 
le a 

53S or cher fal ides be: OSES eo: 
_ none ofthe woortt, . or SSeS 
Of Colewoorts. Chap a 3p } oe 
® The kinds. ~ fe 
Di? Pog 1 $2. 3 fey. i rat y og 
mundes hecre ot Paritad aT ee pee bee Le les 
4 oat hd Cocaine Pi 

ting 7: 
— le ee aniee| ftalke the fraps med hed thirde ew Tadeftales tender and very 
nu uch biting. The fame di 

fai th,that 
} eee [s fe ckie le who Co + 
Pe re soo and a Re : eas 
prop a led xe¢8n, or Colewoort: "andi ne booke hehath alioad- 
ded enehksG 2 1 - {az 
; Trittaden, Cuz tianuin, 
~ eS %) mpe. 
licum & Lacuturrium. 
The Herbarifts ofour time haue likewife obferued our or elfe in 
fArnitereh te) 

ersmoft of them mani = ofa seadleape =i 
fmooth leafed;and achers ced or ruffed dieing likewile in their ftalkes, syas pl 
fie in their feuerall deferip 
% The sie 

He Garden Cokobes hath black 

mixed with tibbes and lines of red and whe tig The <fhake he grove out =a 
yon - mes eet top little : 

othe e ponte: and after gee. bepatt there do fucceede or tae cods full. off rounde feede like thofé — 


des. euen to ihe 

nidctter bbe se much ia and arse in the aie eter ae it diffe reth 

5 “ThnsekindofColevo Fe AE cy er | 7 ae ey : AAfseadh, C4 
Pee ae hey, ps Ag Sr ons ae oid 
Ebr salme q 73 . : 
pA certs kinde heereof with h the leanes wrapped sae into a rounde 
ff The roote is 

harde: and the fake a ae battens : age 
— eS 

4 bo Brafica vilearts fatina,’ 9: oro Wy @ BralGca latina crifpa, 
G arden Colewoort.s 129: ensebasjanq dois Curld garden Coe 


LEP IS or 4 

mor ew aw Ee 

Pod Se 
Bra(teatapitata albas 
White cabbage Cole, 

(6 BrafGca Patuls. 
Open cabbage Cole, 


¢ VE 





« Th | Colewoort, vhi j i 
z a on L 1 L; Go 34 ] SS or Bit axe 

4 a mene = mei oi of th former. 

The open! d Ata tiall AE : 
= £; 1 ne tt RLS | re 44 ss 4 2 L A 
to) f Sa 2 
1 ee es 1 5 L HE aay EY, od 1 SS L g de jen eon a 
ing vp L 3} 2. oe L ] 
7 Dost ee many great 8 large] >. herupon do grow h i there other 
4th, he f h leafe. which 
4 e Te et = te 
giveth thewe of a plume or ee a feathers, In ftalke, roote, « y E it doth 
sae with the garden Colew a 
The do oubl le crifpe o1 orcut ad 1Col io4 } fc Jefcribed j 
hare fo intri ately eS and ca thick fet ouer with cry sabes 

le : yt f the leafe it felfe , except yee take and put afide fome of 
thofe ae and ieeees ice with your hande, 

9 oats rida. To oo Tophofa. 
ole Flotie. 

wolen Setewoorie: 

gt 5 aferke ome Colieflorie , hath many ee Jeaues cightly-¢ of 
ae ‘whitith greene colour , narrower and fharper ere then cabbage :in the mid 
leaves tifeth vp a g clofely thruft togither, with a roote fall 
shape oer like vnto the Colewoorts. — ¥ eee 
10 The fwolen wolen Col g Ln eg wad fk infill ri ‘ 

of Londé matter 2y sch : 

rhea omer and plas or which ee ‘ch caf fendinto Sm, oat a feruant 
eee es many other countries, for the which my felfea ndlikewife the ses lande are 
pouch bound vnto, This good] , orofthe colo 

calender iven patos ges asi ; ; indbroifed 
Ma ch ftratige fort that I cannot with words defcribe it to the ful. The flowers grow atthe 
Span ofableake ycllowe colour. Theroote is thich 1 ftrong lik he coheelandes 
la pee Sabawda. : 12 Braff 04 Sabauda cri spe. 

ie Cole. Curled Sauoie Cole, 

ow meal - 

LG YYW) = a SS 



ie Cole isalfo Va See 
ges dag verie like to tote of the great = Coe which turne. ne DM vat des as a 
Cabbage, buen ona come tothe 
et to- 

SS th, 

sth gies reed itis lke! Pst the Cab 

quoie recedent ies ) ie pave 
hac or crifpe aaa the midalle of the plan: page er: plant if i geet in the: : 
: ees itis, itfendeth per braunched ftalkes with ite flowers at the 

g paft see cods and feed the common or firft kinde defcribed, 

— oF 
= ae 

refonbling great an 
vids atone Rowers scodsandifeede ite theo 

tie erfully = hacks ae 
sel eninge curled Parfley,that fhallbe defcribed eis — nto 
eaten ee wen not deferibed vatill this sin) 

mg hele fae, 
Qs S= } Barge 


ae Brafiea Selinifiz, 0) HOU i ri ate saree | 
‘Sheeunesie pecans 13d 10% ine cur Colewoore, 19 | 

ee ep 
“ey EG ie 

bl 1 er 
a Va S 

15 Ses Ie Lica 16 Brafgca marin 
Englifh fe aes ee tm rn i 

5 Sea Colewoort hath large and broade Jeaues’ very thicke and curled, and fo giles that they 
ene without breaking, of a tte ou lerworne greene colour tending. to ig aay 
Ps ng pa 
sblacke of colour,of 

i. l 4 Ms . af ict J ] 

ie st a0 a tate or iach. 

} {lear lil } Colewoorr, but leffer,as 
Cel } 1; ty ad a) £; Py Sied gee s 
‘ e Jo at bal Vey 1 C.. top eons : : 
bso { t E : 3h sby whicho * 
rimes great gainc is gotten. 
% The place. 
a oe Ake fo 1 4 4 3 oa. 4 1 Peres | eM Bag o Jol T 
* Pag er " : pez Ee, 9 Phe 1 l ot ak Pate af. the 
oe) fiesanst” * ae es +. ilde, whic! gs TR’, aps Hee 
OED g d gt i les andnewe ligged ditch banks, 

f f the fea, whrete the exe 

oe and aan Sater Leah hs G 
cal cited it growing betweene hte and the Ile of Thanet neere ‘e the brincke ot 
io bee The symne:: ‘ 

whee eee este alles Ieisfwen i in thie conbe as March, Apu “and fc eenimes 

Maie,and fometimes in elf SQEAINDING Of PEPE 
The Colewoort , fic Columell. ks 
hea Aprill or Maie, efpecially thofe ig were fowen 
in Autumne, hich af de flourith in. th ater hs 2? re fitteft for 
meate. Bs a ed YU 
But the Sauoie Cole, and the Coléflorey mutt be Ay lLin a bed of t Jung; 
1 1 ita ae Hetty 1 “¢C 1 Pel gee HE ; andwhen ithath > 
Paaay Pk CDI: eae es Le rly yg ee eres Shi 
J 2 d 4 é 
r y L ” xd L. 1 “INL yo 1 Pod oe: ~ m™. 
ry é a 
aS The names. ; 
Rina = A ame 5) Wisse p pe ween Ae TT rh 
é J 
f . . . 
d, lyk fe it driuetl y drunk fle » butalfo for oe is likein colourtothe 
Dreri na. Hid ct 
I ttc A hy ft, 1 1 J g Colew rt, The A 
Caries & 1 <¢ ns : i L 
aties § non H, tes do call pe goodnefle of the ftalke: inthe Getmaine 
toong itis called £ -E iy: nf fa Te Coleworts 
Witwartiote to To aa SK « pote OF re 
_ Cole lorey iscalle ¢ Bra(fica Cypria, and Ca flora 3 iliffore: it feemeth to 
ig tf Phinie,whereofh h 9. booke’ and 8. chapter 
~The temper. = ‘ 
Allthe Cal 1 igre % Te q: is Were page 
whereby je miche:t a PEST a . rs eee = 1 . ; eS 
die o t : ‘oe Ra if 

e decotti 
perce shhh in thei ‘iuice ae waterie. part ee the water ‘wherein i itis ft boiled 
liotheitice of eit drunk if boiled b af hendocts 
ie tt drie and binde si bally. ae it yest eras = roe ail and doth 
=. agendes good blood, buta groffeand Mclancholicke, The white Cabba age is be oft next vn- 
whites, wre Gee doth: ood commend the sufled Cole » buthe Bene neitherthe 

s ;, ; 1 ot 

ewoort ec pee is ae fc rc them thar haue Sinan at A 
Dioftor ides te : 7 Sy 
ee ne with the ethan paifie 

FSP phy te : <3 a SO g ee tir i (ee 
Ttis Spat ta: the rawe Col . FS Z* < 
ae nelle, the relnis yee, for that ss ae enmitie fons it and the vine: 



gi ine perifheth and withereth away? yea,if 

“4 - TR, RIS PETA “y . 4: ity 4 rats 1 7 oy 

P 5? ? 7 5 thereof 
7 j 74 An: L. * 2,4 } + 4 ye. 

: 3 2 J eA) 4 onl +e~ 
{cribe tk fd drunkennefle to the leaues, but to the feedes of Cole. 

o é 


D_ Moreouer the leaues of Colewoorts are good spe allinflamationsand hot fwellings , being 
: ftamped with barley meale and laid vpon them with fale, and alfo breake carbuncles, 

'L De ps COA) ai nN. fF tid le aekade Pale 1 “1a 5 3a | ° 

d dos 
1 1 1 | er ae ee | qT Hy ~~ 1 - 2 = er, ae | em Hos ? oe 
5 g 1g, OF venemous 
OL 1 * T° 7 2.8. 1 J om md 1 1 L pf 
o°tt r Fe) 3 fe, the paine of the gout sand 
alfo cureth olde and foule vicers, 3 3 es are . 
D,: o. ge 1 /,¥ an Pas? EO Re sh) ee ap eo 1 4° 9 ae t 
2 tt? or rf 7 it getn 
downe the flowers. rhe ils : 
Sa Ree te Pa CaS SA oooe ls | ° . : <1 
Hs pliny writeth, that th 1 dropped i die againg 

afenefie. tose 
I The feedeas Galen{faith, driueth foorth woormes, taketh away freckles of the face,funbuming, 

K.> They fay ‘that the broth wherein the herbe hath beene fodden ; is matueilous good for the 

which cannot 
NACH Cannot 

ae 4 83 L Tee | 1 y, aoe ee oot 

Ie sit ald » § ? | > >; 

Of Rape Cole. Chap.37- 
4 Canlorapumrotundum. a2 Canlorapam longum. 
Tiawadsape Cole} :N Ltectare Grae: 

z f 
RG ( 
C2 aR 




; EER = 

EN yd 
LN 5S 


a great of grea 
T tthe top seat i thooteth foorth gteat eer leaues like vnto ae eo ob: 
bage Cole. Wc aowers gens atl he top on flender ftalkes rte of fower {mall lyellow — 
pe ch being val the feede 


The de ferip 
4 ge He ft kinde of Rape Cole hath one tegen long roote , » garnithed aah es y pos 


V1 = j 5. 

nl fone thrulting foorth infome fewe places heere and there, ae fooreftalkes; where’ reupon ae 
ve{mooth leaues ds, Sk alpina aboutthe : edgess on the top ofthe long Turnep ftalk growe 
D neftalke sand flowers like the form 

%& The place.’ 
Tt le ¢ ir it ce phe ey Th : a5 
RAS: ors i - : a. Fs . ? od Rl 
aera as h ftand fi de of called mafter Goodmanat the 
Minories neere ee . 
“s The time.’ 
They Ey hen oa Colewoorts sds, sshesenf no doubt they are kinds, and 
aL oo yfe PS ig LAM mK - 

_ They are calledi in Latine Cenbrapum, & ane ig their ftalkes as it were Rapes or 

Psspacticis i Colewoorta where oft ore tooke their names, 
a The. e hemeperature oe verbats 
Thera! ae. yee CL * 
Aj is a Cabbage C le: 1m. ‘ei Gears 0. = : ES, 
z t i gah * @ 

seh Beetes. Chap. 38. fico 
fi ho i poh np SN Apia eo 

‘af be td a heh. 

ftalks, The flowers grow along the ftalkes clutte- 
ring oe gee in _ ae elike 2 oases —— = 
ing: - palt, the: cedeth roun 
gee fhedecThes roote is ical and yes. 
re is another 

AX we 




feede very ple 
with which oe nature spe plead 
$M Pyare, Aport 
ae sds: ' 1 


252 THE SECOND BOOKE a ial ae 
fort! hirfelfe: for the feedes taken from th 


ewo Rare ge ss ote: aa loli 
Nor den can very well teftifie, vato whom I gane fins of te {eedes aforefaid which in his'garden 
brought foorth many other of ‘beautifull a 

eS Soa ie 1 1:0, “1 4 
ght aby 
rho Be Sn Cc. Pye tg Se Ge pated it ‘thet +5 WE ] andiike. 
oy pees V1: Lo A See ee Re ae ee ra 
wifé in the 


% The nam ; 
“The Graccians haue named st seeenar, weer ‘the Latines ste the Germaines Marirolts the 
Spaniards « heophrastus faith that the white 
Becte isfurnamed audi, thati is to oe Sicule or of Sicilia: shcereok commeth the name Si la by 

lande do vfe, taken from the fame. 

% The nature, 
TL 1. n 4 \: 1 } » 3 St he 
Sa, NY pd eps | 1 1 R 5 ln @ mere 1 i Paes oe | sites 
Ln) ] 1 1 GC By C. } i 9 1 See os La x 5 fhe 
i me | t=) 
: % The vertues 
A D 1 aA B PRamaine 5 05 5 | 1%, or Se | Els. stesk afl e 1 aE eh, 1 
CREPE aE ASE £44 Vast hi andi 
efpeci ily be 63 nee 
not! fo holfoie as Fence : i 
| } hel doth g ly dt / C. hifleg apn rfgeth the oat 
TI if ifull Beete laft defcribed may be vfed in winter f fallade herbe with vine. 
cer ae If eS 1 1 L, 1 A RK 7 Se oem EE ce | | 
ot? 2 3 og on 
Tt edB R Beete boiled and hoile , vineger and pepper is amoft 
Aa a BA er a Y ote | L ES | es | } C4 
1 Cc IL L 1] bed J ys cet * }. 
" > dD 4 
1 ee | 1 ANE SUS EE ES ee 1 £ } m tot 92% oe Aand 
ning cooke, ! > 
hy L } prs itt 4; (1 1 1 ay 3 4 ‘ 
2 ¢d : ~] - 
we FS Me Ree! a : 
Of Bhtes. 

; nao 235 : se Thekindes, 

many fo s of Blites differing in greatneffe andalfo in name, and likewife in goles 
ye one: rand of the felfe fame kinde faning in fheweand habite, andnotin nature, 

% The defeription. — 

He white Blite groweth three or fower fore bi h, rk yifh o 

Hegre so = epi ane fmooth almoftlike to sok eee Serb 

- ~ foft nor medlie. The flowers gro 

the feed inclofedi in little coundetar bak skins. ‘ 

2 There is lik he fo Seda Beas the whole a a 

“vp he ground, The ftalkes, omer nor ees we reddith atall. Buel s h foul 

\ g eene of colour an evntot ofeo Ruellins Co noe uckes horn¢ 

i ‘Thee ate ae the ftalkes’ —_— 

peg ae a greene colou : 
is likewife a fourth fort of Blites very inoctti and. flexible like ihe reft, fauing that re 

es a el me wih a darke greene colour, as is the ftalke an dalfo th el 


sonny BMW 
hood Bliteso2' 

* The «place 
es grow in gardens for themoft parr, 
song reek: be founda of them pide 5 manic 

They flourifh it te tome done ak and gtowe 
verie greene in winter si 

Itis calledin Greeke é hier in Lat ineblit tin - 
in Englifh Blite and Blites: in French Blites or 
Blitres: quod, ifex popule ys vefec cata. a 2 

e wature. 

The Blite faith hom in fa oa xt bok of the 


of fimple a potherbe , 
Ba which eg for rma ing fa acolde & aes 
WZ ERIN WB temperature, and that chiefely in the pe peace: 
ee N\ WEN SY a grec. It “yee to es bodpiin all nou 
IAS as in his fecond: book o} thfaculasof noni 
ments he pee fhewet! it is one of the 
pctherbes patie nmliryoruionrate 
whole fubance is is 


The B ouri “nth idea boris fit to A 
make the belle Beate though no entlie, 
feeing ithath no nitrous ot fharpe Aes hse. 
by the bellie fhoulde be prouo oked. y haue heard 
olde wiues faie to their feruants, aaiket no 
Blites to put into. my pott ages for theya are not 

o 0 J. 2,5 y 
phase) © * + Sr L 233 j 1 1 

= Of flower Gentle. Chap.4.0. 

Lore he di: ¢. faonkt i] The kindes. : Ss bli 5 ee 9 
and fmalneffe- fh. "es er pe Pty ac abd 
LicdalCs oficwtaMiain shel iV Rees es ao clos de fr 
pono Nea Bs ae Y ae : wa 
% The deferi ion. 

Vrple flower Gentle rifeth vp witha ft te sed hich dad Gascbaik Wet ftraked or 
“1 1 webs j ) 3 ts na “4. oe, aps f ~ 
ir felt pin 6. WL 8 % } jee ee’ | t long feanes, broade, 
apepone ofilipperie f: lour, and fomti ling to : ddifh 3 in | fteede of 
Spence eares or fpokie tufts, iel look c vp »butv i hour ft yee ns 
Ps: ofr ofthe like colour, Seeing gathered do mee their rie oe time afters ouch that 
H§ tet in water it will reniue againe as at the time of = gathering, and remain many 

iS tick Bs whereupon likewife ithath taken his name. The feede ftandeth in the ripe cares pe colour 
i . PP Pet os sthe je is thort and fall mie ings. 

ae eae ae oe ae oie vnto the former: the ftalke i is ae witha a 
mstwome fearlet cols «The led ished the pumene 

1 Arvamanthius Purpurews. 2 Aramaxthuscoccineus, 
es flower cen Scarlet flower Gentle, 

aA Aramant, ERR, fhe 
TEE ay flower Gentle, 

abinthus F Ee 
* Slotne and Paffeuelours, 

. CO AN mn ny 
— e Ni; ve Xt xy) r 

vd RRA 
VAN Hien 
Gy PX “ 


Fy meee, g 



a E oe 
7 s 
Zi We 


eee ate GF PLANTS. ie 


eedeth n 
: . en the a of sstiepios Hania ear ere! thal oine to 

amore > im ads 
ferhimdowne inhis ively colours: t breddieftrings: from which fet thiche 
the Bs ich rifech vp at ickeé 
thicke h inobbie noes C, G41 Now 1 hiderth pe ners a7 ee ve fy "p3 
ftalke ¢, bt wrenae M rr : vi 1 nie Tue Sl te ae 
gad - wh a Say ee ayer ageae 1 ry Be eh “AY 8 if P. 5 efpeci= 
perce } } See ( fundrie col asa Mripe of red dali Fvell 
a oie tea ap eX ~ PRe Scge ate ee 
drie mixt ures of colours that nature hath bellowed in hit cca li vpon this flower: the 
lie of the ftalke or trunke 

Who A & 
flow wc, : fe et 1 
at ah t > ° 
. RFS: es 74 

‘ "This s plane beth agreat ay is eddes or ee “f which his rootes do confift, From 
which do rife vp iy thicke it and oileous ftalkes % ctefted and ftraked, exceeding {mooth 
andof afhining ted colour , w. ad 

ho do growe many a and HTarge leaues ‘of a darke ‘greene colour tending to to rednefle, 


f fhape 5 

a | Nile falbed:b } iddeft th >in 
pe is at Piste 6 Fel pa Ly ee J : fa P| 
gither, of a espe panpls 
lot et eae compare ethe vothing { 
pact of fuch foftmatter as is che eee igh | is the pthc in etre white, nie aed bored 
through the middle, 
% The place. 
hots taala fel 2 I Fs Dee ey [ r aA. . 
t ss o 2 J] 
x The time. z 
Th, a A n =) * “1 rf Yt 1 1 3 o << oe 
h rs AL c C4 L R <2 1 7 TIL f. = 1 = fl i a 
" we La ees cpa 1 rag nk 1C. } l C.-L 
eh es Ve 3d} } 41 Lr. x, } } f- o% =. 7 he, REY of A 
arbn tt + Sosa Peaster . a ee ars 1 Th sates ble rk Gee Pelee, 
os 2 
Zeu:h 3 he feedes thereof, t! hicht he f ahs oheatane leanes ~ bir penned 
} 1 Pee . Ariss Cf Pt (ie ae “Exess es 
| eae 
¢ Hammes. = 
_,_Thisplantis calledin Grecke of Piinie: Silent {eit dott ither ot waxe olde si 
Y 9 a ary ~SrS 1/9 a ee ‘ hetcof 
we will ie C She See | Sans ee See L ed Daufentehoon, and Flo- 
Tamar eal r ee ‘f L 1 - :) Se Se t Sp 4 | N 
ee ee Pik 7. 2p ] Cxerecen a ot] F a ais 
fi € , pas nor,and o} 
ene as Vein = uses Boe! 
bf Lake Fp dowstion dew ee ee 
gio aes DL 3 : pig a Moan rae a ae Bae ee 
t=) > r 5 3 5 “ 
cultic with acolde and drie seeipesatane, ee 
we The vertues. 
POSES Re ra seer + ree on j “ray 
- fantawbrcks ce ry : © by Ba et - right Sande Res A 
are opini | ie NE 
2s Dole ing in any part ha oe bicaufe fome thi 
mating Draconis, terra ein fuch like ae of red colour do fae > i 
gabon : doth plainly fhewe 
L . Sea L | t we 
g imple and sosleaes me- 
} oo * 
ee be rp a Slade ae — or the colour onely. 5 

Of Orach. Chap.41. 

The kindes. 

Ly, L f, ca Sy oJ Pe wf eS t, \ we) Wed Cc. 11:41. 3 i} ? 
| “4 
L } 4 1 i F ot 

{ e 
CLG a of JV OF 
2 oe ¢ 

1 Atriplex fatina alba. ‘ 2 Atriplex fativa purpurea, 
White Orach. : Purple Orach, 

% The defer iption, 

4 He Garden white O hick nd Sat. fii “LE a, & Be 
_ | leaues like thofe of B lite,yet fmoother : and fofter. The flowers are finall and yellow.gom, 

§ in cinic 
an "TL A a | ee inall threddes. 
Loon i. ER ew et 2 eek i i 
gli ng g 5 and fprinckled as irwerewith 
§ od 5 > 7° t _ L L L + 1, : senlith 
‘it euery other refpect alike : ‘ 2 
a Beet a) es pe Ion Cis 1 to Crach ane 
24 mE Es 4 ery p E TS Wh = g 1 L LL”. had : 
4. There < wi aaa 1 . se te ee C4 nw leas, 
flightly cut about the edges,(hatpe pointed, and couered over witha certaine | 
th . > r 

i lineffe, fo that 
ewhole plantas well lea Coll a parte (Abs hain — ‘ee 
-other fea plants = : : 2’ : ; a 7 

lueftris, lyfpermon. 4 arp Mar ithe . 
3 cod wyelaed efir a lletiee Pek 
<5 es WZ 

SVs Se, 

Dey aoe 


Ay Fee Se ~ 
S Si NG Pee 
rae \WA NG Hh [2 < Z 

“p Sn a 

4 c ae y mS . SSG SO GS 
Pe a) es NS & S 

WAT ea ga  % The place. 
“Teper Orach doth growein themol fruicfill gardens, 
y 2 and in the borders of| fields, 
tMatth;p/, £, RY OF Be Bani sige ti ales the 
eithimeftincr recy aaste Bethe becweens Rochefter & enborought 
caftle; as alfo from Reculue ‘o Margate in thelle ee mee es éblockhioufeo 
Tibetan taneferid erences fame place, Tod 

They flow nto 


Garden eee inGreetaet inka ati tine Cay Kand ae in iat 
beste SPRINT iKAE ie in Englith O plan and qrEe 

Leb niet "mi tah rade fn ener weshews aca ; 
pera is seni seo cathe oe a a 

a Lettuce zit bestest st seated ifit be pada eras 

ach hath beene called d Poly(permon Caffani of Li allfeede. 
GRO e temperature. 
Orach faith Galemis of EES my mnoift in sca feconde git and colde in the firft, 

Nase writeth that the garden Orach is A ee cae andcolde, and that itis eaten homage A = 
eae ar¢,and that it foftneth and. "MESS 
tco ee: Sais sii: leew duo 
C with meade or onied water,is.a remedie againft th 
Hata senlayhath 2 clenfing qualities and may. open the 2 
Is8 oeato sbhvwe i oj alii vray gntsd.2g89 IG 




Offlinking Orach. Chap.42. 

Stinking Orach, | he defiription 
am . Tinking Orach ngrowe flat vypon the ground, 
S andis a bafe and loweplant nich many weake 
and feeble ences whereupon do growe 
fm ues on a ee colour, {princkled ouer 

2 ae urtie 
like the leaues oe a tite. ong which leauesheere 
and there epialy difperted bee the feedes as it 
veo but duft or afhes. The whole plantis 
moft lothfome uo or fmell , vpon which 
aime if any fhould chaunce to reft — he 
mip very well report is his friendes that he had 
_ himfelfe amongft the chiefe of ay, 

a Siig vee 
It groweth vpon dung hils andin themoft 
places that may be founde, as alfo about iy 

mon pifling places of great princes, & noblemens 

groweth in his naturall stags fmelleth like ftinking 
fale fith swhereofi it rooke 5 isname Garofius. 

%& The 

mye (ore caine faa qane atich {pringeth vp,and 

5 aks the feeds is ripe it itperifh eth, eo uereth 
ates ceganvofhisoneleee, fochauinhagne 

~ ten iad am ed” nt Ss 
= cea Me % Thenares : r ate 8 g fith, es on ‘ ans 
Stinking led of CordasG Perellecls Hil 
in Greeké yee sit bein aaah called Tragium momar tplex x fatida ws olens Pena 
L 5: fot itfmelleth more seg en the ratimith male Goate , wereponf fome ets a — 
The natureand ver 

chs thins ture 0 
ftinking finell for, psseines pirated 
anes sernam 

= 6 Gos-foi, thep #8 ——. 
| | 2 eae si na 

tA <siack . Soe Sigel oS, Pee Tae ae L shoe 
ining: uing heme somipreine aprins steerer 
f citi fede ftandeth in -cluftets vponthe toe a 

% The plac 
It gro veth pleatifilly in obfcureplaces neere ynto 0 olde walles andhighwaies , andiniielert 

& qT he time. 

PS Ree | 

“Thelater eanlantne ea it Pes phe vinus, of thelikeneffe that the ga haue with the 
 Goofe:of fome lear in Papi th Goo hoe and wilde Ora 

feprn abt Th ibis a 
kab scolde and m leffer then Orach,t i appecceth marcos 
be isrep orted chat it Fie ie cif cans ne ae thereof it is not vfed in Phyfi icke: aad much A 
leffeasatallade herb : es 

a ee 

ag later Herbaritts , 
e one of the o¢ 33 0 

Ee win Rogan or vod Henri, ~ % The deferipti ve 
he . rg “G: Ood Henrie called er ees foamed 
sbiiiie ? ace of them 

This bri nigel ye: erymany th 

‘with leaues two foote hi iol on ie ates 

- wheréo: <dl the top ftande greene flowers in 
clufters, thicke fee togither. The feedeis fat 
like thofe of the Orach, whereof this isa kinde. 
The ledues be faftned to lon fo ooreftalkes; broade 
bBihsdes and fharpe pointed , ons nee like'the 
Jea sof Aronor V\ V or grayifh 

$ it ire ase redo er w. vitha fine 

aud ee aa ma: ees ifions, ofa 
: Becks colour Wien ¢ ike: the tare pointed 


= alc pier ty: ange 
among rer coma waies , alewa, 
g -and acest 

Genes sg ok a — 
7. Poa falas they a Ifo namie a certaine pernicious herbe, A¢alus — ~ bad iis 
kinde of Merce ba prope for that ithath no perereen h Mer 
tie which hath peer eoloofeahe ; 

eres *Thet : 
: enriews or good Henricis cote on crand Sets 7 sepa al. 
ve; Tea tad cer a AY ct 
andlaid othe \ ! 

> AP Pe eT 

1. Cet. 1 ee See 

green wound: cers, 

Of Spinach. Chap.45.° 


inach. % The defeription. 
Pinach i abind of Bi eafte im notwyith 
ftanding I rather takeitfor akind’ Of Otach, 
~ Itbringeth foorth foftan tender leatievof 

aebofe plat cs s doth § towea Pe: ieee ‘Theos 
eonfifteth of man vial th Ui = 

1 eithae the leaues are notfo great norfo d 
: = orindented: and the feede er no prick 
at all,for which caufe it peed round Spinach, 

oe is 
Icis ci hagsaiee without any peeve 
or tad foketh not pa hts a 
~ 2) but indifferent fe 

% Thet 
~ Icmay bole uae auystlars at any time of the yeere, 
' bucbeing fowen in the fpring it quickly groweth 
vp commer th to > perfection within t two moneths: 

, ~2weth not fo foone to perfegtion, yet ee ee all 
= es <3 winter = pas ypon the fctt pring 

Te: = ee Ses i! ff 4 Thenene olus= Fuchu 
nameth it Svay/a: the Arabians and Serapio calli it Hi spss the Game Spit Englifh 
Spiniage and Spinach in French E/pinas, 

% ivinaters: 5 

“Shas ee PONT ee TOM), See vee tL th ift pe} 

Ct = Si pes ees Sapa ES SEES ae RASS oy SR 
tchasdioos etl sisal t- =o eet 
A 1 zs Lie] The vers, | Pree ‘1: “SRS Es, and eafily 

: ea Silico vais ea vedinaiowien tk oong and tend 
me B “anillldes sop ae Sager: is the te a diuerfitie of meses 

of. Pellitorie of the wall. Chap.4.6. 
. Sa % The defeription. 
Elva ah ode tender ftalkes fomewhat browne orreddifh of colourand 
leaves ber ercurie 


oo. seeks PLANTS. Hi 265 

sifi't Peirce fea 

as : 13 vrhoptl alec 
it Broweth necre to olde) wals Grothe moi cor: 
ee L pe et Se as eR Doilevt 
“O°9 5S) 

bifh and fuch like pies : 

Ite commeth yp in n Mate elect Taly and Aus 

ter. ‘te Thee 
“Tes commonly it d | Paritari, orbyacorrupt 
£, Le 


0 EB trek Pe 

| Mat, als 

te fe 
ingire “There is sl a bee Long 

“3 . Ce C2 € zy, Pits and Hi 


“i TRS 

Pe <aiS9s Wi G2 fuch eo it is cali in high Dutch te os 
‘ RY |) (ZB ig nate: tin igects na cel mur: an ee His 
4 NOY ES cae nies sth 
ase ilk ch 
cars Pelli of a wales faa or balers td 
™“s ‘ya oure,and is fom eae 
Bm, _ Pelosi of the val boiled ad che decoétion of fA 

=> rail : aa ee auell and ftone; &is good again inft ch 
AOS difficultie Pitias water flopping ofthe fae. 
hotonely sou alfo uta applied vpon the region of the bladder, in maner ofa fomen- 
tation or warme bathi igg, w ith fpunges or double clouts ¢ or fuch like Os. 
Digferidef ich 1 d ha good oi nc B 
Anthonies fire and the thing | 
cares tlone, ithelpeth the gout of ne eee: a Plinie a fet inhis 22. oe es 

Ic is applied faith he, ro the paines of the fecte with goates fies and waxe a Cyprus: where i in 
fteede of “ae etree remuft be putthe Cerote of Alcanna. 

Diafcorides addeth,that the ini ss erect va ni ior cl couche “ taketh haway bog, el D 
bes 2 oondnte oe Fiche viedin ‘agargatifine ot rwile applied ech” 
the paittes in bt Suise ee in with dile Of roles mix ith, age 

‘ofes wi 
spay edthat’ 2 ounces of the inti¢e be driirike sit ceaeaae Vine ott o 

es 3 w. ithoile of fweere alinonds‘in maner of a pales and laide to ae pained F E 
pas i a Soaks for them that be troubled with theftone sil that canh a 

Of. French Me ercurie. Gap +e 

tas rhe binder 

Tixteos two kindes of Meteuti reckoned for good jand yer:both forties vides bebe 

other two wilde never founde in gardens, valeffe oe bebroughr tchicher 
~ 3 i reg Mercurie hath cender! seat full = ioines and braunches . ia do 

= er 

< bod 
1 eSB” Coe. ys 

z Goofe-grafle, ¢, ot Cleuers, eche con- 
R3 reining 


2 Th. os oe +o = '@ ftalkes, eg c niece ba 
fic 1¢ de pil, EVE eae ke g 1 i f lowers and dfeede growing ethan 
ee yey > ae 1 by 1 Thef. Pe bea 
Nis ies Staite d ‘ Ore ican beg. 
thered. 794i) if x ; 
1) pe ae — 2 Mercurialis famina, 

Mercurie, aed Female Mepetitic 

: op. A\e af Si i > XN a "i ye y 
7 he Pee ig OE ahs , <A Pu ' 
yo S j ae SY Ie 2A SS 
ReLoE & Y Nj fhe worth 4 Ne 
~ 1 * - a ' z iad = ctl 
egtass ¥ > WISI MOE Thin wy ; | LS 10300 

The place. | 
___Frenc RL STR er sais coed eo among potherbes,in vineyaides, and inno he 
dowie places , I founde it vnder the dropping of the bifhops es at Rochefter, one 
: Boroughs plancor two into my garden, fine ¢ which sine he conasende imy Stl len from 

 %& The time 
=, een :. teres 
Thewames, : 
= tgs led in Greek oe Pe ~ ie his hert 5 reupon n the Latin a 
itMere, i led in Italian s¢ercorel: 
ae French cee in tee Morena, Fignlle and —— guia F luidan Laxmi, 
“ Ae 
— = = * The ie pout 

ae L lee Gre Caenteze and. (as Gr 
rewrteddigeting qual 7 3 = 4 ke 

i ieV6 ibaa ace in pliters,and hogheery goodso clenlé and fe the exerernents 
Ai age in glifters,an ee i so) and fcoure away 

other filth conteined in the gues. It ferueth to purgethe belly being eaten or otherwife take? 
= gece out of thebe Diofiori 

ides TEpOe 
‘ehdatbedesdmeropigchoaa timo aed po 


Me! Fas, d the B 

_tatia devpin qmanerofa Sera, lente the mother, aa elpeth th’cone bee 

‘i his booke of ‘the nature of Fae coal thei inice of. Mercuri ie Holbein Par 3 
y beck 

abalngle. eee RSIS oe es Yay 
of wild Mer ercurie. Oy. Pe 
1 Cynocrambe. tS ’ phyllon Thelygonon. 
gs Mercuric. Childrens Mercurie, » 

2porg mies 202 

if sr De Pp 
7 ip <i 2 


% The — 

I Ogs Merer Pt 1 : . 
bs ra parr and the ftalke not if ae Bae ie very ae growing to ice beighe ofa 
sty is like the fe- 

male Mercurie, 

2 2 Childrens Mercurie ¢ hath three or fower ftalkes or mo: o:the — . Satewhat long,not maith 

delle thot ofiemal Metcurie. : ne‘or wool, graie of colour:and the 

x The 
The goni inwoods andcopfes,i sin the athe faldeeisadamon among buthe es and hedges,- 
dogs Mercurie ‘Thane foundei in = ou about etre! cerita vibe, 

fower miles fom 
se hesine.. 

" Thefefoutith stn 7 eae EP 1 ae Sige es t 



The names. 18 2ougshseT 

din Greek ; d Braleca tans. NF ee 

ay J 32d ALey cup; 
fina neve Dogs Colegnd Dogs Mere. Hes b3 eee 
5 i, ae 28 — 
Jad R24 fa 206 

eT he temperature sand vertues. 
Thefe wilde kinds of Mercurie are not viedi in Fiero itis thought Ebro 

of Pate, Chap. 1 

% Thekindes, eee ee 
Ly 1 C LL. > cr oY pm | of a ° Li . tae ‘0 aes 
S § ~ Seas pee, pees 1 tng > ae 47. bs ad - gos 
I Heliotropium maius. 2 Heliotropium minus, 
Great Tornfole. 5 : ae - Small Tornfc ene 

ftalkes couered with a itiecias cae 

= wale The 
Hegre Tomefole hath fright row 

ioe flowers growe at the t top ae the braunches , in colour white, thicke rogither 
ftalke doth bendeor turnebackward | ities 

The final” omefole hath many little and weake braunches trailing vpon Se erecnaol ee, 
vpon pc = ar like thofe of the leffer Bafill. The flowers do ae at endes oft 


3 , nelirgio 

| Heliotropi: ium Clufié & L’ Obeli. ums rectum. 
: — Se ; 2 Vosighfonele, 

5 Helitropinn + Tricot 
‘Widowe waile Tomfoe. 

x The edefeription 
3 _ Uaitie Tomelle hath iewiles manie feeble 
en) ; 

fet wih finalll leaues leffer then the finall Tomfole: 

=N wa 
A re huskes which do notturne bake like the ule of 
feorpion ; which mooueth me tot 
of {m ae water Chickweede. 2 
4. The vpright Tornfole hath a fta ea 
nia fet with ro hh tie leas covered 
he leaues of vi 

ottonie dow zhi ot vnliket vipers 
Z * Buelo: offe. “The falke deaideth ifelfeino hase 
Gs Seeger oe etop Se 
S13) = idle. The feede i inclofed inficle 
ay! NF NE ae) A iastie thofeof c ee 
3 Cass L & Wf - aN ‘| 5 Thiskinde of Tornefole te ath le Pines velielike 
vpn ( cbsy “it AAO. ¥ ‘to thofe of the He La but of a blacker 
Ae = Wai DES greene colour: th the flowers be yellow, after whic 
YEA » KR, © ya SS commer ate Re miehs ging vpon finall f ‘oote- 
td Hd SS qt ENS) ~~ ftalkes three (quare, and ineuery corner there is a 


Sy} fratello Bice y 2 
ye all and the eddie. 

& The place. 
- Torafole as Dish (Corides faith doth, ete in fen- 
Ww _ nie groun: is &neere vnto ‘0 pooles an 

Ss: see "We * are ftraungers i in Pepin as yet: Itdoth aoe 

266 liae euceicseiet ee = gies 4 

with ans ete meat is eared, 

t=) TY ascr 

The time. 
a. flourifh efpecially in the fommer folftice, or about the time when the finne entreth nto 
e Grecians call it Heliotropium : the utende ‘ane thefenames Heliotropium magnum, and 

Th ag. 
Scorpiurum : of Racellins Herba Caneré: it is named Heliotropium, not eo it is turned abouk at 
ant t which time the 

fhenk balan (es gare from the zquino@iall circl at 5 f the 
twiggie tops th de lik ' will +e " Trench 
Tonrnfol: itis ates ied irk Clitie, ae: of the poet! fe thel Nee ; 
Herba velut Clitia femper petitebuia folem 
° Sit piamens Chriftum que efpetter habet. | 
: % The mature. 
i AONE 2 4D. 1. hot; 7 4 SW ee ling f. { 
2 % The vertues. 
A iL ne | PT me he le et ei 1 4, L 1 LoL 
2. . 1 1 1 L a a eo an o pica 
- beafts,and is very ee tobe ed hens vpont 50% I or anes 
Thefe eebee. ec etait erfl growings, 
caufeth fee way. 
J The {mall Re ey Oe | ith Hy for Crees 14 1 , driveth 
foorth flat and ont 
With the fall 'f Fomfole they i F d Jie li S and clouts int p rfect i: urph 
rewith nfeGionaries do colour iellies, wines,meates, and fundrie com- 
Of Scorpion graffe. Chap.50. 
% The defeription. 
Corpion 3 hath many fmooth , plaine , euen —— of a darke greene colours ftalkes 
finall,feeble,and weake, trailing vpon the grounde an cupyinga awa in reipestof 
the plant. The flowers growe vpon long and flende Roane, of colour yellowe, in fhape 
to the flowers Speen 3 after which fucceede long crooked rough seve in tha ape and colour 
: like ynto a caterpiller,whercin is conteined yellowith feede like ynto roakidneyi in bee, The roote 
- isfimall ane tender,the seat plant perifheth when the fede is ri 

another fort of Scorpion grafle f found Sicced come,pealeand tares, and therupon ca cl 

. west and pene eet vpon the Senn if therebe nothing t to take holde vpon:: eit hs 
aod crooke ed fee dv effels, 

ee rate eos a ote Sf : ee Cae | bhe3 

If h hauing Jeaues like 

to Becal ies vorbilone Thetis groves tet oder tgetlaios , blewe of co” 
Jour, and. witha {pot of yellowe among the blewe; thewholebraunch of flowers dot 
turne themfelues lkewif round like the oe taile. 

There is alfo ues lik Ana alls aquatica: or wae 
Chic! haui gil 1 Oe wc 1}. } ry SRS not vn- 
fauing that the flowers of hedcolour , fomewh rbigger,an4 

like, that the lo 
hide more open, whereby the satis featis 5 feene. There 


Storpioides bape ‘folio,Pene &L’ Obeli.. 
“Sc pion gal graffe he defeription. 

Thereis hei another oe prawn ee the 
moft drie fe er an ei peo vith 

do ome on w seble, 8 ok wae nches, 
as is eall the reft of he Sak They 3 wife growe 

of co with alike little {po v ofyelie as the 
ise ‘pint felfebacke againe ae ‘aiteof 
afcorpi on. 

There is another * the lande called = ee otts 
ee 5, lik ¢ the for ormer :butthe'fl 
t hi 

vpon one fide'as the other,and part of the fowers 
blewe, sand sea ssa eishltedly mixt <r 

Won ea dorpion gr deferibed rover not 
YE << ne, twithftanding Lhauérecei- 

ilde i TE 
SSS. ued feet therof from beyond the feas,and haue 

Ds ie rfed ain po ugh Englan ie hich areeftee. 

; . hy enfot the beautie Reatge- 

3 te _ nefle “of t d coddes poets itis 
GTI ~t “2 beft ring fr ait that may be : 
: . Fa) . The others we in waters and ftredines as 

ee in the drie =i ba aise bankes 

Serljaine § 
Theft esa, = to ee = ef As se the oak al haue fond all the Ficus long. 

er, 1 b Bos RR, 

“ J 8 Cc ran 1 ° } z } PAE TE gs sit es. . 
eee Ptions: onely englifh get nd others d vil vaterp = the fimis 
"a The nature and ver 
Thereis no hot any thing reme Shee ofthe eee 5 sae ge Cori io faith thar the leas #3 
Scorpion graffe applied t to the as is apres sees cage ainft the ftinging of Scorpions: 8clike 
gates eee es oR te alfoofadders lesan fuch 
is profitabl her Oa ee : st + ae ie ic ecu ila oe ne 
: ae Nighifade. ae 
% The Kindes.” % 
Tite dace: Reig ae whereof fome are che gardens and fome tha lose thei, 
ty of | them found wilde where ee pa. fleepinefle cuen vato death; 

etl Seah andothers YS profiad voto the fee: ofn man, as “ale 
declared ir eit feuerall ver 

The stitial on. 

NightShad le hath ioe ftalks a footehigh ree fullofbraun ches,whereon le 

ea of ablackith wapiel & ful ofiuice,in fhape like to the leaues of "Bafill, burmuch 
_ Sreater: am among whi ¢ {mall white flowers with yellows pointels inthe middle; 

for a ae part vpon one fide of th a eles 


¢ 2 > . . hey be > ripe, 

fr 2 
11, ry . C,H Att 

2 Seping ewe hath for his roote agrearl bundel of threddie rootes, from which rifeth : 

ypa afat talk by 
ee b ES eT Eee les with a certaine lp agletin th the 
pepnps ‘ake Let V9 a “ | are ot py 4 
Th 4 ] q mee Cun } Luss oe 
Pp wilter, : 
olanum Hort tenfe. rik . aro fi ss 
" Gaden ide 

"Seen ghuthade, j 

ct ie 

Hy Ze : NoRS 

ZA, bys 

Sa cees «ee Theplace. 

EE a 

ding ic! 
[aaeeeormmon high — — of oe = walsand ruinous lun 

2 psu Se 5 ited Cucubslus bo th th tr d <Apuleis ws am0Ng E 
“€o 12 i Niehathade’ who hath satel fogitherinonchaprrfoanythat he hath 
asia call ed Garden en Nightfhade; at 1, and 
: Pee rench AMorelle, targa SE foment: —_ medetur ignifacro. 

aven faith in his biooke “ok f che cul ties 6f fimple medicines is vied beer 
that haue neede of inding: for thefe two qualities ic hath in che feconde de- 
hich thing al( he affirmech m | his booke of the faculties ofnourifhments , where 

es ‘ 
Teflowreth in f 5 i ane be well{pent; and then he tect 
ni : . 
: % The nanes, 
Spy €the Lari Q L re | nl etrime 
— Pa fr * 
Tons. dy Jf < Ti. ae ee es - ae 
pina and us Pulpis: io Spar fe Morell: 8 yeras Mora: Marcela 
Scdiuers others of his time called i linie in his 27.b ok 8.chaptet 


. a Higwore OF PLANTS. 269, 

a b rah ee acne tions eh woot vfei it's and wine iden asa nourithment, 
a inedicine ; The: 
feortae <n Cc. ay bagi ie Pa 

ih i ‘pro ocee cin sf “he 
ag mmours : ete ae that it it hath thefe vertues, yet itis not alwaies good that it 

app plied vnto thofeinfirmities, for tha atmany’ times theie meee eth more Py tle by ap- 
: lomo ott itech in the’ »00ke oF his 
plying ot ae 7 sa LP Ge: on 
ey OE oo % Be it J} - Li: ! eo. ae 1 9 dane Aske ype | Yr. 1 
the outw co iit ; ae 484 ee j It ot. re mp IS 4 ner : ae 
Saint Anthor peepee FO REET BES OL IR BRT os wees = 
nies fi 7 
ws A fallin thedilheathiebadiesdoivupe aidstiare hii 
| se hi otbedonewithoirgrea 
mols aie 

acihaaid of life. : ia ae we ern cag a mines tach 
or: yo ines vpon the se of Saini MSE De ae Bete aes heh idee 
Srelecteks pute lone 4 

Se ee ee 

3 ae a £. VW iy 

sling. eda of Ini ber tos ashy. oer onsen satis 
~ Neither el fi 

npn ace 2 pene S3:; : 
= -- Offleeping sae ic Chap. se ulsi ce 
Beaty nate fia.qoal is 

Wale 8 Sere ee hath ind 
blackith ftalks fixe foote high, where 
doe growe great Road leaues ofa ree 
greene co. ee among which doe growe fimall 
ts bell fafhion 

 béxi 2 
horn fetta nd fall ofp ieee ai wh which 
segockc the feeds like'the berries éroote 
‘isvery gteat.thicke: and lest a 
t groweth in vegies places neere ynto 
waies and the fea matthes and fu fach ike pla 

eth very plentifally in Hollande i py 
ae i, ia in the Ileof Elicata Pree called 
Walfoken,neere vnto Wisbitc’ 
Pome soe ing withou utthe ¢ gate of a 
-gatencere vato apound or tpinfold on the lefthad 

we The time 
ee “Phi dourithesh althe fommet and fp 
: eased Ree in Tul fo 

ks cletDigerr ne Urvernest of The- = 
opbraitus Latines Solanum 


fomnife Nightthades and Solaaum Lethale, or deadly Nightfhade ;and solamum mg. 
nicwmagin spon rhades of foine z Aj limaris wat wlbie Ra 5 18 Herba a Opfago: acs ee 
crite spuie Nightibades the V dItali urts: 
the the Hi chD in Frénch «Morel Uf metas 
Mandragorass( rereatr, -¢£ EES Rakin A . ihe }. dear } 

a tlenare. 

Iris colde cuen inch fourth dear tla 1 worla.28 
st The tetue x is pike p= Sa 

A d bleth«t dec god di sheméobag 
oe iment ree ifmo gn ey alfo kill al vague te death. ae 
in in big 6,booke dothlikes ife if 
ofitbe ake tbring 
The réene! tao ye may with ete adhifebe shi fh cafesatPent 
aie urif you will foll per 
ee j]. £ chias 
_— Pre fo, being eee ee j ashath b ft g ] _ 
5 egress Ss 5) TARAS ASSES 
ute I not be 
-yamnifle:Ie- came to alae three nes of f Wise in uthelle of Sheet ate eh ast plea 
~ beautifull fuice heerof. ers after theyha ad eaten of themiThe 
ats childe had a quantitie of honie and watém mixed es: rgiven hinto drinke , caufinghim 
db =a d Hi meanes‘and the childe recoucted, Banifh therfore helper 

oa eg ut fy your ga 
de do Seen hich: a ee. long and luft after is moft vile and iBihie & much more i 
som a berrie of a bright t fhining black col 
_ fuch toeate thereo 
C  Theleaues heeroflai laid vntothe = siete caufe be if, pi be, imbibed o or coin 
aig Peierhe intollera 

noe ae 

nptell ee g aus as ok 

“Of winter ae Chap.52. 

i 9 & The iis = 
ae 4 He red winter Cherrie ae forth ftalkes acubite Jon rounde, fendenoa 
2 ng 
eo) sad mephiesitigtee ing th 
to ftande vpri ep Richouea pps : whereupon do growe leaues not vnlike soled 
__ common Night ut greater;among wi hich le eauies come foorth white flowers, ¢ config of 
‘fitiefimall leanes : in the middle of which 1 
whet, . hcalod of our ot Chettie and of the fame sac So whichi is ince ina 
ne | little bladder ; ddith 
y Fa pale cate lol ageing belong, lik t f Coucl ffe,ra Lae 
‘within the vppet cruft of the earth farreabroade, whereby i ferh 
h pee re cic ke and flender ftalkes fomewl fted dle vr 
3 n ies 3 s he etfs a tee: See ae f fach hl Toon gis cae 

tie The Ne Wiens Be sie and white ftanding vpon long foote ftalkes or ftemmes. The 
-skinitie bladders fiieceede the flowers , parted into three celles or chambers , euery of the rae 
conteineth one feedé and'no more ; Fe the ‘bignefle of a fmall peafe, and blacke of colout, 
ae me Sous oath proposes! ofa hare. Theroote is very finall ane 

i _Solamut ! 


1 Solanum 2 Halicacabum Peregrinum. 
"Reber Chet. Blacke winter pau 

_. . Thereddewinter meena vpon atria wals about the borders of gee and i in 
| aloe regs , 

and otherc far th. 
1 = L edo ¥ Ry Tent ) 1. } zg if from whi hence 
thee oft Sek ke feed kedwith the {1 famanshart white, as fare STaSA 
pla Vi ae L ay ot 1 } A tA. ae ga 
C 5 a 4 -: A ge See oe 2 £ 5 eas 
‘Ould 2 : c h f. f 594+ 95» and 96s Mer 
The time. — S a 
. Theréed wineae 1 Lt * = Aa en 
; --Theblack Lh Sx ¥ L.-. 3 gee a 
3 > 2 

diststion nn 3 e tates. es 
‘Theati: 1... * ” $s EP, seas dade Sissi Po fharice 
sioana » Phrie in his tiicaansts selec sere the ooo = 
ftonevitis allt 

ders: orac 
Spanith exigedeporron Tr. ens 
ted ‘Hghtthade, Winter Cherries aires Pe a8 Bath 
._ the blacke winter Cherri¢ is lod: alae Pree Per ee Henan 
Winter Cherri, c ae a ecraiiin ee on Cir 
inEnglihthe Indian bersot kare Peaks rece enoe staat but they ; 
rates beingin ruhnot an any o ofthe Nigt e Stain na- 
ued of Ser, ‘4pto Abrong, ox ai, Ra en ne 1 p aesice idoitesen 
hanced at 1 gis os Je,a V1. 1. giai AAW! 5 oat hich: this 
Su57 30 FA RRR YI Safi LE DE err 

272 THE —_— ihaniag OF :-THE 
oe aieg 

The red winter Chertie i is thought to becolde and die and of fubtile parts, 

2 faith, 
eT hevertu: “Se 
Th Cf. : wine tv Sion. three hower rs; and after boj. 
led twoor tae bublings, ft g ip g 1 a Hig tle fugar pe cin namome, 
nd drunkes ightil init the ftoppi f , the itone and grauell 
vigee ® 4 Sw Sp at) ee ee | Vine, itech ye | ae. 
cultie and fh g f 
pelea pu be taken, if dnot great, the leffe: it h away the yell iaundife ‘ali as as 
Me€ w; : 

Of the maruaile ‘a the World. “Chop 53. 

we Mirabilia Per unian, S 
“The matuaile of pai % T/e defcription. 
&, His admirable plant called the maruelf of 
Peru,or the maruel = < Weld pigs 
* gro Bafill in 

er, full of inice 
greene SS or kneed with joints fom- 
what bunching foorth, of purplith colour, as in. 
the female B Balfamina : which ftalke diuideth it 

bede with coe gr ae “oy ae =P 4 
jonmed te theleaues ie: = Pe afe ‘ods, greene, 
ie,and full ofiuice, which be ing ru waked doe 
latter aes a see and _ a eee 
~ Tabac ftalkes tds th no 
oc: fhed mera hollow f fi ingles fl : | 
§ to fiue 

') it were int ¢ parts ore t! ey be 0) 
: -bein —— a the dowervol 
«Tabac ending into fharpe corners, bit 


ae blunt; pod Tounde as he a oe Bindnea 


_smany times = an hot pee ee 
i» fometime pale}: time refembl rece 

This mardellougvarietic d — not without cere fe bri d ion tat b fe ' i 1 
inslorifthe tow vers bee dandte ferris fenerall pa ape rj et 
wilt youthalteafiy perceive thaconieis 9s — like another in 
= sithor si 7 ' f ys eaiotnier fur adr ed 

Sah 2 1 i! day 3 htt 4 tha tes tril fing. ie 
cupsand hu keswhich containe and embrace the flowers} ate sic tisatiad thes fire pointed: fections, 
Ry re gieae, and as it were confifting of skins When is conteined one feede te no more, 
eink tha black ith skin, hauing a blunt point whereon the flower t gr rowéthiy ‘But. i e ende 
he cup or huske,tt ts as sa 
perc Bhich of; ictelfe set with anylight motion; within this feede sais da thee 
etnell, which being'br ioe Saat intoa vas white pulpe! like ttarch.” f ¥: pote is thicke a and 
acai, teat rad ith; ov ya bigs ea that 3 gl 
afuperfick fiveetenc $2 teebrine I ly vn Otober in inf ber, yea 
dient ¥htil thefrotts do caufe the’ on iepiaa din pots, 
and fet in ~ oN andee Hersthat: are Neda ad ps defended the i iniurie ° our colde cl 
mate : prot Qalwates einatehete be een wate 
fhite ini the aie vil March follow at t Wicd timeit muft be taken foorth of the pot &re 
tedinthegardes By this cus Hs eprele tefertied man ny (th gh to Heal be beaicthue 
fowveniteeds thathaue borne AOwersiiias aoiple maner & in as goodtim referue 
hi woortderfullherbe there ‘be other forts; bue not fo orble or fo. rt ofa Fieti cy. nay for 
part ur.B y ttedees radi fe founde outanother rway 
leet ors yeere following with’ y li th. Ar the 
firkt froft I vp ther t 5 orfuchlike y 
lifledwik the: fnaaora tit: ry the: which I ate il to: ftandein bce chituk aloe a 
iddeft he the che wainicjavpphich 
ras fromthe fande and plantiti ‘in the garden, where it doth flourith exceedi ing welland 
eth by r tootes 3 which that doth: not which was either fen of fede the fame Yeeres ior 
lepl k-5 ne . 

; “% T he henge aS : 
Th Ciel fics 1 D2 1. er: $e $e 
If Be tor is AY BAe Be pee 3 € ‘ 
Pare 5 OF Peruniana: and fince difpe parts of Europe: tl which my 
ny y 5 aue infor iE y and ripe 

sags Whe time, =a, $ 
Eistoveninshpiifaet BF Apsl il, an oe ii Sceteuibeerend 
petitheth with the firlt froft, except itbekeptas z slotelaite Se 

tis called in Peru of thofe Indians there Sarr of ‘others after their r name Hachal tedi: of 
pk high an id lowe Dutch Solanum odor, ifer evita : of fome Bechet mexicanum: ando oleae eo 
irabilia Peruuia ng eyo then of, Pésualone. 
“ae EWE ite Sale int i deck ature ieee 
auenotas yer any inftru i rom the people of Thdia conce thenature or ‘erties 
conte which ieee yer foi Ls sidivecteclof his 
te afant j ;: Curious, 
Antonius Cortufizs of Padua hat Bet oss ce th dat, ‘thatt tio sea of oe 
Feoftaken inw wardly doch very tbl pt urge wa 

> 2 

Of maddewA; Apples. 3 Coons a 

in oh Thies os : 
Bens 1 Apples hath arcunds Ae See eee is Pee ; 
set i Sd ‘not vnlike the ee og = ee 

Si. ; ape 


white colo 
with certaine oie: or thrums i in the middle hich = ‘patt sid “se commeth in in 
prfhade > great and fomwhat 
fong,ofthebignefl of afwans egge, and fometi fometin: 

yel lowe, andoften!browne , wherei 1 {mall 4 ae leof f ayellowe colour, The‘tade 
is thicke,withmany seeds faftned thereto. 

Malainfana Pitts 

Maes otsecog Apples, t9t % The place. 

his. plant groweth in Ezypt alm oft every 
pote infandie fieldes euen of it felic , bringing 
forth fruite of the bignes ofa great Cu 
as Petrus Belloniustep DERI the fecond, booke, 
of his reads ober 
auc had the eee in ite lon gardens, 
_, where it hath borne flowers, but the winter ap. 

notwi ing it came to. beare fruite of the, 
bignés of a goofe egge one extraordin 
peter eee. ' as I did {ec in the gate ofa wor 

fhipfull merchant, Mater Haruge in 
butneuer to ae ct nei. 

This her dts Soman in Aprillina bedof 
hot horfe ding, asmuske Melons are, and flow- 
reth in Auguft 

The n 

tras Be Peo hath ged tobe AMalina- 
shah la Theophrafti.. In the Dukedome of Milan 
it is ee ofthe Infubres Selene <a is 

Zs lana: 

ae Hoallopfiel sin Spanih Rowse nes. 
This herbe iy ae pra in the fourth de- 

Aten. ee, % The ufeand danger. 
x 1 eo great deuotion bei ig b iled with fat feth s putting 

Hi all wi inter to pro- 

errs Bell . nd He PEE eet Soe . bot Eo catia 
‘Set } ) ony pk an d Pp ep 2s ee 
fae Bir eat withe Englith ‘o. content salto with mes meate ed fauce 
€ countrey, then wit th fruite and iawn with fach oe : for sabes thefe apr 


_ many hauc eaten and do eate Mufhroms more for wantonneffe ak 

_ kindes heeteof venemous and and deadly , w which being in the handling ain Loe 
oS Se. Therefore i it is better to efteeme this plant and haue him in the gat 
f, then for any vertue or good qualit ties yet knowne 


Of apples of Loue. 

* Poms Are. acts: 
es ofLoue. * % The defcription. 
He apple of Loue bringeth foorth veri¢ 
a i ~~ ie eon r braunches, fat and 
vpon e ground } 
not bles to ieee Tian vpright by reafon of 
oe ra effe of the ert es,andal(o the great 

r id igged abo ies not ake e to the 
sof A faa ny 5 “ai ppaka seek a whiter 

é vG geen cobs ee which come foo at) cllow 

! ts growing v ort bt ot ftalkes 
, citrngrogterin hicher: : whic i beinig fulne, 
\i 2p ge in place faire and goodl apples 

a chamfered, vnécuen , an hal ed out inmanie 

ing fauo 

There hath ssa ynto pig haniles i ano- 

ther fort, agreeing very notablie with the for- 
mer,as well in cans ne eats salfoin a 
and roote nely the te Wecieot was yellow of 

= ‘colour, wheseig Tnfilted the diference, 

& The time. a 
Itis foes in hehesining of Ar rill in'a bed of hot horfed g fter th ofmuske Me- 
lons and fichlike colde fruit Lai-boebolle =. 
ee ea ous mes 
‘Thea apple of peer iegaladei tors sei dacs mer Lycopertinm, of fome 

Glauciom :in Englith oe of Lue, fares nigel mies in’ ‘French Pommes amonys: 2 

om inthe gardens ofthe daughters 

pe, cont ae ourkdlind by Hereales. 
” + 29ids32 rT 


— tebsderapares) ..i2inasd 6 ; 
“Tees golden Api with the mole res felteiscolde; foicalde-as Maridtake, 
Stee of ldnelfe 


Evaro is. bicaufet uc inthehorteft: time of cutaway the fuper- 
rhe braunches from m the mower ee ee them away ad ot in he — ze eel : 
: oer ithftanding the extreme heate sar of ie fanaes eepenbictico = 
time when no raine at all didfall) haue growen frethwhere I 
them off 3 which argueth reined 

great moifture wherewith th pl 
icra * ih espa bus sThaie ide noche geateld, which 

$3 a 


% The vertes. 

A ins ee L 1 1 Pee ae 1 ate 
i i 
4 4 1 } Lt, 1 } 1, i. > + 4h oF, L 7= RR ts 
3 C 
Bes Peg 1 } 4 Node Steg ee 
Pi Tr ? D re D' their 
' meate. hefe cold d ftarde. 

Of the Athiopian apple. 

Apple of SOPAR hepia, 

mace: Wa 
Wy i 
a Ye 



% The defcription. | 
He apple of Aceon ig rh ae leaues 
: i sh inden. 


of awhi ia eon ne Opis 

ted about the edges, ie middle 
ribbesthe | ues middle P bbe is sarmed with a few 
fharpe pe pri ckles Se. The fitting 

of fixe fr mall leaues, with a certaine cllowe 
tellin the middle, T fi 

‘olden apple, of cole red,and ofa firme and fo- 
ide fubftaunce’, wherein are conteined fmall flat 
feedes. The roote is pe dthreddie. 

' This vos tae ‘ahi Frail vnto ys fot out 

> ‘that part of Spainwhichiscalled Andalufia, and 
‘from: ote parts of the fame counshey aaa 
‘into Fraunce and Flaunders : but to what perfec- 
slot vhs h come vntoin ho € pa i 

raunt, But mine perifhed at the firft approch of 

wince: is firft ori iginall was front AE thio- 

pia whereof it tooke ohee me. “4 
*% ee ~ 

ane plant muftbe cece as muske Melons, 
atthe fame times — flower in me and the 

prinist et a 

Fr glifh w “8 ie ake so to ocalit it 
hiopian , forthe reafon’ before 
ere in Eadne ai Stak wth dof ‘of fome it it 


ee: Sows £7 ie 

1 i Re cL aft i. er and 
oid ren ed fe astl 

ig re es — 

2e TSMR we 

ouea cabite an a leigh etd s 
very fewe'braunces SU eae eg i 
lo growe epeaiiage! and even, lit 


fNightfhade, of of rem 

apples. The flowers come foorth of long toothed cups ae. white, of the fornae ofa bell, or like 
p utaltogither greater and wider ae 


chem mou' es 5 tharpes comered at thet 

ftror ngP o 

Nalint whenit is 
atthebig noes which are the feeds of = wah: orofmandrakes,8¢ eek e fame forme, 
The he beitfelfeis ofa frag fauour , and dots mites e-heade. and caufeth drowned The 
rootcis fimall and threddie 

ar former, ¥ whose f a5 

leogi g me receiued 
} a | q a A § dr 7. L Ge ap eS | 

oftheng i of} 1, Se Belgie eT 
a ce RY ie difpet ras Bia L tl ont de M4 c his prefenr geet sera 
geticsas well: i ifcaldi in virulent andi Preal igne) vicersjapoftemes and fuch 
like, The w! oon ae avery: prea ie in fl grommdpges hethainans arme, {mooth 
&grectieofcolour,which alittle a und deuideshit felfe intofindric boughs or armes 
inmanerofan hedg senha rp seed any Btsabeaiks cut,,and indented deepely 
about the cdgesswi = ga neue ge thefeleanes Come white round flow. 
pe made, of one pesceia mannero Fabel, thaeeg it felt P clofe. towarde night as doe the 
flowers.ofthe great Bindeweede whereunto itis verylikesofaiw ecte finell but fo ftrong that ig. of- 
fenderh, the fences,. The fiuite followed eae < cunes oF pi: the fathion of egge, fot 
about oi euery part arent Liha ckles ; savberein reine ed very much fee pened 
nefle oftares.and.ofthe {ame (hion,, ee ae dicke AP great aan mail ftrings,., T. 

whee ae is ges beech his bie and pee the — ths IC, 

r < 
blo: ait 

tramonium Fees inn. ies, 2 Stramonium sir afar 8 
ic ‘Thespleot Pea, = 3 pektzal wna er a blog orni¢ carat 2 

278 THE igeiiaie: BOOKE OF THE 

The piace. 

‘This Fe rateand ftrangeas yerin in Englande It ined feedes tk John Re 
bx of! Paris, g d t i > bi at perithed b ef ore the 
{ruite came to tipenefie. o 

The laftt defcribed } ht in feede fronu Conftantinople rot chece: ' 
LI 1 af ee Pid Z 1 ad Ra ° 4 }. | ay ore SEE F 3 rightho. 
> < * c 
; % The time. 
TL Pope: ed L LK i. PERS BW ga oe B ey ge $. SAA La AAD) 
Th 1 Bad f. ey | re A Rd ree Peer | t 
The othermay f 
%& The names. a, 
The firft ofthefe Th if led in Lari ij 8 Poriiow ox Dalai pp f 
: Jopps genet C . : Vee i, 
of fome Corona regia & Meloffi ne Gre 3 mn jundeaghe, 
as though they fhouldfaic ftuffing and ca fleand troublef Teall 
ans P. nceuls: itfeemeth to Valerius Cc i ates is, OF a i oh Devas 
Joubteth whether it fhould be inferted litionig the Nightihades as sind tte of 
rapio8cothers i is thouglit to be Aw hel’ Sera g45.chaprer faith;chat Nox 
like vnto Nex he fee - wi fis lik om f f Matidrake, the: huske i is Pipe oe fale 
LL L age ae Sie e Rare, <4 i etm Sees ave with 
wx Th 
inhisEghg of Pnntee sidinaal ait hrfer are onde ade fe Cratenas whom The 
doth cite, writeth that the spt yt i 
fruiteoBiilde Cuicumbets : in gif y be called Thome apple'ortheappl 
%& The nature . got EG xf Hsi¢ 108 
> jh Sa Cc - aah gs a rf } o pina ep 
i] 2 oi * 
riour seatenen me : 

A. Theiuiceof Boe apples boiled with sa aul to the forme ofan vnguent or ofl ath 
all inflammation sw harfoeue tyallmaner of burnings or {caldings,as wel of; fire, water boiling lead 

REE : 
by my daily practife to my g z “and profite, The > firftexperience came from ¢ Colt 

not finding eafeor cure in any mere — this founde “helpe w hen all hopewas ” , by > 
ne faid 

Po sf aide towne was a 
B Thal YW oe ee eae | 
feaned and tothe fea ith {c stofin,anda little curpentine,& falue, 
doth mo’ ft fpeed: ily cur 1 freft } . ] F + gl lay P Fthe 

‘yarde, and other fores a Phad curation. 

- Bitter fweete,or woode Nighifhade. = dca 

% The defcription. 
t 11.0 Se Vine ‘ pabelisso many {lender cree- 
2a branch a. whch it climeth and taketh holde of hedges and fhrubbes next vnto it. 
ftalkes are ras and whitifh, of the colour of afhes, with the ed 
— rightg i colours| but the g) zs 
. thofe of the Bindeweede i eg ARG its) Rae et x. pig uke 
or lefferleafe like ynto two cares, The flowers be {mall and fomewhat cluftered “toy pomelinbe 
ane te iictbca ns in place faireb 0 a the fk 
— ioe they be ripe, of af fteatth ipleafant, 
ong fa fa Ae A 1:1. fb. “1. ¥ W ‘Theron emg 
and full of Post 
Thaue found vc Ff Lik Lia fa ee 

resin the middlein cherie agsny rah eee ‘ 

Se a ae ae ee ON 

ssapeare Del 
Biter {were 

\ mS i 
<n) oe > 

0 ee The place. Ae 
Bitter fweet doth grow in moift places on dit- 
ches, riuers,and Hhedgeeaimons euery W 
eother white flowers I ptin na 
. ditch fide again itt Maye garden wall of the right ho- 
: pe the Earle of Suflex his houfe in Beynon: 

fey ftreete by London jas you go from the court 
wach i ae oftrees , vito a farme houfe neere 
there * The ki me. 

The ies ome foorchin the eo the flo- 
wers in tier chebensies ate etipe in Auguft 
T he names. 

The beg Herbarifts haue named this plant 
Dulcamara, Amarodulcis, and Amaradulcis : the 
Brcthcss fie ge: »Solanwm lignofumand Sitiqual- 
trum. Plinie calleth it ALelortum: Theophrastus 

11is (flue Stris : in Englith we call it Bitter fiveete, 
and Woodnightfhade; bites oes author mutt for 
hiscredite faic fomthing, al h to finall pur- 

poles for Witt /yluestres is thatwhich we call our 
adies feale, which isnokinde of Nightfhade:for 

_ons Sof diuers ae ointments in eede 

= Bas = ge 3 * ;- 

| SS oe ee } 1 } Cf 4. y L ft 2 {1 j Dioftorides faith it is weer 5 
of perme ay 1 ee ae if 

> é 

bP ST £35 we } 

% The temperature. Lope 
4 + ‘ 

Thal ows cR 3 Pere og * i eee 
| & The vertues, : : 2 feos B | 
Ad n Yh eh | Spates 13 A Gaga 5 A i 
donk with ode inceele eiedh the ta iaundife. pers is 
__ The iuic uice 1s good for t high pl deh d 
led or cluttered any where ig oe be ee 
= ie hurt places, as f 
| 2 eS See 1 1 4 a ra PH Sag Se Swe 2 E 
to fmall peeces , whi ae P ry, purge g ly eet y os wr ge, Seni io me 
nip idrs Ack a6. Tr q, R f. eee, Re | T 
like faculties, rs ‘ : ; 
Thefruite faith h , being drunk 1 Lois y sop see C1 
daies togither helpeth the fpleene. i : 
Itis drunke againft ; ck a8 445 nbacihel 1 1 

Of Bindweede Ni pee: Chap.s9. 

Circes Lutetian 
Inchaunters Nightthade, % The dcfeription, 
chains Nights hath nee like vnto 
[ex » tharpeat the point like ynto Spi. 
ee “The ftalke is ftraight and : he verie 
brittle, of halfe a foote high. The flowers ar 


Peal e, en it hath once taken 
faft rooting, it can ali with great labour bee 
rooted out or deftroied. 

Itgrowet hi in pela: darke places , about 
Sungnils andin vntoiled ees, by pathwaies 
and fuch like. 

Ie dourifheth f oe pe to the ende of Sep- 

%& The na vont 
Itis called in eae of L’Obelius Circes lutetin 
ana: in es Inchavntrs Night 1 Bind- 
eede Nightth 


o vie es chi ioe er in Phificke 
. 5 tbat! tirurgetie that Ican read of, which hath hap- 
- Regt of ti time, and the errou: cat cine who haue taken Mandragoras fot Circea, 
in _ meer’ haue ftill Iperfi ifted vnto this  daie, attbuting vnto Cércea the vertues of Man- 

y 4 the true Cireta, 2 byreoa 
have fide, M drag h ht rT i ‘38 
mes Mi — Chap.60. 

"PHemale Mandrake hath great, broad,lon eisink leaues, of adeepe greene colour, flat oy 
“-ypon the ee att among which come aL the flowers of a = whitifh 1 colour. » ftanding eucry 

: “piety Fellowift aed foft 8 
a Smooth este sin fafhion of alittle ity like eeu of the’ ‘Thome , The roote ‘sk 

“ fat 


ning the: 
u in the rootes of carrots, eae andtochlie ae or euidedi into Oe 
lant,whether of Ide {c hiGcl ptknow wN0% 

oO > f o 

vad inough fo or them) 1 RAY pe f- RATS L | ee (I), 

: ; rie? OREE — Siti ois ; 28r 
7 fom 1 | aghast | ie ae 1 sthariris 
skill full abo L ly. lL Ifp lars } L 
ie feld that 
hath fallen from the dead bodic, =< given rit the thapeo of aman: aa the matter of awom i,the 
ubftaunc F y hey f able further and arn, 
srohek 1) [> HS 1 
great (ht ike atthe son owe aman fhoulde doit, he Golldcerualy die in fhore 
oe tbelides man Cters,to litie to ferf in printw 
rt ‘4 Rae | . eee! 1 W243 Cl foal j f. 
ow Do é/ 
one ForI my felfe and my C lfoh lige d P , planted , “and replanted verie many: 
a ry s.3 Seay rs 
ayer n Q f ¥ x 
i fi from th g 5 euien as na- 
5. 1 

R 1. re J l 1 

she owe vpon itas to ot pln 

pment drinke, haue beftow f their time in carving = rootesof Bricnle, forming 

them tothe fhape of feiap acre hich falfifying practife hath confirmed the errour among 

the fimple and vnlearned people , who haue taken them vpon their report to bethe true Man- 

The female Mandrake is like ynto the male , fauing that the] I ( Et f ¢ fy 
dark ° = rd £ ig , * os . 
Mandragor as mas cr feemina. 
The male and female Mandrake. &% The place. 
andrake groweth in sl regions , in woodes 
a mountaines , asin mount Seas in Apu- 
lia,and fuch like sacs we chaise em onely plan- 

ted in gardens, and are not elfewhere to be ies 
in England, 

% The t. 
They {pring yp ride di leaves in March, a 
flower ae ee ti e ~ fruite is re in 

"_ Mandrake’ is called of he Gracias pe 


a by Artcould procure loue : forit hath been 
tho ougnt that the rooteheer eof ferueth to 

goer: aoe sie 
ce = of the Latines hae cate hier 
malum, re sia tha 
fe: Tees and ied nations alfo do receiue 
the Greeke ‘Dioftorides faith that the 
male is called wesr:and defcribeth ‘alfo 

ome Circea luteriana,but not properly: in Enlil 
we callit Man drake, age, and Mandragon 

Mandrake hatha predominate colde facultie, ‘ 
as Galem faith , that is tofaie colde inthe thirde. 
_ degree: bue the roote is cold in me ourth de-- 

Dalek bie ys 3 fa 
| f PEE ED CA.f. Ls 4 t BASF Ss a ; A 
benone proper vnto it Ginette Ae eS ae Tht é Bl 2 ae 
Fi ee & ere } Seccseemee tS 3 fees" eee pe oe 
: which — 



ge, 2 

B Thea sok are oan, catered that they may : being boiled with Pepper ang 
other hot {pice 
Cc Galen | faith, eae the apples aes’ nee a and that the barke of the rooteisof 

= A t called Pop, 
arin rate yp 1 | | Populeon > and all cooling 
: ie ee 5-3 Prey ees | % h the hell 
nt > purget 

© OCH CXs 

ceedingly from flegme and me eas humour: 
F Tei is good to to be pucinto medicines and dcolliries, that t domitigate the paine of the cies: and put 

C5 Soak a wanes A-Eaclad ekaala ae | mea ace" 
Aare see ST ark pes “1 ts BE PP 
i éy ~ o te 
H Ped tak oe: | 

t The wine wherein oc roote ach beene peed maf sree fleepe , and aflwageth 

ligt } 1 ral 

PE pe likewife; but the iuice worketh mote effeCually if ; 

youtake itin fall Hales 

L reat 2 fuppofed to bein Mandrakes, to cafe women tobe fruitfulland 
— if they thall | but carie the f heitb do from hence ground 

Lae pep AA eR ee Se 

| Boe ee Py POOR be ay Pte | 

> we may rather riers peer Yoong Ruben 
5(f for fo fi ignifieth the Hebrewe word, which i is 

ed Cantit. 7 13. int a taeene: ae and thelad b 
Tall then for their v leétabl 
fm elljas wasin tele amiable flowers which Ruben see ioe Bel des we cet not that j ta 
fruitfulnefie vnto. Rabel. And laft of all ( whichi y chi felt rest: ) Zacob was angrie with Rabel 
when th efarid d, Te +3 CER Die ig =o 18 ir: SSS Spy 2 ye ee E 
5 ee I L +f ee ym PLES ES | A 9: 1 } 1 ee k 
nth Ch SE NG «cape Cot 1 t. } % “ sir ay ee. + Lord, 


P faln.t2 
M. Sean, Aen Paulus sighs do write, that the fede: and frui te of Manager 

1 Tae NN 2 - hes Se” 1 ancer. 

Of Henbane. Chap.6 s 

& The kindes. 

7 7 2 3 d 

oe 3 ¥ The defeription. 
J Hecommon blacke Henbane hath great and foft ftalks; leaues very broade,foft and ee 
. £ wa . 1 of; salleorhate ek 1 Soe d rhofe that 

Aaa SE Rage SS IE hel fathin. ofa faint vellowilh 

a EGA sak Lng ia Beith ag . 
| eee 1 L : | Pa 3 J % 7 
Sta a ee Cae ae f poet Ue Fe ea ch fmaller. 

whiter and more woollie,& the dowers alfo whiter, The cods are like the other, but without pricks 
it dieth in winter and muftlikewife be fowen againe thenextyeete. oth 

Hyofeyamus niger. : 2 Hyoft Gyarneas albus, 
: a ties nbane.. ay coke White Henbane. 
' ops a L) Wy 
Vike ¥ prey: 
WI es Zi aye 
) a WE | x 

rt oe The place. 

af. 10 SPBR. 9 
The bhacle Pent 

ae in tk fd ils and 
ntoiled lacessb a SA . Tr 1 : Cc. il ci, oF C3 Cz} bebe hill 
pants sth which gromedh in iy gardenand doth fowei Glick ie 
o . 75 io me ¢ m 
pyat evs ork The time. Se, 
: They {pring f.1 ‘21 Sense SS Seat Se? 3 h their A ‘1 Auguft, and the feede is 
Tipe in October, st “Asis: Gee : 
Se. 3h then 
enbaned | Pe cowie Sr al : * 5 fag ea faslls : 
Adiists ecb sarees) Bo th Si Cf L T, - ——— oe wee > 

nd Apubes , Zovoastes, 
Tales a ind I Caboularis: of the Phrygians Remenia ofthe 

gor ores 14, ly or. of. Lis 


1 Tu ttaca jamus and ofr YAMIts: in Elif 
es nbane’: in Fy (quiaro : Anectl Velenno: ras si Dutch 29 jg in French 
taba Endorm oe zinfem mbes or white Hesben 

| Thefkinds of Henbane ae c colde nce fot pete 

Heabéat ae ht CG. i deni Mesntcal 7 
diftiilatianent 4. <jeiegged Saetee Saar 
‘oinfammationso ofthe re other aa Es “f 
Jer bud ae ye 


+4 CR } 
= pres ree in. 
to thefame cea in fi wall I quantitie, 
L +f] 

: giuenin a glifter it doth the 

famesand alfo the often siesta to the flowers, _ 

ral 131 1 rat 

ly¢ Oh, Cpe of drun. 

B "thefale othe Piban is “es coat the cc ; the falling of waterie humours fee 
eles sor breft 
the woe often graines with water wherein honie ‘hath beene fodden. 
The roote boiled i feth th 
The fede i is vied of mountibancke toothdrawers which runne about the caine oie 

pe bypsang, as 

fuinged into the water , perfwading the h - g his 
moutlror other parts, “which heistended to — ad : 

Ofyellow Ponkgnecor Englifb Tabaco Ge 62. ree 


_ a | yg } 

jo dems Ms } 
Yello Mite enbane, Thedefeript 

twocubits. The ftalke is thicke , fat and 

very ges feede like the feede of Mar- 
rome. hes rooteisfmallan 

ithe fa 
Henbanei ilar ‘dens whereit 
oe ea er eran 6 infomuch that it can- 
notbed las here it hath once fowen it flf, 
andis Sipetilin into sha moft parts of Englanae. 

Te fowreth in sie va moneths, and of- 
tentimes till Autumne be farre {pent, in w 
time the feede commeth to meee ction. 

%& Then, 
Menkes is called. Hyofi é yams utemy 

.. Yellow 
offome Petam, and Petun: of others Aye 
of Nécot aFrench man dha brought the tite 

WEE; om the — as alfo the feedes of the ti 
 .. DOE Tabaco,, whereof this hath beene taken for 4 
aa, Laer kinde , infomuch that L'Obelins hath bie = 
Gs viedo diuersin fteede of Tabaco, and called by the fame name, forthavithath Scene broueit 
ah: fom Tnanherocaicid the Indies as alfo from V. Virginia or for T: 
: whieh doubtleffe taken in fi 

heright Tabaco dot 

Me aie. tothe’ kode : 



~~ 285 
& The nature. : 

This} fH houghe of f becolde aad moift; but after 2Odcbns it rather 
as miiotelDicauisotthchi Fear pee ¢. Be astra Secgpaa 
ber Sodigat Sah ticd +) 1 * in: - iy: A Ate ot aS yE ee. ’ 
felled of, YE g mouth, 

h inftall tumours. inueterate vicer< 

terate , bo ies and fuch like, A 
bag made i into an vnguent, or falue: as followeth. Take of the greene | leaues three cpounde an id la 


fi 4 Wir Avett s oP ud. 
re) hlike vypon a gentle oo 
pan rfc 2 * > 

YW 1 sf 

whi oe beng tried 
from the feces i aot 5 put “the cleere ‘and ftrair ile to the. ‘fire aga ing » adding the 
waxe halfea pounde, of rofen fower ounces,and of g 

ether and leepe it it in pots for your vie to cure in 

ten both crownes andc ‘ i. 
Itis fi bs fome in fteede of Tabaco, but to final! purp 
dull che and caufé that kinde of giddineffe th 
any other ee ofhot temperature will do,as rofeliatie, ti ime, winter fauorie, fiveete marierome, 
and fach like e,any of the which I like beter to be taken in finoke then this kinde of doubrfull Hen- 

Of: Tabaco or Henbane of: Peru, Chap. 63 3. 

a % The ki 
Herebe be'two rsa of Tata, one 

24 gage , the other lefler; the greaterwas srg 
“ieee of th 

which we call the weftIn - the other from’ 
Taillaneneev epeetyiners the fime Indies fome haneadde dathird fort, 
fale He iy a ny x PRD perly. 
7 Hofeyamus Perms : 
"Bie ct : ST ex * Tabaco of oFTrndas. 

: Wy ne ‘ 


ee The defcription. 

I Abaco or Henbane of Peru , hath very great ftalkes of the bignefie ¢ of 3 childes are, 

to fundrie braunches of great length, whereon are placed i in mott < com yeaa 

faire od leans sbroade fmooth,and tharpe aie foft, and of: alight greene aoe fattned 
abou ut tthe ft cy 7 { e flowers growat thet 

{talks i 1A {i d 1 Sain within, of a light carnation 

co! ins De atinciets ward the brims. The fede is conteined in lon ng fharpe pointed codg 
or fee de vellelslike vnto the feedeof yellow Henbane, but fone what fimaller and browner of co. 
vith fome threddie ftrings annexed 

2 Trinidada Tabaco hath a thicke,toug! sfro hichi diately rif P long 
broadeleanes sand { fi nooth of a te ely leffer then tl hich rifett 
g g ets b eer are fet conte like 
L PA +. PF hofoilte R 4 ] 
ding toa bluthcolour; after which facceede the cods or feede veflel 5, including all eed 
like vnto the feede of Maricrom. hol h atthe firft approch of wi : 
% The “ 
T P tt’ a by ttt cA t L 93 9.8 AYA: 
in whichis ichoreaewonee of Peru: but being now pl cilsecel gardens of Europ a 
rofpereth ve bearé borh fl dfeede, The — 
BP i. ot Ped L “tke : £ aes L L } tae Trt 
and ei t growing inthe Indiest for the people of the f: y3 — 
not fo thought Bia oniin ys iat backians;f ling to the Englift 
and deere bonghtis beft na 
2 %& The time. 
Toh rs ey) nF eS 1 lef} ft ahroade 
Se es ay en 1 1 1 Cet if 1a 1 ac isreauiilite 
fe > ee tos y felf ‘a ¢: iby} fe, who t p deuery way 
: fei een forlh jeedte ee: ic of March, fome in 
Aprill and fo ome in the b ing of Mai , bicaufel durft I d all my feed ne time left 
a oy L . . — . 
as omy ro} h 
% Ti ieee 
Hi bes fanifa ee and jin fat Ine 
se L obey A Pene,and ad Hycfcyamus P #s, ot Henbane of Per gre 
nardi it Tabaco :thatitis Hyof atone epee of Henbane,not onely the ‘ 
ingliter to ello Henbane, ee the qualitie alfo dot h de oa for it brin a dro he 

aking of the une one att s 

eo “hc teens common ered: Jof. Home: itis SS Nicotiana:t 
: fees forhe ye ellowe Henbane for diftinétion fake. 

Sie : 
Of De See DS 3: +1 on Afnowerle 

= Ww. CW Ae inn and? 

1 t AQIEY ps 

clock way fi ie he 
or benumm: 

ftupifieng o vardis writeth thatit 
SeAMIp Gcctoanit ifn Andte ove cba of toe Supediete = fe bing 
. of the leanes doth herehchie eafil pe : i 

w out: 
coe echewed dani 
Pte ps : en s deci 
this isnotalitrle hot: for what things focuer being chewed o 3 helde is in) ‘the mouth be oe 
an nigh th of Saxilisg® 

__andother things oflike power. Morcouer the benumming qualitie heereof is nothardiobe Fe sé 
s ceined, scooting the fume at the mouth thexé Tallonedsn infirmitie ike var? a? 


a IE GREE. ite pat spd er. 

164. 7 : FR 7. 

vl o andt ere isnot without heate 5 3 which w shen it is thes and inwardly a it: 

doth foorti o 

Petrus grus Belbnins in his thirde booke of fingul es doth declares where alfohe fheweth that te 
. j 1 

Turkes doof Lo? eS Of ts : ef 7 L 

were, ‘Soallo wad Tabaco os in tafte biting, andi in temperature bod heh ooitandng a 
; ‘ Ital 
benurianing qa 
the gu fpoppic otherwife called Opium, ‘confifteth of soe Apes fome biting and hot,and 

~ pene prpe fi ete at this reser ee. eauishnid 
inion utif the ‘benut in- 

VAth I 9 > 
others¢ ; 1 Del, SR ee 
yee Lue U i 

citi ae sf the tibtance ; then may’ are bebdrl de and ii siiteninaie, 30f 

pee os y but chr rough the site tie of 
% 1 ae | ee 
bones of we mi tence 5 
rhevertues. : 
pa aad 1: 0.2.1. ol. ee 4 | caw | L a 4 EL, A Ct ee 
Megtram Miorai hat hath tk f] i allo f Ide ft I  ef{peci 
bates ~ Ipg rom . i] 

| hear oss eee L ae & 

gli k mea nei for the fits of the atten, it ge arp the paine of the gout nif they bee! B 
dapplied tothe'grecued pa : 
W Aeelnailew ee for the toothach ; é if the cet and gummes bee tubbed with a Hinnen C 

NO CHc- le place 
oe tf 45, | Jos, leh 2% 

ich bellies sf wha a leafel be oe to the ea 

vicers , and bringeth them to perfect E 
digeftion as the fame author affirmeth, : Ie 3 
Tp thet, Cp SS RRRY aaa | CRS RE S Cich afb het Lin 87 f; h LY 3 pe a 

bor F Rend) +s 5 sts . A r mete ae ae : sped Re 

women in PRE (as 

Tht ae sa os sate Petun Or Tabac doi inno “i vies ite. 

ind tie 1 g PRS ig pe; 1 V3 es fri idee a » affirming 
at 4 fhe, _ = 5 is : 
g m3 i] h dropfie. tooke of it db 1 
his fleene eallaa & rae ee ge get TE eee eT Sa RS Rane ee 
Tt ? € we + 
Moreo SS Sai ; 2 c Sel aha lade YT 
t=) Pag 
livatr ofthe cas drunke a litele while before the ay 
PS bs VW Lt 11. IT 
Fc on 7 eee ; ; 
Itis good again noah ; } Pega 6 Stes ts ko ia 
orth ? o - Bond 
trewottids ds of venemous beats be wath eee i 
; 1 fiacker } he tt ke. and thruft T 
again J, rok mae ee ae eee Sa rae Ree 2 t41 L : EB | 
whereoffoenerch . at eee a L c. he ~ Fe en mt Bits - 
Sati, 4 I 3 Traly. Sp I a Ir 
illarand hel PP RPS SS . aa pina ko tare if os 
abfolurelu -¢. L ge Zag Sao 1 ee see 3 
hicidertae nee eae ha i Faget ae aaa he aac a ik a aed gece ee 
tulneffe crar crauethemptineffe, an ree A SE: eGR Ges Os ET aS Oe ee TS: 

donk, fo much with it this. day, bu : on 
the next bringeth wich it mores as for exam 
sounneueyeelde fuch ftore of water aswhen itis moft drawne and emptied 59 fle eipecke eby 

Be oi arsine 
=e rad of Tabacoas they thought, yetin -seapeine ra rae sald 
tohane eene C 
cn foch an vhard kn ota crabbed w wedgesorelle h: had vererly hora! 

288. > THE SECOND: aiigndenc Nenad dee: 

cal L: 

ityne, not in the middeft of their din ianery 
ee 1 be L 1 A j 4 9! id Metis. a 
7 - . 5 odsbuth cons 

j 2 4 L 1 BS Be nl e. | Be Deas °. : 
Mee S - ‘ tC a iain? 

MEAs 4 eS the head’; ftomacke, anid oe in ithe Ditland inten 
ae ae fle ns ae 

o : "19 
Oo c i t , 1] Line} i a tt ho el pot that It profes 
é : sonia oeither, on in, 
Pp $-Theythar! r 1 th £ “ hatie rected se thatwhen the Moores: _ 


inp thei dost ice thera to the odes! bets lin be ; 103 

haraftertheyhiueiliénfoxtdoadsl fowet'l : yn sash rom 


oom nove the reat ie oele of wie bien 

R einice or diftilled he firft kinde , is ve ae ‘aosioll ecnnbates sabe diane 
of a bial e = sheumes that ‘all downe she. eles, -againt se Spare called te migram, if 
either lied vit CUIPIC adrie leafs mieilned 

: ge 
in wine, and died debdningly. vpn she embers and lid thereto: i dsc ied 

~ ee ee 

2 r 54 > (=) 

ao) : 
« bloodwarme:: ei is oy jou Ms \ oibs 4ri57 In Sistqpene 
APT | S i eS ; J int} dest, {Te cloth dipped i th ff 

rr 4 oe - ea 
L , L , 

vo May ——— cs sees are we —. stasaolk the aie pac cough, 
Gorallg eieu »-which sft fhoulde fet downrs at _ nal —_— cai ° 

jibes s 
Ses r a } ‘ 7 ee Fo niger 
> x San ae oy aoe wl : ay Bt 1 4 Pr ee Sas ; ; keg vin 
"Ys. Silas ae ae 1: 2% 1 Pe EA ee a OS: 4 eae 
si Sa aaa : . ae pb) 
_ beforeis fetdovne in yellowe Henbane, or th Sion thereof. 7 moll balfame sthed- 
“An. 3.t So nies Me Os a. tL .: OF Pe, Se eel ee | 
ftinging witl bunclesy¢ d dwoundes mad h guns orany oh 
weal za 
Z cellent aaa in ipa and pale with icra tning,or fach te, boi 
Eat Feet ofr ofan ointinent, which a 
: Iothandfoa pplyin git. 
ref i> 
1 re Boe | it} If. f + d punctures mee 

‘rowe vetiage = nes ticles doch bang Xp the flefh frome] the bortome ps 1 

: gait te soma 
Ths teteiris his, nS ER pr soe ss eee \ 

ca st Ci aise 

a ibaibet it a ittothe fire againe, ing thetetoof Venice Ture 
Doane <: pares & mafticke of either hale ean ounce,in moft fine & Scfubuill powdesi 

racic fie odie, which worketh exceeding wel wellin nmaligne. cette vicers 5 in wounds 
énde this iewell yntoyou women ofallforts, <a to fuch as cure andi 
ponent your countrie without rewarde,. the be ely aan pres 

& fuch lik ee — 
fewre medicines far from fae nhc ynderftanding , and from thofe deceiuers 

: frie = nore tit 

be tofuch, hide any pom you of fuc apes sone rtaunce: and therefor e take one mort . 
es »wherewi haue done very many and g ood curesalthoughof final colt, burregntt 
B B rere later cheneti Take the leaues of Tabaco two _— noeers _ ones ; 
- ftampe the herbefmalin aft “i 





z ra q 

ne = of. 
ere ae YW Wel Race g3th wir Ne IC: eae 
Bcpaneucingt sereto the inice of the herbe one oe Venice Turpentine fower ounces 3 
boilethem togither to the nr ae of the iuice,then adde ane pee thes r ae of round CHi- 
fufficient w ody , the which 
ft fo ighb loth ifilehie cw. a ie mie and other 
parts of i fi od as od “Ex of helpe. 

Of tree Nightfhade. Chap.64. 

Amomum Pliny. ga onenerer, * 
Tree Nightthade, Saunt fae oo we The defeription. 

His rare and pleafaunt pant a treé 
Tx htfhade, is taken of fome akinde 

Ginn ve pepper but ent vig thers 
for vane Nightthade, whofe iudgement and 
cenfurel gladly admit; for that ic doth more fieh 
anfwer itboth in the forme and nature. It Soir 
ru 0 

SY) ‘$4 


gent d garn $7 wi relia ears verie 
greene, ike vnto thofe of the peach tree, Th 


flowers are white , with a igre i 
pricke or pointell in the middle c 
flowers of garde’ oNi ightfhade, Aker which ins 

of the fame fu ce with winter cherties, i 

in are clan little flat yellow feedes. The roote 

“s aS | is ‘ie of many finall haitie yellow ftringes, 

oi bag ke — not wilde in thefecolde regions, but 

> oo ele haue: themi in our: eae tatherfor i 
+10. ao Sate cha tie tieas yerlmowne. 

Riso Ne yes ed gnisd bs nips ingore ieieeanthiland fich 
heute ‘during t the: eaueatere.s winter, bi- 
ei 58 reidate Te Gldnblle- 0 of oy ral cole ates bearded is ee roade: into 
iit fowreth in in Maie,and the uiteis tipe in Sep 
leven cin aia peeked olaium on is offomese 
Amomim of, ‘iene ies Pf non ortn Dies 

itn and <a 

Se on pepper andthe her at 
aden soe they differ 
Seber ern pahethade, of the eli rof the berties: 
which boa ma Sy fbi iyeete bed bo 

mdGinncre eps elit poche winter. 

oF Bln applet apple of Hierufalem. Chap.65. 

ce amin Balfamina famint. 
” The ni Ballam eae ane cfentane Ballads ale 

* 7 he itn a 
5 aien andl s( Jer brauinches, fer with Icaues like shot 
2 - sis pane ea palate wherewith it care holde of fuc ae 
Se afon of his weakeneffe to ftande vpright w 
f fine fmm: 

¢ ful f inice, in! 

wee likes eye ee Bat thofe which ae 33 one road: jlo seas sag eee LLB IS ee 

$1 faith mine au =; w. in auc {rom yeere. er ¢ 5 

- foorth fede like the Coleforey ot de eins real oie shee 
mele ele oth aif ae “i 


% The plac 
Thefe plants do profper beft in hot regions : ws They are ftraungers in Enaland, and dowith great 
. Jabour and induftrie growe in thele calle co 
ftb fo ren. in the begirining of Apa ina rabed of hot. horfe,dung , euen asmuske M 
b= Been hod d abroad from the faide bed into the 


eh hotand fertill place of the g 


.% ie names. 

1 J 2 

L 1 _ 
one as Reo good to his age . Baptifia Sardus lh -  Balfonine Cucumerina: others 
FATS erufalem: in gy Baine 

apple: sin Tealian Caranza in the Germaine se ‘altar rape in 1 French Me eruet : fo ome 0 
minab sbicanfe the oile whérein the ripe infuled profitable 
etn A sasis ills spies the oo ofth the — Balfarourn. 
B in the Neuter gender Bad- 
x Sr he io lIecne: Baa: PP ay RTP PRs PAM TY os I <3 
faminm Gefp ; x ES Eig Bed I sp .y pes = J 
B4l(amina fe g 
, * The nature. 
TL i ee 1 L ra 5 ced HR | hi: AP | ~ J 
rate coldneffe ty ‘ sthacis after { ne hot in the firft , and driein the 
fecond degree, 
% The vertues. 
Thel P ito heale g if ch y be brufed and haide thereon; and taken aA 
with wine th th id t lie fi 
and d conuulfion 

ms al male pall 

dried in the fhad and beaten i into pie and cS ing 
PR pS VW pide 1 1 j rg and he Ipe 
f 7 ? ; 
¢ collicke. ; 
be we Spe. SSP Se iat L Yeoh ait, ERS ey Ww PNG pi A i. rf 
‘s ° © “ 
cominaaie a thecrampes and If {the fhrinking of fi oy aa- 
nointed th herewith, ; : 


he tila 

anon vpon = wets or a 

pipes at 
into ae matrix with a fyring, 

and eafeth i‘? ree * thei inward par 

Py one as = *Hemorthoies and all orheepainss a af she fundatioat sb thereto appli with 5 
tT of oO! Rd RCs > 
. Theleaue sue eink wig a tutes..2.)\s!) iil zaniclq Sorts to in eat 
dlittle or nothing wri dl rhup : of the female! a $i Bae él # 
Sprotreieeirs npacreammcmrianl clon anasig 
dis eitt tesla lawless = 
nuts diese “ pailkdins double glafle ferimhot water, ore iain hor horde edungs 
taketh away inflam ed 
ba at Fecipiudishtes 2deoq.cocmosol ge ares « Y 
vicer. L % ft Js Wt - A YT 
semble mes thoplacsit mr — 
As.with good fucc nto wounds,prickes;and hurts of the finewes, It hath K 
pats ifin the 

or mother 
Sreatfor oh opabvedermnaanambardtaree featres and ble:niths 
sand! pits way {carres mifhes 
ctrl titre city yoni 
at as be barren are m rewith, ifthe woman tbe thedi 
bre ance h for ‘the purpole, : din 

“Auevasee shiden atioker, 

eo Of Ginnie or fndian Pepper, Chap.66. 

1 Capficumlongioribus fliquis 2) 2 Capficum minimis filiquis, a 
é ger code Ginnie le Small codded Ginnie Prepon 

SY75 =s) 
= WE 
N\ > \ i 





NECA Su ile 

ae His. 

Ra The alee afoce : 3 
{. Nig O..J ' ae 7 

irene g Spey ye 

— ur of thewingsof 
theleaueso fae hite colour ete na tfiue indies tgeesae . 
~greeveburton in thémiddle. After them eee Sten s aoe ae 
: = gliceering like red which ibconteinedtictle ee 

lour, of a hot biting =r like cannon nae ee enh longi 
iggeasd finger and tharpepointe ; 

S Seay 4 and (tales 
» *Thé codsheereofarefmall, rounde,and en ine she bens Dileore 

i acmeiee inc cig 
: ni botigd Sd fat nerioyr siz! of Tiwo- ae The plave.(0 275 0977 basi b os * 
~- <Thefeplants.a ght from forren countries , as Ginnie Indy dd thot pars 
‘com < to fine bes ae . Sh here Ba & “4 glit cin * eurally os 
poffeffed with, which h fe ee h paft: be ewe expee 
better when. Colao abr antepens ye : a 


eT ye Sais \ -" 
1 fmuft be {c fedung, ke Me] »and remoo- 
axl 1 ta Sees? 1 ic ] Fieger } 
jinto > fect 
ied = he | fthe fi d de Autumne to becaried 
ges ome houfe, ide the iniurie of th Id igh f that time of the yeere when it is to 
Eee a fruite. 
% 7 he wares, 
4 TS TE AE epee | fexdy cin 1 itisth } | Auicenne 
AGE ‘ Cj 
ib dogs G i Phin Sur, endl is more rai in tafte to 
namett iB LIEN > ee to} ye re) be 
c erthenis Panax , 4 I | Piper rit. -booke Ete 
de 1 1 1 fi = 42. L , 2S ere. Jj 
S hap Th pt. Lerk he} J fy ‘ 3 Ws Kad a7i,or Oa LS , {c SPE alae Ds. ya £, 
: TT Pgs dy tr 

carhinmsor Piper Hi 
maine toong ania as ea tin ~ Dutch ‘Boelite oy in se te Poiur 
riew “ 1 aS in the fhoppes at Billingfgate by the name of Ginnie peppers = tan itis elias to 

oak The temperature. : 
} d hati faie. farre horter and 
8) 5) 
aie Ren Auicen fheweth dogs gingertobe,  - 
#8 The vertues. 
* 1 L n rad Toe b D <q Cc. 
Pas arts Ct EE be fyb — orthe 3 oy 4 i are 
pepper r:bur ‘ sea = . Tae aie eg Q 
2 d bid 
other of the entails Auicen writeth thati it Ailleth dogs. 
1 * eee FS oy 2 1% 1 
viually taken, B 
itwarmeth tl $7> <9 1 iat 2 eee P; 
It diffol RS Ba LS | Sey l } ¢ 1 Lae N 1 1 } II. tr: 
and taberh t payee = OY 93 L oe a ig Lt o: 
i @ Orad 

ies Of horned Poppie. Chap.67. 

% The kindes. 

Here he faedeie f. tL ID, Seas bY. 3s a oe 
flowers and leaues, The figures of two of the oe Aas be ft oe rae reft 
bea either vnto a fecond Edition,ora further confideration. 

‘ = * ioimiin 
i Heyellowe ied Poppie hath whitith leaues very cr Dogs cx ng 

the leaues ote den Poppie,but rougher and more hairi long, tounde, and 

coi bri sbe lar rates and ellow co onfifting aaa leauies;which bei ingpat there 
ome long huskes or on. > ctooked like an horne or cornet, wherein is conteined finall blac 

Ci wr oO 

we! pernde 

ed , fomewhat like 

feede. The roote is great, thicke,{calie and tough,continuing long. . 
J t and hath 

f uhefecond kinde ofhorned poppie i 

coi eamarhoderat df g 
rip seed the {mall made of fower little! , ofared co- 
aes Lik aon fe 5 inclofed i in 
and dieth euery 

iiaie. > long, 5 codelcorideacin ick The Sook all and Hop 

T3 } 1 Papauer 

Se. ; 
ay : 


X Papantr cornutum fle lutep. ee _ 2 Papauer cormutsan flore ruby 
Yallowe ietaed Poppe: ~ Red bomned nPop ee 



Fr pry wets 
eS Suir cormutum floreviolaces, = 4 Papautr sieawstedl 
~ Mokzcalouboined Poppe. SASS £ ASIEN Sri neared 

% The edefeription. | 

¢ t} Ip } } 



° Lit Cink at >4 
Glais coris finelittle parcels: the fl is likewife lefler, ofa blew purple colour like the dou- 
sari is founde another fort hauing leaues like Rewe, with fmalland lowe ftalkes, and little 
see flowers compact of fixe {mall sen three biggent the reft lefler, 
% The place 

d bankes of the fea: I foundit ane 
neere vnto Rie in Kent sin the Iles of Bree and Thanet: at Lee in Effex: at Harwich, at White 
ftable,andmany other places along{t the Englith coaft, 

e feconde er eth not wilde in England, Angelus Palea, and Bartholomesns abVr beter, 

who haue commented 1 vpo Fe write that they founde this red horned sere in the king-» 
do growe 
in my gard ery plentit ully, 
They dows from Maie to the ende of. Agi 
Th The names. 
Moft writers h ppie, efpecially that I flowers tobe Glawei » neither 

J l A f ho r- 
ne ieopey bare Atmepebizeg. that is to faic fatter japal(rna, lowe,or lying on the grounde, of a {trong 
finell and of a bitter tafte: thei iuice alfoi is much like i in colour to faffr ron. Mor reouer L Obelins doth 

PE Dio lco~ 
ides faith that Gliuci g I about Hierapolis , a citiei 1S} ia: but what hindreth thacit 
fhould found alfo f I f all authors foc the moft 
Ere itis wn true ang le tonet? Glancium of  Diefe eorides: ‘of fomei itis called Atecon Ceratites: in 
eli hi fea Poppi of 

afin 1 ste a 
Pp ars gS s{h tf P; 


_& The nature, 
TH, AD, L 
% The cierkuila 
herooteof horned P. boiled I Ft halfeGnd daaake 
pronokerh wry. y hae, Led aca é eee c 5 > tae 
: de take + i fa fpoonefill, fob he Be ; 
ee quansee eae rull, 1ookes ak . 

dfilthie vicers. 
| Theleaves ind flowers putinto ia or falues ite ey: for gene woundes, = D 

Of iidaa Dae Chap.68.- 

# The kinds, 
iiss indryfo fh fi which 
sd lagi ee itto two rokin, chat i is to to faie, the ¢ fingle ee ots of th o garden, 

be. recolour of the flowers : it thal fice to o defcribe fome two of th and. th i 
em, giue you e gures of 
fet forth their de {cription, 

33 % The defeription. 
1> “He lea fw! hite Poppie: g, finooth,| ester Bess of E ctcace whi 
ind cot ftalke is ftraigt brittle, oftentimes a yarde anda 

die high: on & top wihetof grow white flowers i in which. at the very beginnin ng appee- 

eats Ter ie wichall and ‘hath a coueror crowed vpon thetops i itis with — filmegor oe. 

nwhich is. conteined abun daun of finall 
2 | — ) r and fi Pet esaeaes eS 
: frortedorftraked with inert . ‘ a ee ee 
Ss of purp! Tt - gged, 
ted Thefeede is likewife sitchin 2 eee 


1 Papamer fatiuum alb, 

ey \ 
4 ,; ‘ 
A & is 


“> See 
3 Papaner nigrum polyanthon. 
-.’ Double blacke Poppies 

ily : 
Z. EA 


2 Papauer fatinum nigrum. 

Blacke gar 

den Poppie. 

4 Papaner album multifi 
Double white Popp 


NN BAB. 313 10 abs 
A, = See 346 i598 
ay io 8 9 )s tte 

flor ate. 


spantr purpurenm polyant hor. 6 Papauer er multiflorum coccinens. 
: Doublpurpe Ata Scarlet double Poppie, 
ie Sa 

Pp er Bb HB a 
i sone ¢ =. is 


The place. 
Thefekindes of. Poppies are fowen in iter s which doafterwarde comeof the fallings of the 

The t 
pes flower moft commonly in Iune, The ede i is visperfedtedi in Tuly and Auguft, 

gt ath Cs sh peters Heke a SniEne the fe 

name: eraiseledin high Dutch 3 ttinl 
An/, Fay jae py Pop. 
re Se Oe er ae ig res os) pe em es neice 

bei ralled jos bicaute Opiumis gathered from it: of Piinie and of kes Latines Pawel 
andof moft of our age ¢ of the: red colour of the flow crs ae THOrWT , OF “aes Poppie, 

our pat oat do call it Ione filuer a ae 
bempe: vature. 
All the Poppies are colde,as Galen =F ee in his booke of the faculties of fimple medicines, 
ee eS ot 1 a heeine sit We > Pee L 
with s but the: white i is t hen the blacke. Hee alfo addeth that th fame is cold dca 
ued a at the table with other eatin, dithes, ; 
B Tt gh oar: A L i Jj 1 Lh j 
Ape oF RS Ba Lh ye cee Ree ff a lly 5 1 i Pe; 4 toftay 
and reprefle d i in f 
the hardei unis SE pe Boe aie is frongel ofall: ALeconinm ( on his ae inice of the iis and 
Ieaues)is we: any waies taken ae inwardly, ¢ or seein applied to o the iheade, 

prouoke pl Opisars Riewiewise plenti 

D It mitigated ene of paines: = but it Jeaneth behinde i it oftentimes a . mifchiefe mchhen 

the difeate i itfe 
1 ae . Pawan W pe mary es 
fenfi he fi aole lide p f the bodie , as that dese ae to bee re 
ftored, 3 
F _ Soalfocolliries or eie medicines made with Opium haue | hurefull y3infomuch that 
= aS = 1 Sof. 4 — 2 3t.2 8. gh Fogel f. 1. L 7 2 ERE Lt J 
Sa SS : pat RS 3 a 1 Se PZ - 
Nochat. eee 1 I > ee nea int f Opi , and are notto be 
vied buri iti ; and thatis, whenno other miti fy of paine doth 
thing preuaile, as Galen in his thirde booke of medici di I " CC fod dato 
Peete 2 
G es Ae y: halt ‘aes 
led vei ee fugar, and Rote , feete, and ode bated ere dh eee: 
H The bieads of Poppie boiled in water with fugar in man ste cae ie 
can theumes anid catarches that dill and fll downe om braine into the lungs,and 
pc The ist toh bark Ma Pas Sek pee Me, f,helpeth Sait 
pees acer. es ae 2 ‘ Ca 
K “Teen cee ped with vineger, ilke, and faffr aires re 
(anotlier kind of Sain fire:) p Nan ee ter g ate y - a. fundamentas 
a Ser Say = 
ti The Kede oh! 1 D, = ek eee oe page 3 ers ee Cok. Le. and the ouernmch 
Saeae | Se fickneffe, a ee : E. 1. 7 sA2 : He wt eth 
od: ss Saag, * aa: to oe 


Of corne Rose,or wilde Poppie. (Chap.69. 

Rhea. « 2 Papauer caduco flore TEER 
: ses _ Double wilde Poppie. 

7} Ss ,, 



Se tet Say Pk Mferipron : 
“He pare sf wiePopibe duct, sender ,and brittle, foment hain Tienes 
as about with deepe gath es like Spit Ot 3 of R 

wers pines at the a of the ftalks, being of abe sigfolland ‘gellar ed cok 
ei nlc threddes eepniing about pe middle part ofthehead: which being g fully growen, 
i dblacke. : 

h Thefee 
ie Thee ‘isalfoa leffer kindeh etek fmaller leaues snot fo aged ae cera 

‘eee fel exible grounds Sacpee ‘ls seeder, andin 


The field Acs Sie | J rps |e Thetime. FID. ae ae 7 é ; q SS : 5 
So ig sale o 
Wilde peer C 1 Cc %& The ee Fees § ere D od ~ 
Pipe it Papauer fluidum: in th s Papaner rags ie “Obeliuspctdaer tice bicsole th he dower ther: 
aio eth awa syswhichnes me Rheasm may forthe e fame caufe be common, not only tothefe, but 
to the others, ifit be fo called of the fpeedie ofthe flowers : but if ibe furnamed Rbaas 

feed (asir: eeteth t itbe proper toallthe reft, whofe @dwers. - 
Soon eta al shelael asi theless shea Cocquelicot sCé. enfanons, abet eae ae 
a Pace allen DlacmmenyCopentatensin gh Di bislapper Rowen, “a 

% The nature. 
PI like to that of tk Poppies: that is to {aie colde, ang 

caufing fleepe. 

se The vertutes. ‘ 

A . Moftmen being led rather by falfe experiments then reafon , commende the flowers agai 
the pleurifie, gining to drinke affoone as the paine commeth, either the diftilled w oa 
made by often infufing the leaues, Andy y times it hapneth that the pai | 
meanes, though hardly fomtimes,by reafon that the {pitt h vp hardly and nore dif. 
ficultie,efpecially in thofe h it ©. Baptista Sar. 

ater, or 
ateth by that 

1 it n Ni: 2 fl 4: 

ree 54 n 

ic Have coat h : 
flowers of this Poppie againft the painc of tl ic fides : and thatit is good againft the fpitting of 
blood. : 

“Cc ja ps (acs Bey ER (es, ees ee } 
B Se ae 1 g Co he LL 1 Vag el according % the places afer 
oS 72 Spe Sy WR See ee oy 4 a 1, 146 D, : 1 
L 2 pote j 1 i Pp a Pts. i f {+ 4-33. L. boa a3 ace: 

Of baftarde wilde Poppie. ((hap.70. 
1 Argemone capitule torule. 2 Argemone capitulo longione, — 
Baftard wilde Poppie. Long codded wilde Poppie, 

Ta" , 1% 

fe ei i 

th, SEAR 
NZ, | 

eA Nod 


Yen ss 


=e - 4 He te Sere : E 5 p : rs re (hie ‘ 
bass : ‘ see LO OO nets 
etiaeu mere, OT 

leaues not valike £0 thofeof rocket, madeofmany foals fe 


PLTaal A thehattome 



Tie roote is ial and fede 



The fec 

Siecsio the . difference doth confit. 

f be isos andthe other more rounde; 

% The place. 

pit BS 

ferfhire,and b 

eave fr 
BRN 2 
plants,nochitherto written 

Soper to Ane L Obelius founde it growing ih th 
dSouthflecte, my {elfe being in his companie , of pure & to 5 difconer fome ftrange 

us neta and high waies; 
xt fielde vntoa village 

x The time. ’ 
TL ALS L : tf AS wy T9406 ae L j Ss Pes 
They 46 g tuguft, c\ 
_* The names. / 
The baftardwil Iled ke Apywusien vin Latin aebermone Careers Concer: 
. ’ cer ay rate I . * = 77, ge. Bou iHer 
dis,Concordalia, g » Arfelajand's, Her bi 
winde Roveyand fetes oe Poppie. Te) 
% The temperature. 4 
They: are hot and dic inthe fpurd — 
; : The vertwes, y 
y Lies Catt 

reth the difeafe i in tries 
nethon the 

tion 5 terol andcu- A 

ulled rate whereof it tooke his' name: which ndifeale when tehap- 

black jite, then it 
"rete lour. é PEO 
1 q [ee f, 1 a Lt re k ¢ io LT Oy i offome R 
i c.a1 1 TL Ba aTaS ae Aa pal ; - 1 et ees 
“eikanns ies ging gtping ings C 
ofthe eH] “The drie het cect? rdoth egeg 2 Be ¥ A 2 a 
erbe hain wvicer, ‘canker ringadevpino an saiene D 
mu oile,waxe. od alile tp 
ee taken nik waight of tix ivodrarnmes. withwine iy ae ie or rays 
nT he inic culehavaidvansifd iy sities ves ee Ae 
Henle itbe wafted. Ae, 

OF Wi nb for 

¥ He ttock or kinted ofthe Anemones or’ 
<that hath write 

be | to; Sikes gitov TOW 
bowaliog omeay 

107 7 

bien ide ict’: oom 
ssbinos I sars sb oe 

vat 18 aoicls 2isto 

Barer ity Biihiewle of deemomer 
sp uetiesce ymnilljox 
Fopofthe talk 


moft vnto the top,at which place i is fet two or three 

ecommeth foorth a faire and be 

eee oe a violet colour tending to purple. 


ede eo obnivw ans daiv 

Bop = 

one dower: are without number, or at theleatt not 

EO. ath : 
cntwelug ditferentforts sand yet I dothear 
thele, which, haue briefelyrouched, 
kindes CO 
wo 32 Ro hobasitoalct 
ml vs si3 Jt iy: 

5 nom: 
aids Moloaid y: 1st slat0% 

ialleaives very much fhipedeek 
hichrifethwp a'ttalke Saal p 

leaues likethe orker! and 
compact of feanen leaves, and 
bleto detcribe the colour i in! hi 

| flower 

It is os 

re ce 


- Kd sipipatoateles shade OF Sipe 

Thileconaskitide ol Asevsons hath leans’ Gke vara she-nisesdens cit. 
ditinguith She one hon the otheebuel ora fl i for col of ci le are cof = nd 
L AA ig 1, 0. Theroo 
knobbie and verie brittle, as is the former. 
I “be bbane tuberofa radise. 2 Anemone coccinea multiplex. 
Purple Winde flower. Double fearlet Winde flower, 




b, SSNPS. 

Sy Ze; G 
+ NU AN 


(oi, eau 
~~ Oy WW 
fee ue 

) thole « 

iit seddfli eipyes,con iidedhisor cre covey On 
the top of the ftalke ftandeth a moft Elle flower verie double, of 2 Slee decélourftrippel, 
and fometimes among the red with alittle line or two of yellowe in the middle ; from which mit 
dlecommeth foorth many blackifh thrums. is nottobee fo I coulde enero 

is caried awaie with —— roote is thicke and 
oT agreeth withthe fitft kinde of s4peme 5 In footes , leaues 

faa na Peon, ig 

‘a See 


: ; hos. 4 Anemone Chalcedonica fimplici flore. 
3 ed present ieee Bithinia. Thefingle Winde dower of Bithinia, 

°$ Anemone Bolboralfani 
2 ut Winde flo 

4 Fi \ mm 
H Wi 


‘ <S 
Vibes ili 

+ ae 

cight fort of Canemoncha the garden Cr 
= from amongft the leaues of a foote high beating at the top fai 
ae threds ‘ 


The defersption é 

% fe, ‘ 

5 Thefiftfort of Avemone hath many {mall tagged leaues like thofe of Coriander, Proceeding — 

L, 1 bby 3 ve 2 Fe g 1 RY TA aft L 1 re A The alke rifeth vp +] 
1 c 1 a H 5 fincle 4 confiftine of } 

[=] of Oo to] r ° By & Ul a Pale or 
border of little purple leaues; fometimes red, and often of a wi lour fet al blackith poin. 
tell, thrummed ouer with many fmall blackith haires. 

6 abe hechoth 1 la] ER a ae gat Oe ROR A IC emones ot vnlike 

Aj n to rho. 

d t ' TO ThOi€ of 

lowe, but greene on the vpper part and tending to rednefle vaderneath, like the 
hy on Sie cake a | y plea | | Y ar L 343 

thecommon Mallo 
leaues of Sowe breade.It hat y y s: butmy fel 
giuie you no certaine knowledge of the plant; bicaufe I did neuer fee it: yet haue 

: Tin may garde 
growing all the other forts, of which Ican more certaiply write, The roote({aith my author)is afin. 

ger long, thicke,and knobby. 

7 Anemone Geranifolia. 8 Anemone Mathioli 

Storkes bill Winde flower. Mathiolus white Winde flower, . 


; . 

7 _Thefeuenth hath many large leaues deepely cut or iag ed, in fhape like thofe of the Seorksbil 
orPinckneedle: amonghch rifeth vp anaked ftalke,ictalen toward the top with the like leatltss 
but fmnaller and more. ly cut,bearing at the top of the ftalkea fingle flower, confifting of 
{mall blewe leaues,which d h oO fc i i f ple, id oft ntime 1 g v ite, ot 4 
blackifh pointell with fome finall threds like vntoapale or border. The roote is thicke andkao? 

aed: ge. a 
th leaues like vnto th owefoote. The ftalk 
ire white flowers made 
. Theroo 
Be oS 

g Anca 

of ‘ef j 
whereof aremany little yellowe chiues or thteds, The roote is made of 

pr sa e me 
eh. 3 = 

: : ne trifolia . 10 Anemone Papauer acta. 

io ae rentenfed Winde flower, Poppie VVinde flower, 

e The ‘rnin 

ninth tar 

he common sides Tet ef 
hint about the edges like afawe:on the top of the flen der fakes ftandeth a fingle 
tending to ptrple,confifting of eight {mal leaues,tefemblingin pei the flowers of Mee fel 
Crow -The tooteis knobbie with certain 
10. Theten of Anemone hath many ingged eaues cee othe outs i ree 
binum,ot Douesf 

theleaues a co or The leaues that do embrace 
ftalkes are y cut pe lowers grow a the top of she ftalkes , of a baphefsing se ; 
ple cola fe ae a blackifh ¢ pointell , The foote is ak 

7 ¢ brittle,as are moftof ae a ee Same 

forts of Anemonesar € feangetsanne no th ea growing wilde i in] poet 3 note 
ders and euery fort of qhkm,do growe in my garden very ple a. 
‘he tim , 

: ey doomerfro tebe Borapuace 1 to Me 

werseye ake the a lieth away with the merical there sh thi which 1 is a n¢- 

ee a 

wari, ot Winde flower,j wi f0 called & 3° dyive ofthe Winde: for the diane doth. 
reer openitcfe butwhen the winde oth one mace: Pare aoe alfo itis s named of 
ier ebb renee rare ravhinaten | Ho 

= boggal den hey 

in'the soni i! Gil catimer dmb itok 
vine eesti doveasazsbalehaud Banana ul ipolt kate: heya 

a ee 


¥ slau 
rabare. eg 
SAM ik nay Feet sete 2a a ete 

* The vertwes. | 

A TL k a y 3 45.¢F 0 Ce 1. ole. 

B hd ty 

?, Fy 

1, hamped or cl if ing, and caufeth water a rey to runes 
of the mouth,as Pellitorie ‘of Spaine sak 

~ fal 1 £ 
bg ad Sas “ DEY aS ! oh i: no ne j Yb ] 
E ‘The leaues and ftalkes boiled 5 and caren of nurfes caufeth th h hmilke:; 
Pog Sha ‘KR ek ae cok Z baad 

Ofwilde Anemones,orW inde flowers. Chap.72. 

x The kindes. 

3 is avhich do varie cpevaly: in the on 3 

1 Anemone nemorwn lutea. 
Yellowe wilde Winde flower. 

ete wa oe OR PLANTS. 1 +307 

{aynino th 

ome white colour. "Thee Foote | elikethe cother "Thane in my ere one of this kinde with whic i 


“fb ft L 

po A. 


A f | [xX 3 = 
pl Boe 

imemine norborion barpurea. : 4A ReMOr Um Co 
: The wilde purple ie flower. The wilde {carlet Wilde flower, 


f spr We CE 
% The de Cription. 
Ficus forchath fowers of a ' ef ae ing {pet with the reft of 
‘oe The fourth hath many fall leaues dpa c cu abou the cp, euen to the ‘middle ribbe like 
a sallblugh eres ate.of alightpurpli wil sthat, 
mes SAAULE shot psd ote qv oi aitlg iomireor # 
He ii Fapine 9 alia os . soulisiiisaewesiiini. — 

dogrowein moft w. side $8: copfe h ethat wit 2 
shioug England. pexcept 
Sia MUC Hotlcene: notwi:h{tanding; [haue oneof Peocuninn 
ee see is not, af expelled nar pe Speer for thar it-doth 
inall som in beautie of the 

oa) : r ; ‘ if 
tof: Fek 1, £ Ansell. ar. the mii oA.: 
4 dali 

are and vertues, andes 
et to ihe garden forts of Avene, | 



: Of baftard Anemones,or Pafque flowers. Chap.73. 

I plies calgerk. 2. Pulfatille rubra. 
urple Pafle flower. J Red Pafie flower, 

Wi & eZ 3 
: wy oy ee Ai: 
Se Guay 
SN YZ y ES i) 
AS pz 
WW i c A ,\ AN WN 

we SK 

_ | . : s Thedeipin 

shag 2476.0 -£...4.D0.ma4 CN tex Cc. ; . megs 
rots: amon shicheseey mueetehes and hairie; eae ) growe beauiti 
full dow fafhion, of sees colour: in the bottome whereof gi 
oth atuft of yell —— the mi of the thrums thruftech foorthafmall a 
—" oe eso Bp a: eee p a. pect ldhaat es y eede ha 
aye his ows foalthate banging ati. TherootetsthickeandloBbicoF +a Tonganelien: 
to tho of the « Anemones , ( s: Eat 

this is akinde, sani se Pe <a 
=e: Thete-is no oe owe y ork gez'liie f ¢ this axnweiak 
the precedent, nor in syoshergmat inthe our of the flowers: for whereas he otha 
¢ of a bright red,which fetteth forth the difference. 

1¢ white Pafle dower hath- need fine iagged leaues ; clofely couched or thruft rogith’s 
which efemble an holi-w ater {prine Kle, agreeing with with the othets in rootes, ifere —— 
_— awh hiefly confifteth the 



Pulfatitls flore albo. 
3 zat lf flower. : __ %& The place. 

Raclliws write that the Pall flower growerh 
~ jn Fraunce invntoiled places : in Germanie they 
grone int es pa seas and oftentisies 

"Thole He th rhpuple' somes do growe very plen- 
tifully in the pafture or clofe belongir 

n heereof was ma 
Fuller,a we kinde and louing man, and willing to 
fhewe vnto any man the faide clofe, who ‘defired 
the Gime. 

They. es ice eae ft pa. sos Eafter, 
— hath dmeton afgse flower, 
Eafter rae aad often aly de lowe — 

in in SepeanBiags 

Ui fe oe is ong flower is * ea Sihnenies in ‘Site: Pile 
LY, fatilla: and of fome Api + ifs: in Frencli-co- 

Pafque flow Paffe flower: and after the Latin 
name Palla , ot Flawe flower; in Cambudge- 
fhire where os grow, they are named Gouen ney 
be Is, 

nis sche es) cfoertanltan (hs oe j _ & The ekemperature. 
demos: Bi Mita « «Pate flower doth a ax ba and spas 
rateth and eateth he skin if it be ft pliedto at ny part of the bodies whereup 
ithath beene ral. cr L eS | [Cr pated ae ‘ for pice it piers, 
rto th ns re a C i. ieee ries : 2 : 
%& The whiade s 
1 1 ¥ os 1 

fate xing of eden and garlands, being do lowers otgetb Beattie, 

of of dao ‘Co 7 Hoe 

* The Afrigion 

I + Sea C834 

1 an. 

trailing or lea aning to the grounde, feton 
euery part with fine see aes very deepel rutlike thofeof Cam omill, or rather thofe 

Of Maiweede : y Vpo! sence Galerog owe finall Ade ios wvers 5 in fhape | ike the fielde 
ahs ablackith greene pointell in the middle, which being growne to maturitie turm- 
Saad tha Ae See bninch 0 of feeds, iu hace lie a ltlebunch of gtapes. The rooteis {mall 
2 The fecond differeth not fr 

the precedentin 

which are of sie neces sigcat - diiferenc 

Se a 

I Phs 

viii: in pines Lineci. ipa ate inEnglith — 


inanyo pepe baci the colour of the Bowers & 

1 Flos Adonis flre rubro, 2 
Adonis red flower, 


Flos: Adonis flore lyteo. 
Adonis yellow flower, 

SOS 2 = 
oy Sew <p 

Didirras odinwrinr . 
| a dat e The place. t 
"TL 14 ee ¥. st be Wa = n 1 2 1 rne een 
ass pr Aree ee oh eis : s AA 1+. fama 
Tl yt ee ee) teen i os Oe ee eS Chena days t with 
Te o ze % Jo . 
the yellowe flower is a ftranger in England, iy 
Se % The time. 
TL a i. Pa ge  & Mare Ti 1 T. ££. 1 . 
aney Bi sAUNC, 3 
% Thenames. : 
- Adonis & lied in L hs Adonis, and Adomidis : ofthe Dutchmen Feldzotslitt: 
‘. PES =__ $e ee oon oe L ty 

vell where it gic" 

aos ek, x We: JAA 
5 weth naturally, 1 g lly MRS eee ee: hed bes sand Eranthemum : our London 
~. women do call it Rofearubiec, % The temperatare. Fm = 
_ There hath not beene any h written of the temy I f: hftanaing 
__ farre as the tafte thereof fheweth,it is fomething hot,but not'much, jose 
% : ee Theveriucs. : 
ey ee Caen ae ee Pe | ee 1 L n Sees at ee | 1 irwas 
: L ae ART PES BS 2= pap ie sf the feede 
taught vs , that 
4] Sie pe $3 Senay 1 with great 
: y g 

the collicke. 2 

Of Dockese« ree 
| eee ee 

Lc a: * IT, rden 
2 ag: o ee 
ye Sere Cg eee | Pe SOn Ns PT oe | ey pr « Perbarilte® 
, SON gee | If ae me oe ey 

a — OF PLANTS. " ZF 
; 4 1 Lapathum a 2 Lapathwr acutuin mivimum, 
> } ae ye ned “a Dckes Ho Small fharpe Docke. 

“) = 

Swe 3 



2 ; : : » the fame figni. 
fication hath Xx=dv/err. atime the Cent ee Sie ay 5 eee A 
0 1 (ikke: do 
reade\bike ih a. TES pas yet ghee 
erga de. ak 3 rH Pees vied in 1 Pottage and peti, verie Mi 
t 1, L 
Chiming ; re. 
cuery where growing amon } se hints Weta . iT) Pe 
pet Rocke: Tt Sraweets alycs oh Pe ee OF 
{i t shauing | “ies narrow 

fharpe fences 3among the w} 
rani g the which commeth vp round hollow ftalks of, ge 
oe Seve ibis like knees as with fiich like = sbut ee : at the ende wherof; 
fet = My on¢-abdoue another ; and after them commeth a Baer ; 
i thn, o¢2!apped in a huskes like Patience. The roote sien: long, = e 

etn peels ose mati firft,but a fimaller,and ¢ doth bearchis 
Sikes 5 sks; ke Sorell, nor fo chin views ae 
Sa ee ¢ Sor: ot fo muchit v oo te tok 

te hts 

towS hod 

we The place. 
Ks Seb ceemreess in rredomes and yes fides, 

ovhe C56 Miter cee 
achtum;, seamepai 82 Mini ese ox li bio ee 
: ssi of son ott i ae 

efpecially the ee which is verie aftringent,’ 
B The “is tof anyof the kindes o {Dod ke in wii » ftoppeth thelask 1 blouddig 
fli se,ande eafeth the paines of the ftomacke. : 


ey reafeandmade i > into an oine. 
t;helpeth the itch and all feuruie {cabs and ma ngines. 2 id for the fame purpofe it fhall bene. 
ceff arie to boile them in water, as.aforefaid,and the partie to be Bavhed and rubbed shenevaihe 


of water Dockes. Chap. 78. ee joe 

3 Hydrolapathum magnum. Hydy vioth 
Great water Docke. ; e > Sal water Dike 

: Gee Mirae xe 

%& Thede ate be doohodl 

~ ‘He Great water oot hath = longand ee ee “notin 
acest Fieger eg : he ftalke ae 
ls roc ofcon Tek ccomcd che ee 

3] VW ithin 

oa water Docke hath long crooked and roe atte , plaited of 
an fe ftalke.. The lowers s growe from the middle of the ftalke verano inf 


» delight inan eens rang bus foundesnet fteuery w where, as well vpon thelande 
pa aiekaniany See ar — good and holfome pothesis , being the 
— thenvlcome ot defied whociiiak meses He's tofpend further time about his 

5 te 

res pe eS eee sof : 


; 4 Hippolapathum fatiuwn. . , 6 Hippola nin afundifoliaty, ‘ 
il , Pan or Munkes Rubarbe. nil 

te Rubar be. 


\ Be 

defer iption 
5 Thegan denPatinse hath very trong ftalkes, fauronedo ieee amfered, a ren or ipa 
thi eat alee leaues Aiea ofe of the water 


bees ‘seha pales $ towarde the to} ieee slowest ali Hen prise decline 
fe of 

3 HAVEL EO ay loos : eee the \ 
mec whereof eet ane eens 
Dose heretical : bloudiec lasac —— ; sie 

% Th 
They do sroweforthemot stom an ditches anda a. conn Eng 

Theol se 
grow at elfeand others nhondonandelenbererae 
ala BOG Pou CT Sst % Therime. eI a Poi aNe 

314 THE saciasiees BOOKE OF THE’ 
; The names. 
T be Hoakes is a: pe ke eon 4 sorbate Ruenex, 
42. cha pter feemeth to attribute theramie of Ruwgnex onely to ih e garden Docks 


in his ¥9 beok 

" ch 
1 f4he2e bh; 1 pron em Pe alter whom the Datthnes named 
L Uratientin rf ee Sf TE AG Si Sp pearemeey Breen tth 

re pe con + £T?,.1 1. 

— 5 Monke 
Bioudwoort, or bloudy Patience , is called in cee Lapathum fanguineum : of fome Sanguis 
Draconis, of the bloudie colour wherewith the whole plant is Beek an nd i is of pothe tbes the 

a 4 2 a a t purging 


; se The temperature. ; 
1.2 TY 1 i a. te 1 ] j ¥ i, 1 > 9 Ye 
Gener ally 5 Yo y allot 
‘ein ll in CE EY » i C c sry L A Z ie 
co r Pl Me 
Dara in the third degree. 
% The vertues. 

gh J TY 1, 

A "Tt 
mils and hauewithall a certaine claminineffe by Teafoiy aie Saas sed el al 

t ‘ y 5} 
feos Sut eK ier h “s 1 in hie te a BAL f Sermons, the fourth 
cae writing Po, : \ eg 
f Si dura mor abitur aluus oo? 
Maat a, bier pele pats couche, 
poe _ Et lapatht, brevis herb 
[Th CATE 3 ine 1 | er ee es b Pages Werte Pty iret § 

ak oc oS he 

BS Aad eng (ibis: easy fo Sl to be eatenas Sither Becta or Se it ingendreth 
bloud of dmeane ethickneffe, a adwhich nouritherh little 
Cc athe leaues of the bes arpe pointed Do E dthe 
-_ water Docke,do coole, nin: acertaine <i alie of fubftane 
The deco@ion the rootes of Monkés Rubarbeiis artinke againft the blondie flixe , the laske, 
seis of! heftomacke veh consntthof eller and aifo aphinkee the ftin inging eof ferpents 
Wiech: : 


: a Tes alfo zood againftthe rot tener Acacinos as Gorrie would bate, 2 

the dried iuuce off eae pice esi 
E© MonkesRub: | 3 forbei & putintothe ‘peat 
Bbpwetedingltes Seite, i fen the belly; helpeth the iaund and fich 

pftig “ 


afes proce ‘of co ree shgotd a9 ‘ 
BT Fyou'take the toots of Mati ee cae see Wt vedo hate ~ oungiSdnel : 
2 es; antiifefeede aridlicorice,ofeche two ices 5 Seabiowle and imonie,of ech heone handfills 

oun b 
thie Footes of the Rubarbe, brufe the anibifefeede anid! sescners ‘breake ee with your 
yabd put thei ifito'a ftone/por called a fteane, with fewer gallons of fer poo 
fufe the fpace ce ofthree daies 2 en Hing rinke this liquor. a8 your ordinarie selon wi 
heratthele r lane: ree fermutchivhic sete euerrrreanre Tae 
iS edb era stig rie vider another eing alwaistcareful to keepe a good 

ig,th iatitiders, all maner oPitch, fcabs, breaking out,and 
ae set i all ce 3p ; i 5 
yet all oppilai ( igs mak & wenches to looke faireand 
th downe caters rearnnaayite ftopping whereof hath caufed the fame. ‘le 
i en of can ftringent nature, eth 
~~ atid a 

H There she ie a | 
cepa beene re fee mei es Docksse Moke ebarbe) of whi 

felfe this isthe beft ; and doth approch neereft vnto the tue Rubarbe. 
s induceme {fo tothinke and hie: hilt this hath the fhape and pig ici of Rua 




See They agree as welling tafte as {mell: 
fame c oh toler aaa 4 fg es Ok d., as Rubarbe doth: and la {tly it pur- 
sahieh ne belly a the f at the right ‘Rubarbe doth 5 pes dif- 
s ret, that this mutt be gitren in ts times ‘thé > quantitie of the other. Other diftin@ions and 
i » He: eau vato the learned phifi tis 
ihe: feret 9) 4 fore Ss peta e neky L L 
et) eg . PUtS f CLAN 1 BB RS ie Lif eek Wy 
Fey eee ae 1 114 Weal Gd ek ieee? 
PL 1. OAL igs 6.04 Lin-hT4 1 He Saiiiiriath chal efpecial 
1OluEU zd 
pp eas ESC LESTER ES dth 1 gh ! 4to his handes, Resntapiiog | 
Ka *~ Ss; } Lh 

and pa inme,; thay were 6 te to ices spt Saen yy may 1 my long Seine fe 
chaune chap; ted good : ogee aes 
notable oh Se tI learned of one Tobi Benneta chirurgion * “Maidtone in Ken 

derly eal be my {elfe, which he practifed vponia butchers boie of the fame rowne, as shin 
reported ynto me 3.hi abies was this: bein: ing. de ir ‘ | ad j a 

did greeuo y vexe I ine, nt(fora thift, 

1 1 1 "he ed 1 }. wa 1 . 1] 

barbe, which my felfe had iuen hi , whi ch hohanpel andi it 
heof ale,and: gaue it the te in ne mornir ng to drinke: it wrought exttemely downw 
wa vypwarde within ene hower after,and neuer goalies vnuill night, In the ende the ftren syot “ 

boie ouercame the force of thi cohiftes | it fie g working , and the ladde lo oft his ague ; ;fince 
which time gah pa he hath cured with the fame e medicine many of the like male es fiuing 
euergreat a ft cure 
Sein Lt ay 3 | a ‘ i Bs 
not f uh yal of, whole El Ts fe 1 fome tha ie 

a | Lo 

th 1¢n an yO Pe the aun 
cients hatie done :and none a Fils the aes phi spas of uae Clee of London; whet 
pee Seley well Jearned,and experienced in natural thin 
3 Th €rootes fliced and boile in the watet of Cardaus Benedi _ to th fimp io n of f the 

re Pes 

WeGesrot- er OR pane eae 4 ynto robuiftous or ftro ong bo- 
dies twelue fponfuls ma; ae giuen. This experiment was prattifed by a worfhipfull gentlewoman 
called miftrefle Lanne Wylbraham, vpon diuers of hir poore neighbours with er ceffe, 

oe Of Rubarbe. Chap.79. 

%& The defiription. 
I $= Se ye eRe Dems ees 1 7 ate * 1b 3 } 
like the cecs, 3c. ae 2 pew ii bs. 5 Sa ee 
3 p y the vulgar fort 
e€camp 1 LY pak | ye ea: 8 a rs 

igh, bea- 
ne Satthetop afcalie head — thofe ofKna oh or Zacea maior: In themiddle of which knap 

cad,thrufteth foorth a eh cook ft eee man ~ aime like thofe of the Arti- 
ing oa pre hrs ink herin is 

hicks ie, which ave etme as doth very well refemble. The roote is long pe 

d of. h 
yloves dota hele > an oa apale Pepe: Boge whic being teed maketh the fpitrle ve 

. Es Rha 


1 Rha Cipibatiom hs Obelii: isi 
The Sebeite: rh g > ar nile tog The 2 deferipeion. 
Ree a gy uching ee ria in ee oft 

y Tot 
forme or bigne f theplant it felfe or of the 
leauies or oweis wel fiide nothing fer dgwain the 
olde writers : Déofcorides re ¢ xpreffed ‘a certaine® 

ico destinies a colour of the rootes ii 
and yet but of t Rubarbe which ‘g gto eth in 

> Bvinuss ralfoMzotis, called the’ white fea, 
: ates of th tes of i 
is very like of the whole plant it felfe alfo)doth not 
Sie wes FA , alittle vatie according to the differ i 
“ f= gions, ground and weather; which(as we'mutte 
a nd then repeat) be oftentimes gre aifes 

ut feeing there is extai 
Rubarbe with his BE eS dtdotes 
not be rid toferf or sda 
ut at agree ume 
arn hed wih ae ae fie two Bi ans long, 
Cine fhorter,according to theit a 
arro fe he ftemme, broad an isa 
the top likea peare , bowing ba pie 
the ground, covered out with'a cettaine downeor 
Ss ” se woollines when they be yoong 8 preene but whet 
——— ses Bones a pale yaaa colour: outof the 
aa eheiaon i 2 re oe habarbarum ficcatum. " 
2 ns ES Beayoe of cpr 

A siaeote ger eoaeiie {fm all bra sunches without order, ' tite turne from white to yellowe, i in 

fh hae like the gatden violet, but greater,& ofa fa ftrong, vnpleafantfauc fauour, The root certee aie ae 

bide Gh sthecalic of amans lege fometimes leffer: from the maine roote fhoore foorth Manie 

threddes and fmall fhootes which f 

4 Rhal “_ ¢ ocaturn 

Pontus dried. 2% The defeription 
7 pecker Shad — * 4 TheP with Rubarbe is leffer and flenderer 
; then that of Barbarie. Touching Ponticke Ru- 
barbe Dioféorides writeth thus, Rha that divers 



% The place. 
Iris brought out *; the countfie of Sina ( come 
monly called China) whichis towarde the eat in 
¢ vpper part of India , and that India which is 
without the riuer Ganges: and notat all Ex Scews- 
tarum prouincia, (as many do vnaduifedly thinke) 
which is in Arabia the happie, &farfrom China: . 

m \ 

it groweth on the fides of the river Rha as 4miza- 
nus Marcellusfaith, which riuer fpringeth out 
¢ Hyperborei mountaines in the highnouthern 

parts,and running through Mufconie,it fallech 
to the — or Hircam fea: as alfo ean the 
bancke kesofthe a owcalled Volga, 

The choice 

barbe is dliat which is brough 

The bef 
sire China feth a noes pad 2 lighe purp hth - 

with cé ‘aunec! - 
4 certaine ane varietie ic of a ngmmony whith: ie hes; itis ‘old the ofS rbecommetlf d 
: ere eateear es ra. enc he:mouth it og 

ro aenoes 2 sloanerpatye the ibe thet is neither chanics 
heanies but ht j andas inwere 
nett fon aban ties afant finell. "The risen in aber es 
— — fom Bo 
1 sits ba Themame. J 
.__leiscommonly called in Lavine Rha B. : Barbaricum, 
broughtinta Dat at: of i i Seni,aSi Pi 

arg through 
the landeofGaraia nove =e hie oe a a8 ruler, and from rough 
| Rpatadee ne ards into Eutee, Teis called of the — and the eo of ———- 
.. hecbeaa Rawend Cini —— and Raed Sceni, infhops Rhab; in Englifh - 

tic cc ae eemperai and facultie: fome of the} eee thereofare —s 

Winicbcaen oe opidesacaii windinelle, wesbttlic of hc Rona a 
= a Ce 

318 © THE 5 Ey BOCES: Ox THE 

griefes thereof, c conuulfions, cH : : gtiping ee ; 
Ings ofthe gu guts afthehiadd AST oe Ni g } Rte Aifaato. iL, ee 
tla ks ype rere CLI 14 Tf ti 1 © mai 
r PP >7F $ »yexing or 2 the hickets me iting 
fli he lash d f I fi d: bitings of 
tk o ? to) 2 Hat ~) tings of 
B be AA i$ } 1 J. (Re St! JL] fe ‘¥ as 
eR ih la, rf Vel ‘ee nt 5 TALES Site 
te ve burfti j 1G A 
oO 2 2 Cia are verie 
fhort eaten and ee we Soc, 
f- J toe tec} { i 
D ‘oe pores < Reprise = on) ne sek has we é arth yi g, bicaule 
it was purg E Pa dé 
1 ke fae lies Fes L Se: Ty: = 1a 
nake t ance 
ae ol 
tee hthe fame, & maketh it = to pearce, & sea to worke ua greater 

ee a “the drie and — effence cng in it felfe a i purging: force and = to pee ob. 
feruétions, | but helpe as 

il] of tt CP SORT acs Me foe & £ Panius AE gi 

chapet he: ast mention thereof , where he Fecoucth vp turpentine a thofe medicines, 

made thhe, to malts 
tu ae ore ati we doucnes vnito it alittle Rubarbe, The Arabians that followed him ee 
ittoa Feet vfe in hifich purging dos 
3 ay t : Fe MeDe BS | 1c ce ag Pane I Ck Pe ps 
urgation which i = Cf B nen L £. L 3 1 4} 
cha et, 1f 1 L 1 f i j 
ders,andbad liners. : LIC 3324 1345 > Pals : Re: 
a ed Fn Pe ae Ree sae 5 ee d Pr Sara 1 sand efp «allie 
peers ae ee Cc 1 ees ‘Aas ie 
a See. 1 j 1 oe S| Joe Dap AG 
Ga. x Se eS a 1 1 1 
Le ~~ : rey 4 2 at eo 
the < wr = 1 a L » aoe | 1 . 1 4 ¢ ee gs 1 Dil PE Mee 3 med 
H eS ee ee ht ‘odei J o~ gis 1 1 CAS 1 J c aoe ee 
Sapte Eee co gs" AC. iB? C18 tes ap Be L Pe i. -o rging 
and opening q itie thatis tol giuen, is fromont 
dram to two en the fuente aieat shall chree. aise 
It is giuen orfteeped,ar 3 Cyc 
as oriome other ofthe lil 38 likewifein VVhai difthere b “ait a 
wine. s 
KO cade tisalfo Se giuen being dried at the: ae the leaft ¢ senopat va 
burned; and being fo vieditis aremedic for: thie bloudie ce for all kinds of re ‘Pri 
ay ll ftoppeth ngof th a, 
1 C = gs Fae, Be -La bd are 
L= 3c fame being dried after t Legge es id throughtie 

~ bladder; burit saree kegeg os PRE aE nee renee 
waa it ta reaiernea isan. ee aoe Seen maacrlags 



of Sorel 

a 3 

 nrshndesof Sonnet df 

I ee “eta 
, Sorrell. 

dna: oe 

oe thedefipin emer ck 3 

Hough Diofeorides hath’not in all thin s fufficiently Seitea ities yet none 
Tie t that they: tina ines accounted as the fourth kinde of Laparhum, 
: fome like it well Paes st fhould be called D mous, yet that is to be 
foodcacconting 0 the common phrafe , when ¢ger ¢ : 
tharp asp loners we cht atau tine of 

Moteouer the wo zs doth not med sane 
anes om ite ie ati 

erat aes nite 
us Ba the otherD 
cae eth 
sti ies sige se 


3 rebyie 
.. ae i ne sar" 

Be 4. rate tke of Sorrell h ah teats (eewtiacedend eared ning hore ates © 
be ro eter = mt z 

. “a 4 Oxalis Franca (eu Romana, 
Roond Sorrell, 

3 Oxalistennifolia. 
Sheepes Sorrell. 



i, “5 OxalisCriffa. waits 
% The defiription. 

Curled Sorrell. 

> | Tike thie urle 
'* ‘aboutthe edges as ed Colew 

6 Oxalisminor. 7 Oxalim 
Small Sorrell. Thelinalet Sone 

eh intent 
¢ W ae od tC. IL toe | 1 
Lf 11. a ais We Ps Tree 4 aE" 
f ro) rs 
oe hebien : 
They 4 ven, J. Ce es, PES [Ty 

izes Sorrell is called i in Greeke abenks oe anh, fe Galen ebuadaetor, t that is to o faie, Acidum 
Loat, or Acid: 

Sawpampfier: inlare Dutch Surckele,& Surmck: the Sparards ated 
das: rs in French Oxeille, and Swrelle, Aigrette :in head gard en Sorre: 

ea V7. 
buick knobbed Sorrell. ; : 
ee 4s W TY xalh om Leal 
Thefeuh Romain Sone rounde Sorrell. Sg Rg 
& Sree 
The Sottels sibensdeaietycchioanddd 
we The vertu : 
irae 1 fe itis fc it likewife hA 
tough humours, eh 2 
Thetis... ee Se 
Tt cooleth an hor} Scie 
ppetite t Penpals often ade” 
fee h the ftoppings atest. 
: oO pei, Rox ee Le eo Cc 
Ce ee, ees ] a ae tes aN Pe ; See 3 ee 
Madetherat ee Be Oe Bake Pe eed id oh EO ee ee Cr. 3 
with a nefilens £. . zs . San 
Theleaues (543 ys eee Nf : oe rc ook ec Se 
neth the bell; Pee } rere Sar 1: =a ie 
~~ The feedence SR eee ae Sagi 2 ss 
in g sftopppeth th Eble andbloodie ine 


Of. ee Chap. we e 

i Bsstorta maior, 

a Sai Se ie 

The defeription. 
I ‘He gee Biftort hath long leaues much 
like Patience,but fmaller & more wrink 

the, grilie top afpiked 
me or ext, f = fal of ae loess flowers, de- 
is all in a lumpe, 

tion, T. 
eichoone fifhion s 3 within an a 2 colourlike a0 
feth.terafh fte like coker iell ofan acorne, 

2 rt hath leaues. about three 
i Sas and of: i. bredth of a mansnaile: 
the vpper! fide is of a Bester: ee and vnder- 

neath h of gree colour 
which seb ap nian the beigheo ofa efi 
of ioints or knees, bearing at the top fuch fowe 

oe leafe faftened thereunto, with many. 
leaues thruft in among the whole buachiof fo 



ersand feed. Th RA SAS 5 oe 1 i dS RESETS or 
DD. 11 J 2 b : a a ge SE Aan omg" 2 
eaxagt” SEM 7 at c tae tas : of 
t - owers, like 
rife vp finall britele ft rath ss a tis hed, ¢ ee ~ Par. ee ; 
ynto the great Biftort Y, JERE 
and that een it ier Shea name er: 
The aes ace. iy 
¢ a Bie PY ey } } 
—- 2 
‘commonin ea: garde 
“ final Biftort gona in ereat Rabe dance in ict at «Cy oni at 
OSes Py ae . Bi edt £ 
se 2 UN v 
S / tite. \ | a 
Theyé flowerin Raw the feedeis pe in nine BAL SR, GK 
The names, os ‘ 
1 1 rin 1 tO L Dp. 3 
Bistorta § eryeeue; 
' cts ithere vied fc lent pol b + Ttisealled BiStorta, ae sanichipd Footes, 
daly Calabrima.S , (4 Britawai D 7 
andalfoc 9 Y . 
ners, oe 
The natures : is abe 
Biftoit doth coole and drie,in the third ieges ee | Sa 
ertnes. f A 
Th CRn | L fi. .b Db Abe) Ll oe oe ee A and 
| A or. - ‘y 1 fe, pré } 1 sf Pi } , 
Tha. Poet vee pies 4 a 2 aa ILI] 2 ee | a lL Se. 1 B 
= ih of womens Eoeathlyf net Ge 4 
aken as aforefaid,(ta Co Seen ee ng, Tb OMe I Rn EO | - 5 if f ch 
estan it likewife faitencth loofe h, Lot gt ee ee hf Fe ff : . 
. ae ae 

_-Of Scuruie i gral "Spero. On: 82. it a nda Aoi 

Tis! och a rhedfipion 

inh Onnd leafed €, < Y, eee meeps ge pp Se. oe 
, teipituly Se MARE Gg £. 1 L , rg te te a Z 
number, Fy 2 BENS 2 atts L ingi fi: ee 8 Ly SP ears 
ae ee Sgr ee 1 g which] if ea a 
; a tal lin little leveffels like: pies, Sein Creffes. The - 
ao ye ial whic and threddie. The' whole cpio is ofa hot and fpicie tafte, 
Loy. er 
pati Pde. altogither vnl oe ws > thel stg 2 Cc LI “eae 
thapep peaeer and forms hat long: the ftalks rife vp ag the | eren length of tale 
© grow whi my <a am: me & a | i 
2 fect fal cae veces pouch not -vnliike to thofe of theapherds eck 
1 1 - £..4. 1. f<L 1 Cn Stl 
nut, Tons cote is fmall and tender, i pte } f threddie tri ae ee es eee, 
‘nmanner of little cute, tee ; tho i abea Seer 
: : : Xs x Cochlesria 

Ps : oe 
é: ' = 
; : e m8 : - 

324 THE ag eS a ‘OF THE 
1 Cochlearia rotundifolia,’ 2 Cochlearia Britannica, 
 omneiestes es arpa :: Common Englith Scurnie 

= PA 


% The place. 
"The fit growerh by the fa fide at Hull, at Bo Bolton 
ee ¢ vnto othe fea, as asin pdt pee ae oy ae aa eee 

ee and in many otherplaces of 

g fi he fea fide na a eee 
Ned Troll L hte tt. Cc. a eae 
TL a BS id £ ugh , +: o LIC hare 
c oe on 
: Sree 3 SEE BIUCD OF SORES 5 a whom os flower, & flourifhand 
bs as C. Sones if ~ ig 
Teena hich ourcomm< i ae 
.: famous ec Tham ames, as at Werlich, Erich cei Gril sockets 
i tith t ie 
Ree ith sat Ps eS Se 
1 th y ‘ a 
* Gian 
fal Se ee 
+ T * deca ete : ee eT . athe true Br 
: = h a Cea. 1.2. <ss. ee ae eee all Lefer 
2 = Cok ie or. 1 Thollownelieo 

fetish itto be Plinies Britannica, bicaufe they finde it aoe 
Dalai with the fame qualities. | Whic eels ear e fas foldies 

rs el ete the — we found to Chawtine (asthe Frift aa ne ee : 
the teeth 3 gtims, and fin 3 

“HIST ORIE OF slepoxsamras 

74. ...C Me refhyu yater 

oe thc Oe . eras ee Lk yand exercife oft their boa and eae 
: SERRE S A al | rme ca- 
agate peated SE BS Re RS Nis ick at 

} a i 
Ea ang Sa | plants,as as Nasturtium, Siam, CA 5 hag and itch others S 

nana tha’ Ps ‘ 

Pass t not alike in ptor 8 . which are remedies againtt the difeafes s afore- 
LIke 1 3 4‘ J, 

roy 1 1 fi 

era aes orth; C eee oh age Aad , foo. afeee 
ie thicker, andt low li ll, aft f funne deaw, but in ep aaetelle like 

Ss compa affe fomwhat cornered ieee | Taree :the flowers white, 

‘oldanella,in the c 
andin yaa like the Cuckow flowers : the feede reddith, like the feede of Th/afi, whichis notto 
be feenei in oe a ati is rather holden tob be Biftort or garden Patience, shan Scuruie graffe, 

The e temperature. 

, a 1 j F ROO 
Scuruie ae is cident hotand a, | g » of 
- anaromaticke or se 
‘ % The vertues. 
ek Sea Ear ene eae 1 1 J; A 
+ i SF Seas eae os GOlet wy eee? lled i me 
2 ea ARR er da Fa. Cesare 
UNend ITT. ‘© } RS OE Fg OS | =“ ein drinke as 
ps re) % 
Creefaid oe i handfuls to ft »with lon peppery gaies, -acife feede, an 
30F P g 4 pape sto iecp > 2 9 an 
q c the fj g erbe s br ruled with oe ut hands, and fo 
ee ¢ Tod ~.2¢ . . er ra d vfed in ma- 
= Ltt: | 4 : 

iuice drunke once in a daie in rs in any ce. ale, bere or tenga caufe the forefaid B 
medicine Sovecipetticw worke his effect in curing this Bs i¢ , lothfome, heauie, and dull dif- 
he gums are loofed fwolne and exulce- 

rate;the mouth greeuoufly ftinking ; th 
not much vnlike ch —— come of bes - ee and the reft of the badie is oftentimes of a 
pale colour ; and the feete are fwolne,as in the dropfi 
_Therei isa difeale (ich ieee ri pine ofthe northern oS gee seth the campes, C 
vp | to come by eating of fale 

tes, which is incr 
call thi difeafe(as we sa fd) eos sie! ea or ses which hapneth to the mouth, 
ical of Plinie muaxsxh  Stomacace : and tha twhich ‘belongeth to the * thighes susorsp i: re cells 

in oldawerr 

Pieck bloud, firch as melancholie iuice is, not ily ion, but offucha Dod as is the oi. : 
oF droffie Part therof which i is Se in ithe b ieby ill diet, flothfulneffe to soenecs 

chemealicne fleyand vn hich are the'caufe ideale calledshe 

feicoreyby Which each oteely touch the outwarde parts’; i Gide 
bs epig: Ja oftcommonly the Heiplocuts is filled with thiskinde ofthicke, 
fough inice,and is ieabyre reafon that the fub{tancezhereofis flacke, s{pungie, an Eibeas ene ef 
oe fach Kinde of thicke and colde humours: Which thing allo Hippocrates hath written 
ith he) are infected, heir mour 

Die ned i 

id { 1b], itt Ethef- will take them : 

t 3 : = Cy 

1 Ok he «ol . L 1. re eT Pee ge 

Of Twayblade,or herbe Bifoile. Chap.83. 
* ea tl 3 ” Tefele Toatblade “= 

ee w) 
SS INE =i 

3 pb or Sie i CALS sx eR 

Pid AN 4 

yp lll 
i Ss MTN H 


od ois Iho ee i 

Sydleys jin 

y Higham bepods yO ee 
Efex; The ocr forte feldometenits = es 


x: Thetime. 

They 6 Gower in May and Iune, 

_&The Mattes. 

* The piture and vertues. : 

Steed Sebcieot I Ihaucinm 'Yy 

rea or 

, burfti ings, andrup- 

good fucce fe. 

Adders to 


In 1c roe8 

greene W wounds, had great experience, and 

Of cAdders sesh Chap. 84. 


% The defeription. 

Pica or mies Ser, Sea ae called in 
Englifh Adders. toong, fe Adders 

Thaue feene an other like the former;in root sftalke, 
and leafes and differeth in that that this plant back 

Vet of | 

fame fafhion , which if my judgement ‘faile mr 


shy 1} L ¥ ] bas 2 Be: 1 

to thinke , for that in gathering of twentie 
ce of the leaues,a man fhal hardly finde one of 

% The ¢ plac 
waist sr givei in net meiowe throughour moft Parts of Englande, a asina medowe 

Cabrske in nthe ic in 

SlPReyasto’ ws = 



Waltham Hind and ary other. places 

itt... 4 

~ piegtons clin ip 


sings) ieee Lineuce, lg itis sala en 

prChri Eneephyl g oong: in 
Dutch Datertonsuen ofthe Germains Ratersuneelin, 
'-% Thenatare, = z 
_Aalneng ernie de ; 
The leanes of POE a oe 

famption of aici a and vntill the ihe: bed stich then os Hp ye amolt 

= Woort,if jeliketitee 
— thefame tobe mixed 




comparable vnto oile 

yma many reunite whofe beattie is fuch, that vi = ‘Ari 
Sree saee 

ey _ of 


Ofone Berrie,or herbe Trueloue, and Moonewoort. Chap.85. 

Herba P. 
One Benie,or herbe Trucloue. 

Lunarian wsinor, 
Sm all Mocornosi 

es | : weds Bor 
yi nave) “gah eO8 OS oa 
“* The defrintion. 
a Paris rifeth ‘vp with one finall tender ftalke handes } igh yal I ps ; 
xeloue knot; | hath b led I Burgas loue; eae 
oe h | q x Fg ee @ wr 
arifeth vp a black Lith Brownie tic: the rooteis long avid 
earth, ifpedingie el higher and hither. » a kD 
rata : Aateal gro 2. ot Lf. Ut 
7 oe Pa c. kaos 1 —- 1 teas & 
2 : } 10 1 long, bea 
the eee Sie {cedes clufterin: Bites wire being athered and laide ina platttt, 

‘ae tthe {pace of three wake there will fall fromthe famea fine duft o hae € 

Hed Lancafhire; in aaa moore by ; Conaest Z 
woods, fixe mile 8 Prefton in Aundetnefle; in Bo ocking patie ™ 5 


Cotting w oode; in ip the t norr hof E En nglan des as 

pie: rom] Past: Oeyihe 

nti ‘Heal, s = 
i heart I haue 


Suite eit growing in thele places aes thatis sa about Bathe 

nieplaces, efpecially at a place calle d Cat arey, two miles from Bruton, in are: xtclofé vnto the 

churchyarde; on Cockes heath betweene Lowfe and Linton, thrée miles fram Maidfton on nein eps, 

Itgroweth alfo in the ruines ofan olde bricke kill by Colchelte T, in the g pound of ma ct George 
Mi le 

called Mi 
Sayer, ca a Re L ' z Cc Left Fp 
ALA UE fi f 
. : ; {hy 

awoode called Faireft by Latl N gt sen welt w psa at "Grin ngl a8 
‘ oS ee OE ae nfl C-} Ae York e 
&arV a0) 5 i DGFT 

Pt me ee | I, by 

the ae of ileal ache in Shiels 3 A ted fer soe pe Canbatec 5 and many 
other plac 

% The time, 
rr-ehe D yin Anrill eh |: J CAL 
Crnll AA ‘ iS Sere ye 
Onc Bertie If lled herbe [rue] T wrk 2 
. oe pate oy a be SH ad WT. aa 2 é he W.4 hi Af pe ‘a , 
3 bo S SE AES 0/088 
: % The nature. ; é 
S24... roaet.. > 14 ee fea 1. ‘Cc Ca « r 
r f =) é r ee 
Lunaria minor is ae and drie of pee 
The verbnes. : By eee m 
A, = VW. f pint say 2 - 
fp a> Oo” ae deg d. 
Pa crticponcerof on herbe drunke in lil halfe a fj full ‘ ng 

Thef. fameis miniftred with great eet vnto fuchas are become ao or without -ynder- B 
ftan Rang, hip miniftred as is afor y g by thefj 
Mathiolushaue se Si hick here hath beene fi 

yoo ofF 
sonbyeic goth tacciene Pepaie 2 Lobel; a ind Pepys Pe. Ha, W ho hatin ngof 
that it was one of tHe aes €s, Po fe ile a ies, ene ge 
urt by the fa 

> uri ‘Ss Fr A 
- hot willingly eate, anaehetoresbey Bi hadi it ctainiried downe their throtes : vito offé 6 é 
they gue this antidote getie Je in alitdle eae ese he recouicred his fottier He: 
againe; thin afew whowerst ine died cindtit 
RE Sal! 2395 hd (itn Yo-9qgos 9: 


Tait béoed: engoaio b: ise eceit. 

R. sri SA ld am, Cr iuetrom osha 2 
Sete ceymeres ,radicum Althe. heaigh Pybbdcoo, tiff, Corticis Mezer ae 255°. grano- 
: Paridis,N 24, — “Siig ti == site 6. Exn ried ates radicé- 
oe atis if om Tai MTT De 
Meat S52 ; +3 
Théfiegples in Gerensie do vfe theleaves of Paris Herbein snd weaiaa it; bo chentlchitis c 

Very $00d,as reporteth Joachinews Camerar ws, who likewife faith, tei wider ofthe tootes 
Par dot peel cet the gi ge at d paine of the collic 9 
aot Moonewortis fingularto hea it ftaieth the bloodi EB 
a hae been ved fee aa Sr esige Spd ontdibsaedsoodcr ial, who fay, chat 
ethemto all fro 

id o 

io, : one ph cepehierneg wee 
fingulat for wounds ac a oe sa 

Of Winter greene. Chap.86. 

One blade 



K Kee 

Ny Bs 
ws cay 
Ne Sy Hi gh 

Pig tip 

ges oe - Ny 

ig an 

ep o AS 

AS ry 1 
+ ate ‘ sre 
5 son “Cori tbennd IOAR: ref fer. ye! 
yrve olahath man nian re 
mine oe ke aos pape 

d ¢ ground, 
lon ox V-nifolm, batha leate not much vali ke the Ste, leaieok Iuie, schon 
Ss Saree amaine leafe, which agieseates doth alwaies {pring foorth 
Bopsebh : it bringeth ypon his fidestwo leaues, int fatfinsikethe 
at the t i h fle 3 = fae; ae foorth fine f : 
= een fect d berri 

> ~ af 
39 ae rere 

fdale,and Craveyint och plan pind 

potty et Se hs 

Se are 

i hin Tune and Iuly,and ge and fomm 
: los = fowrerh in in May,and thet i aes Sepenber, 
ea lel scilledinoghto RX? gi oe ee 5 fj: fe? 
according 1 g Gob — W J: Tr a 7 . oli Sapte. Englilh 
OnebialerOnsite, : : : ah 

2 a i matt 

ants almots like the leaues: sobtate bue si 

= Seis tS like cae which igs 


* The mature, 
& ana ishote = drie of fcomplexion. 
% The vertues. 
lai ffi dly ardly, theleaues A 

whereo! fftamped a nd edicdiet nes iticemade intoan ynguent, or ores Gilncsaictsw waxe,oile, 
and turpentine, doth cure wounds, vicers, and fiftulaes, that are mundified from the callous and 
tou: ughma matter, which keepeth t the fame from healin ng. | 

fC. J Codes Ls clesins, eps ee | | 4 re 

the rosa Sonkep added thereto. 
s of AA Monephyllon, or Vuifolinm, are of the fame forcei in wounds with a eff ene G 

“Shall 1, Lett 

fect area ar ftthe peftilence,. and allpoifons,. 
and the ficke go to bed and {weate vpon it. = 

~ Of Lillyi in the valley, or M ay Lillie. Chip 87. 

mae seormmysliecr. aa = ms pA era ibis seb A 
Conuall Lillies. “°° 8 7 Reg Coma ot see 


3 32 
The fecond kinde of May Lillies, is liketh yrefp in vatieth or¢; 
fereth,jin thatthis kinde hath reddith 4 ghrrol he f fined: cae ae 
a pie 2 
£ a lance: NCcre to 


The firft h 
Lee in Effex,andv 
That othe -iiad foves os red le iro in sari — 1 poe the pe StOn, 
ing inmy garden. 
pw EL he time. 

TL a 

i 7 ok Th jenames, 

ae toong aie panes : the Lowe Dutch Seven Blocwkeng + ¢ in Tronch Mugact wes: yet 
Muguet, commonly namedin in Englifh Woodroof, 

thereis likewife another herbe which they call ew 
IiscalledinE Englith Lillie of the valley,or the Connell Talli, and May Lillies, and inkcaiapeae 
They are hote and drie of complexion. 
"TL a Cel %7.11 T cui: * The vertues, 
A. ay 1 Pe 1 1 diftilled he ree) id nke the q pit fa fpc fll re 
againft the goweandcomiore ie — nn 
B coche cakes i kened and diminifhed ; it helpeth 
flammation of the cies being de ape thereinto, : 
Cc “The omersofMay i llies ¢ ill of lofe ftopped forthe fp 
noes ye ea 1 ya Pe tae: Lonialt 
of the gowte, b i Tees oe ee ps ea a 1 bes 
ois Sea Pineal. o 87. 
Limonium parnum. 
* Suite Latentka 

—— Ves 

5 FH 

i eis ee 


% The deftription. 
UW epee iS f r i -4 hetie thie nt : 
B oo : Reels . me L Pk EA Ci ext 
ONIN ree oO, t=) Hye . : L 1 me RD a Te is 
aoe Atathiolus, L dan 3 b Ls a} i. Aj se Ae iic. (* i ee | 5 nor yetex: 
ivaed wi “ 73 L L SE red ] rs }. 
Now chen toleaue pea cs and cauilling, the true : Liniontsan: is va which hath faire leaues, 
like t=) 3 : o - 
: ichleaues ifert hard and brittlenaked ftalke,ofa f h,diuided at the top into fandry 
lee g for tl {tpart ypon theone le, full of. little > blewifh flow. 
ers,in thew ite liane ith long redfeede,and a thick 
pe . t ES I we 1 ff ck 1.7 ; which groweth ypon rocks 
-— chalkie cliffes. 95 sido od The places: 9! 
, } 4 J. Fe | os ae “3 } Wi 6.01 1. 
S Tl e CCL ; | Cl {} 1 x bv pf 1 A L 3 
ingi tur: é Pf S es 
vechand many other inves 1636, Ba dis sree 
3 Cu ee L T L 1 Li T1-3, Le & G L 
CAA {. c 4 ‘ = he 
*T fete ae a in in and uly. ell 
_ Iefallbeneedllleco trouble es with any. other L f heir tiel 
+ A AL a Fi J oa T>, usa abe . y 

The feed of Lizioniumis very singe or ing 
Thefeede beaten into powder,and d shele » ftrangurie,& Dy 
fb tevin as aforefaid, ftaieth th hflowi im sank 


Of Serapias Turbith, or 1 Sea Stare. aks 88. 
» A Tripolwn vulgare. Sea Stacwort, 


Qe i “PY He firltkinde of Epohi ee sh ath longand 
Pas —_ tte fomewhat hollow or furrow- 
NL Yip’ 

dy ed, of a fhining greene colour declining toblew- » 
4 WA Xt l ca Wo i 

another Lndeot Tr Trip like the 
ference. |.” 
Thefe deen na along the Englith 

" ‘ean many places ; as by the fort againft 

cipecialy er it ebbeth an ing 
+ _— . brought oo gest ol ane : 
a there itwaxcth huge, grear, ke; and chan- 
FAN an geth the egeniocer ofan NGS. nc 


= % The | 
eS ’ Thefe herbes do sory ie. 
ine % The 


m3 ‘Thenames. | ‘ 
° 12:8 ” a c. ee! 
> 5 bicaufe je 
e Lo % 2 1 A 1 CL: rel 1 + cA ae 
eC rd 
1 chang hi st i ye ide de the wot "pa 
“aoe “ EL ar Te ae ee ee dae 
HOF . planted inmy garden. whither(ahis 
flan) lid repaire to finde out thetruth hereof, but Icouldnot eff y fuch variablen are 
i Alen God Reg | SS PSR SBS 
. . . S flow. 
ers: fo it fell one with this, whi een g y faire, but fee d 
Jour, Whic isaasieiibsclonbes inci hich Diofcorides writeth; thati 
S.: > CL TY Shee S87 = CA by 5 ee winseable 
¢ re wers n tt + ge : git tsi > atnoonep isles 
¢ 1 f. 1. eer 114 Oo) AE | oe ee Bel Pe the flowers 
el . is 1 1 a oe 33°...% A Jaf a lel ae 27> as 2 4 1. < 1 ie awe 
oa ah. a J eR ati a 0 
to be vnderftcod: ‘ofthem thata begi d thofe thar 
sting away. Fortheythat are blowing eee open Sone, seo a purplitheo. 

alling a 
te downe: which ch anging happeneth ynto fundry other plants. This This-herbewt called of 
Se Turbith : swomen that dwell by thefea ne calli it in Englifh blew Dai ies, orblew Camo- : 

pa oa: [ LI greatly d gt 

caledin oot Gocaneaa o- =e Sma ,itmay be ‘el wie After Marinis,or Ame lls Marin 
in Englifh Sea Starwort ened mbatenh aoe Blew Daifies ies. _ The Arabian Serapio, dotheal 

Se a Starwort, Tur ith, 
is therooteo of Apu. Mefues iudgedit to t fan herbe like Fennell. - The hiftorieof 
ral th We, 35° A 7f ] 1 . 
He siiernateget : 
poner a og - 4 Li.33 


A The roote of Tr; Tripolinm taken in wine, ba ake <A ince of twodrams,, a deal fe —- 
mith and groffe humors,for which caufei itis often § giuen to the mi thathau 

see of wounds either outward or inward, = 

Of Turbish of Aa Calton 

* Theieripion. 
f eit wilt ortingale phifition faitk hat Turbithi rootewhich 
J isneither tb nor ot cog the ftalk is of a {pan long, fomtimes ast res er thicke, which 
=" ereepeth in the’ gro Iuie , and bringeth forth leaues like thofe of the marith Mal : 
lo. Ths fo flowers bealfolike thofe of the Mallowe, ofa reddifh white colour: the outwardriné 
choofethat forthe t belt whichis ae eesiae. a reede, brittle, andwith aba 

Re BES Nsw llar a greaterprte 



Turbith Alexandrinumo Merion: 
Tur peswm,or Turbith o: 

the px 


— grow 

tit may receiue the vapors 


The plat 
weth by: “as fea fide, ‘bite yet not foncere 
sthat rife from the 

and thatin vntril 

led. —— rather moift then drie, is founde in 

Cambaya,Surrates,in the Il 

places hard adioinings 3 alfoi in Gunatates, where i 
A 3 

and in 

re) i a7 

fitis f hri Perfi Ase lca: little Affa. and 
ay 4 ye! be L 1 . to , h:.l = 1 
x 3 i 
in Cambaya. 

Itis called of oy Abin Peni ians 4s pee nae 

Turbith: andin G uzarata 

names, acco 

out betw 
i: vie anh polsiecs 

to their fe 
hath bie a finde controuerfies as it 
e Her 

oO want : but which ‘plane i is the true Turbith, v we 

pee) marinum, defcribed in the former fe 8 

ter to be Turbith: others haue fuppo 

fed it 

o bee 

one of the (se eer but which kinde they lair 

thar the r, 

not : Guillandinus 

f Tthi« 

malus mir finitiss is ie crue Turbith; which caufed 
L'Obeli iss and Pena to plu ucke v vpby the Tootesall 

Se ears L: 

j}. ic AA - big 1 


sha 3ue 

; ginend iiue uers n names vnto th 

4 1; ties Fy i J; 


is pl 
sbut this name Turbith they f 


fegme. asthis plant doth. So ‘that as men | haue thoughe ae a ing, | penilocs ei hatie 

whofe roote is the true Turbith. But brief 

y to fet dowfie mine opinion , not varyin gon es 

eh ren which are of f great experience I thinke pecialyth that the roote of Scammonic 

ioch is 
- forthatIha i £§ hich gi my garde, and compared them 
ieroot f furbith, b hI founde littl difference pall 
iy emperature and verties. a : 
Thelnan pions dovfe i ie to Thro ome, Ide gin. A 
Str otherwife they ae itwithout itin the broth ofa a chicken, and fometimes in fame water, 
. - Mefueswriteth at Turbith hB 
7 or the ftomacke, , cheft , finewes , and out of the furthermoft parts of the bodie: but 
S ess &> 
: e, and oth ealmondes, or almondes 
pn ae lt the bodie with the ioc Thole oe cand al ltaway. Others tem: 
Peritwith date 
thespotleseue cian Guarie) | pune citi th din continual! 
“ expertphifitions, ae 
eis giuien at one time of this Turbi ah lefle) hemoft he de- C 
coon rin the — three or eases j 


Of Arrowe head,or water Archer, (Chap.9e. 

% Sagittaria maior. 

2 Sagittariaminor, 

Great Atrowe head, . Small Arrowe head, 

Stylin seer eis 

- % Thedefeription, 

etisfAtect Pr: 

WS <a 


Salles mea Phere 

A L > feage eres A Rr} ees , in hapelies 

= Aa 

“2 The fecondis like the firft 

: ae 
- 4 Legit Oo 
vius, or rather like a bearded b 1 

h rifethvp 4 

figne Sz re 
_ fatand thicke ftalk, wo or three foote 
of three 

ing to alight carnation, compact nee which being 
knops licen alamo The roote confifteth ofmany ftrin 
and sctislnndehath 

5 ERS fA 

Bid at the top many preticw — flowers 

ome aftet 

eth and 
fmaller leaues mass towers 

hi nde pe like the k Je Arro 
¢ endes of tender foote ee among which rife vp long 
‘agreenifh co om the middle whereof to thetop d flov 

ei threddie. 

% “. 

3 Sagittal 




tanv Anoultstolis 
os ¥ 

ater Plantaine, 

2h J Seepia 
a Accherot Altoh’} 
ict Tfitide not any thio 
de ne: J Cee side 
. ssi sk 

Fs: tick ni gait: Hib. zomisinglTb 
'f water Plantaine. Chap .ors SS 
2 Plantago iquat humilis Divarfe water Plantain. 

% Theplace. 
Thefe herbes do grow in the watrie ditches by 
faint George his fielde neere vnto London; in the 
I don; it t i¢ ditches neere the 

$5 asnamely inthe ditch neeré 
the place of execution, called faint Thomas WVa- 

*“ trings not far from London, 

C2 abe pimiee 
SS" Phey fowerin Maieandtiine. 

¥ ie 



Og phelnthue and vepeiage 278 
“Vf sts dering sper 
OHcerRIN their vértues, oF teniperament’, bur 
dubtlene thevare Colde atid drie in Gaalivie’ ait 
are like water Plantaing in facultic and tempera- 
masts BABA 3 

Ty a, GE Pte ae 
to 2oa10} 22syib sda 

oie phy 
sicthtalcsnlwal 1 


ot. were ope. 
cle EN he ater 


He firftkinde of water r Plaintaine cutie creat igre! leaues like the lande le Plantae ba 
oO 1 , garnifhed re infic pet 

foote high, deuiding it felfe i {l I 
. rs Eo Bes PSE ieee: “a h 
wher ba £. 
g whe is the iced, The 

rooteis asit were agreat tuftof ea or thrums. 
nde kinde, hath long, little, and natrowe leaues’, much like ~ anne recalled 
iM are” ‘Placed 

2. Thefeco: 
ng which rif 
white {potted Lee Se confit ifting of, ont dence pens which being. fallen, ate: ie toyour 

WOOIL. amo 
view r etiaase of rough burs : the roote is 
Thefe herbes Braweahout the brinkes ota mts sponde and ditches cosy 

They flower Fae 9 Ah ‘till Auguit’ | 
cia pape oe ee The Re ganas 

fir kinde is called Plantago, 
sare thee is,th eae ine 
~~ + Peart iscalde, and seic afte temperate a i i) 
ertues. eae ky 
me toe paid » ate good to be pie spon the le of 

ee Of Land’ PlisZine ‘ Chap. 92. 
_ & Thekindes, 3 ape : 


“RIS Geos ba it 3 
a | 
P- aa TS a 

f* CT Ini 

rte lati (Pind @.8 

ri scot wees ‘es d Plan 

mp ne 

pS _oranteinl LY 
AS e 


% The defcription. 
A Sthe Greckes hae called fome kinde, a pent: see toong, Dogs to toong, and Dice 

atte 1 fos ktes j =e eat i . 1 1 1 dd J ea ; tai L L 
3.1 ne 3 £ } “ 1 a be Mon o 
par and hae ' 3 
3 Planta blatifablo mor. » 4 Plantago aneuStifolia minor 
Small broad {leafed Plantaine. Small narrow leafed Plantaine!) 

Ant. Bate ; 
% The ber iption. 

3 The fall Plantaine hath may tender Ieaues ribbed, like vnto the great Plantaine, aadisvery 
like in each refpe@ vnto it,fauin auing that itis alrogither lefler. 
4 Thenarrow leafed ed Plancaine’ is like vnto oof fm nal Plantae faving tha the leaues —— 
Peaieenesrenseacadie she ice 
: eed a # Th defiription, Rr : 
“4 The fpiked R Di Se Soe E iri i t hiig, Seteawlr ho Preis s4 
‘antaine, th rere aga cig 1 
VP fa green colour ten: ae eee a on 
et aerate g itis sn 
lantaines aboue mentio : 
AB Thefixt kinde of Beta beenea anger in England, a1 nd elfewh heim 
aoe hereof. gThe caufe why T fay fo, is the want of confideratiomof that beautie, oats isinthis - 
Plant, wherein it excelleth all the other. Ripa Fe eee beaiienee every cel 
ime : leffer m thau : 

Bound like aRofe 3 among which rife vp mal aes te other Pa i 
Slog Ye feeder, aleopithes oes ae 

és sae 

PlantagoR fh 6 Plantago Ro oF te 
: = ee Plnaie Seangetoe Pama 


SA . 


a . 
ya! <s = 

% The place. 
ees crv si do grow ae where, : 2: eee a 
with brackifh water. as : 

ESS, _aThetine 

= % The names. oie Gh stoi £ dont one 
a Plantaineiscalledin Latine Pint, bur 
~ Lambestoong 

lantago, and sgl eucauia 
a ong. The Apothecaries keepe the Latine name: in cali spt ie Pe Plansagune:’ 

teed ¥en palate etd: ink Eng. Plantaine and 
Wags om in French Plantain, havi ae 
= The temperature. 

eee ianit ‘as Culb ich: is ofam Sek heise sn foi Wail in fe w Gepsice waceid coda 
witha little harfhineffe, earthie, axe alent The ich re they are cold eye 
= ges Tobi they are drie without b iting, and thoutbenumming. Therooteis ci 

: oor nes - The feede is of Ebi panel and of temp alae 

* The vertues. 

Av Pieitiic seabed fory t flux iffues, eenodl 

- and forthe bloodie —- K ean ee ee yp hollow Gies. and ier ei a 
‘Oldeasnew: OF all the Plantaines 


iuice or deen of Plantain drunken, ftoppeth the bloodie flixe and all other dats 
she belly, oppetiche g of blood, icing of Bld, with all other iffies of Liter 
_ womanjand the diliee vo Voie! ; 


sthebeft, andexcelleth the reft ie : 


Fecio the termes akinogh it haué Sohaucd many yecres, st 
1, 5 Leh 7 
Thé roote of sOF 
palliges ofthe liv srk ts 3 - 3 Pe Re i 55 nee . Cl. 1d ; a pants 
Theitiice droppe ] it i ion th in in ancient E 
writers ttian'y Good morrowes, whi ik not meete!to ioe into 9 your: memorie againe, 
that three rootes will cure one gricfe, fower anot ther difeafe, fixe hanged about the neeke are good 
for an other maladie jee Allwhichare but ridicutons toies. 
} 4 1 Pe 
Pe oe saan if loigen abisite nib ule seaetries * 3 
- Theleaues of P ate sinoteaniped) Sep into oile oliue; & {erin the hor funnef 
ther, and after boiledi in akettle of feething (which we do call Balnea Marie)S iftrained 
prevaiethag; po the yarde‘or matrix(being d Ae otheess, orcaft 
colt 4 fs h ge vb a) 1 + 
ai J 2 J, AAA fi, 7 j. rt f 2 Re TE ga" 3 ¢ fundamen ie joued by 
<0) Bene 
eae nie “Of Rbweor: ug gi Sou» Seabees 
‘I ge ail aS aa: 4 °Pliahage phat jor 
Ribwoor Sic area a Pei Gl 



the flowers of 

Sect Np & The defiription. ’ 
one sere ae pee coop nerues or tae ro efor it scape 
opadigerditnp aad Ph > LL: a L ee 


2 ReeRib APE ] } i] 1 fa dAnel 1 q 
“1g Ney L load Mtn +l bs Dit ot rent svete a i ftalkes 

furrowed, chamfered, Galinich psy, pel tie ; 
large tuft of fi re that. gt ow pineal ¢ groun making one entire ite taf or 

a esn mabe eon the ea I sonst cord to giue it pape forname role) hig 
% The place 

thalmoft borde aie of path wales, and fertill fieldes,.. 

Rok eRsbpodorys is not-very commion in any. poe notwithftanding i it groweth in my garden, and 
wilde alfo in »in thenorth parts of ’ Englandes 3 and i in afielde neere mie rs a a village a eee 
don and very skil. 

full in Sein them. 

by a ra Ig val L 1 

"eThetine ols 2 

% The names. 
__ Ribwoortei is called i in Grecke marriveeys in Te Guingcnri, and Lance ae or lama eae 
in lowe Dutch sae bts tbbe,that i is vole 
inbdene Coftacamina , or Dogstib: in Englith Ribwoo fia Ribwoort Plantaine, 
ra pe feo ond I haue Haha meete ro call Rofe Ribwoortin Englifh 9 and a ae Rofésin 

_* The temperature. 

oa se The vertues. : as 
: ear. Chap.94.. 
—_ $ ‘Sab : 2 Holoftewm paruamn, 

1 Holostewm 
_ Homing Plane ; Small fea Plantaine, « 

Pie oxre OF PLANTS, | 343 

The defer. 
I Cz Arolus Clufasthat excelletit leasoad (Herbeiy hath referred thefe two forts of. of Holoftewm 

ynto the kindes of fea Plant 

narrower , couered with an. ouerworne greene colour 2 with fome hearine‘Te or 

tere C. ve rid la = L 1 ! >. L s TLL 2°01 “i 
of ntaine: sew roote is stig and dood, 
2 2 fecond is like the former. like to Coronopus, or the lefler Rib 
3 Se aeemag 4 Holoffeum Petraym. 
Sea Plan Mountaine Plantaine. 

Godt Uwe os lutsbagrt “eh 

‘ Nec dia 
2 = anarctians ee 
| Lawkogo igs 7S di 
J the thitdeki ony Ae Bee See eee, B's . ee Wy eee | 7 t Ul ickes horne, 
| ‘ fid olan 2 

ta feft i 
fife thecommeon nde {maller. 
4  Theteisa little graffie plant ESonwenpon n ftonie mountaines and rockes couered with graffe, 
called Sy fe oe any graffie saa ii bentie, rough and fhearing, as Sheere 
Laine eee ee 
eT redde: 

eee bln the Ile o pNcoti anid in the Iles of Garnfey an 
me bit we neere vnto ne fea fid ein all the places about Eng ie Thaue tra- 
io tbecially ithe fortes on bor ! 5 
Lecin Effex; atRi¢in Kents a at Weenie and sapere: Z es 
% Then Z 
— isalfocalled meat iaas¢ iePlataine albida, 0 or 1 Plantago Hifpanienfis : in nEnglih sii 
flowing fea 

Y4 — % The 


he temperature and ver 
G Galen faith,that Holoftiumis of a tbinding and ahs fycultie. 
Reaper soa? rier haue oma itto be fuch an excellent wounde herbe, thati it nee 

; Ifpeakeir, + if ick f p h y E 5 of flefhare be boiling, itwill foder them 
it ther 
= Thefe herbes haue the fame a and vertues that the other Plantaines haue, and are 
thought to be the beft of all the kin 

Of fe Breteler tee 95. 

4s 1 Coronopws. 3 Corona ia Serpemtna inn 
-  SeaBuckehorne, Small Sea Buckhorn 

= eae = ee “se The defeription. a eee 
: ee gt He new wri foll i rom i ‘by tt dition, thof i haue\ nit nee 
—s i ata See 7 C1) ra [Te 2 by ones : 

ches; which hath wrought fuch confufion and corruption in writings, thai that fomany 
Hfirsdrie 0 opinions ,as he ane palace te eo sip And 
‘this {ca 

. akinde of rather 
Vetonica fyl ie of ater ye ota Le pane 
of Holostium or Scena seteeisite ccc taine arguments, testicle we s hau neuet eet 


ie veaigeen vato the Spertiet, sige eee 


s neere the wafhings of the fea at re in ot plentie, ghintiai disieerthe 
Tragaganthum, — a moft t thic eke an 5 after the manner of ‘din 
nt Geeiotsreting wing s ftiffere 22 ab Wie Ha cAant re 3 ‘tan arenine fee 
si Irhath theta of lame a pe i Z lg 2 = fle cies, 
Lice roote is fomewh 

DI mt Le f 

Thefecond proba rybu 
cunt and flenderneffe of *his ftalks, and the fi nalneffe of his nee which exceeds not he 
f the bare 

ren nmountaines - Shara, and Narbon in Fraunce. t 
Coronopus fiue ferpentina minima 
Small Bu setresthats Plantaine. 

% The de[cription. 

3. This pe ge sack is likewife one of the kindes 
of fe aPlane fB 

£377, A L; ©. 
fea Plntine Tt hath many sae Icaues, very ie : 

be Thrifte ; amo’ = hich come foorth 
i ede footettalkes , whereon do growe fmall 
nops like thofé of, fea Plineaines Ther roote is 

sca and threddie, 

%& Thedeferi iption. 
Moufetaile or Cauda muris, refemblth the laft 
kind of wild Coronopus or fea Plantai all {pikie 
nops, leaues and ftalkes, finoe t 
the contrarie,but — I ree: as well place this {mall 
ds of Coronopus or 

as other writers have ‘Placed kindes of Holottinmin 

oe, this may be tolerated in me,confi that 
without t controuerfie this little and bafe ei is a 

lee {pred on Bec aninch long orfome- © 
more; among which dorife {mall tender na- 

litle bla ickith torch , ot fpikie knop “a Nes 
thar Se 

‘taile: - a moufe, ped it tooke his at “The 
roote is {mali seat oe 

The firtt and fecond The plat thefe lants ate 
it P ha oe 

_ in Englandsnotw. ing Lhaue heard f2 
stoi, ee ‘they growe ypontherockes inS Gamneyand 
ehhvo “lisse +. the lle ofMan “les ~ 
“EMLIt3 6 Shoei 4 

aneeest  Moufetaile gr roweth.v upon a b arrenditch banke 5 
“ neere vino. gate Veatingin into a pafture, on the 
ae ae the way as yougo = 


village called Hampfteed s ina fieldas you go from Edmonton, a village neere London 
houtethe thereby: ca Pims ~~ the pisocpali fides 5 in Woodford Rowe i in Waltham fo; read 

The time. 
They flower and flourifh in May and sl 
& Then. nares, 
a 7, hs L 
ja and Si ity, E = Age ; for that there be other ce sich: may re becalled 
I tk Englifh wild fea Plantaine,wherof doubtleffe they 

tL. per 3! 

AA Y oT SS 2B “ -in Greeke pricsess, or pds bug? 
. Fg JAA v5 1 
=) Ge 

‘T. fh, RI 

led in Latine Candz A44 MY iS 5 

whapnly ee ee 
a er temperati 

: ‘ é er wre. 
. AA f CBS 4 | EW od LL: 

Lut 7 

1 LY. 

eect akinde of saat or — — 
<< The vertues. 

"TL oe Lorne, 

Of Bor Plantaines,or Harts borne. Chap 58 96. 

2 = oromopus Ruelly. 
Swines Creffessor Bucks horne, 

I Corn BWR, 
; fae “ian 

Y _% The defiription. e a = + nthe fides mitt 
ower fhort ftartes or cna es,tefemb the braunches ofan Harts ho: ' 
¢ ground likea 2 eg ee che middle wherco peingp all, — 
do knops or fpiki¢ torches, like thofe of the 

whereof do grow li 
and theeddie. | oe 


HISTORIE’ OF ipa aches 347 
= 1 c..: Cc Tq 1 } LR. MN 1 has. 
2 abe eat . . ea 4 a at a fa haz 1. 
neere at t 2 p9, eh 

former,but {imal {nothing at ali haitie, h wers groweamo ong the leaues in 
Gaal) rough clutters, of an herbie g th colour; hich senppet: there come in place litcle flac 
enaaal + 1 a" ee NOS PE eee oe 

) The place. 
Reseed xe Sih: Mis st sak hit) Geld 

rxoWetninter at Walcham twelue ile ions London , and vpon ae Heath alfo neere 

Foxe | — 1 1 1 2s } 

They f ty 

& The iaithedi 
rf * LT 

Buckest Hed in I i diuersnam eit it Herba Stella , 
and Stellaria, although there! hert Hed: inlowe Dutch Hertsh 
iy ey agrees eo ES aad ae Pe OE oe L re joa 
Pies 1 J e Ey BOR pers" saint $4 a 
> 6 - y 1. a2 1. } 4 1 n, } oe . 
refled ynder th as farenaria, OF Sand 
WOOKT, Sai  SANQuiiaria y Bl | I t I herb 
Pf ? 
*% The temperature. 
R Vt 2 in thatit bindeth. cooleth. and 
2 2 
drieth, * The vertues. 
» _ Theleauesof Bucks horne boiled. g Jeuening for certaine x A 
togither, Lb ft aS eee nee: {c ,waterie, or 1 blafted, a nd mott of th 
tL £ IL 1 In W } n 
> L oak The : L ae Rs S ip +5 | a LZ 
_ The Ieaues and rootes aoe “tals baie fale, dtied h {ts of th staketh awaie B 
0.1. 1 

fk £ 


and z “s oe ynto women and ites 

Of Saracenes Conjonns ils 97. 

ee he Saracens Confoun 

he defer iptio 
Aracens Co’ ath unde hath porniene BerOW. 
beans ane E feiebely fnipt about the ed 
ong w fe vppe faire browne hollo 
se sof the height of temas cubites; alongw 
euen from the bottome to the top istecwi rh long, 
fmall, and narrowe leaues , like theme 

low flowers which turne into oe and eared 
ay = the winde.The roote is verie fibrous 

_Seens Confond <a as yee 
a place 

alled Clare in the faide econ; Be iraricce! 
ponaeieal plants intomy garden. 
he time. 

It fowreth in cis agen’ feedeisripe = pete 
moneth, : 

Sethe name 
Saracenes Conoande is ealledi in Latine Solidago 
6 on folida 

Saracenica: in D 
of fome Herba pitt Englifh Saracens 
found,and Saracenes Woundwoort, : 

% The mature. 4 

Copy Sees ‘ c, ve * 4 bE } , > | By 2 5 oat. “ne 
% The vertues. 
Saracens Confit di inferi f tl Je hert hatfc 5 bei g inw: 
* i , SS A s +] Shs ta. Fe ] an nis mis 
niftred, or: PE Cartwright a ag 
of Grayes Inne, | {] Jed be | dthatcb 

oS 7 ovo : 2 1in fhort 

B a The leaues boiledi inwater and es doth reftraine and ftaie the wafting of the inert 
ad i Flong 

continuance. a! ; i 


Lt. mM 
therewith seuaeis it seorelet alfothe vertue and ee mt lotion or rating waters, app 
BY aS ae 

is Fa 
Of Golden Rod. Chap. ge surgi 
1 irga “ny ea. 2 Virgaanrea Arnoldi Villamonani, 
G <= og Arnold ofthe me towne so63 is GoldénRod 

Ci i Sy Ses 

2 Tr re fe . ¢. Se a Se 2 eT ae f the it dee 
bed, fmooth, with fome fewe cuts ornicks pee edges, ie inted of ahotand 
cei teeing ewed ; 'w which leaues are fet vpona faire reddith ftalke, whereof it took 

ssh ag peed the [hold forb ofa a ‘yellow colour, whereof fome haue co 
with widen ee The (mall, aie PB re 

aims OF PLANTS. 349 

The place. 
They both growe plentifully i in Hampteed wood ee vnto _ Ere me apt out of the 
wood, V not far from Londo ood by Rayleigh in Effex, 
treba a Gentlemans houfe called Mafter Leonard, tat tie Vv valt Dines heath; in = s Alcete, 

“ie JT hetime. 
They owe and Boh inthe endof Angel 

“sealed in Englith Golden Rod in Lavine Pirges area, ~ bicanfe the branches are like a gol- 

den ri 

WYSE * T) Each = 
ee es Dn SE Re ee | witenh cd ithe arden = hey 4 

Gold er ion orbin- 
ding ieee ; : 
MELKSAT % The-vertues. 2 © 
Clided Rado we! . Sa . } hence: and evnolisrh cl } 
i $ y 8) f m5 and A 
Lm Ge a: . a 1 j fee “1. l 4 
oN hapa ae 
ARR AS ? of ‘the ftones 5 5 and pale the oat or he which i is 
bee rs } oem oad - “1 - 
tebe st ES RP AEE ry ee ee eS ae ‘43 
ha 5 
; hok fe dis reported that itcan an filly ; 
sidoencull dashes that ‘Saracens sConfund cau’: nih in my padi fhall be placed in nthe 
— ranke, i x 
1 Ces | if 7 is a a Pe 
7. - L a W: t 17) ’ = P Cc 
. > a =) - 5: iy : Ns 
Isenoled sboveal other aber for he ft pping f blood in fa I 1 1 blee- D 
py ds y: a: . Ma 44 . | nn as Se 
Ths tie ae ae vey = falda 

nba burie i in ee for hall a crownean ounce, But fince it was found in Hanpheed 

it: —— foorth our inconftancie and fudd bili ger of 
ftrange and rate, thie verifieth our reat 

“19 ict ithe) hodth Salt adi 

Phil siege sia they haue found an approoued medicine,8¢ perfect remedy neer home again nft 
wr difeafe ; yetnot contented with that, they will fecke foranew farther off, , and by that meanes 
many times helpe. sled 

y times hurt more than they ) gt 
lowesbacke: againeto éfteeme better of this adrhirable plant than they haue d 
oe ~ on that chen i i had, 2 hit d fc h 

Of captaine A ndreas Daves his Woundwoort. Chap.9 9: 
8 4 ein “a 

Ti His plane hath long thicke Hid tar fharpe poitited , of a blewith’ greene like vnto 
ave tae being broken with the hands hath a pretie fpicie fmell. Among thefe leaues 

P U apeiah the hei ag os tallman, dinided at the top i into many other branches, 

The i toore “cea lebora eh uh pit a tier pope ee oe 


ly indeed atheedgesand noc fax and ae : 

;fomwhar blunt- 


ie Doria L’ Obely. a 
yor as Woundwoort, ve The place. ida o 
Wipe NZ 

aforefai aide, 

Sih: sia aoe Soretedin in fe ai about 
- = oi7 

SUD Seip 

ips “Theroonesare iene inv, dha ik 
and dees orsciwob da 

no ce = NY % “AWO abe cS, 
_ eer a7 iled in wine and gitien:to drinke,draweth down 
Ly ee ae carn ouoketh vrine.!,} : 
B- yw <7 Ss baw¢The famecis:with good tuecefle vied.inmed 
wt ( cines iechast expel oil’. cr Nemes 
ss yes 
ut 3 Lipe ras é ¥ 
se 8 fs 9 01 a 
: ¥ roms " 
% pelts Bia 2 Shor - ; doushn aH 
‘ — sick 
bre Maas of Felnonr, or 7 Ballnon tips FA Bis soviet 
fe ag abst piled sacle! ou.3e DOE mh 
oy Herebe diuers forts of Gentians or Fel fi cerns 
: a if, be faa ff:.and alf {. 2 one bis us aeine | 
_ oo Ae Be ee fee ee et te ntc hapter 


2" ‘ : deter, 
He firft kinde of Felwoort h ao great sis see not vnlike to thofe of Mcgee vey 
“4 well meee a“ leaues = the white Hellebore: among pre Ae Pa around hollow 
hicke as a mans thombe, liketh 

ee St of iointsor knees oi 
every ioint orknot fer rounde about with fmall | yellowe ftarlike flowers! eae coronet or’ ‘ 
atthe k 

: gabracing 
ot clipping the ftalke i in 9 place rounde about , fer — by couples one eppede ite aah a 
other. The fede is fmall, browne, 4 iIlodower. Ti 

= root finger thicke. Then whole pies is of abitret tafte, 

. Oa hus fer ‘lee cs sis tof great. pom | tifing foorth of in groan 
_Aiitte,firme or folid tt ats eaues like vnto 4, byc uples one eppoti gainft ato 
ther euen sbi of the b tothe top. i certaine dif ene from the bo: che leaues the 
th fet vpon lender footeftalkes certain se astiliee Rewehste eke igus t 

ciceth nf ices corners. The whole flower changeth many times his. colour ots 

bi dae cote 

the foile and. wand th Vs | 
-athes. The roore and feedeis ike the precedent. > ee 
: wae 1 Gest: 3 

HIST ORIG OF « phaasied LHT 
1 Gentiama maior. ‘Great Felwoort, wee 

Gentiana maior 7z: me 
> Bal cae Felwoort 


sang, Si co 

& Sun oe sha 

biLiL ord mete ; 

ei ST * 
oi Conon Crit a 
A esi ; <3 

34%. beget SEC OND "0 OK OF THE 

3 {le pr like wnts elle 
S butofadblack ol De ypweliegg inted ft ailin, mi 
leaning Sore fe] the grounde, The flowers growe a at ihe top in bundels thicke he opi le 
hi of fi ek LI 
ae Patt oer it cera increafeth, x 
MSS elton eon ie 
3 and aieco: nid Dif. 
Sy lee es g eg <7 Di y Montanus hath fet i orth in his : Dutch 
Lata Rue Ee ios boherein he greatly Tecoues himfelfe, and hathwitha falfede. 
fon wrongedoth 

2.fort or Kinde of Cociat after Clufine path a rounde ftiffe ftalke, firme and folide, fome. 
what at edith atthe bottom, jointed or kneed] like vnto Croffewoort Genti tian, The leaues are broad, 

flowers ¢ Lee vpon. {mall render ftalkes, scompact of fine flender blewifhleaves s{potted very cutie 
pal er mite ae nie little lines 5 shauing i in the middle fiue does chiues. The feede 
is fm a 

& The plac 
“Gen entian in goed in thadowie and the mount 06 Taste Slauoti ia Coca — 
Burgundie 5 pig whence mafter Yaac de Laune a eee tion» fentme planestorthees 

oe ofmy garden. Crofle tian g co aren 
Effe } f 1 j gf Ross bhD ; nd inthe hort orfe way 
bythe fame glofe. - = : hs = g 
io Ss _ eThetime Lb a. 
= ivi a 5, eae | rps Se ae Se eS Pau a) 1 ke 
7 3 F WA 
oH % The names. | ’ Se 

Gentt: Li: CW esetas 2 Cult j PSR MOS PES | 449/ C0 obo fit... Seek a Ae 
which catife it was called Gentiam after hi in Greek : which namealfotheape 
thecaties d call it Gents iti Ee glift El ne be S ian Bit ] 

- terwoort spatial Sealnieaey: 

\ Thet 
Therocetprnanseols ent) a hie ou bs Bich, clealing oP CORRS? 3 diuers i at | 
Geis fikewife bindiig ind of a bit ; 
rhe vertues. re 
A Iris excellent good, Galen faith,when there is neede of ing,purging, clenfing, andr: 
moou apcienc et swhich qualitie it taketh of hi bi 
1 for thofe tk bled witk pes and conan fis 
L an Wer C. ae | pl C.. fl 1 ulllivers an bad ftom: dl 5 Itis 
oe a fiti 1 Thert sinacalle 
fee eo are Gee 42 ube 
neat Oo are alfo broken winded, 
dD Se oe voit Sar eae 8 + itie of dram, witha little Pe 

Ps pa ee is good desea 2p sae liuer and ftomack tehelpeh igh 
 Miereaeliae ttereth ¢ ppesiiisy and is sassan all olde dialesof he 

yo Engh; ip Feloort. Cea lol. 

Aaa Rowe —— 
leat G ry ores dilper tie ; 

ted o ee cineas ts nor esl 




y 5 as it werea hollowe trunke 5 which ice itis 

oa | 

growent see ie 

the or eat Gentian ee  Plantaine, The flowers come foorth of the bofome of the  vpper as, ms rs 
ten nal! Bin eee rather the flowers of Sope- 

ac fawhitifh col tht i Then followeeh the 

feed ‘ahi ich as yet l The not aes “ 

Geutiana concaua. 
‘Hollow Felwoort. %& The place. 

' I found this ftrange kinde of Gentian ina 
mal ree of wood c “ ie o pinnie, neere 

; a fmall village i ampton fhire 
cle 'Lichbenoer cewhete I ae not es 

The tim 

Ich vise oe of t the 2 Samet in Aprill, 

- and bringeth foorth his flowers and feede in 
the end of apie 


Thanet cough good to > gine vnto this plane, 
in Englith thename gets sbeing doubtleffe 
akinde thereof. eed ch hath not beene fet 
-foorth, nor remembred ee > a hath wric 
So of dit ts vntill this tim Pt Latine we may 
entiana concsua, of the hollow leaues: 

ie hy Be calledalfo Hollow leafed Felwoort. 

% Tle temperature and ve: 
ee he faculties of this plant, as eee by 
hing, referring it nto the other 
vl time thall difclofe that, which icy 3 
and vnknowen, : 

cs ue t A 
rn A Vv é 
yay Se Fa : 

Of Baftard ai Chap.102.. 

% The Bese 

* Tisteiyc pat like tholeof che ‘al reer Arche top othe lado grow hollow 


PE re ze: FBS AC . Th SEE BE and very {mall. Th 1.01 , and fome 
fitingstheretofaftened, ; Z 

Recah cond kind ha chmany li be katt eee Le ape ee mE + 
The foes stoma topo! ties compat as thofe were Sat gow pee gain : 

w atthe top of the compact of es » of a perfect blew co 
Footeisimallandtender.» ss 

& - : ee : i Zr ; : G ; 

\ Gentianella Alpina xi. siieek 2 Gentianella Alpina ver 
Baftard Felwoort. Alpes Felwoort of xy ving 

: =. The place. tyoaieds dks 

Tha Cet alehal. wilde Ment A } + £ Helveti » and of Germa- 

hie but are ftrangers as yet in England z 
_Thefecond groweth plentifully i in Wetexdowne foreft in Suffex, in the way that atleadeth from 

Abergauenie , called Eridge houfe, by 3 a brooke 

Ree eae © eae 1 LL 
Se See 1 ie See ney Be fc eee 
: ) the } 5 b right honorable the L Oo \ 
VW Fite “ BY SO SRY AA EEE CD vay Ree S ree | eT ee AlL DEY an herr’ 
gn oa £ o = a Sad oe 
ee %. The time. ‘ 
TL 4 ig Fa Tyo A es dis EEN Wo be! a 3 ¥ 
Fa : i) Th i 
: Re Thenames. — ee. 
be pos Se a BRIO, REL eat es, ae : a se . i 
Te 4 yas ig, afwell in Englifh 
as Latine. aa 
The temperature andvertues. ; 
fant 1 ad £ y ie l py ae Zi jae | L floffe force 
cate 5 ‘ > o 

=a Of Calathian Violet, or r Autumne bell flower. » Chap.103. 

* The deeripton. 

ng the number of the a Gentians there is afmall plant, which is late before it on 
\Ps ues like 

hauing ftalks a {pan high,and fometimes higher,narrowe lea’ voto Time, 
ut the ftalkes by certaine diftances : leasrtolisecd Betis growing 
arrower towarde th 



tthe top, and narro 
we pelon tending topurple, with certaine white a corchiues i in — A 
mouth ot pean fu edie 
. oP hee 

Gran, Teton stl pea ve it bat ocieeel his ele 

34 or 
corte cour cg ai 
pocmaaile | : 

Calahin anViniee ae Pe % The place. 

nde coegnes in meadowées, ofteris 

| nKe 5 hee village cal- 
Jed Longfielde by Granefende;vpon the chalki 
..) ¢liffes neere Greene- phe & Cobham i in Kent, 
and many © ther t places. 1 It groweth 
Joafe hill Batt 5 in fis 
ey weft countrey. 

%& Thet. 
' allant flowers hereof be in their brane- 
Tie oe the end , < _ gut es in September, 

ma Theres is oad abies in nthe words of Pii- 


i Ruell- 

bs ‘Calatian Violtis iia ees :the 
othe etsare of the fpring : it hath, faith hey 
(and that truely)a little eee vnlike to thato 

the {mall 

piuots fic oe ocke gilloflower altogither without — 
sSAQOKS aes The flo rib islikes Hieckebe licuppe, grow- 
ing mine in Bra a offobeantifulla colour, 
: h yellowe 
Magide as Marea haue it, m oes utumne Violet sandfeemeth 
tobethe fame that Valerius Cordis doth call pois w hich be ir this named in 
+ {eee ungen blumen,or Lung fower sin Englith Autumne bell owers,Calathian vi io 
of fome ee ; ‘ eo 
o% a su haba bes Ze 2 
entian wher 
iiss itis alin farten ss operation, 
% The vertues. . : ae 
The latter Phi Idi aes At By pits’ Seoncess Sate pe tote Peon Sein. Te 

egctracns ba z oe i - Se is 

We Vi enus ie tia cog 104. 

%& The ata 
ides the fouies Bell_4. é il ee 
Malks whereofare tender, oa one sar saan moft commonk 
ul e leaues about the ftalkes nicke fal, edges, T 

are ie a es awhite te chiue or thred in the middle. T! The flow 

a their fe opening and as the other Bell flowers are. Tht rootes be ec flender, 
aes pase their feed, z 


Speculum Veneris, Venus Looking eee Sie 284 
¢ plac 
ssblon ughed field. Ids 
ina isl and fruitfull foile. Tfoundit tec 
among thecorne by reenechit e > as went from 

Ee Gd domme in ale and ly 
‘in in-che end of Auguft 

% Tr heaties# 
edCampana Ar, 

¢ temper iter a verte 

* -Wehaue not found an iieecerd ciel 
te vertue or 2c anal 5 Of ate t or latet 

4 z 

“Of Nec ing rater 2 A Cee, enoart. C eS 
1 Hellebor: Hellebor nee is pr acox 
ere dies } ai BbTO {Timely w ba a 
pa z 

he de fiription 

x He! firtt kinde of whice Helleboch rhach | leaues like vnto great Gentian jbur much oroader, 

to belaide VP in achefts among, ; thefe leaues rifeth vpa ttalke cubite long fet towardes 

ea there come finall huskes containing the feede, Theroote is great tand thicke, with many fi mall 
ex: oat = teat. 

1 tien. Ce ie lh a PORE A aot KLE Ly | Pe 
/ = 4 > 
re I . ae | Ce eh . } L Coxe 
= ro] ? 7d ts 
% The place. 
The aliselialich J. ae. As Be tal . 1 TOR OB oe 
t=) ae 5 
T 1 Lakhsit CNT ak lL a GR 

tf NYT, Lah SE 5] Vl 

Ap /: 
€ his 
h gro €vpon SS mountaines. of 
iio I pete ii vpon report, yetl cat ‘Not, = at titmay BE th true, Howbeit Idare affure 


The time. 
The firft flowreth in Iune,and the condi in May. 
%7 Then nares. 
ee . 1232:. Fo Verat ~ seat ame Hellebor ses albus, 2 

ll be monvect 

San The G the Dut en JDietwostels the ‘tal 
ans lel biane: the Ni fags fine blanco: the ahs Elebor blanche : and we of 


a cmperah 
The roote of white Hellebor , is aed - drie in soo eth — ; 

‘00 te of white Hellebor p ghtely , : Pitok 44 es ae a 
ay amene viele A fli j hiad Te; en Se 
, dro pfies poilc SRE ak WFR one fe Rant Reg ne 

is flrong oe made of white THeliebst, Sa not to be giuen inwardly vnto delicate B 
bodies without gr great correction, but it el Bor rie ely be giuen vnto countrie Ee which feede 
groffely and have hard ough sand ftrong bo 

“it Fiftulzes doth mundific poles Se ies away rae lo matter which ES = cation: 

hencuaen cts f. Cath fone q the pt c Mm In 
o> c=) 
fe eee 

oth The :roore giuen to drinkei in the waight of two pence, taketh awaie thefics of agues, killeth E 

apaing he Lowfiecuill, 
Of wilde white Hellebor. () spe 

% The defeription, 

teh ight ftalke o re) 
= mer faieleaues sibbed dand chamfered Wbetholcof white Halebor, of a darke greene ne co- 
white a flowers sbeordety placed from the middle tothe woppes oF sie! —_ hollowe within ; 
The fe : ke the flowers of Setirion, 
mG ede. is finall like daft or motes i in the funne. The atest, ee is 
2 The fecondeislike 
hiraceatal wherencouitea tetieance - 

1 Helleborine. = 2 Helleborine fore albo. —~ 
Wilde white Hellebor. K Wilde Neefewoort with white flowers, 

AWS ee Oe ea 
Aes PF 
Clift. Serato rad eer 
tf. % The defcription. 

3 e thirde kinde of Hellebor ine, being the fiftat 
ter Clufius account , hath leaues like the firft 
bed,bu ler and na The ftalke rifethyp@ 
the heig! two fpans ; at the top w 
faire fhining purple coloured flowers, confi of 

fixe little leaues , within or among which lieth 
ings like fmall helmets. The plant in proportion! 
like the other of his kinde. The rooteis final ant 


fex: by Southfle 3i 
per,and ina woode by Clare in 
- = % The time. ae 
They flower in Maie and Iune, and perfedt 
feedein Augutft. ee 
x + The names. eos 
Thelikenefle thar it hath with whice Helles 



ai hee ae 

doth fhe ripe. wit ea ERE ‘- - ee nt ; : HCNAS allo Cak 
Iedo Ppa 
sent,je is isalfon named Thetemperature. 

They are a to be hotand drie of nature, 

Thev vertiles. 20293 

The faculti Be a TTT) ol 1 een ee ol % whereof they A 

arckindés. oI tL. "ee, Se ce Pes | mF ] if ~ a 2 On ae Po pets R 
= tf eons ~) 2 

or helpeth any imperfections of yes fame. 

Of our Ladies 5 aa Chap.107. 

* Caleeo lus Mavis.\ oe Pe 

Our Ladies Slipper. i pail The defer iption 
ee: oN Vr Ladies ag orSlipper, agibe cig 

‘@) knobbed with ce 

paar” motes ae diss me, fuc se apr: rootes ef 

lo sSalamions Se ale ae be atmuch leffer. esecpins 

within theapbees aie ‘the grou wel fom w 

ifech vp.a ftiffe a ic ftalke a fe eh fet 

By-certaine aes 5 ae faire broad ieiiks ee 

_ bis like meres 0 r Merues , as thofe of the 

fitgles dombts MORSE two, fafhion one 
fide like an egge; on the other fide it is epennp 
tie, and hollows and of the forme ofa thoo orflip. 

gcton the outfide, — ie ens yellow on 
wtbathe infide, The a ie is ey about 
with fower eae tee purple Sy Peaiae often 
ofalightred, or obfeure Sa mes 
yellow as is the mi chee P Cae frapeis islike 
an mn eB Resa as afor€laig Se. ae 

he idee. 
ch d Boland the m sialeaioce 

ofG anic, Hugger of 
* thereo Hae i, ici illo Me 
fer a theeatie m a eet 
Hs eee ae 

vv ine 

weal sine dhenl 

Ne < Cc 
SSS oil! Marian, 
ar Ladies fh pp +. +6 Re uit 
and ¢ sp mE Geol ' uae sik 
‘" S007 ‘ U2 Ver. Caen 
~ Touchi sepa a i eae Bre eae se En ag nor ey 

2 avish wee rit G Cited a hii 
tt ; 

‘ ih aut 913 to. nd 
se Ops de 1 
TBE ip 

MVIES Mgt + 

matt | 
"Titer sc oadieafed Planes ftandin 
— of 2 =v couples for the moft Pat and efpecially ae wreied sreitt 


Yoote Freee bea fl I i ° 

man well fe lling, fa beautifull red colour like a R ioe erwhile of ali “ hae 
a ffi inthe middle of aie up es 

little the ds. The rootes are eae? Se creeping shop ¢, hauing certaine ftrings hanging ou oo 
them, like to the — of blacke —" And if they haue once taken good & fare r rooting in an any 
in isimpo' 

Sapon arte Spear or = 0 % The place. 

ANB It isplanted in gardens for the flowets fake,tothe 
> decking vp of houtes, for the — purpofeit chief ” 

‘ \ 2 ly ferueth. Itgrow eh eof it fale neere to rivers 
es ee and running broke in funnie places 
The time. 

AX & T 
Ny ye It — and Hil WO ‘ . 
_ tis county called Sporn the great {cou- 
the leaues haue. For pip 
tof themfelues a certaine oe Min 
buted, which — reth almoft as well as Sopa 

=p, thou h Ruellius Se a Sean 

sd fome it is poet ‘Alifma, of Damafoninm : of 

$ et es Gentizna, wheled f doubtleffe i itis 

a | xkin in Englith ic is called Soperoa, andof 
a me ob toss 

ag Ss Thet ertues. 
nae he isgle inticdand Phen conn 
2 hauing no beeen fet downe b y any author 

= a! fh y en 

so PI Es 
of A, ie water or Pepe. Op 109. 7 
The defer pe : 

deuiding them 
Peach tre ec, nt the fal 

: There is “oR ae akindeof veiiea gis Si na 
. ay Nolime tangere,touch me not ot: theeafon of the abet, ihe, bcafe hah ae Aaa 
oftMercureghe ede of Bulaminaand the pple Aawets és. of Larks hele; Sale gs °ewhol 
- fome herbes both for meate and medicine: and contrariwife this plant carying the face 
fomeherbés, is moft venemous and wks Hhchorssih besis Dipaesey 1e ye 
i Sete get eee | 

EE a Ed tye 


~ slack: i Theplace: & 
They gowe very commen almofteuery where 
in moift and waterith plathes, and neere’to the 
brims of riuers,ditches,and running brookes. 


« “" & The time. of mp 
They flower from the beginning of Tune to th 
eb agp 



SS a the mammes: A F of 
. Arfmart is called in Grecke vSeratmer: of the 
Latines Hydropiper, ot Piper agi jeum,ox Aqua 
Serpe aa fh Dutch (Mailer 


“ }) ‘Ne i 
Vor dpacanae 


/ ¢ — 
Pract fang tnd ; 


fhewed in hi and dead Ark ‘ 
‘eueeiraes: Saad aaa | 2) a 2 mart, bicaufe ; 
doth not bite thofe the other doth, Rei 
: The temperature, 
A... Se 3 my TD. * 4S, ena i oy 
D ad Art ‘ £, S 1 eae go yi 

ie. The vertnes,. 
The leaues and feede of Arfmart do wafte and confi 
7 IL) De 1 CL 

thy fe fs ‘ 
diffolue and ¢ 
ry ° >) 5 

© alld icat. 

o . Az? . rt eo Se 
The famebrufed and bound vpon an impoftume in the joints of the fingers 
1 C. Col] Ved ehate =” =) 
oo 4 

bak (called among the 
an hower, taketh away the paine: I 
algae fora felon or vncome) forthe pace of anhower, taketh away the pane: bur sth hem 
7 Tr JiCreaite 
medicine. . 
TL} Monae Ea E- J a en CARRS b T J w. wry F ; eo 
£ é <= Maes =: (4 SAIS 1A, 
and the fame fet onagaine , derfully refefheth Jhorfe, and caufeth him tograuell 
much the better 

Itis reported that dead Arfinartis good againft inflammations and hot fw 

ae : ss Be ellings, being ap- 
pliedin the beginning, and for greene woounds if it be ftamped and boiled with oile oliue,waxeand 


Of: Bell flowers. Chap.110. 

_ % The kindes. 
[oes forts of Bell flowers , whereof the g ber of tk hen they beb 
t 1 4 t ple x | 1] 6 Re >! b Ba | > RE & Tl. ot. bs 
PR TPS 25 | RR eS Oe . 4 es ig gi ae ee 
4. J: L Sees Sea ES ALS } OR ig 1 1 Ion ies pe 
r * Sy Cae 5) ; 
Couentrie bels, called Viola mar: ‘ab as 
j 2 Viola Marianaflore albo: 
White Couéntriebels. 

re kw 

= M4: z 
Sj, wy Mekd 2} Len es 
: A On, UE. i 
Sy ees, ee 
paw ) Bae 


= INS 

% 7 hede ai rbe 

. Quenttie bels hath broade | 3 hot t vnlike to. thofe a Ee egal, Bu- 
I A Pf. 7 > j 2 cond yeere 
APC, Bee ey Se 1a AEs Ane se fal Cat Cu Rae tee 
a oe fant Bell 4 jlong hollowe { he brim with five 
upon coe 2, ie 7 ae as 
tkighes “eres in fine comers toward night vhen theflos Ps as ise lo the 
omu ch 
ral del A 
: Cant 1 re Goh lic eee The vl Roweri is me bw purple 
downy hat ire,f dogge or: 
diuers ccls, or chambers, herein doc lie fcatteringl {inalll Gir feeds. ‘The 
a “7 
fideo : OS Re ce EE Link gS ee 
{ 1: h i eh a } “¢ i PERE ® i, Jyte SIG. 
ithath perfected his cede , which is y 85 
< ine by the falling of the feede. 
a | ey pay oy Eee | QAM EB TF oc L 
oS 1 - | BE ae os L " 5 3 a ie zit i. F a v@ 
in that,t g 
* The place. 
FRA . os . aes! i } pong a are BST, } eilesas 
ee st cog eee 1 . a RY oe ee OE eo EEE: cal 
wigs £ Ad BRS 4: 4h pied 
anothet kinde of Bal lower growing i in Kent about Cancers shiek may more fitly becalled 
yg fully chan in any other countrie.Thefe plea- 
fant Bei fi hauei London gardens, elpe ayer icon ofthis ovesaliogh 
} ae ce . 1 
r Pb) it 
%& The time. 
Thev fl inl »luly, and Augutt, 3 feed inth ri 3 fo ek at 
L h re 7 c on a L te Yi + E ateg 2 
> 7t 3 B) 1, 
re, oi vpon one nid 

Couentrie bels are called in Latine a Mariand, or Maccusei y yn and Couentrie topes 


fyluestre which the Grecians cal] yuan dyer 
wt These aera and. erties. 
Th Ok » Bei 
Hit bsg } i eee | . ] = 
* 8S 

es en Canterbury Bels.  (hap.ti0.. 

sk The deferiotion. | 
1.6;-0 6:4. ee ca EN he fh hn pe dee Pa 1.4%. 
ee {quareneffe, diniding themfelues into diuers branches. wh nd eryrough — 
Vy we t 3 1} 4 74 c pis 4 oC ge wes cone 

ofnettles, thatit is hard to ere the one fae the other, but by touching them. The flowers 

hollow, hairie within, and of a perfec blew colour, bell fafhion » not vnlike to the Cinentricb bels, 
The roore is white .thicke and lon ong la: 
2 Thewhite Canter tetburie bels are fo! ike th precedent,that it is not poffible to difting ifhthem, 


which fetteth foorth the differe vertue 
The thir hirde { fort of ’Canterbutie Bels , called likewife Throtewoor eof his in ae ae 

difealec of 
RET Se , divi Ses 3 a . P SRS x c. oe + 
op whe ogrow fafhi 1 like Bels,of a fai le col Theroote & 
sls are vorhe gear Caner Bels, . ree. = 

+ L 1. 3 
Te + ee Sete 1 ee > ae : 2 5 The flowers 
cedent,b ay agithe En Sy Re t Spi Catsthian Vicket, é ee 

yet Trachelinn mains. ‘ 2 Trachelinm maiusflre albo, 
vy Blew Canterburie bels. 
oy R nae! 6 A. 

White Canterburie bels, 
= MWA RE oe SN, 
aa QD SRI OE Me 
Y See ten TS iN ep 
R EZ x 


i be ye N ee a 
ae BA ‘Se Ss Si =D 


3 Tracheliummarus Belgarum Lobely. 4 Trachelium minus 
_ Dutch Throtewoort. Ss 

; ENG 
‘Sze \ 3 
ey Si 
Se D(A | 
Z Ke 

& SN ; 7 


3 Trachelium Gigant 6 VioisCalathiana, _ 
c Giants Throtewoore. oler The tue Calathian Violet. 

10%. ; 
»s BPs Throtewoort hath she Econ fi - ouerworne greene colour, hollowedin the 

a L: ght ige Jatt ar 
. Oo 
, whereon ieee tns fover tala : 

like abel abell, of: fa hth oie tease to purple. The hema corners of each flower r turne them- 

"TL a j 

ftile or clapper of a z 
6 The! (rraller kinde of oe woort of my owne eae ftalkes and as as like vn- 
ma great sea eOOT but ut altogither. leffer: from the bofome of which Teaues fhoote foorth 
middle,and in es cefpeb islikethe precedent. 

soe The three firft deferibed do growe ne Som inthelows woods and Bienes of Kenr, 

a paicpeenieete ne Grau efend Southfleete and Greenehyth, efpecially vnder Cob- 
Rocheftes. SEE Miain about che pace Baek 
I ¢ Watford and Buthey,fecene miles front 
a fourth growed nto Ditton fertie as you go to W. eo 
D Ketone Gem eee lina fielde by the high waie as y 

3in am atke inEffex; jg: 1 c. 
om yng pa : 

sce - ee “me gfi P+ re 
; f 


% The time, 


Sys beene taken seal fort the catia aa ae 
flowzeth inthe latter = of S Sep I 

1.74 oe BR 7 

] 1 bt Colicedies (3 c vio 

al though this 
s gt 1“ 4 Cc LI L: Tl Geen: vy 
pl d 
%& The Has. 
rit r Ned in Latine Ceruicaria an ‘| in Greeke ser of mot 
W7 cacti s t lux Camp /, D Str #3 in Molt eee he. Plact at 
Saige ae ; J f : aie Oort 
Throtew t Puma woot, of tl hath againfttl : paine and fivelling thereof, : 
TL ia L 1 Vt ae a L 5 ERR ot a 
St ae ue ee 16. f. j 5 A. “Hew > Herel ats 
ther confideration é 
% The temperature, o 
rL of. 1 1) n C+} Pulla 
vy p 5 
% The vertucs. 
A a egy ae re l f.1..0.Rala 
Sie ee See Ayia i » epee Recetas See “Sorts Ze oh ers: 
W ee et a cet Q aus | a Fes a 
aay: °, oR gt Pe Maes | } om Be 1 
a 3 rc and wafbed with er 
onheereof,and is of all other herbes the chiefe and all to be put into lotions, or w 
ters, to iniect into the priuie p f . boiled with honie, Allam, ate enlie 
~ ywhite wine, 

Of Peach ait and Steeple belt. Chapt Ill. 

% Thekindes. 

= = flowers cae iter in fuch oe maner, that arty ate a to be Soeikena as etal c 
- fhewed in the chapter following. 

. HT. he de fe hoe z 

I 4i-D, Wa Ses r great 
‘| bufh au the ground, like the leauesof the ra tree; among which rifeth vp a ftale ‘b 
: two cubits high : alongft the ftalke growe many flowers like bels, forte en andfot 
= “the a rt, ofa faire blewe colour: but the bels are nothing fo deepeas asthey of of the other kindes, 
and y ft. The feede is Cal ikea 

yt sand the rootea tuft of laces orfinall firings. _ : 

other lafth before mentioned , growing ypon Eaty tall ftems two ae anda halfe high wih > 

CL mi 1 ray 

(orderly Bert 
This whole plantis exceeding full of milke,infomuch as if you do but breake one ne of the ye 
many drops o: of amilkie i iuice will fall vpon the tbe Ther roote i is verie Lee and full of i 
fo ih shar the 

AL < ret ra | an 

ither b 
eftBell flower hath many round ey ike ‘ole of the common » eld WO 


fe drie ttle 
sow pretic blew flowers bell fathion. ae is faa and threddie. of is 
sllow Bell Gower is a very beautifull plant, ofan handfull high , bearing at seni 
sas ae lest le : fanc sos ay fafhio on; of a faire and bright yoy a + 
this plant,are not fo round as the former. % . 

* ee 

Campanula per ficifolia. soe 
: Peach leafed Bell flower. ate 

a STAN = te 
3 Campanula rotundifolia. 4 Campanula lutea linifolia. . 
Round leafed Bell flower. Yellow Bell flower. 
BS (9, a */ 
ms _» Rie 


5c minor lbs, €C¢ mine par prea, 
Little white Bell flower, Little purple Bell flower, 

% The de(eription, 
The little white Bell flower is a kinde of wilde Rampions 5 asis that which followeth, andalle 
thofe two laft Bed defcribed. This fh Ws 
with fome few fk annexed therto. The leauies are fomwhat long ,fmooth, 8cofa perfe green 
r, g t ftalkes, fechere ahd there with 
afewleau I fa mil 

6 The other! foal Bell flower or mill diferetin not from the dari buconelyin 
col hi 
‘on the difference. 

& The place 
The two firft growe in our London opie ,and not wilde in England. 
ines except that tfinall one with ae ee wers, do growe wilde in moft fos England, 

*rt. fC PR,tt 2. 0 ‘1 A n 
VV hema te 
The names. : 
N eielne Coc €. Ay fade ow } Lit tac harhbeet 
oo - 
? ih i eo > : , 
5 eff pecially Cc = 1] A er eee 1 irik nanbor 

Of Ranipions sor wilde Bell flowers. Chap.112 ‘ 

he ee pep as : 2 Rapuntinn parwum 
- reg wae 7 ee a ih = 

TW) 9 NUR 
\ ANE 



[oa coh jb 
That dak 0 Re oe The efit 

Te Se Repo being one of the Bell flowers, hath leaues which appeere or r come 
the b a oes ae Fae 

acute of the ree Among which rile a ftems two i. fet with fuch like leaues 

ce fideo aie) NG te 08 ich lik Foxe tail ‘ 
wer Opening are like Littl ked I 3and being wide 1 chey at fnallblew belsomee ¢ 
times white ire - le TT. : eee Lt e. 

ayn econ grey Roya be Say OSS | cp fr 
fae athis firft comming vp a vnto the garden Mang. Abele “ait ba a 

fee: decking vp of the ftalke, are {omewhat lo longer wer, The flowers groweat aso 

dep bel ofa biden foxsetines white,or ane 

few i {rings annexed thereto; 

hesjnin Sie HEOnE 1 sight ei 
the top stone sate . Na 8 Pog 1 kt Wy Peraie Bens he e grounds at 
tough, yj with fome gto dite nat ai The oe ke: 

R lus nemorofus. 
: ei iecinices, 

7 he place. 
is fo ad and a satdens, eee. 
bi cia oe rootes are eaten 

The feconde grow »ds and fhadowie 
places, in rm and cai Biles. es 

CG > 

They flower in May lincan and diy. 

'  Rampions are called of: foitie Et vectl, of the 
eare or {pike that is full of flowers, which are likeal- 
» moft to tailes of foxes when they are bloomed: 

apunculym Alc ne thatit er fro 
"true an 22 right Alopecuros o Pekin y, Ttis calledin 
Englith of: alianpions, ee enRam ey 
~ the other 

aE tes. ee ee areof a “cold c= pee 
yy and a bind: 

tes are efpec in fllads, 
boiled andi eaten aa ain de 
e affirme, dec: of the rootes 
are ‘soodiee all Se ations an i mouth, and 
almonds of the throte. ,and other difeafes happening 
= mouth and throte, as the other Throteworts. 

of W. ‘ll flowers, or ye + fics ae lowers. Chap. 13. 

& The hindes. 
oO E Wall flowers there be two kindes , one with fi agle flowers , the other with a both 
P ifieth to pare i }- (Pay oaeT, eee 2 IL l Rs ar 

nefle Teese many or delighted . fae giuen it a common name Lencoium , wt the 

Viol An-le Cilla Neate teraaee, a fig SBE EEE ae pn 
pe flowers of V % , being plar 
1 gog yet Ppa © 1 Pht hich 

ee the moft Apart gry orathe ae 

{| He ftalkes oft the Wall flower romcoeee — branches 5 the leaues are long, na 
row, ft 

> Some 2 
wers, Lhe fl fr I, low, rf ffinell Sich groin at 
. SRS Pk PRC ee C. See 7 “$s in which 
rea ee ig mo oA 

all he peeston greene and finooth ftiffe branches, of 
3 we moft pleafant fweete yellow roe very G double; wi which 

2 ional _ multiplex. 


+ Piolelates. ey. ef 
Wall flower. ‘ ry * ble Wall flow 
q Aa) KK ce es 
QP eee aN g Se WI) Wicd at 
Sw oR WA vy) Y) \ 2 ae ay ; 

6 WA fer ‘i ee S O} ee ai Y le 
has | : 

; ae WT As \ 
FN ad \ Lg Se 

\ Res 

Bea PE 

SY NK WW es 

Coie mS) Sie 7 
toe te ss dale The place. Chittantiwsn Apanint- rae ¢ doa» 
Is, in th f churches ¢ et Reaves 

Thefirtt oro 
_ mbbith,and othe t tonie places. 
i shape double Wall flower gro ft gardens of England: rege we hane another fort 
* his flowers cena atonce, h L her doth 4 byd g » by meanes 
wheteofic is long in 1 flowrin 

The tim 
in one 2 —— part all the ayer lone is efpecially in winter, whereupon thepeople 

i The names. 
The Wall aeeeetes is calledin Greeke adxtioy : in eine Viola nite: and Leucoinm' luteum : in the 
Wong Keyri: in Spanith y tolettas Amarilhas :in Dutch Gitalieren: in French Girofflees 

sade mies inEnglith Wa UGillofower 3¥Vall flower, Yellow ftocke Gilloflower, 
| rage Wholefheuh of Wall Gl en : <f £ ; Es ciate dhinwak 
ty Din “¥ Theverties,. | Be tees os 
| acta tet Soro (ee Ro Oe he TG 4 te A 
| ae ¢ Gilloflowers whereof hes isholden tobeakinde, which hath. =a me Goins 
| Hefaith,tharthe crise wile olor a and boiled to 
. eee sees 

theft 4 f 5 Be 1. ee 1 aie P< ped ops ony Bee ; taketh eth bavle © es 
"UF 3 a a + cash * a 
eS cares shorting riiisboss1g a3 TH 4 S 

: : ; : A423 z : cae | 

Of Stocke Gilloflowers. (hap.114. 

% The kinds. 

Nder the name of ftocke Gillofl 14 1: J Oxy ; 
1iffe {tr jaller 7 } 1 Ci a 1410. ¢. 1 Ae t bia Meow which 
i } Le sh... rae oe oe ee 1 7 hele may bee 
deuided into two , may be 
called white ftocke Gilloflower , of the colour of the] jand f the a : and the other 

yellow ocke Gilloflower, ofth li | f the 4 Avai Poh di sleten, (anh ueile 
a ¥ 1 > rf _ ‘ 3. v4 r ple 1. 1,1 = 1 A j “¢. , Pe PY } L Sarees 

L r. 
2 F) De ior 
iat a eye C Chair A ] fs oe 

“F e If ry 1, i Yea | A 
Ot bees : : : > % c tueTe is 
a degenerate or wilde kinde growing neere the fea, which doe differ very much one from another, 
as well in colour of their flowers, as alfo in ft df i ll which fhall bg diuided i 

eins ti 

as Ipociin alien; 2 Lentoiun purpur eum. 

White ftocke Gilloflower, ; Purple ftocke Gilloflower, 


: Soa NA 

a fine is. 



\ a SQ Ke (1p 

: CAneangahicn we Bihan, & : C Aas dae ates ‘ herrea) 
na 3 we Phe deferivtion, raat det 
TY. 7... f.h ft. ona . - tt te and 
i> parted into diners braunches. The leaues are long, white, foft, and hauing P™ 
W/Z) them as it were a downe like vnto the leaues of Willowe, but fofter :the yh 
L} confift of fower little leaues growing all along the vpper part of the 
pin: caine Swap gp sy ad das Aare 
nD) 1, oe Sea ee 1. j < 1. yey Sees 7. ra goueere 
= Z : EAs” son: Ore: ae 


nc are of. a ra Ene colour, and the others white , which ferteth foorth ae of 

‘ fi Daanit 
for for the beaiit and 
= 4 Leutoium frlue 
Yate Gillofower, Wildeftecke Gilofower, 
WAP Ga , 

nsirteddiock: trat as t j : hurr hein Cha 
= hy as A. One <- : i 
3 Thickinds hhc ona 3 * The defeription. Le 
ablewe ten, ERE TD OP Se mat Oe betwixt hrs vleaand ei 

Ae dai cuerie os See is like the preced 

4 The wild ftocke Gilloflower hath a thicke an id wooddie foote with fome threddie firings 
theteto : from which rife = aftiffe 

ie See ffoners with hlong, 

fat and thicke hoarie leaues. . The flowers growe atthe bs of the ftalkes, 

Thesis offlocke Gil fons “The place. 

Thewilde ftocke Gil iat sated | t gardens throughout Eng 
They fowerin the heoiniing €.4.. eet nies oe 
o kre ing Ud g 
seat See Gilotoerseaeinc Gicekerditer: in Latine Piblealbe: in Telian ids ened 

Violettas blangat : in Englih Stocke Gillofower Coney Vin ioler, and Caftle Gillo- 

le temperature and vertue. 
ugseniine ne wil flower, flats aatiitle inferior, yet are they not vied A 
Preoicelom Bftcertaine Empericks and Quackfaluers,aboutlone andluftmactersyvbich 




given he me seca water thereof,h 

as eed 

keth in his booke De amore weietelad pulcherr. i 
tur pala mollia Lencoia 

Of Sea ftocke Gilloflowers. 

oT Ss 
Pa J 

ip cae oy 


* & Thekindes. 

{ , differing as well; 

D> o> eu 

1 Lencoium marinum flore c. 
White Sea ftocke Gilloflowers, 

andido L? bel. 2 Leucoium marinum purpure: 


Purple Sea ftocke Gillofoners 

+e es Gaakig, NALA Quon eds) ¥ ; 
ate £ —— sere i Cla L bald “Sg 1 eds peat ifeth vp 
ets = ee pees be 4 £ Lieh Inuded: agrees eas 71 Lecter S ve hesmanvare 
x : pl j a ps v8 ' 1 (ee De mo yy PRE The lowers groweat 
he top of the t 2 NTE ae swhich being paft, thee 
_ followlong cods and fee -de,like vit uss gar ie ke Gilloftow ower, 
hepurple ftocke Gilloflower hatha very long fabs roote, ec Ee ae 
: und 3 fror se ng Sthicke flloFiceycoucred The leaue come foorth of the tales 
vpon the <e Y te ee te es aS fc CR < hol 

= Theft ifet hove and “ee ik the like leaties,butleffer. The s flowers growe at the top 
talks, compact of fower fmall isan et a darke purple colour, 
crookede ao illoflower. 

ofthe | 
n long , 

3 Lencoie® 


4 Lencoiuom mar inom i 
ease son. ude ¢! & The defeription. 

«3 <\"This Sea ftocke Gilloower hath many br broad 
as ase apn the grow Ps fomewhat shit ot 
«.guton.the edges ; among which rife vp finall na 
«wed fta ae s, bearing at thetop many litrle fomers, 
“ofa blew colour tending toa purple. The feedei 
ogentein ined i in Jong coddes like the hems of te 
kin de, 

* f 

The great Seal mde Gloves bah many 

broad S5 grow ina great cuf lightly in- 
sewed about the edges me ling the eaues of 
Sowthiftle, The flowers growe at the top of the — 

ftalkes Pf a ‘gold yellow colour. The rote is sfimall 
and fingle. 

The fal ¥ Yellow Sea fhocke Gillo flow er hath 
many fino “ , hoarie, and A leaues, fet ypona 

4 ) f ‘E42 branche : on the top whereof growe pretie 
> ip egy ints felling yellow flowers,bringing his feede 
Y i a po in lit bliin. & The roote is picaliap and threddy. 
a = 
ff] KN = f 
i ‘ c 
caenrtima L abel. a See 
*teveowsegt 2 feck Gilapves / ve joes Salon Se SeAftorke Gillotlower. 




* Ti heplace. ~ 
\ Py oY } Cralcheft, he TI CAL 
bre aidee oon Weftchefter, ae 
% The time, 
a flourith from April to the end of ae mes 
The names. 
heating, ewes L L oe | ay 2 a! oi gt 
rae titles. 
a % The pissin cind vertues. 
1 . SSeS eg Ae TR ee a 0. 1 1 de EL =) 5 Te | 

Of Dames Violets,or Queenes Gilloflowers. ((hap.u6. 3 

Bole Matronalis ferrets, Vikcond 2 ‘Viola matronalis flore albo, 
35 * Ph ae Daines \ see” Seana Whit ps eae: 

ee jae, 2 27 
Saves . ha Sues ae 
CoN, 0 A US 
—_ AW Ae. Fae NS FN <i 7 


Viz SS 
AW : 

; \ “\ | 


ofa r verie like thofe of the ftocke Gilloflowers, ofa: Hef 
wipe ge wherein is conteined fall longBlackih feed, The rooreis flendet 
pa fie~ a e . 2 Pi lant 
nT eek Ske BOs oa ee ee far g that this p: 
brings foor ie whe foerssndthe otbespuple AR Ns 
* ape 2 ape VN 
eae.» sara oe i 7, oth 


ead The time 
re a am * ag 1Y. ERT 5 j ‘ G 4 Lf 
They elpecialty ¢ 
* Henan 
121:.T . w A rr... Up olets aes 

aeatati in French Violettes des Dam es, & de Dam as, and Bk dey Dass 
haa nglith Damaske Vidlets, winter Gilloflowers., Rogues Gillofowers vad Cloke 

Violettes? in 
* The temperature, 
Viol i . > very like in tafte and facultie to Eruea 
. ocockergad Rea to beakinde thereof. 
# Th he vertues. s 

The diftilled f the f fteffeCtuall ching to procure 


| Of: white Sattin foe. Gap 117. 

fi 1 Pid avert Bolbonac. i ; AS: 
ee ‘White Sartin, en % The de iription, 
Peres re) 4 



Olbonac or the Sattin tones hard and 
"B round ftalkes ,diuiding themfelues into ma- 
ie other i 

orks wit 
Ss wis €common Gilod ofonerof a purple co- 

li nfomewhatblackifhy This: sald wecoepporabestthice 
oe filmes’ : skins, whereofthe two outmoft areof an 
role athe colour, aid thé inermoftor that 
vowndnrehe middle wheron the feed doth hang or cleaue, 

> ev dgtthinne &cleere fhining Jike’ laa of white Sat- 
v4 ot alewly cut font the peece, The wholeplant di- 

Ns ete me ‘The roote’ seonpaeok manic 
tuber i ved oe: oF lke eert 
o Afphodill..: 

"9! SPhe fee aithakat baat tite Siti 

like thofe 

pa 0 hath any eteatdnroadicaes like thof 
“of the great burte Docke? amon sion aRih fey 

of wpon'the 
ries leanes like thofe ee Gilloflower, rie ice come ihe Bie long cols ofc 
ae itaan héfo 

ce and colour of th HE “Thetootes thieke; whereunto are faftned an infinite 
timber of nibretiety yeete as che other doch, bueiuhiplie\ 

Seats ngs.W 

= st foote dieth 

ray et: 

2 Viola lunaris lo al : 2 Viole lunaris Radi. 
—— white Thereof Sin 

Ee SAD: I 

a RTietimes 6 

age chi Theaames. . 

TI led 2 Lbonae. materia 
2 coed groat¢ neti ond acteh 

of Ssolebion mgt eats or 
Eafter: of helact Herbanifted ali 
anerins oth ers Luwaria Graca:either of | the fathion ofthe feeds Sof igi mete ; 
Barn ;orqfthe middle sli of the cods,. whentherw: bake Sloot | 

aretallen away.VVecal th in EnglithPennie flower,ormon Sele : 
“woortsin Northfolk See ee 

a a! 

a 1 gu C } fth B 

“erate es ibe is 1} 4: i ae q TELi gg s: 
Panis elagaint os falling fcbeclie® 

_ Of Galen his eAL oonewoort, or Madwoort. Chap. “ 

I are 2 Alyifim Germanicum. 
Galens Moonevoat Dutch Moonewoort, 

an wie ee 


‘i | ‘ 
Ryn ME 


. CT Beamer te sn es ee 

| : . ee eee Maen t i 1:1 for id fh H L L id, ? 

BE Sah ntoneanyonie nel eal Thelite] fpokie whitrles tharcompafle 
‘gayicolour kee eof Mhanpe prickles: out of which growe flowers of = 
= TheGermaine Madw + pre at 2 ee daongh sandhoaie % 

} eRe ee Bl TS pre Se | LOTR SS 

leauesbetweene which cif l ; 
= onde ge dogrowe ‘long, ‘nartow leaues, fomewhat fnipt: about the edges ; He aes the ies a see 
f Nettle. 

r ‘ Thave one of x ale z = 
L efcription growing in my garden, which hischough 
x2 Eas Moonewoort, reo his firft ae fomewhacrounil anda’ 

fas ine = ies b 
y creupon do growe. ma 
Pait,there folow flat and Oak hoses sof Fon: ane n fhape like lit 
whereinis conteined flat feede, like to the feedes of ftocke ae pea The whole 

- efthefame Ublance,fafhion and ae i the white Sattin 


% The place: 
ay rs; he | = Be ind | ET a 1. a oe 1. 
2 1 8 : i“. A OG poe be = 1 = 1 2 L io if¢- oe } . * Ieede 
° oO oo _ 
% The time. 
TH a Iq fa) AA = BE ne ry + ¢ 1 r 
be tees 7 in 
; The names. 4 
me es Ve : | Pek ee ae », 
tl OE 
Daalith cos at.3 cfr Tia re ye PS the  Latines s Abyffiam: in 
a ee 1 L: Cc Sree: Ae . ren ee ey ery ee 
b 3 Tt _oun- 


Pg Ea aS aoe eee - | og eee 
i 2 cs I ad Vier 
like to Horehound, but rougher aud more full of prickles about the flowers 5 itbeareth a flower 
tending to blew, 

*T. he a het ce and vertues. 

A Cc. SES 

feally ced isknowne by iall hodatall, The 

whi entif any dullproones he tal finde i in the wee es thereof ‘Tes of ee 

meanly drie, : 

and funne Rite oS the fame auhoes atime 

Many fabulous narrations haue ing the vfe of thefe L by th 

cient writers offorcerie, with which it bl being fitter for Cormeleus Aeripp 

‘aa 4 Nie Se oT 

Of Rofe cone Chap.119. 

* shag 
Th Jiuers {¢ fRofe Campi he garden, and ‘elias of the field: thewhich 
fhall be diuided i hree ll Chapters$ and firftof the Campion of Conftan tinople, 
ee Chalcedonica, 
er of Conftantino} inople, bes aut 
CONE n of Conftantinople hath fun 

Fhe ftalkes, two scabies high, and 
3 and 

r, The flo 

‘igims. oe ratherlike Dames violets, oftheco- 
lour of red lead, o — tawnie, Therooteis 
fomewhat fharpein 

The flow Pie er is plane in 
gardens ees is nos common almoft euery 
It fowreth in Iune and Iulyi teeny ft 
_after it is planted,and many yeer sforit com 
fiftethof a roote full of ae an 
and canaway with the cold of our climate. 

Contant s flos a dl Lychan 
Flos cr ebit. Wb 

Blower of i eee heides eg me 



i beautie hich va ¢. = aS 4 pas 
for which 
Of Rofe Campion. (hap.120. 
2 Lychnis Coronaria alba, 
B pete Cotes rit WhiteR Rofe Campion, - 
aye VW ie r APO NA YQ 
_ Qyw me yl isd a 0 yet i} aS Ny Fis 
: a8 y 


mF, " Hi 
ra WN 
SE Noy) * 
y. RS eee <QaN a. 

% Thede 
Bi he He fittkinde ofRofé Sicsiioce hath erin es,very knottie and woollies andater 
at ba ioint there do ftand two woollic foft os like Mullein , but leffer, a and tr 

Ext fy. 


ower. The TS Btov rs wh 

4 A ecioontandcas full of blackifh fede Therooteis long and threddie. 
‘ : sleaues, of fathion of the 
inthe colour, for the flowers of this plant are are ofamilke 

: ; hesou andthe other red, 

TheRokC i c Y. vo % mie ares ae 3 
sty & The time. 129 : Serr Om 
The fonsfiom Tune totheende of ne 53 jute 
TheRofeC ara Ba w, Cake Oale Colt  flos -ofDi- 
fide mtr eputar Coroner iasor. Satiua oes taatlaer rwyride, Lacernult, 
pes sthereof g a2 
EB Tee y heed io. pee pO Des eB OS | ye SES ey eae es 
: : devas gh poe pee a: : lL Gard- 
So Sry eie: in Dutch nites ee tin ieee sate and oe Dit 
| Patera an and poet 
, < * % : oie is ¥ x 

pide eb ia 4 The temperatures. rabis esd! 
ampion, faith he fe id ¢ 
& The vertues. 
bgp acta wine is a die for them th g with a fcorpion, as Diofg oftorides 
91 aise Of wilde rofe Cea Ca I21. 
I iy bonis jh oa aang a ae os se, 
Red wilde Campio nglifh Sea Campion 
5 eK a iP Se is oe aie S Ki Seew 8 wrk eX at 

LZ, CF, y 
Zeal IX 


REZ xhk 

oF i , 

Crtidrstnn bebam, bs maf 
ponte ¢ tas 


i T He wilde: tofe Campion baths ai rou rng bade fomewhat hoatie = “a 

é . fet: : 
like leaues, bur lefir. Thea g he top of the ftalkes, a i tar 

eauesofareddih our.1Th hi : ad mee 
_ ‘The fea rofe Sapte is afmall ee ra in aie many a ie rete the k lover pegs ome | 

crooked fal f red |ypon the ground, afoote longs in the vpper part whereofthiere a fallwhit 

flower, flower, infafhioa and fhape like alittle cup or boxe; : 5 after the likenes sf recrecer tb Sas 
~ Poppie, hauing within the faid flower lie threds ofa black colour;in aye vie La 
ta ‘ 

thire,from whence this plant came,thereis another fort hereof wi ic 
3 Thethirdkinde being a wilde field Campion, hath leau che thewilde ‘redkinde, but! 
his ftalke3 are ‘hairie,and the flowers ofareddifh colour . ae inf a | 
= dicerietaniesichaeflofomtsang sienna lewesproctei 
= the faidioints. The flowers do grow on inn abn are eli t 
and 5 onthe outward fide , oo nae fine {mall leaues, every leafe bitin act 6 
endv maketh ofthe proportion andf a the ede slike the wilde Po ppics 
fot net gle and Biase : yeh 

. Paes a a cihes Waa ee 
4 Lychnis[ylue PPis prima Clasy. 


Hoarie wilde Campion. 
2 SEN 

6 Lychnis fyluestris incana, 
Ouerworne Campion. 
pi 8 




5 The chmist Sees {} eek Gee thn.” 2a: fomewhat d cownie, lye " 
ches ; er “rea ef yeuenin the fetti igtogi her of the fal tram 
ches jfmall ble tt bu tofan 

duftie co ne is er ie ones of wy plant; os it tooke his name gents ets growe 

at the top of the braunches , compofed oP Be finall forkedleaues offa bright fhiningy ted colour, 
‘The rooteis thicke and ofa wooddie fab fubft 

6 Thefixtkind of wilde Campion , Kachv ae many long,thicke,Far, and hoarie leaues fpredvpon 
the grounde, i in fhape and fu ibftauince | like thofe oft the a Campi on, but of a verie dutie ourr- 

rT by ouples, 

with fuch like leaues as the oth 
vue ike thofe of fweete Wills ared : Thera roote ipo many vical ftrings 

faftned to the vpper part 
7 LychnisCauliculis firiatis Clafit. 3 Lythnis b Jue firisalba 
“\ Spacing Campion, ; ~ White wilde coy 

: Ae 

rl ‘ Sparling! as cfs acl spe ve irthat name. ; 
Siar ae Ravi le. tes like wntothe Seq ftock colonise 
edi top ofthe faker, 0 pei ait lour. The root 
Pealneddic fring sannexed theret 


9 Lyeh eels a : up 
rtop wilde Campion, 
§ aa P 9 The fea tect eer hath a oe 
ee ney roote, of a woodie ee 54s moft of | 
AEE $ ons haue:from which rife! S Aiiiees ei athe, 
a fet from the bottome’ -3 t ‘ va , with 
leaues like yn we Bafill : from the bofome o 
e leaues hard by the ftalke come foorth little ten- 
do growe very {mall 
ues. gro’ top ofthe braun- 
es , in fhape like-tittle att es, thrufting 
forth i in one place of eche little flower a fimall 

purple _— thé little knubbe it felfe is of aye el 

% The place. 
ey growe of themfelues neere to the botdet rs 
of ene fieldes , meddowes,, and ditch bankes, 
Sey many places. , 
a Campion gered bys oe = = oe in 
Lenciinas at a-place-called 
- from Wygan, from whence i Mae ai Shoes 

are a arse. 

They flower anit toi rai part of the _ 
ne euen vnto Autum 

_* The nam 

Latine ee fiefirie: in Englifh wilde 
* qT he temperature. 

£7: J 

“The aa of two odramsof thefeedeo of wilde Canyon 2 beaten to ite and crunke, doth 
" purgec choler by 


EE Ee ERT fe ee eee ay oN 

Of Willow abisis Loni io. 
%T7 he kindes. . 

- tie Pies Leta: hk 1 ha Mt 
Ba 2 
Gg ie | yy 1 

ton J fa purple, 
third lof a blew ee Since wee haue cine diners fest one of Eiem hang 
Jeane’ Willow , or Offer , 
edtnenene i 

% Thede cferiptiom, 
Hefirftkinde of Willow herbe hath] w le 
ae in fhape like the WVillow or Sallow leaues, fandingnieceeh nother 
round about the lke, which toward the top divi diuideth itfelfe i site th many Bip branches: 
onth fell; which being gpait, there commeth 

ape oe — Comtander Ther tote! is long and lender. 

ki nde o ésis like tl fi; faning shore: his 
es rorobon, Ha 5 he ftalketoward tl fpike faft 
0 oO Bat § ‘i 
Peri 7 J 1 1 St oe 
»doeg ed away w winde, 
Bbr I oak 



Lyfimachta purpurea fpicata, 


’ 1 Lyfimachia lutea. 


&. Willow herbe, 
Rofe bay Willow herbe, 

Yellow Willow herbe. 

= Epfimachiaiiquele 
aus p ab 

4. Chameanerion. 




AW) Sah : = 
Doe NC (al 




Codded Wil 


His FO RMLESOF BEAN $234 387 
% Thedefeription. 

3 dn: Ly) EB | g } 3 INA q} 1 sf * The flower 
io oe Chee . Ce} aT | By pee te) dy Co 1 1 
oe £ ee ¥ o fi ° 2 mae C > 
Y lil } ray { Qultia } ) i Se Be y p,/. re : that is, the fonne be- 
c 7. os . ee 1 J ey rte ag es ‘ FEL } a 
joth f1 it felfe abroade,which is of a purple colour lik Gerannmealled Dovestoote. 
TL T ; ? g 1 gl 1 y nn... . 1 } gS) x ; yis(asid a 
the moft goodly and fta : plant,iauting leaues like the g sft Willow or Oriers SPoebewthes 
Be 1 > hea ts 
comme out of tl bers,growing gt oresgarniihed wi 
wers of grea atbea I 3 OF BI OHISHE PETES § , 8 
1 Pe | lef, 7 1 Cc C. ° 
thrums i in the mide of a aera colour, T 1g, F sand fullof downie 
L } é wae 
5 Theres is peers baftarde Loofettrife, or \ W. illowe herbe, bauaag ftalkes | heother of | 
kin de, w: 3 ae pi ge heie 2c; desi : =HDESE ‘pa oF 
herbe F/ ag The fl nder, ofablewe 

— we which fiieceede final] cods:or pouches. The roote is fi all #f. arae It may be ghticd 
eet arnlea,or cahoots Howe he tbe. snot ont yolioass 

vel not scree herbe that g eth cre VE oth i 

f r j ters a de 

water courfe ; 
LA hal therpla CS. a! epee os ae te ch, 
L Obeliushath called lp ce or hoodded Willowe herbe, ,Ichath many. Anpaliten- : 

leepe greene-co ae il I sf Scordinam,or wat sr Get ria der:amon ie ige ota ae 
fundrie finall bl a of fas i V1 re | 4 si fai D L a peal f Ale hoou e.The 


7 Lyfimashia campnesrds 
© Wilde Willo we cssentt 

or WZ seme, sie 

) B24 t AR Z AR 
aiZ 4 

= VAS 

E pb —— 
Aes Dpleteisinn. vriRpmmate 
ry each Gk 

_& The epic 

1) <7 1. L [oe ft 4 be ER ae EPR Pe OS cr 
= tc, 4 ‘A oe t PEE iar 
° r toe 
f rth at he Grit } wis 
ng flender coddes, sii 

oo he i pyc 
paca he {mall feede, i di3tk 
when the feede is ripesat the ende of which sonnel foorth a {mall flower of a petplith colo our, 
whereupon i it was called rile ante Patrem, bicaufe the flower doth notappeere vatll the codbe 

re W Ach ot AS 

L 1 ray 3 alt bare ee ie | 

$ ‘The od Willow herbe die 
ts grow we 

atthe tops sof the scales ed of ies or fiue fall leaues, ofa ae ourplifh wi. our tens 
dir ng to whitenes; after which come lon ngs cods,wherin are little feeds w anes inacettaine white 

* The place. 

35 A RY 2 it 1 1 q 

TH. N. ey Le 
ihe yeu j| t 3 e 
= - A } p>, EL : E oy 1 : LC , i, te 

“"Thefecond groweth in sh of greater moifture; yea ‘eof inther Tunning ftreames sand ftane 
ding waters , OF harde eby them. It rea vnder the ‘Soden walliat Lambeth, neere the 

bate ti Sharad ein hichdog vg 4 yg \dly tobehold , for 
thede shitgrovernhaed Sdot : alle od 1 ts 
a Pai gk eS, as ye & ; fedtleDinds Ned Me 2 
S ‘ * - S a i l inyor way bd Sao ie Timms, gen 
at do hold vp the fa 
calle jie syicliiv ivV¥ oe 
“ x The time 
ee Bet rte re : 1s 7.5 

Dyna a Diofé eh) Sore y Ppa eat. Kat irhathi 
appeal e pthc sn fa Nealiekshichtlletl SI ipl if itbe putabout 
King Ly/rmachus and 

ne Eyyfrae, 
of ats firft ing out or the nature so vertites of this ie: as Pls faith: w 

~ gaineth thename of him Ae: Jay, andis made famous of Er. rafistratwsin his 25. eae ade 
Ruellius Be thati it secalle in French,Corelle an Corneola: in GreekeAvsudyor, of a a 
yfimachium : of Plinie elie: of th Sah Sala: inhigh Dutch h Gmtenericks in 
E lish Willow herbe,orbetbe Willow, oofe ftri 
= hameaner ium i scalled of Ge ener apes, ae Ma alka Willow herb 
The yellow yfimachia, whichis thé ae phif c 5 is colde and die, and very 
oe Tanta RSA Dae Sthevorn Sue ee 
A Tae Oo Diofeo cy * 2 d gai ftthe bl fic flixe,being tal ich r by potion 
or ter. ~— j oe Se ® RGAE ’ 
B is exceller : ive g 1s, vel et Ry Sais) od Pre * 1, Tteils 
itftoppeththe bleeding acthenofe, ey 
Phe ape we e SF ae ree “yen a: q vein a houle; 
which Plinie {peal h ofin hi > book chap 3 Snakes faithhe, rani += trell of Loole 
1: Oo pe 1 laf chap ha SE 5 ee a 
= very vnlike to be pide reafon the flowers are yell : 
¢ others hanenot a erimented, wherefo ull { hi nots 
doth offerit félfe vnto7 = eth fox here — zs E 
E The iticeofyellow Ly/imachia taken inwardly, ftoppeth all fluxe of blood, and the Dyfentetia 
bloodic = = ik ae ; 
& da 



TLett bY h c.. i. D f J yand F 
PRO EES Oat Et St SCS tle Saeco) +f fapnesano at x 
i Er 1 L Pelt gut Cc. 1 = } d ith ch is | G 
1 oe Sire dost dinared as hiflowing of wo- 
aero is very well ) owing 
13 NLSi 3 r 
ntermes. a. 5 ped oS PSE SS b OS ie ee a: d and ct 
airs ort . ? é J m aa 

all maner ‘of yvenemous beatts. 

Of Barren woort. (hap.123. 

mediums ‘ 
Barn We Woort. %& The defeription. 
His rare and ftrange plant was fent to me 
| rom the French Kings Herbarift, Robinmes, 
dw ell ing in Paris at the fi ee: of the blacke 

head, i Gain Bao. 
lith, dofth hese Iplamedi. eth 
my Bee and in the eetiig of May i a 
foorth of: ee: om, with{mall, hard anc oscbe 
crooke: whereupon grow rough and fh 

po eats almoft like daria, thatis to *y, 

Sauce alone, or Iacke by the hedge, L’Obelins 

do A eUuS ee Y> 

but in my i iudge ement they are rather like Alharia, 
foment {nipt about the edges, and turning them- 
felues flat ypright, as a man turneth his hande vp- 
wardes when he receiteth money. Vpon the fame 

fais whofe outfides are purple, the edges onthe 
inner fide red, the bottome yellow, andthe middle - 
part of a bright red clo, and the whole flower 
fomewhat hollow. This haue] feenie; although De- 

mews faith that it netier beare atall. 
The caufe may be, for ¢ countrie where he 
fawethe fame doth not agree fo w the na- 
ture of the plant,as our foile of uglana as i 
Foote is fmall, and creepeth almoft vpon 

moft face of theearth. Itbeareth his Peery 
fi nal cods like Saracens Confound, but 

whiche: came 3 ~ — 

cuftomed heate of nel ee Shich ae in the Phe 1590. fi nce which time from yeere 
to a it binge look to perfection, Further Djofcorides and Plini dinie do report, that itis without 

gored in the moift medowes of Italie abou B Bononia a Vincentia : it Bin in my 
gard ng * Ther. 

“1] TAA. So 1 Rie SL ach, leh SOS pn, 4 +. 

s ew ss ae ¢ 
: Sikes 
1 lium: h gt goo it Barren wo! ortin Englifh; not bicaufe that 
ithitisl bothof 4 nd feed but bianeas foe thor afte, bein being 
‘Gente itis an enimie to ee ; 
ertues. ae 
i ws Thcrapenar ode : pe 
$ yer nere 

a apace, a slog’ gears 
: ; Bb 3 ; OF 

Of Fleabane Mullet. Chap.rr4.. 

2 Conyza ms 
Fleabane Mallet 

I He firft an ofc hath large 
l and bade Shee ap Verba, sae ‘a 
ot black Mullet, but fomwha' so er,of 

away with the ae rte rooteis dhicke serous 

hamin; y ftrings th aan ing. 
a Thefecs fecondkinde of ee hath leaues,ftalks, 
dcierels td roots like the former, butleffer by™ 

row and long leaues,fomewhat cottonie 
at the phic afore 



as a abinding ae tharpet 



TL £ = Rhee FT - } 1 OF are 1. oo great deale 
*y 2 3 5 aia oo) sy 
er ad 1 1, folA cs Bes ee a ee L ager TES n 1 ] = ae 
lefle,and g | y 5 almottlike Tan. 
a 1 Co OE a F fal cr ‘irae & ht | - c.f pe 
b)-.: ‘ , 8 z a 3 o ° 
bethreekind swhereof I find yt for which caufe I leaue it to 
Cc tL. GA + = Vode, LI I. "7 AA ellita Ti By Fad Ey) Oe 
ieee Ss. a a Ror So a eS 
tis folys lacs 
% The place. 
4 31 TY Z . 
The great and leflerc. d g g ‘i 2) Dy fe 1, three miles from 
London, ] h Li i 1 3 G hine in K 3 G y i Effex, and 
many other a 
: aay } Pre epee} a 
2S" y £ a 


of cir towne next ans vnto the cnc sand in ear: Fee barren and tite pee necre 
Lon Theti 

They flower in Iulyand i? 

% The names. 
ee cr . . | Pe, ee om Be, 2) oy | t 7 | con fidering 
ie fed hack. tera mel ohieiGs {bl Aeris , Iwouldg gladly 
a. i 
: ts His Ase. Te Ek Teal: AA, lt oe a en a rk 
I a te he 

jovicaas mew <e it dif from pli, vai is alfo ed ps 8, pa gi 

= xe The nature. 
Conyzais hot and drie in ae third flag 
% The VevEHes. ; 
joa Ll ° . 37°: 7 = poe 
of i belie od 3 2 Sane 
, Ax RS 2 Lee § Pe Fac | F Ye T 
3 B 
g 7 a ji L>. id 2 Cc. - }. Boot “ 1 _ 1 
"TL L 1 L fi } }- a a pitas 1. 4 fi A. a4 Cc 
2 3S > > 2 t=) 2 y D 
Of Starrewoort. (hap.i25. 
% Thekindes. 
"Tr 1 j f C.-L, AA yp Mein | n j 

%& The defeription. 

Pad ins as ae a a ea 
te © of Alter or Inguinalis bath large broad ¢ erbafcum, 0 cmap 
ay 1 1 hai 
Lak 9 teh 3 ey figperes >  Fough,and 
: ry é 

ampions , tthe top of fis 

faid ftalks come foorth flowe sofa thining & glift 1 inc 

thefe flowers grov owe fiue 0 Gxeloncelesues. th pape: SES 7 See ae 
ia 2 £ ft 5 t= pe : rep a ‘ 

downe,and daway withthewinde. Theroote 

nde called Italian Stattewoort,, hath leanes Bes, secs vp manie 
p yellowe flowers,mixed with. 

4 F Fa 5 
1 RNG ee Se ee “i pwe A lage eroote is fibrous sofan aftrins 
= and sina, ey 
kinde bach leaues folike li Ss 1 hata fry tener 

‘i fling euiieee one ftom the other.The fingle ft : 
here grovelaie yellows flowers , we ee Ene compen fe “a nts zand a 

rorekal and thre 

4 ourthkinde i int \GolueSizandt tower is notmuch vnlike chat laft before See itilhe 
and ab soiehaisa, and lnget eerie our {mall Hounds toong : and roote fibrous — 
me aucddie asthe former, ee 

Bb 4 ee 

£- ; a : SA ii 4 pits 

1 Aster atticus, 3 ‘. 2 Aster Italorum, : 
Starrewoort, ./Li{iTrabsywin afmmerduist Tralian Starrewoort,:: 

. ky Sho PSHE: ip ne 

SE - 

y \ 
= Yai\ 
? Y 




5 Therei is another fort that hatha browne ftalke, ' with leaucs like the finall Contza, a aners 

is ft ull of threds OF flrings.. 

] eS tCampdion, {- j BBES: a mong whic ch’ 
o 2 
1, . 
come vp crooked ek as alke | y vale > whereupon d oa yelee 
mt Apa | lL 
flowers, ftarre fafhion, which, tume into downe that i y withthe . Ther cote is 
4 2 no 

7 “There e groweth another kinde of Starwoort, which hath many ieabes ike Scabions, but thin- 
t air RON 

which {pringeth vp ayoong fialke more thana eubite chighs often growing toareddifh, colon: fe 
ding itfelfe toward the top into fom 

branches; whereon do grow yellow flowers like Doremicum ‘oF si ey Theroote is thicke ze 


8 We haue feene growing ypon wilde mountaines, another fort, Siac bath leanes ioc Jeffer 

than che former, foméwhat like to thé leaues of WV. illow, ofa faite greene colours which oe vj lore 

and ws aS the ftalke euien to the: tops 


the form 1wh htil 
9° Clafiu ‘hath fet Genk a Se ie thar hath SD ypriebt fale in be bales two cubites igh, 
fet with leanes fom oollic like Will 
ers like Eula Campana hich turne into Seitied hat is catied away with the avimals The Foot teis 

thicke withforne ates 3or Siehveds faftened ther 
to ~ He hath Kewie defetibed snohe ot aa hath leattes, fialncadiaen and roots like = 
ninth butnever groweth to the height of. cubite. Atid the mother ftalke an: er dothine 
growe fo high as hir cnldeen, mies me Werke impiafocalled, for that the Puidictdeeses ngiow 
aoa ents. 
‘The ress mee fe foi in bis Pannonieke Obferuation, a a kinde of After th that hath = 
e final hairie lea 

igh es at ‘ re Rice Bower Sena to Pape which turne (in the time of feeding) 
that Aeeth’ away with th ¢. The whole plant hatha ang binding, 
aii bitter rafte. TI ; tie liket 
Lib 23HE9! 22alle " a hep : 
The kindes of Srarwoort tse . d hillie places,and fometimes i 1s and 
medowes lying by riers fides Et Me ies Sh SS | 
. thet two fic ft kindes do’ growe vpor? Hamp fleed heath iles from London,j Ke P 
iS - “Oy 129 Yo ore’ at vi oa 
(Ht 938 aitierime : 

“Thepnowe fein atone ee 

he nam: 
his hetbeis called ii Greekedsleaiius,aind Hiaas, Cdvtoy: ee ae 

cst, Buboninn 8c Ing 
pl offome Afterion. sat heap ieee ee in high Dutch ! kraut tin A Be 
é French: Strilleand dAfper got in En nglith St tatwoort Sharewoort, 
tei sil seth: 4 er —— 

Is - ‘m petature in cool ern mle» wafte and 
= bh. = «taco Lip a | eee gath L L i. 
a0 SwehamD 279% re balls Fee | 
sioner bas sc Efeti iscforieyralichmmner tesa 
: : =< rivole: dessa sarees Fhe 
SOS RON A nig edamfigme larome circa 

Pec le pwn = 


“5 Englifh scp 
TEXT t ae fayind 
t. v8 CPR co e fal age $ 
Q o 
Fa Geek ary LinhG £ Sop j Lh l Lea e j 
(» 2 i 
OC. 1 Mey Bins ee Q TA. L£ 3 L 1, 1 J 
TLe1 Lbiokliad cy GA } Jule 1 
iW {3-1} 1} 1 SD Ake, een 
a f 
I, fh. J 1 1 a q 

bubones (w aa ri the molt partha appen 
turate and fuppurate tint this bebe fe ote oe name ru 

he falls t Sf 

the > gut c called Satcis ventris. 
Cc 8 

po Re: SS RS . 4 pe Hie fe oe | 
= oO 

OfWeade ie Be.” 

wom ation 2 
te Woade. : %& The defeription 

: Leflem orGard len Wo: 2dehathlongleas 
Gut cane tho i ut. The ftalk grow. 
ethtwo cubites high, fet about ett ais 

number o 
> ler, Ssiihinati fe]fe at the top into aes id e 
wigs Tha n doe growe many finall- yellow , 
being patt, the feede, commeth 
seg tke ce blackafh toongs : the roote is 
white and fingle, 
There is a wilde kinde of Woade very like 
ie ee fonnes in eat aues, and fafhion,fa~ 

ling t 
ner, and che little to: rooms natrowers, otherw: 
t shereis nods fference betw. = 

~The tame or garde Ente roneinfel 
«fields, hae itis fowen: the wilde kinde tae 
_ Sththeaseeeas ~~ ch bern fowen 

They ae fiom les to  Sepember 
we The names. 
‘oade is, called. in.Greekejofn ek 
one oe a in his firft om the 
WAkR rs, faith ig inet 
yt abeek ies whichginetha! os 

chap:1 1. dothiteltific : zn Fraunce they call it 
i= Wash, whichis isike vato Plantaine, wherein the Britons wine sand th eit. “engos ines 

the Italians Guado; aword sit feemeth, wrung outof- es len: in Spanifh and French 
— in Dutch Wteet : inEn ee 

Wn. i ee ' ‘ cack 3.31.2 iets 5 ‘and is more fa 
andbicng, iy: Seen veel alo Saal 
> Noi > : be oe The ’ 


% The vertues. 
Xn? 4 } J : i a L n 2 1. 
The decoétion of’ sis g y topping tC 
\ 1¢ } 1 het can Meds as ofcountrie 
t=) a fe 
oO le wee n j 1a} 1} j Oe 2: 
ate } IW ro di ae | 1 th, Po gta tn oe C Thivetial 

Of Cow Buf Wl, Chap.127. 

1 VWaccaria. 2 Epheme 
bh tes ein he Chickefading bi 
of aes wh ~ ‘ AQYy \ pA 
ct NI y wer wins 


Vy Ai ve 


: Cees 

TI°.1 J ne Pe ©, oe ee The de(eription. = : re 

~ Dodonai, or Behenal- 

i _ dete fmall and tender, hauing theretipon little pei flowers, confifting of 

: fow 3 which being paft, there come ¢fquare c cornmeal full ofroundblac ke 

: feede like Caen R he whole Planti is couered louer with a cla tmp ncelikeBirdlime, fo 

feipula doth} 
thar they cannot pip eins a Sex 

soe Maik Each ot sfat,and large leaues i ns ce oe much leffer:am 
which rifeth aroma ae oh 8 ¢e high gs g it felfe into many braunches atthe top. p. The 
which are Torounde bul ee, contiling of fuels wh which bein cing pall there 

b oti diag tira 2io-ro 7b plan, locegemee 

%The tine. ose = ents 

j eee peerage 
20/Cors piercer ine, and the mouth O 
dhol sy tecotiache, oe foo rac 



OfSefam oides,or baftard Weld: We adel bi Dike, pe 28, 
%& Thekindes. 

3:2. L 3 oh  £ W L 

édes, about 
as yet not deci 
ded: ose Sat sfothis volume growe ethto be great, and muchis omer ets Tamcon. 

ftrained to leauc it little better then nakedly fet downe ; the beft haue done nomo re, although Da 
doneus hath fet them downe for purger he He rf > butra 
ther eae them for kindes of diers Woadg or of the wilde Poppies. ; 

1 se famoides {alumanticum magnum. ” 2 Sefamcides falamanticom PAY Nth, 
reat ae a Woade, sh paren de Woade, 

|“ ZAS 

Be a , 
"Reetase vb st : a aorn Comedie 5 
“Shenena® rete dake oy The gin waka eet 4 
I (== aul hath very long leaues & many, flender t ea sovrl die fale 8 
s toward the end,placed coaliediy on thick ft onthe veep | 
little , foolith , oridle white flow. wers 3 which oe aot tered se . 
feeds like vnto the true Se/amsum whereof it tooke his name | 
aie male Canarie feede that — are fedde withall -The roote is thicke,and ofa oii | 
2 Litiee = rs) Sago bo Na a Om AE : 1 nndlike 
prseearacs : 

afpan hi Nigh on tke top whereofare tufts 
a. i pleco eae — of i ose Ther cml patty whereof is white ywhereio lieth 
id fle 2 aot 


Se famoides mains Scaligeri. 4 Se[amoides paruum M athioli, 
; cea eit ~— Bucks horne We Ide. 

fiz: Or j 
<n s 

Ss a ae 0g 
We NN 

“ By 


Pye ale 

: x Thedefcription. : IE. WATS HAAS 

4 oddie ra ‘ P which tif p immediately from the grounde 
fi en {mall br. aunches, fet ad rai ith y flend t,tough, rie | : lik , 
ieee af or the ibaa it bri itl feed 5 butisi ee 

emblin p= 
bagi! of a any on the top where ¢ a5 owe ‘taleykng slike hole of he cede : from 
_ as joe fhoo 3° foorth a atthe See fuch ae as Wheate hath, pel a 
Blew ay Ther Ai is dieu wats . = 

FS ape Ee Bo 

doen in any: aathog nh cia Bie Ceersbl leeianene S the ti 
expteffe ; oo haue called them cigs. met 
foes nt aE reer rs Ae 

Galen afhrme eth that the fec 
tty and {coureth, sgh 

a4 y ene which cle 

Disfeorides vee et 
ike purgeth id ck 
” "cba eat ie 

\Of Diers weede. Chap. a 

Lnteola. es weed, spiel Weede, 


ris defers 
Ters we adel athong, nar a ee : 
o Wo 

ned, The rdote is very long and fingle, 

Diess veces a it rele in ville ae 
nd d 

cucry wheres 

Pinyin his Gat 5. baudkech ne 
the waie of = ay and Pam oe Lutea:Vitrunius 
in his 7. boo wife ¥érgil in his 
Bucolckes, te fh Eeloges tin Prony. wae 
and Diet 

se The time. 
Thisherbe fot in nae and aly 
Itis horand ariee of temperature. 

Of Staues @ ae. a 130. 

; edeferip 
“Taues jane te fheaighe tealkes ofa browne 
Ss: olo Ut meas eaue pana Orcurin co fundry 
oft ike; the le 

‘teis Py reat aie, Glenied in ourcold 
counties J albeit in fom ae ‘ile 

Kepeit touer regouct ws ith,a isle ferneigs 

NS canon the fie of ick wi * which 
ae vato plants. that, coine fo 
ole Br ount attics, hari de ithe grea re a 
2 ie” : 

flowreth in Tune, and select ee tel 

a  Binlyee of his { Pan 

945102 3f 

Tei is. called i in edie ai cucis uy in Lae toh 
Pe } 

hoe ps pho: in 

iil Th 
nifh rend Paden: in French Her 

de winters T haue 


> qualitie, 

ii ia haa hk ae RE i a Ml a 

in high Dutch Lens kraut : in Lowe Dutch Lupiceutt: in Englith Srauefaker, Lowfewoort, 

and Lowfe powder. 





Re | 

% The temperature. 
Vy} 1 is. (EEL 
y hor; 

grec, ofabiting and buming : 

% Thevertues. : by 
Fifteene feedes of Stauefaker taken with honied water; will caufé one to vomit ‘groffe fegme 4 
mn: . L ee! me | ta | C. y Sy apr } 1 1. , a 11, 

4 n. . RS et aay ° Pee | | ee OS a yogi 1 +e L 
i eae ce ; aren 2 ‘ ~ 
throte,as Déofcortdesnoteth. And for tl hey sted, fed of the phifi 
ther in prouoking voinit,or elfe in mixing tl hot! 1 medi 
The (cede ming! SRN BS oretass) } re Ha} i} 3 YAN .13, aes 
rt po 4 hole alee tp ee Dee “ S hates 
og 1 M4 s oe ape, pe i. L 1 Mm. {Eas 1 t. . Z 
- fet - FIRE op. 1 rf eh 1 L. ] ; Cc 
The fame chewed in the mouth draw andclenfeth the D 
A=. foe Ne ae cp.) ce L Ep poe 
ee d i 
eos SORE > 9 hong is . brea Lick ] YW wn 17 oA 
‘ 7 oO f ter 2 J cx 
away lice, ? ° 
Thefeed peril be taken inwardly without good aduife, and corre@tion of the E 
“c . rs . . are ‘ 
fame.ThereforeI ad g b bold eddle with it, fith it is fo dangetous, 
~~ J L L 1 1 1 : : 
= d s o § 

I Ritu. 
Palma Chrifti. 

Of Palma Chri i. Chap.131. 

2 Ricinus Americus, : 
Palma Chrifti of America: 
od PA Cts ye > 
Potradne bervses r % 

Ary ot 


; j 
% The defeription, 
* ? 1 | ar bs 1 
: C5 a ee es thot high. of a broy 
lei ; 5 g orowne 
faye . t Thel 11 ] 
3 i i E §) e Gill 
Pm | Co ht BIRT ps C.f1 V7}, ea | faF bur greater, 7 a i 
»fathi Neos > 5 apr or ss: 
a « ms clu erine rT 

ist be het Srapes» Ssak 1 are of a Ana colour, & wither awa y without ahs 
tet cus 

stg vie fruitsa ecraenae ereddith, cry ee three cornered sick which con- 
tainc bas bic as akidne th 
cheated a Tik co 
1 5 PPS Ta i a Teer eek 
a, f. die fubft: "RA paar Se ER Ae ORS) OS A ae men 2 ie eh ee bare 
1 gs 1 1 C. Li. bia ] Ae res ° x id o ta Sreat 
stOug! . 
%& The place. 
are a D.! Chet p 4 } 1 Ut t. 
woh 7D oo 2 # é to) 
4 * The time. : } 
° . we rt ne of Ee AS sence we RSE i ‘ 
Ritii prill, g 
Sed Temsedifeberef 
Ae ae 

was cdot the Talmud, > Kik, fori in the ‘Talmud we reade thus, 29 102 x Velo ion 
tha th,A 

tisinE gli 


faying, an n Ghemara co Kiki coe 
elie but fonas his Kikai — aie hist true, it ease by thatname Srhich thea ancient 
Grecke phificions, an egyptians vfed; which Grecke word commeth o the Hebrew word 
Ksk. Hereby it peta the old writers lon ng ago, thoughenwiniagly.caliedilh s plant by his 
tre ee opern ee See we Lar tine writers knewit by the name Cucurbita, whicheuide — 
is manifeft Boby ats tie, vi Ses in . 

* se thus ; oy Py Poet W Foes, os W taj 

ttumultin Aftica. For on a time a certaine — hauing occafion to intreat of this whichis 
i SS inthe fourth chapter of Joxas his prophecie (in a collation or fermon, which he madein 
his cathedrall sie or ine of affemblie) faid,. that this plant was called | Cucurbita a Gourde, bi 

cant it increafed ynto fo great a quar dB 
Vpon thenoneltie gid vatruth of this his dogtrine, the] people were greatly offended, and thereof 
fadden aly arof ca y3 op was inforced to go to the Iewes, 
hing th f this plant. Andw wh en he had receiued oft tem 
sthern ie name, which de his op 
juftly accufed fora falf fer of the a vie 4 
Then nature a 
Th Cf. j CDYal, et 2 L 5 ES Se 
5 2 5 
* Th he vertues. 
~ pictane bis 5 feede taken inwar dcaufeth it, d ing fli ieflegme 
andcholer from the places pot ed therewith, 3 
PE FH 2 RES, AS Ce : Lie r thecollicke 
‘andthe gowte, ] g hs} I sii ee hive Si ea wp a ft rhe iaun- 
di-anddrophie te : 
—— made or drawen from the fede, is called O is called 
Cherua : itheateth at se as was i ihetome = is good annoin se rub bali 
hardnesand fe oe otten b tch. — = j 
D inft TI i se 


Of Spurge. Chap.132. | es 

3 3¢ The kinds « 
+ Heret be diuers forts of Spurges according to Dior ides,Plnie; and 1 Apuleius; whereof a 

be defcribed in this generall ac Bs efpecially bicaufe they are not all of them vied Pie, 

Therefore to deuide tl oo 
aC send «poral a ie - 2 Tith . “sm me 

pl ite. a 

Sea S 7 Ce Sunne e Spurge, . ‘ge ee? ro 

* arth 

4 [Bite £Se soe rifeth foo 
difh tems or alkes 

3 Tithymalus Myrtifolim. Tithymalus Myr finitis. 
‘ re mrad Z * ame ys wont Philcke Spurge” “ 






a ts S 2 é : / 

5 TithymalusCupreffinus, 6 Tithymalus Pines, 
Cypres Spurge. Pine Spurge 


y ler. The deferiptio 
7 7” Tretiep — 5 Cysces Telyptone fahsouderediy ps 

a foote high, fet wit th leaues like ; 
Cypres tree ER The flowers. feed ae: roote 
are like the form: 
aoe xtis like ‘the fo rmer, in flowers, ftalkes, 
d feedes, and differeth in that, that ap 
Kinde ig Ieaues like the Pine tree, otherwifeit 

ze se The deferit 1107... : 
7. Thereis fet foorth another fort likewife, that 
hath a round ftaike, befet with leaues like the firft 

gy... There is another kinde that groweth to E e 

v heigh heof a man; the ftalkeis like the laft m 
fr pontine what hairienot hes the ieee bik 
ot white’; the | eaues be long and narrow 40 other 

2 bein ats lace the och ee 


8 ‘«3y" ead Monfpelh 
es wood sone, * 

hy) Be ot Sax 
» Tibi “ ing st, 

"10 Tithymalus Plataphylles. 

Broad leafed Spurge. [2.2 %& The alee 

e : 8 . The eight kinde rifeth yp with round reddith 

ftalkes two cubits high, fet about with long,thinne 

likethe | c 5 

» Land narrow | : iues; 
owers come foorth atthe top like the ers, of 
like Zs ratus : the feede 

yellow colour declining to purple. The whole 
_ .,. plancis fullof milke, as are all the reft before fpe- 
“»,:, There is another kind of Tithymale,taken out of 
the Emperors booke,that hath a ftalke of the big- 
nes of a mans thi ing li 

armes or branches towai to a red c 
lour, The leaues are {ma' j C 
vnto the leaues of ®Zyr feede is like vnto 
that of Tithymale, or Cherac 

to the authoritie of Peter Belone. 

guy boow 932 

_ _ 42 Efala rinor feu Pityafir 
9 Srmanstanae 8? 



os a 


i i els 

th. es 

oe a 

TO ee Ee ee 


HISDORLE OF ¢ nee PP Rss i} oa, ho? 

% The defer iption. 

II ‘Therei isa tinde ‘of t ichymale called Efila maior yw hich Martinus Zales hadi in greatve- 

intituled Curstionum empiricarum , dedicated ynto the Duke of Bauiere, ) This plant of Rulas- 

dushath verie greata ‘Many footes , couered ¢ ouer with a thicke barke ; plaited as it were wit * 

many-furculous fprigs , g g 

height two cubits,be: fetwich Lathpris thatis th Jen § 
eh lower atenot much’ lio other Tine 

Pods Kea iy ; andthe 

whole eee is a nd effer, 
There are and ftrange ki kinde of. iP Sa alliance sadenesnecre vito Efula min 

rtick ‘plles in Readof the true Bfila yee eeldeth 

a ‘ane ays pach ftalke two <5 higt, diuiding it felfe into fundrie * braunches, fur- 
ni ifhe d wich fife and fat Teaues like Licorice 5 Boowin ng togitherby couples. Ih 
] it ofa 2 purple colour at ee are ofa dark 

colour like Arifpolechia rotinda. 
13 Lathyris fen Cate tia ses wi oe 14 Cats 14 
Garden a Spurs “fa ee ye Fe a 



ips ie 

Teen his defcription, 
kinde of Bid at ts vnto the former, but much leffer, wey 2 

ee ae 


Bend ene garden Spurge is alesis titer an moft vleds s wherefore: init ase 

ditinguith eee enn Sil sorte to defcribe it, 
t5 Peplus 


15 s fine rotunda E fala. a», 16 Peplit, 
< ” BeieSpage i oa Tope Spurge, 

: he deft oon 
The 6cenehkinde Senge | Pepscot ie purple ou murrey reddé colour) hatha long, 
finall, and fibrou is Toote foorth m many Ftefll bratinches two handfuls long, but! ie 

ers: which bei ers there re appecrethya flender poucher, three coinered like Desc 
thymales,hauing wit! seieg ait 1 
e iuice,which argueth itto beakinde of Tithymale. - We 
inname in hap this éuele mbleth Pepi PRE ee A ape . 

f Peplum, o Cc . he Thannos 
apes, for oe it binge fons a greater ae at ee dehy knitand mee 
togither,wit twiftsandclafpers a anhandfull and ahalfe long. The Jeaues are lefler th 
Peplum, sl an indifferent lil 

_ feeceis great,and like that of bel theroote {malland fingle. * 

eee gh they be ve- 
7 : 

but giuing we 98 as al the other rTihymake do, ra the like it 
erin ech eer 

18 Theishineot h 1 likea {mall T 
port: , 

lyr ofwh si hae 
given divers vn yntomy i aa I haue ofen vi viewed ct wich do: appeere vnto me 


» Pema, an 

oes Rae and fet forth, This that either they were de sae and deferibed 

ton ee — doth gee eee i i omisna a5 oe it 

leaues are fet all alo: ongtt a finall nbbe like Fraxizela, fomewhat ro greene aboue, and oar 
ine lea li 

-milhelit i a igowehs gthe eawes ike hi feede of Pegler Thewhole plantis: 

17 Chama 


"39 Chamefice. a8 ning OS UY he = 
7 Spee te: Knobbed Spurge.’ 

The place 
The fitft kinde of Spurge groweth by the ts fide a the rowling fande and baich, as at Leein 
Effex,at Son ad pointrightagainft Hatwich, at Whieftable in Kent,and many other places. 
The feco g 
The thtde rou rth g ilde in England itt 

a > ts, ret } 6 

> as in the ileof Thanet es ‘ {ea fide, be- 

F pe 

twixt hostess and Meare’ in gteatplentic. 

Thefe plants flower from Iune to the ende off ete 

The name 
Sea Spurge is called in Latine aioe pines :in Spanith 7 Lethe as sinhigh Datch 
Wolfes miich, thatisto faie, Lupinum lacor Wo. _ fos Re se can called 74 

characias . The firft is called in Englith fe: tes a Melee € Suaieeeee = 
the thirde and fourth Mirtle pics 3 the fift pa ae Spee or ee wo on Welcon eto our 
heninth and 

tenth Wood Spu rges t ges teenth and 
fowertee nth Qua ‘Eels eines a eS Venice Spurge the f teenth ee Speech 
enty Se a time; the one 

and twentie True. = or knobbed Spurge. 
The temperature. ae 
1 iealmofti dare of a iharpe 
an at itin: = beter oe retting or Safes Firft the milke and fappe i is in pene’ en the fruit 
re" nthe rooteis of leaf ftrength, The rengst kinde ae aes Gk sae force 

wi ia of ocers thai it ap nbinete octal vb ut my fl peaked exoerieneé, 
sin Ef nea ith 

“Thenice aesiaiens degeiee, | Tithymale isafton medicine to . : se! Z 
eee sang Like v cna 



aduife offome exe or qenaes pated with his correGtori 

B he iuice mixed honie , ee tire to fall from that place whichis anointed therewi ith, 
if itbe done in the nee 
"} int ilk d {t ij I] ht i i | il: fo thatvou tanch 
. bad I Me 2,2 1 Ss = 7. 8. 1 re | its » ings ae 
D ao angel all rough fy kinne,mangines,lepri »fcurffe, g fcabs, and the 
white fcurf of the head. It takett ieall f\ sknobs, & the hard alloufne s of Fiftu. 
laes,hotfwellings,and Carbuncles, 
E Ickilleth fith, | . g . ae | y g 1. l- 5 17 ; 
af Th 7 t. 1 by < b SC! 1 : - 2s 2 die, > ing tk 1 chef 
peril! bud L rs LI * 1. L Ll 1 1 1 Gs T gs bes 
' ] rig lik id J ae a as as 
Of Herbe Terrible. Chap.133. 
<Alypum montis ceti, 2 Tarton Raire Gallo-prouincia, 
* Hebe mroble, Gutwoort, 

% The defeription. 

a eae 
I See ces SF SMe eae sy AEWA | ro a 3 L final] twigs, 

, ert nde, firft browne, then purple. Se ae Je and thinne leaues slike 
The flowers are sae fr pret ide idle of Scabi year Ate ofa purple colour. 

" The roote sites abo thicke, brown ftance : the whole plant 
sere andor peta ele Cheneea elite one 
pei calledin Englifh Gutwoort , which pioaeehby thefea , and is Cathartic 

of any long continuance among vs and = tahete goodly to Ide. and therefore in the 
_- mother toong of the Maffilians , palettes sie ‘ec eR cdbii ck 
ag a wr 
~ wh 

: ead roote, whichis for = ra — the dropfi ie, being miniftred with difcretion and good 
es byfomehoneft a 

ea ee 

when one not skilfull in the vie thereof, fhall drinke the powder of the Ieaues, delaied i in any” 
liquor. sta Po in manet of a fhrub, like Chamelea, and yah foorth many finall,. 

eH ke er ag Singh aa fea itherlike. Alypus es = 
crendhea: and thefe tougl ( ifmy memorie cies not) do 0 grove fm all 
dowers, firft es afterward ofa = ih the Hae is ofa ruffet c ‘olour.: the roote hard and 
sy lysn Turbith, at 9 ate Ail ge: e 
= * rheple : i 
TL. pl ee g v Vp lL g yg os 
andareas yet ftrangers in England, 
se The time. 
They flourith in i and aoa 
% The enamies. 2 
: ke Thetemperature andvertues. rods fi 
"TL. L g pe | £3 if ip a 
Of herbe eA loe, or Sea Heche Chap.134.. 

Moe foliomucronat 
as tbe Aloé, or fea Houtlecke. 

% The deferiptio 
Earbe Aloés hath leaues like thofe o; 

fodill : 04 roote is fingle,of the fafhion 
pis ick dice, thruftinto the ground, Thewhole 

erbei me bitter, fois theivice alfo that is 
Sithcred there of 
. There is another Herbe 4é that groneth ike. 
‘ wife in diners sare of America, the leaues 

whereof are broader, greater, and (haipe poince ted 
like a thorne, andhath on the hi ee et harder 

The place 
s plant ¢ grow wes Types in India, 
win A a a,Cee! 3YP t: from whence- 

2 Ti s 

The herbei alwaies greene , an Amite, ches though 3 srenclaatin eae 
a oe efpecallyi the roote be couered with lome,Scnow 8¢then watered : for fo beinglianged- 

he feelin, pet poits o nie Oot doth noconely contin alongme time greene, ~ 

Dbuticalls gunethanbnnget Beeler: :forit muft hauc a warme place nw: ; 

reafon eae 


The pee alfois Sansa ior, hetyor bs they are bat de Siew it is ‘ual 
snsicin, bi bicaufe i t liveth ot seth int the earth, but bi t alto = va _ —_ ci 
: Sesh 
* 3 20 
Sea —s I. oe i 1 he ee “f. L. ¢. oe - and Cpegity ergrticia % 
igo YRS ee ae G 1 Foyt Batt | Pat Pee Dee acres Ree Ae Po Tee Tae die 
Macnee te Co, TS ae vg ay 9) EBX | 1 re 
is ees: 
Profuit & ania latices infundere amaros 
we “8 9 a = ngere fucco. 
In En ngli ith th 
_ The fame ace Sea oust works as well as nee 
ars bitter but this, -. : 

The etemperature, 
the, thatis to fay,the i sine perbich is vedi in  phifi cke; isgood formany things. Icis moderately 
hot, and thatin the fir ftdeg 1, extreme bitter, yet without biti g: itisalfoof 


— Arines, 

hall bey BEF } yo? c. eet! 

A Ik en the belly: and 
aye at — os wholeforne. or as Paulus Acgineta writeth, , when all purging medicines are nil 
ffeCtually ifit be not wafhed:and 

ese, ieee ftomacke themore, % le 
7 < I. a e 

ft 5 > Coy L ic: Py Gre- 

= away of the ord f{uch who sEeaciet orce eg he 

yond ae oma Furthermore. Ahé an enimie to all kindes of pacts actions ; and 
i¢ from all manner of aaa It alfo preferueth deade carcafes from 

mire purg y y- Ieis ond agai 

. c. vss ra: Cn pe | 

or of the 5 a and being taken i ina fi algun, it sisnge downe the BoAN 
courfe: it is thought to be good and profitable fo r obftruion pings in the reft of the in- 
__trals. sie fome there be who Slur: itis not conuenient for ie a 

m there of giuen,isfu sft fficien 


CASS nt PS, , ly Peel ow pe 

: Bie be elped, efpecially in the fundamen eer fucceffe a at 
“Eyalats, OF medicines wh ftanch bleeding, a with pl pla ok ahathe applied to bloodie wounds; 
forithelpeth them eafon of his emp lailtike ate and Peles Itis profitably put intome- 

ut biti 
s a Di i itm torrified,o ee he Spey a re,ina adeiead red hot fara 
oe witha sia oriton ladle, tillitbe torri ified fetote dove alike : and that 

; is fh and moft iio ae . ae 
gi sities } (| IEEE fe ve whic 

Col. . ers of the 


he gums,and ; ; & led 
4 ciuice be Ali , (whereof is made that excellent and moft familiar purge ges 
Abts Sucre thebett is ichdoth neereft com te 5 ate fo the colour of a liner. 
fhining 1 ; Uae Be ame | g col ig om atike sacle 


” Att 

humors, poses in thofe bodies that are say amy with ree either of fmeate or drinke, 
fi This Aoi es 

1 peta $30 og 

i Ty. morning, i soli i nedici 7 kepandtoclente 
+ od. o > 
foorthall fuperfluous humors. S fe hef. hG , Ginger, and tlace, for 
the ofe aboue {aids and for tl Ji fblood.andall 1; rm carta 
P j 1 ‘ "3 Wy ke 7 sa G 4 3 + H 
37. ] baad: Ay £ ne ret, | ¥% ae * ~ } 1. | PA Bre | r 4 j geee 1 ra io ~ 
9 5 y p 
ken of, i g c 
ene yy tp ape Bor ha L q rh pee V1. Yes Kode erly I 
' = Y 
them rote ae ; 

% The k kindes, IE91D 
SE ngreene,as Daiawidn wtiteth,is of ee fortsstheonei is great oats ecialande de tides is 
that whichis sans Hsets , biting ons Cr ser ev aD pe ae 5321 wo 

Sa Hou rang 

= @ 


By io 


OF wanes Segre (hp. 135+ = 2 


sthesenpn Sp eas a - 
iret Pa 

pose called Jouis barba, -Tupiters 

a arde; bringeth foorehi Jeaues hardeiad- 
joynin to thegtou oundeandroote far, full 
of rough iuice; (harpe point ted. sgrowing ¢ 

harde togither,ferin acirclein fathio rn an cies 

bringing foorth very many fuch circles, fj 
it felte out all. I abroades it oftentime sallo: fendeth 

-and maketh newe “citcles ; there rifech vppe often- 
ps i inthe middle of t 
te high; couered — leaues growing: 

os dletle towarde the points, parted atthe top in- 

to.certaine winge braut ut which 
ets orderly placed of a sine ase 

our: the rootei ings. > 

the(ean vprightftalkeabout 

y 2 Thereisal secs: eat Houtleck 
if} ck BN 
) t = (furnamed tree] sree forth a a 
Ny aCe : aks bic ghomuines highend a twos 
Wi\We whic b broke pane woody. tcan 
LYS) M4 SW id. rdly; partedi into diuets ranches,& co- 
= Np SSW —— ae pena ich ) ahha 
PAR] Au OG; PRON pare referueth certaine printsorimprefledma 

Ca ef Us A “of the leaues that ar ables se. The sree are 
peer | more like little roongs,very curiouily. minced 
in thee edges.ftanding v vpon the toppes of Gaver inthem the thape of an eie.. The 
flowers grow out of the braunches; which are diuided into oe age which flowers are flender, 
L L = <_< 

the roote is parted i into many ofsprings. T’ 

Ostet aie Brow ing-in his natiue foile; ron itis ied dufion, ot Sempersinum or den on 
: rf 

= 2 rag fox; hy Peres eo r. bate oe 
g cofthe 

FA fhe, oe, | i eaten ee 

Sat et st: fy, tl aay ee 1 1 } 

o o, o 

. : ; ea 


haires as itwere like foft poses Thisi andthe 
flowers are of a pale yell ow, 

IL 1. a 1 th € Lf : 
> Bee, ang 
are very ¢ Sa ig a Sind about. 
Lm | oe, | fal % J very clofel f 
ee rare) veh Nat ip ear pie Loo | aR ma ead phere Lf et, 
> aa) mo Seuane 
i pale colour. { 9) sei 
Sos enyarins) aris rhiols PRED 
sag : 
© Wt J rt or anie < Bohe: 

~ mia,.an andthe Lowe countries: It eroweth on, ftones in mountdines, vpono olde wals, and ancient 
buildings,epecially von the tops: of houfes, The Sos hereof doth differ paar to the nature 

onely circle : in other fomet they are fewer, thicker, and broader 3 theyare gr ne and of a dee eeper 
greencin fome places; andinothets of a alighter greene: ‘forthiofe; whichwe haue defcribed,grow 
not in one place,butin divers and fundrie, 

c Sengreen is found gro wing. ofit felferon the tops of houfes, old wals,& fuch like placesi in 
ety maby Son gtt oftheE = of Greeee\and alfo'in ithe lands of the Mediterranean fea,as 
Crete, which nov now is called Can Rhode fs fer 

Portin: em —— itis As 
rithed in earthen pots. In ae countries y and fuch as lie a d5a etinanies, it 

repeok at of it felfe,nor yet fafteth long, parent it be carefully — bn Les loo- 

: The lke of the =a doth a Jengeh dower pat the Somer em Rice, which i isin Iune abot 
tin om th es isto lajab= 

iq a oe ipringgwtaets is about aimoneth after a ma 

of thisamong the leaues {mall ee which ate the enenine eeu oie the ues 4 iy by akichbeng being 
length eo it ifteadeh it ane cintov ery many cin 

¢ that grow: ing of the yeerepre 
fealy aes the winter Solticeywhichis in December about ne ple ies, cE Loam 

a oy ‘The names. 
: The firktis is commonly called Jonis baba, Ee o.Agam beard, and { it is hamed of ¢ he Apotheca- 
ties: the Germaniscall ie Daniswurts, & tofs Donverbacr: ort of the Lowe countries — 

perbacrt + the Hollanders a the FE: Semprevinoms 
 giore: the Spaniards siem prewrua, yerua puntera: the Eng H ; nd 
Aygreene fetes ks eie,andI sa SES TBE rey Re 
L Ria J } s i @ iiokem 
= ontinually gree es = tele v2 ilyt aS 5 est wi 
= sehebiies without doubti S Diofeorides his deo ve, thati Spebceraas or Sedumma- 
4 q “hig sricallfo 
juagreat Ho Houtlee eke, ele oe ‘Apical it V4 sand perfor: 7 
Thet. “4 : 
Id in the thi seer 1 ae ed. fon of 
digeetence caries Re ; a Sie 
ts _% Thewertue 
A oes sgt h she fhinglcs, andes 

satis Gs the pronto of rheumes and fluxes : and as Dapoue ter againft 
faith Plinie, being applied, or the inice lide 
pa a et theumatike and waterin 
Be. vite alceratietien bi in burnings and fealdinigs. and being applied with Barly meale dried, do 
— le Zowte, 

Diforades s teacheth, thar they are egiuen to them thatare paths with a hotlaske: thatthey 

© eeteamne foorth woormes o: “dotay the ifthey bedrunke with 
De Theinice put vp in loner gofah fe: the leaves 


_Thei iuice mixed wails Barly mealean and He commen againft 8: Anthonies fire, all Thotbur- E 

comming of ant hot caule. 7 angen ging tt, § a ope 3 > 
porci,or F 
hogs pei samy the moft tng epson that euer was vied in Chirurgerie, a 
j eS “1 J em | te, ifthey be ws ba {] ke, which 
po taketh phe away Pe chovenibons n, or fuch like, as hael be peri 1 by my very 
good friend M.Nicholas Belfon, p I fearching forth the f f 
The decoétion of Houtle ke, he iuice thereof drunke, is good againft the bloodieflixe, and H 
page, ee 1 Ath nt; 2 Nee ee | TPR HORE EMG BE Te | 
9 an ? is 
Of nl Housleke o or Stonecrop... Gap. st 
ame %& The kindes. f ha Abate: 
Herebe two kindes of little Hou he ancient 5 thes iters hang found 
a ate agate é aa 
Sedum minus Bovioneder' oo nee a sa ied 

Sen nec es ties : * Sina Seine 

; ies: | SaaS f19/ Siodslo  yiwamen aii aaeiis ul STi ea 
7 = M7) } : : dain vs 

fof theisa ston rhea pn. = Eoeesicad fake, 
tho eeping with many ilender 
Pee acon ete een vie i a 
ittle, ne arpe pointed, inclining to.agreeneblew, There rife amon ibele 
: tlle a full igh,bringin Fesubarbetapasiwseafindwi en Fasdinelh 
w flowers: the rooteis full of fttingss: 

2 The other little ae is allo a shee reste eee ener fas, 


}. 31° . . 
Cittle. by 
long,blune, andround, bi h h fomething leffer than the kL Is of tf at 
like ; which oftenti fomethi 1 Aetbessend alle oe eee 
apples, g 5 ote ctee 
peth po the frpkealiens vpp part ofth h, fendi g d {lender theeds. 
isa pall kin ide ofSicoctp, hich hath lite] sthicke +, {harpe p nted 
TT ‘s 
r=) > fafhion, 

Thero Foote is iol and running by the mand 

whichhath little tuftesof leaues 
sift ing from { {mall and threddie rootes, c creeping vpon the ground li like ynto. Kai, or eas. grafles 
wa ning at bie 

top {mall yellow flo 
_ Many3 ignorant | Arothecaies haue beene -deceiued i in eons this great Stonecrop, oo 

he rather, bica ufeit dot h grow. 
. 5 6 h Af. 1 Comtech ol 
CL 1 . SRP, eae SRE DY op . ] 5m nae Rays fac ultie, namely, 
AS | i 4 LJ}. ink QTE ee which 
ae J * The fl € t 1 ve L 

plant doth refemble t the finall kinde of Stonec TOP. 

Ai cnon hichis 
gither like the great_ Jkinde of S ehits and differeth in th » that is Cay of (Soecage or 

rs ickma dam, ha th his gaine, pion,refem- 
linw } hick Sirlolades dent? os | The is 
fall i tee . 
11 RE J. 5 Re ej Vs, TI. ] 

Portland, lying in the fouth coaft. Karranty good aly besachere oe rinde, The leauesi imate 
: Lauresla,t0 owing among the T: inane but thicker, thorter, more fat &¢ tender. The: falkis o 

lesvhereofwe thinkeit tobe akinde, yet not daring to deli if wie 
2 af 2 7 ait a 
pS es 5 3: yw L }- {1- 0 ages eee: c L 1 } 
Q 7 FD, 

1 Liak't L * In: 7. i A } 

seh se ESS 

d i hau uing yery fpullisesss fore ommin g 
foorth Facscieater like éudo Moly, thatis, our common herbe called Thrift: ‘amonglt 
the leaues come foo an han dfull high, loden with final pe flowers, nets 

conteine thefeede, 3 
2 Saat ou The place. ‘ 
and topsof Rete: Rashad ds shoot ee where, = ek 
~The other ge owe! eth about rubb: CL 93 di t 3 oH F PIE 7 2 
* Thetime, 

They dower! in thefommer monethes, 
Re eter a & Themes. : 

ba cap = ae Ceraunia & Vitalis: of the Germans Bieyn Someta and sie bat 
TUT 3.0! 

fthe En 

Thefecond kind kind is named in fhops Craffisla minor. ual eece it Minor for difference be- 
tweeneitand the other Cra/fida, whichis akinde of ' Orpin, Ieis alfo called vera seal :in Italian 
gras Sopa 

P. “oy hea ca rede tch Blaberio toofen: in ee rickanadam, 
~ Th 

nto eo i “abidate wodid sea 

A” Fic Oipipoia ps colnet ie 
Ri sr be. The former of thefe is Ged gg cis hah 
apleafant taftesitis good for the hart: burne. - 

lee - 


Of the fmalleSt Stonecrops; called wall Pepper. ? Chap. 137. 
Nf _% Thekindes. ect eine eee 

O; with their names for diftin@ions fake. 

Vermicularis fine’ tlecebras— 
all Pepper. ris itis edefeription, 
His isa ie ink eget herbe: the ftalkes 
flender ort: leaues about th te 

yellow & of a fharp ene tafte:the rootis nothing 
but ein 7 

Ic groweth euety w id “ito ftonie and drie places S3 

and in chinkes orcrannies of olde wals: itis al- 
waies greene, and ae itis verie fitly place od 
ong the Sengree 

It flowrethi inthe Cane emacs 

This i ULMER oridis, Or D, of’ 
corides hist biti io Sighems a whict ithe faith; is cal- 

the Romaines. Iecebra. Plinie allo witneffech that 

- the Latinesnameit Iecebra. 3 
call this herbe Waurpfefer, and earuriat: the French men Pain « : the Low coun- 

the Germains 

d otfeau: 
trie men  uer shia the ee mee and Stonehore , little necrop 5 Pricker, 

e The temperat 
This little herbe is fa pas bitig,and very hot, Being ue applied it raifeth bites 
anid at a 

% The vertues. : 

a ¢ an t TI 7 = mm bat et eee ees ee fy 
The iuice heereof extracted or d forth & tal rt eae Ga vo- A 
ant, ee awne forth vineger ot 0 B 

mite, and Seth -VPPE BE fk flegr kel dale eee Fee 2! of. 


isa remedie againft peeps inwardly taken, 
Of Orpyne. (hap. 38. 
* deere 

ma He Spanitl fendeth foortt 1 ftall ete itwetelictle 
iT jaar Ory red now and then about the roote: peas like manner are thicke, 
fmooth, grofle, full of tough i — eit lightly nicked in the edges ieee r leafed, 

& sail Paleo inca ne,o ine sucha SOP les are fet oppofiteone- 
again euery ioint, c sii e inord Bea cat vr o: the flowers in the 
= ee are reoka apale cued the roote groweth full: of bumpes| like vnto long kirnels, yanng. 

arpe towar ; ae 

hich is mimo Orpyne, da ikewile rife vp with very man rounde ftalkes 
thata are hee but not iointedaral atall :the leaues are heb ofth amie ape broadeand often+ 
placed out of order: the flo» 


,& full of —_ This 

Lll Cle. s. a. I Pp beno nowe 
: di hi alfo growe. We i a wilde kinde nsearenncatn growii ing in incorne eae and 
td pos = aca ped like that of the garden, fauing aire 
altogither leffer. 
1 Craffisla maior Hifpanica. 2 Craffila fine faba ine 
Spanifh Orpyne, ; 

Commo REE 


Ail w 

% The place. Sabie Seber rs, 

They p beftin ee ti dftont places, in old wals made of ipitie St ane: Oribsfie 

ei iey rab bin hades deilled 5 place cs. The firft groweth i in gardens: the other e eric 
sree: the fit such fund in Spina 

-weth vpon the bankes of the riuer ofRhen he vineyards,in rough and ftonie places,nothing 

differing from that which is founde in Spaine ed r 
_ Thefeconde gover p. re bothi in msi Fraunce, Bohemia ,Englande, and in other 

o i WW Ale 

er flower about pee or Pasa a 

* Thenames. 
is me siotaib is called ofthe G recians zrzer Se etooh cies rot. the Latines Tz, Lephisat, 
rf one 

esand Mbecebra : bur ileccbraby reafon of his fharpe an and bi iting qualiue ¢ doth 

a is alfo another Portulaca f [ylueSris, or wilde Purflaine, ay ae ts 

Seren ae ee ee yne; Orpyne of Hut 

m defcribed in the chapter ee steric diel 

: Faber gh et Foxtswang,end ¢otswent inl =: 

ae on OF BEANS, 2b 
graffa: in French Joubarbe des vignes 

ph (i ‘ih lowe Dutch Smet waztele, and pemiel 
Siucteks in Englith Orpynes alfo Libloug, or Linelong. 
%& Thetem 
The Orpyns be colde and drie,and of oo panel parts: 

The vertues 
Pg DR ghee te Dake 5c RS A L 7 3 1. 1 
D ray the ee pew: ea a A 
tee 1 Lib ah: ing lai LL Co 2 Osis salieri? abt ta z 
tributeth vnto ita hot’ ficaltie,thon 

; ithath:w 
sie tafte Theweth the wea cater forefaid 
forge declateth that'the Other two alfot likewi ife colde. But c coldethings may as well 
clenfe,if drir 

L.& » OE ; : x 0 
Of the De Orde . Chap.rz9. 
Hs a ae 

2 Telephinm femper v: 
"Reeder od 

This ond Oral is seer aie + Bhatnietiadis Faro, be hae voices 
docalie le see fempervinun or virenss for the ftalkes of the other do se in winter, the 
mrcseil but the ftalkes and leau:s ofthis indure alfo t the 


ee ‘ Ddt 
‘ ; 

i 2 - 

met he Ena 7 rade deombers ba $ anh 
The firft goweth notin Englande. Th vg in a where it A ithe age: 
fore {pecified, 
a The ime. 
They flower when the common Orpin to 

, es scents nd 
gi Thet Rempettne one Hed 

“On Pune. Chap 140. 
Gnu. | & Thekindes. * 

“T  Herebe diuers fortesor kind he garden ;andanother wilde sandalfo no 
of the feas one phificall, the ocr abafad Linde n pS 

: I. Portulaca domewtica, ~ 2 Portulaca fyluetris, 
den Purflane, Wilde Purflane, 



1 rt Heftalkes ofthe gréat Purflanc t thicke, fomewbatred, full ofiui se glit- 
“[ teringyandpai ine branches trail 1d theleanesbe anh 

parted i 

ie ngProde, ite aie fomewhat oe the neather 
See i ‘ ioe : ae Cots 
cofa eng colour, the bignes fe) 

nal] blacks Regs ‘thera eee i ¢ aha. corne, -if.w a 
2 The 


+ Theotherisleffer,and hath like ftalkes,but finall pane <ferktcng grand the leaues 
mage Lf * ohn: -” } rt bu 

: * The place. 

‘ Pm Bd aa i. CL lo.) 3 
. be iia a3 ss Coutall i et q t=) re eg I} 
it delig o 2 Ps 
Paps din all d d Jes, and oftentimes 
spon nrocks: this alfoi is eed with wateri¢ es being once fowen, if it be let alone till the 
oO kh 
* The tame. 
¥ in March Avrill: i d is greene in Iune daft d 
tmay 5 g 3 eu 
vntill winter. 
% The names. 
..-f1 . wisn , eae Sod: Teatine . highD ro h Burkelktautsin French 
P p Sat Be, Sp (3 Ee I g 1 glifl Parll nd Porcelaine. 
The temperature. 
Purflane is cold J ck in tt hirdd J sts 25% 792. Dif] 
fo moift. 
: x The vertues. 
RD D1 * ye LS sce aie F wate fol. dj eeu = S Tat. ta ny ae 
: > > t=) - 
iff ht fis litrl , bad, colde, groffe, and 
i hy sol itis a ales d ftonied; the inice doth the f 
being linens uth, and alfo the aiid water. 
s Lit) Oe pe 1 ¥. f. R 
¢ is likew rie co mended againft > yoong n, and isfingular good efpe 
ciallyifa an nague beicined: sforicboth allai 5 which 
hich | i but 
mes, but 

allo to sie ener 
cs of Purflane cither raweor! boiled, = ees as ees are ee for thofe Ke ia Cc 
emper the inflamed blood, 

~ The f like m good f dae and allaieth the outragious 
Th [Dp Pe ESO BOE Ae bP FS iy ach =P 
inte a of aid: ry ale ae fluxes wha Pos 
efa wen vp with a miother fixing; rai shétiedsbisbiars, feathiai 5 

= the aie = — bute into oy Eamedantsc witha lifter PRY, ines the wceatons ind iaeof 
bee er 

me i are feton sins: ae eat seas 
The feede being taken,killech spa th See shoormesand Boppeh thelaske.. 

ve x 4 Purflane, and of the baede grounde Pines, Ai ills, 
or linking ground Pine, C Apert | 

fe ghsiatelsd j é 
1. A. at. .shattall 1 mie Oe 

S: = wooddie’: the leaues fat full of fubitance,, Tae 
hiter and harder: the flowers ftande roundabout the nok he Rather, rier a & 

m oft choleotBlyre, or of Orach :-neitheris de feede aolintane and flat: theroote:is 
pees Jon, shies asis.allo the plane beats one te inter wit tee of avfeyt - 
Les, gu tic, woy onthe oases a 25! F5itr 3 sth 
Thereisan another feaPudaine calle. its eh 5 a .D lomieh vhich h 
leaues like the former, but much whi (as though, meale had Stee ice ret them). 
Eprhahne t much me ae the Oliue tree, Thebranches are much 

we 8 1 Por. 


% The de fiription. 
There is founde another wilde fea Purflane 
rete Thaue thought goodto make m enti 
fon doth refemble the kinde s Of Aizoes. 
kinde rh Sie vpright with a trunke 
ikea mint ve fhrub, hauing many vpright 

oodie bra ages fan afhe colour, with ma. 

AA ess 

ofatree, The pak — 

The firft 4 Parflane toe in the falemar- 
fhes neere the fea fide, as ve 

inthe lleof Thaner as yee go from Margate 
to Sandw ich , and in many other i plac’ along 

coafts of Zelande, 

Sco ae andi i. alike es ne as befides the Ile of Purbeck in Eng- 
lande and on Rauen-fpurne tne I Peiben felfe fate feene: 
Theale Bansith nda Mei 
es,longer,, Olineleaues scent many times “er behieher and Hh oe 

ee ie chai paprinteien eerie gle, and in 
__ kingdome of Valentiain g 
= % The names. fe 
3 5 it. Yel: eau Hala :in 
hate tale a be Purflane. SAMs 
The baftard rd groun: Presa ealedof ome Shomapyc icwlata, Halimus, arid Aathills: 
ground Pine 


. SeaPurflaneis(as Galen os x ee Lepr the greater part thereofis hot in ameane,with 

: ne . a 
A. “Toelemes ih Di fone 2 Se’ 1 oe yh ag: Go oon oe C.2 ene 
with m de or a he ? i 8 pe PS 3 A 90 meso ay |i - ve and 

> 5 
1. e 

:. The leanes be et 
ae are, a oot Real land eaten at mens tables i in ft fee of 

‘yong andtenderbuds sniianrenin alee tabla, 



Of herbe Ine, or ground Pine. Chap.143, 

‘Y Chamepitys mas, 2 Chamepitys 

; fi 
ThemalegroundPine, © Bia ser The female 

Derrtrrun Unsamonuelfa 
Posse ar apap % The defription, 


Sree eS: 

= “I H ki of ch . Uw iSek Fist iL: 
i ping vponthe ground, hauing {malland crooked braunches trailing about, The leaves 
: 1 3 ft si - Me igen Ae ey “fe feaew Fr oaye 

perfect, me think her lik he finell of hempe. The Rowers belittle aridofa pale yel. 
low colo dé : L: L Say pee 1A. Py ciara te ie fubftance; — : = 
The G Al Pe Re i 1 Cadl } ieee } P ipeeee = and hairie, veric lik 
vnto the & €. oe Pe ae aes | patti aed ft like ia: ic d 
Mander, The flowers ar. of p le colour,and growe al he ftalkes in roundles like the dead 
Nettell. The feede is blacke androunde,and the whole plant incur hliketheformer, = 
3 2 Athos fherbe luc, growing tor the moft part about Montpelier in Fraunce , is the leatt 
* ie > vss "yy 346 j Sg: 8) py oss aparece eens . t 
o iskinde dy flowers, intmell and proportion 

; y g 3 E 
like vnto the others, but much {maller, : 
Ti - ony Lins 1 biak 


BRS Pees SS as : pity 5¢ rgrotind Pine, that hath leaves fomewhatlike © 
eee xt Ae ‘a5. 4 ily ea ty themfelues into divers flender : 
as Zi 0 sere ate PGND Sos 
sa che Rare zi er Sey 4 ; Pee 2 a f. L ae ee s: és an es 54 
t h =i kee Se giganto eg yaches; difperting iefelfe fat = 

+ WD 
f{mell andihie mae BS 

| SF biG eee 1 "angles 

: , L oned,being ofaftrong’ = 
syuleshcines Soe? arothe feeds of Chemtles Tricectes or Widows 
$ twyihhe ch Remyapezssee «> pedals thaliee hicroote ts grearer then’ 

aD eres 
Dd 3 = There 

7 J i. 
. 3 Tua Mufe 2 WM, ite oo Je wun | rid 
Herbe Iue,or grounde Pine. oe igre: ae Thebeferg pie 
13 Sue ities + * Sthereis me 3 “nd ea ay alten 
der branc meet ri with inde leanes, for the moft 
ie wee et ft. oft like the ke s ie of Rofe- 


der white anake ae ing turned otteward 
(that the inner fide Seg do ec at re. 

a Yes reat “ite 
i eZ mi rot ee auncient 
AM Carolus 
ee cae had ven pe 0) Pannonicketrauels, 
<jhys ¢ hath wonne 
; ees before 
} ira time. This Soe: ea fica eplancI haueinmy ag 
MSS ing with many {quarc ftalkes of halie. 
: high;befeteuen from the bottome to the rop 

with leaneet ike our Ve Rofemarie,that it is hard for him which doth tiot know itexadlytor 
f- ce vi oeipanme spring ey ne ona fomwhat ha aiti¢ a and hoarie ie among w hich 

cross ofar cddih A I he floweérsiike Arch ngell in fhapes by cof 
, - J 1 5 GA rf Vn Adsety mare aller wnie xe, ewe nes 
ofa violercolour The ‘4 gar hlike ck i Sit Geréale ite 
hel d vppeni, hite likewife, ff d with many owe :whi chb being aba 
fo fk £ 1 oe og hi 1h 
7 Z ae FBO 8 Se gg rt L ah 1 n. 38 He 
ss tJ o to) 
thereto. fs * The rs 
= 2 fekinds of Chi h {t) ie plentiful , efpecially about 

—* s nde, Gobha: i, Suet, Horton, Dartforde , and ponte ado invanic other fhire 
in ia at that rcuer I Teould find 

TL tw 

ok = 
They flower in eevee Auguth 

gone age is scalledi in n Greek a - Aston <sigs Binding sgn in fhops lua artis 

Doni Ct fete eee tin French ies sae in coi ith abate ain oe me ent, ground Pi 
Bere ae 


sof | yg seals runned; > in i infudedin wine,or fodden with hony, and dr ty 
eX ~ Saas ten daies,cureth the iaundies,the peatgtte the Ribappings oft oft clint, ce 
ico Fruaking water, the ftoppings of the fpleene, 

| nd dif- 
dp YU ST ae eS - 7 =. ees 

é = £ 

gs :. OF op Cah Juzl eth the yellow 
ee ay a ey ea re 1 Sao rine: being. 
DR UNS : = apeed 3 
res L a CPS Se Ry eR he aS ee SOC cot 
5 P The peop! 3 


’ 1 ifon, 
Hera pa fe it agai : 

The powder hereof tak pils with fe. llifieth the bell y 5 itwafteth away the hardnes of E 
the paps; it healeth ds 3 i | ified vl hin gs 
cue Peres ; 2 ocre 
the bt ound Pine doth perf fo doth the other tv at fo effectually usededicn 

_ Clafis ms of whom mention was made, hath not faid any thing of the vertues of Chamapytis An- F 

vite ‘the tatte, fell, and sane ee of this ies which is more pleafing and familiar to 
the nature of man than thofe w g g 

Of Nauehwoort,or Penniwoort of the wall. Chap.143. 

1 VmbilicusVeneris. 2 VmbilieusVe. 

nevis minor. 
Wall Penniwoort. Sm llatelwoor. 
Su €2 
x Z C2 
GRR a \ 
Vand if 
Ai tay 

Pe ee gee Pee Meee Sewer 

Cihrdtadien me a The defription 

3 I He great } 

the edges “and he | rae oat 2 
ge he vpper aii ue tender 
. ftem faftened to the iat af “ leafe 5 onto Ald sadinars the ftalke, wheeon. is 
the flowers do: grow,is {mall and hollow,an handfull snare befer she {mall flowers 
of no sy rd tepyeim eye roone is pate awhite co! 

de of Wall Pennywoort Sr aaaaee wahion oa ddhicke ees antiga a 
aNiciorsl dh about the ees, 6 neues round as the leaves of the former,butfomwhatlong 
~ oongs,fpred vpon the ground in maner ofa tuft, fet about the tender ftalke, liketoSengreen¢= 
ufleeke ; amor tie oe tender ftalke whereon do grow the like leaues, The flowers: 
flatdonthetop cont of fiue final leaues of a white colour. The root is {mall and threddie. . 
Dd 4 a Cotyledons 


3 Cotyledon palastris, 
‘Water Pennywoort. % The defeription. 
sakinde of Nauelwoort,that gr gtow. 
ethin aia places, which is called of the buf. 
bandman Sheepesbane, bicaufe it killeth the pe 
that do e: eof : itisn uch vnlike the 

the cee and the ot Ae {tone wals 

he firftkinde of Ht ea gtoweth plen- 

sf in Northampton se euery ftone wall 
about the towne, at Briftowe, Bathe, We els; 
and moft places of the welt counesie vpon ftone 
wals. I Weftminfter abbay, ouer 
the doore that Teadeth from Chaucer his tombe 
tothe beriice 

The feco aciek vpon the Alpes neere 
Piedmont, nae auier, and vpon the mountaines 
of Germany : iicentie pes fame growing vpon 
Biefton caftellin'Ch tie 

% Ti 
They are greene and flourith efpecially in win- 
ter :they flowre in the Se ning offommer. 

Nauelwoort is called in Greeke xmaidur: in 

Lin ante ¥— Latine Ymbilicus Veneris, = Acetabulum : of 

Seer diuers Herba Coxendicum : Iaco ues Na 
meth it Scatumcali,and Scatellum : in Dutch Me 

uelcrupt: in Italian Cupertoiule : in French E/ew 

‘elles :in Spanith Ca of fome Hortus Vene- 

7is,or Venus garden, and Terr vimbilicus,ot we 

Nauellof the earth: in Englith Pennywoort, will Pennies oort Ladies nauell,and Hipwoort. 
Wate: “dieey o, is called in Latine Cotyledom palustras + i nEnglith Sheepeskilling Penny- 
graffe , P t, &in the erate ca for theteis alfo Red rot, which is Ro/é fo lity 
in Norfolk iti is ‘called Flowkwoo: 

se The temperature. 
ae Sie, ordriueth backe, feowreth and confumeth, or ae away, a cee. 

% The vertues. 
Rate Phe inice of Wall Pennywoortis ae ng he aoiintt sion 
as Eryfipelas,Saint Anthonies fire,and firchnlike: and is good for kibed hs ee ree: 
, and one.or m erent 6 testes et pon theheele, 
=) eS » prouoke vrine,. : nd 7 ht Ag inft che 

ant A ae thecaies do vie oe Water’ Pe ennywoorsi in eade of th this of Hie wall sie 

ican i eat error, and much danger to the patient: forhusba aS bh 
thatit spoon eee and other cattellthat feede thereon, og mol pach ang 
deathxoie erpasiint! ail reafon. 

SS Teites 2 


Of Sea Pennywoort. (hap.144. 

1. Androface Mathioli, 2 Androface annua aria. 
Sea Nauell woort. One fommers Nauell woort. 

% The de[cription. 

1 thicke ] lif e Ct Vpor nfiall 

fe f rbarifts 
it ee Marinus,or Sea Nauell. The leaues sani ftalkes ofthis plane, whileft 
are ofa pale afhe gees being taken foorth, they prefently waxe pies as Sea 
called oe the of a Cockle. It is thou he to be barren of feede, ae is intaft e faltif 2 = 
and bitter. It were a nant to confider (as Thaue done) how far, euen the beft writers ha 
decid . the igotihon this plant, Butwe muft reme mber, thatno man ss bnoet all 

a See V1 oe 

sm a ‘ 
final ea or Hent sabe Hh ee double, it chine -amoog which pte a flen- 

der ftem, hauing at the top certaine litt lechaffie flowers of a purplith colour. The feede is cori ek 
_ ned infmall{caley huskes, of a1 reddifh colou our,and a bitter tafte. oe whole plant tperifheth when 
--ivhath perfected his-feede, an éfewen againe the next Teme’ stint was ee to es = 
a ortifias, who (ashe affirra rmeth ) receitied it from butIthinkehe-faidefotomake 
Mathiolus more ioifull : but i oe furmifehe pbckedieouroF oneolde wall or other, ees itdod i: 
— the fi fipall Chick srs the wall do. 
will bled Fes ae a Ze a 
by onpe te 1 Langned oh fit doth k Les 
- The fec age weth vp de ftone and mudde_ wals snorihanding ha (the more 19.2 
grace Marhiolu great jean abana itin ny eae : 

_ The baftarde Anvoic flowreth in: Ligand ite feedeis ripe in ame 
eine is off es called Pabiliwm ee ete, Nanell, 


% The hemperature, 
The fea Navel is of a diureticl ie then Galentl htitrol or 
_ i At 5 o 3 hh c aes if t=) wy PIU Lie 

: * T. peat 
Ca ee er Lark $ Yd Bs SL SRGET » os AP) peewee 0 1 - 
2 ~~) Fo} c inthe 

B  Twodrams ofit, as Dio/orides faith, drunke in wine, bringeth downe great {tore of vrine outof 
ae Ey 1 L al | ip J eM 1..:2 yee Be . L.l 
i oes t=) r : t Eyes 

Of Rosewoort, or Rose roote. Chap.145. 

Rhodia radix. ote 
. Rofewoort roote. % The defeription. 
R; Ofewoort — manie finall, thicke, and fat 

ftems, growing from a thi cke and knobby 
roote, Bc a end of it forthe moftpart 

A\in uen fro 
Wh aN iG Soe learrree te the toppe, like ae oi de fielde 
SX 14 rpin, but narrower and more fnipt about the 
le eri the flow wers growe at a ad of a faint 
, a . yellowe 

S/ At 



It daoet and dourithedt in luly,and the feed 
istipein Auguft, 

=< Some haue though i it fick taken the 
aioaitot Hea din the Mediterr. ae 
=e einai but doubdleffe i jetooke his ame Rhoe 

2s. Wel, TI. 

A : There i is little extantin writing of the Rae is of Roferoote: but this I haue founde that 
‘ifthe roote be eafeth the e paine 

Of Sampier. Bite 46 

% The kindes. 

Se ge phe s 

Te an 

HH eet ORES or: 
I isiihanitintin Suit 

Rocke Sam — Fitna 

Le | 

o ot 

= a 3 ae clrjathomon, 

" Golden a Se 

A ; wo oe 
y ue 6 oa) 


es ; 


( IMS 

oe i Ocke Sinn 

PLAN TS.-d: 427 
rece 2 Crithmum [pinofium, 
? tiple” i. 

Thee Cri sf a 
tr i t atid thicke 
~ leaues, fomewhae] lie as f the lefler 

WB “s 3 prc pate hich are fer 
ha q pa tuftes oer Pi es The Bide & 
ae 3 : : . ie 1 cs 

ta ae aio GPone fet tog 

a : vies and ino nny of imelt eign 
ms utbas 1d pleafant. ‘ 


ce boll gh paflidares Arita, 
__ or Sea Parfnep, hath long fat leaues, very much 


geed or cut = to Bence middle ri 

‘huskes .'The roote is Phicke- wae 
to ee: Very g00 dand 
ao ed foorth thany ftalks f 
aed sou ve ae ee eee 

at et the toppe, wher “ones lie 
The fede is like thofe of th 


: The piace. ; 
2 1 ¥ vs a . 
— sac gtoweth on the ro k I tD u 2W: helf y3 hy Ri abou Seticbansdl 
cyle ot Wight, of En 
aye L S L 1. kL 1. ro j Ip L 1 . Waa and 
1 a L a < eee Ai. 1. ¢c VW 7, aA } 4 the 
y > » v eftchefter, 
The thi dg 4 in tt irie Marth inthe yle of Shepev. oe 8g he Ki t 2 
: ; | ia? fe) 7 > 5° TCrkrie to 
Sherland houfe. 
: BT he time. 

Dt e iG Er 2 Me TT, J AL 1 ] Lo} * * 1 Ata 8 os 
ees “ Ls é - oe i 4 li) ae ee 
ginning of Augult, .. ? id 

% The names: A % 

Rata. oe oy eg A) ey 1G | lp, andot dinerepes:. 3 

, = mks es Cod ce on oe RRs \ od SS UD a ora 

enchell, jculustay fell: in Itali indy Herba 


di San Pictro, red ieapon Paes name it Serre: in tent Perexil ie i mer, Hinoiomarine, 
ampie T, 

names of the Sampier generally eaten in fallads 
, The other two be allo Crit thina,ox Sampiers, ‘but moft of the later writers would dwn to 

} nce AL. 1c es i] c 

Atticus: bucwe had rather entertai i s g au, OF 
Sampier. ° : az Z 

The temperatures: 
Sampier doth pS eee Rome ad apie 4, 

A Theleaues, fies, and tootts, Dien Gath ‘boiled wineand drunke , ale vring, 

“3 1 RE . 1 Sais Seca ct peat 

PR peg IS | pts pe “fh Dm if = a 
milt. kidneies Pg ar Sas oe 
Denke a at As ar aS } Pegs > t pSeeys 

r aed ~ 2 t rr 
SS | a nf. Pe See Iya on. * S 

Cc. ple: 3 > g sbodie, , both or digetin 
c 1 1: Pita aes ¢ a 55 dblad 

Lee eee atte Mile 5 ig of gt 

oe OF Gaffe Salooeart Chap.14.7. 

5 * ited 
ie 1 : sy oe ee ee Coho lorer 
na, U pba teagan sen : 

~ = ; eT he def eriptiods 

ie t.m. ae ot prea nie Baa eer tand thickt 

5 full of fa 
F Brigs, fet with many knots.or i pide without pees ntelag atall, ofareddith greene colour. 
 Thewhole plant Se gaksi a bas h of Corall, The roote is eh ar and ae 

re is another kinde of Salew: ath beene ifts for 
tte Sampier . Tt hath alitde render alkea cubic high, divided i nb thany final branches f z 

which commeth foorth finall {cede, wrappedin a crooked huske, turned round like a cabelget 
fd reddifh <olour. The whole planti = a file and sig tafte. The roote !s 

s There oS fo tt of. ne meCrith 
wih is a nc 4, aa ope 
1 Salstorais 


3 Salscorn, 
<iamenesecios Saltwoore, 

Thefe Sek are x tele unde in fale cote al. 
moft euery wh 

* rhetina ee 
mene flower and fourith in the former mo- 

Saltwoott is -alled oa the VAbabiatis Kali, a 

ime. or Molle + of ome 

aha 78. 

The axenorathes hereofis named of Matthe 
Sihdas sais toile! cofm iolt Sal Calkal wads i ai sell it 
Alumen catinum fe 
rence a esdk os nd Alunene Seta 
Alam athesit felfe, andthe the 

fale thats one le oft the sfhiessi Sal Alkals. 
es are beaten to powder, and mixed with 

wvitri : in Englith S 
woirre: in Italian Fior de chia: that is,the flower of Ch riftall, The! hetbei is allo called of divers 
Kale articulatum,or iointed Glaff 

% the temperature. 

Ce ? HLL Oe 
1 L 3 34 e 

. Clatt “4: 34 
wane ame Ee as 

Alittlequantitie of the herbe inal taken, doth not riage crit ee vrine, but in like A 
ie sayeth foorth the dead childe, 

ree saa mnilchignous and deadly. The fmell and finoke G-opGitherbe - Be 
ae driue Nts. 

The afhes sare likewife tempered with thofe medicines, that ferue to take away feabs and thof C 
the in péilontosse 

vicersyas a 

cen and id Serapio do ‘dof Teport, 

f Serapi t,thataman may ftande vn- D 
fier he fhadow thereof: butitisy svety at ae this error — rather ftom the interpreter, 
so eo — thor himfelfe, 

wer of Coriftall,or (as asthey commonly’ terme it,the fat of Glafle)doth woonderfiilly drie. E 
It 6 ir yest = feabs and and mangineffe, i ifthe fotle pa Partesbe wathed and Sonar with = Water 

ees Parresbey 10 2k: 

of These ie Chap. sD yodtt Lee: 
5 Ts eee ad ars 

“nie {mall branches. which: e leatiess as 



Teafemaking them like hollowe cups ot fawcers. The feede groweth in ae tufts‘or rundels like 
Dill, long na blackifh. The flowers are of a faint yellowe colour.’ The roote is fingle, white, and 

Pe | 1 L n ea, ee, wT 
y g Colewoorts, mal 
king itakinde th f. » and calling it . Bra(iica foluestri: foli } 
2. ~ Re J. = Pod (1 Ie < ne £33 a 1 a “aod 
t altog: git ther 

moft male, big very | ‘well the common cop oe waxes whereunto I a referreit, Ie 
bearing leaues > Whi ch wr tap and inclo fe th 

ao vpon the adden viewe eich ie to pa teow 3s the other: vpon the al 
braunches do gr 

fe leane. ee SSS te yee ES Roe 

like a of Tur 1 
whence it hath the name cae he Nauewe. The 
roote is islong and fingle,and dieth see it ath h brought fort his fede. 

like vnto the 
Pee er eige = 1 fer fh Roi Bs 8 ‘hear 1. } ee ree 
prooue =i el zs 
I rape = ath 2 Ba ee ea 
pa Ehosowe wane, i ere Re 

£) Pe, bcd rove 

: ae A i The pa iS esidad cee 
Hee act inmy garden likewife. 

4 Thetomperaares wie odio ctx t : 
| Thorqwemascisofadeeconplexon is seit c anne enciekee 
se The-utrones. oF pe 

The dbe of The “t Lae, ee 4 ds, ee is le 

fxg cto eer 3,34 Si 2 = oield 2 

eee 4 
guentor{al ine orb g vp fethi de pew dss swolodie ld 

Ag ve Of Hevie wis “Chap. AED 20099 308 0 gi 

= Cerinthe psior. ae : * 2 Cerinthe mi fit 

wsces! perro i ak "Sal Hien jar 

4 fs 23 & - Wi 

vay ae a ae 


ie oy iy Dog 

RO ee 
We = ZA, 

Tres oh 

& we = Se EG 
3 eG ‘ 
MS oO a : 
= Se SEX 
3 SN 

= de(cription 
I \ Erinthec or Hees eo tsth foo thof the groundeafter the Sat bie Gede. wv 
two finallleaues ihethof of Bafills seein he which leaues commeth foorth at i 
mooth, tender, and brittle ftalke full of iuice, that diuideth. thit felfeinto many other 
; braunches: : which alfoare aided in fundric other armes 0 rbr ere crambling or lea- 

3 braunc’ are placed testy thicke foughle leaues , fet with very faieee slike dhe ea skin 
pc of a Tetris bh lewith greenec colou ur. fase tted very notablie wi with white ftrakes & see slike 

Use  foor shall bande of k he p purple ro wie 
_ aboutthe idl ofthe yelowe fo flower. The anaicholaee sé ned like a little boxe, of the 
of,are many fi Saue chiues = oe 3 which 

oot perithech 

eae ere iececisthond bce rd ond nt feskinnie huskes 
3 en of winter, 

2. Pliny 


“2 Plinyfetreth i which odoneus i in ‘oa 
ee Re Se eae mae cn 
“ pets 4 f 78S 
5 croftnet el verie brittle, befer.with! h vnilike th lent, but leffer 
t Pd i ee 4. - P aya - oem SA Out iciier, 
‘. rf 4 2 } * L 5 th 1. oye 4 i Esta 
Theseediis qe alt acted {as black i ik sicior pee sbeextie 1 
sy Cy « Mas. ee teas ae t - Nie 04 RE a ne Seer 
L 1. 1 oOo .: 1 ron 
2 * 6 
: Nin hep ep —s 
ein -% 7 tJ, 4 
See sia eee aa i edi 1 yg 
o 3 te) 
ROR d £ % The time. eichinianry: x 
They dower fromMaie to Auguft, and perifhe ac el pptech, of winter , and mutt bee 
(bivetragaine the next fpring. meet 

» Thetemperaiure and vertue, = 
Phajeand _Awicers feeme to agree that thefeherbes are oF Paco mes, notwithftan- 
ding eke teria not any experiment tof baie vertues woorth the writing. 

Of Saint lobns woot. a 150. thes on” | 

t Hyperice dad : | 
Sandi oor ne foe 
» Se 

* Reve Set fons eats: 

Se sal 
FR Tae 

co oY 
Des iy a 


Za OA, 
raat ‘4 aS 

. . JENS 1, 
\ ee 



2e % a 


vin aninfinite number oft ee with p pins points, “The bra bane melee theméelues 

fof faneiefin Gnalelesg ee top ‘whereof do growe many yellowe flowers, which with the mae q 

ee ed do yeelde a reddifh peck the colour of bloode, The feedeis mea jietle aed q 
' 2 


‘The rooteis long, yellow; and of: 

fab ance : ; 
econd of 
ma 2 plentl Pi of En on wherein it ma a onan bung fmall Bei almottl ket to- 
Androfemum, with the 

or Her egt race, wherein. Dedoneus hath failed ri enge Sas ve 
rte 2 fylue st eae toan oiler, This planes is 
1 Poe 137 ae " L Y Sete | 1 Che ot differen ence, 
Hypericum tomentofam L Obely. 
: Woclly S.Johns woort. % The defeription. 

3. Woolly S.Johns woorthath many fi ar his 
branches trailing vpon the ground, befet with many 
little leaues, , couered ouer wi ith a cettaine of kinde 

4 o 

flowers. : The tel ibe ate ar - ee true 
The place 
‘They a very ar in 1 the ee in eue> 
They flower = familie for the moft part in Iuly 
and Auguft. 

The nam 
ns woort is sealed in Sree votemoy: in Las 
ops Perforata: of diuers Fuga 

tin Italian 

“Hyperita: in Spanifh Carsconzilo: in F 

. & The betemperature. 

S T. L a7 C.4.2 Le. 
a 2 
% T. he verties. 
. ag res LF pd » RAS 2 1 J. «4 Se ee 7 A 
or 3 bts! fi 
Beeolts Gee ftone in the ebladionaa ftoppeth the laske. eters : 
eee € good to be laide vpon burni ning Idings,and all 1s; and alfo for B 
es es ralthie : ; = 
he eaues, ee ers, AfesAcatt ¥ 7 re CRE) poaeeite t 
i 2 p t eo 
funne for  certaine weekes togither, i then ftrained fi ‘ 
d doth mak il fhe coleurof ar hae eatin 
j J Q L “¢. 1, FR Py % 
3 an 
und che ay fl. J 1 ETE ye ogi areprickt, or as 2 y 
ma npound oile hereof, the ma- 
king of whic Diges fhall receiue at my yhands, b fe thar Ik in the worldthereisnota better, 
no ponar naturall Balfam it t fe Ife; hk y fuck 1, as-abfolutely in each 
pedi 5 ee oo oe EY eae 
o > 2 er ; 
 Cakew ite wine twopintes, ile oline { j 5 ile of tu p itine j 5 the leaues, D : 
“flowers feedes of S$ lohn h feach handful ly brufed i be ee 
ey iat ee L fg. me 1 Ps ies hg L PS es 
Saag! 4e@iin Sid 
eae reinthe «> 

gl Slali an ftand to baile, 3 ae es ae fel herbes, and doas Aunts did bectes 

putin ntheli 1 > 
agreat fecie for the = purpofes aforefaid, ltl arias eS 
pia? oF SS es 3.8 
peep ae ar appro ls ee pil omen 2d 10.8 aih 
The fame autho! & faith b nke with wine, ketl / ig 
oe ee Se Bet 


S.Peters woort, 

Bae h 
OX ‘sf VES 



OfS.Peters woort,or He Nein graffe. | 


Aint pias voor septa to the wees of 

a cubit and a halfe, hau uing a ftraig 3 

ry oa fomewhat browne by 

iples at certaine diftances with leauies much 
like thofe of S.Iohns woort, but greater ; fiom 

the bofome of which le come foorth ma- 

ny fimaller leaues , the which are not bored 

through as thofe Tohns woort af yet 

time there be fome few feene fo bored through 
Th the top of the branches of 

roote is zouk and of a wooddie fubftance, 
The place 

“a oad 
Pe iar a ¢S.loh 

SJ ns grafle,orow. 
eth plentifully in the North part of ape 
efpecially i in Landeftale cut ve I have 

efpc ‘ally ina 

Cops by Mafter Sidleyes ute ol Southfleer 

Ae floureth and flouritheth whed Saint Iohns 
rt doth. e namees. 

E Teds called in Greeke 4 doxvesv : the Latines haue 

name A ¢yron. I 


faith itis named A/éyron and A feyreides : in Eng- 
a lifh S, Peters woort, Squa eat S, Io 
YoY yarn tanner Yprt gov _ gtafle : and of fome Hardhay. Few Apothecaries 
: r Wao.» dash do knowe it from S.Iohns w 
The temperature. 

This herbe is of sadieanarnars 

The ver ties. 

aK ae J 

Reh: ndued with the f 

hal fe of Meade, dothp! 

ithall. The feede, faith Digs 
iful! bv fi chole- 
ef oO dé o7 

rides, b 
S oo Galen doth likewife afirme the fam 

—— The defeription, 

Of Tutfan, or Parke leaues. Chap.152. 

L ¢. . es L 

43; being forthe 
+ 2f ‘7 

yeas ke redco- 
ne, The 

fet =e aA a of S. Peters woort : 
eats ee afterwardes red, fa + Sins all be 
fecde-The roote ooteis hard,woodie,and doflong 

after in He vpa *jeeleround 
wherein is contcined oe 




Clymenon Italorum 
[age ese Parke leaucs. 

% Theplace. 
an groweth in wooddes, and by hed 
cecal in Hampfteed wood, where the G Golden 
oth growe, namood by Racin Ele, and 
ae other plac 

It a in sly and Angi The feede in the 
meane tim hripe. The leaues become red 
in Autumne iy at Fedt time is very ay prefied 
foorth his winieiuice, « 

Icis callédja Grechesideetge aah Latins 
alfo mea 9. itis likewifeca elf Dionyfias,a 
Galen witnefleth, They are far iG took Oehor 

takei ttobe = Chymenwm, anditis needleffe rb nde 

ders dee ge in Englith Tutfan, and Barke 
ed ee 
ters shih 
doth ui iste it bs obe hot and drie, 

The feede he ores pee wder, and drunke A 
tothe weight oft Ewo drams, doth purge aeelerehe 

= Se nat disafinonla 
4 : % 5) ar 
z= SS remedie for the Sciatica, prouided tne the ; 
a : < = — i do 

auiie watet fora day or two after pur ging 


¥ vpon 
new pointes  itftancheth the blood , "and Aad 

te go } laid } ] thi J bE }) : healeth them, Rs }- } . j 
; 2 Ci Tirelin ss Vehin: Bess 

wi sseeTe ee 

i=) ? : Ee : ° co ed 


Of the great Centorie. Chap.t53. 

pi ited a re 

% The ‘fin 
eat C t s, three cubi igh the ert are 
Tie long, di ded'asitwere in mahy yp ie to choieof the Walnut tree, { atfiipe: | 
vee like:the teeth ofa fawe. he flower: lees aie the tales in tealie 
knaps liket the great Knap weede,them idl hh «s 
h 4 fubftance like t thehead se an nAniGh 10h5 ; 
ndal h feede, bearded at one end like thofe of Baftard Saffion, Cartan, 
_ Mes,or the aoe, Pea The roote is eae caine the “pra Sage me fan- 
uine colour on the infide, fomewha t fweete in tafte,and ane 
There is likewife babaice fort hereof, eer fete largel is like thofe of the water ‘cae 
mht thipeee ed about theedges, T 

moreleous or fle ofinice, otherwife like, 


’ Centaus a: 
Great Cento: 

* Ti he place 
he grea atten’ ntorie joyethi in-a fat and {ruitfall 
fo ile ,andinfunnie banks full of graffe and herbes, 
It eroweth very aera > ~— nD fetta 
Lycia a Fores ae 5 Arc i in 
int tories Brg 


and likewife i in eee ve 



The tim 
It flowreth in b poet ae the rootes may be 
gathered in Aut 

icon. ie 
Teis called in xevrasdecoy 73 wie: Of TI heophraftis 
alfo Centanris: in dink thops falfly xbs Ponticwm: 
Rha Ponticum is Rh ing in the 

hk. Ahewt 

_ eerie 

oe out by. Chiron:& therupon 

er ofthemis named Chiron; itisre- 
, thatthe {aid Chiron was cured therewith 
; undin his —— es s made with an arrow 
: pacar ia it,when oe was sranaienie of duces nto his houfe: wherypon it was called a 
orof! the curin g of the woundes “ a bes, ee the which purpofe! itis moft excellen' 
Tis hotand di in 1 the third degree, Galemtath 5 by the tafte of theroote it fhewerh contrati¢ 
qualities, {c 
% Thevertues. 
A Th 1 } £; 4, . Dy eeR } Senet 8 a eee : 
ait ce Son eee Hs 1 ae the 
éous es gripings of the be li ; : RS 
. is no otan ny pa cherbe, L L RES 1 4° oreene 
‘Bs Pay x4 ine iH 1h Geb in- 

wounds ee 
"tention, that ieee the 
c.. _Thefe {e things sand mo befi 

lips a not — tothe peroot any matter a 
des Drofcorsdes telleth of. Theroote — cee isa reed = Lawes. 

feauer,anid to thot 


fe that hatie with watt si? 

D ‘Gaeta 
whichis alfo 

Ssh tae tere oda 
tl > perfo an r 

I Hele 
with leaues i 

fpokisbetien eee 

meetlmied Centorie. 

Bal ae b 

{Cr ; 
vd pas 

a Thedefeription. aoe Nt eh 1f. ats 
of Saint Tohns woort: the flowers a at heh 

and bignetfe. 

the funne is vp doe openthemfelues , and towardes euening do fhut.vp againe es aft er them come 
foorth {mall feede “a of the fhape of wheate cornes, in which are conteined yery little feedes. 
The roote ‘i kane ard,and foon e fadi en 
ae kes 

: ope IAM 1. t 

oie pbs ete refpect. alte 

1 S baryy 2 C4 q 
o A ¢ 
— tT anes par KUM. ; 2 Coie tauriun paruwmel lutewm de ee L 
\ mall Centorie. Y¥ellowe Centorie, 

Qe ey 

ie % The place. : : ae eae 
_ The firftis growing’in great plentie Te A England, in moft paftures aoe “4 
The yellow do see chalkiec oer ttt Sid fach — 

TL 1. oe. T..1. IA fl 
~f a RE 1 Pe eS ~ 
a s 47 4 o 
= 5 : res % The names. ' 
ee pis 1 ..f..a1C ee; a re i} od Chi Cte "4 
Eo  Biynamedh the cee 7adion, and by great bi og iS 

Ss all it Biondella: in S th Cé asi —— 
=. Sethe 7, ema) Co. Hees te 7 5 

aver x Thet i ge : ee ape es 
basombien : 
The frall Co Pariser a Cah steal sbi RES SS ERC 1y 
- oe HH oe yy oe $m sn te yi = 
wertuese + 

2 “Being boiled in wheel aes it ns grat oa licen, gall, and fpleene ; it A. 
oaths i rn a apo lic: ee lingering agues: it killeth the woormes in. eA = 
ome enon avare thicke, and apd sith fing. 

a ae THE See Oy «Bata ikep OF - 

We dP h performed the 
C This ie Einctan mped hileft ici A 5 doth heale and clofe vp 
greene wounds,clenfeth old esate vente. cureth ha 3 

% es . v = ae J 
decthatshe. ana g j hatt p 1! g ftth fthebem as 
Dioftoridesteacheth, 2 
Thel n Phifici do oF . 4 Chat Co nr - ae mY 
E Theltalia gine the powder of the leaues of yellowe Centorie once in three dais, 
¥ Steet 2% : | “ > : Cae hawlis 

Flos: ge ph son : fed. inch quogue ise ATBAT Hy 
Qué tuuat obfeffum bileaperitque iecur. 
oy, ecm tae bitter my iuice in tafte, 
ich purge choler erandhelps liuer that elfe would watte, 

Of Calues [nout,or Snapdragon. (hap.155. 

i Artirrhinwm purpurewm, 2 Udutirrhinumalh 
Purple ebahageo Whit te Sapiagon. 
G8 > oe. oS 

ran, be, 
Mtevelyd - 
Ds vi 


“Hepple Snapdragon hath greatan siti ',which dinideth it felfe into manie fre 
os soto like vnto 
— flaxe, but much h greater, fet] t by couples one oppofite again {tanother. = 
a ec *fathi ioned like a fe or sake, 
nouth ; je 1s 
seth dlteacal aue t en the name pone Th pacino 
orin selene a = . ‘ 
ter,the ne ethconimedcleaneavai: ; 2 

with the di i ra rs 1 che flowers! £08 
dis pancbengetonietanone iyinseet Sei iede! deo ad Ae © 



3 Antirrhinin luteum, oisg ig aabirrhinue mings, 
Yellow Snapd : unall Snapgaget: 
cllow Snaparagon. 

S wy 

E " 
ig ‘ 
de: ale tiauh- eee 
yes 2 % The defeription. 
+1 i} ¢ j 7-1 \ , Wate 1 oe) fee Pe ae 
3 a eee A A oe Yt 1 hole hick di ahsat TAG ant 
: 4 i q 1 1 V1 beep: = 
> Oo 55 : ¢ 
ter and lon nger. eatthe | ftk ineb h ofa pleafant 
i “1 
in thape like setin lees eee oe = 3 
4 ThefmallorwildeS lifferetl hers;but in ft 

and harrower. fhe howeis saa a ra ales 
The plac 

: T 3 J 
the eartens ase curious Senne” =e 
S * Thetim 
: i ‘doth h fower in Mai, wb toe 
ward a = aan ' Va nm i: 13 hiomeacsicomee pe Rriogse 

od = = t <9 ee> = 
yeh 19% 2x pe SuSE = i 
3. by i Caw «5 teolcines : Pe tat if Ap Le cereb ret, Fer= 
ea 4 V enuf mi ior ,Opalis erste, Orontinine — obs fe berbaich Colume lain 
; a AS booké doth reckon among the flowers nmbomaes Leo is Columbi 
hich forthe famecaule eet to sta? agree eg 

ee with eres out;then with Columbine: for the gz - Calues fhout is oe 
ns! hen the fower of Columbine: ie iscalledin Duchy in aa Calta 5 

o 3 

sie Rnboree ii . ‘Re ‘ 

A TL cre 
it felfeis of like fais 


ing berrathed ah dthat tr maketl aman gratious in ‘the fohot of people. 


% The temperature. 
1 a are hotand ‘net off fibrillp By 
% The evertues. 

psa ee At 3 gr, 1 ip Se gi Jak 

L f Th ay ol Pres 

report faith 1 Diofé Cortde. aif Se ee 

Apaleins, pees: sthat the diftilled water or the decostio ion 10f the heibe and roote madéin in wa- 
E g t ae ¢ bathed there. 

= OF Tide deflone. pase 6. 

Linaria pobpate avdorates we 
* Gres Tote tne = ~Siveers pple Todetand, 

ihe, Tr y! ps LU 2 Le feene 
in the common Snapdra: agon; the ae fo, much Tle Efulaminor tha eheapet 
hardly knowne from the other,but tby this olde verfes... z ae 

= See latte leit fine latte Linartacrefcii 
Some therebethat haue confounded Scapari, or Belueder Idlecun witht his zmarias butin in that 

ei; ene ie aaa 
mole ththeiaundife,andyonghe ch therby very neere vnto 
3 The evrlinde of Sopeng n on, ogee 8 ‘foe haloes at 

Pe: eee ea ee 

1 Sere se SE AES. 1 

Se sfit ess ditec Big ak g The halts is fi : a ane — 
+® imaria pur puresaltera, Wye 4, Linaria Valentiz. 
; : Veni od flaxe: “Tode a axe of Valentia. ; 
* iy sedi Y 
3 Theeightkinde of meyrrhinum ot Sn 
2 fall and natrowe leaues tke -¥NtO the firft ki 
4 bur a Se it wa 
 » ofthe ae sis es a — The roote is finall an 

les 0%, OF rather lik 
twig slouieh WF a rs footchighaed called by CZufius iP aetinn 
in agro eres a citie in Italie; 5 where i it beareth yee 

AA. L J } 

in ae per es parts. 


-muchy nlike the {mall Sna Snapdragon, but 5 ae clon =. ae mouth fomy: 

from cdiek rife vp many capes veryt tough melt ike oe Frick ee onset 

; oeToqe ti 74 harhath may in 18 weak bran- 
: a His pe ise inde hs ae little ¢ flax owers grow at 
=i ac ¢ ftalke lik is a eee cde declining to blewneffe, The re 
is fmalland 

OfréaMasl. .coghs sd2 wode bs: 00) 6: Ofte pur purcearnten, 
258 ede er or yoo Papp Tode tax 

3 Limaria anyes. 
Golden Tode flaxe. 

— sa 

v~ Siseer-sem, 


cy ks 

* OS ae 



7. Fo caf muchas this plantis it Ae leafed like common Linaria, the new writers have calcd 

it Li innofyris:: ithath ftalkes very ft ftiffea ood u 

Conyza mator. Th. 5 aes 1 L Pee ee FS ubit ip fe 3.0 (a TR Ms 

dy G Nee A S8 Sr p ie 2 

G. lf lant oe 0s umbellitera Der, that is, Dioféorédes his y Hiyiope 
which nats ba in valle points hike Zi Leelee whe aot it is akinde, not Defer from it in thew 

and leaues, The ftalkes are a: cubite pei iui ided -d of 

SF ws {} 


Gl} 4 a 
g full of many golden haires or thrums > with 

fede: a vee as duft, 

wt ol den To te 1..12. 1 123. 3} Ss fl 6. 1 
D, 3 29 : 
Honece to the top with {mall ee thine if like thofe of wilde flaxe: on th f th 
1 TL = Le 1G. 1 Sate 
o eo c=) 
9 Scoparia fi ue eink ohe Gratorum. Sue ee,” Een Uinarta. 
Broome Tode flax rrowes Lode flaxe. 

: among theleste shel 
greene ee as ae 
B Io ae for refemblance fak Geis pefeoued cage Ge finiee, bicaale his chis leaues belike 

a Linaria. Atthe topo of the finall branched talks do growe | little yellowith flowers, pale of colour. 
fomewhat like the tops of Ch zone andthe fale ftalkesof Limonowm. Iobn Mouton of Tourn ea aa 
yi Eee eaaterald: bicaufe thereh thailbe 
fafficient to haue fe fbn dlipon ih sae Peri 



ate te g ; 
Thek sof T F # f ft, 1 Re lly g unds,bar. 
ren Babe Pocky ail - 
| % The time. 

They flower from Iunc to the end of. a a 

1c BAMES. 

Tode flaxe is called of the herbariftes of our time, Zzzaria, 01 Elaxwee de, and Vrinalis: a fone 

Ofyris:: iBbigh I Dutch Lpnkraut, and Dnfér fraumen ated inLowe Dutch CUtit Tas: in 
Englifb Wil 

a cic ay or, a pe ees Hy r 

< bis ara 
> sersateempeg ftigking. The ee led Scoparia, is sand li i orbs beh sie hea =e 
f, wherewith h fcholler ‘sand ftudents Enel fweepe their towne 

nice agi 8 ane may be ig 

a Theseperstere, She 
TLeLi.d Cr.i.d Tt. ¢, 1 > whereof theya 
. a eo pe? Bo) 
% The vertnes. 
A Thedecoétion of T: ketl he yellowneffe and deformitie of the skin, being 
2 y ? peony Ub SiS SKID; DCIS 
wathed and bathed therewith. } 
TL. £. 4 1 1 Cobalt: vem) tf 1 Ie 
r > f=) t=) 

: a t i ic oO 
iaundife which is oflong continuance, 
Th i 3 oO: i) 1 Tr. 1 

Tee Retr He) ae fter drop, vnftoppeth the 

_” kidneies and bladder, : : ee 
Of Garden Flaxe. Obap.157. 
=. Linum fatinum. 
Garden Flaxe. % The defeription. — 

Laxe rifeth vp with {lender and se ftalkes. 
Thee thereofbe long, narro 
on the: — of the fone are faire 
blewe PST after whic ch fpring vp lietle rounde 
knops or buttons,in — is Brie ee fede, 
in formedomewhat 

of a darke colour. _Theroors eesbefillan dhe 
It profperethi eft tind fae and iil i in 

moift and not dri rie places; for it require’ 
: pees 

ware aliud: and that it eC 

me it arbeaiets which thing alfo Virgil ae 

: “Telnet Pos whofe 
diice.a deadly a gi 

_* The time. : * 
i d Iuly. After itis curte dcwgee (as Plinic in his 
9. boo ke firft te faich aa ir ee ae i gis into the water fubiest to the heate of the funne, and 
fome Re laide on them 


TI] pag oe 


P , and after vied asmoft huSiaues can i pescer 

then a yfelfe. 

%& Then 
ou is called b bothi in Greeke and Latine Bloat, Lim in inhigh Dutch sta tinTealian and Spa- 

Thetemperature and-vertues 
Galeri in his firft booke of the faculties of nourifhments faith, that diuers vfe the fede heereof A 

parct itr r P 3 1, } { Ut Be y x ie & ah ee | | 4. ft Pp 
mes cae J 1 A ee eS ree j Le PR 1 L J L 7 7. “aL 1 4. o a 
1 1 } 1 L 2 1 ley f! H } 1. 1B ¢ ad cL. Cy ome Ll } 2 ” 
4 | eee } en a y che twill . e ; 
The fame author in his bookes of the facul f fimple medicines faith, thar I inefeede being C 
eaten is windie alt ees itbe pra {fo fall itof fuperfuous moift ditis alfoaftera{ 
ift and drie. B how windie the feedeis , and 
how full offup i Thauel 

fince at hires in zeland where for wantof graine ‘and other corne, moft ofthe Chisens 

i hoe dole; whowere in fhort time af- 
ter fwolnein the bellie about the fhortribs , faces , andother parts of their bodies in fuch fort, 
thata L great number were brought to oe ates tery for thefe fymptomes or racidents came 

2 Linefeed -sieansiee hath i haththef& 
of 3 
i lifieth allin€ hot fwellings, as armada oe ifit be boiled 
h honie, Ja littlef: ,and made vp ified honie; itt haw s 
f thef: ithe funne t g, called in Greeke Ephel Se: i Shih neg 
& figs : itcaufeth rugged Dn fanaa oe ial aoe 

1c ia j 1. Lit L 49 Pim hrm 
£ r a 
1. 1 ee C.? ty Cech oh t- J 

4 ¢ > 4 , 
R 1 1] L dV} - } ee Ce aes F 
te o of. 6 ties 2 £ > tr 3 ts 
-7 Pe: rae Se pS | t 9PM Ws OF "ES ti 7} oes Rr 

“geric; oa is vied of | painters,picture makers sand. other arti 
It foftneth _— —— it Benches “forth the fin newes = hat are fhrunke snide 
ee gonlltees ethpa g appliedin manet of anioistt eter aniTig abnit sli 
alfo giu aa ieckdeiek aaa as.ate troubled with pai fnah fidel$-co! licke es] 
fet ms coca dae for if ibe olde ands ranke, eau se to vemite rT 
uermuc hheai 

4 Teect, 1. eg, 

Ypon angina, ot any fw lling in thethroate, eae 

eed } GGPIRO fi: 

Itis with good fucceffe fed plaifterwife,boiled in vineger , pon weit a icone 
Dyfenter ims swhich ate fluxes and epee ofth ellie. ‘ 
rh Cc rsbisertgcne 
ag eee e's } Cas St Ppa eS Sis ve 

Be es os re a it gat ete af aeen ee 
1 { Ce Tit 8 1%.) 65.353 1 * = king. 
Tht F.5d AfT 2>Lar tts fet Jeet: Mallowes 
j te TE ak. . 2 a L Fae ted 2 % 3 
& Chi-k svi ro 5 F dinaftone are 
} ae | Sh ER ‘ ia? se 
Se ay ce : YW soft me oie fom 


Of Wilde Flaxe. Chap. 153. 
1 Linwn fylueSre “> pms 2 Linum fyluestretenuifolinns. 

Wilde white flaxe, Thin leafed wilde flaxe, 

6 Se Won } 
WY fy 



* Thedefirigtion. — 
This Wilde Linde of Line or flaxe ath leaves so , cotieakbver lik Fen en 

te ing vpon round bright and thining fprigs,a foote long, and flowers like the manured fiaxe, 
~ bur 

he nar TrOWw and thinne leafed kinde of Line is ve ty like tothe common 4. , but in all pointes 
Th agi ers mh ft of fine leaues, which do foone fade and fall law bang many ftalks pro- 
— thole of Limris 

s,com . 

~ greater mon Line or flaxe; which being paft, there fucceede finall fharpe pom 

Bae oe fllffeedes,ike Linefecde,but of ablacke ———— olour. See 
fom Ste TR 1:4, «ery | owe 

Date wild doses for tis'noed itisa low or dwarfe 

eanhandil hig As hath hfs alow Bo bi ti ea 
esha ims J gene: owers : uit asi 5 vee da 

3 Linwm 


Rate SBKY BLAS 4G lox, 
| ie fi rwi fol aa. enigosi oe 4 “chamelinum per filam 
® Thinnleafed Wilde flaxe. , cigbass es IR ape 
RW et | : | 
a x 

a IF Ys § { 

3 - 

; 3 i: - WAS 

: = 

; They growe generally in grauelli¢ grounds, 

: Ly tes kD BR wee Oe 

: The ecard gone bythe fea fide, ‘The thitdand fourtl growe vp ks and cliffes neere 
to the feaf fide : & 

g f he feak kes E y Lee inEffex, and i hy F | of the yl £ 

Shepey. T! bE pene | O\rrme + 1 VL L * “ x ‘ 

% The tim 
They Gomes dicate a to i middeft of A otha 

Their names are he Greet in se feucrall titles, 

pee hikiecor thefe kindes of Wilde faxe iced wo he fa 
feldonievide ithe aa ¢ or chirurgerie, sai 

0 pa Of Hake Sl Doort. el OG 

a forsH - 3 

a ee 
pores Sa Nees ae 

[Nol ine tis ae he see Purflaineand-other hetbésareinthefe 
ff out daies, and receiued-among the Zeg, er opinion it was called Glawx, Primed eed ee 
f chreedlon ofthe cleaues,which are: fe a serayor edcolour, called in Latine Glenen# colar, 

fich vareinhe pera of others i ifoet uote of othets rence : 
Lattifica: bicaufeitis good to increafe hebreftsof women, ifir be mu rr 

andothes ehaue ferdowne Ga alega, Stone, bg, a plants fot shew a 


hath br i aconfufion. The true Glayx of Ds Glaux exigua maritima, 
2, bars hath m a ponies, roe creeping ; woort, 
on the gro aan and anding vpright, tender, 
and finall,befet vith many Tale fat leaues like Tribu WH . aq 

by c ouples betweene w whom gr ow finall pur ple\flo- 
wers3 which being paft,, there fircceed certaine little 
bole or feede ye The rooteis very fmall and 
id of the vpper face of the earth, 
as it inh Fawn by which meanes it doth 
mightily increafe, ei 
Thetru Ss aes gtoweth very plenti- 
ee in fae las and ae neere the fea, from 

betweene Mapa oe ‘and the yle of Tha- 
rong g and by G 
by Tilbery *Blockhoute it in ile, oy in the le of 

Shepey,going from fags fenrytoSherland hou. SLAY 
Tt fowreth in Mayand hs sfeedei is — in = a a 4 crsncod 
Habe S 
Feats od y rea tion. Ie {hall fi OS :. ; 
ae Peco 3 oe P c oa inEng. 
%& The nature. 
* Paulus. Leos: faith, } 

£4 ure 
Rl The vertnes, 

at. rt CERT c..h fs 

: goon tev “scone ai a he 

5 OfeMilke wort. Chap.60. 

oes : : % The kindes. 
"TT Hetebe divers fortes of Milk ,varying in the colour of their flowers, wherin confifteth 
- their difference, ‘ 
: 2 Theat Gription. 

ting Polygala, and yetnot the fame in deedey 
Tere le This sneerer tasers 08 

1 Atk ie ee 

Cog a oeike de 

Plena fo ofpetpa OF a ae ae fen ofl iat 006 

obi the beft and herbarifts ofour def zsneiethas It hath many 

teagan, crc on a ee bearing leaues like them of Hermiaria 

in roweslike the Sea Milkwoort ; a alors, or Crownets of white 

flowers. thero, me ral ew threddie. 5 
3 aie th c. Adie fil {tances 


1 Lf lerpl =i T cnrele or little 

S- gteweat the top, = blew colour. ishioel esi with wingss 
| ol lee lace fst whiche ng pater ie 

, <sieinalpitesek 

4 =e Polygale 

3 £ Polygalarepens, 2 Polygala flore carisleo. 
: Creeping Milke woort, : 0 

Blew Milke woort, 

E f 
¥ ; 
. —s > \ Ay 
LEN ) %& A 

ys Ay YY 

Nh Sny SS Oa. aN 

Ny SS () 


g XY NC 
A Q 

YY <= WwW > 7 \ a 

Sy} \ 
4 ‘7 EAN > VAN 
ANN <4 WA Xe) “a Q — 
2 = 

SX 25 
hh — YS 
Ny) ZR Z > S 
N OSS 3 oO Vey 
SN a : 
= g y0 WZ Oy, S — 
AN Wy ‘ 
Way) S q 90 a \ 
7 0 8 

SD = ; 

Phe cule nan Verde bb onudien 1 
Vat + pack . 

Polygalarubrisfloribus, :  g Polycalaathisforibms, 
; ae woort, Whie Milke woort. 

eh \ Z, = 
4 QO \WZZ NZ g ie 





He) O® \ 

G2 (4 






asad EC < 
1c ay Ces = Ts 

ee eA 




By 24 


. % The defer iption, ies 

and ae eth ye it herein, that thiskinde hath finaller branches, and the leaues a are b noshs 
thicke thruft togither , and the flowers are like the other; but that they be of a redor purple 

colo our. 
4 - Ce Rete ae SE | 1 g eo Sy ee os y ff ou! L 28 ! L a 3 ther 
wifeitis very like, 
5 —— purpuree. 6 Polygalaob/oletoflore. 
iets cama wootrt. Darke coloured Milke woort, 






Ge t SN WN 


%& The defeription. 
re Fthe fowers ; it bringethfoort 
Akhia c 1 1 : Bie ally confi- 
> i i 2 iS 
{} }- Cistioes re Lea : fan niier: 
DEY. iter ol LA Tt ti 1 .} 4 2 
% Theplace <i? 
aly i y d fertill paft wherefoeuer! 
* Thesime. fh tee id 
‘ WE ae 
Sybesma ; 
arnalis flrs : tell bad ‘sale 

fpecially douri inthe C 
san : the maidens which vfe epee 
no Fehee wer epee Croffe flowers 
their vertues in ee in the beelts of 

Pe eer he 


i fal le t fe Sd teks 4 st Fao es ; 
1 branches, 8 fhe Lf. .cr 5 wh f Snare. ‘The leaues growe vpon the 
Iohns woort, but longer and narrower. The flowers 
- 1 1 oe are BGS 1 - . 
oma a 9 a 

are maruellous little,and growe out of the knots | 
gled feede. The rooteis } dér,anil : 

2 Thelecold Gee acne, rand full offtrings, 
cially onfifteth the difference. ; 4 7 

BS thee kor oat aes ta 

se The vertues. : 
PIN See gah: Mas Ae Peay Sea eee | Lf. ft Mill J itl u a A 
z ~) . ic S i PTA fp th 62 £ 
ae : 
| Of Knot graffe. Cbap.161. 
| %& The kindes. 
41 £ ook 1 c > Aa. 1 iat Lape 7 
ols pimiextonoe ale Bu fel ¢ comit t beftk is 1 Kn graffe, : d 
: ‘ rib ieiceiednical are. 2 Polygonum mas minus. 
Saimin Kuck eae 523 Spell cocitdatlaod exell 
Re) ee : 
) BBN’ ) Wy y a 
: NV Y (Ny x IE 
| 5, 
L Soy cB SZ t van SN Ni = AY 
Ny. GAZN Ae as eR ; h, 
BS ira, ee Fs 
: ag os 2 ay 
; Kiron gonisim auntie - e 3 
i ad : i : ie aces it The defeription, + + : i 3 + 7 

is altogither lefler . wherein efpe: 
ae: 2s as id 

= ee oe be BE: g = = : 
They rein dowerand fede al che fommerlong. - 

452 THE SECOND enue E> OP THE 
% The nam 
g AS Oe b s rs to olay Fagot ox ale Knor 
Latine Sem, f \, UY S Centumnmodia, a 
srs ie Gam nti Dutch Poaybat :in toler Dutch Gerkens gra ca ; 

Corie: “of 
d Dutitent 
de Caze : 

do ai ee in Wallen prvben, 

I? Tb ig NI Ses pe} 

eT he en ge 
LV, @. boar L . ee » FR. 1 L J 
; Stace. a 9 >y gree, orelfe 
in the ments of the third. 
& Thervertwes, isnt 
Th, cK, Tai Ents: bload, the piffi t blood > and allothe 
a pad bag ob oe z “all ee 
iffues or fluxes of blood,as Brafawol 
iuice e thereof; that haue vornited blood, given ina mnie Matices wine. It = penal again 

thereof,being (hredand made in aranfie wich egsa eate 

B Thede oe age of it arias the difeafe sls as ane maner as tote iuice: or cided in pow. 
der in a reare egge,helpeth the backe si 

C_.Theherbe boile din wine and hon donut din fl 

4 +): », a :.} 

f the fecret partes of 

D FOE iss 1 L S + 4 BR} | yp ee J ay, wige Ce, A. when the 
2 t r £ Lot ak 
vrine is ote and there, : 
E g z they are ficke, and will not eate theirmeate; 
L a . : > Mm. 1C. L: 

Of fundry fortes of Knot graffes. (hap.a6 2. 

I poss montanum Anthyllis alietiae Clusij. 
taine Knot graffe, ~Nalesitia Knot eee | 

oe OF PLANTS. 453 
de feriptio 
1 a He fnowie white and leaft kinde Sa Paani of Knot rae. Te _— of eed hei 

Paya ee hand confider, althoue ghi 
Hifpa oe 

but fall. I i ich ee yd 
—e joints: out of which the oe come ent like oa teeth Pe tha nine nae ee 
Berni larta si ems om tenusfolitim. At the top of the ftalkes ftand moft delicate’ Bowers framed iby 

u het “tO, and fo 
The roote is date ye of a wooddic 

jdicketh y 

a aa i. (‘a8 J on OE cla tords OL 

} 1 

“a isas a as duit jor the motes in ibe funne, 

Ped 1 i ray dq } Se Ty lit 5 Eee eae» 
fy j 

bur saad 

3 Polygonum a [ise poe 
Pariley Pier The deferi viption. 
oy “4 3 Thereisa ile of Knot rafle, which hath ma- 

lo flen 
{pred ue ftretched vpon the ‘ground like Sey, pili 
from among which leaues, do‘clufter in rundels like 
tuftes , hauing {paces mace ne each tuft 5 out of 
whi ch eer niber ene) hee flower, The who le 

sp) 2 1. 1 4 

, bitter in g 

— i and fomewharaftrin ngen 
‘eet the Knot grafles may ¥ well be futed this 

y knowne as growing in Englande, being rigs . 
aed il high , and putteth out froma fibro 
fundrie flender ftalbes full of lle braunches ed 

eaues.for the moft part ofan ynequall quanti 3yet 

‘heere and there two prisaeoer > then the reit, andmuch 
alike in greatnes: a’ tmoft parts of ‘the braun 

| ches and ftalkes aie tank thickeft tufts)appecre 

i out of the middeft of the leaues little flow: 

bebe colour 1 t, Pema doth O 
e this herbe where he fpeaketh of Saxifragaanglicana , in his Aduerfaria pag. -103. ‘and alfo re- 
— phat ns founds this plant byt the > way fide as he rode from London to pees ona lietle hilt 
ot far fro I ca ainong 

} We oc fs ip 

g 4 oe reli Pee a 

1 One Fe oY HI cee & 



teh ie 

heard of a fimple man, who ed ae i witha ole ¢ ne he made ee ligtien) 
“4 bie 

my friend reque 
nto thew himtheherbe called Parfley Piert,who Fai promiled ihn him, and the next moming 
oe him an vhandfull of the herbe, and colde him the aren warsagge witha otic 

remedie forthe fame, 

eis bsettic saris ew eyo ko acer th been fowen 

pi og aie fie | 
he firlt and cominon Kot gre gronethineuery gruel ot bars grounde : he tees dite roe 
gro Hie re the fea banks: the thirde and fourth are Megs Eoa the fiftdoth growe 

‘ Seah the fea fide J ck 

=) pl @aiGs VW 

Fs “os 


ee i doth ag 
rt ee £ rg } tg ote M1 tom FOS in 

ty and 
by eC ate omnes Pena Ny 

* The time. 

ape a ag oe Q 
The names. 
Th ek J, } de} L W - 1 Ee He 31 Co 
} ice 
%T. he nature. 
bs py ‘ Dnt gt oe PG | «EN | ES } 2 Ley 
oe qT he vertues. tt " shiday® 
A. Theiuice of Knotgrafl | ft iffi allother 
iffues and fluxe of! bloud: it char sei the sabes ae the wetlaiie of ihe reas be. 
ingmade in atanfie with egges. 
. B» The de -cottion of Knot cei a Fe pS nl Cc C.:] yi i 1 }. uice, and 
hth } Rrtn 4 Y he a0e a 
parts of 

e 2 _ Dien vsih that pnt a ead prouoketh vrine, and helpeth fich as nO Ses . drop , when 
otand fh 

D oe ere according to I haue thought good sage 
wh chherbeis called as laie| before)Pariley Pi 5 but. if might witt sflence , ittho: lav be 
I le Parl me fim mrple gad 

had not well learned the true terme, The compl ae fllowe a be e giuen inwame 

is ao receiue It. 

Torment, et = of as great shu the feesey in re bere eS eppeso or Brome 
or halfe 
a nner ae Bide, 

: iw 
dram sag L 1 a LR. | j 
; 2 he Oh ey 0G. Sy SS a a i 

Of Rupture woort. (hap.163. 
_ Herniavia. Wn, iets “2 Sy oe : 
ts Rupture woort, hedefeription. 
BY et Be SF ww Hereisalle a kinde pepe 
ly called in Latin Herniaria: in EnglifhR 
“ture woort,or Rupture graffe. Ir aba 

weth a handfull 
high, wich m anie final and tender branches, fet 
e ike the former in number, ba 

5 uing asitwere two no more. the 
7 “es 1 an 


ee en ee 

The place. : 

‘ 3 
& Thetime. 
Tr } 14 ifherh in Mai lune slulie, and Auguft, $ <, 

% Then. 
Itis sas ~ the ee -Herbaies Herniaria, “and Hernila taken fei the effectin cuting the 

difeafe Hernia: of 00 Herba Turta, ch Boytonet ; in poets Rupture 
woott,and But wo 
D 4-59. Us ae _arheropate x a fA st ‘ e 

a a "2 

The vertue 
Itis reported, that LD drunke itis i Gioular: r goo d for ruptures 5 aad that very many that have ue A 
beene burften,were reftored to o health iby t the vie of this bene aid = at heereof taken with 

the kidneies and expelleth them. 

Of wilde Time. Chapa Ae 

I Ser chal AMES ; 2 Serpillum vulgar a 
ae Time ’ ye Whit aoe 







BSA oye ebay 2 Tesi 
3 'B on Disforiderand I Plinie jemake twokindes o 

is ourcommion creeping Tim 

defer acu is ye {hall vnderftand har it heed 

bode nreth Ore chykindel foundanother fort with flo’ 
in reat ‘commeth an her’ of b 

i ated at bri ringe' melo white flowers, 

de |i ahh ge Bie 

it ; which aoe 

¢ Ofganie asone , 

ofleaues ete, ba ger; natrower. a, Thee 
ne{mell, ‘The who! le plant gore ae whereas ee 



P in) 



Pe Js 
s t <> 
NE 4 
N NS) 
2 $5 
33 Se 
: 0.8 
= ZS 4 gS 
BC AR \ 
hw fies 4 ..- 



A WA? 


5 Serpiliyon  folyjs amarati. 
Time Maricrom, 

Great purple wilde Time, 

i Says 



3. Serpillum mains flore pur pureo Clusy & LObelij. 


* The def ription. 
3 This g great at wilde T f det 
li full of | like thofe of R 5 yet anon ona “il hacer cto 
t i: F if dof i gi gb iti § dis hotter’ than 
any a the ee 
TL: L <1 a 1 2. - L 3 L . ? 
4 pe a he. 1 Eb (eresh & Ss > re x 3 ~ ¢ £ 

This wilde with many leaues by couples like pot of Mar- 
ierom,but er of the fame ine i flowers are 4s a ‘oddity colour, The roote is very threddie, 
6 ilde 

x are narrower 
and longer The f{melli icall tl j } @ ae Le dg : 
S< } ft. pl hee a 1 a ty owe I. . 
l oe ee ae =e; ae ae 14i-} ) ee Peps Eee on } tad 
oe 2 > > bey 
wilde Times. 

%& The piace. 
__ The firft groweth vpon barren He vatoiled foiles,the fecond groweth in gardens. The white 

The time. 

‘They flower from a to the end of femmes. 
* # h 

hi te Tees as to Distor ae i his 
_Saxifranga 1: for ifitbe ‘igo saa with fe spon of Ti and | Saxiffanga,it thalibe 
found to little like the wilde Times, but ith muc uchi keto. aie et bein i dente of the kindes 

i gt . 

e Tim 

es semeiahis me te of his fundrie hitories, Geneae a oe able Tine er Ta 
flowers. Diony/ina Iunior faith he,com ming into the citie Locris in Tali alie,poflefled moft of the hou- 
fes oft the citie, and did ftrewe them with rofe es, wilde Time, and other tfuch hiheleso of flowers, eee 
> that wilde lime 

Bucol ick S5 
herbe,and nota fhrubbie plane,in thefewordes, 
The stylis & rapido fe ¢ (Gis me frortb ao 
sa, ferpi her bas contundit o 
Thettylis,to cafe men wearied with cing heates ; 
Garlick,wild T: 
wide Behice Cae salen. Mena olde SS ee aha te moe 
is called of the fame 
pee Gripes, pale fe fie 
Pie at Aa : 
ate he vertues. 
t ringeth » L Pd ata Ep Tensinberk cee ee fa 5 me Ic. it A 
ureth fweate in wine, ithelpeth the seueatoetctic franenic, it ftaieth the 
oS ee ithelpeth the - 22 igaieaedames 4 ines, and ftai- 
__Wilde Time boiled ins i dd, mi is g Jagainft ch bling and gripi f thebellie, B 
: te L a Le c es SRI ie See aia & iy st Al. ce tha 
ot = = PS Ie ia! Bayete + be ‘2 ee eee 


D « AE sinsvvriteth, } ; ; gi ing] dwith tofe 
4 o = aoe * fe) 
ei as are grecued with the fpleene, is ' s > 
Of gardenTime.  Chap.165. 
= a % The kindes, ag 
a ee f Lt. r. j be aot LK tI) 4 L 1 7 58S nib Cc. j 
1 Thymwn durius. es 2 “Py nus latifolis 
~~ Hard Time. ee "Grescorbroide lea Tine 


yy F528 st res int Die sf Cassn  be 
. : dss * edn : a } q Rae 
Peietctinacormtsoo lech pelo Seta 


2 Thefecondckinde of Time with biases hah many wooddie Bak ei eee 
—— hen » befet with leaues like © Myrtins, The flowers are, feri in rundels about the ftalke like 

, but differ that, that this kinde 

faite fads like vnto the {mall eares 3 Palas and arate e the {pikes or 
/ knopsof stesades bu os ffer,befet wich flendet flowers ofa putple colour. The hole plantis 
ofanre pootckand gr <finell pricy any of te Timesjand of. another kinde of tafte,asit were 

puieabel esand of a wabdic fubftan 
4 Doubileffe that kinde of Time whereon Ep — doth re. et) at Pues iad ai 
& 8,) is nothing elfe PSST was 

andis onewith ours , though aie ys makes SAIS ERS difference fii for ipunthd 
© welling oner ouer the hils in Narbonencere th fea; hath feene not onely the garden Time, but a 



Datel, 1 

@ liken rife; 
lee lam ee that itis not sass kinde ‘of Time that re fare but is common 
me: :for i baue often founde the fam 

» a . £ 2. 
se iy eS Se 



countries doth foort J h » by reafon of f the aire ye 
rance ore vera our countrey is ibe rf 


hymen Creticum 1 gat 4 nbs ral 
y ime,” ae 

S rine of Candie?” tb] byorix “Laced Tf 



Thefe Nes of bes rowe pe in dane cuery theca 
and Time: alee! .s 

ast t 19 x 


fF HOTIOd 373 

_ Thee ee He and die ine i esis ts on Se i: 
. pine Ee ee zs 
watérand ho gainft the con ch sd ori eA f 

sda ia ene 


" My Lard PRY ne 

pe ‘ 
“pss > f 4MAMOUES, 
anda all corruption ¢ ot blood. 5 Hs 3 
Ph Fy beta L . ea RN oe | i 
Sa Oe oe rorniegen SS ete FS a a i pai 58S Cc ay Nnclad “his gr 
cee : . Fh igerotnk C and 
sera in minde, os bans 
E ~ Hips g J is gi 1 8 1 1 fall: g . knefle to finell vn: 
rE Epithymnum, ftet Galen,is of fA all . in Phil che then Time <a hor & dryin 
1 ightily.clenfi g, heating, drying shan auin i. 
2 <n net abhi hs OF on gc pee agg eS oe c 
¢ é . > 
oa oft the sible 
EC gs PG ! I 31. pat = > ed 7 ra -_ 
Hi ® ae raaeG hali aS ae fe ot 
3 ef > eet taine 
w ke toh like se reese dein the fj fpleene. 
ides {z aith,Zp Leth d by fi fl called p;. 
H Diofeo: riaes 1a) oF ? (=) Qe oa Pz 
tutta, and melanc holie, 
‘ e ; 
1 prog 1 . ++ a8 1 LA ‘ ae Beciney vP> fwollen a the 
Pg q L Bad 3 “ah ? 1 35 ee. D L Fs } no e 
+ f : f > r G¥entite or 
fower feruples he li hicht ll Paffivn or with Oximell and fale, which ta 
keth away all flatuous humours and me 

Of Sauorie. — (hap.165. 

% The kindes. o* 

gob See two kinds 8 Sauorie, the one that endureth winter & i is of long continuance: the 
yeerly plant,that at x 
ae again cine the next t yeete,which we call Sommer t Sauorie,or' Sanorie of, fayeere, There 

betheright Satureia, or Sauorie whether that of 2’Obelixs, ot that we hauein our Eng! fh gat. 
pie bethe true Winter Sauorie,js yet difputable : for we Lie that of S.[ulians poss 50! be rather 
awildekinde, than otherwife, 

% The def ription. 
aussi bord ihiwagds tgs. 
i fae Sauorie is plane relembling Hyflope, but Lowen tier and bHkleebtn 
geth forth very many branches, compaffed on eueric fide with narrowe and fharpe 
_ pointed leaues, foneer than ear of Time ; among which. growe the flowers, from 
colour white, tending toa light purple. “The rooteis 


: teipnorca HE, os en the pine 
a 4 ae oye aided rion 

rie, which LObe Savin if areca aes bi- 
plentifully yponpthe rough elie of the T: emia a in Iralie., called Saint 

: Beiter SY Vine avian reuendalg ofa w voddiefablance, ‘ell 
othe top, net “€ ~ thruft to vnto thofe of Time, fauing that 

ney be imaller andparrower, bringin ae before pee 
pup hewhole sips ah iit colour, andoofah ¢ and fharpe 
Read Rov aiiv : y59 : : 

OF Siepureis 

I retin: hortenfis, sR] BRT 3p 10-79 2 Satureia hortenfis aStina. 
Winter Sauorie, $0" ; Sommer 1 Sauorie. 

-digs! Shits se heogapcre cite 
3 Satureia SantHi Iuliani. : aii 
aoe ites auorie,. 

The plac 
» They are fowen in ee and bring foorth 
sei flowers the firft ee ps their fowing. 

They fowerin Luly ai Ag 
% Then 
Sauorie is called in AG reek’ is nchber fats : 

¢ repugnarit to Columella a Latine writer, 

lot —_ a manifeft di ene 

Thymbra and Satureia, inhis tenth book where he 

writeth, “ait —- bere: tafte of Time, and 

of Ti hymbrasor Vi eet “ 

Et ee pe referens T: Lad a 

Sauo Thy re in tafte,but ee fee 
wi ae tis di 

Sierra oe ; ee . 

RAT; c * pom ar <a it maketh thinne cn 

clenfeth the pala ie to be briefe,it is alrogither of = vertue with Time. 

auoricis not full fohot tas Winter Sauori Di : 
3 ll fly again{t winde Ck 
sy g iP Ae hntled d = 5B anes, f f 0 4 he ao nee 
Of Dodder. Chap.166. © : . 
c Cufeuta fiseCaffutha. 
Dela cas % The defription 

Vf bureorDe dder, is aftrange herbe, a]. 
C togither without Teaues * roote, like vn. 
to threds very much fnarled or wrapped 
togither,.confufedly windingillesbowbahe 
and hedges saad ee kindes o of herbes, The 
threds are fo: hick 
and there le Coline fell or cae bringing 
foor' st he firft flender white flowers, afterw, 

% 7 he place 
herbe Pas Ypon fandrie kindes of 
ae <e" vpon zerman. 

= and fuch like, taking his name from the: herbe 

mple of Dioftorides,Thaue thought good tocall it 
> Epiurtica,and fo of t Ri eft ape tothe hi 
' whereon they do gr grow 

The greateft is called: din infho Sd euery one 
wuta: a and of diners sbicaufe i it groweth vpon hers 

£4 3 L LT um POG AR in 
AT 44 Se es < 
C16. re: te Herero cr ea 
+ “} y ij among what 1s 
h h Titne oneke, and thar whisk Be ee nie epchmire 
.. CL 1. . Ld a i ne 
. soe 7 
i ee ne ? d a. Ets) of 
% The nat: 

nature of this herbe foe bye se altereth, s according to the nature aut 2a of the 
aah groweth: foth finde 
out the tem in Re Rp oe oe mpera- 

rite: 4 rege! 3 } ing. pee er = 5 = Cc per at S 


aftridtine or hindi. slit, 17 itt hich is found : ving ypon n the bramble : fot 
Pp (peer as Na [RPA Li-k: Sc th m 

: die i i hitg 3 for wheni it groweth ype 
cone vas T 1c ie, k hh 14 arts: that 
_ which commeth of Brome aha ose Sts Sreern foluble:and 

that is moifter which Se ok a 1 ORE ARTS ool. Lin} i 
: 26h .—3 i "EB pre Sere be it - 


it, as we hane fe faide,a binding qualitie, which al Ho os ie of this. facultie ioyned by gocdright 
: t ithath 1 bot ha pu rging and binding fa: 

; cultie vnited te toit, iti ftfingul lfor tl 
re roe ey . 
: 1 rae 1 4 na.c.ue Like hg 
§ ee The side la 
3 | ee ste Sas 1 st} = } ae A 
deneth the veines of flegmatike, diate pete and fpeedoc as soe wific. 
5 ly, F the < . 
ingring agues,corruptan 
tains\alfo, pages: agues in Sal andy oa genes as Me ps in Serapio: who. ae 
ache th that the nature of Dod dd F & 
L 1 Ws Coetaee yt L n 1 Ss 
* hau > 5 5 ¥ wices 
S kL wk : 1 iL 1 1 1 Si eS 1 te ie . we 
> g cke 5 f 
were st slows of. 
1 hick h Time, ishotterand dtier then the Dodder ie B 

EAE | 

¢,as Galen faith. Ithelpeth all er 
mities i the itis a oe againit obfiructions a hard wennie v folie $ tt taketh awa 

olde head aches,the falling ficknefl Cy melancholie, 
} L, 1 tee fee} 1 
“eh. bt Wo} 1 fp st ee 1 NY Fata St fethat 1 
se oO 4 a 
I ] Is black | | holicke I as Ati, t Atuarius, and py r 
= Be akg ett Se 4 MW of Pi ae wigs G 
2 : D 4] P 
S. 1Scat b kel Aétuav ius {faith . 
ay } be 13 Oe here | Mg ae) + 
ee sp eae ineandldkank opened ene ftop- 1) 
ping oft acts liver, x te rh L Ml ef 1. cht a aaa, KhoG 
of? 3 : P b sega — ? 5 
and vrine choleric ke humours. 
1 1. <, ] 1 I n.t bh pl rg 
meane E 
t s-4S ie 9 pe PO ie te } 1 hI = = Me me 
re. Ty 7 4, vs . 1 ae 1 Yh: fs 3 } tt 
ST t=} 2 s ae v < atid: £ 
77 r r 

good fucceffe againft many maladies. 

Of Hoffope.  Chap.167. Se 

* i kindes. 

; - Hete be divers fortes of Hyflope, fome preaier, eaecsiiiee Fee og a 
of a purplith blew colour,as fhallbedeclaredin this } 

ce : = "x The defeription. ee 

: ¥ vidchies t gaue fo many rules for scission Ay ff fopealtogi- 
| sah Es sme oon gem dnmcliieiameis senses none: wholes 
imanyposlidrsmh venstinn common, sneidle 

: A en kinde oft joes she th the fame, whichis our. common nHyffove, andaiieretee 
Ss inca sthisHyflopshs eohie halla - 


yr pera 2 Hyffipus Avabum florerubyo, 
Hyflope with blew flowers. . Hyflope with reddith flowers, 





%& Thedefeription, 
the third kinde of Sone leaues, ftalkes »branches, fede, and roote, like the common 

see 1 rupee | Sym rm fee :s re rough, 

d full oritringss 3 at which ne and fend er cuit fk , whereupon d ogtoir 
finite numbers of fall Penal pare h refembling thofe of the finalleft grafle sol a i 
ftoft he 

fant yflopes, but much bis sok 
of the ftal kes do growe a ca por ire hollow flowers, of a blewi th col 
urple. The feedes as yet Icould never obferue 

i 6 for fLall kL Yelletoe cy 
I t 
3 j—} T. VL rs, leanes are fome 
is 8 PPOs yt ae Pees 
is o > 

ugh enn ong thruft opal, manga tuft of [eauessintal 
nd in all other things like vnto the common F 

{mall wooddi¢ 
¢-vnto thofe o} ere or Money woo bike 
zrgrecnecolor tiate aad Gea hdgdletenane Hyffope.” rfp 


‘floribus, 4 Hyfop 
3 Rin font yope ‘ vasogt ce Thnfeafed (teat tepe. 

%& The place. 

Fs pee Ne Rae Cit. i. j - . ££ 7 1c 

rhe time. 
te flower from Iune, to the end of Angst 

The narnes. 

cy pt 

shoe Gon men tn ee oun Therefore that fhall nett: ha beenefet 
downe in their feuerall title 
a = a ee andvertues. 

ee ie tu 

ade = aes and tue, and drunken  helpeth the inflammation of dl dl eB: 

tun: c 

: 7) aes iuice of H yflor | ith the fi pe of vi ep ge ht y ftoole totighand C 
clammy eee roan “a \ 
Th sls k n 

9 He Fy ffope. Cpt 

act Theater 
pt fpan long gv vnto the common 
hope fquare ftalkes or flender branches, befet wit! larger 
eo paeverylibe The flowets growe betwixt the] pon fhort fter ofa. : 
= Et white 

white colour blewnes. Allthe herbeis of a moft bitter tafte, like the Hen Centorie, 


ae occupieth much eet where i it groweth. 

hollow orf ed, bef ith | by coup! ppofite agai ftanother, like vnto the for 
1 i } LI y g cae | g Lia A 4 p a 
p } 1 ros} we 1 : ee oe | igh pur i] ! th A Cia wer’ Vi edlike 
ube | Jeaft Snapd hichb aft, there Succeed little feed wells 
fathioned like ae cee croflebowe , which conteine fia Eipinganea Ce extreme bitter of 
as The whole plaheis Hicwil bitter,as the common o € roote iscom. 
act ofa cere vag ofwhitifh ftrings,iarangled one vias rich mightily incte 
a fpreade eth abroad. 
= 2 Grati ae 
= "Fs rete Hed cis 




A Z 
SER ‘ 

9) oii 

s Ap le i, 
rt dee ae 

) oe A i 
i ra a 


| lowe and moift planes natur which 1 tae andr gare, The 
fecond groweth likewife —— a owing vpon the Hinge sti ground os 
prs Fe Sage ath, and vpon the fame heath towar: neere vnto the a 
of ice i were digged for ‘or water to be conueied to‘London 1590 . attempted ot 
ete Hart Knight, Lord Maior of the Citic of London: at which time eta 

e jal 

dig o 

raat SS abe: gertsie sqouet yg 
The ovens As oth Sager aed sgell «Th 



: x The names. 

lled i Latine Gratiolz, aneGrat: F.God ithtt 

Be sding rhe te is akinde of Geranium, or Starke s bill, called bythe oe name. Of Cor. dus Limne fu 
8 and Centassris of Anguillera and Dicfeor des : and alfo via  iisbesd: oF ot Spatling Re att but 
a tch 


p hich w wec 
iviscalled Gowts yratie ¢ in Italian st Io. bi ae nth hate he 
fd I {anguifh tl p lin Englith iceerDa and Hed a . The 
apes, ek} £ 1 ee. L . ay pe his 
The ng 
Hedge Hiflopeis hot and drie of prada 
& The verte, 
1 Sg! L Lp. <i br tk < 0 WT A 

tion 8 v ertue, in purging ry a shad in great abundance, watrifh, pa flimie humors. 
F d found it to be true, and fo hane I my felfe and many 

MG Fo WES WOK GPR" Fe AR pigs e Urge pee itl yl al f meate, , inmanner of a fal-B 

hk-3.5 2 at (pare f Lt. 1226 ] 

Cibcanes pur 

ah grofle flegmes, and cholerke humor: 
ears © or Hedge selene boiled i in wine ; and given t to drinke , hpi feuers of ‘what fort c 

foe aterie 
caufes, : 4 
i g vast f 7 rc Eee Pooh, BOD agit AHRENS of Cal int, prevai-D 
lee, g a J q Xn [4 fee 3 Fe £ re8 y L y * Yhicegy F } hi Ca- 
| ee Epiander pike. ct 16 tg = ee. 
* Common Lauande fe: * White ome Lauande hike. 



WS \ ae 
| i 


he deferiptio 
Auancerfpike hath many ftitfe Sees of, a wooddle -fubftance, growing A in manner 

ng fix mae 
pleats ant ynough to fuchas lone ftrong eg The flowers growe at te to% et the bran, 
St s fpike: fathion of a blew colour, The rote is hard and w ooddie. 
- VF: oTT 1 a- L om | " l hI s } M4 ip - 4. f the Gowers * for this plant 
$3) . > b} t J ACrONCe, 

3 Lanandul la hortenfis minima. 
poeeieh La uande % Thedefiription, 

i, 3 e have in our Englith gardens a fnalkinde 
of Lauander, which is altogither leffer vied 
of the other ty his kings snereine onfifterh th 
diffe erence. 

c fo) 
tries they are planted in garde 
sg shox 
They flowerand flourith in Iune and Iuly. 
ander fpike is gash in Latine Lavandula, 

_ and Spica :,in Spanith spizo, and Languda: 1 
= isthe male, and the feconde the fen male,. Iris 

ught of fome to be that fweete herbe Cait, 
whet Virgiéém aed mention in the feconde 
¢ of his Bucolicks. 

a Cafia atque alijs intexens —_ herbis, 
Mollia luteola pingit wacinia Caltha. 
The maidé faire hir gar] “e decks with flowers gay 
That yeelda fa agrant {melas frefh as {omer may; 
Mingling fweete Laua tS and yellow Marigold 
With purple Goleta leit to behold, 
And likewife in the fourth orgicks where 
: a intreateth of choofing orf fa ae ine for 
es,and for the ordering the 
He ‘ec circum maf viride oboe 

m ha 
s Lau: swilde Time and Thymber,moft er infent 
Breathing foorth feongh fmels,their appetites te 
rere is another afin cae fho ahd Can SARS Cafia nigray oe : 
a fitule 5 8 bie plant ena thelhnbser hedge bufhes ¢ 
aon ORT Thet etemperatur 5 
ishot and die, and th he thi hin fubit Ringo of 
; o Teeeforr is good t pes any way Faghinitche iia of the 
10 evi haue fee rouge : Beene. not of abundance’ of humors, 


 pacclae ar aq 

A Thdfiledwater of and acs vnto, or aes nage and forehead perl meas a 
g ' he fatting 
cane t 

spec ecoe OF PLANTS fae 

alt werd ry 

fteeped, though moft men do rafhly an 
 atail. Pox by viing fuch hot cigs oe a fecal it the shea ot the dileatels Pity greater atid 

the ficke manalfo roa tinto d Eblood; or purging hauen6t gone 
fore. This muc hby way of admonition, bicaufeeuer y 

ee ante f j J yg = h compofitions, and others of of the like 

3 et i. A 1 ] 1 oe 
— oe = : 
— Sy or oe LG Ls epint «ngage | 
a an agues to who heya g = g g y ese often- 
e onan death it fale, oF 
icked fron h t,and notthe hus smixed 

th Cinamom snurmegs, and eloues,hade into jai and giten to.drinkein the ‘ull water 
there doth helpe the panting and Pafion 0 ofthe hart, eae: ‘nt giddinefle, turning, or 
{wimming of the braine.and member ee tothe pa alfie. 

Co onier uemade of thre flowe crs phe lifeafes aforefaid, if the Cc 

Ean ge t profi hel ch that haue'the palfie; if th y be wae with the diftilled water of the 
~ flowers, inted with the oile mad : fthe A ad vile olive, inppeeneegey Or 
‘ solesis GT, Ge T..13.4 3k et pap aY as 0 ep 
; _ Ofi Freeh Lavender RY Be Chap. 170 
é techs fine (pica Bortalina. 
* Sucadue and = 
Wad, - ft : 

see ey 
ae pit t 
a cues 

es inh 

o @ sane 
-¢ So 

Rench Lavanderhath a wit al 
pistes fa'whitith colour. 

; =, heads:well ee ecomothe ss | 
fre oe ers of pleat nit eee blackith : the nie is hards and 

eg Gg 3 : = 2 This 

2 isiagged Sticadoue hath many finall ftife ftalkes of awoody fubftanc ce whereupon do ctoyp 
ne leaues infhape like vnto the leaues of Dill, but ofan hoarie colour : on thet top of the Hhalks 
fpike. The r 

i ia CN 
Stachas folio Lovee ids Part oiigs 
‘ Toothed Stic Seri 

% The defe vile 
3 Theteis salioa: certai Widlantniees of, diffe. 
ring in fmalneffeof-the leaue ene ih are 
‘ounde abo ate edges nicked or toothed like a 
ore teletshling thal of Tauander cotton, The 
roote ishkens fe w : 

~~» -Thefe herbs do hla dei in Spain ne in Lah. 

» gued: = fase and the Ilands calle d Stee. 

Pt shat: ouer. a see inft Maffili a: wehaue them in 

yofvour garden kept with great diligence, 
Fone hein ofoucoldec oe mate, 


be time. 

3 They are fowen not fee in the endof Aprill, 

and couered in the v ex fron the an or m 
fet in pots or rubs Wi Hy earth , andcaried 

hou ag é names. 

Theaporhecani do cal the flower Stecado:: 

Diofecri ‘Galen xn2,by thed pipe as 

the frit fi lable: in Patins Stechas:in ee e 

as kr ith Tomani, and Ca, 
tuefo: in Englith French La ieee. Seca, 
Stckadoue,Caffidonie, and fome fi imple People 
7 ee the fame name doe call it, Caft m 


Asrvrliole é - Thet. 
: Matt ddl French Laande i cal Galenis of tempera- 
ee li Id hie fubtt i itis of force to. , 
way obftructions, to extenuate or make thine, to feoure and cl x and to ftrengthen not 
cal entrailes ut the whole padi alfo. : ‘ 
% Thevertues. : 
h that th Ine the difeafes of the ck ft, andis with 
* pode fe mined with yea > 2 
‘B The later phifitions affirm i and eft wers of it, are moft effecualt 
x5 ~~ againft panes velar 3 Cee ing of Coldecaufes, “ahd therefore they 
be mixed in itions almoft which are m de agatelt beadach of pescnnes the 
apoplexie heels fickneffe sand fuch — 
Cc. The decoction oft the huskes and flo P ththe ft ppings f theliuer,th lungs, 
themil mother, th dd ; parts, 1G g d driuug 

Faas gg corrupt a ee pee vrine, 

a Fleawoort. Chan 71. 


be defer [eri 
LY ch phos roun oP! branches, fll of bie 
oily svtaltiese brea haine The top of efile are garnifhed, with furidr: ieround 
athcknops, belet vith y lice aa 

“solemn nabignsibe sea Ss tae: book Same 
a: £ a F 

2 Thefecondkinde of P/ylmm, or Fleawoort, hath long and tough branches, of a wooddie fub- 
ftance like the precedent, but longer & harder,with leaues refembling the former, but much longer 
 & narrower, The chaffie tuft whic ineth the feed is like the other, like tl £ 
Phalaris hichi } : £ lpi fed 

Pay a j 

" Alpifpi,t eC hich i forbirdes , that come from 
the Ilands of Canarie, The roote.hercof lafteth all the winter , and likewife keepeth his greene 
leaues,whereof it tooke his name. 

1 Pfyllinm fie pulicaris herba, <2 Pfylisim femper virens LObelij. 
Fleawoort. _ Neuer dying Fleawoort, 
; ace tag’ BES (ze Gee vi} 

ohm pt 
re @ 

haue them gtowing in my garden, 
% Thetime. 
They flowerin Iune and Tul, ee 
: % Thenames, ie ee 
. Fleawoort is called in Greeke Sawer: in Latine Pulscaria,and Herba Pulicayis sin thops Plum ; 
= elif TI “ Le me pees Ge | | La ae a fo ol - J eli e fleas: and of fome 
Fleabane, but vaproperly. in Spanith Zargatona: in French L’herbe aus pulees ; in Dutch Duyig 
Dlope-cript. z Se Set ; 

%& The temperature, - ee 
Galen and Serapiorecord,that the feede of P/illiam, which is chiefly vfedinmedicine,iscoldein 
CEO jy } . “0 ia Mh ae A : : : 
Oe r = 
ee Oe % The vertues. 
: fF boiledi ot infufed. ithe di Eri infufi 1 y! pur- A 
ae pale q la SE, BO aes Pear ies oe Bes Bas ] Pee eee 
r : Sere Vie ogi REE LS 5 Coe Mas | 3 tet 4 
: feede fiatheede Satie cli. SS See TES ae iA ee : all B } 
3 tt £-1 BS oe L.. soa ps [ay T ..fF —~ ar = 4 “7 Cc. f Z. pce Fy y goxee : 
a : i) Ea yuy o 2 andappleitas 
_ aforefaid. se oe poe 

Ges ‘The 



The fam > appli alled S Anthoniec& or any hor 
and violent fami g ftume,affvageth tt fame,and bri P : 
L 1. » 11. a3 . 1 1 fal L Wo lL r 
yy i oly 1 1 Tr L a LY Ree NE se , FS i } feasts oe 
- g flea fo much. tharitis hard life | fi h | SIE 
& The danger. 
1, BY Oa te 1 :: a4 n pt 1 tT 
Lt ; eS Cc 7. j ee ge oe an . | eS pS ate } 1 Pispapre 
Sah dara Gaps E Te J ss Soe ot 2 ~~ ea —. pity, np + Tee! 
and the honie is too deerethatis lickt from thomes. : : gs i re 
ee Cloue ete Chap.172. 
Here are at this day vnder the n: ae hyllies, omnia diuers and fir 
forts of x a of fuch variable cblours, Ba feuerall thapes, thata i 

oa e 

foe fick 3 sine 
loue Gilloflowers ca Sou Horfefeth,blunk ates 
ple, s vi bl and fingle Gillofowen, as: all a ’Gillofower oS oan flowers, Thewhich: a 

» Likew 
pds. rebe ee = rsofPaks comprehended — the Lbs eich ran be defcribedi ie a af 

chapter. There be vnder the name of Gilloflowers alfo thofe fowers, which we doc. 
Iniond: Sweete Williams:And fit ot the great Carnation and Cloue Gilloflower, © 
1 caryplla maximacalrplen. 2 — yy lites rulti plex 

“The eee wr Carn : ¢ double Cloue Gillofiower 

= ‘The e defeription. 

. Clt.a Be ee £. CPE aes PA} 
, + 
kel ng ftalks h] he ftalk 

e very fa “ ire € Bowers of an ee ettenr{ {weete Qa Aa td ae splout 
wero it ook hisna 

1 f, =e a) - L al ot oe ret 

ad oO 
i IC. 4S Okt ; L itd L 2 
> . . : $ Z a 
I “ithe not shana te vpon the Giant AJ 
The place. 
Gillofl efpeciallv the CG ions | Hy f Jy tie Cc 7 
. 2 Tr é 2 rt .¢ 
winters. Lhe Cl monnad 3 oe 1 1 1. & Cc. fs “98 
> r & 

They flourifh and fower moft part of be oS 

The Cloue a 8 ? oe of the later Hasan verpiantns of “ai {mell of Clones, 
wherewith itis pofleffed zi an Garofolt: in Spanifh Clauel: i 'z:in low Dutec 
onan ibinewen: in Nhe f mo t Oc ells a Demat Orel porbarba, and Barbarica : in 

Eo n Carnations,and, Cloue Gill Th 

LF Pee Sete oS J 
EYL Me ee 4 Sy Cl oe Ty,.4 

ar yophyllews to be Cant which Plinie in his 23.booke 8.chapter, writeth to haue beeri ee 
a Spaine about Augastustime,and that by thofe of Bifcay. y. 

Johan es kali thought, tha the Gi lof Id whofe iudge- 
mentis very good, eff h , ot Cantabrica. Teis 
maruell, faich he,that fuch Al » fo pleafz if “Too hid, andaoebe made 
= es the olde writecs, which y be thougt inferi 


%& Thet erature. 
The Gilloflower, ithtl = forth eink 1 drineffe 


The ak made of the flowers of i Cloue Gillofower and fugar,is Giceiling cordiall,and A © 

pales i peftilentiall 5 expell Ath poifon and furie of tt - difeafe, and B 
called Mafter Rich. é : i a: Se 
Of Pinks or wilde Gillofowers. Chaps yz e 
3 % The ae 

I> 1 ee INI h 
J one a ge Sai ofa > 
Ja matt ppotite ea acl not ‘nou to the Clone Chutes The roote is {mall and 
_ WoO: 
2 Thefin ngle red Pinke hath likewife skies Il graffi pas og age Thefowers 
= at wee ofthe fmall ftalkes faion of afiveete fon wl tred co 

Poe 3 
e es g r9 of: a pai and fie cell, con- 
An: ° " 7 4 . 
g , fomerimes more, leep ly: iagg se edges, eg es 
a : ; i 
Uf jor featk TieBede is foft,blackifh and like’vn. 
to Onion feede. , 
Es IT? f .- tT : 4 Sa te oe eee . 
pury y likethep 3 5 >and] . The flowers 
L Fe Ate 1 oe ee = Se noe | ] Cr. 4 Te Pike, 
ee Se 3 Ly Mm 4 3 E PCE oe ee | seas Seep «grat § 
-... F 8 

1 Caryophyllus fyluestris multiplex. \ & Caryophyllus (ylue Bris fimple se faaye y 
Decbisputble Pikes: 2 Single red Pinkes, RE ep 
wens f) Koes 
an Se 

et LE Ne 
ij SO) ee 
& ) ; 
AY is ay 
i \ 
| } 
i 4 a 
cS = yy, y 

cy oF, - 
By KE a 

{Fz ay : 
EO SK ee. a 
> = Si vi 
Ze > 
< ae 

a Ya ay ee Pei 
BS ae SEN 
1 hy Oa es a 


Pie be Seats Be f Pi sal papal confi- 
ring they areal Iwtilinoniné tothe nioft, ifnot to all "Theater thea femal sug at this i 
rai thofe:that we do keepeiifi oubgardens rere I thinke it conueniene: tonplace thef 
wilder forts in this fame ct yan d few or ne 
f + hoode 


t > 
Pag oe | } 5 | 

© themare vied in phificke, i netgnbol 

5 Caryophyllus Sees Ne 4 aces éc Caryephyllus sich jatar 
ey hie wil 

le Sis Ce Pin s ~ Wilde pepe =o Pinkes. 

: : ee % rhe bf ription. 
sae but atopater ell beret they efpecial ally differ. 
ber tple mountaine orwi ilde Pi inke hath many | finall le esesamong which rifevp flen- 
der ftalkes , fer wi {mall [purple flowets, 
much lelfer then any of the others Bee dele ribed 

7 #ne emountaine ‘Pinke of Clifiedelcription shathimany leaues mara Te vnto thofe 
of Thrift ftalkes,rather then ftalkes sor 
ftems themfelues ofthe heightof two inches 5 where a do growe 

rowe fuch i as thofe 
were next the paves, gl lefler  fetby couples pofice toanother:at of each tal : 

footeftalke doth ftande one red flower wishoutimel ‘cond (ting fac ese inar 
I f € roote is toiteke ad 

riche caleneee ome byit 1 afeth. 
This leafele: le doth k ca hach nha rcp 
eS, nifing immediately i a tov eh rashy roote 5 among Swhich rile vp ftalkes hh ke 
rufhes ota {pan hig h without a any iota 1, 
afmall flower of al ble cwi itha 6 coni f fower litele Ieanes fomewhat cahogae 

7 jen 

fling of 
rhe whole planci isvery eee and ofaho 


7 Corplamertan igh ie! 8 Gdsyphplencdridenifine tp 
untaine Pinke, Adsiwso: aa 

= = 
Le S 

a » we 

ee = =a) Oe YZ 

? cermotm abn ; 
re i vybite Mountaine J % The de cription. 

white Mountaine Pinke hath a great 


Ther isa Wilde cre in Saget grow 
in our paftures ne = on London, and 

tly encreafeths io 
Sponaiiat ive Resi eh on ers. The 100 
ugh,and lon 
J 10 This Virginlike ynto the reft 
Sa garden Pinkes in ftalk nxn ot 
‘eden aa ahh ie ws which fheweth the dif * ce from 
ol 3 

10 caryephyli 

: 4? HESTORTE OF PLANTS. 4! | 997 

t The defeription. 

11> This wilde Sea Pinke hath divers {mail 
tender weake braunches , trailing yvppon the 
grounds whereupon are fet leaues like thofe of 
our finalleft garden Pinke, but ofan olde hoary 
colour, tending to whitenefle, as’ are 

the Seaplants. The flowers 

vofthe i 

and of 'a reddith colour)’ The feedes, neither 
‘the feede veffels, I hae not as yet obfenied. 

; nd fingle: ih 
12 Thereis another of thefe WildePinkes, 


Ni Wi i ) ate neere vn fea’ it very 
\\i ft WA many le pred vpon the grounde , of an 
\ HN ouerworn hoary colour, like thofe of he C re 

5495 pions among which rife wp tender ftalkes of the 


i SS 
\ GZ 


couples at certaine'diftances . owers 
op maf 

, oN j aay growe at p many togither, in maner of = 
Wai on is Gi INC the Sweete William, of a red colour tending a 
Coes sSSaa-//Y topurple. The rooteis fmall, tough, and lon; 
"11 Caryophyllus Holoitivs. 12 Caryophyllus Holostius aruenfis. ae 
Wilde SeaPinke. * .. Broad leafed wilde Pinke. 2 
; J & y ONG NVZ3 
a7. i\' 

< ay 
y ee pike \ Ce 
RaeapET Sy 
LE Vad: inl ck zetiet Daim! 

Z + t 5 


A eo esta aatantt tole wo Be 
YR O73 SUL ISIHOID emoxiol si}. : 

‘ A oo weeY cy io J “< 
LS % ( —_2 2 
t > a 
Shes £ QO 

’ 4 

Creatine BAARASEA, ee 
Sit Gur ee 


ge - pee 
Thefe kindes of Pinkes do growe for the moft par ae in gardens , andlikewife many ee 
which were Sucrlong to write of particularly. Thole that be wilde do grow ypon mountaines ris 


% The tie. 
J ty yr 

TL a. 
y * 
j % The names, t 
Ths Dial s ahi ] — oe 5a ‘} nr ae A oseft2, 
7 3 
tonica altera,and Vet nica alstl FL Obeliusand Fuchfius, S up b, : in Fish ore Ocilttz, 
L Tt 7 n Lj: ) oe tnt | f 
t and Smal 
{ * T eh mperature. 
TL C.1. Din! ° Ccitlnaa 

A Thefe are not vfed in phificke, but rhcened fo ‘tei vee i in garlands aad nofegaies. hey are 
h commended ag plagues men thatthe iuice meer 
kewile to curethem that haue 

is pei to wafte away the ove, — todriue it Toon and li 
the falling ficknefle, 
Of Sweete Tobnsyand So Sweete Williams. Chap.174. 

I \Aymeria alba. 2 Armiriarubra. 
White Johns, - Red Iohns, 
BD ai see 3 eet, SU ee eee 
aS One i, RGR CNS Ge SUS Gs 
ss sh COP No SN aH 
sy DN "/ 
. ; ear . 
ce ried BA F : ; d 
re i intron ftalkes, as haue the Gi jcakinde) 
i pon 98 gore long leaues Bibadehanan sata of he Gillo- 
aie i the ftalhes,very like ynto 

Paleo, 5 serine 
ead a f Sie 

Fe TI th , butin that, hat thi p i sand the 
: cbecatina Hod ¢ =e tobes I - worl = 3 hn 
rth} ; th f @ridhath 

fo tredvery:confufedly with ae pots, 
a taken of fome to bethe a called of the ner writets cs Sipe pee = orthe meee of 
Ay aftrich 

< i. a t 1, tL = n. } ‘LiLo j a Per 
oteahour! ° a! 
3 Armeria rubra latifolia. . AM, & Armenia faanerubers. 
Broad leafed Sweete willis? i niveniegiteelandb 
ae EER 

DE lamas 
— LE of aw 


rg * The defeription. 

} Pe ee hofe Ra nears 5 aaa 

graffie colour. A Ik lik he finall Pinkes, Sgr cined 
wooddie, - 

togither in:one A or fpokie ventas a Bel red colour. Theroote is thickeandw. 
bin Pi aR leafed Sweete William groweth yp to. the heights tof ro twocubites, very well ref 
lis Piao peg ips and as bun natrower. The Rowers ofa  brightredcolourwh 

the differe jodsto vos lezort 
Ba t eed Gans t 2 ba i Bs ba taal 
Se : pape ight! 300} 30 
J ri - | Aprill and May, f c ‘ h; bef he Gillofic: 
cont ebewetient aerate, formes, 5 
5 Pe heey pon Tet SATIN: 1. ee net adage siagutaie, . 

Armeria of fome rie at a Rie fi of fome Herbarifts Fettaiea rape or coe 

wefiris of Come Her Herbatunica more agree heerewith then the clou 

ee a gee h Hicaietes if: 
flores: in Dutc ninepkens, as pes you node faiea bundell or pro for in a deme er 
bun. aa oo of fl flowers or nofegaies they-call eee engsdoubile efle they are wildekinds of of Gilloflowets: 
eWilliains > Tolmeiners 

oe ai a geet aes 
Thefeplancs are norviedéither inm 1 for their beantie todect 
a a ene thcbclomesofthe beaucfull garlands and crownes for pleafirre. 

_omglaiggy wilde Williams, Chapi75.. 

I Armoraria 2 Armoraria praten/is faring, 
_ Themale rnetowe : The female’ Crowe flower, 



as Efides thefe eink sts bcrare Phen, thereis acertaine Sib kinde, cio the 

Gilloflowe#s or el{Cof the Gest Wil Ags where hie ve 

“Sez at ai er & os of other. take ente beth nip eh Lis Cuenlt: 

notwithftanding I a fany oft Sti ter do holde sclerauitiee 

= of thet Ladi foc The Cukow neers Loc i cial ae d ender theta Si, if 

flict ofa a fpai fta I f bp cet be 

dyver Abaco onthe 

onetuft, — a sits feipti inthe pte s,leffer then thofe of Gilloflowers, very ¥ 
ios canteen path ereofno mine cele eee eae colour. 
This female Crowe flow, not fro: 

fomersmore finely igeedlike fether Pinke, 
Of thee € the fethered Pinke,whereofitis akinde, © fae 



mers: 6. } L 

G 1 i. 
a 3 Ss r > 
he ce. 
Thet VW ok * 1 nici = st 6 kithnl 
o 7 
Se The time. 
They begin to flower in Maie,andende in Inne. 
: { The names. ° 
The Crow fal : pe Pe ere ee . yl cL. 558 4 ‘ fr ry, rt 
Nesticex I lled - - Cf 7 AS ee GS 4 . e dike vf 
r r +> : 2 
hy lls busin D y mesa ela Cormicts flo- 
ves:in French cps in oun fl de Williams, marfh Gilloflowers, and 

Cockowe Gilloflowe 
% T: he temperature and vertues. 

rt of. oe ee 

and to decke vp gardens, ; a on ae 

Of Catch Bata bird-Lime swoort. Chap. 196: 
I Pieris 02 aa ee 


r ZateNR 







a ee 
iately fre m the root elike thofe the ‘Cone =i 
set rife vp many reddith ftalkes jointed or heal tcers 

pretie little red flowers, whi oe = ing paft there commeth in places {mall blackifh feede. The on 
1s {mall and threddie, The whole pla 

with a moft thicke a iclainibae matter like vino Birde lime, which if you takein yourhandes, Me 

boat is fuch, rate sa will fticke and cleane ee as it your than uchedb; irde- 
Scfurt hermore, if fi 28 they do vpon c at — ey rote 
: Pi Gis cet h eeaen oe flie,or F Line yon, 
2  Thisplanthath many broad leaves like the great Sweet et Wiliam, but nto obio it is like. 
wilea kinde)fet ‘vpon aftitfe 0 1 finaller 
b Cf. Aall te, lothed with th i eee hl Ts grow 
top of the ftalkes many togither tuf ion, fz brig . The nie aoe is sapellet 
‘ %& The place. 
Thefe pl: do gros Id fi Id I F f England, among the corne : we 
1 } of f leafi h y i y a ¢ poflefled 
with, ~ hath as yet been ee ime. 

“They flo wel erandflourith solfatac 

nr. AR SR Bs ap = Ned £ 2 A C2 DAES So ae cewek 

¥ ? 
sith Reb, 1 1 ete | 1a . 15 PS PS oe >" yA » orred 

ZL, ~ Mo, 
Weheriiys fawieic tonmehh 3 
Zz ‘Obelins et and ‘“ veaie: : of Dodoneus Armerius fu tertins of pe: Us eis fl oe 

% The nature and vert 
The nature and vertues of thefe wilde Williams are eel to the wilde Pinkes and ae } 
Ss. r 
P28 Thrift, ae —_ eufion. BE I 
Wes mavinusminimus L Caryo ophyllees . 
ne Leuant Thi Set Gillofower, 



% The defeription. 
Seinen TYk.o f-. £2. 2 cong 
eS | oi ita ee 
to hl : f;, . LL: zs L A gi t 5 finaller sflenderer, and fhort aR 
nll c 

grafle :among wi 
onthe tops hast ie i flowers in a ira tuft, of a ees colour tending topurple, The 
roote is long and thre 

Theotierkindor Tha ift, 1 vpon th : aes sy. 3 
fea.diff ‘ fi I i in! ftalkes. or flowers. b is al itt and 
« = 2 ? d eae © 4 S' > 

the leaues are broader, ; 
% The place, 
T1,.0-08:-£ 3: 1 fa} 41 Mae > eee } 7 eed 3 - t.¢ q 
F gatdens, ing vpofbeds 
a1 | Csish ee Pe od 1. Cet, TH. eS a ara ae 5 
&. 5 egions. 
% Th e time, 
They flower from Maytill fommer be far sete 
pe names. 
rg ed | Re els get re #8 
IrpLos re Li, st 

hrift. ee Priest our a Cation 
cmper. Peis: erEUCS 
_ Their vei in Se icke as syet isnot ony neither doth any fecke into the natute, ‘thereof, but 

Of Sneefé sot. Chap. 18 

ae) Ptarmica duplici fore, Be isc 
Sneefewoort) ee Double flowred:Sneefe woort,- 

Gia roe 


A the toothach. 
B __inehetecheycn dholden in the mouth, ae hm ee ine feagne, 
Spaine , and therefore from it-hath beene. taken for 

% The defeription, 

r 4UIefenall i haaye E befet than nga and n: nar- 

: ow {mal fingle 

flowers re = — rl De ies roe roote is oes a fil of sa nes piieite 1g a 

per: e the art Eaees re time occup viet th ve 
biti - 

aH} Y pe pe } 1 q: 

ist = Ga 
liege The fmell of chs plant procureth or ittooke the name so egelal shat 

c herbe which doth a aan Sneefing, or Net c 
2 . Double flowred Sn ort,or PLarm: Aishes one vnto the former in leaues ‘ftalk ks, and ore 
that ynlefle ut ho! ae er,you can not difcerne the one from the other r andi it is exceedi 

white,and double like vnto double Fetherfew. "This plantis sofgreatl a andif i it bec cut td pri 
then the firft. 
3 Ptarmica Auftriaca. 

Sneefewoort of Anftrich, defer iptio 
‘ 3. .Thereis Se secs kind eek: ‘ome 

D> f flo wers fairer 

Rrighsandh thrufteth deepe into the groun 
de of S Reecie pear t groweth 

The firft kin th wilde 
in drie and barren paftures in many places, andin 

dry ficldes in Kent about Sout 
The fecond nee in my g2 nee aid infome 
others alfo.- 
They flower fom) May to ae -ende of wee 

See is called of fore. Ptarmica, 406 
Pretest yum fyluestre, and allo Draco {iluesir#s, * 
Tarcon m bie vis soft moft Sternutamentortay oriasaken 
= Meee popetneets: 3 of 
a Oe los: i Englifh os 
___, litorie of Spaine. taking that ee from his 

2 % The matures s : yes ea 
sshmand cin heinddage ae ie 
a oes Thevertues,—- 
i _ ee holden in the mouth ea’ seadgecck the 
wilde ands 


Of Hares cares. Chap179. 

1 Bupleurum aan pee cr 2 Bupleurum latifolium Mon/pelienf?. 
Narroweleated Hare a oa — ayant 8 
iy = cs 

> -& Thedefeription. 

th ER | Cc Sah > re i , e| 
g agreeth notzit hath the long 
1 TAN Ae Ae, ipa or eer as iewerewith 

fina ftiffe ftreakes or ribbest running along euery leafe, a , as Pliny {peak 
he ftalkes are a cubice and a halfe long, full ofknots or knees very su or ee then. 
fie ot heads like 
= Dill. The roote | is as bigge a fi 
, aud refemblance of feede, It 

ee ES } 
c= lasaie othe ~ a 8 
a SS | tf, } } 1 real, wherent 
pti sf = 


: J ssn counbieenedl 
’ je kin lled broade leafed I figure , cue, allio, te = 
a ~ former Kinde ie thatthe leautes oc i ¢ hollow .in the m 


% The place. 
The eyg growe ¢ among ee eas in ‘looie rer hard cane if a atatbone Thue fone chem 
groningnanuallyainong he e bufhes meen Beiftone caftel ellin Chethite. 2 

The time. 
= They. fower'arid bring fois ricetle inlaliean jai ‘Augie 
ot hares cate is called in Latine igeevl es Grete ease: i Kehiciies oF 

1 Ly. acirdal 

ACL GO: ? 
“a Pay ae en? I SS a 
Boel hit Jp if ? . 

: ae : athe 


‘The temperature. 
They are temperate in heate cal drineffe. 
*& T. he vertues. 
xy), SS EE ENT ee 4 Lert l } ese SS Peca® 
Ai. if woke He A e i. as 2 P| Pid ee 
ae 3 ‘ ay ’ aise 
fie mr os wands and is taken by 7 Trag zp h » who doth recken it éapep 
cB ooh e ese h faleand wi , and applied, doth confi dd he fivellin 
1: . na y : 

of the necke,called the Ki ill, g 1 gi 

OfGromell. (bap.i80. 
thoffermum maiws. 2 nite os MIRMS. 

pags BY 
Great Gromel], 

; e 

UW LLG deas the for- 

it finaller. 
PaetieeckindeclGromell, which hush teotes es and lakes ikethe kindes thefeede 
. oe ‘fo {mooth and plaine , but fomewhat fhriueled seoaed. "Theleauesate* 
_ fomewhat rougher, vatoawildekinde of  Bugl offe, clr for enehger ea 


that additament Anchu fa facie.1 Thefl hit , ; 
WT Tes od ei D pon 
“Theres a ret kinde hereof called Anche degener, being either a kinde of wilde 
Bu glo 
4 To ey ln 1. Cagehe Lie , or Gomells oe ) : we 3 dee 
Rags CP rae © 13. 1 aR 7. Fe L 
sy wee 2 2 

= : T he pir : 

om C.ALinde. dA + 
T g f 5 as by ‘high waies fides, and barren ke 
* tL n Cc La: o> Or <_. 1 1 
ee Cc : NetTAAnt Wh ee wn eg j J 
tlerr Ps F 
cai Rye 2 1S ee Tae PA OG Paes) Fem 
9: p 5 in ithe yle of Thanet neere eas 
1 Um } Cc. we Tae» ptera Py 
eT ss ° i] 

x Thetime. 4 
They flower from the fom tice, t the twelfe day of Iune cuen vnt¢ 
tumne,and in the maeane pariey the fede! is aoe 


Gromell is called in See ifoarepecor, ot ce harddelie of the feede: of diuers Gorgonttm : 0 

others Aegonychon, Leontion, ot Diofporcn: t Diofpyron,as Shire and allo Heracles: of 
the Ara’ bi ans Milinns me bler :in ee and among the k Tealian 

f Godel fol : 
5 } | A sa asi ta 
Lichwale. “ : 
& The temperature. 
T1 >: 3 com YW b Fy 1 y te 3% 
. J 
%& The vertnes. 
TLefend ce W J bed 1: + breaketh Vay ti Dy om ee a) a7. 
Ln } iigie ae Gina Decne 4 aa eS eke et et A 
“ a £ 3 ty d ; 
Of (hickweede. Chap.181. eee 
* Thekindes. 
Hi bedi {ores of Chickweedes hict i + 4 nsher lefle J] 
and other ee L L f b peta 4 yc WL n 1 C1 eh }  Cofk , ght kf. 
knowne Chickweedes, 4 
sitet 8 eee 
x =| H Chickweede rif timehighet ,a 
; "oO Qr . 
: f; ‘ g and de, flender, rita gi cote of 
le eaues 2 rowing feuery| ioint al 
leaues of Pellitori f the wall,wl hey y like in fhape,bu {mooth wich 
: light g) lour : the ftalk fome thing cleere, andas it were 
f i fhini 1 ak he ioints they be oftenti an htred colour 
tote ee eB Se i SO Ces © 1 Liat. L c sof a veryligl 4 
BE Gee incanee bit vecledie hofe pl fi delon kno $s but t, inwhich th 
= rE SOE pe, ae TC. i a los teh ae 2 —— . 

Le nt ete fe OT An BSN I 

se Spiga: refem a 
ze cae but sen tele, asis iene the ee tees whichin no refpect attain eth ee the 

the former. The roote is salfo full of little Rtrings. eae 

dis like th 1] he ftalkes be moft tend dfine: the leaues ate ee 
A Wik A ‘ RO flender z sae 
4 Y nies tere a a {OE ape yhich growe his is liketo the fe ee 
thicker, piven Ae lg ed ag pe a hicker : lp or ee. heals 
benotlong and rounde,but formigyhas Boe — are three or fower {eedes contained. ~ 

= = Hh 4 z Ajo 


1 AMfnemuaior. 
Great Chickweede. 

we, wy QS WZ Zi 
WE ells FS of 
SG 5 Peal: 
S \\ } 

wae AN 

Zh X : SS ZA AWN aS 
AY HY Ay vr ee 



= (iy Sa 



3 Mine minima, - 

aan ae s 4 Aine marina, 
Shee Fine Checkeweede, ai : Sea Chickweede. 


6 Aifmereta. 
Right Chickweede. 
oP, OS Noe 

SH, 6 

=_ AY 
u Xx 


(7? ke 
ASS ves NS Z 








i } 



% The defeription. 

ait Ala folk at Aah 

‘Th g g > difperfed heere and there ypon the 

und,whereupon are fet by couples {mall leaves like thofe of “udwaria. The flowers are very lit- 
eon white of colour; after which come rounde knops wherein is the {eede, The roote is {lender 

re ° ; 
= The vprig t Chick mR L y fi us. gl L 13° vf (ek FG ORT OD i fle 5 
ftem,diuiding it felfe into diuers t ches,euen from thel he top ; wi Jo growe 
‘fiall leaves, thicke and fat in refpeé of the others , in fhape like thofe of Rue or Herbe grace. The 
zm i g he top of the brancl fifting of fower {mall leaues of awhite colour, 
9 Aline Petras. ; 8 Alfine folys vetonica. 
Stone Chickweede. Speedie 

490 THE ebaee BOOKE OF FHE 
; % The def Chic : 
7 Tits ieee Cae i rams Yory A tediic branches 6g 
wers be fal pa verie ae; the roote is nog a relied ots Fer 
t aes L gi : 1 by pl vb 1 d ce i t lik ouples, 
like thofe of Wz F len, fic The torent a tes ip 
and femts a 
9 Alfmefontana. 10 Afine fluuiatilis, 
ay untaine Chickweede River Chickweede, 

| Lay 2 Ww 

was |e 


tm SVZ 

pss STARSN 5 seg 
ine vy HVS he 

Vs 20 Ula 
> FS 

-g There is a kinde of Chickweede growing in the brinks and borders of wels, fountaines, and 
ine H } i } H 5: = * i St Lereupor 
= o Lahafomeor 

groweon thetop 

ae ing 
ongft the ground whereon do growe long leaues, con: ing of many ied leaues fet 
r ik like thofe of Lentils, or the wilde Fetch, The flowers and feedes are like the pre- 

Bete hcsisifhor orw. ——— oe Chickweede de aleogithet 
cae snc ane eedes. It hatha aioe of oe bignes of 3 

er ftalks, fet vpon by couples at cercaine 

ght Bene Re oe Bee like therootes of Couch gr. from the 


£ Stitch t, bucleffer, and of a Shi 

of the ftalkes do Eee finall 

<: at } iG 

LT ere Ae GIN 




Chickweedes, fome gro mn ee buthes ce 
bis olde walters of Phi nfesand fhadow 
plac 1¢ place is is. ee in oe fcuerall ie 
some of the other 
he Chickweedes oe nee in winter, they 
aca and feedeint my, ning. 


Ch hickweede or Chickeecte is called in 

ne it re tainech the fame 

name Aj re of fome o Fr dcenclentsir’ iscalled 
Hippiay Bee oe Se 8hs fto f the 

_ are iftinguifh th titles; © 

ch Prope names whtich likewife (eset fost 


Kage Lye 
a YG i cheplads of their grow 
~ RO p | The temperature. 
ARS Yessy 8 Chickweede is colde and moift, ahdofa wa- 
ws a — — eonait} and therefore it cooleth with 
Sy | ut aftri rts aie scabs ba faith. 
3 | < fF Chickweede boiled aa wh 
cx pe Se / very by ons sing thereto fome hogs gr 
|| | powder of Fenugreeke and Lin fee and Yefew 
SOF St < UBS rere roores of M Mallowes mped to the. 
c KE L\ ee) TE < ataplafma or p 5 taketh aw 
woe it WG the fwellings of the legs; orany other parts brin- 
eth to fupputation or matter, hot apoftemes 5 
diffolueth fwvellings th 
3comto wounds i in ees oo sdefendeth foule = and virulent yicers from in- 3 

flammation during 

7 Tees ye Pa 

aes there: 

Little Birdesi in cage = Linets) are refrefhed with the leffer Chickwweed, when ers Cc 

Of the baked Col 


T secon He baftard Chickweedes do differ fics the former, efpecially ieeuile they escch and hai- 
vfomea o differ in formes dfathion — the leaues and if colo 
nalst (oofisn vil sito L obnisorg to OIG : 

irate Sei mati 

Ermandet Rial fF 
Sta rR is 
Blew flow. whic ait there ¢ {mall thuske: ie 
uy oo ee gard intoa SATE ground cis hard 


1G 19! 

slot ofthe flowers. 

oe ground, halaman 
ong which. come foorth Jit de 

s.orpouches 5 w 

2 claps 


2 _ Clafws,amanfingular in the knowledg of plants, ye ¢ of theChick- 
weedes,which jae ey welll the fr 1 h h here inferted. Butthe 
matter being of t pafle; for doubrleffe it parti : h ofbotk sthati is, the head 
orbe sip Sect Lancia laaoe of Chil 1 which are long & hai hairy, lik £S pion 
Moufe care. bie col 

a like vnto thofe of the Storks oo Theroote is aa me tinge with eg ie ae 

I “Ain fol Ss Triffaginis, 2 “nehaw title Chusy. 
faerie Clheckweede. red Chickweede, 



Be Vi oe 

A ee: Ny 

Sj i Xt x! ne) 
eG HO) t 7 ka? TED GD Again hee ; ide, o 8 two cittsot 
ee dele 
se tendet hae, 3 and ing oe 

ate eyteoai aatNe o 
og Aline 


HS Sie Se “oo 


3. CAM frie Hederatea, 4 Alf altera 
luie se ne Gre Beneebiie 

SA bo 
aS ea 

SS | 


ee dark il ane 

1, 1 

* The 
called ‘Hor, ns Hens sii line line Fede ack Hederstee: sin thomas 
in pec ‘hatagedrand Marg met Doenbere chic: ae ee: ie bite 

d oa ha and verte. ue 5 
: iiet sci ieaana I Chico 1 a 1A 
e ; S 

Tee Ld ie 

peeeacli liane, Chiconeedes th ailing heere and there 
é aes apart pe broat i d pointed, fet togither by — 

: ome. whereof come foortht 3 ie do growe 

; : which being j are. like 

di cates inaty oe ome but i in the cola of the 
a er Spa for like as the former f vers’ dee paagetesocr flowers of a moft 

‘Peisetlen colour eet is the difsambt, 

3 Anigalluma, 2. Anagallis famina. 
MalePimpernell, Fone Pimpernel 
SS oni 
‘| Oe z 5 




eS) = 


Yellowe Pimpernel. 


3 Anagallis lutea. 

Shae see id 5 ee: a ain 
ee. ~ 3 The yellowe Pimpernel hath many weake 
NA _, and feeble braunches trailing vpon the groun 
RSy gz ._ befet with leaues one agajnft another like the 
SSS) 7 piteat Chickwectnoemee to Nammularia, % 
_ Money woorte;betweene which and the ftalkes, 
“’commeth ‘foorth one'fingle and {mall tender 
~~ falke, bearitig at the toppeghereof one yellowe 

~ : 


Re 5: Theplace. Be anak 
“ «They grow in plowed fieldes neere path waies, 
in gardens and vineyards, almofteuery where.1 

_kiec re fieldeir ¢ way from ma 
“'Swainés hone of Southfeete to Long fielde 
Rees ec 
GSTS ser be sme. a 
, | <> They-flower in fommer, and efpeciallyin the 
~~. month of Auguftjat what timethe husbandmen 
» hauing occafior go vnto thei nes 
‘ irft b the flowers of Pimpernell,wact 
next day after,as forexamole: if wets be 

: the flo 
_'- fhutclofe vp, itberokeneth rain 8¢foul weathers _ 
- © + contrariife; if they bee {pread abroade ; faire 
weather, | SF SEES IEW, HO LO9 VDIC ee 

ao t 


% Themames. 
. 0-5 SE eT oe (PL; h) h b 
ee a. pats Py <5 ae oe | % a 7 J 
Cae kes ae | being th le. j d Phen: nd Curallion;of this i 
1 pofiti ipt called Diacoralli n thatis errs ahich cchipiie 
fition Paulus AEg Girard in his 7.booke.Among the baftarde names it hath been cal- 
Aéritis,egitieand Sauriti in Englith red Pi iH “iblev v Pimpernell 
_* T he temperature. 
Rit tr PD; 1] df hat i h 
ying Z5 c 5 witha 
1 , : ps j | ee | Won , ae ee | bom } 1 Oalft 
1' > > c=) > 
s Gaknwriteth 
& The vertues. 
a = = —S a 1 foah in. 
Chebnad ce Cticen thi f de , andto helpe th ee 
. Ris f clipe the 
cept aes ae 11 ST ed {} } h + } h tt h-B 
1.2, ~~ as a 
ach. Ehcitg Gate F L [es Seery K 3 lly y Nt W 
(gh Ge i eee heii with honie, clenfeth the vicers of theeie, C 

as in ee tine _Argema 
ouer he affirmeth thati itis ae againft the fingeey, vipers. and other venemous beafts. D 
i neies, ifthe inicebe se wine. He E 

addeth Baretor! itis reported th that Faso ophid vi the blew flower reliance he fundament 

are Of. Brookelyme,or water Pimpernel. Chap.184.. 


%& The kindes. 
T Here be fower forts of Water herbes comprehended vader the name Amagallis aquatica, Ot 

r 2 3 
L i LC 1 Ta | pe Wt 

% The defeription. 

pra7 Rookelime or Brooklem, hath es Se cke ftalkes , rounde and parted into divers 

Y braunches evi ues she thicke th,b road,and ofadeepe greene colour. The 
<1 gowers gr growe vpon {mall tender: _ ea which thruft foorth of th the bofoine 
i = wo ete ei ou of mp 

ro. L 

ler blewe colour , wherein pa the diffe- 

281 The roote 
fring inten ne fale ey it a steak, 
= The great water r Pi peepee is like F 

“oO ri ° fr 
as “Whath Cech: PRES ee we en ie ; from which rifeth 
vpa fat, thicke, ftraight oe fetwith| 
ouerworne green colou hi 
foorth | frmal t ender ais itby Saple ae like cues eer Betetespen toward the top 
blew co 
The other differeth not! he laft deferibed , inleanes , a "fo owets ,orrootes, faning 
that the] I £ ind broader, j blunt at the points , wherein is the diffe- 

1 Assgalls 

ous y 

NR Se rs 

as 1 Ana allis (eu Becabunga. < 
rooke lime, _ Vewmud Var ced 

FT Ne y 

3 Anagallis aquatica minor. 
Smal] water Pimpernel. 
€ . 

D ae) 

Ss ay 

We Be NG 
4 Anagallis aquatica minor flore pallida, 

magallis aquatica, 
Water Pimpernell, 

rd Gh “ 






% The place. 

hey growe by xi riuers fides, fmall ing brookes,and ie ditches, The yellow Pimpernel! I 
Sur growing in H {teed wood London,andi y ott 1s and copie 
# The time, 
ha 1 Cc Coe val 7. tA an 
J ro} Then, 
Water Pi mpernellis called nega uated of are ee which i is borrowed of the 
Gatudne word 3a ruin ti t i ' 
1 andin g 1, h h the G ; 

docall it Berala; notw l 
xapdewimsor rather Crefles : it ist thou ughtto "0 Cepia, thatis tofay, 4 the aan which Diofcorides 
writech to be like vnto Putflaine swhereunto this Brookelime goth very) well agree, But ifi it be there- 
18 ann po = “6 Tait ael Ties 1 , 
or or Brookelime fhall not be like vnto it, g , beingalto- 
Py by ] J fier ty 2 

Fe E lith the firfti led Brookelit ft} s ll Wares Piraner 
—) o <i 

nell; or Water r Chickwweede ome st aban a tito 

: ee ee fc, iy 1 
r Lae 
oe hie wertues, mei 
_ Brookelimei iseaten in fallads, as Water Creffes is good againft that émdevor malum, of A 
y pokes ) ui 
i : Be na 1 Fog Creflecanad fad fc g Mm i pre 7 yetis it 
not ai ie great operation and vertue, 
ro: iy Spm. SO MeL Nope | tilal 1¢ OL eles ITF Dad Fea ps B 
~ >? tf 
The leaues boiled. ftrained. and ft dinaft ith tl Jer of F ke. Line- @. 
fo ert, oa ‘i “ th XK AAMT . ir L L is Py Cc. 1 t are. 
illowes, an gs¢g 5 Cataplaima or 
pals > 1 1. y y 7 aren | I g T 8 J 1. i. j fom ii n 
ion 5. } 4. LP “1 1 L a tie | fi WL * ¢ 
TL . er oe 1, trained, = pee pea pate * 2.7 a RG Tt 
{apes S aE f=) 7 
sei ei ad She bladder Sear 
f 4 rt Ire} £ A fpar. AO Lbs. i 4 
s of Brookelim me, agi, eaten with oile, get and pepper, E 

he ie Deflaitinte and ftone. 

ae Pine = 185. : 

The kindes. 
Tr Here be ‘diuers fortes of Ground Pines growing neere vnto. ne fe = which hay beam 
bred among the wilde kindes of Sea Chickweedes, - s a 
ae alae 

WW ¢ <<: 1. in ae 
AB 87 of true ¢ PSPS OE PRT Fee TNL Fo 1 Cees (ee 
4) is found moft 2 det It herman fuel ee full of ioints, no 
abouea eee eating ndry waies, on with fmallleaues of a pleco, 

z ing Lentiewla, otrather 
groweatthe top ofthelialke ftarfathion, of an hetbiecolote like Bose, ola i fone, 
final feedes sina three cornered huske,, ‘The foote is fomewhatlo ogyllender; bison and 
thruftine faltifhbieter in 

decply x 

what heating. 

... There isanotherkin of Ant byl, vis ol of ancient writers, whichis 
yeeldethno milkic iuice at all, and Ch — 

not poffible to cet bicaufe that chisplast 
hath great pl hym 

ekin Pe t ae a ‘or Sea Pin 3 oe nh. ; oe 14 eh rr y sox Chee os 
whole plantis ve faleand fha {harpe i 3 th fall, of awhi P ; der 
the | eee eos: ‘] fed in litle 4 . ee} L 7. Sp my ee 


1 Mpthylisslentifolia. 
— Pine. 

There is liken ne re ee Pee rd or Sea 
Ground Pine, but in tru fe than 2 

colour, The whole plantisiof a bitter fo 

do growein inthe Mouth ye sept 
Focland. efpecially in Portland in the grauell 
and fandie foordes 2 which lie lowe and spain 
the fea 5 and likewife in-the yle of Shepey neere 
the water fi de. 

% The time. 
They flower and d fourithin Tune and uly, 

Their ss ie oleiieay: fet forth their feue- 
rall names: lifhithey may be called Hoarie 

Sale arm be ratte Pine and Stinking ground 
Pine, bicarife their finell-ftinkerh in: refpecof 
thofe feof the Champion ground, 

%& The temperature. 
"Thefe bes are 'o! p facul 
Smee cold and drines). 
ot The ve : 
A yee aay y gainft th 1 piffe,the ftr gurie, 
or difficultie sees oe the Teines, 
Hthe falling fick giuen firft at mor- 
— a 
smc hb 3 
of Witsoe Woogie ‘Ch bap. 86. 
oad ) 
; The dfriton, —— : 
~~ pobegct He firlt is a very flender plant 2 Seal ese thee Chik 
aR "goon ie tom te weirs, Ee 
a -whofetopdo Ses 

pp afmalltalke,nine 
owevverie little white ricapiel uaa rsccone eal 

5 chet 

: roses, fonihich wey ae 
‘ yery like vnto thofé of the’ greater Chickweede, ——— sides foes fe 
midft of which tuft {pringeth vp a {mal vpright rice oe grow litle idle 

ie aren pe after which there come sn ae pees 


MEA ee 



itlowe grafle. 

aronychia ha. 
road leafed V. 

2 P 

ia Vulgaris, 

I Paronych 


Common Whitlowe 

} ) 
dren. VAAAR | 



Z sys . . 1a 
Tagged Whitlowe graffe, 

Wate © 

Rutaceo felio. 
:d Whitlowe graffe. 


4 Paronye 

quate. Ane 


~ i Sovdyege Trdocide 





The defeription. 
3 This Whitelowe Seok agged | | 
where it groweth : ab vbich: rifeth vpa flender ftem en rk growe fuch tides as eh 
next the ground ua g f the laft detcuibed. The feede 
= Footes are alfo ie 
i, Le nd fat leaues,cut into three diuifions. , Much 
femhing the fivall leaues of he btee agreat oe fallen The ftalks are little like the former, & 
i Y 
sealed or Chickweede ae grafle. ' ‘nt 
‘Ther cis s another fort of Whi Nail sthatis likewife al bafet 
5 g oe G a ® ife vp diu ers me sie 
se ques vith lite! I fufedly like thofe of the fmalleft Chickweede,whers 
fdout leffe hefe be ki d ] git he ft Ik d 8 very little white flowers , after which 
(SS ee pray pes om pA tat 7) “hy hea b 
’ % Theplace. 
Thiele finall,bafe, and lowe hert 5 8 vp bricke-and ft | Is, vpon< olde tiled houfes, 

It fgrore pian ily vpon the Theis wall in Chancel, belonging tothe tae of Sou- 
thampton, in the fuburbes of. - fundrie aR a 
* Thes 

ot ies rene | 
nomoreto obe feene all the yeere Fics 

%& Thenames 
The Grecians haue called thefe plants zzesruye, w: which Cicerocalleth Redwuia. Th ere be many 
kindes of; ce vs the = name: iy Paronychia, which ha thc aufed oth otten: 2 — beat 
t : which I ehinke will neuer a, fo that 


ry f to) 
oe. 1:0, WT.3] 1 Whitlo 

%& TH ie 1 mperature sand vertues. 

| e As couching he ee. here of 
€ eee of the nailes calleda Whisborspoiqaa it tooke his name. 


. Fluellen the female,or o (hap.187. 

ao % The kindes. 
: The be two fortes of female Flullens. 

% Thedefeription, * 
ae He firft kindeof step Fach ius 8 Mathioluscalled Veronita 5 femins, © orthe fe fee 

male Flue ellen 
” Be , - Q 1 es. we - y et 
ie. hairie dol « ] owhich come 
ts 2 j Sees Mag ry Bx {mall Snap- 
rt * 1 Hed Larkes 

: re Thelgrer wes cha of the floweris of a — Se deeper ete) of a faireyel- 
oe eedeth fmall blacke feede contained inroun 

th ftalkes »braunches tai sans rootes, ikea but the 

ee yellow 

1 Verenite. 


& Veronica famina "ae mt 
rau 3 female Fluellen 
SB, ©: 

Sharpe pointed Fluellen, 

Be NG 
ae Oe 
: UT 


Oatinntw aad eet. ee re: 

Cink 2 Wee camer’ mid 

tt rheplc = ihn ae 
cars aD ' Rape 
- _asinthe fala ee Sout inKent, where within fixe aie compat bse is a erste 
wherein i it doth not grow, 


ging to that i a peed 
_ man Sir Fr Pe A OP Baiadlinesgod in fundrie ee of Effex 5 andin next fielde | 
we the churchyarde at Chefwi 

27) hetime. 
oe flower in ae and ee 
%& The names, E 
oe pl . xn RR Bie Ae 5 * 
; % Thenature and vertues. : 
oy SO fg 1 fe: Cc. les Tut | ee Oe ees Lact. A 
a he pee o. 2 ae ES: 
nen ~~ ee dyfe ] 7 odeert { g L 5 gi 1 lige sabeal appeting & cating 
Boece 8 fiue vicers,that t aaa ffeth all credit in thefe gfores vpon 
nre nr. i. af "ae = ,, bg 
# fi ee | d j t 4 {p . lly. VpOn on aman whom. orteth to h ie his 
nafle ear, an n 1 1 . 
1 Boer 

Penarep au 
g fore, who fent for che Pilon and Chirurgi- 
L beft, &th : efaide 
nofe off, to preferue the reft of his ee br eee biti sod Pifiion ee 
Batbar,who hadno more'skill than ed by tr tradition , and yer 
patient: a foceheneDad Barbas tandingin 

“hein € companie: and hearing t thei determination, d defied 
ake triall of an herbewhich h ae 
dinbek Elrme though he were <tr ace name whereby i itwas called, yetheknewe whetet eto ~ 
tc se 
wardly applied the fame plaifterwifejand in maps ae e perfectly cured the manandited ie eS 
a of his bodie from rea Soran was ees to ag oe aleprofie, i 


Elatine hel ee. is 

» oile edandasa aaa apie bases 
< Thele aue. res foddenit le,ftaieth the dyf 
3 1, } TI, 5 cf 1 i2% n fol 
sh 17.1 1 LL. iy 3.7. os Ln = j 2} SS SR Es | aa oe Rees 

contig to > Pail 

fer of theherbe, with the like waighe of 


“wreacles ais pide aa afin feuers, 

Of Fluellen the male,or Paules Betonie. (bap.188. 

% % The kindes. 
#2 TT eps r Cc 1. ah py aL LI 702 £2, , forme, einen, Sie 
. 2 7 oO d 4 pete 
of growing, * 
I Veronica vera Cc mai 2 Veronica recta mas. 
Fluellen or tema The male Speedwell. 

3 Thedin Se 
HNherk lcle reddit 

nlite “Sia bal aes 
| 2 = The onda dinero nthe ground, hauin ee Coa ans atl 
| acer rc EpleaGanly See ethane 

a 3 veronich 





4 Veronica rectam 


The fnalleft Fluellen, 
6 Veronica fa 

ee LID MPN, mse 
j ae a ag eee wt 
& A] fe C7 Sama S 
> Te iy CE ieee =p 
“ah i MS 2.8 
be t 

" t 
<< RRR es < ‘ 
= aa 



betel em SE A 

or NS AY 


Little Fluellen. 
' ‘Tree Fl 

: 5 Pei 

3 Veronitaminor. 

heey GEATOR? OEE Oa : 4 Bares bios e F 
A > = e' 2; d euks a 

% The defe Gription. 

vnito Serpillwm, for which 

ches,ofa whitifh et declining robe bien, 
the vpper face of 

nefle. he roote is fmalland threddie, takin 
the earth, ee The feedeis contained in fma il pouc 

ghold vpgn 
ches hie de 


ypright walle poraeion the tie ‘sare “ leffer; of = top wheat commeth ae 
flender ue clofelyt thruft ee full of blewith flower 
The fifi kind 

Se ee 

LL: Bw, Li Tl isd 

he top wk =i fai ice 

Po 1 } 

afawe: = roote is Spat of eke threds or {trings, 
H 7 be 

6 Thefixe tlooketh wi thhi fi 


SET. f. 




refpectof ‘cori mention The 4 

r, deepely aa mote the ia - 

fome threddes appendant there 

1 1 k 7 £c.ll 4) eas ee : a 
in beers euerie =i 5 ? 
The foor thkinde,my good Je matt wh a NS. MER Ss 
thewed it me in the clofe lioining to the f f; fe of theclarkes eo 

Thefiftisa yee ay England, but] haue 

it growing in my garden. 
% Thesime. \ 

Thefe flower ftom May to eo 

%& Thenames, 

Thefe pl y ith thei which 
doe difting} ith tk I tk i or Speedwell : 
in Welch itis called Ralewand z Welch nile do tbc great vertues vnto the fame:in 
high Dutch Sgotunnbetll : in lowe Dye aes enp2 Bis th tofaic,honor and praifes, ’ 

: % Thevertucs, 
Th ro% f, di | » fode Jy all freft SAEs 4 , elenfech the 

+ Ae 

ee wed sana Setening fores,the finall co ca meaf 
er of, Veronica de {tilled with wine, and redeftilled fo often —_ te tgoce waxe ofared- 

mation ofthe fame. 


Of berbe Tivo pence. Chap.189. 

and all vicers and inflam- 

% The defeription. 

‘Hee pence | hath a fall and tender Foote , fpreading and d difperfing ie felfefarre 

gtounde, {ett by couples at certaine faces, “with {mo 
: from th 

whereof it tooke his name 

the bofome 
whereondo growelittle 

3 flowers,like: thofe 

leaues fomewhat sponse 

of whi lear foorth fall render foorftalks, 

f Cinkefoile ort ormentill, 

2 There isakinde of 
fauing itis 

inthey differ, 

re hrefpect, 

r Nummuleris 

TO og 
@ G G ye See 


EAN 7 


a . . 

Legged Wrrnrrenanriiniiny b 
} Mua» Hack! * The place : 
4:.-1, 0. ae 1 


Te ee, 1 Att k 7, 
in moilt woods : I founde it vpon the bancke of the riuerof Thames, right againft the Queenes pal- 


lace of White hall ; and almoft in euery counttey where I haue trauelle 
he time. 
Tt flowreth from May till fommer be well fpent. oe 
BIG efQoet 230 ; & The names. VEE 
: Herbe Two pence is called in Latine 7; laria and Cent. bia: and of diuers <n ok 
» via, Wc is reported tharif ferpents behurt or wounded, they do heale themfelues with this herbe 
whereupc 1 rp Shige Se gh L Wis L i of the wc onde 's 
fulleffe& Sie be a g tb pipe pe ; ye: NA tg C1. oe : ¢ y wh te 
: ~~ i WT . D L 'c) ¥ y ple e EF; ies 'Y WOOKt$ herbe Two pence , 
| “and Two pennie graffe, © ee 
: ne ‘The temperature. ee 
ss | > 4 Pf 
: ? lew APY. Otte! 1. ie He The vertnes. 1 Cpe a 3 ears 
,* Leh 0) Sr er SE ees Se } ie ae st lk ES ae of os waxe. and ea, oe 

-* © addedthereto, 
Theiuice drunke in wine,is good he bl i 
man. The weaknefle and loofenefle Pe Resin & lly 11.1 5 ith Ip ee ee 1, and i 
‘the Whites in fuch as haue them, ne eae . 

Fat BRE. 8 Ree Pig. © 4s pee C11. © Fd 

eet , a + 

tht fthe inwarde parts, and vicers of the lungs, C 
and in a worde, there i t und herbe,nonot Tabaco it felfe,no®any otherwharfoeucr, 
The herhe boiled i cpa 2 oe Pee pr Fee €. nae; ee 0 At sg 

ree 3 for 3k : v PS * A 

chitenclled the Chinnecough, 2 


Of Bugle,or Middle Comfrey. Chap.age. 

2 Bugula flore albo, 
White Bugle. 

eee 2 


5? Ages omnes i 8 g M ort; theleaues be Jo 
& fat, andoleous, and of a browne colour for the moft part. The flowers grow: jroe 
, eat ftalkes in rundles. % Tia alt 1 . L : 

: ei z f oO ae 1 > Bae 4 ieee 
a faire blew colour,andoften white, I found many plants of it ina moilt gr 
i harleton, but the leaues were greene, 
1 : 1 Aftalkes: che’ 
i ee pl Ric: gt take 1 65 See sf ,, and the other, thole 

a = : b almoft i < % The plate. to. 04. Awd. er pe, er en 

se lence gardens. a = 

oo % Thetime. 
_ Bugula fowrethin Aprill and May. BAS 
oes se The names. ‘es 

Bugle is reckoned among the C { di + harhc 1 Pe Ses L)idlemedia, Be 

gula,and Bugle : inhigh Dutch Guntzel? in lowe Dutch Sent C py phiolus Laurentiis: 

qn Englifh iB wn ce. CL) B i hss sag aimee er, butnot truly. 

Esa a8) 7 
: % Thenature. 
4 ae 

a em fie j og The- 



% Thevertues.. * 
T led g infti je burfti | h rent, t, and brufed : and therefore ek which itis of fiach nilflue and wale 
away congealed and nes bioe i ly fai 
needeth n 

either —— nor Tegon that hath Bugle and Sanickle , for it doth not am cure 
woundes being inwardly taken,but 

the liuer; it taketh awa by thesbttudione aa clcedorse eg re 
The e decoétion of Bugle drunken sdiffo ! 

hE Pe Ft es eee Re bbe 
oflong continuance. “ow gi poe is 8 
The { 4 a: \ teas 1 17 fot 1 } g Dp 
Bugula i ll i g | Ic } 3 Be BP os 3 ae is.vl 17. 
fores ofth Pe ret y rs R joey rs LE lee | $F 6 ek 
Of Selfe heale. pee 191. 
Pranells LObely 
"Salih = 4 athe fecond Selfeheale, 

rain | hee i % The de sp Ne 

rp hi ghsfe wit longa at tharpe 
es poimedlees at the top of f the ftalkes gr Beagetsbitke ieero "et ther, like an eare 
or fpikieknap, of. abrowne colour mixed Rew edleirsand mes whith 
kinde Hoon fome plants in Effex neere “Hemnghameafl Teter vals nd verie threddy, 
Prunella altera,or after L’ nee Pena Symphytur nc eerie (many pl i © 
aa fodeting, confolidatin ng of fraétuites.) fs fullof eee “fa well cineling, 
haning the braunches of Orig ‘with {mall leaues , and the tufts of Time : a a 


; T..4.4 (oa Cc ie a 
Soke ihe pla a tong o be fhort,I cannot finde that any ofournen haue alley 
i ee ir a 3 NES 5 PRL Seiten 

¢ ae & Mal 
tepkies to sabate confidexation, — re 
White flowred Seleheae % The defeription. 

The third fort of Selfeheale is like ynto the 
aft defcribed in roote, f{talke,and leaues, and in 
euery other point, faui 5g thatthe flowers hereof 
are of a perfect wisce co! * & the others not fo; 
which maketh the differe 

The firkt kinde of hepa ll; groweth 
wu eee in all our feldes throughout 

“The econ Brine OF Symp hytum petrewm grow. 
2ftonie mountaines, id 

grauellie grounds, 

teas time. 
apt plants ioe forthe moftpart allfom- 

gp = Thefe herbs ate Sof Seas eipcmiat of. 
; atis be hor and drie,and fomthing bindi 
gcuama ene Aue -% Thevertue. é 
A The decoétion of Prunell made with wine or water, doth ioine togither and make wholeand 

; Whenok. a as pandlaid bet £ the head , fwageth and 
__ helpeth the paine ond akin sir z : 
-& aay Seeak Beheoe i Bug] doth, and inthe world th better = 
SS as hath been often Prooued, _ 
uggednefie, es 
ase of = toong, with a kinde of ivcling in the roe Itisan cad ong foldier: 
“ chat lie in ‘The Germans callitpe%aun, which happenethnot without ac village =f 
and frente. Th The ‘remedie hereof is the =o of fSelfcheale, with common water 5 ry afte blood 
of the veines of the t : and the with the 

n, and. fometimes a little : vinegerr mixed therewith. Thi is difeatei is thought e rob bevn- i 

calleth, 2: - : ££. C. 2 L Ate We ae a 
es , = 

man: dele kit pon the grounde, fomewhat! tinden- 
adthofa say atk not valike aa ea CE seri among 


rl ee dd isenain 

hereof dee g he middle like thofe of the fingle fieldé 
Daifie or Maiweede, sabia piel at I. The roote is full of ftrings. 

1 Bellismaior 
The ae Daifie, % 7 he plate. 

hee in medowes and the borders of 
fieldes aliaolt ey ee 

Itflowrethand Rowe in Maie and Iune. 

The nan 
Tris called (as we haue Gide ) Bellis maior, and - 
allo Confolida media make a dif 
ference patie itand Pugala, w a is i true 
Confolida medi otwithftanding t 
ofalltobe c wfolida red ener. a 4 King e of 

middle Conn: in high Dutch as Pali 
repotivt Ge EN tin nerelte the great 
Daifie ee 

Ther semper 
his greatDaife! is moiftin ike cud dof the fe- 
co ond nde, andcoldein the beginning of the 

3 The leaue qc the gre ae Ma idleine woort are A 
good againft all bing paths and apoftemes, 
againft thei eet unning of the cies, 

he fame 
witha oi — carpet = excellen 
for woundes, efpecially thofe wher lie 
Ao ayge, flam ation >and will not come eto b diated cr 

Cnreyadionttsrniniv Caneeee 
‘maturation,as are thofe weeping 

an vnguent or ose Bz 

¢ iuice decostin cr defile ts drunk yg “ pofe g inft the rug any C 
inward burft ings. S 
2 : Xe.) Rees BC, - fog to. 
inolPoecele wo 8 the which effeét the beft practifed Jo vee it, asafi ple: 
> is a. i 
¥ Yat id Y PS ER SABRE af AAA 

— Telikewife affwa I 
Iedand a) tot ie eof apul 

eceipt aforelsid vedi in oi ptofiteth much againft the vel ETENEERIE in pagucs,F 
and ceafeth Ps torments or wringing of the guts and bo wels. 

Of pee Ove 193. 

THe % te be diners net the {mall Daifies yf esas in "cola the flowers , andalfoin the dou: 

> e 

fle there: cof, 
: 7 % Rhee ee 
> Ue Dail Le 1 t sft he fat-lons.and {ome 
wha cond wal fleightly bout the edges, forthe moft partlying flat 
ery er 1 m es iG Se 5) = rai * a 
vpon seerentateageih pt seer) ler ftem, 
Bde simotio the of Camo ‘a perfe& white colour,and very double, A : 

3 he precedent ineuery refpect, faving in the colour-of the 
x = + ee i La a am | sid th. bh hi G a eS : 
: t o Z ; > < 


Y Bel# 

 & Bellis Hortenfis multiplex flore albo. 2 Bellis Hort " 
Tete aoe The ne ; 



m7 | = 
w N . 


~~ WZ 

LAG I\NN aera 



DEAK se Toy jah Ui 

3, Bellis minor fylue tris, 4 Bellis media ylueftris. 

The {mallwilde Daifie, othe midalc wile Date 
aati aabouo ‘<p, 


‘ es EZ 

Y <A Wy, Si 

y Wes WA IR 
; eas seamen be 

24 Ne 
Tor SS) 


Rete, * panteraesa Ge 
Tit , bid + 

% The defeription. 
3 TT. 13. 2.1), Tranatlit 2 T pm } 1 Ae i. 1, re gt J 
fie: a g rE ict if ft fe j ft a he rf L t Fdc L g fi A) ps gh a lik L fe. 
L } Lit f b5 l el r1 1 * yt c TTY ae. 3 , A 
. A 3 Lf L L 1 1. j fad oi 1 
cutin the edges. on ig ‘ ‘ 
5 Bellis cevalea fide @ lobularia, - = 6 Bellis wil emi 
The blew erounde Daifie, es The Blewe lalian Daife 
Drrks, OO 4 ae z z ‘ ry i 
Ps as ‘ : “ty th ‘ To Vy 7 Qhwte ie 

to ‘ or Ney 
SOL Gad. Senge Wks 1 
* * Tie. 

Soke of sas ate ivpra fat 
fet rounde about with like ie = a er eat 2 8 cbs fafhion, the 
of Mouneaine Sca- 

is. cece b like aball ill, of aperfec | blewe a ih ig 

iganale 4 
c Tied Dh els af 

and of a blew colour. The roote i ae , pet RS 
Ae Ene ET tine san-eche refed. 
ther lefler,whercin confifteth ’ — 

$12 THE SECOND Soins OF THE q 
7 Belltscerules Mon — | 
Blew French Daj 

% The 
- The dub ble he, i- a pledge. : the 

sabia are itrangers in England, 
naturall place of abode is fet foorth ines ~ * 
rall titles, 

The Daifies do howe mt art of the fommer, 

The Daifie iscalled in hhigh D: utch Watsliehen: 
in lowe Dutch Bargrietens in Latin Belisy, minor, 
and Comfelida minor , ot them middle Confoun d: of 
Plinie Primulaveris tnan 20F¢ prope 
vnto Primrofe, otcertine rae of Mulleines ; sof 
fome Herba Margarita: or Ma hae ites herbe : in 
French meee 5 anda C4 :in Italian Fjoy; 

ers gentili: in Englifh Daif ies and Bruife 

lewe Daifie is called Bellis cerulea: of fome 
2 Cari of the tounde forme of the flower: itis 

. Ar. if. 
alfocalled Chr ianth j 
. 5 ert x 

% The temperature. 

a? } “2 ie ree ee 7 

cole he Renee: the fame, 
% The vertues. 
oh ‘The Daifies do mi ahitigabe allie oF painee butefpecially of tt 
from a hot and drie humour, ifthey beftampedv with newe butter vnfalted, and pie ypon che 

DUL TIC €G tuierecro, 

B Theleaes of Daifis ved among other Sthert s dom k he bellie folubl, » and ate alfo put 
into clyfters with good fucceffe,in h uring f 3 lagainft ind = 9f che intetine 
8 Diego dic le ses sad costes f faite toth fthril F g SE | 1 igh | 
; and filthy flimie humours : andhelpeth the Megrim, : 
The leaues ftamped,taketh ‘away brufes ietoe i flome ce they: be ftam- 
“peda and laide thereon,whereupon i itwas called in ol time Bruife w 
va theese 

t i h is the beft for fife aden atin 

Of Ma = * 194. 

Here. be di 
ke ser 

: andiarge leaves. ebareaieulisazil 
onfes suomi ie hen cet 
© ee amd i eae {ite pleafant and fair in in vie fu 


2 The fecondkinde of z Pilofelzis tt ll _Auricalamurts yor Moutcare, beinga 

4 CL 

cleane varemembred of the old writers, ‘Iti is called Pil ella a the eee om and whitith ‘te 

finall b ollownelle in them, releaing the eare of a monte : ee oe confideration the Gracie 
ans haue called i it Myy iyofo otis 5 wherei hey w eatly isnothin 

{] hic 
“flowers are double , and of a pale re aoe — a vnto fae, or Hierasiim , or 

Pilofe bles 2 Pilfellar 
* Grea Moufeate. Creeping IMonkate: 

ss aigeatingh a & 
bes shiswit dioed.2 bat f 7 Sh) we Oe Saree, | ofat. 
P rhesfipion Ht if 

3 het wis “Res: (in mietge L Fogui at Salt Pee sy f : 

nie hairie, and hoarie br sees the grounde: sea 5 2 aeapeteg yea 

item; at theto bh ito slog «hes all yellowe flowers, which eo ture ynto & 

4 Sade me Moufesre hha final esi from which eae rough hairie or 
. The ftalke is ior ie foe lsu e 

ome ruffet ned fllone tidebaide Poches or 
see spitiineter of bles Salen after vhich little haitie pouches or feec 
pte: fap 

3 eta fella minor latifolia. 4 Pibfelafore arab ‘ 


ad leafed Moufeare. 

eo wN 

= The plac 
unts = vpon fandie ag siege coiled places that lie open to theaire. 

harift < - -: fmallae Et *{e ps/peile. and c Ae 
inDutch Ragelcrutit,and Wuyfon2, of fome Holoffi French Oreille de 
. 5 favs sin keaian Pe :in Englith rea eo a sic caleaibee Meier 

ena hot and drie of temperature , of an eaccllene aftringent facultie, withacertainchot 

* The vertues. 
se roe LiIle Arun aS 

Pi ome Be 1 warde 

: A 
jecuctiems apart SUNSET ee : 
Be ene 

, proce amch in i Star eer 

A there. 

C3 ( dit Gite nice of fach excel rar hate edged tales lowing hot be 
bencelind neti en ere see Tata, ie willcut bee 

his ifines 
E” Being atte Ge euEh heheh meee Meyic d sks 
= be tdi icra ea 

yrup ofthish rbe, ete 

_ a 


pte Pe 

. —— cf ant aromaticall fweete finell. 

oe The fiftkinde of Cotton w. weede hath ues andes ie the ote ofhishinde, and diereh Z. 


Of Cotton weede,or Cudweede. Chap.195. 
1 Gnaphaliums Anglicum,. 2 Gnaphalium vulgare. 
: Engi Cudweede. . — Common Cudweede, 
ENS Weg Lr wp ‘ 
———\ \ } oN YA 
= \ V/ 



5: a im S. a wr OR AAh aes s 
vo See — % ieee ee Onaratiis Arak. 
I Nolhith Cha TL. Sohe ira lbe chisel ntomany branches, and 
E 8 ethas high as common Wormwood, whofe colour rand fhape it doth much fen 

The leaues thoote from the bstensie - the turfe full of hair es, infhape 
of Pipl mn aeons 


3 “Caall a iL 
. whit ieplerso a abitter tafte. : 
g iphalium, ox Cudweede sis sbale'o; koelaige rancor ten ° 
incheslong,h haui g “ve Il fall Jer t i > an d little lea leaues, couered all ouer with | 
_ 7 » aad TL a 
d very thich gatid grow like buttons 

at eee top of the ftalk 
The thirde kinde *, Cudweede, or Cotton weede being of the fea, is Skewes the other Cud- 
weede laft recited, in ftalkes sand white cotton leauies, butis: nie finaller and lower, feldome 
growing an handfull hi igh, Ti of 
colourand fathion like oe ae et Cudweede 
fourth cede of ite eS ee is iewalbsiich white — 
f wool, which ma ay very eafil ybe kite 
‘pidture piliaiaerantons ek: g 

inthiar,that thisplant beareth a buth eae es flowers otherwife i itis very | like. 

o ie 4 ses 

Kk2 Le es valiua 


ee and 
like vnto the other of thiskinae. 


, 3 , g 4 
3 a N\ \ A AL Vig g 3 F 
: =A ( Q\ Nec AYRE ey US 3 “3 = Cy 
3 Ss ASU SS Ze 8 = 
3 <2 a Tipe We e. BeEPEE. 
| - F 
3 aS a 

White mountaine Cudweede, 

(4 Guaphalinm montanum album, 

6 Gnaphalinm montanum fuane rubens. 

= ig 2g i ENG e =| Ke z a 
TOTO pies 
7 a ; 


pale ye 



thinke it to be nothing elfe 

fomewhat fibrous. 

% The defeription 
or Cotton weede of ¢, 


i nee Hong 
a i Eoesie. 

Purple mountaine C 

5 Gua 



og coalaler. Abpinum, 
ocke vale wriedes: 

3 plese 
Small Cuppecede. 

he de oe ich. 

Thereis.a kinds of Cotton weed beingo of gr reater 
beauty then thereft, ie chath firaight & vprighe 
ftalks, thtee foo tehigh or more couered with a 
mo se > ftand fine sae in fiich plentiful own 

fta ‘ke ein grea cael vrhich ftalk keis shelecvith 

——— tong and narro w leaves, ereene v vpon 

the inner fi other fide, fa- 
ioned { hat lik Rofe marie; 
but The flowers do growe a theropof 

the eles in bundles or nee confifting of ma 

fi rs of awhite colour, and vel y doub! 
compact or asit little fdas 
{cales, thruft clofe togither, which do make the 
fame very. doubl 

jouble. VWWVhen the flower hath long 
flourifhed, and is waxen old, then commeth there 

it ie elong, or Liue for cu which name 
aptly anfwer his effects, ; 

9 “es spect 
¢ imp ious,or icked B sdoecede: 


8 Theeichtkind 1. The defeription, 
Bn posers lled to make fome difference th 
pe Fer from Oneal: yet without doubt i itis one of the kindes sof —— at it may whe di- 

os roote,and commonly without branches, The Slee be long,narrow ‘sale tifh, { 
like the other of his Kinde. The flowers be rounde like ‘buttons serowing verie ae re 

; with ¢ the winde, Alicea 1 awa 

Wl aot.) bof. 

es,leaues me fl 
Balle &much lower, & for the moft part thofe ro which appeer me thelr ‘ ae Leh, 

and thofe that : sess ak growe higher,as children feeking to ouergrowe or onertop their parents 
A whee 
Geuae Herbe’ impious, is,the Wic 
10 vente opodinm fine Pes Leominus. I Leontopodium pa i , 
Lion Cudweede, Smiall jon Gocorende 
ve, ; 
a iy 

Voss bende junki + 

ee ae eg a : Siege ain tagh 
a. Thetenthp I Jed being without doubra kinde 
ther Sig ay pce he bite ofhis fowers and and flee vated ouer with a foft wooll like 
id des | —— isan handfull high 5 befet with leauies like 
ler. Atthe top of the ftalke ere groweth a lower ofa 

cum, but { 
towne violet colour bee Seca rough, and wooll pee leaues, which make the 

x to refemble ‘the rough haired foote : 
ot i na ead ofa Lion , ofa Hare 3 oF aBean are , of rather | in 

‘circumferenc infofm a. f faded, the feed 

B gt » bnwihft. 

yi at writer once oe i oo one fing fale nine inches in in 

Op pale y Itc fi lik I bs h ee 

* Hampttecd 

, and the 


7< ‘tts 

et he kind of f Gnaph linm ee fet foorth, ers naturally neere ynto the Mediterranean fea, 
glith gardens 

% T he time. 

Th fal £ 1 n ie! T pe Auguft 

a The: names. 
1 in 

q: ZL f. 1 } 
iss ofi it in fteed of Bumbalt or Coen, as Paulus <tegiere writ Plinie te it is called 


bumbatte whereupon alfoi itwas calledof diuers Tomentiti 4, ohh Cotonaria: of others. Centura 


fon isalfoc alled at 
lost 4 flago,and Herba Impia, Bieente the yonger,or ae flowers 3 i Gree vp later,are highe r, 
and oxrtop thofe that camefirt as Many wic we ete - vito their Parents,as pbekees ouched 
in the def 

% a nature. 

La ry Mey gh oe 1. t. i, RS oH | 4 + MD 
o i J : 
Pach The vertues. : 
P y ee 13 t aS ae | n 1 7 Y eltts L b £ 4 11 wv. t. L L L 7 J A 
341 4 To 1 ” ES we 1 a et, 
- as ¥ get ‘ 
The fa I id; t d bri htt { h. and prevaileth B 
Oo 2 a 
againft the bitings and nines of a cnet : 
Sa or fmoke of the her Il, bei g t {theri 1, &receiued Cc’ 
in fuch maner as we fin to take fume of Tabaco, hat is witl he fame 

a ag 

gh of the lungs , fi acheorpanet the 

3 fedtian aod denied tbe brett and inward parts, 

Of Golden Mothwoort,or Cudweede. Chap.196. 

a Here bedivers fortes hereahtontenied: vnder divers ie ofo one fhocke or nteandall of 
them Cudweedes,or Chatffeweedes Roya Cottonwe edes, ta oF 

““ The defy pein 

h foorth flender ft fc EOE code. diuided 
‘Gu ‘into a foal el whereupon do growe leaues fomeshatag ard “s a ie 
i colo ur; 3 very much aggedlike Sou thernwood, which t the oie the pic- 
yellow ae Seg 
vinlbheclde in forme sefembling thefcalie howers of T ane o heidi bute n of the : 
ers of Camomilwhich being gathered before they be ripe or withered, temai pave long time pie 
afcer,as myelfe did fee in the handes of Matter Wade, one of the Cletks of hir Maietties Counfell, 
which was fent him among other things from Padua in Italie, For which caufe o ong ngs he 
images.and carued govlsvwere woontto weare ese therof, Silico 0 fome haue called Gods 
ae nb . is i wok f 

rue them, as a 

i "Theisen bf i moni ole Coma aurea of the den 
tuft of} BO NGA NES ae m ager n r= ot e plane, ‘ e 

pe Kk 4 t Blecher, 

520. THE SECOND BOOKE » secs 
54 Elias is fe ae rhe oma ures, 





ee re plae i 
meres in mot yntilled a - Tule = Spain, in medowes where the foile is Spit J 
about the ban of riers. They are ftrangers wee 
4 . ae : ; = et * ‘\ \ ‘ ‘ 
They fowerin Augut ad September, notwithfta ahi and Plinie do number 
them among the flowers of the fpring, 
he name. 
sale Morbo: is called of Diofeor, jist aia Phi inie callethj it Heliochryfom, an 
Theophraftis :Gazatranflatethit Aurelia :in Engl pts flower Golden Mothwoort, is 
udweede ; sbelng doubelefle akinde of Gnaphalium, or Cudweede, 
i ee makechin, ‘ | 
boot Thewmedtees... dys0.i.dg.cotlsoly, naliiO fom ! 
A ea tecache :: r figs ch & ¢ £d L pie ate si g ari meee | “1. . L. y 
: water; agai etianat op iia TL es gn ae ‘and taken in fwectewinett q 
congealed gates axa : 
hes and leaue: keepeth th ithathibene 
Mothweede, et a Sto hersdiey % = AsgikOt 
: presi er oat! gobs 
Z of! ie fower Gere, : Opaor: i 
E His orenge coloured eee or Hewes eo calledof the lace herbaris low 4 
coh df Stoee: thachach ftalks ofafpan Tielemans on do hee narrow ; 
et 3. pee The Gowers tops o a | 

y ee 


Gi; Ct. f W AS ar, Pn aes YW 

colour,which being chee before — be ripe, ‘0 ia en colour and beautie long | time with. 

out withering,as do moft of the Cotton weedes,or Cudweedes, whereof this is akinde. The roote 
is Se 9 ais ate 
: El me +f t 13/17 LT ape BAe pole Cie By Eee: bd or 
: stint 1 eee aa Chath the dit i. 2 . 
fealie locksyic al g f 
« ¥ Stachas Citrina. hryfecome, five Armaranthuslutens, 

G wid mitre, * Goldlockes Modine ed. 

he called Steshas Peres but that as this plantis in all points like, iss all ee : 5 
te nderer,blacker;S¢not of fuch beaurie as the former , ee more neer vntoan athie 
{tin nese ot final twigs a foote ar The tooteis le 
thereto: and isfe Ide 

FLAC LOLS : : 7 7 
= 7 ek Sa ES 25 DEY 

whichis in the mach among ns 
a plant,infhewepafling Stachas Citrins aleras 

flowers of Stechas C Citrinaaltera, pee es and longer, and e 
serene roote isles — ae any m sant ae tnovenn pee, 
ety. Bs 

k pais sales fe Ke is 

* goven with their feed devnder th ern 2 

‘ofthis kir and 
rae ote long, Poateren, ee verie | 
like the Gower: Sof Lacinta 
whofe ; 

is Tr 108 5, ES nea calleth aisha, dium. the - 
jog fosty let a HK rel gm eth Graphelinms vulgare they be ares! which : 


: Cileidiceas Un thus Gal 
: cal Cie ectediled hwoort ate 

ss 5 Felf so ; 
oe Wild : % The place. 
= : Bs 

moft euerie where ne 

tweene Spira a nd ‘aaa cia. 

The time. 
areaiess in June and Iuly. 

The name. 

= AGolden Pies ris calledin s baridde coma aures, 
atagelies lockes ot beautifull buth, andal‘o 
> Tineraria : inthops Stachas cit: stv ina, Amaranth ath 
| dates Fuch fie Tragi pee fome sei anres, 

amg. butnortrucly: in Greeke'ch iryfocome 
> Repnbloenen, and aponten cept pin in Telia 
“Amarantho Giallo: in ‘Englifh Golde Flowers 
» Gods Flower,and GoldenS Sroncadse,” si 

se Thetemperature and vertne 

_Tietovet — — ss 

lie; sardine maect Hong 
_ ~~ doth kill ice and nits, eke 

irs with. The’ e other facultiesar cele 
*°°" mer plants mentione: “thelat es 


They growe in Tough eg ie age al- 
the Rhene, efp¢e- 



of Costmarie and <M audelein. (hap.198. 

I Balfamitamas, 2 Balfamits fomins. 
Coftmiarie. Maudelein. 

% The 100. 
ee Oftmarie groweth vp with round. hae ca foote high, fesring ioe bile 
finely nickedin theedges, of an ouetworne greene 28 heel as 
of a a go ‘olden-colour 5 , confifting of of many fictle flowers like ch 
3 “indie. £G. fubfte negate very 
. LK fe : 1 fi ne: g L agi g 1 Thewbole plantaghia pleatanc 
: SY SLE Se boos pines 
2: Maude! le sh 7 lik , — n Ce rns epee} bin 3 ee fnel cae andin 
gi : VPC 1 tk > Geka Galle: ee ne pecans: ap os rof 
ftalkes,flend hg,ind poe nee 
Thee clufter of a is er ae thatof Caltates butof a beware and hone, colour, 
The forte Gti long latin ing and many. ge 

rey er hi h 

white sowetehans allone sh ajo youmay pe te es ors 46 eratem or 
in La 

a Ayhegnv,which isin Latine Cageratum , vel non fenefcens : calledin 
Bae co vntruly) sl) Spar he owers arcofa beautifull and feemely i which will 
their excellencie in growing, vntill they be very Olde , and therefore called of 

neficns, a ay a like in tufts to Elochryfon , but of awhite colour, andis 
trecond oasigi oom setae ob —* hath byes great Coneonerfi: which 

GR a The 


ikcoucs ly here i J heir fi fl 

Thet 4vaul€s, 
They “ae foorth their tfesof aun Hoare ene nde {ommer monethes, 
The n, 


Pipe TT og rot 
i#) : itis alfocalled 
was L 
Saluia ro ode fies : of fom ¢e enka, Marre: in ‘Engtfh Cotta and Alecoatt. 
Maudelein is sag: wes s.r. n. Te eat ame BS Ty wey cA . 
= a: of Vale i 
Be 1-L. } : af, Cry: 6 oe se Ring . Pei 7! 
7 i J + ‘ o 2 
in ae ifh Maudelein, 
%& The nature. 
They are hot and drie in the fecond “ts 
% Thevertues, 
A ee oe Ry ce) LEY pd - 
bey d f 7 3 
1 eas we Yi L |: 1 1 j bE bs ey L L ts 
B = y by +. = * * ] fl. te "s hk L 1 in 
i f 2 
in L J 1 WA 7 Ry, Sage ag 4 a LI C. 1 Me 
“TL m4 CAA ~ 1 m4 41 AAA 1. 3. 4... *f. 3s 
little waxe. rofin da littl i Lech reel Ii 
2 2 t 5 
-. , Pat) TET os 4 IL VW j 1 
‘ [~~ Toss 9 i a 
rience. ' 

TL t ne AS py FE 1 Co .n. = he ps S Boy SEC ah PP EY ee} . ] 
open neth the {to oppi g fhe £ tt PE hall C atarrhes, rheumes, d deftillari F faith 
quantitie ofa beane. 

“eB | 1 1 es ey ° T.L. L,I: the 
ot Or “ 
guts,an d bowie cureth the cal flixe, 
2 re Seep ae em that Bees ereeocicl icknes, or the dropfie, efpecially in the begi and 
od s ‘J 2 of 
ee thaue a weakeand cold liu 
,™ rote L Tt. Y oe J] j 2%. 
G " Theleed xp y 
- ce 
Of Tanfe. Chap 1998 shen 
s+ id. i ie rh pin Gg 
L ae ee ha dtu ‘Ge 
=} RY Spee j y ft eas ing 3 = 
tas? > 

. The leattésbe mi ek asitwere 
2 oe ‘a great many fer togither ba one aie tho of eit or aes wilde Tanfie, verie 
So like torhe female ‘Fern ape a leffer, rethe 

and everie one of ther flafKed in the edges Sas atl 

25.¢ » The = tou at ado wooddie fibftance, The whole plane is bitter in tafte, 
f ftronge fell bx sie pleafa patients 

double nglith 7 Tanfie hath ieanes infinitely jagged and nicked, and. aie is oa 
ime offearh 
antly fmeliing by many degrees, whetin efpeciall confifteth th Siferen 
eof 1 anfi ie hath eau <8, ‘Tootes a (omc other, and at 
that eehis: 

The fiaike i — a foote 

ie! on broad} eauies Suck iapaed andiell ei like e leas = - 

deepel ‘whereu 
paetiet cuftofMi ag, Pid 

Yarrow. The herbeis in in nell andfaue hae 

I Tanacctt. 


ae ae 5 e OD. Amtgars b> um, f 525 
I ae pute PO Pankg niy 2 Tanacetwncriffum Anglicun, 
fanfic... 1 ae 


Nan 2 



3° F ‘anacetum non odorum a BB els : 
Vnfauorie Tanfie, 
i y My I) LEN, 





526 § ae iw THE SECOND BOOKE OF 'THE 1 
os o % The place. ' 

sf y Py bese . Sire ee 
t=) i 1, 
=) 7 §@tcen, 

% The time. 
They flower in Iuly and Auguft. 


gies % Thenames, —" 
2 The firft His called Tanfie,the fecond Double Tanfie, the third Vafauorie Tanfie, the laft White 
‘not fpeedily wither: of fome Arterjfiasbut vntruly, ~ Meet. 
; % The nature, 

2 ird, That withou 

Le yf yrs ad and | ites ne. L 12 1 7 
fmellishotand drie,andofameanetemperature. 
The vertues. 
A b fone. SECT me . ‘ 1 * 1 vents, Lr. Mr | 
te oo Fe ae a j ic ge cae Obes "5° 2 eKCS OF fan 
3 ? Ly 3 5 L 
ro L x 1, 2. ot. PS OS aig 4 4 Pi SEES GUTITO 
oe 7 7 cif . Theroote prefe ith honi 
fugar,is an efpeciall ching againft th Pciecatich sercore Pres ued Yat eee oe 
. o 2 i 
thereof be eaten fafting, ‘ Met 
The feede of Tanficis a fingular and appr d medici int fietauhvehere 
it be taken, it killech and driueth them foorth, ~ - a 
c The fame pownd, and mixed with oileal) : 7G At 5 Py, eae) CL | 
finewes ? Pao) t=) f or 
ie, > 
‘ é bat g 4 1 2 . oe ; “ne at pales wn Pee 
- piflebur by drops, es - ar xR 

Of Feuerfew. Chap.r00. 
2 Matrcariediplicfre 

Double Feuer 


\ WE 


Se ee LS TES ee ee eee oe 



The defiriptio 
I Prec pate ee foorth ztaylese round tales » dinided into certaine braiches. The 

leaue 74 oo PAS! 

raelt le ae cet, ii ral fa J ranc ches 
{mall pale of Ww hite leaues, fet ts about a ane ball or pipes the wie te Dailfic i "the 
{trong {me and 
bier raft. : 
c kinde of E fe Matritaria, or ' Parthentum, liffereth fre he fe in thatit 
1 2 Thefe a . f, OY pee! ra Wd YW oe a” 2 
bas Goes 2 e 3 
rh. : Lowdt. WodAA - o ¢, PS MR LS RE ES ee SE stharhath finall 
SLY . 2 J t 
Fi G, li} j 1. Rall C sie iv; 
all lives 2 * ee ft "WI cr 
b fet ithed -ammomil] epely nged or cut, of the fauour ot finell 
C~ zy } 

it Bu he tap of the ftalkes there come 
footth “fal white fi Ith ft, t lil or Whne 
Ver Ave 
f which kinde I haue growingit 
pleafant hice a: ag wit of any jot thereft. 
es T The J stipe 

Lik he firft kind , but ofa moft 

The commonii ingleF | Trioyeth is 
growe: among rubbi ‘There 1 is. oftentimes — when i it is ‘lee vate coale vnder th 
divers vaine and tiding things. . 

The} flower for the moft part all the ne ep 
“St ry S Nelinc Cn; . a CA Joe @ Baul is ah have Gk , In 
af aes 
Laas D L : AS ited . er EL Page Sey Ae) 4, ha P&P, ae Pare ER, ae bs A 
in italian Ama- 
1 = = 1 od S of os LC Tr. CAA. ft; af we : a 
ken Bom his pa of driuing: awaie agues, : 

4 ae 
cuerfewe doth manifeftly heate : itis Sinan the bed third dege ree , and dric in the fecond 5 it clen- 
teh Paaettot {coutech,openeth and fully at al that bitter things can do. 

A % The ver : pe ae 

rise 1h ee ee « j oe chien a 
«|, eine. A. arch a J. y Jw x3 it} SG 7 CP MS Tae fre Cig or boi- ci 
: Pe ad + % Page . rar . . fe we } 1] 5 34 ee Pog eo Be 
ners of i etepblacin felts 7 [ol Tos sahas s : 

lo he a Pick eter L per 3 B 

cand nln ificheliade se eaerer wet eek s 

~ Thefame ith ofvine: C 

fobandig oar 

are eon haue = tgs fd with hehe ; and is pale oe 

by fegens schol it taken with nia ei e, D 
purget — lie-a Detodae, forthem that are gic ier the - 
head ee boeted = came ead. Alfo 

é itis goo dforftich as bemelan eres “ante enfive and wi ee aoe 

Theheibes good againf thei i topping of the E 
fame,being wine and applied to the place: 

" Thedecodtionofthe fae famcis good for women to wou ite aforefaid. 
bear ee y fale, and the powder of ST are G 
er a ‘ i me i ix — : ; : 

Bx ’ 
a4 Of Poley,or Pellamountaine. Chap.201. 

OldDel! i. 1. L 

% The kindes. 
Mmathh } 1 

F apter, 
% Polium mo, album, 2 Polimm montanwn luteum, 
Vice Poley mountaine, Yellowe Poley mountaine, 
Y i 
° f ~ fy 
= fi “FAN 



Pe the * feos 

LS base “me Auk Re The defeription. Sea oe 
cay: er ae , * 3 c qs + LA DT CL s . Pree q ead fereere 
«+ fp finellingherb, erie hoarie,wherupon it ooke his nanvesfot iti, noe only hoatie in part 

bras ~ F- > n t oe a: 

a his hoatie flockineffe poffefleth the whole plant, tufts and all sbeing noleffe hoatie then 
eae Lin , ff ially I i i he het dj f hil or neere thefandie 
aha fth jj fan 6 : 1a: C. 1 load Ach Chooreth foortt 
3 1 1 l neh a Roe 

= from the ftalke proceed fomewhatlong leaues like Graphalium , which have light nickesaboutthe 
«edges, that ftand one againft another, inclofing the flalke : in the coppe of the ftalkes {tande {poke 
tuts Hlowers, white of colour like Sexpiliam,. This plantis ftronger of fentorfauour then anyof 
: 2 Thetufte That PANE phi jnagst Pee Soe ES > pe lattbefore 
a mentioned, and are of a yellowe colour, otherwife they arev " ( 
3 From the wooddie rootes of this Girde kinde pri ie ai greatnumber of fhootes 
: Aig _ 

. vpon the ypper part of the earth where they creepe, The flowers are like the other, but of a purple 
4 _ The laft kinde of Podiums, ee Rehafenltcl. oe + ase dfinell, inal 

3 Polite montamun purpurcum. 4 Polis montanum minimum. 
Purple pe Creeping zoo 

%& The place. 
"TL 11. 1 . 
7, = 4, erariebatt. Se: 
° o 
_ flowers, by the gift of L’Obelius. 
2 ee LP The time. 
a TL Co ie 1 J CArAxzAR , Be BA : n 
Ps o ° 
% The names. 
ley led in Grecke x44», of his hoarineffe , and in Tatindalio, Polim. Diuers 
: fufpe& that Po/, Lewcas,and that Diofcorides hath twife i d F that ome heme diuers 
n ANS 1, y ps Cel, 5 AB Pi Lf ite - Cc ea tebe e two: of 
the Lewcades, one 2perh, thatis, of the ines the other sucess, hichi that + ih 
lafesicis called Zeca of the whitifh lour ;and Poljo# of the hoarinefle,bicaufe it fc hlik 
Ss d Bak Se Po L. we ; 
a a: % The temperature. : 
Daa pci gen Bp | | ot 1 of thefecond. 
: y iF lps © ‘3 
, Nee % The vertuts. s 
i L heey op 1. + f > PRg ey ee «| aE 
‘ } é 
won sh the bese, 
t prouoketh vrine,and is put into . stteaclesand all deepen. 

i profiteth m shagainftthe bitin pote venemous beafts , and driueth awa allvenemousbeatts 
fom eplace wher itis ftrowed or 
The fame drunke with ‘ptowedotbume ob be frale’ ind {p 
ftomacke,and affliteth the head gpd prouoketh the loofenes oe 


| Of Germander. 

E Se em  & Thekindes, ifn ee 

| He olde writers haue feed ine kind ence ee 
j and eee) Se ree ae e dew uiding thofe 
wider che cil. ore or 7 5 Lt ee! ey Sie y fy: 

_ Yetynotablie, 

1 Chamadrysmaior Re 

: cee 2 Chamedrys minor. 
Great Germander, awn mall G 

d Ae » 
me Small Gétmander, ey 
: ee” os 

SAN 7 ny 
ic ANE 


4, SV 
NS ~ > 


3 Chamadrys latifolia aE: an 
- ” Broadleafed. er. Reerer ictal ees | ; 



"2 EAs 




I Ty firft Germ <i er groweth lowe, with very y many b auncl lying vpon the € grounde; 

ade deli ii 

tough , har, 

= ne 7 

teeth of ne! a tefembling ch tape a 
obra cafe. The flowers.ate i, a ies a ra aaa vial, ftandin othe leau nee 

STOW: € 
1 the braunches. The fede i is little and blacke, Ther roote oer stip foll of, Voitigs 2 

. & iE Trae | oh OE Pa, date bee eo jC 
2 The feconde P 
ey oe pe, RM 1 S pe pee hae of nS aa 
ches: T. 1 } 1 J oS ee! 1 } $5 er a ine a ere 
. 3 se mn: 
a 4 ea | lil oy pte" 4 ats iad OE 1. : WW, I kas v3 
J ré) 
} ¢. : 1 2 Pee : {: LI yy ae ey sae th ) Pe “A 
I § Pered with 
many ftrings. 
3 TL CS Pe | A. 1 t. de 1) Lc. 1 5 EY ce a: j 1 Att 
ae : i 1. 3 1% : a oe L } yp er ee fie, “4 
o oO i < rt 
1 1} 1 11 fans ae es l 7 
» {nip ig . The ¢ flowers grow 

among the leaues of ab sright I 
4 Wild eerie hath ele tales weake and feb ce orcorniered, fomewhat hairie, 

pr itktds it Wel 
Kt Res 


Pa? = 

ping Germander, and ae The flowers be Eat a ein ble colt Sage ia pte ai oe 

apeece, 3 after which come in lace litch es 
huskes orfeede veflels. Phe roote is final a = threddie, 
ily profper. 

The place. 
wilde Germander eager? in ose shea London in eee snd tll feldes,and 
pens place wherefoeuer Thaue ian in Englan 
The aes 

a. ee. lq ie. L 

% T hes names, 

0 Coe oR | 7. 

Wigtiacid Syiegpan 
iene Qual minor ‘Sbetitonding mott of ae names ae more he ee to at 
» oF water Germander :in Italian. pomreile 3 Englith Germander, or Englith Treacle: in 

4 Freach aecear Before creepi ing Germander was sknovne,his om kind sin ee name of: Ger- 
dj tions of m edi- 

cines : but after the f ormerwere brought to to ign “thi his begin tobe. ‘fed Silocibei >a and Spuria 
Chamedrys, that is wilde and baftard Germander:of fome Teucrium  paluftre,and wichout errour 5 bi- 

caufe all the forts of plants comprehended vader the tile of Tescriun, are doubtleffe ki 

s of 


Germa nder. OFfo g i ridescalled: itegborerh, Hier a- 
the Holieherbe, iffo be sharthe Holiehed e, and ee ae 
"5 - oC 1 Oa eae Se ke “ ie herbes 


= th ws , and and Orda, ius; 
2 0 mention of Herba Sacra, bis Hole ae a of Periftere wielaieese s founde 
3 to ee likewife called Hierabotane ,orthe Holic herbes 3 and therefore i itis enident acts, vt a 
4 ¢fathepla ifideréd’s i 

tiuely, this wilde C eek dine cs haveretehand dei ie z- 
Binds obs See cement _— 
: Bi 200s! sco O104 te T he termperature, 63 ‘ 
. d ler is of thi ting facultie: iti shot and dhe almoftin che ae 

thirde aa eucn as Gales doth write of Texcrium,or wilde Germander. es 
.. The ‘wilde Germander slikeife hotand pe andi isnot alrogither without fotce or poiieiae : 
‘ and{pleene, 

Jposkeneg Fi9 1% The vertues. 

“ag TE 71 AhLa > 



1 5 is 200d fae ob 

L l l ‘ ih, 4] cL a RY, | : a : Shia ° Py ba Pep, 
which are entring ;intoa dropfie, S30! oo sane helpeth thofe 
B The eau es ftamped with hony and ftrained, and: a drop at fundrie times putinto the cies, takerh 

It prouoketh mightely the termes, being boiled in wine, and the deco@tion drunke with afo. 


Of Tree Germander.  Chap.203. 

i latifolinm 2 Tencrium Pasnonium. 
Te re arma with mae aedeanet. Hungarie Germander. 

= abo ‘Deasincrion yer pus’ serie dfriptog. 
aS Ss ioe : 

Ps ae ng coemincasaat saat 
oo leafe. The Aowers g g fag ne 
: Tees Come of gare ta sgh, threddierootsfiombichfewp die 
EBS eet yee ae ence 
_ ales ode te doves pe fh jour tendingroblene 

3 Teucriwn Bo “V4 Tencriun Alpinum Cifti flore, 
TreeGurmande ee eT BSR Tree a with Sage rofe flower, 

EASY \y 

Nt < 
set q (ee 








* a 
gp rye S 

Dery ae 
The de (cr iptio 
3 This Germander of Bodtiaifeh wp oftentimes to ‘hebeight ofa man,in maner of fas Se 
buth, with one ftitfe ftall ger, 
L, 25 ht Bizet } a3: 1 Bt ee 3 
oe 7 Ae og eee es 

other,of an ouerworne Site colour, a 
mon Germander, The vpper parts vio ate ot agrayith hoare colour, she lower ofa dere 
the m 

Berne be fa bitter tafte,and f fomewhat crook 
ofaw chen : ftanding ypon Grit tedestoce: 
f alittle hel hauing i in the m iddle that ftand- 

1 1 , Pe $33 5 EG | 
4 Amongthereftofthe Tree G fers, thisis not of ees pile ee ny 
| d teeble branct ili i 1, ofa ene t, hard and wooddi es 
ae x Cott tn es Tt 1 
falindine: 7 tafte, The fo owers growe cat 
top a ~ not athe to thofe oie or ose ducrateolor, eaglindat 
eightornin cleaues; in the middle w: do growe many threddie ¢ without melt or faz. 
\t voliké to thofe of! 

uour: which bein: iniciogaft, thet ietescscaie f threddie or Aockie matter. 
oe — eee <i tila. The toote is wooddie; ai nd fe cwialt fome few haitierootes faftened to, 
x Theplece. : oe 
~ ee'Thefe SCA d drie pl: ralfech “le ope 
ahicfne and aire = and ie well in gardens. Andof the Comite deferibed Thanerecei- 

PRB OF Bie The Sail eatba. ia: a a Thetimes 

e | 

= : aye 

: 9 A ob a S 
. }- t 1 ser ie Sa -, sh 
Trnplov, ACC Me is he Poe ede in sarin T ener ium: mae 
o# eeietctmo aa d vertues. 
= i peratu Fs atic i, Germande but ey are notof 

~Of Wat ater Gide, or Galle Gama Oy, D- 

S Gir Garlick Germander. 4 oy . Sal Garlicke Germande 

Desens Seqnbiaue ie 

SSbkou' The deforipes iptia Mande dd 
tO Cordinm ot water Germand exhath =i oe Hales, creeping ay the groun: d,befebwith 
3 oft whitifh crtmpled leaues, ni ike and fnipe eslikeafawe': ag 
which The roote is fmall 

: illadicice og in cae ground very eepely. Th vhole plant beine bruifed fmellet! h like ike Gar 
-_Hicke whereofierooke that nate Sordi Agog 
-Thiskinde of 

OF Getmandet of Plinies deferiplion; atteovee Bical leaies like vas6 eget 
wer Gemande butmuch finale, fer vponi i es top whereo f groweth foont® 
waric ng it ix felfe ith f dulous fdwers like vate 

Sie ss eter rence This plane being brite doth nel ike Ga ack, asthe 

2 Thep 
ergroweth Riecoer by bya both Gaucct dase ann 
redone by Agen called eae " the ne of a learned Gentlemian of. aes 



Pre 17, Alt 
laiat >) tw) boa? 7o 
Fé .* ] pone aa 5 IP cy rh y; } a fe er 
al oo Oo 4 cd oy 
other places. 
% The time. 
Thea Sees ¢ d-Tnlie-sit is bet er the herbein A gon it perifherh in 
- . aS 4 ! _ 1 = ee OY = hk. 4 5 
2 I o 

° Then : 
The nies call iczvipher: the Latines nea chaen name Scor dium : a ¢ Apothecaries haueno 
othern 2 M4. 

irour. I i} J, } 

he f f Garli icke, which th e Grecians ‘ 
call vibeptor and Hosquor, of the ranknes of the mel in nh Durch Wlatker cue vi in prone 

Germander. 2 
% The temperature. 
BP pe oe hotvand drie : inpath a ine bit fte, harfh and tharpe, av. Galex 
tneffeth, < z 
% The vertues. 
{K7. r ad J ¥ {+1 1 Ay pe pees fe 1 TNE Paso gy 
1 AL ethede } ae ee y 1 ae 
ir Sra 3 Z caer 4 i es Shap ae Satie: thie 
or rp WALCO 

meth of toppingand ar ~ for bullies: znd ruptures. 

The d: ‘ ction ma “ore fe and dri ft the biti fe 5 and deadly poi B 
fons : —- yfedin Ant ages or persona ons wit hgo ood fuecefle. 
Iris report to oma the = of the gowt, — famped and li with a fiide yineger G 

Pee) Re ees 1. ba i 1. f ood @. Eby g nfs J 1 ™ 
ineiomeor uptio sr . aes : 
g 4) g he ftoppings of the liner, the mile, kidneies, bladder, 8 ma- E 
tisgiet wince Ipethd he fti ng : i eat is, he > andisa 
2. ce 3: [a 

reth F 
ad fcppeth the bloodie flixe >: and comforteth shed Of a Session; ismadea soa i in- 

‘iit ae =m! — of Scordiumis a with: good fucceffe vato childrettand aged peo- G 
kes, méafles, or the naires orany other peftilent ficknes es 

cpap pasion Hie sce aera pene re 

Of Wood Sage,or Garlicke Sage... Chap.r05. 

— “Tr Hasrichis calledsilde Sage as oer farfeha Siaiiidaisiticjbouwhichaee 
and fofters the emma allvpon one 
<3 def of theftalke (which “a8 ae hath a ca pbithledior zee and ee as thofe of 

Decent Gandia of g aclicla ihesiielh es 
1 ne ee 


Scorodonia fine Salwia 
Wood Sage,or GarckeSa rset * Theplace. 

Me » 

The time, 
It flowreth andi feedeth in ia link slulie, and Au. 
guft,and it is then to be gathered and laid vp, 

alled of the basen Herba rifts slide 
— “of diners alfo Ambrofa, but true Ambrofis, 
ee s oke of Cappadocia differeth from this: 
a Cordus namethi it pert: 4, OF Scorodo- 
nia, and 1. Ruelliws faith itis cal. 
led eta or Saluia Bofei : in high Dutch 
WHalat faibey: eh a Wilde Sage, Wood 
Sage,and Garlick 
Itfeemeth to be a alistal sitet 
cebus es ich is alfo taken forthe {mall Sage, but 

__, %& Thetemperatur 
“Wilde Sage is of oOre 

atid deie ins chefe cotitde 

‘A ft burftings, on ea dagainftwounds: : the decoction thereof 
aS re ee pret 
oy eS ; er p cet EN Ss afteth awa’ yand ‘ 
fumeth fwellings,ifitbe taken tk fortie daies togitt pin ti donne 
péthimumand other adiutories belongingto the faid decoétion 


* & The defeription. 
| 1 let or erepbent, jis a {mall eet herbe,notaboue two handfuls ease br: y 
thlittle blacki(h fea canes dented oe fipeabou the edgeslte fae eke C 
d poudered ‘on the inner fide,wich yello eee i 
ninco Thee adn 

hat final chreddle ee 

ong sadeatne. blun 

0g, ly indentedaboutshe edges,andfharpeattbepam™ 
eat of them beng orkangngbackratéc downward, The “isto be ofa seer 



re ek and drie, ~ 
yetleffe than common Sage ; therefore itishot 

eT ew 

ey eee 


2 Euphrafiacarulea Taber. Ment, 
Blewe iebright, 


OF a 



v RS 
7 EE, 

% The place. Ln ee or 

rf. 7 
€ pi 
the fine, 

Eiebrig’ bic betta to peer in ut, "andncnueth vnto gabe Seed and mu beg ga- 
thered wile rot Dees Ao 

5 Thenames 
Tei lycalledz fia,2 nowwithttandin thereis aici ly 
rr. 2 yl. . PA SPAT) Sioa ph AEH sor : off gt hi | D a 
_- a Metnt Si TY Loos x pg. OE FES oe = c “L 138. Y C " ™4 
TY See. oF ? a°T bs 2 
tine name :in Englifh Eiebright. \. forages 
: rf MOTs 2926 isibt we Themature, 

sg Se pe, ee L sk ae 

U3 St) : * Thevertues. SS SSUe eee res 
ee z PBS HY pies OF ayeielnpciuch a 
thefighe Bein it spares feldead lf yoorech oo ae “ign moft fitly being 
beaten into powder: oftentimes a Lfe e 
thewhich'is put fo: mich ria as — oa of themall commetlto. 
este Bodied: 
d into nope eae, 3 taketh awaie the darkneffe and dimneffe of fheeias and 
cleereth the fi a= wai one 
ree of der of Eiebri spc maces mixed therewith taketh awa all C a 
fades tech a gti ght sec if halfe a fooonefull bean 

depomnisentigeen acup of white wine. 


3 | : OfeMearierome. Chap.207. ey 7 

1 Matoranamator. 2 Matorana maior Anglica. 
_ Great Sweete Marierome. .  PotMarierome, 

ee Wa = ea 
1 ma Bs - 

sb: Seka rae 
at; da ThellefriptiaiPs oP r50:08 on Assinilssd Wat 

ai! . West tieromeis ne swhitifhicaloue: and matuellows is veete 
— er nieatach ~The! ies are flender, an dpattedinso dies Home 
ee s amaeh 

OS Sheree bouts €foorth little eauies;fo fr andhoarie.: "The flower sehen re 
~compad of ma ny {mall th reds. Thew rehacofisot amo sl 
erie fibell and perifbeth at cies of winter. esta 
y s fiom shih i 
ade agra Cf pAt bested eS hh 1 Pe ee i 

k Steen booegalts owen parece or ri 
arierc eg apna ste from ahedainr ta ag si 
ling eaves, of an over oe = sate 

compa ai Bese 

alrogitherlikethe rea feete Maticrome fauing thick icchoat Th 

= ey : x 

ee cree of fine Marierome, seen ehealidchnibed, sing 
inthe, in his natural eof Candia, and not elfew foie lacts> 

shreds fakeGed allel branches: ck on tcf Ee eee 

Sauori¢ »whereinis the the difference, re, and doe! 

uci Atl ia il inst 

and notin the eueningno 


“\g’ Matorana tensifolia, x2 Epimai 
> Marierome gentle, “~’ : ices Mat poco. 

The place. ee 


(ee aarcsenh = sset . 
«fiom gonen he, Tralie, c andia, er Ilandsthereabout, wilde,and in the 

dish Hg 

as Vv are (asus in Gy. and wiltig citi fue gi of ee huskes. or cares in nA hs it, 
peng watered in ujeniie ae e teal vent the fiinne fhineth hotteft, even as a 

x : Ned in Latine Af szorere. and Am, d alfc 

3 Duc h Bavoran: ?in Spanilh Hajerats, Moradix, and Alor adie : ‘in Trench ‘eroine “in 
riero me, 

wae ig 

The potMarieromei is alfo clea Winter Mauierome. The: catife of the name of thismoft fweere 

P ing of the Poets, w' 
that thofe of Cypr Tes faw ning ‘V} | ini pleafehis humor, faid thath 
fonne in time of his seat ee ip eee oni ea 8 ser the fieldes of moft plea 
herbes,which by mifchance he fpilt vpon the faid herbes,which being mo: iftened therewith yeelde 
vnto this day that excellent fauour, whereinwe do fo m ic ih ig This boy mourn rihe 
entage andexce 
pe C..20:. idid L g ay ey ee ; * Pappa we =e 
; gee } 3 B glee 1 Be 24 
See is bicaufe that Ga/en maketh a diff between them, intreating of Apes 
ati ees pet pe . But Amaracus ear is P, artheniun, or Fetier’ 
Via fetcns eae fmaraces Parthen ns a8 eninh 

54° THE 
they of Sicily did call that —taracus , which 

Floribus pee Sie obey legs 


he Aegyptians and the $ 
Fi; a #in the firft of his Aenesdos theweth , that the fhrub \Amaracus 

ytians did call Sanpfjchuns, 

“ur venbT Ae 

Whe ere beds s of Time,and Marierome Cond 

t fh 
bo} 4ZOTCS Off, 
Tr. Fad W Tod C pba ande AfeI icc. fetal 
t=] Bs 
Cinge tempers fri 
sae the temple? ofthe head with flowres, 
Of Amarac affoording fweete fauours, 
Nowftanding may no fe ftrange, that Mai fed in ft E samphjchum, 
that i Galenstime alfo, in the mixture of the oi lled Amarseinu 
Looks pans. 0... *°. tabla Cc ren) 
3 erpoifons, 
% The temperature. 
Ca) eae L 34 | RY 52 J 7 G z y L 31 + 1 a i— 
4 3 f ? BeBe, 
& 7: hevertues. 
* ts 1 
A pon ae 8 : I yc 
vaytoyn rbeft liking; p t fthrils it; keth {neefi dd nuch 
agga cone: iteafeth the toothach being ct i h; being drunk eth 
B F aes | 7: n vo 
z = bm) Zk 
B The leaues boiled in water andthed Irunke , helpeth th h into the 
fe L - Y 9 Ge L Ll li j 2% Lo 2 OR cae ae 3 be 
- ope Ny j Teoh ok = c. Lou a 
Cc Thel Se St, wee } a Mm 1. [es tT 1 3 3 
Visegiers et Pid ] Res CH SES yee 2 
3 The}, i W 1 1 en o°re : cei 
Po = “ o f B) b 2 
: The duced, } y fF. pias 1 oe pet, + 96 
Sh sree : S r. LI. n 1 4 NM: = 4= L if 
or >) 
TL Y * TT. L j 1 fr Ot 
f thefe ‘herbes d of 
aR i Miche’ : * 2 again the Me 
4 a 2 r 

Of wilde MC arierome. 



* tTearitin, 

teense bee 

whitifh greene colour: on the t 
whiceeeetet fiele 8 flowers, lik 
fmell,and{ tafte, 

metimes higher. 

In. _ 

» full of 

33: /1 1 


top of | the! ‘ieee Sees fpikie a eares, out eek 
¢ the flowring of wheate. The wholeplant is ofa fweete 

2 Thewhite Organie, orbaftard pistons teh white fow dif hlittle from the préce- 
des bu ncoloutand ane. This plane adc leaues, andalfomuch hgh 
wherein confifteth the ththe difference, 

1 Origanam 

beare as a » Writing 

a eee eS 



2 Origanum Heracleoticum, ea ads 2 Origanum albun. 
‘ nee White baftard Maricrome, 

Baftard Maricrome. yom 
Qe or ‘ ; 
2 a bs SS 
i a © 2, 
is a a 
we pay *% Ag be: 

annie “4. Origanwn Anglicum, ja 
Englith wilde Marierome, mn 

@2xyob v1 inatsags ch 
ki aba Caan CEM ie Nenthe Dn duc 

Wilde Marierome of Candie. or 5-5 
Y Wy) 3 mA 

VX | 


% The aioe 

l c. gis 

feeble braunches ‘tailing vpon as spo fer with faire greene aes noryalte PHS 

Penplentla but bro ade tand th Z i thof i Th $ fficcaresof, 
purple colo at le Foote: en ured j in 
i 51597. Ick ny Batden ’ 
/ — Goth perth 
at —“ firft fot as a weete Malicsoe doth, — 
MA Wi. ll L 1 re lrs og a, ry Fm 
je ee BRS REY i eae | gly Ys MA MS but 6 ‘EFaRIS ae 
ig ; 30r farut 
ple flowers , compo fe fed of manie 

f pur 
: ial ones fer ae verie fie val Sieg “he roote ‘gamer in the ground andis long 
The plac 

4 Wd . Italie, pas ES 2 oe ae 

efe regions, 
Thies Lae Cet yo he J Lb Tes ingd 1 } f Spain ia "i ipa ; in moft pls 
e f Psaees of 
% The time, 
"TH. a Ia 1 1 = Fe rf } ra 3 
y . | Ando + gamba 
* The names. 
t.. AA. ae B +> 1 7 
Ran 1] 5) fi | Her, acleo, of rc , 3 dears 
* Ne wh 1 a 173 ee, a . anie: 
1 th 03. Afkne? iow: fe } “ c n puBOn ‘8 oF 
sdes, Galen, and a ovine, Onitis 5 of fome 
Agrioriganim, or Sv syle: , O; @ in: Italian am , 
i - 5b ae pees v3 } St a pee & 4 
g : and 
peer al fe 

c The temperature. 

Alten 7} ¢ 
and — seach 3H wilde Marierome is more forceable and of greater Seed 3n pe 2 
eof Candie which is brought ss rie _ 4 = rare 6 rie: Thaue a plant inmy garden) 
bind then n any of the reft,and ofgt 
A Or anie ginen in wine isa remedie a again a eae an d fing gings of ven beafts and cu 
that haue drunke aa theiiuice ofblacke Poppie,or Hemlockes selpecily ifitbe gi- 
uen with wine and raifons ofthe j 

of Organic prouoketh vrine oe downe the ree courfe, and is giuen . 

with Bete pen ee he: Berg Shs ee 
c Pec sikery 2 gk gainft an ough, an J the ftuffing of 
Dex es be itching fog a ee Sa bad cola 
Bick ccommcrctlaesonogen See ae a ee 
E The ied | gpallt ae orth by ft tL Bia ts and fil 
pepe 2s eee se 
: mixed with alittle milke,beitig poured into théeares; miiti are | 
a ae mixed with the oile of fhe tootes of the Serene and 
é gme. ee 

Sea ts. 
tion loofeth e belly, and voideth choler, Aatp te Ne 2 helpeth the 
ons and for = oeaee 

mitie: pice’ 
put into mitl da esand treacles prepared for thar at purpofe. 
I Thelé plants are eafie tobe takenin potions , and theref togood ne ae 

wa ntofch ascanno rbrooke ch , wil aes Qe 
omacke sloapate rong pana 



Of Goates Marierome,or Organie. Chap.209. 

“I Trago 2 TragoriganumClufit. 
Cotati Candie — Marierome. 
WW, 4 
7 See 


A LS ie” 
Wi ps 


The de Cription. 
+ TPB fale Goes 0 ck fine hatte an oa inka 0 ca : 
4 1 $f As “TI or. fi ig ‘ 
‘weete of {mell ch * 

> and fomewhat hairie. The flowers be fmalland 

7 1 TL W ] 

P ena 
Piet «phd Nentei i r €s,tending to.a purp : "ueae Pe "gees 


gro mangvp ikea feeall heub. T leaues are longer and hoatietich wilde Mari andal- 

{fo narrowe’ fi; ofa tharpe fowe: rtaft ft ft The 4 
aden the top of the ftalkesin ipckie tds te sou The roottsdhce and woe, 

Thefepl ce 1 ac . pea C.4 SE 

gr owingin dnc anche waies necre vnto Sittingburne and Rochetft 
in Kent,and alfo neere ynto Cobham houle,an thea een Sm oe 4 See 
£3 wakes time. pons ape af 

AS AD pts pay aes a me Ore A; 
n the Lowe countries inthe gardens of emafererars sseftiokihaypietcr wok hada 
é fi I z Herbarifts. 
is stege perhicins fine like a 
gone Sipmtandgceit "5 sie shee os : in Englith 
a Thvemerae, Beat 

= y _ 

: ee 


. % The vertues, 

T's a4 r H safl ols nbli 
oP Be BE ORL Otc PALS eps Br * ¥ nbling of the ftomacke , and 
ii i I¢ 

te,e fpecallyatfea, 

os hes ‘+ 
7) . cee HR l ulties that the 

Of herbe Masticke. Chap.r10. 

1 Maru, 2 Maru Syriacum 
Herbe Matticke. Agri Mali 

oops se So mag to. ach a nse true Maron, te Jevthcinbeafined inthe cpl 
otal uelties fake s prefemed 

Your viewe a plant of the fame kinde (wbichiaiaie ica) forafpecialkinde s thereof, vi 
amoftpleafant fent or fmell, Sin thewerefembleth Mariero renecoreerern™ ¥4 

1 the leaues. 

id | StNiyriné: the roote ofa w e fubftance, with man Qs sngieig aa 
fica “sea which have norasyer (ene por bi 

place. ° iets. : We 2% 4 
Ticplanecefcandfowein gd CK. a lkest 1 1 . Send ith greater 

digo tieininienf ou: coldclimate; 

ee Th 


%& The time. 
rl a 1 A An MF. 1 1 a tint. 
J ica oes 3 . 
%& The names. 
Mafticke iscalled of the new writers AZirnm : of Dioftorides Clinopodinm. Diofcorides fheweth 
4. Fad? of x My Sede . +S & A Treel. Sh L re bons | ar 7. . andof the La= 
tines Lectspes. 
: % The nature. 
Thefe plants are hot and drie in the third degree. 
% The vertues. ; 
nf ce) al, ‘3 1% (Oe, Ree | 5 ae} 1 J0:1 bY pate) 7 J ya 1 c againft the bi- A 
a L “a j 1. L pn: J.L feo 
Pas PR aS Sy Re ee ws c SAE BRE eek Pose’ | ON, Ae Ge inB 
t @ 2  hateeg 2 
them that haue an ague, and ynto others in water 

Of Pennie reyall,or Pudding graffe. | 
1 Pulegium reginm, ate 

2 Pulegium mas. 
Pennie royall, Vpright Pennie royall. 


é h ee) j 

I TP Jord, < 5 Hag; PS * The defer iption. ith 4 thatit 

Jz, ‘S. + tes ~ 3 zs od é 53 eo ig 
: | needeth no defcription,being our common Pennie roiall. 5 

— 2 The fecond bei h le Penni jall is lik he fe in leaues. flowers. and 
reat 7 pee ae L> 45.4 1 Pe ea a . harreae 
ee 2 ‘ts im _, a oOo i 
in fhewe vnto wilde Marierome. a 

Sais “4. bo BO, boom» CD. . oo Let Tr. Jj £. 

14 1 ee eee ess CoLaf, ia Dp. 

hat like vnto yilog 


3 Palegiwn angustifolium 
Narrowe leafed Pennie OS 

% The place 
The firft and common Penni ni¢ Toyall ; erowerh 
naturallie wilde in moift and ouerflowen Places. a 
neere London called Mi ee y 

The fecond rome in my garden; the thirde] 
haue not as yet 

They flower ae ae begiinin of Iu 
ende of Augutt. ac 

4% The 
Pennie royallis called in in Grecke yrtnar, and of. 
La nd Puleginn 

tentimes fri,ov: in Latine Pulegiwm, a: 
regale, for ence fake betweene it and wilde 
Time,which of fomeis called Pulegiun mo 

: “Gi ntatiimn 
in Italian Pydegio:in Spanifh Poleo : in Dutc 

fey: in French Poulet : in Englifh Pennie Be 

Pudding oratfe Palial oor offome rt ee 

cate ge 
D. yo: Ch Lat 7 Ca 
é f 3 £2 

% “28 vertues: 
1 > Be 

ihe 4 1 

A __ Pennie royall boiledin wine and drun! 
fecondine, the dead child q 

lly ofth feoker E , and edhe tone 
ally ofthe kidneis, 
7 A vith honi Jenfeth the] and einatech cheiceeatt ( Went 
~ thicke humours. x ‘ 
i The fame taken with honie and Aloes , purgeth by ftoole melancholie h ; helpeth th 
erampe and Se Sesser of fiewes, 
D geth theinordi {efi ite, &the paines 
of Hg ocr 
E y he fea P, . y es pm eens Ly glee os 

tat. 3, “| ee 1. 

—  AGarland of Paani, rol made and worne bent need aes force ssi ot: 
mie in = — the paines and paces ther 

é on of Pennie royall is verie = ‘againt ventofitie,windines,or fich oy i sa 

= bafilnes ond ftopping of the mother being vied in a bathe or ftew for the woman to fit ouet 

Of Ba/ill. Chap.212. 

+ a —_ 

= bignes. The firfthath broad, 
eS File, piarons, a a jie escetad andof which ere aestroys nd the as 
fa t vnilike the leaueso 

oe The f ftalke groweth to the height of halfe a exbite shige it{ felfe = at 
ding t0 

darke © purple Therooreis — eae at thez ee 

2 Themiddle Bafillis very like vnto the former, butie is tte: ee The net 
ododferoustinell, Soe vblike the fete ofa Limon,or Citron, whereof it tooke his 

1 Ocimum 


ge. 3 aaa 

ee ne 


*3 Ocimum minus Ber ae 


sive =. a ill or tineanicones Hothin g. 

F| “ 
2 Ocimum medium citratum, 
Citron Bafill, 

Umum Baddlcen 6+ vB 

s, a 
or boughes,whert re 
lefler than thofe of Penni a ihembol pepe is 
ofamoft ane _ 



=e a 

Bafill #o owreth vlune® her that by ie 
and litle, whereby itis hy eet g, beginnin 
firft at thetop. | 

& Then, 
called te Gecko and @ in the firtt 

lable C dewodsin nLaseep Ocimum. naif oc which we oor Cereale 5 aswe 

haue thewed in the Hiftorie of Graine. The 

recians haue called i pas ee likewile — 

ilicum , and aise a BE ti eae Bafilic in Englith Be Bafill, G arden Bafill, 

Clue Bafill, “ 

yall eee and Butb Bafill:offome Bafticam 6, 

tm 2 




ve The temperature, 
tee ps 14 oo: 

Rall Pel eth : it ath a Alninnll td r 
moifture, L {c hereo lik h Id ken i Henk BY Hy 
cma =, ot a Ape 7 4 <2 5 @PPied our. 
- o iJ 3 
; } % The vertues, 
A ee Se ie Le CRAGH L 1 "e Ans) Lankoalve tics DT pa ek eae By 4 
4 sf i ;drieth vp milke,and 14: tion: y5reeceth 
TL ee * Tse: oe 1 c Wels Cee * © A 
B n f y,0ile of Rofes and vineger, is good againftin. 
flamniations,and the ftinging of venemous beafts, 
1g Re 1, 5 Mm ken< s CAL: 0, Casts & 

the dimneffe of the cies , and drieth vp the humour that falleth into 

D The iuice clenfeth away 
them. : MK 
be py Se pms BS | 1 J. 1 holicker ple; f cise a“ Jed, & them 
that can hardly make water. 2 
F Ifthe fame be {nift vp into thenofe, it caufeth oft lott heit felfe dath chef: 
TI bethat ft Bafill ill } he ek BETS j Ai) aie 
a oiabe Jevime 5 = 
H aes Oe ae SO : ha 1. y 1 7” g ep : ai off 
thall feele no paine at all. , 2 
J a] me Py oF ak 4 ay! gy eae Oe ge ee ie 
2 SF ye Sr ee SS Sie ets Ld Pian a SS ge se 
‘ id kerk gl 3 
Of wilde Bafill, Chap.213. 
I Ocymum fylueftre. 2 Acynes. 
ildeBafill, si 
Sy = 
wy 73 



33 hymns a 

ws i . 

vy Ly EY 

nar. AK. 

ee Se MOT ee ee ak 

RGR Sy ge Sates Ce a 


%& The defer. Se 
He wilde Bafill or C&eyn0s, called of PenaClinopodiumvulga 


are, hath {quare pe ftems, 

befet with little leaues like yato the {mall Bal Ul but much fa maller , ee more h ey and 

reis f full of “haitie 

| aon ome 

threddes , 

t oO ° 


mine,or Sterilis, 
Theop Dy, a) 3 Hy 

2. Thiskinde’ fe wilde Bafillcalled among the Graci ’ 
hath caufed {undrie opinions and great doubts concerning the words oF Piinie and 

) and fpringeth vp* syeerely aneseot ip felfe ‘without 

ans dur, wh ich by interpretation is-Sine fe- 

owne ne neoedee to be without teafon: but toomit controuettiess this plas beareth purple flo- 
at}. GI 

3 Otymoides SVCPCAS « 
Feeres Bafill; 


ee nae not orl inthe 
ihadowe a mir f Candie, 
hedges, but 

wie a fide: inth 

cliffes Sach uthinne ftalkes jointed , cree- 

> pingin the ground, tender an ndergeke oked like the 

en eat Ghickweede; out of which pomnere aate 

he oppofit reo againft theo other; the flowers: 

aint Se likeynto Fleawoort, and f the eae 

,  colour,but much nin aller. The roote is thinned 
the he thereofnot found out, 

erapioand others hauc, fet Toeeh: another 
wile Ball vi a He title of Molochia sand L Obe- 

from Spaine, fying Corcores Pliny hath the 
leaues of Baill: Th are. two handfuls high, 
the flowers ye cllome a owe oe tothe aes 
ae, o hes # cots e is 
ompact f an innumerable c colic 

a nas, eae ane abroade like poe 
2 Tine 

The place. 
-o Phe ‘wilde: ‘hihces doe) gr we vpon graue 
grounds by watérfides, sander foanh, 

: ‘ threelaft in the barren plai ines 
ror Cindy WatC.n* Cy os 
es 1 C144 ae ee 
had cat FS s o sete ba 
ee 1 SND Ob sat naps Megs 
rhe names. 3 SEER ISY, Big 21 O51 oF 
hte R.A! orwilde Baill ai RR A RT SS) 1. 1 or a Nad B gli 
creeping Cube Bafill, °° Tah 
pkgs aE! 2 Themature. ee: 
heen Sia a 
iwnens si posite niin ae f th 1 tt lot! ‘fit fh 

ahi utteth awai 
bein g oft 

en ar 

Gee de Bal howloeuerie Peele dela 

callable and dni it arth ind-flowing b hat falline 


Of Bafill Valerian. Chap. 214... 

I Valeriana rubra Dedomeai. 
Re: eV geri ian. 

| 2 Behenalbum, 
% Spatling Poppie, 

$2: .2 25 a, 
Nw Sk ws 

% The eee 

He firft de of 0c Ocyma/ Let § esttand 
brittle ales two cubits heh fil of knoe orioints, in hic es is sree long ig leanes, 
much like vnto _ = greater, broader, and lar ues 0 
‘Woade, Arthe to ‘Oppe o we, verie ple a a edia on 1g te dde flowers ; of the fa- 
thion of * flowers of Vsletea in, which cauled Dedomeas to. call thele eplants rede Vais 
. ae 

JA ames vk 
~ titie, forhat without great diligence the feedeis not to be gathered or preferued; * clin 
often indeuor ued to fee it oe haue loft m my labour » The rooteis vety thicke,and iS anexce 

2 "The fecond is Lrne ¢. NIE Oe See TDP fy 30 ot) {t cleo fp > 
wbichweellCickow ie I nore ab Fates Le cibeloate of thefep eH 
then in anyother one plant that is knowne for which caufe Pena calleth i Papaner (pues, ae 
is fod, inde thon his flower « doth veric little refemble any Kinde of Poppie, Bi pincer y 


tones meat ofthe Sr es downwards, ofawhite col ideo 

~ gow ee en alban: the roote is hie: Plaines: we long, and very tov ughan 

3 yar 

Os sit isi 


3 Ocymaftricnsmultiflorun, 
® Doi Spatling poppies he defers, tptio 

There is ears in Germanie ie another fort of 
GQ wa.ifirum, Ot Valerianthon (which Taber mon: 
tanus hath fet foorth) in feancs lca rootes, 
like - precedent, onely it hath double white 
flowers, dafht onet ih a a bluth colour , 

Ww hich. ace ‘ differe 

The firtt eswiedls fae lyinmy garden, be- 
ing a greatornament to the fame , and no 
mon in Englan 
Thefecond groweth almoft in every pafture, 
c time. 
Brn plants do flower from Maie to theence 
ugult, % The names. 
* Red d Valerian hath beene fo called of the like- 
neffe of the flowers, and {poked rundles with Va- 
lerian, by which nam e we had rather hatieic cal- 

er plant, much differing from Bebew of the 
Ar rabians : It i is alfo ee thor, =. ae a 
ed owe Bafi 
" Spatling Po oppie terum s of fome pinta and oe 
[pammenm:in Plt sun Peeps Po me white Ben, 

altera. Struthiym Aldroandi , eS 

Thefe plants are drie in the fecond dees, 

The Foote of Behen album diunkei in ine, zis eed again the bloudie fluxe : dnd being pounde & 
Ie f meee & fuch like venemous ah info- 

much that whofo doth holde the f any vene- 
mous beaft whatloeuer, 
|; k orbudian vrine: it heloech et tt R 
tic,and Babes about the backe and raat em = hp eee 
Of Mints. Chap.215: 
% ‘The kindes, ee eee) : 
4 Tis f Mi « othere wild, , ot of the fielde; dalfo 
tes ofc the water. = The “a riptions Pe 

jf & feces ‘ 1 ed i 
deepe greece: te pees giagetieey Si gerabon the fel csi 
thofe of Pennie roiall: t 

and then i oe fundtie places i it buadeth outa freth: The wholeherbeis of a pleafant: finell , “andra Tas cg 
ther lieth th yp. 
2 Th i 

jowne than ftand 

Fi pores alfo in fmell, Bi he doves io notat ee a “s fa lie ag te ftands vpin pinthe 
tops ofthe branches being orderly p gnats S00 F org oo or aglet . 

i Adee 

2 Mentha cruciata. 
Croffe Mint,or curled Ming, 



rootes lefler; but the flowers heereofftan 
notin the tops ofthe braunches, but compaffe the 
ftalkes about circlewife as doe'thofe of thefirt, 
which be ofa light purple colour. 

_ Likewife there be many other forts, whereofto 
write it were to fmall purpofe. shale p 
an % The place. ee 

Mott vfeto fer Mints in gardens almoft even 

: pee a 

Mints do flower and flourifh infommer, in win- 
therootes onelyremaine: being once fet they. 
continue long , and remaine fare and faft in the 
groupe. ¢ Gate 
. *& The pames. Pata et & fA 
Mint is called in Greeke i SBoc eas and car » the 

{weere finell (faith Pixie in his 19 bookechapS,) 

hath changed the name among the at 

I Oa ee Sa ee ee 


eee: fignificth f fi onl baie finals Th = pothecari alin d:Brenc dokeepe tl 
tine name li £ } eee Ngee tp eae SE 

ones +h Bunte tir n Englith Mit nt. 

Te ft Mints ci A pat Dutch Diement : tin low Dutch Bauyn beplighe he thar pete 

| a As | in Eng lifh bro 
Minor red we 
he fecondis called in high Dutch Rrauly diement,Lrauts zand Rrauls ball am: that 
isto ae Mentha crusiata sin French B ¢/pa:in Englith crofleM led Mint. 
S. Mentha Romana.Saluta R bev ba Sanit 
< Tt + ee 1s 2. Ty L @aearr. ~ O anit 
f . hd eto 
set tata ¢ itmay be called Afeatha anguftife fay, M I I 
In ote Spe are Mint, common Garden Mint,our La dies Mint, Br Mint, and Macrell M 
‘a 1 Ce ie | en Cars 
diaca Menthe: in Bogith Hart Woort, or Hart Mint : Se 
a; he semperature. : 
_ Mint is hotand drie in the third d new! 

(OF to’ Ca lamint. The finell of Mins ag Plinie doth ties vp the minde , a vt an a io 
defire to ieate, 

Minti is maruellons wholfome for the fommache it ieflaieth the hicket, wim and A 

alt ftoppeth t the cafting vp of blood being giuen with water and vinegeras Gaten teacheth, | 
Andin broth , faith Plinic, it ftaieth thet flowers, andis fin ngula ue Pmt ainft the whites, ae zs 

i place.For it is found by exper ience,that many ha 
had this] skinde of fi a it is | - ey fe 0 this onely} Mint: the fame being applic dto che 
Itis good saree wating cies fas all manner of breakings out in the head, and againft the infir- D 
ee ofthe fundan tis a fire remedie for childrens fore hea ds. 
Itis powred into ace eares with honie water. y ag lopenders, Beare E 
wormes,Sea {corpions and ferpents 
1) T. 1] Y ogo ig i A ha ft eS 
(Plinie e addeth to waxe fower er.) Tl E It Ike that is drunke for feare that thofe wh 
hau aue drunke thereof thould be — YF 
y imie to g' ion,by hich hefeede G 
° fas 4 a }. hi , ae gapy J L Pan E * a? kek 1 hindreth 
conception. 2 : 
1 5 ee in ee ee a Ree athe me H 
all fuperfluous taal the fame,and ith ero a igeftion 
Mints mingled ies the meale ¢ of patched barlie,confumeth tumors and hard fi fvellings. I 
The water erofMi s of lik gsand) Hping Kz 

: pres of the belli pte bowels ait appeafeth headach,ftaieth yexing and vomit ing. 

oe wie Parvo 2 a9 t=) 

pe Bgl igh the ie and ftone in the kidneies,and againf — teingbot L 
in wine and d tunke é cre : 
The aie oe M 

IL Peer, 

edsgetec > Of Nene (at: Mint. Cpe. py 

x The de[eripsion ee ep 

AtMincorNep weth high it bringerh foorth ftalkes aboue Si cornered 

Comes and fill oF bran er ches: the lea .s are broad, nite ieee s ke thofeot 
Baw a hE Ut bailar _ The flo ywers are ofa alight yellow and whitith w 

al pe co hak permolt an artly in the very eirbrcome 
es “meee :the r rock Eee arted, thn 
who! ie 



>) . flerthan 

H Vs Mir ee fharpe finell, iF ferk » the t 1: ithathal fte w with a cettaine 
bitrerneffe. ; ° 
oe * Ss Sa f, harhash at g a leafe, andn noto f fo white 

1 Laflell L Cc Cc fe 3 he } lentifll sfisthene fe 
colour inclining to blew, {prinkled with little fine purple fpeckes: th 
tafte is more biting. 

1 Mentha Felina feuCattaria. 2 Menta Cattaria alsera, 
Nep,orCat Mint, or arCa pews 

eset We 



ol Ss Ye me 43 
Sete <e fen a « 

SN = 

; Wy 


_* The Fetles 

PRE Criss SPeeags ante e * os ottietes 

iis banked ditches 5 and com- 

~The Cat Mints flourith by and by after ite aie ei flower i in Iuly and Augof 
he names. 
_Thelatter herbatifts do calli it Herba aise and Herba apt bicaufe the cats ate = very much 

jes VO yponit, 

anc 1 ortumble in it, dalfo feed a ly. Iris nam med 
Apacs Nepeta: :but So ity is peste called (as sees a wilde Pennie mae = 

high Katzen unts: i site: = Catte crue tin Iealian Gattaria, ot Herbs G. 

Mie :in Ens Cat and. 


bist olde panes of the head, fh salad ahd matrix, Ad chow difeales a 
3 ae tS; andof winde. Tis a deci <# soph a ateees 

a aaa 


ea eae 

Bictcgheos wine or meade, Nr aa ‘ 2 
fi to bri 4 heir fick andto R 
make them fruitfull. «> - a 
~ Of Horfe Min, or Wate ater °Min ints (Chap.217. 
1 ie ror EB 21 RAN XI ae Sipmbri ‘4 Mentha, 
Siveete Wate in, 

i Z ae Prucrilicy ag ny Es 

Lgsifee Lie he The defeription. wk, 
om © "A Minti fwilde Mint. itis liketo the firft eanden Min Sia tater 
; areround, the ae cornered, boththe leaues and ftalkes eof a darkered colour: 
= othe Tootes creepe | far abroa d, but cuery part is greater, 26) the herbe spelte “i sofa 


sig sabe like the red Mace,of a purpleco colou 
x, ~The fece ondkind of water it ineche fe is like the others ing shegeche fameh 
as ocho 


2 § : 
TT be ee ae Ee! | 

lod ned Pen Ҥ 

ane foie Seah: sha . a ACM, 

FLMe. “hy 

By flower when the he other Mints Epa patho a the: a 
ey The: 

+ Sac Hedin in Latine riuemsin high Dut tch Rofsinunt 
ioFreach rin sore ree lates tienes Fifh Mint,Brooke Mint, and f je 


556 THE Acheron Be Ot OF THE 

Water Mint is hotand drie as is the gitn Minar itis isof a ftronger {mell and Operation, - 
The é 

A __ Itiscommendedto hai hatk Jalfotot g dagaint 
the coos of Bees and Wats, if the cet be ened eth Pa pusy 
B The fauour or fmell of the water Mint r ni, for which caufe ie ftroweitin 
chambets and places of ein. ¢ cafre,and rs ee fealts and pete remade, 
no vfe parce in Phi ficke, ecter 
ore fe fhe enature of man, 

Of mountaine eM int,or Calamint. cea 28, 

2 oi 

r a intha montana vidlgaris, 
SS sae 2 Mint, 

ot The kindes ie aw aus 

eed valamint Peete Clem. 
je moreexcellent age 

cag! eABN 
fe Ul 
iS 4 aA) aw” 
oN ys A Ky SWAN 
i Bis G 

4 2 rhe dferipton. ee, 
Ountaine Calemincs a lovee hetbes feldome abouea foote — parted into manybii 

iV. ches :th 
inne hai edowne, as are 
are 1 

we foorth leaues fomething ee thofe of Bafill, couered with a vere 
alfo the  ftalkes, fomew, vhat 


whitifh, and of a fweete finell: since ‘ 


the ha blacke: the 

whicnis nti 
2 eas imefteacslentkinde of 

pepe et ckie ‘colour 
is ofa very x 

sii en aie 
Calida nadeaeache ache esac chih, couered ouer r witha 
woolley with rough leaues Peni ooo a 
cd fone 


dabout theedges3among. 
Hee » andthe the wholeplant 

ES ere, ee re 

vies ine te 



~ nofe,and the roote. (which Di irhedes wtitech to csbedondiseamean 



- 3. re fhall neared in Tt red 

rt. rug 
the other, with acertaine ae or fine cotton. "The leaues bein abel like Bafi Il, butthar the ey. 

ues 5 (omedines thredion 
fo tes nn =a c Aa ely : 1 Th ‘ a 1 i be then 
TL ee +8 Ca. 1:3, oe | . L L 1  Padiier 9 All ; a oe 
fn eg a ate gots x : ike n 1; Pay Ns Pe man 
Cc OE AB RES” hid arn 4 fe 1 1 = ar Nites hi guiding 
| y > y 4 iter; eiding 
} Se oe pee, >| Latin’ j Veet Fs } 1 } ae ET 
c=) Y S ats PS 
threddie: the whole plant ofa bad fmell, 

% The ‘place. 

delighteth to 
in ny places of ily and and ch andi in ‘other countries : ic is sFrowghe into poh s where it 

5 £ 3 Vpo 
1 J eB f a: G r gud } Cc. 1. - 
g g 5 in tote 25, OF 

aoe cuery where, 

* The time. 
a fL 2.1L Fe td te La a ala 
fromIuneto Autumne, 
eT he names, 
T 4 FS Be. 1 ra i, ‘srete fai 1) 7. i 
! — 
Eenhlo NA: BNE ahs Reet Sa ee F ih agal 
i P i Apa alfo ees it rem, 4 
ou DI <; | a ae Te 1 1. Kad 
mittee } t d i /, eel } 7 Gachka 
‘ ; g un 
taine Calamint, ; a! 
%& The temperature. eee 
. . .. oe . ‘ 6 ; 
This Cal hich g sis ofa fe fte andt » hotte, andof a 
thin {ah HR Seabee et ic wes Ne eRe ae EG ATO eS om ae Pie eae 3 
: 5 a ee > 
thinne humours, hand mak ke I inne. 
% The vertues. 
L He L af q . 
ot honied water, it do 2 
Pec Pe ae ee ied wat t,itd th mani- A 
EN Sie, Pa) 3 3 ir 
fhinerings of agues that come by fits, 
e fans, BIC tI} 1 C. 2 Lok Bg Ss PU hay etn Me. c + yee 
1 dé | sa ceat ad sas * Pahl MA shhati [> 
well rubbed and chafed therewith, : fen 
aj gf PREY a: L C1 1 | eG ete: L. Lio ndexpel- C 
leth thechilde, whichalfoit d hheinol a 33 ) sangexpel C 
Se ©. «Su ts “4 
1 ome | pit om ES pace 3 baal 
I s and fions , rae Eetiick D 

ae sbi vn ee: ith Ga- 
ni oe a itis aremedie rok pars for zetpctcle palin, cw cals the Fela, 
them that 

lec and gall, an nd withal lenfeth :} ing taken aforehande inwi irkecpethatmanhedi bein: 
ifoned : be dls ppli d,it cae Cae ed he CL. So 
ino h ists i cha 
by bbls ere aking the skin faite: and ies bi felch ag (Lith Galen) iti itis 
ene t then 
Ickillech allm eA a heallis cf pf Det oss Coe ee pm eee ee Boge sit gm iE 
into the e: hin lik lalleincnaécad ete Solita oS S¢ af sys ie 
Pini fuchatac he iui 1p a pe ee 

ae elena Pattee orache inthe huckle 
ator the pare and bringeth ac comfortable. heate to,the: — 
Bei eaten, itis go od for them thath he le 

ae it,as eg witneficth. jon: 


rrofie. ‘ Sainit the 
| { Je of thi id es L: Pama ee 1 1 Cut . 
A athe health defcribeth bythe namie of Diacalaminthos , that doth not onely notablie ae 
A ag) Wet 1 et ee 7 ¢ *. i Z digeft ise 
B The urces Sah Ae TA Brae. Beare : sy if theirbodies 

Of Bawme. Chap.219. 

% The kindes, 
1 vnder this g erall title ge/y7a, or Bawme, taking theie 

1S J, 

bret a° L L 
~ deno! nination of their natiue countries, 
is psa 
Be 2 Meliffa Tarcicas 
Turkie Bawme. 

ee L/S y 

x Fan! Ay ’ 
é ZEN) /R Aes p?. 

5 vers Ajpcerates it. : a z : 

‘Pieh Sree % Thedefeription. <6 

_ Piaftrum,or Meliffa, is out common beft knowne Balt ; sfrts 
feesanedtlacksth leanesihe os Mallee ope ee ae ang 
: afm = Fad Pn: TL ALE ee 

drawing neere in {mell and fauont ee Rae 
o£ awooddiefubftance.) ... |; Sigua rt Rive 

inde, Bawme was brought into my | ard 1 others by his feede trom the 
wv efo bart jy, Gog Ne es BAS. 2A ee eg oe A fthe kindes if 

ryt oe , and defer mire lively defcrip 
Pee rie fmall, weake, and brite fquat 
ends oe = — bef with leaues Ble io 
ander, or S¢ en y'aboutthe edges’, but fomwhat fharp' 
ted at the top ia of purpldbbye colour The oes fl 

S dein aig <i PLANTS. 559 

and threddie, nev ginning 
of Maie,in good a ond ae It ground i 
Fachfius fectech foortha "kindeof Balme hating a. fgnit Rtalke} with feautslike ynto' common 

Bawne, but larger and blacker , and of an euill fauours the flowers white, andmuch greater then 

1 es as Oe Natt ZL i ew 2 OS eS Heck 7. 
T 7 + s tk iat ae many 
1 } e L L m ye ‘ : 

1, din 
i oa into eee other “gir armes or twigges , which are befet with longr rough leases dee 
te ed about,and {maller than the leaues of ee And growing in another foile = ar mate, ‘youth all 
5 ich ¢hoarie, which 

es as ee ees, Tee. ey Re mee ho dal the 4 Mi 
PA taal 2 
blew and purple, d oftenti hite’: ct is ff crooked shine 
ftened hbiaii All th hol f ] Ir vett het I of Balmesalled eh Hf 
3 Melifa moluce. 28 Molucca sa frimofas 

a 5 ag Baume , el egeectirre ucca Baume, 

aS eS 


Murrks dak ae 

3. Therebealforwo other plants itichauae niger the kinds ofBalme, Shecney very Tike vnto 
the _ altho ms not know ne to many He erbarifts , and ‘haue beene of fome called d by the ti itle of 

Cardiacasthe le P 
it broughto out of mane sc theftalkes cubits handed many the ae are 

c final! furro 
aa HT nd re! orioint ftand two leaties 
one again{t soe ned ie. Meliffa, nese ee and. rai zael indented , yetnot fo deepely 
as our common: alled Mi cstias fo nS a eit the ne therecome 
foorth {mall ie icp, with fixe or eight fall open wi uing many corners, thinne: 
Mave rchmen ofthe iamecolou;fomembarfie nd eke oe at the top of ay cig ‘of the — 


Pi | 

Lt 1 
* nae F 3 : f ell tiferh 
flower fomwhat purp ding to whiteneffe, lit 5 liaca, which bringeth 
a 1 j - 
‘oorth a corner d e Cs! 1£. 1 L p 11 a a eeple: es. favour of 
the plant draweth toward the fent of Lamon 
Th ile AE agli 1. tn) i, ‘aes Cp ha a 
¢ TORRES OF Bay agit 1 Ee Mes ep] 4 eee 
sian, 3 1, = longer , ‘ be L AA, Y cB. se Sie Prickly 
ff ghtly ho a ee it, "a 49 4 Ba ea) 
@ i i o 7 
coe hiee ndnot fo whiteas the firlt. 
% The place, : 
Bawme i is | ae d fe pede, and oftentimes H of ir felt 
> sg o 
5 4 1 1. f ] L) 2 Ad -d. iteth j in rr 21, 
book pars theya are delighted wi with U this herbe abo 
others thereupon it = ll pay ee : for faith he, when el are {traied away, they 
do fin it way home ae ap. it: as —. inhis Georgick 
Tite adel pit e no Corinth =e ae 
L 7 JL L RE od 1. : 
1. % Th j t. 
fo d 
: The time » 
fi hin I Tulie. and A hej ei 
1. L L ve { 4. fot tT If ef] ” 
TL 1 f, } Ta Po a. sat = ar oe be AA Lt . + PoRS EE 
bs i ; > Pe) > 2 # x 4 
they haue perfected their feede, 
-  & thenames, 
D : y) pen eo eS Poe EE 

of fome “selon and Mel mien in Dutch Cantiite be sn in ss "raga 

Ah 7 he temperature, 
Imeis of temp hotandd le deg Gales. 
(a See : 
er eS % The ‘vertues. 
’ = vie dee ke in wine,is is goo > * g 1 a c. 5 aE ES rt, and 
diet away al all melancholic a tenet, Sez 

-G aan iuice cchetiat glueth togither aday saa being put into oile , vnguent ta 
. that purpofe, andmaketh i it of ioreater el efficac , 

qua wide aw F pte % f. favefaide (T meane 
m3 aE gS RE ft es ty ay - aE re & f r Ps 1 deck: 
E Thehi i f Bees t ma AO a a eS ee ey ar L r gither,and 
5) r 2 
caufeth ‘oth ers tocome vnito them. 
* mens: cd c + as ee oF eae 
> > 
; +: i te ee wha + fi tee: = Cees “Reap ee 
1. 2 L Ce L R (ee Lhel ge - Lee Peewee 10+, 
2 2 
L 1, C Lis “a ee ee 1 : to ftinre vp concoétion,t0 
£, x, 4 4 ies 3 L . 
heh rs 

ood againft the 
of enemous beats and i =i a madde gs alfoi it ‘peleth © Oe ark te 

1 e breath va- 

holde their neckes vpright. 
Ichelpeth (faith the Bi ay the Jeaues being mixed with fale, the kings euill, or any other 
‘aed ee eee tigateth the paine of the gout. 



Con al 
ety : eee a I : . : Es -} q . 7 ure 
3 i 5 7 Pliny have ar 
tributed like vertues vnto this kind of Bawme, which they call Iron woort. Theleaues faic they be- 
ing applied;clo’ inds with yperill of ind ion Peeiefaith that itis of fo great _ 
vertue,that thoughitbelbut tied’to his fworde that hath gi he wotitaaci ak oh BI a 

: . i ° 

Of Horehound. Chap2z0, a 

%T hekindes. * 

\ Jofeorid 4 ott f tt i q iwo k Ty £ Horehoundes, 

“en yy. Ly h A ++ 5 Riser Pree oe, Lal q" L ae 2 e: L ee Ad 

: j Be: q ° fs yf ard eT 7% ys Waa J i 4 é 

1 Marrabinwalb 2 Marrubiumcandidim, 31 +. 
P- \ White Horeh Snowe white Horehound: 

"Se EY SSyF2 M. (8 FE 
BS rea} ~} ; <u a? 




San. oA 
vy I} 

Prarnudrune antiga vt. 
ote es ot aie rt ale % The defeription: ‘ 
2 4“ bg TL 3g Rs rr L fit , aes cL. . hi hy : 
. 4 Be Pepa cae marries ee ana? eae ‘ renee tgh,coue- 
i ‘3 _ tea. 0) couples atcertaine 
3 - diftances. thick hitith! {- by 4 ae ae P 1 s 
+ 2 othe 2 s 
bp say, siete Se PY Coa ey ce Pe ae: 

Pins + difta 

4 couered ouer with the liked 
_ flowers, of a faint purplith colour, fet roundal 1e ftalke i d wharles; which turrie iato 
~ fharpe prickley huskes after the flowers be paft. The whole plantis of a ftrong fauour, butnot vn- 
_ pleafant. The roote is threddie, : . fee 
2 The {econdkinde of Horehound hath fundrie crooked flender ftalkes, divided into many firall 
_ branches,couered ouer with a white hoarineffe,or.cottonie downe, The leaues are likewife hoarie. 
and cottonie,longer and narrower than the precedent, lightly inden 

Ty pointed like the Turkie Bawme, and ame big 


tie ted about the edges.and ete he 
ofthe famebignelfe,hauing {inall whatles of white pers 
eat agi 


d 0. 
teed, ee ievhecaat a 

3 Marrubiun Hi incr. Bibi eee | Marrubium Greticem. 
Sep Herne ioe : vil Candie Ho: meh 

: ti *T bedefeription: 

3 ‘Spanith Hor ORR Tt RE, ye Tie Pye sh Res eftalke, dinidi Cc 

two wings or bauchaeeihcve toward d thetop with two others ee are naced hye 
» atcertaine 
and hairie, , Toelersgowcat thé ns f the ftalkes, {pike fafhion, fed of {mall gaping 
t “ .* ed *% - 7 i . ‘S < : 

Sep ae Re ge * ey As | - 1 SPS RS Siena PION aah ee ae 
nV eed oy ane ng le gues fers 

ofa ae eB ee imell. he flowers growe en nh top of the ftalkesin Spa 
ofa pale yellowith colour. 
_* The ce. 
: hounds, being th sti kinde, :, groweth tewtee in all jied 
x high wai toiled places. The which growethia 
othe: ‘countries el it altereth sedciinge tothe fituation and skied of the Jonnie: 
mmonly that which groweth in Candie, a niin Hungatie, ismuch whiter, Bogle 

* the time. ee 
re + J. L hia » Beowe £ sham 

% Ti —— 
Hed in-Greeke oedaor:. in L Beri nbops 7 Prafium, a0 é 
MM. e-certainebaftard names pinae Apuleius,as ied pene ae 
oot an ara pce Marr iinjo : i Dutch @altoues in French Aarabin: 9 
glifh ‘orchound, 
2 Sy ; : oe ThE 

. eee 

we Th etcmperature. 
-.4. z J. ty }) aS 1 1 °F 

Horehound, as Gales teacheth, 5 ahd of a bitter , 

% The vertues. 4 
Common Horehound boiled in waterand drunke, of htheli ifpl clenfeth the A 
breftand lungs d iletl ] int Id i fthe fide. foittinaofblood 
uo t i rd é 2° vo? .] oF res > 
the ptificke,and vicerations of the lungs. “E 
TLC k teak . zy 1 eat expelleth chee oa i Pas 
a x 1A be t. V1 tice hildb oP) me 
1 F ildbeating. ome 
Sirupemade of the greene freth leaues and fugar, i ft fing: lie againft he cough, C 
and wheefing of the lungs, : eh : 
The fame firupe doth woonderfully and at edits eafe fiich as haue lien long ficke of any D 
Ves H £ the] achash bh, ae, 41 saree | Be 5) 87 pie MRS 4 
p gs5 E y our London 
tis likewife good for tl hat} Irunke poifc h t bi f ferpents. The E 
Jeaues are applied with honie to clenfé fowle and filthie ylcers. It {taieth and keepeth backe the 
»_ The iuice prefled foorth. of the leaues, and hardened in the funne, is very goodfor the fame F ° - 
hing {pecially ifit L i iwith a litrl. i d} ie. and dropped j h ies itthelneth 
. 2 mr is Sp 

them,and cleereth the fight, 
Being drawen vp i Lh hel yi | ee 2 IO i C.} . Sw tates BEX | CPUS TT a) 

7 3 . 7 ers 


and watering of them, 

- Of-wilde Horehound. Chap.221. 7 

I ‘Stachys. 2 Stechys Fach/it. Bes ‘ 
Wilde Horehound. — ; Wilde ftinking Horehound, A 

ie AS io 


$i fA, vf : fs 1 se a 
C: Fe ee By aaa 
Se otha \ ar 
1s em 


Fig <i SS . 

No Nn 




% The defcription. 

I, W «i Ide Horehound i is alfo liketocommon Horehound : there rife from the rooteheer. 

~ tt A ¢. tre) } Pinas 7 pg! leaues 
) cof 
ee Horchound, and whiter, sie. fall fe ith fof haires, ana ofa t. Prizes: § 
a a } hofed ft 4 ) but they are vu, ic a 
fi fb te yellow, and 
2 gs des id there i is ie another ‘etsbed d by rachis EA owe heereof arethicke, ~ 
fquare jlon hoarie, nick d 

re hr et 1 hl 7" 87 e treat pro ? 
> Owers in 

te ren i c. 7 1 | ew pee Wee er 

ther roote hard et nd omthing yellowe 

led y 

pieeon brought firft into England out -of the lif of the ca Turaa ae pee this tbe 
beareth braue skie-coloured flowers ftanding in thrummie.prickley, {caley or fhellie crownets,diui- 
dingit felfe towarde the top into <wetd eo ttle tees, fer full of leaues like to Scabious , 2 tWOTO- 

gitker one againft the other, with a i g ; 
finallthree cornered difh,as in eT Teall, easoe ae i etree ; ryt 

There is another wilde Horehound of M Scordicsdes Sue 
Scordy fi folto: comet oe oon of Sideritis, or rs aie arlene is dee ynto S¢ or dium ,ot 
eth tothe height tofa Palme and ahalfe, with m many {mall branches 

rifing vpr. ight. es a et Hyfi ope, ut the leaue: 
do refemble Dioftorides Svrdiow ,faue that they be fomewhat leffer, ftiffer, mote wrinc Ledor 

rie,in tafte bitter,and of: an aromaticall fauiour, 
AA mt Se Py Se) eet lt Pate os erst 

L } Crh 
5 B) Pf 
+ 5 £S fembli Il the hert butthe leaues are 
sais 1. Pee pase rT oy y Soe 1 Loe Tl Py pureed Benn 
In ry Ose pe oh Se, 1 L 12 
> | Sse § 3 

Biro oneal er vertue is yeralaowre, 
% The a 
: Thefe herbes are wove they g ib places , notwithftanding 1 have 
: — gard 

% The time. 
x Tr Ay ps J = Se he t de. . a = hy aline a 
= *T Thenames, j 
_-_ Theformeris taken forthe right Staehys,which is called in G fhops 
Ee and cuerie where :we name it in — IRloneHiowndean ae 

~The other wilde Horehound, feeing it hathno tobe called se tle for tis nt 

Ie: her is it Sphacelus, en moft haue pee) of which Theophrastus hath made men~ 
tion :itis called in purple Horehound , baftarde wilde Horehound , and Fuchs wilde 
Soe fa hii Ap! The temperate. SOUL ee ns ee ording to 

? . ty _ o 2 ~ 
Tia os ee eg 3 : % The vertues. RES dine as Diofeert 

a . —— : of 

a water Horehound.  Chap.222. 

arrubium aguaticum. ; Marrubium aquaticum ac 
* Wa ge ee ; bs ‘Shame pointed water Horehound 





2 oe 



ss rece 




= Sy 
tS 2 = — T. 

— eee Lil tee 

muted b cerbae ich NI "f "Aor 

I A TI~3 i ag: Ly (yw ae We < 
| V V cups,whicharerou ie Ficting: sae Sontpaliaesae the falls eee about ike gar 
Bite landes:the leauest teoF bealfol blacke sbut longer, harder, mor mori ne: 
. theed wets be fal 

20 nted water. dhairie, which ditideth j 
felfe moral a erent a aehatin ahs s;whereon do growe eed ‘pe cited 
E eerie finell, Lhe tomers ore atthe top of the ftalkes ofa lyeite ed ‘tough 
nee ed anesire 
sap hopes iS 
ore of vaterand igor notin o eplacés. 

Th a YY, 

and ih, Soe rooteis ins with many! blacke ftrings oe 
2° Shar orehound 

Ce Str IA ne eee ef 

4 3e it reo oats 

Marci? GUeGY 

Miko Re ae Gy 

. = called Mempete se andma 
Mathiolus i nwoort, which Diofésrides 
hath hace in Ane firft pias 3 rie se a << beer agree a a is — Herba Iudsica, 
: phere 3itmuch lefle agreeth with Sideritixy or the feconde Ironwoort, which thing 

ilf hath his fauorers, for itis gress none of the ree Some alfothinke 
WS 3 

HerbaAEgptia, bicaufe they that counterfet themfelues Egyptians ({uch as man . 
decline etal from citie tocitie in Germanie)do vfe with bse idl 
ne firch as the Egyptians a is aes Afrike are ¢ of for e edoth ie 
¢ thing void thiskinde o} I 
aa awaie: infomuch as < eto being died oe doth ahaa sae Peet ney 

% The temperature. 
1. mes | 4 3: 

¢ é o 
> % Thevertues. 
- TT L eo ie 

Of blacke or ftinking Horehound. — Chap.223. 

Pe ESarrah 1 1 ‘ 
* Stinking Horehound he deferiptio 
Wwe Lack Horchoucd; is foment like vnto the 
WZ it: B white kinde. The ftalkes be alfo fquare and 
hairie, The leaues fomwhat larger,ofa darke 
fwart or blackifh colour, omewhatlike theleaues 

Nettles, fnipt about the edges, o 
and ftinking r.. The flowers erowe abou 
alkes in cettaine fpaces, of a purple colour, in 
fhape like thofe of Archangel . 
The roote is fall and thre 
%& Theplace. 
Tes tind-in carde t herbes, and 

ie among ftones and Pabbith in dri¢ 

It dotevesh and ieethet ‘ion the others do, 

= aN GALS 



= ‘Tei iscalledin Greeke Zaneor 3, and shar medaner,as 

Te Aigner lite eae ite ——— chapter: of fome 
rubiaftrim ums (pur ium, oF 

bs Horehound in hops, raf fier 

Bes in ohench naan noir et? in Engifh 
itinking Horehou 

> Vt o AEB gee * 
yy. <DYy Sor SSB tinking het hot perce ital 
ZL LDS SEAS SS fev dexieesegsbssh of arpa and leafing 
a ll The vertues. 

It Sf. See hitisofgreat 


cacie Beer iden riteth.. 
~The leaues rofted in fap embers do watte aaa cae away. hard mgs saceeta orabnt 
the fundament It alfo clenfeth fowle and ii yesrakecccaneners teacheth. 

— ~ io. folezel, or dead Nettle, Op. 224. 
& The kindes. ~ - 

Te cbediurtonesof dead Nees, or kindes of Horehound, eer | 
points,asfhallbedeclared.: Lenin 


bum. 2 Laminm luteum. ae 
. White Archangel. ” ‘ Yellow Archangell. 

eae =4} 
ee with 
Phi Ss CORY 
4G ot WSS 


TP ; 


; Maal: u 
OP diiddit Sadcis. ae Thedefhion 

JHlite Archangell hath fowes {qua re ftalkes, acubie tehigh, ater ace 
way, by.reafon of the great waight of his ponderous leaues » Which are in fhapelike: 
ditt Thee ahs srs es3 snicked round about cp ook yetnor fti inging-atall, but foft.and 
asitweredownie ied tov s compatfte the ftalke: sonra ape Ecettaine diftances,cuen nee 
Ee do, w oubrleffe this is akinde, and cof Nettles, as hath beene generat 
semetton ove are Seis of colour, fathionedlikevo ll gaping, hoods ¢ of helmets. Eh 

Tote is very thre, 
2). Xellowss ‘rifin asus, d, fe: leaues by couples 
romucheutor hac Secs —— es Sp aaa ne distor, she peo, 
: norma by ses Theél gtowe amo Eileen Be as ofa gold yellow ye 
Redan ‘he Be ubieds cbangell bur areater and more, 
the gr, gellbeing ed Prtica non mordax,: or dead Nettle, hath Hmanyleauesfpred ae 
ie oun slevp alkeshollowe and bavie, whereupon do growerough leaucsof 
imlong eh ih compe forth orator, saben inca halts a 

Rerothe % - 
Seems Boece 
an con nlitng of many th 


“3 Lamiumrubrum. 4 La mim Pannonionn Gale 
iy Archangell, os ced pst ae fe 

% The place. 

tie plas are founde vnder - hedges} j oldewals, common waies, among rubbith, in the bt: 
der he arable grounds, oftentimes ardens illhushanded. 
; bie § the others. eee 
, as oc thet haan yee from the villdee of Ham eed neere London tothe hyand 
in/the wood ie as alfo in many other copfes about Lee in Effex, rice re Watfordand 
Midlefex, and inthe woo eseeiereie gto heel d Col eos sie 
; a ge 
They Rover forthe: site yeah forniner long. 
“Se The names 
perne doffome whl it oa! Airansfe emin ing inci 

tay ty 

fés:an PH Bne @- 
fedcron ti sass ahi 
sete white Te etenrne ‘ibe . 
makeofthem aaa scarey the flowers and fogarswhic hich they 
ie daies togi : wae 
istalled fugarRofet : -aesleecel 
“4 00% Fealouintheface, gndto' 

wet bt em,whichis vfed ta inake the 
the vital fpirits more frefhand lly. 

aii ete > +i 

Peer os 

— M giber woort. Chap.225. 
: Meerooe ee % The defeription. 

Other woort sie foorth ftalks fowet 
MB rae ws 5 harde ; twocubirs highs 


A eee 

s Wag, ~~ SS 

* ng 
ioieth ents bbi oni¢ and other 
en and ro gh places { «afc 7 
: fads 3it price wellin 

ouriftieth, flowreth, ye eds tom Tne 
to See tember: ‘the wa ues aikes'perifh in 
winter,but the a 

Ttis callediscone hk ie sin high Dutc utch 
Dertspefpagt : in n Tow Dich Dertegetpan: in 
French Agripa cae in Englifh Mother woorts 

_ Some cere be that oa ita aide as Baumes it 

ported to. cur connns or BE 3an ndlikewif 
ash es Cas 

fine 6 

Kindes of wormes of th 

e defer, iption. 
heft be oe halfe‘a ya 

omer een 
than Peale it Feil glisering | like 
cis fe with Nepee 

I Vrtica 

Bos sat 31 


Prtica aed ; 
Red Nettle.» 

Cas eee 




Bees aie < <aF PLANTS. 

but yetnow and then higher and 

I Riall 
ee Thefecond N uered with a d g asveelag ne 
fi ina and gro 1 i) LL. i » we J 
strate hereo 1 L*AaL 1). eee ML Ve 
inclufters pAathe hof of he female Mi g g 
of ftririgs, f col {c hi g II < and creepeth all 
— ane nee oe 1 £6 9° ay ys s andibedke } g LT} lan + lef 
3 2a aie i Calioht af } i yee } 5, seg o 
& commonly ; 5) oD 7 t-) oO? a 
andnot without ftrings. PRs RTE l r cs Be cA a OS 
4 | a seat tata = aria oS > 
needeth no defcription. : 
* The place. hs 
, Ae Fs | . l iC. 4 21°28 ] +2 ny ey 7 J 
) o o. @ 
im it growethin my arden. r 
ving 8 4 S fir felt bh dg 3 buthes’, and bt2mbles, 
andolde oy Ost) SUBS Sate 
d fourth alfc in the fame places, which notwithftanding groweth in 
= aS. ited i 
% 7) hetime, 
2 Re es ander es oe tl 1. 5 fants tien } L 
oe > enn " i abs 3 ro) 
focth iy and vee ; 
* E: hein 
bap: lJien 1. A t, 4 Latine Yrtic. * in; 2 Bes. 1 ac 
‘ oo s t 3 
Mater faith: 

c immer ito nomen fump/iffe vinetur, ial 
Te ae quod exurat digitos urtica, tencntis, 
TheN d 
Which hurtes the hand of him that toucheth her a a spice tting 

Andofd Dutch Beene Ortica: 
in Spanith x7, r Tucry C.. t 
f oamiche 
_S macs ont fT: A a Lh a7 al fel 
Retel ett, th tis Romanal rti i R ] } ttt g datal che Be iene 
thatis, iralica ortica, I N. bicaufe i h but inf | feed 

and the 

at from other countries andis es in a for his vertues : itis alfo called of dikes Vrtica 
et tee fete pride Merete, whic ch he faith is more rough, with broader 
cade eeaoes an sand with the feede of Flaxe butleffer. /iae maketh the wilde Nettle ey, 

ey hap.t 5-fa ith, t te) 54 
tle te, Greeke Nettle, male Nettle. T fecondiscalled /rtica fa , and imes 77 ea ‘nr 
le :in Englith fi ommon Net- 

te The thitdeisnamed j in mee ia spies Peffel in che ites Dever Detite Meteien, 
he ging qualitie :' in Englifh mall Nettle, {mall burning Nett ettle: bur whether: this 
thatorno which Plini jecalleth Cansa, orrather the firft,lerthe he Students confider. There isin the 

nettle:a moreftin alitie , which, faith he, i scalled Cania witha ftalke more fin 
= ceedleanes, ging qu * c ging, 
Be te seroma ce 2s ee ee 
foie oft pS eat Be OS Ae pi Ee 
fife and 

andhard, rc ctl Miner ee 20 a8 skin: fait itbewithe-. 
Pee: thnotatall sbycefon that the ftiffenefffe of the downe istatlen away. 

che s fot al nowol lowe The vertues. 6-7 
Je isicn a a SE See nS ee it maketh he bodie foluble. and A 
doth itby akindeof cleat ee ads Igoe Se; La. - 
thosssboiled Me is Fe peg REE yn Laeticl 1 
a pene “i hn sReeita 8 
Beng am ftamped, and th Bed sate a. Sighs a ea ee r 



771, f2.J), 

“TRE SE OaNe ate OF ‘THE 

Cc r 7. fies > _ 
\ a.certaine windineffe,, oe? Math in it 
L Col 1 no L 
Ttis good fi } } LiMnicl- Soa Tal alsa 

SA Pe, Re foc 4 Pat. =. it ‘ oe oe é itisbetake = thar 
licki Lines VIC. Sa ot Lief rsx ‘hildeoehs sie ir waleaaie 

~ f ° 5 aue, calle 
cou, gh. 2 the chinne 

} L 1 of 3s 49" nes re, 
bef t <¢,Mufk 
and Quickiluer 2 VAuEn roms, 
An Ae {th BE A ro rr 

1, RSS SPR ipa ay eae ‘pi ne 

: tinging which 

the Neil it felfe at 

he 1 _ vhi 

G Pos 
ie fame gr mie i ap 

te wi ee fi ng medicine 2 ars 

} i 4 rye 


ne either 
rae of thofe, 

K It pete zis one to ‘make water, 

like effe&. but not wi 

” fpeede,and fo afluredly as the Romane Nettle, 

od. riser tOABnalae 


% The names. 
This i Sentai eactabesdice,alfo of thie Lati po 
name: in hi hDurch Samer pant: of the Italians Carape: of the Spaniards Canamo: in 
isemp? in Englith Hempe.::Themale i 
nae The female Barren Hempe,and Hempe, 

Of Hempe.  Chap.227. 

The defer Cription. 

hereofis narrow, long, Gate es 
! nicked in a edges : the fee ee 

Be z Beg -~ wr 

a beripe, elfe it willwither away, and come t0 2° 
a ofe, 
> Hempe,as Columells sieethte to grow 
: sina far dunged and wate foile, or plaine and 
cf cel ahace 
an - <Hempeis fowen in March and April. Theft 
iszipein he end of Auguft,the other in Iuly-"” 
nes Cannabis: the A cet 
scalle d Cine Hemp 

*T. hetemperature ana dvertues. 
The fede of Hempe, G. l ies of fimple see aed ishard A 
hurtful he ft I dt J d hi i vit thftandin ng 
s nie a e the fame patched, cum alyjs Peseuaru ich es 
confined winde, as the faid author faith i in his booke of the facies of medicines, andis fo B- 

aa AON hat tl at fthe heft Pr ae et as Re Rea 

ered ae Sea keit rofobftru@ion,or i ad so Galen adde' 3 j d 
The inner fubftance or pipe of the fee ed dented outin Sete cade of liquor;is giuen to thofe thar D 
__hauetheyellowe iaunders, when the difeafe firft appeereth, and oftentimes with good{ficcefleif 
: the difeale com ome of c obftru ii Sopa an nagewe, fori it : openeth the paflage of the gall, and di- 


Tet ah 

: a 1 + we 1 gi rt. fash 1 1 8g pl ifully E 
| Of wilde on Chap.228. 
‘ % The kindes. 
= 1, He F = se‘fie 11 GC. gi yo th fig Cc 163 withthe 

I defcription of mo. 
Cannabis S Spur ia. P 4 oak PD oe ait ‘ 
ras “8 re aageh 

ioint with ee Teli inallie indented about the 
edges, fomewhat like a nettle. The flowers growe 
in tundles about the kes purple colour :the 

; rooteis _ and threddie. 

There is likewife another kinde of wilde Hempe 
which hath hairie ftalkes and leanes Jike the for- 
mer, but the flowers are sini gaping wide oe aa 
like the fowers of Lamium,or dead Nettle, 
ott ms ale beene eee fora kin ag : but hee: 

any thing may eafily difcerne the fanour 
att a ste ar of dead Nees The flo- 
wersare of aclee nd light camation colour,de- 
clining to purple. 

ate! is allo another kinde of wilde dae, like 
vnto the laft before mentioned , fauing thatitis 
fmaller in eche refpect See es the: ph is 
keine whatrounder, Ther 

S ead 
AS see 


we ay | te 
aX Y \ ‘ 

- Thefekindes of Dee hemp, se 
gtowe vpon hilles and mountaine 
= hilly groundsjefpeciallyinearable Binal fine 
Graues ende,S SS Toi en feene inthe come fieldes of Kent 5 as about 

Tea dtmtonl bile to tcenot ae 
kapeNeeie and baftard henge. = — 
The temperature and verbues. weer 


sito Oa ctr * - ee ree of 

ps Water Hempe. Chap.22 


wy ater Hem Pe or aso Agrimonie. % The defcription. 
(yer Ye N Saige tain Arter Hempe, or water Agtimgiy} is 
. ) ye S/) ? 
: eal iG nee a oe = y i) y sent ry fold in hot regions , for 
Gren Wee x ~ 

A i 
‘ ae ee 
bene ep SEER din the mid of ponds me i it 
‘ xy ssanaint wast or pon 
XG A ile se SS Finer nd dit “Lag * fi 


et ae 

This, for Hingerh oe mai rounde falbes, one and mera reddifh, about two cubits 
high, cr esieshing higher , they ate befet withlong greeneleaue area igen the ineleea 
of yo! oufhall fee cottnnly be or even ob — leaues 

ela oii | 


# Theplace. : 

ee iT and in waterie 
2 3 bE 
3 Te. 
IA ited + 1-29. ATi andleaues 
_ & Thenames 
W2 nly aggre 
os Gos ree ee meee 

amet the aaa with ae hs wir Hempe , and Eupat pared 
itis poe tobe that which Bapti ifta Sardis doth terme Tersola: in high Du Durch Opec 

) gund hi 
Boelkens dents i in many water oor apa baftard oom water Agrinone. Itis called nee 
of the facultic , whercby itis es 7 the liver 

hermes. } 
Thel + Col fe Ll mia ss | deoree, they nave 
: o 

i open, to attenuate, or makethinne pucks and grofle humours, and toexpell . 
a Byte: : they Cleinfe and purifie the bloo 

The vertues, 


Ypawe 1h ate | ih 

ostion hestof is profitablie é gi 
sia rae eee and liver hs des or wel 5 for i it ded away the oan of 

aoe ailes sand gi a un r 
ivhats iftet the’ beginning. | gvinelons one 
1 7 gk gy a“ 
7 oO °°. oO a 
».. Thede ies rel e; ithe | lly Pp lied > doe heale all 1-4 3% inwarde ts 
— “igs . “Wb A) Ani ‘ ay LAY : ; 

ah pats a Ena Chaps 230: sa = 

iwappes oe 

He eae “8 SS Sages are lon an nd hai= 
[ie €  greeneabon pmee mewhat grayifh vn- 


feedes bretatong nena fnall burs 

siaiohd g downwatds, which w hey beripe, do 

catch hold: ‘gion 1 peoples 1 games mae pafle 
by it. The roote is great, OnE Be blac 

} Ig: eit in ae pace y high Pee iho: 
» fures - medow ae of corne fieldes, and often- 

times in-wo: camer, > ail aloft eucrie 
besa og 

ee 1 ie ve 
in Tyne mewh 
feeder dr aca ge gteat patoh Fon 
wy Thenume 
he eels ians c call i it ee adie 

eedes which: = Aino ul ae oe ates $ 
en of the Ranke ee tomens: peeetoahe Tealians 
| Stes auckinwrtss in lowe Dutch, in 
ieniae of i a oe ai of vo 

: ae Sal aol 
% Thetemp E 
iden inde ands srimta es drinefle: Galen eachetha na 
lubeill parts, that teth Sees keoe cs bhe, it 
tit cur t itremoo 
<< luer,and dor hlikewife ftrengthen it, Driv of the binding wale 




%& Thev 
A Thedecoétion of the leaues of Egrimonie is god Wee them that haue naughtic liner 
.— as piffe bloud vpon the difeafes of thekidne nah $a and for 

<y _— 5 1. 2 clpe the bloud 
e a eg addeth, } Laxel nth badliuers , ind rag fich asare es 
oe with erpents. 
n Or eS g P and applied, lags ak it ORD NF 
healed,as Drie x. } ni boca badly 
sas Oba 

Of Savewonrt. Chap.231. sesibnie _ uobne 

“x. Serratula purpurea. 3 \ 2. Serratulsflore albo, 
<Pirp le Sawewoort, Whi Save 00 

oes Pe ee, OF ee 

% Thedefiript i 
wt bFa plant whith he ‘HEWE tiriedly habe sted so riatula , differet fem ai 
: thot ugh of the auncients it ‘hath beene taken for Betonie, haning rae reat 

Ee ee 

om the 
ng imme: : 
‘roote: thong hicheone vp Halles ofacubite hi befet with ere Sei 
tachenie iddle o} oft the ribsnotmuch vnilike th ha Scabio ‘ous. The a7, ieee 

ofa a 
aa white do wvers differeth not at pee but in i eaoralte f x 
other otherbringeth foorth abufh of ‘purple hate inmanner this lan bringett 

doves ae hme 



tule fore rubro. Red Sawewoort. —  %& The defeription. 
anes og D =) 3. Wehauefounde in our woods her fore 
vs - £S oort, differing from the oth is 
kinde,onely in the colour of hi s, without 

4 P Abe. 

Sawewoort gtowethin woods and fhadowie 
places, and fometimes in medowes. Theygr 

1 fling 
farther ende of the towne > and in fundrie places 
of Effex and Suffolke. 9 

= % The time. 
They flower in luly and Auguft. 
The wames. 
Thelaterage doth callthem Serratyla : it dif- 
fereth as we haue {aide from Betonie, whichis al- 

temper ature and vertues. 

Serratula is woonderfully commended to be A 
moft fingular for woundes, ruptures, burftings, 
P77, LY RUNS hernies and fach. like : and is referred: ynto the 
LGii Oo» : temperature of Sanicle, 

a Of Betonie.  Chap.2zp. 
| ; oe 2 Bet 

ica flore albo. 
Betonie with white fowers, 

- i) x 
\ x2 
/ Meee 


i B sso — groweth vp sith leaues the and bro sage fa darke greene colour, flightly indented 
I gh 

he edge: slike a fa wey The ftalke is flender, fower fquare, fomewharr rou ough lo 

i i 

nee phe Misade Th CA et 

ee fs A Re pl gt aS j Re ee RY ty ngs. =e | 

1 L Joe 1 : + l ] . 5 ae ho OF TS | 
sf rt - o ret ba ald, i | 
: % The place. 
“ } 1 t. " 
: 1 ee, | , 1 ¢ paftures, — 

Betonie with white 46 

aworthi infill Ge emans ae one of the Clarks he the ee counfell iis 3 “3 
feel rade, ee whencel sare plants for my garden , wherethey flourifh as in their 
place of ‘er owing, 

% The time. 

é Z Se 
* The names. 

R O Ms sie ? a 7 rae Py 

, but witches There 
is likewife another Betonica, ee Paulus Aegineta defcribeth, and Galeni in histirft booke of 
goue ueramentof health, theweth thati itis is called; dndeesr, tha t isto ofay, Betonica ‘Beconie andall 

J Cc 

ees ee 
Rn Res | f e2 RR. OAR (a Jon faith 

A » Betonicis rte for sums that be fibieet oe the £ falling fickneffe, and for thofe alfo that bal 
heads y; pon ac = 
B_ Itclenfeth eS beige heft, it taketh away obftruGtions or aie of che litcd mi, i 
a itis good againit fe Ellon iaundies. | 


er ag itrmaketh aman t opi iffe well : eign paine or the kidneies and I lear i ites | 
__ keth ftones in the kidneies,and driueth them foo 
De. Itis alfo good for pees bea and coma ions: itisa remedie againft the bitin, of mad | 
i 8 . 

applied to the ae ic 3 mio! 


ainft ifon. 
eo ee } : C4.¢ : Bes | (age sy ae A eS 
Se Sie in : iv, 1s, , and defect 
: > alee PA c=) 
SER cC.Lk rR >i LS j 3 tL sok he 
eae eae Te a 1 gn } 5 oe 5 oak ss 
ae AS) Bs? See eats ars oN ge ee “dando 
os oO Lt a 
q a Sie ae 1 ree, : dq 
} i neoee ei peg 6 a ay aaaa ts Ue that have thefal- 
‘ we: J Qe sy? r 
liwg ficknes,with madnes and headache 
ee | Ps PIL a, Oy el | ee OR 4 shag i 
Sgt SRE =a Ses eee a g,orfuch lise. 
oY > &. 

Of Water Betonie. . Chap Be 

i } C = he [crepe Rall ,whereon arefet very broad ‘ : 
we ees oaeies about the a like vnto thole of Nettles, of a wart een cbt 
growing for th i , oppofite or | 
d on Pacer inf an ort p ftheh he ofa cake pipe d 
lour. pe Teepolieslehe ets. The ere 1s {mall, Atel d inte ; i bull 0 ¢ buttons. ; 

ice we matysndiintet gs. is — 

. piroplicaadarheNV ater Beconie? Cane ate (ns he bilseé 
: gana egee yas ee: well : br woke pe running waters. , by 

. ; “idirehifides, and by the nks of riuers, andis fel: 

domefourd alii eplace 

__ to ed iy sd at atid from that’ 
ime the feedew 

Wat ter Betorieis is: Beer in Late Betonica aqna~ 
tita? Of Diofterides aes: Galeopfis, and Sero- 
phiubaria altera of :D. 
a fome Sefano, serocanty re not properly : of 

ers: betes oes fin Daich SB, Aieonies crupyas 
ia Bi —- sy Water Betonic : 
in’ Youth Bi ho ae 

Phe ern abures a 
“NW ater Betoniti is horand dries . Pah 
% The-verthes. : 
The leaues - be tries are of afooetng A 
enfing quali very goo foule and : 
ing vicers:, hpecilly the iuice Boiled 
honie. 4 

Icis reported, if the face be athe st thie B 
iuice, shaeae it taketh away the rednefie = — 
miti¢e of it, 

ase = 
7 ONS 
He NS 
i al 
o tiegcen lf grent ae or Kern woort. . 234° 
Serepbalaria mato 
“> <A p84 . Zari. 

Great a 
es if 

ace me se 

wae! Spores 
here is another Fig woort EE ser crophu- 
se herbs hath many and great braunches, 
heere andt A pais full of 

eae faf fhion lik e the wilde or commo ra 
ftle, Burale optic ito pass: song the =: 
leaues appeere n fathion like an 
ho ode, on aie a a faint colour ae ake 
in intermixt w: ith purple, le, which bein plallen and 
, there come in ‘place e fm allie 

wi ten 
hatdeto breake,and fharp pee eee point, sated: 

1: hi-lee onmnelece finall feede like vatoTime. The whole plant perifheth at the firft ap- 

proch of winter. 
xz y # 


D Ly ra a) 

+ me $e The place. ; i 
TL io. J 7 . $ 1 < ae A ral 3 -; } Pp oe 1s a! ats, *. ‘4 
OOS: Obs ‘s PRR ¢. 34 ty C ayn ghd} 
is : hei? ea and alfo in Stowe 

ON spa 

‘g Pie ‘ v.38 
woode,and Shotouer neere Oxeriforde., 0!) 4! 
Tl ret T, LESTE 3 4 ,. ye 

g ge “ Paris by bbe Sobip the Ricoh oa 
= : : Pi pie: 5° Dart, and 
now groweth inmy garden, 2 % The time, Wie. Pee a =~ 
- They dower in lune and Iulie. - » 7 ee) 
; ; cole The mames. care, 
1) r 1] is called in Lati Gg, » 5 pare ® * oy ie J 
Figg eH hick tc Waictle called ee ‘ ee! that it might differ from 
the lefier C : Scrophularia,with this add inor, the lefler: it is 
toalled AE aaie iioweie be, drt fa vin Rn A G KX, ll .. see 
ug g | > =) Os kote} z) 4 WOOT, 
ee %& Thevertues. (abe 2 ai 
TE Ro Be } a eee 1] 1 hs ches ’ 1} re, tere v3 
Fah sae te Ss Sa : 3: ps . a ee 
Wd 2 y Scop 5% t againtt thofe difeafes whereof it 
Al oe Ly et os hE 1 Iftsn 12: ch id atl 
: 5 | f g thoides. + RM 
Ty ] Mh}. 1 1 fe T. 1 4 e 1 1 r, ay: om * — 2 
: : Ps > t=) i pit xeepeth a 
manin health, I sea 
- < 4 om: ms a Py oe ees 7, eh Pe cc fac 
f . 3 - t Gal 
L L 4 i L Be if At 1 Mpa ges ! es aay 7.5 } ig 
2 J a J i 2 é a 
1 boned } | Leo} ria ae | oy 1 ft n 

Of Veruaine. Chap.235. 

The kindes. 
a. i ry } oe a... 

< % LT L es 7 CT. < 
Veruaine as Pi 5 7 
vpright,and creeping, NPE eta 
Z 2 Verbena facra, 
Holie Veruaine. 

1 Verbenacommunt, - 
Common Veruaine, 

Verte Afr ates b+ 


gs Bee 


%& Thedefeription. 
Sewanee Veruai if h fro! I t fi cat e -d, afoot high, feldome 
aboue cubite, : ‘ oerads atl 5 : , eee 

tle. aibadey orderly pla laced : the roote is long with Fai growing on it 
3 Creeping Veruaine ce foorth ftalkes like the former, now and thena cubite lon eas 
more flende 4 ‘ort eae mo ack 18 we e gtc 

aber ° Ct LI j 
are 1 ey phy Pr eiiae 4 Het gM ESE f ll, 
eee ge a5 2. t eas ‘ 5 
a The ne 
Both of tk illed pl hich waies if In hy ditch 
Both of g t a = > * es; eo 
almoft euery where, 
% Thetime. 
The Veruaines flower in uly and soot 2 
% The names. 
lled in G 5 Hereulania. FE. 

of! lone Matricalis, & Her cbtene of sac Veruena, & Sacra herba, Verbena’ are eae bach were 

ping called | Sagmina, hich oftenti ioned in Liuie to be graffic hert 
the cai SERS L 1 L L rovh Qr0 “Be Bs 0 YW 2 a : 
capita a a nase F Lo tare re 
4nd 7, E iP Take herbs here 
FO 5 1 T, . Sp v7. ~ 1 1 ane 1 1 Buy. L. 
hert. irri ta J aes} | ES ay! a6 ral ea j me AA 
te, as. as Donatusfaith. InS Pee M1 i I, pp AE bs ry, : PRE tin Pe ies 
L os b 2 z SEC LCN, 
Enelith I » M {t bloude , Holie herbe, and of fome 
Pisenn, ef 5 ‘ye 3.3: ¥ } gq fh: >, WG is , 3 
J o as. > t=) r=) o a * 
Po - 
% w Throne. 
Roth theV, , ae 1 q 1 

sf . 
ant % The: vertues. ~ 
te A >, 

(i . L te g greafe, Jj a> nF ig A 
oda pac of es sbeing applied there - 
ofes ftamped cha litle eh e,and emplai fered fer 
senamerot pultis , nok er = oe onan 2 , 
away them not t 2 pti E itt Grenie. 9 tame ide with ho gore leh 
vicers, “egies a - 2 

baa Teported to be of fi ingular force againft the tertian and quartaine feuers: but you muft ob- C 
ito bies rules to take iuft fo many knots or a rigs, andno more, leaft it fall out fo that 
Salient ities ea ch no harme by it. Many odde olde wines fables $ are written of Ver 
ti tending to witchcraft and feces hich you may reade elfe where , forl am not willing to 
Anehy our cares with reporti triflesjas honeft eares abhorre to heare. 

ehotie maketha tgatlande of Veruaine for the headach, when the caufe if the. infirmitie e 

keepeth beibe amped with oile of roles and: vinéger, ot thedecogtion of i it made j in oile of roles, D 
: iia hs ate sbein: ngbathed or anointed there ewith, - 
fteth h fiftulaes. 3th wa- -E 
Theat olde sors and taketh away the heate of. infammatio : 
thevicers of the les Gick: geth the! toothach, : and fallesh them, andhealerh F 
Teport fai Df) gb Dep ae aay te) 0s Mee REET : asses 
hathbeenet ge ith Plt, cage =] ey fp regress - a ‘ G 
| — wea - Moft 


H a r. J 
L a pd 7 : } bss 1 L Be ay ey p Le ry Pie the plague; 
a Pe Wek: fn be Cc. 1." ae 7: oe See father find 
RE SS AER Dene FTE PON Tan: qi: 3 \ Me atall;for 
Tr > nite igi 
Of Scabious.  Chap.236. 
eet The kindes. 
Here be man eh p ps ya, Pn > Se te r, pea ys ghee ing ee * 
% a ry ~@ é +O AION 
from hisfoile orcountrie. . ® : Me? 
I Gains vulgaris, 2 Scabiofa minor,fine Columbar, 
mmon Sc abigus _.....,... The {mall common Sebi 

SS SA. S ; 
ogo =e % The defoription.. 5 hors 6 
53 Ag, @ He fir ind of Sabi einghe Re n.& beft knowen hath leaues ion 
ie ase  featatpayih ae airie colour, eek ad vpon the ground, among wi 
: ee Sval, A se therpor omens blew do wer, Se neue uttor 

ite and : TAs we 

islike\ 7 to vt forme, ting othathisl eae are not a car 

altogither| peesleaue Y.gtows spot fa foo! 4 

inde of Scabiouss inall than hoggbte Ee 

rther abroad, an Sle hice rate -thruft rogither, and thelo ml eee 
riagged. oe 

Peaieettads and weake tiem, »hauing ae eal at eae of the ‘4 

iagged, <almoft hike vnto ieee or Tat ches Als 9 - andar the top ¢ ot 


Seabiofa medic. 4 Stabiofa campestris fine fegetun. 
? Sade Seabious. gt 5 pee Comat Scabious. ab 


me ai. 
s at ia) aS 




t Pea N i 

< BY, ine 

“¥ Scabiofa lore pur pureo. 
: Purple flowred Scabious. - 

x aN os ee 
i i 
¥ 0 

i = THE PaO FON? TH 
he defeription 

5 Puple — Scabious hath a cought nhaii ftalke , whereon do gonch og $n: deepely 
Lief oo 

- int 
the top « ade falkes, pofed of 1 he; ple th ma shes 
ge (es tees ee PO Ee + . 
ae fixt fort of the {toc ode 
yan euen to the midi rib, ‘gh = es" in tee like the idors of Backs shone 
among wh. 
a ol it J 
“ei montana. 8 one f montana latifolia 

“Mountaine Scabious. ,. Bro leafed mountaine Sabin, 

EE oe a age =F a ~ The defeription. } - hig eee, 
the firft Scabious, but far g gre: ater, The flowers es at the top of chefs 
thers , Seesl faint yellow colour, which fall as fooneas it is ane with 
y it mightilie increafeth , not ithftandin mi 

ecres ,and 

. 9 seabiojs 


% . - 
ig, c > - ‘ . : D . eh «dak 
a 9 Scabiofamaior Hifpanitae 10 Scabjofa peregrina. 

| Spanith Scabious. gp!» ww" Strange Scabious, 
é Se nt AR 4 
> anaths eo Ya Se 
is i? on - ) Psa 
SHC Rete (LWW : 
pice Be 


Br OR 
Vm S 

5 Scabious, 

‘ =~ a 
11 Scabiofaomnium minima. 12 Scabiofa minima 
Se Hairie fheepe 

Sheepes Scabiou 

% The defeription. 
9 TL PSY, PE See Tel. Sas be 1. : @,.,L% JI } 
fundric ee | ng Q@,l J] : x 1 gr 1, fi ipt CAL fedly & 2 {gaat 

¢; The flowers are “s at a top ‘of the naked fies, en a Abate colour; 3 which bei ein ae 

Sets appeereth likea tuft of {mall bucklers, round, and fomewhat hollow ers 

were of parchment 5 v very ftran Inge to beho! olde : znd within the buckle erst ther ‘a fundry {mall 
cro. offes of blacke f. , 
ofaneedie, Theplant dieth atthe beginning of winter, and mutt be Fyne in "Apa! Jin goodand 
fertill grou nd. 

1 120.1. .£ od ftalkes, 

ae roote, and flowers, and di ffereth 
in that, that this oe hath leaues ie withoue: SRE cuits or iagges about the edges, butis 

YW j 

g vpon the grounde, whereupon d 
poss leaues very gual jag pir or ‘minced euen to ae middle ribbe, of an ouerwo: one, 
ets growe at the top ofa bl 

cL Seats B Er h } s | fp Daa oy « 

Se flare 
Thefe kindes of Scio doe —— in allie’. medowes , corne fieldes, and barten fandie 
grounds almoft eu euer His 

j 1 n a. 7 J 
o od 2 d oe oC +7 
x The time. 
They flower and flourith in the fommer moneths, 
ve Nb RAINE Se 
aces : 1 WJ ey ae : tess’ Jy> et a: ee 
J > Ea se oO 
b Id I faith A laws Barb , whetherithe 
Sebi lhe dthel rm Sg {macke of hich bei doth kill 
| biofatob *fnide his Stabe: bes A 
ve deferibeth Stebeby ni | Il,being lyk ; 
of ee ages at ch hus : There is found ft fhrubby Pe on 
ee [St x eRe ia W 2 P pa {. ll L mig a W 
Colymbade. "0 bi tls: abe,fin aot Iro] y Peay ees, ieee | tt i hedoth 
* eppaee Gee sails A : 
differ from that, ofwhich hea thn 1 his booke of the facul fmed hich 
- 4 RR Pee pies yore AS | bees ts vin 
tote | Ww ithout Masses to he 
that it cannot bevery sees 
% The temperature. 
Scabiou I): 1 Cee aay aS ie) L Epes ap ee 
f~) 3 
a thinne tb il i h, attenuateth, keth thinne, and thorowly concodteth 
and ji humours. 
a Thevertues : 
AL ey VW a 1 LA Ch ath, paine 
= ee iss 
ae issn fuch ike infirmities of: the cheft. ; 
Thefa Tors Roe Se oe: < which hap- 
a an fe ee i oe eae eee Noor * ase 
1. fe fe eae Qa: 1 cL. 3 1 eae jandche inice 
bi 5 RSS | iW. ats }- tes 3: Pe: ae Sen EN £ Serpents anf 

Theinebeig dake ony Senet Pee vith Treacle and it fheedily confine 
ight 0 be forceable,and that againftall peftilent feuers, 

sh HESTORM@OSR @UANTE 11" $87 
ea sé Diuels bit.“ Chap.237. 

fs Diaboli. “3 ait span a 7, Ni 
Tact ras ae ne : % The de stription.. 

op sg NAN SNES Tuels ee eae Verighe tounde ftalkes 

ee eps hs a D fa high , befet with Po6. leaues 

be hioodk very little or nothitig 

ey \ ~ fomew 
WwW --) } the ed 2 » 
XY ff The flowers areof a darke purple colour, fathio- 
Qyr . 

is fo beriefic aH kind,” 

The ek 
a iuels bit oven in -drigpned Fm oods, 
Siw ies fides, I haue found pen finre 
oft growing * Hamp eede. Wwooi sneer sae k 
don, at Leein Effex; and atRal inEfiex 
wo i. called Hammel, and tupei¢ other plas 

ke The tim ‘ 
Tt dowrethin <ek se ohardew e be known 
from Scabions sawing when it — 

Itis éotamon! yc called Morfis Diab boli,or _ 
bit, of the root(asi itfeemeth)thatis bitten off. Fo 

e me it woulde cs as a for -manyy vies: it. is-calted of. chet Boga in, 
‘abDIS: in ites FoR aw vyelles nee in French aderg dit ADishias vnEaghfl 
at z :; ai rather 

shot gene ——— thai in el 
Bee 13 WOIO} - Tai ei The vext é sigh | 
: bate epi ‘ils ai “Elect 
fick eee 

— thas Wicketh inthe ia sy itdige oe diese sands B 
y the ere in, thofe part a ae ee fren heldein the 
fpe So lait eo Rofes be pur into 
us erneth for canitebeok. natlelle Cc 
‘ dileafes, confyane sand 

web bed a vi 4ST. 

mscliditor winde if thedecoe-D 

fie ath 

a Cee 


gn sas prom? ts 14h se: S16 213¢rof 


Of-Meatfellon,or Knapweede. Chap.238. 

I Lecea nigra. 2 Isceamaior. 
pi ieee ie: Great Matfellon. ; 



j ope Cription | 
I f Atfelon or blacke Siinapweide le, is doubtleffe a kin de of Scabious, as all the others ate;it- 
tuled a the name of hes er for were 3 haue et Bode tofet them ie 

ina ieee ull chapct hepa with thatkinde which is called i th Knapweede, 

= pies Materfilon. It 3 Jour,in fhape 

like Diu els bit, ro fet <8 afta, two cubits high, fomewhat si cut or fg 

: [Cn i ont g fi 1 Cc. 9 ae Br loee sammie 
a 2 ay flower, roote is —— and ft thort. +‘ 

y the The abayperendsaore Is ep Z sete the. ms but that the ‘hake pn is sans 

Stay eS BE CAfarlalt; eed latt 

Eeigemmnsedne that =n flowers of is pant are oe saci faire eo lome elo go 
hac ofafcaly head or nop, pia prickes, not to be rouched without 
fe flower is of icing and very fweete ; rening as and crecpett 

whet by meanes whereof sot Narbontls Frac Se NS wo esbisigh é 
pas ties Jom tant = ee es re werymuch 
iagged , in forme of Zomchitis, or Spl ee Pipers f che Knapwee 2 

ofapurplecolour, 3 | 3 mets 


3 Jecea maior lutea. 

4 laceamontata, 




2 Ly, : a & a 2 



6 Jaceatubersfae 
Knebbed Knapweed, 

Ga Ps 
“yy yy GEG 


4 pe + Gat 

b see Wet § Cohrerte hae 



3 ses pei 
"TL , as a IT’. WW ¥ 
5 if ; ftalkes sand Tonte. aes 
FS ROU | * peetss 6s 1 L; aE T tT" ya" €s:the flo. 
Z ‘ 
ae Tl 1 1 LL. ‘ 1 being fet foorth by hs Mossgeat uta s 
thefe parts, hatl | { j , rough, deepel ge 
1 ay 4 £6 pee ay ee eens L fae} fl. ike, galhtor och 
Ll 1 1 4 j Lolibel, I jaa | : 
(eee 1 op ee "1 Ll Nad 
y 9 a 2 
and tuberous Gti f, wal thofe of the Aft 
ng o d o 2 
% The place ; 
Th C0 1. Wad} } 
=) 5 

* copes \b. 
ey in Iuneand bale AS 

The later ter age doth callit Zacea eens, ze foot a or it Ld We van ; 
orPatncie, whichi is likewife called Lazea: it is alfo calle d Ma te oe and Mas wait of | 
i % 

RT The etemperature and vertu ; 
hefe plants are of the nature of ee whereof ab be Kindes 2" ser their Eg 
teat notfo mh to phifickes vie, 
A sgn the fivelling of the Vimlag vas is Di uels 
vertue: ae fantattical and oolifh old wines tales hauie beene Siam be of theancients 
which we commit to obliu 

| = yg 
oo “Of Si lad» Roepe. “Chap 230 ee 

<4 Stobeargenteamaior. 2 mien 
> Great a 2 ae tae os wait aH ; 

Conk A Gat fT te ipees vite) 8S 
Dyrrte ; 5 ae z 

Ee Se ee ee 

ia a ee 


Ss a! 
eb gi ang it fal towarde hee top into oer twiggieb ran Se on thet eae 

% The defeription. : 

bet fp. il A j ~ Rtg a ct Sg 

eee eS filuet Knapweed hath at his firft comming vp diuets leaues eat ge? + 

DICeLY a! te AT - 
Tee a Cel. 1 

her of d 
Aattellons, of: a gallant purple eden con- 

¢ i 
row lowers fet in {caly - 
Lemaper 31 gS } Vy Te Fe hae as } } } ROR AR tO aa Bg 2: 
mo ~ >) a 
ry os L A PLE a A re a J ee Wy Tila PNA (ENS: 7 Sea | ; ies 
eames: 9 ON = ES 2 oS t n 
pre 1 ee eg ae 1 Co fe ee ivf 1 c rd ‘ 
pec, g are more iag- 
tral q f lL h ete ee EROS 
o 2 GING: 

2 ihelec Abad 
ged and the filuer | 

rence, . 

é ‘ 
rt. 3 Cf. fr. °. £44 tL? . ry ’ 4 : 
Thele do g' n g , andin vntilled places , bur 

. a . ] } ee pe, ae Ll : } S 
hey ar 5 5 ) 40 sf 
se The time. 
TH . pS PR ra ak a RG RY pee WE one dap te, ae 1 
rad LAS of a 7 / § 

; cia is oe of Obe lines Srebe jalomamtcs ca Dodoma Aly lanthes, that 
without leaue: = eee ns dde: Ss without any leaues atall: 
2 @ 

% T. hn ante eens 

“oft blewe Bottle,or Corne fst * Chap.24,0. 
% The kindes. 
Tis diuers forts of blew Bottles, differing onely in the colour of the flowers, shale 

% The defeription. 
I Penta he 8 cect ee hae en ae SA ee eta. 
phe heane® 36 15 wi * 1 ts d , Fock Ce = 
thed with fiich leanes a enextthe g ion ty tops aries Reade bad hen we flo- 
aetna I 
the Knap rh seeing =f diuers litle ioe ‘fetina nario us ske or rote sa thofe of 
i d fhinin: g. Thero oot 
tough,and ) ely into 
Me sc lnern ie rereby egret incteafeth, es ee : ? 
mitigate like thofe of Come Scabious:among which sfeth vpaftalk dided 

men atsot non tal, The flowers growe at the top. a the lt a blewe colour, confi 1 of 

ining and wra Pag TL £ WV = eS 5 PS 
it peed his ge oe é ae > 

; 2 Cysvus vulearis, 
Common blewe Bottle. 

2 Cyanus albus. 

White Corne flower, 



a The Acer iption, 

3 ® Bs 0: > ix 1 Ct a a 

Lice ay te the di te 3 
The fourth bottle is alfo like the precedent,not sig in any point butin the flowers, foras 

© ] ay e thefe are of a milke white coos, 
: which exeech foorth the difference. 
5 Cyanus Violaceus. 6 Cyanus Variegat. 
Violet colourde Bottle. ‘Variable Comes dower. 

\. Sesestg % The defer iption. 
5 Thevioler --} IR ~o} nr qa. < yy ky +. Rally , leaues, feedec sand 
| ny: | #0! ly lifference i : aetie ho: he ie ps ee > and the scheek 
6 Watible Com Aree pe py 1 _ AW ; 3 4 
Pap with wordes ,onely th fare of twocolours mixed t gither , that is, : 
cand oh wherein it differeth ne ther vel 
fection om the other, but onely thar the flowers eer are ee a yak titi colour and vets verie 

t Come flower is like the recedent , without’ any difference ‘at all, fing inthe 
cn Sones, the which are a a se purple colour, that {etteth foor rth the diffe. 

= : Pp x _ -7 Cyanus 


7 Cyanws carulewsmultiflor us. 8 Cyanus 
Doableblewe Bottles, DoilepenicBonie 


The firft fet gone in my gatden,and in the — of Herbarifts, but not wilde that Ik 

knowe of. 

Sabb, cho fieldes eee tee Rie, ees and other graine: it mo ae ae 

on —— 

sa , 9 
= L LIL lt 

* The time, 

"TL Tua. fe ae, | L. Pasne . 9 ft it 

% Thenam 
_ The olde Hetbatits called it Cyamss fo, of the blewe bess —_ it naturally hath: 
Be sees ne aa — 


: moftof 

and tuming 

ee 3 Fior conc pe ite ei Seris ed Berber vote, sat haifa - apt ling oilew though 
Sy itfhoul 

(3 J 
~ GC. bY; OS RY Ti. Si rR 1 
bay 2 

a Baer aa rte 


ei. Si ththere isno vie ofthem in Phi- 


* idee leaue the reft that mightbe faid toa further cor actilee? Notwithftanding good “ 
ture { 

“Of << eae or we to ae at noone. (hap.241. 
The defer: 

fomething colde, and therfore 

z ie G ¢ n ta hollow ftalkes fmooth , and d of a a ich 

ohh Er ae AEP g! h Cg apelie do 

ficke + 


licke: ig te bofome of which ae thruft foort! 1 fmal ll tender Ralkes fet with the like leauies, 
leffer. f th 


n tharpe pointed greene leaues S$ 
thewhole flower efenbleth diane nas it is Bipect abe fori thucteth i it felte at tv si - =< 

uponitwasc Sealin d Got o be d atn 1, KR +t 
2 blowe “all like ~ of Dandelion, that is caried awaic with the 
x Cc } Pe | Be ee iui a sae 1 
TOOW to) A say : 3 bis 4 L 1 
forte this feed Idi 5 as doth all the 

reftofthe plant,an ‘and peatech when the park is ripe. 

heath hath, and alfo yeeldeth like quantitie of milke, ices cele the aie wise i it 

ie fall 
isge shill ll h f. tc Id I} ] and fuch 
1 “ age 4 hall L 7 Ett 6%: 1 hy Son sg 
as ge o 
6 I Tragopecon purpureum. 2 Tragopogon 
Purple Goates beard. Yellow cap ea 

= | Veg) 

‘ ‘ * “ we juste, b 
womumedeg Savi ee peop etsy 
3) This finall fort of Canes. ' 

ade eae thicker an and gro er :among which rife vp feet ae the tops wheter do 
fpovticeag theothers dos flowers Siu acheter wie The whole € plantys yee -Ideth a pulkis 

4 Pp 2 Trago- 

7 . a4 Cue 


3 Tragoprzo 
Little < rene % The place. 
WZ i > The firlt —— not w mre in eB eat 
~ FANS pt euer * hire 
A : NE vpon the rs of the riuer Cine aed ynto 

my Ladie fre hir houfe , O° miles fiom 
wees is ie inisfe owen in guidensfoldibaee 

° y where, Thevothers 

ve ae a and fertill paftures’in mot 
places i 4 It groweth plentifully in moft 
of the fieldes about London, a oe the 
med edreffe , Detforde , andin 

dowes neere vnto pte — diners other Shik 

They flow rand ourith fom the beginn: 
* ofIuneto np pave of Auguft a ing 

Goates oe is called i in 5 Greeke opagpmabyey: 4 
Latine Barba Hirci  & alfo Coma : in high Dutch 
——- aerts in| low Dutch Jofephes bloewensin | 
c, and Sa i 
fricazin cali trap arba Cabruna:in Engli 
beard lofephs me r, Star of Terufalem, Noone. 
at neone, 

aN tide, and Go to 
i \ Pe emperat 
> i Thefe heibes aretemperate eb heat and 
= moifture, 
% The vertues. i 
beardeboiledin wine anddrunke , affwageth the =a RAL 2 
* eset egies 
‘The fame boiled in ge! vntill ae! be tender, and buttered as as and Carrots are a | 
moftpleafant meateand wholfome, in delicate ta fe fart re {urpaffing either Parfnep or Carrot, 

which meate eecik appeti te, "ratmeth t the ftomacke > pi diea. Seay in confumptions, 

of Vi; ipers graffe. aS 242. 
#T he kines. 
T gale fhallbebewed, ty = 

he defer, 
* Hefirt ofthe oe eras, hathle pa. oe cane me or full bodied, vneeuen about 

> Scorzoners or Vipers 

the edges, tharpe pointed,with a high fwolnerib downe the middle, and of an ouerwort 
en ane to aie colour of Woade ane which bleh vpa ftitfe falc ei 

Pie ean e a ales, ear of many {mall yellow leaues — eee togit: shee 

pir as ate thofe of Goate: eofitis akinde, as are allthe reft that ae ollow i 
prefent chapter: the roote is ing thicke veri¢ brittle, <continuech m a yeeres yee elding St ike 

« Eeale oftooNe Bile ot F , as do the cleanes allo; : 
vnto the Goates beardes. 

The dwartfe Vip {fe diseredhin not from the sciasiaae Gog that i it is sali 
wheres cecal eadliat the difference : 1 vipers 


Pos = e 2 Viperaria humilis. 
1 Viperavia fine Scorzonera ip 4 
J shea Vipers grafle. Dwarffe Vipers graffe, 
Ge i \ 
MN \ 

pa RR ; en q 
3 Viperaria Hifpanica. 4 Viperaria Hiffanica humilis, 
Spanith Vipers graffe Dwarffe Spanith Vipers graffe. 

The defer iption. 
he Spa nifh Vipers ratte hath Boe ss fharpe pointed, vneuen about the edges, ofg 

btewith alee colout: zthe ftalke rifeth 1vp to the height of two cubiess on the ta op he cof ods 
tana > ef 25 a ball agai = x of a real 
goo ood aus vy okey bh] ¢: bearde, Thee is 
Srielongan fullof a milkiei inice,as are theleau 
4 he he dwarffe Vipers grafic hath agreat, thicke, a roote, full # eh. fappes the € vpper part 

g ring vp diuers long br, 
is 2 “11 } pe AG tp 4 ‘li 1 5 SERRE CDI. orRibwookt sthe ftalke grow = Fs 
1 1 vg. la ri * 1. 1 cna } J 1 ll 
Viperaria Pannontca. gts fti lia 

: ce aus oe “xhooe leafed Vipers wef 

=. — ly 3 Ps The defeription, Senge ida yee 
= peace leafed Vipers graffe of Hungarie, = : fo maeeye vnto >the othe 
BS Pete and flo be sare alfo like ; the leaues a Se pace fhining, crumpled, ws 
“se h the differen 

hathlongleaues ikevnroth thofe of gs 


© The place. 
Enel Fs tas jal pA IRS We | é ; . 
N 5 The reft 
ee 72> 
are nk op in their oe titles. 
% The time. 
la “1 fF. 1 Rita 
They 4 0’ 
x The names. 
< i. -F 0 t ¢, 1 1°21 se +s ~ : ; 
Vi % ea: a > ine Viperarit,or Vipe- 
s coppbiaris, { Hedt fe itol ££ 1efh Mt i 
aera “eg ars NAS oe ee cies oe! aeptet. 
ri highorlowe D D i ee } . } Hoey; Vndots Sam Beers go Peer ee aaa 
tine ag C J- ¢ “4 ed We rapa ALEA 
may Vipers graffe, 
T he temperature. 

They gre hot and moift as are the Gihies ns ist 

Iti is reported tk thofe of _geatndgemen, that Ke graffe i is moft excellent ag: sinft the A 
i fyi 

mnie pies t ofvi- 
ry, ee RN kK -_ } .% L . 2. 
. A u 
en eatin E rs ta any i Sopainc HOt COTE ES. yet haueT heardetat they 

“‘Tehe clpet ththe ie of the hart , and fich as ve to foune much , it — alfo them that B 
haue a sneer ficknefle,and fuch as are troubled with giddinefle oftheh 
cing eaten, either rofted in embers,fodden of rawe,doth Lp aman merrie, and FAT Gs 

butmore funy being ais drefled. . oe 3 Ee 
Of Marigoldes.  Chap.243. 
 & The kindes, 
So ea rn. OCAAnw* TIT. eo . . 7 
doub! 2 fuatt 2 ee sege Sp. La 7 ea, 
Sonatina ersand y le;fome of the garden] Yeas Bate wie 

fome of thewater, whith th th. tke aks cr th 1 Sat wilde, up a Pie 

ae that ftande about th 
forth c about the edges of the flowers being fowen commonlyb 
Patines 2whereas contrariwife thofe feed les inthe middle are leflér , and for them val 

common déuble Mari, ‘olde h ative manie fat, thic } {ic 
Sn: ereupon do > double yelore a eae © me ft part 
side es unch of threddes thicke thruft togither , which being paft -t ee fach — 
thetera, as the firft def fecbed- The roote is thicke and harde , with fome threds 

Pp4 3 Calenduls 

1 Calendulamultiflora maxi 

r nA. , 2 Calenduia maior polyanthos. 
The gteateftdouble Marigold. The greater dob, Marigot 4. 

: Ne AN WE i 
“Cy WV pas Wee S/S 

LF Fi. 
< Zar 





3 Calendula minor polyanthos. Calendule multi bicalité, | 
_ The fmaller double Marigold, ‘ Double Gl be Magelte : 
= SAGs Vas : Te a 

4 persion © 
etn. Br 


% The meets 
ome Li. AA 4 be} ~ oe | 
gin = Bits 
, fem orf ania ft d fat le fi The flowers 5 grow at 
the top of ere anche verie double, but leffer tk ‘i i onfitt 
ved ofa faire yellowe gold colours the roote is like the precedent, i 
4 The Globe flowri a dee arigo old h y larg > tifing liately foorth of 
thegroun de: among which rife ftalke of the height ofa cubite, diuiding ir felf lett 
> ne ame ie peenithed ith the like! but confufed} | 
Nall . } hI }. Fe mi 7 L é Cc =, ~ 
1. 1 a 1 i, TAL rp 1 ary 
ee lyord aS eg Pe so ic Px 
a . 
isla polyanthos 6 Calendula fomplict fore, 
Are coloured double Manigold Single Marigold. 
"WZ, 3 

AR Thederipion. =e othe 
2s die nsf ce rbd faingin the colour ofthe 
, Ree ve ftrawe otlight yellow colour , and the others 

one ae 

Id with ane qian didgeeth ish ‘from “dhol with gil flowers oxi 
leaues which we terme Shige aa eens the differe a 

7 Calendula prolifers. 8 Calendula maior 
{ential aan ~*~ Tacke an ai backe; 

be aS The ede vpn 
7 Tafa or r much bearing Matigolde, i is likewife alledofd of a vila fort of women I lacks 

an awe 
flowers, ae plant doth bring foorth atthe top of theftalke 0 

Fey ‘ys 5, Codon . 
in dtethapeotha foe 
the other Matigoldes, from the which ftart foorth ne other. {mall flowers, ie likewife, 

by chaunce , as eabyied aes liketh to plaie flowers,or as children are borne with 
two t fuch like, which liuing dren like vato otherss 
euen fo of ceteeot i Mati =e whi wie eer git bringeth foorth not one flowerin a 

8 The oper full Mar 5 g kinde , comming by chance fromthe 
- feede of the double Ma: 1 for th oe ae (eede of fingle 
wers,wherein confifte the differenc : 

Alpitho or ‘mane Magli, > which 1 LObelins | fetteth downe fo fears 

; A 3 and 2 
rather refe ao if tao Se ee 1 1 ee me oreo ttlert itin this 
place, leauing tl fideration thereof nto —_ dly Rea vaca further confiderations 
bicaufeitis ap! 1 pee, T ¢ sot ath a thicke roots 

- growing aflope vnder the vpper cruft otic of an nar = ee or ‘pie tafte, ¢fomwhat PY 
ting,with many threddi aa annexed sa ftom which rife vp broai e, thicke, pe aie 
leates,ofan ou rhe greene olen snot ynlike yntothofe of Panis — which 
‘ rine with les le nth! 
edges with fmal!! Ieyliws ) 
d of 



igoldis lik 1 lefler,& the whole 

Spat thet approch of winter, ie tecouereth it ie againe 7 filling of the feede. 
clendule alpi Calendula arwenfis. 
: ie ioe Marigold "Weir. 

% Theplace. 
rat cain eed 

Pye other } L = fats 

Thats Madin 1:3." 4 Eee ee} 
titles do fet foorth their naturall being. : * ; ois 2 
% The time. 

The Marienld a tc Ae! orpoe y: +. OME Se a Sos ae 
t=) = 

The Marigolde i is called Calendula : it is 00 bo feene to flower in the Seepndss snot eve : 

Mel called hry ease alos 
gibin stl od ge come : 

ollia Lut Eota pt. ngit Va 

a altha, 
ey trms vp her garland is yale eee 
leV — moft Sahel to behold. 
Is 10 ea thefe words ¢. 

| Li 

Candida Leucoi. ja Lumina C. 

oe white, 

And Marigo Vee a Pe he” 

aman Gromphens Pling ‘in Dich Goat blaemen! in high Dorch Bitmtebs 

: Saf fe  Goude it Fealian Pa? oe Sr eteNarce ds and Ruddes, F 
The The vertues. 

kek ture 
samme Searle is of temperatiite hor,almoft in the fecond deerce etpecially when A = 
aint pe is thougheto then 9S confetti &to withftand poifo fon, as alforo bi a 
any waie > 4 hath written , that being drum! 
2 conden 

cSt the fine tot expelleth the 

cs ‘SECOND eo oer THE 

ee a ee 
“9 ke RIB Pac ea L ee + Salle 1. Ce by: of the 
rc 1 1 ve re 34 r Ee - = ie | 1 ty ure they mo}. 
Ane Ws ae ifthe mouthbe wafhed with thei inice,it helpeth the toothach, 

D tbe flowers and leaues of. Bact being diftilled and the water dropped into red and waterie 

E tf Cthe da 1 fj i ‘4 £4 (hii cureth the ht: ce 
+s: te et a 1, YS al fan bericeir:- ou 
t 3 

E is Ae eS ee } ORE Se eae ee Net 

: t=) hes stoput 
W if Sy L P sd £. 1 a 1 ple ow ao 
into bee aap Phifi e purpofes, 7 1e Gro- 
Sr 31. se 4 | PS ee dA varailedk 1. 

1 L " “Sie ee Pe WW Same! Ts 

cers or Sellers Pe. houles, 

Of Germaime Mearigolds. Chap.243. 

2 Chryfanthernnm latifolinm minus, 
The {nr valler Dutch Marigold, 

1 Chryfaathemum latifolium 
Golden Marigold with the broad leafe, 

%& The defer 
cadet t ocschyvich bring from the roote Tongleave’ 

on with th 
| ots ounde, oe greene, fcconsbiogmgt in he wpa Das 2 obitehigh, , 
three or fower joints, outofeuery one whereof grow vee ; 

aie ep 

fomething hoarie 

] right againft another, 

sewer lkerbeleofOace or the corne Marigolde, 
ig the middle of th ofe of Camomill)bord 


1 i anni (ER Sg Pra . 
waht le. The roote conte of ne fone 33 
forthath fower or Li aH at poe ed hy 
bd ther pao d og Pig Ae : Pie 3 
eae 17,-ha h i> = } oD 
Woe 2 
Bt) *% a tion 
Eee } 1 5 oes Pd tn Pes ea Tien 2 ‘ ae 
iney iy tf ta gets pied 
* Thetime. 
c. ge © a Pity 
They are i 
% The names, 
= WT jee Ry me 
Golden Marigold high Dutch @@Halnibl ume, becabernsaienose AA itto be 
ae NI Seep Se eS Tp 1. 3 Lr Aske 
uy J d 9 property 
L L Ee ake ps LL. thl. i | re , 
JJ di ?/ 4 f alfa, 
%& The temperature and vertaes. . 
7 1 hot 7 L giz : L: Oe 
°° 2 oO 

Of corne Marigold. Chap.24.4. 

1 Chryfanthemum fegetam, 
Come Maio ae 

by oe vy Ny 
SNARK oe AS) = VaR 


AYE SVE ae x 

2 Chryfanthemum Valentin 
_ Core ites ae Valent 

ae pyraer ee a Greene cl, 
t andcutinto diners seca 

eee the top of the branc 

one aa 
Bile Gacpalc ox bortc:ct'e aues fe OH ange . 

tof GLalbtieen Seve tk iddle of Camomill flowers, ake reaiomahie 
sk: te rootes are full of ftrings. Pleafiune 
he golden Bower of Valenti hath a thicke fat ftal is idlenb svneuen, and fomewhat crooked, 
b, with diuers little fethelk hag 
{et thereon without ordet. The flowers $ gto p Pp’ yellow 
mie matter,fuch as is in the middle of the C ill A lik 

olde laft defcribed; fauing it b eof takes that do pie 
ball or head sthe roote is thicke,tough, i die it Eig farre abroade, 
he plac 
The fir ft groweth among co growing. it is found in fomeplaces 
with leaues more iagged,and in Loe 
Thefecond is a ftranger in England. 
% Thetime. 
They flower in Iulieand Auguft, 
: % The names. 
TL Of...) Nott Cc. 1261 1] ] ° j rs 4 ole 
TY a Wey, be ee TY. LAT, + YY ae <4 a i as re AA Fras e ‘1 ai oe 
ay * to) ound Sd 
flower,and golden Corne flower. 
Th L 4; 1 fa} Ned oh Lo 1 I If Dp 1 d LHe | | nr 
footedeheheeh SS Aaa he it eer ~ Vler F tote 
> iu dR t=) 
%& The temperature. 
eis L 1 L ; a L by > ® 
Pi dD t ; 
*% The vertues. ‘ 
Pa fall 7] tf go) aL arsonld Pe REE py ps herhes are. 
4 Thea He’ tobn : { frank fe > and made vp Sek 
B evafteth away colde as hard as 
c _Theherbeit felfe drunke, ing foorth of the bath of themthat haue the yellowe 
rey VW 1 ms 

Of Oxeecie. Chap.245. 

% The defeription. 

: na hich wel led Buphthat 28) ie,! ca na s growing 
a © the rootes >three, fower, ormote, a foote high or r higher, about which be agen cara 
- ftalkes are ereatymuich oe, to Hehe ofa light yellone colour, with yellowe thr eds inthe eed 

dle,after vhiche _ ia — tofr ape = ee defcribedy 
= is i ah butftrings ie 
ie rootes of blacke Ellebor, hel it hath beene aie to beak co eee pred 
‘etithe ‘ounde , ‘ofa light rt ereeacalon laide farre abroade like nines aman eer of verie many 
gre s,fet vpon atender middle: rib:am = ich fpring vp diuers {talks ftiffe and bent 

doe growe faire yellowe leaner et about a head or ball of thrummi je matter . 

\iddle cog momill like ab border or pale. The roote is tough and thicke , w! certain 

ee ther 
3 — Oxe chat {inall vpright ftalkes ofa foote high , whereon do growe long oe. 
oer mall leaues, and thofe fi \ipt t aboutt! the edges lik like the teeth of a dee 

wert Pp 3 ; 
ofis: fol he 1, L 7 Clirele leaves. 3 
2 f » =¢ z 
white, ike tbefeot great Daific { lolid dy, L 4 Elie reate ig longyeeePS ‘ 
Ll 4 1. by L BiB LS 
o 2 7S > | i I apbthalw* 



Bah heptane 

F he oS Des. ZA Ss 

3 aelenan a abn 
Nite Oxe 

1 puphtbaloum fue Hellebor ws niger ferulaccts. 
Oxecie. = y j 


2 Buphth, alnum verumn. 
The WEL, ag cie. 


& Thetin 3 
They flower in Maiea id June. Thelaft in hiv 

be bes, 
~ Touching the amin of this plant the late wri- 
ters are of diuers opinions : fome wou ade to 
¢ a kinde of Bh naira, blac ellebor: 

wi fo) 

like that of the Plane tree, with the feed of ba tard 

re on But itis moft evident, that ney Buphthal- 
ie, which in this chapter we 

bene defied, doth with neithe er of theles 

what forme Con/ili ig or we fin 


not among theo] Avie in he 26booke, 
chapter 7. faith, that in his time it was founde in 
— wasa scent venue theinfirmitic 



Blears of es 


1. 7 
‘millain his 6. booke,ct SY Se Sa SRR i lled Marti, there is vee 
Gates Whi Casey A}, Nerhh d } i ro Re : tS Werle great 
- fr a Cf) of f Il . if they be = bee 
1 1 yeas 1 hins fae thate {on it {t e Ri ya fie 
} itis anorting 
Ca. qe ay ey ae ey ee 4 
; 7 : for Plinie doh ie ein ei 
Bhool. 5.chapter , - GG gL 1 LCitl eth (faith a : 
sceak inca ttell , ificbed i I d tal i fame 
: ow z g 1ale at the 
houre: which i is | fe moft byexy ft 
2 W 

L oe eroots < fi whi 
lebor alfo doe the Ae €5as pads and after tat Hierocles, doth write: who notw: withftand = 

nott tthruft the tootes of white Ellebori into the cate, , but vader cue skin of Ss breft called the 

nhic eK 
2) booko 
pee cattell schapter 12. intituled sOf th fthei iti 1 | ao 
thirde ooke at pt € Malleo h iteth that tt NW Rhea fof igh vis 
the care. WI! do fuffici i ] | findri r & ih. ¢ ae ee 3 
oy ? 
Il followe k y the f { » that o our Oxe ele is Bearcfoote , ica it ai 
SF pty W W Rn “hg j Ke «4 
£. hall I Ree oy PS! ce 5 : fa. R Cc pane C. 1 ee ; 
an ¥ ap Bik Fe Cpe et 5 bi pecs . hate ; 
t ve 
ee i thes we cn this manet —_ curing fi h 
footeto be nothing elfe but wh Ellebor: the ick ifit be foes ‘eat ate ee can ei¢much 
diffe sates refoote ; for itis saoaite garall like to white Elle 
tthe fame is not Sefamoides sei ither } ‘ 1 

ullto At confute 

This famealfo is Aap called erat for that may aptly be ala 7 | 
“a he form fH Askin cole 
Fo ra ut = the name 

_— Buphthalmwn : fe deep iption which is extant ir Boeri, this sonia 
: Jeaues ofthe tical or tine of foe: :the flower is yellow,bigger then thatofCam- 
fuch an one is this prefent plant,which doth fo ule at forme or like- 
neffe of Fennell eae, | bothi in flendernetfe and manifolde iaggednefle of the leaues , asnoother 
‘this s plant fecimeth on] eves right 
lled Cachlay yes 5 rigolde, which we 
3W id re) fans Thai rps } Lohsheem 
sire Comolli yi onal at 
ee shes ms * ita hh def-riptionsof 
~ either of them doin many tne, agree,yet there is no propertie wanting thatmay y fhew the plaats 

to differ. The tether of one tolers are faide tobe diuided and cutinto many f finei agers er 


it S, cr " - Mor reoue er a be 
) a h , but hee elleth noe that ee 
or Oxe cic is a glittering , mie doth the : flower of that have 

s EF na Api oglic Pee | fot L wc PES 
UN7 oh : je,1 1 hi. es the will: andthey 
Commas ight Oxe cic é é ae nit ifthey denie thisto ; 

be Oxecie:forthar which we and others bane detcrbed fo Chryfanthenm , cannot be the wT 
tap lzhalinaglilhes ee fox the lean ues ote clbeteal fuch as ee Z | 
ones tobe, etemperatur 

ncetning the faculties Machi faith, that all the Phifiions and Apoth 

cs, a Sar bfticutes , 

mia, Re the roots of this Ox ane ieee: 
L pro et 

faith he, Idoe remember that I once fawe the rootes Bhs ina fufficient bigge quantitie Put 
by certaine phifitions into decoctions , whic h w nade to purge by fiege, but they pur 
dino more then if they had not beete put in*ac lt which thing maketh ic moft Plait ine, 
i tbeany of th ebors, ] gl Pe ESR! 

> PF Blok 1. Th te) : 
ofcartell for certaine difcal 28 doth cure them lleb erootes of Gentjasd wey Gh 
. cheat * AL i L Cig-38-ye3 4 
yy en igen: of fiftul of {pun bare “CAH ee ds cambprre: 4 508 rmanoter 
or ungeS 

ae 3 
a8. 5 

= ba 

affirme noth ligent Gack core he 
ae : 
*% The vert vtues. 
D ioft ides {ai hy hatthe Al f Oxe ci e1¢e made vpina feiteloth, doh sti and watte 
awaie cold ke by and by afte bathing, it ma- 

keth th nin tho in cy i al red th 1 |B = bl Bike coe W 

o Frenh Merial or A frican Marigold. Chap.24.6. ’ 

wT he kindes. 
Tice iil Ts illofl Aftic; M i Ids; fo wht 
, © Haenidsbp pcswion ir ae Flos: iVbvicakes maior ne 
The great Africane atid eng “The Sy double A fricaneMar gal. 

a | 


% The defcription, 
x pe Saas yee: gr oe ee ee ees ? L m7 Aw 
pe 1, 1¢. 1 1 LL: di a g ic fel f ' i, ot r : Bia batch 
beby couples, 
much like vnto the cies of wilde Valerian ape at 26 eee verie faire Seal double yel- 
ion es ke Role, ofa itro ng {mell, butnot 
t. The flower being paft I fi $24 flat t feede : the whole plant 
eg at ct ae ero of winter, 
Coffin h hi i] is a] ither leffe '5 wherein 

fifteth the ae scace 

£ - Ps r=) > TAN ASMA LOD 

2 Flos Aphricanus minor mualtiflorus. 
The finaleft dapble, pean Marigo 

‘% The defeription. 

3 islittle difference between this and the 
ee laft ae jfauing that this plane 
ismuch leffer, = — more rie 
flowers ,whichm 
4 Thefi “= ge Aicane Mag hatha 
thicke ro theretos 

* from wich Sin MBDA tee ake duanibsek 
and furro of the height of two cubits, diui- 

pak ues , compact or. compofed of many 
leaues like thofe of the Athe tree, of a 

{trong finell, yet not verie ynpleafaunt: on the 
top of Ps braunches doe ‘owe fingle 
flowers , compofed in the middle of a bundleof 

about theedges with a border of yello 

: ate whic h commet eth long blacke feede. The 

a be fowen = as oc omens 
5. the ae & de hath finall, 
weake and eebdes eae eee eae pon the 
Ses » teeling and leaning 62 waie and that 
c, befer ‘ah leaucs confifting of many patti- 


with rhe 

- FA > i -funne 5 
= Be ¢ 4 : eo " be fullof holes like a fieue , euettast 
aint Johns flowers pune 

Fiber ape 9 
fible, butthis waic; laic vpon paper ates coh ardiey colour calle Me cke, which 
drie, laie = with a lictle fatfron ftceped in water or wine, w teth foorth a 
nly the ss The whole plant is of a Mott ane sei ynholfome oahg and vd pee 

4 Flt 

Shae sco apie 611 

Vici flore. ' ricausss minor fomplici flore. 
Tegentnge Prech ban > The sal prbores neh Marigold, fe 
5 <i Sas = 

4 Fle 

5 Tn See 
FFB 1} % The place. O maphad pated pat Ant 
‘ Siw. 5 ~ : : + 
f her fe lue <Fioth : pei gE a hey a > haa of 

hepa tobe fowen in the pane of i Bo if the feafon fall out to ® warme. siecle 

they muft be Shanty in a bed of dung, a be fhewed inthe ¢ cua # we umbers “Fh 

bring footth r ant flowers enibt, a therefore there is the mor ies eto be vied to 


oo bicanfe ¢ they fhall no t be ouertakerr with the foiled before their feede be 

%& The name. 
TheAfticane ot ot French Marigoldis. called: in Dutch: at bloemen: inhigh Dutch Indi: 

pam pthatis the flower or Gilloflower of India: in Caryophyllus Indicus, whereupon 

the anes men call it Ocilets d’ Inde. Cordus calleth it iTenaton Fe eruuiamun, of the likenefle 

tobebre haue with Tanfie, and of Perua Prouince of a, from whence it was fir rft thought 
Gah igheinto Europe, Gefaeruscalleth it Cathe pa and faith t that it is called i inthe\ 
i. r an toons ep ecca | 

uifesisan Aueumne I id bramb| Portis Lacuna calleth i it O- ; 
| - toward inde eis herbe of th ingi : 

rar Aceypt, auing leaues eg ms as Jee were eaten wit mothes. G. inhis 

mete letatt Sinplemed elon 

: ; : _ patients 

aeiy anal folochfome, as 28 Glen hi hitntele dur not: aoesich as tafte oi it, but conieturedit it fe he 



7 t Mi ve 
neere to that on pment voy ss: » 
“& The temperature and vertues, : 
TL , ee A y ps CT Rare pe o 39 L 7, Fels ds La eel no 
a SR c PU eae ke 5 eee nf 1¢ head like 
rs ks z ‘ tOacitis of 4 poifon ‘om & 
aks ie 5 gee he £2 ifeft ed by d [ f be oe 

h he 

author, that 1 did feea asta 
well extremely 5 3 asit ay fen ha ia ynto pe that Bee or piping with q ils 6 

of Hemlockes,do one pect their rlippes: likewile he = swe rae rie 
flowers \ with their cu 

Pet fC} ey aha 

things do declare as ang is of a venemous 7 ee oes faculties and thar thes 

notto be harkened vnto, that fuppofe this herbe tobe an harmeleffe plant: fotoc conic fet 

eo are moft venemous a full ofpoifon, and therfore not to be touched orfmelled 1 
vied in meate or medicin 

Of. cele of the Sunne,or the Marigolde of Peru. Chapa a4 

IE 2 Flos Soli minor. 
Thee get acini flower. he leffer Sunne dowers: 
A Wi SK = mi we POAT, 


Gamma sb" ix : ataaines nant fC 
poe fess 5 Als BREE 
| i f fach ftature feature and talenelles , 

t 3 fafeedein Aprill. it hath rifen vp to che 
inmy ae where one flower was t three pounde and two 
adroit megs oe ——. ones The ftalkes are ee 
ftraight,of thebignedicas D weet 


ia , 




0 pedetion :this great flowerisin 
+) Bee: e ae | : le 

sath C. Wa oe t border of goodly yye nee owe 
Ms ee ea ty Erhed] f white Lillies: aie eae spades it 
P aga 4 zy 1 c. Tar} 

sora ead Pa 7 2 1 "cf. L 1 i | i DF oe or Ha 

P eeorn i ae We ee Lc 1 We ae 

ethfoorth epee fine and cleere’ Venice orton inf ight, hbtanee, aa andtafte, The 

an ° 
whole p ker being brok x Turpentine : when ee tgroweth tomatu 
ta end yin f PI ” blacke, a dlarge, much ~ oe 
Tedeof Gourds, { hougt ing work had of purp placed them i in a goad 
. 1 Cl 1 : 1: 
‘ae .) f 2 
my 1 a. RY 3 q nL 0 Vale | 
«Saget % oy 1 Vib Yn Tthall G i. are Seite = JAR.) ; J 
Lo “QU PR Lie ae ol ai ag ae Jo ner bees a eee ae and th 
J o 4 me 
Ieaues more iagged,and verie fewe in number 
3 Flos Soltsminor mas. 4. Flos Solis minor famina. 
od sage vg flower, \ eg marigold unne flower, 
: 3 % G Y 



: Me, ; : 
i f 

4 ae * The defer iption. Wi Siig 29 
iden of ehetaler a ahah are iia a wood 


thatof the laft defcribed. The whole flower is compafled about Mecweife =e a 

_ fuch 
leauies, as thofe are that do prowe lower vpon a7 pails, bur leffer and n: The be planeta 
Turpent ine, an ¢ flower celdeth fo oth H 
/ £1. h } ¢. * 1} mot ae 
Sug fe Ki * dd Aa... C Tl q 1 
o o t £ od hen itha 
perfected his wr zs 
. iS RE fel L eS : Oe 2 ] 7-Y fe A ie oe 
PETE NS, PES pe SS et CAC ': 3 1 pH le Be 1 Yr. n aie: 3 
MAS “eS at ars j Thea A ys 1 ed oe ee 
x 1 Bie Pot, " as hy ES Sr: 
AL Ls i tL] LK 3 Tr i i: ra 4 
Marigolde, ; nent: feedeas yet 1h ae notobferued, ' 
eTbe place. 
Thee nl y rene rs * nats andin diner } 
oe ra } Ree pee he! 1 es fie: 2 Lot Ber tose 
£ibiLuVo heh ue 
vs “7 r ee ‘: . } tL ba } “74 c PS ee 
E to at 

taine othe height of oie inone yeere, 

I the feede muftbe fet or fowen: i in the begining of April if the weather be Mii , inthe 

* Seabarese 

TL.4d re ee ay Pee es Weer | a = = 
h he which I could bfer 5 although I haue endeuored to 
ae Oue | che Behof is) but I rather thinke j (aia abs J 
fc h led i Solis »and Sol nia 
> 1 
sin 4 : 
. c=) 
the dower a 7 cir ch Sinine ry 
se The temperature, 
Ls ig ee 1. 1 2 
Ba a 

% The vertues. a 
A I y hi gb fer d ither of tt ie! ] writers concerning 
a vertsof ip 3 ithftandi haue f fe by triall, th ! yen 

‘ ~ flov t 
ding a fag Axtichoke i in procuring bodilie lnft, 

ngt taken Late tie 
BS oF g d 2 a $ j . L he ] ike p 

Of Cammiill. Chap.248. 

%& The kindes. 

C1 : o.£ 1 0. cer SNe, Pee 

f hath & J rey Rew a4 L ER at oe: : here, 

% ee 

CES REE Ta) “t “1 lates Se tan 5 11, Loe inlarge the 

" C. eee = Ps ry GAerine they fo 
“10 J; * by W 1 << to fhie fomethingof then 

r Siadtbaahad diobuoke hiteects ps ae soe ee ime 
fee ae eer , 

jeteby it greatly increafct! ors degapaesieteote pare 

5 ¢ : among whiche 
edge with spa ics he mila 
thrums,elof rato of ialtaind ered “aT 

12 ‘ 


: : * The de feription. 

The fec Srihie: of Can nill hath | tt d 
be % ‘goa the flowets Srow at’ ‘the tops of {mall ténder ee, , which are no ky poi but 
lel ¢ thrummic matter asisin, the middle of the reft of theCammonils, without: an aso 
i cnet ginen it this addition Odoratwm. a oe 
r Dea hilenedie: Be . 2 Chamamelum nudum odoratum. 
; } ‘Sweete naked Cammomill, 

| = 



* eee fription, — 
This Camm difereh hot from the former, fauing that the leaues are veri 
techie the middleis but inleleaee 
ae eee and tongerthenany ofth 
fn = hath many flender nals ei ger enany of theothers, 

more vpri ig! t 
tith col 

Th Tes orenbalicn are ofa more. whi a the colour of the leaves of Woade, 


3 Chanaenclum Anglicwm flore multiplies. 4 Chamemelum Romanum, 
Double flowred Cammomill. er RomithCammomill, ~ } 

nis a ake en 1 the Noe 
Somess haue the finell of 

Clean, of om 

: = oe : od 4 wy 
mon, rected debi flowred Ca mom which —— nameis t 
called Cammomill bicaufe the 

__ ofhis flower: omill : it 
= wirov,0r. apices ut 
= ra 2 mil re eee % The emperatares "y ‘ f, _ 2 4 it is of forceto 
~ RS | — Df: 1: rer ¢ arts committe 
meee 5 Mba ese ,? 
oes saint miliar and termpet handfippl cha ada alii 
] Cammomill, : as mm: . £ “ th, forit 
fcljanddeehtile. peo ae 

Po ¢. eh san <a eo ee 0 Gnonlarineliltes- - 
Price rep sis fret diate EST pica, onsale) _ dati ing 

B sac icf all lanittok ache-anikpaines gs,ifhinking 

shina eiyerc dene lixero¢ jhe : 

and coide fivellings.. 12Y, 
Cc aC . Pag ha 
Sigel iarah nea ie, fe ; - 

D- CaeEgs 
it,as Gales = 2 me 

Len nn ae 

pense aes -_ PLANTS. } 

: 617 
oq : di oétion made EXE Wet} J Wil [Wed 3: ’ f E 
‘ me ci ropa eprann — 
he:herb bo ; gi sh 2 tafeth fe seg the heft coding of E 
t Ls che 
teneibe be fieth t Hie ates es 5 br ee G 

lorie sates proncle on the mee iralaieth the em of: emcee TH Hi fiett hax 
sel rawe and ‘eneoaved hie mio rs. 7 ator era 

40.7. ¢ee et — 7 writ eee 
1c wearis 
PES ives peewee ts) SCA fi i peer 2 oe § 
pier x om) <8 ‘ o ° eek > Pp 


of Mai aie iene wild Commo m0 ee nay 

wisd 2¢ 

Seok i Cah hi bargin fail ie Latinte Cotules one 
ie Having i epost Ne 
cue vo Se ie Gaal, ‘which aga h gentleman called r 
ae ae i hell fe of Thanete Be fants. Males 
thehoule of Siz Hemrie Crifpe. "Lik wig Ma oreremembred, found tins 
ofhis Inne at Barnet ne ‘my memorie faile me eet at tthe fi —_ of the red Li 

ox. o 

1 ois lefties 
weed. tA 

% adel ription...; ; 
7 A: fae rey g Lite > greene, =, brittle, and full of j 

tted into 
mon evils ot letaaae 
wider, and ne aoe greene: set ec dowers like in ommend lems 
whale pane ‘Ginketh, and giuetha ra rankeime The 

we Maie cw ath a {mall and sender roote, from which rifeth vp afecbleflle, 


didi ing 3 felfe i into many other branches, 
but thin iP sod ierenen number. T 8 the top.of the ftalkes, of ag iP toes, 
colour. ; ; bij RAR Y i Fo <8 

. -& The place. 

TL om > pl J : L 1 jae 

#0 c z ? 4 AALS, 
% The time. 

Ts flower in Iulyand Auguft. ., 

The nam 
aie weedeis called in fhops Cotule fetida, of Tyran aah Fe > Parthenium, and Virginee, 
ine not truely : of others, avartiis: inhi ight Dutch Arotendill: 3 in lowe Dutch chee ee in 


% The Hanae and verkwes. 

Beate y. 

A Maieweedei 1 e¢, and 
r J IPof tk he like fer in n operation 

Cammiomill, bur nothing at all agreeing iy mans nature ; ‘awit ndini 
gainft meets of the mother,feeing all ftinking things are good agalnttchoted difeaes, 
B- Iris ee table weede among come, and raifech blifters a 3 handes of the the weeders, 
aiid 2 

Of: Pellitorie of Spaine. Chap 35 250. 

+ >ppienapiian intra. 2 Pyrethram eae 
"Perricone “Wilde Pe 

? ‘ <8) 

hee Wis 

yarn: AN WA 
: ve 


%& The sakes 
L ft 
rrethrwn,in Englitl 
other plant, which i is 2 er the true bs peoens or ae wort, and not Pelitorie) Jit 
hath a Sarre gry oe 27 
jiately fror topa goodly flower, fathionedlike 

> ro} vei 
"gh OS Gg ] Tota 

ee white Daifi ie , whole bunch or knobi in the mal is yellow e like ag Est i pa 


ep ao Dhl: 8 o. 

ild Cheruile, ‘refembling the leaues of Cane, ‘“ 

aquice an and nipping t ratte, like the leaues of Di ror Pepper’ 3 
top of flender ftalkes in ff fts or {pok ah at elec Sale 
me ae pier place. pints : 
Irgroweth in my garden very plentifilly. 
%& The time, 
It fowreth and feedeth in Iuly and natin 
% Ti he names. 

Tule aia ot Cnaz, 5; Nl rd 1 rp Cite t. AS 

y i tafte: Athos alfo 

pele. vi Eh 

dats to bie, Pes denna or ey ei ger in e igh and lowe Dutch wseeceam sin 

r i FSpa ine,for that which di keto bethe see isanother inde heibe, 
tT. but vntruly, b cor-. 
rupt copies seating one at one Sather, 
% The temperature and ‘vertues. 
Th CY.N;: cs } 1. uJ , or ne 
14 L. 4 oy . eS oer WP eh a oe 
re) Jo oO 
with a eal dali Drie =e 
=e LB j 
migtim, and continual pence ofthe head, the - diffinefe called Sra, a ee the faling 
fickneffe,the trem mbling of th ‘ 
fg Sag } ade 
Pyreth 1, ae ] Ao eee et Cc 
Thee, .% 4 1 See at oe a a Cf.) nq Cul Lm 
humonre peep CL 1. spd . a Dy een © 3 re } a ¢ Lest. . Boal 
telat ; t 5 Bees S eaptantibhey sy be ge 
Saeewallbags | hand tl pace, 
itbe boiled in vin dk } h irhath the & ffea kee E 
niles). er Sara 1 6 age tees f . a 
andis excellent t good to annoint {blacke, although the member be decli-- 

any p 

ce Sepa itis foe. aot uch as are rtten a the palfie, see 2 
smotingulat for che Ch Stions contra Nea 
ies anddfach Wier petectarbecofin geese eos Bs 

io Leopards bane. Chap 29h. 
“ *T he 2 be 
eR hi: plant D, ; Rem ok whom 
Dodoweus vnproperly a (Aconitum wie ec = Figo through the 
“negligence of Drees and Theo, nt whoin deferibing Doron micurn Jhave not one onely 
ui sciuiseyres cet Shae ~ ray which hath ee @ 
c not es 5 

20 THE paaiede be oe: Hons OF THE 

matter. , Cf OES 

tainly ea t 1€ Ww e5-fo 
if a onitum but ig hee eof. ew tha 
this worde Aconitum as it is a name  atibuted to see sp 2 (oid is to bec cute 
1 Py 13 1.4 “on witg ae z tc where 
}. Sateasth | UC. 1 in 7 n L Di oP. ie the wes, th 
si ty See gee ae 1 te: Ay Ts oe) 1 the 8 ¢ of 
mancalled Hhada rr: a eT 4 Tat Pe ENS fan excellenleamed 
f > founde them 
citcum fta 

tions Pee heere fag Seah a sitased afiure your Aen that this plan at Doron 
wins O officine rnin ( whofe Tootes Pena een to have found plentif ully peat Ypont the P Pede. 

f f. de 1 Loted Tle DI . peep Cag : a chitdione 
1 ee aye 2 L L fy W a Gd gs lye creen 
} cr iene . a a1 Ll ee iE L: 2 ne when enthey vade, 
force paper 4 a Very CLoo- 
“Teal Saati and: tangling o h fembling a fcorpion , andin fome yeetesdo 
" growi in our Engli ifh gardens into roinfinic numbers, 
2 he £ Sa rs B} Ah Be ik» 
: : algae : my ik ao 
AliLach g Cl R ; g hehe Raey Sen P {tall cubits high: the flowers are 
oh sane hha SE Sh aaa P| PRE te 1 RAf 1 weet ot Feira eae 
: 1 he fe feiceiad tiesto Shas ae : hafd Gi BORN | 
oO ? > ? P: i 
1 rf. h=° 1 J 7, 4. 1 1 LE | he 1 Cx f: L 3: andi 
Fy .¥ ys a ri 
weet in tafte. 
« 2 , = 
; & 
1 Doronicum maius of ficinarum, 2 Doronicum minus. 

Great Leopards bane. i Small Leopards bane. 


Doromicwmradicer fe. 
3 nie Copa Wan 




4 Doronicum brachiat, 
Winge: d Woolf bane, 
\ sie 


hedefy ty. its io, 
aturally i in gteatabundance i in the motihtaines of 

| tales onicwn , ‘toning ‘natu 
Fraunce,is fo brought into,and acquait g 
of ali cecal gteene,and haiti¢ like Pi lofella, C w? - g ie The ft Ikes area ubi . I igh, 
oueri at the tof ‘ 7 Ee ee eee et 1 cr see, hi. gee | e re pd * 
fome bitternes yee Ye | ners Ts ahich ic, Ase” 3 = 
B) : 5 y % . ; 
4 Thefourth uindee f is foundein th@woodi bout Taurinum and Satioie, 
very like 7 1. Sine re 1 a Ae, pm 
 ftalks es gong ner ay eee C14 SO a Peg sors) Ore paces 
manerof or, Ze : ES sg Prices EE Og 
vatietie sane SS Se aad ae RVR eee gone ae 
he gt or “coal tbe pewewricer, sali cca) . ae gi 5 Tia 79 for 
the opinion , th h ¢, ¢ 1 q ft thevh A. } } } 1 ] ea Res oe 5 
| ued: foeta that n. Ey £ CL I 7 zs f 
ant ane tteacle,as lL in tk fe de Gem Mela 5 aS heeletiaess ae 
| And 2 ° 1, Pier, ee) O45 Cc ray 
Wolfes ban VAAbT), difcl » tha at is 
Saree 1 pe ie ae < 
betotheha q forta 
art; yetif you git c +} et £98 Te so 
o3 o as bast 
tcickilleth depaiomiehseccacn it, ; 
~The lace is fiaff- ‘ au for. ye % Theplace. : = Cotth icc tech 1 thas the 
Na abet garden, Ses SS SRA we Fags dg “a J 1 1} eS 
knowl lande,by doctor Pe ennie, lately of L 
niga Simplesehofe death my felfe ara tay ods > sstatly owalla 
et -3 


The ti 
They do flower in the moneths of Iune aid hie EY SID 

é rs 

Tt i \ aR 1 

ight know how to call it,they may terme apailicst ee name, ooh fith, P P. hed ie bi 
calls cai flower is like Dandelion, say called Piffe in bed. y ie Ra 
Queguian. foun untur diva vinatia caute, 
A the conita vocant. 
This froth(as men fuppofe)tooke roote 
and d thriving i in the : batling foile in burgeons f foorth did epee 

did growe vpon the a8 hard flints,folke gaue the faiclaidc name 
of Flintwoart thereu: 

fe The nature ana vertues. 

TI Ft: 28 pe | 1 io eet 

ing the cit atures & 
tues, for the matter ae continued fo ambiguous & fo doubefull; 5,8 fo oe of controuerfi¢s, 
that Idare not commit ‘that to the world which. Ihaue read : thefe few lines therfore thal face ior 


owne confi deration, eae a ee = 
Th efe he tb 0 SEO pS eet ih and by 
reafon of his cols qualitie, Being & geen seh ee ioe r fieri the ees, 

C__ Itis reported and affirmed,that itkilleth Pa n¢,wolues, and tects re 
* Som Beg See with 1 fleth, 7 pall efene di fui ae "euleth a ae sae 20 2 , and all fower 

* Ga tif s ‘ute 
y toman, oe to diuers bat nel hich thing alfo is found out by triall, and manifeft experi 

ence : for Comradus Gefwer us fingular! moft diligent fearcher of 
man y things fheweth state himfelei in auneakpei written to eta seh fey 

topowder , and that euenthe y ai da iein which hev hefe thi had Theat 
iad er felthean Be urttherbys and 
that he oftentimes alfo had giuen the fame to his aie Se aae ‘ = by ifelfe acalfosinedwit 
ace stings es that very luckelie, Moreouer, the rapothesaties| in fleedeof Doromicwm, 
(though am 
D . Thatthis a aes te killeth dogs,ic is very certaingand founde out by triall, which thing Adathie 
las prom han’y Conménani but ey at length he founde it out true by a sanifet ca 

: . «Qe ‘ae. Capa 
= Zoe % The kinde. Z indes 

: . 
2 - wrrirers Hae 
; 7 Mec bed f ES Thelater writer 

= ¥] fou ike fs : 

<a ae Sg ta ert cp ofawoodie fubftance, partedint bar 

- =a. ches,about hich grow broad leaues,long ,wrinckled,rough, whitih, very lketore 
ofwi ibe intoughnes' 

Clarie,of. le blewe colour, inthe place of which groweth little blackifh feede in fimall husks. 
2 Theleffer page's is alfo a fhrubby plant, {pred into braunches ties ‘othe e former bat 
ftalks heereofare ede the leaues be long,lefler, narrower, but not ice rough ; tow cher fide 

_ do growe intheplace wher — are fi fixed tothe fialke, two little ‘Tea Randingon Sie eared 
Ileus: Lesh. ee 7“: 4 eee i ine trong i 

1 saluis 

AY 3 $ 

& INS k Bae 
2 & GOV WO 
eX BEG G pe") yk Wee 
FF AE GE DN aus NW 4 
y ay Det SS 



2 Salutazinor. 
Small Sage. 

4 Saluia Alpina. vi 
Mountaine Sage. 


“as Al 




fh ah 
° se WwW 


Ba ae 
uae * 
Se Le =< 


& The defeription. : 
3 This Indian Sage hath divers braunches of a woodie fubftaunce , wher 
; 2 8 1 2 L£ a2 o bere a do gtowe final 
z : oe 
flowers grow ene the top of thet hes ofawh lour, in formelike th ae 
resescent, the 
e rooseit sto! een an ee 
% Sewigath 2 ftalke, fi Tplai v hereup¢ d WANE teed A 
fe kk naotntg ] oe 
rough ra rage ih ked, f ahoatie¢ 
lour,fharve p dofara = fel. ie flowers se alongft “at top oft the ile in thape 
like thofe of Paes jof.ap fle. The r fe . 
We hauein our r gardens a haa fSage,the] hereof idift Fchofe red] 
3 2 oF AEC Caues 
| hwl > greene andred , itt Joie 2h 
plaie wich 
fuch plants, : 
<X°.L 17. L Eg | lL £ ox at n L yp TET tas a 
vVY¥t > Ww 
= 1 Stl j L rea a Riva ty 
ke 2 2 re} 5) 4 . 
R ‘ % Ti The place. =. a 
Bc Pee Oe eres | ce. ES | ok TL t. We 3 fi. 
“Oo o ° Pate) * OF tiem 
are very common” : 
. . 
<3 The time. fess 
rLsf. ¢. RP | eda 6 1 by BS 1 L C.1 3 cae 5 LY Poa 
7 t=) 7? 7 7 £ a! 
: % The names. es 
Sa ageis Hedin Gr re Lot . Le A L . ok Taal SM Oe EA | keene the 
: + fg oe a? To. 3 oe BS io Pe, e p APE, | Si TY hs ~. é. Aes t, ft, 
atin J 5 ihe pAastrg oN te o 

éismanifeftly hotand drie in the —— of ee = third degree, > orin the later ende of the 

feconde adioined no little sae or binding, 
Thew crbbes. 
Ax Avrivva and likewife Aetiw. call lie herk 5 bi { ith child if they be 
3 RSS L , Re LB | q 1 

fori it -clofeth | the matrix , and maketh them eel, 3it retaineth the vith 5 signa 
thal! drinkenine 

f Sage withalittle fal sand then tod the companic of hir husbande, fhe fhall 
+ nf 1 bring foortl f children, which are the bleffingo of God: thus 
atte Agri ethneth 

B : ¢ phe 1 ¢ ee y iW. 1, the {¢ 1 ie, {tr 
bei aad byt 1 ae ah See rata {} {¢ keth aw: fhaking, 
Li. Lok 1. a fri] h tk contof the 
> 3 or t “A 

- Cc I 
% pang a eran 

Oo ) HR c, Oo 7 a 
D The eof Sagi } 1 ee ie,i g 16. eye ha {pi 1 5 blood,and ft 
bbs dimerkcteofin: | Ifeth wind sdri inthe dropfie,helpeth b ice 

urgethb ood. all 
Diden in water, with Vo sor leaues, Plaintaine, Rofemartie, honie, allom, 

ne rine: maketh an excellent water to wath the fecret ‘parts of man man or woman . 
cankers or other foreneffe in the mouth, 2 if you boile in the fame a faire bright 
~*~ Terr maketh i it of greater ¢ efficacie, be, 
F Se £S ng brewed as it fhoulde 
with Sag with fome 
2G fe Ae ge utintoa eosin fh, wheritlis = — quicke coales, bed 

of it difh to Sse Se the = from burning, and _ vineget Siete 
ne tee: tt ynto: 
yi: the fame 

aues lie wrapped ina linnencloth,8ho: 
of thofe ee hale sg ftitch, taketh away the pee 
greatly a of the 


Of French Sage,or woodie Mullein. ~ Chap.253. 

Ferbafiwm Mathiali, 
French Sage. e 
LS) x 

‘BThe deferj ption. 
Mulleisi; woodie Mullein, « Ma = 
V V nia ery or French Sage, 
ike ahs eS woodie 

fhrub, aiid janie Sid bess sof awol- 
lie and hoarie colour, foft &downies sctapon 
areplaced thic ke hoarie leaeeiot ah 

ticke fauour, in fhape like the Ieaues sof Sige, 
wherupon the vul 

my garde: na sdmay oh 
They ore in elie od fu 

calle dof ee aed a ofour time, 
veri h coir : the firft is called of the Gre- 
aby uO 21N 

o| is named 

ee ae 1 c 1 Cie 


kes mat oar 

ohio is bat isi 8 or Se pin cae is sething: ‘2 

Co ohare eda many plants with wnie leaues fit tomakecandle week 
te isgenealy called roeein oka sic valli Sage Mallen. 
% Thetemper, ature. 
Acie * ti L g ote: ite ge rprnen tempera- 
Bete to ailie od a1 _% Thevertues. 
: fea es Se + ; Fa be keee rg 1, 1 

Of Clarie.. (bap.254.. 

% The kindes. 
TL 1 i Cay CO... £. Ty 3. fd jy A 9) pls te 
° ? ¢ o Pa ‘WSs 
allitricum. sy Gali sem. 
* Os ommon Clarie. patna 
Saw : 

m) A 

pk Ste 




ZA HIS — . J 
Sani Sola st 
Vee * . . 
% The defcription. 
ee CATS ple hie e340 7% fis Le. Aelheac frwer fauare.tve 
foo : t SEMEN = 5 a, roots,and 

along a ftalkes a braunches by dances zgaint another by two and two, 

ahandfall broa ade or broader, fomewhat trough, yn equall,w tifh,and hairie, asbe alforhe aie 

2 | . 5 f col aes outof 3 a light blewe: fullof 
= Piadpe Wimnree? e) Pee 1 is 

Mec = hed le. The roote pei 

Plong tc (er bbe Fey's 3 A Il +k Goch the headzit 

blewe : therootes beas thofe of the former are. This hath rei E afentbya grat ie 
__ Thereisakind of Clarie which Fach jis piGureth for wild Clarie. thathath fhorter "2 P  eere 
alfo and — blewe of colo 

of fmell but fweete as thofe of the right Clarie: the huskes or — when they are Pe 
; downwardsslielalien is blackithsthe rootes in like maner are areblackem d full of ftrings- 3 cobs 


a. -___- WTSTORIE OF PLANTS. 6:7 
. 3 Colus 

; —_ so ription. 
ii if The cl Sie Ws cali do 
< abet: in oe higheft top once wd ftalke 

adits e,wra ri about with yellow flaxe,wher- 
abitcookeh s name, hauin her rootes, with 
eeaine ings annexed thereto Galeop/is,ot 
ik ootes sof Cla arie, ar doeyeelde 

foorth q a bee , two 
cubits h on whereon do growe leaues like thofe 
of the Nettle, rough be pointed, and of an 

ouerworne gt¢en pthe flowers do growe 

fer rounde about in fimall coronets, or wharles, 
like uate of, Sage in forme, ag ofa yellowe co- 

te The plac 
tele do aoe ewe in fie are me giwich- 
sd i euid are red and plantedin gar- 
dens almoft euery phate Scent ines s diftatie, 

The tine. 
They' flower in Tuneslolpand Auguft, 

_ Clarieis a - ike apothecaries, Galitricums, 
itis likewife named Ovuala, offom e Tota bona but 

rea, Ce. 
Galland Matrifalniacin Italian Sciaréa: in Frenc h 
Oruale:in high Dutch Schartach; inlow Dutch 

ede in bait. Clateor Clete cic, 
2 ory me i 

i at se bat une pocuet diuers Horminum 
and Homionie T Clarie of Tren 
Clatic is tliat and drie in the third ae 
% The vertues. 
fi ; BS Be . 48 3 fle of 
Piss esa dee the oa ae ; ; : 
ken anda: 

applied plaifterwife, cts foorth Pin ters of woode, ae any ae aoe fixedi tg 
the teis talfo Maciand and diffolueth all kindes of Podge inthe iojnts, 
beh , 

being akindetiacl which T haue inmy — 2. 

Thefeede poud and dr unke with wi ne,ftireth ‘bod 
= Pctost of sof Cl : i Ipeth th F }: g 
the over HA = ft C2 lly if tl ye y Bn ESAS | em 4 is ofa 
tieliecael oe sO CE cigar ite say 


of wilde Clara, Oculus Chet. be el 

% The deferipton. 

‘0% Culus Chr ne. akinde of Ce butleffer: the ftalks arémany,a ol ahs 
hat hairie :the leaues be broade, rough, and of gear ne colour. The 
— alongft the ftalks, pesca eee lackifh 
eco alo with fome threds annexed there rind “ 
4 Ria, 2 


The purple Clarie hath leaues fomewhat rounde > laide ouer w hoare | 

2 re 
ith a Cites 
i : : a 0 
ftaunce, not much valike Horehounde * among which rife vp finall haitie fquare ike g. 
"4 sotHing cH ‘aay elicit > Which appeere at the fit viewe tobe flower. 
and yet are nothing elfe but leaues, turned into an é 
mei hs ea 8 cile but leaues, into 1 excellent purple colour: an > 
£ (+ Sn) 
a Jas PW a u og as ee “1 4 4ivs 1 1 vay a fee oo DALAMKE voto the 
lacke feede.whichfalleth foorie ets } vckdy biccie cee ontaile cCeraine 
: : E 5 BS in E fach hus} 
turne and hange downe his head towarde the grounde. The roote dieth at the firft approe 
winter, , apProch of 
Valde Clariesor Oculus Chrifti. Clarie with purple leaues, 
<8 # << @) COD f 7 i 
PSO) <Sey a vy Neil No 
COL SAY Y a} B wet . 
aN Ss Sh Ne a y ~ iA 
: as CALYX Ap \ Weg 
Fi ae SWE SY. 
; ROG . eas AO, 
- AOASk”, AS 
Sh - \ | "Se Ssh 

ess (or by, Me 
ie oe iv 
SaaS ye 

Nie 4 
et) ‘o> 


<< =r > 




: = ees 1 I q * The place. z 
Ho se r ow T pate tat 2 es eee eA ng EY 
4 y next to London, i h gh « fe th Que £ 
terfide,and divers other places. ee : 
othe g g den, 

thats % The names. ie : i 
_ Wilde Clarie is called after the Latine name Oculus Christ: , of his effeé in helping the difeales 
. EF are ¥ let wiuidacsn Tassie Ere ae Geminis: in Enolifhwi 

- Thefecond is tho: rr he the richt Clase cage Bi ghee ace DUE 
with eh ate PPS ME 3 ae 

teterror itmay be calledin Latine Horminum {ylue E porpareis, 
mith eaves and Gamers ofa purple colons, : Rca . 

i i; AE ginata faith, A 

& The temperature and certues. 
Cc. 1, } r 
t=) BY 
‘ish soca and ee adaths it alfo clenfeth. - 
bei d | ith wine: {ti } loft yitclen B 
~ . oO > 
feth } : 
thee ti into the cies , lent and pg them meng from — =F 
Tae redne 
bape RE pr < 1 Cc Fp eG PAR, . 1 : Cc 
were. Weel EAS ing : . l l 1 c 
“fed oh dia fh if > nowie re) 
with g00 ucceffe, : 
san § ° IL 1 e, L L 1. ££ Ll a Fa D 
aw a ge eee Ga id o% . \ “4 q 
2 é - 

st ss, SR Chapns6. 

e : 

% The kindes. 

Hi be J CRA. - = LI Va Lt iL: 1. ac. 
B Saini ae Tis 5 ane In./. £. [ey 1 sary 
Lorde AA al Dei. se Cc 413. Inf. silts Ft, Sad oo AAs lt go 
: 1s es; Ps, the true Mullein, iE 

Zz ss ts Barbatws flore albo. 
/hite flowered Mulleing 

I Teta 

sts Hise 
sad S35 aN 
Aa, “Sa 

. e ‘ x = re = af * Be ag fe, 
: evn 4 the a 
ee Millen of Figtaper, pA eh very foft, whitith and downie ; sng 

mi feof which rif vpaftalke,ftraight, fingle, and the fame alt whitifh all ouer 

a RG ; 


tal staf lowe flow 5 confi ninkeadieon tee bes 

ge Aeechiche blacke without and full of ftrin tcis long, 

The fernale > Mullei in bach. likewife ‘many oo  woolley leaues , fer ypon an hoarie ¢cottonie 
vprighe ftalk, ftalk re 

° hp? eed 1 } pe 4 “a J * Te L ti 2 } 1 hedecked 

eueric fice hie : a ae 

Sate % epriebord 
- Thek pl nt dq gi fe} te iow. and plowed fieldes or 
Se Val edad cis Howth vest aclsbucios, anclenetom tee Goeelien a 

tha am, neere vnto Dartford in Kent: in the ih waies about tines necre Londoit ; Gindi in peri 
countries of Englandthat are ofa fandie fo 
ern, : 
£ T,,1 Car La Ahad: ic BR A ey aE 

"Tl tg x ARES Maa ARO 
conde yeere after the feede is fowen; 

4 3 t=) €, the fe, 

% yn bd 
dL ero. Min 4q nib -d Bt = b sf ic f divers Candela Regia, ponias 
baffo zi vith Gordolobo+i highD h @zault kraut zin French Bouillon: in Cee 
vith Wag Pleease® sro bes: tahig Wore, and Bullockes Seren eOr ; sotfined 

Ss A | ee lero | pin Bota? : 1 

aCe O% The temperature, 
CRUE Soe ae oe fr. 
"5 L - i Go co) O28 
affirmeth, mo 
% Ti how ee 

Theol ChArM thal lode, L TP. AY. 

A 2 sand inflammations 
ofthe cicgcaresh and ceafeth the pa pain 
: The roote boiled inred wine and dean! ke s Acpaeih the laske and bloudie Bix 
mo ~~ The fame boiled inwater and drurike, is good for them that are broken and (ure inwardly, and 3 
prenailech much againft the oldco ugh. 
D, or treacle sig vpona leafe of Mullein, &laide to the piles or Hemorthoides , cureth 
Id hogges greafe,worketh dhe fame 

ues worne vnder the feeredaie and night, i fathoe fole, or focke, bringeth 
ne in y’ id Ce Fe i tn ks ca IOS? ES RS 
> > 
1 a 7zgp « NM she leauestO 
ay Cc { 

n Serene: 
edin a chafing dith oll and ferwithin ee aod 
he a iles, hemorrhoides,an andall difeafes 
ing in thofe lower parts,ifalio there be ateu evolu 3 oe 
be fomewho thinke chat this herbe being but ut caried oe as ieee 

: pecially the leaues of that. ¢ plant wh het as Jeane flowers, sae 
nthe fi 

ifitions commende the aloes fom Bec fteeved ediaoté andfetinwato 
be wafted into the oile and confamed mt to- sae esate 

Nt sa * 
(2 3 Se nacre’ Sai Fy ge 


* -Ofbafé Molin. (hap.257- stilts 

hi 2 Verbafcwm nierwm. 
Bafeblacke Mullein; | 

verbsfeum albu. 
; het, 

pieosctanee ishiviio <i 
om w! bic Hp fey 

UT Beenie hleihofive cai, gaia fea fhileaues like thofe of El 
campane,butleffer :the ¢. rs grow de about the ftalkes ee en oe 
Uhitécolour, wichivertaine golden thrumsinchemiddle: the feede followedh final, and 
Hi blackem i hy aon - YW large and fha De Di ited fan ter Pa 
1 green 1 sf gl “ h, 12 ‘the petit Borrbe wis 
Pi ofagold j uy 1 ‘ at ongly a ere Titer on 
the precedent, ay ai9tp bedesoot “e 
Prac ntlewecke Mullein h large, broadesarid woollie lentiés; like vit thofé of the common “* 
rey rep pS alts } wo teene hes wheron pa 
: ‘fowets do ave bueleflerandt lefferby degree, The lake due Sens ard the topin. 
chs uersbraunches , is fet round about many ‘yellowe flo hich ofteaci mes doe — 
thats to white sasha Seeing to the {oile atid climate. Theroot is thicke and woods 30 
rtd eves a | glee Bs a Liesl. ¢ he I4{t reb fed. {> 
Es %99 Po) DS RES PRES bee 

Recetas ss 
: . ae Pages iy S Ohl Rr 

3 Verbafinm Lychnite Mathiolj. 4 cea Lychnite minus, 
— aks eNtnks's seas «mal 1 Candle weeke Mullein, 


The ee safeieh their ao ae tg 

‘ \ 
Tos. el — Lafntate Maller confidering they 
2 2 

are an and cuery yor them kinds of, ele 

& eh 
_ Thefe pansies rinses mashes we ane doubtleffe horter and die then ee ae 

: The black at with i etic lowe SE boiled in water or si and drunken, is 

Lit oad ue — of ae) dlungs, anda gaintt all fpitti ing of corrupt rotten matter : 

do goth 5 

fo owen i ners and inflammations oft the cies, cureth the fame. 

of blacke Mi ein ate p 7] he! dtowaxe yel- 
ese: Ses ese ode 
omaha ‘hifersAtercuriaandl he inchoantsetl sandtheivedtine® 
tations and witchcrafts. 

2 = Of Moth Mullen Chap.258. 

* Ti hekindes, 

4a Mallat 

many forts or Kinds 
Liven se oe inthe colout of theif flowers 2a ntimber ter fhall 

foo aE tee, 

Blatter i | ttaria fore 
¥ Blattarie Pliny. 2 : la cpm 
Plinies Moth Mullein, Aye! 7 urple MothMu tein, 
lt ; 

ee ee ee ee 

Arica Voki aren , b 
A ere eee Thelin 

Liniehath fet forth a kinde of Blattaria, which hath | long 

fmooth leaues;, fomewhat 
ape. fnipt tabouttheedges: : the ftalke rifech vp tothe an eae diuiding i it 
cite towarde the hig into fundrie armes or t bratiehegs befet with yellowe flowers like vnto 

2 ma Tehte) ar hackhh 33.4 ¢ a1 y manifeft 

Fay = hp ze : peg latitacsg Sak fhips or notches 
| ich g L L <2, alk ubj S L. rni. 
fewe with Gowers like vnto ne commor lattaria , but that tk f: lecol fe - 
| : wiimee ee Ar ehags fie ee <i 
Then; janeds bangin ae ge thereat,and Scr fangs ed ecte. 
| as otherkinde like ynto the blacke Mullein in ftalkes, rootes, and leaues,and ae 
Pets ge Sthat his his nal lowers atc ofa greene olour,, ae : 

ie and rh . ey ee Pee - EST oat 7 | 


The place. 
"TL Car j 1¢- L Li 4 1 i oe yf 

% The time. 

_ _ 
wh ecne, 

8 = flower in ty and a 
% Thenames. 
PS Se ee Ae | aria, and d 

that oe Ply deleibeth inhis 22, bok 9. sia : inches des: “Thee 

an hetbe ide 

ot “fet igrum, which g tal Loe ne 
hite, {t: x cewith blacke 
Mullein; but we haue not as yet learned by esheets that te. do gather mothesan and | shire vnto 
as MW oct ea oe ay YS Ne, eee ee pd ra Y Mullein: 

io : & The nature and vertues ; 
- Co cerning the pl mE titles of Blattaria > or Moth Pia oe 

_ be 1 t 1 ~ 7 ys a 5 Se | 1 5 | a eS j 
Of Mallein of Athiopia. Chics 259. 
ABs Mullen, % The AUT a 

a ein of Aethiopia hath sei broad 

ae ha. ue ae the ground , 

foftand RIPE 

hofe of H Hygeipes por fat whiter fofter,thicker,S 
fuller of wo oollin ¢, whichw 

among which leanes rifeth vppe a fower {quate 
downie ftalke,fet with the like leauies, but falter, 


hard,andofa — oe: ance. 
Itgroweth satelip in FR thiopig andin Ida, 
a hill hard by Troie,and in Meffenia,a prouin rouiince of 

ter sitalfo groweth i t 
--Nilus ssdatinpaccicinaf the Beit name int 

seni lieth vnder Ecgyptiit likewile growth 
'9 meng 

The time. « 

ie eae i 

e chhis fede comer the end of Auguft. | 
_ The names. 

aaa » Of the conntrey in which i irgroweth ge ls 

ife called WM: 

2H, 4 atewirh athes : in 
* sece 4 

: : nof Ai woolly Mallen Oth pus : 


62 5 
% The nature, : 
is drie without any =e cee 
hig % 7 he vertues. ; 
. JA fae hah. ot 1 oy 4 rge 
eo ra rotten wie es oa fic as are grecued with the there and ree law in ahs 
tA Rio ae J hcl {; N fin as AL. 3 fs a 
forthe deat rt a gsi § pe: Ss erorias ade with B 
2 r=) 2 
ditetheroots of eon. 

eer as they con- 

Of Conflips. Chap.2.60. 

ee One inodora lutea. 
Field Oxel: 

8 Theckferipton, BS ee & 

“ees which at this day are _ ot Pin co y 
Shas aaa of Mulleins 
é “fhalled them in 

ps and Gaips, are récs 

di ns fake , Saale 
Malleins,for that th sae a ee dear nxn = ae h ut 
Ser | getaicics ue paed sh r ds chaci to mall eins, The 
fish calledin Engl the field Cowl coe weet me fh 
ae re tio 

ae ee Oxelip, and difeehno from the other, 
ange eeen ke thruft asthe former, and they are faire tand fewer 
id do not finell fo pleafantly as the other; icy Lisle ane one lacchpenae ee 
Taskers ected and waned aera oft ftra mem WO- 
ominesatacke an apes on horfebacke, : 


Primula hortenfis Anglica, tmoula vert ? 
‘ Double Paigles. Collips br Sn, 


6 Primula vern fiorepleno, 
Double white Primrofe. 

RO ee ee eT ene 

it a Sa 

ade: Sai OF PLANTS. 637 
Doub i jraeenede orn spn a 
6 4 OmniKinmAXiMs , erotina foribus - 
Set rarlthpatdan goin Cowdlip. ithe Slingo flowers , isfo oi er nly 
petted no ao io 

cA ye bah 4 L a i a 
The fourt owllips > g within 
* : 4 1 ae & } blew L L y * 3 ble, called by Pe- 
2} a C.~Lelan 0 GANS } Oc i, 7 ae *d, 
ma Geminsls, > = 5 
+ es 
> Pate, BP Pee tf yd p mT ag B $4 orm ee 
g. Thefibeinge 5 f 
> See ewe tS “nkullch Rie Ar al tay e 
; The fixt w g 3 rip 

tion whereof ms ae ‘0 your owne confiderati 
& The feuenth kinde i is alfo verie well kaowen, ‘hich isa Primrofe that hath a flowers 


foie ones fiabrjatis. 
a Sd 6 9h sea { he defe of ription, « 

: pape baleen rofe founde ina wood 


tolig he his obi nda ntkind of Prim= 
sola mapyc ethers heme neues before his 
time ret t. Thiskinde of 
Primtofe hath’ apes and rootes likethe wilde 
fielde Primrofe inecherefpeG ; it bringeth forth - 
n alke of a grayith o 

times more , very thicke thruft pth 
maketh one entire flower , feeming tobe one of — 
the common double Primrofes, whereas indeed 
it is one: donble flower made of a number of — 
{mal fi Ifingle flowers, never centage beare flo- . 
wets winter nor fornmer, as before is fpecified, 

% The place 

wilips and Pri iaaistet 5 joie in moift and 
dankifh — nae altogither conered with 
water ; th in woods andthe borders 
is the Primrof f dt keth eb lapdale, thrce miles 
atownein Yorkethire called aS ; 
They fois fom A prill 1 q & The sine. a C.1. 4 - Met 
J . * The names, ~ L aoa 1 - t 1 j a 

metre tS ae nae mh 1. C-2 Th Ave og? es need Big) 

career tobe goodagaingt the peas t= ioints ander ene ate fe 
| are se Bolibpe ettie Palfie woorts,of molt Co oe 
3 Se: aries ae part Oxellips and ail arenaned fie Heras. Pe see 
__ThscommonPrimrofe iefellycalled Pr bon ee, , moft Herbarifts do ref 


aes pe be Gee swe vnto them : 



for Phlomides are Neer by leanes, a as ae 
hath chinterprered it, Hin futis and Rotuniis hairie and round, whi ich Plini ein his 25,booke, 10, ie 
a Loh, L L We Rae a eee 8 i 4 j My ih 
gare : ett ; nape 3 
The GC {lj iPr; 1. L duets 
E. tr > . ay 
° ed The ver tne, 

The led he paine of s, called the gout, Slane lie 
fi plas is the palfie.) T ftl iblie ginen a inf 
the ftone: in the kidnei es and blader: and tl fthe! sf nbers th tool as 

ye Len 
B A J - REM J > C, 1 | PR 35 i re tt Th ae 

fe if humours, choler, 
fem = heh maner as earn doth , spend . a poms and skilfull Apothecatie of 

, preuailech woonderfally againt the 






jot rt 

te | 


P fas 

>Pepper, falt,and butter ve 


x _nings zs with ome or rare 

fCowllips, and oil 

{niffed into the nofe with aquiler 
f the e migrime : 
eof L iniee de, TL taalag + 

} 1; 
Lie ih 

d,dohealetl st he 

ce od 
almonds of the throteand vuula fe tt 

leh alm the 

Se The leaues leaues and flowers of Pinca boile 


qd in wine and rai is — sl aes of 

Of Birds eine. Chap.261. 

% The defeription. 

Ome Herbarifts call this plant by de ~~ a Sanicula anguftifolia 

Jia, making thereoksv® 
Kinds, and diftinguithing them by thefe termes, mator, & minor, fine inemedi: otherscallies 
ans 4 4. 1 Lut 7 xulling oo: 
a 4 ems > > o3 a4 + J th a ; 
ee Bie REY AGS SSR SS ee i at ne 
Lh fall a ers ss likerl ; Pp. fz ing that pare 4 
nN 1 + {mall flower appeereth jest : 
the cie of abird, which i: eo the people ofthe — : 
: itBirdseine. The feedsi is {mall like > duftjand the roote ¥ whiteand seét, ad chat the 
The fecond is like th ca 
flowers — colour. = ae 


OY ome ey 2 Primula verisflorealbo, 
1 Hime oert White Bird eine, 


Thefe plants do grow verypl 7 lly . : itt 1 fq Nt: g - ; J i L LZ : om PY g- 
54s in Harwood neere to Blackburne in Lancafhire, and ten miles from Prefton in Aunder- 
salto at Crosbie, Rauenfwaith ,and Cragge clofein Weftmerland, 

hey likewife growe in the medowes belonging to a village in Lancafhire neere Maudfley cal- 

Jarwond 1 Cs SS Sex 


Da his fide Trent. that I coulde euer haue any certaine knowledge of; L’Obelins reporteth that 
panraee (a famous Phifition of our London Colledge) did finde them in thefé Southerne 
Me aes e : ¢ ‘ 

They flower 1 donrith & Ane}l -% Thetime. 

T > 
3S The names. 
The firf ic -nlf.3 p.: PR OE % Ti pete Ip... fecctech eh (pee. pee 
“ . white lower 

. Bae : 
Cel pit anes he (wahe ft thafe 
=< 3 .=) 


Of Beares eares,or mountaine Com/lips. Chap.2625 « 
eT he kindes. s 
. asad iting i 
fing it may appecte to the curious, the 
ce W | rootes; and 

2 Asricula V r/iflore purpuyeo, 
Purple Beares care, 

y) NT \ 
i, SA 
Lu. {| GY 

<5 tye 

™ callic adele ae rey of his vertues in curing the p Pe oe hi "3 

eae % The defeription. 
oe rr At Vricula Vr fi, was called of Mathiolus, Pena, and other Herbarifts, inti all 

s,whereofno doubt they are kinds,as 0 >. 

rer he ete title,alchough there be fome ence in the colour of the # 
is beautifull and braue plant haththicke, greene, rtpts ri fomewhat finely faipt 
s , NOt og valike thofe of Covellips , but greener andnothing 

1 H bearing ‘ 
“ys, but more 


ee ee eee ee ee 

3 AMwrisuls Vr fi 4.Clfii. 4 Auricnla fh iii Clufit. 

Scarlet Beares care, 


fod osidvs! ‘de The defeription. 

3 = fetteth foorthi int the booke of his Pannonicke trauels twokinds more which he 

tia, being 
the thi b jing to my i hath leaues like tl bar epee 
app b 3 boue,and of a pale c reg a cath, .The flowers 
arcin athion ike ynto the form f ft 11 ithin;and on the outfide, of 

ment ofa a sin the nate of cieof the flower , itis of a whitifh orp colour: the 
Tooteis the fo 

c jg Oa og daca tot. ~to ts 1far, nothing 
hallgpeieaa ees jgteene Petes yith vnderneath : the flowers are like the former 
fring about the edgesof an ouerwoine colour toward the middle inthe middle commeth 

¢ hairi ndt 
5 The bluth coloured Beares eare hath diuer ers thicke, fasleneeel vpon che grounde, of a 
Teoria indented Jin the nee among whi ch rifeth VP: anaked ftalke , like 
mil haitie or whitifhjon 

t — Lt. 1 


The roote is 
tog ca andrei wel the r ft, alth ae yi ; itted them in the cutting of 
eI 3 MNoalih z 
he fhining ing red Beare: of ALathiolus deferipti : 
Phe ni naeby consi or nization then | fight or, eee oe pees ; 
Weare Perlwad ed that there isno {uc h plant but only a fig éfoilted for offentations fake, thede- 
Ctpion whe any fi 

Seer ree 9fi3 ts er On 

Sr - 

__ § AuriculaVrfi erubefcens. 6 — ie meee 
Bluth coloured Beares eare. Brigh 

7 AariculaV fi re. ae Aurienla fi ainincnue 
‘Stamell Beares osc, Littlewhite Beares care. 

ge Thedeforigtion. 
j pos » 1 wee es | : ; Bhaning his : 
forth aki eS Sale iL no Ge " Iice-g fhouels me 

Lausanne ngoner 




gwh hrifeth a {mall 

tats + foote ftalke ofan inche longs here och bahar flower ingot of fiue little 
sofa brig heredor ftammell co 


= asthe othersa ate pas ;contrary t ne are very’ white , and the whole olan is le igre con- 
oS ef 

fthach the difte 

sina ae Bf 2 
olaft write 
% “The place. 
1. Le Alnst A ttt : * Atel y 
Oo & t ee > D MIOUL 
ie gardens. a 
The time. 
Thefe herbes do flower in Aprill and Mat. 
: The names. 
rc: r. va 
Eicher th 5 Ife th id h ot tby them 
Rea? 1: } A 
fuccef f rs. 3 i- 

eaves $ ACCO! vie ke fimilitude , or of Erethape a a ane vnto other plants accor- 
area of the qualici es es and operations: you may calli itin Engli(h Beares cate: hey 

thereof, forthe rooteis among t them in great requett, forthe ftrengthning of the eae that when 
they are on the etops of places that are ba: and the ¢ fvimming of the braine1 is not af- 

braue colour of the rofe. 
% The nature, 
Thefe herbes are drie and verie ge 

Ithealeth all outward andinward ds ee he! breft and the ae alfo.if for fome reafo- A 
nable ble fpac ce of time it be e put in drinkes sor boiled eh it pan ae 

ip tinula vere d } 
fs a ae 
ule reafon oft theit vertue, 
higt af nr noe s, do lo as highly eftee cme Cc 
f Fo Q. . 
DY tthe fingul hatit hath,b :. oe Games 
iall aon red Cie Like, pees oa «5 Se Bee, fers oY “Sout x ES 
reine by oe eee iS ei 1 foe - 
os ? ovr 

Of mountaine Sanicle.  Chap.263. 

% The kindes. 
Hatthet..% f. CL L rec. dt } f.L 
agreeing ae] Conte Pere , fia,i j f- Z F =e 5 whereof 
ayes tthey ke th 5 hich bee doth d ily increafeb yreafon thatthe later writers 
fhe itda . chor. L , which fhall be diftingui- 
in this dopey titles, 
* The defeription. 
t S= Porred ¢. 1 leofth LWr..uc +7 jal, bli intly iy indented about 
dere ah ei eene colour, and a ens, hen: rile vp 
cacti befer wihlike eae ie ut fmaller, and of acubite high, dinidin ng t themfelues ed 
ei o eee i rth 
pecks, a Bm fob: tise i wai) ‘th bl kmanth: ; 
‘wtoughcin fuch plori you aries Zehe : ip of the fame 

a in minde of his creator: the 
neh oe Sf 5 ae 


fmall pointels,like ynto white Saxifra: fe ihe roote is an and fu full a ftrings mall and blacke, Steg 
2 The fecond kinde of pion pie 1 C hufses 4calleth ie sary not before histime 

Cc. £22 Pd sa ; ax 3c and tharpe 

tb h se aked fl Jet ftall 5 hine ‘inches lone BstE:} : Ber fe Os 
c. . LL: a <3 52! Ye: 
OS eee Wd "ere aaate fh p <r t, fathioned nit vnto the parte, | 
m a d thereto, 
1 “mt a 2 Pinguitule fine Sanicula Eboracenfy 
anicle Bu UC WOORE ct ¥ Yorkthire Sanicle, 

Fos aa ude. anrdapront je 
u Arak « deat 

Renter Sead 
jedi thitde inde of mountane Sanic ¢, fome Herbarifts haue called Sanieale alpine fei es 
fhoote foorthin hopin fo very thicke and fat, and are like hes i 

chart Spat ee i] TE ae peas a ees *eiielte 
; ut eche leafeis dite 
an oucrw: . 

llineffeiche rote is fibrous and thieddie. 


ghee is an which ma cignorant to be one of the fame 

eye : yh and the felfe fame ame plants one of 
ee hich I would vane haue. Teh foorth of our Piame >but fearing that fomenot knowing 
Sle one, 8 ght aske the cafe wel we git it out; but hencefo oorth Idoubrn otbut iol 

3 awe pn cf Cortufa , Matbial 4 Co ae verio 
Beates care S Beares eare Si the true ogee 
> 2m 

HA, nd 
wa p dock. - & Theplace. 

aL pl 

hey gr¢ owe in my — where he flourifh exceedingly , except t Butterwoort which gto- 
vehi in ourEngli th fqually wet grounds, and will notycelde toany culturing or Sulneng " 
rai salinafeld called Cr. aggeclofe, and at Cr osbie, , Rauenfivaith in Wedtmer 
pice) n 

in Anderneffe ypon the bogs Smarith grounds, and in the 
oe sou ips Tiathelde; and alfo in the fens, sabi waie to Witrles meate from 
die untingdon 
- Theyower ; AST * The time. 

A. ees, me 

s The it is called Sanitula guttata; aes Heda: ee wherewith theflowers are marked , of 
ite Synge ‘ma gi takinde of Auens zin Englifh fpotted Sanicle; of our Lon don 

i 1 Pi of thefatnes ‘or fulnes oft theleafe, orof pons >in} in Yorkthire 
Foote, a pier ly growe, eae ateft abundance , tis called B s, Butter 
be white = bucthatnamebelongeth more oe, wer Sona 



*% Thetemperature 
They z atchot and driein the third degree. 
r ees gc * Theverties. vai! Roe 
A _ The husban indme wines of wy ne v nn h dug f theirki 4 ththef 
SS a hf a wo sats a 
B Fe a ; See | ; Cc eh ee 

Of Foxe gloues, cme 

KR Digisalis purpurea, 

oes Fore cons 2 White Pow sc 

~ & Thedefeription, it: soa oo 

2 Oxe ol x a 2 ple fi Pair Ser eae REG EAE ELS (SO ioe SE Phere” TO a oe 
; si 1 ee ee ps f Mulllein, ges andor downie: | 

on tier vpon one fide of the ftalke, hanging downwardes with the bottome a 
ng, like almoft to finger ftals, whereof i it tooke his name eae of ared ware colot > 

re certaine wh und head 

c = 

aw Toanyflendest 
, That Foxe gloues wi ith white flowers differeth not from the = precedent 5 but | - the vat 
‘tie Ronee eaue : e wntion 

Weh: er Lt 
wers,and Goevtlstea ee common mando dy die. e 

incensed as fall as thofe of Time. The roots are 

“= theed ligt | 
= ecko ot ftraig ight, Saar i in courle = 



alfc another fort,which we call Digitalis ferruginea, whofe flowers are of the colour 
satis a whetesfih tooke his name, and like ewife make ch the differe THES 

The plac 
‘ oweth in barren fandie oe v itd ai almofteuery wh 
bs eee ich hehe d owers do gto y and Crauen, in afield called rae 

dlofe in the north of England: ilikewife by by Colchefte 

a 1. | 1 Gree 4% 7 
=) > g 
swiththe others my garde ii ine. 
They flower and death i in Tune and Ly 
The mame 
in Cy le Bout Prevhuelre There, 4 anal nf Mitlee® 
tf PRS eee D } Ginger b —pee 
atine ae: ah Dutch Pélavectat: per br » Ginger poec: 
Peach Gantes moftre dame: i earl oa eg : 
pele sey iie F 
1 J tah 1 Lind, Pet i: 
ivi ook ony hh tC ‘p i <r L 1 ao 3 Mae 
= 22 P| > PB ae © =] rie ‘= 
the auncients, 
% The vertues. é 
oe Bo . ee | + fg. 4 Pp 7 oe ne 
a a ) Sai Bt SS | ee Some | : co Sige Pa Soa 
grofle and fli 3100p pPing of the liuer, fpleene, 
iW art \2bs 
Ci ameplebsc occ sip ts. Ab. salves s ey piiaoard 
1 fi +3, ‘e - ) eed EF 1 1 7 ae. | v4 «i ‘ , oo 
a pr age C. ~ na . cen > Vhachk Sik nt eg Sh 
t 3 SS 

thereotas Galen faith, 

Of Baccharis out of Diofeordes Chap 265, 

5 Baccharis’ Mon 
Plowmans sigs : he defeription 

Boutthis rane tears there hath beene 

Pacts ene sige tion among the oldandnewe 

33 Mathiolusand Dodoneushaue mit 

taken this olan for t Comix maior OX Coniza Hele- 
iC t:hen.aus haue confoun- 

ded Bacch aris, and fyiza um togither : butfollo- 

wing the auncient waivers; » ithath many blackifh 

is ie role and fat, {preading about in the 
earth, full of ftrings : the fragrant imell that the 
te ° rehteplae 9 may well be conipa- 
me ee the fauour of Cinnamom, - Helenjum , ot 
ampana , being’a plant knowne vnto ve- 
reno mots oop Imeane inmoft 
a _% The place. 

Dp foes By 

pie places andina leane foile where oinaiagage 
is: ingroweth very plentifully about Montpellier _ 
in France » aud diuers i in the Mi Send 
England, {4 


% The time. 
Teforncerhvy in Orion hey, Phin flee noe 
+ Sf =) a M get i a! ptthhe 
% The names: 
i. nt en | BS ke eh | be) CAA 1° 1 tae ee A 
ft. , ft 
ry ’, L & ant yes Aj + Wy fauiour whi 
atte 2 ich hi 
} Lied oto BoA: 1 ot oe ee ee “ch eS feet : 
hi fei hec] fhi lich * keth' i f Baccharts and dothael arde: Virgalin 
y ns Bahar 1 FF “ry faying od Sarit 
© £ t=) 57 I Bag % 
----Batchare frontem : 
ingite, pevati noceat mala bio futuro. 
T Ym os 
a] ‘ 1 fel “14 } 1 x “4 .. es : a, 
: Arh > Eo 1 . ise 
Bacchartsi is ken an tmentin At 5in nhis 15.booke, his name of th 
- Die! . L yy. gree 1 4 3 . os pd 
> di 
+> SOS eS _ } 
fleth es toote thereof: to be brief 
ee anal A f Tote tech ods: fs cle, Cratens his ' 
ps rd Jv 
%  heboperes 
1. DI Cnt : $4 n.: L te j 
i $24 - 4 Pi 
z *& Thee ee 
- . . 
A h he decoétion of th ulus Abin Pie se Jove dechagialaa | 
; . 
pi paflages tl {topped,t ol bringeth d downe the defired fickneffe:the | 
1 1 Crit t L a ry } ' 
é . Le cor) + 
a 4 ic A 1. f by , called d ents fa 
L _ tr ‘ L Al 

cern ie foe a a feepe 
Jen ftom an highplace,and thofe thatate trotibléd with the fhortnes of ees, 
ae Ithelpeth alfo ee and difficultie to make water. 
E. h great profite againft the bitings of feorpions,or anie 

E When itis boiled inwine, itis given with gr 
venemous are “eyanes and applied — reto. 

nd receined het , igh il y voideth the ey 
op 1 e delines 

1. 1 1. 

= = : = OF Elecampane. Chap.266. 

wher. wit C 

great - Conbiey betaigad couered {with a s hairie ae sofa awh saya ae 

a ng, afinger thicke,not without downe,diuided at the t top in 

on the topof euery fprig ftande great gers round ; of whihted not onel: i 2 
vidas alae round about are yellow, butalfothe middle ball Lee vi 

Scat length i is radio dow ie 

uc § ae may. arco ca 

" ip 

eae a 

oft Lik a 




% The place. 
Tt groweth i nae wes thatare fat and fruitful! 
itis alfo oftentimes 

. : 
the way to Windfore, and in fumdrie other places, 
as - cts and nd Fale neere to Doner by the 
fea fi \ 

' Kes 
< Ce NYY, The flowers are in pe brauerie in Inne and Iu- 
NE + = lie: the rootes be spec in EG and often- * 
\ maa ” times in yi rillan 
‘ The ¢ name. 

RG coos ans name fiver, the La- 

a oote a this Tse ania aruellous’ 
many things,being of natu cinch gale 

in es raid Gate when itis drie: for be= 

’ 7 
| Bey ot a apps coe | | 

: ing gr 2 hich fomewhat abateth the 
: Any aren Saeer: 
. : * The vi vertues. : 
Ttis good for ft fbreath,and and for fuch as cannot sé Breath Voleffe ey ee 
holdtheir ne vpr ight 
». Ttis ofgreat vertu both given in'a looch, which is a medicine to be licked on, & likewife ee 
ued,asalfo otherwife ie hy ee atid voide out thicke, tough, and clammie humo which 
ficken the cheft and 
“Tietpaprcterbeis ood aid olfome for the ftomacke: being taken after fupperit dothnot © 
digeftion,but alfo keepeth the belly foluble. : 

: epeth y 
Theiinice of thet fanieboiled, dritieth foorth all kinde of wormes ofthe bellie,as Pistetcachetli D 
whoalfowriteth in 

histwentie bookeand-fift ter Ae the fame being chewed fafting, doth faften 

The rs Ret 1 Cy pg ©. 1.1 “7 
thebi ; Bg gS ope ne Saat 1 i Re } ly y pte 
- ramps an aga sg ~ z 

Some alfo = is the oth skeigots ind likewife i foene besten into powder ; and ~ 
cant an aner of ano nt,doth clenfe and heale vp old vicers. 3 

st Bot the cogs are tobe = red, which be vexed with long & cold’ greefes: G 

tafe: are diuers paffions ofthe hucklebones,called he Sciatic pis bunnies and 

be fees ions yao of oue seme 

: ‘Thedec ction a drunken, Fite efter ce =: 
> inward prouok g thH | 
The butfingsor haue any member ourofioin. 2 “k 


—— forth, and peice againgt i cog Pe Monee eS 

the ft capes: — eftion me 


K. ‘The rootes condited aftet the maner of Eringos,ferueth for the purpofes aforefaide, 
di > The roote of Enula boiled very Saget mixedi in amottet with fref butter, andl the powder of 

>? 3 
ce } ‘) i. iy by sale nage m" 
M th : 4 es, burt MUIS¢: 
3) r. 1 Dg pte 1. } af. LUT - ao 

eae & P| . ya » 
Of Sauce alone,or ack by the hedge. (hap.267. 

; Pi Ae ot The defr 
< - Saucealone, viption. 
eee f Aucealone is = with Garlick in name, 
norbicaufc it is like vntoit in forme, butin 

nell : for ifitbe Pee or > rnp fe 

are se road reen cols nicked 
Manan inted :the ftalke is flender. 
abo a Sabice high,about the branches whete. 
of groweli ite flowers, afterwhich come 

thing harde, the whole plan thn ’ 
leth of Gailicke, whereof iN. 

ieee of it it fale the gat en hedges, 
old walles, by highwaies fides , cena 
the borders SF isles es. 

It flowreth chiefly in ‘ie ‘and ee 
waxeth ripe in the meane feafon. The 
owed fora fauce in is a or gies. ' 

The [ecririer call it ic diberie shale 


= oh ite te as Ba oe niger F wich i 
if ees i thofe of Ramfon st one 

B- ne | ok esi lider which aciouted sini the paine of the collicke 
in vines ao” windeis notablie watted, but sive fton ate se an 


eet OF Dittanie. Chap. 268. ae ‘osaid 

1 DidtemmumCr 2 Pfeudodictamnum, 
Dittanie of Candee — Dittanie. 

\: 7a se Cee 




~ eT he z sft jon. 
‘Di af Cie now vealledC ndie(as Dioforides eit) isa otand 

fharpe herbe, much - 
ees Pencil oe oe his leaues be greater and one per racy i i 
OSS owith a ; ; ie 
“i orf{cale ee alibects md Ja final 4 oa ys os Ge AEM : pe 
“ ee among which {cales there do come foorth ‘fall # flowers like the flowr: ring of wheate, 
ingp paft,the knop is founde full, of {mall welt cant to the Sali 

Bait & 
Eos af 

a ily Lars plantperifhed inthe winte tfollowing. 
e ee cond ks kindecalle ed Pfeudedittamnum,that is,baftard ators is nich ikea =e is 
Guing that inde. foft ty 
ae idticies and ioints,and at euerie knot two leaues det i, ifoft,woolley and ton 
c ga aes ofa alight purple colour, ¢ compaffing ‘thefta! kes bycettaine fm like 

*Sere poncho eight See ae long, 
Opi ee 



aie Eee err ETT Seas een 
Ss reine of our extaordi ie colde winter that chen hapned: 


} rr AT £ brat Veins 

Dittamnwm genitrix Creta Carpit ab Ida, 
as caulem folis,c> flore comantem 

; in Virgill 

egy 1 7 ESS ie ROR a l . : 

%& The time, oo eee 


% The names. : ‘ 

a aves vi Ladle » Of fome ie pip pam 
withp: but 

ae efrour iacighe be of {mall importance. Ss 

if in ftead of the leaues “a Diese ae did ke 
rootes of Fraxinella for Sob aes they falfely call Dyétamawm :in En nglifh D. Dittanie,andDjc- 
tanic co of C andie. 

s. L ad LL aE ena me ‘ , orbaftard Dittie, ofthe Hentai 

2 t=) 

%e Thetemperature, 
Thefe plants are hot and drie of nature, 

; Se % The vertues, 
A D t > OF put vp ina €, or ite ina fume , itbringeth = 
be oe | = Ll L LY as Be 

ee Gar 1 “4 . . - 

c is th f fo ft i ene with the veriefmell alfo it driueth 
awaie venemous beafts : and doth aftonith them, 
ae is reported likewife that the wilde goates a: 
fe fhake them out by y eating oft! 5 

nd deere in Candie Misa =e be wounded with at- 
is plant,and! healeth their 

pecially thofe mad with nomed weapons g 
f guns or fch lik 3 very p! i fc fr Cnsglans hat vite aa 
h th dines ;it d th alfo fplinters of wood, bones, or 

— oe sbattard Dittanie, or P/éudodi Bovount is fomewhat like in vertues to the firft, butnot of fo 
gitat force ayet it ferueth ma wellfor the *purpoles aforefaid. 

2 : Of Borage. Chap.269. | os 

eee % Thekindes, 
So . : : f Borag (Lal Lk 

# riven 

:hath broad leaues,rough, eae fee the ound =i 'a blacke or {wart greene cor 
y B& ers which rifeth vp a ftalk ao diuided into diuers Syeat| 
do growe gallans blewe flowers compote of fie leaues a pee of aoe 
which growefoush SL ide: the! 
page cel eaey with the colde of win 
Borage with 
chis Pianta are 

white flowers is like vnto the nibcioder sbut differeth in the flowers, for te 4 
ithe others ofa perfedt blewe colour,wherein is the difference. ee 


Sich 29 Bor, albo. Ping Ase 
Pee ore mee geet 

| ti . = 
"BS ze 

: ere a fh AN Soe 8 
ago fomper viren i] : ‘ eee Ea : _ - 
Noe dying ‘seen &Thedefeription. 
2 BD ap, ® Rk D : 
RY GSP oy ne Nener dying Borage hath many verie broade 
Ss A 3 ying § 
a \ “33 ~—_-leanes,tough and hairie, of ablacke darke greene 
‘ NY 03 Bs ay 2 $~ . colour : among which rife vp fti chairie ftalkes, 
AY whereupon’ ‘owe vetallatonces ieee : 
SD AN! an ye e; whe % a 

at one tim vee ce 
faire ae fr and vii feed, wherby i it 
greatly inc creafe th. Lherfoote is very: 

here i forto 

S : SN Y ZA 
SS, al ie 

fy fatten: ort -of Borageshathath 
like the precedent, bur thit am 
eatin itfelfeintob “hey se 
2 ae 
wers, were is the Phielelt . Feweets 

this and the 
& The place. 
“Thee ‘en Bite in eee alfo. 
: % The time. A 

q = 4% y % The nam / 
'< Borageis called in fhips'h Pea = the td 
“pers fu'presr, which i 1S calledin 


bula: Pliny calleth it Euphrofmumpicaute it maket! ; hid 

olde ver fe stat ning Borage doth teftifie: : Hh thing on 
e Ego Borage gaudia femper ago. y 

ng’ pn, 
I Borage bring alwaies courage. 

" es oe = : in @ “7 } TN... 
AM + > f “Nw 
laste seaekine Pose : 
% The temperature. 
vT.- = 1. “2 a ne a 5 } yey bd 1 lL } 
@ 2 *, MOC and 
%& Thevertues. 
A Sy FOE NB «5 : J i. oF C12] 5 a | 3 1 I. cays Tae pees 
0 Fe Ls 4 ye vied y lL ¢ 1 | SENS Se PORE | OE ‘ 
é oO. “<2 . 2 Mrs ald 
of fortowe,and increafing the ioie of the minde. 
B i. t ; Ree SO | 1} 1 1 5 4. “ye . 1 
, L 1] L J i = ir rhc oa L 7.8 2 te Ss ble, they 
g 5 g g fe and mat as 
R : ° 1 L } 4 ] . 
Cc. The leaues and flowers of ger i g ie, and’ 
} 1 ae a 7 B ee Ape eps a 
¢ ya | ao sf fle, ae re t v 1 1 Sc ae. 2 ann J. the 

” plese or ioe perfon. sa 
" The flowers of Borage made vp with fugar,dott d effedt 
: Syrupe res of the iuice of Borage with fagar, odie rs spetde the bone in the heart 
ofan Hart,is Eee againft {wouning, the cardiacke paffion of the gids a and the 

falling fickeneffe 
G __ Therooteis Neraionede the] g good bloode efpecially i 
thofe that haue utes be ke. 
Of Bugloffe. Chap.rzo. 
% The kindes. 
eon Lisntect ee are seer Aeeg S07: reese 
ey alba Buglo Be5 “ ne ee 
: Bafa eee 3s 
# Thedeerptin ies 
: S. CE et ee 1 4 Alt Bids pote = | ey +, 1 lon: then thole of 
: : T Bor: ra 4 ER fp are The ftalke 70- 
«<-aRS = Yr L “2 L: ies pO dea h of 
derly | dblewith 4 rs j oD r ph | bef I y be opened , and a 
mote blewe. Therooteis | hick d groffe,and of} ti like the 
L Pie in ear SF SE wn . cr woher. 
ae « Cc of ee belies see ook :é 

a ee fe 


apis ica! 2 Buglffien luteum, * 

Common Both sorgarden Bugloile. , Pye se de beete. 

ke The place. 
Thele do gtowein gardens euery where, 3 

They dower ftom | | Maic,or Tune, euen to ee nee of Sonu The leaues peri(h in miner and 
newe come ‘Vp in the f ete ng. 

eRe con The. names. : 

Garden Bg lofi iF led of the ! lof d sg loffa D offi or garden Bu 

& PAS daksats "W 5 J Apne ae cr. rr 3s e. 
andallo ugh ean, oleae eet : : 

) eae The é temperature andd vertues. Re ee SS : 
ogee tn fire. ootiq qa SL: 

It, teaufeth fwe. atinagues,as Pine fat ec faith ae t Beer ee) Pes : Fg Pepe Se B 
sethaen : ie ? a 

hes Phitions ofthe later rtime vie the lindas towers ‘sdk fteedeof Borage! a a Pe e- 
aa eens medicines indifferen which : are of force and = 

: of Borge ogi Ese, Papal! sors 
a ssheoad to ke or uble, 


Of eA. = 8 or wilde Buglo e. Chap. 271. 

s: The kindes. 

Here be fundrie plants diuerfly called, and yet euerie of themcom 

tehended Orconteingd ” 
~ among the’ kindes of wilde on Hew whofe figures to fetfoorth aig 

owe tee 
* P/ t Lf ffice 
Cr. re ee | 10 Col rs) Hp 
, TERS | a L 4 Mm iT. EPS 
( , Onoclis CAleibia 
Ve s Lib he 1 oft And tet a 4, inaahe 

2 oe lutea, 
Yellow Alkanet, 

m courses, ATs fs 
4 The defo. SS pie 

ot Hele herbes comprehended vnder the name of Anchnfa were ¢ fo called of th de om 

Re Sorc catted tuictinke “piers we red colou eal 
“euenas redas pureand clee’ te blood: for thatis the ei note or marke wher : 
ane m thofe which becalled d Echj, Lycopfis,and 2 whereof = yak a great 

Atk anet fromthe 

ids, : the leaues flowers,and gnefle. 

The firft kinde of Alkanethath ene ¢ Echiums sean rr tees 
apricly hoarines,hauing co ommonl one ftalk which is Sieve torent — 2 whe Ket 
all £. eee ee ss 1 os £. Ke, the pith or inner pat t 

— : oe ° 


wee Fes 

: 7 
5 or 
1 ders. 
ie rtm aa a 4 Att ¢ 1 . 14 . 7 }. 

i “y » = i we 
bk ay I hath alfc g i 1 ] and thofe more 
sede eee } he heiel t bi { 

cae tsl at the top growe flowers ofa yel- 
fowe colour, 6 Le f } ee : FM poke te ee 1 11: y 
ve r 

lous, ndmore full ofiuice chen eds ft. 
oe sa fmallkinde of Alkanet, whole 1 rooteis gre j Cal ca: 61 oO 

f , fmal- 
bs le, ender, andi in number et mote, Very greene like vnto Benge yeelding foorth many letle ten- 

7"? ax 1 1 ig f 1 1 CR 1 
wee A ¢. ‘-, ee | fx All bate Fe 1 bg Tat. . 7 d,akind of wilde 
a un “17 a Cc hd Body oS “Cal Ts Cc j 1. 
hath narrowe leaues, ch lil fommmer Sauori ‘ ale are twohandiuls 
high be : g y ees | ee} , Spe i h L: 1 L 
redcol sdyi g 1 te 2 teed L Tbe ; Cc 3°. f° 2m. 
4 P Ace, 
Thefe plan Be Sepia insbe lbles sof N Jabout M 
raunce : 1 found th ae thy ts growingin the Ileof Thanet neere me i fe 5 eh a he 
fometime ging to Sit Henrze Cri/pe,and Margate: where I fou in cheir natural! ri 
= fearcely ree cha were come to that beautifull colon of alana: he fuch as is folde = 
ae % Thetime. 
Alt a ja fl ZL ] z TW Lo. LI j 
iuice in harneft time,as ~~. writeth, 3 Z \ r 
The names. 
i Latine alfo « sft cd 
nd Onocleia, 
wi a Hifpanica, or SpnhBelte: in Spanith cael in French one: jadi in Englith 
likewife Orchanet,and Alkane 
_& The tem, rature. 
The Alt td Pe h »and binding, d bi feiris bi i 
clenferh a ee Ape Se | 1 Foes Til WV past Bs 8 3 
‘ : ? a@ 7 te SLA 
TD ebetdee Ot . -t % The vertuts. Ca ne 1 : : : z 
in) “3 1 } : . 1 5 Se f 
foratdetee Nee Sore We i OG oe - ah fc 3s oo ee 3 ae ery oe A 
Thatbeing vied peflarie it bring Le {ah he J ieee ; —. 
c L eT Tah ae NW Kaas PS ee 
thse iehinces ihe leche sag, ; vii 2 ye 
omnrm. om | 1 1. 1 ES - . 4 i on > 
F J ° av 
Diuets of the la ee Diakcione do! hoile with rt 2 CAN 4 wis tweete butter, fuch LE 
*shath in itnofae atall, vntill fuchti 7 hich clamwinall 5 
fon, nh fe that haue fallen noe high sig , but alfo reportit beg mics 
the meafels and finall poxe fi itbe drunke in the nope a bg hot beere 
Ss. cell: S$ G 
ee * rar, ¢ in? 2 
Tobn of Arderne harh f...4 whe, pofiti 1 whi Ba mol finglas i inG 
Ire 1s made with thrufts,as followe ch: Take of vile Olea pint, the roo 
f g 2 L 
y . Late f. ee RL see plas - r°y 


Of Bugloffe. (Chap.r72. 
x Lycapfis Am 

Me gla 

2 Oxofma, 
Stone Bugloffe, 

% The sivinclgs 2 
= ie rope tie or wilde Bugloffe fo called for thatit doth not prome forsale 
a ANE MG, PR RE eee a ee ea Pe eal 
er Leh aac alae wig 1 5 } 
ther ki “4 FE Ls 1 hath : gl * ihe vn 
1 a We Pe Seon a » which z as saa ae or eye inka 
hi . = Se i Ca fa ALLE. we  firft,but whe ¢ 

a eto be of anazure s caksaidaatead el eee certaine fmall blewe th 
‘ee the ot is {mall and blacke, fathioned like the head of = a fnake or viper: - rote : 

_* hep 

gtowe,in great abun 
Sy Thebes set 

Then See 
iris pe se? Blea dtl or adion , of Abibindes the ssl 
vertues thereof: lowcost my ‘ th es net: in sce 

einai B tig 34 spammed, n Buglof faluation® puglaft 

24 Ye the be pe Site, 1 Aa 

bee Tons ——— 

fe fi inE glifl ip R gl fle, Cc | Rp 1. &- aS a ip 1 i aie ey Be , 
Sepa! the Teller: 
The temperature. 
'Thefe herbes are colde and drie of compe n. 
The: vertues. 
= i fo i sindit fess fuch A 
from being aig as tae drunke of it sags the ron and feedes % the fame > ee ides wri- 
* teth: Bie csi, oke of Tre pers Bugl Hero which 
cure the Fn oe Terad% rth i Sans 3 alin aa = nif 
Theherbe chewed, and the iuice fwallowed downe, isa mot fi fing remedie againft poifon, C 
andthe bitings of at ny beafts,and th and lai de vpon the fore worketh ; 
the fame effect. 
Ee Of Houndes toong. ((hap.273. 
Cynogloffian. : 
Hounds toong. he defer, pe ion, 
3 oun cong hath is 
T leaues muchlike th Wien Bugloffe,but 
arrower,fmaller,and not r t 
yet fome fine hoarineflé or foftneffe like veluet! 
Thefe leaues ftinke very filthily , much like vnto 
pi dogs : wherefore the Dur - 
calledit Hounds pile, and not stoong, 
¢ ftalks are rough,hard,two cubits Pe ea 
a browne colour,bear thetopmany flowers, 
ofa dake purple colour: the feedeis rongh, ee 
uing to garments like Agtimonie feede: the root 
blacke wake so 

¢ haue receiued another fort heereoffrom 

the of Tabi hanin ng leaues like woade,fome- 
what rough,and ie ay aon e wher- 
init diese m the kinde, the feede 
hereof came pig: the le eo 

~~ hounds t 
Oe have snot fort of Houn oong. like 
n_kinde, ane ne is ak 
Tefler: ie lee are ofa thini ing reas colour. 
he vee. : 
at Hounds t g gro weth almoft en 
€ wire y high waies a ewe grounde: a 
ES ial s toong growe eth very plentifully b 
- = : —s ae 3 de Golc efter bile a 
oe Lond nwatd, betweene Efterford and Wit- 
Cyrrgfra dunn ae es a tam in Effex. 
< a ‘The time. : 
They dower in Tune and Iulie, 
Houndes ry pret cee st ¥ % The names, . : 
Bis C35 ee eee 1 os. ae 
theres not any ch yee PB ee ee AF Oe | jag 8 

The nature 
Mond toong but elpecial ly his ibd ts colde and drie. 

650 THE -giileg Rites OF THE 

A_ The rootes of Houndes toong rofted: in Bee sats and laide to the er healeth the 
hemozhoides,and the dileafe called d Lents: Sacer ot wilde fire 
in ea ey and | deepe v vice 315 moft fingular 

or 1aes ey that he leaues boiled in wine and drunke, do mollifie the bellie, and that the 
leas rll Sh old fiv peeroale, 2 are <8 againft the failing away of the haireof the heads, 
hich proceedeth of hotfhaepe h 

Dd. | FIG p eee, 

g g! gs, 5 oo Vs fdogs, as rig 
ee author addeth, 
tugs : = 

“Fos or the great Confound. Chap.274. 

Con;olida maior. fore albo, 
age with white flowers, 


SF fe 
ee cP). 

aw Vz : 

i LAN Sarat, 

eftalks of this ca comet 
eth two cubits or a yarde high: = 

mp, pl ae a 19: 
y placed,long, hollowe we a alight redde colour: after them 
pevecelled fe verac. lacke without, white within, hauing ! 
econfifteth ¢ 

D2 oe HARD nnich like the den Buelo' 
dc yy me aoe sig regre she root 


oa is another kinde of es that hath leaues like hee » fat aning g that they be lefférs 
a ha i aa Bi 1crworne 
the talks ake gl ST Sars TY. 21 \J Tr p Pee $ 
yell : % The place. - 
Coot ye Spee Pree SR NS Pe a FT 1 L We J 
Comfrey ios > yg y garden, 
% The time. mad? 
They fowerin Tune andIuly. se ne 
. sai dara ; nue 
° , ie 2 TAPS +4 ‘1, 
It = call ? nr 1 yy atine Cy hyte 293 i; HT | lida OT ; and 
7 forest L “vs Inularu niticas and Alus Ga lca, of otters fey; a 
me i se og SG Sy Te pa ¢ ere Bees ni igh 
Dunc Ge reaped a Lane “th Spanith Suelde 
Y] V5 omtreyv on. 
Bisid, ab at Knit eaten aa Bastvoor : . 
fa atur \ 3 5 
The t oe, ture. te 
Theroote of Comfrey hath Id he real ‘ eee o 
i é os a «* 
¢ in ‘i Lr hh ll, Nt eae ae | 1 gt fn ; t »andwithout im 
L Ss Pp a? gigs Le *: L 1. 2 43.05 4 1. fi 
Beh ees 1 oe “Oy x = ». The! 
f 3 r ¢leauics may caufe itching n not 
n t th ot 1 $50.» A tle fie & 
£ B) > foto) B) , 5 yet then 
= The vertues, : 
B | oct +3 : b eh 4 Sen se Ree pa? 
Cd bo 
ey all see aa aa fates 
ift » doth heale all frefh and are woundes, B 
“Ty fo. Aa ras 
eine Hung 
inapot, ics ¢ itin one umpe. 
oe re 1 rey OS a 

and cureth the — of the Co 

C0 ; 
bad ¢ * . —_ 
at. 4 4 ¥ 1 
= he SY ae BY fast $s xr. Cal Sp atak or, a P : aD 

nh #2 | rt LM. oe or 
et by any aa In % 
AI: 1's : - y: 

be gotten 

of Comfrey in number fe, Knots the Jeaues of Clarie of eche a an hand E 
x imped 1st T,and : J 
ee ‘and the powder of three Nutmegs, 1 kefi ft and laft,is :moft excellent médici 

~ Thereietikawits . fe cox of ee ee Reta pe aries SS ee Se Pe: 
pi Si a4 of agus the sheath owing humours: zhealeth ices of the 
lunges, andhelpet ugh: he receit whereofi is this Take two ounces of the rootes of great 

; an ae =A dahalfe 

er icledesniberaree drams ora quarter ofanounce peMtatione ey ad 
| ae vies boile all in a fufficient quantitie of water;till one pi ne, {traine 

: r {train cxf white iat 


man yoltebethonicand 
: a longeonsinvance: Gs 


Of Conffips of Ferufalem.  Chap.275. 

% The kindes. 
Teck ka Te ae: Pisctal » being thetrue L ungwoorts , differing 
eh 1 Chen Mee No --Chelilke A sring onely in ‘ 
£ Pabvonei maculofa. 2 Pulmonaria foljs hin 
: pe. oe eee of Tenifalem. igs fie Cowfli 


ee ec Se The drpio. Se eee F 
hm i wa er " 

male otted with ditiers fj oe 

2 {pan lon: sbearin at the 

Conf pallens what ich ceeds 
out at ones The flower being fallen, 

» Owllips of Terufalens or the true and ri 
y ofa greene 


mer. hae © eer inech refpeGetleauesbit : * 
t varie F white fpots like te former:tie 

bivhich eat 
te hi meat 

4 Pena 
leaves are like ynto 

no vfe in Phificke, 


3 Pulmnonarisanguftifolia 7. Clift _ 4 Pubnonaria Gallorn 
Narrow leafed Conilips of lerufalem., French Cowllips of sflerufaici. 

% SoS 
te =< 
% O< 3 
Sy BF 2 
Ww LI i) 
HS | & 
Hh Re SA 

’ Ulirrares ag nidtirns 
ut, dab The ee 
aon ‘ { ie 

5 ys é hen es 

- They flower ~ themoft part in March sid ‘pal 

% Then 
. Sapeaty of — or bee of saute is i led of the Herbarifts of our time 5 Pulm 

3 0f Cordus, Symphytum lnefir ee Comfrey: but feeing the “otheris 
alot nate wilde, tmayapey becalled supe yisnn Be are in high Dutch 
Lungenttaut in low Durch Dnler broutwerr rat i {ported Sy i oe 
Pies: Peeling, erufalem, 1, Sage cof Bethlem, and of fome LndesofMiote, rt5no anding 
Pubuonirie Th TIL. fit * pa C+t- ad ca aE co 
mic: but feeing t POSE Fe RS MR Sarena se i= See tee: } eee 
&Thevert tuts. a ? 
Hebe aces Lfo tk 
Msand vicersof the gporhe 

kegeandobco like force with the great sp 

Tt 4 



Of Clote Bure or ‘Burre Docke. Chap.r76. 

1 Bardana maior. 
The great Burre Docke, 

4; rx , 
= iit) 

Ky) yl 

eel! 7 7 

RU} iy Mf 


pe ire 
rt Uke, 
CE Ke 


Ree dt 


%& The defeription. 

Bardana minor. 
* Thee Bae oi 

vhite within,and black 
Bure hath 

e without. - cena 

ues farre {maller then th age light green colourlike: qed 

dround See che ftalke isa a shal, fullo fi ile ik 
in EE, abe 4 CN ONE. 

ea fruit ona 

cof - leaues, in forme lor 

an Oliue ora Comelibertie, rou! gh li like the bawles of “hie Bian tree , and being touche alt 

g, onthe to; 

tops oft ae nches, as bige®4 

faft vnto mens s garments; they d not hen all scion 33 : bring foorch long 
feedes. he pat = PE.» ‘ 

~ a — eueri€ where: the feconde I foundei 7 = high wilte leading ftom Drai- 

¢ founde it'in the high nywaie be- 

laos Spies andEggham, 

: % The ities 
Their feafon is in Iulie and = 
* The names. 

$8. 9:25 sew 

, per fonatia, and (Aremmtin {hop 
f 1 

Bardans, and Lappame 
Glouteron: inEnglifh th Gre: ag haces Clot Burre: Apuleius stipe: théte doth alfo 
fer certaine other names = id ng to ClorBurre , see Bacchion »Elephanto/is,.Ne- 
phelion, Manifo 0 Vir 


in Latine Xanthéum: in fhop Lappa 
= 5 eae ,and of diuers Strumaria: Galen ich itis isalfo alle sPhegenies, Ss lean, 
yt properly fo called :in Englif Loule 
Burre,D i Burre Dock 3i fe htot cle xmbimpoftbecte &, forthe 
RR Oe Cty Ge crs 5 ont } se eed an 4 y+ 
vy 1. } . ge soy C. 2 Bia eee. algae : 
} i ay } sy te ae 1:.6 i bé drefléd or 
rubbed wich niter,as Dee ee viet ‘ 
% The temperature. Pag ea vd 
T1.1. Cor Rn 1. j J fe iL Cae 9) 
thing hor. ge “SR TO ie ey 
en | Cit. tT ee fn23. 1 1 3°: nn .tl fs os wee EO 
aes & The vertues. in Se 
"TH, Sey 1 Poo Meee Meee 1 cD: 1 Sk Ur so ot ffeth, are good | 
them that fpitbloudand corrupt matter, : : 
Al C faith 1 1 ; | es n Ce ey py Loe wnt | j $3 oF ) Pere A PR i 1) 
d perth th Ty eal SSS ies es ae * = rf B 
Tye olf. See 6.14.21 : 5 ae | Pe : 1 . 
ketha 1 : C.hehl.d] 1} eae Ege Ber ae Ege ie pare andes. C 
helpeagainft the bitings of ferpentse ee 
Col: Ly ee | os Se | 4:52 See Ce Be ph | 37 aA ye oe e which is made D 
with thel C4 - + 5 C+ . a pas 8 OS SE eee Qn. 
Hmeteanaileble again ferpents 3 ESTs REVS i Sie is good againfteh si g a 
The fkalk of C Ll iS ave ; 1 sy rt eet fb ; x L — 
and pepper,o: oo PN ae +. aC g take 1 1 
Re 95 increafeth feed ene ‘p: it. 
_, Alfoitis ent, efpecially boile d, if | lof f the poe i E 
The rontre- In } 1 yy 1 Yate, re af ig Fat 
windieat ‘y id i = 
. _ Treacleof Anvromach fae the thittsof ne oche  ieecqiai a ehotasd ina adel H 
motmracuic dipon tebe caine ses haue beene ptooued oftentime: 

i appr i a ES Sa ye 1 aI 
ache ifithe hal. Tai}. 1 1 y eee ¥ 
ett ree vee vies be a oo gt painein thei beh 
_ Duforidest thatthe tit is bas arr clay hardf fwelling 

Ni ed,wathi yhelpeth the zoning, ae 
its Yea. BE hee | amo 
1 bt y Sar qi LE pray 
2 2° 

forA ~ 

Py Saas, fe 


Of Coltes foe or Hof foote. Chap.r77. 

1 Tafslego TufGlaginis 
Coltes xseatee: cote in flower. we ° The rasa ae Coltes foote, 

, & 
WY : v 
aN ee pd 
BS? 12 
NS) Nh? 
7 SS 
<3 hag OB . 
Wa A 
M\) E y ' 

At oe 
SS ule 
Cie Le . 




=S trrtinm 
4 Qy 



= Pee ere fringing —_ 
~ broad ¢ ground ofa white hoarie or grayifh co oe 
anhortefooesor erie cies was rascalled Floto Horfchoofe ; feldome orneuer = 
os. f shag 
-asmay aera ec 

Om 3 rR: TLIAnaN A fing 

pore lae oe 

ee’ Be The plates 99 oy ot “ners, inwettit 
nef 1: 1 fpr es Ss hefeaalmofteuery™ 
”~ a . t 
peice ein = The tite Aas Ai oe on ail 
f ka s L. ram May at Oe L bet 2 the 
ieee ae Bah ete a elect 
Apui willbe cedily witk wi 55 See eT St aay Oe 
TN fs ge pa } entie booke, and fst 
~ gthe 

The names. 

tied in Greeke Bi ife Bechion. and 7, wage seers bps Far- 

Ep eos aballina nifh — 
“ah ech pas a afne: in nEnglih Folefoote , Coles is Horch pei: ulfoo 

is.alfo C o be ikewie called 

aon Fart anut, (if b ! heco; ie) whi ich thing alfo in his 

3 ¥ ate ver tues and 

facull ulties of Bech:wm,or Coltst hofe opini ites { h eae 

medicinable collections making mention of Chameleuce : onely Piinie ng ag-eeth with i, 

pected that fomethinke , thar Bechium i is called by another name Chamaicuce > inhis 26 oke 


J % 
andy dicts na names. h i Tufle (which may alfob be Englifhec Cova focal- 
r Cd 1: 1 L 
J J Red g > 
Lr. 7 b ee, bas Itled ov Yd 

3 : ee um peti 
fan dafque.e et ra Si ut folia Farfari: 
To the company I gauie | both lime buth and fling, 

The white Poplar tree ¥s called in Greeke atx, and poe chau Coltes foote,was alfo - 
called Chamaleuce. 4 

; : : % rhe + +, and -erture 
TL], CCA h y ft a ] Sie ae P| Ak EST gmp OE A 
ing qu ey Fy = 1 % a = a L 1 She 4} 1 SS / ] 2 
ora Fining! ] SEE 
Pat ™ ] % Ln L re Ry of Paes} 1 ee 
é) P hniie + age =} DV} 
thatproceedeth of athine fheane: : a 
rom iy J 11. 1 gs % a | en 2 
yea Ae ¢ Pe See eee Ps be a Ss ae a5 
Th 6 | yo Baty 1 L Cc. Wy IIE } 1 ‘atte Mis Ny D 
he eae aE . - Bo gor ; € 
is $ y 
ST 1 
Rei 1 
fide, ~ 

bans are {mall, moffie e peaks colour,which being made pinto ve ig eare 
obs Pateoe an with the {tem whi ichisthicke; full of’ fubltaunce and brickle, 
wierand al away : the leaues are atine Pet 
Chawideneffe,as that ofit felfeitis bigge 10 keepeaisiaiisheadf:om rane, 
and from the heate oft en sand tae cheyhe giereechaane leauies of the c lot caren 
oh hae 

Aentimes acubite aa, oni fullot fa bbiaaeeil nwhich ftandeth the leafe inthe center oF 
Bieta erences sie sliketoone-of the greaceft Muthron 
: has tandeth abotechefem 4 efpeciallyiwhen they are in per: at & and withe- 
te ; ‘ichitlempe iets wonaiee oxoutlideof the Mulhcorns 4% ides our? and v 
ve g injandeuen fotheleafe of B on the oath 

as (Espey pe aa :the Stools ee thicke,long, blacke withcur, ties ar 

2 Petafites florens. tafitisfoli. 

Butter Burrein flower, * Theleaie €s of Butter Burre, 

Ke Rok 



c7AR ca 

ox Nic 


iamoift at neem des, = vpon the brinkes and bankes of lakes: 
‘wifes salmoft euery wh 

The eare with the flowers ourith in a pa then come <P the leanes me continue till win- 
= each: newe ones fill growing vp,* 

% The mimes. 
Butter Burre is called in Greeke remota, Sof the Dak pent the leafe that is like to mbaar,oF8 

x the Latines do alfo calli it Petafites: — ch Weftitentsiuurts ¢ in low Dutch Docker 
' manifelt cha echiss lik tn Colles fm 

ehatdabace cea Rohe 10 e 

dried and beat ary reo sa toceaighe wee al 

eae ale proved heen eesti: cheharal bors 
ceagainft tes 

vicers,ifthe pinlibetaed therein,” 
yspro ouoketh: ithem 


Of fmall Celandine,or Pilewoort. Chap.279. 

3; a4 ° a “St: Seer oe 
ree sof C fi ay es ' | 4 ine, 4:5: ps Rp | 
-- shel Se od er, which Lint denis: seo dunes clay 
ght pet 
Chelidonium minus. wr PD ‘ail 
Pile woort. fore ‘ % The deferéption. 

He leffer Cel >dine hath greene pas 
ease ee ~ 


the flowers there {pringeth "PA a ae fneknopot 
vs ad fullo ffeedet the roote of flend 
tings , on which do han oa as it weld fants 
ee of the bignefle of Wheate cornes, or 

The plac 

weth in Bag chi by common waies, by 
ditches: a trenches, “ied is pebgders etery where, 
in moift and epee 

‘Te commeth Boch aed the Calends of 

rch,and flowreth a little after : itbeginneth to 
fade away in April, it is quite gone in May, after- 
wards it is ee to be founde, yea f{carfely the 

xe Then 

ue s called in Gr Laas iar’ of shane 
elidonium minus, and ane act 

divers peepee minor ,Ficaria 

pio Memiren: in Italian Fauofcelo: vinbigh ied 

Feigwurts eatin French (clere, ad Petit 

Benet: in Englith little fo, eS “ if é 

Ttishorand dein n10,. 

. ce? £i. 3, St ie Fs] 
sf bi pf 
Ie prefently as Galen PA s % The» aes. ARES, sr “e's ‘, ee A 
sgedonpra sae lous Aa ois : 
iuice of the : con OE ott UES lat 
fuleandfehiehumours, = 2 aay ae 
3 ‘ fics te ee ee! fat Tet aS 
Ril scant pee Valmet irawne tosithér and dried dtl 
taken away, = 5a me “a dred ons ff <¥ 
: benliat ste. SPE EL OE SS oe Are eae | 1 
forthwith ceafeth, < = 

Of marfh-Moarigolde. Chap.280. 

Sd cea ientshaue defcribed but 
3 Caltha plete maior. — 2 Caltha paluftrisminor, 
The gr grea <" Marigolde. The {mall marth - arigold 


A at + 

Cutie pokuatas ; Ce id 
: ote. dist 

Cain plates 1 PSS 

%& Thetemperature. 

a oe eo 8 eee 1 If. J. | 
a Secon ‘a Ce oe lL } 1 Leck icke far ftalkes, 
sare “Me fe gre > I it d Fo 5 ly yellow fl >>” el ke gold, and like 
“tothok of af Crow ifoote, k h ay oe (Te ore e rings 
2. Thek 1 Marigold h ie] he grounde , of a datke 
: oe. among which rife vp ae braunches ser Bs che like ener he do ee. 
__ Stowe at therop gy 
i 3 aS 3S OR Pi PES Bs Fa and, = native counttcy 

The thofé countries 
~ fhould emma bie the furtheft parts of Germanie , as the ae a a man of rene 
that I haue had conference withall , aith cei 
and ftalkes,like thofe of our commen for, and hath double flowers like holt of fiber 
oe wherein confifteth the differe: 

3 calths 

alts tee 
: Bote aredeatih Marigold, ‘ “sk The place, 

They ioy inmoift and marifh groundes, aiid in 
watery medowes. - 

% The time. 

They flower in the fring when the Crowfoots 
do, but {omewhat late softentimes in fommer; the 
Jeaues keepe their ‘ coetiel ‘all the winter long. 

* 7 he names. 

Marfh Marigold is called of Valerius Corduus, 

. % The temperature and vertues, 

Touching the faculties ofthefe plants, we have 5a 
nothing to faie,eit jee ay of other mens writings, 
or our owne experie 

Of Frogge bit. (hap.281. 
Z > The defcription. 
I Here floteth or {wimmeth ypon the vp- 
rs yea of the water a finall plant, 

Me Rana. Frogge bit. 

Mere 7a Frogge bit,haning 
litle coud aes fiche ery like to 

\ the leaues of vaall Peni laos the en" : 
AV es among the leaues of a white 
, U Gem colour, wit tain it rum in themid- 
PEPE —— dle,confifting of three leaues : in ftead of rootes 
Gn @S ax: ithath fléder ftrings, which grow outof a fhort 
WAY We ad & {mall head,as itwere, fro m whence the leaues 

SON : 

head alfo come forth flopewife cer rings, 
by which ii eae kph itfelte, 

oath where any that is aifpoled may 

The time 
Band Howreth moft partofalthe ee 


eee: hice ‘ 
Tis called off aie Rane ai and ade 
_ Ranaand Nymphaea par 

_ # ihe 

* Sept tale andvertues, — ; : 
bs os that tee vntoit, — Wweeae , and to hauethe 

a Dee 3 

Of ». water Lille. (Chap.282. 

% The kindes, 
Le . 3 7 f. cr. you Lr. y z Lm 
X Nymphaea bid 
White. sh "Lillie. * alow nate water ‘Lillie 

ts Fen ce 


Ihypepheen bol 

& The defeription, 

Hewhite wate iio har hath great round leaues,in fhape ofa buckler, thicke, 
DT igoti ae mr ae round and fmooth fooceltalit it ine 
of flote vpon the top of the water : vpon the 
fa octet homeo clnshe confifting of aaa ae: long , fharpe 

leaues,in threds :afterthe lowe! henge oe ea 
head irs ee sitet feede. The rootes be thicke, full of ts, blacke jnthe 
—— and ‘Pungiewithin,out of groweth a multitude of ftrings, by ' which is faftned 

\ gps 


Theleaues of the j ater Li he other,yet are they a little longer:The ftalke: 
on 1} belike: tl be yellowe,confitti ng onely of fue little fhort lentes 
rr ee ok iddeft of whick ha fall arpe towards 
fom eeng ey t a Rian SES ARE hy eo Retite milicale glitter 
+. IT dd > b Hak 
4 age 4 hofe of ti ‘i , 1 leffer tl Wh eat CORRES The paws be il ‘otis, fer 

papers I TEE 1 ae 
CLL ie , i =) 
2 ahod Jest 
3, Nymphs alba mito 4 Nympl a 
3 the {mall white w aoe Lillie. The finall yellow water Lillie, 

Snape hab 

|. Thefiallwhice waterd illic Bexeth likessife enone ‘sidan nde wicks Sime 
$ 2S. See Me Pepe ey pee | ae med fm Tiere eS Anl 

h atthe Peale bic 

dobring foo 
» Dut leflerson the’ other fooreftalkes weeereitor steko of fe {mall 
Tt 2Peece hating aisle yellowein: the middle: there cof, 


soa al ae tended f 
olour: the leaues and 

ren } 

Lilli e » faving ing thay be 
= liech 

5 Pw 


5 Nymphas 4 lutec minima, 
Dwarfe water Lillie, ake The 4 es 

tbes to 0 gro ihfenmes ft 

/) waters broad ditc chesyand: ‘abe ods charge 

Wy). Swe flowly sand fom se sin gre ‘atriuer x 

Oe es 

bas eg a flourith oft of the fom- 

% The n 
Water Lilly is scalled in Ged Nougat: and 
in Latine allo Wymphea, fo named bicaule it]o. 

atin : inhigh Dutch Uttafler Babem: inlow 
Dutch jolampen sin Englith water Lillie, wa. 
ter Rofe. he temperature. 

Both theroote an nd fects of water filha 

as i 

‘i e-vertues : 
illy with yellowe flowers’ 
4 lashes tee ouerflowing of feed which commeth 
ay by dreames or otherwife, and is good for 
them that haue the bloudie flixe. ‘ 
= water i which dank the white flows 
of greater force,infomuch asit ftaieththe - 
wits bacbor this and the other that hath the blacke roore are dvunkein red rene ey 
‘he piles Saree te | he ey | ads again } orph they efter Jin water, 2 
a chap hath the te. i . enor: 

fr . ia L 
oe C; y Sgn Es Oshe infirmiti¢s 

fah senant the yellowect- 
eh i ce of the kidneies cad Sadie, and is = os at oi — running of the 

Cy eee en rows ole 4 oe éor flefhly defire if 
d SEE 1, + Ly 2 TL c re f l it J for 
the fecde of Se tntadeiahiee 
: Si dietnengmi csr di aoe es 
yp tecager 

ame a a yl sella > vpone 
comma se Sacer tet soot 
nee oe pa three times a day remooued;ane ; 

if fattiteapnocec ira PLANTS. 

is Offi — etl Asan 

nod fine nA 
a on latifolinm e : 2 Pamir eatiflon. inoqut =i 
pm Pondweed. Nat row ik ae Pondweed, : 
iy yy ; PR: eSU che ee 4 Le 

ea a 
y <5) Ma 

\\ ZS 

LU was 

i fat es Ther 

cto cate and Ii ng vpon the 
in Or'vpper F f the water ile: the ower growe in fhore 
res sandar c L 1 WT c. 
2 x : 
t Thdoteth foorth {lender and rounde 
’ flems,w’ hich Sos ele pa ste ste his leaties are broad, ong, pointed, 
yetmuch leffe then th he firftkinde:ou tofthe bo oforties of hebeered sd leaues there fring cer. 
doturne into aine 
sods ete co Ty. SeeRT, h:hisrdéo Poee ot k y a 
EVIE, F a ; TBAG % Theolice. pth 1 through! i ots 
« Theghethes do eek , poles 1 eee oees thes 
% The time. eH 
Taboos, Anaad Pe : 
Wicun. Pe Pol ip % The names. Ry re . Dkas . oe + 
inlow gs ble aastin ree tid Englit ee 4 1 a Ce 
anol gtacnn hs) &T, i 
“teat hat 

dousbinde ind cole ‘like’as aw kiacieattc| but his effenceis thicker 

Vv2 The 

676 THE SECOND: obi OF: THE 
z *T Thee 

A__ Itis good againft the itch,ani 

cating leeches Riseribe ee 

ndconfuming o 
B detec! itis pov tia pled to the Fla of ae wherein ad (we i xe 

Of water Sal; igot,gwater Cab water Ne a Gap 4 

Water ae 

vik wie Bh ig flender 
alkes, growing vp and 
the bottom 2 cof aera E Sion = 

tin ng aboue the the fame, weake, and fl aeaee 
heere and there ynder the water certaine 

towards the top of che wateris verie greatin re. 
{peé& of that which is lower:the leanes| 

ut the ngft 
groweth jain is triangle jedi fap 
pointedand prickly, in apelike hurefull engins 

, caftin rae afhige of the shite to 
nnoy the feete of their horles,called 
wh it tooke his name; within whichis con- 

teined a white kernel] , in tafte almoft like the 

Chefnut, which is epptted to 
and being dried and grounder to ferue in rue in feadof , 


* Theplace. BS 
or dus faith, that it groweth in Germanicin 
mitie lakes, and in citie ditches which have mud 

in thems in Brabant and in other places of the 

mapas see itis foun oftentimes in 

waters,and {prings> AZathi writeth, that it 
fine not onely in lakes of fweete water, 
iicexseinedstiaes bythe fea ner vnto Ve- 
droite The time 
_ Ir fourifheth in Iune,luly, and Auguft, iin i 
: er : ints 
a ee a) We. oni: +z : pacers ls 

cuitris; the each T abe 
emer; sand = theli kenefle of i iron nailes 95 
isnamed Wate S 


jnus: ‘oi Dutch capone a the Brabenders 

Binckijfers : tthe French men Macres: in toa * 
ite of this ae oe 

Be aquatiles,or water Chefnuts. 


* stim a: 

iat } 

ifteffe , which in this Lome 
* 5 faith. 

rare thence. UL 1. 

A Therion pica br cis goo neat sed 

Lae feumite 

and the almonds of the throte, 



a ae . ee ce R 
A geet m 1 bis 4 Pehint ao La te i gts te AE ‘3% 
sot and rhe 3 
nba aS ° eeu ; 
et c 1 eh che 2 1 Poet Rr 
2 oS Bi \ 
hich are sre troubled with the che ad coll 
wv } 1 pee 3° 23. | a | re > D 
The fame at Pen af -CAeed all Ae a pata Sg 
x ee : * a : 4 
4 i ft d vI f rk } sthe putrifac E° 

tion al ae ae ie tears = an a Kings é 
der made of the nuts, are giuen tofuchas piffe blond, and are troubled with grauell, and F © 
binde the belly ve y much, 

Of water Segre a water Soldier. Cp Be. 

Militaris\ Aizvides. te 
+> Frefh water Soldier. sie re 

5 Thedef efeription, 

Refhw or Soldies - water Houfleeke,hath 
leaues like thofe of herbe Aloe, or Semper 

fom “- pe head ae 

eb 01 
es ee faltned: 

Se ies i 


wk : The place 

This i is ee erg ftanding jd 
ditches , in-veriemanie rivers in the lowe coun- 
tries the greateft partof the leauestogither with — 
the flowers ftandeth abo = water: a cot ther 
parts of the Pint are ice 

Tt dowrethin ine and leanings 

It may be called Se lie cual or water Sen- 
greene; tharisto hie, of thelikeneffe of Berbe 

Aloé ; which is alfo called in Latine Sedum; of 

Sabo a Cir wlasin'Bn gifh water ole Rigo Pondwoort,and of ae 
Sons Awater haste wading Pondweed: it feemeth to be Stratiotes a- 
sO Sirasee pas plans or es phe pet's eta ma vlikewife be named in La- 

= wankand fing which it fendeth roche boreme of the water be no roots, | ai 


“ae The temperature, pee 
Pike songemest ah apie 


% Thevertues. a 

FL Ty 1 eh ey ape A ; a A | a EE | 

ing i des itis good again{t Saint Antonies fire and bos biel oe 

. ganbein 
to them: arid is equall eer anebioneey with ths former, 

Of water Yarrow and water Gilloflower. enn 

1 Viola paluftr#s, ‘lefolium aquat. 
Water Violet. * Warn i 


+ . ATA” worry. L920 ji. : 
fille paw ae “fal j : 

= ~ p a 

* a a 

pie N icles hark lon and greatiagged eas, verie finely atone ike Yaron, 
VY but fmaller:among which come vp ee and age oe 
ees Sapo white flowers like vnto fei Nag flowers.y. with { “4 
the middle, The rootes are long and finall like Siake cde ondartbec cadet a 
2 t Milf water Yarrow: acess lens deepely cut, many. 
— Fennell but finelier iagged, fwim aie ¢ water,.-The roote is ingens 
oe ea = ftraight,and set fale nee ee vote fande Yt 

rowe, ~ ° is 
¥ P. Ss . 3 “ilepon 

i SS ee ee 


3 Millefoliwn 3 fue Maratriphyllon flive & femine Ranuniult — Hab iio facie. 
3 Crowioote; or water Milfoile. 

3 ‘This water oe ditfeceth fi from oe the kinds 

afo paid! hauing a rootei i me bottom of the wa- 
ter made ‘of m many hairie ftrings , w hier yeeldeth 
n oe evi %g re water, Bhi 
eft of the ftalke which @oteth vpon the water di- 
nideth i it felfe into find a7! otek branches Sevings, 
which are be dafhr\ e fimall iagged leat 
like vnto Caahibandlt ah oh cfe nibling haitie 
Taffels or fri en leaues: from the bofomes 
ereofcome foorth fmalland tender braunches, 
enery braunch bearing one flower likev r 
o WwW -olour,with : Helgey cin 


nd no ersthe ftalk 

malland FS ee ‘clos gaping flowers 

fathione likea hood, or the {mall mae 
aufed P 

me! on ee tis, iota Ther Ea 
are {mall ote hice a hang- 
ing sheen the founds of fh. 
he place. 

ei y. Lr ji 

: fo. 
peat in any o 4 i ale ater di ch rte di im ing Saint Gee his fielde Heere 
; i : ly : 5 
& i partin Maie oe hay ! 
The Ge; aaltled in Dy enn Tihatls bie “sa 02. Ben desk Bee ee 
: 30 AG Z 5 
; fla et Violet :in French igh rc @ cane ; Mathicls keth tl be alfo ALyriophyll 
; »Ora 2 Pe aot :: or 
: fecies,ora ide of pe ae ot agree with the ption thereof: for neith 
Tootes 2 ca.: EE ES ~ i te PS BS 
ae Greiossinnnin diallioas and Mri dalfo S: 
pertiliwm Peneris sin (hops itis vnkio e:this Yarrowe differeth from that o Jase the thirde 
stn enone 
ele pa paeteprdsitp andverties. tha we f ea 
ater Yarrow as Diofe id : by y hotin- A 
tenes infan | Sep | ag 1 Dif. Fs ae 1 jtha Fes 

in greene wo! unds, if with vineger it be applied greene 
iy vege rand otha len from: a ‘high fe 

Of Duckes eras other pepe herbes. Chap. 287, 
Luffy: } RN oa t 
Brel e “yeti * Ti bees ote son. 
: Vc ker $s meate is as it were ine green 
D ctoife, with ey little ae ea of the 
bignes es of Le ms outoft eis lewher. 

of on Tie fine 
Sob nets; hic et ote min ‘ah cedcof 
rootes:it hath neither ftalke ioe nor fruite, 
¢ place, 
is found in ponds, lakes, citie aches and 
in abe tenes a euer Hi where, 

The time of Dirt eae: is knownetoall, 
Duckes meatis ae in wee, Bes Leenffris, 
Lens oes Lens pie (2 of tl Daempees 

ake 20 Spanith Lentejas -_ 

e emperah 

fheweth sthati itis xn fa oie 
2 ars a foi in te Shand degree 
¥ The vertu eSe 
A hehatiti die agai f infl i soso 
ie hot epee ae be Se PE eye ; 7 Seer aes | <1 f Lett ly Tralfoknicteth 
ptures in bi gh ot rary 
3 ~ ane ingled fi Tea vad hag thot fel 
: _lings,as! Pilger oles the Sm of thei joints. 
eas f. y ildren 

Of water Crowfoote. Chap.288. 
ae ioe oe os 
~t ERT Acc flendert broade, whereupon do 

3 ae vnder the water moft finely cut eed like thofe of coer iv 

* aboue the water are fomwhat round, indente ut the edges in 

colour,made of fine 
rie,and of afweete {mell : after which pees come rounde , rough and prickly knaps li 
= Crowfoote, The rootes be veric {mall irie ftrings. ay 
fi att ‘obe 
Ved ZY sda * oa Aaa 3 hich ¢ ‘1 exsenatamnet 



_HISTORIE bbe bo 68r 

inadi ditc ahs by in a7 “(: ees fel 
in ftee 
rea Heauies {wimming or ane vpon the water, triangled or three ene like vnto thofe 
ofbarraine Tui ¢,08| rather noble Liuerwoort: barraine of flowers ai nd feeds, 

they water called Stellaria 

° r 
wicca Starwoort , which h y Gall graffie tems lil 
vpper face of he f3 I d f fe pen gf c 
> ro : 
agreenith or herbie colour. ° : 
1 Ranancul ilis 2 ‘Haderulaagquatica, 
Water Crete Water Inie, 
& GW). By YE Se SN 
SAH ¥4 ‘Gi + SRR We 
q Waa 
=S = — 

FANG re Oe. 
Si os 

— md 
sae ey 

: i The place. 

groweth by Ifo yea and in other moift and plafhie 

“doen ‘Aprill and May,and Seelijesin in la 

; Ware Cr ‘owfooteis called in Latine’ Elvancoles lus aquat. agree e-ink 
‘glith her ponte, and white water Crowfoote : moft rth and Herbarifts doe 

~ efron: 
cinsinftetlde of Hepatica ie or en ofParnaffus. wet 
Wars : Thet diatheetee and verte we 

nee Sn Chap, 289. 

‘ = ee * Thekindes aS 38 3 
Pramas cK, Ses SE ATS aie es ren te 
‘SFowethin waters, bel bak eshte: a i 

1% Thedefer a 
Tes eDragon sie ry seers Ler rs 1 haleek: 

Terres tihekled with: ae of divers colors like thofe of Poitiers ora The 

pared confifting of feauen or more oie er er in order: 

oats nhl eens ofDovke, oth and fli erie? cuaiineme 

often a lee 


ah tious % n, with his peftell which is blackifh,long hit slp 
t there ee the Te bunch or clufter of grapes: tt ss reofatthe fy eal 
greet vanderedand flo iuice ,in whichi ined feede tl thard soi 
ae Tr: th i. 
2, oftentime 
of a ape apple, full of white rl ee a pe Rokthe bie 
lefler en, is like Aro wake-Robin i in ve, bn or ‘gee peftell and berries s yet 
Ress Fay ey } = “1 ne as tho} ofe 
adeepe red, but of sourcing cla tron, The roote is not wake to to 4s = Chon wp nt, re 

whereb: t 
< increafeth. y it grea tly 

I Dracoutiumwaius. z phe tes. 

Great Dragons. Small Dra Bes 


PE Ee Ce Ane ee 

* Thin 
= : Sete . - diointed, and 
PES hes 1 PSE? okt ee ic, Te aa eet Were ee und, fmooth, 
yo. 1 oes Sed a peg o. Ee Se the fruit fpring- 
= 11 hh ii th innit cay 

va = 
ka ih ie hite ak which are in niteedeot fee . ir bs 
sat the firft preene,and whenitis ripe, red,lefier thea shar at Cater sien 
tefl ibang. :theleanes are Lai Breet 5 glib and{fm fafhion. al 
then thofe ii but thar t wring wheretinto the cluftered fruite epee ial es 
in that pare which istowa ck: te ‘ 4 The 


, ~HISTORIE Ei: Nediaciisets 



1, but elfewhere 

iene e that we canlearn of the ancient writers S300 thofe lining i in my time e amy felfe hau e dili- 
osesmael of moft ftrangers skilfulli 

y j c Tol 1 . “7: to git eyouh 
st > teferring w! ml be faid toa furtl fideration ; for 
as seal itfor Heh pie 

3 Drange : 
Water Dra oe 

4. Dracontium maius sete, 

Spikie Dra 


f hath. : : aha a5 i 
meine ag 


*Ti c place. ss 
theleffer Dragons are pot in Gardens. 

aces 5 be rer 

The r= x Dagns = in wa- 
and ftanding wa 

“The grédteris named, ser- 
-alleth iKDre Posphylis, sand Leph 
= Durch @ypevemagtele ‘in French | Serpen- 
Spanith Taragontiazin ingle ni Dragon Woort: 4 
5 and fe’ nak oat tiae ra name: sang: which Boi 
eror the lefler, or bothofthem ke 
F) alr 

as Python, ion, An~ 

5 Sorat er Doreadicn, iopnebe " Thesplo, and Eminion. 

~ Meweth at Dragon is ne ania picaute i istike to Aron 
thioidbhe = ; ¢ 
(Boone Galen lath, Saba: 

re foote,yet mon ebiting,and 

cettanelikencswith Aron orwakeRobin, bothi in ent at 


Pea AS en ae ay C 1: ¢ eta that isto 
P) a ? oO 
. * The vertues. 
_ fTy j 1 t Lr 7 . . 
Aad g » Making thinne, efpecially thi 
LL. d it is ) ee Se) AO + ey ~ 1 1 icke 
3 and itis a fing re harde to be cure edynamed in 
Greieees ' 
T 1 £f. 1. eA 3. ° tl. } re. . 7 es 
Oo De? 640 White 
blacke morphewe,being eee with a aA 
<; keg ualitie, are good f ] 7 - 
BR PS Wp Pi sag ce oad Le f, Sirs 7 ae oc} a IES sie 5 
a rns of Vi 
qualitie then is conuenient for wounds, $ 
D ee “ : 1 UL 2 1 3% c ~/Air 7 
enh. ce ny Se 1 j jan * : 5 fils. cal 
Greeke p/n ope eR RE ae ee 4 SScdy hee eae ee nh 
Doeho. AE PSB ee xf ees) “ L org so Lo 3 pee 


-ypon their athe Re tten of the vi viper, 

F _ Plenie faith that eae willnot come ‘neere vnto him that t beareth Sioaeee onlin and 

a] _ f- CT) L L C.1 

G Gale g : ts, where 
he faith 5 hat th f Dragon being twife or thrife { ad 54 to oabect ende it ree allbisactine. 
fle , is { i giu A Y obin $ ,when i itis needfull toexpell the 
H And Disgarides path ue the roote of the leffer Dragon being both fodde and rofte with 
fic felf hich fticke faft in the cheft to be cafilie 

voided. ped 
I ides, being d i ies, doth clenfe 

them, and aio Pe oe tbe ditmne(t ss he ight, = 

<a The diftilled water hath vertue againft the Petite or any peftentiall feueror poifon ; being 

1 Thef fh. «hare lll 1 

sia ee oe 

Of Cockow pint, or wake Robin. a 

% Thekindes. | j 
f. C.201 1-12 cC.,-1 4 Ey. See} * , titles, and alfo in forme 

: J. i gue x 5 a BS 
= as se aregeen 4 a SEs? 
as Fam ot Cockaw pinthath — age; cen otadl eae before! 
= ‘Ag eand there with blackith fpots, Aces sich fome cele hich iethyp3 
= urple pple ee Iebeareth 
r G3 belpoched omenyish of which 
ileal! * 1. ¥ = ee | t. . as ich being 

EEsdicneonanoeredece ‘oeataintiaalieh piss yvths ooh ss el ARS of 
in Aegypta kind nd of ichalfois to be feene in Afri arp 
Lufitania, about river Lik Ve. L& l aed L. :. Eaolandandotnet 
parts of Europe, ‘This SS a geand great, srildhediiesioes tec egreaterthen then thofe¢ 
water Lillie: the a tubero: us, and toward the lower end thicker aad 2 aot 


ay be eaten, es oa Ae ith 
Pes wht ied adoro takin! Ania 


me sige Cockoy pint. 

Crue anton Finke \ The place 

sees aaah 
Codkste ni: 1: L y 
pint g ditches vnder fiedges > Curie where in thadowie 
Places. ; : 
7 % Thetime, 
Theleaues ape: Locale. oe L awe 1 
inlune whileft the leaues Scans pea and when they are gone, the baa clierofbeses : 
hapewhichisin Iuly and A\ 
5 Tlie ae = ag 
There groweth in A, ta kinde of A i is found alfc fica, a ; 
anneener Portingall neere vnto rivers and pi is , that differeth from thofe 

= = sobecalet cua which the lie a of Cattile call Manta de mueftra ea tlt 8 

Thecommon Cock ow pintis called ia Latin Arum:in as sin fhops Lars,8¢ ae 
othesPervinlicof :of the Syrians Zupha: of the men of Cyprus ¢ Colotafit, a8 we finde among th cba: 
Aardname S.Plimein his 24. booke 16,chapter doth witneffe that ctherels gre diference between 

bt tobeall one:in high Dutch itis called jPaffen pint + in Iealian Grgare: in Spa 
ws = ite: Dah » € alfsuaet ; in French Pied devean: :in = gi Cockow pi pint, and Coe 


The faculties of Cockow pint d BS ea 
safe his bookeof the faculties of nourifhments dot! istharper ce more 
Ding in fomecountries then in others almolt as Dr 

ragons , pares in Cyrena 
“icin Afticke yetis it tgesnljnalpacotocndaresceth st ft de ae 

Ra Sg % The vertues. 7 
A Tc. 5 sida hich 7 gi hich are gather moduaatinen 
Pipi Be ee AS Af ot 1 y gt : g, r or dl vpintisbeft chatbiteth moft # and angs to 
T kK F <' i nd tl pap 
aerate Bein t tenth hicke } : i but Drag nsi ? YONG NUS acti 
purpole,. ; | s /WVghaee 

be eaten after they be dried snd bold aes writeth is vende roofe ine vor 

againft ie epout eis laide on fkariped wit sae dun verte 

D_ ‘Beares atrer they haue lien in their den 
they pctwiths licking and fucking Reisctie! feete)do affgom 
p h the windie nature w: 

bt ye Ree we} 

but moft all forth 
fi , forit choppeth oo and sa 

Lt Like 

ban and ape withall fmdgins g 

- of Friars Cole, or hooded Gckompng: Op pa» 

ie : * The kindes. i a. fe 
wD: ta SS af fy , L £ ry f 3 1 Ly..1. “n 
L[ x Le PES ithftandi IS ae: i, the oth + ce bt. Lane 
declated. re, Pee Ee i peta 
1 (Arifarum latifolinm. : aed Lassjersiallagi 6ftifolium, 
. Broad leafed Friers oe “ Natrow leafed Friers Sih 


The defersp 
Fri hohe, "fiends and fharpe pointed: pekea cast 
‘Barc riers o the f orine oft thofe of Cuckowpint, Th The ¢ ftalke there te feoail an d 
flen der. The husk rs 

4 J<fnall. The roote white, haui g { f Aronor Oa. 

eet dovbelel it is een 
Ss neat and i ea ee that commeth foorth of it is fender, in forme like a great 
ei formes of ablack fh pur hich ha tdt othe 

Tift, tL 


] f. 1 glitceri toy 

pene tert and mate iy Theroote oe are white Ph the wit a 

x Fs cg 

an “Arifarnm nine Marbili 

© Tealians Friers h 4 The depripion. re 

: The Friers hood of Azathiolws defcription 
hath ed thicke roote,fer with dinexsfmal 

ftrings: from which riferhs rie weake and 

tende s,wheton'do broad Icaues 

arp f aperfe& greene colour, not 

vnlikechole offorrells the hood a {tell grow 

thatthe ends of the like footeftatks, which curn 

into a bunchoor clufter of recde berties dike the 
others. fA SOR a SH 
The e plac Ren i vi, 

Thefe plants Ne range ‘nth nglandes but 
common in Italy , & pecially in ieee 
Rome, andin Pte may as Alor fius Angnillra 
witn nefieth 3 not re Thaue two of the 
firft inmy garden, 

The flowers Pe Fai of fthefe come to Deshoce 
tion ioe thofe of Cuckowpint . Dragons do, 

The name: . ‘ } a 3 

Friers ands called: ofthis ovis teloiger: in 

Latine exbook but Piamy caliechiit *es,0r_4r4, 
in i 

which groweth im AEgypt is:like Aron ‘or Cuc- 

- -kowpine: it ms becalledin Encl after the La. 

tine name UArifarum opinion it may 

_fieecoue is tike in pore —2 fe * pn 

No gteat fe of thefe plants in| 

eee . serie bem ore fiel lithed Frets hood or Frets = 
: “oe aa feemeth to be like, vig . 


castro rand likewife that _ is. oe oer ss cteaine Aare A 
ste a ip Adulars and being purintothe fecret part of any lining thing, i¢ 


esto and fomewhat 

: fweete and pleafi ing fine!l.hauing withallakinde of bis ngq 
2. This fir tangekind of Ala urabacca which 1 (Mat hivlys ly 


Of Aftrabacca. Chap.r92. 
1 Afar. 

Z 2 Afar rina Mthicl;, 
Afarabacca. Italian Afarabacca, 

ee ARhy? Dek “ 

% Tk i 

I Teseseatett sare fmooth, "eRe peg <0 t coins 
pee SS L 3 i hofe of Sowe bread: the 

bey 3 ay a 3: 

T4, ae 

ou 4 » but leffer ohn co 

r t Wicoraecl sand flender,growing 

vnder the vpper cruft of the carthjone folded within an. another,of an Moe hecieae amoft 

ath fetfoorth icreepeth spon ties 

inm st fee 
dented about the edges, and fetvpon tong skeen the flowers growe harde vato the 
— thoie of Cammo ‘ican apenas he 


It delighteth -. i) eee ° ' aetna sie Se Ree ges 4 
= ; Sere ses TIBNPottwou One eh 

Pi Cr Rada ree Ha 

— The names, Ie ts eee 

Itiscalledi Tish; Af Ti Wardes Ul Mate penfais allo 
; = 7 o f ease é Baschart 

f ‘ 

2 eats OF PLANTS. 689 
Pijnie . 21.b hapter, Atacer faith , that 4farwn is Viulzago. 
Buccharhin E# ies ah peyralee Gage — Latin>. me 

This Hietbe Afaron dot 
Whereas the Latines rie noe eee the fang: 

i ?. j 1 VW } Cok 7 ] DE 
wa t is CRA 1 o.4.t a 
this Marts age the bloud of ; i and th iereupon it fee- 
J 1 373) bs 
tharthe wo! 

, burehege i is cob Baccharis dieing fi from pe yet notwithftanding Cratenadoth alfo call 

els ae PS eek ae fx53 5 ly Cs ol ‘aA VW os 

ddaltives B. haue been written amifle in m ay 
spel ef , i cape of wre fe when i it is fet downe atid Dae. eke copies a 
“ fweere finellin i‘ g gat arland he rbe, g ( , butto tha nd 
Bacchatis: for A/arum(as Pliny Loe" rp ,, Be, BY { a | "epee & 
mearies it came to paffe,chat 2 nae the deftipcions 6 of the old writers were founde cond 
fufed : — are asitis in this place mani nifeft fo oft tentimes it cannot foe afil ly pbem 
ked in other plac 
wy nN, re Go. i et «. Reet Ata gh 
Pere we 3 ie 
: Ther emperate re. 
“Theleaiesof Afirabacca iebce elite, witha purging qualitie ‘ioined thecenihedl yet nor 
sata artal aftriGtiomor binding, “Ife rootes are alfo hot and drie : yermore em 
of thinne and fubtill parts: any proces aa ne his downe the defired 
py aga dents, yas Galen | faith , Cee 


aenionn og 

02 49 f 5 C5 
meth 1b S f Afarabacca ei 
) Siena with ae tay ; 
} % Thevertue 4 
Thel f th * A aa dapeg es x pe | Oa ak eh ee 
q emensis lid boll. 1 e8 by ‘a oF pete PSR ere withall A 
“ é ¢ ees themn=- 
Py AR ao a : - 

dened aha if they be outwat rdly ans ypon thefam 


fleGimmant 23 -1.. Lim As ree: z 

-albbyfegs. ipinloocutons by vomit elpecillyan 
; Onli cise bck ote gi entodrinke in al ine,groflely t ,prouoketh D 

Yomite for the purpose: aforefaide.Burbeing | into fine powder, and { fog 2, purgeth verie 
ifeboil d, the a eaagieateate:* 
incin,: The totes may be fteep Wilhsie On 

esteacheth., -.!: arrears 
gthemthatare: sormented with eScuineegenn cues forF 
ai forfihallo ear aero aha ens ‘who are /cur 

., Thetootesare good lagainft inbaanes of the eka againtt wens on ae Cc 
ooh quantity ic, ey purge 

| Of Sea Bindweede. (Chap.r93. 
lanella Marina, ee ae 
Sea eke cede. % The defeription. 

Oldanella ox Sea Bindweede,hath many fmal 
pairaen >fomewhat red, trailing ypon the 
: und, ne et. with Sinalizcunddeialll not 
much valike "AG arabacca,or the leauesiof Arifto. * 
> Slochia,but {maller; betwixt which leaues and the 
ftal form 

= er ; 
sctingitee Bindrecedy fone 
Biber sft vpon the grou dot much 
® volike the former, bur rouhder and full of 
“© \veines,greener,of a bitter tat like Sea Bindweed: 
ged among which:¢om foorth a: ! 
= ~ flalke a handfoll high , bearing at the: 
° flowers like the {mall Gentianella, ofa 
cies rooteisfinall and threddie, 2) :aot: x 
Z S35 Ss - The e plac : eh e 
ty : of pies plen nti tying the fea fhore: © 
6 sathe t in nel places s Teed: aly re 
; a Minions © ales bent Sve Ja che fan 
‘no Acco Ifle of — Shepie,andi ja Mieovaleis tance has 
— cook Was, on themou iitaines of Germanie;, sacks 
Kin} F G2MIASE aban alk 
Brtoy iis: ; 2 ores  Thetinie: >». dis. sho! douse niet a 
lf. Lael fon 1 ee eee £ agpityso iB 
é OUI ! te! The names, 2 0077083 Vows ae J33c a OG 
= Se = 5 : L for LE h os cL 
te fitie of rwife how to terme it? 

‘iether plane Sgeencno morale see ich are moftwnlike;for 
rinaisthe SeaCole' hiehrdoclstonchiells dee arden CabbageorC 
and innatur fight 

lf Aeu{h a’ . 7 atroveries 
i ethewsd at this sldanlaisa aBindweed,Sccarinotbe el 
Colewoort. The later Hert 
—— Baden < fears esis 
“ Thefecoute iS a ae es} Bo. 
se 4 ast 4 ; : # The pature ~e si : 4 rie aftringent- 

es ae 
5 se The vertues. vienife ope 
= A ¢,/7, Map ge L dov 5 ot ily Iki ee ye ree : and openeth the ftoppine 



| a gi for if ¢ this plant be 
may'the Burre,or Coltes foote be reckoned fot grafles,as alfoal other 
| Planes ey gpl differing from any kind 


vie ; 
nes Te Lie ptireti' A oe ee ee 
iu. Oo a (3 
oie birt Yin a 04k A a : Sick 4: t. } i powder worketh the od 
fied. Ais ’ 
Saicile hurteth the iain 
itin powder, w réfore aduice mi cit bet ro tomixe ted depowaerw with annifé ‘coke cinna- 
mon, on, gee and fuga gob ich fpices do correct his malignit 
Toph nt 
ath vena f aan , ie)d peat ya eS 
done woonders s : ve , faying, ; ftred 
onth C. 1 : > Lo that are ees 
ate led Peas ereaiabte. oils. 370 4 bth 5 
Vugeigeeres te eh A, gk a4. 1 14st lad £ 
st senetieth Lye Peps pols 2 3 SSSR at ‘ D 
cea Me 1 ) v¢. g ? pie ripi gsc $ dae 
doth oftentimes more hurt ei good. ; ; 

¢ e Of the salt of Parnaffus. Chap.r94. 6 

1 Gramen Parma / mai: Grancn Parnafei min. 
The Esreatet Cais of f Parnaffs. ne apy * The leffer Grafle of Pana ¢ 
—— hd eS f 

* yy ce) 

@ Zi why ay 

=. Of Pataffnchath heerétofaie be i SA blindemen, I do notmeane 
oe tent in their's y is plat p notes 

{mall round leaues = 


Pst LI. 
‘ et es Pr Il ftalkes a foote high, littlewhite colegss Here | 
ing fallen fethe A on Pi arieande i at the to > Thich be. 
=f. "a a: * Ss reddi feede, The 
TH. & ere ee & Fy 
2 oe ft. ee 1 3 
1 ‘4 te “So Seis LI 1 sy IBS liked t, fauing that the. 
oO a > 2 i 
% The place. 
“¢ oy oy » b 1 te | ee dl fn a) 1 
cafter,and in aeabst fieldes in th 

is if Of aged fE gland;a dsat Don. 
Cambridge,a tHefletalfo in Suffolke,at a pl 1 Dri i 

mth fecondi is a ftrangeras yet inEn ee. 

+. 2-6 Tt 

se Thetime. 
2 ob ee b} 

: = ci The names. 

: Ili rthena (whereof without contr ae a 
kinds tng in Felt whit puke aichouthe Pate is vial plant called pati alba, which 
for diftinétion fake I haue thought good to Englifh Nene white Liuerwoo. 
___ The fecond may be called Noble white Liverwoo 

% The nature. ~ 

rl. f..] CD. {T; fen lle , abe ; Ree a Pas ES of pk A |) 

ris % The vertues. ee 
Tt 7 n° o.¢. t CD. 7 nd fn rag J. 1 7. ef 1 , we, | 

fe oe 1 n 1 1 , ae 4 B 1 }. 1 j C.. “ rf 
TLA.f. Get eae % and drunken, rae <A etk. s daa ark c prouoketh viine, q 
4 d . 3 
~ breaketh the toed driueth it fyoreh, ” 

Of white Saxifrage,and golden Saxifrage. (hap.295.- 

% ee 

=. is 

— [: about the rey an oe a ns ground] aie eer 

more faint yellowith greene: oe route cea cubite 7: 

__ beatingat the top finall white — almoft like Stockgilloflowers ir 

Soe ck ieee , wher are faftned ve veya 7 nall seh cael ihe 

as pepper which ae oviedi in medicine, and are called Semen eT ok 

thatis the feede ¢ of white = Saxifiage 5 or. a 5 thou ough (eet forel y harhebet 
= ts 

tle leaestogithe, 1 ig LL Bie Si. 
creeping nthe grounde withloogs thteds ox aires. 


sexifracaalhe. gh oS 4 
grt axifrag. ifrage: WO SEEERY skinge bork, all 


1 UG 

Y 0 


Reece: ee de airs 

Si iles = 1 


Wet fielde 

The white Saxiftage ¢ groweth pl y gland, and 

on the left hand ae eh 

terings vnto Dedford by Lo 
telssalfoi in the rene paces ba the fea fide at Lee in ee the rufhes, and 

ndon. It groweth wei in es great fielde by re a called th wees : 

The Golden: at : ift | Bath d Was salfor In 
the Moores by Bofton eke Wichich in neolahie 
Thewhire Cavif, a t ‘bh iied pees 
“tillthe next yeere, pi norontnadse: 
~ Thegolden Slag owt in March and Api 41 ales 
% Then aes 
j_ Thefts calledin Latine Saxifag ‘Englit hite Saxifrage; or white Stoneb 
RRS IO Rie tes % The nature, ; i 
~ The fir of thefe efpecially th f,is ofa watme or hotcomplexion,. eo 
Golden Savif, ESBS ay ecard y declaré. - ie 2 ¥ 
eS of oe intact a re 
Pirie. “7 re ae es oe Re Vn. feclo cheat tl 
: andbladden toch ftone, 48 ie es oe orth,a a ts fingul gai ft a} g 1) 
ake intherainess 
golden $ ifrag " sola ft: be gl 
3 inne iaesat Sanicle. : 
“ x. 3 


~ OF Sowbreade. Chap. 296. 

2 % The kindes. ‘ 
“Tite forts or kindes of Sowbr. swell inf Ime or fone 
asin their time of toningomiingadigand appropriate vertues, Pa? 

x Cyclamen orbicalato folie, 
Round Sowbread.. 

3 cyelamen ol Hedera, | 

Tuie Sowb 

: i teas. and Artin. 
sg dh 1 the i! sar, SF 
- ofa purple colour: among whieh 1 rife ¥ vp Ce teat like vnto  ofalkesof f violets, 

on em - eee all oe flowers which turne themfelues E merci rei st 
aft there iucc 

See ee ee oe ee = elite Diet | th L ‘hela S odefenied 

aati A GS nos > aang 2 ate re forefaide, by 

catbaate & £, SS ae as es 1 f-/1. : i September, 

1 atwhat es ; eae Sar ss pei Shae tee 22 ni bare andnaked, 

—— it enioieth a e. ( L Cc: ks ene) Rie L ring them yato mat 

e: the rooteis rounde lik Turep, bla ck Gea etd SEs Sa eertte y final firings 

a ae thereto. z 
: 2 The 


2 Thefecondkinde of, Sowbreadjiath broad leaues {pred vpon the ground, ri pointed;fom= 

os indented about the edges,of a darke greene colour with fomé littl lelines or ftrakes of white on 

_ fide, Sof a darke reddith.colour on that fide ne next the ee among which rife 

der foo fuch flowers as the precedent, 
eter fmellandimore eee colour. The edi is alfo wa vp in ithe ftalke for hi sfur- 

ther ee “ent thei iniurie oft winte 

beaecl : 

ef 13aT 
1. £2 

vithout d corner asthe Jatt 
before sonic yer! foareher fi fhipt about the. “ees and: matters with: ‘ihiee about! the 

tie flowers are like vntothe reft, but 
ofa adeeper purple: the roote alfo like, but fimallers X 

Mt 14: 
Pa ee 1 ee l } Dalal, as es ad, iesig: coh 

ee g § pie 1 ly des 

}. L Pong Sy | 7 sats me hs ee 

éailes ales ynto: Tuie; 

long and fal gaping flowers like the final Snape mote hath notbeene faitoF Pebisplatie, 

been hlet 

j sia eer Sree o2ttiel uta ee 
G33 igto hpl ifully L A CRESS oe} ki Lc eS 
Pp trey +} 7 L £ J iw ¢ ¥° L i L L a Sen] 
Itis oo vnto me by me nof. go ‘ood credite, ee rans or Sore ret ge the ge 
Mountaines of Wales; 3300 the hils of Loco and in Somerfe cfhir ire ei 

g! er B, ne¢ ers 
towne called pede The firlt two kinds d len, where they profper = 
*T. Theos fe 
 Sowtinead flowrethin September when ther ithout leafe , which do aft 1s fp tie 
< what time the rede is ape as ont “ihe third flowreth in hcg for whieh caufeit 
w ‘yclameny Then 
f ati 5 Pag. Or 
Wer tule Pal, ae rapum Pore) dT lum i , Panis Porci- 
li Porcino :in Spanith AMazan de Pye: nb aiDucch 
ist inione Dutch ms j French Pain de Pi 8 il ad, Pl 
3 aa nr 54 ERM PL. = B by 1371. AJ. y “? 
he ¢ mature, , é 
mee! ishotand driein the third deges, 
i The vertues. 
etoote of Sowbread I 5 ken inwardly in the quantitie of Pcsnadat aA 
‘a dé orhdnied purg : d { - d groffe flegme, anid other fharpe 
The fame rol fal “¢. aes bie, 
jand the f yene- B 
mousbeafts,and to be = ped vnto _ ie lace: y - 
lteponder taken asa aforeli ‘ i ftheli taketh away the GC 
Yellow colour 2 Bhat ae ipa = - z 
Rada a aX pie ile aes c 4 r. I ye: : ; fgt ‘4 ; -- SS ll D 
mentcalled agent siihsin Fores 2 : 
Theroot Tl blip) dei waatcels ols 4 ga oe 
tlincontncnca taketh away much of their : ge: 
die: leaues put into the pee hath thelike 7 66 my wife Bh _ poaees fundrie times vpon 
= Tiewacre ye dcom: mandement,w ened = 
~ oe re} 
With walle ‘ i rea ddo 
_ Atis Ww ae t. a 1 Lal 


Jkillech theel ng as ebitth sbeing put vp'as a peflarie, 
5 BENE Hel * Fi 2 baway fi A z ing, dallblemifhes aman illing of the: 
‘ it maketh a man drunke. £5 ae : Z “gh 7 
andkibedheeles, sit at;the gour, 
1 ic Paar Po ies Sots 

hot embers smake' ethan quale ointment for the gtiefes. laftrehearfed 
M: i beaten and eer into trofchies, of litele flatcakes, itis pred to * a ts amo: 

tia es 
i ~ TS agen women with child to toll his herbe, itor 
b tin i ¢ (abour the place where it growethin my 
{ grt tind ick cei the poss and ne esau fined aoc ae 
' 3 any w cit ftep- 
BS piogouriclane. 
of — Chap: 297. 

Pan % The kinde. 
WY) Itt aS Diofcor idk i h; = {i long rounde 
Ded afourthkinde called Pistolochia, ot little Bite I thle wie hafoinel 
them a fift named Saracens Birthwoort, eee 
a “A, : > : 
f 1 Aristolochialongs. Dy a rotunda. 

get und Birthwoort, 

Long Birthwoort. 


_# floss ription. 

TI. 1 } 
» tangling 


5 1 
oO? revoe 

1 OngB pub St ae = }) L 1.¢ 
L- lu se ut er einige querer ‘greene ia & of erocilans or _speiat fine¥a and 
cae 1¢ forth long hollow flowers. not, much vnlike the flowers of Aron 
area pe peitell or clr the uns me 3 wi chin of te urple colour, and without.of a aa 
teased y colour rsatter whic chdo follow, iioalleoiae like vatolitele peares, containing triangled 
a ths rote is STOPS thicke,of the colour man boxe of a cape fauour and 

feedes cabot 

ee Se iouid 102) fd Deer I. hi : 

a ~ be fomewhat longer andnarros r, and of afsieyclowih ce co- 

i al apoppoin tof Fy ordesBiinn Gare facades 

plecolour. The fruite is formed | like apeare, | Ps varde the top, more mb bed and fuller then 


owe sta bacon 
' so “= 

cilbbai sblir: | defeription. 
j eins re of ap 

and fometime: 
are ras to set ial sei ‘Menden and thatit is when 
they were but lately digged 
de by the little parcels of the rootes which are left, 

yoongplants ‘acer eae tender and branchedrootes. 

bee oort islike tothe long and round Birthwoort, bo in ftalkes an snd leaues, yet isit 
in pclae : the leaues thereof are broad, and like thofe of luie : the flower is lo ng, ho lowe 
Bit "pet patt,and on the ourlide b] lackith : the fruite ‘fomthing rounde! like the fruite of tounde 

be se » SE 
Plc ewer Se anes. i chaeotans Ha Geld : 

g F Prices, zine are 
fifth hee Birt Ifo fe or ie andin Narbo ie sey : 
. — sata ene that heb es branched pipe 

Elo untaine in Candie: nceoneeaanra thathe found this fame about Hif ipalis, sand in 

= cao) Me Sepa &The 


They flower in Maie,lune,and Iuly, fis Groce tisidhgaG tee 
* seThemames. i v 

D:..2. . If om. , ife 

itis’ dele eis Ms 
thats to faie, good for women sey brouheabe, or dehered ner child a 
woort,Hartwoort,and of fome Atift 
‘The firftis called arifpolochia ae: 5 eich ng Bi irthwoottejorehe re of. his rootes and likewife 
Ariftolochia mas, or male Birthwoort : the fecond is a 0 be Femina,ot female Birthwoort 
andis ead Rotunda Ayiftolochia , or round Birthwoort: of diuers alfo aa “fess the Apple of 
theearth: yet Cyclarminses is alts called Te vrais np or ra poe of the ear = 
rhea rat. : 
bene aig 

SA fides apower to clenfe, : 
* The erties, = Lata 
A,. — Diof oridesyeriteth,thava dram w aigh ic, USS TIES 

ae fo apple 
Pper,ice: I: 
rislefti inthe matrix after the ra is ce a flowers fee & dead si 
being put vpin: a peflatie ie performethit he fa 

eagainft the ftuffing of thelungs, ‘the hele the fhakings o 
the sal or fpleene,burftings,cramps, and conuulfions,paines of sh gee if i ees 

Cc 5 {plinters, A: : se g 5 Rs i tn ,0F f Lf. r eS 

eth mies fcales or bones, ueth Wend ption , pyar Ste 
- and filthie vicers, and filleth with eth ifit be mixed with I dhony 

D Galen lenfa ith, chacbranched B Bi wah ti; reer £: L 1 pl cr. fi N v4 C 
fed > 1 ye 

E rs h es  Plini i vie CV h n i er rf 

EF d pied ae fallin 

G. Thetounde sae doth beanie, ake and faften the teeth, if oe be often froted or 

wich the powder thereof. 

Of Violets. Chap.298. 

%& The kindes. 

1 3 ee } 

htbedefe 1 A ree 
ae looked into pane neceffarie: a we emighione frees  ftock 
Gilloflowers dans es ss s Gilloflo ower s,Marians Violets, and likewife fome of the 
U1 Flow: 1 Vio. 

= : cs oe} 1 een aft x ay be : inkinred and neigh- 
~ boutho tig my felfe ynto eee Vales called the blacke or purple Violets, or March Vio- 
co oe aia haue a great prerogatiue aboue orhers,not onely bicaufe ete 

n by aoseteccones of thefe moft odoriferous 

and pre ay fall to, soit me ing ce Se appropriate vertues ; oe Gardens —— 
receiue by thefe the ve greate teft ornament ofall, chicfeft beautie, and moft gallant graces 3 andthe 

para ed 
& aman to th ' 5, Ss a ee ftsfc a 1 L ehoiehkaanrie. v2 

of ese e forme, d — 
of honeftie, c Reodallaedes of vertues, fone would be an Yn z 



” gsacertaine wife man {fait hforhim, thatdoth looke vpon and handle faire and beautiful shies? 
uventeth and is RE Se in faire and beautifull places, to haue his m 

med, | 


andwho freq 
butfilthie and deform 
1 Piola migra a oe peptides 2 Viola lore alb 
The purple garden Violet. The white garden Violets 

Bs L. Vas 
Virba gdaebryt. vai 

% The defeription. 
Heblacke or purple Vi | oe. Be (eee ae he g 
oe of fp =-- eee a eer es 4 . 1 eee} ie) f 
igeablen drip J Gai lien) 1 cs, a 
after tle hanging cups or cote which, ol theybe ripe, ne open = iuide 



hae En doappecre 
: sofas feede is {mall jones ere ithall, a 

ita eddieftrings. 
ts. a c. re. Ahad L 7 
pis o & 

L, +} 

i 2 thes ae Viole hath see enh branches, and rootes like the garden fi idle 
Cts tifull fweete double fow- 

other fi 
4: Serie (eS eT gt ee anes ey ee donely difcreth tthe 
bear dat {cribed bringett pl contrariwife, this plant 
double white 4 sevhich Paakcrh the Stee : ee 
3 Viole 


' 3 Viola martia perpurea multiples. ye SloGh bi 4  Ketoka wartiaalbamultiplese®, 5 
The double garden purple Violet<' 0 6 80 0c6Ehedoublewhite Violesy) oss... 


Ay (\ 
45) 98 


x j \ ge 
co, ye os 4 
LOA wh > : 
ie AONE, y\ Fan 
iS TY 


( \  (\ 45 Wiolamartialutea. 6 Viola canina fylnesiv is 
pe Yellow Violets. =< D 

ogs Violets ,or wilde Violets. 

ee ed | 


iN r 
A ( Wh - 
YEE 3 
: thi, PTI 
Vite Lali, with 

rele aes is by nature one oft the wilde’ Violets, fori it groweth feldome any where but 

» 4 ountaines, 

ypon mo: aggicm 

garden, it ca — 7bebrought to, culture,ot rowe inthe garden without great induftrie And 
de a Gentleman of “ r calle d Ma fet Thomas Hi ce th, who foundit 

Vy. BESS 8 TT my 

niece they te pat ipined away, The mae ei is aii to belike voto the 

field Viole! let,and differe I llow. flowers, yetlike kein 

forme and figure bur se fine : a. 

6: «dei ean stifeth foorth of th 1 fi 

whereuy de growe long {mooth | s. ‘The fowers groweat thet ae moe 

There is SS es 1 SccaaborDeah we? of Vilet which is 
altogither aftranger in eke = s. It aaa 7 — athi roote, of a woodie 
fubftance,ftom which rifeth vp.a ftalke diuiding it {elfe into diuers branches ol awo ody fubftance, 

reupon do growe long iagoed — ess at of the Paniey. The flowers gtoweat the oot 
ced of fue leaues apeeceyofa watc 
Fe place. 
I 3 } hick ft g shaue beene P 
pM in their sion Beton z 
%& Thetime. | ape 

Thefl vst L To ht caw Fe prill : 

The Violet is called in pees i1,0F spi ae —_ bot ir uber Scueraer,in Latine Nigra Violasot E a 
baile the blackifh purple colour of the flow: a 

abut they calli it Herbs Violavia, mater Pielaram: in high Dutch Blan uel: sin nlowe Dutch — 
lifh Vio- 

le ee tee co ; pt h (as Hermolausth eayeh did call it 
meters turned ‘he yoong.D Pawel Jo fon oe peers loued i into a Cow, the 
cath brought foorth this flower for hirf 

fay Vitula, by blotting « outthe letter ¢.. Seruins — that for te fame = the 
likewifename it SE aeaLG the place of Virgitin _ Bucolick: 
soos rac sesenslesiaie nigralegunt a OBE 
“White P ‘owers to ground do fall,fade Godatickoors fterue, >! aig? 
“When pal Viole are kepe se vies good to ferue. oak 

ly Las though they fhould 
Latines do 

“Notivithtten 4: yey Ot SEES Sa : i> sole: SE LT. a 

“Ef, nigra viole pe vaccinia janigra. i 

Vitranins Hey Bac ik “10° ce. gegeet = nieces pe ee es 
M th SPS o A aes 
in, Forhe th eththarthe colour of yellow Oker of Athet ad /aor Violet, and the 
silane pu puplees Pacino or of Ph ot, Bes aay oa | L 1 14 C.; 11, al 
ee . Ftp | } Cc. 9 ee ae RLS 


ea watdes when it itis tempered i Powre it into.alinnen ftrainer an eirhan 

Hate ittoamo tat liquor coloured with the Violets, and eon baticidn inaiieas 

pa) flame, do make the colour of yellow Okerok Athens, the fame manner they — 
Bish Or rPriuetberries 5 and putt ceing milke vnt oit itdoemakea a Buc what | 

Pace, 4a ate we will et 8 j 
: 3 £ i plac 
mh. ra oe Je ee +n ve The sacmper itt.” c Bea 
cov. & Thewertues. © 

, alaieth wieews 

| ee: gcgo> id Peeing 2s 2 
hoafenetie of the a ch 2 HM ATIORS ARSENY rs Seyeawayie A 
id . 7 be = 



wider liver; k Ltdneies » and bladde 5 > tempereth the ft 

nefle of choler,and taketh aw: ay : fer 
B Therei isan oile ilomaoot Vibes “ich is Tike ee and moift, Thefaine being annointed . 

p 9 si ed seh ahotand drie diftemper: mixe 
7% fai f t aflwageth the paine ofthe “ip 
mentand hein. i itis ficwile eat to te aria coding clifters , andinto pultifest 
cooleand eafe pa ine, 
hich the V; f ynripe oliues, called Omphacine, or 

— $0 pac Mefues i faith, and the Vole eres mutt be frefh and moift: For bein ing 

p thelr ei fs do thinke it good to mixe dre Violets with metlcines,thararetoeonon 

and ftrengthe, 
The ae ay Won. wardly taken do coole, moiften,and make the bodie foluble. Being out- 

wardly applied, they mitigate all kinde of hot i inflammations, both taken by themfelues, andalfo 

ts plied» with hbarly flower dried at. the fens = it a = ee inwater, They are tikewile laide 
alen fleth. Diofcorides writeth, that they be 

1 4 et L } 
E TL y yk I bees i di 1 ou eee 51 pin ng backe the fiundament, 
I fu Pe J il Befid PUy ie fai hy tl Violets at are as W el vedi In garlands as fee 
ree 1° j EY: FF EP 53 se 1 ea Mm "at l. ] 
al ww a 
1 fy fthe tl They do a _ _ ficknefle,efpeci- 
allyin yong ied the feede is good al the eftinging of Scor, 
Thereisa firupe made of Violets and fug: ‘ ] hit 
ovedmev, whereof 5 it { ft h the belli , and purgeth 
st choler. ‘The manner to makei it is as Stioweti 
© fa goo daeiaih Aisi ormeane thicknes, 
he fl “clean pil df : i ierof filth, as alfo the white endes snipped 
: me 1 2 Lag 
notte jtwenty howers, and { f f bers 5 then ftraine ir, and 
» REE {3 L A & Cc 7 1. le aherrer 
pine me Viol ee Pa af & oy pe f1 7 deota 
ele nh 1 j C. on, eae ga os C1. c t5 J) A pathol 
ofthe im: ie ofthe a Sees Pe ere ee 1 Tit ewife,fome 
s eee ats the hear. 
do puta little: a skicofshiiokot A he boiling’, th hg 
tie ErcrcoEbu ree ing at 
r Vole rabies, 

Therei is slikewife made of Violets an and aban certaine pies called Sugar Vi Mice oe 

ward parts 
. a a: ey pet * 3 

oétion of g thot fe s, and the inganynason a che lint andall 
] = L L bb id 

i Pees of Violets is = te the inflammation of the lungs and bielt, 2 agait nft the pleurifie 
and congh,againft feuers and agues in yong children,efpecially 1f you put vntoan uti of fir 
Jone "at 
_ ‘nine drops of sileof Vitrioll,andimixeit to meet and give vntothe childe ri 
Lge ee -: ter dates, 
7 thas sla s coriothiest 

the inward parts : andi ahd ries ones 
{hould be giuen intothe bodies? Oe aes arid due as jared fading 

may take it without any peril. SE cing aciesand 
: we Ie — asaforefaid,cureth alli itio uth ina 
= in children, 1I9CO1G MOH BE IRE SOT 
hart,aflwageth the pai ofthe eae rate rake 

?P The leaues of Violets ooling plaifters,oiles, Sconforables Sai 

and are seolgranteiaci among bos s Mereuri¢ atid like, im eos 

3 of 

pe the purpofes aforefaid, 

Of Harts eafe,or Paunfies. (hap.r99. 

% The kindes. 
. ‘ ae cr CAA Raspes f 1 bbs | 8 eg es Jon hades wee dD. red 
ASTI VS ied 
<4 Viols tricolor. } 2 Viola Eh ae 
sees Hartes cafe. Vpri ht Hartes eafe. 
pbs * 


oN (S! 

See ay S 
. age 



CZ - 


tistehy ahusdack 
Hig itt POL Toute 
Ohi 10 

He Boars, a: ens Le ae re ce 



alkesian cae atdten, wire 
like t Vin ric hp 

which colours, es forfnell cheyhav li \ 

cattails Ay the bi Sof ats which afterthe fos 

epee sswhen snothingelie, biitas 
Se Pane ringss.< dmeisinz stoled Mahi eat Sislt Ye th 

ah St penecssionees on ely cutin the ed a hatpe pointed of 

Pes: 8 SS eptiper iether erie Mane 

A Hei: Se ea aa very faire flowers\of three colours, that Bectps purple, blewand 

in thay like the coannon Hates cerand fairer yw hidlvcolours are fo excel 


3 Violatricolor peat 4 Viola tricolor petras, 
Wilde Paun Stonic Harteseafe, 

Die we The defers jon, 
pa tfeitetun fi diffe h f h c - ste 1 

i g , TORS and tender branche. 
The flowers 14, Ra Binal ] i] farre: infin in a beastie tothatofthe 

setae biarss of safe isa aien or low aos. The leanes are rounder andi ‘oie inch ct ~~ 

hi hI 4 | ih <2 Chon as 
2 E 7 5 seo J 

wilde ones, ia 

founde’on Mount Baldusin-e = ee 
sedatan ie toner ee ro 
sijecre ii 

rap. ee bs 


Oa Sroete thre facesi ina eet 


; / 
5 Line in Idlenes 

Thev ptight Panc ed not vng : j Pi la me gens, or bac and withall Tricolor, 
Vprignt 3 or ¥ ins 
satisto fay S ea Pas id kL Pe es, : 4 PS er eee We pag agi 
tree,but w gata 3 
Shrub zmuch lefle ofa tree. 
ae The temperature. 
of y f h and flimie iuice, as that 
eee ape hich {ej i 1p Lah, a ee tT x ey Pe 
or thes > >) : 
Thevertues, 5 Page 
Iris goodas the later Phifitions write, (or ke of {pecially child dA 
sinfaes3 whore conuulfions and fits of the falling ficknes itis thought toc ’ 
{ris commendedag sinthinGammadias of the lungs and a ae feabs - — of B 
the winlod cndhealeth vicers. 
The ditt: b Re PPE <2 S895 c Font 
Aine d the lil PO a Sea Se ae Ct Pie geist: f tk 
Sraskih chet laaanits od R Sisskis De yeperreth 
4 a 

ocelot vhiner/. Ahn aan 
1363-9 : aid 

en Of gem fie or effleboofe. °Chap 308: 

He (g han arg ibe ¢ i ; 
edeatrrfh G¥i3 Ue fdas aoe pe AG ¢ 139) ; i : F 

% The defer ptioite 

a Qa i ip) WB a ny see jaalom or bafe Bee itcree= 

IL REFER ethand {preadeth ypon the, conde Hisy: 
a Woes LS sei va her tg eta oath 
TR SIS OS : ther an thither all about; manic 


times reddith,: whereupon do grow leaues fome- 

thing broad and round, wrinckled, hairie nicked 

the edges, for the he mott part two out of cuetie 
ee hic rth the flower 

onigeping lie lst boods, not volike to ser 
ee) Li 

oat very threddie. The whole plant is sofa ftrong 
“finell OBS a, tafte, 

The place. 
sie i fowdeas wel uimclled tak as in, ‘yntilled ae 
eos AR _ces,but mofteommonly in obfcure bale & darke 
<) os =>) y seston danghandby eh the fides ofhoutes, 
ALIS cp... where esdodtops 
A Se iiccaiteks greenenot rey infer 
S pas eS ppp sib alfoin.winterat any time of the yeere 
G on a Ss 8 malifion dies i pepe be farre ate 
5 ear ~~ Te is commonly called Hedera terre 2, in 
LESS : Greeke. oan alfo Corona terre : rie 
in] Dutch Sundeleeb: inlow Dutch onaees 
ee tedire humilis of fome and Chars: /fim: in Englifh ground Luie, Ale- 
Mat or ground, Tunehoofe,and Cats foote. 
ofthe Herbarifts will nosiaberie to be hei weternm: or the olde 4 




Pk SA ee of 

fothe tafte are Biss Seo iat 1s (as the copies dea thatare cuery — Pe Nees 
eh ene of Iuiesbut: thinner & longer 3 the ftalks of a afpanlong, & flowers like thofe of the ftocke 
Gilloflowers,but whiter ~ fle nde erer, in tafte very bitter, Bur : the leaues of this luie are re 
and not 6 2 sooth atall,as be th 
ers s differ f from ftocke Gillofowers , and much leffe the leaues :which —— of Di ihn 

¥. m : 4 a, tx » “1 2. LF j 14 nay, oes ie 
Lea, 2 7S scape gee Sees Pe es Rey) + - 1¢ Paigaes 
i th that nde he yell dife 3for ifthe 4 bel cnate thee 
rd 1 f, 1 1 £. ee 
of: greater force thenthe| cave slp y y \ dthat Galen 
£ IL Nin Oe F * 
Me 10 might haue beer y Diofiorides hisicorry if . depo pect: ie 
iffe eterum Chameati{fis OF t 
ift d Tui ney Brg ih le eg iy a gt sie = ath tL fI hi —_ yaad 
rifts ground Luie. The leaue: werable being lefler th wie, t ee and ve ver 

9 pan long, for that they fo faften themfelues in their railing or running ‘at euery ioine with newe 
. rootes,as that from the sy da room iced they are siot aboue a {pa an long. ‘T he flowers ike als 
though vnlike in forme to 
fe the colour. or the beautie of a flower offereth at the firft thevr pe of compatifon; al 


ife ients hath t fateh ditary.or taken by tradi tion,as for exam mple, 
The Rovere of Caluies fhout, Snapdragon,faith Dio; rides is like to Pees illoflowers, the yel- 
se 1 Ca bE nS | ot fino oot th With. 

ty isnot vnlike at here i fai i 

ter, not vnlike tothe’ Lillie, wack set call Somes or Within, growing amon ng fhrubs, 
refe chin: a white colour,, and as:itwere ;: 
rude fiape eoft mae As now fp ott tote ae make Lilh es, Thefe&efuch like haue Call- 

fed much corruption outs am itersfIf the curious pleale to read the 15.chap bes 
24.booke, eshe thallehere finde fuch a of g Sais 

: for thefe fe ae which do off fae 

= _Sipiaie fehollers 5 wanting indgement itHerbarifine oorth the fpeaking of a 

pcre a hauie but abe jeu tafe inthe Hiebwlega! oft pla Jeng Be mh x vite Kaui 

be J # Tiler 

Lip terry 
yy wesc th earpe 3% } is bi 

, anal hk pe 
the entrailes. 

* 7. erred : : 

ssiatus commend uated he Hussein noife andsing i — Me 
_putinto t them; zat oe — set fheari hd e re 
B mPa port tempered I wich Verdi reacesis rah 
a Daten eabet, chat rdlfew dea ofiAeabe beitp dink in nnces anda alle 
in fortie or fiftie daics ogi 5 a renee spunihe Sata 5 we inthe huckle 

~The fame taken in like fort fixe o aac dort alforcure eyellowe iaunders Galen a 
; ° ae hatiefaid)all che verte vito the fo wers oe unde nie, 
the pitioy 2a y ' 
1: IDa:6 lee Pa & pee! 1 eA trai ined, anda little 
7 ? Be L ay all mannet 

ee en easy efewhatfocustin hee yx 
are were ce te ae it is eee to be the beft medicine in the 

mixed witha litele dicandlioie, and feeained taketh itt : 



eand web, « ief hert a; bein fouirted 
5 the pinne a . : sh Baie r aeee Bee BS A 4 So es tees 5 gebut it 
> pp 53 OE 1 : ied 
i ‘i ; } G ally } 
2 not ro D¢ OLN :4 : Do a? “4 ‘ys 
The womenof hven parts,efpecially about Walesa iChat de tnthehebe le H 
hk int ne Be a C L CT ‘ . thf g witho’ all Dacha 3 
x } +h TS Oo Oe ee ee ee } pee ry rail 
td 3 opureeth 
Itls aN 0 ae t=) Py ris. cm F P hp z f Pp 8 
bce BIA iy 1 an es re eae Be See oe ; At 
Heaeraterre} > 
spewed j 
a 4 y AL seh Ge ] fo List K 
ret Lot 4: j I; 1 RE EES SE 7 het PVT 
ft gic. <c 

aint Cah sy fluxe in women... 

“Of Iie > aie Hy 

: % Thekindes. Ay Bh ok 

; s Dhie: QE woh ae 
opnitiidtaee ste tee ACI sth oo ey ee 

| r ; VAOe | A ST nhs 

) Ly} z rey c 1 prop} } f gehen yt j C isis 

1 SY ae SS q a ere) i: 1 1. e : tic fublta ange Sie glee i. 
ra ix I. cee fam L Pe 52 pe gas f oe herbes.s 

alt = * y is wet Egy A a robe 

{ 4 a 
/ reckoned ot a foe = canbe YP. ne . fany will cal or pss mewith my promi 
—— madeatthe begianing of this Hiftorie,where de our deuifion fing topla aceee rae 
— asmeereas smay beinkindred and neighbours the which promi T sie fulfilled , ifthe 
one folow ing in notder £5 and n ot only thi 

ny aye ne CE Ry pe 1. yy _& £ os +! 

the ground, S58 SAD 
Ofthe greater orthe climing Iuie th Ifo many forts, but efpecially he white, the 
blacke dnd th hich: Hed -/, Helix. Or Hedera fferilis rift 
x 3 

% The defeription. 

IT ‘ Hegre . ps ‘Ji th . g: ) } soodie, 
fogreat,asit fe h tobecon ie which i i codon : 
; wandeeth ecient Uutsic alfa rngeh or conyers, by which it ct 
| lean oon woonderfull hard vpon nthe {moothelt fone wals, The lea 
n, {hining efpe: eclio nthe ae per, ice 

j mofiie 5 esse shies tucecede bundes of Dlacke pean cucry one ba 
tate ape po le. : aaa 

hic! Pe ececall: iis 

cma: sand alfo anether lee Be ingest hath ‘Shake bertes, otis Piisie callech h Sl 

= & 

alo ses 7 at rit rh. iad Reser watt | etd Cc 
cvs A ESS im page BRS eras 

ee eee ee 


| ofdiuers Diony (i itch, 

mc 228 s lintels het in ae 16 ist sac Sdoesere bit fps 

ae id, ays 3% . 
tenderer. tnotlifting or tee icfelfe ees but siesping “4 by the pe 

wie ditch bane uesare moftc common y the eek uare, comets 
a which at at mel F fin nares eco 
3h SOW Gs ‘ATUILE,OULIS. A ¥y ec ba 


1 Hedera corymbofa. 
Climing or berriedIuie, - 
z. aK ey ‘ 



2 Hedzra Hel; 

i eT | 5; YW, f f 
es y LD 
be Vi hinn hetiy ah : 

z Yorke ov 

: | ge oe, 
1 MSs 
= . . 
se The time. 
T, fal i, a i A L a : CG em 

Ti+. Wee 

7. J, 

% The names. 
1 pap os ee 

eet TD LL arent ae | Durch 

t=) wre 

~ Gepie's in Spanith redrz:in French Larre,. 

__. The greater-Juie is called of Theophra tus tor Latin Hedera attollens, ox Hedera afar gens: 

Gaza interpreth it Hedera excel/a, The later Herborifts would haueitto be Hedera arborea, oF thee 
: 4 Se eS FS Tp ee L jl rr. J. qe heeded A m 1 
a 2 Se ines oe 

1 T Taet Py Sr ee % ee Ws Senge es iT Ansh iemuch 

r o ‘ é ; 
pe RE an 0. Ea AS ete Oe Wt ref etches Hemera 
2 1 R Loin} 1 Veen hanes 

diffe efir,org 
: Helix, and Hedera flerilis;and is that h 

Ftd sae 

Tuie as G, 

%& The temperature. 
i aces 

5 2 ° 

aterie fubftance, 42 



ley faith, hash a mee 
ld fubftance, and alfo a fubftance fomewhat biting, which euen the very tafte fe 
Sk Se Pas vce te Lo: o : x ie ful 

1,1 , ae © 


: L CLA as aphitet colde, and 
- ~ a 


thatisifitbe or CF ee Ot FY 2 ee eae 


thofe that hane a vene 

he vertues. 

bgetks Sr &T ? 3 ; 
of Iuie freth and greene , boiled in wine, do heale olde vicers, ond pe ie 

or at i 

_ B  Motcouertheleaues boiled with v 


eer ie L mee ye hue the flowets 
ic : 

Rye eS ee 

a itn ete 



1 with vineger, efpeci ally fo ved 

or fruit are 
heya are cone ne burnings. 

fe,doth effecti 9 purge the head » ftaieth the running C 
a ee L 1, 1 cy. = AY Path Alaa 1 and alfo 
cages c ares 23 5p. Se y aye s Piss 
ith oileoffoteofallad o 

ne atis found: vpon ei eke or thoes of the old ftocke of Iuie,killech nits and lice,and D 
taketh away’ haire: it if of fo hota-qualitie, 
wai bonne oft tere gumimie drops. Thus farre Galen. 
‘The very fame 2 almoft hath aro bat yet alfo fomewhat mote: for ouer and befi ae he E 

19 2 
faith,that| Wretvere) : 4 oY GE eee sand th ibd ae Ae es 9 

a 2 

jnourti e9ae) feldome ‘ed , faue that the leaues are laide vpon little vicers made inthe E 
aes rote ee of the We ae are called felling for they’ draw ito uss, and water oo 

"Senter ese that the clutter berr Il i d giver tO 5G 
thofethacbe troubled with the fto Dne, at difeates of ne aoe 
‘The sed laide | 0 fteepe i in wa erfor a a day and eke fpace, mee fore and | fmerting H 

of rag Bindweed. Chap 301. 

The ki mais: 
Tiree foxes of Bindw: ‘sane fone tough 3and others fmooth ; fome greater,an dorhans 
leffe, differing in countrey and clim: wherof there is one called Zer, va as itis deemed of fome 
new writers: the which we intend to aie echend vader one chapter, 

Smilax Peruuiana,Salfa parila, 

2 Suilax Afpers. 
" “Top egy, of ge 

Common nage Bindweed. 

=e Sarafantin , ce 

* T he defeription, 

e.9 medi» Rep 

ay u, which we: 
AG call. Zarza,or septa wherewith divers EENGIC Ape ae are cure d, nad tha 
oF cg L 1 WT 7S 1 3 yf ee I acleflenes an final 
tide tibede ing he leaucs,fowers, or fuite,onely Mona yim pon ¥s inlfrudt 

dent ceheP capensis Cowes Bi ee y Ma Hehe ath 

5 ; ; ‘pan fhould tell the fim. 
sae Ca bfacl fo blinde that {eth the 
Soci fel bie eafi yams me the roots to be yery aloogacty had Bithe crsisin the teportsof 

fuch as faie a hae feene the par it felfe istiieel fome contradiétion or contrarietie; {ome r 
gh in wee S 7 JOUMESG aso 

begs) there to inhabite, ich time he did fe ethers of grea eye as <himfelt eported ynto 
me with tis bare defeription 4 It saith he,the roote ofa {mal I thrubbie TASES Pee ec, fuchas 
) eee 
ers of fruice he remembreth not. . 
2. L y 1 L C.11 1 | i 7 with cer. 
i BF tag 1 Pg? TI Lt ] fhrohe os bt Syed] Oiae eb ba I 
next vntoit agendas cae ng it felfe about from thel he top,wi placedatcue. 
rie ioine ‘one leafe like that of lute, with ft pi inted, lefler and harder then thofe of 
1 5 RIS es FS | ie h } 1. 
iges with crook dr ickles.The fi g he top sof ae, fakes of ae a 
fi f finell : aft h the fruite like thofe fi the wild ane at the firft, and ted co 
theyb » AY aie eR fi. 4, Bec e ed 
- Cc Arcee rest j y- t L d ; | oe 
The o?’ 2 .9 3 é @ dat 
eer Smilax affera Lafitanica. 4 Smilax a, ape Germanica. 
Ro ough Bindweed of pertieal Germanie rough Bindweed, 




% The defeription. 

3 This rc Ig t 4 differeth 
or Sea eee q frnite. Th I fis one fin, le root 
Seve an “eg CL + | Cash ih S os 

z " ThisBi dweed of Germanie hath many Rast ihe saith and fer ronnde about 
with divers thornsike thofe of the brier or ead winding and wrapping it fe a4 Me on ten- 

drels abc , "7 1 ££ "aD Sires oo 1 fal <1 .: ° L reof th tof 
ee - 1) Pea tid 4 Y. IPS, " we Ns 
do ftan pet g grow £ 

fee ofa whi if f fia Gases elnit IRS ae ode wn hy penn | UT od 
er th are Bs 2 ae “eat 
be ¢ wr ° . ° . . 

2 7 is 
Zara eapurileo the pticlley Bindweede of A % g hinPern,2 proui f Americas 

Virgin’ boa A 

Theothers igh 1 vntilled pl , about te Pel and borders of f fieldes, on 

. Bi W ae ee a 4 | ey 

goat > 2 t=) : 

; % The tite. : 
- They fl if ifh in the {pri | Autum: ora little before 

melanin’ f t ° z) . 

% The nam 

Ieis named in Greeke Sina reayeta. Gaza Theo baths his tranflato h it Heder 
aslikewife oad writeth in his vO oke 10, chapes eh itis alfo furname 4 Ni cophoron. OF 
the Hetrufcian, dere fpino ofa 4,4 and Rub céruinus: of the ilia ns i n Spain as Lacuna faith, 

Zara pers = they fhould f. ay, Raha viticula, or Bramble little vine, jee as s Matthiolus 

n; c., 1 

batifts do call Zarza, is the roote es this Bindweede Garciat Lopius alta ftanus vera itto : like 
therunto, b o be like one © 

another which notwithftanding are prooued not to be the fame, by fome aie di iiferthice The di- 

Zarza parells of Peruis a 1 ftrange plant, andi is brought vito vs — iw countries of the new 
warld Heda ¥ 

like to thofe tt EB ; ithftandi jo oft fi tue and opera. 
S eae ee eee ee 1 pe % 
tion, Fort ‘doth notonely bresiea an nalteration inthe 
oS cee an ptt 1 1 
forme, or leffer, 
thinoc }. L c = y " Such 
PE aoeat: oa Te 1 RES 1 4 ee 
Tike ister ‘J. Se I. Dane ka lil L Rind 1 Re eee 
gilt nerw; 1 ng ps tna C.1 se bee pccee * ee é: 
eae bat DS EN ad ee Ber Cc paras Lit oe eee pe ee sorin Afrike 
* in 9 iz r 2 
The rootes of Zarza parilla of P hict i he pl 
flender, like to the leflex putes common Li iquor' ‘vety man y oftentimes hanging fr. ome 
head,in which are the : middle ro is Shardeft "he haue ce tafte and: fo feat afmell, asitis 
nottobe perc ued.Th ey had their 
] he eT ey F 10: Snifying in 
Sacncalon ar; a Ls | aa bg - usd 
ned ghorprickley 
coppime . 
a ri Re) pee pL ad , aS eS 
> P 2 e 
: hevert 
Me toate ISP Re The pee Cit M4 dhead. and 205370 Wis A 
difeafes Th. } nN. a i ig MN a 4 aie 4 Pi 
thatchere > E y {weaxing, fe, 
beno agueioined, age 
eS Cllle ic nerfo Ge]: 6 ye ory tr. “Ll om 
ime en potted in few dais, eaf t oldor g — ee apt a 
5) $2 the r . | pari lla, ilax afpera,or 
Yy 4 


THE  peeigace plese’ OF THE 

led of fe ihe ? Limi e “ ifor 2 To leavesheceof 2 ith Diforidesare ae 7 
te or ee Binadweede. Chap.303. 
a «OE , #7 Thekindes. 
ae be deleedin rispreenehaper : ar Ws 
I Smilax lenisfive leuis maior. 7 Smilaxlenis minor 
Great {moorth Bindweede, ; * Small aes Bindweede 

; The defer 
T Tisa ange thing vnto me, that = 1enatne of ion fhould fo largely beextended, asthatit 
4 fhould be affigned to tho fe plants,thatcome no thing neere the nature an: nd fearfly vntoany part 
“of the forme of Smilax indeede. But twe :willeate controuerfi ies to the 1 further « be tion 

a . 
re See | C3 iad, 

lit ngbnchero vine, but tenderer. ‘Jength meee 4 
ereof, ee; to mal ke tha dowes in arbors, ‘eae auiowicis , burfomenta 

white and hollow 

es eset fede isthree cornered, gr all husks, skin Thewot 
io nd long, like the great Dogs ste ae a: 
7 much li ftalk fell 
itismuch fmaller, and creepeth ypon negeubdl tener 

+ thelictle Jeaues tender and =e the lowers ike ato Hieele beley of a papers 
The (ede three comered lke yato othe other of 


A RBs * 1 
YVAlICit onely 

Convoluslus 15 ~ Ae es 4) Volubilis wierd. 
eG I fer Blacke Bindw ced. 





x . 

“% The spon 

3 This thirdekinde ofBind deweede, faith henew I 

Olinets in Prouence , Sauoy,and Narbo ft 

felts abou great Di amow in Effex in fach Pe Ste cr Z doth very g 
iskind indweed before ga 3 burit 

hath a more delicate flower , plaited or foulded in the compa’ ail of the bell, very order rly 3 "elpe- 

before the fimne rife(for after it opencth it felfe, the welts ate not fo much perceiued ) andis 
: oe oe colour, The feede i is not volike Se and flat, growing outof fle a 
no AS 

Kecseehnga Se 
4 ee: alled Resin chord nifieth pectan, 
rocleaygorto palltohim sbeing con ferred with the forefaidekindes 0 es togit 

ature. and effe: “may yee i 

kindes of co, se C1 

{fe 5 in tafte drying, =. 


doneus calle ad ¢ 

Neheateiiles | in the oe a oras the common people tearme it 

Palate, whofe vertues hauenot as yet by any one wigan blag Posies therefore thought it 

{0d t0 account this Holubili Volubilis for the right Ciffampeles , w h agreeth moft with himas we clio 
‘sce of growing, as alfo in his euident Propettic of purging, w Rei the Sac palin tha: D, 

ONeesnotel and applieth vato him,whi hich the ft udents of Padua call Br roegg. ‘Pliny Si 

omen and doth thinke itto be akinde of the true Scammon apie ifenpels ot 

Bindweed hath fmoothred branches , and verie {mall, like the tendrels of a vine , wherewith je 
wrappeth and windeth i it felfe about trees a arhpee s,and whatfoeuer thing elfe, i 

— e leaues of the little Bhdrsle 
shisbadicen ne 

h it 


ther the leaues of Spinach : :the flowers are tal and of agrecnifh or herbje ic col 

well in great quantitie,do os ng iuice of the fea — Colophonie, Rolin, and {thei ag 
of this He/xize,and fell it for th 
ceiue it,and flandere to th =Phiftion which miniftreth i it. 

Ve ae 1 be, 

ing 5 Se 


ofa a sae greene ou pecan hat ‘his name, =e whole ae is not onely ahurthull 
cede, butofan euill fine'talfo, 

% The place. 

BPs ye ee SNE AeA 1 op bay | eee a £ Booland 
f z Oo ae 

= ae Thetime. 
They do all flower from Maic to the end of Auguft. 
- %& The 

<4 Pp 4 eH to TS ene PS Fp RB fp,7, 3 

dl ee + am Cee pS |) SBS oye } 

} ¢ 
> Teor 

dr ,. 
RTA lik ancl, TAs fie wts L: 

Moucs no ete atall. D 1¢,do’ is 
and | likew. wife Smilax: the tee, aie) the Latines oat Taxus aaEeelih evan tree. ee 
', Campanella, funis arborum, Conraluulus albus, 
booke s.chapter, doth alfo nameit Cu; aes 
It pei tobe LE not rhe fhrubbe pone Re that which AdZartiaéisin his firftb bodke 
of Epieam s fpeaketh of, Nard peed Tote 
mall Bindweede is c wuolustus minor, and Smilsxlanis minor, Volubilis minor + it 
high Durch CeunBat aut? in ae Dutch Ker — t oe deat es ae Vilwcchiosin 

pre i | 1. 

Thiele hepbes are ed an hot and drie cue 

Chla-te Rind RS .. Poe dand ftraii d, andthe iuice 
A age Sat and open the bellie excee 
eaties poe: ane laidto the — 7s Ae: confumeth hard lumps 
B andi fv velingas Galen 

f, J; Co cstct 3 Jhorer Gill vnto 

C eche ae ing chi Seinen ce next vito ey . ¥ 

Of Blew Bindweed. (Chap.304.. 

% The defeription. 

> Satay bringethf foorth long, tender,and winding branches,by ohh 
andneere yato it,and fouldeth it felfe about them with m: any turnin 

Ses in rit : hi 
. ings, ee Fa mo ¢ funne cc a “ne ie 
ieee eck agaa ae 
co! ur: among: bh Cc L ftpleat L a Loves: 1 geo 

to purple: 
pat, rounde knobbed feed veflel acon Eng “ae 

igneffe of a Tare, and like vnto oS Bia ares ae The rooteis > 
per: :firftapproch of winter. 

itheth atthe 




erule tts 

Cousolunlys C: 
Blew Binder. 

~The feede of bain ie esr was firft te i 

from | Syria and other remote parts of th vorld, 

and is a ftranger in thefe ore pasts : a 

The feede Shee os fowen a as Melons and Cu- 
cumbers are 
withmein the aa of Augutt. 

% The names. 
called Campane Lazula, and L of 
te fitel ie Campana carn “ay alfes 
re Caruleum: itis tho engAt tobe Lign- 
frm aisraud out not es et of hich Colwell 
in his ‘ebooks hath made me 

Fer — sect dled pe meeceeire 
Ballama cuns Ca fia nech 
Ta seer bring thou Sse 
And blew Bindweed withall ; 
But mixed with pleafant Baulme 
And Caffia medicinall. 

re if oa oe f{mooth Withwinde, or be 
eede be Ligu/trwm, then may this ben 

opie called Lig uftrims nigrum: fora blewe we 

Purple colour i is oftentimes called black, ashath 

h 1. tee eae as Te 2 L Pel nei 

BR a! * XX7 1.1 1 

7 Auicenne in this ee 
} ey Habal D Nil, i is is gra voumn Indicum, 
; 2 

of lab thatista (aie al Cxunlan/, ba | en 39 “LL: } ftalks 

a Res Pe ro 

5 i in nfuthion of 

Pa 7 
flower = at in Powon : PRE 28 CoN WT 


of F Saebker to which a this 
Hor Bindweedi is aula. 

CR?) y (aa Be) T my *t oe 
iP cue ;fornothi faieth it wh The ‘ i his 
ng gainfa se yee leno ae. fe toconclude, this 
beautifull Bind dweed,which we call Coruo, tatcweds is call he Arabians Wz a of Serapid 
and T Tripolis in in rae inhabitants vies Hafm oa ‘fen: the Ital seine 
ullazured flowers,and alfo Fior de notte, bicaufe his beautie bbptcscth moft 

hot and drie in the 
oTepurgethand y RES ee : x Thevertues Gee, WAS Sie Pam Ee | fae 
Boe ora Bac I ot Per ae ee 1: ite, as icon : 
1 L ¢. pe era gS tle fe vher~ 
fren poder ee : : 2 ? bs . > : a 

The temperatur 
; Consolaaler Cernleu, Or ie as Caicemne ae hot ses driein ih firft degree, burt Serapioma- 
 leitrbe “a 


Of Scammonie,or pursing Bindweed. Chap 305. 

X Scammonium Syriacwttte 2 Scammonium SE 
Syrian Scammonie, French Scammonie, 





% The dé{eription. 
SS of Syria hath many ftalkes _ ng from one roote , which are long. flender, 

and like the clafping tendrels of the vin Ete ~ one 4 , . 

Thies tcis long, thicke,and w! ie withi's ie - which isgutheredaiice, A 
Seis is greatly vfedi in Phificke : for which confidera on, nage esac: isnot iar gro” 
iitio! = or 

- = Scammonie, which Pema calleth Lagfaria aid yor iaque v0 

dara swhereofi ic is a kinde salthough for diftinétion fake, Thawe placed 
wey S = =. ldo fomuch 
ao eek hie Eiesirech i re ey en Idi 
good :neither could th 5 aha? | Janes: =e oe a fSnde fimple in 
refpe& awe a i 1. ee iprasione 
who hau beeb prec chiefely to auoide the dec rors 

of the cig = medicine maker of ee confeéted Scammotiiey brought vs ens 




st to oe: the inconueniences bentot by reafon ‘of the cometang a ill mixing 
diligent , and no 

nies’ Cc = 

eet inellis, 20 apothecarie of oe ante am not dig teacher of Wiebe the 
as mii Bowe the right. Scammonic of Antioc he,trauelled iar 1 the citic 
of Alepo, he fent an f Scammonie of Antioche , prepare ed and 
frdodi into a lumpe, at the oy whereof he was prefent himfele, aT Ae a ‘ent alle of es 
rm 4 

- cuz 

pri leaues, flowers dh thewe like vato our Ci Ciffampelos 3 ‘oe a mag woulde foie taken i it for 

Biol a alfoi in tendernefle, Thee outwarde batke of the! roote Was uF a apie colour, pe iytite 
be the fame and the’ 

bi ee in hat t ritt tle, 
pa oem re, cress hh the emery in Scammonie be n fle gummie, and full of 
milkie i iuice then Turbith. Furth: t Pena sreporteth tha that after var ze ce of this feede vnto Ant 
J d bra es growing vp to the h height of 
feo fixe cubits, not differing a that which was foweni in ia Alfo Wiléam Dries of Ant 
fthi ntwerpian Scammoni e fro 
the foote and dried chem , pl des in his g i 
| he Tu thich of Alexandria, ] Id finde rt differor or difagree im 
e ee ere: ‘But ill ing S ie (Imeane 
| whatapothecar : lly 7. 8 g th ) eit g }. ie cho fe 

ee Senaipniesad the sire that he dole which are giuen in ae daies , will not aniwer the 

Lose athe other purging. medicines, 3 as Diaphenicon, Catholicon, Succes —— Braftea 

marinasand T ith; p ric, 
nd VW f. b 1 M £.h 4 1 we pags Bi 
where he fhall fi g ; to vie fich 
— excdlent medicines, 
pe fF. 1 J hoe 1 } rn z 7 
L % y yt ny i wih l ‘ id “ 1 LoL DL } Be 
owing naturally { y Pp y 5 BY oe 
Devas alled 4, : rm ao } “I £M, 1; } (ies 1 
= } } J A 1 bs) es L Cc fa se ft ak cre ee a3 A 
flak iy SA] “a . ee ac a of} 5 ot 3 ae ee ee PRS ] . 
as 8 9 well Tunne 
“ a Sfsicy 

: bin: = ae like the at kinds of Scammonie. =e ome are greene, cate plaine, and 

fhatpe poin nte ed, which aa broken do {mall, 
a ie; hooting foorth fundri¢ oth , whercb it 
i ae é 
; : % The defeription. : 
' ic {Ppa are . ees eae ae ee eee a, 7 >. ae 
. . — a fe TTR BRC ae eS = Re See Tr. Yast eee ace 
Rigs:neuerthele(ft.--..1 a 
\ Thisplant hath a verie — amt shoal taking 8 Id vpon f ich things as do growe 
, Rétte-vnto it, . adarkeruffet colour phiaied we Pal ath colour, whereupon do grow leaues fharpe 
edattheferting ono Ik like thofé of eo an Brionie, and likewife ofan afh 

Colour fer st rogitherby couples: from the bofome wherof thrufteth foorth finall tender foote ftalks, 
whereon are placed finall white dowers ftarre fahion, The roote hath notas yetbeene difc 

soy hathath wrinenhecresk. 

3 semen 


3 ScamoncaValentina. , 
Scammonie of Valentia, 

o The a: 

dotl h grow it otregions,ina fat foile. a5 + 

Mit Syriayand othe ctlieesanticde Ati to 

mined; it likewife € groweth ‘neere ynito’ the Sy 
Ss de about: Anse in Syria, wher ie 
anus go ealbhic are 
i shel 

silt fowredinmy sande iodin Saint Tames tide, 
agit remember for when Iwenrto ri faire, 
* Tieftit in flower 5 sbut ae eturne i 
SUBS zor hen, rt 
“The Greckes ey it ae peat the Loti 

ince Di agredizms as though they fhoulde faie, 
aon which digmbes alitde teare; ha the 
betbeaadi inice ate-named S¢amony, of Shc 

of liom 
a 1 i> Piet 
pa bye hfs ehee el ee RRR Te worketh 
L is ae: L “Sd Ll. 1 Se» IS: 
_ 4 s. . 


a } iB Saeeeo ne sander 

%e Thevertues. 
Ll sf. 7 L sz 7 
ft é 

eff » biting, or zit plan sie at a and ae 


: Bn 2s PB OTS" = ers in the lowe pe —— ‘se 
Cc: oo are ee if the Scammonie be boiled i ina Quince and mixed with he 
lime ge of P 2 filssen, called aero srg ‘orpulpe of Prunes, of other singe) 

a D "PE, { net] ; } oe | = Abo. Y. + at eC pall rt 
faith he rt dose Becks ga ie SNe eee lefle drams of Aloes 
be put oone fc le ¢ of it,w hich 1h. sr ebafias We. tes I antes 2 Ehe symone, 
the tes smedicinall Collections, VAR EG kw cerae nego 

E Theold P; ae he ee er AS 1 «ee rthe Ouince 
* - Ses 2} “be 


: 3 

ee a ee 

A Os eit es ik ae ~ <n 


people. The vie of S g 

beeaten, having cal aw wt ae o> ea and this Quince fotaken doth mooue the belly with- 
; f th ¢ faculties of siti ents doth 
oucany hurt ick Sp L 1 Ih 1 yy ar } 
eeapathecaries do vie S Li ; 

; eis as we haue faide, they name F 


Duridiamand do mixe it in diuers pene = tions. 

P 20 eleQuaries , tl ¢ fi Flea- G 
308 yi é t # / * a 
i nby Ade/aes : the other of P. f; pon Nicholaus, which were deuifed for 
woort,{et EA PES 7m ey eS ig ae 
dieafe i th dc fo | sas Soa 
tdicafes: oeuer th at tocee ofcholer, 
rar ba mediete 

chie, which 
ey : ay reade in his firft booke of Biased 
ss to the shies affected, aes alfo we -meane netoxouchi in the Saching of te nti ida 

x yea SP aS" “a: en 
Loo ong ear eS fa ar ee Ts ent =! SG Sa ae PE 
Sot SE ge % “ cr oF s ai , “ 4 FR = ‘5 a 
= Paes 1 ps L y oe L A ply | Ss L ht 4 tL) a: ? 31. 
fore,nor af Pe: L Pace oy | 

dient to! fet a int cnePhiteall vertues of Scammonie, ypon the receipt wherof , many times. 

rifit be giuen 1 without corre@tion; or taken at the hands of fome run agate : 
ates tte i women leaches,. and fuch like abufers of Phificke, and deceitiers of 

‘aay = and cantly * the fame, 


of Brinn the mbite Pie a Ot 2. 

" 3; : inca fic HN SORE 
3 Dik Ee , #4 bee nl 

p ba 2 gt TE 

ute The kindes. Shc Nem 

5 , 
{3 ni tuo batter 61 9n33 bs mS 

1 1 LP. "AL. } Ll se unlladp 32° fi ete Are Ide Brionic’ 
\ s ? Rar ney at ) 

1 es Sees Ce} L Ry jie Call pest ie Bie. 48 2 

ske\ a) erhedpin: 

J. HiteBrioniebringeth foo cob ier Yo heeatd ftalkes’ wy ci ten- “9 
on like the Vine, wherewith i it catcheth holde- of thofe' chi ings sithat-ar 

ieee onl sopra an mkt cae "The ices chiefe Chirurgion, Ma- | 

: 2 tefl Gao a very curious and learned gentleman fheived me = = ep that waied © 


dy wT = ; 
i Brionie gudive eth almoft ev whete 
pot herbes;hedge puihel, and ndtichieplces 6 
%& The t, 

rethin se snide brinigeth foorth his 
eae in spew 

aortas called ‘in Creek Aevihs isha 

Gumdag bi. 
caule iti Pa notione. rely like che Mind jh in haan 5 butal- 
a for that it bringeth foorthy a fruite made yp 
after the likeneffe of a little cluft » although 4 

: humours ree afowat rie, 

Assy citl «he Tee er tes. 
fir Bae or {proutings oun boiled and eaten, do purge by fiege 

ne mets aoe that all men vie cuftomabl ly t o cate of i itin the {pring time 2 and that i it isa 
S thol 


3 Latine Tam ‘of the Be of this di lee 

ae elland torment the domacker 

ool outin the ee oes and dru 

"with meade or honied water. te thom and not mal the inic nee odiioniotthe 
roote Eiswerh foorth flegme,cholerjand 
oftentimes fo tcoublefonie to the ftoma acke,as it procureth vo 

 Thiskinde of —= pa is good for thofe that hati th a alii a ficknes, a 

~ the difinefle and {wim ing of ltardly to 
i ~ Femooued : zyet notwi ithftan ain ng itis not daily tobe giuen ( ee bnteest admonifheth ) to 
= thathaue th een fi cknes sforit wil be troublefome  inough be being tak meytientik is(as 

: tie {aid) » & ver for sdibte for mans nature. 
I od ke 1 th ch ie and atest : being 
e bath eine — the fameieffect, V: as ae “el nd 
jand taketh away writick leo, frdcklen sieth haat em 9 : 
c empered wipatiitevaliies leles of Tares,| or of Fenngtecke : « “au 
cond it taketh away blacke and-blewe ff fpots which, ea : itis ik 
gaint 9g amped with wine and applied iebteaker) bis sand fin er eA 

bi crs aod ipobertt bones be flapedantld de, 1) SS 

FE. “Thetanealo fitly mixed with eating medicine ines as, Dibfeorides writer +.» fave 
G ae again feabs-and the leptie jt be'appliedaind shnaiieonya the 
thor — 



a eee ee 



‘ . 
wits r 

,; te t fogar, is pat good forthem seek 
winded, roe with an old cong paine in the fides, and fot fuch asare sah and bur- 

pee for itdi 
terra amped with fale,, is good to be aide Ypon filth neve and ape legs: The fruite K 

ee B i lof wake'Robin ft ft »andmade vp | Tr 
gor Jump and wrapped ph =i 1 
wanes be rubbed with the i ete dione ist in vineger. ' 

Of blacke S eaigan the wilde vine. Chap.307- 

PT 'Bryonia tigrae 88° at 2 Bryonia nigra fylueitris 
Shalt Blacke Beni e. bie ee / Wilde sec Bryone 

% The tpg ' 

1 Pr HeblackeB LY Jie fub s : 
TL ping Sciceectind & 6 ling it felf with his {mall tendrels 
eo L rs he 
ev flu os Seah erage ae Sa ro 46 
eaten af Si ewe : ich bei ng paft, there oe See of red 
and. ger Ss ne, © ich we call Currans or {mall 
i é, blackif : 


Raifins, Thes = then dthicke,oft amans lege: 
maha Oote is thi tentimes as as s 
and very clammi sey a ich bei ee ea kale orany 

feet be —— ok cloth leather i 
matter fitto fpr or | nmaner 
fareclothyhichteiee ipredand vied ie fetacth olaie vpon many 
Peis asthalbedaaredinheproper place, 


2 wr Ce Be es no 
es Ee TY Lum. i Pe c 4 SAS teaues; but 
aa 1 oe, see, D CL Pg a 1. “a 3 . LL 1 Pad tek peti 
L A So Ape coke con- 
traric¢to the other of hiskinde, I fare blacke of colour when they be ripe 
1 1 c. } 1 1 Tok é ipe, 
a » . 
* %& The place. 
er'L £.fn Cel Fy 1 qa ] fet 
Theft j hin Heffia.S Weltphalia: Pornerlandi&e Mifaiaah 
rao" 8 4 oy 2 ms 4 L L is * L Sy t } I...) a f 
cr. 1IJA é os L 
. ~. * . 
xe Thetime. 
"TL Kr Cine & g Lae aS c RS RR = a t.. f° oc . 
ag Soamuaes =) =) t ‘ptember, 
% The names. 
Ser en) Lea? oT oe ee 4 ‘ 
cke Bryonie is called in ( reckedyemies dea: in Le , ie ', and ead rs: he 
we. notwith Labrufeasor V. pi shat 
is to faie, ios m the ey hb h is lik pelosagrie: 
why both thefe ‘were called ya one name, "line was rs sal swhocould niin 
* ‘ . 
are alfo the Arab : 2 

This wilde Vinealloi is call 
it alfo sone RaeDius faith that in certaine ayn itis called came B.Maria:zi sien called 

E ilde Vine,and our Ladies Seale, 
% The temperature. 
TTL. C2 “1 1. U7: L J th * : 
¢ fruite i: ¢ tempera- 
he ) phe LI L 1 c.L ret B n wi fi ) ay s of lik 4 
ca é 2 
: % The vertues. 
A Divfcorides faith tk } d ithh . and are good for fuch as haue the 
j pfic hp oee § 1 1 4 3 .. ya: x 1 b 2 Sa and be drunke ince 
1 1 l , Oe 2 1 4 
burne on rs blemifhes ofth the: eon 
B san Sh eS Sp Cr 1 3 If wing F watte 
a abe 4h] } Piece 4 Atcha tings Be ae, Oa 
> Vv 
alfo the roots en ne laidvpont Se 
Cae 3 I pl } 1 HN PRR | Die 
fi g . with meate as D 
oftorides teacheth Mat hiol: iteth thatghey are fe 1 bles alfo i 
autre Vt 1C t .e : A. 14 et See Ss } 
-[— _ leis faid that fwine k i lige ite Sosa noleffe de- 
: Wihtehea hey do = rootes of an: Sp or Panis sporcinus 5 ae was called Cytlamines 
era, Or Sowe bre: sifchi 
—. Web 7 = oa L Prey ee ee Amer 
L L 1 £ ners 
Tse 1. cat rath 
IL Lk ye sherent ate 
hileticis ver freth 


breaketh harde 
jedbloud; anda 
av where there 

ie Gually. 

OF Bryonie of Mer exico. Chap.308- : 

— 2 Mechoacan Perawiana: 
i nett Mexico," / eae cof Peru, 



Ey LE IOS ee 
“<U7rd ih 


rene ODE , The defe tion. 

r Hat; 1 hich: : fee ie of Mexi: ome el neere 
thekinde of R 3 for 
there fhooteth from m3 roote hela many i nde tendrels, which do iAaitly 

gtalpeand claf; w great 

hoa fanetharpey i : d,¢ fz d rh er 1 bur o , My eat he heer t.4: lies Seale, Pa 
patie stehanees — to thofe of the Orenget 2 burt ihe of the golden apple “ 
reas of fine es; out of the midft wherofcommeth foo Herre she 

Peitellinmanet of a 

lice bigge asa Hatell Nees being ditided with athinne skin 

rofetsa - as Peafe,iif colour blacke and thi ining. The roote is thicke and long, very like vnto 
white Bryonie, where oft we ‘make this a kinde althou hin the tafe oft the tootes there 
3 ig 

Perugr iling ft 
3 which take okt of ac age as are next Or neere ynto them, 

Sten in fich manner : meee ot Puc & 

efits ine Vin whereunto 
iisverylkealmottin ech na Racharhionmmett do {mell very 4 i th rut 
a Rotobler ied: ik r o,f i, at * Oe ‘¢ ‘ } J dadiber : 
: me; by. on of x fs Stee cath that happened in sibel gee 
obey a ee repre aa 
P 3 fily indge V¥ sam 6852 aa 

73 that 

that right nena hath beene brought from Mexico, and other places of the W 
or Tet the ep ro ythe figure: refhiould feeme to anfwere that of the wilde Vine hata beahins 
Icannot write cause es 
s§ senha, _ The place. 

of te or Meat whereof te his name. te groweth hewia ina Fit oe ven 

r % The names. 
It = weti ade 26 HDEEDE eat i ‘tinimed:-Same rakedevcn} rr 
dept = its ae but feei g is nothing bitter, but rather with ryonie He. 
as one faith 

oO” mathe 5) 

bitter, Diuers name it Rb. aon cen pop banging ‘Ticons. 
nek neerer vnto Scammonie, a and ifI mig 


f America -Scammonie creepeth, as we have in 


manner of Bind weede, TI 
this of Asech it is 

; Hled:in. Rnglift M hoca and Mechocan, and may be called Indian 
Bryonie, - 
% The temperature, 

ts The vertues. og 
AL It purge eth by fiege,eff pe i lly a re 3 *).L sj. 1. ¢ oe gi ; fr. J 
weight to two,and that wi . ¢ ; ret ar pd Eas. ( A: g Mee oe ‘ * th) 
orelfein fethin oth, 
B Itis gine’ : — iheha fuccefle to all, Tice difeate P Lent a 21 4 Irie 
good againft cinuec ng, gt esha > pe wy} 1, g, the colicke, 
£ ? é 
Of the Manured Vine. (Chap.309. | 
a2 %& Thekindes. 

A not! tance by es sitis hele vps af aeert . frames of woode,and e gives 
felfe whatfocuer ftandeth next 

vnto trees, OF W: 
ynto it, = ; 
: OFVi Bakr toes of les intel cr 1 7+. Yt 48 yy Bee *Tdeeof rane 
Pe = “8 VWitw 2f ct ct Se 
d o 7 
Siabe *% Thedeeripion si ‘ 
: = LI, 1 Rie Pees Wee ers ea 1. 2 SOE J with many batkes, 
i : 1.4 -6.68N20-LR. 2. 3 gre eet 2 “C. “| hes. as it were armies, 
* = areas - Cost ee aes dfhootes and {pringss rere 
pcnany P 63 : 
“&. eet aed 1 V4 ge 25 ne em | 4 sh 4 ers filled 
the bof . ping ife bunches or clutt the 
¥ 1 iat. If hatinden 

see come aon rd peers a prcerererr offch props 
aes vito it. The grapes do differ both in colour and greatnes, and alfoin gr) ath 
i 0 diftin gh lly w ere impoflible,c onfid eto ce ad 
aie a a cent tof 
ered ofser ape mena thereft... ngclaa ti Hore 

- de, differeth 
f yale ine 
_ -woonderfi = Sl mibiplisear come here it groweth : for itis well knowen wen that w 

: eh ccc = Ra <r countries wheze thofekindes of Vines dog", font 


i maim Ae therefore i it feat 10 inal ree to e hele {pecch as touching this 

3¢, more Hien itolet gh 3 
aVinc Sega fubftan g gtapes like ynto theconimoa Vine, 
tales ely in ta ‘ iss ; 
adhe 1 yak i 
‘ { Vitis vinifera. het fe SS pearl 2 Pisin Hifpani 2 
: Themanured Vive : pees The Spanih manuted Vine, 

<eapoe Sy 


big x ese are @ tian 
isfo din Grbcigendthepas Rantalarea, Zante spididasete Petras 
Ale: fome are Ilands,and the ches ceol Maware ) acertaine Vine that hath atrunke or bo- 2 
dy of a woodie fu ogni aan afcalie - rug ed batke, ofa grayifh colour; whereupon do growe: ; 
: iethaod eddesnotvnlike yntptholcofthe Marit Malo 

ues, lightly indente eymntp ow? 
fromthe bofome wh se rr tol pingtendsels.,’and-alfonrouigh and pliane 
sof comofoordsnany il caipingtenile andl anes ct 


iilee ot corneina a marchants 6 ney ote then do they put Poi = 

other wooden veflels, and treade them —— with their bare feete, which they call Sti 

foare they broughti into thefe parts for our mings and 
3 Vuabarbate, . 4 Vuazibeba, 
Laced,or bearded Grapes. The Viric thatbeareth Clea, 

3 Se ts ate Sarikes a eapinn 

OW gIO209 f As RG-PE tei 3K 
. Pay it pi, a 2 t ; 
‘This ki kinde of t 1-of : 


bis 5 Vikit dirac. 
enn ed, ot ie Btapes % The dlace. 

A fit foile for Vines, faith js shires euery 
blacke earth which is no ot very clofé norclan:- 
mi, hang fom e moifturesnotwithft sien ng Co 

edad fait that great regar arde is to be batt 
i in Bey ou wouldenourith, 


recording to the nat 
Awife husbandman will ines toa ie and 
il foilea oa Mane; d of his owne na- 
enortoofruitfull: toa eo groundea fruit: 

fhauings of horn is the =e tobe dipobebae 
the rootes, to >a si 

teth in Februarie: “ifthe os pine they 
ag eee 

lofe their nourifhment wit 
ra non 
“TheVine neis called in Greek awbeocee, aS 
bbs spats <8 | = much tofayin beeing ain i theVine 
which beareth wine, and & cf t ,Vitismanfucfatts eS: 
anditiscalled: 7 1 = D> oa of pp? a L: ake ay 1c 
5 . .% i . nt / ad : . . 

Tamusor our Ladies feale , which be likewif d Ie i is called Vitis, bicaule smuitatur ad 
Vat | Ditsrec doe lo 4 L “A j se Eo: eo 1 

Plinie maketh i CA} eet BE 1h 

ts pacar ing thet noe as oe Spiele al Saag: ‘och aoe ferteth it doves 

re beues eh Se westrés, ot a fecondkinde'of wilde: Vine, but we' had rather reraine it 
oer ee Vin nes. We may name itin Englith final Raifin Vine The fruits are hetcofcaledin 2 
ae hae de Corintho : Ain a “pene fi mall Ra Raifins, 

wish ih bb tiob 91 Siler arin lara racemis. 

Adornes our countrey Bowre,a feemely thing I winne, 

Teh nedobelong thole which P/iniein his 16, tee sparehtec : 

Caufein tha C.: ie ent} Js ant rei eae ty Beietine 5b 
Thefruit of -hoV:.: oo ‘ Rhee pats 
abunch rlut is rs ; es idee oe a : 
orcuutter of Grapes.» 311% , : a i 
Thecatn: ia al oe TES: ray rae Ba ee 

awe Nh , 
Ke see sy 

© AnLatine ag pa(fazin hops zaletass in "Engl Raise of the iste 

ree jmasaeblainiranl in Latine Arinws jas Bien 

x sacle a ‘hit bopeained pe ger Latine Visbebe cc 
lei ee é.gs though sheyeibolahd xp vial na are dries me yeslinoniee, 


notwithftanding V2; fj Tremn: 
r r ant of the gra after 
they be prefled. — 
TL Nall ost L say page onthe “¥ 3 } call 
i 3 > t t hang, is ied 
f Galen Bireures,0f Varro, Scapusunarum. 
. x Thetenperature and-vertues. 
x 3 Pc. L 1 

a edn in any part of the ae They are good d againft the ore boots setae 

Se 8 3 Aj 1" 1 } Dena ee 
ines g ybel y applied, y fwaies They 
aa an } aS J i} eth idee 
RB: Ss 2 
galed,orthe nbateatbel therewith. 
re) th L C Pic 8 Wiel 1.02 1 of pe L 1 . ayer “poy ‘ 
of iaea rk hb x forone of tt Uictawae Collen CTS ep, 
‘ 4 } empat o bs kes «| ar weet ee ak? ae of < ere oe ee 
ag , Pee Oe 
~ i Diofcorides faith, hb 1 SS tects Cl Lack Lf 1 L y VL 1 ing, adhe 
ee VANE, ESET SS PE Ee La Pm AY) idn neies andbl 1. 
der,ifth sane nein lech ri feat and leprie, but th feo 
tubbed with Niter; being oft i fl 

he faith t oe the famei is beft which iffueth forth a the ents and fi 7 icks er 
re tt keth away wartes, if itbeclaide 


ones and other ire tTemaining after the preffing,are good: againt the bloodie hixe, the 
laske of i continuance,andfor thofe that are much fubi eétto 

Ne prenin ny re tlre 
pilesjand hard ee about the ab doth cure the fame : cin ing a aaa ee Ruse 
or Herbegrac vi wineger ithelpeth to en members 
outof ioints } sb Wand eaferh coma the fpleene 

ormilt, bei eing seat manner of a splat 
Fo The! latter rage do vie to makea lie of che athe of Vine ticks, in a ee of bei 

"theeberaa Beata 
ireacsid 2 dal: of oars a ee 
G 3 ee = me < le tl bell gh tee che'ft e 1 «Ninn Sagal 
heed ‘iv < “¢ 1b tacded she con. 
coction Xa the anes and wile cts are sir cca tie ani spicres ry ee 
“ 11 See > Yee | 4-3 
ee ed, 1 Thew Alf. tf, 7) erie oe ocrlting mifandanftor habe 


SO EE * 
ne fii ce the oe pears cater ofabinding qualitie, d doth Ste 
~ alithe ming and is nothi nse the alias} ao ne thebodieat 

= ee! 21. re ae d - 
pelly ismade more{chuble.csifr.: in aiootw-nboltng gm OF 
ee See eran Poe ee BS evs fe oh: they be thor rowe 
; aprirlis niich pileakear: $n peat 
ep seine fests ‘heioapsordatsablagpsndine peinliselane: ad 
ig in Noremberg reporteth . You {hall take (ith he) the meale of mutta aia 
’ a oa poner oe fa set Sean 


pager eeteeines OF PLANTS. 

Cc “TTY Lahil) Theat! cn 1 Qe ziti 
OL. Cc rt 
akinde eye wine se Mutt. The potbeing very clofe couered fhallbe fet into f 
celler,orcold place. The negra pes may you takefoorth at your eats, wathing themwith faire 
water from the powder ; 
Of Raifons. 
re fy { h ft } {} ft Sweete Rail 1, 

guitere colder ; bothofth he aufteref vhich do more 
feneghen the ftomacke: te {weete ones vee nace flacken the tomaci nor make ‘the Ae 
hey betakeri with their {tones which are of a es. qualitie: 
ben eth do make the belly loofe and folubl ble. 

y I ilhiui , but doin- B 

} ee 4 ix, Pe ey 6 's <4 35 4% bs Ripe? 

gene oti 

beftchat hauea “ee skin, ; 
Thereis in the fweete onesa temperate and finoothing qualitie with a power to clenfe mode- D 

rately. They are good for the cheft, lungs, winde aie kidneies spaeant and for the ftomacke: for 

nana 2: aS AED See athing hey f Peter: 1 q r pane ae 

th i th vt re ine aes id. 

pe Ke er 52 16 5) , UBT no 7 - igat 

ine: Lad dull and “ila 

acini D236 1 o. LL oy 

k 5 of which they are'the C 

liein any di if 
neiesand bladder , f vr 
the malice of fharpe an nd biting humours that hurt the mouth oth the'ftom 
- Moteowet Raifons sate good for the ‘liner as Galen writeth inhis 7, booke of Pintind sccrtng £ 
heit mal 

f 7 . f > 

it Bans) Es Ca} alts it Pegis OM oe vay | Reh rcp pee Set fobtinee 
familiar to the entrailes,andcuie nia femperteand nourifh much, whereiti they are vehi 
tobecommended, for Raifins nourith,ftrengthen refift putrefattion, andif there be a any difteipe- ” 
—— of: moifture and coldneffe , they helpe without any hure ay the faide iad af 
memes SS L ee ist, Tt la : Perrine ee ah 
simile: . ° cas fo2 £. 2.8 «o ts Bee ee i tg olin ag Me pee 
pr el Oe ee | ¢; the Disk, We or Sees eS a 

eee through the det Ste all hi teen tions, — 

More aftringe ieee inding. Wherefore'the feedes are to be'tak se 

Raifinstnore eafily pafle,and the fooner be diftributed through th aver 
Pres teporteth oat they Raifitis le chewed w. ith Pebpee eed tee waterolit G 


Rails made a ude good forthe gout; rottings hide theioints j gangter Bd Brot: H 
Ged vicers sbeing ftamped oo a hee Alheals sql denne the: sat setae in. 
Mefingrottos being lid 

Ney my 94 stein 4 Tote _ of Mutt, ; aebali see t {} 
Met ae in tee dat, thie isto E > theli uor new. enter te gtape 
*y betroden os preffed sdorh filb i chppcitite teehee ei een it * 
Tee ticke nice, andifieds ito epee. ‘itppalions de Untongiehe ee bee omhmeth more Hurt 
onély this one g podehing ink las Mersey itm maha foluble,! > 20? 
ee ootieft*pafle throtigl sa, 
Secor i ales fe wind, itis hardly 

ee siisowied moles sibb: sa 


That firft part of the wine that commethfoorth of it felfc before the grapes behar 
anfiverable tothe gtapeit felfe, and doth al defeend : but that w. rhich flueth forth afterw. 

dprefled, is 

of Cu ute. 

j eS! 



i a Mf rh 

or Seog ittoa peas teers as Columelle ia 

1] Sapa, a, and Defratum is th: 
cal at ince 

Cc “1y 1 aera f the oe and ee 
ere a : rs 
fe fa sf L 4 1 cr ‘ d seca 
not of nature, de of | 3 hich b boiled ce al f 
ineth hefe c, ‘ whichas he faith, i “ — 6 "3 
"and tworemaine. — ‘aaritthed 
_ and da100 of w wine it felfe boiled to a third, 5 ‘ar ; ii isi 
eee wine. e di Wait <r 
H ° yet fe h y Ic, h Ee y ot ft Gl sn 1 dor 
for it model natch the fame foluble, a : ; is 
I Itno and filleth the body qu seu yet doth itby reafon ofhis thicknes flicke inthe 
Pesca re re oka ibetie trtecsanton the fplene,Cute alfo doth digeft.raw humors 
i Rticke i a = chef and lungs, and raifeth them v: p speedily It is therefore good forthecough 

K _ TheVine oe sie a baigl ountries(I willnot ot fay ° fLondon)do make of Cute ands wine mixed mn 
roportion, a — &counterfaice wings. which they fell for Candie wine, 

meni called waka 

E 1 ESS a eG e 

tL Co. 


famorn ine After said droll oflea tled,and now, it tien aes 
is sailed in Creche sis dives, in ater ith ng oplifl ee ‘: perly. For ceraine 
Hin Brie gmedlers,or wices, or are other 

yas of apple 

megranate ar 
wife sari or pics le fake) of, barlie and ee e, benor atl a 

led, Higa ote of 

thing addledaniercats they ft. Hereuponis.the wine,wh 
: pega tries _ i apa of pomegranates: out of | saad regen . 
ie 4 fi ttt i $3 108 12 es eo) Ore: By ee : 
 ¢alled Zythwm,or barlic wine in 
amr ys certaine wines Ea ees frame - mo that haue b been. espe 
: infufed in th d ormwoodw De idicatne “iyflope wing 
: omienecaiiardta uM IO. a es and 
_ that y ‘ 
pace Pigiwor rovpil oz yal 1 2 iiselt went snpet ap aBe? 
sey biveteastaeds canines the na 
cot {ubltance.of the wirte sue foueth comfilterh ia the:vexme ds le 
She nneptacutene: loners 
ioined. vata th the age. for byage.wines aos 
thal change: es thecolour, nce rca 
aufter a ug haar buresbe rouph.taite,onaltogitherhat 
1 eta pth nes ofa middle fort, inclining toeie of of other c quali 
our eithe a Fi ‘orofablackidhdempeetis which isealledblackese™ 
Sioa nihil otis sBebesene Pee: 

oh 54 ° roa 1 a | a EES 1, LE pe } bio ts) i A 
3 ee. o 2 2 Poy 

Ned ifh wine 32 fullwine B, 
n Latine rove Th gre be alfo among ool many ppereolacaitils se + 
in all wines be they! neuer fo weake; a certaine winie, fubftance thin andi note. There! be Cc 

Doce n 

beeen 1: Enzi nf, ae ee re 
1 | ionof thefe fubftanc e with es there rife diuers D 

estos faculties of thew wine. 

Lt 1 a nent ot } Be) 

the > ret is thatswherein ao waterie haue be peoeyaviee 
.- Thecarchie fubfta 
harfh, asacrude or ra we fubftance doth make it alrogither harfh. The seth bance cen 
fevered fallet th downe, Seed in continuanceof time f finketh to. the botto ome, and beco 
sti fubftance atone the wine. : ¥ ite : idoiiismvewd) ¢ 
artly fr from the funn 1 double I hich rig h t ly che grap 5 

belo Pibaa Gaten relict The oneis prope! ne HI ar g: theother 
inthe ning of gra * 5 

= Chek dealhedesh from the a concoéteth the gre and the iniceof ofthe 

yand doth efpecially ripen the them vP i 

L ewine, hal | fi ifh 

| feemeth to be ae dndalmoft without ie 
* Forvnleffewine had in ita proper and original heate , the grapes could not be fo concoéted 
the force ofthe es as that the wine should become] hot, nole le fe then many other ‘things rata 


hak aug! Fi Sy hig gst eS 2 een OMe Aadesdbs (Nich et 
4 it origi 3 of. ) Bae S ee L gl 1 fee ; I ~ i} . Yc of Laall < hs Lae wna AP oe 
é t 4 3 a 
Sestibeirowne dabkialc gts bbus ten yod ‘si 
Wherefore feei cngthar wine conike I fthefunne, isfor th ft part brought tol 
poids d that the h reate cand fores lLalike in al regi 1 plz fh heth 
and pviaces. tl i 4 ta lice! diffe 
£ ? 2 ra - 
facile. +! ra dente i 
q Co. a1 L L [| L 1 ee pe Lae. ae eee 
and 1 Pes * exe reee | foe ets ; SHG. ; : 
Thehott a Wins eal Bese ey tee CL ae Be mh aig, am h oe.) iti 5, thelefler 
ssthe ftronge Tipe M 

eather andof thefi 
| sis of the wine to ait cr, pi the natiue propertic f dt fil ve Forboth the hetaite and other 

ofthe sneer accord 


Cas Galen 



tis'very att 5 arbor | 

wine; bt say atte sr dependeto on ne defi ofthe 

wv paves 


ae inthe sthitdes but uN 


_ Wine, 
new Wine is hoti in the firft seges swhich ie are ceipeeies ae 

e = malt thefe eae be true, 
; és of wine: 

b poe = “= cele (Sim me 
werable to ye avert: Galen faith in his eof Simples:) but 
alter amecosete i heweth, that wine doth notonely heate , bue as, 

inc are sr es fort asit fi Sti teens sanathee sitisa nowiChitente ah 
ae ate the faculties of: padteaieatdoth anya thew; affirming tharthofe 
minet of diet, benot asa 

Sean which Hise writeth of in his booke of the 
y but rathier as o of 3 medicine. ‘Fok wineasitisa fede doth drie, ¢ canis 

outwardly oes 3 io which me for that it doth nor nourith the bodic at all, the sane et 
, more plainly ap ¢,and is more manifeftly perceiue 
Wine isa fpe a fall good me edicine for an vicer, by veaton of his oi and moderate doy 
Galen tea pat in his sfourth booke of the methode of! healin ng. | mB as 

5 mutt noth mo 
elfeirbe with wine:for that which is dry ,as Galenaddeth, th hacwt — le 
and the thing thati is moift, to that which i isnot ocibble, if vig 

Ci : 
oe Aalt- 14 ce HR See epee cl | Wie 1 Lotsa napp petiaes ori 
4 3 Ps . 2 
ofcolde and moift, a rt i Ctuall n ic we may fe cemeid Rist inwardlyre " 

_ of bl ifh oiftneth the b ody, vnleffe peraduetueth 
old ollandvery ion: fori it i is1 made ad and bing aa long ere and fuch: kinde of wine doch 
ASR ifhmen 
pita aac, A 
Lot SoS Salary I eae Teo? i. Licinabl » doth nou ith and 
Ren servi ing a: oe ceo) ‘eS e A ol ry a 
moiftarei it more waite ce ein nourifhing and nig, vane itis able stodryby 
ere Choe: Leal ef Jiu y IPL C, 1.1 1 , caufeth itto, bate 
“ we a. . pS | = qL 
gi PA 2 
he body, i feth {trength inlargeth thet ly, m inaketh ame chinscsechenh ade pe 
holericke and y! Sp hfi g,ingendreth pure bloud, maketh shod 
coloured,and turneth an ill colour into a better. : a 
j rigs FE og ay L. EY pk Bro 
eae en. ah we v3 4 Coch pe folky 

booke of the ahi of curing: = it reftor es fuengeh a of all other hogs. and that {pecs 
po maketh a rpledinnect andi oiefull : it test wc cate, troubles of minde, and{ore 

Be Aa 8 (ogee | 4 5.0 ry 7 pe ie pil ty A 
N = ‘ ON ta 
: © auger ng nate Th cy th ta ae at an “ d i — fha d 
Uae ee i _ Lf iar cil 5 iless L Ean hy 
bie see Oe ‘mol » ahi 4 BY 
Ste nha henadosermch suskonte wine. 2HOlgT2 ep 
] H eS cee 
" atacke Poppe Spot Welsh, and i Leopards bane; Todi, and d other calde =polemer and alfo 
again L kil 
g PPro. Colene fl a g ; (neat he ides os hi 
ati-Lanlie 5 the a f. ee Ves Tt Pee of wae 3 
he deatee f generally: 

alfo of the mat j 
ae: igaiens whic fs £3 colour and banc € ke deeeaptegs fiseiags — 

ftance, whichis alled white, is of al es the weakefts and if thefame fhoul ty 
c very lice! : Lippe atis to 

ttle saesoaie ic witha: gilt Pauly 3 597 re sae 

d, ndh Lak. 6.2 yy et om ir $ vf ates 

> itis‘eafily and quic quickly difperfed vail f thebs ar 

A escby ine, to thofe that: hatha eee « fome eindanyain 

and oftentimes with good fuccefle to faclvas baue inverinicring feuers+t0ls 

ofmethod:faich , helperbeoncecon, nia 0 tate 

wrnicatid bet cad good for or thofe that cannot et full of ua 

= ; : ns fot 
sieremainethlon, ein heb ec i 

with feth, fooner than: others do: 
ee is for the moft sid more delighefull to the tafte; fe A 
east i Jeafierd ifp dy it troubleth ithe head lefie, it remain eth no 
og mde fhortribs, ai le fier def h to thebladder then blac! ine doth : fo 
weake eftomacks and aret troublefome to the tally. : m Ba da icky 
Red ddith yell i.e, h Rai Cs PMS Ga: PES pare " hats? 
itigof all wines oe hotte Ww ip rivech,'iv! 

de Wine of this 
arn that are remuch bie to tba boogh the co diene tints of cole 2 a 

bHartet = 

Sw cre wine theleffe hotitis, the leffe. doth i it trouble the head, and omeart ay mindes and:it D 

be eh the belly , eo pailé, or 
* deleendby vrine Sa wes We +5 } wage 1: if. re $e ‘i Lees ir we 
thicker ~ 
: Again ies the L 1 1 1 T. seize de L ae é a A Tilt ie eg an } 
lungs, 2 Hf ch: Fas De shoe d Ear the lik 1 rect Je 1 Aco 
ear" + filthn . Sea Sh 17 
ht when either iti is ied. , or hath i in ‘ PI tis 
as a kt = 8 i? ah al) Oe PRE Sy or 
id aad 1 } t - rey i eae phat th C 1: a: 
a oe ‘ 1 1 . Ww tS fet % 4 pte 1 - oat fe ¢ 
andi ft at 7 t . 
> ae : } kinhic. 1 gt fte, thetk h adit te 
Dis cd white, iti | i it leffe blert I Jjicist ( cfted, 
moet } } > 3 
: ar ae 5 


ia Saas which is meus hath or aige in ‘ate < see if ripe it ye ree it commeth G 

4 tothe qualities of of Ieftren ngthnet eth aweake 

ftomackes itis good againtt the vakindely om or longing of women with childes it ‘ftaieth the — 

by vrinesan ndfomthing troubleth the head. 
_ Olde wine which i is alfomade fharpe by reafon. of ae is not onely troublefome to the braine, 5 a 

 Newe pean wine of the firft yeere,do 
itcaufeth tro blefom edreames separ which not ci reece, or thicke, or ‘ey. 

Ant, fake. rt. 1 ee RS 4 ‘ . 3 peers be : 
. 3 B) 58> J is ons - i i gees 
alfo they be fet Re 14 Rte They come neere in ie to ea 
wines ‘ zs % } n. CA Mut Gani = ge, Siok Y : 
; Wineis fecett f i, 0s C. 7492-33 tows Ti Gah y hx 
é 3 ; a: 35 A Ya 
___Inhis s.booke of the gouernment ofhealth: f hall the members oftheir bodies,andp 
| ah away the vwaterigpart of the bloud: if there . any. 10 ‘ 
aa { L L - S %. } } Py Oe 4! 
eae Petes OEE . 1 
; eeryhummour in their vaines , and eee Sie of much nourifhment. It chen fa oftentinis 
3a ery Z ; 
of re wines S do ptouoke vrine, ee ; 
~ Aswine Fy ee Oh tee eee ain both in07. M 
% Rihana } Poe eis Pee en ee ee ee SARS he ae sige 
a hot cAniwsfo<: Aga SF eet ie 1 t Galenin hi : 

ofthegouernment of health doth perfivade , that they tho sss sich as tafte of wire foc 
filled,nor tobe made moiftand’ 
bot then is fufficient, bicaufe they arealready of fch aheat and avoifbar, asif youfhould 
" m = cincreafé either g Gualities they would forthwith f fallineo o theextreme. 

Sotonely the body, but utalfo theminde receiueth hure. : 
_ Wheto memuftshint > that 7: Of. 1 L 1 dy 



° 4eth and duf. 

leththe veaonable part tof re minde, 

Of the ee writs oe of Wine, 

A Itwasana ft of | olde time , for wines to beem; 
with water , asit is aes and es not onel y by Hippocrates , ural fo by other olde mens 
writings. Wine firft beganne tobe mixed with water for health a nd wholeioenaelial Gerke : for, 

as Ap tale wsiteth in his booke of auncient Phil cke , tiey fimplie and of i it felfe © much 

drunke r 

allowe of, 

writing bine é 

Vt Venus emeruat vires, fic copiavins, 
Et tentat gre /fiss,debilitatque pedes. 

Immoderate vfe of Bacchwsiuiceand Venus Atte 
XX?. L n 1 A 1 .  S | Py 

Moreouer,wine is the {weeter, ne Ts as CArhenans faith, Homer lkewile 
commendeth thar wine whichi is well and fitly: alaied porteth) 
‘tha Amphitt 7yon | g ; i s ing! hyo ate 

pny fis fore he faith,chat thofe,who in th Irankei ined in health, that before 
hadtheir bodies feebled and 1 Eee } Sag ae m base Spe 
Page 3 
C . th ¢ ma f mingling or tempering of wine was diuers : for fometimes to one part of 
wine { water; orto two ans wine, 
three of ba teffe dela: } Leak Fete Gees Poe acto z oP of 
D The olde C ni i Tie ee ee ee ce Bel i> t: * OG 1 I 
s eofel, ; ee pd + 4. : Athenaus ‘ 
E zy. ah, ey er Che. Achat ye mers c 
rb ll bringeth asitwerea light pleafant drunk ot thatitisa Under ree 
1 Sen ee € ee 4 Ase Fs Acie s 1: fle, 
% StS of Br — ed dD 
pee eS A y2 
kin i Cc. 1 Pe ae 2 Eee ae te L: A nf ean ab 

: an essary f.4 TT PaaS SE: ce L: hat 
writers eben y bial And ah 

3 J. al] Le. S | ag 1: se ie in-the | 

10.Booke of 
G The Scythian een ippacr a ates and diuers other of the olde writers affirme, be people of pei 
manic beyonde' the loud) Danubius , which is alfo called Ifter : Rhene is a riuer of Scythia : and 
Lites iexey cc Rea a Se | ea c, whch gown 

H” And in this our age all the people 
make ae: Aik te fe oe 1 1 1 pleat all to 

all Agua vite, OF 
ae are drawne out i 
, that isto fay, oer 


; Proceeding , ah ei ss ° 


“inelled Ardens, burning, for oe - i flame 

any other thing gett 5 f th ee Dapatenaratt i fie? 
seats 1 Rie Ahan Jatsi. 3 hot 

Th ot and drye in the later énde of 
the thirde es efpecially the pureftfpirits thereot; for the p purer itis,the hotterit is, thedryer, 
and of thin ce . ase more pute by often deftilling. 

ction ited at ad g tofe that are made col leither by long difeafe; B 

an } WE 

Solin coe g h T) ita ae f 1 1g h life 4 ‘he et ane hal an er 
fes: dd ae 5 eG 1, } Pat ape We! f 1 1 
fight. : a in Pee : 

ee a ae ae 1 | Se ge 1 At EY ley a ee » proceeding € 
- RTA See Re Oey Sie, Pree re ee. STAT ~ = ie we 
ek trembling,and t Pee g - = and heateth Eble ft 1 ; 
confumeth winde both in hie ftonsaele “a db Is5 i gi fi; 
andisafingular remedie ua nftcolde 

Athathfuch force and ee etn of the ‘hart, and sane vp ve of the D 

> fenfes, thatitis mo ft effe us full, bue 
_. allGourwardly ap ppl I to fay, fee t he nofthril , of laide ypon the temple ete 
; tothe wrelts ofth 7 Aa C bathe fi iy} d griefes 
a 2 ate = rs 

io good inft colde cramps and con-E 
a and mibed therewith. u af we, 

1. C. re che YJ 7. Rem £ ft rr 
Bree 8 ¢ ro) £ e 
"This wet is oe be - giuen in wine itl j 1 difc for fe it ‘¢ 
c=) ? —) te o bes 
7 Ifo 1. h Fitea +h : : QR fnaedil 
2 he Sal cece at Gs 2 t PAs 

ceth thorough. and doth eafily af 
= may be giuen to ey as _ the Spopene.s ie oe fickneffe, themegrim , the H 

gcontin , the Vertigo or giddinefle proceeding throtigh a colde caufe,yet can 
ia wae fafely aes for valeffe the effeCtuall matter “of the difeafe be final, and the fi cke 
ature very co Ide, ‘ y 
dethan | difperf rfeth th PO os «ee AEE, TA ee MR a Nee E Pile tle ele pein ¢ 
9. i parE Tn ie pie | Aes fried wr. 

ites ei toall hae be scr nature and complexion hot , and moft of allto choleticke 
men :itis allo ofan to thedjue r a likewife on for the kidneies,being often and pig 

aAiaahicor “eh ach infufion, of the fundry colours, and 

SE thatthe bite ae do i ynto this water aad theirdiuers vie, i ues, 
fpende much time but to {mall purpofe. 

of ‘Veen wine Lees. 

The eeso ¢ q = Caer a = wer fn ALE Ee pan Oa a Mle and 
shard, { e 5 psy eg See Same bed Bae ier 
@é i 2 
sibs tard rae 
preres ved for —— Fett ig h = the Diers K 
It: det weaver ¢inme dicine " 

“Ardoth gre , ei es Be net sie tS, erg eters Sp | te Aba ¢. Pee ft 

oo ‘> 

_ Deng tak sejezaterier 1 ae waight(which isadram ce 
ert prevaechenh doth cae thebelly nips Stee: ee Oe al 

that N 

: <9 

736 j Lise SECOND BOOKE ae THE 


a aay 
with gentle purgersya as i ficke mans cal thal see Bie. 
A The fame ofit! felf E dj inft foft fvell; 
ee 1 ee bay" pO Lief- 
a 1 ] ViCie he bet : Rei pa RE y CTCBIOn of the 
L: pin 1 1 W Tee ape 1 yy Sete | Seer ae > efloppet the 
ak. } ie 1 0 Setter? 1 Wn thiol * set ich be notyee 
B Threl f * x. CinL. 40-4 C } ay Rigi m. «94 
ast hake AL. Sa i = AE gincte ith, 
| Apoth 1 ss Pte l set soi ade or calcined 
. - Tartar, : 
hetsnel, Pint L Rd ad ey | ge REI oes Oy Ves. phi ae oe 
. 7~ a 4i0at0TD). Dindeth. 
eateth and very m doth write: being mixed with Rofin it maketh ' 
| AG ele NaI cits he Tough 
| andill nailes wefan away: Paislusfaith, aufticks orl lici a 
fed whileft Je.Iyisois fete ance te 
ee Rp fe d, ac Ree 1 ane sid Re A PREG Beste liquor re: 
C3 “sf 7S Sige Se | 
ie a Ha ce. ee fa turned into saat ite hanged in a en bagi 
eee nae € grO und, 
fi it, oile of “ea 
it “ li 4 Hoe dig h Meee r aie Tartar, Teretainethacat vy 
AES Sa eee BS per SSE oe Bo can Aa desir a on ie 
3 al 
Jed {e is fufici lini , wherewith the ble ith d ft a 
5 t i mifhed or potted ; 
muftbe satan? ouer night, pats _ 
The briefe ac ofthat bath inca faid of Wine. J 
Lol 1 L J 5 a, | Cs. t7:. z 1 ¢. iy 2 : 
fe SH Cc 8 fe Dae eS ees sie h. The i ; 

L eT 1 L 

*neppeetien Genk ro pie much, andmaketh Kec a but ithurtethandde 


G is good to be dunlebelremestpren hthe body, and peace iy it 
sedlkrburn full ft i ftoppings,bicaufe it doth iwift- 

1 1 PS ERS Bd 

dige a 
#H "Claret wine doth Beaty nourifh and watme the bods and is wholfome with meate, ee 
eg children,as Gakn faith,bicauleit 
abouc snacure,and hurteth the head. 

3 ‘COLT L c h thebl it d I ft 1¢ is ‘burtfullto 0 Idepeopl, 
“t 1 5 HY pak CP OR Ba Seah ke. bloudy Aixe,orany ott 
foolSsetz he body. 
— - Sec keor ese wine hath been vied of a long time to ant drunke after meate , to a 
ts ¢ 
to to bed drunke beforem 
L thew Malmefie, Mofeael, Batard ,and fuch like coe moines hans been ad a 
coldean ofowmnacke: elpecially being taken fafting; bor expesene ¢ 
shares drunke i in teed thereofi is ‘much ae warmeth ayer effectually. 4 
oe 4 f, ae ee | Lr. . suerionree4 
me > ps ft fe 1 1 bringing with it 
ficke SRE ye ty ow Soin fi ak Se ie ~confumert 
a 7 4 sho Tieet at drunkards it is 

theyb — men, yer it maketh them montters , and woorle 
fea ‘toa in aword to conclude: this exceffi nico difbonoreth noblemen bien Jemen, beg- 
- ; vie : : 1¢n With Ch of 

Of Hops. Chap.310. | 

*T. he kindes. 

he nace L ae 
ad £ ott Id of the 

2 rae de 
~, Wilde Hi 


Se ae 2 _ 

sera wees 2 The defiription. 

T HeHop d hy: 

other thi n which tclimeth. Irbringeth foorth very long Satie one oug) cad aha 
ngs,vpo 3 
2 ate wie ae broad, like ‘tho feof f the Vine,or rather of Bryonie, but yet tblac- / 

ions. f the 
rhe hes vp, feras ener ek like little canes, metic arse tgs : 
within yellowneffe , oe of {mell. Ther erand diuerfly foldedone 
2. Thew; heey, ce. IW», taf 

fr, r fafhion, butis bitcuaae lef. 
secant ile eftone, fo in the franke fl d dotlynot bring fooxth fuck 

¢ C03 ite Pe ry 

a roa in eae ceeset Ree : rit profperet rectich betel by manuring: alfo# it gro- ~e 2 

bout the a. of fields, ip ee of the wilde kinde, 

- TheBowerso uy 

andref - i aks Se 

J o s 

Pie I s in 


in the adie time come foorth new fhootes or buds, In th : 
aline . tes remaine 
% The names. 
va called in fhops,and in all other places Lupulus: of fome Lug 5 fait i 

1 nN hr - oo oy) ees oA Lupals fabs hits. 

a rt gti Hops. utch Hopfien; Dopp js i in French | Honblon 
1B t CL. , ae 7 1 say 
* Ti a temperature. eee PES 

os F oe ES 1 

hurt the eid their Bong fn — Of the fame temperature pra arethe rie Scale 
which do likewife open and clen 
af TI he vertues. 

A e er a swhich com int beeaten in fallads: yeeare 
yas Pliny’ h, ourifhing , “for mee beer fn all nonrifhment: 
* f vr ine, and 

2 “ge in keene the body Eble. 

3: toe of 

lie and f al leene: purge by wit hee the bloud, and be ent againft . linger 
feabs,and fuch like fileh of the skin aif they be boiled in Wha ee spe 

1 1 1 Ia L } n 1 

. I is written at the fame dropped into | 

D. Thea fedto feafon B Alewith,and 9 db-chite baceslncleaells and 
areill for the head, 
E Th ral 1 L 

332 ah zt. 1 1 CC 3 rss 1 

1, if themeale be 

fee By hs 

F ‘The. decottion of Hops drunke, on the fap of oe — pice and ane’ and 
me foorth wi 


G _ Theinice of Hops o he belly, y sake purg- 

eth theblowd from afin 
H The manifold v verti y 1 Ale: forthe 
Hops rather make ita 2 Phifical drinke to cat the boys in on, > an rn drinke for 

the quenching of our 
Of the Traneilorsioy.  Chap.311. 
ae % The defcription. 

oe He plant which Z’Obedims ferteth foorth vnder the title of Viorna , Dodonans maketh V3 Viti 
= alba, but not properly,whofe long woody and Vinie branches, ext extende themfelues veri¢ 

a into in nfinite numbers ers. sdechang.yih his cere tendrels and wi bite 

ia ) Sent cn a tht gten erewith it 

~— fooreh m 
fice ae the bee : mm om holde and climeth vpon Be ig as see i 
-_-wntoit, The lea dfor aa 
sndone in the mi 

are faftned for the moft part by fines vpon one rib or 
more int uate which leaues areb rade lie toto Iuie, ed 

2 g af plu ame like = her fat ce noche 

c with ma ftrin i: ined there, sag j 
> By 6s - lingitcl eS raving anes 
joints with about the edges,like thofe — tendrels 

fimall branch | of 
_ ftiffer and broader,commiir 6, A ERY ARE Ifo F 4 {mal claping 
i ) fr q * . plumes oF or fethers> 

dent,which is akinde heereof, The flowers are ta ceed inthe figure, nor 
ea iuthot sand therefore whatfath becne fd hal fi 

sala. £ 2 Clematis 
“The Thee Toies i ‘The pues Tote of Candie 

Vi Lp 


ie xe 
2 SKS we Mae. 
SS OX ff Z 
<< sh : 

AY), ie “4 
x ay 
4 et 
<7 SS) re 
aap Y i * 
ee” 4 go tape 
4 Urata Carer eg 
Chics Jia aohicde so Ba Us = 
r ine tah rhe a, 
. . The Trauei Teta UR pke oees ; ia Piste 
nd briers, almoftia iiety 
hedoe Ac, Ye j i ee tS base moft of 
| thele. Southerly patts ct: ceeie kon notin the North of Bstind that Ican heare of. 
) Waitemata altranges easeenetnys ethaue I found itin the le of ae sete a wood by 
| : The fower ieee ASI S 22 aa 2 Thetime rola * i ak, is m4 22 ee : 
The fiftis called ! ype ee eo hed- 
“ iscalle Saaion y Vierna a nas oats, Fie Sat a rane waies a 
Pe caren di Fema namedit Pe es Toie 5 0f Puch fis itis called 
vt Riera: of Dedon ans Vitalba : of. Mathie Cleasedelates Of Cordus Vitis alba: of Diofcorides 

7th fers + of Theophra st, aftss\_Atragene inBoai aes in Frenchas Kuediws writeth Yzorne, 
% Thetem re andvertues. oe 
retplantshaveno vl in Ban tek sabe ecevc onl peal : 
saciteas ily thadowe which they make with their thicke buthin and clyiniig,asalfo 1 
owers,and che i net oe meh anit: 

' : ; o = 

Of Ladies Bower,or. Virgins Bowers’ Chap. FI, 

1 Clematis peregrina Carles, 3 Clematis ir thd. 

Slane Ladies Bower, Red Ladies 

Te aes te the Vinca 
ip clafers vpon eueey ating that ftandeth neere vnto it: it hath: 308 ) 

: -Jeaues died ree ait art i 
_ ftalks fomething like to thofeofPeruineile ¢,confifting onely of fower leaues, of a oa 
__ fometimes purple, with certaine threds in the middle: the feedes be flat, plaine , and fharpepol® 
: eel are eae Labout, ed 
= ‘Thefeco Lemar ieede Then di 

Bs refe ie dcghto ogi —— afi ene 
¢ ae re ae urifh ex ee 
% Thetimes io. 

3 Cab ag L 

4 & oe i he maine 
Bowers called in Greeke »nnuers io L Armbaseni Ei yoy ee 
fe reckon < Re a a ng yun 

- Thetem ature andvertues. at i 
O Thefacles and the ve of helen inPhilickes nor yetlnowne oe - 

Of purging «ge ag C e 313. 
“chiar orbns be lamoraula Touts furve 

PS Niners , cia Nee vegane 




WA Se 

EE A. 

; thas 3 
Pea ir 28 Plammals ‘urens, by Sas 2 his Be and abt ra Scans ace ne 

St St 2 

ines do. The | este f anfwere t { finootl neff J mi ie 5 or P 
, uinkle, growing Vv ang ES : 
‘The flowers are c very ue ar fuibiok asd =: an exe vee inl tae thes ynto the = 


ie tne lowers, ‘butmore pleafanc, and leffe offen sung nthe middle of 
. lowers cecaine fmallcbiues 0 rtbveds The rootei es th it felfe farve vnder 
Se il aes 

NC {if : i 


=~ Vpright Clamberer of Virgi sBower, isa iss having long deck rootes, 
“2 tlio thos of ico fo om which rif iGaee ae ae alke, oftheheight of fixe 
. a neubits, fe fecabout with eee leaues, pa ed of diuers {mall leaues , fetvpon amiddle 
Becen or Vale tian, butfewer in number? at the : top of the fhalkes.¢ come 
oe eet 
| Ses txcandth ¢ inted. ee 
: 3 7 hee oie po fr} hit i. LE: b i gt / Z , which Phaue ake 
cceces beene f itizen of A g 
oe oe Nsbor< fue whichts ieee uy ving thatthe owes 

; : r 
= : Asaz = 3 Clematin 

. a 
3 ClemssisvrensmultifLra. 
Doub!e fowred Virgins 

oa i whereby it greatly increafe 
“4 Clemetis Pannonica. - "5 Clematis maior Pannonita. 
Buth Bower. : Great Buth Bower. 


Qe SN fe Lg 



Lb or 743 
1, but in greatneffe: which 
hanes of greatnelle ora sre - difference, 

* Thele plants do not growe wil nd, tt learnes hftanding I haue 
; them allin my garden; where they wih iy 

~ Thee pl an 3 fran; A 
c r 

? Then, 
there is not much more founde of tei — es than is sexpete in thei feuerall titles, nor- 

¢ of certaintie: 

wherefore lee that which i is fet downe fuffice, We cy in aa call, ie fir aoe bat 

~ Theleaf hereofi is biti nea doth cog blifter belie as Galen hith,of a cult ot burning 

Deh Garides aaa chat the leanes being oe 08 heale the {curfe and ei, : and that the A 

OLW sisestics or Honi bee Ga 3. 5 %: sci 

Ties ie diners on of Woodbindes al * ‘hen tubs with winding ftalkes, and ihre 
emfelues vnto fuch things as ar¢neeré about them. Likewife there be othet fortes rtes or kin 
thereof, fourid out by the Jacer herbarifts,thar clime not at a pi ftand pa ah the which 
Feloorshamong i thefhrubbie plants. 4 And firkt of the common Woo odbind 
1. Periclynenum = 
. Woodbi nde or gual tetas a 

2 eran 
- Italian Woodbine, 



a % The defeription. +4 
ew OYAAKind (Se ae mk eee }. bar ar > 1 fag j Yvan ie} 
a W: L 1 1 LoAk a VL. L? a L Lye nese patted a 
t thet by Ta. on a eee aE 41: bi, feed kee 
Spa ley, eee Col pear belie RSs hesmayin y: 
et In num. 
Soar wallet eof fmell,holl ft withe heeds 

rowing out of the middle a fruite is to little bunches 3 grapes,ted tr me they re ripe, pati 
inis coneines {mall hare ed The rootei is woodie, and not without {tein ngs. 

his fttangekinde o ft Wood- 
} } |: come foorth the ft 
> D> 3 
J he] a Relics ‘Thorow waxc, called hdr hic chleaue sdo 
rfenbllial ieee f which broad pt full ie le 
ling flowers Mining We fhe wi II rd litt 

fecha outlike the mee ae an Eten. g garni ithed within with Spall) yello ues orthreds: 
the flowers are in their flour: rifhing, t theleaues and flowers do refemble ‘aweas filed 
ak the flowers of VWWoodbinde;many 
fawcers one aboue ee filled with flowers as the firft, which hath caufed it tobe called double 
Honifickle,or Woodbind 

% The place. 
"TL IR? RT 3. 3 PSR 3 th L IL,.4h fy: a 
421i i=) 3 ts 3 
64 * RAT re fi. Pe ? IL re 1 1 A 1 G : a L. J 
One } Lt. Cl oun LI L y 3 y ~ 7 Ut A Re 1 ) 
L }. 1 Foy Se IL a Fh wa J ud 4 lL 2 Ce = J. 1 i, 
a) 2 a q 2 £ ° Rs 
wind tPAE % The time. 
TL. L fg. 1 S Pega HPL? i 1 A. AT, the 
fruite is ripe in, Arum, : 

% Then 
Itiscalled in Gretke menue: in La Lint oteeran a mises, Of Sevibonises Largue Syluamater i 
Caprifoliuns , = Ratrifjlas, of fome Lilium inter [pinas: in Italian  Fincibo feo: wn high in high 


Dutch¢ Durch 
ille:in Be oe sin ate Mowbinds, Hagleteand ie 
a saced a, be 


inf t Figs 
i wo a, 2 g. But contrariwife sai isnel- 
ingsb Galen faith, both the 

D> ome making’ thinne. Foras 

asif! fomewhat itn 

a ke sit Poe: - L 3 Le a 

RT hevertues, a 
iofgorides writeth that the ripe feede gathered and dried in the fhadowe , and stmt of 
ie of one dram waight,fortie daies togither,doth wafte and confume away the ie 
: wearifomneffe, hel peth the fhortnes and difficultie of breathing ee 

a ee —. 
7 c=) “ 


jsftopped d, being drunke e with alittle wine. 45 
Notwidhftanding the word ot i inly found by experience, thar tk rece 
isgood gainfte the L L VM osaal ee ae Ee y s sy» 7 
enone ike ts g J medicines againftcankers, and foremouths, 
asiweltin tal + ms te 

fier requ greater sre Sour moneda avi yaies yee —e be no cr Verge put 

Of ‘Fafmine,or Gel emine.  Chap,315. 

: iN 
Io ese Sas «' ; _% Ty pe kiade 
NE aL } : eee i of Ta {mi b (a al We 7 7 sab gee, | 
, prea s C1. 6 vA Wee SY on all deferig os fist de: ule dea 
at haae 2 
1 Jefmrinum alia. 2 Ja/minwn Candiflorum ma 
White Geflemine. Great white Gelenine, 

anding of i 

fe thir s,thatare 1 gto 4 
ly dean ? ee 
ea aa eeepc it : i The {talks therof 
mio Sroncied iota once sand ict ngwiship awhite fpunge- > 
oT eaues ftande vpon a middle ri by couple Hhetho feo et aig al a8 
piace ¢ flowers grow vppermoft part ofthe branches,ftan-:” 
dng sf tuft, farre fet eee cee Las finch ct color white, The feedeis @atand 
hioade like shofe of Lupines, which feldome come toripenes. Lhe oorcis en 


Fs | belo 


n & +, y 

rat on Bf ot. shinee very much pie 

moolah wins 

ourifhedin it grew.nol not aboue (faith he)to abe hei i of, a ee i di 
branches, he ne dd growe leaues like thofe of f the ies te. Tafmine : laa 
4 hi pls Cy +) tee be i, ous 
—vo 470 Lf ing a @ 2 io) MUL tye 
4 + sapirimuieal Cun. 4 le {minum Carnleum, 
Ycllowe Iafmine, Blew Iafinine, 


The dele 
caleayi rend est 
rahe < 


ay ae ring from thekinds of 1 ca oh D 
roper place?’Theyello hn ot from the common 

talkes nor fathi nie “tfeoryelin 

sence but. this ye 
amine, in, leaues, 

Bes 0c 1 C.. Loc me : eo eee butin theco- 
pee TELE ES 2 sib con 

aa _~ 1. L a eS Bt } 

is fotteiedi in prea is si tiene tis 

hibewilde in Eriglind char cantante Eth voiee ano. 
ewhite au eye oes 
, yet. 72 A 

se : ‘ ¥ 20. fag ‘Si PRs a) - “ : M 5 
ps nt ei, raassvolioh 


1, GEOL aT 


Soi wisi ta 
os pet gaan * ‘ efe e ve 
Re sp ORS 


and Ieffc 
whic. h ate ich is madsi in Desf ia of the 

sie che Diese of Cuneke Viol > elpecially ao the ae it lf was vnknowne 
vnto bim,as 1 it is.eut widens, 
% The temperature. 3 

(ey 2 * g Pa eas 1) g .as 
vee out fee ihe 
% The vertaes. 
os © rel L c n L j n h 
: The oy] : nad On «lk Gant  fheg tite ne rag ea ae 
, hil tobleed sas. the fz hot aff h 1. Tri is vied(as Diofcorides wrti- 

ealtaad after hime ftius ) ofthe Perfi intheirt t f } 

by ahagiats te Sl es Rae ee . ET SOFT es 1 )1 1 Gn oe 

ae 2 
theranknes sof deel itis not much vied..\_ Yo ings yA} 
leaues boiled atifl the} j j b the f f. I Fst 5 and applied, B 

difolueth cold ecg wens ha like ougnings. 

fi ae : ag : 

STIG wR, “= th SE 6s bawe 
Of Persinkle ie oe 
sh a cthuntes & copaE se ets 
Reads helical [ eae ‘The kindes. 

TH Ss iers fortes or kindes of Peruinkle, where cfinebe gee, echers eller, Fae wih . 

wht tr blew skie colour 

defer iptitn 

Ezsinkle heh flender and lon long branches 
: pis ailing ypon the ground ue, hold here 
prdihese qs ieranngtl fi nal ike torufhes, 
with nakedor bare ff oint and joints 
The —_ are int poevenier _ “i Al leafe 
ut wers growe har the leaues, 
cain wide open, compoted of pl finall blew 




our London gardens igisee 
bearing white flowers , which maketh it differ 

another with purple soaker dehing 
it an fomenbati in the middle, with finaller leaues 

in cng se" 
There is another fort, greater than any of the 
whichis ‘called fie clones Deseo of 
the “fim —_ = leaues haue with thofe of the 
Bay. wers are like vnto —_— 
cedent, beat greater; wherein confifterh 
the difference. 

They growe in eo of our London miei 
ge Xa they loue'a moift and néthadowi place: the beatae 
NN xemaine alwaies 
KE < we ay i tictian | 
The foniess af dhouuilo douith: a 
and May,and oftentimes later. 

: Eras me The 
* Wu a vicn i . : 


diss The names, 2 
D, Cae 1 Meg or 1 \ py Bi a 9 L 
i : g ich eepelike: 
feof rh. Vi Eten henson c. 1 13} ads 
tho coftthe Vine, phnoides by nel , ues arelike thofe ot ba rade 
fee Heth its ¥ a e isanotherch amredeshye, 
hy ks, }. ge Bel VE Z high eh-Dutch Ag vi 

ove Dich chClnoote, nibs ceuupts it in French pines Vauche com Pernaache: in Tralian p 
aniin P : te yand 
Periwinkle Pie The se poe: Tot Istooqis Ba uirasiis) 
EW , ed L 1 me Aare Jo Arad ‘ 
ey > HERG Cigay 

A. Theleauesboiledin wine anddrunken topped desbodke andbloudie die; 2itisicdvralyo aT. 
B An handfull of t the leaues eptbidens ed: and: thei ice “given: to! ‘drintke i in Daeaeed lige 

by pe 2 8 flixesie C C.} he te IS ale 

Wer. Goa ve 

ii oa bigs Alga 

} qe y Tris ¢ 
iW Tie Bs tod age hse 
aMiO8 og ‘Fbe kines. cnt as fl znoves loviy Sosa + 
— b {c f Capers efpecially, fk at eat: the other with 
wderl Th Dot J L iw - a £, 
eet. GA <A vealed \\ Sey risfabigeorbeane 
1 Capparts folio acuto. at = ? cet haeeaae 
i rast Pr sewed hr ae hat tere 

ie : a Ny oo 
ees a 
fax Fi gs ( 

ih. sd 




ei bese Bat BS | a > ejes wey sh 3 us Ne v eas, 
Aaypt» Boke Crhgeas Mabe: 
; OC te The dey icly 
+. ‘He Gea haga: onatily the fhootes <r ancien 5 2 
Te res , trailing vpon the Sots of if they upported or pro pped vps pointed? 
: ee pei caues like thofe ih ce it gar eat t which 
6 er do grow Pe 



f cad sbroadi into faire flowers after which cone in police longs ei, aoe to an 
do open ort ps wit > : : pee i 
ers. gue =p. pe Aa BSS at ADS eas. 

} rifi 
-exiqint aaget 14 1-353 r= R ee) 

fh, haui 3 
ender ceeiatic fer ofl of fhepe orld T he whole por: trailech vpon the place Scie 
“ ‘owetl ‘ “of At taba cea, but 

a in) 3 5 BO 0 Led 

ad Ppa Poly aay i | Rs BARS Rees! Ngee 
raked gee t=) 1 I t > tT { Hl ftarre- 

RY aD 28 Y eS Be h gs Pca Be } ml a 94 

like flower, of a p 

the Cornell berr ty of abrowne colour: ‘Theroote is long and reodiew and couered witha : thicke 

barke or eeu is likewife vfed in an cin 
ie, place. 

cnt Os BER O58) Spaine, } ith ina ine {ale 
Cap d : 5 
TheC 8 BOLT ele Thee ee, kee are ay SRR ce % 2 
inrouga p ‘ 5 b) »9 = T 
- 1 Pie 3 tT j Gwiet y ead 1 
Theophraft h 5 5 d, yetinthefe our 
ye G Lie shot 

at the impreffion 
astetares fome feedes in the See a of mny. ronen which as yet he ‘pang and growe 
greene, the fuccefle I expect, pe. 
>The Caper flowrethi in fomnier, ‘cuien vat Aatumne. The inp of the flowers before siny 


ck % The names. ‘ 
Tr: WI. om 1 y Seal Ppa Sg apy & 
ii tT r é cA 

* a 2 
te ae ated ere y ray “ a ye eet 
which i 1 1 £. 1 mi -R fe; ners rally MnaA appers,| 1 st } lift 

>) Se akg o 
Cappers,Caper,and Capers, S: cag 
% 7 rege > i ae ee 
Cy l Yi fat SS ee 
Capets, bathe flower. yg f OF, parts; y. 
be eaten petit cit Bree ifl { much lefle if they be falted. Andtherfore 
ant rather a aes bes nes a meate, -F bs 
The: v erties. —— i 


bees seu ee the Hi ie cleatieth vnto it, They et ehtopping’ of the liu 
and milt,with meate they are good to be takeh of thofe that haue a qu ¢ agew,and ill {plee: 
They are eaten bode Sie falt firft wathed off, at ith dile and vineger as ssother fllads ile fom. 
times are boiled ‘ 
Thetinde orUatke oPher toote eacttvedl oft ditiets facts ee heateth, ‘elenferh, pr pure “f : 

tetlvand digefteth having withall a Se ae 

pas ee "1 ot hat ple 

le: a 
ceome aie es Disfra Sb, pes es nee fie Sires: EesbRouiceh away the D 
thicke lips and crufts about Sua cing ¢ bewgedt taketh away t the toothach. 
tkngpe with vege it {coureth ae tetter or Ringwoormes, rmes, hard ae 5 and cu- E- 

1¢ barke of ther rootes of Capes is: sgood opin ‘eget and tern of the! ipleen and E 
fen ifitbe ginen ashaue thefeidtica,the p nd thofe ti 
ithe =a by falligftom{ fome nth re : itdoth mightily prouckews wine, infonaic shat 

anlé: 5 


Of Beane Caper, _ Chap.318. 

708 fabago. a 
Beane Capers. % The defeription, 

pe plat which the Germaines cal] Fie 
and Dodoweus {auoring of Dutch 
Edition Cappariz 



ial apers. Ir bringeth foe th ftalkes 

SY: (FA ey fa , whereupon doe gtowe! = 
F LPF thick leaues,leffer than thofe of the tre Capers, 
H not v tothe leaues of Purflane,c ming 
N: out of the branches by couples,ofalight greene 
Ss colour. The before the ed are 

Sp like to thofe of the precedent, but when ib 

tomaturitie and full ri 
2. white, with fome yellowe chidesih the middeft, 
SF whic g paft, there appeere long coddes, 
wherein is contained finall flat fe he root 

is tender. spranching hither and thither, 


lowe countries, from w 

Te groweth Of; it ‘elfe ake the come! _ of ila 
ec for my garde wher ey 0 gout mag 

Seer eee tea 
Sees : % The nam 3 

7 y.: SIS) T..: °.1.) Se mie 3 os 
thought to be anherbewhich Awicenne defcribeth in tf vs ehapsct, 4 the name of © irdfrig 
. wemay pei our felues that Capparis sf ‘abago retaine sha nam andeeetee none i vo 
it may be called aft ted ine eae Caper 

~ Aefle it be fo — en 
3 5- empera ature and vertues. 

C = 1 hrance. 

@ Of Spall woort. Gop 5D 
fees eo see 

—S sy el oftwoct Aes d fae 
~ “night fh mice gi trap volta ab black ih genclo rade 

dick ie ft iks afte fees ek ge rail of amolt 
perfed w! white cotton refembling filke . lin fhewe as hai ee , which cods the : 
omitted in the figure : ( Le die Ciflie) amongwhic® | 

is lin, foft brownith feed. Ties Foots are veri¢ many, white, syeddicandofa _ 



e 3 ie + fel 
gy suciecone - Sg Se aT a i Pe = decay Ode, Bote ‘ 
ore asics 
$ as ital 3 5 > od tog = | 
: } 1 fat Haat Ty £. black hel cods.and rootes 
B) 2 2 

belike hole of the former. . 
14 élepias lore albo an 2 Afelepiasflorenigro, 
~ White Swallow woort, “ Blacke pening woort, 

Sion) PL vel 
~S\ > 
oP ~ Ve . 
Ses 7 
\' " 

~ Vural dfoptemeso Coon 
do growe inmy pide, but nocwie in Feslanl syet ae edad, 

att gonetia ede about Northampto: ~? 
: i we Tiesime. et jy Bee ae i NR Spee 
Si a, : eee ee a eseaaits 
The names. 2 
EO SE ~. . 

Itiscalled fehl T..4 . if 
pe asd isto fay in Latine prt Rowe sin Englith Swallow oe gentlewome 
ee Ciflie 5 4z, AE feulapiva (whois is faide to be the firft inuen ter of Phificke, ce 


) Afele pias, aap 
| a hetbe, ata he was the firft sat wai rreokg and noweitis called in inthoppes 
aces cc. oy ee } Oe yee 


:- ncaa writeth, sthat noo of Salon reeombeded in cried the decodtion ne A : 
eect peace herbesagainftthefame. des 
leaues boiled c Tet +. 5 miky Fee | 


. _aednclingae this — Englifh men, ifn neither r vntimely death by murdering , orpeltilence, 


Of Fndian Swallow woort. Chap.320. 

Wifanck, fine V incetoxicum Indiauwmn. 
Indian Swallow woort, he defeription, 

ea grove in onaies part of M4 ad 

bega’, ¢ our Englith 

vel pitti thereto cretaCok 

ny)a kind of 4 /élepias,or Swallow woo. rtwhich 

the Satnges. call Wifanck : there rh pon 

fin: vpright ftalkea foote 

highend oF agteenifh 7 

a as —. or neues running thr the 
fame, like thofe of Ribwoort or P ee 

ich,there come in plac 
cods ({eldome more) fharpe pointedlike thofe | 
Swallow woort, but greater, fi | 
ofmoft pure filke , of a fhining white colo 
0: ich filke appeereth a 
toong ( which is the feede ) refembling the 
of a birde , or that of the herbec 
di . “Fhe cods are not onely fill of 
Ike, but euery nerue or finewe wherewith the 
leaue bed , are likewife moft pure filke; 

the inftice as he hath fhue 
cople and nations in infidelitie andnakednes; 
fo hath hen iuen them vnde 

to couer theirn akednes , nor matter r wherew 

todo the famesnotwithftandin 

- der their feete, which were eA mens many Liganies if they were carefully fe 

ie e. 
Iegroweth, as before i is rehearfed, i in the countries of Norembega , and now called Virgniaby 

loodie fixes 
* T ‘he time. 2 
<yibrngethp flowreth, 1 donrift nd tk a as many, or moftof the 
plans ofthat 
— % Thememes. wee 
© Thefilkes 1 eth Bet 1 kee 1 F 9s ox ve: /heing pn: 
Virginia) tocouer she fx ‘parts of ide th fted man, in other p! esthey wea 
_ and coment oP ere Ailey re gin cn es £Narembee2. aa 
propernam g 8 sort = 
; Be oS % 1) hematureand vertues, 
A Wh, PRS 2 ee y Ter L . t = ledge, of his’ phificall vertues, but 
yreg ray ab } ¢. ff Pal] r 1 Pat Ch hol le plant is is poflefled. 



Of be Bomba Cat nat. “Cap -32Is, 

: . Gabe fuse Xl dsiplet loayvr 
eee bane cease wae 

otton aaa is a low soda p plant, 

few bro: dléanes, cur'forche i t intothree 
fe She ie eae ee asnature lit to be- 

x. ftow {omwhat tin enté about the edges,rot yn- 
. i ke: £0) the leafe ofthe Vine,orracher the Veriai 

y ahd fihele. ep tew threds annexed therero,andof 
awoo ie fubltance, asis all the hes the Bs anes 

ete ase Wb * ae 2&7 The lace. 

ke ewethin India ae bi A } yak Wes eR , 

7 ost? 
}. L 

ech I Se Ps 
Kl lipo oin ee ia tan whencet Bee, a pee hai Landes Matter; 
fore remembred,did fend vato his “a ‘Matter diners pounds w eight of tetedter 
Pre Sail nimi eo theearth at the im ee “ we leaue to i 
Notwi ing my felfe three yeeres paft.did id tow we of the feedes, which di grow vey! iy but 
pssihedbefareit cameo perfetion by rele A we colde froftes that coe © 

Cotton: mele is fowen i in the plonedeliin in: he iningof the yeete aid rapatone cut downe i in 
“and andd und mutt be tilled and fowen new again thenextyecre, ° 
‘ Vein ch fort as we do the cllage! se corne and § ste foricisa plant ae yeere,and pe- 

eet oy yoann * The memes. 
i u Eder and nd Gofipixms after the s rin 
Weal Lange, 0,Bombax,and Cotum: in Italian Bomba in Bani Algodon : in high Dutch 25 
os tinEnglith and Fren ch Cotton;Bo mbatte, 
Aitus hath haadn anes tion hereofin bis fourth booke 9: chapter, but without aname; and j 

| febihtisatcein Tyas whi which’ bedreth wooll: neither is it any marvel if he tooke snvekioniaee a 

“Matera pair ina off, fora tree seeing allo foih this2 see, in which very 
 pabgthings cone to beberter ae casi Gineh aft, ¢ he Cotton or wool! heereof is called 
:: Whereas ineuthi it israthera 

} See 
Setegprinccammgn, . : 
e ) Bob 2 Ses OF 


Pm * “tas foes ee 


Pes SECOND. BOOKE ofa birt 


Ofthis, 7: ip i Ti svapered, th on Pike 
+ }: l mt aeae bak aad vat there Stet he» 

penie wtiti ing ofthe piece 19. ee, a » Paith thus Us 3 The vpperpar tof Aepyntros 
soar cane dixyl om, and therefore t cle 
thari is made of it, is called x sline, or Linfie woolfie, ie. Iti is sfaithb Ie the Bilia ‘that avOconedbit 

= . : Egy P 
, % ise eS ve) 
hefeede of C 3 ti P! pias is | d : the wooll ink 

eae drie. i 2 elfeis 

A’. Thefeede of Caplan: is goed agai inft Ae Bae py em nibae ate fhort wales it falls ftir 
reth vp luft of the bods nereatir ing naturall feede ae furpa 
B Theoile preffed outof ee feede,taketh away precklegss. ate other ble mifhes of the pnt . 
C  Theafhes of the wooll burned, ftancheththe bleeding of wounds, vfedin reftrictine medicines 
Armoni ismore reftrictit r it felfe, 

~D To fpeake of che commodities of the wool of this planrit were fupertt tious. Comifnon¢ experience 
the daily vic and benef we Becrs si tt deh thew. So that it were nna ioe ‘our hiftory, 
. of the 

thereof, . - ; 

OfDry hes Oe 322. ne ee 



& ix zie 
There betwo Dogs banes ; the one ene or nog fig sec other an vei 

Periploce repens, 
_ Chae Dogs pe: : 

fof ont is shied 

as “The diprintion 

Ogsbanerifeth vp like vnto a fmallhedge 
De vpright and ftraight, votill it have 

‘attained to acerta the en'doth it 

Bf be: 

E> \ 1 clafpe and clime with his tender bratiches asdo 
iP, NY) p> the Bindweeds,taking ho olds an props orpoles, 
WS’ or what(Sétier ftandeth next vnto it: wher 
S 4 dog a Sarcowe ues fharpe pointed li 

[fF ter elesd isha of A Joly burner gal ’ 
eS titie by rea r papular? 
drie and ripe, the filken Sania , 
-.. and bylittle and little fheddeth,v veil chewbole 
be fallen vpon the gro’ ounde. T 





are 1 1 2g Jer falli-clilerhafe .fehatng 1 Cal 
enigihe : 5 ‘ 5 aerate hg 
reddith colour 1 L q L .1f L Lg L i g ft } * £2. 
r.1 1 pe ee Oe ES L Lr. Ll Seas 
Bindweede: colour dof ke {mell bei t fed bet he fi veeldinge F&F é ic = 
+ narra, — pane se es ATR gS hich me foorth little white flowers 
ftinking ye! to} > 
little husks:after the 4 1 lik ye oe 
ftanding featteringl e ba eo a Le | 1 Wt pA ape | psi ny + x ee eS oe eee 
Sw > > 5 wrapped 
7 Oo. 3,1 }); > W L a Tes L j L } 
” wp dat black feede OFES at any * sare ping, vere £ de, Dud: 
%& The place. 
They do gt West Covent, ie) ag eee 7, 
Ree Ls i 1 PS eet EY ee ee ae 
Robin Heian i did fend plant ekin aa oe test laser 
ee Bee SS P “ them from fome thee Te- 
gion,as syet I ‘haue no certaine ‘knowledge. 
% The time. 
3 Le L 1. 1 * L * =< fC akan: pe, & 1 —— ° c 
g < in Sep 
se The names. 
learned of our age Periploca: itis euident that they are tobereferred 
ar of Dior ‘The f fel hathbeen likewife d fn, and Braf- 
- Sore . L : L Tr 1 Lee, Pe i fc, 
nt oar Gee ea +i aS pright Cont Th ‘& 
q 7 bis 5 7 gs bane, 
_ Thele lants are of the nature of | chat peftilent and pont herbe Thora, which being eaten 
y ceptt tthere bei in readines an Anti- 
pm . . . } hich 
* ai _ ip 4. 3 j ye y 

ofr ae ahd Hears Par raga Sapa — 
The vertues, 



stheleaues ae a mixed db bread and g given, killeth po $,woo Se 
oa the vie of their Sap and huckle bones eae prefently taken from them, and each fee a 

Y Salomons Seale. Chai = 

% The kindes. 
he Laat SS phis feale, differing in! d fruit very bly, butin 
rootes sit ecb difference, 2 >! 
The defiription. 
Hefirftkinde oft Salomon hath lcng round ftalkes, fet for the  moft part with long 
~ aut fomewhat 

beget a EP all ypon tee fide of the falke, and hath {mall white flowers refem- 


ich at the firft : 
oaks of tebe oft Detties s, of an contains and ere. ae De roote 

* Off chinke ire TL, fe Li: freee the firft. butafterwarde of a "bitnas 
roe Se : Cag oni pe ge 
sand , ape, Oe See, Dah OS C.fh 4 ay. y PS 
- Vv oodroote, 
Jed Madders amo: La iigee Geers Larne, L: 1 ee 
pares Segue i : } f. Oy ee een et 
with fome fines incecs thereto, 

i Polygomstum 

1 Polygonatum, : ia Polygonatum minus, or 
»... Salomons Seale. .»9\ To Small Salomons Seale, 



“ Cop artsthanns. AR he BPS be bs 

3 \ ae iB) sav 
iylmiesigs rob, AN SA Web A hits 
bide oun bi Pozi IE May 
diet See CHL) IWS 


he es eoviage a \? 4. Polygonatum ramofun, j 

3 Po'ygonatumi.Clusyj. | ak splat! 
~~ Sweete {melling Salomon Seale, 8129": Hirenalaisialegiuaph Sate 
ff y Ee P =i oH ng: = 9159f : SLRSESS 12" 


Oo sivght i. 


tick cy ‘on 
qe Thethird! kinde of Salomons feale, hi # f unde in the 1: ne ee 
1 el t D 5 ¢fpecially 
pein? he fentto London ynto Matte Garth a ce: Cena ae aad thie . 
ligt splant hath 
ae Sal his te Bly 4 foore high, befet wich a 
A Greeanenete re yponone fide 
l n 1 re piees ibe aie ahead pig Paras 
thebroad! dleafed Plantair ine,t hereofis n YP +: from 
come forth {inal well fitielling ¢ j 

there follow feedes or betries , tt 

ny ; 
5 which ine pats 

big asa ila and as nee asa) fone "the rootes are likes ynto an 
ike his kinde,yet not fo chicke asthe fir 

The fourth kinde according tomy account; buethe third of ay 5 ( = he found alfo inthe 

mo ering from all the other 4 
: . j: L i 
7 1 } c L n 1 { Ww hich g 
f +}: fi IX Bada tat iat, aT | 1 
es eee of morhiies or T a waxes, yet very like he kindes of Sal Seal 
; 9 Yb 1 ; es 
thew, faue that they ar O. 4ten: ¥ 1c 2 93 pte ee a Pee 
long, ot much vn ike 

line, Sanburtic the ike aot. jorne eer. ‘pod on: ae mere wit np sceytomd 
whicheng vn] there come foorth berries like the narrow leafed: ares ns feale; greene atthe 

ar they be pe; g chard g rootes differ from allthe 
ae Ne Loge fs gouged & 

eH oS 6 Polygonatum angustifolin, 
cf Narrow leafed Salomons Seale. < 

5 Polygonatum acutum Clu 
Sharpe pointed Salomons Seale. 


x % The defeription. 
The fift kinde of Salot faole hart Bip geen} Li. % . 
Thef voide o 
: Sagara ws Apeabanee s+ ee eager pie ews of fuch markes as theft 
a A ies 5 cat Goat aE 1 L ‘$ < gf amen 
Co | di f, 2 ae é Ll | ae ¢. W eg 
£ Ry ry, ees 14 : eB F which). 4 ays Ae ds. hoe ee 
L vey Sry, are Chinnll Be a bs Foie footeftalke, 
§ 2 ‘€d Detries wh 
they be = 
6 This: rare rotate of Salomons feale vifeth YP from his t k 
vpnig t {tal 4 bare a 
he and of Fbipef colour tending to yellownefl : fiom ih whichioine ii 
Z ape 
Ls .1 1 f. fa , L ft U. by certtaine fpaces, , long narrow leaues incloting 
peat LI C L fa ll ith flowers of Ii ra cle Tega 

The fruitis {mall , and of -a redco f ; 
ftonie {cede like chofe of the firft nS 08 a 

The firft fort of Ssloniiis feale groweth igi ss ally wi si Spmaeieie vad the notth fide 
of aplace called Mendi ip, in} the patitho! of a Mallets alo’ in Kent tby a wines S called Cray. 


ire: 6 ea Pp “1 WeAu fi Cc. a 
fiom Gilfordi in Caesr di other ase 
g oods in Yorkfhire called 
Cl 1,1 } % 1 P 4 att ime 1 
is ? t=) 
"TL Cun G = | Pies: ko Ry - - J L n n TT >. 
? So ) é ana ~ o eu 
. ~ % ‘The time. 
"TL r pend + a 1 Ares 1 AL. y Mey pes a eS L 
in & oOo: ‘ 2 ¢ i i 
* Thenames. 
f..7 w334. 1 it 

1 e Grecke word dothi \inipore : : in thops Sigillum Salomonts, oi Scale cali : : in nea tei 

Fae, 8G fp us lpeantl, 

. a Sale 

“The rootes of Salomons feale,as ame ich bhanchaga both amixtfacultie sa qualitie alfo. Forthey 
haue, faith he, acertaine kinde of aftrition or binding, a Aisne rebefoundi and) likewife.a certaine 


in our climate, 
% The vertues. wi oo alte. 

AL Dio, ‘oftor PS Sess iteth, h h Fe 
Ga nd and ideth a of te ee 
~ thatit hathi in pa or ean vp a broken fone 4 foch like. Some haue ane thought 

_* _ Theroote af Salomons Seale ftamped whileitis frefh and eee and ‘soled taketh aay 
ortwoatthe moft any brufe,blacke or blev wilfulnes, 9 
bun vpon their haftie Mees fifts,orfuch fie. fe 
“& Galen snes that neither herb nor root hereof is to his acy but! note te whatexperenc 
found. t 

hath hire which Gs 
3 Tee, BAS va Tr me L fyi St of, which 185 
atifa ; brokenyin whatpartof rie 
tient in 
is lane ate rootes mene x giue it vnto vgnvery firange!ys 

bones bebut , and serie placed nario vp. Pesci 

fucceffe, which they d pply outwardly i fa pultis , as tell vnto 
feluesas their ca attle, : ; 
poe 23° c. ed 44.2% , 1 h L D 
e roo t 5 f beene 
Poa bags 4}. aac! to their vlace . it dri h $i +s ge Sera: 
out of yomt, ite ? Lotog .. oy L 1 . 
abies Z 
” The fan ftam} d, i the iuice gi drinke witl aforefaide, or the de- 
a; 1 Cc : ase j helpeth y : Ra SES di ae oe cane and closed 
Bouin mF | fhort {pace. 3 4 iad 
: tate os . ii 
Thatwi hich m $' 5 ig g f bones saLand thar ae F 
© incredible. .t H h the wi 
ly ) woulde feeme ‘ ng BCTES a OI DA CEPR eae f 
therei bef omf purf i 
| Ee ss RORY pees } +} {t be 1 { i i } yeh 
7 a 2 i ? 
igure dint. 
J. o£. Yee | 1 L pe ie RE EE EES LY 1 r art 
2 Oo 2 a3 of 
gotten nbyltripes,  falles arfuch like, inftind i {well that happenvnto 
oF: zs wt 1 oder ae ad a at wig } 
ae ameper, | = 1 ca 1 L L c 
’ . r +» heated ? fv fc 
feelin aad 
ak PY RG? ) Ronet Sa q a . 3%. ot CT t H 
va Lhe ts c a : en . ae: TES ERs Pon Pee 
> DEYoE 3 Ae 

“Of Kenn or Butchers Broome. Cons 2s 
ia fr rai 

Kneeholme, or Butchers aoe ee The defcriptis. 

Kis ee salowe wrogdie lan bung 

uers {mall Bunches or rath at lew » Fifing im=_ 

. mediately from the ground eo eathee as ey 

ine tke dad fal of to ough ‘poo g 
hae hrufting forth in other be a 
it doth dees citar 1t See eae eee 
Bt The place. 
ol groweth plenuiflly in mott places ofFnoin, 

nleres of Kent, e,almoft 
woodie copies: a lowe woods. 
The eyo ong and tender fproutescome foorth at 
the firft of che fpring, which are of Ala in fome pla- 
a € 

. Lhe berries are: aicade in 

ean me Arta pricking M 

Ieiscaledin Gres ecke bien house rey es 

; sam pietirh wilde Myrtle: in ae oe 
ae: aor Brufews: of diuers $ Sapereae : 

as teftifieth Afarcelles Empericse — “ writer : in high Dutch hsp lowe Ditch Stes. 
kende palin in Italian Rafco,and Pontogopi: G lith Kneeholme Knee. 
hulme sKneehuluer, Butchers beso sand Petigree. 

Serapio in his 288. chapter fuppofeth that Myrtus agria ot wilde M yee thesia 
defcribed AZprts tu agria, ot Knecholme, neither 
Diof borides Cubebe + which as it is a reafon of no accounts foisit it alfo withouttruthy For 6, len 

Knecholme i is  Cubeba. Galen fpeaketh of Carpefasm, \ which Aiton in his I sh chapter male 

h 1 beaks Ld = 1 aioe 1 Cc bY ps 

a : ! 
f, t SS 2 L 5b SF eet J 

1 Phy 1, but of 
eee and more aromaticall or {picie, Ths gece very Sick in Side a citie oe a 
alfohe faith further, that fome of the ftickes of Carpe f fim are like to tho feof Cin pea 

Sey OES. Pt 1 ak 

EA “ Be es oh sb 1. ph 1. nes 
r > t=) f 
hi fi 4 Viaeh Py 

For eet asl a hid, vole 

finell, I Thus far are Galens words. 


1. I, td, See ees 

h a 
“Herein Serapio wa deéciade 
wh Pos ei itto be fuch alike ae ae i be certaine fruites or gael Cubeb 4) 

ticks: ne G) gshers sh heta “8 y! 
a in the fe eof his practife doth numb dlikewife Hal 
— in the fecond ee of his fails alfo,i jin the suas 162 ay later ee 
: * The (os Mina saa : | 
wih thinneffe of efeic : =e : 
A Thedecoétionof th ifitieehs me aden a wine & “drunken prowoketh veins, tea 
sees ened if sb BEN ‘and ae andea hole that make their water with aine, 
BED) Dioftor wri he fame SoH ofthe leaues a chdbe which moreetes faith oe woe 
a defired fees sala the headach, and the Glow iasavie efides the rootes 
ferueto the tones and gtofle Hage which fticketh in athe | lungs ae ddo 
concoct the 
“OF Horfe tong <i Double toong. Cap. 325. 
he defcripticn. 

<3 Hi: Orfe toong fendeth forth shall ftalks of a {panlong ; whereuponare ie i 

ofthe Bay tree,but leffer ; be serene ‘than thofe of Knecholme: ont of the gies 
“commeth foorch another lez oe. ae inted | alfo, sbut fimall, and of the  bignefle of eof the yet re 

-Knecholme, refembling a little toong. ichtwo | 
berrie,of the the bigne ffe eatin 

ofa Peat, of colour ted when i it is ripe, which i is fometimes iB ae 

Tichenle Hor mies ae storable esd 35 at meu 

: 8 I cthof the 
itrifeth The berries come 
mniddlepeicor a ha eat a the tt on of “a He es a faint i col 
ii oa a hthe di fferen ynto 
eRe g PE ae Mashiolus, ich aoa 
dome to differ See? a, a eS RL 277. the 

plan swat ee difference: norihaning I bane fet forth solace thatit may app ee 
the fame or verie little different; and that not falfe apic- 
without reprehenfion,who know. = esphagies ination Bec woud eto 

: ture in his c P ‘Bip 

@: Ape 
2 Hippoglaffum fom 

‘ q L MS. " @ 78a. 
abi ahee Hore toong. fi The female Horfe toong, 



, \& 


AS } 

RX fd ty. 

——4 — 

N 4 
\ q 4 Gi. . 



iS Fi t t ; : 
USNS ROT Ie ple j 

They are founde on the Alpes of Liguria, 
andon the mountains of Auftria. Bedoniz: wri- 
tech, chat they do.growe yey plentifully about 
the hill Athon. 

The firft of the Horfe toongs groweth in my 
garden very plentifully. Re 

- %& Thetime. “e 
That which groweth in my garden flowred 

in the beginning of May. The fruitis ripe in the 
fall of the leafe. ee ee ae 

indy blavtzin Spanifh Lengua de Cauallo : in Englifh | 

ee The temperature, er 
. «+» es Horfetoongis euidently hot inthefeconde 

\ _ degree,and driein the firft.. @ileg Bae: 

~ The 

Ror boys 

S Sn Flat HE 


: se The vertues. : : 
A Therootes of Doub! boiled in wine, and the decoétion drunke; he Ipe th theft, 5 
1 L . bp te ad 1 ¥ } 5 Be a MOB = Irexpell Me aE pe "Ok, 
a >) . on SSOncine 
L 29 1 a } L [f j . 4 
difeates aforelaid, Ie br dnarieaet leorides rm 
tfeafes afore{ai Dz h 
A > ¢ tinie 
a SY tae: o Gen 1: dots Baie 


Bo oii Sarduus es oat commend le herbe for aa aie of the ‘mother ; Eig . 

V4 APG: = , Fo 1 on 


| “He alo ae that the Deli 
fingular good medicine se ote bee 
drunke in the broth of ae certaine ipa oe 

i Of Cucumbers. Chap.326. 

The kindes. 
iigsabediuets forts of Ee foie greater, others leffer ; . meof the Guten foe 
wilde; fome of one fafhion ; and homme of another, as thal be ess in this chapter, 

1 Cucumis vulearis. 2 Cue 
~~ Common Cucumber. : “Tarkie Cpe, 

ou we: aa * ane tion. 
popes Chet cL ~~. 9 2 aie with his lonigtongh rane 

i whereupon do grow broad rough lea edges: from the bofo 

of come foorth crooked clafbing | cendrels like ofe of the Vine. a + hie 
com a 
{mall yell I hich bei Jett hick is] g> comer ought F 

. oe 


S. 753 
with certaine bumpes or rifings, greene at tthe firft, and yellow when 1 they be ripes w herein i is con 
tained afirme and folide pulpe or] tubftane 

the feede i ACE 9 SABI Cc. OS 

4 3 The 2 Turkie Cucumber hath many long flexible brapch boing vpon the ar ferhere 



aie rthe edges, 71 A fof ok Th pi g hart £ y bro me 

drels, wherewith ic her herbes th i 

clime vpon poles, akon anes oe Es <= the fhadowe fake , as aa as forthe fruite: : from the 

faid joint likewife comr meth ROR a fall tender foote: alke, whereon doth growe a little pal 

ar, flower,bell fathion after which commeth the fruit crefted chamfered, ot furrowed like the 

Po ne ion. The meate or ples smote refitme and folide than that oft the common Cucumber, The 
3 Cucumts Anguin 4 Cucumis Pyrifor 

Adders Cares Pearefafhion Cucumber, 


Te ee Pas we rhe deerip 
3 Therebealf of this kinde cerain | long Cucum ribet wi were fir nade (its faide) by 
and manuring , which nature afterwards bs preferue. Foratthe firft, when asthe fruit is very 
ofome ane, or other vile made of aa Rawhich: the Cucumber © 

very cr —— framed : whic a ee 
ctooke neds and meas Hence Anguini, orloag Cucumbers, and ~ 
Peare taf; If, g t 
toi Golan ceed f any g t Sa lyi ing 4 
pa ge 1 Ree ft: A 5 ie SS ‘: 


ondo growe fall yellow ftarlike flowers. The fruite fiicceedeth, fathioned like a Peate and 
oe hc bignes ofa great Warden. The rooteis threddie. . 

mis ex Hifpanico ex Matus 
* Spanith Cocaine % The defcription. 

a Here hath been not Ion i 
Sl enitled Nahas af Bien’ 

lours, The pulpe or meate is hard and fattlike 
thatofour ea eat 

he plac 
Thefekindes of uc uber are ieee 
dens in moft oe eh ss 

According to. te rene heretofore made, 
I haue vie oe it good and conuenient in this 
¢ of fowi 

ae how to fet or fowe all manner and kindes of oso 
ere cold fe ee alfo whatfoeuer ftrange feedes ate 
ae al vs fous the Indies,or any other bints regions gid 

Firft of allin the middeft of Aprillor fomwhat fon . a the a be any thing temperate) — 4 

: ou fhal caufe to be made a bed or bank of hot & new {e dung taken forth of the ftable(a nd not 

from the dunghill) of an ell i in breadth,and the like i in depth or thicknesof what clenge th you upleale, i 4 | 

ae ss aerahe, tokeepeit ‘om the iniurie of the colde froftie ni nightes, an nd not hu re the things 

rrtirTe (NY IG = 1 1 awa 

"Es CO monly ” that oer they will 

Sh henliss vp nakedlie foorth : os ounde : then mutt youcaft in the hotelt 
agar daic fome » water ater that hath ftoo in the houfe or in the foe a aie eae 

illfo chill and cooledien 

ee aS. SB Meier: la 
at eet in memorie that euerie oe wey pi otal and ic 
is warmed d with the fun beames : this mutt be done from time to time vntill at oa 
2 ge SR FES ee oe 4 = 

ee, he 7 hath aan pe a par prouided " 
ou molt co} uer them with fome Docke. leaues o or ee of oes 
ay Lists funne: 

_. thatyo' uma y the more more couer the whole bed or baricke with Mats , olde paintedcloth, er ; 

he bed: then Peal y you couer the bed all ouer with the mott fervillet —- Pat 7 


i, 4 a. 


forthey can they t i: pigs ; rena iwelin is — 

r fy. 
heate,¥ Serer ens 

aly do. rife vp veric' nakedlie with longnecks not volike to a8 ale ofa. fi nall diaitiecre 

genes olde. T io 1 4 tty : ee er ee ee aE SE PR NES thas 
Obisine ¢. pl Bie al res hall L { ‘ Pat he 
wee vibes ge aes 1 Lh weal } 
ot Loo ALK of | 7 er 
fase goods! ARRON CR OL CICK ag f youcegeene 

% Then : 
_ The Cucumber i is named ai Cucwrnis in thops Catumer: : andi is taken n for that which the 


er L Lae ee ce 
4 . MMA Lhe 
neg i and al : . 
3. The temperatarcand vertu ee ae 
, { : " eee 
Ali th I 1degree. They putrifie foone A 
Ba ld 1 L j 1 1: 4 wee mh d hat. - ot 
‘athe oma , F » and that vecie little, and 
the fame not Some 4 ‘ : eS 
n1 ae ys oy } * 7 . sa 

yello nfit to be cater : 
Thefeedei is colde, but nothing arauch as the fruit, It ccna Zeer en vring, C. 
hat are ¢ infladimed and being 
ped and outwardly, applied in fteede of aClen(er, it ioakeshete ei {mooth/and: jhe 
Elbe my: Author) taken in.meats 4 good forthe ftomacke and othe: Site wie Be 
ah ee anys — ee: ene ok fo ibuchas the en sag) 

The cutte in. peects or chopped as 1s = ae fr me ie inl pin wih a r 

cece of mutton, being. made into potage sidmorencilae as whereof 
Sata tame efatt. hrodigner, a keto {upper Leap iemamcrtr aM 
, Raceofthree weckes togither without re sdoth perfeét'y weeflegme 
"ane patat eric ane ining fes(asugdas redRoles) hp les;pamples,tubies,and 

vie ae ad ig tin apis you do vfeto watho or bath ie face with this G . 
iikecine of trong | ies wine-yineger , powdss of tl teat os‘or SS Gre. thice H 
seeker ea jor, eaten - fae ashy ei-Aln os i Bi Ori Cam- : 
mped, with,ewo On ower Oke, spicts tis cthotewe 

middle. = er ina firong doubleglafle's fhake 

Ben eon | ,ferting the fame in.che frat rs Fag Debpaceoamedaes with which 
¢lacet roe Sh enLolitee ene eiaecligonnnas oh dThis p, 
ase ie x é 

—- C !. 

2S © 

pga ds. bas Sek tackss 

bere. oo ane Joistods Prue th 

766 bused apa el we betel OF THE 
y I f f the final 
| Eee eer eee nger, = gt Ihc: lk. 20 i ia ilar pulle 

nes Bee 

ichibe his Wa til bie 
tates ing cr with the 
ede ether ofi itowneaccord, or eee rouched with - mol oe or pe hands a 

z. fac ¢) Lh 1 1 c. “— Cc 1 eric Peri, A 
— re eat ib psn SS ae at REE ae 7 PEC: cal g 
fruit, phases fads*s eae ier 
edit Cucumis sfininss. 
Wilde Cucumber. % The place. 
, : pT g fi as Itis fo oidtane ftoftheh countries, among 
. Na) an \ rubbithe auell, and other yntilled places: itis 
planted in gardens in the lowe cou dbe- 

caft about: which ma 
hath obferued it,butin my meres itis dena 
for as I faide befor ore, = a istong lafting; ad 
ae from yeere 

Te fpringeth vp in Maie, it flowreth a andis pein 
a or o be gathered at the fame time, 
om t excellent compofition of called 


pach Abbe Cucumis; in thoy SC. aft 

Concombres finan 

ee rice pecdll 2: 
|. Theleaues of wild Cucumbers,rootes & their 
rindes as theyare bitter in tafte; when; belike- 
add Gale itnefleth. and of thia 

i Re ie eee ‘ wnuck 
| clef a mene away. © G 

: Tlewn i erat f ed Said 
= A Shes inice called Elaterzam hcholer; g : ) arid watery ve ats and that 
= aos by igeinalby om joni Ole ene 3 P- ae : cal 

Cc "Tice dil ohne nd pa of halfea {cruple taken, driueth foorth yf 
othe, choleri ke humours, and preuailechmightly againft the dropfie , andfho 

nt 1 Pape Spe ee “1 ~ a awe & ay the rednes oft 

Bi ian of he toc ee erate ith humours “gadis good for 
e sphere which is made of theiuice of the fice: ; Wie er Wiliam 
whereof I commend to the] learned a fer! ia 
 ———— toni i,bath tak ai atop ae 


Oe eee 

hath more Satie pesfomed sey fame thea. nn other; wha ocuer , that I haue had any know- 
phan: Ff, wr 
Se ‘ Of Grall Cocnmbers. oe 328, 
; : pyoradorits PDUWoOGA et I N ia abe: 
: car fn SRR ANS SAS VARTA 1 i * Sal Cau 
‘ye 2 Ren 8) 

‘CirllCocuber. Be PS See ph tte 

p oes 

A Cliains <9 poe 


“Eds Se A; “ SMR 

I He Cternlt 1 @ A eget. ae 
branched kik h 
tothe Vine, alt certaine ee leaues ye cut, and verie 

Pago he : 

nong wl i feds ioe 

va om | | . 1 — ini 1 3: yao is fom 

fret duet tet ia } c = raha ¢ ¢. 5 at 

Rees a ae : } > ea ; 
5 ugh hat liett i te fomething whi he ourwatde fa eae is 
man ae) . . 

very. h then of the 

f the Pompion 
ase any muske Melon: the lee wherein che feede ick is fpungie : and ofa flimie 
isblackith fometimes of an ouerworne reddith colour. The fruite of the Citrul! doth tee fo cally 
Tot ot puttifie as doth the Melon, which 1 being Gathered i na pene yamnay,be kepta Jongin sims 
hs urae 

orn tom 
Pmeoine longer and better,in ‘aheape of sary lane ap 
2 esr Cirrull differeth not from rented ca aia itis saltogther tsa 

The Ciel Sa inhot r : 
onc Cl ti Assad 
— eo We haue manic times: fowen the feedes ar and ge obeed ave a ef 

x ' ace BB se 

963 a soon» OREO THE 

‘The nam 
hela eB Heda eat it An aria : in fhops ye sheink Cosma trl 
truls i Guam Citr uls,and Pome © itruls andds kn owne Baek Hamed; 

‘ ssa a ver ee ‘ oe re 1 
A The meate or pulpe of Cucu fie yee rull which is next ynto ty barke 1s . eaten poh 
commonly boiled: ityecldech to the body Aliccle ieee an 

the famercolde ; ac 
: rs 
‘waterifh bloud np ti and tempe = 4 

nesand fervent heat of choler: beingrawe and helde in the: it Attaketh away y the ry 
¢ toong in agues nd quence ae 
B The feeds are of ike facultie with, thote af Cucumbers, < aateN 

Of the wilde G ira caled Colocynthis. ‘Ou 329. 

= Day ‘Colscyntbis, ee “4 Coloeyntbitppriformin, ; < 
eA The wilde Ciceull 3 or ae >. Peare fathioned = ) 

ees oe “ie x The defer Hei t renee stork 

I fei k shesaiild Go nna, i truely: 
gabe Bi pte i Ae ae ons , comming nee 
ofall per = which inthefe daies of fome Herbaitsise caller 
Pa: = J Wee paige come 

3 Eaves 2S epe ly SS oQ7 4 a oats eouered 

‘ fs aoe eae colour whenicis sripe 4 which: when it it is seb re or feniat = 

witha ‘thinne tinde, 
wits —— ps 

gies Sar daa hij ds 769 
ene pile, and dried for’ bitter, and likewife the 

wholep plancicielfe in all i pacts. 

Lo-,/, } L t 5 
, The 
teri it ket kondag React ingsia th foorth Sa leaues But not 
fomuchiiagged flowers —< nalland niyo he fe is sfulhioned likea pany the oth 
ae heb ial ass rence confifteth 
ri sods 
k » but feldome, or never in thee 
otitis aibod bass suistoiq bag sqas.t-o9 9! 
% T. roe time. 
PRAT Liat Lyi, ties ee la ea CER eX ae 3 . 
ah ea ae ce we EE, ent. ey Pea Es are : 
“afia y do: growe inabe Sandsiof the: 
Per atherthatlittefpec : 
“nehide re Pe Pen ee “16. SA 5 ma SY ce 1. C. Lc. oat * a 7 5 P dally bn QO 
a: » Sd Ce bere fff I } iS Lee | 4 Crax fe de ss : 
sfromwl diuers:C g :  taneiled thither, forthe 
on TET in the fhip,! ntities tt beteofa <a 
* rhenaabl eee bahia yee i2atog i 

roi 3 AGE ae 

ican do saiascioes ferd downe Cucurbita t fy tue fbr is recede « this ‘ic Dsbeni 

quintida, w whereof i al be fet | foorth a peculiar Ch apter nextafter the Coclbisd 0 or Cee in. 
Engli thitis called 

oR The pete 
h: TE | }} {30 3¢ Tih He h J d dey in 

wae -ende 2 the fecond degre 
allthole things thax moft bitt hings fee but that the nga which hah to purge by 
the ftoole iS, as Galen faith, Sino force then the reft of his oper 

WUhi-h ~ £ om moet | } 1. Ee Fad ha A 
5 4 vy £3 = 
: rid * it wd . Wy 1. BS L j 

sedieae cooftraine n : g 
es ath thawhereby, ee cie i a way bereprefled Aa bi ore dul d, ae 
thefame pee hv hrough mes bel ti iets ‘be not ea ued. Ad, es 
or gum 

ck Ti 
Bdellium of thefe., Maftich hath mane bg sheen bie cae and pe are 
much better, which haue no attriGtion at 
Peedek furch “eas or fete ding, eet  beingreftrained sc rk 

1, AA. 

of h as 
things mic wish ghem fili ad with leffer paine ;.as bet thofe pilles which, Rbgfs ne 
his 9.booke of tlm diene iliace,. i b pound daand Scamony, 
creemetionael medi and gel dS Ww ee c Sagapene,’ CAB Ups ghhi 

clamm; i } op Big RoE ean fram the harme thar 
might haue comeo i rof ae - 

- Thewhichcompofition nalthou ouighti Berto arpa ges ech | without very great B 

avige thereuntg,doth: sprang cafe and without any great trouble , and 

with leffercormene hen mo ft of the mildeft and eaeteemeAiGInG| sepnnenbenidatich, 8 g oth 1er 
thingsmixed withthem chatateattringent, sis 

And for this caufeitis Pace Aa Galen futtbooke of o the : GC 
Cc tepettnrt a ti Bdellium rc oie hity 

77° ides ili beat otras ‘OF THE 

the fallinc G-4 
) F or > f 2 5 Ucknes the 
Schone on g g gripings of the g Jenitrail y anid othermoft daneero, fling 
fes,bur alfoit doth Loutward dly w ke hi oF tonsswhichare ltogitl eros sella 
é ‘ nging in ck nddeafenes: 
Be fame killeth and driueth foorth all m bie 3 ARS aa : ome and ie * one a 
othe ftoole, sift the nauell and bottome of the inate be therewith bnndin int 
Sa . , - e toothache 
faesteache thy Rad: -2howpen jon HinSiWold Sa dosnt 5: be 
# iy Aj t j 4. YL Ge: ested 
L_sThe feed s very pr tabl k P f i 13} efpecially y if Aloes ‘and, 
Myrthe be: mixed withi it. ; 
F } ishtof 3 feriple. opener he halle.ncekol 
oe Oe . ty) 
and purgeth grofic Segmeandl cholericke humouts.: # bors (nid 2iouib spsed desea 
N | Ithath the like forc i le,and-giueén to drink 
> Ct eh s 
oO Being taken a ee fs ranerit prof lifeafes bef » that! is thejapo. 
Sena. Sonat i ke, ffi yand 
wd difeaies proceedingiofc om 
For the fame purpolesi itmay be vfedi in ee 
H ealeth | ee ee ee 
reife : c 2 i He £ 
pe es y aida s Ndsiwror: sek VIO! 3 inssio. ob alae 
R : 1: Sac 164 Cc. . fs are SO) ony ce eet 
: ce \ - Omen MUG GRHARG 
fickndsivo 2 20 yh awees of sa90}P iz: P reilyos abetar Hed t6oretere aie 

yeaa Of Mak Men Milas ei 329. 

; os ‘cid be yrange? ‘ 
: ene i ee 
be diui dar thi: very n riStablies in nape an poe 
3 as alfo in tafte pcan nig to thecl — fae counttie where one ows butoftieanci. 
ents sthete was ant a and nomore,which is that Azelopepo called o cumis, ot Galens 

Cu ea fhitiaiigrs fome haue com wpreenied thé Maske ralvrcid stake che ke G. 
truls, er ores une haue greatly erred: se doubrleffe the. Muske Meloni isa Kinde of Cuciiinber, 
secon to the panes author 

The dpi. . 
Tes which the | Herbarifts do call Muske Melons, is lik 
: “ois ps heg d ide, long, b bed,and h asim 

] Ti LL 


5 die’ is bigger,at the rin ae hairie Fomingiongnon an then senaoad f° foul un 
se: 4 

sgreater, and many : the barke“o: n overworne ruflet 
colour , bed and ceed ve! a one pauing tice chaps or chinkes, anda scared | 
1 Seabees aie the pulp € pes weg beeaten, is. of a fain tyellow colour. ‘Ther ine 
dlepartwhereof is Pty ie moifture , song which i is contéined’ the fe ede , like vntot . 
of de Cacti biittcth atid Sha bkownehe oan fal ; 
Melon ait trailin: hacae in the pu whereon ate 
cing tase ot Zoi the Vin, and SIG le 8 Festus oF fon Cucumber but | 
e commeth foorth among thofe leaue 

es Fa 
ounde as the fruite of dljnintids andof the fame aes ofamo rg BO leafant taftelike | 
Sisirheottalabis fumame Sas 

sharatue. | 
j boog visto . a 

1 Meh. Ceatamns ‘eee pu : 2 Melo Saccharinus, 
5: TheMuske Melon 2 Sugar Melon, ©) 

: att XSLT BA A te ; 
rey BAN ZAC ES ( q Wars nv BAA Seth: f 
} Oe Ars ak CET » WI oA. a6 / ‘ FRc; a / 

ces : RSE ye 


3 Pyromelo. 
~~» ©Péare fathion Mclons. -” 
ee LBS, , 


SS eS 
See SS, 


he deferi 
3 The Peare! fafhioned Melon hath many si Vide br braunches » wheteipo do mone co 
, cla meted 
ar d taking holde of 

td vpon flend r fi oft 
bei the iene ot of a tbe te ” et ses ake, fthioned lke voto a 
in The am nith Melon ae ap foorth bebe trailing branches, whereon 1 are fet broade lene 

ne NS AAs Tile eee in Cine se re ee L fruic, 2 
bf Ee es - rate | “Ser E ois 2 very long, ccleloriia te 
i, - Feige ee 7. : ; 
a £ . 
* The hawk 
Ptr ty : wee 5 
very many of thie fibres ripe,t ce pin care. Ss 
ecey the keeper re “ad fad Thole called Matt 
ight Ho ae rable, th er Fovvles aad: = other ie neere ynto the 
ro) a 7? I I dy .¥ ard, : 

nasert are fet or fowen i in Ai as Thae eat oe inthe apo of Cucumbers: thei 

% Then 
"The Rea ke Melon is called in Latine 2Ze/0: in ye a n Aellone: in Spanith Afelon : in 
Melons: in high Dutch Belaun: i in lowe Dutch | Belocnen : in Ce wiroy "5 ih 


y 12 
+ C.1. 

by reafon that Pepohathithe ft f. 
ane Se ere of Muske: wah for 4 a are named Adelones a ce 2ot 
%T he eer ® 

"TL f.% PS sot ore ye 

The ve 
s. Iki is harder of digeftion thenis any of ie reft of Cucumbers 8. ifit eae clot in the ian 

ified neffeth in the fit 
‘his is Teeables, writing that the vie: of c C ety ee tte peftilent lent fea- 
uets :for he alfo taketh # to be that is commonly nied Melon : which is vi 
wes of theIealians oe Spaniards, = ae to one the rage of Iuft, then any other 
vertue, - 
ee Of M elons, or — Chap. 330. Fi 
‘ ‘a 3 Ss ; % Thekindes. é 
133: bind CD pi pong ge ee ns : it fhall be : 
eye defcribe fore ¢ fthem,and refi aes ee hein 
oft | el} Jo expreffe hei diffe 3 efpeci ially bicaufé this volume wa 
= % The defeription. (ve bt ate ae 
] D, ae ee Le TREE . ots teen which with 
a ed ee i. ee + em pee Ee as polesat 

“s - be Ss ales, and h 1 7. esi 1 ee 
on the € gro Sabha = and great, very rough, and cut with certainede i 
nicked “Goad the edges like a fa awe : the flowers be v very great like to a bell es babe 
Jowe colour i golde, ha 

2 alec abel OF PLANTS, 773 
1¢ hick like edg’ king foorth _ The pulpe or meate whereof which is nexe 
pound, fer wie deis white,and of: hard hej tt ibftance i in the middle ha og and 
non eis gre: at, E toatl hi nt er, 

flimie : the feed un 
eee not differing at alli in ihe ‘The pais of thé barke or rinde i is oe of an ob- 

Pa anetules < fais 
a Thefe 1 “ge OG S| Tha ttall L 1 es 
“1 SE eae gaping, and J avenes Re Sh lect chek boy ees 
+s Gimiewh Ng RO pte Serre She 1.6 c ; 
s of a green colour 
with an harder_ barkes nowe sand then poco whi ter. the meate within like the former: the 
Pepo maximus oblongus, Pepo maximus 
" Tegelongpon ri * Tegan Dompion 





Hi ys My 


zt Far, ed 
Pan TP ee hs Sigue¥ 

reek the others : ake te is ae 
; Bat bignes whol bare is fl of licele pes hillie welts , aseis the rinde of the Citron, 
itis ripe 
= ete dach aves puch vie from the others in f h leanes,and 
: anstsaecli Hc tho of che reft :but the fruiteis not long semen but ale other bose 
Gatlike ynto ; thicker in the middle, thinner in the eater deurled 
i ged or vneuenbarke of th i 


Pepo maxitzws compreffizs. Pcpomaximusc 
waa at Bat bottom’ Pompion x i 4 he — ee 
Le. Sais » RS 

Cuts opal 

\Z bes x Kal : 
vi 2 Tediar he minor rotundtus poP PepoL Indicus ang pa 
The fi hefmallround Indian oo Ronis The cornered ne penn 
Zz ¥ 

wR i 


ar, Ss ae z agist 
z ETE YES i Hi-DS’ a2 be Sh 

7, Pepo ratios fenerforss” 
Muthrom Pomp: 

#: Thee 

Il thefe Melons garden 
alan : they joy bein a fantail ae 4 are 
common in England ; except the laft defcribed, 
which isasyeta me 

Th ney ate de at ghey: gl ar of Aral 
chey € flower in ns uft: the fruite is ripe in 

The names. 
or ha om is named in 

greatnefle, ‘are lam ed Pepones, Itis called in 
Dutch pues ¢ in lowe Dutch an: pun 
_ French Pom, 

Fee tempera ee ean ve % 

Melons arc of.a oa Ien- 4 
tie of moive : they havea cenaineclenh ing qua- 
rile MA meanes whereof th voke vrine, 

edily pafle diecaigh ie bodie shan “a 
either the Gourd, Citrull, or Cucumber, a 

“bath written 
Eo Se Tee Be RRFCayHeleend ma- B 

linge bey ly fol ie d, 
faith Galen’) Ratt a eeu el is sis 7 wer, fted: by reafon. net it ee 
aptands readic to falli into the difeafecalled the Cholerike paffion sand Of; for me he Fe lonie. 

5 ec 
hed one te irces I LgH8E 2BOBIET 3eRIAS - inane “i 
i) Die dop bneld epitiore boi Cokk od oecs 
butbeing { ee Re rey AGERE Sar Ss noloNobl: 

mea coms indata 
ae the fame fliced dandfidin: apan with Bitter is ied sdaadiatitendne -E 
ila th apples inanouen, it doth fill the bodie full walteleteetia, s, 
and is foode cron vnwholefome for ich as slug eile: a vato robuftious: aoe 
a Pa that vfillech the heli 

: : . 
aL bag <izic dvusder fan misz? 

of nile Poni: : Baap aes 

The PARE i. : bhi podt 

S thereis a wilde fort of Cuca, ofMelons, Cis a Coat. Bike th erebe 

certaine wilde Po: eee a 1e: ftheit own nanure, “Thefe bring foorth rough ftalks, 

tickles, Fhe a likewift rough: the flowers vellows as sbetiiofe 
bbe partis lefler.. The. ed, 

+I Pepom Bs 
The nee ae Fe kde Pa 





| | 

“ste ee thatof the gatden Pompion. yee | 

rata se its ‘ ’ 
Alch« ion of thefe ee) pies the ang ir ff 
due case i ae Lows tat be called in Grecke: mires oryece cpanes fe 

© acres: in En oe : 
¢ = t Thetemperature. : 

__ the ; : fh sally if: flees: 

atl sean oe ioe ah bod it end ot the {econd cee "Theale atieaing 
tic thewilde Cucumbers. aiten As 
eo ska beatedity | 
_ ihe he pithand fe ae herinde, and bathe: | 
maine ing thre vl fach time as it yin bitter, > her purge the belly, “and bringeth 
a oy tates iil phen inice hereof i is of the Sots 

ic of s de Cucumber. 

afitpetieed GiB ame shea cat 

abt eee, ste asaya 

“at 3 {ae x cunrbitt 


1 Cucurbitaangnina, 2 Cucurbita lagen 
Snakes Gourde, 3 : ~ Bottle Gatun ec 

oo < 

*% Thin. 
: aa 
He Gourde b brin geth fao hy yl gttalks) o Son ae ee eee 
into diuers branches, hich with his clafping tendrels taketh holde and cl 
Ptoatts } 

dnchiote grea were 1 
white fteeze , as ‘be alfo the {talks and braitehes } like thole of the Marth —s the saga . 
whiteand growe foorth fromthe bofome of the leaues: in their places come vp the frui wh 
notallofone fathion ; for oftentimes they haue the forme of flagons pe bottles, ase 
Seroweth it 

——-pebeliyginda fimallitecié The Gourd faith Plane einiig ry. booke's.chapter 


| fone or fathion that pon woul it,either likevacoalwre the 

Bother ing tothe -moulde' whereity it is puit whilefY itis yong ; being fitfere, 

E, ‘Ponan atborwhere the finite may hang 3it hath beene feetieto be nine foote long, by rea- 
; = Sp eateinetemmmer pein ne moot stipe is Verie 
: yellow voloursthe meate Sritwer pulpe iswhite! thefeede long, Bar, Biel 
iste abtbade bein, wih White within, and fv 

intafte,} n { EPO loD eh a De 39 sthispastonsnseiliis: 
aa The fecond iano racers eee siete heap 
: ‘abate ore ha ikea botile or dagovs, wheretiefpecially confitech the ene, 

<The Goulds 41659 2 <baox! The Jintao 3¢ 

Sean then forbr 
Ele bite bith f 

So riepe le deri er - 
irten orpalesof tofetch water in, and — like vies. SE: 


% -Thetime, 

ea try d UFANE! i , g! Aprill, sie h fAagatt PlamingohCa 
% The names, : 

be. pale, lie 
rh he. Oe Ne Ln ie li, ty ce 2 eee, Mica Caer a wales 2of 
= aor" e j L W L : 1 L L 1 T- oy 

ut lieth cra 
onthe eg rh plebeia: in Tealian Zueca: in rere Glkawe tin ies cg 
hig glith Gourdes, 

* The saaperites 

TL ; s 1 Cl 
= ¢ Maw ASA 
degree, : 
; % The vertues. 
Ee | Mm £no.£ 

1, -11b roca bE oe? sav Ss § 1 

A Thchicebadaatos P : isin, 
ding ofahotcaufe, P 
B lee? } Py 

creon i nmaner 
= i ues BS . best Te es} sd + oe ae. . i of'apultis, and 
Thefame I ffirt h th long Gourde. lfeacl ber b laidein tt i, 
4 = ra t=) Te ee 
bed by the » haces =) abd. infan Au hileft fl i fick f fhallb uickh made 
h ia f ov"? #2 
D The pulp Ifo i fodd. bot bi foie hath inie4 waterith Ashy 
deth fall no ifh he body,and the fa Id and moift; but i paffeth ota 
BP Tops ce) 4, 5 ey Be CP. rae | fi: . A op ae IG 
y PE his fubftanc 
eththe belly. 
E PINS Pe Pe we 0. Ch: nN “a 
1,1 fed fn 1 16f. ae “ iY 3 fe chokoller L oon ¢ 
al » y ry 
Th. fend-al. b Sh a ¢ if} 3 | PEAS 
F Fr 2 ~ 

eee the wile Gourde Chap 333- 


ae ee 4 Sra a no r aa 3 Lo. Itoh sarden Gourde 

es oat and euerie 

ulpeis moift 
epee 4 ich bath made iG mani¢ 

scaly Cc Pg ee EST eh os ak tig ge oS gs : 
be broad , deepely ¢ cut into divers 
ofthe Vine,tand Bey wherby ivis efpecially known tobe onecfine 
ae i mag se pare des zebe fruite cot Cie 

x cub 


WiGrORGE Or brANTS | yp 
eee ese alate. 
F y.O9 



> — 
= Ph & 

= * The place. 
Thev. Cl 1 . fo BY; of ri 
cf Co 2 é = penes in 
thefe cold countries. : seh 
; ; Bs. Thetime. 
The time anfivereth thofe of the oe 
we Thenames- 

ta fp torent oe 
hes: S 20, ee nine ree? affirmeth, that the wii eet is named ofthe G cian’ 
moe Soon S an inch th 


pet ete. ri beds 
foriti Is sie an inch ch thicke , nee isit eae 2 4 a ices Bie 

by reafon of the extreame — 
effe,offenfiue to the ftom 
Pte therebe alfo that: sia is fed Coloquintida, ie are farre deceiued, For Feet : 
“thewilde Citrull Cuc wee ote ¢haue inte the chap. of Citruls 
_ Thewilde G ae a ee ; A nS yy 7] 
SE chasing 
contours extreme Pachter it cope and {coiwreth the stone paffa- 

roy sng Mallen do wilde Melon Bhs ae 
€ouer, the inp Sat tke Sg doth lkew' 8 nae ft 
nightly tly and ingeth fort chotrche and fegmancke 


Of Potatoes. Chap.334. 
: yp oe? ok 
| SS) farum Perianed ness Batata gc. crosdieasid Yael yt : 
\. Poratus or Poratoe % 7 he defiription 
i His plant ich is called of fome 
Peruuianwm, ot Skyrrits of Pes ish 

roch of winter, whee wen ynto a 
length of itanches. ae ee ough yaad 
any flowers at all; whether bicanfe ae 
caufedthem to peri ee their time €le 
ting, or that ature barren of flowers, 

mn ‘ootes are ma: icke, | 
and vnto the rootes of ee 
rather ofthe white A{phodill, ioined togitherat 
the top into o 5 in manner of the 

ted, do make a 

greateftrootes be cut into divers gobbets, 

planted in good ane rtill ground, 

The Potatoes gon in oe 

: : *%T. rhe time. 

with the rootes — falls re perith, 

% Thema 
_ Chafius calleth it Battat2, Comets, Amotes, and ‘aid in bs epee Potatoes » Poa, and 

s ; ature. 
| Theleauesof P. tibeatdidetborey cals bythetafte, The rooresat 
peripe Ba ? 7 
ofa temperate qualitie. foe 
ee __& The he vertues. 
h sp Ie alians, Indians sidan eben 2, 
as Pech ni ae : addo and 
Ri a eee ee aA. Toute though fomewhat 
x Pas seat 1 L i. 4 ¢ aii Tee TBO et cote) lly beingeates 
i é : : > é 
to: ry t. COs rer LiL. 4. | daintiethan of 
1 , Andlih yes fhe: pe gare i 37 aed wor fiir 
and dines otheriach ike ou Migs eed ots Be 
2 Thee rooret ad te poy? ee 1 aa me econ 
bc AGE Tyee eee Tage me 4 rueere meates 
| baker may worke and fr; y : 1 -conferues They 


Th J i ted ,infufe them, and fop D 
chémin wine ne air a to give them = greater gracein cating dots hem with prunes, and 
foeate omy “And likewife others drefle them (being firft rofted) withoile, vine negerand falt, cuery. 
man i nada at to his s owne : tafte stoke, ene howfocuer they | be ee 1 they 

\ a he 

iis ae 

“OF Poneeoes of i Pig Om sr 

pithate Virginian’ ie inidaeliial aes 

tes sof Virgin Deeb % The ye te 

: ai Bas hath man any 
V ston e flexible branches, 
trailing vppon the prounde, 
ee {quare, ee knotted ot 
nays fundry places atcertaine 
-ofdif ances sftomthe whichkriors 

made of diuers leaues Soraelftials : 

vpon a fat tniddle rib by-conples ; 

dnes. ‘The wholc leafe refem- 
bling thofe of the Parfnep,in ite 
at the firft like gr rafle, but after. 


‘ pet the bofome of which lezues 
‘ come foorth long rounde flender 
ao oorftalks, whereon do grow ve 
es faire ant flowers, 
4 of one entire whole leafe, whichis 

with a light thew of yellownes, as though purple and yellow were mixed rogither: in the middie 
oie fee eee ee wee tat pot nell, yellow as golde witha afinall tharpe greene 
b . . wers. ‘ 

ree point inthe middeft t . The fruite feces eth the wers, round asa ball, ofthe 
bignes of a little bulleffe or wilde Plum, Sisene # andblacke when itis ripe; whereinis 
ined {mall white feede, lefler than thofe of Muttarde. Ther cke,fat, and tuberous 

Dot much differing either in fhape, colour ortafte from the common Pot: tatoes , faning that the 

Footes hereof are not fo great nor long; fome of the eee e rie ONAN OF CES se. 

ere and others fhorter : which knobbi with an infix 
number of ie {tri : 

ngs . 

i i hplee . ee 
4 Iteroweth naturally phe where it was rftdifouered,as reporteth C.clafne incendie oS 
; fine: haue receiued rootes hereof from 1 Vit ala eat eee and 
beens my garden, as in their own¢ native countric. aa 

Gi, oe The time, 

o / , 4 foorthin Au. 
" wl SHH SS og 

gu. The fruitis ripein Sete 
% The names,” 

Sea 3: 4 Ne / \ 1 10.1 

tatoes are calledin ae Indian countries, We haue hen ame pr oper vntoit, mentioned i ane 
tle. Bicaufe it hath not o nely the oe nd proportion of sasha alfo the pleafanttafte ai 

vertues picts fame,we may callie eee Potatoes of ais oF Virgittia, 
impor ane C4i eer 
The temperature and vertues a rceaed. to the common Potatoes, peng! lkewifea fond, 
as alfoameate for pleafure, equall in goodneffe and whotelomelie vine the fz 
pvineg) PP r diefled: i ater ayby 

the hand of forme cunning in coagertg. 

Be the garden M allop called Halibocke. Gap 336. 


ee ; 2% Th he kindes. : 
TH Herel ind the garden: there be alfo fome of the 
. marfh ai mae 5 ones ae the gad, and both wilde, And firft of the gar rden Mallowe or 
Hollihocke. at @ 
an 2 Malwa? wire 4 fimplex peregrina 

* Sin ae sic Hollihocke, ia ftr, rage Holliners. 



J ee ey “TY RAAN AsIL siete 
ac ‘omen or Ee ‘cubits ; whercon doe growe vpon fender footeftalkes fingle flower’ 



he wilde Mall (Se cae ules fometimes white» 

roote is eng ugh,eafily bo nda groweth isan the groun 
‘ond being a Grange nd of Ho Ilihock, hath kei bro. ad leaues, rough and hoarie,or 
ofan ouerworne ruflet colour, cut inro divers fections cuen to the middle ib, like thofeof Palma — 
piel ae flowers are. cA, tin ne ofa a pete a gen wherein confifteth the greateft 

ee Malus epsmalies bs 
wane pure kediotivasia 

: vos zm Ase Oe aia | . 
oe Doiible Scarlet Hollihocke, 







ZS pot. Areas 

SS es 

y 4 

UR Whos * ee > 
3 The doub! h confutealy indented 
sboutheedgesand bk ikcwierooshed like a oe Tile owe tothe hei of fever or fiue 

Theparier tii... pe ess igk 1 1 Cie h heh 
a : 3 ACT ht of 
Orfixe cubires. han h a} a *S 5 et a a Se ¥ ‘igh ‘ 
And Oo 7 as! , ixe the 
i Cit LI~ Vet 1 * os wT S gure & © Ao Cadel te 
> whe 
ded fo Pe A (2 ° Se 1 o oh 
oO . a i b> } Fe ee ee 
lik } fe f rt Cl B D I déenely ir we a 
3 g » deepely inden 
: a 3 LI L apd yy j Lin Tew? . ‘ 
= 10 * o B) el 
bbe obisifle TH, ee icoreat thick aay Be 
o 2 

lua he, flore nigro multiplici. 
Tree pee sags with donb How ers. 


se thiptee és = A 0 
Thefe, Hollihockes ar¢ fowven in ight, 

: wee ne where, 5 and are in el Saha 

Th Sey 2B od E; ray 
The fec sr yeere after ithe are {6 
bring foorth their flowers in Cae if 
ee the ante ripe the! ftalke'withéverk, the 
. ~ B ~ - £| r . if “$< 

li mie{ul fare 
eae in ‘the feede and Foo! 

oy © #38 , SE, ER BP a | 

se Phedefripton. 

te, th 
_ The decoftion of ne tones is Eat 
noe hs Cc ES Sag ag SA he A Reena 

Of the wilde Mallowe. . Chap.337. 

: x 
i 9 1 7 3 3 

£ 1 

edges, finooth 
clad with PS like eats fmaller, The tekstas growe vpon | little efooretals ofa ee 
our mixed with purple ftrakes, fathioned like a bell after which oe 

isall the ref of the aan 

3 cua : 

ace ‘The dwatfe ee Ors i Acne ee 

cough a exible Th 3 re hoatie then the other, The domes ace fos} 
2 SRS aes oh 4 453 G Viv gs 

fr ~ ? 1 Milos 

2 Malus fylueftris pumila, ait Aut. 

fies MI 

wilde dwarfe Mallowe, 

eZ se a, 
A fy \ Yi i) 

go DANE 

f 4 

“ % The defeription. 

pas “7 led Mall Hy h Mall » hath man Trial) 

ees SR e : Ce Fy ee ES TP °% ee | } d webiste 
right 9S g gt > gners 

lL. 1 Z To. L ae | 1 } 1 Fi Pat 
leaues { rthebrim, lea 
D Te t s a 
? aq pe man iE ee V1 (icdkeut ae C14 

rufte. TI | f is fee ede, 

rh NAAIE L 1. 2 } rome tt } J 1 

y > 

Veruaine, wherec Orie eae er 
“aav00g Fhich come Pie faire and plane flowers like vnto thdfe. of the common ae 

f i 
tie, The roote is thicke and continueth many veeres. 
The ¢ place. 
"The two firft Mallowes growein iled g potherbes, by high 

"eis of fie Ides. : 

SALN " Ser ey 1, 1s fee ee 8 : } ¢ «3 

: cau! gardens, and is 

motto be ours ee ‘ta Iknow of . 

The Ver allo we gt ; by the di onthe left tan 
the place ve execution by London,called shia allo ina eet neeré vntoa pete fourteene 
miles from’ London called Buihey , on the backfide of a gentlemans houfe n amed i matter Robert 

led. ae Old Soe and i in- the buihes as yous got to Poe avillageby London the clofes 

Hartfordfhire three miles from 
Ratton, The t. 
wilde Mallowes do Seock Bs Sie ull fone be well fen: in the meane time thei 
Goss allo. waxeth ripe, % Then ey 
Wt ¥ G; ° oyy./, Z a Ce” Std 1 7 1 it. t. 11, 
cr * rap La oy ey Sei gS a aan 
c oo £ ; > o y oe fi 1) nT 
Seeiens crutt: in Fe site Mallowe; 
- ; AA = Vd oan. 8 4), Cy ng 1 if meg eis cr. Torks UU, 
a nd Soe 7 ‘cA a: ie LOA. . A er pe seg 
ri Herb 1 in Englift A At et cu Mol 
Thename of this fade Malua, fe h fi Le Hebr Hl g 
me, Mal ,of the faltnefle, bicaufe the Mall h in faltith hand olde ruinous pie as* 
. na kK te } ae LI er 
unghils Eaeebich like, which y 
fr nan, Melach. Gignifieth fale 
pmeth = the yr name Malach the eal deset Pr “cb tg lef owe ed 
foundes fake : fo that i a confonant. 
J}. _ = t. +2 rw Foal a great 
C. Tae Set ape Sp eo TAAL : er soe kee gneiss 
Vv o > aan ¢ 3 
het e. : 
13. aA. Tt 1. * ‘ J omeemel 1 7 NH ethennce 
Ciel; 1 : , OF Pe adel 1 ie ‘cee, lhe oarden Mallowe of 
PF ces re | : 1 atosoty Cheweth. thatthe 
“Holiboe Diphi 7. ype a EA Fe eee | tl 
ke, as 1 . Sif 2 zc = ere « ely COGS te? —- wher- 
10 we may not confent,neither ha vnto Galer , pee is as of thar minde , yet ftandeth Git 
:for the wilde Mallowe without controuetG ie is fitterto be eaten , and more ple 

: ol fthe garden except the French Mallowe, which i is general holden for the whole 
: ‘ / 
tin in his feconde Ode of his 57 

SF 3a vat lua fal ubres corpor. ze 
ealth = ae any {peciall car : 
hich Gat * Ve French Mallowes that tothe body holfomeare. apa odie 

he Mallow ft, but 
foluble, andloofeth the belly thatis bound. Ic eafily defcendeth not onely bicaufe itis mo 
= by sexton it isflimie, 

TLal fran, 

% The vertues. 
-, |) me fn: >? 

ES Ger and {uch like ¢ 
BORE WE eo and 


to |. ft 

or he rf} 
andifaman beh 
as Dioftor ides" faith. 

CAAAIL PS Sd re 3 1 4 Cy Oe q wy R 
ificbe incontinently tal fter the poifon,fothatitk ited F 8 f 
The le aues O: of Mallo boiled till tl y be foft and Pi lied,d Hifi 1 harde fwel. C 
j WG 1 } c J} } : fom i 1 2 
lin } 3 Pky, Se | } re L, 4 c 
The deco@tion vied i gl ft goodag g d gofthe guts, bladder, D 
E and f Bocas ania’ 1 xt 4 AA. - | ,o 1 L Lt > ns. oD JL fh: if th b E 
4 ne roo 1 ¢ ic 
3 = h wi d Diofcoria d Paulus AEcinetstrettifie igs y : 
4 crunke > 4) S 
( Of Marfhe Mallowe. Chap.338. 
% The kindes. 
' . a 5 oe tr. CrAaneila AAA io: Ly 7. .Wh Jel? 2 
; 2 o é é cs 
‘ i Althea Aan Ley < 2 Altheapalufirt ris, Bee 
Penh Mallowa 2 8 Water Mallowe. i 


aN SSK, 

Fe cee monet = 
= tA eT tte fe 13, J} fe si: 
sro i ftalkes be rounde and aie three pores ae high, ofa whitith ea 
Baal ss ow flowers Maia the ivilde Mallow es syet notred as they ate. mie 
Se of avery lig und but! 1 

ths feedes lic,is like that of the firft eae esta The roote is thicke, touch ne 
ont taineth inita cla mmie and ilimiei 2 FNgH bi Within, and 
2 £ gel ory fMall ve she de ar | st v beft i 1 : kinde of marth M 
T heophrafti, whereunto it alee 

£5 : Pitas) be at ae ) ERE I 1 & ae 
4a Sep ek Vy A Fig 9! CL oe i, AAA r 1 i ¢sshoarie 
thatis of a Citrine colour , or aa pole of the Pomgrt anate flowers : ae whi ch pes te 
round bladders ofa pale c olo ur,in fhape like the fruite or feed veflels of roun nd _4yiffochia,or Birth 

peakeeyent ss is pourrioes Pend ae feede, The roote is shicke and tough, much like thofe be 
ie common Mallow 

3 shh arborefiens.  & Althea frutex Caf. 
ree Mallowe. Shrubbed Malena 

os ve 
ot Bau, 
ESS t 




A Te trp ee aN i ae 
TTL AAAI a Dee oe Sy Sa | 574 ‘eo 4 d ei 
Fed, LiF Bra ching neerersotielt 
C cof w then any. of i oer, ssa the ieodieat eras : 
ce Einae heey tofeuer or dinide e their ga rde = vineyards 
fets of priuet or thorne ) the ftalke whereof groweth sprighove veh 
‘comming neere to ae owe in woodinefle and fibfance, The flowers gtow alongft the 
ea ae the common wilde Mallowe, as 
— ‘eh ice aid oka won fistanee, i 
3 tsi and limber bates couered witha barke of the colour of afhes.' 
eee ? ' dges, very oft, aa 
thofe oft ‘ cae 
_ thetopof ice espero, cingl les icweconm oe ie 
Sa fh Mallowe, : 



_ Wehaueano of Maltow called of pene ee Soa Past : pitheuagem & foorth 

inmy palma 9 ce branches, fet xponiftiffe ftalkes; of the bignes mbe, 

gone ro the height.of tert or twelue foote': chan are fer Hiv se ies vhs se epe-| 

§ h pe , or father thofe of ‘the redde 

Gon efoilejealled area prubriom, wherdoft 
Cosy are like'vatothe cor Mall 


J. a ee 

3 and ofa woodie 

a ; P logetad 

i we Theigdires 120% Og ori 
_Thec common marth | Mallowe penal very pel yi 

‘ Voolwich, Erich, seserc ee 

ee urie, Lee, Col chefter, Harwich, and 
ne ereth well and contit weth long a : 
=. ni P z andl SEO \\. ee Fee Pea |, See wv + x 3 ae 
eheriu et Ertdanus, Ath lleaging Theor hraft fh h thati it growerh i in the lake Orchome- 
) i. j 1 L 1 Ce 1 

‘ os Fheophrafties 
a that et igs do growe in 3 lake, Sé ida “fen Phiesietharis,water Lillie 
Pe fome authors rae a kinde of marth Mallowe, akinde eo aN afle,and 

Cats taile,orRee Ree eae Pe, 2 —- 

} pe a L 


‘ hey ower an and aeurith in yn Agus ther rote pega = a fh a ein 
thebeginning of Marth which are't thetito be gathcred ee ember, 3 yere 

The common marfh ‘Mallowe’ is ¢alled°in Gre reek as and ilove: ‘hicEscnce retaine athe 
names a fee fin irinloneDuech and ete oe Matsa 

* ric aaa ee ? 5p eon 7 sy 
tthetiowe thereof i like, or of the colour of Balauftiwesorthe fl f Pomeg 

J ? 
CehAnsall, Y: pigh ya PRESS Y se | 

MadhMalloweis modelo hoe brit he thea the other Mallowes ‘the captrnit 

malig fintitie,! Hsin ge coos! aw5: : 
MWY ae rhe vertees 

; aie Bee a et 
ft, fla cken, if 
r $e adh § 2 


ssp 1 good. efeStine’d with fomentations and sie agri paine of the fides, of B 

he deen 26 clint Jemha Ach oh ( which atfo doth not onely alrage Ee, re 
which proceedéth .€ che 3 a 1 / 
andtopaffe tersiny. : A tithe < 
neces Saye a C. : n 
helpeththe bloudie Aixe,yet not rn any yong peas but by mitigating ie gripings andfiet~, 
Mahtiediiecii kiss 3: ' 2 es gh er rae 
till, the flowers, i Tp s in LAL sre e 
Themucilage or fli imie iuice « ou is 1 wc. 
zedge that flacken and mitigace paine. pie 3a% 
helpeth the the bloudie flixe sfoscc crams sande a 

Psi et 9 PR OS ES ve allaniss 
“ *. é 

‘ 2 -- Dad 3 


adding thereto acertaine quantitie of Fenugreeke,, ‘and, rar saat in- powders. the rooré of. 
blacke i nad = dood quansiepOPatanse Bra fesftamped wale eerste 
applied very warme: it mollifieth an ‘ofencth ity d id 
ip ts ioints, ad ores othe rh aude bb ai iw Bee 

S : ae 5 i sto i sdefendeth sanded dai 

5 , Saison sha ii Shy clpeth digeftion:j men 

and net old VCCTSEOMIAMEHOM.. i ee 
i | Lgiverte drink ray poe a biota tie ad 

Mihai seb eSreeition™: i linet eiey 3 

Of % lla Male. the 3390 

~ Althestatess, 5) 1 

47 1 hein 1 38043 

Yello weMallon Ww Brin cog a 

come ade yell eras > Not les thofe 

of mmon Mallowe in forme :the knopsot 

feede, veflels.are blacke; c d or. wveincl 
fm all cods, in which is blacke 

feede : the roote a and di ech when aia 
. perfected his fede, 

isiéx5 he fede tine brought vn 
soyneoSpaine and Ita Ye 5 we do yee epee in out 
,-gardens,the which feldomne et nei 

his feede toripenessby re eafon hereals weate to 

“Tei is foweninthe iditot Poe it ical 
foorth his flowersin Soprembe: 
BL 3ci¢ nat bd ‘The names. 
bv Iris called aiding 

ome writethtobe like che Gourd, that 

cq: ayell Ow er: forthe: 
yea pak Mallowe is not yellowe, | but: whites fe may T heophr aftuchis ¢s his A 

: Eig DOr = whi ich 
fayin leafe, and to bename 
bein ive abe it to be that tithes or marth Mallon, vate which Teepe 

placesthiereforeiit is hard to faie, that this i is. Theephraftusmmarth Mallowe, cefpecially icoad 
Bis aftus{eeme: “ 
may bet! nek J Oe ¢, th Mallowe can very well do: Dut, 

: ‘herrea: llowé Mall Il: iemayt lled i Englith yellow Mallowss 

and utaiccas 
aa” ee = % Thetemperatures : 
sts ae og The 

Bood.° oui Tbe wertnes.. 
“miter seoahed 8 AAal good for g ds,and doth A 
y: eect sand are ee the fame: 
| F the feede drunke in wine path againft, the fton 
of asics apene. eos the Turkes do ee the feede to robs C 

Bernaraus Paludanus 

Venice Mallowes Hw 7 
YA S park * : 

dies. broade iagged leau 

ES Pe er ee pee ae ee a 
neem Pi lnak. 

1 Alcea Peregrina. sashes 

ite “eT defepton. 

of Venice M. allowe,or Gebighea at noone. Chap. 34.0. 

eeetse 2 blr 
a RE Hee ae 

i ai Sifech vpswach long, rounde , ete Somes fet vpon lon: ong 
es, deepe ts a? oe 
f the c 


eau tones 3 9I8 

ne foorth very p: 
thing white, dafht ouer with a thinne rple; in the middle of which 
tha knap or pefiell saan low ae br taper it felfeabout ei 
Cocke 5 and ine at nine ithath receiuedtl es of the finn wheel oo 
it ee Saracaroperly as ‘called Malua shorriay 
the Mallow of an how tae — in his verfe: 
“as 2 Tb ‘ Ct oloche,Pr ono fequii s 
Fe sk seam mga, 


Ddd 4 

Winda inthe rae 

Ou id {peaking of. 4, 
j 5 aS ale LF 5 ae yt Ce 
PRS SAR STS a ae RR ae FWi nde : 
ty pe fi EP ae Pe Sos bas Be es ee see a 
BOSSES SetOD 201 L OLD Adatee ais Sit fata crucrem 

WNeétare odorato sei quitactus abillo ; rs 
Intwruit,ficnt, co Be 

InEnglifhithins: Jagsigalnn 

This ie fp nearcn tHebload, Bees» 

which through thepower 
Thereof di vel be bubble fheere,that Esai 
rife th weatherc I3iay 

Onwater. ‘Aad before: rae fullan hower 

Ofallour oe wi ith the bloud a Wawer fhe 
there di 
Euen > a dower oft that fame tree, whofe 
ite in tenderrinde 

Haue plete paines inclofd, Howbeit : 
themis fhore. Ps 

For vy = leas dol hang fo loofe through 

h fort. 

As Sa sti si shacall things pearce, with 
euery little blaft : 
; * 

_ Doth fhake ci ef eed fhed them fo,as long 

f they.can 
- Bioof Smyrna an ancient P i do Lins Epitaph fait! to 
i a as. tyes os ae Jo ‘ ne { é c.. fae 
eecniace pl | 
in thicke — oo Delon called it Alcea eee thel aleve 

thof na, The roo r00 and 
L ¢ Pb “4 > ae 
- eaayaee ihiel 
p with pright ftalke of bits be diniding i ilfeint 
placed] Jeepel | iddle rib, and likew if faipt abo 
oP rag Wt 1 ao na 
Care es Cc eR 8 1 L . Lie marr wht 
ce eae ae SRE © Lol d, jsfet or armed 
BS eh OSES Se Bae c 1-1 +. (much 
iuft ifhied Ronee fron the teed , andaepe them var 
Pee ob ‘Ree oe th deftroied 
eee oS r a : el had 3 

“ Hdecthcscoh hate Bette binges out The Spaineand other hot counties. str 
ceil inn = from yeete to yeere. Hes 
: - % 

% nyt. ys By } rig Essen! in tee 
“gomgaitcarh deo Aprill. fs : 
. ws The names. : : Woe Los! ae | 
led nEngih Venice Mallow, ly iok me inthe , or the Mallow flowsing 
: _anhower,of Aathealates ‘ led Lypeccon, ‘RuePoppie;but vnproperly. ath 

er | PRANTSI' | ag3 

, cmperature andvertues. ’ 
There is acertaine clammie Jnichioenstere, of the Venice Mallowe, whereupon itis thought 
- tocomenneere vnto the ayn the comm on Mallowe, and tobe of seer? + boca 
buthis vic :4 ¢ SUR TIS) wD 
i SdH 
aed she Te Cranes bill, Chap. 34 . es 
at ‘iinttad¥a 99: 36 “aplphckindes. y aan Boren SoS N 
Lf. Ay ereof a oft oJ 5 one with the 
Teor thotherwihthe Malowelea 1 typ 
«a Thedefription. mea 3 
ne Quesfoarehath manie hairie ftalks, “tiling : 
hol D: r leaning towarde the grounde, of abrow- 
T  nifh.colour, what kneede -or iointed 
reupon do grow rough leaues of = ahh 
prcneeolgade tl ura pga Ibae aoe 
© bynto thofe of the co se pelo 
-come foorth the toners of a ght pu ee 

" =‘lour after which jis the; feede oe rene 
head andbill.o f 2 pitdes » whereupon i itwas called 
Granes bill, or Storkes bill,-as are 2 
4% of hiskinde, strc ote is flender eee 
d ther 


is fo und deereto common hh waies y et 
AUN ace vatilled grounds , "PS 
a swals almot eueri¢ where, 

1 = pringeth vpin 5 Mas dw nd April flow: ohio 
\ he "Mayandbrngehtiedeonpe sin nha: 
S Thena 2, 
AS) pay ‘ee _iscommonlycaled in Encl rel we 
23S RTI oS i /odinchigh Durch Scarter kea ut + in lowe Dutch 
y ANS ae oe Pred de Pigeon: 
~ Se f SE SR ton itm’ lled G Calbia 
SS 7 SSS glith Dates fore 

hemrn aed 

< th Doues foote, and Pigeons foote :of Difer - 
xe : des ee Bere; of fome Pulmonia and Gru:na, 
a tshed f: oe te 1 Aid Thes 2, 3: ere oe y pRs] 
Otioine togither, ) =< UGS 

: eco, : 

r reg 1 
iS ‘3 7 f 
Paka < Sor ‘hot fwellings. , E 

J = anc Be a 4 RS Pot Go. c.0: 

Shox hi ae a 

-* togithers cureth Seek atl ruptures or burfting,as 
gotten crownes and credité : if the ruptures be in aj 
ithout fhels)driedi 

orolde Sieg ne fpace of one and twenty daies, 

i “epee vinheabogire jets 3a my felfe = Le wits 

oe ati SaaS 24 
“ei et yi Gr Herbe ee a 342 ehinite 3 
Geranium ili : ag : 
Hate He ber S10 

The der 
‘inge other flender, Weake, 

as ate oftentimes the | 
fo, which atejagged andi de¢pely i we ‘ 
uil¢,.of a moft lothfome king 

mell. The 
lous hich being paftstheresfi ollow cer; 

is zeqe rf all andth 

hiker Apuill il ol fommer be ia 

he ithe hetbeie perene in winter ——) 
oe with colde, ‘ 

walt is call ledin high Sig ues bea: ir 

low ps Robhpechts kry i 

t. He 
Disorder his thirde estes fal Pa 

jee Sa ee sas: mdn apparently } 

according: ee he : : 
: sThcmertr es 

& he creuess 

isgood J 
OD oleider doch axccibuncea histhigdedetena the cee ere 
ee rE Ve 

Of knobbed Cra bill. reais 

: 2 : %& The Bebo a 
of _ bill hark th], J Saas a A fallof moe 
toting — ats ki rt Ww pe ipeate ifions,refem- 
bling we lola the shes Anemone, ot Windflower , but £ hat greater, ches 
_ouetworne green, enithcolour among which Wiis) oe do grow 

flowers are of a moftbr ight purple cons. 
taine fi 

eads,w. Ape eey ot bils of birds: ‘the a ; 


: Kk e Pt ae res L : 1 Aicz Lee e ah IT Be | Set habeage 
a as, oa P eoie 7; 7 "WT ie {£0 riandae 


fowers;ofabr ig leh a * ] Ortehe ft hillh 1 2 ab l a 
ast D4 » bum 
eas we cal acne i < 
cranium tuber ofwR. 9 <j ite ; P 2 
nobbie’ gt bill p % o Po eae ¥ The place. \ 

abi wade 2fCiaues pill isa cas tes 
and, notwit nitagiing 


% The 
cite time nfo the reft of the Cranes 

the emied 
rare ee in. Greek Pedr: in’ : 
rainalib CON 

Pip sues - 

: et > 
 Jowe Dutch Difewaers be es eee 
bilcranes bill, Hearons bilyand Pin cke needle: 
’ itis alloc alle off | his tabets 5 and 
\ Ge : itis : Hea Asef 21RD io 
eee cide prima Diefarees bis ful Cranes 
GON wns : bil richis and eae taby certainé ba- 
x Ss " ftardenames , as Onchina/tram, esi 
1) nagar, a and fix hiike- 

ik TOO be - 
The rootes of this Ceaties ‘ill haue a little a 
Lndefhesin them. 

% Theve 
Ae ost faith that the rootes may E eaten, ae nda adram gies of them drunk! 
d confime aw way the windines of the ma 

1} f. 1 oe 

eee to their ceri engrh. ¢ 9, ‘Vs RET cee. 
_ Lhefam eauthor aftmeth that the ig a ram . tt i 12 in wine thre oN a daie, is c * 

e * & 
8 Mi a anes bil. Caps: 
“i ber 4b é 
eeat) abla orl rhea, ochae “ees 
Asked C est 1? eed ho y wea fecbh bi a, wide Brot deste a 
4 Aondog: long] smade of many {mallerh erpen aml rib, fhipror cut <— 
ait fant{weete finell,not v1 liketo th of M ske: samong w sitiich botade 
ll Fes } i y 
aherwhich oy appr mi os } ee hile Iibeel. ee 
and th : e 


pt caer, Vib wf drenst Jot iots=3i a7 Kgs 
Musked Cranes bill. % The place, 

It groweth in harten hig h 4 
te aie atdens for sae fe ns aera 
ars is poffeffed w we 

eA en 
fe flowcech a Sturt all the ba 


ae ed Storkes bill, an » Mele 
Laie snctedgion Nae, eid 

% The. feet, 

j § Cre bil Hh nos of his 
- Py at cicteee or knowne: yet it feemeth to be 
. YP cldanda ice with fome eafineion orbin- 
Sy beeee:.. ding. 


8 The vert : is 

foote, Eiri ie ough se ite tobe on 
= fortestee loudy woundes , and hotiwel- 
agers sn begs 

OF. Gone foote Cranes bill,or Gratia Dei. Chap 345. 

os ee 

1 oote Cranesbill, hath many yng: and tender branches (Be < Set 

whereof it tooke his name : the flowers Ce at the top of the ftalkes 
Bali »ofaperfect blew colour, which being paft, there fueceede fach heads, Fes ik sass 

nas another fore of this Cranes bill gn eh 

ore which 

os “ ee : Geresio™ 

1 Geranium Batrachjoides. 2 Geranium Bitrachioides album, 
wfoote Cranes bill. White Crowfoote Cranes bill, 
YX) Hore SB 

LM | caw 



taper 5 ; Weide dedi 

i oornts, otal. Se The place, : eet eae 
_, ThefeCranes bils are wilde of their owne nature,and grow in barren places, and in valleies rae, 
1, H 4 } 1 ses ? 3 4 % 

ae 3 
AAA fy 

° Z oO 
se The time. 
“a Fk, ME v6 

é a oO r=) rf t 
xe The names. - : 
n Ip * Roe eS | a - 

lene: ALCO ts ea re a 7 

lethit Sottes gnad, thatis in Latine Gratia Dei: in Engl 
or Cranes bill with the blewe flower,or blewe Crowfoote, » 
3 The temperature. 

Jeus, orblew Crowfoote : Fuch, 
lith alfo Gratia dei bleweC 

: : * Orme ssi 4 
The temperature is referred to the other Cranes bils, iis 6 6 UR eee | 
N ith fi h fe , : F Sater ; ee oe pena an ee 
Neither of thefe plants are found good in Phifickes yet Fuch/iue faith, t hat Cranes bill with the A 
blew Bower isan excellent thing toReale wounds: SS SES IORITS Seningepoeit Pace iia 


co So eeeraaere atin baie der: 
~ | £ilfe into diuers branches, whereon are fete 
figs’ 324 i LB hes b Ref Ecra) Paar ee aes 


alkes foftjand full of iuice : dinidis 
tbroad leaues, cur, or.iagged into dip 
GPs ey lane . joee NS 
€2 gapeec 

of fiue leave: 


tq, ctHonsor cuts: among which come foorth flowers ,compofed « : 
intell oe eevee colour, inthe middle part whereof come forth a fewe chiues ,and-a 
Pointell ofa purplith colour :the head and beake is like to the Felt of the Cranes bils, bur 
ieroore dicth whenithath perfe@tedhisfeece,  * : 

BP sae 


2 fthe fi hath Jon : 
he biohr of bits g fader branches rowing 
ee 8 ae 3 ; PS avact heap oe ee a *iollihocks, 
S ry ae fall a a” ENR Be, ais pnege ay Sener r Ape. KES, On the 

7 RCS in, WW “7 aoe ee Lim 1 7 é 7 iy. 
a do likewife die atthe firk 
s ap- 
proch of winter, 
4 Geranium Creticum. 2 Geranium Malacoides, 
Candie Cranes bill. Baftard Candie Cranes bill, 
SN, J — = Sh ty, 

 & The place. 
ars 7 £P&. bs ome | “n ti-hdo orowe 

_inmy garden very plentifully. = 2 

<< ma _ &Thesime, Lig 
~The time anfwereth the reft ofthe Cranes bill,yet doth that of Candie flower forthe moft pat 
with me in Maie. 

% The names. : 

ee Lelnt df ek > hath k : bred ia their feueral sles 

‘They m. xy b ye fe a Pe PY Ae Li) ; ¢. kes bils. - 2sa8 ; 
Se aluyes 

. Theirter ureanfwereth thatofDouesfoote, . , . She. sak 

— ee the T beVtr ieee. erg ye oat TE pe 

A. Tbeir! working ate equall to thofe of Doues foote , and vied for the fame PuPe 2 

& (and rightly Sa i ly being vfedin wounde drinks Fears hi L: 1 sch fa ‘ sony ane E 

Cranes ils andiis equall with any 

hae ST a. tPF a tat 1s 3 
wae : ' thus Aare OH 0 F 
- ‘ F rrod Ht Oty Gist = . 
. a i a Ske BaRe oF 

es: owe ae ne” ee 


Of diners wilde Cranes bils. Chap.34.7. 

% The kindes. 


Here be divers forts or fC ich} >memt 
 entyitormuch fpoken of! by tian writers , all eee = oa to shies vides? this 
( Is, although fome of them hau 
placein ou oat London gardens, an and! that oon ef; >ecially ie the beautie oft: toe Se fomers, tie 

Canes ify you oo toa farther gonfideration, 

ten efim,: *. Geranium fa anguinsrium, 
x — Secs bill. * Blondie Cranes bill, 

es shod Soa lg 
Ride aie % The defeription, 
Ported Cranes b et oe GrArcec Etll ob alt ck shee 
moon fore linido, purpmante, & medio Candicante . isthe fame it os tame 
perl a? ve bill, salen et us at Cro wfoate, ' 

favour ver AB it 

and of a 
leafant 4 bende: at tae aH wh hetof bse 
aes . sof an re Sage aon fs middle part whereof tendin : 
Therooteis thicke ee 3 esa thfoortha tuft of finall purple ie ved, 

hide tootes Ay 38) BR 
doe, SS lie aboue : f 


) r asthe rootes of Flower Deluces fthe 
¢ The. 

LAr te es 
begeDy, : 

$. Avbintieceun £8 


2 Thefecond of theft peed 
eee A, ry its ae l bytes et 2 1. 4100te, fomtimes 
+2 : e => ¢ col. 
of it tooke his name, called for th ft Hamathodes : the leaues, Cowe te 
vnto thot of Gratia Dei,or blew Cranes bill, wherin eff ecially it differ hf ae: feedes arelile 
i 3 “Ip y it tiftereth from the precedeng, 
4 ’ our Por raanaee stn tealigc dean » 1? Maces 
¥ Vreed , dash ; 
3 Geranium mofthatum igodorum, J} : 
Vnfauorie muske Cranes bill. ! 

| A Sew | SSM for 

N “iy SEN WES A Lf 
NA aN 
PSS" SPA ell Ea 

YA aE ah y EV 
sf @ 
RS ts 

Cok a 
ae N 


3 This = le 
bill, being altogither without fanowr 
is called Cf Fliny Myrrhida inodorum, or Gaan- 
weo(chiitier jncdorum, which hachmanie broad 
§at vpon the grounde, euerie lee 

iagged abont the edge 
which rife vp flender braunches 5 w 

growe fmall flowers of alight purple colout: the 
roote is long and ae 

Thi Ic the wilde kindes of mute 
4 s is alfo one of ghew kin 


ked Cranes bils, agreeing with 
ineach refped, exceptthe flowers, foras ae 
t urple flowers,this br: 1 
white flowers,other difference there isnone#t 
e*Cran with vi 
hatha thicke woodie roote, wi 
nexed thereto : from which rife 
foorth of the grounde diuers 
dinide themfelues into other finall 
on are fet confuf 
of three leaues a peece, 2 
about the edges: 

: Boake his name, wean OSE 
= bils, as the other of hiskinde. 


cc ates Hemitodeso sbbnigbie vase bill, and sie 

Grninale: eet _ e Laon $ creeping vpon the grounde: the leaves are mt ack like vn 
toDoues foo inforn e, butcut euen to the middle rib: the dowel ersare like thofe of the wildemal- 
ee and ofthe fue banal of a 

/ > wil 
{ 1, ry J 

time vpon one etal me st in erg but wi ae colours, T oa roote is mae andofa 
woodie fubfta 
""Phavelilewife another for that was fent me from Robinus of Paris , whofe figure was neuer 

é = 
hcp gro } falik hofe of Gratia dei, br fo de pelycur, 
ted,a nd of ath } he A Res ae ae bu. t 

fomewhat c ch: A ge att tt | i es 
nes, Ls 3 (=) J 

epid 1 213 < v The e: 23 

. ee ES | CL Cal 1 Page } Se og Sig c 

The: ¥ fieldes , woodes and 

L 4 1 

oS le -_ 
_* Thetime, 

a Ca . Vg ee | ey gn) hel 

—" titles fhall ferue ee their n Secs 55 teerring what might be faidemore toa further 

“—: h ‘ | | f tk faculti > bur may 

berated ypro the other pe their} ae : si : 
: Pai Dr okinv sort voit Ailes 1 Chip. 8 

| Sanieuls ine Diepenfia. 5. ad iam sent 
Sanicle, ‘at %& The defeription 
yee 124, Agate, leaues FE RAdth gteie 

ao lour, a and fhinin pred aides 

wolley to five parts like thofe of the 

>). -Vine,or Rsherthole of the maple: among w which 

rife yp flen alkes ofa browne colour; 
pes whereof gs shalt page 

cthreddie ftrings 
a The 
It gro AG and ¢ cop es 
ty angle viene and aie 
moift foile 

i pees 
o3tity It howredhin Ma the feedis ripe 
‘io Augutt eid site t es are grcene al 
abe _— and: oes with the colde of 

4 iscommonl ine eee jof: diners Dis 

‘oundes as Rwellrws faith : she 

4 ¢ <- £. a tT, ES. 
V1 Dar a Orne “ees whch > Bs 4. tae 
fer foarth by the name of Sanieula guttete, ig f h ea f Cowilip,and oc 

%& Thetemperature. 
__ Sanicle asit is in tafte bitter, with acertaine age qualit: ¢3 fo befides thatitclenfeth — 
itishotandd dthatin the feconde degree;and after 
sa hot in the third _ seg oh 
re vertues. 
A- Th dl } 
B "Tl } rae Ce Lf 4 s i gi . gai ft f é sone ae avis 
fal Ly pee SS | $+ Ctet 1 il Pus 1 L ; A Lay ith 3 eeue bloudy 
1 lied: Cc Nar St eh ae 1 a hit. Theherbe boiledin 
he L é W 1%7,.) r 4 . id fr wellings; i t is vied j in Po- 
oo recall crarie potions or wot d h 1 » which maketh wholeand and foundall 

a Ladies mantle,or great Sanicle. Chap.34.9. 

lspepa i 
Lions ee ,or Ladies ante % The defeription, j 
= We 
ve Me ae Adies mantle hath many — leaues, with 

mall moffie flowers ch 
: fall wifh greene colou The arate v4 
lions ‘eclofed ih n greene huske: 

‘thicke and full of spies = 

It groweth of it ai A wi pa divers places,asia 
~ the towne paftures by Andouer, andin many pla- 
nB: a 

ces in Barkfhire,and Ha ire, in their 
and coptes or low woods, and alfo vpon “aber 
a motethat inclofetha houfe in Buthey 

Bourne hall ,fowerteene miles from London 
in Pig high way iri hte Wa tforde, a 
diftant from 

%e flowreth in Mate she foe flourithethio the 
winter as well as 

Link Ty, Lic ates S en Be vaihs 3 

in Enghth L di antl eSanicl , Lions foote, Li . ers, 
p jeanne eA 



be xs easly ae Fi hewwertues. 
vs { } Cane cs Cit. c : 
ner see a the. — flowing of the natural a pit oe downe mai- 
dens paps or dugss and when — be too Breat and ~~ ie,it maketh them lefler and harder. 

“OF Neslewoort Sanicle. Chap.350. 

nse ah The defeription. : 

Neer pan 

Hen I made mention of Helleborut al- 

Bie cenfure 

ing Eleborine or, 5, Epipattis: but 

a Elebotne of a calpes putin this dlace bi- 

ter-vnto Sanicleand R4- 

pane as ae Cpa ef both; itgroweth in 
the mountaines and high ft pa rts of the alpifh — 

. sa fhe ae 

oul la 
ger which Pena Sea in pe forreft of Efens, not 
farre from Iupiter: 
Thane notas 283e ean any i of his nature 
or of his vert 

Of vel Chap.351. 

Fre as ay be pags! ast aoa 
tee Crowfoote coetend ere po the body, andthe 
ee item oderation, witha amo: oft exaé andd lue maner of a no 


Rieger wy naa is ‘as neceflarie to the Phin: asoft oer, he 


ot fame,as Scribonins Larews faith,andnottake them ignorantly: or mite = 
Saye eae medine Ra dees arctica ihe au 
aoe me {c i see ri a 1s ; : 
Ss 1 due feafon profi g semper an : 

: Ece 3 -deration 

- deration be ved of which there be fower kindes as D/ofcori i zs 
1 1 + He . 1 ene | hy Pe |) 4 wi Diofcorides w riteth Ate ne withbroadeleaues, 
n.t LG } Ir. Wiel £ he het : . a fags 5 y t. Herba. 
cea g } Pa od + 14% VC £ - Pies \e€s5H0 thatone 
or foraine.M } is a ditt both in tk Jin hel + Bie ho eee 

obbic roote , another a long leafe as Spearewoort ; and firft of the wildeor fielde Cae: 
_ footes,referring the Reader vnto the ende of the ftocke and kindred of thefame , for the tempera. 
ture and yertues. an 

kK Rots og dha, 
i A Oped * >. 
I Ranunculus pratenfis,etiamd, Hortenfis. 2 Renunculws furrect%s canlicnld, 
Common Crowfoote. Right Crowfoote. 

=< j ‘% The defeription. — 
: aq cient ty a c. Lk} ia ek ce , fomimes 
> whitith fpots : the ftalkes bee rounde, fomething hairie , fome of them bowe downé 
owarde th de, and put foorth manie litel , whereby it taketh holde of the groundé 

as it traileth along ; {ome of them ftande vprighta foote high or higher; on the topshee 
fmall flowers with fiue leaues a peece,ofa yellow glitterin ae golde sin the midalepartot 
thefé flowers ftande certaine {mall threds of like colour, ii hbeing patt,the feedes follow, "2 
Ped: inarou ‘ball:t the rootes are white ¢ teddie. eaeepe it Sets ree fatter , hic 
ker,and wats and x Ww - An See Ee ae es like sof which kindeit 
chanced,that walking in the fielde next vnto the Theater by London, in company of ees hich sine 
marchant named matter Wécholas Lete,l founde onc of this kinde there with double fi 

before that time Thad notfeene.. . 2 x The 

Ps ic 

eo. ous 2 |, ip ae ‘te fhe x 1 

“ They gor Thiet 
They foweré in eke ae her monetbes afters: ech 

The n. 
Groot isealled “3 " sae Raion cata: of Pale Ranunculus hrc vis 
Plinie, Po rl piemsts wihiemum ; wibich he faith chat divers. s name air chion: in high Dutch 

OLiT yolde cups Geld kn nops, 
pean Buccerdowers. i : 
100K ajessohRs VA yor TOMA cdtel « 
3 Ranuncus fs a 4 Ramu . 3 
Crowfoote! ofa efillowed — Whice mourn re ee , 

aK i =i “\ 
&; ip fi Ope SW 
Ni/¢ i \Y Wee 4 = 
WW \ 
SWE es a7 Zt 


Vy 15 YoY : 
ey ; 

Ga cms & 
a The deforipti seg 

“4 Thethicd Linde ios £ : oF case eee be 

Thr ‘the moft part an oa fale ofa a Mich wh cise it viele into ao oe 

con do gro we fat 
ame 0 greene, but rath ouerwome-colonr, The flowers groweatthe top/of the 
Rene escompact of fiue fallen of a faint yellowe colours safer which come in place, clu- 
4 Hi i once T yaoecalal tk ae Wo SY Henig: Ehercote < ee . 
« rece amenotfoundicele Tr L Rf gh eee ‘ie aH rs g 

para yin Englandwilde, andbiough : 

ka eld Hampie 0 Be Ie hath, thet —— sands two cuss cig, cnt 

OWE Aconite , called we eT hea Ponticum pte flowers “confift of fiue we 
sant t Haw 

: % T heplaceand time. : 

Their place of growing i hed intheir-defcriptions : i ingand oy 
fwereth the other of their kindes. : ake RT 

& The mames. tots i buryeMi ciaswab sade 
PG SRR A eas (hie tho waB yod'y 

The white Cr f f tt he fi tient aa SEAT 5» 
stan sk Ss ee 4. 3 . . ral Se Sule See pa Moet Ye Fis os wt Chip. 
“ ; ai - . uch: 
nariies,yet Pike Mont Heth ic Batrach it Brclthwhie@rawksee Yo. ee 
4 . o ~ OOS , ITSO 
were rr: j :Cl owol ci + 9fgihditens 

5 Ranunculus lyric 
Crowfoore’ of lyin 

ep iy ag 
a q SD oN) Gi 
Se PY 

Vl \ V 
i AL 
SN =F 



Ey 7 € 

- %& The heeds 
1 3 5. 1. ps 

i A 

many long gathes, fomethi aine downynefle. The flowers be of a 
z yellow Sedban nag roote ie Fe - many {mall bempes asit were graines es of 6ine or ite 
= bulbes growing clofe togither, like vnto thofe of Pilewoort. Itis sa see thatit was fir 


out of Illyria into Italie, and from 
Milepece very common in England. axe 
6 > Thefixtkinde of Crowfoot called Riinidcalia bulbofus, or Oinion rooted Crowfoot. and d 
rooted Crowfoote jhath z a round knobbie or Oinion fafhioned roote, like vntoa fimall es iret 
thofe of t thefielde Crowfoote, bur ft aller, and of a rufticor ouetworne greene ¢ coe rot 
3 lend int yellowe 
colbae 2 . : ; EST ST ; 
yg 3 . nes iota I<. = ‘ : L te, 3 he Iland Sa rdinta, i 
Pees in the minder cana fea.” rie i : we The 


_ & The names. 
3 Shastra ba. dine 

ilfo Herbs Wemust may be, — ek author ts that Kinde of Crowfoote che. Apisomr if, brid awe 
setae thisisthoughtt nha Senge 

d whi ch being drunke, fa he, with wine and { myrthe, caufeth a tan m0 fee divers ftrange 
Sikes ft PrP ae mete 1¢ of the 
Dat ang thinke hev ) ghing Crowe 
htt kill} L: 1 + Naat BEST = ar ee CP ect 
rcistho BEKO Bers 08 Cel } Sh A Be < fama. < j & y 
ot it AN | 1 fk Se 5. 8 1 9s Fenn ‘es 
partie D > P to) 
-\ Ae SS auricomus 8 Renunculus nemorofits, 
Golde haire Crowfoote, Wood ioe 

2% iebtei 

qth fevench kinde of Crowfoote, called Auricomus of the golden Sibi: wherewith the 
: Sci » hath for his roote a great buth of blackifh hairie ftrings; from which fhoote 
<foorth final j 

is ish, wiezed leaues., a walike ¢ to Sanicle 5 ie loa veal braunched ftalkes of a 

“gWondiofe : the flowers are fall taadeel low, ss 
hecighe Crowfoote hath likewife shy om compagt of amultitude of a Te 
» Marifh: Trefoile, fomewt > diuidedi in three Parts, in : 

| wate! mele 

aS “rage the tops eo yellowe oes soap 

ae! beene called Ramune ulus dulcis Tragot Tragushis ee Crow f 



9 Frogge 
: groweth to theheight of two cubits : the leaues are bro 

die pt isofa acon yellowe, asic werc of a faffron 

ro Thetenth 


9 Rannneulu Batrachiojdes, 10. Ranunculus graminens ZO bez 
nae Omens : Graffie Crowe ae 
X DR, 4 

- pS 

y 7 \ 

3 ’ SH RX Dy 
Za Wz cf 

: HN \ Wh Zi 


A i) 
iN IN h. 
AWS IN ere fet 
* Thedef iription. 

Cr towfoote called of Pena Aconitum Batrachioides, of Dedetiete Batrachion Apulei, it 
ade,deepely cut or iagged, euen to themid- 
rib: on the top of the ftalks ftande final! ea — sconfifting of fiue little leaues: : themid« 
ur: therooteis ee h and threddie. 
= deepe green g to blewnes, fome- 

— what eo and fmooth, very ‘like vnto thofe of the finall Biftort, or Snakeweede: ee: 
Le ae is fall and ned 

t PR J} 

und, {nip 
edges, of a bright fhining green colour on aie fi are beak sete oy full lof ‘or 
Teves 2e are  thofé of | Plantaine ofan 1 vnplleafane: tafte at the firft, afterw varde mele yetod 

G honk ithe top lik 

Poe: L res £ m 
F ul f I }: ‘ age 

Sn oe ig it werea thing that were bliftered , by mean 
themiddle o of whichleaues noe rpenakcdille ties “einen 

tell oc hee Cs. —- 
the middle a naked ru y 
a 2 ’ 

a = a : Ape 

pen ee ee eee 


Ir 1, Resch axtonenels Cle, 12 RatanculusLy LufitanicusClus§. 
Winter Cro st Portingale Crowfoote, 
OP Qe... 
: ; CR a 3 Gar 


a einai 

13, Ranunculus phe 
‘Locker Goel sor r globe Crowfoote, 
FP (A> 

GY, © y Aree 

anches , furni 

~ leaues of thofe next the grounde,but fmaller:on 
ae tops sof which br: ranches growe veryfaireyel- _ 

f a fewe leaues, folded 

orrowled vp togither likea cond ball or globe : 

whereupon it was c me tubes Blobs fins, O} 

the globe Crowfoote, or globe flower , mich 

‘being paft, there fice rough knaps, where- 
in isblackith feed:the rote is fmall and threddy. _ 

thee a fourherly or nent? parts of —— : 
that I could cuer v det dak. En pues same 

ASS Bi fonda Mis and une. The 
inAnguft, _” “Sere 
% The 


% The names. ss 
S The glot a 7. Tl 211. i, Lhah Ms Te ps ‘ 1 a 4 
. pinus:in Englifh Globe C. rfoote. Troll a and Lock 1 et ened 
a oe re) eo 

Of yellow Batchelers Buttons. Chap.352. 

I Ravunculusmaximus Anglicus. 2 Ranunculus maximus multipler 
Double Crowfoot,or Batchelers Buttons, * Double wilde Crowtode ; 




GB fire 

Se Bi esiteee 





<9) NY: 

UNE \ 
== 7 ep 
4 y Wy \\ 

% The defeription. 
f. D PR Loot 5 fy deepe 

a greene colour :among which rife vpftalkes, whereon do growe faire yellow flowers ex 
4... ceeding double, ofa thining yellow colour, oftentime cheat gf Aol the middeftof 
—— flowers one other finaller flower, which the Grauer hath omitted , as alfo the rounde or 
SS | 1 Figy ace fa: 1 qcécpe pac - 7 on OF 

with manie 
ouble yellow flowers like ynto U* 


Postnherey i greatly encreal 


} » byacurious gentlemanin 
ses foorth Sip Mater q horas’ vide ae fd it eos awhile in thetowne 


ie Ms Thetimé. 
Be ee f Sk ering EAE ij ] rr. 5 
aney i) os 
% The names. ee 


Dis parades hath m ade no mention reste but Apuleises hath ‘oapseeteda firft ofthefe from Hie 
others,intreating itapart sand naming it tby a peculiagrtaien Batrachion, Nebeseaponi it is alfoea 
i Ba 

atrachion 5< Or 

giiagueneal called Repum DsAushong or Saint Anthenins pe: irmay be calledin Englith, 
¢ Growfoote 3 it is called geen about London Peas Stele Crowfoote: 
cb B Aiton ony eeeats 

seis = te it = 
"Tap dies cheer Crome do. #7 a 


% The Darhaed 2 

chiefeft vertue is in the roote, which bein Ragiped otit ese aN fos thofe fecha beg eh 
plague fo ore, iftitbe profenniving the be ginning ¢ vied tothe thighs inthe middle betwe in 
or flanke,and the kn ey meanes whereof, the poifon and malignitie’‘of the diféateis de Tees from 
the inward —— byske ¢ emunGborie or clei afin ng place of the flanke; into thofe outwarde ak 
leffe account. ipemilecsatetheand one raifech a blifter' to what pate: ‘of the bodie foeuer 

is applie 

li ¢ Crowfootes willdot Md ee ; 
myteafon is eiecate a all andeuery y of them do a. blifter, “and d caufe Paine y wherefoeucr oye ie 
applied, and Paine doth drawe vnto it felfe more paine: for ther nature of paine isto refort vato the 

dileae torefort vnto oe lo a ; 

eee ts faith furthe Eee pee 1 Rl Pen pee 
i t Scorpio, that 
este foorthwith be pied. ‘Mosomnd the te naashed nie ees wines a 
it €a teth th 

and leaueth 3 colour like that of the bodie. © 

Of white be oiler Buttons, or dbl 
Dales, ap. 373. 

% The defrption. 
He jthae yer Growfot ae man lates, , deepely cut with athes; 
“Tits 5th ect dinide themfelues nea 

Ste on th 

¢, ando 
de our yellow Buches Basan . Therootei is ae limber, and difperfethitfelfefar 
© Rimancales 



1, Ranunculusalbusmiltiflorus. > «0 
T), LI UAB ss j EES | RQ J 


aah}, bite ot. 





KR. « Reade furtraua, j af - 


te E Ra 

Sav dagnoq 

% Theplace, 
It groweth in the garden 
and louers of ftran 
nae good plentie? 
any where, 

s of Herbarifts 
¢ plants, whereof we 

barit groweth not wild 

ss % The time. 

It fowreth from the beginning of May 
“| vito the end théereo£ EN Tea 

“ok The names, ) 

Tris ‘called of LObelius Rakusciilns nj, 

wens Polyanthos,of Taber Months Rinuns 

cnlusalbus multifloris'; in Englith Double 

white Crowfoote, ot Batchelers Buttons, 
The temperat: a vertues, 

The temperature and faculties in wor. 

king agree withthe wilde Crowfoots, 

Of Turkie Cronfooter : Chap 354. be 

4 spars ia Ue 
2 Raruneulus Tripolitanus, . 

“<>! “Crowfoote of Tripolie, 
reo 4 g ‘ 


% ag de wget 

1 J 
; eS the aise wi 2, he ae threw ‘sie andof a Ache ‘hiked greene “a 
The ftalke rifeth vp to the * height. ofa foote, fmooth, and very brittle, > diuiding i it felfe i into 

: a Lk eof ins og 4 hl bs fndntrasl 
ager: th cc dD 5 re 7 SP, }, itor  . eine 
colour E ylong tong Ese pellote 
Afphodill, SEE Sia en = te , 
2 n S. ‘ r 

} £G ifwell g which rifeth vp aftalke of the F eight HORI cute Jou 

1 dog broad! Jeepely cut,euento th iddle rib, like, thofe of Hem- 
1 he An Gai CG 1 

puerwarne redcolour,on the pa de ot ared lead colour . “or Phoeniceus ie in fhape | ¢ the 
wilde corne Stee the te or ftile i inthe middle which ‘conteineth ae feede, i is garn be ee or che 

€ is as it werea bundell o} 
Vee hall 13} PB Pe) a wee 
o CD 
‘Contant SO f 
TL. 6-0 1 We2 3 41. 1 At Afia, a ny Yih oe pa 

PA 2 

y divers petfons, but 
3 a wi by hs of ty ioe cue sad want of skill of ‘tre ic that haue fuf- 
1, they haue beene 

ag fa 

rg RFs} OM YS! EE 4 } 

t=) pies SF 
T. las 1 | ats CG } hicl drie bef lone 
Theeth HincAl d Tripolis in Syri lly, from viencene hated pat 

o ? d A t fs 
* qT he tite. 

Thatta Ce SECS Daas» See he feedeisrinein Avon © 

" ® The names. 
The firftis called z Ppa ee, ae >7h/; 
Ranunculus Bi in the Turkifh toong Tareloe PO i in Engl tie 
double redRamanculasc sor Growgof 

}, C+h 1 L, 
i ought into 

. res 
pa :of the Turkes Tarobolos Catamer, ae hat addition /a/é, which isa pene 
vnto all flowers that are double. 

% The ee VErtHes. eae 
Their te teen 1 Crowfootes, whereof! hand Shot 


Of Spearewoort,or Banewoort. Chap.355- 

: % The de(itiption, 
’ Pearewoort hath anh 6,11 .¢1 pane 1, d 
epee thofe ofthe Willow, of afhini I lowers grow atthe 
pero of the ftalh 2 é I = df I 
go! ‘old cup. Pa fap: OR os eee the r 
terootei is conpae ofiinee Sarees ae. mixed with an infinite number of ma toe 
and ftalks 

le the Pa tes >peare eye dy thats which we callthe leffer hath ileaues, flow wers 

1 Ranuncnlus flammeus maior. : r 
S Great Speatewoort, 

eee Ay b = = mth, 
3 Ranumenlus flammens ferratns, 

_ lagged Spearewoort. 


rae ar \ 
<<’ — 
kee NM ; \ 
: = KX ” 
—<—s © 2 ae 


. TR) S GQ RS 
Ss ° 


2 Ranunculus flammeus minor, 
- Thelefler Spearewoort, * 

A A 



4 Ranunculus Paluftris, rine yaa i 
‘Marith Crowfoote,or Spearewoort, 
do. Ds GD. 

OO ee ee 


% The defeription. 

3 lagged Spearewoort hatha thicke fat hollowe ftalke inape o it felfe into diners branches, 
nted and cut abou ut i edges 
n form 


a 1, ee 
c teeth c of 2 fawe, T 
like th Yad a s ca l id l Cho: a 
like th Ar Oi e fait 7p RET es L VS Res | ea Vnroel 
ia 5) \ > tt $ 
4 L the true Adit’ 1s, ij is the f2 f {c 

i) Apium E: sod um)* rife ar Coch of the siti or eit mite froma threddie roote , to 
theheight ofa Cae fometimes ea The ftalke diuideth i it! felfe i : into diuers br anches, where- 

upon dogro : 
ae fr 1 < n APE °, em, 7 1 
the cut Mallowe, g > g gg flowers 
1 fake f } £. iT] i] Vt a ook atc 
growa p I Se 
% The place, 

ES > 1 eit al rie Ta C. Ry 9m ep eee 7 

iney ¢ k > 2 P au 
moft euery where. 

% The time. 
They flower in Maie when the other Eariporss = 
The names. 
,| on coy 4 | 7 Ct ee: %1 2 f do 

Foor, dss 

munclas erie, » Pleyplon broad leafed Crowfoote, others resins act mle, or ae 

1 BA os gee & 

Banewoort,bicaule itis dangerous and y the fame it in- 
flameth their liners, fretteth and he, "he guts hist catrailes, 

The temperature of allthe eCrovufoo tes. 

Spearewvoortis ae le ing,itexul- 
chard rieh bi ns d being tal dly it killect diles.G setae the Crow. 
footes,as fl biti litie,infomuch astl ife blifters with pain: 
andaehs hor ad dtie’ in the Oe ese 

The vertues of all the Crovufootes. 
The leaues o f Ci I y part of the eposdyaieatieaae the A 
skin to {well aa bit sand raifeth vp wheal , bladders, ae ears ,crufts,and vglie vicers: it 

laide vp gg f il j fuch lik ,toca ufe ae to fall a away. 

Thele: {t land lied {telentiall if arbuncle , , ftaieth phe B 
Dreadino nar, C ir en “ee nt t ice 
tg a 2 r 
Opening the pores and paffages in the skin. : 

Itpreuaileth htod | fore fi | -being of danger, vnto other Cc 
temote pl ae ee ice Ea ee ET Pike Bee on ig ee Pe y 
defcription : : 

Many ‘ oe t 1 P igi, ope a J Cm OF A} £.1 f x2 of At . 

ae By Colehit & C. bs SS oe 
leony 2 ; } : Cet 1 L.Ief 4 —— 
iin nnd Ben — “é 4} “ ve “as C1 E 
et , Ac Ripercpa scot aie Satie fis anal ae api Sk ig = bs cot 
“ 7 \' o om ro é x f be 

pene leofC e FU hee? 1 le Date Beeatinmne » of others « (Atonitum F 
to as + 

Batrachiordes. Th 
sdk thee in rach ftrange manner , that as who jeer fuch as died by the 

nNernec if 73 1 i ~ L ghing 3 th Lely . uae 

Whereas contrar chan a ae eae Sa I 


Of Woolfes bane. Chap.356 : 

% The kindes. 
en lL. A {- CEXT ITT n ee j rel Cc. ha c W } ‘ 
; aa rea i: 1 pap ieacapscht toeh 2 Youow colour; 
befre £ cl 409 Py ee Fadel oar others 
: 1 ThoraValdenfis mas. 2 ra V alden|is fom 
. Broad leafed ecolles bane. ' Broadleaf eal Woolas 

at bitte ds 

1 pit of 4 ' = a ‘sy 
- BF owerhin great ‘eeabers srieire the apt cosine thas asin This plantt 
% his nam © of the: Greeke bras figni ier ‘ruptio - muether’, Tp a6 

which — his hays we very much in poi 
entenek dices Sep En eae pl a - peed ss t wilde 
and fauage beat hich di 1 $ , themo san Ae an nek ie i odipachie ae 
i es “oe o2 4 Tae eee le 
brough es necte vr a frie fel wis thehunters, Nico so 
dcpobecfangee SR. SEES ei bel Jit h nates vel Pa ee nde'vncureable 
ifit fetch bloud, ans 4 4 ? Oe, cau 
quantitie : this plane therefore may reat accounted as wtih and chick ‘of thofe that eesti 

Sagittarie or Aconites,by. reafon of the malignant qualities aforefaide, This that hathb argueth | 

ease Bisby ss Tees ¥ }. ]. ee BY OOP ~) 1 AES oe | Ae mee”, Vee 
lL a: } .7 = C Ror] L 3] eee 
L i 
2 t3 Aw? 1 Lek.) eee 1 } ; 
1 : ' ] ¢ L 1] Cc af LS r MP oe 

ra, whichis the very  itcbed 

we od at Author 
se veer Hie the kinds of Aconites, ae ‘eile of tis he fmall and ruthie, verie fino. 

+ two ohan dfulshigh , abuntthe e middle whereof, and tow op, commeth foort often one 
y : x "whi € fomewhat rounde of com 
Bey CSE PRAISES Sperry ge slike th ke. The leafeis fife and fomivhat 
< 1 Ate 1 se 1 ld _ J. 

‘ i‘ i atthe top 
F  oftieftalke, in col d fathion like rt Cinkefoile, » OF fe leafed gratle: a seoccs 
us. = ett Lh { d 1 thick 
q aaa a o an PS 
; ’ S the ftalke it is i like tk f Anthora,or r A Phodelis, Dodonans hath more sili 
. De mati meses 9 hislafted | Penah 

P cr t 3 10table refped 
SEES Vs Sp ods Sith ay eee) ZO 8 } Mi yea norhing } 
fi i y t 3 7 Dy to) wh AL Ai 
true picture. re eoy IME. tae Cehe tlt) 
cl hath ly ftalke.and the f ohandes ahi vacepaecue 
ghee or fower Icanes,{eld which k Co hsede: tounde,fmooth, ofa igh arene 
1 1: Lt Ibn lk 1 fthe] f Wo. vad, ni ckedi in the ects 
: 3 ere Pr. H lnffsesh 
_ ig ‘ f ee aca | 1. 
Chk 6. > } sn y se] Sere if } t Ebethadakich Ties 
2 ia oes * cx 
Afphodill. ct 
3 Thoramont is Baldi. f 4 ThoraSe 
’ Mountaine Woolfes bane.» vesw he iv < Sauoie i Weasbane, 


eT he defeription. , 
3 a ge Pate Cot Pili Tr: LEAN. af. {3 i pe be LM, spr % 

£- } ] 4 Siac Sels dg py. eee A j . He whereof 
> of the Vald 5 haui f 

tt spe y E. a pey . 1] 5 Narrowe and Bite ob ingeed at the place wher 
ULEAD Sts ius ee oe a Pe } ¢ | 
Il yellowe flowers like the . 
precedent, but much leffer. FF 
ight ftalke, {mooth, and of: lourcin the ae A 

3 : > ; t=) 3 MS MCC 

ereo. f grow two leaues, of an blewith ur: the flowers are fomewhat bigger 
vba the precedentand of the fame colour, ‘ 
? sata 
% Saaae : ay, 

Thefe venemous plants do gtow 
The firft grow ely! in the teh ret ee Valderis, who glee part ae fa toma 
towards Italie, The other is found on B. alcus, a mountaine of daly, aS are {trangers in England, 

* The time. : 

TL a s Be l IA 44 pe 
? , Se eka ; it hrs elas 
# The names, 0 OV 8 0 to 
° TL L j CA {KZ 2 Lk 5 \ oy | 7. ~~ A ocr. L : j I 
2. +} 4 bt ei AT, I. AA 1 L } Lok rei bi oe J, Lae 
ee = * (A ? 
t his fourthb fixt F eke 
eae is ands to ates this fame to be Thora Pale Munkes ho sae of Valdenf fa: in Englifh ; 
= fthe reftas is fet downe in their ioe tides, by 
‘Rise? oi 
4 a IPs fe @ The temperature and Vertuese 
AL Theforceof the W Ifes banes , ate moft pernici d poifonfome, pet 
ae I, Ci. BEES, YF) $e: h 
Cheer. <i: a Lh -oW tte aa A hkealte of 

j j ae 1 +. ft BS. 1 1 ‘7 
any other aa 
doth die wie hala an hower after remedileffle. 

; 4 
Of winter Woolfes bane. Chap.357 - 
% The defeription. a 
His = = A { I My ob prea ses 
Engli olfes be, , OF = eee Woolfes 
foort hof the ag ee the dead time of winter, many times being 
s of his leauies and a owerss ~ she eaten come weal ther is, and t 
‘the f dt 

with — a flender eche, deci cutor ite onthe aaa 
ur. agin rth a yellow flower, i 

to the common field le Crowfoote , after which followe fundrie cods full of brome 

reece = Aconites : the roote is s thicke, tuberous , and knottie, 



‘ Aconitum Alen < 
‘, Winter Waele bane. ee % The place. 
; * rolt It groweth = the omg’ of sehen! 
gr titie of it inour Londo on g 
dens. : 
% The time. 

flowreth in T. 

the fede is ripe in the 

% The names. 
Itis called Atinitum hyemale, or Hiber mum, or 

31 07 Woolfes bane , both the forme of the Jeaues and 
-eods,and se the danige erous faculties of the herbe 
itfelfe do de 
‘It is sia tie to Aeanitis Theophrafti, ae 
he defcribeth in “his 9. booke aying itis afhor 
herbe, haui ae no meer, orfuperfluous thing ero. 
‘wing onit, and iswithou eae as this saa 
iss sthe roote aith heis li ae to ° ortoa 
nely a he leafe petiias 
to orale againtti it, which i is nothing el det to 
dee of Succory,which he eompareth ic v: 

& The senperatere ane ign 
£28 Se 

* 2. deadly shot cecdhigmtbege degree, as —" 
- inplainewordes doth teftifie concerning his owne 

: CAbonite 3for which he faith that there was neuer 

~ founde his antidote or remedie : whereof Wathe- 
mans and Theopompus write, that pee me as 
moft poifoneft herbe ofall others > which'm 

3 the on fat : orpior 
xs if the {corpion paffe by where it _stith and touch the fame pee 
.. Tyhebeco mmeth dull, heauie ; and fencelefle, and if thefame areas _ chaneetoucht thewhita 
Helebor jsp iis prefently delinered from his drowfines. 

; of Miridat Woolfes bane. Gs oe 

* % The defeription. ae 
, i His plant called Anthora , being the antidote again the ¢ poifon of Thora, Aconite 
ah: Woolfes baue, hath flenderhollowe ftalkes,very brittle, a cubite high , garnifhed with@ne 

<S iee Owe colour; after which come {mall blackith cods, ree oa aa aoe ck 
’ *e ¥ thofe of Oj iNions th 

», Ofamansthumbe, pes 
i i Fils 

inhisteae of the plagues the feconde  difference,the thirde seis rz and the ro 
—— oS Ses See is $m ge ut rr hdl ee om 
and ui fe parts a Z. kill I the Ide Goatesy 
and otherildebeatsof oe Alpith mountaines. And ai roote ale is the te en 
poifonfome qvalitiesand thus much Guanerine, ‘ 


of Sep 


Anthora fine Aconitum a" 
Holfome Woofes bane % ae 

me poifonous likewife: but 
gke pt farre off it it etaineth his owne natural. 
‘ett ll. 

The inhabitant cf me lke of Gongs ek dhe 

people 4m ria. die 
which is like to Muni 

mee acertaine shee 


oho Sexft ol s ye ee BS 


If 7-4, 

iti us 
thecaries do fell Sao paraatiacpel rat Anthora, wbichisa 
at not without, caufei is thoughe t tobe Auicens a nd ind Serapia ps Zeranbeto or Zurunbeth, 

toote ofa longer forme, 

ines Guancrins doth {hew, the t Anthoraisof g hee and that again 

= 4 Itis called anda 
5 dad he 
; Sapa to the fame. Thora and Anthora, or T: dA des,but_ 
ad Idwriter, who ets amedicine tobe made of Te 
een at heei yellowe 
vio ea Ae mith 
Ss % The vertues. 
The roote of Anshorai derfull bi Il poif 
AY “See Be L oy RASS 0. #t Pay ps sgood 
nerofwormes of the ely noe a eh nae: 
byven i thacth fure th fis tal ig seanitie eof Fafe i Uichiae is commonly 
ee L ae 

nines bas 
soflike ‘th 

It tone in Avsieect Coli is ripe in the end 
ember. ; 


= | 


Se ee 

as tae 

ee. ee 

_and ips thatit caufed them to fwvell very extreme hat befor 

PaTET ORES sae ah PLANTS. S2r 
simon lumen, r raand —Arnoldus Villanouanzs in histreatic of D 
w/8 . ‘C6 <6 Sage Re lL ray My A thera, 
_ eae 
Ofrelln Woolfes hee at 359. 
Thek kindes. 
conde tiapiaelte of Woolfes bane, g ha Fayell colour, 
“ I y lI } i g 5 another lefler.* 
Aconitum luteum ponticum. . 
Yellow Woolfes bane, % The defeription. 
He ee = of Woolfes bane called 
| emit Ki ponticuia , OY according to 
oo 078 lutein mas 
dus: in Engi yellowe Vi ¢, ‘ities 
shi our age‘hath f fi fe 
wn to Dire, thong amet efor 
Soins to {tande inditfcre rent be etweene the k 

Fey * 
his poifoning gu aa of Als cath chen A a eR Taney 2, Cibeer. fb C 
tefonesbech wed in th foortl | yetlothbue the 
congeing than oval inane eae ee ming or giddines in the hea 
Prem iny remem ee ce an hiftorie of a certain gentleman dwelling i in Lincolnthite,called 
of im 

of Kings Colledgein ¢ » Cambridge, eth vnito me: Mafter Mihevve dwelling in Bofton;a 
oak Phificke g of Lincolnfhire, aid a roote 
: thatthehogs had ened hich fe 1 hi at itwas 
inthe fprin before the leaite hi he taft ue and ditfoinamed his 1 its toong. 


we mea sale and no doubrhad kt hislife, eer pe: Goi it veblted 
thishiftorie fe ech pretently he procured an. and vfed, [hauehe 
nature ma meee ed to fecke that venemous plant, o ee oth his kindes: XO: Dad 
tly periaded thatit is either shed Tora? sepa fenton lstewn,yv heteof this geen 

PShs i 

& sy 

Th: WT th]. 43. ES 1 ? é 
i his yellowe , 2) > Orin othe 
of thefe northerly regions. * ‘The time, : my 
j-a ype ey. 7 c. \ 5 A . : 
% The names. 
This is yellow \ Woolfes b: i Iled PL Obelns Acon?: is Donic wae 
b : “ caeeaiai 4 Voolfes 
W. oolfes banes, of which heh 
ters vfe one, and Phifitions the bho Marcellus Ver gilius h £ 
plancis vecerly tobe refufedi in medicine. ia The sak te vertues.. 
he faculti is , and likewife 
‘ : . J 3 and likewife 
to all other lining creatures. 
vfed among the hunters which feeke after Woolfes , the iuice whereof! they ps put intorawe 

fiefh which: the Wool fes Wubute and are killed, 

Of other Woolfes banes that are not Below: oF 360. 

%& The kindes. 
senda other kindes s of Woolfes hanes, hich differ from the f Toor okhet 
for good and efpeciall caufes, : ae 
1 Lycottonon flore Delphin 2 Sion corte 

Larkes heele Woolest aks Small blew Woolfes bane, | 

a # The cg 

ce Jy " 
Coen iti 8 scaled blacke eshte ) nah ae tise Teaues, of8 ie 
rie deepe greene,orouerworne ry deepely cut oriagged: am which rifech vp # 

an S| oor tet 

ome and the thruins or oom with eabehe blecla Rr, “sche alfo blacke arid three | 
comered,growing in finall huskes: ther roote ethicke and knobbie, 

inde of Wioolfes b d E 
SE edeac! — Wiles hathmany se brittle foie two cubits ee belt 
with leaues,very much iagged like voto Aapelbscalle edin Englith Helmet flower: the flowers 
growe at the top of the ftalkes ve a blewith ¢ colour;: » fafhio ned alfo like an hoode, but wid ler ee ‘ 

BES Rr a) Nek sc. 

aaeeeTeseseclpaliaps ce vhi hit ooued Rape 
tJ .% 

3 ae rus Caruleus. 

Blew Helmet flower, : Sai % The defeription 


ect auaileable 

F medicine againft the deadly bite of thebeaft or 

yA worme.called’7, ‘Taranta, or any other venemous 

J beatt wharf 3 yea, an tremedie not 
a onely againft thie poifon of the Aconites , b 

“fedde Hees uesras ts aboue mentioned, innums 
enty,.of, oe ah catondes and bole Ar- 

sonic ofech a 
Tacks badeor Woolfes ne: which D Dodo os * found in anold ——— = 
Poakcin the I ratie ee marel are Ls 
. VO Dioféorides his deferi Lap € eles ‘I hath so seems vnto 
hh = tree, butlefler,and more full of i iagges,and diuifions,a flender ftalke as Ferne, Ay cubite 

ose ae in eae = hath Black ar indape ile Ge Creauifes. Heerunto agreeth 
bs Epes neither fo large, nor fo much di 

Allthekin4 Peer sy } 

Seer es i be) i mi =m a 5 fc orth 

a tia and barbarous Herbarifts = mene this Taft Wioolfes banei a Latine Nepe, ft 

tedi inthe figure: it islikewife Lycottoni fpecies; ora kinde of of Woolfes bane 5 which is is ‘alfo cdma ‘ 

Pare ft j har Tac j ee ee ae iowa, meh 
>) - LOACHT), ta, and 
2. Diofeor ide to Toxicum ; togi ther with sidies 
J ae cnet v3 oft eh on tht Auicen tod concerning Napellas: twithftan. 
ding 4 of Napellwsand at mir: (ashe 
himfelfeco con elie) fo elite: itisnot to — — that haning written of mom he fhoulde 
afterwards intreate againe of Tox, 
Then ture and vertue 
A Allthefeplants are hot and septic in the fo oe os riety ofa moft venemouts qualitie, 
B the force and facultie of Woolfes banei is deadly t the fan 
t, burm 
mentable, fe } “ee REE ts L y : = : i rn 3 4 ae para 
i f. fe ye L itl ft - i , and fo died yas wehavefid 
in aioekel chapter. : 
cit + Ge ome | 

| herbes are thefes their lips and 
aaah fvel foorthwith, their ee pee Bs out, their wighe ate ie and their: wits are taken ftom 

ily £ as ing t i: -_e- or" 
it felfe I enti f the Moufe ( s the c pi ‘ yt | 
iene adem hichis alrogith imie to the poifontc 
sme Ris hf “i ze | é 
E (P * ~— ees, g si Pee . Fp a is of opinion, 
hat iti fe that Ass nf kek f,buta Flie: for he telleth of a certaine Philofopher 
} full di ke fe his Moufe , and ae prmeien a ; 
“time ee tta! (pe ae roote of Woolfes bane gnawne or r bitten, a had reai in 
_ ching hefounde manic flies oie en nthe leaues, which the fame Philo prose Tate | 
. an antidote or counterpoifo 
= by Lasiene the eth of\ Woolfes bane. 
= . leg ed, . f she Rae 
OF ena iibescighec Tater care 

a oo and oile Olive a alice pantie. 

eae and. fib. bot AA AIG olde: Woo ‘ 
flies which refe it by fy 5 Mf , he a ed a 
= : _ eT sii re 
= There hathbeen littleh “s ites,but much 
i faid t heereby, as the ¢ Wofill bg tree cofthe Jare lamentable 
Of blacke Hellebor. Cg 
= an %& The defeription. — 
o* Sa easter 
oe a He firtt kinde of Blacke Hellebor , Dodomens etteth forth vnderthis sdereaan 
= : " * — ad Sh ee Leh Fe iled Vere 7 
trum onely without this wih gen anny ppt eae ni or a os 
which is a namemoft ficly agreeing vnto the tiie and vndoubted Blacke Hellebor? Jant bath 
and other forts thereof which heereafter = 

fale otbaftd kindes thereof ner] 
3 thicke and fat leaues, ofa deepe greene colour: ¢ vpper partwhereof is bas bisa of 


-RISTORIE 40F plese 

pam others fewe 5 like ynto the fe. 

2 S Tiecondhindoflacle Hebe lled-of Pena Hellebora/t: Fo a ge 
cundum : in in Englifh Baftarde He) llebor, h ae a 

, but narrower ~ 
t;¢ach leate beingmuch ited or =e about the edges li Re afawe. ‘The ftalkes nn to 

: me. afooteor more sdinidin 
lo grov ¢. L Lh i FB age teeta! 
Jour. Th ar id 1 Vy “a Lt oe eer is ” wes: ig 
Oy) 5 
Helleborus ni niger 2 Hellebora aftrum. 
Scie true mee Hellebor: ear, ‘r blacke Helleb or. 


ey meson aN 
as a + —— SS 
WY = < 

93} INN B\ SSS 45, 

HK ght vi 


* hed. aa 

Thethird Lind .£PI. ck Helleborc roe Be og : We hp 
shams Puant d He seacmeo igs wih addition ws 
hich the reft of the fame kind dono 
atall, or verie ante and may becilled in nog rhe bring heap aes = leaue: 
ce selifornce wilde Hellebor, be'verie muc nore 
jena As cut. Theftalkes s grOW vp to ole hg two cubits, Foote kl 


} his vertues 

as fhall bee themed 
afterwardi in the names shercok itis fo well knowen vnto * mott fort of people, by iy nameof 

3 “Helleborfter maxim + nou 4 Comfiligo Ruelly C Sefamojde. 
The great Outi Se es or ta “gin oom 

Cr Sy y oY) 


& The place, ss 
Be SNA ve vpon fotigh and crag ines: th 
ny woods and thadowie places in England : we shave ees all in our BS pitas 
Thee a 2 a Pio ites ttth Thetime L 1 1. 
i pt es 
Itisa d bel i dacs fer 1 ‘ A. Blanbe Usk 

ae y he 

_Iebors: de gambre ne megro 
aS sonar bien it was fi found e .: ae cash tho ee to purge eth 
< ealth, Diofcorides writeth, that wasa 
hei etd : others SE ane Ta high Dutch i iriscalled C hf ot hat ,Cchiftes here or 
ft ee cn :inlow Dutch Depiich& etff ttitt,and chat bicaufe it flowreth about ee a 

_ Thefecond ki kind was called of Fuchs Peudobelleborus, and Veratrum nigrum adalterioum which 
isin Eng b, Fale ot baftard blacke Hellebor. ‘ bor. . Moft nameit Com/lieo, bicaufé the iusbandenof 

| Our tim ith cure ee ircattell, no otherwife than the olde Farriers or Ho racist 
wont tc Bias che id “i 
vnder the th oft where they puta pecce of the roore of Setterwoort, oF 
~~ fuffe tthere to remaine forcertaine daie. s togither:which manner of cutin they docall Sere 
ing ¢ attell, andis am € ing, as thefaide Horfeleeches do their horfes: 

horfe haire ewifted, or fuch like, dhidasin Chinese we dovfe with filke, whichin teedeof te 
word Seton, ace aine Phifition called it it by the « natne Rowell; morde very propery pay 


eas i i Ba 

Bis ag 

14} 7 ys 

faid whic! Wat 

Sry RIES 1 1} j | paeee 

dairte and Averocles th g 
Beaifoore. hgh t,and Settergraffe. 

The thirde and ak pea the Germane toong a thatis Pedumcula i, 
ee : foritis thought to deftroy and kalllyc , but theepe and ee 

< sas k i. ehner 

- ee is Ae in rEelity 

% he Lemperatare. 
hee a 4 J eR ot _ 

mannet hot and drie in the third pe 

: #T he vertues. ss 
Blacke Helleb hd of ht py eae ae RO fT dall A 
gees =) Sed 

Jancholike | I { diflicultie, Therefor eee IS gta bir 
robuttious and aMiopg Dodie ee teacheth. A rece of blacke Hellebori is good form 
and furious smen, holike; dull, 
ling fick - for ; 2s OS, eee) Wt cL 

pled with ea Sterne se with melaneh t 

i Them nerof giving it ( meets 3 the firft blacke Hellebor) faith Actuarinsin his firft booke, is B 
‘ sieeeruples licule more cot 
% Itis + ee & Fs! £8 ft ,fome ff (eB per 

Hola ak a ae nd aS © is Ss . oo 
Scamonie ; Thusinuch A@aarint, am s : 
The fll of thefe kinds is bef, hen the fe Leth {t f leffe f hes 
- T 1 black f; in the skin, tetters, ringwoormes , Iepro- E 

sand feabs. 

_ Theroote fodden in pottage with fleth epgnetie the eo sti es as haue the drop er F 

The root of baftarde ellehoh alled among our Englith w tefoore, ftee neG 
and drunken loofeth the belly,cuen as the true Ber Hellebor. an is good — alt the tae 
Wwhereumto blacke Hellebor feructh,and killeth wormies in childs 

4 j 1. CTrTr 
Seance ; : ! 3 
poh Tishatit A cette Poe ee TY } lviclisumiiees 
2 > ' i as 

"Tikes of ce / oin60itsJ-4:ite> sae 
1 LY,31L. wees ,- Cee J 1 D Ge o wa ook 
“St orraifon. or ft d Weed finrbs benteh acon: Pe Te 

f ty r ¥. 
i biomesincidtenexeisgy Iai 

fires blacke Hellbor. as AGM, Br 

Be aco hatin % The defription.. sodeiests 4 


Pisin fe li hy LObeling ynder the name ame L4frantia nigra, 

Tee. ery wellin fhape with Afrantia, which isalfo called eens 3 neuer- 

tia di bythecon fenrot a aii s. other authors who haucexpreffed this plant fora 
of 7 5 Sabet or black Hellebor, ichath many bl lachit greene leaues, parted or ed we 

fower or orfiue deepe its, ft 

; Bins ofcolcand gales apportion. Teles een tthe ze 

: Se le tufts or vmbles,fer togicher like thofe o! echoes us, lasbithih Apa 

sdathe ouet(asi it Bits little darke purple : after which come the feede like v oan 

aa on. The rootes are many peat te Si ticalaeoce heade , or matter 



Aftrantia nigra, 
wie a. 

Ti foe cde bc iaaL ew eteh ee 
y % The defeription, 

There is another at w tae hath ies! 
counted of fome to be a kinde of blac Helle- 

at one ende 2. at turning vp the other likealitrle 
cing ee Beli fucceede fall 
eae ‘ike ihe pe ete 

le ate, 
BlackeHellebor is found in the mountaines of 
Germanic, and in other vntilled and rough pla- 

itprofpereth in gardens , Déo/corédes writeth 
ie blacke Hellebor ‘groweth alfo in roughhigh 
aces: and that i is 

Sona fuch like place ces as is that faith he, whichis 
brought out of Meals citi¢ in Gr reece itgro- 
weth in my gard 

This blacke Halho. 4 ena not in winter 
butin “e fommer been ait The chee 
all the yeere thoro 

Be eee ae thewimies 
, , MES Oe ee ee bt SN “n fl. . nae L Oa Ae . oP Bp Temas te 9 
us (eos ’ 2 i 
* < ] ] < 

ASAD she unl, 

2 2 
Nie D.I:. Pee Be TS | fe r WoL a ha doubt: 

= for i it is certaine Ss diuers expert 
Phifitions can witnes,th: E fd bl or and that 

~ — themfelues haute Ooty & cured mad melancholicke sere being pur: reed he and thatit 

hatha purging qualitie. Conradus Ge/nerus doth likewife teftifie in re certaine Epil written to 

Adolphus Occo, in which he fheweth that 4frentea nigra is almoft as {trong as white elleborsand 

that he himfelfe was the firft thar had experienc cof the purging facultie thereof by fiege , which 

_ things eer Had is ih ker 3a Hebor black 
Dioftorrdes hi tributed to this plant at thofe names, that are afcribed to the other 

Ss He ah ares the feed thero = ticyra is called Sefamoides,the which is vied t0 

,if fo rue and not corrupted, butir feemeth not to tobe altogitherke 

a8 aif Ht as Pio efaithand the : word itfelfe doth thew J hath! his name of bah ote ¢ likenes eH 

ina ht tifewordsa 


= ees i Dinter font bad ee 
x 7 henature a sb Paniy ‘ct 
- "The Facuées of this plant we haue already writtch tobe ree criall isu Be to sthof a the 
blacke Hielléoe not notwithftanding thofe that are deferibed in ee former chapter,ateto beac 
red of greater ’ 


enotds ti VAG Bie 25 


: ~ Of herbe (briftopher. Chap.363. 

Herbe Chniftopher, %& The dé(eription, 

Lthough herbe Ch her t of 
A the Bindweedes, or of thofe plans which 
1aue S de 
ping, wherewith it may clime orrampe; pee te 
caufe it beareth grapes, Belutters of 7 bee: it 

= thaue beene naumbyed gpongrh ¢ jana or 
fe that growe li be Vine es. Itbringeth foorth 

ny trailing ftrings annexed thereto, creeping far 
abroad in the earth, sigs hg it doth greatly in- 
creafe,and laftetl chy 

A ~_ Herb Chrifto ine sconce: in ace north parts_ 
YZ) \ of Englande, neere vnto the houfe of theright 
A), worfhipfull fic 1 William Bowes. 7 Pale receiued 
AGES plants thereof from Robnus of Paris for my gar- 
Pos saad i: flourifh, 
# The tim 
Te Ocnirach iq itheth 7 ei, 
27 $i BIMES» 
Tris called; nT, PG Feat dc cheittooh Pg a, Be ES Be 
3 Some there he el. : Ee Ges ee ae 
likeneffe areal} } j 
— the ibe of the nae sen Woolfes bane, by reat yand} 


Thet erature, 
“The temper. og Ses Ae pe ee oe A * # L f23 
2 % The vertues. 
iter nothi g in th i ] i , of any one good pro; topertie e wher ere- A 
is poflefled , faning thartt be leaues or fruit hereof, 

smh s pofleffed , fauing chart 


v3 lear, Therefore I with thofechar louen new me- 
otal, BESS Co} f, » a 

: “rear pertera 

Of Peionie. om 364. 
* hae found out oan more, one of. . ps nage Called Paonia Pumila, or rate ee 


/ Mh ates Mis begotten,or neither of both, butasir. 
ule , one double Peionie with white flowers, anda 

fourth Ende shee fin ngs aes flowers, 

a est 
Sk Paoniamas, 3 Paoniafomina, 
& % Male Peionie, 3 9 * Thefernepa, onie, 


Ee), Gf 
(] {) 

Bi = 
YS , 


He fit kindeo Peionie(bein ates apn ia MAb, ing Pei G 
of diuers leaues 

thicke red tales acubite long: the leaues be great and large, confifting of pepe hts 
ee 8 ": Ls. Of 19 ter eee Ci: d flowers 
= a a ee at sea rs larg A a Aa- 
-theras ots being ve and lle away, there come re phic snes or fower great codde s4 ished 
: pics is contained Iblacke - fhining and polifhed cedes asbig as wc and bene 
and tubero a Sa eager a pe zs a 

2 Thereis akindeof Peonia fimins prior of L'Obelins Peawiafamine 

in Englifh female Peio IH hati y defcriptions 

3. The thirdekinde ofl Peionie (phic Pena fetteth foorth vnder the name Paonia femins my 

anthos, Dodonews Paonia famina wltiplex, in En rise double Peionie)hath leaues, rootess are of 
“Alowerslikeche common female Peionie, faue that hi s leaues are not fo muc ch iagged » and are ee 
h oreatelseX-, 

lighter greenecol 8 
ceeding double,of a avery « deepe ted colour, in fh 1 fathi: like ti g t double Ro 
Prout DS emanee re double. : 4 There 


eee another fort of the double Peionie not differing fronre the precedent i in ft lkes, 

yb EO 

sss ib 
; eonit ae + mult tiplex; fa famine Pelrenibes fire albo. : 
3 ouble red Peionie. Saad dbuble white oe 
te re 

ee | 



eB Wa S 
f Are 


~ oF 

() F 



Git /) 

ve my 
ops od , 
y 7 ae 
ns a | 

FER lh 
\o AOE 
- . 





| % The defe ate 
£ 6 het y - f p, ee Pe ies é 
3 Promifcua pee in ght Maiden or Virgine F Peionie , vers is kev vutot the common. 
~ Peionie fauin and beareth 

ted iowersgand feede alfo like the former. 

g her fort ioe do wers of slit iBOheolont, 
very lingle refembli age female wilde Peionie,in other reff dts like the double white Pejonie, 


: _Ailhe forts of Peionies do gt ow i in our eninge peta oh a double Peionie with white 
4 Teta ionie gre hw ild Bo tas 1 ne sNentge South 
= teal bln sal : ae ——* = Farmer 
They fower i in Maysthe feedeis is ripein oe epee 2: ee 

Pn eS ee 

as ia es as co Seas mee 
inEnglith P erp eemr ne wo, ake Temp Ge 7 COT 

Poe Lamerisor La ech ee 


a at "hs > 

: and Diftte/} Wei 
. ft fthe k f ‘ Sscetihelee Tent (ous dienir are {Sraine precio 
5 a EN Ne ea iy See: clbenped oy ap gigs a cr : : yee Aglaophctis, 
Qed 2 roy o to) cod , which are of the Colour 
found Aglaophotides, defcribed by JEL inhi 
24.chapter: theo Fk inthe 
4.chapte r. That of the ie is akinde OF Pre. 
fle,which groweth emf 
inofle,whic gre Pe rocks se Tamarisk,with the hea ne Pop: ies which 
_ opening in the fo and asit fe 
ling pactenrs or light, 
toft heearth sfait hhe, hicht i is called hat lieth hid inth ND OM 
. ks i Fee ee SE ee Pea sic) 
prechae kaees 2 b=} eafily ieene : fore 

And thi Mis tclapbotool the ibs or fae sip is Ponta; for_ Apuleius faith, that thefe 
graines of Peionie fhine i in the night time like a oer and that ae of it is in theni shea 

is ae in the ni ight,w ij Ifo afi 
So ta of te wA5 or Cynofpa stu i is called of to ide a sa write Dog the lewes war, in 
is fot ind; which thing i is plaine to him 

? ? 
h O fe rk Ich 4 >/; Fc 
2 . 
withthole which Irby. harh feed Cc c ee Ge gs sss. ofa, 
dthati 1 | hetharfirft eee ieee 1105S Soca 
= . t 
aN Ne g 
thercof, perifhed Therk t 1 hatotaet : 4 
rie eS) Ry ar as sae Og 
i] t may plucke it-vp by the roote 
i ie ere a ee + 
f 2 ‘ 
- TI al L J}. q bod a pi on 
4 pape eS eee plu ee ee 2 
r P : 
AA C. 

be ealiede =e nig: ise - any man ar = ofthe ae in a ds teen i 
of rhe aheiptips 3 hei is in danger tolofe his cies oiee if ul a 

: CRA e nine 
a. hed inthe Cr R SEN a paar 1 fies Mn Ege | Cig ee 
ee” a - £ _ ; 
of Peionie Ifothe M I b i fth day or howerwhat- 
pes 2 3 ‘d r #2 d €.. ‘J " 
2 BONES 1 ¢L paces BS Meets | LPR | 3 nr An: oe J 

fc 3 for 
os fined and) rete in nie oftentation . as i the Ac egyptians - other .c! 
mates,as Péisie doth truly tettifie, an imitator of whom in times paft,was one Andreas a Phifition, 
f phyfickeles, andtubile delufio ions, Forwhiche 7 
Fall fich like lying and 

bE 2 ey pil BG | 

— deceitfull fycophants. Iti p itl fe herk rec} f Peioni Regn | 
is é “ sidiggie pages SEs = ee ae ey: ae J } L baie ¢ar5 this herbe 

vnto pofteritie. : ss w : 
: —_ é eps; ~ Fe Ee MS fee sd pea ‘¥ abide ee Lf. and hath allo 
-Goinedwithit a we bittesthe tha hot, litele more than 

np y hot, 
" meanly hors 3 but itis ticaiottibedcrenae ) 
: % The vert: 
A Si pm that the roote of the ee Peon ing dried, i is giuen to women — 
nk Fell 

Ez; a. EO et = apie : ebelly, and 

peat for grip 
B Galen stds, =. itis ood thofe that hae eh th jaundies, and mina 
bladder,i len che and kidneies that are ft i 
C__ Itisfoundby fate it mrierience ade by Galen, that the freth roote tied ger are 
necks of en isan fn eecal remedie againft the falling fickneffe but vnto thofe sto 

_ growen vp in more yee Mf 
ra —_ faith Plini ohn i ies of mei minde, Theroote cof the male Peionieis pre- D 

oe, g: 
aor ewe "of the red berries c dsd 

2 . L ep) L: 1 n F 9s 

runke 10 v g , and E 
Dene ee ete eth is the fede) the number of 15.taken in wine of r meade, helpeth the FE 
ftrangling and i pain ine of th le matri ix or t mother,and i isa 1 fpeciall remedi¢ for thole that are troubld 
pot laid: ypon se they oppicile therewith, oras if ce were ouetcome of their enimies, 
orouerprelt wi g g 5 d againft melancholike dreames. 

Co a Sy tire hel 1, 1. 

peth greatly he falling ich  likewife the extradti- G 

on leit the rootes doth the fame, : 

Of toothed Violets,or (orall woorts. Chain. 

% The kindes. 
At Cie hi 

| ee oe | 

rrtLiesahe A: “J ay Jd J: fpe&ts . as fhall 
A bedeclared. y z 
1 Dentaria wo . 2 Dentarta Coraloide radice fine Dentaria Encaphyllow, 
Toot nee Viole The Corall toothed Vi nee 


>) alah ice ab  Donldme enon the , L- 

T eens SB o< oe. ee 

Le ag A re cee 
ola Arie 
Prior in Englith Dogs “ied Vick) ia a tuberous and knobbie r 
were kneed like vnto the crags of Corall,ofan neon stoneac sein 
from which fpring forth certaine finall an phaser taibed afoote high , which haue 


wae much cut or jagged, like vnto: thofe of ' Hempe, of the forme an i leauess 3 
Gillofi 3 Se a wagk er Bar| Cc. hie 1 e slemarrandts thats: Qe 
eS fa 1L, f+ TL ": > sex iW : hu Be Iprinkling 
fp pl ¢. meee saa Ey ST ae Exh. he leaues, fichas 
ors t g 1, whereofma. 

other ants: 4 in ae. d, ¥ 
i P 4 1 1 ~~ - ay = W 
I he f {eco bale ¢ of Dogstooth Vi 5 3 1 tt ut 5 firme a fea 

d Railerles 
g 1,be en cL GS ee 5of le herbie col 
; , g i fC “apale erbie co olour; which beng 
2 fae of Queenes Gillof 4 
iS ADESHES Sy GI whetein is 

— fall (belied the roote is ite the former , but not in every ref eb auch Ie 

3 Dentaria Heptaphylhes Clusy. 4 Dentaria Pentaphyllos Clusg, 
The feauen leafed toothed Violet. Fiue leafed peas — 
WQS " 

we Thedefeript 

3; _Thechied kindofDo stooth Foe. called £ Clu/fus D be ca ia eating 

“offeyen leaves tng on one rib finew,or {mall sors 

ftalkes; flowers and rootes like vnto the firft of his kind f Sing "ag the flowers are much ait’ 

and the rootes hauea greater ee of Conall than on 

| 4 The fourth kinde of Dogs tooth Violer, called in Englith Cala ed Violet, which cit 

ch vnder Be ee ria Mathiols bentaphyls, which Pena doth aio.exprete aes 
; 5 andma 

3 it dlabaftrites Coralbides, y very wellbe nowe one 

e Violetzithath leaues fo like the greater Cinkf saber itis ries toknows? 
it’ Sie spate well haue beene reckoned 2 among ai: Pa che 
ey ountaine 

Dentariaaltera: but sas Ie ee dan ‘alloide a: in Englith oes ee 

es ES ee a ee a 


dl Hist ORD ‘OF PLANTS. 


Sauenay afill, The ftalkes s growe to the 
esaks > £4 cubite, befe ith ft of A I like vnto Sopewoort, which being yaded 
cs poe i¢ te fil Rock. or Sha ereat Celandine, » wherein n iscontaineda 
frnall fe oa mie TO ee = Spe 5 1 rall,ofa pale 

a barbs Fes 
whitith colour, 
The plac 

Byer groweon diuers thadowie and date hil S Palerins Cords inal that ie = founde 

about th he forr ath quar. 
ries of tone in it.The fir(tI haue in By garden, 
* Thetime, 
theo fl oaarall A AM } Poa | Oa Ge ESE, ai 
co to A r f o 

The pe Toothed Violet, c or after fome Dos oth Viole tS is commonly called Dentaris, of Cordus 
phyta am ong the Confounds and Comfreies. We oe rather callthem Viole Dentarte, of the Ii 
neffe the “saat haue with Stockgillo flowers. They may be called in Englifh Toothed Violetssg 50r 
Corall wo 

2 The sirece crature and vertues. 

: ¢ women A 
a Le 


paar ‘the foun unde in te a boate of of his ‘Coomenpa : Vor Da Corides, ind in the 

* - t=) 
Enteroceleand inward wound: ff llv thofe ienpiit hichh Ag ¢ 

hollowneffe ofthe breft, Sa Sh at 

Of Ginkefoile,or Fine finger graffe. Chap.366. 

| % The kindes. Rpt a 
3 : ; Yah. 
Teed duesfonsote f Cinkfoile.f Bare laflors f Ty C.Inn £2) 1, athe 

Ck = i fhadowie place 

Bonictocks, "Led there be fome of th hers of th 
andbarenfandie die grounds, which thal be ied in this rah cape 7, 

The def Gription. wit 
Fiifea a deofC; 1 Cast 4d ICAI AIL | epee 
_ the leaues are large,and very much iagged about theedges , very like the common‘ 
= it Be ie ear grow atthe top of the ftalks,in fathion like the common kind, beh 
cr.ando ane or bleake — se roore is blacke without , andfull as anne 
thereroand of woodie fi bftani i 

2 Theor sh Se 1 : dip ce ° KS. 
lef nauell ak ee : 
3 cophendedondesnc he Thaue timed als, bum hie , not oi an: itis two kindes 
: ed: ts bengpae his leaues are ew vnde and his flowers are 

2 ¢. 9. 

se 3 




. ie en ee ite Tie Z f “all . ~“« 1 grea kine oe 
ite hi, ery enh .tce os 4 ia 
abour theede. ioe Sete lourrtheleaues confift of five pares,fomewhatfnipe 

that ones LT c ofA wie me nl foiles , favin ae Z 
Seen ) a 


3 OL 

= ee ere 3 


I Quinguefolinm maius. 
Great Cinkfoile. 

im @ oly) Be - 
=a Eo Gwe) 4 


= : ‘ a Pe: § aN Rez = 
> Pentaphyllum purpureum, 
--___ Purple Cinkfoile, : 


Any 2 es 
ay, ime ig 7 
NES Ye a, 

2 Quinguefolinm x : 
Common Cnn 

AY Cw “CQ, 
alee er 
e*) es SAW) OT \) Bol EOE: 
aN) CN IZ yee i Zole 5 

{ 22\ i 5 


f Y j 7 : 




A) 7. : j Y Saas 3 ' ¥ ra 
4 Pentaphyllum rubrum palufre. 
Marifh Cinkfoile, 


inde kefoilé i 5 and inthe valley 
= (an ’ if ie fail It fe 
5 astent ta in Narbonetn France ‘ emoric 1) eg g 
like kethe e other Ci it nkefoiles, oftentimes fi ixe orfeauen fet eee bess the ie tke ead: not 
of the leafe which i is next the 
Bae ptabo saan dg * Lh: ; a L 
2 ket flendet ftalks by tufts-andbunches of 2 whitecol » and fometimes purple, 
row | { by : times 
2 fafhion lik he A f Alchimilla , or Ladi M | I i SS and are 
in fa 
1 le tr. 
res The fi ekind f Cinkefoil ; Iva i E | called supsnun is 
6 The fixt AHIGe OF 5 J 5 <a ID > 
alt togich her like ch 1 Cinkfoile, f h i h lefle 4 hich fe h & 
ddi Ly tulle facie, bi {% 1+} | Paes 4 ty 
with this addition, Tore y Tormentill, 

“ag Cinkfoile. 

6 Pentaphyllem fa ‘upinumn. 
Vpright Cin koa 

5 Pentaphyllurs petrofam Heptaphyllum Clusij. 

es whan? aorpsant 

Meats odd 

. %& The defeription, 
Me 1. Thefenent kinde of Ginkefoile,Pexathat diligent fearcher of Simples, foundein the as: 

<otiRielaapge and atthe firtt fight fuppofed itto bea kinde of 7, Tormentilla, ot Pen 
poten fae th amore th 
ating ome recte finelt 
pars itkefoile and 

cS gana — in the se os on ees in —-< and ¢ flo- 
d Tormentills, andin pe of his ftalkes an es Aue Gario; oh 
h neer Sapa ee Citas 
to fiue parts, ae re : 
pe nea nti 
“Cee 3 : a en 



by | Mee T° 

838 The sae ND cavenks E OF LHE =. q 

5 burt leffer then sh, - 
enthecom. — 

mon / Auens. 
125 Cit “Las. cs ds ¥ 

— haue 
the view thereof, and haue ge it to be the fue Lewcas of gibi? str sats 

Ikes seadeaaee w 
ption) A p 00+ 
BY pa 2 1, Lt, “om hp i BY pa 1 » which rife ney om the roote 
rp Jj, } fa] of } h {} | i i befer wirh thi, 4 
4a is Pal 1:1 aay io 4 se A 
. > which a to > the iudgement of the 
J BF }. 1 L L. OD. py Y pe 
nh Py hs gel Lieto LI, 7 1 } {r ; alc igofa 
me OO oe TE RL ARR ES ee cy Pele Se si hat aed 
atthe neakih isi “i 48 y YW YW es A se 4 
” Oo 
7 Quine Tormentille facie. 8 Incana Pentaphylles 
eel ee. Hoarie Cinktoile 

a -/ RY ¥ Si) b> 3 

ae | | %& The defeription. 

9 Thewood Cinkfoile hath many leaues _~ vpon the ground,confifting of fiue parts among 
which rife vp other leaues, fet vp ate very ta ll footftalkes of fees in en Sete ieee 

w leaues. Tiereocci verie mined a, Reais ame sifngi ino 
ry ms Won 1c iagged lea wedi 
ues of Aen: f ‘the flowers erowe at Sete cclour, 

ae Se a 

J i 
Pe < 


singusefols um fyluaticum. 
2 oo < 

The firft gro in. my garden, but not 
wilde in fae ca fecond gtoweth i inlowe™ 

Ichefter 5 from ought fome 
sis for my a ha W hele ties flourifhand 
rofper — 

PvThe ft groweth vpon Beeftone cftellin 
Cun the fixt vpon bricke and ftone 
about ie s¢fpecially vpon ue bricke vail 
in Liue 

Th at Zot the es and eight is fet 
foorthin cl deferip 

fe plants do omer Foti eet 
of May to.the Gen ning 

Cinkfoile is Elleda Creabaalice 

\ in bi run tin Lowe 
Dutc ch GN Clingerk tfin Telia Cingue- 
fal in French Quinte fu wile: iin in Spi Cinco en rama: in Englith Cin 8 tp eect grafle, 

Fausleafed graffe, and Sinks 
— Posing aster aa a Tieemmpepati Ae 
Rae withniie hit Cc. a oie Ih i Aki a ‘ Baet, 54 rd 
g y y f sa fl Idi He “ 4 
* Thevertues. 
Se a ee Be a | Oe a mS aee ath 8 tasty: fA 
tebe mea all roan bleeding. : 
Theisice of the rootes wh - ey be meso oo is giuen veetnenagin the df B 
ofthe lier dnd lunpesan dalipota oti 
ei =a i ied 3 infe ct Ser I =) ¢ J uC 
oti elpeth thefallingficknes. Lstacyion eee 
ef Thelea re herb iate for the fame purpofe; cureth rug and burfting D. 
; the rim, an st lecter Islatioah ae : "agar Bea " 
Sofie rg ve sy DW iss 

decodtion of. 
sandall preies vicers of t tenia hee nanos = fake sms a ss, 
Tena esadioining,c taiech the laske, heeds loodie fl a 

oi oe . mes Lobtaat gn Big sary J. erry 1 ms } 
Sotenclyfon Diofcarides, aa leer willingly withtand,- 
_ abe deste Phifiti 

Gee 4 

i a 

ae We Kol P 
taking thereof. He lil Da yer as » if eee = aula fee Sohne the ° 
“OF Setfoile,or Tormentil. Chap. 36 7: 
oo) Setfoile, S bial 2: dcfeription. 
sie 5 ; 4 is herb Sone or Setfoileis one of the 
: ms3e C25 inkfoiles , itbringeth foorth ma y talks 
ta fee flender, weake, {carfe able to lift itfelfe vp but 
: PON Se rather lieth down vpon the cle s 
a\s s Sj be leffer than Cinkfoile,but mo in number, foi. 
WW times fiue, but commonly feu eu 
: iN - tooke his name Setfoile; which is feuen leanes 
AS 2 res thofe fone et a the are 

|! owers growe on thet nider ftalkes, ofa 
Y® ve cloud thofe. SFahe reas The 
Wa roote is blacke without, reddifh within, thicke, 
WY tuberous oe obbie. : 
“ % The place 
This plant loner foe ‘and trade 
Z ces, andis likewife foundin a“ 
; SS ®. tothe funne, a whe ide 

It flowreth —— Mayo ” he end of. Agu 

t % The 
WwW $6 It is called of thelater “Herbatits Tirmentile: 
ANS © it after the number of the leaues 
iadounor, and Septifoliwm : in Englifh Setfoile, 
an mentill : in high Dutch 

y EZ a PSP NS so po ofe's: “comparing chryfigan anon and Tormentill 
Oe Neat jt ate age ob Stogither making them on riage arte 
siheeaeie hey areno like, tI ft 

The temperature. 


The roote of Tormentill doth shightily drie, sce andi sof thine pt: 
x "hatin vex elses andiof ang gay, bosd Suits: [sl aR ORS 

a He zi theve rises 2s yous Shiwesioo! eer 
Tormentill is sctonelal 8 k Cinkfoile ; butalfo of ‘efficacie + it is muc 

<a pane. againft peftilent sf 


‘Meanes driueth outall venome from th 
st pie a df t is 
SE D 3} 

~~ Gu ee Je into f fs pais A etruog —_ = 
ee al £ C23 PRR SE ares forgesorat 
% anchor whlch bee SEES esr aera 

i yntohis Ayre. a ‘gtecuous 

ect ti an of the leaues and: Tootes , onthe ecart drunke, is seer 
~ wounds;both outward and inwarde: it alfo openeth nd healethith he ftopp ae 
and curet urech the taundife, andeate?, i 

i The root beaten ini powder,temipered or k pee ith th Eran 
= ae oe PTE oes ae | y 1 Lot 
J 2 - L-2 { ~ é Of 
+ : r; ( 
- t 4 i * 

‘B-»Theleates and rootes boile Evin the reach eaten couateiced 

 adioin uous feuet. 
th the {iting ofblond piling of bloud,and allother iffes ofbloud aswellinmers 



Of wile ponte fe,or Siluerweede. Chap.368. 

Be vce weeds wild Je Tate. % The defcription. 

Ide Bs crecpeth along vport thé 
with fine flender ftalkes and 

of Cink 

%& The plac 
It groweth in moift Steel neere ~~ hich 
waies and running brookes euery wher 
It flowreth i in Tune and pa. 
% The na 
The later Herbarifts docall allit ct Argentina, of 
as = ae that are tobe feene in the diftil- 
led water thereof when it is put into a glafle, 

in lowe Dutch @anterick 3 in French ee 
in Englifh wilde Tanfie,and sii 

%& The temperat. 
It is of temperature Selamecigcold: and drie 
aloft in the thirde degree , hauing withall a 

‘ ee stewie ie 
Ls RL aaa SS a, a RE +4 ge CTs at ‘pee 1 Wek aoe A 
. Sebago cine: eye) 2sesi whistles aes 8 Ao : 
boiled i } {T1, 1: al; ed ~H geal 1 blotid in fuck B 
sachsorbted naling om be ace HD OTL TO ; Shae sted : 
: ‘ | me of eh r fb if fome honic C 
andallomie beadded thereto in the boiling, 1c gia Mew ogizct Z Pefiggie 27784 
+o Wilde Tanfi cr. . rye We ae. Rarer oe pes ds, Soe D 

© Wounds of the privie or fecret parts s,and clofethy vp: all greene € and frefh woun 

all ist mee peds 

laden, onl ert secs cils akeds sin son : 
: ong 


or <6: 2 Car Hat. 
* Au or tere pues caren A a 




<r aah yy 

2% Thedeferipton. 

4 TH g tn A ae an. 10 Agrimonie, rough, sioieodad 
fl ftalkeis r raha, ua bake settle 
re it felfe at ct etop into pe ohne eee do grow yellow flowers, tkt hike 


oe “full of feede: which —_ = ~ thang vpon garments2 as the Burs do. Therootei is ile 

‘Se Se 
i By ot parted into hee - rather a eee oe the ae among sc ni aaa 
flalks,whercon do 0 grow very little leaues like thofe of Chickiveede. 
eer sirfonense then that of the former, vhich confi ftech of a a = iene as 

vy .s 

TOR flope,fomwhat thicke,with ftri { th 
3 ong.gro nga TESS 117, fpred See fiue parts,for- 
____whatfnipr the ‘edges like Cinkeoi 2 whereof i it tooke his name: among which hee 
. flender ftalkes diuide 

thofe of Cinkfoile: the roote is compofed ofmany tough ftrings,of t the {mell of Cloues; sch 
keth itakinde of meee ife doubtleffe it mutt of neceffitic beone of the Cinkfoiles 

3 carpi 



3 Caryophyllata gene peep 
Fine leafed ove : The place, 

Thefekinds of Auens ry found in hi igh moun 
taines of thicke woo; te the north parts of 
England:wehaue rise ut London gardens, 
where they flourith - ine infinitely, 

They flowet oe tis Sgn of Maie, to 
the endof Iu oie 

Auensis cle Caryo, in “ Bape 2 hes 
finell of cloues whic vis 

ile OT. 

al e aris, if the 

hae Dk yhitenes which 

LLY aN Nt EWG, likewife differ in that , that the rootes of Avens 
CII ee et: do fmellof cloues , os ip of Batcharws haue 

ay : the {mell of Cina amo Spotted ee ous th 

tees aitle ft ds: Ie 1 

le Alpina, pinicancaine ales cof seer Geum Alpinuen : and of vs pil are Abina oat 

orfbotted Auens of the moun 

sgh SAR a gh Ata 


ae 2) SS rk] tA t ; ‘i 

li ‘ 4 o @ ef oO 
Sis “aThevertes. 
‘Se q Pest yo: ree es ae 

The dec 
madkpineo oft het clicked the biting of venemous beatts, 

a The température. 
rf), tn) IC 

n f 

on- B 
cogteth rawe humours $ {coureth aw way fuch thi ings: ascleatte to the mat tig fe diets 
seeaictege boiled with wine: butific be boiled in pottage or broth, it isof, an at effi 

Sey gt ee em Re 

: thi de C 
= fatoftebo bed ad ete they are mike with h potions, hh pet eda thofe tharbe a 
z fume 
ake ee taken v yp in Autumne and dried, do keepe ga arments fee eaten with Mothes, 
to hate an excellent sod odour: i at bit for all pep esieal purpofes ae x 

: fheered bl Satie ra 


Of Strawberries. Chap.370. 
% The kindes, 
TH = < sf FS b rt n d, here } a ened ‘ em 

I Fragaria o Fraga, 
Red Strawberries, 

Z [aS 

Dn ay Aran “eatin; L- 2 

m8 Strawberrie hath leaues fpred vpon the ground, forse fhipt ahoatie 
ei ae Aes one flender footeftalk i 

2 Fragaria cy Fraga Oe 


The dflipion 
i 3 

Ike like the Bs efoil 
fled der ftems 2) she do ae 

re white: am: 

ong which 

a Boeing of fiue little ‘white Ieaues the pemile partfome 
: c Ralpis, 

hee 4 
s,red chara ee 

_ wine,the Serer palpe or fubftance whereofis n ift anc , in which is co 
~_ therooteis thredd ing feck ies, 
fare abroad pee ; 
eee Oh thee shee i 1. Lc. 
flowers, The f a whic) h 
a -. Xv >. os 
RR sno cf ! ing g h fafa Fe : 5 El a ft 
sng, ei on otk which maketh the difference 


5 pregeris vefes,fiae fterilis 
” Wilde or barren Strawberkien ‘  -% The defeription. 

3 This wilde See Ee ley leauies {pred 

vypon the grounde,, c dof fixe or feauen 
finall leases cpa ami Peal ribbe, dighdlyi in- 

enteda ecdges , and of a ruliet greene 


% The plac 
tries do grow vp: Heie 
ikewife in woods and other fich places that bee 
fomething fhadowie: they p 1 
s,the uery wher 

. rare aie arenot to be founde faue “e in Ce 

the fpring time they {pred ake with their 
ftringes, and flower afterwarde, the berries are 
ripe in Tune an o 

The fruite or “fciieliee are called in Latine by 

tnamecommonly gene: they are called 
in a Dutch €rnbieren +t ia | lowe Durch 

3 The remperatare: =a E 
ee ea Sion or binding qualitic :buethe berri 
: oS . ij 3 ee ae 

% The vertues. erased “ts ae 

cde leas boiled & applied in maner of: apultis, taketh away t the burning’ heatein wounds: the A 

f=) > t=) 
iekseints , SY, : 1 4 1 | ee WEY Site Pm pS. pag } 
5 2 7 
BS OW See. L es 1 Pea | 

-oTheberries qi sicaeietet oa. nea eR: poet sap a Esghou- B 
a coauthor is ae Mi op ane ews oo ee the fto- 


: ote cam red fewer fe rota i 

3 is seporte 
s and fnocth:s andis, likewitedrunke with good good in. che kidn: 

. FOE '. 
ee Pe ae > ro = bf she E 

The time 
The leaues continue greene fie foo ‘in. 

ot ie rsa the face ii D 
a © The leanes are good to: be:putinto i loon ‘orm nga Fae demo and the pruie BE z 
par ts, Poa awrmsteta odin 


etihaway (ific r \e rediies and heate 
¥ 98) Sem vmelod-bo: *itlque.s loshagorg odz ycomeouss! 


Of eAngelica. Chap.371. 

% The kindes. 
I He L 1: : qo 3 cA g Ba 5 7: g 5 A g 1: 3 L <5 z deals js 
. 4 wilde growing vpon the land, onda thirde lore 
I peels fitusa, ; 2 (Mneelice yl; . 
<< 5 Wike An el 

2 ey UF iis 
A, y) 
we ip ) 

luca Crthavy deer , t. : . 
Se Thedefeription. — 
oO i es | A ncalica-tt Ses! L c o. vion sade 
5 A, tronerfie SUES ree OO Sete 

= “ck at the controuerfieis| foone dered = aan BO: he doa an 

Se eckiuaacahe vppermoft leaues of S; pondillinmpuclower; epcr ace ; = 
— among which leaues {pring vp the Slee ry great, sa hollowe, Hx wa 
iointed ork need; fr om which io eepearee roceede othera or branches, at 0 

of aes econ out -_ = a =e 
tes anothers fee Anes afounde ifrour] ra ehh Tie oa 
being like vnto the former, fasing thar the rodtes ofthiskinileare more ae wise pat 

neler > and the wate snext the Peete purplifh 1 red.colour, and the w: 

g The 


% The dcfersption. 
ma es ae 4 Li-h fla as 4 Leer 3 + Cu. + 
=) =) Aa 
‘ srfoken grounds, {cold moift med is li} hatofth 1 fau hat his] ‘ 
gt El Sig oh Bo 16 bas oh La 
eens i “a nt - Q Ls W 
fhorter;and 5 » and ee more waniie ftrings ead 
" l: rn CL 1 } 
ity J. Dis ha vd 4, 4 oe f 1 J CA ae 
M cf g > ery flen 
A , oe BS L Sr a py : <=. 3° rcs rE fant | LoS ana 
deriy Z roe A Farvnitt need ae } Pee {ft de Bae 

meconcetning his fi fight | heereof; who founde this fas gro wing by the mote which com pafféth 
howleof matter AZuake of the parith of Iuer, two miles from Colbrooke,and fince that Phaue 
feene the fame in lowe fennie and marthie pl aces 0 of Effex , about Harwich: this pl pla nt hiner pars 

et and thicke 2 whofe ioints, and that fnvall rib + I he leafe gr h, surat 
1 psth i Cr f | and tuft Bs whi ich 
bea there Homes Beech thicke aie ei and thicker then ae An agelicas 
theroote is great,thicke, and white,of oe ares wih fome {trings appéndahe th 
ting,as in in Norwaie, Sa Tl 4 lil a Me NWeaATt say t Tg 4 A 1 y gh hove Z 
tenofthe i « bat, SER Ee ey Pe ee 1.-{} = ae aS 0 ied: 
WW io relies: Made Piet ce a ere ae 1 
Gey pil fi Bohm, é * = eae 
+ % Thet time. ’ 
et Gower in Tuly.a andAugu fe fi 
es eas cutting ake pine dept it from feeding, by. wich meanes the roote and eee 
aged undrie yeeres togither c 
cs i thename 


b a = iS se aehcuira: wine, or ifthe featierbe'vehement, with the diftilled 

| eas id fol ¢ 4 ow ¢ eo out or expelleth 7 
4 We a S x 3 

elick, %euttwtir its or Des beitigbert: 
Wurtselthaci ron radix,or rthe roo ote of the liolie Gholt, as witneficth Leombar- 
tus Fuch/ius : in lowe Dutc’ ngelijéa: in French ao inEnglith alfo Angelica. ee 
tobea ae af Laferpitiwm, forifitb decinpaen we da things which Theophra- 
fucat large hath written concerning Si , OF Laferpitrwm ,in 00k hiftorie’of 
is to be anfwerable thereunto. But weet 3 
rapes cudaris, thatis ne emt vee) Laferpitive ,we leauc itto be exa- 
teeter of by the eased Phificio of eae Collédgese; 77% 

tem erat oe FE es 
eélica ef ? (ees a rane, Geary cx vy 
< eS a og: as 


oneegee hehe gate ad proces, 

Supe: ite A. cy eaag a y sand 
at sa Soh ty ash ee 3 EE REP A 
dere motthor chew the fame betweene ion irs , it doth mott cy dine he away the — 
iallajre yea although that corrupt a ‘ffeffed thet 
Wine and fw, s 

wegen Veate,as Rue and Tr — doth a fuch like Antiphar 
waren anenimicey ifonis?it cureth peftilent di featesificl itbe seers feafon:a dram‘ waelt B 

Tormentily and wi ith: allitele vineger, and by it itfelfe alfo, or with Treacle 

LA Pr aeatedi cite: 


4 The decoétion of the roote made in nwine, is good againft the colde {hiuerings of 
ae fame about him as Fachfins faith. 
E tT. 1 4 1 lL 

ro) oiia 
me: the . 
i De ay ee | ee «ee is 5p eS” cook nh ites cae a being vi greene, and 
gi gat 1 EXPE ee 
sia itis oe it worketh not fo fecal. 
ih ee Bol ae me 
. bt ge ees 2 int ‘4 
4. fi ke,and Le I. " a a a ae gs of ido anual 
yenemous beatts. } 
He. "Thewilde List Chi-h ft . 13, 1h, Sik ee mo > 
o> d Se aliliouteg 
ynto them, 

a Imperatoria 
Mafterwoorts,or Falfe Pellitory of Spaine, 

Of Mafterwoorts and herbe Gerard. Chap.37%. 

2 Herbe Gerardi. 
Herbe Gerard,or Aifhweed, 

Mperatoria ot Mafterwoort, hath great broad leaues not much vnlike wile et 
“Paes ee 

our, in fauor like Angelica, Sceuery leafe diui 
knottie ftalkes are fet 

cof areddith colour cece aad 
; ptcnlonahe ons the fede slike the feede of Dill: Dil ee 
» - e. Z ¢ ¢ 



Herbs Gerard: , which ie, & Offrutinm , the Germaines Padre 
as . _ ‘VERY, Webs, 1 ty et y ar yen itt $3. 
- sek cde as acy 2 Ee Sloe en ole BN sh 
iyte Aill 3s very owers, androotes , , fauing that he e: inallce 
‘ ne t {t 1, j 
ea DA Aisnby it, L 2H “AA ole 
ris my %, T Llapas Wont 
£550 pe q ppd Fey 7 trae 4 
_ Tiger g y P 
Herbe Gerarde grow st off it tettei in sali he ng or fowing,andis fo fruitful in his 
“age hacwher ithath once taken roote it w will har Bartok againe, {poilin ng anal get- 
re More ground, to oemsusd ap ofbacerhebes 
They flower from the beginning of I onl — 
_%& Th pains. 
Inperatoriagn Afr antia,i fi fi 
Herbs Gerardi, i lledin E giifl Herbe G d ,Aithweed, and Goutwoorr ee ies: 
gravis Germanic, 
. % The nature. 
atoria, efpecially th is I d drie in the thirde degree. The wilde oF 
Gabe ee Sot Ri a aa 4 tern k ee ita IMPORTS 5 or 
*&7 he vertaes. : - 
Imperatoria, is not onely inftall Gees gainft all ptandnaugh- A’ 
 tieaire and infeétion ato Sta if it be drunken a win, : 
8 Therootes and leanes ftamped,doth h diff iall carbunel ibotches,and B 
Spa » I 
. agssk ing appre C...f-1ie 1: } - 
oO — oOo i) 
* sepia poker ats 
fame taken in rafo Dae Yad L 10 z | ae Bee») 2 Se 39) D 
ad n 1 = 
; cise appetite and diff hall fi dineffe of th d hes pate 
I { diffaluing BR 

eae g abroad congealed and clorted bud i toa the roote rw “ er 


Ee. inet his rootes (hieiped sand laid vpon members that are troubled or iad wih FE 
ea the — ne, and taketh away the ie and infammation thereof, whichoce 


ea a ee pee es gthe, ee. 

& eh alfoth 
fott 2 pot Pid hetbes laid rhe ee fe 
k h fy vA ine, H 

hi f 3 il » ftomacke and ma- 

. oe en os colick and ftone. ‘ 

3.3 a . oe ee 

hauethe dropfie nd aif for thate hat: Lied wath conapiiaa! BESS eae 
“% . >: J i £ a cod 
Ke Ge g f: 
Being gi ine hefc Lets Sa 1+} rs Le vs 1 Aw 
? tet 0 
plies, : Z 
de A paps rer ES SL Se Lk tt 2 pt my S 

i * ca 

yee Sane 

eters dea SP er 19 eme out f th th (which kinde of reme-M. 
ce Apophl. (mos )and di burd i ‘ t f ph ile cer 
if ee tee I 3: , andotl ins 



Of. Hercules W oniltbooort, or cA lheale. Chap. 373 

: & The kindes. | 
TT. Ap . tf. Le, | s Ta+h oh RS BF 2: 1 one groweth in § . 
a ife other th feulay pinm, phe. Taso | 

ules Alheale, and we Bat ite befides eteeh “ isone ce byllon pia leaf 
fo th atin 7 heo phar aftcs' there are fixe kinds of Panax : but Diofeorides pois onely chee 

J - 
out th) ee husbandman , and for that fe h di Patan Coleal ot Clownes 
woort, 7 

1 Panax Heracleum 2 Pana 
ical. ‘Albeale. reat exedi an Vichadoaal 

ay yi NOONE 

hihi PNY oe, 
es, ; e 
an SUP 

- Er - Alkan! x 1 i } nthe g 

~ rough and hairie, pete cut into ren 
ie Nt of the ieawpatiaes and: not vate ‘to the paeet leaues: ang 

ome epee: 1 which 
7 h forth doth euery partof ce plan i 
at precious gum, d Opopanax :a atthe t top of which ftalkes do do ftand great tit ok 6r eof aft a 

yellowith Someselgither in ie tundles like thofe of Dill, which turne of juice, 
ery th thic cke, - > efi 


= and of awhitecolour. 

, + 
; The deferiptio 
a The great Woundwoort , which, the Venetians nourith in their gardens a bart great large 
. ‘d dl eribbe, 
wehich faske one entire e leafei joined {togitheri in one , whereof each collacerall or fide lea is slike 
~ — thecommo on Docke: one w hich rile th v vp ak 
. irfelfe intod £.do gros owe {po kie tufts tes like th 
a dent: fe thicke, and whize , which being broken or woun- 

Cesk fo th that tetas of is former an = ‘and warming ta tafte, E 
A ssa 

Thefe plants do, growe in Syria, the efirttof cco my garden ; but what Panax of S Sy- 

ridis, Theophrafius doth aN Ai i an in his $12. bo oke 26, chapter faith , Phar  shekeaves 

of ‘Hercules Panax. : 
1 lL L Cc, > re! d - Pe teh 
joug g rj » that Panax which 
ar - ae H tholl ) 
Chiron jound CG; C-tox hile ‘- A 
ag faith it grow 
; feacofts of Siena,a oe tis Pe coiedin the gardens of Italie, but he cannot : affirme that the 
bes aneer hecreof i in Italie: for the liquor Opopanax whichi is foldein pitse | is brought 
| urof A SY ; 
’ : % The time. 
TH. a ja of 4 SES ies A pe key } re a 
, ¢ . t 
: The names. aii ¥ 
: TL 1 L te cael : 1 Rt Rt sf7 in T J gl. D ry He- 
! i Ey apenas Pee Py eee mars | jecalledin Tari D Ly; / or Herculeum or 
: L las 1: Bo: lL UP ee eee ny A oy 1 ae ee: 1 Aline 1 yn Wish a 
4 ti cf > MPypsies 
bis the Greeke name. 
c. L: 5 4 Free ye 1. PMS 9 i. baw para 2 

: ping cr, , who continually y wept 

at this uae is oiled Bee rhea they are eed or-wounded: on ‘car 2g 
poco he vied the fame i in healing of h his foldiers wounds, or of the the weeping of Hera 

1 T he pe cesnigs 
Cur V a Sy } 1 » & [ary 3 yet leffe then the 
ace ata Satie ee 
a Jal. Hie ) y4 * = _— inftnaric thebi A 
tao othe dle doc a heBinane nt oll Culickete | se Z re 
Thal... = a bce og Fe RE 1h 1 tic Cc ‘ cE | 4 
reth wound eS | F503 Ds ae by : Ys pe canes hb get " e Cust a 
; is 
- Of Clownes Woundwoortor eA lheale. Chap.374. 
’ . % The defeription, 
: ein Alhenl ; SS q <x? ) : Pee a Ac 3 Cty 1 
se 8 > a ms (era 34 ir. 
what rou 


€ fori me 

nhor hairie$ Flips a are fet ey ipl one peste to yanother , slong ae 

Panax Coloni. ; : 
Clounes Alheale, : % The place, 

It groweth in moift medowesh ites 
ditches and likewife in fertill sb ie 
omwhat moift almoft euerie where, elpeciy 4 
in like i out South fleete neere to Grauek 
and likewife in themedows by Lambeth nie 
as y Lambeth nicere 

It flowreth in ‘Ailes it oad bringeth i 
to perfection in ciate a of sf ps mber, Byrs 

Te thall fitfice oles mes bathe faide in the 
defcription as tquching the names , asw oh 
Latine as nel th. 

The temperat 
This plan ishotin toothed ee and 
drie in the firft 

The leaues eee atop with Axum xungis, ot 
Hogs greafe, and applied vnto green wounds in 

; K wide, & alfo wich bea “effafion of bl 
poore mancre to this herbew “ 
fed fh ihis hands, s tied a ao paneer on 
fe d ceafed the pain, 

intencteag Bp poote man prea went to his aks = agai Bf did Bie demi 
perfeétly hole’, which was accomplifhed in a fewe daies 
_ by this herbe ftamped wich alicele : Hogs greace, and s laid iypon in maner of a pultis 5 2 whicheld 

~ on (as we  tearme it) thatis without drawing or brin nging the wounde to piace or matter, 
& Seetite as fully performed i in feauen daies, tha ‘woulde hate equi dfore with Balfamit “ 
her see fayings thatl ; : 
my good 

| ea YW | Rhee geh SS 1 ‘e T Coe 

“ “saosin I havenaned it Clounes Wound woort as ee Se oe time ne felfe 
wis a ed many yin 

wounds, and fome mortall,with Rete 

then. dial! I ftraine it, putting it to" AME ahi isangiberom™ 

ae ybailea lictle,referuing the fame for — vie, ahs 

_ The “ss I : ¢ ing 2c 
5 serféeting or ms ing I “ved euen vncill i ate was spake w w set Bagel 
7 vin 
= * Trooke a quart of good Claret wine, wherin I boiled an hand fot the leaues of ind Sara-D 
: » eenitasor Sari nt st. d; } iC ties Pe TS & 
. ce Pratl ake aa . lh 1 as } Limfnlle & 
: be abet ing it t better ro couer “a fault, than 
; ro pur the fame in print, which Aer mooue Sinks a eect — to attemptt : his 
ca je thus 5 3 Firlt he gaue himfelfe a e throte, in fuch Gr, that 
hich likewife did ae Sabian: another 
’ c } i: j Pag | breft s Ew SN t: Be | gger, two others pa thdypeibe be 
ee 1. af 1. “ad L | ih] ],} rr J Its 
likewife. The se Fasten dt ae sbyG ods per rmiffion {this herb "iperealy 

cured within twenty daies For the which the name of Godbe pai 

: Of Mag dare or ora ~ Chap. 375: : 


; i 4: yt Cait) ta 

| < prteaneaed MOIR: he defer iption 

. tit skit T feemeth ae neither ace Kividess mor yet 
4 I TA. aueeuer feene Lalérpitinn, Sa- 
= me Sete of the gummiferous: 
4 ut haue barely and nakedly-fet downe 
: theircenfures or iudgements. vpon t i 
th earefay, or by reading of mens 
71 s, Now the nfecin ing the old writers be vnper- 
: fec& isiiog ysin this cafe tofearch 
x with more gene the truth hereof, andthe ra- 

ther for that ew haue fet foori chthe truede~ 

indeede the right La/ferpitesm 
ade »f flo 

% The wat 

Ey hale te Gas eg ele Ee 10.1 heg, 

seal ‘Cyrene, and Africa,and is ofa 

vpon be esa corona a,and is of apleafant fm 
— doch rene yweité, >: Ai sisuis >a! bk G : 

tvery few 
— ofthat ice which is called ae ips. 

mi that fap or ree ae S 

atari varieth scrorngto tec climate wherein Se ‘sie groweth. F 


: Lafe ipiciferis iacet bons 
As {and doth lieo bit Cit n fh 
Which beareth ii on goed sei: 

AA. At = 
leone and’ etetable fauout. a sete en. inate Reinendus an oe si 

3 rend er nen Entree Sea IEY DOS GTN ne 
vito learned Jo lap3. h h MN heholdic ot: BOR Fas ae te ies Fis Pri 
yess baad fn, ax yaks Lt. - eer bie 
te J ¢ é x JT PFE AS this 
onl eh 

This plant fowreth in oe sb Milo. 

It is called ~~ Snacay wm vin Eng 1 Magydare: th wor th 
iffueth out of the fame i butth niche hered from thofe plants thatdo a 
‘in Me dia and see ff = 

; : t : The nature. 
Lalerpi f j 5 ishotand drie in the thirddegree: Lar is alfo hot ate: 
eels gree,buti 7 ek ok Phal yee Se Of Laferpitinm, = 
ka The vertues. 
A ~ Therootes wes 7 Ilr 5 I hoile, fcattereth clotted blood, taketh 
away blackea ke's th fbruife 

 cliret thand diffolueth the Kings euill, 
andall hard ——— and botches;the places ee Sie annointed or plaiftered therewith, 
B: Thefame roores madei intoa fate with the oile of Ireos.and waxe, doth both aflwage ad 

hey ay ABR = a AM ae 

fo a I re 
é “tite 

1s tae Pe gee | } 1 
See = 

D gin Ga Say Shae eA Bry 

I3:M4 J: 

sciy tfer ok Cy 
and diun ken G RS ee 
curetit t ico si one with pes ae broth or: pirvite is ioe ie an olde 
pleurifie, : 
—  Lacercureth th dies and dropfie taken with dri figs : alfob ng taken ince quan 
pe 1, CAR JAZ. L bg j Sacer th (leat g of fine ewes 5 
fi “5 ts < auie ¢ £ fo = 
out of toint. : 
Thd faenzeal ve 8 1 eS Co: : a + ft the falling 
Py —_ ger, pe of vineger, ay bie again 
CKC saa = ty : : 
ae yee ag = f.1,.Lall: bs Cela Jobtlia: 1 OR, RM here Bee 
aS 7, ; Ree 1 Sten ra ay ps $ fa 4 : 
a A 1 iss a ee - c pa a igs 2 1 Me ee ik ibe nd white 
” Brankiiic <aiie Nie ea ee Ss Reyes PT pei aS whichis 
- § ¢ A Jt r 
: ean Tac a aines, - =F 
rat “2 - 
Te ahois excellent againft the bitings of al venemou 

soc ag inwardly but alfo zoplige caer — the wounds. 

to maturation, and breaketh all peftilentiall sipgtiuines bojches and seeks 

ao thereto with Rue,S Saltpeterandhonie: after the fame manneti it taketh away comes 
haue beene fea’ vified with: akn ife. 


Le : to with Copperas and V: BN ee gs of lh, 
nen wallace tt igisitg Xe 8 a si on 
“saa o~ ee | aie Bg 

of Leferpitiumwhich scsi iinis Lybia, and fundry ot! her places,is 
othfome Septeh called of the Arabian Phifitions sUmqaa ‘ and.4 asalfo with sia 

Thops df fea buethe sdihvegeith end tak: int Cyr ec and ot a reafonable eer 
fal, andis cls at 

EE Ne 

SO EE yg a eR! SES a onsen eit 


ease oe ae 



, rv of Cyrene: itis good alfo to 
oar el F 1 Is of women vexed poreih A hoking, or rifing of the 

Ofcom common “aaa _ Chap.376. 

_- Leniiticam valgare. ‘ 
-» Common Lovage. : 

% The ke ription. 

Ae writers haueadded vnto this com. 

kinde of Lonage, a fecond forts yee 
et that the plant fo © fuppofed is the 
, true Siler montanam, an novi, though 
ats alfo haue deemed it Laferpsts Wt. Thefe 
o fuppofitions are sty niger ft ththey be 
"fav kindes of plan ough verie neere in 
“fhape and facul t ispla 

Being our common garden Louage, h large 
and broad on, almoft like to Sinallage, The 
fta jean - 


nd browne feede, like the feede of Angelica: 
thetoote is long ms bein of zd brinetl foorth | 
euery yeere new 

The right Lewisti 
; ‘fandry gatdeti aids not er fara as t HS 
ngland. . time, 

Louage flowreth xh mol con commonly in Iuly and 
ult, ? 

a is calledin Las Lanehe CMI eee teu: of 

me Siler montan 

SS Laurette: in a Engh ow 
ge * The nature. i 
anita ie tand cor Heater Bgl 
The verte “ee 
Theroo 0t€s oO} D outers ee é fiti indy. A 
ee say stor “= ftomacke, : " at ' 
The feede ther ft Ipeth digeft , wherefore tl Gennes i 
intime paft did ey icin their meates,as we rai SP eae to the teftimonie of Mufa. 

Bs he diftlled d water of. Fahey cle cereth the fi ight, and dicta away all {pots es fancies freckles, C 

Of po Parfenep. Chap 37 % 

Pi: plane ¢. 7 ys ; L Tp sien vila 5 a 1 afta: : < 161. rf- 
nep,or Spondy ffeGually anfwer em bis = and rarike fa- 

; Uour,as pee eee the roote, wher it was escalled Sp m, and of the 
Germaines canthus, but yneruly: the leaues of this rene long and ane not os volikethe | 
Kates of wilde Parfneppe,or eesiite, 
RT a fawe,andofan ouerworne greenecolour, wers grow in tofts or rundles.Jil 

ou ae the Toote is like to Henbane: he ineach partthe:cof hath a n euill 
— eth from ching 
: 2 is ory i 2 4 - Spondy Ui * 


%& The place, 

is plant groweth in fertill mre aon 
5s edn paftures,very com 

% The time. 
Spondylium zaphe thinJuneand lly. 
he 2. 

Tris calle din tee ek2mrhver: in Latine 

in EnglihC 
ey Pacing soda doce. 
ae Le 

ZA Cow Parfnep is os “7 man warme complexion, 
: \ A _ Theleaues of he seas wee ‘confime and dif 
M7 clegeiee {wellings if hee be brufed and applied 
all thereto. 
3 B _ Thepeople of Polonia, & Lituania,vfetomake - 
po drinke with the decoétion of this herbe, and leuen 
SS a orfome other thi de of meale, whichis vied 
= ' = in fteede of beere,and other ordinarie drinke. 
= arn gE Bee C The feede of Cow Parfhep drunken , 
Yoe (paae ~ FarXimose: eobure (Le vB a, out flegmatike matter through the  gutsit healt 
thei: ves < : t. ‘ G ag wh | 7 Gl the ftra gling 
D= “Alf if: be fall dead fl i pore {woune, the fuine of the feede will waken him 
E “iF : 2 1 7 5 Fi, L 1 q 1 1 
ey SET ae Cae T7f,.1. 1 Pe ahem Fae MGA Anch and thele- 

sagiciort ficknes villed pea cai 

of herbe Frankincenfe. ((bap.378. 

| Thekindes, 

Py Lu4e Co. Choke QT, 1: L. yo ook Ae ae 3 

Thedefiription. . 
Here hath beene from the pega diners saree of fundrykindes, which men" 
| termed by this glorious name Zzbanotw, onely in refpe of the chon ae 

Tong ftalke with ioines like ¢ Fennell , whereon groweleaues : almoft like Cheruil or Hein oe rg 

pie: es grow 
whitifh flow ces pn fweete {melling {eede,fomewhat flat, and mea 
of. rae The roote is blacke without,a nd: white within shaitiez aboue, ue,at tl he parting ms : 

Ene dor elfe whgeaiehe oe as ales 


% The defeription. 

eR) ee, a ow oe oe yes 

Ey ind 5 = he leanec are 
2 ineiec 2 3D. 7 omen 
- the flowers growe in taffels like vnto the former , and bringe foorth great 
like vato Smallage 2 c. th 8 a } ee ee ic st oe 3 Pears | 8 
? I EOS i é 

le bucleffer, 

1 Libanotis Theophrafti maior. 2 Libanotis Theophrafti miner. 

Great herbe Frankincenfe. Small herbe Frankincenfe, 
F ae TIN Ci SE ap, sat: 

pak oc) 
eet es 


% The defcription. \ jp incase ’ 

a, Lt PycL eS . ee aer SS pics tp } } ne dfhape, vert it 
agreeth with them in fmell, which infome fortis like Frankincenfe: th I rakes npr 
Tougher then the leaues of Laétaca agre/tis: the ftalkes d he height of two cubits , bea- 
Ting at the toppe the fpokie tufts of Dill , fomewhat yellowe: the roote is like the former , but 
thicker 5 a 1 F Sein tots mt 1. PE Cc the roote, which the otherhaue, before re- 
4» I cannot find Il the pl led Lebanotide one more agrecable to the true 

i ; L L LL: Cy ee Pape ey Ree ag = 

fy * 1 
qe a 
7 1] 

andright Lib ae EPs +7 
bits, with the cleere fhining ftalks of Fer. g ints into fundrie 
atm e branches , fet full of leaues lil , but thicker and bigger , and fatter then the 
leaues of Cotula fetida, of a grayith greene colonr, bearing at the toppe of the ftalkes the eufts of 
Ferula, ot rather of Cat ie flowers: which. being paft there fuccedeth long. 
fedlike the feed of the Afi tree, finelling like Rofin,or Frankincenfe,which being chewe 
mon Bra Se n CL. L y, Rothe Tel tt ag i 1 < t n¢ 

¢ =. b i 


reader good eet 

MUKC aS Feryl, doth, of 

2 Libanotis hep fing 3. Libanotis Galeni,cachr 
Blacke herbe Frankuncenfe. 
#e ih py Dwi 




SY ee % The place, 

78 verior, 
, Rofemarie pecan 

Sy ren a Ce nau) © = 
Ge. “Aron Ldn : wbeli dds 
and mountaines of Germanie, a er 
= % Thetime. 
Thefe herbes do flowerin Iulie and Auguft, 
% The names, incentéwhich ah 
“Thefe plants are called in — ACaveris, Bi do {mel like incenfe 
ledinG Greeke ai¢arcs: in Latin Seloais the firt 
Tie sthe fecond final Frankincen eR ofematie; mater Lite calleth the casa bul fan 
3 the f 
: a ir feed eee Ss I ees Bory 4d , and are of adi 
stoning = aoe ’ 
eo The vertues. 
A Theleanes of zi dG OF pies saa 
chic taal and iat = o fundament call  Laahiai 

he {welling 
yumds , and ripeneth botches that will ae be to to clipe . 
and cloreih chedinnels fof fthe fame. 

< 1 oe the fight, 
The feede s fs ‘: r av ae unto cold 
‘ethan tinea : 


} 1 1 HT } 
Theleau 8 u-D 
1 Cehk Co} tuccleh 
w2 r = 7 iy 
said FF 0 ; < } } Ce ey Fe } Poy Oe 
a s 7 
. pee See oe eae og he ie 2 2 t 3 ta 
rs vel oF > f A 
Leite [| Ps RP ae oe eo eee ne ee Rens r 
Irpurg ot 1 + as ae 1 c 1 aid eR 
. and by your pati- 

scHaps, 2 3 72 
kK CRI. 1 . 
he { fp | fe d F , and pr etily we Ik 

encecofin g 
are our northern coatts. 
x JL DRY RS BAT are A om 

Se See ee” eee rt pa 

* v¥t " age | rts Fs 

 eedeof Cachris, bicaufe it doth with his fharpneffe exafj ke rough the gullet, for it 
hatha very heating qualitie, and doth dri I ly, yea this fede being taken inwardly,or 
ceva RN Tot } ty 4 } } 
the her , purg' y vehement 

Of Corianders. bes 

 Coriandrum. i coment 
Corianders. % The * def Gription, — 

He firft jandetis 
| avery feet herbe; ney eo the fins 
called in Latin xeithath . 

ERR eT ii 

grow he ftalkes, ate lore 
: iced simon like the! let cof Fumitory,though 
piesa ller, renderer, and more Bed. 

Soe NE Ze The Bowe tsare bites and do gro 

~ VR Sy KES. taflels lke vato Dill. The feedeis oa, Tolle 
EN WAVE within, and of apleafantfentand fauouie when it 
iS ae TNE 73 isdrie. The roote is harde, and of a woodie fub- 

} ; SW, £ TES DAD) , ftance, which dieth when the | is ripe, 
| as ae ae oy b Nis, fowethr it felfe’ on ess to yee €, whereby it 

= “as SG Men ae a 

NG i oo GAG EN eae de of Coriander very like 
> ta vee WV Ze Nn. ¥nto before, Ging that the fruie thereof is 
wi RY ~* Bteatér, and growing togither boar oe not 

ree Sikeshiccd tuscan nor t afte beinge wild 
3 __ thercofy vnfit either for meate ormedicin eee 

Corianderis ou ep fields and gardens, 
and the firft doth come of it felfe from time to 
»-tinie-in.-my sen mae T never fowed the 
' fame buronee 

3A “a 
etna 7 =a a. 
| see ath sano b 908 q Stlsor 27 x Tisepeai =. a : 
vawholefome andhurfileothebodie, ; OL IG ee 

» Reteandpledaewcis g feedei dvery ient to fundri 


% The vertues. 
A Co iander feed prey 1 and ascomts, taken after m Pee the 
C1 a 1 a L 1 — ee 
Be The fame parched or rotted, or dried i in an ouen, = drunke with wine, killeth and bringech 
: Thema h Pt Coriander, bathitas Fe ba 3 iffues of bl } 
Cc. ie s “4 7 th - ‘ {7 r d v it Bi sand foleaue 
na coe your ae <n 
D_ NodApothecarie ee to! fell the feede of Coriander to ppt ar exceptit ~_ ared 
inmanner —— the fan Prep the 
fame in medicine: g ll dried be of. 8 ay 
offome of hae fit | litie, which ineth in the g1 herbe, sibel 
is nortobe vfed in med for that there hath of "Wiestet 
vpon the Actes. Band: rie thereof, if Be ie 
The greene leaues of Coriander boiled with the crums of bread or Barly meale, confiumethall 

hot{wellings and oe aad with Beane meale diffolueth the Kings euill wens and hard 

L 1 > j 1.1. 4 
j j lead >with Cerufe, Litharceof Gilner 
oy oie kk 1 a a veges | 

iuice of oes gteene Coriander oe oes in rs quantitie of fower dragmes, killech and 
™ pie the bodie. 

} Lt *LeeL oats 

b A the pias ae atone 
preuaileth the more, — hath more Reco ouer the difeafe. 
1 Alfoifi tbe taken with meate fafting 7 hyp the ftomacke, 
= “yp the theume,and eafeth Sheets 2 5 
OfParfley. Chap.380. 
% The kindes. 
oT ee eae ft C Dearcflosy 1x? C. ° 10. 2 Pe and frit of 
i PSE Tea | ree ie “Camnil 4 1 oe GA rs iA 
Fs Heine ‘ 
ena a Thetttin 
1 1 1 “Cow ft. ¢; + le qnesfalt- 
| ss —t Sided ook connate into spree f patts , tnd al i ft ieee 
of 1 highs aa ae Iieedes fome- 
oe Pr d ran iiest ae ing f Peet i qa ? Set dife- 
2 Thereisanott SS Saar 5 eet nto the p 1, the onely | 
renceis, his pl ates g ren : fe ee iff ; 1 ‘I. fannesofeut : 
led feathers,and the other not fo. 



E Hghioe Apu horten/e. } ‘ 2 Apiumcrifpum fue multi fice, 
or Garien Parfley. Curled Parfley, 
ae: SWWioon, SQN 


} \ 


— fy Z 

with water,and therefore it natur: lyc n VE f 
titis found growing of it felfe in diuers fennie grounds in Germanie. aie 
. i ; ; fi = ‘ - 
> 3 ‘ 5 sri } 1 . c * 1 4 pares. Daeg 
_galtmaybe fowen berime , but itflowlycommeth vp : it may id cropped: it 
7 his ft: IL Spey 4 1s Sy . eh S4 f A Hb o 
: 7 Fes os tr 7 o ey t 
ae '% The names. Aig eZ * 
Eucty one of ‘he Parfl i f+ Rah lye See HES: L 4 ice + ee cy thatistofay, 
Apiwn hy, tense: tk + em ee | “7 Ceo ps ee a 8 

& 7 read. f of Z 2! 
Peterhigen inlow Dutch Crimen j9eterfelie in French dw Perf: in Spanith Perexil Iulsuert, 
Yerne 4: in Italian Petro/éllo: in Englith Perféle, Parfely , common Parfely, and garden Parfley, 
tsitnotthe true and right Pet: ofeli hick yech among rocks and ft wherupon it 
is tame, and the beftis in Macedonia: therfore they are deceitied who thinke that garden 
‘doth not differ from Stone Parfley and thatthe onely difference is,forthat garden Parfley 
in operation then thofe of.the — 

isof <u 
“| Barden, we) 
Se Bb vss Se eae on Thode ee * 
= gigtt’ePatleyishoc and dy, but the eedeismorehotand cic which shot inthe fecondder 
dry almoft in the thirde : the roote is alfo of amoderateheate, eee 
i t i fau es , with broth, ‘ Lai iteth in his 20 booke 1 ‘chai ter, A 

: za Be 

force then the wilde for wilde herbes are more ftronger 


fie portionibus a. in = — that ay giuea aplestao tafte, a er Fe 
good to ahah way ftoppings ,and:to pro vtine: which thing the rootes likew meulat 
ax Aan if ewe be boiledin ees se ee alto delighefal tothe tafte, and scnle tothe ft. 
a fe J Pp ficable ft ici 5 h ym; I hi ,they open. the 
they diflolue the ftone,they breake and wafte away winde,th od for f hae tea hee 
they i 1 jr ‘ if , th y 1 ji gaw betes im 4 and: afterbirch : =k b commen a 
Cheech. ee ee 1 q } nee te~ 
Me ree eeacetien or Tey Pigsetvllcd in ak eyaienite} eto way rene 
D ty AMS ey} Sen | 4 ee, ie ee eee / 
F ¢ Boos, r=) f 4 » oO r 2 EMS SUES. pvt 

: a : - Of water. etal cll Smell (hap. 381. 

és The atfoription. 
S: Mali lage hath greene, fmooth, a an \efteng 

= ie very many percel et greater 
a thole of coninea aly 

ned with many ftr 

This kinde of ps ee to growe in” 
= pete andis pee 

Ie douritheth ath he garden Partly doth, 
andthe yaaa bare commeth vp thenext yeere 
after it is fowen, andthen alfo it a foorth 
{eedes HAC a are ripe in Inly an : 
It is calledin Greeke tasooturer, of G. scapula 
Apiwn, a abfolutey without ani¢ 

arfley, and Apsum ue orwa- 
et Parfley; but tie Clea or Simms muita is 
shettiewes P 

% TI heremperature. 
vertues of the garden , bueit pie” i 
drier, andof t ither is it co 
politnebatiocwncr i. rare on 4 
A The ark good f gs, salechGe h, ; L ro 
monet h a d keth vrine , & therfore thofe fyrup , which bath vere e: 
nies Wed lee? ‘ pte pet ig he + dileena 
. foe Fie j cA ys Lan | ‘ee ro} 

gipiiexetcs ing‘agues, whether they bete rtians or quattains , and all other which ro- 
ceedeboth ofa nape caufe and alfo of obftruétions or ftoppings , and are very good agaitt le wee 
¢ iaundife : the fame ¢ inice doth per feétly cure the malitious and eesicuiens ieee of the 
Mel R or honic ~ 

mouthyand of th the al Imo 


L po ee EEE Sekt ode 238 7 a 1 “cag. ts } 
$ ad and roule 

f Role i 
- puepeehy Grable alfo f 1 } j Neatias pci tae 

ifaction and preferueth tt ftinking : fr for 
- Unk aie oer the garden P: 
—. are etoubled with the ae a be euident rots itis is very well knowne. 
Smaliags ye rs F'venemotis ier. p's Be B 
lifeal C 

scfrod oa and fee fortes , and ait al the weeping ar the cut or hurt finewes i in 

The leau ues boiled in hogs greafe @ and madeinto the forme of a pelts. taketh away the paine of D 
felons "a whitlowes in the efingers,and ripeneth andhealeth them 

Of Meuntaine Parfley. ge as 

a flinwm. en 
genes % The defer iption. 
He ftalke of mountaine Parfley, as niben or i-~ 
thay is ieihe high, growing froma _ 
flen which: are canal and 
Pai heads ke etbale of Herod yetmuc 
ch ftalk 


common Parfley, bu fe pies eater and broader, con- 
fifting of many flender footeftalkes faftned ynto 
them ; the ftalkeis fhort,the flowers on the fpoke 
tufts be white ; the feede fmall :che roote is white, 
,  andofam eane length an and bi a fome- 
what bidng ander an ofafy 

AN \E 

The place. 
Dioftori ae ee meshes osc 
weth vponrockés untaines which dinide 
Silefia om nora in a paft oe cotl- 
Pes oe un- 

and hil in ill ak me sEEnplande. 

% Ti ee: 
_ Th sae doe nam ¢ mountaines 
ZA ) other, which & tic Lefines toe that soe = 
SF IE I Apinm Montanum and Montapi 
mountaine Parfley: in Latine te ae 
ay aie : ce Diofeo Gorides 1 maketh Ae élinum ox tt <a 
tobethat which acrcgeaall for rocke: rocke Parfleyis is another plant, t, of fomeitis apart = x 
mara tisLacine Multebons (in En: nglith Much good:) for itis fo named bicaufeiti is good & pr 
“J eblformanythingsand sis yperly A e Par- 
fley;for iapesees haue faide on mountaines, di Lik oft Parfl h feede de is 

tlike tochat of Cumin, for ifit were fo, whowouldedenie it tobe Oreo/e/; =f 
so icsina Pa cy. . sh Be othe, OF Disftaridey 

".%& The temperature and vertues. 
_ ey | > lanes yoy AEDS, Se 


A é) ofe i y } RS te on 
Wenz fp poe Ea ha ter} 3 Pert ae Bt st Lo 
Sc fe cele kadai coined wi gdtunke in wine pronoketh vine, bring 

. , i s a oO > and Medicines thar 
arehot. * : 
Bisa f Peels ot Much Good . isalfoh d dri dtharimthel oe 
y id i eek: jt cutteth openeth prouoketh iol ohnik andet. ae 
. 2 es Cell ht i Heo 1 eh Lee ) 

fe, being. chewed j 

Me 1. | he ee - eae: J. pa ze rg | nd vs Ing chewed ad 

a5 eo ht) 
Of flone Parfley of “Macedonie. Chap.383. 
: s 
. & Petrofelinum Macedonicum Fuchsy. 2 Petrofelinum Macedonicum vermm, 
Baftard {tone Parfiey. The true Parfley of Macedonia, 


%& The defeription, : 
itten by the oldewri 5 Dioftoridesonely ah that ths 
= ie F ee | > 

f; c 1 L } Cc 
Pilg ieee OY EE dothnot fomuch 
> ‘ 
i! ee Iv of Partl A lexanders.Small { caine P: 7 For 
? = eae F Sta ee ew: | ai on Se 
Fs Zz 


gh ileal’ 

, nd roote is lender and full of Co a 

rT n oft r , 
t Fork aly Lesabartia Pack; fe nea pla t, hauing leaues not {pred and cut 
after the of he ogi 2 Shoes dre 
orfte 1 idtt; j 1 g lik 5b j ] } 1 leg A L.trm Saxifrages 
we oy alke is (lender, d bite hich: rhe 4 eee ae en 1 Lit 
cine “cA ) } a t, 72 fn 2 f a te oe rit or re g 
“ae ¥ 2 ba) t 5 

, which the Venetians call 

EP be = ps 

-faith)inferior to thato f garden Par ey 

Ike is a dee ms ch ne “Gok ed tufts E Pomethiig ee the feede fimall, > quickly vading | (a as he 

andright {tone ‘eal she addeth,he is cpa 
The ¢ place, 

It , on craggi , . ' 
name Adacedontum, aha 

2 The time. y 
ie flowreth in the fommer sige 

> Ieiscalledi in Greeke raptor of the toniep places ‘where it groweth : in Latine Perio & 

e farte 
oo hat’ Idh heh 2 hich‘ F; Wai ath tod sae ane for dk 
thisy:as sitis: nd fm by the defi 1p i h y we holde this for 
elle, cha rillfuch a learne {c | tik fe to the Parl 
Sho per) PU - L zor. Y (PRN ae ee eT ufe 
: oe He i: ay caule vs to 
Ap fs ie 
ew nion,being { agrecing p > her 3 pe &biting, 
enolate theni 5 andof fe i ] 
1 f..2r Cc }. . D. +41 id ‘, “4 Ht he bs 
by PAE % | > 
notatogiher vnlike, 33 3 
1D Oe jaca 
potas oc 7. D.-f1 5° Si ne - 16 eae ona te isa ed aca eh all tr. 
am : é : t 7 2 2 i) 

SB ‘a isi ose erhe-vertne A 

prouoketh vrinte,and ringe ne the flowérs,icis is proiable againit eet aga in a ftom 

andcolick gatsan sand gripings i in the belly: Lovie ‘as Galtn Taney eae 
tamer sie and bladder, it i allo mbt 


okey a pque-tirctie2t toss 
: Gk f oie Chap. 4 


¥ * bendew. fription. 

Helea ues of A <sv'tie. ee ce. 
Tee cater and bender, {mooth. ae and of eae greenecolour: t the ae is thicke, er 
times a cubite high : : the fowers be ¢ white,and growe vpon pare tufts: the feedcis thicke, 

long, blacke oe ‘bitter, au of an aromaticall or the roote isthicke, blabke 
ai ite withi niglie Rigas litle ai Gee ee to be site ofwhich h being broken or cut, 

non thicke, hauing in it a fharpe cof hes 

tlle vito Morrie: w hich Rise 
ing alto EEE noted, Hhiere iflueth outof 
Wicelike Myrthe, 

ey - lii 

Hippofelinum, 6 Ody rae 3 
Ane Sn De? ; % The place. ps 

Alexanders or great Parfle ? 
2 hia of England he : gronehiame 

efsde ase ri pete Be 
“~ month of. Augu P on i 

NY 3 
aa WZ 

x i Se, pe 7% 
: tis calledin ae of * greatnes whee 

q } ony 3 it sonclissh the other Pa rileyes irmobune, 

2 oie 30f Gaza i A 

| apium , % wilde Parlley 5 of Galen 
others sive, by reafon of the Re 
foorth thereo ‘> that is, as we haue faide, like vn- 

oo 2S 

which we doe wri Tie ince Chap. alah 
sthecaties calitPctro(elinum Mac cedoni 

ee tire, 5-6" 
SA Thiedfeede a semper Alani ‘ole 

- “Ne + soe drie i 5. vethighiek ¢ garden’Patiley, 

they clenfe and make thinne sberghaae 
et voi, a ieee 

rr 9 ti, Thee brary fistoney a 

“A he |, tim . 1 ‘hu chem 

tery oF pe nies: that ase ate preferued rane. in aide ao the roote eaten both rawe and 
alfo in our age ferued, sich table rawefora 

‘allade het tbe. 

Foes: yy | SD ROR ol r) L 

2 is a SS Sa - ee a: ine, Grea Soe oe eo atamcially.- 

ifitbe sate with wine. 

se =. LLOEGR 3 i ks 

Of wilde ie. _Oup. 385. 

% The defripton. + sein an mambo shy 3a coer HF 

= ee. the kindes'of Parfleyes i inthe figae cu 
Pe © broad, and cv: into divers parcels, 

with certaine ioints, hollow within, scubiteh 
One roote. and in then eather 

tes of the leanes , an 
the ftalkes areround, chamfered, 

ea tufte 
white in; and divided i 
_exbrlenethfor samkies 

or higher, two or ee comin ew 
ines eae ction 


masini : 


wit leat Hi: ig i agi a i 

is found by pondes fides in nm moitt and dankifh 

dees dishes alfo haning in them ftanding wa- 

ters, and oftent ame. ee ftocks of Aldertrees, 

It flowreth and Bang forth feede in Tune 
ssand we ee 

h sof the Lon eerie: oe mifcalled 
ivintim Spa by the name of AZewm,& vied nis 
ther ‘igh, ‘New or Spiel wootrt, “The Germai 
name ir Olft rius Gor: Olfenichiua um 

piwn aquatile, 8 ey and ee he is 

and Sinm.It ee hers more rig ey termed in tans 
Apium piserea in Englith wilde Ye 

ei Dig wie orides hath made mention of wild Parfley 




WETS, SVE. PRES fhewerh that fome haue white ftalkes, others pur- 

divers colo 

wilde h th 
2 which haue oe purple "falls, and ‘e a 43 

or w wild 

apurplitheolour, & & likeitrleanes to Parley, h tocall 
lue$tre,ot wilde eric than'to ere with ne sot caress andtotakeit eee en: And 

et when we now know that it was held to be Thy/félinm Ping andthat we could alledge nothing 
contrarie,we'alfo fetle ado ut {eh ties t tobe of their opinion 5 and the rather bicaufe the faculties 

Fert vs ee ee | 


T “F 

areagreeables Thy 
on a ze out of the h ht 

emiperatinre 4 
: ~Thetootchereofis hot and driein the ets degree, 
% The vertues. LR TS eee 
| : = ath sitiscn: ing <2 by ead (pee a ee bitech and openeth, prouoketh 
cane thePasleyerds eS is 
: a hattard rt Pari Cow 6. 
T Haebed ie oe fone, with the de(crip. 
Hons of moe, : sotto zs “4 
Th eet 
Tic firfttkindeofbaftard P Patfley isa ough hairie herbe, not much valike to Carrots : the 
leaues are = thofe of eters due partedinto many fmalliagges:at the top of the 

were do grow fhadowie vinbles. rundles, confifting of many fmall white flo- 7 
fngle se eral of Cartots, but greater: : the ‘Foote is ftra aight and 

Bt f 

lii2 —— Gaucalis 



Caucalis albis floribus. 
Baftard Parfley with white flowers... 


The defcripsion, 

is ee ttlike ynto 

whe alone indo fh 


ethr abrowne 
— — hp dikes falls a ofoiatess 
ouered witha fheath or skinniefilme, like vnto 
7 of Afeum 

dig Oona Th OS cu adieer 15 “Thele plans Fi grave “ay a 
mitegoont, haue the firftiandth 
flowers is eae England. Malye of ol wor} 
" + Pat I, OF: nz + Ty, 1 £ 
1 1 “4 a Sp n SS 7 4s 4 ee ee panned 
4 t rer * 3 ate w ¢ 
j L fal iL Cc. L _ ] bee I ts j be. 4 6 
b=) 7 ‘ Mee OF j 
Se te i = SFh139 
TL a lia LP oe xs “AL 

Fhe nam 
tard ge called i in Greeke ws ‘in Late lo aca, sab fome Daucus nie 

Beby: in 1 Latine Pes Gab 

yout Pes Pullj: t > Egyptiz y 
HeEnplith baftard Per inkgee Hemes a S s OM 29ND 
heters ature and vertues 15 i 
a: Di fioride< faith, bone afact Pa oo oF | b iled,andpto- 
pene. : t. L 4 tis 5 Nines! aie kee te din pickle for 
fi on ‘ o a % i 
- “theca winter, = sinc and that vnder — degteers pion 
w eg 3 . diceth hell ne and dritiech it forth. dee 
D ole the ctoppings of the liver, fpleene,and kidneies: it naa andconcofe® fight, 
and fi shumours : it comforteth a colde ftomacke, diffolueth winde,it quickneth 
andre th the tbetaen faftin ng. 

Fah Ean, Sy ORS) ,atributer wnt it mane 

of ' 

a incase : 

g peti 87. 

g ie A lexan. Or. 387. :* 

Ther Te Gr 

To ge se Pine ane: acid Smyrni- 
D2 kindes s of Parfley , whofe 

thicker and larget;among bick ni pat fle 
acubite high,and fomwhat more, ed with 
round leaues, Siti differen t fiom thefé next th he 
i tow 

h hofaith, it isbla 
watches butI pele stat which I haue ‘eb and 
proo! ued. 

The ples 
Smy, imgroveth natal vpon the hils and 
wonmalae of Candie, andin my garden alfo in 
ape ene: alfo ee 1 the mountaine "saat us 
in Cilic 

The tim 
Smyrniun siderethy; in Ta: and the oe is 

% The names. J g ; 
Meese Ren ES = 
| i. is plantis. called: in Latine Smyrainm : Gi ee ete Mn ee 
Pal, : 5 ee cise 
The nature. Sardi BaF 
en ishot and driein ae thitde oe ie 
The: vertues. 

d Hi gs, drieth vp vicers, Sikeaieiiart A 

oman se wounds togith 

J Tbefeeds are good againft ae — of, tht ff pee bladder. 

g fwellings ,in o other itis itis like oe 

: tousten Parfl f ie ther ro to prouoke the’ defir ed 
cknes, eMincand to ae thofethat are so inthe lungs,as Galenw 

sone I Be sfoi is the herbe and feede,which i is good to be souk againt the ‘bitings: af fer-P 

Se sic as ; effe: <i 

fs ‘they doGicor fence e vpright ee oS ee ; ak dly make thei 
_eeeeaane oe Pacey tS. 237.1. ¥2 Ht g 

1d that haue the dropfic as Se Sat 

. = wae . wake 388. ia 


ae 1 Lr. ie : - c 
1 Paftinacalar oP .2 2 Pili lneypr es, es 
Garden Parfneps, Wilde Part fa i = 


aS er f) ~~ , 
NY NS N \ 

*  Thede : 
He leaves of ther d ee, fitti ff 

ned to one middle rib ie thofe ofthe Ath tree: the ftalke is age of i. re feos 
man: the flowers ie cards = yellowe; after commmeth the ) 
and rounde, spe then: thofe of (Dill ceslon Ms eete,a and yelowet re — “ 

~The P ett ai 
lpi. ae f ai L eat , 
eee age The, plc é % | 

vilde ‘ie a in Heo theinge efpecially in ae “fal icone “pont e 

ia: a He 

A The! Baker is wee Ssweunives, and papier ee 
wc have a tick or broad leafed , a it may differ from th che other garden Pu? 

e —— w leaues, which a cucly and properly called Staphylinres tharisthe garden Oo 


: tie phyfi icidns doubting and nacetcing to what herbe it fhoulde be referred , haue fained the 
dekind hee rof to bePavacis (Pecses,ox a kan nd of. Alheale, as thal be declaredi in Sf proper places 

Sect “~ 1 J 1a 4 n L J. ral I + = } } c. 1. 2 y 1 al let 
+ al ees eee 4 - ed oe ee ae Fee os oe SEE 
eet 4 = sak C SE ke : 

differeth hf } Ide P. f B as Tacobus Mani repor- 
@ ore ; : ‘ne es o See “aFigpa fs : pf: L Cor 
ee i ee ET ae aeS ae ese i 
aes :theold writers, y Diy 1c wilde Batep by the name allo of 

, . Ce] } } WDact. IAA 

f cas 
oe The temperature, 
L Vad p may A By 

ve The vertaes. 
ee , a o. 

hag Oe Yel q IL “A 7 [A 
_ sno rater t > 
ene t's ree Ba Se ey, hal TP tw 1 ri Ae Tt 
what p) ? 2 
peg er C Vy L coy eng we sy ES age aa ASS 1 ap 
they prouoke yrine 
the boc t De ' 
TAY c,h L j Ong L Ds 1) 1 ae, “4 jt ge os 17 vEs 3 
é =] 4 i 
i : 7 he PR ety es } 4 eine ao CD. fh y fri 4 fae R 
L wy J r4 4 Mas L 1 t - 1.8. Be j 4 1. o. 5 
HAR LS Paaaaee eat. $ 
oe sf j } 
leg itm oouech vr vrine, ndconfumeth 

ti is reported, ie Diofiortdes hat D. 

i dfrom bitings of Spent » by cnc ; 

theherbe El Elaphob, 
Racing: of ezpencs Re 
Of! Skirrets. Chey 389. ee 
. The deferigton, 
Gora CORE Ns Helediesof the Skinet do TewileeGnii 
phe Ww WY Win of many {mallléa nes faficond wo Saired ae 
ay, = ye ry particul fis fomething nic. 

: Sa wenn articular ohne whered B nice 
om! Lh —— Pt kedin the edges, butthey arelefler, greener, and 

Sit = roto Sone ater and thicker 
away,the leffer are pa Saenarte ee 
: whichtiee is beft tobe done in March or Aprill, 
before the ftalkes come vp, and a ime the 
rootes which be gathered ate eaten rawe, 

se The names. 
SThis herbeis called in Laine sf, 2 oe alfo 
in Greeke ciougsr: the Latines doe likewif atPirte,,.. 
a Sifer: nae of the later Herbarifts haiti or 

ys Cherut seruilla:the Germans name it Sicr: 
TSN a “ragorsmgaten apuneen inthe lowe 
ON ; countries Supeker ee “ 
ALAS Rat 2 entimes Serifiens i : 
‘ ; < rinia :in Italian Sifaro: in aia iaBings + 
Sum pe ith Skirret and Skirw kirwoort. Ande went = ae 

about theri tivers of Rhene, as P4sze reporteth inhis bs aergenrs apter. The Skirrecis am 
blhetbe, and yand is thn ae nr - ccaemeate , infou 

872 THE; se BOOKE ts. THE 
defired the fame to be brought vntoh im cuety yeere out of Germanic. Itisnot,as din : 
Serapto his Secacul, of which! he hath writen in his 8s, chaptet fors Secacal is ae tel 

2 42 J SF i 
1 EG Gray Se SEY oe Bees 4 Pe oe ope Ce GAT yt Pome pees Yl ngetit fords 

Pp } = Ck 1 1 “i L 1 Pog} 4 . oe 
Gramm Culeal 

ifeft, that the Skirret Seat very much irom 

om Sera 
bis Seescul : fo far isit ra sone the we sae 
The mature and vertues. jongascen 

=! ee Yo SEE ps h fat Pee Pee + 
: se 5 Mey nourith 
meanly and jeldaraoab goodi ivice: butt y fo hing windie, by reafon whereof} 
sa tt rouo! 1oke} HDB, Mii! ie 
B led swith vineger, falt, a da little oil 3a ftertl f a fall d, and oftens 
aah Ales: ee WY oJ }. roe 1 3 according to the killo 
teed, and ihe tafte of re eater. pt ; aa T 
ry, PS. . i ? Ll cc 1 L } 
oS taht 5 + he 
andk kon fal yell wherefore and why 8c, it +bO6g 
— juice of th ilke é sarwidenaia a 

haway eat outof the ftomacke,. =e dgrpings she he ball ian ele — 
aoe They ftir vp appetite,and prouoke vi 

Of Carrots. Chap.390. 

= _#T, he ‘kindes. : 
pve tee, fortesof P ‘2Wil , called in Englith C dof thok 
thiagged or narrow esha ioe wilde, “ae 
va sti = : Rest; 
_ Yellow Carrot, : % Thedefeription. ~ 

ie leaues oe the gordon G oe ic'tli a 

deepe greene colour ofed of many 

fine Ferecil ie leaues ro rob cutot 

ala: and fingle, of a faite yellow colout,g 

tobe outs and very fweete in in rafte. 

There is another kinde hereof like oe 
merin oh partes, h from it it onely inche 
colour of the roote, which in this is not yellow, 
but ofa blackith red colour. - 

x The 
Thefe Carr Bhs, the fieldes and ia 
- gardens, oni ae pene are: i 5 
aloofe and well manuredfoile. 

The ti 
They are to be cate in ag 
ark acts feedeth beh 
= the 

Dawws € Pancha be 6. 
see OM 

= al é 

Foayitem b2 we Thenames.. Ay 
° Hedin G hich the 

ees Pa, Ds ft jaca Latiovis me Jorthe woh Parfnep, is defcribed of ie oe writers by anothe er 
— ner rrotis called in Latinelikewite 5; Pal mace Lacepes ee 

fein m th bind nite Toote a phat itt the 
preeren ftory of plants nameth this me tress, O1 or Cire uv’ oe anid writeth that it gto- 
weth in aot, and faich that thebe fis fi Ach  doubtleffe he ment th 
taises Pere 

rennet Diiicws Spapistess in fine Dutchi it is ree st Geel carn in lowe ie Scel 
wecevitt 'Spanith Camahoria: in sai selion Carrots: oe = iscalled red Garroandblace : 
erempera abureandve 

tL, Fe 

~The roote of the yellow C: 

TL e- 

ni 28 
. itis ont windie , butnot fo muchas be ie cr aad doth not fo pir tench key 
through the 
mtberedt red Ses is Ber like facultie with the bea 0) The feede, of, “ts both is hot and drie, it ig 
h thavof the wilde Carrot, 

* Laide lle arr: pate: 

: wien Ue ere son ae 
° shons 4 Wilde C 

he defer oe 

See of fthe ha preree: are Fetginto ‘4: 

uers flender narrowe parcels, very like ynto 
thofe of the ga i A t they 

foment whiter, and more hair ithe nas! ke 

ae : 

tare littlejand ftande ypon broad poked cs ofa a 
white colour sof which tuft of flo he middle 

Itgroweth sk it lt vntoiled; paces in nl 
and in the borde Hees oft where, 
gee fee 
flower and fourth iti Sy, the 
feedeis is tip in Auguft, 

wilde Carri is galledé in Greeke cxeenves 

Ditch @y Corel a 


at een = the Dutch Birdenele. 


tb , bic Ay fe te « 
for loue erro and tase as se wad fee vi the vie ere winneth loue —— 
things be written of wilde Carrot, the roo’ te whereo: sf is more effeétuall then thar ofthe garden, 

and conteneth in initjas Geéer faith,a ‘certaine foie toprocure luft, 
% het temperature ana verte C$ 

1] Pe eee ee 

doth vill open, 

E | oas 3 1 1 7. 

pelleth the ftone,bringeth foorth the — it weal renee bodily luft te 
The feede drunke bringeth downe the defired ficknes , itis good for tfigin tha can hardly make. 
water;it peset: to diflolueth ara cat the dropfie;it cureth the aes antfianes he 
ing drun 

a is alfo oad on the sta of the mothet,and helpethconception : itis good againf ft the by.. 
© tings ofall maner us beafts :itis reported faith ria bares that dich as haue fh ae 
eh tateno suit ; 

Of Candie Carrots. Chap.392." 

Daucus Cretenfis vers. 

Candie Carrots, vig Oh —— 

aucus creticus , vnder this tite 

; Danes ¢: orc: which 
: ON arrranedirn, actin cane fi» Bah = rebpolieing wrong vnto aera ee 

what refemble Dau Sd his rule, Nullam famile eftidenm. 
a Oe er 

Bate, oer ae ok Pt 

wrt. 4. a 77..!. t i gl 
sat é ¢? . J 
se The names. 
ote °. £2 y a t} L Pr Ae MY , a A = 
of as touching the nan ge 

- teketseine Ad PLANTS. BaF - 
The na . 
Thek plans are temperate inheate and datinl elpecialy the feede of Dancws Creticus,which 
jshorand athe tl grecitb eee hotand dry in the; fecovide 
men's 2 eS 6 esse 
20: 209 icon 
r. } [nm Aj 1 Grew ey, wae, ] CW 1 c. A 
ne i akon! YW a Fe rAd 1. b if ss . Abed et © . 

“tall 2, NS * oy PR he ee} Lh } ra: ie x B 
a a nold cough. ja. J ALL Py q Pe pee) p tog Cc 
ft cn Se o- lat Bie joa . being purinto Treacle sMithtidate, D 

or any Be orc againtt pot or peltilence, 
and . ie Lr. . Ab ‘Ar 
ae 2 o>: to) 
venomeand poifon. pyres: a, 

| re OF fikegaed deadly Cate _ Op 393 

= Tepes. 2 Thapfie cs abdeed 
e : ede? Cato ase 
=a OW, 

- @ 

Te Se hr epi: ; x Thedéferipton, 


€ great ftin Serene nee Jeaues,{pred abroad like seins, refemb!] inhale : 

‘oer (ett hate soba eprops a bright ame 
‘our fomwhat hairie ; amo 

mans oe hollow and aes ofa peril ieee are fet at cera 
oi : ethane the ground, buefralle. The Bowers ave yellow, ftanding ae thetop 

ea J 



of the Parbep, but me greater: and Hg a Toate is ice, psc ot: a nieraimee 
stullo: Aoaleitbae ¢; of amotthi 
ter,(harpe, and lothfome tafte and fmell, i info a _ ifa man do ftand where the windedoth 

blowe fromthe plant, the aire doth exulcerate and, blifter x theface, and cuey other yn ornaked 

a ‘The ‘common deadly Carrot is like vnto. the greenies fi auing that he darlin 

of the gar ot garnithed withthe lik stone 
L L fn. 1 tC. cy : i leuilinelisat, godsvalielie; ‘ 

in pt 320 . 
Smallor thin leafed _ Carrot, The owing é 

3 Thi s final kitide of ftinking'6r fC \ 
is like vnto the laft defcribe a each rele 
=e mo the leaues are thinner &morefin : 
riagged, aeherin contig the lifrens, 

\ . % The place £4 

yhe efe perticious pee “cate ae ‘% 
and mountaines : they ar 

& Tre meal AER VP x oi 

eo flower in reo a8 or Tomenharaie, 

French Phifitions ee eacceptelterow 4) 
of Thay fora kinde of Tur h, cal in ee % 

es me hand ng 
yp ND Aa ces ty 
Das Ws DN mig he princi 
ee Seedy Rae . partes, a ante often econ eng 
SF Se z a = guts and bellie ie conur 
‘ See uerthelefie the v 
RIS a 
S SX he 

_* The Thehae ana vertues. 

Of Fennell. (hap.394. 
ie The defe Gription. 7 5 6 ell gon 
Eki cv. YW bag b Sw al towfeey . 1810 
Patho itwere but loft labour to defcribe the fame. . € fice eFennel, 

54 bieiakeke fied Tops age : anf. Rises A woth Peer ey 
mon Fennel teh 5 orm ile the feede greatel See 
whicer,and the soli in each chile greater. Ae : z 3g resis 

| “HISTORIE ‘OF de ice a9 
Parva: uence elisw b Faniculum ds 
: pe oawratnes 


Common penne. 

\ Vege = ’ 
VO ae NY) 

*, i int F 

: poo eo A oe dy nd y feer his f 6 
ere therightk tics open o sates s Fe 
a ‘They overs 1 Rixleand Tuly,and the poe efipei in the ent of Auguft, | 
isc ed NGTEEKEaestenr: tenes M. ; and Feniculum :in bigh Dutch fene 
Retin hGenckell: at Fin ee : ith Hinojo: in E: Re is ae Ty lift 
Fetch, i ; 

seanigize ci ; & . 2a) 

% Then 
~The feede of eal is 168! sid adie che hide degree, 

% The. 
vettpowder ofthe feede eof Feinell diunke for erase Gag, pte the A 
tielight, whereof was written this diftichon follo rei 88) geet 
Bente Xol ye? sepa mi, Rab a: aa 
as Be 
Of Penel Roles Verecine Ric ogee 
Ismade a water good to cleere the fight of eyne. 

igen es ses Seabee ten, or the feede : drunken made into a Ptifane , lth women 

+} WE dees cots Fon wlg ory! Ho goprse Ste of the kid ies , caufeth on = Je th 

fone,and prouoketh vrine. 
Sistem mre =e 


Sg ee ad ee Ee ee 




to vomite,and | Be —- 
oe 2) 


Sof the fame: or defie 

it openeth th ¢ obftruétions or {toppings of the famé,and comforteth , inward ekidneies for 
G The feedeand herbe of; fweete Fennell, is equall in vertues with Annife feed ; pans, 

Of Dill 


% The defeription, 

Ill as alittle oar of acubite high, round 
Dat Soe cupon do growe leaves 
v iec 

is round, flat,and thinne : Se etoe planis ofa 
ftrong {mel] : the — is ii ddie, 

The plac 
Hi is ns in a and isalfo faetines 

Itbringeth forth fone 20d feede in Auguft, 

Shon is pda in Gresteted color in Latin Se likewil 
and Axetum ;in high Dutc hDplien: 

: in ove Dutch Dies tin] cae Anetho:in a 

neldo :in French dzet 


eee sn 
Dis ia is see ie 

conde deer: beginning of the 
Eee or Dae the end oh a fit tle j 

The decoéic ca of the spe Dil dtied, 
likewife of a. a ng drunke , ings 

milke intheb tts of nuurfes 5 ali eH ea 

& Galen faith, chat bein ing burnt 

and laid vponm 

indi keth feth feed ftaied ‘h the ye 
Zz teacheth, aa but 
B ita Vt CY gl) Soy Pe PPO mS 5 Vara SS bias ssf slybeing be boile in wine, 
chiefely if it bin usd ake of Wormwood, andied 
Rofe leaues,a a whet ftomacke bathed a th, 

oift vicers, ircureth them, efpecially che 

“Ce and likewife — fa Preputio, thought hey be oldand of long continuance. | 
D ill is sboiled dorfunned, aswe do oile of Rofes , doth te ae 

voketh ria 


Dillis of great force and eficacie git the fuffocation, or ena of the mothe fae 

feat és for the purpofe,, . 


5 PY ae : BOS 


Of Carwwaies. Chap.396. 

Sabet gat 
: * as 

% The defer iption. 
aa Peptvem SORA WOR Aruwaies hath an hollowe ftalke fowet 
| aD: rok Ae WV WA fquare, of two cubits high, full of knots 
i Sf ’ joints 3 from whic ‘ocee 
ih : £3 other {mall braunches , fer full of leanes verie 
i “a Vee finely cut or iagged, like vnto thofe of C 
He Dill: p of the ftalkes grow fpokie whi 
tufts like thofe of Dill; after whiche the 
we eede,fharpe in eating yet ofa ant tafte: the 
4 toote is like that of Pa ahs, ot aeeprsone 
ors: and Pa like vnto the Carr 

It grow wets oft Pelt anic 8 
in Bohemia,i in fatand fruitful] fie 
» dowes that are now andr n ouer. Wipe Me. 
3} eee it groweth alfo in trac Corides fhew= — 
h, fro! menceickhi 

; Itflowreth and feotieth fro om Maie euetienta 
Ange uft, 

% The names. 
Iti is called in Gree de in Latin Caram,ind 
Carcun: in thaps Carui. Simeon Zethy calleth it 

fj ‘ INI 

4 \ WAH" a Ree 

nA NiYfon iy! 

of ee Coun cat 

Tatati ti szib 2: = se nthe Sle carnadion high Duteh f Kym, SBymmel 
y SS ee soe oin low Dutch Carup Maet; in French de Carny: 
Peet Nia.s in Italian Caro zin ‘Spani nith Caragea, & anarticle 

~ beingioined vnto it, Alkaranes: in tie Case! \ 
relgdiheiech's is cal Catuwaie fie 3 
Re spring neers seein air to enhighk 
ThefeetaAfe. | ea ee es S12 
pies 1 dageltae Adsiorde a 
if ind sexe ie 
, teal fameth vind is eth to athe Tomine and ie ele concn pe 
ying, ad is mixed the Parfiies or» 
Cant, 5h j bac me zottin® 
Po 1¢ feede: confected.oth hh fi , ateiiery good sei they BR 
: Paes ! li cacti tina Oa 

— Ofedoif. Chap. ae 

* The  deferigtion. 

Sar Taare 11} 
Sk ek ANS 

spe alot arc t with leaueg : 
fomwhat broad and rounde; thofe that t srowe higher are more iagped, 
sade apa Sept do ftande axe rundl SO rt 

x A z ss - Anifiom. 


%& The cen 

It is to be fowen in re colder 
banter oe Maie,the Boh aes - 

fore to conclude , Anife fe ede is drie cee mit 

_<degree,and hot in nt i 

ate | Thefeede ie th ahd Teockinet va, ‘pu 

is goodagainft belichings and vpbraidingso ofthe 
ftomacke , alaieth gripings of the belly, prouoketh vrine gently , maketh cbundance milke, 
- and ftirreth vp bodily, tuft sit 

fi ~ > and is ; good for them that are Poin 

2 t=] 
. ate ‘. © ote ei Be aad Gee aye Oe | Pe es pti 4 ae un 
one TL ot EA ne op fie mati ie 


, Thefame bei 
iter if rae eaten ratte ee [a it tdoth nhl the old cough, ling fi 
childre h i 

D oodtise tobe giftenvnto 

E] ate away the {quinancie, or eats, is,a felling inthe throte) sng 
2: ea = lictle Hyoflpe gently boiled togither. 

= Bifhops weede, herbe Wi Pace = meos. Chap: 398. 

* Thekindes. 
PT He laterase hath chferned tind of Ameos, @ hoc saves 2) aie ce ee E 
i the ate de ie, Ey Pt sation) y ’ 
age draeeeyicoldanetis ; cob . ee te bascawons 


1 Anmmivulgere 2 AmmiCreticwn. 
Canare n Bihops ponte, Candie Bifhops weede, 




* erhe af viption, © 

I bas 

Sera at pa zh a a asleRe iar into diuers peng 
. omen and {mall Heaues, es,dented or fot about fone and at the top of _: 

who threddie, 
2 Thise: xcellent and aromaticall Ameos of Can hath ‘tufts and leaues tke ike Dekea ious; 

nda roo g : riganu, ofanex. 

¢ t {pi ay pe “ t. ll, g : aa r fp< +5 leclil — Rpoghe 
fast an ds ito Veni Vv eco (ay gland,whe ‘ 
wehave ofvenfononi, but without =r haue beene een iled the sein ythedeeil cg 
mararnobave ito it, or t vied fome other falfe and deceitfull deuife;to bring greater a 
Miration vnto tk 3 f,this feedei isa chiefe and molt princi 
f Thetis another kinde of Ameos, whichi isan herbe very fimall and tender, amy flalkesa 
footeand ahalfe high, agged and fom 
what {lender at he top of t fal ii le f, fpokie a et noe which iconic do 

ete ? = nc ‘h, i een 

Thefe plants do all grow ii 1 a2 a BEE Oe cgi it og a 
fpoken inthedefcription, 

They floy oe ee re oe 1 Big 
as oe 6 acess 

Kkk £ 


% The names. 
13) pl 9 7 Wir eLarines et 
m Reziun, or Comin ae fhops -Avwios or Ameos inthe Calida ae siete mang 
aes tin ‘Englith Ameos,or my af at herbe William :Bulwoort,and Bifhops weede, 
"TL F id J CA os ee: oe 5 Pe tase 


A "es auaileth againft gripings of = belie i in veins of vrine , the bitings of ferpents takenin 
ne, and alfo it bringeth do e flowers: being applied w with h it taketh ave way blacke 
eae ble ewe e fpot S which come es Bes the ede of ae oh a Bikes ‘for’ it is i hd 



: 1 a n. Lia, Call 

defired ficknes. | 

beatts,and hath mE againtt i manerof pattern and tee pate or plague,and is ae 
correcting o of Cantharides,whereby thofe flies are made medicinable to be receiued into the body 
without danger. 
Cc A L = 

fAthe =) Pf 

: led with hony { h elderins and putteth ae blacke and 
ble Seem by ttrip fals,if it be applied thereto in maner ofa plaifter. 

Of Cheruill. Chap.399. 
*Goipmon Chet Cael Ape a ee herulor Mymbe | 




NY) | 

Ee dietee 
“yy y LD  \ IN hi 

% ~~ Wit cA 
= Za se 


Ptios os 




ae % Ti wine ea 
: Ue] fCh il] il nd dit ver ily cut , fomethi o hairi. 
| he ftalkes be fhort,flend vwhichacthe! ira se with the 
1 f ceest =} 
e,and growe vpon ae are i lon narrow flender, fhatpe pointed: the 
= it 8 2 »Marpe pi es 
eis full of ftrin ings. 
1 = Kw. Vt Ly ? 
Ue S FOES a 4 r 4 I ,of a 
y ps W } tL. iI Chernill~ AL } j BRAS ig Ee SE | L Pe 
very good and f eruill, g 5 caufed 
Thesis Cher Among thefe] feth vp aftalke fomew! fted or furrowed, 
1 1 Cc. F pag es C. y * 1 ors 
Pe ers, 

wih ack turneinto long,br 
sie ‘ie Poaet do rafts ike An fede. The rooteis Sitar, ike and ons as sigs as Enula 


% The place. 
Thecom aCh ill hi herk ‘ {- 2.1 
% ° r & r vat 
' \ 2 - 4 _ wf “WT a J 
jsdunged and fomething moift, TI t sand in the be 
isd 8 re aas +“ 5 L 1:); a: Me 93 -. : 2. 2 
cer > 5 ; x 
% he time. 
TL ae 1. j a AA bara | CS pd . 34 
f? é a 
%& The names. ‘ ‘ 
1) Pea SERS pb 4 

Che with oin the 
feondlble Calume le nameth it ener: anditi is aes tobe fo ailed bicaute it de- 
igh Dutch . 

Rogfelbraut :in ich Hettiell sin Icalian Cerefoglio : in French Du Cerfueil Engi 
Cheruell, sand Chee 
L l 3 Ls: . Paes rs CAL 7 Co. 7 . 
found noted among t hebatts rdnam : S 
Of this P/izée maketh mention in his 24.booke 16.chapter , where he reporteth that itis called 
Smprrhiza :in Englith great Cheruill,and Sweete Cheruill. 

% The temptratureana vertues. 

‘Chasnthick chto~ bk Co Pees | PLR Ee? he ft 1 all oo A 
temperat £: } j pol gr 1 Pees 1 ho Dade: ‘s aaa 

Itprouioketh vr vi focal eens Bh ledin sues 4 ee a Le ft eager | 

part of the hell. + ant Ree ae AGM par bt: Oe ld 
P 2 

Tt heish ase, ‘ Rone ieee yp pee) re c: Liat : = Cc 

tis vied very m Rss EO Sz le: ree. Palt ker es 1 1 L gescig’ | 

£ f Ep 2 > fal 

doeate, called Wa armus, ; ; 
The leaues of fweete Cheruill are exceeding good, holfome, and pleafant among other fallade 

. aoe: pac the tafte of. Anife feede vnto > the re ft, 

TL L ee os 
3 Ss 
D, BPE S Smee) Sete PERS RR ACC REN aeer pee » ties. iy Pi a 

> 3. oS ; 
oy : 4 of: ee pop een 

ns et 
and bein, Ing boiled and picteg jitis Ba for fuch as ‘sa a arte or iaiaplisn of the lungs. , 
ap itieedes s eaten as afalla de whi left they are yet Corte in oile, vineger, and pepper, cxceede H 
ffe of {mell,and holfomnefle 

iris al andfeeble ftomacke. : 
Tootes are likewife moftexcellentina fall: ee 
a Usa howe how be ‘better ‘then oe na saowiitining ¥ do y tocate ne oO aie 
wvineger,be cing fir Brae 


Of Sepens ; Needle, or wilde Cheruill. Chap.4.00. 

Veneris,fine Scandix. : 
: Shepheatd Needleyor Venus pe % The defeription, 

Sikes bteatinel finell as Che 


ombe, or Venus Needle: the roote 

, etietittystanen wile teand 
he time, 

with co 

didname it Scavaria, and 

Candix,ox Pecten Veneris doth notmnuch 
S: ies in nthe aS of the ftalkes, leaues = 
heruill, but Scamdixhat 
tuill hath: the 

wheteofit tooke the name Peéfe Venerts, Venus 

iswhite, a 

in moft roe ‘bay of a 
It ies. in Maie, the feedei is ripe in Ag 

%& Then 

The Latines call it Sean bang borowed 
that = of the Grecians, & whocall in Sede: we 
finde among the battard words thatthe Romains 

cuba cede 
that is ae vnto a needle : Raeliss deferibeth it 

waders fen e — Veneris, of others Aews 

Sconudey af 
a wiiee “Chaat Mock Che sand Ladies Combe: in nigh Dut 

this is 
fai is oe ee Jin fport to thePoet 
Euripides , f{e]] } ifteph SS: fe f eatd 
a tot rl 1 woe Pap TLY ya Bes ng Saag? Bre es 1, ban they hale 
@ ~~ I fo Ps yeah, aa Tee (eee es : 
— ( a Oo h 2 
: % Thetemperature. 
Shepheards Needle, as Ga/en faith,i herbe fomewhat bindi { bitter in cafte, info- 
y RSE Se TE ES ee (Se Sey aes eee v4 €, of in the begining of 
oS ; D gree 5 
: Steene . 
‘ __ The vertues. amongthe 
_ Diy vd y. shai Ll hs 1. a L J Cr 
Be sor fe f {mall efti ) and Taken Te wldewoa 8 

tech Ari ce tating wie as afo ra 
Bie ection he is good for the bladder , kidneies and liners sbutasI deeme, 
reruill,when he-fet aie “oad to be vied in Phificke 

Of oges Cheruill, Chap.4.01- 

re ee a) fen11] e The 
o"* a é 

edefeription, . arent sound tale 

ie He fat of thefe Toothpicke Eres beareth leaues like wilde Turneps, vops whereof 



whitifh after co seats the feéde} which being andiare drawen togither, in 
round thicke tuft like {mall bindesit heft; as. be et of the wilde. Se which feedes w by i 
oe wi cleave and Rickéxo, his aan 3: eaenie +906 = usr orflimie "hig 

ffefled w 

isall th hereftof the eplat 
eae Idanes} _ — §i tie c iagged thick a tendere ers but not rough or hak 4 
fat tt din inellsampogmbichsi f vp buthie, 
rouridlés or oki ares. like ire = o wile ‘Catrot - vom clofely drawen vegies 
wheathe feedistipe satwhat time needles, which are Pr fede a pa = 
firto make Toothpicks,a and bie ih po on dovery dyfer 
4 Singita lati sfolimm 3} 200g peisoun eS en HY, * 

cea T goth chic Chen 

on Too Zen ke Chea 
ay f J a 

Both ofthem done Syiizand Imot ohm in Ciliciaz the laterierobe best Ghewie 

in Spaine a Shas t- 

“The time, vie 

Thev 4. 1 fe 
% ans <a ‘ . “ 
WML, cae MENTS Ss The matress: Steep | oy xs soag! Sra 
"Eh vb oe: Isp ifename Gingidium: andit feeallataa 
Syria sn ‘yétis there another Zepidium,.of whick ilintreate, besestcr It isteported 
among the baftard rat ape, 0 of which ¢ fome fhew re- 

soon cSannn br Se ae glm Ky sags this is panei 

o— a ase Sosa herwife 
Ts, Galo, rea i alriit iar Sia a itis eaten no otherw: 

Shepheards needle a e Cerefolinmwhich isca 

of Troy with vs,making adifferenc 
+, Sephendinede and Grngidinm, inarears called Toot Cher It isco he,ve 
k 3 

ee. SHE sik tle aac ade THE 
mcr eather i a asain Asitis bitter and dingy Bist it ihewitsof a ae 
fecond degree, Yasha tain } rf i ah i bY y hai hates ty 1 CL tterend of the 
ae mick Lees |. F, Loach idolankc PETES Sire ee 
wich had to the tana 1h keth wii id the ddes Giga tert ade oie ee 
‘ OS ERE Rtn Pee Ware anid 
“ 750) i ie i) Srauciland 
, is dant Ae Pel baa og Adeslinticnius 3 9 ts 
cn I cts a Bode Rick ale Hekea vichduedhdl 2 ‘and gums, aiddoe 
aw a 
ne J opie aes 1f. £ oe Lo? ms, 8 follow. 
sO g o a od 

pieces 3 1D 
“Of Mede aif. ueene of | the medanes. | oi 

ee a & Pe, x e 
ae 4 pra Ae gg teat 
ueene aie med wr Thay w we ¥ The a defer ip 
GR SEO re His herbe hath fees’ eto 
oie renting ofdloek es fet ypon 

2a middle rib, likethofe rd t hed: 
euerie fivall leafe Gishely foipe about the cies, 


rumpled or wrinkled i ke thofe of the E 



blacke without, ofa dai “ e red colour within. 

It prosiehet in the brinkes 7 waterie ditches 

and riuers fides rd z itliketh 
waterie and moit places, and some almoft 

\ eure ie where é: : 

lt Soweet i lee in nine inal 

a “A uft, 
al vila L Ct e fk a re me fect 
L be lon 

not te 

raaaniensor Ie hath fome ene with rie in but bride cal obs hale ‘A 

Rn a Medow fweere, and Queene of h d Garmcran fethe mst 


to be eaten with wormes. 1 rather fuppote they cs callitfo, t sec ancien 
Sed sd horfe | eaches, doe gine the gg TS 

wormes, for ewhahigrncmmende ve S brig.2eP » The 



* The temperature. 

oote boiled;or made into powder nee wht te the bloodie flixe, ftaieth the laske, A 
care fluxes of blood in man or wot 
Iris repotred, thar the flowers boiled i in wilie and drunke , do take away the fits ofa quartaine B 
ague,an ndn maketh the hare r merri 
W 1 n 2° gh 1. jf Bi 1 ph f. ; toftrowein C 
light reth the fenfes : nce fe headach, or loth fife , as fome 
other ine nelingbe thes 
led w pped into the cies, taketh away the burning and itching D 
thereof,and decade die fan. 
Of Burnet Saxifrage. Chap 404. 
Pimpinella Saxifraga, 2 Bipinella, (ue Saxifraga minor, 
"Burne Saulige stall Burnet Saxifiage. P 

KP Sh ae wa 
\ yi 

Me S LS 
4 ike oO Y Aes 
ae i y 
SS \ LIZ, i 
a SS df A NY it 
WK ae. 

7 A As as ZY, ime iets 
oe ir og = 

IRS LA Nhs ac pve fii 
Ws "ed ce 

Fie teen | 

inal a hegiceing Rage cor 

Ba enmeniererte alk an. white’ 

E Ls Bip is ifeoh ki af acne SVE oF og: % ete tn ee adé : 

Raut | x : Kkk 4 pe 


888 cine BRS ON De BO OKE on bie a 
andthe on every vnlike vato te other: for pos of thofe oe. sti Saxifrage add ‘ 

agree with the Sasitta ane of Dioftorides,' then in thewe like vnto the diesel es called ay 

cus we Polygon rum and A parag Be 

Se ae REE a | ie ep We, Ba ATES 
> nto thefinsl 

or hair ge, 
Dp. f. 1 ae | 
¢ as may appeere oy = old By 
Pampanela haber ao Saxif fragam non ba bet oles 
ao “3n 3: Th C ek gave ee og C See “ fe 
: A 53 3 i) oS 
, L f*£ 1 ] } 1.» hy 1 4 1 fe ma’ Es 
wh : ee cr 
Lich Lie Bhs Tater fh : H fae a, sy val thes 
ft 2 F é 
Si See eae as . Fee me vesting Faery 5 | b 
g Neat cals at ice t sreof 
pt ae Oh ye ) eet BA y Cc L: 1 G Li = om tl do 
= ae : ees Rees RA ae lie a ae 
. 2 i 7 t 
: . % The place. 
: : 
a I “3 g Af YE ft + tT res 3 y Very hee 
he time. 
They! ower from Iune to the etid of Auge 
Then names. 
Tharwhich Fuch/juscalle th Pz. empinella m. sor Sei gia Moalor , whi 
of Saxifragedoth more abfolutely anfwer ie ue Phellindrium of? we , then any other plant 

Maas * wherein the Phifitions ae Paris haue beene decciued “ellie or fuppofingt 
w Rué to be:the right P te oe hoki whereunto i itis not lke either in thapeo or facultic: 

nothibe fo effectual in bre i 
Hircinia; which i is Not fo. sore Iau hath any raminifh fmell ofa goate, bat ca pra ; 
ner g sbusive. + 
10 of Hircini fylua, where i dott nga thefa- 
rs" 1 oS | L t. " 
ion llede¢ C er ay aia Reon eiaes c Petra 
‘sta dalfo of Leomardus F Vi ; Pimp nella marct whe 
If Y ia called P Pumpincle’s A 

ie both kind 
and of thin and fubtile ae 

@ aH ] 

ett Raa 2 ee coun! ee | 
Binley ppc ne tele se cea , 
of the Burnetsis leffer, for ¢ cae Gceoe. gardens. notwithttan se 5 soni . 
rai “s 
a = 
: i 



3 Pimpinells Hortenfis. Bt oS Pimpinella fylueftris, ranhd 
Garden Burnet. : Pa Ide Burnet. 

: Bie. 
os Ne : sie 



ae Deere: 
Sree De 
6-4 , 4 






ore Fa a Sane 

: oe Ae aoe 
Mogi PLN Do 
PW PAH ed ig ee 
aM SEEN Zt} OY Te 

Avice Sampetontes ee soageneribm Nae aaiap Pos 

Siesta i heuioast adabhaled 2 ole ‘The defe sfeription. : eg 

I Gee Arden Burnet hach ha leavese made vp ale a eet i 
mewhat haitie: among thefe Tie * 

yes: Aa1 lL 

ee little round heads or fees which Soe fron ial paves of a brown ¢ purple 

g ¢roote is long: the whee 
© planed doth fmell See ea Melon Cucumber,» a = 
tetas longer, Facies a 4 4 St, abit: Beh rsh p ea 3 ro Ak 2 pl —— 

7 ] 4 ] , 5. 2. ae L L — OE ol 1 
— : aCe eee : a ; 
Thefinal |W Theplace.* 
_ the {mall Pimpinell is ¢ 1 h{tanding it doth ild 2 
barreriBathesandpatines. Foon dTasmiow dhignd ro spaimene opemell! my" 
i wilde Burnet @rowerh (as rire ih) indy mone iiédbwieesbout Vituorde, 2 my 
deir growtig vponthe fle of'a cawley whi eee ‘the one ha'feot a felde. 
one parciseatable ground,’ uae iderher erpatt co ‘Paddington 
Bore si rey beer pe the Ee Be, teh is bs 
=the fewer ei théeid 6 : Av 

The latet Merbatitts do CaleBurnet' Ph S 
ne cae dlrs, trgurdnadse Z 
Peponella ofthe fmell Of Melos or pidns,tow 
fained ras ot enobyPes nigh Dh ut 
Barta Buea megelatautsin French Pimpe aoe Siapagurbe? Bs glifh Burn 


m altera Diofcoridis Sideritide , that is to fay , with Dieforidand mcaad Tron & 

{ iat nd of ecial thatofthe leffer fort wnhich we haue written to confilt o 
p a Bickesi wi 
and this ‘may be the very fame which Plinyi in his 2 books chap 
to 0 bename dit Pecfia » Tepor. 
Y7. a ae. Z, fnuehtee« 5 Psu: P10ho- 
Sir : .- SPReR e 1 Pp wines to 
ae alfo this 2 i Ue - haue faide) doth g neither i is thatt “pu inc 
which Plizy i place hath written , De: sider itibus, of the! 
Dae her hat {the feltefame plant in diners pl > Vnder diuers names; which 
fo Fe L } <4 . po | J WL 1. 1 
thing then A i > asthat P/jpie 
didnot we tlhe Siderstisorl i herel Girt etn tah tale cae 
2 2 4 NOt Gowne 
his owne opinion heereof,but other mens. 
; % Ti he temperatures 
R oe aS BEE he Te wie 1 ) e's 
1 {fe Pe Fe 8st icp rps oq Waal. 7 {> PSE we 
es f He 1, 0 Se hel ] ‘aoe fot 4 } FE nor in the de- 
. — és, @ oj 
: * Thevertues, 
rs A R : 4 1 Ty, cick Sh Are a a + ti . 
Tt... . 2 mn 7 mig, oe »)- and th fc : Z eee 
g, ereforeit was named Sgn- 

nee. es as rel inwardly len as sae applied, 
uiceis giuen , or the dec pan n of the po’ onde of the dric leaues of the herbe, being 

or itis eee spebetan elfe pus amongft other externall medicines. 
+ Teftaicth the laske and nee Alixe sitis alls moft efectuall toftop the ¢ monthly courle, 
aolad If¢ " pe 1d ? 
gt . y grace in the drinking, 
; f Pimpinell i k h the bloudie fii ie Ding fonda 
fluxe of gana or woman, oi es 
FE Pd a Ss eee, 14 ] : Beg % 33 7 Lm PF seal z L Aa ar 

quenched doth the like, 
G 1 cD: Sao e t 

are verie good toheal d d Pipi mere 
ne Kesior and yaund:. et 5) : Bs 1 nary ‘ ¢. Lal. 1. eae at) 
Pee ey A.t “LY nt 1 i a pe 7. 
—— i bad o t=) Q 
-Y Engi Sax frag. Chap. asf pense 
gHile i 
: ‘ ; ae ae | 
“se The defriptio ; fase! 

*: a “ His kinde of Saxtage out Englith women oe itions hae i in in great ands tii i 
vias knowne yato th em. ,,vouchfafingy that name the ftones 
po ns hath the leaues of. Fennell sbut thicker and ee ees like vnto woo syipren : 

é addition Pena h hathhe ftowe: ed vpon this our Englith Saxi he 

vp Hake of a cubite high ormore e,bearing atthe top fpokic rundles pes with white flowers: 

roote is 
Tiecaancche — fet foorth | by Mathiolus ; 3y which, he calleth Sere 

groweth naturally o 

citie Vi Verona.coniiftin ifting ofa great number.o ffmall ewigs., fomewhat Sauk “a 

do giewe little leaues like thofe of winter Sauorie, growing, for themott part by co 
aintt sthe flowers grow at the top of the twigs, ofa white colour, 

opt, stern hich commeth {mall redfeede : the roote thrufteth i vest snes 

s oft “ee ereaaaete to pluck ther 


SRG iscsi 

HISTORIE stp fom ; Sor 

a sce are ei ee praten fe 

“WN The defer ips 
There isanother Site aloe aes 
“then the fone wher of the dri¢ coafts’, Chalk 



“come foorth owers of an herbie colour, 
+S after comm a little red feed : the roote is ae 
der and groweth dee epe intothe ground 
~ firft othe two laft deferibed,, the, Tealinscs 

"make grea aecount ,callingit thontyiua; afi 
ae sevtnegtiea ih Engitvonby ele 
Fe - Bredkeftone. } of ; 

The é plied” “i 
axifrag e groweth in moft elds Smedov'es, 

wr ex ied apes t this ‘ut coun of 
,j Englan 

BP ip jer 
It Rowseds iat ie mig ol of Maie rotke 
end of Hs rae 

ieee So = calla ta ourmother 

one ine e;or Englifh Saxifrage : Pena 

and Ra Obed call ic Ae this. name Sentage @ An- 

“The na tare, 

Se te is od bers drie i in the thicde cs) ae 

The v 
_ Ade tic ads ah ihe ‘feedes and j Footes a Sifeages breaketh Seda iathebider A 
: s,helpeth the ftrangurie,an ba cai one ely. 
> ~"Thetoote of Stoncbreake boiled in w and the deco&tion sbringethd. B 
: fickoes,expe lleth the fecondine and deadchilde, ges 

. ee 3 enemas 
: macke,he pak digeftion,cu eththe wil at in ain of the! 
BS - Ricbetiecolcteand dint cae a D 
* li nning or cane fo sith itis in Chethire E 


“os Silerm mountaine, or bare —— a 4.06. 
ee whe defeription 

Stren 40 called by them Siler #ontanum , and Sefeles : seein 4 
sa Oey Boodipmepote and confideration; but the errour of the name hachiqgenetdiiets 

. = oe 

}y Colels AA alCsisale cra ay PY called hi fe cera moa : 
moxie,{harpneffle,and hemes in working ade any of the fate ae laos ¥ 
San tech cubites high, Bisco. fniellechdJike Lieu - the lea ess bah ale 
ded,like th eleaues of Fennell o I Sefels Mafilienfe, and rthan eee aues of Pexceda num : "i 
the topof.t the fia Ikes grove Ipokie tufts sikeAbBelca, via oGe alone and leafie fe 

ike Cumine, ba feede 

€. vit h rf 
fegebs reo Sharper. ee # a Men ge SG Be 

Be ie pss aces ie Ww) ioe y ; 
“Baftar d Lou: uage ae Re 

ead Thede ‘tia on. 

wy sue ’ 
Ay Therdis 2 whine, ra of Siler, ich P; 
ay ie LO} fet foo rth a a See fi 

MV ZX SS, fauour. The feede is finaller chan the former,and 
PS Ya ey very little or‘nothing. “The roote is 
Lex SSN tke witho utand white w. vars, ae it fli 

: Y oor soi Seon 
ma Sie De Iegroweth of i it let in Cees 
m V5 Naa 4 in the craggy mountaines eas 

Pe a 

eas of diligent Persie. 

‘ ee oe 

OCs: Fhefe fee do ficashiai Tune tobe 
neo, Au uguit 

éfei, nor akinde ther ree pink En 

oe <n ter r the Tati 

— mh Ta — ss 

| Ss The Ries sales 3 crane with Wormewood wine, orwine baie vee 
— fedden , m ns difeafes in’ gt rata mee a ccureth the fi st) 3") 
‘thematixand ‘cane i toreturne yntot ¢agiin Es dou ft 
The mpe eS with ho ony, an nd applied of furs Tres doh cure coastie si 


CG" Bae dra ke Pioucketh vrine,cafeth the paines of the guts or enttailes pr s proc oceeding 
or rawneffe,it he . concoétion,confumeth winde,and fivelling of the ftomacke. ee 
Theroote gfo 


BRE: ‘Of Ha age sa See ‘Che bap. —— cae i 

k hth r. uf ee bck aefiless Dal E nein har 
D be a fhrubbie or hedge ie tswherof we ies inteate in the oo ae i 
The later writer: ctshgue bound as fhall be fhewed in this prefent chapter. ~ * fe 

[ ae ee OF PLANTS. 893. 
sefeli Pelopornefi 

Harts woort Ge fPeloponnets, he defeription. 
ak Efehof pk ede wh or of Greece, hatha 
Sat thicke ote, white wi nd bl ke 

of Hemlo cide ais con oF te tele ftande 
great tufts or {pokie rundles of tlowe | flowers 

fomewhat flat and broade, ofa darke yellowe co- 
lour and pleafant fine oh in fhape like thofe of Fe- 
7uia,ox the Parfne; 2 
ha te. 
It groweth in Pigs and wwarerifl moun nealing, 
in diuers places o fore >Morea,and sera 
Ida zit isa ftranger in E ne 

Tt flowreth and eee in the former Re 

Tris called Sept eal taken from the 
na ative foile , diuers alfo call it 

fame 3, }, 4 = Wa Td 
nefius,or of Greece, Paste % Ze 
* The savitlae 
Rath 1 Pt L g 13 7 oF 
4 * The vertucs. % i 
‘ tnrn 1 <.: > + ae | , rs I : eye | 
> 3 helpeth th gh 4th eat itdash , the filocationat the slate and ralph te leg 
'  Thefeede drunke with wine con ‘ite staketk y the griping d ! £B 
the belly sand helpeth the ague as Bec e rath, De Ee an 
deli Ae & ON oe Se = ts gs) | Z bond 
< ° a 4 * : 
oh Selo Harte woorts 4 Candie. _ Chap.4.08. 1 
# The deferip 7, 
Hi being the Se/el/i of C: ft ere tobe found, tooke his 
furname of that place where it a firft found, but now ai sit is istobe feenc i in thecorne * 
_fieldes about N P fp well lin my gar- 
isi: Pact TG ve i eleaues 

Stowe atilickstt cen waheche round, pte an greene colour, infhape 
Much hike vnto Cheruill, but thickers among w! which rifeth vp anhairi rierough omni ms he lone = 
ofa acubite;beating at the top fpoki hy 
tound and flatfeede, compafled and cunnin bout tl lik 
ape the other. =e two goer in one,as youn may fee in the feede of Ferula or Fr 
ape like yrrhis. Mathiolus did grea cimeemteed wee 


» Sefeleos of Candie, 

eed cate very like the former, fanj 
hislea satemorelues mee mmon Par arfneps than 

about the ic cdgeaee the Sank er. 
Ther eis lkewile abiade d of Sefed thathatha rooe 
as big as amans ere iftheplant be olde; 
but the new and yoo inct 
thicke , with fome knobs and tuberous s {prowtess 
about the lower part ;therooteis thicke, tough ee 
coueted o i ft 

top of 

e ftalkes, and vpper endes of cfc hace gtowe 
little cups ‘ot bottles of pale flowers 5 which being 
vaded,there See in place a feede,whichis very 

<n — dike Siler montan 
So, Vp ¢, D +13. 
F Dances, whereof I 
cake PSN peck herein the paftures about London, that hah 
oe nwith th th, d {pred ther p j dinided i rts,in maner 

E d fj vinbles , bea- 
zing tt th Ginkfol. in {fm ellie “SambucanorEldet 
When the flower is ae there aes in =e sya guttered feede, ofa {picie and very 

. may fee in many gummie or Femi pins ) after it hath feeded, neither will it ower before the 
~ fecond or third yeere after itis fow 
ae Sefelicilled Sefedi Mafeli fe, which hath leaues verys Sea 2 

— orcut,andfi 
Se conte, Fennell. 8 ftalke ae tothe he ees of three cubites, hauing nee tie rio 
___ asitwere knees; bearing at the bis thereof tuftes like vnto Dill sand feede fomewhat ee aes 
ere ,of a tharpe a eect 

. Pleafant fmell an 
~ Thereis Boks my of Mal ies i re ee and _ eaves so vnto Ferula, an 
much valike Siler montanum : among w evp ftalkes fower cubites high, bearing at se? 
pee tee the laft fase hea ef taene ifaw uour, "Ther cote slike wnto che former 
in fhape,fub sand fauour,but that it is gr 
_ The, Theplace. : 
Thefé pl: oe Ln f pais L + rine “ 
har o 2d’ oF 
% The time. 
They flowerand fourith in Stiga - The 

defeript. ot 
There is akinde * fi Crim called alfo gp. 

a Nag 

f *% The nares. 

1. L , a 

¢ ptions 
% The temperature and vertues. 
Ps ° Hh _ j l 

Of Spignell, Spicknell, or ef ewe. (hap.409. 

Spignell. The defiription. 

Pignell on ape tifing vp to othe height 
of a cubite halfe, befet with leaues 
refemblin agen “a or bil sbut thicker,more 

bathie,and more finely iaggeds and at we top of 
oa ftalkes do growe fpokie Rs sobs ‘o Dill. 

BEE pe 
<ES = 

n the former : the rootes are manie, 
chicke ana fall of fa rian 


x Mi ares Nis 
a 2 place called Bowad. Sei bee . 
nd Kendall in ia lage 5 

Ba ftarde Mew ie weth in 
wafte mountaines vel taiard the zea iie 
it hath bee ene tolde me) vpon tre Vincents 
wo daies to” 

rhs : 
Thefe herbes do lodawer in o and. a 
yeldethei ede in Auguft, ee = 

The nan 
| dette Gracians ior, OF vitor vtkewile of the *Latines Meum: :efthelelinsi ty -in 

12.a5 JAZ, 

p snel:j in high Durch ‘blots tant in French Siftre: Ruellius faith thatit is" net al 
“Anethuons tortuofam,and nd /ylueffre, or writhed Dill,and w wie reek § ‘all oiti regen in attire 
ee, fome! bias “Baldmony, and Beare 

* hes —— 

4 gin ee pie ft. Vlecate ok pe! 

Thefcherbe .! ae y 
Cond, » = 

pga ; ots rm 

The vertue 
iter isoees of Meonoe —— boiled in water seein deanké! Panis ippsiech the Roppings * 
the kidneies an der,prouoke vrine and bodily ufteafeand helpe 53 ftrangurie , Abt gon 
Soa allwindin sa id belchings of the ftomacke: 

reek Hom, eT | 

yand is Seicettene agit Cis: 3 
— of ioints,as alfo any me we falling’ ypon the lungs. 
“he faine be laide plaifterwife ¢ vpon the bellies of ¢ children,iemaketh thems piffe well.” 


is x 

52) y “ 

oie & Te oles fd? j 

flowers : they be taken more then isteq is 
they caufe the headach; io feeing the Shy in — stk heate tl ee 
headraw moifture and windy fens pak faith oe oe 

Of Horeftrange,or hiss Chap. 4.10. 

1 Peucedanum, 2 Pencedanummaius. 
Sulphurwoort. Great Sulsh 



:. he defe ription. 
I va Viphurwoort or Fensel Fennel hath a fitfe and hard ftalke full of knees or ine 

J C...313.n- PEO ORT ES “pe Cpe Cf 4At thd a 
ro é 

Q ,Or1 > . r 

eisaio 10h" ey = shabeieas je +t TL ced yp rootes 

gee ct yella eho or liquor, whieh uickly waxeth hard drie, fmelling not much valike Bria 
e.called S which hath in scedfome mppall ie Sedptiven coor ghene aka a 

the OS ochcs a the earth, ac caine buth of cig of a browne sega among W 

cau Ss iindebfPse orth, 

ui: Wt 

= tn. € 
o. 2 
hi dive he former, but all t Scuifia 

‘thereofa ~~ Peebles blacke without, snd with ofa ftrongand greeuous eeuous fine 4 


-” Thereisa n oe f 
‘kena whofe pcre he hath = pore in nha cheba tame : 

Phifition of late memorie D.7} 




feehorh ges de choler. — 3 


of Maffilia mi. % J. A A re ely ' I ) Fi FAME 
ches,which 2 ae reabnicn tuftes hauing 
feede like Dill ad ee andflenderer, of a oasis sete eT heroote is aa 

than the finalnelfe of the herbe will well beare. — ae Hee rae Briftowe, andthe roc 

Mibsctuindedb Sea dor, or Hides aint I, groweth-vety plentifalif-o = he ae fide of a 
wood belonging to to = hao at ihe Nafei in Effex oh the high has Bats. altos abisio bent 
enrie if gy dione to his 

houfe there. 

> neere vrito ie hanen ee the bagkes 
thereof; andthe eeuewe adioin 
Thelec ‘ond kinde'groweth p68 raie fea coafts of Momplie i in nFrauice , sandindheerstes of 
The time sii 202 BMibGos IE A 
- Thefe phines do flower i in IunesTaly and Ant ie Sf VOGT GA 1 

the Greciaris Call it rénetivess the Latines inte tnec rekon sand Pips de croaitn 

allo moft 
ofthe fhops’, and likewife satan On people nate it Fenseitm Porcinun + of diver ts Statarra’s 
of theProphets « “3 aeBas ie ihe is to fay, a good bbe) ghott in in high ae  Darfirang, 
Schweffel wr th : inEn- 
gihtnstanse, si Hctong Sow Fennell, or ot Hogs Fennell, Suiphuwoor ern ne 
temperature. . 

Picibetbes, efpecially the yellow Gp fe the tte, ishotin the fecond, and drie in the begin. 

tngof the third degree, a 

% : The vertnes, 
<i aT ne rt Cur rn Weir 

ftrange,taken by i itfelfe, or with bitter Almonds and Rt ue,is good seat the ok of breth i jit _ 


os ariping ‘Soa of the belly, diflolueth and driueth 1 away vent tofiti itie or mae ue of 

aaa cei vrine. eafeth rt Fsitt ida pain . 

t 2 a eRe S 
der,caufeth eafie deliuerance of child dexpelleth the fe di fterbirth, and hthepalle 
I Rages aGhehg ames tpg Dame ea cee das led dead eilde, 
crampes.; t 1 J re} of be oT) ORT Sip s elpeci AM. - 

Tikuled wich 1 Py SS ee: a oth Fo Es eSe 
AS TR a eine Fe a ONLY S ands oly Got pa D 
4 hed &, C¢} 4 or Chi 3 L 1. a ay AY, yg ET | 
2 5 alk Fy 
= the “see difeafes, 
ried and madei into owd doth mundifie and clenfe olde ftinki ] 
p2Tharoo 2 me Nae SON PTS q os OR Sas. 
thefame fram hen}: \ 12 +A we oe 1 Petopeetn 2 oat tunaer 
Thefaid p q sea - MET eae ee ee oS Vie BS Dig pe tac o 
dy be ann ointed Scant, and theref& d } 7 rt i, iar — « is 1 = 
Fecha =| a j 4 
ge DE bd bea | 7) cp 

Meo he leth 
Sarseradion oe g ficknes,that! 

trier idesteacheth, : 
: a — tees | ee ee 
_ Being tak aa 

0 ee 

Se scarica hal a 


T. 1 : , ‘J ge ee 
L _ itpurgeth gently, it diminit 1¢ fpleene, by curting, dig e,and making thinne humours 
M: Ata et “ag SRR Sa 1: Pa, WR Mn cae 
tr ¢ a Nw ASEAN 
the mother, cs onan 

Of herbe Ferulasor Fennell Giant. _ Chap.4u. 

*T. bekietlet. 

D Jofeorides maketh mention ofa Ferula, out of which is gathered the Gum Sazepene,& alfohe 
a a eS : 1 1 feb: h b Ferula:but what 

A 1 se Ne 1 } a; } : 
Y pte | Cas, nce ies Co nec at ber Fay prpiea Fe Here it groweth , he doth 
ae y 5 gathered , tharis 
aS WE aue lal e: 
s ie fa foras Lafer, th 

3: 1 ae 9 pity c 2 hw 1. 
id ER | 

A ee ee eas 

g i Cy 5 | weth in Me 
and Syria: foitis likely that the herb Feru/a doth bring forth in Media Sagapenum, in Cyrene 4m. 
moniacum,andin Syria Galbanum. Theophraftus faith that the herbe Feru/ais diuided into mokinds, 

re oe | pes L } as 7 a 1 | eee Seg A 1. 7, 

Ferula. “yp pyawmaerney pot ee 
Fennell Giant, © 2: of % The defeription. 
WW Erula or Fennell Giant, hath vy 
& large leaues ofa deepgreen colour, cut 

b Vv t 

Greece,and other hot countries : notwithftan- 
ding it hath attained to the height of 14. of 15 
foote in my garden, and likewife groweth fairer 

peere certainebundl ep ye es 1 1 Corcwlum 

Ferule, ot the little Hart of Ferulewhichbeingt h i ie, openeth it felfe intoa” Pi 
= c ble like ch oe ee a a eae ee 528 ee colouraa 

Sig sad 7 i fafhion 

and greater then from whence it came, 35 — 


s ct 2a towing two togither {o clo: ae 

fafhion like ok - Bie £. 8 4 

hati he dit ] illthey be diuided : the roote is ve- 
pele an 4 dere full ofa certaine Laie iuice , that floweth foorth the roote Set tae d, 
boleno en 
fe S iece oe oT ay eee ili} he {& i hrefeeG 5 fat uing itis alto togi* 

essa HS : . tei ke 9 toe ating 2 
3 which when i itis hard- 

wr ae call hates te Atoms piu 
=. likewife another fort fentme from Paris, with this title, Ferula LET A Wha pe 

are an a more blacke or fivart colour, 

% The place. ww 
hn. te jo eee PM 1 Ws ] 
ab . t=) ° fo) . oD ge 
% Thetime, 
ad T Dy Sn a te ee ee 1 1 L ‘a ee . 
at ‘if d7 et t ¢ oJ 
ces a 1 : Lo. } : 
DL ft % 

The firft is gli; in Greeke Nepxé: in Ease ees in Italian Feros : in Spanith Conanhcia: rin 

Englifh herbe Ferula, and Fennel 
Th € hedude deg 

TL. 1 

tg * The vertts— 
TL . | a 1 
Bah therefore good for thein that fpet bloud,and thatare id ree) the A ea 
N ishorides faith that being put into the noftMtils it ftaicth bleeding and is given in wineto thoe B 
that arebitten with vipers, 

n = 1. CC. j ~! RPT ” shod 
Be. tne pas oe (ge pleatine eee de, shartiteth vo ible aeok 
TE ? P beth i £ ae ies 
_ _ Thefeede doth I J I ci aggmeiagi coef of af ague,D , 
| ie fe 

eke the inice ae fecmlanticse ai Sa si purgeth by fiege rough and flimie hu- EN 
mous,and a all gr toffe flegme and choler: and is alto ie no all old and colde difcafes » which 

Beary and 1Epilepfi es, ~ : AS Oe 
itis good againft cramp Satine 1 paines-of the F 
€ : 
bogies breath, the colde and long cough, the paine inthe fide and G 
it B ET 2s yey tees Se BE af. nN lla Ve 4 Oe” 
ACA demu invited n 3: : Ce Soi “ge ic Se se re er ax oe L dif. 
bia eet  apahie pecer Pet 

orelfe 2 and vere pod to be pur into or oringed vial ointments 
“Felton to muphhiae he 


roe inewith Je Myrthey i sgoodl 
10 ; 7. thb 1 . iy n > +2 odewith encoous es 
Tee cat if they ake thereofina cup of wine the quantitie of aK 

The perfume : patos 2OT¢ eaolisg sald ive } ong 

of Galbanum ‘3 ha ifing of tt I uel 
pedir thofe eketasinn ngficknes, 5 
ae eine eth,mol eh darn iro broken bones, ant = 

; and flegmatike hum 
- Sees Selon iAealrenesiasenesond iy er, 


‘ Ka Lg or Fili ipendula. Chap.412. 
% Thekindes. 
Here be diuers forts of Dropwoor fi i fertill pat fei Of nlere 

“moiftand — grounds,and forme e the water. 

2 Filipendula montana, 
Mountai ne seater 

j aah ©: 

<e1om be go! “reais Stitt tba sae regs 
iii fat Linde of Flipendula hathleaves growing: and fpred sbioa lik feathers z 
fmaltleaues, dented ot {nipt rotinde about theed ee 
“flalke Sia fal and flender femmes thele leanes reférmble mae nfie o' 

i . fed ~~ f : eps fe - vp tt 

‘ bie ST L 
o 2 
Penpile kn oe one | i TI, bam L Cabok: 
= ee \. x 
es fnallérs® shige Avcsciow iio 

~ 2 7 kinde i dendiz ico Penain in his‘ Obfertratio Obani Ph 
M eaeites moutans,isméither at this day very well kiowne neither did the old rect he eer 
vole fe akdoety ae Aa Herbaritt fotinde it growing’ 

pecrevntoV topofthehigh hils called P ava dijueDe efandinecte 

‘sthis rare en many knobbie long rootes,in thape eae 

a feas, or rather ieee tas of Gorrada,chatis » wilde Afparagus: from which sifech vp 

a, * 


ie arid more y which is vitaahdodaesek befet full of leas like thofe of oe 

mon Filipe "t Sah inad r Rac tharis Ryells 
a 2» : cla Rule ih } Blobultoast 
yde ab i Or; 2 a Cc mi gtin 
von 2 Lk ys eee § hh licvlart: lish, ytedRattell, 
i, ctatorclopbexm creck be makerh this plage 
ee 1 eae 4 1 d } ce x ¢ 5 E 
and op Of ? 2 
us 3 Filipe: <neienantis 4 Filipendula Cicute ¢ facie. 
Homloc th opwoott. 

‘ Narrow leafed Dropwoort. 

io Hy xX ‘ 

ae gis 

final! leafe for the moft part refemblin 
f thafe branches es,come 

ee it 

efor aa aon 
pileaa nde NAY ) 
screed se two Foo ‘ote 
Rapes dé ae fe very 0 cutc 
s the lceoftheherbecalled Harts 
aa updlss of stones 
Necvts rE 

> Sabi x 

fran; af plantas the: ae 


} ’ 

i For bei ng : Iq GRE oe og ag ORE POY Bis 8) a Bae 
_ made giddie in heirheads,waxing very pale ale and reeling like drunken men, ike ware 
take good ne of this and fuch like rl 5 for there i is no Philit ition that will giue its — 
and curing of difeafes, “ Bi 
5 Filipendula dquetité: 
Waterdropwoorts Thedeferiptio 
5 The fift anda kinde of pena which 
is se fourth according to A¢athzolus his ac. 
count, hath oi es like water Smallage, which 
eer callech Hien the eos wl uch refem. 

bling thofe of Laver Crateua;among which rifeth 
Ike, dee 

The ¢ place. 
The firft fgroneth daree gy! ae ftonie rocks 

or mountaines, andin fertill 
paftures. I fou aay rea se tie mice in 
a fielde adioinin gear n houfe, in si 
rieneere London, on the fide of a medow 
Sion Medow. 

The — hath beene fufficiently eee ofin 
the deferiptio 

efpecially neere the riuer of Thames or Tems, 
— the Bifh oa of Londons houfé at Fulham, 
fuch —- lace: 

: Then 
are commonly called Filipendule, "The fri is called of Aes Mirepfus Phi ilpenil: 
te ae rubra, and M, sd afylucftre: of Plinie Molon : in Italian and heh Fil 
: in Engli Aah Fi ee ani gia Pied is called philipendulaaguatic® 
she ai yaticaand Sis ariat 

tr ot 1 led of Cordus Ofniehium:in Englth Hom- 


- ah of Phigenia a ate hot ind — hes hird deme Te — eat 
millstones ¢.All theki sof Ocnate shaue 
nomena ne sa 
~The rooteof comm: onPhilipend Bonita in Sine cand deinken, is good againft agains a Y 
* nase ‘aieien to eile, aid begakedh the ftone, The like Dia/corsdes bach weiter 
Ocnanthe 51 he,is good for them thar piffe eby dro ps. thefale 
ae ‘Thepowdet ofthe ro iene of gi aaa offen vied in imeate, will pela a ntanfiom 
ling fickneffe, att of 

a 3 

= ., : 

Of Homlocks, or berbe Bennet. Chap.4.13. 

Cicuta. 2 Cituta lati faa fatidifima. 
d ftinking Homlocks, 

a eT Se 

ae SS Nee 

ieee = 

, Hemlocks. ; Broad lea 
cy Ay Y VY 


Gira (weled wh 
eves y 

sh % the de sip. 

I fT fi atand hollow fl 
. Ofioints * the ftalkes a ‘ennl os an thei stiti coatiea oe fin allted{pots, al- 

like the ftems of Dragons. ‘The leaues are great,thicke, and {mall cut oriagged like 
theleaves of Cheruill,but much greater, and of a very rg and: v npleafant fauour. The flowers 
eres hy: tufts or fpokie to 

hat hollow w withi 
oes cutee in times pat not Lacaaie the right “niga nfe, bane erroni ioutly ta- 
int aia latifolia for the fame, The leaves whereof are broad. =a ae like pee _auaghe 
3 they called it Se/éli Peloponnen(e cum folio Cicuta, the denie an 
ena lleron ertion and He an the ae it felfe, sey see tat oe or brea- 
outa f 
seflibelides th © iach pute ay Tere 1 lepl : Ke 
3 teis bare pa wichout bled hath {mell, 
maths root ores are great, thicke, Siiks El eeaelae - eto Hi dothina 
- flalkesand flowersof cMyrrhis odorata, whofe {mall white flow ers do eg 
es high. - 

“tl Lamey 9 | 3 

methanol ge wingat atthe top ofthe branc ‘anches three cubites 
The place. . 


he feconde groweth vpon Spenmaraincs and defare laces, andis a ft 
Saha thercofi inmy garden Sie rangerin Englande yer! 
% Thetime. 
They flourifh and feede in September. 


% The names, 
H 1 1 ter Greeke x! hin ~ ad t. ny 
Schicrii ith ¢ Canaheta: in French Cigne: in Enelith Hemlock ters 
Kexe,andh wbeBen > O65 8 mlocke, Homlocke, 
The fecond is ealled ed cuta Lat. atifols ia lat ifoltasand Sefeli Pel me bal. 
- Englith great Hemlock and inking Homie. Sh. fe die 


Roe faith , that Homlocke is extreme cole’ in operation, euen in the fourth Sopeaed 

J The vertues. 
A © Itistherek Fa) tees 
“ 4 f AtO8 es of eid te. boies a 

s At 
cael ale bie members to pine away, igs alfo ences the hart and liuer being outvard) yap 

aoe sche as oe 3 (eee a ly Page Pikes th ie dea ee 

rous , hurtfu Pai ii Wewe: wale rye pes } h of i oe = 

relly ra TAy ee 7 na Us ; % “ dy dieth ee 
e hart, as Péinie faith :b pt with wine the Pp ifon i g er ff } 

"6 hats ore Sex wliertot itkilleth prefently be applied i apse 

ee ia 

Be heute ody. _m tr. = ; ultie coe b his 

Rise if ps es 73 [arid chereforsnotto be vied in PLM ppeereth by 

S “ Of wilde and water Homiocks. Chap.414. 

% The kindes. 4 

= RSS : : 
=: T Hee be diuers forts of wilde Homlocks, two figures fhall be fet foorth voto you, one of the 

id The deftription. 

His wilde kinde of Hemlocke hath a thicke ‘cup roote , nate Which rife yp diuers 
. ftiffe ftalhes,hollowe, fomewhat reddifh toward the funne, iointed or poe at 2 
minced or iag- 

the common Cheruill: the Howers ftande atthe € tops of the Hales in {mall fpo 
ater Homlocks , which £’Obelins calleth Cicutaria | peluftriss Clufms and Dodone P eed, 
feth vp wii athicke , fat ,.ande mops bellows ftalke, full of knees quite ct a | 

i furtowed,ofa yellowith greene colour : the leaues 5 fhoote foorth of 1 joints wd 
wilde omiecs, bur mi sa thicker, fatter aud siren s,very Bnely cut orig ? 
a Prone pee finalleft 7ijnagao nith Toothpic ‘flowers ftande onthe fof 
of the falkesin tral sincth tufts: the fede line bis of Anife fe pr 
a of a fweete fauour : aescetst is thicke,. d render, wit} ™ 
eas oy Bee be ee a 

: on eee citer 

er ActhNut, ot Kipper Nut, called after 2’Obelius; Nueula terre ftris, hath {mall even crefted 

F I Chettariatemnifoliz, ahs Inds in paluftr : 

Tp aed i ea eon Hsia + One 

Phittandrasisn gus 
bes % The ¢ place. 
Th Get t. n , a RY, aby ft 3 
‘TH, her g ee Aad ae oe 1. E In ling pooles satponds wool 
ofEngland : it proweth very plentifullyi litches by acaufey a yonbon ete rel 
° - . 
* fordeneere London,and many other ts. 
The e time, ? 
Saas and Spuists in ee and ae : 
sipihe : The names. ri 255 aie : 

% ee lenpersetand VertMes, \ 

(yaa Ac) re cs A Homlocke, whichh vf 4 
athitien scien faid. ¥ ‘: “ 
ae Earth Nit, Earth Chef or Kip Ne. Chap. 45. 
x The defcription. id 

ftalkes,a React fomewhat more: high ; whereon do growe next the grounde lea’ 

eminences or bunchings out; browne without , white within, of afirme 
teed cee the Cheffenut,or Cheftaut,whereof ittooke his name. _ 3 

906 THE ad eee sy bis 
2 There is alfo another Earth hftalkeaf, 

‘Englith Saxifra oo a Cghe reene colour: thes flowe aged lane 
chesi in {mall fpokie eues,conliing of of vii clonetonen ao : a ‘opti 

goodand pleafanttafte, Gta ediwis: 
1 Bolbocaftanon, 2 Bolbocaftanon alt 
3 tera Icon, 
Earth Nut. Great Earth Nut, ; 

si ae 
[Baan fire Aes ; & 

ede * dng 

The plac 
Thefe herbes do growe in paftures and pee ree almoft euery where: thereis a fieldadioin- 
; ingtol Highgate,on t the right ide of themiddle of. the an x couered ouer with the fame? sand 

‘ Segwaby —— diuers a : 
% The time, 
"They fi I iI i fe&tion afterwards. 
: < ee a Pay 5 ee) } : The names, 
Gutnzteriusth dhe read, but “ia 
as ftrange a: as Bolboe. tafte of 4 
Pr Sie lif ; eth esc ofthe ae be > joer? 4 
ais of fome,butwe thinke not fo;0f Doctor Turner inde! s, yet there is anos Oe being akin 
E Mathi ee ot, ita kin pis er oN Dil ee 


% Thetemperatire. : ; 
we ra wd AT a | ay ie oS eS Sn oa Kis Sua d fot 3 aye 
ner ° 2) ; a v 
- gerand drier. Sees. 
% The vertuts. 
SS eee L 4 pee . be oli By yp 
~ 1 }. ‘ t L re ‘ if “ES }. 2f£4h: . 
i 3 > or roftedin lie A 


The Dutch people do vfe toeate them boiled atid buttered , aswe do Parfheps and Carrots, B 
which - eaten comfort the ftomacke , and yeelde nourifhment that is good for the bladder and 


ee Bt rages | Cc sim arene ucnen 

(a is ; i 2 t we 
ourhiftoric. ‘ } 

Of Cumin, Chap.4.16. 

% The kindes. 
es J, I J. 1 J Cal = | y 1 vit | 
o e . 
Cuminum atiuum Dsofcoridis, : 
Garden Cumin, % The deftviption. 

arden Cumin is alowe orbafe fé herbe. er 

N o/s y lj Y 
We AN NG tle iagged leaues very finely.cut into s 
WE \ like thofe of Fennell, but more finely cut, fhorter 

he plac 
Cumin is futon Jan fowen ini and 

Spaine, and is’ very commonin other 

tries, ae tir geen AE yp, Clana 

lefler A 

we efpecially in 
hot ihe Thauie re prnueie e feclsin in my abn > 
wher brought forth ripefeéde muc 
fairer any that a gale from bes 
’ yond ‘ 
4 7 Lies pi Zz 
It is tobe middle of String, 3 if 
eae - prt sre tly following 

- hinder a es 
Coping yee midft o of Maie, wh 
: frig in fine near: andthe ede wasspein ¢ endof Iuly, 
3 The wames 6 i 4 
Itiscalled in Gre. che Oia tise shat tis, tame o  orgarden Cumin, 
wildeoness itis named in Latin tine Cuminum: sin fhop s Cyninsn;its stack 
Bilealian Comino: in Spat conn inch cmon git Cs 

1 & : The temperature. 

The fede of ga i : yintherthirded 

‘thatithath in ies a hac nes em 

Stee: Dioftorideslieh, 

% Thevereues. 

Th des of ' in {c t 1f ji fi Ys guts, a and 
matrix: itis good againft the griping aniaticrs gnawing spat eee of the, bell not Be 
ued inwardly by the mouth, butalfoin ae outwardly applied to the a with wine and 

: bat meale boiled eae rto tbe: forme ofa ap 
Cat platine spultis & plai fer, a, Pe 

B cing ha 1 ndleda 1A todire.cith Cu 1 . rt vine and fo 

the iointsand ince. <a ail shies cama — 

1 eles ry siatlitte 2 1 ft, and for Ide} gs, and firchas are op. 

‘preffed w with abundance of rawe humours, 
tftancheth bleeding at the no 1 witl 1 {mel 
Being quilted ina little bagge v <a fome frvall ERS of baie falt , and madehor t vpon abed 
a pan with fire,or fuch like,and {princkled with goo vineger, and applied to the fide very hor, 

taketh away the ftitch and paines therof, cad each dey pleurifie verymuch, 

Of wilde rit haps 

: %& The kindes. a ae | 

3 Kips ae sg 
itetrerres t = : ¥ : y Ba > vt yo 
Lng 209 ss , ~ Codded wilde Cuming 


tA qvnalt cid 

Lay F 

zi, ee” 


ac Me The defeription. 

He e wilde Cun in hath {mall whi sala de foul z : 

; ari lei 1 leaue fifting of leffer | » finely dented about th 
Sa 5 a : the 

] Cofa3 } Ad C.-T] 
det bending ftalk is foGte righ ike vato Petten Penerts hear at the top th hite, ia and 
| wth: Licks 
“ 4 i i 1 c ° 

oa gyal sea gtr Sie gi which is the fede , lik fad) % , but -" 

much leffer. 
2 The fecond kinde of Cumin i is very] like vnto the aferetide, wile : Cumin big thati it beareth 

andthe eades within the cods are feuerally di ftiné dtepa 1 one fi her by equall p 
1 nN 7 } } j befer 
ae Pas tit * 4 Wy z Vos . ners wv ‘ q hy yaa ies 
ratte 1 4 (A Bok i Be ee Calaaidi Tu IS: GF hey be 
the: ‘OW f ? ‘e > > 7 
fomwhatleffer. ifs 
3 Cuminum ele cae Hypecoum Clusij. : 
Horned wilde Cum: Sa deer biaas oe 7 
” ~The third ok Cumin se ewes the 
before mentioned , but aues are much 
pa fl oN oaetahen or iag- 
ged, like the leaues of se/eli of Maffjéia: amon 

crooked cods, poe, apd mbee bof knots or 
: diuifions then erein is conteinied 

{mall a flat yeine feesel fe Galega: ‘the rooteis 
ae ngle. 

a habit downie by any 


5. ; 
oe: i 

tempi ie 3 
‘Their temperature and ebtacs 4 a eigeeee Se perclas sina 
40 any author oft their vei in eae ARANIVE | 

Pale m3 = 
wn ag olsd tank vm ee AF 4 2% 
ai ae ge om 


= Shy Messtiscan 16 Hoenryp 
Redbbe : ave (9 


Of Flixeweede. eee daeke 

1 Sophia Chirurgorum. Sophi 
; é Sophia latifolia 
pease "Bio adlcated lineweede, 

we : 2 dot 
_ 2 The fecond fore differeth not from the eens favin ae het reali of this plane are broa- 
ws wherein efpecially confifteth the difference ; notwithftanding in mine opinion 7 aber Wor 
tanws found this fecond fort growing in fome fertill place, whereby theleaues did growe broadet 
which meobued im imto make of this afecond fort, | whereas in truth they are both bet 
— the felfe finse pla 

“_ MTheplates 
ceweede groweth in mo seg s ofEngla nde, ampamm a eeeese “ “ a 
high waies,and in filthy obfcure bafe places, 


1 1. 

fer iris abl, the spin. Jee notas yet t decided pienso énhGR be contentes: 
ofthis for the true Soph7a, vntill fome pa or other ¢ of his isdo thew or fet foorth the mre . 
herewith their oe aracel{iedid fi 
acakie Bee azainttch e flix 

5 The temperature. 


Thefeede of Sophia or Flixeweede dunk hihi wine; or Smithes water , sgl iblouie A 
rt oni all other iflues of bloud 

cy eee ee ee | lat J -} 5as'B 
to) m a + 

Ch adel | > T t 

Of the great Celandine,or S wally wort. Cop 410. ny 
" Chelidoninm mii, 
Great Celandine, ae Anse ‘The defe ription io 
~ ~ ; 
He great Celandine: hath a-tender brittle 
ee nd fullof bra: nchebjche 
hereof hath diuers knees or knotti¢ioints, 
fet with ae? not vnlike to thofe a — 

but ten nt rout ot jagged fa gr ayith, 
se ee ‘anc ereete 8 xe the oui fide ten- 
ing to blewnes: the lox © grow atthetop 
of th 5,0 piel colour , in fhape 
] of all flower; after which come 
long cods,full of bleakeor pale feedes : the whole 
pla {trong finell, nothing pleafant, and 
yeeldetha thicke iu milkie fubftance, and 
| of the c * ofa : therooteis thicke ar 
) knob th fore threds annexed therto,which 

; 1 being sick or brufed, yeeldeth a fap or iuice of 
, the colour of golde 4 

The plac << 
» — Itgrowethin vinilled avin common w; 

>| fides,among briers and brambles,abou urd 
) and inthe fhader: “= ot uk inthe 

; A 2 Tis greene ch aSeie ee fae 
Pa Eiey) 2 [ soa good Bale of fommer, oe ‘ods Sms pertecied 
% eS) % wes = ew - in the mea 

| en Ota dy ice nab ini a peLacic oped 
| ota and 7 Birundinaria maior : among the. ‘Bpotecater Chelidonia, divers mifcall it by 
Spanith Celiduenha Serna de le 5 column 
rinbas : in high Dutch 1 Grots Sehotwurts: i in lowe ttt, Gouwes in French dines: or 

Rk ag and Celidrines in Englith Celandine, great Cel ’ 

7 a Rent ene not bcafeshen fi ee at the commingin in of the Swallowes,or A 
: = = they gai away: forasweh haue faide, i oe 
beam ge : e-figh ges ones waa thercies — 

thatwhen the f See is ga: | ES oy 4 
~) . 

é Va ‘ é = 5 


after.a time be reftored ofit felfe , and fooneft af all the fight of the. Swallow ; w hereupon 
> cate faith) that che} tale or eisai ew, how theron an her be the dams cflore that ite 
awhich healeth of 1 felfe ft keof the hile 
eels cal fee, ngs } 6.0) L 7 BS ptt ; 4 icke them 

f d 
%& The “ae eee 
aoa" ee | £3 Re ene } tN es gd + ee 
e Oo 3 1a icoureth 

and “lente fed 
3 sie % The uertues. 
TL ae 1. L L z fa) 1 
A d igh > forit clenfetltand confit avvaie linie 

©. ft 
2 L YW Cel > 3}. 
being boiled wich 

ae ina sro = tbe Dioféorsdes teach 
Ther roote cureth the Agr =a cat com meth of the rai of the gall, efpecialy y 

gall and h 
Fob ge a geht eae gl rs 
D> the; nL. as ts Scat tate Bee age Bait d 1 Anette ey faith Diol 
: 5 ° o ? aut re 
corides. 2 
E TH Ong EES ae Ga POSE BR, ERO par papas BL. ca 4 bh the finne is te 
i ) AONE ae oy ee £01 rae, ies fn acy: ; gies NER: 
Ww ¥ 5 < 7 L tanta, F 
Ha es againft fundry He wherun- 

to they are {ubiedt,as wormes,ctaie,and fuch like. 
2 be aie Rattle. (Chap.420. 

meee chipicall 

e Yalow Ral, ot 5 Concomibe geo! wT he defer “ 


; w 
i the flowers growe atthe top of the ftems, ofa 
4 yellowe co cee ger which c ome vplittle 
r or conta 

sige a vitde ales flat hs 
» like t 

The we 
ak gro owethi n dies enti and ips 
tothem a greatan 

Tt fowreth moft eS ‘of ofthe fommer. 

Tt is called in low = oe nm 

es a ee eh 

F sth OF PLANTS. 913 

a am: aaa wlera 
is of, J } efull t knowe, 

But whattemperature or vertue sothiah 
ecg itisaccounted vaprofitable, 

7 : Of red Raztle,or Loufewoort.  Chap.4.21. 

Loufewoort,or red Rattle, he de[cription. 
ey EdRattle (Damen called bid, and 
EZ i R <a to the opinion and cenfure of 
Carolun ; ne and others, the true 
calettorolaphos) hath veryfimall, rent, or iagge 
Jeaues , of a browne ri olour , and weake; 

trailing vpon the groundes within verie m 
: med y grow acubite high and more, bur 
moift a heathes , and fi e 
rou handfulthigh: the flowers 
grow round about the ftalke, from the 
of eue top,and areof'a brown 

we very like vnto the former: the root is is fmall, 
wien ender, 

“xe The pli Jaen! 
It groweth in moift and moorith medowés,the 
herbe is not eel) Pept, 3 alfo hurtfull, 
and an infirmitie 

ss ig Itis a with his domes and ftalks in Maie. ‘ 
‘ andIu 

i : : nf The name. & r 
pe : s called in Gr St Mini in highDut ch Baur 

eee finite flames, | Trois» save tin Latine Pedicularisof beh a: ge 

_ theater Herbarit cal it Fiftularia,of fome cri a diuers takeit to be Atizmulus herba: ic 
Rattle graffe, red Rattle grafle, and Lou 

1g shal! %T) 

ne a kee 3043 

% The verte 

Itis heldetobe good for fiftulaes and hollowe’ iB, ab to off ie oacarh owen of the A 

—— other fluxe of eee ited wine and drunke, 

WA nivel 5 



of Yaron or le Op. ADD 7 

Pr oan Se ee 

at "8 ; 

etn Les eh: JT Mee om 
efides fundrie a itwere 

! este? i 


or purple, hich bei | 

of Coriand 

ja a | cat no. ype | Fs sig A Sig 7 fare thi — 
o : P| 3 ? eS ue 
many ftringes. try} 
EY CAC ct Vv. T brs BS seas, and roo “. "1 
L: < riiast d be 1tO the former, 
= aa al F 
in ake “ete t a a ome tance s itelerubbed : 

I ‘le terrefire vulgare. 
. Common Yarrow, 

4 neers Se 
‘The firft groweth euery where in driepaftures a 
Sutton in Kent, called Holly por from whence I sproughesheds wre: 4g 

2 Millefoliwm florerubro, 

Red flowred Yarrow. 9°! - 


ben, y 

a Sed Milfoile gman a i 

ss % The time, Ht 38 low oh las 
moc icorecol oe << 
= URES. : 

= TT. J wnat 7 

faa ri 

anda jillea fiderstis which thing he may ve 
which ae hath fer sped oe 
Achilles a s difcig 

rome se okecks aps by 

t Panaces Hersacleion; saint Zane 
etof, fome of which are alfo fou 
breaks d Militariss 
: fui: a ne Gare 
nee . eS USD: 
: pO! LL DUE di SIS 


& The temperature, 

V1 PRE Aa Ty. ree, Bar 

ao and wand somes but itmoft om ~ Siedesn 

‘ = Le vs ) ore Leh 

Thele R 
Hing :it fancheth hbo in eat part of the body, > andi it is likewife : put into bathes for women to LR 


Palit cnx y 1 1 Ag ed, lelp f ally gi area reir Bees Jia] lL lL B 
"4 hel = -* cf s. } ee “ 1 C Cc W 0's Cc 
he C21 ds faock i ly gl “7 } Fe a ae 4 BF attosy 5) ‘ i eg oe 
RE He TEN i ae SS q j £ >]. - } Fees, 
rr ee ]} " fo. 2 Cc, y 
fellow of Kings Colledge in Cambridge, wholightlyt fed the fi Y. I 
lie dj CE ee , bi CIC 
‘ £, } L fem - Fos ] “ 1. re 
Oned i: cited gi i , prefently taketh # y h E id f the colick D 
Of yellow Yarrow ,or “Mi fife. Chap. te. : 
1 Millefoliwm luteum. poo. 2. Achillea fue Mullefolinm rei ee 

Yello w Yarrow, es Achilles Yarrow, 

sa =" of ae ioe pe ee 

‘therooteconfifeth of threddie 


916 Tie a Saeed sid ick OF THE 

2 Achilles Yarr ble Mil with ft 
from which iiiinodiarcly rife vp ic shes 5 Very greene and crefted | wea theetos 

Teaues ‘comp ofed of many {malli eee cut euen to the middler rib: the! ws flandde reeks 
: : we The place. Bi 
The feki ndso: Vg Cc. 1¢ lias, ea 

medowes,and are Sec inEngland, 

: : % Thetime,'  - 
They flower in Maie efpecially,in the moneth of Augutft they are likewife feene, 
e names, 
zt nice ee doth fufficiently declare, that this herbeis Stratiotes en in 

=: a aes <e ey Ce | } C.L 

g ers, ohh 1 Dioftorédes defe cribetht to be vides 
as the ine Ideth of a yellow colour sit 
is named oft the oe age son minus, or little Yarrow, and Adille liom Latcum, yellowe Yar. 

The e temperature. 
Yarrow is meanly enphe rs ‘Stan oe 
Bis aca ertues. 
A Y.- ! Cc VW pe..J. Chl 1 os ee } 

t * 
~ See Aes Pp BS PES 2 aectlings,an es 


B__ Thisplant chiles is thought to bet 
foldiers,as before in the former chapter. 

Of Kaletian,or Setwall. : Chap.424. 

| & The kindes, 
0 ee re +t. J {7 fthe field Jalfo fome of the 
Toe ns, garden, ? z 
Se sid def éription, 
Tr aera cyotie - Sei R e ee ee 1 sand vadeui- 

ess het cal of ee BeaePatp be ryet lee aie talks aK a cubite shih 

swith certain 

Ay {nl 

ns ~ } 1} iw hL is di ther, 
opening themfelues out tofa long and little narrowe necke,ofco. ur whitifh, and 
Berle: the roote is an inche thicke growing aflope, fnedon the mp 
ultitude of ftrings , t a moft part rof irftanding ou ch he go unde, plea 

en itis broken, 
ilde Valerian hath | led and iagged,as thofe of the f dhe deed 
] ae soll | 2. oi a dal J a A bi re yand 
finallthreds,not altogither workoe Gree : 
etwilde one is much like in forme to the garden abet, but farlefler: efile 
,theother are Soe cut in funder :the ftalkes @ {pan n longs’ malar? the 
ee eee f little finell we E ; 
PAP am 1 eJaft defet!- 
ws ¥ Y¥ now os 
gos oa gleyiatth 

‘5 wherewith Achilles cured the wounds of his . 

“ oF ial noth ther fide, + 

aes Red 
ee ee 

1 Valerianahortenfs, Votuona Pho, L- 

2 Valerianamaior fylucftris. 

. 4 ee, ; ; - 
Garden Valerianjor Setwall, “4 Great wilde Valerian, ees 

: BEES. . Valimoann Apne? t 
j Sdn SAU AReaey Gal Discreet Ao 



AT } 

\ H “o 

SS : 
\ Fie : 
\\Wi a : 

é 2X =N 
aaa ER | SSS 
SS UN y y, 
Ss) Gb Ws 
: 4. Valeriana Petr ea, 
; Stone Valerian: 


’} a, 
4423 a> 



i ae 


5 Valeriana G: 

Wig Valen, a a ey bike iit. 

nfiftin ere lio heed ¢, ha auing in 
middle thereof {mall white threds ti ipped with 
yellowe : the feede is fmall > growing in little 
is nothing elfe 

but as itwereall of threds, 
= h ther fort of Valerian, the feede 
ereof was fent HW: that reverend Phi 
ke Bernard Paladane, vnder the title cof Palerj. 

RAINY , haning alien 
Soy I, yD val) ) ling Honan aS Sey weak dla 

ca Agnina, or Lat c 
leaues come rae ae the flowers clef 
ther, li 

ofa deo apan ae the ec is vericfmall 
and threddie , which perifheth with thereft 0 
thepla nt, when i it hath wie his rie toma- 


ay L pb fr} 

rere is alfo eet or kinde of V. Valeti 

s of Mc ( } Se E: ESO oe Sige 2 ea 

hi afc aid Co roy | ee ye Bee | eee Sy peel. fi 2 aoe oa ? 1 Phy fyo 

4 fhould fay ,go 580 os \.L 1 ny Te f e 

fall Valerian, of a yellowitre colours te vppet leaues become more jagged: the ftalkes are an 
handfull high, i € 

eee =feedes eae fal i oy which bei fomewhat te 

&T “hs : 
“Te firft and hiewiferhe Grete Valen plaiedn gatdenss ‘thewildeones are foundin + 
moift places har dto rivers fides,dit ches,and waterie pits 5 Pi the garerof hey sec into 
ens where it flourifheth but the. lefler badly pore 
ef ower ia Maie,] : y ind Ii 1} ¢ ‘ p : eli 
- og es i meee 

oe <7.4..: j ef IL =, and in fhops 
whic forthe moft partis ment by the garden Valen cheek is ant arn econ 
ye fbr is ior ruftica Nardi, of Ph vay ar diss Cretica, which: "names ate rather’ gee 
cae ryalt Ag rat 
illa Valentiana, Genicula yts,Herba Reneditigend aan carta:i0 moft ions 

Specreruyt, S. J 
vnproperlys forthat name sett $' epee which isno 
downe i in the eles Blbéesue for the diltinctions of the ose kinds oA 

LB oe b aceite he ee \ 

% The temperature. 

sone greene is eal ace wi to haue very little ee ib the dtied tobe atid 


AGA {T- A 

Th er 
dried on 
whichds — bythe tafte and fm ell. 
>i Thevertness 
The dry roote as s Diofcori h hp keth vrine , bringeth d he defi 5 
helpeth the Ae in the fides, a int poifc i 
ftilence,as are treacles ithridates, 1 fuch lik her A it hath ecne had Gnd is to 
this day <i me we RY es | | L 2 , <S Ne 
ee _- s a " 7 7 o? 3 
sata Hier that a haiie their heale, 
ut Setwallin their keale. 
Itis es igen in fight cuts wounds,and fall hurts. : : B 
Thee: i * 19 Fog Od 1 cr. t co 
o J 
wate and the eyelloweiaundife, © att 8 
Wilde Do he] Herbarift I bo) if I i burft »forfach D 
L Fie d swith oh an e Yoo a Ty =) 6 ll thofe tha Moe A 
as De TrOwbcG ¥ Pr > © orpieda with 
The leaues of f thefe and alfo thofe of the at = ie! againt veers and forenefe of the E 
heldet in the mouth ; 
_ Some holde aaa that the rootes of wilde V igt E 

Of M ountaine oe Nardus. Chap.425. 

2 NardusCelticarepens. 
Creeping mountaine pe pened, 

1 Nardus Celtica. 
 Mountaine Spikenard, 


% a itafeription. 

ws named Celtica but now Ligu/tica N ardus,fiouritheth in high 
TT vat Valletzns in theit mother ae call it esl thati is Saliuncas 3 neiiher de Frans = 

Puniceis quantum ae rofetis, 
Ludicio nostro tantum tibicedit _Amintas, 

Foritis e.9 : go L g i aD 1 Wwe: . - witha ftalke of 
phe nl re ¢ thole of Graphalium 
nweede, ct ae fom yellowith: vpon the muck of thei rote, there are 
oii ry laiaganes 3 
3 threds,in fmell | ike the rootes of Aitrab ,in tafte fharpe and bitter. ‘The dowers growealong 
the sapeere branches, white and very {mall. 
1 y Py L Lek ose. meeps 
1 14. Aan St : 1 “a 3% * B Mer craek 
derfoGeelialkes. The whol f Teter I (or Con sus wise. eae 
3 Hirculus< ior 5 s seaiies Montana. 
- oy MVrine woort, besbsuhucnats' * Wilde Mountain Spikenard 

in tranflati 

isa bale pa fee 

Bret Ree ‘aa DLA S gat 
fess a en {weet {mell: fom the mich come-forth ree fower fmooth broadteanes,& 
likewife iagged leaues deepely cut, euen to the middle rib ; le which rife vp naked ftalkes, gar- 
nifhedin the middle with a tuft of {mall sheael leaues, The flow ed gt at the top of the ftalke, - 
ymble or tuft fafhion,like thofe of Fennell. The feede is {mall and ch . 

Indica. dus Nar rbonenfis. 
aes Spikenard. : * French Spikenard, 

1 iy : 
a \ Y 

ikehaator mea ‘ge mae pee wo 4 vnt 
nates Car mpofed of many roug h fealie 
Toote is 
=. ress aftard kinde, gro oweth clofe. ypont 
Sree 0 s:in the middle whereof ¢ febdsipesk foo 
among thew hich fhoote vp divers ‘round flalkes. 
— Th io4 E emer 8: 

“gThep se ees ‘ 

‘ nee Jan A) ce is ie vpe erty ipck 
‘berge: Ficictis pate ~~ rocks SOE : 
-Thefirftand. fecond,i ne 
called Cra gelole a nding foto bem 

a te ee SS : a 3 +i 
an oe en int HOq 930079 
ee oa ig fete. ud = 

_. Rerducscalledin Pannotiaor Hungate inonia or Hungatie,of the countrey people Speick, of fome, 

922 THE She OND: BODINE tind HE 
is the herbe of Vienna, bicaufe 

sites rc one ofde Sali Englith Spik citisbro ‘Ought 
voter @ eee alinnca: in nglifh Spikenard : of eV eS 

% Thetemperature and vertues, 
a Ancis pi co as i. 

Ie i Hii uy hth ae lan 
AT) thto 
ca o gi 2 > “4 ? im c 
trie,ch dto lod amonaft where was a Cha hich 8 Ccoun- 
foes ee ee Seine. 1 we ee ee ee aD his water, 
Leda 1 Rondeleting, 

Of Larkes heele, or Larkes clawe. Chap.426. 

x The kindes. 

sp] AIR po SES gd y Beek pater Se TY] Bs oH Leh } 
- t=) 
1 a pee aed fatiua. 2 Confolide fativa flore albo, 
Latkes heele, White Larkes fpur, 


Ee D j 
es ALY | 

ve me 

= ) We 
—— TT, i 




; ae 




= “a Thederipion foe 

+ he ae ae ee r Ce es 

‘ Aeaiies. 
ood : the fowers the ftalks toward thetops 
¢ brat eer eaigalecesasc re te 
Ti fonesatnsi of uirpl nee white 101 carnation aac i 
other co. i pe Se 

, ccording to os foi ies sow 1y. imthey lives after ’ 
‘the feede y very JE Ee cho ¢ of basing the roote mee eR firftapproch bot the 
2 Thefecond — is ke the Serle ut fome ne finailer in ftalkes and Teaues! 
shores are alfo like ing hie differences» 
Tee i tae <3 a 3 confi 


tmes of 
by which pealfothehea uenl Doloh in is 
Debpini th 


3 eo lide negalfiererates, 4 Confolider nai saan 
a “a . Wilde Larkes 

5% The defcription. 

3 Lad , Ob 2 1a JY Nall sand feedes lil 

thedcaen ths C I ES | 1; eréin confifteth hthe fet 
4 Thewilde Latkes fpur hath moft 3 jagged dleaues,c mal hackei into diuers pat 

Lapcicatics iddle tendrell : among which gro wet bal owers , like the others. 
greatdeale leffer,fomtim our:the too 

epi otherwhiles whire and oftenof’ a incl 

Se _ This 

chal gore a 
They flower for the tier all bean cng 

. Latkes heele is called Fis Regie of diners Comfilida rec 

omakeit cafe confoun 
Comfreies sit isalfocalled Delphinum, eerie: ccd = ag : 

Tae ees itis tepotted by Gerardusof Veltwijck , ce isthe great 

the Ein perour Charles the fift that the faide Gerar fawe at eCanfennnnpes pres 

if ally be~ 

brtheybe peed, haue a certaine theweand likenes of thofe oles which old pictures 
dine ancient families,haue exprefied with a crooked and bending figure or fhap 

ee foorth : And ic skilleth nor, sthonghé = Ca DE 

ium 2 fied and ee: for although it-be fome other'n 
Not Dieforide, iis notwithftanding fome one of the olde writers ont of here 

i Englith Latkes fou 

ey: US 5 ely y NWA 
wie heel, tans toes , Tend ine, and Munkes hoode: in high Dich Riper 
Pied d alonett, 
he temperature. 
Thefe herbes are temperate,and warme a nature, ‘ 
We finde ee extant of the vertues a Tadic ies as , either in the ancientor later writers 
joe chewist ng,or tobe credited , for i it is fet downe: that the fee 4: at f Latkes s {pur ur drunken is 
God agait I ml y throws 
fore the a es any < : } ft, caufech them to va vita ae: or vette 
Way , with many other 
foe trifling toies not woorth the reading 
Of Gith, or Nigella. Chap.427. 
% The kindes. 
: L 7 P net ff” N 1. . 

‘T Hee ere be diuers forts of Gith,or Nigella,d 
the doublenes thereof,and i in finell of the feede. 
: 2 Melanthium “p ee | 
Wilde Nigella | 

r lant hium, LANG 

Te Nigella. a 

eS ae 4 y : ‘ad - 

: . Uf ft way, ¢ 

» ne a : 
AS ~ (er 

ix es SY 

ie “om Thedeferiptum, — . 
Toe fie cones 
much greener the lowers grow at the top of the branches, of a whitifh blew seca 


ere ork e' fit: ¢ finall leaues, ftarre fathion : the flowers being vaded , there come 
“ ot 

LS ane hs tT 

1 } ee YS Td 
cuery xn0 FP 
ag ' « r Klackith leur Ih ctu oe | 
11s Or > b) 

» wherein the fede is conteined, 

3 emai wilde Nigella hath a — —_— a foote ot more high, befet full of grayifh lcaues,verie 

iagged,almoft like the 

thecods or knops are like x nenee or sain of Columbines , wherein i is contcined the fweete” 
andpleafant feede,like the former, 

Melanthiwn Damsfenun. 4 Nigella flore albomultiplici. 
‘ Damaske Ni igella, Double fowred Nigella, 

empletldeti mr 


be AUS oS | 1a Se Anril} =i nother a | 
are : _& The names, mee 

ae § t and 
na: of dive Gith, and Seri and Bar 

among the former baftard na see 407 Digro, 
ast tch sSwartghpin TAMECH ¢ i in low Dutch Pardus facts i in Tealian se le oo 
fhire Bi jalfo p } Cre Ke oe n Cambridg. 
Ra The ‘semperature. 
Tha (erie 1 ais eons 
= me C4 » pats, 

The % The vertues. 4 
A of Nigel: 4 | ithwi . j “Aiba” 

folueth aa purtdhfoorth windines,prouoketh vrine,tl fes. incre xen ath, ail. 

ie 2 i ei oe cou. L ola SEPERSDL 

of too often,orin too gteat a quantitie . MEI Be 

aye 1 1 woe 
vate orld t 

so auell in maner ofa plai 

Cc The oile thari is drawne iors thereof hath the fame | oe ae which the vaskilfull Apothe. 

D, The fede oxo or dried at the fire 5 broaphei io nid erahie b A 
ro) t > PP Peece or tine 
es pot F A Ot % ahi t } an + 
hef{e rig 1 1 “Een 4 Nn: 2 L : eg ped odin’ 
Ma $V Ue 

made warme at i etre wen it tis vied. y ; ag 
I away freck lfwellt g sb i gl id 1 with vi Tobe briefa a5 

Galen faith, it ft } ieeolent ‘5 an dheating, 

ee a = 7 or) g 

E 8 sbagg ‘odie 

Of Coc. 

Peden anthium. 
: itard Nigella Cockle. 

thes: o, 
Sa ae 
Vartajs hacks 

Ys price ib baien 

eee? = 

Ockle i isa hihicdan and fuelleai in 

feede, tein the caer ib 
aes Hor eee es 
time.” ng tig 
The pace a rime of histo 
ates son aheciae ven defired. 


y ay hone , whereupon moft Herbarift 
irk Mel, ) 

« Enolifh Cockle. fielde Ni a 

= Pd BS aig ig ae a Bae ce gute +. ae is Tana 

wet . ais ot % o C ‘4 2a 

how far they are d d,itis better] I ifull tobe confuted: for it doth not’ onely 
J C 5 Cidkk aC. 1 sg ee setae be 

differin | 3 prof yj ands alled Githor AZe/an- 
L j -} f. 4 1 s 230037 * 

s L gon | Po ee on sik ‘ 
tI, . : . ag: r ye - ; , 7 
may differ from the true Ate/anthinm’ for Hi pocratescallethit Melanthiumex Tritico, ofwheate: 

(tanins Horatianus calleth that’ Gith whichogtoweth:among corne, andforthe fame caufeivis 
named of the learried of this ourtime WegelaftrumGith id Pfendomelsnthinm : Rielle ‘faith, 
it isealled in French Wreleand Flos Ad icavealus, 18 OE 

' ’ ye itobowe The temperature. 

} j fal, 

a Be 1 lL 

* O27 yay 


The feede of Cockle ish y 
: 103 tk Thewertues, 
eo ps > met 

fe deima peffa honie put vp, Bringeth downetliede- A 
71-1 tFc0isl sy 45. J Ke. A she > te Enre S ‘ 
 Oltauius Horatianus gineth the feed parched and| powder to be drunke againft the B 
yellow iaundife. 

Some ignorant people hauc vied ‘he feede h f for the feede of Darnell,,to th great danger C 
of thofe who haue receiued the fame? what hurt it dot he {poile yntobread I] 
a5 2. NiO gilve t oy 1 1 Be sex} Se aS 7 * = 

Of Fumitorie. Chap.429. : 

= : : “ot The kindes. Site “Sai eae 
"Tore diners herbes comprehended vnder the title of Fumitori , fome wilde} andothers of 

the garden;fome with bulb | J ith fibrous or threddi 

: Dlr IS 

Fung laflre | al 


and firft of thofe whofe rootes are nothing but ftrings, 

1 Ewmariapurpure. 
mo it 

¢ flowted Fumicorie, 



e - te 4 
i, Bee 
= Holos h 



% The defcription, 
2 CFs 8. © ve eryten } on 1 he 1. c3 Le Mn it l ; c. n ars wees 
knots f thatleatce grow vp fic promi witha rPropins, 
edges as thofe of eg which as well as the tale ate of awhitith er gree neha ~ 
pingm the:tops of the fn ted p purple ¢ colour: then rife v frame 

aa The fecond Unde of Fumitorie a many moh and tender apc whereupon g grone li 

iaggcd leaues,in colour,tafte and fa but mu 
the br. ranches many fi {mall clafping tendrels, withwhich i it taketh hole vpon ie buts, | 
es ak nd t Re Se, paler ay) ioe tecolour, 
of a nasa length, - ¥ isfigle, fa 
: ee 
3 Fumariatenuifolia. 4: Sambekoyion oF 
Fine leafed Fumitorie, ~ Yellow Fumi 

branche Sisitiog| heere and th n 

pe See iagged,like the littleleaues of Dill, Dapatie chick 
condi to blewnes :the flowers ftande on the ¢ tops of the bee in bunches ore clufters * | 
thruft cogither. 

sve ene the rooteis verie mall and threddic,. = = 47m 

4 ul Pf 

hb Ledeieotap hrife di ight ftall hy dining cites 
a ol bga' a cone (edi 
a Rubaibe, burJe erand thinner: along f the branches gro wyel- 

ge, efelloneth foal fede like vnto dutt. 
ns a: ari eae | bas sblos id 3083 13 Quor i. 
‘ ¥ of PE wrar EY é Pumarialatifoliami nor, yeh 
ae ‘. acl SEP roade slalom, yng Io eds3) 3 isifenaltbe la afed Fico 

r Ath its ranches iilog heere fetes. cect =i 

: ed y fetypon thoretendrelsor footeftalks,{thooth of colour’, and 
; by. and three, likeynto the Trefoiles or three leafed ante leaues 
_  “ométoorth clutters of white f deweceniet togitherin bunches, re oi fet of filberd huts 
When they Stee taeetarbertalom, ci — fhepoints witha light bluth of purple 
hardtobe titbea uifedly J 
é Thefinallerbroadeleafed F at lat defer href +, faving iti itis 
altogitherle leffer.wherein oncly confifteth case i153 
The p 

The Fumi ties do grow in corne fieldes Belge pirat illend ee 
mets ned ice I founde eames se 
PBR = eden neat : 


% names, 
Fumi lled in Greek ds, andxdrviev, andoft H 

34, ‘OF Phinis 

Capnos: in rd s Fumusterre: in high D ch &rpteauch t tid lawe pie ¥ chi 

Reruel : 3in Spanith Palom#lha :in French rer Englith Fumiterre ial ‘Sac fcotn, hg 

T aera, ce QSGlos 
cold IM x 1 

Tr ~ L 
dri topos 
andclenfeth by vrine, e tie, 
% The vertues. 3 
Ass 11 +L 1 L » 1 | Lavaiaks i bie. Ie tere rs 
to) 5 7 andior them 
al that _ the e French difeafe, picnic ei. ia - 
ins so oy opigk =k Pam Ie | wees » pas a eS 
= Salar” iis ~ 3 MMOS 4 
7 them that hauea quartaine aoe . ee 
L be § - 
The decottion of the herbe eis given, or elfe the fyrupe that ismade of theiuice: the 
Ist; 1 t. Cc : . . 
f ‘ purp faid. 
Cap | S38 te a | eas PR SS Se Ear Ce igce Pad 
is : t ° AY 10 

mer time ee a are croubleg with 
Paulus aith,thacit lcncifully prouoketh vrine: E taketh away theft 
liner and feblenes thereof thatit ftren ios the ftomackeand maketh ithe oa re ea 

neta addeth swith gum Arabicke doth take away vp of 41 hg 3 ea ee Yas Aig 
on the eielids , théhaire: sthat pee | Gt plucked y5 fori th ie de 
in their places, Pe re 
G — Thedeco€tion of Fumitori dra JAtineth foorth by vii 1 fiege,all hor, cholerick, bumt, 
ies AG. | ae poe COAT ae Sel Ba 
and hurtfullh wuss ApS IS amok npular dig E 

Of bulbus Fumitorie, or Hollowe roote. Chap 430. 
% The kindes. } 
Heccbedeieatonas f Holl leffer, fome of Jour and cl | 
mate,and others of ‘Siners mixed,as at be See 

% The defeription. 

e ry. Liit fy per ya yA cote 
1 Tate alighs jam colour, thatis i, like the gray colar of the leaues of Se 

pode ee he gag eo - a ey et oe ed, | een q 
snhandil oo kn CT adnd Vint } eh te 
fedelishin atcods, 6 j By es OS ly j 1 phi Llacke (hi = ai 7 
pe eae a eet ay " L rt efled downe 2 ‘ 
Brit Pus Ss! ee ee yell Ls Sr ‘ aes oie eae oat ed thereto,and 
ofa bitterand auftere rafte. Con: Pa RR, ee ee L a. 4 28: L 4, rs of awhiteco” 
ur,and the other not fo. pose La! ace 
3 veneer Hollow tooteshath rootes,leaues, ftalkes, flowers, wand as rae 
precedent,the: differenceis that this lant is fomw' vha t lefier. 
The finall vhi ¢ Holl E ich refpedt, faning that 

a yao) 1 wre 
cee » & o : * 1 Raii® 

Radix caus maior purpurea 2 Radix cana maior alba. 
* Greaspupe Hollow roote, Great w en TOONEE 2 


y Iudie. cana minor MY Pu : 4R. Redix cua mi inor alba, 
Small purple Ho pepe roote, Small white Hollow roote, 

iO . 
RY <= 

os NS yy 

ee : “BAY y = 
; oe o = \ oe 


5 iiiasticipartivin vriegata. Radix cauaalb, 
Pur a ilps erke poe tek Gm: vib di uel 

Tale, IbiSe4y 

» | A 


S ed 
: ie 
ie Dyes 


%& The defeription. 

 dikethe latide(cat 1, faning 1 Rue Tyeprenfare 

5 Thi skind de of Hollow roote i: 
mixed with purple and white which Baka it todiffer fromthe 

There is not any difference that is poffible to be diftinguithed lea the laf sci fauing 
that the flowers heereof are of amixt colour, white and purple, wi ith fome yellow chehollow- 

L 1 5 of EY 258 ome: y- we ih por 

~-ynto ; Te. P ur; . és : ak lal 
togither leffe ife : weake, and feeble, of an rene 
iddie poet to ES top eee rs,fafhioned vato one ¢ peece of the 

bearing from the m 

Setins ie omer hich refembleth a litle birde ofa publ ‘balou oe 
This ent, {7 fauin that this planing 
pS nate i ee a 'd Primro! f 

=. be soley the Dutch men-do calli it, hath pmany fmalliagged leanes ror 
ete ened 00 :among which rife vp very flender ftalkes ‘whereon do orowe ™ 
next the ground:on the top of the branches ’ftaind faire purple flowers, like eet 
af ie ard g that the flower Is heereof areas itwere {mall birdes, th he bellies or 

jo laftand and {inall H ‘fn dh: oy Re ee OY, WEN BH | df: : L tishogtherle 
“the fonersheerfateof g : , : ro Sete, | P a4 SS ab Cattle 

° ESE g tals 


7 Radi stood tenuifolia purpurea. ° oly. \p\°4% 8 Radixcauatensifolia alba, Qeets!9 9% | 
Purple Hollow roote with thin leav me White'Hollow rdate! eters chitideanks, 
a ee ee ae 

Se : ee “BN 
ss tap. 3° 2.) 

. . ane 

ahaa a . : ‘J 
PNM stay “yo Sanaa what irids fore. Te, Dots teas 4 
--Bunnikens Holwortjor Follow root, * Smal Bunnikers Holivort with a owets. 


Sa ae ct 

- Thefe 
lowand fer: ay =: ‘ : 
‘ Sele ycninay eu pat = 


SI ak Lame ee 



% Thetime. 
., phele do floweri in'March’, and. their feede i is ripein in Aprill: the ues and ftalkes are gone in 
D tinue, 

te iesenche 
TIM Fs, T.44 aii. ae | TY Lw x 2 
oie Mee a TT arrest 7 ts 1; ey Se ee A aie 
Riech - Pat 1 4 1 We bk, Pee rs “4 eee 
: ro 7a he si cis peace ROARS, By ee Verle Ria Ber 0? ine 
Lites Beh fs J . J: See Pe ah s Turne th 
ey Woe ot ne ee : P30 mae 
oft tea _- } 4 » 
see eeetear! in leaue fi 

a a haue his n: name # ant 7% an thati isto Oe of the eet > He this rote t may tisk po 

greene in nthe {pr ing onel yi eee thinke i ithath beene called Eriphium ab Hedo, ot of ‘the eats fie 
this s Eriphion is quiteanother plant, as both —— writeth., and that booke alfo men 

seth & - to fé 
SRR Gas) pas Shy Mees Py a 

ernianus, there ot 
FattNesuts like S alla ¢,a fine: deex like ee Violet, and aroote as great asan Onion: pee 4 
ikewife other foommn hich fead foorth roores ogee toate « Whereby itis s cuident that this roote 
efeofw rthiskinde Fe Eriphium 3 fe p 
foilted this long difeour of ons werfies i ‘tof our 
hiftori ythena ame,G/adio/us, whichis alfotalle | ibe Sa ium. co - 

the ol Wiicers je a aes a ae, pra aet theroore thercofi bi 
ftamped purget 
le fiom si weve balbed plan fte: Atheneus citing Tamachida fot an auth 
es abr ieees eles of which Ariads garland de, Thefe thing 
nae weeT Cenfte bh: ee. ainghiie 
- ee with hollow ro f 3 un etc hee e 
Sh: which is 5 alfo'tho ght to purge: but wl : y can be affirmed , feeing th " 
—atelo =< bri efe> Ct} nerb Caf Lipo . : L: h grox of oe eee 
Teutab.. the. thirde ke core 140, in Martisnus his oe ‘um, and-in-his Tet sbooke 
2. Chapter, g But if Cepmos Cheon be re ich Pliny 
are 5 13. doth call Priva Capno h jit for the 
7 = 2 t 2 s 4 2 
di f the ei * is pl ehil Ai ,or the Hollow toote, isnot cpr che 
fey ce roe head Por eee it Hollow cotebath 
Ct 1 : Ae = 8 hut aur eae be 
SE oS o > 
s— them. But if Aétius his Capnos Chelsdoniah her herb - differin he ino a par 
> im 1 l RO See aera tee BE eer } $ is fome reafon gh 
Atel loa ape SOL aS Lacie Dien: 
ba 4 5 L L L 1 Wh j 3 ios } - 
Eidatmction, hat iti trigh Chelidoxia for there be 
c. : i “7: Es G, : 32 pibdrcrs 
: Hollow rootei is hot and ay: yer more dtiethen hot hati istofay , dryin the thirde degree 
: * Ti ever bues. of 
S Hi oll “ = : 1} 1: eh atin throte. and 
A Devoe oo °. L — g! . L tl = thea — oe ln andpail- 
the iawes:it likewife P leth ag: I hich are iw 
full ing a ae 1 me CD. | ey See ae | Vag . Po, é 
Ibe Bean ie oe ? See fees 1 aa aac # 
r ° ola : 


Of Columbines. Chap.431. 

; x aS 
cap See carulea, So. 2 Rican ies 7) he HOES Noss 
w Columbines, \ Red Goliad 

geiemihtbaly 160 sts eatidcanioD} 
$8t Sigiee sloiriw.. 1357:i5¢82 Rox 
Poabiane whan, © *. 
Cope = 
% The defeription, 

Heblew Columbine hath leapesIike rss adine,but aie sooner indened 
on = Sue — intodiuets sd conn Spa uey broken 
rth little iuice ornonea ftalke i isa cubite ate ah aie high Z cis red. 
anlens haired : the flender fpri merce one fl ce flue - 
eee hornes,as it were hangin foorth, w, a grains vssiiopingai of apeof 
ldebirdsthefefowers are of colo sat torn netin eer sige at other times of ie . Bo eeeyeken 
white;or 6 mixtcolours,which to diftin nif, feucrall woulde besa Geel pain ng things fo 
familiarly knowne to alfs- after the flow . as owe vp ’ cae in which i is conteined tele ei 
eede : therootes ar 


2 letecond do doth notdiffe er fauing in the pap res ufone, for like as the others are ophite 

tobe blew fo thefe are seutee red,ot horfe flefh colour,which maketh the difference, ee 

ry The double Columbin lik 

“ty double, that is Ea 
see nother, ane 
meee with hir little ones. 
epee” revnpn lel sande 


3 3 oe Celutbin 
Double Columbines. % The plac 
ay eh Theya aided fowen in esr ebay 

tie and variable een = the flow 

They flower in Ma an luly, 

Columbine is called of th Herbarif 
Aquileia, Aquilina aidsapeie of oa s 

thos,of Gefnerus Leontoftamum, of Datecam 

Louaine, Jenis flrs : of fom mete Lilie aa 

herbe wherein the Lion dot h delight ; in high 

, Dutch Agiey rin low Dich Relea ench 
:\ Ancoiles :in En rer 

Colu aus are hag to ‘be temperate be 
tweence heate an ie 

Nocwithtanding whee epee ver- 
tues Colombines haue, is not yet fi 

a tthele so wt heliec edad R ee 

well covered with cloth thes , and then 

= sae" <= Sas “9 1 2 sR 2S Sar 2 eh, td ig 

any teafon ;moft in thefe daies following others by tradition , do a a to sboile the leaues in ae 
Hite: the forenes of the throte, ae excoriation of the’ vaula: but the ancient writers have 

fed in medicine, 
} ffitme they are g rpewhs de ieetuare 2? , which effeét the 
ee do alfo a ee 
Of Wormewood. es 
. : thd ou : i i 
S TP Herebe divers Dinsof Wont ood , one with broade leaues thatéxcelleth thereft: : other 

Bs hone Doaiiex and fcnihier eke CAE Forides maketh mention ot 
three forts of Wormewood, Ponticum misc mee Santonicum , vik re alas a pe 
formerkindes. ° 

The de fe: 

— Pern sae vod, hat h esl sei 
colour ervonene iagged,and very bitter oe ftalkes are of a woodie fil 
Fe If ve and full of branches ih which do grow | litle eli at 


yom pO Pe Om ST 

ond kinde of LURK? I1.° Lr. Lay 2. Og L are highor 
what more,garnifhed: and cut nao 
oo oa or ordi: 2 come are vtkethe ron, ration vpon {mall items peads 

Bios tx F 
ESE ae 

’ . 
t Oe 1;¢} mallan dim manv. bli 
ae aR Ll | ee Ome b eS mae Oe LZ oer t baa oe Uh? a 
cleat Lae is plant Pre egiete ne 1a ee Be gn ks eee 
Some h 11 rs * ies = * 1 i = ee: S . . 
was{o P ‘ antoinge $ it may very well ap- 
€ hecontrarys for in the Alpes of Gal yin Afia minor,ice hin greatpl 
ry,ande therfore may rather be called Gel; Sard dnors. t ing 
impertinent $55 the Hiftory, i > itis is the Ponticke Wor d of Gak defc if r 5 andfo 
. holde peey 5 a | > J S | - 2. 
2 P=) - 
eS Aikowile manie mec 
1 Abjinthium latifolinm a ie denice + bjt tennifolinm ponticum Gadeni, 
Broad leafed — Small Pon ticke spelen 


Se fk ANS yaw 

alae 167 QOS ogg > nar a8 antl 4 be i 
This broadie afed- Wormewooil oot delighte ett grow.on- rockes de and mountaines,and sania 
Soeiacees: oe aialg sina aeeeuryay saya et 

-founde in Pontus ates onain mount Tatiruss! Pliny wiireth that ete H 
ormwood is better po that of alie ; let in de ger et ae gaa that Ponticke Worm 5 
Woodisextreme bicters”, a Mio saab 4 
2 Y 

is sieteime ee 
Vatilled ames ground the filthy lothfome: Wiedhoodyekl,* 
And knowne its bythe fruice ho biteeraretht fieldes, 
btn bone ‘chap.76. doth thew 

leafed Worn 

Ple by the oe there sit is lei 

a teafon of the chilneffe of the aire inks Se cepa vpon the Se gun 
Callit creepin g Wormwood, 


% The time. 

Thelittle f 1 feed li Luly 1A stl may VVo: dbe th 

and laid vp for profitable vies, ERE tales 
eT) ‘he names, ' 
Itis calledin ecietiihens i re in Abfinthiwm fica scountrey Won 
ope efants VWVor weh t f ormwood, the? 
may differ from the: refts thei Seat of the Arabians call the better fort Ba. Diofeg- 
& rides guneth Pourees Wormwood, Rom ‘nna Abfint, oe W ormwoodsand after thele 

Axenxios, Affenfos, moft of = Donzell: the Fomip ales ay wa: in high Duich Wicronmur, 
ccletmut: tin n French sari in econ erca col sano ae if es. 

ped ay 

elation Ponticum, 
% 7 int 

ee ee ee En “ 5 and dry in the thirde sit jg 
eo? Zz AR Lhy ; 
& fascceal 

fl . . 
k 1 } hol far re 

A LI Ye aes L 
hifbheos ‘plac of aa and wrine : by reafon of the binding quali Y, it ftrengthneth and 
ontained in the ftomacke 

as Galen addeth, eo 5. Oat 

POON A ee | f ee ff, J aS SE 2 ee sai h Dio, Corides:andit 
ielpetineney be furfeit, but alf i i i tretheth the tt | WU x: - 
cating and drinking. : 

n Il. 
notonely ee pe a ioe and make a an appetiret to meate va it eyelet these 
liver alfo,and ri 
nies mwoodis excellent good for them ee vomite | :bload har hele ie 

ich hapneth when the fpleene be eing overcharged & filled (ong He id doth ynbu 
fe, and great plenty of blotud is oftentimes caftv Gost te Irhapn fen fehaflore 
Ir oud mixed withéxcrements wards by rites oftentimes 
that with violent and large yomiting the ficke man’ fainte' th., orwhenheis 
fal fliculc and almoft incurable cmp eiecially ale doth of 

ten happens but fronithefe dangers Wormwood candeliverhim, if wheache trchelied after vo- 
mite ee his Sie eed) ay ae thalla good wie vie si ia whiag maner focuer he him- 
felfe ailthink Ch 
E xcesSie Nell hr 
* earn sia «Glib sci Sit ts one int Bet breaths it 
~garfhents alfo fromthe Mothessit driueth away gnats , See nointed ¥ with che “ 
_ thereof. 
Tal a aie Te Bee a. J \ 
2 Befides all this Di ) erie eee shat it: Hones alfo againft windines ee | griping paines of 
- theomacke a a Sefeli and Brench Spikeniardy' the decottion ccireth the yelloweiaun- 
Soe ag itifefion 

— tat seg va enogaoatenesor toad oli deli 

aes are 

<a ken mae wine,it is gooda pee the pila of Milton, -and of H Hemlocle, a 
=e ofthe threw moufe,an of thefea applied to heya ae 

— he oii aes 
lech ieeag ofthe 
comntendeth it greatly, sf 2 the amie gig 
ae Cae shee GS and slime reson 8 

oe a 


ag — leafed Wormwood, which is called Romane : 
Wormwood. — Chap.433: 
a8 inthium tennifolium few pecand M7 
snith Wormwood, jo % T he deferiptio 
a Mall le aff d Wong a Tbringeth fone 

very many little b anh “fe {pa 


oote gta leaues, leffe by a ane 
‘deale, andten erer.then the re gene 

3 cre 
from whence doaife a greatnumber of yoong 

3 WW ae his Wormwo a is fnew 
WWI d lefie, bitter a goed deale the 
2 Si =e ie naan aed cack oof 
ye pleafanta fi afinel bt 

garie andi : 

Sriinings) it) ie ee eee nike 
mary v ntilledplace we ie § tiga lun 
ees in te low Counties sw 

% The tim j 
i bn vat fo foméci sue dfeedein Au 
‘tumneza little while after when winte 4 Aue 
the ee witiererti oo but the roote remai- 
neth’aliue,, ftom which, leanes and Ralkes_ do 
come againe pA Ae "Bs > 

. hd 

_ Tei is ei called am Romani: se 

dutch R aginfehe aa by 

inlow d 
who vfe this in {teed of Pontick 1: Furth 

other Wormwoods : thee fe the finell of this is Sots ee “i its yoke Netnen 

cna ‘¢ bs ¥ 
Ik geomet coe in — 


fnt, whereas al all the reft havea ftrong and lot! — ome is foe os a5 tick Wormwood doth ~ 
ck Wiens wi 

| woad is ac- 
Countedamon: fthe firftkinde, leafed \ V Ww, mwood; which thing alfo Gaéa 
R Sao einen he faculties of medici in th fS d rebe 
three inds of es Ce Cot ie sae te 1 ee 
Peels ally P Pontick: h ee SPS GLI ETT (oe SF BS 
= ¥ ‘ Be tag 2 

rento the firft Wor d;andtl y | fe “fos tpl 
ten intiisbooke of ethod of ‘curing how Pontick Wi vc dis leffe in fo4 veer cl cafes 
. Pe tier = oS: iat oes Pot Be WEE a 
nittiodioticieedt oh - e 
thelefferehey wes a pn ee NE Se : tab lekst. tout», f 
ee seas ould haue ue the longer) The sv 
richtPontickes , ood, } he Atabians Romaine Wormwood, who hme and 
other Ron hen Ponticke W: 1ofthe Grecians. Alfomany beleeue that this iscalled 

4htontcum, but th be fought for in Myfia, Thracia, or other -egties Baftivcel ,burin — 
Fra Pere s eee Sy as a eer * aR. 93 asia ee 
g eed Sas te eg - PTL, AG. and in the region of 
Sardine earn Soa ee =e Ss "Wediae kee Zandt whirks as. 
5 T ‘s 
Sedintothe name Santomicwm through th f ft ofcorid 
SX pons . 7m ft. M £ 
P 5 - 3 ? 


led in Englifh Sep ty mrond, Romaine W. PTR ee eae 4 
and French Wormwo Riper rt) a 
c The temperature. 8 
_ Small leafed d Ww is bitter alfo » butleffeag Sood deal 
lL n¢ ae BS ty < u Mt Bale then 
ak A . : ep ane iy 
VV ormwood, nox 
Of “fa Wore. Oe 434: ia “Ales 
2 % x Abfinthium warinum sham, Wiendstis Abfinth - fil 
White fea Wormwood, singh “road ate seas 
7 ort " Boy, 

th J 
8 A} 

\S 4, I 

igh 148 

Ioicha vd, HSE 3a do volt 

we ; ie 
Hewhite fea ancl ena and L’Obelinecall eee into 
tinwn, Dodonaus iv his aft Edition ee ) hath many Jeaues cut 3 raed 

7 noe fine iagges like thofe of Sothemnwood , of a white men os ve co 
‘ rhe fdogrow at _ Wh 1. "1, 0 1 ~ L j ad. pie 
heretic eth. ae 

fea Wormwood hath verymany foft leaues , srovingdl cofey degra dhegin 
oie © fraregolons pothing finaly cu origeed as theother of his kinde: the flowersg" 
vpon the tops of the ftalkes of a yellowith colour rote tonghandeteig at oe 

pele Woornwoods iptporee ete rie genni in the falemarfhes conwni 


ie Pe oe 

See Cen Se 3 ee A ssire Re +P 

Mi : 
moft places of Engla 
in P peneends 7 rey a af 1. bad 5 ere | c. } 
place, and retainech hi stalte, | 5 p d. 
* The time. 
obo Seth eae La IOs t se NAT 
Wormwoods do, 

Thef dedatrat 

cig T he names. 
Sea soit is called i in Greeke és erdter Seaehnov: in Latine (Ab fins hinm wsayinwwm, and like- 

ife Serip 

dine uel other Santonicum differing from fea W. ormwood : in Englifh of fome women of the 
oouintey's Barden n Cyprefie, 

% The temperature. 
Sea Wormwoodis of nature hot ie dry 
2 Thevertuet. 

Diofe 7 &G. } i 1 g a pee ey o ey BL y, killeth A 
ee laos | | Fut B cae | ook L g iy 7 L -45 Bee ee. 
peers ‘a fone Oy Bw re é a — Ce 1 . Chel. - 

Theiuice of fea I , efpecially the poifon of Hemn- B 

Tht sofa Bie Die fat Ihe 1 POPE on 2 7] 3 fours hekiw: fide 
(a ,3C 
ee iO Reema? Pie pee io 3 ‘ Ss d 

The fame! is fingular ageint allinfammations , - netect the asa and line ee D 

the kinds of Wormwood for the fame pur, rpofe: s that common Wormwood fer : 

Itis reported by fuch as vel neere the fea fide ‘tbat the: catele fsbich qo feed what itgrowethE — 
jome fat and lufty very quickly. 

= herbe with his re laid in cheftes, prefles, and wardrobs, | h clothes f hence 

other vermine, z 


oF > 2 Py 4 

Of boeWormead. Chap: “435: 

Hole ‘Womrood The defeription, 

ina,& Semen 

ng in their gardens 
yeerely,which they folic at ata qe pa 83 aie 


= “to the Niels eat end 

ie annexed Waaaa — 


i ondon Apothecaries, 

vhoke erie Fa 
ie Shae Sei not beleeue; for being — ae an — it did gtowe, I ftill perfitted; 
not truc: but when I didbe' chold this great quantitie of Ww ormwood, it was nothi ng el elfeb b ce ji 
mon4ze0s. How man L thes. 
nd how many chi eee beene Sates tebe or takingit, Ir 
er of the fimpleft , confidering their i ort, to haue fo Kinga os 
waight tofits the mote totheir fhame be tehoken, ‘and the leffe wit or skiil in the Ay Aporhiecais 


sha het 1 ane Se a 9 : 1 t. Cand tr 
oOo 3 | Yin. 
om Thetime. 
b mare | =. 8 ERS Ae Cae ABS pe : eee D 
o ° 

4 Thenomes | 
: ae French men call it Berbotine : th : whereupon alfo the he Latinesname # 

ementina: thef{eedeis called aes pape 3 H olie feede , and Semen contra Lum. 

i bit -in Englifh Wormfeed; the poe itfelfe is alfo called Wormfeed,or Wormfeedo Wwoort;fome 
name it Semen Zedoarie, Zedoa rfeed 

% The temperature. 
rh: 7 L J Cc. c a2 
BB ftid ANNU 1D e 3 
*% Bed water 
A f thet = Sear? db UF te 
Rheubarbe = mixt sail for fot the y kill likewife they 
1 ee: “a 
= id ro 5 L 3. , a _ hp i Le ] 

af Jorn and bastard Wormnrods. Chap.436. 

% Thekindes. 
lL . BpeRS C9 ss ce. ee in (1. Ree eee fe Chapter. 
‘% The defeription. 
4D n-n%K7, i ears L RY ot Sh eS sat » BRE BY pate & d, which the 


* cubits,ofa woodie coe like vnto aE os branching it rae 
fundry armes towardthe top, fet full of {mall iagged| leaues, not much valike the P Pine ie 
an hoanié colour ; and ranke fmell 

“= - ith 
hath ftraight and vpright ft kes, 4 cukite and 4 halfe pate 

a finthiame al albam 
broad leaues, but) verie deepely cut or —— in oe like v vnto sat at the top - with (ome 


1 Abftbiom 

1 the ancient writers 
¢ height of three pt 


og Seat ee 
oh. See - * 

rz ANS ra 
. Sig 4 ; 
3 B 23 Rank ee 
oc £5 sg We 
Ve 2? ES ° 
§s nh : ae 
ues oi = 
Sa ie S 8 . 
: 292, y \\ > ( HG iN 
lia ~ D4 , US 
: Zh + ONAN 
wl OR ? hE? fi LIS 
=, : LC) AS \ ah, eas 
fe) ° 
I) r 
_— NT 
a4 = wa ‘ 
(e) Of, AY 
: Se ys Ng < \ 
* § QZ ga oy Ot! 7 i 
S&S. = OD N Fe |] 
ve R 8 min re ese Sea 1 ~ Re A ‘eS \\\(a 
= RE 1 is y8 SU O¢ Kens FERNS i yr uly, 
Ne : : Kin N 5 fv adorn WRY ike eee y if — NS Aa 
: as J ® 4 was AION LEY ty Zi me Nes » 
a5 COQ | SEER aay oe eg | ie ys 
28 Use ge" hae cS Oe ek Ake? 
Nr y AN J SRS, Low bea Vag RB: # 
: e zd GO? Vang 2 Yh ah 
ot V4 . we 


 & The cs On. 

eof Wi sf 
Aine Zepto but 7’ Obelius rig Stet Ponce Trea Wierie 
and fhew one from anothers yetallfuch there are be ki khowne d 
by et Blade anil countrey where they grow: the leaues of thisplant are verie like eh 
Trichomanes which is our comm 2 soem awhite Shak: cuery finall leafe © Teaues of 
ores te aga another and ofa ftrong fation + Manic 


dum, is 
the fea We pied oat yin his finall and pede leaues: the ale beareth ee mig tem 
uourata Nilledand that very & ly whieh: Sey Diner east é 
ae: ines or vlan wormnood % ; : say 04 inf 

5 fine feine nals F 
5 oort Wormwoo iption. 
pe ty This Norm’ r 
fo ~ and woodie plant, in face and fhewelike 
age woort, 2” a Py ui 

oft wood, a 
ae os PLananders fate = ke Rey 

Thefe plants are cereads in i England, ete 
haue fomie fewe of them in a ee. 

The time. 
The time of their flowring and faye 
ferred to the othér wormwoods, 

% T. : ; 

e white Worm woode Seale ih 
na Seriphium me fam} Nh, ina, and faith or. 
com called Herbeatbs, or white Herbe 52 

drather name it Sa: atoricwm, fOr as as Dif 
eri Pra ig hes ere be | Fraunce be- 
= ates ame of the 

‘ E +. forthisisa 
prouine weibe Sah ease ofthe 

rt of Guines “fated the coalt of 8 
Cocad, cade aeons 

Ocean , 

: therefore’ ‘Santon neat ifit ithaue as vie cies . 


rheremrareand cea 
=" Br wood hotand fomowtacd = much 
; d tafte, foisit earfeof anyhot tr gate | 
ting facultie; thefeare not Seis in Phificke where cheba ie” 

pi eine a of Wormw ens of them participating 
fee and. finell of other plants. 

Of Mugwoort. Chap. 437. heakcsiieee. 

% The kindes. 

ae 1 a L. CAA pA a Pee 2 
pace ee t=) 3 

2 cAvtemifistennifolia, 
Thinne leafed Mugwoort, 

“> 4 Artemifia mater Herbarum, 
+ » Gommon Mugwoort. 



We HBAs 
SN . 

nage onde kinde of Mugwoort hatha great thicke and woodie roote : from whence arife 
aSor rene of areddifh colour , befet full of {mall andfine iagged eaues, very like wnto 

2) tawood: t {ced groweth alongft the finall twiggie branches , like vnto little berri 
wen from their branches,in a long time after they be ripe. é 
se ‘her Mugwoort of thefea,that hath leaves like vnto fea Purflane,thick,fatand 
colour:among which rifech vp a ftalketwo cubits high, dividing it felfeinto ft 
full of {mall and barren fowers,, like fea wormwood : the roote is 

*, Ooot 


o Avtemifucnarine d 
a Hig . TEL Gnc @VIOO Y & The def tription, 


ers are many and ee ow, ig. 


V0 on Mugnore pow lt 

WYNA IZ iy lace about ed bende of hee 
VAS cA high waie ——— ben we id 
BPA pa Mig 

he cattle ada aie ies i 
ae 2h ortfinout : teh 

Latine U 
yt emifia Queene o ve 
of of gle aa lus king of Caria, who “ane it for hir owne herbe: er tha tas 
4 ans, Parthenis,as Pliny W dP. BDO 
Tey . y 1, f ] deat ufoo oy g the haftard nam " 
rote a RPS 95 fr, C 1 aes y whichno | 

then oe among the Magis it is alfo cle Mater Herbarum yin oer 
Be ifutss Sant Johanus Ourtell: in Spanithan nd Italian C4ytemifia : in in French Arma 
_ inlowe Bach bas Sint Jang krupt : in Englith vice oe ommon Mugwoort 
3 %& The temperature. 

J, M4 1 9s 3, if, J. op Pa 

% Thevertues. 

See ee ee ee 

are boiledand id runke for et fame ints and debe they are appliedin mae 
he month! cae him; fete j 
at the trauailer or esti man, th: solash the herbe tied about him 

it aboutl hint can behurtbyno oes 

: “ene to ficinsand that b ing p 
ler tops 

‘rice DER neither yet by. ; it 
in thew Eis lee beac May fantafticall cevifes inuiented y Poets ate a post 
= . hing: vawoorthie of my yo 
uiewing. . 




Jai cuteth al] E 
span awn of a fam 1 
the thakings of a ioints eaick to the palfie, and heloeth vine puierion aid E 
peti er of the nerues and finewes. 

Of Sothernwood. Chap: 48. 

& 3 eS Mi <The kindes. 

okindes, the female and the male , which: are 
4 Diss Ser knowne oy the names of taf pas » and of the eleffer: befides thefe tbesets a sa 

ie} ‘é otanuin mas 

teater Sothetnwood by carefull manuring, doth oftentimes ro vp inmanér of @ 
ps oe commeth to be as high as aman ches sb wth ic, inch thicke or more: 
A grancheetae aaa ih i amet 
inden sfomewhat whire,and of acertaine {trong fmel! cede offlowers little bas 
buttons do 
kagth tue j hang on the meiPeigs Pose the middle tthe verytopteloryelon, nd 

Sothemnwood groweth lowe tallet Lreflender ofa woody fabh E 

: ae lowe, full of li ptigs; of a woody fubftance : Se 
sstemoreindented se thofe of the former snot fawhites itbeareth noc clufter buttons: the 
“Stade of many ftrings, ; : 

O00 2 

3; Abrotanum humiles fis milf \Abrotanum Incdorams 
Dwarfe Sothewood. "> Walatote Sothertiwood. 

a ( Fg eas cane. % 85, ; 
x s Wilde Bopenivond:: = The defer iption 
rutin kinde is alto thorter : ste leaues of 

the clufter, buctons ftar ate ¢ alongft on the fprigs 
even to the very top and be of aglitering yellow: 
‘o the - : 
auorie — rnwood growes flat vp- 
on the groundewith broade a, eb cut 
or lagged | = = seh 217 He thofe o the common 
ugwo ong which rifev ‘Soar and fee- 
ble Rakes, ‘ailing tkewife vpon the grounde, fet 
confufedly heere & there with the like icaies that 

altogither w without fmell, The flowers growe a : 
haffie: therooteis’ totgh aie ene with fome 
ne ain a thereta 
de sabeoae a great i 
Soieitoe ote,totigh and woodie; ahend otier wit 
oak iba etbel fie bac keofan adder, and: ; 
@ colout : froniy which rife vi erie many, 
Jeroee uaiBoie or Penveh oh ano weal e gr 
colour: among ee final tviggie Brae ; 

Bee : 3 Of aa ee 

and Scot the ftalkes do grow final cluttering flowers ofa yellow colour : : the 

cheson the vt ah ae 
: Jantis g vo ‘ 
% he place. . 
qheo Sotl d dal in pl pen tothefunne: Djofeord- 
des ae that it rsgomet Cappadocia, and 8 in Afia,andin Hierapolis a 
citie in Syi2 where; that of Sicilia and ‘Galatia is molt‘com: 
mended of P/s nie. 
é % The time. ae 
CC He} 1144 nee Rp aS eee Fae, SRE 3 
The clufter bu E Anugutt, and now and. 
then in September. | f i 
: eT. he names. 
Tris called in Greeke A’Be? the Latines and the Apothe ties keepe the fame name _2bro- 
itis We puke eee & aa: b ; 
tonne. Ow bs Bos) s 
iene ana P low Dutch @ and Gueterutt the  Prench Anrone, » and 
eo + oo uA af ee | se 
ih re = UIE Sth) * ee “e afe : 
" fad is Dsofcorides his Fawsina paler Sousectoo d Pliny h 
) rerkince 18 Ls0jcors 2 
Ne er al | ee f, 1 Qrehe Shamninn taeth 
q n ie C22 eee Bae y pre ae ‘ } Bi cities be A roe 
fn 4 “Le iW a Pot Ai ei ee. 
ies fy: = 1 pe atte eye ye L 
Ge ge ae ae. a ea 2g £y pee eS Da eer ay vest eee S804 
+ “ Tr. (its 
hy oweT} ety 7 PEs se “Coches & 1 and is vitally called fweete &- 
wry fy: ‘ + C 1 Reet, Ee ei Cees & ii this kit icti= =“ 
Sothetnwood,bicaut { 3Diofé his kind sze#: : 
lum Sicilian Sothernwood, 
; se The temberature. : yj oe r 
Peel qe 2 ay 1 f.1..h2-44 SS SO, Sa Voll 2d AN i eee Ps 4 
é =) : . 
x The vertues. : 
The tops, flowers, od JL. = a j me 1) 1 I if } Ps ao A 
1 J. of. L 1 J 1 + 1 ee 3 ng ] £ 1 j 
Cf, a 1 ty a Hage EP sen Ce et \ ae 
=) 3 3 3 Pi : 
water,and it is good to bring downe the termes. : ; Pao 
Ickillel d driueth th if itbe drunkewith wine, itis aremedie againft deadly B 
poifons, ; f 
Alf. % bY 1 A ee ep : Cr. : A ae 8 Bek its Fe SE pes hehe th ke ~- 
3 Sis j as, BE ° 1 “4 L {i,; A 14 e tg Os nd ‘tea — 
¢ BER r Pi 347. 
3 auth be body if: I d ae 
. fit tbe pouned with bay meale and! iit to cpus it taketh them re 5 tian 
gs e crums of B 
bread,and applied pultis wife, : lonnad ae, (opal 
] oe oY f ki Apye 2 yl 5 J. : Lolien parts, a f Palma G 
PE Se Pea aa pie Bes Andi seck: Cirle’ hh the vill f the haj f th 
fot ee gy 1 eae pe pale CES Lbs FS £7, 
els L SSS 1 “. is fi aac ere SES i. ees 8 } .} L ies S 
s $ z oe t s é 7 
Prouoketh veneric, , = \ ; -yopet : ; 
+ ae ag oak, 2 y ee 3 earn, eae ¥ ee they 
difficul ingof vrine., it expelleth fae angele csolde hus 
o ore 
motion Frat : - rin vfuall fto’ p the: cui : 
, Sothetnwood drunke i ininsaagned againft all venomeand poifon. "« 
sotekant af Sohn oiled in eo ~~ Seyi ftamped wiidd barley nied eK 
coe afe v gta sat eo and wafteth, allcolde humours and:~ 
hela s. Fes fo eS * 
# “beingapplicd. oradesbaea, i iat es vfs WEP ee ee 
2 Re { Se eas 
sti ist he, 


ett, PEARS iid Ge so) ins , rooneth, for wo ramen do veitto sha 

Of Oke of Ferufalem,and Oke of Cappadocia. Chap.439, 

x Lotrys. 2 Ambrofia. 
Oke of Ierufalem. ° Oke of Cappadocia. 

= ba 

5) St 
A a Q) 

oe ; * The defeription. 

; ms = Sts £08, 

afpyke of. Terufalem ot Botrys, hath fundry final ftems , a foote and an halfehigh , diuiding 
hes,befet with fmall | deepely cut or iagged,very 

5. much refembling the leafe of an Oke, which hath canfed our Englifh women to call it 
Okes of Terufalem; the ‘of the leafe is of a deepe greene,and fomewhat rough and haitie, 
bur vnderneath itis ofa darke reddih or purple colour :the feedie fowers do grow cluftring about 
branches lat = see £ tl . L wig "W oP Sadan oles L 

the br, ee fs f=) £: 
whole herbe is f pl {mell ifg ; data fai YW =O, } age Saree! Pate 
dieth when the feede is ripe. Egdtiod 10, coliauae 478 sbren'y - c 
ragrant {mell that this kinde of Ambrofa, or Oke of Cappadoci Ideth . ha ooue 
. J Thee P ate atbaet 
hat this herbe was meate and foode for the gods : Dio/éor ies faith it groweth 
in my garden it groweth to theheight of twocubits ; yeelding many weake 
1€s,diuiding themfelues into fundry other fmall branches, hauing from 
thereof, pany: moffie yellowith flowers notmuich valike common Vorm- 

li duit: the fowers do'change into finall prickly cornered buttons , much like 
n is contained blacke round feede, not ynpleafant in tafte arid fell: 

the! es of Mug sburthint a ore tender, all th hole plant 
oo re: There 



UB as SUS ssl | Sha. Jat 

Pe ny ee ee ee 

a ee a ee, eT er " 

roy Fe, 

Oe VENER EAE ee ee ee CE ee Pa se ee 



witha few fib: 

aS ae OF lehoini: im 

ki ee 

f Am 
‘abiexe d thereto: from v meh ard Vv 

at de ale 


p ee sae fi nall hoarie ftems ofa ae high, fet full of hoe 

Ca di a. 

VL tceel + # 


they mole oe is very bat and. ofa so fel. 

oO > 

1. butrhat 


Lat C. 
ll leanesof En glith Sees the 

“Re-The place. 

‘ore Thetime.. 

f fr 
neve The names. 
1g oor : ~ 

yS.o 4 n Italian Botri? in n Spanith Bien 
Jams be 

cy, Ee ss 

Latine Amb 

Oke: of aie 5 is rays. in n Grecke 
ra 4 ten 1 1 fait 

dering name, and is -giuen vnto other herbes. For Bot 
ofr aio cilled obra Sd 

Phxielait a $a 
Oke Of lerufalem, asi we ie wii 
fe th itis wise: of aes i docia 

em perat. 

Cn ACE Sat 

* me vertues. 
: Kith ghes 

? Lles DI, + Hon MES 

and tough flegme 

7), -} Bohne Col. G 

it aConie rue. 

_ 7 

lus s dried and | 

aid ae garments not one to onda finell ‘rie > 

oS Eh 
butalfo to preferue C 
oti alfo pe petforme, pes 

9 E casnier Cater me. . 

e tm binds. 

+ Cts 

f agolden ee and of afweete finell, 

— — ‘Ichath awoodie fkoc “it 

about with little | 

L Like); 
h FE 

caues jlong,n 

of yang fan v 

wets, one alone 

T,0f colour ye 
Mbltance The th 

of aoaie cde toth 

ae branche “ionic vp with (terse chu clofe togi : 

middle “buttons; con he of C omil, j birt ye eat Tee 

Now which bechangedin deofanobfeure colour. The Pb is ofawoodie 
hrub i tfelfei is white bothi inb bra inches and leaures,and hath a bh Bal “ates ‘nll 

‘in eyet fo like 
frei a 

jae fameis fet forth in diuers written copies for Abrotenum fami 

na, difteri tite ne veryieene 
that they cannotbe diftinguifhed: doubrlefle I take them to be one plan: nt,S< ie 


> Or lauander otton 

common Lauander Cotton in eae faning thati i is altogithetlefier 

Ooo 4+ ra 

Chamecypa viffias. 3 a. Neda ie i fat meals. i < 
pete Cotton. 2 4002} sins A % The plac 
Nang ; “Lavandes Piet sribebetl in gardens almoft 
\ fe iva? NANG A pri pi here 




& The time. 
+ They ower in ly ang pang. 


‘ es 

They: are both sled omenanie Santolina, 
“ secs =” Noueat of moft ¢ a ney peri 

c Pliny perf 
‘ ad brea byhi him this faceetfors) set opi- 
bereiedt eitied, 
f “Th ve are doabides much deceiued that would 
N haue Lauander Cottontob fe 
amor the femalé:Southernwoods and likewife 
they arein the wrong, wh Seriphi- 
Sea Wormwoods}: ho firftfet it 
abroathitoxbe a’kinde: of Southernwood , we 
leave them scorn bicaufe itis notabfo- 
lutely to be referred to one, butaplant partici 

pias Wouttaebiab sel Southernwood, 
wil e temperats 
; Thei ede of acter Potion hath a rite 
taftesbeing hot = at in mine “he degree. 

Plinie faith , ad he" Hebe shamcciiarlj Ws 

‘sls 4 being drunkein wine,isa'good 1 medicine againtt 
Sa ai athe ee of allferpents and venembtis beafts. 
a Oe Se = y 3 1 
es Sa RS. Se ee See an les | Call bap ae *: 
LJ eo 4 

s Of Sperage,or Afparagus. Chap.441. 
: sige diedese NonoOasbagucd 0 

{3 y i 

3 ter writers haue ee more me wildekinde 

% The defeription. 

gi 1g his fi Eating on sfaiedioonly 
foftand brittle, of the thick aE ade in 
Sate cfs has Sw Tesceacstcialesncuaaises alike Ha time 
pip abranch of the height of two cubites,diuided into divers other alec ‘wher- 
py little leaues like haires m more fine thanthe leaues of Dillamong which come fo rth 
yellowith flowers, which yeeld foorth the fruit greene at the the firlt, site redas Coil ll, 
¢ {mall Pea fe, 

o 2 ae 

hat ofthe eee iemaed verse nkinde thereis no differenceat a teees nely in 
things,or moft ingiaicuaieciox tela tifulland large 
6 I are 


eee es groundsnecte vnt ithed ea,a a Spéagvot this Kinde; nae 

wherein i is conteined Grrgtcfee feede pete tie Ay ichis -— 


CT SOS TN ee a 

et ese id ‘PLANTS. ana 

es herein: pM 2 aes Gore 
er Spree: ; BMD OAK rs 

é Zs 

WV iy: whey 





ij $1 ont > 

fee ee : eae ees 
Stone ormoti rae seenge ere 

Aapaayoe seat felai tp 

7 SA 
3 eones, fet foorth vnder the title of, Corrnda, 
which Z Freon ss eee Petrass , pie Galen Myacanthinus, that doth verie well refem- 
ble thofe of the garden, in ftalkes , Footes and branches 5 faning that thofe fine haitie leaues 

which are in the garden Sperage,t blunt, ; perage fharj 
and pricking thornes;though they be {mall and fo aa aa Shi Sec 4 Pofthebi > 
a Peafe,and of a blackeco i 1 ke.f: Aw 

4 Theft ine dit h from the laft defcribed, | ing ild Sp ge f£ Spaine and pe 
rs ue an 38 7. it : k f Whinnes,Gorfe, 

on Vad ae fy oF ss . 1 pis hy hy 

5 Afparagus {ylueftris Spinofus Clasy. 
p ane thorney Sperage, «- 

5 Sane ip ate alfo a certaine 
sade pike ge with fharpe prickles-all alongft 
70r P 

yand whitifh the points of the tho omespoin- 
cng anor: from sat fie ioints:alfo 
grow outa fewe long grec es faftned teh 
ther,as onieslede yllowe pb and one ber 
rie thr ee cornered,and of ablacke clourwhee 
in is conteined oneblacke fede, feldome m 
the rootes are like the other, 
ae any and nee cakais haue taken this for 
de of Sperage galled 2 eps, for the plant 
al sis bicaufe of fis 5 tharpe prickles; oe anette 
fore itwas calledsavepa.a Scorpione ofthe {mall 
aft calle ed Nepa; whofe taileis verie ings 
as are the prickles of this plane: iris Soi es 
difcerne this plant fro i Conrade. ath 

is plant 
hath many woodie aes 5 one foldedo = ran 
oats icharife fmall ftalkes, befec with 

e thicke leaues, refembling Corruda, verie 
: ene to be touched by rea ae of his prickley 
Jeau ues,w is bare of a bicter ta 

ee ag the flowers grow at the top of the ftalke in fpokie tufts orrundles at a eee Bis loltly 
: cent the feede beforeit be taken ou — the huskeis like vnto 

fift being n Afpara ee Abe wilde Effex sinamedore adioining toa a Myll: 
ae Se teenie Singleton, | riot wage goa se Ww 

wito Harwich, ata oo 
mer el at north Moultoni in Holland, peat ire. 
of thew —, ae 

cs 5 
.0 ee .) BE Liens ene ae = Lot 

d = ee of Sperage a re pi in ek acct. make are eaten in fal- 
stn and 5 cis re in Sep 
: * ae 

bt eS - aE Ss in (hops Spara- 
eS! Pa haricto 

ae a “3 ag ace. tee fay 


fay Herba Coral or Pocrall woort sof thes red berries, whi ich beareth the colour ofc corall tin Spanith 

Appar f 

ore Tei 

atine name: in 

shamed Afparagees of the excellencie bicaufe A fparagi, orthe fpringes hereof 
are Pignie beforet thofe of. other plants whatfoeuer: for this Lat tine word App 
we i 

Sand alos it it do 
L Sc fh. f ies j ‘+ } . Pei 4 ot he 
? ? d oe Oo 
fach ke, £ ¥: : pee : 
Wild 1e'S Ore podlvard hich h fi y h fe prickle, 
© & Bese: = A : 
etreus\ Afparag S perag din Latine 
panes fylue fires and eae: 
% The temperature. 
TL me ee F 9) yh cP! 3 1 LK ho F “Cnt ? 
f Ide do clenfe 
drinefle. " \ % The vertues. ‘ 
a aes ee | dantt l CL e beg So Aah. z= 1 A 
& Be rd ee mY oe > 4 Paes | rom] } A "4 
rr eS TE 1 = 1 1 PB PE died GORE Fo Sean S Lat 
be: TL } z 1 , AL ay Se “a ILA y. Ay He <i 
1 ¥ a of alate fy ia Fe | L is - peo! Cor. J ee 
d d c) r 
vpluit. ‘ 
Of eel taile,or Shaue graffe. cep. 442, , 
% The kindes. 
oY J. ° aa CTY Lk 7. 2 j ‘. 1 L Tosele 1. 1 % 
? o : Me ta 
age hath found more. : * 5 tree ae 
. al Ree. og : 
1 Equifetwm mats, Ros “ee 2 Equifetumnudum. ; 
eee taile. pone \Naked Horfe taile, 

Se <3 
F Ss sll 

& “ee te 
gts} No SSNSSS 


_ firlt fhootes of Sperage , which is ceed Myatantha : the roote is iointed and cteepeth in the 

2 This This {mall or naked Shaue grafic, wherewith Fleichers and ppaaugaean ees ubbe and 
aragus, iointed orkneed by 
ox certaine diftances like the precedent , bur altogither without fachbe ftley leaues , yet exceeding 
y ae and cutting: the roote groweth aflope in the earth like thofé of the Couch grafie, 

Equifetum fegetale, 4. Equifetwmpaluftre. 
aa = eae e. . : Wate t Horfetaile. 


* ¢s 
rem at 
Sarre St oe 
: => SS 
j es és IS 

| 3 * Thedefripton. . 335 

bate ihich for the moft groweth among corne. cape sana cote bik been haa ve 

ei ae like ynto the firft aetighed butthicker and <a asis the 

: ie gc rasa . eae sindemelocaz wate ree es 

r a ee thereto: from which gers edftalke, 
ng, ro chembole plan i 

ough, rufhie leaues, pyramidesorilepte Afhicg 
Reet: ub wooden thingsasthe 

_ eT he defeription. ‘ 
1 ¥ D TT ot "TL . : og 0 gee “apes ae h igh, 
(poets asit were of man ah fal lip sone put into the end of anor! ,fom etimes of 2 
reddifh colour,very rough,and fet | ftiffe rufhlil ugh 
briftles, which maketh the whole plane tor refemble: the taile of . Horfe, whereofit tooke Sen: name: 
on the top of the ftalke do fta and in Jatkins, 

oe ae ftom m which rife vp diners jointed ftalkes , joe growe yeric 4 

5 Equife etum 3 



3 ie -cerekaon mg Ue fe 5 Casdee i a farina, i 
igeibodite ee a au “ie The female Horfe tall, 

be fom which 2 vpar soe y hauvine ar 
ofvtighbnifey easier tne oecemeornten od 
é. eee ride nie 

hollow falleelek : oo asa GF gee Woe 1h 


. - . > 

altogitherb Be Ws Cate 3 Cc: Hed oA, tes: sled sho 
Clufius hath fet foorth a on that he referreth vnto te ftocke of the: on pe 

i thus a h: Ichath many y eviggie or ce ftalkes, whereupon it wasc 

may be englifhed Ruth weede. The leaues growe ypon: the Saal like sheet Flare; on on m9 Boe 

es ees grower final chaffie dowel a whicith colour. ‘The feedeis finall and blacke of co- 

H d Clin rfe taile, ot Horfé 

wiesOhpus The jah ae tp ie a tee ingher bien 

vpioft swith aftalke asbig as'amans arme;ditided into 

bie lng ender fprigsvery full ofio init lt to the firft Horfe taile, ‘The flowers ftand about the 
moflie{ubftance, fmall as are thofe of the Cornell tree, in places whereof cof gtowe-vpited 

rh fu of foweruiee not valike t tolittle eDtubet ries, in which i ‘is the fede. The Toote is hard: and 

bisSingaaae lenniafindoil Alii ee a 

t ; a? 

»heereto fhort orterand leflertreés or throb iF ent 

rie ee 5. ti de tate tthe al: 1 3 ae delikn 

Pe ij 



7 Juncaria Sabmantice CRIs. - 
Ir responce 

The place, 2 
The titles and tate the | lace of 

in diuers valli¢s*of chai tainie ei mpu s, and 
not far foster es lle Sclauo 

They flower ona: April to fo ik endoflommes 
% The names... 
Horfe calle is cil ip Ss see: a 
in Latine Equifetun iniein his 
15. booke2 E hipic? - re sf tht Merce of 
. a haire:: of fom ma: in Thops 
aa equitig : bets Duh s Seba i : in 
lone Duch iSeerttteett in Italian Coda di Cama 
: in Spanifh Coda de winla:: ii French Quewe de 
cea pees guene: in Eriglith Horle taile, and 

en apg nei caufe nam ed Aprel- 

fa, of his dne hich is not ynkhowen to 
w who fcowre their pewter and w 
things of the kitchen-therewith, which the Ger- 
maine women ca 8 Seco. 

- Horfe taile, as Calm fh ath a binding 
tie, with fome bitterneffe , and therefore 
oughly drie,and oa wit eg 

= Theo 
A Ding faith, ee Horfe taile being foams an laid — doth perfeétly Siecenads (yea 
of w 

esbec utin funder) as Galemaddeth:\ tis of fo deere 0 fingular a vertue in 

g heand ieporcedt for-teuth, tocur rethewioundes «ofthe blad- 

neg a jand helpech:ruptures or bimftings.::9 «i ib 

tke ether ith water rine sancercleotzcede asin bleeding athena 
and othe sesh pout. = gerne omnens flaming ithe bloodie fi 
sndltheothe fuxesof tebe  ioaedds soil noorgdol siiedat . eadooud en 
e! hl Kyoko * a Co Ll. £021 os FL Lal 
=. Ho fe taile - ae aes ; a ite > Bae « fichotss. 3 
PSS Bid M 


. = isnot likes to Hon rch itis “seller a catia pee foorth lide fas, 

pas : yt 
es Yi 7. “a1 sd ee 3 oe £ fharne 
2h ae 3 ny wing: F 
oi - 

ey | “Fees i] lift, stot the 
oa whici Ee ve si ott onfifteth off 

Petr se betrie of Ralpiesat Hindberry;w —* it is salt it isred. sig a fif- 
Fonclouaetnece and pleafane: th cect everie 
fi :the rooteis iointed, ela creepeth aflope: st felfenlfo doth ra- 
tet leanthegaundtien Pande gional flor inallfthesan =e 
felues al! abro 

2 Carolus 

pet ih I » far differensftom sitri- 
fethvp to the height ofa rhan;haahing “ hes of ssc 
2 Ps I lufters of f onflender foote- 

eae a ate aie onherby Pat like thee e ofthe = as tree: afer which conte the 
fruite like vato the m Pa cae reddith o olour and fower 
lai kev 't 2. 

feedes like thofe of Ml t,b sKeugh 
Vina marites. 2 uc rlins hi by. oe 
eons ae Shia 

. This ssthdtejin a age = 
altogithe let 1 cope i oe yaa 3 

4 foosee Masbil orrather aie aes Prion which ies he wnaditelled rap r 
without touerfie led? gai esas Kali, , ora ki nde of Crithmum alterwm, Somaaart 

indeoffea Grapediffe 

he itof the groundéwith 
fsa 9 sean oe 24: ye re | st Be y a x Witt i; h 3 Best armed 

any pricki ngle 1a 2 1¢ hat thickeand flefhie: 
snongh come fort oa 1 prickley a asate to be feenein: ‘asthat it is 

Tribulo terreftré, 
bee € fora man totouch any partthereof, withourpricking of Soiacs: : the flowers are ofan 
ae ¥e Colony viigh foorth flat fede like wn to Kall: therooteis Mlender,a ndfpreadeth vndetthe 

but fomewha 

me ed Ar a ves 

i big oe Defer 3 ana a tote for psa Treg Se dkaaek nherbe and n fhrub, 
as see {poken in ua marina, neither itany a so ga like Wheate, nei- 
‘isitpleafancin tafteand tell orany thin, sattneme aia areto be founde in the:ti 
‘i x era (as eons St ee ay is it homey as 
Mathiol; : 

to houfe of Sir Edward Hob bie anh Sher rland, 


33 Twa: JRO LY }o 2101 19 boy ‘Tagua Mathiol, 

62 ‘Soi ge, to 2911 Nee amare Grape. 
i noe aN 


ey yy 
WAS ee 

ee ES 


VY We 

th “ T 4 L 
: sehen mPz: Sigs sons y: 1 1 1 bel Ys OM pa! 1 j: a Pees 1 J oe 
aoe : 9 - o * o 
: % The time 
a L c. 17.1 L on re os fw 
for all the coldein winter. a a 
: % The names. 
ar a eee T.1.2n ate ke aa L Raifinde Mer, of the ete aed 7 
1 L hati t L 2 cf dD {pi L s, 4 
oes little ‘ones: iti named in Grecke sedys, butitisnot called Tragus, or Traganos 5 yaGd : 
hthe Greeke word)or of histankeand ell, but bicaufe me ; 
| fmt fit tobe eaten ofthe vetbe ms which fignifed E 
ee thereof ate tharpe pointed like to ieScpest V poise 4 
eT hetemperatur 
Fe > Th. wi eee | gq Wtie 5 aswe ; 
Phe 1 eae ahs 98 311. 
% Thevertues. 
1 le pene an L * OS Fe ote 1h, te in wo. 

a3 Th ar Me re 

forts : as eee fofe Cliuer, 
are like co Madder in leaues, and 

. 5 Ms Rubia : 

ie Rubia tinornn. Red Madder. Bhar eo eat Wits de Maid 


J 295 

ooreds H 

7 tthe, defer ion 

He gat arden or manured Madd er, ¥ 
4 ; one. Hass or orale branched di = 
; sila a ade _yppon the grounde, “= 
ee fullfic ens nai alee 4 
oe leaues aner of a 
oodr oles cae ; 

erdhe : lay Sofi iRcbisrnaeee a faint yel. 
“. (elo which comethe feede Stakes 

penis a es pandlaftly of o} 
‘cote lo ety of lub. 

IN Za ba 
yt W 



me ee. 
“iris seer and fre : 
2. Wilde Madde is slike apni i that of _ 
ig, ither en , and not fo — 

ough: white: the roote is verie 

hi: the fl 
oh nat and coleaabefenie of areddifhe co- 
‘sip inid 

ha a roote two foote lon = 
ish ee 

» BiG fee ae gnes 
“oft (eeapiies of luniper, or Ce 
oorth divers {lender flatkes x 
pp I 


d. fom emhiarh 
t ye fc ftandi a Burgoni fle ~ the bofome of which come 
= fakes ofa rarale ron ia 5) : s 
% The place. 
AA Tj ° 7 + iy ry 7. 7 
TL. de g — pre } : . “a. g ‘ > scares bufhes almoft cuerie 
The laft Dib by the fea fide in moft ig es. 
e time. 
AA a L t. 3 9 9S oe ee 
and. pi to the —— of Diers, oN Medicine. “2 yg 
_* The names. 
ye gm Bef 4 | Be te i a 1 4 T ~ p,.ks A p. 

nctorum hich the Diers vie, and ‘the R “te 
maines, calli it erle pre in ten ali and. robbie ‘in mn Spanih Rusia, avy andG Granza: in 

Wee,and 99 ng lifh Mad- 
" der,and ted Madder. 
% The temperature. 
es ' £Madder.ithath t we ong thelearned, andasyetnotcenfite 
dy te ah See pen; fome fay both din 6 , diverfly deeme, Ber dchoont (I donot $ 
1 123 } g 
commiffion fo to do,notwit I 1 at the na- 

_ ture of Madder was aoe I Have written thatit seobrs contrary otfeeters as (hall = fhewed: 
the rootes of} M adder, which both the Phifitions and Diers do vle,as they haue an obfcure nae 
power and force fo bet 

“s ‘ 1 } } 1. Cech 

sane et fiveetenes, ia = >a bn qualitie i follow ng its eich not onely we our 
of Phi fi ti ions, (the great P pene who 

_ inhis’58 I we Ma 
Sete gerbe it ie or: open I haue anivered ening your ircenfure: burt ‘ I rile erred, 
itisyeaie pels itude,and d thofe of the peer armed. 
% The 

= 05 
SITS ae nan: Cdk TRA. TInt L Aud £3 hofe rk burften, 
A, Ag yy eee colt ¢. ee = e 
> ~ 2 ete #4 o I . 
It ftancheth bleeding , h inf ; and helpeth thofe parts that be hurt and 

So Porth c aufes “hole be mixed with potions which thelaterPhifiions call wound dinkes + is 

ciee 1 L. na 5 
or ° aoe 4. . 4 3 . ant x 

D rh P { ge firmed by tt flexp Sp seogt a ofLon- | 
Ss eae gee ies wee esos a ee Sea fM der giuen with 

ae. ‘and the ee spp by ere experiments : a SSusopal Madder to be of an 

- aftsingent and binding qualitic. 
E _Ofthe fame o} ie inion asit feemeth i is allo Eros Iulia hir freed man (  aiks called Trotnle) 
sD sioe comp gai : forif he had tho thought that Maddet 

Saas which are good seo pics 
E oot ate orteth >that the roote of Madder a aie prouoke vrine y : and that 

nely ap- 

ote the menfes, the birth, and afterbirth: but the extreme rednes of the vrine. 

d him, that immediatly f flloweth ‘the taking of | Madder , which rednes came 2° = 

Soushe eon Meninix 27 ah ann fF 
the colour of che Madde, Re 

BL i] Rhy 
aie cake! ip trcioad e thet i i fubft 
aioe ethi cke r then i it was before, which i is to ee ender oe in thot which are in iiss 
i ubar! 

health the 
dagh 5 by reafon of his binding Rees thewaterifh Hesse ast fora while keepe their colour, 
vade: thist! g they 2 Ih fiat gatl I f the iuic tet for 
4 1 L i a } 1h 1 1, 1 . which 
rerwife woulde be quickly lof hi appeereth that Madd ‘oak no- 
ing we either cl enfe or open > he that Dio borides iy rathly xe ee i 
CAI andin, 
‘ VW ee 1 1 CAA jj op  ftiffely x. 
a Baars din Mead id deel i ‘ h h 
bet the eda iidheice and is good sei the iui, ; — 
me taken in like manerprouoketh vri . h that the oft 
culetho one to piffe bloud, as fome haue dreamed. 
Langiusand other excellent Phi fii the fa d 
‘o 1 1. cx. Me 4 fet 

Faia iitiesnd honie of ] Rofes. 

Of Goofe srs or Cer - Chap.4.45. bewell bad 
2.4, rina maior Pling. ie 

B) patrals cr gator Cleves ae ae Seok valle, 

. onthe wpa * Be iy) . 


% Thedefcription. ; 
: : 
I Parine,Cliuers or Goofe graffe,hatt y {mall {quaret hes, rough and tharpe. full . 
5 BN 6 cas ae, AY be WY res Pare, Yc} F NAA 
ess : f 2 an ev! ] Jer : | 
very lit hit nt { g P the {prigs: the feedes are ; 
finall, peur aitele hollow in the emia f ll, fet for the moft part by couples: th 
rootes flender and d full p! lanti h,and hi 1 keth hold s 
1 Tr. pole cag ! rik, it ferchett blond: 
f Oo oO o _ 
nik boot We cea feede of a Cullander do vfe ir ke hai f 
ig ie fany remaine thercin, : 
oo AL. Crnl.s L L ‘ 
eo ftatke, a5 is ke thofle of Sc. orpion grafle , 0 4 
4h bf font ase, Galens Menara very fase and pate te flowers _ ee at the top of the : 
4 [epee met L Fes nN ay hevaet = * bo 2 

he plac 
Goole = graff Sa neere the Bondar of eles, and gals in the fieldes themfelues 
sh edges, and among thornes : Theophraftse 
and | Galenwrite , hatieg | en nd with harde imbracingit doth choke ir, and 

{, j 1. eo 

x The time. 
Itis found plentifully cuery whee in Sete time. 

Itis namedi in Greek érzetvn , > ble in tasne) Le minor bu not properly : rie affirmeth 
it to be Lapp. mei hae of fom 
keth holdof 

Lp i a 0k doa sf Teall c. 

pee aay 5 he 8 Oa l. TaYook & rc. &; -~ 

. h Reble, ow orateron: iD 
1 He ¥ s or, LiLo on Co T. Cle CY 3 
upyt? glifl A uer, %, e. 
- * The temperature. 
a ee’ SEEPS 4 LMR fag 
as ora" oe i 

A “Theiuice whichis eof out ica the feeds, 
for them pga bitten of the “gna tpidere Sidi in Latine rag and - vipers, fit it ra 
drunke: with win 


pS GT ad 7 n Ll t 4%. 1 
ars L Tv. t ee gt} ae 1 Pe ye ReES Fe y th .. , y th ya AiMirine ave 
Cc = a4 oO°re of . o 
ofwounds, 4 : 
D M7, 1 P pci , | + COL Cyt gee De | 43 le tocaufe lank 
Gi, < a t ~ é 
neffe and keepe them from fatnes. 

ecole eee ee ¢ arth fhort, 

al As i a i > : git I ¥ dit di ig flewifeo “ righ gainft ano another, 

ga dire@ Burgun fps q Cehe fall ive eat : of thofe leaues 

one ace verie many fmall es deers of areafonable good fauour,ech of — is alfofha- 
_pellileaBrgiinctte: arenothing elfe but afewe final threds or 





1, & 

Croflewoort. : %& The place. 

fe 5 groweth in moift 
and fall ao er I feiid the fae growing 
in the chutchyarde of Hampiteede neere aoe 
oe and ina pafture adioining thereto by the 
mill: alfo it groweth in the lane or high way be- 
yon pire oe tat ape age by Greenwich, 
and in fundry other ahs 

“Tr owreth ee if cre part all former 

% The names 
Tris-c alled ae and Cruciatis, ofthe 
placing of the leaues in manner of a crofle: 
in Englith Braslentate 2 Golden Cole 
wooit; orGolden Mugwe 

% The temper sttur 
Crayon feemeth to Sof a binding and s 
dieging qualiti 
¢ vertue 
*  Croffewoort hath an excellent propertie, toA 
‘ heale, ioine, Seal, ofe wounds togither ae ab 
is very fit for them, whether they be inwardedr 
sera if the faide herbe be boiled it in wine 

The arse thereof is alfo rinsed B : 
Veloce corer ‘with aneee ni ers to thofe that are burften : 

and fo is r 
fo rl ae the bunften place in 
a a pul 


ofa Co SS 


wh le rhe asrps 
W esi ooffe ats many ios stakes full of io ioints , “Gad areuery y knot oint feauen or 

lagers sno ea te Sagina fpergula, hichi isfowen in Brabant » Hollande, 

Caatee atthe pot tie SS cn aetes eh aes =8 
r dott Il d : frefh the place, ie de- 
leila Sune offach as are the rein. * 
ieee ai anoitiet tot ines ooffe ¢ aed peri ila Cérilee, prBlee Woodrocfi: iti 
fa foor oft, ue eee ug br branched with = wees id ftalkes Ike tho! feof 
ils eV fod ‘the fl ers therofare bitie;{tariding vpon thor onthe tops af the ftalkss 


dean all; isa plasebeopithe? by co ae ‘por logan ted colour. 

thereto the her 


iue much mi ,and there 
dwe herbe tender, having many iointed ftalkes. 
pastes an erie ae eye, bag leffer and finoo! h 
inference thee towell ofa spares ined top of the ftal magne {mall white flowers , after 
<meround feede ike chofe of Turneps: tone fala ddie, 

PP 3 


Afper ula. 
Witpdrootie, be plac 
es White Woorkoa ‘grovet 2 sade hedges, 
and in woods alm ery where: the feconde 
gtoweth in many lcs of Eat ands diners other 
"parts in fandie Bren 

They floweri in oe and iy. 

ie take nWo tthe 
sis ae 2 he faith, doth differ t from Ery. 
r garde 

in Antonity Cou his c eee this. manner 
Alas is an herbe very like vnto Horehound db 
pues and fuller ofpricklet bone ue circles 

', beareth a flower tending to blew. 

Woodrooffe is named of dine uers in Latine 

a Is to ee esoiihals or Hepatica. Linerwoort: 
Muguet: in Eng! anh ree 
rowe,and Woodro : 

Pe ae 
droofie is ee temperature ting bls 5 our aa Ladies Bedcay bu not fo ee being 
ean eberveene heatanddrines, : 
: ine The ver er tute 
AS ‘tis poste into wine,tomake aman metti, and tobe hate for the hart andeliuer : 


ooffe taf Phinie his 

Afperula eet 5 2 nd of meft men Afpergulacdo- 
i 4: in-high — 

1 Gallium luteum. — Yshivin 2 Gallium alb ay 
Ladies yellow Bedftraw. Ladies 

wees ae all i, Yuke deel 
G Bed{traw with white flowers. 




ae at ge 


SS ee Se ee ee ee 





: 85) ethan rabrans cist sapto® Belles nf 4 Gallium fine mollugo niontans. 
Ladies Bedftraw with red flowers, 0 29 08) ‘ Great Baftard Madder, us 






iz WN) | | if, 



%T) he ede feription. f 
3 Ly Se WA,/, é teh HH bee I oh 1 rig } Contt Te. 
iedalieced | ing, as aan both iby his vertues in 
cues inilke for chat as st <8 te forme beingin each relpect lil , and 
differeth ft ; itl Bee sage inthe 
Shas ope of fower fimall | he feede wherof: fi t Strawfs 
borough in 

“ga. Theres Tkewife another fort of Gallium for diftinétion fake called 1 Azollugo, which hath ftalkes 
that needenot to be propped 

Galliwm, but that it hath a {moother leafe: the herof be alfo white,and very fmall:t! 
bla ckith: 
Th 1¢. cc. l 1 le tos C~ 4 Le ea 09 7) ee | 
ee Se | 1 Py pot ee r 
yt %& Theplace : 
Thefirft 1. 5 } | | ee J fot oa G8 | Sie CRY OM | oF ple Tagan 
eae cone f / b) _ 
at j (5 

J ; 7 J 
d oO 
hee : 
They A flower moft of the fommer monet. 
The names. 
The firftiscalledin G ilk calledi in Greeke ae into which 
oe € 5 a > Ae, 4 Wh Mf nee ay ad i 
itis paras C Seep | Some gap ne Maun BIN D h Wenerkraut, Wralitroa: 
Petit Mug an Gale: 2 in amity A cen leche yerua: 
Tt }: pn,jt CL Y ps - AAnt] i.: 
Sp La ppaginis, akinde of {mall Burre,fo tal ofioanaetne ofthe foftnes 
yeh TSS | Be } Hed as.//, I: 
i y ollago : 
- + St! 7, 5 Rm | AA 4 . ¥ 
8 pylucfiris, Ide Madder: but Madderthat groweth of f itfelfe differeth 
} j A\AanAd, ss re h c J + 1 Cm T 1 Cc 
t=) 2 zm 
wT hetemperature,. 2 a 
hey eae 1fomthing binding as Galen faith 
we The vertues. 
» The flower s of yell H: h,is vfed in of ‘sagainith 
: Cd ee nf $=) 3) Abas ate) 
hodit ftandhedlbtetd: Epis Ca Cerecloth of Rofes: it isfet a funning ina glafl 
mee Oliv 1¢ till ic be whites int the wearied tah GE | cies 
}. it ral ~ f “ff 



SO} Ferrie, differing as well in formeas place of; chine, abeceok there be 
- old writers, the Malea he be oe ele called 
names as 

wihall eae es 
3 ie ¢ ” = — Z sania’ 1 age 

3 . par oe 3 < ‘ P 
1 Pilix mds, :. ; : ' wy 2 Felix farina. 

Male Ferne, : : Female Ferne or brakes. 
“Ty, tm Sh - ‘ 

sa sia a ee a, 
Ra ann ui Caan 

se wi K 


T ofecn 5 sibel 

eer eee ee 

ae ff 
dletib.e: } £20. “1 

s,an at 
ledas it were with a ve these c aa dull orf ae Lie ake 
fede: theteore confifteth of a ninberofeufts ox ehré pihickedadb Be ate is witl 
falke eand d feede,and altogither barren, a age 

: thing tgs pith within of diuers clo, thew ng pence’ ria ap reer et 2 

: Cettaine ‘ed Eagle: aboutt this aad, many le ues which are win to 
: sae ee = erne,but leffer: thé¥oa atid bl ke aaimeepedian the ground be- 
a ved icke otf eco 

8 : tds Resch 5 STI 385 ; tomo 29 

ST Bice 

% The time, 

c. J. 1 » Ee 
2 t=) 3 

b a me 
By y 
tinue greene all fommer long. 

"TL 1 

* qT he names. 

at NT, 

f Treacles dercath i it Gatresy + in 
Latine Fi#x mas : in nicne Felce:in Span Helecho, Falguero, and Peyton high! Dut ch Wha an 
ia ane in French Fougere, or Feuchiere maffe: i 

b Fe Wadia’: Leal at 

stharis,Fiix x famins, or ‘female Ferne: in n Latine 
ofe re) | 

sq S085 ¥F hres tin low Dutch cat taut kettt in French Fougere Femelle : in nati 
Brake,common Ferne,and Female 
The temperal tre. i 

ye L 1 i 

a: o 

A... Thee 
The roote of themale Ferne being cen to the "le of halfgan ounce, driveth foorth long, - 
flat w 


C¢ - 3 a Eo BY 

Qari, rd 

he it 
3 cele 
LL es 1 

iti is a remedie againft the 

di if thereed be Pore 
1. 1h 4 1 ey e 1 con r. 
Bin ey i nor the Rede! indrie, : F S ae 
The a ey Pee. ri. 

th tees a a setperially towomen; and thatit caufeth women to be de iuered eric 
Sig pee he pow der heereof ae beaten i is laide ' vpon oldey vicets 5 3 and healeth 

sthed Giese Ae lee the fame = fowring 
: Estos tne fo _— esr is Sosa againft the hardnés and ie of the mil 
water S iieah ah t ¢in yoonig children, if they be fet ouer the decodtion er 

fiiiidot rogni 
e a! SHOTS F fect: o 

Of water Ferne,or Ofmund the water man. Chap. 450. 

= * i “ried. 

7 AY ere hath a oreat triangled ftalke two cubits high , Rake vpon ck fide with 
"4 oe iene ed abroad like wings; and dented or dor cutlike Po) : thefe, leaues 

ar Jeffe when I fi faw them a far.offit 

owoonder ae thinking that Dhadfeene: riggapen e, but 
alittle neerer, [might cafi pers. itftom the Athe, by the Browne, rough, and 
op hes sro ee feede, thereof , but 
folded and couer aii wine 

fsall whiner faibreneeled iaof _ tematcma, 

es * “the 



1 Ofviunda Regalis 
Water Ferne,or + Olenaitid roiall. 

“A HN x 

Wy WA 

= se 

ch 1 of Hampi omLondon, at 
u me of a hilaioiing S to: via and diuers: other pac, Te ee ; 
boggeso a Heat hore common n intwood in Effex, ¢ pecially n 

ie Sem ane 

our fledge,a Aa gged,t Cc. ra i VIL } J 

: Ie touted in fom mer as the formes Femmes ele feanes deci in inwincier roote sete ueth 
pha; sin ys 
felfe = toon ae i : dg io a i 


eo * X oO 

© O fmunda s ivebincte tala ane dined é 
Prnomibiotk of the Alchimittes callie Zimari amaior, 
' ; ned in hi Fi Ic Groote Car Giafeng 
He has Fey Ofmindibe wean He San Chopra 2 iio 

Therootofeh this aloish hot we ees Sie icf then: 

eand cially the hartor middie partth iled or e'fe tamped and take 
raseandeffecil thought to em IGMMae vende dry ae hie bi ule 
from fore high place: and’ re sido pe : 


Spe Ne ke it to be fo effectuall , , and tf great 

1, 1:J >), 1 Ih 

italfocan fh or driue ir out by the wound. 

The tender {prigs therof at a firltc comming foorth,are excellent vnto the purpofes aforefaid, 
and are good to be put into balmes,oiles,and coi or healing plaifters, and into vnguents 
appropriate ynto saree: Biniaes, and fuch lik 

Of © bppodie,or wall Ferne. Chap.451. 
“Wall Ferne,or Polypodie of the wall. & The Aatfeription. 

He leaues of ror eae be thought to 
be like thofe on oe but chat es 
atall i 

are farre lefier 
edges: ssthefe do pete ene vp 6 the foots 


op canes with atafte fomthing harth: thiskinde 
of Ferne likewife wanreth not pet flowers and 
fede bat ftalkes pig 

TPE pias 
oweth on te bodies Sof slice rotten a 
and alfo a old hen and the tops of houfes: 

sy, g is likewife founde among rubbifh neere the had 
Y, ‘“s a - pieticerr ere —_— piece 
Sah yy are aes : cltsoto aiken ith araowerlfe 

: Ss) . Ni oe iaprefereed befsenidic rel Petordsof this 

— moft dovfe that whi sfonde the Okes; 

ecianscall it mwuzihey, of fe fee othe chebihes Polypé , apps 

ere en sce Gis oe lth eh 
noted ta basen ns name it Pulipodio =t Spania Bhp o, anid P 

Ee ohchgeebvpentevalnca arentinE esos 

“tie the eos we ot Pourpete’ of the 


Land set z 


2 . f . : 
2 addeth 




oe hy! Ape ‘4 4 
- gggetnitilats +f pe. 4 5 5 : ‘ 5 

oa to wats veri an of the 3 deteclin sol Montrdus who thinketh t r 

feq . . > . - . 
geth verie ge ntly; g 1 by ex » the miftris of ypings. For in verie 

d edePolypoiicol itfelfe doth Lb ly fe 1a hare , ER ee ire, Ser ae Pe | 
met AP al Bs Te shel Wie wave “af i > 

eee {li i I, Vel, 1 } Dal } TRY 
é >; ic 7] ‘ tr It ; 5 
beanie’ d 1 make th i he had refpeét k | f Arthritis, 
fp z, } ef os Se 2 1 C,}. L As x 

aretouched: rele te itis verie much co: 4Men, napits cp other awa about the 
river Rhene; and the M: ¢. In this kinde ofd ea the hands, the feete, and thei ioints of the kn ces 
and elbowes do fwe Hl. T 

ppery lefle gfteued,and the] The humours doz ape eafi Heh 
r ¢ 1 3 } “Gio Se Ee Pa pe ay BE & Cleue 
} a .o a a: tks WES had }: Lh 1. 1. yh 1 ps 
oe ee ble ., K Cc. Cc. ey PF . yt Ls 
athe Thou be aie for certaine fs cee 
by bloud létting,or by purgations,or by both & B 
las e by Y 5 ae 1 j “4 icc 1 re g W edie s be vied in time : for 
ete & 4 = a4 2s L Y ee 1 L L j 
. = » i on 
Tl ¢C. + 5s. n 1 L L?k L L nt a 
and confimed away by fuch dings as procure fweate, i 
a thermore leg a Poly podie i good fe t £D 
t,and for chaps betweene ve 

The rootes o tPolypodie boiled with alitdle honie, water , eas and the ipo sae of an a8 
ounce e given, 

wine,and piue thereof to h itie of th for fome purp fe good fi 


Of Polypodie of the Oke,or Oke Ferne. Chap.452. 

% The it se ; 
i f the Oke is much lik 1, yet the leaves of itare more ¢ finelie 
feo hon the vpper fide,of. pale eae: ‘Picher wit the ¢ ftalke and the mid- 
; dle ribs 5 son fs neather fide rough likethofe ‘of Ferne: this Fernealfo Jineth without a og 
Itgro y one fo Ided wi thin anoth 
wb it pees i fame 2, pa : = 3 

for poten of (called by the name Fe eme orbrakes ) ) i much fer {maller, and more finely cutor 
lagged, andis not abouea foore h ne ne oie ender and delicatetender herbe. 1 he leaue es 
are fofne aly yiag; ed tha 

ac ny bein {prin inckled t 


ay i ‘Or! 
q { veterly fe iddel iat 

vbrraan yb 1 Apso sua 

I Poi umm Quercinwn.. ‘ 2 Filix ern os MPippeek 
Polipodie pithe Oke, : Small Oke 

& The pee : 

he valleies of i nd little hils, andin the 
“ : ? 

: gore = he trunks of trees of thicke: oot. 
The Ieaues heeteof veeidh in wintes 3inthe fing new come foorth, 

- Thisiscalled in Groaketuns 
eee cinne su pate it bees ag oa ae pest aroyies 

bab he-k: 

ft mifcalledit b the name. side in. die ad 
in ft De rt Se 

d nae in bin inh ene ec 10m: Valerius Cordnscalleth 
dion: = on sae ch pitino the oan: eemcoemerdls itis manedia lif 
2 in¢,andit may moftficly, called Mofle. 

of paidoKehsetitnd any taftes: itis fi 
,and amortifying dlc andes 
ap a saan sa feigiedie to 

bone Scat ; : Oribafiin le ricbookeof Phill 

SEES ee ee ee 


Of blacke Oke Ferne. Chap'as3. 

1 Onopteriamas, © & Onlopteris foemina. 
The male blacke Ferne, AWTS The female black Fee, 
WF, Se ay wy ; 
WLS We wis : oe feed ov etey 
WAN Z NI emer ly: 
ENE Satiye sf 
Wr ofA SEX | \ 9. | ) ee, ES 
J ; “GV gn 
SG Ps 
AYR i) al ee 
\ \ » IS ZA 
7 \ SW 


y 1) \ We ss a3 
=—y Fe. Sve ‘ Q 


Oeaptarkrtonn aebamonbaric Ceres , > 
: Ven % Thede/cription. : ‘eo 
1? bs ee YS . Lett... ee, V1 op ie er eon wer ec ; 
and ribs ‘of the leaues are blackith, and the leaues of a deeper greene colour :this Joh 
growe alfo out immediately from the roots and islikewife diuerfly, but not fo finely inden- 
ted:the Toote is made vp of many ftrings, not vnlike to Polypodie of the Oke,but much leffer. 
2 The female blacke Ferne is like vnto the male, fauing hi 

gtow Bt 3.4 a. y pad 9.. 2. 1 
andvndethedges, : : 
Thev rem. a ll lz. 1 % Thetime. D,.I. is fg aA sy Se 1 2 
they not ceafe oo L 4 1 seg cr * L. oa fi: ra ay ee se ac ie 
east, ct ca As 2 ke eee pega tt 
This; HonCOT ENG! : we The names. ae : 
Ais Seated ancien eelneitel alate Mabe Be 
others \_4di: stem nigrum, ox blacke Maidens haire, thatit may differ fiom the former , which is 
falfcly called: Naa = vaya eho}. a Pare y ld haue itto be z vchibs of 
Ol rouch fl whe = pan ETE rig ee; y: * Nn. 


if : I fi A 77 
for what he hath of Adigntun', the fame he takéth ouvof Theophraftes: theright Adiantym we 
will defcribe h 

ies fe dian 

Lantum 7 heop, 

eerafter. Notwithftariding blacke Oke Fetncis vied of diners vnlearned Apotheca- 
tes for _Adiaztum , or Maiden haire of Lumbardie: but thef 1 in doing fo, yernot fo 
much asthey,\ * Fagan sales) lyf 1: fel AL. £ Ll AAn:] | aes e. f a ; 
i Lad Sie oi ote The temperature and vertues, 201 edocs elroy on 
Tl LALA Cm) Ning 103, WL rye, eee ot) te ats 7. £54 
5 ‘ a di. £ i ? é UL ENS= 
lith Maidenhaire. &); & iz! 
: Of Hartstoong. . Chap.a54.. Be Fe 
- 8 Phylihinge=- ‘ 2 Phillitismultifide. i 
“Harts toong,), | Finger Harts toong, > 
* \ Sa ec 6 SS nk pees 2g ali Sak wie) 

cele ee Cry. 1 os oe . r ‘ nae Sarige 

ues bearing neither ftalk,f feedsr fembling in fhew along toong,wherofithath 
ene and is called in fhops Lingua ceraéna that is Harts toong: thele leaues are a foote 
oth and plaine vponione fide, but vpon that fide next the ground ftraked ouerthwart with 
ig tough markes, like {mall wormes, hanging on the bacMide therof: the roote is black, 
ifted, growing as though it were wound togither, 6. Sb t 

K Fe e (PS By Saye PET BERR, LO SI SE ie e8¢ eae: , ong ae? 
Be. ae ey ee 4 oS very 

ee eee ee eS ee ee ee a ee 


gu iagged like amans hand, or the 

I f. Ty Rn 

ethers sano kinde of Hares toong called Hemionitis, "which hath bred fomecontrouerfi ie 

‘ >’ 
} AT OR Td err pee rn: il, }- 1. SR | ¥, Pes Py Se a RA ial 4 

ed I ag r t (s 
ot a Pare de tk it ist cree Bei 
qaeusiet © bai & Will Witid 
our Harts toong: the rootes arecompact ofma ny vies ine | the Teast are shes onthe 
backfide like the common Harts toong . and diifereth i in that, that this Hemionstis in the bafe or 
ues , 



{t parts $0 the le 5 
n. lit l ne 4 alled 
yoong sbeing ed,ca 
] Ty, 
Ti | f Ferne called likewife jeri whi chi isa vert all bl here “fot 
: L fat tats: ae & ” ee. f. Wy 
_ 1 = oe - a a Lm 1 }. 1 L 1 (1. o . 

a} 4,00 
t=) f » 
‘a A 

she os 
fnooth, Blaike, a cane “cet flower, nor {eede : ‘this sel coo 

ie Matter g yp neere 
ynto Wattorde, 4of; ty [. T 4 z g SPSS eee ee ty ¢ Hampton 
Gout An the garden, of ft gg k f f the faidel fe or p: 
| Hed allo Hi soni b cg is we 
3 dogefounde. and bes very lik >H, 25 : 
partnextthe grounde, a fthe fecond Paes Mets, at the top aues 5 othierwile 
+ theyzefemble on canotherjanatce and i ae ne 4 ; 
The ee sr 
ber Ly. LE SLATE ‘Tignd, GE 
Ted pea q an on fd Ae 4 ye } % 
7 F > Pit: I Boe 
; » ‘ ~ 
li cpa ire ‘cha Chirursion’, dwelineatMich=d 
gion, 1g -dunmow 
| inkfecehe gatie Pa formy. garden. Ries 
a “Tegrowerh "Pes oa Se hilss I ines of the north of England, 
| 4, IIS » -& The time. x) 

tis greene all oe: — long, yetleffe greene in winter: in fommer itnowe and then bringeth 
foorthnewe leaue 

% The names. 

Itis called in Greeke waste: in Latine alfo Phyllit?s:in fhops Lingua ceruinaandfalfely Selgen. 
dia, for it differeth much from the right Stole sa ig or aie seis it is. called in hi igh Dutc 
sin Fr He de Ci 

pane paewe Dutch derk bangea 1 Spanifh Le yin 
Englith 1 Harts toong of fome Stone. Hares toong Re 
als, z SET OS 
gh i gi 
tis, ofa Fig and et faculie. 

ays 25 

Phi common Hi Stoong is tnaticidel again 
seth Paine dnt in wine it isa remedy againft) Nie es 
Irdoth open th es and foppingot Hebei 
sfpplinsor toppings whadoees 

Of Spleenewoort,or Milt waste. Chap.455. 

1 Afplenium fue Ceterach. 2 Lonchitisafpera 
Spires geros Mulor watte, Rough Seeneoor 

\ YD 
(3 Ye) 
ie NN Th 
ae | : 
‘ eteietae es; ae SONOS! Tp etree tet Siw (fl Seo Ml asus RPO? SHC Aadt & § 
a eee ee ee Q Space n thi = 
: rocer dat “ s Wrer 4 a8 
aie ool sii sigue aaa 

; cue ¢ uera 
flippery and greene on the vpperfide, foft and downie Plena: ths which when they 
are folded vp rogither like aero S Sidhatie ee ie liketo the rough Beare- 
ookes fo earch fifh =thesaots final blacks, nodeo ough, much 

eat ty eee ae TES 'g 

gewoon is Parly kets other FemMes 4 nee neither alke pot 
narrow leaues a fodte long, and fomewhat longer, flathed on rheedges euen 
re of: a af vart green col ours eet tough,as is the be 
This ki ide of Spleenew eenewoort is tl hele of ftalkes and pe alfo of thofe fpots and 
faders ot the leaues are fewe i int number , growin g pyta age 3 
. bicicanibuibiastwa Crowesneft, 

. See Oe pi Pee 4 eo 

3 Lonchitis 

1 Lonchitis Maran anthe. fey or? Pte er 
Baftar d Spleenewoort. - : Pers ws 
: NS 4 

ren heathes, dry fandie banks & fhadowie places 
i parts of Englande , but efpecially on a 
heath b on called Ha heath, 
whereit groweth in great abundance, f 
%T he names. tg i 

spl cenewoort,or Miltwafte, is calledin Greek 
domrivoy sin Latine likewife 4, Apleninm, an 4 = 
Scolopendrta, of Gaza Mula sega in thops Cete- 
rach :in high Dutch Steynfarn tin lowe Dutch 
Ste eae spalterupt tin nBghith Spleen- 
woort, Milew, ¢, Scale Ferne, and Stone Ferne, 
pe alled ay lenicn, tical it is {peciall good 
inft the infirmities of the Spleene or Milt,and 
Snopes of the pests thai hath with the 
re worme,before rem 
Rough Miltwatte,is aie of saisees of ae late 
writers 4 plenium fylueftre,or wilde se 
of fo ome CAipleninn —— t grea eee 
is afpera , OF coieh Splee 

woaort: Waleed. Fal J. S| a | ae, 3 

W i ji he fa hor,Zongina,and Calabri in Englith rough Spleen 
{ ¢ Long 
woott, or Miltwafte, 
‘ a The tikeeh yore ; 
Thefls nl. Cell 1 1 $255 $. 
a tas £ ? 3 
: : % T he vertnes 4 
Ti Ponies oF L : t 5 ER 31 E fieh F t f Cr A tng mon, ee 

- take away — of the Spleene; helpeth the ftrangurie , sand yellow ee theft ftone 

inthe bladder 20 moulderand pafle-away’s ‘all whi ch’ até performed by fich thin Bs as be of 
thinneand fubtill pai oie he addeth ene that they ftaie’ the’ Hicket , or pee 5 8 alfo hinde- 
tethconception, cither fore faith Plini c 
Seer cog rtisnotto be) =< t0 ome, bicavfei it saa barrennes:' 

ge ners‘of this who téach;t reset heibe hot one- B. 

Wy ae led € an 4 felling a the coe but al Fsarmities of the liuer alfo ied ig 3 
“uallies ar much that the fodden liver 

hort: ‘of a4 
4 elit, vifit be — ge wth ae 
2 g ° 
{ ern: « akan ans oxne sil 2b de nO3 
’Bunthi St. seat ae (a pees eee 14 hich Dyofeorzai Heth ‘e 
a touching 1S ng MBE! ee TAs : nick ake Fo rece ‘b whi jegte 
ate founde here and books ee hich nc files later writers 

doncrabftaine; who who man! ea ancl a eral los ws nd odo 
Mtalittle deceuie yoong a tenes = z i 
. Detnhowors digi. 

Of diners fmall Fernes. Chap.4s6. 

% The kindes. 

ee Herebe diuers forts of dwarffe Fe tes ,differing in their place of growing, as hall bed 
wT; in their feuerall titles and deferpionsaaloinf me, . en s edeclared 

1 Filicula fontana 2 Filicula fontana famin 
The male Bice Ferne, The female une) ae 

Fitiy kane foley [pena 

% The. ‘fepin 

a Ca BIR ol z= Cc. v. Low + 44 A em Cae . nae eS 
ks 1 > x Paice tT! $e pagers nae ae! 
= ‘ * alto ogither oct — SOOKE ik ree ae A y las 2 Oe eee TF in: 
2 The female whichis found lkewial ins t es,srels ated fouursines:.vpon cocks 
(Boni 8 eat deale (allan Lili C.4. 5 fewer roots 
: "Thea male dwarffe Fe rhe that growe «3 vp habe oan oe nd rissa ree.§ 
ofEnglande ,efpecially toward the fea,andalfoi ch . a 

hi. t ad leaues ne ds cut on both fides, | ikey ynto Ceterach or Spleenewoort, barenbot 

22 vp ore f. , a Sarr ao af the 
Qs <= ae G 


a oe 

4. Thefemale to ftone co 
themale, sector of ’ many inal leaues ae mince of cute = teeth 

thadowie rocked crappie montanes in moft places. 

3 Filicula 

of a‘fawe, 
or ftalkes » which gov ve : 

gel ee 4 Fillclapetresfeming, fue Chamefix Pe : 

dwarfe ftone Ferne. * The female dwarfe ftone Ferne, 

if WAS 

% The place. 
The place is touchedin the defcription, — 
& Theti 
They flourith both winter andfommer, Teed a leaves wither byte ream - ages ats 
ied to ofp the peta that wil ate notto slate without greene 

: he name. ; 
Tete Sy oo aT trey The ease Wd tn. 3 ttn. 
defcrihed } 123 , LI): . P Pelg LEASE oe, Spe | L 1 die sth 
sy ta D ISS SETS eg atl wae. ig 
Te t= a tik > 2 ; 
; % The temperatureanavertues. é 
Te cee eee A aA? 1 oo is RT a PS 03 ee 

Mm Oneptertn 


Of true M. iden baie. Caps | 

aa. a Ss ae 

Bh oo The kinder : 
“ Heophyastesand. Pini dome mo Maes sintndead ees 

a be added another called Ratarraria, ot wallRue, Ato ynto the oth 
Whereovewilnreat. ahi 
: Qq a 3 


4 x Capillu Veneris vers, 2 CapillasVencris Syriac. 
Truc Maiden haire. _ Affytian Maiden haire, 

\ ; 
0 iin 


R e ry bum ees Land 2 
: * — fees ei 

I Ho fe vill f llowe the variable P i of f writers, concerning. the Ferne called 
eer ue, Adjanth Capillus veneris if fliti ie be ‘bro ual joe aly 
i b h at hed 

haire,or Maiden ae alowe ars cowinganhand high Siceae, be ‘a darke cin n colow 
__ and glittering withall: the leaues be fmall,cut in funder aa picked din the edges fom hing like th ode 
of fhiningco- 

Cotiander,confufedly ot without order z plaeedniie the middlerib whereofis ofa blacke 
Jour:theroote confifteth of many {mall eftrin 

2. This Affyrian Maiden haire is likewife a bafeor loweh herbe, hauing leaues, flat, {mooth , and 
plaine,fec ypon a blackifh middle rib, like vato that of the other t Maiden haire , cut or notched i 2 
the: f thi 

is fa fhion, and another 
oo it: the roote is tough and threddie. 


ae This J 2 oe a: Tl y. 
im ips, in Phi- 
cede ie’ in fteede of C apillus Veneris, and with eee As any of he Capil- 

herbes,although Mathiolusand Dioftorides bi himfelfe hath msde this wall Rue to beabade: of 

pre c e- 
ceiue itas the tue Adianth, fteeming i 4 all, ifnotfarre b Cet ca 
| SS Sr, fee geth f any lea nes,foun 
flender. scut into twoorthree paits,very hardein iting ene pitehe onthe outa an 
call fapoueet inte vnderneath, fer re es eh eutidently thew ittobea 
” ab of Ferne: tiesseteia blackeand fil offing 

3 Kuta : : 

A Jinacl ea? ae ren rape” 3 


3 “Ruta meraria, ine faluia : = 
WallRue,orRue Maiden ieee: rl! 

anger in Eng 
pease nie SR fome of go Sgt yal ie ; 
gro n_diuers places of te welt countrey 

Fo coouifThe “Afiyria tin Meaidestthaice taketh hieties # 
“name ofhist natiue cou! —, Aflysi ia, itis aftrant- 

gerin Europe, CS 2 oe 

Stone Rue groweth vpono Idwals sneere vi. 

cb Nese hard byagréatlake’ofwater,and 
© vpon the Chic wals.of ee itt rea i 
se divers ae toe 

of Thefe plants ie oie cbeth winter ati fom 
oe yet hauen ai er oes nor feed, 

b vicMaiden ras is ale in in Greek adtyeys Thed» 
pre raftus and P it Adjant. - nigrum, 
or blacke Mai 5 ‘hii for they fet downe two 
Maiden haires,the blacke and the white, aga: 

“7. oe. has % are Se u 
wes |p puleius, zp Us a ener 3, Biers Crintts, and of és 
ro) a 
and Venus ian may be ‘alia our kek 
otis called <4 ee ce the leafe, as ee es is neuter wet , for i it cafteth off 
1, AT 
\il if i If; bow ] Polytr chor , f th fle& ithathi 
oat hair,and making i it gray Loe Ze 
WR ‘ 3 * 
x lt , of fome Saluia ade ie 
9 wheref, Th wm L Foe? sf shat am fol, 
countr a des ks hs NE Saal 

itis feet is "icon which Theprabes termeth Advant peter or white Maiden bait 
for he maketh two,one blac Sionsianeet oe ite,aswe i —— Plinie ‘doth likewife fet donne 
two kinds,one Hee calleth Pelytrichonghe other Tréchomanes , or Englifh Maid + 
will intreat in the Chaptef followin which! he hath fallly jeedonseforalinde. of Adiantum, for - 
Trichomanes doth differ from Ad:an 
Some there be that thinke, Wall Bie is Parone Dif Doris his =~ hitlow w voort, 
wherein they haue beene greatly deceiued: itisc — ree ce Dutch 
s herupts in French Rwe — in Englifh Walle andi ate 4 

Th e temperature and ee 
6 etrueM Maiden absees aaa cit doo diye Bari wlte away,and is ina ineanebe 
cence heare “as bcoktnes : Me, sna i: hthae icconfitth of valike or difagreeing partes, ‘and 
Ant Me are. and another fiperficiaily hat. d 
. — sy Sriean yale saacharas cblionsor opie, raked things thin et are se 
nee eres: foras this partis thin, ' 
Spe 94 


V1 1 H ail te aemtin tice t -2 : 
Y> aske 7 
and other! fluxes. | 
L 1 5S Re 9 j |} a 1 1. rp > 1 1:7 } 
F y , butalfo 
thofe which s ftickei in the kidneies. j 
+ oy an 
C__Icraifeth vp grofle an i¢ humors out fthe c cheft d lungs, and Behe ale ohiy Sacks 
tting, if a eee 
nae ebe made ests 
L ae ate oy 1 1 it. 
tis Ge § 2 j 1 1 Ll LK wg 1 L Fat * C 
vatmrmer { ; } Kd | 1 
aut ly g h fe Be piled off, 
if 24 1 1 J . rape Me a OSG L ich do no 
Se. Sr 1f. y i ae ees 5 Bea’ L {ge onely 
Gk,” ali j f 

ringet “gia the diced fi Pisco 
tratietiess ‘i abe things do ftanch blood, the 

1 * . 
Swaneedo aa ac one oo vec con 

Bs alfo fay the termes : 
dett Fae ee = aS | EK LC 5 SEE ag <x fl Hee 
eo that benefit fhould be, he fheweth not. re 
is without feed itis euiden itr firly t 
things are tranfp ey, é 

Therefore in . “ie itfeemeth 
and and ally ded to this s chapter : sand comets fome things are aa ie hes out 4 x dif- 

J, / 

H xA7.ND rt L 1d Eto AA See 

UA7.11R : A 1. h a h 


M5) Pa | 
1 RY pia ART BS | j +} k LleA 

with ftitches and paine in their rete 
oile yg L 

K. Bein I 
the paine of the bier and pladdetdt gently procureth vite a cee fton 

L_Itis ooo’ in yoong children,and fome zffirme it to be exceligar ai if 
the powder cad ee conta for forty daies togit hee 

5 Of Englifh or common Maiden haire. Chap. 458. 

i oe The kindes. 
- a c ee LE eS 3 3.2. 7. a 
eee : ¥ ~ “, ‘ 
; pa i hath lone lesuesofa dake preenecélons congo ey may 
{mall o eR) ae Spe ee Se . seath rc 
fides with C...1 e | {pe kes, £ 3 1 i 

female Englith Maiden haire is like vnto the precedent, fauing that it as and wan . 

catharsis wherein 
7 3 Trichomanes 

‘\ . T Hemateer of the Thiftles is divers, 


2 Prichomanestaas, 2 ‘Trichomanesfewmina. — : 
The Male Englifh Maiden haire, The Female Englifh Maidemhaite, 
Ven an ae. SD ays 
gaye ee av SG | 
D of res ae & . 3 Key 
CALE WE DR f up Aare 
RO. : \ 
a SS Q € x 
Yan eli 2 NS j 
8 A) x e y 
NAD anaes SES 
SIO ERO G0 Bane 
yp Sy hey TRIP OW ke E 
OO aay op = Ya 
ON RABY ee zy 
Donel as ss ss 
PAAR ER > : . 
VPM ira! we OQ G eS 
Vest Oey COQ : rs : 
VES PEE D- : Eee KA 
Vaan ISS ON sa 
see) reg aS 
Sas aX 
—. 3 
B, e ¢ a 
3 Be tit . 
CONG ‘ae 
O¢) Nea oO £ 
z } 
ae CO e Wi Da :. 
GQ XG f ) NARA ’ 
¢ © Me A) \FANY: 
“fe, Vda 9) \y “ 
%& The place. toesy \ 
T L L 4 1 ty Ly, me \ 
o cab ann ae heb pee aoe ata Eoages «ee Pass! ce 
ftone wals and rockes: I fou g g | tfome, inthe parifh of 
Spe Scay } tt | ft ftoni neerevnto it,” 
. ae S 4 =: “1 ° y wpe 3 i. 2, « oe 
which before that time I did neuer fee; it groweth likewife-vpon-the ftonc wals of hir S 
I. ry See } ¥ nn : PT Q } L im od } 4 
d > 5 2 s o er 
%& The time. Al yaste aavesd bo iObg 
Tr . Tat . lL 1 Ng & i. -* ret te 1. Pe eae 
wees Bs: z 2 
are whereof it is a kinde. % The names. ox 
: Tet SER ge eeee 1 a re * we | 1 ke ae? 116. rae See |, PBR ge 
- _ . bod . . . ° o 
erne salfo Capill leius in his 51.chapter, makethitallone with calltrichon: offome it is 
called poh eS Bu Sor ey, AAata aes) 3 appeal t 
7 0 = < Ff % é 
se The temperature and verties. ae : 
<i PR ] ea See $. L The py leto del xdmiae en td iene KI. ke A: 
» +hele,as Dio) 3 ging > 4 
Maiden ‘haire. = 
Thed Sal j, i d } fhort winded. it helveth the B 
ev. 2 ¢ L 

T A aes he | vs: 
cough,tipeneth tough flegme,and auoiceth it by (petting. Pee oat 

— thelie wherein it hath beene fodden, or laid toinfufe, is good to wath the head, caufing the C | 
: ci jd } Ly oc iL : a } 1 paNen gE Ah £. 

‘ny ¢ 

: Of Thiftles. Chap.459. 

&Thekindes. ae 
{ome Thiftles ferue for nourifhment,as the Artichoke with- 

out prickles and the Artichoke with prickles 5 other for medicines , as the roote. 

hi tf ; theblefik ed Thiftle alfo , » otherwile called pete iitin: Sea 

Huluer, vand diners iy 

? a0 C 
Ned R. BR h or Acanthus fatiuns ua { ©, ad 
1 * Li , Li: L 1 1, Be C.1 , hap = om QL 
ee t ; Cc a 
Acanthws fatinws ; 
Garden Beach breech, % The de Cription. C) 

“BI Eares. breech of the garden hath br toade 

a aunt fom omewhat blacke, gafhed on 

catkins , onehig er, another lower : waite a em 
grow foort hthe huskes, in which is founde broad 
eede : therootes be bla ck wi anew 
in, and fu ll ofclammie i inice, and are diuided int 
oe ‘ey — has sa yexepe ae fado 

hey now and then bud foorth and growe afrefh: 
in roots are 3 ae a esha how letle oa 
oftentimes alfo, bringeth 

fot cheno 

and rep “that i i ae n neft 
the g nd moift places neere to the 
Montpellier,and at the gate of AEgidia,betweene 
the font brooke neere toth 
‘this ‘Thiftle is in ftalke, flowers, colour of leaves 

sy05 —— sila dented oriagged with manie 
and inci fions,noto onelyin fome fewe parts of 
“the leat sas fome other’ Thiftles, but very — 

or closeted ee y yf pe and f 
ot very ¢ eafie: tobe handk }. 1 3 L j i 1 1 1. If. 
: he plac. 
eal an writeth, that garden Branke Velie ae in moift and ftonie places, = a in in 
e > but ng; 
ee itwere vn aduifed! citin eid : itin gard 
= ot if eo 1 
= ne The wild was found i places of Ital fea,by th puble learned man C4- 
mer  eyaeiame nto the Dake of F ,and profeffor of fimples and Phificke, andisa ftran- 
i he de Thetie: 1 26.5 
I i Dink Vines do fower {c , the feedeisripe in A :the roote 
< itt both the G . if the weather s 


ke Vein pes i ak 


eae Pifias,. ( othets vle to call Cowpaifnep by the name of Branca Vr fina )the pies eat it 

the ingyguers of old tim 

to tocarue : the leaues of} this Branke Viti ine in ipillers , and other workes, and alfovpon hae eet “OF 

Pets.« t=) 
. t nobisidem Alciniedon duo pocula fecit, 
% peri circum ae: amplexus Acantho, 
P er Branke V: li atine Sv/uef. anthuso or 
wilde nite Vifine, ae Hs may be aes oe are, or ‘yin aprickle; by chick name itis 
ed of Fmott | He tharifts Acanthus 
M L 
Tiguot w! ath of it as Herodotn: ph differen 
; ‘rerbeehe, “There i is kei founde 
1 L 0 7 C4 L 3. } a 
ri) 2° Pe Be ai te i hI 1 
% The temperature, 
1 r eet | j 1 7.0. 

The leaues: garden Branke ' weene ie and colde, 
hax i i i { le digeftine fF: 5 as are A 
eee & Cc 4 ae “ . rG 4 b=, 1 ky AA. If ethote ofthe Mallow, 
seachieth is ors amore drying qualitie. : 

‘The vertues, 
oft ce | A 1. ¥. 1 te 9 li L te EF ta sat ibh ikea 
c y= & Lait. 343 SE 1 L 1 1 4- 1 * Golloshe tela 
See a Cos a ERE A e.2} = 

o a 4 te 
the lungs ; 

10... t L 1 Ct L . D 

They a Bf ht 5 Il, 1. i pee. L Cot L B 
fome high place,th brufed idry t ith 4 th fel and thev 

4 t £0 ons = = 1 L it f1 i t ib 
ws 9 oe ne hed 4 “ Ons 
iuicejand qualitie. f ; 

e. = 7 it 2. <i nn L 7 Mm > grt, Eas O 7 Font 

Ofth g Te 

bee 24 i, Bh If. 17; ng 3 1% 
rt =] o é 

re the cotton Thistle 

% Thedefcription.. 

L est na 

Chap.4.6 a | 

pt Ls t, 16 

I He: common Thiftl, 

= FF 

ightof the rich Perot to mixe eet ee rea me doh athe By fal ii 

deceit a be looked ynto: this 
£¢s, and fer with fharpe an 
or downe: out from the mitddeft 

and et with filmes, and alfo full “af pres 

nd ftiffe sre all aloneh the edges conered allouer witha foftcotton 
eof rifeth vp aon 
: the ee likewile cornered with | prickles, and 

two cubites hi gh; ‘cornered, 

ke aboue 

, befet abou 
id ee sa a . th 

t the top 2 a frites of mani¢ 

flowers confifting ofm 
Cd vp in "ass islong,ofa ligh fe 
Toote groweth deepein the grounde, being white, harde. 2 
2 The Illyrian cotton Thiftle hath z ng irgote 
fmvall threds or iagges:from which — ee! ity an 
*a tree then an annuall herbe or 
the dottome to top, fe etfullof 

easy sf thatitisi ce 

ot manor be to touch wel fame eae great hurt 

hiftle whatfoeuer, coud th 




983 THE SEUGN? Sade tik Shy THE 

“ 1 TL.1t 

/ x g hich is di 
. } f L 1. a 1 a. J 1k CHE 
Pp > with the like; or 
cee 7 ia a then “= aoa boa bax Earth 
1 Acanthinm 

> ee thium Uhr ion purpurenm, 

The white Sct on Thifte The arises cotton I hifile, 

=~ | 

a ie T, mel] A 25 L 

the feede waxeth , which ihe eat ri the herbe boca doe ees moft of the 
other Thies ic liue no in thea lle i — ace come tomaturitie 

to Saepaestie of, like ticks off filke :in ve Dasch 
Witte Watech Diftel : in French chards ; 
ore Thiftle, or cotton Tena oeeg Thiftle,wilde white Thiftle range or 3 
; perature ah de Hae 
crcl that haue their bodies 

by Galen fu Yeh Se, 

- Of our Ladies Thiftle. - Gp. see Tbe 

The atte iption. © 
cleats | raustieh Laces Thifteare as ca chose beeline cortonThiftle: forthe leaues 
thereof be great,broade,lar arge gafhed in theedges, armed with a multitude of ftitfe and harp 
kles,as arethofe of Ore Thiftlesb ¥5 he 
Se =e oe 23 greene 


eee et . 1 of tee 

greene ¢ c t ee rt ‘- 4 rt 

and as bigg ANS, HOWEIS Brow fillet prickles, being threds ofa 
| he feed PE like that of Thiftle: ¢ the rooteis long, thicke, 

oh Hes 
and white. 

Carduns Marte. 

gh ies Bess % Lf coal 

et ae It groweth vpon w: dcommon places by 
AY SS high aie a oa peron almott euery where, 

¥ flowreth sat feedeth ‘when ‘cotton Thiftle 

The na 
Ttis a in toate coneices and Car: 
duus Mari 

ra . 
Englith our Ladies Thiftle : ir may properly be 
called Lewcographus, of the white {pots’and ~~; € 

that are on the leaues: P/ayin his 27. G 

chapter maketh men an herbecalled Lés- 

cographis, but aner of one itis hehathnor 

expreffed ; therefore it would be harde rme 

thistobe the fame that ¢. bus is, 

and this is thought to be Spina alba, called in 
reek axgrbe acuxi, or w! re Thifle, 

and Cardusus Ramptarius,of the Arabians Beda 
ot Bedeguar,as Matthaus Sylaatic ‘resiagg 
Thet bit tos vant 
ender leanes of Ca sass Sos eK 
«ple et offare sie: fed tobe eaten ~ 
other wig 

® =. 

and the blondie flixe,tharit ftaieth bleeding Wt away cole ining the pak 
; teeth ifth hey be wathed with the decoétion there 

Ae EE + rc. on pe 
: thatbe troubled with cramps. pee eek 
feeds bei sei infasth i aewes D 
d at itis shaueeienn tne fer. 

drawne togither,and for thofe that ra ies of retell ani 
Pents, ifi be buthanged about then 

bg the ohh Thistle oe se : 

rani Pe. URE. Rett 
There: are divers kindes of Globe Thies.” + 

Lobe Thitt le hath avery longed aren issige ircong &broad ee piel 

(re ng of{mell ferme peye he vp n. the neather fide white 
wers growe foorth o pe eal |e a globe, which ftandeth on he ee o 

falkes 3they are white and {mall , wh aor se cect midft ; the feede is long , wth aga 

Meane length; the roote i thickeand : ae 

_ CT & : 

45 ot, 





Poy Carduss Globoftes. : abs 

e ee ‘The Globe Thiftle. % The defcription. 
= 8 : ‘There is another Globe Thiftle that hath leffer 
: ~ eaues ve —— full of prickles, with round heds 


ip ee alfo: : but re groweth out of t them befides the 

ep? reer siar ina and ftiffe pri ick S. 

here is rae another kind gee om the 
firft in forme andfigure, but much leflér, & the 
flowers thereat tende more toa eons 

There is ener Globe Ti hich is 
the leaft,a naka he fha aoe Ba ofall ret 
refs the head istnals ey flowers where of are 
white, ak to thofe of the firft. 

tT $ a certaine al a kindeheereof, yet 

the wee round,that is to fay, flatter and 
broadera sbousouto which fpring blue flowers: 
= ftalke heereofis {lender, and cotter sie 

ite thinne ee wnesthe leaues arelong, gath 
kei of both fides , and armed in red cor- 

nie & are cotiered with a foftdowne, - 
— arpe prickles ftanding foorth 7 - 
ing on the vpper part fraughted 
ple toner all of ftringes: the feede is og sid 
as doth the feede of many o. is 


a ee files 
erent: hess 7 ‘a = and % ee, = 
= a 2 Thee 
: “Tiyte si sa outith sited tne or Thies do, 
: i7., GA pay Geni. * Then Srp re fe Bs et LD: PRS ysis as, 
peregrina, Carduus globo/is Me Corda diel it Spharoe sea the fame name doth 
G 2 f ce thereft,for a arounde head likea rales = ft woulde haue the firft 
eee fetteth downe for Spina tie it Be iftle is sealed in Englifh Globe — 

: Tena all 

The downe Thies ‘called in Latin being deftitute of sinc name Sicakeaist the woolly 
ead: in Englith downe Thiftle sor cotton Thiftles itis thonghtof divers to bethat which Bs robe 
news Vrbeuenctanus and. Angeli ts Palea, 

rowne: but this Thiftle doth farre differ from propa: as itis euident byt thofe ais 
ey haue written concerning Corona fratrum, ma thatis thus: In the borders of the king- 
ragon towards the kingdome of Caftile we finde anotherkinde of Thiftle, which gro- 
te by common waies and in w! ae - 

ully there 

3 The te re ttt 


Of the Artichoke.  Chap.463, es 

% The kindes. 
rot Here beth Fae ere ae Ne ,two tame or sa ene one wilde,which the Italian 
‘i 1 Qe; L } tC , ay Se, pe 4 Sy ee Bey 
‘ Oe vee o é 2 
“y Cinaramaxima Anglica. 2 Cinaramaxim, 

The g reat red Atichoke The great hae tichoke, 


Y Zz 

Sf y WS 4 



eo Mee: 
Dae ‘ oor 
a ae 7 

Tr He =a of ae = ema Artichoke nate in ttn ¢ Ciwara,'a fe Beep spree fonastee bit 

dee ve oni theedges, witha siti oak or ghitrer' alongtt the middle’; having no 

Klesat erie fews-and th they be of a eath colour: the ftalke is abouea cubite’ 

high, atid bringeth foorth on the top a frtite ikea oleb es ‘teferibling at the firfta coneor Pine 
seta to = made Ase nt feales swhichiswhen the frnitis great or loofed, ofa greeni(te 
cea Sie bu en it openeth oleae 

fa ending to 
fond ante treater ie eh ker then ee Tiller ying ne foft and dow 
niehaites which are contained wichii thie fuite: the rooreis thicke eh dfaimeane lent : 
2 Thefecond ‘great Aftichoke differeth from the fortierin the ‘colour of the fruite GONE € 
piers ek cnet eeréof dilateth it ¢ felfe foe abroade , andis viet 

eile iiferer not fromthe fore 3 

‘“ eames lat all thé corners of the leaves shacor viridis aire or fruiteareat 
bs Riffeana shat pe prickles whereupon ebearesh well oThitiei 
ia < |g Cinara 


3 Cinara fplucttris. 
Nene A eer The plac 
‘ achat is tobe planed ina fat & i . 
fa a they do loue eae 


tN GL fs 
oA KEL Lv 

| a 

Tuite; ln as 2 a they deprived the roote 
ater byt i 

VIA 4 

knowing that w ithou ut vata {tore of water the 
‘whole plant woulde ed and the fruite ane 
away and come ta} ing. 

hey are pane fo ie ia, part eg Cl 

Kalk of Nouember,or fomewhat fooner. 
plant muftbe feta nd dunged with good fore of 
thes 5 for that kinde of ding is thought belt for 
2, the planting thereof, Euerie yeere the flips m 
Sa SNS be torne or flipped off from the body of the root: 
aK ypu s DP. and thete are tobe fet in Aprill which Wa 
; Cynars Scoby muse fritite about ae as Colswells,P all 
daea0d common experience ae 
: _ The names, Z @ - Zs Pygae j 
tte en .3 "Wy: L re AT | 1 1 b tye ee 
‘wal laes cee a) * yg Eating Leila Ro i es 

Tralian Coe rb in Spanifh yisenine in Engl Aviholes in a Frch Artichans: 
in low Dutch Artichoke,» whe ereupon divers callit in Lat ine Articoca/a, d Ayticoca: in thigh 
Dutch estes obiDam. ‘ 


Spinofa Satta; One ate Arvchae, oe a 
= - alfo of pice: Carduus: of the en sae and LE, Edie Spaniards Cardos: 

French men chardoms: Leonhartus Fuchfius, and moft Staak ae it to be Scolymus ances: 
‘- bu Syma Deri hath the! eal of Chameleon or pane athe alalbedul Hf pegeisgen a | 
"prickly hea Bpsicher f im the. Aytis ke whch 1s, without prickles, he.Artich 

bead iat tickles ,yet thet fale! is northllof 

bk ra aieg inara doth better 

alums, Lip Sites it doth not bring’f ooh 
1 Coie eo Saal prickles ‘the 

to be eaten,and likewife the { fruite, the feede and; 

as tender as.the braine of che Date tree; which things 

Sad write of the ftalkes fene foorth immedi- 

hang more bur one vpright:. for the foileand clime-2stuuch 
Sh OHEF heepbrafimsteacheth , buralt eesnginina fel! 



declatetis and of Cactus Theophraftus writeth, thus: ders» Caltws,! y ip Sicilia: vit 

Scat ftalkes being pilledyare fiete Gen being fomewhat bitter, stick be pre- 
ferwe din brinesit ibriese forth’ alfo another ftalke; ae erp Fat is good tobe cate 
er tae 

Thenailes, that is the léchite’ & Mictperc onic are in the bottom of the outward sesene or io A 

ri ‘fruit oft ee Arti os “a jzalfo the midd} 
wewith Pepper a fate sand. common nlybo: led with the _—_ of fat fleth , wich oh 

ten are Sie a eae nty di ifjbein ge pleafant to the taftejand good to proc hire Spell faite ic 
iene the midd! € leribs of the Jetiesbeing miade white &t ender ye ere ehenthing a nd looking 
see, eaten with peppet 
snafi lig asbe the taw Artichokess4 yet both of chem areof ill inice! an the-A ee 

plenti¢ of fcholericke i ivice, and hath an hard fabftance;informuch as oft thisi is ingens ted mclanchos 
1 4K Fall 
oat Cute: > - r aC ities 
: wo 1! A 5 ee | 2 ‘i ; 
fal 1. ¢ : re | J B 1d Col 1 githerof 
hs 1 VW , Re J 2. ] } 4% ate 9) bes Re ot Oe - L j 
anhard fubi var 2 ik € 

great! t fto bottler ih ; aii zorteal to 

At itar d 

eect neve vp rahe luft of the bodie. 7 Shia 2:1; 
Of the Sater Thyfles. "Ca: 164. ; 
dis Chryfanth 2 Carduus P hairs tae erent 

"The eg Thitle, , ap souhe, ‘Golden Thittle of Pen 


994 ‘THE iplertanbiiee BOOKE OF THE 

x Thede/éription. 

' He falkes of ‘golden Thiftle rife yp forthwith from th being many, stoundeand 
seh, A 1 
r. 1 {1 f1 pate Bh sagt 1 a rs! L, L c = C31 1 fet . > an 
pep a etinafcea 
. r; 2m Vy ¢ :. fo L LC T a1 LJ : t - 
vp broad, ao re } 4 4 _ j ‘J } 
ae dg j L ie 1 bo v 1 eS seh PF 
x Honea there nel rik of on 
Thi in what p Pe broken, eas whi milke. 
hegolden n Thiftle of Peru.called intl rely ae Hy + a Cc 1 ! 
L 4 PL a RR tate soni pan, ' afi L ie ee 

bitants there to ‘al it jekosi itis vato me vnknown,ynleffeit ~ bicaufe of pe fruite,which doth 

a — afigge,in prpee and bignefle,but fo fall’o f fharpeand venemous prickles that who- 
foeu ¢ of them in his throte, doubrlff it woulde fende him packing, € either-t o hea- 
ten or = ¢: eT but fomewhat 
] fj hi if brittle ftalke full sorknecs, diuiding it felfe i into fundrie other 

Boe irnctes = fer full of | li he mill ce Thiftle but much {maller,and ftrake d with ma. 

n , } C3. $i. 

nifeft vnto me, 

-the fieldes of Sp 

low flowers 

: very like vnto the fea Poppie, abe more elegant and a greater beautie, hauing in the: middle thereof 

a fall kno op oF boll, fuch as is int the m 

“ei 4 iW q 1, Lal ee 

fa ide knop, groweth by panes greater oy greater, poet it come to full maruniignbichy openeth it 

- ie apres rend,fhew ings le sfe ed, whichi is very blacke and round | ine the fe des of Multarde 
of a 

le plan andesc par J nilkie iuice, whi chis 
ieukocota falling and iff gfi yf hereof, ifitt 
hev I yet vni : wherefore I pur- : 
pofénot to et downe any thing therof, by way of coniedt sbut thal God willing.) lytod 
Jare that which certaine knowledge and experience either of mi hers, thal makema- 

#9 The place. 


‘Theg golden fc 
weth Sera in Candie, and alfoi in moft kplasest of pall Cli th oor that he fone itin 

and of an higher ean e 
The Indian’ i t ¢. TAL j ys ee | ad fe 1 y lin 
in my garden 

gar Thetim 
__ theyé flower from Tune to the end of Aupott the = of the Indian golden Thiftle muft be 

= eT: he names. 

= nating hi . hich he writeth of G 1 : . bryfe in 1 Greeke Se ia 
: s eu ngs ve aC aw Si 6 re are with th LO 
— aathemus, Scolymus faith he, d tha in th are ecto tel 

pro ry fan 
: foo att C 

a } 
me ae 3it oe a soe = may be eaten both fod rawe, and when itis had: it rpc 
milki es i ‘arduus. Ofthis Pliny alfo maketh mention in his 21. hap- 
oth ifr from thofe aoe of Thiftles,thatis tofay, Acorna and rir 

in his 22. 322. apter the ea: Bin 

L i BE, A aes A Aewutner Which ich thing alfo 7: — 
bat Brin 1 <- Ce ipaq eee 

or Limonia. 
ie make th mention is another Scolymus, which he affirmethto 

oe ie as Selma, and with that which we men tio! 
rebein Pliny two Scolyms : onewith a 
psp — en waxeth white, Sebati is ame 


I, Th brafti oe ST. Fs 

-, 1. 
by Dioftors 4 jdes. 
kone as we rein more at ne declare heereafter. Bi ie tet vs come iro to Cirafanchemes 


his the ir 
rn. L } } 4 4 1, d 

oa name it Asconsta d 
nersit is rae named Glew hizo, shat isto fay Daleis rade, or ores te roote : it is called in Englifh 
n Thi ftles scalleth Evry. 

x r . L , srerh LC 
JOS PD cig =f, ona 
Bi :of which ew intreates *3 
olden Th ‘Heo } Iled Ip, OS ie ere 7 of his gold iT adding 
x ae : Bi cn ial Lean ot Al 3 2 
Pp, Thiftle, or the golden Thi- 
} cy gee ‘ark . Hy tg lox 
4 4 ? 

tin . 
- oO 

eokPc { 
cr sinfernall eens ort Figgeof hell. 
%T he temperatire and vertues. 

a but i containe very Niele nowrifhiment joand the fame: thinne es watery bas Galen 

teachet ‘ 
Pliny faith chat the roote heerof was scommended by Eratotthones, i in the poore n mans ore B 

L t 
soa, : ne Aefhlulnit ot nas +f) } 

with " Fth holes, if eat she? pee aU pera: —— sof 
ANS bewafted,andagood draught tak fa iftin ng after a bath,and likewife after meat? 
° 4 tf ~~ 

tohaue borrowed thefe things, 604 iis ; 
Of white Carline Thifleof Dielcarides,, Coie 465. 

Carling, (ers. Chameleon albus (pag corids a § 23%% : 
her T eT edefeription: 

ji: “T7 Heleaues of Carline dre very full ofpric tes}: 

MN WY = shi es i tir tepe 

Ei Gem ni étalon with ftitfe 

in the middle ikea eae ofa great num 

 Jeaues, ipa foisedibatebic e, very feldome 
red: the feede vnderneath is fle ndetandoae ores 
the roote rot afingerthicke, fomething blacke, 
fo chinked as though it were ilitin in eee jfwecre 
b ar tafte fomwhat ve 

_. There i another a ftalke ; 

eis a 

_ with leaves: alfo very full of es ake almoft to 
-thofe ofthe other ying florondhe tound on eues 
_- sie fide: among which there groweth forthin the — 

_. middle a rounde heador knap , fet with ee 

~ wil after the fame manner , but ste 

. flower whereofin themiddle cis of 5. a 
~ Jedroun de about with red leaues a 
‘Rrr 2 a. 


= devotes enderat agua oor 

996 * Jag dababscicd BOOKE OF THE 
with white, inf both of this and alfo of the peeeneds vast 
Ca) ay eee } 1 Epeeey same 2S da miity 
t=° 7? 
L regis | At rg PES | eee i? ei | SES | yey 4 a 
cereor £5 tr 
4% ee : 
Thay hart Lick : 1 ¢ . by hich way fides: 
ALICY VOL Siow cy Ss: t 
1 Rd coag a OR aa A er ad es ys a 5 but 
te) 79 =) $1ana, 
Per time. 
"TT a Se Sa A ; 
¢ 7 
"se The names. 
ae . 1S c8.s.. ¥ . 4 ], dofd $9 f; » of Charle 
L.£-nPR a c-h pats re 

| Ley iat ha pee t. 

he pl ague: itis alld in high Dutch 
 €he erwurts: in low Dutch garni? other LI Ah as likewifei in Englith Caréize, and Carline 
Thiftle: i itis  Disfeo ortdes his Leucacanthe; the ftrong & bit ter rootes thew the fame 5 ste culties allo 

terfeit, as s among the Romaines Gniacardus, x among the Thufcans Spina et ns Thiftle e,yet 
lle ths, Spi ina alba, our Ladies eis: ab me: Ss 

M1 v. 

O.Wenn’ 2p 
onsad ie fame itering 

5. r I. I B 7: 1, en 

Car line :but they hd dwho go abo fer themboth ibe Coote for in 
7 es and ~ — L.  d 1 CL 1 ~ 
Italie,Ger x 

for many, Bellonius inhi | Oe eahceity dediaictrohardifcceace 

and the Chameleons, which thing fhall be made manifeft by the 
defcription of the Sins coh 
#T) he e temperature ana vertues. 

TL a peg 23 l Lm gre | pod a | 

and drie 
> Syed 
1 ea] a > z. 1.140. Bs ep es ¥ 3s. ce {Tag BR Oe fad 

> ? 
-< ; eS a 8 = ll v3 “ j L 1. : 

of the placue.| Mf h the f. “Cie bedlaanie ar tiin : 
Rae ee “A oe ES | 1 1 } .: 1. 1 ye Me 9 | 
a Do iy 7 3 f 
x. p 1 Se | st g x ape | 1 5 = oT aes 
Anditis git hofe that hanel drvb dfllea fom! ae place. 
like operations D. i scacamtha faith he tae Broere, 

like Galanga, ed and foes sick being chewed eafeth 
fi t of wine is aremedie againft paines of the fides , he is good he ot oe 
haue > Sciatics aca ach inthe huckle bon eae! them that be troubled with the crampe. 
FE. Theiuice alfo being drunke is of like vertue 

The wilde Carline Thiftle. Chap.466. 
t : 
% Tea 
He great wilde Carline Thiftle ith ipetih aftalke ofa cubite high orhigher, diuidedin- 
tocettaine branches:the leaues are — in withhes like thofe of 
* “Carline : the flowers growe alfo vpo: prickly head, being ththreds i in th themidit, 
andpaledroundaboutw idee yellowi with le 
Carolus Clufius, def certaine other alfo of this kinde , Si bee wach fale pias, 
fhorsandootabote shana high, with prickly leat sole thofe of the other, butleffer, both of 
couered with 

ac Ho ge 
apale pets the midft,and leaues mae round about being { fomwhat d yellowe: : 

4 Carling 



lina fol 
1 oor “apie Cate Thi : * The le = Crna : 

seme the: 
The egre ‘at C: £ 4 1 e Gs Bil > 
The leffer Cai dine j j i gi d y ft Y> and defart places 
about ae acitie ey Sg eT) Adie 
The ey flow and dourith in Tune: and Inly. 
— % The names, ; A 
Teiscommor veal din Lati J Lina Sylueftris: fer 3 
flowers,aiidis not Very — n leaues. mad that this is deprn itis fo mv ee toaffirme, 
by how much the briefer Theophrast J#ushath written heerof: for he faith renee is ie baftard Sak. a 
fron,of a yellow colour and fatinice : and Aeorma differeth from a for Acarna as Hefychius 
nate is the nay trees but Acornaisa ae hale ; eee 
eee dd Shahid SAR: <2 OEE 

de. ste cies re peice out. | 

= Of Chameleon Thifle. Chap. 46: 

The kines ae 
wrth. t as a : aes ae hie Pr ae Peet ie ap 2 3.1. 
Re fetrd ph Se = Sa RIS de, Ce »ph Pe EE 


* He leaues of bla Chat aot! nie tn lend sinalste of hii Artis 
che eC; led with ith red fp ni 

* Tike'the pica: pepe Ps ee ot ee ce, fometimes eaten awale, 
Whi Rigen cbjehe nim ith colour within ,and be $8 OS (cones 

\ A 

2 This blacke Chameleon | hath many leaues, enon naa very fullof prickles, pha alight 
afoote high, and diuid edisto ba ranch n the 

ce) , cn lef Cree foorth of agelA heads: the roote Hg i ee 
fweete in tafte. This i is defcribed by C/u/ius in his Spanith Obferuations ns by the name of Chame- : 
7, coh J i. } J 9? Ay ¢ ee | em il 1 ; 
rm: : Cc. vd CS 1 2S ver ha a: iy usgr . ae Pe Petal 
s - aN § y ba | 
Ieon,neither doth “igh affirme it. é 2 . 
_ I Chamaleon niger -. 2 Chameleon niger Salmanticenfis. : 
Theblacke Chamaeleon pe TheSpanifhblackeChamzleonn 8 89 



e : 3 The e. : setae tis tao lk a 
a Ne Fy AS mea esc es cone t had ss fo italblew, as ? 
thar it feemeth to contend with the, _skie in beautie, sand ‘hat flower of blewe Bottle i 

oma So cena a sietal 
a nail = Sig sf Vernilago, Crocodilion: i 
a eee es and colours 
. = 3 Land ve 
teheerof,as Galen faith, saci aie te dea 
onous herb by Nic ciel yor 
AE gineta: oe a Aine rue: as: Seal 
brecte foes ftande in neede of Felening O 
do diffolue and mollife;according to Gale. 


we of 


Of fea Hollie: Chap.4.68. 
; % The kindes. = 
Pa aa ee Fy J c CF kK eo mee haalk. ‘ 
Be oor eles: bilieherlidronblernteres © Ubsce ge 
7 pisipgas LE a : gat tt t. Pee Col re } ay if ; h. 
baltard kinds. 3 o. ConwDpai Rages ae - 
5 Eryngium may inutt.: yt 2E i diterraneum. 
Sea Hollie, cas ~  Leuant fea Hollie, 
xy Git Ee 

BZ 4S 


Ba LIAMiie bach t V1 1 


3 we 


: Li, 
\ way YAMIN S| 



1 3 


IC slike: A ed in the edges an 
: | fet round about with hard prickles, fat,ofa blewith white ,& of an aromatical or fpicie raft 

the ftalke isthicke  aboue acubite high, nowe and then fomewhatred below: itbreaketh ~ 
Pas a P st Sater jt } 1 r joftl bigne: 

in for th 

0 alnut,helde 

p ft of a W. 
ffing th f the ftalke round about; which 


-Teaues as 

pe SY: *. Eke t 4 k 
wellas the heads, are of a glittering blew : the flowers foorth of the heads are likewife 

blew, with white threds in the middelt: the roote is of the bignes of 4 mantis finger, verie long, 
1 Wel 7 j res Llj Cot Whe 23% sk 12 
Fe 3 

and {olong,as that i 
and of tafte fweete and pleafan-. 
2 bc ay Re | f eB | f, Ey LS 2 

L aid d 

be hIG A fs fi. r4 Pa age & 

ai ala 

Is, beingall fullof pic, 
CO es rs tie y Ree 

butleffer then thofe of the other : from which there alfo grow foorth blew Aowers, 
there ftand likewife vnder euiery one of thefe fixe rough and prickly leaues, like thof 
40 i | ite within , 

butthinner and {maller: the roote he<rof is alfo long, blacke without white within a finger 
of tafte and f{mell like that ofthe other,as be alfo theleanes . which ar 
a eg a Stat co) ew fpru Sypi ad ye end: fe 


% The place. 

t. LK 

1; Tfound it ae 
plenty a at PWhidable in at Rie and anvil in Sule, and in Paikae Landam 
f from whence I “ae 

brought plants fort my g garden. : 

f.3 AA Je, Py JI j yb 
pee 6 PS f > 2d 
wife. ey ‘ 
; % Thetime. 
R . re J ral Le y gas Te - 
. % The names. 
tos Lan) Miby 9 (Bare YE OMEN aa #55 G 4131 pee : . AAf n7: Kr. 
ring Talite fo. al f.. Un! = for ca ae Je 
ag es isca FOE Eine Bryer giume in low Dutch euery where Crpus diftel, Eine 
joo, aPeerwortele zin Englifh{ea Holly. a 
tum. capita, or hundred headed Thi- 

eh - Bighenitch Wrantztrew » aaa, Haven * in tains Sa eepredor : 

as = other. 

% The romper arate 

TL £,1 L 1 L atl . Bast j IG} Ms Ls IY”. CLL 
2 i @ a * 
ftance,as Galen teftifiech, 
: % The eon 
A f fea Holly boilediny eal for. them that are troubled with 
L hee L ¥ l Fe 
1 L - *. 1 1 es be T°. sd 4 . j 
ee Sear ee. yee = : 
prop if they be -caten, 2 and a are Hose for thofe eet, be 
hee Bi 

’ i hefaling en 3 ond brin ae downe the menfes. 

CV 1 } j 
. i } 3 > ; es “. y ] } 7 L e Q ee ae we 
ag 1¢. Sy ee re = i} h Jeliot ae nour! 
n 45-7 ae } ue an roe. wee ae a a 
2 = - ¢ 2 nh Ss +, ys s ° x 
D pe - 2 L ole Pes | ee } cy a ete rly 
re pos ; ss 3 Sa ee a 
when itis boiled, as it Sociale se gaia a faweer full of Rote waters a fpoonfull of Ee 
vaca a haba of ores ich h 5 and now ftrai- 
g If A ) Put in n your rootes to foke and infufe vnti 

Ll ete Ot j qy: 

: ae your ‘rootes sae wathed and picked, muft a boyled in faire water by the fpace of fower 
bowel the 1) be oe aa pl ey bees illed ae as yepill Pa she eps, and the pith muft be 
drawne out at the end of th andi is ebeany, whofe pith can ot be drawen out at the 

end then you smut fli them, ‘and © take out the pith: = thefe aa alo kepe from much — 
rat Redece, ae ay, andthen ferthem 

broad f Il they be very I eth let themnot E ie at “ll: let them there re- 

with ona flice. This done , hat Il papers, ‘whereupon you... 

fome Sugar, spon which hy yout tootes after that me haue taken them out of the shee 
's you mutt p 

lay them be a good re. In this mannerif i 
‘pe a betterway. And thus may you c condi te any other roote sar ay ch will 
rae oe’ delicate, eeey eae and effetuall againft the difeafes aboue 
F affirmeth faith a thatby the contituetlfarie of Sea Holly, heneuer after- 
wats voiced figs th very often tormented with that difeafe, i 

Ge ae OM ere NY ak oe ee 

PIR oe 
a 7 

_ Prickles, which are foft and tender, Sa iiilandalbeodssiace offach asto ouch themsthe knobs 

Fes SMegupes sam ee 

T is drunke, faith D, 

HISTORIE a ne ict | Toor 

art C.L.1 T.1c Biss oo ecient : i 

ming vof ‘the reines. a ve 
1 ¢ Mey L: gre Pach Hie lea Tt 

ftand ful, and careehe s the bee ais ill fach ti he fhepheard tak ¢ it foorth of hi 

mouth,as ”Plutare pwr. ; 
Of baftard Sea Hollies. Chap.4.69. 
% The kindes. ios. * ae 

rT 1 3° TL AY 1 if 9 “1 Ka 2k ee £c TT re ee Lr. ae 

1 declared. : i d 

1 Erynginmcarulenm Eryngium fpuriwn primum Dedonei. 

Blew Sea Holly. E * Bat Sea ane 




enn, LN NE 
Sit y 

His Eryngium, hich Dalates sli Eryngium plan, aid Pena mote 
“fly ande esate speaeene s erulent, ath ftalkes a cubite and a halfe high, hauing 

theedges, hbutthotenbodeaee ‘leffer, ompafling or enuiro epee ioe fathion, befet with’ 

_ otheads are alfo ae andi in colour blew. . Theroote is bunchie or “He like ti that of cole 

The fecondbaftard Sea Holly, whofe Jiti ygal 
lantly, being alfoakinde of Thiftle, hath] lik he fe E but broad he 
t hofe vhi h g he {tall fomewhat jong, greenith, Joft, and not pr ickly; bur 
ligh 1 fed at } ige , gt than Qui The ftalkes grove more 
} ig sg Ra Rereerg sao } pe hirift £4 foore lons 
3 i hee: Sim 4 Eryngium Montanum 

Dwarfe Sea ge Mountaine Sea Holly. 
\ ZZ Ze 4 : ie S ay Pe. 

N 78 

Se eck: ee 2 “aTheilp cription, 

i. ThcehindLindso ofbaltard Eryngium hath his firft leaues (which gtowen next the seorie great 

and foft,growing as . wereina rundle about the roote, . The ftalke i is {mall and: flender, diu- 
dedintofome branches, which bearer little leaues, 
sae necrep tic e,and fet about the ftalkes far! fathion, The es orheads growing at the tops 
n flowers and leaues, which com mpafle 
i i The: roote is flender andl tafteth but one yeere, 


cas we : nd 
0 TY 1 G, i. ik L ~ fi, 
very fmalland rs re ieee ameane echoes do pone three orfower 

ome asanade Het divers leaues fet vj rib, narrow, long, hard,and of a- 
’ :d on bot Sagan of theleafelike a fawe. The fake isacubice high;i — 
i ele in 1 tuftes 

: Se Se ae ee f Life ie. 
ing and fharpe in tafte.The roote is cueing insalte 

fomewhat fharpe, and in fentan not vapleafant: when this 
in peeces,an sndetore quickly braicd, 

dried,icm i 
; * nie 

ia a Silla 

ae Kindes of Sea Holly are rangers in sabhpiand :we bw the firft and fecond inout London 
a Thetime. 4 
They flower and flourifh when the Titi do, 
emacs: . 
"Thefe plants be Eryngia puria; orb far lies, and arelately obferued : and therefore 


9 no old names. 
rft miay be called in Lasts pets Borapeai) or Neon jpinofam, ae ag without — 
prickles : 
Wetter Bs Cc... U.N. L 
it capi iin Eryn gium,or Sea troll an the jl 
The third is rightly called Eryngium ee little Sea Holuer,_ 

> S°OTsS 
puso akinde of Sea Huluer, 
The a apn and vertuess , 
Tr Ls g's L Cc. 1: 4 Cant City 7 4 ss 
bye i Sant Peat Cc tt Dp Lo Pa Tg gt ie | i SE 

et Thiftle. Chap.4zo.. 

2 Geena teh 
arnabee s Thiftle. 

> TR! 

oe 2 yo aa emia 
a ie oe 

Ashe . 
ie FESE Dialed ote ses 
alt Mog Bicker. ‘ag 


t y ickl » fathionedlike 3 blafi ing ftar; 
whichatt eitdees ig at are of apurple colour;buraf j t 
The feede is finall,fatjand ae he roote is long, and browne wit 
SS. Barn abees aaiHe another kinde of Star Thiftle; F nowrithanding it hath prick ig no where 

talks are two cubits 
hehgansterdigy brinch ( | thofeof f Thiftle, which ftalkes haue velm eso 
ieee h i hi L y . tc £ Thelenwer aré 
t + | he A J I] sand confift of th redsi: 
“i Ae is aie the roote an and flender, 
Sobftitialis lutea viN. ' 
: seit ange S. i Thiftle, defeription. 
wy: t 3 This Thiftlebath' et fet with deepe gathes, 
hauing yellow flo with heads or knaps full of 
RSS prickles but ceacie ah the former, an h 
HS alke without skins cleauing pit Clyfia wset, 
\ that he found this i eee ie of Salm 

hard bythe Sige inad 

Thetwo firftd iseremc pl barren a neere 
vito cities and townes,almoft euery w 
The time 
ee flower and flourifly elpecially i in Iuly and 

The name 
The firftis <ametiy Laine. Sele: Cordus a- 
meth it Pa, ha 

ae pee 2 
=. Starre Thiftle isof shotnata, : 

ai Send affitmeth,that the diftilled water of this Thiftléisa aremedie for thofe that arein- 
i ch Poxe 

eBlog om conepeandporiedhumours, 
with good fis hether they k idian or 

: be : sand thae t tthe vie of thisis good for the liuer 5 thar it raketh away the 


Of Teafels. Chap.4.71. 

%& The kindes. : 
e) Vr age hath fer downe two! kindes of Teafels : the tame, and the wilde, Thefe differ not fawe 


é o ? o 
come for the moft part fitter for mans vie, 

Dipfacus fatinus, 2 Dipfacus frlueSiria, 
S Gten Teafell. Wilde Teafell. 

%& The bike iption. eet 
lon Arden Teafell is alfo of th Thiftles 5 3it bringeth foorth’a ftalke thati is 
ftrai ae ve ery long, iinted and full lofprices. The leaues growe foorth ofd thei jointes by 

sbouand fait ftened oe and fo faftened, thac they hold deaw and raine wate rin man 
littlebafon : thefe be lon alight greene ecolo ur, and like to thofe of Lettice, bue full ofp pc tee 

> 7 

ric edges, and haue ae the ourfide all alongft the ridge ftiffer prickles : on the tops ofthe ftalkes 
ndheads with tharpe prickles likech cee y and cre ward at the point 

h ut of which hea we little flowers. The: e Fi I feede , ahdia 
tafte bitter: ¢ Ra as wate white when hey growe old,and there neers inthe middeft of th 
when they are aine little magots oote is white, and ne leng' 
k The fecon dkinde o of f Leafell which is alfo a kinde of Thiftle »1S very like vato the formers but his. 
anes are ale ee narrower; his flowers o and Sag of the Tealellno- 

7 fo ard ns eas the othe noe good for any ein fing fel 
hereis cee of Teafell being a wilde 

tant amon en z 
ses giowing aaa than the reft of his: kindes, but his inbbed heads are ml ere 



ag % The place, 

cae se | a ee os 
ie | 

: and( Coch vorkers. 
Lut 1 

The rot found ¢ growing in moilt pes in the ie way ade from aay to Henning. 
Ham ca! Effex 

filet P n the high waie 
fron pi Dunmow to London. 
Thefe flower for the moft part in Iune ad lulie. 
y The names 
Teafcllis called iri Grecke Y4 dlikewife in Latine ne Dip fac Us , ibe Pate and Cardaus 
: d Vener ts,and Lauer Lanacrum, of the forme of the leanesana any vp in fa. 
Dea ptarsfe, hichi hey Iki Virg 4 Pa for’, an an we cad 
Ll. Mar mm 2 re : 1 Tr kh ar m.! ~s — 
sina: Let =) 
hk : fg -* Oe Lr } PE pe) , Verge abergier: in Englith 
eat aac se and Venus B rites 

The thirdei is thought to be truly called fee Pliny), of which he hath written in his 27. 
5 faith xX vides rama is like Leucacanthwm,a 

martifh ze pr ricky herbe, 

PR % Thetemperature. 
"TTL Cx Y pe 1 1. is ee 1 Z. ” ad [Pa 
7 : ‘D 5 1. 
% Thevertues.  . : 
‘Thoteisfnalvie of T fell in medici he heads ( Taner Gini sot 1" 
cloth w ith. , 
Dtofcors ides wtiteth, Rise hid rdotes bei ae iled in winearid ftamped till it i 
ftance ofa falue healeth chaps, and fiftulaes of the fund: if ic be applied tt , and that 
{ F and thar alfo iti F i tok g d 
kindes of warts, 
c* ti 4 = Eg poy 4 = £3 S ; 1 ESF 
fouindin thehéads of the T: d hich be § g 1 al thenedl » OF to mention 1 the 
_like thing that Se ie Galedrago fet 
toies, as rors felfe haue prooueda little oe ti eens hereof, alse a moft grecuous 

ague an gee continuance : notwithfta nid phificke charmes , tek wormes hanged about 
By oa, fpid fh toies thatI was conitrained to 
| God him- 

ti8 3 Sema 3 f ~ rd 

tie ae a EY: 7.1 1 ia. a. & Pes : gl fay, ¥ 
. co 

“ See: herd Sh tla : 

a ae acc al baftaid Saffron: Which’ thay very well bereckone aisdardie e Thiftles, ri- 
= Cen’ a ftalke of a cubite anche ees eae round, hard,and woodie, Tae i 

: eee ae defended with longleaues, fomething broad, fharpe poin inted,and wi 
hee mthe t tops of F che ales fae oi itelehea f 

Sedts,fmoorh,white,fomew at BBtied igeer then a Barly ae 
the. eee haxd, stheit inner Pullpe ¢ or fubRtancei isfat, white , fweete int tafte :th 
roote fender Pend voos 

ilar kided obafard Sati, thata may vety wellbe numbred among the kindes 
: = _fatiing chia this ae orthr oa Acti are ofablew 

fharpe pointed and prickly fcales: out of whic 
ned oer alow tal drawing neere to the colour of 
m2 long: Se pS r ; 





carthamus, 2a Cricuss 
Baftard Saffron 

% The place. 
It is fowenin diners road: Italy Spain 
and d France both nen ardens and in fields,p/ 5,Phn 
in his 5. chapter faith, that in ¢ the 
they vfedtoma ase 
The flowers are pertietin ial yand Aiiguft,the 
= after the fame yeere itis fowen, withereth 

%& Ther 
Itis calledi Gok xvinos tin vn Latin alfo Cries, or 

Atraétilis which they make tobe akindeof cw: 
cus fyi wie = Sec baftard Saffron » bucrather 
a fee) ies of the ea 

We vfe faith aes the Fede onely for purga- 
ti h 1 tk he firft de sas Mefues writeth 
“ The sabes 
fthe feede of baftard Saffron brufed and tt } | or the broth ofa A 
hi RQ, 1 Lael Pee 1 } iy eee on fl; a “1, L “¢ ie 
Mace itis $ g00 Se PY, ehh PRET Onn Bate a } in = c 
oOo ¢ ~~ an cr) 
_ thebreft,andis pees mie oe io e. Z 
The fe ede vied as aforefaid,ai ilke, caufeth i lle and yeeld: h cruds, B 
andm 1 Vote m 
spi fe 1 5 Se GRR = Lehal: a4: J +t P be od Ain 
t of 1 I . = = PS ~ 
e feed = L Gall cae | 1 2 Ate] ; } ing RARE | Al 1: D 

op — S Aes fame eele thoes aueealle to the fomarid as base ot Galingale, or Ma- E 


na more equicke and fpeedie. 



Purge water with, commonly called Déachar tamon, a mot fae nd eS P urgation for 
thofe that haue the dropfie. z : 

e perfea defcription is extantin Guide the Surgeon :in his firft doGrrine,andfixt TraGate, G © 
Wehaue =< read of,or had in vfe that bafta Saffron with the blew flower, and therefor= cant i 
thing o 

Of wilde baftard Saffron. Chap.4.73. 

% The kindes. 
lk eal Wetind Fey EE” {c nd tho 
64 Lr. . EGE E +3 CC: } 
A y g f make i it a kinde es. Carduus Renclita, oa fo 
Pin nt . LL: OP a 
hes o ? 

Carduus Benedict 
The blefled Thi, 

beat - 
“Ae -otherwife Ledbip witie| baftard Saffron pringeth iat a ‘raighen and | firme 
fta fragile rittle ,, dinide 
ms leaues fet with prickles 5 sthe heads on the etops of the branch are very full of tharpe 
Soricklcss falight 
low c 1 leis fomw! I sand bitter, “otherwife like - 
; ooo :the toote is sia meane bignes 
Males of Car dius Beneditius or Bleffed Thi, are round, rough a ler mer} 
¢ abour, andiu 
ned fet v wih pele, and i ee 

o° e3 

a eee 1 4 O elhy } Th . Pt ee ep 
3S a 

lites at the top Mie aera : the roote is ish and aed into pia the whole “hetbe 
es and alfo the heads. page= ha foft = thinned 

se The place 

iach in Candie, di Il £G , and alfo in Lan- E 
isan herbe growing in our ‘Engl th gardens. 
Carduws Benedséfusis found ev uery where in Lemnos, an Iand of the midland fea, yinchampion 
grounds,as re thiitis diligently cheuifhed in = in the fe northren ake : 


ieee iin 

HISTORTE OF hick? : 1009 

% The tim 
arate is very late beforei it flwteth and fedeth, 

Yd 11. L Lh I¢ 
phifickes matters. F 4“ i 
% The names. 
$1.5)) 33 (leant: az ys NSS ee ae a 
bicanfe / : 1 LAs ete ae ey kech fa os aat colo, tt 
dle 1G 7 
the women in Greece do al even iat fh ae mt a Nereis ks a sores name Ardatiylin 
diuers ofthe later E : » Tettinen 
_ t ck in scale wilde bafta Sation, 
Blefled T ; ) bE Med mpou 
. wie yi ; 7 1 r. 1, 1 Species ae x is, orak: oe 
wilde baftard Saffron sit is called Atractyls bir futzor, hairie wilde baftarde Saffron, Valerius Cor, 
nameth it Cnecws fupinus: it iscalled in high Dutct Bele jean ~ aad pe bheneDict: Poa 

chiran ‘hemi or benei$t, in fe lle Laie: Girdle in ‘Enalifh Bleffed Thifle, buc pet 
ommonly by the Latine name Car, we Ben 

TA7it4sohkalt 1c. fF Atha | Ral 1 
A J, Z ie 4 se ke t Pes Teme? 7 7 E } Lg pe | 3 2 48 ie, fr. 
- é i) 2 
and opening. 
kis AS 
Thectop,{eede,and leaues of Antipas , faith Dioforides being b i drunke with pepper Ay 
andwine,are a remedie for thofe thar are fang rr the fcorpion, Iba ston: 
_~Bieffed Th iftl 315 2 t g 4 giddi PE IS FE - d, itp 


The fame boiled in wine id her: hot,healeth iii griping paines of the belly , killeth and ex- Cc 
sen sce ae fweate espronoketh vrine, and drineth out ae clenfeth the ftomacke, 

s very good againtt the Boer quars 
mine of thefaid inft all poifc Hi Bock 

t 4 helocch che cnt, -/ 

“€ po 
f > as Saeses 

Joachimus Camerarius of Ficcobcce 
The powder ofthe leaues miniftredin i 
i) spe ; Pee 

L ee) Pay 9 Pen | | : } .- « 

. 2 
ah cab: Cel.n Rot V3 Tos 

theta he Til l gence 1 je eho Heke. ’ if m4 

The greene herbe pouned, and [ai de to, is good # pore all hot fveling, as Eryfip the plas EF 
fores and svi ecw thofe that age of the peftilence, andi is alfog ood to 2  laide v i 
is likewife i 

itbe inwardly tak : Sie leN 
“The ditlled wae water thereofi is of leffe verti, oe os Ete 
7 [aire 7 I Ly. tae 
certaine dais togither sand like wife Arnoldus a? aren pei if it be ftampe Erick Kg 
pi 8) le Wheat at flow peer erie, 
being applied twife a mh 
aya eee | Tad Yficeehnt } c a. I 
Th a: o, f £4) ‘ ai prise avs: a tg ieee ash paves 
‘eafe and q j j ear aye ay oe a : . bed i Sis Ds 
The fan Sine. s Br eng prong oy in ray gh se cr oa : 
) < = = me 

xf Thiftle ‘upon Thiftle,and divers other wilde 
T histles. (hap. 474 

I Disjorda 7b. duus ferox 
Thittie vpon Thiftle, °F oh cruell Thiftle. 
i} i) z A 

ee sees ription. 
x Aisingasies 1 Ghiftl fall of prick] CY By dni 4 6 C. 
Pt Casey o Ry is ; 3 ; : — 2 i ene t a 
-gathes, being very full of apo he ftalkes; the head ry thicke fer i ae 
“with ftiffe prickles, & confift of a f fcales; fwhi nich gre purple 4 yas they do 
out ofother Thi files feldome iat ; 

2 Tothisalfo o-mnay be bape ae ae 7 A ie writeth to be named of Hs Italians Zeo, and 
Carduns ferox 5: ‘or it is fo called of the wonderfull fharpe and ftiffe prickles, wherewith the whole 
“plantab {full hig ae BnSrer 

: } Ad PE Saffron 5 

it is alfo inuiro- 

“ned and fet aa ee on ml fi 23 wth ase had tomes and psic 
3. The thirde groweth fe a cubite o} ote aoc it t bringeth foorth man 
ftalksp: Thiftle, 

id Diacker, , andnot c ith co tops of th 
3 Riachogs 3 out of whic fring gallant pple lowers. thatat length an d into 
Saito ( : 2 ng 

‘Branches agian: hic ee arp Parad see ores pee 
Jefler, longer, and not fo full =—_ cae the nec are of a white colour, and saa into — 
- downe: the roote 

3 Cardums 

rounde, & norfo! full of 

TON) Ee Re ee ne ee a 

—— ee 


3 Carduws viarum. -'019:4 Carduus u¢arum flore albs 
The way Thiftle, wale The white way Thiftle. 

SUTy Ne 
\\ 6 Carduss lamceatoas, 
The fpeare Thiftle. .\/ ~ 

3 | 
cde Se ; 
thew WOOND, JOD 

282197 S 

1a ear ZY; - 
Ls! ni ethers) 

z : 
~~ VINSi Lara 



| ES 5. SEP Fe, 

Agiv saul logaictige 
= a 


s. ThiswildeT! iftle wh 
ae Lea } 2? Halk wher. 
eS a2 Sea 71 ‘ps 7. c EBs the he branches; cy ofa 
c Ks YW ste c J uing with the 

The fom ihe ce an land ftalke , gles ed askinnie me 

seg prickles : whereon do gtow very long] leaues, dinidedi into divers patts, wit ai pe 
: Cab} l Seti) Sot ae he OS ET Pan Lt. Pre ea 
PP ERS ~ jes 1 % Chik 6 Ln. baer cit he ad 
: heophrafti.. 8 Bie 
"pears Theophr, eo (Acarna Walerandi Donre. 
The sage ee os Brey ; _ Donrezhisfith Thiftle, * 

called Acarnawhich was bough fi 
bed We Theo = vaftusshath horribl wpe 
nthe bebe fide 


oa ‘ 
é 2 
ee it were eee We sell 
rc ee ri te es ong,yeainfome 
of cad eee ogres 

4 ; 
sw by Bighws fides and sain 
( cles z hy icon lefe ip 

“t time. 

F ai ane OF PLANTS. iba. 


‘ horne 

% The nanes. 

3 a! te c Fant 1 se POUR PRK ae 
see Thi iftles es cei cherpabitt a heB St Wa Bathe data? 3 meca atine 
 codai flue efires or wilde sind that is the fecor bss b 
that Seolyirts; é pececesy be- 
fthef book 3 chapter deterbeth: of! fine ‘hey are taken, 
pee of ait their eral les d and alto 
: % The ve temperature and vertties. 
3. TRIAL Avg L. 3) a a row 3d A 
ee pore operti¢e of f their effe : rs dehié foorth finkines hi SR Pes IIS 

e,and that theyta takeaway the ranke finell of th ie Mie arme holes 
Digeride faith, thatthe roote va - common Thiftle applied plaifterw ife,correéteth the filthy B 
fell of he a armeholes and whole bo 

“Toye 4,3 1 ; 1 t wAs pl “i a Cc 
= ra vrine. 3 : ; ee me é 
aeanet herbes “neterem mavier ist Lapa: att ee ee ge 
Ce to giowe where i itis pilled off, ifthe’ He be bathed wich luce, oa 2 

“The rdo' é ofan any oF CEY ilde Thies 1, in .\ pottedr y } ake Fe : 
then dey abit noes she adisis oe 

Itftrengthneth the fto mackeandi itis reported ( (if webeleeue it) that the eas is 5 alfo oon “i. G? 

matrix, shat bois may be ingen 
isthought to titemoft diligently, ofthis, SOM \ 
Thitt ang cheve ftink h : thus f. /inie in his 20, booke H 

Of the Melon, or Hedgebogge Thi Us Chap.4.75. 

Melocerduss E shinai Fine a L Obelij. Se. fs 

ae bene , The defiription 

Ho EA but maruell at ithe rare and fingu- 
Jar workemanfhip, which the Lord God 
ightie hat! d in this le, 

sboth be- 
in one bodies which is made 
after the forme of a rocket haie,t broad 
arpe toward t] 

full fr ae one ich cotton or flockes lie 
hid canal errs, ‘hip att the 
C wm otTn : 

; i 
rather art = 
s or hookes ech ftarre confifting ft 

= i 



barke or peeling is garded , fo that without the a it or touched: this | 
arde,thicke sand like vnto Aloes sof fies spe of the Cuc c or inner pul Tindcis | 
fa,waterify dcoolin he Mieate of a rawe Mc? 
1 HER f } | SEY 1 ETT} 1 " att Or 
eee ey — 1 Boe | AD : 1 4 . » Thilthe rs alled 4 
Z. te Ea: Te Bar ps ea Bor CR Pilogl EIT =. Toa 
P=) P ented ro] o poet Tt OU | Ap 15 
. % The place. ALO dines 
poe wo LI Thal 1 1 “eo 1 * é 
1 ee ak ee ES We eur Sen eee the fea fid : 
other 1 places in ie countries , by thet relation of divers traucilers that boud iourneied into roe 
ig whohauebroug owinm into thofe 
‘~ den by teafon of! ie coldnes of the meg nnd Sate 
The time, 
y. La _ lg “41 es 1 + ms 
~ ™ 2 ws OF, é : & SVN COUN- 
\ Sigs. 
% Then 

and Echino-Melocattos : :in Englifh the 

Helgcoase T itlerot oa Melon Thiftle 

Thet tmecetireend se Vertesn 

ae i r of the later Ww 
A eat este 4 ye ing¢ Poke cart Sew pt 1 titers, one 

v Ofthe gummie i piste called Exphorbium.. Chap. +The 

ae “y Easel 2 Antenuphorbium 
rs Pa _ The “seme gum =. The Midas eae Ss ws pions Tile 



Bb. % The defeription. 
hat li calledin th uphorbium, is extracted) hath 

4 very great, thicke » gtofle, and {pre: eading rootes, difperfed far abroad the ager from 
~ws aiife long and tound leanes,almoft like the fruite of ag a foote -s 

halfelong,t ibbed svalled hed 
ote rel part with certaine prickles ftanding ee point or sue ma of one monde 
tofa nother pene dicectly a cle y often 
d } 

é f 
- _ + Se by] 

eee thep 
found in ch egumt rife if 

OL. Z| } aia 1. t ft j g f ll, wos i. PE } | eae. | re 4. fr corli on 
. Bex Lele. pl i } 1f,,0. CI}. re ea Les 
the h 3 ‘ i: ler dot! i i i thel neaa land ¢l thc 5a there- 
sa 4 1G I] +t 
This rare Nee called veegladaaae hath avery eke, grofle, and farre Paani rdote, 
ry like vnto Euphorbium:from which rifech vp many round, greene,and flefhie ftalkes, os 
dogrow thicke leaues like Purflane,but longer,thicker,and fatter: the mate plantis - of cold 

od clammie moifture , which repreffeth the cement force of Euphorbium : and it wholie 
. o : ® 

4 Calamus Peruanws PinofusL! — 
Thethornie Reede of Per 

3 Cereus Peruuianus (pinofus L ‘Obel Ly. 
The torch,or thornic Euphorbium, 

# Np a 
4 Ny LTR 
v1 a ths ¢ 
SS Bis; 

SIR Cek 




3 Thereis 

More caufe of manatee more mooueth the mind to honor an 

Which is called of the Indians in their mother toong Vragu2 , whichis as Sich to iach we 

i Bh axe candle swhereuponi it hath Eaves se oft thofe that v nderftoode the , 
toong, See fatorc i 


ee aaa 



tU Ue 5» cuen AsictaheL 
the Cucumber, that is furrowed, d, or chamfered al & e fides S of 
seailine gt pias : ot ett he fame, anh 
Thi {1 = ea ee ] (gh trae pall apie BX atlike 
] eS | diet at chek: ¢. Thiftle sthatis to fay, ofabrove 
ey Rely We Lat 1 aS a ee tS ge eS wis the mid, Je wher. 
: > arm dw ith 
the dy or truncke is fepwithall : the whole plant is thich fae, &duthoke, ithe lke priest 
much iuice like that of Aloes, itis hardned,andof a bi he G es ance; bauing 
no certaine knowledge of,on ely faithimy author , the flowers growe: at the to} ee 
od : 
the ¢ plant, after which followeth frtite i in a fhape like afigge,full of a reddith intee ivan 
4 There hath beene brou: ughtfi he Indies.a4 ickley Reed eee bees oe ay 
of the length of fixe or eight fo ,chamferedand fi having vpon two fid 3 rowing moe 
CLa Karp poo ug 
and vpon the point ofeuery cutor iagge armed with, molt thax atpe prickles : the wholesreiiie 
filled ful of a fpungious rece fuch as is in thedplldwnes of fthe brier ror bramble, amonglithe 
L.6-or. 1..1 Tr a iL tei ta ae ae gia 
pean Ra bo men es | ait: th eee ee ns a 
ration,or a fecond Edition, - %: ee 
<5 &The place. 
ig fi ee BAO 4 . fl ACshatl ted Ag 
Base ap aed : fe gree Sa 
fea ll iecoaft of Bart fpeci iy Cruxneere vnto the fea fide i ina es place 
pte 4 Sa eee : SSeS 
ferre of their bufi ge Le : from which place my friend mafia 
em for my garden byhis 
fan cathe & = Pas as : Cobegin 4 at fhi up? :fince which el fae tea plants of di. - 
at have ithftan ig they hauc noe 
inured an cold of our extreme winter, 
5 Be he time. 
od oD £. y Rey Ae oe ° coe 2 1 1 c 
< cS ¥ 


Tei is called both in Greeke and Latine ieee "pli: Phonic i in one es purterh! the 

g Bit Euy called alfo rbion, and fore is 
likewife in fhops, f: eee gl {I fe the Latinew vorde, and to cal 
iuice by the name of E phorbium ; for oth ‘ : slat coal 
& s gf c 
um Thiftle. 

The t es rature. ao : 
__ Euphor biwm thatis to fay,the haga hich we vie, is ofavery hot, and,as Galen se 
caufticke or eS of ue pati itis = hot and dry in the fourth degree, 
— | i {c hoil and alittle y hesiat z 

fe Oo impel made wi h the gum Euphorbium,an oil 
Gelato beaks < atedoen = enn ee 
BE L: ingled 24 es +5 eg C behef. melt, 
sig ean feiss ae ine thachavelo 
5 Eicon ‘ Leslee HI Fale and euill fauoured {pot 
in: Ripe = oo Wlneae Me sei elas cera orim 

“gnc heateth — : it. 


- 1ol7 
r . 2 oe °. ° 1 ty he Pe 3 2 ph, OY 
Itis like s °o r G. 
Be A> Afeh } 1 ee " } . Pag eet pe HB 
Aetia, Ps eet ee, \ ? 2 ae 4 ed ie age if We 
nd fegme hire, fcorch h, notonely the throte and 
- omeateg vA a aa o oer Au.3 “1 dog 
gpouth bur alfo th jluer, he i 
© Fortharcaut ftnot beb fmall, and I h fuch things asalayt theI 
heateand{ fle tl f,and th ke glib and flipperi , of ei i there mutt befich 
ee. } : Wied oly oe YW a 
4 1 + 1c] 

Forthough ritbe “omer neuer fo much tes ‘fi itl A cmoenssl ohn it rain Biers ia 

ate is seroublelome to beate i it, vnleffe t the noftrels of him that beateth i itbe carefully Ropped an and L 

a dimooue eth neczing, and after that by reafon of the extremitie ofthe heat, i it draw eth out 
abundance of f legme and fil hand Ia laft of all blond, not without great quantitie ofteares, 
Pratagun IE 

acertaineh herbe: which oft the effet and sulle faculties i is named | Antenphor bivm : a plant i 

andft £Euphorb 3 wel y rf {that the old writers hane fer downe, ai ani¢ 
oo: he. Soot Es a meat hd ye pl isthe an 
} “A Lr 4 Th +t -f. al J Cc Euphorbium . 
So o 

Of Thy ee leafed raf or Medow Trea Chap.4.77. 0 

a 7 he kindes. p 
Here be divers fortes of TI rj others! fe orth 
~~ flowers oft one colour, fomeof vere 3 fone of the v ‘water, a and others ofthe land; fone of a a 
2 I which ar ecalledin 
1 Trifolium a Mim 
= a v7 i nr fob white Asiids? 

trois | THE eee BOOKE ‘OFHFHE 

The déferiptio 
i Edow Trefoile bringth foorth ftalkes a pied long, rounde and { 
great steed cil en vpon the e grou und , She cre sin re ccs 

3 of 
L = | 

erpart] beter 
mott t part in the midlet a folie fpot like vores moone, i ete come foot cate i : 
Se de grow, 

ge t 
a de 

2 The is another oft ‘he fel Tei Seng from the pee choot in the colour of 
ia hefe ar very white,which maketh the 

Thieves is alfoa Trefoile ofthis kinde — is _— in fieldes . a lowe Cc 
se ae other places beyond th e fea as eth vp rank and higher heal 
shin medow es, nt is an pit site au for. eaitelt bothe to >iitea them, and caufethem 
to soit eos ftore o: 
* Likewife we haue in our * fieldes afmaller Trefoile that bringeth foorth yellow flowers, a 
_andale fler and diters others alfo, differing from thefe in duiers notable pointe es, the rand 
diftin rigeith spate would greatly enlarge our orm and dyetto {mall meee, therefore weleaue 

alfo that they be of one ftocke or kinred, 
: % The place. 
Common w. TL refoil rf hi » fertill paftures, d ith ids, The 
others loue the like foile. ; 

Thetime. . 
isieboegfewres ep: May tothe end of yore Se: 
The nam 

Madow Frefoilei is alied: in hating Trifolium pratenfe: in een Es Pos Whifenkleenlow Dah 
oo. in French Treffle and Trainiere, and Vz/wnarus,as Marcellus an olde writer 
Englifh Common SEES leafed grafle: offome Suckles, fe Honifuckles, ,Cocieats 
bodes Tritt shammrockes. 

1h} 10 CAA 

% 9 Samah 


The decsiglon of Three leafed ent Bee with honie, and vied i ina clifter, is s good againft the the 
~ frettings and p 

andi inflammations, 

Atte thic y ro ent 1 Lal 1 Cy able, and ftande 

acceptable “i — 
t pars the comming of ftorme or pett 
¢ act Trefoile pe wah the blacke halfe moone vpon the late) or co 
away the p web in ae cies, ceafeth aig? and inflammation 
icbeftrained and dandopoed chetain, 

s Soff Taf’ Trea (oer. ep a 

gona ao thes a sith Ene: with ate ofa ofsebie css 

ftalkesaré longer and narr The pte: couered oner with a ha rougheail cle ; 
hairynes. The leaue ate a dark “keblacke greene colour, “anfkod lothfomefinell, ike eae 
baiincte Ea =" * ittooke his name, The flow Be eeeeaiie theft te 

darke purplith colour tending to  blewnetfe, in in fhape like thofe of Scabious. The feede i is inet 

our winter, but perifheth atthe ca approch thereof, 


: Trifoliam Siswmaeofinn 
Treacle Clauer. 

% Theplie 
Itgtoweth naturally faith: Hi ippiatros not Hip- 
pocrates Cous,inrough places, as eae anfla- 
tethit. In inane Fraunce ad, it 

in gardens, as my “a aue itor ater dues ers 
ses te was conftrained to fowe it yeerely, or | 

ould not come at neither of his owne 
Swit ot other ee 

a ee 

It flowreth notin gi verted vatillthe end of 

ander callech this S Trefoile secatinne 


s called ‘Claue! Bee Ph i Tefle 
finking Tieoleans Ts bio ie 

This aokeie mled. Capiah Aw as Galen 
= pone hotand se Bitumen isand that the 
» . i recor be egree, 

fs “Being den eit take eth away the pai incof Fine ide ee which eae by obftruations orop A 
: pings pouokerl Knees oringet downe the defired fickne 
; dothnot onely bring them tow butlikewife the birth, not oncly p 
wrt ke taken, but alfo cwwedly eh oe 2 a woman fh Bee not wellclened afiér hir childe 
ue hir this Trefoile to drink 
Dio Pilots, that the feedes and hs auiés beng drunke in water, sjeuspncds ie for the pleuri- C 
fe di eof oftmaking wat water a - falling ee ste when it firft beginneth sand for th ofe 

tofu troubled wich 
and tower of the lea ak See ve . ee 
; wef tele. symelora fi f vineger made with honie 18 good fot rn sep 
—— bitenwith ferpents. 2 2 tf ada ata e 
Some affirme decoétion 

a ne ¢ that the deco ofth Ce 
. thofe whom ferperits haue bitten, ifthe they be wathed diet aes 5 se any Booey man atin area sek 
eet ed with that water wherewith he wasbathed that was bitten of the ferpent; dines 
ta he thall eeeroubleds inthe fame maner ger the ftinged partie was 

-Someal(o gi with w wine three leaues, — | qitanticie 0 ofthe feedes intertianaguesy sd i ine 

viele x3 “s oe aie $ 

ons 5 th iris oshe ancien Pile G 
si; Bac abp Weteode, is emf in Galen, b ret 


a oi Z 


f Antidotes, thatis isto fay sin bl yen'Tire. 

r 424i. 
Cage Pe Sk I Pe / APE Soe A 5 acles Abin, be 
Oro cps ft Bt eae Hare ; ig ine : 
J 1 Syeet ee eA a 3 - 7 wi Saas as i ire 
pape r t tr PY | 
i 1 PPS PS BRCES a, RAY Sr S : t oie 
oe : atpart, th 
che s re . CW: Pi f anifithad beer ebi 
wil f tten 
any i i | hathi in itfelfe, but bicaufe i n elack fle venemous tefpedof 
eee: that 
Ww rorke vpon, hict yaw Bart cee us Mat atterto 
1 I i 1 TH RpeRe me sc ese conftr 

the paine is ae peas = . Place,wherby 

Of her other Trefoiles. Chap.4.79. 

1 Trifolium Americum. : Trifoliam Burgundiacum. 
Trefoile ot Ametica, _ Bitoni Trefoile, 



ING Pe i SN ae \3 3 K t 


} WZ 
pe Ay VIR ; y 
< i — e 
Zan | SiS ah WH 
( WS C GS 


AW: Y sletitianied 
we The defeription.° 
FF Hreel sigh Annie babdlucs shoekig round se 
: way, and diuided i into diuers branches: whereon isgowel me ec 
growe ey f Seteeiae veiled ot ee chaff pea Bf nie 5 ube 
| veattne top Of ti S, Se TAS: Lens 
of theheede; fome wha fat, almoft like to thofe of I: aes The tied 
— awoodie fubftance. jest gees 
which Dodo odon aus se iualall edition callech Frifaliom cachle m 
pa dE Olinda ee che tial coem br tod um, hath diver juersround yp Ph 
fabftance, yet notable. ut a prop.orftay: 



sn dente sping pone 
EL el ome eta eh es greene co. 

nage which feteeth foo: 

s HISTORIE cal PIBANTS. nites 
Tiefiles,but ofa darke fwart greene colou of the ftalk 

ofach chaffie matter, hs a darke purple colour. “The feede elondth contained in {nvall make 

huskes turned » Ther tooteis thicke, compofed of dine 

entail j 2 4 oO <0 o 
3 Trifoliwn Salmanticum, : 4 Trifoliwncordatum. 
AES Trefoile. Hart Trefoile. 

\ Li, 

eal ibbae maa 59 

Es cis eiies ae weake and Bae. 
da gtowe ele ‘bytthre 
ooreftalk do ft atte 

fol 5 trai 
ie are flender footeftalkes , 
a arsed foorth (calle, chal in 


ctioy 700 22 

reg The eae art 

e three or Sin rail rate) - ae 

Siasibedsound feede. Theroote iston difh. . ~ 
This codded ER mya, panier haat 
rth the difference, sg 

5 Tri“clivm filiquofam, "2 213 6 Trifolium filigui ty) 
~ Godéed Small Ceade ae ae Be 


Ry \e 

ad eee 

0) cos ifoorth their 
grow in moft 
acid oldtzsiynscn yige Phe lbieee J 
oo They fowerand flouti Vf fto 

Sk age eat 
fO-FtS It 

a ae ee ee | 
16: silest oot Se itnhe § 
~. “'Thereis not much to bé faid as 
shan ae 3 Z t 2 

=, f 
Phe FE 

+ eed z 

RT Lio ston 

fo brs “we The temperature and verbies. 
oo aif ihe st fre andifaculties" 

_ jbifeiles.are referred vnto shie common Meson" 

re.) ot nTTetfeilessdsss6 oti estat a 

igi sais ses tyacot diSsIs date SRLS 

Toot of 

of thefeTre- 

é so) \HISTORIEDOF PLANTS. | 1033 

_ Of the great Trefoiles,or winged Claners.  Chap.480. 

| & The kindes. : 
awe gta Cot. oT ak. s PSE ae TB LT ae LT: em ae Sy a Lt. 
A0CLe t=) 2 i @ P| 
| the gran Hare ae Tiehoile. BR Do "Li rie, fad Teka 
: “al ei slioisti 1 me 
Gir RNP Db, CT Dp we o% 
Rey WES Ngee 2 WE cd 
LW os 
SS 7] A ® =e \V/ > 
aw : ai ow Y, Ze INI 
iS i >I 
' Gig yy, di NWA PA W)q 
| y We V\/_ > 
| LD te: IWS P IS é i: . Z NS N 
; YY \{ & Ary * > 
%). a \ x WG 
77 =) A: 
Cs one 
CS Vex 
$ \ 

trl Ms 

‘He great Hares foote being akind of Treft 
threddie ftrings: from whence stifediers oh gS eae cheshire pon do grow 
gJeaues,fet vpon a middle rib by couples one againft another; one in the very point , 
ming she whole leafe torefemble thofe of the Grecke Valerian : the flowers grow atthe t a8 = 

s hich foft matter commeth foo 
finales ts at } {e 1g, f the common 
medowe Trefoile = a er Aes 

Thefinall Hares foote ha pa hairie ftalke, ing ie liners her 
ice togither , like ore oft the {mall yellowe, 
Trefoile: + a eee Ne ee 5. 
haites or downe like these 3c Alopeeures , EF, c il ) fawhitith lo 5 ight blufh 
therooteis finall and hard. gheltactotse fe ae 

¢ 71. <3 fi sing hemes ie i- i. 

eufetep ae chery otametion them beare the face of odes: differing fome in 
Stesineclourof the doer stbehdorel half wath bee ate ned 


ni! Sl 

The &-ft +, 35 she Geld, ft anit iz five 

eth inmy gar arden 3 Englandsyetitgroy, 

The fmall Harefoore gre among corne, efpecially among Barly, and lik 

ftures almoft cuery wher y ire ewife in barrenp. 

They flower and floutith in Tune ly Angst 

The great ae g fe is'called 0 set in conlies of ee Bh bene Pe to 
lias Lagopum Lagopodinm :in Grecke rzyéimus:in Englith oe 

_ Thelaft, seit the | fall of thefe kindes of ae is ject 1 Lagopus oa in 

: ch Pied By Sy gia 

“fot, eo ee 
Thetemper ature and vertu 
= _Tiefemperarea and facultiesa are referred vnto the othe Trefiles, whereof bre 

ewig ta nding D 

hey laske,ifitbed ke witk ine.B ftbe g gues, 
OfWater Trefoile, or Bucks Beanes. Chap.481. 
i Trifolium palidofam mains, V, a 
Great Mas i ANZ * Teale Mx 

% The defor atpneiospiths 

[vege Trefoile hath thicke feather weake and sincerest ofthe | 
firoothe, and of a Hhesthe igs whereon do growe leaues like to peer o 

lL: gith PTET eee habe buth of feather Z | 

7 sin 

pe greene colc & oe f pee like * 

C Pe, nee Se ee | 
yp Pe a ge ey ae vd rH “ee | Cake ree 1 Ihiesd 
Millerand of Bes m5 3 a + habe Ses Ber v4: . the a C1 
~ 2 uat — | 
ciitsinhite within,and.full diuers by-fhootes,{talks,and 
ich meanest wees ee sre ul Iiplied. : 
een ; web ghey. 
3 a =) : b) : 
dee sifthrbeanyf for doubtletie.1 hinkeit! is the felte { hrefpeé&, and is made 
_ } A 
3 7 
*# The plas. 
ee - rae os : : 78 a ss 
_ Thele . r oS ; 7 
IRPY boi gis Yor  Thetine. 
wr Oo ig Papel » 
Rhee] s ¢ ' ¥ 
ath taps! sp The minzes.: =e 
. of b 1 $0 38) eee lL A2ttherkt + > L. ry vn. eS oe A > . 
rien: f D a= hot eres 1 ree | 7 Ie ee 5 Seas oft * ee es Pe rfolinm 
Herbarift fecal i it ies paler, fax 



ceria fome Viph pyrene : in a mah ion mar - - sh and Buckes 
nd ve 

Mt tile pete $353 
oS } 1. ed 

} 1G {4 kz 

ra T) , 
aliegpotedsinn sect me paine in the chieft. is sb 
petbloud, for as Galen faith ix clenfeth B- 

ol oe nee 


Of - Trefoile,or garden Clawer. OnE. 

Trifolinm 1070. 2 
Sree Tite. % The defcriptio 
sdies | setttay | ary Wecelisateh an i ightftalke, hol- 
ACIS SS Jow and of the height of two cubits, dividin ng 

gathered and dr 

Meo Sonate Joes: aunt 

dicta jot_and drie 

Senha! analowhen tye nd 
Wor feth and recouereth againe his {nell {eau 

sa daic, whereupon the old wites in Germa- 

i nie docallit Siew gestetcat, chai the 

herbe day, 

that cha ae tim 

1522 & The plac aes 
It is fowen in gardens ee t onely beyond F 
fas bivindverguden sin En 2 and, > 2 


1026 THE SECOND oS ee OF THE i. 

the fink yeereit is fow 

owen in Mai,ie owreth in June at Iuly. g 3nd Peels his feedei in heen ofa 

L2 hy Lies tts, 

ee high Duitch’as.we hau * 
peseitentinlow Dae  Seuengbticeut ty nies is stofay, anh hetbe - —— snes 

it ict tobe otus urbane, or atin of which Dio 2fertdes dete in) si is amon 

aand Trifolium. odorstum,b 
“Geli » that fweete Trefoile, dethin: ina roe econco6t and dry i andi is in ameane andten. 

this fete Trefoil be Sextus od aise} ane play Petceiued in 
Theat feprelled forth faith Diofé vides with Treittieadded ch 

eies.cailed in Latiner rigs Wey 

fuch things as do hinder the fic ght. 

, clenfeth the vleers of the 
Re! oe rem ‘oolieth 

j nh: 

fhort fpaces it appeafeth the paine of the gout yand ‘i hee se 
againft ruptures,and burftingsin yoongc hildren oa : sigh — 

Fone ABIES Bien IAL fi lien from fomehigh place c,audideth con. 
- ’ d lke helpeth thofe th lo piffe bloud ea 
as was prooue ately I Fanchurcht = whose 
not onely p iffe bl db ft Jerfuily it guhed foorth,} ene rp sip 
Of Fenegreeke.. Chip:4,83. 8 9 
WHE ET Cie, tour ee ee 
Fenegreeke. &% The de er Hie 


i oloovg 
Enegreeke hatha loa fender aig, 

greene Reger s& and diuid 

nit ma perfoGed is si. * Sie 
wilde kinde pa: feruing to little 
1 branches,fu ull of knees ot 

: cod into little ot the rooteis thicke , tou} 

%& The place. bon 
: Fenegreeke is fowen infieldes 
in Englandwe fowe.a finall quan Pins 

Ic hath two ies ‘of lowing, ing 


! colonel oF hich one isin September, at what time it is fowen that it may ferue fo t fodder 
| againftwinters ea nee pet eh gid or the beginning of Reba aes 
wemaynot fow it vntilk Aptillin England) 

Iiscalled in — a, orasitis ee in a anys copies Carghos : in Latine Fesam Gre- 
cam: Columelia faith ‘ealte i Age Pliny w we read Svfcia’: in Varro Siienla: in high 
Fc FIN? eco: in Spaaitt AM fornds? tn Prec aia inEnglith 

B. : The temperature and vertues. 

A me . t j > that tee 
‘tae ST ge eR) TET en pe ee ee ae ae 1, PAK oneof A 
: Ne aT 2 3d) Chk. sik ae 
itis tak “agre cca le Bet: fe 
pines fecing git hath makes in his owne fren libtance, be may ina the working, 
Theinice of boiled Fenegrecke: taken wit th hor ge by 
gi g fol ble tl his flint yand firisearing paine 
; Res. j 5s 
thorow his wa << Te niiteieeit Sepia Geta Sakae mee Cel. a 
g g > 4 but C 
1 aL > pe 4 My =: C1 | 0 oh 4 yo Ae 7s 8 } 
‘A/S cor, orn ae a PRG hited 1 1 
rhe aan k es a Ch}. Thr ga We Roe.” 
ne 7 a Lees A i ’ a i? 6c Y es, ~ 
Cf . o s: 7 / Z 
: ihsbooke ie : Bula f Simple medicines, he faith that F keishotin the eons E 
degree pay it he fir tt th 1 PA. FA RES EET] ] } 51. bg ao ee 5 but ch 
asare Ls 4 og Reap Sot) Ree tue Pe) } ¢ 
ms 7 psi 
‘Theme of Fe eniegtecke as D ake h,is of f llifieand watt Bray Se ag boi- F 
Iedwith meade and appliedictake Dee anncons, as well inward as outw 
Thefame being | a or oe with niter and vineger; doth foften Kee walke away the G 
a lis go . ey eee | ] n. . Cot. et ek iW 
“ ff i ? 4 ak oO 2 
| fisthedcostion che 
' ee, EE Dy: SNR LA haga ay aes Bs T 
} retp 
“ ronni { Pale 10 Heiimse _< Ea ae 
ext: bein > min led with = reafe &eputvp 
, in At re pees i 1 ig , = ior te g e Mek : gre fp a 
a 2 ad t 
tana Ts Chee Bett wees | J Ceiet, . we 1 ee and K 
. . i r ons ae t 
| thatate without skin,vicerated and Laws. 4a Ae 
4 ee, Se) CIR 
Ps a g nein gi , and iyuile ie excrement sof L 
bot ian fae fixes sc ak bee 
} 26. Lt ° x. 3 £. 7 1 . M 
altel a: ais es aay a8 1 re ae filo. Reet ¥y WN 
cil fe Pao ete 
mmours in he ape ns siielos wellayamumes 
i . : to. | Pe pe Rim 2,-.] an @ 9 
i hony,vnato: {yrupe,dothm 
tebehandcach the paines thereof, 215 Qh BOY ) 
a mealeof 4 1 fa ¥ . Pine eae tt Wt) D 
“igloos icing ee tee ing Bie Get ot © fsa Asha x CE aR ed 

ns ogame r women Sbaskoneens fe 
y greefe or Seal nds osheat god other i arts if 
f - Spee parts with the decoétion thereof ma ipinin touer irand fweate. pa oe 

Itisgood to wath the head with the aecotiion of the snare it caketh aay pabacte, fcales,R 

all other _ like —— 



Of Horned Clauer,and blacke Claner. Chap.a8s. 

I Lotus trifolia corniculata, a Lames eae spies ) a bathe 
Horned or codded Clauer, ier E i ee yo te. 

2 ‘3 ayy SS 




z \\ 
i Y 


VA } 
we, SA 

Se SS 

K S S 

— = < yy , 


rc ean Seg OP ier oops ne wer 
% Thedefeription. 

= weaned 17 -F. im 1 0 d 

ot codded Trefoile. 
oy j 1 LR L Ee A 

Z : er 

2 a | | } hite | Smevebae long, leffer, and nar- 

. Scat ae Fat to Vi LE Ae ih od ene f the fathion of thole 
pitta Se fet k 

q re Mase 2 lL; Heel 

sar Ys Ga SRE TS wi Fan lecais ee Append 

of Peafon,ofa thining yellow colour, 
eo and in whict i 

eo ae lech foorth yoong fptings euery yeere, ; 

Cc. 1 fad Teall I L aues like vnto the com 
mon medow Trefoile,fauing that they beleffer, and of a browne purplifh colour, knowne by d 
name of Purple W rp) pl Yo es 35 3 oes ae i Pes 2 dot 
of aduftie ouerworne colourtending to whitenes, the which doth often cot renee | hay | 

2 but fower leaues and nomore. 

eet % The place. : ae 

ey oe, ee Ce hte eT a ne ii r4 

Thatesoe es Te dsleuite 7 f Weal. bk Ave common as the other:andis 
plantedin gardens, ee 

They fowerinulyand Anguf 

oe sIntames 


% The time, 


% Thenames: 
i ae A ‘et 

Te et Trish ts A er, 

v¥ . E o 
itl img 

, SE 

Ciesirt drifoliwm fanum fu a um Hortorum. 
% Thetempera ature iad vertes. 
Their faculties in wownge are referred vnto the medowe Trefoiles 5 degre ee itis srepor> A 
tedthat the leaues of pu 
ofthe difeafe called in Bali on purples é 

of Ofe-Medick fodder, Snaile Clauer. hae 4.85. 

% . 7 > 


1. Epi Cochleatum. 2 Trifols ium Cochleatum marinum, . 
dick fodder. 

a: Medick fodder of the fea, 
4 Ps 

a erste pi ea 

& s ‘SZ eke ~© 



aol te 
clowns tutne into 



5 = 


The place. 
= >. 2 Af eee Ar oe lol al ee ea) ee % Ca ee 
> 2 ee, : J, 
in England do Bucke wheat,we haue a finall quantity thereofi rdens,for pleafixes file, 
1 ‘ SRY ety aS 1 ¥ fain 
-The g ers p 
% Thetime. 
er Oe 2 ft}. £ A YW dys: + (IG aS 
prills t iIuly; the fruitis ripe in theendeof Ay. 
gut, % The names, 
re BES es Pe es BY j by ge BP fParkhl, jl x7..]: °. 


YW cr. ort a 2 ge make 
4 "7 so 
in Greeke xxi sin Spanith A4se/guas: of the Valentians,and Catalons afafs, b ‘au 
: TL: 5 A awor 
ea Aveckaat L 6. bt As acs Perici: deeither 

leti,and Aifasfa a. 

Inn) Infadi-] 

te The temperatureand vertues. 
Medick fodder is of temperature colde, for which caufeit is applied g Paria 
tions and infirmities as haue neede of cooling. 

Of wood Sorrell or Stubwoort. Chap.4.86. 

1 Oxys alba. 2 Oxys lutea. 
~ White wood Sorrell. Yellow wood Sorrell. 


; Bie ah, TO 
Freeh ts cy 
tk = 3 wee 

Shes 3) Ane Mote The defer iptionn «3-051. 
Xys Pliniana,ox Trifolium scetofwm., being akinde of tht 
herbe,without ftalke 5 che leaues immediately arifing 


c m.-.€ 
re ? - Q 
he hefl fifteth of fiue finall leaueso afterwhich come little 
=. > 
tL cone on vey oe ee : - +on a) wae Mo 11:0, L 
PG OP Fe 1] t on } 1 Pe a { 
: r 1 ? So is 
ens any ¢ y other! herbe or Sorrell rites. 
D4 VW 1 f, A f 2 bY 1 a a 
| 1 d Jdeth for his fede vefieis fmall and! h Tcods. in other refeeats 
ayellowe colour 5 andy ) g > P 

% The place. 
Thefe plants do growe inwoods, and vnder bufhes , in fandie and fhadowie places in-eueric 
i The time, Ka 
They 3 

5 a 
a 7 he names. 

¢ 335-4 Toki, 

> | 
Hon callic (age and | Panis Cuca, or Cuckowies: meate , bicaufe: either a teiekowe 

which time alfo Alleluya v 

ieronynus us Frac aitorins ste it 
Alexander Rosbiicies en Ds ay it is cle dlimoris: in high | Dutch once wits 

¢, bg Gee Sed Pn ope He “All a. 1-4. Raw 
4 a eS, 8 (ae oe ee A Pee 1 1 oe e 
aD ‘ p) 
=, Sees it is good f ft if I 
: ften: but Galen i 

in his is4 -booke of Simples fh that Okys is Sa ane, vials Oxalisor Sowell 
de of Ruth 


“The natures 

. Thefe herbes are colde and drie like Sotl a, EN : 
! verties. aN 

_, Sorrelldu Bois or Wood Sorrell, ftamy greene fa eis go d fe eraiieal’s haue A 

hneth the ft Pp and/ofall Sorrell 

: the beft,nor pai in San S in the reso of his ratte. 

ee remedie so tie ified and fink uth,itq hthittt;and cooled B 

O-, a 7 ae 3 

d {lon 36 f ‘ 
d ‘> < Of slduob ritw 2g 

| oF re Laer or lie Tiel : 

asad 7 = T he dsfripion. : 3 
ni r9woe yor Th 
Job Lioeroort basa nk riasiplescidpred oe the som 
hreeleafedgrafie, ofa eos grafle greene 
ied ootttalk 

«os satender footfta’ long, on theend 
Gomer gontiting of nelle lexuesyhanang ithe mid 
fedin line 3) ofa whitith:colotirs'which bei 

» Teeteis flender,compoled.ofah infinice number of b 
aig jtefecondi is = eanrbopmidet a sds 

} ot 3 


X Hepaticum trifoliun. 
Noble Liuerwoort, 




; Yi Dy\ 
3 Hepaticanmitiflora LObely. 
“Noble Liuerwoort withdo 


Z- SPD i: 
SN : 


eA Lay hye 
uble flowers) 9.) 

gent or binding qualitie, 

2 Hepaticatrifoliarubre, 
Noble red Liuerwoorr, 

: [SOT Fae 
\ (ey A SES 
x be ng, * 
SO). Ay yc 
“44 eat “i ro 



% The place. fe oH 

»» Thefe pretie flowers are found ia moft’ 
-of Gernyanie in fhadowie woods amon 

flowers,which as yetis a ftranger in England, 

Lee %& The time. . 
They flower in March and Aprill 3 and perfet 
theirfeedein May. oc OT 

We saat 


see ae * The vertues. Bi. 
I se Zoo tT. Lt. f 3, ut. t. ranyte A 
bry treo, and react it notalitdle, — 4 
hief isin the ifafpoonefull B 

es: a om difeafe eas Enterocele. 

Of Melilot,or P laifter Clauer. (hap. ate; 

* The kindes. 

3 | 3 ge FT es 

ai? 4 1, nalled Melil At a =) 
2 > ) 

Affyrian Clauer 


a fativvntorhhS 
1 Mag 

Seta 50 Hoe ns ‘ephe dpe Diack tila 

* He ft kinde Pe Lia, & hath eat plentie of finall 
winlcight two-abitess fe 


2 The fecond kinde of Melilote hath fall and terider v prighe iftalkes, aoe high and Sus 
y nickes ; 
oh only thous the - edges, as though labs _ — bitten with ic, ike oeiee me 

nd full Of iix a 
hed bp of | at —_ j of: a = colour, w hich roug 1 feed bipcaneenee 
ofa es het f ation ainditiermtbaihackw ichalisheos 
his feed . cae 

3 Melilotus cremate Scien 4 Melilotus Germanica, 

Kings Claw eee _ _ Germanie Clauer, 

=. ss Theat yore Sta 
3 oe F criptien. a 

3 Thethi rdkind of Met I Liescalagleet emuch volike 
os leaues of Penckieeles cluaict three growing togither mye a the Trials, saad oe 
ouered ouet with Hh Oarinelfe, a s tho h meal ss ae row: ‘ 
ae =e ich turne alee bods, wherein the 

Sead Ce the rooteis io rot ghand plian leaueslikethe . 

4 The fourth kinde of Melilote groweth to to the hei ie of threceubites, fet full of mee ate 

: -colot ur, whi L : Ge, ph Ok Ej ‘ het Fy is vad er oP or ith feede : the rooteis 

@ i br igs ion! Sits df set iisM Te aArT for 
SING AE 5 leat 35 Abia olism te rs) h 

sdo growe in iy gatden + theccontmjon beta cio, ena eth ot 

iegrew notary bitefor certaintie,no partofithe a 



: % The time. 
Thefe herbes do flowerin Iulyand me re 

lNedAL 4.3/, 

EE = }: OP re eS; 
ser tweteT ¢ ile a al } 1} L i 

At. 32 £ 

ered Beares Trefoile, f Fuchfi 


: eee wt © cae ie ftheR 
aw ae < ltdneia Tribol ya 3 /, Mie nd sre Te ih, Mehl, snd Dinca Ol 

. — 
Yorkdhire Harts Clauer. 

tis The e temperature, 

G. I on hati fay, hotand drie in 
eft degre S mes alfo a certaine binding qualitie, befid ti g: i nip 5 
slam theweth,that Meliloteis of a g and mollifyi 
litie isn after! » and gees ee eae m hot 
frellings, or rotherwife + for fo fa lothi Uf fupple that th > wh TC 
nh; ] ray h 
properly led mol gefting g away by vapors : whichkinde of qinlitesbe 
‘ _* The erties. 
ashi ES Re ee + by att I, fr A 
J] Fo Ee hogs grea heertita 
ther, os iv ed: asa atlas or sae r latte doth hoe and ten all [mannerof Wel. 
ef > f 
~ With the iuice hereof. soyle,w trurpentine, { e ling dB 
drawing emplaifter,c ey He er, ini gb ltl I if f the herbe, be 
ing artificially made bya skilful Chicurgion, 
1 1, 1 r i gh - ree Cc 

ofthe kid Bo minced belly,and ripeneth resi and caufethit ro be eafi ily a ey 
Theiuice ther oppe sine othe eies cleereth the fight, confumcth, diflolueth, anddleane D 

away the w ae d {potin the cies. 
elilote alone wih water t healeth 4 Recentes rmnieege: akinde of wens {0 called, and alfo the E 

Itlikewife mitigateth the paine of the eares, if che’ iuice met eles therein mixed with alittle F ~ 
wine, and take tha he the pain co fthe head, w ich the :Grecians call mpegs Miter / if the 

“oF Pak. Chap.489. | y 5 

arene fortes of bbe Beanes sPeafon sTares, Ciches ihe compen 

The defcription, 
7 He great Beane cifeth vp with a i fomar iquaredftalke, imide: ficllowe, without iointes, 
and vprights which wheniti is this cke fowe n,hathnoneedeof pr propping , burwhenic 

ieee fe 
nding roin. aston ae in, oe many growing yponon, e riborftem, eue ont : 
rica bere fat foe vaines Fer ore long than round. The flowers are cated sin 
r either whi acke fpors; orof : a blackith purple: after therh 
ods fal of fubftance lene 

itwere,or {oft flockes 3; which before toe speatrgmenc, and afterwardes being drie, tose 4 é 7 
i hart be alfo. nica é 


yetbe longer 
sr pita are corel te mci i bane lone ilong,broad, 



and then of a red Bo ewhine colour, whichi in their vppet part haue a long blacke nauell as it w 

the colour where ofis 2 paGthd, 
| oad Prt | | ee tr J . ds theinner 
A andit ha ik 
te} 3 2 7 nt tom fi 
bs i f ff > h Ifo the little Peafe. great Peafe, be 5 and im de an eam 
5! L 3 fg 7 Ir. 7. eee i ne: any other 
‘Thi gy y 
Th. £. Al J, fom >) gail | + rp 2 

rie poate ftalkes ‘lke st cpr Baines, but finaller. 
ane, fauing that the endes of: therib rib 

aucs do growe, kia at the ye 

The flower. hes in fathion te 

mer but they are of a bright red eee which being vaded ,, ther : 

pe, blacke feedeas bi as.aPeaf 
fanttatte and favour, re Bee 
I Faba maior. hortenfi. : 2 Fabafylueftris, 
The great garden Beane, The wilde Beane, 

599 ey 
Oy De Dee eee 
ae i is 
OO Oy | : 

3 paid : : “Tie time, ae : 

ee: in Acland May, andthat bps, ste bn 4 fowrm BBP 

ripein line and uly. a 

37) Ses tk i % The non a eanerid 
ee : iacalediadiaine abe 3 agile bates 

the fame kinde an oe ee 

ofthe fee bath acne dared 


[ aw ee os 
»Mheblacke Beane, v g ' p , is called Fabs fylueftris, 

£2 sees L-l. 

acca ndalfo Fabs Greccrum, or Greeke Beane: prance 2 our garden Beane to he 

true Phafeolus or the kidney Beane, of which number Dedemeusis chiefe, who hath fo weangled 

sdiions tale of a tub, we haue thonght mete to commit to. obliuion, Iti is called i in Greeke 

= | d, ies fa S28. 1 1 Bf TR 
and pulfe a J 4 

%& The temperature and vertues. 

The ee ap Ot sO e eee ota Sey a being drieithath power to binde and reftraine, A 
"The nee pea dukshs fnourifh sis wi di salthough it B 

beneuer rfo much fodden, and drefled any way. 

buta fj and this fubftance hath a G 
feouting or Lsrh facultie for i it is oR feene, that the ii OF Facanek clenfeth awaie the 
filch of th ies 

1 Fit * ee? a Se Pal ifch ly. a og, | 
3 y De boned hole and D 

h morew 

"Yeti i) St parched yk ioe their windines but they are harder of eorbe and do owt E 

ai 1 “ re Y wal ee b ay 
Tre ee anole a Page they giue he bodie ift kinde of 
fi 3 alfoin 
theoutward, d whole body tt h thofe kinds of oe doll ai buchey 
* 45) rep yee SP, | eee a | } 8 
a Kat heck i jnrel ld | dri 
Th 1, < tL c¢. 3. £7. ‘i 7 , L 1 a8 j 1 bps Pe } F 
a ‘ = . * . 4 q a 
7h. 2. 4 ‘; A rey l g 2. es Pe! 1 Lad 1. vineger and water to thofe G 
v Oe Pe a hI Bees Ee 08 Fe) OR A sei: 
4 . ‘2 i . . 35 . 
Itraifeth 4 f the cheft and lungs, being outwardly applied it drieth without hurt the H: 
wy , Sr ~ Cc > See i G * 4 },b i 1 4 L iP e. if. LI j 4 
te) ad be 
with fwvines ae, } 
5. ‘otk tai ete MY" oI 7 Fed ret? 1 1 1 La q Tt 
PS sion d h Jed F fach as hte t bic fh totakeseee 
= i f£ ~~? ¢ 

thefe patles K 
when they are inflamed, Pines neede G asa i cecal when the pacha 
thorow the spree abd congealed mnilke contained in ther 

Bits milke is dried dvpw with i that t pulti is. 

NL j | Boge, 1 Cyr. 1 — 7 
and Unnie 4: 5% oe 7 ILI = “a, Md Game < 4 . = 
é a a é é eo? 

kemels vnder es eares, : 

Wah Ralelnsoncstesnl tacenis “e c “1 ik Sa ge ing of N 

rojo mae) r f=] 
the aes the pin and the a hard icing. ‘ 
‘ gate 

Being te we Sa Sie roy to ek 7 Une, ee 3 a aI. se) 

ig ft 3 isapf g: rheumes and fal- P 
—— humors, 2 : : 
. — Beines, s 4 : * eT: . Fd Cche ft 
~The chs z Bes : .£ i - : 
CR L L L ft pl 1 ] P; will not fife ‘8 

them to growe big, butrather conf their — 
ae applied with Barly meale parched andolde oyle , ie wafte away the Kings euills 
by Hie secoctiontof them ferueth to die woollen cloth w } 
ichi vor v 

- he L 

picker applie hth 1 h after thebiting op | 
horfleach, - theone a ne laid vpon the plac iting the 
The bla cke Beanei is not vied w nth vsat all; (cing as we hane faide it istacky and Moron 

nd ftudie of herbes, 

| tephecnatisss Chipceaat 

oe The ocsne 
tree chm fe 

as fet in a oe of the ane: there be, other eae Betis to write ia ae 

oul b 
_ditingaith apart the white Kidney | Beane ftom the blacke, the red from the putple, and pe 
leis of Mmixt colous from ty ttleones, 

rot BP os LE. Chet rrr 1 Ts 
hs aoe swith their {everall titles in pee and Shalt Sofas dic cptons a farher con 
‘fic deration which otherwife would be an endleife labour,or at the leaftneedleffe, 

ty “ Sere 1 ae 
I Phafeolus albus 2 Phafeclusnicer. 7ger. 
_ White eyes Beane. Blacke Xidney Beane, 

yas ZZ fof iz J oN ces ANN) WC : 3} ; 
Le 7 4 2 AA y) Z KON i y A 
oO 4, S: 4 = 



D Dintay Ankenes 

for hath long and finall inoactas cronng 27 
— and cs ae a towel ftan 
pit: os 

TH Fit kinde of Phafolro garde 
% ore: taking hold esa seielsra vpon poles a 
eere vnto him jas doth the Ho op or Vine; hich are fo fow 
props or 

oF page fruitlef 2: vp vpon the branches do growe broad leaues shalt ie ui, setae 
/ three, heen ele Three leafed graffe : among which come 


“ae 5 : é 
yatieand d diff ' g yg » Sometimes s white, fome= 

oe ia T. x 6 ig 1 

Kf 3 
iF VW Ll L R 

fom eare ftraight,an . int i i 
: et and alto one ik ee, wtih aie of diuers colours like vnto the flowers : nt 

mott art, thefeare white 
th or a B lefler,th ‘ hefe fow- 
a sat fuite ate like in f ¥ oil ¢ Kidney Beanes, but much Wille sa a hha es 
, colours 
: ?, ent Le ~ 
é ees Urq : Jeb te . 489 
ve 3 Smilax hortenjisrubra. 4 'Salilaches senfis a 
14 Re ip ke me : Pale yellow Kidney Beaney, 

Sa Gee 

SY = = i = 

Pe Sg hase: certaine Sahat Th ange Kidney E which doth dialiviiade it aA os oe 
_ polesand pees neere adioining , that hath likewife tg Ramee vypon one ftem 
mR: the other Ki Beanes, buteuery one is much ve blacker; the cods befor 

steadier andeontaiefevetcs. Fi Saat Pe a. 
idney Beane differeth not fi om the other: a ely inthe colour of the frvicso 
Maplin selon: whernaval fiftech the di ce. aoe. 

5 Phafeolus Brafdianus. 6 Phafeoli Brafilzani-adn obs vee 440 
Kidney Beane of Brafile. . TheBr ere soy ag ey si : 
> : os = ms . La abe | 
ACS = = MUP yp < i 
—  PhafeolusAkgyptiacus. 8 Phaftoli Americi purganity, 


The party coloured Kidney Beane of Egypt. . Purging Kidn yi nde 
: F : we : ~ 3 ¢ 7) aby 

Ge ee ae 


it afew. »GEner sn 2 Phafeoh Brafiliami12.geners. 
Sorts ofkidney Bean ee 12,Sorts ar aa sale of Brafile. 

, otherwife 

+* bed > , =r 

re oar pie J, releagn: Rberagy lebar es vol ‘oa % 

sein in the cnesainat in a tat, bue - before: ae faa is Tipe oe 


o seabed ie er 

The lash ius tnd ainettefthetdier old writers do eallit sia Bisdes OF the 

pefceags aicibyaned stir si Latine sihigua: Dieferidescalierh = rebenne he 

toit:otliername itsuetnsip ¢Dimin 

Apt ath conelide 
see Ofhis pares toe 

1042 haa et vORse OF THE - 

g 34 > none of the L ati 
P pee : ay CRAM, ws cP Fe hat od Written 2 by rea 

s Galeshath: afi 
3 7 Oo 2 bilge, 
iy, See 1 Iie 5 1 ¢. 

wife Déo; for ides nameth it oplraé wixela, that is to fay, 5 wile pee fis, or pict sy obi neh 4 
growerhj in 1 gardens wv vho alfo writing of thisi in another fenerall Chapter, theweth pin snk Pes re 

Aes i 

c eeob fa. perpen 3 d,bue th a a: ameth F 
i Pair SR ahl ‘s ae rte agi pa pe et mM Fe 
= be neere one to anot doul 
thinke it to be one and the efile Pulfe called cdby ie names, — S ued, who ° 
A©S,08 b re 
French Beanes, garden Smilax 5 and Romane Beanes : in Fesoch ents de Ae id Pein, 
“— isboon onen. 
fi The coe ture. 3 
Kidney B Hi «loots haley ¢ than Peafong th , 
E) tl G ate] 
die,and nourifh well, and no leffe than Peafon, as s Diocles faith : they be allo we a vn 
windinefle atall. The Arabian Phifiti y } 
: eS ws he vertues. 4 Vv 
TL Cc. 1 wid Dp L 2 4 . : 
A : = RE 4 ee er ? > fetes ae AS , and bueered, and 
3 ° 2 He oth et Pulfes 
doe. A 
They d log ae 1 a! lly, prouoke vrine, ming veil hhcd reafohably well 
butif y he y beripe, they thie sme : nor wholfome, Thefe elbrethey 
L i j } 1 

then is the ab or Bs ad doth ron alongft the cod to be taken naway: then muftche ey beputinto 
a ftone Re or fome other veflell with, butter, and fet to the fire againe to i or — at 


SS . t 3 4 

Of the flat Beane called ie | ana : 

mowolanied ues ani ae Y SO? Thinks. gniratss vines ob 22 
a tL. Jal ok RE “14, a rasirthiensilhabs 
= ape co ee 
. bis anda glean ‘sorter ula AT as-basviat ane gt 
seGtod ft 20%. * 
BOI Redfern 

;: 2G = 3} § Sif r} 
= =| without any rfaccour. she 1 ftai f fue, fixe, ier 
To dike ithofe cof ali lie. b Chaftstee; grenon teppei anon ve i pane: 

ni¢;andin the evening about the fetting of the funne-they han ng. flagging downwaree 
Sroaceeapmati avithered : among thefe there c commeth vp atuft of Petit Eee ¥ 
which ture into great xoug ghcods; merein isthe fit, hich isfat and round like acakejot: 
_ whitecolour, d. in thaeparrthey baueaee 
satel: ae sl rb. Calaphlaah one roote,whichés fender and ; ie 
> i49 ad tino tie mors diets ic Oe 
al o- eeu cae asedamiangart dalke eandle Teaues, yerboth, of 
ath beautifull fawersofanexccedin faire golde yellow colpul, fweete of 
teelourl abe yelow Vines ad oma of of sneha the pt 
ee rene intafteext 

a = 

“Thehiaghaater oven ek ore wi 

- Jeatiesbeleffer ‘ eee 
rane cin! sdlefler th efsisoualian ic 

SE 4 
woh orl I$ Jo Hon 


2 Lupinus flore lute. 
Yellow Lupines, 




SS \) 
A, je 




 - 73 
ml usp pr it! 
Vig = i 


. : 
=>. Ny, 
eZ) \ 


¥ AN 




x on 
ins Ses d % The A ie andtim 
es = - They re eS nit The. cori a bbay and 
ae fot hy tak lye come aa in tilled places, be- 

Vee S 

> bra 


oy eras 
bel Eee coitice 
sy much and Pas as Galen faith in his 

ae : S cs 
Gobbrecroday > } 

2, 3 ox WY 


; 5& laftly being fe 
page sate ht of falt, ‘gic eseihivh with pickle.Th 
isof an hard and a" mors 


oY ofwhich Ke; 
RCN? ¢ eas ee Bae | } Hs s Regs, Be ms. § Not perfedtly 
2 5) aad get 
es PAE NEL: 1 : Se: ft: Cc fos4 OUt yw 
oh tans Sh ear 2 \ : de) itslite So sc 
© Prepared it 
saa 5 Glen phat in his bookes of the faculties of Simule medicines, one of of een # 
D iS pees Oe ML: BEY . ithathn 
a eb Meel er Sy ee ae a 1o) ye ae fe, and to confine 
a ap OS At est Se Tk Tee 
Cc, "Moreouer i hed Ai h tj lly ken, “ah ie: 334 oh Ga “4 4 
mw eh a 
( Chea. theme pela 

wie bias ree vicers spar . cening a by ctr oo 

wet ad fie 
C. } Heeh the dood hiblewee ke 
5 2 fr i Bog 
E M. + ] ae i doth ft { Ww ucan bitin: ii 
Amy: se 1 Linc Ba kt ae (i C41 itho he 7 fc 
=. d pi, = } eee EA i a oe Oe Bigs i : a oxym ell, SIR Tite me 
itl ling to tl | ftheg d parties,. and the diverfiti ities ot 
Rome Gey Sets) 1 Berea? 1 1h] 
Sy ee eae as Bs ee Pe eee Bog a Eten ah rs Cc 
hk ote Fy. s . : ff. A J | AS 1. .- Tose, ~ << we * P: “709 
EF } O} 3 fn Sey: yeelde 

G__ They cure the {eabsin ie the roote of blacke Chameleon Thiftle , if theybewathed 
witht the wa rme de coction 

2 T 1 
I ig ty ee, = 1 v Lk ] a 1 ate Ty its, o FO T. 1 S$, Bixee we 
rte a 1, > j ts } - v 3 0 7 “= . 
a E oO ig y j 
T p L | PAY 1. n 7 lL 1 LR 1. Bf re a ag W. A i ; Centorie,and 
v a x 
Ll Re aes: a ge We : at 1} }. = IG noe cC 3,1 La 1, 1, 
ne . thd rL o tf aay PAS o ge ee i ec 
_ prived of their nourifhment and begin to mottifie, and h g 
4 4; 1 j ony eS 1. seh, fi } age t +, 
: t 3 O°FE Ps 2 3 

M Of Peafon. : Chap.4.92. 
% The. 


TI LaJ: rp [Deaf Epa eee 2 : BY Bas » py pi fthe garden,and 
A T 1 C.heest } “He SETEL gh ith ugh or membranes inthe 
aaa. E55 1 ER SESS j 1 a at eee 

_thofe ofthe yoong kid 
and taken for Scottith Bes sce isnot very common. There be diuers forts nae i 

* Mhallbe de 

e defer, 
3 He ted Peafe! hath long flalkes, ee fee ay ai pees branched 
: neere vnto them: the 

fis wide and! whic hig foot, a 
ittle ftalke or ftem, and fet one ri oe ftanother: ithath alfo in the vera 
ndrels, wherewith it gaokea it felfe spon props aa sare te aysic® Pe ee fur 

white and hath about urple fpot: the c ong, Cilindes 
hic ee otk eafon a eel 



Pi faa mins. 
Garden and field Peafe, 
SX Wy 


1 Pifum teaius. 
Rownciuall Peafe, 

“Trg J 
is VL -2xu os ‘ mle ah ES ie eS 
_ 3 Pifosumbellatum, 4 Pifwn excorticatum, 
Tufted,or Scottifh Peafe, Peafewithout skins in the cods, © 
A) VFL O ay Az, % ‘ a 



(> oe 
ee Sa ga 
fawn foliar bs a Se ioe fan 

: ari 

Ponte hack 


% Thedefle ef viption. 
3 Tufted Peafe 1:1. j > th fe of C1) dower St in each refpe@; the © difference 
y A ieth hi nd fruit in th 
: round cuftor a le, z y ll 1 Fhiski 1 : 1 8 pr of ihren. z 
4 Peale ith out skins i he ds , differ frot : h P J ae thar ici 
SY, ese K re ne! L } 1 Wel n + LJ git 

fo drefled,are exceeding delicate meate. Speed ae which beng 

5 Pifun fy ee 5, Pham oe ie 

ad Pea Euerlafting wilde Peafe, 

ff (eS 

Dy << 
> TARE EY \ a 
\ i} 

ye ——\ oon 
LON = » > 
. % The defeription. 
ee pee, ey : ¢. j tt 1 Si acne ee with 
? TheP 7 rk fe hey Cc. 4. wildDeafeonely his continuing 
: . 1 . B f 3 oe “s 
% ow ca e place. — 
‘fies ip CT TEER tag eee, Page | fEr gland The erfiedPae 
aes iG sndfowens in ga * Eas be Seam notherplacesool® 

eee e f Kent,about Sennoel 

eafe do SOs in Seater andearable Sdn ‘in diners places, — 
fldsbelgogints Bifhops eapecn The artfordfhire. 
¢ 33 

{ They be fowenin t fpring timelike: | ss which item 
per belt inwarmewe eather, f sysakcbe me by dlde, call pablo The 


% The names. 

nND,..f, | Pe T : a a 
age PSR EES. teed Be if ian nglith Romane Peafe, 
orthe gre PFO {e,Fren hPeafe jand Rounfiuals, Theo. 
in Greel sles af fen : i lowe Datch 
feces tench The little Peafe i * . ria x 
a 1 ‘Dy Lf 
tall emperat dd vertue 
Cra jer it Ve 
The Peale, as Hippocrates faith, i is vie vind lie ethan Beanes, , burit paffech fooner cor the 
/ fae that Peafonare 
isbn 2 & LA 3 g 1. 13 Qn T . LK ae 1. g both 
Sy i eee ee rey py Seek fet 
bicaufe ch > 

j fl cease 9d 4 ee | 

=tiath: wcll pe litie ma- 
fe, andar are in ameane betweene thofe cai which are of gooda and d bad i iuice, that nourifh 

— hath written of thefe and of Beanes, 

Of the tame or garden Ciche. Chap.4.93. 

« Cicer fatinum, ~. ge Ay 80 
pe Cites deferip 

ni Re Arden akin egtaits foo roundftalkes, 

branched and fomethigg | ret Jeaning on 
littleones growing vpon one ftem or tb, and fet 
one right againft another; of which euer 

which come vp little ed vp as ic 
were with winde like litele bI sds hich do lie 
twoor at the moftthree feedes,c ie {mall to- 
es Sab teens, waa one tha see cs corner, notmuch 
ead, of colour Tiber whitest of 
sredaifh ‘ate ao inwhich j is Bi: nly feene 
the plegay oy ey begin firft to eT c 
ender,white andlong,Foras é aes Ta 
ie Cc iche taketh deepett roote of ali Palies. 
The : 
It is fowenit Italie, Spaincandi Fréund > ciery 
where in the fields. Itisfowenin our Bae gat- 

cy: dens,but not com i 
; \ Thetime 
i - ES is fowenin: April ie i eetiwne 
Ds a: a. ey adayekne cienapeb pe Augutt. 
———— S allan i Pee) ES BAe 

or Rams Scher, ca of the bi: ai 1 all 
eloer,ceernierwm,orblacke Gi “oe and the: ain emai Candida vel album Cicer, orwhite 
Cis Enelticommen <ateayeso he ee tes ee CichePaule, ot she - 

* ThisGicheas Gado ies sive reer ee Rodiidhaneeneyisde ffe wihdieide A 
seater oe oa ganda — that doth: Senree itis 


Soils 5 : vw 4 


1048 THE SECON D eoose OF THE 

inf >m h as scant she ial anf inifl ft hin es 

thafeber d« pce tina ,or Ram Ciches borir3 sn fife the ‘ches 

ae nee f Be mad oan se and giuen to thofe thathaueeither th x co mits 
analogs they are hurefall to the bladder and kidneies that haue vicers in them PIC OF yellome 

hroxh oft phen fodden in water. 

Of wilde Giches. Chr. 

He wild eCich is-liketo the tame ni eee a ie it Paraige in feede: the .: 
Tn fer downe fundry kindes of Giches,as fhall be dec ei a 2. 

1 Cicer fylueftre. 2 Crcer frlueftre latifolium, 
The wilde Ciche, Broad leafed vine Cite 

eS (ae ar 

at a: HI8S. Ai: “ghrp. 
aS i: sie ite Cich: on ‘agreat numberof ftalkes branched; ingen 
. aot zironad hos the leaues,/confitting of m -ypotione ribias. do'thol 
: den Cich bus “ nicked in the edges,more like to the leaues of Axcich: : the fowerscome ee 
foorth faftned on fi | tems which grow clofete the {talkes,of a pale yellow colour, andlikem? 
pees idaalacorsone spliatlccods, infornie¢'and bignes of the fruit ofgatden Cie in 
dfomt| littering as a ag! f 
of ae Beaneasheroore —— faftned with many frings. angst negae ‘ 


, ey 5 
1 e L & } - cn pt eB fs s 3 
Lelesttofyhich Ghd dam * Loa Be 1 i 
“ASS | a “wes oy 2 Pr ees: 
aL, re ) Somer) rs ae Bae dr palaaalge eared 
if é 

like Fhe little ,Cich ae 

Thefe are fowen in the parts beyond the fale to feede thei BAe: with inwinter 5 as we do 
tares,verches, and fuch other bafe Jaen , 
% Thetime. ars 
The time anfwereth we ferch c of tare, - 

The wilde ee hath no other namein Hester triads Cicer fyluefire: the tnseen Writers 4 not 
found any name a' ; 

oy The temperatureana ver 
Their So ere om rales are referred to the garden ¢ Gich, as hepa: anes, Sd A 
Galen faith, t ve 

CPEs Alt lites MES. 

aby > ie ¥ 
be’ nes : oft Lal sl? ae tee el te 

‘1 Lens maior. 2 Lenimin 
_Great Lentils, .. ee ay ae Tinie Lem 

THE Spits Be) OT OF THE 
1 sthe feed r fower, little , 


plaine,and fat: the rootes ate foal ore threddie, Tound, 
CG Pe ait et highs w where. 


t J 

on do gro 
ths middle a with on _ees ei, sen hee ittaketh hole of rie things a6 ae 
a iy gth Cea oe RP een & ee ee, ume into {ma} 
? =) 
i ¥ 7) heplace. 

Thefe efe pul ulfes do grow in my y gatden,8i | t ; Lee fe ‘ lite j 
Watford inM Middlefe E } Engl } jth | ae, } Wars “g for Jat about 
tle,enen as others do a 1 ae 

i Thet time.» 

TL k La J yA 

__ rheya are calledi in Greeke sari, ORM galen: "in inLatine Lens and 1 Lenticule : in high Dutch Linfensia 

% The enprsiaeend vertue. 
sas Gale faith jareina pea betw 

A Lentile andco Ide » yet are.they dry in thefeconde 
_ degree ; their skinne is aftrin ingento ing ,a ace or fu bitance oe is of a thickeand 
earthy j iuice, hauing Reece thar is a lee ier par ing harfh,muc re the skin therof; 

ds wherefore fan aman hall boilechem 
in faire water , vater wah faltand pickle, <a ee and 
then take it,the fame oo ‘e b (ool the belly. 


Ml L Sfelt ) Bere Ape. tt e firlt de 
cottion caft dal dhe i o they binde, and are one againftthe bloudie reed teh, laskes, 
They do their operation more effe@tually in {topping and binding if all or any of thele follo 
be boiled therewith, satis ei ay,ved Pa yetils, on of Pomegranates, dried Rofes,Medlars, 

eestor es,Quinces, 
he me: ofeatle 

meer with, ae ‘doth mai and clenfe corrtipt vicets and rotten 

= P ekogther sits th fleth f ig 
x among out Londo ae for ee wounds, tcc 
3 Se dy the ski off, 1 

The Lentileh sane 


more nourith, then ifit Zt the skin on. 

Iti si phic ucean = pa affeth thorow the belys. yet doth Sacthhy 
Pe at reales ‘hath hid : and therefore they that vfetoeate too much 
there do porate yee emo iiss pand bemuch fubictt to Bs eRe thickeand any nourilh- 

(@) With ith hony +t. Litas} Batt i ¥ 2 

| mentsare side ed melancholie, Fate 
ae the Le ull is. good fo a 1 1 1 £5) into 
. shedoplic andra re g pe ee | y 1 Inj: | epee Seas sealer 
th dimnes of val hth Pl By oo shZ OO ole L: Tie det ts of 
se ir ie ai = rn . en Ra ah r 
: sisigibevalle s butitisg ip a ALC OF 2 UUES SO eee aes La Nol 
ba an en e € Sf. Jee = mis meer o o 
K = Lo f dd iy ea ; 
VU — 3 Atoscsh halead fanewes 
Z Ancaufert ,% OF XA } SfaeNosf aS, head 
7 te] * if ‘o ; 
: -andiungs ES 3 ak y ae cT | Ra) O e | 1 clus husk againft the 
: ouercafting ofthe ftomacke. J Sins ZB 
oN Saal : rane pep SE ar eee ht = leita 
| Being : > ies gaa CAB : being ee 

it wafteth: away wens,and ere freling>uferae 
P -\ Witha Quinceahd N 

ty een: 
inde - a Pomegranate dric Rofe 

lilotesanid a aoe 
— ae 

de er 

Igor TRH ud ¢ 4 



MOL ER. thf geal | 

re » 66 t 
Lh on, } a ae. ° ‘Wed Cat 1, ain te and 
* Oe ede: PES 48 OR ‘ : 4 
g fea water and weg , it helpeth wo- 
C.. 1 ebiet7 

Of Gch, or true Orobus. Chap.496. 

Orobus ce hy Herbariornm, re, cae 

! The tru qn an? % The defeription. 
He pulfe which of moft Herbarifts istaken 
AES ya for the true Orobss, andcalledoffomekic- 
Rav ter Firch,is one ofthe pulfes whofe tender 
WeZ CN ) IP branches traile vpon the gro cophaffs 
a faith, and whofe long tender branches fpread far 
toad,wheieon do grow a like thofe of the 
field v vetch: samc ong wh dee ¢ flo sei a 

onehe ont 53 ous Saint ‘s at wtherksthe ij 
{eedes do lie :whichare fnall,tound,ruffet of co- 

z tac of abitter tafte: the t tooteis is finall and 

ee ae es. 


V6 = X f vn KY, 
! We ay 42 T he plat 
WRG tes = Iepr ofperet shbeftin aleane foil according to “i 
<A fee Columella:it agora in woods and copfes; Hogi 
< weth alfo in my garden 

sis fowen earely So lage but ifit be fowen 
in ie gat it eafily commeth vp, andis plea= 
fant; and vopleafant if it be fowen in the fall of 

of Vicia, or the common Vete 
-! : called dbacer Vetch, orbitter Fitch,and 
o; Sad c, aftet ite Latine; offome £rs after the Fc 
Awake . Aatle- ec: j 
“ Thetemperstureandvrtuer. + ve ; 
Men Fs ae ae oe) i 4 CF bftaine A 
’ from bitter V h,for eat a8 t) pleaf £ f. j } gl Berrie Sune Ais Bid in LY 
_ * moftofoth ft fi ith water: notwithftanding men be- 
ingcompelled through seeemee oper famine, as pee shah oe of tentimes 
yvie the bite etches w ‘onie, 
asamedicine ass thicke and grofie — bintokclee che and lungs. 
mo tter Vetches, the wh not fo pulse. but chofe which come B 

Gee yellow,or ori Sie lour of Ochar eo tole that have Beene twife boiled eos ' 

times feed i in water lofe their bitter and wmplesfaneat , and withall their clenfing an dcutting » 
at abit — is eT lefein them anearthie ibteanee eywhich lerueth fornourifhment,chat 

rane ater Simple medicines he faith, that bittet Vetch i is crise 

pte ee arre oe owas bier , by fomuch it 
cuca peng sess cia hfoorthk F 

- & * 

% Then. 
is ealled i in Grecke 8 see the fhops of mz 


oe debepee ee BOOKE OF THE) 

D fle 
bl ager fake blow ak vine , seve ies a sey it cds to 

fatten King 

}  ' SY glee ge f CRE»: L oc 

vied i in medicine, Iti is made after this 
Mane th 



falls white 
fered to ole ull they be ens eet eer are parched till the skin be broken 

22nd {uf 
3 then are they 

FE. This Joofeth the belly,prouoketh vrine, maketh one well coloured: being ouermuch, eaten 
3 OF 

ae t draweth bloud by the ftoole with gripings, vrine, 
Wi chho ony i itclenfeth vets taketh away: freckles, funne- burnes, blacke fpots inthe skin’ called 
1 : } Sas , or mottific 
H ees Bey re eS 2 ae Posse | ed Vicers a it foftneth the 
Lae tT ae Meee EE ae ee ee Cc iva les, fores of the 
? > t ‘ey o> Cher ver 
: I TA? cel j fi «Ll n 1 1. 
K ie 1 = ee Se 74 igs 7. ag Fis thereof, 
6 : =) wl ! ahs i 
in thequantity ofa nut. Be 
{: ty a: rx ae | vs a Saar E 1 ix Whale Sn eabiakk Lik lt 
: ‘7 USOT They De 
waf hed or bathed therewith, ‘ 
M Le A 

ptiuie parts ofman or woman, if they be —— Or Shit in tag pli oy ca Bite 4 

ftance heerof may alfo be applied plaifterwife. 


of thehead with paca 

= = Of the Vetch, or Fetch. ‘ Chap. 497+ Grrr 

5 Tare, Vetch,or Ferch, 
De da ee Lg ff 
y a = ee 


<a BPS 
Neca IX 
IG) SiGi> 


i ST 






VA og 
AS S ‘AGea 
gta f \ Wit <9 
OO i aN ( yy NB 
Nay) ws 



Prange i 
ote: *) 

2 Vicia fylucftrts, 
Str vere Tare. — phen 

Sige vi 
1K NY Wh 


% The spies 
2 : He Vet ch } {] df 19 1 2 ol Bi 7 roy = 1 
‘ 4 ib ormi cg tendrelsat “ee end, made es of “many | little leaties growing vpon one 
oa g 5 the ent that of the 
: f }. 3 Rr k ng Oe the 
i d, final , was in euery fi yn: buit flaclike 
| thofe - the etentl of colour back, and ofan veneer taft 
3 2 ~ gle Tare , calledi pine COMICS: Tine, and oftiets wilde Vetch; isatamping herbe 
4 othe common a Tar e, ta g g it pluc- 
keth it g! und, dc g h the fame in fuch fore, thatit {poil Iiledhnoe 
onely \ V i g whi ‘ 1 1 hk 14. 1, 1. efo . 
thefe fewe lines may ferue forthe i 

a place. 
The Tare is fowen in any ground or bilfrbasicnet 
The t 

q ae Sadek tell 4 Pi tS 5 
; atti > 6) tr 

at The pahees 

It calledin i Vinctend 

he) it 
’ bath likewife ‘sg ssilets fuch ast - Vine hath aa which it scape pwd vpon ‘the’ fe 

O¢ > Ap hace : itise =e ‘din. 
Ty 1. 74 tmed 
ter, and en ng} Eruims doth much aie ‘from Vicia: it  isealledi in Es Vetch or Fetch, 

* their cattle, © 
%& The sensible and vertues 

qcnters I haue knowne, faith Galen , fome that i in time ¢ of famine hane fed heereof, 


of, A 
£" bindéth thie ad 

“het ing it isof this Kinde of nature , it is manifett that i nourifhment which com-B 
jonny nie 

Ke Sigs lat caer i Oet-49 re 2 a 

wT. Widbopeee ee a 
' Here: foal ow thaaitien adh ang wa iu vont 
8 TS eee ces diders: — ‘weake and feeble a fa tough - 

- Ofihichi come pombe noc 

apigt BS 



2 The “yellow wilde Tare or] Fetch, hath di 
RT io ROEM ey Dee I OR, Se —" 

it chal Y9 sae sae PE OF proy ot ng ha oo 

he Peafe flowers, of buh yellow colour: he rootes are veryfinall, lon sin Fathion na 
incl thati it is impofhb i ie g,totigh, an din 
- ; t Fy fi t mee Ht: Pps Fare | 70 

“A Vy fom] PST goq T ees in i“ ; ad ubtleffe fle itisthe 
woode whatfocuer, ; 3 Stain, holfome herbes, oe 

* The place. 
TL. Jnel ee gk whee 

Rods, jand aging riety there re great ftore thereof 
sae! cae hen “ee in to other ae illage there 

ot BY 

5, and among 3 } 

oO n . 

where, iin. ~ > SUGKE 
% The time. 

‘The time anfwereth the other Pulfes. + : iach bf 

% The HATES. 
it Con ae 1 

it and Lathyrésor Spin 3 of Mat, 
Choc Clymenum of Cordus Evunm mn 3 r Tragus Pfu Greece in Englifh Paste — 
gteat wilde Tate, and Cichlin ngs 
te 24,ehat my Va 1] 1 PE ype | , 
Cichling. are RT separa: : Liege 

1 1 Fate or £ Verchs 5 notwithftanding they 

are not vied for meate or medicine, ae 
Of the Oylie Py Ye called are Chap. 499. - 

- Sefamum.fine Sifamum. Si 
, Wheoilie graine, .. ne sitsary 2d 39% The doferiprion 

Jeaues much like the Pe 
~ rather in mine opinion, site e the leaues of 
ond among ae eaves come foorth fmnall 

eS ie and the cattle will feedec on 

& The 
ok egroneth bothi in i in in bad 
th Péinie; sae 
“an i of issandis Lisa ftr; 

: wm hath a thickeand fat vpright{tak, 
S ie andaha —. ae 
Almond, or 

eo ge ey ee ee eae 

lege cael OF PLANTS. 1055) 
The Grecians call this ee ats es ali rae ‘and nite and ofte eo in oi 
ine apt t Scefama: we are conftra ltd for want of an Englifh n o vie the 
ies vnknowne to the Apothecar erro va deer it tlfes but the feeded rs voile sherechia isto 
befound este hems ;we may 3 
=a erties. + 

cording to fc fas Galen faith, is fat, and A 
therefo f 5 Jaid fb I t ili yq | hy > } f fi edily filleth and ftuffeth 
yp thofe that feede th fyand i th the ft ke ,andis fl F digeftion,and yeeldeth 

ig eS! £. s{} } r bs ae oe 1 > n } .- 1 or 
et tg i! tc IG * La ce 1: 4 It ss . —4 L 1 * On 
ort. “A ; ce > 
and tt fe fj 4 ly t fle tl jel 3 fe g ly feede of it alone, buc 

7 z Cc. hh \ Los W re sear . je ] sandi sof anhot 

saa 4 fo pare Co: So a } . 1 re oe } pa ef 
tines he faith, that Sefamum is not alittle ston and fat, d th f iti plattick , anda 
foftner,and is moderately hot: the oile whicl f perature,and fo is th 
decoction of th ehe thea alfo, s 

ioftoride n . Pat, Wiser At Wie: 

maine ftinking betweene the aout after i itis chewed. 

gaint brufings of theeares, infam-C 
mations s,burnings,and Sealdriga pains ofthe i ioints 3 ine si the poifontom horned erpent cal- 

—— being mixed with oile 
fthe faine force ts < Sheol boiledia wine’, but itis) elpecially good for the heat and oe of D 

Oftt f bei de: ik Sine Cok Egys ia » 5 Fay es bn ah E Goski. & 2 cares, K 
T } g. inging i : % ; - Ny F 
PLUS ‘ihe Fetch, vine: 
cae #7 7 he kindes. pears 3 
TH, L ae P ns CL }. rr Haat Theale fhaltha 7. } 

org ei ime 
“He firftkinde of hatchet eae ba th many fin mal bale ated heere_and they re-vpont 
e ground: vpon which grow fmaltleaues {pred abroa s of the wilde Vetch: 
en : 

: tle hornes ontaini - oneG 
the roote is tou h,of. awoodie fubftance,and een cones neler net 
_, thereis another tude 6 Secu athe Sette ét Fetch which * seanes:, and rootes 

thelatt betscete ay bred,ai ie eet t remixed.and do lis 

Vaty into fur Hates rs, t bein art of a fel 
fhowie colour ath a purple ingens mili 
fall like thote of Birds foote, at dot uch vn! codso! 
Rie ary es Srna ge ee are oH tC et 
sobeed,and beatiies ike vite the formes zbut os arewbite,andmixedwith — 
{ine purplesand biter al nate sods aie thew ca, or (as oa Us sth Be the 
ronhichtioomakets do fein Flanders, i ie Saad Sens e: this 
Worealfois oflong continuance, = * 


1 Heaylarum mains, ’ 

Hedyfa Hedy/a . 
ded ty[4rum Glyryrchi zat 

Hatcher Fetch Licorice hatchet Fetch 2 
OF) LOPwysr.mex 






~ “is WN 
EM \ SNe 
E) \A NY NY) 

va) i 

a Ys 
Ate SS 

) ) Wee 

YN XU OY... fos SOR LRG i ‘ 


3 Ferrum Equinun, 
. Horfe fhooe, 

ae SY YA "ghey p, ‘There is alfo another for 



pen vg 2 
© 3 


Q stoevwIgst10 i The place. 3 Ry t] 
o} o: Thefeplants do growin my garcen:” ae 

kinde I-founs F gre Se ses ay 
5:11 ool way onthexight hande, as you go t0M 
gbood » to Comes Church abouran nde is from 
- the ende of the allo intuney © 

- : oY 
yj e 7 betes . 
ae i ritys UNatrt ann ota 6 

# Ppt s dud! 

Be is 


places of “nace 3 and in Effex about Dunmow, and i Hed C] d 
--Hennyngham ; : 
Ce If 1 CT. 1 IT ai 1, 
Horfe : Eres 7 °o =) 
iitewitioey gain owe The time. pee. 
sta. 2 ft .~ er 
ae oil brindie The names. 
| Bae a PEE AES, © ve , e Lati bis 
i oar eae rity a beag y lith Axleede, Axwoort, Ax- aye and 
:. Hatchet og itis rien to ae scare 
a Hor v IL y itin Latine Ferrans: 
: equinum : sin step Horfe thooe. ane 
% The temperature 
A S| Cf D es rs 7 pt C | ; 
i i % The vertues. 
7 a. ‘ mds LI Ln 1 4 L + fthej i} 1A 
i 5 metas a 4 1 ER OTE BEN Apis eater ys 
; oflike v > the Ae eee Paapy- u ; 
Tt Rs! 1 Fae. ip g | tiv 1 g ty 1 # a j ith B 
liapoiins - oat Ciel ae et Lt } 2 a Tas 
: Thue le nf A here pping: Ciel sth Lien; C+} fpl , andof D 
all the inwar Fd part ey rere) 
_ Horfe fhooe is bitte alein natuire to Aue! e ; E 
‘goin Of Peafe. Earth nit. Chap. a: fii sneee P 
ve gland diiaton 
Past Earth ‘le ede fcriptio : 
as He Posie rhe nut meth vp with flen 
; ae ry N @ derandweakeftalkes Aieteane be'thin, and 
et \ i i on fh ftems,with claf- 
ping tendrels at the ends, with which itimbraceth 
VERE and taketh hold of fuch things as ftand Oo 
: y Xxh a it :the flowers on the tops of the ftalkes arelike to 
5 N NN Ki) thofe of Pea lefler, ofa red purple colour, i 
(NAD. SS RR fmell not vnpleafant:in their places come g 
: a Ee cods, in which are three or fower round feeds :the 
* BS: rootes be thicke, lon, like after a fort to acorns, 
=| but much greater, blacke without, graie within, in 
' ror eto the Cheflenut: out of ath 
: hangalon n r ftring; there grow out of 
he fame alfo othe tings,hard ee Hicleticg on 

of the ftalke, vnto which teeping 
ther kernelled rcotes whileft the plant “3 od 
multiplie itfelfe, 

% The c place. é 
This groweth in come fieldes , bothwith the 

Sw a ed wreth in Gocdanicty, the nuts after bar 
oN A j aus trpuvrns, b- 5 ueft be gge a red, ° 
Ieiseclind ck: en ay ee Themen. 

we eas xa a 


shi e-7 

Te i Feces UY, SE Pag) na : eee > Which the bl celagrd 
a ot Sarit Ter re clandes, Of "Ter oft $ bland andin Greel Prolene: ted 
in Englifh PeafeBarthnut. Se ats 4 ie Oca ken ee 
Sethe rempevarwre andrbertaes 20UL aE iy chick aa 
» The Nuts of this Peafe bei ligefted tl : 5 eee 
Pat tfheps , yet do theynourifh hoMleife then tl theParfiteps ‘they are not fowindiedechwa spe 
‘more lowly p affethofowe the bell nb reafort of their bifidine qualities-and hemo oc, to” 

woah heAing j ? c Ait sotto 
B m4 o 

bab anf ae. Ren 

yor; vitatd IInora ice bind hire. 
ae ae Gelnd ly, ‘pcalfoaliisot Bon eff eye 

1, 3 
1s vs / z 
the mother oi bladder. - ae 
ae rootes to Sag pee og } n seek s andehe : 43 ann ypin 
ncli¢, r 

: : : > ae ot mie i bays 502. 

730 M0! 

Tr fie xi ance rela eee Sande thetirle of Anca vite aah ak ri 
made in the beginning infere ee SE a ot 
heb ins i is sdb lsbure et ihauce is difpurab sLthinket ot ae to fufferthem 
all fi de a place more Patan oe ing be py 



sib fat 

site ay rk: 

tee aa 
thre lus luftanicus cle wetob 4" Cype We € 
se mnilke Vetc sit ~ Aflyria milke Vetch. 


‘cot oe nase \C 

iy o 0 a fineerrhicke fom ewhat 
Dcieg orbs ed nd cg yo witl 3 pags m¢ fa which 1 djuide themfelues i in- 
to fundry eee hee eet vith kedte o > eentitii sae Veit Hi sis aod 
“ae rib, like the wilde V | 

uw ALy 

the final oe eacea hers, hs Best Oe are 
ntatte altringenvatthesislhibwe afte ds burning | roedvetien fe ath cattdenortts 
oi i 
many fall [hie Wet in tke the 4 fLupines which i BaP 
sobe f YN at confideri ing 3 nie the 
plant,fo x fomeriines it groweth tothebignefi ¢ ofamans arme , keeping the fame bignefle for the 
Cols pene lr aaah: cbeccarpseneycs! into Woror more forkes orbranches, blacke 
without and wrinckled: " ple . | 
_ Sbhoneraereahabe P Wier FY 
Fa rom A < \ i 

ca hy reafon tharitis Wopocmtin tinder Ca =p irelenbli ot 
bas ae esan ake ets as alfoin the thickneffé of Neath 
h thicke and pleafatigec 
eat = ots ich are v very fee: ats seit A 
Uathiolus his beac Late aaa ho 

po well! ssfecble ee true. reg :his fall ear Bronge ets 

léaues like Cicer or Gadega but that they are fomewhat tleffertan ae lngll 
like flowers, of an Orenge “wi a in fi ight: che coo ough an 

eo Vas Ned 6 BSS 1 TU 

ti Apia tule sf ox that ictal 
the trne 47. ‘eealuswhich g Se heeabischigh, andin hon {em nble eth Liquotice ; the flowers 
grow at Hecate of the ftalks 5 in thape like the Peafe bloome , > oftt = spare colour, whichrume 
into fimall blac ongat ree ping pba the Be 

others pa. TAA i 
a The place. is Yih Ee 
© Fh yg ott ft yin open aplaces, ‘aia teeth, in apace tiie tow indie 
& dwith fi Di | i i pier om 
acitiein Arcadia, as Gaéen and Pliny A hiscopies < there ee 

acitie of ee aaek ene) isacit ie of Eero and in Arcadia thete is Onc o 

» fome of dane grow in my garden laces in Enigland wildes 3 aiicne inthe 

3° seats Seas a aan 


(= pe) 

places = Ek x,as about D a Boch many y other es of that countrey, 
a Thetmt... «, 

They 4 eae > .7i 3 

af 2 

% Thenames. 
one! Ng 

2583Ae%d Siesn tint - 
DAM merleta aallal fb edi Te ae 
= vag ¢ bef 

Seingbiisrat much 3 oe ee onatishals, 
aes Kee 2 

Of Kidney Fetchs Chap.503, 

} % The kiades. eitect 

bv panlenk ae } ig = Sia ra bos i r 
Eons, “i; . : feom oe rr : SE Sie ae 
one ethyl eminfa = = hers any ei ae = a 
“ashy aKidne = rae Picea Senate 
r- : a bi 

% The defeription. 
Le ser hatha ftalke of the height ofa cubite , diuiding it flf oie at A 
‘whe ereon | do grow long leaues,made of diuers leanes, like tho: ofe pe pkecias saan 
- TS RY Wer Su ee vpli Tete ae in whichis con 
whe y %S 1 ¢£ OC aA Sa 
a trie Kidn hove pene Stella leguminofa , ot according to corti ee one 
many fin hl [Axle tough bran iches, full of finall knots or knees: from whence ee 
ng {mall lYeafe, like Birds foots, botbig gger: ftom the bofome of thofe leaues ¢ ol 
tender flems, on the ends whereofdo o growe final yellone flowers 3 which are ae -ftanding 
4 a fen vaded, slike yneo ther flee homes; 
ne diftant from’ another, like mee of aftarre , or as ae one or 


There is another fort ofKidney Ve Vetch calledB Gaim, which h 
Fa whitith par et 1th lof | I { let full ra foal 
sae fe leaues,o awhitith gree ne,i pe like the | Pees Serer ess M 
ds ndfiner alm oft like fi ee he ft | Hagshex 1 1 r 

tod ix ct P r oafma 

each and euery cod refembling a cin inWhith are inclofed fmallfeéde like that of Tu ps. 

There is alfo another kinde — o podiums OrBir es oot called {mall Birds oe which is 

gery Hike vnto thefirftjburthat ieee efler: chebram ot fptigs ‘owe hot a a handor 

halfe an hand high , fpr eading cheittnes vpon the peery with his {mall leates id branches in 
manetof hele fers ao chit: “he:83 WERE igen thok t of Coronata Me Lslot us 

Thet beiebs I found sila — Hamp icin neer London, tight againft ae 

vpon 5 
‘Sa in RY a! ‘een YB Fe} 
be ae th OF ie mee) : 
4! heyy eertes 

Tyo from Mile to sicib middle of sepia per! 
+5 STL Xs The nam €F \ eta teeta. 11.320. as 
Pao fotesie eon fi = fore, 
The natureandy erties, 

Tht hac. Ty Vispati 

pete her’ Sank n meate or medicir Ow ne wie zeie A 
» ‘Of black mil Tare. ‘Con 504. = a 
Defer milke Tare, Pe hho cdeferip 
aii eames He true Gia shi Dirt very ma- 
\ a ee Se, ae Teenie die branches,trailisg vpon 

he ground, fet full of finall fies it 
like = mmon G/iwx,buta great deale Grier, 
tie pease the leaues of Tares , buerather like 
ote’, of a we a colout vamoneft 

\ | a A 
{ c bir’ SS 

a come foorth knoppie and ee ae 
heads,verykethe Medove Tie ins a faire 
purple colour: the'roote is ced el and 
woodie,which the pidture Siar not ex refle and 
et Se nth 

nor beft Laowie Glidehs 
ny ing woh Se eblebanches 3 rece 
y from moe ugh 

, deepe into the grou ope sim 

confifting of fundry fall leaues, fet vpon 
fid nallrib eftanding oppofic 

> ga, but of a purple colours which being pait, 
»/) there fucceedettva fmall bunch of ftraight cod a 
_ 00'c whole points or ends ftand i ight : fulloffe 
-intafte like spall Verches (Ss 


* Ti he place. 
a7. 7, bh Fad) be: 
bit: aed IO ft 
mer ee fundry other Places, 
‘ Sai wy ms a [ ees oh ae 
the fides of the declination of the hill. me 

ab bw Se 
Thefe plants do Sonera duit abseil. aests ea alld iba 

hefe p lants haue in ee  paltbenecaled Glaus a fils babes pa ja pla 4, tats, she 

uing okie colour ed,o ocpale 

Sictions that in times pa’ ae me Zo ue c counted Glan among oA fa kind s of Pod oly gala, or Milkwo 

we may therefore call the frit kinde of Glanx. blacke- Milkwoort, the fecond white Milkwoe — 
% Thepatures.5 5 ¢ 

Thele eee are edie i in the rend dese, 

it ; ; . SHC IS - ‘ 
A Thevertuese sheots 
e bs <j ap © } Lapa a7. “7 

¢ 1 7 
RS Be ee 7. oe 1 
t >) P 

t 34 Lidadt L. 

on red Fitchling, Medick rae avd Caches he Chaps 505. 
rychis fine Ca put Gallinzce, ATS nie hr 

Mess aching Cockes bead si EERE * es Gores nets 

Yi % 

Bie tt 
oF they 

aly +h es 










TS us NG RY 

= TY 
4 oS = =. ALSS 

. AIT 








ae ee ONS ae 
5 ‘ at ‘ y BY Vy 4 ws | Thee eke 
Sates) orcas : ae : Se net PETE) Boe andctee- 
Mie Cebindecla inie pliant b es, fa 
r "He isha ae : hae Sonate 
oo: as 1 . oy pee f-| 
Raat edi 5 Sa sen fe bl , but of oe abe aide ouet “ 
aT: fi] iat huskes.tha elfe but the fede. 
f nro | pric 2) 

v¢.2. 9 yee Se 7 1. nowy 

eae whéni itis geen toan ee 
d deaiies ay like Galega, a the ewide Verch of: a bitter ratte: and lothfome Guo sationgs 
e faft 

rhc! mall andro un 
threeinch nes long, eal g ropuis;or Med Trefoile, but Bree anex- 

tir > CONE ain in g 
neh and Uiake fede, in i tafte. ike the Vert The roote is hae and a ‘ hard andofa> 
‘ - { 4 Is ee 

3 Onobrychis2 bt 4 Onobrychis3 -Clasij flore pallido, 

Blew Medicke Che, Pale coloured Medicke Bitch. 

AC wy s. < p 

iy ww a 

. “, rs 
Ti se 

AR Thedepripion. 
3 Thethicdkind faeox Cocks head hack F 3; wpindieks esmany 
Inthe growing acubite high, full of knots; xamping and ¢ creeping onthe ground, The 
mer, butfmaller and fhorter: among which come foorth {m - | fener tems, 
do ogre little flowers sere aaah the Tare, but of ablew cae ingtoparple. 
Phi ded,there come the {mall oil high contained rape 
‘The St cr tas og eee IAAI : (ao is Sha L 7: : 
L Lf II iI. L . oe ae - : 

pesancine ft hat tharpe. Acthetop of the ftalkes come foorth | 
ee or Soe a trees os ondkinde; which being vaded, there fol= 
ket bot gods, wherein is contained little black feede like the feede of Fenegreeke. eke, butfinal- 
Tooteis thicke an hand andokamaesie sistabce, er rai ty long. 
5 Ono 


5 0 abel montana 4.Clusi. 
Mountaine Medick Fetch. ccription. 

5 Thefift kindeot oni hisha th man ¥ grofle 

and eae ftalkes ; Siow. ied ftom 

athicke, fat , and ficthie toughro oote 5 


Jour tending to purple, ane pbedat 
Eo where the ste 

The it and fecon seme ¢ vpon Bartonhil), ~ 
wer miles from Lewt ton in Bedfordthi ypon 

les London; and diuers other places by the 
rom London to Cambrid ee : the reft are 
ftrangers in Englan z 

Thefe plane dof Bower in ly and their feedeis 
ripe fhortly aft after 
The names, 
P as 1s cvdueeos or without a name among thelater 
the olde and ancient Bis itions do call it 

apt 4 all thofe things that are found written 
in te Pliny concerni ing oO 

efpe 1 “aa “ob oh il ; bur longersa 
ftall ia 4. L f, ax Vice? . ] n . wey. ey 
Sele pac SSSR ie tee ere C2 Terrill f har I, ,aredflower, a {mall and 
ral 2 es iL a Pe ome ry! 4 ee e- = 
tl "> . 
Ail hi} j | namelefle herbe, as it ism manifet 

and pei} it is not to be doubted ar all , ee that the ve ¢ is Onobrychts of the olde wri- 
ters: it may be called in Englifhred Fetchling, or as fome aii Medicke Fitch, or Cockes 

x Een 

"Tlf. hart. a eo * Cole Co nnle?, Clan!) Ae tnee doeratic 
fic or make thinneand wafte away. dare 

= % The vertues. 
ea “ieee the leaves thereof when i itis greene, che th but-as 2 cto 
a he ft i¢ sand laid Se eh nn 
things al{c epee EMR EES ine it 
helped and sie wafteth away at fvelings rs s mel § ok 




of bajlard Dittanie. toe : peaaion 

Bard Dini, > we INIA Geek ft % The cde feriprio, n, és 
SS 00 C jog: nash itt na Akane, Ditranie: is avverie rare.and galant 
on @FG a! WE oil plant hating many browne ftalks, fOmwhar. 
we a, te ion obid a0 -rough) diuided into {undrtie {mall branches; 
a pone. a ~ garnifhed with leaues like Liquorice,or rather like 
Oar the leaues of the Ath Tree, but blacker, thicker 8 


RNY y=’ .unore full ofiuice,ofan vnpleafant fauour: among 
a Sy) ie vip which growe flowers , confifting of fiue whitifh 

a Ne Ve rmoft. lowe; but the 
BSN we ik s fower which growe vppermott, growemore {ti 
=e Naiies F pright: outoft this flower com- 
\ i p, geez... ~meth foortha Faflellywhich is like'a bea 
AEA a ing alfo downwards, and fomewhat turning vy; 
LZamess nga § vpat 
Se Ly Si f i g ale Ww ich Bei vaded, th cik 
~— -place fower hitskes ioitied togither, Wie rol 
at ‘of codsof Golumbines, fomewh rough. 
Jr almolStiishs finell ofa goate Syieepon fome 
A . Herbatitts hatte calle it Tragium:in thecods are 
¥) LAC Sy i » contained all blacke Gung fees like Peboie 
ai i pS ode des riithe ro vhic a finger 

thicke wad Me of knotting within another,in 

y_ tafte fomewhat bitter. 

io: Thereis another kinde heercof growing in my 
se garden, not-very much differings the fame i 

«oponeare Fee Weis lig fercof be 

tedsofthe omet ing 
more brig oot fs ote il sede. . 
: 3B aft ardDitta : 1 1 7 si AC iT} o 
one We ITT, 2 ed . ib ae ¥ 
mmy garden, JI sett (EAI 
* The rne 6 ee 
Trad s. , IT]. Dee re ee | + AC hee i \ mien 2 
+ M. - Oo . 
# The names, 

"Thelate i a he name it Prétiee 
nus, ,oralowe afhe:in, nEnglith baftard or ee 

: but nottruely a nd vie > oftentimes the rootes: Messer in fteede of the arch (se that itis 

tctighe Di fees itis better knowne'then needfull atall robe confu ted, and A Saat eae 
SrtA ee asin a Pfeudodictamnum , 0 cbaftard. Ditea cany : butiisalae ¢ tobeakinde 
ragiam of the rll eserinenatrenhoopen an sbutnotin febftance,.-): 

oe ot ——- is hogat 2 

to o99 9h OF i} 3K TY vaey ¥o" sttnii 
digits: — R Sri > asbebbyode: Ke snleD sbi 

dow, i aee cae ichebidsand. ee belpeh aude 
ye cin cose. ood for rite aaah — Ze 

Reior organ Be uel Shas 1Ay Fie ee 
es me sae it is profile agit desea ens. ngs of wn Sctian - ee 
: Sie S eowtagions fealesi,. Ct fle see 

ss peta with co 
minke — Sms Xxx 5 

B Di 
The feede of saftarde | ittanie taken i in the € quantitie ofa ap 1s good againft the ftrangurie 

tot. Vel, ng ret 1 ee 1 ‘¢ L ie e 
ee | 
ie draweth thornes and {plinters out of the flefh © hE eth 
Th l a TON vo Dae ok 1 aoe ue : : 
LARS ae } iP Pe eo ae, rar gh ea ak 
gts es C.. Cull cn re 3D > es, willea eate Dic. 
Sa See sf 

$8 ee Eg ee. ae Mgr ien  chesght. séam, though 

Of land Caltrops. Chap.s07. ae. 

Tribulus terreftris. 
_ Land Caltrops. 

he defer: viption, 
Li Ande Sucre areice ng branches full of 

joints »{pred abro 

like vnto the flowers of Tormentill: Ineuer fawe 

(Wess the plant beare yellowe,but white flow. 

es ing with the {cription of Dodomems ineach te« 

ye > fpect, fa i in the colour of the flowers, which do 
YY Ww turne into ‘fall eae fruite, rough and 

V2 prickles, wherein is a final kernell or 

roote is white an _ 



C2> ht 
S) “a Ss 


wy Z 

It growe th plentiful in Soe 

it is hurtfull to corne, but wu as cite faith, i itis 

d am 

where: from whence I brought plants for my 
The time. 
Tc fowreth in Iuneand July: the fruite is ripe in 

% The same. 
Ttise alledin Gr recke relfvkor' andid Latioe 7h : 

bulue,and thatit a differ from the other, which 
nga tas To 58p bay a ‘glled i 
T Iim.t Ch. lia PAG? lee atm ae) aris ‘ 
eat Ga Ceh : fe aS st EE Pie ne 
caftinthe way ie 1e11 tc 
*T lena sp ese ale 
Tnchic T. Cas ee eS | 3 pepe Ifo binding, 
by 52 
as Galenwriteth. AR ec, ectecinn aay 
rg Bptot tL ot - , n n 
B_ Thefi g runke byreafonits of swalteth shay onesin 

"Land Caos Eek sr seen a French rownemai t, and 
o lied, cureth the the viper. 

D Ane Z g3 p +7 ly rei t chiereof fprinkled 

about killeth fleas, a ae: of 


ee Re 



oe» Of baftard Rubarbe.  Chap.508. 

x Thalietrum,fine Thalictrum maine. ThaliGrum min: 

GreatbaftardRubarbe, “Sonal baftard Rubarbe, 

ey ve 

Aes Tis 
wa Sai 
X\ o 


Zt ‘ 

nn sz {i} 5 Ai 
he Li, Stina Mann 
ote The defer iption. 
I Be orent 71,07: fn. ie al din elas? kale’ 1 \ j PA ae Ky 
: “othe: [ aS L po RY FES ee 

© falkes are crefted. ie a — von eoue tothe height of twocubits: atthe 
tepwhere, cof grow many { fmall and hairie white lowers, and after them c come final! vara 

Bari sbreadiansbe vppet face of theearth, oe 
{mall baftard } L L * =e, es oe L: 
takers een foote long s his 1 baxhii acl Sealer ete tone fi Pass: 
the lit: le 4, 7 y C Ca lick s } 1 a ia psa. 
3 o ore » ALC ANG 

tcaf a greeuous :fauiour, 
ele plants do growe plopgttahe the ditch Talents from Rewtih frcere vnto Saint Thos 
vena RWall ta = Wekichnar Lodo iy other places alfo, a | 
_ Melon pan inlulyand Ang 3 


% The names. 

L 1. “fi q 1s Ba 

Dine that is, Rue; when 
Vaaer ate. cat orFen Rue: others Pfeude-! bebdibehoc nasa Par: Mi Pr My 
chorumby reafon of the yellow colour of the roote, Butneither cf their iudgements is ore re 
efteemed of: they indge | better that would haue i it to abe Thalsetrum, which Dicfeoride gt 8 tobe 


t . - ae L Brolitl Be ae i : i ims . Thalistra ms | ate pat os 
%& The saa ne ale 
Thefe herbes are hot and drie of. complexion 
; thei vertu 
‘A The] {Loan RL gh pee 4 oa | £ L Gay 
B peegtion of theroote doth more efcoualy ee ERAS ‘ 
Cc et faithet g I feétly Nd WW leérs, Gf ro 
eek dric Pichout Cae : Ria iad hie 2 that 
Pe Oe: O 4 Go U Z 
Sede ® fe fd Rue “laps $09. 
yo f ade \ a va 
a we Thedefer pion, 
nN nV age GoatesRué, hat d harde 
oF Nes Gas fet full of leauies, difplaied or winged 
PE SA: road, euery leafe confi fundrie 
<i 2 é fmall leaues, fet vpon ‘4 /flender rib, tefembli g 
Kop ips the leauesof the field Verch or Tare bur greater 
7G i and longeis'The flowets growe att top of the 
Y ftalkes , clafteti togither after the manner of 
Uy Z e wilde ig V4 ight: skie ka Seas 
Sy turne into long cod 1d; wherein 

the feede is con ntaned ipo gee, 
tough, andefawh 


ais in Iealie cuery wherein 
= ated and by rivers fides : ic gunsete. 
wile i in my garden. 

It flowreth in lily = Ags 

Bes. } 54: The Haveli cs Se prac 
\) 92m avers na orruptly Gralegz, Tityonyias 
y racastrina lett epbioalec the the Hetruf 

brane ee 

ud 16 ike means in Engh seta Tali 

ous d Goat 
= 1 athe ld Phifionewee . cali “07 hi ie thes — pa 
oneiof the defcripti me fies aoe ole, wh in Gi 
em: for Gulegeishigherand greater, than that miata . 
high. Tiugods bir inl ada " gh 

hence head : 

a 1 ; 
~ SMIS piss r 

The vertue: 
Goates! nen na afi ingular herbe again all venome apd poyfon, and againft wormes, tokilland A 

" . fs wit ie vertue ifitbe fried with Linefeedeoyle,and bound pee: childes nauell, 
ftred vn 

tochildren whi ch sy Baiaeeee aoe the fa ling cuerymor- C 

agi rn, mates 
: aoe Re SS 
boiled tis rie es aguinft the infection of D 
la mae ct ecially if the eels en aircon > 
a s&s ie LL 
itfelfe is ¢ : geand .E 
inf: ‘aid bar -t oS Re a TY ole Klik. n 
eal L: a ds, fone levi tse as egorhgen onan OY f cof mie <c 7 
| Gash r 20 any 
wh: arfocuer, and procureth fweate, 
heaftc ifeirh, 1 CE We te. r 
to oO x > J © ita. 
pedbelaid vpon the wounds. Pathe. 93% 39h we Ere 
31. } ee 4 rs eae pe. é 

uulfions,crampes,and all other the difeafes Beer d. 
The —_ do feede pullen Sramee andcaufeth them to yeelde greater fore 26 beg than H 

Of Plinie his Leadswort O hap.51o. 
eat a: piper: , ORD 
Leadwo ee Li e c he defeription. 

En Sey or Yh. Maria 
“5 e uperlati 
imfel fe Ij 

ounted this goodly 
kinde thereof, bicaufe the whole plant is of a bi- 
ting tafte., anda burning faculeie, and char in a4 
ext YpOna 

remitie, that it will raife blifters 
hand: for "whic ‘caufe fome of the learned “hed 
hane accounted it Pipies Molyblera, or « a 
net. diwm ; but the new herbarifts caf} it 
D Dentillay ta Rindel-ty, whomadethe 
like vfe hereof, ashe did of Pyrethrwm, andi 

of the.too hach and fuch like. This p!ant hath 

¥ srvgasbites high a ng ig ee 
thlong ark €s,in colour like W oad, of a fharp 
: = and biting ta ecko flow wers “4 owe 
Soar hich being paft,the lairie huskes, 

eke plants, to appeafe the immoderatepaine 


: A The place, ae 

a 5 aps Tr verre 

r 83 Oo AAAMAS 5 7 

wife groweth in my garden in great plenty. —— 

: %& Thetime. 
It fowreth in Iuly and Auguft. msibli'> 9 
yi like % The names. 

L | i led wholybdenz. PlambacoP ling. e& 

ay ieee a os . te es 

NSS 31 
NentiHevia DP. i PP 
the Romaines Herhz Cie E 

/ 7 ee o 
co boog ove o% Thetemperature. 
Dentillariais of a caufticke qualities || sy3 eit tv oo)g1 ad e1 viborm 
Pebteodsdds s10201 st Fhetwertiess eilyod sais 
| ER FY M4 | eee 

Bey 7. hal, RP IY ple Pe | Tg) 
A § t : at Pi 

=P Koo 
ses 223 



2 SSNS =e 

. ys om = came . L dhigh,or higher: 
L. a } L eee re . 
C.-C £44 ToS 1: . about which are certaine 
ee L %_ oe ars ae 1 L at Fnooth and fomwhat fats 
re 0 2 nith bl er ae rei ofthe branches are of a ale yellow: 
rats tat f Lal by s 

. / or . : 
fomething hollow : in th iddleof which Randeth vp abies | 

button fower {quared, feldome e fiue {c ffers, as it hath corners, 
being com ompafled about with diuers lid vain threds: "out: of stich ane pretic fi fine ny of one » 
colour 5 tt ae <1. 3 21 a ee 7. 
Th te 11 = Law sats "re Wi wk 22 iis. 7: . 
iat gues, flowers, fede and fauing th leafe hath fmal! 
andi is much natrower shes dn. dish at ae approch of sina anannuall plane, 
at uf ft : apeoR fo me ORS 
Rite fi fis iio avoid sinupt SSS gq’ Rutalolontama, ib 4 
3 ¢°Attieliriallelt wilde Rte re ‘ - ‘Moua vargin neRue, 


jp a AN 

LS ar 
UN yy 




L = 
WAN)a Va y, 
At ae 

: se The defiription. 

is pl 1 yp 4. 4% tite Sete ae Anitesh a Atak 7 
; 2 é 
: ret i RO aD L . fal re Lat 1 eae anes D } 
. t biting, g se 
ing with the laft bef ‘ lis metictbnein greames, and in that the venemou us 

= ie 
fumes or vapours th from this finall wilde Rue; ifo ll then the 

4 Teri is another wilde Rue growing vpon themountaines of Sauoie and other places adie 
lauing a great thicke roote : from which do arife many fhootes or ftalkes , whereon a grow 
es Very eso and et paces diners {ections refembli agthe leaue s of 5 Sto ge 

5072. «© ss THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE “7 

5 Harm. repost” 
us W: the thie with white flowers. - he defe petobs 
\\ x 2. df ») ; wy 5 mell is he wilde Rues 
‘ G Ses (6: s» eth foorth: immediately from th suibeu bring 
= SY Ne ' little ftalkes of a cubite-high whereupon de 
ea 4 WW growe: greene: leaiies -diverfliccutte j 
ey SS an tho 

: ue « WZ 

n hot coun 
maruellouis frong {mell; ingo! a court ae 

Garden Ru Xe ‘i a 

en Rue ioyeth in funn nie and. 
it profpereth in rou and brickie ‘ais, 
among gale eat nin no wife awaywi dung, 

The tae in hor 
countrie ae asta appa adocia, Galatia,andin die 
uers propel ieee & oe and onthehils 

of Laneathire and Y. 


Pliny faith, chat Ani dthip be. 
tweeneitandt the Figge ciety it profpereth 
nowhere fo wellas vnder the Figgettee, The bet 
for HS — s vfe is thar which'groweth vnder 
Fig as Diofeor. faith 5 ihe 
by Puta in the firlt booke o 

Tr] a bse) ps 13 J 1 L a ; 
i hy 
TL o.2 ES 3t rr. ag RD ” eA Ty, 1, Mater 
a, ae A oes (28S Ss ee ay *n. ae (es a Reh eg eS Pao BP 

inEn WideRt ican hetbe Grace, 

cs r es op oe 11.2 Colatia 
— 4 SE LE SS er set aos A 
(ey ; 
. % The temperature. me 
‘ is hot and driein the] 1 of the thi ’. 1 1 wilde Rue in the fourth; it is of i 
- Rueis hota ; ee oe Tin ee ee 
: thinne and fubrill p parts, fterth in 3 t g' 5 o 
> humours, oe be sad apatE SL Noch the dead childe and 
3 to) E tras! 3 i. ee 
as ee eb 1: fr +he mother, being but 
inwar raken Ox $ : dua Ve: 
ON aba sbeing 0 rdly 2 eet eigt hei. we it, [ ig oe 
: es Hy : ; 2 
> as teh ees Talis Rg beni purge nl OHIO? wih 
we = : SH AGG: wm tex as sheet 4 ’b : 

of rift vocat attica lingua. erg yaitbe eee 
= gene —— “digech cite 
 Rafade ree 

Bie. on 

HIST ORIE 1 ib padodes’ 2 vice rHT 1073 i 
Ieftaies the coughifit be dr isk eecteaent 

e: Ieclenfeth monthly one Vv boiniona al ud. isos ait. 

pe If youit _— celal cae nd) or i yyollodar 

: her vine that feou ures; 3 )Avineger fo wi! 
ng both dosha a seta gripes x ne Lyin Spal 
ae ie tania sre the aie : ; 2 

Cald *P/eur/ie in Greeke tong: Ee * Pleurifie 
i tica, HAN 

Ifit pede and other eee 
Aswriters do. affure. 5 
h the matrix, atid a bringethi itinto hee es B 

ple Lin hic 26. booke 3 * p : ‘ 

She | Re aay Perera, v7 Id fa ale copies) be ehdomeed herewith: 

eres with honie, itis areinedie 2eanttOe inflammation an whi ol py Ee 
o'tes ew 

Figbe boll th ‘Batrows grcace, Baie leaties , ) and the powders of Ferret ni Linfeede be 
aided therto ap Hie ie wie gies i tie nthe Poet hath thus writte 
ae etiantesi mentes ,. gp i ee See ae 

um fo span niin sisi spe: ges a 

ions: Afefer} bath thus written: Kose re 
ie gua quod Ruta ene, Bats 9 8 

Iilius. a ae confi talis habetu 

Sedpreusex sere vinomaccrare CyMiDum ; ‘ 
Conuenit, in* ferro poft affaré facto: : * furna 
Onviadeinde.fim mallee trita ex melleingabit., .o\..05: 
Pediarinds laterts,i deceris gens ¢ dolores. #33 
; say! “ie : * antidota 
S37 2 lace f n> 

ae — Confo vtat flo ee pm o Fbeeigoa shams ; 

‘ he Qs 
Rue whi ichin pen i called Piganon, 

: The making of his antidote heere 
Of Nitre Pepe Ce mine, like whieh roFal alle rea sian 

= Pat | poms 

And: see tobe baked, mh it in a iene gga fort 
The painesand forenes of the breft, the liuer, fides, and loine, 
And kidneies helped are, by this good medeine eaten © oft: 

Vnto the ftomacke comfort tgreat, aaskaurscs ys : 
Caufing it well to brooke itmeate. i 

Rue boiled with vine es reanionests ings, itis good againftthe ftitch of the desi cheft, D 
* fhormnes of bil wae acolde ests alfoagainit the paine in the io’ and huckle 

Theo jai of it ot a the ‘purpofes laft recited it taketh away the: sire Pangsin the 
guts, tonely inachift 
the “ile saith dout of Lice, itwill be fo much the betters andof ig rll ene 
i {wellings of't pe pisces wilt. % 
Iris giuen with good fi meee againft the drophi ne, called InGredke cat, eee "ai 

belly in manner of a pultis ; whereof the forefaid Poet me es 


. Cum Caricis decotta din, ints i quor Ase i 
Proj (unt Hydropscis, fi i fir int fupe reddit hoes. 208 MOgeE 
b 91 ine-t 

5 ey oO | ay Rist 4 rigs Fine; ice ah 
t (; Bass pe ClO 2 
Tr. ns MPA Bee) ee i | Seaeea Eee ck 
3 L t 5 vie Sti nde, Wicke. 
metres Hohe: ca iia Pesraeis ak seis seen ote q 


ai ah Baga leaning petit atta 

Aux. rbeppe widebis a 130 ae 
_, Noble isRee enue it makes th’e1 Ay fae thot ne iF ce fe 

With helpe of Rue,O bleat-eyd man sthouthale {ee far anda neere, 

H_ The fame ee eet honie and the iuice of Fennell, iB: a iTemedi¢ agit ait cies 5 hth 
Macer {peaketh thu 
ie der gthe? cum fircco folle 4.3 ll, ae 
mle fefuceus ex quo wungit ur emus, 
: Earls fmt seal, patientis (epe perunctt. ee ee : 
seers a ° AR Nonie ri kice thes tal Epitorat Callie LSaRAN 7 
~ And withitoft the patients cies anaointing, fufer | hath. segs 

IT Theiuice of Rue made hot i in the rindeof a i ate, and app ‘into othe eares, taketh 

Incoriomals seranett tf pierce > 

fer 2S 
se Aun bus infundas inde dolor ein ) 
2 he Adpelles : , 
i , 
Wee lo " ‘vost IG : . 2. : x 
ee ee aaa z Cas : 1 
K ae ee SS at nai SS rem TO Se NS oy MPS wy By Se | J * 1 and {nree 
ay *: 2 . = Pee 2 soe <4 
in the heads of yoong children, fit {with Cerufe or white Lead, vineger, and oyleof 
RAG RE . a I } ee SS fpeaketh: 
“ r 

Corn roeomif ens olee sche 
Tllius fusce: Aapitiscurare dolorem one 
( Quamuts ‘emda wnt poteris hot fa peperangens. it 

The headocarae the fame be. inal andnotmis, 

fr ‘Diofeorid cit D a, Atte oe } eof the Poet afacer' 
ss A aribu “i hi fuccvs, ria ie 
it manantem bene def ae 
- a — the inice PA, cruth the thenafe, 
: ae fe ng nas fall a Py mas ‘a hat fowes. 
M~ Ofw woke dala Pliniealfois: Sivben 1 ithftanding it is of power . 
ging, through the fharpe and biting qualitie that oi A . - 


eS Re ee eee 

ae wore OF whe get = Pid 

» jiitae t=) y 
nome itet th; ‘thata twelue ene sasha of the feede drunkein wine, peal ir 
dly me edielabs ,orthe po oyfono of Wolfés bane, birdlime,; Mufhroms ot Toadftoo 
notte {corpions {piders,bees, roprictéyatid wafpes; andi is reporte i eine 
gman be annoin ice of Rue, thefewillnot hurt him $ andrhat the ferpent ferhen? 
aya mi foe ao ei it is burned, in fomuch that whet the Weelelt isto ie wi th the. 
ferpent, fh 

$ Serer: 
; ‘htis 3 d we i ije todo 
pie =e otal B; eae “pugneture, 
ting “Pind Weezelsteach it one loyRen® fpite f ses | rly . 
Which when they are about with pow Blacke to fight, ; 
} . pyodou0r? » > JnwoondrousSreds Arfkofall Rue BERS seate eand bite, 
: ac 2 cn 5 a Or oe oe eee ee Le Foye ee Fy Ce we | “ae 4 & 
inst ji 15%, wast detde 2 ) y + ma AN ° re d.4 aaa 

3 « 

weeof the cel Poet hah cnsirieen 

i t potam siavesinals ramiefvenéniss: y satin sogaized ysty 
Hoc Mbridates rex Ponti fe * probauit, 
ite rute vibe igs a icum fale pauco, 


sibs se , ents sii 4 

ye Se 

ee Se ge ae ee Ae 2 
oO in] 
Qu. x. 

oe ie 

3.0 ee" 

2-63 5 
Ss. 3 
5 ee. 

% bs 
bo g 
is) s 

- ~ 

afting and freth t 
Afcore —_ eae sua oS rcherewith, 

in qua tad iz 
| ar dined ih fuch sine asthis 
at {nates foeuer 2 
r ao By rie at oe > ee a 
. ke to their vrmoften : z 
: 4 
: Likewife e47, pF fe fo } FO TER VL 

Alia puta pyrad ner cum Hesice nnx, 
Prafiant Antidotum contra lethale venenum. 
3 Garlicke us Peatsand eo thalfo, 
: with Nuts likewife and Treacle, 
_ Afou'reigne: Sanu ox vs do fhow, 

againft deadly poyfonan obftacle, 
Viging de i. further faith thus 
Salniacun ruta fain tibj peut a 

Sage and with it site Giste or Rue, 5 

Make es eee 

Q_R iled h Dill Fennell feede ,and fome Sugar, tn firth. 
thin, sthe st (sear of the ely and sean on as are pee ties a aie ! 

R The inice taken with Dill,as aforefaid — the cold fits of. agues,and altere th thej =i 

Ss wit. te cp 1 1 s¢ si purocerh {; baie A 5 dri te(tinum, d 
fecondine, Mean distin pt ee at Boe ; : Sy ae ee niuing foorth the | 
; -quen RN RES Pe Ree 1 A 
1 laturall 

aces the mike of thofe that giue = F es 
V staterte KL. 5 * 4 
x L 4 tps yy 9 F they L. eke ToL AFL 8S) ut sWar. 
5 AAS LEL vrine , 

ath of the bladder be Rs, therew. : . eft 

f it be miniftred in clifters, it there es and the torfion: or gnawing Paines of the 


Y Th he leaues of garden Rue boyled in water and drunken, caufeth one tomake water, prouoketh 
thet termes and ftoppet eth the las ke, 

Z al 

horh jin fmell 

: 5 and ate 
h ka pote or. aire fo tule tfull 
fcorcheth the face of nae that ae vpon it ser vp s, wheales, and other Ha it 
venometh their hands that touch it,which alfo will infect the face ifit be touched with them before 


The end of eseeae Booke. re 



—, ee defcription, place, time, names, nature and vertues of 
Trees, Shrubs, Bufhes, Fruit-bearing plants,Rosins see Roses, 
Heath, Moffes : JomeFndian plants, and other rare plants 
not remembred tn the Proeme to the firft b ooke. 
Alfo Mufbroms, Coral, and their 
Jeuerall kindes ,@. 

The Prdetie: 

5] Auing finifhed the treatife of herbes and plantsin generall,vfed for meate,medicine, 
W (gi orf fweete pee: vie, onely fome few omitted forwantof perfedinftrudtion, laa 

> W. ic 
¢ * 
4 re Pt {© 1 LE ) 31 ft The Tables, as well general! as 
1 etl foie <a | ay oe L, 
i s 

a Of Roses. er 

The kisde. 

4 He plant of Rofes hitch it beathebl bf ull of prickles,yer it had beene more 
conuenient tohaue placed it) with then mo: piorious flowers of the warldes nals , 
Gl i d thornie fhr 
chiefeft and moft principa It place aniong all see ers whatfoeuer, being ely 
J efteemed for his beautie, vertues, andhis flagrant and odoriferous fimell; ee 
bcanfeiis the honor and ornament of ot ou t En nglith Sc Scepter, a: as by the coniunétion appeereth in 

of th Whi ch pleafant Bowers dee 

3 t : 
Lp ¢. i See | ral » S YW 

Rofahonos, deeulyf form, 


, : ch tine ated saarhen’ 
The Rofe is the care and loue sf sig {pring, 
? be 

Doth wrap hishead round with garlands of Rofe, ~ 
When tothe daunces of the Grates he goes. 

Oi apchiak Tice. a {peal Le mere nee +4, f ¢} 
—— Tukecanb Rofes fall to aeuueah ie cha mast 
= cnn eer pt gelled sand others 

Ps. 1 ase 

, * 


ry 8 5) t f the e Gowers 
fi Ife, I { I inth ltituude of the A 5 OF in the few Me pee eran 
5 : chi or elfein 
Tec Cae Cot Paes Sen th ke re) iy 
i c rs DR. 4 L TI.; ka 

which ae eke beat foorth of Pangeeum, and planted i itin “on 

as  Pliniebit faith, 

Urner TO) erly, 
MM. tk b }-orhers obire d {ftofth Wh J P OP 
> > > fn 
C.} 4 ie c ], cp HI DN | eee Bx 1 ly fi 1 re lpecially thofe 
1 / a te Ae ive j —p 1 pies WR 

Ta amnifin me 4 aes via longior seine, 
Scrupeus atque nouitereretur carminis ordo, 

DebneramV iburna Rofeprettofametallo 
Pattolt; os where Arabum circundare gemmis, 
Thatisin Englith fh: 
5 j 1%, 
ye. 3 CT ome c 2 ye aT el # 
Thou Pe baltol Y d {+ Ki Keak a ‘“ 
: i z 1 Fa! tm a 

Notwi scice) Virgilius 
of fhrubbie tree, little, lowe, ee - —— “ in his ae, Belog comm cee 
Rome faith, 

Verumbhactantwn alias inter caput extulit urbes, 

But *this, among other cities and townes, ’ *Rome vpon 
Hathfo ae ries saws borne vp hir head; feuen hils, . 
By how much the Cyprefies carrie their crownes, 

_ Aboue the lore ‘viorns bending (like lead.) 

OS gueque te propter Donace i Sakti urbi, * 
ot modo egret inter uibyrnaCupreffos, " 
ee t inter Pinos Corylun frente cere in cs eee 
: yybi ich are thus 5s tranflated 3 
Andi if 
Ifyet among HS lichie Ps: a el beet it 
For Cyprefie trees with pointed tops their eites' tofhoote, 
Or Hafel! MEE among the Pines to take men roote. 

% The ea ein 

ESA F tt ries ie oF ole & erall defcripti ight fe n diftinguifh 


a Re feh sore es die fubtt ith d ia 
kles: cbr: whereofare i fal of prickles, whiereon dos growe ‘i ues confifting offue 
Teaues f dorms moft part, fet vpon 
fame,an: ag ned we thofe {mall a fomewhat {nipt about the edges, for SE edak 

ae necolout : from the bofome whereof thoote foort th long:  apeiapaate ‘idlea 
y ese Sp handeh a peoge ae eo 
whenit and ftuffed with a dow sada ng m; is contained feedeas 
fede teen islong rush and of a woo felebian 
Bas growe i Saar s, tyeees : the ftalkes are forte finoothersnd 


0 sig ae c ihe lp ae # ofa worle duftie colour: the flowers rae bet itis 

ey Roftalba. . 4 f 
poe , The White Rof. 

5 ' : 
yA tan 
*Ranntr, eth 


2S — 


Pe ee See ae 

FO Oe ee) LC Cae tae eae. 

4 Rofa pronincislis minyr. ’ 
The lefler Damaske Rofe, 



ae ey, THIRD sities me fe As a 

mmon Damaske Rofe in itauire, prickley br: refpegtes is] 
: Swvnieetore 5 the efpecal difference confiteth i in the esloge Aas a the foe a 
¥ a . 1 “1 145: 2 RS VB ie. 137 Dy ss “f 
alto aes oan the ia. Ss “ar 
5 Rofa fine (pinis. 
* TheRolewichoue prickles, % The defeription, 

5 The bes whoo prickleshath many 

oong fhoo mming from theroot 
uiding shomitlacs into divers branch + 
ugh,a wi itance,as are all 

fruit is rounde, re nitisripe,andftuf- 

2 _ fed with the like ta ahd — of thofe | 
oof the Damaske Rofe. 1 

bien 72 preading, 

% The defer iption. 

fr 3°, _ die 

: oaks hack: full 
: 6 The Holland or Prouine R affine gabe 
_ fharpepri 

: Dutnorful ff fweeteas the co reesan Dui fe-Thefes tke eo er of hiskinae. ee J 
“Weha an 

+. wers oak “a 
ie equa fish former eof ssph se of a 1 perfect red colour , Seles 8 ore 
¢ theP 

Fy ha in ad 


6 Rofo Hollandica fine Batawa. ‘ 
Th £11. th fe, mmon! Tad et 4 ince Roles the place 
ese Os : ame . mgr rer a All th cet ok nals 

cal itleye,and not plowed, then 
tha ] there be but fewe Rofes to 

h 1, eo 1 c j } ES 
o é + 4 ee 
ftorie, %& Thetime. * 
Thela i & 1 Taras } , fA ih we * G hy reafnn the 
es ia 2 ¢ 


If. a IY J a A sh, a they 
: t 7 7 
times flower euen vaitill October,and after. 1 The rnaihes. ; 
ys Sy BYR HJ aT oa RR Re i) plant i a2 felfe j ns which in Lavine 

it er) 

Ei ays Sgt et yr: rs 
— deth fo oorth plentie of{m vi 3 
_ The middle ¢ partof the Roles tn chiues or feedes,and tips, is aalled Athos; mi 
3 Te Ree | fel oe ee oe Qe Lf J L sbe aes 
bs 8 5 hd ,: 1 Cc. peters a cz igh pene 
Beyelonp part a ae the flower. ; ; eset slais , a 
f var 1 f ly it, Qo ek f Led k ey abour, 
Balas icbe ope d; whicl ber fi 08 haue beards andtwoh fift hath 
alt +d Ich the husk frhe Rof s. The thootes of the 
Pitecneal, tes inhis ice ga Saxdels 4 th cal W LY L aa : 
“The white Rofeis called Re “a alb shi in high Dutct 3 Roofen; 

Rofa fai 
olpne, Dutch taintte Ross in French ia ei tens Kofa, or hors Campana, 
- Thered Rofe is called in Latine Rofa Rubra:-of the as men Refe Franche, Rofe de Prowing a 
towne Thebes zof Plinie Trachinia, or Prane ae 

ees 2 3 cr. oo : CD 

1082 THE Uldea EVOKE CF THE 
t=) firtt broughein. 

lly Hed tl P i Rofe 5 which hel, 
b : Ti. CUI Weel a c 1 fa Cannot 
_ ison f; Tae {Date Lin Jot d Rofe; bur 
byal all ie > > made a 
eee emeth to agree withtr ss rand irerbyare 
he Rofe without Laat is scaled in Latine Roff Sin me pints, and ma be called 
Raft without thorn fe rans Viel, he 


tot thefe ie of auope 

} 1ei } ra hecharitc /, 1, f,, 
5) t=) Uji, 

% F hetemperature. 
ts oS 4 cn 

ThAT Chea £2 AG ca 
ur : 2 } y do confit shaue alfo divers ang 

fiitAlvic fickte ry } } } 1 l o1> : 
3 1 other maift 
Pe 2, j 1 re W } 1 L Lan }: Se. ied aA. aU Wate. 
*, / f fr 2 fort:f; 
1 Pe ae? pS TE. } ae Sarge & 1 } o ge ee 
het a 1 C. Cea. x 1 Lf: Bi i 
= 2 3 +? Lair 
OF EEN VW A s * } Yo. 1 ay °o ele 
r bs £ 3 > . 
%& The vertues. 
a Th PA.) Toh in BEY pe If 1 n L 1 L het 1s 

a1: 7.6 Wel wists pe ee o ALL gof the fpi. 

B The Ginebence funk ing dithes,cakes,fa sand many other pleafi hings,givetha 

fine and delectable tafte, 

£ "3S | i= 1} & 

D- ~The ino thefe Roles, edlye of mbar doth moue to pee ‘ftoole, and maketh ity 

1. rae | 
E TH. Vay Sree Saitek (. 5 oF pee ae oe yb ro ya 
. 1 nv 1 a Ye CHAT Lt . } at ] ae | fed & . 
= 1 t 1 At. J a ! re 
oo F ele Tsprofiatec ae re belly | ae and foluble , when aseither h de of other 
{ ftro: nger purgat ements which 
{ti iF "s = 1 L si Ln GC. J res * - a bes: 4 Ry shen 
“s € > . Fé . . . f 2 i ary - 
pee oe : 1 1 ; Ve ie} ee ry at, 
WHE Bee Tt n ] . at Ake Pe ares | ners ope ft hor hur. 
tr 2 3 / 
. Py L 1 a Le}. 7 j } 1. L nn L. 
i 1 > a ra) 1 L ee i>: rat j A 4 ‘2 1 7 , 
y . Gi ; 
H Ort 1¢. me Cobeks te Pee (pecially if t be onel bruifed 
‘ Se ke: } qu: cer ot 6s bri & Mi Ss 
fj 3 f~) / 
: wT haere oe d Rofes. s 
ey Pe fe es 1: 1 L , pee | t 
_. Thereisin the red Rofes, y 
: am 1.,1D. : Rf. {rib palfo 4 be and Feth he ef 5 yetnot 

SS ee p a PARE at oS 1 fieth , ‘which dey oo 

an a 1 : : TE Ok eee ] 
me ts feet ie ge Ate ales aise 
(a= a tad : 

-mhuch as of ae Sess seed TI gdried, y 


"a Thevoraoe!: ng zee 



erat: ae 

£3 NR ate Re ee 

Ikinde of count opis and other ee theybeco 



g 4 
eon eee ry it doth “ 83 fet vores 
hete wiper ature and vertues of the e partes. 
a i J P| 7. D 
=, pags gsotRofes, rice Ci. Dok TO , P 
ety ‘.% ar r: rae f PMs | ee C. & 
thecups an “ys eT ff PEARLY Sg ie 

L L 2. uu 
ble. i SU Ses! Px é . e fl 
be Chiron greatly, to catrie ftore thereof with him, which doth there preuaile much more 
than atthe ; 

C. 1 qd L h ee ee ao 1}. 3g Cio ae, 
s “ 5 .. 
Ips but thofe at the land allo, likewife the wh d , ifthey be 
j ples therof gi dwine, with a little powder of Ginger 
he ii } LS £ € j . {rn fy Ee 4 * 
added t lereto: 24 2 D 7 r P 
ray. 4 > Ee po p/. , eS wn Lh bit een 1 ae | D 
5 ng ; 

Ther roote te of the wilde Roles isa f Slats ce (fad out ty oracle) we the hs of aF 

The ciuice, infufio 

r fofgentle, Toofingso opening ae | purging gently the cil which may ybe taken at nal times andin 
) ap! t. 4 eT Se } oa e ins H 
. Me 1 7 ee, A ree wa 1 } 5 } 1 ng L 1. “ # 
dies, Chet hair oe ee et ies ee. = 6 ftir: 
é ‘4 =] oO ” 
wih is 8 made: 
| papemndofligieea hite end y, put th fteepe or infufein fixe pintes of I 
4 ob rin an open veflell for the ff ftweluch hen ftraine tt sand pur th 
; Be 832 sabe, (RAG 7 L ps y nes | fl Woke cit } ts L 
; => L 2 re) 2 
—* orfiue times; in th dadd li | infi | Si 
thenboylei he fe f a firupe a senen ~ ennai fang cece 
it fory wh y e wine,or other liquor, from 
one a vato two. : 
a | ra tey! eee Vi 1. fe >: Ic pS 4 1. aK 
Take C yth L: + ee } Bat Meee WiaeEs f in 
* (hall 1 eos i Si en x WE sk t = 
inyce, th c y all A g gar, g quanti ieof the 
“on a fi impes you may iaue a few ipa . roe of Vitriol, which goths ita moft beau M 
mav f. 1. = on © aa ae , a ES : Eee BP if 
Th G CRifco Ha} , ee | q “ J. ks}. i Bo EERE BE | NT 
orboyling ken in th ino falting: andlat atntet. Qoenod hthel Teakert 
Py ae Seefia d o o a <= ee? 9 2 4 Nee é 
gand bling th f, ftrengti hrtheliuer, kidneies , and other weake intrailes, 
pen ey 8 bach: * 1. j Py ae et he pan ay Eo 
x b, 3 : 3 
-moft iliar tt { for tt i {es aforefai 1, andis thus made: 
the] ailescut tof one pound , i fear h p | oO 
i i * i Sr ed wee 
apinte anda hal eof Ries ftirring g itha wooden flice, foletthem ftand 
= ra te clofe couered fom hreeh 3 then ferthem to the fire flowly to boyle, ad- 
ng th fo fim; Bi ‘ ding to difcre- 

tion fome hower. or eine a it fie your ee 

i Rol at your oe them P 
thoi faire water, haning regard to the quantities f foi youhauema oat 5, youmay take 
the more watersif. aan eis lefle water will fer 
. howers euen ill 
which time the Roles. ‘vill lofe theircolour, nee uld et json lt, and ae hing 
Matted, Soe Se dane fot Hioogsheae ofes haue loft their colour, the w ; 
aa 4 


tinture therroks 3 then thall you adde vnto one pes of Rofes fower pou nde of 

pure pow g us fhall you let them boyle ffinfogarin 
the Sie is pute thereto , continually fitting i it oy igs after 
hii d i 5 as wellfix he 2) whetof 

goodnes i in araite. sas: alfo for the beautifull colour. a 
The making of Iknowen, asalfo Sugartofet, and diuers 

other pretie things: made of Rofes and Sugar, which: are impertinent vato our sr bic caufeLin. 

for our cunning confeGtioners, 

Of the MCuske Roses. Chap.2. 

& The kiwdes. 

ag t Sie f Fog 2 pee oo 1 y: ‘ ay ee | } * oe 

Ps 1 L; 1 
o 3 Cc a + co + Ks 1S Rate Hic ee a Rasy: - ox 
©. od . ™ Sa oe 
convenient to.putthem in a chapter b hofe of the gard 1 thet 5s indiffe. 
¢ cl ildeR oroftrherame. fe h Je th ee 
3 ? o 
3 f, rh f, Ly 8. 5 RS} 
I Rofa Mofchata fpf a 2 Rofa Mofe’ atamultipler, 

th he ri MuskeR The double ie aes 
S , G2) aA 


f Thede defirip cat 

“He fingle Muske Rofe bath dues es thootes of a co colour on a pth 4 

row él Pe San nese yea Deas teg SoS f f nade like the 

fm cll jiketh that of Muske,whereof it rooke | aine yell ant in the middleas ae 
the: reft of the Rofes haue, The fruitis red when it i nase and dflled with bee chaffie flockes 

2 Te 



~ “The double Musk »ftalkes, and rootes, norit 
2 Salone th fh he L - , L } Li 
2 é 
clits the difference, ‘ 
ee A Pa hinh x Cimni< Ww POCA Oe 

se: h. Theda 4 } f ¢ vi6 1 1 L L 
percha iebupe vers hee e very fingle,greater then the oth 
Muske Rofes , g aM 
colour,w which weca allabluth colour. T proportion of the whol “? 5 asalfo the fmell of th 
fowers,are like the prec ceden 

3 Rofa Holofericea, "4 Rofa lu 
The veluet Rolfe. The sick Rofe, 


Beak 7 

iss vy ww 



: >) 
= ih WN 

4 aN (ee 
. - —> a : sx 
‘i ay SS 
. X 
a ee 
: hm, E 
“ha A Ps of 
: e dnck 
; 3. Pha wahiies Tc 1 
,> P} t WL 
B) s ie 
_ themoft tender skin thac i: I likethe} f the white Rofe: the A g: at 
ll + L dit, Caw AR } 
im _ Pstopofth , 

E Re vaded, there followe red berries fullof hard des weappedin a eat: or Seiliine ie 

Theyello low Rofe which (as diuers do teport)was by Arto colouted, and altered ftom his firfe . 
os pacha a wilde Rofe vpon a Broome ftalkes a (fay they) i it doth not onely change 

: yee Woo por a eigcos tt, 2 sich ener 
: eat hat hane beer ffed. Moreouer, the {eed Rofes ha 

y wetetakem 5 Y 


y werenota naturall kinde of 

Rot Tate were contrary to a true CO 
Nature {equi wit ar femb ina quodgue fuse, thati is tofaie: 

Eucrie feed hi 
ses errour, Twill llproceed to the defcription. The — Role hath Bee and prick fale ating 
{ ice 
7 1] } gt rg 1 it Cy C.1 1 = eof au excel. 

among the leaues, q eee oat 1 cof: ee ae a Cts Come foo 
midd le, 1 i-Lihe: I Call Fon 1 ot 4 ] 1 : ums in the 

= vo 2 ‘3 3 PRAr.1 

: ' ANOLES Dear, 

5 Roe Cinamomea pleno flore. 
° The Posie Cinnamom Rofe. Thedeftription. 

Hor peneoni s th 
Snelling is “Cin nnamom., hath ce ear 
pe owne colo co ios er cul bis i = 

slant are v every ingle where 

Thefe Rofes are plant ur London gar- 
Pe yand elfewhere,but Ri er wildein Eng- 

The tim 
The Mu ke Ro “fe ais in Autume, or the 
fall of the leafe: the reft ower when the Damask 
and red Rofe do. 

Sern F- Dutch gs on oat ae aes 
: 4 tay do . 
es % The temperature. 

W dJaminant: the 

: The Mi iskeRofe i is cold in the firft degr 
reftare referred to the Brier Rofe,and Eglantine, 
; ; % The vertues. 
les ox ti leof the Muske Rok » inmaner as before toldein the sec 
“A 1 fely, tallda anger, rakenin 


quantitie of a an es inweight, 
The leaues of wers caten in the morning,in maner + ofa fallade, sesh ails vineger aati 
or phe way eS to the appetite & eigen oft them: that (hall eareitspurgeth 

Tf RS pian ps} aot pee wne fancies tOF orf 

7 tT 3 f=] r thes 
¢é at 

ite without all perill ore 


AIS See OF Mei ol he 


eS fitic,: f 
 } sogers Ppp acy eae 3 

| and 

i felfe 
then white leaues aes in a wooden difh th a anaes off Allan 
: eel a oe hace dried i in the thadow 

haue often prooued 
m and the iuice ftrained foorth e 


Ae OE, | 7 1 All 

gerie ink ks, but alfo tocolour 

There i isnotany es exta 

y ome, 
i. } nN Ms ee 

Role, whereof they are taken er holon tobe kinds, 

Of the wilde Rofes. 

Menge by C+. A Py are 

% The kindes. 
Eh. ae . 

| to the white Muske D 


1 Rofafylueftrts odora. 
The Eslaninesor iweete Brier, 

The defeription 

t:theRofes are lirele, fiue 
ono o fell atall 

ellmoft leafan 
ple ~ 

I: the fru teis a 

1 fn 

2 RofaCanina inodora é 
The Brier Role Or ‘Hep tree, 

eB: tho apie higher then all the kindes of Rofes ; si tok oote 
arc hard,thicke,and lists theleaues are glittering, andofabeaut 

ifull greene Galout, 
oft commonly whitith, feldome 
,of colour fomewhat ‘hee oe alittle — 

it leffer then thofe oft 


48 cr 
oe oe le aso ee Yop | i 1 : i ag lai ie <i 
e.Lpf, 1 4 1 1 i by and other etie ew. © 
atts and fuch like ditt B 
g ; aS) } e dithes for plea 
and therefore this fhall {uffice for the defcription. P fe thereof, 

Rofa Pimpinellas 
The Pimpernell Rofe. -  % The defcription, 

3 The Pimpernell Rofe is likewife 
wilde ones , waliot ofe ft falkes thoote foot on 

grow atthe tops of the branches , ofawhiteco- 
Jour, sh linge and lke ynto thofe of the Brier 
or Hep tree; afterwhich come the fruite,blacke, 

contrary to allth Fthe Rofes, roundeasan A 
app reupon fome hane called it Rofa Pom 
fea e Rofe ating Apples : whereiniscon- 
< ned feede, wrapped in chaffie or flockiemat- 
Ky can ie sharoe the Brier. Theroaesghad 
a: woodie, » % The plac 5 
Dea he: efe wilde R Rofes do pei: inthebordersbf — 
Bex fieldesan in moft par " 
“ay laft groweth very plentifully in sila 
‘ froma village it 2 sO es 
brinke of the riuer voto Horndon 

the hill, infomuch had de felde | is full fraught 

: therewith all ouer. 

; It groweth likewife in apattureas yougoftom 
ony Liter } Wat. igt hee de : Fulham, 2 village thereby, and in many other 

laces, oS ee. : 4 
P. 1 i" a Sis ey, tT q g a3 ‘ which we thinke ;yawoortie : 4 
the plac The time. : 

~- They fawer and flourifh with ti the cher Rofes. 
Th z 
a ee | a RT ps Bt = 8S forcasiae® fe} fae, akinde of Dogs Roe, andy and Ref 

> $C) ae : or Liha tye al as x 

Ss = ag ve al pee itto be re on, of Can phere of which re ate vasbah 

nosbat us, Ot Canirubus, which fome call Oxycantha, isa fhenb 
Sapa a rouctlees Sth awhite esha fruite like an oliue {tone ested w when itis 

om within :in Englifh Eglantine,or MasiDe 
baka s which are found vp canta : 
etn x 

ea rot the white Thome, though t 

in rnolefle j 
eror ep treeis called Syluefris Rofa, ry reitenoe. in high Da ch gine Ba nitth a 
5 oles [ataas es: Plnie inhis 8 bookeand 25. ¢ Pane eg fait h, that i itis se ce 
nine “4 —— Thorne: in Engh buth, and He ; 
beeneouchedin he de Pr eee Be wi pT ce pam 


% The temperature and vertues. 
PM ie AOE, Xl) pated Cc ? 1 

The faculti 1Rofe, butnor vfed in Phificke A 
where the other may be had: notwithftanding ‘Phayafficmeth that theroote ofthe Brier bufh is a 
. tif, 4 hvO) 1 The Ree Sat Cc. 1) Lc Les LQ) 5 
~~ =) ©. 



er his &.booke,4 r.chapter, oat ( 
)  Thefameatchor alfirmeth in his 25. bookefeconde chapter, that the lie fpungie Brier ball B 
a } 2.3. f. poy, & 4d = * at ae 3 a 2 ts ‘gis ra tet 
: 3. tg ~ aime a g e 

rome tl 
: Haye ‘ Pi * BS : 
Alovecia, or the F 
called = ; } } } {}- . ‘ £ 1 +) . fi 1 >> wed 3 pF BP Ps 
td In os 17 yok os ig 7 7 72 = t=] ‘ > be) bay - agrees 
Oo é é x Sa f 2 x é 
TI d hey bed F kers of vrine; oras they are wearers away of D 
he ft. ee Pate i her b vf ye l a 1 1 1 ST ae te Se : 
the tone, a] : be) tip ae 
: 1 ] me poe Sa pe Pui 3 En L C.1 Lt on atone 
: o eee rie cy co cy: w:6 RES wo; sag Tae 
} it GOR ss ] as Gee bed LI Se Te) La abe 
‘ Se Sn ia zs euk pitt 7 
: arenot diminifhed , worne away; or driven foorth, buroft 5 and made 
___ morehard:forthey feparate and take away that whi hin the bloud is thinne 5 watery, andas ic 
were whayifh; and the ¢ ickerpart, the ft ger fe CAR ie aes itt oy 
1 3andi Mi i 1 1. oo. a 1 1 1 P og Cel as Galen 
: ; OF 7s Oo 
inhis fift booke of the faculties of fimple medicines dotli teport. : oe 
~ | rs i Cr i > 1 7 ftp] La iL 1 g i , as Tartes and fuch E 
f a 1: g 1 CT : L . g Cooke, ‘and penne to L 5 L rich 
_ Mansmouth, 

Ofthe Bramble,or blacke Berrie Bufh. Chap.2. 

% The kindes.. 

Whack tx AZ : & CR. hy 

Sat s 

I Rubus. ‘ 3 2 Rubus Ideus. . j 
‘Lhe Bramble Buh, ; ‘The Rafpis buth,or Hindberrie. 
4 2 aN heh 

ither,fet vpon tender: 
: eter ofthebranches, pe eect fower finall white leaues, like tol e the Cherietss sole 
which co tl ernie of o: soe 


%& The defcriptio 
Hecommon Bramble bringer foorth flonder branchés , long, 

tough , = bowed 

ramping among hedges , and whatfoeuer ftandeth neere vntoit, armed wi ade and 
‘ Ye 
ri GA 4 j ayy! Li Li ete 
See ma Sire SRE De Cee apa re Nar aa = | ie of el tie hetops of of the Aas —- 
ta 9 js 

L eS Ks | \ EY 

i i Mulberie, fit pe 
ripe,in af aaa souttt and fower, very foft and salar graines: “ios henieis 
— ie heere and there yoong fpringes, 
afpis or Framboife bufh hath ae and branches not much vnlike the common Bram. 
ble, but not fo rough not pr prickly, and fometimes without any prickes at re nse onely y2rough 

aha Peet 3 poe 1¢ Bramble sted when 
Post re “oes increafeth, 5 a BR 
3 Rubus Sax. 4 Chamemorus, 
Stone aN Berrie tree, Knot Berrrie tree, 

— Sfeription. Rashes Mote; dae 
3. BS aanbikliea groweth pee oote high ‘having many {mal etenargorih 
ling vpon the ground, couered with 2 sedan barke, and fomwhat hairie: the feaues grow 

piorip nfifting of one, two, or three grain ttogither = 
the or Bramble, colour whe n they be se and fora ea rafte but gee! 
: ther P de, whereby itgie® 

what t= 2 2 
"a increas Se Shee : 4 Chama 



, ) Knotber 

fesandkKnovehe bese, is ike . ove kd fhe Bran les, hau epposhpeices: ‘it bringeth 
Lf } nenes or 

foorth t 

cessough Jeaues, in thape like hoe of ‘ho Mallow, not ‘Yolike to see leaties of the Goofeberrie> 
nfifting of fiue fmalleaues, 
sadathe purple colours which being fallen, the fruite fucceedeth ik vnto that of the Mulbe- 

I the firtt fterredy» 
“eo wes he ‘roote i ve ng, {i hine | ie: fi hich k apie 
gndfom what pleafant: the slo: g nots or joints thruft 
foorth a see ¢threadic firings. 
% The plac 
The Bramble groweth for themoft partin euuery hedge: and buth, ‘ 
‘TheRabi sis Pp ened a rd , except in the field by 2 } 

ein Lancafhire called Harw ood, not farre from Blackburn 
a Boe foundi itamong A buthes of a cawfey, 1 Beers vntoa aie called Wifterfon , ior 

Boe branble [haue found in diuers fieldes in ce Ie of Thanet, harde by avillagecalled 
RS es houfe, fometimes Sir Henr 
Knot berries do to poser Inowie gities and mountaines : sit jets peels vpon Ingle- 
borough hils' amo me 
en in En nglan 

L p> aA RET 9 BR IURK7nft 1 

J, and vpon other wet ae 

and Mountaines. 
ae we The time. 

Oey a] ay pa IT seh fruite is ripe in th d f Auguft and Sep-. 

sy a 

% Thex, 
etiant is called in. Grecke | Bens: ‘in French Rouges, Loi Duyts Brelmers: in Latine Robua;, 

4 and Sentis 

Aut lepors, qui vepre latens hoftiliacernit 
. Ora canum, ; 

 Ofdi i" : - fo -, L * ah ee ee 
o ten: ethan h4 Bycew 1 in French R in Iraliz 

ramble Buth and “aeapecgg oa Buth. 

as we haue writ- 

; “acini jum,b pene? a? 
: hee a a rae 1 Enolith BI ckberries. : 

: “TheRalpiciscalied es ecke Bémsitzia:in Latine sy of ihe mountaine Ida on which 
& itgroweth ‘in Englith Rafpis, Eramboife,an nd Hindberrie, 


hetemperatureand vertnes. 
young buds or endef tepsofihe Bram the | i 2A 
fide uch dry and binde e withall: being chewed t they tak e away the heat — 

hi nou ands almond ds ofthe shore ty the halite fixe, and. other pnreacie an manerof 

Theyhea le the ei rare ty Cc 5 + Aeon gy ye ep ; ee B 
Pierce oe aes a eens 2 : f 
The iuice which is sah ieatie ftalkes,l sand vnripe berries,andmadehardinthefun,Q 
moreeffectuall for Dostana pie : jeer nad = = 
ripe fri qo eres. ee tet Sg 

>a certaine kinde of aftridion or bitin gqualitie. 

ife for that caufe holfome for the lage sand ifaman eae too largely rs Ss 
1 the! os pecbeing dried |whileft itis yet vnripe, i it bindeth an 

e Hipe fru 

shatie binding, ontainedh in; eer ae ( cof 
sees) in the bs fa ( 


 Phini ke iid that theddizsacd Jee a 
wine,is aprefent remedie a = "Wea lk 
v4 7 abit BOER 9 STS Brey Bes FO } : Yl Pe es c2 . 
mt ae th 1 ee Ah, hes es ie rate ed he 
ch o od Aa 
of manor woman; and faftneth the teeth. pet baat 
"Tl. TP ae og: L L L Wl » BES: LI < J 5b 
dine her divine. The {asie faith Diofior id fe ie higinahs l oo Rabi 
pa ae ws ft : Ra ey 1 } ge 9a ee 
t=) 4 acke€s, 
Of Hollie Rofes, or Ciftus. Chap.3. 
_& T: he kindes, 
C rf 5 A Ey 1 yg | 
thereof, Male and Female} and likewifea thirde fort, whichis called Ze | 
“et be hy fLall b j ] j ed Zs dum: the ie Heke 
ie { 
oe | 57 SS PY p SAY L By APG od Crit. j 
é é inf he ? s oS ie sé 

th. kK ys 1. 
vneenuen ,wrinckled, fomewhat downie, and 
2 aye 

Criss Litus yand bis kinds eo woody fhrubs full of branches 

]. CC Te} Ey = 1 1, 

of thofe ofthe Pocket tree :the flowers growe on ei tops of the Mathes like vnto the wilde Rofes 
yet t fuch as very aul fade, » perith,ja and fall erie  thofe ofthe Male , , arc moft of a reddifh blew, 

round, - , BS Le if. ne } L r.L W i: 
1 {1 1, 1 } L 


cifte,which i is ahicke: jfat, grofle fullofit 
or boxes, as do thofe of Henbane , or of the Poncgitae tree , “ofa selon red es 
So 5 ‘ 

; ’ % The defeription. 
2 AEs 
4 Yr yt Cee i Ra 3 {pict : it y ehittos 5 Retey % fide tof. yt Litance three 
| fa 0 aa: SES as by g Ee = rp 11 Facet R: L Y pte ae | Rs ‘ ~ 
ase 5 * 1} or c 1 ¢ 3 Pat af re 
Irple hat wet cous 
vers for 

purple leaves fom 
«new dri edb etre be cen, andin on ial ioe oo or thrums: 
them a rt do pe aa nd fall away before ar oe rceafe flowring, in fch maner, from 
,themoneth of Maievnto the begin ning of September, at which'ti me the feede isripe , being ofa 
reddih colour andi is ‘contained inan hard haite chuskeynot much vnlike the huske of Henbane 
g Cifius,which Penacalleth ce : 

saat age ; 
from which is drawne by an bers ps re certaine te inicaseaffed infho 

kind of ciftus oi Haas woody ftalks divided i into divers brit tle ‘edshaah oles 
: dog es,and of anouerworecoG0- 

1 MS er ae eee oe ee FD eee 

Sr 31 a : ddith 
Sa ‘ oe ¥ 
A. hast at = ee L L FR A thruft cogither 
ps Ae er colour:the root 


1 Cistus mas anguftifolius, 2 Cifius mas cum Hypociftide, 
The male Holly Rofe, The male Holly Rofewitlvhis excrefCence, 

wa, aN OD 
Ss bx wi g 
=\ SSS ay S&S 


me fS 


NI aNY ‘i 


4 C2flus mas tenutfolsus, 

Thin leafed Cittus, 

3 Cistus mas dentatus. 
* Toothed or fnipt male Ciftus. 

Ste es tihoware .zsisss! © 
£ ee nm 

$c cif femin . a 
The feocale Ciftus, ytd oe sa 


/ ue % roe rit : 
at. Cut fae ef; pedtfauin 
eset are ofa mate fecclt with Seen oe thrums in ihe middle eee 
wherein co 
6 “The econd female a Mathias Staten hath many hard and woodieftalkes baal 
wich divers a inge ¢ y rough 
walle eslsiesatrig hich = foorth finall whi , lik vo » thof oe < 
roote istoughandwoodie. =a S95, Se 
‘3 ( CC’:a 8 L r [ee MOR Mommy <p ee bof hati hai 
3 branch te Ee ky ae | } y, Speco ae wee 
ae os hoarie, it Pouer with alind ofr ealine eaenlanc 

Ciftus: sea likewife noise ied 5 in bit Atbecesk ec 
diftan ya leanes clofe joined cogither atthe fta es the low wers ee 
ir c en edgeo of the S 
*Ciltusislikew ep xoodic Thin bs ete ate very brittle ali thi 
kinde n do grow on leaues like thofe of Time. tthe flowers are) white ae 
itone of the femal és of siiy 
v fe Ciftus ae leaues promenade afinallfib yee if t 
ys0fa d arke greene colour : owe ate in forme lke the othe erssbH 
likewife woodic, 

7 ciliw 


Cift ws folio La 

a ied leafed nei 

7 Cistus folio H. 
Ciftus w vel “coe like Sea Purflane, 

iM A/¢ yy au 
\ NBDBIZ aes 
NY <= Sa = 

10. Ciftus humilis violin 
_ Low Ciftus with broad leaues? 

9 Ciftus folio ; 
_ Cittus witha ae leaves as 


u fib humilis anguftifolius 2G ; 
w Ciftus with narroweleanes. 2° Cis humilis Auffriaes ce 

Low Ciftus of Se ch, 

= The de, aoe. 

a whe * 1-241 Citirchackh 2 ig L hes! : g he grounde, whereon 

v ate at the firft, rdes bitter; 

the f flowers grow on the tops B sys ae ofa yellow colour, confifting off Icattes,with cere 

taine pi in - beens after whieh follow three {quare cods or feede ve elfels: re rote is tough 
and w 

to the bef ha cgay 
fae “cg w very ™ + 
os vpperlide is 

hic low Sree, Ciftus a sti lone stough branches sellin ed nto red : 
y ,whereon do grow eal leattes like thofe of wilde a oe F 
sand fome aitie : the lowers grow at the topof the bra scare | 
is ich ar 

leanes ot avery fweete fmell : the + 

cof LO. Obels obferuation , I haue thought 
of theirs, ifnot one of she linda 

= ddd 





tus humilis ferpills folio. 
Low Ciftus with leaues like wilde 


Vrntiy dA 


The Reuerende D. Penny his Ciftus, 

ti An 

x (} S 



Canaan FOR ctamn! 

Ciktus exotica L’Obe. 

L’Obelins his {t 
tociStus Thoma Penn 




rH CW yr. 
ey SSS 
~— ~ Wy YY tf 
SS, ‘W 








SES $.3 

i) i 3 

OS, : Wm 

QW cq 

3 = RY 3 

=e « 

On 3 eN 
mo = 

The definintion,, val 3 pes Gy 

This adulterine or sale ates rged Ciftus sone ea ae hei i toc | 

ss branches are long and britcle, whereon do growe long fii like th na hei ee 
ouerworne ruffet colour, The doivess are vel confifting of fine little vile a wr 
plant being well viewed, feemeth to be a Willo ee eg at the Sirft fight, on neoft he City ie sfothat 
isa plant patticipating of béth.The roote is woo it 
16 This ki ide of Ciftus, which Dotto se q a 4 faba Dhite.. or Lon on ceed) 

1} Pe eS 

us Balearita,is afhiubby tree, growing to the height of es es hating 
ei round about with robgh Si & feabbed wartes , whichiba tk willof it felfe sally aa 
oldebranches ot onal st the tree. A heleaue es of this tree are almoft like Mm of ALyrtes very 
rough vaderneath hike her, and rowardsithe 
top of the branches are! G neothe, growing about the branches v very Paice sai, as in the other 
kindés of Giftus. g. ng of fiue long 
leaues, follof m many very long chines within, When th fie floweed sd ceva ded, ae tow etha avery 
long and fiue fa’ head or buske, full of fede. The whole tteeis very feel which ae ; 

17 Cistus Cif iene oli LObe 
Ciftus itege one yeere, |< Long "at a Cittus. 4 

- : : 
- %& Thedcfeription. | Cale 
Cikoron se ‘vp from aes one vpright ftalke to ee <e 


necolour. The flowers growe atthe top of the ftalkes, confifting of fief 
es cing paft, there followeth oe pate feed velfell full of final reddifh 

ste swoodiegeedch per wate fds peters = 18 . This 


ic other Cif tt 

18 Th hsb oO = é o 
| h lo grow! hl settee eccrine ilaees, 
hei aye a 1 + < o thts 
rig al t Tane 
4 t= ¢ i=4 
themidd! the female Ciftus, £ hi | } is of. lie fubft as arcall the reft 
ches ss 3 
; % The place 
ly >t 3 g } : and =e . 
ser Pas, in vall “Herruria and Maffil yandi y ott t ofthe hotter prouinces of pe in 
, oa Geell) 1 }- 3. 
dry and ftor - FS SPE 2 jen, gl n 2 tee t ind 7, 
of whi 
* race 
They flower from Maie to September. 
% The mame eS. 
The Hollie Rofe is calledin Greeke xi inl atine alfo C#/fus and Rofa filuaticasof d 
i ; Catt bf 
vers Rofa Canina Scribonius L rg h, b Eflep ofthe Po rtin- 
gales Rofl TS a gif BAI PA 5 and Cit { here name. -T angus Excre fens 
hi h f Ciftus,is called in G sesviganle it ‘owe = acento 
Ciftus itis alfo called Limode d Wit wre; amon ie AE gin , who 
Ly, DIRE aes, J 955 ee ee niet kK ss l 

upon might grow the worde Fypectitis, by: which the ii do ey name thi iuice 
when itis hardned : 

* The temperature. 
rif > ok es Cred ls ah scaks nel, pe J 4 23.2 fC. 
| Od o - ° 2 ba 4 

1. £9. ms eT 1 Ag t }.1 F ssall 9 Wy AE: i apa L ee ey . 

I g > ly drie and 
EOS es Tp hy tf ter] nS 4 

? ve 7 Q x: 
} Ue Thevertucs. 
afr £748 I. 4 q o - 2 

e Ps flixe, A 

weakenes of the relly duxes,and ouerflowings ofmoifth : 
: ee Gortdes teacheth that oe area 2B 

1 hey cure putrified vicers being ae in manet of ap 

nings, {cald Idings,and old vicers. 

itisa fu Jie for all infirmities rl 

T HUXeS 5 as 
vo Hi ft ee as h Ate LES pA | og: L Tagg 'e9 fel } 4 Cc 
parreghoek ‘ 1 ae Sa ae “7 oe pe ae eee ft ~. h ie 
| f 3 y tengthen the 
ssi 1 4 DEG Sw * 1 C.. c. gy st 1 VI: D 
kispuino te le of vipers,to the end it fhould comk 1 ftrength kebodies,as 
t ~ 5 1CS, as 
Galen writeth, 4 

Sip ay hades A Lak 

a Thedefe rd: gaat peex 

rhe. * = “4 

nax of € “fies Sbepton: which I hold tobe the true and ai Panax; notwi thins nding 

¢ hath inferted ir a “te the kindes of Ciftus , as as being indifferent to ioine je we vs 
ion i , hat 

2 Z Took 
I i br oma 

ice favand fl of Chak y ] ie ee c. “mrt 

psorbuttons, a a btown : 
ee ixed w hye thee open etal ie thofe of the wilde Tanfie, & ofa a 

the colour, with fome gee chiuesi in eax Foote is thick & ofaw oodie f ae 
pay Strait 

the etpecial} ie Coolie en roote is a the former, 
Bbbb 4 

zane Aaa 1 fern 

$ I Heliantheium Anglitum/uteum | 2° Heljanth one eee ; 
Englith yellow Dwarffe Ciftuse: >! “\s White Deana Cis ofa 

i arffe siftugs of 
a” One 
ee ON fe | 
ou, \ a < YE yO 7 

»~ . ES Ox ls 
‘ A iG 

er ui =} 

rh » bed 

A tote te 

Cohia fakin ct En, 
yr 4) a 

Z ap 

LOTR are 
AN NA, Cis 
ae pri 


a, ~'f Wy / =— S 
=" SN > ADO 


x sp 
> je iS a, ae Ar ofstee 
oe ha sais vag 
“4 Hehanthemum alum Germanium, 
The white Dwarffe Giftus of G rmani¢, 
So. SPQ 
| d-NAy 
FF px yi Ry 



Sens OZ 
A es 

“eS Sh Se = 


© ee 
ba Pra int Artoneene * a 


» & The deferi;tion. 

< 1 Vt 

¢to.Ciltus,and Ledon but tmuch leffer, creeping 
is round, sh be propped 
rene ion 8 do grow leaues lefler then thal ofl or Citas 2 very like to that of our : Englifh 
white dwar Ciftu ne ee fubtt 

=» OFA} lour: the rootes be flender, woody, 
eine red. 

fauine tharehe 4 Lh Cc 

theotbers plone 3 wherein they cheesy ‘uit ‘3 ’ 

ia L 

white, and 

Shes aasiche beinalis Sabaw 

The Dwarffe Ciftus ots Suaaie: 
sae Fs 

6 Helianthemum aneufifolium, —~ 
Narrow leafed Dwarffe porns, 

ie ription, 
= he Diva Cis of ore ia divers tough aoe a Gara verie tough 
tae tuided into diuers other branches :w ereon are = cae pepe lowes eS einch, oe 
gtaine {paces sthe flowers grow at the top of the ip 
6 4 

pus vellanie Davart 

Py Soars facta ent deribchndEP: browne 
P colour > very fmooth,and ra long narrow | 

: pe of Tine of ‘Candee fom come foorth, diuers other fix 
we i SS BOY, Fonte tps he branches aan Mie colour: the Foose sli 

| = med R Theplace.— 

: “Their y gro) 3 gh, drie,: id 
: aunt ee ee 


hofe of our Englith growing , I haue founde them in veri 
ae %. chalkie banks about an aues 

e many plfces, eff 
ende , Southfleete, and for creak eae, 
thence vito Canterburie and Dou wa y from 
% The time, 
They flower from Iuly to the = of. oe 
The Hares. 
Woe 1), Con Dy es Bis 
buee there i is another. herbecalled alfo of the later. Herbarittes Gratiola: ‘Valerius Corley 
Hel: lianthemum, : ws ahehae 
Pliny w weiteth, that Hedis nthe groweth inthe champion countrey Temifeyrain Pohinsiahd 
wer mountaines “ak Cilicia neereto the feaza nd he faith further, that the wife men of th ae . 
tries .and ae kings of Perfi , boi 


ed with lions fat er Saf- 
‘sand thereforehaue 

er of the famename , but which may be taken for the right it is hard to tell on 

ence teacheth vs ) -fecing Pliniei is fo breefe: Mathiolus faith , that Helianthemum is 

fion, and wine of Dates, that they may oa faire and beautiful 

(bar pie experi. 


% The temperature, 
A TLR. 1? ] C } ree 

a a re kindes of Ciftus RIES eae om 
fues of bloud, ‘ : # : 

b4 ps BS 

healeth vi and priuie parts, if they bewathed Kes 
with:to be briefe,itioineth togith hneth3 which thing lainly and euidencly 
thacit is not ates to Ciftus ar and Ledon in for i if 



e It 1, 1, 
S 2 
f Ciftus and Ledon 

Of Cistus, Ledon, and Ladanun. Chap.5. 
er % The kindes. 

Herebe — forts of Ciftus 
Aan san 

Labdanumbut = ce = . eo 
% The secckaine 

. . . : TT 
z Iftus een little fhrub , Lo batter 
L 3 _ L 2, 2 me SE 
& J 

: i higher, ha- ha- 

£ 1 oe Ll eee, * aoe t 
of ablacke ee greaeo on Hh pes and whitith = ah whereon ee viel 
ne clammic tranfparent or through fhining liquor, of a verie hot fete fi ool h being #8 
-thered dand hardned, is that whichi in ore is called Lapdanum: the flowers grow at rhe oe So 
1; Cvizicet a ts oe td ery man oie 
teers ey dark purplith ff g shauing yy 
= jas arein the mid! us Rofe: after come the knaps or feed rf silence 
which teeter many yeeres. BOPSEY = 
2 ‘The fecond gr oy 1 ~ hedge t fh;tk 5 h elo 
or eafie to br L 4 1 L te the other of. his ee 
erneath ofa hoari ol 5 ay dwintertob fomwhat at reddith,of Lage a 
dngtatesche foe Lil he pr ed 3 the f | fk 
refpects like the former, = 


i Ciffusledont.Clusy. : 2 Cistusledon 2. Clas}. ; 
wo Thelfirkt Ciftus bringing Z sdanom The fecondgum Ciftus. 


ee. eee een vs 
a = Ladawn perms, . 
; ’ 
j 4A ft Z _, , 
Y I Ped ” 
2 % 
y Sp 
A = \ 
¢ \ 4 
i Je; 
ot ANI es f 
is 4 

() WA ji <5 7A a : Ps sa 
| ) Y, h ee i a “ 
4 Y/ j Yip Cada bad tess ae ute 
q G/ . 

S L \ 
3 Ciftusledon populea, 3 Ciffusledons,Clisy. - é 
Ciftus ledon with leaues like the Poplats Ciftus iedon the 78 Cliffe. 
QSey E GC ie E 


CF 4 

1104 THE eaters BO ate OF THE 

The defe 
3 Thethirdfort of Ciftus Wishes pied vp to oe bela of afmall hedseb 
twiggie pas io whereon do » growe leaues like ‘thofe of the Pop lar tree sie hg 

_ couered or ek 2) Pom, 
branches, e a eit colour like the precedent, « PPes of the 
Sie pts has ca ription, growet lik { the he e height tof a thrubbie buth hate 

hairic,of a fwarte € greene - colour , dafht ouerwith that dewje fatnes , not-onelyin th 
butin the heat of former likew: ies The flowers are white with yellowe chia . chef 5 
reft an{wercth the laft defcribed. 

5 Cistus Ledon §.Clu fi. 6 Cistis Ledon 6, 
The 5 5. Ciftus Ledon, Th my Ci fs Tel 

: t Gale, ea 
5 The fift groweth vp the a eye buth with many rough branches ; — are one 
roughleaues, hoarie vnderneath , fomewh:z at dafht over with that fattie dewe o thatthe 
reft are pofle fled of : nes it 
middle: the rooteis woodie, : 


6 e 11xt 
in bunches n many inaclufter by certaine paces, They are white ral ea - vitae scare 
uing many b branchesco- 

tiered with a rae the colour r of “athes 5 \ whereon ar fufed] 2 c ders pes 29 

Nae pet “aC } fi, 

8 The oe ‘oct bane ae co ae oan, A 
fain o chai of ‘nt rater forinekledo ouer with that oat moifture,and the other aa 
the flow ers. and fecdes are alfo like. From the roote of this plant commeth fuch like a 
led Liwodertlagaches or pei as that doth of the firft male Ciftus, wheria it differech 

all che reft vader thename Ledon = 7 ciftus 

a ee 

. 10g 




8 Ciffus Ledon cum H; 



if us Ledon F.C; 



The7.Ciftus Ledo 


pociftide L’Ob 
on,with his excr 

The 8,Ciftus Led 



ad 7 
10 CiffusLedon Myrtifolinm, 

9 Ciftus Leden 10. Clas 

The :0.Ciftus Ledon. 

Ciftus Ledon with leaues like Mirtill. 





% The defeription. 
9 Theninthhath divers brittle ftalkes of an afh colour tending to a ruffe 

t; wh 
> \ neteon are fet 

very many leaues like thofe of Thyme 

ow chines in the middle,which the grauer hath omitted in the figure. 
Th = u il ee TW | ES Be | lee we es 


11 Ciffus Ledum Silefiacum. 

Io hla Aiaer ee 
aes 4 TARE - ¢f 3 tod 2 e@UiaCkKlip 
and diuided into diuers branches; whereon are fet vpon fhort heons r fat fi 4 
: I se) ooteftalkes 
£. & 1 Wt : Seti eho MA. 1 ee f 1 eS tear V1 Pte > 
d E) oS He ofa white 

12 Ciftus Ledum Roriftearini ‘folio, 

Ciftus Ledon with leaues like Rofemarie, 

y Y Mey GW \) \h}) ) SS 


lg NAV 4 



ZT \ 


SN SW Ke Vi Y f 
‘ ASS Y 
\E VV) l= 
LY (7S yy 
/ Vf) 
Ce | 
“is ie 
HY 3. 
ye yw 
oS ee 
Pi gta no 
1 3 The deferipsion. + f f-Les henome 2 
. 42. The twelfth kinde of Ciftus Led 8 } f igt ick n cht k 1 ; g : 
Pe . a te Pi jc soe couered wit ab of thecolor of aes, . i 
which diuid Nenifehies; inks .y i A Bok Pe a UP caerowe 
Weaues L ‘1 3 tr ‘ Gg OR . =) 4 ‘ 
py TT! RA. wre 1 by 1 boue, but vnderneath having. 
< Sed 4 2 tee 3 5 ry itt 
" ee lo g 1. 4 ay ioe Co WT mf 5 Ce 4 nd pleafaat fimell, an 
sooo anal Se <enaral o iher eeal gene ter 8 8 
tes e , ad 4 meas regs : f 
nyfcales, i fti | 3 f whicl h and proceedeth ya certain¢e roul and 

pre eae 2 a aa 

P 1 c : y 1 gy + sgreen, and{ om tea ‘ 
‘or twigs growing vnto them , of a fweete fentand {mell: the flowers confiftof fue 

3 Tain che miditof 
within which re cot 5 ¢ e pi 
t the flowers be vaded, there fucceed long knops or heads which are fie vackled 
in fhape an nes like vnto the fruite and berries of Coraus; whic gt eee ing yellowe 
with many filuer ner fpots, but being ripe, are ofa red colour; conteining withint ema 4 
aa feede,which is fo: ni eae it is lik lutte Jer which fall ey eZ 
‘ : a ee - < 5 Se ye 
bales, . : ‘ee ia 1304 8 

BS tA 

a _ ois : i 



jou a ag -_ Ledum Mat Riss oS a — ial Chy; fi. 
iftus.Ledon of aes scion ne Gifts ; 
a 4a IC ts ) yy 

: San ubbiet “bi ifhes co 

aige ae 

tice at 1 
nr we hauenor’ Dani acquairicance’ wid a ee cae a ihe 
| faith, that itis a {hrub growin Hew uate ose fiocke orkinred of the cai#/sfromt who ig pa 
= Hops calle : 

nei €or i 

-— thereda'clamimie de hk Hilaketh chat’ guiftintie hater hase 

{om ano: Ara: at 
nA es pokes the buth is called oie Lae aiealbe ibe le sdeiption™” ” Sage 4 
efotittee ne Cifti 1s ik one of thofe that dogrow Vpot Se tamaiaitgi | 

or i hauing f } re Heibarift 
; <SeGhe 

f 2 afi 
Renrietf Maakae, soe LW Pe PER 28 ples + 

andleanes: itrifeth vp taatg ma anch oe Othe rs Ces Bs peectecodic fib - 
: fance,couc ered over with an afi ove s es/are broad, & verie 10 ae 
___ Beene colourand a binding tafte: the flowers grow onthe roppesof th ebranches ik dis be 
hanging downe their aids, diuidedat che tps Soi bilins fee dai ifions =n 

the out fide, and d. d there with fome filuer ff sontheinideofs bri fhining — 
. So ede ten idle? and: iat etefinell,"asi ve ue 
Oe irs in aa ft otverie 

ba? efi tet dsor eae tale Ike ds 
: ie 

Brtghowt of an coat or tanga 2 



% The place. 
Crhus } } hell taf Candi Roll, n 1" 
novnt ad 
i loinc ft hand likewife i 
(ae Lae srg ees oak iehy 3 pists fth w any p ae cut paca 
5 12 eee ES SA | es oe aa sand allo of the p. Dtsthem. 
felues 1 | } , as the other Cittus 
2 t: » Sing OS oh Bi Ss woah 
2 Cs i r a 
rrr y RE | $3° . : 3 1324 vind yea oanSers 
Pe 3 =] wee. 
} CA fv 

eed flower for the moft part from M e ter whieh) 
oe a hes aues »which i is aliquid kinde of Rofen of a {were fn, is i acbered in corks 

aga ne L fel APS, ee + icon 
Bg $ which in 0 out time Not 

“y I: j lal Ic 1 

in inthe vm of fommer, 

zaine inftruments ak in, imaner of tooth pickes, or eare Paes a y whichi in their toong they call 
red fi 

Eri ‘gaftiré, 3) and not ga the d fables 
lying munkes themfélues,called Calohieros, that isto fay, Greekiffa munkes, who of v celts 
haue foiled ‘as fable among othersextant in their ae 
C HatHES. 

ie this itfelfeis rp in Greeke aisby or adéer: the Latine’s keepe the Greeke name, Ledon 
ae f Ciftusor Ansa : ng Hee or ieee matter which ive isgathered 
eeke: th 

f 5) g§ to rte ecaties cor. 
I Diofeor ide robichi is fivecte of fmell,and fom. 
share h foft, oa ith A dis abut full of Ro 
fine us 
2) % The temperature. ees : 
as Ss ee hy ea eT A At she Griideoraa hive Ty a liest, 
PS CL 1,} 2. Gy Slap Pea Se 

derately digeft,and alfoconco&, ~~ _ oe ; 
eee a The vertues, od § fa —_ of <<. : UA. 
A. nok C4] = “C44 L he 
Bus Dish ct, faith that Ladanun doth binde,heate, fouple, and open, nsbeing tempered with wine, 
ile of ee sane haires from ieee 1g annointed shrenihig r laide on 
naketh t olou: 

“Tetaketh away the paine: 
& ter,or with olle of Ro fes. 


2 tas ad = gee ae G birth, A 4 ey 

SER pan 
¥ - VAS, Een e 

E sa eich ak icc =e Ee sale cia fining 
Being dru tunke with wine, it ftoppeth the las skesand prouoketh Vrii se 
= mip made heereof' divers foxes of Pomanders , chaines , sdb, with otherfwectes 
mixed therewith, 

= : Of Refine Chaps. = = 

AR Thedeferiptiom. 

m ore owin oftentimes to theheight of fd ot fower wwercubits 
: ee fin ng ob of flender bri tink branches Mage 

; ngleates pare fat adie ie ctafte, whiti 
5 out aboue , 0 fase with a pleafant fweete ftror 
WE Slawhicthblow the fede is blacklfh: 



 Hetnanis ya ye 
co This planchath fee forme con n 

wilde Rofemarie C/u/izs hath referred vnto.the kindes of Ciftus Ledon; we haueas a 
Ban n thereof inferted itin the nextp! ace, in| kinred Seeigohomnaecs pane lealt, {his . 
paekininos eisafmall woodie thrub, ng hard! bran- 
of a reddifh eed 9 pate themielues apa {maller branches ‘of a “bil hicolour 
whereon are placed w 20 
like co thofe of the d Noon Willow, or theconmon Rofemarie, of a driea@ aftring pie lof 
oh of none at all. "The flowers ftand on the € tops of the branches fet ee bare weed 


nfifting o 
ieitl ae full of {mall feede, The toote is tough and woodie, 
1 Ro/marinumCoronarium, 2 Rofmarinum [ylueftre. 
Garden Rofemarie. 4 Wilde k ——_ 

: % The defiription. 


? ok 
a ? £ “ 
a,Canel land Cinnamome.« Anguillara and Cuillandinus (two mottexcell he 
slat OT Ee Lee 


: the perc Se: ae. at tthe fet, andl a eee: ted leloren is ‘7 tuit like thof 

orthe be y Pe, iia 

I | } Sees Vict te in 

tafte: theroote isofawo a Mia fees ckernell, “fveetein 

October: the see Cate Nowa and of thekin edome of Hits 3 do vle itin ch 

Ca/fia Poetica L’Obel. 
The Poets Rofemarie or Gardrobe. The plac 
Rofemarie grove  Eraaibe ih 
in other hot co ountries 5 in woods oa i cy 

x a 

lens oft ntriess 
eful ly and curioufly keptin pots, fentothe 
ae and{ellers,againft thei iniury of their colde 
ee ers, 
Wilde Rofemarie groweth in Lancafhire in 
Be places , efpecially in a fielde called Lite 

Reede, amo: oneft the the Hurtle berries, vnto a 
fmall village called Maudfley; there a 
learned Gentleman often Be in 
ftory(and that woorthi es 

Rofemarie fowreth cwile a yeete,in the fpring, 
and after in Aug 
< z he wilde Totem flowreth i in Tune and 
Rotemari is called in Greek << 
: in Latine Rofmarinus Coromaria : it is fu 
6 Smee addres .*. NBA Co; omit for difference fake benesie itandthe 
t Npamua du ex other Ltbanotides, which are reck orkindes 


accuftomed to make crownes — - 
pr ee, oy 1 4th} 6c . 

of: in Italian Rofmari sar io: iti Spanitt 
Wi ild Dp. = Wh } Cr. oy Pee bs ; ae 
» Rofeimatie is hot and¢ drie in the fecond degree, and at ofan sing or ini a 
Ll va . 
a eee be data  Thevertues. oe ee = sero 
~ Tellepiccsolite find end braine,pro sé Td vopatesualtes Goeth the braine : 
: the fences and memory,and ponies ms finewie a 
nell at Rofem 

emati¢ is a remedie againftthe ae: : 
ales ofthe 7 a garland dscceof 54 put about whereof Abin 2 Me fash te 

that ireureth him stein eet f 
cife, Sethatafeer = the aking tert the patient mu ultba nee 
iieeo a aloe Rofemarie bei 

ee el 
the mouth and drech, rate et there of 
tain daies,a few ; Clowes, Mia ces, Cinnainom, 84 scale Ami 


The Arabi t g Rofemarie comforteth the braine, E 
he memorie, the inward fenfes, andreftoreth {peect hem tt ffefled with the dumbe 
ne SSSR t Se ae cae "2 PRES eT 
a, & iS Si Pi 7 
being taken every day fafting. 
gi” pa as Serabio witnefleth hefe ‘i Rofe ie: ith h fay they,is F 
rs 4 1c ee iad i Pe ere Wy ea ws L SSE ‘ 
=} 4 ose af bh the = | ae | O18 - z F 
— eh cae Sey Ses erg od: te Sion CES a ‘oe Fir 
a “Gate eae ee . ee Be ae Ske 4 ee 1 
therhe faith y 3 t i 
4 4 2 3 1 } CL C0 el Cc } G 
: 7 0 te 1 . “t a a ip 1 cc pt } ETS ee | 
* ~ ane r tT oe 5 3 
OS L i 1 ee -§ Fs | L L rT pte BY j 1 a. of. in 1 ; 
bagi 1 ACR at ie ch Med ¢ 1, ¢} 13 1 PSS A ot nT 
Theoyleo y 5 
woonderfull manner. 
Pi” r é 
The people of Thuringia do vfe the wildeR I ke the defired fick K 
ori. .f..-CA. Rae im) tn Shei AeinL- waded? ke rl} ff 4 ke. andalfo do L 
¥ . . oe, 3 4 nr. % ? 1 f, l c. 1 . a }? 
per y f ad ¢ L 
7 . . 
| Of VprightWoodbinde. Chap.7. 
% The kindes. © 
T ict hs a Le lL: I: 1 rT. ra 
| bospe sae 4 NG SU vo +k ee GLsd CUR. Ne: J ‘ $k bo LI 
Le. 6 TPE as ee aay, Se ike Call (Spor re 1 Actes cs Cf 
Fe) > 2 

. 2 ee . : 
Periclymenum rectum Sabandicum. 2 Periclynenum rectum Germanicum, 
» Sauoy Honifuckles. Ger onifuckles, 


SAP. (FD <Z5 

IF ORO _. 
os fee 


lin Peal: 

: : : 113 rerrechvaag 
L Ts n k 3 TT. Pia 

+: 7 ae icy eee cL 3 ae ds.of "Sautoy, teprefentech voto. vs tha 
er ee \ x7 bind : fe, fauing that this doth not tclamberand 
Tal tree or fede ae The: i grow i the ae er or as wo 
whicih and foft. Th t hes! Jand 1 with a whitith bale notwi ee wnoeh 
fj I fomewhat reddith.Thele caties are long like: — 
mmon Horii seule ei andofa greene;on the lower fide ae: swhieet Scaled itdehai 
rie. owe flowers be lefler than vk of the Woodbindes but t yet of the iin on,and of ofa ofa whith 
Pees ASS a L3G ny i mS Pn of 

3 Perialymenum re chum frucu ce 4 Perichmenum rectum fruttanigno, 
Ypright Woodbinde with ew te Blackebered Weide 

eth vp bie the ctgine 

aM many b bratiches ae Gad Sp aronghbla blac sbarke ee cho; eh dea in iunery 

of the Oke, Th tbr, ce are cen 
ofa rome colour wh 


of areddith n cole Scofa fhatpe winie tafte, peti is contained man 
reste feng — 

a | 4 Thi 



c. me DAS 8 

4 Lene Pe rothclasidelcribed|h a - h - The at hereof are ae ae 
a, is the difference. 
RP waxke fs big he deferiptio 
5 Torheki adel Woodbini des t this splenay 
is defcrip 

At bs = our 

a “ A a ws ote ay: hetcapak me fer 

° sf which es eee foorth fmall ain >not 

deferibed by the author: siffet ve hiclhcom 
meth foorth a re of red Spt ies ik a to- 
gither,asarethofeof Aaton, or Priefts pint. Th of gh and ve Whee ovpieg. farre 
abroad vd vppermoft craft of the’ earth, 
whereby it seit much ground, 



‘The place. 

Thefe plants fe ftrangers in Englan a ‘they 

gtowe in the woods and mountaines of Switzer 

f— Jand, Germany, Sedo and other thofe partesten- 
—_ Sy eS > ding to the Ealt, EaftNortheatty and ached 
t Sy _ i TSK “ Sou ath. 

ees RES) I hauea plant of the fit kinde io ‘my.gard 

NE< I< * MSO thereft as yer Ihaue norfeene ; thereon Teannvc 

. . eh write fo ee thereofasI with, 

mate, Seek} % The time. : 

Th for rk {t } } h y inM y | He sand their fruite 
isripein Seren & Then 
pright gaunide ot Honifuckle is called Esits Shabebild i ftans, and Periclymenum re thon, ot 

Vpright Wo codbinde ae Dodo omeews Xyloftenm : in ae Dutch ponds kftfin, ee is stay Canum 
Cerafa,or Dog C th beenec 
3 ec aatuce not truly, 

he temperature inl Vertes. 

2 Sena the avs te and ¥e vertues of thefe vpright Woodbindes we haue no experience 


of Sine? Chap.8. 

& Quiet foorth ftalkes a Aes hehe gsr with diuers branches : the Teaues are Jong 

winged,confifting, of of many finall leaues like thofe tiie a of baftard Sene: the toa : 

i “3 der focte- 

none from which after the flowers be gone hai hai “he d céds, th efame bowing inwards like a 
¢ and flat,in which are contained feedes like to the feedes orkeinels of grapes,of 

Seaticalour, The roote is see ngand Se ara A j uy leaues He 

Cece 3 

Pas Th ii if kinde of Séne’ 7 i ee Pee L lL . Ses 

32 L £ et it’ = at i7y 1 nu } - . i % fausins thati 
2 7 boo HO rere co 2 Hoip re ae 
I Sena Orientals. 2 Sena Italice. 
Sene of the Eaft, Talia an'Sene, 


Ppl (f i Zz 



A. j 


(fit <SSay 
Oa v¥ 
SS wy 
IW /. 


is ee = and AE peal saiess Propédee of Frauincejin Languedocke. 1 k 
haidly gro owethin high and lowe Germanic, 
cannotaway with as for that ee) it is in Iealie fowenin May, and continueth no longer ies 
Autiimne. The beftis pare ed Alexandria, and ott of AEgypt. “The Arabians edo ar4 
that found it outy af 2 

* The names, 
Th. Dac Tay aoe s wt 1s ae 1. hi h name 
1 oie L G press Py Ee OO Sree glifh Sene i 

(i sey: pe Cee 
ye * 
ry et . Pee ee haehuthe foole, 

<7) 9 Se REE Poe = e Liesdintatiae 

,- ws 
? oO - “ 

% The vertues, ; age Aap iee KEG ES 3+ 8) 3 eae “pe fp helped 

Sie fog 

see ee ad. geval oe CS ae : ‘ 
Pea cei ctig an difea tfor node 

without violence ot hurt velpecia lly if it be temp =e ae ie 

gthing “added, ete pgs rfc sda ybegiuenia 

y th infution thereof vied, ; ie 


Irisint thedecottion orin the infufion tempered with cold ee in burning agues, , and other E 


een A Cot eae 
eds In wine, - 

it is fteepe Z h ger nily by the 

ee 1 

Mott of the Arabians COREA the eleaues rather : for vnleflethe pt 
cods be full PE they ingendex veinges andew gtipings in the belly. For they are oftentime ga- 
theredbefore they beripe, and other Rages fallaw ay being tek dowsie with chewinde , by 
realo n of their weake and{ flende r ftalk 

nian pons Kindo fre wecte vert inet whereby tl ftomacl ¢ may bee s 

ftrengthen ike rhar c 

mL B) . te) 
4" 21 }; z Pa ey y on | 

‘only Igem, bit alfo by ots apd ae ge 
there with, that is to fay, with fim licines, as Rubarbe eee and others, 
pounds, as that wig is called cutlcen th 

qualitie of the difeafe ee of the 
fcke man ae . 
f * WT , l * 8A oe ey ah OR Tt 
1.) L R L We Fee) J 1 He 1 Pe = Le: “yy a Fortheauoiding 
ng sp 5 s = eh aes is Be ia W > © 
Raifons of the ee, and firch tie wy do oo ewig ee which will te better stipe his purging — 

-Sene doth better purge whenitis infufed or fteeped, than pie it is — : for doubrlefte the K 
more it aes ed ithe. efle i it er the more  windi¢ i it becor mn 

. : 
co. 1ipre.~ ds 
a ee A Paty BES ‘tin . 

gar, in eoadiged confections, and fuch inty waies, wherein delicate and ‘ape oped 
pay igh yo yon may altae as s fad bef . g ¢, divers 
Pees e.Mit tobala cs pee aed Y 
‘ake: of Sene pe Re. ; st feted os | Pap TE a, eae WG M 
ems n.3: fs A eae oko IL Ti “4 Cc. a 2: q : 
letthefe ftand ogi fixteene ho straine it,and when you haue fo done, boyle i ther 
takerno pou dof D LeD Prunes, imingle ° ae fyour i eens cieuknee 
“ltepowe of Sene afterit is well prepated two cae che powder of the root cof Mipehia. N 
sepey rants spowder of f Ginger, Annis feeds of each alirtle,a fpoonful < of Annis feeds,bur a ve- 
rie hbecne proouéda very fit 
at tmnt for all ages and fexes. The sane take one fogone| Ikar-two thereoffafting 
sitherin potage, fame fiippin g,ind This ofitable to draw: eborh 
fague and 'melancholie from the seat and other patts.. oe 
ae 4 d. g etl . re) 
eth the inward partes of the bods ie hich are topped, andis profitable againft all P 

on of the puacrall members of the bo 
Sene prepared accordin foarte ong ounce Gingerhalfea a quarter ofan ounce; Cloues in 
et 12.Fennell feed rare inftead crof SConnamemane Tartar,of. each ha halfe a > a 
all the Es hugh done lst 
t 4 73 ace os 

M eofone ram ins nhiesine Before tipper ef, which dott mar 
Hy purge. Ce 
lle Sene int nuannve? abonelpe st cic chdone,ad thetto 
Col i¢ Raifons @ Fthefunne, ae ei ee rs ere feedsbraied on 

of ale till one halfe be wafted,and w hil ngputinyourSene: leti¢ftandfo 

: Rehen 3 then ftraine: and putin a ierle Gir ears theonehalfcofthispotion, 
irupe of Re this togither, I meane the one halfe ean 
y Landi the patient: cannot abide thenext Dara Tessine — 
ical ted aac eae —— - 

mae THE she sini siactiiow: OF THE 
) dopurge aduft ! y and are ees 
talittle:iebecomusah “ 
iuer, whirtrt rem ngs, « A ay heal 
ght ‘Aidipherouiis am 

faba itch, and the ill aieion ofa thet vi 
i 7 salfo teh dbu 5the li 
sclovieds thefi 

| = ae he tk ss and purgeth it.4 
to locks zyenneit ce cack mirth ing aw: 
andis ayeondage nft old feuers on difeafes per of melancholie, 
Of bastard Sene. Chap.9. 

%& The kindes, 

2 f, 
2. Colutta Scorpioide. 
Baftard ane HL Sesion a 
BN aly 

AUG : AD) 
ae . 

2D 8 YW Olutesiand Seieibe fo néete cette vids ie oie Heritage ant 
: Petes ae cond ou ok oe 
3 ng to the forme of an’hedge buthjor cmc fir 
hich bei cardel broken d asnegligently prickt ‘inthe 
€, whic es ie eS ce oe ee i oe 


(aed i 
3 Si sei he { baftard S eee pee ne Siccli Coit t PR Woolf 
Any I flower 
ool l G dlierle] gas pen ee a 1 1 iad AR Pe 
og C. = ae he Le a 
ies,V f theBoxerree, orrather rere 
£ DH leazmira.ct Ritrer{weere. or, “> M 
theroot 25 5 P/ : 
ae }. } , oe k Nadie 
Narbon, f Pa) 2 . 

Colutea ‘Jorpioites humilis, ; 0 (or sides montana eey 
3 Dwarffe baftard Sene, * Sted Sen oi 

0 Sg 
YY pA we a Sse 

Ny | 
PONS a \ 
ql Yi yy ws (i ¥ 



Si ; wf c= 
\ : a i 
* von == b Via. & Cowra ie onal Cae : 
Honma 3 Yates si.) raf th Pihttrin. b ni chaoworg one brit flediorh wisd 
PoP Reloweor oo. ti. en & 

anne! eto: hich bringeth nowe 
‘it greatly; steafeth; ofacubite haliehigh, ca eee 
cndogton leaues compofed of fixe or — leaues, and fomtimes nine. fér vor mies anicdie ibid 
mm ; of attipticker afte,with fome tharpnesorbiting ithe floadragtow 
+ Won fleniver fooeeftalks; dug atidmiaked like thofe of the Peafe,a sf li col 
tno fmell aal! jan nd yetthat litle nothing pleafane:afterwhich comefoorth long owbreiany 
isconteined d final feedel like thofe of the Strangle Tare: 

: J Bt ik.1:0 3.7.3 3 

a the Ie tops of the branches i in maner of a ee a fome haue cele ice 



sslogry) at ax! aioe : | 
eer hrs “ofthe helghdat 2: 
anet of thofe of the. ‘Spanifh ne 


eee he ah e Cr tan aglirai Co. 
P eee ox ome 5 af which come i crooked aad like the 
| ] ) j tous nd at. Jie{ bt sai 
é oy Ce. 6}. { h F id fst " hditfe ing fror I f > fauing that this 
5; Colutea minima, fine Coronilla, 6 Colutea,fine Polygala Valentina Ch 
The fmalleft seid Sene, ; The fmalleft baftard Sene of Valea 

: Coewth a Ste 2 
i sangadina > % The place. 
Se se 

a B oh 

Jy commeth 
s:)cnfeion,inlimach thatifa fticke thereof t be bral offand thruft into dee phi it quickly 
roote ; yea although it be done inthemid offommer, orat any other rime con 
fticks of WVillow or Elder} as m my chaue: often ying 
re after, 

‘ “The fecond vith Scotpio 4 g' Lut “fp myg y ; tt ‘ laft de or vin divers 
batten c chalkie grounds of Ki 16 Sj 1. Ci ih : Fl it Se lhdeere- I hae 
Pp Sie clear: cate nen pee sisea 

=: < leat: Sic sg Rig a Sate oe 23 2 4 
: paint pide Greckentmevith thediphthonge inde econdlilable: 

or colaten os mepeltch tem: 19 Frenchy 

name | “8 Sal on i ae oak saproperois lo” 

we may vie the fame name Sen glith, This 


Teaues are 
; Sonne dick thicke cluftring togither 


1 119 
PO og | baftard Sene, ‘Ash o val a THA. "7 
PHS Cowra a ts Page , f 3 
4:1 j. 
waicn € ory f y | ‘ 
f 2 cere und vertues. 
} > i.e: a Re 
- i» t , , 
aie oft pans, heh th H 1 to fatt le” efvecialiv fheepe . asthe 
king j i=] > . i B44 
oe agiehoud affirmeth 

Of seabed Chapa. 

seo a aie Echinata Disfri. 
Hedgehogge hie corice 

2 Gheyrriza Sitcaal: 
Common na” 

a, Gre 
.. ae: 

plan : 
eee aaa Ww | 

h eS) height of two. ot: 
m1 ¢ matingof pany {mall * 

PES eI 1 flats, qt. 

ring hat 
and greater , arid mee flowers ofa fhining blew. pas but the ee 
in'round heads as the formerbut Bpike fafhion , or 

4 ye 


2 wilde Vetch called d Onsbrychis, or Galega: the cods are fi fi malt and ee like vnto the ie 

feves the 

former, me TI he place. Hihchire:. 
} 3°02 T°. ej bur 
are plantedi in gem in sett , whereof I haue gate in my pe the} poore people of the 
ot ty & i, =o s 1 £. hse Spat ty ther. 
: cs T. he time, 
ir ° 3 a oT f 3 I f J 7 

Te: ies 4 } } } /, ees th Ar ea _ 
res * 1 2 ey “5 ne <4 ft es id igs ae ‘ by EF whee 9: 
4 a fs a 2 C ME DUULD 
Gants rot EF Pe Sy Pe OP Ty A pealesE ] TL) ? 
Red hte me a. na Sa RR eat 
¥ cA 
aes where it aoe &The temperature. 


ye Ye fr 


d sthe temperature thereof fo michal asis cf 
and bi Shin ng,is rt rape hl 
fides for thati it is 5 alfo one is ioe meanel moift 

perature; be 
s {weete, itis al{c =: 1 
Le 3. rhee | 1 oor 1 qh 1 , Soa cosa 
£.../1. 1 Lee oY. o gui gi 5 r yo ue 
fr y 
- #7 “sean : 
oot of Licorice is good ag s of the th ibreft sit openeth the 
pperofth the lungs when they be fife. or topped, & ripeneth tl h, & bringeth forth fegm, 
 Succus Glycyrrhiza. 

Ay B The iuice ofbicrice 

The Iuice of Licorice made acco onda Ar, 
and hardned into a lumpe , which is called Swecns 
Légnicitio lene well for the mt is aforelaid, 
being holden vnder thetoong, andthere faffeced 
to nee 

—— with theIuice of Licorice, Ginger, 

and other fpices there is made a cextaine bread or 
ies. called Ginger bread , which is verie good 
again cough, and all the infirmities of the 
lungs : which is caft into s 

The luice of —- is profitable see the 
heate a te — e,and oft 

— with wine aes again 
the ee “oft he liuer and cheft, {c ere 

oft the blad adder soiree 
Being mele ‘cong it quench’ 
thirft ; itis coal ee ek a being laide 
there upon,and for the — ke ifitbe chewed. 
The decoétion of thefrefh rootes ska 
utthed meme powdred,is3 
eae e! medy for ars dawebo ofthe cie,if 
itbe ftro a ao 3 Diehl 


ad RIS OGRIG: OF PLANTS. oy 4133 
pon d vi fth H 
ca{t vpon the 
. ss “2 ‘good againft haaxseties suammeaee hein, inflammation of the mee: the Air oe eI 
~ inting 


Se ‘. ‘ : U8 
ee . a L ; ii alent If} Cut. K 
i SR ain as! a a t . 2 
ae at eee pl ga i : 1 
5 x 
T 1 ae, m4 ] ll 1, Rea og 4 } 4 ch 
Ic iy pe; fale , sanding 

__Thefe ‘things concerning Licorice hath alfe Theophrafpias who writerh , that with thisand N 

A P en ort twelue 
Jin CL 2 ne pe 1). gt: Q 
D > o*3 >' for@ll infix - 
saisof the 2% te ne’ 
re 9 t¢ * : rr. - 1 ee ee oe ee ee es L 4 1 
y ; inthe mouth , for 
1:1 c 1 } }- < } ee | f } J 1 of 7 . 
7 7 
‘eas i Ty, Trae] 3g 1 
ep: L Lk 1 af ORS ot L L 4 > = L ) EES f. Tv:.9 

Of milke ee, ‘Jorub Trefoile. Chap.n. 
: % The kindes. 
"Here be diuers kindes of forts of the ft Trefoile, the which Ilhauepaffed 
‘ores apes three leafed graffes,had it not beene for my promife in the | tne te ourfirftparr; ~ 
thatin the ke of our Hiftorie aie er ‘awe lesb for yo one as rg 

neete as might be in kinredand neighbourh 
I Cityfus. 2 Cityfa 
: iy eft thew berg: 

-Thefecond fhrub ome: 

== a 


Je 2 Vic) 


VW -" tia 


%& Thedefcription. 
zie | ea eon Cytifus or Chrubbie Trefoile;is alcogither hoarie,or ofa whitith 
ot a tea 3 C2 Lancll Theil diebadh. as 
L pie gree V4 

col i 

2 }- urslike 
{i h 1 OTS Say | ‘igtg ec itS Dios . 
Ips Y Stee net alee co *. ¥. rp aeet nag es Se oe Lud(ed fy Trefoile, or 
? C 

ee Ee a Tee eis See eeh ee h F Ribak Bae <awcene the 
1 Os igs 5 Hae, < ni ? OF Prench 

Broome, which do turne into long and flatcods, gfimall feede,, in tafte like Cicey ea. 

URE, E . 
* Ji° 4 Cc. oe ae OR Ar te Pet ae t ¥ ous ‘ 
}. 1. » Bipece t . 1 ZF va 7 Bs rg ad £9 R a ; ee te 
Grall at Secs: tT. eo rt 6 Le {sg B bY a bd Y couples, and the 
3) : 

3 Cytifias filiquofus. . 4 Ctifushir fut, 
Codded hab Trefoile, ; _ _. Haitie thrub Trefoile, 


Sy . Wes y 
Suu WS 


ur Vi WZ 


to é 

W. == 

Wats Oo ase 


\ 2 ae SS Pian % The deferi tion. s iz} oN Lo, i yy Sanger = . 
3 Therooteofthis thirdekindeis fingle, ieee fpting vp man forooth brie als 
ded into many wings and branches,whereon growe greene leaues , {mallerthen thof ‘of med the 
Trefoilesthe flowers are yellowsleffer then Broome flowers,otherwife very like,growi z about ay 
gsiebranches uid 
h e 


"The fourth kinde of Cyrfia hath a great numberof finall branches and talkes like the Somme, 
butitisa lower plant,and more woollie whofe ftalk d branches gf 

P pais ss ipl former, bueleffer 
: th fe ge ee SS SSS a es <.y 1 Ba e hor iS 
ae ace g i . eos ref e a ne Sash — TT oe ; z oe compact 

Be cne ica Shei fomnciar aipeper thers sions eae 
andmore nalts Sn Gia a eee eae Pines ary 5 7: . 
pe woolliethaticis the whiter it waxeth: for the roughnes bringeth it a certaine whitifh co- 

5 Cytifus incanus. 6 Cytifies Pinnatus. 
> Hoatie fhrub Wiefote Wii ee fhrub Tiefoile. 

S25 y ps 

SS thu 
a _ 


%& The defer iption. 
5 Thefifekinde of cpri/a hito the height of fue or fixe cubits, hauing many flender twig: 
giebra SRE See oe ree pee y lh 1, } f g | weretleaes a he 
OY ae iy Pe | } +4} ¢ sats Sleep’ Fool hy } 
— ftalkes, reli dell Fs jelil ‘Spartum ot xr Peafe, but fmaller: thecod 
imo Broome cods, ofan sath colour , but fleece and Satter: in the feuerall cels or dione 

of broome; all the whole plant 

oh prof alimanyishlong Gales 3 
fet or ‘aes with 


Cytifus 7 Corn; 
Te ibe horned fab: Trefoile. 

"9 ae ee fue aif fruticans. 
Baftard — Trefo ile. 

8 Cptifus.8 
ne Tein Te, 

he defer Cription. 
7 Thefeuent thkinde of Cyts fecha anyon 
sod \aitie branches s rifing fro oma wi 
ower or fiue cubits hi 

ned the feadle taft 

ing that the fmall leaues(whichae 

 togither ) een ttle {nipt about the per 

whole plantis {lenderer , and greener sta 
“therre embling anhetbe shen bs wary 
_is {mall and fingle 3 ia 

. - weth ‘y; Uaeatbea» cns oy bet 

ftance,hauing tender ftal 

cw. ijated, ose aoe oa 
uers. fet vpon one footeftalke, 
reft: the flowers growe alor oie hen Tike Te 
of the ftocke as ra yellow ce . 

toote is tough and woodie, 



The place. 
Thefeplants were firft brought i into Iealy and Greece from one of the Iles ae Si called 
Cyntho or t iduobegk and fince founde i in many places of Fraunce , as = it Montpelier, 

. 1 “C1 
8 gg eae 7 > Z pose te) me . So) Pip mikey id 
¢-orland,a arden: that is tofi o tifus mar anthe 
ss Ra ES 41} yp Tea 8 y ) if e 
ortie ne Whded | Fes 7? 
% Thetime. 
21 ci lh re) ot ie 22-5 L L fe ee en PS 
Thefe pla p 5 and. 
in September. 
9 ea The names. ors 
ee. : IT AS } Wehbe. O of Cynthua, Th 34:6 Join 
a l . a: : RE! Poe | a ee 1  irresfe 
oo ae arith f ed beni be : pate Oe Ae Ee 3 
UKE to) iy bo) > me t=) to) 
} in Greek A, thatisin Lati a t, fa ,fertil ot fruit- 
cr ie ra the clases fe rnilke to increafe; maketh good blond dinices igmen 
ftrength;and mul ion: they may be cal! glith mil tke 
Tefal theftore of Pike sh ey arte 

_Theleaues of milke Trefoile do coole as Diofcorides ried they a ac ote in ae “4 

git Sg a t 

QOrlon ted beth. arm ¢ ee | CAA PS, Fe” BF 2. 
ay gee, pe i Lat -Cehe Moos r. : 
be a 
% The vertues. : 
tL ys st ann Bact, RAM ee Cela ee gel. omied 
Sey» is . Ig fe m3 4 5 A 
thoronly tok the ‘a abouts oF tt 

foorth with a 2 wine wand fo letit giuen vnto them to drinke; and by that meanes pres them- 
felues thall receitie flrength sand their children comfort by sett of milke, 

nature of women and of womens difeafes, Dp eS 
Alf « 4377, L ya ee Sis J: Pee, i U 3 EMR sy Fae ae 1 d 
{ Tr Vind Pay ees Pee tale. ety 1 ae fe aa the Cc 
Daeivatin ina cA eachasd ife tl fhall B » if you haue Milke Tre- D 
Cet. ot Sea share PRES Sota Be Be £4 j faith , that Bee dae 
eh, Chad cs CRAG Fd fi. C}. + 
. ie geatailed bl g J for h bees, goates, Kine, and Be E 
slate ite wn grow fack g thereof,andthatity 8 
epee Bciasnd Vas (where there i {tore of Cytifus ) doe vie i uch ek 
*: f; 1 L 5s Ll at ~ ae Ls tn act . 
beries, = : 
Milla Txnf.2! Lt f. “y c Y L I ee . 
] g f. .L c J 1 g ts, G 
Of baftard milke Trefoiles. Chap.13. 
Li) g) 9 SO ERO Peat 1 - fy ee : % Thekindes. | | eee Ee eR gl oe - ae ek 
28 95 ‘ ¢ > "> bay 
A rightmilke i refoile, 3 ‘ 
me The deferipsions 
ITH epg? 13 TOTO Sai fs L , brittle, Very many j in number , patted intd 2 
1% ‘ a He 9 s d ig r 
ts mings Beha a hich gt yle e ofth 1 Trefo; ile, >» 
YE res, 

‘Saad i oO} 


of colour oie leffer then thofe of Broome, ¢ otherwife all alike : : in their places £tow vpfleng 
n doe lie little blackith Guiede 


2 the meee kinde of bate milke Sieies is like vato the former j in plentiful ftalkes 
the ftalkes thereof ftande vpri hr, 

ed ule foiler th ston aby peer oka 
mi 5 oile: t e Sowers kewl be clofelier ioined rogither, “and compact asit were into 
or One ee a ae | Sele it Be bigg ‘And hairie, 
to growin one placer mote Baie or d nie than i her: the more hai 1 downie it the 

s# PAT pe Ye Re os ee f 1 oe “ 3 

of $ “: bbs, hat SOIOUTS | 

1 Pfeudocytifie t 2 3nd fa “Ss 
‘The firft — fhriib’ Tiefoile, ‘Thefeeond er fhrub Tete 



% Thedefeription. 

| SER | BS id Shs Sey Bem a er 8 f. thatare 

cs a whit or el rains Teal ing that is Se - ais ‘shefinell a ‘ 
Shrub it felfe is alwaies creene both fommer and winter. : 2 
4 Teed fhrubbe i is likewife one cof the wilde kinde , , though i in face and ftature a 
—_ onwhofe oi do Sipe hor hairie leaues 5 fer vpon afle nse toe 
— greenecolour: our: the flowers gr, gle hea the middle to thetop of a bright 

yellow colour: the roote is ilewife we 5 Pf 

Cytifus femper vir Pfe 
a She 2 sc greene fhrub Trefoile, , Theharie Sede tree Trefoile, 




CD wy Wa 

Se So 

- % RS 


Zehr plc 

Thinline de ALAA Lo Teal tlas, 

Hed i whi ich intimes paft 
amed Adar orm prouincta, and in the vpper Pannoni a,ot cherwilé called Auli, neere 
mobigh waiesandi in the borders of pales se they feeme after a fortto ioy in the fhad 
They flourith efpecially in Tune and thie 
_Teiseuident ‘inough that er arebaftard kindes of of Mike Trefoiles , and therefore ne age may be. 
sto 0 fay, : 
mle Mtheetoes Seiten ee 
goatee aieel eae (ates cs ee vee 
per h ! fy ha heyvh ki : saad ne A 
} 3 t : - 4 b ee ae, A 1, AAS 
Trefoiles, : é py, SEs Aaa eae eel oe Che 

oft she venemous tree ery ep ee 

1 !yHe venemous tree Trefoileo: rates ugh and pat wien sires 
sri highsdiuided into eae nal wi che hleanes three togith 
étiise plac = gece to co va a ile hoari, vere icles vato somes of Cia, 

Holegaies, and = vik che tones Fhe Soro hi ith blad 

lite sit were parchment : whereinis Sask da blacke oa like aa Lotus, se intafte — 

fibtang re Tae wolf ancl ee andi 

Dddd 2 The 


The Spanifh venemous T: foil stongh 8 hoarie, diuided i herfinal 
ih ran. ches 1 } 1 ba o} lL ; t 

like thofe of the Peafe,and ofa yellowe colour, asians it ioe from the = pases. 


I Dorycninm Monfpelienfium. 2 Dor rycninn Hi (pani 
The venemous Trefoile of Montpelier. The venemous Trefoile of ie 
: KEP Oe 
i? fe Ax, “Ae 

zz, See ee A eee 2 is nL, ey nh. 1 ] 
ve et it Sasstk G neh 
he time. : 
tg flourith from Maie to the end of ae 
% The names, Se She 
TN. z 7 L “Ee ° i igiib 9 ge 
at pce h BATTS pe See by 7 WiseTo See 

did affaile or pron it tooke hist name: great Sees hah pi ne among Hi 
«Hilts wt ¢ another: iit 

— controuerfies and fundry opini ¢ very well fate d, by teen Rnd, who 
oe See Or t.0.. 702 io lp SS | Pp 
en oe RK W j =. 7 id ie ye eA 

wis very ote wxchour ~ie 

J i Tt 2.6 2 22 reaat 1 

is fhi ‘called pido. adoa woodie tw ‘owing to the ‘height z 
or five eubits “SRR oe feonche 3 of oa oe > sans 

ptm. te 


iil SEE scr ce ROC One 

end spt 


a leaues ofadeepe greene colour , l pon little foote ftal 

lik ethe fas reece or the fielde 4 i {mall Il » and rounde, eer 
lik the ‘lolli, which hat y to call it 
1. As nN ogy a . 

5 gees 2Peatt a blacke purplith colour: when they be ripe , which | being broken vlos nth or : 
colour the 5 ngers like Elder berries: 

Len tils: the roote is slg and {mall bia hither and thither vader the earth 4 pueais forth 

Polemoninm fine Trifolium ete 
Shrubbie Th refoile. 

tb ser, 
It Bron icaae in be countrey of Mon 

Q ANY 3S Q | pp ANY ae pellier ewe Caftle vpon the driehils , ig 
aN \ x al\ iP ‘be a rs V/ y hotb ki of the Oline fieldes, and in the fto- 
re Ty, \WV/Z Us nie fieldes and wood of Gramuntium:it groweth 
ai — N Ps ow) AW ae pee and in other Herbarifts eden 
KN SVs IA “ 
a VISROS Va, = The time. \ 
> Re Ps Os ip is nner the feede is ieee 
AY YR Z tumne; Phe its oe isalwaies greene, an 

| < f ii NE sal Wy hatha lafting ro 

g ac : \ a rg Mott do call it it Cyts fice bat: oehad rat! a 
WANA | \ We f it Trifolium frutic ns: forit doth notagree with 
VA WG x Cytifusot milk Trefoile,asin ste chapter before 
AY NZ, ott erie cones beiog 
x) AT Ss \Sy p 7 itis plaineinough by his eeu voleffe it 
TE Nr y be Cytifia Marcell, ot Marcclig milke Tre- 
SUP] | AA foile , with which peraduenture me ie be 
=x LAN thought to hane fome likeneffe, if the flowers 
Yi \ BOW) ” ich are yellow wete white, or ine Datle 
ANY iF to fay blewe, 
CHAS There be diuers alfo, toe takethis Ben. to 
1 ee ninm , forafmuchas theleaues heereof 
feeme to be anwar Tike ofe of: c n 

led in Englith fhrubbie Trefoile,or Makebate, 

“eb remperasie Bote Pretece 
D,/e bs sg c. . . “i. 
cake 9 ; +d} 5) 7 J ELLE P 
: : 2 The vertues Pe? Hisrnposit 
bg 5 Se, BURR YL C...tnallnt, } Wn ie 8 fi Cae ‘ | 
E 2 3 nm 
xj fome haue c 1 OS Bak Tee eS 

Ttis eh ecu esa the flinging of ere desig a man holde itin his B 
hand,he ts TN ith the biting of any venemous 
. Being Sake fe inéger it is very good for thofe that are ciples and rata mile is sc 
affeted vithopplations $0 na ngs. 
. .Iftheroote be taken h againft the bl. 
ich water {coureth ¢ away Sewallans eafeth the puowsaatessied — ee 
painting et eemnd, whether See 


oor tothis een damong the J 
Dddd 3 : 


Of Broome (hap.15. 

x The kindes. 
rt , ER f. CR. hy > b 2D f/L,.7tL ye ; 
co) a "= 
Di dgranten 4 ; 
x dade’ 
1 Genista 









\ braue yellow 4 Jat the length hic abaespe are blacke, se be chofe i 

common n Vetch, i in which do lic flat fecdes ard, iomething brownith, and lefier th en Lentils: nd 

é © rooteishard a and woody, fending f Se 
in fhape like vnto the baftard Orchis,called Birds neft,haui like a Turnep ot Rape, 

_ Uponitis Gent 2,or Broome Rape. “ g: = 
a5 Bis sccrainch Hn ft ot nfl 
abouescouered with blackith fe iso a ene Hoi $s ern which 
{pannefong,hauin @ f Dead Nettle :aftet fot 
growe f¢ q ig, thi d : kes,i very f feedes. and 

ty hes rh Ae be Se ee pee a eee | fe. rh : ak pas ie foglt scale 


3 Genifia Hifpanica. 
Spanifh Broome. 

4 Genifztenaifolia, 
Small leafed Broome. 


Use N7 : 

Spee , \ — =F) 
apes —/ AIM : (Gn ee l 
Stecbtred eae 4 ne 3 Fs focnls 1 sau. f 
ox sob 08 sg : “wren, meee SS oes oi 
gc.ThdSpuntls Breathe tact taidarine wiedic Raaw ‘nih oy aN 
whichbe bare and ee ct leaues,or atthe lat thang bate fall sa t he: reand 
ee ove from another} wit ee ow. chy nlike the lanctso comon 

Br chic ie intofmall iongeods, wierin iB es sand flat at feed: 
oe is rough and 

gh plian out ofthe ground, 
thick h grow in mes tarps eh ahs wichare ded aaa te re aces ag on 
apr: very {mall thinne leaues,6fa whitith coloar} whetet SRP RSA A = been 
ite broome: the fowers 2 grow at thats =a of the fka ks in thape like thofe of the oe 

nS hice coloin rhein roreytenie Seti ti fthe ‘Broo he Pes bap bs meres 
aes g ath igor %, . ne, caked 
a dleaning toward the¢ rel resfet Gicheuie oe Eanes 
togither , and often a or fower growing’ ¥ ¢ common Broome, 
gteene on Heat are vii ‘ among\ hove cone a 
Yellowe flowers like Thole of, common broome: , Burleffer, of little or no finellatall: after pee 
Pont ae aoe cee amie wherein is ‘conteined final! fe ede: ‘the Yoote i istough and 
The Dwarffe Broome of Piaece: hath falkes and yellowe flowers, like fe iss the laflde! 
j tl theles aucshesteot are different, they aré sand yellows ocin number: th ole planeis ; 
whiercin efpecially confiftech the difference, 
Dddd 4 5 Smale 
‘ am a = 
ee ae 


% eet iD Sta Angelica 6 Chamagenifta Panne, 


shies Broome, Dwarffe Broome of Heogen 


ee.  Theplace 
R. ES ? n J 
Rapeis notto be found but whe e Broome doth ae it i gone ia Bm 
Geldear the & Let hill T 
laces. SSH eT ‘ 
P BR Tedge L:. 7 COnnt ee | Ln a 2 ot CRA RS 
f £ vi deeke FE Ge 4 Ss a 
; et ite soit nn 2IkGIO% Hash 
Toei hie Dt dive ikewife in Sp oe i fata 
of this T: Titus Cap baraseeraket mention inte ico Eclgat his bale 
e adidt Vaca pi 330039 
: ie. ; <i ee oll ; 
eKine ftretch out their tender fide,, } Searses bist ‘ostiweie dail 
-broomesthatgrowes in fields fowide. ests ri 9eNIOs2 2 

c sek t pee : 
™Biébine dowreth in the end of A lets hen theyoong ee flowers aretobe 
i laid ‘hich ands being wathed and boiled; are vfed for fallades, 
lai : the eae and feedes es besipein sthe Rape 

ik leececalyntiem fon sojisigas a? 

The Spanif Rone ehler ctoouetednkngeia rings it ins 

bi = — if ~“ See *% Thenames,.; “a - 
‘This fhrub is called in Latine € Geniffs, ot as {ome woulde haue haue it Genefia: in Ie 

vi oe ln Gieffrazin nigh Dutch Pftimmen: i tin owe —_ ee ‘then 

mapa ce igioet! 29 
a}. ‘Tegan ind dry inthe f 

“x dp MAE: 2 OF PLANTS 1133 

Hee ‘ful jf teow abe 
hed o 

psof B doth cleuife‘andopen the liuer, milt, and kid- B 
+ 1 fh 1 } 72 iy res Bae Re rr ee ml 
area 4 et c..oe Lect Ben kelich 
The leede alos pe vis iri iz, 
Pee PS) Be ae) sshehin white & 
and this doth mightily expell aad driue foorth thin and waterie/humovs togither with the vrine, 
1 hat by }. ae st CE gs | 4 hby _ C Wei Pp q li ; a y 4 burt and 
see ee e®. } sles ea I} 1 ‘ : ia i A ¢ 
‘slat 5 b etd th > 
Precis Matas ahr it . 1-} 1 i ] 4 8 ML; f Lin ov ,attenuatesand : 
violently purge by vont goss Acme and tow! prod ee pines f 
Butthefe thi ~ i ee ae ig } 3b : fs) aoN h hy ke) t by vomite, after the G 
: RN a lr ih breake the ft PES EPS PR IEE Nome tS oY 
Ser 1 “Spit J % 
“They ong ee or little flowers orca, in 4 and eatenas alla trypan appesiee tol. 
meate,and open the {toppings of the liver and mile, d 
Thefame being fully blowen, greace, do eafethe paine of the K 
a Sa Ea Vestal Lane af Halk MF pn a G 7 
theKings evil, yy, ; . 
e rape of th B 26 B pe,being boyled in wi is dommended againftthe pains M 
of the kidn ° IL } s ry “eg } 
“Thei iuice prefled foorth ‘of Brodin rape eae a eae an clenfeth nee and aoe N 
r olde véniermous and malicious yicer: 
“That woorthie Prince of famous memorie fear the eight King . England, was wore a oO 
drinke the diftilled 
Sit. Tho it. t t,was woont to cute hebiacks iaundies ee a drinke gael ly. 
Take as many handfuls pa Bau thinke good) of the dried Ieauies of Broome gathered < an a O 
topowder in themo thentake vito each hand: ull of the'dried eG one {pbonefull 
anda halfe of the feede of Broome braied into powder * ingle thefe togicher, anid tet ¢ aor 
theteofeach day a quan ft and laft,yntill he fitid fome eafe. The medicine mnft be conti 

tie, fir 
n ried vouticle uite extin uithed: for it, isa difeafe not Ver fadden! cured, buen 
emer te bao pale, oo aa 
ch or ut into colite, to ormacera sas 
yedo Ret ss for o gis cofRo et rae seep satay oe Hi Yisrei ia 
an puthes | from the face,or a ny par tofthe ASU ewithi, tne 
sell writet thythar' Oroba nchnaybe eaten, chet geri) bres ih iat a 
cate t aie or yoong fhootes ig i oof Maral wags eae 
the flowers and fe ER sian Broone: are, good tbe ‘dvi With Me2de scone : 
mine uaoitient adam, votni te ah rea EE ata sta 

ine sorneeling powder ; 
it be ae mails Hote tee ae foorth is z ie of Aiea gt Bi 



POE ror ym 

be bindes 
Tiere wet Senge fiicet omnes 


1134 THE fino BOOKE OF ae 

‘1 Geni eniffella tinttori 2 Geniftellainfe ori, 
Greeneweede or ii weede, Woodie Bice, wea 


wy, in ee fi 



BD 7 

woodi i why 
i ea rue dowersgrowe at thew, 
unches not mych vnlike the leaues of Broome, ¢:but {maller ; of fanecelgtie lon 
which curne into {mall flat cods wherein is contained ale 
2 Carolus Ch if fae{erteth footh ano other t kindof Broom which oper tet Genifistincrs, 

ae sites 
sale ¢ bale ee »ing and lying dat vpon the ees BSE SS each areno- 
soa were Piicoeae fifting of ns ues chacke ee midft, and thin about the edges, 
“ate it, were divided with foyallnickes; at which place it beginneth to continue: the fame leafe vn- 
-toth and fo from le; afe to cafe, vneill ithaue i dma greatfort, rt, all which eee 

peo iene fmall leafelike a little eare. At theend of thofe = and leafed ftalkes come ome foorth 
the flowers, much like the fowers of the common u Greening wee: —— and ofa ping 
Jour,which turne into {mall cods.Th 
atthe The whence they proceede as from on mais ye fs 

q- Greene weede called of fome Chamefpartium, hath, athicke woodie ppd Hig, 
aie ich te long leaues, confifting as it were of many peeces fet togit ce 
Beades(as ma} nap eer prc by the figure,than exprefled by words) ‘green on the vpper i 



Bien sing 
fall naked ruthie ftalks ; on the t 

- t 
here and there in the faid eare di 

>. tater ? f 
p i f achafhie matter, hauing 
Ty R 1 f. WT Tool, 

5 Geniftella seco maior. 
_. Hares foote Greene weede. 

) ¢ py 
MWA $ 

4 Genifteha globulate. 
Globe Greene weede. 

ge PP: Se 

- § Geniftclla Lagopoidis minor. 

Smal Green weed with Hares foote flower. > ~ 


+ The sea bie 

5 TheSf Jehart } t ings annexed thereto -f 
which rife vp ‘ee long 2 flat leaues 5 tough and very harde , =e as.itwere of many itl 
¢] fagn eene colour vs 

aues,{e Ys G ee bi 1 Jt Jaali ie aT In: 
Very ) fftan 
eares of yellowe flowers , like thofe of B in ft liketh hi rap or 
3 f 2g 
eee =% ax. 2 

Aopecuroid es, 9 I - j "Wei is ied {mall 

fede like to Tares Ene in tafte and forme. 
This di iffereth not from the precedent, i in ee Tootes, and !eaues: the flowers confift of a 
Foxetaile ited the flower of Lago gp 


hisk ind, 

called. ink 1 P, ; g H. is 

tf 2 

* The ri 
Eke: -: ne. “ty n odie ae ae an 

aes reft are tg in ware 

% The rime. 
TL a a L L CA a. 
é ; j * T he names. 
TLC. feb ec 1 | Flos Tinthorins, but more rightlie 
Genifa ri a is fh : Pliny hia whath mad nentions uo Grates faithhe, = growe to die 
t a nd Scker’ bem > 
inIralian Slbesee con, Co at nee as Math i tLyfa hia, os Loofettrife: in 
Englith Diers Greening W eede 5 Bale — e er oodwaxen, 
The reft we referre to it fcucrallti tles, Z 
T he temperatuy and vertits. 
TL A = Vt 1 x Ee 4) oh. 
A in j73 < L b Ba | ff, l .3 1 e Wh La ] | AS |» BF r. 
fe OES ee Mt } Re C, Y ne ee nN L 3. 1 #e sf : ape 9 BOS being a 
Pat aes 5 ean cl -, Wa 7 
2 o a 
1 ee, eS Chap.17. 
, ie vi hekindes. : 
: _ ee beds Piven DCLLLLP tt Peay Se po octet 1 defcripti > thall fisfficientlie 
—o 7 diftinguifh thefame. i Sere se ; 
aS Fe iy a & The defeription. . 
a THe fut ol cae i pore 
_from which sep evigey “nti very a a Thee, of a greene colours 
_whereon are fet long fat leaues without order , and farr roe a of Flaxe:.the 
forgone =i ——— a as ges colour a like thofe meric 

cad void of leaues, 
ee tough a7 

= rolhcheightofs man: the talke is i+ 3 
cehichulaeth it felfe into diuers twiggie branches,greene, 
slike thofe of Broome sbutofa whites colour, w 

Bilis’ Dicnome differesh. not fromthe precedent in any relped, ‘ing ar 
foes is Saag one {peciall difference, ee end 

oe ee ee Oe ee ane ee ee ee ay ee ee eee Cg 


1 Pfewdofpartum Hifpani 

i Is 

tice’. HO€ 

3 Pfe Rica bum A, 
The "F leafies 7. 

ty Aes 

Baftard Spanifh icon 

as faa 

ae _ dic for Uiofethatbe tone ed wae i 


2 P/eudofart, 

Spanifh Peochne ee be ai a, 

Thefe grow a te prouinces of Spaine, and 
a in ima aace higher meee more see binfhe anid inan 

The time leet the oat Broomes. 
' This bafe nite Broo iscalled in Grecke 

ons the Latine ye a calling it 
f = 

- oe oe 

Both th fA 
tet hale Broomes;wherewith theyi in Spaineand 
ot Tegions their vines, doe mightilie 
eae G. 

E ee 
_ Diofeorides faith,th at the {eedes and flowers be-B 
ing drunke in the quantitie of a dram, with meade 
or honied water,doth caufe one tovomite ftrong. 
iy sieoae asthe Hellebor, ot Neezing powder doth: 
ut yet without ra alg or danger of life : : the, 

: feede purgeth b 

The inice whichis ert 493 outof, thebran-C 
_ ches ftecped in water,being bruted,is 

and fort thofe that be tr ae with the a ined 5 if a draught thereof be edrmke in the — 83 
bloudie and flimie excrements, - 


Of Furzes,Gor{fe,W binne,or prickley Broawve - Chap.r8. 

%& The kindes, 

be F ‘ ff si ri h led in owe g by indy 1€s accor. 

ing to thefpeech of the countrey people where they do gtowe, in fome places F i 
others Whines and Gorfle, ant of omne peicidie Bron iy ee ed ee 

I Genifta t fpinofa mator. haat 2 Genifta pinofa 

Great Furze bufh, oe ae __ pee titall Fores bath, 
@ \\V. Qs @ : oY 
WAY 5 

aS VEQ2. Nh 






\ Ve 
Zz <I . “f rea J AG NZS 
=F 5 TS ai TS Ty Pe oS a 
SS WSS QIN Lf) ; ANGRY oy ‘ 
AN i 

z= = Ir. ie, Aa! I 1 1 gi + h , fully aig wih han prickles = 
Jas I ll in the {pri ely, dlietle, and quicle 

na -falli : fe a-huthie fivuk  heimes are rt 
heightof { =) fo L: L 1: 1 Ae. C5 621 } er 

deerely bought , for the Genes fort of set and th 
— for di poore er ies ie = ee — roa we little iat : ike thofe eof 

the — heate of the ae 
é oe etic sted red cole in = colder oon oe the eaft , as oe pl = 
ne cand P there is n Por Somat he heereof growing , eer fome fewe plant 
ies that ny felfe hau feat co ing, otherw ifecalled Meluin, mbetdy : 


s caghgts — 1139 
Ses 8 mares R ‘gre eg ae gan he 
keptir i <e 2 ) pA 35 DEO 3 ' ; 
: firit de , ; 1s follow the Adwers, which the Grauer hath omits 
: . * “. 2 5 ) y 
phenasn ohn oun grio3.od os asds toys 
C ee Say ees aon : ‘ 
C : firt ith fi HI Hi le] lefle ick) swhich after 
ake aue e been ayeere aan & the leau ; Ps ens 

the flow: ers hereof are oft a 2 pale yellow colour ‘fle then thofe of Ronee of the fame forme: 

2082 wd noigrosd paucticl Y Y 91394 130. 

3 Gen i aie Genifta ola humill: 
White owred F 4 seh 

€or rlowe Furze, 

Aug, i C3 : as eae, 8 a 


Oe) ican SI . 
am ea pe ys 
Qt ‘th a pout MW ti} Gh; / 

Ye i hy 
Ny NW 


Vo, sy A 
7, AS 
Ve x, 
| Cs Mee, 
Ye Hf a) 

4 AN 

\ \ 

\f a = y A as Y 
iG \ \ Wee 

.) F ae 
= <<a 
Zp Vaso 
LZ aoe / WV ZES = : iy 
ti bag 23 : ii fHOjSns 
} rh * or Si I bs) et 
: aa x Thede 7, tion. onan ti 
Ve} “ t 21 des gh. iis ras Cc 7 J s aga ese bringing y 
hones il y thor ge s ancy ee Chto Po r 
sexton g pee sane Sele ead g fo l. j a ee dthof f..: plan white as 
pagent anot toees ypon ‘ourbarren Heathic groundesof thle foe parts, which groweth 
beeaash to.the ground ; for the: moft part the buth itfelfe gt round like a cocke ofbain, 
in flowers and thornie branches it di differeth ae great i 
5 S is fall kind e of Furze grow ing ypo pon Hampfteed Heathneer ere Lon dois. and divers mate 
batren grounds 

where in maner nothing elfewill growshath ie weake and flex ible branches of 
awoodiec fubftance : whereo: n do grow little leaues like thofe of Time:among which are erin nume 
ers grow 

betininie moft sae pil, ae like neon whereofi it tooke his name: :the flow 
me mos 

—— laske. 


yo 2=©°)0S”':é«d THE THIRD BOOKE OF THE 

é "TT rd hf Ae 1 rT. ~ L % The defeription. A ar » 
Ay C. : H ae | SLA ity i? ton 
i ee Ee joe 
a. 1 nee ed L ae $ a Ae” ¢ ¢ > be rn 
Oo oo - 
faidetoa af urther pogfiintadna: 3 
5 Geni viflorulec ; ‘ ibbé Genifteaculeste miner, Ne tr 
Needle pitty abe: Seana Scorpion Furzes, ne ™ heephrah 
S.. @ 
V0 WANE wt o 
W/ A wha at ry = 
\( Ws BY Y ‘ Ly eS 

Sy \ 
eee RY k 

A, Ww 

% The 
Thecommon fore heereof: are very well eh ay 3 ogrone' in patie and babieses moft place 

of E ngland, T. urioufly obferue ue the difference. 
egret as 
TL a c SER & Pee tN oet 4 -B¢. mher 
i, S : 
24 = ft 1 tga e one ject ede tie tae wg eae lif Furze, Fur 

: Sheen rfleja 

nd The 
‘This th lorney Broome is taken for The ra his Scor pinswhich Gaza scabies ac epethename 
in Plinieis onulemor, thatisto eS ( tpi many things,and co common ro certaine plane 
this Scorpius ies oF w hich he hath made mention in his 25. booke 5. soa nae 

ae fails sols ip es ag 
To\chapters at 2} ii a 5 EEE 8° r properly 
a meio oh iaeehier x et eae in 

ws fpino fit, 
| Fhaie feemeth to ateribute vnto ithe fame vertues,that mehr areg hath: re 
writers do agree,that itis hot and dry of complexion 



Of Cammock Furxe, Re§t Harrow,or petieWhinne. . Chap.19. 

% The Kindes. 
Here be diuers forts of Reft Hatow, hich {¢ Sa ae Ka 
Tos } Pee | 1 1 
others at a: ws ppt 1 Cc. ce. ; t ; m9 “i eer hice acc teas 
BS sake every of them is of prickles, ; 
1 Anonis fine Refa B 2 Anonis florea 
——— or Rett Harrow. Commas coir white — 

siet 4 re war me fed Lt: foe +: “ a7 zt - 
z { = a S12 2) 1 Z Mae tay CNOA pet 5 
: P; sae a ae Se r Gea “1 
grow Ie leaties,in f forme like thofe of SaintIoh herof th 
4 : i 11 fi h the § ie toe: ee 

}, a. 

oss commas enn hee svery Begs and hard toh os torne in peeces with le oe loc 
ae oxen canal affe forward,b as calle 
Beft or Reft H. 

2 Wehauei in oven dos  paftures s, and mewigiancda piel one of the Reft Hitiowes sak 
om the pr in ftalkes, leaues, or prickles 5 the onely difference is, that this plant 
bringeth foorth hite @ ers,and the othernot fo. 
3 Rett oa He — ftalke, dinided into other trough ee 
ape point ted, flightly « cut about the cares 
an hr: 1 ‘¥ > ; BOE Ste 
SS reer | 1Crall sek ae h,long,and woodie ees 

iiaa s ene THIRD BOOKE OF THE 
4 The yellowe fowred Cammocke isa hefe parts , it is one] 
eatterne countries for oak that 1 can earnest rit difereth not from the laft de 

y founde inth 
{cribed ,auing bi a 
t ofhiskinde, 

46 OCDE 

3 Anonis non fpinofa purpurea Le 4 Anonis fewe pina lut . 
Purple Reft Hake Ww vithauit prickes, — 

BY es 
f f - 

ste Mis Thenames. is ; . E ol a 
barits comnionly Arrefia i & Remora ar biau it maketh = se oxen ayes they be it 
re Dist or ftand fills itis al{o called —eutella, off he ftiffe and fharpe a which pricke' thofe 

ee re; ae 3 

i h St “Mkraut si in lowe Dutch Prancin atwoateie: in 

inshan Guts in cch rg Benf cy Deneranes Dee 

W, peti ne,and gn ur ae 
% The 

etenper yates 

¥ ‘ Thea > r o 
A The ee roote dune within poole wrine, bosaketh tea, and a it. 


L 4 i 
icky ve hot. . He > Si 
ser ty ee ae 1 * A 3 ce : t.2 TN) ok: co 
ae halfe be watted, iti site Se Se ARPS ERR (Tl 1 ZL . 5 Bae 
eres Cre a ere oie Bae 
knewea if y g ofthe powder of this roote, re many aeubeinick 
The tender {pring ps of this fhrub beforethe thornes foorth; are preferued in pic- D 
at iL 1 C G } | f,l.A Tr Lo a | ay = 
nie ane ; a saa 2 a) . 
Of Goofeberries,or Feaberrie bufh.  Chap.r0. : 
‘ %e The kindes. 
jai eth 1 y; f Liha? Pt ee {- t 1.f1...f> da othare Jana. 
| SAS { i ae Sera, c 1 if “¢ a = 
Vua Crifpa. 
: pee berries. 

% The deferiptio 
He Goofeberrie Balhs isa ‘a fhrub of Si or 
fower cubits high, fet thicke with moft 
arpe prickles : it is likewife fall of bran 

der , w pric 
\do 0. growe leaues , roune, cut with debe De ga- 
fhesi into divers parts like thole of the vine, of 

> ae” 
20. 8 
a nd 

hes, greene atthe firft, 
ng alittle yellow sheough maturities ad 
ofawinies iuice 5 fomrthing fweere ntafte wh 
ee beripe, i in which is comtenedthaid feed et 
whitith colour: the reote is woo ie and 
witha efungs annexed 

cto. “ +. 
nother whofe i eis almoft as 


aue alfo in out. fri 
ther fort er wide catarinir frit 
is verie fall, leffer by.much than the common 
kinde,burofa spare red colour, mie dif- 
fer eth fem ae os ae 

Ls eat orth n fort, 
“We ha 

sas do ie fa our sn a 

inp elfe thaweiber great sian j ‘ 

The Bitevecmne foot inthe bmg “ ‘Apri on ior Wie Is tbe in Iunéand iy. 
naits.. : 

[ ae 

‘Fhicihenlshals v edeem de linet Ringe or 

sab tenlatcs writers call it in on so iofhdetennttieh ek oftentimes of the berries 7a cr per ua fpi- 

ella, and na Crifpina: in high Durch iarufelbice 2 in lowe Dutch Stekeibefien: in 
Sri — — ma: in Italian F Pua s fbina: in French Grafs: in Engh Goofeberti¢s im 

t dba co ages The 

2s The temperature. 
gh een MERRY g A SE l 1 : 14 34,3, and thati h ! 
2 int 
odes sida alfo ia quigi , on the rater end of the 
%& The eidoseed 
A {edi re t RIT ero ery aes 
thenm my fe an better tel] 
‘They are ue in brothes i in fteede of Veriuice which maketh the broth not ee pleafantto the 
2 o Ai 
ag "TL as va]  % }. _ 1 L 1. 1 
1 Sat ind Re 1A eh dale bs eee a d cold bloud: 
D Tl ft k mite ; hi} fa i} fins? L 1 © eT 
1 ROS 5 1 } : PLL hese 2 ar pases old ftomack, 
E. Ther Ae eee Bes [ £2 See Dap poed oF altetiaren shroage ; 
1 1 s vf i eg 1 : ge > va thing hor, 

thefe are feldome eaten or vfedas fauc 

The iuice of the greenc Goofebetes, cooleth all inflammations ,.£ 
nies a S 5 Eryfipelas, andSaint Antho- 
G Tt , 

The eyoonga and tender Teaues eaten rawe ina ane as Vv d 
ftone and grau P tine, anddriueth cores 

Of Barberies. Chap.21. 

% The kindes. 

5 itp Lee Osytatn sil 
Th ¢ Barberie bi 3 % The defeription 

Baath mi / Toe Baber plane is an high fhrub ot 


s, an 

lowe, “ftanding in clufter: 

their places com phasis ies, flender dered 
when hey berpewithalide harder or 

Rone within ns ‘ower and fhatpe 

is yellowe. dipethi eee 

e¢ haue in, ou i: Fegeonigatden ns another 
fort, whofe frvite islike in forme and fabltance, 
but one bertieis as big as three of the common 
Kindesebeise cnt — 8 rence 
| Wehaue likew 


hid Ne 
a y 
EG Ze 

< ny 

withourany ftone, 
= the fivite i like whevelt of the e Baers, bh 
infubltance and rafte; 
eee =e bu ees: 
‘©. toiled places‘and defart grounas,in 
: eon of: fice i vests abouta'Gen- 



brooke, where moft of the hedges are nothing elfe but mee buthes, 
They are planted in gardens in moft aur of Ta 

age PAPACY a ae Wee aie : 
ine ita D t P e 
g Themes, 

a ; 

ft 1 

Galen calleth this Th 

diff is boo 
1¢ F plainly in his booke of the cine of | hog 
mentsywhiere he jecuonet YP the tender Springs of Batbares among the tender fhootes that are 

dferenceberveene Oxyatantha the Barberie buth,and O bus the Hawth " 
fthie TI: ion ts hink = Re et to oe, TP 
J ial, Fal U } Wy oes 3 +7 v 
ae feemeth to site Heiinsee Thrakc wcac 
> the name of Amyrberis , but weknowe 
they are neither of I } 
Thethrab cil is calledi in ‘haps Pees a the corrupted name CS ae of the later 
io iets Cre p fel C. i St 3 ,} 1 o, we beer: 

Spina acida,and mpen Galeni. 

% The temperature 
liek leaues and berties of this thorne are Jay and dtieg in the fecond ae and as Galen alfo 
i oa co. 
% The vertues. 
TL 1 Fie | cy: f. ot } j f. 9. 3} | & | ee ,) reo " 
pai, es Pe C: de ey L * pee pe eee pe en Ree ee | - 
LoL 1 } Py Sag bata tae Coheal? bad adh 
; F f the iuer, 
TI... f, + Nec } £ ME Ji. If | og, Me PE ginal | ee | lag far 
PSR Ss sot ee ay Ce, RES: cd zs 
4 = 1. ee Tin. } a Pet a Ba yl q te nm 
1 } io , Bs 7 L nv 1 . mt L te 1 j “* 1 } ae heme 
5 oes > D *D > 
and procureth appetite, 
"7 LK 3 Lt a Cc 2. Wek y ere 1 ay 1 } b Rn 
: 4 it Sar, f > Lit GB 
with betrer force ¥ fuccefle, 
7 ‘ Ct n 1 - ye Pa ) 2 iH } “5 fal | wf Lr 
tree eo CLES rd Ce es ee! a 1 1. Si W ¥ o3 a 
> é % 

Of the white Thorne,or Hawthorne Tree. (Chap.22. 

~ 8 The kindes. 
re — BBY pts, : 

y : 
molt narr: 5 ty 1 | 1 ‘ 4 mY £ Tits tea OF : aye eae fome 
fewerare ¢ gardens of G Germanie; which differeth not f Hawt i 


iCute sheet bringeth foorth Hh ewes ie Chana i by the report of ton s = 
tes whoa auc feeue the fame; but my felfe haue not{ceneits and therefore leaue it t obe 
% Tie deep. 2 noe 
4 He white The i g } - f3 ime he I igh f cheD, e: the 

4 Ne 3% zs } tPA 8-4 | lee | 

ornes : the leaues be ye cut with dep gates es into divers feétions, fnooth, 2 at es of 
etseece ecolevts shefon Sie pon: 2 ec aan a ofapleafant fweete fmell, fome- 
eae often datht ouer sla bc which hath oe fome tothinke 

= eo 
2 OL ats taln. 

= es  Eeee 3 


2 TL 
Cc ee 1 = : Et as ; sats a thought it 
ee cic 1. FE Se SPS AEE TT and finite, and 
I Tic — ; sm AT 2 Aria ~*% Pies a 
aw orne: ree, 2 umberla nore 
. \ Ses ae ae . 

e = vy : ¢ ano 
Veolia hata Ba % Thedefiription. | ate oa 
’ Theophraftushath fer foorth thi oe into the forme 
ofa ie Aelighingto grow in our t fhadowie woods of Cokes nd and Wi ftmerland, n3 
many other of the Noxthcountrie, where it is to be foundin great quanti vbr fel 
Spaine, falcons hot Tegion. This tree is rere ith many ff mall branches selec ihles 
1 of = iggy cL ae: oe A ames aie 
Ac oe G L: Lf Re enim & +? VA 2 Rap Yagi L 2 in tafte like the 
oe 1 re eh L : : 1¢. Z 1 aia. 
ae -f s : ee : é aoe . i 
mi 4 h wai 


‘ almoft eueri 
ze Sst nEagh Thelaft groweth at Glaftenburie Aiea itis csi rr 

arf Dither flowe si May wlio betiott Seto se esis My 
sn of the comming in of May: the leaues come foortha Teele fooner: che fjteis ups 
of Se safe tember and isa food for ie : Dyce 
The na 

Pa ee 

3 Disfeori tibeth this thenb , eth it 2vsxerde, in the Feminine ee andl 
his fre of fimple gh “Sie ae in he Mafculine gender: O-xpat 

* faithhe, is like to the wilde Peare tree in forme,fo be alfo the vertues not vai 

Se pee oar thus ee. tree like rorhewilde Peare tree very ful en 

aegesiet it Arayrberis, and fome faith Disfeorides ldt led qveive, but the hame. 
itis called. in bigh Durct 

Dutch agenexns in ralian supe in: Spanidh Pirlitero # in “Trench afin in Engh 

eT bet temperatures. 6d 9)! - 5 Shiba 

The fruit of the ono treeis verie aftringent. <aReid 
% The vertue 
a 2) i. . C.L 

; all ach fh z PP Se 

oe fh 

e that tie Tones ee to pnt on gi- 
Sin cei are got a gaint the fowe 

canis Cate Thine. oe 23. ne 

3 ayant jx ie cio Hite ; : 3 9, 72 Spina 
| o “Say vn Ga Thee 


on theroccu vce the pout elicnerosowe we within, and blacke withdiir, 
tough limme: de ided i in fundry places with onsite on toole; 
‘time iffueth foorth a certaine 

aidladeinthes : ; ae VE te 

1148 THE THIRD jactiteia: tag THE 
2 The fecondkinde of Tragacanthe, is alc having 
ES Sic seem andi aie yith col ; abou acubirchigh, and w wr 
3 oom RUE prickes ; ry fal fafe slyeobetouthed among their 
ek Vo SRE Re rot es gee ae REO as # fe ites t ‘cods 
asbigge as Muttard fede. ake : mered feeds 

3 Potévion L’Obely,jine Pimpinella fino’ Comerary. 
~ Burnet Guates Thorn ne. % The deferiprion: 

The Grecians haue called this plant Neveside, 
bicaufe itis good forthe finewes : it fhou uld feeme 

roadlike a fhrubbe: the batke 
ithout grea ure,very much 
rithed or wrinckled in and our, as thatof mt 4 
: ptickes ftand not in or 
tha, butconfufedly , and are finer and 
three timesleffer t ofe of Tragacentha, gro. 

after the maner of Lenticula apo | 

%& Theplace. 
isin his firft b i E 
tiesreporteth , that there is great plentie heereof 
in Candie vp ops 0) 
taines:T heophraftws faith that it was thought tobe 
andie , it is certaine 
that it is found in Achaia,Peloponeliis,and alfo in 
it dot! towe in Arcadia, whichis 
thoughtnot to be inferiour to that of Candie.Itis 
thought by Z’ ‘o grow in Languedockein 
taunce, whereof Theophrastus hath written in 
his 9. booke, hat the liq gum iffueth foorth ofitfelfe, and that it is not needfull to haue the 
The kb Tne Liral. Se ey rt ae Sores gio oe . 5 
and on of finell and ~— 2S = ee 
%& The time: 
They flower and flourith in the fiummer moneths, Ihauef he {eede of Poterion in April 
¢ Ps £nT 1 l s J er 
Bebe and after perifhed by fome milchance. + 4 es 
#7) he names. 

° er ad 1 , 0 Uer+l 1: T, wtha we 

naycali ae in ola a Hires : : in French Barbe e Renard: andi in Engl for want of a Liner! 

Tracac: TT an 3: ares Qa iT rage 

centhiin mii “sana ee 

# Thes erature, wo 
This cache f fi ying ith nipping dos confolidate of 
gle . . L . : 1 L 1 L L . e eff seaee! wis: which are boiled 
inwine, and the di any gr PEE. 

~ Gum Dragaganthath cette tie,by reafon wher heft dalled 
the fharpenes ofluamiemagatld deb alo fomethin nai Z rhe 

slit pee PLANTS. 1149 

Tie Gumme fing god obit in with honie againft tk Ho GondhnefiTrit. a 
arfenes a 

) o> ‘ a 
da Pr | Bite Tait ee 2 

meth mp the roughnes thereof, § 
ycorice, it taketh away and alaieth the heate of B 

oO: tT 

wrinesit is alfo vied in medicines for thé eies, 
scat n £.L..¢. Co ey 

L , Afi.ah UL <7 Cr 
ine t 2 iwecte 
s aS. ae ee eC h 4 ae ci : CA ae 
ngs OF wore b with other 
> sat Se el ng ea tr, tee eee 7 ? *. 
IWCERLo Vi" is 

Of the Agyptian Thorne. Chap.24.. 

% The kindes. 

D: lofeorides hath made mention of two forts of r preden this ~—_ fgore we awe fet downe i is 
the right Acacia. 

Aeacia Diofto; v6 ats 

The ‘Aeyeran Tl Thorne. % The defer pie 7) a 
lofco: oride. 5s, make! 

vale dra or ftraight vp as other {mall 
; his br t wi 

twhich grow 
the ]eaues, compact of many frmall ies cite: 
ring reer? aay fi nie asin the Lentill: the fons 
are whitifh, the husks or cods be plaine nd fat, 
yeavery broad like vnto spins, efpectitiy 9 
that fide where the feede groweth,which is co’ 
tained fometimes i in one at: and fom btioapa in 

narowe necke: the feede i 2g Tinoodland anc daliteing 

There is a blacke iuice taken out of thefe huskes, 

if they be dried in the fhadow w en they ripes 
butif ia tottl arenot est itis onto 
red :fome do wring out aiuice out of the leau 

and fruit: There fo weth alfoa gum out of this 
tree whichis the gumof Arabia, called — 

‘orides having defcribed Spina Acac. 
fthdome a econd kinde thereof, calling it 
«Acacia altera, which hath the direct leaues of 

w or C’ ifs, cods li 
but fomewhat more blunt atthe end, and thicke 
at the backe like a Rafor, » and ftill groweth fore- 

dat ‘ical x 
aks or Neer ir feedes! like Ke Ge niftella, but afterwardes 
a ithiewhole plant groweth to high om liso or Corte: both in ee sa lo 

ier Thomnes the the —— " ' ae 

& The 


%, Khe place. . 
The true Acaci bi AEgyot, Paleitina, Lan ‘patdie 1 Syriasac DinZ 
} es i.) oy P INES ave $n Hes tireth 
Vales Been «aCacsa, safc y Retin 
in his Beto. booke of racine schap. 44. : iF De 6m Blo 
° Ip infer, jsallofoun : 
7 rr Sr oat ts 348.D. 
ane d 4j i f ralie lik if Uh adi 
> et 
a ARS y, a & Mee gees © ia oalhol ee 
eB at 0 BF i sit Reuss z J iis if 
os snide : « ytsRbetime.. ; il 
Tr otha an wg DS RR ~ atin eG - - ¥ ce ia A a: 1029 
Y> Pe 1O-206 CAd OF sug) nibogs a9 ¥ 
m The names. a 
7 one ae ae 4 a 21:1. LY al £1 Tr . 
« : 4 ares 
deans Hit is isalla called Aces fina T I ni 
and therefore it may keepe ftill the a enane Ne syed K have, spamed i it the Alea 
thorne: thei iuice is called « alfo Acacia afc ter ihe namie ofthe ay 
pa 3 
PF f, | 1 foo rth of Sloes or ants which they iene 
‘call. (Aca PT ERG r yo iC Acacia , i 
de, tach he hath vneruly added Thornes,thavhe mightbelie Acacia, and yethe haih tsi 
it agree a Dae his defcription, 
They sfisenedtt in nat atine Aeaciaaltera, or ‘the other Acacia,.and Pomtica on a 
Pp wayee ane The 
= The nature, 
bg OP oe CA 4 ry ators © Com oh ay 3 1 rrniwa 4.1L 1 
= WW } es ay! ee | : Centes's meen) f Pag ee o's } 
y MAGE SO ee iy ‘e oy beget ee 4 ESS SE: SS | eyed oy het Nor ek 
reese Pesan et 1 geese ie na ae ae Mt 1 
} « a i OL ? 
and the hot partes. A y 
% : % The vertues. : 
a, Sos Cn ae 5 qo Goi } ror. : yi 
fun ey os rene: ae Bt tees Pee eae } wy Ce ~ Oe ; 
he blatt a f the cies, and maketh the skin and palmes of the 
B Len 4 3 ae <a ee te Lash ehe 
-hands itech after Serz rip! 120, r Fe 
haires oe org are wathed aoe be AY 
5 ape | 1 Ch: 1. D, Eh Pons pa 
5 IO! Aas, 3 rt — 2 ‘ 2 70 
ecee > 
TL 1 o- 4 = J I. T. 1 - EY pane 
D : és, op SS 71 + 34 € pethmetn. | 1 cpa in 
qualitie, by shite ai mixed, 
Ee eee ot ae } aren ae t 23 Et ey ag -orkeld ehebume 

pattes Dzofcorzdes. be 
The fth h , faith Diofcorides, oracle alfo binde, b iti fo eGuallnc 

cie medicines. aie \ 

% The deferittion. 
5 4 * 7 f ri a ae By Se e, he fbn 
nedforawietindeha . ig ny great branches fet fullof round ae 
like that of 

moft th rpe pricking 
thornes: the Alowers growe among the aes which ec Bborch inal blacke berries cof Fabet 
tafte,as bigge as a pepper corne: the iui 
bitreriuice co feton fin ,doth bir 
 ofare of; aredc our sith; 

Hae See coal Gna e 

2 Theo her ki ie Pri having fuch 
% I f the fl | {pri fi ifhed with pric] ICKUS: the 
root is aga * awoodie ibtance. 7m 
I Lyciiiiae yada" ars = ycinm Hifpanicium, 
Boxe Thorne, 

STEEN oe ~ Spanih Boxe Thos 
- -¥ . g 

The place. 
*threrni in Capp aid ee aid in a other countries: it eprafpe gional in 
places, it hath 1i 
aoe he oe itin Paling, 

. er ‘ : ae on : 
1 in. 1 1. ea 

1 “tae hie Lak py ere ae ! Ag ed , holde 
Wenn hace by Eanes ae OER Wea “i fe 
There is d fthe leaues and branches of Box Thome, ors Pinel out ‘of the 
3 hinneias q i L SC Oe Oo ae a 
: Diofi ES Fee! pace 4 Pawo. risttae th L Fi eae =. Landen sth Mion teat gpany d aies 
; tat Gion thereof; die ftutfe muftbecaft away, and that which 
3 h boiledagaine mili beiibe ar hick aFhones Pliny faith, thatthe rootesa ndbranches 
: i Vy bitters for three daies togither they m inacopper veflell, andthe woode __ 
= and ftickes oftent mrs out — decoétion bebuiledromeemaeaes 6 tise oe Pome) 
& x ~ They a oe aie fl % The time. L 
: Piiasd': % The name pie 
a ~ SSeS ane Gtecke mtéearte, which ys in Latine Buxce (fpima: and in En it oe 
asta hatte s alfonamed Lyceum of the iuice which- 
oe isboiled our out of it, The inicei ; ledaon and retaineth in Latne the fame name LZ; 
fete togas Th oie Cat ae 
ots: ae ge: 


ene aftrange thing, andknown 


to very fewe; the apothecaries know it not, 

who in 
thereof. do vie amifle the iuice of the fruite of Woodbine, and that not without ; great intéede 
we haue alreadie written Our, as 
me ben Ge tomakeof Rhu ts 3 hich i d for thofe thi 
wled 7 On jy: - gs th pst sg fam is, ands 
* Trp, 
Tr : ‘“ ie oy ? 
b in j co ka fi: Ls age es ‘hie, 
| OSS Na Neg 9 Ens } Sa ERO Tae Peli Baie by 
€q {OF divers pur. 
: * T. he vertues. 
4 ae .* Ue pala | lack of * con i. gus PT 
ie j tiga ray I Cc 1 fe 
fae é b : 3 — ning of the cares; for yl. 
fo) 4 ~~) 24 

Of ‘Ramme or Harts shove. Chap.26. 

% The kindes. 

f Rhamenwe, one with gens: 5 flat, and oe 

LI. ah, 


= roe! 

both which do he Thome: :but Him the ole and see of Pesce = late writers , = 

\) pa 




Rhamnustertins ies 
Harts thorne 

Ram or 


; he 
where Valerius Cordus did SE seh oh 
himfelfe wriseth, 

He an ription, 
wing in hed 

binging Pouth thesia bienchesde and harde 
s, like to thofe of the diortie -.2 

ub fit to make hedge ot oft cg righ 
parting it felfe into many twigs, white, and { 
with ftiffe and {trong thornes jhauin ee 

rthe moft pare growe by fowers or flues atthe 
roote of every Thorne, long, fomething far, like 
hofe of the Oliue tree 

” tender and full of iuice; whichin Aucumnedofom- 
oni fall om vis newe BF wing in their pla- - 
: the are fomethin Be 
whitith “dined at cihe brimsi into rou oe zi 
places i s Jefta feed ¢; ee 
~ withftanding it w neuer my eae to ee the 
fruit: theroote is uke and diuerfly pal 

% The place 
e is asl ith ¢ fea banks of Hol- 

; is Ramm 
eee ad efpecially of Panes aio 
Paar ll or dales , an igh 0 

other places in 
eames, as neere vnto ica Pi 

4 the 

a ae =e ae, aS ee 

Pe See ee ee 

e % The time, 

in winter. 

The name 
The Grecians call this thorne fdr , thel Latins a allo Rhamnws, and of d diuers it is gpamned sake 
giner pcirdcrse, thatis S, Spina alba; of white Thorn wefin de 


faith | hea it were a a Grape. Itis called in “era Marrucaand 7 Seag in ree pot oe oF : in 
Englifh R 

{= The Femperature. 

dorh dri. * CNS ee Mee oe Ast. 

firit Pepe in the beginning of ms copes 

The leaues, faith Dicfeorides, 2 are laid ls wie ‘pon hot cholerike inflammations and Saint A 

Of Chriffes race ae : 
Chriftes Thorne, ¢ defer iptio 
= Hiiftes' hoe or _ “ achitbia i a — 
& i, es ( tough and hard {hrubbietree , growing - 
Nagi: t vp fomtimes ynto the behrohen tree, 
EN & VN TNA Ge ir ickli 
Vee rs but t the leaves 


S| A\Z t at growe about the 
} SAN: lefier,and not fo pricklie as the former. 
A A fy, © leaues are fall, broad and almoft round,fome- 
RA OW). sfirft ofa darke gr 
a PWG atfharpe pointedsfirft of a datke greene co- 
ON S0>Z588 our, and then fomewhatreddith. The flowers 
£0 LA owein cluft pof theftalkes of 2 

Lan J 

» contained three or fower thin bod flat feedes, 
like the feede of Lineo ‘sat 


Ta He This Thome 
Qe S ee O) — efteemedof ute counttie of S vae 

7, 14. book 
=. [o) 2] maketh mention,faying, that he did often eate 
f of ae famein Alex By cal citie, 
tras Belbnivns haha ¢ hol 
Ze eae land, aii = oil pt we 
NM sofcls 2 was the 
Ceo Saniour ome ca ta ae stra’ 
ALY » of is this, that in. 3 there was not a any 
wos “ th ¢ Bicdemeon of fofit for to 
Sh remmrnnna t » make a crowne Sexionict nor any fo full of 
cruell tharpe prickles I } v} 
common fewell to bureyea fo common withshems there,as our Gorfic Brakes,and Broomi is here se 
r.chapter faith hath the 

with vs, *Lofepheusi in his firft bookeo > 
oo ckles ib Fany other, and therfore that Chit ft might be ther more tormented —_ Tewes 

et sacecelarlndcatstr estes Sek 2am SFE totes hts 

% The time. 

41] j : 1 . a Le fe ALleba DB 

ne name 

Tea Phinie 

wl y 
=. ins Gee 
« 4 7 ’ MM 
in the fpring,as Plaveteftifieth. meron 
: % The names. 
This Thornie fhrub is called in Greeke aaisess: the L 
ers ¢. c LC aA : 

Teoli : 
iR f Lybia, ox Chrifts 

t=) 3 
reporteth, that the feede is called Zara. 


The leaues and roote of Chriftes Thorne do = ‘binde and cut, 
#T Thew 

Veateeh Aj 1 

A I and 
: humors to remooue out of the cheft and lungs,as Galen fait chante 
B_ The decoction of the leaues and roote of Chrifts That as s Diafiorides writeth ftoppeth thebel. 

oat } f. y c = i are 
Pp cd Gedemata ifj it be ftam ¢ 
TLe{eed ry Sea ie Poe L ] P d and applied, 

oO 7 @ 

Of Buckthorne,or laxatine Ram. (hap.27. 

Rhamunus a oe 
Buckthor % Thedefeription. 

before they be 
~ being fteeped in vin 
on, ee. Vw 
Buckthorne groweth nee gout borders of fields 
in hedges , woods , and in other vntoiled ‘i | 

n vpon the conie burrowes belonging fom- 
time Sibill, 2s alfo vpon conie butrowesin 
Southfeete, efpeciallyin_a finalland nan rane 
leadi m the houfé of Matter Welliam Swa* 
» vnto Longfield ssalfo in the hedge vponthe 

iy righthand at Dartford townes end to wards Lon- 
‘sor don, and i in many em more ypon vibe chalkie 
lo bertreszee maak 2a gp 

~ ee ng 5 pe ono ge re 

am J ER ENS s infeltoriasy alerinsCo 


sds calli it Burgi fi ‘2A. us is termed in $3. Sa od Sm es, pe Spino 
rl Spit md Zerlino, Spino inEnglifh LaxatiueRam, Wayt uckthorn 

IneDachcs they call the fui ort ait Rot nbetien, thatis, as ane ves Soe fay in Lakin 

* The temperate 

ie: fthis Thorne, }, 3 2.te Derr B lL re, 2 323: 

eae aett: 

o* T he verties. 
3 9S , Fs) 3,317. L 1 

gist beng into powder from onedram to’ eam and a halfe: divers on number the ber. 
give to ftrong bodies ftom fife 
= sens in fat flefh broth ea fale, andto ginéthe broth todrinke : for fo they purge with 

ouble and fewer gripin 
There is “a in foorttrof| oi ripe berries a iuice, — tan ee with alitele Allum is vfed B 
ofpainters f ‘forad deepe greene which y iteg doc call Sap ste ; 
feer , domakeafiite C > 

alls colour, 

| 7 a the Holme ,Holly,or Hier ie. a: 28. 

ae AROS ie 34 ¥ The Li ion. 

rT He Holly is aisha plant, snags 
“EB ding it oftentime: weth to atreeofa — 
seafonablebignes, The boughes where 
i ex ith a fmoothe 
2) ene Dar. 

a Ua eee 

; Segreienlncaing minefle of in a Laftly h 
a batke and othe: = pees eeans denen aa thy aie wea iealeoy 
*wis,and after aati in earthen vefle 


* The 


3% The place and time, 
rhe Ty. 1 y ie oe YW 4 = rl L . ‘x 
(ee Waa RS AIS 4 ip rua see be : 7 es 
r I 3 D fc alter, 

"se The names, 
atine Agrifolim : italian Agrifeglio, and Aguifogt in Spa 
uech Dull in 

This tree or fhrub is called in L 
cite ialo-ob Pe IEE, a ere 
o ‘te 5 99 eZ a 
Erench 7 4 eh in i Gealith tinllo Lnl aS | 
a 2 J? , 
% Thetemptrature. 
r'L L \y CLY.i L a A j pe RRS a fi. . j 
¢ , i 3 Pi Mie 
at & The vertues. 
They are good againft the colicke: for ten or tweluebeing inwardly taken bri 
<2 St a ds 1 g° 8A . .. } 1 * BE de Bway PRE et vay by the 
Th Le eS hak C: eM. be OL (Mille Beet 
Baise 2 2 A » AOL itis 
~ maruellous clammie 5 it gleweth vp all the intrailes, it (hutteth and draweth togither the guts and 
paflages ofthe excrements,and by thi it bringeth deftructi snot by any qualite, 
butby his glewing fubftance. ~ 
G ae j 14 egy . } 2 Sep AG fs By Sa 

asthe dyfenterie and fuch like. 

OftheOke. Chap.29. 

sages z %& The kindes. ‘ 
‘i Here be diuers forts of Okes or Acorne trees, fome common, others ftrange, or of forreine 
. C3 Ol * Eb tae f t te bee £ " 
* 1 : 7 ts 

tors. SSN gro yYp LOL sb Vf tava At al{e 5 and ikewiebl ds 
Shit bere ebets f lly Cc. 1 por ieee Lh ag the Oke, as fhall be declared in this 
’ pee 

| a Quercus vulgaris, © 
“> ‘Thecommon Oke. . ~ 


prefentchapftr, ar « 
1 Quercusvulgariscum glande & mufto fur. 
‘The Oke tree with his Acornes ie a 

uy lm 


y tae ASTRA pe vo 
- Myrnde + Axth 

ee ee ee 

- Maynameit in Englith tk Oke tree: in French che} in Dutch €pekenbuom, © _ 


% The defeription. 
1 FL He common Oke gemainoa gettin obo wherfioel ont i 
fin themfelues fat abroad. 1 The! bluntly ind EES lg £ 3th, F 
Bsc rn exes sreon i oc Ja rooftn ; de W, Af : hat la ; 

ano 5 ? rt i 
ak ik gh pillin ea ar at £ - Boe Biakid Le}. 

= ai alo vpon he ee a (certaine kinde of longi inofle hanging downe from the 

fame: c , EF WOC a t, whic hwee ll Mi ome rn her an excrefcende 
on sigh herr rf 
3 amas ’ 
The Dwartte Oke. ; % The defeription. 

7. Clufis 

het at he f founde this 
bate or lowe Oke not far from Lisbome, of the 

that the cup is fnoother andthe Acorne much 
bitterer, oa ee it differeth from the reft of his 
in ce 

Thereisa wild Oke, which rifeth vp oftentimes 
toa rE ee reacheth very fat with 

his armes andsboughes, the thereof jsnow 
and then ofa mi i on in compa j 
three fathomssit fendeth foorth great {preading 
armes, diuided int lei boufhes. 

leaues are {mooth, fo sis a a janet 

‘tamer Oke 3 eue enedin hi elm 
which is Jessy oe they are ¢ <r, 
thinrinde or fhelsthe — or tenet vi inis 
divided into twoparts, as areBea 1 
monds: the barke of sev yoong Oke ¢s pe > fy 

glib, and good to thicken ides with 

that of the old Okes is sect thick shard,and full 
einner fubftance or hart of thewood 

eter white and outwarde part au 
S donh eafily rot, being fubie& to the 

; worte,efpecially if shen tree lebier nt Oldie fie’ “ie of the rootes grow sai othe am 
and andtth. 

other fome far abroad,by which it ftiffely ft 
‘The Oke = fcarfely-refiafe any ground 5 forte Swati ina drie sith aside ws yet fdoehie 

“profperberter in a fruitfull ground: it growet clea likewife in valleies:it 
commeth 7 ciety where inallparts of Foard. butis not in other of the South and 
— : 

MEshisio oo ose Thetime ee : Be 
The OL-dA+h At} i 1. a <1 1 Anat fi re ata! eee iy 3 their 
) ES ED Sos en eee. PE Be ee Svs 8) abt ee D 
tas sc 7% eo f a f 
ALLE 52" % The names. ee 
e OL SNe a ole y 

bemleeids: as Gaza anil re . 

: sins and Rebur. The Macedo 

asthough you th yi en cea 


ion antag andfound,andthe older, 

_ the fruitei is named in Gi recke_ Beravos: in La atine G/aws: in high Dutct inl 
mens Englifh Acorne and Matt Past ; 
The cup wherein the Acotne andechs med in Greckeé pee as Paulas a in his 3, : 
in Jari rs J. mye re J B Tog ee ty 29 Boe | y A corn ‘groweth : 
o = 
etemperature and ver 

A _ Theleaues,barke,acorne cups,and the Acornes chemfehieds do mightily binde and dri 
thirde degree, being fomwhat colde wi thall. S y He in the 
B Poe cage 

J Ihe b £ +}. yand rh. 
LiL a 1 1 . C40 fthe A | ei, 
pulpe, sthereds 
SEAS SRE Se , or the noma chem for the 
Rr sorta, 
co — sif 

they-be eaten are ae. concotted, oa ee no nourifhment to taaridbodia bur 
whichis groffe, rawe, and co 

3 £5 

E. The - Acornes prouoke vrine 5 ‘and are pee int all venome and poifon,, but oe ate not of 

E 3 Sk ie iad 1 oy {i 41.0 Ch) B oo OES ts pet 1 
« aE ka} pee Se TE i to Sag Aw age? 
a. Ty Cot eas PER SEE a 
"TH, } £ ¢b By 1, 
downe toreturne ee to — sre lace ifthey do ie ouer the faid ¢ decoction a g very he 
rr. a t ORR: | LPs | j c. LF }. io L yth t 1 1 1 L 
= + Coal ES hes. eas 1, - : ks ey 
bw ok ? f 2 
res of the ae matte crea 
z. : Co. : esate 2.¢ 4. Lf. 
: Agee : 
| Pe oye ed 1 j } LG iL y 1 1 g L gs foundein 
them: sas ea ashen 5 they I plentie of graine to infue 3 if'a whi me like a Gen- : 
. £1 & j 7 ct Gat a /{ni, 1, 
ah bon] a Peeks oF eS os 1] gftmen : cme deel 
CY oe See Le. } qd nies ot ee AS oe Dink 
fk J is 

§ vp! ofcorid faith, that before they haue haue 
etn saecping worme, then ae of noi if arunning fpider , then followeth great 
ficknes or mortalitie 

‘ Of ny sharte oe. Chap.30. 

The kindes. 

f +L es J EEG: BES mene: 7 * . - c Lf...) Hollie onely, P 
A eee gig St I IK ay * sons. Soa . 1 1, ine, and : 
ond oe ee > 1 : Sab asics fae Nese elt ee forhe intreatethof 

1 SA aK ste Cop tt 3 7b no sha heed andeheotnermeaaie | 
+ : : “ bor * ; 3 
beth in his fourth booke vnd € xinnos Cagixd or Coecus baphice, | 
' + -e Thedefeription. : | 
an atl Ree se! ape meee 9 See . fe a Pf EGS hedge tree, ofa mest 
* Ye Tse Se eS ay Lah a ; fet leaues,greene 
i 28 Se ie: Us. ee SAS Gee ee FS fh spe prickles nma- : 

; t3 bt Acornes : 
nérok diate Re To eS eee: hick ale (- (but ot ¢ often) fal. Be 
ftanding in ice! ks, armed with fl abiceettalte, 

og wich vr os : f f ote icofberties pt j 
fides the Acornes, tt found cl } dy branche sacertaine! fictwhite, 

tL tigi. 2 as PC pee oo. OM A ae heck atthe firitwihlt, . 
ass a Ftc. rs é sls ee : Fe gh ad ‘Tittle Maggots, whic which feeme 
- ote : at oes Ae r=) sar! to 


ISTORIE OFA enw A NETS, HT ‘ 1159 
. seston vail chy feele-th e hi BP age el 

hict 1 C Suk Lee | Pe 

1 api err See ery eR F3 re 3 
: ae eaiatilichey.h 
aes lei Sate as 
lex Covtigerass's Ov 
The Scarlet Oie. 

thal +1, } 

axe tholde, 
e ae cut a 
he yoong :thooteshaue 
to twoor dackes ie geonshji betom- 
me nals 
Belloniwuim his bookes of Singolarities 
: sShdyiete, that | Coe — or the Scarler 
graine, doth growe in the-Holy land, «and néere 
ft. stathe'lake which is called:the Sea-of Tiberides, D 
sandvthat vpon little trees, where Le the inhabix 
otamts get greatftore of wealthy.w fepavarethe 
shusks from the-pulpe aes San a ie i 
Re M -ndeietghonde vp-into ~_ on eer mu uch dee 
2s yr caliaiate he emptie fhels o: 

tion in fis tenth booke, ant fheweth,that oe 
‘which bringeth foorth this graine,is not great, 
»-andalfo groweth in Phociswhich is. acountrie in 
fi Mai cone tothe Bovotins, not fac iro 

4 Es) \ a ‘chi 

iaspirs siuwwriteth, “thats otthe Seale 

aig es bate 2fjs DHE 23Fy Ok 
. Ss > 5 ee Ss 
Okeisa great tree, J riferh t ee the se er Oke * 

) isfome coy aay Eine ee Soaees and 7) ph a ag fee 
Sipe aise, 51 ¢ RARE CSS - ae 
i The tine oni tip SEM 
hoon the sched ee ‘blow. The flowers fall and: are cient 
(amanner ofa mothor Bret) alli the f s they bekilled 

"The tree or fhrub hath his Teaues alwaies eS te a late before shay be ripe, 
feldome ntheir irplace, 

before new v come yin 

. “% Ti Then wa > 
: __ The Scarlet Okei is called ia Greeke o-iros:in Latine said we ater “a Coctigera, OF 
in Spanith Cofeoia : for Sater tEn nglifhiname, we have ht good to chriften it = 
lename of Scarlet Oke,or: let Holme Oke:for exis Diction: a aa a 
mifieth Holly o yor ln, Bs eas elt lon gee heh Bg 
ee Pour Holy ok Oke for dicts einige or hedge tree grsfolinm, >is e 

IO pane toyen 325 Sloth reat 



1160 ages <i BD< BOO KE, OF THE 

1 11.3: 
> ea Age ges Greeké séevos Papieds | 


Rei ces £, ot 1 It. 
sf: 5 ty Raed Coiri e} pate pate 8 omen , , < » orasmolt doteg, 
a ad ? : Biat 
Pe ES al oe 1. : 4 sf Py a 
Ab Tl yw sede stip! inet are ‘ ,. Jedg iby the name of Chefines eee 
Kermes, hey et bdiffe tfrom Lnfector ium C weer and 
tn Trali. Fal > SR aS rae i a ri aoe pi *iisea 
ai J So je 
or Scarle et graine, and and 

cf be the Apotecaes vor Coceus mae oe sarin anvke is ehaehich isn, 
chonele as moft do de rated Cur. 

Hed of di ac Ti) Lwn t 
2 Acylum, 

oe The temperature and vertues, 

his graine is aftringen A. 
Ae oes Galen itis good fo or greatwounds.and finewes that be hurr, if: it be laide pr a 
temper ie with vineger; others with Oxymell,or fyrupe of vineger, 
B Ati is. commended and given ‘by the later Phifitions to ial the panatets itisalfo Ne ce, 
f this graine 
mous; confection Alkermes made aby the Arabians, | hath taken his name, whi 

pe huag 

i=) wat qe ty thas Fthehare andfo frou. 
S reported to tore. 

ri? 1 c 
o 3 = 
- correét the malice thereof, 
Cc 2 Th: iy s 

j } p RS bs mG > Wo 

r > f 
oad oe 4 1 : 1S ay oe 

D is : rae t Thies ou dior 
: piace St a one for — it om away een humours: after this maner it 
ma ybe comfortable for the hart and server to the pers Xe aw. lh the material caufe of 

ed Lapis 

this {tone called 
: Cyanens bequitele jeftour. 
S E- Thereforehe that is putpofed to vie chis isatmpofc tion ait rate eid throbbings of the 

» thall do well and wifelybyleauing out 
.¢ ftone Cyaneus: for this ee ina iedle nla quantiti iey hactageaea dba 
may inthe meane: feafon troy uble: lick d 
nemolu: squalicie ( 5 y artes } gi and intrails, and by this 
meanes bring more harme then goo =a 
Fo »Moreoueri itisnot neceflatie , no nor ot tha the rifle died wth Cochegle cle 
deditoutan one, I ed lt e) pi nent, and othet pe i ss things | oi d th ae 
Og 3 

ft be tal hemfel wh icha i caaieaias inough to 
die the iu ci ue toimpart vnto then er ie neitheris it likewife needful to boiletheraw 
cogither with the graines,as ee this” ey be. = out, for it maketh no- 

| thingae Silfor the ftrengcthe cniimegyete : = 
Uf the barren Scale Oe 3 

diedfilke be boiled: in ‘them, 

Rs Paice Okeisber ea fer. Holme me Oke}. Grow many time: | = 
be St elles 2 fometime: Sas bigge ¢ as the Peare tree, , with boughes cia 

Msn col ft fi ‘S 


2 s . . * ° - 
greene on ‘the Sect and graie vnd h: the A ftandett prickley cup, like our 
hwl it is ri becommeth ofa b 1 ie} hire L } 
a Fe L st aa Ne 3} > ie . PES 8 
within. ¢ t E f xl ‘ . | d 
: ep fC ¢}- ] c.f li 1 c 2 Lohan 
Jong hair ? ? e > . 
Ilex Glandifera. 
The barren exiles Oke: \.) %& The place. 

In divers places there is great woods of thef 
trees, hils alfo and valleies beautified iesevichs 
they grow Bag! in many kingdomes of Spain: 
ad Bion in great Rethioin Eade and 

tei is = coils ae? in we it beareth an 
corne greater fads en doth 
the tame Oke pi in Naot and 
fhorter : they arrangers in soca 
ftanding there is and there a tree ther- 
of, thatha ieee procaine m beyonde the 

fe os one groweth in hir Maiefties garden 
ite Hal,neer to resus thatleadeth into the 
et, sndin ome i aga heere and there 

Ici is greene at ait coche the ree 3 is late 
before the Acornes'be ripe : ¢ tufius teporteth 
thathe faw ei djebcs growing in nels of a 
yellow loins in the monethof M: 

& Then 
This Oke is named in Greeke méwos, in Latine 
Tex:in mah Enzina: in Italian nElice:i in French 
Chefnenerd: in Englith 5 OF 
ee Oke,and alfo of ion ¢ French Oke, = 
¢ Spaniardscall the fruite or Acme ie, 

or me Lota. Theophraftus call this 

: tree not Prinos, but Smilax, fo bemeeth: ‘menti- 

let Ol veththat the Arcadians do not cal the 

ordi uc. oe: for thes name Smilax is of many fi fi gnifications: there i is Smilax amoiig the 

 Weedec sTikouw tt | Cnae eH tog sthe Yew trees 3 of Sagas eae 

Writeth shine in hic dered hel po septate fA a4 y eet 

wntortha 1 laXi See L a pe Se ee ee fharpe prickles, £.. $ A, oe! I 
SOP ie daisies dy atate race ‘THe 

: Elia io tealisfebowinindnem' jocatieise f; ahes ofcettaineGrecians niet ep 
uv z c ; } ‘bemore placed ae 

ave Respro ~ of ame ‘tohaue 

¥ atk: 

3 shat 
ors ee 

: Thet Th of th roote bc n water vntil tiffolued and laide on all ee maketh the 
rif. 4 L A nan ey af e AN ear 
‘end ‘twa 4: ia 2 ist = bate tele Linda be folde, 
Sr | 3 feeert Sette Vd dead ei diss Me hapa rey: anet tas aco 
L. y Fae Se C } ee reg = iis uer theres i 

Of the great Holme Oke. Chap.32. : 

I Cerrismaiore Glande. 2 Cerris minore Glande 
The eins Oke with great Acagie The Holme Oke with leffer Acornes, 
: Ne JniZ 

bisd Ht dab ‘ i. ms Aes | athediin 

pa tee oe mS SICAL 3: 1. 1 ne. L: 1. Bere 
‘pete a imber, | ect = sink Jp 6. F thips eee fens 
ee. ri for the vie of Phi women ed 
groweth tothe asgooes; Neer bodeiog at, and very faire tolooke vpons 
a ete pungie.fcarce, ook ae which fhooteth foorth veri¢ 

comely branches, difp: cing there fre abroad whereon are fet for the mo: notpenhaage 
ee a and of ‘an.querworne tuflet-colour ynderneath , cut oF v 

vere fair cleus ae 
memes ficeres 


; Ac e ovat fall agai bout without an fogteltalke 
0 (Stam eee i » fea to song sr prickly cup Tikeabedoe 
usk eB ‘aharfhrta! Sareea beareth or 

kinde of Gall kee ofinble# this Oke 


a sya Tong slik rape ragge of came 

nefeeone i is altogither like thefirtt; tute that is en fale Sa meee the whole 
wet is pane si apg ;whretein ssp va ffere 
he plat 

e is can te, hanging downe halfe 

3°) Jul Lk . 4 

iy 1. 
a2 fg a: — eae cetly led pk ; f. = ts n sad echt Pine e 
Bee Eh ie elo ame PEE agile ese dngse Ranh eg 7 
ggnit 16.3BI2 Tia 6 OUS 21 \ ate 123% Phelgmbe lb 
oe nee 3 Procantewtiest edi iti lo  @ soy ee fa Lola: r> 
i 4 4° bs ' ty , 2 . may 
979 7e979 Sto 2ocnid hus sdgiod 2 rhe tp ' norisa d : 
a ee eee Ved oe 1 . r RS a oy. tet tae a 3 
: aE d ifo of Ehud +: Sri Dats £ A of 
{ an a TEA Sat beh Py oe cde Hob & a ~ Ne Str 5 ee 
et 15 me A io a C. nT ie ye <t T ger. + 
eein ‘Bnglifly pwvil AEG pSe 1 Sie? el Dat 
«Tha copa fiavdets bone itheboughe k k 

Iysthae Acorne treemsam ee ornare otal preierconer 

7 , eee ca jhalfe a 
yarde i in Secs t i g i 1] Ina eo GAT. 
Rieworg Gils 3h! ssnoiyT bolisseggtanbe rbenipelatire and ertaes! Yovsnagosody aid 
f Ps IRs ks CW ag ae ee ts ie 

219 stays 306 231 mesladT 


Marbeditng es rene cin countreyandclimate,, yy 
a i leit oP Po at, Se oa 


wh ook) 

orke hihi aden "PH a atkesegs uy aoe 4 


The deleriptie. 
I ‘He Corket tree is of a middle bignes, li €vnto "He, or the ‘barren fearlet Oks sbus vi 

der and more nicked in the edges: the barke of the tree is thicke ery rugged, an _ i 
seis S cranies, that cleauieth and diuideth it felfe into peeces , which vn le they be lo 
ay in dne time, 
5 d=; nh 1 the old 
Riles Aite aa teeds red, as though i with { lour the A iste. 
cup which is great, briftled, rough, and full a ickles ; this Acorneis alfo aftr ARSC 8g, 
~ | ey 7 Ces ae “ ° “y “ee? oe : ee or ae 
4: 7 ft 2 bt dod | 
_ 2. The Cort it ] ie heady! aire pion 
= 3 1 1 


j 1 P yt ] Lm | 1 SY pe | J 1 Pht, plouerw rn bl: ackith 
: as r ~ 7 9) 
Linkd k ei COAT | Sy Pa er a ece when the i igner be Aster fomewhar 
het } are long: tough sand flexible , bowedan y, like 
A yee thofe feof the 
" ] f the preity —— andi tle € ornothing ‘in- 
ep the edges sthe fruite. groweth 3 the ee ar ele fle then 
thofe caheastiqnbincas is the re{t of th isl 
weeps Poy ; | Shei: 
* It growethin thecountrey of Aquitania, i lledP isie alfe 
Maret tis ticrelstoundin io Sp >aine, differi gfomwhat from.that of Aquitani lf. 
clareth: rit is likewile fo in th itory of Pi/awith a longer harper 
j d in th | li re and rougher,a as EES ® 

olusteftifieth, = = ee age 

c colour 
0. > 

The leaues are alwaies gresne in 5 Sain and] Italie, abou the yen mountaines they fall 
away in winter, 

This tree is called in Grecke ana in Latin Suber i in French h ziege: in hes aoe a 
 treesand the barke Corcha de _Aleorno nogue, pean: thelow cunccn Elden 
do calli it Corke 3and yetit is called in lowe Dutch likewife otha 
tureana vertues. 

: & The tempera 
r\e Athisbarke'doch manifeltly dry with abinding facultie, 

= Beg 

D best 
oske whichis ¢ taken out of wine yeffels fajth Paulus, being burnt , anche vafhes hehe 
tilie digas are mixed in compofitions,deuifed againft the sbloudie 
»  Corkeis areas ares for. many things sitis vied faith h Plinie about the ankers of this a ae 

= eg fthermen et this barke vpon the wings of their nets-for feare of finkings ‘a 

of the Gul tree. (bap.34.. 
. ABE ® * The kindes. 
con tis that bite orth Gales ppeere bythed ns omer 
forts of Gals rhs ere in a SoS Chapt may Tene rier (Cie rall diftinétions 

whereof fome bring foorth Acotnes, likewife,and fome nothing but Gals ste lake eos 
of tee ost gia yor fufficient knowledge of thet ref sfor all the Acorne, ¢ oF Md 3 
foorth Gals :but th fic for medicine, 4 | 
and to thicken skinswith. ss z pete. = ie, yen fall ofholes, and» mere 


1 . 

fmooth and ; 9 . g certai 
Jittle knobs fticking foorth, like in forme to the Gall , whichsdoth alfo cleaue and growe without 

tothe leafe. There is alfofounde a certaine excrelentce of light g si » {pungic, 
and waterie , inthe middle whereofnowe and then is founde a little flic or worme: which foftball 
in hot countries , dgch'many tires become harde, like the little {moot Gall, ‘as Whebphrasiue 
{aith. is 3f c suc) DM ° , 

1 .Gal4,fine Rebur maius, 2 Galls min 
The great Gall tree. The litele Galltree. 


% The defcription. 

t He Gall ree¢proweth yp to a fufficient sis , hauing a verie faire trunke or bodie; 
h laced | iggieb h ringing 

and nicked inthe edges like the teeth ofa fawe: among which come foorti es, al- 
reffe not ne, like thofe of the Oke, at ife a woodie excrefcence, 


the flender branches without ftalkes, and fomerimes they grow at the endes 

ob ae all, hauing certaine {malleminencesor bunches on the outfide ; growing 
forthe moft part vpon alkes, an es they gt 

thereof,which by the heate of the funneare harder, greater, and more folide in one countrey then 
another i i 

2 Theleffer Gall tree differeth not from theformer, faving thatit isaltogither lefler: the finite 
Sid Gale tieogile lellee eherin Special ifference, 

1 pads oe es di 

eo aie: | “. qhe 


SWo1g oun ous: Pete fr. Gils! : 
* if 7 “s 
| lice ar vortic tetrorts 

shia od cafe G: es ste sig, ; 
: The long all... 

5 Galle vipidis \aronphice by . ff 6 Cal ‘Afnina, 
ac or yaripe Gals, es Gals, 


9 Gals Galericulata, 8 Gellacum fruta. 
Hooded Gals, The Gall tree with fruite. 
{ , £, ~ 

% The place. 

TL. J 9. °.. Fe-feo Corn’, ip. . 3 nt . 
zals YS rape the hot regions. 
. c time. 
The CaN L * T ee c a C.1.f ap, 
minzand that hi in onenight, or ee 
* The names. DS Ai ta 
The lal! ° WetIPA p.£ Zhat vate Wald toe 1 co 
AT. Seen 

Dat Sahota in Soin. Agalla , er and dee ine tere Gale 7 Ee 

: * The sien oe vertnes. 

a 1 Cree een are 7 
itis {I es fait h 1d hh 'topitt £4; ees eae 
wings in the lefh t tae i eRe GA oe ogre OR ee 4 h eff lly 
dtyvp the Goon ll 1 SFE er te Ae tops | 4 pe 

EN Ff : ore : paws t LIS 
ebetskitpsifantountie si daidw io site] ste dhe: Ge Mit} v1 9110 mibor \f 
»Theothier Gall dothdry and alo binde; but fo mich lefler, by howemuch the harth or choki 

Ifo-applied i in maner of aplaits it islaide, an 
ment and falling downe thereof : itis boil led in 

of little aftrictions es pe oe auftere wine,if more need require, 
i aplomb ia Cate pf rine 
4 gies ADO 2 Lit Sosy ee , 

Neh Lash hite,and t } Peas ee pears, | hot burning cole 
E Moreouer gals d for thofe that t bled with the bloudy Ajxs anil conic so 
ing taken with wi Ifo applied or vied i laftofall the L ree 

as neede requiteth to ary and binds 

1 ; i : ito them, and Of leffer 


Of Miffeltoe,or Mifteltoe. Chap.35. 

2 Vifeum Indicum L'Qbely. 
Indian Miffeltoe, 


ae ae ee = eT pool 2 snisibsen 
, a ao AAAI fi, pt es fpoediqure rol aia 
‘VE and, inrerlaged onewithin another : the barke of which is ofa ae camera 
the leaues of this bt a browne greene colouis the flowers 

©} e;which being paft, BN GG ITE 
whieh Sone through them, andare efllof lnm or viet 
ie beft Birdli de; farre exceeding thar which is made’ of Holme ws 
aad within this beri isa mall blacke kemellot feede:: this « excrefcence hath hath not an 
ther doth increafe himfelfe 
_ moifture & Sc fabflene gathered opie pnd boagtions ie es gh 
" whercof this vaporous moifture proceeding , bringeth forth the Miflelsc:many hat : 

ranching ex tefeence, beofa 


Cig MN ies niger 

ET SIDE OR roger idinst 1169 
ara hereof fomeof the learned dh £ fthe birdeicalled 2 
Thru } : inghi I hath voidedand left his 
t hereofi ihgeendred this} Ss & = ke Lime of to intrap 
sad catch birds withalls:« Ge oF & J 
‘ anMiflel Lt on.» | 7 L 1. yw’ i ° 7 i. = 
. or HP she OG w beh Se aN od an 1 yp . 
nerof J polyp “ Couch grafle from which rife vp-diuets 
h in. fe ith jai +) A a » vai 1 
1 sf. wt IL. ek. DI irae 5 ey. ey 7a 2 ct ieee re 
inthe haft ofa kni fe sift bof } of hfonrd hafhiek } bc ciate {mal} 

leaues,} prhich continue —_— Mercere fommer, : LY de 

Ki cute Beraeseaiel/Ob gicusid 
; ret | , 

- & The defeription 
3 Ther is founde oa another plane growing 
dysbr “vpon the-boughes orbranches of treesigimaner 
: asour vaste t eae may vei yy welbe wl 
nied: orien ‘med for a kinde thereof: theplant cleaueth vn 
3Gb7 tB the branches,being | fet Haar i 

Rasdoowict the bottome; saa fomewhat hollows z 

fikewite. 8 ofa parple obienos whic 

‘ acfeorth-a branchi like th eg ert — thet 

rack sei ‘\Speare for aiKing relewblidiyk ebu Ores, © 
sy a. coueted with aw white fi ike,fuch asis tobe founde 
as rasan ately nitrous sae and very yn- 


Sisaqs noah te etek pi male ae nOkes, 
‘and diuers other trees almoft euc ery whete - for 
ROD othe other wo = eee 


 Mifleltocis sSasics gael as well in winter as 
gn fommer: the berriesbe ripe in Autumne, they 

uersb aes ee Blackbirdes ee 

% Themam 
> Miffeltoe i is ‘called in’ Gres oria:in La- 
: Viftum:sin high Dutch Bitell : t in-lowe 
Dutch Warentackensin Italian 7i/chéo: in Spa- 
re eae ‘ nih Liga in the Portugal language (go: in En- 

glith Miffell,and Miffeltoe. ee 

fthe berries of Miffell , is lik wife called 74/es0m and Ixia: :in Englifh 
Birdlime.zxiais alfo called Chameleon albus, fet 

the rootes thereof. This word is ‘im rare toch amaleon niger,as “sip among the baftarde 

names. Txiais likewife reckoned vp ‘in Disfeorides 6 booke, — sults Ak gineta his 5. booke 

clare sy wendetane reo bel chm alew asp vomere sb loc or chitaniefbltsince whichis 
madeof the berties of Mifleltde3 who do truely thinke that Jx/« ditfereth fiom Chameleon niger? 
fot Pails dP eeta inteckoning vp of Gi le poifonsin his 5.booke, 3o.chapter, hath firftmade 
eatrees ain eleon niger, then a litle af cer of sxiasand whileft he doth patticuilarly difeourfeof 
hei otcbaae i eleon niger,inhis 32.chapter , alfonamert 

“aa BS ad vngss ‘gistisi- mis HELE 

KRedln : 
J t ime ai LZ h pe | bs ae | G -, f Simple j 
nS) firftrof ie ger, iy alchncohents por 
difcourfe of xia. Thefe tt Jeck i h Le ‘ger doth dif fro hich is Pesky 
| ifc Moreouer, i heret eh Seta frp isr¢ckoned 
bier. He SO gee roe ee ou rn Yor 
Tia as it is of ee ifons , is: the glue that i is ie of om bere of f Milage which 
mie fubft hare Ae ae itl ig} 
ance, doth fo gither, g gut Hebi theres no paflag 
hichthing: | I cheae lise Ixiabri inget eth, gehe 
Wiioe The pons tector vertwes.. « : otittitno3 doit 
Thal rem at ptagd ss Ye)! pe “1 , Dp: Kah 
A: j Pt See FO od $ re a rr em 52 the ool 
é at ea, A ; a Tae Rie | 
eepeft or moft rai parts z thebddyy fp ctinba 
og sada dgetingthen, ¢ nd “ 
Bo eth fwellings in the g llings behind » and oth f 
ingrempe pered with nRofio,anda Sinead ofwaxe. ‘ rbe 
28 impoftumes, being cee 
ie a lan fj 1 owe rae | eee j ofthe fp : 
D With: sma. or paeabts eee le ilf. d nayles, beings 
limeand wine lees,icreceiveth greater force pe 
Ee It hath beene moftcrediblie epee me sthat afewe of: the beni of Mifeoebnifdand 
atc io 
E- La my Pee) BASS: y tall,ai Jia g > n x thee isin. 
» ¥ a j Se } 3 1 % a $ 1:0 aug i, L ret 1 j tS ile. ong 
oe pas : a aS 
Insasoo racine etree Ne 
en bi. flatusvbicarcere claufi ape NES 
Dant firepi nie as colianeartalaiae! C oe fon 
see oe mrvandete daser erepr ff Aa. a 
Sean ities, ling toG his trarfflation, which verlts. 
wchavekogliedsins: BS i eae : 
Bothavaies oftpenteand a Ae ! i) Z 
fered fannbling = a ee 
OES can age finde: ae . 
So that the patient fore apaide Bet 
d pincht with greefe and paine 7 ey : | 
Can hardly feedon ae ah doth 9-4 
2... Thelifeandhealeh m ? 
i203 Of the ies. — Chap.36. 
3% The kindes, fi sails 76 oft Ent 

Tiete two Cedars , g er {mal ries} ke thofe of 
oS & Iuniper. ; ck Thedefersption. Stee ei i HES AsSisnt aes fy 
a. “He ; Gastar vee {hig h Hi seat ous.ttee 
tlike vnto it, ca alles nes, farre {ur ngat 
lea vinfomuch as fower mente 

Pid oO 

1 1 Leal, ma eRESs" 

se hand hail sehereft which samo 
Sci jong te radi bei a : wom andoot ane 

very 0p be hie ort fhorter ftill as they. 
dfteeples thele 

x fharpe p pointe 

iabebiv seca OF PLANT St M2 
1.2 Py 
eager L Pate RY + Se SNS ea MD et 
. othe land , like thofe of the Pine tree 
<b =. Poe agee : a eH | Goo fe 
ofthe Fire vit scompact of loft, s th d teal > hich] > 
athe ¥ aré fo ftrongly faftned > as es can hac b be plu of 
i 1L r CE Cok at 1 tim ..: 
wilhows 3 to) 1 Pa ‘ ? — ig s 
er a 2 ¥ C. j 
} ! yod sand { Salomon king of the nots 
dial builde Gods T plein Lerufalem,jof Ged de: th il %O 
es } Cc; yuh 1 Fe - fi. 2 
5 > +) 

See Liban. 
whe nee Cedar tree cof pone. 

taines, asin Syria on mount Libanus > onwhich - 

and Amanus,incolde ao mie place 
chants of the Fadtorie at Tee ide me oie 
the h vpon the ne - 
the mountaine Liban neere vnto the H 
tage by dhe citie Tripdlis in Syria: t Revaraedd 
in Syria ee make boates thereof for wantof 
the Pine tree. 

% The time 
The Cedar tree remaineth alwaies greene 

aides: hich beare tcliaeance of fruire: 24 
timber of the Cedar bee and the images and 
he ola thereof, feem re 0 fweare and 
fend foorth moifture,in Gait an rainy weather, 
as dolikewife all that ha Si okemee the au- 
thor is Theophr. 7 

a a a ee ee ee ee a ee 

This hug og: hen cree is yee in Greeke 
xidecs:in Lane — ager in ith Ce- 
| dar,and Cedre in his 24 be 5.chap- 
ter rane it ns ps j ebogh rhe ee 
Ce , oF Cedrima abies, Cedar Firre, 

rea 4 ped a 9 ee af 

3 or et 
eof bel Torch Pinei is named cedvin The bet th Dee is fe 2! eer a .ofa 


tobe hot and dry in the fourth coe PORT os Pitch or : 
There iffueth onee this tree re 4 Rofelihe vnto that,which iflueth oui aA he Piet tree,very fweete B 
> in finell of tek ER ng fubftance , the yer 5 chew + iayo teeth , twill | hardly be Sad 

Ease hard be boiled in tt 1} i > 
: ae r 5 SOR ge Se Py Panes 3. . 
gahed lagi Sie ee Yeo q Meee recardeth, * 
TY. wih : 

I a ROE, ie DCT | BL. ry? 

ar Ri ae eo es i) pot Abealt 

p oof — se | were 
apio chapter 393 pied = ‘. 


1 ke 

ith the ems of man BICC togither, 
The cumo' d tot Jici for tt i 5 for be; . 14 
1 pre ek 5 eee kbc Letr i¢ ° ca Merewith jr 

ted 7; ‘ hi d £ 
Serpe, Paying tha em Mumiaisa compofition made of Fy and Mane es ning of his fe 

I Cedar infufed in vineger,a 

ge with the decoction of Hope, cepotieh the conde ringing, and cei ae of na Peg min. 

ae it cbe ba into the hollownefle of the teeth, it breaketh them sand appeafeth d Pie, 
de sseefeth cxmsims 
M ue It preva againtt Cduginas, amd the inflammation of the Tonfils , if a a 
ies 1:1) VJ: Ie LLVy . Fl Wei et Dae g Pe io wi 
 scimglitae on with fale. i, ifs, 

is are ‘medic againft the = poifon of the fea Hare, ifit be drunke with weete wine, 
ae eb ) | 1 Brea} 
Onn wi 

Enh the birth,as Dio, corides writeth, 
Of the Pitch tree. Chap.37. | 

ae | 
The Pitch. he defer iption. ; 
Pitch tree, groweth vp 

Pp: Icea the i Be eure pitch calledthe 
a call, faire,and 



Sr: fofte r, and = swhich do = couet } 

like vnto the Pine a le, but {maller: the Lg 
the tree is fomewharblacke, tough , and Sixble 
not brickle, asisthebarke of the Firre tree, vnder 
which next to the woode is gathered a Rofen, 

which many pa iffueth foorth , penne 
— tree. 

“The Pitch tree © growethh i in crane 

‘ he time. 
i pe rite crn 
: September. 2 eThe 

— tiers > 

j ast oe OF PLANTS. 

: (& The names. 
Nl thie (Ane tree et: ‘- + aes 
jne 2 ss non Pie 539 a 2 ga 
i the Grecians nm 4tine Picea, 3 Seribonius L ou 
ee Lin hi : {iti itr t; Ls poh arbore. hich 
priniccis 2 13 rps 49 ae e/ 
fi eae E glift h it hati { of the Pitch tree With him doth 
tae * hie 26.5 i) Lh 1 nee As 
Ith iy or otk ° ng 
ie Sarin: doth cate Pitea gh P Lath Larix, A. ts 
clared. Pls my writeth thus, Lari x uflis ih lia eee Sx: 8 
HD; L . 

t eee. ing = 
ewood Pyrtheus was fet on fire, Moreouer, thes wotmes roman are ftues found i in any tree 
butoney int the Pitch tte tree, as Belloniust eltifie I 

* ceiahttg 44 tg SS: it 1 

nvithe Wormnes of 
hraffss Sees: bicaufe wormes and ma- 
wees < 7. é y + ~¢ 
D i Ye L 1 . b 1 
gots are bred init 

¥m the Pitch tree is named by 
L a 
i heophr ayer 

b . and am~ t + A Af . Tome | 
ob Al + 
GOT aly ae! 

Jorenhaits , which name none 
1 1 1 lth D; Pes oe ithe jDeck boo 

¥ Ti sopra and vertues. 


“The d 1 andof 
3 ’ i 2 
thief me ose me the Pime trees. 

Ofthe Pinetree. Chap.38. 
% The kindes. ¥ 

~nrue.D: Pep iC. 7 Mf that istofaie, tame or of 
J teg 1 0 L > oe» 1] eda Ke + a J 4 aq bi ve hk ERs 
eek : orwithout fruite , } i k he! it I : 5 

as asiullbe soe ed, : 

Pinus Lae fine sdomeftce. 5 
ed Pinetree. 4: &T he defription, j 
He Pine tree groweth high, andgreati in me 
Tie “gia Sess yswh reheat naked, but 
boue itis clad witha multitude of bet 

tuite orclogsar confift of - 
many found w: aoe pace are one 
on certaine ks es fhape, 
vooden fhell peat i wherein are 
keels ng, very reste at ae paca 
membrane , that eafely is rub 
wih the fogs which kernell is vied i in ab 

Z we The place. . 
tree groweth of ir felfe tnmaniepcesot 
Feet efpeciallyin the territorie of R: 
and in | Languedoc ocke , about Marfiles, in ‘Spaine, 

alfo cherithed ir in ae binges aswell = 
in the lowe countries as 

hc Dieceaeetiecereth peer a 
‘Ggggt fommer, 

fommer } 
i 3 


rc 3 

it be ripe: wheref 2 
yc mye C001 P Ore it is not to be — 

Ati is called in Latine Pinus, and Pinus ri Prbam pots or rather sAehatons in sete: tame and 

thatwhich the Macedonians callatoar s Heaton the Arcadians name rin, as The eoph raf i, ban 
8s by this —— 
fj pples 5 ben — 
4 Die ae Pale and others mwidks, as be ria Dicilin an termeit Pityes Ps = H 
fruite of the Pin 
St , tee ‘i 7 re bite Tees Ate 
be Ww. ri a 
SPR ane enD Eat reve in Lavoe 2. ite . hich diffe eth much fromthe Ping 
A> Sere 1 cole nts 1 :¢ Se aia ~ ?: . Sine @ 4 . * 
3, re Ete rN eG: ‘ E 71 Latine Cone: notwithftanding co, 
h be noewithandng he 
ere — of via tree ats T HBS setae nameth awe ort an Seite Pinetree , as. aunt 
Icis thought that the whole fruite is called by 

Galenin his fourth Gonmicuaas i 

booke sof Dieti in fharpe difeafes, Strobs yet inhis feconde ¢ bgokeof f the Faculties of Nott 

ment S5 

they call Coccalus, and Strobilus, as we haue faid before,that thefé are named i n Greeke amides, This 


in like maner in his ofthe faculties of Simple mediciness ds Pine apple fruir, faith he which | 





bel; j2f aliok t in Englifh Pine apple, C! 
and Cone. ze uy % The Semperatereandver »Clogee, | 
fthefe J bein in ameane betweenecolde | 
andhot: it maketh the rough parts {mooth itisa remedy agai ainftan oldco ough, andlonginfirmi- 
tes of the chet being taken by i it felfe or with hony,or elfe with fome other licking thing. 8 | 
B 1 7 . Ltn L n y . f i Bie < 
(o » 3 1) = 1 1 s ] ] ‘ai 1 1 } 3 ry nh 
Seen Cc we f ee ee Ne see ie = 
wi. £ ne eG He, SRN cease } as C14.hL1.J4 Bp ee 
D Lely : ae a eT 2 = 7 ee 1 
* 7 pits Se ea J x af 1 L we < 1 f. . 1 8 val A ; ] 
—— rappl freth He faith Gak and afeerwardsboy 
led see alae hony al the poner be come tothe shicknds of hony, maketh an 
F. Thelike oan belch orides, the whole Co nes (faith he)whict ewly gathered from the 
trees, broken and boiled in ld cough,and confumption of th lungs,if 
- : 
—* L. gl ean Sm Si ee ee oe. CL on CHR BEF 5 lehablanay five 
G . POR BEE by nan Ma od 1 4 gs tg soe aay. 
4 ‘7 F- 3 , 1 Aceh 5 
<< Of the wilde Pinetree. Chap.39. — . 3 
= = os oe c. Piao Le A % The kindes, L f. 4 h 3¢ fhallbe 
: zi 2) x4 { ¢ DN: ie 1 ne zt i: sf } : 

ite kinde _ wilde Pine tree, ae but iota ask as the fe m8 
> or ma! ured Pine ereesthe ote thereofi is glib: the branches are deez 
with } 

- fomer in hlongt : of fmell,whict phe be it felfe,Sc quickly mee tree. 
2 The fecond ki fur ttin BS yo : es AER teherict oe 
ftraighe vp,but yet ee foorthn ath bess eee and fo eee ae 
reo ear. oe for ss Tuns: ; the fruite of : 

“sag Pine 

cae OF PLANTS. 1175 
P A fy € S; tL. yas Y” 
; ae ode ; an : Tei “ate Pine say cae 
f 3 

3 Pinus fleftriamea 4 Pinus montana 
_ The mountaine ann Pinetree ba es wie oe tree. 


cebpaget ce 
ie he defeription. 
oo he thirde kinde of wilde Pine tree cegionct ane pright, and waxetl Reg 
not ue Ri the other wildekindes het w like the pitct ae: ‘iti Pe islong sad 
. i : 1 fr {tri iang gled nuts ae tn 

a like the a a thet ane Pine ak: :the ma ¢ is anne and {weete of imell beoodtin to 

make tab! es and ott her wo 
4 BD p> ee 4 ’ 9 tr 1 
' a ra Pees, } 2 } ire” F: mca ag 
~ o Oo , ty 
5 Pinusmaritimamaior. 6 Pinws fylucftrismmin ? ; 
a he ink peers tree. ee Theltle Sea Pinet rca ; 

: ; * The deferpton . 
re _Thiskindeof — called the fea Pine tree , groweth not aboue hee two men , ha- 
fetonedies Tene: this Be ites onion a a 
the hei ee man; with little ha like ethofe of ae tree, mere 
dfin fnall kerne 2 
on¢and = . { e die, asalfochebea 

ynto thofe ofthe manaedPhe tet nely differen: 

tl shepine i felfe;&-the other yeres as a wild hedge tree = rages ee 
a iport me aches, with ober lasts SET effe moment: the 3 ie 2 
bulding, boreoF the fubftance ofour Birch tree: the ies tho 
whereof thisisa tai. oe eee » Tile 

HISTORIE = t PLANTS. . 1177 
eda fae pendop : marc 

toe baftard wilde Pine, %The place. 
forwin ilde,Pines do growe vpon the colde 
nes of Linonia, Polonia, Noruegia, and 
Raia, fecal ypon the Iland called Holand 
he'Sownde, eyonde De nmartke , and in 
ha poor Narua “hie the Liefeland fhore, 
and all the tract of the way, being a thonfande 
Werftcon ming three ae 
ofan Englifh mile) from Narua vnto Mo coms 
wearhd haue feene them growe in jnlinice 

The finite of wats Pine tt. ttees is ripe in che end 
of September : out of all thefe iffi eth foorth a 

white and ness g'Rofin : they are alfo 

han i ee tof thefe is boiled 
through the i of the fire, a blacke Pitch :the 
Pitch nd the Larch tree be alfo fometimes 
changed into Teda; yet verie feldome, for Teda 
isaproper & peculiar infirmitie of the wilde Pine 

roper & 
tree, A treeis i to be changedinto Tedz,when 
not onely the hart of it , ae alfo the reft of the 
fubftance is pete into 
% The names, 
Allthefe ate called i in Greeke mer yoke tan ies 


sek 1 byt be Iled Call 

- ‘ n, but onely of 
swe e haue £ — e 11 rade: 

or the Torch: Pine heerofis _ to bein 1 Latine not Picea, ney Pinea, ca se not ia ated et, but 
ic trecyas Ousd doth plainly: sattaiccinhis Epiftles of noble men A 

Ht vidinspr nee notis agri arf 
ls | eAlrdet-ut admagnes Pinca Tedadeos. 


Joes | dieadeendie ssc ceca ort limped cas 
eee Heer pect 

ke org erie 1 Chie AGnaid 
’ & t=) 

eee ee 
El Suflrmet.c.2; eesti; a} hag Bre gogo 

: sap ? = SS ey ? ge eS 
Frag $. : vnderitand Teas Pinca, — 
= Q ws iS 58% 

1 Militus: 


Pincam quatetedam, 
With hande of thine 
Shake Torch of Pine, 
And Syadencialt in Hymwso Cerei Pa ee 
cu Pinws piceam fert alimoniam, 
‘As the Pine tree he ‘bine and breed, 
A pitchie foode it felfe to feed. 
1. 3 St Anat. F pt 

i Hedalfint 
59 iscall é alfo in La. 

1 2 CD 7 as: t | Bae SSS ee > - 4 7 

Latine pot t Picea but Pinus, 

mount Ida.ifth ee er ae 2 ae a pene Saree GS ¢ lot growing on 
€ * ne oe 1 Peper 88h That) 1¢, L 13-3 ¢ ines , the 
s - ess pes fOr The 
. ppl f tk Id P; fi 5' 1 tk f rl fe I This may mor 
Hele bok a he MM aa £. Din sees 1 pe es egestas 
J Ed 2 ce hae) 
5 J ot 1 1 j JL } ; = 9% D ee C ‘ 
" ° Tt temMaie 
{t asthe other 
and a ste to she the _ This wet ees trecis iy in igh Durch D 
D n Spanifh P 
See eel ia ‘ oe iyof helelins, 7 ridentnir, and ate 
Pad L Arte. tf is 1: , wilde fi 
_ L = r< rand ig L 1 be - EP os 3: ig 3.2 Tt 
ey F 
° . Or. - } —— f f ‘elhinee . 
ho ~ ne hey walt Es Le. rt Y Se ee Sha 535, 7 bbya! 1 Humvilis 
Pinm,or iene Pine , ; glith ground Pine, 
The fourth wild Pine i Jin Greek gealemiuen: in Latine Adaritima , and Marina Pinuws:in 
Englifh cant ine, ‘ 
Thatwhich the Lari Tl Pri d in Greelce i. Sri See ee ae eee 
o PAE WV IE & 
may bet termed i in 1 Englifh Torch Pines : 
} hP. I tree by itfelfe , and maketh itthe 
fixt kinde of Cone trees, iewitaek La bi gi 5 th Tos 7\ ik for oun, thePi 
iy pe CK RE TF 42 RSS 1 , oa ly 
a Hebd 2 
pa i ee ae ed 1 Poa ode Ce, Be el C Sink ae é tn 

a The pecan hire. and vertues. 

nd applied iichreth oh eta and, 

A re, Se ISS Sd ea hee 
alfo fhallow and | ficbe laid hehe froth h offiluer and fine Frankenfence, 
Bo Wit ththeC pea ean ee FA AE | Fag it 
} oh frag 5 pet sone 
3 st 

-afume: being drunke it ls the Soe nan vrine, 
Cc _ Galen had th almoft the fame things, but he faich sthat the bark of the Pine tree is 5 more temperate 

D Ri fi. Sa oe Wan Poe BG “1 1 yl rm gs and f L thed with this 
ee eR eee 1 “ hag re a 4 140 Re a ee ag mead. 
BE Ofthe& eae, Seen SoS ee fo eee reas Cone 
eee See tts t % st Tits Ct Walks ig SPB 
not effectually perf: y of the aforefaid See but hath i iniva certaine ‘Scng quali 
which hurteth, ‘ . 
= i led in vineger, is 2 mcsal likewife againft the 
_ tothe retbewalhed us ‘the Saco nde pales 
‘eismade ki g f P 
J pelisnegthat cafe -paine. 
H Ofthe pe kee | fe go 1 1 ] c IC brcoaes: and for 
L Pte 1 - Abn fill: : ofthe haire ofthe cic lids, and 
w £- J}, SS STROSS mg = 

oo a mee Of - 

‘ font 5 = ft >] 
is beaten, P/izie in his 14,.booke pe a 
' TL, Ip ot ~s , oF as, 7 

Of Rofins.. 


oR THe kindes.: 

fra D; be Teer Kies is Ps ani 
feet fi erinaling Rein, vand eee times byt! felfes but more lee cher 0 out ea the cut 
The! iffaeth alld. footth 1 of th ) Ee ee L | Talis 

Cel TD: . 3 (=) 3 
ce or 33 Prd iy ay 7 Lub tr: L ? 
Iti if s iok ey be Lae T 
bs aber TIVL + 

lian Ragia: in Span ra in "Engi Rol ine 

Pale a an me 

Seah’ fit felfe,of the I 2 
partpe 20 es te cer 
= r pe a SIE Pe PR 
in Gilic medicines Sei: to the kindes: i in 
thops Refina Pint Rofi fthe Pi d 
tye» > i, ’) GC YW c J Pare! ne 
neglig 1 Telit ep er Pre 1, ) h ria cage | Spa 
i yroe con- 
c.f L Lk 1} J hs | C+ 6 1 Avandia hk hh J a J reas 
Sait yo 2 ¥ ie Ree hie 3 eee Sete aii. as 4 } 

ishard and br. ictle 5 and ground, ci —_ and this Rofin is named in 
Gieeke gpuxni n Latine F; “olophon in Greeke xcacgevie.: which na: svied 

among the Apoth acacia peut Sanda foc an Englit hr names sfor Galeni in his third bookeo af ite 
dicines saccording to their ‘kinds fa d 

and manvtim 

} it Sha om f.: . 
b {t eas 

{s Se nar ide 

’ ? Ses 
-¥ ae oe Tee een oe, ae ee a eS TT aie Y. rps aos. 

fs lly a Felon Die-h t 
1: 8 1 Cha 3: cas er without fatnes, , 
: Prope ey going madivoy —~ chs in Alsi madeof the. Pils tree ebeig very, is called Sper 
8445 ' ; 
® Thethiiscalledin Grech d _- jvw: the fame calf ae fone ci Fe 1 
s. Yet ther cisto be fold Irie Rofin, but the fame i sndedattheR.G 
ofthePine rec, of dofthe Fi ET ee Beet OE ae ‘3 
p - rears of Frankenfence , Git ihies aay } PALS 
t Wee's ti LA nega ee ax 
cottage Oat BO, ae The emperstreand veraee| sir io gerot age 
tthey-w hbefl 4 ‘bi are hott A ene BS Os eee’ ~ pape 
being of Rofin LL. Loe it an er ee oe hss ares pict Shakar Fes & 
) 5 f 
10: 8,2 f~ L ‘ she bot 
weene ; - ths; the ; 
liquid Rofin of the Pine i is meee, saraming neste: to’ the eal = facultie the Karel 


Paha Rofins swhich are burne or’ fied, as s Dire ceftifith, on arom in bes iter 33 and B 
of the thin; oe eee i ey er as eee C Ppl Sa bisa foby. reafon a 
fon > ee a = spanaticanais, 

$5 5ar fame facultie they cure wearile fle, bein incom dm 

Soha ve fas chs ‘orasdio sri - itil 

Pehla eran y ie Bf ae a ents oe is iC heaingyp of greene G 

‘ci puratic dd alfo. ani 
Moreouerthe edout fromtheR from ~ sem si sane jo oke; called ry 
eckalynue: and par aers Blacke, which ferueth formedicines that beautifie _ 

Ie eie teh. cure fe gs fores of thecorners of the cies and alfo1 jowiemns cies, ‘daa ‘ Z z 


te withall, but the fame which ferueth ri i i i : 
-withall, fame wh Tue for P inters to print their bookes with, thatis to fay, of 
>) 5S . 


Of Pitch and Tar. 

Them manner of ares forth of Pitch. 

. Ou of “ape eft : f h Pi c ge 4j he Torch Pine;is drawn Pitch by force of 
freA p tbe pa i sot other har er, a litle chigheri in the middle,about 
gutters, to ithe ligt allfalls dion out rom theme 

-pl lace being vi > a clouen wood of the - Torch Pine muttbe fee prights then: mut ithe 
paged with a 2 great number off Fir and Pitchb yy ie 
AE a4 

lefti in the top of. the Furnace, thorow which abate mayb be put in, and the flame and mete 

~ ‘This liquor is called in Greeke wise: in Latine P/x : in Englith Pitch, and the moyltu re,euien nthe 
fanve cha fir ‘ferupneth i is named of Péinie in his’ 16, booke ir, chapter et ria : singe 
ing fo 

Euro: ope, ty Rah 
pales the wood being clouen is burned with aati and fet round about the fornaceson ae 
lid a after the manner oft ma king Ch g 

i j 

(Thisin Syriais called ce h 
pene beinga i couered ates with it) 5 are oe rice ichern is made Pitch, 
Dioftorides writeth, that Cedriais gathered of the great Cedar tree, and nameth the pr 

tawe' 5 y 
aa: oe ere : Ae high Dutch tricht Hrin! Tye ik dae od teh ete 
oo in oot Apothecaries ry, , 4 in Eneland Tar. 

dofth ie Fis Fis } 1 C8 ae ie hie eae ge ihe 
: dé 2 
Ly) ea of d : } gh y fhould aay, Iter aba Pix, ‘or Pitch ‘coed 
Sa Se eee es er ee 

3 tae. in hs Pix x nanalis, jor So Pitch: in nih Duch ean t in lowe Dutch‘ Steenpecds 

* TI he tpi ana vertues. 

A Pitch is hot and dry, Tarreis hot ee eo eset ges th Taesged 
4 20d t raat o> 
he Al ds of the tk , and the vuula 1 likewife 
ce reutvardy spl ¥ as to 
. ees RR AY om » ae oY Cet See Ber, eae See Sr ce ad “iniebe 
er ; D Fs 
B ity th hale te _— sib aistee . te fg 
a ithan all portior it taketl ee i Dock J 1 198 
* ofkerbelsand hard Hvellings ofthe mother snide : a A As 
Ph Wj. Liaill «te Raierh eating vie 
oe belaide vi } ae eae, SS a ae Pe eee R 
: TOE Ge | ixed with fine FE: kenfe ae am OE cats ec ot one 
> r 

air wath 

oe e d maketh 

~=Stone Pirc! woth NS as ae itripeneth an m m 
prec and inflammatio ons of kernelsiit tiles wp hollow vleetsandis ely mised 
< ‘wound medicines 
G. e Tar or hwhen it isinwa dh | ita Jein D Dior ies aba 
x ‘we fet downen h cof fot | man in our age will eafi Pert 
H ga gi 2 ow (at LI ke; ; t 

sincoftelefnsdot a= 

Of the Firre,or Deale tree... Chap.4o. 
Abies. 7 : 
The Firre trce, ; %& The ji 
y Sy we w He Firre tree groweth very high and gr 
ch are many and very 
not — 6008 oe ofthe Ewe tree , but 

hanging downe as the Pine apple:. the - 
hercot acted il other sihisee forthe matting 
ips, of poftes, r rapes deacon fun- 

There is another kinde of Firre cree; which is 

ie Pine’: 
mets Wz sng eae and finaller euen ae era 
ab hich it 

of the body,placed one againftanother jim maner 

piemer nesies vpwards:the leanes compas 

e boughes round abour,& the branches therof: 
ay they clones round,and blunt pointed, narrower 
whiter t then thofé of the Pitch tree, 

sateti is 0 fay, of alight, greene , andi in a manner 

__ ofawhite colour:the cone og Cor 
4 filkot amultieade of i Esl hes from the: endeof the wigs : Sue do‘not-eafily fall 
nots then the 

os a Sle be ah pe 

i ing'on siconctidae ery likealm moft to the 
wings of Bees;or. -oheat Flies: te ibe otitis of che swoodei is oe pand clad-with: ‘mia nie 
sae thehe cad ofan Onio % 

of r ie place. od baed 
“She Figre trees.growe vpon. gi mountaines , in many; ssmclids: of Geran a in 
which: itcontinueth avaies greene itis found Saag lalcas Iealy, ee 

imesantothe valleiés: id ep aera Pos i, Lick. 

ha. iallyin Norway. 9 where Lbaue feene the adele inthe wot’ of this 
mings a er Lc csestascenankdls 1 about them, or 
g rigs smetinabcet the tooicapmaaeie pe AAs it 
aon of a ocx es, and.therefore areeafily calt with any extreme'cale 

1 Sak pee iia Ghoti Sealtnlbice an and Lancathire, »Whete they 
aie ca pleoasisnepoted beforehand bahen be a whet. 

Shot ss freth an ad vatilt ied 
°! re Kno thence c= burne like a Torch or saben bits 

, # 

ebody of itis ftraight without yer A 

ot ait er out of one and the felfe: ar pare g 

sala e 
fa crofle growing forth of the fo weefides ofthe 
body, andobferuing the fame order ever tothe > 


cleere, and liquid Rofin, i 

sinde of the Pomecitron. 
* Ti . time, 
, i 

TL . fal 3 Te. 1. 

Z The 
This tree is called in Latine Cabies: in Gr aici eadtry: i ane ng the Grecians of 
name remaineth wholeand Lvncorrupt: itis s called i in high Dueck Waters eh, hivenoat ae 
hued Abel. Aho and ‘Mat oom 

Tedliant oh apa in Spanifh 4 ae 
in French dy Sap,or Sapins the other i is cto fis called 
fi lo oes a 
__ The eliqui uid Ro pntape : Pay ay caeyy i Gena ae 
Encl land falfly a Veneta, or “A i ia fa RNa dae ‘ Bh d 

that Dsofcorzdes calleth it tacedsus. frien, Oleofa Refina, or oilie Rofin 5 bur ote Rot in is the fame that 
ibe orgs Tari iss 

Di fanteber: i esrgee SS ae : 
I bz Re/y ae } haf {; YW A; C. ee “¢ £4 : fe ¢ 
o oe >) esin ft 1 
of Fey ead cd. 5 t : ead 
* ee 
< g e 1 £P caS, = C.1 rm Cet soa g a, 

> 3 to) 

A Seem Roft in ‘of the Fir treecalled pene, Toofeth the oe. “ driueth foorth toch 

and grau aucll. - 
B The fame taken with Sugaran and the one of Nimes cureth the of Oe oe 5 ftaieth the Go: j 
s, andthe the white ‘ 
ine ; ¥ | 
Cc Ecommepsiediiabie: bie all g d freth Is, ef cca } ape es Sap: * 
hewedka ndclenfeth mightily, eff jail top Be sfterward in Role 

water,the yolke of an egge put there to ih tho Hier of Oltbnun and Malice fine 
aiding thereto alitele Saffron : ly eotced, 

Of the peur? tree. Chap. 4.1. 

cit ay The deferition. 
r Poem 2 1 C. j pa, FS frail ight vp ebarke whereofin 
theneather sicher the:bou ughes i isthicke, ‘eset full te wri which 
cut in funderi is red within, andi in the other part aboue fmbot h, flipperie,fo fomething whit 

liable.The leaue 3& ingi fters thicket ier era 
which fall away area of winte he firft thewe: 

| be round,and grow out off ‘the tendereft a atthe length of a braue fa opera 
ey rofeof the Cypre 

Cypres tree, but longer, and mace 
fa multitude of hin feales like | hi eedes hauing a thin velme growing 
ee li L : LA if Ate wang hard Cc 
e eee Lia ( 1 aoe Pig hOPGP ESS GOT St. Sy d, of colout 
ihe AES } POSE Si RRR ee ne the 
£. j i 4 i ale ees a 
cielo pric 

vhich are very pr wens a a ae riteth? 2 meee egane 
ois — — the. sarpses ‘iguideRofin, » very then ante 

oh gas that of Athens ot of Spaine, which notwithftandi oe ca 
= ‘A aeage 
andlongamgmociahia: ee tL oagtesedy Set isd a les ite 
ca fer afc ae ey ae es pee dices ac- 
cording tothe kinds,one like vn Ti pe th r - a. pe tha hiss! ter snore 

Sa ee 


ofa robe fmell, andi in afte bitterer and hotter: but the! latter i is thoughts not to gist tt he ae in of 

the Larch 2 hane 

taken for thatof the Larch tree, 

AA ichas is'y 
onothertrees, tne fer, mate ok and Sipmngeten any other of ‘the mass and 
a } ae fiizkerreee d thafe's} I Pe ee G fe ie EEE * tS 
Bax ty J, i Et Delf jally int } sles ing PAN Pt eee aes 
jomewia > r 7 J : + ? " 

4 A A L } Tr: 1 L MW. kK | pe . n 
bear ® nee die : apt ae DONE, Agaritds the 
eeaivis P) o i c~) 
Y f 
youd « Ad MAAS 5 
1 Laricis ramul: Rec a 2 Larix cw Agarico fio. 
A branch of the Face eee ara he Barcll tee Wi ste his ie 

4 The plac 
“The Pai treé  gtometh notin Caabitors in ‘Macedon otchiey vpon ca Heed of fea 
cee trent Ree hehe ecb meet pel med 

Macon Se: & £G. 
eb cron rea lentifu ieee t falpina, 
Plinieha hath {aid — sega di&ting the CE Sank erie ‘nid, 

faith, that ay he Acorpenes Of France do beare Agaricke , onely the 
¢,pbutthe Con bests 5 Ebb eaiecg exci Bid pee 

Oo; am 

eth forth Agaricke , paris atnot may in in Gallia, which nowe is ¢alledFraunce, but rather in’ 
Lumbatdie y 

¢anéPiemoiii le mite ee meio althou ugh — 
ie ale ; 


zap alltke Cone trees onely the Larch t tree is Festacbs without leaues i in the Pics inthe 

te ame before winter fo foone as the leaues are gone: for after the (ales ate sis. 


This tree is call ed i in Greeke ples in Laine alo aris: in Italian and Spanith Larice : ie 

Dut pend i Melefe : in Englith Larch tree 
"the en Rofen i is s named by Galen al adel the Latines call i it Refina vate or Refine Le 
j Ze. fi sae 1 fag ie} id 4: a Joos Vit fh 
. . RQ = = 
i Tel h, 2 & * Su 1 T 1 cc ret } Fue SR may 
G h Larch Rofin for Tupentine andin 
another ‘Turpentine: for Larch ‘Rofin, i in his booke: a ei ecerdiap tot 
AV 1CHIAA recuse “aKa 
aricus, and 

fo likewilei in fhops: the — Spaniards, and other nations ‘doi imitate the Grocieta word, and. 
in Englith we callit Agarick 
‘ % T he temperatureand Der EES, 
. The La rch Rot is ofa hota temperature than all the reft of the ee pm iswithall 
ie te Hig oe cs nts to = haga Turpentine, andis fitly mixed with medicines 
which perfectly-cure vice 
Cc. AllRofins faith Gales that os ibs kine of a and clammineffe ioined with them,doas 
and bi caufe they haue no' euident biti te 

i binde tO: ogith aOL 
they d 

poun: either ence Retac. or ean Rofine ee far Galen. Mi 
fine patatede al fuch things that the Turpentine Rofine doth, vnto ich, @ aswe vine 
much likein weian, em soe likewife Galen himfelfe amet 

nthe fictt L + ho | 

aticke is = g g 
mak th thin scl feth biruGi {t i of thei il sand purgetha my 
= oo dé eo oO 
: ee : 
1 L W <4 "ON J. c Tf. 2 4 13 Li Lg. bee 4 
; ial a en & ee al 7 gee LR t TIL oe 2 : 
Paes : a : y 1 2 i ns PCG IR hee of 
Ee oe ets ao ies 5 aa = 
beatts which hute with theircolde poyfon. 
| fe th the body well coloured, driueth 
ring feuers, sere nd are of 

“ Sach wormes, curetha Jagues, efpecially Ses a, an “al and 
lo ei ieteing 60 it be mixed with fit ae that! — i the difeafe: andthele things itperfor- 
ging ,and flegmatike humors, which caule 
the difeafes. 
_ H >Froma dram waightor a hae and a halfe to two,jis siuen Ae once in fubftance or in Pere ; the 
~ waight ofit in an infufion or decoétionis from two drams 
tS _Butit purgeth leis ee doth fomewhat trouble the ee sie ; and ther eforeiti 
that Ginger ft thould be ¢ mixed with it,or wilde Carrot ede,or Lounge feede, ot Sal gem, in 

Fe es 
as A1e/ues dorhreport, ene icwithw wine wherein Sones rate was inf mele gk 
a Oxymel el,otherwife called firup er,which is the fafelt way 
Agarickeis good death the Le Bid imming of the head, or ae fling at 

M - itis i plied apsiat hed thethortneffe of | breth called. Asthma, thei inueterate ohsiede= Sinko, 738 
ase Saar ts 
feth ga Hise is a 

eedegehl ramet eae: 

peut! ~* Of the Opreffe tree. Chap.4.2:\° 7 

ghey altera,fue ‘ot oes 
The wilde aes reflet 
WS j 3: 

be de serie o8, 
Hetame or manure Cypreffe tree. ha tha 
lonig; thick and ftraight body: :whereupon 

cinder tanches do growe , whic 

fteeple, broad. he 
top :the fbitance of the woud is harde spends. 
well compact fweete of eli sand fomewhat yel- 
‘i Toivsalmnae ike the yellow Saunders, but hot al- 

ry thin, of a {watrill fauouted col our, which i is: 

= pledfant to “Pins or Pifmires, and ferdietlithem 
* fot foode. . 

/<! 2 -Of this diners make two. kindes : pr 5 
and themales the teaal barren; andthe inale 

ffl, dian ails reporredit that di firme t The ates 
yeelder osetia ese nj like in fubftati hat of the > but intafte ci 
Sree lharpe r biting. 2 
Thewilde Cypreffe, oop ae aff Iw like tothe a 

out Cypres,as it te to bethe gerd in seit a ia pees eA iruirey hese 
wilde Cy s: the macter or fixbftance hoapreter so uinde , ofa fw cece fmpell , like that “1 

oft Peedarties, which rotteth not: 

vleto make ¢ precious — works hereof. LE 

% The e pe 

Ba D 
¢ ‘ rns + ~ 
a | 5 

andie; Lye les ; and 

Pattsandridees of thehiles rit grow 
Planted,as a 

. pron eee tthe 
a Theophraftac and Tint cine oe 

“ae Se 


%& The time. 
__ The tame ses tree is alwaies greene, he frui y be gathered thrif in Fanuiarie 
lope é oi aanarie, 
The wilde Ci; is | j y } {i i hy id 
; % The mares. 

ibe rame Cy} i * hi a - i T ati ‘Mpre/fius sin in Ta 
pre & Ci eeftonb : 
Dutch Sick tat pin Engh Crean Cyprest tree, Tipe nia sg 

— is named atine Pilule Cuprefi, Nu ces Cupr a 

Galbuli:infhops Nuces aoe in n Eli ee ee This tree in times patt was 
Gedicated to Péuto, andwas faide to be dea ° 
is wa tunate. ; 

wilde Cy; is called in Greeke Se,or or ,and8ver: from this d at 
h differ 4 

re ee et 

booke 16 coins was well knowne to > Homer h he fheweh that i is burned, among the fiver 

finels, which Circe was much delighted withall : 3 
the irbla me that cll fiveete and odoriferous fimels, euen all of them, B thee name ; 5 bicaufe he 
do tr refp € copies haga falfel 
rix, OF Larch ee in whichi itis ifeft hat he , ¢ ly of rahkau eG 
7 1] iif 3 fan) Sey Ses SS eS p22 ay a Nise! + bad 
= Ba L A i} ae “ 13, {1 3 } 1 = £ Fagin Bm | 12. ¢ 
Ao es eg ch ee 1 t } Pier ree ae ee ere. 
1A: Sony  haetaheg L ee Ob CO at 
Oo d o 2 7 rt 
‘ . s& The temperature. 
Ce 2: ai ees 1} Cl. 7 . } SERS 2 n. Fig . 
70 7 : t=) r=) ws 
. wT: hevertues. at 
A The Cyp XT. 1 eft f y +3 ; 1 : . 52 Diofé Ft : h, fto hthe 
laske and bloudie flixe: it is good againft the {pi f bl all other iffue f bloud, 
They el 1 heal ] hard bodi s, the fafel and without harme  fokev and 
B 25 ‘ pedis S isd tase’ z6 7, 
confume the hidand f { ying deer feinfirmities 
T1.] ] y a i 1 ee: 1 
Cc . 5 a i ia Pi yO / Saad . 
growing in the nofe, i 
+n 1 1 SSN > ee soe j 
g > ating > mixing them with parched Barley 
mea ti 
BBE: ae 

Theleaues of C 
YP iiangun 
ofmaking water. vie 
te: port Peeler a0 ae rey STR | pe ae y gnats , and that the clogs do folike. 
fC. Ll C. : ee ‘he Rotin ki 

wile, : 
Gc The fhau ings | tt g oF 
leth mothes, = wormes and magots, 

Of the Tre oY cael Dips 

“He reddifh 
ssesimbers set ard, the ar are eading themf{elues sot ore down 
é reafon oft okt he twiggie branches, furcharge 
ponderous leaues,caftingand ieee themfelues like the feathers ofa anne 
and mor ullof: gummic of oroileous 
fubftanceswhich being rubbed int : iefanours\ 
pleafane and como: ae “ leaues come re fmall ayo tna which me 
= Lut yon f the Cipre: restr Sige on 

cna met eons pact one ssi fin to which my 

© ; ‘- 

idee C 



gene. The branches mi a tree laid downe inthe Arbor vite. Thé Tree of life. 
earth will very eafilie take roote _ enen ve ae Brig 5 hon 
 Woodbin E cepeauticinclan chI hou AW Si, \) IR ” 
ee and —. wee multiplied nee P Sf) N aS Ng f a y 
SRN NY Ph si YY 
: “ 

he lace. RW NA 
“hie tree growet ion t wilde in England, burit wt Vg 
. in my et vey plentifully, 
he ime. 
endureth thecold of ou t Northren climat 5 yet 
pe itlofehis glans ae in the winter months: 
irfowreth in my gard —_ ut May. 
v is 

» Theophr and Pin et on = fweete 

and aomnatical tree Thuia, or Thya sfome call it ce- 
drus Lycia : the new writers igen terme ner rn or Vite: 
in Englith the Tree of life, fe te not meane that, 


Ry Yi 





fmention is made 

Both the leaues and seme be hot and die. 
he vertues. 
Among the plants of the New fod land, this 
_ reewhich Theophraftus calleth Thuia ot Thus, i is 

 themoft principall and beft agreeing vnto 
tur san.excellent cordiall; and of a 2 very 
Of the Yew bre — Chap.43. ALORS 
Taxus. The Yew pettus tlie 

he defeription. 
He Yew a a Ae high tree remaining 
= finest and hauinga big tron * cos 
fcabbed or rough fcalie barke, 

the ae sie . he getird — and hisarmes 
alfo with his branches. . The e of a darke 

ur. t 
come foorth faire —— berries: as big as 
Whaorttle berries, full of a fli ny 
{weete tafte, 

- The Yew BE e many countries : in 
Macedonia and Mendis Tealie & Languedock:it 
gt roweth likewifein moft places of Engla and. 

i eT 3 ; 
The loerscomefoort in March or Apr til,and 
ftraight after them apparent buds : the beries 
—— aptase~ 

> cages bert 
 terpoyfons muinss Galen loth alfo call is 

itisn named i in Latine Tams: | in | ss ‘ 
: ‘in Fren = a in »Englith a or Yew tree: in rae tl 
€ vate them remaine, itis call I bs cost 
. a Rae c ae 1: a a ifs Tamariske bathe: Erear 
PP scoperaser ; 
wie s ig e oe oe iis 1 RS eis iat ie eof hi .. ee prs)? Diofearides 
> co) a ‘ at the Yt tree 
feth fi cknes, ye as nae ious pie eed threo Goan rr 
_ onely dangerous vnto man and deadly,bt aft theit fea. 
thers,and many times t todie, All which date boldly aflitme,is oo vntrue, For when Iwas 
of sz M4 £4i° ad yf ral ry 
hel ; ay fd os 2 P 4 F ‘ ut among the bran- 
ch fo. thou y burt ll h e time itn oe aa cha 
b fire j ell asct rae i “ bes all the by. ? 
wg Ws 4 leh. Leaf 1 ‘ i ace emouis plants, 
Parce venenata Taxo.gua fur git i 72 Otta 
Abietibus familit Jethoque abfumit acerbo, 
Diprater morens plenocrateremeraca 
Fundere vine pares,cum primum fentiet ager 
: Arita ob ftruttas fances animaque canalem. | 
ie | 
Of the Funiper tree. Chap.4.4.. iS | 
2 % The kindes. \ 
AM g hel if 2 ,oneis leffer , another greater , t i g tt g 1 fi tree, one of 
_& The defiription, 
Om : T inip g binf f ey, 5V Leaf cand bias ee 
hatha thinne paeseeds, whichis bo re Sell ate end emo ae 
—p ee guns orliqu ch like a 
eutgsche very {mall,narrow,and hard,and eer Ft oe sonia euer green 
po onan See amo ma which come foorth rounde and {mall berries eee 
frit. »butafterward de blac. 
Nem Z, they be dry eat ee, ee Cel yrith 
BR ae see SS Pe LL: Ni L Ras epean writeth , of anexcee- 
. f-ing ~¢ 7 pepo) rs > tog 
e . = 

pe ne SN eee ee ae ee gee ee eee 


: nip nec Tuniper us maxims. 
ne Thel funiperttce. “The great lusipg ei 
: Wh 





LEIS 4 4 (SS 
2 ty) 


6 KS : 
SESaNN \\ 


t ppcgrmon tunipet ty pecially 
reporteth that h 
thatit is found on i fea ee of the heat rnarises Adviaticl, ate hue sbringing foorth 
greatberries: and, others fay ayt that it gro oweth in Prouence of Eraicesiisomamerh yp fer the molt 
thy tes 

part in rough, Placesandnegretot the fea,as Day einen 
% The tin: ° & 

The Iuniper tree flowreth in May; the.flower whereof is nothing elfe, but as itwerea little yello- 

. with duft or powderftrowed vpohitheboughes, The fruit is Tipe in seb lige ng feldome found 

ga ey tats s te Thenames,. a waite esdatae: 
Tuniper‘t 44) PEs st Orn vials 1. Latine ss 
heAnbisn clic Arconas andc rch he Irali Gine Fi high Duh ee ee 


bro: the French men and bafe Al naines Geneure : : in Englifh: 

pre Iuniper tree is called j in 


int ees ch feta ie aco epee Sa 2 
pen x, ifh toe 
urn of ee anes called of thé Apothecaries Vernix: : inLatine Lachryn 

ait adarax and Sandaracha peers another Sa ndara chaa ie 
ich grow. 

Mention alfo of another Sandaracha, w’ 
beset hey beabout ther 

bh hn ee oe IC 
titted (1S 1S Site 


*T he temperature : 
¥ *. a Pils Ash . . 
é > as Galen te. 
Se eee, dics tuseamn temo ana acheth 5 the bertiesatealfohor, 
a Tne APRA: WIC, & 
* he acc 
A _Th fo eee Let : a oe pie ital 
pee oe fed andiathackase PE YS 
; ef Sit 
ing ouer largely heft ke. and Wabsiksieeneee 
itneither Bethe nor ooteth the| Delis it protketh vtine, we Sia 
di Fr p Rare ape ey 2 a. MiSs 
of ; +; HEA 34 4 rs ee A ie 1 £ ZS > i If 1 .. aa chet, 
Ce CORRS SR Seer Soe np as ieee a! yee 
Tera raat ree fo} et 7s nett 
Cc fingular good againft an old cough, and 
cainft tk h which child ithen extreme! troubled, called he Chin co ‘ 
liad : S fe L oa A “ih . “a 
which they p taw ,toug , 
ee + Sey | 4 wet 1 Poe | 4. 1 z Lf 

__ fteeped, who liue in nate S84 il pood he health. i wh 
a This is alfo drunkeagainft poyfons aiid peftilent fencrs, afiditis not wnpleafne in the rinkir 
when the firft water is almoft pent, the veflell i is againe filled vpy wit th fr eth. 3 

aire, which bring the plague, or fitch like contag ious difeates el inice of - leaues : 

a ia) : 5 pyss re, ie al 
The afhes of thet Ibarke. bei Ved ath poe tha Cet ae Ee 
: THES ? SL lis: pa a EAS od ey 
skinned i< Sees a So 
TL. = Pugh | kes See) > i. 1 ° 
4 ee - bed yd coe 

rs affirme 
F ‘The fume or an of fhe gum 1 doth ftay legmatike ines a dutlLoe of the! head , sand 

‘a if th f: 1] i! sand alfo drunke, 
a Tetdlechk al £ Beas L 
K : ; y5) febandeacnhoaehs it i§ commended 
alfo agai ft {pitting of bloud; dri hot vicers sande them with flefh sifitbe caft theron: 
L . Thereismade of this Sof oile of Linef a ixed togither,a li norcalled Vernith, whichis ed 
1 od =) 2 2 } Lt ith; eh [ as tbe ithe tuft, 

“Of ie lp Coe or Cdr Funiper Chap. ae 

The kinde 
fe He prickly Cedar treeis like to Tani sie: andis called the finall or he Seles for e ere 
: from the great and tall Cedar, which bringeth Cones:and of this there two kinds ial ne 
Hirefiue and Pliny do teftifie, that is to oo of Lycia jand anottie ears 

defer tion. 

“tHe Crimfon or prickly Cedar, fe arate Pat! like to the nS tree, in| bodi 
bonghes s,which are writhed knottie,a nd parted nto very feet ngs: ithe ful 
: te is sred 2 an ete the likethar of ‘he ae ie one is couered o ouer with 

5 soe a eZ es ofthe ‘oie Fanecaes teeta ( 
ae vee “of {me a nd {fo ETE ao en the + 
ite ateoft aa 


: 3 f g atall, which being brufed 
J iw } pe ee ee Rrehe L1C.f 1 os red } 
0 tf > a oO 
dj } ly ] > dab t k 1b ; as thar norshle learned Herba- 
: 7 ne Oak 1 . oe Pe ee ee , ae ee ae " per ot aS 
mtg ae ; Py a , ai agg Sg i 2 : bes: x i ping oa: i 
a our yCLow Pps § i 

1 Oxycedrus Phanicia. 

9} 2 Oxycedrus Lycia: 
Crimfon or prickly Cedar. Rough Cedar of Lycia, 

osu yf 

Es BS 

a ae 

lg Cai pS Me Fae i Non saaaaeg 
prick dar w lour, higher and greater in certaine places 0 
Iealy, Spaine, and Afia, andin other countries for that which groweth on mount Garganus iri 
- Apuliais much higher, and broader then thofe tt grow elfewhere,and bringeth foorth greater 
ies,ofthe bignes ofan Hafeli Nut and {weeter,as tk ft diligent writer Béllowius teporteth: 
Cu Chaff ith 75 L p -4 ly n.1 a Soe 2 if L Ff> great a growth indi s pla- 
cecantS ; ope Se L : a y 1 Lot dy see} i hick asaman. z 
a La £ 2 Le 

The Lycian Ged is found in Proven 
Patt of Greece, in Ilyricum and Epitum, 

ina great 
Both of th 1. 
Brnattesreds bss, a Tiers re 
hikes tt CL . ae, we 
“ha J o af 
are Yat T . 
ftom rhe. i y z EE SS 
‘Thef : ee Sg: "4 
Enolith Prickly Cha Seperate 


rll 1. 

enen by 
giueto the oper, 3 — ees os are eae to imitate dnd nn he olde srritions 
hau ue not by 2 names eee se ——— from the Cedar; but haue; as RO ne nm rs 
re bag. 

Tt } oe FY es Me | Fir ae 35S adil, 2 ‘ 

AOE SH ‘ yeis Cedrus 
Prouence of Fraunce Aforuesne : divers name this a tie 
the A h f dj dich they 
want, as pot ecarieso f Epidaaras, an indi uers cities af Sioa andl in ie and 
ke 1 1 4. ey eee Sar ay Bi Theophr.. 
eh " 

OMe the iruit 

If thisis Ee hi to re Cyprti cones. 

__ the fruit of this Cedar i is named by T »phra ft Ced) Cedrus, ashe 
if lula dis pe sting it ths sich never grow werh 
toatrec, 7 nee 
1: amt Tere ay) S £64) f : KlyC } si alfocca lled 7, » Andis folding 
pees thereof. 

Thet temperature and vertue. 
or eM c little Cedar, as celal is hotand drie ina maner in in the third degre as = 
fubftance thereof is fweete 8 fmell like sat of 4 and is ied for perfumes andor 
-fimels togither with the leau 
Be The berries ot fruit of tl > Jar have tl Iti fo ftro' S> the fz ‘ 
ach, jand breede heate and gnawings in Pee douse Yer nae isa difference Nee ae theletwo 
by reafon they ate fiveetera nd plea. 
fanter to the rafte, and therefore they are better ye be eaten a and doe alfoyeelde vntothebodiea 
. : rebiting, hotter and drier alfo thanthofe 
of Iuniper, fi hich they differ efpecially in the biting rey idee? no nourifhmentat 

{m F Ey she thall fe 

é 2 o 2d 
in his head. » 4? 
= Th ol + 

: : be ode 

: r § 2 ge } 5 y! x 

tae ee ee ee | 1, ype. || cee Hs ¥F <A hy : sm eee 
fon re i ! - . 

ee OfSauin. Chap.46.. 
; = % The kindes. eee ; 

s. ween ‘hee bese beaenae other: barren. 

Cc aftr prep 
yprene tree, 

1. PP efi is ZL: sod = hBA eription. CoM roy I: eee <5 
- T os Se es the ftem or trunke whereof is fome Se eee 
arme,di rae - into omanybranches ee | 

seechanshicks nore fharpe-or ‘or prickly, rem aining greene w neerand fommer:in in fimel 
er both = flowers and fruit, cui 

2 “Theother Sauin nis riick tee, as Belowinsfaith, as tall as the Almond tree, ae much like 
Cyprefie tree: sthe bodicis sed hic, and of fogreat -a compafieas th hacit icansotbe 
rs Mees ieee s,s ¢. peed era 
Ch-C. We: ae ‘ }. fre bitter,of 2 
“34 . ae ee on ee . Om > Raine lite hole 
€shaVe Ae tee SHS hw nares 

which — bad 


pa a ipa erameree 
hereof, agian ae rake coon pete 

7 Wiss 
Oy t3- flo ote ihe fn Fam AB Lomo art’ 

ss cats tha Sabine ce eT ‘Remi 

@ The Place : 
Bethe of Hho gro wpm Hilly os Woods % Recthe aicth Poe: ae 
i... teswhert P-Belonius rot B. Vhat fi ofonid areal ; : ian 
of f ftcun M crn lacey Taurus, eons ites as 3 mt 
“Ska foots prlardhd m rei hl ee 
Sz 6 plakD ois Parana) He Mh apn 
i 5: fl: eg al rood phe v 

prvi radon ns tbe wns 1 to 

eH CAL cover BE alirey sent Plaons 1h fom kek LnDon 9 rp te 
: fil comin > a Wonter,: ie cua ES ag ab Goose ; 

T ae thee 3 : 
Fi fen 4 es ey beagp git Sauna. of eens a 
sae “ta Ttahaugy 24 Nant. A rw <etto m Ang Sia 

. Biber baw; »: Laat ide ee SK) SAU CHLEY : om 2ngiheth ) Ceoman 
4 Ser or ge on San “aie 
3 2 Vn. ef re Crehica or cps as Pin yout, kh. 

$ mah mg miwhon mene Be ruta Sit Vas eb 5a 5 heb 

: ay 2 ny dsten ak: 42. 17 - : 

Ss eae 8 oe os one Say file he Pea 

3 27. ; abe a, ee oe of 
: 42%, ep Oh fimslé Hat-Thya. am wha & 

Gove cna fans oath coro TS 
Shire eel ae Fea Sta 

ya es 
eo _ Feet ftheeD Savin 4 mt Thya, mrkhen ees ark 
Be ie. et 25 Lhtvis nan) @ Lobel, Sa brn 
ea ae apie ‘ae that 3, Keo hue Srvme fat Ran £2 Perms of 

a an 

eae Tinfperature 
The: ,, We whebh any marl ub$0 m Sh Settee Ww hd-B Dry - 
re ie Ep Reme “4 
Pins: of sere GeAAimrit Suck pa gen Frey Yon 
Pics wit Drew suey fifier- Roth, emp DD ch, 
fed eee 2t Ath Ler Lho-bewhess beet) wry a “aS 

* aot ee (od wey, LZ) cum ULeers 
fae, ng Ubeers, hl ape WI 
rc. a ay Seas fall Pp hormdy x ds 
Cains tine PE 26H Lavky poo ¢ Joh » od 
ssi eres 

Lrnory D w — Lear fed de 
me oe L 

ee hee er ie 
— oe MRT ee of 

? : ob 
Yrovtly f fun, 

6 =< rn) Gy Covetuct,. oe 

7. Vemanifeng arbors. == “Toamanfa, Germania 
$ Fs Jamarilke . oe oe Behe 




= or binding, and d by: reafon a Bee ase it is vey ise for an harde ene, sand byl * 


__-Yety neere to the ops Galla ro i sae - roughnes of talteis 

: " Motesier Dige dkides veacheth,that the deco@ion ¢ inejdoth wafte t the p | 
fpleene,and tha eche'fam is goodagainft ih ooth: ht he mouth b hed a cherewith: that ie 
> fr : ‘ 2 , al 

% The cdéfeription. 
He firft kinde of T. k d with édith barke 
ae many branches fer. and bedeckt with leaues . much like vnto Heath : amon 
opu tple, which tutneinto a pap- 
pine lownie feede,that Gieth away with the winde,as that of Willowis: the roote is woods as 

c } {} 1. A : ES 




ack h ln Lk L fi CY a ot t 
2 “The Germaine T I y g , with 
ich, 4q funk 

3 S ek <b P 
The flowers are anes not hie the ae deine a turne into feede, tharis likewife caried _ 
away with the windes d 

% The place. 
Tamariske groweth by running ftreames,and many times by riners thar breake foor tli, andno 
feldome about fenny g grounds, Rule: a grauely foile, fori itbeft tprofperethi in moift and Rony Ly 

he Tamariskes do alfo oro in Egypt and Syria,as Dioféorides wrireth, and likewife in Tyh usan 
tani in Arabia 5 as T rheophr a wsnoteth: the woode whereof fai thhe, is not weake as with ys in 
is Tam 

mar riske Dif orides doth 

=: s 1 } 1 Gorctcit 
oe. 9 

-tafterough and biadin ng. . . 

Petrus Belloniua in hisfecond books of Si Singularities ref h, thathe fawein Egy 
; t fometimes i places by riuers fid apdmanie 
times alfo in dry ‘and er. graucl ly g Mg, beara: 
~ hangin on the boughe$diich a! a feilede of Gals, that ar pian eh ee, te as being 
ouetlo enijthey were ready to 

* T be time. : 3 
Thele trees or (hrubs dof J 1 of Anguft, theirfeede is caried away 
_ withthe winde. : ; 
. * iS he names. eee: 
| RA SOR 3 1 ’, a: Ree RPO me 5 ae oe A 
Of Odfani Fic i ae, Diolteria I a | ae Seay as fe flay ee 
pees Pi Pee thet Thy sk ae PSE eae SRE TS yt BS 
Goa 1 ra n = Be eh Ze 
3S t S 2 in 
French tit in Engi vee a 
= betomperaturcandvertues. Sy * 
Ta mariske hath aclenfi ing an drying;i 

tanches,as Galen 

52238) sigh ght ge ig ley A de S ee ee 

ying 3 dq greatly {couring withall, a and allele 

thed therewith, : . 
The athes of bu 


eas oe Qt 37 Ss 

sar egiate asit sesrmnech 

Gall,the which flowers are of an vnequall temperature , for there is 
eautisaceof Patts,andc Deohtste erie whicsies Gall hath 

eer gah oe inmedizines 
ood to ftanch bloud,and to flaie wpa yd sinter 
fic and alfocueth Soka tare bit of th 
wae ide 

igo of det ees cal Mel ae ae 

feline ge or Beere,and continually drunke: and 
dith made of ane vero! anatond cer i 

a | 

494 we 
Of Heath, Hather,or Linge. Obap.a8: 

The kindes. 
Ths be diuers forts of Heath, fome gr picater, ot leffe * . ith broad! 9 and fome 
1 Evita vulgaris ya Pumila. 2 Erica Pumila alba. 
Comin sor x da Heats. Dwarffe Heath with white e lomers, 

ee ee ee 

j } 

a. Se to feted brand H ath, 
ae oes = } fauing th L eae | L. gethfoorth — a 

sal Cfieck at Sy oe 4 
= ‘The age Heath, mak Cirolus Clufusathis being in En or foundi in the barren grounds 

Windfore, which i in his Spanifh travels he maketh the firft kinde 5 groweth to Cee : 4 
_ two cubits,feldome chigh er, fullof branches, couered with ab Slackifh bare whe rein ae eo 


= The flowers inclof the little twiggie branches round about at at cettaine é 

lowerpartto the top fafhioned like little bottles > Lonilfing Of owes partes, of a fhining pur © 

cone bei to behold, and the rather to sbe efteemed bicaufe it flowreth twife in: a 

the roote is likewife woodic. ~ ian Same 
Ssiatid ae Bice the former, buti® 

to *: i aad ee 

4 wis 

Ant o 

geet . 

Lo =] 
— ’4 
Ss i: 
“ws s if 
3.8 2 
Het E 
z 2s i 
i aL 
“Bag , 
py 3 
me Se 
=e is 
> vu 
© 26 
Be © é, 
m 8&3 
4 SE 
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Ee is 


“sarge sige 
1198 THE noen BOOKE OF THE > 
5  Croffed Heath giowes to the hight of f acaba al fl of branches, ofa iat 
colour: whereon do growe finall | fetat dtwoont 

other,oppofite, one Serer nga another, euen as = the leaues of Crofle w woort, The flowers ine 
“manner ftand alon ngft the branches > offe fafhion, of a darke ouerworne coloy our. Theroote 
ag ewi vile - woodic,asis all the reft of the plant. 

A | nome 1 i — uh vor the molt pa pat 

Sg C. > o +P 

] SE YL 

bE Rost 1 Yat | 
> — ae i 2 
Pyramide or ecPigehereot ittooke his name, 

7 Evicatenuifelia. : 3 ple ap es. Spon: 
Smallleafed Heath, . Challice 

Pas Kae 
© Chon 
on a 
Wak k 

: -  & The defeription, 

7. Thisfinallor thin leafed Heath is alfo a lowe and bale (hrub qaitag many sated 
{eae sane ee croote, of a reddith browne colour 5 5 whereu pondo growe. very many 
final leaues, not fo. og 
4 atceraine{paces of apurple colour. The roote is longs nel and es a 

8 Challi ¢ Heath hath élfornan any woody branches growing from the roo! areddifh 
ne ¢and — mob exniiaed with very little leaues fe: ne 

‘ browne colour,a foot 
The flowers growe on the tops and vpper partes of tl 
moe, hanging downwat or open cup of Ch of 
ofa ———— othe K roote a and peo in r= ae new 


9 Evita baccifera latifolia. | 4° Erica baccifera tenuifolia 

Broad leafed Heath bearingberrics, Small leafed Heath with berries, 



eS ee 

| 4:7) if ipa 
Koen ree td 3 aed eri; tions pM en te \ fic 3 
Re his flrange kinde nth i lea Ls - like awoodie fhrub 
wa the ground , rfiphiong text f es. calles hina an bps way: bile ie 
confuledly long leau nee sens ftalke,andblunratt ynlike to th 
aah ine i poe ng which ¢ che: hath 

me foorth flowers which ch tt ine 

and my felfe have nc 
bis, se i foft, ida aed colour when = beripe. The roote is ion se em 2 

cf a cedath coe ale ypon the a do take hold ther cofin had pace 2 

ingare agzatnong which come 
malt dere an peers wbich ve aa = eede fall round berries, 

that at the firft are g1 g aps aie 
apurpl, PL hb Cea NAH L 1 

ke Mench * 1 sich eb At 3 Sea Ser pe eee te 
neere I — ay : = ese tee ae S eptthat ith the 1) fae s and thatwhich f 3 3 
Sbhetie es iN NER She fe, fe sae 
: h with vpon thedownes neere ynto Grauefend, = ae eo 
eee tSof ind , namely, ataplaceealled. 

sie ame mm whence I haue receiued the . 

ea Osis $ Matter zames'T livaites., L ese 




% The ti 
Thefe kinds or forts of Heath,do for the moft 


part flower all the fommer , euen vntill the lat of 

% T he names. 
Ly : sae e et a 1 ’ ml anne atk as An ffl . 
T ord € ith Rref Ou ot it fyrica : in high 
Wf SE brhyre 2 ih E 
Heath eee i nglith 
% The temperature, 
Ee mF 23. ws fi: Cc re Cc . . n” ot 
tobe vied. eae a ; sts -\ Ree 
% The vertues. 
A TL sh 4 Pym Sf oF J Lot ne. 
‘ n Cote f x a A 4 E> * . pea! l L +1 f ae oe 
2s pect g LL i — 2 1 >) ¥ . . 
B TL. hark v7 l 1 rae | . ] fes th Tamariske is vied, 
Of Heath of Ferico.. Chap.49. 
3 Rofa Hiericontes maior 

The Heath Rofe of lerico. 

The dfrpin, ea 

2 oe ee iericonten ficcata, 
he Heath Rofe of lerico ine 

¥ aor: i 
7 PIAL Ls, r ft pe name Ro/a Hiericon- 
A tea espe ich often cts ees Cali ciLiestentens 
there is not any. moxe.vnlike ke vnto the Rofe , of any hindg thereof then Pood 


_ pte fs 8 

HA TSOSAB Liga Sha SH T208 
y st hath “ners ¥ ae De; 
Se eunie: aaa He ithéwhichdonbtlefivisakind h,as the barren 
foile,anid thatamong:Heath doth duid sasallothe Hedthiednateer wherwith tl 
lantis p offeffed, agreeing with thekinds oe Heath t ¥horable posits. Ic rifeth vp a 
P ne hag a RR. SS 193 
: 5 cs Sg tate i] ] ee | rw. 1 . > lL F } 4 
pare rs pe | )¢ ecg ee ee eS I Lg hey er, ce id tis 
tieiy . Sexe b 
no vnlih hofe of the Ol ec, hiclmaketh:the whole p! faround rea hollo: 
in ;among thelé heinfide growinallmoffie fi Jofawhitihiher betel slich f 
eueino lil ele, Lt ee Me S| CR 2 3 ser 1 A S| ? _ file fia 
Heat and woodiew: broifsorsbod3 vino isbw rorhodw.n 
2 Th th footththe dri dplan . itd hud 8 foot ond the feas, 
Pe felfein oe ae as when 
it digonos and ee — be dygetmat i alimeuace 2 hefaee 
; oe The place. Hh 
Tt { > uv —e sm: cc at 4 37 ima 1. i: oe 
WwW te ie n @ hy oe o pe x ?.. age eee he a 1 re 
UKC pint ca) rr) av ~ i cs . 7 
: % Thetime. shsiico 
ee ne 94: 35 ee ae ets | eT ie, Tae eee oa Se 
r > 7 ve ese ee D> 
wudingeh neither flowers nor fects dyoris 
se The mares. 
Lew} CLT 1 W y D ._ £ rae CL A ee > 
pr ae ey < eS “a 7% Dr, 
4 bd o 
gigdla 92177 shistard sc dicbasaiaaiaaie shite. Sars siod 
"TL ) gt 2 } ny 4 L L  - a7 = Md Ci! 1 
1. $. sl . i ee ey Re! La ~ ly 1 * Os . I A J Asaf, lag sai 
a Of: the Oiten tree,” ayes 50. piece 
Vitex ie Agra Cais. defer of ‘ption isnt 
eeimattet tree, Y Itex,or the Chaftetre ree vcuvelis after Fille ie ma- 
net of a bufhie fhrub or hedge tree, hauing | 
is ches, very pliant,& eafie to 
‘ nt without Seder vnto the Willow: the 
fesuss. are for the moft dinided into fi fe 
ah 3 divifions. much like the lea ues of Hemp, 
eS whereopede ‘part is long ahdnarrow, e-vnto 
” Bil the Willow leafe, but fmallér sthe flowers*do gro 
: . at the vppermoft parts of the branches , like vnto 

» fpikie cares, cluftering togither about the! branches, 

after the fafhion of AZ Mathiolushis Lilac Of 3 

i blew colour a ae efmell:the fruite isfmal 


Te Ee ce en. ee ae eae 

oa he places’ - is Sike 
ex erowet baal andre 
pefete by water ¢ odurieeshd sinaing ftreams, sl haue 
it growingin my garden, is 209) s..3/ 
% The time. 

| Pitex beynnrhoec our ist eas in ai 

PRs eo me foorthin-Auguft. 2 
meee 9 secede eet 
rb di andi: bi- 
ats cau fit Piaicia hie i Sl 
T hefmophi 5) Athenie (un, c 

roktepe secre heb iehes chai do laie a ohn cae 4 
beddes © vnde ler them; ta it Vitex 

q VA wo Cola ,b 
Es ey Ayn Ee 


wo anpliedt theres CO. 

is aremedie for lims out of itvint,and for woundes . 
G T.: 3% by rim pale, & 4 tie | 


2 ee j 

ds ix Mg rina;OL Salex been Peper. wAgrefie: in high Dutch Sebapimie, 9 Reutiom ann in 
0 Spanifh 

9 AgNO Ca, 
Gattilo cafto: in Einglif Chaite Tree stamp inaiiada of divers 4gnuscaftus. a 
The temperas 
TH afc. Cc a) 1 a ; 
7 ery thi: 
Sean wafte or confime ar n ve ny 
i % The versues. 
P i Rus 2 } } Re a Wy 14 ase 
A Fa, Wages Pa nae T Get ve a4 Le fei} Biss he gee s gly | liue chafte, for i rt 
S t ZL £. Be ear oe as } ae RE ake f gencrati- 
# ‘ ? oh £ 5 J? 
J L ae Oe | aR dy 3 fe oh rp, a fins, thatis; chaite , cleane, “and 
_ pure, 
B Thef of Agnu cain drunken, drineth away and diffolieth all windineff of the theomic 
open ‘otha ad cureth the {topping 
good to — unke in wine in the quantitie of a dra 

The leaues nied with butter, diflolue and as the ings of the genitories andcods, 

1£. eg 4 an A: seyfl « aa 1. 

3 fey ee = a) Ege gee i thema- 
roial Dine i doch alsorbouhvkies j ee y 
the headach, the phrenet i thofe thar} 1 . EEE. 
od men | 
oile and vi a ‘being ie thereto. 
E {- Py ey tio } t 
biti f eng 2 2 24 clr 
= Theleede laide on seal wal doth heale the clift FRE er eee + with the lésues 

s Y 
a : L 4 1 3° ML L c.. 1 rf ‘, NW2.% sj 
2 : = 4 eo ia JI 
. F . 

ae the Willowe Tree. 

The kindes. 
Tewbe be diuets forts of Willowes n= eke vnder fundry titles:the Oziar,the Sallow, cheRof 
PS the common in Wichie. ic,and the Dwarffe Willow,or Withie. 

nes &The < eri ; 

Ae ie com PIT ot yoy ; d riferh vf high 
3 se clet ibid ee baineteopalia Sins ning, {c feer itis plantedsthe bark 
of is fmooth, tough , h, and flexible de is whi “ a dl Jtob broken: the 
leaues are long, effer, fthe Peach tree ,{ eee 
dideand flipp sand } Ce ge Rael i ; 
purpleo wkastel pkgs : he catki he pod g a Te eee efgue hathomeedeone 
_ of all foorth,being long and moffic,and quickly into white and foft d down, thatis cariedaway 
"with the winde. 
2 The leflert . ,£ es a. 9 8. +6 lL. t, fl 
witha reddifh e L 1 Phy sta: tas Bo c} ye cope 
twigs or rods aos sie pees: 30 when they are 
offfo thatwhich is called the head increafeth ynder Lien ene " 
Spchighed foe . Patel: a ah ek “L 7 14 7 L ndaboue 4 
yt re oD fo rs ees ee 
Y i i i 23 4 ? Fear a We y L ings, ly for bandes, 

ith cubs and casks arebound, : : is Sie 

“ah S201 
1 Salix. FELD © 5 dat 2 Salix aguatica. 
The common Willow, MOA ATH ~The Oktsor wkter Willow, 

‘A rt . 


< ty a = i =e es : > 

oS 3 Salix Caprea rotundifolia” re . ; 
‘ f ‘exohar airak 4 Salix Capre bye 
leafed Ww. if” ead, ‘The Goate bro 

| A0idaph yds 10} Sy 
| abinpHe Godte tou f 
ph epee Snes 


oad leafed Sallow. 
m= <4 ‘ 4 ile 




‘es Q) NOt 

Ms Se; Cafrrn. tL Se 2 
; Anant, daly 

ere SR 
> % The defeription. 
Fhe Sallowe tree or Goates Willow sgroweth toa Set ORe eae big nes:th 
foft and sige ee ae = a: whitith —— barke? ‘the cts ate ects 

This 0 ther Sallowe tre Ge ibretipoctom the trecedent; ast tin thisone point, (chatis t 
ae liad: are; sug ied! patt othe tree, wherein is she eee e 4 isto 

Ps, as 

5 Salix Rofea rh 4 i : 
‘The Englith Rofe Willow. ’ ‘i bs: ane 

gi Wiliow groweth yp likewife 
A p | \ Us Ve, oe ae a bignefle of a “3h tree; i 
; \’ ;| NZ ae, body whereof pia ais with a fcabbed rough 
xi Y i NS os VEN barke: the branches)are many ; whereupon do 
\ ) We Z és rowe very many ra ss ofa fh colour, gar. 
vane (ZZ — nifhed with {mal long leaues, fomivhat whinth 
fe Ny Bf) [pe among which come foorth: little flowers) orra- 
} CAEN ther amultiplication. of leaues, ioined togi 
Se | fia in forme fe | of ith white colour, 
which do not —- st 3 mete res but 
alfo moft 

nee fet ~ in a sie ee — 

6 tne se on bale Willowe , groweth 
, lowe, andleant weakly vpo pn 
uing many. {mall and narroweéleaues, fet ypon 

limm rane pliant Serncheh. = a dato 


kith green 
long flender{ tema! fallo of rofl d tones , which 
turne in toa light downie fubftance, that fliech 

7 7 T he he Dre Willow hath sya 6 
fcsde a es , fel = 

foote, butneuerac bie igh, peng 

of agreene colour. aboue and on the vpperlide, 
a but vnderne' ie or ouerwo 
4 & N nith colour, in bignes and fafhion ofthe leaues 
2 re yt of garden Flaxe : among whic 
; Je duskith fow See 


{malland threddie, of od bignefle fleof a toe 

- ey LUATIN, Vy , ea scoot Cait in hat, thatthe 
ao eae fmaller and narrower, as bigge as ee ae ofthe great. cyl, hans 
finall knobbie flowers of a duskifh colour, which turne into downe that flieth a a ar tie 
the rooteis fi per face of 
aie g 

) a f=) 

Ge Catkinsor 


6 Salix hum 2 Chameitea,fine fe eee 
The pa aie The Dwartte Willo 

De aha Thnk tA 

: fle plot 

““Thele V VA7i11 pe 
Cambridge fhire, by the rivers and aehds there in Cathbridge towne they growe patonaeoy 
about the places called hanover LU mouth, in the se Cambridge toGraunchefter ; I 
ee dwarfte Willowes growing neere toa bogge or marrith grouinde, at the furtherend. 2 
Hampfteed heath vpon the declining of. 2 te in chedicch Hay inclofecha fall oo 
not halfe afirlong from the faide honfe or €. 

. ' : * Er irsied 
5 BAG, Ot Ome. ee Pt: ge ae 

The Willow ek Oy in oe ‘in itkacne Salix: in nigh Dutch aayoe: : in ste 
pe: Saleio: in F 
Pee edie hl Salix pertic scious Wii esate peel, 
thatwhich being et opped fende i t from one head sure the kin de hereof ish 
( 1 i ack 

ei writeth that the Arcadians do call the ell i Plinie alfo nameth this 

likewife called in — Salix —_ Salix viminale is, Gallrca Salix,and by Colwnella Sabina, , which 
hefaith,tharmany do WetepDen low Durch "aL 
inEnglth Ofer oval With Caimetinis 

zink Dutch 
wigge Withie: PetrwrCrefeentiza H? 
stilenes, lone, fede, ee adr intend deg and 

tine es5. = ae 


: % The vertues, 
it ¢ Nit ithie or \ V Nil y f i if fbl | yand allo the fluxe f 
bloud id miatieier a man ot r womans if if the faide! 1 barke be boiled i ‘ie 
: WEEK fee peso e and drunke, 
ee eh. Poe PLOT GALE E EER pes: sr ea fiche 
Oo J 2 whic j 
isav woonderfull reicthang to the f ficke patients, : mg 
> s 5 tS ie a | A. side 
j 1 ufee Od = i: fos 4 = as. £. 1 Bis ‘eeped in 
WP icciie flowring,and gatl in iuice, with which th y wlero takeaway 
things that hinder the fight , and this is when they {trained to vfea clenii % 
thinne and fubril! parts . ; 
Of the Oline tree. Chap.52. 
% The kindes. 
rr ¥. C.. CNG 1 ree 11. 
Y Olea fatiu 2 Olea fol fives 
Thewilde Oline tree, 

The manured Oliue tree. 

Z NY Ni 

7 "Hie Giiesk wnninvedddiaiceee sree, giow'ée hight -aiaaieiaytiine’ fala ng 

: _ narrow leaues, ,not much vnlike theleauesof Wi wes, but Sa igpitele finale : “ind 
ter sere bees ose 
= roundyetin isan oneion which fries is preffed chat liquor skeet 


» tat 5 

2 The wilde Olive is like vnto the tame or ‘garden Oliue tree , fauing that the coe are veh 
what {ma ene de Lit dictlefaliditins re “7 : 
a 3 Chateb : f 1s Hed il sn ee 
whichis 0 B 4 > vp , or oile of vn- 
ripe Oliues. 
% The place. 

Both tl dth ilde O} 2 i f Ital France, and Spaine, 

bou : So ? 7k J? 

» ithe ¢ 1 Tl J }: ~ 1. , 1 } 
se wcieth chavatipteSodeis feorn che ba chey either die, ocelfe foorh ft ar 
mella eriteth , the m the fea,they » orelfe ting f vorth no vite: but. 
eee eer 1 } Vel Qi ee .:) > 1 im 


AlbtheOliuetrees flower inthe inne iS Tune: the Finse i lst i Notiember or De- 
cember:w when they bea little dried & begin into the prefle,and frl 
“nie oile;with watetradded in the prefling : ‘the Oliues' which ate tobe scnian in fale and 
2 cs é = ’ 
a The x. mamies. 

TL Ovtin: 4 lle ree 

a Aces : in Latine plea tn, 
and 7rbaria' vin’ intigh Dutch Delesaim tin inlowe Durch Site ey in Tralian Oliuo, dope 
French O/iui Spanith Oljuoa Englith Olmetree, 

ipa bers is called Olina : in inGrece no thes sin — yin in neck Dac and Ba. 

in yi [ilueftris, ober, CotinanO 1 Ole 
scel ?p , a nS } Im Nate 5 i Tange nS Wed L: buche, 

La L 1 +ykeseeee Hk ila 

- The ee. and dverthess 

Tha OF Oe i es, ly aa] ie So 
es, Se ae eee o Jerr s cpers A. s L Ty Tat poche REE. 
aon “f is) peo i lw ie Ve as At Sed tg 

» The vnri adinn ani abind aA es 

~ Thofe amc are re preted in pie ‘clled Colpmbades-do edly “bye Ladctalaaitre oF the c 

ana 4 ian there is no noarifhment at 
r that istobe looked fori them,much leffe so sowie. ! 
a leaues anid tender buds of the O led Ys anid binde, d efpeci ire D 
of the wilde Oliue:for they be of greater force then th ie, fon they b 
milder,they are better for cie medicines,which haue ee ot bine things to be mixed w 
ome -_ iets Si en emi fire yi vile rjc » hight ie crits E 

sonar, Md otek Se 1 Sylow gee AGipsines ; E 
itn nto ze whites.” e. , 
d] vith ae theres ( which isbetter ) or G 
> perfumes, 
The fw le which mie foorth of the woode mill itisinburning,, healeth tetters, H 
land abo they be anointed’ therev wi th. 

with wore fae; 

Th ie pe es,is as coldeas iris binding. I 
sone tiedl le of fweet and ripe oline bi peiagheptiong, doxh withall become hotter K 
head ft that ofle which was made of. the vnripe Olive 

being olde, rere yetretaine fome paft ofhis ormeratrigton andi ofa mist cultie ;thatisto | 
fy parely bind) 2g 3 of confuming faculic byage, 
eat propertic of binding Fis owne nature. © iaseca . 
of ripe Olities mollifieth and aflwa seicic iff ee gio gtod L. 
forthe iene of ftheioints , and gan, vec eng ae to Art 
with good an fe 5 - at 

Site at rE oe 

liti 2 

Cammomill, »Dill, Lillies bao and id many’ ‘others: Which ido fortifieand) ‘increafe i er 
P 3 

4 ° a 2 
tumours,and inf | hel fl ] A adat Oe rire of 
r? 9 1S, 

t=] 3 Clatlor 


oF Prinet, or Prim Print. eo 3, 

x! 6 : a ; 

oe a WoL BB bre the @ 

2 = Snipe ogi orf way ops 

\.9 (Bhesommon ibaa nteshnegilen® 

ry woodesan nd hedge xowes of 0 utbondon gar- 
© odens:itus not foundein dened Reda. 
hI svar Pa rts afiacen ai 

a nF ea as in.the: end of Missile Lune the 
ZZ \ _bestigsareripe in Aur mne. and-aboutt 
ich nowe a en — abl:the:' 
a PE esi étim win 
a es ane cpr ate come pines 
The nam 

Heber rn ein : 

=o mm \) ae BEN gn ‘apres by a cor ruptworde!draivne 

ae i555 aes EE 5895 Sods co hom Liguftrum isthe Grecian ones, andin 
sek ST a Wile waess: (x Cypisia a (htub.thae groweth 

naturally in theeaft,and. Priuet in che welt, They 

ce very like one vnto bedi the deferig 
Bellonius, bicaufe the leaues of Prinet do fal away in winter and the: leaues of set alwaies 
ath di Ba 

= os th, 3 = 1" + peed | CD.; 

pos Lie: ~ eas felfe-fame tree, 

: -. which =e isin Os “oh $ ae pete pane didnot write as he himfelfe 

but as other men fuppol ¢:forin his,12 -booke 14. pie he veriteth thus: Some faith heaffinneo™ 
Gthatis to fay Cyprus) y Ligu 
‘uet,is that plant which the Grecianscall t ion doth decl 
she ae ey Bk jis atree like: in ens to es with bags lacke and Shean a 
thofe of it hath fruite like to.thatof the mafticke si ters meer pone 

ding in clufterssx sdfuch a ira tes forall the worlde is Prinetsas w declared. » eee 
Serapiothe Arabian doth Re neesanbstich pter Ad Mebsle “Thereis eam 
whichis, raine or /_ whi cl maketh mentio ae 8.cha rt ‘ad 


boot de s of the Atahaleb vader gis Seager encom 
holtsicin, Qsunotholts, bein oper. aaeee | baie elon Daan ecierupt. upt, Sant “re 
in French ch Trecesplynelit Powee Prcmprntend Bin acted aie 3 

= 9 ta. bik at : ci .4 foahs-t 
es } 1 i ; | CA e-he ial “4 Fa) a i 

eae col fter the fi t fai th he;th asec che a 
Brae cn le: in fach ii Be cay Ae ERR IE reat | 
Make 4 5 cs 2 7 
% The temperature. 
oo 1¢ s,s dae: 

5 Rae i dD 
% The -vertues. 

£[D, MY 1. P Salty BS a. . Co t,t L 4 throate; A 
Fl: i i eee 

ihe ipa ae meta Ae rows h Cc Teh o } L 

? * é - 
. ur Be {halt bm 8 4 re 34) res } , 
putinto lotions, By 8 » cankers and fores in chil- 

ae ¢ . a 9 is isa 11: Ee es} B 
t toes! >) 

Of mocke Prinet. Chap.54.. 

I eeitees anguftifolia. 2 PhillyreaJatiore folio. 
arrowe leafed mocke Priuet. — ~The broaderleafed na Priuet, 

ahetiies a se 
Her though fordiingion fe hey, pe fondry cit spe Soles si . 
likean hedge tree , fometimes as s biggeas a Pomegranate tree , belee with flender twigs byes 
eesaal , which are garnifhed with leaues, growing by couples, very like the leaues of the 
le tree L LL j fix, < Bees ag 7 od m aues ome 
rear bunches of finall white flowers, ofa pleafant fweete {mell, which being vaded there 
clufters ofblacke betries,very like the berries of the Elder tree. : 


% The de i foot 
Thef i dCy rus called alfo Ph folia , is very like the former i in sate Riera 
3} ,b 1: 4 es > 


foul i are tke 

3 Phillyrea ferrata 2, Clusy. 
The isenne sored Prinet of Chefs us SECU T he defeription. 
° This kinde Privet.rifeth vp like an hed 
4 eet the height of fiue or fixe a bite: the heb 
_ chesarelong , fragile or brittle , couered with 3 
whitifh barke nev 


broad, ingged on the edges like the teeth ofa fay, 
and ofa deepe greene colour: among which cone 
forth the flowers,which neither my author nor by 
= fe haue feene: the berries grow vpon fin {mall foot 

¢ mo o ree togie! 


sag. & of the bignes of pepper graines “orn 
till berries,ofa pred clot en they betipe, 

Thefe plants ao pron in aby ria neere'the citie 

—— and were found by our cae aa Pena, 
n the mountaines pe eo d Montpel- 
lier in France’: ae bi piaibed | in nb gatden 

Barne Elmesne relatiddo in. belonging to the 
growing inmy garden 
he time, 
cedhooks foorth in the firft of the’ 

~The Jea 
fpring :the aawers fhewe themfelues in Maie and 
lune: the ‘frnice is ge in Se 

me Privees is a Niele in "Gres aa cand ia 

Pp. ie wa Latine alfo Cyprus, and may be n in Englih 
Lady he Pe ES Eafe Princt,and Mock Pretoria 
following ; they are mg goed 
. for their author, do ear eae is seme 
x7. h..: ze 9:3 4. y é Lr pepe 
a: tr. S95 2 os IPs ep, eS | Ty. — 
+rtet ab f Ch OL d Cn : The semperabures es. PRICE Oem 
ana Ps rs at 
A he Re ee: The vertaes, Fina. « vecdlk goatee 
; y 5) c=) 
‘ ieee cn = 
B 3 AL . Ifsalt; : Z 
Cc Thef: t landftee aya £ Mull. ne US pe do make thehaire red 
: * ~, 2 Pye parts ofmans 
> ides Be eth. Belloniwsw iceth, | } he hai I Ifc 
eae as Dioftor ide eee oS eee = Fiche es j 
pipe Sgr} z Ed 

Dd” Pe igisbs Kciita nut in nee anda aie tothe corlesange headach, f 
2 aenaiatveneras Cyprinm, (cere of inell and good uel 


right Honorablethe Earle of Effex 3 Lhaue them 
i d ht i Sao 

See of 


Of baStard Pigs Chap. 55. 

1 Ph hillyres es eta Macaleb. i 2 Mucaleb Ge nig 
Baftard Priu me Corall Priu 

; Er i 
\ ‘A d \ ie Ni 4 
> iN QT SOY Te <hr 
LP TN Dip °C; ee =x 
iiss x La 2 : - ~ Q 
“AY wy, i he. Tey BS 
i af q | i ~ 

Tbe de Seen vs ES 
:? TI: ft LiL: $53. a honde lh . . 4 ito 

Hy | 
and {pr ae branches: . as grow ee not vnlike to ht ot the, ie Pree of ele 
fs sdefcription: eee oe come foorth moffie flowers sof a white lour,and ofa p 

y ted:after which 
: pth es, he firft, and blacke when el yt witha lie batd ane wihin, 
in which fithak ak 
Gefn fer crus and tat bal have fet foorth another es jas ee alfo another baftard Privet sit 
grower gmany greene branches, fer with i vounde leaues,ike thofe of 
the - } 1 

isas me asa — re nites trounde, and _ afhining blacke colour, which the cun ing ; 
ie ch Perfumers do bore eneeinn thereof a chaines, and firch lik ike ting ee = 

ahha adeno 

a . gle ca 3 mg z ek ses : Z 3% 
moncy ea * The place. 2 Sons 
Thefetre do grow in diu s pl fFrance,as about Tholoufe, / 
aeftangers paige ai 
ef Bam RG 2 fp ss Bs he fruite i: is n Nouember and December, 


% The names. 
ThichaQhaviDr Se | G38 ae fulneS troherh Atabaleh or ALacalel, 
ae a OQ 2. Or FA BIT Voiced Ae gh 5 2s fine aye ,0f which ui. 
Les a $ an fi Bes f 

ding thisi is taken to be the ae of mot writers, we tof of the bet we eo cal it i Eg 

% Thet temper, vature and-vertue. 
Concerning t this baftarde Priuet, we haue learned as yetno vf chercoti in n Phificke, The noe 

L bs C l xs . h 
t é f 

; al ec fe df cche ft h ite, dist hath sal nee in the 

4. LI 

Of the fruitles Prinet. | Chap.56. 

MN ub Pliny. 2 Alaternus humi 
Fruitles Priuet. The lower ss Prive 
3 Ss y 

& A Qhahvinr? | ee 
Rian fyactn- eke ap reba reat ne 
His fbi cht. ee scaled al Plinie and Pree Cli er mts, nti! ate st, res, 

tt aw L sno which 


' 1 wipers 

ie which ees eS vik wo te As 
Ce Cot tal 1, see ues 
t~ inet taping i aloured howelss 

. 1213 


g vaded,t f_4uicen fpeaketh , calling it by the namé 
1 g fi ink ig 1 fi like thofe in #1 i lled /; di and may be the 
=- : i CTE 2 ; 
| fatr y thing that hatht ntoth his fruitehangeth as it were in a darke 
afh coloured skin or huske,which inclofeth a flender ftiffe thell,like the fhell of a nut, couered with 
; L: dhlacke §lme herher irl } ss ree) 1 a c 4 ce hy) eae be 
| oe pe ne j 1. cc 4 Cc. 1 t_3: C7: 1 1 > ry + 
cue “ 5 
: %& The place. 
‘ w..f. } J g 5 3 O } ce. . Cc 7 3 
patel of ° + 7 ° J 
%& The time. 
: The time anfwereth the reft of the Priuets. 
¢ % Thenames, 
Alaternus of Pliny , isthe fame Phillyrea , which Th et f by the name Pi 
2 } Eien If Sen hese Feel L 1 L Chic it ae Pr eee fn We , 
ee LD 1 io mE Al oie L% a oe a te eens hy, mem Tae SS 
eats ae are ead S : name 
Pri hitand I beare fruite , which at this day iscalled ragaras, | 

4 A. kK 
rar Oo 
with vs Coccnlus-indi,as we haue faide. 
' ¥ The temperature andvertues, 
dicine I yet learne: the fithermen of Portingaledo A 
ists. 2» > 1 Loo fC 1 }. ‘ 
é 2 

L | hae Be 

< x71 1 1 v 
Vnetiier Pp 
{ fo sik oh as abe 

Cj a 
hat parpofe. 
She frisiee 
Gth with | h 

nets,being very fit fort 
In Englande we vfe Ved coceulus-indii d ixe with 4 honie,and B 
‘ 2 t es 
fread, h 3 bei ,foporiferous ora fleeping medicine, caufeth 
1 fore! , Meaney Be fous 4 fn tpt A ta ’ } * 
xs be] 

Of the white and blew pipePrinets.  Chap.57. 

1 Syringa alba, 2 2 Syringa Carulea, 
White Pipe. at Blewe Pipe. 




A S\ 




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% The deliripsion. 
I I (As Pip 1 wy P, Ben te z 
Y See 
i any fho cotes, which in fhort time ‘growe to be were with the aide € locke, oval 
Tiee time ic increafe th v a 
1 te = {. 
=. The <a 
ripe sale sif ee AER CURTY: HCH Ps are couered with 
, 5 ls f 2 Ike 
bat lef fer in quantitic, T fe litele brancl thed with final] led | PES EE . 
} Al fo hLi-lk C ape 
ing in tufts & of f pate eed £4 whi Ee Te Js ee 
°, bi a 3 t 7eui in 
} ht J ln L 1 ae a r 
a ige } rs 5 oye ae | = ne . AE DPE GE / a as ey te 
Ce a Tthey 
had len ncogthe afew howers, with {uch a ponticke a voacqpainted pot es mee awakedme 
from fleepe, fo that I could not take any reft vnull [had caft them out of m 

ber. Whenthe 
doles be vaded, then followeth the fruit, which i is {mall, curled, “and as it were compact of many 


wherein i is contained a flender and long fede, Theroote hereof orate it felfe abroad inthe 
nd, ic. ps Se Re 74% 

SRE re tie Cn tomate } 

st Tal “. * 

: getree.m y g from 
et root a Ormer A$ Ot co P d hy I kinde.The branches haue fome 
inal ach he middle of the woo ith bark 

inde. The] 

S are aie agene - crumpled or turned vp lke the ee of an hat, i in 
tha ape very like vnto ee leaues of th 

faire bldwe colour, compact of many 7 fall flowers , in nthe forme of a bunch of giapes, ache 

lower isin fhew like tho fe of 1 

4 1 C. = SAUL be oer 1 
2 o 
: f. 5 a J i¥p 1 1 , ee Be SS . e Cn Dia 1 
- ~ f 
h ry S; ‘4 SL ot 1. ¥ Bs 

witha duns mem. 
ox £1 

3 Balanus {xvh c4,fi fh me Glais UNZUCHEAT iA, 
The es The de feription. 
ie UMgUen ea ia or the oilie Acornis the fu 
iW Ne : af a cae slike hea , of the Pe ofa Hatell 
nut : outof thekernell whereof, no otherwife than 
out ¢ of bitter Almonds; sis soo an ili iuiceswhich 

O46 L | ee Be T, iy. 
oe q r of 1 C. at and 
bs ce) 

he ddasee 

Thefe trees grow ee ae in n England,bue Ihave 
them growing in my gate: in ey greatplentic. 

/ es 
—_— é = haue notborn ite i en. 
jose ae Spaine ei fie is a — Bg 
% The nam 
20 Q 0 Q 0) elater Phifi tions sey hei eshte 

ions en is ro lay abpSe 
eRe peti encore 
white flower, bica Aide ne Id differ from Lillach, which is f ae ng Pyewtha 
be ‘in Englith White Pipe. e 
Sikora we haue faid, is ogre it ila or Lilte, of fome Syringatar™ 

selene mot : his and eat 

nich Zillach “ th very 
add — pace Pa it is very apparant,th at Lillach Secate th nut, how2 
foeue et Mathiolus doth falfly Be re i cod, the e feede whereof hathi in itno oleae all, 

T aM fig 
s roome. 

% Ti bes tempera tureand pibcwn 
YCon ring the vfe and facul jn 
thing te aie oughtof others. 

| Of Widow Wayle,or Spe Dies. Chaps8. 

Chamelea Avabum Tricoccos. Chef : 
Ww. idow Wayle. iption: 
8 / =< 0 Idow Wayleis a pa thrubabout two 
4 4 \\/ Wi iS Wik niga. The ftalk is of a woody fub- 
: WA Wi a aN Si iched with many finaltwigs 
| VN Ae BN 4 sy — little feaiiee fice Pri rivet, but {maller and blac- 

ie N 

-- ward, and ‘sale ent rb witha ) and 

Itis founde in mot oe A acacia of Italie, 
a Le 1edockh 
ion Thaue it eure in se) facie 

+ bis alway greene:the feed is ripein Autumne, 
% The names. ; 
The Grecians call it oe nate 

ve faith: itis called in Ei wg 

Acit vii 

tine Coccus cnidius, buthei de eel fsich z Da 
Corides sha ths the fruit of Spurge Oliue ses cnidius : ir og Serapiocall Chame 
Spurge O Oline Azezereon : Nader which name no Nala arr pas ws alfo contained 

dGhenelensorSprnge Olin with the Cae 4 

Sera Tlpales or Sparge Flaxe. - 

% Thetem rature jeer 
Both the leaves and fruit of ‘Spurge mn ue faid, are of a burning and me hot 
temperature, ; e Cid ae: 
ait x Thevertues,. eS 
Meas Gis ofeorid purge both fl ler, eff A 

ates of Worm wood be mixed with one of of Spurge Oline, ade pop vie 
— bonie wy necTieyasttontebe basman bona dwhole 


it Spurge Flaxe) butin 

of VWVormw. 

wood, he taketh 

Mefues likewife hath rt of pils of the leaues of ra Oliue 
the ou 

ard fubfta: 

ae id Cepu sidnobcleal and maketh them vp wit ies iabin, thatis tofay, wi 
nd fower aaa they. call Tamarinds, diffolued i in Endiue water’: and sae eth th: 
"TL G 1 3 } yy < n.t Peat re! PA = - my L - 
% ee. oe is Pe Sigh Fa 2 ee #4 bye getcte I eae > aaahey 
L ot ce Fat| 1 ae B Sa eee OS Pa arr aiidetiy, 

Of Germaine Oline Spurge. Chap.59. 

Germanica fine Mezereon, 

Spe Hiaiesor the Dwarffe Bay, \ 

He dwar 

be deferi tion 
fe Bay tree th 

hic ch theDu 

‘ itch men 
SVB ELT: 198 {imal 

WWW We call Wezereon, isafma I fhrub Seb edenee 
eS Za soe. '* high. ‘The branchesbe tough, limber, and 

4 a eafie to bend, very foft to be cut: wherondo 
wis) are long leaues like thofeo Priuet, but thicker and 
WZ »} fatter. The flowers come foorth before the leaues 

fe «<a M oftentimes in the moneth of Januarie, clufteri 

. oo gither about the ftalks at cefcain linens oF 

o\ ig colour tending to purple, andof a 
: \ Ve” fragrant and pleafant{weet fmeil; after come the 
A e (Oat ete eee 
RZ colour = hey be ri hich after hear 

iz. ofa Blac kecoow, ofanexcetog 
iy i Wy bumingtalte, inflam : outh and oo 

Wy WN VW with dan anger 
SSW) Sy YZ r\ WW WE : king. Therooteis Soca 
‘\ ves SN) yy eZ % The plac 
Ny WZ is plan tgroweth rata fend 
Sw * My - fhadowie woods of mofto 

\ efpecially Jae Elbing, ek rie Melina 
ae Polande, from whence I havehad great plentie 
thereof form y garden whee Seg dower flourith 

and bring then o cos 

It flowreth in the fut ofthe spring: :the fruitis 
ripein Auguft. 

Itis sieatinalye calledin ee Dutch Pca 
Lelterbals : the 

enfgkraut, and 

Actes of our countrie nameit Mexerton, but weh had rather callie  Chamelea rears 



be GC; 
There is, faith he,two kindes of Cncoron; thewhite and re blacke, the Seve: ath 
like in formeto al Oliues the blacke is full Biba ot 

like Mirtle ; the 
oote of both. whic hich 

Corie of pe i Montanum, Mountaine P SG Some fay that eLawrele t 

Hl is this f t coithredbcaieig 
PSs ae ers eee Fan we nocertaintic. 
2 Teafe, long, 

more white: 

ae = 

Ons ar 

gel Yes 

the« ath tough: wherefore Aiall vfe thefe to binde with, as + with Oziars, apie bud and flower 

ai lL WW loft: Cc. 

i’ t=) % 
I hafter A ¢: the beanies are senile 

bi ? 
I } " Li-k 4, }. 2.4 

with Cacoron (ifi it be not dicta very virion y 
ve Thetemperature. 

the fruir. the leanes, ‘and a ao | an. 
a smal 

This Ele 8 is likewife i in all par 
icing : — bite the tocngsasd fer the throteon fire, 
% The vertues. 
_ Theleses of Menteonide purge ine atd, flegme, choler, a d ith huiioes wi hgteat A 

katd'da: Me g) I ie of tl this plant, hecantiot eallured to dtinke any B 
1 Li5 

: cea eae is very pia: tb be taken into the bodie, and innatuté like vnto theSea Tithy- C 
: , thatit aia ito abe quen- 

rt. , repo) § < 28 ye 
be rt bead cBeic) Babe 9h 5 at mittee cn 

seep dfGennunie 

in Spurg ‘ 
in vePttic alaepetachart to’ te Sodtes tec it may be vedi Med therebf, slpwe ue 
hae iReiaeshiien ory 5 
waste > 20 ) oe & ? Tee 4 AM wobiv BIN 

Li fl Ro 
£2, flog 

Sinleup oricwidido bigs Oa “Chips 60. taryaen et > Doge 

yinows Goer we snSelt slod>s ayen yd dis i {sik} aay ‘bymelea ‘AMO 
et wks hae tod 1 Fe ee an a “he ofa 
5) ey : Poe <es =) 

Of Q 
oX aN \ fe 
NZ -N a 
Day " = 
wW) ci 

er 1h ATOM, 3 
I Tr bed fen bra fprigs a aboue acubite high, ¢ 
S: round enh hig and narrow leaues like thofe of Flaxe, natrower and lefler than ee 
of Sp se 

co] rer 
YP } J car} H ¢ Wk ] R } 
TAU A ee | eo 
ce He Sy eee | He 

thorne, I 5 very hot and ee th 
Mezereon: the roote is ee and woodie. : oe mete 
2 Br anche ed wis Flaxe groweth “F likew ife to the —_ 

° tg 

{mall fhrub, fet vl diner 

e oF 5 mee feu Coon Ge Ve. J 7 cere } ewe the a 
0 = 
%& The _ 
I hi I i di iled pl sr] 5 one Te tie ael oe 
ate D S t 5 ¢ 
[ %& The time. i cial : pads, 
f cl he fruit i fedted Aurumne 5 “ 
oe d 2 r iz +2 
% The names. ; 
Theo YW . Di fnew cd, le 4 If. pl 
, We A or ae 73 ‘ Li caf 
Jea,but no’ ee pet Diofeorides faith the leafe is properly cal pandthef 
Cnidios: nonvintiocing thofe thi igs which Theophraftaecalh the, feeme to ditk Thy 
elas or Spurge b I b h 
twok ~ of abs one white,the so B bib This may a in eis Surge 
or Mountaine Widow Wayle. ‘The feede of Times calledin fhops Granum Gnidium ; w 
upon sais eons Indus from Coccus Cnidins 
% The temperature. 
Cc. TI o. 1 . 5 ae oe . 1 
est R=) é ~~? vi 

A The graines or berries,as pistol ath gee 5) fiege choler, flegme anduvater, if twenty 
graines of f the inner te edru Oke jbut it burneth thie mot ith Vand throtesw he set itis tobe giuen 

in Raion — Sag 
lowed. : e 
Tr f Page n Dae DS 5 ag 6. eicee if 1 as 
pT! g tame ger, 0 : a hhh 
{weate, ; Sel cs 
TL,! aE 78 JA} h RS Boe Pied te et y L Laide vp 
Cc : * cS ? ca) Ne te, th / 
and referued, ; Set | EM 
Tl L 1 . 1. Lt 1. @ 1 ff 4g Be eT, BN did 
y giue th hem, Stak seaaieory 
} 3 4 1, ee EA ee 1 orehwateehonos: 
ry lL is Sere ee yy ee, We oes otherbes ch 
ET fame leanes beaten yder anid made vp into trochies or 4 with theiuice offowes 
Z , 1 a 
ferued. ak 
pas Hee “ ecu 2 1 ee eS Fe Oe) Pe ge ERE Fay mt lied 
F aal 11 ett 

Of Spurge Laurell. | ete : 

i * erie ription. 
es. eae are aes and ined couered with a thick sian leaues belong,» thofe 
_. grolle,{fmooth, blackifh apa like the leaues 5 of eed leffer, comming neere to 

togither. T The lowersbelong ot 3 
. a Tele ‘aan tous ede of nome : the pulpeor tins is wi of 
roote woodie,tgugh,long a: pad diue = parted, = deepe. The ae ac ell feconst 
the roote as of thelitcle| boughes 

pe temoongan d throte, < ee _— ‘aos 

veola floren 
fowl. os Sra Laurell contigs 



VY Z, 
SF = 




AA i, 
atl) det 


Laureola cum fru uch. 
» Latirellwith his fruir. 

WZ = 

i Renin VA Yi <J 

i273 stoug’ gh, 1 } f asby the lake of Lo- 
DL : ot 
% at 
Pe po | ee, mim i 
ity ? PER bt 1 “% } Ln 
t 2 oF 

blige and estes of winter. 

"3. Thename. 
“Ttiscalledin Cicceedearailt sededetene® nae 

teeici 520 ie: 
hil Lana me 

Latine likewife Daphmojaes. The lacer Lati fts for the fame catife name it Lawreole, 
ely ior ar c ture le fo called sauadédri 
is another emer cree another certaine Peplion.. This Aorubi is €¢ 
Spurge Laurell of dicts Laurielf or 
Some fay that the Italians name ie betties hereof Piper nicnt 
alfothe berries of Dutch Mezereon: ese Ot to betcllet inhi Dutch one 
ss he Theo — his Goeoran Rot fe gti MRE prints to alfoa branched plant, 
g.a deepe roote,w ih swithab be - 
tesenanpamunstatne’ bei ane urdustouclkconach. 

es, A 

Il, faith D lea iri 

1220 THE 

Of Rofe Baie,or Oleander. 

1 Nerium, dist — 

wm flore a 
The Rofe *. The Rofe Baie with white dome, 

EX ) ¥ 
LD PN fi 
Zz i 
LM H | pF 
> eyes; 
f pe imenare 
ik fd Sal 
Peres) ¢ 
Le ae = 
% The akbaeeesh. 

Ofe Baie is a {mall fhrub of a gallant fhewe like ay Baie tree, nae ore oe 
; poe her then the ]eaues of the Almond tree: the flowers be of a faire 
ssa te Dided i fie gcoien roe ay Role: uate tae ni : 
si pool sanichebtechuligedoms. Pen SES RSME ae 
ceondkinde of Rol Baie,is like the fi 
in otherrefpeds iti 

at Slee ze 

oi The flowers. and ones dogs siya other pea pat beafts; but B 

¢ ings.of Serpents ,.and che tachet if 
Rue! added. 
iebe 1 hh 1. 1 are Mag BE FR | }, } sm the}, ’ ee 
ty I Ee es ee 
Be teccdan tench enolguatod 1i2(13 at batgigxe ae seis b: 
Poew aris invorrpabios ‘291A ot to ste Slo Pape ilands ai bot t 
offs reiteno oli miganilib« ooifha Il fi smga aioonershib Memb ilo te 
vo OF warfeRo band Reps aiod IstRIE: igyr 
w yn SS eee 4 ins ei ) ~ am 
1 Chamarhododendros alpigena. 2 Chamerhododendyos montana, 
tees fe A i. ty : : Mempaing} Roki e Baie. 
Yn ~ svt Mowind wo singbods (C ¥ 
EN Be Wee 
noe aN 5 as Se 

Kod eo Za 


I ee Me arffe W, B isa , which for the moft part are alwaies eae, 
tough,and inal a at aoe ealod Boxe, farrelefler then Oleander: he 

eslike afparagus a 
sri Se eo SS roportion , growing like alittle thrub, fo $s ae 
cubite high ;with a rough batke re uen like the Lentiske tree — 
siete Ol anon =i ale colour,wh ee 
‘ kk 


‘ he rane’ oo. rows f Ania a See “ At EE URS mfclinisafy 
a TW ey) pees = 434, Lot % 1 Lille fh “yf go fee ret 7, ae = 
~ , a i o 
all ied eel = ogee : 
nistaddw snow ota od eel Tbe place ana rirne,: : 7 a 
"TL aes 
f Moo} 
% The names. 
oS ffe Rofe Bai Alves : the fecond 
n rawr ft IIfuffice to diftin vith he ue epi ieee 
ry . Fp 1 * 4 7 
g ; 5 fo; aiviedito } eft vnto our owne 
ee : a z ¥ 
oY awryid rats _— AKAD 
= Devil tis. * Ce, 2 Saeed “4 
Lee These ai treéé, 5 Seal The kale Baie 
A Af, 

Zz. é Ave rhe ye 
Vruts + 

| hedefripcion. 8 5 Hetil ask 5 

oT dic chs eed mech sfetinige'to ig nghafanceota mew jignelfe sit 
i ah of onghesyconsed ith agreohebarte the leaues thereof are srelonaen 

xt ef an Slout greene, { roa tr che 
leauies are fa greene colour: : the beiries are ‘more long then round, and be co 

_ with ablacke tinde or pills the kernel! within is Clouen into two part on that of the: ices, 
nd otherfuch, ofa brovine yllowith¢ colour ‘3 fivecte of Fimell raft fomentia - 

iting Ite, 

ere hereof pnorelike toa theub , ening forth out oie 

jsripe in 

HI ISTORTE: OF ec = ght 223 
pores many of forings, which norwithftanding growesh notfo high mers Pres 
ofthe caeue be nt ts red: the leaues miele te tei nat {9 harde mre aise ae not ~ 

che fetwoBait trees Diofcoxsdes was not ignorantal sfor,befaith, thatthe narrow icaled, 
## ia — broader inate orrathenharder le clube ismore like, 

ve. The, 
The La urell or Baie tree groweth seal pane aod iin plant, andfec 
iin g pe sdefending it from coldg ag the be: inninas ne gota ete 
[hauenot feene any one tree thereof gr gr owing in enmarke, Sweum, pee * Liuonia, o or ‘Rut: 

fia OR At Ald y 
The Baie tree groweth greene wintesand {oy ya ersit rie Goweéthinthe fpring, and the blacke fruie 

This ee is scale in Grecke dom: in Latine Lara: in Tralian Lear: i in im hig D Dutch babe 

bum boon 
Eh Earle bare ivan ; 

sits T r 7 poe A 1, val 
pode 3 “7. ti ES a> TD. .vo . * coh Ties y Pelee 
si t 2 at! tet mn i Ca 
TL. D, Pee AY 7, bok eS Cy tS vit i Wo a * 
ghee sad ge sl fellin 
SP beste sur ondagh go. 

Thee and enya Dae tie, faith Gakn, atehot ai and 

ie y 5 ejrandye the eres more A 
then the * 

8 aes Shucmore bitter, andi it bial iftidtiueot Binding B 

Baie Berries with Hony ot Lil pect i ina licking: medicine fait oriles, againftehe C 

pice abs confu = of! che lungs, difficulty of breat elena or theumes _ 

“ace taken i inwine aregood againt thebitings, Fh iBingle a . 

ne he ern 

ceprels d our heereofis 
, and deafnes, ifit be ieee lense wine and oile of Rofes : 
8 d difcufle 


ih. as 5 ha PBR NSN 

aic berries a ino Misia T le,and fich likemedicin bd emadetoreftefh fuch E 
veoiicetedero rca and dull f raking opiate medi > orfuch ashaue any 
ee oifoned qualitie in them, —\ 

They are goodalfoa pa carpsand raving ogi ffiney SS 

inoeede do not vfe the berries for the infirmities of th gion Sfi;but minifter them G 

againft the difeafes of the ftomacke,liuer,fpleene,and bladder 2 wie a ftomacke, 

Hopping oa the liuer & fpleen | prouoke vrine, bring down th 

refled out of thefe, of dagine for ally ottionde a gpk am 
andi ie filth of thes kin. aa ; 
JLI pe I —s fg aps ey 9 12.1 it remoan. Tt 
neth hi4cl ILI Ted hl Pete heed eat J ase ae, et a 
thered deer Regrciets part. “s vik re : ~ 
Diofcorides faith 14 L bby = Fx f.1 4 IL) a7 Siete tr 
made hereof to bathe and fitin: that the e, that being applied they 
ate good againft he ining of vale andbes that ic meale parchedjand bread, ¢ cy 
. f inflammations zndtarbegtalenin den be ig tepaie oft 
imac poser HUbedSHI TI! 

berries of the Bay tree ftamped with a litele Scammonieand Saffron,and laboured ina mor-L. 
tat with vineger aoa oile of Rofes to elcome mene sares: and fore- 
¢ head doth greatly c crater! the ananeckeraeg > 2 : 

k, aft; an 

sip eager pie oa 19 ease of gi $d. 20.0:2..1 =e 
Kkkk 2 : ‘The 

ae yl gee, 

zp | ThelaterPhifi sig a baer ines vieto boille f I catete bees 
yates ki dectette: ng th fehapirett iefire ofvomiting? burtl on thelr 
mmeth mor dat andbener fo the ftomacke, : te 
ae oT arke 0! oFhe ea titeth druiike in duhde Bend soe 

eth the ftone,and tite 8 sara erat te thal 

other poor ae ofthe invade parts, :which chang alo Dicjtoriaes meth am peer adi, 
thatitkilh ethild n phe nibrhie ts wo 

N- i beet re opin thé Sie vntd wornien aii del ted is 


ae! Of thewildé Baie tree. Ohap -65.2 03 sack 
i st Fe dgid fi sotwnd BH eee tian ne 
sie ge ith ineges Smad fst 

aa mikes ae tree, 

; Sakon Tiews ws Lajas tamicg, 
<ae arn wi eS 

eaiiisd HiGS 
EN Sa 

Tes st SR 
Seek re 

rc whi ae 

sf oan ire ahr ors Gedieinaes apewee mong wiht fot 

= whitith flowers, turning at the edges en a after which followe fmall peer) ‘ll 
Hconteinin ee ceaneinlatlecnarto or feeds of grapes : the leanes 

. Soa 3 

2 Tins Lafit tanica, a aie verie like to’ Cornus ot the Dooge Berrie St ics 
branches be thicker —— Son caine ving she fae 
are like the former , ‘but ot age ba manic finewes or vaines running thorou: like 

; oe alg i s e 

Tike MD Te-rhe {mall t k TWH y 9 Atay y beh tet gh pte JES Trratt l 
clining toptry : pee pury sue N > 
either go } b 1 I F....1) L Tear, i Cn hI rae | declining to blacke- 
*%7/ ‘Le place. 
pS 11,.PR.: Roe rats bed aCopr toa which dif. 
ihe wie 5 r ik & / 4? 
fer accordi 6 t d £¢ f thofe pep growe inmy gard denand prof: 
very WEL. i 
pe The time. 
The wilde L i d fj ; 1s eo rere” 
ane o é t o 
wing both at one feafon. 
* The Hams. 
_Itiscalledin in Latine Tévms,and L | f : Catonameth it Laura t [ylua 
Sil St thrwid Taher ee and of diuers Dariilo:in En- 
al wilde Baie. 
The temperature and vertues. | 
Plinie nor any other oftheancients, f this wilde Baie, neither haue - 
i ° 

We ally ¥ . a ate 

Ofeh ibe Boxetree.. aa 6, 

“The ‘Baie tree, % The defer iption -: 
“PT He great ose! isa faire tree beng great 
body or trunke ; the woode or timberis yel- 
nd yerie harde sand fit for fundrie 

tkes having m boughes &hard branches, 
befet with fi hard greene leaves, both» 
winter and ieee the Paicuecappores 

are very gtowing among the leaues, of a: 
“greene ae ic which being vaded thc Bicosh 
£ all blacke fhining berries , ‘th the bignefle 

“rounde greenifh huskes , ng three feet cor 
- Tegsiikea ae or boiling: pot :t croorels 

wife yellowe, and harder then a ti bb 

fier it againft the apoplexieand fuch/difea 
“Turners and Cutlers,if Imiftake not the matter, 
“do call this woode. dudgeon, wherewith ghey, 
eon hafted d Jageets. 
fa certaine othet kinde hereof, 

 Kkkk 3 


ie eens 

The Grecians calli it aici in Latine ace cone vhigh Durch “Sucbtsbaum 3 inloweDutch Bur 
tomntein Zale ip EES geet Single aa uy 120i bop 
Boxe,or ground. _ eens ‘ elith dwarf 
_ * Rb ik ie 
The leaues ofthe Boxe tree are hot,drie da of aneuill and lothfome finell, not yfed 

Of the Manin Chap.67. 

The kindes. 
“TL Hetebe be divers forts of the Myrtill tees, fome with broade leaues, fome with natrowe leaues; 
one figure with the defcriptions of 
diftinguifh thekinds, ; 2 moeftal 

1 Myrtus. * The defeription. 
SENG tree. ' He fir isa {mall 
ae yy ANI grovingto the iightotam ah,hauing ma, 
WE EN nic faire and pliant branches, coueted with 
> AT aT 

» wers,in fhapelike the flowers 0 ae 
but much fmaller, and ofa pleafant fauout,which 
do turne into nal berries, ne at the firftand 

- afterwards blac 

— ST heh cisaaater rhe kin nd of Myrtuecalled Aér- 

“gto by couples vppoi pleafant 
ae Gri Nea ex be i 
ftalkes, ofa light greene c colour, an 
thickerthen the former, in fent and {mel fiveete: 
the Relies wers a arenotmuch differing from 
the firft ey 
Thales cis ceil crochet de of Af Myrtle 
led Exotica, thatis “a “e not common: It 

roweth ypright vnto the height ofa man likevn- 
: “56 : “3 thela ee recone Soeae iris reple- 
she. ni r plenty phage 
P.13°. 4k rt Pee | 2 1 y 5 > oaks tccpingioondrin ego 
BSS one thrufting rain mote as. it were croffi ingo one haus \ sth y3 in aloes 
point: ts agrecing with the eprece ceden 
- There is another fort like ynto oe former in inoothy : 
flaca Solape,andnossamplsdi to Ided ed arall: Sic pelican 
a white colour,whereas the fruit of tke other is black 

Thereisalfo ano thes kindes of Myain, called dort minor or noble Myrtill, as being the chile 
of allthe reft (although moft common and beftknowen ) an anderoeth ie 
like vrito tm 

fe mibling® ne of Mafticke Time called. Marum.The Ecce be hice nena ge 
athe founes — sand thaefometimes they are mo: one den sgn 

a eee Se 


« ¥ez 
There is yet ier Pag of Myrtus called Nowa (as hauing been of late agen and not 
me) th 

knowen vnto them of olde eaucs like 
ynto our gal rde rete fl j " he } idd le. 
* The pg 
Tipe kindes of My d g ly vpon the die hil 1 ferrill fields of Italie and 
% The time. 
‘ fthemfel flower when the Rofes do, thefruicis sige age 
siieese 3 in Emolandl they neuer beare any fruit. 
% The nam 
[eis calledin Greekep:peimn: in Latine Azyrtus: in ots Arabicke toong date: in Italian ALyrto: 
in eect Are rayhan : in the "Porting language ¢ Murta, and Martella: : other nations do almoft 

ere the eMyrtles that which hath the fine little leafe is ‘ornamed of Plinie Terentina : 

range orforren. Negra Myrtusis that eh 

fa theblacke berries : Cazdida which hath the white ve ric slant at a this alfo areofa 

lighter greene: Satina, orthet tame om Acai cherifi hedi ing gates and o S: Sylueftris, or 
t J g oftentimes eller and of the 

bier orbiter Piinir dothialoterd herkind 34S Patritia, av bis: nat 

manner of ones they are, he dorh not declare: hé If I gth : Myceles Oxymgrfine, or 
LV, 1 } ee hf. ‘be ; f.h AA 1 4 +, 
ke'16, chapter faith; that the wine which is made of the ee rails 

ealled Syindeton if the copie be tri = Dibfeorides and likewife Sotienin his Geoponikes re- 
0% that wine is made of oe tle wirbes when they be thorow ripe, butthisis called, taum Myr 
team. or Myrti iaesenin 

Moreover Je of the berri if plein pes and Sanne 
Mutt, i fled'fro h grap 5 which is called, D 
wine yi 

The Myitl paft conf Ito Venus. Pleniein: his die soaks 29. a faith 
| eRe a 4 In al fad Py * , as 

ot Ther temper vature and ve 

TheM Myrtle = fethof ec siete ee acold poste thing Reng the icincices A 
ithath alfoa'certaine thin ope ae as Galen faith ardrtieth nota 

The leabow icicJouds and itice dob itt outwardly applied “4 tnwakaly taken ; bese! ftay B 
the fpettin got blood, andall other oes thereof: ag fto op both the whi tes and reds i in women, wat 

Riccns y Sheted i y the fuperflu- 
ots eauldof ie bemceolie. sd iedits tifmcatttinesadid veaec5edlaleCa 
if theybelaide onwityparehed Barly nese, siPIo Ei ths dea pg Seva aig ta 
They be alfo with good d fice lied to all inflammiarions newly beginni g, and D 
alfo tonew paine > vpon fome w I ftroke‘or ftraine, © ane : 
acl and leaues dried prouoke tine : hs : 
for the greene leaues containe in thema certaine peti 4s bineefil 
alti is ted to bathe with the decoction | hereof made with wine,lims that are out ‘ofioint 
_ iting Ahard to be cure i dpa tithelpeth fpreading tetters, 
feowreth away the dandraf nd fores of the F ae tnaketh the eee 0 a 
from theddi as witht SSS Os See | t 55 if i Sim — againft poyfon, and. 
She ofany venemous beaft.- = : 
ate berries the ce, wh chis dried and referued for the fore. G 
Mee BANGS ewer Cee 2 
There is stewie prelied tet theese yang worn ‘ctor de wine or raineH 
water, which mutt be vied whenit is new made, for eee Se epenticds « ais Diep s 
BS. oe a tes sift: te 

pa ae angione Pads yvdigd! 

rr aa 4 r 


Of fweete Willow,or Gaule. (Chap.68. 

Myrtus Brabantica,fine Elasgnus Cordi. 
Gaule,{weete Willow,or Dutch Myrtle tree, he defiription,: 7 
Auleis a lowe and little fhrub or wood 
plane hauing many browne and hadi 

nches: where cupon doe growe leaues 
gugltee ae thicke & oileous, of an h 
fauour or finell fomwhat like az : ‘e 
branches co 

flowe 3 

' {quare{eedes cluftering togither ofa ftrong 
bitter rate The rooteis hard, and of aw ss 

The plas 
This Gaule gues plentifly in —_ ~ 
ces of England, asin the Ile of Elie, 

‘ennie countries thereabouts, where of toe 
fach ftore in that country, that ny make fagors 
ofit and fheaues, which they cal Gaulefheaues, 

to burne and heat ciate touens, Ic guasetelae 
piper ce other places, 

Gaule Gown in May and Iune,and the 
feedei is sige in Augutt, 

*& T) 
This trecis called of diue in Latine Myrtus 
Reabeaties “= — piacioe Cords 9 
mehecon a and Myrtus 
a sa isdelen cribed by The orate 
a ae ae ynto ey Chatte tree, with 
flower of 

foft eee leafe, and with the 
the Poplartiee, ee that which we hauedefcri- 
b gt » valefleitbe 
} : 1. ag ibe, Deena gs eae me . ) oe chan. 
: ae cular faith he, wilde hert ith { (tall : hichi are ; a F pes roe 
moths Iris called i in lowe Dutch Enolith Gaul : ae ; : 
ore ae a Tiron 4 fai) er senOk a ag Soot 
aloes and pede jbut not fo much; g fee asl Sere hak 5 
ae se The vertues, yt 2S ee ea 
Ree pee ps fame beat to make aman yk f ! te - 
ie whole fhrub,fruic and al bei ine 

su i bores or W hortle berries, op 6 6 59. 

a Phe hinded: ee 
Vine cinta pee vihones sof wih we incteat in this place, fer from Violets soir they 
flowers, but berries : of thef rte 
nifig the i en fat oag: the later writers hane foundmore. 


a parse sited Whore, is like the sn ee) ee 


1 Vaccinia nigra. rubra 
Blacke ke Whortes ot Whortle berries. Red + honeke ot tw rie berries. 
(ta ee 








" 2) 




els a a v) 

I "Pas Rae jer IL le, Ly a 3 
V gi g foo ch pany br hesofacubite high nin, sama! cada eene co- 
J vynlike the le: {B iby the Mace 8 ean le ' ch co i 
owers;tutning into finall berries, greene at the firlt ed, and at the la 

little holloiv flow ar ft 
of 'ablacke es. a pleafant and fweerei ivice ai do lie di ! rs little cosas 

bea whicheame forth fal eataton owes ‘2 
the top of 3 after which fiscceede - 
former,bie ofan 

picarties all eis 

BS rinftalkts ahd aces, butthe 

rndetdhanamne dF risctdan, hich which eet not fom ¢h ex Whortle 2 
4 “Raebitinkes paige TEet = ere. = 


5 f 

3 Vacciniaalba. 
The white — or — ‘hortle berries. 

ae Lee 


5 Vaccinia l rfp, fiacVun Yon sapua Clapp (ui. 
Beares Whottle berries. 

; oe hase aie Englande, name 

‘ 3: ; an ve jo 


8210 vato: 


4, Vaccinia Pannonica. fue Vitis y 
Hungarie Whortle berries, es 

A i 



The deferi 
5 The fame ie alfo Cercch foorth another of 

atices.n jr ube 
Thefe plans proper bef nebo 
iledw cesnthey aia: &then 

dy pl 
found on bigh grounds, fabiedt 0 cron 

Jey aeiles ntaines : they growe ple 

encfully in 
the Getmanies, Bohemia, andin oe 
> adioining, 

pplieer en 
ponthe hilsin’ 


oe chai 

ig % The time. 
The Whortle berries do “Ag ies 
tod en se rhehaae, ; 
(they be broken rs Da ete 

Frenc ch men Airelle,ot Aurelie,as Iohanmes deChoulwriteth : tandwein aie Ww. rage Whor 
tle berries, Blacke Betties, Bill Berries sand Bull pane ee in arity ace es Winber 

perly 4 } 


ve : } ty 
Jearese either among the Grates pa auincient Latins yer MAL ae do take it to be, Pit ‘des tlt 
lexandyina, itis vntrue ; for Vit# Ideais not sche 
ihe to be common Vine; on is alos wale of” Vine : and tte who iba thm ade ment 

out doubth Id } done, iff ch d foundei differ fi Vine. "Toilhhar 
aa L : j LL ¢. Nn > Be. 
o i bad t é i 
It h 54s Law 4), J Vi FA Kit i ier, 7st pitied 
reouer, thofe thi hich hauet {c Jant, are like thereunto, if 
enol yet either inleafe or finite, stance Vitis alba, and ere art hie, 
y ping ten drels, ash h the common Vines 
a; flickr is or tl wilde Vine, hath fichlke false 
Vick, peers forth fruite tke heli ei grar narin d Chame- 
W ‘oe. APs | 
to. the 

‘i lhe KAy IL 

= S _ f 6 
the Pine tree: a i otherswhich haue taken their name Ait fome tise. Bae this thee ftirub is is 
not like the Vine,citheri ‘in any Lew sorinany ot a thin 

This 74% Idea,groweth not on the vppermoft and fhowie parts of mountIda (asfome, would 
haue idbue about Tda,euen the! hill Ida mnotof ec andy jbut of Troas nthe lefler Ane which Frolemje 

Py PE Py Tromwhers 

eek it = a odie named of Pini his tke 3: prank Vitis Alexandr ina,no othe 

then wsisfaide of Theophra, sa there: Laurus, furnamed Akexandyin, 

and sons be a a eereaee ripened Genie, atjs to fay, the Vine, are reported, faith he A 

togtow properly about Ida. Like vnto a Mey are st which Philoftratus ivi the life of Apolloni- 

steporteth to growe in Mo: edhe fare from Tray, co omparing them to 

thofe Vine s which grow in Tn inked exc i bry faith he,be very like,as be thofe that. 
is pte effed out of them., of a ae 

pcan ae iF 
° This Vine which groweth’neere t iced eee tobe! like a Ahi th little twigs and, 

balibtiegaee = acubite,about Which tapes growing aflope black acksof fthe 

pi rare = a certaine winie fubibance fe: th the leafe o is rounde, 

This is ee by Pic his ra. Booke 3 chapter, alot inthe fae Bs its oF 
he; Alexandrina vitis an eon neere vnto Phalacra: itis tho branches 
long.with a black nace gs ofthe Latines ne afoft pe and aes tinle with 

frat ainsi to secbinie ian it doth not eda ter. bighwi afewd nor yet 
ftuite like vnto pes shen ee te, rey ean 

ingent;iawhich alfo there are many litele ae 

nd.nor: ate is 
found in Tealy Gredce,o itrthe lefler A fia;for that: hash sfe affiriheth the fanieto grown 
sent ona fo Fare: ricci allel ies scouiedis beri ih or 

PEE AE oe Te Agsdil ae th ‘bi 

ites ®t a7 os: 


for they may be named of Baca, berries, Vaccinia. as rhought they fhould be ae ne Yet 

ag 5 QR 8 S- Eaptim ie } he ee ~ Worde 

Het h, hae the w writ. 

of diuers fignifications. Virgili 
ten Hyacinth is named of the Latines /accini {lating intoLLatine Th 
istaken out ofhs 10 .Eidyl, 

> verle, which 

Et nigra Viole, a - Vaccinia nigra. 

_Fitrwnins in the: feuenth booke of his Architeéture doth alfo diftinguifh Vaccinium fromthe 

an 2 Poe | 1 Ie ty Le 1 lit? pe et Fab sedan 
3s bicar fe ay 
2 é AUN TCT. 

veh to gine a purple edie, 
#ealfo in, his 16, ‘booke 18. chapter hath made mention of Vaccinia, whichare viedto die 

Pp, ead 1 ogy oe 2 

x 1 
Meret a : ; tme,elpecially feeing thar 
Pliniereckoneth vp Vaccinia among thofe te which: growe in waterie places ;but ours prowe 
: | 1 p pgY Bee Pp sr} ene Z J 
on OEE AIS 3 VE ly ! gtowe in 

5 ps SE | pate pha 1 ni | pst 3 oe J] Be Pins 
uins his Vaccini st th g 3 4. Ic § y 1 L 1 4; E p ‘f B pd 3 
ae ae YY TF -% f b ae AS SSR Wh 1 ; ee ris I 
are called in ae Vacciniarubra: inbigh Dutch, Rooter ‘ripelaentl in lowe 
Ditch Goave Deis went es ay SpEnSH n.CAdurelles ronges : ae be named in — Red 
Whaortes aries 

2 — Eten 
bPKeR Piacente or Whort e later ee fthef idegh ind dc 
alfow ith amanife tt heiiones bidioegs ualitie : ae 35 sends 
_ Rec d Whorde berries are cold and tie, and ap binding. 

rs on juice of A blacke Whore ‘bepiesis bayled: till itbe come aan andis preparedarkep: 

ae and Sugar vnt it: the, : Apothecarics eal dats whith is i: in all things 

the rawe berries sthe: 2 ee times while ft thefe be eaten or taken rawe, theyare: 

Orie toaweakeand cold ftomacke, and {o far ate ee from bindin: i The belly, onftaying the: 

laske as thet they al troub le the > fanie through t their rcoldand.rawe qualitie, which thing the mh 
fediuict'ca Hed Reb doth not any whit at all, 

B . Theybe goorlfors Fait ftomacke, they quench thirft, they mitigate andalay | tncheateof 

reat agues,th a4 pth Rae nen cure the bloody fixe proceeding of cho- 

; AOE gee att =* - — ig The: on 3 ie ag * 
“TP Hiskinds of § naan ees fey ee 
this plantidiui bate ato {uni pais Ie ance tang e be 
“ » * iin ik : bin pena 

—— 44232 

branct es SEF ‘ ? ¢ 
juskie feede refembling the feed { Fennel, dof a bitter raft J mamas and of a 
woodie fubftance, oie,’ Bs. ra 
Sefeli AEthispicum fiutex. ; ‘h Xe 

Shr ub hig Hartwoortof eae SSX: hep 
: : L Iei init ia ftonie places,and on the fea 
{ eoattai = x fankioes are ny ahaa in other : 
places‘ f Languedock 
pia in he ae and detare woods : 2 ned n 
iy gard 

It Routt done pot fedeihin taped 

% The ma 
necall it Mima Te 

Sefely of Ethio pe is tough wad the Fane 
—— ~~ me fely of | Matfilles bath, 

Ui the “eat oGbapis. = 

“hu ae to es oe hindes. is : 
thela ae i, ‘ f +h 7 */.. 3 

" Hete tout by eg PTR Ty REY. Pe ee AE Sy 
‘es 7” oe 


He common Biaet e daweenig ies esto the aa atid a x rere ee i coline hie 

licele pith withi bth Boghesandlpecl the yong : be 

ithwithin ; but the boughes poe beioin- 
ted,are full ties pith ck ati teh ood without:the batke of thebodie and great armes 
isrugged and full of chinks, andof & Piftiuctatcoccion keane thatof the boughes is not 
th “Bile incolour almoft like,an dthatis the ou:ward barke :for there is another vnderit necrer 
tothe ¢ wood,of colour greene: the fabftance ofthe wood i s found fomewhat yellow, and that may 
Riese senlitaie thofé of the 

Zalnuit tree, bureue ery particular oneis leffer, nicked i in the: 
The rundles, whi chia 1; a white colour and 
e! em gtowe vp little berries, greene emt wntcbinte whereout is 
prelfed pu i iuice, which bet boyled with Hom and fach like thing sigh have very wet bo 
t 94 j 
kb aetacs : pasege ae © 1 jo 
Aurscula Juda, or i ME teens is foft, blackifhy couered with fee sont like ste e 
at t amanseare, which bes pe lucked offand dried, (hrinkech togither and becommeth hard, 

i Sambucus, 

1234 THE 

°  Suombueasp (ss Sree 

rowothe Sambucies Laciniatisfoljs. istibod 

0) Theiagged Eldertree, 

ff JAX SG 


3 SambseusracemofavelCeruina, age 
- Harts Elder,or Clufter Elder. % The defeription. ; 
= ig Opis There is another alfo which israre and ftrange, 
, Ay, y forthe berries of it arenot blacke, buewhite; this. 
; \y Y7 islikeinleauestotheformer. = — 

The iagged Elder tree : oweth likethecom-  / 

j ier e. ootes : :° 
ers, fruieand ftinking {mell, and differeth onelyin 
__ the fathion of the leaues, which doth fo much dif 

*% The place. Sao 
The common Elder groweth Gono rh 

bs, 2 . ws pa 
ee eee 


b MW 
— +n ee l i ng a hi fi 
ah = ey ~ <v 
att. Thetone 
wre? J CEL 7.0 . Ps a2 : 
The f F ? 
: % The names, 

Thi is called in Greeke dentsin Latine and ofthe Ancts : sinless 
"BE en oe —-. M7 x ? Tt f 4 Telmns Sa-~ 
Licetws, g 5 1 fet tin rar Preevrge -in French 

d Sus Spanith s uch, S Elder, an r tree : chat with 

thes hite berries diuers mould ine to bee mi socked) lac of ray ‘Elda bee Wat bialus 
calleth i it ontana,or Mount pa 
Her ste doo verbues. 

, Galen arefbarrth the like faculty to Eld 
rying g quality, gluing, ot onely thefe fouls pe hg 
fo; fort barkes,lea anesthe firft buds, flowers, and fiuit Ider, do hot onely talfo hear, 
and aie withall a purging quality; but not without roe ax hurt ro ae ftom 
‘The leaues and tende et ctops of comm on Elder taken i =p iepeas: or aunt qere the B 
middle batke’ is of the fame nature, 

but Hronger and purgeth the! faid humours more evaleady= 
The feed: ; g Fix-k } sahe 2 pi sandfuchas C 
ate too acon pod rth be leaner, ifthey be tak ; h bie of, 
wine for a certaine {pace 
Theleaties of ‘Elder boiled in water yntill they be very foft, and when bes are almoft boyled D 
inough alte oil 


yoon a red cloth fr dl anntin’ 
r bo} t ? ie 
be fuuffe ped d{o rem pon the part affected d, vorillit icone hau, re like 
inareadine F y 10re, 
and in the en mele Serkan to fee and the pati r yet failed at 
weed icingicucbetil patient be diefled ag ftreedes do good,if 
the firft fa 
The parr leanes pouned with Deeres firet,or Buls tall good to be laide to hot fivellings E 

and tumours,and doth affiva det e ofthe gou 
_Theinner and gr gr éene barke doth 1more forcibly purges. it drawers Saye emilee sm iseatecs FE 


| preffed out is drunke with wine or whay, 
| Ofli 

tke :, ee EY 

ec trouble the ‘belly arid mooue to the ftoole: veingid | they io as reckieiee 

¥. r ¥ Pa ee > ee a Ph i be a PR eo at H 
So ae f 3 ey eae i 
ria it ftitreth vp afi sit eee ‘i keth thinne groffe 2 
| 4 

"The fans tek Be Say aay FT gay 3 Fra | 7 + +. fot . o Pere $4 fg ges 
belly iA Pas 1 Eg = L ‘ i ae eee age 4 
, i i * 4 ; 1 io Pee Fy CO Ww >, 
being new athered, ft d aks ae °° 4 
BR Wieteich poféhe dried leskat wine. edocs atts takcn,andl that effeCiually 
; tofth 

waigh re ; ry y 
ner of trouble, and helpeth thofe that haue the econ Butit muftbe giuen for certaitie daies rogi- 
the wich alittle wine,to fich as haute neede thereof. 
gelly ofthe Serta called Iewes cares,hath a binding an d drying qualitie:the infu- x 
fon thereoti in which it hath been feepadafeve howersstaketh a away inflammations oft hem: 
andzlmonds of the throte in a Saas 
ethe Vuul 

__fnlike maner he 
4 Diefeerides faith h a : 1g ] f he dere t 3 eale parched dL 6 
Sheers llings, and 8 for thofe tt : t , feald ate ‘ 
5 RS Se rena Ye Te A ae et er ed me d 
‘ 7 |= hea = 1 3 ne viedaidibeciith hat pre efled or or qua= M 
ogither,is good to lay open th ifi hol — ee 
; Of 

a Of eM arrifh or water Elder Chap 954 ndesing: | 



We aefiripridy,” ve uit 

a Ga Efder ig Rat like tothe a 
ea. Ad siithoe com, 
/% ition Eliet inJeanes,but inboughes ey 

y 5 7 bets da Sune ft a 





mon Elder,but greater, and ofa 
lour,and blacke when they be witheret 

Bie be BP 

gbg0o eshss0 Ts ies 2 2s tasked ois ey i sits | 
eo Sambucus Rofea. : 3 Sambucus Rofes flore parpurante,. as : 
"The Rofe Elder. The Rofe Elder with the purplith Gowers, 
2 BE Ete 074s a " 
} S tes 2, Cm Bohn 
STA ae ive? el sicy)) 
ts pre .y SN 

SC) oe 

ys Nou: eo) @ 


= PEE IT’ 

% The defription, 
3.4 Lo BlerDAL, 9° 
i Si Ambucus of 2 h like an hedge plant, or ends tree, hauing miany 
Pig = b L } Lill 
3 hlike thec ommon Elder; 
i he WV. 7 n L 4 £ jj 
> 5 y flowers ofa white 
‘ tind 1,hedt Vy 2 ae Fe} J ree 
colour, ip g 4 do growe 
aus ItjArel ce | 2 2. } | 1 oe } j Sod 
west 1 : . 4 “c. = Vt nt ral 2 S gt ® Ly h os pe “s 

o£. 1 j Sie l ce - fall IL ‘ > 2. 
ee }e,l] J} in ~ a “il Cc a> aA ie, 3 , SR tT t . a 
2 1 c uf cf 1 4 Aj) L ae if ee ae | rey 8 } Fort pn te 
g f > 5 24 51 igne e 
1c. on 4} Leet. gia, rn ) z } 1 : 
‘4 4 7 i I . 
% The place. a ‘ 
maces pals Eld 35) ht y i gift a fe ry andin hed. 
ges by moift ditch fides 
fe El : nee Same, 1 Ppa SPSS Be, es 1 ae h 
at - o 
*& The time. 
pe Beis | tRl4 aa er in Ar a AA SO Bae, rat ® Elder istipe any 
The am 
The water Elder is § called i in Latine Senbitn vagubricg, and Sambuca kipres it is called 
Opulus. and Platanus, ai 
pal ; : Bie? pl Wess 4 ate We a 
oe } ge ied oh 1in highDu eG Fe yand 
ug n Uctate D dtotehoter 
inlowe Dutch oie Ob st Ma- 
tith Elder,and wen e,0pl tree, and Dri Plane tree. 
The Rofe Elder is called in Latine d kind 

ofthe former wana iider sthe ini ine doubled by Artaswe haue cae: itis called in nDack 
che Roofe: in Engl va ers Rofe,and Rofe Elder 

Thetem th vature an dvertues.. 

ele the faculties of thee Elder: 



there is nothing 
. re 1 Ms ~ 

Of Dane woort, Wale woorte, or Dwarffe Elder. Chap. 73. 

Satie idk % The defiristion. 

Anewoort as itis nota fhrub, neither is it altogither an herby plant, but asit were a plant 
petricnyaoa© of both, being doubtleffe one of the Elders as may appecre hothby theleaues, . — 
flowers,and fruite,as all oe the {mell ane tale 3 
Walenoans is very like v: der in leaue tufts, and fruite 3 Bes hath nota woodie 
ftalkesirb bringeth foorth csbcldaecene ¢ ftalkes ae ich wither away in winter sthefe are afer and fuk 
___ Ofioints, liketo the yoong branches and fhootes of Elder: the leaues growe by couples, with di- 
ftances. eo a ae —— fall pres Tp on athicke rbbedtale, et which 

peeing Ome g 1 the lea ofthe: 
Elder tree female 1. tf; ae turne into. 4 
sels dew ge Sgevcvends isopod 
Ider, ges 
Luly Bhi | 

: ee fine Sambucus humilis, 
ne woort,or dwarfe Elder. 

< The ¢ place 
ane wi ences in vntoyled 
commnion waies, and in the vary fee: 

ord in Kent alfo in the h 
Beanfonste ogee ee next Lond i Pip i 0} 
other place Br 
The flowers are © petted in m 
berries in Autum , re > adc 
‘ rp hen 
~~ Itis named in Greeke ents thatis, Ay 
Samibu ucus, OF lowe Elder : s called as pret 

% ss i 74 : 
_ Wall woortis of tempera ot and drie 
the third degree, = ofa fi ng a which 
Galen doth attribute ynto ir, ba and con- 
Sime, and al a a feangeand efpec 
SH es A purge by the ftoole : the ronies Be of 
¢, the eas, big: the — . 

aie Fi ig ae 
The rootes ofV Wall Woon tina 
y ie gs5if they y ppli : peers o! 

_ Mentation,or bath. 
= Divfeorsdes! faith , that the Footes of Wall woort, doe foften and open the matrix, spas 

> oy in, and diffolueth the Be ole 
. ‘Paines of the belly. 

LTy J 1 ] } 5 Ag be 

E I cing applied with Barly mas 
guts itis swith oe Tuccefe ise vpon eee, fc ae and a the bitings of mad dogs; and 

ip. Fhe _ ws Wall woort drunke in the quantitie ota dtam;i is _ moft excellent purger of wate- 
sith hum nthe world,and therefore moft fi Bula aragainft the dropfie 
seo if onef feruple of the fede be brufed and taken with firupe of Re tes and alittle Secke, ircureth 

in ane weeke, 

0/ Bee Lidh ale. _— 2 | ate i 

<s &T) rhthefiri signe 
gs 5 adele alent or Labur. eetaceas weth like vntoa afmallrree , garnifhed withma- — 
- ny fall branches, like the fhootes of Oziars,ter full oipade pion ene leavtesalaiesthieet° 
bhi Rcomos oe Sina or Medow- Tr refoile,or rather like the leaues: of Vitex, corthe Cycilus 
a 1 rf peril C7: oz ren ate conned 

joalene Gale Gastar eee 1 pl tse tas ! i. * age 

‘ Sind setetovetene Eo ts; . eee : Sti Ling 

yet e7 


2 — Trefoile i is a fhrub like toa little tree, ning west aha bei cubits,o 

a f afy, flender branches ashe barke hence 
deepe g greenecolour: thedeates fthod alwaies | chreet togither, like Lotus or medowe 

Tete of alighter greencon the vpperlide: the flow ers be long yas nes as obi very like 

js mere wi) L Woe } fon A sa e 4 

= 31.7 
a ae et See aR AS a =. Part 
" sfal k; Lave Fb k EN | ia Cl fi,L lk; ri icy of fe athe ftinking 
332.2 6 1 a Sie ot eae as 
Guacen, 3 ¥Ph y 
OF  Anagyyis ae : 2 Ausgrris fati 
Beane Trefoile, °° 

( Stinking Beane Tifa “i 

C A s debs ty : ; me 
Thefedrow of themiélues in in note of | Eanavedoces and Spot tnatbaiochyic co 

alfo byhigh w way fides,as in nthe Ileof Can: Beilomitas teltifie th: the ee 
other hitomi in aaa ie. * Th time. 

a2 4 raters ay tele 2 Pee big * 378 SAT 

TheBe ane Trefoileiscal “ih yd hich name remaineshentortupt in Candy event 

0 this ro rin Latine alfo ‘ane and Ls sburnum: ofa peoplecal Ananienfespamed Eghe/o, 
tech ire oke.18.chap.inE glith Beane 

shee the Peafcod 

Beane doar a As Galen voit, hath 

+35 re teeres 

eee 3 


Of Fudas tree. . (hap.75. 

Arbor Inde. 
Iudas tree. 

Vdas tree een bare ofthe hedge pints: 

id iegre owerh yp vntoa tree of areafo: 1 
nes, couered with a darke coloured barke, 
whereon do growe many twiggie tough bran. 
arnithed with found 

hes ofa browne colour , g i 
leaues , like thofe of roun rthwoort 
) OF 
Sowebread, but harder, and lee ras 

colour: among which come foorth {mall 
Tike thofeofPeafon , ofa parle cone ; ited 
with red which turne into long flat cods,prefled 

hard togither, of rwan here. 
inis contained final flat feedes, like the Lentil] 

or rather like the feed of Medica, ed likea 
Jittle kidney:the ee — and w 

is fhrub is fd in Bes Prouinces of 
Sosiaal in hedges, and among briers andbram 

wethin my ee 
% The tim 
flowers Sone foor: sae in the hin te 

ease ms leaues : the pe or brs be ripe 

Itis commonly n Sell in i hauae Dee, 0 
Sse fome haus called it Spcomorse, ot Sycomore tree, 
and that bicaufe the flowers & cods hang down 

from the biggert ight Sy c 
the Mulbetietree,wh iti ke it tok 
eeth thus, Cercis bri 
calli it Guainier as pe they nae Vagmula, ot one Goa: rwattol i pana 
name it A/gorou ties is,Siliqua frluefirisor fatua, wilde or foolifh cod, others WArbold amor, 
for the brauenes Ghazi ay be ae dinEnglith Judas tree, w hereon Judas didhan chin and 
not vpon the Elder ess itis faid 

pe 's, of which T. beoprefaw ws wri- 

Fy | SF ARES : aes eee 3 

‘The etemperature and vertues. rs 
The temperature and vertues of this fhrub heras Mash 
oat: ahs to be Acacia, by adding falfely thornes vntoityicis buca pe ae 

. Of the Carob tree,or Saint Tobns bread. Cb ap.7 6. 
— dseripio. ae — of. deine 

: pion ae oie - a sen of the lees Cai f c. iddle vib 
f fen Ath,t cul shidsevedehe and rounder: 
or long cods in fome places are a foote in length, in other pl eres shales mer 

— eds = mas lie flatand broad feeds; heres sa ahinardeldek are ofa {weeteralte,and | 
of diuets,but not before they benew ga athere danddried sforbeingas yee greene howd i 
Se aig» r ‘ by fon of th ill fauoured tafte. eT at Fe si 3 

HISTORIE OF opus 1241 

Ceratia filiqua fi vt mec rele 

ghee) ‘ a The @ plac 

Ue tt This groweth in Apulia A ptitinis eof the king- 
dome of f Nae » & alfoir ea yntoiled places 
in Spain t is hkewife founde in India and other 

ndia eat bignes which hath great lt 
ten inches longs! fullo thony 3 Ques qué ederint 

ev a 
matte, Moreouer,both voong & old dofeed there- 
on for poe fome haue eaten therof nr ofepely 
Hy A ae sori of theirbodies 

ns bread, an 

d Kexéna: in aeP¢: sires but iin, 

eee’ called. enetes in ich word is often 
Py by S.zobn, ow Ww die Aeon that 
L f ati . ef > 
G | oa: - a a 1 ba | a fo l ~ ime d part, 
pik. seis akind of creepil i i PI 
grath oppersof whichkindof i lawfull Leuit.1% 22 & Mash 3.4 Tt fignificth 
Cet. * 7 3. 27. 
alfod Ul Sake, bea 2 ll The Liek pi girye tee nat Ape 93 aS 
: Tr ge I * ~ ao re L cd Doe 4 He 
o . 2 

ee pape = 1 Het faying tl I pon the 22.verf. of the 
Ir u1chap, of Lenit. ‘Thefe -kindes of creeping things neither the Het I Hitanogrrhers, 

1 t Ney - L be Ps al] the 
ae Re 2 7S ieee po ae * a sia neat, 

as Math.3,4.& Mdarc..6. os “ib. Lmatar. 7 bir cap, 26. & Sih aa 4 remem and Lunins 
Byt that which hath been fa 

er takethe husks or fhels of the fruite- 
of — tree,to be thecods.or ie Shoot the fee i i de woulde haue - debut none gaue 

vatohim,thou ee the Swine had their filltherof, Thefe cods being dry are very like bean cods 
am eet exce sing wel, 

ene ii, 
ie ke “bringeth foorth fru ¢ fp g> whichisnor niperilhAu. 

The name 
Th eo Ciabireels calle Ae in Latine lik escape} in Spanith Garono: in Englith Cas 
tob tree,and o' saaewt Spe reeand 5. John bread, The fruit or codis named tee cba: in Laune sz lin 
gaa, Or Siligqua dul Caroholevth t= 
Apothecaries in Apu Salequa? itis pe . Spanifh 1 Alfarob a, OF Elfen, and withoutan — 
article Garewas:in high Dutch &.Johans beststhatis to fay Sons Joban.panis, or S. Johns bread, r 



‘ thinly ny ceraneMtielonecmt sz fome call it oe rob. 
2 “Th 


% The temperature. 
The Carob reeis dey J aftringent, ' and’containethins 
neS;as Galen faith, ’ tainetieete 
%& The -vertues. 
A Thee Fog SER ads’ & 
eg eae eet an ee ET Ps ee 
3 Astet ell, i Aa pe A hataad 5 ad a. 

Of Calfsia fiftula,or Pudding Pipe. Ee 

Cafia fit) 
Ee Pipe tree... eae 

sot ave 
& or confi ae of fi ixe little Nene, 
ro the fore of Chelrdoni; 

taineda blac a = Pit and ff of a 
pleafanc tafte,and feruing to many vies , 
h-pulpe lieth the fe 


or partitions ; this feedeis flat and br 
not vnlike thefeed of ed atia fee) andinothe 
ee ane like vnto'ic alfo, 

5 is 
0 Thistree eproweh Bel ” ties eels 
SQ. about Memphis and Alexandria, &moft paits of 
mS stapes oie isa si A in es parts of ope 
ai Thetim 
The Catia tree pois i winter and fom- 
‘merit pee h his old leaues when new ate com, 
by mean s whereofit it {8 neuer voi is of leauies :it 

i 07 s 


This tree was ag ig to iiiebide writers, of fo fielé accounted of, as thay tinasll 

~ omention ofit at al: the Arabidns were the firft thacefteemed of it ij reafon: they knew thevleof 
oo aaa is Siiaa: in the — and after them the laver eri! Affarsus & to 
Se a oe See eee 1 o fay oat : ifture,which 

= ~ 3 ere 
i. PS a Bs S| 1 acon j 

word ‘Calf a al 
cate or pipeis ike a sitios but theold Caffia glee 8 Ares 
odo rferousbarke that istolled togither,after the maner of: a long &ri bareecangee 


ee Ther 2; z 
tie f= fone 7, a —— 

: antec io Atos owe orld Cx Sirt eihe 

RSS ER, RECT” ene a ee 

% The-vertues. 
A 7 i ene) 5g : ar ae oe Iss Bad A 
oslo ithout dar anger Ibs cake peopleofwl g Hfexe focuer th vy besyea it may b 
redtowomen n with childe, foritg ly purgethicholericke h {flimie flegme, ifitbe 

eerie tofan oi ri ce. 
CafGais good for firch as be vexe edlwith hor agues, plea es, iaundife, or any other inflammati: B 

on ofthe liuer,being taken as afore is 
Cafoai s go d for the raines and kidneies, ¢ drineth foorth g ithe ftdne, efpeciallyif it be C 
i lk sand drunke 
_Tpugeth a and Po cme the bloud, makin ng i | , breaking therewith the D 
acrimonic sof the mixture of blond and choler rg in i : 
It oe ~e a ft, lung i gh yy called E 
prakecr cag hofe -serrarer le well. 
Cafiaa aba teth the vehemencie of t hirftin 5 y difeafe wharfoeuet,efpecially ifiebe f 
i depured.a dineto Art: 4t ab Bevaite 
= 1 £. rf 1. ek ‘ EE 4: me Te OF 1 ¥ 7h ET RT | a> Cc 
Li icorice onely il fiffar thet saey eee C. th: = Rie oe it y:: 
> g i 
The k afta fe {e,is tol | fth f(t full, moft heany and fairefe code. or 
oy 7 a Sd é > ss 
Ne ye tay ee, Pee RS ey Se L r CN tle 1 eee 1 i.e a r 
ae swig } } Lio Fy L : ge b 5 Seat 4y 
Sa eee 1 eT ae iad 1 ried Coh.:t 1} ee } 
te sag $258 a “ ° ts ° oy Sw 8 
fwellings,it bringeth them to a 
pe oh ree. i Re 28 i. 3 - 
~ eo 

eth not to my; y purpofe or hiftory. 
Of the Lentiske,or M ale tree Chap. 78. 

\* ws, “The Mafticke tree. 

% Thede sri dptio 
He Matticke tree 25am commonly likea 

% z WY : fhrubbe without ayy great body, rifing vp | 
WS aS WV Via with many {prings & i ihoots like che Halelly 
SS emN' >) and oftentimes it is of the height and bignes ofa 

Ww, ae mean tree: the boughes therofare tough, & fexi= 
<— ee a bles the barke is ofa yellowith re redecloun sia 3 ae 
if likewife, &hard tobe broké: there ftandypoméne 

= 8 

qne et a ed:colour , 
az a Paes. 2 the flowers bemotl cere 
clu fters vpon long ftems: after the .. m come yp the 

times fome- 
Ec? ze a the oe aie alfo sone divers vains 


3 made oile, as Diofcorides.w witnefferh : inge 

aa Speier Covicbchces the fruit tinea 

_ onather betermed an excrefcence,then rene = 
Pe hed like a horns savibacslices atthe firfta es 

Uo en this waxeth ftale: ide ines : 

nto gnats, asin the: 

# % Theplace. 
The Maftich g I y reg = andy Italy. Lanoued 7 
ce l Page Nese by ee ew oy De et SIP EER 5 sn Bs 
} r 1, if 
lly] y S| Hh £ 1} oF oy ee ee oe, 3 ‘Oa 2 z 1 If 1 Acs Loy et 
i] Lh L n fh (acl ec Cf x: dl 7 oe - 
d é@e ead 
the worlde. Pomat 
% The time. 
Tl 1 1 esi 0g no 1 er eee, 1 M hi ke 
alticke mutt 
be baie about the time when the ge apes be. 39 
: The names. 
gy 1 Pe ox J ee in Larine £ dha $n Ileal. Tr * Tae a “A 
(AreorasinnglifhMalickeeeandof fomeLentskenees ts esd 
D i 

53 pe 

rien n Latine Lemtifcina Re ma, and likey 
fiiche in {hops serpicrd in reali sine, in ne ae low weDuchs Rf —o 

nd French alfo asastie: 
eo scott Maftech;and Almecega: in Englith Mattick 
f f the berries Azerte de Mi 
ean The temperature. 4 3 
Cel y ' a : 
in Ss am aac fomwhat anges : ; weenie 

AS Hitting of 
ont, ie pilfing of bloud. sand all other fluxes of bloud: they are -alfo good sealch the fe lng 

ry ene 

I » faieth vomite , increafeth anneri: 
A ree aa BS J for - nie Mt 

GC Matticke chewed in the 

, and maketha 

{weere breath. *¢ 
TL Lf. 2. 0 > 2 -T> 

& * YW 2 a | os CE Gp Si el ae eS 7 L 1 J 

; oa > ' yet 
tocomfort theiawes. 
E TL. 6 f. 4 : 

5 ‘ 2 
g des , being 3 put into Gee and — Va- 

ae 38 ae See Bie Lei 4 11 

oF the Tani Tree. (hap.7 x 

% The mice 

WY = 

ning many long 
ight g 1 lif P nea Po i bef LI gle scciinat 
* oe 0g fig Betmeks wd my aS meas» poy PRESS ~ 4intt an other ypon3 
Tittle ftemor middle rib, oe inch eee € tree: ts ialland sedi ge 
tlufters, or hes lik es, that turne into ro > Which at thelr Deo” 
once afeewardstedd fh Been = blacke,clammie, full of tig 3 
(abled andetap leafantfauour: this plant beareth an emptie codde , or crooked horne foe 
= edi hcinr found finall flies, wormes 2 gnats, bred = ingen ofa certainly 
matter, which cleaueth tothe inner fides of the {aid cods or hornes, w: hich wormes - 

: ps can ny pica vi vet all. Th sich seamen ne iffueth out of thebranches of thefe been 12 

= pete ofthe Firre tree, 


ee a a 
~HISTORIE OF) PLANTS... +" 3245 
2 “The fecond kiide of Turpentine tree is very like vato the former,’ buethatit growerhnar{d 

the Pi eciae tree. 1! firft ofa {earl | ‘ dwh h they k ine c fa sh | The 
ofet gen ma out of thofe a blader pets oe > do compet aad come final! flies of 
- bred ofa ft g fa bla eae 
his Turpentine by dropping like che former. 
4 Terebinthus 2 Terebinthus latifolia. 2 
The Turpentine tree. . The broad leafed Turpentine tree. 

3 The a plathe,. 

, Re BBE be aie 1. specs, Cee | 


Thef ypru ffrike 
Cyclades. Belaminis et that bce are found great {tore of them in aes and Ci licia, an 
brought from thence to Damafcus to be fold, ms faith that tit pee ofit felfei in Lagi 
andinv erym any P pace sof Pi and without 3 
oe el 

: heophr astus ae hat as sbicis the hillIda, BS ae fhort,inm manerof a a 
faba ae cg in Damafeus and Syria, great, in manner of a afmalltree: healfofetceth 
owne a certaine male Turpentine ne treeanda :themalefaithhe,isbarren, andthefemale — . 
an Andof thle he maketh the one with a berri¢redacthe firft, of the bignes of a Lentill, 
‘which cannot to ripenessand the other with the finit greene at the firftjafterwards Sean 
ofa yellowiftired, and in the end blacke,w: axing ripe in the fpring,, 0 of the bignes of the Grec 

Nice f Indian Tu bibs; tha f ik bev 

fo writeth of a certaine Indian’ urpentine tisto fay, a tree like in $ anc 

Teaues to the right Turpentine tree,but differing inf it, which is like vnto Almo nds. a 
& + - 

Thea aigtcae 
Te x rt 5 Pe et = 

Se Se aay ma » , ~ tk , oe Bey ies ensenry 

berries are ripe’ in erborett and O&ober in the time of Grape gatheri T ; : 
about the fame t Bee fi hehomes appear 

x The names. 
be my! ds reele oi, vie, d Wt ES Tepelivd@-s in Lati ine Terebinthys in : 
Tralian ierbile in rasan Cornicara : pe French \sasdbiaee: in Englith Turpentine tree: the 
"TL ty SS I as : . he 
pe in hi ~ D 
hT toht Ti Re ee eae ee ug" utch Termintdiin; t inEn. 
L 3 2 o LU 
wirideor greene ane. Be ox 
%& The temperature and vertues. ‘ 
atke, leaues, and fruit ew p hat bind , they ‘ave tain 
L l: 1 1 1 L 4 ini the fe. 
dunt de egr e¢, an and being greene they ys butwhen they are th y dri¢in thefe. 
cond a and the fre lit apy hirdd dalt 
hott i ONS ie ee 1 Lota , ” 
i L 4 ? ool | Jj 4 i: 3 + fal ae 
BS ips > g ebitings 

ofthe oe ma aes aes Phalan 
e TheRofin of the b daniek tree excelleth all otherRofins, pert: to eh opin. 
hen th, 


D is Roto ath alfo a 
hath withalla ceraine bacco fore; = reafon er. it deste more bait ot the 


to ': ede he oar chasot the Tspoiore tree to eo ah like ce ma in of a ac tree, 
Ming. ’ 


BE The fruit of 
FE | The Rofin of: a which i th nigh Tape, oe, fe oo openeth sheloppiage 

oft ce liver and plese, prouoketh vrine,and driuéth foorth grauell, being taken in the quantiticof 
r three 

 & 1} 1 Lh | BE byes Por 

G. ek reveal water diuers i illic be white, th fet puetheretothe | 


f pofle ke mad ani itewine, and giuen to drinke inthe 

emeetaiin coe a ipeedily the Goes or peoeee of the raines, commonly at 
“s it ng ofitywhich giveth ols 

: £.. ra L Hd 1 * Diet 1 
sé oF ° a =) 

<4, ey Of the Frankincenfe tree. Chap.80. 

ee 46 The defeription. 

a4 cr ate ae eas ao pg ia aig eee ere t 1... V1. tag fticke tree; “re 
¥ 2a a . } ar Shae SE Ee es, ae e. andofa eraffie colour: 
: 5 thetinde is lik i C.4.R 1 Co} | oweth in moun- 
ni cam 1d rc ee pk “f Ries ge) Tae 6 I Tr: 1 woorfe than , 
i P St) Sea te eae ry SS LD .-b Afoch other 
¢ ofeofhe ¥ (ase é 53% | 
fois hn re gece iti 
» -, ++ “ 
oo tha AS: 1 Sige as ene i d Thue, Erankincenfe, it 
aa ee ee ee inkchiheyel bebe 
ae — ww Z head . B He oe on) i 
~ kincenfe. for : roe ae 

aaah ome ior paul = ; 


Abor Thar aif Thurs id “raat 
The Frankincenfe tree Thedi Arde ek ey - Z 

defers cs 8 
Ofthis Shere ight phe sicher forts, the one 
the gum, which is sie! in sos Dogge ee 

ave cry fe pie 
ha th beene Feldome ene, hae the Ph fio Sra 

tain whether itbé theleafe of the nec or of 
fome ype Pine tiee,yeeldin thelike or gum 
Iris faie which feldonn 

f c 
pets $ orcoates, with a theathafpanne 
&ah Uctotie ations op gaping openlike a awhoode 
ct foolecoctek AA ap it were couered with 

helmet, w mich ash feene in aleafe 
bu is s proper t 

sor] C itis, as writers afe 

ae thered u sthe {prin ings which Ss 

ge ee ee the fan The Arabians wounde thi 

inife shat the gua maa! Gowgoutmete abound 1 r 

of Fiankine 

“Diofeorides ras it zai Arabia, * Topecaliy 
the beft in thar countrey is pallet Sagan mene rounds, 1d if 
itis burned do te ickly yeeldea impels next, woe good 
the other,and more yellow. age ee 
The imei already declared inthe ei eae 

aie Incen, inh sei Seni 

Se nse 
Tas Tea oo 

pel a lith a Frankincenfe, an sntioat ix jah toon 

ST. The temperature. 
Roe was Diofo ers faith ,apower to heate resin 
 Iedriveth away the dimnes of the eie fighr,fillech vp hollow. 
-¢thall corruptions ¢ of shjond glinpagee owe from the head, 
ws doth heate in thé feconddeg 

ne Galen writet thus of it, T) th heate in: thefirft,and hath fome C 
final] Laftriction ; eects eee e doth m 

~ diye ly,and tha d deg: th 
ema ene paicgbe intone 
the licke,p 

ing drie in 
Ie doth slo “oe and fill vpt the vlcersin inte so foMgategtie fee babe: 
bealth tdrit vech him i intoa frenfic: but — 

fave Greekes athe = 
Auscen repo ce coe Poe ot wit agdeedetiiaad ding.but the ofte ta- 
ea ofir will breed the headac ees roomuchof it be drunke with wine it killcth, en 2 
- OF 

> aj , 


Of Fiflicke Nuts. Chap 8. 

The Fifticke Nut,’ % Ti He defription. 

“] He tree which beareth Fifticke Nuts is like 

be greater then thofe of the Mafticke tree 
but fer after the fame maner , and in like order 

¢eaten,and fomthing fweete of {mell, 
a % The place. - 
~ Fillicke Nuts growe in Perfia, Arabia, Syria 
and in India; nowe they are made free Denifons 
in Italy,as in Naples, and other Proninces there, 
The time, 

This tree doth flower in May, andthe fruiteis 

“fyine th Septeniber, 90°02 2 or Oe ae aea 
% Thewames, 

This Nut is called in Greeke matucr: in Athee 

naus Nicander Colophonius,in the booke of Tiea- 

VES cles nameth it-Alanov : PofSdonius callethit Biei- 

i wov: others Pisa'uev: the Latines obféruing the 

\) iS ~ fame termes,haue named it Pzitacion, Biftacion, 
—s SY soot Phiffacion: the Apothecaries Fiffrer:the Sp 

“niards Ashocigos,and F;fticos:in Italian Piffaschi: 

-inEnglith Fitticke Nuc. 


% Thetemperature VertMes, 
The kernels of the Fifticke Nuts a often. 
P I { moift; they are not fo ealily 
fomwhat thicke ; they yeelde 

7 Coe ae L et L ae :. “ 

tothe body no {mall nourifhments they n 
B_: they are good for thofe that haue the 

ey concod. tiven 
? . fae 3 

hthifike,or rotting away of the lung: 
i I ate h Tihs a 

Pgh ees o JL 1G L gC ki 5 
~ kemooue outof thekidneies fande and grauell and aflwage their paine: theyare alfo good for 
vicers. A : 
E. The 1s of Fiftick Jired oripadesncs canis wath te + eatertdo D : 
¥ > 3 to) b, aes y 
: bodily luft oe ee et otes pete: : “Rats me rtnes of breath, and arean ¢x- 
~ cellent p ef iu licine bei g mi iftred in wine gaint th bitings of all manner of wilde 

— Sew Of 

tothe Turpentinetree: the leanes hecreof 

ourith bodies that are confumed stheyrecouer ftrength. 
lungs,” is 

Vertuesin prouoking of Venetie, 

aera & 

Of the Bladder Nut. Chap.82. 

vt ficarise 
The bladder nut, t T! edefeription. 
ZB His isa low PO divers yong fprings 

go ri. foo : the fubftance 
diswhite, riteard gt nd {c 

~ 2 
i to 

d $3 

vel and fhape, 



cvhing greene 5 in tate ig caaanee 
ahcctwae lothfome and ready cto provoke vomit. ~ 
os % The pst 

Ic groweth in lealie, Germar pope oo it 


Strand, It growe! cabo dain my gar arden, and in the 

aoe es ges of 7 omgptabie neer Croydon 
from London, 

‘x The tune 
Pe ei 

iy J i 
. % The names, ; 

ae ee ae 1 . 1 t Tr AS. ! 
Itis commonly Bt sPLNpeMULs, which Hgniheth in ov selinperne 
tens diuers call itit I G Ay, ceria. Ma: 
doth i dge itrhe Ti A rreha/h oe 8 a lied 


: Quacethenwafiremeth, Coulcoul tobe ed of rai uers in a Conte for a daintie,  efpccally 
when they be new brought ou fle itbe s 

outofEgypt. This plant hath no olde name, vnle 
dron Pling, frie — = he later t writers, and Plinie hath written of it inbis 16, booke 
16,chapter, reis alfo(fai 
of white at Mapien ae iscalled s par or tari cods,and in tyofe kernels, haning the 

ofthe Hafell nut. Iti is calledi in Englith S. Aa cofties puts. oe r Bladder nuts ibe 

dovietomike Beaterol thes 

% The temperature wcdedaamae 

__ Thefe nuts are moytt : and al of 2 ae rawe es and therefore they ef eafi ni Procure a 1A 
i by reafon that withall they be fomew hat binding, 

and therefore they benot tobe eaten. 

ers o 

Of the' Hafell tree. Ghap.63. 

I Nux Auellana fine Corylus. Corylis fyluestris 
The Filberd Nut - een "The ewe Hick ha 

= x) 
D, ue 


> ‘S 
") Se 





vy = 




ym sla 
rons se  *The aeferittion. 
He Hafell tree groweth like a thrub or fmall tree parted into ae wit tourna ough 
_ pliable: the leaues are broad, Breater and fuller of wrinkles than thofe of 
and on the backfide morewhitesthe 

es A 1g 1 3 ng 
. 2 ercar hl, is nogl ne ‘NT, 74 
cup ofagreene c pie at iagged atthe nen ae Schule Ueian tls 
incomaad sage ihesea ae within confifteth of a we atdand ond ai wee 4 
Ww. thin 

tafte, yi <2 ae Ses a ; ‘e Sec Sieg: ; 
Consridits Lehess he. cas, a ag LI.foll XT. i a " IL. a 
4 cd siee pif enn 3 
needeth nnr a. : OP ae oe a L tw. £2). Cc. 

rathe ripe, fome later, as esate manured in our gardens, niaee is very ae mares 
are Filberd, and yet Stndect f Hedge Nut, This then that hath beenefaid, sate 

wthila B i 
* The Filberd nut oft Goaftalliegte 
The Hafe afell t i do commonly growe in woods 


Orchards, the Nai whereof ate betrer, and ofa 

{weeter tafte; oe bem = ommonly red within, 

sor er ist See foorth very timely, 
teed winter mee fully paft , which fall ‘away in - 
March or Aprill fo foone as the leaues come 
foorth: the nuts be pero. in pee. 

This fhrub is called in Eatin Corylustin Greeke 

= 8 
2 3 

ocelle:in French Noéfettes,8 Noifelles: 
in Spanith —4iseLanas + in ag Hafell Nur, 
nd Fi 

( ayboo Curie , 

nul,and Rotnuls : ii lowe Dutch BR ge l 
- Poten: in Englith Filberds,and red Mbek 
Theother Nuts which be white are —— to be wilde, 

% The 


temperature and vertwes. 
Patell Ny. ly gael 3 y yy fuper erfluo’ Spence: A 
by if L fel y . ae 5 : ly Ll ew g 1 1X7. sbut ie iy alfo beve 
digeftions L£ h yal t. hy ] ei rs o 5 6 SOY De 4 1 3 fabhancefor wich 
cau fe = 7 1 i eh So Boag ols io Lt 
= Se nace fat Bee pis 1 hel clogging to f 
Th de into Milke like Alin + doth mightily b 
ghtily ade the belly aia B 
for ie ra - the bloudy fix 
The fame do ceedin nai in hot fe ee dburning agues. 

coole ex 
The catkins are colde and By and likewife binding: they alfo ftay the laske. 

Of the Walnut Tree. Cop. vs 

The deferipton. 
Tees gtcat tree Se witha thicke ar me alte the barke isfomewhat greene , andtending 
1a ee bk , like the feofthe Ath and, 
Ser ae h hich bet Ss He ie hen the ofthe Ath; 
Imoothalfo,and nd of a ftr ftrong fm sth kins gh foorth befc iN thefe Nuts 
_Sgowharo defeat leaues by couples,or by th dthree, which the firft when 


Sek eal ans which is 2 ilk Pa pe itha th sere ent 
ae with a woodie skin as it were. 5 the innerp pulpe w imei is ait freee and one tothe 


The Watnu tree, 

The pl, 

The Walnut tree pt n fields neere com. | 

mon high waies ina fat and fruit 
orchards; ir Bi a i ca cfu llbanks 
loueth not to growe erieplaces 

The leaues togither with the catkins come 
foorth at the firtt {pring : thenuts are ¢ gatheredin, 

The tree is called in G Greeke wpue . in 
ut hname doth fignifie both the tteeand 
frvic in high FuBbaums in lowe Dutch 
a = and Featetaer t in French Noi 
he Wogueyra : in Englith W, 
tree, and het fome ‘alfinur tree, Thenut 

led in Greeke raipuer Geomunsy, that is tofay, Nux Re. 
: ife named 7tue 

: ings Nut : itis likewife 
Jugtans, as though you fay Jouis glans, 
ters Acorne, or Juwans glans, the hel § 
b ts Per fica Nux, or the Perfian Nut: in 
high Dutch Ureiteh J ul3, and Saumnuls: in 
utch Doker ig Se 

lian Wee sin French Noéx: in Spanith Wy, Nuezesand 
Nows: in En glith Walnut, and of fome — 

temperature and vertues. 

The freth kernels of the nuts re 
te pleat tothe tafte : : they are: litclecolde, an 

a cds Teak 1 {] ae 

B. Ly py RON ped ee PRIA LI a5 qd. . 

~ fullto the ftomacke ; ine befi ides that Ba be hard concogted, ‘te increafe dhl ae ct 
hea dach,and be hurtfullf F 

Drie nuts taken fafting w a Fig ittleRuewithtt 

ueth the bo ody from the iafe@tion of ie eee ra being peneily eaten oe driue worms “4 

eae of the chatty. aab re 4 dele 
D The greene and tend boyled in fi Suckade, ar 

=< oy Se fl 1 

E yle of Walnue made in fuch manner as ae of Almonds ee ih 
= len path abel {calesand eae ape and blew marks that come of ge rules. 
F Milke made of the ker els »asAlm 
: ; be body. ae a 

t; ‘Withonions,( dh 1 4 See, ie att c 59 y. 

v i) ~ 

go Being! cing both eaten andalia lied, they healein hort time, Ppt are ih a ont 
buncles, xgi s, and Abin deh, s effectually done by t eae 4 
preffed out ‘parts, ih POPES PE 
. F coe eagee Brcene huske ofthennrs a notable binding facultie, ee 
a K and taughe t orubantine tenis eta gaara pe en: wit 
wile ae 

ey @/ "33 F 

ICN b 1.1 

doth babar in them an hot and drie temperature. 
{lotions forthe bodie, in which they haue a M 

 forceto digeltand alfo to procure {weate, 
Of the Cheftnut tree. Chap. a5 5 tun .s “pat 

1 Caffanea 2 Capit a Eguin. 

Chefinut tree, : Horfe Cheltnue tree, 

- eae 
ie rmiste Auth, %The defeription, 
1 “T" HeCheft it cafteth f many boughes ; the 
e, and fometimes of fo great aéompafie, Alte tow ne can {carfly fathom - 
Aa it: the timber or fi ibftance of the ‘wood i is foun and durables the Janes bepress, ash 
ings or catkins be {lender a and greene :the fruit Pree ina oes oi am and ‘pil me 
liketo aeiederos ot Vichin, which — it felfe doth let fall the ripe frui . This 
one fid pep 


~ ches are 

as rales fa tie Ca rates like che 

the to} ting of fower fimall le 
G like th 

_ The place. 
See oe» & : . 
ES i 2 es 
afoftand blacke {i i There be fundri ds of Cheftnuts in England,asa milean dsl 
co a, pa td eS ha = . ap pars 3 fro 
in others {maller, and of worfe tafte. : St es | pleafanter, 
The Horfe Cheft , RS Se ree aes 1 Loa : 
4 segppetes BF 3 untries, 
, % Thetime. 
. The blowi 5 I iththe] Ey. PS gor age latée. siden 
ull Autumne, ac, dbe notripe 
__the Cheitnue tree > beareth the name of the nut at both in Greeke and Latine : : in high Dutch 
ignier :in Engl; 
: Chet tree, aftaignier :in glith 
lledin G | 3 in Latine Caftane, , Tomis glans Sardiana 1 

14 offen } 2 en ee “ 7 4: 2 3 Sa, Spal 

3 h Moray 
E. ten: in Englifh Cheftnut. The pester nuts be named of ae ae s 5 Marron; : ve: the French 
~ menand = comets bafe Almai ines Mi 
_ TheH Fass 

Sy a ee q a ee ra ea | if f. in Englith Horfe Cheftnuts oe 
= ot a fuch like difeafes, 
o % PA a 
AT Our common Ch {t dri Te A g, re 1, butin ameane 
I intl i indineffe, and byr {c f i . vnleliealiethe Il 
yee | Lin “4 . 

B fall = Rese cad Galen, the Chenu are the chiefeft, ‘and ioe of all the wilde 


Ged,th bl di 1 le, they alfo ftay th iy, cecal fey 
eaten: rawe, : 
| fol 1 of digefti 5 they fily lefc J thicmc ae 
windie,yet ay te make = Cheftnus die ee 
D_ Some that of raw sand aft d kind 
ft need is fhould be d i sa cicnted od oa 
ing thorow eS :bui a y be good ag y 
. Yn BlsQunty ofthe meale of Chel ft d honie,is very good againft th band pitting 
ofblood. 3s ge 
The lola Anteho Oh ee: Se eee dru! , top apy aig Be , the blobaly fis, 
and all other iffues of blood. ~ 

OftheBeechtree: Chap. 86. 

% The deféription. 
5 Ee r "7. 1 ax reading £ . : c é “siti 

te and very 

a: :the leaues be {mooth, ee broad, and aed ies thofe of 1 th bie? Poplar; 

— a bealfo leffer and fhorter then thofeofthe Birch tree,and yellowsthe: he fruite 
Matte is 

ofthe Chefin Ler ite being REPS Fe kly, Oh nt igh Le sy E j aor 
on if 

’ a eras lik $y 1 {;. 1. 1 “Lon = L yt hlefie and 
her forme,that is to fay trian h d: the kernel! ‘is fiveete,with acer 
rine ion eet uci Heft dq " 4 Tittle lower then 



The Beech, 

*% The place. 

The Beech tree louetha pla ine and opencoun- 
trie,and groweth very plentifully in many forrefts 
and d ak _— ces of Suffex, Kent, and fundrie 

other cou 

ech donee in ies Land May, and the ° 
ein September,at what time the Deere 
he fimeyery greedily, as greatly deligh- 
peat vet aad pacchics and 

“ Iebringeth foorth, faith he(mea ce 
tree Offrys, which eh thkewifecs lo Oftrya, gtow-~ 
of .. 

ie ft liketo the Ad} with leautes like thofe 
thePeare tree, burg hie ss x nee ' i ee ci v1.4 A nl q hor mS 
withafeedlite:. 1 Chin , 3 2 Ee ee } Le L 
* . é 
brought into the honfé there followeth hard {with ie and miferable ee as itis 
reported; and therfi be fork & fi oe ee not corrupted, 
: a4 nae temperature. 
The! cR Wey, PA L +43 ¢ a 
; 1 The vertncs. 
I f Beech are very profitat t fwellings, blifters, pia ew spenwet da 
and hei L JL Ws ieee Se His Cok 
ae Le Hs o Y. 

Thel J y 

ifthey be eaten, and tocaufe the gan and find ¢ the’ caer to coitie foorth : : with thefe mice tod 

{quirrels be greatly re ara domightil 

herewith ,and certaineo betes alo dee do feede ‘thereon very Binet They! belikewife 

pleafanee to o thrufhes sess pigeon Ks ; . . — 
. . Dray ad } oS tee .. Cf Reape L i et init ek werk DY 

bibecs sh 3 ki Te Te) rae 1 2 1 > at pe 

- Ofthe Hinenderis > Chap 87. 

se Thedefripton : 
He Almond liketo the Péach gent herbi bodied, of longer c af 
. Tests long,fharp oa Peeler ee 
bealikerhefticetfoleat shauing omone fide : with a foft skin 

Mmmm 2 

‘ eos FF Re 
i ae like a’ griftle, which i is not eaten 5 the nut or ftone within i is longer_ are, = of the 
ratte f 

yo eete, 

coe ia roote of the tree ¢ groweth Geepe : the gum which foketh out hereof i is liket das ae 
Rear, her 

The Almond tree. % The place. 

The natural place of the Almondis in the hor 
regions , yet ue them in oe LE ees gar- 
dens and srohards i in good ee 

e Almond fowreth pea withthe Peach; 

im tree is isele in Cnet in Latine 
rg dal ench CAmandier : in ‘Engl AL 

x feuiti iscalled in GreekeduyAaiv. in Latine 
Amygdalun : inthops Amygdala : in high Dutch 

_ Wandell: i 
Mandolesin Spanith Asmendras 1 Amelles,and An 
mendoas : in French Amandes : in Englifh Al. 

‘Thetem pereeds ana vert 
bere SWE py vito 5 n the y be ‘vided 
= Paes hot and oe “hues he bitte: 
otand drie in the feco nd. igees “Theteisi in bath 
of them a certaine e see oylie fubftance whichi is 
wen ohn 

ally being. eaten without see 

euen as 
othe h hu ne do ferue to 
2 3 

2 tole that re be Bacal deftly defcend, as < do vital vee the belly s 

= ge eee | Lh: = AL wr > hilic rt Sees i itncae See ee 
DE ~ } SEK 4 3 
€! shes “1 atk SPiN yt i ek ck Bs a hila 

Se itis — for thofe that hauethe pleu A — pet vp cae matter, as Alexander Tral- 
— ie fe th. For there i is likewife: inthe Almon dsa eee and co ncodting qualitie, witha 
¥, gs,0r lights,anderue 

tae “7 ca 

D 7A ee a : dot ae oat a sth ae on ae | 
: yes very delicate we vi 

fome meats, as ace a créame ot Almonds reed and fuch like, w 
ftaie the belly mote then the extracted inice or mikes: sand they ‘are as good for tel sed 

W a }  ifitnetla aS 

2 > fer Ho (eg bay wT pt a S 2G an Se Se ven in hot 
feuer: ers sas alfoforo Spi Ga iy pr Rapa: aS cg ye ee c a 

> oS Sie cere. Xe a aa 3 - £. and all ma- 

F Theopeahege ly prefled our of the ft Almonds , igater of f eo 

Der OkEC ST 2S Rod tragots wislz obtry xd :netioy 1 i] kk 


- E25 5 
HISTORIE we bomid stadeeds fe 

ba with the ftone of the oe ace the ssi of the vrine, and vee them glib or 
flirperie, a and more readie to fuffer the {tone to haue free paflage: itmaketh the belly foluble, and 
the xe re iis i kewife vfed for the collicke, 
ood for women that are newly deliuered, for it quickly remooueth the throwes which re- H 
maine e afer the deliuerie tie 
sin froma +: Kpowinp ae ntils. 
ds do make thin ane open, they remoouc ftoppings outof the liner and Pros, K 
decor they c good againft ft paine in the fides: scheymake the cal foluble, prouoke vrine,b ting 

f delicate perfonss and clenfeth the I 

ifthey! - A Earp Pe) Rie 67 ag bya p }: lot 7 Ary oe yfayd ff ing 


Anditis reported that fiue or piss being taken fafting doktepea man finn being. deur ake. L 
Thefe alfo clenfe and take away {pots and “ate in the face, and in other parts of thebody3M 

oe mundifie or make cleane foule. beating vie 

ng applied to 5 the ore beds yine- N 

chee 1 | pie lS. fmad dogs <}. 
a é 2 
oo ¢ Tx. } > oe “ 1 i Wa! oe . +f Oo 
7 7] v o ; : : 
TI. Vit fe if | ee ee | f hi ey at L 1 oy BS, PS a} pee! fA ad Dp 
d - ‘ bs f 2 ‘ = 
m7 Chef reer Ser SrtA iene 5 t PP TT a: 
i ft é ‘ ~ 

be drowned ms iteepedthe 
With oyle itis fingular sexi ee thofe shat haue the ftone, and cannot ly ake waterbueR 

with extremi ti¢of pane, E 


bn \j 
Disforides fai, hat the gum doth h dbinde; which qualities pons ian 
perceitied init, eee ogee 
t. LY ! ‘et 5 eee YS Fed ee t SEAT: OE. eh ee a ie 
5 y g > : 
flance, and that isby cle clofing vp of tl p flage dy d fo mayitalfc Ide: pees, ; 
and miti fle of 

na zi eff 
ae od : “a —— ni Bafta, orwith any other roses potion, as — the dhcottion of Lico. 
efunne, The fame doth likewife kill retters in the outward partes of the bo- 
dfas. Defer a ifit be diffolued i in vineger. 

Of the Peach tree. Chap.88. 

% The kindes. 
Th 9 BENE x cp § aie: . A ee 
ii 5 

He Peach treeisatree of no great arenes fendeth hee ey which be fo 
with the winde. The 
leauesbe long, nickedi in the edges; like almoft tothofe of ‘hie Willow tree, and in tafte 
bitter : the coe ners alight purple yak bass shee or Peaches be eround,andhaueasitwerea 
sy wd cleft on the one fide; Ee ateco afo 14 ae 
wahoter. 2 es sleats ntt a Se _wherdiiaeutiighs or rugged ftone,wherin is cons 
—— kernell like Sie the Almond 5 the meat eabout the ftone is of a white colour, -Theroore 
igh and yellowi 
he red Peach tree is likewift atree sis great rhigelie? tit -alfofendeth footth diuers wee 
cbr which be very brittle. _ The leaves be long and nicked i in the eulgcs ee to ue 
T. sbealfo 

outfides the raeate Meniesini one gain ‘red colour, Thal ideso eae 

BE ne 



' Mamm 3 set 

oF I Perfitaalba 

; 2 Perficarubra, 
The white Peach. 

The red Peach, 

4 Perficalutea. 
The yellow Peach. 

3 Perfeapracocia. 
The d’auant Peach, 

. eae iN 
Grp lames f 

‘ = yy] 


: VG), 


% 7) he defer iption. 

3) Tt i] The fruie or 
Peaches be oor a bn colour on the ‘one fid and on the other fidene: iS fa redco 

1. ra Vt — o 

meate within is ofa golden a crow ofa pleafan 

4 Theyellow Peact tree is like thc Fonmet in eabes sd is frit is oF ds ern 
lour on the outfide, and likewife on idle of 

woodie,hard and rough ftone, full ee efts and gutters, in which doth lie akernel much | like to thee 
taltefom thin 

ofthe Almond eye with ed alike skin: the fabitancewithinis white,an bin t es tter. - 
The fi cateft pleafurre, and beft rafte of all the ‘other of’his kindes alth 

be found yg te, not ‘remembred of thea ancient, 
or fet downe oy nhs later writers ff particula ws i greatly 

tended purpofe,confidering we fe to si om Ly 

he plac 
Bey oF are fet and ppt in gardéns dnd yinejardip I fae them all in ae with binaoy 

other forts 
; %& The time, xy 
or 5. afk 5 peas e } 1 ey eee ee aon Y neat é 
The P ahs ‘ hire “ srt, 
Hic foone decaieth {and is not of long conti + floweeth in ApEill ofa listless 
bet iis +k P = Re Pee Sa * 1 iD +. S 

ae ? 

Ther. names, 
The Peach tree is called i in Greeke MirMarmrernd: in Lat he Als yea & ae: in’ high Dutch 
94 a tin ae Dytch sperte in French iin in En nglifh Peach tree, 

The fruit,as Ge/en teftifie th,is namedyii without any so in Tiliec 
coh ie ronan Pee ficwra : in high Durch recing if ow Duc periensi in Iralian anes 

* The Be eee erties. : mse 
ae Soa aye! Sete pe 

P ‘s : ce A 
vonage putrifie, sf es: Ideth now {t whe , but birgeth i bere € {peci ally if they be 

} Soe el 

“y F(a they are leffe hurr- 

fll if th 

defcendsand by ae i belly ae he caufe other ches bho yaad 
The kernels of the Peaches be hotand dry, _ openiand peng are spo for the foppings B 

of the liner and d fpleene. ae 

a ep Cay SES L m, 4 oe ee a eT Aue. Sg 

Say he, Sty ‘i BoA . ia hey # 1 a 
Th, 1 ay 4d 

athe “ard & ee loot the belly D 
em being itis jie vnto the aes of yoong chiles killeth the wormes,and driueth 
nfoo rth, 

sty na 
~ Poe Sed ott. RRA et Pn 2 ; Ye Ky “1 31, 

Me rics alls ‘= 
“Thee Cee Fe ied,andcaft vpon paeeDE reads, they.cure: ce ciscphices 
ibedomcc otter Peach tree infufed in snus ios she pare pea twelue he 2 See iG 
ftrained, and more flowers pit to the fide i a orig tule - after, Fy sats and {o iterated 
fixe or eight times, and ftrained againe; Benes much fi ingasasiewll emits added to the fame 
liquor, and bolts nto the confiftence or thicknes of afiry rupe ne to) 

“ r e; be Saha tig 2 oaeie any ot other pur- 
‘get Comparable vntoit; for this spurgeth don awapee smightily, and} yee ae - gtiefe 
or apablcseies ro the {tomacke,erlowe crparts peers 
rmels within eer ‘fione ftamped f pai all andboiled ith vinesek vatillit Ee ee H 
to = — an oyntment ,#%s gotte reftore ai see “see the Rawre of fach as 

Sy Se Se | C. 1 insoighe @ bs 

vater, a iuice like er 
milke, which is good for rs ae haue the. Xie f ii naan ie oftentimes — ithe 
Mout thie draweth foorth water,and reconereth th efpeech. 5 cB vate. 



zafo" THE a Llhdhasincies - THE 
i f: } del 
gh and clammie,b 
veel it ee the fharpnes c of th Se ferneth i horlich 1: rae 
that led ] 855 andftoppeth the fie ettin d ae 
of blood and alfo ftaieth other duxes. 60 Psteing a talline vp 

Of thecd picecach or eA brecocke tree... (hap.89. 

XC Armeniaca Malusma 
. The teed + Apc tree. 

2 Armeniaca Malus 
= lefler Aprecocke tices 

= Assit Sokal init os —- Shane 

The defer rt, 
His tree is greater i fe Peach treejand ah sabégger bodie,je Jafteth longer,efpecially 
ifitbe Poca = inoculated : the leaves hereofare broad & fharp pointed, like thofe ofthe 
. lacke P ut lefler,and¢ ndcomming more neere to the leaues of the Bir rch; nicked in the 
oe The towers ate relomerhat white: the fruit round like a Peach aye low both ee and with- 

8 alfoand 
Wieninehichis included afweetekernell, 
oes ~ We haue another fort of Aprecock,w) whofetrunke or oad iii hee 
itis like alfo in leaues and brittle branches’ 3 his time of flowrin thing, and manner 

ng, flouri 
__ gtowing accordeth. The onely a is,that this tree bringeth a ern 
2 and eae pod in tafte yin euery other reff pectitis like, 
oe The plac 

Theices do grow i 9: den,and daies i y other Gent! gard ah 
cull Eagan, — : 
fis The time. 
Z uy Fy | S Tf oA 


‘ 725 


| eee Ah alome 4, s. 

jaca ; in Englifh Abrecock 

This eree isc called in Gteeke: urbe Aperersanns f 

” The fruit i is sate Hiro Apuersaxdy a di placa which be wo a 
ted from the Latine; for Prone 3 in nLatine i is fom times called Pr: ecoqussm : itis named 14, 
eArmthiacim, andcommo only Armeniacam : ae : 
Sobans 1 Dutch G ge jerfen, Auant Perfen: i in Italian CAraneniache,Baco- 
che,Grifor le, Montach F hAbri i 1 Sp ith reogues,. Aluar chigas, and: Alber- 

Coes: in Englifh A | Cf A y Abaco 

Galen feemeth to makea ta betweene Py ecocig and Arm 
culties ¢ of f farina: age Pracocia before Armeniaca, ye he aa hata Pg et 
Fett 0.9 

Pee oe tyllables, din his 
bool I h, that both the fi 1 the tree atecalled 
ts ofthe oe Phifition (Af ecu Acc, aying, 
which the French men call Auant 

cesvleuer: div 
se oe reser ones and thofe that are jaaiies be Armeniaca; 

Perfes,and the leffer Pracocia: in bioeah Abric 
he temperature rand vertues. 
Lj } be : rc. cy) a 1 Cc Lit A 

A 7 
eae Poe cl ed ARES 
y J YE Mes allio more wholefome for the ft 
1p! Lr 4 fte,y 4 L y lik y Lyd } TI and the fg ; 
‘ ; ‘ 
ift,and full :5 they cortupt and pie the far 3 being 
firft caten before other 5 batty defcende, h 
fooner,like as allo the Peac he s do. : 
4 L: Witleie & ] 1 fh. D 1 B 
Th ree ee fps. “3 3 j A ne 
¢ éd ’ c 

Ofthe Pomegranate tree. Chap.90. 

% The kindes. 
eC. ey 2 pees Ba CA 1 Peares Plume $f 3 ot ee fo there are two forts 
eof Ponegimath th is apeaeesekeh id es Ree Oe hich jel ee res 
y As 4 af S Col f 4 l ‘ Lg. ose lL Pie Pte 
2 <4 2 es a? 
vin: g avery fweere and pl is liq 5 : a Lage | Ee ERT «| F fared  & oh If hi L 
two forts, and the differ ace L hemi re then betwi bs) and wildings, which 
1 1 Pte! 1, BF wre” 4 Ce 3 Ty. “: “ 
PE : f theg: 8 fhall fuffice 
forthe te a 
% Thedefeription. 
L pos ae 1D L o the height of a hed; ‘tree, gfeauen 
{ igh bi high, haui 5 x yt li and iggi B I 2 yy li b stough, and 
~ ga Kk 1 °. 11 RY 3 £1 >. 
r z : : : | ey Re sbut 
more like the } fthe Myrtil tree , of heft g greene colour tending to neff: 
ftande cextaine Sharpe the aly fet, andlikewife hollow 
lkewee ee to the edges ike ery fi 
after which eee ae caine civic wate barke, ofan ouerworn Perekes lt Flo 
and kernels, which afterthey be ripe pea hae crimfon colour, and full of iuice 
foyle, climate and countrie whe erethey growe; fomebe 

twiggie branches ,- peat 
hich with and ‘fall llaway, Jeauing no 

graines a 
which differeth in tafte accordingto 
fnceceother fower. sand the third are in: a middle, igh ban both, hauing thetafte op wine, 

2 z Z LS ', a 
the d he 4 A Die Aesth 

Clot AS SS SON ame ae Te ig ee od umenye.¢ . 1 : Ls 

Pe ee: 
mall ricci; alt x abe ok C4 1 Ci. Be a ee a seat aa He, another 
é * | 
Apothecaries. ws 

i Malus Granata,fue Punica, 2 Balauffia. 
The Pomegranate tree Th i 
. ¢ flower ‘ 
¢ ans s ofthe wilde Pomegranate cree, 






sey) et 5 es =i alt = re = : B 
Ss een ere 8 The place NaS meee 3 

bd . f 5 wn . 4 
oe gr g fouth ,in Italy, Spaine. 1 chiefly in th kings i 
domeof Granado, which is thougl f- here. pt LSC oR BEE 
‘ ‘ < oO. * 
commonly called Grazata: they gr ee tp : bes 
. wer ch {yer hes eae eee - J = (ES Bee 3 pene Fees Smee F pees 7. 
‘o c pied oO oie | 2 Pash ied, 2 = 
y f t lly:Th 1 diuers yoong trees heerof,by fowing of the feed 
R Tee ghey EES Cel c oo : = 2 a : ‘ 
& ) 8 , attending Gods leifiire for flowers and ftuite. 

— & The time. 
_ The Pomegranate fowreth in the moneth of May and Iune: the fruite is ripe inthe ende of 

% The names. Toes : 
H Readius Oe a ce i =p sc a Bee ay De Ae FO) 

he fruite is alfe named sora: in Latine AG 
Ry oo ae fe kee wens 2 he Dok 


ruitefull Pi 

likewife tearme it Balas /teum. 
The pill or tinde of the Pomeg ME See, See SEE gees SRS ub re eke ody: in Latin 
and Sédam:in: anatePill, 

Atalicorinm and Sédumm:in {hops itis called ; orP, = 
i ie : s : ae %& The 

ee ON a ee ee a 


Sn Ce mee ae cae eee: 

. : “yo: 

bate, The temperatureand vertues. 
g good to » hauing in them a meetely good A 
igice: fe mers are holfome for the ft ke, but they all ine intl hi 1 finall nourith- 
ent, or rnone a tall. 
L rp 23 1 AL l Gl. cy =o hrife. and they B 
not fo cape commended for: agues, ‘ = sie 
he fower ones, and efpecially if they be withall fomthi gharth, doetiidently coolesdry, and C 
pring ! cS Ga 
Aad otis 1 L sth J P rep a7 y t a} L as C ete te D 
ledth coo } are | Ss BT | ‘1.. (acct J : fe 
east =) 
“d fthofe fower Pomeg: res which ferueth for ie fame E 
C. te BEN 8 . Cintitace. Labora left 
SR Fae tay ey } sb, Nik : 
‘The feedes of the graines, and {pecially of the fowe Se being dried, do likewife F 
cole an 

“They “9 a pane vomiting, and ftanch the fpitting vp ofbloud, they ftren Ses the fto- G 

7,2 }. Lad L rf. LED 
pass in temperature and vertues. 
Thay fat L I In } 1 spe ae 1 ane 
J ) dD: > 
ai AL n 1 } he 5 Ll 
h > te) te) d pe) : te) 
fters and applied. a 
The rinde or pill. i PEAT ego Agee) eh MARA 
; ee a ey ee Pou erin } fos Me eae hw 
the alm | EP C. } L 

remedy er all tee chanel tesla and Sting. 
both pole forts of Rowertswhicls isM 
} like in faculty and vertue to Hypociftis, as the so shee affirme 

ce) lomes of the ad bi andw “a ilde Pomegranat MW.L aa 
wee dthed i d I good again 
“2 P 
oa fixe, and all oth iffves of bl “oats ee 
PUREE CoA 1 bloffomes and thels are ape: alfo ce puc into re- 
feai: } C Beeut hy 
oF > 4 
= ee | an cry rine sah 1 
5 > P , are of like ope- P 
rath i he a hey & he lash d all ifft fblondi being taken in 
> Ss ? £ 4 2 
maner aforefaid. 

ie Dicinie sve: Chap.91. Poe 

The bindex: 
O/, ” ay , ak BEY 2 Struthia, Chry fi y [ome liana, and Muftei La, but what tmaner 
ones shi behe doth not declare , notwithftanding we fifide diuers forts dieing as well in 
forme, as and fubftance of thefiuite, wbticok fome haue much core an i Peace 
others fe ns 
The defeription. 
TT. ys : L 1? } 
red is eee oat tt a 
p! 2! y ES 1, L 2 j 3 
D le col 5 ey A; UL PI 1, fa 1 
eT a Sarart gr pesk e355) c. 

go ie ) ae ae | rp Le | 1° f, and kh fx } 
a, Os 1} C Col ce rate Ske Wie ek er 
pulpe ri oe eagle View Peed Lisette ae in-harde skins 5 as = _ re ‘th 

d > - roa tih ¥ € Kern: 
Apples. Pieae~) t neieones 
iad aiteds . 

h Bias groweth in n gar arden s andor: 
Lg diet and is snes d oftentimes in bedeg es and 
a nces belon aging to. gardens and vineyards ; vir 
deli ches to grow on plaineand cuen noone, 
and{omewhat 1 saria wit ie al 

= chiefely in oe ber 

_ The tree Is called in Greskea abo in 

¢ {uperfl d excrementall moifture, 
which will n not ellie them to lie long without 

3 Paes ; 
TH } } { h ite | J (yee 7omen alfo thar have 

| A800" great plenty of their ay courle, 
D ild e, which veateth many Gaines during the time 

ag a 5 as. yy PS | 5 SP Pi 1 EF pe SS 
oO to) 

P) i oe Yoo Jape) 

pt : 7 } 1 til itbe perfectly digefted; 

93! din 
-E. TheMarmalade,or Cotiniatemade of Qui 1S i OS 

3 . J ‘ € 
= ay Fe a 2 pees Cees | & Bee | ig L 5 IRS oe EN tees | 3 

_tiniate is madei in this maner. 
c * : 8 

5 pare them, age put ynto re 

and of Quinces apound of ey to euery pound of ie a pint a on ai mutt be bot- 

ither ouer a ftill fire vntill the be ve fot, then let itbe ftrained or rubbed 
fogi ‘y am sting anil ; 

Thefe Apples ye pe "in the fallof ele 

bs “4 74. 
fife sob psand I 

: : sci bites ap tle g Te 1 Cotiniat, aa the way ro make Mar 

G_ Takes - ee Cun: and boile : them i in water votil oes ftndinrg pl 
ee ae ¢ eth, 

the Co een py eras coat 

a uinces put th saa ap 1 of fugar,andin ling y YE role war 

i J ban 5 3 Chee? YS Rew $¢ ae < There 

" ¥ ose J 
veh Pu tar Oe PAR pol ae atte Fe ba ae Salle Ee rH 
1er ; y which H 
7 pe - J. eds L ee ONE i° is Eon : 
we Vit | ? 5 5 
F i J with ae {x2} Sa ee . 
The fede of Quinces tempered er, h ge, orathing like ielly , whi 
being! 3 g! | y I gh f the toong in hot bur- 
ing featiers. : 
ning ve : fata tt L fnatd 4d , in 78 RR ‘a 
oe ne i, a Jo id ro ES SL ae 
30% mes i jas Sree s CLA . Li CPs We nek 
a AER ny ae eee pe f a ee roe ee | ] {{ there : 
a a 


Of the-Medlar tree. (hap.92. 

. * T he kindes. 
Tas t. CAAA fe Lief. 
st harfh a 3 fome with much core, and many great ftonie kernels, others fewer’; salen 

one of Naples.called Aronia. 

id Me pilus... «yg te Me fpilus \ Aroni, 

: tena Medlar, The Neapolitane : Medlat, hs ‘ais 
4 p ESS 

raat oe acme © a. oP 
peece :the fruiteisfinall, Lessee — Se 

harth or 

s .7 

1266 aia TAR ED, 20.0 KE OF THE 

igs be fa tandhard. b th ee 
i f £ a Lot ot 2 g ken oki 

. gh & hardl gl brancl esl > ich f tf h c lil tt hi mer Hamthos ne 

r Parfley , Bilchhiess betire wri in fon a8 tree, do waxe ied: among thefe leaues ¢ dane 
oar great tufts of flowers ofa pale 
fruite, leffér then the (alle Meal, whic at He firft are hard, and ereene of colour; bees when 

F ly sted erein. is conte eined three 

cisadwartfe hinds ef sedas growing enon cae vpon the Alpes, and hils of ee " 
ie which hath beeneby fome of the | beft le armed efteemed for a kinde of Medlar : 

Al 1 4 NADA an . Weed ee Cc 2 afte 
re YW * _ mS = t (ae 1 ad rai . caring 
3 ene ss 
‘ eatt 1to beholde a dwarfk Apple tree, ee fruite : me ada 
Hawe, on ofthe white Thorne,and A ared Goes 
3 >) 
The plac 
TL As, 3 3 . . t.: * chi 
Ld ger a / ¢ o, nA oy } C.11 W oan £ Lia OGY a AW ie 
hate e bigg L 1 ain * ae 1 ol i ae Ped tess ts oe PE 
g > 2) divers 
forts ofthem in our orchards, a a 
% The time 
1. sg; 3s. L ¢ ota? 3. CO\4-1 Ll LL. o> r , 
e 5 <i ; Zi sOOTtA 
timely inough. e 
% The names. 
The fitttis called in Greckeby Theoph inLatine Aepila: in high Dutch Defpel 
y Theop!- aftus: 
1 TY L AMOifeartl ott CL L in En ngli lith Medlar 
_ The re or fruite is s named in Grecke eicnroy “in Ae likewife Mefilam: in high Dutch 
x sae os oe Dilpele polo: in French i st in ae 
ng edlar, oe 
Th he eG i> 2 RS FS pe: o= ee Wn4+ » cA o: : ae) 
pnnis, sn alfoin 
LL: 1. } fo Toe tf aes re: } we ae ie yey oe 3 he faith 
f ? he io 
the countr: “m in Italie 7, }, 1 1 1 EY se | SEY conf! FO See 1 L 
: filasor Med a ae ex Sa 1 Seer me es 
7 hegre: a) : - ? 
The Neapoli Med] is calledin Greeke us‘aace: and weanin Oats cl ps 
"TL ra e L co: EN 9: dg. « ct 1 - an * 
call it Azarole d ‘ y i E glith h cf Med! or ees oo. 
Medlar of = ; 
_%& Thetemperature,—— 
Medl Id,drie,and aftringent 5 natute : hed Met 
Bris “ips ae aftringent, 
: : & The'vertues. 
x Medlars do ftop the belly , foeciall i¢ and | fret dy 
. been kept aw ba 2 . Se fe: - rot j sf ee a 5 L 
: sss Sm Pg 4 4 é pe er 4 & x 
then more Eb Sacme oe £ =e 
B TL g tae ALA . eee Ag th oited ails more riholeline 
~ forthe ftomacke. ss - ee 
e Thefe Medlars be oftenti SRO 2 eo, eee pS d thes ae 
2 Ae o t a ¢ 
lea! ae ine : * 
P Mo thet ic a SE ee ee n }. to ft Leand 


Of thePearetree. Chap.93. 

° % The kindes. " 

a write of Peares and Apples in particular , woulde require a particular volume : the ftocke 
or ki dred of P t t | euery Countrey hath his peculiar fruite ; J Ife 
knowe fome one, curious in Graffing and Planting of Fruites, who hath in'one peece of d, 
. Cel. P C0. Onna CD Pe at As ubtin iti 

oS ., 

2... 12. Teme, prom | e 2 

z ’ 
hist A ght haue g togither the like nuniber of 
thofe of worfle kindes ; befides the diuerfities of thofe that be wilde , experience fheweth fine 
eee A there; I thinkei +1 Ae Pe =, ct ie wi i: 


ple as wellin Latine as Englith d HAelendtinn & 7 } ightbe faide 
elas 2 c=] i 
_ ofmany,which to defcribe apare, fendan Owleto Athens, ort ber thofe things thar 
are without number, 
1. Pyra Pracocia. 2 Pyra lacobaa 

'~. The Tennetting Peare. Saint Iames Peare, 

) EER’ 

kasi d at The gener all defeription 
the moft part higher ibeh te ¢ 
yp in height: the body is many 

wT NES ea a. Pn: a ae 


3 Pyrum Regale. 4 Pyrum Palatinum, 
The Peare Royall, TheBurgomot Peare, 

SN Org > SSS: 
<S SE at a P 
ay Ph 
4 A “il gq Y; 
es ee, os Pee 
LAT ‘axa 


vdomi 6 Pyrum Epifcopatum, 
5 Pyrum Cydoniym. 4 ; , 
The Quince Peare,. The Bifhops Peare, 
cy S Oy Fay y De i i S 
De VAS, 

Pawn: AY ou 

‘ =e aa 

7 Pyrwsfuperba, fine Katherine, 8 Pyrushyemalis. 
The Katherine Peare tree, The Winter Peare tree. 

we mes 

he apple trees, Onorum hinin/aialbole 
ita cdl fut ef, Alltel before fpectticd Anal isans brides” iat 
cbnicae good, fe: 
curious Safieean pliner of all manner of rare aes, dwel ine a foal Sie nt 
called Twicknam sandaalfo in the ground of an excellent cpt and | painfull pig Henry 
ee Touthil Ii ftreere neere vnto We ftnsinfter ; and likewife in the ground of a diligentand’ 
affectionate louet of plants Matter Warnar nese beg, ee ih London, : and in divers) 

fully delivered, 

:; “The flowers do fake moft part come forth in > Abel tne Fontes all eares are 
Baa fome be ripe ron ree in Auguft, and atk or later. 


"The tarne or orchard Peare tree is called Greckedsaalie heck oe in Latin. <a 

Sete = og lo cea Kee mikes: sdanttas: in oe Durch Bijrbhaum 
eD inF 
a ThePeteorinaie fille elledin Geel dior: it ® Latine Pyyum : in high Dutch sim 
Poyre fin  Spanith Peras inEnglith Peare. Sy 

Big AP Rig ae =n Bo te gi 

Leauing the diners and findii f let vs t he acini he A 
: es ‘Nanna I phifician: 

= Ww 

phifitians ought to knowe 3; which alfo varie —— to differences of - Riess ‘for ft 
Peares are fweete, Be ab coo ous, others fower ecially the wilde 
Peares, and fome confift of diuers mixtures of taftes, and fome hauing no ae at all, * as it 
were of water. 

All Peares are colde, and all hauea binding qualitie and an earthie wae 3 but the Chok 
fale i and thofe that are harfh be more -earthie, and the feere oneslefle : which ue ae 

y y Ima hanner of Pea 
y Vin be Th r pd YW ChL.I1 A kath. wher mor 
ae os ie laske and the bloodi ie flix : 5 bee 
_ The har 

thand auftere Peares may with good fucceffe be laide v vpon hot fivellings in the begin. 

Cc Wine pe of thei inice of Peares called i in hee re ae Ae thofe that are not 
a drinke soda taken in fmall 

quantitieas wine; i forteth 

‘SS “OfthewildePeare tree. Chap.94. 

¢ % The kindes. 
XN, 5 L 3 Fi £21. ID Li L L we Le bs Af fs or 
Es cf 1 ps th 0. Bag ae 

fe HI f them wilde OL he 1 ‘ 
erefore this is rall-defcription following 
ae hk vey titles, fhall be ficena for ae pee : S 

rum frangulatorinm mains, Pyrum  firanzulatorium mittee 

* The aie eg Peare, * The {mall Choke Peare. 

J MEDa 7 

& The general defcription. 

ramides like, or of the fathion of aftceple , not {pread abroad as isthe Apple or Crab trees 

i wilde Peare tree groweth likewife great, vpright, full of branches, for the moft part Py- 
of aftce i P 

the timber of the trunke or body ofthe tree’, is very firmeand folide, and likewife frhooth, a 

7 Y L As f og ae» | BS i tf~ oh 7 f Cf 5 1 1 

woo y Ht tom: ytoo 
wit ll; att te da hen bk y 1 | L 1 - ly y mee, ) P as thefe 
fi made of, but alfc fe f pretie toies, for coifes, breft plates, and fuch like, vied 
ng) 7 P 2 > 

e hh 1 1 L L 2. L J Re | ht ‘re! . 
one 2 =) 2 barke, vere 

* Hees A Taft; L fal 

fragile or eafic to breake , whereon do grow leaues , g 
like thofe of the manured Peare tree, yet fome whiter I he fruite diffe Pes) 
fome of tl g tt hers 5 buti y diff g themfelues in diwersnotable 
points . {ome are {harpe. fower. and of: ft, ast Rants Ee aay Lgeiiie |, 
ig vp met ane, « _s £5 be fl 1 l 4 L cl 4 pet Be RE a L 
Lac 1, Wes Veil te ae 4 F eT, Cte :: x 

eo n rae 1) 
te Tt J B) Df e Se Ey 

enlarge our volume, and bring vnto the Reader {mall profite or commoditie; therefore in 
y 8 Cc ae Ages 8 EP a ll dalrezenes : 
briefe thefe ¢ ption 

3 Pyrus fylueftris. : 4 Pyrus fylueftris miniona, 
_. . Thewildehedge Pearetree, j The wilde Crab Peare tree. 

‘ beads 

e Crowe P 
er care tree, 

ws Ped-cula 
The Lowlie aede Peare, 

de Peares Broweof t hen wht mang 
bordts office and necre vnto os S } 
part — are not ripe mucho winter, — 
“& The names, 
"The wilde Peare tree is calledi in Latne ree “fase eh ; it 

: aor aed fruit ran nd tree 

* ‘The fiwe, 

eeteye tothe ‘i : 

A Fi J 

~eatthisibllance. os 
_ Teves dl the wide Pedieoae pefected vnto ae ard 
: soe caufe their nourifhment is litele 
“oF the eA pple tree. ‘Gis 55. 
ae ot Thekindes. : 

Un we vib ena a vipat calsi Apes, via todear ane 


elncitistg OR PLANTS. woke 
js fo infinite, oe we hauethou to vile the r method with A>ple 
that we haue done with Peares, = pine feuerall titles in sri and Englith, and one 
general deferi pine for the whole, 

1° Malus Carbonari, Malus Carbonaria longo frudta. \) 

The Pome Water sre, st By * The Bakers ditch Apple tree. fe ¥ 

' y& gin defe —_ : pe 
"TT" He Appl hath a bodie or trunk of a meane bigueffe, not v h oe 
Laer ong armes or branches, 3 and-the gee dire the barke fome oer igh and 
ce ee rugeed : the leaues be broad, more long than round, gndfinlihedn the edges, 
The flowers are whitifh tending to a bluth colour. “The pees do ram in t 
orme, colour and tafte ; fome couered others y or greene, varying infi- 
nitely ‘pee to the “foi yle and climate ; fome v very sat elite, sat Bey ofa = 
fore; fome are Pecsic of tafte, ot fomething fowers “te ema eene 
fo inguith I thinke it impoffible ; norwi hMfandiaal heare of se Ge 

Sy ts 

a t 
a _ volume of Apples , ood ie. Veo them ; yet when he hath done 
oh ing cee ro diflingut phy This 

3 Malm regule. 4. Malum recinale. 
TheKing of Apples. The Quining,or Queeneo 

VS Sl P= aaVe y; = 
eee eae! Z 
Ps ny { ; ’ ui 

f Apples, 

ij A 


: "ag /' VE = ‘ga S pee aon CB ms : 
(<5 Platomela fine Pyra aftiua, 6: Platarchepra five Pyrahyemaiias 4; 
\ ~The fommer.Pearemaine, The winter Pearémaine, 3° 74 

Ce wits (SEN) Gea 

epi Soa OF PLANTS. ''T vee 

The plate. 
"The tame and grafted Apple trees are nein fidfet in gardens and orchards made forthat 
puspofe: ¢ they delight to :growe in-goodatid difercil grounds y Kent doth abourid with Aoples of 
malt fortes. ‘Buc Thaue fecnci in the paitures and hedge Towes about che eee of awor(hi pfull 

we a % m y 

A L Kae 
gam isfuch hep rofthe Ora om ana cer “eran hath for oan many ai 
of Sy¥ders avefed with the fallin ngs of them) whichiare-fo many, thactheyniabe 
ci of thofe Appl es oth do éate, whbwill not tile of any't ‘butof. the belts Als eslenphsdlaline: 

wal brea 
downe our hedges,and we efhall haue the leaft part - the it) but forward in thena of God; 
mf pour grounds; the labou jidinall, othe dott J 
is Fei the commoditie is great, your { felues thall. have plentic, the pooie thal [haue fomclsats 

: é ty, r 

bart) J 3 ib DTD wif 

ow 1 The vines 1 Pao sed Ig? dosrodis sie 
Th PA ginning of May Depeerea riers 
about tf eae? of eae in em ca 


he Aps ple tree is called in. Greeke wie: are a Las rales 100 Pomys' high Dutch Dpffile 
baum: in lowe Dutch Spyctigomts in Frén a ESO ‘in inBoglith “Apple cr 

he Grecians name the e fruit igor the Lat ues Madu ot t Poviuem : 230 me Dutch Dots tin 

% The ten mperabure. 
a ; 

ait or eee moses --butas het be: not allof, like relat i neither rae iaped 
title a {uperfluous moytture. The ey ar 

may be longer repei in which there is lelfe Bete: for the abundance of excrementall moytturei isthe 
cafe eRe 

Aiples: ate not f cold and sae which being roftedd or eee or ollie kept, re- 
taine or hep the fo nngge Fa cheit] 

if a |: h } &donot 
PY eo Se 

foeafily ee throug hchebel 
wert Apples are colder re alfo cop the fubftance or = he of thefe when they bebo I 

a doth run abroad, andre xaineth x his foundneffe : ae tis lefier nourifby.ent, ihe he 

oe ae 
The ocala sel el pee lly; 1,1. y } elu hel lly. Le. 
cally bein eing taken before mea Se 
_ Harth or auftere Apples beng vitipe, 3 are cold; ey ingender got bh 20d, 
winde,an often en bring the collick Be Re: : 

*Thofe. swhich beofa midal €. ratte containe in them ofcntines a or ie forts off als, 
= do Spee fg facies aah ther. : 

_Botes. Ap 
may alfo bs 

Dee pie ok | 

ning, if d, : ae 
hei thle So Apples whi ich i beeen ofa xedin compofition 
aa m tempering of mel res alihewitoend he 
SateSedpm x pm eeprom cx en 

! saiag er C +3 as.are Ser I 
| feces Ube be = 
“Thee tie “ml moi ae a sd Sve gi 


waier which is vfc f fthe skin: wigdd 
in fhops Pomatum.ofthe Appl h fits J tn > WhIc — 

reli. | fla] - c. c 

Bes sete ofthe Romine: mixed ina wine quattof faite water. Bie togither ips 

o beas App les sh Ale Eni ch we call pases Wooll, a and the =~ = cml ft 
at aot within ie fan > doth in one night ¢ thofe t at piffe b wid al 
i ea anguif snd dolour the gi and. all other: dileals pg of the near 
Sauetsid difeales the Genorrhea,orr ; elas Shere: napibech with the 
A meni inall; whieh my elle toe fen promt and ge conte both ero ie = 

. ina ¥ 
FR ae 1 1 th: pie = - ee 1 i 
he ee fe iin eis bi od ns; int 

AD jes cutin peeces, al Asdb ttc enrtet te eax ‘i - 
the at dfca ea fenait cartes bs; eat Sy ee raketh away 
z : 

Oo é - | 

u J om VERO LE 
rg 6 : aa rae “1 1¢. : ee 
t f of 5 t rmiltke and mi. 
fons Joint y : - : 

as the Wilding ind Crab tree. hig 96. 

So & The kindes.: 

a .s & Lai 

fi oki Be fed y pples, or t Crabs, whereof to 
* € sap. * toy RS. 

bs I Malas iis papas “2 Malus sia is 4 
ae iC pesto Crab tree, 

The white Wi ing Crab tree, 


i The iuice of wilde Aoples or Crabs;taketh away the hea os,and alia flames, 
Mations: and being laid on in thort time after itis fealded ic ae itfrom bliftring. (4 a)” 
Ks y SREY OL unk OS eae ee re ee Pn " - nea Ps 
Peccoe. oy 2 sg ci is . wal : 

; 1 wiea 7 

% The generalldeéription, 
ron ua Tae ake id Appl e 1.38 ae > cr. PR RE Te” aia 
| harth and binding : f t by grafting both Appl aD heal, : ‘gd ain A 
ones ¢ oO t . 
The Crab or Wilding tree g lL dfhenta rs PRR aS So He 
1 h See pts pee ons Sag a Sige al rf Beate ocala [= 
4 d fi i hit hef , fr] ’ “A if } SoReal } th >. .- 4 = ny3 the 
il : PI > ‘Swhite; fome ers leffer: 
he diff ish ,thereforeit fhail futfice what hacht faid for their feuerall di 
b the ; thbeene {aide cf i- 
inch h i Londansyrsta PS Ra 
es ate h F iveete Apple, called Chamamalus, 
the dwarffe Apple tree,or P; e Apple. which bearer]; A ] ime] os C° 
ui **3 rer J y AtMOUL rail e 

3 aah [pluestrisminor. 4 Malus duracins (yluestris, 
ic fmaller Crab tree: The choking! 

sy er N 

2 rt S e : , | fg 5 Sa { ‘a 
be hc Z gh OR I The place. Lp eT 6: pe 
THe Cras © Ge) Ce | Ji ¥ — where. a 
ee eee The time, PE 2 
_ The time anfwereth thofe of the garden. : ae 
: he SUEY Tete! eee Se nee ye ee deeds On et al 

ysMei pikes “o> Se Thegemperatare. oH” yemegeeees. 
Ofthe temperature of wilde Apples, hath beene fisfliciently fpoken ofin the former chapter, 

cate of burnings fealdine 


nk. sets ai de to, ae 
bediegs, burnings 

a é 
¢ bea RY 4 j 7S 
y 5) 
bd 1 we. eats j 
oD 3 
{ healesh'f 

2 Oo 
heme FO ode 
Spy ones 1 

and {caldings wherefoeuer it be 
Of the Giri Eshann scan Spit of, fsa 
- Appletre reesy ‘Chap. orp 

& The kindes. 
oa =< 5 a YY jit Meee pd L oe ? 
5) 1 SRSA j Sete L Seas Po 
ett 4NACOT 

T THe Citron treeis of kindred 
Antthe MooaAd A 1 , pe 
: 7 sift 
we intend to mahc one entire chapter, 
I 4 2 Ualus Limoniaz. 
The Limon trees — 
we Ss 

Malus medica, 
The Pols me  Gitign tree, 


saben set ee 

bra or | 

iet ¢ g whi } *coaetioct heere 
s;fet farve i in funde s Grall Gower: 
pfeil tendingto orp nce threes ikea 


283 ng Telia se oe 
*growingin the middie 5 she fruit gygteater many w 

te 7 7 
lrmoore — nitoanenbartl wy 

not f much Lan then the Li lour, fet with diuers 

+ athe Ee ae. teof.aligt 4 Te heal wrhire. 
1 ent 4 fe yp io PLE AP iE a. Mathie Rot sic 
harde;h: ad Y ae Pes oe s os PMS Se cE AM Hie I hich the feed 
Rey ig el i ses A “sbiiss “AK -, ie : _% ; is hes ei 
> The bit es } De kT: “toy h; al ; } } sandleaues, vf 

ars “ t Te Ls Ue May ae ee eS cet an }. 

+ ae + £ neg f, " 

hoe of the 

| pandsticte,ltls tie the Pome Citron: 
the rinde is ee incur the epulpe ciswhite, i in sae 
tlei Se im Citron 5 3in the midd le 

D, iar 

3 Malus aranti wel aws 
The ble get tree. 


Dis & Thedefription. be 
= sani lke thofofthe Coates the leaues.arealfo like tho 
mell. «h 

feo chelates vee 
Ii alfo: the fruit is rounde like a ball,everie 
citcumftancebel HS y well ee eee ete ecaces tweet, 
Se BS “3 aA igi — ae uses 1-35 edhofe ofthe Li 
vie The Affyrian Apple is lik i 0. oe 

1¢ — : 
the Ora th a is thicke,tough,and of a ofa atelier en, wher appecreof- 
= a 2 {mali cliftes pe orinner fubftanceis wwe sit ¢ in taftetharpe, 
siie De Loon daehpriopicgeet :the feedes are like thofé ofthe 



oF : ow The place. te 
The Citron 3 L imon, and © 5 gt ff tally inthe & ou fTi4 ‘ a 

dlands of Ad lyiati¢s 4. Tyrrheni, al alive: Ato x ert Paar Pt 3 and sreete-funs 
ingéres and great lakes; chereis “Allo grear ftore heerof in Spaine, ce orga {pecially 
to a oy not farre off: they are alfo found in certaine proninces of Fran bahich lie 
‘mi nd fea, They were firft brought outof Media, as not onely Plinie viiteth, 

vioining ; 
€vpon the 
bue alfo the Poer 


— — rife \fuccos, tardamaue fio vere 

fir ts mali, quo non prafe. laren, 

<> olent 
Ora fonent io, & os ae cat ebet 

The countrey Media beareth inices fad, 
And peng oe of eerie ie Citron fiuite, 
Than which ce Hake ore prefent = ms had, 
Tfany time otherswoorfe than ; 
Haue poifonn. oe abe mage d hes! The fiuite 
Pea With hurtfull charmes : aa ue te cdot chafé medicinable, 
S A uery pl 


tw] we ee 


- The flowre 
‘herewith the es a ueemic do finde, “~~ medicinable, 
For ftinking br ouths acure moft Code: He 
And helpe Bldsa men mS hardly fetch their winde, ser 

A \ % The ti 
Thefe tr, } if 2 anddo as Plinte taith, } Cor ry Tl ti rh fo; 
falling (rs eh sf d 
a oe we os 

The firftiscalledi ie Greeke mnnkauedad: in ate, ‘sides Medica ,and Malus Chria: in Engh 

tree,or Pome Citron tree. ; : 
Theft raed in Sere wédyey:in Latine Afalame medicum, or al, inm,and C: 
AEmylian th } + tat Cc Pees } 
the ¢ Citron, who faith, t that this —— is ieencd —s them Afalwm Hepericwm : Galen denieth it 
8 > nd faith, thatthey who call it Catelionsi 

trones wees Dutch os opi Ciena : inlowe Dutch Citreenens in al Citroni, 
and Cedyi: sin Span ith Cidras: in French Citrons: in Englith Citr ‘on Apple,and Citr 
i¢ fecond | kinde of ey q Oops sparen cn? in French 

oo eee *~< Pee wt ih an ac AT 
The third t< 1 Ah; m, Anerantinm cand of fome eA fothers dw 
f gold sf lled Avanti of  Arastinm, & 
Cre Adhage heal f -onnt eyb hd ame in Perfia :itis termed in Italian Aray” 
Spun ees inBnglih Orenges. sciaTereataale sa amma” 




The fourthis named of diuers Pomme A fyyrium, or Citron of Affyria 
Adams: appl c ‘sag ate It alian h f] : am wa os at aa% 
foc ¢ comm depeo- 

ples” nie shies it to i ia fame Applet which Adam did cate in Pare when he tranfe 
Gods commandement; w hereupo 
that this is notthe Apple: bur reste which the Arabian 
chapter maketh mi 
ating Adamofkended,as <sdidde T hewetusfhewer 

others fa yt 
Mnicenin his 395. 

sich bye 

me 4t.- T. .-7) Os Chor 


sdo call Afufa, or Mofe, whereof 
tion: for diuers of 4s Tewes take this for that, throu ugh 

bs *% The temperature snd-vertue, 
1 ee x2 :. 

The rindes are iweete of finel! sbi tter shot,and dry. 


Thei inner {ubftar ice or papi 

of part 

The ra rat it is bicter,is hot and dry. 



is 6 of the ne and Set ide ait aa ; seith thinnes 

The tinde fot which caufe it is putinto Treacles, F 
ee and fuch ike cont feétions, eee, 
by wat a ftinking kK hf rat 4 sh es La Sarge 
ken itcomforteshel the coldf ftomacke exceedin a any 
The white, sfounc, 8chard py ‘Ipcis now andt sb hard! &ed. &ingendreth H 
{ agto f “Kr EE, dean, SPE a) SRE ee foe 
s “bedi a) . 1] apa’ Bondi a; Mh igiat f Paige FF 
i i seca lee SH toe. eS a 
3 at la cicadas fe c} HRY, pe laden St ae ee 1 Paks 1 4 
% See (ere a dalk (he “ 1 iL c aa ee ee 
; A xenemous, ped OLS ul a ' vd dp ycuttech 
diuidech phi at sine sendin amo, ey 
Ofthis forefar dl saf Min f etcaee- K 
Pate fe. AGE Sea z 
« Meter 1C +.¢ h fai igi eT: Fhe fi lit ye} ‘ ¥: 
mt i ~ 

or aad Sp Re 

: faces 
1 its . . 

“Aol of Siege flices,andy put a lon of Ore te shere reto an.ounce o 


2 200g otk Dug phe 
AA “< re 

£C0: oat Nepales cupspayonet aiidimangineffe of ig 
ioe fn flac hee 

in his fourth b eate Citrons, but were N 

-contented with bly oa 
- oO) 

eer od 

cies I 
oe rr which ve a bie slice aged. 
: ano off 

nd to vise them anes oe to prefer ue them from 

, ee 

§ y were 1@) 

ae for certaine notorious of- P 

rnd Cfo 

ue beene preferuedandkept in 

fences h 
: —— and ite by pos Citron, 





< aPhefame being 
The xing’ of 

. é9is.muc 

or drie, bur doth. 

_ urs and bemihesoftheshin ind:maker : 
dane poked wnetie the po or a ‘ 

the more chot as iris more _= and bitter 

“lst or dower pappe: 

inferior to the. facultie. of the papof pap dothnot 
Sheen Pherecinsmaytva,soeeaplba/ootea th antag 5 italfo nourifheth — 

re wer, pappe, but the is thinnea 

isof a middle tafte hing sheimackeof wine, isafteramidale fort more colde ¢ 

out by aglaffe Still; taketh awaic Q_ : 
h the face faire andhiaesis- 
R ae 


ich i fl of ii of of like facukie, ornotmuch T « es 
muchcoole = 

odlittles; andthat which» 
weere, and 
et — 

than fw 


- tetas felling 


ns mi . ye ti Cel fpiri ra ine,or theben. 

V = - Twoounces ofthe iuice of Li 
4 % oft = Ay ke ee fa 


1] Lig 9 age 

\ rf 4 ivi 

an ague, taketh away the fhaking prefently: the medicine feldome faileth atthe feconde ritnbe vr 

king thereof perfe@ly to cure the fame, butneuer at the thirde time 3 prouided thae the payj tas 

e couered warme in a bed, and caufed to {weate. Patteng 

X There is alfo diftilled out of themin a glaffe Still, a water of a m 
se, = Al 1 > 1 om | rag va FPR 572 ee Ate eee 

ad . } 


Y The feed Nehefe dah bil a ee lly, L ; valor: i 
tily refift poifon,andis good for the ftinging of fcorpions, if it be i ily cal ; st 
' Z__ Thofewhich be called Adams apples, are thought to be like in faculti he fower iuice ef 
elallvof the Li b hey Suall ve eee 
+ Salem 2 J Pi 
Of the Cornell tree. Chap.98. 
= Cornus mis. gia rc 
., ThemaleCornelltree,  . % The defeription. 

"He tatz By 
Hetame Cornell tree groweth fometimetg:*4#" 
- f thekeightand bignes of'afmall tree,withe | 

ngs5 itis conered with 
rber i ; 


and harfhtafte with a ¢ettainie fowe swith: 

\ © inthis 'berrie isa {mall ftone; exceeding’ hard, 

» white within, like thavofthe Oliue, whereuntoit 

\\ 4 __ islikébothin the fathion, and oftentimes itithe _ 

V4 ‘bighes ofthefrnic, (o0 ¥ oa bea 

Sth TS oa 7 e. pest LIS 

This groweth in moft places of Germanie 
Cast “ 


gin the gardens of fuch as loue rare and dainty 
plants,whereofl havea tree ortwoinmy garden, 
: ices Al as lpn SEARS NE EAN 4 
( f ( 5 >> The rame' Cornell tree flowreth fometimein 2h 
met) 'Februariey'andcommonly in March, andafter- ee 
+ “wardes't Se! ae an” nt "ine 

birth sthe berries orfruitareripein Augulty 2% 

MaMel 5, ADE ulead Siest { ARIOG MALIA ve 

: ': inhigh Dutch we wheat inloweDutch : 
Comacieboom: 1s Co: h Cormillier:in Spanit Cornizoles in Englifhthe ‘ 
Coinell tree,a 43-1 r , ae gt 1 1. Ce 41 Cl ins s 46565 30 EEL: * | 

Till atawnrietin 
é ; 


eo es RSS PR OO Se ee = 
fruit isnamed in Latine Cornwm : in high Dutch €ggnell : in! 
ee ho CLS wr), | eg 

~ The' 
- Stalian Cormole: in Englith’Cornell 

, Peer aestrs tw : : 
—— no oe Shae for he fetteth downe. x 
i 7 > Wornel tree Paes sg 
two fortes of Cornell trees, th land the females hemalcdsciansacdct ee eee. ! 
eee ht : 7 4 BLS 0 | ‘wooGgor : Z ; 
we : , Bey ; : 

BaF 1 

iP adas in thi 5 Ce rnell t 

‘ pene ao 5 ha mader to be the: 

ed Wirgs fameuin st ogs tei tree sant Cor 
oa irs or the we aint tree,ofi cer alfowe wil —— eh in the next chap. following, 
Thet. temperature and ve ue 
The fruite of th the Cornell treeh tf" fash Arintl and bindeth : 
ye may it alfo. be caten,as it is oftentimes, ¢ 

he ras thereof : es Bod and anys cops of the, tree are fr ofan harth ns chang ; 
tafte,and do mightily 

They es q ! 44 5 

hs ted a a a ty 4: 1 os 

Ofte fone Cornell, or Dog Slee tree. CO ae 99. 
Cornus fam ; wd ‘ v 
The Dosgek beret tree, e The icin Cripie 

: wa. s the Iraltanscall Wirgdebsines, 

and be ofaixobfcure red they hauewith- 
in a white fpunigie pi ithslke thar of Elder, but the 
old ftalkes ee ae so, the! fu bitaneeof the . 
{werable to thofe 

Gk’ Ww 


mong ke i “he beni ti 
‘tame? wea : se ae = 
. De; 

“thereof doth breake open the feats eich the or perad- 

art,to affirme by thefe fewtew UPliniehis Vir A sce is niches that 
334 dalledin’ht aie crell Gan stemeesaeeaee i 
? /pltiefris i: 8 wildé Connell eet Yani “in French € 


founde like thofe of the male,the fruite is ilocos, thati is not eae - eaten,and alate Cate hich is 
, : aye FEY, gee aa, 

f de Cornell tree,or Gatert 
{ | b I } f} j ,and hae, 4 we ue writ 
seeeee eerie sachs mbemolh ha cen apith within thf 
& % f ? to 

be args 

The berries hereof be of volike parts, fa they have ome hot ey and clenfing, and verie 

ou * The So lat 
ea Sy Ape 1G uf , do vie in] pes st Rigs eee ie 
wilde Cornell tree hath that of hich P/, P f E Pirgs fines, for he faith, as 
1 ts i 1. 1 L a i open nthe fe: ars which 
a; before aly healed 
ae OF Spindle tree or Prickewood. Chap.100. 
p> y 
z PE Ewonymus Theophrafti. 2 Euonymuslatifolius 
Broad leafed Spindle tree, 

we En _— Pricke timber tree, 


38 . 
3. Sseahegst b 3 ie woo ishardan 
ea 43 Sy mee T L m fquare:the a be white, many 
alightyellow: th gs yand i lowers od 
ding vponone foot ¢ 1 11 ff yk ilezth a fo ee 
ning fower white feedes,cucry one whercofis couered withia yellow . 
giuesha yellowdie, : Rane bes sid 


“2 The ee 

2 This fens fort of Ewonymes groweth to the forme of an hedge tre 

whetnins ot bodie witereof i is 5s OF the thicknefle of a mans legge, covered rh arougher ab 

d verie cuen, co- 

te ygreene batke’whileft’ they'b € yer yoong and tenders t Tey ate ee brittle, with 

fome' pith inthe middle like that'of the Elder, The leaucé'ate fewe in number, full’of nerues 
or finewes, difper fed: like thofe: of Plantaines itt i fhape | like ‘thofe of ris — Citron trees x2 

alec hfome fi among ot es, very longa 

mike 3 whiereon do gtowe fmall lowers: confifting of fowerfirallleaues ne aon of the Chier- 

sewer, bt leffet, of a'white colour tending toa bluth, witli fome yellownefic in the middle 5 af 

ter commeth the fruite’, which as yet we haue ‘no eertaine ‘riowledge cof The roote is’ tough, 
a O eae 



3 E ‘uonymos Panaon: wr” " : 
Romie Fle te 

= Fle defeription. 


The fame oes ea foorth another fore 

Hungarie, aeons a rrunke or ftoc eheigh 
of th fe ubits, couered with k 
greene at thefirft, afterward fprinc rwith 

Myrtle, ofan aftringent tafte at the beginning, af- 
ter fomewhat hot and bitter : g which come 
foorth ers ftanding long naked 
ooteftalkes , confifting of fower little leaues, of 
a bright fhining purple colour, hau th 
middle.fome fewe fpots of yell cr CO! 
meth the fruite fower cornered, not 
e-common kinde, of : 5 
and agolde sellers colour , wherein is conteined 
notred berries)\as in the cke, 
like to t if Fraxinella, of 

ofa fhining blacke 

colour, like vnto burnifhed horne, which are de- 

- woured AG: when ‘betipe, and the rather 

bicaufe they ‘aliek themfelues out of their husks, 

otherwife the bitternes of pores woulde take 
awaie the delig) eo : 

pe * The place. 

: — — ft commeth vp in vitoiled places and ; 
s vpon rough bankes and ae 
th: ch nine fu po = ng among brambles and other’ 
ae GHD « 
Ses inate s carla Cain § d fH youd the ri and 
taines of Mo beatin a -aainacic ae ’ 

Oooo. 1 

% The time, 
The fl i rill: the fruiteis ripe in 1 of Auguft, or in the 
ember, rE £ : Sieh = Dace | Moneth of Sep. ‘ 

The wa 
rhe ibe calleth de (rub iydruses, pa deleribeth | it in his thirde bake of. the hiftotie of 
Plants; diuers do,fallely.reade. it amomigmos: Petrus Crefcemtius calleth it F Eufanun., bicaufe 
Spindles be'made of the woode, heereof 5 and.for that capleits calles in high ach Sot 

bat am yet molt of them erik - : inlowe Dutch $2 Ii apenas iralign ph in French 
“ kemperature and vertu . 
A. This. forubis horefull toall dines as aed rafiue wlteth a vane go to Goasss ithe faite 
hereof ashe faith dilleth 5 3fo doth y¥ Go: 
3 , ( hefe fi I $ > voll 5 i aM 4 
by vomite and {toole. broid ae ‘ihe zit 

Of the blacke Aller tree. Chap.101. a 

Alnus nigra,fine frangula, 
‘Thebla cke Allertree. Rome) The deferi riprio 
He blacie Aller tree bring foorth from 
T the woe ftraightftalkes , diuided into di. 

: nches: ssaCul odie whereof 

is bide shat next to the woode y in, and 

giveth a colour as yellowe as Giffront the ‘fib- 
ance of t i 

of the Alder tree,orofthe Che cnn 
ker, and alittle rounder: the flowers be 
white ; the fruite are ro unde — in which 
Csas¥ hough two 

=— ay and laft of allblackes in this therebe 
t le {tones :the roote runneth alo ong on the 

e Aller tree othe in poet woodsabd 

opieel ate @ greaty piste of iti 
° om ns way from thencetowarda 

mall villageca ed Harnte slyin t 

‘hand of ge ‘of &inthe Lai, x pte 
“5 neere ee and in in moft.w the parts 
>> about Lon 

ning of the “— the “3 rrics in Aurumne, 

This fhrub is cle Jase wigras orblacke Al- 
3 sibbre others Frangala rather : Petrus Crefeem 
tems & parkene 

meth i it Anormus 5 sha Du 
rrowes heerofi eerof: in nee 

Pee XB Rn 

b gen Sie aes serine 
rl * L 1 mr get ATT 1 

Se ee 

a " 
were ioined togither, arthe re t greene, after- 

paherioe. oes 
The leaues and flowers appeere int the begin. 

pS Sade da ae 

% The vertues. 
The inne | Fic yfed of dj Ota BOS, PRE EF A oy }. re 1 yA 
woulde be meat it te thicke flegmatike fumeans andl celericke ant not onely ae the 
{00 forays times‘a ae vom et notw is ut great t trou Aine to 

Ema bel ng boiled m cieen esl erootaageate Cc 
fhe’ Be 

Se ty cis wpeehatinicn *, anid'to canfe Sew 

ye ebed {tore of ne 

of thes Sernice tre. “Op ripest ns jai.a0e 24 
{ Sess <3 1192 f fromm 91] 
2 Sor 1s ori. - 

Comer Se se ds 

. \\ 
~ SS 

b lee 

’ peers: soma ae hheightand bignes aa great ean ee ae 7 great | a : 

‘arm are fet with fundries 
9f See “tke tho! ¢ of the Ath: the fo wers are white,and ftandein clu 

which ture i into {mall browneb a ittaeerhet ohh ae eoliecsara 
haue lien awl and nl they ee se = 5 eleaela tafte am 

wey SS 

% The defeription. 
2 TL , c Lit wife »t 1 L ight witha trai hi 
tah th col » full ofbranches, fenwithtl gdifpla 2 eae like Ee er we ist : 
hey arel | t,and not fo long’ the hite, w in tufts;which being fa nythere 
re $e 3 rliepebel ec b DEVE on hh d reddith towards syetnago® 
afte in relp fe I little blackifh kern 

Raa The plac 
Thefe trees are found in woods and grouesin moft ae of England, There be many final 
thereofic ina little woodea mile hej iingeon frot m London: Kent It komen i a pat aad 

9, STs 

* The vine 
TL a wa ; Meee bat < 
; *% Thenames. 
The firft is called in Greel. and jv: in Ta | Mir el Oe Bay 5 a ; 
: 5 aunt 3 inlow 
D hg t t French Cor} CG lith Sernice tree: 5 and, Yop C, eR gets 
Vw VETS a , 1% a eerrr ; o a StI 
— tree, 
¢ ° r te Noa 
ugh Dutch Arefiel, Elehza- 

tan citer epettierbaumn: tin ssid common nats 

es or fitiiteof Fhe Seruice treeis called 3, or aver: in in Latin Sorbum : ‘inhigh ee 
epeings epoge pie 
in Spa eri ad Sara oe Scruice,of i Soe Aine 
2 hetempera ture and 

Ser ibaia 
ieee te fone ar a are icky foft 5 either Barecta ina place whee isnot alg 
ther colde,or laide ‘in haie or chaffe : thofe Seruices are eaten n when the belly i is too foluble , for they 
fay ans ne 5 Acne ift sear yeelde any nourifhament at all athe fame is is avenie little €,grofle,and colds 

Seechbeningt teste and aed in = Sa beta ey be re, and fo pine ate vie: 
gos = 

<P as see 

Of Rene tree. _ Clap ie 


He Ath alfoisan high and tal treesicrifech vp with a ftraight bodys hen of no fmal 
—— ages amiddle ie, ife, andi 1 with a fmooth barke : the woode is 
1 Shes Leet 8 ie B f. and fuchas 

1 47 Li. < UF. hd th 

wg seosh ftin 5 nyt nding b ane one righta ther vpon one ftalk or rib, 
ee an rhe wou ig ite epee moft of ere which ftandeth alowesof which 
Be ogee ip fp toa Bai ‘greene,witoutany 

a ys growe foorth baopging cope ie oe miewan darcods at it 

totes be many, and grow deepe in the ground. “% 
ARS ad sib aoa, vllion 

: a2 ¥ 


The Afhtree. 

es ( 

=a é 

The Ath doth baxedprtern moift places, 
as.about the borders of Meadowes , and riuer 
"fides, then in dry g grounds 

The leanes bei kciesee come foorth in April. 
“and Maie iy is not the feederipe before the fall 
~of the le 


i RAN 4 ene: 
- This tree is is called 
; vince: At Fraxinis 2 in hee ie 
chica, et €fchernhatts, and Stepnet 

oon Chern: aon Dutch Eftehen,and Efichenbaun: 
; S n Ital eit zin French Fre/me : in Spanifh 

s Frefie as and Fresxozin Engli tree, 
;  Thefruite like ynto codsis called of the Apo- 
thecaties Lingua Auis, and Lingua palferiha: a 
,-Man may name itinGrecke bnikpacer: yet fome 

> Ornws. or the wilde Ath fo “be Orneoglofium » 
it is oe in Eogith Athkeies , andof fome 

i The temperature and vert 
The leaues and eat of the Ath treeare drie, A 
and moderately hor; the feedis hot and drie i ee 
, the fecond degree 
heiuice of the leaues , or see leaues per B 
 felues being applied or or taken wine, doc 
x; the ebitings of vipers,as Diaporae faith. 

re Cd = {1 ha tt c ic 

to . 

‘ é He alfo affi | ing pen nned in with: 
oe laide sounds about, wl Moser runne into the fe, if any there , renee come neere to 
and dothnot 

s aa 

> catthis leaues tiasedkigg be: goneae meee ee : 
| Wewrit pears nexp tha if.a fireand of the D 
s,the ferpent wil oon he fire then in a a a Hie Sonscaal cur- 
= winnie <_- Af fhould diwerbefore thefe ferpents appeere,and not caft his is leaues be- 
of dies m,t satel itofiy seleaes eg the ark are reported to fou poids ‘ and being E 
Siete vincgecanderaeade ftay vomiting, ifthey bela ide v ren the ftomacke. os 
hed eaues and barke of the Afhitr Soni boles ppings of the F 
— ——— reatly com Of i sigan Piiig h ae 
Sao aes ornin ee: ie 
hic ‘o.waxe fat. : 


Of the wilde Afh otherwife called Quickbeame, 

or Quick en tree. 

Sorbus ts fi x nrc fone seo Bubula. 

Ide Ath 1. @ 



: SSS len NA 
Slee NG 
Sr eee 


ay ay ‘ 

= i Y ae 
a AS : 
6,6e8 ret 1S 

y 1 

Srlare autora, & 

aieetet the 

round berries, green 

& Lhe defeription. 
He e, or fet, 
teth mee for the wilde ee tree,which 
thinke heneuer fawe € defer. 
ueth the lefleb ihutoe: this tree groweth fel 
or netier to the ftature & ze jem f the Ath trees 

notwithftanding it grow 
great mans legge: the leas be great “and 18 
and fcarfel theleanes of 

the Seruice tree:the fi gues’ whie wad fercene 
of fell and growe in ee which do turne into — 
apr but “ a they 
eye n vnplea- 

be fi 

fiat, whichis the c 

pies of the barke thereat as they do of Wil- 

' Thewilde vot a res groweth yp- 
on high wiates ann cke high woods in 
moft ee of Englande , efpecially about th 
Namptw thire, i in nt wilde of Rest; 3 

in Che 
in Suffex ne dioees a isi 

wilde Ath foun: in nMaie me on dic ber- 
Fcstke ripe in Septem intend 

% Then. 
The Latines call this‘t the Ornus, and often- 
times Sylieftris fraxiausorwilde Athyand itisal- 

fo Fi vaxi¢t [pecies: ora kinde of Ath: efor the ar 

cians (as hc - ‘ onely PLiz » re h, L rh. eT. fon 
i ehan ‘at il,t abi Lk ; [ Téaes hee eee Bete s Fraxitias' v learié Ot ihe mmon A 
= the lower Ornus ich alft - i, 8 a SE ol 
~ other mdtivh, or field ¢ Ath, which is alfo nai ae Bovusnia, or-as ‘Gaza tranflateth it, Bubule Fraxs- 
,- but truely Magna peice = teat Ath, “for the “apa Boi’ is 2 fae of bigneffe. 
This Orzes or great Ath i is nes jatch! ‘seatbautn: ink owe e Dute gga erefichent, or 
= eretcbert, aft divers Quailite efne | en tree, 
: eS arid Whick Mathiolus ma his bus fylucftris, ot wilde 
s Sa 
a Sy te s. ghetemprriswve anderen. 
A. Tonchin the faculties of the leanes 4 among the 
5 Ce ois ther éte nothing noted dby the later writers , bue iplsefecaeth t to teise wildeAth 
like in tie dig gee l L hy, bom the 
_ Athe shefaith DMS Cri Pash ee BaveORINS ALN Safle scene Te ie 
eos The Grecia hat thel fthemdokil tel, J yetl b Beets i 
cud ‘which theolde lof the Y ae 
byt the nese ge er its sand weria: un is legos and wie theAfh oct ‘od at 

pero ena fk OF PLANTS. 
€ good aga inft the paine in the fides, and the B 

fth afe that haue the tympanic and dro plie, 

é Ne 

=) oh Ben 

Lalan is 
vont 4 ae ane a5 
gil Gdn fokerhd chi ‘Ornet re h.the flowerof the Peare tree : foro tof 7, ich 
thing at allcan = arena “at * intreateth not o ve formes oink trees , bu of ee mire %, 
diuers into others, vnlike cring ta nature of, the gra f the nut iree into Sy 
oan ree: che Apple into ste Plane tree; the Beech into the ra trees the Peare 

Ch eftnuts: the wilde Ath tree rebrngs 

}. 1 

bon PS L 
eS -. 
ee n */ 

ii Inferitar vero ex fats nucs Arbutus horrids, 
ne ae nee platani miles 4 Valentes, 
agos : Ornusincanuit albo 
aoe es glaademque fees fbhe head vhnts, 

a) Sty 

en ferwant offi 

Jane borne exc ceding iil apple 
An seta aut {tockes haue borne o: Beech te matts, 
the Ath tree ftocke ¢ Soe es shoaisahs sfeare 
—> With Hs aretree flowe i , 

3 And vader] Elms Hake ae éfaih 

sulpeoeatrOF Ce Smacb. nee 105. 

2 hen 6r tifolias.. 

res F 

empaits AR meare, 

Cortars Sumach, - 

ae a2 oe. AU Soka 30 agar: SoA es 
Ing Wikre Senaeh 
; tia We : 

429 eg 

129@. THE shane BOOKE OF THE 
: The defeription. 
Oriars em groweth vp nto the a of a neste uaret', — the maner of the 
Elder tre igger e oft z es 2 3 U Khas gro- 
_weth two cubits shig h { his Xhees is fo lik the Ser 
: a 3e ea C 1 1 t 1 7 sear A 
cE 7 ae Se rR l Pa sr ee eee BB gece) 
ee ARK aa =) aes x ee 5 . pas ci tishdieue 
E | Cn Wet, ] eh at La, ra a5 . - hie | ub Breas 
g 5 growing in 
che like grapes, ' 
1 <i Lares see : het f...11b ei 
*) ae on Ecos 1 Re S| 35 disctial ue ER Recess, 
J 55 é pre) = 2 
the Jusube tree; among which foorth flender moffi 2 of fo gteat. account or value, 
| ES ES C x 1G } Lata 4 pl | r 
Bee tr pig pee eee ] as ee : £. © :the 
Dody g nent,yeeldeth 
agum or liquor. % The place. 
Cc i (ss Pa ee a oe REY pa Sap ch’ 5 1 ele 7° 3- 1 + F 
eae J 7 Jt VU 
s. Ce : 1 |. A 4 +e AD ER. . 
Sac 7? Po bios Archi- 
gemtin Gales inthe he places affected, fheweth that it grow 
eth in Syria, making pay of “thas of Sr 
% The time, 
gy ee ce L 1 t Pi 7, Sh EE ta ape 
%, T. ‘he mames,_ 
be gt Ss Hedin. G Latote. Dhuctarh Dd. Pad ae Le pod 
Pelicdo eat Ne po seal UE Dyed Dae hier, eee ir Paes is ie Por 
b> th Sp : 4 ¢ SS SE nes C+} BM ! > x, 
2 eh. < 1 braes (SS Sumach, <. Al L cn, 1 J. 1 = C+ ghee 5 2 

or Sum 2} 
called gots ee se in tau Rhus coriartas or Rheé. 
he feede i 

med ever, and fou La: in Latine Rhoé calinaris, eee we Wfenieren: in 
Englifh Meate Sastachi and Sauce Sia a 

The fruit.1 1 fe sis 5 exe NG foarld dri pa oa 
, Sie a Se a RRS Oe Se aR Fae elec ms eee : 13 ' = wae 
a 2 Theworach 
A __ The leaues of Sumach boyledi . = Geiss Pech counfeof 
Bn feede of Sumach eaten in fauces with me 3 oppethallmannerof foxes oft bly 
a Seer ca Pia il = Ly bey x if 9 lly +: *hit ¢ iflues 
c_. The deco@tion of th Te keth haires b] andis putint ftooles to fume vpward into 
bodies of thofe ti ,andis tobe e given themalfo in drin Q 
D. Theleavesmaeino rome and vineger , ftaieth the fpreadingna- 
ture of G. and # wenn 
E The die tosis lodden ia till the hi honi Ideth foorth a 
eertaineoylinelle which peformeth lltheelets of ins ok : =: = ee TC od 
Z ‘The feedc is no leffe effect thei es which are Caliacé ot 
Dae 4 riei. 

spouned, enix ich honie and the =— “of Oken coles shicaléth the Hosni 
He Tati oo elena agin um, which ied, cbs dens ts 
away the paine,as Diner 

Of red Sumach, ~Chapaio6. 
he defeription. 

Helt fae Se fabieilice one 200% “felfelame taut, ie fcft theweth the fhrub oe 
flower: the other when i itis full flowred vice the fruit Srp to ripeneffe, norwithftan- 
ote deceied, 

This excellent and moft beautifull plant Cogeygria(being epee oe the Iralians and the el 
tians | for a kinde of Rhus or Surnach, bicaute i itus vied for the fare p rpafes whereto Rha ferue 

g g ‘hei ght of fower or at 
ten 2 rie 1} 5 Se a is s 


5 th 
caine ind, iy ye ae Be 1 i. ae 
ot Tere sist among which series a {mall woah teria, caring at the toppe 
woollie or flockie tuft, crifped and curled like a curious wrought filken fleece, ee pi ; 
foldeth i it felfe abtoad like a large bufh of ‘haires, sich of: red or crimfon coloured am go 

I Co eengria 7 hepa tt ae tbe Pling. 
te, enic , 


rhe plaka” ey Se en 
yeria growehin Ores neere eit and in divers’ his of} late, vpon the Alpes of 
is and miat bpenion = Tr eroweth on motto ee enpevon of thé 

pk eee ae AR ihe one 7 The time. 

PBMC 3 % The nam CS. 

“The fiettisc culled essed lifh Venice Si f 
Plinie Cotinus in his fixcee enth booke : eenth cha ter. Thee is : th me on mount ere 
ninea arub which Conchylycolore infigmis, 2 Ole 

may rightly ‘be called Cotinus C Coriaria : : dit nd! : : } dS 4, which name isnot i 
found in: imany of of theo’ Ide wri a7 ¢ rf Wy wy | Be - at this 
fom is ria Pling,of Li biog: 3.b Varo | har L . 1 < 

i salfo lik *8 87S yin leafe, aes 3i A prop * Se ea t the 
anaes tonoother tee. — : F 

dare : % The temperature. 

Ls py See 
asthe other kindes of Sumach are, 

are very L fs 

ding, coldand drie 

|‘ Thele leaues of Cogeygria, or filken ate ites fold in the markets of Spaine and Italie for ne 
fummes of money, vnto thofe that drefle Spanith skins, for which putpofe they are very-excel 
__ dheroote of ints, tngwill teth, ferueth to die with, giuing ae 

n { As j oe 

modo Conchyly colore ace nis, 

i ; Of the eA laer tree. Chapa 

The Alder tree, 

x BY Aa tion. 
He Alder tree or Aller ,is a ees tree 
having many brittle ranches, the barke is 
of a brownecolour, the wail ortimberi 
notha agape Psa willlaftand endure very long 

vnder the water, yea longer than any other tim. 
er wh Wc Wy in che fennie and foft 
marrith ge they do vfe'to make pulesan 

and fuc 
wellto make th es tO conucy water in fteade 
of pipes of Lead. The leaves of t “this tree are in 

loffo: ag f the 
Birch tree, which be being vad edhe lowe a 
can “clofely grow ing tog a 
Pigeons eg towar Beets doth 
Saat the ede fa out ands loft. 

The Aller or ales oe te to growe 
odin es, and umole wa 

ily cE mel wen 
AN io: 1eAller ler bringeth fprsh newelenuesin Agi ; 
RRP be thf! pein September Tiger 
—— eS VOT s _& Thenam ane ge 
ry Thi peer wee age fe Latin 

~Cdlous, Petrus Crefeentins nameth it Amedanus: 
nd ettenbaum sniowe Di Dutch gtfert an ———— 
BAOC Wagan! 21s) ni wate 

% +4 > i ae 
ee Sa NY Basra igrezsie a 

* see barr st: oid Pa Ser hota 
; tm 2 AL 1 adhe * OE Pete ie 
efpecially of sieAlmondssnduemelent theahrote, ” is Ler 
__. The barkeis much vied of € 
: Bike into ablacke Sener it ferueth very well. 


‘i g b (thatisto a 5 = toote ) is eine 


12°F 3 

Of the Birch tree. (hap.108. 

The Birch tree, _ & The defeription. 
on Birch tree waxeth likewife a 
great tree , hauing many boughes beier 
ith many {mall rods or twigs, very limber 
arke of the & twigs.and 
braunches is plaine, fmooth;-ahd fu ulloflap, in 
colour li nuts bar the rinde_of the 
odie or trunke is harde withour, white, rough, 
and chinkes dq 


ie aN) 
Lee = 

like the Hafell teesbut fmaller,wherein fe feed 
: iscontained,.- 

omimon Bi Birch ees in eas, 
and’ moines one pe fEogland, 



ae a 

Z) ay 4 
Wong ; x 

The catkins or hes sdo fit a appeere., cond ; 
then the leaues: “ ina Api or alittle later, 

heophra afiws cil igen tree in Greek ott ; 
dots omu’s, others enuis: itis named in Latin ge- 

Phtempeamamdsrn, : 
Concer mingthe medicine vie of the Bi 3 thete is nothing extanteither in A 
Esto he : 
tee faith Pl inhis 6 booke Mirabil lore ot Fe déyivchys 5 
se rp Ope sf} = i ~ fe ~c 13, fae. ip egal B 
fratuwns virgés } YS RS L n ) CR: L : be 
¥ tf 3 z ; 3 
 Tefernett ll tothe decki fhonfe i} ; GELS iat C1: 6. 5 py 
~ beanti ing the ft iithe éroile sishoak Soe ae eee . 2 “ 
4 - ifyi Oo ono eee pe 
i sith Eid. Bins deci. Et Pate 
Of the fornebeame, came tree - Gap 109. 

a x Thedefeription. 
* D Sepudabor de Howabbeane ee gto weth great,& v snd eres cha epee wic Haze bai erpes 
AD hawinga great body :'the wo or timber wherofis better for attowes and fhafts, pulleiesfor 

“mils, and fuch like deuifes,then Elme or Wich Hazell ; for in time itwaxeth{fohard, thatthe 
sian hardnes of itsmay be rather compared yn rnethen vntowood, andthereforeie. 
as Pi orneb ae rdbeamé: the leaues heereof arélikethe Elme, fauing t tbe 

ang certaine triangled things,vypon which be r. roundeknaps, 0 ; 
sein oft PH whichis « contained the fruite or: si: al foores hong d 

Betulus,fine Carpinus. 
The Hornebeame tree. 

hep ‘ 

t the Hor nbeame tree groweth plen. 

aly in A are amptonfhire, alfo ii Kent y 

oe efend, where itis sa taken forakind 

This tree doth be if 5 April, and he feedeis 
a in September, 

& THe 
beame week sealled in Gre recke Zoe, 
d robichi as nit you fhouldfay Coniugalés, or belon. 
ging tothe yoke , bicaufeit ferueth well tom 

va of, in Latine Juga, Suabbics oxenare 
‘yoked togither, which are alfo ¢ s time 
made-thereof, as witn feth Bene arti 

us Curting 
i Symprofianws and our {elues we Tilfitehuloree 
‘ ledgethere oft in our owne countries and therefore 

in F : 
Englifh ‘Ho tnbeam atts Yoke Elme, 
and in fome ae a a eet ae 
erm per 

ii This tree is not vied in medici tee ae 
otis arcnot expr $n peat b a aue ie 
any certaine experiments of our owne knowledge 
oe hair hath beene Ties for the vic of hu 

y esertcyt 

sion kisi sagan’ Ofte ae Chapmd. 5 +i: eaniunenat 
<® Hbisdtig anes yridton eis & pov % The defeription. ig 

cg 4 He firftkinde of Elmeis a eteat hightree, haning many branches {reading themes 
ess cl» largely abroad: the timber of itis hard, and noteafi¢ 1 be cloucn 

leaues are foiewtiae wrinkled ao fnipt about the edgesywhetevpon a ate Re aeae 

S -ecsneblies orbladders, whichcon is often 

found finall wormes 5 3 -but when the faid vos hath continued vatill the end of fommer, all 

- find it hardened with the heate a the funne, and congeale ed ike vnto gum, The feede is broad and 

_ flat, not much wali : feede of the garden. histree is very.common in,our Sa 

d: shexabes of this Elme arepleafant fodder for ee fowerfooted beafts, 

Se acne 
; fecond. icofElme grower likewile vntoa g feat {tature,with very hard and tough tim- 
; re . semade somes hcl mill pullies, an a faek other engins for the ae ofgreat. 
anc i¢s be likewife w rinkled, and fomewhat fnipt about th pea 
en cawsot Se caine} ‘of a faint greene colour ypon the backe 
att dof nll nica heyoedsesyespon hg od 
ie = Bers or bide lers fo w. ifeede t as_vpo 

re: one itingrie cartel! 
shh ello ery greedily feede hereof is rye 

| g L2 S$ 
ehbpicstiotats OF: PLANTS. L 1297 

2 Vimuslatifo ifolia 
a Sica The Elme its broadleaues. 

2 ~oe 

‘The firtt inde of El Elit ine ome Besatlly all plaees of England, Thefeconde groweth in 
many woods aid parks ih. great lenty, as ina parke belonging tomy Lord Treafiwer, a mile = 
yond oe ps aceat Wale am ee Thibalds, Ir wee alfoin Keneneere Souther 
andin her places 

% Thetime. . Nea Se 
The es cis tac one d before the] 6 falladl s bigs P a. 
at what time the leaues begin to eS ean ; 
: % The memes. : : 
Thai. 1 ae 1 F Sls Tyce 40 cit Kates 20 ott 
ra +3 . o 4 
hOh ent Frenel 10: it Italian Ofme: Ts Span Pe int 


Engh Eline 
“The Teede’ S aed ctby Plinieand Cobonell Sameres ‘The liste wormes which ee tege with nan 

liquor within the finall bla 

ene other Ele called by eae fies spermientaewhic h nat ppt étmoun- 

tofay, Paeyaer Tralian’ ih 

oP itd Tory eg , { 

. _Thellednes ahd barkeo sf th fie Binche tocers relphegss rca ehident cen ean ss 
-haue inthe chewing'acertaine clammie and glewing: Deir 
Sex : bet cw and heal Ee woun 

on pea satya 

, The being fanped ith vineger ot catia feurffe; - < . 
aa one ounce waight of the thicker batke druite with ine - 

EB The deen , healet! hral } fr. re 
ifthey be fomented or Pte vith weeyT fsa 
FE eB 1 att p Ben ates! sive = eee BT of ae ey actin . 4 Wwe c 
1] gs 1: ily ae at ey Thee a Mites Si Mi oe in 
the a clofely fet vnto it. a : oo SA oars 
Of se Line or Linden tree, ecu, 
= wilis feelin, a i <2 Tibam 

T tbe male a nee, aie 

- — female: seit ~~ 

Jus cane ae 
he defe lription.” 

* He female Line or ae tree ean very grea a thicke, ff angles forth bis aes 
“ches wide and far abroad being a tree which yeeldeth amott pleafant fhadow, ynder: a 

: 20ufes and bankettin ngarbo s, bicau 
ar that itis s fircharged with waight of timber and fuch, like, she berterit doth flour i Te 
bane i is brownith, very 1 finooth and plain but that whichis next tothe ti 

ine chat ig jyea very foftand cetecariigor handing Better gunpowderis: 
made of the coles of this wood than of. Willow-coles... The leatgs are greene, {in Seis fhining and 
or toothe 

ut the a e5. = The crasate sel wif ed 
es the middle ofthe] 

= ee tree fe crate akind 

ex ik cis ge € we uy 

fies) dal sould ape : a : “the 

a aise 

%& The defcription, 
3 rl le ris OE cok 5 ik SS Pike. # 2 KIL. 
ae) : Pied x ro) % EB o 
jikethe other I inden tree: h ; y gh 1 pliant, and feruech to make cordes and hal- 
se £ +h - ht } 1 . 
of f & 
tes Ah me ete nly sleeenis £, 1 ae Ceo at : 
other , : the leaues Coan are notmuch vn- 
like I Iuie leaues, not very greene, f hart if i } g ddle whereofcome 
foorthclutters of lite likethe f , which bei led,th 
Pe | Tit Te = Ce ese s J.1 ? JL 
pellet ran fh . of 5a fall id Ke! ba <3 hk = 
kith fede; ” f 
: % The place. 
The female Linden: tree g hin { isin Nortel fhire sal{c 
ie Pam | 1 Dy ot ) ee 1 Abd _ . oa 
iia ghway g 1 Heningham , in the Countie of 
. E : 
: The ome Linde anes sao inmy Lord T furers garden at the Strand and in fimdry othet 
lares.a¢ Kart { London 
| anand te 3 
) f The time. 
TL 4 aay pe oer, Auentt. 
&Themames. oe 
The Tind om ee aa ge) ke ¢ A hick Wah D int sand inner 
p+ TT, ee eee eres 1a Tebthead ns. tg § as PER 
Dla and cx olieat Sas Baailit la tridet-€ iy : 
_ v 2 2 
~ 7 he mis 
"TL 1 1 Bi Cc . Ll , h 2 e. 3 
, pps! =) 
aftringent. * Thev 
The leanes of Titi te pi i infinithes water ae apeece of Alom and alittle hony ; cureth the A 
‘foresi in childrens mou 
L J. } 7 : 7? cm f Ce I J 
native, 1 es 5 Poe VW 3}. : 4. oy a 2 = 
~ Oo Oo s 2 
hina etre veric hoe ets 
| © Thefowers ar ende dby di Gainft paine of the head f ling of acold caufe, G 
Bi ee +h a ay » cpa ese woh 5 ny : } ee, ¢- my, diftil- 
auf 2 c=) id Pf _ 
Bicheno OP Sys 4s srika's 
. } aL Zz a ) ip IL. 1 ee Ee” v OF +. 1. mH 

of cattle: theficean be eaten ofnone. 

- Of the M. ope tree. “Ohap 2. 

se Thedefription : 
ert ifull and high tree, with bark fameane fmooth the fub- 
: yee boughs andancen hich make an excellent fhadow, gor inft the! f the. 
funne sw ich are great, bro. dleaues, much like tothote of th ee 
_bylngtedih al shang by cl ftersjof£a whitith greene coloutsaftert 
'p long fruite falined rota bycouples, igh kernel 
; d:incall th meee ch- | 
j hat fembli g th ft wings of Ephemeri,ox r of gtafhoppers : the kernels be white and 
“|. There js a fma!] Maple which doth oftentimes com dihebignes fare ce,but moftcommonly 
~— Itgroweth] } £ keh fis likewifefmooth; the fubftance of 

- thewaode i is nod eafie B beveenchenet ae leaues are cornered like thofe of the former, 

and faftened with a teddith ftatke, bur much leffer, very like in bignes, and o! glifteras the. 
_BleotSinle dry but tharthee cuts are deeper: th he flowers be as thofe of th eformer,g ceule,yet 
ow he fruice ftandeth by two-a 

a s 

oh geoetalke ae atic ELK 






pe Ps OP Fs 98 

3 o d d 

The plat 
The finall or oes Maple ato on 
pee Satie a arse san nc arc 

emen, where itefpecially is planted for the 
fhadowe fake, and vnderthe name of Sycomore 

% Thet. 
Thefe t idlenncs Qhonleie — March, 
and their fruitis es in es ie 

_ This treeis cle in “Greek 

o ‘ 
vohogne and Utaldefcberne : the French men 
Grand Erable and Plafne Pobu a and ha is 
thought to be properly called +4 cy 
are far decal that rake pe fi Padilla the 
Planetree, being drawen into this error by the 
neermeffe of the a wo for the Plane wee 
do est iffer from 
The other is called a bak Acer minor : in 
‘high sary aetatihol pert in uae Dutch Seay« 
balers French £ se in Englith finall Maple, 
—- aple,. 
etemper ratare andve 
tvfe the Mapleba ath in ceticing efind 

vo Wha’ 
written of the Grecians, but Péinie in his 14.bo0 oke 8. chapter affirmeth, that the roote 
and applied, isafingular_ remedi¢ for the paine of the liner. Serenus Sammmonics write 

_thatitis drunke with wine mmpacpinlls the paines of the fide. » 

Sper > bel 

vitum morbo tentatur seato, 

_ Cut vito apis : hoc prefens medscamen habetur. 

If with a difeafe that harpneffe doth take, 

hy fide hee boalensulh be exed by greates” 

\ ftone burning hotin ras fee thou make, i ales 
daipiemmatery ich * with heates > *hiffeth 
dereo ¢: OrMaple roote beate, PSDs 
And rinkei it with wine. “This thing hath a name 

fo be an helpe prefent and tale for the fame. 

Of the Poplar t tree. a Be 
* Thekindes. oe 

Sp oak cae kY 

sa pn 

ie which is the / him Lybica and by Th ‘ms wepuis: likewile 
f Americas. rof sabi crenie elites ENO 

thewhite, another the blacke, pie ehareiana 


Po Bhp. 7 pie 
I then white Poplar tree, The blacke Soper trees 

25 a" 
ES a Vy 


Jeo ree noone eet __- ptt 
1 "T*Hewhite Poplar t fn, d otowditshigh in thor ime, full of 
1 ro 1 4. L and” that of of the bough és. is likewife 
white withall: :the Wiley is Bl eche to be cleft :the leatiesare btoad, deé Spey 82 Ais thed, 
iendted like almoft to thofe ot the Vine,but much leffer,finooth on the cpt —. 
what greene ; and on thenea white and woolly: the catkins are Ree 

therefore it hapneth that thefe trees be oftentimes ble mene W 
The blacke Poplar tree is as ‘high ast the white, an nd now ancien higher , 

ikewife. {mooth , =D 
« ey 3 W t y A Pe tl C. A 
ve 45 41a Gre 7 o & ba 4 2 9 J 
JL JL J J Se, 41. diene 2 o> 2. | ae | 
— ak 4h. Hie elon OE OS Se i RE, Se 
4 b 5 ya 
come forth! long: ore orca tkins, hich d luft heb 

#!. o ae f 
like that of the former: this tree i garnifhed with 1 any : | ar ‘A ad br: hes 5 fet 
1 ele = % 4. lt». nlong and 
flender ftems , which are. for the moft itera mavens noife by ans ng beaten 
eh nowneby 
eS a4 , 
tesa, er ae 

the Vv jill 1 : 
ahic 3 a } 
oS ee Tae y ip z Cf.) = gece potent Paes 
Oo Ve 
Dd ) 1 ree Ww 2 4 Ya Oe EE 4 fey | ee | C eh FOSS UKE 
[ 5) 3 y Arbor Inds bu % 
iy ne ls% re . : 1 asi ? tbroader, 

o 2 > 
"Th £[D, \ t: } 

. _ 1 . oe ee Z : 
as t bi toy to) * ) Cics Weer. 
of: are knottie and bunched foorth,as though it were full of fcabs or fores: the leatiés come foorth 
in tufts, mott commonly at the endes ofthe bough i a ET OR 1m cw PPE 
. < eo 
ofthat 4triplex called Pec cr /ers: b 

Ld f . ped | =~ 
packe rogither otherwife itis like, 

m wo 4 MAN AACS 
1 Fi! he & burn the acter, t 14 
- to) eye i CA0lely 


3 Populus Libyca. 4 PopulusAmericana. 
The Afpen tree, The Indian Popler tree. 



ft 4.22 
JON 35, 22 



her en, IPA. 41 Wiis F 
i ers other places,,; dos olitind vasa din b 
ae dian Pan é, Pe ee ree: ae ft. sy 
bey 8} feo r: 

Rois 1S: ee tS " 
5 ied yd sHoniesas sdéarbas . Se Thetanp2: 

eet — tf 

& ————— 

ITED +3 Pee. THOM St Fat 
ie ere & Aiey yo L iL A 
vd . bud foor thin eet Ass gianing. F ¥ 
mutt ; ve hin ay . re z , Agee 
ee ag =e $ je Cs * 

_ & The names, 
fe ae es 

oe * 
Had tw T: ol age eae oD 

_ The white Poplar is called in'Grecke: 
eds ‘qqq4 

See, % 4 . Ze : 
x3 viboos yiecs dsiwRobed.,. sesase570 # 
EBOos t 38279 Hee 

isthe, ‘ai PLAN TS. 1303 
ela} ee78tp? 2° *pifalat lene | 
i Fundne: cos presen ut “arn Ferfal 
*Ane et Igaue ynto my band " * or Birdlime, 

And flings with {tones to hurle by hand, 

And allalong I feld my foes 

Like Poplar leaues beate downe with blowes. 

T° en Oe oe pt Lit 4X, = OH Othe Ath ewk: [ne § D h Ghecl. of hi : 
It g 1Pepy 3 t Dutch Gheef tl of his horie or 
} ;- we 1 8 ty. ee a. . 
falfcly interprete Abses; the Firre 

wee: in Tolan 1 Pop olo bianco: :in a Alamo blanco: in each Peuplier blanc, acted Obel, or _Au- 

The {: ie < ps oe Fg Cc 1 | eS em Dp 4 Ky D> 
ae opulus nig y tins Albarus: 
Lieh Darshan a | By tb ok 4808s tn Tralee Decal 4e sie ch 
inhig Aipetrs Populice rp piace? Piel noir : in 
‘Sy, Baw Hed = Wee teens 8 re I PR We: 5 8 | IDant 
ae ) L fad OW liit Niall re a ts fr) oe apy J 7 cy is | Saeeres L to t. = 4 
v as t LOY 1s 
oS in am rae | ok ee al * : 1 1 ” 1 it 1 
‘9 ae Sled 5 Opa os 3 hy PP 1 cee | + 1 oo Lia Sag . 
pr pur or vied in the rie of 
ri 1 . 1 Foyt Pies: OR } y Wed: 
1] }2 | oe raat latin = hel 10 clammine ata 
r é 2 ‘ 
Tl 1¢. al S Rarge be BE be 
; f giuing P. fables. do beara a Ambercom. 
RT ots Bi } be ead ia ee Fae 4) Py Pp, 
7 o 
os 1 PE Ee SOR | 4 * 
The third is called y /4, which worde is Gaworcd lof the French men, who 
LZ 1G j t+} } 
ot =) 
1 We *. Le ok hip} 
ofthe leaues, Ratecier, 1 1 of Ph Plinie Libya, and by T/ eaph. ra. 
A 5 eg llerh > sy Ti Tx glifh . 
| Popul Alpe , and agers end mayalfo be 
called Tremble,after the F | fidering it 
z “ fe hereof womens L0oe> were 
A Be eT: Be 24 1 me et ee: fs } 
+ t 2 eo 

& The temperature and vertues. 
| ox 1 F pep OTe wit } “4 

"TL 1 L L , 

aa wv fitti f. A 
ihe hiteP I pe 2 Rapa 3 ‘3 4 2 te] oR 
7h b ingen Yn J, lh 1 ft. /, :. os wat x 1. R 
Ya Kens “1 a 2) gc rf peop 1 ? ~ i. go> yy L and for the 
ftrangury, 2 ag 
Thre nse oes Sie Se ee ee ¢ oe - ws 
are witta eoxenlie nor 
SBiniges greffisdirolamguore moratur: a 
pels alba, dabit fi He cortice patie ‘ : ie Fdcisl er 
~ Anhidden difeafedoth oftrage and rine, i debuowed zoo) Hou bau 
The chip ouercome and vexe wi ithi the pain ; Sn SEA te acne 
4 ; 
fe barke of ne oe hadi in nib ip 
eda ee OB. 1¢ ge 4 of. a D 
Mul : come ts . - 
hict t likewife h rem me — after he re or: 
tedsbe mere 

warme iuice ofthe leaues being dro dro; 
rclammiefubftance of the blacke nee budsis is cat spe e thin foie dF 
doth aes nd mollife : itis alfo fily mixed acopis & malagmatis: the leaues pes ina 
the oe ae for all thefe things,yet weaker andnot fo effectual as Ga/en teacher! 

aues and yoong buds of black Pop! ge the g f Pg & 
Bp eee tans Ge os SEC Male bees. sgehn > orilisvd seem 
s PPPP a 
ae t 4 

x po age, Wag 8 in ‘ uds, eee Ap mm i n s beiles fquats, fals, 
anlus a i] | ‘ype a fw Bah ca es ‘ 
blacke Poplar. ch = led Aer, or oyle of 

hostels a The spripion 
a9 Ts He Plane is agreat tree, zhasing vetielong 

and aehentds boughes, on- 
: derfull broad thadow, by: rhea 

: ae Romanes: the eee are cornered like 
“thofe of Pala Chrifi?, greater then Vine cleaues, 
angt gh n tide ir dfooreftalles - flo.” 
rls “esate and moflie,and of a paleyéllowifhy 
 sx¢olour he fue is round like!a ball araeed me 
c ‘fom hairies but i in Afi iafpore c hairie and grea 

© Cal 

ait hermes ictelte far abroad.; en 
: eplac. 
o The Planetiee eden gc iby rire 

- faith hhe to >be of fo great honour aca the 
‘Plane Ure 

tered withwine: iris founde by experience that 
onthe Tames very cowfortable to the Totes; and 

‘Lowine; Thistreeis flrange in Italy, itis sedi 
eae in Germanie , nor in the low countries: : . 

Gaiegcoring in valleies, and neere vnto a 

owhill Athon, tvs Bellonsusin his a 
wir area resi ‘owethiinmany places of Greece, 
a is sound per: in fore js of Iealy;for pleafi re rather Fecaor ‘or profite, My feruanti¥élli- 
all,whom Lfent into the Mediterranean aa ae vnto the Hercules of London, 
Gnd ae trees ibeiof a0 owing in Lepante,] : 
~ aport of Morea,bein ee d fi ce brougl t thoferoughb » be- 
ingthe fsitethereof. 92 sane 977 886: A 
L : Comer [SER Sea Ses Bee Oe Ya BY Te c£ i 
a ee ee cay od a Se aa is faith P/ewfe no 2orea- 
Teagest i eit ene EE Mees St RS . ae ET 8 eRe = er: 
TR Sra ed, Srt0t: garde ser Sie stivoa! aeusol 922 gi 3 eg fic aesle 
Then. < 
treeiscalle sini Grickehalbeuevand fikewifein in hate lat ames iceanetites uneie 

breadth othe French mens — farre — from csi isa = of — —" ori 
named in ia Bae eee : 

: wpiplisengers abaveunid vertie = 
oe ‘Te Plneeetefacte animale uy egret eons 

net gist: 

< qgge Being 

Soc en 

| die for th i i ing of the cies, iftheybe ap- B 

Being boyled in wi g g 

fo The barke and ve do dries the barke bord in vineger ele “" toothache. 
nad dogs andferpents, and _ 

The fr Loe) tof the 
£t FEW pi | 

s ayes fe aay iain af ha si 4 Thr oa oe fe, and B 
ain vicets. 

{ahr} L c 1 J Cae, CE 
itbe drawen in with the breth, itis offen ue to the theo bi his¢ extreme = or by ma- - 
Reeth oe ame roug igh, tdothalfc fallinté the 

+) Lh sL 4 L. 4ift 4 Ce BAT r. 
egies or ly.t lfor 

that of es bala 

Of the Wayfaring tree. ( 

Lantana, fae Viburnum. 
¢ Waytaring tree, 

een % The defeription. 
Tess Mayfaring mans tree groweth vp to 

chchcinet: ante dge tree,ofa meane hie. 
riod corbod thereof is coue. 

redw ae he branches are long, 
pant i cafetobebowed andhar o be bro- 
ken, as are thofe of t illow, coveted witha 
iti tke ; whereon n_are fet broade leaues 


eo BK oppdlltee te 
BN) APN BE growein cluflecke i eae Pome cle of 
= A? a EIN OLY, 
3 AY < Ups Ca Lig NL re rity of th hebig eafs Sbmew: a a ieee 
VEN FF a WG & be as ey 3at hefieeene, after redyand black 
3 q x hey be ote difperfeth it felfe. 


br ahead vader ‘6 spent cruft, of the. 

The ¢ places 
ce grometh in in moft hedges in 1s 

xs This 
3S (=A 7 X nd fto sie laces, vpon hils and lowe woods, ef 
‘a. 7 pecially if the chalkie groundes of Kent about 
' and fe: 

Cobhain,Southfleete Grape nd sand al katte 
trad ¢ 0 Can terburie. 
%& The tine t 
The theese ected Es abhes Tries 
ripe in the end of Ate and new lesa SeNae 
Se foorth inthe fprin ng. Zee 

ijt oath 
Buc vee 

* ‘ A Vil # x 
S Thiaheteere oe recalled aie ae in Pecsieriorstind Viorna: in OES iam 
isreputed for thetree /iburmum, whic ch Yirge/ maketh mention of in the firft clog, where he 
the loftineffe and ineffe ther: ot aera aying, 

mendeth the citie Rome forthe] far her 
the tall rules trees do thew themfelues aboue the lowe and thrubbie V: 
: : ities lift vp hir head very high,in thefe verfes =. 

“Pepp 3 

ee, ais 

Verum hee tant im alias inter ca 

putextulit urbes, 
Quantum lentafolent inter viburna Cupre fa. 
But * this, amon ities andtownes, “Rome vpon 
ath fo much more ftately borne vp hir head 5 feuen hils 
By how much the Cyprefles carrie their crownes : 
nip psa , 
Aboue the lowe viorns bending (like lead. 
% Tne temperature. 
Tha k I} "ge a 1 vc 3 “ 1 
b oe eda 
%& The vertues. 
A Thed Oy ey Alaa : } ee aoe n “A wate 
Z ling pear. | : 1 Cc g ey, tt wie Eas Cel g 5 and faftenerh 
loofe teeth, be . ie 
3 bs fy SOP pe eS Ee | pate BER Catia Lbs ch ec ;, ee i oy 
Pe seein; Sain by a a Oe PS © a pier and 
Cc Th See Veh Moy Se a ph GT f 1 1 Ct \3 ; aes a ds doth ftay the laske, 
alliffies of blood, and alfo the whites. 
D Te}. 2 foe be all | Cel Cel L 4 : “ L L 
es Sy Sa ee J 3s Lh 1 ay fin ok }} iW; aie 3 Pe biges 
S a £ ro} 3 r=) Veatch 
birdes with, 
OftheBeade tree. Chap.u6. 
i Zizipha candida, 2 ZiziphusCappadocia, 
The Beade tree, The Beade tree of Cappadocia, 



A), q 


N\ 4 







cane eet: tek ge The defeviption. 
i TP Histree was called Zixipha camdsda by the Herbaritt pellier, and by 
and Italians sycomorws, but vneruly 5 the Portingales haue termed it Arbor paradizo; all 
whichand ee C4 1 oon Pies se | OE Fae Mae tae Putts: 
PPS : pT na See a 


¥ Ci 

2 F iggy ce ee an a - Pie fn Pgs EPS OS I 
bAddS £2 UE BD 
2 A a - [7 a . 



HISTORIE wis se pba scouas 1307 
ynpl ga piueal 
‘ leth atmes, that are pert with twig- 
gic anche Se of jolla, cing of tty in vale one growing right Mg rk 
to ano er like the leaues of the Ath or Whicken tre pely 
like + ° to) 
In Lu Fad 5 0. L L Th! 

ofc aie creed the fruit couered with a brownith yellow thell, veylhed vato the am tof 

sl le afant tafte, 

with: a ftone within, which being drawen ona fling, ferueth to make Beades of, for wantofother - 

2 =the = are groweth not fo greatas the “former, but is of a meane Race, and full of 


~ isofafhi f thet I | {l 1 ™ oe 
foft, wbichaele lo fwhitith! Bie hi tea Riy Wes PRE nee RIP tos 
2 # - t 2 
tothe leaues of Willo b dint g thefel Pee ae Bm 
} . f 7 De IRIN 

pleafant Esons, i fomef ses threds or chiues i in the middie ier het sci fccedate . 

fue ofthe bigne 

; li r Plante: ay take ihe 

ws, for both the leaues and. flowers g etand new {proongtwigs,as they 

ix Outabset he fl. re very fweete of fi land’ oe 
fuk to dato loner. eat : ie 

- 1 PO Ey eee | n } { 
§ 2 hee: / 
a ge Theplece 
' wtethe Seerh thar Pera f 1 fh c ‘ + bs > 
| a ond 25H G1 tea oadont, ‘ m fteries in Italie ; 
—— pobelius faith, g. yf iN 3 and itis woont now of late 
: “L 1 ] k he <1 4 1. + 4} ¥ £ fT ¢t 1 
a SM F o 
Zz a 5 ey Be} 1 Cc 4 
Ziziphus Cappadocia growetl many Pp. Italie, and {pecially in Spaine 3 it is alfo 
Ny c=) : 
: % The time. 
E “The fe sraeydowetiniunciate alic nd fruitis ripe ip September sbut in G 
: and the lowe countrics ‘there doth no feu fllow the flowers. 
Me = Ne re 
; : 
Bes Zizipacandida: Aujcen calleth « y Vr. i di Azedaracth, and they’ hameit, 
vi - ; - 
faith he Rec hi Arbor Mirobal ot the Mirobal i Tabralten, 
an pene : Jovy nel erg ly, 
and Kien,and Thabich. ’ Thelater fard J in takingit to be the Sy 
they as much itto be the L Nett! it yl 1} Ei 
rcp geese ee Vee ce seit 
_ . The othetis aera fp or af Ikinde of Iuiut which Columelfai p Wee 
4 4 3 fa 
4.chaprer doth call Ziziphusaibs, ‘or white Iniut , fordiff ee ee 
Deke lat ies, 8a Bees Re . m 
med Ratela por glitterin ngred,. / a calleth this Ziziphys Cappada in a his ay hole chap. wh 
he intreatech ef thehonorofg, sof w i w hereoffome bersace 
. of flowers andothers of | Iwould calf the A faith he,broom 
. r re by») , > * 2 a b _ 
_ ayellow flowex)and Rhododendron Zizipha, whichis called Cappad Swers of thi 
Be te Feel and Laven Qin Gaweds either doth Colonel a 
E pee 

senperitur Se 
»Avicen wiiigandineating offered faith scale fowers shacecle sek in th thinde 
gicesand depinaeendot si Pott then no es complexio 

> > 28% € floy ers: 
Becciliybeimg mixed with white nari . 
_ The fruit is wory ae ilo thc and ataublelomeen imietotheftomacke, itis 

rhe eo 


ead THB SERED’ riecepe a = nae 


F - ‘The like alfo hath Rhaji. TheBead roids desecciptwardayis adh 

+ f° 3 

ee ee | £. fig = “tig P = ee 
b) times 

re to be : pernicious and edly 
Tf 1 . CheAl 1 1: = ’ ft 2 and that the poy- 

Ziziph 4s Cappa doc. \ Epes rel = ED ke 

H rereof is vet 
good for thofe whole water lines ith ch ll iffning thereof, asalfo for fuch a 

en EP ag | 

Alooch or licking medicine made thereof or the Pg is excellent good againft {petting of 
‘ices proceeding of the diftiliations of fharpe or {alt humor 

Of the Loteor Nettletree. Chap.17. 

Lotus arbor. 

The Netiletree; > he de{cription. 
: He ree thet we write, iS a treea 
big as a Peare tree, or bigger and high- 
er: “the ody and armes are ver ry thi ches 
the barke whereof is fi peel a 4 free 
greene colour tending to blew : the 
boughes are long, an ps mele hen all 

and ha’ 
yellowifh white colour at the es , and after. 
— ha an bé they be a they be fom- 
wha tii 

etree inte th the 


there is found ftore thereof, as Afathioluste- 

ftifieth : [havea fimall tree thereof in my gar- 

- . There is likewife a tree thereof in the gar- 
vader London wall, fometime belonging 

to 5M. oe Apothecar yof London nyandan 

other great tree in 

ftreete in Condett being the garden of the 

Queenes Apothecary at the impreffion here- 

tN EN 

Seis; ofrate fimples. The Lote 
—. (ft Zs us, My. in Affrike but it fomewhar differeth from the 
= SSA eh Sf ae in ee as ace plaine words 
Aas = <4 \~ doth fhew in his 13.booke 17.chapter. That 
Pot me ; i2hi POSS See of, Fal Le he that lieth towards VS 
es ne t Pokey aR x n , oe " weltine owe en in 
S : altered by th the foile: Pp 5 ,althougi ee f f to be fhor 
ashe sd : the leaues ie ¢ full of pe I ife y ugl ‘obelik thofeof the Holi ie tree 
~ fi Aa fp ially by el Act bie asa 
B fthe colour of Saffron, but bef hangeth his lotr teae ee 

Grape. peek thickéin Ssciecaae tiets manner of mnebiielenor ats Tealie,afcer the manet 
the Cherrie trees the fruit of it ts there fo fweete, as it hath alfo Erg a name tot that countric 
a ee sities: 

tm obliuéone patria. : 
ported that eye woubld withno difeafes of thebelly that att The bertet ea 
Sa: Ww 


which hath no kernel, that i is thought to haue a ftone i in the other kinde : thereis alfo ees out 

of ita p) 5 
. ee a oy | F }; Mm C 
berries ftamped with ; ] foode. Moreouer, we haue heard eae 
. Ll 1 C3 4 } L l rp pee | AL \ * {F. 1. 
grit A y f the ei pi te 
} LI 1 1 G 1 ral 4 rf } - Lo 1 ® 
woo' » er 
a 1 saa 1 1 ae } [xt p/. eee | 4 RY | 1 rae 1 } kK 
ynote tf af b) 
} Pe? L i. Bt Sy 9 Brey it % ie Ke fl hak 
Sea . PRO Ms EVs wee ol a ER, INA rp 4 r L WRC f h i , f 
th yrs, yax, phagitis, of the plentie o 
Lote trees. e 
booke aft het ly AX I Ifo that] is faideto be 
Sv / J 7 orn " 
1p cade Seekt Tui ty aie 1 iethe- Coy th ine] Tland by tl Cercinna, & another leffer 
Latophag 5) ) 5 2 > 
iG: hoon te tbe Pees Conte. Le ep ate RY TR es aS 
calle > 7 4 J r r 
eign L } vio Sa L R ee L Len } 
pails gu : >?) 1 f , 

countrey of the Loos or thofe that eee of the bcs trees, te iC countrey Ho omer ma- 
dyfés altar,and the fruite ic felfes 

fort! bein i plenty of Lote trees, whole fruit i d full fivecte: : Thus far Stra abo. 
a ee ~ is bP peters aes Sey L 2 sat ke RAS Sey ned 
int 2 i t 3 P/ > 
ke PP | oo 11. 1 ri 1 Cel L C.~1 Oe l tL M } L 1 
whic y 5 ] r 
1 1 j ; GS L | Ee T } 1 f, ] Ped } a ey 
1 aoe 2 ly ci opes ic os a Oca eae tere: » 
This “r wte tree as the fame author affirmeth, lafting, as fe ple,the Lote 
trees wherof P/ “ny hath written in his ¢ 6 booke. 4 z chap ArR faith he,the Loret L 
L iM L LL. 
court : = a 
giftrates 4 469 ped . L } L lk Oe 4 FE 2 L r 
eat . . 4 ft Re  & . WI y pike, RF } asf]. 
ae) Ts 
arhairie « t i oo ole Bee Fag 43-4 . hs L 1 1 L | T anretenecn Vef 
3 h oe ae | aie, a Be 1 a Cc haces 1 nes | L4 i Maf- 
2 , 2 i 
fariut witneffeth. % The time. 
: TL ke? Qo Hee | 1 Pony 1. een, | Pee 
es f: ae e 
isripe in September %& Then nee 
i i fi ke aer’s: in Latine by P. is: in Italian Per/aro: by thofe of Tient 

aes andin sie treejand Nettle 
% Thee semperatire an vertues. 
a drying nature. A 

the i oétion-of the wood beaten imall, sete either drunks or vied sila is aremedie B 

for: the blondie fixe sand for the whites and 
nm he 43 be LL os: 55 f ghS | cC 
= ppetly W ¢, reyes fi W eae ens ve : i Ty 
3 ; ter, 

bassinets in wine,as sr recuire, | 

Of Italian wood of Life, or Pocke swaode, onger sa’ 

ignum vite. Chap. us ed 

eS or woode of Life, cates t auttifull tree, having fish 
righ eee uered over witha “{moo ses 

Deve Miu, hls ico The pl. 

uaiacur Patapinum,ge owe! hplentifily titi 
= tedin 


cab inmy te ike 

Tt flowreth in Maie, Sad ‘the fruite is ripe in 


The names. 

ve Patauinum ee been reputed for the 
Lotus of 7 tepies inEnglifhit is called ” 
baftard Meuynw 

The temperature and vertue 

To fer fo sae vertues of Gasiesi itwere 
to fimall bimpole cee dering that every vagarant 
phifition & Quackfaluing Surgion, will boatt and 

es fimple cenfre thereof’, being ouerweake to 
ach and inftruct the le sted > amnot willing 

an fet thofe 
* learned of the right Guaiccum, and do refer the 
Spores therof vnto thofe towhom itdoth 
: pecially appertaine.. 
OF the § trawbervie veer (hap. 
Shirts The Strawberie tree, fe 

He Strawberrie tree groweth fo for the moft 
part lowe, very like in bignes to the Quince 
e(whereunto Diefeorides ee 

ae ree(w 

<@,) _- body is couered with a reddifh barke , both ro 

_& fealy: theboughes fae oie ke on the top,fom- 
what reddifh: the leaues be broad, long, fmooth, 
like thofe of Baies, Groutas nickediagee edges, 

_ little fedess ar he rh greene 
y ripe a ve a gallant red colour sin e pales 
what jin amannergvithout any relithsof , 

hich Tes and Black birds dofee spiviee 

phe. 3 = ne 

iii Seaeubesels Fe ‘owerth in net ca 
‘of Gr ——— Waly pied Spaine:allour ; 
valleies of the: ster deceeas ere being in 
= other p placesbut i ittle, ch become-greats huge 

3 “eth athatin Arbiatherebeat thé 50, cabal 

3 eg?’ / 

+ The time. : 

ort. [ ral L 7 1 . . . . - 
The Strawberry yand Auguft ; and the fruite is ripe in September , after it 
1 L > } L L L. iw L 1 

bie! a 

F é 
% The names. 
This tree is called in Greekexéueess:in Latine Carb 

1:7. ¢. 1 » Pad 
Arbute tree. 
The fruite is named in Greeke yeuai h de it ueud' Mematylum, 
See Pld A plied 1 Pee eS ag 3¢ L 4 La he Ine & 1 } jr. ‘J 
aD M4 ai 


1 L 4 L: 1 Tete Tt a tes Pe 1 ee eign 

much | y, whi y apf : the Iralians 
call this Strawberrie 4/batro: the Spaniards atadrono, ALedrenbeyro,and Medronho: in French Ap 
boutes, —4r bos: it may be named in Englith tree Strawberry. 

% The temperature and vertues. 

= i eo L 

ae ES 
> & J 
headack. > 

£}- CC 1 

and canfine 
4 o 

Of the Plum tree. Chap.i20. 

%& The kixdes. 


+170 write of Plums particularly would 1 yet the end b 
¥ ‘ | Be yo he, - ae 3 Co Ales}, 4 ee} rts tn: 7 get f = 
2 £ 7 > f~) t . 

ber ofthe {c kind : y untrey: euery clymate hath his owne fruite , 
yO Ta idl yn }- €><). > Y ple Tinks | 1 Pps {. 3 4 Rr all Rerance 

: toe L 1 A - 735 2 oO 
and rare: there I y , and yer yeerely commeth to our handes 

z | are ] i: c i eS fhall Ci. 28 rel 
I Pranus Domeffica. 2 Prunus Mirobalanus. ~~ 
The Dam{on tree The Myrabolane Plum tree. 

; %& The defeription, 

Tw. pP! TY rp 

as Ll 
- o ? fe ofan. 
‘ee pba! wher d g } Vy l } a RE ey : 
: : 3 cages 
Wwers ane white: the P} faa BF a 7 me, Gite, : 

pulpe, 2 ss .. sand alfo cfkernell , which is fhut vp ina tll ne toner Some Plu ms tea 2 

vers of a crimfon ted, greater for the moft part then the ref. Thereb 

73 gr cene Plus ums, roa 
w itha Il v very long; of a fweete and Bets tafte: moreouer the pal 

cormeate offomeis ‘dah rier 
Tr 2 

TY y Pe | Vi oe I eae. 3 

Lal Di 1 ey aS | fag 

feluesi finite f wiggi ie branches -~ meanes “whereof it 
yesleeh a eat and jpletan fhadowe: ‘the trunke or bodied is coucred with afi rir is thiriner 

the are ver J ind A | Ls! } } ee | } Ls t GY RL anein 
y nyt all Eat el aad ey ee | wins ae Sai eee | ee g 
3 gree 2 nc sand 
being fal" ripeit eliereh like f pl | i blac} i neate is full lof iu 
f: big the tree aoa foorth plentie of es a 
other yeere. 
3 Prunus Amygda’, 4 Prunus Damafcena 

The Almond Plum: tree. ad he Damfon Plum tree, 

‘ethane’ Fea, e 

See are broad, Jongg antes diuer: rs places, with 
sing through the fame: the flowers oleic nite borne 
erceiued: — sie or flit downe the middle, : a brownered 
pleafantiatte, ae 

4 The 

TL.T® i bD!) kf Lay A <a 1. L L Pe Be 1; Ee 
4 Cud eer: OS a ee Sea LIE eS 
that of the Ct = ie, s Satya Baa fx W 1 TD! mer torte 
5. Prunus filecftrity 5 g79 Prumds i plufirit for rens. Bt fit 

The Sloetr reQssan Dus 52 The'Sloe tree in flower. 

e aS 
a : a 

oy Oe 

Q ve 
ZE : 
ORS ee 


me e 



NS) Ws 

i, SS 


ys yay 
Vhoswi ‘wares dies iption. 

The Bullefle and the Sloe riot debit b Linde of Plums; which do varie in their inde as 3 
thogre eater and manured Plums do, _ vate a fome are greater ati ndof) better tatt ethan 
‘others, Sloes arefome of one airs a dfome 

w 5 g 3 
fer; thewhich to Peers Ong-defcriptions v finall fe, confid 
all and euery of t] e } fess 1. a c be Ab eit £ oe Pee LP 
i > r z ¢ 
deferi sis 4 aes slisd ooh uch al Lo SSE sy 
SE Se CIO oF sd ir ety ‘ rhe place Sit Laolines aes sete ore ss ri153 > 
= The Die. WH % TH 3 oionen il ia eee Peo a oe oe Ce % 
world? ee Ae > aa E 
Git verdes dikesracehaned the regio onely of the f fafhion, but 

meee ecia with oa = sear as we will ediniiee 
realfor wey. times graffed into =. sof other. Kinds se affed they, 
Stas pee fifa cutn adoption ad Phim ius dicit »exhibent. ; sed Se 

The € greareft vatietie of th is of Maft 
s ter Twicl SOL p Sng re ' 
3 mics lone andtholeaeand delete ilde Pl 
:  & Thetime. 
po 45 LI) fz 
oo PAG AS =: Lars Cc r. Pore sae a 
id ie % The names. 
es syle Wei) nr 1 oon Bey 
tnlow TY Lin ee ty 4 va yee & 

2 ba 

1314 THE ‘THIRD are OF THE 
The fruit is called inG Prunum : inhigh Dutch j3faym 
Dutch jg Paupmen: i in Tealian ne French Prune: in n Span Prunas : in vbogith Pan on ra 

wh TI YW 3 =. bas 

re Cc. 
oe Ponies 
ee or Damas Prunes and thofe that growe i In pea peo, § pa anith 
runes or Fiums e€ in Hun 
/ Pra I], LC. a jot 0 _ eof Hm rita 4 OF Panny. 
- D 9 a (might: what elk £P}. j . heats. 8 Wel TN 1 o> Sn 

% The 2 teyhpias and ‘vertues, 

DI L 1 
. ft Y 2 : 7 
coole yeeld It | Z y very | ! rif ,andtl f I ing goo odatal he 
a F . gt are 2 
: bod 
> Pere £0510 1S ea SiR aptcd PURER y58¢ ewe cau 
Pe eee ee ] 1 as ae Pes 1A et ole 1 Fe See ie ‘cepe the 
é } A. 4 7 pl * lly. 
B Dried Plums sane Bw We , are holf{e e ftomacke ¢, they 
df >. Itis sported, faich Galen i in 
his bookes of the aes of peihnen, that the beft do or gro arent citie of § Syria 
mo fe, they that gro n Spaine ; 3but thefe do nothing at all binde, yetditers of the 
Damas Boss very uch: gent,burt they 
of dion’ be dee ke Plums dried do ftay the belly ; but Galen affit- 
me Tn bis books wi acusly of th ae licines, thatthey d ifeftly loofe the belly, yer 
* em 5 lel ca ae i J 1 > Fe Lot A 

ened: quand eofhoniein it they loo altho ougha a 
ke them ae ‘by themfélues, a a oe more ifthe Meade be be fy ae sie them, We moft 


commend tho 

cig. citie in tinal 0 of the prouince of the Marcomans : for thefe after they be dried, “that 

the wat erie humour may be confimed away, be moft pleafance to the tafte, and do eafily without 
Y> go beyond Caffia and Manna, as Tho- 

mas cea afte : 
c le good againft the fwelling of the Vuula, the throte, gums, and 
4 1. fi L L ACM: j ft iT ¢ 
Me = r oO lt tue ae. 
Ch. J A Rees } 

D_ ~The gumme which commeth outof the Plum tree, doth glew and faften togither, ‘as Déo(eo- 
sii — 

fteth he f and healeth Lichens i in ints foe 
{, £1. D, ty 1 Cher 

ee LS ESS ry 1, eet 

oe eb | ger, 
ec doth. : 
= “The wilde Plums do ftay and binde the mae and fo do the — Plums of what fort foeuer, 


= ‘The iuice of Sloes do ftop the belly,th 
ermes,and all other iffies = blood in man or woman pe may very’ eat be vfedi in Read of f Acatia, 

hich isathornic tree growing in Egypt,y 
i: better for wantons; tics our Plums a this countrie are equally vnto itin vertues. 

Of Sebeften,or the A fyrian Phun. 3 Chap 121. 


® % The defer ion. 
TL oe 1 Cpl [oripti f is not : Wt L. pr os Me it 
Inder 5 

gronethloer han the moft of the manured Plum trees ; the leaues be harder an 

he flowers growe at the ropes at ste pee confi ifting of fiue frnall white leaues, -withpale 
llomith threds in thet middle, 

ee ften es te like vnto co, which when tee ripe are of a greenifh Ee 

The fruiti s fweetein alte, 3 

ag} =e £ Pee iy. 
as * euro? -* - ‘ z . * * sehen 


prea i cg Myxaria. 

% The place 
The Sebeften trees growe p lentifully in Sytia 
i t; they were in tim Modif Traine and 
ein Iealiegn now they growe almoft in every 

garden being firft broughe thither in P/nie his 
e. Now wigs 

2 book 18, me Dei ies rowe in Rome 
among oe Seruic 

Phat e 
The time antares sheconmon Plums, 
Plinie calleth the Bee ai pay b be fufpected 
ch AZ, 

that this is the tree whi in his 
Attick banket in Athen asus dike: call Ayaprtis,but 


is alfomade an nglith name: :we may ¢ callit 

% The temperature and vertue 
Sebeftens be very temperatly colda Lach A 
and havea athicke pas ooo mmie ae adeed there- 

fore they nouri oft fruits Bo 3 but 
wichall iy caf ftopthe i nals ad ftuffe vp 
hen aflages, and bree mations, 
They ‘ake away t ca tuggednes vofd the proce B 
: and lungs,and alfo oquench site ae taken 
nl os os Ses drams, or of afiou 1a halfeof thes pap or pulpe hereof bei 

‘taken, doth loofe the belly. “ hy 
Thereisalfo made of this ‘hai, a purging Beit but fach an one a& aly mouldeth i 
Peeiees itisnot tobevied,but when i it shew made, © : 

(of the a Plln,or M ira tree. Chaps 122 =: 

The k ie. ee ‘ : rFy ; 
a see diversi kines of Minptahioc and jeer ore not ae compen vnder one 3 

ytion:t blacke, 
Miya Cdibalev nebilleloe epic, they like wifegiowe pon dives tee sin dix 
uers and fundrie countries far diftant one from anothcripeie cAfeue faith,that the pee: 
aind the chebule atethought to row’ vpon one tree; or.before they be ripe theybe yellow Ee 
minis ae ripe they bel blac ies -hotwithftanding m malate pion, mien 
colour: diuers trees, a rd thar tly ite 
; nion is ian 

i fine kindes growe vpon ftie diuers ves 
 ¥ yy ecsad Ze ; A: 
32 4 Ge : atten ees At BS Pies 
& ~VAntans mre ni siete aeray aod 
=> growe thi | rete ar ae ies mide.. ai 
tof than any ote fome i vy ee 
is feconc Airo 

le of India Arare at atin ak ture, 
Sl mee to the Seruice tree, 

ae ao 
& Mircbalani Chebnle. 2 Mirobalani Citrine, 
Mirobalans with Peach leaues, Mirobalans with Seruiceleaues, 



Saath I} WIA 

4 Mirobalani In. SS 
AndianMirobalane tree, 






ere : Pedi he deferivtion. 
3 The t kin CAA firobalay bls ee eS } iW Amiale Rade esc 


‘ ofFerne, but that they apace thicker, Thel d all 
es butoccupie it for the thickning and tanning of th heir leather in {teede ef aa Cone tis 

aa robalani Bellzrtce called of the Sauages Gotni and Guti, groweth vp toa meane f{tature, gar- 
nifhed ae leaues like vnto Laurell or the Bay tee , but fomewhatlefler, thinner, andof a pale 
greene colour. By 

T aera hy § * | RP | ne Lg EN Se eae * Lip 7 

= Fe : ID r 
¢ of meane ftature, orrather vpon afl hedge plant, b l like the Will { 
c oOvt > 5 V¥IMOW ANG 
a a eight{quare. T | | 

j 1 } ed - 4% 

The plac 
© The firft fc pciap des of Mirobalane # grove e in the ieee D of Cambaia ; = Mes like- 
wife in Goa,Batecala,Malanor,and Dabul; 
a many pa cee of the Eat indice, 

% The time, 
TL . a. pe L t. ° * 

; % The Bames, 

5 TL y pl L L pt} yee + 
call them W4rare 3 ae ae be blacke, they. call Rezezaales the cadre 6 Getim; the; ee 

Aretca 3 the Emblice are called zpeti qui. 

ies =: The aati 8 

| gt PSE 

All. thekindes of Mi I al 

Seruice berri ries 

1 id fharpe like ynto the vnripe Sorbus, or 

1. “ ] 

© Thelodians vfe them rather to binde ce ~ sea! ciftheydo v fe them for a purge, they vfe 
thedécodion ofthem, and vfechem much. cone teat seateit: cohen efel. 1. a 
e a Dlacke sp sas thatway likewife, 
J £ fl 1 7 1 fL. 2 7 if Ga) B. 
ettes, sa edn blacke,or Indcgand the Che pg lightly, if twororthree ae be taken, C 
ua drawe {uperfluous aoe ang 
peice ellow,as fo ome write, Chebul. 
inna Ipaessburo ofted Pie at tei ya eA, iad cca ‘haa ey; 
. rabies teen ally brought into thefe partes of the world esp ce E 
& aol ibs Heats oe g like.a {mall Limon, with a harde rind in ke pith, of 
of a con Wall n us and. the r Sales bichareroupdaadigr an and tenderer in 

Pen eT EEA CR TP Oa ee me ae Se ae ee 

re ey 


| = i 
2 ally they ellow. ; 3 me aera ; 
: a the amack of rotten sg or comfort the. (etep ein nj een Pa G 
os Deh : ne See : thef Pecaitine, | 
Saher yh hauefod lod andbe cold, preferued i in Pera) =e ee a 

ey bem min nal with tons malekin 

: paoti ipa to 
uch fimhes mar is Sea sof our Phifitions, ifr 
ec to haue the odd oe emeeety my andelere the water a ; 

: ead 
- 7 eer ig 
eget 2 fs 5 “Png foes att 

RE PAS ep esi cea € 


Of the Fuiubetree. Chap.123. 

iube Ar abum fine Ziziphus Dodonai. 
The Tuiube tree. e defeription, 

He Iuinbew tree isnot much leffer than z;- 

nd are ick FOU W ence gro out many 
g twigs,or little ftalks, halfea footeor more 
em in length, i v | ¢Ruthes,limmer,and eafily 

AN a IP. ? owing themfelues , and very flender like the® 
on (ON Ya . E =, twigs of Spattum ;: about which come foorth 
YZZax Vek j leaues one agai other, which ate fomwha 

al Plums, wheron there is an hatd or woo. : 
dy rh in which the kernel or‘nut is contained, 
e place. 

The plac 
T ne Sete this day Iuiube trees s gr ows 
ing in very many places of lai in times 
paft were nly brought thither out of Syri 
‘andthatabout Péwie his ae as ‘he himfe 
hath write in his 17. book 1o.chapter, 

eo Tt Bowinethi in Apriliac swbich pe ne eae 
“or ftones ateto be Bak Pm etehck for 

“This treeis calledin in Grecke Z Steet — dr 

° Eaglth Tuiube tree.” é A % 
he frnit or Plums sje tied in 5 Grecke Cupe,Zi ren Galen calleth them oneness as CAuicen saitaiy 
fheweth in his 369. tet initreating of ‘Tuiube, in w let downe thofe things, that are 
mentioned concerning in oot ans sh the faculties poe nouridhments : in Latine hkew. ife 
“egphead Serzea in hops Tuiube : Iuiubes:' = BEG = GX 
rene Peas = aces 
~ Tuitbes are tempétate in heate and inoyfttite. ee ee 
"e? we rhe ole es 
“The fruitof the snub teeecaren ot hard ourifheth Wee: bat bs ated 
vice and fuch lik eer the rough: si 
- throte,the bre anaes asd iidis bie again nft che Seen rthereings "5 
SSL e adie a ee ee ep 
ae ate HO to Pape 

Gh. | ing 

sonia : wotte fie beret. 

% The bindes, oe 

JinL ffe Cherrie tr tree Thelacer writers have ak diners forts 
hore, fome bringing foot greater frui IE, with b! ackes 
others ofshe colour of blac yingi fini aie ling totk 
they grow 
I ee lear 2 Cera fis precox,fine Belgica, 
The common Engl Cherie tree, \ Phe Blanders Chetrie tree, 
A Z . eS 

Aes Se 
1 HeEnglth Choice c gt 

ofa browne ctimfon colour, enh andy lial ‘re in 
the outward part is with 
veinies or nemues, & flighrly drctetobiant the edges, Shick Wee ;ston- 

ing 6: of fue leaues, and hauing cettaine thredsin the c of thé like paler itl tries be 
round Ljapging pon hele ftems ‘or orfooteftalks, witha flone’ ingh cme eel jtetoesd iwith a 
oan ell tb cofi thet hatbitter. 

fr meare ; the kernell thereof is not ceca Ee 

ree bring sb oti | 
Cherrie treegro ypto enki od 
vhs loofe couered wit ot itith fealic barkesthe 

»ftance than any other Chettie trees theleauesate liken 
in fhapelike thofe of th Wers 3 

age stho 1¢ Cheftnit tree: the flower i fet 

colour: the fruit is greater and lagen: any, white for themoft part ee Pane chile Wee 
ftand inehe hotteft place where the funne hath fome reflexion againtt a awall ; theyate alfo white - 
within, fant 

4 TheGafcoine  Ghtr re omeh yes like vnto othe SpanitlChere treein Naiure Melee 

ph, ues tit differeth in th foorth very gr Jason long, ae ointed, with a 

n y zi none fide, and fpotted here and thete wieh certaine pric Lesof ppc 
tafteis moft pleafan:,and excel tinbeautie. 

ad Qqqqe 3 aes 


3 Cerafia Hifpanice. 4 Cera/ia Gafconica, 

The Spanith Cherrie tree, The Gafcoiiie Cherrietree; 


Bay i : i em IN NR <i) 
= | {| y VEN IR Aid f 

6 Cerajus vito pediéulo lara. 4 4 
». The Clufter Cherrie tee. bea 

#3 f 
: i The defeription. : 

5 The late ripe Chertie gto E wilde Engl lith Cher trie whasgh? with the like 
? i pos | 1 c . 4 re 4) 
= a e: ] 1 cs 43: 1 zs (3 = 1 < “4 | De l b ry co 4k Vn i 
=" 1 | , RF fp —e ee + 4 AC ~ : 
hang f gainft 2 W which A Suncons do giue 
ee ¢ oon aie | * . RE fhe it = Nid 
v I g a g war! me water, that 
£. We } ! a fi 1p ole py 1 1 Beh 
gh tite ha i t f 2 ¢ o a ty 
6 The Clufter Cherrier differeth f helaft defcribed eith ] branches.or fta- 
ry a Ww, hit hk } i C-1 } J hI} a = 4 

Le REN 1 4. Ca nettall 1 eaee Vik le 
4 Tf nt se ¢ 9 He Reid ee 4 
do. t F : 

7 Cera(is multiflora fiuét ws edens Cerafus multiffora panciores fruchuseden 

Thedouble flowerd Cherie tree Smid ae The double flowerd barren Cherrie oan 

= Sune 
oo “ea 

Se RS 

- gesgse ane weTbe dafripton.. 

Chertie tree in ca aospeel faving’ thar the flowers are fomewhat aaubleds oe isto olay, 
ee or fiend times double: attet — as 2 roge Soe Sl other 
mon Cherr ie. we te “5 are 
 § Thedouble dowred Chetsie tree grow wech vp anhedgeb uth butnotfogrea not Sos 
d branche: led noe fons che rll the Cheri rreea J oe 
asany of the others 5 the leaues anc anos of Marigokdes burofawhitecolour, and 
= ike the Hawthorne flowers s ‘fterswhich comeleldome ornener any fraity ale 
+ i Po et hawt id thavit beateth fomeries fruit, which my Sees ! 
~ feene; norwi hie mi t tree hath growen in my garden reanyryeres, and exc 
‘ ee yates eel where ithath the reflection of thoi fora ued 
Milisgrobearcfritinonte colde climate. tae 

he Laas aw 



me Ree 

132 0. 
9 Cerafus aninm nigra & racemofa: to beets: Cpe rubra. 
Birds ates we blacke recat Chertie tree, Red G ee Chertie trees 
Ty ae 

ngeth forth ve very: much Bic vpon: one 


_ Thec common uae Cherrie tree Sse ste nfome p' 

t eee 

<i faling tia 

yby- words) fpringeth vp like an 
ent, ai rare there vied for ftocks 

; Sele. te, ase ec | 
A ilde tree ese weth very ple ntifullyin th¢ north of England , efpecially ata 
s8 oes ae Weftmerland eS ye tonsa tCrof- 
bi eRauenfwaith nat ba ea se va cl sate it fori tancs 

me gree 
thefidipacke whe th a ripe sand of the big: 

: = : . es - : e nae hs : Rs 
: sea Ss doen tree Tieeien nach ae other in “na relpee butin heel of 
Pg eae asthey are blackescontra ry,thefe are redwhen the 

be. enero 
nea pes ee 
thatthe fa heereotisver is 

ght of ees bares or 

seipeccofoe ; 
#3 oda Care cere —— 

Fan 1 41 

gie branc’ br 

ranches: the 
eal dar meaner fadeepe-réd 

Sh ee 

j % The defcription. : 

na. Gillen 7 1 

y y : gardens, one called the Hart Cherrie, 
the greater and the leffer; one of a great bignefle , and moitpleafant in ratte > Which we call Zeke 
asia hi fe Cg git ae a L } ere i. Pa | }. } bP 


Wardes Cherric, 
the Naples Cherrie , bicauf firft broug! hefe parts from Naples; the ftuiteis verie . 
Oo. : ep l Vt l Pp] i key PR, alien ey oy ty L¥..-1.2 71. ; 
= 9 “4 4 aE ‘ Ms Cel ] f 3 1 } of } > gf . 
4 VA/alk Pee hows h & ve and Py Te 12 } TI } Cher. 
Crh ] Fah kK naey, it Ant. Doe “yr ° rs pie BF Re, yy 
) za 2 z re Sa ! ¢ 2 
he Que Maicfties Clockmaker, who did tafte of the iruite (the tree bearing onely one Cher- 
: 5 : 1G ‘: . ? 
rie, which he did (but my ne raft d¢ dai hi preffton | f, We haue alfo 
another, calledthe Agriot Cherri, g » Another we haue with finite of 2 
dun colour,tending to awatchet. We haue one of the dwarffe Cherrie trees that bringeth foorth 
Pe fl Cc TI } te My 1 1 lL. ?. L L Oars: 
Sm & 74 c. l {1 ra) ie ee } i Pi L a T By o hy, & 
é <4 bg 
“ be li , a Ey | 1 J YT ry 
write particularly, greatly inlarg 5 purpote: therefore what hath 

been faid shall fuffice.. 

12 Chamecerafy. 
The dwartte Cherrie tree. 

RA Pe» Boer ¢ 
Ce NARS * 
ie ORAZ 





6 EX 
\) pm = 

Se WW 

Sih Sch. SE i Pod eee fe 
The Cherrie trees blogme in Arill; fome bring foorth their frnite {ooners fome later: the 
Chewties bealwaiesbetrerthen theblackeoftheirownekinde, ae 
Pat ee vaca oa taaihe RIM wlinincs os. 
The Chertie tree is called in Greeke xf-2m: and allo in Latine Cera/w :in high Dutch Stir 
bau : in low Dutch Rerinbgeme,and Crieckenbeom:in French Cersfer in Englith 
S R919 Agee 


7 3 22 ' 
The fruite or called in Greeke xepdae, and xedou: and in Latine likewife Cerafa: in 
Englith Cherie es :. the Latine and Englifh names in fatter Ceocral titles fhall fuflice for the reft 
tharmight be faid. 
% The temperature and vertues. 
A "TL L.~ft ‘ WoL rd "4 
which be wilde ea foo ft , they 
and do ingender ill bloud = ae mbes iy ao not omel breede woorme 

Ll 1 f, 1 yes 4. 

erefore in well gouerned cosnon wea 

it 2 eve’ prouided, that they fhould not be fala in the markets i inthe ee 

y y ewile 
cole ne whee they make i isnot good. ; 
I if i h t iut bu waterie colde 
boc) faethe cd Lishéidt shes We a Phe j Ceah la € ae sts 
EC Be eee pee ee i are ; i i} rt 
the agew? they eafily y g 
D Se ibes ies which the Frenct | Iried againtt PE RE iS 
3 y them cal 
le da fter the {2 ll them Morell Cherries | ddo ft hat t 1: 
i 1 fe h a | {c slik P. b ? and do 
ftop o i 
= C Fees COL a BE j Af 4 & Li 
} Pye 4 1s 1 yess oS _ OFS x fF pas 
“very gently. > they 
are mahalo cither vnto moifte and rheumatike bodies, “or for ei and colde fto- _ 
Ti LI eet se i SRS }. if 4 i Zhe: 1 1 ACH 
ties the which being died do ftop the lake, 
Gz The diftilled water of Cherrie say for thofe th bled with t d inf 
lous Calle font, ‘ f, i Pe i od 
oO c=) x 
* Many excellen 2| itt Cherries, Sugar,and other de 

licarefpres sre to write were to inal pu tpofe, 
he gumo 

4 1 BPR | 1. na 

* j 
; > | ete Tes 2 » 
sia bya dt ; 14] he {t ofthe humors 
‘ to) ft te) 3 pga 2d Ps r o P hem =? ; ) ha Me ee eee 
Peete, SS pas Se ves rhe Liaw ec Be ens ges Ree Lerch one well 
1 7°27 Eee rey a . 5 lee = 
oT? 2 TE 

XN » ; ua 

Of the Mulberie Tree. ; on 

— = : sere defeipin 

c common Mulberie tree is ishigh and fullof boughes : thebodie thereof is many times 
gre sand that oft the roote = the leaties are broade wes eed 

~ ~poin owing OF 

ins, whicha are former =e longs made vp of graines es , like vnto 
Berrie, but thicker, longer, and m “greater , a atthe sae! ec, and when i it isripe 

df oo. 

= = ke yeti iniee whereof itis full, red? he roote is spared many 



s the former:the leaue React sae roursdes por Ha fharp poinredor( fo ane ia chee 
é dheffuteis is like the former,but' ‘that it iswhite and fomewhat mo 

1 serie 

a The Malberie tree, 

= ec) 

4 = 
« Ze 
ES f \\ 
4 yy os (he 
Age Aietens am . OI a * . \ » \Y . 
ws Chui, at her >a . ( 
oe as 5 Ake SEY ye NA : 
~ - iva be X E Ln 4 
VQ, : 

ae ee ee 

(nae alba, be 

* ie ka " ; Pi plas plac 7 
__ The. Mulberie trees grove lea in Italie ie ‘other hot tregions, where eke i maintaine 
The Mulberietreeis 

; Fini fet by the flip 5 3 itmayalfo be grafted of inoculated into many trees, being graftedinawhite — 
Poplat,it bringeth forth white Mulber: ties,as Beritius inhis Geopo onikes ro teth, i ecia c 
~ in gos En ee and.’ ‘ 


vpon a hewn ti or ie roche ing theif ee pion Fe tae ea 
forwhich they were created, an owen they may have whee to: maintaine wey 
ne bello tileo dieit iis fp ade 

__ Thelberries are ripein Auguft. ze Ezifonier CArhenainal 
\ time didnot bring forth fruit intwen wee mie ich rs eat a plague of th 
raigned and taged ite hor onely m meh but boy poe vomenwed 
troubled wi th thar difeafe. ii y & oti 

aS Petes nail Th Cincher anda in fhops az cain inhigh a 
= Duct eat ata oe ee ae in Englifh 

aoe ae TEP 2 

ove tisin 

sous fai’ is called 
Boa: in Fela eee ure: sense Mores: io ig 
a ste he i 

se soe) meet being. skied they are good for the laske and bloodie fixe; the powder is yfed 
ate ands unke with wine and water 
_ “Th ey ft ay bleedings sand ai the redss they are good: againft inflammations or hot {wellings of 
ie a! 4 a ¥ JAA, IL 4 " hil Sf: ld. =e cH i Soe . 
< aE eh Sar ce 3 : 5 mee th ad 

of j 

with medicines for the mouth, and fuch as he the ais “Gallings of the month, and almonds of 
1B Ofthei iuice of t vith fugar, called Diameorum, that is “ie 
the manner of a ers which i is bron sods for the vicers and nor Hire of the t 

E Th 0. Nenlher:, 1 - 1", Td 
ae t 

n thofe 
uisato Detore mea , do se fehl pall too eel 

{. rea 111; 

as Galen {ai ih 
F  Theyarego ot to quench thirft, they ftit vp an tha tomeate, are not t hurtful! eo to con 
ftomacke sbut they nourifh the body very lite le, 

34 @ s £ 2 
{pecdily defcend. ' : 
G_ Thebarke of tt is bitter, hot and drie, and hath a fcowring faculties the decoGtion hereof 
q ie 1 {i + ie iM z if] = LA t.. Lr ad % 7 tyr 
H The L ei ise fn 1: * 3 SE) . = —< } } oth {2 effeci If sd 
g fteer g I 5 e fame effec is alfo the de. 
= *, | Be jt}. } Petes} pe oe | A ees a! be 1. L Net 1 Ly, see 
Cite ES: + Sa 3 See Ss Ree oh eae an 
ibe « toa, Be : PE } 1 =~ n L = L } ts (ay med 
a > : 5 }. cence 1 1 s. tout - L 
Galen faith, that f this eos eraliemidale fecal, pon 
tobinde and fhovre. 

Of the Sycomore tree. Chap.12. az 

Syeomor The Sycomore tree, % The defcription, 
He Sycomore ce is ae no fall height, be. 
“ig fide like to the Mulberie tree in bignes 

itis ie tees vnto itin paue: oe 
fruit naar is: as great asa Fig, an 
fathion, very like in iuice e & tafte to the wid 
se tlweeter, and without any graines 
which growethnot foorth of he tender 
A but out of the body and’pre atoldarms 
oe uitfully : oe 
e,which fo fooneas a ay past is broken Oy 
pi ‘fue foorth, 

_andcorne when enth rercis s {earh fitie of vidtuals. Gas 
den writeth, that he faw a plantof the Syco 
rec like to ac = Big es andall. 

a frui deceit or fower timesin 

At bringer eth foo 
“one yecre,and fener ih itbe pclae iron 
dmifgpre the er like i ie AT 


_, This 
Figstes, oe Mulberie.« tree ¢ in Latine ag 

abd pasnih Ste “ofthe 


mn0T 8: Cornelius Celli nameth i it backward Morofycow': sa sh of ourtime do callie Ficus 
g slikewife bp Ficus Aegyptia 
Att as 4. : A 
ACE hegey angi weet, ea {ee dehy eyed —. bakh i Englith Sy- 
5 ery: ‘she right Sycomor 
J < w A } h Salary a }- hh Fd Bak A 
on pte Y eee | ire Ars nr “s i bi le Sy bs nee f ate es 
o BES Sy ap 
% pial ratave wndve ries. Ga 
The fruit of the S as Galen faith. It is { hat fweet A 
a Nee ates & bas a tf ls Mulbeties. ryan 
in eye 1S-Of Sipe i$ Vile F - 
pir cer aeeeey, mal 5 tc] yer 49 L wa tek a + Speirs pp ? ee R 
2] J? °° >, 3 oar 

blefome tothe ftomacke, : ; 
= 1 oo leat cick « t 7 Cihar feetia lnk: Poo fits er 

Sandenpe a liquor, which being taken vp with aber oralittle woo! il, is dried smade vp int 
ike vi in gally pots : : this mollifiech , po wourides rogither ‘thet: eidfolucth” ng 

4}. 1 L }* | wee | fi eh wit CC 
ny f Sec a Celio lt SESS ery Re 11 PhS : 
putrifie, 3 ‘ : 8 Stee - fe 
Of the Fig tree, Chap.127 
The! tig trees Staeslsig eis boy mn ONT phe deeripee 2 ame sib 

ra 1 Phe eng: 108. 
He Garden Fig tre = erica atrée eur 
HE: J 50 in sath bra’ ce Ls full 

ec jex aes 
geet fundrie tdiosor cio se fs Eee com. 
metlout of the branches ny Gowe 
alltha at euer | ape pereeiue, cyviticht Tuite ind : 
{ ike vi ithe ib, = 

eit ito Pea ares, eof elo er whitith 
. et —S oF =, aie ill of 

ona ld Hic 
ee nets shacts! ike 
hamierigee tree 
2 eats sn friiiees oon = seta +s 
heig é 

YE ee, i : - 

4 pee wildekinde, iaates 
ee “inert bet ti ee cen tiene Phy 

Rel ce Ce 


% : i Horie! OT 

Tia wine Meter damn te eile alk: 

~The bade Fg regen Fd Rt i 



13 26 

1328 tug THIR® | BO OKF GE THE 

fruit commeth foorth| before the leaues appestsr te Be J 
oe ; & The names. 

cvni fasess: in Latine Ficus, and Ficus i and Vrbana: igh tek snus in now 
Duch Giigbeboom : in French Figuéer: in Italian Fico : in Spani ifh i olbe in Englifh F 

s ST a) 7 , 4 . ”, “ ¥ 
~ which is dried is called in G hi 

Titighens in French Figwes : in ae al: in mate Higos: in n Bee Tie: eee a pic 
which are foundin them, arenamed an ale ides. 

ines sige 
“d hetempera 
TL rm T. 1 ody ont ae. m 1 . 
vO leet saa hr mgese 1 Ww. ? t 5 ak 
The! 1 a C. {1 1 Sa L f= Oe 
‘ mer r or a S 
Pm 2 ve The vertucs. 
cate i : : 
The ¢ dry Fi ry 0. " 9 c gs La ] g T- y ingendernot 
od bloo fi | lo feed het me secogs 1; 7 
we > 5 li of vermine, 
BE Figsbe: sea oo thoes and lungs. hey mi i } gh, and are good fort! “ 
{> 1 ym aT y pa oi) 7 1 ieee 
és P bane -: ms 
den with Hyffope,and the gecoBion drunk 
C__ Figs ftamped with falt, 

w, and the eis of nuts, withftand all poifon and corey ae of 
= ssi The king of ae Seillad Mithridates vied this preferuatiue ageinlk 2! all v 
poi ie se j 

me and 
qj , RS) 1. Cc ££ Lif 2 L 1 1. j cr 1 
YE Lr 4, x Bee c 1, MAall lie Soa Rt he ens oe va be e 
ie 2 fr ~ pee ¥ iL * 2 
“ phleg 2 : WL = gry h VW g ,and cumors 1 1 L 1°¢. 
rootes of Lillies,it ripeneth and breaketh Venereous imps that come ‘in ine flanke, which 
ciscalled Bato, t y teafon of his | g in plaine Englith tearmes, 
—— called | botches. : 
L dir iW. qj . Pe L Seat re 
‘i igs boule ¢? fo av ~ 
plaifter vpon' the bellies of fuch as haue the ote ; 
I > kethinne, and may be vfed both outwardly 
se gee : rp in eee FS CROCS 4 Binne 
= inwardly . : r i P 5 fo 
em. . 
a. CL rr j fn J _ > ge 2 “1 Y 1°. 1 oe jp le te 
and domollific, wafte,: 4 i St > 5 oe 4 Feit = gees jem 
EES SE GI: S C. Fi te Se auen, yt ae Be e and foincor- 
y Cy 
porate terion applied ir in fone of a plaifter, 
H inftall i f, kine 2» lepries, 
a FO i ma tad ° ° ? 
itera ft k fel th heales. freckles lentils, all {pots 
> SRA RS ee SIGS Oe eT a leant avelied ci 
ie bods » being y os doth 
ttes. and {uch ik {c if ic be mingled with f 
2 @ oO 7 
halk h.ifa little | Si foc woe ease and put i into the 
ca Sk Seek Fae 
L — 1 - bg D eo 1. 1: 

splied vito o the 
with thepowd ae and in de ten dotheal 
erable paine.of the oii the gout. ofthe feete, 
thereof put i 

the pate gee taketh awaie the paine si) * fad ae . 

, Citcltiticist® for 
<aae were apa 2 ue = 



7 fl 
Gl aera Set Cohen f, rel 5 Sorry A RE PRS vegies che 
Drico¥ barrell Heed ay, Ler Dean sate Rg t ys lly R 1 gh, At 43 (9) 
firmitics of the chett hurigs ; they { he kidneies, andclenfe foorth the fand stheymitig 
: Nast af a ° ola atta 1 }. y- doi: sit epee a 
ce = 
deliver ork ate 24 ave s 
TMi ath, hate Shtcigue of theiBy fl dlemilke P 
as the renee doth; aiid diffolueth ¢ etre vadleie peabry inthe Seiler las ven ineger, 
} 2Bey nella waxe; od QL 
j vas rouse iit aac fi ioTto SI08tT 1 ad £943 oe 3 Toke 07 
9 3 © h oasdlalg: cadeihil Jone 
siboNtot oft the il ai Figsre.: Ga. tithe showogal 
a" lage 1 Byeb igaast ete 

vi Flew Ind, 
The as ee tree, 

dai i id i 

Sinaia, feemeth tobe nother thing 
Cyrene bile ee inte 
’, and brin: nge Eve Fini 

ich tne as theyes orero to the height ofa 
By hie sect conta oth + fone 

me Saas est es fewer,as nat 
Pri ound : thefe 
Sane “ee fil ees 


onickles son sagt c 
Re: fan ate tree, Cree 
PARE vito. ent paron 


YL: t " 
£ te 
of them that touch it, as os che Malberes, with bloud ‘ ng i l I 
‘. rt. 
ao a ee ae Oe ae aly ees og Hag nd bodiedslit pads: 
scedes' htt ee Vlevel, Sie swhich beingfer ot on 8 ~ 
ay a ofleaies, as icieeed Gael: af olod-9d amb Sti 
53 The place. > ioupil otidw odd geri, cists} whe 
This plant'groweth Mt 10. .£el an wee, eee 1,14.¢ * . be 
; 3 ani ¢ countrey. Norem 
’ Cc l Pie wy Gee ae” Se aie -9 ee 
\ begaynow c clea 2,from whenc th beene broughs, into Italy , Spaine., England, and 
other coontries i alealyi s S , and neuer et in 
J fi 1 M4 a 1 a c. é 12 
<7] - .¥ i 
climate, Se Peg ReneS 
g , wm, YS Cc ’ a 4 Lr er plac CN hte Os hes ay f the Medi iterra- 
Hed Z f: ane winde yaa alle pont wo 

in ee. where my pale il Ma ah all before se el did fee not onely great ftore of 
ofe trees made of leave alfo diuers other rounde bodied ps sof a woody fabttances fom 
relience! he brought me diuers p| g g 
where hey flourifhed atthe impreffion beet 
Thefe f lants d : 1frefhb if I by the Felation 1 of my iieciile 

aS Ay; ey ¥.. 1 Cite | pene ee 5: 
5 bi remitie o} 


! weetes tisto 
de of the leaf sand thati it fhoultifo grow, Opunsis acity 
vo,and Phimie reltifie: : but itis Po Re ane : 
_ Latine Ficus ssi - the, tdi Tne ae Tunas, sal Ami » a8 seftifiech tines 
: Englifh Indian Figtree. ‘ : : 
ee ee ee ee Was ee Hh ae fa nn 

3 : Ba ants dip 1 
ned into Latine , 

n This: is ipledap bethe a called . Plinie Opuntis, of which lie hath written in his 2% 
Op m 

2 Lars 5 ei oes 

Jago al 

Ae TfPaat OT 

+. fy fe. S ee Se Hates 

Thet etemperature andvertnes.. 
We haueno certaine inftrudion for the ancients of th 

y fourownek a 

th h I it hast efri bite heer rof,th ath 
eas their vrineto + colour: of blow, who at the ih sbercok have ftoode in = doubt of 
— J rience, nothin 

S but theti at ol h eu Se ee ee eA = it, 4 ‘. ut all 
Decgtast eG GE Soe 

t. A Ree es Fa So 5 oi) J EY, | af lane conti. 

nuance. oS a 

Of the on Thdian eed tree. = = a 

‘ he dee fription. 
His r andadmitable etic is en gen ight, & couered withay Howith barke tending 
tees ; the boughes and anches’ are many, verylong, tough, and flexible , growing 

fhort ipace ds do ak ig of Ozi iars,and thofe fo long: did weake, thatt the sce 
ouch the gtotin 

os eae and thefe aE owen vpt tothe like gicattc docaft lerband 
twiggie tendrels vnto the earth,where ie bhewl take st andro SE a abelilin gee 

Repearices to pafle that of one- tree is made a grea d.or defart of deeb w 

ture againftthe extreme heate of the fare iran hihey are greeuoufly ral 

fe isi vfethem for pleafure, cutting downe bya: dire line along wale,or asit ae t 

ry &s 

Se eee ee 

S£Z2 f 


through the thickeft party from which alfo they cut certaine loope holes or window, ¢s in fome 
places, $f 1ac 
seyay fee ier cattle thacfeederh | thereby;t idany d | ook 
either b ildet ! lote walk » doth rebound fuch an admi= 

Lt as r % . ~ DG oY rt C. 1 1 
aes } wee oe ey a a eS a | “oat * ese | es 
anfivere dth his ] | thatrir } 3 | x L vf sm fail, I c fh 4 r of 
te Pee igh c we Py iets ep fth : 
diated hate men can early fathom aiieniae wpm she beans w — growe leauies, hac 
3 ando whitith horie co 
} oe a ea Bras ¢ L: ns , 7 
vo ee bi Cc . i L Sach uh _ Th L =f L hy ] l ity 
c arte { a, Ler Fo’. i Pe, ¢ 1 WE esau. « 
: x Seige 9 i me ? te) Wallis 
and withall very meas 
Arbor Goa. Youatudice, 
The arched Indiaa Bs trees, Re The pace 

This wonderouls tree ‘groweth in diuers meet 
‘of theeaft Indies,e(pecially neere vnto er and 
alfo in Malaca,irisa nang inthe moft par 
the world, 




\ ? 


% Thetime. 


brio tree ee 

peth -his léaues greene winter 
and {fom 

“te The names. 
“This tree is scalled ofthofe that hate eeahelled 

dic 4 
place where it groweth in greateft picicie: wee 
ma callic tin agit thearchedFigwee, 

& The temperatareand veins 

Weha aue wise to write Ecusgiire 
or wise hela . €, 0 a sbopides: : 
either h raed from cthers,more then 
= the: ine beater is fe eaten, andthat 
“es ure acall, Leb iesecies good ee 

= os his fy tree. Oy, 130. 


yer! pafoanbeiie pes d ) 

4 C y: 
oe table, confidering the: cil Hibheees whereofit i made , (that faic) 
<< when i it hath attained to eth of fixe or rfeauen cubits 2 sand of the edie ofa 
Mans thigh orthree cuts 
SES with 

1330 . 

with aknife, f a Radith or Carrot of thelike bignes : froma 
al. + fej vs | 1 ary Some | 4. bi - 
thicke; ‘fat, thyweadie roote, y gre , of ° re bits and: 
advan cf j Le Alara bohudatayathir A : . 
rs .  ) aa ¢ ie Oo ig to) ra 2 5 ew Or0ady, 
bignes futh pachild Ftwo yeeresold , in fhape like thofe of Mandrake, ofan 
: 1 1 * 1 ; a ine cd 1 | a | sJ}) 1 L hit 
Lo ? o o t=) ViliCid 
L > c f° alin e ry a _ fs. Calas . 
i zi h id 1.1 l l 1 oy PP aS 1 siti sa Septem- 
t fo dry g : y iddlerib, * 
From the middle efthefe leaues rifeth vp athicktrunke, wl Jog hetitel hich 
1 } } fan Ww, 1 o 1 11 {Fear | * 20, of. L hei ts ¢ 
Bees yg ws ty : eas ys 11: eer 4 pate gutota 
$ 3 Se ial fs ery L t ‘a ‘ ite. aes ; = hic Vit TLOUR ‘ 
time ro ume, ght; | ) which greedily 
Sea Sas Stet Te Oe ET eee ome ie | iP y 5. Reh ic 
: 3 | arungus 
ftumpe, whereon do grow diuers apples in: forme like-a {mall Cucumber , and of the fame bigs 
Sass es Bs pa em Be | } fai: pu, Wy 1 L 1 1 2 a3 1 
> Cel ms poe 1 Fgh ea Sir eee om Re J : Se ee 
fabtt pion, 5 {tones, or kernels, in 
an 1 4 7 1 1% tf. 1 [7 “ } TE eS ST a EL 
ee rk Paget: pee « a oh Mee PA i poe hn ieee ry eS EP | ee. ee ea 
samy ake ‘aes o d who 
the length, faith raine authorjeblique, tranfuers, or any otherway.whatfoeuer, may be feene the 
co o ain c a a4 iC: 2. ee i ae 1 Yo ey aes) nicl cuete ae 
ewe snilt t bien: 1 1 A L Aly 8 re 8) 1 z {Tet nhs BR WET SESS 
gpa Ata pa £B b Bia tel, I] 1. £ Peele ae yy 1 
Spread Egle in the roote of Ferne , but : ug y 
cies and judgement then my felfeesselety atolls ‘ 

I Mufa serapionit, ee 5  Mufe fruits. i 
sactive Fema dhanle ce Loon ad? - Adams Apple. oe 

ob jus 3dyen3 





we The place. 
egypt ,Cyprtisand Syr hicfe citie th lled 

Re cuchine we call Alepos and if oby Ti 
Decan,Guzarate,and Bengala,places of the Bat Indies 

From the roote of this tree & thooreth, forth yoong {rings or fhootes , which the ee ae 
. é é 

Bhite sfaide. 
% The times. 
is d ula ufa by y 
Grecians oe Chitians risk inhabit Spi, and the lewes alle tipple it to be that tree,of ete 

bi ufa Afaum iD, Sy 1119 Af, of: 

Dae Be Ey ee 2g erm A ( AAal it? 4) p,/, ve Malayo Picanand 
an th f Afi ick I] 3 Gevoli(h Adainc Apple tree 
a 2 , 
%T he femperature.. 
ofeorides and Serapioiudge,that i f the firft degree, and moyfteneth in the 
end dot the fame. 
*T. he vertwes, 
TL pod l AE ety sta b Daw | 26 
bladder ; H it ttoppet the liver, and hureeth the ftomacke, xif too ml off it be eaten, and ndponws 
loofene nthe bi lly : eati ng 
Becton put vnto it alia Ginger,or other {pi ice. 
ki dneies, L ‘ 4 ifs! | Ee I (2c PR 1 

thers wombe,and ftitreth to generation, 
Of theDatetree. (hap.31. 
Palmarum fruttus & flores cum Elate. 
The fuie and flowers of the Date tree, 

pee Dar tree. 



% The defiristion. 
eee | Ta MLS | 

1 }. 
I g y f fis thicke sand 
bese redwith afcalie ragged barke: he boughes g lyon the top, of le ues f 
ypon a woodie mid ey see, eee a sth : c 2 - et 
is foft, light Bonar and et hel © toortl the fi wee ete a talke 
is fo ! : owers inc 
ie 8 ne so } hice ere ie El luded in along 
? mY os ey a fe £ horbanal 

der der foots, wah are fattened with cettaine fall teaceg or ne hoe hes vata lie 
or Date 

pring s, whi ch bei 
1 j Fa rs ley fe ] 7 yp } } fa) Cxte) . 
- ee, : ) Es 1 10 . aie sits n CE aX | Ahi iC. } = 5 ee ee 2. ie He her 
1 1 re Lut t. 4 L 1. C.n a | esi. di- 
times in my garden, and haue gr 3 fthath nj 
e if) See ws th }: =k oy 1 ‘ up 
ee them in fuch fort,that prefen tly they f x g my y by couering them 
or what elfe I could do for their necoure 

The plac 
__ The Datetrees growe plentifully in Afic ke and Acie but thofe which are in Paleftina ae 
Syria be the beft: t ee) gtowe | likewi ife in moft Placeso of the Eaftand Weit Indies, where therebe 

ow The time. 

2 : Sree: 
ff Ig the fruit 1s ripe in September, 
and ae then sist they are dried i in n the funne J bort {po ted 
x f ome, 
% The names. _ 
_— . | oe eo! 1 Pecie 6 = RS Ny Duh, : ih Ty, 
ee al 1 rea ’ 2 : Sy a BS ae 

Date tree es, and by one worde e-tvaCaadves: in Latin cede: in fhops Dalila in high ste 
Dattelen: in lowe Dutch ae Dele: in Iealian Dette: in French Dattes : in Spanith Tamaras 
cand Dattifes :in Englith 


codor fheath Shc cis the flowers and Dates are wrapped, arecallediadm, and of fome 

: * The temperature s andvertues. 
A All ms < cyt }. 2. 
t bedricand binding, as Aepypt Dates; but ‘the foft, moyft, and ete ones ae 
hurl oe : 
B. d which is ingendred of D body, is alrogith fleand fomewhat clams 
= 0 ior Wes lant 4 he ape ner, SEE 
eligi is tin hehe ee. oe es 5 
The Date: ch gro rrepi f £.2 if 5 ffe, if they 
be ny ae el do alfo fill the bot full or rawe humors, ingenderwinde, and often- 
times the profie, a5 
Ty 8 es ae ge Ba he oe b SY Ree Y ps LI rT for fuch as haue 
7. | ee Pee ee Ses . ee i 2 
tia d f sean al t h the bloodie flixe. : es 
tes i i; } he rt 
E 4 Chk t 1 nae Be Se aes te 4 CY EOS OF: 

and nourifhing medi ines, dth pr 

i alfo refteth and reftore fuch vnto ftrength 
: imate the feebleneffé of the liuerand fpleeneb Beige ie into conuenient oeaae os ‘phi 
call medicines mixed therewith A lea ee 

ted phifition 
H__ DrieDates doe ftop the be nd flay the vomiting and the pomeide womens | ftomacks 
that are with childe ,if they be eith nto the 
ftomacke,as a pectoral plai 
_ The afhes of the Date ftones hauea binding qualitie, and an emplaiacke or Sting 
. ithealeth puthesin aie Stephon and falling av vay of the shaite of the cie lids cam war 
with wine tt ene oe wounds, 

~ £333 


t ly bi thatis to fav. the fheathor K 
ea oF é J tf 2 73 
Ct hea 4+} C . } Cl r 4 Ds Aare 
cafe of 3 g g 
jt. 1 Leelee TY 
The! lo heal ds and vicers, reftefh and coole L 

S . SF 
an . Fak Patou hic lt 1 c Ha ie 3 | See ee ealled Disaol. M 
. be . . 4 ‘¢ , a 
ma; ee? 1st) } ane | gt f the Date tree, eae) eee ee rer 13 g firs ith, 
c L Tee y + 2 1 L id bie Pye ee oy L }; £ 
50: ‘é 7 7 z ce] 

jodlie Sing 4 a 
Of the wildeDate trees.  Chap.132. 

1 Palmites,fue Chamarriphes. 2 Palmapinis,fme Palma conifera, 
~~ The little wilde Date'tree. The wilde Date tree bearingcones, 




St Li MII ORB of 
# Py WG 

and offinall growth, 


of thin skinnic huls 
courfe among otlier’ tli 

OT Ww 
= sa gis iy 1 Migs 3: Sof paki pan a ree 
hich rude fhapes with the flowers,” 
Tuc napEpnnhEe 
2 Thewilde Date tree that bringeth foorth cones, or key clogs, és of moft travellers in 
Indies; thought to bel f Dates, except fometimes it yeeldeth foorthfome final] berrie: 
Wess oa Poe 0 ane = Bees a 2a fs Rree oo S : 

ee - 

Lo ed ef 


_-vnto Dates, butdrieand nothing woorth. This tree growethto the height andbi 

hie the trunke or rt bod: dy ; fon gou or pit ithie lubitance; vofic forbuildng re 
f ] L £ 7 Ee pa Daly ES . L g! oy ftom the Indies drie, and voyde 
: Eee J rh qa | ee pare ie she $ (faith my 
Sk 1 hf Since! gr eg al o doy LL fa great shines like thofe of 
the Date tree : 1 barke, v ugh, one fc 
houfe ¢ groweth at the i of ofthe a 
not wale a great Pine reais cone, couered ouer with askin like the Indian Nut ; wherein is con. 
tained a fhell, within which thell lieth hid an Agee. or ald kernell, of an inch fe: anc fome. 
times longer, in tafte like th 
and a to powder tomake them ee “a 


The eplace 
The fief groweth, as T. heophr rastest eftifech, in Candie, but much more plentifully in ec 
aud as are nowe founde in certaine places of Italie by the fea fide , and alfoin diuers parte: Fe 
TL L Mey t. nT.3: ie 

the naked branches with a ab . 

L L L L 

s The time. 
TL . ff. L. 1 £1. TY 

RT be names, 
TL. 1:..1.7TY ste T). a 

pprets: in Nai les Ce hacl 
ne: in Latinecommon nly palms ich icf PSEA fe Ce ie 

} PSs a < 
viedtobe eaten in cog is ae in Greeke cae tits golvexos : in Latine Paina cova. pn 
braine of the Date tr 

% Theremperature and vertues, 
Pay Seed Lael. el 5 aap RSS 3 CIEZ Th We ay 

LS Sas - 

eed a s $ j 

es. thatictofav.ofa 
t 4 Pay ye eS 
with acertaine aftriGtion or binding qualitie, 
~ Being taken asamea I I 

Pi Re £ 

tenwith pepperandfalt, =: eG oe 

> OF the drunken Date tree. Ghap-13. 

% Thedefeription, 

is an Indian tree of a greatbig- 

Fos cal fh Tsp ta ale 
J nes nes, the Snbernberot i s very fy thao xcéeding snare and plaine vntoa great 

height, no tpo offible to be climed vp; a 

! ide: Irom, 
riage ng bnches he of Onions, couer 
hie ve lof ofa yeni colour,and li 
Sonera fruicl vato the as rata 

MALI tA Re Sar eee mrt 
wet eeehd FO HSTiILG 2 G2 IG Sens 


Areca, fue Faufel, 
The drunken ae tree, ~. The place,time and names. 
Hh, j This ee tree which the Arabi ians call Fvs- 

fet, thatis fe gh eas Anellana Indica, the 
Filberd: j 

ve 4 ; 
ge Vi Z vulgarly it is called Pac, and of the nobles and 

haue coyned from his aul, bite io fate 
doth make ce i thateate ther 

Itis cold aia ‘ine; in he econ degree, 

litof Sang? he ae ripe, istrecko- A 
ned seorah the ftupe fie or aftonifhing me- 
dicines; for whofoeuer eateth thereof waxeth 
drunke, gene it doth scedigle amaze and 
aonith the { 

hent ae at are vexed with fome in o- B 

of this fruite , whereby the rigor of that paine 
(Ww which otherwife they fhould teele)is very much 

mitigate ted. 
Co a) | eke, Pl RY ts Pak A } Ct 4. C Vn eos cae 
C C20 ieee rie a eee na | aes 
€ ae Sonia < bute =) 

blood gathered within the fame. 

‘ * q eer 

Of the Fndian Nut tree. .Chap.134. ai 

ee v he siren ; 

t= L PS os nS ee 

swhercof they vie 
faile of their thips, snd dete i ch like buf 

ets likesthofe of the Chet! 
pe atone in that en 

1338 be ek THIRD BOOKE.OF ve THE 

hav white Seacpitptone: firme and folid de, of 

1 } n Pe L : L lA > 
as OC Bo OE ES Vt “W os Cc Ip yon PR pS n hereof, is contain ed 
i 2 i 
I Nex Indica arbor. 2 Nux Indica. 
The Indian Nut tree. The Indian Nut. 

aie mi Nusuls Indica 

ae clittle sid. u Cription. 
™ _ : 3 We ne no cera ong fromthofe 
that haue trauelled into,th the tree 
which beareth this little Indian Nut ;neither ee 
nek re than 

we {ee by experience, thatthe fruit hereof is 
fey wherein confifteth the difference 

‘This fain Nut ce eth in all the Ilandes of 
the Weft odes, efpecially in Hifpaniola, Cuba, 
and S.Ioh conti 


‘the fame continent, for the moft part neere vato 
the fea fide,and in m moytt p ces: feldome foundin 
the 6 Pleat « ountries, 


ee : 
It gioweth greene titer and fommer.: 

_The fie in Laine ‘ive Ini 4: of the Haissd Cocus: of the Portingales thatdwell in 
the Eatt an een olsen are three holes, reprefenting the head of 4 mun- 
ee te laranare ie aren gern aii, eee 4 


omy Nuts: of Auicen Taucia +L. indi: of the vulgare heats aes, and the fruit 2are/; which 


tie ee < 45 pia ets) sr > Bis. " 

alled i in Ma! lauar bh sat, 3 
, and 

then Me ie 

12H ; Ned ei, 3}. 

; yl St te m y 
: 2! The temperature. 
a . 1 : % The vertues and dv/e. : 
J al . g, ~— 7 ? L A 
aie ee bottle pistes hollow dfuch lil bakth bacid 
peth trom the branches thereof, which plein ign “= aie in beens of wine 5 from th 
ey vi me of recite agit 
allmanner of ficknefles; of the branches and boughs dhe make thet toutes " —— trunke or 
body of the tree thips and hoates 3 of ti 
e Fst Peee 1 C31 i Cel Vt ry eae pid — 4,5 
garnifhed wi ‘ith: filuer for the feat pepotes, "The eel ak song forbread and : 

ting fpitirs: out of the kernell when it is ftam- 
ped ss prefleda moft pretious oyle, 1 not onely good for meate, but alfo formedicine, wherewith 
they annoint their feeble 

1 i Pade t ‘ ‘a 

Ce ee ee a 

Draconis fist 
Hors ile Degvene te 

2360 SIH TIE St eases Fol 

3 meas date 
a - elvis otteto: ssn 

eset! AVY iG 

oes : Recs g 
Fa ARES & x 
Mc - 4 ic (pak: 


% The deferistion. 

» refembling thePin tre 
OE cee ee } eat. ‘ 2 byreafon j x 

. Ce gh ey 
onefle o amans 
"ue soe Mn gue, ” = . ere Thule fa i arme: fromthe 
1. s hh je 

: : Which 
h f rhe bj = 1 

> 3 D Ma WUC 

ries, c VW ] > round, 1 gh dh 4 L 1 o~14 ror e 


is to befe: 


Patt ht 

gap ings mouth: = A or Saske armed with chaps eee pe the thee oat it he Mo'a a 
é he figure of i 


itwe haue fet foorth ynto youaccor. 
: . ip 
RE CEES ‘ é fi 

£ ider {tood, andal- 
i : OF 

le, is imp 0 beexprefied in the figure: the 

ded with any (mall tole or inftrumencs which beg fo ‘woundedin the Dogge daies , brufed o or 

f the tree are calle ed Dra- 
-gonsteares, or Sanus is Draconis, D Liaindeds 

} ‘ 

yo ss 

; vith eres (not i 8 that cial made of: quicke filuer)bue tere Te 
é The e plac 
Thi is tree groweth in an land which the Sebiccsle call Madera and in one of the Carnarie, 
Ilands, called Jfula Portus Sante: and as it feemeth it was firtt haces oe dis Boke » although 
- fome are ofa poneead ie option a 
the bifhop of the fame purine 

Nieaieche les 
x The time. 
, aR BS L oo RN 

L tick =. A. ie 3 
2! a hd ? rf rs 
geoweh greene : allthe yeere. : 

1 a Pit wh Cat 

% The names. 
es } EPs 

tee : Bie T 
re SS ¥ The temperature andvertues. 
-Ofthe : oe } ff ghe tak a 
re > 

PA é ¢ 
flirg ly of a thing fo difficile. referring the 
1. Covel C1 > SG oe 5 GE, 


* The deferitions 2) 

: sp = — 
much like vntothe Pine tee: 

is hey 
ter whe y be drie. lining to the finell of Fenell. ithe seuach fees :they ave greene 
winter an ieacace a bearing fruite ie isal ae 
; downe 

_ abroade rere pera “of the subg es means w 
meane blaftes of winde, 

Se aa 

~~ Ee “ 

The Saflafras tree. 

The ples 

Thistree ounie in the me parts of the weft 
pee gang about the cape of Floridaie Wir 
g and Virginia, otherwife named Nor 

% Thetume. 
Pa oes and keepeth greene winter and fom. 

The nam 
The pene md ee imen = named this 
tree, Saffafras dians diac oong Pauane: 
for want of an Engli a wearé pubis to 
callit the Ags tree, of his vertuein healing the 

Sper ah 

% Thet t. 
The bouctees and branches oe arehot and 

1 1 fe —<-. » 4 ‘ ; dips in asat 
; : oe i 
asis manifeftly perceiued in the decoction, 


: : vertues. 
__Thebeft of, all the tree is the roote,and thaswor- A 

uing very faft to theinner part,apd is of colour taw- 
nie,and much more ¢ fweet te of fell themal! theres 
_ and his branches 
Bs ~onem Ps rin ~ calteth ofamore re: ne lthenthe B 
Laupann Seated h ¢; and the water being fodden with the roote is 
i cb Doemen, « hoak: of iy and better effe as a many o other part of 
and there 

‘J L.c oe ae c t RAE cra 
es se a ee, = 
if heret gi gfi ll sheen Pork sag ee rely th 
ol ig: L | 1 Crt 
¢Z med 4 
} lL, J, if I. } } Cehi } } decal) ae 
Pat sa doth “ Rae 1 4} Lent, Bo ee Chit 4 
x= ae + eee ee Pe Se BaP gn 2 i bia nd 
) ke 
and effects as Cinnamon doth. ety 
" h pres Det 1. }, CC} £ = ee | 
bay | “ s L alse, ih CF a ! hy D 
: conte Kee cette I PP PE 
_ uer;c ethiquotidiana sibests roiead nee 
. = Ther and code opi Pie E 
theweakeand fe ecble ftomacke, to aufe.a good appetite, to confume wind seteieagr ws wate = 
of cruditie and lindigeftion, ftay romiigad make fweetea oer ah : 
2 3 1 

: aptto conceaue: todye,2gzts sdbns. seino ve iaelegets 

of the Sora tee. Chapag7. it 

Bey ple gh om a ~~ 
4 The defeription. : a 
* Fp Storax Ses and bignes ef the Quince tree :the trunke or bodies 
ches are-fmall and limmet 

the height 
eo pr Sp a Fah Birch tree: the branches 
ow leaucs like thofe of the Quince tee, gteenifh-aboue,and whiter ynd 


1 pa Lr. 
a Aap eve ee) L . n ie = ! iq ] a 4 Nl covbital 
r= ae o 2. Aeuuuddr witha 
little woallinesc afthéhe fehehladd ey Ey 1 }. 
3) : BS dimal 
b page | a. TEX ALIS ) . ‘ sb 4 g a Cet walacah cf rs 
> 5 5 ue 
the trunke or body when itis wounded. 

Styrax arbor, 
The Srorax tree. 


This tree Covell ian places of F raunce, 
Italy, and Spaine, where it bri Fingedhoomt little 

or no gum atall: it groweth in Iudea,P. amphylia, 
» Syria, Pifidia, Frieza an dmany o che er places of 
derrtic and Paleftina 5 as alfo in diuers Hands in 
Mediterranean fea, namely Cy Cilicia 

3 othe 

in they wran it whereof I haue two {mall trees in 

my garden, the which I haue recotered of oe 

1 ‘Thet 
yo It dowreth in Mac ad tee ftuite j istipe in 
Ig .sanpten mber. 

red b 
coled St iycke on oe igure h 
droppethostof fame, being like vnto the hol- 
brn. 333 pipes of Ife, tha athangat curt holed 
*ce7g bye “ions called Se = or of thee 

roils cwlanite.: Englihe Se ae 
ds sds Hep is Canes orthe Teaues of Hest there 

af 2 ; f liquor, ehich I naturally hard, 

= ae * S ricropoame : er 30b mot 3 = ‘ 
is { TL Ri ie gq < De e 
- “te helps dhe cough the fing downgobsbeumes. ars Sina teitheche ano sniiloadines 
= = A VOICE 5 it all iddvagaintt Seramas, othe 

Stovaalle nodes onthe n rurnsdbande insigs Reema es oe 
_againft all colde pilonsas Hemlockes and fu uchlike. 
‘Be are 

‘ourner. Clas 38. 

. he deteripton poate 
bor ty cee teen en rained Wich 
traces jefe tft chcome fearthmoft 

if ng lowers; of the stefan wich ouvir 

- . = 

1 J 
theme. A 
1 ‘ fe [Feat }. {n] 


ten, be idly ihetog lowring, and hanging downe the ited, as cough itlothed the light, 
and could not abide the heate of the funne, 
fanfie of the Poetical] tidioas: who woulde make fooles belecue , that this tree was once a faire 
dough ter ofa great Lord or King, andthat the fi 


Arbor triftis, 
The Sorrowful tree. The place,time and names, 

This tree coat in the aft + 3 efpecial- 
ly in Goa,and Mala ayos in Goa it iscalled Paré- 
xataco: in Malayo Singadi: in Dec afar :of the 
Arabians Guart : ey of the Perfians and Takes 
Gul: in Englith ad or rrowfull tree, ‘or 
the Indian Moun, Thetimeis {pecified in the 

% The temperature and vertues, 

ue no certaine knowledge ofthe tem- A 
perature ieee Spaeee wereade thatthe 

yy? Indians do colour their brothe ae meates spear 

py the flowers Keer in ftee b of any 

SS (Aq other thing whatfoeuer that Sa defin ire a (eu 

ofa yellow colour, 
Itisreported, thatifa oot 8 be fteeped B 
in the diftilled water of the flowers and the cies 
bathed an walhed checcaith shlpeth the itch- 

| here de of the’ ee of the woode C 
2 certaine cso pickes, and mil pretic toies for 
‘ pleafure. 
‘ } 
Of the Bal = Chap.139. 
26 tt ie The kindes. eee is eee 
Tis be divers s forts f trees fiom which doth aowe Balfame , , very different one from. an 
ieee sa fotsues but: alfo in fra ts ce fg oy = rete a . 
| 4 Roce erie rey incertainties, — ioe the a poe no Prot hal at eS 
thereby to the Reader : notwithftanding we will fetdowne fo much as wehaue found in theworkes — 

Batoome senses whichbeft agree the truth: of the 

+ AGF 2 
2 Xylobal 
rae ee of the Balfame tree, The woodoh ofthe Balémeviee, 

* The defer iption. 


: I Ts be diners trees growing in the Indies, whofe fruits are called by the nameof: the fruit 

Pair ee | L L e@,1 bes 7% 2 L t LI Sp 1 ee Faniee 

ery. d hollowed lik Imeof an hand ; two inches] g3 halfean inch erie co- 
der Y Tit iB ath hicke {mooth indo ofthe colour of a dry O} leafe akituel 
etithe famelength and thick fill the faid thel! the fubtt fan Almond ; 

he colour of afhes; sfatand ollie sofa a fmell,and* very Pvt! in tafte. 
pay i YW 


aye j as \ = 

ther fruits oe ht from the Indies, bal 
- guess ne tory by reafon nape are not = well khowne & detin ed; whereof one is of the 
a Walnut, fomew hat bro: ade on the vp fide with arough or rugged fhell, vneuen, 
ee ope urjan ad fa lof. apleafant tafte and fine ins 
~~ the oile of Mace: aaa yee is excceding light , itrrefpe& of se Genie orbignes, sabes 
-— itwere ssakceot Corke; which pon eee finketht to the bottome when i it fallethi irothe ; 
ee es that fre sb iGine 
oe faith Garcias Sees ruit C; sme, is alfone oft rreestit 
growethtothe ec of the Pomegran: ae garnithed with very man any branches: 
in doe grow pious: leaties <iieihaiwor Rewe , “bieoreobsur whiter, , alwaies growing greene: 
hic orth flowers, whereof Pl meth. id es 
tinetree, which in fhops is called Car pobalfarmum, of a eafant fimell 5 oe 
hie vlfoneh om evade ‘muchincae Thich igure fomeiscalled 

cee ee 3 Carpobslfimnm ge 


3 Carpobalfamum 
The fiuite fos one ofthe Balfame trees. % The defeription. 

Oft sag pallane trees thereis yet another fore: 
the fruite whereof is as it wereabeanell wi thout a 

¥ainesso a wa Pm ate cis firme and 
fotide fhe the ferns bees ndiai ofa white 
colour, and without {mell nn ees tafe; 
andis thought to be hotin th e firkt degree,or in the * 
beginning of the fecond. 

here be diuers forts more which might be omit- 
ted bicaufe of zedigolies: neuertheleffe I will trrou- 

here is {a 
monttrous hugenes, befet with leaues and boughes 
cuento the round; the trunk ke whereof i is ousted 
le bar t © 

Ss Woort und o a 
cottion : i Feeite senatey is iia e ire ipeet of 
the otherssit feldome exceedeth the bons of a Peale, ofa bitter tafte ;inclofed in.a narrow husk, 
of the lengeh of a finger,fomthing ¢ thin, and of 3 a white colour; which the Indians do vie again{t 

UIeis alfo written, hatin the Lland.called Hi/baniolas th ha fmall dh of the height of 
two men, 1 ¢ } On hee ee ake ae ge oath 
gtow greene! ‘i ‘both enid n I fide rt he! h 
ningam midd le-ti -_ 1. [ Oe In oh g stl “f, Nall Fp . 
what reddith: among which | ymmeth truite growi ae luft vaslongats met hande 
rs andall; the {ton graines in the fruite be f and greene: 3 ing toredneffe 
re and more,asthe fruite t u i his maner :they 

take the yoong fhootes and bso et and HMothecehen of our nile, 
atid-boile in. water to, ce thickneffe of honie which being ftrained , they keepe it for their 
vies. : 

| Beftancheth the blood; maketh them cleane 
a briogeth th vp —— and sacle them ae ie wi ie fuseclle chadteeeBallame,- The 
= branalies ips ichearee beingcut, doth caft foorth y drops acertaine cleare water more w oorth 


: se ocr ‘ ‘ee 

Gi ii Thep Ce. 
Ph fe tre 4 gr0 win diners f fomein Seypt ania of thofe countries adia- 
cent: there groweth of theminel ~ Jwett I trauellers into thofe parts report, 
be diibar lish Sto bee fir oftas of9775 ¢ gh ey te: 
4 The £ z. we Las BE re wee 

: ilgnchcatet anti eak ee oa of the Arabians mall ni, baling, 
and Belfan :in ee Bulfamo; in Fr 
59 The liquor douse Ronifieurecr iw wounded, i alled ope balfaroum he woode 

Ts Poe 
3eoY sdvosay 2i%s3 y 


% T he temperature. 

Date ee 12 
. é 
wT he ver tess © ‘ 
A WSiotur ly LPs s Fs 
A a rail Balfame taken in a mornin g fafti 83 stothe quantitie of 
sor fi aioe helpeth th hofe that be althma Re 
fi naghtigg eae pei filing 
keth away the fhaki of f the quotidianag c,ifit be taken two or three tim 
B Ey g lasOnkwk-t ie 
s 2 r BaP c aees i b=} peu Aas 
ther {uppofitorie,and vied: 
Ti g * - 4.29 ee eet by Cy RES | 
pte 7 . sat ecko oli x test he 
ofthe tee Meh ihe pers 
3 of ine raines and belly procteuiafe cold cavfes. 
D  ] rp of. L 1l 
1. f. V1 ‘ c ] 1 Pras Say 2 Me L vat Jj J 1. = zc cyl 1 rr. 2 pe 
fo] = * | EF Boats / 341, 1 t-3 1 1 3 : 
; 8g embers. 
< C ft. 1 L =} 4 gL 1. 1. ] | em | L 1 
2? f €, con. 

nulfio : 

F eat, ae that ieworketh in newe ro ere wounds were. si to long to fer 
downe, and alfo fuperfuous ; confidering’ the sk ion whork moft co eth, 
doth know the vie thérof; and as for the be egeer ie Otuciaie 2 So dkna nih Malai 
: banks, weare not wiliay to inftrét in things fo farre aboue their ee te and worthin effe, 

Bas Of it Fine LR. Balme, or Bal James tree. re Iho. 

gk fine Atoll Clalit, L’Obelj. Oe : 
ee tree of as i, ie si Obeling eitgua! “* The de wiped 

“Ts tree which the people of the Ines do 

Il — oo. th “i the: biznes ofa agres 
or body of a 

oie recta 
one esa on a a des like he teeth ofa ra: 
which being plucked from the ftenime, yee Ideth 

ha s 
_ clufters vpon the twiggie branchés3 like thofeof 
‘the? Vine tree a little before the grapes be for- 

gy abt alhuiessaa erthen Pepper cornes, of anollie 
yw) ftande 5 greene at the Arlt, and ofa a slo rial 
sorwaecies beripe. © 

KT, * # 
aks tree (ith five Saat ee Sie eft. 
Leche go hile 
es eee ie inl Fa aor A 
Satie vnto the forefaide kin is | 


faid | Fraga 4, int g , thathe was neuer aiid 
ith looking on h t th chw ordes I hauer 

ase handes ‘ofa peas cae man 5 called M, Lancel ¢, Door in Phifi ace Pies 

ynto the Queenes Maie gi emesinshocrl faithfully Gacvlasca cuted the Spanifh toong 

without adding or taking gany Bhs ng ar ? 
sie aetaaioeer: I nth a gt und rh Th, as all affirme that hatte trauelled to 

: ibaa arvet 
norable the Lord of Hunfdon, Lord hi ahh pd hi of re sins se ie of tr eM, e Hon 
for his care in ci ron as alfo > for his curious s keeping r rare and ftrange things brought from the 

farthelt parts o 
ean A Ale st con) eS >: ‘ diligenc 
rt nce, 
a + a L A } 1. Gf. t Cc: LL: Fast L _ 


tendernes to nach the colde of our winter bra 

ie time, 

A Li: 1 : Ct a os 

Astot g the time of his flourifhing, ging te tomaturitie , we haueas yer no 
cere pa es b=) s 

* #8 wames. ; 

This moft bl is called by the Indi Molle,of fome Molly, and Muelle,taken from 
hie ea {, } pee eS 4: Ned che E YW og Che Ral 
ails td é @ 308 
Balfame trees. 

%T he temperatare, 

4 <i A Ee bar. 2 es, * 

This tree is thought tobbofs n aftringen 
hot temperature it hath,to be compounded of other divers faculties. 
_* The vertues. 
The Indians vfe to feeth the frnite cesses ses etl they haue in A 
he boili Ifo a kinde of vin ineger, and fometimes ho- 
¢; which are very reteanee ates thefe fice eee being fo ocontrary in taffe, 
x he leaues boiled,and the decoction drunke gue them of any dea proceeding ofa colde B 

tiffol di ilk er Cc 

~The pari which iffuer eth from thetree , bein 

: yy the web of the cies ees cleereth the leh ve ouet with it 

d full of paine, bathed and wathed D. 

‘This cree is of {uch eftimation among the tonne, that es worthip it asa god, according to E, 
ane os gerites an d ceremonies:inuch | like as Pliny reporteth o of Homers Molyhe moft rsnowmed 
ants, > that asitis fecorded, 
Patifer huic dederat florem Cyllenius album, ee ee 
Mol; ly vocant Superi, cheats : 
* Cyllenius bearing Peace, vpon this er ___* Mercurie the gods 
Gan ¢ and beftowda flowre or bloffome whites ~~. herald and orator, 
: gabe ods would haue itnamed bee, —— *Molyfingularagainft 
r ts held to haue aroote tha'ts blacke in Leg wisehera. j 
te. i kee Er Be ri ae papas oe PRE eae aia ere 2 A 
Latine toong,by he! 1 L’Obeljzes, wi hathatl ger he hiftorie thereof, seeghey is to s 
the Right Honorable,the Lord Chamberlaine,at the Impreffion heerof; faithfully ouerfeene and 


Of the (anell,or Gianamom tree. Chap.141. 

Canelle folium,c Bacill 
The leafe and trunke oft dis Cinnamom tree, % The defiription, 

He tree ne hath the Cinnamon for his | 
Ts bar ke, ftature ofan Oliue tree: ha. 
ing a aa aa s thi ia as a mans thigh 

from which the Cinnamon is ta kens bu ut that ta. 
branches is much better: 

ah branches or mehobgacs are many,and veri¢ 

ftraight; w do grow beautifull leaues. in 

fhape like hole of the Orenge tree , andof the 
ot as it 

which is 

pre oile, that, hath no finell atall yntill 
it be ee and ch afed betweene the handes: 
the trunke or body with the greater armes or 
joughe sof th etree , are ae with a double 


s.aforé. That Cinnamom which 
colour, hathnot beene well dried in the funne: 
[Raa ee A Pee eye ele B Le , hdried <sndalo 
2 2 

ok ee aes wetin ue time of te 

%& The place. a 
The -bieGll al L } Cinnamom. ire 7eilan. and Malauar: 
L SPO! eee te or | ‘£ 4 SSS TS eee | x 5 C1 A 1 +1. 1 4c I. e or lana. 
be ES ea Bee 0 oe Kak = 1. ~— 
sR aaa ‘1 ? : t Ls 
eo ee rg : : _&Thetime. — 
ests s ; 3 se soo 1f Nl +L 1 f ebe Malice. 
ID.AY.!3 eat! ree , eee 3 ie: Le ra s3 (Cp wy by che 
3 Se Ck = } 5 DR th py nee tak 2 Beek 
: a } ee at ; TERS SRI eae barkeisCa/ia, 
: Son a : : os 5 Zs 
ay and that tree that beareth Cinnamom t is not to be 
- receiue fi here is as great differ tween ee there is as Oke, anda Cheftnut 
C cereus doubelet abattard kinde of Canell, or t Cinnamom a 
é in- 
% The names. 
1 lled Tealtan 7, i a Se Lp ra LC. on i, 

2 UBT 

Simnet coeztin s the Latines he Arabians Dare 
fe ni, eer der others Querfe : in Zeilan Caurd: ‘gegen an Bey aiiices: 
ey @ tr } } 
Hg gene, 
toon rg fi g i Dele li S in Englith Cinnamome >Cianamon sand Ca 

Mls itis ‘iscalled of th Caffis yand ae Hgts butv cm 
etemperature and vertues. 

4 Di ofcorid hth f sand is of thinne partes: itis alfo drie A 
a{tring L . 1 pret | : 7: lL Os }. 
3 F nederoctng wudibend ‘ig ileth againft the bitings of b tes, B 
. inet ae the inteftines and ra 
tilled water hereof i is "profiable to many, and for diners in fierce, it comforteth the C 
= e, ; < : F ngs of the guts and intrailes procee- 
ding of cold caufes, jeth th li co} f the fz a keth fweete breth,and giueth a moft 
1 L ree A; (P r B | i 1. e} Yo 
pic . ita 
more holefome for any bodies of wi ftitution fc heybe, notwithftanding the binding 
litie. ‘ 
TL 1 3. : PE $ 11 Lh Pee ot £2 of, . £ oe L nt ft g BP fi. 1 D 
{ eee (ace SA kd A a ats ey 1 tee eee 
? o 4 ius y ‘ 
fia the face sbeing anointed therewith, 
d LE 

leth oe in fweetneffe all other waters Wiles which is cs for {uch Fess as thet bake 

it felfe 
© Out = the berries of this tree is drawen by expreffion 5 as out of the’ berries of the Oliute tree, a F 

_ é 2 x > FS A = 
1 tk fmelleth as the C doth, and h vied againft the coldnes of the finewes, 
T Cte A 3-416 } . 14-0 ee | ral 1 di, res 
au paines or 3 f F 
Towrite as th hinefle of the fuubie& requireth, would aske more time than we haue to be- G 
| Pee ae fy) 1 ‘ 1 } ee : ro £ : 
> gis of great vie 

ftowe vpon any one plant 
gels maky,and ieee to te tee, 


Of oe Lackand his rotten tree. Chap.142. 
% The defe Gription. 

i 3 eae ee 

LY 3 5 FEE 
Europe and pce is called of the Arabians, Perfi jans sand Turkes Lee Sumutri, as who 
uld fay Z fS i 
re C¢ L } 

Pesu niet Sb ee CA Wie y shy PoP ey 2 P I he hifto- 
We es me ¢ L rd Call es eR y 

of Peguand a gt great tree, hol ee are ee Pree of the Plug ee Sinooeany {mall 
twiggic branchess when the trunke or Pin of the tr eth in fundrie fiesss 

2 Pifmi which conta aa labour in the tine 
fkand { i ence of he Ants, or fuchis 

winter 7a 

dee ature of the tree wherein ney eee or both, the ouide for 

lumpe or maffe of fubftance, which i is of: a crimfon colour, ie en and . tie, asin thewhole 
poo s, butisaperfe@tandcoftly 

colour for Painters,called by vs wind ack The Pifinires( (as Ti) workeo out this gate fuc= 
See fubftance or matt er of L Bees do make ane Lng 
s , dilig ia cae Pipes L nich 
nies which apa after they, Saad ae viohen thetree, and cela sine ; among 
which fometimes there come ouer fome fticks and peeces of the tree with the wings of the, 
daily. Be 

: haue falle Afeuawe i 
ee aue fallen amongtt it, ily Se Stee 

, trees, and flowers, 

4 cum fais baci 
Sci Lack with his is fale, or fticke, be place, 
The tree w reth Lacca groweth in 
Zeilan and Malar in other partes of the 
Eaft Indies 

The tim 
Of the time we Fane no certain hee 

Indian ent is mers “tho Ops Laces: 

Tralian Zac : Auicen Biase Labi e 
Paulus es hide & aes othe 
Names are eee inthe deere. 

% Th 

Lack e 
it Salil oe the hart and liver, openeth ob. 
ftructions, expelleth vrine, aie preuaileth a. 


gaintt the rie op 

There is an artificiall Lack made of the 

SPE of Brafill and sen which is vied 
inters, and not to be vfed in phifickeas 

caer natalie acca 

Of the Fndian Leafe.  Chap.143. 

(= Pamalapatra. 
The Tada Leafe. %& The defeription. 

\ Amalapatra, oF a is Me i egrometh 

Dy #2 vpon a greart 
ON fe BO rey ee 
8 5D) Ay a with like leau sips a ae what broa- 
wine SIG AS ra litel t it " 
WS Ze iy Ze der,a little fharpe pointed, ofa green zal € be. 

colour, and three {mall ribs running thro 



ANF each leafe,after cha manner of Ribwoort,where- 
SAS byitiseafie to be ktiowen: it {melleth fomwhat 
SZ Ep ] to Clones, but not fo ftrong as Spikenard 
WS AS, or Mace(as fome haue deeme ener Yee of fofub- 
RS ER ae and quicke afentas Cinnamom. There was — 
XY Hs N fent or this hate’ by Cortu/usa cet- 
‘ \p etal taine fruit like vnto a fmall Acorne, with thi 
y EIS | _ feriptio Canelle, the fruitof the Canell 
SASY ‘tree, which may be doubted of, confidering the 
Sy y : — = — tree hok Iden case 





The a on 
thewater like ynto Lens pala as Dalen 
-and Plinie (learnes 
ae roe) ng is the leafe of a greattrec, 

anch w eel foorthynto yout 
feed neh ponet ah in in Arabia andCambaya 
far from the water fide. iskeae S 

Sabagelle » ; “ag ; % The time. 2 

bw ps 

oO ¢ ry 
% The names. 
Tamalapatra is called of the Indians in their mother toong 

%& The temperature and vertues. 
om oe: es 2. ep , 4 ; 

The Indian leafe 
other report of Mace 

T bs Faas .. 

os SS 

3 3 

4 4 S 3 "Oo o eh aieyay a cd A 
: it prouoketh vrine moft mightily , warmeth and comforteth the fto- 

3 | ae l ms 5 Pe. | £, J 

r DS ft tk pi viCS, ie ¢i sand all other B 
imperfections of the fame. 
Satin tase 1 } W 

g nd other vermine, as alforogiue © 
vnto them a {weete fnell, 

Of the Cloue tree. Chap.14.4. 

1 Caryophylls veri Clusq. 
The true forme of the Cloue tree, 

2 Antophylli. 
Fufles,or ouerripe Cloues, 

tammoliod Lb» < : : be 
; wilt hit he The defeription. ) eee 
rr. eas, eee «4 v7) 1 nD. t 1 Lt cad tL ae fis ; 
I : o oa é e t 
‘ | ae ys eRe noon Kae, ee 1 ] @ L : 

: 1 Vbech af. nfehe PR er any z 

é t é itel me h . ) grow 
, er; among which come the flowers. 
Sif 2 ae 



A en ee i ie 

datke red colouri in the end ; aie flowers 

p 3 
1 ve 1. 

are the very Cl 
en eo ope 

é o 
1 2pm | Se bey ds } * f. 

2 wm 1 gS r pl 1 ry i sic . 
tion, are beaten downe to the oun before a be ripe, and are ered tre to lie’ vpon tae 
gt afle, wee any other hetbes 
growing to hinder the fame, by reafon the tree draweth vnto it felfe for his noutithment al Ilthe, 

~ J =) - by pad 
re 1 Py 1 £ shat, 1Ai Con ntrariwife, thofe 
grofle kinde of Bae which haue beene ippoted to ‘ the Hemalss are apuiae elfe than fruice of 
: i o the egto ound, where by re afono his, 
tah an, Se fant ip L 
Sas lying, nt Les Thy Siient ae 52 oe eee gc ee ay tee Dees “tee 
n: t=) ality 
hatte the A Owers heieof ft I dthe 
ection ot - at the —— Rowers are not the Clones eal ve as wehaue written) ne while 
themrz ther the feat g g Id th former 
opinion 1 = _ ye i p ae a. ] Ps 4 1,,2 e,bue 
Hine of the fram: whicht fruit within eigh fter they be rifen vj mieeee 
‘ L ‘ 2. 1 } 45 ] L | Rises he L Ff eh 4 ? } nen 
o ¢ 2 a s 
3 Caryophyllus floren : 
The Cloue tree towing %& The defeription. 

3 The defcription and true figure of the Cloue 
tree we ee alreadie fer foorth : ae fom fetteth — 
rene: ne tree with his flowers in his perfec 

thatis to fa ‘Ys what ey are come a a gieenith 
illo colour, The leaues hereof donot anfwere 
the true fires therefore are you not to regarde 

Thep lac 
he Cloue tree Swati ua few places of 
i on uccaes Ilands, asin Zeilan, Iaua —_ 
ter and the leffe jand diets ot ae r places 

% The tam : 
he Cloues are Fe guered om the 15.0f Sep- 
tember ynto the end of Februarie, e, not with their 

Ike an but by be: ating the tree, as Walnuts are 
gotten,as we ane written in ee coe 

he frui ete es vnknowen tothe ancient 
Gredans: ofthe lacers writers called eepuigiins IY: es 

oe yr e Fae esha Charhumfel : in Fe 
~ dian sr :in high Dutch Paegels ber = 
phd so sof a sete Calafer: inthe Mo- 
_ Tuccaes Changue : an él, vid 
Charan in Enola Con tree,and Cloues, 
% The temperature, 
_ Cloues achot and due ste ec a Br 
* The vertues. 

5 eae a 
eins deca gf aeae, ~ ns 2! f eee oe Fic ‘ 
ee - ia ¥ om 

: “15S 
The Portingale wonien thatdivell i in the Eat Indies, drawe from the Cloues when they he io: B 


all cordialsi is ther moft effectual 
h Cd 2s a Ke P| bafohr: CO 
fi 3 r o 2 

esate oe theeloud or web in the fame. 
ee aT Te ee) ee rn 

af one wi 

Ther s extracted from the Cloues acertaine oyle, orrather a thicke butter of a yellow din, 3 
which eee . inthe hands fmnelleth Jike the Cloues themfelues, wherewith the Indians do 
cure eer wound se ae r hurtes,as we do with Balfame. 
The of Clow tonely in meate and medicine, buta | 1 fuch like,is F 
fulliciently kacwediflierefute this fhallfuffice. 

Of the Nutmeg tree.  Chap.i45. 

1 Nax Myriftice 2 Nux Mufcata. | 
The Nutmeg sath ‘his eee The Nutmeg tree. 

rf ao ~ rh s |i ; 

hie None ace, in formeis like vnto the Peach tree, fas 

npc hereof are narrower, Sea fo long. alwaies he aaat epee 
ome foo 

de, and Loa. 

ae TL XT. 

NaH the Mace 
asit cs in mre migidle ot e! a Rote, which in earn of time roe wrap and incite 
Foundon derafter cometh arhusk like that of the D! 


in clofeth the Nut with his Mace, as the W. N ichintim 
nelle doth cleaue of — as the W3 inetoce doth, a tieweh his Pst ce, whic F then bist a a 
} gi cially j when the tree is well laden 
pits £; | ey 1 | ee 1 AA cme a is 
ett Loch wa At hcl + vee Ginga on 1 yee A aes . sine 
LAL 1 4 Fae | 1. it rf 31 Groleot lL $. Es } Be ca ho 
d 3 3 au tie 
% The place. 
ThaWNI, Me CRs tag Pa pe aS i cS ps 1 I,1R q sand eae LM | 
AAAI o we } L Sxft ay 1 RS on 1. j 9 poe | ¢ tlands of 
= od ro 2) ‘ A 
% The time. 
Th, f, L q ¢ t L y 7. {oe Lior 
£, J & o Oo oO ay aia hace BE 
*T he names. 
“s : 
ThekT ee Bee ae heG : 1S xd *: The Latines apes oer and rao 
sf f x “ * ? J 
Durch abottpat Buty of de Arabians Z Ol Gianziban sth peopl here they 
te 2 hae, “4 - ie = Be . J. aa 
lib dideft,Nux Band fe aka KA i h Befba/e;inE lth NT oft 
J J ° o 
% The ¢ tempera 
ne as the Mauritanians write, is Stee rates in the fecond degree, complete and 
% The vertnes. 
od £ - oe RY oes | x ay @ F git 2 5, PE q JRF 
< af ¢ Wiget 
deni in the mouth, ; 
ood 2 ae ¢ 1 b 1. £. - Pn TE Fela fo 28 fi. Wh b Pe eT sit 
— eco al eth he {welling in tl fpl l (eriert ates [iveletee malar oleae 
9 9 sand 
is good againft all cold eae in the bod ody. 
ni3 _ Nutmegs bruifed and pela in Bes vite, vntill it t hatte wafted and dried vp the moyfture, ad. 
co] é é Oo re 
wend ira dy tf 2° ye } } r “Po. rr Pre 
oe fafting f ee he - = : ; 
0 eens ies 0 ither, 
D: SS geo . Sh vh . “17 Gd fa f.4) Stel the 
4 a Fy S Son . 
of aah rwoor aed thereto in the b boyli ng dftrained : this liquor drunke with k 
ee og s 
As touching the choife there is notany fofi put k h that the heauieft,fatteft;and ful 
tia Oe oe men icking the f: hapin, or fuch likes 

Of the 2a plant. 3 Chap. 14.6. 
=; : The kinds, 

Herebe diners fos ofPe ver,that is fay white and black Pepper lor Pepper,one grea- 
- os pe a iar Biss Pepper, — ; 

Thedefeription. ae 
p PT Heplane thatbeareth sinclcnbetint ee Ne tesdlcaanhck nt, itis difpura- 
eee) &. fome holding it fora tree, fomea kinde of Vine. ine, and others foran. like ynto the 
ode oi, ot Bindweedes , whereupon we will not difpute : but yeelding the cenfures 
of thee leatn these f. bo keengtnatet ie ight Lbs HiBis o.a further confide- 

fa: Th e RG [aoe pete 1. 34. a > [Te histhee 
mt P: ge. 2 ip apaeraapataia ee aR aaa NED, SORIA RESP REE! geet eo gn Pope AS et) an 

rie .. 

and brambles where it panty carnal bue I Piper nigrum album e loneum, 
where it is manured, itis fowen at theb eof Blacke tnhiteandlong Pepper. 
thetree Fasfel Sct Date trees, ccmivseda te aketh TTT 2 ret 
holdand climeth vp euen tothe top, asdoth the ~ F ANS — SERPS eee 

Vine, ramping andr me ng holdwith his ee 
tendrels of any other thing it meeteth withall. The 
Jeaue oe aan 5in fhape like thofe of the 
Apple tree,bu itleffer Aharpe pointed,and 

Freth i vadidlen r3 in tafte fomewhat thor,as 
eaues of Betre, The fruit 
0 nde 


Pe > 

pes, of an ha: 

long, greene at the firft, and blackifh when they be 
ripe and dried. The roote is finall, andas itfhould 
feeme thr a ne as it isthoughr-an — 
plant, which n-yeerely, o 

& . felfe by ae fling a3 i — Some erepor it 

haue the r Coftus, woodie 

fabftan nce, corbin according asic riba: for the 

or oboe edged, 

Be bringeth white Pepperis notto 

be Siting from the other ei: butonely 

y the colour of the fruite, no more thana Vine 
that pean blacke Grapes , “from hee which brin. 

eth white: and of fomeit isthoughr,that the felfe 
fame plant doth fometimes change it felfe from 
blacke to white as diuers other plants do. 

2 Piper a ee pi iueV ita ome 
a of Aethiop 


This other kin e of Pepper brought vnto vs 
fron Acthiopia, called of the Se where it 


cade in BS: be a Ege long, of a 
our, vneuen, and bunched orputt vp in aise 
pace > es into fiue or fixe lockers or cels, ~~ 

around feede fome 
Tastee She t e ae is. in tafte lik 
“common P pet or fe facultie' 
and temperature itis Shug to eto, ee we 
hold itakinde. 

The tree thar beareth long Pepper, hath no fi: 
militude at all with the plane that bringeth blacke 
and white Pepper : fom dee 

them to 
~~ groweall on one tree, which i is acne x 
truth: forth ‘owe in countries far pepe ce 
from a and alfo ay eee 
_isblacke Pe rofthe long 


THE THIRD raeeabies whe THE 


Bales wens ithie takeththold asd A owe (gee 
$ are many and twiggie, pa bicecrict ae = ri n 

gto Se 64 a lender footeftalke, thruft or compad togither's greene atthe Grit at ani dat 

tetwarde petits in tafte fharper and hotter than common cae Pepper , yet fieeter, »and of 

= tier caft 

3 Piper Mathioli. 
Mathiolus his figure of cad ae 


MY = 

* dome bes es that 

% The defer iption, 

3 Mathiolus — - — a figuee of Pepper, 
condemned of'm aligned ; neuer ertheleffe 

ecrtain tie iemay be knowen ner 
i le epper feldome 
bot into thefe partes of Enopele Pi 
tis hollow within, light andemptie, 
Se go ood to see we racer fron the — stohelpe 
the roothach Sisal lerike afte: 
Another kind of P 
Pan = —— os 

ru fi full a rough,blacke of coloutand 

ai ofagood fn nail aHE egroweth by clutters v van 

final ean or ftalkes, which fom ¢ haue vnaduiz 
fedly om i king of Portin- 
gale forbad this kinde of Pepper to be bro 
ouer, for aft the right Pepper fhouldbe 

i wes ceereten fo himfelfe hindereding 

The ple 
Blacke and wht te sna ees in siete 
ny yoo 3 in Malaca 
alfo,bir not fo goo adglies in the lands Sunde 
and ‘Cade: ‘ee is ae ftere cone in the 

_ 7) hetime, : ys 


eth -alled Pi sper Aethi ‘opicuma 2 
deitto be akinde. Treceiued abranch heereof at ee hands of a lane Pion 
M.s gts BE sii Aol 

anith Pimenta : in. Frenchy Poture : 


bate: “The name: *! 
cna eg er one irene the Latines pre eA: 
and Fv in tealian Pe reper t Durch 

in, Amomium Vit. sdonggit ee 

a Selina, and fome in Cananor, bur. > 


. Besper sof ethiopia eet in 1 Amictica, ta all che iad of the countrie where Nata ae Car. oe 
ti are fituated, The reft ha th beene dedihe of i int their feuerall ica The white Pepe 
5 ffale. 

alm Hs | pes fpi R hi} ct f tt } oft D E e 5 33 old that Pepp ; pres ee 
we haue faide, is thought to,be the beft of all tt yey oF 5 

ide % The vertues. 
i ith hi FG eae Om Tp 4 
) alirme, ) andis good to A 

3 4 
ener’ = peace = 
beput in medicaments for the cies. 
Aun 1 tip r Se 

ferh d eth difmerfer! re pees hee 7; feofr 
ark ? 

AS =e < ss 
the fight,as the fame Diofcorides noteth, 

Of bastard Pepper,called Betle,or Betre.. Chap.i4.7. 

Betle,fue Betre. 
Baftard Pepper. 48 The defeription. 
His plant ¢limeth and i i a vpon trees 
tithes, or whatfocuer elfe it meeteth with- 
all, like vnto the Vike oF the blacke Pepper, 
whereof fome h for a kinde. The Je 

longer, ofa ii ote bat diuers veines Or 
ribs running through che he fruite gro- 
weth amo ongthe ss sated yas, 
in fhape like the taile ofa Lyzard, o he-ca 

Pooper, yet very seat tothe palate. 

It groweth among t ane ite tices sand Ure WCCK 
in moftof 7 ie Hands , efpecially i in the 
martifh grou 

The time anfwereth eae i Pepper. 
The nam 
This hath oe taken for the Indian leafe, 
wi, and 

rae pat itiscal 

Z hesfeant ih 
‘The leaues chawed in the moth are ofa bit-A 
we . vefecial thofe that climbe vpon the 
oh other bitrer tree from whence 
‘it taketh is bicsacriiee 3 gedit itis very plea 

fant, which the people'do mitelwith'the ihe 
Sea madeof oyfter fhels, sama they alfoadde 
gir sects ailbabat pion ete Saye eee oe reice, Lignum Alves, &" C, gee 
a Sere hee which they ftampe tog togither, Pree it ‘into’ — 
ogi which they role vp i dbal Is ke pedric | vie, 
vncill by litde and litle it is com h fugar'C: 

-_ inice of Licorice; er isnot onely vnto the — —— meate ; »but alfo drinke‘in i onal 
whichrig efteemed among the Bm. 

- tauels., refrething their wearied fpitits a 
pec Hiiunsobchoacaemiekeniegen rgalse ae 

y 3 

Of Graines, or Graines of Paradice. Chap. ae 

x The kindes. 

mies be diuers forts of Graines, fomelong, others Peare fafhions fome greater; and others 
i* leffer, : 
Cardamomi genera. 
The kindes,or forts of Graines, % The defeription. 

7 He vppermoft figure heereof: histotes foorth 

ynto your viewe the cod wherein the hor 

weth whith is diuided ) 

ther forts ma’ etn diftinguifhed by the 

fone ee the serine 3 confidering the onely ne 
ference confifte thin forme, andwe ha 


They grow in il Ithe heath Indies from: pis 
of Calecute ynto Cananor ; it, gem wecth in 
uar, in loa,and rs oe = 

© They fprin ngvp | in in Mai i, eile fowen of iets 
and bring their fruite to ri — in September, 

s oe are calledin Gane KAP iho MON: 
jn Latine Cardamomum: the Arabians Corrumenj, 

Minus itis c in Malauar Etremelli in Zeilan 
Encal: in 1 Bengala,Gusarata, 3 and Dec an Hikand 


eT zTheemjre : . 

fj, ate hotand drie inthe third de- 


as Ye 

® é Kr. = > ie 2 é ape +7 n 1 L tL wean 
B _ Italfocomfor d warmeth the weake,colde, and fe a 
riddeth the thaking fits called eT : 
© ee ° hie = £ 

petted Lmeee 

Pe er a eae eee 
el aes 

Pe Ey ae TM OB? ee 

sip Bh Sk ele ol 

DAML eee es Fees fot ae el eee Pee FT wey Pe pare, AM 

Of Yuca or Fucca. Chap.149. oA 

Yuca, fie Incta Perana. 
TL h (pt, Sak) 

ay zaua i % Thedefeription. 

He plancof whofe root the Indian bread 
“TstleiCn zaula is made, is alow oa 
onfifting onely of leaues and rogers 
bahia, flowers, nor fruite, that tT 
de of others, orby ye 
fro om the plan ac klaits which hhath growen in 

vnto the head o che gue in a rounde 
circle , the which are long, of the lengthof a 
cubit, oa tice ale a gutrter,ortrough,very 
fmooth, and fag! eene colour, like t a 

viewed, is like ynto a little ITie, or fuch 

like bote: ty a are alfo very tough , harde to 

tie teafic to cut, exceptthe knife 
very ae 

The plete... pais 
is plan x grows in aay ~ eng 4 

a 2 ody indies, from the Mag efits ynto 

on Canibals , and others airing, from 
ence E had that ae brought me 
ie-of Ex 

doth growe inmy gosta of a learned andl Apher cefter, named 
Matter Thomas op 2hgs rai 

* The tines * 1 ‘ 
celts es any Pancreat nad smut O83 a: a 
The namess Sis 2iek 

: T.: 72 aed cgs | Pet : Saar of ; 
: c iz d 7 gh PME: ae t led a lites, saa 
This ple ishot and driein the firft dei whichis deste or droffe, when the poi- 
middle of the conde —— 
\ we ote art att eho 



Of the fruit eA nacardinm, and Caious,or 
Caiocus. Chap. jl. 

Anaca 2 
es Base os ‘Malaca, The chiloey Beane of Malaca. % The defription, 

He ae airy phe beene very briefe 

in the hiftorie of Cfacardium: a Greci. 

ats chat che di it by the na 

ous Hs mic is vied 

tter, ofa faint greene colour: the flowers are 
arenas » confifting of many finall leaues , much 
like the flowers of the Cherrietree, bu 

“hotand gate oile, like that of CAnaca rdinm, 

(razr whereo es is kinde. 
Re “hg chara Wahi sure tS 2¢53 The B orkernell it felfeis no leffe pleas 
pe cay Saf & Y od3 a holfomei in eating then the Pz acia, OF 
: ie fifticke A Ceol T.. 3° 4 

where’ in is thei gts eee TAe feiiite is conteined i I 1g is like thole of Bes bur grea: 
" ger:neerevnto which cods ¢ h fc ofa 
good fr fnell; {pungious within sandal seg iuice; hestin feedes gos or grainesa at. yal, sfome : 
which hatht ; lof forthe fruite 5 but not rightly; f ‘it is’ che; excrefeence; 

The tine. 
sfowerand out wintera and fommers ins : cua ee 

% Th emarnes. Pate evi ro Lollstg tare 
i The fts a lled _4nacardium, of the 

ay By ES ae SS po eae as 8 pope pg eg 

s 2 ? athe 


* The th 8 and vertues. 
rh y ee EE ch 


pric, Alopecia , and eafeth ry 

Lat, n 2 RRS E 

paine o : es teeth being put into the hollownes thereof. 
opleof Malau ar do vee the faid oile singed with chalke , to marke their Jothes or anie B 
ies rthing they 

RP Pee Sy, 

L 1 £ L bi te om, } ns “2 ftones, 
"TI Tt na 73 i: 2 Seg < Lh Ob : r tho’ t winded P 
or{k winded, and c 
when the fs ruit is yet greene,they: giuethe fame fo fteeped aie the woormes, 
The ‘Indians for their pleafure will fticke the fruite sa athorne , or forme other t fharpe henge 

lightnings , and with y tera lours, thatitis great pleat the chol ders, 
whieh haue . st ne rene 


Of Fndian eMorrice Bels,and diners other Indian 
fruits. (hap.152. 

I <Ahousy Theucti. | Frattus Higuero, 
Indian Mortice Bels. * ndian Morofco Bels, 

EE Te Ot See pa e aaeEe LoL Tee we 

OTD Tate 
i Leni 

TAT a & sae : by 


rm £ Fay ask NERS BP ow ps rs 2h 1 A a24 soe ig? he L ar ion 
foie the Indians oy flo avi. thereof, » but onely of the fruite , which i is like the Grecke| le 
, of the Ligner df] ILwh eineda 
1 lL tate 
Speer them, and iaaeil the ‘women ane are : they likewife vie to sip orannointand 
eres ry, y PPR TAY ge - sie a ff ke 1. diff nT 1 Uthey 
taxc ie : Pe ‘ sthe 
= ll with their hands,bicaufe of tt 5 which walle poe their 0, and 
1 f y their life alfo:in which thel “thes put fome little tones , and tie them 
Se a L ee ae . 
7 gs(as fa t mene 1 (=O 4 lL oe ie 9 5a fe AA ais 2 pgs: 

fekinde of dances; which Re ht 

Both ra delight a Hees it fetteth enh: the ditindion of founds, for ed cmedien, 

yoga CY. EL) | ae F 1 £2. lit 
to} 4 Ded quality, 
ne vied for ihe fame aes, 
he place. | - 
__thefedo 9 growe in moft parts of the Welt Indes, pecially in { fthe Ilands of the Cani. 
4 , L aE. bs 
% 4 lesina 
Tak : 1 - ee C.1 Le? - am Yellen ee 
: ae Se: %& The names andufe. 
Weh fufficiently {pok fh > therefore what hathb {aid may 
7. & fi 


Aas the vomiting and purging Nuts. Chap.153, 

I Naces vomice. : : ; + ee 
Vomiting Nuts, Purging Nut: 

hie 8 ee 


- kata 
%& The defeription. 

Vicen and Serapio make Nux vomnics, and roe Methel, to be as , wheesbont there 
he Thorne apple 

Lo/ OVC el} oz 4 L }. : Goa ss “s ; 7 
ic Nas f 3 h lled in Nux vomerca yand. 
stHorhe/ h s l Vauk f f, Lint ne } es 
? 5 ~ 
hetbe, 1 be Nut of. dtherefore fi ¢ the cafe ao ~ learned refteth doubrfull; 
1 i Ae. a ol. t Ams | g 
2 tis rourde sfiat, like alittle, 
bike of aruflet lour,fat and firme, th *, 
ft der; butwh be vied, it ey or 

jtis not poffi 
a fome inftrument for that purpof 
certaine Nuts. brought one the a oles Baste Nuts 
tho - e that im tra- 

gi ing apr a and filthie humours , f inftrution 
ed the Indies, wecan write nothing of dbo tree it Ai the Nuti is esalng A ouallorin. 

apurging facultie. 
The place and time. 
Thefe’ Nuts do grow i in the defarts off Arabia, and i in. fome places of the eaft Indies : we haue no 
eC. top) 
2 The temperature. 
foam lL «he ¥/, = NT, L | od oe 7 2 1 Yd 5 age Ll 
tess tf Sta aaa Wi, Men, - va f 
ry ee ee es 7 7 f 
& The vertues. 
_ OF the Phificall vertues of the vomiting ng Nuts inkei flari bicaufe the A 
i ith oth p fitions , andthat yerie 

ae byt the hands ofa faith full Apoaiate 
J caft Crowes & other rauenous foules, B 

= 1 
| They make sioan excellent lle ile with foe: meate or butter, and Jaide in the garden 
g dalfofeedes newe — 



Ss Of diners ‘forts of Fudian fruits. Chap.150. aoe 

: ® The kindes. 
a8 : 7 : aor ces i = deen 
teenage eceenes offome #5 ae chet . ha ce tofet pe vnto your 
ee Sota sate L : eo a4 meatless 3 : ae 
Beretinus er : 

nm tot, sare thofe t hat 

és f thefe fruits called Ber 
etwolowermoft of A) tribute,as we do money, by thy reladana =e 

= the Indians do nto their king for tr 
Frances re who broghet thems int into England, w which i in forme refemble th 

Ward fruttusperegrini. 
Divers ftrange Indian fruits. Beretinus fructws, 

£EE = b>. 

4 fractaam peregrinoram. 

Paudecim  ZEBEF 
Eleuen forts of itrange {tuits, 
I : 


; 1 Cocci Orientales. 2 Cucioplora, 
: Scarlet Tufts of the Eaft. Baftard Indian Nuts. 

3 Fa arasscubebg Bun 
Cont Indies Gubebes,and Beanies of Tolu. 
% The deer igtion. 

1 Thereis brought from'the Eaft Iadies 
Bip i that groweth ypon Tees, 
the double flowers of the wilde 
ai d , of a mo! 

aia Hs Ci 
faire Scarlet Of the “fe itor: 
pi icke or sia we haue no certain 
: ledge. 

We. haue receined. from the Wellin. : 


hiss we call Indian Nuts, whereof we 

_ haue writren apart :it differeth fiom thofe : 
efpecially in this pone thatthe husk heer- 

~ of hathnot any hempeor faxe wherewith 


Of Sun deaw, Youth woort,or Ros Sols.  Chap.ts5. 

1 Ros Solis ator. 2 Ros Solisminor. 
Great Sun deaw. Little Sun deaw. 

\ e 
& The defeription, a5 ' 
z <7, Lf r< Lee Be 5 3 Ig L y ] ; a L Cc. fn Abe 2Vp rag ndet Ee 
é ftems,very {1 Hf 8 g 1, y Rerre o e U5 E J13 f » al t Sil } idith 
as be alfothe ftems, hauing deaw and ft I he drieft time of the yeere, — 
1 a Tete cl } a gg oy Riis vee & Y pata oa 2, | Ae 
B38) FB) Vp ska 
be sg Thee | Page eer; 3 air os 1 Wa 5 Fe eS A 
Bs X « 
Ses 4 eee Viet 1 Salke and flowers but much leffer. wherein 
; 4 mf 
éonliftcch the difference, 
eo oo 2 ae 
ie i-th g If. y seers be hs 39 » bi it yet waterie, rds L | I AP 
ce aes uae oa, ae ae } 
ere. Vp 5 
Oe rhetine 

= nne deaw Sevrithe h ities ee 
Fe geot deie and calne. The aiid water heerof that is drawen forth vith a safle stil ae 

ae eat T he names : 

Tris called of th e€ ot Ros Soli dof 0} thers 1 ce é 

ch hee vpon ity when the hae is at the horteft : : it tis called t in high Dutch : Sondatw 

ti heyd b a ft i » are pre re | f cd Eg Sa ee 
<4 temperature. : a 
i is sfeatingor cauticke teibe aly very ee big g being hotand driein the fourth degre 
& The v 
The leanct pinta os i S| tdocxul aa fe bitters, L par £ thebody foe 
theybe apple Ne a Si 



ular ji iofe that A 
be ina confumption of 2 lungs, ~and naples + diftilled water pahaseu: Sole as the hebe Nee 
a and hold faft the moiftureand dew that the extreme drying heate of the funcatr . 
confime and watte away the fame § vilken men Bhs that heer cwith thenat urall and 
y e ther cof d erwife teach, 
y eUnT 5s ry fic tn site} 
| ES id wt ¥ l [7 2: 
Sb st ey haue fos peri ithed that vfed the ified water eek ing thofe thar ab- 
FS Cel, f. | Pe ene a: igl 1 ft by $ g ye ( nall q a : which thing B 
hath Bite gw their vaine opinion,n ithouc fe fon sfor it dot! p 
ful e of F the fede, but bicaufe th ‘hi i 
ie reagent an and nomena the body 5 pict iy it it be diftilled zat wine, cael thaclicuor 34 


I forefai id, let tthem ani te D 
Ste a es ‘alsin i. fpititot wine, addi ding therer Cinnamom, Clouesst Ma 

and feti in the funne by the space 2 i e:th 

{1 + 1. 6 

Of the MarrifhWi bortes, or Fen berries. 

srpringeeatgr i. 
attith Who 


% The defeription. ; 
antifh Whortle berries growe vpon 
th, ormoorith groundes, 

laide alm wea befer 
fin val narrow leaties Abate < ae 
= _ leaues of Th re,but lefler,a pi whic 
4 foorth little berries, like vnto the 

b Vh i 

: = fm 
7 Q. 

ted o or fpecked with red fpors, of adeeper co- 
\ eit 4 = jin tafterough and aftringent. , 

” ies rhe t « 
The Marrifh Whortle growet h.vpon hogs 
uch like waterifh fe Fennie places, cg 
cially in Chefhire, and Staffordthite , w! 
haue foundi itingreat Psi. 

| ee ; 
= See Pages 5 * gpieet ate ripe Thoutheedof hi, ae 
Poa ont ert As and in Augutt. : 

nt thar is 

god are ecalledi in heh 1 Dartch Potsbeeren, 
b tofa 

naire erat OU, 
Thefe Whortle f sare cold : lace hinneffe of partesandfub- 
‘ * ie vertues 
of choler, ,th y fi ay omiting, reftore an appetite tomeate, which was mh by sme of let 

B Thei inice of thefe alfo i is ue tillit be thicke 

It clas 

with fugar added that it may be as whichis 

Of Cloud-berrie. 

Paccinia nubis. 

Cloud berries. 

Y of } 


% Ti hedcfeription. 

He Cloud berrie hath many finall thred- 
aan Ve gr ng far abroad vnder the 
he earth, (andalfo the _ 


e ftrings: see 8 date Ms vp two 
fmall ftalkes , harde, oe woodie 
aN onw which doe 
ftande the leau hole of the vee 
lawandetthe ime clo, full of finall ner 

e wilde re uens : ae cae 
meth th yeas grenea it 

an ind the fides ‘n 

as it were oftwo, butis no more but one; open 
{1 f1 ey ; = bs Ae a 4A o r 

eS 3 = a F 
Fy es 3 
fower little white feedes. 

1. 1 


* The ye place. 

one in igen tea called erm the other it 

mountaines in all Eng! 

n Lancafhire called Pendles two cat the tit 

1 th 1 Cloud berries, fi 1 ck irious 4 
Sey Pes Bae f.] Nad Matt. 1 * 
o x : re 
= % Thetime. 
pate 5 ee ps AA. IK. a [oes See = 5 ee I ¥ 
i P t 7 i 
Sl sa 
"Thefts cold and ste aftringent 2 
x The vertues. 
leth :. 5 and alaieth i bei ig eaten as 

Whore eprtied qecodion made and erie. 


— Of -Moffe of trees. Chap.156. 

& The kindes. aa 
Here be diuers kind CAAAT : pe ey ee Pee g eu) a | Ke: natine placess 
ay £0 j L Y pe a } id Lo all n ? gl 
5 Bh t t gt 
the earth; there be-others alfo that growe in thefea, 
Mufeus quernit. 
The Moffe ofthe Oke and of other trees. he defriptio 
LA Ree Moffe hath certaine ings like haires 
ade vp as it were of a multitude of fender 
ues,now and then all pie ‘iagge ed.hackt, 
and finely eae wilted eins erlaced on nein 
nother, whichcleaue faft to f trees, 
hanging Pras fromthe bodies : ieee this kind 
is {lender and thin, another more thicke, 

other horteranotherlonge er3allof them for the! 
sal ve i g of aw whitith, colour, 4 Yer CASH ge 
acke, te it 


SN Ae Fi ; 
<< oa t and thinner : 

a aa of 
malljas Pie faith ea es are whitith, , 
then he reddit; gy ily fach as beblacke. 

he place 
This Moffeis ae ihe the Oke tree, the white 
and an ke Poplar tree, the Oliue tree, the Birch 
tree,t fe Agee ree,the Peare tree, the Pine tree, 
the wilde Pinetree, the Pitch tree, "the Firre tfee, 
tr 0 




e Cedar tree,thenext of the Poplar,in which 
kinde ee white and the fweete fmelling Mofle is 
the chiefeft 2 as lackith fort is of io account 
i tet , that in Tra alic chat Mof i 

Po. 5 

+ she 
ae vpon the trees continueth all the — 

es wo 
_ tise called of the Grecians be ‘oy, of cheLaines af the Arabians ed ihe Anais 
P fi oe §: the Frenchmen Du Aonjch : the ¢ Ita- 
Mufzo: io oe ith Mufe le los arboles: in E i lfeaee Meter elec. 
pee in g Sees St %& The temperature. pee cee 
hing gp Ayia ERR. PD 

_shemstureand faculieo m4 A hy 
it felfe 1 i © £F L 

: “ligns 

J d] { 5 accordingto 

g F 
& 3 
ol [o) 
re} — 
o .~) 
Be. 8s 
‘St a 
beatae Sh 
ek ae 
[4] os om 
ao cae 
a eo 
ied ate ru 
Mm:  8Sl"as 
“et 9 
e) 5 
1 F as 
M4 “ £ f 
© ah 
Beds pe 
O32 2 
CG Veo: 
re ¥ 
Aes sss 
es 8 
(a Fetes g d 
a rise 
WW e . 
ba cai 
ce PPS 
=) oe 
f ~' 
2 o PSE 
a, Fe 4 A 
~ a a 

Yeveay Weariiom. 


Of Ground Moffe. 





x: The kindes. 


eb anf: 

g 3 

ws terre. 

2 Mufe 

d Moffe, 

¥ Mufeus terrestres vulea Yi, 
Common groun 




= FAYE : 

=> <a 
S74 a SASS > = 
i LLY OT. : 
2 a _ 
Zz , 
~S Ss Vy 
SS UA Mis 


and ancient trees, — 



dhe far * tie z 

% The 
on the 

earth, and thebotto 


weth vp 


3 Mufeuscapillaris,ine Adianthum aurewn. Mu fous capillaris minor. 
Goldilocks,or Golden Maiden haire Moffe, pa Golde locks, 
Co 1) an 

%& The deferiptio 
3. Thiskinde of Moffe called Mufeus batt sh is (aidoine found but vpon bog ca moor pla- 
CCS, and alfo in fome fhadowie dric ditches where the funne doth not come. Ifou itin great 
g n Harpleed 
heath toward Highgate 
our vant piers fo our fr es te in Gp This kinde of f Me, thes ere. 
of are not aboue oneh 

obfcure yellow greene adios 3 ‘out of which ftalkes {pring vp. fometimes very fine naked tens 

are very flenderjand matuellous fine 
Of this there is alfo another kinde: altogither leffer and lower. This kinde of Moffe groweth i in 

Be oyft places alfo,commonly in fe —_ and rotten trees 5 likewife i 2 eke, and oftentimes 
in the Gx and cranies of ftone 
5 her 2 1 f rough and ftoni ines, a kinde of 
AAA} A ee = Pe ees | rp tee Vids Hacaliae | é 
Masel oo Cin a tie BEE egy ] Le = a 
vf tor 

hardy vnto oe ones i like vato Sea Coralli ine. 

ai} TT 

of the tender x branches commeth foortha clea in ih tle » voto a litle <a or rolls 
ypon the lower branches 2 ss 
Of this Moffe there is ‘another in his! d obfe h fet forth 
ynder the title, of Mufeus an ih i ae cried Gur Mitises< pies Mall vada 
reeping flat ypon th ee 

woort, but ofa yellowith white colour: among which leaues ftare : ie 3 Sesame ine 
s, fafhioned like alittle cup calleda Beaker or Chalice, ae a famec olculygapmnence 


en! : the powder of which vols 
given to childten in any hee e yi ' again tha 
perilous maladié called the Chin Bat i Re) Tod 
Mufeus ramofus, ; 6° Mufeus ramofius florid 
” Branched Mo fle, ores Molle, 

8 (Uufeuscorniculatus, 
Horned or end Mofle, 

ide sii 
¢, called. 

oS" Ms HL 2 
Tih mountaines, andat bie foote of ol 

7 There is ikewile ee in the thadowie lake of ie 
kinde of Moffe in face and fhew ot vnlike to thatkinde of oke jes 
iuers long branches, confifting 

opter -ieereepeth vpon the ground, hauin ong 
ae ty pa ‘Soules, fundre little os rena rib ee 
= Van oan : : 
Thi aaa © Be = cial vh oles are 
- " scutoned a bedigge me iit die and alfo where oare j is gotten sis tien nean ndlead, it - 
rth of the ground with many aro and Bee aparece themfelues at thetop gk 
ote eked hem rnes of a D iery j wbitife : 
| 9 ae 

‘Selour. . By 
« Paes 


9 gens denticulatus, 10 Mufeusminor dent itu!at its, 
thed Moffe.. Litele toothed Mofie: 



% The a 5 


he botto: ne gt f He Bh 

: = ‘ 
‘and Lng and oe like | a5 SaaS vpon barrenmountaines , confifting as icw were of fc 

made v nto along rope or corde, Teel; felfe fatre abtoadinto fundry br anches , thang 
5 Bs elk ME VA Soe TE ‘ ek ee seer ora 1 
Pi t 7 Bass § ome i =. ‘4 ns 
$9); "thi | Ey See CRA M2 ft, ree 5 as } Her) 7 ped Bo: Cisleantalta € 1. Ay 
1 aE Tete OE ; ae are es 
iI These stothedlindsof Mote, hich Th Ife L found then vf on He 
ftea lof 

which if haue fhewed ynto divers Chirurgions ¢ of London > th nat haue walked thither | with mefor 

and of; ss Hae jt a J oiecnaueegthe aren Sh sho 
Se ea i knobby pais en eter nat cede nor: 
mens jy 

sof men and wom 


madet chem hae bands, girdles, and alfo bands fo tie fucht things asthey had before a. for 
th ing” 
i of many hairic | es,fety yponato tring very clofeconched and Sonn ociial : 
from whichis alfo fent f ine other branches like the firtt 3 in{undry places there be fent 
downe fine a ence sui ferucin ftcede of root es,wherewith it tis faftned to the vpper partof 
the earth,an pro ease fuch thi me growe next vato it.T here fprip g ee 
the canes ey or ve df 
b ice haviis much el 


a . : 2. L 
on pone 5 oF <3 f ua licke, 

ll ean ie Sfalling, mail 3 aa the Chineough in rence ren if itbe bepemeah and then given is in 
fweete wine, for certaine daics togither, 

II Mufews clauatus fine Lycopodium 12 Mufeusex craniohuman 
Club Moffe,or Woolfe claw Moe Moffe growing vpon the feullofa man, 

ts i 
Ei a 

Zu Ld 

4 te The platen 

Their f. W daleetecs: yee 53 1 1 c ° 

They flourifh efpecially i in the fommer sont 
_ Goldilocke i is calledi inhigh Dutch cuimrtone, > ‘gotten wevertout 3 Furry Aira har: 

Ud olyt rt 

lator if, ot Apuleius h is Maiden haire , neuerthelefle Apuleiushis : Miaithets lake ire * is nothing 
ee Die orides Tric Saline: called En nelith Ma iden haire , and for that caufe we had 

- fhouldbe termed Mufers capillars, or Haire Moffe: thisis called ate 1 Goldilockes sPoiyes 

“MG Hairie Mofle, F i ae 

* Bey gm pS bs pees 2 Re, eG hy ak Bikey, 

> Setikratit : inlowe — snes a nam 
sin Englith Woolfes met ioc and tkewife Club. Moi: 
i Sp arevery imu uch ¢ o blame 

y — ofin. their fever tpn a0 
ve The temperatar 

ae So RBS 

seme The vertues. 
7 Aeahian Dhife: 4 NA g thei fe.11 yes ; C ifying t fn k, A 
to {tay vomnite,andtoftop thelaske, ook ie 5g ae te hele toatl 
PF HH the fpitting bl 1, pifling of bl Shela 8 

~ and blondie flixe. 
Mofle made into ito powder i is gr to ftanch the bl leeding of ‘gtcene and freth toe and is aC 
great! helpe vnto the cure of the fam 

i ef y i fteth the ae D 
: - o a rs 
ueth it foorth. 
Being ft 1 boiled in wi dapplied, it miti het ineof the gout. E 
Ae cy ES, 1 a Paes ete - PS ie i 7 § 
g 5 fitbe hanged i in F 

D ? 
_ the veffell,as the fame author tettifieth. 

Of Linerwoort. ep. 158. 

1 Hepstica terrestris. i, aoe Pee Hipatcelers, 
Ground PR: 

mall Liuetwoort. . 

oort: re skinde of Motfe which rade ee stead bn he SE 
‘led leaueslying one her, as the feales of fities * 
andbro vnderneath; a ior ee aoir9p final fhort ftalkes , {pred at 
eas tit, ‘aioe ¢ fire little threds are fent downe, prone which itcle aueth; aid fticke 
aftones sieecat: may whichi it liveth and fourifherh. 


ni: %& The defeription. 
: 2 TL. fo; CS eS Fe oe ae reo. 1 1 rae: 8 A it is altogither leffer, and More 
R f i he @ 1 Wien 8 
reeks) aay Rye | ORT. Checks ir: oa thai is to fay, this kinde being planted 
d i . 
in apotand fetin the garden at | Je; A cate Btbchde 
molto 1 ae C4 fn 1. F aaa) Sos inte 
: ne Cet fc > 7 bs} 
5 3 Hepatica petrea, ; rt. 
2h Ap Ston Rebiuectroce: % The defeription.. 

3 This is found vpon rockes and ftonie pla- 
ces, as well neere vnto the fea, as further in- 

oort dot 2 it cone fit ses in athe ots and 
a salted fethe andthere ; af co- 

crumpled le vp diuer Seas * 
von to a ow litt pe cee flowers,of the 

our of the leaves:it is often found atthe bor- 
5s: eofhightrees , growing spon high moun- 
snes in rte S 

be plac 
his is often fader thado wie and moift 
pacts on rockes and oe ftones a PY the 
no raver eqn, 

It bringeth foe bis Bhezing ftars and leaues 
ofte entimes in tip ct uly. 

_ Iris called of ey: Choon ner 


nfhops Hepatica, yetarethere alt 
nie other herbes named Hepatica, iuer: 
wor “S if ce whereof this may id’ be 

ee ngs - Ye eee ee 

+ Theve pay ow i Sage ae 
| Pasdlesgood ssi she inflammations felis, hotand ae sacri 
O eof cholet. : : 
ri Liuer pplied oth pl ce,fta heth bleedin: taketh away. S 
ef or Tingwoorme, called in G rine ota 

; | ea 


Of Lungwoort,or woode Liuerwoort,and Oifter greene. (hap.159- 

i Lichen arborum. 2' Lichen 
Tree Lungwoort, Gk hk § Oifter greene. 

rhein 5 a: 2 JkEs 

soe a at bh awd 1 ae oe 4 ab 

: a and of a — file, sa Teeth esleyi - leaues heereof are greater, and ee 
. {tlike a Fell 
< fide whi > and on the neather fi de blackith or duftie, 
= : aS to be after a i like to fous or: com 

“ , much like vito. Liuerwoort, altogither without 
; falke or ftem, bearing many gi 1 full of wrinckles ,fome- 
~__whatbroad,not much differing from cae of ‘crifpe or ce Lettnce: this groweth vpon rockes 
within the bowel sg the ane efpecially am ong Oifters, and in greater plentie among thofe Oi- 
fers whi chare called Walfleete Oi fters itis was well ka nowne etien to t  poore Oifterwomen 

which carrie Oifters to fe “lly ar d Moffe, for the decking Pa 

and beauti tifyin ‘of their Oifters,to make them fell the better seats a! ae ee 

Sago: is alfo another fore: of! fea weede founde vpon bee 
of ih gn) pe . This fea g ke, fatt d het 

~ SNe ogee 3 Te a y n. Bcige 

_ ende, being afoft herbie plant, very flipperi 
Sather falling sit rampeth farre abroad, andh eee cite sre to aoe es or 
bladdets, fullofwinde , which giuetha Siew. gpa :the leafe it felfe doth fomewha 

_tefe mble the Oken leafe, whereof it tooke his name Quercses marinus, the fea Oke: of fome 

et vfe einPhifickehathnotbeeneletfoor, andtherefore this bare defe 


3 Quercusmar 
Sea Oke,or We. 


It groweth vpon the Sele er: of old Weir 
and other wilde trees in darke and thicke w 
itis oftentimes found ee vpon vockss, . et in other fhad ep ace 

It fourifheth efpecially in the fommer mo- 

a of the likenes of 

& The names, 
aketh his name Palmonari 
4 suit th lungs. or light, cal 

the fees ne, which it ies 
ledin Latine Palme 
Jed in high Durch Lwigens ratit t inlow Dutch 
x mgbeers pt: in French Herbe a Poulwon: in 
Englifh ik, Shea obs ee wW oe eat 

% The tempera 
This feemeth tobe colde oe dries 
The vertues. 

is reported that fhepheards and certaine 
hor ula ae sy do with good fucces giue the pow. 
der heereof wich fair caothel fheepe and other 
cattle — be troubled with the cough, and be 
broken w 
Lingront ism deg Eadie of th 
fitions of our time againit the d 
te cling a ally for r che Be te an 
ers ot the fame, being brought intopowder, 
td viele with Water, 

Cc is ikewife commended for bloudy & greene 
wo vd sand fe a = in the fecret parts, and al- 
: fo to ftay the re 
D Mor r,it tape Ley ag © a PR a : } L 4 J 
ore efpecaly ifthey te of chol ft h er aod. it alfo ftoppeth 
CG } CAF ; aceneaeaasoes Br ei 

oa some greene fried with egge 
then the weakene s of the backe, 

2 - : Of fe Ae offe, or Coralline Chap. iia: 

ao, : % The kindes 

ee {7 

 apiered a 
id ipa od funduie titles. 

L 24. Pie noe 

%& The peers 
“His kinde of Sea Moffe hath pas {mall ft, 
aues very much ee ie theleaesotDily butharde, and ofa ftonie fub- 

2 Ee couered or fet ¢ ouer with finall - 

"a TheGoemn) 
: ching ele any dn oes growing verie ae ither ay in great quanti 
— outofa isfafhioned ike ana o ie ad, select 

1 Mufims 

* a ices % BERT 7 

eS Ta Se OF PLANTS. 1379 
2 Alufcws marinusfine Corallina rubra. 
a fe Coral fee jor a, ee, Red cto ore fle. 
Yok Wee, 
TaN NA SN NAL a ie EN || 
ap ‘ My by " 

Niel AS 




53 Corallina Anghca. : Corallinaminima. 
En ngli ith Coraline. 4 The pee Coraline. 

& hep k Oe atey pe 5 Ane 


5 Mu sexes Cor allinus,fiue Corallinamontans, 6 Fucus marinus. 
Corall Mofle,or mountaine Coralline, Fenell Coralline,or Fenell Moffe. 

“Therei 8 f . } <= CT L * i “3 

; ) isfou dvpon : . Pay ape gS fe eg L: s 

Bs kinde of Corallin which in chee | 
: dca cori aoe eg es veneer Pt Bathing deol and of a houlelub=. ; 
4 ste ? | Pal ar he 2 Det aS feat 
eqtatice. + Bie Se oe is : : ear : 
<4 eee ear 7 ms 1 NI>.1 7 ES ya ea mehe fea, a 
< : ios Cos Toe A ee et 4 : 
ef inde of Corallin nro. RCTS NELOD SEBO 22 
fmall graffe like arid very ae oriagged yetare they of a3 
asaretherefto f the Coraline es5 soadaerae cl, See ae ; 
ae a £ a The place, , c q c 1 ‘ Oyfter fhels,Muf- . 5 
- ind verie great plentic thereof vnder Reculuers and Margate,in the - 
Bae, ee oft hae See igen rh... “fie tea 


iferh yas Onih anette andi bo “Aiohthencolle: Sorby 
cing applied co any hot infirmitie, it alfo euidently coo oleth : the ¢a 
italfo acertaine faltnes by reafon whereof likewife pigs igh 



% 45 he vertues. 

t be Ft 1 

The later er Phiiins on foundeb by experience, thati itl killeth wormes in the hl 3 it isgiuen B 

againtt eee tape | saaly Ceca. ae 14a 1 Cc 
aie ' BES Gera 2 ; Eeixsorn 

forthe beft: they | hich is whitifh,to be the woorfer. cia at in the cate 

: Ocean, the Britaine, eS | Y> wh: L fr ° ray ? ‘ 1% eS ¢. Bp 

1 L L (Teey s Me col i: Ee RS 2 een =) Yn yg WS || Pp 

‘ any > 5 > Vite ; « 

. Of Corral. (hap.161. 

a Es %& The kindes. 

e ero 1 J CCorra)] Da py: ae pe 1 44 1. Lt tL J a = > 

: 2 24 9 3 5 

{ i colour. 

4 I Covalliuma ubrum. Corallium nigrum, fine = eit 

Red Corral. : ” Blacke GC orrall. 

ee ete 

pa ee ne ee ee eet ee ae ey Pe ERR gy Pe ee gee 
tee == is 

iy agla ee aoe Si aeataes. 
ih alte ei nce, hai epinhle x 
itheren and ther. fs r that the SLiodes ches 

ae laret andioints,, fuch as w xe 
e,andin {uch ue os hile wil ftande 

% The defeription. 
“2 The black Cor Ugrow L F eae ' ie ee f efca 
fj hisis ofa fhini g bl 1 | r, and very fmooth Stowine 

cea 70 ° 
oe ike 2 eee like a fhrub. 

3 Cor alls albton, 4 Corallium luteum. 
White Corrall. Yellow Corrall. 


: % The defiription. : 

: The white Corrallis like vnto the former, growing slo the rocks neere ve the fea,amd in the weft 
 ~par ts of Engla and,a bout Saint Michaels pees oe “eae ae raf are {maller,and more brit- 
: ier difpe nbero 
7 ofthe ed sand in the pl8ce aforena 
4 vane peel mesred. — 
a herocks neere vito the fea, a cervaine ma rwrought togither, 
: ri semen thelea nhckecal ings after ob tie Etichete sae ole 7 
ed ng the fea Mofles, hereof to write at large wor see Mae hac ea act 
; the vie is fo wel kno 

ifite the Reader,confidering we haften toanend, andalfo that 
are thefe fewe lines ma may ferue vntilla a further confideration,o 


5. Spongia marina alba, <6 Spongia marina flana, slit 
were e Spunge, oe man bss ao 

Ay aos 
Et -'Sp,-4< 
se . 
<5 i 


hal Pa 

EN Ves 
Ra Pay 




4 ES 

NS x 



nae - 



ae sty 

co ~z 


EN i Ns es wre 
NG: ee O24 
= et, yao! = 

[ag ets y 

_. & The place. 
Tt 1 ? opk EO . oy ee» eee fe ig ay pA 19-3.fnctne? 
i J oO ¢ i ‘ i : 
% The time. 
The ti f. 5 Mt he ply ET, ¥ 

x Then 
Corallium rubroen, i is called in = red a 5 blacke Corral, Cor allie 
alba, white C : 

Corral] bindeth, at scanty cake it ‘death ic the {ears sar of oe cies , and is veric 
+ effectual againft the iffues of betes ==: eafeth the difficultie of making water, 
The wer. 

we Thewvertuyes. 
Corrall drunkei in wine or water prefer from thefpleene sant beast sbouthe: necks 
z fchashae Morbum comitialem is giuen in fred 
sey ae raenesies die sotee 5 and faieal flues of bloud 

manand the dyf 

Cor geek more then whenitis ynburned, a nd being giuen todrinke in Pi 

~“tlpet the sings esol ch ca the griefes of the a in the bladder, : 
aes :butif the; ienthaue an ce Sater tO vith 

fuuccette Gaiheaie in wate »and the wate 

wheteofitr itreftraineth = ah ACP LG! V@Pours thac hin 

eh ee Rc BAS Mee Tos Bee ee ee Bee oe 


Of <Mufbrums,or T oadftooles. Chap.162. 
: : % The kindes. 
Fan Om AA, SL g' Pad } fr.L . 5 hi f 1 L whi ch differ al. 
PD) } AA 1 } W 1 E » and haue fith at will — 
; rous ‘for hog of diet to feede pon the birds of th dwell vpon ‘the 
g fter fea fith ; many thatk plen y.of both "ndtillo after 
}; hi {c , called Muth I f fome are y ifon; 
5 Sp git Ys omy ie ieee, aS 1! : r. of 
5 very 
qualitie of the one, and that the oth er which i is. rele venemous wiser be difcerned 
fromi it, TL Lt } 1 fp Cc. 1 l ~ 

bs) fr fg 1 

2 Fungi lethate 
Poifonous or aay Mufhrums, 

1 Fungi ene efeulenti, 
Com ea ap be eaten. 


alent Pesci Ypowrs Shiota unde aes ike 

his faire white , declining to yo — : the lower fide is Gutiewhat hollow, fer of 
inc gutters xdrawne ing onte le center to the circumference or roundedge 


= < eye 4 r fome 
dlikea bro: Scat ecjeaesoralle sow tebi nef Sate fuer coin called 
c:moft of them are red vnderneach; fome mote, fome 3 otnothing red a - 
vpperfic ide which bearedhont, is either pale or whitith , orelfeof an nil f: 
= eS ge The 

' aN fufhre ims grow pin ; = 
: ae iharor. srk set of of vey whe colon ¢ vntill it begin to wither ieroriiaritieg 


The defeription 
__ Therei is another kinde of Mufhrums called Fungi parui letbales Salericulati: io Englifh deadly _ 

3 > 

lled Fungus Clypeiformis lethalis, that is alfo a deadly Mufhrum, 

shies ae a ti te 
There : i. Beery CAA, 1 

pe Bt es 7 n ii a SF aE 3 bearing al 
rey at * Sing ape ee, UB & ey ; Pah oes Betis ood 
° AS Lyp éfe c 

mous Muthru 

frilae is allo: anotherkinde of Mufhrum or Toadftoole , growing in the moi and elev 
woods,and fuch like places, either 

allowing it forfoode ynto man, nor yet Pare for any other vie 5 wherefore Ido oe more 

brief f i 
The Mullican ot ord Af, 1 ~ ing g i 1 1 <4 1 rape ny mu ich 
refembling Auricula Indethat is I , doin conti ti : growe vnto the fubttance 
< h the Fowlers d ll Touchwood, and are for tt ttl 
isfomwhat plaine ,and fometime a little hoil > but Baas Ss plaited or 
@ purl = ee This kinde of Mufl he Grecians do calle. ih wie ae nome of 
t ff iall fe pou the Tles “Ay ‘Olive anne 
= There is likewite a ‘Kinde Muthrur called. Fungus Faia acini gong pi in tnoift and 
a ofa 
duskith colour th p whereofi pactofm: a fell diuifions,like vnto the Hony co ombe. 
T is alfo found her, fer foorth vnder tt ungusvirilis penis arecti, which we En- 
glith pricke oe from his forme. 
3 Tubera ps 
nonast Baile bale or Puckfifts: eS, defer iptio 

3 Fungus si cvbschtge, or Lapp: : fome do 
Zit it Lucernarum elifh Fuffe bals, 
Pucke Fufle,and aati bis at ve in fome pl 
ces of England they vieto killor {m “a ert 
Bees, when they woulde driue t ie Hiu na 
bereaue the aires es of their meate’, “hous 

? ail 

: =e = ala ns placdaua re 
ies a fom ace to pce ‘hereof it tooke 
ruin fungi: me they are 

very suid) Ee & ae vnto pene eabe 

“Theis anot ne inde ee. ty 
swlics roweth in moift medowes ,, ay by ditch | 
” Eced ue or fixe inches high, coueted ouer with 

@ ae 



S = 
<= % 


Se zy 7 colour; which being takenawa' tse MaDe: 2 


a longand siptne ftumpe,in forme not muck ee 
“Tike to an ndle; mentioned i ; 


The defeription. 
Thete i is likewife a kinde of Muthrum, 

1 the 
yin drie and grauelly ‘grounds in ie and the 
D. ) ng PEE | {pays = } tL 
] l 1 ag at ss 1 Br chs -: 4 vag 
t y grow, diggethem n vp and caft them ) abroad like as we do males 
SE Ey page Be y A421) 1 ra {} jleaue 
Sh ia a: = } t C.n } L a 9 2. wl re 11:71 1 tg ie 
fe 5 bur 
widiin ofawhitith } Hed r} } ns excrefeciiceisve, and the La. 
tines Tabera : the Seaiiae he call them T: le ti Englifh we may call them Spanifh 
Fuffebals. ; 
% The est 
AA, @ L L Irs * Ke 1 ig j Wert lee lan 
¢ Peee Se j ere 1 L ee ee J a 34 wel VW Paes C. vely 
foorth of the rotten bodies of trees , but they are vnprofitable and ie woorth. Poifonfome 
AALdh : uf Be HEE et +8 orrortrenc outs, or neereto fer. 
'p nts de ne ; f } bri 

fc . Divers efteeme thofe for the belt 
which stow vpon mountaines and hilly ou. is ‘Horace ne 
Hor Lib fer.2. -—---pratenfibuscptima fungi 
Styr 4. Natura saat altis male creditu 

edow Mufhrums are inkinde the ey 
Itis sill trufting any of the reft, 

xe The time. 
Ty - A wT Ba pees | “Tha : c. L fle t 4.9% Ac A W 1 
4 1 ey re “a n cL. * yf £. ms e 
oft ote Bf oo 
Wha triacsc Qyith pJya;, indhowers OFfai } frhef]; 
t=) eas bape ; 
" treessas = gra aftirmeth, ; 
% Thenames. 
eer Wat tal ves : : et RE Pa peer Mises eo yee a 
af They: é ges IN Soteekes g 2 OS, CHE 
i; ios: in Frei 3 rey aes. trae Sees eae | Tit. Ry Neh Aim 4, 
i eS ale, Pee f Sc 10 ee 

ch Sgacher: 
thatateofa lightred be called ‘ome Bo vleti , among the Jater ones which rife and fa. 

Mufhrums thatcome vp in ape atecaliedin Paging of diuers Soph of the Talia 
Peg: :and in high Dut 
‘They tha fi fo Il 
: away in feuen ane Te white or thofe which be fomewhat eee be ae oe tin eae nie 
ee t Phifitio 

me Porcini, or Swine M 

Muflarums : Suédb, faith Plinde 
ponte hich are thruft thorow them, ‘the ey ones are in our age ees eat beinia a os 
| Anftria: th g y lied doft the Lanes Pepa Poplar 


ules Fiftes,. are consonty called in inbatne Loi crepitus, or Woolfes Fiftes: in aoe er 


~ Tree MufhrumsBecalledi in Grecke rir: See ao eid zune et vin a. 

elith tree Mu , or Touc! wood: it nhighDutch a alfo sSchwemme, el are all ea 4 
* 0 ‘being inwardly taken yaer writeth that 
Hex tree,andof the Oke tree bring death, ec ae ae 
The tem SAE Se y 
Gao dBmries that they are ail very colde and moift ; erie do approoch vntoa vene- 
mous and murthering fac aculrie $ Se sand colde nutriment if they be 
: eofthem egood. tobsicaten; and motto them do fisfocate and pod 


| commer» Seem E Celk } 



HISTORIE i Se oe 1387 
Fuffebals are no way eate j ing s itis fitly applied to B 
Rika kibed heeles and ek a 
Jn diners parts of aEaos where seats dwell f: ighb ER an ae ae’ 
y lled | Laceraruom n Fungi 
Th fi f fren feene thatdi- D 

uers have eae rabies cuer dace “wheh fome final quantitie thereof hath beene blowen 
into their 

opl kill or fmoother Bees with thefe Fuflebals, being fet on fire, forthe E 
which Hi sat it cfitly: ae 

> and that wane fet downe ; and that itis moift F 
when he reckoneth yp t the 

Vir gs ry in his firft booke 
fignes that go before raine: 
um Corni recy poeen vocat "is te voce, 

Scintillare cleum, c putres pee Fungos. 

Then via a ee all alon ‘ 

A fturdie Crowe raine do aa emand, : 
Virg. And hauing belide hirfelfe he ies ; 
Georg... She iets s vp and down ethedryfand: é 
libi. And maidens which * ana Boks do handle, * persis the flaxe 

Awinterly ftorme haue foreknowne, m the diftaffe. 

en fp 

a vp rotten Mufhrums be growne, 

Of: great Toothwoorth, or Clownes ee ee De 

1 Dentaria maior Mathiols 2 Destar 
» Grea psoceteteett, or oe Little Fe, 
ses e (E> My ¢€ Cotes! ( * 
gate 0B Sh ; opens SEED! icles Bs 
i if AE > 

ICD 5 
BD ~N4 
Ch) SSN 
Oo ah .<s= 
4 AY (Op 

y Ba 



% The defeription. 
‘ ‘ 2S Se ser eee c } g ae Wy we Pg Wie f excrefce confiftin ng of 
iz a iellie, or foft fubftance , like that of the Mufhrums, and therefore may ge mere he ha 
Ph is eee A 
R jalfo in fubtt yhaning atender, thicke, , tuberous, or mith: Pe bodi conitingas it 
re of feales like teeth (w (wh fit tookehi Rie ft o pur ple. 

The ftalke rifeth h vp in the ye guna with ile gaping hollow more “ike ot xf tris 

et t 

1. 1 1 ogee ese: SRE LI iiekin 1 oe L 1 1 iy th ee 
ate es ty 1 5s TA ay eet i n. L cw: £2. i Lr. 

2 2 3 o win he 

1 tL L ~ J Pe. 1 . ° e 
ab If ff > diff gs fi the precedent: the chiefe diffe- 
CA 1 L l L: ] apes | a Lm : C2 Cr ALYY 
ef a t « 
ie The place. 
ei ay SS pea 1 me aoc f:9 ie 1 

ad in in called Eaftlane, vpon the right hande. as yee go from Maidftone i in Kent vnto 

fclles shows Crorde led Gi cing the lande Bi a worthipfll 
Gentleman called Malte pone and alfo i de i vei neere eCrayfoor d, called Rowe 
lin W. banks a wood ie 
Ied Talbot banke. 
% The time, 
They flourith in Maie and Iune, 
: *T he names. 
Atel setae’ vertue : 
A. "icte is ile extant of thefacu her of i ancient or later writers: ere 

endo call it Lungwoo 
do vei it nape the SL andall other inpeedions of fthelangs: b but what benefit coal ape 

; : OfSaunders. Chap.164.. 

: = 
% The kindes. 
oS 5 Album, Rub : 1 pn, /,J, ; LTS BE a”, r : Noa ae 
os cic: . . 
r Ty c 1 g a L s gr fthe Walnuttree goodly 
I branch fe of the Lentisk ere epi a ca 
= sey faire flowers , ae a blew Fee zndblacke to blackness after commeth 
she festa iets of a Cherrie. acke when itis stipes without ate, 
_ andreadieto tofall downe with euery little blaft of wind: i 
2 Thete “On fo Pp! af ret in the col > f the woode ywhich a 
ce aban fol yer fe aes n the jwh rini ae ch from the re 

anothery a sO 3 1 ie oO 
-ofhiskinde-thewoode isofay llo Jour, wherein confifteth the difference. 
> ba I Santalan 

Z pics a 3 ‘eusbehdasabie ef ‘dias : i9 Z 
“White Saunders, bo: Red Sau duis. ie apes oad we 
i te 
ie i S 
Win i = 
i = 
NN Eee ovoa hog 
ie , i : 
Se “Za 
De Ne 
iy | 
{ hit 
‘| ‘a 
: ih Nil i \ | 
\® \ 
Es pa eee Be. 
: gape z 

% The ‘place. 

é nanIlandcalled 
= “Tinorgnd no int the} ees Indies — the: riuer Sanges or father ‘Come . which the Indians - 
| = Ca, a 



. ea al sae 
s t 4 E * | aa re Pests i ph fas aS q 
= og f 7 = a 
3 1. Cy Az} g 1<-e 1. f, 5 eae gains , thar age her ; ‘ 
p [B Anit ft of the Mauricani , calli it by: a comuprname Sandal? co 
in Timor ealoan pisses neere adioining CA, D s 
wasee 3 

alum,adding thereto for ey colout fal flanmn, or spd ogee) eis ae 

‘tine Sai 
redhead yelo, : ; 
= __% Thetime, a ee 

- Thef gtow g wv cf ,a knowne from another jeer i ; 
Ind elpeedly dif sdnith ken vee ine esandmases ofthe bi oa 

u Their nates hae i eene cel ipoken ort sel watts 
: temperature. 

. ‘Saundersi is coldeti the firft deprie vnto the thirde,and drie in the fecond, The oi 
fomewha at colder, 

: We Pe vena. 
mo Indians do vfe the decoétion made in w ,againt hot Buri ing ague S and | 
: f the menfe Jallinflammations Pefagerally Fic it bemixe rite 
“8 ie oF Nigh ios Se 




‘th re 7 ae 
mags ; 3 tf > pain 
the megrim, 1k kethe 4 f} I 

hk 3 f. W 

ffio and maketh it elad and merrie, 
i eee to a2 ut in collifes , iellies , and all pris meates which ~neede to haue ri 
colour made more pleafant to thefi ight, 

Of the Stonie wood,or woode made Stones. Chap.166. 

Ligua lapides, fine in Lapides conuer{a. 
The Stonie woode, or woodemade ftones, bic % The defripton. 
n England this 
one ot ore tigen au ebntratig 
and capacitie , that 
there Heclde be akin a wood alterableinto 
, the hardnes ofa fto ed Stonie — ey 
rather akinde of wie, poi hardneth wooda 

soecectil, ifwe us but narrowly fearch the 
leaft of them : vee ag much 
more if we turneo' are 
feldome feene; an odkia ut of afewe, e, and 
that of fuchas haue painflly travelled in aie 

ecrets ofnature, This ftrange alteration ofna- 
tore is to be feenein fiandry parts of England 
and Wales sthroupbathe qualities of fome wa- 

that aa of which is within, the 
ene nd willbe oe a dard ftone, a 

Ribianes andr nature. Al my felfe bei ng a at 

ur Fantattick 
aire and run Cite me, ike faced Wes of: DNewnam regis, in the oe of Warwick hire, as as 
‘0 the water of life, which could cur call difeafes ) lwent from thence vnto thefe Wels, where I 

ahh cate dad ang ouer the fpring o 
at were feare and rotten , and fome that of purpofe were broken off, fell into the 
vere all turned into {tones .Of thefe boughes or parts of t aiecarprgee vato London, 
1 Thad broken in peeces, therein might be feene thatthe pith and all the reft was turned 
= and flowrings of the treefalling into the cae water , were alfo turned 
ones, ftill retaining amethape & 8 fathion that they were of before they were in. the 
at ocbueifd is water were pro 
nofthem,or other lige Stare itwould offer greater occafion of - 
Dgidlsenehre ¢ of mankinde, then it do bist eed as already ha hati 
“eset purpole. at on ee aoe 


| | FY 
i | - HISTORIE OF PLANTS. 7 2391 

Of the Goofe tree, Bernie tree, or the t tree RA 
Geefe. (hap.167. 

Britannica Conche anatifere. 
The breede of Barnakles, The def fer ription 
rary oan from the Graffes ‘gro- 
Hv ing tn the bot By ore eas tenny waters, 

euen vnto 

‘oods , her 
Libs iefelfe, ba allo the fea, aks wels of 


wootthines and raritie thereof, woulde.not 

onely require a large and peculiar ime but 

alfo a deeper fearch i me cp bovrk Lig c, 

then my intended purpofe eset wade 

rough he aye ome 

excellent men, leatnedi inthe eae of nature, 
tobe both fined and refined: in the emeane fpa ce 
take itas it falleth out,the naked and bare truth, 
lifhed, ity the 

itec faces oP 
all Barn 
~  fhire tree Geefe other that do fall vp- 
on theland, eto nothing: thus 
% : 7 _. muchby the writings ofothers , and alfo from 
Bee ee 4 _-_themouths of people of th = parts, which may 
ae "49 SIF OF ve ery well accord with trut 
Butwh d hands I Thee is safmpall Iande 
= in Lancathire aati eeee Folens are found th pee dandbrnfed 
== ae eee whereof hauc beene on by fhipwracke,and h | bodies with the 7 
a8 aiacad reer yees BE likewife: wt in froth, — 
ae breedeth vnco certaine hele, sisi atee = stl skle , but fharper pointed 
: $ ike alace of fi Ike tee tvouen, 
-asit sere eatrot whitith colour; ' nto the e thell, 
even as the fifh spe d Muskl 3 the other end le Fatt the bell y of a tug 
 maffe epee hin time commeth to the eispe fom of a Bird j when it Ag — f 

= - ae thel leupetho kee Sethe firit = that appeereth isthe forefaid lace or ftrings next come 
So grees 

pate pos an ely by he bill ; Bie re 
: Series and ith into the fea sige hfeath ers,and —., toa eae ige 
Mallard, et then a Goofe 5 pee ieae blake Sg and bill or beake , and feathers 

a3 f? 
T "5 WL 

the people of { } i Goof hich pl forefaid anda] 

gee 7 3 } > andall 
hofe dioini An {7 »} es) cS, ey AES ey ane 

ite } Cie } oe ts SND $ £ HAN C. ER 

fr b them by 

the ee of. f good caning 
i eee oe oo Mra Cunht-] 

3 pand of of 



Rumney sk fonds the ey an olde rotten tree, which ( with ie he that I procured | v2 
efea) we drewe out 

of the water ypon dry lande : on this rotten tree I founde growing many seouandss of = 

_ cleere and ithining at te neather end whereof did grow a thell: oh iain “eae likea a finall 

Muskle r, refembling a fhell fith that groweth ypon sabour Gar oat nd 
Garkey, talled Lyon ae: if hel Trougiewibne Landon hich after ad ope- 
as ~ned,I founde in them lining th age ai eto 
ps enes found iting th ingst like aBirde ;i the Birds coue. 

av with foft downe, the fhell hae ela ae Bide readie to fallout, which no doubt were the 

_ > fouiles called Bar nakles, Idare.not abfolutely auouch euery circumftance of the firft t part 0 of th his 

es see conéerning ghen eae tbearet htho fe b 

= on: howbeit t i l] 

es cafe ote Say put downe for veritie. Nowe an anywill sha ‘ha this tree ich 

awe might tbe one ¢ ofthofe before mentioned , which either by the wauies ofthe fea, or fome 

ea aS, alling into thofe ay 

seus 08 Orchades, ill of themfelues beare the fil foules , by reafon of thofefeas and eins 
b Lt } 2 . F g 

Fat L 
63 = é 

to eine 5 

The ae and rotten sles: siiacebal are cine thefe fhels wherein is ted the =Aiteableare 
pprecseiare |. erase halfe ee and, called thePile 

the oneth after. And thus hauing ae Gods: ieee ‘icowe 
é tubs, ‘Trees, Moffes , an ae — he 
ore hereof, we ) 






Aste Acylum 1i60 
, Acynos 549 
Bacus pagina 23. Adiantum 983 
Abies 118i.3182 Adiantum candidum abi, 
i : 422. Adiantum mgr : 9 75:983 
949. Adiantuma. 117 
ibid. prey ts flos, pies varielas 310 
; 948 62 
Ds pra ibid. 
7 i Aretn vel Agaricum 1184 
Abfiathia sgilop. sty FOR, 
Atti aah [en Ronee Agilops Narbowenfis.° 68 
‘ 939. éAgibops Bro sae Jo 
Abit latifoliums fine Pouticum eg) ipyrus : 1142 
938 wAgiis 49 
vib cbicas ee Pomicum AL ganychon 48 
tbiops: 63. 
rh inhive mcdinum cae wily 
ium marine ee ifoliu IIs 51056 
lati 4 

Abfi hana 

4g s caftus Z 1201 

Arrimonta > gps 24 RAS. 

Bute marina Abra fe Avimonia ince 841 
dgrioc a ‘anon , 906 

3 Agriorigamm oh 

eAcanthus fatinus 
Acari thus, s fylucfe efPris 

a ssi ae 5 pal Bein faerager eB 
+3 sg 88 

| Acarna ary Alby 
ne Tape eye Alcea YBEeTE 3 
ae penn Dore : vied Alccaperegring ae 
ee Pe Seg eA 

Ning NaS 
Y 3 


Alfine 49t 
Alfine maior erste minima 488 
Allin 40 772. ibid, 

eAlfine niin 489 

Alfine folys Veronica cum caterts 
fpec. ibid, 

a ne font na 490 
eAlfine ae ibid. 
Aifine paluftris 491 
AAlfin o Fol Triffaginis 492 
ne cornicubata Clusy ibid, 
Aline Hederacea . 493 
Alfi L¥33) tli lt 7 tbid. 
Als. Hiaittoe . * 85 
ohn frutex Class, 788 
Althea ar et ng  sbid, 
Althea palu sSPSZ >. 
Althea te 787 
eAhhaa 7H “799 

Appam mt Ca sath 
Abfes P ane 
Abfjum Galeni = 
im Germanium 


eAnagyr 1239 
nie ed eretine bid, 
an 683 
An 657 
preric fa eAlcibiadion 656 
Auchufalutea ibid 
eAndroface 425 
Androface annua fpuria ibid 
Androfem 43 
Anemon ofa radic ° 
Anemone coccinea multiplex ibid, 
Ane olboc: = radice 303 
Anemone ome lusy ibid. 
eAnemone maxima Chalcedonica po- 
co sat geranifolia 304 
‘wemone ao olf ibid. 
Anemone i 305 
Anemone Pipaserce ca ibid, 
<noie s eat 306.307 
pos a tice oe riplaatie 895 
ngelica *8 
Angelica fatina 846 
Angelica fylucstris a7 
T1411 vgs 
Anon mie flor s TI4t 
Anonis non vii parpurea 1142 
Anonis |, ibid. 
eecee 1286 
erina . 841 
eAnteuphorbium 104 
Authemis 61 
Anthericos 8 
Ahora 82 
é ro8r 
Auathropomorphos 281 
hay llis 420.497 
eAnthyllis lentifolia 498 
eAnthyllis leguminofa — 1060 
eAntlyllis ValentinaClasy = 4h2 
13 138 

mpl 1351 
Anura 82 
_ Aparine 963.964 
ina wine Phin ~ 
rem es 

: es 
pis om ast 
. Apion ribs: 
: —— 86r es 


a pile 86n8 67 
wi Fa Place 866.867 
—— 512.591 
Apolin 1218 
pais 28 3 
ipyites 73° 
cAquarvita 734 
qua ardeéns sbid. 
Aquilegia 93 
A quilegia carules 935 
quileia 936 
Aga rubra 935 
Agni 936 
oor 207 
pa Tae 1359 
eArachus 1053-1054 
Aracidna 1359 
Arbor vite 1187 
Arbor Goa, fine Indica 1331 
Arbor Thurifera 1247 
Arbor eee 1307 
Arbor ro 1220 
Arbor tri rife 13.42.1343 
Arbor Iude 1240 .an Sycomorus 1b, 
Arbut 1310.13 
Arcium 665 
Areca fine Fanfel 1337 
cArgemonia ibid, 
Argemone capitule torule Ge. 300 
eArgentina 841 
Aria Theophrafti 1146 
Aris 687 
a) ibid, 
Arifarum latifolium 686 
aeeee wg Shefolium ibid. 
_— mer cikioe. Mathioli = 

a “tc ace. oa $femine ha. 

nts 479.481. einsvarietas 
jarubra latifolia 479 
fuane rubens sbi 
Armerius flos primus Dodonai 481 
flos t 
Armor. 186.481 
Armoraria scx dened CG faemina 
pag. 48 
eArmoraria [ylucciris 481 
oglofa 340” 
ip 683.126: 
Arfela 3 
Artemi 946 
emt mater 9. 
Artemifia tennifolia 527-945 
ifia marina 946 
Arthrevice herba 637 
Arum mains hp minus ibid, 


pire Cypria be 
a donax wid, 

Arundo feriptoria 
Arunda o. harina +H 
run flori 36 
er — ibid, 
undo Lithofpermo. 82 
Fike Mabie. 688 
eAfaram ibid.689 
lepias 7st 
AM felepias flore - ibid, 
Ufclepias flare wigr sid, 
Afelepias ia Ur 52 
Afeclymbros 995 
Af Sie & Afeyroides 434 
_ lathum 29 

arag us 

She [atinus ria 
Alparagus patuftris ibid, 
Afparagus petra an 4 5 
Afparagus fylue: 955 
Afparagus fylueftris fief ‘iy 

Afperula o ee odorata 966 

an Alyffos Plin ibid. 
bode 6,87: 
Ajphedelus minor 44 
Alphodelus luteus 89 
Alphodelus paluStris ibid, 
cAfphodeli Stria ibid, 
A rodelis bulbofies 89 
A inet = hy Tsp 
Ale 979 
A ei filuestre vel See 979 
A sae i 
After Atticus a 
After Italor 392 
After montan 
Aster hirfurus a, 
Astevion 3 
ASterifcon abi 
A regal - 59 
A os58 
A — ister Clasiy "ibd, 
Astrantia 849 
Aitrantia nigra 828 
Ath, 526 
Atrattylis 1008,1009 
Atriph : 257 - 
Atriplex farina alba 256 
Atriplex p ca ibid. 
Atriplex fyluestris 257 
= as ibid 
lex feetida 258 
Auenavefca 68 
A. ibid, 
Auena fatna 69 
Aurelia : 
‘Awricalé orf 640. eines cariiuees 
_ Hbid. 642 


Auricula vr fi 2.Clasiy 64 

eAuricula urfirubefcens 642 
Anricsla vis mini ibid, 
Auriculam 514 
Bz ccharts 648 
charts Diofcoridis 391. 
Bace hav Monfpelienfinm 47 

ech ion 

Balanus Myrepfica , fine glans vn- 
aria 1214 

Balaustia * 1262 
Balfamina 291 
Balfamin 290 
Balfamina foemina ibid.291 

Balfaminacucumerina 291 

eens amygdaloides ibid, 
is as ent ibid. 

Dilan ane vei 523. st 



: ete eftis 

eM: 0; Eee Xe 

B 653 
Boag go hortenfis thid, 
orago flore albo ibid, 
ey fe Beda s tahe Vit Lacey ibid, 
7 2 
Braffica ies 232 
Braffi caer am 244 
raffic ibid, 
Brafficac. dich ata alba ibid, 
5raffica capitata rabra 45 
raffica patula abid. 
Sraffica florida 246 
raffica T ophofa ibidi 
vaffica Sabaud, 247 
Braffica Sabanda crifpa ibid, 
ra) red mariva A, gli A 248 
raffica felinoides ibid.e 
vaffica Cypria 24 
Sraffica Canina “bea, 755 
Britannica P linty 
ie tannice oo anatifera 13 9% I 
Bromos » peril z 
romos altera ink 
Bruta 1193.40 Sabina ahera ius 
J i 720 
Bryonia alba ibid, 
Bryoni ia nigra 721.722 
—— nigra fylacstris 21 
oni wee ; 393 
Deal la Taco "ani Ta domefics 655 
Bagloffa vulga ibid. 
Bugloffa fleeprie ibid, 
ag luteum ibid. 
Bae 7 a fle «bo Ao ibid. 
Balbus efeulentus 105 
albus vomitori 106 
Bulbus Eri ibid. 
albus bombicinus comentitins 2 


Bar “h sense rok 

Achrys 858 
Cattus 992% 
Calerhintha 557 
i, 556 
} Key 
Calansogroftis : 7 
C. — smus Peruuianus (pinofus L’0b. 
cds anats agai gee 33 
Calapazes 35 
C. ©) odor AbHS §5 7 
Caleeolus Mars 359 
Calceolus Sa ends ibid. 
Calendul. ‘a ranlt ifloramaxima 600 
Maria maior & minor polyanthos 
Calendula multiflora orbiculata 600 
G alendula fix pl ci fo re 60% 
life s 
Calendula Ai; pina 603 
c cts aruenfis ibid, 
Calicularis 283 
C allionymums 33 
Callitrichum 983.985 
Calt 603 
Caltha poétarums thid. 
Caltha Aphricana OIE 
Caltha paluffris 671. 
Caltha paluftris maior 670 
Catthapaluftris minor sbid. 
Caltha as —_ ee 
Came 213.214 
Campana het 356 
Campana carule 7I5. 
Cc pepencle . - 
Campan : 
Cc spol perficifolia 
Campanula lattefe Bs ens pyr 
Compra ines inf 
Cneae minor a popes fee 

Capparis io 
caper’ folio acute 
Capparis rotundiore folie 7h 
Cappares fabago 750 
~ Capp A wile thid, 
Caprio 26 
fella 206 
Capficum "293 
Capficum longioribus fliquis 292 
Capficum minimis [iliquis ibid, 
‘ 203 
Cardamine trifolia 202 
Cardamine latifolia ibid, 
ardamine latlea ibid, 
Cardamine alpina ibid, 
Cardamomum 1356.1358 
(ardamomi genera : ibid. 
(ardamum 188 
“areal 996 
Carduns 99 
Carduus Marie vellatteus 989 
 Carduus a ibid, 
Carduus Chryfanthemus 993-994. 
Carduus eo ° 

com Chryfanthemus Peruanus 

Pt tet ee 
Caryophyllus Mediterraneus 482 
cue phyllus marinus minimus L’O- 

bely ibid. 483 
Caryophylius Indicus 611 
aryoph i mame’ 479 

a? 477 
Caryo yl jes multiplex 474 
(aryo ais Cemaips fmplex ibid. 
rh eo $474 

plumar. a ates 

Carye shyla motanus purpureus 475 
Caryo py Mus mewtanns bes lusy 476 
(i i; ibid, 

Caryophyllies 47] 

(4ryophyllus parse arnenfis ibid 

om, ophyllus minor fylueftres ~ le 

Cif 468 
6 fe sie L’Obely 1110 
C fia 1a fiat ibid . 
C:Sfilag 283 
Cis vel Cfialigne 1349 
Cafu 462 
( hae ibid. 
afranea 1253-1254 
Castanea erie ibid. 
Een aputia 405 
Cassia minor ibid. 
Catiaria herba 554 
Cau 58 
feeds, Epes ifleminng 957 
Cauda m 345-346 
Caucalis oe pea ibid. 
Caucalis ibid, 
Cazlis 249 
‘auly ibid 
Caul 251 
Canlorapum rotundum 250 
Caulorapum longum thid, 
Cedrelate id ef Cedras abies ant Ce- 
drina abies 2 33¥39T 
Cedria ibid.1 180 
Cedrus. 1171 
Cedrus Liba ibid. 
Cedrus Lycia 1187.1192 
Cedri minoresvelhumiles 1191 
Cedrus Phenicea vel Punica ibid. 
Celtis : 3309 
Cenraurium 436 
Centaurium parnum 43.7 
Centaurium parce laters LObely 
Ecuasrinm magnin % ve 6 
Centauris ibid.467 
Centunculus 748.519 
Cent, ibid. 
Cope: A154 
Capa agr 132 
Cepa alba 134 
Ceparubra ibid. 
epulle ibid, 
Cepa mares 237 

Cerafa 1323 
Cerafiss 2 
Cerafias v 131 
Cerafue a of ine Belgica id 
Cc e¥afias ferot om 
Cc eralits oF sey op G. fie ibid. 
-£ erafies multiflora frutees 13 
C sf P es fra — 

Conia auinm nigra ‘aie 

Corafat facemofarubra ibid 
Cerafus nigra 1323 
Ceratia filiqua 1241. an Acrides 
AW / ohan. Baptist. ibid, 
Ceratonia id, 
Ceraunia 4 T 3! 
Cerefolinm vul, 
as eee “eB lium magn 
as Peruusanus fpinofies L cy 
pee, maior j ; 
inthe minor ibid, 
Cerofolium 8383 
Cerrus maiore glande 1162 
Cerrwsminore glande ibid. 
Ceruicaria 366 
Ceruicaria maior ibid, 
Ceftrum Morioms 42 
Chamacer. 9°1113.1323 
Chameciffum greene he) 
Chameeiftus T102 
Chamecypariffia 952 
hamedaphne ae 1219 
Chamedrys 1.534 
hamedrys maior e pie 5; 0 
Sg ee é : 
waedrys [ylue. CG fpuria i 
Chamefili ina eAngli ae I 
Chamegenifia An, nglica ir 33 a 

Chamegenifta Pannonic 

_ Chameiris anguftifolia = tei 

‘Chantites fine falix pumila 1205 
Chamelea 1215-1216 

Chamelea, Arabum Tricoccos 121 5 

Chamelea Germanica 2 fae _— 


Chameleagnus 8 
‘hamzeleon 996.998 
‘Chameleon albus 1169 
yeaa albus Diofeoridss 995 - 
Chameleon niger 998 © 
Chameleon niger Salmanticenfis ibid. 
eae os : 667 
Chamalinum perpufilum 147 
Chamemelam par 1d 
-Chamemelum nudum odoratum ii 
‘Chamame. num 616 
Chamemelum Anglicum flore msl- 
4 ; ~ biplict 

e - ‘ 

tiplics ibid. 
Cham 1090 
Chameanerinm 388 
Cc epe : 1110 
; /; 
Seca taaan dee 
: 7 
Chameapytis z 423 
iculata 420 
Chame, tye m mits 42 
in mina ibid. 
anid pity 5 sdeiitians 422-423 
¢ ample anus 2 
Chamaplium gd. 
Chamerhododendros diced 1221 
Chamerhododendres montana ees id. 
Chamarrhiphes 35 
Chamefice a 
Chamaxylon 519 
Charantta 291 
_ Charephillu 88 
Chelidoniv 669.911 
Chelidonium minus ibid. 
Chelidonin git 
Chenopodium 259 
Chiliodynamis 1129 
. Chironinn 43 
Coonaril 227 
c 24 
Chondyilla caerulea latifolia ibid. 
Chondrilla lutea 225 
Chondrilla Hifpanica ibid. 
. Chondrilla iuncea _ 226 
Chondrilla marina LObely.._ ibid 
\ S.Chriftopboriberba 829 
hei 6 

tires FoR ak! Te tS 2 eae 

Cicer Se pg ueftre 

1048-1 049 
Ge firm : attest 

sag gnoanpegrpgss Seno geogs 
g ; i S ss SS "i 3 
a a 


Cinara maxima Anglica 991 
Cinara fylueftris 99 
Cinara [pin ofa sbhid, 
Cinciunalts 93 3 
Ciun 1349 
Circea Lutetiana 280 

Ciffampelo. 261.713 
Citocacium 1215 
Citromalam 1280 
Citrulus officinarum 767 
Cttrulus minor shia 
Citrus 099 
Ciftiss mas anguftifolias 1093 
Cifhus mas wu eemeeihe ibid, 
Cifkts mas cui Hypociftide ibid. 
Ciftus mas tenui, Sine ibid. 
Cifhus feemina 109. 

sf emina Mathiols thid. 

Cites fulto Palins TO95 
Ciftus | ‘alto thy aot sbid. 
C ( d ibid 
Ciftas humilis ae 1008 ibid, 
C anilis AuftriatusCluf-1096 
Ciffushunulis ferpills folio 97 
Ciffus exoticus L ibid. 
c ads pee 
Cifts annu 

Cifhues ta nif 1 Be Obely a 
€ le Iro 

ré aoe pie lsea pet ae. 
‘Ciffiss ledon ‘ 

6 nclediee 

Gifttestedon cum cp ote 

ia ledon mnyriifellnan. 

es Ve enerts. 674 
isBatica 739 
ematis altera abi 
mattis varietates 740-742 
Matis vrens® een) a4 
ematis Pannonica* 742 
ematis Pan nonica ondior sbid, 
Cth alae eee 
Gmenon Italorum 

i” aides 
nets fatinus 
ecus fupinus 1009 
wee es Peta 4 
Ibu Theoph, Ses 

"eeoron mi: iru 
BEOYOR i gat 



Shp rotundifolia 324 
aria hg i : 
mie orienta 

occus infetloria, vel Coccum vie 
m, occus cnidins 

ceygria 293 
. Cegers yerta pepe ibid. 
Cae) Bs ia Plin ibid. 
ua ras 100 

Calate forces II He 


Co alt ca feorpcides stone Cn A 

fC). = } 
7 r/ea 

la Valent: — 


Colebicim aaghoe sere 1 27 

Colchicuns minus 

oe cum ily rieum 
Colchicum paruum montanum 4 
tenm Ghia. 
Colciicum famininum Germani- 
cum 130 
ocynthis  969:768 
Colocynthis pyvifornats ibid, 
lubrina 3.683 
Columbaria 582 
lies Louis 627 
lymbade 586 
Colymbades UPR EVOF 
A ODL xt : 596 
; $33 
onche Britannica Avapiferd 139% 

‘on Bra 
Confolida Saracenica *- 347. 

Confolida media ae 

Confolida maior flore papier 

Confolida maior flore alba : 
Confolida ss td 933. cin Doha 

<* 2.2 : 4 

Confolida vagal fr Ha a “9 

Confolida mie eee 

Corallina minima 1379 
Cortina montana 1380 
Corallion 495 
Corallotdes 835 
Corallinm ae 
€ tos» “arm mf we rAnipahe é 
Corallinm io a 
Core iD ia 
¢ arcoros 549 
c 85 
c oriandram atta ibid, 
Coriandr um put 98 
Coriophora I 
Coriofiaites thid. 
Cornu ceruinum ibid.347 
Cor 1282 
( ibid. 
Cornus ibid. 
Cornus asp Tocpbraf 12 83 
Gornus fila ae ibid 
Corona imperi 154 
Corona pi ln corona = 53 
Coron a 
Cor oa fois bry 
Corona fratr 990° 
Coronopus seni eee tertins, 
Coronepus Resell 346 
ae ee a NSS 
5 rofaruts ehet 2O8L 
= CoefecMa Marbioli C45 
Cortufe verior Icon, » sbid 
12 a I en I 


Di Et x 

Crocus fine flore 123 
roci#s Vernus 125 
Crocus florens 123 
Crocus veruus minor 125 
uciata 965 
Cuciophora 1365 
Cucuba 268 
Cucu 765 
Cucumis [ati ibid. 
Cucumis vulgaris 762 
Cucumis Turcices ibid, 
Cucumis anguinus 753 
C ncumbis vi tier ibid,» 
Cucumis ex Hifpanico femine natus 
cates agreftis, G erraticus, & 
afni 766 
Cucui 400 
Cucurbita anguina q717 
Cucurbita lagenaria ai 
curbita fatiaa 
Cacurbita cameraria, vel ie 
4 BS 
Cucurbita fylueftris 779 
Cucurbita fjlucfiris nee: ibid, 
Culta,Satinasvrbana Quercus 1157 
Cuminum fatinnm Dioftoridis a 
Cuninum fluefire 908 
Cuminum eEbiopicnm (ou cd 
‘amen fi nee pus er 
Cansinum coraicnlatum 909 
7 s; 461.542 
Eovtge hee gt 

Cie aera in ish 3 3 I 7 5 
G se 

' are 

; ani ; 

Chanson ibid. 5995932 534 
se vargas : ps 

papa fit ee 594 
ma yanus carulens rnin $94 


culato alia 694. 

Cele i Hldere = 3 — 

ea are 
Cynocrambe 263.753 

C perms 29 
Cc p 10 2. fenles 2. 1) 2 g 
c ed 1210.4n arma ibid. 
Cyt 1099.1262 
Cyt ae 1024. 1121, a 
Cytifuas filiquofiss 
Cytifiss bir fatus ‘iid. 
Cytifas incanus 1123 
C 5 ae 4 
Cytifes c 
Cytifies erin fine Abfen} frie 
Cytifus femper virens Ir a 
Gg if fylucftres ibid; 
Cytifas Marcelis 1129 
Ey ylus Idews 831 
Damafonium 360 
Damafonium notbum 359 
Daphne 1223 
Dascus 873 
Dancus Ljbsefiris 868 
fis 8 
Deis um 233 
as caninus herbartoru 
peta caninus flore albo, afin 
= folie iS 
Den, 2 i 
Dens peed eichorizatste, ibid 
entaria. aes HM 3 
—. baler se : 
a pale he De 
Dinter beets ct 834. 
pia cs ent athe s Clusty — ibid. 
- Denti ob 1387 
Den ibid, 
Dental Rode 10790 
Ditlamn 5 652 
inion Creticums ibid, 
mn ed Fenerts zx 674 
italis ; 647 
Digitalis varietas a eae 
Digitalis ferruginea’ «6 a7 
rte cai et ee & 
Diofpiros « aed 
Diofpe 487 
Dipjacm “Tees. 
Dipfacus fatinus “a 
Dipfacus Cepepnir bid 
: 1041.10. 
Doran <meta tly 
Dern misono ve 
Rencontre vepente at 
Doronicum brachiataradice a 
cae ye 

" Sa eee re 

Draba — 

I X. 
j Doryenium Hijpantcum 1128 ieee lig 95 

7 ~~ Fabaria 416 
Draco herba 193 10 Faba AEgyptia shid. 
| Draco fylucftris 484 er ica 1200 Faba hortenfis 1036 
Dracoarbor 1339 0 Ertcavulgarisfue Pumila 1 I 9 6 Faba fylueftris #bid.1037 
Draconis frattus wid. pos pumila alba Fab ibid. 
Draconts fanguis 1340 Erica maior , flore purpurante Cli Faba frefa, vel Frakta i 
Dracontium 683 pag. 7 = ‘Fags-triticum 83 
Dracontion Pling 323 Erica maior flore albo sbid, ps eligaseas ibid. 
Dracontinm mains 682. Ericacruciat. ibid. Fag. 1255 
Dracontium minus ibid. Erica Sera lis tid. E. 62 
L biol 683 Evicatenuifolia 1198 Far alietrm: 63 
culus ibid. Erica a wuifoliacaliculata ibid. Fa carci in 667 
Dracuuculus Dodonai 323 «Erica re a latifolia «1199 ibid, 
culus aquaticus 683 9 Evicabacci li tennifolia ibid, Fa sfolus 1041 
oes polyphylios ibid. — Evigeru Fafelus Hircinus 1025 
974 Erigerum ail ibid. Fafeolus 104I 
Diyopters nigra 975 Erigeronmariunm. . 219 Febrifuga 527 
Dulcichinum 29 © Ertocephalus 992 Fego 83 
Delcamara 279 = Erifis 29 Felterr 436.437 
Evithanon 1099 = Ferrum equinum 1056.1057 
E Eruca fatina ~ é ~ 19% Fernla 898.899 
Exuca fyluestr: ibid. Ferulago 898 
Aaa Ebulum 1238 , Evuca Pines angufti ifolia 192 Ferulanigra 
inaflrum “995 Erucaperegrina 216 ¢ 67.1163 
658 Eruca cantabrisa ibid, Feftucal. pe 
871 Erunmfativum 1054 = aalter 
sor ¢ ynge vel Eryngium 1000. 108% Ficus 1328.1327 
ibid. & ynginmn borufficume 293 Ficus fatina 13 
1228 1 yagi montanum Ficus Pharaonts : 1327 
ibid, Eryngium poms te. 100 a Ficus Egyptia ibid. 
665  Eryngiumcarulenm Took Ficuslndica 1329,1330.1331 
803 é ynginum pumila Cluf.1002.100 3 Filago 517 
607 Eryngium sik 1.Dodonai 1001 Filago minor z 
520 Eryngium mar 999.1000 Filage humilis 519 
862,867 ED" ginm a Medisebapaw 999 Fi pense 902.900 
5 : 21 i aula montana ibi : 
ibid, wh enum Diofcoridis 198 | ae esha 9Or 
1157 Erfimumfjlucfire shid. Filipexdulac ibid. 
Erythrodanum 962 | peeing an 
429.455  Efulamaior Germanica 404 
221 La min ibid, ed 969. 970 
327  Exonymus 1286 
96 Enonymus Theophrafti 1284 © Filix ie aquatilis © 97% 
: 649 Euonymus latifolia ibid. ibid. 
: 95 8  Exonymus Panncnica ioe 1 Bs, 
130 npatoria S75 
Ephemerum Mathioli 395 E en ibid, |] ele fnana mab fsa 388 
- Epilinum . 462 Enpatorium Mefue S34. icula pel trea mas cr feemina 981 - 
ilobi 388 Lapat ori cannabinum 574 ular 913 
539 Enpatoriumadulterinum sbid. Flamenula Ions: furretta Fay ck 
389  Eupatorinm Anicenna ibid. amoris 255 
—- Epimelis 1266 Exphrafia 537 
Z ipalhis 803 Eni hee oe Tab. Mont, *bic 
’ Epithymum ' 462 yeas 
pit ! Grecornm 459 Eup Sebisos 1016,1014 
Epithymbrum : 462  Enphrofyne * 537-85 
Equapinm 866 bar off ] 
- Equinalis- 958 mpera 581 
Equiferis ibid. 
Equifetum ibid. F i 
_—— Eguifetum mains ais. . pee 1036 
Equifetum nudum thid. Faba [uilla 283 
Equiferum fegetale 956 Fabalouis i 
wierwm pa id. Fabainerfa 416 

Flores Armeriy 480 
Flos aurens 520 
Flos folis : I “4 
Flos folis maior & 

nh 7 minor mas on *fenina é I 3 
As in e wi 
Flos sgo 
Flos Fiewescerie sa 
Flos Aphricanus - 

Flos eAphricanus maar’ Peni 
pbs Apc minor mul 

Ph coms maior fi viplci fir 

fone 2 
Fenumgracum 1026.1027 
ecnumgracum [jlueftre 1068 
Feniculus marinus 4 
| Feniculum ‘ 877 
Fenicalum vulgare ibid. 
Feeniculum dulce ibid. 
Feeniculum tortuofum 8 
‘olinm Indicum vel Indium = =%35% 
tg Z 675 
E 45° 
Fre «fbb ; ibd. 
roger at 
Praga vefea fine fevilis, . 845 
Frangula 1286 
axinus bibule = iuemagna %29 
Base flue: = ibid. 


Ennis arborum >» 74 
Fafanum 1286 
Guin Play I Saved 

Galliricum 26,627 
Gallitricumalterum QP 626 
Galeopfis 568.579 
Galeopfis lutea 52 82 
Galla 116 
Galla e minor *: i 6 
Galla 167 
Saran; dinerfarsn fen iI 3 6. 
Galli crus =e 216 
teas 627 
cnt sarkinated ri 8 


sr cre Shas olens Pena & v 1 

Ba te 628 
Gene, _ 1132 
G enicularis 918 
eni 11301192 
Genifta Hiifpani ahd 
Gemfia rernifolia Bic ‘a, 

a inofa 1140 
Genifta fpinofa maior c mingt 413 338 
Geni fpinofaflore albo -¥13.9 
Genifta ipefa humilis "ibid. 
Cent aculeata TI4o 
Geni =. rai Miner , rt ue xp 

tide tinttor 
Geiiftella tiniboria vel 1 ifr 
Gemjfella 135 
Soni geile "be. 
cc dg ior co mii 
pS san 2S : ay 
Gentianagmaior 2.Clufi = ibd. 
ntiana minor cruciate ibid. 
md: Pennei meer 351 
ne 10h ass 
i 35 
Simca te ba 
sd bepag cet Ge CR CR fad 
Ger ti — 79 
Geranium alternm =~ 2 
aninm Robertianum 794 

Doidiaes sede tie Re 

darul st. 

Geranium fanguina 
Geranium ie i inedorum 868 

Genm alpinum 645.843 
Geum Pliny ibid, 
Gdarum 457 
Gi igidinm ’ 885 
ey latifolinm ibid. 
Gingidr, aon er ibid. 
Gladioln 96 

i 4 
Gladi in Nan o Iai 95 
Glue fe Seget “4 

Peal le cone 
Glans ungnent: 1214, 
Landis ¢ 115 
Glans louis 154 
Glans Sardiana tid. 
Glans palms 1134 
stajtumn 3 94 
Gleftum fa 394 
Glaux Disloridi 1061.1062 
sat Mite 5295 
laux renee maritima 448 
Globular ae I : 
Bis Echinata: Deer 
eeibiee vulgaris "hid. A 
Gi9; tes za fee = 1120 
bycyrrh BP\IG3995 
fe oe lgag 
Sea pie Aegon SIFTS 
ae sone vulear esol bid, 
Guaphalium Hern Bocchiy it : 
Gaaphalinm m 
Coane Sciam io 
A Gnepal ‘um Alpinum 517 
is ees 487 

men pratenfe mas cS mins 4 
ooo minimum rubrum & album 

culatums 8 
fenton acon ot mag 

en tementofims accrofims oe: 

pated grt umofumn 
rice oe 

at! mains G minus 10 

Gramen minus durinfenlum ibid. 
Gramen innceum - ibid 
Gramenfegetale 5 
Gramen —— ees 

Gramen se etn CG piltes ida a5 
Gr coum 

Grameo soil aquaticnns id 
Gramen Sorghinum 

comer pis panne 

eS = 

en ee roides I 
si tama ibid, 
en aqua atice: 12 
Miemae en? . zz 
G fi jatsl ft 7 ibid. 
Gramen geniculatuma 14 
ry, Py fp A Tay 
= rad 
Gramen paniceuns ay 
ramen paniceum pabceums ibid 
Gramen ech 
ramen exile bir {ut 

im fi 
Gramen birfatumuemor 
Gra wen cyperinums » memorains a 


Gramen marinum ‘picatums alterum 

Grameniunceummarinum ibid, 
Gramenp are pratt 19 
Gramen cyperoidesparunm ibid, 
Gramen calc cypercides “a 

Gramen cyperoides fhicatum ibad 
Gramen {yluaticum minus ibid. 

er ramen funceum [yluaticum ibid, 


os caninum 22 
sae caninum nodofum _-_ ibid. 
Gramen caninum marinum 23 

— abid, 

Gramencarinum {ia ipinua 24 
Gramen firiatum ibid 

Hedeva 7° 
Hedevg attollens vel affurgens sbid. 
He ibid, 

bs i nanike vilis 

He. sbi 
He. sbid 
A a. 
Heifa terrestris 705. an Chame- 
Heda Cilicia 72 
Hedétg humilis 705 
Hederalis 7st 
Hederulaaguatica 681 
Hedypnois 32%.224 
Hedypnots P ling 28 
Hedyfar 1057 
Hedyfarum mai 056 
aoe g vaio abid, 
‘ 110 
fel aa = thi 

pureed eAnglicum luteum 


Hel baacbe mum ne album ib. 

Helian mown um Germanicu 
Fr iP ha ie Sabi adicum 101 
Helianthemum anguStifolium ibid, 
Helice 1205 
cliocalles 1102 
Helleboraster 49 
HelleboraSter maximus 82 
HeleboraStrum 608:825 
Helleborus niger ‘ferulaceus Scr 
Helleborus niger v 2 
Helleborus albus. 356.357 
Helleborus albus pracox 6 
elleborine 358.359 
Helleborine flore al 358 
Helleborine angufti ia Clusy 

Heliochryfon 520 
Heliockryfos pues fos sas 

eliotyopinm maitus F minus 

gags fupinum Clasy & ie! 


Ehebcraiom rebum 264 

ott sg une tricoctam 965 

Hele 261 
Hatin cipal 713-714 
Hem e 
He: perrocals Valentina  137.15% 
Chalcidonica 152 


| Hlppolapathns er 

Hepatorinm adwlterinum 573 
pfema 73° 
Heptaphyllon 840 
Herba facra 58r 
Herba anatum 680 
Herba Gerardi 848.849 
Herba falax - 193 
ba Hungarica 736 
erba S.lacobi 219 
Herbacaner 266 
j ir Simeonis 786 
Opfago 279 
1 shy facravel fantla 286 
Herba Liburaic. 304 
Herba fortis 347 
Herba P 328.329 
J ods ed L‘Obeliy 350 
Herbacattaria 554 
Herba pedicularis 398 
vba coxendicy 4246 
Herba Siciliava 435 
er Wntan 
erba tudioforum ‘ ae 
erba pulicarts 471 
27 Ba margarita sta 
rbaimpi 517-519 
erba Gi 52. 4 
erba D. ria sbid, 
erba Iudaica 565 
Herbac4gyptia 566 
Herba casta ; 834 
Herba benedifta 843 
Herba alba 944 
Herba falutaris 1153 
Herba Trinitatis 1032 
J 2I7 
: ; 581 
Herculis claua 674 
; Sana 454-455 
J ibid. 
j marie 162 
d ; sean ee " 197 
rhe os 531. = 
4 vribulbus vel Flierobulbus tha 
d [A sies8 maius & minus Dinh. 

: 232 
Hiraciom nore esa cigs is 5 

. erate faifsiom - ibid. 
Hier. 237 


Hippogloffsm mas & femina 76% 
Hippezloffum Mathiol ibid. 
> absicaa 866 
woe agreste 869 
pay ll 8 
Hirculus 9 
Hitrundinaria 751 
Hirundinaria minor 669 
Hirundinar r gil 
gi 67 
Sipe hioli 2 
Holoftenm ones 342 
offestm paruu ibid, 
olosteum petrauw aap 
scien Acund 514 
Hordeum 64 
Hordeum nudum 66 
Hordeum polyStichum vernum 64 
Hordeum diftichon’ 67 
extn [burium ibid. 
Hordeum murinum I 
orminum 628 
Horminum fluestre ibid. 
Hormingm luren 6 
Horminum Tride bid. 
Horminum fyluestre folijs purpureis 
i pag. : 628 
: Humi- : 122 
Hyacinthus 97. ius varia [pecies 
pag. 97.98. an 100.103.104 
ya s Anglicus 

I Dit EM x: 
Boia 1099 
foo "464 
Hy ffy cae sae ive rubro ibid. 
Hyffopie albss florib 5 
Hy ffopus sapild* ibid. 

aaa | 
I eAcobea 219 
Tacobea marina 218 
acea 704 
anig 588. 1 
lacéa ok varictas 

pecs 8 
5) 4 

lacea na 

Tatea abies af 

lafiminum 7 46. eis varietates ee 

Tals: HN, 

Iberis sek vaansen 197 
biga : 422 
Ibifeus 789 
Imperatoria i 849 
lex ae vel hectifing. ibid, 
Hex glandfer, 1161 
Illecebra 415 he 6 
Inula As 
Tufana 285 
Infanama 274 
Intybum fatiuum 221,222 
Intybum ibid, 

Intybum fjlucitre 221.223 
tap pate Latifolium = on 

105 Iris 485 se 
i Frisunlgaris 
¥ Wes lutea ; iba 
ibid. Irts Florentina 47 
ibid. Wis Dalmaticamaior & minor 48 
3s Wurvilices sae ie gpd, 
is Pannonica ibid, 
361. IrisC: ibid. 
867 Sochaaaies iba 
393 econ ne 
223 Tsuen Beem 52 
ae Iris bulbofa 93+ "cif ome 
pag. 9%93 
Irio & Ition 
Wfatis > 

ewe mo fiea” wey 
4 Monfelsca Ghia, 
y aiae eat) 

Os 2 

_ Iuinbe' Arabum 131 
Davcinla Seictcel eof PSN OSB 
Tnncus SSA 3. ‘ 

Juncus bom 
tae ¢ “mer flridus paludofic 

line seein & tridna 

TT aan 
mt 30 
Luncus lew ibid, 
Luncus aquaticus 3 
MCUs Acie: ibid, 
Tuncus odoratus "40 
— 89 
Tnniperus maxi 

vel Inuperus 
maximus mets Roe reg 

Ixiar 16 ' Chameleon niger thd, 

| 56 2 
Labrum Veneris 1006 
Labrifca 7279 
Laburau 3239 
Laccacum fais bacillis 1350 
Lacer 54 
Lae Tobi 82 
Lattucella 232 
Lattuca leporina ibid, 
j * ia fatiua 239 
Eattuca crifpa ibid. 
Latluca phe altera 240 
a Saban: ibid, 
allucacapitata tbia, 
Lattuca intybacea ibid, 
Lattuca Ceciliana 240 
Latluca Romana thid, 
Latluca Cypria * ibid, 
Latluca agnina 42 
Lattuca agnina latifolia ibid. 
Lachrym. —< etésvel biog 1182 
Lachryma Innipert 1189 
Fallacies = Ladon cs Be pea 
Lagopodium 1023.102 
jig 3 S| 
a maximum ibid. 
La 568 
F eh sirecates 67.568 
] _ P. : bid. 
Lampfana 199 
Lampuca (236 
anceols 342 
athum 314° 
d eben acnt: = 3 a 
Lapathum fanguinenm “314 
Lapathum acidum 321 
Lapathnm tuberofim ibid. 
Lappa inuerfa 575. 
“Lappa mi 964 
Larix 1180 
Laricis ramuls 1183 
Fah ciga cgarits A fue ‘ibid, 
Lafer 854 
Lf 853,854 
Lathyris 405 

athyrus 1os4 I Abanotis aa Pre minor 857 
andula 468 ye 
anandula flore — 467. Libanotis Galen 
pemeeior 4 467 Lichen _ 1376. on 
anandula rs mininon 463 Lichen ee 
sade ufo 201. Lichen marinz 
jateer Cratcna ibid, Ligha lapidea, fine in Lapides cmt 
Aner, Lavacruin 1006 Pp ig. 
aurentind | Lignum vite I tan 
4 waureola 12161219 ©Lignum dulce 1349 
: Laureola florens 1219 © Lig/ficum 855. 
Laureola cum finths ibid. §Liguftrum ~ 
ania. 45 igustrum nig 
2223 © Liguftrum jes I 268. an Gye 
Aur us PAS 22 tbid.12 
Laurus fomina ibid, Lillapbodelus 
Laures {yluestris 1225 ©Lirbago 45-91 
Lasrus Tinus 224 Lihaftram ibid. 
Laurus Tinus Lufitan ihe Lilium won ii. “90 
Lauri = iy ox les Meg 123 
Mirus 7 iliz 1 ne 
auri cas ee 22 3 ] lim al alb 
 Leélipes 545 Lilium ben a pe ibid. 2 
> Bedanon 1108  Liliumaure 
a edon ibid. Likumrubrum a 
ens 050 Lilium cruentam latifolia 149. 
om minor 1049 Li 5 
of ie uatilis “680 im Si iracenicum 15 
Leus = eal og lacufinse ibid. dose [lucfire ibid 
oso Lilinnemontanu ibit 
10% sate I 243% aun vinta Per fic I 
venti {cina refina ilinm conualium 331-332 
Leontion ay pod 1099 
Leontopetaion 182 Limonia: 994 
Leonss folium ih, $330.3 32.333 
ont opodium J 518 i foe yt ge 
Leantopodion ibidi — Limsoninm paruum 3 3 
Leontoftomius 3.9 Liane lium 46 
Leontoftamum Ley J po 440.444 
Lepidium Linaria pu meres odorata 440 
Lepidsum me oeie - LObel. I a Linaria Vale thid. 
heuca Linaria aurea 2. 522 
d veucatantha ase Linariapafferina mh 443 
Leucanthemis << 616 Linaria purpea altera “441 
seucanthem bid, Lingua can . 659 
! Gara ag89q Lingua bubula 65 
heucoium 5 37 pe na vulneraria 327 
Leucoium bulbofim pracox 120 445 
Levevin ‘am bulbofum ferotinum abil, Zien pratenfeCordi ~ 27 
= eH luteum 3 Linum fatiaum | 444 
ae mains ADE Linum fylueSire floribus albis 446 
372 Lin, Fine dees mags ibid. 
otk = sees o3 Gbid.. Linofjris Nuperorum 
ucoinm violaceum Sy cae Labi a 
2  filucs ibid. 2 lca on mine 
: Lencoiem marinit # florec candid '0- : 
bely 374 um ie Co ajay 
Leewestom marinum Litton 375 Lolium album = 
: marinum luteum mits murinnm 
= ee Lhe onchitis afperd 
Lexifticum 5 Lonchitis Marantha 
a ORME Lee aug 
trifolia corniculata 23 

J 7 heap ol wiaion 7 

Lotus quadrifolia «. ibid. 
otusincana : 102.2, 
Lotus urbana vel fatina. 1026 
yotws arbor 13081309 
otis cto 10, 
iuce: F8E. 
unavia 378 
unaria Greca ibid. 
anariaminoy. 32 
Learia mai: O71 
mpi crepirus 1385.13 86 
apinits 1043 
spins fatinies ibid, 
pin flore luteo ibid, 
upinus flore caruleo ibid. 
uaprta faliflarives : 737. 
A asep Linas ‘bid, 
rt Eetei 3 
Lychnis coronariarabra 385 
Lychnts coronaria vel fatina woibid, 

yobnts fylueftris = 4820385 
yobnis fpteefirse rabelfres "3b 

Lychnts {yluest vis hivta “aay 
ychnis [ylucftres prima Clusy ibids 
Lychuis hirta minimaccrxs. xthid. 
: ap ‘ibid 

“is incana : 
ycbuis shat tek alba 384 
iyehni = i Cis td 


] ERE sete 
Lycium rie 
J ee Hpac oosenshnds 
Ly 823. 
J —- iota Delphi 822. 
2 = 
Lycottonon carsleum parunm Sabi: 


Epon Ace 0B 
ycopfis Anglica 

Bobes iy Z 



N” D X. 
Mala esiepies 276 = pyarrubiastrum 66 
Mala infana Martagon album Byzantinum 147 
CMalicorium Se smpersale Ist 
Maltinathalla 2 ve 27 Maru 540-5445545 
Malsa hortenfis peo Syriacum ibid, 
Matua ve fit sere! on a Matstiche 1244 
Malua pur, 783 Mater = 674 
Malua lcneahe mali vif ibid. aes ; 581 
Maluaarborea flore nigromultiplici Matr 526.52 z 
pag. + ame  doplid i flore me 
Maluafyluestris 785.786 Matrifaluia 
DMalaa aa fluettri pamila 785 Mechoacan 72 . an Sal it — te 
CMalna crifpa ths, cies aut Rhaa 
Malua ateiere ibid, Adecon Ceratites 2 “A : 
Malua hora 791 — Perunianum 72 
LMalum 12 2g : 1030 
Malum cotone: yo edium Diofcoridis 5 
Malum apicue ~~ citrinm 12 wa 2 Adel fragum 719 
Malum a icu sbid, Delampodion 826 
Malum Limonium ibid, AAclampyrum 214 
oe Avarantium fue eAnéeran Me py HA 83 
tuum ibid. Melampyrumlareum 8. 
Malum {pinofum 278 elauthi 4.926 
CMalum terrestre ~ 81 Adelanthium fyluefire 924 
eniacum 1261 © Adelanthinm Damafcenum.. 925 
Malum Punicum 262 Melica 77 
(Malus perfica 1259 Me ae 1082 
Malus armeni. 1261 Melilot 035 
Malus armentaca maior ore ane M eliotn Syriacao odora 1 _ 33 
éttlo AK: i 
Matt granata, fine Malus poe Melilotus Germania 103 
pag. Melilotus coronata ibn 
: 125 Mel; 560 
Maluse Melffa 558.560 
ea Stes ings ruth "jd. Meliffa Tur 558 
Malusregalis 1274 Adeliffa ‘alecca lenis cots 59 
Malus reginalis ibsa, Mel: “ep es 
€ ical rubens 3276 Melt “3 
lus [yluestres alb sbi, 560 
us {yleeStris minor 3277 ddelo 778772 
Malus duracina {yl ibd, Melo Secheciune ibid. 
i citria Melo Hifpanicus 
Melocarduus echinatus Pene & 
_ L’Obeh 1013 
Melopepon 772 
; MMelortur 27: 
Melofpinunm 278 
Memacylum Ujrr 
Memiren Serapionis 669 
6 Mentha 553 
Mentha fatina rubra 552 
Menthacraciata ——-_ thd. 553 
Mentha Sarracenica - 553 
Mentha Romana ti 
AY i $20 
Mentha corymbifera .  thid, 
4 Me jaca 553 
2 Mentha angustifolia _ ibid, 
noe ; abies 2 3 
Mentha Cattaria altera ibid. 
Mentha aquatica 55 
fLMent be ifn tid 
Mentafirum 557 
a ialis 262 

Mafignta LObely 

Mercurialis mas id. Ge. 
Mercurialis Sjluestris 264 
Mefpi 266 
Mefpilus Aronia ibid, 
Mefpilum 1266 
Meum 895 
Mexereon 1216 
Malin 73 
Milinm a 26 
Milium ibid, 
Milin io a9 
Milinm fjluaticum 85 
illefoli 914 
Millefolinm fyluestre 902 
Maillefolium terrestre vulgare 914 
Millefolium flore rub thid. 
Millefolinm lute. 915.916 
Millefolinm nobil sbid, 
Mille, eR ace 916 
Millefolinm : ibid, 
Slee te 580 
Militares 914 
Mltaris Aixoides 677 
Milttarts aquatica ibid, 
Mimmulus berba 913 
Mirabilia Perusiana 273 
Mir ni Chebule, Bellerica, Em- 
blice, Indica 1316 
Mauhridatin 535 
oloche 79t 
Molochia 549 
olon 902 
ollugo 968 
ollugo montana 967 
~ 145 
oly Hippocratienm 142 
Moly Dtofcorideum 143. 
Moly a ibid. 
Moly Hom 144 
Maly Facicone i 
ae fine Molly Clas & LObsly 
Mec 330 
_— 1297 
Borom 1327 
: py seen Rubi 1091 
orus 1325 
‘orus alba ibid, 
Morus Ag 1327 
Mala a 979 
7 1157 
Mar. 261 
Muaralium ibid. 
Muris 346 
Mula 1333 
- Serapionis 1332 
Mufe a 
2 age 10s 
My feari —. 


geo 3 Oi Mets iy > ue 



pate co ale 

Adufens 1369.1376 
Mufeus quernus — 
SMufeus terreftris unlgaris eo 7o 
Mule us terrefiris fap ibid. 
[Mu fms — #3741374 
Mu aleusra ram 1372 
Uufcus oe floridis ibid. 
Mufeus filicinus ibtd. 
Mufcus corniculatus thid. 
el dentic _ 13 473 

0s denticulatus minor 

bf aie » fine nv 

Aaj ex craniokumano 


. Mufeus marinus 1379.1380 
Mufeus reali ints ibid, 
uff: 739 
Myagras 213.204 
Ayofuros 7.346 
Lyrica FI95.1209 
Myriophyllim * 679 
Myrrhae Myrrbis 883 
Myrrhida Pliny 796 
tas acnt y 59 
Myrtus fylucftris ibid. 
us agrs 7J6o 

tvs la 22 
tees ica, Tarentina ibid, 

wm somes nigra, fyluestris, 

Myrius Br 228 

Baran Th fees fen Argh 

PALS 097 

ad teeee 1 ss 15 
N - 

. = ser 82 

Mayfis 820 

=i ag verus caruleus 823 


Np 99 

iarciffus 114 
. Seaton — 108. 109.110 

Narei oa —. precox.- 142 
3 Nareiffia pbs ‘ated I 
Cilla ib 
Nercifia “area papers 2 116 

Nod oe ees 337 

? ssenfticd 688. 843.918 

IN By Xy 
Nardus oe 918 
Nardus In 21 
Nardus C. 19 
Nardus Ci ie repens ibid 
Nardis montana 922 
Nardus Narbonenfis 921 
Naftos Clusy 34 
ffurtium 195 
Nafturtium Hibernum 188 
afturtinm bortenfe 94 
Nafturtium Hy 
afturtinm petranm: 1; Obeliy sbid 
+a 19 
NaSturty Inde flores & femma 
Nafiurtium [ylueftre 197 
a ‘affurtiumaguaticum 200.201 
Weft 203 
Naflurtium rettorsn 206 
. Theephrafti 1140 
cope! elion 665 
Neri 22 
Nerium fine Oleander sbid. 
Nerium flore albo~ 1220 
Mie ophoron Fit 
Nidus axis LF 
Nigela 926 
Nigella Romana. ibid. 
Nigelia fl i, hiph 925 
Nigellaftrum 92 
Nuces cuprefft 1186 
ges fagi 1255 
Nacespmee 1174 
ces 1362 
Wuces purgantes ibi 
Nacula Indica 
uminularia. minor 
‘ax auellana arbor 
Nux veficaria 
Nux Pontica 

Nae = tine ina 

Tce nofche bi 

Nuax Bandenfis ibid, 
Nymphea 674 
Nymphea 671 
Nymphaea varietas 672 
Nymphea alba minor 67 

Nymphea lutea minor ibid. 

Cellus Damafcenus 473 
Ocellus Barbaricus bid, 
Ocinu 547 
Ocimum itid. 
Ocimum me. mF im thd. 
Ocimum minus cariophyllatum ibid. 
Ocimum ™b laefh 548 
Oculs 537 
Ocyma, aftr rum 55k 
Ocymajtrum multifloram sbid, 
-Ocymaftram alter ibid. 
Ocymum 549 
Ocymoide. shid. 
Ocymoides repens #bib. 
Odontites 1 85 
Cenanth 906 
4 se: ee nr 2 
Ole 027 
Olea ool fom Olea zine 

ago rz = ; 
Oleaftellus . ibid, 

after 126 
ina : ibid 
uel “E215 
Olfenichium 7.902 
nl 257. 866 
song 257 
Olus a irc 260 
lus Hijpani sid. 
Olus atrum ~ 866 
mploacts 1158 



Orchis myodes = 
Orchis or ous, 


x 2 

a site folio mci 

« aH = ora c candida 
ehis firaten 




chis one fis 
ichima, aftrum 


rin a 
itbog eum 

no aig 

Re AS Sa 



= alba pes 
Ofjris purpuro car 
| Ofris Gracorum 
: ¥ Of rys 

ches iP wsamases minor 
a ; 



wat receptus Herbariorum 105% 
ontinis 43 


E X. 

Paonia lunaris id, 
lalia &9 

Paliurus ri as -TI54 

P 1334 

Palnapinus, fine bans snifihe 


? 133 
Palmaram frattus, & flores cam E- 

late va bed, 
Palma cerebram: M\ xx vb Z6 
mites oven ZIG IO 
Palma Chrifti: PA oni Ag 
Palma Chrift 8 169 
Pulma Chri, ina hid. 
Palma C. Chr istipa ives luftris 175 
— nk iftiradice repente ibid. 
Patlmu 133 
P, nr ipiiee 
Panax Heracleu 850 
Panax Heracles mains ibid, 
Panax Co 852 
Pan 851 
Panaces Herculanum ibid, 
Pancratium 137 
Pancratium Clusy 136 
Pancratium marinum sbid. 
Paucratinm marinum luteum ibid. 
Panicum 9 
Panicum fylueftre, e palifire 26 
Panicum Indicum,& Panicum ca- 
~ relenm 7 
Panicum melyne, @ Panicum fylue- 
Panus 1163 
Papanerculum 182 



a Cornutivarietates’ 294 
aioe alia 22g 
igrum _ 5 

P aner Rheas. + 399 
Papaner erraticum ibid 
Papauer finidum 9 abe 
Papauer |pumeum 467.551 
Papyrus Nilotie 
onsen 261 
onychia 00 
ea 499 
chia ars ibid. 
Pera rataceo sce foe ibid, 
Paron ee —_ 


ris Butfa 215 
Petten Ueneris 884 
Peditularz 913 
Pedancular 398 
Peganon™ 1072 
Pentaphiion 839 
Pentaphy lium purp 836 
Pentaphylium rubrum palaftre ibid, 

-Pentaphyllums petrofien heptaphyllum 
Clasy ‘. 8 

SY 37 
Pentaphylium fupinum ibid, 
Pentaphyllaa incana planta. 838 
Peplis 06 
Peplion 1219 
Pepli ibid, 
Pepe maximus oblongus : cd 
Pepo maximus — ibid, 
Pepo maximus compre(fia 774 
Pepo maximus eben eat ibid, 
Pepo Iudicus minor rotunda ibid, 
Pepa ladicus angulofus ibid. 
Dp Ae: 7 i 

f A bch aa 77S 
Pepones filueftres 776 
Peponella 889 
Perdicium : 265 
Pergalium a 30r 
Perfoliata 430 
Perfoliata vitlearts ibid. 
Perfoliata fi iliquofia “hid, 
Periclymenum 743 
Peviclymennim Seifolaawes » ghd. 

evil peat tans aut retium 

yeni rettam Sabeudicion 

yimenum 5 rite Germavicum 

ymenium veiues cum foal 

_ oe } 112 
Periclymenum “reflum cum frutle 
» wigro : Mea. 
Peviploca x 
ni repens eH) 
erpen[a “688 
Perfica,vel Perficamalus ~~ 1259 
erficd pracox 258 
Perfice varietates ibid, 
Perficaria ii R6E 
Perficarid maculofa ibid. 
Perficaria filiquofa ibid, 
malum 259 
Perna Co ns cred 

SD Se Ada 5k eo aide « 
Ay : 


: Lye | 
: = ie domain Pad 

a Macedonicum verum 
a : 

S.Petri i Berd 
Peuc Solaben, » fine Pencedanes bod. 
Peucedanum mains shid, 
Zice 1386 
ox Sans! 44-45 
Phalanginm rp eg 44 
= langium Cre: 44 
Pilea: pratenjis id 
Phafelus TO41 
‘Phafeolus 1041.3 can 
phufh A 
P hafeala Brafilian: 
Phafeoli Brafiliani ied uum "abel. 
Pe _— ani 12. ici ee I a 
Phafeoloriam ibid 
ha = os pergantes ro40 
le Gann 96 
Pha farion 665 
Phell: 88 
icine 575-964 
Philipendula go2 
Philipendula aquatica ibid. 
P hillyre: 1208, 1210.1213 
Phillyrea anguftifolia 209 
Phillyrea,latsore folio ibid. 
Phillyrea ferrata 2.Clasy 1210 
Phillyrea arbor, Macaleb 
- pag. WTB 
hilye. F213 
Phiftacion 1248 
ble 42 
= Spina 495 
; 7 
Phi mide 9 
Pipl Thelgon 263.264 
Phyllon Arrengom ibid. 
Pytenms » 318 
pee 19172.1173 
Pilofe 514 
Palofella maior $13 
~ Pilofella repens ibid. 
_ Pilofella minor latifolia “514 
re ibid. 
effi 118 
ga sein 8 
Piropinella flucfiris. bid 
toe [anguiforba ibid. 

Pimpinella Linafa espe 1 148 
ellum - 
—— 644.645 



Pints (ylueftris 1175.41 a 
Pinus fyluc/lris mugo hid. 
‘Pinus {ylueftris montana a. 

hy [jlachtris mon tana —_ ibid, 

—_ ma valingier: Mma: me 
Pinus Idea Theephr.fti vabed 
iper 1356 
— Indicum, S Calecuthium 2 _ 3 

Piper aqua tice: 

Piper Bifpanicum : ; j : 
Piper agrejte 1202 
Piper ore th iepicuim 1355-1356 
a nigrum , album && longum 

Piper lon mgUmmnains CF minis ba. 
Piper Mathiok 1356 
Piperitis 293 
P piicien 1271 

i 1248. 
Pifte ‘acion ibid. 
Piftatinm Germanicum I ee 

(um 047 
Pit ~ mains fine Romanum 1 sane 

iow ibid. 
Pifum condita 271 
Pifumvmbellatum 1045 
Pifm excorticatuns ibid, 
Prfum fylne, 4 
Pifum fj faire perenne ibid. 
Pifum Grecor 1054 
Pituitaria 39 
Pays RB | 
Pityocampa ~tbid, 
fa 494 
Pix liguida 1180 
Pix aridavel pee thi. 
Placida Quere 1157 
tages 340 
nrago aquatica 3374338 
Plantago aquatica humilis ibid. 
Plavtago latifolia tbid. 
Plantago meana , ibid. 
Plantago latifolia minor 339 
Plantagoanguftifolia minor ibid. 
antago roles. fpicata =. 340 
‘Plantago 0 quinguentrnia ee. 440 
Plantago Hifpanienfis 343 
Plante ees albida bra, 
sets * 41 
4 1237:4303 
d lewchipi. ec pra wo | 
Platomela fie pre afin e 
Plumbago a 

* tbat wee a 

Phambee Pl ~  1069.1070 
4 5 

ames a fa 
da 129 

Pelium 528.5 
Poly 528.529 
Pa a 1004 
dyanthemu O5 
Pol Sie ES a et. 68 I 
Polyy oo 45t 
Polygule 499. 
Poly ee £ DT esis ibid.450 
_Pobyg ates ob fol ofr. ibid. 
Poly vw bid. 
Pa sii eChnnSy 
Polyg "756.758 
Polygonat um minus Us756 
Polygonatum 1.Clusi ibrd. 
of tbr, 
14 Chas 757 
Polygonatum angufiifolum ~ sbid. 

Polyg 453 
Febconain mas Me eal 45% 3 2 
Peds a U1 MAS Min tid, 
oly ZonuNgmontannm 
Pol tite. clinvides 


Poljpodinm quercinum 974 
Polytrichum 983 ets 1374 
Palytrichon Apuley bid, 
Polsfpermon Coffins 257 
Pomum 1275 
Pomum au 275 
Pomum fpinofam 78 
Pomum Hicrofolymitanum 29%. 
Ponsum mirabsle ibid, 
Pomum cydonium OT 262 
Pomum Affjri 1284 
omg 1275 
Populago ~67¥ 
Populus alba TJOL. 1302 
scale nigra 


130k sy 
na ie 

Ponamcoronrg olive 
Saf nila so oS 

Ls CO 

verisflore plenos 
Prim ears Cabmrs —— Z 

Prinule veris varietas 639 
Prinos 1r61 
Proferpinaca 452 
Prunella 507.508 
prawella i gtd 5°7 
rhnella flore alb 508 
Pr units 131 
runus domeftica 1351 
runs mirobalanus ib 
us Amyodalina 
"rit Danajce A vik 
vans fylueftri 

Prunus filucStris florens ibid, 
rena Damafce: 14 

rina Hefpani ibid. 
Pruna Finger fue? asonca ibid, 
is ibid, 


: deine latens 89 
unin 188 

Pfe ine cum Dodowai 289 
j por sare rift 1127 
Pfeudocyrifies primus é fecundus : 


Winn — 1127 
Pfendodikiam 651.652 
Picidshelober ue. 826 
Pfeudohermodattylus 131 
elant 8 

? Hasna ap oo Eh ibe - 

BS aedoosinine 1228 
gn 1068 

artum Hifbanicum 1137 
Henri Hifpanicum aphyllon 

Pola essai 

rethrum officinarum 618 
Prat fyluefire 484.618 
Pyrola 330 
Traces 771 

Pyruscultina,fine vrbana ibid, 
Pyrwspraco, 126 
Pyras lacobea sbi 
Pyrusregalis 126 
Pyrus Palatina ibid, 
yr its —_ ibid, 
Pyrus Epifcopat ibid. 
Pyrus din fs ae Catherina 1269 
Pyr pi ibid. 
Pyrus 1271-1272 
sty ae cae maior G minor 
Age 1270 
Pyrus iui m minima «127K 
Pyrv peer 27 
Pyress cornin ibid. 
Teaabe 683 
Pyxacantha YI5t 

Uadrifolium phoewm fine fuf- 
© hon 7089 

aercula 5 : 
Quen minor 
115 ie : 3 
Quereu 156 

MeveUs — Aris cum Lande a4 
ee & 

mufco fue 

Quercus bumilis YI re : 
cus marina 1378 
Quingueneruia aay 
Quingueneruiarofea 341.342 
Quinguefolam — 8 

eF 83 


Quingnefolinm Bt $37 

anunculis maximus pn = 

y. aces pein Co bmi 

Ranunculus sles tanlicile Bon 804 
Ranunculus aru 

culis Abin albus d, 
Ranunculus lyrics 06 
Ranunculus bulbofias ibid, 

wiculns auriconius 807 
Ra ectiarsad ee ibid, 
] once graminens es Cini? al 
d <n Pali Gtantous Clay i 
en lus globofis ibid. 810 
Ra mene aieas ibid, 
Ra apie 182 
3 Raspuens 178 
puta maaivs minus 2 77-180 
Rapum genifie 1130 
Rapum porci 69 
Rapum fylucftre 179.180 
apiftrisms aruoruns ibid. 
Rapi —_ fii cm tic, thi 
Rapocauli 258 
Rapune chee 130¥ ofits 370 
epeiitindat alopecuron ibid. 

anus fatinigs 183 
Raphanus orbiculaus © y 84 
Raphanus pyrifo ibid. 
Raphanus fylueStris 185.186 

anus aquaticus 185 

ah ARE rafticanues ant magn 

chon fp lone tris nail ‘ee 

Quing mente = Repuiniant mains 
pag. Rapuntium parnume ibid, 
Quifquili I a eddassia 5e0 
: kd pte reed aratré 1142 
R Refina 1179 
6 z ‘ - sre Refina cedrina 31 71 
vow : 72 7 Refnaliquida 1179 
Radicula farina 183 Refinaabiegua 182 
Radix marica G narowica Seed Refinalarignavellaricea 1184 
ix nautica od Refina ae 12 44 
Radix fpiritus fantli 317 
adix casa 93.4. papier if ’ Rhabarbarum Gbarbericin ‘ibid, 
931.932.933- an fit Capnosche- Rha ponticum 317 
—_ , 934 RbacapitatumL’Obely ibid. 
Radiol DY bi 314 

ibid, 7 SORE oe8t4 1068 

Ranunculus flammens 814.815 — Rhabarbarum florens 316 
Ranunculus Platyphyllos fine longifo- on ficcatum ibid, 
a 1153 
Ranunculus ConStantinepolitanua, sitet tertins Ci 1152 
Byzantinus fine Afiaticus 813 Rhamuns aa beag 4 
Ranunculus fangninens multi j 317 
page 812 Rhefeda Pliniy : 216 
Ge : Rhefida 

Rhefeda maxima ibid. 
Rhodia rads. 426 
Rhododaphne 1220 
Rhododendron ibid. 
hoden ToSr 
Rhoé culinaria< ibid. 
Rboé opfoniorugs ibid, 
Rhus Fl 1292 
ne Pliny 12 
4 iria 129%.1292 
Rhis myrtifoline 1291 
; Ricinus 399.400 
Ricinus Americus ibid 
Rima Maria 650 
Rincum marinum 42 
Robur 1157 
Rober mains 1165.1167 
Rorella 1366 
Ras fa 1366 
| Ros felis maior tbid, 
: Ros folis minor ibid. 
B Roscali. 26 
‘ Rofa ultramarina 734 
2 Rafa Innonts 147 
3 Rofahyemalis ibid, 
ofa Dominarum s 281 
Rofa tea 834 
———— Rofama 38r 
: — wb Sal ppineola = 1079 

c.. = 
2 Rofa rubra 
om: "cesta fine’ “Dimon 
4 Refrain min “1075 
© Rolain 
., Rofa Piers ec fi we Daiwnet ott 
— Rofamofehat, 
5 Rye mie bacs ici flore ee 
Stone cette sabia 
Rofa holoferica “608 5 
Rof lute: ibid. 
Rofz am, he 1086 
i ‘7689 
Rofa canina inodora ‘abi 
imap he gass 
| «Rofe a ibid. 2oO9 
Ro atica % way 
Rofa Hieric (> eet 
Rofa Hiericontea maior ‘2200 
levic cata» ibid, 
ofnarinus AD Bg B 
inut coronarium, vel Rofma- 
y xinus coronaria TIOOIIIO 
Rofrmarinum [liePbre,vel Refomar 
laeee flection ek sabe, 
s Doe Reees 962 
- Rubia tink MSV 
; RS WN 1089.1091 
——— Rasbus Ider ~\ gbid, 
walase ic, 

Rubus viticula qit 
Ruous ceruinius ibid. 
Rebus faxatiles 109) 
umex 311.314 
Rumex fatiuws ibid.. 
Rumex acidus 329 
Rupertianum q9 
fois 759 
Rufcum ibid 
uta 1072 
ta miurart: 98 
ta palustris 1068 
Rata prate thid, 
Ruta hortenfis 1070.1072 
Ruta fylueitris abid. 
Ruta —- erat 1070 
Revels ech 107! 
Ge ind 1193 
Sabina frerilis shid. 
Sabina haceifere shid. 
abina ibid. 
Sabena baccifera, atrocaru= 
Sagapensin’ : 898.899 
Sagite : o> rat: 33 6 
iv ee. 2:7, 
os ed 3 : i 
Salicaria 388 
Salicaftrune J2% 
Salicetus. : 1235 
Salizaris ‘i ‘ 1 aA 
Saliunea’ \ 
Salix es atey 1305 
Salts marina 35) 202 
Salix America "bid. 
Salissaguation: : 1203 
¢. lif Loi; “p- 

- Sal etre) je foie ibid. 
Salix ro ee a 1204 
Salizeh ‘ 205 

‘ Sal an oxG hid. 
Salicts tertia ee ibid. 
Salix pu wraila ‘ oe 
Se tes é Ameria d. 
‘ — ; 

Saluia oa EF 

SaluiaKomana $24. 952.553 

Saluia maior 623 

Saluia minor ib: 

0 Aluia fe ndica 

“ ia Aina ‘ 

Saluia vite 

‘ us 1234.1235 

Sambucus laciniatis folie ji 

. rs 4 iv 

Sambucus fyluestris vel montana 

ag Aquatilis fine —_ 

Pra: rofea thid. 
Delebnces rate a a at ihide 
Sambucus b, 38 
Sampfycha ie 3 9 
Sa ee 843 
Sandalum 1389. 
Sanguinale 22 
Sargainali 452 
gHis gies 314 
Sar iforb rba 889 
Sanguss Herculeus 357 
Sanicula 8or 
Se antcula guttata 644.645 
Santen P At a Ch: eas 
Aap 44 
Sanicula maior 802 
Sanicula femina 828 
Sanicula Alpina 843 
Santalum 1389 
Sautalum album ibid. 
a Santalns rubrum ibid, 
Santolin, 852 
Santonicum 841 
Sapa 730 
Sapou 3 65 
Saponaria gentiana ibid. 
Sapouariaaltera 552 
Sarcecolla herba 308 
Saffafias arbor 1348 
Satureia (34 
Satureia afis : sue 
Satureiahortenfis effiva ibid, 
urcia Sanh fi ibid, 
ipria t70 
me ap 159 
prin bene 8 
ia = aban 37 


Scandulaceum 206 

E Serapias batrachites ~ ibid. Sifamum 1055 
Scapus vnarum 728 Seripbiuns 94% © Sifarum 871 
 Scil 137  Seripbinem famina 944  Ssfarum Perunianum 780 
Scigcopbora ibid, Seris 227 ‘Sifer 872 
Stifcina 1255 Serpentaria 579-505:599  Sifymbrium O55 
S _ 42 Serpentaria maior 683  § ium aquatic 

633 ia Britanni ve an mari alberum Diefeeridi 203 
Schanarthunn 4° Serpentina minor & minima 344, § inn 
Scha dulteri ge 5 Sitanion 1266 
é nti 139 © Serpilum 457 ‘ = 67 
ba 1160 = SerpillumVeterum wid. S ole 
‘ “seas 979. Serpillum vulgare s smart Thagin 201 
4 ee hts 994-995. Serpillum vulgare florealb Sinma 
‘ He 9. Se pp: main flore pecs ‘ 1O4E 1042.11 62 
j 443-444 & L’Obely 456 ihacis h elas 
P candi 535  Serpillum mains flare albo Bi Smilax Peruuiana 709 
rin ius & msitins 994 °S pos fiw >see ibid. Smilaxa ete, ibid. 
Scordium alteraps* 536  Serpillam Ci weve tbid ufitanica 1 
Scordonia ibid. S Poa la 577 Gi ica thid, 
Storodonia = Serratule varietates 576 ; 73 Smilaze lenis maior 712.714 
Sco redopr vali ee: Serica : Swilax lauts minor ibed, 
Scorodothla/pi R) wtay vel fertula sours ae : Smyrnium 868.869 
et atte Bupleuri pa. Pere ¢ Se: 871 ium Creticum sid, 
bel: Seruillam es ‘bed, Smyrrhiza 883 
Seopinie leguminofa : = Sefamoides 397 Sol Sy: 614 
pens 267  Sefrmoides Salamantich maius.396 Sal 690 
tae ied 1140, Sef Sides Salamantic. paruum tid. Sol evel mod an on Braff watch 
| Sefamoaides maius Scalgeri ibid.  Soldanellam ibid. 
Scfamncides minus Ԥ79  Soldanellam ANA evita ibid. 
Sefamoides magnum Cordi 826 Solidago Sead Yeo 668 
-farnoides parnum Mathiali: 397 prs Mini Sego8 
— 826 Sohidago Saracenica 0 3.47 
Saf Tos4.1055§ Solanum — - briny 269 
Sopp ratehfp 891.892 Solanum hortenfe <0 268 
Se pole Paige ache. 893 pomife ibid. 
Sefelt pr lienfi Solanum Lathale | 269 
fe ife ij ibid, 
Solanumndnicum 270 
fie 271 
Solanu 1273 
‘ oe o Sif 279 
ane 4 Olann: kin eo tbid, 
Sideritis svt Soba parler <\ 280 
Stderitis Herculana Salis los. oe 4 [oz 
idevitis 3. Diofcoridis ol tit 1004 
thie ak Sonchus 93% 
Silaus Pliny 229 
Silene Theephrafts ed “wavietates 
ui See ¢ ae: 8230.23% 
ann officinarum ae sfoens = 
Sin — : 

15. - Siler om 
Siete drm : 

Stas” | 
po 5 a 
Sethe luefiris 

param nay 

Sphacelus 536 
Sharocepbales 990 
’ Spic? 468 
Spicahortulana 469 
Spicata 5 
Spina alba 989.990 
Spina peregrina tbid, 
Spina folstitzalis 1004 
Spinachiz 60 
Spinacheum obtes ibid. 
Spica agrorum venti 5 
Spina alba 10881153 
Spina acida 1144.1145 
Spina hircé 1148 
Spina birci minor 1147 
Spina rae g <a 1150 
Spina . 151 


hs 153 
Spina infebloria eA Spina rbp 1154 

Spon, 13 3 3 
ia ina alba ibid, 
flan ibid, 
Spougiole 138 
" Stace — 3.564 
e Stachys xd ibid. 
a Stachys puri fey 564 
: Stattice ey 478 
: Seaphylinus mi ere. 73 
‘ phylodendron Pliny 49 
‘ Stataria’ ey 
Stella Phi seniay 060 
Sre 347.802.966:1004 
; XS Saray Horaty A. “geriy 
arta ain 
: Stabe eee SGOT 
= Siabe Diofovidis : 586 
A & minor 590 
i ah Salimantica 591 

Stacha 469.470 : 

: T 
8 Leucrium palufire 
by sd Poo Like. x 

Teucrium Apna Ci fire Wok oka 
Thahilrum are: aoe Tiskymelns soperecias Monpeber. 
Ti iam tains: inion 

i se 910.1 

by clgb tifolva 


Sylua mater = 
Symphytum "aot 
Sy oe . it 507 

SF. yemphyt culofums 66 
s rap fi lucthve sbid. 
Sym maa 283 
Syrin, 1214 
Syringaalba | 1213 
5S} ringa saaaine? : ibid, 

 semese 1195 
T ife ? ATwwl, “fi 11 9 4 
ifcusG ji ibid. 
‘Tamarix ‘ 1195 
2 722 
cetum 5-526 
lan anaceium acuidm 

album 4 
Tanacetum —_ po, you he 
Tavac. etum non o: 

Tanacetum minus bid 
Ta um T erunianum OIL 
Tanacetum fyluestre = I 
Ta ee barbatus 

Tapfus barbatus flore - ‘ ie 
Taxus 187.1188 
Teda fine pfendopiame. 1177.1178 
Telephium I 
Telephinm floribsss beg 417 
Telephium femper v — 
Te: it thina . 1246 
Ferebinthus »  tbid.a 245 

— arf ibid, 
er 281. 

Testicul bi hircinus 

‘Teftieulws phegodes 

Tefticulus vulpmus : 

ie po nteoh maior 
iculus odoratus: 

nce poet 



Thupfa telcg 

0s mayr finitis aver 

Thlappi — 205 
Thlajpi nS sbid, 
Thlafpi peti 1B: bel» bid, 
Thlajpi minses clypea bid. 
Thlafpi Candsa . 207 
Thlafpi im - £08 
Thlafpi Paxnonicum C ibid. 
Peleg Na Narboene L bel iy Fike 9 
Thla piv bid. 
Thin minis Clusty 210 
a [epinum luteam ibd, 
tal Pi faticofime 215 
Th ee og minus ibid. 
T blafpi fire e212 
= “378 

nfs mm, 16 

Thora V aldenfis fuming ibid, 
Thora mont es 17 
as a Sabam dice the, 

Tae a pee BE = re “ 

Tat 451 
waitay ako 

ts vius : ee 
7 ee Z ppp “bid. 

Thymum Creticens 
Thymelea 1277-1218 
melearamofa ‘T 

Thy ffehum 867 
Thyffeium Plindy ibid, 




Tragium Germanicuns 258 
Tragorchis maximus 160 335 
—— 1bid.t 61 212 
Tragorchis femi ibid. 667 
Tragopogon aed cits varietas 7 se # dities 666 
pag. 95 Tuffilaginis ‘oli ibid. 
Tragopogon minus 596 4 
‘Tragopyron 3 Typhonion 683 
Tragon Mathioli: 959.960 
Tragoriganum 5 43 ve 
Tragoriganum Clasy ibid, 
- Tribulus 676 eAccaria ; 3 95 
ribulus aquatics ibiht Vaccinium 
Tribules lacuftris ibid. Vaccinia a 
” Tribulus terrestris 1066 ee 122 aps 12 > ° 
Trichomanes 985 is Iden 
Trichomanes ae Grfemina ibid, pag. 1230 
Trichomanes Diofe eoridis 1374. Va 
Tricoccus 1266 fum rie an outed qua vache 
Trifera 727 i ee vites one 231 
Trifoliam pratenfe 71018 9 Vac 1 ne 67 
Tesfelinon pratenfe flo orealbo 1017 Facci 1368 
Trifolium bit itacmsitsofitie fuse —_ V levis 918 
tenum o19 VK ierieea bortenfis 917 
Trifolium acutum - "bid. V, flacktris ibid. 
Trifolium Americ: 020 06 Valeriana minor abid, 
Trifolium Burgundiacum 1020 6Valeriana — ibid. 
ims cordatum O21 Si rece 918 
: — ibid. Vealer! narabra Dodonai 550 
Phone 1022 Vi Mexican 918 
Trifolium . 24. Valeriaathon 552 
Trifolinn lu- Uenerea 57 
frre Veneris digitus 674 
Trifolium Castoris de brine 4-105 Veneris cla ibid, 
Trifalinm odoratum 1025.1 026, Veneris fapercilium 679 
Veneris umbilicus 424 
, 1029  Veneris hortus sbid 
Trifolium coc Soa 1029. 1030 Weuustaminor 43 
Trifolium cochleatum mariah 1029 Vepres 1o9L 
Trifolium acetofum 1031 Veratr. 826 
“Trifolium auren 1032 Veratrum nigrumadulterinum ibid. 
"Trifolium equin 1035 Veratrum : 357 
Trifolium vrfinum bid. Verbafcum 630 
oo a i ticans 1129 Verbafcum Mat 625 
. 167 ¥ Sree fy —— = 
ge: ke a 169 Fer 
Tripolium um : 333 OV ere Lehn Mathioli = 3 2 
| Tripolinm a 335 Verbafcum minus Lychnitis . 
@ 53% Uerbafemmalbum 
. Fapicum 58. einfz,varietates 2 Verbafcum nigrum 
Triticum wrimeftre & amyleum 63 Verbaftum leptoplyllom ven 
Triticum teroulentim Verbena 580 
Triticum meurinam ben: 
sc Sis 9 


EN & 
Turbith a officinarnns 

Vetoutca 473578 
Vetonicaaltera yen 
Vetonica altile 

pepe ylucftris velagreftis ‘p 


heoeine ; 
1052.1053 , 
Vicia fyluestris ‘ 10 om 2 
Vitlorialis 142 
sro famina& Yotunda 96 
Vittori 76% 
shar ea 727 
Vinca peruinca 748 
Vincetoxicum 75% 
Vincetoxicuns Indianum cs 52 
Vin 205 
Vinum ate 
Vinum myrteum velmyrtites 1227 
Viola aquatslis 679 
vola alba 121, an 
viola bulbo, : 
Viola autumnalis 
Viola maria ssonte 
Viola mariana a albo 362 
Viola a 365 
Viola ook 37 
Viola lu ibid, 
Viola So ie purpureo 3 se: 
Viola sues flore alba 376 
Viola byem 377 
Ys Deen sbi 
Viola lun 397. 378 
Viola l: fa ibid, 
Viola pere; ibid, 
Viola ne gi filiquis 378 
Viole lan ibid. 
Violap. slakBris 679 
Viol sire - fiue eer 6: site 
wre wine sad 
Sin hee fyb etbid. 
iola a 3.794. 
tricolor bore/- 
A ‘J 
cens O34Os — 
Viola tricolor fyluestris 724 
iola tricolor petraa ibid, 
Viola flamminea ibid, 
Viperaria 599 
Viperariabumilis 597 
Viperaria Hi ifpanica os 

Viperaria Pannon. oni Hd 
Vi a 

348. - 
Pgs a aurea eAruoldi Villanonant 
5 B18 
yins iainioes 1283 
Vifcaria- 481.482 — 
Vifewm = = 
- Vifeum Indicum LVObely 
Vifeum Pernnianum Ii Obely 9 

Le aa we Se wigs > be ig 


28 a Ei: 
itis duracina 
12s [ylucftris 

> > 

icana Apollinaris minor 

muss latifolia 

“S$ SN 

mbilicus Veneris 
4 $f T7. me = 

mus vernacula fine Italica 

ilicus terra 
mbilicus marinus 




ubilis maior 
olubilis minor 
olubilis nigra 

Bt 0F 




Volucrum mains 7 
Vreeolaris 261 

aye 44 
Vrtica 571 
Urticainers,c mortua 568 
= Rom. alicer Vrtica mas ; 7 

‘rtica femina, vel Vriice maior ibid, 

CA Mind’ 570° 
Viticarubra ibid. 
rtica fylaes. 571 
Uffilace fecalina 70 
Visage anenacea ibid. 
Niiglejinn 268.1237 
Vuavulpis i 
Tam 398.73 
Vua barbata M6 Pak 
a paffa ibi 
pS — ibid.727 
ie hint 4 Clasy 959. 
Vuatnarina minor ~ 960 
Rxsrhipe I ee a _diter: Vue rg 
Unleage pi 
Vulparia 25 8 
Bani aria 3 66.76 I 
Xie 4 
x aha 2 

Wun 89 
Nylobal{amum 1344-1345 
Xjlofteam 2113 
Xylum 753 
Ayres ‘G8 

Ea 62 
Zea monococeos 63 

- edoaria eAnicenne 820. 
oe. 1 65 
¢. 1318 
Zerumbet Aic & Serapionz: 
. s 82 ° 

Cat 55 
Zier fifum 54. -cius verior 

ne 131 

Zp ‘andida 1307:3308 

ézsphoees Cappadocia tid, 

ao phus Dodonai 1318 

Zugia 1 in 

po orgie Axicenne e Serapis 


Zim 964.730 

[ ndex, nominum ade eZ opere contenta-" 
rum ew Pharmacopolarin gee edeth 

35 salts 

= oe mo ofchata 
za Veneris 

\corus | iPsett 
ceoram fyluaticnmy ?"" © 

795 oe. 

: Balzemer III4 
Aaiites 1161 
“- *Abrong 271 
Abrotanu 949 
Abragi 271 
thin 938 
nthium Ponticum — ibid. 
Abfinthinm matinum | as? 
A bfinthi omanum 
onicum ib 9. 
ae 44 
\catia I ¢ 59 

798. set 


bari & Arabes ytuntur, 
Adiantom 97 
garicum 118. 
Agaricus ibid. 
Agous caftus i2 
Agrifolium Pee 
Agtimonia 575341 
Ahonuay Theueti 1361 
Alaia Sufian 53 
Alas 1227 
Alafeieti p30 
botin aed ge 
Alchimilla - ae 
o ‘Aldirira 03 
‘AleGorolophos 913 
1 Alfafa 1030 
“Alfasfafa ibid. 
Al oe 62 
‘Algodon 3 § 
Alkali 425 
_Alkanna 1210 
“Alkekengi 271 
Alkermes ae 
Alle Ieluya 6002) BOgR 


ae Vrfinum 





a 2 

373° . ena 
‘Crue hen fe NE 

Anthera x08: Balfeni 1345 Branca leonina 87x 
= ste pe 820 Ifa 291 Braflicamarina 690 
A 1081 -Balfamita 524 Brunella 508 
Shon herba 1070 = Balfamu 1345 mee 759 
Api ; - . $26 Banana 1333 «Bry 720 
Apium _ 308 aptifecula 594 Ba alot 4 domeftica’ 655 
lino atba capri 886 — Hifpanica. 657 
Z pola minor sidcang ‘78 arba-Aron 685 Bug 506 
Aquifoli tbarea 188 * 1365 
Aqua ie oa arbarica 473 unapalla 1354 
Aquilegia 93 arbotine 942 Burfa paftoris 215 
Aguile Ibi arcaman 335 Burgilpina Lys 
‘Aquilina ibid. Bardana * 665 Buzidan Arabum ° 
: Aracidna 1359 ailidace 547 ieden ibid. 
f re S337 attat: 78 fo) 
: Arania 1280 | oes Hifpanotum ibid. 
5 Arblutilon 90 BattataWirginiana 781 
: Arbutum . + x Baucia 871 cai 135t 
Arconas 1189 ~Becabunga M7 “Galo 2 1 m4 
' Archeu ibid, Bedeguar 989. 1088 Cais 7 He 
3 Atditrigi oad . op. cy oi pe aby 
: Areca 1337 efbafe 1354 i hee 
: Aret 1317 Behenalbum _- $50-467.551 Gy ee 1360 
d ibid, .Behenrubrum ibi Estancia 13 aa 
a agin a e ae rubrum Salemigalai Ca satis montanum ibid 
Anaochi aut Ariftologia = a : nen Calaminthamontanna | 5 ” 
rs61 Belin 1345 CalearEaut Pi 
: gt 2 
= — Fac ee &Arabum 124 Calcatri ppa eat 
7546 Betber 1145 i a 
Arthretice herba: 637 nen fruus 13.63.1364 Cam ie 
Articoca Berula ; 1345 Cameln = 
= ee nay ae tadhla Lazura I 
ee ee / ibid. 2 Canc. 3 a 
578 Candis 630 
1205 C ella 1242.13.48 
: 4 Earinabis ‘572 
2% ~~ Canum Cerafa TIT3 
: ay ‘Gaallns Veneri ag 
sane tis ibid, 
8g C 
bid Sores iS a eee 749 
ent Caprifoli - 44 
78t Caput Gallnaceum, 1) 3062 
89 Cardiaca in: §69 
Card: . 

bed Lite 

Cara a 

*  Carpobalfamum 

IN = Eu Xj 
Catpobalfamum 3345 Confolidam 661 Diapenfia fig Bo1 
Carthamus 1007 Confolida Srsceic 347 Dicoccos Bisse Nz 
fab 57 Confolida minor 508.512 oe 647 
é 1213) Confo ‘at apa. dia 599 Digiticie uiflort age 
Cafigincte 890  Copra 1339 = tonympha 890 
Cafrangula 580 Coralliherba 955 - 206° 
Caffia ittula 1242 Corallina 1380 a 652.1065 
Eaffilago 283 Corcuium ferulz 898 Dolzotini 29 
ane 1068) =Coriandrum 859 1358 
Cataput ©5 Coriziola - 718 Doronicum ¢ : Gas 
Gathering diuz flos 926 Coronaterre gos Dr ; 
Catti 554 Coronaregia 278:1035 | Draconis fan 13740 
a 145 Corrigiola 452 Draconcolis horeens Silo 683 
Canda equina 958 Corrumeni 1358 Dracon rien ibid 
Cauda murina 346 Cortex granatornm 1262 Sa 193 
Caualelal 120 «Cot. 1030 Drofatum me oress 
Caulis 249 Cotula feetida 618 Dulcifida ano! 831 
Cedriu 1X78 ~~ ECotiim 753, Doleamara dM VIP 
Celidonium gl Coulcoul 1249 : ysl 
‘ Centauria °467 © €xacca 1053 
* seine eg sos 416 | E 
Centumnodi. 452 €raffula minor 14 
Cepa 134  €raffula maior 18 Bet a T ve 
~ + Cephaglione 1336 © C€repar 1970 Betz P 3 
- Cerefolium 883 Ctepula 8 ~ lo ER Ota 33 
5 2 Eluchi 335 
eterac 979 Cret 428 Boca igi 
Chacani 1337 = ©€rifta palingcea ‘91 Sinka 
. — Chamedr 3748 orterifi "$007 Enol 
: ; sepsii glenterium 
+ Chamepitys 423 Crocus Sraceicu es. Baviscsinban, 
. Shaeesdip 823 Ct S25 Epithymam 
» Chandama _ 1389 Cu beb . 1365 Hard 
Changue ~ pe SKS | Cuiophora cee ee 
Charhnm 1sg “ee a ace Beene reusd 
ChartamumIndum — © '7r5- Beimer afininus®" 766 fe es 
Charumfel ge 32 ok rbita a Sed Elula 
Chafath aacee 63 vida 1070 Etremelli 
Chela cancri 677 ros f Euf. fi 
Chelidonia OIE Copia gland: 1158 Enfor bina . 
ch rmes _. 3723760. -eetcut 1138 AG ee SHlB2 me 
Cc 2 bigs ee 871 Cnirde BSS Epaag 3 
Sip “Setimen =f ae Eipatorim Mefuz | 
Ehiseeignam hap doi ; 

—— Chtittophor eater 

ag fe M M 


Dens Caballinus 
nsLeonis + 

De tali : a Fi 
allion se ane 
[= vee ig Filius ante 

licaftru: 971% 
Filix aquatica ibid. 
iftici 1248 
Flos Trollius yo Io 
Flos regius 
Flos Be nanopolneaes 3B 
Flos Mica 
Flos Cu 203 att 
Flos Adonis 
Flos S.Iacobi ob 3 
Flos amo! 255 
aureus 520 
Flos Solis 61 
Flos caryophilleus 473 
Fiuida 292 
Feniculum 877 
Feniculum porcinum 897 
Fonum-grecum 027 
Forficula Cancri 677 
Frafinella 75 
— ibid 
_Frondifor 512 
Fufe 2338 
Fuga Dzmonum 433 
Folfel 1356 
Falful ibid. 
Fumus terre ibid. 
Alla 1167 
ee 898.899 
Gale 1068 
Gallicricum 627 
Galli ~— 912 
a 1303 
_  Gentia 352 
Grerderacantha 100 
Gatipot 1179 
Geneita 1132 
| Geffenioum J47 

ae 135 

San 796° 
e 135, 

Giarga 1008 

_ Gibenech 67 

ee ed 

Gran 15 
catia peri 1186 
ratia Dei pmo 102 
Grofful 1143 
Grninalis 795 
Guaiacum 1319 

Guart 1343 
Guardalobo 1110 
Gul bid. 
Gummi Tragacanthi 1 aaa 

Guzarata 13571358 

Abal Nil 735 
Hachal ibid 
Handacocha 1019 
Hanga 1389 
Harmel 1072 
Haffabelderire 57 
Hafmifen 715 
bulben 1249 
dera {pin 7} 
Helleborus albus 57 
Helleborus nige! 25 
Hepatica 681.966.1376 
Herbacanth 987, 
erbanefa 1068 
erba benediGa g18 
erbaleonis 936 
Herba paralyfis 637 
tha gallec 1068 
Herba doria 350 
- Herba Paris 32 
Herba violaria 7t 
Herba S. Anthonij 1070 
Herba Catti 554 
tba ftella 347 
Herbalaffulata 52. 
erba Tunica 473-479 
Herba Turcica 455 
Hetba pinnula 3 
Herba Simeonis 96 
Herba S.Petri 

Herba aig Consiga, re 
te atu 7 

— frn@us 


acobea 219 
aifol 1354 
apatri ibid, 
aralnare 1333 = 
arus 685 
afminum 746 
aucia Lindi 1339 
aufiband 11354 
ecoraria 966 
efeminum 747 
anes 780 
mperatrix 895 
nquillias 114 
‘ouis glans 1252 
ouis barba 412 
ouis flo 936 
is ibid 
risFlorenting ‘47 
ua Artherica 42% 
ua mofcata ibid. 
ucca 1359 
ucca perana ibid. 
ugians 1252 
uiube 1318 
uniperus 1189 
ufquiamus 283 
Ki 492 
Kali articulatum ibid. : 
Kakile 192 
Kermes 1160 ; 
aks uth -, hOB 
Kikajn ibid. 
Kitr, ESO 
L  sapitin 
Acca 13.50.1349 
Lachetta - Ibid, 
LaGuca 2% 
Ladegi Indi 
Lancea Chrifti 
Lappa maior 
ye of 
Feoticuls peeve 



ian ner pins 
lium conuallium 

ngua bouis 
ngua ferpentis 

ph crifpum 



FNL. 1212 
i 1354 

, GLI E822 
; 4 - 

= Py F Materfilon 
21 “ Matricaria 

8s 5s Matrifylua 
1354 Maza 
3163 fechoacan 
1214 elica 
147 Melega& Melegua 
744 Melanzana 
332 clonge 
1214 elrofaru 
1280 elampyrum 
655 elilotus 
32 elif 
ibid. Melo 
ibid. Melones erie sai 
7 emire 
970.977 a Rescaditiea 
1289 cides 
ibid. fata 
1120 enta aquatica 
1349 MentaSarracenica 
979 ercurialis | RAN 7 aie 
1247 etopium ati 
1350 eum 
37 ezereon 121 
971% Mileguetra vel Milegetta 
329 § Miliumfoler® 9205): 
683 Milimandrum 
685  Milium folis 
1043 Milinm faburrum 
738 = ©Millefolium 
1031 = Mirtabilia panes 
— aa olly 
orfus Diaboli 
Mortfus gall 
rfus r 
95 MoraBati 
1208,1212 -MoraBaffi 
mCelfi si 
sch bid: ' 



Mufchoromi , 

Mufcus- Riles: 



$3 MyrtusBrabantica — 

ne aN 




um 195 
Nafturtium aquaticum 201 
nuphar 74 
epeta 554 
Nicofiana 284.236 
iele 92 
Nigella gr 
Nigellaftrum ibid. 
Nihor 1339 
Nil Biers 
Nil Auicennz BUS RS 
a a 2820 jbid. 
Ozella mas gg 
Nieescypteti 1186 
Nuces pinez 1174 
Nox methel 298.1363 
Nux vomic, ibid 
Nox auellana 1251 
Nux veficaria 1249 
Nux mofchata 254 
Nux Bandenfis ibid. 
oO xf 
——- eee’, YE 
Ocimum berries 
pe oe gatiopbylaturh ibid, 
Oculus Chrifti 628 
Gout populi "9303 
Oleander 9220 
Olenm de cherua 4o0o 

Ocgenun Mipcom f 

- Dddddi 


ataequina 667 
ta leonis 802 
atientia 314 
Pauane yel Pauame 1341 
dua _ Orr 
entaphylion 839 
aftoris peta 215 
erfoliata 43 
erforata 433 
erpenfa 688 
1¢a 63 
eruinca,vel Peruinqua 748 
anferinus 259 
es afininus 650 
es vituli 685 
es columbe 793 
es leonis 80 
es = 86 
es lup 374 
= Alesandrngs 619 
etrapiu 865 
etre find 883 
selene oe A 861 
Petrofelinum Macedonicum 866 
Petrofelinum Alexandiinum ae 
Peucedani 4 897 
Philipend) 902 
Phyteuma ibid 
Pican _ 1333 
Pigamum 1068 
‘ilofella 514 
Pimpinella 889 
Piperaguaricom 36% 
: Piper Calecuthium 293 
. Piper Hifpanam ibid. 
Pipermontanum = £21 6.121; 
‘Pi 18 
Pihimn fu fiuePifam minus 1047 
Pix naualis 1180 
Plastago i 34 

N'D'E im 

Primula veris 637 
Pr so — 890 
Prov * 748 
Pruneila go8 

runum 331 
5 dn easier 926 
ie 47% 
Polegiam ig at 457 
Pulmon 663.1378 
Pulfat lla 309 
Pyrethrum 619 
Pyrola 330 

Vercinola 532 
os Pacis "1349 

Querfe ibid 
Quinquefolium 839 
Adicula fatiua 184 
Radixc 934 
Radix dulcis 995 
eed pas fu 671 
Rephans fylueftris 188 
pocaulis 251 
Scan D.Anthonij 810 
Rapom genift 130 
Raned 317 
Raued-feni ibid, 
Raued-Sceni ibid. 
Regina prati 8 

pin 1179 
Reaannal t eReaaials 1317 
Rhabar 31 

Rha an 436 
egaliza ibid. 
Rhenbarbarum emugee 
hoites 730 
efta bouis 1141 
nia 283 
ibes,h. ¢. Vua wri 1143 
Rincum marini 428 
rtiana 794 
obertih ibid. 
.obertianu ibid. 
] a Eo OE 
Loraftrum 0920 
torella 19366 
ofa vitramarina 984 
ofa coli 381 
ofaincarnata “1081 
ofa Mariana (9 381 
ofella “1099 
0s folis Lana 
ofmarinus 858.1110 
Roftrum porci 325 
oftrumciconia 5798 
Roftrum gtuis Paine e 
Robi bia herba: 32 “961 

Rufcus ao 
Ruta capraria 1068 
Ruta hortenfis 1072 
bdarifa 79x 
saccolsa quebir 2358 
ceguer ibid, 
wa Bamon 4t 
aggina 77 
al Alkali 429 
alequa 1248 
alicornia 429 
alix equina 958 
alufandria 926 
aluia 624 
aluia Bofe 536 
aluia agreftis 536 
via Romana 553 
ambucus 1235 
Sambucus aquatica 1237 
ampetra 4238 
unda 843 
SanaSan@aIndorum 285.286 
andal 1339 
andarax 1189 
anon. ibid. 
anguin 1183 
anguis dracon 314 
anguifor 889 
nicul 80% 
antalum 1389 
antolina 852 
ponaria 360.558 
arcocolla 308 
rracen 1068 
Sarracenicaofficinarum 524, 
: acacia potius pore ma 
tyrio 159 
aflatras 134% 
nina 1193 
auimera ibid. 
axifraga 89% 
celi’ 758 
cabiofa 586 
cammonea 18 
canarig 884 
carlea 627 
catellum 424 
catum coeli 424 
len 3 aay 
colopendria 977 
cordium “535 
corodonia SECIS 
. 599 
cotinus 1293 
‘opbul 80 
Scrophulariaminor 369 
al: 872 
Sedum minus officinarum 414 
Semen fan@um © baa 
: 3 Semen 


Meare Pa eee et 

en Ae Ie ee ee) 


CCan oie 

fais Yay x Seb Re on Ps Rte Btn Bee f 
2) Toa 

urpetum cineritinm 
urpetum Grifeum 
pha sige 

‘ eure Santolinum == 94 Aa malig “] P66t S| domeftica 918 
942 1214 Veelgu £63 
m pas ibid. er p52 
: pai pnats intabsians ibid. et T. oe Veriqareu » aut vere a 
1II4 Amalapatra “> 350.1351 157 
epaiolio 840 Tamarifeus © 1188.1195 Vermilion 1160 
wes 1389) 0 Tambulstesci Qa te 897 —-Vernix \ 1189 
; epinin 899 _Tanacetum ., $26 Veruena 581 
Serpentaria §95-579°599  Tapfusbarbaths 630 = Vermicnlariga:." * A 414 
‘ erpentaia maior, » 6337 ; .3222 Veronica foemina FO1.504 
erpillua 457 Ta 2hD3, Vidloriolavoquen2 oss #764 
cchsste g BO aicor juice a Vinca peruinca .-anhwregyg 
eruilla 871 ° Tarfi iola: we FOE 
eruillum ‘ibid, 7 eon see Gallo- -prouin. aol Violarum mater ibid. 
efamum 214 Tartar 735 Violapalultris..\\" 67 
Sefileos : 892.893, 7 eae um pai pe rahe 
: eich 868 ibid. Vior 93901305 
Si 252 . Tarobo lostataiecists 813 Viperina 
Sigillany Salomonis. 758 Tarobolos Catamer siibid, Virgaaureas i) ee 349 
Sigillum B.Mariz 722 Taura wy sseéa8 — Virgapaftotis © ak) 1006 
Siler montanum 892 Taurina 1068 Virginianorumpappus 998. 
Sinapiu 190 =Tembul 1351 Vifcimi Os talkg Siang. 
Singadi 1343 Tenga 1339 Vifgo waa 169 
iftra 895 Tengamaran ibid. Vifnaga 885. 
da 429 Terdina ; ‘918 Vitalonga 135 5:1356 
Solanum lethale 269 ©Terebinthina 12461184  Vitaib, 0.739. 
olatrum 268° Terebinthina Veneta ro hoe! 291.720 
Solbaftrella 889  Tefticulus hirci aria ao “S86 
Ss ee 690 1 ala pee ses ibid, vinbilicus Veneris 
Solida 661 7 weeny leporis 173 rt 12 
Solidago Sarracenica 347 Thor 1068 Vnifol ‘ 
: 10. Th 1247 Vagiladiteeilinds ue 
ae 77, Thymum 14.4 459 Volubilis t 
agas z179_~=—- Tiguar ‘ * eh 
Spagnon 893 7 en 522 
Sparagus Tipcadi 
i Spatuli foetida oe - Toment 
Speculum Veneris 356 Tormentilla 
pelts 62 Eas bat 
Spe 954 To 
sper odorata 966 Tra gscathe gummi 
g2x  Tragopyru 
: ic ; ig ta go 4 rab Alga 
(675  Erec.: . 
shea 1374 ‘Tribolo 
alba 996 Tribulus marinus. 
rey Tr 
. = 

Bas eh stm Es. rae 
‘a Hein 
| Map fa ico Me he 
ay wae id wi bn 
eff Ta 

HARM | Sass B est Papua alba, 

Asses hel,id eft Sanina. 
ea a a Senepienst id eff Pi- 

_fumncorda : 


brugi,id eff Plum cordatum. 
L a ee A 

cantbiee Gerinaries, 1.5; pondylinm. 



a carna Theeph +s a = seein 

Ace eta — a ef? Co 

Ace: oft Hie, saci 

leeciep nel tt Gefneri, i Vacei- 

Ain id ay 
Achilleajd Milefolio 



Alnus nigrayid ef} Primgule! 
eAlthea,id eft Ibifcus. 
= id eft Alphodelus albus, 

um Pliniy,id eft Hyofcyamus 

“Alpbefera Arabibus, iad eft Bryon is 

mig ra. 

Aerated eft Parthertum. 

Aifencfuid eft Abfi thinm 

Amar iaeff (Maio 

perietes Vigil de ‘After cape 

pena oft Calthapaluftris. 
Pani he Cichoriam fylueftre. 

Aimpelos Pis deft Bryonta ni nigra. 

deep Belo. Fie Indica, 
ia off,Pr 

: ae blat wm Cody id eff Dentaria 
Aon; minobc orn ideft Chriffo- — ». maior Nabiok 
phorian <ikiatam Dodonai  Nidus nis. 
Davdaali L Ty)... - 
wAieonit — ioe PIS Ph afi ms Fe rs § 

utd est Doronicum. 

Acutella, laid ef Refta bows. 

fea ihe 708, id ofc Capila s 


= — 
Adiantum album Plini, id ee Ruta 
ae : — 
oddarm frument 

aeuens of a mite a 
cast us 

Andration Auervois, 4, Paicedéiitel, 
Adrn le yp sd ot ON, 

num Italorum. 
Anetum tortuofumid eft Meum. 
ee id eff Pepo oblongus. 

\ Hit 


ria sera id = Sorbsas AL- 
pina Gefn eri. : 
ce ms 
ft vated pio 

id eff, aah veri; 
prs marinasid eft Cineraria, 

Autcennt, tS 
Afpalathus,id eft Acatiac Math, — 


Anornus Petri Placenti), id eff Frame 
Aabafersid eff Meum. 
Axcex,id eft Lichen, 
asia 0 Pao 
ye tease maior Math, 
Bac ate <ficner um, idef? eAfara- 
Bamia sd eff, ret ated Arh 
Baptifecula,sd eff Cp 
Barba birci,id est Tracie 
Bari arba Lent, id oft Se emopera 

B a eft Pier 8 nine. =f 
J ti Ph biped oft ee 

ee aideft L #1008, 

Bederan, angieidef! Meliffa, 
Belnidere se id efits — 
; Briabalalen sid deft A 

] i rid pimp ae 

annica, ie 
Braffica can can 

td eff Cpe cagie: 
Broeg gia Pling, id eff Helxine Cif- 

Brafeusy ufens. 
Bulbus Agreftis id eff Colchicum. 

id eff Aster Atticus, 

id eft Confolidaregalis. 
Bugia,id eff Cortex Berberis. — 
Boromon Theoph.s.tris paluftris. 


Nominum quorundami araree 

afal,id off ..grimonia Capen, ide iB Ana magallis Anat 
Calebrina: wlickk Lonchirés “¢ 
Cal aetnlern: id ‘eh Eotarit Cercts Ti ni i a Arbor : luda. 
( Cefit, i eft D 
Cf rk So Ci i. 
¢ athe Poca fc Calendula. C verannia, des eft  Crafl 

. ai \ 
Callitricum, id e5t Capillus Veneris 

Callion Pliny, id eSt Alkakengi. 

fa 13,t Hyofeya Hb. 
Caluegia,sd eft Galanga. 
Camphoratums. Abrotanum ma 
Candelaria,id et Tapfus barbatus. 

<— 60 id eff Tapfus barba 

ui 7; p ‘ 
Cancum Auicenne, a est Chelsdoni- 

Cantabrica Phin sd eft Ra apanculus. 
Cantabrica Turueri, id est Garya: 

Capillarts, id Ps Tt Venerss. 

Capen Ph mae est Carts er 
Caranful,id eft Caryophyllo 

Cardamom, id S  Pleadobuninm. 
a dopatinm, i é. 

. §t Carlina 

q fullonum, id eft D. ipfacra 

4 conte er id ef? Ceratia fi ili 
c sricaid of eA 
Carnabadion Simei Sethi Car 
Carramus fjlucfiris, td ¢ Ars 
Carpentaria, id eff Pfendob 
ce arpeh wm 5 4 id eft Cubeba 
Garsabudion- Seneonti fs ae 
« — oft Sina apts. 
Caffebar sd eft Coviandrum 
Caffilago Math. Syl. id eit Hyofey- 

Caffat sf ut 
ieee cf Trifolium paladofum. 

* Gafgretesid oft Pim 

Carnal 1d eS Se 
itrapa Mathioli , idef Cardus 

ofmurinus, id Pie. 

7 id ft eset 

est. Ricinus. 
Canoe) Pliny, id eft ere 
sag vid est Alopecures. 

Ka, ,id bof Nummularia. 
: Galli, id e5t Horminum,; 
coer, id eft Guapkalinm. 

GCichoriwhe velrucarians if ef He- 

Circea Greets jd deft Mandragora. 

Cerbie id deft S onchua. 

— ec: * mann Cordi, id est Cardy 

Cuicus itn id eff Atratlylis. 
Citragosdeft Meliffa 
Crdvomela,: s “p Malin stale: 


al si cf Fitba SE Cyprian. 
» det Cumpaba Lattef- 


wa 4;id oft Verbena. 

Combul, Nardvs: 
C Cond - hee eo ee 
Vac 5 
Cori ape — otis id if Bo 
“fo jj spr me ae 
Ci aiid a minor webiared ot Pr 
Confetica minor ‘Raelly, id “a Belle 
Cotezsimbach Tarcr , id eff cies 

calls Vi ee vinta. 

Connarws id 

Comentee, - ad Agrieponias 

| AB. M 

POY te MB 

Chamac. ae eft Hedera Terrefiris 
Chumalence,id et Tufiilago. 
pti aes id eSt Rofimarinum fyl- 
Charsslea pi ce CMexe- 
Chamedaphne,id et Laur 
Chamediphue Pliny jd eft oa per 


Chamaplium,id eft Ei 
C pao At Palen 
howalk us, id eff Myrt 

eat Pling, id eft Palma bus 

Gi namet ide we Comey filiqua. 

sila mis tel 2 B 
Cina lind 

lbums . 
Tota bona, 
uuianum, . est 
G esata Gefweri,i oft Linaria, 
oe est Blattaria.. 
Chryfomela Athenai, id eft Malus 

peruinca. ea X 

Clematis altera Mathio, id et Vi- 

Cleome ido Efi 


— eure 

Fs ey 
s $= 

ae Cords, ia e Devtaria 
Corcorus Melochia , ide Olns Tn- 
Co a ae ver. deft Ana- 

Sd can HT 

fer Teil, iS ot. & Sixt, 

Coriziols Rhafi > id ‘cSt Stitiones, 
Corona fratrim, id eff Carduns Evie= 


neat Fuwwar 

OanoQ0nganR Ch 




= = 
Sees : 
Te 4 







oftes ue sprare: dh Pines 
Coftus Hotitam, deff ss 


Cunila Columelle, ideff 
Cu on. def? Nux ts 

Cyanus Hievofolymitana, id eft Ptar- 
mica Axstriaca.. 

Cfo, id oft Hyffopus. 

Cynaforches, i 
Gyno ras prea oe Paces 

Crates 48,id eff «AD 
Cynosbatos Diof. id of "Rol fa fylue~ 

ahaa s eft Payeanties 
Gra eee id eff Rubus 
Cyuos Dalefca 
Cypris,j heh Ligu 
Opprits Dodi id eft Phillyrea, 
Die edrios id eff Chamedrys. 
Danebalchil, id et Equifetum. 



J abe igi, se iceauri. 
aid BE eta. 
Del ca. ideft orlelida Regal, 
Diapenfia, id an reene 
Didar Arab, 
its Ve nates a ft i mpliert. 

Diniden Gif 
—— eff Lfatis 

iccallia ele is Ha Chamomelum 
iafpiron, td eff Atslinm folis 


Dates Te iret def Phafle 

op. 4. 
Tragt, id e&t Peeridion 

omina spibapidann interpretatio. 
ins Math 

Eleag iol. id eff Ziziphus 

Eleg fen, dep aoe tat, 

Eliphacos jd eft Sa 

ee eri ¢ aan. 
sasattes nk, ‘dof Crithma. 

J ampere on Tragi, id nee tha Turca, 
Empetro oni Fler niari 
1 Sab L we id _ Den- 
vg tum, i. Lingua Serpentina. 
aes Gefueri, id eff Gri 
Ep ti we Ry 

Explrofjn ania 2 Plas i, on 
Epila labion G 


E the Asai widelt cpleediom 

Epi vee oft Epimedinm. 

Epi Hs Recen aaa Helleborine. 
& nan Rondelety, id eff eam 
é id eft Flos Adouts, 




vin: git Ve egety,§. eAcarna Theop. 
vingium Guilland, id oft Carduus 

Esieweid eft Corcaros ane 

Exyphion Apule ei, 
Eryfimum Theop. id fee 9 Camelina 
rythrodanum,i.Rubia Tinktorum. 
Emery id oft Verbena 

| eatets , td of? Tuff filege. 
Pacis aa id eft Tuffilago. 
Farf Auicenna, id eft Thora Val- 
F fo id eB wanes eas 
Faranum,ideft Ty 
Pandege: geri gr deft Origanum. 
Fel Te 

Fenie: orcs’; Peucedanum. 
1 rl - ef Shas 
Ferraria Lhe, 2 Sepintities : 
Eeooras Una ft Anona Sterilis. 
5, theft Clematis ime Per 



Ee id eft Atratlylis, es 
aria Corydalis i: Radix Cun 

Geren roe i. Dipfacus, 
Gin arofm _ os ft Atriplex Olida. 

Goleman tm id eft Mirsbis 

asi ‘! 

ea eff Phe magnum. 

enec hee id ch Benn 
wm. Caryop 

anc iue Papaui rani 
Ladiolus eo Se id 3 Tune 
pve i. Aphyllanth 
Gloffogr: peg Potaniots id off Fas 
mari: ss 

Gelipnarsid ef Xylon 

Granum Regium ‘Me ut, t. R: 





Cc 4 
Githi.Ni ella, 
C * 



Satie id ki Vua ate 

ee 3 
He“ Saecehat et 4 Chemen 
aot =~ ges Series id est Coss 
Hag dren nid eff Feniculus. 
xan Auerhoej.Paffinaca... 
ph obo os Vefi of car inn; id est Al- 
Halicacabum Peregrinum, i. Pfu 
Hamefiteos,i. Chamepitys. 
Hanab, Althale b. id eft Solanum. 

enSyrcam, id “ef Conve 
Haftula Re ia,4. Aad albus. 
Hanilcocha 2 Blo, i, Tiflis bi 
SS a 
ich Pub» 
Hebene llc offcinarum. 

Hederalis. Ruelly,i. Afi Clepias. ; 

= a - deh % oyrrhiza, 
Cafta, 6 
Hab a oy te id are 
Hae Luce, ideft “oa mas 

Hers Impetiginaria , id eft Chelido- 

ningun ee ane 
He: id est Ranunculus, 
Herba S. — , id eff Ranunculus, 
HerbaV Iceraria,i. Ranunculus, 
Herba or i, pee eet 
HerbaDineotilia, id eft Confolida 
Herba Ste. 

Herba Concri i. Poros 

; are: Seti Dodiaictih eft Aqui- 
Hares - rane id eff Dentillaria 
fares se ales wer id eff Cotyledon, 
Herba Benedstta,. Caryophyllata 
Herba Fortis, id eff Solidago Sates 

Hi erba Paralyfisj:Prinla weris. 

Hota Laffilata,id oft Balfamita ma- 

Herba Pianula, id eft Hyoftyamus, 
HerbaTure 4,3. Hern: ‘erniaria. 

Het Tunica Gordo id off Ocy~ 
Herbs Tonica Didom, ides Caryo-- 
Herba Gallia Fracaffory,,id eff Ga- 

Herba Ratinalis,i. ee 
He: - ime id est Rannoenlia 

ake rag? i.Tab 
Herba Sacra ising i, Mehiffa. 
Hermodattylus eSt Colchi- 
Tralorum, idefh Tvi-tw- 
_berofo aoe fy. 
Hefperis Clu 

ORE TC RCM Te! Oe ep AT ee ig Ts 

= linwm Camere wie La- 

num quorundam interpretatio. 
Hippos lafem Bonifacia, id eft Lan 

Hy ae is lini, ji. Tacea ay ee 
Hyophthalmon, 4, Ate 
Iypecoon Dodonid of ae yf 
Tipecoon Clusi, i, Alcea — 
Hippofelinon,i. Macedonicus 

io cft Aru 

Att, i. he 
tga, 4.0 amapity ity. 

exar Sereponts os ef Paftinaca, 

ee ee 


wile Roftica S Ae Largi, id ef 
Confotida usaior. 

y mgninalts, tsAfier atticus, 

y, outs Pabi. Hyofe ete 

Tonis Flas;i. i Lyclinia | 

ors sis Arbo — uereu, 

rio, 2. Eien 

uncus qiadratus Celfis. Cyperus 
pees eae id “tA Charsepitys. 

afeuiars Hhofiyan 

opis Cadi, “Chenoa. 


Ames oft Ebulus. 
rion id ee Ci _——— 
f Ang 

S$ Be Be ee Seis 


i. Ricimass 

i: Coccub iife Borin. 
ra hie aoe 

» id oft ae 
Kaos conaabi. 

A] CA, id oft Bryomia migra. 
: o's soe: ee 
L: site e 
J shod Ta eater 
Bait Sk Gia Sonchus. 
lester, i ef ding 

Lee Chriffi,id et Lingua Serpen= 

Lantana, is er 

Lathyrts,i. Catapstia. 
aelity i, Pifurm peti 

LAMY HS sprites ina, id est Hippo- 

bier Ree id eft Oleander. 4 
its (ylucfris,4. Laurus Fi —_ 
pipettes Mdathioli, td we tings 
ai 0 Columelle,i. on igen 
— Oftulam,s 
mk Set mitt Parks ‘des Aqui 

Leo He vba Dodn. id eft Aquilegia, 

Lepidium Plivit,i Prperitas 
Lefe ” Arthanr,. id eff Bugle fu 

Lencentbemam, id fC amen 
Libadion P, ntanrcnim, 

Lin nent Ae is, apie 

eB ihago 0 Co mis :. AE B "bel 
J sets id ef? Planta: 70. 

us Vibana, id of Trifolium cdo» 
ga 3 elt. 
Longiva, i.Lonchitts 
Lichen Hepatica o ictoon 
Lunaria Aribritica GC nar itis ee ft 

Pp 3 laVirfi. 

b Cordi,s.Dr. [ee = 
pee eft Trifelium Acetofur. 2 
ne se facet id eft Sembucis 4 

Le iin “id. eft eile ie filer, 
M = ¢ 

Achla jd oft Palma, ce 
aii Pliny, id oi “ate a 

Mabalb Fee id a Pfeudee 

Nomina quoruidamincerpretno 

Harn herba Dodon. id eft Cerinthe a ani Syriaca , id eSt Fabago Onefiaasd id eft Bugloffum aac 
Pliny. leave Onopordon, id ef? Acanthinm Tbyri 
Marinella, 1.Phe magnum. Pres Dodon. id et Orobss L'O- cum. 
Jarmarites,i.Famaria. ely. Ordelion Nicandri,j. Tordylion, 
Marmorellay — onta, Mo rel la, id ef? Solanum Hortenfe. Ophris, i. Bifolinns. 
Mastaites,i.Laferpi (Mula Herba Gaxe,id eft Ceterach. Ophioglaffums. ate Serpentis. 
Matton Pliny J. Shabiol Mulribona, ide eit Petrofelinum. 
Mater Herbarum, idest eArtemi- MM Of Zo, ideff Solanum a 
fia. Muralia Plinth, i. Helxines. tain id oe — 
Materfilon, id eff Iacea nigra, LAyophonon, ia eft Doronicum. Oruala,i 
~Matr ns ne Horminum, Myrtus Pabedan ee Sa c vapid id fe Pett, 
Mari Periclymenum. Myrica,i.Tamari Cc = sf er in 
Chara ie Capa, id eft eAlu- Myrtophyllum, i. Vi le aquatilis. Orontium, ide ee 
spina Ostria Con ris bee Ora Trags, 
Mei Disfeor id eSt Viola Ma- N Ofteccolloz, id eft “eaaegries maior. 
« fPrestine, pervs 
Mesem LObeli; id ef Iris mavi- Rie th Opjris,i 
na Na “9 ~~ Nano ee Hh» Orhonna, Fe oft Plo Aces, 
Melachia, iC Nard & Naron Arabi.Rofa. Os ayacanth 4, id ft Berb 
Melampadium, ery ir Helleborusni-  Nardus Cretica, i. Phi magnum, c 
ger. Nardus ruftica Pliny ,j.Conyza. Oxys , 4a est Tirfolium eto. 
S Mel Fraguie Dioclef. id eft Pani- Narf,ideft ener ¢ \ 
; Sis Nargal,id off Pa C ees cis Cordi, id eft Vaccinia paa : 
eee: id est Triticum Vac-  Noaflartium a id off Pfea- —_ lufiris 2 
unin, - 
Melapperron nm 4. Nigel Nenuphar, id eff pet : : Pp 

Meied Arab. id ett =o fia- Neottia,id eft Nidus ants. 

Nips Gaze, id eft Genifta fpinofa. P vad ifti .) of Ri > 
deep Frittillari Palalia, id é: eit Cyclamen, 
Sileocbinn. Ni ae Nicopboron Pliny , id eft Saidéte hai rota, id eff Atdnthus.. 

Melofpinum , sd est Pomum Spino- afpera. Pang fe id eft Treflinms eAce- 
pie jana, id eff Tab. 
ellaftrum, id of B Pm os pecan ji id eff Squillas-. 

SS ag 

Memiran Andr. Bellunenfis , id e& 

ob inte. Panis porcinus, id es lamen, 

a id eff Nymph apanter Spumeums, td eff Ben slbuns, 

Nil eAuicenne , lid i Sandal Paronychia Diofe. id eft Ruta Mu- 
Cer rulews. VATA 

ola Culinaria. id. eft Anemon : Pafferina Ruel, id eft Morfiu Gal- 
Noli me —— Clusty, id oft Tu ‘ths 
tiens herba, : eens id eff Stapbifagria. 
Nol me tangerei.Cut ucumis {ylseffris ae a Marelli, id est Sta- 
Nuk Metel,i.StramoniaFuchsy... — p2 
ee Veficaria, id eff Staphyloden- Pigaoe left pe flac Wee : 

poses minima , id off (Morfus 
Rane. eo 5 

Onobryohis sd eft Caput Gallinacexm 
Oni ger eageeriand 
na Aruenfis. 


Nomina quorundam interpretatio/ 

Phenix id ef | Lola 
—- id eff Chelidonis ma- 

Dlererinmd oft Ben albsies. 

Phrbir: viow sil A bogie 

Ph fried nee Polem 

Phill So reeetooin PL Niven: 
Phylon T brafti, i. Mercnrialis. 
Pi ft A 


Pimepinelle fords Camerary; i. Pote- 


Asef tnt me per. 

oe vet Haliabbis.Fumaria. 
Regina pr. ratisd et Vimaria : 
Refi fatuina,id cSt Paonia. 
Rofa a id et eeeeng 
wn ,id est 

Rora Bryon 
Rorella; ies eft Ros folis. 
Retula fe lie id en c hemnemielum, 

hadodenlyon,ia est Oleander 
ft arisen Apules, i 3. Renrcals, 

Rumex. Lap. 
Ruta “ate ae Ga alge. 


’ id eff Capficnm. 
Pin: Brahliane ee: pre: ) 
oe f ‘4 JY ty 
Reeth V7; 
1 PabiBe Si cat Se lg 
Piftacta flu eftris, id eft Nux Vefi- 
Pfam ef S. a Het 
: <a 

hin gh off Viol, 

peta thiana Dod as 2 
* Pod: yrara Germance, td est Herba 


Palytrichum CapilusV eneris. 

Polytrichium ses id ec Mule fous 

_ capillaris, 

Pol ygonatum, ad cSt Sigtllum Salo- 

Polsgoncides Dieferiis ji est Vinca. 


ON Abptorcri id oO EF, 

Dieba id eff 

deb,id eff Ruta 
po herba Aorippeid oft Saluia. 
‘o afar reel,id eff Malis Cydonta, 
af tirberabson id eff Sparganin 
: alicaria,id cH L iy fimachia, 
Saliunca Gefneri,id eSt Nardus Cel- 
tica, , 
Sef rora,id eff Ros folts 
licaftrum m Pliny.d. Saiidahe tate. 
pre Strum Diofcoridis, i, Bryonia 
pirsd Amerinaia 8s ed humilis, 
Saliuaris,id ay 

Pobyantheraum, i i. Ranunculusaqua- Saluiavita,id 
Soe a agreftis, Be As Scotidnm, alte- 
is ifilago. Salvi Mia Romans 4, Balfamita maior. 
Salufandria,id et Nigella, 
5 Coftei, jeAqu ilegia. Samalum Plinyid eff Puifatilla. 
ole T heopbrattt, id ef Ag wile- Samolum Plinyi, Anagallis aquatica 
pa alg of achus. 
Pree herba, id et Chamome- — ts Hlerculis, sd eSt Helleborus 

» Protomi ane eff diane: 
Pfe udorchis 

Pfendocapficum , i 
Bee fplueffre, ti est ee 
— | Cordi, i, st. 
pati ech, id oft Pifka 
wlic. ria Gaze, ide ve 

id. eft Si kbd 

= Rs fi 

ris Tragi. 

K) dng wintril def Corn 

Sana manda deft Caryophy lata 
Sarax,id e§t Filex, © : 
Sardinia glans,d eff Caftane. 

Sa ach,id oa Malus Perfica. 

Sa on Diaf-id e§t Betonica. 

! anfntinliten Fuel ideft Meli- 

Saxiftagiarubra, id eft Philipendula, 

Scammonea tena: ids eS Helxine 
Seer Bs Pelle i Aceates 

Seqpuringef Ofjris, 

* Side: 



j Linguaceron 
Se aah se eres ori 
Scorpio’ Theophyasti, 1d e&t Genie 
ine ay 

ly mos bose ideft Chita, a 
Scilla, id eff Squilla. 
Scuck Syr riaca,d ef Pap 
‘Secacu ie: nards, tava See 

S age Ply id fs anina (mettre 

RY Seemed oft # Rapa. 

§ elanion id. et Groce 

west ‘eft Sempersiain. 


Ky Sipenarag ef? Dracuntin aa 
id eft Afe?, eubaS 
eft Orchis Senina 

Serapias mas, id 
ra Se 
Sager, SE Nusx mofcar ates 
os The id of Althea “pi 
def? Re 

fP pe 


Siitone “Comer id ff ae 
Siger Indi, id Ba 
Siringa chs Sra id hee 


iiquattrum Pil off Capficram, 
tgillum 4,4. Dryonia nigra. 
nid eSt Ficus, 

inasbari entha aquatica, 

ba Fofemmaleh Thlafi. 


Sorbus Alpina Ge fier, ia Se ia 
Theophrasti, i ; 
tee: Pies “id ef Fraseiy 

Faiz : 


2 pas acuta,id eff Oxyacant, 
eerie, id eff Oxyacan 288) 
ci,id eff Tragacantha, 
Spinco id eft Rhawsnus folu- 

ome swore eft Palinrus, 

Spelt D cet i, Sal a pe 
> Ei id on Radix caua, 

Spicata,t.P otamogetton 
Staphylodendron Pani, id eS Nux 

got arn Oke of Caryoplyl- 

mosaic oy 
= ‘Sil ee Lewy 5 aa is Cardune 

coe, 4.Coc - caria. 

tomacace Plinij,#, Biftorta 
trathiopteris AW Loncbitin 
truthinn,i Ss 

ia Galenis.Lappa min 
regalo Auicenna, id WA Do- 

Atrwet Hl tA 

Sue wearin age 

minum quorundami metesprevatia 
Te da arbor ia eff Pines ae 
d Of: 

ift cape 
rinm cimabeate, 

[ erdina P f 
Terpentaria,t. Betonica aquatica 
[ eliphano,i. Daronic: 

Thwia pene fe FT 
rt Ate nm laa. 

anf «P optsbus Li 
Trifolium fibrinum 
Tf inm cochleatum,. Medica. 
Trifolinm fruticans , id eft Polemo- 

Tile at, Sac est Trifolium 

rule einen 

Turbith.. Thapfia. 

urbith Anicenne,s.Tripolium. 
Typhi Theophraftis.T nfjilage. 

, id va Trifolinns 

Efiearia peregrina, id eft Pifum 

As mee Dodons.Petrofelinwm. 

Veratrum Bier, 4. Aitrantia 


Pincers oF ck 

5 tia. 
L fia J 

Vipe i:Sco corzonera, ies 

Vi fe “Gingidia idinm. 

Vab heme Ve ewer, i. i.Cotyledon, 

7 : 

V Fiat cbs Tuffilag 

Viticana 3. am foroni, jon uit 4 

V4 ais Galen hAlliam, 
IAT iA, Dens lequts 


Vua lipine Marcel eft Sambucus 

pi “a semen. Bryon 

Vina lupina Diforide, id ef Herba 

verfai #. Herba P. 
Poop Sam rar 
ne an AES i na loffines, 
of. Leanris Alexandring 
V1 ule 

Unleage — ia 5 oe Base 
Puucata Cayay Stramonia. 

<a a 

ninm,i. isp 
Zions Gelinas 
4.Ceratia <p 

Yebet,id ef? Anetum, 

7 Ae Anicennt,id f Auth 
lis L’Obeliy 

A Table of all fuch Englith names , as are tba 
unto the Herbes, Shrubs, and Tred, men- 


Wrecock tree 1260,1261 
Scatia , that is, me toy 
Bche,that is Sunioe ee: 
ou that is Wolfes bane 818, 

aon Aconite 6.817 

cones Aithpinate dLaoke Bathora 
819. 820 

The otlic PBeorne 

Bramsapple 1331. 1333 

Bor ee that is SDogballorke 

avaeroast that ig Suakewed ch 2 3 
African meriggeTD 
Bethiopian apples 

anil 1 : 

spare ni Swater Bgrimonie a 
mnie Caftug 

609, biotie 



Biecote, that is Coftemarp §24 
ae that is faife ‘aDercurie 2 ee 
Gad, that te god Renrie ae 

ae aocvenkie 2, 
sig that is Ciownes nak 

Alehoue, thatis ®round Fi 
tee ogg penal 865. 43 
Bleranders foot, that is Dellitozie 
1 Spaine eto 
“Biter, 02 Bilder tree, and bis kindes 

Birveore, that is wilde Drath = 257 
~BMileiupa,that: Pasthatis aed Sorrell 5 ee 


- . Blmondpinm nea 
Ries sr Bygone on bigtime 439 

Bikakenat,thatis winter Cherrp 271 
Bi aa Sptide Wugicle = 
pa 7 andhis kinds 887.8 
ABinbeefie,thatis Demigods fod. 536 


oo ig Seancot Malach 
“Bn caitece he bo inv Suter j 
DBnite,oz Banifetecde $79,880 
Buet;that is Dit 878 
Augclica,andhishinds 846.847 

cs oe 0; fkinking ground sia 

300 anit 

I 427501 70. 

Se 7632: 
1 290.291 
as <273.274 

oe i 

tioned in this Hiftorie, ° 

Water Preher, 0: Frrow head and hie 

bis ~<a 336 
Arbu 02 Strawberry tree 1311 
Brcheo poi bauited Figtree 1331 

ee that is battard Poppie a = 
ABriftolo eecue és 3 
eee red 5 

nett 991.992 

Sri re rst to ogter Pepper 360 

Sica sb big kinds Psy i 
954 9 

Alpe treeoz Plpentr 1303 
yt wos and wig binds 85.87.89 
3B 1289 
Biles TM$i 
sini Doentek 1278. 1279. ae 
Appian Dinn 
Auens,andhishinds $41, B42. $4 3 


pe Bib 02 Quicken tre 



Arwomet tid. 
pthewed 849 

? qlz 
er 02 Renit-backe 661 
Meaivenaints 02 Waldmonie 350, 

351,352,895 i 
phate Waldmonie 895 
pg se : 999 

er $60 
*Baime mint | \ } - * 4 

i acing 

net 4 ae fat is Homer, “a 
olip pviedl fe phe os REE 1347 
fanttrec, bie Seni 
aes gaffe, Wate oss culliens, 

Aatchelersbattong 2 
So rent se st ers 
‘Way wiilor 


Weane,and his kinds 
Fiat Senee “ad og ALupines 1042 
6e wate ey + 
onary ee, ano hisbirbs 640. ée5 I 
Weares nba qz 
Sas 295 ¥ 
iBea 8272 | 
Durkee Beatrawe Phy 3 mo Ele 
315 } 
poses oprice Sels 136F 
inne Weil fom 358) 
nents ell flowers, 02 Peach Weis. 
02 ft 366,367 
ea Beis 69a 
Weil flowers 362 
Wilde Well flowers |<: pier 
Paruct Weis 5 : 
wpe ata 251.252 
bei 1255 
echt S845: 
Bein on 1a 

aan yaa is Cats tatle nae 

al 02 etre, that isbetaieeee 


Ditton —— er, 
2E etonte ~ 

Eriple Balto, Comet navi Birds nefe 

Brake, and his kindes, loke ferne 
- 968.970 
nod 04 

ABzim al thatisfow ha 


Bionic and highinds 719,720,721 

Sndian Weionic, that ts WBechoacan 


eee $130 1E32 

WWcome Bi 1130,1133 

3 Briar buth, loke Eglantine 

Briar bufh,thatis ep tre 

Wrcome Weort 210 
% ree mot, that is Seater Wetonie 


Backes ben bean if 
Backes hornesnd bis kinds 396. 5a 
Wucke Wheate 
Sucrose o Cae 

~ eee 

ae andhis binds 


A Table of the Englifhnames. 

Wilde Cammomii 16,618 
Dampion and bis kinds 382.3 83, 384. 

Canaria gratte, Canaria led oz Cozne 

Cane, Cane rede, andhis kines 

Cancermart,thatis Fiuclen 504. 
ankermogt,that is Piflein bed 22 

Candie Muttarde,o, Candie Chialpic 


Candie Piifanders 869 
Ca sensi A 874, 
Canterbur 03.366 
S eginuaie tints peta 749 

Cee ees thatis great Milde = 

Capit mas 
arte € 
Emcke Charlocke, and his ints 
wed ain thiftte 996.99 
Car 240,1 241 
XD) ota carci thiftle 995.996 
ce 4 Rirtd; 872,873 
wilde ibid, 
Siiuhing auhabadl @arcate 875 

Carowayp,and Carumay fede 
Cafkes,02 Cares 

Caflidonie azo 
Callie Pilloflowers,thatis lock Gi= 
Pi ada go 3373 

aft me Downe 



afia ittula 242 
aber aie Beopion rae 
Mdhis bind io 

Cat ino ‘Be 554 

Catch fie 481.482- 

Cats tote = 
Cats elon Eats treme 

Cats tatle grafe 

‘Pri ichteg Juniper Cova tree pa 

Cedar of ) II70,TI7I 

Celanvineand } bie _ 696 

Basen 91t 


rhb 436,437 


=} 979 

} 997.998 


sé 25 

page iy fouege, that tg fea fourge go 
Wwrt, 02 Ciritts herbe and 

nlas herbe,that ig blacke ea iz 

ae 826 
Cinits thom 1193.11 §q 
b pons At: peace Sherbe 829,971 
Heiing,and hig kinds 1054 
Eien Ad hig Binds = 1047, 1057 
ee 1048 

1 nae Se,thatis Mrimart ier 
Cinkefoiie,oz Gis finger Gralle 835 


Cinnamome rote 648 
ze! sa ~ yeiga c pa 2 be pa 

silt i r 
Cituas bi ti sro, +1093,1094, 
Cit rede sat ea is mile reo 
fhaub fople 1221125 


Citronapole “A 8,12 

Witruli Cucumbers ous 

Tbhewilde Citrut pe 

Cives, 2 Chines eS EC, 

gf hy lavie, that i Somes 


Ciatte, 02 — ep oo 

rie € Citar 6 

Cc ia ee 

23034 see sbi ace msrean 

Tiauer gen 

Dark Ci al 

Gera Cisuer for 25.1026 

Snai ‘aie: tines 1029, ro3z0, {ee 
aBoviee fodder 

es ofegrafle 964 

Biting Clematis, 743 

Clote 665 

Clovreb 1368 
Cione Silt mo kas 47z 

lnftcr of grapes 
ge, Woundwonzt , cea is 3% ‘ 

Che Clone tree 13913 oe 
satiate _—e 
Cocks fotegraile 

apes aad abe MPedow @retote 
Cocke ean = that ie red Pitching 

coat 926.927 
odded-Crefotie 1Oz2 1029 - 
Smeiedo0s 169 
Coleworzt,and hig hinde 2434249 

‘Coloquin tida, 0, Co a i 
: : 

: Bes Coicwot 

pre ce s 
roms pone pede : 
Eolumbine,and bi: Sia asd 

— ee 

Cori 58 
aoe Flagge, 92 Come Gladdin and 
his poe 95.9 od 
Cone Tote, and Cogne Poppie 2 

Coyne Gillollower, 02 Come Pinke 

ote a 
Seow eae flower,o2z goleen Eom 

one treandhiskinds  1282,1283 

Cone oe Wottie 594 
Cozailand his kin’ 1381 “$e 
Cozall Wenat; 

Cozalline,oz pee fle 1378.13 
otton Wweede, oz Cudmesde a hi 

Cotton graff Lid 

Continesas is kinds 635.637 

Cowkips ri ai erifalem,that te ay 
sf eruf 

Bountaine Cowllips 

Cow Batis ig re Galerian a 

Cow whe 84 

aBattaro on wilde Cow Soheat 85 
seta oo tach 1292 
of ier = . $23 
ete 753 
same tate and purple ae 
Cou oe 309.3 a3 
eoatheees me 
Cow Danica kad eka! 855 
¢ cont _ ue mbg, thatis 
Pellawp a giz 
b ar 


* Crab tree,that is the woiding tree 1276 
Crabs claw, thatis freth water Houi= 
bier 677 

lem Cranes bill 797 
Candie Cranes dill ; shi 
coe esi 
Cranes dils and 793: ioe 

DE wild Cranes bine hs 4 
Craw, that is rape Cro: 

Crees and his kin td echo 194. as 
‘Sciatica Crete s 197 

ica Crefle 

wWanke Creiies 198 
*Docke Crefirs 199 

ater Crelles 199 205 
Wilde Water Crefles ibid, 
winter Crefles 188 
Crefkmarin 42 
Crimfon cedar IIL 
ae ond 2s 

Croklewart an’ iskinng” Tne 
Erestojcom heh 347.679. zs 
row beis, hat is — 

i thatis Swiide sofe Cans 


A Table ofthe Englifh names. 

that to wood fozrell 103 
Cucuinders andhiskinos 762.765 
Wilde Cucumbers 766 
Cudwed,fe Cottonwed, 516 
Hwete Cultion: 169 
Cull nteto pou cy 
Ladies Cufhio' 483 

Culrage,thatis Arfmar 365 

wilions and their kinds 166,167 
Cumberland Pawthoz 1146 
Cumin andhis kinds 9°7 
Wilde umn 908.909 
Curage,thatis Brimart i as 
Wurrans 02 fall Reitons 
Gard vd Evens, that is Lintine 

Cot 94m 
Sviies thats @alingaie 29 
Cppres tre 1185 
Cppres grafeandhiskinds 11.19.20 

Cppzres Mormmmde,inke Wozmmade 

Cppreg i Spurge 407 
Ficide Lpp; 422 
pps bd ing! 

PHovill andhis binds ee 109 

affodilip . 116 
Daodowndillp f iD. 

PoHite Dafoviil 137 

Lillie gt 

ohis kinds 09.510 
sie Dailies, thatis tea Starwarst 

Biss ovale obe Dathes 
Dalmatian Flower de Luce 

Great Dais 
tcl ing Daifies 


almatian cap,thatis gui S 20 
Manvdelicnand his kinds 229 
hala and dis kinds er is 2 3 

ines we Soe the fruiteand fiotoers 
hens foxes et - 1337 
ee sonerg ine ater 5335-1 3 a6 
Daucus of Cand 
Dead Pettie andhie kinds 
Deaic booed trer,oz Sir tree 
Dew araffe : 
“SDiers Weede and his kinds . 
Dicrs grening wede 2 oe 

‘Diptam,oz Dittany of eandiess.cp2 
Rk iste wt diet) 188 
attard Ditt 

S52, ad 
Dinelsbit 87 

So aie 
oan grafican Dhis ads” 

Pega wile 
Dogs ba 

Dogs stipe ae 

Dogs carole, that is Wilde Mercucic 
Doss Camormnill, thatis Mate merde 

Doss Leke, that ig Hyacinthus ag 

Dos toth, and his kinds 154. as 
Dopzias his woundwat 349 

Downe th aps 990 
cs —— 793 

SDaaneng blind, thatio Slevin 02347 

oe For) ns blmd,jmke Dragon tree 1339 % ey 
Bits Dragon, thatie Carragon 193 i 
Dragon tree with the fruite 1339 : 

Water Dragons 
aprotic & and Dake, that is sie 
Drunken Mwats,that is Judian Ge. 
baco 284. 

Dzunken Date tre leoke Areca’ 1337 
Jobs eget ah ee 8z 

De0pmartand his 900, 902 4 
Dubieleafestha ris @ Sonpblave 326 
Dubietong 761 
Ducke bill wheate to 
Ducks m 690 
Dunce downe, thatis Cats tale eu 
wale, thatis lb : 
Dwartie oraffe;,r and bite 9 = 
Dwarfe Citys 1099,110% 


Bfterlin Dzinet, oo 
Samay that is fwvecte Briar bully 

aqrimonic thatie Barimonte. S75 
ba ae 9 
Egyptian 1149.1159 

bibdate valid thatis Mater Mie 

py sen fiagetvee 
tan DBulberietree  — 
ei treandbiskinds 1 
1 5 . ps 3: 

gli Mercurie 
‘rs ns agi 

mm 2 £ 

A Table of the Englifh names, 
Felmentandhis kinds 350.353.352 Dea Folcfote 690 
Follow leafed Feiwazt 353 oles ftones 159 
we Pei ozebit 587 
Zemeloea aoa menot, thatisground ime 

Biartsons whe rilaays. 899 
pene ies, that is marrifh whorte 

+ 1367 
How Fennell 896.897 
Srennell tree 1347 
Sennte fiones 174 
SFenugreke and bis kinds 1026 
Foie ache kinds 968.970 
all Ferne 97% 
Figtre oP 29 
Pisoni Celandive 580 
Faire 02 Uaulted Fig tree : 331 
_ Badian Hig tree mith the frutt 1329 

\ Ftiberd tree 1258 

Sota and gis Bindes, that te 
Dzopwmy 900.902 


Ziticenat tre 124 

é 1386 

Bed Bases 1064 
aBitter Hitch i 

10§2, 1054. 

Hower ieaterse graffe 
e gto rn and ingen Borer and 
ie et 646.647 
FOF 165 
F are te os hig binds 8r 
F ore tatie grate 8.9.10 

Forcible ent stoke Bupleurum 485 

—_ pees Balpig 1091.1099 
Franck, thatis Spurric,loke Milke= 
eatncat ren igs 858 
Franbincente tr 1“ 
Freetciand D achis 
ant nee foldier, that is ‘water 
. 4 
Sren - ghee 261. 
French suger sone Sain So 
vench Starwmast 392 
ad WMarigolds and his kinds 6o9. 
French Mail 785.786 
French Pyles: Oe Hekes = 140 . 
ich Lunguoaze 663. 
French Lavander 479 
French Wormwood 940 
French Weanes 1042 
French Peale 1047 
tench toheate 83 
Frouch Dke W162 
Friars piffe, hatis Swort 920 
Fria rates aa F hode 686 
sriai 390 
Frog * : 

Bind. pte nai: lake Tragon, 
pee er ge Andian Fruits 1361. 
$uters ‘eaten 
Fumitozicandhishinds 927. aa, . 
Walous Fumitozie 
fuego geatfe 
Fateats and FurzenBulhes 1138. i 

Englith or Seanih Galingale 
Galingalc, te eases ake 
Galiotoaralle, thatieempe 572 
Gall tree, and Gail oke with bis kins 
E164 .1165.1566,1167 

— 30% Fclwmzt and his kinder 

is bi 
Oreat o2 tre TS schanben 532-533. 534 
mae Seaman’ Op garlicke Ger. 

Getter wt S 
Giil by 

p ay oe and Ms in ids 371. = 
Sea flocke Gittofiowers, — ip 375 
ey 02 ind pred RAT vad 
Water Gilioflow 

totive Silatawers a3 
Piel @Gilloiow 

Wat | Gulonomes, 02 pello tote 

Oe Gulotowers 5 that ‘ts 
es Tiol 
sBuided focke Silotowers 120. ie 

Stocke © Ulofle Wwers 373 
is ae 55 
Gin 12 
Sin ig os Se 924.925 
Htink 53 
Sater aes 2 
@lafle ee 2 
Globe Crowfote 81 
obe thiftie 99 
pies ae i 12 
ods fi 522 
Eadnights at ninebeforenone Fox 
@olveflower §20,§22 

ee Wothwoozt, oz Golden wees 

Golden flower of Perv: ta 
olden oie 993.995 
Golden title of Pets 993;995 
olden trefoile 103 
D of picafure 253,214 
albilocks,02 Goldenmole 1374 
Golden oxe tie,lobe Buphthalmum and 
bis kinds’ 607 
es gentic,and Goldilocks 

Goiden wont of Languedock - = 
HerbaDorea / 
ci} is 
Goldenrovandhishinds 348.349 
Go eee: a8 
Golde cups, and Goid en 

Liars Goldwant 
French Golds, of fngie 

tench Warigolds, lake Flos ul 

oofe tree, that is Barnacle tree bi : : 

Bian Geren tre Gele ibid, 

@orlle and his kinds, that is Furze 
Gootederrie,or Gaseberrie bulb — + 143 
cone atic Cieauers 953.964 
atts Snel Beach 25 53 259 
Sie r 



Cems of the feaand hig kinds, — 

: +g Stan, that i¢ Raifons of thet Pi 

en: that ts Saint be nap 
rape oe 
alae ed 
ig Srattea = es — 



Greig Sede andhis kinbes 1133 
1136 > 
—- and ad kinds 486, 487 
omill re’ 
Youve Grom ititi,loke An 
Grounde. Saligot, that Lana 
Sry 3141. = 
Hea et ee pine 420 
Ground woe qr 

Stir round pine 497 
ane, that is Euphorbivi 

Be 08 
Sai andbhig hinds 217.218, 
219 ; 

Sh H 
Hit grafle 16 
Dairic wood grate thid.17 
Dardbeame 1296 
C 99 
ballosh that is fore ea ae 

Dares fote Crefoile 1024 
apares Lettuce, Seton “se 229 
aves 48 

‘ Sports of elo ponnefus 892.893 

Part Wazts of Candie pose 
SHtone Paris tong 
eo Aang of Ethiopia, 02 haub ae ; 
Rarteee ee 
ee re 
Darts hone, and Buckes home. ano 
Davroteaheume 976.977 
roteand bis kinde s . 
Bateli, Ma Sate, o Auttee 
__ 12301051 = : 
| Bafkwmontand fistkinds 364 
Datcher fitch 195$.1056.1057 
Dather, fe th 

A Table of the e Englith names, 

edgehogge graffe 

4 prbonge intasice aa 
Hpedgebcigs 714 
Hers maby pop 465.467 
deli mane és Bae 275.258, 359 
Dieteones bis blache & panes 28 
ke elleboze 824/826 
preades blacke Hellchoze ibid. 

White Helleboze, that ts Neckewort 
Helmet flower - 2 3 
Peiloss Belmet 
. aneped and tee is 903 - ss 
= = $73 
yoilve o2 mtlieMate 573 
ter Dempe 4 
Henbatic and his kinds 282.283 
Henbane of Peru 285 
liste Benbane 294 
cine 7 
endit 493 
Hengbill,lwke Onobrychis 1062 
ens fote, that is hedge F at 


<p eCorecombe 912 
ee vasa thatig Gnatilh age B= 

bent “088 

Herve: Terrible 408 

Perdbe Ferula 

eo re 


Bie Gerard, thatis Goutwazt- ia 

bente Paris 329 

ber ae at is: Rue and hig 


Herve ennet § site v3 

Herbe beh f 

He aie, that ig Backes baie 
be overt rei 

Paik two pence oases 


erbe Juice oz ground Pine qetazs 
Date Willo%o 9388 
Swimming Herbe, that is Duckes 
meate ’ 

Perbe Frank 
Police Berbe 
Reser Soni 
PHindberric anbhishinee re, ae 
Pipwort 44 
€urkie birfe « 

= his binds. 

Dogs tenes thats bien Daisies 

saps nell 897 
eae Hollie sun pce Sith bie 

poime 07 Hollie D TIS 9 116% 


pe oh aes 
Holic Bofeand his kinder 

Bomnebeane oR Partbeame 

omen fea Poppie 
es tt Horelrange  & 

eats : re woets fee Melampyrum x 
bankai heele,that ig Elecampane 

Hore eas, et ig Spbeaegratie ah 
bis 935.9 56.957, 8 


toater Houlleke be 5a 
ea ep? %Begrene and bia 

Hounds tona,op Hounds pife.- Wi 
HYoundbervic tree 1283 
bu rata eaded thitic, loke Charme 
pion fea ollie I 
pric lethat te blew Bottle 594 


Hpacinthes,loke Farin 
Opllope,tee wilove, 


IE he afthobutverie ne 
ects by thehedge that is Comers 

fa hinds, 
t Seanegrboate Shia 

4 3335 13167 os 

that is Goto bed at 


x the vaste of the white 

5 peAwatis yfope a65 

cal omg one So 


Dod mae commonlp cate 
1 03 


an fea Dato 137 
al Stoned, ake aalints 79 

: 56 
~ B taitan orterobt Rhefeda «216 
ay Rian 3D zivte! 1208 
~~ Fuecaoz reek : : ; 2 
‘ ae tree 
Buicandyiskinds | sep 28 

“Ziv oe an? bis kinds 
aos eset 
Saapiters et wt upiters beard 

tay thatis — 

Tres, £189 


. :idiep tate, lobe Phafelus 
oe Ridnepbeanes and hig kinds 

Shop rk 588. $90 

"Water Lilie” 

; ine remo isting Iz 99.1399 

A Table of the Englifhnames; 

Dur Sine _ 933 
Ladies rei 
Labie 39 

Ladies bow 

Lavies gee Genus pass sate 
one se stn 

Rad men ee 
ee feaie, that is Swilde *Brionie 

Ries mantle, thatig great Sanicle 

“sre 242 
Searemey: 3 phon <i 
ee Caltrops 

ian a ‘ate buh, satis 

ea eberte, O27 Mtide Wuaglofle i654 
RO ie fpurge, loke Efula mator 
chia ihers “eg 404,405 
le “4 

ilarkes fpur,and ee 82 Larke 

Larkes fpur 02 Larkes "peele Sweoites 
bane 2,823 
ee ari 1182,17184, 
Lafervo 34354 
anner cobven 951,952 
auender Fn ie ne 8 
a auende! 33 
ce fox aie, toteitats ti 42 
is > te of Bicrand; 

rello2 mace 123 

Laureli,o2 fpurge Lai 

ia 219 
= mapa ous eu siens 

Rendon naka i i med 
Leather Sumach 
-Hentilland bis kinds - 104.1050 

Lentifts 0, ABailicke tre 
ae se oat — 61 9.620 
apace ss that name 

Bettucanp hishinde 228,229. 
zidiong * 
i — ; 

itltie evaatl chat is Sate wats 33 3 

tesecpury le AL iilies 

Great and fmail mnountaine Lillie ; ' 4 
ied iiltie of Conttantinopte 
ic 1gz 
Lillie Lecke,that is apoly 14g 
Whitedlutte, and aio Sobite ate ie 



ino tre 
cout, fee Witestia 

Linge, fee Weath 
wi one be *s 5 5 2 

dliong Leontopodion * 53 I a 

one loke 
DLions leafe,fee Lions Curnep © 
“tons fate Sor. oziions pan — Sead 

z — Liquerite, oz Licogife and bis bindes: 

“ 1T19,1I20 
i ne ae 

i) that ts Bate Lilies 

tae toon ns) at is sen Drpine 
ZLineromet and bis kinds 1 3758 78 
hate! sed divermozt 
Riuerwort 334i 7 

wae Linerwmit,that is golden mine 

sherds G outons ot : 
Londowtutts 480. 
ng te tree secon 

suage : 855 
er ftard ee at a 

Eg mae eSoanhat ig SHtanefaker mn 

Z ne a pow 

Loofettri hci sidhin 38, 88 

: owzic thatis Lauricit 
mpfe grate 

0 2t 6306684570 : 
Sea Lungwort ad ¥377 
& ee had ibid, 

Lupines paces hinde¢ 1042 Woe 
Auftivnnt, thatis Sundeaw 1366 
Aphinachta,that is i. ofe firife 385.¢¢. 

Tapas = big Binds 960,961, 
apn 856 
Sains Spaowert 3 ue 

ate andhis kinds 968.981 i 

eo ee MBaide 985 
ba en alin aso bie Bi 782, 
Me Wilde Watloro 735.786 

Gerucine Watlow , of cut Wallowe 

MDarlhWattow e 787.739 
_ wo aa “ite _ 790 
ice Malt 791.792 
eae sa ria kinds 284 
anta grafle 26 
Wapleand hig kinds 1299.1 fo 
argarites herbe 
pe To ee bis bind: 938 ae 
oz baftard and graue Marierowm 
va oe 
* Gomes Spavicsome 54 
ag 539 
ake i y12z 
penigr and _ aed §99.600,60 
olden Wari 60 
opie Deriacty. 606 
iets as wai 612.61 
fh Marigot ° 670.67 
Spetagons ds ec ASTTS 
Ba — 
Marue t of pol _ ” 
app irig that ig falfe Belt 
Biacke Matkerwart 
WMaktitke - 
Matticke a that ig Lentithe 3 tp 
DHerde Waki 544.545 
sg 8 eat, that ig Goates 
543 = 
“at reas “that ig Fivretvee F182, 

99: atchivwde , thet is Bouchwode 

Bete Rrnesent bie Nua 7.3 3 
o san! in 37.38.39 
: spandetine 


: A 
Maurdelineandhiskinds §o8,509. 

Soiinbing MWayth, that is Mpaie Seed 

seo Dapeng 310 
Meat 1292 
tag apiaiene 724 
mus zi ca 1064 
1029, = 
bi n= 
gijedo%w parfnep 56 
MHedow faffron 130 
MPedow trefoiie 1017 
MBevow quale 1.2 
Medlar and his binds, 1265,1266 
Meion aged 101 
Meitlote and hishinds 1033. 1035. 
Meionsandhis kinds — 772-773.775 
WBercurie an 259 
Wilde Mercurie 263 
Mercurics moilkbiad - 58x 
Cuglih 259 
Wercuries bi: 363 
Dutch Deser oe 
Waftard ot Od 
> that is sBalomoaty 
MHilfoile and his binds 9 14gts 
Water Miifoile 679 
MPiike treforic, 02 haub trefoile 13122 
Wilke Wetec 1058.1059 
apicwant andbhishinds 448.439. 

slate enean and white Milk= 




nt; 9 
Sarr abn oben Pi ae! 

Mountains Mint 
Mirtill and his kinds 32 
apace ssgasie 
i fee 116851 
Sine potrdbcen - 819.820 

he Mithudate againk the Baile: 
eo GyiMe : 
yo. se or Sorcerers gatlicke 145. ae 

Panwa am vis Binds. 

= Clufiy & L" Otel. aBame re : 

se9.7 SS ae qo tobenat Bese 
and bis sated 

Table of the Englifh names 
Wollie or Cthtopian Mulleine re 
| et Muilerne, 637,638 
MBunkes ore an oe sinds 924 
Pellow Aunkes had 820 
Munkes iubarbe 31 
Great Bunkes hor ‘82 
Bounditeafed Dunks hod 818 

butke iRofe 1084.1086 
MButkard and his kinds 189.1 

<i buries and Pwd ee ager ase 
te wie Du fta 

Comers Dut 212 
Murreine pete, ioke Scrophularia 
Buch gad 86 
Wutsrmsend dis kinds 134.1386 

Cre Wulhzums,thatis Couchmade 

MBulke Welons 

~ if wa goo 
wat 423 
aacel om uel 424 
sranet Gentic 181 
w and his kinds 180.184 
sQaucm Thorzoware 430 
> cays etn ig Hempe 573 
epfing powder 357 
senna iat Lilie *674 
ep ong eo nds, fee Catmint 353 
bY eR 
sea 6x, FReolewonrt and his 
nds 356.3 57-3 58.3 59 
euane vist DF 568.569.570.571 
ettletre 4 1309 
Dead oz blind Mette 68. 
SNener dping: mes a 
sPicotian,that is Cabaci 
Jigellaan' creed . 93%: ed me 
i 1a 

ee “ ‘Snchannters Hisht- 

Ger! o Huston react : 25 

sine thet ee partes 913. oa 


* Diie putt ecalledScfamum r0s4.105$ : 
Warren fcarlet Deke, oR yee ASS 

1160. 1:61 
Great mp Dke i 62.1163 
Cozke Die Wid, 
MDicander, that is Role bate 1220 
eter ay’ reandhighinde 1206, 1207 
yon purge mus 
berric that is herbe 49: ahr 29 

ee blade, that tg one es 
Dnionandhiskinds 33.1 we 135.13 
Dnion opr Mpho 9d “i 
ann arfe,that ere 

ple,thatis Me 
pst thatis pple je bie names 

seit 7g Daach 258 

We Dzach 259, 
Dichesest is Bikanct 657 
pie bis kinds I 9866 

Sine, "that is Wilde piney or 

whe: sea os Sineeies 113; 

Stsbao,hare bt: ee 10§T. 
Dzpincandhis kinds 416,417.41 
Drrice, that is Eb gabe af 
Mbev,thatis imal We 120¥ 
Olmand the water man, tetios nate 
Aundian ie , 

p Bac cob tn big ints 

bone ich, lake foswer Conftantings. 4 
= : 380 eit 

A Table of the Englifh names. 

Peach treandhighinds 1257.1258 
Sem isionte, that is Dead Arfmart 
‘Pénretream bighinds 1267, 1268 

<n 1270, 1271,1272 
Bon ‘oie binds 

1044, — 
along Peafo = 
Gueriaing Deafon 
SSeafe oe t 1057, rose 
Pearics of Hpa 05 
qearic slave oes ig Gromilt ae 

elaitionntaine 457.528 
Poellitorie of 618 
Falle Weilitoric of Paces 849 
Pehlitoric of the Malt Brad 

~ “S$ 90ente grafic 

; £ aDdente mountaine,oz Wilde Cime : 28 

nae aie banat ste §45- 546 

he cig oe assests 424 
ea rbd bd 


A*MDertie mart ps 
agi fel Peniegraffe ae 
ie tbid, 
San hishinds 829.831 
plar 1303 
por and his kin 771 
epper plant a nA binds —-«-13. 54. 
Era aetak tig Dittander 13 8 

ae Depyer,tharis Briinart 360 
_ 361 

ae Wepper, and countrey Pepper 
=a Pepper called Wetle ag Wetre 
0 Fndian Pepper a 

it 3D 
gicoBtrec, imke Anagyris 239 
cromMts, thatasanter abe 

eruinklcand his binds W247: 748 
P15 02 eruitisic 743 
bar “De 67.68 
oa) ei 

: oem that is frat Ghomne 

;. PIA. 1142 
®, * that is sButchere Siac 

if a. aca a 

Plowmange Spit ac 47.648 
Plumsanthishinds 1311, 1432. 
ockemmd 1309 
Poets Kofemarie 1110 
ale rede 34 
Poll Rinet,o, Dollard Wyeate 59 
Poley and his binds, loke wild Gime 
Polppodie ofthe — 
2p penis of theo 
Pomander privet , a battarde Prince 
12 re 2 
Pomecitrontre 1280 
aap tree 1262 
oe _ 776 
anes pe Die kinds 675 
poate, Pondwust 677 
Poze mans Creacie 141 
acts and = kindest 1300, 1303 

ara Sehoines ore ms 
Balkard Live 3 

Dpatling 02 frot wie @Doppie 

Poppiecandhis kinds 293.295. mc 

deg l 

Pore E alg 
2 sgl Cresoite 1021 
otatoe: 780 
Bo nitro ees of 
Hite Mother 43 
pth ti <p 215 
ne vt i sins ee 5 
02 Baicke 
ae é . me 2 
Prcbieg bore. 3 1 51 
icket : fo 
Srielts pintle 685 
ghee peereleffe and hig inves 
Suite ote her Gowers Buin 
sega ae te fiorer: 
Drives 02 Prim ee 
locke Mea 1209,1z10 
pos tae aan ‘ AZT, F242 
Phin Pees : ‘12 5-4 

> §08 
roving grat estat is gem = 

Puke Hi ited. ae 1906 
ota rae 457, 
prey : ee EC. 

cto oe tid.a20 
a Lawn Heine 33 
Tple xm ; 29 

; oan 155 

siete 404 
quabing arate 80. = 

Wenice Wail Buc, op ue maidenhare! 


FR Bbone 
2 Sate bce arent a 

Tae Te 


and bis 
Bare 02 moc Revit 187 
a i tis Saint Zames swore 
Gre at ike ifo2) cd 
BeiGne of Balas 727 
Bampions,and tis binds _ 369.370 
Ramfongs 142 
ane ALibpa, o2 Chriis Tyore 

fa T1§2,114 
ae I1§4.11 - 

amp 685 
Rape: aw bis kinds 177-178 
Baye Crosfote 81x 

Bap cath 2 Drobanch, 
Rap se Cole 250 
atvis 02 Frambois, and bis binves 
ee Rattle, on White Rattle 91 2 
Red ame Ratite grate 91 
3 Col 

ddeeve and his kinds 323334 
Reode mare,thatis Cate tale 41.42 

aes Me ae thatis urre Red 4. y 

@rear Foseas or 
CE yornie ob ores ” : 
Hwee Kere, that is Ponds aro- 
Pipi ticus 
mecte Reed, ozfugar Rede 35 
Ba tate. Bikes he betel 3 ras 
Be harro' 114i f 142 
icin eres iu § 
oe gee eas 
191.1 io: 
sieears Gatien seat Cazelt 
Rogation lower 450 
Romane a i 
Romane peafe 047 
— kinde rero.io8aso8i ‘. 
‘Rote bee de Rofebaietrer _ -I2z20 
Dwarkte Kole bate laatd 22z 
Bofe cider 1237 
Englih Role willow 12 
Ros Solis sen tis Sundeaw 3 6 
Wwilre Ro _ 1087.1088 
Boleorto Rete tote” 426 
Water Rok 67. 
380.3 8x 
38 2.38 5 
ie 310 
ofett em bis Labs sf, 111g 
Pied See 

ARed Soutatis Sundean g 3 
Rote oftheyolie yok 847 

‘Rubarbe anphishinds 385. 316, 
Dunkes Rubarbe 14 
Wudarde 313. 314363 
Sugith baftard iubard- 

Buc and his kinds 1070, ro7tuo7s 

ecgregride ga Ry Z 

a awa 

A — of the Enafih a namés,. 
Hharpe oz hard Rally 32 ca Dn 137 
ae Daffodill,and his kinds 89 oa Ne grafle | 18 
atte 4 MDeaDoas graffe 23 
Bui feagraile 18 ng mie 02 Bip2ian plamme 1314 
ee his kinds 61,70 gate eale andbhis kinds ° 407,508 
Seestof ILIZ.0114 
s Watkard Dene og Denctrce 1116, 
Soengrene 411 — 2 
Stone a = kinds 123.40 24125 © Water. rene 
126,1 Field asp omigat ~ secoaind m4 
GWernalt ‘Batteon cer teong 327 
Wallard Sakronand hig kinds den Devap neues 179,173 
1007 i 1287.1288 
Wildevattard = iffron 1008,1009 = Wilde Heruicetree 1290 
cad his 622.623.6274 = aides 02 batkard Waad 396,397 

Hage rosean bis kinds, lobe Ciftus, 
Sf ae Sage, loke Verbafcum Mathi- 

Sa gous ibid, 
Sage of Seuften 63 
Hage of 1B tid, 
Foaligot, eg, pane and hig kinds 
sean omons {calcandhizkinds 755. 
sano and his kinds, imke te 
IBiack *aatt n = 
ete is Wille T20§ 
Hanpieramdjiskinds 427.429 
ean 429 
Handwont wakahtes 347 
te ndhis kinds Sor, oi 
: Seon ows’ 
— oz fpotted Sanichie en 
445 r 
Sarla Paria 
Saracens Confownde, o2 Saracenes 
Woinftrep ox! 347 
rafins 00; 698 
Spallatvag, op ague tree 13 
Hattin, 02 Hattin flower — — 
Satyrionandhis} Ginds 156. resonate 
| 170, £71.172,173, 
aor and on binds 460.461 
Sauin and his kinng LI9I.1192 
Saree aie mac ch * a 
pees alone, > that is Facke m7 a 
Suvsbost $76. a 
ey aiid 
ihite oz golden Sapiérage us 
Deabiousandhishinds 582,58 
Diluer Deadiong 
SHeale ferne,o2 tronic ferne t) 

Beanmonieano whishinds 716.718 
Bee m0 

LIGSS.1159 © 

Bente gre, aes ree 

SS Sopeiven 

| Sparvotwes tang, 

Sikewam§ that ig oilie pulie 
Sete am} that is Partx: 892 
Delely of Candie 3.894 
pomninine Detwall, that Po Nardet 

Celtic 919 

Srsfote rats Cozmemt 840 
Hetterwonrt thid, 
Detwail 916.91 ; 
Dhadow grat 
MDhaue ea is Bozletaiic ms: : 
Sb eben popes Cr eau 
Dheere grat 
Dicamoge tres 1326.1 bed 
Sichkiew §06,508 
Siler mountaine soak 2 
Silken Sumach 293 
Sit ee hinee 599, 
Diner thice 988 
Silucrmerde,chat ts Cane 841 
Dinkeficia $39 
Skirwort 871 
aLadics Dlipper 35 
Dioetre 3313 
Smallage and bis bindg 862 
tall hard grate 

Garden SHmilar 

sSuakcanetean fists sang 3 
Snakes oy 
peer Gurhe 

roams sea emer 3 aai6 
Hneterw 483.484 


—— apt 
andbdig kinds 9.360 
Seereamobenne 128 ie 4288 
Sowwelland. sesso 318.319, cael 

Dowell du Bois 
Z 1349:7343 
trams vik Ae 948, 
_Dpanith bafe 

broomes eeaine. see a 

that ie ienotgratie 

andbishinds) 604.695 
Dowthiticg hie Binds 229,230,231 
brome, oz 

HDperage,thatis Afpatagus $108 
rag O42 
Spickneit 895 
afard Dpicknclt abid,, 
Spderworx 7 aS 
Dpriked w: eens 13 : 
Dpike Lppres Seg 
pre sie spe ti 352, 
cS 675 
arid 9.920,.921,922 
Bough m8 speek Siviewon 979 
-Ppinage and bis bin abs 
Dpindie tree 286 
Dpleenewartand bic hinds oa 979 
Dponenmyt 3 ce a 

Hpurgeaddis kinds . go 1,€6,40 
Ppurgewort, ioke fintrag Siabin 

Spurge oline, o2 foro Swaile : at $ * 
@ — olive Dpu 

ge flaze, 02 moutine Satte 
ae I2z19 
Siler ist Dniongs 7 ; 
Hanin : ames ‘ 
ragaer ir cae auermort we =~ >u 

io ndergratle, that is Dogs Cuiliz 
> ogs oo 

Sur reh co 6 

Srarciouit 635 
Dea Htarvazt, thatis btewe Da 


Dtarve thittle 

Pswailoworrt €his kinds 750,751,911 

Hovewte willow, thatis Gaule 1228 
Sumach 1292 
osc ibid.1293 


Hunne dea 

rome ecg 
: thatis Ruellius! bis 
pints gra ot 

" Psieomonistins 284.285" 
Camarifke and his kinds 1194. 
anfe and big kinds 524 529.526 
‘pide Canke 841 
15§2.10 53 
reat Wilde Care 1054 
Diofcorides hig mtike Care 106 
? 193 
@Ecalell and higkinds 1005 
@erribie herde 408 
; coz. gi 
ead = 720 
and hiskindes 985.926. 987. 

- 988. 989.8C, 
hisic bpp on Chiftic, and Diners 
“ other salve Cites oro Be 

{ and his binds 1 T1450 147. He 

Saco notes aes) a) 

a of the Englifhnames; 

marty Erefoite 1024.1025 
panies Crete Vi2t.1125 
Dwete Crefi oy avi 
Hower: 1031 
Watkarde og Smtide mite Trefoiles on 

sd ve b Crefoii Lr2s. 1527 
tien tree Eretotle Crat2731128 

Shiubbie Ereforte: onm a 02 

reac a ea and big — 190, 

Gr a som mae 
a wert ake Scores 

te org 
Euaitth Ereacle $331 : nee 

ree ri mathe : 139 

Tri oe tes 

Erol flow 
sriclove thar esbebe Paris 933 
Eine Seacenr die iar deen 3 

bith of 334. 335 
se oe pS aia hat isfea tarwozt 

@iibis seid Herniaria’ °))4s¢ 
Curkie baul 558 
— conneand <r Sobeate in 

te Crowfa! 813 

ete uilet mist 
Pe bess bet oy 123 
ig wining 177.178:.179 

‘Sangentint treeand gis binds 1246 

Emap blade, that is Double Lea cafe’ 326 

Ciwig Withie, o, (mali withie 1205 
Cro penie grafte 2 50g 
ee 916. 917 
ied Valerian SFOSSE 
Weluet flowerdeluce 9 
ice Sui I a 
Uenus bafon,thatis Cafell 006 
eta yaire, that to Maiden aaek 
Genus ‘bia slate 356 
Gieru ee s80,58r 
9 IOgst 
5 P24 T2S727 
: a2 

Great Water cralle 2 te 

udater C ppres grafic 

Water archer and his kinds = 

—_— nuts, that is prtreet and bis 

ton pe nd, that is wMithpwind a. 

Weicomete our ik ufe be! 

Weide, that is Dtars Wed 
tohveat and ir bie i 59.60.75. acre. 

Thre mon 
hat vie rte fn 38:49 
ibickentre,that ts Milde athe, 1296 
HOhithiow ,o2 Whitclo grafle 498.500 
hitwazt, that is 
White rete and bis iT 
Witten.Lree; thatis. Santer elder as 
— S502 wh x sree ett and bis 
i lheh 229.1232 
Marr th oho 1367 
Wwidsw Si 3 : Srening wed ae 
POBOM Wat! 215 

Chet ibang be ste: ere a 
Hoe bei Lia 8.479: 480 
wiued fom 48r 
Willow no hig aking 1202.1203.1205 
Hmete toiilew that ' iene 

toillom herbe ae 
wind rofe 
ound flov ngonzo2. 3 see 
wud Wide Gower 

iehiminde * 

pee fant is oe and is 

woth ate 12 ie 
oo gv “8 
Yoos affe 20 
toma: thatis 1136 
Wadi andbie kinds 743-744 
Wiew wWeodbind, 07 ladies: 743 
Gpright Wodbind mr 
cod200 Woods 96 eet 
owd made fiones 
ae foMer,o2 wad forrell, oe. oh at 
cua 030.1 
Wodrowell 96 
Mo And garlickefage — $35.536 
be Pugotihad ec 278.279 

tomd Chickwerde,og od Millet = 
Wooly Facint 
tomlen,that is Mullein 
twolfesbane andhis kinds 

678,93 gna.gr5gi6 
3 — 188, 

ok Che Pew tre 
Pucathatis Fuca 


A Supplement or A nance vnto the tain Table, and to he : 
i f engl ie names : gather ed out of ancient written 

e ctfimele Countrie people. 

tl om 
aarp neil 
rgent is ereper ull log 
Ache is Smallage, a3 Sigais 
Alkaria wi written Cops Cari: Aas 36708 
ig Sait 

B3 alone at is Gentian. 
Waldwein,that i 5 Ceutian, 

“ 6 nell, that is wild. warinep, 
6 fona,that is Stichino2t. 
Wigold, that ts Chry/anrhemum fegerum. 
s,that ig Ranuncul: 
oWlvad,that is i ee 
Beoiwne beagle is Wug 
2ofeww2t,that is 
nt siege 4 Bai mmontaine 
352d a2 marin. 
Weight is i Chin nid. 
Buckes “stg thati is Feng 
IGuckram,that ts Arov 

143 sutiiage is Marie. 
Cartes is Crefles, 
Catmint is Cg 

Cencleffe ts Daffo = ote ee: ‘ 
: m arden Ginger is iperit is 
sie : os ‘twas calleo (thous gine! ‘Glond is Cow via ant “oa 
cuts | tt Denil is Grou oles 

Chure patie sani oni = roun : 
tine ’ ts the 15 ee IDOLS... , is Geranium afer 

ees Clithere nis Sotun 02 liners: Ground Cuellis Yevws combe.. 
lite is Lappa H. 
Cloue tang it Elleborsts niger. 
Cockes tate ts ine, irene is Cliners. 
‘Cocke fote is Chelidonia maior. is Wellitozie ete iwall: 
Coly fat is Cov 4 Pardhow is Warygelos. 
Crifkaldze ts the lefer Centozte, Pares esis Lychnis fy luefris. 

ies, V7 

role ber ries, Erica ba ts 

robs Fc “alee 
roping pr: oR ey 
: Saitersrte and an Gabel is rate ie 
Mca IAM cis dD, ee ‘bani 
Py finate 6 clamen. 

ons female is Wiater Deagons: 
Drapiwarti ts Filtpendula, 

Doderiwwrt ig Dracontinm, oy 

Crani is Croftwopt,pet not our Cruciate. 
FE Ane, white Flower. seluce, 
auereil is Cepea. 

Ferget me vot is Chamapitys. 
FFozebitten moze hag bif. 
Ffaneroleis wai te lpone 

ee is od pare that bearety sotratwberries, ‘ 


G alingall meke is a 
wing bee 

pe og ine ; 
Gofegras was fometime callen Agent, 


Se ee is oe emp. 

Borlemint ts 
Paltvost is Poltum. 
Spynobitle is eAmbrof 


I Aceaalbat “ our inild 02 white antic. 
Jmbzeke is Woullecke. 
Andlegotes is Oafegratle, 

ihings croione ig a 
Wille me ere F rife is Wan 

es et is Helleborus albus, 

Biswas is pellitazie of the wall. 

Lyngivozt is Helleboris albus, 

Ans motherivozt is _ aan 

A Supplement vnto the general Table. Lk 

R. ; S 
Anis fote i nt youn Croifate, 
Red knesis Aydropiper. 
Robin in thebotet is Lychnis fylueftris. 
Rods goldis Warigolos, 

— Cabiwort is Exuls campana. 
Sevocke is beank define, 
melt beale twas oe called piper 
Dhepekilling is Cory/edon aquat , 
Slepworte is Lettuce, 
Sttaggertwort - a caper is Jacobes, 

Sotwdivort is Columbine, 

tamil tone 


Wanke is told Parthep. - 
etterwozt is celaaeetes teat. 
eine otis Sbepheards purle, 

faneis Chmenuns Italorum. 

wt —, Eh Sobieh twas fometime cal 

@Wipneberries is 
Bipot is 1oi/cvs. 
Mit is ; Hyofeyarous lutevs. 

Sonar isan 

minor , csi 
gers ere ea Atenfis. 2° 

: he aa wR. Mes 

* ileal 

T= caufe Soest, $4,¢.696,0 9794 b. 

Good fend Abortment,@,a. 

T uoke womens naturall Accidente, y 7,6. looke 

Good againft Bches, 

Good for Aches in the highs and feete,987,¢. 

Gooda epee or totake away all Achcs proceeding ate colde 

ond forall = hes in ‘thei ioints,10%6,a.114,e.1 
gainft all m 
. 22,0. 

igate the Ache and paineof feeble lims,133 9b. 

=; obelpe old Achesin the armes,hips and legs,219,b.4335¢.557, 

: e.1129,d. 

: i ie or Eire Aches of the Ginewes and ioints, 65,2. 131,b. 

‘i 5:b 

To remeict the Ache of the Huckidtone, 198,b; 29594, 1129,d. 

er of Achesin any part of the bode) 287,1. “ab, 

To Aicieite -all manner of Aches,t 6,6 
Totake c away Aches of the arme nei thoulders in shor fpace, 

T2290j- op 
To confume or come eg the Achores,being veers in ube Neth 

Nature, Vertue,and Dangers of all the Herbes, 
Trees and Plants,of the which are ne 

fpoken in this prefent 

| ee ted 7 
p fee 

Ey loft, > 

Avemeue Bol the hing ging of Berra. 2 

Toheale the dife Sew. esr tha5s od 

Sesie i euill 
infeu: meee Hi + thebadio,x 2 
2 . baustsr 
\ yee i ocol segs ae 95d, . 
To Mine. 3 fhe Bevsti tt b,124, 4y1Gt 16,188), Monit. 

897 ,b. 962, 
Toexps ell ee pee LaF 
¥ Fo hace troublefome Bgtsce,t “3 

Tocaulepeftile njaaol st ik: a 

td ee orem 03 9e 
filons fe ea 

warteine Agu 43,3 t0 

PRIS Ae Asst aie nw et atin i 

ae prs. 1796.70 

Aremedie agai inftailc ald. Agveneeyhe 

Go on gu 

To nage e33s61019 fa348d 


7. take away thek. sa Fe cutie te arb prs 
a ood forthe quartaine gue, 689. 33-827, 

aa 1145,). epee, 12639051 al 
Tocureg Seale ine 1184,13415di 

se Pea ofthe ha, 


9 core malicious vicers of the Almondsinhe a crt rasa 
Te take away cheb’ fwellings of abe: Amo: nds i in the throte, 
261d.419,£ 676, 
Againft ins manele ions of the Almonds,1 29452. 
Good againft old tage ofthe Almonds inthe throte, 934,a, 
410 Bee i Iz . 
ae healet onds of the throre,638,h, 
lob s fiuci doaraigce an secullees and —— purger,4ro 
To helpe the difeale Alopecii pins danke haire, Beenie a 
thebodie,1 114,4.859,f. 
Lhe helpe the Angina,a {welling of the theoreti 7am, 
Tohelpewrenches of the Bu 1 ae S, 114,1, 
e ©5°413,¢6 $27,b. 678,a, 1051,q. 

fiwage ‘% eioeeiel fire fesedily fox h261 3b. 

269, a.b.¢ “se 99.472,¢. 

To > ebreS; Anthonies fite, sr bee. 2,6 =e 4438, bey 

poy Laat again{tpoifons,t te Bi 
okeepe B ppatell fro m mothes, 9,8. lookeClothess | 

ay Ite 
To ne or piste ke 

anne mezte, 1 pote Siiiahacoen oh : 
pe Aes sat b. 419,2.-428,b, s78,¢. 596520°732,€, 
98> 1145,d.c. €- 120766123 5, hytaq4ye 

Dorie eaumeen, 
orthen, Apoplesisi70, h.o,849,m.374,b.735,b.1 

To seftond ipeech to them that are dumbe by the Apoplesie 
33252.1259,1. 2 

= Tonpen pottemesin the fenkes comming of ve venerie~ 
bringhor A 

‘ocure Aetna 
Far Apa 

softhep riuie 

pe hing ders 

A remedie sent hidden ca 

“Tounsee si sincin the Backe ce 
=e Sanaa ecash muni ad 

A Table of the Nature, — and Da: 
To ftrengehen the Bake, 665,).1378,¢. 

‘cake and amerthewindnes hel elly,3¢8 2. 
Good for the weaknes & ag Sel Backygs3,ab, 45422, “ay 7 

AY. or fretting the Belly, 

OF die whire Poop oes Bel and purge colde flegmatic ick 

A unten gine te r greene wounds,327,a. yrevae: oo 4 = . ke and choleticke 

ood eo tocure deepe wounds and pun@ures,288,2, a. a fipen and breake 35 ie6,6 1,2.135,¢.720,¢, 

T jy 11,7445. To draw and mele Biles,60,h, 

Tomake the Barren aicill,s9r,L.2 1341,f Bi ebline in inwardly taken i is deadly. af wok 1156,b, 

To caufe Barrenne. €5,9736.74490.970,0.979, a, 

A Wath good for vicers and runaing fores,r¢ taine the Wit: ivth and gine it ji fe,é €,6 4a. 

An effectual Bath for members out of i joe fais andkibed Tohaten or rie foorth the Birth,53,c, 862,648,£874,b 96,6 

heeles,696,k. 10¥9,b.1065,a, 12394 

For thofe that are Wiedr-cieo 2 a ; To aelies ree Birth, 696. otek 1052.12 

To make the Seardira To grow quic To ae the dead Birth, ee Certs 893 1.2.946,b.546 ye 

sts Sfeoure svray the leusrmes of “Ag ox aa 30.1178,b, 

6 the haire ofthe Beard that is fallen if grow againe, Aguod yatonely Bach 24,3.962 ven 
For 3Bitin; sane of ferpents, 47,¢. Asai 82,2.871,4.868,d, + 32352, 

Todiseawaylifron the Beard,399,b, 949,1, 952 he tha S17 977;¢. ane 1009,f, 1065,b, HITS 4564 

To proc ure haite in Beai rdleffe men,r02,¢. 1180,b, 12 1,b. 13 05,4. 1327,d, 

38 To oremedietheliting oftheferpent Cealest0 °SS;e.1 

7 abbas aR a hapfallen,, g Gs 26,2,60,2, 135,849.08 Sia 

Againg bitings of venemons Beafts, 52 es 8 3€.140,2.b,250,¢ 848,g. 352,d. $53,£ s60.h, 566,a, 578,d. €65,b.1009,f. 1235.1, 
ica Heh ath ata 2676.35 25d nents Ssianab 45730 wp 12579. 1305,8.1328,m 

49554. 519304 529,¢. 54244, 560,a, SOrfes ease. 659,c. 728,¢° so74 405b, 
1000.5, 250,¢ 854,1.848, g. 882,b. rt i = ered 8 73 
To drineaway vencmous Bealls, 329.0. 389,b.391, 4.529 ,¢.545,8, a b,: ene 1009,f.1052,h.1069,f.1184,f.1200,9, 1223 ,d.1227,6, 
Totake away a piane, web, prany grisfeelfe out ofaBeafts cie, To ake aieay the 2lacknes of any froke ox binifeon the face, 
OE Hea 
agai iifging of allavaner of wilde Beals, 853,a, Tor cafe vp Ilabderg on the skin, 811,2, 

“e aches a. 

cr,95 85d. 
tet ‘ a os paines of fhe Bile, 81,2. 83,6. 9 84,k. 
ae twith any wilde & venemous Beaft, 13 129508368 
Good againftth: dtonein the Bladder 43 3%. 55750487,2,572,1, 
lew Meatings,1223,i. a. 
foedieBeasngs, $3654. §57¢.971,a.' s8p. 996;4. rage ; + eae thein flammation of we Bladder,318,f, 1333.2. 

: Purgenast 
: a Beating ofthe hart,1082,1.1160,¢. a the foppings of the BI. BI adder,883,2, 89,2. 69,4. 428,b. 
: Orpen 463d. 
Tole ° amanthachebenot ftung with Bees,78 race Good! for the Bladde,23,2.884,b 869 44.8712, 9°7,6955,2499,¢ 
ets mat eee So 736 ,2.553,m, 556m. ISR: 729 ,d.1318.a, 
Toclenfecr fcoure the Bladder,s02,b.586,d.. 693,a 
To or nc pai iP Lbte 13526,d, ig tei 1133,m i 


By 38h, fe: Excellenrg intexulcer, ration o fthe Bladder, As 34nd 
SCT ITS ,L ei eee eee: 
at of the oo 895,a, 544. Hurrfullro rE dee : 
To take away Wilattt 29 08,b. 

G Spies rec 
‘To breedewormes in: se 


ne oucrim Bleeding aft er ie bingete horses, 
ree 952,3.529,d.542,h, 578, 

695.h.983,a. rons. Toa bx ii Bice #35 hgh 2 2. Tofep Biee ding.80354.283,a, 899, 2 340, 8. 962,0.968,4. a. 989 
299d,1315,¢.1324,, 1059 yb.1083,d.1102,4,1144,C.119 §,¢,1288,b.1326,b, 
igbe To se pyle Bleeding,2: 55; 532.839,a. 915 48. TO9T A145 C6 
To ms Bleeding of ¥ po Iai: 803,a, $90,a,b..389,f. a 

To fay Bl Bleeding in any part of Spode 21 863383, 91558, 
i mai 73980445 pd. go. A a ok 
Belly cnig! ak o take a’ 
foluble, 25 252,0.253,2. 2578, To ee away the Blemibesot = Bate 22,a.7 Sig 
pclae Suan } se. b.648,0.655,¢.  Totake away brufed or other Blemithes of the face,185;h 326,4, 
314;3.b.1315,0. Oe a 
yeh 677,P£, 692,3.984,2. Fedkansdeeniewbisila te of the bodie,r267;00.- 
1178,b,4232,b.c.1242,2, Tosshegneg the Siosmensiyfrotcor bruife on: the f face, 
7288,a. aS niafe 47:2.Z0%,bi 

= Cp ancre mba at ettang 

Forse ited Spahr i 
ar Sepeerien : 

: See - 


: Seodle ‘or the Bodie benummed or 
-Tomake the whole Bodie - fairwandteinest of pa Sead 
~~ To purge th 

the Nature, 

To ingender naughtie,rawe, orcold Blood, 138,f, 140,b, 180, 

To heale Bloodie wounds,794,3 a.looke Wound 

1505,b.fee n 
To clenfe or purge the ase ih wh93 °} sbi6a4dx 243,d. 
i pct Hos ole 
85412. 8495 .841,b,843 459.0 
$07 850.520,,2.5 4056.62 as ais igaaye, 138; c. 12 
To Schelpe 
To ftanchBleo 
By sed eile Blood,769,2.207.10§23f. 
To ftay Blood comming from the kidnei¢s,67854 
To purtfcorclen fe the Blood tromall Lert oo $042 gr4h 

Todrate = foortli Blood by vriness052, 
Good againft the Bloodic flixe, prone 413584 
To Af the ae Sse. 505,0-789,4,8.790,2 oaks 215,b, 
37,8. 890,¢. 312,b. 314.0: 318,a, 

a,b.t 256 si,e 01270,8.13 1 4$.137550 

To. peal Blodie fire 8905¢.374,2:318,k.524,¢. 5 536576, ae 

Good againft {petting o of biged. 460) 2.3 14,0.318,85¢. sg ov 
— Maa SIMSSIN AS $63 ,2.478,0.624,¢,0.665 ,3. si 

1254,0.1257,P +1264). 1375.0. 

Tol helps hinge — 60;f, 8o2,b.2155¢.840,¢.89 0,¢.340,b, 

Good fae oe that iit Blood through the difeafes of the kid- 
neies, 57: 

Good for ce that piffe Blood, 40,4. 744,d.2155¢. 840,¢. 907,a. 
340,b.452,9.45 459.5788 1244,8,0. 

To helpe pi wea of Blo od, 1025, ce 1375 ‘ 
. Toftop pe g of BI g continued, 138,¢+ 

Toy proaoke wovitie! £55 48.75438,19350.97 2625 524.445,% 
ae S galling i by luft of the Bodieat9¥¢ fee Luft. 
erfluous humor fe he Bodies 5750-41138 

odies of them that are rf awen backward,988,a. 
coftine,t254. ii 
inting Oo} odie afrer bathing,74754 ; 
Jatuous die bere 5 565 
ita ing Serban by BE rofing,578,i. 
and {cours ¢ the flo pped paflages of the Bodie,779,3- 


7, 2 Je 

To defend the polie from all man nerof Eorruption 410} . 
To coole arid moiften the Bodie,702,€.1082,k.1383,b. 

Tomake the Bodic foluble 1783 b, 76. 5952. ‘71366 5450. 70236. 

h R, 

oma fhe mae ra h, 66, 
Top urge th ¢ he Bodie oe congealed or ‘on eon 
Toh cate the Bodie before the fitsofan age 


es the Bodie too muchorextremely,1 38,6140, 
Te prefertie ie — inthe time ot peftilence from infe@tion, 
e make the Bodie well coloured,732,¢,118458, 

ao hen and nourifh the Bodie i in greatmeafure, 15, 
To loofe cbitretions ofthe Bodies 53132 

To corre& and take away the 1 
* 1013,2,b,¢. 

To preferue dead ape bo 

or growen collar: 

gery of cholerike humors an 
mic flegme Lage fi 

Hurrfullro ne aoe 1c Bodieyron/ 
Toeouer ones thac ace ¢ bare,with fieth,y4,¢.851,0.59 2,bs 

Danger, ad V erties. 
To glue togither broken Bones in fhort fpace,753.c. 

To Ae Sea a Bones, 54,c0 399,m. 445,mt. 8,1, 628 

To Reale! broken E Bone s fpeedily, 1 289,¢. 
To inate foorth corrupt seahi rotten Bones out of fotea and vi- 

Tor ripen and breake Botches,6142.394,9,13 28 ei 
Tor ripen and br. reake peft ailew still Bosches,147,¢.38 45k 
854). 849;0. 285.3. Bay. So9zbe 

To a Spoke that will hai dly be brouge to  foppunaton, 

« 858,a. 

Tocure thewounds of the Wowels,958,a 

Toe aes eche e wringig,criping paine ‘and tectedaeesté he 

eho $09,f $ 24,6353, 

Gre make 15zcad)ighr, and cauleie fooner ro be be Keauened 

Hurctolh to the ¢ Byaines,24,2. 124,2.146,2. 

To comfort the Braine,3111,¢.1 BAA 11317 3 81345,00 . 
To Pe the turning or fwinn ing) of che: Braine, 16 bk — 

To comtart tthe co ldjweske andfe chle Braine,t1135i. 

To purge oS Bsneioa eB 399986385 f. mu 9, ard 
484,b.1 ot 

To warme 

dric theBraines,s a nano 
Toopen aii Ries ofche] Brainy d, 960 
A remedic againit cold difeafes of bee 

Tocure Bzeaking-ont 3 
Again all manner Breaking- onl 95359 ar 
Good aga aint the Ropping of che MBgeaft,9 51,9.465,d. 

the Breatt withrough flegme or 

To incbeal milke mn woniens Breafts, x78; b, over 
‘ cf: 
To diffaloc the hatdnes of womens Br cafts 2baz3. 
To make fmooththe a at of - Deeatho3 56 
Againft paines of ces £99,81027)0.073,24 | 
To fla sredions pacer men piel ah ee j 
Toca milk innurfes Bretasasbésp bérzibd 

To chenf ond four —— 647 30°661,6.459.b. 51956 560m 4% 

Topurge thel med of ines and melancholie,rr2$,n. 

To purge the Breaft from groffe and thic 25 partis 


obese ouewardand inward. 
To sae great —— 

Rie breake impoftume: 


134952.0.13 $4, 
Ghai for ‘honncrofBeathar.d 

‘able of fle hia Vertue,and Dancers, 

ap any, Difeafe growing ‘igee —_ ion of the 


Good ageint Difeafes happening in the mouth and throte, 

Good br all inward Difeafes,855,2 

Agalnit the Di feafe of the minde, B33 
Ww if , cough, wheefings,&c. in 

oie 826, 1827569 ,d.63 o,f. 

Aremedie agai nee Beast ok. 8 40,2. $47,b.355,9. 
§87,¢.702,m.1065 ,b,1281,3. 1368, 

y Good dagainft al al \Difeafesthat proceede of cold,770,0. 

Good againft the Difeafes of the fpleene. 744,¢.°318,4. 6§7,¢« 

Tomooue wom feafesin great abundance, 892,8. 
Again  Difeatest sae Weoeedte “of goles 371938. 

To ftay the Difeafe in women,2: atid? $582 {ec Termes. 
Aremediefo r Diflines, 
f iguoe ee f,1349,f. 

t1¢ into ea cies and 

part He 936114953 
Tor reel ras iat fall from the brainsinto the lungs, 

humors fro 
mad 3Dog,26. ae $49,¢ Sie 352,d 
665, LO 0§ 254123 55. 1305, d. 
Good again shebiinente mad Dog,135,f.851,2. aah b. 

Tokill Dogs, 755 3 
Good aga eee tee of A fea 23D2ag011,938,1. 
awric of fincwes,420,2. 
Tohslpe Drawing togither of fi inewes , 38 3.42 05.436 99.445 ,h. 

To caufe troublefoine and terrible Drcames, 138,f. 149,4. 

Brot ese ee 9.133758- 
Dronkennes, 241,d, 249,c. 1223,0. 

42, oe Vea 689,f. 766,¢.f. 854,,¢ 
feoee862b. 37 a8. Seen gt Sitti 
30.408 aah? 9-5 249F.69 1,3.72252.1 Bk 

ee 6 D.193556 Te uke ee 1350, 
ropa ah 147h. ase 869,d. 

9.6 24,4,691,6.996.C. 
22. tasty ae 
ae ly re 1 ine and fiege fach shave bios 

G Ealing canker 

Got for peatiga Cares, 938,k.709.¢.1180,b, 
nfs the pains ofthe Gates, I 585d.2 26 
SATB 254858573 601035 074941 641223 ,4.1 30356 Ce me 

Good for the noile or humming the "a he 

Be ake away the ftench a ieee ascii 

ccdingotea 8 2. 
Il feede 53,¢. 

‘ eta tals ofthe @ieg,26, 347, 2.10370 

ote ‘odrobe peices enone es, 70 

er 397 St26.592,d,° 

Team mitigate fee painc in the cies, 282 f. 549% 62256, 629,¢, 

0546 : 
Loz ceafe the pai “ti in bers ie and ftaic the hot humors from. 
falling inroth 

To hure ¢ or offend the ree “oe 13 §,m.132.140,9,1387,d, 

Totake away the burning and irching of the Eies; and toclecre 
_ the fight,8 87,d.706,¢, 
net inward ruggedne s ofthe Ee Set o,f. 

Tocurey rs of the ecies,63 2. 1226, 

Good ba orto fake asay the sehen tion mie PAs 91,b. 

eat sf? eee 5b. 50 Cg A 630,4. 632,b, 706,¢, 

3.306 5¢ 33 220.949,8.50954. $90, feast, 13 51,b, 

To ii ies aWateric, {marting, and blaited cies, 347,2.41 2,2 

oes to preferae the Eies ent gee be not hurt with the fmnall 
-, Pockes « or meatels 3,124, 

Tocoole be Hes te and inflammations of the Eies, 341,¢. 412,20 

a fthe Bies,766,d.604,d, 
ee d ¢s,766,d,604,d,629,¢. 
Tocdeieie Eies ofhaw o! ; Rapelinceok : 
ood forthem that are here ae ee Biesseg9,2. 91,6 


ee asd 06, 858,b.10 
sf ohelpeeReinthinpeibthe cones sof the Eies,4to,f, 
Toceslethepaine and burningor farting of the Fies, ae 

To purge the Fies ofwarerith humors,629,¢. 
To élen fe or cleere the Eiesand amend the dimnes of fight,- 

Tol ie downe the ftaring hai res ofthe Efe browes $227 5C. 
Toe blacke and blew Eies comming by blowesand Sripety 

Tocure the bene inthe Eijes called Argemd, 30152. 4959+ 
ch ota oe webs & Spots of the Eies,288,, fobs d. 

macen he fae sane 103 §5d.13535¢. 
To ee the Eiefi ighitsi7789e 
Spc or wee srg wounds of the es - wees, sca 
‘for thorrnes choles anoldcough, paines 
in be be te ond inward burftings 

inft the Enterocele, wich the ane of ae blind 
9754.) 83542, 

Tobe good and auaileable a Saad enthantene saat 
iene bara that are En ee he biting of a mad 

ood for the Ei Barat ery 29; ie. 
ae pen the toppings of the Entrailes,4 28,b, 
To difolue congealed pi cluttered blood in theEnrrailessand 
eale the hurt places, 

To ftren: en the Batre 18 2.108 2,k,1083 .n. — 

To cn ines of the Poareiten proceeeding of sitet, 
892,000 5 

oe and Genie! oe 


To healethewounds ie oe Lie 
To remooue obftr udio ns out of the E Entrailes.73 8,¢.896,d.410,b 

Towatte away windines of. the. Mae 9849,h, *y 
»  843,b. 896,d.. 42244. 535% 2. 

Goo i a again’ mes ofthe Entrailes,942,a, 

To purge ies ieate called ioe which caufeth {pottines i in 

Ane a soaeale for the difeafe called arbi orinight 

are. 8339 

he Epile phebss fe,899. 

Tottaiea fale tes 
“ _ or rei os inflammation via Pol coi 
eee oe . 144 rh 389 

fy Ye: 

To: purge “ach Excremient as beinthe ‘hersptta Getty vaincas! & 

te = =e excremeats poe by {welling of the ile 

bylesesasa9-3 52. 
To coniume any sab in any part ‘of the body, “7354. 
87554, Se 266,0. 

Good again{ the Epulecrati owt of che priuie patts,1308,h. 
Againit mae bei ofthe ae 5,¢.1121,k.1308,b. 
Againit Exulceration of the kidneies,112 dg lookeKidneies,- 

To coole Groce pat ees 1208.m, 


Ts ¢ fables and cales of Mandrake confured. ookacd hak 

Yo take away blacke and blewe {pots of the tases 
193,055 6-5 57,0. 

Se oe ! ring 6 cae heerheihseneatl 

ay freckles, morphew, deformities of 


To: fee away fcuruines ofthe Face,r. 
To cure the blemit thes of the: ra ptat 

otake away y the aang es oft te 
tesa the es 

ate 1244,2.b.1299,¢.1324 
ig 9,60 

va syne ak 190.8. 8569¢< 

siepenaontoteant : 

ftaic the shail oftheumes, 2.425i.12.44,6:1 344,05. 
Ecod bi the tah of wateri¢ hume ors inves sand 

rs op the elie downe be he yuoaaati the chef, : rosa. : 
33.42% hdr 
To hese aoa Falling away of the haire of the colds aint 

Good for * hole thatbe Falleni into cnaia Pes ‘ 
To helpe the en ial ents e.1 334001 rd 

2s Say See 

caule the cornes ofthe Fe 

< sobs ent Re chidblanes bake Perce, 7k: { 
: obese the chapsof the Feere,t180,¢, 

help =the a dife a ledthe felonie, essaabnagahses sles 
male tofallin pro the fame 

Teste, 86; cS b. a 
: ocale Spacetime, fo 364 : 

2! 60.¢. 

« cost fch teenaged % See 
G ood fo} oole hot burning - chemin 

riaine Peseta 3 eat 
t fort fowuer,4675¢." 

Tocuretertian mandy os 
To helpe Fea 

aa so 
Ss, ~ 

se ae eno eee J‘ 

os ma peftilent Feauers,502,¢,882,), 4 73 3245 86 

Good satin inceumining Tener r3.).ood, 

neneee Maen 347 

I21§,2,121752 aa 

ee ¢ foorthof the | 
49 €.252,b.849; 


Tableof the’ no Pevtae and Dan. 

Towoide thicke fotigh Flegme our of i Romacke > eft E agety aah 

ckidy of the face,o4°6'4 oe 
andfarcheft parts ofthe bodie,s 35D. 44530 ' 8 B55, ¢.B4r a 8885-7241, Py har5 es hts saber 1 ae 
- To purge all ou odds 589950. 40,2, 467. . 1354, 
Tocaufe Fleg) mouth h 306, bi Good a a giltate-8o7 32 93052. 24633, 15347 be 
= 6195472 Aisiest * BrchehP, ¢ 
Tb ‘oy ‘ease and to caule i os: cally to auoide, 103 53 fo fe 3 47 
BS 8 . 300d ag: iife i sie B74. 1638545 
To o purge ives Flegmeourof the ch edicih Na her SEAS 734. eat 
ey og tee ¥ ve atid purged 253) b: 54838 Tpeites Frenfic of ingame ae 
624qb.1 24.45 tr wet Ptetein ch ithe 
To auotde or purge Flegaie bythe efeole 738 ¢ 6743s 9738 g 
opgisth460;e)h. eae a, Good sgai F goalie. 1349;c. 
Toftic vp Filewhiplu ‘ 4503133 B.754. ame — ie he bloodic lige Wo; 
see cient Pe fre,67 4, J0f sa! es Again ‘the Tessigs of ofasspuiae éntr. iil oF eldceses, 
WWto Rawe Plolsfeocn 2 “ORS Aa erg: 
Todranipintrs and thornies our of the Fl po Good againft the Frevting ofthe findament787\d. 
B henna ‘nats efaperfidous oa: tgrowings of a i510 a adele eT 92.,d, : 
way proud énd fiperfuous Fléth; 'r aes Bae 9) Uy ad Hirite,s e, £38 ee DeaWehilde, i 
Tokespen proud from'Srowing in Wounds, ak E  Fexsnee es s845 7; 
Toc wie : prow de and uperfluois Reh in  peifonous veers, To dty vp moift and heale ee one cer £ of the £ uname, 
Sf hO aoe ote 
_ take away proud Flefh growing in the ae feePo 

es Ei iat eae at ént,and the inet 
a ey falls d fone dilomn mapa 54; im aes S28.8585 455358 af, 
2 telhac Fhe Pun iva anient. if 163 wate 

3 o 
4 . _ Tobssinge oe psofthe Fundament co: miking og ol colde, Gk, 
he 376,2,1 180, er 05 . LOOBLS; ae 
4038, 1899;088, pat : To helpe all paings inthe Vanda T2932 ane 
eth ng of cholee,t 1232, * Good ee ie BALE HEHORTEEalicn ake an Yoong chi 
: pt KE,1On bis Oy dren,4. 68,¢.702,¢ £11670, 1244, 
oe 83918495 0.845,8. S49 54 290,03 12,b. 314.4. ota, tal Toctrc hak tng Fob me 8 Rtbs santos 
32336.329,d. 958;b,0, cee Ee 5246. Shee 
2 cae pee ho 989 dpi A202 ratieg siving sth 
D5 Fieger 4:8: A186 a aha, 3, tee stteeidee the boca, = 
Sen tes, H288,b, 1292,b, 131439) : 86 7eRORT9 

«f if. f£ 
Ege od doainttthe hi ops ofthe Saye, wueaie: 2790, ~ 
f Boa b 215,b.879,4,6 © 912,, 463,34. 507,¢ 88958 2h 
129,d. -1227,0.1 263, denn, - Tohelpethe opping Il, 222,9,.912, 287 2.4645 
507,¢578,b. iz 
ens Fowers72,¢ 134,04120,8 Toheale Gals ofthe fund 
5c soya. 218, nee 28. 83. seca 3.866,b) 23 inft meric Gals,2 ar 
peas eee Crenigtine i gabe 
iach lowing oP néns: Flowers, 32,2, fee Litaalor 2:9 234s ° noes 
ee 38, 2BHS. 29951.51851, 923 42.323 0.998, aoe 
edi 907 aan tie 

: oes 576. 

: PEI 
bloodie Flixe, “rire 789. = 
ss at 

Ga pens, 1O4ag.c, 1252, he 

i SOL the vuula, of 
Seinen are and'rqute of thet 

: aren moths 2; ea 
' Sesh bellie, heat. ee = ur,” 243, ia 193850 Sank 
: At F608 292,b eer = as I,c.102 18 ELBEN.135 E500 
1 ee if ‘i Re : oe poi eveines , fi se 5 
iclpeths whire ¥ inch, as 



é 028,908,b. 1 senda 
aa = Sisiagies ne s MER ATA | 
“ae 12: a 1% 5 

nt ss ae: 
the Pebiss 9 ft the Guawia lly ,397,9.420,3,61 
¢ arene ts 

Table oft Satta ama Dangers 
dnaebesptibecenstahrentoreatione Toclenfethe Hairefto nc stoealtde “F1952. 1029,1, 
258.123 Bye, ocaufc haire to comein:places thar wat it through bur nig, 
To mitigateche paine of the Gour Proceeding ofan hor caufe, — ing, ororherwile, 34,¢.88,¢, 67ja. 984, d. voice : 
= 4E3,C. 91254 
Good agataft the Gouri in the huckle bones 36 89, £706, 125,2 a “ Hai 30,0. 
Tohelpech 265, 5.012 9;9:r eal x ae Toeareth fi etn eae 8 asin Ale 
Fodiichoufaitilfeyacoscehees 3, : 2.760,2:39 : : Pe 
572 ete bas wa LO09;¢¢ Heap pele Spc: TocaufeH 
1243,¢,1246,f,1266, wr. To pro cur ari teh cee naceasaaine : 
isa driuie fooreh Grout nih 95.789 Absint t the fale gaway ofthe Haire ofthe head, exufed et bot 
: te3512.48,d,1255,b) tacpe ham He one 
3 id's the Crauell snd ones: $86. 26r,a° 27252, 87532, ‘Tohelpe tho har ate their Haire pilleds, 913k all 
428,¢,677,c4igdi, biti 9 Stare: 4 9 85. ness ‘ 
) Good ab: ain ars SHH sorbate S24 f nee stains eters alee A 7 
73254-73 §m.1133,¢.  \ Were. Remakerhe Haire retkr2 103¢, 
d Againft afthma atica Bwiio ral. shiseatsd ot ie | res97: 459. r 

Tohe Se sh hat thy 

de zomg 
ate he pe Guctesproceeing. Bien a CAT AS fxzOose, 307 
To apptate the'Griefe To rake, ous enermncin td > 930,f, “ : 
Forlo: ag a and Pes cheal pcb ale Tottaythe fallingieff. Fofthe Haire, ©) dreutestr,d.574 jpoxs08,osb, . 
gainttG gotappacons77. 1307,b.1309;0.1227,f, 
gaia: : sed Bes sents Saye a ee oe 
5 O73 ie hak : : 
oes fore oe Sig eee cop : 

Gcuan aediaacs elRomacky7,0. HydoesceT! 
Tolelpe Gaiese reap: te 8; 13 46,¢. " 
GC of che: 

Geod _ — ricfes dies,34752.706,¢.° ifver andmnale the Han inden 
Good again Griefes of ie Rosle. me émbers ofthe bode, Ts hele fe YHardnes of bunors,57, itd 
IIIs, “ ; tix, 
mi preewenees ie iy oad 16 Sosut 
Aust dl ae: 45 5 
pict ae king. os - Towafte andcon ene,! © 
‘ocare abGripings of ecb tocnreneees ‘Disethonn: TORT E po Ae oie 32 
\ To mitigate the Gr 2H 
_¥o helpe Gripings; §7, -878,2, 897,k.1073,4. : oo diffo we 
: To beet Cpa within dk the ey open I peo are oe ee 
$91,¢.89352, 865.2. rises 8753 be — F2a5e A remedie againftuhe: ¢ poilon of 
3 i niedies aioe se aero Gookerrvoh@atmeserie mee 
: To ripen rag id inthe Sew 2705, -.  Toaflwagethe painéotabe Bannch, comm 
Fi — To! $$ mol. (SES. 103;c.5 ; 
T ‘ the eon, Totake away the Hawe oft he cie,$32,b, 695,3. 
To exalp: ke the Gulleeea’ ia bred: aS. tae Grote ‘bene of Hawkes, gr2,f, 
To hel gibicbaldoeas 8c. ae y the 103 $e 
To helpe Ghee ie Gums;ato,£ 4 cP : Toaffid or bathe Hees29 $73 2.2050,h, 
T Foftrens, then theGums 45,3. seep 337 3s - a ue lice oe é 
jigs sa 
A PEN at ae erg Gums,1384,¢. ¢; ae ee he 
Good a Ney ara nd fo reget oft cage) basa Ser 
ao 676ja.x 155251 = 
G . > 
T. . Aepeeaic fx kennel " or old 
= 707,k, ‘seamen seeds sab. 
oni i ee able paines of the 
134956. ; ‘ 2 
pao ne wee i Topareet the tied. # $308,134. 250 oes 
Good a; = eas linger called Saccus vensrie, © 709 CIT IS. aiaateu es 

Good for thofe that haue ill Heads: 


ce nd griefes of the Guts, 40,8 892,6.50n6 betes ehremnineed ages ee S2,c. 
Kine egg 1349560. _ Goodfor ftoppings ofthe Head, 1308,f, 
Aremdiefarguavings and gripings of = ie Guts 770%. 1£8,a Sopp ten : 

ml 24,6. 

os saben es 
9 b095 E 

Guts into the cods, ee 
Soatageke = rorments ofthe — 863d. 
To clenfe or fcoufe away exerem ents or tough flimie 

eaule Haireto grow chats fallen off through the difeafe 
Alopecia, pert pet epecnembe br ox 

4 Table mt _ ~we Vertut, and Dangers. 

(Good again seen nitied 88 5. $97;h.720 To ceafe the a. = che Heth orrhoides,4t 1,4 
Toheale runnin ing vicers of the Head,1 035,¢. Good to annointthe Hemorrhoide vaines with, 580, 
To afflié and Tonesiec Hoa o5290d. $7352. 1050,). ij Toprouoke the bacnessbeiies tobleede,135,4 pst 695 2." 

ogsiue lice out of the Head,399,b. ‘ To take away the paine of the Hemorrhoides "77059. 2506, eC. 
Tohelpe the feurffe of the Head, fee Scurffe. 702,b, “ 
Tocaufe aking and heanines of the Head,a0,b, A counter oifonf for enbane;$72 a4 rJ 
Goda pint esuinss of the Head,702,, ‘ i m4 craigs ° 
Topreferuc Healt’ — To cafe Hensto o lay ces plestfllss73,0.1060 
To ftrengthen Searing: Tecn cure Hernies,514, 2.577,2.looke ke Rupr ures, | 
Tocaofehardn nes of Basing biotin Sie againtt the % tcket,3 £8,2.878,2.457;0,553,2:6983b, 

J bic? ic of Hearing,7 ochre thy Hicker,7aq.ay 872,d. ~~“ b. 380 4573 2:979,3. 
Totiengien he Beart,124 ite yi 6555¢. 73559. intaial i. hr all pate the 54335) 
083,0, 1160,b,1352,2. To affwage and cure the gouteat: the € Hips,854 

To. com coamiees art, 8903h,33 258 232.47352-53 $5 §60,25d,603,3. Tegatvase hepanest theHipealted seater cso0 hao 
nak 6 § §5¢+ 70231,0. Ire he 1281, 1317,g. 1350585 

Good Lace ce peasy son an thaking of the Hearr, Sgoqhs {oT 
| 604,d,8082,1.1083,n.1 To ae away Acdece: Syalk 78 jeadiyni Siasba29,8 Toth 
To drawe a plague tener “ye tS Cpe aiivkls 114953134352, : 
‘Good for the nearer aid 2.41439:7 28,2.1263) eH ot To remedie cp Hoarfncy that eommeth adden dexdos 
“Todriue venome and poifon fiom tbe he. art,84o,b.668;b.. 3 oI = lay open ¥oles of Filtulacs or iflues, 12 3530 : 
Good for infirmities of the ier looke Infirmities. = © For Ringing of Henets,1075,0. Lig 
ae Good again ft the paftion or panting of the Heart, 3845 56.4.6950. e Torefrella wearied ‘ponte Scanakebimasrauell seberteh, 36236 
$4251 654, f.4998231.73.90,¢% Again& ache and paine of the Sueklebone, $4,h.190 te 74950. 
Todriue en: oer < aire fromthe Heart,847,2. . | _ —— 85 4,b.3 18 ,acg20;0:551,b. shee 57356,64953. 7065 <c 
Toclenfe the H 16,t. : +996 6.1017, ro73yd. 130 3b 
To make the Hate mer Basse 887530; 89054 h, $3550 “— Toy pant fi ortomfa —— Sumo acid 63,4 .930. 1922 
§6056.568 hr: To fta ke g into seem eles, 502, bake, c ce l 

Beneficial Cade: Hearsbabg 548s scope, 2.1186,24: wor. To sak e thinne. 

gar reagan tthe ‘Hear: es 1831.437,a:6 $4, a1 23 sshax ee "pen 

Torefrefh or re ae rere pious Haron 930, 

Totake away meee dntcetse ze purge flegma atike and cholerike Hum ed s by vomite and fi gs 

To orake away the Heate of burnin nacelles Tyke oA 95¢37 66, 2;f,7705.77659,779,0.26 2,2.689, 697356 m 

; Tomge aduft one cholerikeHators,¢71,2. E116,1.930,8. H 

ot opurgebyfege perc rtae and wate “snowy { 

6 i 

‘Tocoole the Heare © TSG 2825953 36.0439 jf 046 24 2493356 
“Good a tee Dhech a fs ngs Fandleddess35 2.123 §i,1238,2, 

a take away the burning Heate in wounds, $45 a¢ dige and contime ee ow se 

: i the the Heateof the ate am sd dey p 

coole and tei mper the He: the fundament ane privie Ts dene foorthby Rocleblake and filthieHomors, 542,06 : 

sy geo $523 256. nco& and bring vp rawe Humors that fticke int he chef, iz 

‘ ‘Tocoole the Heate of arta vicers;t 208m, i ae 13 8,b.195,¢. sre edate. 7 
a es ofthe inflame sdliuens930,4g2% rorya. -To ee ors mightily, “ape 116, 2 to a 

1144 8.145. : 2, 467,2. 90;2.71 8, 

pe ae eee PAH beng ; gen. ae 123 556525958 
ile,135,ke oT =“ ndclammie Bamors, tangas \1qo,a, 

i Sisot 4$3 2, 32.686,b,1925,] i 

Torite ia vrine tik and “eros imatioekon i 333e. 
gote Ah 2 . “ — by vrine este e F749 
930, ‘ i 
To age cat s 7472 b, 843,62 
a : 61748,6.729,e.112 os ore sceone ow 
themouthand almondsof Tocutand rile thicke-and tough Humors of the cheat, 195,60 

Totake aw 
Toheale aeeartane Hear 

ety ‘ : 027,¢. 
the extreme Heate of the inward partes, Toingendermanghrictlamorss2 259.0. 

eee z: efi olerikeand tclanchoike Hamersdonn~ : 
of Hens in burning ner 1082,g. —. ene er: .4635¢,1114,8. 
- ei sin apo peers oan 

2.1078 Bran j 
Topwee pi cee eM fe 
siete etme 105 

ie eee 
- ¢ ‘Humors,1160,d. 7 
confume co pi soa eran sea 
To drive taht br nee — fiege hor, cholerike, borat and 
> eee Be fa chet 
oe i cis) Sg er marae 

eee we Humors oe a 


A Tableo 
Howto be preferued from the Hurt of veriemous oe 87454. 
Ege away all Hurts from the cies,$37,¢:629 50 


‘o drawe water oe of their bellies thar are Remit, 
6915673504 weree Ml 
am rea 
sia aaiee ote 
= ee ainft the crute, 393 4008. 428;2.° 4635 

¢ Zau 
Nill. 148 °96351-3007 Jc. 124330 
cure the Tauri fe, 856 j)¢864,b. Bapii839. $40,8 938. sm 

ae sige 242.59 $00 2350. 
Mereresnt the yellow laundife, Bési83 8h; 1793 a “gar. 

348,0.5573¢.578,b. ; 
"To helpe the yellow fstndile/760,b.198,b.22238 6. 272a31@ie 
© 43712-46359. 526,2.979 524 083\h, IT 10,¢, et ‘TI9'§;€. 

To purge ge: —, we rine’ and =i fuch-as haue the Laundile; 
= 2795050.3 
A purgati 
Singular ~ fie aoe of Picagasdhaables saa : 
Tocure! blackelaundife,1 33 3,Psqe 

Good ea the olde and long lating fwellings of the Fawes, 
Te iere che lities of flimic flegme,§ 87,b:11 58, 

. 244.8. 
ings of chic eit ie 158. fag tase. 

wes,7 70 t,3 
“called Tei ain or wilde fre, 

60h 23. 3 

\gainit per ome saan 2 6038, 2 

3ood tolimne F magerte with, “a ‘hi B Ree 
cee * Sthpertsons of the head thrsa H 

° lee ail lamecietionk of the hwers3 §950.42294- on 

Forlinperfe tions of the lung: mag Bo 

or Imperfection sivof-sheram aay 693537 2s 
fo ake pee y che fwellio een hot ie oft, 58,5! 

: ‘de Impofty Oo, Maturation or aapeneed, a ag 


. 394, so 
: To contame ‘and diffolise ail cold hard Impoftumes,r sie i 
‘Good Againit Impoftumesin ce a hs 23h, 
a affwage 3 aflaming im et oes micgen ee : 

- 942.46 §5 
_ Toripen and breake yan Cadlopenineees inthe flank,1 428) 
_ Aremedic againit ie ema ins of the throre, 3 (9,c.°~ 
s To bring to maturation &breake ro ae 
Ee 854. 
To ane ingens ie 
sa Sep et 

Hed 7. ti 

A sccm that seni togithe 


ue their fnew : 
_ Tohelpe an Infant ans isvexed withanague 3463 2.702): 79333. 

Gootfor Infantsthararelike schiet the falling 6 chcries; 8 Boyd: 
“Again the Sermuerie the plague or pefiilence, 8.49,2.849,b, 
47852.599 3.60450 996,8.1069 050.9 
Aremedie ogainft all Infe@tions taken by evil 

i nadconaieeed aire, 
he fame from the harr,847,2.996,9.1190, 6° 
ities of cheftomac! re 

For Infirmities curable! 
= oheale rains of tlindaeanfi aay 

To lejpe eens and pai paine 

E a Popes 

Meuibisee Veviue and Da 

ainft all Infismicies a the breaft — 128,6. 

To cure “ lnfirasities proceeding of iharpe, fale, and biting 


For fobr - icsof the t matrix, 1238,¢. 

ies of the c cheft and ngs 2950 


a are oe clempinal dnfirmities of the Behan 
finewesjérgsb. “9 

Good again frie toe Neola a hot éaule,674,4- : 
Good for e Infirmities of the gall,318,8." ; 
ro he nlammations ofthe almonds, throte, andthe 
partes persia ing, 829.366, seream basin citer. pet 

gor eeagepe 236,b.250, ss oe 25.413 56 sid 

Toheak: hor and thar rpe inuniaions, 54, c5mbigs a x 
_ 667; < 79,2: eats hy ; ee a 

them,108332: SA PE : 
Againft the inomatiansofth igus Be a76r;a, : 

02,1.795 >, 1121, 
inft Ioflammations newly begun, 153b.1223,¢. 

Tovokeswsy Gaehiiccal 6056.65 ,b,195 ,45232,,2.860,¢. esa. 
1018,b,1055,¢.1121 ke: 
— ¢ dgainkt the Inflammation of the ftones, 198,4283 2 
Tose telson of thebreaft lunge, andrough arte: 


jons, 608-7935 0242.8) 
7016.9) ieee 1 9g, oie 3y5)1 368;¢4 
To helpe or cafe Inlammations of the cies, 502,b, 222,f. Fox,a. 
306,¢.332,b.949,f.412,9,509,2.10 50 sp.1T50,b. wrehl tn ® 
Good agatoft: allinwa fd Inflematations,1294,a, : 

To rake away Iailaaiaations i inwounds;291 eral i 

cet OE ee, ees 

Aremedie eras arta the pa Ps, anes 291; 

Tofta yshebesinaings of inflammations pie a $s 008376, 5g ae : 

To coole the Inflamomation: of the liver, Foai,tas7, baste 

For inflamma sional Tn taratein taste 154,20 , 
Good fe mn Toflanymstiphs of the funda’ anaes 858, seus — 
1059,p. oeanak 

Petalte'a away.orcure aliafimmationss 60,6278,9,291 hat aa 
676 59.680 ,4.1 62736, 121 ame 223 x a 
h.1376,b.3389, a 
ches aes n 

Toala = Inflammation of the tomacke, 8: 
f theenrras 

Depideetic eme: cobersout if Ioinr 
spent ke 3 540. : 
Fofire maton S535 

sousripe Le isptonn a see os 

Table of the Nature Yertueavd Dangers, § 

To ftay or hop all ues sof blood, se 790,8. 860,b, 840,¢ 

845,2.284,5¢.91153.452,3.459,a.105 8,b,1082,m3,1102,4,1 11864 
122736.1254,f. 1263,n,1292,b,1306,c, 
To ftop cheextraordinaric lus of blood, 284,¢. 411,9. 860,b, 

129. 9252. 
‘Good tas the inordinate fluxe of womens Iffues,284,¢.1058, 

Tol +e si iduesof blood in man or wom ~ 263,0.131438. 

To top white [flues of women,1292,| a looke White 
Tohelpe the Jtchin agin nthe c corners ies, sane 
To take away theltch x 887449 90.13.43 50-8 
bak sah 

hof thebo 
gaint orro hel G the ih a 2c. § 425d, 6505). eos 
posse 105 2,1.1156,{. 
To cure all manerof Micice TOS25], 
Tocure the feurttie Iech,399,, 
To Ear acta fleg, sae Tuice,r 28s sh. 
Toingender cold andrawe Iuice,z 2358 


ke take awa ay ‘the inflammation of the Bernelg vnder the 
_ fates iawes,necke,armeholes,and flankes,s “he 22abe 

Poach Age the flankes,12 
To wafte aw a! ee elsvnder aca oa 037,m. ‘ 
¢ away ne ae aie Kernels, i, 

Good againt %ibes, 6655 6. te 
Tah Kihed 4. 

_Toopen ftoppings of th a 2.31 8,2. ge se 
428, EES — aah Sane 1329,0, 
- clenfe the Kid: 254,832,D, 318y2.693,a.1133,b, 3182,a. 
ee a I 248 ,d. x 
868, a 869,b; 878,6.428,b. 
Goudforthe' San of che Kidiciegeua b.709,8.958,d, 
To ftrengthen the Kidneies,1082,k, 
Geode adi 319.5 0454.834,.871,8.907 50.9 55 54 19 9 
7294.12.43 ¢.13 183.1333 
Tobreake seelauns forth the foneia the Kidneies,1 85,4.349 53> 
CAS $s2.57125785¢.1066) b,looke ftone, 
Good for thofe that are troubled withthe ftone of the Kidncies, 
_ TTS. 845,4.638 32. 1048,c. 
~ Tohelpe exulcerarions. of wheRednraes > 802,b, 318,a. 34154. 
_ 1121 
a Good foror ro affwage the pain: in theKidhcies, B3ayb, 287,3, 
eee S715. 34947: 72430. ‘seahe3s- 1Or3 As 1333,m 

famason 3 the Kidneies,31 8,f. 70258: : 
ete of Mine thac hau © been etic by avene 
Pt,64) 652-5 


; “3 watte away ai cll, 4ls sae sagt. 
oer bag shnreedags 8,9. 
and ethe Kings cuill,, egies nr 49-8598 

Tatas fersheLad, 32,8.65,d, 7248.7952. 10 2.505 4 
748,a,0.79 058, Cote ree Ra abs $41,3.887,2° 
Gove.3 tae jsaya8 72,8.875 Ty ae 322,6 

32 3.bAt 657,4.674, 
738,2;0736,2.983,9.989,b. Rasctc Bist ly 176,y. 1083,¢ 

ir en eee reba e ag 117 4)2.1186,a.1195,¢, 

12275. 1244,3,b. 1256,b,¢ 2633p 1264,b, 1270,a, 

aa n be an ssc bella £3 148+ 13 26,9. 1354, 



etd for all kinds ofl, 2askes,318;k.1050,b.12 27;¢. 
ora Laske o} long sonsouanes 728,d: 

Tohay the Laskein yoong children;970,¢. é 
oe ey that would be ileane, arto fat the leone, 1235300 * 

Tor ¢ Lechevic,9532,{ee Bodili 
Gordian theinamaonot he ee 3 
Totake away fwe 
Good Rial ss the Legs,49) 
Tohelpe the ie ches ai piiteua che on egs2 4 
Totake away fwellings 3, ae 49 1,a. Z ey is 
Tocure old Jad d fil bledice reofthe lie CBs,2 : 7 * conga rs 

'09,f: < 
gof the Legs gortenby ie longftan: 

heale feabbed ee . 1 ae ; ae 
Tokill deopardes,7 : : =. 
Good for ee ae ae the Lethargie, 1 99; gf Pas 897, ih y® 

1016,¢, au % 
Tohelpet sige 458,05 : =. 
Agood aati for ican 82752. cf 5 
Toingenderthe Ley, Lom 4 ; 
Tocalethe Lopate 3 ao : 

Bineassh SSTHSS Bk ss 4 
Lepric,6$7,2.720,2,1328,h.3 361 
To heale Bh 33-408,d.460,2.728,c. F 
Goad againtt: Lentiies i513 28, h, me 
m J 765,h, T15,h. gt 2882, a 

293,61 B 331.1328. 
Tolall dice,§ 
To driue Lice out of the cbeards head, and ma saad. pach he” 

pre-e ab ; 

Toaster roy Lice in clothes or appare <ll,399;6. age 
Toheale ns ¢ canes is oe or ingot) in Aildeda or ‘ 

G va ims urnat with hre,9 
Lims out cline a.t 2034 Goaiiabers, 

ngteten aS ein SATE oy 

3 mtg bh. 
Liuer,8325b, peers 9 6653.1004.4. 
eo hel ot burning ofthe cers a 845,f.941,d. pax 
Tee ansayhions cinflam 

3 738,b. 765,c- : 
83 Se RIO RES SEO ie 348,b. 4 
3525 ore 2.689 sf b.1004,2,¢.13 41,4 ; 
To. Jhelpe ob fthe ers 330.279,2. 31 saake b,e, es 
936, se 63a. $0748.57 8,b. 695,¢.706,d. ae 

Byte a37sa. 4 

J eueiesarenie tee aenenS 300.8. : . 
Tocoolethe heate ofthe inflamed Liver,66,¢. 845.6; 3 aafagsryh 
To mollifig and rake solar chard fwellings ofthe Liver. Cae: : 
ae the Liner, 938,¢. 507,a. 1082,k, 183,0.135 2, ee. 

To omfatth iver :9,053178034603 
jot eae aaa at 190 52 
Tor arene the feeblengs of dhe lites 


1, 930,€. 1033, 2. Jooke 

To ftaic orrepr eh of the Liuer,348,b. 
Goedel ttrinueeu ine §76,2,¢.1178,d, © 

To helpe them that haue aweake and colde Liners 24,f.1025,b: 
Good forthe Liver-ficke,r 
fics . 2 : 

Pn oan 

as : Loathing ofmeate, 848.8. 1207,€3 

be : + 
Es fnesndined Eo 1073.C> ee 
beng creme mihehleababasi ; 


AT. lee he Nea Rertweand Reagent 


gaint sofenes 0 frhe finewes,770,0.638, 
To ftaie rhe 

ofthe belly;1337,c, laoke hop the belly. 
es of theio oints,64 
Lotions for cankers and fores in childrens, 


sion putin 2 Lotions forthe} priuic parts, &tealgings with 

aa exalin Laisa or wathing water to Seah fores in she 
ones od priuic parts of man or woman, fo faften teeth, 
Tecan Rees 6m, as 
Tomake one Low ti 
Amedicine again ihe ee euill.357,c. 
To di iffolue Enortic orha rd Lut eore = pitta. 

” Towafte and er a bord Tpeten b. 
To sobarereac bai ,811,b, 
54 a ¢. 
be make {mooth the ro pehnes@fche Lengz,3 52,72944, 
+ Good forthe Lungs, 12564¢,d.13 ek 3s 
To open or remoone obfirucio’ 
124, ges Praca Agen iste, 9.124 
mavlete he Lungs, 459,b,.546,>. se sry b.586,4.649,b. 
Alpceallzeiedi for r confumption of the Lungs, 12456, 79 §5d- 

Total wi heafing aa the Langersste pee 

pins §5t 
7Ql5 2.133 
A eae for the {eine of Me Lungs,770,f4 869,¢. paeiet S42sC- 

rH the oers ofthe ae $459.505 50.563 ,0,661 4£663,4, 

5 oh Ebi 

ten raw apes Bs Lungs,o 

Gon fot the Lungs eppcgtied withrawe a colde hares wf 

ics tothe Lungs 4 I 8 
To ees or me yp bo 
1§ 8,b.17: 
87 tea 
44 6295, 

ly Lut, 9559/97 ,6.12450.133,0.1 § $5d., 
Zeno 19538 ie c. 895,a, Zehr 868, sce 
oP 445960572166 64,8,0. 
ae 9256. 1024). irk 
anne 44,12 fore ek 1251,d. $ahdsh ASCs 
ghar oo ae 
To} pate bodily Luft,rs8,b.772,2. 4193¢.1202, a, 
To ftay Lu asa rt sessed aa, 873348: 

Tee aie all Luxations 

aes DCS, 270, 

A medicine sane dane: 18,f.457,95 
To peed away Madnes, proceedia 

: aie cure ibe biting 0 of Maddogss36s ay 60,alooke! biting. 



 Tocure Mar ee aah Fe greene fknes, and fende againe te 
~ Tiuely co 

od well pth Maide looke ike 4 

Maidens that want their: sels 8. tesb 

fr } ine 

Seat ichEe hough he feemed > die | pe 
815 a 
Soca aac ee actin 
is Foals be apes 

Toral aloe Sole tin 
hliiree sods 

S or ftoppings of the Pung; 

ag o of melancholic, or of the - 

ood againft M aging of “s hands aad lana bs 
Tocure Lp Aaa fthe Bodic,1 28 
Aa efi Ta seach nig shed Ware 


To take away blew ephe arkes,cauled of bruG RBA oki 
938 729, ae 

ls y Mork WW 
696,1.1,276, 8. 

To abe Agigs blacke and I blew Markes thar: are gorten bj et 

To pict Markes in woundes to be faire ‘and well coloureds 
gis 2 : 

arkes out of the skin, 811 Be 
Totakesra let Matkesofthe face: j 20,6° , 
Totakea wer piace cke oN, w Markes ob ths ; ny 722, e-104g;¢0- 
Good for 253 

Forinalingotbe Meagan 03 558. 
‘o helpe the score? ad {loppin gof th: Mattix, Bit sine 
sabe g. 1027 ho 5553. , 
Tomolic pence aunt serps 1073,b 12.3 8,¢ * 
Q,¢. 29 1,1 AIDC. 

a Ries “loa and flrangling oF the Matrix, Si . 
893,0.527,¢,f. < 
‘19 bring the Mattixi into hit right aes b. ag a 

T, ey 
pe By Se 4 {ihe at 

§ 2458,0.527,¢-1 108 de 
To helpe the firangling and paines of the e Matrix, =a3eh} $7 18s : 

IX,  147,4.149,¢.445,0, 

T ° Femocue ho iwellings of the Matrix, 21493% 

Te cuce bes afte Matrix 

Towaitea fim oie or ae wpe of a 
the < ara 5853 587,d. 

To cure the yicers ofthe cen Satie yo { 

To cu edt and vicerations of the Meio 

epee Bs): 
To Gauges out ae tke ‘co ateieataaaantt guts ee Ss g 
Ean c rotten Matter out of the cheft and eee, 12.56,c., ; 

Tocauteipe! sie atial Matter to breath foout! hby the p ores sof id < 
Hin 8 31 
= ERY the bine a is 3 oust 962328,h, 

to colour Heates with,124. 

acft and lu 
a panes nefora logs nd S150. 
te adettisomss the hurr. of poi pee ng ares 
inft deadly Medicines,7 

A A Medion grin poifons of rene disnese 
urging chia in many difeales,fir unpenas 
urging Medicine for dai 115,],m, 

_peaprmedc fox the Bear, 
To eafe the pain ofthe Meg, 

To purge 


to driue away Melancholie, 2 B54: S40 

Toon pugs meee cholike humor 

Good fo ie has are troubled with Melancholic, nee 460,d 

5B.5 5 0,a,d-1276,6 
s by ftoole, 827,3. 460,f,11.463,c, 

be any difeale of mer eRE te 
ie Melilote plaifter,1035,b, 
: Be the paine and take away the {welling and inflammati- 
n of Wenber; etavexed withthe gout ak f. 
peorcate all Members out ofioint 
49. et: ae idgaey 1202,f, 
= y the pa 
i: < fi 

4d. 854,¢. 38,2, 

nanan of Members out of 

at happen to Melber 
t of ioint,7 §95¢. 
aie and railed Maite, d 

ae ks away the thaking or trembling of the Members,624,b, 

members,116 1,9.1346,d. 
Members from iammason and rankling, 
oe rankled to take away t 

curethe apofte mes and mors ofthe priuy h Membetsa47 
96 Members fubie&to the palfie,469,b,c. 
e: Ritepbicrsthcockeshisi4. 
oftrengthen and preferue the weakned Memozic,332,b.735,,b 


Tacmte Memorie,$37,¢,.1111,°. 
Toquicken the Menigicéai ha st toss 
To flop the the chflowing 

ages D, 
rvigalg, ae 
H Se 1 387,b. 

Milkein womens breafts that ¢ give 
246.241 ,2.3¢ 877 pe 
E 5286117 

ATa able hi Waturé, Datiger, andV-ertuits, 

To pte or take away the white Murphew, 88; 5 “4 78. 64h, 
ze away the’ blacke iene a i683 

a8 nts rahe 227,b B74be 

Te, couieas ay as Norpr of the skin,7 59,b.829,¢,674,b. 

Good for foch a bled with os Sei he the SPopher, 
2.§8,2.899,). eee as p21 I1Tg 

Se help € the futfotarion or trangling ze toni "oF the Mo- 


To weollGs and fen fi fores of the Mother,7. 9058. = 
By clenfe the Mother and help eiyeee eres 350.5 7854, 
ood — the paflions a difeafes bed the Mother, 874,d 16a, 
To fv ufe the Mother fallen donee to returne to hir’ naturall 
lice Vola. 1158,p, © 
To mollific the rumors and hard fugBings ofthe Mother, 78736 : 

To medicare the pein oftig ers 39150. 445511. 8335F, 


Tokee: epega —— cea withes 5843 . 933,¢. 
oat . 
Tokill Mothes i 
Againft the bras othe Monte called s Shrew,r41,h 38. i 
dric vpmoift and heale wie vicers ofthe Wout 30 

=~ reall vicers ofthe Mott 

jood againit vicers and ee the Mouth, 919, ¢, sae 
pee £62 4,¢.677,¢: 

Good towafh the Mout! chwithall, 

_— were Teers oribe mid 383 95. rp ee 
ripen and breake impoftum:s and rumours of the. -_— 
te $54. 

Tociecesked UFic chess ar 37 1,d.looke Canke 

Good againft the inflamm and burning hearofthie- ‘Mouth, : 

84550: pees rape ategtsaaasayi 1366,9.1326,b. 
ee le ya rin che Maint; 886,0. 
Toaflwage and c confum char ed apoftenes, tumors dad'corofiue 

A medicine for fore Make in children or elder peaple, 7456 
Toheale, ac toe: Mouth, 214,b.841,¢.963 ,|.t102,b.11215h, 
— Dubie ater, or caufe fepme to run out of ‘the Mouth, 
864,b,849,m.306,b. fig 
ee sicelient ier Dificatine 

for alt vicers and malignant, 

he Murnane andother infirmities affiding - 

ira t Atad are Ranged with th easngofGOntane = 
38.572,f, 1075, 0. — 

ftrengthen and comfort Pilure nto. 

= Lee mall feeder & 178 ar 

Bs ee gota 

A Table of the Watore, Vertut, and Dau 

a <a esp ope ree pe the eares,13.¢,d. 

Toftanchbleeding at the $Qofe, 908,d, 958; b, 3.88,b: 329.6, 
5 $758-571,9.10 

Tocaufe the Note: to cblestiagy: 91 §,¢. 1074,m, 

To take awaythe dtterte of he Nofe called Pohypus,8 $431. S48 

To. cure ‘ad fierie Noles,765,6g 
Tocutethe old - ccrschihe guotteile 

To engender cuill Qourih: 
For thofe that are not Nourithe wae cr ta ee 1052,k. 
Again & Fumnefie oft thefere and hands,9 

‘ ier is breatt, 33 24. 

aé 1241, 306; 0.87 8,29 26,2.430,3.44 859.659,b,¢.112 5,2. 
To ingenden a peomic,piepitous and cold Putriment, 1386,a 

12) ce ite the Dbfeuritic or darkenes of the G ight,888, c 

Toopeh Dif CELOMS, 140,2.13 Fo, 
oopen 0 Odftrudtions otallinward pares, 70 

br 864,b. 862,3, 8473¢.257, 29538 878,6.912,b, 96-3 205D4 
sat, 4.359,b, aie 444,0.463,d.470 ser 1% 53 5:¢. §6354. 
64752, 6912. Me 29) b, 21087, in 1057,d. 083,h, Farr, f, 
24b. 122356. 1 

East 22 4M, 12 a hrss8e 1259,b,d. 

To hele ae ofthe liver, 3,d,862,4,314,f.3 §3,a +463,b 
iu uer, 

Good: ageiht penis sei doe of the fpleene, 689,¢. 

13754.73 8,b,f.749,6 868,d, 869,b. 930,b.394,a. 42242, 575% 
= opal b.119§3£1202,b. 
uae tc rwafte away Oedemata, that iscolde fwellings, Sapbi 

i; pis 3 Dile,cood to cure deepewounds, and thofe tharare 
made thorow the body,or made withanys #enemons wea Laer 
and: alto prickt finewes,433,¢ c,d. 

An Oile good to annoine all roshbdes had featuines gotten 
«by ite 
: ‘es Dintment for nbivers outof ioinr, goute and 
kibed hee less696; gs 
Good againit Opi: oes: oe 
To helpe aap: 31 983,2.1341,d,¢. 

be ion of thee ie with raw & cold mrs, S7.h 

en Darfices tes of fitt aes or wyoata 235; 
% Ofcedo,32 

Againft he dean ihe sissies aa 


057 7d. 
') $0250, 13734, 73 8,b;£.749, a0 

mag ers. 
865,2.897, bi haeiagat 073,b.1 

ae wh See 5 

¢ of the guts and intrailes, proceeding le 
Te. of ¢ “oy Poraes of the gurs and pi proceeding of cris cris 
ditie,892,¢, Sasa” 

To be away the Paine fromrthofe whicharebittonof Serpents 

Againi the Paine in thedi¢ad and itn ainton 48 Bnsripsash 

Assn ai Paines oftheioints,1 349, 

Bay pins prea cee. eding of \uicandeold ene 29 
a rod aan eF o aflw wa ge the ao rape pee ce 

cheft,r02 §,2.1073,¢4 
Tocu pas maner.of olde Paines, proceeding of a cldecete, 
To mit SingaeP ine of the eigs,pr: roceedingo hese, ree. 
To take away the Paine ofthe g 250, f.2875b.fee 
».789,b.30 Oya. Be $i as 
ase "pti . Be a shih cova 6245¢.984,i 30736 

23,b.891,¢, 875,bi 897.2, 

9385 2460,d,. ee eee ‘T009;¢, 1019,2,1035 5,2 *O7859- 

Aceiofi Paine inthe head »proceedingof acoldcaufe J£299;04 
Again aft the egriping Painesof t the belliein women aftert set be 

he long continued Pains of tHe head3460,¢, Staegurja : 
Abe aa Paine of the teeth,81 5,4, ree. aka — : 
Aremedicagainft old Paines of the huc Hlebones,x "78: ooke 

Sciazica,” Soe ae 
gr se Pahics of the bladder, Sr 39. 789,b.86¢,, 
897,b 526,d, 5785665, 26 Ea 10; ashe a 

1346: yj 

For Pain 
Topurge hapa tiftsin oi eee 
in ger a a eee 8 aap 
po an 

oe bd 


° aes 22,3 i 
E<To bee the eae aecirt ofOxen,970,b, 

f the thar make water vidi gfe Puine,760;2: 
a a the ae 


a 2.298,d,616,b. cog 
ne = exes ise, of btradions, 

ethe Painesin 
Toatigagetse? wae So ‘gout 8593.1090,n.105%,¢ i3 
Tome extreme Paines thai t proceedatthe Rose, Pade te 
Teh Brecht Paine ofthe omacke;proceedingof Choer217,4 
oie be ‘hor gout, 1328). 

: clipe pea os a haha 349 

rof the omacke pr sccclanel fitiewhx aa 
vortocale Lapahite 

Good agiinft Duerfiow — os: ohne 199 man,452,¢.454,b.445,n. 

To di fo) Ibe pitts ng. es Toclenfe the invard Pars 
od A. 2, rz 

7 ic Ouro 799,87 So 23H 

site Te 

inthe kidacies, 897; ae 

ae “2 odie 364593. sen aah 
reageen inward Par 

- Parts,74536, © 
To affwage (wellinge 

ee Ei e 

ble of — man and Dang ‘ 

To expellthe a ofthe peftilencefiom the inwatdeP 
To clenie sie open the flopped Pallages, 462 52.658,2.1000,a. 
Toalwage thecholericke Paflions15 2 a $57 da 247506 
Forthe atone ofthe heart, §42,i.feeH 
Fort acholicke Paftion,1160,c. 
Toca he seine 1 b.897,¢.374,b,5 69,b.6245d.13.46,¢. 
— aulfies 749,f.897,h. 899,6469,d, 619,6638,a,c, 
Good for thofe thar are troubled withthe fhaking Pauilfie,249,2. 

Socaule s Paulfie;298, d, 
= — fpeechto thofe that have the dumbe PaulGe, 33452. 

Good for hofe that are taken with a dead Paulfie,6r9,a. 
jot bel or take away the $Dearle of a tic, 563, ¢,f 695,d, 

or thoie that be = ee 
— away Penfiuenes of the minde, 655, 
forold iethat ar c dulland nthout courage, roin- 

01 op 
eafe their luft and firengt th 3883 
To! peur et reftore aged Peopleand to amend the defetts of 
naturein the younger, 1000,¢,d,¢, 

Tohelpe the difeafecalledin ae sein woh ice, §3.a- 
topes ue fom = — nee andexpellitour of theferhar 
ecte: 8406.33 1,¢. 668,b.684,k,1 909,¢. 

Toe aoa Petal matter to breath foorth by the pores of 
the skin 
To 0 expel oe of the Peftilence, and to caufe it to breake 
chin bliftersin the outward part of the skin,147,h. $1 mk 

= .1009,0.107 § 5D» 
ax Tobreake sepa oo aT or bor 
_ To diffolue andcur ilen 

Again& Pcftilent Beads 882 31,b, 
‘Againg Dhlexme falling v pon the lungs,89 5b 
Good again{t 49 blegmonsg,¢ 80,b. 
‘oO gy Phiegmons of the naere lungs, and lrough arteric, 

ae aPbzentick So i ies ates ‘ 
eta Aca - Si 

ches, 14756. anno 
iallearbun. les 82 4950. - 

oconfume aw. 
Good eee me Pienie es 2 peo es 
— igeons,78 

Tocure the Pilling of a pe aie pe me —— 
pee §5¢-1016,b.12 
I ser eens ° ofth 

3 . 
Sisasisractintthe infe&tion of the Peftilence, 849,2. 919,23, 

ri it the Bch Rockés, 930,% 46350, 765565365, 
Tohes French Pockes,1004,c.tocg,k, 
What many ‘ale wh atime ste Feats re not ane 
gure the em,2875 : 

ote eli 7338 
gig cei ae poifon;7: B7sbi aerate 835,b.882,3, 
899,1.32952,0.33 1, Sai _ 25 540,2. dees 6953b. €98,b. 
99652 es a to — i 
Ar aie oe “$7834, 
A 3.9.06 550,128: 1 O~ i 
To cen 2 €. 819,b40r £.875 30,4 33504b.352,d. 

To re, or bean enimie to all colde Poilonsr40,a 8625p: ae 


45.0. 863 

yet ig againit dead] iy P oif085751,3. 949.0. 542h 107§,p. 
Todraw the Poifon ofa plague fore from the hart and orher in. 
d ital! 96815. 5¢ 

To refiftor withfand 5 ee 941,b.655,2.64,¢, £7704. 684,k, 

Good again all Poifons of venemousbéatts $3599, 

Good again ftthe dife ste then ofe,3 27,05 
Tota : dypis, in Ake fe, 854.1. 

A pigiaty eusees 3 rd 

Toh elpe rhe $3 of 2,926 

A Preleruatine pests a corrupted or peftilent aire, r4t,¢, 

A Preferuatine againgt bitings ofal maner of wild beafts,r248,c. 

A Preferustiue epee a infe@ion of the plague,1252,c, 

Abr oo tive againit all venome and poifon,1328,c.5 $750. 

3 The Prek rings Graptabelee ecre,7 2850. 

Po draw out a9zichles.s4 4,8. 

Fs fo ftay the {preading nature of Prerygiumi252,d. 

5 xecllent good againftthe Paficke, 79596: ae: 

To o cure the Paficke, 3174.0. * 
Tocure Puncures made = tharp pointed copie $5288,z, 
To fon ie dcaufe ave o lay fore of egges, ok 
Toc sh ate ¢ a obnole,765,6¢. 
ith humors mighuly, HP Soom 
re f.1238,¢, 
Tol ae by at fe sal aon 

par ch ie 

_ Yo Purge choler and roughegme by fi . $30. ene 

99 36.4 5056.467,9,689,0.7 245.972,20121 8,2,1235,h, 
Topurge the Bellie,gto, 3.733,5.77653-7 86,25 050. ible 
ae 612750.3182,2,12.46,f, 123 §,b.1259,8.1326,b 
Ta), 1. L 7. 4, 

the’ Se ¢.1120,2,b, 
fethe Pipes of ds =A 38;b. okie. 3 
Bele! nab dropssa bed, 72,8. - : 
ngbrdropys7agcnaatin AS2: 

aswel dg got blood, 

250, 1276.¢. 
215,¢.578, aadyd. 

oft 3 
= ebies, Beh adtaasse. 573,62 
hot Piffe,49 

pa one fromthe infedbion of ha Plague,, 

beinfe&ed aberomks, “1255 1.8472. 

ily, 718.123 5,b,f, 
seby vr SA 55. ee 
Te etl by Bese sab: 724, ok 

gently choler 

To Pur 

058.460,¢, 722,2, 2743.10 
3335¢5 Pein 5 he 
To Purge eee Sor, i me cholericke ne by 
vomite,. 63 
To Purge ethehead doiraw Be 

me Sy 135d 

To o Purge by vrine = ve as fave ve en 

To se fig oles and downwa 

‘ToPurg “eee eee 
ToPurge coe fe : tt ‘i 
To Purge choler. G wane ors by fie: ‘yo- 
- mit,766,9.11 ny ae soa by - 
‘° To ore: eee E975 oe ic om 
egme and choleric OFS, 77 
= dstlegine, choler, and 

oa Are 3 
Reora cheyenne che 

ee : 

and melanch -— 


Table of ies Rise Vertut, and D, 

A Purgation meete for tho wee aan with choler, a, 
therpe feauer tertian , the yellowe iaundife , and bad liuers, 

A aeeldredl gentle Purgation,1259,9. 

To Purge dpa and downwarde verie Sagas 859, f 

. | 820,b 

a efteciall Purgationt to cure the dropfic a Fo ve 
238,f,9.7 66,c,f.827,f279,¢428 

: a Sof 

Anexcellent Purger410,g. 1083.8, 

A familiar Purger for all peoples as 1 nal ; 
Good far thofe thatare cPurfie,s 
Good againttt the fe Purpl 9553558. 

Tom “nie a lca Pur poles colour 

Tots dufhes,9495¢, Fog SBh 
To heale Puthes in ie cies,t 1334 

Torchk Putrefaction,s40,: tsb, Shee at 
Good again{t PotrefaGtion ofthe iawes,677,¢. 

‘To ftay Putrefadtion of the mouth,630,f, 

«sit Q. 

s quali f Quickilver, 

ro, bite 5 rajilthesoucks 184,8,1341,d, 
int Quotdian Feauerss467.n8:334t,d. 


Leis the Rageof luft,772,2. 
cafe the Rage of —_ foresand claladien vicers 

aines,t 243,¢.13 

A fortherunning of eee, © 56. ese A548 
"661.6654. 674,45 bt coo hurr §0,2.1182,b-1346,8. 1 308,h. 
R nee 

Toclenfe or purge the Raines,459,.498,2 

yn a the Raines of thebacke,1 re = 

Tovoide grauc.! out ofthe Raines, 

A fi ingula medicine for t the ftonci in ne Haier 

The commodities of tins 72 Beery j 
of the whole bodie, 

eens 6 Jouke Snell, , Bodie, Armcholes, 
Toki sso 35756, 
Tawafte away ‘Rowse humor 574758.1073 5c. 
Todtaw foosth gently by ftooie crude and Rawe humors,t115,e 
“Good for them thar are fullof Rawe humors,r16,a, 
i. and bring vp Rawe humors that lic in aa 138,b, 

* Rech Gawnelteot the ftomacke,843,a. 
z = the Red guminc iiserstte 

Reds, 9 fedsoBaes083,c 1158, ib. pis Sicik 
2 5 2, laoke: rs. \ 
A eget octet Gh 98451... 
beafts, 250,¢. 

AReecde ie agai rt wanes 
A Remed ic for Gangrenes,t 468 

in children,353,d.1044,¢. 
ARemedie cart een tes ides 8433 Bye 
ARemedie for the wild fc ab. : 
~ ARemedic for or the gripings of tc ineailes,770,E 

A Remedie for ftuffing a : 
ARemed pfocthanms sickeand Haven 

A Remedie againft di! (quictnes,yawnings and thiuerings,734,e. 
A prefent Remedieagainft the fu utfocation of she-candlttg 898,m. 

4 prefent Remedie for the chaps of of beafts,3,¢. 
ARem ne, 198; b. s19,d. ioe 

ba againft an old quartaine ae 170;2,463,2.849,k, 
ARem Ses Prag ate bed,7: ae 
ARemedic againft poifon, 8 

1066,d,1154,b.1199,b,1227,6. 1308,¢ 0.1328 

FO zhe) 7 oO VDSS 

Akemi forthe nase Sin the cies called ia Gieela Carcine- ~~ 

A prea emedi age ainft the ftone,r092,h, 
A foucraigne Rem ew venome,87 §5¢. 
To pro’ ranks Bett,zax 
bn to helpe thole ie are readie £6 faint for lacke of a 

Rete ozatinte co the bodie,1174, 

Good againtt 434° 3. eee F 

Tohelpe orcure Rheum: 9 26,0, 

Topurge room atike morsbus ofthe head,7o7,h, 

To ftay tH eumifnara, that is fuxes of humors, from the 

‘ Salaries 

Good weer cold Rheumes,747,3.89 §,b.288,n,11 1756 

To ftay peers gta: tfallinto the iawes ndstich gona 

Good 82 : ft the Rheume that falleth into the cheft; Ne 

Again tie seen Rheumes, 1149,9, 

pe ee bh Ri} or 

umes, §245d.1037;p. sbi 1905, 
13 1436.1342,2, 
To 9s Rhcumesthat diftil from the braines or hele, 

Againit Rheumes 
Tocure thei Bites cay fundamenr, 795803. 7hya.t nei 
Toure the Riftesin the palmes of the han nds and fete, oteulg 
affinitie; ex a Feta hai Ee 
To glue togither Rifresabout the va 



Torake a the Ringing fecha ts in the cares, 860sh. 
bse blag 

Good again’ aioe Wb. 

otake or ae 


iggednes of se teen 

cure Ruptures, 87,0.793, 

se cich atten 
ake 5 taeaBe04 
Aremedic to cate rend Roptices 

CAT A Fable bof the: Nature, Danger, andVertues.» 

Good and holefome for ail 
Por the spaltnes of eae le i sehen 934, 
An ae bau tocurewoundsand old filchic Shae of the 
i eine 
ASalue = 

Epoies; 25952, 
Salue sara or Aoi yp fief in dccpet hol. 
sandvcern 431,b. 

Todioueclocr ere a sand died feorh ee a0 
Tod driue efoor ths ooke Gra wells 

Te cure peril, a maner = Sonera roopik 

88; a.39) 58 

Apleafantand halefome: ete a mansbadié,gi8,c. ay 1535 

‘Tocure fpreadin CE 

Torake away or heal Scabs sae 188.h314,64295¢.542 ms 
$86,c.6 a” 0,1,7 aes 6.73650. 99 98. atti 6207, by seb 

¢ Scabbedheadsin idee seg 

Tocure 8: nerher horfes and kine. 9124 53 d. 
te Scabs,3 12,¢.314,6 

againt Scabs of the skin, 738, bs 287.6 stir 30; 

bs of the skin in ae time,i223 shy: 
Tocureall ates Scabs of the bodie,3 14,f, 

ood for Scabsof thé bladder,1120,¢, 
‘Tocure running Se cabss4 
Tocure Scabs tides ne Bee 25 5,4. 
= | hat be Seabbed and haue filthie: Opals $52. 

ink Sealding of the vri ine, 1174,4.1308,h, 

ance Seldnswi oilewrwater, 42,2.2433g. 2 78;a388,2, 

Ate ood aed again{t Sealdings. is the pine partes.of. mah 

¥210,b. 1235 jL1238,e.265, k.1205,06 
Torgke away hearc of Scalding by water oro’ 

eureall manerof Scaldings,278 2.091 eis 8. oa id 70h, 
Se tans 61273, b. 
Otake away Drales 

Tohelp the Scales = “he head 34,0:984,c,1016,b. 68,6. 1 
0 draw fao' oe 

seg oer the shin,Btr. 
the priuie parts,r 027, 
fai nt an dct csuied: Tro8,! i 
tice, 689 6182,2.1 88,0.190,b.749,1.19754s 
22550 ise Sista 4073,2.1129,d. 
—— aeaces 9.6 195,c,b. — : 

Again i) 5553 2 
4 rie = = alled the Stopbnt, 201 32-32 Syte 
fea Spconpionyss3 ake 
eng 4 7 orpion’ nope 786,a.8r9,3 
Sra F956: ae 
aufe Oa that are oie of aie Secor 

Scaldings, 91,¢.288, 2.413 82% 33,0. Bas, nam be 

"oT 5 wis aw. 

ob 1282,y. 

" Tocurethe sti ays es bacdan Hebe 

‘Foheal rope or pease 39 

Toc ne white Seu Darn cee 
To take ¢ away Scuritc of oc caled e 
curtiic, 1 893d. 195. 

Tohelpe orcure the dileale called th 

Toate cholethar be Seuruic, 60,6. 
Tocephins and {coure any # the Seuruinetle oe beardand 
Againt Scuruinell: 5504, 
Tobri Se wae or dene Stconvine,. fant aA 
Be aes 62,2. 983 ,¢.891,b,282,f. $6§5b:897,b.- 9A SAG 

Tooele Secandineinmoft {peedie mane, 147, 6 sara . 

To iD ngender Dere,: O47 a3 

$ hrow cbbae reames 74a! 
Toincreate Sredes131,6: ae 838,s.86$50. 1375,0.. 0 = 
sented in ree 53st 

ae 29.674,1.993, ib. 1150, a. 87 

To dric vp the Scede,s72 sh 67u.6,6.1076,0230 = 

Te ey nes igsehchnace rall ocd overly or 197650. 

To ntaric courfe of natura all Seede M4 man or 
925 + 

To aie and delight bes Spenles yoseinte ty 

Te make the Senf. Fie porbaeree — bas ite 

aM h Senless13 $5 tata 4 sence Na : 
on aeninerts om i tinpnger ede: etpeats isos 684k 
075,011 29) 

Ageok meine ‘bingo Serpents 229. sig 5° Sire 
149,a. 7§1, Stay a, Bhai ASont352 Zaps 
§19,b.520 TP Bo fe c see 
ade _ba4st abe 659.5 6654 sd aS 989d ,1009, f. 3 

To rhelee dint hornet hicesT Saal arid jpecdilro laic 

Todeue sued ‘Serpents949, 25th. set SEES 

9,b;¢ ae 

bid 392 8597 
te. cure shakes - the i joints s declining to 0 apau' separ 

Pe S deck aye sf 2 
Aremedictor colde 
Seiden aythe emer, ague preline: by and eurethe 

fs sete 

yibe Sharpness ofvrive, s7,.gipide 

To sibaapes Sharpens ofcheler,702,. 
To minigate the Sharpnesoihumors, $614. Bas hnts 

To dull the th-fpesof dianehumortst260 
Noifome to Syheepe,424. 
fee aed. oe: ie age 

ad arrowe: 
— the bitings of -shemoulecalleds Sobpen;141 
Toh of finewes, 49,4.60,0.894,¢ phe: Ys 
Diya gSGaas PSH A b. soa 
 Again@the falling Fo,bi54,0859,1897 5b 
899,1357.2 379..6540593, 

‘ie imc ed i 
Sas ration si 

uf Table of the Natures, Vertue andDi 

868,869, ct7ecute $27,2.422,8,d, 428, 8.457% 52739 To voide all {uperfluo 5: Say 
+ $35 965 95.0. $ 5756-5695. 616,¢,648,a, 1019,2,b. 1072.8 ne = re ete % 
ell of the ake ne. 

- Phi 

Tocurethe grcene-Sicknes,201,b.3 14,f.438,¢. as She : 
Tobring downe the defited Sicknes ofyoong maidens,630,¢, To saber rec ill bel Acoli b: 
Good paca se ¢ badic,321,d. 125256. Good againtt Ringing oe 67,46 

Tocomfort greatly the Sicke,47 3,b. - mt — ters 

Tocomfort ee rith Sicke feeble perfons,1256,¢, iy Sie 553003 5754.$4,0.540;8 8h 

To Rreagth¢n thofe chat haucbeenc Sicke of a long lingering thee Ee of Spy aiftesin the Dolesoft e feet, shat ae st 
difeate,s96,a. J . 
To ftop ie courfe ofthe monthly Sicknes, 748,b. x 
ry Viorel A Q a 

i oe 
againit Sorenesin inthe eal a 
gaat noes poate 

_ Good againtt any petilent Sicknes.§3 5,8. Go 
Todraw and heale Sores eR in children &old 

— Telflpe the head called the art -euill 896,e. 
\ > To helpethe pains inthe &ide,9 a i. SB f as 586.2. 
596, ae. 608, ‘a 984.1. pee. Bs 
Good agai seeeolomaemicncthes 

Toh acme ores s : aes 4] 
Tomollife and {often WeSorese of the mi 79°, aes 
Toheale feftered Sores ofthe cielids, 11§2,8, em 
fo hesle Soresof the auc 1992,1.. Ss ‘ 

jo0d againft ihsoresoft sy 


7b, 842,6.200,8, 
? TS 2 

Py ee 

»865,3, 859,0,445 j1.480,4,53 HA 617,8. 
To operse by hee flimicflegine and tharpe humors. 

_— cure Soresin ¢hildiens Sted 2 
” re oi ~" ETE, 5 4 : undific and clenfe old Stinking an eae Sores andhedl : 
Topibcrue Sight, 877,3-§37 m,897,f.911,b,5075¢. 

krealecr Fettore the Sint being feeble andJoft,537,a Toes con! value or wafte away pokes fovet 5 i aa ae 
fee ag which binder the Sight, 438,4. 1028) ae aay 

Te fcoure ~ Sores of the eases 276. 
Sighted,49 §,¢-53 2,b.looke d - Cee Tohelpe Sores of hard curation on the plandulos pareof ite 

= Pian las oh, ofthe Pete §§52.888,¢ yard,278, 
Tog pee tcleerethe Gghr,8s5,c.858,b.2 183.0 1887, d, 888, To leeiee tpastag ale s ofthe head )£027,1,05 2,8 be Ac! 
288d +91 2a3, $3752;0,C. 563,16 ie 73,530: e * For eating forés in the corners of the eies,117 8,h: 1794. 
€.1354,0 , Fs ; 

07 44211 
ey bribe Sight, 38, 538,a.1305,f298,6 

jror wounds, prickes, oe 1037, To Rate orker cpe backe € 
Ve! sEY 

Seedeanis i che ti emitic good for a plague 
Goeiagent fenes — Sinewes 770,638. = and inward parts cee 52.8 
oe newes “Good toclenfe rotten (ot 

vp hollow 

re euill Sores ai he PP dogsandmatinzs 

: i ae resofthe bladder, 1120,¢, 

he Sipcweess oh. ° Todriu mes all Sozrowe,s99,¢.654,2. 1rr6,te 
ins & - lidare Sinprescosin funder, rogither, take et Serow efulnes proceeding of me, 

B,2.1160,2 1160,,d, 

Bok ‘ i ke ~~ Sounding inthe cares, 860, 
Hedin Latine Singndsws, thacis Yeoxing, Tacehare loft Speech vnto thofe white re 
dumbepaulfiec and Sab bcs ages oI I 
6 ide ee face,7 20. © 'Toine ere a : 
uggednes of the Shin, 178, b. Good again og stg 
fe oe Skin fom as and Lentils, 12 §7,t. Good againgt man a blo 

mors diftillin: 

eth and a seit Lids 
he Sk: 

Soothic of thes f 
fi ‘or Fh “8 ie the Skin, 738, - a aa: 
. = ghee kh spots, 

and otherblemithes of the skin, 


ol and blacke {pots on the skin,827 _ Top 
ormitics ofthe Skin 2 7592 hy pee "6h . Ag: 

le of erin ana Pea Me oa 

the Bien oucrcharged with g: offe blood,9: bie £5 7152. Suess 64; ae 649 0592 d fi 
: 172950, 195 73b,10, } 
peso! the g diy: 24 57 450-749 5C5.318,3,395 507 oi 2 6 bgt babs ne oT, 
33 3,131 sash 5 ies fi 

$7352. nutty b. “ns, a b7305 a 
1246. a.12¢r 
Toouerturne the Stomacke ie, 33550 7 8,3,b.109553, 
abies aioe eee and ae Stomacke, T41,€} 18859, < 

«4 iar of ie erie i a7 738, fon 864 Sb, 
wanes? 18,2. 332,96 eS 5b. 1057.6 

Ftheb Cy 342% 

79a" a 49558. 627,0.638;1: bes ge 698,c5 Ti }0,b.190,a, 8y¢ pie 

Ee 2939b.8 es 997,04 ssinien ie eee 

Sake inar am ee ape sin theface,-115,h. 765,h.227,b. 1270,01351,a: 35 He 3 
citcaay Spt ae nxt 9a5 5 58 ee anc 3 ; 
¥3 Toc fol destonsscKe OF 40.1 25254.1270,c,1 a 
¢ way bla oe b Spars ofthe face, 1255h. 193,¢. f59. ep 51,2, es te ee 5379 a 
Tocomfor acolé Stomacke. 868, d,128159.1349,¢1 319% 

cleo 026.a To oa ee die ble Stomack 512843m. 146 “hase Cs 

be) 113357. 12575m. 1358,b, : 

Againit wamblin ngofthe See 3314,d.878,0, 54. ws g 

of Souls imahe eie, 684,d.695,d. 706, : To: dry niin afeeble and moift Stomacke,é9 25a (74.95 
oo blacke and blewe Spots gotten by ‘Gripes or fals, a. fs sae aI 282, 2 : 
958,b. oe “esi 1044,¢.1223,1, To renin a fee and feeble Stomacke, “ th tk pom 
Totake a away bi ke Spo he skin,$27,¢. 1052 2,8. 

‘Bopoge wip the skin,859,¢. To an arke ¢ watering of the Stomacke,749,3 1227,0, 
coure ort: ke away Spors of the face and-to make ir faiceland Againft the ‘Weaknes of the peer re ‘ah 8; a es 
‘fmooth,845,4.288,r, 02.93 €.720,0.721 ,1.1257,m 
peskeavay 2 all fo! tile ee seit ‘Spots in 

BAY 134: #4 - 
any Ee art ofthe 1027,n, 1317. ’ : 
To einer «peal eae Sto- 
Tohelpdquat at 49 ,¢.1304,2.looke Brufes, macke,895, nae 9.93 352-5449.61 6,0. Weg 
3 Sait hancie or Shenae 0,1. ee eos a. eat forthe eh ofthe Stamacke; 185 778,b0 36,0. 
elpe the Sq sinancie,313, £8 80,€. srg on Be tI , i yd.t12 
sect hes aciein children 3324 To Taclesne pai and sciBof ie Scotiats proceeding cho 
ch en 1,68 ~ 4” |er,217,2.554,9: 


a “Topreferue th: Stomacke from obftrn@tions &windines,17 Oe 
opie aha ranke fell’ Toftrenethen be se te, weakeand fecble Sromacke if Leena 
way ite pie of its breath, r110,d.128156 ‘fons;224,2 } 

tines seam 12: 07,1. Cosdter wed = ahs a ciiea fieStomacks, 1092, i317 ; 
ingot pe ts, 29,6. 149,2.314,d. 869,d. 352564 ie, 8 Seelelpled geting 223 the Stomacke,progzed 
ne aa aufe,23 2b : 
init the Sema Scorpions, 786, ig 267,2,924,2, Holiome fora moift an divatetie Stomacke,t22 
“sles 12 ‘ocoole an hat sinaliaiaes and he} peir whehie/s tr 
ainiic the Stinging ‘of yenemous heaftes, 266,b, holer,241,3.419,3,€.13 
"5425 §48,0.5515a. 360yh. 586,d. $87,¢.1069, Se 

i 1073 
12-23 9d. fe vp the mouth of the’St emacs St 
2 alt che: Sringing ofainancrot wilde heafts,851,2, To com ortan Aas oeae the Sr ae 
againit the Sink ing of the peearh, proceediag of a 385 


10 3 

ie ftomacke,g10,b, ae 082 iy 6 : 
inft Spritrhes. ss fasatnis96y. 9 845i. <aoaay tite: sieecee &he cateot ie Reba 5 2 
in the fide, ‘d with choler,938.2. 
ew oad paines chere f pre <3 g } goo se eae | gr od tO, 836. jb.892, & 

tly,9 908,¢,624,8.11705 Bete, * 
ainft the ae the cheft, 1073.4. ; \ SA fingula oy Sear againit the Stanko aee, : 
the difeafe i * Aprefentremedie again the Stonestog2,h, a 

¢ romacke, 35,2455 1009,¢.1063,8 Tehesskes fie Stone, 902,92424,b. 4280. pi,b.1000,8 3.10 39,00 
fete 1223,m,1 206,¢ 

h °Good againf the Stonein the eH aNtes 39845732. 41 

ate and feb Siome 322,04 £83 hy roi 6383, 

: To breake oh Sronei in the bladder and drive Sato 

m ae windie and col ge eee 791xb-849,4.84x,d 272;2/ 527,60 

¢ Sromacke,40,2.892 ae S10,09 R she’. 

Te Rae the paine ofthe Siooe7 5p ee 738 a dhe 
an ors 5,9 Good fort he = Stone of the Kidne 775 ;.8 p 
Ae hy ‘ 328, ts 

: ae 2,0.1065,3,1 ee pe Bo wafteor breake the Ston nejand « dride itfoerth, 14254, 760,2. 

ete 20155-864,b. 962,b.868,¢; er ag athe tok 

ag i 

gs of the Sto) 35245 » ©. Good for the Stone in 
dicine for nacke, 2 ’ s 
Sto : 3 tin 

ppp Bs 


= I 

29,b. a) oie 19 

Ante the Stone 51493¢. 

To ceafe and cure the burnin hear « iv am 
Stones,217, siespe 198,c.283,2, 103 pr ithe 
bi neg : ies: ndbladdss, 8, 

Toc Peaticdtaicaraeh x ve ae 
Teas othe ae 770; oe Sitti 

‘0 voide yStoole irateilicas flimic humors 0,8 .718,3.724,2. 
Llores olerand flegmeby the Stoole, 738;¢,743,2: 385,3. 
3972.1 13356 
b Yidon pangs mishialy mie i 
z 7" 38, 

Tape e 930 2b 22,2575,a647, 
ee 2 

4 } 235¢.54,h. 188, fi 866,b: 87534, 
145752. <8, a. Sahm sass 665, i s693;28004,04053 iy 
Ssase f sUIg92, 

aie 239150. 49734 Le. 53 se 5s i 758 roca = 

“toe afe the Straa: ouric, $91,f.895, 2.33358 
4 pretevs es SHtrangling and paines GF the mother > 8§6,c, 

» Tocurethe Straogling of the Matrix,892,2. 
pie recouer « Divengeh,t17 74,5,1248,3, 


‘ = Be oN ied of fithe cick: 1€3730. ~ 
- An apptonedremedie againtt Sirmmesor {wellings inthe throte, 

Toforten the Stramesjor (wellings of she throte,; 4,¢.217,b. des 

$5 1T10, 

STohcals ‘eng Gong 51 
hey fs SE ane wand hori made,35. 
iaibea Ad from Burt ofthe mht ds : 
227, #2595) 84 3 

Bie. “me Hak 

rab) bse 275i 
Goods gues rae 12 — 938 3b. 1330. 
Adio, nga apd 

dicine again Surfs :1,848,2.702,6 
eof Swallonting, caufed ofcoldrheumes, 
To See eS £49,h.74,b.19956859,0.8495¢.840,8 
>. oem lg 557) 6 e17Re! Berns ena 
oA 2 

ing at naslanble i = 
gun,6 60,6796, 2. 12: 270,b.5 2750: 
pres nage onncents S699, 39758 “483 - 
in 4 68,3 

_ 1207,018 235,05 © 

Todiffolu eis o Swelling 67 
yet bade 

late 32 

ing tt es 1309.2, 1396; : 
theea nes ier a 

4.10351 896 

gs 0 oft he throa: <- 2 ae = 
Good! fale ftir 36.56 Z 
] as hg bbe smeaaes 10 $2) 

‘a dpbene 
ie coors: Siti ofthe ar n von — of che! 

2 Pres FIV eT eHyve s 
“ £239,b, 
“pay he “eatioa of the Matrix or mother,89253,878,¢, 

* Tocaule for: Swelliaghre stile, 2 

ae Blnondein hea, 

* Tobri : 
es Een 

: Fase 1 ~— 
64 same 

he often PstandD ers. & - 

medic for fofe rddtenne er 1618 
To wate pone 2 ofche mile or ipleene, 897,4.1074,8 
To a beens of the cods or genitors; go8, bi 
2429 ® 2" 
Swelling in the leg or arme,497,¢, 
sin the ioints,908,b, 

oOgarc Sw citagatap 
at to fatter hor Svcling toarife,r083,a. 
econcoctando s oa 

yy oF dt. 

0On,12.43, h, 

©.749,0,5 68 8.61758 
Swellings,282 59.778,.793 8.23 258, 
via op ~ nie 4 

For hor Sovellingel in th 132 rs bcs 
To Sanayi Selingssopsve §ol,a, 860 O5¢.362,0,408,d, 
. wh 955A, §76,a.10095f, 1018,2.11785¢, 1210,2,1235,1, 

To dil olue ¢ Swellings,r207,]. 

Aremedy againft the hard Swellings ofthe ines; 158: ti 3 

Tofoften and ripen hard Swellings,65,%,¢:79 90,845, h,0.1179;5 

Towalte and make fubrile hard Swellings, 56. 190;1. 397305 

To uitlolue or retake away hard ings: a ae cag 

Towate; away cold: Swellings,989,b. 
Againit ne hard Swellings of the paps,198,¢. fe Papas 
To mollié mee ‘ake away hard Swellia Arsene 

1885c Hts 
263,b, : 
io ome ibe anid foften Swellingsin eine 
ling: bs Sony. 
856,a. 3, 899,,362,2.949,k. pep © 12! 
Good Seu oreerign 3 in the head called fais ae 27,4. . 
$46, a ab —— 11844, eee 

ro kul Dwi 622,¢, 
Py ® again & Sw es 51180, ¢, ¥ } 
Good for fuchas are —" Swoune sor accufte: 
fwounc,2$8,%.468,2.§99,0.733,¢-8 Peano 654,f, 

Ag yrupe to foften the teas purgecholer,70z,,h, 

A Syrupe feruing for many excellent purpoics,661,f, 

A Syrupecobe vfedin ienndie 8, 64d. 

Pen be oft hei force 

aginst sees Pe ththe 
Syrupe of the inice of Roles, a 

die che pai ine oft nee Aa 

Goodfor Teeththar ie ee edge or ied 41953 af ae 
lomsufuandisenatseoa tre Oy STi Sap d68.g 

. Date to ia eiiissntee 

appa ivae hepa ee 5 
To age phe sart tess geabes, ande on ee 

eae 4 >> 

ouloke the 

Te ftaie the ouermuchf 27: 
70,8. 31831,9 13,23 33,b. ce 498.7 wena 

rie, 74, 
poe me 

AT 4 ble f the Nature,V ertue, and Dancers. : 

Good ae pe fe aulel ean romain: 2,1.227,f.° 
‘orem oo and inflammarions ofthe CLhighes,. 
799; os 
ees AY i b.768 84 5,bsf:S80,b318,d 
7 fae 78s 1051 im 4£20,6,0121 0.123 

in hor burning feaners,41z,d.1631 5b. 
obbi oe ent 1160,c.looke "Teemblin 
ae To ae caw roort 09 eg fixed in any part ofthe bodie, . 34,2. 
ee 4, Tig se. oom 445M. 49 5,2.627,b. 6381.69 85¢, 

re 37, he @} 

ripen 2 impotiumes ortumorsin the Throte, 650%. 
bas bar ales hapa = the Throte,370,a 
~. To take away inward (wellings of che Phcchagtiast x 
: bette ae the igBammations ofthe Throte, 9 38,1. 323,¢. 
: me desund forenes ofthe Throte;936, b.3 2354 745k. 
shee coma = a adlong lafting fwellings of che BE csondes 

Lo ‘fofken eet felons s eek Throte,54,c. 
A&A remedie again’ the fivellings and impoftumations of the 
Pes feften. and d ripen harde fvellings i inthe Throte, called the 

An tN ete remedic againgt the fwellings of the Throte, cal- 

To take it eg alperitic ot roughnes ofthe Throte:., 141;¢. 
aes ellin gs inthe ewpper partsof the Theore,$87,2. 
oncaé the Geliagsi inthe Throte,called Stramas,8 §8,a. 
nfume a winberach eesabe ai Tbe, 

me ‘To taint wis Bhpowes orgriping painesof the belly in women 
to ; r their childing,27,2.178,¢.83 25a0t257,h, 
a thofe thatare ftrangled eee eke. h 

a es away the ae of the Coes; 12 

< “To take away eis €o ss te Toes se inci fon,413,2. 
fotake away th of the Rongne, in hot burn: aing 
fe >! 

To Pere ik a the Tongue called. de baie which i isa mugs 

gednes,b i Bs! 


Ss tocutiron or {tone pets turning 

siti mation ofth e@antis.iny 
opments of rhe oe 

Toingender hotand groife Uapours,1 40,2. 


- To drievp 

o take awaie the {welling andpaine ofhot Tumors,581,b, at 
To ripen andbreake allt umors of the mouth and thiore, 469%. 


a orage diffolue,and driue aw. ay colde Tueripsegtnh 

° oe age and confume hard Tumors, in any ‘partof taebedh 

Zo56.5 53 3h31612355€. 
Alingularremedy againfthor Tumors,424,2 
To foften old hard Tumors,s4.¢ 
Toaf orsin womens brefts,284,b, a $ 

Todiffolue hard Tumors called dedemata,t346, 4. 

To aromliie nalteans confyme'all Tumors, 1328) 
mol a passports erssTa7st D>, — 
umots,t 208m 

Ti beh inde the cares sbes a. 

Good againft th ning ering head called Versigo,saqjdex 
Bo pal Cotipanien 145.938,d. a 
To aflwage the bellics of thofe that hanerhe T Tympanie, tap; >, * 

‘ SY 

Sa gloe tngisher rifts, goles and cuts about thed cas < 
Toopen te hoppings ofthe Vaines,463 Bi e a m RN. 
To open — Vaines of the hemorrheides, 1328, of Be 
To fillthe Vaines with naughtie colde hu Bias 5576534. a 
To purge the Vaines of flegmatike, slcricke, corrupt, and ha 

To abate Cebemencte of shirk in agues of any eal a alte 4 

cuer,1243,f a 
Tottirvpto Cieneie35,. pes 169,1. $68 noted Tapsb, fee } 
bodilie Lu ce oe 
Good agai at ot RAG : = 
Good for yes inh no appetireto V. cackie,a TO09,C. we a8 
Tohelpeor che a are bitten with Dene! ences ta beats, 2 : 
&3.¢. tei 4857. 882,b. 266,9.2' 3.7, ese X O10, . 

455,2952)83 859, 728 tin 8 S298 oa 10095. 
Fo refit the bitings of Venemous bealts, 1q¢4a. Rib cogs. 

of venemous bealts, a Ry 
To expell ftrong Venome,862,¢.30r 
Good againt al Venom, 78750. Bi0Ah frndessio 

Good for the bitings of Venemous sbeaite. 529, a 138; Wes 
xa) y Base 1.677 ,4.695,b. 

To driue away venemous beafts,529,¢.389,11,391 

To driue away MentoGities or Soci eC ong Sa6es 

To dda ie away Venrofitics ofthe Romacke, 855. ay dh, 

be Wermine nue v9 ana 94 1,6, 9515 

Good for nofd 899,6.49530.665.4. 
»Tocure thebuge ovine aA Sproles ties be 
Bild cferued from being flung of the Viper,6843¢. 
Deore Ui 55258 wee 
~ 684,¢°732. ee 
piper eer of great difficultic, 


te fe curefoule, esa and a on Vier ae 

__ 2595'.43355.463 ne fe 

ring o 


diz, 373,c. 

“Good ageing oe 

fi os cre pate ritee ing Vicers 

-. Ae (76 3 a.6875 2. ie regosualzb 

“God foclente Tis 1 Learedasoeaetg be oe 

a a CAT able} Sis ivatn Par Neri 

a a 
| Goadforoe panek ene oll and new Vicers, 913,2. 340,2, To procure Vomite vet 935759313350. ries eee See 
660,0.706,0.1 190,%1 235]. To see Bea 544, es S 
2 Toheale clearing Viecrs,1 33,3. 916,0.649,£1099,b. Topurge by Vomite, 11 433, g-look urge 
is efot lenfe old poten ere 387,6 98 e935 pene agsin ly 5 
san To prouoke Uitine out ofhand e 
dake cers, 863,90. Top smdhe Vrine il cto fue 57;0.9753% iss isthe 
Meccwr eit Sis Vero, 295 50.563,0,¢ Base 2.749369 30. -T013,23¢.11745c613 §2590 
3 2 To 0 provoke Vrine: 373d.145,0%4 156 
se Vv 958 142,4.178,b5¢.18 §5¢,p.1 186, 4; 190.0.738)2- 70,3. 29,76 FC. 
ae nati. 139)b. 15,4. 775 s39¢.77856.193.6.F 025d. $20,0.557,¢. sor 864,a-849,b. : 
: ocoulcvaly bes 381552, i 86252,.882,2.883,b: te 853,2.896,d. 295,a,865,2. ; 
| Gong agaistkmortified Vicers,7z9,h1052.h, 866,b.868,¢. 869 0-877 . 87250. 8 orbs 430.87 §,2.897,0- 
: i ooh Nae 68753.105 2,9.T180,d/1244k, « $78,9.879,2,b. 89 reer, 99,2 922 ,9.926,8. 3995a.3 50,8. 
955,442.20. 42 Bete. 43318 44450-43 §,D.4F 2 dS 750 - 
2 be re holieg Vlcers with fe,698,¢ 1044,k, TOS0,¢.1 180, f, 636 2950.535,45€ 53 3.5 40,85 42,0. 
= 119075323: sila saat 12 = . $48,3.551.b. $575. §69,¢ Sr a, $86,5.616,8.. 648,2.665,c. 
“oct renenone Vie igs sd ie h, 93 Fe 7095898, f we vee 259390: "FOCo, 3, 
es niag Vi¢ersia Piiebeade ut yceny chitdico, 3074,k, 052,f.1066,4,1077,8 
i "Te delindnabg ecm Vicers from inflammation;49t,a, 107. he sare 1708, ttt etrrs 33th “F242 paa Tage 
fe 70853, = ee At 902:1892,6 TIg94 1212, a- 
: Teme fi vi 1223,g.12 $7,k,9.1266,c. 
ieee Sor kil tirning and Fane = eae tye 509,a5- Y2813r.133 rts sar, 134958. 1350, 3S. rss7ba5 75 
} Fore in inalitious Vicers, Lee 'o prouoke Vrine gently.22 ,a.880,2,428,6.463 

th To ees mach Veine our of then: ee the dropfies sa 
‘pt Menderes 1B. x 
2d. : 

ablgc ii a . 
degen de 1 as Vicers,422,b.7 29,b,% Tatlesed 1¢ Vrine ole Sah smd ap feiserh 

x rant thebidn: mes 31,b.66r, &- ; : 
sint hepa Goctes ‘eee ae sofths bellie erga a: 

 majgne ne & tating Viceri, 1257,m. To clenit navghtic humors by Vrines9335¢. 

barainchi chee Iz ; oak 

Pie Sa: yoni ES coe caotedey, Ww 
aa aera ath, 3715.4 1,6. 

pe cermupeageaorien Vices icincsc, 325, ser C 
i ee * 

To * safume hot V Vicers,283.9. To ftay wa of womens hag nbc w 
< -— or son the glandulous parrof thearde,272.878,¢ 1334. * ve 
ae To caueaiee ist therten wo $ fall away,ors 1.2665¢. 
ee res ade \ ii iti ons and ve ns Vicers of the mouth; esiceed Tors cht =, oe 
_- mond ae alban tah 708,2. Seomiatdh 1361 
; iserationg in the priuie parts of 7 
riba oe 11.45 4,b. Ge ft th 
Maile ies Cato 1950. ae 3k. 
Mares leerarions of the guts,a19 ae : — Tobe Ps one that cannot mak leakaie 
agat ift Viccratio onal Micke Be Gzaa." . 

erati bonser ia ph h,3 66 y 
ie ioandbiden26n 4. ae 

Againft difficultieor ie Peet malin 
ip oe apie sb.188,f.76c 
94999-42253, 4 te 
he af. 

fenesoft heWoee A78,c8348)% : 
i pe sf.109930. Asai 
oeigare 88,¢.185,b,2.166, 9.4073. nike: f 

ATID. s7B,f689,4.720. 1259,3, 

Pa Bees oh st for 

: ical Aig cleo Te 
1 26 4yb.128 13175 ee aS 

ie Tocat 
EE a ee olently,29952» To 
ore ke away the y the defire or readings Vows, be # 
52. 7:8 ee 

— le 73650 
J 12493, ° 
pen vomite blood rom Ree : 
: ‘Tofeticpadie deems . 

A Table of the Nature, Danger Ind Ver 
“Safety i, ftaic the pat gh of Womens wernici, thoushighah | 
113 35f-1328.h, le oars downe the : monthly courle of Women, 47, <.fee Month. .- 
* ‘Totake asy vk painc of \hitioweg, and to sheale them,863,d ly courfe, 

* _ §00,2.720,¢.1150,c. 70 ates foorth Wonmes,x 952¢ 


: 46550. TOAts6 T4849, “| 
f poe he Whites, 96 ech. Lea §61,k. 8 pees kill W. dren with our wardg IEW. ¥s 
deg ate 6,2.960,a. 1082,k.108 099,c. ILT1,g.11585b. 35¢. a sae ie 287,4.926,b. D2 Dr, x 34 
£> aa 5 SCOR t 1379,2, 7 11946-12 ; : 
3 PARSE sort baacbessonk i NG,193,¢, Wormesi i 
° one fromthe burt bE pte aft,946,d. i Ring-Wormes Pale, 827, 27.0 53385 bé 57,09 
= Tokillaiikindesof Wi +6 kil Wo ormes and drine them pen es “08 450. | 
2 qpoburtite indpipe,i3 $9,¢.1 
epee or raile gral id flimie humors out of the conduits Teds Fiuc a vndW. Vormes, ia vo 
¢ Windpipe,984,c, Todriue foorth Wormes of the bellic, 150% uae 2 Sy 
Tom ¢ fmooth the roughnes of the Windpipe,729yd, To driue foorth far pate round Warmes, 6.4.9" ya, 
. Toconfume Winde in che bowels, 73550: : A 

* Tovoi deaway Wore esof the gnts.93 
i _ Foconfume winde inthe fides,7 dag 460,d. Tok ? 
5b, 318,¢. 880,b.951, a 18 8,8,770,1 60,b re 2874.98 ph 
b.1065 52, 125750 ai §39.4.66% Searhe 

2 B37 ay 
“ 5 5 AZ ye rob: 
Sabet. dean the fcnnacke and tichecwsn hiltra tay 28 
— ngender Winde,178,b.13 5.13 8. 

Idren; Loh. 
ek ada ciaidans and pee f ‘fickibe 
confume Windeof the hea 263 17,2.735,¢.895,2. PA ite,173,0,188,9.214,2 Fides 3k.9 4, B42 0G9. 
ger: . Tokill Woimes ins shuidren very net 4 
‘Good intt Wind, "Eq lallten UV 

Tobreake,ex Hand co pe lg hag oak 256.8 343 b 
pe a 3 14 35 

Tokilj andpurge away allkinde of Wort ‘mys tof? 
Segaeg 868,d,87 

3€87355.874,¢.875,b. 878,4,¢. 879,b..° | $5751.648,0.71 5,3 996,a. 1172,pt190)097. 1, 
=| B80. 4.§73,b.624,c, A341 #13 §4ah 437,2.52458.5 §7,f 56990. 144,b, «- 
Tobreake' Waisiacs, 1349, o kill “haere inthe sas et, ee -<tig 
Todriuc awa ki 

odiite rose indines 0: tek ftomacke » 955,2.849,d,h 891, Toclofeip 
317,2.8 7234. Sans 926,23. <548.¢616,4,1102 be ¢ 
Tobie akcand fcatter Windines of the be sllie and guts, - 908.4, 

Br ee 

Bir jh a0) 
sisshsitasstin sbie29¢ “43! 214597 
Tobealeor vate away the Windinesof the matrix,” 795,2. $81 ,¢.660,b.6 le 1102,a. Tape is : 
5 -288,x.908 To o Bley togithes AEDS Aas rf i: sted aFegreens < 
: apes nin 05,65 '30-138,445,0,1254,a,b, : j 

4. “aa bh}. tis 
a SO Ei a le 3 §$14,¢, 247,05 
ure thofe thatare mortally Wounded ir ee 

Moin vic «4 feos erence Py Bbi4733, 4, 

= f 
Oirea cree Wound fei 3 tliat 2 roaghb, 
io din; se an aE. 736s). ‘Totcpe tele Wounds 186: 342.1160, 

ence of Wines,73 retesies, Vv 

perfons = ae fitreft, 73 3slol, and for what perfons Agaiift Woundsof the head,s4,g. 2 ytd see i 

98,3 295 5 ie ¥ / 
Tabak Wounds, 60,1.797,2, Boz, ast abe x62 105 Piss, ks - 
being itp itched,440,b, 753,1032,m, 4 fi " : 
ees Pes 38.48,¢. cal ae glew togither great Wo: inds, Tia $y, 2: , iy 
) 955,b, Se 
fhe pepovoncas We frei na te 073,,0. Ts veep is) Wounds from inflammation, erfiel. + felling, at 
one and makeit fr Hehe sciis 335678. oo fe 
mates a 519 F5¢. 97° 4.1224,M0, Good to oan deepe andp pet: a ae Iswith ap PZ. 
a be, 514. : Fobe: ale greencand fre th Wen 4595) bid bd 285,8, 
wor es 636. 97098, Lchge + 855 8, 661,95 
7 Mother out of their Ges, 290,620 2259, he 134s 1346. 

Ese se Mak ds ofc. bina 95. eB 4rd, 258 ed b 
i Measles gas Bo 07s be 661, i f ee 595; es 3 
£9) fallin; Apotte MALION,297,C4 - 
itd, 754se.8e3 eh 346 588,b. 
ee Mote 1, ' 43 soi one : . é 

ae ce head,t2073 
300d fe ‘d ble SW oh 79359.79452. 
pede ea Aas. shoes b 389,68 4 43550, a 
6d. 889) 496 Bie : 

ios, si atptai bh eer 

t O55.1375,6., 
_/ - ) To defend Wounds yelling and cankh 550, 
a. >) For inflam saionsingreth wena Fite 

} pe preferue 

dan serene ¢ Wounds fromail mancgrofse- 
Fie 835by 
aleinwatd W sunds,7 29 nBisabarsdsorisri 61 
od for Woun Sissies s pom Rit 0,6 
cain ee Sof 
abo [sof lags,f7 194,26 : 
ctticiecre Parr Bath 
sfc ae atrial ey 8604, 
ale Wounds inthe Uneven Buss boshe 
or or to cure al outward and inwar 4 Wounds,8 4,5 
Bees ek a wn