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The vegetation of Cranberry Island (Ohio) and its 

relations to the substratum, temperature, and 

evaporation. I (with seven figures)  - - Alfred Dachnowski 
A morphological study of Diospyros virginiana. 

Contributions from the Hull Botanical Labora- 

tory 145 (with platesI-III) -_ - - Stella M. Hague 
Undescribed plants from Guatemala and ‘ie 

Central American Republics. XXXIV - John Donnell Smith 
Apparatus for the study of — trans- 

piration (with five figures) - Edgar N. Transeau 

The adult cycad trunk. Contributions ‘esa the 

Hull Botanical Lebo sf bb twenty 

figures) - - Charles J. Chamberlain 
A botanical survey of the ‘Hatch ‘aires Valley. 

VIII. Edaphic conditions in peat bogs of 

southern Michigan (with eight figures) - George Plumer Burns 
The vegetation of Cranberry Island (Ohio) and © 

its relations to the substratum, temperature, 

and evaporation. II (with one figure) - Alfred Dachnowski 
A preliminary report on the yearly origin an 

dissemination of Puccinia graminis (with 

plate IV) - Frederick J. Pritchard 
Evaporation and dai succession. Contetnatons 

from the Hull Botanical camemeas +47 (with 

six figures) - George Damon Fuller 
The seeraniiteate. embryo sac of Clintonia ve 

plate V)- R. Wilson Smith 
The embryo sac a Pysostgi (with plate VI 

and VII) - Lester W. Sharp 
The Brazil nut (with clits VII ed one iguse} - W.J. Young 

An attempted a of er ape six 
figures) D. T. MacDougal 
Contribution Bee the poke Vow Sis. 
ew plants from Idaho - - Aven Nelson 
The ie viloinent of the ascocarp of Lachnea 
scutellata (with plate IX and fifty-one 
figures) - - - - - - - William H. Brown 




Physiological behavior of enzymes and carbo- 
hydrate transformations in after-ripening 
of the potato tuber. Contributions from the 

Hull Botanical Laboratory 148 - - ~~ - Charles O. Appleman 
Reversible sex-mutants in — dioica (with 
fifteen figures) - - - - George Harrison Shull 

Reduction by layering among conifers. Con- 
tributions from the Hull Botanical Labora- 

tory 149 (with one figure) - - - - William S. Cooper 

The endosperm of angiosperms. Contributions 
from the Hull Botanical Laboratory aed - John M. Coulter 
Some problems in cecidology- - - - Mel T. Cook 

An electrical constant temperature ane. 

Contributions from the Hull Botanical Labora- 

tory 151 (with four figures) - - W. J. G. Land 
Light at and sac aurea ‘(with one 

figu Burton Edward Livingston 
The ik sac of Epipocis (with ole X) 

William H. Brown and Lester W. Sharp 

The oxygen minimum and the germination o 

Xanthium seeds. Contributions from . 

Hull Botanical aig seine — icici on 

figure) - - Charles Albert Shull 
BRIEFER kigtee f 
Edward Palmer (with portrait) - W. E. Safford 
Dehydrating with alcohol (with ae heures) W. A. Wullschleger 
Is Ophioglossum palmatum anomalous? - - M. A. Chrysler 
Cryptomeria japonica (with four figures) - Ansel F. Hemenway 
An imbedding medium for brittle or — 
tissues - H. M. Benedict 
Apogamy in Pdllaes ouuehus W. N. Steil 
A ease oan of ipo (with one 
gure - W. J. G. Land 
CURRENT trees - - - - - 6, 155, 233, 316, 402, 
For titles of book reviews see index under 
author’s name and reviews 

Papers noticed in “Notes for Students” are 
indexed under author’s name and subjects. 


No. 1, July 17; No. 2, August 18; No. 3, September 15; No. 4, October - 

17; No. 5, November 15; No. 6, December 19. 






ro be 


24, line 3 from bottom, omit Cornus canadensis. 

24, line 1 from bottom, for Prunus read Pyrus. 

26, line 7 from bottom, omit Alnus incana. 

27, line 7 from top, for ovata read canadensis. 

210, line 18 from top, for spongioplasm read cytoplasm. 

237, footnote 1, for Ernest read Ernst. 

264, line 18 from top, for Roripa terristris read Roripa terrestris. 

273, line 5 from bottom, for anthers dehiscent read anthers dehiscent 
to but not through the apex. 

330, line 26, for formula read formulae. 

. 395, fig. 3 legend, for gasket read socket. 

. Lil 



Mares te 

at Mae a 

The University of Chicago 

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as during the other quarters of the academic year. 

The undergraduate colleges, the graduate schools, aid the pro- 

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other institutions. Be ae =| < 

Detail announcements. are now ready fai 
_ be sent dice a ples : Lee 

regular members of the University staff, which is suppontes 3 in- 


Fs The Botanical Gazette 

A Montbly Journal Embracing all Departments of Botanical Science 

Edited by JOHN M. COULTER, with eet hae ie of a members of the botanical staff of the 
ersity of Chi 

Issued July 17, 1911 


Alfred Dachnow shi - - 



«sgeaae dala PLANTS FROM GUATEMALA AND eerie ces abi ince bs Se 
LICS. XXXIV. John Donnell Smith - 45 
APPARATUS FOR THE eed OF EAA TS sc vesic dela cnet (WITH FIVE 
£ FIGURES). Edgar N. Transe - - - 54 
aaj ee ES 
RD PALMER (WITH PORTRAIT). W. E. Safford - - . - . - on ar 
oe WITH ALCOHOL (WITH FOUR FIGURES). W. A. Wullschleger - . tee SS 
MINOR NOTICES - - 5 - . “ - - : A , eu Oe 
OTES FOR STUDENTS ee ay ei et re 8 
The Botanical —- is published monthly. ‘rhe subscription price is $7.00 per year; the price 
of single copies is 75 cents, [Postage is prepaid by the saan on all orders from the United States, 

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correspondence should be addressed to The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Ill. 
Communications for the editor should be eet to him at the University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. 
Contributors are requested to write scientific and proper names with particular care, to use the metric 
system of — and measures, and i in citations to follow the form shown in the pages of the BOTANICAL 

Pa apers i excess of thirty-two printed pages are not viper pi the author is sive Sh to it the 

cost of the additional pages, in which case the number of pag 
 . ustrations orga without cost to i aes oie suitable originals are e supp lied: ee copy 
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Entered August 21, 1896, at the Post-Office at Chicago, as second-class matter, under Act of eet March 3 1879. 



ery description 



orks of: Barrili, Butti, Caccianiga, Capra- 

nica, Capuana, Carducci, Castelnuovo, Cor- 
delia, D’Annunzio, oe Am is, woe rchi, 
arina, zaro 

Praga, pater Serao, ree oe ating writers, 
always on hand 
; Cabiiane mailed on application. 

The Botanical Gazette 

Edited John M, Coulte 
Publish Pragacgren with illustrations. Subscription 
price, ies, 75 cents; foreign 
postage, & 


ted by Thomas C, ee: Sere 9 
J | - cancaniceety, with illustratio a Subscrip- 
rma ion price, 3.00 a pe bh shea le copies, 
ou cents; foreign postage, 53 ; rg i . 

Contributions to Medical Science 
By Howard Taylor Ricketts 
tees as a Tribute to His Pesto: by His 

lleagues under the Auspices of the 
Chie icago Pathological iSpoter 

R. RICKETTS died of typhus fever i pe the 


Mountain spotted fever, give Dr. Ricketts a high 
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Second Edition, Enlarged and Revised 

The Guide is confidently offered in the 
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FUSIFAID + “= «< S159 

The University of Chicago Press 
Chicago, Illinois 



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JULY ort 



The object of the present paper is to give, as briefly as is con- 
sistent with a limited presentation, the major conditions of some 
of the factors which have been found limiting the activity of 
plants in bogs. 

The striking discontinuity of bogs in distribution, the absence 
of genetic relationship between bog plants and the surrounding 
flora of states in the latitude of Ohio, and the floristic agreement 
of these plants with the vegetation of the distant north has invited 
the attention of many students of ecology. 

As early as 1872 a solution of this interesting problem had been 
formulated by Gray (14) in his glacial relict theory. A similar 
explanation has been advanced by numerous recent writers, and 
the broader relations which involve comparative studies have 
been well established (31). However, the reciprocal relations of 
these plants and their habitat, the demands which the plants make 
on their environment, the means which they employ, and the 
functional réle which the particular species perform; in short, an 
investigation of factors by which the present associations are 
determined and which would account for the existence and the 
peculiarities, structural and functional, of these ‘‘boreal” plants 

* Contribution from the Botanical Laboratory, Ohio State University, no. 61. 



on the basis of their relation to the present ecological conditions 
of their habitat, this has been a far more difficult matter and has 
not met with unanimity of opinion. A knowledge of the flora of 
a region and the floristic status of successive periods of time is 
indispensable, if for no other reason than to indicate the various 
conditions frequented by species or groups of plants. But the 
statistical method must be supplemented by an adequate study of 
experimental tests. The varying activity of plants as individ- 
uals and communities is of greatest importance scientifically and 
must be determined in the field under measured conditions. 
Various theories have been put forward from time to time as 
to the environmental relations of plants in bogs, but none of them 
can be said to have brought nearer a solution of this phase of the 
problem. The historical aspect of the question need not be dealt 
with here in detail. The more important theories are those 
advanced by the following writers: Kra~MaNn (19) regards low 
temperature and strong drying winds as the prominent factors 
in high northern latitudes; ScarmpeR (29) emphasizes humus 
acids in the soil, abundance of soluble salts and alkalies, and 
regards bog habitats as being ‘‘physiologically dry’’; LivinGsTON 
(22) suggests the presence of chemical substances not in direct 
relation to acidity of the soil as acting on the vegetation; WARM- 
ING (32) is inclined to look upon the presence of free humus 
acids as the weightiest cause; Frita and ScHRrOTER (13) correlate 
the conditions with low temperature and lack of aeration in the 
soil; while SCHWENDENER (30) and CLEMENTS (5) hold that the 
structural peculiarities are not at all related to present habitat 
conditions but are primitive peculiarities, which now remain unal- 
tered but were originally developed under different xerophytic 
conditions. Another explanation, that of the toxicity of the 
habitat, and its consequent physiological aridity and selective 
operation upon forms striving for occupancy, has been offered by 
the writer of this paper. This view has come from a more detailed 
investigation of the physical and chemical characteristics of bog 
soils and their physiological property (7, 8). It emphasizes the 
active participation of specific microorganisms and fungi, a view 
which correlates also very well with the unproductiveness of differ- 


ent peat soils under cultivation examined by the writer, and lays 
stress not alone upon structural characteristics in plants but also 
upon limiting habitat conditions as conducive to the development 
of place-functions. That various factors enter into the problem, 
and possibly many others not yet discovered have a part directly 
or indirectly, is clearly recognized. 

Further field work on the bog plant societies has been carried 
out especially with a view to test the reference made by several 
writers to the part played by low substratum temperature and by 
the evaporating power of the air. In addition, studies on the 
physical, chemical, and biological problems of the substratum were 

It is obvious that the physical conditions, whether temperature 
or evaporation, if sufficiently great in their differences, must have 
an important bearing on the question of distribution and of xero- 
phytism in bog plants. The larger part of the body of bog plants 
is imbedded in the peat at various depths. The various functions 
take place only within lower and upper critical conditioning fac- 
tors. For instance, the germination of seeds, the activity of 
roots and rhizomes, the permeability of protoplasmic membranes, 
the rate of absorption and chemical action during growth in under- 
ground organs, must be greatly affected by the actual extreme 
temperatures encountered, as well as by the rapidity with which 
changes in temperature occur. The diurnal and seasonal temper- 
ature changes in the peat soil, and the differences in temperature 
between the aerial and underground portions of plants cannot fail 
to be of equally great importance in the physical and chemical 
Processes, in the activity of the soil organisms on those biological 
changes which modify soil productiveness, and in the reciprocal 
Physiological influences upon which absorption, transpiration, and 
transport of solutions from one part of the plant to another depend. 
The task of securing.a coordination between these functions must 
be indeed a complicated one, varying greatly in different species 
according to their capacity of endurance. It is therefore clear 
that conditions as regards efficient temperature determine greatly 
the phy siognomy of the individual plant and of the whole of the 
vegetation in habit of growth and distribution. But the rdle 


which temperature plays quantitatively and qualitatively in the 
distribution of bog plant societies is in the main not known. So 
far as the writer is aware, no quantitative measurements between 
temperature as a probable causative or limiting factor and the 
resulting function and form in bog plants has been previously 
conducted, such as would afford any definite record of the actual 
physical conditions obtaining at different substratum levels in a 
bog vegetation. What has been said for temperature holds true 
also for evaporation. The influence of this and other factors is 
among the pressing problems of physiological ecology. From this 
point of view the data presented below have been collected in the 
field during the past three years. 

The physical factors which modify and more or less control 
the community of plants on Cranberry Island have been formu- 
lated for the most part quantitatively. Yet it must be frankly 
admitted that, at the present time, interpretation of the data thus 
far gained is still only in-part possible. Though the data have 
been gained laboriously through many months, and to the writer 
seem convincing, to attempt to correlate these accurately may be 
ill-advised. Only by the multiplication of such data will it be 
possible to express the results with quantitative exactness. The 
very necessity, however, of recording and accumulating an 
extended series of comparative observations is the justification 
of publishing now the data at hand. The conclusions here 
expressed, therefore, are still tentative, and true for the local 
investigation only. 

Frequently the writer’s students have assisted in this work, 
and acknowledgment is due to Messrs. L. W. SHERMAN, E. 
Wricat, E. Linn, L. Kine, and M. G. Dickey for efficient aid. 
The warmest thanks of the writer are expressed here also to 
Professor J. R. CHAMBERLAIN, who surveyed the island, to Pro- 
fessors N. W. Lorp, W. E. HENDERSON, and C. W. Foutk for 
cooperation in the chemical analyses, and to Miss F. DETMERS 
for identification of plants and the care with which the floristic — 
study has been generally furthered. The expense of the field 
work has been covered in large part by a special grant from the 
Emerson McMillin Research fund. 


The habitat 

The field work which forms the basis of the present paper was 
carried on at Buckeye Lake, Ohio. The geological record of the 
region is for interest second to few places in Ohio. The strata 
furnish an almost unbroken narrative from the Silurian up to the 
Tertiary. It is a rare thing to find peat bogs in Ohio south of 
latitude 40°, and this circumstance makes the locality as the 
southernmost limit of existing peat formations still more interest- 

rae 7 net = oe 

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ES} 4 

av | 

Fic. 1.—Topographic map of Buckeye Lake and vicinity; U.S. Geological Survey, 
1907; Contour interval 20 feet (6 m.); scale, 1 inch=1 mile (2.5 cm.=1.6 km.). 

Fae t VU G eed NSC S29 89 be 

Tel Broan); 

ing. And to complete the panorama of the great past, the remains 
of the moundbuilders found near Newark, Jacksonville, and other 
Places in the vicinity continue the record down to the historical 

Buckeye Lake is situated in Licking, Fairfield, and Perry 
counties, about 26 miles (41 km.) east of Columbus, and is at an 
- elevation of 1 50 feet (45 m.) above that of the University campus. 
The area and location are shown on the Thornville sheet of the 
US. Geological Survey (fig. 1). The lake, like many others, is 
one characteristic of the highlands of watersheds throughout 
Ohio and adjoining states. The heath bogs in Wyandot County, 
the extensive bogs in Huron County, possibly among the largest 


peat deposits in the United States, the Pymatuning tamarack 
swamp in Ashtabula County are similar members of this inter- 
esting chain of water basins marking the less perfectly drained sum- 
mit of divides. The depressions on such summits receive water 
which creates no surplus and hence has almost no eroding powers. 
Buckeye Lake is now an extensive body of water, about 10 miles 
(16 km.) long, and one mile (1.6 km.) wide, but was originally a 
pond in the glacial drift, containing approximately 595 acres (238 
hectars). Its chief water supply today is the south branch of the 
Licking River. 

The lake basin lies near the binthioustenn margin of the terminal 
moraine. The main western member of the morainic system is 
about 3-5 miles (5-8 km.) in width. It presents marked differ- 
ences in topography, the closely aggregated knolls and ridges 
rendering the belt readily distinguishable from the bordering plain. 
The knolls are generally conical in form with gentle slopes, ordi- 
narily about 25-100 feet (7.5-30 m.) in height. These knolls were 
apparently formed at the time the gravel plain was being built 
up. They are thought to indicate that the head of the gravel 
plain was built up as a submarginal deposit to about its present 
height before the ice sheet had withdrawn from over it (20). The 
lake basin under discussion resulted from the comparatively slow 
retreat of glaciers and the consequent greater deposition of gla- 
cial material about the edge of a body of ice in an old glacial drain- 
age channel. The “kettle” is characterized by comparatively 
steep slopes. Up to 1832 the lake was surrounded by about 
3000 acres (1200 hectars) of swamp land covered with large 
trees (fig. 2). The report of Captain CHITTENDEN, as quoted by 
Gray (15), gives the area of the lake at that time as 3300 acres 
(1320 hectars), which agrees very closely with its area as deter- 
mined by later surveys. The present lake was formed in 1828 
and completed in 1832, to serve as a reservoir for the Ohio and 
Erie Canal. The surface water was raised about 8 feet (2.4 m.) 
by forming a dike around the west end and a part of the north 
side of the swamp. It was hoped to supply the Ohio Canal with 
water from Newark to Little Walnut Creek, south of Lockville, 
a distance of 31 miles (5 km.), and the deficiency between Little 



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Walnut Creek and Lockbourne. The reservoir soon proved inade- 
quate for the canal, and in 1834 about 700 acres (280 hectars) 
were added, forming its present area. Its watershed embraces 
about go square miles (2331 hectars), which cannot be greatly 
enlarged. The lake then known as Licking Reservoir has, however, 
never stored a sufficient water supply and is not used for transpor- 
tation purposes now. A large number of trees then standing soon 
died and fell into the water, where they remained beneath the 
surface. The majority of the trees were gradually cut away with 

Fic. 3.—Cranberry Island; the view is from a hill northwest of the island near 
Buckeye Lake Station; to the left the woodlot; in the distance members of the ter- 
minal moraine; photographed August roto. 

their stumps exposed during low water. Only recently (the winter 
of 1908) the greater part of these stumps has been removed. 

Near the northern bank of the lake, about one-half mile (0.16 
km.) southeast of Buckeye Lake station, is the bog island, approxi- 
mately one-tenth the dimensions of the lake (fig. 3). In position 
it is more or less sheltered by hills and a woodlot. The peat 
mass rises and falls with the changing water level of the lake, and 
supports a vigorous growth of trees, low bushes, sphagnum mosses, 
and cranberrries. Borings were made at various points on the 
island with a sampling tool devised by Davis (2), to determine 
the depth and the character of the peat. About 50 soundings 
were made, which indicate an average depth of peat of 30~35 feet 
(9-10 m.) along the southern shore of the bog island, and 11 feet 


(3 m.) of peat along its northern shore. Borings made to the 
depth of 40 feet (12 m.) at the southernmost points of the island, 
and in the lake south of it, failed to reach bottom. The following 
table (I) gives some of the borings and related observations. The 
borings were made at a time when, for purpose of repair, the water 
surface of the lake was lowered 5 feet (1.5 m.) below the normal 

= sis Station io Description of peat samples 
5.....|/Central zone; 5 1.5 | Brown, fibrous peat; mostly cranberry, sphag- 
sphagnum- num, and sedges 
7 ene 14 4.2 | Brown, non-fibrous, plastic peat with diatoms 
and shell m 
_ eee 25 7-5 | Dark brown 1 decayed, finely granular 
peat; algae Oy and filling from marginal 
OQ... 40 12.0 | Nearly ‘ack: non-fibrous, clayey peat. 
it EL Maple-alder 6 1.8 | Dark brown, slightly fibered peat, coarser 
zone fibered below 
eae to §=6©3.0 | Brown and fibrous 
pd rates 18 5.4 | Dark brown, wel eae, finely granular 
peat with shell marl. 
2 eae eae 31 9.3 | Fine sand with clay underneath. 
age. Northeast eee —— — ae nat cranberry, sphag- 
26 75 $54 Granular peat ; ae sandy above, marly 
27-+... 28 8.4 Seems marl; blue of penetie. 
ae Southeast ee ee rown, coarse fibrou 
29..... 1673.0 po wade: mage fibrous; a lighter colored 
fibrous peat —— rneath. 
gO. -... 20 6.0 | Bro a Brows, fe ontaining roots and 
rhizome fra 
3I..... 40 12.0 ae ee plastic, en peat; bottom not 
32.....| Southwest 5 Light faves coarse fibrous peat. 
Sees 20 6.0 | Plastic, was st ee dark brown peat contain- 
ing shell 
i Ee 40 12.0 ges. plastic, non-fibrous peat; bottom not 
fe ene Northwest 5 ee Light | Gece: fibrous peat, = of sphag- 
station m and other bog plants 
42..... 20 6.0 | Fine fibered, dark b peat. 
po ee 8 8.4 | Sandy gra ravel underlain i. blue oy 
Fh anes Lake station 6 1.8 | Dark brown, slightly fibrous peat 
AQ... 40 12.0 iam plastic, non-fibrous peat; bottom not 
ses d. 


It will be seen that the accumulation of vegetable matter has 
been sufficient to cause the lake basin to be filled with a layer of 
peat of considerable depth. The deeper strata have been reduced 
by humification, largely to the form of a black humus, a semi- 
liquid muck. The fineness of grain and the peculiarly soft con- 
sistency of it suggest that it is in part made up of the remains of 
algae, and in part a filling from the border of the lake, spread 
over the bottom. The upper strata are lighter in color, and very 
fibrous, loosely felted in structure, and have a matted appearance. 
As the island is sounded through from top to bottom, the samples 
brought up show a progressive change in color from light to darker 
shades, and in texture from coarse and loose to fine and more 
compact peat always saturated with water. In some places this 
sequence is repeated, that is, below the peat muck occurs a second 
fibrous brown layer followed by muck or clay. The escape of 
gases is very noticeable during the test borings, and also the stain- 
ing of the brass peat sampler to a bluish-purple bronze, indicating 
the presence of a gas like hydrogen bisulphide. Only a small de- 
posit of shell marl has thus far been found underlying the peat 
substratum in places. The Characeae and Cyanophyceae con- 
cerned with this process (10) are not abundant enough to be con- 
sidered as agents in the aggradation of the basin. The lake bottom 
is of clay and in places somewhat sandy. The thickness of the 
deposit of peat in this morainal depression indicates, therefore, 
that the vegetation must have obtained an early foothold. 

The chemical analysis of the substratum 

The drainage of the bog island is merely that due to seepage 
through the porous peat. Ordinarily very little water passes 
either into or out of the bog island, except at such times when the 
water level of the lake fluctuates with extremes in precipitation 
or from interference in drainage. Even then the seepage is not 
rapid. The amount of salts dissolved in the lake water which is 
retained by absorption in the humus soils along the margin of the 
bog island is relatively small. The analyses show a total mineral 
content of 4 and 9 parts per hundred for the central and marginal 
zones respectively. Average samples of the air-dried peat taken 


at a depth of one foot (30 cm.) from the surface layer give the 
following chemical composition (table II). For purposes of com- 
parison analyses have been added of peat soils from a tamarack bog 
near Edgerton, Ohio (station VII), from a bog near Orrville, Ohio, 
now under cultivation in celery, onions, etc. (station VIII), and 
from a peat bog under cultivation, the soil of which is reported 
as unproductive (station IX). 

Sph - ‘ ‘ 
Cnstiinends cranberry Maple-olier saree — — 

Volatile matter......... 60.90 68.91 60.50 52.47 52.56 
pee Carbon. 65. os k 22.19 19.60 26.84 23.98 19.35 
BM eek ee 7.68 3.56 3-30 14.70 19.42 
MR Git ae 0.12 ©.00 ©.20 0.39 2.21 

Nitrogen (equivalent to 
J eae 0.80 2:55 ey | 2.58 2.38 
Pota er hopes 0.12 0.12 0.15 0.31 0.64 
Phosphoric acid (P20,).. 0.03 0.03 0.29 0.34 0.37 
eebes ee 0,00 ° 0.15 0.07 0.15 
AeGabL CNS os Sema ch 0.03 0,03 O.14 0.27 0.22 

It appears, therefore, that where peat varies from a highly 
fibrous condition, light brown in color, as in the sphagnum-cran- 
berry zone, to a structureless condition, i.e., well decomposed, only 
slightly fibrous, and dark brown in color, as in the maple-alder 
zone, not only the physical constitution but also the chemical 
composition is highly variable. The determinations, which were 
made in the same way as fertilizer analyses, show conclusively 
that from the standpoint of available plant food constituents, 
the peat of the maple-alder zone is superior to that of the central 
sphagnum-cranberry zone. The analyses of peat ashes indicate 
only a small fraction of a per cent of potash and of phosphoric 
acid, but a fairly large amount of the valuable nitrogen ingredient. 
Preliminary work indicates also that the relative availability of 
the peat nitrogen seems at the most 8 to 12 per cent; but that this 
relative availability of peat nitrogen is considerably increased 
when the peat is composted with the bacterial life from stable 
manure, the peat from the central sphagnum-cranberry zone dis- 


integrating, however, less readily than that from the maple-alder 
The reducing action of peat soil 

It is a well known fact that fresh samples of bog soil upon expo- 
sure to the air extract oxygen from the air with great rapidity. 
Soil-sampling tests show that this power is strong in the cranberry- 
sphagnum peat, reaches a maximum in areas where the peat sub- 
stratum is compact and less coarsely fibrous, and decreases as the 
border zone along the margin of the lake is reached. Judged by 
the quickness with which the soil becomes colored, and the inten- 
sity of the color, reducing processes increase on Cranberry Island 
from any marginal point to the central zone, and decrease as the 
opposite shore is approached. Reduction action becomes greater 
with the depth of the deposit. 

The reducing power of the soils is shown clearly by the addi- 
tion of a starch iodide solution. The observable action is variable, 
as already mentioned; the blue color disappears rapidly in soils 
from the cranberry-sphagnum area; the solution is greatly light- 
ened with soils nearer the margin of the lake; no action is detected 
with soils along the margin. Various dyes such as lacmus and 
methylene blue and other coal tar colors decolorize similarly. 
Possibly the absence of sulphur in the analysis of maple-alder peat 
(table IT) is due to the complete conversion of sulphur to hydro- 
gen sulphide. This gas is the product of a reduction and has been 
detected by means of lead acetate paper. 

Whether the reduction power in peat soils is produced by micro- 
organisms, is due to enzymes, or caused by external chemical or 
bacterial metabolic products, these tests fail to show. Nothing 
absolutely certain is known regarding the composition and the 
nature of reducing substances. They have not at present been 
very fully studied by ecological workers. Apart from their 
destruction by aeration, tillage, and heat, and their adsorption 
by insoluble substances such as quartz, kaolin, carborundum, 
lamp black, and others, uncertainty exists as to whether the redu- 
cing bodies in bogs are unsaturated compounds comparable in 
properties to unsaturated fatty acids, to substances which possess 
the characteristics of certain organic reducing ferments, or to 


residual by-products of an incomplete disintegration of peat. 
They unquestionably reduce oxygen-containing compounds in 
contact with them; their action is most marked where micro- 
organisms play a part in decomposing organic matter; the amount 
reaches, it seems, a maximum in early autumn. It should be 
stated further that toxicity and the reducing action of peat soil 
and that of the decomposing organic matter which retards oxida- 
tion in the soil are not necessarily the same phenomena. An 
increase in the amount of oxygen does not always decrease toxicity 
or the reducing power of the soil, and hence the amount of oxygen 
absorbed cannot be taken as the measure of the total action of 
these conditions. 

Reduction processes are predominant in the early stages of 
peat formation, but are less manifest as the concomitant plant 
societies are succeeded by others, and especially when deciduous 
forests prevail. The same factors which decrease the toxicity of 
the habitat and the accompanying reducing processes favor an 
increase in the rate of oxidation and influence thus the character 
and nature of the succession. The greater oxidation, therefore, 
in the known productive peat soils would seem to be due to the 
activity of a different set of microorganisms, which by enzymotic 
action or otherwise hasten the formation of compounds of an 
assimilable nature. The excessive oxygen avidity of peat soils 
in the early formation stages must undoubtedly be injurious to 
plants, unless the plants, indigenous or invaders, are likewise able 
to exhibit oxidizing or reducing powers. The reducing processes 
in a soil very likely activate oxidative powers in plants. The 
various reactions of fungi, micorhiza, alder tubercules, bacteria, 
and the roots of higher plants growing in peat and humus soils 
should on that account be made the subject of considerably greater 
and more detailed study. The consideration of the relation 
between plant societies, relative physiological aridity, and micro- 
Organisms, with their reductive and oxidation processes in soil 
has scarcely passed beyond the theoretic field of speculation. 
And yet it is this relation which makes soil problems especially 
interesting and in need of experimental work of considerable 
scope (28). 


The bog water is relatively clear, the suspended particles 
imparting to it a slight tinge of olive green to brown. The analy- 
sis of samples of bog water and lake water give the following 
results (table III). 



Constituents i " B cynic per = . Bog water, central zone 

(May 30, Igto) (cranberry-sphagnum) Lake water 

Nitrogen as albuminoid ammonia........ 10.34 4.50 
Nitrogen as free ammonia. ...........:.. 5-19 2.95 
eererogent WS TEER. cc es es 0.0005 ©.0000 
Ni Se WS NIALES oe i eS 0.20 °.10 

ete eee ee Oa 0.30 1.00 
PeQUIEGd OLY GER. oe ee ee 71.80 3.490 
Alkalinity, rob CaCO.) ee ee a 30.00 75.00 
In ieiparcid ae) es 74.00 76.00 
Aetab BOUCSSe e  eoy ye  h s 140.00 200.00 
Loss on naeenhey Sore eo ek ey aay us Gee 100.00 4.00 

Examining these results, shown in table III, we find that 
the lake water contains organic matter in a state of advanced 
decomposition. This is indicated by the relatively high free 
ammonia, and the small amount of oxygen consumed. The 
reverse holds true for bog water from the sphagnum-cranberry 
zone. In other points lake water agrees well with bog water. 
The osmotic pressure and the acidity have been found to be the 
same for both stations. As compared with the freezing point 
of pure distilled water, the average lowering in the various deter- 
minations is o°007 and o°009 for the central station and the 
maple-alder and lake station respectively. Acidity varies from 
less than 0.00075 to 0.0038 normal acid when titrated with a 
n/o.o5 NaOH solution. The soil is alkaline at depths near the 
marly subsoil. The stress laid by various authors upon the re- 
lation of these two factors to plant societies in bogs, in so far at 
least as this region is concerned, will not hold. They are not 
factors in the selection or distribution of species for bog habitats. 

Physiological properties of bog water 
The physical and chemical sides are found unsatisfactory to 
explain the functional variations and the pathological changes 


in structure which agricultural plants undergo when growing in 
peat and bog water. Elsewhere it was shown by means of tran- 
spiration data of cultivated plants, and with a biometric study on 
the annual wood-increment in the red maple found on the island 
and in woodlots near the shore, that (1) a difference exists between 
different species in their power of resistance to the toxic action of 
the substratum; (2) the contrasts in the relative growth of plants 
vary with the substrata of the several bog plant formations; 
(3) the toxic principles whether enzymes or other bodies are not 
found in bog water when attempts are made to extract them with 
insoluble adsorbing bodies; they do not pass readily through fil- 
ters and only slightly through filter paper; (4) different physiologi- 
cal phases result from the progressive addition of an adsorbing 
substance; (5) agricultural soils used as filters decrease con- 
siderably the normal physiological activity of plants growing in 
them; (6) the reduced absorptive capacity of the plants is not a 
consequence of the absence of root hairs, or of a smaller absorbing 

The bacterial flora of the peat substratum 

Present writers seem to hold the view that among the simplest 
of fungi, the Schizomycetes, few are present in peat bogs, and that 
only a small number of species, included in perhaps only one 
family, are at all injurious to higher plants. Examination has 
shown that peat soils contain unsuspected groups of bacteria, 
which in number and efficiency vary during the seasons and with 
the several plant zones on the island. As a means of differentia- 
tion between the bacterial flora of the plant formations, studies 
were made on the action of the bacteria in 0.5 cc. bog water upon 
various culture media in fermentation tubes. Soil water solutions 
were collected in sterilized glass-stoppered bottles from each of 
the following stations: station I, lake water; station II, marginal 
zone (Decodon-Typha-Hibiscus); station III, cranberry-sphag- 
num zone, 1-3 feet; station IV, same, 3-5 feet below surface 
vegetation; station V, maple-alder zone, 1-3 feet; station VI, 
same, 3-5 feet below surface vegetation; station VII, tamarack 
soil from Edgerton, Ohio; station VIII, peat soil under cultiva- 


tion from Orrville, Ohio; station IX, peat soil under cultivation, 
reported as unproductive and ‘“‘sterile,” from Lodi, Ohio; sta- 
tion X, humus soil from the university woodlot (beech-oak-maple- 
elm). The culture media employed for this work were a 1 per 
cent starch peptone water solution; 1 per cent solutions of cane 
sugar, dextrose, and lactose in beef broth; plain bouillon; plain 
and litmus milk; 0.2 per cent nitrate peptone water; Dunham’s 
peptone solution for the indol test; nutrient gelatin and agar. 
Only the generally well known determinations, as of the breaking 
up of carbon and nitrogen compounds and the proportion of the 
various gases evolved, have been made. The chemical analysis of 
the soil samples of stations I to IX is given in tables II and III. 

The culture studies gave the following characteristic results 
after an incubation period of 5 days at 38° C. The action of the 
bacteria on starch shows in several stations the production of an 
inverting ferment by the cultures. The starch is changed into a 
sugar which reacts with the Fehling’s test. In stations III and 
IX there is no action; in stations II and X the conversion is 
carried on a little way and then stops, there being always a red 
or purple reaction with iodine; in station I the starch conversion 
is almost complete; while in stations IV, V, VI, and VII certain 
putrid by-products inhibit in various degrees further conversion. 
Upon the addition of a few drops of potassium iodide, the blue 
color disappears rapidly in stations III, IV, and VI; the hydrated 
iodine is deposited as metallic iodine upon the walls of the test 
tube above the solution. Reduction action is less active in sta- 
tions V, VII, and IX. No decolorization occurs in stations I, 
II, and X. The accumulation of iodine is very strong in the test 
tube of station X and is very likely an indication of the presence 
of oxidizing ferments. With methylene blue the reduction action 
is the same in degree, respectively, in all cases running parallel 
with the iodine action. 

In all stations, with the exception of station I, the action of the 
bacteria on saccharose shows both the conversion of the carbo- 
hydrate into glucose by the inverting ferment, and the production 
of gas and acid. The reaction is strongest in stations VIII and X; 
relatively small in stations V and IX; very little gas is evolved 


in station II. The gas is largely hydrogen gas and CO,; the latter, 
with the exception of stations V and VIII, is present usually in 
small quantities and was distinguished from other gases by its 
absorption in sodium hydroxide. Fermentation action is shown 
better on dextrose and lactose. There is little growth and gas 
formation in station I; no acid is produced in stations VII and 
IX; and very little hydrogen gas is formed in station VIII. In 
all cases the growth of the organisms produces a marked and 
varied pigmentation in the solutions. 

In plain milk, rapid coagulation precedes further bacterial 
action in all cases except station IX, in which coagulation occurs 
very slowly. Milk is slowly peptonized anaerobically in stations 
IV, V, and VI; surface digestion takes place in stations III, VIII, 
IX, and X; it is rapid in stations I, III, and VI; and gas is pro- 
duced in moderate quantities in all stations except station VIII. 
Litmus milk is coagulated in all stations; the medium gradually 
decolorizes and the cultures become acid in various degrees; the 
color does not return upon steaming the test tubes. With a 
majority, gas is produced in various amounts during digestion, 
except in station [X, in which the bacterial reaction is faint though 
strongly odorous. 

On bouillon bacterial growth is slow; it is never very turbid 
or heavily clouded, and only in one case, station IX, gives a 
whitish precipitate. 

The power of indol production is greatest with the organisms 
in stations III, V, and IX; the action is relatively small in stations 
II, IV, VI, and VII; and present to a feeble extent only in stations 
I, VIII, and X when tested with 0.02 per cent solution of potas- 
sium nitrite and sulphuric acid. 

The ability to form nitrites from nitrates in nitrate broth is 
common to the organisms in all stations. The amount of nitrites 
formed is high in stations IV, VI, IX, and X, and very small in 
stations I, 7, VII, and VIII. The power to reduce nitrates to 
nitrites is not present in the same degree as noted above for the 
reduction action in starch media. It is certain that the micro- 
organisms are capable of reducing nitrates, but to some extent 
metabolic products, apparently, modify the action. The test 


was made with equal parts of sulphanilic acid and napthylamine 

The presence of ammonia was tested with Nessler’s reagent. 
The reaction is stronger in stations VII and X than in any other 
station. A faint test is obtained in station IX. Nitrogen gas 
is produced from nitrates in stations VII and VIII.” 

Before summarizing the facts brought out in the culture studies, 
there is need of mentioning another matter. A knowledge of the 
morphology of the simple form of organisms does not suffice to 
differentiate the numberless more or less similar species. It is 
difficult and almost impossible to identify a distinct and constant 
type for each species, or recognize form-differences suitable for 
classification. Nor does it seem that culture methods have made 
possible systematic grouping, or the variety of tests needed for 
accurate and trustworthy comparisons. No necessity exists for 
doubting the value of cultural characters; it is merely maintained 
here that additional and new methods must be tried, and tests 
should be scrutinized from every standpoint. Though widely 
different in their behavior in culture media and in their relation 
to air, yet the pathogenic properties of the bacterial flora from 
the different plant formations and societies should be ascertained 
within the limits of their natural habitat, and should be deter- 
mined also with reference especially to the degree of functional 
inhibition on higher plants. It is not until a study is made of the 
special reaction of bacterial transformation products in sterilized 
bog water upon the growth of agricultural plants that the lack of 
salient features between habitat relations and physico-chemical 
reactions in artificial media becomes noticeable. Considerable 
difficulty was experienced in the isolation of organisms with the 
conventional media. In the majority of cases very little growth 
was obtained on beef broth gelatin or agar. Gelatin and agar 
media made with peat and bog plant juices proved more satis- 
factory for isolation purposes. Moreover, bacteria of rapid 
growth and early appearance of colonies on the artificial media 

2 Since the observations herein recorded, the writer saa through the courtesy 
of Professor HARSHBERGER a paper published by Dr. D. Rivas on “Bacteria and other 
fungi in relation to the soil” (Univ. Penn. Publ. 3:243- ee 1910). It is cited 
here as bearing directly on the problem in hand. 


caused less retardation on the growth and transpiration of wheat 
plants when inoculated into sterilized bog water than bacteria 
of slow growth. In some cases the isolated pure cultures made 
little headway on beef broth or peat agar media after a period of 
3-5 months, but gave strong inhibition in the growth of wheat 
plants within 3 weeks after inoculation into sterilized bog water 
from their respective plant zones. It is reasonable to assume, 
therefore, that the lack of uniformity in results implies both 
obligative symbiosis and the need of a physiologically balanced 
culture medium. The fact that the organisms are obligate sapro- 
phytes, capable of growing only on substrata similar in composi- 
tion to the character of the surface vegetation, is indicative of a 
close interdependence; their rapid growth in a medium in which 
cellulose and lignin compounds predominate suggests a specific 
cytohydrolytic action. Certain microorganisms in station III 
have been found to possess the ability to dissolve filter paper, 
but their isolation has not been successful. 

It is needless here to repeat the physiological tests which were 
made with a number of isolated pure cultures inoculated in ster- 
ilized bog water. Transpiration figures of wheat plants growing 
in these solutions and various other data have been published 
in an earlier paper (/.c. 9) to show the active participation of the 
organisms in the formation of bog toxins, and their ability to inhibit 
during the processes of denitrification and dehydration the growth 
of plants alien to the habitat. With these suggestions in mind, 
the results on the bacterial reactions in culture media submitted 
above may now be summarized as follows: 

Peat soils are very rich in bacteria inducing diastatic, inverting, 
proteolytic, cytohydrolytic, and reducing action. 

The organisms vary in kind and number with the nature of the 

The majority of the forms are found to thrive as saprophytes, 
digesting the débris in the upper layer of the peat substratum and 
aiding in a partial disintegration of the accumulating deposit. 
Many forms thriving as saprophytes among the indigenous flora 
give little aid in the elaboration of food eran to invading or 
introduced plants. 


The organisms show a marked interdependence between them- 
selves; one set of bacteria prepares a medium for another out of 
an unfavorable substratum, and this paves the way for others to 
continue the destruction. Signs are not lacking, however, of 
relative indifference and even antagonism among the organisms, 
resulting in products which retard and inhibit further bacterial 
growth and disintegration processes. 

A certain proportion of bacteria in these soils has the special 
ability to produce substances, perhaps unassimilable, certainly 
injurious to all but indigenous plants. In a peat substratum the 
percentage of bacteria aiding in the production of deleterious 
substances such as reducing bodies, gases, indol, and other 
fermentation products varies with the season of the year, but 
especially with the advance of the vegetation toward the closed 
deciduous forest formation. These bodies constitute the unsanitary 
conditions in soils, the negative factor which limits the rate at 
which the splitting up of organic compounds into ammonia and 
other assimilable substances proceeds. They are the character- 
istic symptoms of a diseased, sterile soil. The greater oxidation 
in the productive peat soil is due to the activity of a different set 
of bacterial organisms. The rédle which microorganisms play 
in the soil points, therefore, to the fact that among other things 
a considerable relation exists between the processes of disintegra- 
tion of organic material and the succession of plant formations in 
bogs and marshes, and in peat soil under cultivation. 

Each plant formation has its own bacterial flora maintaining 
a physiologically balanced condition in the soil. The substratum 
of each plant formation is an ever varying medium, the seat of 
physical, chemical, and vital activities which directly and indirectly 
influence its relative fertility and the character of the surface 
flora. Varying with the power of multiplication and metabolic 
activity is the quantity of the products of decomposition consti- 
tuting a toxic, physiologically arid habitat at one phase, and an 
available supply of nutrients to plants at another stage of the 
process. Acidity, toxicity, and reduction action represent merely 
a stage in the decomposition of organic matter. In the natural 
successions which ensue, each plant association augments the 


efficiency of the soil as a habitat. The soil processes involved 
are an efficient natural process for the maintenance of relative 
productivity. Differences in the mineral components are — 
compared with the biological processes. 

The sum total of the reactions in any stage of the process 
exercises a physiologically selective function upon invading plants, 
furthering the growth of such plants whose roots are not merely 
absorbing organs, and excluding and eliminating all others in 
which the power to make extracellular changes in the soil is ineffi- 

The significance of the data calls, however, for still further 
experimentation to be of sufficient evidence to assume a specific 
metabolism in bog plants, or to disclose the chemical nature of 
bog toxins. 

Origin of the habitat 

Initially the bog island was formed as are all bogs occurring 
in glacial moraines, or in depressions which form frequently in 
the gravel plains along the lines of drainage from the front of the 
glacial ice. Extensive acquaintance with peat bogs or a com- 
parative study of the lists of plants from different regions will 
convince any careful observer that bogs are very different in char- 
acter, and that not all of them have been formed in the same way. 
There may be a number of possible ways by which such accumu- 
lations of vegetable matter came about. Various such points of 
view and methods of classification have been suggested in a com- 
prehensive study by Davis (11). As the process of bog develop- 
ment here seems similar to that of the peat deposits which the 
writer has observed at Michigan, the following brief account is 

During the glacial period, most species common to bogs skirted 
the border of the ice sheet. Whatever plant or animal life existed 
“was confined to the highlands east of the Scioto Valley, south of 
the Ohio River, ‘and in the southern portion of this continent. At 
the margin of the ice sheet the conditions must have been quite 
circumpolar in character, similar to those of the barren grounds 
of the far north, that is, there prevailed short summers and long 
winters with frequent winds and storms. Whatever the causes 


that resulted in such climatic conditions (4) with their change 
and with the progressive northeastward movement of the ice, an 
increasing land area became exposed, the topography of which is 
even now largely the inheritance of that time. While yet the 
entire surface of northern Ohio and the land north of it was buried 
under the ice sheet, the region about Columbus and Buckeye 
Lake was among the first to be laid bare by the retreating ice and 
water. The receding of the ice sheet was paralleled by the north- 
eastward movement of more favorable weather conditions which 
initiated a migration northward of plants and animals along the 
glacial drainage channels, the earliest highways for the dispersal 
of many forms of life (1). As the ice and water continued to 
recede and the processes of erosion brought about better drainage 
and lower water levels, the flora and fauna followed down the 
slopes and began to encroach upon the ponds and lakes. The 
bog plants and their associates slowly had passed northward close 
to the base of the retreating ice, and hence were among the first 
to take possession of the new territory. 
As has been stated, the test borings make it evident that the 
bog vegetation grew out from the shores, forming a floating mat; 
that sphagnum and cranberry appeared after the sedges and rushes 
had built up the surface mat; that filling in of débris from the 
sides continued slowly until the water had become shallow enough 
in places to enable shrubs and trees to occupy the area. The later 
phases of mature bog forests the writer has met very frequently 
in Ohio, and several interesting localities have been studied in 
connection with an inquiry on the peat deposits made for the 
Ohio Geological Survey. 
ile it is not clear how the preservation of the local bog 
island has come about, the present investigation has led to the 
conclusion that a well marked relationship existed between the 
type of peat soil considered with regard to its degree of disinte- 
gration, and the succession of plant associations covering it. As 
elsewhere in Ohio today, the firmer and well decomposed peat 
strata were covered sooner with forests, and were built up rapidly 
by an attendant sinking and shrinkage of the mat under the added 
weight of the growth and fall of trees and the vegetation of suc- 


cessive seasons. On the other hand, the absence of logs and fallen 
timber in the peat of the sphagnum-cranberry zone points clearly 
to a relatively slow encroachment upon the open water by the 
plants. When inundation took place, only the coarsely fibrous 
and incoherent cranberry-sphagnum mat rose with the water 
level, and its vegetation survived. 

As late as 1830 the bog was an extension from the mainland. 
After the formation of the dike, and the consequent rise of the 
water level, most of the mainland became inundated, leaving the 
bog completely an island. With its surface vegetation of mostly 
northern forms, the island is virtually a water culture on a large 
scale. None of the plants are dependent for any important part 
of their food on the mineral soil below the peat. Cranberry 
Island is, therefore, not to be considered merely as a case of the 
conversion of a forest into a marsh under the influence of an 
increased water content in the soil. The analysis of peat samples 
shows that the vegetation now growing upon the peat substratum 
represents quite fully a continuation of the former boreal flora. 
It presents today a somewhat disjointed distribution, but this has 
come about chiefly through recent repeated disturbances in the 
water level of the lake, through a settling and shrinkage of the 
peat soil, through the slow encroachment of the invading southern 
vegetation, and through the formation in places of a better and 
firmer soil. 

The flora 

For convenience three well marked plant zones may be pointed : 
out, each of which is characterized by communities and groups 
of plants easily differentiated from the others. No attempt has 
been made to give full lists of plants, or to correlate the associa- 
tions and successions mentioned with similar conditions elsewhere. 
Essentially the same order of succession and of arrangement of 
plants as has been described for northern bogs is not, of course, to 
be expected. The species are not always the same in the corre- 
sponding formations, but they are systematically related and 
closely similar in ecological structure. 

A fuller floristic treatment is now in preparation, in which 
many of the features are described in detail. 



The outermost growth which immediately borders the open 
water and forms a more or less broken fringe around the island is 
for the most part hydrophytic. Along the southern shore it is 
dominated by the swamp loosestrife (Decodon verticillatus) and in 
places by cat-tails (Typha latifolia and T. angustifolia). This 
facies has for its principal and secondary species Hibiscus Mos- 
cheutos, Sagittaria latifolia, Polygonum hydropiperoides, Ranun- 
culus pennsylvanicus, Scutellaria galericulata, Lathyrus myrtifolius, 
Bidens cernua, Potentilla palustris, Campanula aparinoides, Galium 
triflorum, Cicuta bulbifera, Peltandra virginica, and others. They 
are generally abundant, with Decodon and Typha forming a dense 
growth, which attains a height of 2-6 feet (0.6 to 1.8 m.) above the 
substratum. The vertical zonation is that of the differences in 
habit of growth of the individual species. The members differ 
widely from one another both in external features and in their 
demands upon the environment. In these regards the vegetative 
shoots adapt themselves little to the prevailing exposed conditions. 
Growing upon a peat substratum whose depth and physical char- 
acteristics are in every way like that of the other plant zones to be 
described below, the xerophytic type and quality are least marked 
in this vegetation. The well decomposed peat soil of the border 
zone permits here a luxuriant growth. The plants are able to 
secure all of their raw food materials from the water and air, and 
build their own substratum. The high water capacity of peat, 
the absence of a mineral soil, the smaller percentage of oxygen 
in the water, and the incoherency of the substratum afiord no 
precarious conditions for growth. Here the toxicity of the sub- 
stratum and the consequent physiological aridity are least marked. 
It is evident that dilution and the capacity of absorption of 
soluble salts by the humus soil along ue margin (8, p. 403; 9) 
corrects any harmful effect. 

The Decodon-Typha association has a transition appearance, 
for a considerable admixture of plants such as Rosa carolina, 
Cephalanthus occidentalis, Cornus canadensis, C. paniculata, C. 
stolonifera, Salix discolor, S. nigra, S. pedicellaris, Alnus incana(?), 
A. rugosa, Ilex verticillata, Prunus melanocarpa, Rhus Vernix, 


and various secondary dependent associates, occupy the firmer 
parts of the marginal zone and form an almost continuous fringe, 
the Alnus-Rhus association. In places it extends diagonally 
across the bog island as scattered dense thickets (fig. 4). This 
community of plants presents on the whole very little zonation 
within itself. It constitutes a zone of varying width, 5-30 feet 
(t.5-9 m.) and more, and attains a height of 8-12 feet (2.5-3.5 m.). 
Only in a few places along the southern shore this type of bog 
shrub formation is absent altogether and is replaced, as has been 

Fic. 4.—Map of Cranberry Island; surveyed February 1910; the divisions into 
plant societies as indicated by the map and the text are based on general characters 
of the vegetation; A, Decodon; T, Typha; the ponds on the island are shaded. 

stated, by Decodon and Typha. The edaphic conditions of this 
part of the habitat seem to approximate those of the undrained 
swamps as described by Cowtes (6). Nearer the lake there is a 
tendency toward the segregation of Decodon verticillatus and 
Hibiscus Moscheutos. Of the two, the former is more vigorous 
and occupies the deeper water. Rosa carolina prefers the outer 
border also, but clings quite closely to Alnus incana and Cornus 
stolonifera. Contemporaneous with the thicket-formers, various 
species of lianas invade the association. The mature thickets are 
often covered with an impenetrable growth of tangled vines of 
Apios tuberosa, Solanum Dulcamara, Convoloulus Sepium, Ipomoea 
sp., and Cuscuta Gronovii. Cephalanthus occidentalis does not 


constitute a large part of the shrub formation. Together with 
Decodon, it is found frequently indiscriminately mixed with facies 
in the central zone. In fact, the differences in the formation 
are to be seen largely in the ratios between the numbers of indi- 
viduals present, and not in their entire absence from either. 


With the maturity of the facies, a gradual change in the envi- 
ronmental conditions for the plants takes place. The annual leaf- 
fall covers the substratum with a visibly thicker layer of vegetable 
material rich in organic matter, and is followed by the growth of 
fungi and bacterial organisms favorable to succeeding plants 
through the formation of available nitrogen. Like snow and 
ice, the covering of fallen foliage reduces the extremes of soil 
temperature, suppresses the growth of Sphagnum, Oxycoccus, 
and similar plants from the adjoining central zone, and improves 
the production of a kind of humus of great significance to the 
animal life as well. Moles, earthworms, snails, and insects are 
not uncommon in this zone. The shade of the trees during summer 
and autumn checks extremes in evaporation, and thus reduces 
the transpiration from the herbs and shrubs beneath the trees. 
Through the combined action of these and various other agents, 
there is a corresponding rearrangement of some species and the 
disappearance of others. In places along the margin, the peat 
substratum is firmer, fairly well above the level of the lake, and 
comparatively better drained. These conditions are sufficiently 
established at the southeast side of the island to be characterized 
as the maple-alder zone. The bog tree formation is quite promi- 
nent, and though not extensive, it is still a strongly marked zone. 
The most conspicuous plants are large-sized maples (Acer rubrum), 
alders (Alnus incana, A. rugosa, Ilex verticillata), the chokeberry 
(Prunus melanocarpa), black cherry (Prunus serotina), and poison 
sumach (Rhus Vernix). Oaks (Quercus palustris, Q. imbricaria), 
ashes (Fraxinus nigra), and the silver maple (Acer saccharinum) 
are still relatively rare. The trees are surface-rooted. The roots 
do not penetrate to a depth of more than one foot (30 cm.). They 
spread out in all directions from the trunk, and are of sufficient 


size and length to withstand the mechanical strains due to the 
action of air currents. The association is still an open commu- 
nity of plants and has four distinct vertical layers. The trees 
cast a relatively dense shade, in which grow seedlings and young 
trees of oak and maple, and a variety of shrubs and herbs. Most 
abundant are Sambucus canadensis, Impatiens biflora, I. pallida, 
Rubus sp., Dianthera ovata, Viola blanda, Aspidium spinulosum, 
Osmunda regalis, Carex scirpoides, Aspidium cristatum, Habenaria 

There is protection from strong air currents, and in the changed 
light, heat, and moisture conditions the plants offer a striking con- 
trast to the vegetation next to be described. Many of the herba- 
ceous and shrubby species occur only sparingly, and are really 
constitutents of the other societies of the border zone. In the 
numerous maple and oak seedlings the evidences are seen that the 
Rhus-alder consocies will not continue to occupy the habitat. 
The lowering of the water table due to the continued addition 
of débris and leaf-humus will hasten the advent of better soil, 
drainage, and shade conditions. Almus and Rhus and their asso- 
ciates will find the new conditions unsuitable; they will disappear, 
leaving the zone more typically an oak-maple-ash formation. 
It is not probable that this coming society represents a climax 
forest for filled lake basins in this locality. There are limited 
portions on Cranberry Island which in the course of years are 
bound to revert to the central zone bog type, and that perhaps 
intermittently, for a settling and shrinkage of the numerous water 
pockets in the peat substratum will continue until all of the lower 
strata have become firm and compact. With continued accumu- 
lation of forest litter, the soil conditions will finally become drained 
and more xerophytic, to an extent that will constitute an ecologi- 
cal habitat considerably different from that existing in the neigh- 
borhood. Should the water level remain constant, the amount 
of upbuilding will be limited to the distance to which the water 
will rise through the accumulation of peat, and supply the growing 
plants at the surface with the necessary physiological water. 
It must not be assumed, therefore, that the development of a 
mesophytic forest could continue in the same direction indefinitely. 


It is the lack of moisture, and not low temperature that will arrest 
the growth and reproduction of the plants concerned, and the 
disintegrating action of fungi and bacteria. This factor in plant 
growth, not previously important to the plants of the sedge, 
shrub, and thicket growth, then becomes operative selectively, 
leading to the establishment of a xerophytic plant association. 
At present, however, there is little indication of the appearance 
of an association of that kind; the climatic trend favors broad- 
leaved forests, and the supposed physiographic characteristics 
leading to a xerophilous climax association assume nowhere on 
the island any considerable importance. 

There are conditions, however, which would indicate a rever- 
sion to a hydrophytic association. Adjoining the maple-alder 
zone on the southeast side are several extensive areas which do 
not respond quickly to changes in the water level; fig. 7 illus- 
trates a part of such an area. Through the accumulation of 
vegetable débris, the replacement of air and other gases held in 
the mat by water, but especially through the increased load upon 
the surface of the mat after the heavier tree association became 
established, a settling and shrinkage of the peat occurred, which 
ultimately resulted in the sinking of the mat several feet below 
the water level. The cutting of the timber reestablished equilib- 
rium and rejuvenation. The species now tenanting the mat in- 
dicate a tendency toward the development of a hydrophytic vege- 
tation approaching the type of the border zone described. The 
marked difference between the vegetation of the central zone 
and the one establishing itself is worthy of special note. Except 
such portions of the fibrous mat as were long ago broken off from 
time to time by the action of wind and waves and drifted about 
as floating islands, the rejuvenated “sunken” mats, and such 
areas as annually rise in the early summer and disappear again 
beneath the water in late autumn concomitant with the “‘over- 
turn”’ of the lake, show nowhere members of the cranberry-sphag- 
num zone. They illustrate most forcibly the fact that under these 
conditions a very different set of plants spring up and become 
dominant, although the true bog plants are near at hand. 



This zone is situated centrally on the island. It occupies the 
larger part of the area of the island, and in its floral structure 
is very distinct. The plants consist principally of Vaccinium 
(Oxycoccus) macrocarpon and several species of Sphagnum, with 
Rhynchospora alba, Eleocharis obtusa, Aspidium Thelypteris, Duli- 
chium arundinaceum, Carex comosa, Scheuchzeria palustris, Juncus 
canadensis, Eriophorum virginicum, Osmunda cinnamomea, Drosera 
rotundifolia, Menyanthes trifoliata, several orchids, and other 
light-demanding forms variously grouped. The surface is char- 
acterized by hollows and elevations. The latter are due, in the 
opinion of the writer, to various causes; in part to the upward 
growth of sphagnum competing with cranberry, in other places 
because of a mutual protection which is afforded by the massing 
of forms of a similar height against excessive loss of water. In 
still other places, cranberry and sphagnum are growing beneath 
shade-producing forms, notably around ferns and invading maples 
and sumachs. Here they possess the ability to grow up in a 
manner giving rise to a thick soft mass, raised to a considerable 
height, more at the center than at the periphery. The maximum 
height to which cushions of sphagnum can grow is limited by the 
vertical saturation gradient of the water content in the air. The 
vertical level of this vegetation is otherwise fairly uniform, and 
varies only between 6 inches (15 cm.) and 1.5 feet (45 cm.) above 
the peat substratum, forming a low, dense, compact growth. The 
taller growth of grasses and sedges and the occasional bushes of 
Gaylussacia baccata, Prunus melanocarpa, and P. arbutifolia occur 
chiefly scattered and as open facies. They do not dominate the 
general vegetation enough to interfere with the transpiring organs 
of the plants at the lower level. 

A more detailed study of the distribution of the species in the 
lower stratum shows habits of growth giving rise to vertical layers 
sufficiently defined to recognize vertical zonation; especially the 
differences of growth in height in the sphagnums, Gaylussacia, 
and Vaccinium in areas of varying physiological aridity show that 
the plants are adapted to a given average supply of water. But 


in the zone under consideration, the differences in habit of form 
shade into each other, and in consequence are less distinct than 
those in the adjoining border zones. The prevailing grasslike 
growth-form, the general reduction in size of leaves assumed by 
the different species, is in harmony with the environment. It 
expresses itself not only in external features but also in the ana- 
tomical structure. As an ecological unit, the community of 
plants, identical in type, but different in floristic composition, 
exhibits well within itself the impress of its conditions of life. 

Frc. 5.—A pond in the cranberry-sphagnum association; Decodon is the most 
important mat former making the advance upon the water. 

Differences in aerial functions would be therefore largely species 
characteristics as well as environmental. 

That the plants are adapted to a given average supply of avail- 
able water, but with great specific differences among themselves, 
is further seen in the frail growth of Cephalanthus and Decodon, 
in the small trees of Acer rubrum and Rhus Vernix, and in the 
stunted forms of various other invaders from the neighboring plant 
societies which occur scattered throughout this zone. For the 
past few years thousands of maple, sumach, and alder seedlings 
have been observed to sprout, and yet failed to succeed beyond 
the first year’s growth. Of those which succeeded, the stunted 
growth, the numerous dead branches, the ragged crown of foliage, 


are a clear instance of the fact that the resistance offered by the 
invaders to the toxic conditions of this habitat is, indeed, but 
slightly effective. 

There are several small ponds in the cranberry-sphagnum zone 
in which the dominance of Decodon and Typha as important 
members of the border vegetation is especially to be noted (fig. 5). 
Decodon is particularly well adapted in making an advance out- 

Fic. 6.—The last stage of a larger water area, now occupied by the advancing 
cranberry-sphagnum association. 

ward upon the water by the manner in which the slender mature 
stems, that bend toward the water, curve at the tips. From the 
submerged part roots arise in considerable numbers, buds form, 
and new plants develop. The young plants remain moored to 
the parent plant for a year or two. As soon as the stools are 
built, they become the habitat of a number of plants such as 
Bidens cernua, Polygonum hydropiperoides, Cyperus strigosus, 
Impatiens biflora, Peltandra virginica, and others. These with 
Decodon and Typha seem, however, unable to persist, for dead 
stems of Typha and remains of stools of Decodon may be seen in 


the cranberry-sphagnum association immediately behind this 
border vegetation. The last stage of a former large water area 
now occupied by the advancing cranberry-sphagnum association 
is shown in fig. 6. Cranberry and sphagnum build a mat and 
tufts of great compactness and gradually overcome and eliminate 
the swamp loosestrife (Decodon), cat-tail (Typha), Peltandra, and 
others. The advance of the mat out over the surface, even of 
open water, can be demonstrated by a series of such stages and 

Fic. 7.—A sunken mat in the process of rejuvenation; the increased load upon 
the ile of the mat, especially after the heavier tree association became estab- 
lished, caused the sinking of the mat; the cutting of the timber reestablished equilib- 

“last vestiges’? indicating the existence of concentric zones of 
Decodon and Typha in quaking mats where formerly water occu- 
pied the area (fig. 4). The mats are floating, for test borings 
through them end abruptly in water which is quite free from 
fibrous material. The space of open water between the upper 
mat and the rest of the deposit below has frequently a depth of 
4-5 feet (1.2-1.5 m.). In several places the peat below such 
mats is fine grained and well decomposed, not at all of a character 
that would indicate a transition structure from the coarsely fibrous 
to the well disintegrated, slightly fibrous deposit resting on the 
coarser mat below. 


The sphagnum-cranberry formation is not to be regarded as 
an intercalation (18). The organic matter deposited by past 
generations of plants shows that sphagnums, cranberry, and their 
associates occupied this surface long before the maple-alder zone 
was formed. It is therefore an earlier and normal stage of suc- 
cession, under conditions of development and a combination of 
factors which favored persistence and succession in that direction, 
and which are not suitable even today for the ecesis of a shrub- 
formation or for germination and growth of the seeds blown over 
in great quantities from the woodlots and fields surrounding the 

The vegetation in the central zone agrees very largely with 
plant societies in bogs and swamps of more northern regions. 
Many other ‘‘boreal”’ plants which were no doubt concerned in 
the early developmental stages of the local bog are now extinct. 
This is especially true of the pitcher plant (Sarracenia purpurea), 
the creeping snowberry (Chiogenes hispidula), wild rosemary 
(Andromeda polifolia), leather leaf (Chamaedaphne calyculata), 
labrador tea (Ledum groenlandicum), pale laurel (Kalmia polifolia), 
and larix (Larix laricina). The plants are still found in Ohio bogs 
north of here. A number of them have been recently transplanted 
and are now on the island in good condition. 



Diospyros virginiana, the northernmost representative of the 
tropical family Ebenaceae, grows abundantly in the southern 
states and as far north as the southern part of Illinois and Indiana. 
Cultivated trees are found also in the extreme northern part of 
those states. No report of any morphological work upon this 
family has been found, except a brief paper on “The seedless per- 
simmon”’ in the report of the Proceedings of the Indiana Academy 
of Science for 1908. The material for this investigation was col- 
lected in 1906 and 1908 from cultivated trees at Decatur (Illinois), 
and from native trees near Springfield (Missouri), Topeka (Kan- 
sas), and Memphis (Tennessee). 

Floral development 

The winter buds are composed of numerous tough hairy scales 
enveloping a very rudimentary shoot. The flower buds develop 
upon this shoot during its rapid growth in the spring. At Decatur, 
in 1906, the buds began to swell and to become green the latter part 
of April. Young shoots gathered the first week in May bore flower 
buds in the early stages of development. On May 30 the shoots 
were 20 cm. or more long and the flowers were beginning to 
open. _ 
So far as the trees from which material was collected were 
observed, they were dioecious and bore only imperfect flowers. 
One possible exception has been found recently. Near Auburn 
(Indiana) there is a cluster of staminate trees, originating appar- 
ently from one tree, that are reported to have borne fruit occa- 
sionally. The flowers were carefully examined in the spring of 
1gto, and no variations from the regular staminate type were 
found. Unless a pistillate tree has been cut away, it seems prob- 
Botanical Gazette, vol. 52] (34 


able that perfect flowers are borne some seasons, as has been re- 
ported from Kansas." 

The staminate flowers are smaller than the pistillate and in 
clusters (fig. 1), 16 fertile stamens surrounding the sterile pistil. 
The pistillate flowers are solitary, and usually contain 8 sterile 
stamens, but very often the number is greater. 

The early stages of the development of the two flowers are the 
same. The floral cycles are generally preceded by a pair of bracts, 
though often there is only one (fig. 2). The calyx next appears 
(fig. 3) and becomes a massive enveloping cup before the other 
cycles can be seen, which appear in centripetal sequence (fig. 4). 
The corolla can be distinguished before the stamens, but they 
develop together in the typical sympetalous fashion. Occasionally 
the calyx or corolla has more than four parts; this is illustrated 
in fig. 6, in which the calyx has five divisions. 

The stamens of the staminate flower fork (fig. 5), thus doubling 
the pistillate number (fig. 6); in the pistillate flower it is a common 
occurrence to find the number increased by the branching of one 
or more of the stamens. The fertile pistil contains eight ovules. 
The style is single, but the stigma is four-parted. Not many 
sterile pistils were examined; those that were had no ovules and 
a short imperfect style. 

Megasporangium and megaspores 

The ovule is anatropous and has two integuments (fig. 7), this 
last character being unusual among the Sympetalae. The mother 
cell can be distinguished by its size and conspicuous nucleus about 
the time the inner integument is first visible (fig. 8). Judging by 
the repeated appearance of this stage in the material, it is espe- 
cially persistent. Only one mother cell occurs in a sporangium, and 
is always next to the outer layer of nucellar cells, no parietal cell 
being cut off. One complete figure of the first division of the 
mother cell was found in the spindle stage (fig. 9). Compared 
with the preceding conspicuous nucleus of the mother cell, the 
spindle is small and has very small and numerous chromosomes. 

* The Industrialist, Kansas State Agricultural College, March 1904. 


A portion of another figure showing the formation of the wall 
between the daughter cells was seen. 

Four megaspores are formed in a linear row (figs. ro, 11), but 
it is not always complete, three cells not being uncommon. One 
exception to the usual arrangement was discovered, in which the 
outer daughter cell is divided by a vertical wall (fig. 12). As 
usual, the chalazal megaspore becomes the embryo sac (fig. 13). 

Early stages of the embryo sac 

The two and four-celled stages of the embryo sac were not 
found. At the eight-celled stage the sac is small, much longer 
than wide, and somewhat pointed at the micropylar end. When 
the sac is seen enveloped by the single nucellar layer, it appears 
decidedly cone-shaped, and is supported upon a stalklike portion 
of the nucellus as upon a pedestal (fig. 15). The growth of the 
sac does not obliterate this nucellar tissue until a comparatively 
late stage of the ovule. In the sac of fig. 14, which is the eight- 
celled stage in which the polars are differentiated, only seven 
nuclei are shown, and it seems quite probable that that is the full 
number for that particular sac, because there is much evidence 
that the usual number of nuclei is not always present. This con- 
clusion is reached because of the conspicuous absence of antipo- 
dals. Three antipodals were found in one sac, but only after 
a long search. Extremely early disintegration would also account 
for the absence of these cells, but no evidence was found for this 

The egg apparatus in the eight-celled stage shows nothing 
unusual. The three cells are in the ordinary position, and there 
is the customary differentiation of the cells in size. 

In striking contrast to these two groups, the antipodals and 
egg apparatus, are the polars, which are large and conspicuous 
(figs. 21a, 216), and are found either approaching or fusing in 
material gathered during the flowering time. 

During the development of the sac the integuments become 
massive, and the innermost layer of cells of the inner integument 
becomes large and full of protoplasm, forming a tapetal layer com- 


pletely enveloping the sac and extending around the stalklike 
nucellus and far up the micropyle (fig. 16). 

The study of the sac is made difficult by the dense outer integu- 
ment, through which killing fluids penetrate with difficulty, and 
also by the presence of chemicals which interfere with the stains. 
This last difficulty is especially true of the micropylar end of the 
sac, which when mature becomes a beaklike accumulation of a 
mucilaginous substance. 

Pollination and fertilization 

These studies have so far revealed only doubtful evidence of 
pollination and none at all of fertilization. Careful search has 
failed to show pollen tubes in the tissue of the style. The most 
positive evidence has been a few cases in which the mucilaginous 
substance has been divided in such a manner as to suggest a pollen 
tube penetrating the sac, and a few others in which there is the 
appearance of a swollen tip of a pollen tube within the sac. This 
evidence is discredited because the mucilaginous substance has 
been seen similarly divided too early for pollination, and the 
resemblance to the swollen tip of a pollen tube may be due to an 
incomplete or imperfect section of the stage shown in figs. 17a 
and 176. Other slight evidence may be found in the presence of 
the spindle and chromosome-like bodies of figs. 19 and 20b. These 
may possibly have entered the sac by way of the pollen tubes or 
may have originated from the nuclei of the tube. The fusing 
polars which are so conspicuous have been carefully examined 
for a third nucleus but none has been seen. 

The doubtful character of this evidence has naturally raised the 
question, whether pollination is essential to fruit and seed produc- 
tion. The field observations relating to pollination are limited and 
not very exact, but they suggest the possibility of an interesting 
problem. A tree in Decatur, from which material was collected in 
1906, bears seeded fruit abundantly, though no staminate tree 
is known to be nearer than two miles. In order to see if the pollen 
was carried that distance or was essential, a branch was covered 
in the spring of 1909 during flowering time so as to prevent the 


access of the bees. No fruit was borne on this branch, but was 
developed upon the neighboring ones. The details of this experi- 
ment cannot be vouched for, but until more careful ones are tried 
it is affirmative evidence for pollination. 

On a fruit farm beyond the city limits of Decatur is a cluster of 
6 or 8 trees, the largest of which is the parent of the smaller ones. 
The gardener reports that seedless fruit occurs on all these trees, 
but not in the same proportion. The fruit of the largest tree is 
usually many-seeded and only rarely seedless, but some of the 
smaller trees bear few-seeded and seedless fruit abundantly. No 
differences were noted among the flowers of these trees, or any 
when the prepared material was compared with that from native 
trees. The later stages are yet to be examined, for no collections 
have been made from the cluster after the flowering time. 

The nearest staminate tree is not known. One was reported 
within a quarter of a mile, but two careful examinations of the 
region have failed to locate it. Since persimmon trees in bloom 
always swatm with bees, they are doubtless the pollinating agent. 
It does not seem probable that the bees avoid certain trees, but 
it is possible that the supply of pollen which they carry is limited, 
and is deposited most freely on those trees which from their posi- 
tion they visit first. The trees of the cluster which bear the larger 
proportion of abnormal fruit are the least exposed trees. 

That the distance of the staminate trees does make a difference 
in the fruit is reported in the 1907 Yearbook of the Department 
of Agriculture, in which one variety is mentioned as characteris- 
tically few-seeded, and the observation made that this and other 
varieties have fewer seeds when grown at a distance from staminate 

In r910 the Decatur trees were again visited. A severe frost 
in May killed the first buds, consequently the conditions that 
season were not normal. The city trees bore no fruit at all, and 
the cluster only a small proportion of its normal amount. The 
fruit on all the trees was smaller than usual, inclined to early 
decay, and almost wholly seedless. One lot of 33 contained only 
one seeded-fruit; another of 12, two. The embryos were normal. 
This state of affairs suggests an indifference to fertilization, even 


to pollination, as the stimulating cause of the development of the 
ovary into the characteristic persimmon fruit. 

In the paper previously referred to on “The seedless persimmon,” 
the seedless fruit is reported to occur most abundantly on the 
lowest branches of the trees. No differences were found in the 
flowers; all had a fertile pistil and sterile stamens. The examina- 
tion of the embryo sacs brought out no evidence of pollination or 
fertilization. In one case cited, if pollen is transferred from the 
staminate trees, the bees must carry it three or four miles; this 
was not determined. Perfect flowers are suggested as a possible 
source of the pollen. Any attempt to explain or to suggest the 
problems of pollination involved is impossible until further obser- 
vations are made. 

Late stages of embryo sac; endosperm and embryo 

The absence of evidence of pollination and fertilization has 
made impossible at present a connected account of the series of 
events in a normal seed-producing sac following the eight-celled 
stage, nor can these stages be surely identified, because the ovules 
of the seeded fruit frequently fail to develop into seeds, and since 
the normal course has not been determined, it is uncertain where 
the two diverge and what the differences are. 

The entire ovule increases very rapidly in size after the corolla 
falls off, but no sign of an embryo was found for a number of 
weeks afterward. Material sent from Memphis is past blooming 
the latter part of May, but not until the last of June or the first 
of July can embryos be found easily in the fresh material. Long 
before this the sac has become densely filled with endosperm. 
Judging from the size of the sac, the first division of the primary 
endosperm nucleus follows closely on the fusion of the polars, and 
the other divisions follow rapidly after this (figs. 22, 23a, 236). 

The antipodal nuclei disappear after the eight-celled stage, 
but the micropylar nuclei undergo interesting changes. In fig. 
17@ there are three protoplasmic masses very distinctly differen- 
tiated. The middle one contains numerous, rather large, spheri- 
cal, densely staining bodies. Because of its size, position, and 


persistence in older sacs, this mass is surely the egg and the two 
other masses the synergids. Fig. 17) is another view of the 
same sac and shows the synergids more distinctly. Fig. 16 
undoubtedly shows the two synergids, but no division of the sur- 
rounding protoplasm. In fig, 18 the egg appears with the spheri- 
cal bodies regularly arranged; the small nucleus is a synergid. 
Fig. 19 is the micropylar end of a sac in which figures of dividing 
endosperm nuclei were seen. The large cell is the egg, near which 
are the spindle-shaped figures mentioned before. From their 
position it is possible that they are the remains of the disintegrat- 
ing synergids. The large cell of fig. 24 is the egg at a later stage 
than the other figures show, because it is almost completely envel- 
oped by the endosperm; numerous illustrations of this stage were 
found. No more distinct segmentation of the egg was seen than 
appears in fig. 25, in which the protoplasm is divided, but only 
one nucleus could be found, which makes it a doubtful case. Even 
after the egg is completely surrounded by endosperm, the deeply 
staining globules remain, but they and the whole egg seem to lose 
the prominence shown in fig. 24. However, this is partly relative 
owing to the increased size of the whole ovule. Figs. 20a and 206 
show the curious chromosome-like bodies in the micropylar end 
of the sac; they are rodlike and twisted, resembling chromosomes, 
but not those of Diospyros, which are very small. The investiga- 
tion of these phases of the life history of the persimmon will be 
continued in the hope that the complete sequence of events in the 
embryo formation will be found. 

The youngest unmistakable embryo that has been seen consists 
of three cells (fig. 26). This embryo was in the extreme micro- 
pylar end of the sac, imbedded in endosperm. Its position agreed 
very nearly with that of the egg when surrounded by endosperm, 
but no proof could be found that it originated from that cell. 
Fig. 27 represents the embryo at a much later stage, but does not 
yet show differentiation into stem tip and cotyledons. Fig. 28 
is a variation from the common type, and fig. 29 is the appear- 
ance of the embryo about the time it can be distinguished without 
a lens. One case of polyembryony was found (fig. 30), and one 
lot of material contained freak embryos, one of which is shown in 


fig. 31, in which a second pair of cotyledons has developed upon 
one of the original pair. 

Microsporangium and pollen 

The studies of the stamens and pollen were made from material 
collected in 1906 from a single tree near Decatur. This tree 
bloomed a few days later than the pistillate trees from which 
collections were being made at the same time. The pollen forma- 
tion was easily traced. The only difficulty encountered was in 
the late stages when the protoplasm is dense and evidently con- 
tains the same chemicals that interfere with the stains in Pus 
embryo sac. 

Each stamen produces four sporangia, whose early stages were 
not traced because the earliest collections were made May 28, 
about a week before the flowers opened. At that date the spo- 
rangia contained large pollen mother cells surrounded by a single 
tapetal layer (fig. 33). The division into tetrads is shown in figs. 
34 and 35. The figures are small and the chromosomes numerous, 
30 at least. In the mature pollen grain more than one nucleus 
could be rarely distinguished, and that one not nearly so conspicu- 
ous as the nucleus of the tetrad (figs. 36, 37). It is very possible 
that the dense protoplasm frequently obscures the second small 
nucleus. A considerable difference in the size of the pollen grains 
was noted; this and the frequent presence of a single nucleus, 
together with the lack of proof of pollination, raise the question 
of the fertility of the pollen. This remains to be determined 
along with the other problems of pollination. 


1. The flowers are developed on shoots of the same season’s 
growth. The floral cycles appear in the following order: a pair 
of bracts, the calyx, the corolla and stamens, and lastly the pistil. 

2. The ovule is anatropous and has two integuments. A single 
mother cell is formed beneath the outermost layer of the nucellus, 
from which four megaspores develop, the chalazal one becoming the 
embryo sac. 


3. The embryo sac at the eight-celled stage is small, somewhat 
pointed at the micropylar end, and rests upon a stalklike portion 
of the nucellus. A tapetal layer of cells from the inner integument 
completely surrounds it. The egg apparatus in this stage is not 
conspicuous; the polars are large and striking in appearance; the 
antipodals are found with so much difficulty that it. is probable that 
one or more of the cells is often lacking. 

4. The studies of pollination and fertilization are not complete. 
Little evidence of pollination has been found and none of fertili- 
zation. The production of seedless fruit is probably involved in 
the problem of pollination. 

5. After the flowers fall, the whole ovule increases rapidly in 
size. The egg enlarges and becomes filled with densely staining 
globules. The primary endosperm nucleus divides early and the 
endosperm fills the sac, and then crowds the inner integument 
quite up to the dense outer one. 

6. The embryo is late in appearing. The earliest stage identi- 
fied was a three-celled one in the extreme micropylar region. The 
tendency to variation seen in many of the stages is shown here in 
the two types found, the freak embryos and the case of poly- 

7. Pollen mother cells were found on a tree a week before the 
older flowers opened. The mother cells are large and the whole 
mass is surrounded by a single tapetal layer. The spindle in the 
tetrad formation is small, the chromosomes being 30 or more. 
The pollen grains show some difference in size, and frequently 
only one nucleus could be distinguished. 

I am very much indebted to Professors Joun M. Courter 
and CHARLES J. CHAMBERLAIN for assistance in the preparation 
of this paper, and also to the many friends who have so generously 
supplied me with material. 




Fic. 1.—Diagram of a cluster of staminate buds. 

Fic. 2.—A pistillate bud, showing enveloping bracts (6). 

Fic. 3.—A pistillate bud, showing a single bract (>) and the beginning of 
the calyx. 

Ic. 4.—A pistillate bud, showing calyx (k), corolla (c), stamens (s), and 
pistil (f). 

Fic. 5.—A staminate flower, showing calyx (k), corolla (c), the two stamens 
(s), and pistil (). 

Fic. 6.—A cross-section of a pistillate flower, showing the unusual division 
of the calyx into five parts, the union of the corolla, and the four parts of the 
pistil; diagram 

Fie. 7. hi ovule with the two integuments. 

Fic. 8.—The nucellus containing the mother cell, and sowie the begin- 
ning of the inner integument (7). 

Fic. 9.—First division of the megaspore mother cell. 

Fic. 10.—The two daughter cells. 

Fic. 11.—The four megaspores 

Fic. 12.—The four ibis the outer daughter cell divided by a 
vertical wall. 

Fic. 13.—The functioning megaspore; the others disintegrating. 

Fic. 14.—Embryo sac; polars differentiated. 

Fic. 15.—Diagram of an ovule showing the relative size of the parts, the 
shape of the sac (e), the stalklike nucellus (), and the massive integuments (7). 

Fic. 16.—The micropylar end of the embryo sac, showing the synergids 
and the enveloping tapetal layer. 

1G. 17a.—Micropylar end of sac; synergids and egg. 

Fic. 176.—Same sac as 17a, showing fusing polars. 

Fic. 18.—Micropylar end of sac; one synergid and the egg. 

Fic. 19.—Micropylar end of sac; egg and spindle-shaped bodies. 

Fic. 20a,—A detail of the micropylar end of a sac, showing the chromosome- 
like bodies and the egg filled with the densely staining globules. 

Fic. 20b.—Same as 20a; chromosome-like bodies more clearly shown. 

Fic. 21¢,—F using polars. 

Fic. 21b.—Fusing polars. 

Fic. 22.—First division of the primary endosperm nucleus. 

Fic. 23a.—Division of endosperm nucleus. — 

Fic. 23b.—Division of endosperm nucleus. 

Fic. 24.—Egg almost surrounded by endosperm. 

Fic. 25.—Egg; segmentation suggested. 

Fic. 26.—Young nee 

Fic. 27,—Young emb: 

Fic. 28.—Variation of ae of embryo. 


Fic. 29.—Shape of embryo at the time it can be seen without a lens; 

Fic. 30—Polyembryony; dia 

Fic. 31.—A freak embryo; a ond embryo (c?) developing on one of the 
first pair of cotyledons (c*); dia; 

Fic, 32.—Diagram of a scab ectina of an wather, showing the four spo- 

Fic. 33.—Pollen mother cells. 

Fic. 34.—Formation of tetrads. 

Fic. 35.—Tetrads 

Fic. 36.—Pollen grain; one nucleus. 

Fic. 37.—Pollen grain; two nuclei. 










STS ae ee EP Lee he RE So ere a ee a ee eer 




Joun DonneEtt’ SmitH 

Thouinia brachybotrya Donn. Sm.—Folia petiolo parum 
longiora trifoliolata, foliolis ovato- vel obovato-ellipticis utrinque 
acutis crenulatis supra puberulis subtus velutinis. Racemi 
axillares singuli simplices tenues breves densiflori. Samara 
subsemicircularis, alae latere interiore axin centralem 3-plo super- 
ante, exteriore loculum eee 

Arbor 5-metralis, li li i til Foliorum 
juvenilium tantum visorum petiolus 1-2.5 cm. longus, foliola 4-5 cm. longa 
16-20 mm. lata pellucido-reticulata, nervis lateralibus utrinsecus 10-12 
furcatis marginem attingentibus, petiolulis 1 mm. longis. Racemorum 
pedunculus 3—6 mm. longus, rhachis 15-22 mm. longa vix 1 mm. crassa, pedi- 
celli e nodulo piloso squama transversim elliptica intus glabra cincto orti 3-4 
mm. longi rubiginosi. Sepala 1.5 mm. longa intus glabra. Stamina 1.5 mm. 
longa, filamentis inferne pilosiusculis, antheris glabris. Ovarii cano-velutini 
lobi subrhomboidei 2.5 mm. longi apice obtusi axin centralem subaequantes 
stylum trifidum inferne cano-velutinum paulo superantes. Samara abortione 
saepe solitaria 20 mm. longa to mm. lata velutina tota flabellinervata, alae 
latere interiore recta, exteriore arcuata, axe centrali incana 5 mm. longa, 
loculo 6 mm. longo, semine ovali 4.5 mm. longo, testa ferruginea. Petala in 
exemplis suppetentibus deficientia. 

d ripas fluminis Rio Grande dicti, Depart. Zacapa, Guatemala, alt. 
230 m., Jun. 1909, Charles C. Deam, n. 6343. 

Calopogonium phaeophlebium Donn. Sm.—Foliola elliptico- 
oblonga utrinque obtusa vel obtusiuscula supra pilis appressis 
conspersa subtus praeter nervos primarios fulvescentes cano- 
sericea. Racemi pedunculati foliis longiores remote nodiferi, 
floribus 1-s-nis subsessilibus minimis.. Calycis segmenta tubo 
paulo longiora. Vexillum calyce parum longius. Legumen fulvo- 
strigillosum gracillimum polyspermum. 

Herba volubilis, caulibus petiolis racemis retrorsum fulvo-pilosis. Foliola 
membranacea discoloria 5.5-8.5 cm. longa 2-3 cm. lata mucronulata, lateralia 

* Continued from Bor. GAZETTE 497458. 1910. 

45] [Botanical Gazette, vol. 52 


paulo minora inaequilatera subsessilia, nervis lateralibus serve 7-8 rectis 

— marginem attingentibus subtus conspicuis, iolo communi 
25 m. longo, petiolulo terminali mm. longo, sa ee SEB 
minute aie Racemi pedunculo 2-5 cm. longo computato cm. 

longi, pedicellis vix 1 mm. longis, bracteolis minute sctaces, oe 7 mm. 

ongum alis carinisque — lamina fere orbiculari 3 mm. lata exauriculata. 
Stamen vexillare omnino liberum. arium sericeum, stylo ad medium sensim 
incrassato. Legumen (in exemplis suppetentibus nondum satis maturum) 
deflexum lineare 5 cm. lon; mm. latum rectum apice falcatum, seminibus 

Sept. 1893, Heyde et Lux, n. 6096 ex Pl. Guat. quas ed. Donn. Sm.—Secanquim, 
Depart. Alta Verapaz, Guatemala, alt. 570 m., Jan. 1905, George P. Goll, n. 
226.—Rfo Torres, San Francisco de Guadalupe, Prov. San José, Costa Rica, 
alt. 1170 m., Nov. 1894, Adolfo Tonduz, n. 8968. 

Exemplum Gollianum in herbario Musei Nationalis sub numero proprio 
860576 servatur. 

Hauya (§ SESSILIFLORAE) microcerata Donn. Sm. et Rose.— 
Folia longiuscule peticlata obovata vel oblongo-obovata supra 
glabrescentia subtus cinereo-tomentosa. Flores inter maximos. 
Calycis laciniae tubo bis et ultra superatae pro rata brevissime 
appendiculatae. Capsula dorso ecarinata. 

Arhueciula aechadala ‘T' 1-1 12 WW Peet Pe ‘4 co 

canoque pubescentibus. Folia primum ovallk supra premieres demum igi 
cm. longa 4-6 cm. lata abrupte breviterque cuspidata basi acuta venulis 

longae, appen 3-4 mm. longa cano-velutina. Petala ovalia 33 mm 
longa 23mm. lata. Antherae 18 mm. longae filamentis aequilongae. Ovarium 
patule cano-velutinum 1r mm. longum, stigmate elliptico 5 mm. longo supra 

la vix exserto. Capsula 5 cm. longa, seminibus deficientibus. 

Santa Rosa, Depart. Baja Verapaz, Guatemala, alt. 1500 m., Sept. 1888, 
H. von Tuerckheim, n. 1423 ex Pl. Guat. etc. quas ed. Donn. Sm. (Typus).— 
Cuesta di Quililh4 prope Purul4, Depart. Baji Verapaz, Guatemala, alt. 1400 
m., Apr. 1905, H. Pittier, n. 155.—Canjob, Prov. Chiapas, Mexico, alt. 135° 
m., Maj. 1904, E. A. Goldman, n. 923. 

Exempla nn. 155 et 923 in herb. Musei Nationalis servantur. 


Hauya (§ SESSILIFLORAE) quercetorum Donn. Sm. et Rose.— 
Folia ex orbiculari-ovali ovata cuspidata vel saltem acuta basi 
rotundata vel emarginata supra glabra, costa nervisque subtus 
ciliatis vel glabrescentibus. Calycis laciniae tubo subdimidio 
breviores longe appendiculatae. Ovarium pubescens. Capsula 
inter minores. 

E schedula repertorum arbor. Ramuli glabrescentes foliorum cicatricibus 
arcte notati, partibus novellis cano-hirsutis. Folia subtus plerumque glauca 

cm. longa 5-6.5 cm. lata, nervis lateralibus utrinque 8-9, petiolis pilosis 
ca Bipinde I.5-2.5 cm. longis, stipulis aristuliformibus vix 1 mm, 
longis puberulis. Calycis oeltatoacl vel glabri tubus 7-9 cm. longus, laciniae 
3-5-5 cm. longae, appendicula 10-13 mm. longa pubescente vel glabra. Petala 
3 cm. longa. Filamenta 24 mm. longa antheris dimidio longiora. Ovarium 
10-11 mm. longum, stigmate ellipsoideo 5 mm. longo paulo exserto. Capsula 
3.5 cm, longa, valvis dorso planis, seminibus lanceolatis 15 mm. longis 5 mm. 
latis acutis, ala basi involuta incrassata latere altero producta 

Guatemala, alt. 1850 m., Mart. 1893, Heyde et Lux, n. 4479 ex Pl. Guat. etc. 
quas ed. Donn. Sm. (Typus); Dec. 1892, Heyde et Lux, n. 4336 ex Pl. Guat. 
etc. quas ed. Donn. Sm. 

Hauya (§ SESSILIFLORAE) ruacophila Donn. Sm. et Rose.— 
Folia orbiculari-cordata vel basi rotundata ovalia cuspidata supra 
glabra subtus costa nervisque dense cano-ciliata ceterum pilis 
deciduis conspersa. Calycis laciniae tubo subdimidio breviores 
appendicula elongata cano-ciliatae. Ovarium velutinum. Cap- 
sula inter majores. 

Arb diocri li llis velutinis. Folia 5-7 cm. longa 3-6 cm. lata, 
nervis lateralibus late patulis arcuatis utrinsecus 7-8 et costa subtus conspicuis, 
petiolis 12-25 mm. longis hirsutis vel velutinis, stipulis aristiformibus 2 mm. 
_ longis pubescentibus. Calycis pubescentis tubus 9.5-10 cm. longus, laciniae 
5-5.5 cm. longae appendicula 1o-12 mm. longa instructae. Petala elliptica 
4.5 cm. longa 2.5 cm. lata. Filamenta 25 mm. longa antheris subaequilonga. 
Ovarium 13-15 mm. longum, stigmate globoso 8 mm.-diametrali vix exserto. 
Capsula 6 cm. longa, valvis dorso planis, seminibus oblongis 13 mm. longis 
4 mm. latis obtusis, ala basi involuta incrassata latere altero producta. 

In silvis ad montem Volcén Acatenango dictum, Depart. Zacatepéquez, 
Guatemala, alt. 1700 m., Mart. 1892, John Donnell Smith, n. 2528 ex Pl. Guat. 
etc. quas ed. Donn. Sm. (Typus).—Alotenango in declivitatibus praeruptis 
montis Volcén di Fuego dicti, Depart. Zacatepéquez, Guatemala, alt. 1300 m., 
Mart. 1892, John Donnell Smith, n. 2527 ex Pl. Guat. etc. quas ed. Donn. Sm. 


Hauya (§ SESSILIFLORAE) lemnophila Donn. Sm. et Rose.— 
Folia oblongo-ovata vel -elliptica vel -obovata cuspidata vel saltem 
acuta basi rotundata vel obtusa supra glabrescentia subtus hirsuta. 
Calycis laciniae tubo subtriente breviores, appendicula pro rata 
longissima. Filamenta antheris dimidio longiora. Ovarium hir- 
sutum. Capsula maxima. 

E schedula repertorum arbor. Ramuli foliorum subtus nervi petioli uti 
ovarium patule cinereo-hirsuti. Folia maxima subcoriacea circumscriptione 
summe Vv: oeuatans a Limghenios oblongo-elliptica g-15 cm. longa 4.5-7.5 

cm. la nervis lateralibus subrectis utrinse- 

S 7-9, eae iolis : 2.S-4 cm. nail stipulis aristiformibus 2 mm. longis pubes- 
pone ad Flores e schedula albi. Calycis tubus 7.5-9 cm. longus, laciniae 


longis. Ovarium 13-14 mm. longum, stigmate vix exserto. Capsula.lineari- 
oblonga 7.5—-8 cm. longa, valvis dorso planis, seminibus deficientibus 

d ripas lacus Carrizal dicti, Depart. Santa Rosa, Guatemala, ait 1360 
m., Maj. 1892, Heyde et Lux, n. 2936 ex Pl. Guat. etc. quas ed. Donn. Sm. 

Hauya (§ PEDUNCULATAE) lucida Donn. Sm. et Rose.—Praeter 
foliorum nervos subtus glabrescentes omnibus in partibus glaber- 
rima. Folia nitida obovata vel elliptica cuspidata basi acuta. 
Pedunculus ovario brevior, flore inter minores. Calycis laciniae 
tubo triente breviores, appendicula brevi. 

Arbor 8-10-metralis, coma globosa aut dilatata. Folia juniora nervis 
subtus puberula, aetate provectiore glabra punctulato-pellucida 8-13 cm 
longa 4.5-6 cm. lata, nervis lateralibus utrinsecus 8-9, petiolis 1. 5—2.5 cm. 
longis, stipulis aristuliformibus aegre 1 mm. longis glabris. Pedunculus 4-7 
mm. longus. Calycis tubus 4-6 cm. longus, laciniae 3-4 cm. longae, appen- 
dicula 3-4 mm. longa. Petala 3 cm. longa. Filamenta 17-19 mm. longa, 
antheris 20-23 mm. longis. Ovarium 9-12 mm. longum, stigmate supra 
petala paulo exserto. Capsula 3-4.5 cm. longa, valvis dorso planis, seminibus : 
oblongis 11 mm. longis 3 mm. latis obtusis, testa 4 mm. longa, ala basi involuta 
incrassata latere altero producta. 

Costa Rica, Prov. San José: Rio Torres, San Francisco de Guadalupe, alt. 
1170 m., Jun. 1893, Ad. Tonduz, n. 8005 (Typus); Apr. 1894, John Donnell 
Smith, n. 4801 ex Pl. Guat. etc. quas ed. Donn. Sm.; Oct. 1898, Ad. Tonduz, 
n. 7445 ex Pl. Guat. etc. quas ed. Donn. Sm.: Rio Tiliri, Alajuelita, alt. 1000 
m., ae 1894, Ad. Tonduz, n. 8915: Rio Virilla, San Juan, alt. 1000 m., Aug 
Sigh A d. Tonduz, n. 7285 ex Pl. Guat. etc. quas ed. Donn. Sm.: San tok 
Nov. 1898, H. Pittier (numero deficiente). 


Hauyae ad dignoscendas facilius species liceat omnium hucusque 
cognitarum conspectum proponere. 

Sect. I. SEssrtrFLorAE Donn. Sm. et Rose.—Flos arcte sessilis. 
A. Calycis laciniae inappendiculatae. H. elegans Moc. et Sessé 
B. Calycis laciniae appendiculatae. 
1. Appendiculae 3-4 mm. longae. 
a. Capsularum valvae dorso carinatae. § H. cornuta Hemsl. 
b. Capsularum valvae dorso planae. 
H. microcerata Donn. Sm. et Rose 
2. Appendiculae 10-15 mm. longae. 
a. Calycis laciniae tubo fere aequilongae. 
H. Rodriguezii Donn. Sm. 
b. Calycis laciniae tubo multo breviores. 
7 Capsula 3.5 cm. longa. 
H. quercetorum Donn. Sm. et Rose 
Tt} Capsula 7-8 cm. longa. 
* Folia ex eepeen ovalia. 
uacophila Me Sm. et Rose 
** Folia ex PUN thes bee aelek 
H. lemnophila ei Sm. et Rose 
Sect. Il. PepuncuLataE Donn. Sm. et Rose.—Flos distincte pedunculatus. 

_A. Pedunculus ovario multo longior. H. Heydeana Donn. Sm. 
"B. Pedunculus ovario brevior vel ei subaequilongus. 
. Calycis laciniae inappendiculatae. H. Bércenae Hemsl. 

. Calycis laciniae appendiculatae. H. Jucida Donn. Sm. et Rose 

Sicydium (§ Eusicyptum Cogn.) Tuerckheimii Donn. Sm.— 
Folia maxima oblongo-ovata sensim acuminata supra scabridius- 
cula subtus pubescentia. Flores masculi in paniculam amplis- 
simam diffuse ramosissimam foliis reductis bracteatam digesti 
glabri minimi. Laciniae calycinae cum corollinis bis longioribus 
lanceolato-ovatae. Filamenta antheris aequilonga. 

Suffruticosum, caulibus cirrhis paniculis sulcatis et petiolis glandulari- 
pubescentibus fuscis. Folia coriacea integra pedato-7-nervia transversim 
venosa 12-16.5 cm. longa 7.5~-10.5 cm. lata, sinu basilari subrectangulari 
I.5-2.5 cm. lato 1-1. 5 cm. profundo, petiolis 2-3 cm. Fue Cirrhi 8-14 cm. 
longi apice bifidi. Paniculae, saltem eae florum masculorum, 3-4 dm. longae, 
ramis divaricatis bractea foliacea 1-3 cm. longa sustentis, tabedioetbias I-1.5 
dm. longis, bracteolis lanceolatis petiolatis 1o-14 mm. longis, vel linearibus 2-5 
mm. longis, pedicellis plerumque confertis capillaribus 1-2. 5 mm. longis supra 
medium articulatis, floribus 3 mm.-diametralibus. Calycis tubus incrassatus 
patelliformis in sicco nigricans. Corollae laciniae 1 mm. longae reticulatae in 


sicco flavicantes. Stamina o.5 mm. longa. Flores feminini fructusque 

In fruticetis, Cubilquitz, Depart. Alta Verapaz, Guatemala, alt. 350 m., 
Jul. 1907, H. von Tuerckheim (n. II. 1914). 

Geophila pleuropoda Donn. Sm.—Tota pilosa. Folia petiolis 
bis longiora orbiculari-cordata obtusissima. Pedunculi pseudo- 
axillares folia aequantes vel bis fere superantes, floribus in capitulo 
subsessilibus quam bracteae involucrantes foliaceae longioribus. 
Calycis tubus segmentis triente brevior. Corolla calyce altero 
tanto vel ultra longior. Antherae brevissimae. 

Caules petioli pedunculi bracteae flores pilis patentibus bulbosis articulatis 

.5 cm. lon, 
lateralibus utrinque 5-6, petiolis 1-1. 5 cm. longis, stipulis caducis. ean 
primum terminales deinde caule producto axillares singuli 3.5-5 cm. lo ngi, 
capitulo hemisphaerico absque corolla 6-7 mm. alto 5-8-floro, Seaiteis 2 
oblongo-ovatis vel o oblongo- lanceolatis in petiolum decurrentibus 6-7 mm 
longis cito. caducis, pedicellis vix 1 mm. longis, floribus 4—5-meris incite 

lineari 3 mm. longa sustensis. Calycis tubus 2 mm. longus discum vix superans, 
segmenta CaN ae 3 mm. longa erecto-patentia, alterna sae 
minora. Corolla 10-12 mm. longa triente lobata, tubo toto infundibuliformi 

intus glabro, lobis Seats Sitenas obtusis erecto-patentibus. Filamenta 2mm. 
longa, antheris oblongo-ellipticis 1 mm. longis semiexsertis. Stylus filiformis, 
ramis 2 mm. longis inclusis totis ee Drupa ignota. 

Secus semitam inter Secanquim Sepacuite, Depart. Alta Verapaz, 
Guatemala, alt. 1220 m., Febr. 1905, se P. Goll Ac al deficiente).— 
Typus in herbario Musei Nationalis sub numero proprio 860647 servatur. 

Tabernaemontana (§ EUTABERNAEMONTANA K. Schum.) Deamii 
Donn. Sm.—Folia elliptico- vel obovato-lanceolata apice contracto- 
acuminata deorsum attenuata. Thyrsi laterales folia subae- 
quantes. Calyx inter minimos fere partitus. Corollae tubus 
cylindraceus gracilis rectus calyce sexies longior lobos proprios 
subaequans. Antherae sessiles totae fere exsertae. Discus nullus. 
‘Stylus elongatus. Folliculi obovoidei cuspidato-acuminati basi 

Frutex 3-metralis omnino glaber. Folia pergamentacea nitida 9-12 cm. 
longa 2.5-4 cm. lata apice ipso obtusiuscula in eodem jugo saepius inaequl- 
magna, nervis lateralibus utrinque 16-19 sub neha arcuatis et venis te 
lucem inspectis pellucidis, petiolis 7-12 mm. longi yrsi 10-12 
longi, cymulis dichotomis, pedicellis 1o-13 mm. oc Sasi bracteatis. ‘ban 
2.5 mm. longus, segmentis paene sejunctis obtuse ovatis basi 4—s-glandulosis. 



Corollae in sicco albae tubus 15-16 mm. longus 2 mm.-diametralis faucibus 
pubescens ore tuberculis 10 munitus, lobi dol oR apice rotundati. 
Antherae coeruleae 3 mm. longae ultra medium bi tylus 10-12 mm. 
longus, stigmate 5-apiculato inferne membrana hates Folliculi cuspide 
1 cm. longa addita 6.5 cm. longi cartilaginei nitidi pallescentes 4-costati, 
seminibus ellipsoideis 5—7 mm. longis striatis ad hilum sulcatis, funiculis pul- 
posis.—Secundum methodum Schumannianam gregi AaaII3** adscribenda. 

Secus fluvium Montagua prope Gualin, Depart. Zacapa, Guatemala, alt. 
190 m., Jun. 1909, Charles C. Deam, n. 6282. 

Lisianthus quichensis Donn. Sm.—Folia lanceolato-oblonga 
utrinque subsensim acuteque angustata sessilia amplexicaulia. 
Cymae longe pedunculatae laxe longeque ramosae. Calycis 
elongati segmenta ecarinata. Corolla calyce 4-plo fere longior, 
tubo a basi circiter ad trientem altitudinis sensim angustato et 
ibidem staminifero subinde infundibuliformi, lobis brevibus 
erectis. Genitalia exserta. 

Suffrutex bimetralis glaber, ramis ramulis inflorescentiae axibus teretibus 
pallido-stramineis, internodiis foli paulo excedentibus, n membrana 
lineari interpetiolari marginatis. Folia pergamentacea 10-13.5 cm. longa 
2.5-3 cm. lata, nervis lateralibus utrinque binis parum manifestis. Cymae 
pedunculis 5-8 cm. longis computatis 9-17 cm. longae ter quaterve trichotomae, 
pedicellis 4-7 mm. longis. Calyx ro mm. longus usque ad # partitus, segmentis 
eeu eater as filiforme attenuatis hyalino-marginatis. Corolla in sicco 
flavicans 36-38 mm. longa, tubo tertia parte inferiore crebre nervato, lobis 
dinridise ovate 5 mm. longis. Stamina ad 11-12 mm. supra basin corollae 
inserta, filamentis inaequilongis 22-26 mm. longis, antheris exsertis oblongis 
erectis muticis. Discus nullus. Ovarium oblongo-ovoideum 6 mm. longum, 
stylo stamina 4 breviora aequante, stigmate capitato obscure bilobo. Capsula 
ignota.—A. L. acuminato Perk. proximo differt praesertim foliis angustioribus, 
calyce elongato, genitalibus exsertis 

Rio ; iché, Gusteiadit alt. r100 m., Apr. 1892, Heyde et 
Lux, n. 2921 ex Pl. Guat. etc. quas ed. Donn. Sm. (Sub Leiantho brevidentato 
Hemsl. olim distributus.) 

Lisianthus meianthus Donn. Sm.—Folia oblongo-ovata superne 
tenuiter deorsum contractius acuminata sessilia amplexicaulia 
5-plinervia. Cymae corymbiformes. laxiflorae, floribus minimis. 
Calycis segmenta leviter carinata. Corollae hypocraterimorphae 
tubus ultra ovarium tenuis faucibus staminiferis vix dilatatus . 
calyce atque lobis propriis bis circiter longior. Genitalia exserta. 

Suffruticosus dense ramosus. Rami teretes cum ramulis et inflorescentiae 
axibus subquadrangularibus pubverulentes et fusci, internodiis elongatis, nodis 
linea elevata interpetiolari marginatis. Folia pergamentacea 6-10 cm. lo 


2.5-3.5 cm. lata, nervis subtus conspicuis longe ascendentibus. Cymae 
obdeltoideae 7-11 cm. longae repetitus trichotomae, pedicellis vix 1 mm. 
longis. Calyx 4-5 mm. longus paulo ultra medium fissus, segmentis lanceo- 
latis hyalino-marginatis. Corollae in sicco luteae tubus 10 mm. longus dimidio 
superiore tenuiter cylindraceus fibroso-nervatus, lobi oblongo-elliptici 4-5 mm. 
longi sub anthesi expansi. Stamina ad 2 mm. infra os corollae inserta, fila- 
mentis aequalibus 3.5 mm. longis, antheris nec recurvis nec apiculatis. Discus 
nullus. Ovarium calycem subaequans, stylo staminibus aequilongo, stigmate 
peltato. Capsula oblonga 7 mm. longa reliquiis fibrosis tubi corollae marcidae 

Sacolal. Depart. Alta Verapaz, Guatemala, alt. 915 m., Jan. 1889, H. von 
T: ei cininn, n. 1436 ex Pl. Guat. etc. quas ed. Donn. Sm. (Sub Leiantho sapo- 
narioide Griseb. olim distributus.) 

Solanum (§ MicrAcANTHA Dun.) purulense Donn. Sm.—Folia 
bina ternaque integra nitida pilis sparsis stellatis scabriuscula, 
altero uti alterum paulo minus lanceolato utrinque praesertim 
superne acute attenuato, tertio 2—-4-plo minore elliptico utrinque 
acuminato. Racemi laterales stellato-tomentosi, rhachi parce acule- 
ata, pedicellis flore dimidio brevioribus. — inermis. 

ami sarmentosi super frutices reclinati lignos retes 5 mm.-crassl 
aculeati glabri purpurascentes apice cum foliis ee dine stellato-fulvoque- 
tomentosi, aculeis stramineis e basi compressa 2.5 mm. longa uncinatis 2 mm. 
longis. Folia dua majora 11-18 cm. longa medio 3.5-6 cm. lata, pilis utrin- 

6-8 subtus parce aculeatis, petiolis 1-2 cm. longis dense aculeatis, folio tertio 
3-6 cm. longo 1. 5-3 cm. lato breviter petiolato. Racemi 5-6 cm. longi secundi- 
flori, pedicellis 8-10 mm. longis cernuis. Calyx stellato-tomentosus hemi- 
i ll 0 


rt mm. longa, antheris ie 12-13 mm. longis apice biporosis. Bacca 
ignota.—Ad SS. lanceaefolium Jacq. accedens. 

In fruticetis ad Purula, Depart. Baja Verapaz, Guatemala, alt. 1600 m., 
Apr. 1907, H. von Tuerckheim, n. Il. 1751 

Alloplectus metamorphophyllus Donn. Sm.—Folia quam max- 
ime disparia, altero magno elliptico utrinque acuminato perlonge 
petiolato, altero nano stipulaeformi lanceolato-lineari coccineo 
prophylla dua aflora sibi ipso omnino similia fulciente. Corymbus 
in. axilla folii majoris subsessilis umbelliformis dense congesti- 
florus, bracteis bracteolis calycis segmentis supra medium subulato- 
laciniatis coccineis praeter lineam dorsalem glabris. 

Suffrutex in truncis putridis epiphytalis nodis radicantibus longe repens, 
caule striato glabrescente erubrescente. Folium in pare majus nascens 


utrinque densissime stramineo-holosericeum, adultum praesertim subtus 
glabrescens membranaceum mucro-denticulatum 17 22 cm. longum 8-10 cm. 
latum, petiolo gracili 7-10 cm. longo glabrescente. Folium nanum cum 
prophyllis paulo altits sitis lateralibus sessile erectum filiforme productum 3-4 
cm. longum 6-8 mm. latum membranaceum praeter lineam dorsalem glabrum. 
Corymbus subglobosus 2. 5-4 cm.-diametralis, pedunculo 6-8 mm. longo et 
axibus pubescentibus, pedicellis 3-10 mm. longis, bracteis ovalibus vel oblongo- 
ellipticis 14-16 mm. longis, bracteolis Hany teenie 15-18 mm. longis 
subulato-productis. Calycis segmenta fere sejuncta aequalia lanceolato- 
linearia longe subulato-producta 12-16 mm. longa, laciniis 3-5 mm. longis. 
Corolla nondum satis evoluta pilosa calyce brevior leviter ventricosa basi 
vix gibbosa ore obliqua, lobis rotundis brevibus. Antherae liberae breves, 
loculis parallelis distinctis. Disci glandula solitaria cee ovata 2 mm. longa. 
Ovarium pilosum acuminato-ovoideim 3 mm. longum, stylo 5 mm. longo, 
stigmate bilobo. Fructus coriaceus glaber Gres wleboed: : mm. longus inde- 
hiscens, beens funiculo capillari affixis. Flores evoluti ignoti. —Species 

La me Prov. San José, Costa Rica, alt. 1500-1600 m.: Adolfo Tonduz, 
Sept. 1896, n. 10884; Aug. 1898, n. 12469: William R. Maxon, Maj. 1906, 
n. 364. 

Besleria (§ PARABESLERIA Hanst.) pycnosuzygia Donn. Sm.— 
Internodia brevissima, Folium alterum altero subduplo majus 
coriaceum discolor integrum supra glabrum subtus puberulum 
oblique lanceolatum utrinque acutum, nervis lateralibus validis 
utrinsecus 5—6 sub angulo angusto longe ascendentibus. Pedicelli 
aggregati internodio petiolo flore paulo breviores. Corolla calyce 
subtriplo longior! Ovarium pilosum. 

Suffrutex, caule simplice tetragono nodis incrassato, internodiis 1. 5-2. 5 
cm. longis, partibus novellis canescentibus. Folium in pare majus 10-14 cm. 
longum 3.5-4.5 cm. latum inaequilaterale, nervis lateralibus subtus — 
nentibus supra impressis, petiolis -2 cm. longis. Pendunculus nullus, 

scariosa, postico minore declinato. Corolla coccinea sericea 21-24 mm. longa, 
tubo recto superne leviter ampliato vix ventricosa basi defracto postice gibbo, 
lobis rotundatis subaequalibus. Stamina ad 4 mm. supra corollae basin inserta, 
antheris cohaerentibus transversim ellipticis, loculis orbicularibus. Discus 
subaequalis 2 mm. altus antice interruptus. Ovarium ovoideum 3 mm. 
longum, stylo 1.5 cm. longo. Fructus ignotus. 
In silvis ad La Palma, Prov. San José, Costa Rica, alt. 1459 m., Sept. 1898, 
Adolfo Tonduz, n. 12545. 



The quantitative study of the ecological factors of the habitat 
naturally leads to a similar investigation of the responses of the 
“‘growth-forms” to these elements of the habitat. Thus the in- 
vestigation of the comparative evaporation of various local habitats 
has led to a complementary study of the comparative rates of 
transpiration of the plants occurring in them. In this latter work 
an effort has been made to obtain graphs of the hourly transpira- 
tion rates under a great variety of conditions of temperature, light, 
and humidity. For comparative purposes these data are being 
collected (1) by the synchronous exposure of several plants, and 
(2) by determining the ratios between the transpiration rate and 
the rate of evaporation from a standard vaporimeter. 

It is evident that for conducting a study of this kind, in which 
data regarding the effects of stimuli and latent periods are essential, 
the determination of the water losses by the method of weighing 
at intervals of several hours is, to say the least, unsatisfactory. 
A very perfect apparatus for the automatic weighing and recording 
of evaporation rates has been described by GANonc in this journal.” 
For comparative purposes, however, several of these instruments 
are required, making the cost beyond the means of at least some 
laboratories. The following apparatus is essentially a modification 
of the Ganong transpirograph, developed for the special purpose 
of comparative work. Its efficiency, combined with its compara- 
tively small cost, has made it seem worth describing in advance 
of the discussion of the data which are being obtained by its use. 

The complete outfit, as shown in fig. 1, consists of a hygro- 
thermograph, a chronograph, chemical balances, weight droppers, 

* New precision appliances for use in plant physiology. Bor. GazETTE 39:145. 

Botanical Gazette, vol. 52] [54 


and irrigators. Of these the chronograph, the weight droppers, 
and the irrigators are new forms of well-known devices. 

THE CHRONOGRAPH.—Where synchronous records are desired, 
it seemed that a chronograph having several pens to mark on the 
same sheet of paper would be more desirable than several separate 
instruments, not only on account of the decreased cost, but also 

Fic. 1.—Complete apparatus for recording comparative transpiration data: 1, 
combined hygrograph and thermograph; 2, weight dropper; 6, irrigator; 7, chrono- 

because the errors of the clocks would be eliminated. The chrono- 
graph shown in fig. 1 has an eight-day movement attached to a 
horizontal cylinder 15 cm. long and 15 cm. indiameter. The record 
is made by pens which mark a continuous line except when drawn 
aside by an electro-magnet. At present the instrument bears four 
pens, but it is so constructed that four more may be added on the 
same side, thus increasing its capacity to eight synchronous records. 
By lengthening and shortening the hairspring the space traversed 
by the pen in one hour may be varied from 2 to 5 mm. In the 


latter case the cylinder makes a complete revolution in about four 
days. A strip of ordinary millimeter cross-section paper is used 
for the record sheet. In class experimentation this recording 
clock has a variety of possible uses aside from this particular 

Fic. 2.—Weight dropper and circuit-closing device 

THE WEIGHT DROPPERS.—As in the Ganong transpirograph, the 
recording of the water losses depends upon an electrically actuated 
mechanism which drops a definite weight in the form of a one- 
fourth-inch ball upon the scale pan whenever the pan reaches a 
certain height. As shown in fig. 2, the circuit-closing device 
consists of two platinum points just beneath the delivery tube 


which dip into a small cup of mercury on the scale pan whenever a 
balance is established. The one gram weights are too heavy to 
obtain satisfactory records from many of the extreme xerophytes. 
For these plants I am using hollow brass balls standardized to 0.4 
gm. These are not as light as could be desired, but they are better 
than the gram weights. To be 
very satisfactory for comparative 
purposes, the interval between 
records should not exceed two 
hours. Where great differences 
exist between day and night 
rates, I have used the fractional 
weights at night and the gram 
weights during the day. 

which became evident in the 
early experiments are that the 
water content of the soil of the 
plants to be compared must be 
essentially the same, and that the 
water content must be essentially 
the same throughout the experi- 
ment. The ordinary method of 
watering at 24-hour intervals did 
not give satisfactory results in 
some instances. In one experi- 
ment the ratio between two plants Hrs. ¢—-Eietails of the livigator, 
on successive days was reversed showing 
on account of differences in soi] nd connections. 
water content. To avoid errors 
of this kind the principle of irrigating plants by porous cups 
suggested by LivincstTon? was brought into use, and the apparatus 
shown in fig. 3 was constructed. It consists of a slender porous cup 
similar to those used in my vaporimeters.’ Thisis readily introduced 
into the soil of a 3-, 4-, or 5-inch pot by removing a core of soil with 

2 A method of controlling plant moisture. Plant World 11:39. 1908. 

3 A simple vaporimeter. Bot. GAZETTE 49:459. I910. 

porous cup, water reservoir, 


a cork borer slightly smaller than the porous cup. The cup is 
connected by glass and rubber tubing to a horizontal reservoir 
made of a flat-sided “‘specimen bottle.” The reservoir is supported 
at the side of the scale pan by a light wire bracket, attached to 

a flat cork upon which the 

7890nNMI123456789ONRI1 294 56TE a ee 
Light aluminum shell containing 

eo By the plant rests. The second 
10 oye ad Se tube at the upper end of the 
ae = porous cup affords an easy 

Saturation deficit method of filling the cup. 
After the water has been 

— 7 drawn up, this tube is 
is ehseaae a iA sealed with cement. The 
i\ air needed to replace the 

by a capillary tube. By 

extending this capillary 

water in the reservoir 
| tube beneath the water 
\\ level, the rate at which 

Vaporimeter 25 

enters through the stopper 
the water is removed may 
be approximated by the 
rate at which air bubbles 
enter. This may yield in- 
teresting results concerning 
the relative time of the 
absorption and _ transpira- 
» tion maxima. It is 0 
Fic. oo for part of the record of Course open to the same 
experiment 8 objections as the Reinke 
method of determining the 

relative rate of photosynthesis in submerged plants. 
The aluminum shells devised by GANONG! are very satisfactory 
for inclosing the pots. The 15 cm. shell seems to be the most satis- 

factory to use, regardless of the size of the pot, because of the larger 
volume of air inclosed. I have no quantitative data to prove 

Myriophy llum 



4 Bot. GAZETTE 41:212. 1906. 

Jee ee a a ie ate a een te sheer las aaa area) aa re abe ed | 

SNE eae eh et a en 


this, but the plants appear to withstand the experimental conditions 
perfectly in this largest shell and not so perfectly in the more closely 
fitting ones. When the irrigators are used, it is convenient to have 
a 1 cm. hole in the side of the shell closed by a cork through which 
the air may be changed at intervals by means of a small bellows. 
This avoids the necessity of removing the roof from the shell during 

30 eu 

Average Ratio 1.08 

| See Ratio 137 \ ae | Soto Oe ‘ 
epee Ee SRE 


3 a Ne "Average Ratio 133 

1G. 5. Saeco from the average ratio between two synchronous records 
cilculated to 2-hour periods: A, two vaporimeters; B, two irrigated pelargoniums; 
C, two pelargoniums Sead at 24-hour intervals; average ele calculated from the 
total water losses. 

the experiment. The smaller pots are brought to the upper level 
of the shell by being placed on a strip of aluminum bent in the form 
ofaW. This raising of the pot above the level of the water reser- 
voir is necessary to prevent flooding of the soil. 

In constructing the graphs from the actual records and in cal- 
culating the ratios, an engineer’s slide rule has been found to be a 
great time saver. Fig. 4 shows the complete record for a portion 
of experiment 8. 

To determine to what extent two records may be expected to 


coincide by this method of recording, six experiments of two to 

five days’ duration have been performed. The graphs shown in 
fig. 5 exhibit the actual ratios for 2-hour intervals in comparison 
with the average ratio for the entire experiment, for synchronous 
records of two vaporimeters (A), two irrigated pelargoniums (B), 
and two pelargoniums watered at 24-hour intervals (C). These 
partial records are sufficient to show that variations in the ratios 
between records must be greater than o.3 in order to be significant. 
It will be readily seen that the variations in the actual records 
sufficient to produce this variation in the ratios are very small 
fractions of a gram in most instances. There are various explana- 
tions for these minor irregularities: the impossibility of estimating 
the hourly loss accurately when the gram-interval extends over 
several hours; shadows made by the framework of the green- 
house; differences in exposure to light; differences in irritability, 
etc. Whatever their causes, they must not be overlooked in com- 
paring plants of different species and different habitats. 




Dr. EpDwArp PALMER died at his home in Washington, D.C., April 
10, 1911, after an illness of a few days. He was an exceptional explorer 
and collector, who in the field of botany alone is distinguished as the 
discoverer of 1,162 new species of flowering plants, with many more of 
his last collecting still remaining to be described. At least 200 plants 
discovered by him bear his 
name, and will continue as 
witnesses to his wonderful 

He was the son of a pro- 
fessional florist and_horticul- 
turist, of Hockwold cum 
Wilton, in the county of 
Norfolk, England, where he 
was born January 12, 1831. 
Coming to this country at 
the age of 18 he settled at 
Cleveland, Ohio, where he 
formed the acquaintance of 
Dr, JARED KirTLAND, one of 
the most eminent scien- 
tists of his day, and one of 
the earliest members of the 
American Academy of Science. 
From him he learned the art of collecting and preserving objects of 
natural history, thus laying the foundation of his future career, and 
through Krrtianp’s influence he was in 1853 appointed naturalist of 
the “Water Witch,” on her celebrated expedition to Paraguay, which 
led to our war with that country. 

After his return to the United States, he was appointed collector 
in the Geological Survey of California, paying especial attention to the 
marine invertebrates of the California coast. In 1862, when President 
Lincoln called for extra troops, he offered his services to his country, and 
61] [Botanical Gazette, vol. 52 


after a time was appointed acting assistant surgeon at various posts in the 
West and Southwest, continuing to serve after the close of the war on 
frontier stations in the Indian country in Arizona and the Indian Terri- 
tory. In connection with his work of attending the sick, he familiarized 
himself with the properties and uses of the medicinal herbs growing in 
the vicinity of his station, and he occupied his moments of leisure in 
making collections of animals and plants for the Smithsonian and other 

In March 1869 he was sent by the Commissioner of Agriculture on a 
mission to New Mexico and Arizona, to report on the agricultural 
resources, commercial products, climate, and fertility of the soil, and the 
general habitable features of the Southwest. He afterward carried on 
archaeological investigations in southwestern Utah, and made extensive 
botanical and zoological investigations in that region, assisted in his work 
by a circular letter given him by Brigham Younc. The Commissioner 
of Agriculture, Horace Capron, in his report for 1870, called special 
attention to the value of his work, and he was congratulated upon his 
success by such eminent botanists as Professor ASA Gray, Dr. TORREY, 
and Dr. ENGELMANN, all of whom considered themselves fortunate in 
having valuable material collected by him. 

From a scientific point of view, the most important exploration made 
by him was that of Guadalupe Island, never before visited by a natural- 
ist. The bearing upon evolution of the remarkable fauna and flora of 
this island in the Pacific Ocean, off the coast of Lower California, is almost 
as important as that of the animals and plants of the Galapagos Archi- 
pelago, as demonstrated by Darwin. Every bird in his collection from 
Guadalupe, except a single sea bird, proved to be new to science; and. 
among the plants collected at this time there were 21 new species, the 
greater part of which have never since been found elsewhere. 

Other important collections were made by him in southern California 
and across the border in Lower California. Here, in a great canyon 
of the Cantillas Mountains, he discovered a plant which proved to be 
the type of a new genus, named in his honor Palmerella by Professor 
Gray, who stated that he did so in acknowledgment of Dr. PALMER'S 
“indefatigable and fruitful explorations of the botany of the south- 
western frontiers of the United States, from Arizona to the islands of 
Lower California, in which region he has accomplished more than all his 

he latter part of Dr. Patmer’s life has been devoted chiefly to 
exploration in Mexico, and the results have been published chiefly in 


the Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and in 
the publications of the United States National Museum. His collec- 
tions, both botanical and ethnological, have been remarkable, not for 
the prettiness of the various objects, but for the completeness of the 
material and the care shown in his notes. 

He continued his chosen work to the very end. His last exploration 
was in rg1o, in the vicinity of Tampico, on the gulf coast of Mexico. 
After his return he occupied himself in assorting and distributing his 
_ material. On the occasion of the eightieth anniversary of his birth, 
the Botanical Society of Washington held a special meeting in his honor, 
at which a paper on his life and work by the author of the present sketch 
was read, together with letters written by various eminent men of 
science not residing in Washington. During the meeting of the society 
Dr. PALMER was seated in the place of honor, and at the close of the 
exercises he was presented with an appropriate birthday gift as a token 
of the appreciation of the members of the society of his important life- 
work. The venerable traveler received the congratulations of those 
present with tears streaming down his cheeks, doubtless realizing that 
this must be his valedictory—W. E. Sarrorp, Department of Agri- 
culture, Washington, D.C. 


The difficulty which undergraduate students who take courses in 
histology find in giving regular attention to dehydration, led me to a 
search for an automatic method. Osmotic means were rejected because 
they are uncontrollable and give no indication of the stage of the process. 
Work on the principle of slowly adding alcohol of increasing strength 
to the tissue developed the simple apparatus shown in fig. 1. During 
the past two years this apparatus has been used for dehydrating all 
kinds of plant tissue for histology and embryology. It has also been 
used instead of glycerin in preparing algae to be mounted in Venetian 

The alcohol from the supply bottle drops from the lower end of the 
“capillary”? » into the thistle tube, which conveys it to the bottom of 
the mixing tube B. The alcohol diffuses with the water in B, and the 
increase in volume is carried to the dehydrating tube C through the 
connecting tube x. Naturally, as more alcohol is added to B, the 
strength of the liquid passing into C increases, but as that in B is always 


only slightly stronger than that in C, the tissues which are placed in C 
are not injured. In cases where extraordinary care is needed, it may be 
desirable to keep the tissues some distance from the opening through 
which the alcohol enters C. The siphon y removes the excess of 

Fics. 1-3.—Fig. 1, A, supply bottle; B, mixing tube; C 
dehydrating tube; », waste tube; ¢, ¢, capillary tubes (air vents); 
u, supply tube; 2, “capillary”; x, overflow; y, siphon; z, tube 
for starting siphon; fig. 2, “Capillary” on a larger scale: n, large 
tube; m, smaller tube, aioe to capillary (f) and sealed into Fic. 3 
lower end of ; fig. 3, washing jar with gauze neck. 

dilute alcohol from C. The bent end of the siphon in the waste tube 
D prevents the automatic emptying of the siphon. When the appara- 
tus is to be used, tissues and water are placed in C, and an equal volume 
of water is placed in B. The overflow x and the siphon y, which is 
filled by withdrawing the air from D through the tube z, are set to 
keep these volumes constant. The flow of alcohol is started by remov- 

ing the “capillary” and supply tube from the thistle tube and letting 
them hang downward from the supply bottle for a minute to expel all 
the air from them. 

Fic. 4.—Photograph showing supports: to the stem of the double burette 
clamp, which holds the mixing and dehydrating tubes, is attached a single clamp which 
holds the waste tube. 

Mathematical calculations, as well as numerous picnometer tests, 
show that the percentage of alcohol in C increases very steadily to about 
75 per cent. Calling the contents of C one volume, the picnometer 
tests show that two volumes of 95 per cent alcohol will raise the strength 
of that in C to 70 per cent, three volumes to 85 per cent, and four to 92 


per cent. However, most tissues may be taken from 85 per cent alco- 
hol and covered with that remaining in B, and then transferred from 
that to either 95 per cent or absolute alcohol. 

The flow of alcohol is insured against varying vapor pressures by the 
short capillary tubes in the stoppers which close the upper ends of the 
larger tubes, or if suitable capillary tubing cannot be obtained ordinary 
glass tubes nearly sealed at both ends will do quite as well. In either 
case the slightest amount of water in them renders them worthless. 
The “capillary” is shown at v, and enlarged in fig. 2. It is made by 
sealing within a larger glass tube a small one first drawn out to a very 
fine capillary. With a head of 4o or 50 cm. it should allow several drops 
of alcohol to flow per minute. If the flow is too slow, the small end of 
the fine capillary may be broken off with a pair of forceps. Otherwise 
the flow is regulated by raising either the supply bottle or the remainder 
of the apparatus, which is clamped on the ring stand. As a drop of 
alcohol from v per minute means r cc. per hour, and most material may 
be dehydrated in 4o hours or less, it is easy to adjust the flow, and the 
apparatus needs no further attention until its part of the process is 
complete. B and C may each conveniently be ordinary glass tubing 
15 cm. long and 2.5 cm. in diameter. D is of similar material twice 
this diameter and 5 cm. longer. It is very convenient to have all three 
of these tubes graduated. The supply tube should be at least 6 mm. 
inside diameter, so that, when starting, the alcohol will readily replace 
the air in it; but, as the contents of the other connections are added to 
the waste alcohol and dehydration is delayed by the contents of *%, 
these should not be over 1. 5-2 mm. inside diameter. It seems that only 
the best antimony rubber tubing will withstand alcohol. Ordinary 
physicians’ catheters, one large and two small, will furnish all of this 
tubing that is needed. 

In practice it is convenient, after killing is complete, to tie the tissue 
with a label number in a square of fine silk gauze (chiffon). Knots are 
unnecessary; after the corners of the gauze are brought together a half 
dozen turns of very fine cotton thread will hold very well. A number 
of samples may then be washed very effectively under a small tap, in 
a jar the neck of which is provided with a cylinder of wire gauze as shown 
in fig. 3. After washing, the samples are transferred to the dehydrator 
and may afterward be kept in one or at least very few dishes until 
infiltrated with paraffin. The silk gauze also protects the samples trom 
the air while they are being transferred to the imbedding dish, where 
it may be cut and the pieces of tissue and label properly arranged.— 
W. A. WuLtscniecER, Nebraska Wesleyan University, Lincoln. 



Die Pflanzenstoffe.—WEHMER' has made readily available the known facts 
about the plant products (chemicals, drugs, enzymes, etc.) of the phanerogams. 
The plant families are arranged in the natural order, and under each the genera 
and species of which we have any chemical knowledge, along with the facts 
known and citations of literature establishing the facts. On the purely bo- 
tanical side many facts of distribution are recorded. The work will prove 
of great value to plant chemists, pharmacists, and plat physiologists. A 
full index of the chemicals mentioned and a second one of the raw materials 
and plants greatly enhance the value of the book.—WiL1aAM CROCKER. 

Micrography of Javanese woods.—The third part of JANSsONIuS’ microg- 
raphy of the woods of Java has appeared,? and apparently completes this 
very laborious work, as it contains a general index to the two volumes. e 
plan of the work was described in the notice of the first part,’ and a notice 
of the second part indicated the further extension of the work. The present 
part, beginning in the midst of Meliaceae and closing with Moringeae, con- 
tains 100 species, the total for the two volumes being 329. Detailed descrip- 
tions of the vascular elements of so many species, including lists of reagents, 
sections, and material in each case, and also references to literature under each 
species, represent an amount and kind of work that few would care to under- 


Prodrome de la Flore Corse.s5—Notwithstanding the long series of valuable 
contributions to systematic botany, both floristic and monographic, by w 
RIQUET has enriched scientific literature, it is probable that he is chiefly 

* Weumer, C.. Die Pflanzenstoffe botanisch-systematisch bearbeitet chemische 
Bestandteile und Zusammensetzung der sR onan Pflanzenarten Rohstoffe und 
Produkte Phanerogamen. 8vo. pp. xvi+937. : Gustav Fischer. 1911 35 

2 Janssonius, H. H., Mikrographie des PMs der auf Java vorkommenden 
Baumarten; im ‘Aulvoae des genes Ministeriums unter Leitung von Dr. J. W. 
Mott bearbeitet im Anschluss an “‘Additamenta ad cognitionem florae arboreae 
javanicae auctoribus S. H. pesos et TH. Uiesta” Dritte Lieferung. 8vo. 
Vol. II, pp. 161-540. figs. 49. Leiden: E. J. Brill. ro1x. M6. 

3 Bor. GAZETTE 43:345. 1907. 

4 Ibid. 4°7:416. 1900. 

S$ BRIQUET, JoHN, Prodrome de la Flore Corse, comprenant les résultats bota- 
niques de six voyages exécutés en Corse sous les auspices de M. Emite Burnat. 
Vol. I. Geneva: Georg & Co. 1910. | 



known, in America at least, by the devoted attention he has given to the cause 
of a better international agreement on the controversial subject of nomen- 

with great self-sacrifice, he brought to bear upon an exceedingly intricate, 
se coumrinie ng, and unremunerative task. 

It has been generally known that Briquet for the last ten years or more 
has been engaged, notwithstanding the serious interruptions to which we have 
alluded, in an intensive study of the Corsican flora. In order to gain ample 
oastees and a first-hand familiarity with the floristic conditions, no less than 

ix expeditions to Corsica were made by him and his associates. Not only 
were the more accessible parts of the island repeatedly visited, but the wilder 
portions of the interior, including primitive woodlands, still infested by brig- 
ands, were traversed and examined. 

The publication now at hand is the first volume of what has been modestly 
styled a Prodrome. It is an imperial octavo of something over 650 pages, 
and contains, besides prefatory matter and bibliography, a critical catalogue 
of the vascular plants of Corsica from the Hymenophyllaceae to the Lauraceae, 
including 722 species and many varieties. Under each, the citation of litera- 
ture, synonymy, and exsiccatae is exhaustive. ere notes and comments 
on ctive ae racters, distribution, environment, etc., abound, and at 
points keys are introduced to elucidate distinctions beeen plants of the Cor- 
sican flora and their nearest relatives found elsewher 

Without the slightest depreciation of its other oa more scientific merits, 

national rules of nomenclature by one cated trained in all their shades of 
meaning and intricate details —B. L. RoBINSON 


Genetic studies in Oenothera——The important deductions made by 
DeVries, from the results of a twenty-years’ study of Oenothera Lamarckiana 
and its derivatives, have created an unusual interest in this species and its 
relatives. Numerous investigations have been made by many students, 
without any apparent exhaustion of the wealth of interesting phenomena 
presented. The oenotheras seem destined to yield results of great value for 
a long time to come, for the interest in the group grows greater rather than 
less with further study. The validity of some of DEVRtiEs’s conclusions rests 
upon the correctness of the assumption that O. Lamarckiana is a native species. 
Many diligent searches have been made in the effort to discover it in a natural 
habitat in America, but so far without success. 


Davis® believes that O. Lamarckiana does not occur as a native species, 
but that it is a hybrid, probably between forms of O. grandiflora and O. biennis, 
and that it originated in European gardens, or that it may have occurred as a 
wild hybrid. To test this hypothesis he is making numerous crosses between 
different forms of these two species, and selecting those types among the hybrid 
progenies which most closely resemble O. Lamarckiana. He reports that all of 
the hybrid forms thus far produced by him differ from O. Lamarckiana in 
several important points, but that the resemblances of some of them to that 
species are such that the taxonomist would at least place these hybrids next to 
O. Lamarckiana. Davis is not convinced, by the evidence at hand, that the 
plants figured in certain old plates or described in various horticultural maga- 
zines of a century or more ago are to be safely referred to O. Lamarckiana, 
as they have been by several writers. The effort to synthesize O. Lamarckiana 
is being continued by the use of other biotypes of the two chosen species, and 
it is expected that some of these will offer a still closer approach to the desired 
result. Reports on these further studies will be awaited with the greatest 
interest, and especially regarding the capacity of any of the new forms to yield 
a series of true-breeding segregates, such as the forms derived from O. Lamarck- 
zana which are now generally recognized as mutants. 

All students of genetics who have handled the oenotheras in hybridization 
experiments appreciate the fact that they are quite anomalous in their heredi- 
tary behavior, and that they do not clearly follow the simple procedure usually 
observed in the hybrids of other plants and of animals. Under the circum- 
stances, no far-reaching generalizations should be drawn from studies in the 
oenotheras except on the basis of extensive cultures and the most careful 
analysis of results. Gates’? has made some features of O. rubrinervis and o 
a derivative from it, which he calls O. rubricalyx, the basis of generalizations 
regarding the nature of unit-characters, which appear to the reviewer not to 
observe this desired caution. O. rubricalyx differs from O. rubrinervis not 
only in amount of anthocyan in leaves and buds, but also to some extent in its 
distribution, the latter form having a red hypanthium, red midribs of the 
sepals, and red on the ventral surface of rosette-leaves and especially of their 
petioles, in which positions O. rubrinervis has a green or yellowish color. Nine 
cultures from self-fertilized O. rubricalyx gave in each case not only O. rubri- 
calyx, but also O. rubrinervis offspring, though the ratios were not satisfactorily 
determined. The conclusion is reached that therefore O. rubricalyx is inca- 
pable of breeding true. The number of families is too small, however, to war- 
rant this conclusion, for Mendelian expectation would allow six of the nine 

6 Davis, B. M., Genetic studies on Oenothera. II. Some hybrids of Oenothera 
biennis ae o grandiflora that resemble O. Lamarckiana. Amer. Nat. 45:193-233- 
jigs. 18. 

7 pe R. R., Studies on the variability and heritability ee eyo in 
Oenothera. Zeit. f. ad Abstam. Vererb. 4:337-372. pl. 1. figs. 5. 


parents to be heterozygous, and it puts no strain on the “errors of random 
wired to account Aust the Sopnusauecd three as a purely chance result. Re- 

s bet O. Lamarckiana seem to have resulted 
in each case in a progeny of iabeccabes and Lamarckiana, though the deter- 
minations were defective. The appearance of these two types in the first 

in the F, and breed true in later generations. This new use of the expression 
will result in confusion if it is adopted by others, 
ince all Mendelian inheritance is “alternative,” as the expression is now 


GATES is of the opinion that O. rubricalyx represents a progressive muta- 
tion from O. sedanlaet and that it is not to be explained on the basis of the 
presence and abse ypothesis. For the a le and direct, though some- 
what formal and — terminology generally used in describing Mendelian 
behavior, GATES would substitute “ a quantitative readjustment of the rela- 
tion between the substances which by their chemical interactions produce 
anthocyan, and those which decompose : as soon as formed, or which, by their 
presence, divert the metabolic processes and bring about chemical reactions 
of a different sort.” 

ile the extent of the anthocyan in O. rubricalyx proved to be strictly 


riES® has continued his studies on hybridization in the oenotheras, 
and announces results of unusual theoretical interest, which together with the 
discovery of “twin hybrids,” earlier reported? by the same author, the reviewer 

8 DeVries, H., Ueber doppeltreziproke Bastarde von Oenothera biennis L. und 
O. muricata L. Biol. Centralbl. 31:97-104. 1911 

, On twin hybrids. Bot, GazETTE 44:401-407. 1907. 


believes will go far toward solving the anomalous hereditary behavior of the 
oenotheras. As reported in Die Mutationstheorie (2:471), reciprocal hybrids 
among the oenotheras are Peer unlike, being usually similar to the type 
of the pollen parent. To over the significance of this phenomenon the 
author crossed together the anal hybrids, thus (AX B)F;X(BXA)F,:. 
The results of such a cross he calls “double reciprocal hybrids.” For the 
study of these double reciprocal hybrids he has used chiefly O. biennis and 
O. muricata. It will be seen that there are two possible combinations of the 
same reciprocal hybrids, e.g. (biennisX muricata) X (muricata X biennis) and 
(muricataX biennis) X (biennisX muricata). In the first case the cea 
occupies the middle place in the formula and biennis the extremes, while in 

second case the position of the two parent species is reversed. The sheers 
and unexpected result of these crosses is the complete disappearance of the 
characters of the species occupying the middle position in these formulae. 

only of biennis, while the alternative arrangement of the parents results in a 
progeny of pure O. muricata, the biennis having completely disappeared. 
This remarkable result does not belong only to the biennis-muricata cross, but 
six other combinations in which O. biennis entered as one of the parental 
types followed always the same law. These six combinations involved a small- 
flowering ‘‘O. biennis’’ from Chicago, cruciata, strigosa, Hookeri, Lamarckiana 
laeta, and Lamarckiana velutina. The same principle holds when one of these 
F, hybrids is crossed with one of the parental types, e.g. (AX B)F:XA, the result 
being the same as if the middle parent had not entered into the breeding (in 
the example the offspring are all pure A). The progeny of such a cross the 
author calls ‘‘sesquireciprocal hybrids.” 

From these results it is obvious that the eggs and sperms carry different 
morphological potentialities. The cross AXB results in an AB heterozygote 
which produces A eggs and B sperms. The reciprocal cross produces only 
B eggs and A sperms. DeVries offers the explanation that both A and B 
eggs and A and B sperms are produced, but that the B eggs and A sperms fail, 

an assumption which is in accord with the observation that about half the 
ovules and half the pollen grains are abortive. 

DeVries has gone further and discovered just what — are 
carried by each sex. In both pure-bred O. biennis and in its crosses w 
muricata, the pollen-borne type is epistatic to the seed-borne type, so ace the 
latter is never seen; but in a series of crosses of O. biennis with “ biennis Chi- 
cago,” cruciata, Fisclen. strigosa, and Lamarckiana, the seed-borne type of 
O. biennis is epistatic to the pollen-borne type of the other species, thus allow- 
ing it to become visible. The F, offspring between biennis S and all these 
other species resemble O. biennis, which therefore represents the pollen-borne 
type. The F, between diennis 2 and all of the species mentioned gives a new 
form unlike biennis and unlike any of the pollen parents, but essentially 
identical in all the crosses. This new form is the seed-borne type of O. biennis. 


The author calls it the “conica-type,”’ because of its characteristic thick 
conical buds. It has been Soenibed already as “‘velutina’’ in the same author’s 
papers on “twin hybrids.’”” While O. muricata was incapable of such com- 
plete analysis as was given to biennis, owing to the fact that many of its hybrids 
are weak or sterile, several crosses in which muricata was used as the seed 
parent show that in this species also there is a morphological type determined 
by the egg cell different from that carried by the pollen cell. The seed-borne 
type of O. muricata is called by DEVRiEs the “‘frigida-type.”’ It comes to 
light in crosses of O. muricata as seed-parent with “ biennis Chicago,” Hookert, 
and strigosa pollen parents. It has tall, ates nearly glabrous stems, but 
little branched, with flowers resembling O. bien 
ese results are of unusual theoretical Gas and the study of 
double reciprocal hybrids will no doubt lead to the — of other instances 
in which different potentialities are borne by eggs and sp 
HonInc” has made a statistical study of the “twin hybrids” of O. Lamarck- 
iana and O, rubrinervis in the attempt to identify the velutina with rubrinervis 
and Jaeta with Lamarckiana. He finds in nearly all the morphological char- 
acteristics which differentiate the twin hybrids a fairly close parallel with the 

convinced by these facts that O. Lamarckiana and O. rubrinervis are both of 
hybrid nature, each possessing in the latent state the characters of the other. 
He offers no suggestion, however, as to how it happens that this hybrid nature 
fails to ca itself when O. Lamarckiana and O. rubrinervis are self-fertilized. 
ZEIJLSTRA™ has discovered that the most common form of O. nanella is 
er , a Micrococcus which forms zoogloea-like masses in the cavities 
of the cells. The diseased plants have a characteristic appearance which 
em easily detected even in their early stages. Normal (that is, 
undiseased) O. nanella has also been discovered, but much more rarely, and the 
latter has never fruited. It is suggested that the true normal O. nanella may 
have been frequently overlooked, owing to its resemblance to O. Lamarckiana. 
How it happens that all the offspring of the diseased O. nanella are of the 
parental t needs investigation. The author points out two alternative 
explanations: namely, that this diseased strain of O. nanella inherits a suscepti- 
ility to the attack of the Micrococcus, or that the germ cells are themselves 
infected by the parasite. In the latter case a microscopic study of the germ 
cells should perhaps detect the presence of the Micrococcus.—Gro. H. SHULL. 

10 HONING, J. A., Die 2 amen der Oenothera Lamarckiana. Zeit. f. Ind. 
Abstam. Vauk 4: ‘ik Sigs. 10. 1911 
 ZEIJLSTRA, H. H., Oenothera nanella DeVries, eine krankhafte Pflanzenart. Biol. 
Centralbl. 31:129-138. figs. 5. 1911. 


The determination of sex.—In a recent paper on the determination of sex, 
STRASBURGER” adds to his already extensive contributions to this difficult 
subject. As in previous papers, he maintains that the problem is phylogenetic, 
and that there is a striking parallelism between the animal and plant kingdoms 
in the evolution of sex. In both kingdoms the original differentiation appears 
only in the haploid generation, but with the differentiation of sex in this genera- 
tion came fertilization and the formation of a diploid generation, which, in 
both animals and plants, became the dominant one. 

The point at which the separation of sexes takes place | in various plant 
groups is noted briefly; the statements, in most cases, depending upon facts 
already known, rather than upon cytological or other evidence in connection 
with this particular paper. 

In monoecious Chlorophyceae the thallus is bisexual and the sexes are 
separated at the formation of oogonia and antheridia; at fertilization the two 
sexes are united; the reduction of chromosomes takes place during the first 
two divisions of the zygote, but is not accompanied by any separation of sexes, 
the product of the zygote being bisexual. In dioecious Chlorophyceae the 
separation of sexes occurs at the reduction division, so that the products of | 
the zygote are unisexual. Thus the separation of sex tendencies appeared 
first in connection with the reduction divisions. 

In monoecious bryophytes there is no separation of sexes at the reduction 
divisions, the separation occurring later, at the formation of antheridia and 
archegonia; but in dioecious forms the separation occurs at the reduction 
division. That the separation of sex tendencies as well as their union at ferti- 
lization is decisive, is shown by the fact that protonema from vegetative cells 
of a sporophyte of a dioecious moss produces leafy plants bearing both anther- 
idia and archegoni 

In hcmngiiaaae pteridophytes there is no separation of sexes at the reduc- 
tion divisions, the spores being bisexual and the sex tendencies being separated 
later in the gametophytes arising from the spores. The division which many 
homosporous pteridophytes show in their gametophytes is due merely to external 
factors, the gametophytes being really monoecious. In heterosporous forms 
the separation of sexes does not occur at the reduction divisions, but much 
earlier, during the divisions leading to the formation of spore mother cells, 
so that the spore mother cells are already all male or all female, all the spores 
of a microsporangium producing male prothallia and all those of a megaspo- 
rangium producing female prothallia. The two sex tendencies are united in the 
sporophyte, which can then produce both microsporangia and megasporangia. 
Through the heterospory of the sporophyte the dioecism of the gametophyte 
became firmly established. 

In seed plants the sexes are recognized by the external ‘‘sex organs” of 

™ STRASBURGER, EDUARD, Ueber geschlechtbestimmende Ursachen. Jahrb. Wiss. 
Bot. 48:427-520. pls. 9, 10. 1910 


the diploid sporophyte. In heterosporous plants there is no sex differentia- 
tion except that which leads to the formation of microspores and megaspores, 
for from a microspore mother cell come four spores which produce only male 
products, and from a megaspore mother cell come four spores which produce 
only female products. If all sporophytes were bisexual, the problem would be 
comparatively simple, but there are sporophytes which produce only micro- 
sporangia or only megasporangia, and these dioecious seed plants, although 
their number is comparatively small, have been used extensively in the study 
of sex problems. 

A large amount of experimental work is recorded, the principal forms 
used being Mercurialis annua, Melandrium rubrum, and Elodea canadensis. 

In Mercurialis annua ovulate plants sometimes bear occasional staminate 
flowers, and similarly, Seshices plants sometimes bear occasional ovulate 
flowers. STRASBURGER had already found that the flowers of an ovulate 

flowers on a staminate plant, when pollinated from the same plant, bear seeds 
which produce only staminate plants. Some plants have ovulate flowers with 
staminate flowers growing up through them in a sort of proliferation. Pol- 
lination of such ovulate flowers with pollen of the proliferating flowers gives 
rise to seeds which produce both ovulate and staminate plants. The con- 
clusion is that in the scattered staminate flowers the male tendency has become 
weakened, and that in the scattered ovulate flowers, the female tendency has 
become weakene 

In the Rinectons Melandrium rubrum, pollination was effected by pollinat- 
ing with thin transverse sections of still unopened anthers. It was hoped that 

grains with the stronger and with the weaker male tendencies. In all, 1475 
seeds were secured, and from these there were obtained 1124 seedlings, 1035 
of which reached the flowering stage. Of these 376 were staminate and 659 
ovulate, the ovulate being strongly dominant. * 

The work on Elodea canadensis is interesting, but is still in an unfinished 
condition. Although ovulate plants have long been abundant in Europe, 
staminate plants are not available. Staminate plants and seeds were secured 
from Wolf Lake, near Chicago, and hundreds of stigmas were pollinated, each 

with a single pollen tetrad. Fertilization has taken place, but seeds are not 
yet ripe. If each ovary should produce four seeds, two of which should pro- 
duce staminate plants and two ovulate plants, there would be some definite 

The general conclusion from the data, only a small part of which has been 
indicated here, is that all eggs are female and all pollen male, but that some 
pollen has a strong and some a weak male tendency. Pollen with a strong male 
tendency overcomes the female tendency of the egg, while pollen with the weak 
male tendency is overcome by the stronger female tendency of the egg. The 



fact that eggs of apogamous forms may produce staminate as well as ovulate 
plants does not affect the problem, since such eggs are diploid, and the sex 
tendencies have not yet been separated. The case is similar to that of budding. 

A cytological study was made in Melandrium rubrum, Cannabis sativa, 
and Mercurialis annua, but at present no cytological features have been 
recognized which seem to have any bearing upon the problem of the separation 
of the sexes. In Melandrium rubrum one chromosome is constantly larger 
than the others, as was noted during the reduction divisions and in vegetative 
cells, but it could not be connected with sex differentiation. 

The problem is unusually large and difficult, and the present paper suggests 
many points of attack.—CHARLES J. CHAMBERLAIN. 

Crown gall.—The most noteworthy contribution recently made to plant 
pathology is the bulletin on crown gall of plants by Smiru, Brown, and Town- 
SEND.%3 This disease, on account of its wide distribution and the conspicuous 
nature of the deformations to which it owes its name, has long attracted the 
attention both of practical horticulturists and plant pathologists. Yet, with 
the exception of the work of some Italian investigators, little has been done to 
work out the etiology of the disease. From general observations it has been 
believed that the disease is communicable, and one investigator (CAVARA 
isolated an organism from a gall of the European grape and established a 
strong probability that it was the causal organism of that particular gall. 
The nature of the outgrowths known as crown gall and occurring on a great 
many different kinds of plants, the cause of their occurrence, and the relation 
of the crown galls of different plants to each other, have remained among the 
most obscure problems in the whole field of plant pathology. The results of 

investigations on these problems are reported in the present bulletin 
e work begins with a short historical sketch of the more feito 
investigations on the crown gall, special emphasis being laid on the work of 
Italian investigators who first ascribed the disease to bacteria. This is followed 
by an account of the isolation of the causal organism, and the evidence showing 
that the crown gall of various plants is due to bacterial organisms; and that 
these belong either to a single species or to closely related species or strains, 
each of which can be inoculated into many species of plants. The morphology 

crown gall and some animal tumors is discussed. is similarity is emphasized 

by the occurrence of metastases in infected plants. The last part of the 
bulletin relates to the practical aspects of the subject, together with a statement 
of the plants infected and their distribution. The evidence given in the first 
part is supported by 36 excellent plates. 

3 Suit, E. F., Brown, NELLIE A., TownsEnD, C. O., Crown gall of plants; its 
cause and remedy. Bur. Pl. Ind. Bull. 213: pp. 200. pis. 36. figs. 3. 1911. 


It may be said that the beginning of the present work dates back to the 
discovery of gall-like outgrowths on the stems of the Paris daisy (Chrysan- 
themum frutescens) in 1904. It was not until 1906, after many unsuccessful 
trials, that an organism was isolated which when inoculated into sound plants 
caused the growth of galls similar to the ones from which the organism had 
been obtained. The organism was inoculated from pure cultures into many 
different plants, several hundred inoculations having been made. The results 
showed that on nearly all herbaceous plants tried, such as daisy, pyrethrum, 
tobacco, clover, cotton, sugar beet, hop, and others, galls were produced as a 
result of the inoculations. Inoculations into such woody plants as rose, 
grape, almond, poplar, and Persian walnut also gave galls, but with less 
frequency than the herbaceous plants. JInoculations on a number of other 
plants did not result in the formation of galls, although in some instances 
inoculations had been successful in other experiments with the same plants. 
Later, crown gall organisms were isolated from a large number of other plants, 

th woody and herbaceous, including the common nursery trees, as apple, 
peach, and poplar, which suffer most seriously from the crown gall, and such 
organisms were also capable of infecting a number of hosts besides the original 
one. The “hairy root” of apple, which has been more or less associated 
with crown gall in the minds of nurserymen, was found to be due to the same 
organism which when inoculated into other plants, as the sugar beet, for 
instance, gave galls with the characteristic hairy roots. The vast amount 
of evidence of this nature presented in the bulletin shows that the crown gall 
and similar tumors, and the hairy root disease of various plants, are due to 
bacteria, and that the organism of each kind of plant is capable of being 
inoculated at least into several other plants. The organisms from different 
sources, while similar in their general characteristics, show minor cultural 
differences. This behavior leads the authors to leave undecided the question 
whether the organisms constitute several species or a single species with several 
An interesting comparison is made between the crown gall outgrowths and 
animal tumors to which they show resemblance in growth and organization. 
This resemblance is carried still farther by the formation by the plant galls 
of metastases, which occur at some distance from the primary gall, but without 
the intervention of new infections. It is suggested that the metastases occur 
as a result of growths from the primary galls. 

Another important idea is brought out in a number of experiments which 
tend to show that plants acquire immunity to the crown gall organism as 4 
result of repeated inoculation. If the result of those experiments should be 
confirmed by future work, this would be the first instance of immunity in 
plants analogous to that in animals. 

This work has removed from the domain of speculation the cause of crown 
gall and kindred diseases affecting many plants. These diseases, in all their 
varied manifestations, are shown to be due to a common cause. The enormous 


amount of evidence presented leaves no doubt as to the correctness of the 
conclusions. Aside from having solved one of the most obscure problems 
of plant pathology, the authors have shown that it has a more general bearing 
in showing that these plant galls, due to bacteria, present many analogies to 
animal tumors. The successful isolation of causal bacteria from the plant 
tumors, after many failures, leads one to hope that the work will stimulate 
renewed search for organisms in animal tumors.—H. HASsELBRING. 

Coastal floras —H. CHERMEZON™ has recently made a contribution to the 
study of coastal floras. In the introduction he calls attention to the well 
known peculiarity of these floras, the interest they have excited in botanists 
since ancient times, and the theories advanced as to the relation between them 
and salt in the soil. 

The main part of the work is divided into three sections. In part 1 is 
given a description of the structure of the leaf and stem of a large number of 
plants of the coast, chiefly of France, but also of some of the salt-desert 
regions of Tunis. In part 2 a study is made of the characters peculiar to 
plants of the coast. There are three categories of habitat: (1) the region of 
sands, including (a) beaches and (6) dunes; (2) region of rocks and cliffs, 
including (@) rocks and bowlders exposed to the spray and (0) the top of cliffs; 
(3) damp salty places including (a2) muddy flats and salt marshes (the halo- 
phytic zone par excellence), and (6) damp prairies, not reached by the sea, 
which form a transition to the flora of the interior. 

Part 3 is devoted to a discussion of the flora. It is divided into two parts: 
(x) marshes, rocks, and beaches; and (2) dunes and sands. The transition 
between the two is made by the plants of the beaches which have characters 
common to both. In the first group succulency and development of water- 
tissues are the striking features, while the second shows more often thickening 
of the cuticle, sinking of stomata, and abundance of hairs. As the stations 
of the first group are the most salty, while the dunes are not salty at all, the 
author distinguishes two sorts of floras, the halophilous and the xerophilous. 
The xerophilous flora reaches its maximum in the dunes, where the characters 
are such as are met with in other xerophilous floras; but it is less specialized 
than that of the desert or even the Mediterranean flora, since the dryness is 
less pronounced and less continuous. The halophilous flora occupies the 
beaches, the rocks and bowlders, and the salt marshes. The beach and the 
dunes are not distinct, plants passing from one to the other; but a great many 
sand-loving plants of the dunes are absent from the beach, which the author 
explains by the presence of salt, small in amount but sufficient to eliminate 
them. The rocks and bowlders in the vicinity of the sea, exposed to the spray, 
are occupied by a flora with special characters, less halophilous than those of 

“4 CHERMEZON, H., Recherches — sur les aie littorales. Ann. 
Sci. Nat. Bot. 12:117-313. figs. 52. 19 


the beach flora. In the salt marshes is found the most halophytic flora. 
Several plants have hygrophilous characters, as canals or lacunae. 
n conclusion, the coastal flora is composed of xerophilous and halophi- 
lous members, showing points of contact; plants of the xerophilous flora 
ave moderately xerophilous characters, ag as epidermal protections slightly 
de eloped plants of the halophilous flora exhibit succulency of leaves and 
of stem and water-tissues; characters in common to the two are isolaterality 
of oe and compact structure of the mesoph IL. 
he author objects to ScuimpEr’s placing halophytes among xerophytes 
and says: “‘The cape iasiagitl results from confusion. between the two different 

ities. The fact that there are succulent plants outside the coast simply proves 

that succulency may be related to other factors of the soil besides salt, but its 

frequency in plants of salty earths shows that there exists a certain relation 

the toxic action of salt, or that the appearance of succulent plants on the coast 
is due to lack of competition there, he thinks insufficient, and concludes that 
a flora as special as that of the salt marsh should be considered as halophilous 
in the proper sense of the word. The author admits that succulency may be 
due to other factors than salt in the soil, but does not make it clear why he 
objects to considering that “physiologically dry” soil and really dry soil may 
occasion the same structure. ScHIMPER’s argument seems to us to stand. 
—A. M. STARR. 

Inheritance of flower-form and color in Digitalis—A familiar garden 
variety of Digitalis has the central axis terminated by a peloric flower. 
KEEBLE, PELLEw, and Jones* find that this form is a Mendelian recessive to 
the typical form, and that, as might be expected, the inheritance is the same 
whether the seeds are taken from the peloric flower or the normal zygomorphic 
flowers of the same plant. The flower-color is referred to three pairs of allelo- 
morphs: Mm, a magenta factor; Dd, a darkener which changes the magenta 
to purple; and Ww, a dominant white factor which removes the effect of M 
except in the small spots which occur on the corollas of all Digitalis. When M 
is present these spots are red, and when absent they are yellow. 

Miss SAUNDERS" has studied the inheritance of an interesting form of 

5s KeEBLE, F., Perrew, Miss C., and Jones, W. N., The inheritance of peloria 
and Riacaie' in foxglove (Digitalis purpurea). New Piveslogiat 9:68-77. fig. I. 
UNDERS, Miss E. R., On inheritance of a mutation in the common foxglove 
Pate purpurea). New Piytobosiet 10:47-63. pl. 1. figs. 12. 191 


Digitalis which has been noted occasionally for nearly a century, and which 
was described by CHAMisso in 1826 under the name D. purpurea heptandra. 
The characteristic features of this form consist of a dialysis of the corolla and 
staminody of three or more of the petals, thus producing flowers having most 
typically 7-9 stamens, and scarcely to be recognized as a Digitalis flower at 
all. The degree of development of these characters is variable, and somewhat 
influenced by the environment, but there is no real transition to the normal 

. This form proves to be like the peloric variety, a Mendelian recessive 
to the normal. The reviewer has also been studying the inheritance of this 
peculiar variety for five years, and has reached the same conclusion. Miss 
SAUNDERS confirms the results of KEEBLE, PELLEw, and JoNEs as to the color- 
characters.—GEo. H. SHULL. 

Water relations of desert plants——FitTtInc"’ has studied the water rela- 
tions of the plants growing on the Sahara. He finds, as Livincston found 
for the Arizona desert, that the water is generally gained from the surface 
layers of the soil and not by deep rooting. Many of the plants, especially 
the perennial shrubs not provided with water-storage organs, develop remark- 
ably high osmotic aay which enables them to withdraw water from the 
ee dry soil. On the other hand, the annuals showed much lower 

motic pressure, with lack of ability to thrive in the most exposed places. 
In many cases the high pressures were due largely to stored NaCl, but fre- 

quently entirely to other solutes. the 46 species studied, 21 per cent 
showed an osmotic pressure exceeding 100 atmospheres; 35 per cent exceeded 
53 atmospheres; 52 per cent, 37 atmospheres; while only 11 per cent showed 
osmotic pressures as low as 11 to 22 atmospheres. Species showing extremely 
high pressures in dry desert conditions show much lower pressures in moist 
situations. This marked power of certain plants to adjust their osmotic 
pressures to the water-withholding power of the medium in which they grow 
has been demonstrated for salt marsh plants by H1L1," a piece of work which 
Firtinc does not cite. We have known little about the osmotic pressure of 
desert forms, and this work supplies much of the deficiency and makes rr 
character of great significance in the physiology of these forms.—WILL 


Permeability.—SCHROEDER”® has studied the semipermeable membrane 
of the wheat grain, and confirms the work of Brown on the barley, but adds 
little that is new. The portion of the coat forming the semipermeable mem- 

7 Firtinc, Hans, Die Wasserversorgung und die osmotischen Druckverhiltnisse 
der Wiistenpflanzen. Zeitsch. Bot. 3: 209-275. 1911. 

Hirt, F. G., New Phytologist 7:133-142. 1908; Rev. in Bot. GAzETTE 
472170. 1909. 

*9 SCHROEDER, H., Ueber die selektiv permeable Hiille des Weizenkornes. Flora 
102:186-208. Ig11 


brane originates either from the inner integument or from the nucellus. 

shown that water and the solutes capable of entering do so mainly through 


if alcohol is added to its water solution. Ether renders the coat more readily 
permeable to water, while treatment with osmic acid renders it less so. While 
this membrane, being of the non-protoplasmic type, is of great theoretical 
interest, it has not been demonstrated of any biological significance to the seed 
itself. In these cultivated forms it is probable that, if such a significance 
existed, it has been eliminated by selection. A study of this membrane in wild 
grasses might prove of interest. Many of the wild forms show delayed germi- 
nation, and in one at least, wild oats, rupturing the coat overcomes the delay.— 

Leaf-fall—The phenomena accompanying the process of defoliation have 
been investigated by LEE” in nearly 50 species of trees and woody plants. 
e separation layer is formed from existing cells, with or without division, 
and cuts off the leaf by the degeneration and disappearance of the middle 
lamellae of the cells involved. The vascular elements are ruptured, but usually 

only after tyloses have filled them. The character of the invariably present 

protective layer is made the basis of classification, and the species studied are 
segregated according to whether the ligno-suberized protective cells arise 
(x) without further modification from existing cells; (2) after irregular division 
of existing cells; or (3) from a regularly active cambium. Whether the ligno- 
suberization comes before or after defoliation leads to subdivisions of the first 
two classes. The production of a cork layer continuous with the periderm 
of the stem usually follows in the growing season succeeding defoliation.— 
Gro, D. FULLER. 

» LEE, E., The morphology of leaf-fall. Annals of Botany 25:51—106. I9II. 




August IQIr 


The Adult Cycad Trunk Charles J. Chamberlain 

A Botanical Survey of the Huron River oe 

George Plumer Burns 

The Vegetation of Cranberry Island (Ohio) — Alfred Dachnowski 
Briefer Articles 

Is Ophioglossum FREEE Anomalous? Chrysler 

Cryptomeria japoni Ansel = shobes 

Current Literature 

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Issued August 18, $943 



146 (WITH TWENTY FIGURES). les J. Chamberlain 81 
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FIGURE). Alfred Dachnowshi oe - 126 

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eRe 3 


AUGUST rgri 


The structure and development of the cycad seedling is fairly 
well known in all the genera, and in Dioon, Ceratozamia, and 
Microcycas recent investigations have been particularly thorough; 
but some features of the adult trunk have hitherto escaped observa- 
tion, doubtless because such material is so difficult to obtain. Asa 
matter of fact, most of the descriptions are based upon dead con- 
servatory plants which had begun to decay and so had become 
worthless as ornamental specimens. 


As early as 1829, BRONGNIART (1) described the stem of Cycas 
revoluta, and showed clearly that, in spite of the external habit, 
the woody structure was not at all related to that of palms, but 
resembled the wood of dicotyls, the principal difference being that 
Cycas had no bast or growth rings. 

Von Mout (2) studied a specimen of “Zamia latifolia” (En- 
cephalartos) 1.5 meters in height, and also a section of a large 
trunk of Cycas revoluta. He recognized the bast and described 
the histological characters of the wood, which he found to resemble 
that of dicotyls, except that it lacked true vessels. In the pith 
he found bundles like those of many cacti. There were no growth 



The excellent work of METTENTUs (3), published in 1861, deals 
with Cycas revoluta, Encephalartos horridus, Dioon edule, and 
Zamia muricata. The course and structure of leaf traces are de- 
scribed in detail, and spiral vessels are noted for the first time, 
these having escaped the observation of previous investigators, 
probably because in mature stems they are lacking next the pith, 
where one might expect to find them. He saw bundles in the pith 
of Dioon and correctly interpreted them as belonging to the vascu- 
lar system of the peduncle. 

Sortms-LAvuBACH (4) traced the vascular supply of the peduncles 
in Stangeria paradoxa and Ceratozamia mexicana, and also noted 
the formation of phellogen in the leaf bases. 

In his Histologische Beitrige 111, SrRASBURGER (5) describes the 
histological structure of a large trunk of Cycas circinalis, and gives 
a critical discussion of the literature. 

In 1896, WorSDELL (6) made a thorough investigation of a large - 
trunk of Macrozamia Fraseri. This form has a well-developed 
system of vascular bundles in the pith, described as not being con- 
nected in any way with peduncles. There are also concentric zones 
of wood, as in Cycas, and these, WorsDELL (6) believes, are rem- 
nants of some ancient structure which consisted of rings or layers 
of concentric vascular strands. To him the structure recalls that 
of the Medullosa stem. 

From these accounts we get our conventional idea of the cycad 
stem, with its armor of leaf bases, thick cortex, narrow zone of wood, 
large pith, numerous medullary rays, and no growth rings. 


In September 1910 I was able to study in the field the adult 
trunks of Dioon edule and D. spinulosum, the study being facilitated 
by the active encouragement of Gov. Troporo A. Denesa, of the 
state of Vera Cruz. The field study was supplemented by notes 
and material from Mr. ALEXANDER M. Gaw, of the Bureau of 
Information, Jalapa, state of Vera Cruz. Abundant material of 
Dioon spinulosum, accompanied by notes, was sent to me by Mr. 
J. C. DENNIs, superintendent of the Hacienda de Joliet, near Tierra 
Blanca, but in the state of Oaxaca. I am glad to acknowledge My 


indebtedness to these gentlemen, for without their cooperation 
the investigation of such inaccessible material would have been 
impossible. . 

The conventional account of the trunk is doubtless true for all 
young cycads and for most old ones, but it is not correct for large 
plants of Dioon spinulosum, and probably not for others which 
have attained any considerable height. In D. spinulosum the 
large amount of wood, the zone sometimes reaching a thickness of 
10 cm., first attracted my attention, but since material was avail- 
able, it seemed desirable to examine the whole trunk. Plants were 
studied both at Tuxtepec and at the Hacienda de Joliet, but the 
following account, whenever it relates to D. spinulosum, is based 
upon material from the latter locality. 

Acr.—As mentioned in a previous paper (7), the trunk some- 
times reaches a height of more than 16 meters. From the crown 
to the base the trunk is marked with a series of ribs due to the 
alternation of foliage and scale leaves, the constrictions between 
ribs corresponding to the scale leaves, and the ribs themselves 
being the larger leaf bases of the crowns of foliage leaves. Ob- 
viously, the number of crowns which a plant has borne can be 
determined by counting the ribs, and, assuming that a new crown 
is produced each year, the age of the plant would then be known. 
But it is not certain that new crowns are formed every year, and 
whether the interval is regularly two years remains to be deter- 
mined. At any rate, an estimate making the number of years 
_ correspond to the number of crowns would be extremely conserva- 
tive. In our previous account (7) the age of the tallest specimens 
was estimated at about 400 years, the estimate assuming a crown 
- to be produced every other year. It was also stated that the scars 
are so obscure on the lower portions of the trunk that accurate 
counting is difficult. While this is true, we now find that the count- 
ing can be carried much farther than we had supposed, and also that 
the obscure ribs formed by successive crowns are very much closer 
together in the lower than in the upper portion of the trunk. The 
difference between the upper and lower portions of a trunk 6 meters 
in height is shown in figs. 1 and 2, the lower portion being taken 


30 cm. above the surface of the rock upon which the plant was 
growing. The foliage display practically always consists of two 
successive crowns, the leaves of the lower standing transversely or 
beginning to droop, while those of the latest crown are more erect, 
but the two nevertheless presenting the appearance of a single 

Fics. 1, 2.—Dioon spinulosum: fig. 1, upper part of a trunk 6 meters in height; 
the latest crown is tied with the string, the next crown below has been cut aw ay with 
a machete, and the leaves of the 6 crowns below this have fallen off naturally; X¢; 
fig. 2, lower part of same trunk, showing scars of 21 crowns; X}. 


crown. In fig. 1 the latest crown is tied to protect the bud, and 
the leaves of the crown below have been cut off. With this explana- 
tion, it will be seen that the upper portion has borne 8 crowns. 
The lower portion has borne 21 crowns, of which 6 or 7 toward the 
top are easily counted, while the rest are increasingly indistinct. 
How many crowns were borne by the intervening piece, about 4 
meters in length, and also by the stump, is not known, but roo 
crowns would be a very low estimate, and the plaht would be more 
than 100 years old even if a new crown were produced every 

Armor.—In some forms, like Dioon edule and Encephalartos 
Altensteinii, the armor of leaf bases is so persistent that each leaf 
base is distinguishable even in the lower portion of the trunk, while 
in Dioon spinulosum and others the leaf bases become indistinguish- 
able in the lower portion of old trunks. 

In Dioon edule, below the two green crowns constituting the 
foliage display and appearing as a single crown, is a crown repre- 
sented by decaying midribs from which most of the leaflets have 
fallen, and below this will be found one or more crowns represented 
by irregular jagged stumps, several centimeters in length, and it is 
only below these that one finds the smoothly cut off bases. The 
reason is easily determined. As in annually deciduous dicotyls, 
an abscission layer of phellogen is developed, but at so late a period 
that only a decayed stump of midrib remains to be cut off. After 
the stump has fallen, a new phellogen appears a little deeper than 
the first, and then another, so that successive phellogens keep scal- 
ing off the outer surface, even in forms with such persistent leaf 
bases as Dioon edule. At Chavarrillo, where this species is most 
abundant, the trunk is often damaged by fire. In such cases, where 
the entire armor may be destroyed, an extensive phellogen appears 
in the cortex, the meristematic layer sometimes reaching a width 
of several millimeters, and in this way a smooth protective covering 
is built up. 

In Dioon spinulosum the phellogens are more vigorous, and suc- 
cessive layers are scaled off until the leaf bases in the lower portion 
of old trunks become indistinguishable, and even the ribs due to the 
alternation of scale and foliage leaves become obscure. We have 


never seen a specimen of Dioon from which all of the armor had 
scaled off, except in case of injury. 

CorTEX.—The cortex of a large plant grows rapidly for a few 
years, and then during the long life of the plant grows very little. 
In a 6-meter specimen of Dioon spinulosum, at a distance of 15 cm. 
below the apex, the width of the zone of cortex, measured from the 
outer border of the phloem to the beginning of the leaf base region, 
was I-1.5 cm.; while the width of the cortex near the base of the 
stem, where the tissues were at least 100 years older, had increased 
only to 1.5 or 2 cm. 

_ Except in cases of injury, there are no meristematic regions in 
the cortex, Dioon being strictly monoxylic, and there is no growth 
by a phellogen at the periphery, the phellogen layers being confined 
to the leaf base region and not reaching the cortex itself. In forms 
which lose their armor through the vigorous activity of successive 
phellogens, the cortex itself is invaded, but in such cases the invad- 
ing phellogen adds as much or more than it cuts off, and the stem 
may even increase in diameter. 
_ The cortex is traversed by numerous leaf traces, sonie of them 
direct and others forming the characteristic girdle. There are also 
numerous mucilage canals and cavities, some of them following the 
course of the bundles, but most of them being independent. 
Crystals of calcium oxalate are numerous, and tannin cells are so 
abundant that a freshly cut stem changes color in a few minutes. 
OUNT OF XYLEM.—The cycad stem has always been described 
as having a large pith and cortex, with a small zone of wood between 

According to BRoNGNIART (1), a specimen of Zamia latifolia 
(doubtless an Encephalartos), 1.5 meters in height and 20.5 cm. 
in diameter, had a pith 7.5 cm. in diameter, surrounded by a vas- 
cular zone 6 mm. in width, the xylem and phloem being of about 
equal thickness; beyond the phloem was a narrow cortex about 
8 mm. in width, followed by a broad zone of leaf bases 5 cm. in 

A few measurements which we have made recently are given 
below, all measurements being made at approximately the greatest 
diameter of the plant. 


A plant of Ceratozamia mexicana, collected about 10 kilometers 
north of Jalapa, had a trunk 30 cm. high and 15 cm. in diameter. 
The pith, 5.7 cm. in diameter, was surrounded by a zone of zylem 
3 mm. wide, with phloem 2 mm. wide, beyond which was the cortex 
1.5 cm. wide, and surrounded by a heavy armor of leaf bases. 

A mature plant of Zamia floridana, with a stem 15 cm. in height 
and 6 cm. in diameter, had a pith 1.3 cm. in diameter, the zones of 
xylem and phloem each measuring 2 mm. in width, and the cortex 
about 2 cm. in width. The entire armor had disappeared, and a 
comparatively regular phellogen had become established in the 
cortex. _ 

A specimen of Dioon edule at Chavarrillo, with a trunk about 
60 cm. in height and 21 cm. in diameter, had a pith 8.7 cm. in 
diameter, the zones of xylem and phloem each measuring 5 mm. in 
width, the cortex 2 cm., and the leaf bases 3.6 cm. A taller speci- 
men, about 1 meter in height, but with the same diameter, had the 
following dimensions: diameter of pith, 6.9 cm.; width of xylem, 
1.5 cm.; width of phloem, 8 mm.; width of cortex, 3.2 cm.; width 
of leaf base region, about 1.5 cm. 

These measurements may be regarded as typical of most 
monoxylic trunks. The mount of wood in polyxylic trunks, though 
somewhat greater, is still so scanty that no exception to the con- 
ventional description has been necessary. 

Naturally, it was with considerable surprise that I noted, in the 
Tierra Blanca region, trunks of Dioon spinulosum with zones of wood 
4,6, and even ro cm. in width. A specimen 6 meters in height, and 
33 cm. in diameter at a distance of 30 cm. above the rock on which 
it was growing, had a zone of wood 10 cm. in width. The phloem 
was 1.4 cm. in width, the cortex 2.5 cm., and the armor near the 
base of the plant, where it had been greatly reduced, only 0.5 to 
1cm. The pith at a distance of 60 cm. below the apex was 8 cm. 
in diameter, and from this point to the base of the plant its diameter 
was uniform. What the extent of the wood in a specimen 15 or 
16 meters in height might be, remains to be determined. 

he numerous large medullary rays reaching from the pith to 
the cortex are a conspicuous feature of the transverse section (fig. 
3). Besides the large rays there are much more numerous small 


ones. Both kinds of rays have a comparatively slight longitudinal 
extent. Each large medullary ray contains a leaf trace bundle, 
but the small rays are in no way connected with bundles. 
GROWTH RINGS.—Dioon spinulosum has well-developed growth 
rings, a feature which, so far as I know, has not been described for 
any cycad. These rings are conspicuous in the upper part of the 
trunk, and can be recognized even in the lower portions of old 
plants (figs. 3 and 19). That the rings are growth rings, and that 

Fic. 3.—Dioon spinulosum: transverse section of lower part of the piece shown in 
fig. 2; note the large and small medullary rays, the growth rings, and the large amount 
of phloem; X#. 

they have approximately the same structure as the annual rings of 
dicotyls, is obvious from a glance at a transverse section; but that 
they are annual rings is doubtful even in Dioon spinulosum; and 
in D. edule, where the rings are equally conspicuous, it is abso- 
lutely certain that they are not formed annually. 

A transverse section of the 6-meter plant of Dioon spinulosum, 
already mentioned, at the level of the third crown from the apex, 
showed four growth rings. This piece had borne one cone. A sec- 
tion of the same plant at the level of the eighth crown below the 
apex showed 13 growth rings. During the formation of the nine 
crowns the plant had produced at least 8 cones. 


The number of rings, counted 30 cm. above the ground in the 
6-meter specimen, was about 150. The number of crowns, at a 
very low estimate, was about 100. Any estimate of the number 
of cones would necessarily be very uncertain, the only data being 
that the first cone was borne when the plant was 1 meter in height, 
and that a piece 25 cm. in length, taken near the top of the plant, 
had borne 6 cones. Estimated only upon this data, the number 
of cones would have been more than 100, but the estimate is doubt- 
less much too high, because ovulate cones are comparatively infre- 
quent on small plants. 

The number of rings, then, does not correspond exactly to either 
the number of crowns or the number of cones, or to the number of 
both combined. It is certain that in some seasons a plant produces 
a crown of leaves but no cone; and that it may produce a cone 
and no leaves; and, further, that it may produce both a new crown 
and a cone the same season, or it may fail to produce either a crown 
oracone. It is quite probable that when either a crown or a cone 
is produced, a ring is formed, and that when both a crown and a 
cone are formed the same season, only one ring is produced. 

We are inclined to believe that a period of vigorous growth, 
which would result in the formation of a new crown or cone, would 
produce also a growth ring, and that seasons which pass without 
the formation of a crown or a cone would not be marked by growth 
rings, the mere alternation of rainy and dry seasons not being 
sufficient for the formation of a ring in Dioon. If the number of 
rings should correspond somewhat approximately to the number of 
seasons, we should regard the correspondence as a coincidence, 
the crown and cone production being the determining factor. Of 
course, it is well known that dicotyls in such localities have seasonal 
growth rings. 

In Dioon edule the growth rings present a very different problem, 
for it is certain that they correspond to neither the number of 
crowns, number of cones, nor number of seasons. At Chavarrillo,. 
a plant 60 cm. in height and 20 cm. in diameter showed, in a trans- 
verse section near the base, a zone of wood 15 mm. in width. The 
number of rings was about 20, but the age of the plant, at a very 
conservative estimate, could not have been less than 100 years, 


hor the number of crowns less than 50, so that whatever the factor 
may be which produces the ring, it must appear at widely separated 
intervals. The trunk is obscurely ribbed, but the ribs do not cor- 
respond to the number of crowns, many crowns being represented 
in each rib. It is possible that these ribs are due to the resting 
periods during which neither crowns nor cones are produced. 
The number of rings may correspond to the number of these 
resting periods. It is possible that such resting periods may 
result in the formation of new zones of wood in polyxylic stems, like 
Cycas revoluta, and only in the formation of rings in Dioon edule. In 
either case, it would require time and some vandalism to secure 

ConE DOMES.—Vascular bundles in the pith have doubtless been 
seen by everyone who has cut a section of any mature cycad stem, 
but Merrentus (3), studying Dioon edule, was the first to interpret 
these bundles as the vascular system of the cones. Later, SOLMS- 
LausBacH (4) made a more thorough study of the pith bundles in 
Ceratozamia, and showed conclusively that the cycad trunk is a 
sympodium. Still later, the mode of development of the sympo- 
dium was described by Miss F. Grace SmitH (8), who studied the 
origin of young cones and stem apices in Zamia floridana. 

We have studied the pith bundles in Dioon spinulosum, D. edule, 
and Zamia floridana. In longitudinal sections of the stem, the 
bundles are in the form of a convex diaphragm, but since they 
really form a dome with the peduncle of the cone at its apex, we 
shall call the system of bundles a cone dome. 

The longitudinal section shown in fig. 4 contains five cone domes, 
the second of which, counting from the top, is cut through the axis 
of the peduncle, and the third and fifth show clearly the position 
of the peduncle, and the other two indicate its approximate location 
by a thickening of the bundles. In Zamia floridana the appearance 
is similar, but in Dioon edule, on account of the very slow growth, a 
single transverse section may show parts of as many as three cone 

In transverse section the cone dome appears as a circle of vas- 
cular bundles more or less eccentric if cut near the peduncle, but 
concentric near the stele (fig. 5). 


As soon as a cone begins to develop, a new meristem appears 
very close to the peduncle, and this new meristem may form succes- 
sive crowns of leaves, but sooner or later it becomes transformed 
into a cone, which is really only a highly modified crown of leaves 

Fic. 4.—Dioon spinulosum: longitudinal section near the top of the piece shown 
in fig. 1; note 5 cone domes and, at the tip, a part of another; three ribs and parts 
of two more are shown; between the ribs are scale leaves; X}. 

terminating the growth of its axis. The process is then repeated. 
An instructive view of this phase is seen in fig. 6. A little to the 
right of the center is the peduncle of a large ovulate cone, and at its 
left is the new growing point which has produced a crown of foliage 


eaves, and a crown of scale leaves appearing as a whitish triangular 
cluster in the figure, while the growing point itself is becoming 
transformed into a cone, a fact evidenced, as yet, only by a slight 
elongation, the point, while producing only vegetative leaves, 

ne 5: —Dioon spinulosum: transverse section at about the level of the top of 
fig. 4; th t ring is the cone dome; beyond this is the vascular cylinder, with 
the gra (quite dark) and the phloem (much lighter) about equal in width; the 
girdle leaf traces (/) are prominent; 4. 

being convex or at most hemispherical. Young cones of Zamia 
also may be distinguished from vegetative growing points, even 
before any appearance of sporophylls, by the elongation. 

As the new apex develops, the old peduncle is pushed aside, 
new tissue gradually surrounds its base, and finally whatever 


remains of the old peduncle is covered over, somewhat as in the 
case of a dead branch of a dicotyl. The apex of the cycad stem is 
remarkably broad and flat, a feature which expedites the burying 
of the peduncle by the new tissue (fig. 6). 

Fic. 6.—Dioon edule: longitudinal section of the apex of a large trunk, showing 
three cone domes, the lowest with bundles in transverse section, the middle one with 
bundles going to the peduncle of a large cone, and the upper terminating in the latest 
apex; x4. 

ee a .@©&6 
Fic. 7.—Zamia floridana: ance section of apex of a large plant, showing 
three cone domes (c), the lower with bundles in transverse section, the middle with 
bundles eae to peduncle (p) of a rst cone, and the upper with bundles 
a young cone; the new growing point is at the right of the young cone; 
several ss traces ). are shown; X3. 


Fics. 8—11.—Dioon spinulosum: c, cone domes; m, mucilage ducts; /, leaf traces; 
~, phloem; fig. 8, cone dome still separated from the main body of the stele; fig. 9, 
section at the union of cone dome and main body of stele; fig. 10, slightly more inti- 
mate union; fig. 11, longitudinal view of cone dome at point of union with main body 
of stele; all X5. 


The vascular connections are rather complex. Naturally, each 
cone dome must, at some point, surround the apex of the preceding 
cone dome. The general course of the bundles may be seen in 
fig. 7, which shows three cone domes, the lowest shown in transverse 
section, the next terminating in the base of an old peduncle, and the 
upper one passing into a young cone, while at the right of the 
young cone is the new growing point. It is evident from this 
figure and the preceding one that the traces of foliage leaves first 
touch the stele at its periphery, while the bundles of the cone domes 
are on the inside. 

As long as the new dome is separated from the rest of the vascu- 
lar tissue by a zone of pith, a transverse section looks like a section 
of a polyxylic stem, except that the smaller zone of vascular tissue 
is inside (fig. 8); but a little farther down, a transverse section 
presents a confused array of bundles (figs. 9 and 10). After the 
bundles of the cone dome and those of the previously formed wood 
have become arranged into a fairly regular zone, a cambium is 
established, and the formation of secondary xylem and phloem 

egins. In uniting with the previously formed wood, the course 
of the various strands of a bundle is not uniform, some going up, 
some down, and others entering more or less transversely (fig. 11). 

It follows necessarily that every cycad which bears terminal 
cones must have cone domes in the pith. This would include all 
the living cycads, with the single exception of the ovulate plant of 
Cycas, in which the sporophylls are borne in a loose crown like the 
foliage leaves, and the growing point is not transformed into a cone, 
but remains meristematic. It is possible that in specimens of 
Encephalartos, which produce several cones in a circle, the meristem 
remains as in Cycas. In such a case, no cone dome would be 
formed; but if at any time such a plant should produce only one 
cone, or two or more cones in a cluster, a dome would be formed. 

In Macrozamia Fraseri, WoRSDELL (6) found numerous bundles 
in the pith, but claimed that they had no relation to cones. This 
species usually bears only a single cone, and consequently must 
have cone domes in the pith. It is possible that WorsDELL’s 
plant, being a greenhouse specimen, may never have produced a 
cone, but Dioon edule, which elongates very slowly, may show as 







fig. 12, longitudinal section of mature wood 

showing apparently compound nature of the large ray at th 

Fics. 12-14.—Dioon spinulosum: 

e upper portion, the bundle 

crystals; fig. 13, longitudinal radial section; fig. 14, transverse section; all X 



many as three cone domes in a single transverse section of the trunk, 
and the arrangement of pith bundles resembles that described for 
Macrozamia. Since the question would be settled by a glance at 
a longitudinal section of a cone-bearing Macrozamia trunk, it is 
hardly worth while to speculate. 


The living trunk of Dioon spinulosum cuts rather easily with 
an ax or machete, but is amazingly difficult to saw. Microtome 
sections of fresh material are not hard to cut, but transverse and 
longitudinal sections are likely to break at the large fragile medul- 
lary rays. A general view of the histology of the wood is shown in 
figs. 12-14. 

XYLEM.—The xylem, in the older parts of the stem, consists 
principally of very long tracheids, and is traversed by large and 
small medullary rays. 

Some writers state that there is no protoxylem in the adult 
cycad trunk, but the statement obviously rests upon a mistaken 
notion as to the character of protoxylem, such writers. assuming 
that only spiral and annular vessels should be entitled to the name, 
instead of applying the term to the first xylem differentiated in a 
bundle, without respect to the character of the markings on the 
cell walls. The adult stele of Dioon spinulosum is endarch, and the 
protoxylem consists of scalariform tracheids which pass gradually 
into the pitted tracheids with pointed ends, constituting the prin- 
cipal mass of the xylem. The transition is unmistakable, the 
scalariform markings, elongated pits, and typical bordered pits 
sometimes being found in a single tracheid. The bordered pits 
are multiseriate, two, three, and even five or six rows being found 
in a radial view of a tracheid, so that in radial sections the wood 
might be mistaken for that of Araucaria (fig. 15). Pits are occa- 
sionally found on the tangential walls, but they are not numerous 
and are irregularly scattered. 

Besides the tracheids with pointed ends, the xylem contains 
elongated cells with transverse walls (figs. 12 and 15-17). These 
at first are thin-walled and contain starch, but later may or may 
not become lignified and pitted. They are not uniform in length 

or constant in position, although they are most numerous in con- 
tact with the medullary rays (fig. 12). That their origin is the 
same as that of the ordinary pitted tracheid is seen at once in a 
transverse section of the wood (fig. 17). 

Still another form of tracheid is found in the large medullary 
rays (fig. 18). These tracheids are scalariform, are irregular in 

outline, and are nearly erect at their upper end, but become nearly 








yo Ww 





IG. 15.—Dioon spin 
ro > 4 J 3 . 

horizontal deeper down in the ray, so that a tangential section of 
the ray shows them in both longitudinal and in transverse section. 
Every large medullary ray would show these peculiar tracheids 
at some point or other, and they are particularly numerous near 
the pith. They connect the leaf trace bundle, which is found in 

every large ray, with the secondary xylem, a connection hitherto 
unknown in cycads. Such a secondary connection of the leaf 
trace is a prominent feature in angiosperms. Professor R. B. 

THOMSON examined preparations of the large medullary rays, and 


I am indebted to him for the suggestion in regard to their connec- 

The growth rings, to the naked eye, appear almost as distinct 
as in dicotyls, but under the microscope they are not so conspicuous 
(figs. 19 and 20). The latter figure presents one of the most con- 

a as 



rOlTg, © 

1 s _. 1 ee | —< f moatiure 

(t) containing starch, the xylem tracheids, 

Fics. 16, 17.—Dioon spinulosum: fig 
wood, showing thin-walled cells of the xylem 
and the small medullary rays containing starch and calcium oxalate crystals; 
transverse section showing the phloem with several thick-walled cells, xylem 
thick-walled tracheids and several of the thin-walled cells (f); x, calcium oxalate 
crystal in medullary ray; both X125. 
spicuous rays which could be found. In Dioon edule, the rings 
appear about the same to the naked eye, but under the microscope 
are quite distinct, and seem to differ considerably from those of 
D. spinulosum, as might be expected from the description given in 


connection with the number of rings. I have not yet found time 
to give them a careful study. In the plant of Ceratozamia, already 
referred to, the cells of the xylem are quite uniform, there being no 
trace of growth rings, and a similar condition was found in several 
stems of Zamia floridana. 



225 = 

Fic. 18.—Dioon spinulosum: portion of large medullary ray, showing the tracheids 
indicated in tangential section at the tip of the large ray in fig. 12; somewhat above 
the scalariform tracheids are pitted tracheids of the secondary wood; the lower third 
of the figure shows part of the leaf trace bundle in the ray; many cells contain calcium 
oxalate crystals; X40. 

PHLoEM.—The phloem was overlooked by BRonGnrART, doubt- 
less on account of its great extent and the numerous bast fibers 
which makes it resemble the wood. A small portion of the xylem, 
the cambium, and asmall portion of the phloem of Dioon spinulosum 
are shown in fig. 17. The extent of the phloem is indicated in the 
photomicrographs (figs. 3, 4, and 8-10). In longitudinal section, 
especially in tangential section, the resemblance to the wood is 


even more striking, the medullary rays being just the same, and the 
bast fibers having about the same arrangement as the long tracheids 
of the xylem. This structure makes the phloem nearly as rigid 
as the wood. 

Fic. 19 

Fics. 19, 20.—Dioon spinulosum: fig. 19, photograph showing growth rings, 
x; fig. 20, a single growth ring (g); 125. 

Rays.—In a transverse section the large medullary rays are as 
conspicuous as those of Quercus, and the small rays, while not 
nearly so conspicuous, are readily visible to the naked eye (fig. 3). 

The small rays vary greatly in longitudinal extent, some showing 
only a single cell in tangential section, while others may show 
more than 50, and may reach a width.of 3 or 4 cells. The great 


majority of the small rays are less than 20 cells in longitudinal 
extent, and are one or two cells wide, often two cells wide in the 
middle and one cell wide at both ends (fig. 12). Radially, the rays 
extend from the pith to the cortex, few if any new rays being 
formed as the trunk grows. Most of the cells contain large starch 
grains, but some have crystals of calcium oxalate, which is also 
abundant jn the phloem, cortex, and pith. 

The large rays also extend from the pith to the cortex. Longi- 
tudinally, they measure 4 to 8 mm., and from a width of about 
1 mm. in the middle they taper to a single cell above and below. 
In each large ray is a leaf trace, with its phloem more or less dis- 
organized. The xylem of this bundle is usually uppermost, but 
the orientation is various until the bundle reaches the cortex, 
where it becomes a part of the characteristic girdle. From both the 
pointed ends, tracheids extend into the ray, often making nearly half 
of the ray look like a group of small rays (fig. 12). Most of these 
tracheids which extend into the rays are scalariform, but some are 
slightly pitted, and some are the cells of the wood with transverse 
walls already described. Every large ray has at least one mucilage 
duct, and surrounding it at a distance of a few cells, the calcium 
oxalate crystals are particularly abundant. 

While the large ray, especially in tangential section, resembles 
the broad ray of Quercus, as described by EAmeEs (9), its mode of 
formation is different, the broad ray of Quercus originating by the 
fusion of small rays, while in Dioon the broad ray owes its origin 
to the leaf trace which it contains. The tissues simply grow around 
the leaf trace, and the compound appearance of the ray, shown at 
the upper end of the photomicrograph (fig. 12), is a secondary, not 
a primary feature. 

COMPARATIVE HISTOLOGY.—The trunks of Dioon spinulosum, 
D. edule, Ceratozamia mexicana, and Zamia floridana have some 
histological characters in common, and it is probable that all the 
Cycadales have enough histological peculiarities to identify the 
order by the structure of the trunk. The four species mentioned 
above are easily distinguished from each other by such histological 
characters, but it is very doubtful whether nearly related species 
of a large genus like Zamia could be so distinguished from each 


other. The distinction would doubtless be mu more difficult 
in young trunks than in old ones. 

The structure of the trunk of Dioon spinulosum is remarkably 
like that of the Bennettitales. The growth rings resemble those 
of Cycadeoidea Jenneyana, as described by WIELAND; the phloem, 
with its numerous thick-walled fibers in transverse section, is very 
similar to that of Cycadeoidea Wielandi; and the xylem, as it 
abuts upon the pith, also resembles that of Cycadeoidea. But 
there are also contrasting features; the broad medullary rays are 
not figured in the Bennettitales, and in the xylem cells with trans- 
verse walls seem to be lacking. 


1. The paper deals with field material of adult stems of Dioon 
spinulosum, D. edule, Ceratozamia mexicana, and Zamia floridana, 
particular attention being given to Dioon spinulosum. 

2. In Dioon spinulosum the xylem zone in a plant 6 meters in 
height reaches a width of 10 cm., far exceeding the extent of any 
xylem zone previously described for any cycad. 

_ 3. Dioon spinulosum and D. edule have growth rings, which in 
D. spinulosum correspond to the periods of activity which result 
in the formation of crowns or cones, but which in D. edule do not 
correspond to such periods. No growth rings were found in 
Ceratozamia mexicana or Zamia floridana. 

4. Cone domes in the pith were studied in the four species. 

5. The histological character of the adult stem was studied in 
Dioon spinulosum. The protoxylem consists of scalariform 
tracheids, from which there is a gradual transition to the tracheids 
with multiseriate bordered pits, constituting the principal part of 
the wood. There are also cells with the same origin as the pitted 
tracheids, but with transverse walls which may remain thin-walled 
and contain starch or may become lignified. Besides the leaf 
trace bundles, scalariform tracheids are found in the large medul- 
lary rays. 

6. Both in the general appearance of the transverse section 
and in histological characters the adult trunk of Dioon spinulosum 
resembles that of Cycadeoidea. 

oe sgn 






. BRONGNIART, A., Recherches sur l’organization des tiges des Cycadées. 

Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. I. 16:389-402. pls. 20-22. 182 

. Von Mout, Huco, Ueber den Bau des Cycadeenstammes. Abhandl. K. 

Acad. Miinchen 1:397-424. 1832 

. Metrentvus, G. H., Beitrige zur Anatomie der Cycadeen. Abh. K. Sachs. 

Gesell. Wiss. '7:565-608. pls. 1-5. 1861. 

. Sotms-Lausacu, H., Die Sprossfolge der Stangeria und der iibrigen Cyca- 

deen. Bot. Zeit. 48:177-187, 193-199, 209-215, 225-230. pl. 2. 1890 
STRASBURGER, EDUARD, Histologische Beitrage III. 1891. 

. WorsvELL, W. C., Anatomy of stems of Macrozamia compared with that 

of other genera of Cycadeae. Annals of Botany 10:601-620. pls. 27, 28. 

age Cuas. J., Dioon spinulosum. Bot. GAZETTE 48:401-413. 


Sigs. 1-7: 

8. SMITH, eile GRraAcE, Morphology of the trunk and development of the 

microsporangium of cycads. Bor. GAZETTE 43:187-204. pl. 10. 1907. 
E THUR J., On the origin of the broad ray in Quercus. Bot. 
Gaseere 49:161-167. pis. 8, 9. 1910. 



In a paper read before the Society for Plant Morphology and 
Physiology at the Philadelphia meeting (1904), the author called 
attention to the fact that the plants in peat-forming lakes near 
Ann Arbor, Michigan, are by no means all xerophytic. With 
xerophytes are found many plants whose structure is either meso- 
phytic or hydrophytic, and the conclusion was drawn that in the 
vicinity under consideration one should no longer refer to a peat 
bog, as such, as a xerophytic habitat (2). 

TRANSEAU (17), in a very interesting paper dealing with the 
distribution of bog and swamp plants, stated that the two were 
found growing together in the bogs of southern Michigan, and 
accounted for the present mixture of the two kinds chiefly on 
historical and climatic grounds. 

PENNINGTON (13) concludes that the bogs in southern Michi- 
gan are heterogeneous habitats and demand detailed study. 

LivincsTon (12), DacHNowskI (7, 8), and TraNseav (18) in 
experimenting with bog water have found that it is not the same in 
all zones. The samples of water taken for experimental purposes 
were generally from under Larix, Drosera, Sarracenia, Andromeda, 
Cassandra, Vaccinium, Eriophorum, etc., that is, from zones with 
marked xerophytic plants. 

The distribution and position of zones of plants in the bogs of 
southern Michigan have been given by Davis (9), TRANSEAU 
(18), the author (3, 4), and others. On the side of greatest depth 
the following zones are found: 

I. Zone of submerged planis——Plants in this zone usually do 
not go to great depths. In many lakes no vegetation is found at 
a depth of 12 feet (3.66 m.). The chief plants aré Chara, Cera- 
105] {Botanical Gazette, vol. 52 


tophyllum demersum, Naias flexilis, Potamogeton lucens, P. natans, 
P. zosieraefolius. 

II. Zone of water lilies —This zone is confined to shallow water 
seldom over 5 feet (1.5 m.) in depth. The characteristic plants 
are Castalia odorata, Nymphaea advena, Brasenia Schreberi. 

Ill. Zone of floating sedges—The mat formed by these sedges is 
very firm and usually about 18 inches (45.8 cm.) in thickness. The 
chief mat-forming plants are Carex filiformis and C. oligosperma. 
Associated with these, some playing an important part in mat- 
formation, are Menyanthes trifoliata, Dulichium arundinaceum, 
Eriophorum viridi-carinatum, Drosera rotundifolia, Aspidium Thelyp- 
leris, Onoclea sensibilis, Equisetum limosum, Eupatorium pur- 
pureum, E. perfoliatum, Mentha arvensis var. glabraia, Scutellaria 
galericulata, Utricularia sp., Calopogon pulchellus, Campanula 
aparinoides, Arethusa bulbosa, Galium trifidum, Aster junceus, 
Potentilla palustris, Solidago serotina var. gigantea, Lysimachia 
terrestris, etc. 

IV. Zone of bog shrubs—The characteristic plants of this zone 
are Chamaedaphne calyculata, Andromeda polifolia, Betula pumila, 
Nemopanthes mucronata, Sarracenia purpurea, Vaccinium Oxycoccus, 
V. macrocarpon. 

V. Zone of tamaracks.—The principal plants are Larix laricina, 
Cornus stolonifera, Osmunda regalis, O. cinnamomea, Rhus Vernix, 
Aster junceus. In areas where the tamarack is thick there is no 

VI. Zone of poplars and maples——This zone is often of great 
width for reasons pointed out in a previous paper (4), and has 
the greatest variety of species of any zone. Some of the plants 
found are Acer rubrum, A. saccharinum, Populus tremuloides, P. 
grandidentata, Prunus serotina, Quercus rubra, Q. bicolor, Sam- 
bucus canadensis, S. racemosa, Salix discolor, S. rostrata, Spiraea 
salicifolia, Cornus stolonifera, Ilex verticillata, Cephalanthus occi- 
dentalis, Rosa carolina, Epilobium adenocaulon, Verbena hastata, 
Solanum Dulcamara, Polygonum sagittatum, P. hydropiperoides, 
Geum rivale, Rumex britannica, Impatiens biflora, Viola blonda, 
Solidago canadensis, S. graminifolia, etc. 

VII. Zone of marginal willows.—Salix nigra, S. lucida, S. dis- 


color, Cornus stolonifera, Ilex verticillata, Rubus idaeus var. acu- 
leatissimus, R. hispidus, R. villosus, Rosa carolina, Vitis vulpina, 
Alisma Plantago-aquatica, Acalypha virginica, Agrostis alba, Bidens 
cernua, Cicuta bulbifera, Carex vulpinoidea, C. scoparia, Eleocharis 
tenuis, Eupatorium perfoliatum, Geum strictum, Glyceria nervata, 
Juncus effusus, Lycopus americanus, L. virginicus, Lactuca cana- 
densis, Ludvigia palustris, Pilea pumila, Polygonum Hydropiper, 

Fic. 1.—First Sister Lake near Ann Arbor, Mich.; the photograph shows the 
zonal arrangement of plants at the southwest corner; five zones can be distinguished 
as follows: water lily, bog sedge, bog shrub, tamarack, maple-poplar; the adjacent 
uplands are covered with oak-hickory woods; photograph by STEELE. 

P. sagittatum, Penthorum sedoides, Ranunculus pennsylvanicus, 
R. scleratus, R. delphinifolius, etc. (fig. 1). 

A study of the partial lists given above shows that they are 
not all xerophytes. There are at most only three. zones which 
have bog flora as the characteristic plants. These are the floating 
sedge, the bog shrub, and the tamarack zones. In the first of 
these only those plants rooting deep in the mat can be called bog 
xerophytes; those rooting in the surface layers are hydrophytes. 
The other zones are occupied by hydrophytes or mesophytes. 


The flora of the postglacial lakes studied in southern Michigan 
may be classified thus: 

: Submerged plants 
sarorper Water lilies 
Floating sedges 
Xerophytes } Bog shrubs 

Vegetation in postglacial 
Hydrophytes or 
tnesophytes 1 Poplar-maples 

Hydrophytes Marginal willows 

An investigation has been carried on for several years by the 
author and some of his advanced students to determine as far as 
possible the edaphic conditions in the different areas outlined 
above. A short report has been given (5) and a more detailed 
account of some of the results is given in this paper." 


The aerial parts of the bog plants are subjected to great extremes 
in temperature. Situated, as they are in the area under discussion, 
in low basins with often very steep sides, the air from the adjacent 
uplands drains into them, producing a temperature several degrees 
lower than that on the surrounding uplands during the night and 
early morning. During the day, however, very high temperatures 
have been recorded. Such temperatures have also been recorded 
by GANONG (10, 11) in New Brunswick. 

Unless otherwise stated in the text, all temperature readings 
given in this paper, both for soil and air, were taken with Richard 
Fréres, Paris, thermographs belonging to the University of 
Michigan. These instruments are shown in fig. 2 in the shelter 
in which they were kept in the field. The one on the left records 
the air, the other the soil temperatures. It was found, unfortu- 
nately, that the soil thermometer was unreliable when the tempera- 

* Bog conditions in southern Michigan, rai lies toward the southern limit of 
their distribution in this country, seem to be quite different from bog ae 
farther north described by GANONG (11). i point was emphasized also b 
TRANSEAU (17, 18). See also BAstrIn and Davis (1). 


ture of the air fell near the freezing point, and hence the early 
spring and late fall data were untrustworthy. In any temper- 
ature of the air ranging above 7° C., the records were found to be 

The temperature of the air at First Sister Lake, in the floating 
sedge zone, compared with that on high ground in Ann Arbor at 
7 A.M. is given below. 

Fic. 2.—Thermographs in the bog shrub zone at First Sister Lake; the one on 
the left is headin air, the other soil temperature; photograph by STEELE. 


Bog Upland Bog Upland 
April 26- May ee be ig © 14°7C —1°C, a°4 C. 
3—May to. 0. ter: 7 10.1 4 9 
Mace 10-Msy Boe | II 18 —I fe) 
May t7-May G4 on yous 10 14.2 —2 3.6 

Table I shows that in the morning the temperature of the air 
in the bog is several degrees lower than that of the upland. The 
only exception in a much larger collection of data than published 


here was seen in the lowest point reached during the second week 
when the upland went to 0, while the bog remained 4° warmer. 

The records of the thermographs show wide variations in air 
temperatures. In 1907, during the week April 26—May 3, it ran 
from 21°5 C. to —4°5 C.; in 12 hours it rose from —4°5 C. to 
16° C.; May 11, from 6 a.m. to 8 A.M., the air was —4° C.; May 
13 at 1 P.M. it reached 28° C.; May 16 at 3 A.M. it was only 1°5 C. 
Low temperatures were recorded during the summer. On June 28 
the air got as lowas 4° C. July (1907) was the hottest month, 
judged from the lowest temperatures reached, the lowest for the 
month being 7° C. at 6:15 A.M. the 27th. In August the low records 
Were: the tst.9 C.; 3d,6 C.; ath, 6° C.; 13th, 7° C.; 22d, 3°5C.; 
25th, 5, C. August 6, 1904, a maximum-minimum thermometer 
was hung in the top of an 8-foot tamarack in the sedge zone at 
Dead Lake. It showed a maximum of 37°8 C. and a minimum of 
57s C. 

These figures show that the temperature of the air is compar- 
atively low during the entire summer during the night. The 
coldest time came at 1 A.M. or about 7 A.M. On the other hand, 
day temperatures may run very high. The hottest time of the day 
was about 1 P.M.; it seldom came as late as 2 P.M. Fig. 3 repro- 
duces the air record for the week July 2-9, 1906, taken in the 
floating sedge zone at First Sister Lake. 

The temperature of the soil, on the other hand, shows very 
slow variations during the season. There is great difference in 
soil temperatures at different depths, and they warm up very 
slowly, except for the shallow surface layer; they never get very 
cold. When making contour maps of the bottom of these lakes 
(3, 4) in winter, it was soon learned that although the ice might 
be 10 inches (25.3 cm.) thick over open areas, a good thrust of the 
drill would usually send it through the thin ice near and beneath 
the tamaracks. Even in most severe weather it was necessary 
to wear rubber boots, as the thin ice continually broke under 
one’s weight. What ice is formed, however, lasts long into the 
spring. . 

In taking soil temperatures, a square piece was sawed out of 
the peat and carefully removed. The long bulb of the thermo- 


graph was then inserted in the side of the opening parallel to the 
surface for about 18 inches (45.8 cm.), and the piece of peat was 
replaced. The surface arrangement was left as nearly normal as 
possible. Some of the records were made at Dead Lake, but most 
of them were made at First Sister Lake. 


555533° 2:52 
BE: waae baa? 422 ie 332 
5 eiiiet an idl lituubasa LEE fi 
Puta a capemnee ie ave 
SiEScaeGatdeugetses SUGUNMERESEERSESESS an 233 

fii Veit 
Hci “AME 

Hi ett 

Fic. 3.—Temperature record of the air for the week July 2-9, 1906, taken in the 
sedge zone at First Sister Lake; the highest was 31° C., the lowest 3°5 C.; this occurred 
about 5 A.M., July 6. 

Fig. 4 shows a partial record of the results which were obtained 
at the latter lake at different depths in the tamarack zone. A 
is taken from the figures of TRANSEAU (18, p. 421) and gives the 
readings at a depth of 1 inch (25 mm.). At this depth the rise 
in temperature is quite rapid and resembles that of the adjacent 
uplands. At the time the leaves began to appear, May 27, it had 
reached 17° C. Line B gives the record for a depth of 4 inches 

4g _ [4 4 / 3 i 2. Z, 
/o ea a 8 OS ee : --C 
ee POT -D 

Fic. 4.—Diagram showing variation in temperature at different depths and at 
different seasons in the tamarack zone; A, 25 mm.; B, 10.2 cm.; C, 20.4 cm.; D, 
45.8 cm. below the surface. 

(10.2 cm.) to June 1. The temperature at this point does not 
rise so rapidly as that just given, and on May 25 had reached 
9° C. The dotted line C gives the temperature at 8 inches (20.4 
cm.). This record shows that during the spring, when leaves are 
unfolding, the soil temperature at this depth remains compara- 
tively low; not until July 22 did it reach 14° C. This was held 
for about a month (July 22—August 24), when it gradually began 


to lower. The readings given in line D were taken 18 inches 
(45.8 cm.) below the surface, and were continued for only a short. 
time; the temperature was surprisingly low. 

The next figure (fig. 5) was furnished by Mr. HAROLD STEELE, 
and gives the results of short readings in several zones. These 
readings were made in 1904 at the same lake. The soil readings 


Se, See Fe” | AS GR GR +” Tele" ¢ MP a 

30 \ N\_A 

‘ Wes VV 

a Ss ap a AUGOS FT: 
24 25 2 7-2 30 3 / ae | 
20 NA at f 
ps eh A, ! V/ u 

Fic. 5—Temperature reading taken in different zones at First Sister Lake by 
STEELE, in summer of 1904; explanation in text. 
are taken 18 inches (45.8 cm.) below the surface. This shows 
that the soil under the tamaracks is the coldest. The same is 
reported by TrANsEAU (18). As the writer had only one set of 
thermographs at his command, the readings could not be made 
simultaneously, but the data gathered seem to show that this 
made little difference in this case, as the temperatures were sta- 
tionary. The soil temperatures were: tamarack, 6 C.; bog 
shrub, 7°5 C.; poplar, 7°5 C.; and bog shrub, 10° C. These 


temperatures for the last two were lower than the author obtained 
for these zones. As has been pointed out, there is great variation 
in the poplar zone, and one should have a better knowledge of 
the exact location before attempting to explain this difference. 
The temperature under the bog sedge also varies with the width 
of the floating bog and the proximity to the zone of bog shrubs. 
That is, the temperature remains more constant when one gets 
away from the open water. 

Average records made by a class with ordinary thermometers 
for six weeks in the summer of 1906, 3 inches (7.6 cm.) below the 
surface, were as follows: open water, 18° C.; bog sedge, 17° C.; 
tamarack, 15° C.; maple-poplar, 17° C.; marginal willows, 18° C.; 
outer edge of marginal zone with no shade at 1:15 P.M., 22°C. 

These readings show a wide divergence of soil temperatures in 
the zones under consideration, and also at different depths in the 
same zone. This calls for a study of the depth of the root systems. 
For example, the high temperature of the soil at 25 mm. repre- 
sents the condition for germination of the many seeds of “drained 
swamp” plants which yearly lodge in the bog. This taken with 
the weak light and humid air, which will be considered later, makes 
an excellent place for germination of these seeds. On the other 
hand, the study of the root system shows that temperatures found 
at a depth of 45.8 cm. in the bog sedge and tamarack zones, 
especially, could not have a direct influence on the plants growing 
above, as they did not root in that layer but only in the surface 
layers. This is true even of the largest trees. Added to this 
fact is the additional consideration that peat is a very poor con- 
ductor of heat. The soil readings in these zones which are of the 
greatest importance are those taken near the surface in a study of 
reproduction, and those at moderate depths in the study of the 
present flora. 

These data become ecologically important in the light of the 
work of TRANSEAU (18, p. 22), who has shown by experiment 
that a temperature of 10°8 C. causes a diminution in the develop- 
ment of both roots and leaves. Although the trees began to open 
their buds the last of May, it was not until July that the tempera- 
ture about the roots of the tamaracks reached a higher temperature. 


This was after the most active vegetative period. Conditions 
in the bog shrub zone closely resemble those just described. In 
bog sedge the records show less regularity and resemble more 
closely swamp conditions, especially, as has been said before, in 
bogs where this zone is narrow. 

In the two outer zones, the temperatures recorded resemble 
more closely the upland and drained swamp conditions. Here 
they ranged about 18° C., in July reaching this mark early in the 
summer. They would have a less detrimental effect upon the root 
systems of the plants in these zones. 

HEE fe 
feudal ze 
= are 


Arbor, Mich; August 23-30, 1907; the instruments were in the bog sedge zone; 
the bulb of the soil thermograph was 20.4 cm. below the surface; the upper line 
shows record of the air, the lower the soil Deneck 

Fig. 5 also shows the range of air temperatures for the periods 
given above. The results are similar to those already given by 
the author. 

The record of the soil and air thermographs for one week, 
August 23 to August 30, is reproduced in fig. 6. This is only one 
of numerous records which were taken, and shows the very slight 
variations in the temperature of the soil and the great variations 
in the temperature of the air. The greatest variation in soil 
was about 1° C.; that of the air was 17° C. In fig. 3, the varia- 
tion in air temperature was 25°5 C. 


Water table 

The variations in the position of the water table from year to 
year and from month to month play a very important part in the 
succession of plant societies in these bogs. In 1908 the level of 
the water in all bogs of southern Michigan was high. In 1901- 
1904, When the maps of Dead Lake were made (3), there was an 
island near the center, and it was customary to row out there and 
leave the supplies when working at the lake. That island in 1908 
was submerged, and one could row over it in 18 inches (45.8 cm.) 
of water. The flora of upland forms had disappeared with the 
exception of some stunted willows, and in its place were a few 
potamogetons, chiefly. P. helerophyllus. At Whitmore Lake, north 
of Ann Arbor, the same rise in water has occurred, and what was 
a peninsula in 1904 is now an island. The same fact is recorded 
by Davis (9, p. 162). 

During a series of wet years the change in water level affects 
the vegetation in all zones except perhaps on the lakeward side of 
the floating sedge, which rises and falls with every change of level. 
Along shallow shores the factor is sufficient to control the char- 
acter of the vegetation, as has been pointed out in the case of the 
island at Dead Lake. Its influence is also profound in those zones 
where the peat is solid. It may rise above the surface to a depth of 
several inches. With this rise there is also found an increase in 
the humidity of the air. During such periods Sphagnum sp. 
spreads rapidly toward the shore and may assume quite an impor- 
tant position in all zones except perhaps the marginal. An inter- 
esting example of the behavior of this moss during wet and dry 
periods is found at Mud Lake. Here a section was made which 
showed alternating layers of Sphagnum and Polytrichum corre- 
sponding to the wet and dry periods of previous years. As many 
as four layers were easily distinguished at Mud Lake. 

In one case measured the shrubs stood in water which was 
18 inches (45.8 cm.) deep one summer, and in water of various 
depths less than that for a period of at least three years. These 
plants then must be able to endure submergence for a long period, 
as has been pointed out by Davis. 


During wet periods bog plants show a tendency to move shore- 
ward. This is due to local conditions rather than to historic 
factors. Such movement is only temporary. 

In the summer of 1909 the island in the center of Dead Lake 
had begun to reappear. During the late summer the ground 

appeared in the higher parts, showing that the water level was get- - 

ting lower. In less than ten years the island disappeared and in 
part reappeared, which indicates that these wet and dry periods 
may be of short duration. This is contrary to the belief, often 
expressed, that in southern Michigan they last about thirty years 

The effect of the dry periods upon vegetation is also very 
marked. The relation of such periods to plant succession has 
been emphasized by Davis, who believes that they offer an 
explanation of the xerophytic structures of bog plants (9, p. 160). 
During such periods the surface layers of the peat become exceed- 
ingly dry; this may extend to a depth of several feet. Fires 
which reduce the surface several feet are of common occurrence. 
The effect of fires upon plant succession has been given by 

During this time there is very little water available in these 
surface layers for plants, and, as it will be shown later that the 
movement of water in peat is slow, it can easily be seen that the 
‘habitat is very dry, even omitting the usual factors of humus 
acid, low temperature, bog toxins, etc. The following table is 
given by Davis taken from WARRINGTON (19). 

Type of soil When plants wilted cared gag 
Coarse Sandy 6.0.2. ce es 1.15 
Sandy panien..; .. 2... sc. 4.6 .00 
ine humus sand... 6.6.55 6.2 3-98 
Sa WO Soe es 7.8 5.74 
RUIN, 5s eS 55 ck cs vs 9.8 5.20 
Bec ek ip akecss 49.7 42.30 

Davis says: “If these results are correctly reported, it appears that peat 
may appear very wet and yet contain no water for plants growing in it, so that 


those plants which habitually grow at levels of peat bogs, where the surface 
strata can dry out, must have xerophytic adaptations if the climate is such 
that drying out of these levels may occur.” 

In addition to the variation in water level due to wet and dry 
periods, there is the variation from month to month during each 
year. This difference is shown in fig. 7, which gives the results 
obtained April 20-August 3, 1905, in the zones at First Sister Lake. 
The data were gathered for the most part by STEELE. Holes were 

20 = ea et eos 27 2 z S28 Os 2a oe 
20 2, 
/O “Sa /O 
Yo) ay : a 2 oO 
sot Se td i! Ss /O 
ba Ste \’-+ > fen he aL. 20 
i AE at Se 
30} fat ah ~ 30 
a CRE nae 
50} ad Fei 
; ae 

Fic. 7.—The results of measurements taken to determine the variations in 
water table in the different zones at First Sister Lake; variations are given in 

dug in the peat of the different zones to a considerable depth, and 
a stick placed in a horizontal position at the top. From this 
stick measurements were taken daily to the top of the water 
standing in the holes. These were plotted and the result shows 
in the figure just given. 

The bog sedge zone shows practically no variation, although 
there would have been some, especially on the landward side, 
had the measurements been started very early in the spring. 
This however would be too early to affect the vegetation. The 
open water shows some variation in the summer, but the bog 


sedge rises and falls with it, and there is little variation during 
the growing season. 

The other zones show a gradual lowering of the water table, 
beginning quite rapidly June 8 and continuing until July 3. At 
this time a heavy rain fell, raising the water level sharply in all 
zones. After this there was a rapid lowering of its position in all 
zones until the close of measurements, except in the bog shrub; 
this showed a slight rise. 

The greatest variation, as has been said, was in the marginal 
zone. On April 20 the water was 7.2 inches (18 cm.) above the 
surface of the peat. This gradually lowered until the water table 
was 38.4 inches (96 cm.) below the surface. A variation of 45.6 
inches (113 cm.) was recorded.? In the maple-poplar zone the 
variation was 18.4 inches (46 cm.); in the tamarack zone, 12.4 
inches (31 cm.); in the bog shrub zone, 6.8 inches (17 cm.). These 
figures show that the loose peat acts as a dam, holding the open 
water in the lake from flowing back to the outer zones. The 
same fact was reported by a former student (14) at the small bog 
near Carpenter’s Corner. Here a central area was found with 
the characteristic bog flora of this region, while the greater part 
of the original lake was occupied by a mixed flora, with red maple 
and poplar as the dominant trees. This seemed to be an example 
of the “lagging behind of a xerophytic group of plants in a hydro- 
phytic habitat,’ but borings showed that the water table was 
only 1.4 inches (6 cm.) from the surface. The temperature of 
the soil and character of the peat were the same as generally found 
under such plants. A few rods to the east, under the maples, the 
water table was several feet below the surface. 

An excellent example of the holding back by peat of the water 
in a lake was related to me by a former student, after he had 
examined the above chart. A farmer living near his home had 
a peat bog with a very wide marginal zone and a low shore of con- 
siderable width. During dry years he was able to cultivate this 
ground with good returns, but during wet years he always lost 
his crop. Accordingly, in order to secure continuous use of his 

? In the report in Science N.S. 29: 269, the height of the water above the surface 
should have been added, making a total of 113 cm 


land, he dug a ditch from the margin to the open water during 
the dry season of 1903. As soon as his ditch was opened, the 
water flowed from the open lake to the margin and he lost the use 
of the land entirely. 

These examples show that there is very little movement of 
water in peat. The water may be several feet higher in one zone 
than in an adjacent one; the difference in height depends upon the 
nature of the peat. This fact is well known to persons traveling 
on northern bog areas. 

The variations here shown to occur in the position of the water 
table in different zones during the summer and in the same zone 
during the season, bring very strong additional proof to the state- 
ments of Davis regarding the xerophytic structures of bog plants, 
which were quoted above in the discussion of bogs during a dry 
period of years. During the season the plants growing in these 
bogs are subjected to high water level in the spring, when the 
water table in all zones is approximately level with the open water 
of the lake. During the hottest and driest months of the summer 
the water supply is greatly reduced by a lowering of the water 
table, and when water is removed by the surface layers, it is very 
slowly replaced by that of the deeper parts. It is only in these 
surface layers that these plants root. In any bog where a clearing 
of any extent has been made, one finds areas where the tamaracks 
have been blown over during storms; these show that even the 
largest trees root in the surface layers only. 

It has been shown in fig. 7 that the water table in the various 
parts of the bog stood at different heights during the summer. 
This is the controlling factor which makes the bogs in this region 
heterogeneous habitats, supporting xerophytes in three zones 
and hydrophytes or mesophytes in other zones. 

The first effect of lowering the water table, as has been pointed 
out, is to make the habitat xerophytic, and one would expect that 
those areas where the water table is lowest would be most xero- 
phytic. A glance at the plants shows that this is not the case; 
the outer zone in this lake is occupied by hydrophytes. This is 
due to secondary changes. Immediately after the water lowers, 
a number of other changes set in which produce the opposite 


effect. With the decrease in the position of the water table, there 
is an increase in the oxygen supply, the number of soil organisms, 
and a rise in temperature. These produce a change in the compo- 
sition of the peat, making water more and more available for 
plants and making the habitat less and less xerophytic. In older 
parts where this process has been going on for years, there is a 
decrease in the volume of the peat and a lowering of the surface. 
In the areas studied around Ann Arbor, this seems to be the explana- 

Fic. 8.—Station under the tamaracks, showing ee almost entirely 
dead; the light value here was 0.033; photograph by STEE 

tion of the marginal ditch characteristic of bogs there. In other 
areas different reasons have been given, but they do not seem to 
explain the condition found in this region (16). During wet 
periods the width of this ditch is often greatly increased, as has 
been pointed out previously. In such an area only those plants 
can grow which can stand high water during a term of wet years 
and high water during the spring of every year. The vegetation 
which is found here is much the same as that found under these 
conditions along the borders of our streams. The peat found 


below the lowest level to which the water table gets in the driest 
times is red, while that above varies from red to brown and black. 
As has been pointed out, plants do not root in the red peat. 

Only a few readings were taken with some evaporimeters 
belonging to the Carnegie Institution and loaned by LivrncsTon. 
The total evaporation for seven weeks was as follows: under 
tamaracks in sphagnum, 275 cc.; on floating sedge, 321.7 cc.; 
in an adjacent oak-hickory grove, 860 cc.; in an open field border- 
ing the lake, 1056 cc. The last figure is short two days because 
the instrument was broken. These data, however, give conditions 
only near the surface, and are of value only in a study of germi- 
nation in the different zones. It has been pointed out recently 
(21) that great variations are found in short distances above the 
surface in the amount of water lost by evaporimeters. A lack of 
instruments made it impossible to study this phase of the subject. 


Light readings were made with the usual form of photometer. 
It was found that the light falling upon the tallest plants in all 
zones was approximately the same. Great differences were found 
between these values and those light values found at the surface 
in the different zones. With light value in the open as 1, the 
following values were found: under Chamaedaphne, 0.0026; 
under tamaracks, 0.033; under brambles found in a clearing 
society where maple and cherry seedlings were found in large 
numbers and some few individuals of each had reached a height 
equal to the brambles, the light was only 0.00022; among the 
leaves of the brambles it was 0.166. The value 0.033 seems to 
be the minimum light requirement for Chamaedaphne in the region 
about Ann Arbor. Fig. 8 shows dead Chamaedaphne at First 
Sister Lake where the light value was 0.033. 

The data recorded above show that the bogs of southern Michi- 
gan are for the most part not xerophytic habitats, but by far the 
largest areas are either hydrophytic or mesophytic. Only two or 
perhaps three of the zones can be considered as xerophytic habitats; 


the two are bog shrub and tamarack. To these might be added, 
depending upon its width chiefly, the bog sedge. This conclusion 
is justified both by a study of the vegetation and the physical 
conditions. It is believed that the data furnished at least point 
strongly toward the supposition that these zones are today xero- 
phytic habitats, even though they also prove that these same 
areas cannot long remain so. Numerous attempts have been 
made to explain the xerophytic structures in the plants found in 
these zones, but only slight reference need be made to them in 
this paper. 

Some have regarded the peat bog as a hydrophytic habitat. 
Thus WuitForD, after adding to other factors that of ‘insufficient 
aeration of the soil which prevents a healthy growth of the root 
system of land plants and also bars the presence of nitrifying 
bacteria,’ says that ‘‘these probably bring about xerophytic 
structures of plants so commonly seen in hydrophytic habitats.”’ 
He quite correctly regarded the bog chiefly as a hydrophytic 
habitat. In the area in which he worked also the true bog plants 
were not as limited in their distribution as in southern Michigan. 
It is quite probable that other conditions would enter into a 
detailed study of bogs in the northern part of the state (20). 

CLEMENTS (6) feels “‘that the current explanation of xerophy- 
tic bog plants, etc., is probably wrong, and that the discrepancy 
between the nature of the habitat and the structure of the plant 
is to be explained by the persistence of a fixed ancestral type.”’ 

SCHIMPER (15) attributes the xerophytic structures to the 
presence of humus acids in peat which impede absorption. Liv- 
INGSTON (12) has shown that any effect produced by humus acids 
must be chemical, as ‘‘bog waters do not have an appreciable 
higher concentration of dissolved substances than do the streams 
and lakes of the same region.” NILtson attributes differences 
in structure between swamp and bog plants to a difference in 
food supply, but this will not hold in this area. 

TRANSEAU believes from his observations and experiments 
that “‘in so far as southern Michigan is concerned (18, p. 36), the 
substratum temperatures prevailing in bog areas do not seem to 
be adequate to account for the presence or absence of bog plants 


or their xerophilous structures. Experiments suggest, however, 
that farther north this factor is of prime importance’’; again, 
on page 37, ‘‘an examination of all physical and chemical data 
now available fails to account for the differences in the flora of the 
bog and swamp areas of this region. The most important factor 
is believed to be the physiographic history. Where the habitat 
dates back to Pleistocene times and has remained undisturbed, 
we find today the bog flora. Where the habitat is of recent origin 
or has been recently disturbed, we find the swamp flora, or a 
mixture of bog and swamp species.”’ 

DacuHNowskI (7, 8) believes from his experimental work that 
the condition which gives rise to xerophily and to zonation in bog 
plants “lies rather in the toxicity of the soil substratum, that is, 
in the production of unfavorable soil conditions brought about 
by the plants themselves.’’ This author further says that “if 
water transpired is replaced by bog water,” which would be the 
case to a limited extent during the summer when the water table 
was low and conditions for transpiration excellent, “‘the soils 
become more toxic.’ That is, the first effect of lowering the 
water table would tend to make the habitat more xerophytic. 
Further, ‘‘decrease in toxicity always follows aeration of the soil 
and drainage’’; that is, an increased lowering of the water table 
admits oxygen, decreasing the toxicity of the soil and making the 
habitat less xerophytic. With this is also associated an addition 
of humus which increases the capacity of the soil “for the adsorp- 
tion and retention of the toxins.” If the results obtained by 
DACHNOWSKI are correctly explained by him as due to bog toxins, 
they do not conflict with the data recorded in this paper. It is 
to be hoped, however, that his studies will be pushed farther. 

Davis, as has been pointed out earlier in this paper, believes 
that the bog is a xerophytic habitat, due to the drying of surface 
layers and the ability of peat to hold large amounts of water which 
are not available for the plants. The data given in this paper are 
in accordance with this view, and it appears to the author to more 
nearly cover conditions than any of the other theories advanced. 
It is not contradictory to the experimental work of the authors 
cited; this has been shown in the case of the work of DACHNOWSKI. 


TRANSEAU suggested that in the regions farther north the tem- 
perature of the soil may be of prime importance. Temperature 
readings in deeper layers in the bogs of southern Michigan than 
those which he discusses, and yet not too deep for the root sys- 
tems, resemble those of northern areas, and it is probable, in the 
light of his experiments, that they may be a controlling factor, 
even in those of southern Michigan. 

Yapp (21), in his excellent paper dealing with the relation of 
marsh flora to evaporation, has shown that great variation exists 
in the amount of water that is evaporated by instruments placed 
at different heights above the surface. Hence two plants may 
grow side by side and yet not be under identical conditions. He 
produces a large amount of data, especially concerning factors 
affecting the aerial parts of plants. He concludes that “any argu- 
ment drawn from mere proximity of position, without reference 
to the varying physiological problems of the different species, is 
entirely insufficient,’ and that “the arguments of authors, who 
insist that the so-called xerophytic structures of marsh plants 
can have no reference to present-day conditions, because both 
xerophytic and non-xerophytic Bp often grow side by side in 
nature, are entirely inconclusive.” 


1. The bogs around Ann Arbor are not xerophytic habitats, 
as such, but contain xerophytic, hydrophytic, and even mesophy- 
tic areas. 

2. A study of the conditions in those areas which now are 
xerophytic indicates clearly that xerophytic conditions in bogs of 
southern Michigan will shortly disappear. 

3. The presence of definite groups of plants in each zone is due 
chiefly to soil conditions found in that zone; also to position of the 
water table and secondary changes dependent thereon, as aeration, 
temperature, composition of the peat, etc. 

4. The absence of certain plants from certain zones is due to 
decrease in the amount of light. Chamaedaphne apparently 1s 
not able to grow in this area in a light of 0.033. 





507. 1905. 


. Bastin and Davis, Peat deposits of Maine. U.S. Geol. Surv., Bull. 376. 

uRNS, G. P., An exploration of a peat-forming lake. Science N.S. 21: 

, Formation of peat in Dead Lake. Rept. Mich. Acad. Sci. 6:76. 

, Botanical survey of the Huron River Valley. VII. Bor. 

GAZETTE 47:445. 1 

a a 



, Edaphic conditions in local peat bogs. Science N.S. 29:269. 

. CLEMENTS, F. E., Research methods in ecology, p. 105. Lincoln (Neb.). 


. DacunowskI1, A., The toxic property of bog water and bog soil. Bor. 

AZETTE 46:130. 190 
, Bog toxins and their effects upon soils. Bor. GAZETTE 47:389. 

Davis, C. be Ecology of peat formation in Michigan. State Geol. Surv. 
1906, p. 

. Frtu ae Se Die Moore der Schweiz, p. 129. Bern. 1904. 
. GANonc, W. F., Upon the raised peat bogs in the aries of New Bruns- 

wick. Trans. Ray: Soc. Canada II. 1114:131. 1897-189 

. Lrvrincston, B. E., Physiological properties of bog water. Wok GAZETTE 

39:348. 1905; other papers are cited here. 

. Pennincton, L. H., Plant distribution at Mud Lake. Rept. Mich. 

Acad. Sci. 8:54. 1906. 

Abii: Epira E., ae distribution at a small bog. Rept. Mich. 
cad. Sci. '7:126. 19 

ee ER, A. F. W. Cae auf physiologischen Grundlage. 


Suaw, C. H., The development of vegetation in the ae depressions 

of the viceaty of Woods Hole. Bor. GAZETTE 33: 

. TrRanseau, E. N., On the geographical distribution ee odal eal 

tions of the bog shant societies of northern North America. Bor. GazE 
36: 401. 1903. 
, The bogs and bog flora of the Huron River Valley. Bot. GAZETTE 
40: 3st. 1905; 41:17. 1906. 

ARRINGTON, R. " Phjsicdl properties of soils, p. 63. Ig00. 
WuitForp, H. N., The genetic development of the forests of northern 
Michigan. Bot. GAZETTE 31:314. 1901. 

App, R. H., On the stratification of a marsh, and its relation to evapo- 

ration and Lumpecabite. Annals of Botany 23:275. 1909. 


The atmospheric influences as ecological conditions for growth 

Various theories have been suggested to account for the presence 
and the relative persistence of this northern boreal flora under 
present climatic conditions. Some of these theories have been 
referred to earlier in the paper. Although widely separated from 
the central region of active bog formation with which the local 
bog is now only historically connected, its persistence and exist- 
ence in spite of the climatic changes and animal and plant migra- 
tion and invasion since the last glacial period, and the fact also 
that many peat deposits are reported to occur beyond the margin 
of the Wisconsin ice sheet, suggest that the most significant 
ecological factors are not to be looked for in the continuation of 
limiting conditions similar to those which prevailed when a 
colder climate existed than at present. That bog plants are 
related functionally as well as morphologically, and that they are 
grouped and localized with reference to more or less definite con- 
ditions of their environment is now a fact no longer questioned. 
It is also well known that no formation or plant society is likely 
to be relatively permanent and stationary, for there are changes 
constantly taking place in the environment as well as among 
the dominant plants and their associates. In the bog, however, 
but few successions of plants are in evidence, and the treatment 
of the vegetational societies from the standpoint of floristics and 
succession is therefore relatively free from complications. On 
the other hand, the determination of the factors in bog habitats, 
and the more detailed study of the dynamics of the process, that 
is, how some factors are related, their influence and duration— 
this phase of the problem is still in a state of uncertainty, and the 
methods of study have been all but satisfactory. When one con- 
Botanical Gazette, vol. 52] [126 


siders the bog as a habitat, the various causative and limiting 
factors entering into the plant environment are not so readily 
distinguished. In connection, therefore, with the analysis of the 
life conditions in bogs, associated also with the distribution of 
bog plants, and their conflict with species whose range is more 
southern, certain meteorological phenomena have been added 


One of the main objects kept in view during the progress of the 
investigation on the ecology of Buckeye Lake, and one which 
seemed to the writer an indispensable preface to both the field 
and the laboratory study, has been the climate of the region. The 
general statistics were taken from’ Bulletin Q of the U.S. Weather 
Bureau Service (17), and from manuscript to which access was 
had by the courtesy of Section Director Hays of the Columbus 
(Ohio) Weather Bureau. No continuous series of climatological 
records have been made on Cranberry Island. The writer made 
records extending over the period of investigation; these records 
were supplemented by Mr. DickEy, whose readings were taken 
each time the evaporation of the bog habitat was measured. It 
is felt that the comparative climate statistics given below are 
generalized data which do not lend themselves to investigation 
in physiological ecology. Though facing the same set of climatic 
factors, few of the species forming the flora of the bog island con- 
front the same physiological problems, and hence any conclusions 
drawn from mere climatic data, without reference to the varying 
functional responses of the different species of plants, are certainly 
inadequate. However, the study of the meteorological observa- 
tions is suggestive mainly in ascertaining the essential differences 
between the local region and the conditions found in the northern 
center of bog formation, and in estimating the average tempera- 
ture and humidity exposure of the plants. The data given in 
table IV are for Columbus, Ohio; for Ann Arbor, Michigan, where 
bogs and swamp-lands are found more abundantly; and for Mar- 
quette, Michigan, where this type of vegetation reaches a still 
higher development. 


: rquette, 
Columbus, Ohio = —— 
PRC VATION ts 745 ee os ve a Sa 774 ft 930 ft 668 ft 
ae op WG an ee 3I yrs. 25 yrs. 33 yrs. 
Mean seantad temperature in degrees F. 

Re as See See eran ede rae 31 26 19 
oh i sy POS as vee ce) 51 46 37 
De hs a a 73 7° 63 
WAL se ae es ee es See 54 51 45 

ual te eee ee ec reese 2 48 41 
Apsonite mami. 6 sao Cee. ees 104 Io 108 
Aleonice MINN oo oa, oe eS hk —20 —24 we 
RBUINLE TONRG. eck eg foes 124 125 135 
Greatest annual ones OSS Se ae Bests alae) 118 124 
Lease aiiistranee 2 ea 89 97 
Frost, aver. date Of last in spring Secs April 16 April 28 May 15 
Frost, aver. date of first = ~ SA, 6.65 Oct. 16 Oct. 9 | Oct. 2 
] sagen in growin, ig Season. .......... 176 157 140 
Me see sonal pr saiaiea toon inches 

tee Pe US OPEC ES Poke OS 8.9 6.6 6.1 

te se a ee Bie) a0 7-3 
IRINEE et eS eco. kegs oes 10:3 10.1 9-4 

Me as 4 aan fags: 8 76 9.6 
PUA OR ia es 5 eas Oe yawns os 37.2 32.2 32-4 
depeOIMbe TASHA. 2 6 ois ee cs 51.2 47.7 42.9 
Atsolise minim ) 6. i ek 26.4 21.1 25-3 
Mean annual relative humidity.......... 79 79 80 
ING. Says OrecInItAtION. «0/0. 00. 0 ce 144 138 161 
Aver. direction of prevailing wind. . ies S.W. S.W. -W. 
Aver. minimum wind velocity. .......... eee 46 miles 

From the data in table IV, it will be observed that the seasonal 
and annual temperature decreases as one travels from the southern 
limit toward the northern center of bog vegetation. The climate 
of the region about Columbus is characterized by a milder winter 
but a relatively hot summer. The annual range in temperature 
is comparatively smaller than at Marquette, 102° F. as against 
112° F. The normal annual range is here only between 96° F. 
(35°5 C.) and —6° F. (—21°11 C.), and the greatest departure 
from the normal variation does not exceed 16° F. The monthly 
averages for only two months are at Columbus below 32° F. (0° C.), 
as against five months for Marquette. The normal number of 
days per annum with a temperature above 43° F. (6° C.), the 
factor upon which ScumpER (29) and Merriam (27) base the 
boreal limit, is at Columbus approximately 185, that is about 
one-half of the year, as against 122 days at Marquette. The 


normal sum total of effective daily temperatures above 43° F. 
(6° C.), the estimate for which is derived by multiplying the mean 
average monthly minimum temperature of that period by the num- 
ber of days, is 10414° F. (2520° C.), as against 6466° F. (1422° C.) 
for Marquette. The normal mean temperature of the six consecu- 
tive hottest weeks of the year, effective also in determining the 
austral limit of species, is 75°. The warmest month is July with 
an average monthly maximum of 86° F. (30° C.), as contrasted 
with 77° F. (25°C.) at Marquette. The coldest months are Jan- 
uary and February with an average monthly minimum of 22° F. 
and 23° F. (5° and 5°5 C.) respectively, as contrasted with 10° F. 
and g° F. (12°5 and 12°o C.) respectively for Marquette. The 
dates of the latest killing frost in spring and the earliest in autumn, 
although not the exact limits of physiological activity in plants, 
or the limits of the growing period of most plants, are neverthe- 
less an unquestionably important factor. Six months of the year 
are normally free from frost about Columbus. 

Though the relation between rainfall and the amount of water 
needed by plants is of great importance in regard to differences 
in vegetation, the rainfall and its distribution during the seasons, 
and the number of rainy days, are of greater significance than is 
the amount of rain. At Columbus precipitation is quite evenly 
distributed, reaching an optimum of 10.5 inches (26 cm.) during 
spring and summer, when the vegetative functions of bog plants 
are more active, with a minimum of 8.5 inches (21 cm.) during 
the season of low temperature and in the quiescent period of 
plants. Columbus exceeds the annual precipitation at Marquette 
by 4.7 inches (11.8 cm.); the average number of days with rain- 
fall during the year, however, is considerably less than in northern 
Michigan, 144 days as against 161 days. In the north the greater 
precipitation is in the form of snow. Marquette has over five 
times more snow than Columbus, 125.7 inches (315 cm.), as con- 
trasted with 23.5 inches (59 cm.) here. In this vicinity the 
longer growing season of the plants has therefore correspondingly 
more of the precipitation available. On account of the higher 
temperature more moisture is needed, and hence the evaporation 
also is much greater here than at Marquette. Cold air does 


not take up so much water as does hot air; consequently the addi- } 
tional amount of water which the atmosphere is capable of taking 
-up to become saturated, that is, the evaporating power of the air, 
is greater here than at Marquette. The amount of evaporation 
also depends upon several other factors and conditions; the values 
of these will be taken into consideration below. Where evapora- 
tion is nearly as great as precipitation, the seasonal distribution 
of rainfall and humidity is a matter of greatest importance, for 
it is known that scanty rainfall throughout the year, or relative 
dryness of air and soil during the growing season, favors the devel- 
opment of xerophytic forms in almost any region. The relative 
humidity of Columbus and vicinity is only slightly less when 
compared with the north, the percentage of saturation ranging 
from 79 to 80 respectively. The distribution varies during the 
year only to a small extent between the month of least and that 
of greatest normal humidity. 

The rate of movement of air currents is, no doubt, of great 
importance to vegetation, not only because of the direct mechani- 
‘cal effect and the indirect physiological action in increasing the 
evaporating power of the air, but also because transpiration 
increases with the velocity of the wind. That wind is an eco- 
logical factor of the greatest importance has been emphasized 
by many authors. KratmaAn and Warminc regard xerophytic 
structures in plants as acquired and necessary, on account of strong 
drying winds in exposed places. Even humid atmosphere when 
continually renewed leads to strong transpiration, and the danger 
may be decreased only as protection is provided either through 
density and height of species, or admixture of a variety of species 
in a community of plants. The average maximum velocity of 
wind does not vary greatly between Columbus and Marquette, 
and hence the influence of wind, though considerable in more 
exposed places, has apparently little relation to the differences 
to be accounted for in the character of the local vegetation. 

Briefly summarized, the region about Columbus and Buckeye 
Lake is characterized by a longer growing period with a relatively 
higher sum total of temperature exposure, a milder winter with 
normally slight variations, well distributed rainfall, and a relatively 


high percentage of atmospheric humidity. The local climate is 
therefore preeminently a deciduous forest climate. The whole 
region was in its recent primitive condition densely forested. On 
the other hand, the marked increase of bog development in area 
and in variety of species in northern localities seems to be corre- 
lated with a decline in extremes of summer temperatures and an 
increase in relative humidity. The general effect is to produce 
a balanced functional relation, though limited in range, between 
the amounts of water absorbed and transpired. This phenomenon 
associated with bog habitats will be discussed in connection with 
a further analysis of the life conditions obtained in bogs from the 
point of view of their physiological aridity. 

If we take the above mentioned climatic factors into account 
in the interpretation of local bog conditions, it will be seen that 
meteorological data in this region are not such as to produce or 
account for xerophily or for persistence of bog floras. The 
climatic changes by which a region varies, if severe and varying 
between wide diurnal and seasonal changes in temperature, humid- 
ity, and light, entail naturally modifications in the functions and 
in the composition of a flora. The vegetation would be tested to 
the limits of its power of adjustment and acclimatization, and 
only the forms which had a greater efficiency of responses and had 
powers of resistance intensified to a new place-function would 
take up the habitat to the extent in which survival under the 
modified conditions would be possible. It has been pointed out 
above that changes in the flora are now occurring and have occurred 
during the development of the bog island. Many of the former 
plants have disappeared and are no longer to be found here, while 
others have survived, hold tenaciously the area under control, and 
are still constituents of the present flora. Their preservation in 
this region would seem to be dependent upon less obvious factors 
than climate. Functional habitat relations, as well as such ecologi- 
cal life relations as are comprised in association, in ecesis, and 
succession, need therefore the more detailed investigation. In 
determining these the first component to be considered is the réle 
of low substratum temperature. The temperature of a soil is a 
phytogeographical factor of great significance, but its weightiest 


importance is in its effect upon the functional activities of roots 
and rhizomes. Recently the temperature of soils and its fluctu- 
ations have received considerable attention. The relationship, 
however, and the general effect upon plant forms and the corre- 
lated functioning are nevertheless but little understood. This 
circumstance is perhaps the more to be regretted, since, broadly 
speaking, it seems that the relationship to plant life is the more 
favorable the more dominating the influence of the physical char- 
acters of the soil and particularly the relations prevailing in regard 
to the physiological water content and efficient temperature. 


During the first few months of field work the device chosen for 
obtaining the substratum temperatures was the ‘“thermophone.” 
The apparatus is based upon the principle that the resistance of 
an electric conductor changes with its temperature. In obtaining 
the temperature of peat soils at various depths, the coils were 
sunk to the required depth, and their leading wires were then con- 
nected with the respective binding posts of the indicator box. 
A buzzing sound in the telephone increases or diminishes accord- 
ing to the position of the pointer while receding from or approach- 
ing to a section of the graded dial. Hence the position is soon 
found where the telephone is silent. This point indicates the 
temperature of the sunken soil. The instrument is very sensi- 
tive, but very inconvenient for obtaining weekly and monthly 
minimum and maximum temperatures. Later in the season the 
investigations were planned for a set of thermographs such as 
MacDoveat described (25), that would make a continuous record 
of the temperatures at any desired depth. The lack of sufficient 
funds and the failure to secure similar instruments made it neces- 
sary to resort to a conventional though less graphic method of 
measuring the temperature exposure of plants. In the field work 
of 1908, 1909, and at present, mercurial minimum and maximum 
thermometers were therefore used. The thermometers for the 
deeper peat strata were fastened to wooden poles and pushed down 
into the soil to the depth of 5 feet (1.5 m.). They remained in 
the soil during the period of investigation except for such short 


periods of time as were necessary to make a reading. For strata 
nearer the surface differential and ordinary mercurial thermome- 
ters were used, the bulbs of which were pushed down into the peat 
around the rhizomes of the plants to a depth of one foot (20 cm.) 
and three inches (7.5 cm.), respectively. The glass stems of the 
exposed instruments remained shaded from the direct rays of 
light. The temperatures recorded below, in centigrade, were 
generally taken on afternoons, usually between 12 and 2 P.M. 
It should be kept in mind that the maple-alder zone conditions 
correspond very nearly to those of the tamarack-willow-poplar 
zone of the northern bogs and swamps, and that a similar relation 
exists between the local central zone and the open bog-sedge zone 
of northern bogs. 

The readings taken during the period of observation are too 
voluminous for a tabulated record. Only those of the seasons of 
1909 will be given in this place (table V). 



: ‘ Aug. | Sept.| Oct. | Nov.| Dec. 
Station ee ee ee 
Central (sphagnum- 
cranberry) zone: 
Art. ¢ic 6.5 {5 tA 124. 6|24° (20> (94 es 487 F-54365 
Air 36 cin 5 Ors 14.5 th (og 195. 20 ee 8 a7 7 ae 25 
Al 7. ¢ Om... 32. 1.0 (425 [84.5122 (26° 20 jaesSiz6 127.517 ita | 25S 
bol 7 Scan. O.8 10.5 Tre 1s ee Sit. Seek aS S27git0 1 fF  ) O.§ 
Soil 30 cm. O.5:19,051 7. 130. Ste2 iat Ol2a 2125. 129.5117 8 2,5 
ES SO 7.5 (6.3 | 8.5| 9 |x |16.0j21 |22 |22.5/21.5|16.5|13.0 
Maple-alder zone: 
OS 6 On O15. 12 tt |xt (136 120° (20.522 (20 [14 | 8 
SO 30 Mii. 1.5 12.0 |) o.5ix ta [tO 819% (27. 5/20: 135-5 5 
OOH Fb Mi. 6.5 |§.0.| 8.0|/10.5|14 |17.5]/10.5/21.5/21 [19 |15.5/14 
Lake zone: 
‘Water 7.6 cm... 23. C5 ir 13.5|14.5|20.5|26 |29 |28.5/25 |15 |6.5 | 3.5 
Water 30 cm....... 1.5 |0.5 |13.5)14. 5/2 G lag. (28 -bias 11s 16.5 1 4 
Water ¢.9 m:... 1.1 |2.7 |t3 |13.8|18.8|22.5/26 |26 |24 |12 |6.5| 5 

A glance at table V shows that the temperature conditions, 
though comparatively uniform and high throughout the bog island, 
range somewhat lower in the maple-alder zone than in the central 


zone. There is a large daily as well as annual range in tempera- 
ture, but the range is considerably less in the soil than in the air 
above. The data obtained are sufficient to strengthen the obser- 
vation made, that in the spring the ice in the central zone melts 
with greater rapidity, and that a higher temperature results from 
the greater insolation and the increased absorption and retention 
of heat rays. On days following a sudden lowering of the air 
temperature, and also on cloudy days, the temperature of the 
surface bog water and bog soil in the sphagnum-covered area 
stands above that of the maple-alder zone. This gain in tempera- 
ture is cumulative and aids in the penetration of heat rays below 
the surface. The heat supply is obviously the most direct factor 
contributing to the substratum temperature, for the variations 
are associated directly with the amount and intensity of sunshine. 
The extreme slowness in the maple-alder zone is explained partly 
by the low conductivity of the partially decayed peat and the lack 
of a free circulation of air above the soil, but largely by the increas- 
ing diffusion of light rays due to the leafing out of trees and shrubs. 

Another point of interest is the fact that notable differences 
are found between the temperatures of the bog island and the 
surrounding lake water. When we compare the effects of gain 
and loss of heat between the free water surface of the lake and 
that of the peat area clothed with vegetation, it will be seen that 
the temperature of the central and the maple-alder zone remains 
higher than that of the lake during the autumn and winter months, 
and that during spring and summer the lake water is warmer at the 
respective (1.5 m.) depths than the peat substratum. Water has a 
specific heat far greater than any soil; it retains its heat longer 
and for this reason is warmer than the peat substratum in spring 
and summer. On the other hand, peat and humus are cooled 
more rapidly at the surface by the evaporation of water during 
the warm days of the seasons. The values of both heat conduc- 
tivity and diffusion are in general lower in peat than in water, and 
hence a rapid loss of temperature in the peat strata below the 
surface vegetation is thus prevented. 

A high temperature phenomenon existing in certain places is 
worthy of special mention. Not infrequently small sheltered 


areas are found in the central zone bordering the Rhus-Alnus 
thickets where ice never forms in winter. Such temperature 
conditions would not attract special attention were it not for the 
fact that usually the temperature is so much lower in the adjacent 
areas. From a biological standpoint this fact is significant because 
these conditions favor isolation of habitats and produce a promi- 
nent floristic difference. Wolfella floridana commonly occurs in 
these “‘warm”’ pools. 

Plants are not dependent so ‘memeh upon the mean annual tem- 
peratures as upon the minima and maxima of temperature encoun- 
tered, and upon the duration of the vegetation season. To throw 
some light on the characteristic temperature range occurring 
throughout the year and within a growing season, the temperature 
data of the monthly extremes for the seasons of 1908, 1909, and 
for the autumn and winter of 1907, and the spring of 1910 are 
appended. As far as the writer is aware, no observations of minima 
and maxima temperature records within a bog, covering a period 
of three years, have been carried out thus far. On account of 
the fact that the present data were obtained at a station whose 
ecological significance is especially interesting, table VI of the 
temperature data is deemed worthy of a closer consideration. 

We see again that the temperature of the substrata at the differ- 
ent levels is affected less by the alternate heating and cooling at 
the surface, but in a far greater degree by the progression of the 
seasons. It increases slowly during May, is stationary more or 
less during August and September, and begins to decrease fairly 
rapidly in November. The maximum temperature occurs in 
July and August, and the minimum temperature is registered in 
January for the central zone. That of the maple-alder zone occurs 
in February. Observations have shown that the lake freezes to a 
depth of 8-15 inches (20-37 cm.), while the bog is covered by ice 
to a thickness varying from 3 to 5 inches (7.5-12.5 cm.), except 
for a few places where ice never forms. Consequently, the strata 
in the bog area below the one-foot level (30 cm.) are well protected 
from lower temperatures and from sudden temperature changes. 
When the sun’s heat melts the ice and snow, the percolating water 
derived from the melting ice lowers the temperature of the deeper 


strata a few degrees in the early spring. The wave of temperature 
increase falls here slightly behind in March, but the upper strata 
are not prevented from rising in the meanwhile rapidly above the 
freezing point. Though of ecological importance as a protective 
cover during the winter months, and of significance as a bad con- 
ductor of heat and in decreasing fluctuations in temperature, the 
ice and snow do not, therefore, retard appreciably the beginning 
of favorable growth conditions. The maples and willows of the 

ISLAND, 1907 to 1910 

Jan. | Feb. | Mar. | Apr. | May| June! July | Aug.| Sept. | Oct. | Nov. |@Dec.J 
May. 5 a | Oe 4 25 27.2137 .6133.3135. 135 3° | 23-3 
Leer 19.4|/—24.5|—8.8)—7.7| 0.5} 3.3] 8.3] 7.2/1 6\—5.5|—9.4|—21.6 
Range 37-7| 39-5| 33-8| 34.9|31.1|30.0\26.7|27.8| 36.1! 35.5] 32.7) “40-6 
1 ft.(0.3 m.) 

AX... <2 acta lee ley. ioe. gl 2g | 27-7| 33 9 
MS ° rato G-Glio 78. |t7 ar. G4 f2.5; 8 2.5 
Range .. ach atl 6 6.715 ro | 4.5 5 6.5 

5 ft.(1.5 m.) 

EAR oa. cea) 6 ol Of 42.2112. 5117 [23 (26 | 22.5], 22 15-5 
Min... 7.5) 3.0] 4 7.2| 9.5|14 |16 |22 | 20 | 18 | 16.5) 1 
Range. Bo Gost S 5 woo a5 4 5) 4S 

Air: max. 35; min. —24.5; range 59.5. 
Soil 1 ft. (0.3 m.): max. 27; min. 0; range 27. 
Soil 5 ft. (r.5 m.): max. 26; min. 3.9; range 22.1. 

bog island are in flower about 8 to 10 days later than those on the 
campus of the university. A persistence, however, in the peat 
substratum of the winter cold and ice through the summer months 
is not proved, at least in this region. The records taken at a depth 
of 5 feet (1.5 m.) below the surface vegetation show a variation in 
temperature between 3°9 C. and 26° C., ie., an annual range 
within 22° C. At this depth only the anaerobic bacterial bog 
flora is most active. The roots and rhizomes of bog plants do not 
penetrate beyond the depth of 2 feet (0.6 m.), and the roots of 


maples still less. Plants imbedded in the peat at a depth of 1 
foot (0.3 m.) are within ranges of temperature from o° C. to 27° C. 
The underground growth of the plants continues when the winter 
temperature in the substratum rises and reaches the gradient from 
4 to 8° C. When these soil temperatures prevail during winter 
for a sufficient length of time, the different stems and buds shoot 
upward and develop leaves and lengthen their internodes rapidly 
in the warmer weather of spring. The absorbing organs at 3 
inches (7.5 cm.) depth in the peat substratum encounter a mean 
average of 13°5 C. with an amplitude of more than 30°. In all 
cases, however, the range of temperature in the maple-alder zone 
is less than that of the central zone by a difference of at least 6°. 

These observations and facts disclosed as to the actual tempera- 
tures in the peat substratum of Cranberry Island, and the seasonal 
changes therein point to the following conclusions: 

1. The soil temperature of two plant associations formed about 
the bog island are slightly different, and each association has its 
own characteristic temperature range. 

2. Of the two plant associations in the bog area, the one more 
liable to extreme low temperatures in the spring and during the 
growing season is the maple-alder zone along the border of the lake, 
and not the more xerophytic central zone. 

3. The substratum temperatures as phenomena of the local 
peat deposits are not favorable to the preservation of bog types, 
if low temperature is considered to be an edaphic criterion; in 
connection, therefore, with an analysis of the life conditions in this 
bog area low temperature is not a limiting factor. 

4. A persistence of the winter cold and ice through the summer 
months is a point not proved either by observation or by register- 
ing instruments. The persistence of northern forms in this bog, 
therefore, has some other cause than low temperature of the sub- 
stratum. In arctic latitudes, no doubt the most significant factor 
in determining the character and the distribution of plants, as 
well as in the formation and preservation of humus material, is 
low temperature. In the latitudes of Ohio, temperature is not 
a factor in the process. Neither does the accumulation of humus 
finally bring about edaphic conditions ‘‘too cold and too acid.” 


5. It is not low temperature that kills invading mesophytes, 
but the edaphic physiological aridity prevailing in the central 
zone, which decreases the absorption of water by roots at a time 
when transpiration and the growth of the plants demand a greater 
physiological soil-water content. 

6. The topographical distribution of plants in the bog is also 
affected by relations in regard not to low temperatures, but to 
the uneven physiological water content and the physical condition 
in the peat substratum. 


We proceed now to a brief consideration of the question whether 
_the differences between air temperature and that of the soil are 
sufficiently marked during the growing period to prove a factor 
in the selection of plants for bog areas. To show this relation, 
data on the corresponding minimum and maximum air temperatures 
for the period under investigation have been added to table VI. 
The records were taken from the Climatological Service of the 
U.S. Weather Bureau at Pataskala, some 35 miles (0.56 km.) 
distant from Buckeye Lake. They represent fairly nearly the 
conditions at Cranberry Island on the corresponding period. 
Additional data are found also in table VIII. Upon comparison 
it will be seen that during July and August, the months which 
proved most critical for the cultivated plants grown in the bog 
area for experimental purposes, the shoots of plants were in an 
atmosphere varying between 7° and 35° C., while the roots and 
rhizomes were at temperatures varying between 16° and 27° C., 
ie., within a range of temperature differences not less than 9° 
and not more than 19° C. For a growing season lasting from May 
5 to October 1, the average date of the latest and earliest killing 
frost, the actual differences between the temperature of shoots 
and roots amounted to 34°5 and 21° C. for each of the absorbing 
and transpiring organs respectively in the central zone, i.e., within 
a range of 29° C. It is seen that rapid and passing changes of air 
temperatures and the occasional extremes do not affect the sub- 
stratum temperatures. Only average effects prevail and the 


great periodic seasonal changes. In winter and in summer the 
minimum temperature of the peat substratum is considerably 
higher than that of the air. Consequently, the annual mean 
temperature of the soil greatly exceeds that of the air. The 
monthly and annual fluctuations of temperature affect the peat 
area to a depth of 2 m., but they are at no time greater or with a 
wider range than those of the air. At what depth the mean tem- 
perature would remain constant has not been determined. 

That the differences between the temperatures of the air and 
that of the substratum are not as great as is generally supposed, 
is a fact upon which it is needless to elaborate further. They 
cannot be looked upon as factors in bog development or in the 
characteristic xerophily of the sphagnum-covered area in this 
region, and hence neither the substratum temperature nor the 
differences between soil and air temperature are of sufficient 
importance to enter into the problem of bog flora, and zonation 
or ecesis and succession. The records show that on the basis of 
temperature as the initial factor the central zone conditions are 
somewhat more rigorous, and that these conditions are mitigated 
in the maple-alder zone; but it cannot be claimed that the differ- 
ences of the plant covering in the two zones are directly correlated 
with the differences of temperature. With no attempt to minimize 
its influence, it is evident that for a comparison of habitats, tem- 
perature, at least as a single physical factor, is a matter of very 
subordinate importance on which to establish a causal relation. 
Those factors acting in conjunction with it demand the greater 
emphasis. It is questioned, therefore, even for regions where 
bogs reach their optimum development, whether the coefficient 
of the differences between the soil and air temperatures is to be 
looked upon as having a greater value than here in the selection 
of plants for bog areas, or the production of xerophilous characters. 

Whether or not important correlations between the temperature 
differences and the transpiratory activities of bog and other plants 
may be expected, a study of the transpiration quantities will 
doubtless reveal. Work of this character is now in progress and 
will be published as soon as opportunity permits. 



As a preliminary study to the transpiration value of bog plants 
and to the question also whether the xerophytism and the stunted 
growth so manifest on maples, poison sumach, and various other 
plants in the central zone is brought about by an excessive evapo- 
rating power of the air, quantitative measurements have been made 
by the volumetric method to determine the saturation deficiency 
of the air in three representative stations. 
is one of the most important factors of the meteoro- 
logical ‘efcle of a locality. To the student of agriculture and of 
plant physiology it is a problem the study of which aids in supply- 
ing much of the desired information on the growth of plants in 
irrigated and uncultivated fields. Hann (16), who studied 
evaporation chiefly from the point of view of the meteorologist, 
has pointed out that the amount of water which the atmosphere 
is capable of taking up to become saturated is one of the indices 
of the influence of climate. The highly important observations 
made by LIvINGsTON (21, 23) op ome the fact that the effect 
of an atmosphere of great wer y influences 
the geographical distribution of atastl, and through its local 
variations exerts an equally determining effect as a physiological 
and an ecological factor. The problem of evaporation has been 
but imperfectly appreciated, and though the bibliography of 
evaporation is extensiye (24), the correlation between the evapo- 
ration under different conditions has not been satisfactorily 
formulated. The evaporating power of the air is generally under- 
stood to comprise a resultant of temperature, humidity, and wind. 
But evaporation is very sensitive to soil as well as to air relations, 
and since a multitude of local factors may influence either of the 
two conditions, the amount of evaporation integrates the effect 
of numerous variables. Evaporation is a rather complex resultant, 
therefore, and in preparing for an investigation which has in view 
the measurement of the amount of evaporation in plant societies, 
it is important to keep in mind the several conditions entering 
into the problem. It is necessary to recognize that the essential 
details of the phenomenon of evaporation are different in the great 
variety of conditions, and require separate and special study 

ee ¢ 11 


appropriate to the peculiar conditions. To measure evaporation 
in a few places in this locality, and then to assign the results to 
the region as a whole, is a procedure not without its accompany- 
ing shortcomings. It was intended to overcome this difficulty 
partially by measuring the variation in evaporation of the vertical 
as well as the horizontal vapor pressure gradient in a larger number 
of stations, plotting the results, and drawing isothymes. By a 
summation of the evaporation, that of the whole area could be 
calculated with greater accuracy. The distance of Buckeye Lake 
from Columbus and the inconveniences as to available time have 
made it difficult to secure the required observations. However, 
the problem here dealt with does not concern itself with the devel- 
opment of a formulated expression of evaporation for this region. 
The purpose at present is to obtain quantitative data on the rate 
of evaporation, and thus to secure direct evidence as to the rela- 
tion of the observed evaporating power of the air and the nature 
of the vegetation. The more detailed study of the phenomenon 
as originally outlined is now in progress. 

The ordinary markets are not prepared to supply the well 
designed standardized self-registering instruments which have 
been devised to meet the needs of the Weather Bureau (26). 
For ecological purposes, an instrument is required which can be 
placed under conditions practically identical with those which 
the plants themselves endure. For this purpose a small atmome- 
ter partly buried in the soil is desirable. Dr. Forrest SHREVE 
of the Carnegie Desert Laboratory, Tucson, Arizona, courteously 
left at the disposal of the writer several porous cups of the type 
as described and used by Livincston (21). The instruments 
had been previously standardized with an atmometer at Tucson, 
and since they are similar to those sent out from the Desert 
Laboratory to various other stations in the United States, the 
readings obtained may be readily compared. There are certain 
objections to the porous cups as an instrument in the field study 
of habitat conditions. The inability of the cup to withstand 
frost makes it practically impossible to obtain readings for more 
than the growing period of seven months, and the fact that the 
instrument does not prevent the direct entrance of rain to the jar 


introduces an error which becomes very large as the time interval 
between the reading of the instruments and the length of time and 
the amount of precipitation increases. The instrument recently 
described by Yapp (34) and by LivrncsTon eliminates the error 
last mentioned, but some weighing method, when available, will 
probably be more exact than any, since it alone can be employed 
in the measurement of evaporation from ice, snow, and growing 

Of the instruments on hand, one was established as a standard 
in an open lawn freely exposed to the sun and wind on the campus 
near the University Observatory. It was placed in a manner to 
obtain readings on the saturation deficiency of the air at a height 
of 15 cm. above the soil surface. The atmometer remained in the 
care of Professor H. C. Lorp and his assistant Mr. KENDRIG, to 
whom the writer expresses his warmest thanks for their helpful 
interest. The records were taken three times daily in connection 
with the climatological observations called for by the U.S. Weather 
Bureau Service, and consisted of the reading of the depth of water 
remaining in a graduated container. The instrument continued 
in operation from May 21 to September 17, when an accident 
resulted in the breaking of the graduated retainer. Within a few 
days the trouble had been remedied and the observations pro- 
ceeded until October 11, when the first heavy frost occurred. 

Another cup was placed in an open and exposed place in the 
cranberry-sphagnum (central) zone, under conditions similar to 
those of the standard instrument. It was installed May 14. 
With the exception of the period from June 11 to July 17, when 
the total for five weeks was recorded, the loss of water by evapora- 
tion was determined at intervals of one week by running in dis- 
tilled water from a graduate, thus restoring the original water 
level of the container. Records were obtained until August 21, 
when it was found that the atmometer had been disturbed. A 
week later it had disappeared entirely. No attempt was made 
to replace it by another. 

The third instrument stood in the shaded conditions of the 
maple-alder zone. It was placed near large-sized maples whose 
cover was relatively dense though open. The reading of this 


instrument extended uninterruptedly to October 2. During the 
writer’s absence in Europe, the readings in the two plant zones 
were recorded by Mr. Dickey; they have since appeared in pub- 
lished form (12). It is not necessary to reproduce in detail the 
original observations for the entire period. A series of data from 
the observations made have been summarized here and the con- 
clusions stated. 

Following are the atmometer readings for the several habitats, 
together with the comparative evaporation expressed in percentage 
of the standard instrument (table VII). 


i i - . aple-alder : 
suse ae a s oo poe, ne Percent. diff. M — Percent. diff. 
May 28) 118-8 cc. OF CC. 81.6 90,5 66. 65.7 
PP nets ccna ee I10.9 7a | 83 60.5 54-5 
JUue 43.550 88.1 6354 60.5 27.5 ai .2 
Fi “ns wrecks ending July 
tite een Ue Os 87 349.2 91.7 290.4 59.6 
Tae oe July 24. 151.4 120.2 79.3 
et 7.8 9.8 59.2 50.6 42.9 
ee . BBO E conan alt tae 140.6 69.8 49.6 36:3 25:6 
AGhs Ta eee 134.6 82.4 61:2 70.4 $2.5 
Total evaporation... . .|1349.2 933-8 69.2 690.8 eee 

As was to be expected, by far the smaller part of the total 
evaporation on Cranberry Island occurred in the maple-alder 
zone. The annual evaporation within the maple-alder zone is 
now about three-fourths of that in the open central zone, that is, 
fully 25 per cent of the moisture is saved by shade-producing trees 
and shrubs. The evaporation within this zone is greatest in the 
season from October to May. The difference in evaporation 
between this zone and the central zone is then at a minimum, but 
later it follows closely the growth of the leaves in the early spring 
and their fall in autumn. The maximum difference occurs in 
June and July. As the seasons advance, the evaporating power 
of the air in the forested zone varies with precipitation. Wind 


and temperature are less effective, for as the leafing out of the 
trees proceeds, and the increased undergrowth also becomes effect- 
ive in shade and interference with air currents, the retention of the 
moisture in the air decreases the evaporation rate and the relative 
humidity is raised. It would be instructive to follow in more detail 
the effect of the various meteorological factors on evaporation. 
This effect can very well be seen if the more important factors 
like temperature, intensity and duration of light, precipitation, 
wind, soil, and vegetation are referred to individually. But the 
results are uncertain and suggest the desirability of preliminary 
investigations in artificially maintained conditions by laboratory 
methods. In a general way, however, the data show that the 
inner temperatures of the maple-alder zone are lowered and the 
temperature extremes moderated, but the extremes in summer 
temperature much more so than those of the winter. The range in 
temperature is therefore more affected than the absolute tempera- 
tures. The importance of shade producers does not consist alone 
in their effectiveness to reduce transpiration, but also in their 
inverse influence upon meteorological factors. 

The foregoing table also shows that the greater saturation 
deficiency was recorded for the station on the university campus. 
The relative evaporation in the three stations is according to the 
totals 1349.2 cc., 933.8 cc., and 690.8 cc., the corresponding 
ratios are 100, 69.2, and 51.2. These differences for the three 
stations remained fairly constant throughout. The fact that the 
evaporation rate for the central zone with its numerous xerophytes 
should be less than that for an area which supports mesophytic 
forest trees seems anomalous and surprising. Thus for the vege- 
tation on the university campus the furtherance of transpiration 
by the evaporating power of the air is during some periods approxi- 
mately two times greater than that on Cranberry Island. This 
clearly shows that the evaporating power of the air, though furnish- 
ing a very valuable criterion for the differentiation between great 
centers of plant distribution and for the differentiation of habitats, 
is not an important factor in controlling bog vegetation or deter- 
mining the character of it. 

With the data on hand, it is not difficult to see that the chief 




"JUN PrvpuLys 07 oded oydvaFojoyd aay y woOU 7 dxa oun], » 
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smiendting, —| yl EP y| Co) stvendaog, | gg 22%44| e¢o) ambecuamy, | gal, | we | AT om | a 
uonviodeay uonviodeagq uorvsodea iy 



external factor which exerts a direct influence on the evaporation 
at the bog island is the water area surrounding the island. Evapo- 
ration from the water surface and from the vegetation produces 
a vapor blanket, the action of which influences to a great extent 
the normal range of evaporation under the varying temperature 
conditions and consequently the rate of transpiration. The 
evaporation blanket is readily transported over the open central 
zone, its rate of movement and consequently the rate of evapo- 
ration varying particularly with the action of the wind. In the 
relatively forested maple-alder zone, however, the vapor blanket 
is more stationary and hence more uniform in its influence. This 
vapor blanket covers the locality to a definite height vertically. 
Studies on the phenomena of evaporation of water over lakes and 
reservoirs (3) have shown that the vapor pressure of the vertical 
gradient varies, beginning nearest the evaporating surface with 
a maximum, and rapidly diminishing within several feet above 
the evaporating surface, until it approximates to that in the 
free air. A few isolated readings confirmed this for the stations 
in question, as table VIII will show. At first the readings were 
taken every hour from 6 A.M. to 6 p.m.; later at intervals of six 
hours. For convenience, the larger time values covering the 
period from July 30 to August 3 are given here (fig. 8). The 
amounts are in the ratios too, 71, and 50 for positions at 5 feet 
(1.5 m.), 1 foot (0.3 m.), and 3 inches (7.5 cm.), respectively. 
Hence in general, the lower stratum of a vegetation has a smaller 
range in humidity variations and possesses an atmosphere usually 
much more humid than the upper vegetation stratum or the free 
air above the vegetation level. The data confirm the noteworthy 
results of the evaporation experiments by Yapp (34), and show 
that the bog vegetation at the lower levels is exposed to trans- 
piration conditions much less severe than those existing at posi- 
tions above the substratum and those quite clear of vegetation. 

But the growth of bog plants and their successful occupation 
of the habitat do not depend so much upon the total amount 
of evaporation or the time factor of this exposure, that is, the 
amount of moisture which the air contains during critical periods 
of the growing season. The functional activity of the plants is 


not one of relation to a single factor. In the interrelation of con- 
ditions, the real limiting factor to an increase in functional activity 
is not evaporation or temperature, but the toxicity of the sub- 
stratum. This fact reveals itself only in experimental tests. 
Toxicity comes markedly into play when the amount of water 
available for absorption has reached a stationary value, through 

Fic. 8.—Experiment station in the cranberry-sphagnum association; in the fore- 
ground stunted growth of Rhus Vernix; photographed July 31, roto. 
the activity of bacterial organisms and other processes. In the 
field it is very difficult at times to decide which features of the 
vegetation are to be correlated with low atmospheric humidity, 
which with variations in temperature and light conditions, or with 
other factors cooperating at the same time. It is obvious that 
each in its turn may play the part of a limiting factor, for growth 
and transpiration are very susceptible to variations in either of 
these conditions. But in the laboratory the extended experi- 


ments with cereals, legumes, and with plants from the various 
zones of the island have shown that most plants are unable to pro- 
vide for a balanced relation between the supply of physiological 
water which the bog substratum can furnish and the excess of water 
lost during transpiration even when the temperature or the evapo- 
rating power of the air are favorable for any length of time. The 
susceptibility of the plants to the presence of small traces of 
deleterious bacterial transformation products accumulating in 
the surface layers of the peat substratum has been demonstrated 
elsewhere. An intimate and controlling relation has been found 
to exist between soil bacteria and the plants growing in the central 
zone. This has shown itself by various physiological and chemical 
tests, and by the fact that the presence and fitness of bog plants 
in the central zone is due mainly to more efficient functional 
responses to physiological drought. The edaphic aridity prevail- 
ing in this zone decreases the absorption of water by the roots in 
wheat plants about 50-65 per cent, at a time when transpiration 
and the growth of the plants demand a greater physiological water 
content. The further quotation of definite examples must be post- 
poned. The ratio of the possible rate of water absorption to the 
rate of transpiration and growth becomes thus the real determin- 
ing factor in the bog habitat and in the selection and in the dis- 
tribution of plants. In all cases cultivated agricultural plants 
become flaccid and the roots appear gelatinous or as if burned 
black at the tips. The general dwarfing of roots (see illustrations 
in 7 and 8) offers very little efficiency to physiologically arid con- 
ditions; nor is the change in form characters of shoot and leaf 
induced by the consequent lack of coordination of functions an 
advantage or an adaptation. Resistance to desiccation and the 
capacity for conserving water are more direct and more efficient _ 
responses to the limiting condition which the plants meet. This 
fact is not necessarily to be taken as valid in accounting for all 
highly specialized and inheritable structures so frequently met 
with in plants occurring in these habitats. The alteration of 
shoots and leaves in response to the stimulation of external factors 
may or may not increase fitness to the conditions, but it is safe 
to assume that the capacity for physiological changes and responses 


controls the survival value of plant forms to a greater extent than 
has been admitted. 


aun p w 


405. 1909 



. Apams, C. C., The postglacial dispersal of the North American Biota. 

Biol. Bull. 9:53-71. 1905. ; 
Bastin, S. E., and Davis, C. A., Peat deposits of Maine. U.S. Geol. 
Survey, Bull. 376, p. 61. 1909 

. BicELow, F. H., Studies on the phenomena of the evaporation of water 

over lakes and agers Monthly Weather Review, U.S. Dept. of 
Agriculture 36:437. 

. CHAMBERLIN, T. C., a Ssciaptes R. D., Geology. New York. 1906. 
. CLEMENTS, F. E., Reapixch methods in sede: Lincoln, Neb. 1905. 

Cow tes, H. C., Picdcuechie ecology of Chicago and vicinity. Bor. 
GAZETTE 31:73-182. 1905. 

- Dacunowskt, A., The toxic property of bog water and bog soil. Bot. 

GAZETTE 46:130-143. 1908. 
, Bog toxins and their effect upon soils. Bot. GAZETTE 47:389- 

; Physoiericale arid habitats and drought-resistance in plants. 
Bor. GAZETTE 49:325-340. 1910. 

Davis, C. A., Contribution to the natural history of marl. Jour. Geology 
8:485. 1900; ale, A pee, contribution to the natural history of marl. 

, Peat. Geological nS of Michigan. 19 

- Dickey, M. G., Evaporation in a bog habitat. ” Ohio Naturalist 10: 

. Frtu, J., and Scuréter, C., Die Moore der Schweiz mit Beriicksichti- 

gung der gesammten Nocitiags: Geol. Komm. d. Schweiz. Natu 
Gesells. Bern. 190. 

- Gray, Asa, Adipose: before the American Association. Am. Jour. Sci. 

TIT. 4:293. 1872. 

- Gray, S. M., psa water supply for the city of Columbus. Ohio 

Report of 1 
HANN, J., Fiatiitek of climatology. 190. 

- Henry, A. J., Climatology of the United States. Bull. Q, U.S. Dept. 

of Agtcitiars. Weather Bureau. 1 

. JENNINGS, O. E., A botanical survey of S588 Isle, Erie County, Penn- 

sylvania. Ann. ‘Cunt Museum 5:289. 1 

- Krutman, A. O., Pflanzenbiologische Staten aus Russisch-Lapland. 

Acta Soc. pro Pinus et Flora fennica 6:113. 1890. 


20. Leverett, F., Glacial formations and drainage features of the Erie and 
Ohio basins. U.S. Geological Survey 41: 1902 

21. Livrncston, B. E., The relation of desert plants to soil moisture and to 
evaporation. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publ. 50. 1906. 

a. , Physiological properties of bog water. Bort. GAZETTE 39:348- 
355. 1905. 

3. , Evaporation and centers of plant distribution. Plant World 
II:106-112. 1908. 

24. Livincston, Mrs. J. G., An annotated bibliography of evaporation. 
Monthly Weather Review, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture 36 and 37: 1908- 


25. MacDoucat, D. T., Soil temperatures and iachischee, Monthly 
Weather Review, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture 31:375. 1903. 

26. Marvin, C. F., Methods and apparatus for the a of evaporation. © 
Il. Monthly Weethes Review, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture 37:182-190. 


27. Merriam, C. H., Life zones and crop zones of the United States. Divi- 
sion of Biological Survey, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Bull. 10:54. 1909. 
. SCHREINER, O., and ReeEp, H. S., The réle of ian in soil fertility. 
Bureau of Soils, U.S. Dept. Agric., Bull. 56. 19 

29. Scuumprr, A. F. W., Pflanzengeographie auf si cashegioshie Grundlage. 
Gustav Fischer. Sema. 1808. 

30. SCHWENDENER, S., Die Spaltéffnungen der Gramineen und Cyperaceen. 
Sitzungs. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin. 1889 

31. Transeau, E. N., On the geographic distribution and ecological relations 
of the bog plant societies of North America. Bot. GAZETTE 36: 401-420. 

31a. , The bogs and bog flora of the Huron River Valley. Bot. 
GAZETTE 40:351-375, 418-448. 1905; 41: hg 1906. 

32. WarmInG, E., Oecology of plants. Oxford. 19 

33. Wricut, F. G., The glacial boundary in Ohio, an U.S. Geol. Surv., 
Bull. 58. 1890 

34. Yarp, R. H., On stratification in the vegetation of a marsh, and its rela- 
tions to evaporation and temperature. Annals of Botany 23:275-320 




Under the unassuming title ‘‘Notes on the morphology of Ophio- 
glossum (Cheiroglossa) palmatum L.,’’ BowER" has presented a paper con- 
taining generalizations of an unexpectedly far-reaching kind. Inasmuch 
as many of the arguments in this paper are directed against a paragraph 
in a recent paper by the present writer,? it seems desirable to make a 
few statements calculated to clear up the situation. 

BoweEr’s account is based on two fertile specimens obtained during 
a visit to Jamaica, also on a reexamination of herbarium specimens. He 
adheres to his previous view of the morphology of the plant,3, 4 namely, 
that the several to many fertile spikes are derived by duplication or 
branching of the single spike found in O. vulgatum, in contrast to the 
usual view that the spikes represent fertile lobes of the leaf. Probably 
the most serious objection to the latter interpretation is the fact, brought 
out by Bower, that some specimens show one or more of the distal spikes 
inserted on the adaxial face of the leaf in a more or less median position, 
while one might expect to find them inserted marginally. Unfortunately 
neither of the specimens from Jamaica, and in fact no specimen which 
has been available for sectioning, shows this critical feature. BOWER 
recognizes the importance of this method. of study, for in a number of 
his figures he represents the vascular supply of fertile spikes. I wish 
to point out that each of the cases so represented (figs. 17, i-ix; 19, I-v; 
20, i-vii) fits in with my interpretation of the fertile spike as either a 
single segment of the leaf or a fused pair of segments, so I must insist 
that until an opportunity occurs for demonstrating the origin of the 
vascular supply to the upper median spikes, my interpretation stands.. 

t the same time, I cheerfully admit the possibility of BowEr’s view 
as an alternative theory, especially on the basis of the branching of fertile 
spikes, figured in 1896 for O. pendulum as well as O. palmatum. Is it 

t Ann. Botany 25:277-208. pis. 22-24. 1911. 

“? The nature of the fertile spike in the Ophioglossaceae. Ann. Botany 24: 
1-18. pls. 1, 2. 1910 

3 Studies in the morphology of spore-producing members. II. Ophioglossaceae- 
London. 1896. 

4 The origin of a land flora. London. 1908. 

151] [Botanical Gazette, vol. 52 


not possible, as has turned out in so many other cases, that the truth lies 
between the two extreme views? May it not be that the spikes of O. 
palmatum represent lobes of the leaf, and that certain of the upper ones 
in strong growing plants have suffered splitting or duplication? Such 
a view would take into account the effects of the peculiar life habits of 
this species, and at the same time would explain the identity in origin 
of the lower spikes with that found in the other members of the genus. 
In his recent paper Bower supports his interpretation by eight con- 
siderations, two of which are referred to above. Under one heading 
he urges the fact that “the identity of the margins of the leaf, so far as 
these are defined by the vascular strands, is entirely merged by the 
repeated fusions of the strands on the adaxial face of the elongated 
petiole” (p. 289). Yet, while describing the insertion of the petiolar 
strands on the central cylinder of the stem, BowEr shows that the 
leaf gap is obscured by a vascular commissure stretching across the 
gap at the point of attachment of the leaf trace bundles, and this fact 
does not cause a doubt as to the existence of a leaf gap. Apparently 
the anastomosing of vascular strands is characteristic of the plant, and 
the relationships of the parts can be best interpreted by comparison 
with simpler members of the family; this is what I have sought to do. 
Professor BOwER’s caustic remarks concerning my paper on the 
Ophioglossaceae may the more readily be passed over in view of the 
fact that he has expressly repudiated his former view as to the relation- 
ships of the group, and hence accepts the main contention of my paper. 
_ With the candor characteristic of a true scientist, he has considered the 
evidence accumulated since 1896, and decides that the balance is in 
favor of allying the Ophioglossaceae with Filicales rather than with 
Lycopodiales. As a consequence of this, he regards the fertile spike 
not as a sporangiophore, but as one or more pinnae, here again agreeing 
with my conclusions. If now it is admitted that the fertile spike in 
most members of the group represents one pinna or a fused pair of pinnae, 
it is difficult for me to see why the interpretation should not be pushed 
to its logical end. The pinna nature of the fertile spike is most clearly 
seen in Botrychium; if the spike of O. vulgatum or O. reticulatum has a 
vascular supply which originates in a way similar to that of species of 
Botrychium, it may be regarded as representing two fused basal lobes 
of the leaf. The spike of O. pendulum has a similar vascular supply 
and may also be regarded as having the same morphological nature. 
A basal median spike in O. palmatum has a vascular supply identical 
with this; why then should it not be interpreted in the same way 


Marginal spikes situated above this would then represent single lobes 
of the leaf, comparable to the abnormal spikes of B. obliguum figured 
in my paper. In fact, the new figures representing sections through the 
base of fertile spikes more than ever convince me that there is an under- 
lying unity in the family, in spite of the complications shown by O. 
palmatum. ‘This unity appears in my interpretation of the fertile spike, 
and forms the only basis so far offered for comparison of all the members 
of the group. 

Just what becomes of the order Ophioglossales remains slightly in 
doubt, for BowrR sometimes uses this term and sometimes the term 
Ophioglossaceae in his recent paper. Without entering into taxonomic 
considerations, it would appear that Ophioglossaceae might well remain 
a family of Filicales. 

In conclusion it may be remarked that BowEr’s admirable summing 
up of the differences in the vascular supply of spore-producing organs 
among the Psilotaceae, Sphenophyllaceae, and Ophioglossaceae lends 
support to the view that the two great phyla Lycopsida and Pteropsida 
have been separated for a vast period of time.—M. A. CHRYSLER, Uni- 
versity of Maine, Orono, Me. 


At the Harvard Botanic Garden, there is a Cryptomeria japonica 
8-10 feet high. When examined early this spring, many of the branches 
that bore female cones were seen to have produced abnormal growths. 
The central axis of the cone had in some cases elongated into a vegetative 
branch. This condition has often been noted before in Pinus, Abies, 
Larix, Sciadopitys, and some other conifers, as well as in Cryptomeria. 

The Gardeners Chronicle’ in discussing proliferous cones says, ‘this 
condition is so common in our experience as to be nearly as frequently 
site with as the normal state.’ Then again in reference to Cryptomeria,® 

‘“‘a very common peculiarity is the proliferation of the axis beyond the 
cone in the form of a slender branchlet.’”’ This vegetative proliferation 
has also been described by PENzIG,7 MASTERS,® EICHLER,’ and others. 

Another and apparently undescribed condition was observed in the 

5 Gard. Chron., January 28, 1882, p. 112. 6 Ibid., November 30, rg0r, p. 380. 

7 Pflanzen Teratologie, Vol. II, p. 509. 

§ Vegetable teratology, p. 24 

® Excursions morphological, a Hist. Rev., April 1864. 


case of the tree at the Botanic Garden. It was found in certain instances 
that the proliferating axis, instead of being merely a leafy shoot, bore 
male cones. ‘This condition, so far as the writer has been able to observe, 
has not hitherto been described. Owing to repairs being made at the 
greenhouses, this tree had been placed horizontally in a dark pit for the 
winter. This unnatural condition perhaps accounted for the abnormal 

Fics. 1-4 

Figs. 1 and 2 show female cones bearing clusters of male cones on 
their elongated axes. Fig. 3 shows a normal cluster of male cones and 
another cluster on the proliferated female cone. Fig. 4 shows a normal 
female cone on the left, a female cone on the right bearing a vegetative 
branch, and a female cone in the center bearing a cluster of male cones.— 
ANSEL F. Hemenway, Harvard University. 


Plant pathology 

The growing interest in plant pathology is attested by the appearance 
recently of two new books and a journal dealing with this subject. Of the 
books, one, by STEvENS and Hatt, is the second to appear in the United 
States within a year. The other, also in English, is by MassEr.? The new 
journal appears under the name Phytopathology, as the official organ of the 
American Phytopathological Society. 

The book by STEVENS and HALt is written to meet the needs of those 
who are concerned with plant diseases from a practical standpoint, and who 
wish to identify diseases easily and quickly, and find definite directions for 
combatting them. In its general scheme it departs considerably from the 
usual treatment adopted in works on plant diseases. The method of treatment 
is such as seemed to the writers most serviceable for the end in view. The 
diseased plant is the important object under discussion. Technical details 
relating to structure and life histories of fungi are omitted. Characteristics 
of fungi are described only where the fungus itself is sufficiently conspicuous 
to form a distinguishing mark by which to recognize the disease, as in mildews. 

identify the disease described. In the same way life histories are discussed 
only in so far as is necessary for the understanding of certain diseases, as in 
the case of rusts, and then only in their general aspects. In general only 
such characteristics are mentioned as are obvious to the naked eye and will 
aid the practical man in identifying the diseases. This method of treatment 
has permitted an arrangement of the material in the body of the work b 

on the classification of host plants, instead of the usual arrangement according 
to the systematic sequence of the fungi. 

The book begins with brief introductory sections on general subjects of 
practical importance, such as fungicides, spraying machinery, cost and profits 
of spraying, and similar topics. This part is of special value to the practical 
man, as it brings together information regarding the newer spraying mixtures 
and methods of combatting diseases which have been published in various 
papers not easily available. A short chapter on general diseases takes up 

*STEVENS, F, L., and Hatt, J. G., Diseases of economic plants. 8vo. pp. x+513. 
jigs. 214. New Yo oe The Maccsilian Co. 1910. $2.00 
? MASSEE, GEORGE, Diseases of cultivated sie sad trees. 8vo. pp. xii+602. 
jigs. 171. New York: The Macmillan Co. 1910. $2.25. 
: 155 


such diseases as ‘‘damping off,’”’ which are not restricted to apr ser —— 
of plants. The rest of the book deals with “Special diseases of crops.” The 
material is arranged according to the agricultural classification of plants, 
under such heads as pomaceous fruits, drupaceous fruits, small fruits, vege- 
table and field crops, cereals, fiber plants, trees and timber, and ornamental 
plants. The descriptions are clear and concise, giving such characteristics as 
enable the general reader to identify the disease. The book is illustrated by 
numerous halftones, which, however, are only of fair quality. 

A feature peculiar to the book is the introduction of a unique popular 
nomenclature for the diseases described. This feature consists in the uniform 
construction of popular names, where none exist, by adding the ending -ose 
to the generic name of the organism causing the disease. Although this 

it becomes Simicnwe on account of the extent to which the idea is carried 

ously, and have only local but forceful eciledace. which cannot be attained by 
names manufactured on a wholesale scale. In this case their acceptance 
would rather lead to a confusing monotony. 

The k will be found extremely useful to those who have to do with 
the ih ine of plants. It will enable them readily to renew information on 

ise to them, and to identify new diseases not too obscure. Being 
aehacecaliy | arranged, the book itself serves as a sort of host index, making 
the finding of material an easy matter. In each case is given what is known 
of methods of treatment, the matter of real importance to the grower. 

The work of Masse is the outcome of the author’s well-known Text-book 
of plant diseases, the last revised edition of which appeared in 1903. The 
growth of plant pathology in the interval has made necessary a complete 
revision of the text, with the addition of so much new material that the result 
is a new book. While it follows the general plan of the older work, the treat- 
ment of the subject is much more extended, owing partly to the enlarged 
scope of the new book, but more directly to the amount of new material incor- 

The book begins with introductory sections discussing such general sub- 
jects as primary and secondary causes of disease, meee infection of plants, 
the dissemination of fungous diseases, injuries not due to fungi, and other 
related subjects. Space is also given to the potent of fungicides and 
spraying. The American reader will be struck by the absence from this 
section of a discussion of apparatus for the application of fungicides. 

The greater part of the book is taken up with descriptions of diseases and 
the fungi causing them. This part is arranged according to the groups of 
fungi, although none of the ordinary systems of classification are followed in 
detail. In the Pyrenomycetes, for example, the spore characters are taken 


as the primary basis for the arrangement, thus leading to an association of 
genera-entirely different from that usually found in taxonomic works. By 
this method of classification, the genera of the Hypocreales and Dothidiales 
are distributed among the Sphaeriales. In the descriptions both the charac- 
teristics of the diseases and the life histories and characteristics of the 
causal organisms are given. The scheme is similar to that followed in the 
author’s Text-book, but the accounts are much more complete as to detail | 

eases. The older and better known facts receive full and careful treatment, 
but with regard to the newer facts of plant pathology, the work shows a 

of critical consideration of the literature which greatly impairs its value as 
a reliable reference book. A few instances illustrating this point may be 
cited. The rotting of lettuce in greenhouses is still attributed to Botrytis 
cinerea (Sclerotinia Fuckeliana) (p. 263), although the investigations of SmrrH3 
several years ago have shown that Sclerotinia Libertiana is the principal cause 
of this rot, while Botrytis-forms are only of secondary importance. These two 
fungi, although related, differ greatly in their mode of life, Botrytis being a 
common saprophyte everywhere, while S. Libertiana is a soil fungus. This 
great difference in the mode of life of the two fungi is of importance when 
methods of combatting them are considered. The wilt disease of cotton and 
other plants is described (p. 228) under Neocosmospora (misspelled Neocos- 
mopara in the page-heading, seach POE: and text, and still different in 
the index). A symptom of the same disease is described (p. 494) under its 
old name “Cotton Frenching,” caalid by Fusarium vasinfectum. The genetic 
relationship between these two fungi has been shown by SmirH.4 Spraying 
for peach leaf curl is regarded as of little value because the perennial mycelium 
of Exoascus deformans in the shoots produces a crop of diseased leaves each 
year in spite of spraying. As a matter of fact, there is no disease that can be 
controlled with more certainty and with more striking results by spraying 
than the peach leaf curl. Furthermore, the careful investigations of PreRCcES 
have shown that the origin of the spring infection is still obscure, but that 
probably the perennial mycelium in the branches has very little to do with 
the early infection. The common apple blotch fungus the author suggests 

3SmiTH, Ratpu E., Botrytis ane Sclerotinia; their relation to certain plant dis- 
eases and to each other. Bot, GAZETTE 29:369-407. pls. 3. figs. 3. 1900. 

4SmitH, ERwin F., Wilt disease of cotton, watermelon, and cowpea. U.S. Dept. 
Agric., Div. Veg. Physiol. and Path., Bull. 17. 1899. 

5Prerce, NEWTON B., Peach leaf curl; its nature and treatment. U.S. Dept. 


Agric., Div. Veg. Physiol. and Path., Bull. 20. 1900. 


(p. 412) is a stage of the apple scab fungus, yet these fungi could scarcely be 
confounded by one who had seen them. Under the heading “Peach leaf 
blotch (Gloeosporium cydoniae Mont.),” this disease is said to cause spots on 
the “living leaves of the peach (Cydonia vulgaris).” Sphaeropsis malorum 
is described only as a leaf spot disease of the apple, although it has been longest 
and best known as the cause of the black rot of the fruit, and later as the 
cause of a serious bark canker of apple trees. 

The new journal Phytopathology is to be issued for the present as a bi- 
monthly publication of the American Phytopathological Society. The aim, 
as set forth in the editorial announcement, is “to provide a place for the 
publication of phytopathological papers which would otherwise be lost or 
scattered in various places.” While much of its space will be occupied by 
papers read before the society, it is the policy of the editors to make 
the journal more broadly representative and to open its pages to contri- 
butions of value from any source. It is of octavo size, containing at present 
about 35 pages of text and a number of plates in each issue. The halftone 
plates are of unusually good quality. The first issue is fittingly introduced 
by an excellent halftone portrait of DeBary, with a brief sketch of his 
life and of the influence of his great personality on the advancement of plant 

Heretofore the chief interest in plant pathology in the United States has 
been on its economic side, and this side has been highly developed as a result 
of the facilities for investigation, and for the ready means for publication of 
results having an economic bearing, offered by the experiment stations. As a 
result of the emphasis on the economic point of view, little attention has been 
given to the more fundamental problems relating to the subject. Such 
phases as the physiological relations between the host and parasite, the changes 
in metabolism brought about by the parasites, and the enzymatic activities 
of parasites, have remained almost uninvestigated. A journal like the present 
one, devoted entirely to the interests of plant pathology and not restricted to 

e purely economic phases of the subject, will undoubtedly do much to 
stimulate research in these deeper problems of plant pathology.—H. Has- 

Fossil plants 

The second volume of SEwarn’s Fossil plants’ has remained too long 
unnoticed by this journal. The first volume appeared in 1898, and the general 
purpose and method of the work were stated in the review published at that 
time? The thirteen years that have elapsed have been memorable ones in 
the history of paleobotany, so that if this second volume had appeared as 

Ee ialewe ls = C., Fossil plants; a text-book for students of botany and geo'ogy. 
Vol. II. pp. oi. figs. 265. ee sine The University Press; New York: 
G. FP. Pehiaie's oiee 1910. $5 

7 Rev. in Bor. GAZETTE Pag 1898. 


promptly as at first expected, it would have been sadly out of date by this 
time. So large an addition has been made to our knowledge of fossil plants, 
that now we are to have three volumes of this work, instead of two, and the 
third volume, promised to appear “with as little delay as possible,” is to 
contain the seed plants, and also a much-needed discussion of the geographical 
distribution of plants at different stages in the history of the earth. 

The present volume contains the pteridophytes, with the exception of 
Equisetales and the major part of Sphenophyllales, which were treated in the 
first volume. As has been said often in this journal, the material of paleo- 
botany must be traversed critically by morphologically trained paleobotanists, 
so that morphologists may be able to base their conclusions upon reasonably 
assured data. Even yet, most paleobotanists are stratigraphers, their chief 
concern being to be able to recognize a given horizon by a given form, what- 
ever its relationships may be. Of course, such paleobotanists are geologists 
rather than botanists. 

EWARD has now done this service for botanists in the very critical series 
of fossil pteridophytes, and we are able to put together two or three com- 
petent and independent judgments, feeling well assured if we find agreement, 
and feeling cautious if we find disagreement. It is impossible to discuss the 
details of such a book, for it is more a manual than a reading text. It will 
be sufficient to indicate the titles of the 16 chapters. 

XII, Sphenophyllales (continued) (16 pp.); XIII, Psilotales (13 = 
XIV, Lycopediales (62 pp.); XV, Aoooteaset Lycopodiales (104 pp.); XVI 
Sipillaria (31 pp.); XVIT Stigmaria (21 pp.); XVIII, Bothrodendreae fs 
pp.); XIX, Seed-bearing plants closely allied to members of the Lycopodiales 
(9 pp.); XX, Filicales (44 pp.); XXI, Fossil ferns (71 pp.); XXII, Marat- 
tiales (fossil) (17 pp.); XXIII, Psaronieae (15 pp.); XXIV, Ophioglossales 
(fossil) (5 pp.); XXV, Coenopterideae (91 pp.); XX VI, Hydropterideae and 
Sagenopteris (11 pp.); XXVII, Genera of Pteridosperms, ferns, and plantae 
incertae sedis (97 pp.). 

These titles do not indicate any coordination, but perhaps mage represent 
the legitimate state of mind in the presence of the material._—J. M. C. 


New Zealand plants.—New Zealand is fortunate in having as its leading 
botanist one who has not only carefully studied the problems of plant life in 
a comparatively new region, but has now given to the general public a most 
interesting volume® on the vegetation of these islands. Beginning with a 
simple synopsis of the history of botanical explorations in New Zealand, from 
the work of Dr. Joun Forster in 1773 to the present day, Dr. CocKAYNE 
proceeds to discuss the most notable features of a vegetation ranging from a 

§ Cockayne, L., New Zealand ee and their story. 8vo. vii+190. figs. 71. 
T910,. Wellington: Jobe Mackay, Government Printer. 


rain forest of almost tropical luxuriance to xerophytic sand dunes. The 
i in 

botanists of other lands will find the little volume useful in imparting a picture 
of the vegetation of that distant country. For local use it cannot but be of 
the greatest service to teachers who are seeking an intelligent appreciation of 
their surroundings. e — of ber es opie are further recog- 
nized by a chapter on the cultivation o on the school grounds 
and in the school garden. The ei will te interested, among other 
things, in the considerable number of plants with juvenile and adult leaf 

Waa of some of the most remarkable plants described.—GEo. 

North American Flora..—Volume XXV, part 3, continues the treatment 
of the Geraniales and includes an elaboration of the Rutaceae and Surianaceae 
by Percy Witson, the Simaroubaceae by JonN KUNKEL SMAatt, and the 
Burseraceae by JosepH NELSON Rose. New species, chiefly from Cuba and 

exico, are described in the following genera: Ravenia (1), Zanthoxylum (3), 
Spathelia (1), Amyris (1), Elaphrium (7), and Icica (10). One new genus 
(Castelaria) of the Simaroubaceae is proposed, based on Castela Nicholsoni Hook., 
to which are referred 8 species, 2 from Cuba being new to science.—J. M. 

bolae Antillanae.”—The eairin of a third fascicle completes the 

sixth volume of Professor UrBAN’s well-known work, Symbolae Antillanae. 
The fascicle recently issued cite the treatment of the Orchidaceae by 
ux. There are reco d 96 genera, to which are referred 505 

raphy, make this a thoroughly scientific and standard work on the Orchidaceae 
of the Antillean region.—J. M. GREENMAN. 

Handbook of deciduous trees.—The tenth part (fifth section of second 
volume) of ScHNEIDER’s Handbuch has just appeared,™ the preceding part 

9 North — = lora, Vol. XXV, part 3, pp. 173-261. New York Botanical 
Garden. May 6,1 
to URBAN, [., sens Antillanae seu fundamenta florae erie Occidentalis. 
Vol. VI, fasc., 3., pp. 433-721. Leipzig: Fratres Borntraeger. 1910. 
™ SCHNEIDER, C. K., Illustriertes Handbuch der Rees Zehnte Liefe- 
rung (fiinfte Lieferung des zweiten Bandes). Imp. 8vo. pp. 497-757. Jigs. 329-419- 
Jena: Gustav Fischer. 1911. M 5. 


having appeared in 1909." It contains descriptions, with illustrations, of the 
angiospermous trees of central Europe, both native and under cultivation. The 
present part begins in the midst of Rhododendron and ends with Viburnum. 

Current taxonomic literature.—E. BRAINERD (Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 38: 
1-9. pl. r. 1911) presents an article entitled “Further notes on the stemless violets 
of the South,” and describes two new varieties.—R. E. BucHANAN (Mycologia 
3:1-3. pls. 34, 35. 1911) describes and illustrates a new hyphomycete (Thy- 
rococcum humicola), obtained from pure cultures—C. Dr CANDOLLE (Phil. 
Journ. Sci. Bot. 5:405-463. 1910) presents “A revision of Philippine Pipera- 
ceae”’ in which he recognizes 22 species of Peperomia and 123 of Piper. O 
the total number about 50 are new to science—J. Carport (Rev. Bryol. 
38:33-43. 1911) under the title “Diagnoses préliminaires de Mousses mexi- 
caines”’ tas published several new species of mosses, based mainly on col- 
lections made in southern Mexico by C. R. Barnes and W. J. G. LAnp in 
1908.—C. CHRISTENSEN (Arkiv fér Bot. 10?:1-32. pl. z. 1910) presents an 
article “On some species of ferns collected by Dr. CARL SKOTTSBERG in tem- 
perate South America” in 1907-1909. The paper includes descriptions of 
3 species new to science.—W. N. CLuTe (Fern Bull. 18:97, 98. 1910) describes 
and illustrates a new species of Polypodium (P. prolongilobum) and a new 
variety of P. vulgare L. from Arizona.—E. B. Copetanp (Leafl. Phil. Bot. 
3:791-851. r910) enumerates upward of 250 species of ferns from Mount 
Apo, Philippine Islands; of this number 16 are described as new. The author 
states: “It is probable that this is the richest known fern flora in the world.” 
Polypodium and Dryopteris are the predominating genera.—A. D. E. ELMER 
(Leafl. Phil. Bot. 3:853-1107. 1910-1911) records further data concerning the 
flora of the Philippine Islands, and describes 138 species of flowering plants 
as new.—M. L. FERNALD (Rhodora 13:4-8. 1911)has published a new species 
of Scirpus (S. Longii) from Massachusetts and New Jersey.—D. GRIFFITHS 
(Rep. Mo. Bot. Gard. 21:165-175. pls. 19-28. r910) in continuation of his 
studies on the genus Opuntia has described and illustrated 10 new species 
indigenous to southwestern United States and northern Mexico.—E. HassLEeR 
(Rep. Nov. Sp. 9:1-18, 49-63, 115-121. 1910-1911) has published several new . 
species, varieties, and forms in the genus Mimosa and in the families Big- 
noniaceae and Solanaceae from Paraguay. One new genus (Rojasiophyton) of 
the Bignoniaceae is proposed.—F. D. Heap and F. A. WoLF (Mycologia 3: 5-22. 
1911) have published 41 new species of Texan fungi—A. A. HELLER (Muhlen- 
bergia '7:1-11, 13-15. rg11) records further results of his studies on “The 
North American lupines” and describes two new species: L. sabulosus from 
the sand hills near San Francisco and L. apodotropis from Oregon.—A. F. G. 
Kerr and W. G. Cramp (Kew Bull. 1-60. rorr) under the general title of 

” Bot. GAZETTE 48:312. 1900. 


“Contributions to the flora of Siam’ have issued an interesting paper on the 
little known flora of that region. A general sketch of the vegetation is from 
the pen of Dr. Kerr, and a “List of Siamese plants with descriptions of new 
species” is the work of Mr. Crars. Several new species are added to the 
flora and one new genus (Pittosporopsis) of the Icacinaceae is proposed.—W. 
Liesky (Acta Hort. Petrop. 26:119-616. pls. 3-6. 1910) continues his im- 
portant publications on the flora of central Asia. The present contribution 
contains descriptions of several new species, particularly in Astragalus and 
Po ntilla. The treatment of the latter genus was contributed by the noted 
specialist Ta. Wotr.—T. H. MacsripE (Mycologia 3:39, 40. pl. 36. 1911) 
describes and illustrates a new genus (Schenella) “pebiealy referred to the 
yxomycetes. The material on which the genus is based was found growing 
on a decaying pine log in the Yosemite Valley, California——M. E. McFapDEN 
(Univ. Calif. Pub. Botany 4:143-150. pl. 19. 1911) presents an account of “A 
Colacodasya from southern California,” and in conjunction with Dr. W. A. SET- 
escribes a new species (C. verrucaeformis) found growing on Mychodea 
episcopalis J. Ag.—E Ma MERRILL and M. L. Merrirr (Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot. 
5:371-403. pls. 1-4. I map. 1910) in a concluding article on “The flora of 
Mount Pulog” have published Ir new species of Sympetalae. Two new genera 
are described by Mr. MERRILL, namely Loheria = the Myrsinaceae and 
Merrittia of the Compositae—W. A. Murritt (Mycologia 3:23-36, 79-91. 
1911) has issued the first two papers of a proposed series of articles on ‘‘The 
Agaricaceae of tropical North America,” recording new species in Leucomyces, 
imacella, Russ 

7:11, 12. 1911) describes a new species of Schmaltzia (S. pubescens) and one of 
Carduus (C. vernalis) from Colorado.—F. W. PENNELL (Torreya 11:15, 16. 
1911) records a new species of Gerardia (G. racemulosa) from New Jersey.— 
C. B. Roprnson (Phil. Journ. Sci. Bot. 5:465-543. 910) begins a monographic 
onsideration of the “Philippine Urticaceae,” treating 9 genera to which are 

referred 86 indigenous species, about one-half being new to science. One new 
genus (Elatostematoides) is proposed.—E. Rosenstock (Rep. Nov. Sp. 9:67-76. 
ome has published 16 new species of ferns, 5 of which are from Costa Rica. 
. A. Ryppere (Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 38:11-23. 1911) in continuation of 

his “Studies on the Rocky Mountain flora” has described several new species 
of Compositae.—G. SCHELLENBERG (Mitt. Bot. Mus. Univ. Ziirich, No. 50, 
pp. 1-158. roro) under the title “Beitrage zur vergleichenden Anatomie und 
zur Systematik der jaa has published or results of a detailed study 
of this family, recognizin enera and over 100 species. One new genus 
(Santaloides), based on . Afzelii Planch. He Africa, is new to science. 
—A. K. ScHINDLER (Rep. Nov. Sp. 9:123-125. 1911) under the title “ Halorrha- 
gaceae novae I” includes two new species of Gunnera from Peru.—R. SCHLECH- 
TER (ibid. 21-32) has published 20 new species of orchids, 13 of which are from 
Central and South America.—F. J. SEAVER (Mycologia 3:57-66. 1911) pub- 
lishes the results of studies in Colorado fungi and includes descriptions of 


two new species, namely Ascobolus xylophilus and Godronia Betheli—D. R. 
SUMSTINE (ibid. 45-56. pls. 37-39) under the title of “Studies in North Ameri- 
can Hyphomycetes I” presents a taxonomic treatment of Rhinotrichum and 
Oliptrichum, recognizing for the former 13 species, of which 3 are new to 
science.—F. ISSEN (Broteria, Ser. Bot. 9:121-147. pls. 5-9. 1910) in an 
article entitled ‘‘Hypocreaceae Riograndensis” has published 15 new species. 
The same author (Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 2'77:384-411. 1910) under the title 
“Fungi Riograndensis’’ lists about 150 species from southern Brazil, 10 of 
which are new to science. One new genus (Creosphaeria) is characterized and 
is said to be intermediate between Rosellinia and Hypoxylon.—I. TiwEestRoM 
(Am. Mid. Nat. 1:165-171. pl. rz. 1910) has published 3 new species of 
Aquilegia from western United States and gives a synopsis of 10 recognized 
species.—I. URBAN (Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Gesell. 28:515-523. pl. 15. 1911) has 
published a new species of Loasa (L. Plumeri) and a new monotypic genus 
(Fuertesia) of the Loasaceae from Sto. Domingo.—W. WerINGART (Monats 

261. 1910) under the title “Bolivian Mosses, Part II,” has described 18 new 
species. The same author (Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 38:33-36. torr) records two 
new species of mosses from Panama.—N. N. WoronIcHIN (Bull. Jard. Imp. 
Bot. St. Petersb. 11:8-19. 1911) records a list of fungi collected in south- 
eastern Russia, and includes a new ascomycetous genus Saige parasitic 
on the leaves of Caragana frutex Koch—J. M. GREENM 

The number of chromosomes.—In 1909 STRASBURGER made a cytological 
study of the parthenogenetic Wikstroemia indica, and now he has succeeded 
in securing from the rather inaccessible Himalaya region material of the 
nearly related W. canescens, in which fertilization regularly occurs. From an 
investigation of W. canescens and a study, of the literature of forms with 
unexpectedly large numbers of chromosomes, some interesting conclusions 
are reached.%3 

High chromosome numbers can be shown to be the result of multiplica- 
tion of whole chromosomes, so that the organism becomes polyploid, with a 
diploid gametophyte and tetraploid sporophyte, instead of the usual haploid 
and diploid generations. Such increases in chromosome numbers must be 
referred to mitotic division: which does not get to the separation of the daughter 
chromosomes, or, if daughter nuclei are formed, they reunite. The increase 
in number comes usually from a longitudinal division, which gives like products, 
and it is probable that the phenomenon takes place in the fertilized but not 
yet divided egg. The increase in the number of chromosomes is accompanied 
by some increase in the size of the nucleus and protoplast. 

In the nuclei of sporophytes which are more than diploid, the homologous 

3 STRASBURGER, EpuARD, Chromosomenzahl. Flora 100:1-50. pl. 6. 1910. 


chromosomes are grouped in pairs, and not in tetrads in tetraploid nuclei. 
In the triploid nuclei of the endosperm of angiosperms, there are both paired 
and unpaired chromosomes. In the mother cells of polyploid plants there are 
always only bivalent chromosomes (gemini), and never a complex of more 
than two chromosomes as elements of the reduction plate. In triploid-nuclei 
of the sporophyte of hybrids which result from a union of haploid and diploid 
gametes, there are both paired and single chromosomes, and in the mother 
cells of such plants both paired and single chromosomes appear. From a 
study of the various pairings it seems that they depend upon an attraction 
between homologous chromosomes, so that this homology, rather than any 
maternal or paternal origin, determines the formation of pairs, and it may be 
possible that a pair of two homologous chromosomes may be derived from 
the same sex product. The increase in the number of chromosomes has often 
led to parthenogenesis (eiapogamy), but there is also parthenogensis without 
any increase in the number of chromosomes. 

The large number of chromosomes does not always result from i ciettaal 
division, but may be due to a transverse division, and in this case there is no 
increase in the size of the nucleus and no loss of sex occurs. Zoological litera- 
ture shows many instances of analogous phenomena. 

This paper suggests a wide range of problems for cytological investigation, 
and obviously it has an important bearing upon the theory of the individuality 
of the chromosome.—Cuartes J. CHAMBERLAIN. 

Sixteen-nucleate embryo sacs.—The ovule of Euphorbia procera“ has sev- 
eral hypodermal archesporial cells, each of which divides into a tapetal cell and 
a megaspore mother cell. The two reduction divisions take place in the 
mother cells, but are not accompanied by wall formation, so that each mega- 
spore mother cell now contains four megaspore nuclei, or rather, four mega- 
spores not separated by walls. At this stage all the tetrads degenerate except 
one, and in this each megaspore nucleus undergoes two successive mitoses, 
g rise to a 16-nucleate sac. Several other species of Euphorbia were 
examined, and all had a single archesporial cell and a typical 8-nucleate sac. 
MopiLewskr’ had previously shown that in the 16-nucleate stage of £. 
procera the nuclei are arranged in four tetrad-like groups, from each of which 
one nucleus moved to the center of the sac to form the endosperm nucleus. 
The micropylar group formed the egg apparatus and the chalazal group the 
antipodals, while the two lateral groups resembled the egg apparatus. Double 
fertilization was observed, the second male nucleus fusing with the four nuclei 
at the center of the sac, so that the endosperm nucleus resulted from the fusion 
of five nuclei. The chromosome situation was not determined. 

% MopILEWSKI, J., Weitere eae zur op tag einiger Euphorbiaceae. 
Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Gesell. 28:4 I oO. 

§ —__—, Zur re abtidane yon papers procera. Ber. Deutsch, Bot 
Gesell. 297: 21-26. pl. 1. 1908 


MopiLewskr® has also described a 16-nucleate embryo sac in Gunnera 
chilensis, in which case the four megaspores, not separated by walls, all take 
part in forming the embryo sac. Although no definite proof was obtained, 
he believed the embryos to be parthenogenetic 

An interesting embryo sac is described by DESSIATOFF, 7 who finds 16 nuclei 
in Euphorbia virgata at the fertilization period. The 16 nuclei come from one ° 
megaspore, and consequently the situation is somewhat different from that 
found in Peperomia, where 4 megaspores enter into the formation of the sac. 
The 16 nuclei are arranged in four groups of four each, and one nucleus from 
each group moves to the center of the sac, where the four fuse to form the 
endosperm nucleus. There are three antipodals, and an egg apparatus of two 
synergids, and an egg. The,two other groups remain at the side of the sac 
and resemble the egg apparatus. In general, this embryo sac resembles that 
of the Penaeaceae as described by Miss StEPHENS.—CHARLES J. CHAMBERLAIN. 

e sperm nuclei of Lilium.—Since zoological literature furnishes no 
instance of the fertilization of the egg by a naked male nucleus unaccom- 
panied by any cytoplasm, and since the male nucleus in plants has in nearly 
all cases been shown to be accompanied by cytoplasm, definite proof of fertiliza- 
tion by a naked nucleus is worth recording, especially since the nucleus is 
regarded by many as the sole bearer of hereditary qualities. Both Srras- 
BURGER and KoOERNICKE have claimed that in Lilium the sperm nucleus, at 
the time of fertilization, is not accompanied by any cytoplasm. A paper by 
NAWASCHIN,® the discoverer of double fertilization, gives a very complete 
account of the generative cell and development of the sperm nuclei in the 
classic Lilium Martagon. The excellent technic, remarkably close series of 

scription and conclusions. The cytoplasm of the generative cell has a finely 
granular structure up to the anaphase of the division of its nucleus, at which 
time its cytoplasm begins to mingle with the general cytoplasm of the pollen 
tube. The mitosis which gives rise to the two male nuclei is characterized 
at every stage by sharply differentiated chromosomes, so that the sperm 
nuclei do not reach the resting stage, but remain in the condition character- 
istic of telophase. Consequently, it is not improbable that the mature nuclei 
are capable of movement. The achromatic spindle is scanty and in some cases 
doubtful, and in others cannot be identified at all, so that it is probable that 

%6 MopILEwskI, J., Zur Embryobildung von Gunnera chilensis. Ber. Deutsch. 
Bot. Gesell. 26a: 550-556. pl. 11. 1908. 

7 Desstatorr, N., Zur Entwickelung des Embryosackes von Euphorbia virgata. 
Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Gesell. 29:33-39. figs. I7- 1911. 

*8 NAWASCHIN, SERGIUS, Niheres iiber die Bildung der Spermakerne bei Lilium 
Martagon. Ann. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg. II. Supplement IIT. 871-904. pls. 33, 34. 


the chromosomes in this mitosis move independently of any spindle.—C. J. 

Studies in ferns.—Apogamy in Cystopteris fragilis, hybridization in A sple- 
nium, and conditions of heredity in certain ferns, have been investigated by 
A. HEILBRONN.” The group last considered includes, as true varieties, the 
following: Aspidium Filix-mas var. grandiceps, A. aculeatum var. cruciato- 
polydactylum, Athyrium Filix-femina var. corymbiferum, A. Filix-femina var. 
multifidum, A. Filix-femina f. multifidum Mapple-Beckii, A. Filix-femina var. 
laciniatum and var. purpureum Lowe. Others not considered true varieties are 
Athyrium Filix-femina var. Fieldiae Moore, A. Filix-femina {. multifidum 
minus, and -Aspidium angulare {. grandidens. The general conclusions of the 
author are: (1) Cystopteris fragilis {. polyapogama develops prothallia which 
show the power of developing sporophytes from unfertilized egg cells or by 
vegetative apogamy, the two cases sometimes being side by side; (2) the 
question as to whether Asplenium germanicum is a hybrid between two forms 
is not yet settled, but by crossing Asplenium septentrionale (female) and A. 
Ruta-muraria (male), a plant was obtained which stands nearer to A. ger- 
manicum than any other known form; (3) some fern-forms which had not 
been investigated before appear apogamous. Of the different forms of Athy- 
_ rium Filix-femina from England, some are true varieties and some revert. 
Attempts to obtain forkings artificially were unsuccessful—Norma E. 

Water-cultures of fern prothallia.—In a short paper H. FiscHER” gives 
some of his results with the germination of fern spores, in obtaining material 
for his work on variation, hybridization, etc. He states the advantages of 
water-cultures over solid substrata as being threefold: the chemical constitu- 
tion can be regulated; the cultures are cleaner, and material is fit for micro- 
tome sections without extra care; the spores may be sowed as thick as desir- 
able, and easily diluted, like a solution, if too close together on germination. 
The danger lies in the drying out of cultures, or too great evaporation, resulting 
in plasmolysis. A second danger lies in the production of abnormal forms by 

Arthur Meyer’s ict, the formula of which he gives. He finds that changing 
one compound or its concentration, changing the reaction of a solution, etc., 
often produce the desired germination. But evidently there is no general 
rule for this, as there is none for the length of time after ripening that a spore 
will germinate. In Asplenium Serra, herbarium material germinated after 
48 years. In some few cases the author is as yet unable to induce germina- 
tion.—NorMaA E, PFEIFFER. 

9 HEILBRONN, ALFRED, Apogamie, Bastardierung, und Erblichkeitsverhiltnisse 
bei einigen Farnen. Flora (n.s.) 1: 1-42. figs. 43. 1910. 

20 FiscHER, Huco, Wasserkulturen von Farnprothallien, mit Bemerkungen tiber 
die Bedingungen der Sporenkeimung. Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 27':54-59. 1911 


Development of banana pollen.—An extensive investigation of three 
races of the edible banana (Musa sapientum) has shown that they can be 

be designated as vars. univalens, bivalens, and trivalens. The volume of the 
nuclei, but not their surfaces, is in the ratio 1:2:3. With the increase in the 
number of chromosomes came disturbances in the development of pollen, 
some of the chromosomes not passing to the poles, but remaining behind and 
forming extra nuclei. The size of the tetrad varies in a given anther, although 
the number of chromosomes in the entire tetrad is constant. Sometimes as 
many as eight pollen grains are formed from a single mother cell. 
Prochromosomes are easily distinguished in the pollen mother cell, and 
in Musa Dole TiscHLER was able to show that the number of prochromosomes 
was equal to the diploid number of chromosomes. Probably there is a fusion 
of prochromosomes at synapsis. The splitting of chromosomes at the strep- 
sonema stage TISCHLER regards as genuine and not merely apparent.—CHARLES 

arthenogenesis in Taraxacum.—Parthenogenesis in Taraxacum has 
been investigated again, this time by ScHKORBATOW” who writes in Russian, 
but adds a summary in German, from which the following points are taken: 
The removal of anthers does not in any way affect the germination of seeds. 
Various colors of seeds, like clear green and dark brown, may become fixed 
and hereditary. At metaphase of the first division in the embryo sac, the 
chromosomes show various and characteristic forms, but the chromosomes 
seldom take the arrangement belonging to the heterotypic mitosis, and when 
they do, the author regards the phenomena as atavistic. itotic divisions 
occur in the embryo sac, in the endosperm, and in early stages of the embryo, 
in the last case all the nuclei but one becoming resorbed, so that the cells are 
left uninucleate—CuHartEs J. CHAMBERLAIN. 

The origin of the vacuole.—Probably most botanists believe that the 
large vacuoles of plants arise by the coalescence of numerous smaller ones. 
A paper by BEnstry, dealing with the canalicular apparatus of animals, 
gives also a description of root tips and the tapetum of anthers. The fixing 
agent used was: neutral formalin (freshly distilled), 10 cc.; water, 90 cc.; 
potassium bichromate, 2.5 g.; mercuric chloride, 5.0 g. With this fixing 

** TISCHLER, G., Untersuchungen iiber die Entwickelung des Bananen-Pollens. 
I. Archiv. fiir Zellforschung 5:622-670. pls. 30, 31. 1910. 

* SCHKORBATOW, L., Parthenogenetische und apogame Entwickelung bei den 
Bliithenpflanzen. Entwickelungsgeschichtliche ciao an Taraxacum officinale 
Wigg. Bot. Institut Charkow. pp. 43. pl. 1. figs. 4. 19 

*3 BENSLEY, R. R., On the nature of the canalicular ears of animal cells. 
Biol. Bull. 19:174-194. figs. I-3. 1910. 


agent and Haidenhain’s iron alum haematoxylin, or Flemming’s triple stain, 

the young cells, especially of the dermatogen and plerome, show an intricate 

network of canals, and older cells show a gradual transition from the network, 

which is a single structure, to the familiar appearance obtained by current 

methods. This method promises to solve the problem of the origin of the 

vacuole, and at the same time it is excellent for nuclear structures.—CHARLES 

Mitochondria.—The small bodies variously known as mitochondria, 
chondriosomes, chondriokonten, and chromidial substance, have been known to 
zoologists for some time, but it is only recently that they have attracted any 
serious attention among botanists. A short paper by Lewrrsxr* describes * 
the mitochondria in young cells of Pisum sativum and Asparagus officinale. 
In the root tip the mitochondria become transformed into leucoplasts, and 
in the stem tip into chloroplasts. The mitochondria divide and are believed 
to be an essential part of the cytoplasm. No mitochondria were found inside 
the nucleus, and the author does not believe that there is any passage of 
mitochondria between nucleus and cytoplasm. Division of mitochondria is 
figured and described.—CuarLes J. CHAMBERLAIN. 

Origin of the plastid.—For nearly twenty years the theory that the plastid 
is a permanent organ of the cell, arising only by the division of a preexisting 
plastid, has been generally accepted, doubtless on account of the thorough 
investigations of ScHIMPER and of MEYER. When Lewirskt’s paper appeared, 


plastid arises only by the division of a pre-existing plastid. Their evidence 
seems more voluminous than convincing. It is to be hoped that this incipient 
controversy will settle the status of the plastid —CHartres J. CHAMBERLAIN. 

24 LEWITSKI, G., Ueber die oa in pflanzlichen Zellen. Ber. Deutsch. 
Bot. Gesell. 28:538-546. pl. 17 oO. 

25 MEYER, ARTHUR, eee zu G. Lewitskt: Ueber oa Chondriosomen in 
pflanzlicher Zallen, Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Gesell. 29:158-160. 1 


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September ro1rr 


A Preliminary Report on the Yearly Origin and Dis- 
semination of Puccinia graminis + Frederick J. Pritchard 
Evaporation and Plant Succession George Damon Fuller 

The Tetranucleate Embryo Sac of Clintonia . Wilson Smith 

The Embryo Sac of Physostegia Lester W. Sharp 

The Brazil Nut W. J. Young 

Briefer Articles 
An Imbedding Medium for Brittle or Woody Tissues H. M. Benedict 

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The University of Chicago Press 

THE CAMBRIDGE eae tee London jae Edinburgh 
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The Botanical Gazette — 
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University of Chic 

Issued September re 1951 

Vol. LIE = © CONTENTS FOR SEPTEMBER 1931 gS oe as 
-PUCCINIA GRAMINIS (with PLATE IV). Frederick J. Pritchard - 169 
LABORATORY 147 (WITH SIX FIGURES), . George Damon Fuller +e 932 oo 
Ss oy ORE ee Ta ee eG ei So eS eae 
THE EMBRYO SAC OF PHYSOSTEGIA (with pLates vi-vu). Lester W. Sharp - -- 218 
THE BRAZIL: NUT (with PLATE ‘VINE AND ONE FIGURE). W.J. Young 9 -  - «= 226 us 
ceyeae ARTIC 
N IMBEDDING ReeSe FOR BRITTLE OR Wooby Tissues. 4. AL Benedict - : - 232 
CURRENT. Diba gon 
hs Se ee eo ie seh See SL ve ae ee 
DEORE HONORS 3) SE RR ee CR TAS en ae aa 
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The annual reappearance of Puccinia graminis Pers., the black 
rust of cereals, and its dissemination among the various species 
of the Gramineae, have long remained obstinate problems. For 
nearly a century botanists and also agronomists, because of its 
economic importance, have endeavored to discover how this 
fungus passes the winter and spreads to the grain fields. A review 
of the literature, to bring out certain points which have been too 
much overlooked by those who are committed to the conception 
that the barberry is the sole source of spring infection, will be of 
interest in connection with the data which my own observations 

The barberry was considered a disseminator of rust by careful 
observers centuries ago. Even as early as 1660, as a result of 
their reports, an act of Parliament was passed at Rouen (22) con- 
demning the use of this shrub in the vicinity of grain fields. A 
similar law was passed in Mass. (28) in 1755. Successive measures 
of this nature were subsequently enacted throughout Europe (3). 

Proof of the influence of the barberry on rust contagion was 
furnished by ScHGLER (29), who in 1818 succeeded in infecting 

* Cited by ErrKsson. 


rye with aecidiospores from barberry leaves. SCHOLER’s publica- 
tion, however, remained buried until brought to light by NIELson. 

Infection of the barberry with P. graminis was not accomplished 
until 1865, when DE Bary (3) readily infected the young leaves 
with germinating sporidia, thus establishing the heteroecism of 
the organism. Unfortunately he was unable at the same time to 
germinate the mature aecidiospores, either fresh or after various 
periods of preservation, and hence the cereal host species was not 
reinfected, although the following year he accomplished this upon 
young rye plants. 

The distance rust is spread from the barberry is variously 
estimated by different writers. MARSHALL (24),? who set large 
barberry bushes in the grain fields and made careful observations, 
states that the rust extended 10 yards in the direction of the pre- 
vailing wind. SCHOLER (29), on the other hand, used small bushes 
and found that it scattered over an area of 30 to 40 square feet. 
Much greater distances are frequently recorded in the literature, 
although usually based upon casual observation or opinion. WITH- 
ERING (33),° for instance, advises that no barberry bushes should 
be planted within 300-400 yards of a grain field. 

The absence of the barberry and Mahonia in several regions 
where Puccinia graminis is prevalent, as cited for Ecuador by 
LAGERHEIM (21), seems to indicate that the heteroecism of the 
fungus is merely facultative. According to Barctay (1), P.- 
graminis is also commonly present in Jeypore, India, while the 
nearest barberry bushes are nearly 300 English miles distant. 
Moreover, ‘‘the aecidia are formed in summer, while the wheat 
and barley are grown in winter and harvested in April or May.” 
In this same category ZUKAL (34) places Bosnia and Herzegovina, 
where, according to Branpis (34), the aecidial hosts, if present 
at all, are very rare. Perhaps the most striking case of this kind 
is in Australia, where P. graminis causes enormous damage to 
wheat, yet the barberry is not present and the aecidial stage has 
never been found. 

The existence of a perennial mycelium, although established for a 

2 Cited by Artuur, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 31:113. 1904. 

3 Cited by Ertxsson and HENNING (16). 


number of rusts, has never been proved for P. graminis. Erixs- 
SON (13, 14, 16) found the mycelium scarcely extending beyond the 
contour of the pustules. Dr Bary held that the development of 
the rust begins anew each year by the “germination of the teleu- 
tospores alone.” : 

P. graminis was formerly considered one species capable of 
infecting various members of the Gramineae, and this supposedly 
wide range of infecting power was thought to conduce to its spread. 
Errksson (16), however, after extensive inoculation experiments 
in Sweden, divides it into the following biological forms, which he 
finally classes as species: 

Puccinia graminis secalis (Secale cereale, Hordeum vulgare, and Triticum 
repens). ; 

Puccinia graminis avenae (Avena sativa). 

Puccinia graminis tritici (Triticum vulgare). 

Puccinia graminis airae (Aira caespitosa). 

Puccinia graminis poae (Poa compressa). 

Puccinia phlei-pratensis (Phleum pratense). 

CARLETON’S (10) experiments in America, however, do not 
support Eriksson and HENNING’s results. He finds no dis- 
tinction between the forms on wheat and barley. His results 
appear to establish two things: (1) “that the forms of black stem 
rust on wheat and barley, Hordeum jubatum, Agropyron tenerum, 
A. Richardsoni, and Elymus canadensis glaucifolius, are identical, 
with the probability that those on Elymus virginicus muticus and 
Holcus lanatus should be included; (2) that the black stem rust 
of Agropyron occidentale is physiologically distinct from any other.”’ 

Direct inoculation of the gramineous host with the germinating 
teleutospores has received some attention, although not as much 
as it deserves. Foremost among these experiments are probably 
those of DE Bary, who showed that the germinating sporidia 
of P. graminis would not infect the leaves of Triticum vulgare, T. 
repens, and Avena fatua. THUMEN (31), however, asserts that the 
sporidia of Melamspora salicina infect the willow quite as easily 
as do the uredospores. PLowricut (27) also, in a detailed report, 
claims to have infected wheat plants directly with sporidia (teleuto- 
bearing straw), although he afterward informed KLEBAHN that 


“his work rested upon an error.’’ Other failures to infect wheat 
with germinating sporidia are reported by WARD (32) and Errks- 
SON (15), though no mention is made of the number of trials nor 
the point of inoculation. Notwithstanding these failures, BRE- 
FELD (8) thinks further attempts should be made to infect young 
cereals with germinating teleutospores. His discovery that only 
the youngest tissues of cereals are penetrated by smut sporelings 
gives encouragement for numerous experiments in this direction. 
The hardened tissues may offer too much resistance to the delicate 
germ tubes of the sporidia, he says, which bore directly through 
the epidermis instead of entering through the stomata, as do the 
germinating uredospores and aecidiospores. 

The behavior of the germinating teleutospores is influenced 
somewhat by their environment. MacGnus (23) found that teleu- 
tospores of P. graminis kept under a thin layer of water formed a 
germ tube instead of a promycelium. These results were after- 
ward confirmed by BLACKMAN (5), who also included two other 
genera. Other factors are sometimes operative, as KIENITZ- 
GeRLorr (18) reports that thin-walled teleutospores of Gymno- 
sporangium clavariaeforme also form a germ tube. When teleu- 
tospores germinate in air, however, they almost invariably form 
sporidia. This is true of P. graminis even in Australia, where it 
has no aecidial host species. 

The uredospores of P. graminis soon lose their viability, accord- 
ing to De Bary (3), in one to two months if kept dry. BOLLEY 
(6, '7), however, obtained a germination of 5 per cent after exposing 
them to air and sunlight during the month of August, and even 
claims they may live over winter. Christman (11) failed to ger- 
minate them after November 23, although the uredospores of P. 
coronata were viable the 26th of January, and those of P. rubigo- 
vera the 21st of March. Perhaps the most extensive experiments 
of this kind have been made by Eriksson and HENNING (16), 
whose results show that the uredospores of both P. graminis and 
P. glumarum are unable to survive the winter in Sweden. The 
absence of fresh uredo pustules during two or three months in the 
spring is cited as additional proof, since the period of incubation 
after inoculation with uredospores is only about ten days. The 


statement is also made by KLEBAHN (19) that “in Germany P. 
graminis does not appear to pass the winter as uredo.”’ CARLETON 
(9) found this to be true in Kansas, and in a two weeks’ trip 
through Texas in December 1895, he could find no rust on winter 
wheat or oats, although it was present there in abundance the 
previous summer. 

The mycelium of the rust is not limited to the leaves and culms 
of cereals, but also enters the seed. ERIKsson (14, 16) found it 
in abundance in the “peripheral tissues’’ of grains, but was unable 
to trace it into the young seedlings. ZuKAL (34) has made similar 
discoveries, and even found it in the seed coats of barley which was 
furnished by Eriksson and supposed to-contain mycoplasm. 

Spores of the Uredineae are frequently present in the seed of 
the host. SmrrxH (30) found teleutospores of P. graminis in oat 
grains lying next to the gluten layer, and ERIKSSON and HENNING 
(16) report the presence of both uredospores and teleutospores of 
P. glumarum in the pericarp of cereal grains. 

Several rusts have been shown to infect their host species 
through the seed. CARLETON (10) demonstrated this conclusively 
for the Euphorbia rust (Uromyces euphorbiae C and P) with the 
seeds of Euphorbia dentata. The plants grown from disinfected 
seed were always free from rust, while the controls were heavily 
infected, although planted in sterilized soil and protected by bell 
jars. MAssEE (25) states that P. malvacearum Mont. commonly 
enters young hollyhock plants through the seed. According to 
McALPINE (26) P. beckmanniae was introduced into Australia in 
1903 and P. impatientis in 1904 through seed of Beckmannia 
erucaeformis and Elymus condensatus, pa uign aed received from 
the U.S. Department of Agriculture. 

Experimental evidence seems to indicate that rusts may infect 
cereals through the seed. When oats were introduced into Ecua- 
dor by growing European seed in the botanical garden at Quito, 
LAGERHEIM (21) reports that the plants became heavily .infected 
with P. coronifera, although neither this rust nor any of its aecidial 
hosts had ever been found in Ecuador. Carefully planned experi- 
ments, covering a period of years, were conducted by ERIKSSON (15) 
to determine whether P. glumarum winters in the seed of wheat 


and barley. Glass cages of various sizes and types, provided with 
cotton ventilators to filter the air and caps to keep out the rain, 
were employed. Some were attached to a suction pump and arti- 
ficially ventilated; others, on all sides except the north, were fitted 
with double panes of glass, between which was passed a continuous 
current of water. Despite all these efforts to produce a normal 
environment for the plants, the air inside the cages was always 
2—6° degrees hotter than the air outside, and the light considerably 
diminished. The plants were always abnormal, often attaining 
two or three times the height of their outside neighbors. In a 
few cases a single winter cereal plant was placed in each of several 
glass tubes early in the spring, long before any rust appeared 
outside. As a rule, however, seeds were planted in pots of steril- 
ized soil and placed in the bottom of the cages. As all the air 
entering the cages passed through cotton filters, no spores could be 
carried in from the outside. Although the majority of his results 
were negative, a considerable number of infections was obtained 
with both winter cereals and annuals. This he considered fully as 
much as could be expected, since the plants were grown under 
abnormal conditions. A similar set of experiments was planned 
by MAssEE (25), who planted wheat seed infected with P. rubigo- 
vera in two pots of soil and kept them covered with bell jars pro- 
vided with cotton wool filters. In one pot 26 per cent of the 
plants rusted, and in the other 47 per cent, while not a pustule 
appeared on the controls. 

The amount of rust developing in the grain field seems to vary 
somewhat with the date of sowing. Both the early and late grain, - 
according to Errksson and HENNING’s tables for the different 
cereals, are usually less rusty than those sown at an intermediate 
date. GaLLoway (17) called attention to this fact in 1893, when 
all his duplicate plots of grain, sowed ten days later than the 
originals, were free from rust. Moreover, he says, ‘‘ Examining 
the weather records for ten days preceding the rust, we find nothing 
to warrant the belief that the simultaneous appearance of the 
fungus the first week in May in widely separated spots was due to 
peculiar climatic conditions.” 

ERIKSSON’S well known mycoplasm theory was advanced to 


explain such cases. This theory is based chiefly upon the claim 
that rust apparently infects the cereal host. through the seed, 
although its mycelium is not recognizable in the germ by aid of the 
microscope and present cytological technique. KLEBAHN (20), for 
a time at least, supported this view, and even figured the nuclei 
of the fungus while in the mycoplasmic condition. 

The following experiments on the life history of P. graminis 
were made at the North Dakota Agricultural College and Experi- 
ment Station at Fargo, North Dakota, to obtain information which 
would aid in producing a rust epidemic yearly in our wheat breeding 
plots to test the strains selected for rust resistance. This is a 
spring wheat region, where the winters are exceedingly cold and 
consequently winter cereals are not grown. 

The germinating rusted wheat grains were studied at Madison, 
Wisconsin, under the direction of Dr. R. A. HARPER. 


All the plants used for inoculation, except when otherwise stated, 
were grown in the greenhouse in beds containing 6-8 inches of 
fertile soil. The grass plants were transplanted to pots and placed 
in the greenhouse several weeks before they were used. The 
temperature was kept reasonably cool, and the air fairly moist 
by frequently watering the floor. 

The inoculations were made by first mixing the spores of a 
pustule in a small quantity of distilled water. The plants were 
then moistened with distilled water by means of an atomizer and 
the spores applied with a camel’s hair brush. Except in a few 
cases where the plants were very large, they were kept under bell 
jars 24-48 hours. If they became dry, they were sprayed again 
the second day. Generally, however, they were quite moist 
when the covers were removed. For part of the work inverted 
test tubes attached to stakes at suitable heights were employed, 
the lower end being lightly closed with cotton wool. The test 
tubes were found to retain the moisture even better than the 
bell jars. Parallel marks were sometimes made on the leaves 
by means of India ink and the spores placed between them. The 


beds containing these plants were generally watered just before 
making the inoculations, to provide a source of moisture for the 
air beneath the covers. When not stated, the height of the plants 
on which bell jars or test tubes were used varied from 8 to 13 inches, 
without straightening up the leaves. 

The wheat seedlings, grown from the rusted seed at Madison, 
Wis., and sectioned for study, were killed and fixed in Flemming’s 
strong solution, imbedded in paraffin, and stained with either 
iron-alum hematoxylin or the triple stain. 

Experimental investigations 

Experiments were begun to show how readily sporidia of P. 
graminis from wheat and native grasses infect the barberry, al- 
though there are very few barberry bushes in North Dakota, so 
few in fact that they could hardly be considered as a source of 
rust epidemics, unless miraculous powers were attributed to the 
wind in causing a widespread and uniform distribution of aecidio- 
spores. In the following experiments small pieces of dead straw, 
which were covered with teleutospores of P. graminis and had lain 
on the ground during the winter, were arranged parallel to each 
other and tied longitudinally on the branches of the barberry 
bushes (Berberis vulgaris), just as the buds were beginning to unfold 
in the spring. 

Number of Date of : Number of 
‘ a : Source of material branches Results 

experiment inoculation Secaukitedl 
Be es April 30, 1906 | Agr. ten.* 5 5 positive 
Oe Sy es April 30, 1906 | Agr. ten 7 I positive 
yO ee , 1906 heat 2 2 positive 
Ge es, April 30, 1906 | Agr. rep 2 2 positive 
$e ey April 30, 1906 | Whea | I I positive 
EE ce ea April 30, 1906 | Hord. jub 2 2 positive 
oo es April 30, 1906 | Ely. tri 2 I positive 
1 Gas Sn eae April 30, 1906 | Wheat | I I posi 
Do Re es , 1906 | 3 3 negative 

* Abbreviations: Agr. ten.=Agropyron te : Age. th te repens; Hord. jub.= 

Hordeum jubatum; Ely. trit.= Elymus paola: oe vul. a Berberis vulga 


In experiments 5~13 inclusive, the inoculated barberry branches 
were heavily infected the 14th of May. Only spermagonia were 
present on this date, but they were frequently on both surfaces 
of the leaves. There were a few spermagonia on other parts of 
the bushes, but no such dense blotches as appeared where the rusty 
straw was applied. 

Further inoculations were made upon the barberry by scraping 
the teleutospores from dead straw, wintered the same as that 
described for Table I, and placing it on young buds or leaves which 
were carefully marked off by India ink and — These results 
are recorded in the following table. 

graminis Pers. 

Nambarof | Date of | source of matrt | Number ts - pag 
1G eo ee May 8, 1906 Oats to buds ., Io negative 
Or an May 9, 1906 Ely. trit. 10 buds 2 positive 
Drier mine May 21, 1906 | Ber. vul. 10 buds Io negative 
Mc eee eee May 22, 1906 | Wheat 8 leaves 8 positive 
S25 a ae June 26, 1906 | Ely. trit. I 
SS June 26, 1906 | Hord. jub. 1 leaf negative 

As shown by the table, these results were mainly negative, 
perhaps on account of poor germination, since the buds selected 
were fully as young as those used earlier. 

In order to obtain pure cultures of aecidiospores of known 
origin for further experiments relative to their infecting power, 
inoculations were made upon barberry bushes which had been 
standing in the greenhouse in large tubs for nearly a year and had 
borne no rust. The infections were made by tying small pieces 
of old rusty straw on the bushes in places offering the least oppor- 
tunity for contamination and moistening the straw frequently with 
distilled water. A summary of the results is shown in Table HI. 

Aecidia appeared only on parts of the barberry inoculated, 
and, with the exception of the rusty oat straw from which all my 
inoculations so far have failed, infections were obtained from 
each kind of material. This with the data of the two preceding 


tables shows that under favorable conditions P. graminis passes 
readily to the barberry from wheat and certain grasses, viz., Agropy- 
ron tenerum, A. repens, Hordeum jubatum, and Elymus triticoides, 
confirming the general results of DE BArRy and others. 

graminis Pers. 

vical Bo eM | Source of material Method Results 
: ee, a ea March 29, ro67 | Agr. ten. Bell jar | Positive 
Pee ae eas March 29, 1907 | Agr. ten Bell jar Negative 
CR rs mmc ae ee March 29, 1907 | Agr. rep Bell jar | Positive 
Ys fieaeearas ee lacy oe March 29, 1907 | Agr. rep Bell jar | N 
Ree ols ee March 29, 1907 | Oats Bell jar | Negative 
Deon jh sess March 29, 1907 | Oats ell jar | Negative 
1 RAC See A SE March 29, 1907 | Oats Bell jar | Negative 
; Ee Pinar Gl March 30, 1907 | Wheat Bell jar | Positive 
is eens oss March 30, 1907 hea Uncovered = Negative 
IO March 30, 1907 | Hord. jub Bell jar Positive 
Sie eee March 30, 1907 | Hord. jub. Uncovered Negative 
LE Bea cena .....| April 4, 1907 eat _ Uncovered _ Negative 
PA a ee Oe / April 4, 1907 Wheat | Uncovered | Negative 
G | i 

Observations were made on the dissemination of rust from 
barberry bushes by taking note of the infection on the surrounding 
grasses. There was a small barberry hedge in Fargo very favorably 
located for this purpose, as it was surrounded on three sides by 
meadow and was heavily rusted every year. Careful observa- 
tions for three successive springs (1905-1907) furnished some sur- 
prising data. Early each year, the plants of Hordeum jubatum, 
Agropyron repens, and A. tenerum in the immediate vicinity of 
the hedge became thoroughly covered with the uredo stage, while 
Phleum pratense and Poa serotina were absolutely free from it, 
and Elymus virginicus bore only an occasional pustule. The rust 
was abundant within 25 yards of the barberry bushes, but practi- 
cally disappeared at a distance of 60 yards. The most persistent 
searching was required to discover a single pustule beyond 80 
yards, and in no one of the three springs at this early date, before 
rust had begun to spread from the uredospores, could I find fresh 
uredo pustules of P. graminis beyond 100 yards from the barberry 
hedge, notwithstanding the fact that in 1905 rust was fairly abun- 


dant in this region. Either the aecidiospores are not borne as 
great distances by the wind as formerly supposed, or their ger- 
minative power is remarkably low. There is some additional 
evidence in support of the latter view. 

Plots of small wheat plants in the experimental garden were 
sprayed repeatedly with aecidiospores in the spring of 1905, yet 
scarcely any rust appeared until the plants were nearly two feet 
high, a fact commonly observed here in the field every spring, 
although volunteer wheat plants barely out of the ground in the 
fall are often covered with rust. 

Two series of infection experiments were made to obtain further 
data with reference to the spreading of P. graminis by means of 
its aecidiospores. From 98 aecidial pustules, taken at random 
in 1906, a total of 368 plants were inoculated. Plants of wheat, 
rye, oats, barley, and usually Avena fatua, Agropyron tenerum, 
A. repens, and Hordeum jubatum were inoculated from each aecidial 
pustule and covered with bell jars 24-48 hours. Germination 
tests of the spores, made by placing them in water and on wet 
filter paper kept in a moist chamber at 18-20° C., showed a via- 
bility of about 8 per cent. Rust appeared only on Avena fatua, 
Agropyron repens, rye, oats, and Hordeum jubatum. No plants 
of barley or wheat were infected. These experiments were repeated 
in 1907 by inoculating 247 plants from 13 pustules of known 
origin, the original host species always being included in each 
group. Tests of the spores showed about the same percentage 
of germination as those used in the former experiments. No 
barley plants were infected, and the only wheat plants which 
developed rust were those inoculated with a form which came 
originally from wheat. The aecidiospores of only 9 pustules, 
however, of the rrr used in the two series of experiments caused 
infection. This relatively low number of infections agrees with the 
results obtained by repeatedly spraying the wheat plots with 
aecidiospores in 1905, and may partly account for the confining 
of the rust to the immediate vicinity of the barberry hedge as 
observed for the three successive years 1905-1907. It is also 
in harmony with the very limited spreading observed by both 
MARSHALL and ScHOLER when they set barberry bushes in the 



grain fields, and might easily be accounted for by the change of 
host species if the heteroecism of the fungus is only facultative. 
A suspicion has frequently been expressed that the black rust 
spreads to the grain fields by aid of the grasses which either harbor 
the mycelium over winter or are infected early by aecidiospores. 
In order to determine the interval between the appearance of rust 
on grasses and cereals, the following observations were made in the 
spring of 1905. Rust the following summer, although not as abun- 
dant in North Dakota as in 1904, was still quite pronounced. 



dh Host species nate Location Remarks 
June 27. .' Hord. jub. Uredo Grass garden A few pustules on a single 
June 29..| Hord. jub. Uredo Near barberry 
July 6...) Spring wheat | Uredo . | Field Far removed from barberry 
July g....| Agr. rep. Uredo Near barberry | Present in abundance on 
: both Agr. ii = Hord. 
jub. Non d else- 
whee although. a diligent 
sear — made. 
July to...) Winter wheat*} Uredo Field Found i sh oi a at a 
. considerable distance 
from bar ushes. 
July 12...| Agr. rep. Teleuto | Near barberry Present on both Agr. rep. 
and Hord. jub. 
July 13...| Winter wheat | Teleuto Field Same ‘lot of winter wheat 
mentioned above. 
July 16 ..| Spring wheat | Uredo Field Ascoicine quite generally 
on all the oldest wheat. 

* This was an experimental ge of winter wheat in charge of Dox n J. H. ie the agro 
mist, and the writer was not aware of its presence until July 10, when the plants which had avn 
the winter were thoroughly cov: er with mature uredo pustules of P. graminis, some Fadie old, the rust 
having first appeared probably ro—r4 days earlier. 

The foregoing table shows that P. graminis probably appeared 
upon the experimental plot of winter wheat almost or quite as 
early as upon Agropyron repens and Hordeum jubatum, even when 
the latter were in the immediate vicinity of the barberry. It 
also shows that, with the exception of the one case mentioned 


under date of June 27, the uredospores of P. graminis were gen- 
erally present upon the spring wheat earlier than they were 
observed upon the wild grasses remote from the barberry bushes. 
In fact, P. graminis was present in the uredo stage upon spring 
wheat July 6, and with one exception could not be found upon the 
grasses remote from the barberry even July 9, after which date no 
further search was made for uredo upon the latter. 

Experiments were made to obtain data with reference to the 
spread of P. graminis from grasses to the wheat fields by means of 
the uredospores. Twenty-eight uredo pustules were selected 
from Agropyron tenerum, A. repens, Avena fatua, and Hordeum 
jubatum, and 230 plants inoculated. From each pustule inocula- 
tions were made upon plants of wheat, barley, rye, and oats, and 
upon the host species from which the rust was obtained. Parallel 
marks were made upon the leaves with India ink, and the spores 
placed between them in order to distinguish the results of regular 
inoculations from accidental infection. There was very little 
spreading of the rust, however, as the infected leaves were always 
removed from the greenhouse. The plants were covered with bell 
jars 24-48 hours, as formerly. Germination tests of the uredo- 
spores showed an average viability of 70-80 per cent. 

The uredospores of 21 of the 28 pustules caused infection, but 
showed a decided preference for certain host species. The rust 
readily infected rye, oats, and the grasses, but not wheat or barley. 
In fact, the results of the few experiments made seem to show 
what was anticipated from the two series of infection experiments 
with aecidiospores, viz., that one form of P. graminis is common to 
Hordeum jubatum, Agropyron tenerum, A. repens, Avena fatua, 
oats, and rye, but is incapable of infecting either barley or wheat. 
This furnishes little encouragement to those who believe that 
P. graminis is spread to the wheat fields from the barberry bushes 
or from occasional protected spots, as beneath ice by aid of the 
native grasses. The data however give no information with respect 
to the forms of P. graminis on wheat or barley, as neither was 
infected, but in our breeding experiments in 1905 a number of 
wheat plots were surrounded by a border of barley which was 
practically destroyed by black rust, and yet there was no visible 


evidence that it ever spread to the wheat. Hence it appears 
that the forms upon these two species are distinct. 

The wintering of P. graminis as mycelium in plant tissues in 
North Dakota is extremely doubtful, as there are no winter cereals 
and the uredo stage does not appear upon the grasses until very 
late in the spring, when they are quite large. To test the supposi- 
tion, however, that the fungus might pass the winter in occasional 
plants under shelter and produce a new outbreak of uredo the fol- 
lowing season, I placed heavily rusted plants of Agropyron tenerum, 
A. repens, Hordeum jubatum, Elymus virginicus, and E. canadensis 
in large pots three successive falls (1904-1907) and transferred them 
to the greenhouse where they remained until summer, but no fresh 
uredo pustules ever appeared on any of them. Furthermore, 
in collecting data relative to the appearance of P. graminis upon 
cereals and grasses in the spring of 1905, a piece of low meadow 
containing Hordeum jubatum, Agropyron tenerum, and A. repens, 
which was flooded by the city in the winter and used as a skating 
pond, was carefully observed, but no uredo pustules appeared here 
until they were found on the grains and grasses elsewhere. 

The origin of spring infections has frequently been attributed 
to over-wintered uredospores, although this is merely a hypothesis. 
In order to determine with some accuracy the duration of the ger- 
minative capacity of the uredospores of P. graminis, the following 
experiments were made. Bundles of rusty straw which ha 
stood in the shock until late in the fall of 1904 were placed on the 
ground. Others were tied to trunks of trees, and some stored 
in the attic of one of the college buildings, where the temperature 
was below freezing but much warmer than the outside atmosphere. 
Rusty wheat straw was also put in manila envelopes and in test 
tubes, and these laid in pasteboard boxes on the ground. All the 
material placed upon the ground was covered by snow the greater 
part of the winter. To still vary the conditions, test tubes of rusty 
wheat straw were attached in an inverted position to stakes out- 
side, 2-3 feet above the ground, while packets were buried in ice 
at the ice house and others kept in the laboratory. From the 
middle of September to the following July germination tests of the 
uredospores were made once a week from all these sources. At 


the beginning of the experiment, about 10 per cent of the uredo- 
spores were viable, but by the end of September this had dwindled 
to 2 per cent; and only an occasional uredospore germinated in 
October and none whatever after November 15. 

Some confusion arose at first over a fungus whose hyphae 
emerged from the germ pores, but without showing any con- 
spicuous evidence of its entrance. This fungus proved to be an 
Alternaria, which parasitized many uredospores. 

Repeated attempts were made to germinate uredospores from 
Hordeum jubatum and occasionally from Agropyron repens which 
were buried under ice and snow, but always without success. 
Old uredospores can be obtained in abundance all winter and in 
early spring on Hordeum jubatum, lying between the stem and 
sheath, but it is practically impossible to find them here on other 
grasses in winter, although the plants may be buried under ice in 
low places, as they drop off before winter and are replaced by 
teleutospores. Hence no uredo pustules were available from 
other grasses except Agropyron repens, whose few winter-borne 
uredospores would not germinate. 

The germination tests show that during the winter of 1904-1905 
in North Dakota all or practically all the uredospores of P. graminis 
probably lost their viability, and hence were not the cause of the 
large amount of black rust in the state the following summer. 

The annual reappearance of P. graminis in Kansas, Nebraska, 
and the Dakotas has often been explained by assuming that it 
passes the winter in Texas and spreads north by means of the 
wind and growing crops. To obtain data on this point an endeavor 
was made to catch uredospores of P. graminis from the air before 
any pustules appeared upon the wheat. A post 5 feet high was 
set in the edge of a wheat plot and a soup dish 7 inches in diameter, 
containing a small quantity of distilled water, just enough to fill 
one tube of the centrifuge, was exposed at its top 30-40 minutes. 
The whole inner surface of the dish was rinsed with the water 
to collect any spores adhering to its sides. The water was then 
poured into a tube provided with a tapering bottom, and the 
débris precipitated by means of a centrifuge. All the particle- 
bearing liquid was removed from the narrow end of the tube by 


means of a pipette, placed upon six slides and examined micro- 
scopically. This process was repeated two or three times a 
week for nearly a month, but no uredospores of P. graminis were 
caught until uredo pustules were abundant on the surrounding 

Further observations were made to determine whether uredo- 
spores are commonly borne very great distances by the wind. 
On a piece of ground one-third to one-half acre in area, which we 
used for breeding rust-resistant wheat, a rust epidemic was produced 
every year. This was accomplished by plowing into the soil 
rusty wheat straw and spraying the wheat repeatedly with aecidio- 
spores of P. graminis tritici Erik. and Henn. It should also be 
mentioned that our original seed, the foundation stock, was obtained 
from the badly rusted crop of 1904. Hence there were present 
teleutospores, aecidiospores, uredospores, and probably infected 
seed. For the present, however, we are concerned only with the 
fact that rust annually appeared upon these plots in great abun- 
dance. In fact it was almost impossible to obtain any plump 
kernels of wheat from plants grown here. During at least two 
summers (1906-1907), when these plots were thoroughly covered 
with P. graminis, there was scarcely any rust on the field plots of 
wheat which lay a short distance north of the infested area and in 
the direction of the prevailing winds, although the latter passed 
over the breeding plots, often causing considerable annoyance 
while I was taking rust notes. The only possible hindrance to 
the passage of the spores was a few rows of shrubs covering a strip 
about 10 feet wide, thinly planted and varying from 6 to 8 feet 
in height, located 20-25 yards from the rust bed. However, 
there was a road about 20 feet wide running north and south 
through the shrubbery and along the west edge of the infested 
area. Hence there was ample opportunity for wind distribution 
of the uredospores, and former experiments have shown that they 
were highly viable during the summer of 1906, yet practically 
no rust appeared upon these neighboring wheat plots. The fact 
that P. graminis does not appear upon wheat in North Dakota 
in the summer until the plants are nearly 2 feet high, several 
weeks after the wheat crop is harvested in Kansas and Nebraska, 


would also appear to indicate that the spores are not commonly 
borne very great distances by the wind. 

Little or nothing has been done in the past to test the possible 
infection of sprouting cereals by means of germinating teleuto- 
spores from the soil. When buried in moist earth it is not even 
known whether teleutospores can produce germ tubes or promy- 
celia. A striking fact in connection with the possible infection of 
seedlings by teleutospores was observed in our field work. Our 
breeding ground, in which we produced an abundance of rust 
annually as described above, consisted in 1907 of three parts 
which, however, were nat separated by paths or any visible marks. 
The whole west half had grown three successive crops of rusted 
wheat (1905-1907); all the east half except a narrow strip on the 
north end grew rusted wheat in 1905 and 1907, but produced a 
crop of flax in 1906; the remainder was in sod until 1907, when it 
was planted to wheat. The rusty wheat instead of being removed 
from the ground was always plowed under. The same varieties, 
except some of Farrer’s wheat which was not taken into account, 
were planted on all three areas at the same dates. The soil was 
equally level and very fertile. All the wheat was inoculated alike 
during the spring and summer of 1907, yet shortly before harvest 
the three parts were separated quite distinctly by lines of rust 
demarkation, the amount of rust varying with the number of 
crops of rusted wheat grown upon each area. Whether these 
results are due to the different quantities of teleutospores in the 
soil of the different areas or not cannot of course be definitely 
stated, but they are at least suggestive of the need of further 
experiments in this direction. If the perpetuation of the wheat 
rust in the absence of the barberry is due to the teleutospore 
infection of the germinating seed, variation in the time of seeding 
might easily account for the annual variability in its prevalence. 

The further possibility that rust may be carried in the seed 
itself is certainly also to be considered. Teleutospores and myce- 
lial fragments of P. graminis are often present in abundance in 
the pericarp of wheat grains, and can frequently be recognized by 
the appearance of pustules, as will be described later. Early in 
the spring of 1905 about 60 wheat grains with such contamination 


were planted under each of two glass cages provided with cotton 
ventilators to prevent the entrance of spores from the air. The 
experiment was afterward repeated in the greenhouse, but rust 
never appeared on the plants in either case. The conditions 
however were exceedingly abnormal. The ventilators were 
entirely too small and the moisture inside the cages was always 
excessive. While the plants grew rapidly, headed, and_blos- 
somed, they failed to set seed both years. Another experiment 
made in the spring of 1905 appeared to give more favorable results. 
Wheat was sowed at various dates, some of it quite late. It was 
all inoculated early and repeatedly with both aecidiospores and 
uredospores of P. graminis tritici Erik. and Henn., the latter being 
obtained chiefly from the experimental plot of winter wheat of 
the same source as noted above, but the wheat of every sowing 
remained nearly free from rust until it began to head, when each 
in turn became thoroughly rusted. It might be assumed on this 
evidence that wheat has only a definitely limited period of sus- 
ceptibility, still very small volunteer wheat plants are often quite 
rusty in the fall. It is possible to attribute this peculiar behavior 
to infection through the seed with a long subsequent incubation 
period in the growing plant, although the possibility of its coming 
through the soil is not excluded. 

The infection of wheat grains with P. graminis can often be 
recognized by the presence of a tiny black spot where the grain 
separated from the mother plant. When black, this area is gen- 
erally filled with teleutospores, which can be distinguished in mass 
with the naked eye or at least with the aid of a hand lens. Such 
grains are usually shrivelled, but occasionally they remain quite 
plump. Grains showing a spot of larger area with somewhat 
irregular boundaries are usually infected with other fungi, as 
Alternaria or Helminthosporium, and may not even contain rust. 
These are the so-called ‘‘black-points”’ mentioned by BoLLEy.‘ 

In rusted grains of wheat the pustules are usually most abun- 
dant in the thick portion that was formerly attached to the rachilla, 
but they are also found in other parts of the pericarp, and often 
lie in the seed coats where they are pressed against the endosperm 

4 Science, Oct. 21, 1910, p. 1. 


or embryo. As many as to pustules are sometimes seen in a 
single section, and nearly all of them are wholly inclosed by the 
tissues. All about the pustules are masses of rust mycelium, but 
the hyphae are not confined to these areas. They extend con- 
siderable distances from the pustules, and are present in numerous 
grains in which teleutospores cannot be found. 

To obtain further information relative to infection through 
the seed, badly rusted grains of wheat after germinating from 
one day to two weeks were studied in the botanical laboratory at 
Madison, Wis., by means of cytological methods. The seed avail- 
able was a remnant of former experiments, 4 or 5 years old, and 
revealed some very interesting phenomena. 

Teleutospores in certain pustules, lying in the region of the 
hilum, were found to be undergoing remarkable changes, resembling 
the so-called palmella formations of certain filamentous algae. 
The protoplasts appeared to grow and divide in various directions, 
often distending the walls until they became quite thin (figs. 5-13). 
The nuclei, though not well fixed, were present as irregular densely 
stained bodies. Frequently one or both cells of the teleutospore 
were still undivided (figs. 1-3, 15), but numerous later stages were 
present, in which the protoplast had divided one to several times. 
As a rule, the wall between the two original cells was quite thin and 
persisted for some time (figs. 5, 6, 8), but occasionally it could not 
be distinguished (fig. 7).. In the latest stages observed the cells 
became more distinct, often rounding slightly and acquiring 
thicker walls (figs. 7, 8, 11, 12). A view of the apical end of the 
teleutospore represented by fig. 12 is shown in a lower focus in 
fig. tr. In numerous cases the two halves of the former teleuto- 
spore finally separated from each other, forming two more or less 
globular multicellular aggregates (figs. 13@, 18). That these 
conditions are due to a parasitic mycelium, which has penetrated 
the teleutospores and completely replaced the protoplasts of the 
rust, is of course a possibility to be reckoned with. As is seen 
from the figures, however, direct evidence of the presence of such a 
parasite is entirely lacking. There is no mycelium outside the 
rust cells, and no evidence of a gradual absorption and replace- 
ment of the rust protoplast by that of a parasite. The subsequent 


behavior of the cells will of course show their true nature, but as 
material is not available for following them through the later 
stages of germination of the seedling, it seems best to publish as a 
preliminary account the figures of the stages already found. The 
importance of their bearing on a possible method of wintering of 
wheat rust in the absence of the barberry or uredo is apparent. 

These peculiar phenomena were not confined to the teleuto- 
spores, but were frequently present in the stalk cells (figs. 2, 5, 9, 
10), and even in the mycelial region below (figs. 14, 15). Fig. 14 
represents a radial section through the base of a pustule, one 
teleutospore and neighboring stalk cells being included. As is 
seen, the growing cells of the sorus were associated more or less 
in groups, but usually interspersed with smaller empty cells. 
Sometimes they formed dense areas, where it was difficult to 
determine whether they were of hyphal or teleutosporic origin. 
Now and then faint outlines resembling distorted, multicellular 
teleutospores were seen in the mass, but in all probability at least 
some of the cells arose from the mycelium. Apparently identical 
cells were found in other parts of the pericarp remote from the 
pustules (fig. 17). Lying near were filaments composed of similar 
though usually smaller cells (figs. 16, 17, 19). These however 
were enlarged portions of a smaller mycelium, all the remaining 
cells being empty. 

Quite separate from the cells just described, fragments and often 
considerable pieces of what appeared to be living rust mycelium 
were found mixed with dead hyphae of the rust (figs. 20-22). 
They were usually in the pericarp, but often lay next to the deepest 
layer. There were occasional places outside the region occupied 
by the layer of feeding cells where they passed through into the 
cells of the scutellum and were found in considerable abundance 
within 6 or 7 cells of the growing plant itself (fig. 21). 

As noted, the fate of the teleutosporic and mycelial cells described 
above remains for future determination, as my present material 
contains no later stages. The evident suggestion is that they may 
serve as growing points for the development of new rust mycelia 
and the infection of the embryo and seedling. 

The possibility for infection of the seedling when the pericarp 


of the seed is filled with living rust would seem to depend chiefly 
on the presence of reserve food for the fungus and the capacity 
of the hyphae to grow through a few dead cells. The penetration 
of the dead tissue may and probably does offer some difficulty 
to the majority of the hyphae, but in some places only a single 
cell wall of the pericarp intervenes, which could scarcely be looked 
upon as an absolute obstruction. At any rate, an abundance 
of mycelium resembling rust was found in the scutellum close to 
the growing tissue, with apparently nothing to hinder its further 
progress in that direction. 

Whether after infection of the embryo in the manner suggested 
therust mycelium might grow with the plant and take on a virulent 
form at later stages, when it spreads to form pustules, is certainly 
an interesting possibility. Such a general systemic infection was 
assumed in ErRrksson’s mycoplasm theory, and there is some 
evidence in the general behavior of the rusts as noted above to 
suggest such a possibility. That such a palmelloid growth of 
fungal hyphae under peculiar conditions of nutrition is to be 
expected is abundantly shown by Racrgorskt’s interesting obser- 
vation on a palmella-like growth of Basidiobolus when placed in 
media rich in nitrogen. Further investigation of the infection of 
wheat by rust through the seed will be made when suitable material 
is obtained. 


1. Puccinia graminis passed readily from wheat, Agropyron 
tenerum, A. repens, Hordeum jubatum, and Elymus triticoides 
to the barberry. 

2. Observed facts seem to oppose the theory that aecidiospores 
and uredospores are carried considerable distances by the wind. 

3. Uredo pustules of P. graminis appeared upon the experi- 
mental plot of winter wheat as early as upon grasses near the bar- 
berry bushes, and with one exception were generally present upon 
the spring wheat earlier than they appeared upon the grasses 
remote from the barberry. 

4. P. graminis does not appear to spread to the wheat fields 
by aid of the grasses. The few experiments made seem to show 
three distinct biological forms of this fungus: one for wheat, one 


for barley, and one for rye, oats, Hordeum jubatum, Agropyron 
tenerum, A. repens, and Avena fatua. 

5. Uredospores of P. graminis failed to survive the winter of 
1904-1905 at Fargo, North Dakota. 

6. The wintering of P. graminis as mycelium in plant tissues 
in North Dakota is very doubtful, as shown by the late appear- 
ance of the uredo pustules in the spring and the failure of rusted 
grasses to produce the uredo again after being housed during the 

7. The pericarp of rusted wheat grains is frequently filled with 
rust mycelium and numerous pustules of teleutospores. 

8. Teleutospores in some of the germinating grains appeared 
to be germinating in a palmella-like stage. 

g. Pieces of mycelium resembling rust were found in the cells 
of the scutellum close to the growing plant. 

In conclusion, I wish to acknowledge my indebtedness to Dr. 
R. A. Harper for aid in the cytological study of the material and 
in the preparation of the paper. 



1. Barctay, A., Rust and mildew in India. Jour. Bot. 30:—. 1892. 

2. Bary, ANton De, Recherches sur le développement de auelaiie champig- 
nons parasites. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. IV. 20:—. 1863. 

. —, Neue Untersuchungen iiber die Crednien: insbesondere die 
Entwicklung der Puccinia graminis und den Zusammenhang derselben 
mit Aecidium Berberidis. Mon. Ber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin. 1865. 

, Neue Untersuchungen iiber Uredineen. Mon. Ber. Akad. Wiss. 
Be "1866. 

5. BLAcKMAN, V. H., On the conditions of teleutospore germination and of 
sporidia formation in the Uredineae. New Phytologist 2:10. 1903. 

6. Bottey H. L., ey rust; is the infection local or general in origin? 
Agri. Sci. 5: 263. 

7. ———, Rust nae etc. N.D. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 68. 1906. 

8. Beevetp, Oscar, Untersuchungen aus dem Gesamtgebiete der Myko- 
logie 14:154. I 

g. CARLETON, M. A., Coreal rusts of - United States. U.S. Dept. Agric., 
Div. Veg. Phys. and Path., Bull. 1899. 





CARLETON, M. A., Investigations of rusts. U.S. Dept. Agric., Bur. Pl. 
Ind., Bull. 63. 1904 

- CuRIstMAN, A. H., Observations on the wintering of grain rusts. Trans. 

Wis. Acad. Sci. 15:08. 

- Coss, N.A., Cube e an economic knowledge of Australian rusts. 

Agr. Gaz. NSW. 

744. 1892. 
. Errksson, Jacos, Vie erie et plasmatique de certaines Urédinées. 

Compt. Rend. 124:475. 
er heutige He der Getreiderostfrage. Ber. Deutsch. Bot. 

Gesclls, 15:183. 1897 

, our orgie et la propagation de la rouille des céréales par 
la semence. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. VIII. —:14, 15. 1902. (Contains a 
plate of illustrations of the special corpuscles.) 

- Eriksson, J., and HENNING, Ernst, Die Getreideroste, ihre Geschichte 

und Natur, sowie Massregeln gegen dieselben. Stokholm. 1806. 

- GatLoway, B. T., Experiments in the ae of rusts affecting wheat 

and other cereals. Jour. Mycol. 7:195. 

- Kienttz-Geruorr, F., Die Gonidien von ei clavariaeforme. 

Bot. Zeit. 46: 388. 

- Kiepaun, H., Die ious tes Rostpilse. Berlin. 

————, Einige Bemerkungen iiber das Mycel des pS Ber. 
Deuiach. Bot. Gesells. 22:255. 1904. (Contains two figures 

- Lacernerm, G., Ueber das Vorkommen von europiischen Vedieen auf 

der Hochtbene: von Quito. Bot. Centralbl. 54:324. 1893. (Jour. Mycol. 
7:327. Mies ) 

- Loverpo, J., Les maladies cryptogamiques des céréales. Paris. 1892. 
. Mateos P., Ueber das Auftreten der Stylosporen bei dem Uredineen. 

Ber. Deutech. Bot. Gesells. 9:90. 1891. 
Marsuatt, Rural economy of Norfolk. Ed. 2, London. 1795. p. 

- Masser, G., The cereal rust problem; does Errksson’s mycoplasm ani 

in nature ? wee Sci. D. 337. 

- McAtprne, D., The rusts of Australia. 1906. 
; PLowRIcHT, C. B., Can wheat ins propagate itself apart from the 

barberry? Gard. heron: Sept. 9 
, A monograph of the British Uicanes and Ustilagineae. Lon- 

don. 1 

. SCHOLER, 'N. P., “Berberissens skudeliger Indflydelse paa Soeden. 

Landockomminske Tidender (1818). part 8, p. 289. Nielson, Ugeskrit 
for Landmoeda. 1884. 

- Situ, W. G., Corn mildew. Gard. Chron. II. 21:—. 1884. 
. Tuten, F, Vv, Mitteil. aus dem forstl. Versuchswesen Oesterreichs. 

as 1879 

- Warp, H. Illustrations of the structure and life history of Puccinia 

graminis. in Botany 2:229. 1888. 

33. WITHERING, W. A., Botanical arrangement of British plants. Ed. 2. Vol. 

34. ZUKAL, H., Untersuchungen iiber die Rostpilzkrankheiten des Getreides 
in Oesterreich-Ungarn 10:16. 1goo. 


Phenomena appearing in the mycelium and Plein of Puccinia 
graminis in rusted grains of wheat during germination 

Fics. 1, 2.—Teleutospores, showing thin walls aa cells preparing for 
division; fig. 2 also shows an enlarged distorted stalk cell in which a cell wall 
has been formed. 

Fic. 3.—A teleutospore whose lower cell has divided. 

Figs. 4-6, 9, 10.—Early palmella-like stages, showing angular cells with 
thin walls. 

Fics. 7, 8, 11, 12.—Late palmella-like stages, in which the cells are more 
or less rounded, thicker walled, and less crowded. 

IG. 13.—A group of teleutospores lying in the edge of a pustule that was 
sectioned somewhat obliquely. 

Fics. 14, 15.—Radial sections through the base of pustules showing living 
cells of the sorus 

Fic. 16.—Mycelium lying in the pericarp; a few cells were alive and 
considerably enlarged, while the remainder of the filament was dead. 

IGS. 17, 19.—Dividing cells and living portions of mycelium lying in the 
pericarp remote from pustules; as in fig. 16, only a small portion of each 
filament was alive. : 

Frc. 18.—A group of cells found among the teleutospores of a pustule 
similar to that represented by fig. 13 (cf. 13a). ; 

Fics. 20, 22.—Fragments of mycelium found in the pericarp mixed with 
dead hyphae of the rust. 

Fic. 21.—A typical piece of mycelium found in the scutellum within 6 and 
7 cells of the radicle. 



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The plant associations on the sand dunes of Lake Michigan 
have been described by Cowtes (1), who has called attention to 
the succession which is here so strongly marked and so easily deter- 
mined. In much of the region immediately south of the lake, the 
forest succession consists principally of associations dominated 
respectively by cottonwood, pine, black oak, white and red oak, and 
beech in the order named. These are usually designated the cot- 
tonwood, pine, and oak dunes, and the oak-hickory and beech- 
maple forests. They represent the major associations in a succes- 
sion extending from the pioneer trees to the climax mesophytic 
forest formation of the region. The dynamic physiography and 
the details of the composition of the various stages in the succession 
have been so thoroughly discussed by Cowtes that little further 
elucidation is necessary, but hitherto no attempt has been made to 
obtain any quantitative determination of any of the factors influ- 
encing this succession. 

The researches of LrvincsTon (2) and others have shown that the 
evaporating power of the air is a rather satisfactory summation of 
the atmospheric factors which determine the growth of plants 
during that portion of the season free from frost, and that it can 
be accurately measured by the porous-cup atmometer; accord- 
ingly, in the spring of rgro, a number of observation stations were 
established upon the sand dunes near Millers, Ind., and the rate of 
evaporation was determined during the ensuing growing season. 
Both the porous-cup atmometer devised by LrvincsTon (3) and the 
type described by TRANSEAU (4) were employed in this investi- 
gation. They were mounted in wide-mouthed bottles having a 

* A preliminary report of evaporation studies in the plant associations upon the 

sand dunes of Lake Michigan. 
193] [Botanical Gazette, vol. 52 


capacity of 500 cc., closed with tightly fitting cork stoppers that 
were perforated for the atmometer tubes and for bent capillary 
glass tubes which served to equalize the atmospheric pressure within 
the bottles with that of the exterior air, without causing any loss by 
evaporation or permitting rain water to enter the reservoir. The 
bottles were sunk in the soil about two-thirds of their height, so 
that the evaporating surface of the instruments was 20-25 cm. 
above the surface of the soil. Except where otherwise specified, 
the readings were made weekly by filling the bottles from a gradu- 
ated burette to a file scratch on the neck. The small area of the 
water surface at this point made the probable error in readings 
less than +0.5 cc., and this could have had no appreciable effect 
upon the results. The instruments were all standardized to the 
same unit before being used, restandardized at intervals of 6-8 
weeks during the season, and a final correction made on their being 
collected in the autumn. By the coefficients thus obtained all 
readings were reduced to the standard adopted by LivincsTon (5) in 
his recent paper on the operation of the porous-cup atmometer. The 
directions given in that article were so closely followed that it is 
unnecessary to detail further the methods used in operating the 
instruments. Two or three atmometers were discarded during the 
season on account of various irregularities in their operation, but 
others either maintained a uniform rate of water-loss or showed a 
variation that progressed uniformly at a readily calculable rate. To 
provide still further against the possibility of serious error, two 
instruments were often maintained a few feet apart at the same 
station, and several stations were usually established in the same 
association, the mean of the various readings being taken as giving 
the true measure of the evaporating power of the air for that asso- 
ciation. | 

No correction has been made for errors caused by rainfall, 
although during showers some water undoubtedly passes through 
the porous cup and into the reservoir, because it was thought that 
the amount of variation thus produced would be the same for all 
stations within so limited an area, and hence the comparative rela- 
tion of results would remain unchanged. This assumption has been 
largely verified by Brown (6), using an atmometer with a rain- 


correcting valve. It is the intention of the writer, however, to 
employ this improved atmometer, also devised by LivincsTon (*7), 
in the continuation of these studies. 

Fifteen different stations were established in the various asso- 
ciations, care being taken to select spots which possessed the average 
amount of tree, shrub, and herbaceous vegetation characteristic 
of that specific association as a whole. Owing to a variety of 
accidents and other circumstances, all the stations did not give 
equally satisfactory and continuous records; hence the present 
preliminary report is confined almost entirely to the results from 
Io stations in 4 different associations. Many of these records 
extend from May 6 to October 31, or over a period of 178 days; 
at other stations the record begins at a somewhat later date, but 
continues until the severe frosts of November 1, and includes the 
important part of the growing season for all except a few very early 
spring plants. 

In order to facilitate comparisons between the various stations, 
and to exhibit the progress of the evaporation rate during the entire 
season, the average water-loss per day between the weekly readings 
has been calculated, and the results expressed in graphs with 
ordinates representing the number of cubic centimeters lost per 
day by a standard atmometer, the abscissae being the intervals 
between the weekly readings. The readings included within each 
calendar month are indicated at the top of the diagram. For con- 
venience of reference, the stations are numbered consecutively, 
beginning with that nearest the lake shore. 

The first group of stations was upon some slowly moving dunes 
directly north of the village of Millers, Ind., and between the 
southern shore of Lake Michigan and the Grand Calumet River. 
According to old maps, this river formerly discharged its waters 
into Lake Michigan very near the spot selected for one of these 
stations. Any such discharge has long since ceased, and its exact 
location has been entirely obscured by the advancing dunes, leaving 
the remaining river bed as a shallow channel in which the water has 
little or no current, the present discharge being some eight miles 
farther west. Dunes are now advancing into this channel at several 
points, and within a few years will doubtless occupy other portions 


of its bed. Here, at a distance of too to 200 meters from the shore, 
the pioneer tree association becomes established, and persists upon 
dunes of variable size that are usually more or less actively moving. 
This association is characterized by a paucity of species, all having 
strongly xerophytic structures. Populus deltoides, Salix glau- 
cophylla, S. syrticola, Prunus pumila, and the two grasses Cala- 
movilfa longifolia and Ammophila arenaria are at this point the 
only conspicuous members of this rather open cottonwood dune 
association. In it, upon dunes that have become almost com- 
pletely fixed, two stations were established on May 6, and a third 
on July 9, and at the three stations at least four instruments were 
maintained in constant operation until the last day of October. 
These stations were about 200 meters from the lake shore, some 
too meters apart, and about 12 meters above the level of the waters 
of Lake Michigan. At all stations the atmometers received a small 
amount of shade for a few hours of the day, and on account of the 
_ open nature of the association were little sheltered from the wind, 
the cups receiving a rather sharp sand blast during high winds. 
Station no. 1 had some sheltering groups of cottonwoods on a slight 
elevation of sand a few meters southeast of the instruments, and 
no. 3 possessed a similar but smaller shelter at the southwest. 
These differences of exposure to winds probably caused some of 
the variations in the records of the different stations, but affected 
_ very slightly the average rate for the season. 

e graphs for three cottonwood dune stations have been 
plotted upon the same chart (fig. 1), and exhibit a great similarity 
in their general course and in their simultaneous maxima and 
minima. The rainfall at Chicago (20 miles distant) for the same 
period, expressed in centimeters, is shown for periods corresponding 
with those of the intervals between the evaporation readings, but 
as there seems to be no very exact correspondence between the 
amount of precipitation and the amount of evaporation, these data 
are omitted from the other charts. There is certainly a corre- 
spondence between the number of hours of cloudy or rainy weather 
and the amount of evaporation, but this has not been exactly 
determined, nor does it seem important in our present studies. The 
evaporation graphs indicate that the most critical period occurs © 


about the end of July, and this is also toward the end of a period of 
seven weeks with very little rainfall; hence it may be safe to 
assume, even without any direct data regarding soil-moisture, that 

Cd, 5 
tale | | 
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| / 
a [i_ i 
a [ Lyi l\\ \ 
L\\ Wy (2ay/ 13) itt 
Vi\ A Weal 
2 I [Vl Veli} 
: Wi 
“LIT A \\ 
| \ \ 
| i \ VA\\ | 
\ ie i\ { \\ | 
= iW! \ ae 
main \ \ ji ia } 
LV] \ ae 
all lf x N 
Me UI ff \ i 
| \{\ 
3 | \| \ 
bod oy 
Hj} | | | | Weekly rainfall on Bae ee 
ig +——+-—-—4 incom. fee eee ee Per 
aw Be nae 

Fic. 1.—Evaporation rates in the cottonwood dune association at stations nos, 
I, 2, and 3. 


at this time there is a maximum demand by the atmosphere upon 
the water contained in the plant tissues, while at the same time 
only a minimum supply is available to replace such losses by 
transpiration. Two other periods of high evaporation are found 
to occur, one late in June and the other early in September. The 
latter is doubtless the one of greater stress, for it follows a month 
of very low rainfall. It will be seen that the maximum average 
evaporation for any week is just above 35 cc. per day, and that 
the minimum only once falls below to cc. per day. The average 
rate for the three stations upon the cottonwood dune for the 178 
days of observation is 21.1 cc. per day. 

The graphs (fig. 1) indicate that not only is the cottonwood 
dune an association with a very high rate of evaporation, but also 
that it is subject to excessive variation. This is most noticeable 
during May and June, but to a less marked extent prevails through 
the season, the fluctuations being decidedly greater than in the other 
associations (fig. 4). The mean of the readings of these three 
stations is believed to express most accurately the true measure 
of the evaporating power of the air during the growing season in 
the cottonwood dune association, and is therefore plotted and used 
in comparison with similar graphs from the other associations 
(fig. 4). 

As the dunes gradually beeoiks fixed, an association dominated 
by evergreens succeeds the cottonwood dune. This pine dune asso- 
ciation varies somewhat in composition in different localities, but 
in the area under consideration is dominated by Pinus Banksiana, 
associated with Juniperus virginiana, J. communis, and in the 
older portions containing also Pinus Strobus. In the undergrowth 
Arctostaphylos Uva-ursi is conspicuous, associated with Rhus 
canadensis, R. toxicodendron, Prunus virginiana, Celastrus scandens, 
seedlings of Quercus velutina, Smilacina stellata, Asclepias tuberosa, 
Monarda punctata, and other woody and herbaceous plants. Two 
stations were placed in this association at spots of medium density 
of growth about 1oo meters south and east of the cottonwood 
dune series, but owing to several accidents only one record is worth 
reporting. This, from station no. 4, is unbroken for 178 days, and 
is often the mean of the readings from two atmometers. 


This association is unique in the dominance of conifers, but is 
also notable for the comparative abundance of its undergrowth, 
although many species have decidedly xerophytic characters. 
That it is a comparatively short-lived association is evident from the 
presence of seedlings of Quercus velutina, the dominant tree of the 
succeeding association, very early in its history. Comparing the 
graph of its evaporation with that of the cottonwood dune (fig. 4), 
it will be seen that it is much lower, never reaching 20 cc. per day, 
and is subject to less violent fluctuations. Its maxima and minima 
are nearly synchronous with those of the cottonwood dune. The 
maximum evaporation rate is 17.5 cc. per day, the minumum falls 
below 4 cc., and the average for the season of 178 days is 11.3 cc. 

Proceeding inland from the lake shore, the pines gradually 
decrease in numbers, and the black oak, Quercus velutina, becomes 
more plentiful, until at a distance of about 500 meters south of 
the last station it forms an almost pure stand with only occasional 
trees of white oak, Quercus alba. The shrubby undergrowth con- 
sists principally of Prunus virginiana, Rosa blanda, Viburnum 
acerifolium, Vaccinium pennsylvanicum, Ceanothus americanus, and 
seedlings of Quercus velutina and Q. alba. Among the herbaceous 
members of the association are Smilacina stellata, Lupinus perennis, 
Tephrosia virginiana, Lithospermum canescens, Asclepias tuberosa, 
Helianthemum canadense, Polygonella articulata, and Aster linarii- 
folius. In this oak dune association four stations were placed 
within a range of 100 meters; no. 6, on a fixed dune 15 meters high, 
well covered with the oak forest; no. 7, on a slope at an altitude 
of about 8 meters; and nos. 8 and 9, on the general floor of the forest 
some 5 meters above the level of the lake waters. All were about 
equally exposed and shaded. No. 6 was established on May 6, 
and the other stations on May 26. Station no. 9 was subject to 
so many interruptions that no report of its evaporation is presented, 
but the graphs from the other three (fig. 2) show a very close agree- 
ment, with differences corresponding directly to their elevation. 
A maximum of nearly rg cc. per day occurred in May during 
the second week of the record, before the trees were in full foliage. 
The absence of leaves would largely account for this excessive rate, 


but as it occurred when only one instrument was recording, it may 
be regarded as lacking confirmation, and as it could hardly be a 
critical period on account of the abundant water supply in the soil, 
it is disregarded in the general discussion. Throughout the re- 
mainder of the season the rate is rather high, but not subject to 
great fluctuations. A minimum of about 5 cc. per day is reached 
in September, and is followed by a distinct rise as defoliation pro- 


a Ab 
2 = RSA ia ~ 
I ie \\ VAN 
| VAN —) 7 
ne Att \ Ng SSMT/NE 
fi \ } = 
: N/ 

Fic. 2.—Evaporation rates in the oak dune association at stations nos. 6, 7, and 8. 

gresses. Station no. g (not plotted) gives a somewhat higher rate 
during July, affording a maximum for that month and for the sum- 
mer of 16 cc. per day. The average rate for the whole period is 
10.3 cc. per day. The mean of all stations in the oak dunes is 
used (fig. 4). in comparison with similar graphs from the other asso- 

At Millers, Ind., the vegetation exhibits no undisturbed ‘suc- 
cessional stages beyond the oak dune, but 15 miles farther east, 
near the village of Otis, Ind., there is a tract of the climax deciduous 


mesophytic forest dominated by the beech, Fagus grandifolia, and 
the maple, Acer saccharum. These two species form at least 85 
per cent of the tree growth, with the remaining 15 per cent com- 
posed of Tilia americana, Ostrya virginiana, and Prunus serotina, 
and occasional trees of Quercus rubra, Platanus occidentalis, and 
Liriodendron Tulipifera. The undergrowth is largely seedlings of 
the dominant tree members of the association, together with Cornus 
alternifolia, Viburnum pubescens, Asimina triloba, Sambucus race- 
mosa, and such herbaceous forms as Trillium grandiflorum, Dicentra 

2 j 
3 NY YI | 
= ie | Ne \N 
/ y AG 
T/T} M1 \ \ vs 
Bee ed FA 
—~ — | 
‘ Mee 
‘a — j 

Fic. 3.—Evaporation rates in the beech-maple forest association at stations 
nos. 11, 12, and 13. 
canadensis, Adiantum pedatum, Asplenium angustifolium, Poly- 
stichum acrostichoides, Viola rostrata, Impatiens biflora, Erigenia 
bulbosa, and Epifagus virginiana. As this represents the climax 
formation for a large portion of the United States, it was regarded 
as a standard to which other plant associations could be referred, 
and accordingly 3 stations were established in it on May 30, and 
maintained until the end of October, giving a continuous record 
for 155 days. On account of the difficulty in reaching these 
stations, readings were made only every second week throughout 


the season. Of the 3 stations in the beech-maple forest, no. 11 
was in an area dominated by the sugar maple and well surrounded 
by maple seedlings. No. 11 was near a large beech tree on a slope 
covered with Asplenium angustifolium and Impatiens biflora, while 
no. 13 was in the midst of beech seedlings between two large trees 
of the same species. Together they seemed to represent the aver- 
age conditions in a beech-maple forest. The resulting graphs 
(fig. 3) are very similar, showing coincident maxima and minima 
differing but little in amount. The maxima are in July and 
August, and amount to little more than 12 cc. daily; the minimum 
occurs in September and is scarcely 3 cc. per day. The average 
rate of evaporation at the 3 stations for the 155 days is 8.1 cc. 
per day. 

It is here interesting to note the close correspondence between 
the records for this beech-maple forest and those obtained by 
TRANSEAU (8) in a mesophytic forest containing a small percentage 
of beech and situated on Long Island, N.Y., where for the period 
of observation from June 5 to July 2, 1907, the evaporation rate 
averaged 8.5 cm. daily, compared with 8.4 cm. daily during the 
month of June, 1910, in the Otis, Ind., forest. While it is not safe 
to draw any very definite conclusions from records covering but 
a single month, it may be assumed that the two associations differ 
very little in the amount of mesophytism developed. 

Several methods may be employed in comparing the data 
obtained from the various evaporation stations. Perhaps the best 
is to plot upon the same chart graphs representing the mean daily 
evaporation by weeks, from the several stations in the different 
associations (fig. 4). It will be seen that the graphs show several 
similarities, but more differences. The maxima and minima are 
generally coincident in time and proportionate in amount. All 
show great irregularity during spring and autumn, and a compara- 
tively high rate during July and August. The general height of 
the different graphs probably gives the most instructive and 
interesting differences in the various habitats. That of the 
cettonwood dune is farthest removed from those of the other asso- 
ciations, and shows a habitat not only with great evaporating 
power, but one of great extremes, the difference in rate between 


two consecutive weeks being nearly or quite to cc. per day during 
May and the first part of June, and on two occasions amounting 
to an increase of 100 per cent in one week as compared with the 
preceding. This occurring early during the growing period would 
doubtless be very unfavorable for the development of any seedlings, 
especially as it was followed by the very high rates of the succeed- 

30 / 4 
\ E 
25 : 
\ N A 
Hi tl 4 
Hitt / 
Lith \ 
se | y \ / 
| i | iN age | 
it | \ a ! bre / \ Lh, | 
vel EL AA i ae ee /\\ ‘é 
lilt OA Pe i\i 4s 
i ‘ f A hn, 1 
4 i Hj pra ‘ a ‘ x 
op i t i \ i i “L “ \ \ Py \, ‘ | x 
eS i \ iAd i f he x \ | ih / 
= 1 E iH E ‘a ; Ni Hi ‘ s / 
NT, RTM ast 
S ¢/ ‘ 4 Ar il ’ / 
5 sy ve yf \ oe “a y 
Y Re ; 
Cottonwood dune ememmmmee y oe - 
; tee oe 7 
cena ene he - el 
Oak dune 
Beech-maple forest —...-.--.. =: 
Pd 2 te 

Fic. 4.—Mean daily evaporation rates in the sand dune plant associations and 
in the iene maple forest. 


ing months. The high maximum occurring at midsummer would 
probably prove the excluding factor for all mesophytic plants, 
even if not combined with such other factors as the deficiency of 
soil water at the same time. Such a graph seems to depict rather 
well a habitat of atmospheric extremes making large demands 
upon all available water, and naturally and necessarily resulting in 
a xerophytic plant association, with a very limited undergrowth 
and an almost entire absence of herbaceous plants and seedlings. 
Perhaps nowhere could an association be found so entirely de- 
pendent upon vegetative reproduction for its maintenance, for 
almost without exception any increase in vegetation is the result 
of subterranean branches. 

The graph for the pine dunes is decidedly lower and more 
regular in its contour than that of the association which it succeeds. 
Its four nearly equal maxima would indicate that within its limits 
there was throughout the summer season a continuous stress rather 
than a series of violent extremes. On the whole, it shows a water- 
demand of little more than half of that occurring in the cottonwood 
dune. Its greatest divergence is plainly due to the evergreen 
character of its vegetation, and is seen in its low range in May 
and the first part of June, and again in October, when it falls below 
that of the oak dunes and is even less than that of the beech- 
maple forest. This would give good reasons for expecting to find 
within this association truly mesophytic plants, whose activities 
are limited to the early spring. 

The graph from the oak dune stations shows two surprisingly 
high points; one during May, that may be partially explained by 
the absence of foliage; and the other near the end of June, which 
seems to coincide with maxima in the other associations. On the 
whole, it is more moderate during the months of summer than that 
of the pine dune, but the difference is not so great as to make it 
surprising that its undergrowth differs but little from that found 
in the pine dune association. 

The graph from the beech-maple forest stations is one of mod- 
erate height and great regularity. It is but fair to say that weekly 
readings would probably have introduced some minor irregular- 
ities, but without changing its general course or influencing the 


average rate for the season. At no point does it reach to half the 
height of that from the cottonwood dune, but surpasses that of the 
pine dune in October. 

The data of these observations relate only to the stratum of 
vegetation immediately above the surface of the soil, and would 
be quite different at a height of one or two meters. This lower 
stratum, however, is the critical one for a forest association, for 
the development of tree seedlings occurs within its limits, and 

Cottonwood dune 

Pine dune 
Oak dune | 
Beech-maple fi t 

Fic. 5.—Diagram showing the comparative evaporation rates in different asso- 
ciations on the basis of the average daily amount from May 6 to October 31, 1910. 

Cottonwood dune 

Pine dune 
Oak dune 
Beech-maple f 

Fic. 6.—Diagram es the comparative ev spoention rates in different plant 
auiovintions on the basis 0 4 I day for any week between 
May 6 and October 31, 1910. 

therefore it is the portion of the habitat which determines the 
forest succession and hence the most important ecologically. A 
single example may be cited from the meager data obtained during 
the past season regarding the rates of evaporation in the more 
elevated strata. Very near station no. 13 in the beech-maple 
forest, an instrument was established 2.5 meters above the surface 
of the soil, and showed for the season an average of 12.7 cc. daily, 
as compared with 9.1 cc. daily for no. 13, whose atmometer was 
20 cm. above the surface. 


The comparative rates of evaporation in the different plant 
associations may be compared in other ways. If the average 
amount of water lost by the standard atmometer daily throughout 
the season be taken as a basis and represented in a diagram giving 
the loss in cubic centimeters (fig. 5), a graphic representation 
results which, however, tells little more than what has been shown 
differently in fig. 4. Likewise, the maximum daily rates for the 
week of greatest evaporation during the season gives a similar 
representation of the conditions in the several plant associations 
(fig. 6). Upon a percentage basis, with the average rate per day 
throughout the season in the beech-maple forest taken as a unit, 
the comparative evaporation rate in the oak dune is 127 per cent, 
in the pine dune 140 per cent, and in the cottonwood dune 260 per 
cent. As the months of July and August probably represent the 
critical portion of the growing season with reference to its water 
supplies, a comparison like the preceding might be made for those 
months only, when it would be found that the comparative evapo- 
ration in the oak dune would be 113 per cent, in the pine dune 146 
per cent, and in the cottonwood dune 230 per cent. 


1. These data represent the evaporation rates in the lower but 
critical stratum of the plant associations. 

2. Evaporation at different stations in the same plant associa- 
tion exhibits variations similar in character and degree. 

3. The rate of evaporation in the cottonwood dune association, 
both by its great amount and by its excessive variations, seems a 
sufficient cause for the xerophytic character of the vegetation and 
for the absence of undergrowth. 

4. Evaporation in the pine dune association exceeds that in the 
oak and beech associations except when the latter are devoid of 

5. The vernal vegetation of the pine dune is quite as mesophytic 
as that of the succeeding association, thus agreeing with its lower 
evaporation rate during that portion of the year. 

6. Evaporation in the various associations varies directly with 
the order of their occurrence in the succession. 


7. The differences in the rates of evaporation in the various 
plant associations studied are sufficient to indicate that the atmos- 
pheric conditions are efficient factors in causing succession. 


From the study of the data available, it seems evident that 
the porous-cup atmometer measures with very considerable accuracy 
the atmospheric factors which combine in making demands upon 
the water-supply of the aerial portion of the plant; the data, there- 
fore, may be directly related to the plants in an association, and 
used in determining the comparative xerophytism of plant habitats 
in so far as they are determined by atmospheric conditions. In 
such determinations it would appear that the true measure of the 
limiting atmospheric factors must be found either in the demand 
throughout the entire growing season as expressed in the average 
evaporation rate for that period, or in a maximum demand of several 
days’ duration occurring at a period when the water-supply in the 
soil is deficient, such as would be expressed in a high rate continu- 
ing for a week or more in the latter part of the summer. In the 
associations studied, these demands show practically the same ratio 
when compared with one another (figs. 5 and 6). If this be the 
case, we have in the Livingston or Transeau atmometers instru- 
ments of sufficient precision to furnish the most valuable quantita- 
tive data in the study of plant associations. 

A complete study of the water relations of a habitat may be 
obtained by combining the data supplied by the atmometer with 
quantitative determinations of the available soil-moisture. It is 
hoped that some such data may be available in the near future. 

It seems highly desirable, in investigations of this character, 
that the different investigators employ instruments standardized 
to the common unit recommended by LivinesTon (5), and further 
that a plant association of wide distribution be used as a basis of 
comparison, and that the conditions in other associations be 
expressed in terms of these units whenever it is possible to do so. 
As no association is more widely spread in the United States than 
the climax mesophytic forest which is frequently characterized 
by the presence of either Acer saccharum or Fagus grandifolia, or 


both, so no unit seems so well suited for this purpose as the beech- 
maple forest association or its ecological equivalent. Thus it may 
be said that the atmospheric conditions in the lower stratum of 
the cottonwood dune association during the growing season are 
260 per cent as severe for plant life as those in the same stratum 
of the standard association (the beech-maple forest) during the 
same period. 

The writer hopes to continue and extend these investigations 
during the coming seasons. 

Grateful acknowledgment is made of the helpful advice and 
suggestions of Dr. Henry C. Cow Les, under whose direction this 
investigation has been conducted. 



1. Cow gs, H. C., The ecological relations of the vegetation of the sand dunes 
of Lake Michigan. Bor. Gaz. 2'7:95-117, 169-202, 281-308, 361-391. 1890. 

2. Livincston, B. E., Evaporation and plant habitats. Plant World 11:1-10. 
———, The relation of desert plants to soil-moisture and to evaporation. 
Parceple Institution of Washington, Publication no. 50. 1906. 

4. TRANSEAU, E. N., A simple vaporimeter. Bort. Gaz. 49:459-460. 1910. 

5. Lrvineston, B. E., Operation of the porous-cup atmometer. Plant World 

6. Brown, Wm. H., Evaporation and plant habitats in Jamaica. Plant 
World 13:268-272. 1910 
. Lrvincston, B. E., A aie cospeecting atmometer for ecological instrumenta- 
tion. Plant World 13:79-82. 1910. 
8. TrANSEAU, E. N., The relation of plant societies to evaporation. Bor. 
AZ. 452217-231. I 


The following results are published in the belief that from the 
standpoint either of morphology or of phylogeny it is important 
we should become acquainted with the variations of the angio- 
sperm embryo sac. By searching out and comparing all deviations 
from the normal type, we may hope to ascertain the directions in 
which the embryo sac is varying at the present time, and perhaps 
we may also discover some clue to the path along which it has 
come. The results here given were obtained from a study of 
Clintonia borealis, collected in the neighborhood of Toronto and of 
Lake Joseph, Ontario. 

The youngest ovaries, collected May 9, showed the ovules 
already completely anatropous, each with a large archesporial 
cell, having its nucleus in the synapsis stage (fig. 1). The arche- 
sporial cell undergoes no cell division, neither cutting off a parietal 
cell nor dividing into megaspores, but, as in many liliaceous ovules, 
passes directely into the embryo sac. Its nucleus, however, 
suffers a twofold reducing division which is of considerable interest. 

The nucleus in the synapsis stage is very large; it is usually 
situated slightly below the middle of the cell, and occupies fully 
four-fifths of its width. In the condition represented in fig. 2, the 
protoplasm is becoming denser about the periphery of the nucleus 
in preparation for spindle formation, and the loops of chromatic 
material are beginning to separate and spread throughout the 
nuclear space. Subsequently, when the fibrils of the spindle are 
quite distinct, the chromatin is found segmented into chromosomes, 
which frequently appear in the x’s, y’s, and other forms, character- 
- istic of the heterotypic division. 

The number of these chromosome pairs I have not been able. 
to determine with certainty, since the nucleus is too large to be 
included. in one section. Further, since all my sections are cut 
209] [Botanical Gazette, vol. 52 


longitudinally to the ovule and therefore at right angles to the 
equatorial plate, it is difficult to make an accurate count of the 
chromosomes at a later stage of the mitosis. It is certain, however, 
that we are here dealing with the haploid number, probably 12. 
In vegetative divisions 20 or more chromosomes can easily be 
counted, though in this case also it is not easy to determine the 
number with certainty. The chromosomes when drawn into the 
equatorial plate are short and thick, almost globular, strongly 
contrasting in this respect with the long, crowded chromosomes 
of the vegetative division. 

In none of my material, though careful examination was made, 
could there be found any difference in the separating chromosomes 
(fig. 3). Those going to the lower pole are fully as large and give 
the same staining reaction as those going to the upper pole. But 
on arriving at the poles of the spindle, the two groups behave very 
differently. Those at the upper pole unite into a normal nucleus, 
while those reaching the lower pole fuse together into an irregular 
lump, without spongioplasm or distinct nuclear membrane. Fre- 
quently chromosomes or chromosome fragments fail to reach the 
principal mass, and remain scattered along the spindle or in the 
cytoplasm outside. When Flemming’s triple stain is used, these 
fragments, as well as the large chromatic lump, take only the 
safranin and appear semitransparent, while the chromatin of the 
upper nucleus, taking the gentian violet, appears dark and opaque. 
No wall is run in at the close of this division, but a distinct cell 
plate is formed by the thickening up of the spindle fibers (fig. 4). 

Division follows in each of the daughter nuclei resulting from 
the heterotypic mitosis. My material, however, does not furnish 
any examples of the prophase of this division, nor any information 
with respect to the chromosomes. The telophase is represented in 
figs. 5 and 6. In both figures the remains of the first spindle and its 
cell plate are still distinguishable (on the left side of fig. 6). A cell 
plate is formed also on the second spindles, but these and the earlier 
cell plate are transient structures and disappear shortly. 

The division of the upper nucleus results in this case also in the 
formation of an upper healthy nucleus and a lower irregular lump 
of chromatin. By the division of the lower of the daughter 


nuclei two such lumps are formed. Thus the embryo sac now 
contains an upper healthy nucleus and three lumps of chromatic 
material without spongioplasm. The commonest arrangement is 
that of figs. 6 and 7 rather than fig. 5, the healthy nucleus being 
somewhat above the middle of the cell and much smaller than the 
nucleus of the mother cell. 

These successive divisions, especially the second, must be com- 
pleted very rapidly, if one may judge from the rarity of their occur- 
rence in the material. Thus, of about 350 ovules in the stages 
represented by figs. 2-7, more than 225 were in synapsis, and sie 
5 in the second division. 

It can scarcely be doubted that the four nuclei just described 
are the four megaspore nuclei, and that megaspore formation in 
Clintonia differs from the normal type simply by omitting the 
formation of walls and by an earlier beginning of the degeneration 
of the sterile megaspores. 

It is clear that division of the imperfect nucleus. formed by the 
heterotypic mitosis can be of no importance in the subsequent 
history of the embryo sac; yet among 80 embryo sacs of the age 
of fig. 7, there was not one in which the lower nucleus had failed to 
divide. The three sterile nuclei could be found in every case. 
This fact would imply a strong hereditary tendency to a second 
division, such as we might expect to accompany megaspore forma- 
tion; and incidentally it would indicate that the impulse to nuclear 
division must originate in the cytoplasm, since so imperfect a 
nucleus cannot be regarded as capable of exercising any of the 
functions of a normal nucleus. 

A second peculiarity of the embryo sac of Clintonia is its uni- 
polarity. Only two divisions of the megaspore nucleus occur, 
and thus are produced four nuclei which, in their position, relation 
to one another, and later behavior, exhibit the characteristics of 
the four upper nuclei of a normal embryo sac. The change from 
megaspore to mature embryo sac, involving two nuclear divisions, 
requires an interval of about three weeks, and it is therefore difficult 
to obtain karyokinetic figures. That those I have been able to 
secure are in the late phases is probably due to slow infiltration of 
the fixing medium. 


The fertile megaspore nucleus moves to a higher position and 
rests for some time: The spindle of the first division is parallel to 
the axis of the embryo sac, and the two nuclei formed are always 
one above the other, as in figs. 8 and 9. Again at this division a 
temporary cell plate is formed. The second division occurs 
simultaneously in the two nuclei, and the spindles are at right 
angles to each other. The two upper sister nuclei and the proto- 
plasm about them become the synergids; of the other two, one 
surrounded by vacuolated protoplasm and a plasma membrane 
becomes the egg, and the remaining one is a free nucleus, in 
position and appearance the upper polar. 

Usually at these stages some remains of the sterile nuclei are 
still recognizable, but it is not always possible to be sure all three 
are present. They stain much less deeply than when first formed, 
taking little safranin and appearing to have a dark color of their 
own, independent of the stain. They vary considerably in size, 
and very frequently appear pitted or vacuolated, as in fig. 9. 
They are usually situated in the lower end of the embryo sac, as in 
figs. 8 and 11; fig. 9 is an exceptional case, since one of the sterile 
nuclei appears in the micropylar region. 

_Up to the tetrad stage the protoplasm of the embryo sac shows 
no tendency to unipolarity; it is coarsely granular and evenly 
distributed. But after the first division of the megaspore nucleus, 
when there is considerable enlargement of the sac, the protoplasm 
of the antipodal region becomes scant and stringy with large 
irregular vacuoles; that of the micropylar region is much denser, 
and the numerous vacuoles, which appear only at a late period, are 
small and globular. 

A third peculiarity of Clintonia is its comparative sterility. 
Though it blossoms freely, only a very small proportion of the 
flowers result in fruit. Propagation by vegetative outgrowths of 
the rhizome is the common means of multiplication. An examina- 
tion of 50 ovaries, collected one week after the opening of the 
flowers, disclosed no embryos and no certain proof that fertilization 
had occurred. In several embryo sacs one of the synergids was 
partially disintegrated, and in two cases two free nuclei were 
found below the egg apparatus, presumably derived from division 


of the polar nucleus. Whether or not fertilization occurs normally | 
in those ovaries which develop into fruit, I am at present unable 
to say, nor can I assign the cause of the large proportion of abortive 
flowers. Apparently it is not due to any imperfection in the 
microspore, which contains two normal nuclei and appears plump 
and healthy. 

An attempt to estimate the percentage of fertile flowers by field 
observation proved futile. An area producing 550 flowers was 
kept under observation and undisturbed, but all to no purpose. 
The flowers one and all were abortive, and two weeks after opening | 
had withered and fallen away, leaving only the shriveled pedicels. 

An attempt also was made to determine whether the sterility 
is due to imperfect pollination. A small number of flowers were 
artificially pollinated, but these like the others yielded no seeds. 
However, as several days of heavy rain interfered with the experi- 
ment, I cannot regard it as conclusive. 


The interpretation of the embryo sac of Clintonia is made 
easier by recent investigations of certain Onagraceae. GEERTS 
(6) finds that in Oenothera Lamarckiana the single archesporial cell 
gives rise to a tetrad row of megaspores, of which the uppermost 
develops, slowly absorbing the three lowermost and producing 
four nuclei arranged much as in Clintonia. The same condition 
is reported by MopILewskKI (10) as occurring in Epilobium angusti- 
folium, E. Dodonaei, Oenothera biennis, and Circaea lutetiana; in 
all these the unipolarity of the embryo sac is strongly marked and 
there is ‘‘double fertilization.’’ A comparison of the embryo sac 
development of these and of Clintonia makes it clear that the four 
nuclei of figs. 5-7 represent four megaspores. Further, in these 
six species the unusual condition prevails of having the upper 
megaspore fertile. The chief differences shown in the development 
of Clintonia are in the absence of walls separating the megaspores 
and in the large proportion of sterile ovules. 
A nearly similar embryo sac occurs in Oenone and Mourera, 
two genera of the Podostemaceae examined by WENT (14). A 
mother cell after synapsis divides into two; the upper of these 


after division of its nucleus gradually disintegrates; the lower cell 
also gives rise to two nuclei, one of which, the lower, becomes 
a mere clump of chromatin, while the other divides twice and 
the four resulting nuclei arrange themselves as in Clintonia and 
the above named Onagraceae. Though WENT does not discuss the 
theoretical value of the first four nuclei derived from the mother 
cell, it seems clear they represent megaspores, of which that next 
the innermost is the fertile one. Thus two megaspores appear 
in the upper cell, and two in the lower cell which becomes the 
embryo sac. The development of one of the middle megaspores, 
although uncommon, is not unknown. It has been seen in Acacia 
and Eriobotrya (GUIGNARD 1881, 1882), Trapella (OLIVER 1888), 
some of the Araliaceae (DucAMP 1902), and Asclepias (FRYE 
1902); to this list, which is taken from CouLTER and CHAMBER- 
LAIN’S Angiosperms, may be added Vaillantia and Collipeltis 
(LLoyD 1902). 

In the examples thus far reviewed, the four functional nuclei of 
the embryo sac are the direct derivatives of one of four megaspores. 
Some cases of a different nature remain for consideration. In 
Limnocharis (HALL 1902) tetrads are not formed; the first two 
nuclei of the mother cell place themselves at opposite poles, and 
while the upper gives rise to the egg apparatus and a polar nucleus, 
the lower remains undivided. Nearly similar is Helosis, but in 
this case the primary antipodal nucleus soon degenerates (CHODAT 
and BERNARD 1900; I have not been able to consult the original 
paper). Cypripedium (Pace 11) furnishes another example of a 
tetranucleate embryo sac. In this plant the mother cell divides 
once and the lower of the two daughter cells becomes the embryo 
sac, its nucleus undergoing two divisions. Miss Pace interprets 
the first two nuclei of the embryo sac as megaspore nuclei. Thus 
according’to this view the embryo sac of Cypripedium is compound, 
being the product of two megaspore nuclei. 

Miss PAce extended the conception of a compound embryo 
sac to Lilium, in which four megaspores are thought to function, 
and more recently CouLTER (4) has extended it to all those cases 
in which tetrad formation is apparently suppressed, and espe- 
cially to the 16-nucleate embryo sac of Peperomia and the like. 


MCALLIsTER’S (7) discovery of temporary walls separating the first 
four nuclei of the embryo sac of Smilacina, which otherwise resem- 
bles Lilium, is strongly confirmatory of this interpretation. Though 
the results of the present paper have no direct bearing upon this 
question, it may be pointed out that in Clintonia and the Onagra- 
ceae we see for the first time a mature gametophyte of four nuclei 
proceeding from an indubitable megaspore; and the occurrence 
in the Penaeaceae (STEPHENS 12) and Euphorbia procera (Mopt- 
LEWSKI Q) of four symmetrically placed groups of nuclei, each 
group similar in appearance to the gametophyte of Clinionia, 
certainly suggests a similar origin for each group. No case is yet 
known of a 16-nucleate embryo sac derived from one of four 
megaspores. In Peperomia (BROWN 1) and the Penaeaceae (12) 
there are no tetrads, and reduction occurs in the embryo sac. 
In Euphorbia procera the history has not been traced back to the 
mother cell. In Gunnera' also (MopiLewskr 8, Ernst 5) there 
are no tetrads. The case of Pandanus (CAMPBELL 3) offers some 
difficulty; the embryo sac is said to be one of three sporogenous 
cells (presumably megaspores). But CampsBett did not obtain 
evidence where the reduction divisions occur, and the view that in 
the group of three “‘sporogenous cells” the upper two are parietal 
cells rather than megaspores is a fair inference from his figures and 
data. The point certainly needs further investigation. 
Clintonia, Eichhornia (SmMiItH 1898), Avena (CANNON 1900), 
and Asperula (LLoyD 1902) give us examples of four megaspores 
in one sac, and in Crucianella LLoyp (1902) found all four mega- 
spores germinating within the one wall. No one doubts that these 
are megaspores, simply because three of them or their products 
disintegrate. But surely the weightier evidence is that of chromo- 
some reduction, and this applies equally to Lilium, Peperomia, 
etc. This is the position taken by Coutter (4). He maintains 
that in the genesis of the angiosperm embryo sac ‘the essential part 
of the process is found in the first two divisions,” and he adds 
““megaspores, at least their nuclei, cannot be omitted.” BRowNn 
(2) thinks we cannot make chromosome reduction the sole test of 
‘ ERNST understands SCHNEGG (1902) to assert the occurrence of tetrads in 
Gunnera Hamiltoni, but the latter author does not figure tetrads nor use the word, 
and it seems probable his “ Viertheilung”’ refers to nuclear and not to cell division. 



megaspore formation, and he proposes a different criterion. ‘A 
distinction,” he says, “between the first division of a megaspore 
and a division giving rise to megaspores is that while in the first 
case no cell plate is formed on the spindle, in the latter case either 
a wall or a cell plate is formed on the spindle.”” Brown admits 
the compound nature of the embryo sac of Liliwm and Peperomia, 
but for the reason just quoted refuses to admit it in the case of 
Cypripedium. To be consistent, he ought not to allow it for 
Lilium, since in this case a cell plate is formed in the third mitosis of 
the embryo sac. His distinction breaks down, however, in the case 
of Clintonia; in fig. 8 the first division of the megaspore nucleus 
is accompanied by a cell plate. It seems to the writer that the 
general principle of a compound embryo sac, while not altogether 
free from difficulties, furnishes the explanation of a large number 
of abnormal embryo sacs. 

Toronto, CANADA 


This list does not include papers catalogued in CouLTER and CHAMBER- 
LAIN’S Morphology of angiosperms (1903); such papers when referred to in the 
text are indicated by the author’s name and the year of publication in paren- 
theses, as (HALL 1902). 

1. Brown, W. H., The nature of the embryo sac of Peperomia. Bor. 

Gaz. 46:445-460. 1908. 3 

2 , The embryo sac of Habenaria. Bor. Gaz. 48: 241-250. 
a. ere D. H., The embryo sac of Pandanus, Bull. Torr. ne cha 

36: 205-220. 1909. 

4. Coutter, J. M., Relation of megaspores to embryo sacs in angiosperms. 

Bor. GAZ. 45:361-366. 1908. 

5. Ernst, A., Zur Phylogenie des Embryosackes der Angiospermen. Ber. 

Deutsch. Bot. Gesells. 26a: 419-437. 1908 

6. Geerts, J. M., Beitrige zur Kenntnis der Cytologie und der partiellen 

Sterilitat von Oenothera Lamarckiana. Rec. Tray. Bot. Néerl. §:93-206. 


7- McALuisTer, F., The development of the embryo sac of Smilacina stel- 
lata. Bor, Gaz. 48:200-215. 1900. 

8. MopiLewski, J., Zur Embryobildung von Gunnera chilensis. Ber. 
Deutsch. Bot. Gesells. 26a: 550-556. 1908 







9. MopILewskI, J., Zur wee Ws von Euphorbia procera. Ber. 
Deutsch. Bot. Gesells. 2721-26. 
terior seg von eae Onagraceen. Ber. Deutsch. 
Bot. Gosells. 2'7:287-292. 1900. 
11. Pace, L., Fertilization in i porinadion Bor. Gaz. 44:353-374. 1908. 
12. STEPHEN: Ne, ie Pe e embryo sac and embryo of certain Penaeaceae. 
Ann. Botany 23:363-378. 1909 
13. —-——, Recent progress in the study of the embryo sac of the angiosperms. 
New Phytol. 8:377-387. 1909 
. Went, F. A. F. C., The development of the ovule, embryo sac, and egg 
in the Podostemaceae.- Rec. Trav. Bot. Néerl. 5:1-16. 1908. 




All the figures were drawn with the aid of an Abbé camera lucida on a 
Leitz microscope. For fig. 1, ocular 1 and objective 7 were used; for all 
the others, a 2 mm., 1.30 aper. apochromatic immersion lens with compensa- 
tion ocular 4. The drawings have been reduced one-half in reproduction. 

Fic. 1.—Apex of nucellus with megaspore mother cell. 

Fic. 2.—Megaspore mother cell with nucleus emerging from synapsis. 

Fics. 3, 4.—First mitosis in megaspore mother cell. 

Fics. 5, 6.—Second mitosis in megaspore mother cell. 

Fic. 7.—Megaspore mother cell with four megaspore nuclei, one healthy 
and three degenerate. 

Fics. 8, 0. —Embryo sac showing first — of fertile megaspore nucleus. 

FIG. 10. — apex of an older embryo sac. 

Fic. 11.—Embryo sac of a fully opened wane in this, as in all the others, 
there are no eee 


The material of Physostegia virginiana (L.) Benth., upon which 
the present work is based, was collected near Alma, Michigan, in 
August 1909. Although the investigation has brought out no new 
point of fundamental importance, the results are deemed worthy of 

The ovule arises from the floor of the sporangial chamber as a 
small protuberance, which in growing pushes out the ovary wall 
in such a manner that it becomes completely surrounded by the 
latter except at the funiculus. At the time when the archesporium 
is distinguishable as a single hypodermal cell, the young ovule is 
slightly curved, and as growth proceeds this curving becomes more 
pronounced, until finally an anatropous condition is reached. 
A single massive integument is developed. 

The archesporial cell, which cuts off no parietals, grows rapidly, 
and is markedly elongated at the time when its nucleus goes into 
synapsis preceding the first division (fig. 1). This cell, which, on 
account of the occurrence of the heterotypic prophases in its 
nucleus, is to be regarded as the megaspore mother cell, by two 
successive divisions gives rise to a row of four megaspores (fig. 2). 
Of these the outer three degenerate (fig. 3), while the innermost 
enlarges and gives rise to the embryo sac. 

The nucleus of the functioning megaspore divides, and the two 
daughter nuclei take up positions near opposite ends of the sac, 
which becomes strongly curved, and, owing to rapid growth, 
develops a large central vacuole (fig. 4). Each nucleus divides, 
forming the four-nucleate stage (fig. 5). These four nuclei by one 
further division give rise to eight, and walls soon form, resulting 
in their organization into a typical egg apparatus, three antipodal 

* Contribution from the Botanical Laboratory of the Johns Hopkins University, 
No. 20. 

Botanical Gazette, vol. 52] [218 


cells ie soon multiply to several, and two free polar nuclei 

eee before the division to form eight nuclei, a laterally 
directed lobe begins to develop from the antipodal region of the 
sac, and at the eight-nucleate stage is very conspicuous (fig. 6). 
It rapidly invades the integumentary tissue, forming what may for 
convenience be called the ‘‘endosperm lobe,” since it is soon to 
contain nearly all of the endosperm formed. During these early 
stages it probably serves in a haustorial capacity, as does the 
greatly enlarged antipodal portion of the embryo sac of Saururus 

Meanwhile the micropylar polar nucleus migrates to the narrow 
portion of the sac near the antipodals, where it meets and fuses 
with the polar nucleus of the antipodal group. The resulting 
fusion nucleus is invariably found in this position (fig. 7). 

At about this time the antipodal cell which lies nearest the sac 
cavity takes on an appearance different from that of the others. 
It becomes binucleate, the cytoplasm changes in character, stain- 
ing more deeply, and rapid enlargement causes its wall to become 
strongly convex (fig. 7). This enlargement continues until the 
cell bulges out conspicuously into the embryo sac cavity (fig. 10), 
and its wall thus partitions off the small pocket in which it lies 
_ with the other antipodals. In stages somewhat later it bears much 
resemblance to the first few cells of the endosperm, but the possi- 
bility that it also is of endospermous origin is precluded by the 
' fact that it has been observed side by side with an undoubted 
endosperm nucleus resulting from the triple fusion (fig. 9). 

The function of the cell in question is in all probability haus- 
torial, recalling the behavior of the basal antipodal in several genera 
of the Galieae (LLoyp 10), although in the sac under consideration 
the neighboring tissue is not actively invaded. It soon fills all 
the space formerly occupied by the other antipodals, which dis- 
organize and completely disappear (figs. 13, 14, 16), while in its 
general form and relation to the vascular supply it is especially 
well suited to the performance of a nutritive function during the 
rapid development of the endosperm. Later it disappears and the 
tissue of the region becomes irregularly broken down (figs. 18-20). 


The great variety in form and behavior exhibited by antipodal 
cells, together with haustorial structures of many types, has been 
so well summarized (COULTER and CHAMBERLAIN 3) that further 
comment here is unnecessary, since Physostegia offers nothing 
essentially new. 

At the time of fertilization the general aspect of the embryo 
sac, together with its position in the ovule and its relation to the 
vascular supply, are as shown in fig. 8. The usual configuration 
of the egg apparatus is that figured here, but in other cases it 
exhibits considerable variation from this. In regard to the posi- 
tions of the nuclei and vacuoles, the synergids represented in fig. 
7 show striking similarity to the egg, and it is conceivable that at 
least the larger one might function as such. 

The pollen tube, which has grown down the style into the 
_ sporangial chamber, makes its way around the stalk of the ovule, 
or at times directly over its summit, to the micropyle, through 
which it enters the embryo sac. Clear cases of fusion of the male 
nucleus with that of the egg were not observed, but the presence 
of the pollen tube within the sac, the disorganization of the syner- 
gids, the immediate elongation of the egg with divisions to form an 
embryo, and a triple fusion in the central region of the sac (fig. 9) 
make it reasonably safe to conclude that fertilization of the usual 
type occurs. 

The formation of the endosperm is of considerable interest. 
It is initiated by the division of the endosperm nucleus, which 
occurs in the narrow region of the sac near the haustorial antip- 
odal, as shown in fig. 10. The spindle has a transverse orienta- 
tion and is very broad, owing to the large number of chromosomes 
present. The division is accompanied by a longitudinal wall 
running through the middle of the sac, as shown in fig. 11, which 
represents a sac cut in a plane at right angles to that of fig. ro. 
Here the wall is still in process of formation, spindle fibers being 
evident at its extremities. Extension continues until it comes 
into contact with the sac wall at or near the end of the endosperm 
lobe (fig. 12), while in the micropylar lobe it was not observed 
to do so, and probably ends freely. The nuclei now lying in the 
two resulting parts of the embryo sac divide, forming transverse 


walls (fig. 12), and further similar divisions give rise to a large- 
celled, thin-walled tissue which fills the endosperm lobe (fig. 13). 
This endosperm formation may cease abruptly at the narrow portion 
of the sac (fig. 14), but usually extends for a little distance into 
the micropylar lobe (fig. 16). The two-ranked arrangement so 
conspicuous in the endosperm lobe in fig. 13 and in the micropylar 
lobe in fig. 16 is doubtless due to the longitudinal separation of the 
embryo sac into two parts as described above. 

The cessation of endosperm formation at an iideinite point 
results in nuclei being left free in the cytoplasm of the micropylar 
portion of the sac (fig. 13). These nuclei, usually two in number, 
enlarge (fig. 14) and may occasionally divide, the walls which 
appear on the spindle fibers being evanescent. Often the nuclei 
were observed fusing. Consequently, from one to at least four 
may be present in stages somewhat later, but they play no further 
active part, and disorganize with the other contents of the micro- 
pylar lobe (figs. 18 and 19). 

In embryo sacs which show a wall at the first division of the 
endosperm nucleus it is usual for the sac to be thereby separated 
transversely into two chambers, and for endosperm to be formed 
only in the micropylar one. Among such cases the endosperm 
may pass through a free nuclear stage, as in Sagittaria (SCHAFFNER 
12), Limnocharis (HALL 5), and Ruppia (MuRBECK 11); or walls 
may be formed at all of the divisions, as in Ceratophyllum (StrRas- 
BURGER 13) and the Nymphaeaceae (Cook 1 and 2). Less fre- 
quently both daughter nuclei resulting from the division of the 
endosperm nucleus take equal parts in the direct formation of 
cellular endosperm, as reported for Peperomia pellucida (JoHN- 
SON 8), Heckeria (JOHNSON g), and Datura laevis (GUIGNARD 4). 
From the above account it is seen that essentially this is the mode 
of endosperm formation in @/ysostegia, and in this sac the main 
point of interest lies in the fact that the first wall is longitudinal 
rather than transverse. The factors governing the orientation 
of the spindle and the consequent position of the wall are not at 
all clear, and the feature is probably best regarded as a minor 
peculiarity rather than a character of much significance. 

The restriction of endosperm to the antipodal portion of the 


embryo sac has been observed in a number of cases (COULTER and 
CHAMBERLAIN 3), the condition reaching its extreme in Loranthus 
(HOFMEISTER 6 and TREUB 14), in which scarcely more than the 
lower one-tenth of the sac becomes filled with permanent endo- 
sperm tissue. Among the Labiatae the work of TULASNE (15), 
HoFrMEIsTER (6), and VESQUE (16) shows this to be the prevailing 
condition in several genera. In Stachys sylvatica TULASNE figures 
endosperm developing in the antipodal region of a slightly curved 
sac, but without the presence of a special chamber; and in Beton- 
ica a condition which may well represent a later stage in the same 
situation. The figures of HOFMEISTER indicate that in Lamium 
the endosperm lobe is well developed before fertilization, as in 
Physostegia. Although no antipodals and only two “Keim- 
blischen”’ are represented, HOFMEISTER has figured stages which 
correspond approximately to those shown in figs. 7, 8, 14, and 16 
of this paper. 

In all of these cases the embryo is brought into contact with the 
endosperm by the great elongation of the micropylar cell of the 
proembryo. The earliest clearly observed stage in Physostegia is 
shown in fig. 13. Here the first division in the fertilized egg has 
occurred, and the micropylar cell by its great elongation is pushing 
the chalazal cell into the endosperm, the cells of which at this time 
are relatively few in number. Nearly all the elongation is accom- 
plished by the one cell, but this soon divides to several (figs. 14 
and 16). 

The first division in the chalazal cell is longitudinal (fig. 15), 
as is also the second. Each of the four resulting cells is then 
divided into two by a transverse wall (fig. 16), and the subsequent 
divisions proceed with much regularity (figs. 17 and 18). 

At the time when the embryo becomes imbedded in the endo- 
sperm, the micropylar and endosperm lobes are approximately 
equal in size. The former, as has been noted above, disorganizes 
and in later stages becomes entirely obliterated, while the latter 
increases rapidly in size owing to the active growth of the endo- 
sperm. This growth is accomplished at the expense of the cells of 
the integument, which in the mature seed is recognizable as only 
one or two layers of cells (figs. 19 and 20). At the same time the 


embryo grows rapidly, becomes characteristically dicotyledonous, 
and displaces nearly all of the endosperm. It attains a length of 
nearly 2 mm. in the mature seed, the coat of which is formed from 
the ovary wall. 


1. The archesporium of Physostegia consists of a single hypo- 
dermal cell, which, without formation of parietals, functions ; as the 
megaspore mother cell. 

2. The megaspore mother cell by two successive divisions gives 
rise to a row of four megaspores; the chalazal one enlarges and 
gives rise to the embryo sac, while the other three disorganize. 

3. The mature embryo sac contains an egg, two synergids, three 
antipodal cells which multiply to several, and two polar nuclei 
which fuse. 

4. During the formation of the embryo sac a lobe develops 
from near its chalazal end, so that the sac consists of two distinct 
parts joined by a narrower portion. 

5. Double fertilization of the usual type in all probability 

6. The endosperm is cellular from the beginning, the wall 
accompanying the first division of the endosperm nucleus being 
longitudinal through the sac. The chalazal portion of the sac, 
or ‘“‘endosperm lobe,’’ becomes completely filled with endosperm 
tissue, which invades and destroys nearly all of the integument; 
while the micropylar portion of the sac never contains more than a 
very few endosperm cells, and later disorganizes, becoming com- 
pletely obliterated by the encroaching endosperm. 

7. The first division in the fertilized egg is transverse, and the 
chalazal cell, which becomes imbedded in the endosperm through 
the great elongation of the micropylar cell, develops very regu- 
larly into a typically dicotyledonous embryo, which displaces 
nearly all of the endosperm. 

This investigation was carried on under the direction of Pro- 
fessor D. S. JoHNson, to whom the writer is indebted for many 
helpful criticisms. 








. Coox, M. T., Development of the embryo sac and embryo of Castalia 
odorata and Nymphaea advena. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 29: 211-220. pis. 12, 
13. 1902. 

. The embryology of some Cuban Nymphaeaceae. Bor. Gaz. 
a ae pls. 16-18. 1906. 
. Coutter, J. M., and CHAMBERLAIN, C. J., Morphology as angiosperms, 
1903. Pp. 960-113, 177. 
GUIGNARD, L., La eae oo chez les Solanées. Jour. Botanique 
16:145-167. figs. 45. 
Hatt, J. G., An a Ca study of Limnocharis emarginata. Bot. 
GAZ. 33:214-219. pl. 9. 1902. 
6. HormeIsTerR, W., Neue Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Embryobildung der 

Phanerogamen. Abhandl. Kénigl. Sachs. Gesells. Wiss. 6: 533-672. pls. 
1-27. 1850. 
. Jounson, D. S., On the ray of Saururus cernuus L. Bull. Torr. 
Bot. Club 27:365-372. pl. 1900, 

, On the enor ie embryo of Peperomia pellucida. Bor. 

GAZ. 30:1-11. pl. I 
, On the ecoact of certain Piperaceae. Bot. GAz. 34:321- 
340. pls. 9, 10. 1902. 
Liovp, F. E., The comparative embryology of the Rubiaceae. Mem. 
Torr. Bot. Club 8:27-112. pls. 8-15. 1902. 
- MurBECK, S., Ueber die Embryologie von Ruppia rostellata Koch. KGnigl. 
Svensk. Vetensk. Akad. Handl. 36:1-21. pls. 1-3. 1 
ScHAFFNER, J. H., Contribution to the life history of Sagittaria variabilis. 
Bot. GAZ. 23:252-273. pls. 20-26. 1897. 
. STRASBURGER, E., Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss von Ceratophyllum sub- 
mersum und phylogenetische Erérterungen. Jahrb. Wiss. Bot. 3'7:477- 
526. pls. Q-II. 1902. 
TrReEvB, M., Observations sur les Loranthacées. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. VI. 
13:250-282. pls. 13-20. 1882. 
TuLaAsNE, L. R., Nouvelles aaa a oe es végétale. Ann. Sci. 
Nat. Bot. IV. 4: fous. pls. 7-18. 
. VESQUE, J., Développement du sac a yonnaie des phanérogames 
angiospermes. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. VI. 6:237-285. pls. 11-16. 1878. 








ad os 
\ B Nagel 



i HAS. 





All figures were drawn with the aid of an Abbé camera lucida, have a cor- 
responding orientation, and show magnifications as follows: figs. 1, 11, 13-17, 
X 215; figs. 2-5, 9, X 462; figs. 6, 7, 10, 12, X 385; fig. 8, X81; figs. 18, 19, X45; 
fig. 20, X25. The following abbreviations are used: a, antipodals; e, egg; 
el, endosperm lobe; em, embryo; end, endosperm; f, fusion nucleus; h, haus- 
torial antipodal; 7, integument; m/l, micropylar lobe; , nucellus; 0, ovary 
wall; p, polar nucleus; pf, pollen tube; s, synergids; v, vascular supply. 


Fic. 1.—Young ovule with archesporial cell nucleus in synapsis. 

Fic. 2.—Four megaspores; the division to form the two micropylar ones 
is delayed. 

Fig. 3.—Four megaspores; the innermost one much enlarged, the other 
three disceusnizing. 

Fig. 4.—Two-nucleate embryo sac. 

Fic. 5.—Four-nucleate embryo sac. 

Fic. 6.—Eight-nucleate embryo sa 

G. 7.—Mature embryo sac; the — nuclei have fused and the antip- 
odals fae increased in number; one antipodal beginning to differentiate 
as a — cell. 

8.—Ovule with mature embryo sa 
—Triple fusion of male and a nuclei; haustorial antipodal cell 

ees sites antipodals disorganizing. 

IG. 1o—First division of endosperm nucleus. 

IG. 11.—Daughter nuclei resulting from first division of endosperm 
nucleus; the wall accompanying the division is still in process of formation. 

IG. 12.—Subsequent endosperm divisions, all accompanied by walls. 


Fic. 13.—Two-celled proembryo coming into contact with the endosperm; 
false antipodal cell well developed; the other antipodals and the syner- 
gids have degenerated. 

Fic. 14.—Later stage; — formation has ceased eet at the 
narrow portion of the sac in this cas 

Fic. 15.—Chalazal cell of enh divided longitudinally. 

Fic. 16.—Somewhat later stage; the endosperm has extended into the 
micropylar lobe. 

IG, 17.—Later stage of embryo. 

Fic. 18.—Endosperm invading integument; embryo digesting endosperm; 
haustorial antipodal cell and micropylar lobe disorganized. 

Fic. 19.—Later stage. 

Fic. 20.—Section of nearly mature seed; the embryo has used up the 
greater part of the endosperm, which in turn has obliterated nearly all of the 
integument; seed coat formed from the ovary wall (0). 



The genus Bertholletia, to which is assigned the Brazil nut of 
commerce, was established in 1808 by HumBotpt and BONPLAND, 
who placed in it a single species, B. excelsa. A translation of 
BONPLAND’s description of the fruit of this species is as follows: 

Fruit a spherical, compound nut the size of a child’s head and often 
larger, divided internally into four cells, each of which encloses several nuts; 
covered on its exterior with a husk of a green color, smooth and shining. 

Main nut very solid, rough and marked by branching furrows on its outer 
surface, 6 lines (1 cm.) thick, divided internally into four cells by as many 
membranous dissepiments which become obliterated in part or entirely after 
the maturity of the fruit, but of which there always remain traces. 

The tree is described as 33 m. high, with a trunk 9 dm. in 
diameter. Leaves alternate, oblong, subcoriaceous, 1 dm. broad 
and 6 dm. sea borne on short petioles. Type locality, Rio 

On account of the great height of the trees, these botanists 
were unable to obtain the flowers, although it is said that they 
offered in vain an ounce of gold for specimens. On this account, 
they were uncertain as to the position which the genus Berthol- 
letia should occupy. More recent investigations have established 
it next to Lecythis among Lecythidaceae, an arrangement now 
universally accepted. It is worthy of note, also, that BONPLAND 
failed to describe either the operculum or the opercular opening 
of the fruit, although the latter is shown in his drawing as becom- 
ing decidedly narrower at the inner edge. 

For more than half a century after the publication of Bon- 
PLAND’S description of B. excelsa, the genus was accepted as mono- 
typic. Evidence was being gradually accumulated, however, 
which led to the recognition of a second species. Among the 

* Published by permission of the Secretary of Agriculture. 

2 BONPLAND in HUMBOLDT and BonpLanp, Plantes equinoxiales 1: 110, 

3 Spruce, RIcHARD, Notes of a botanist on the Amazon and Andes. Edited by 
A. R, WALLACE. Esa56. 5 

Botanical Gazette, vol. on _ [226 

later botanists to contribute to this end may be mentioned BERG, 
who in monographing the Brazilian Lecythidaceae described under 
B. excelsa a species distinct from that of HumpBoipr and Bon- 
PLAND.* Although BERc’s description is marred by several errors, 
it is sufficiently accurate to demonstrate that the species described 
is not the B. excelsa of BONPLAND. BeErco’s drawing of the fruit 

or pyxidium is moreover quite different from that of BoNPLAND. 
It remained, however, for Mr. J. Mrers to point out clearly 
the distinction between the two plants and to describe BERG’s 
species under the name B. nobilis. 
The more noticeable points of distinction between B. excelsa 
and B. nobilis are collected from MreErs’s description in the follow- 

ing summary: 

B. excelsa Humb. and Bonp. 

Tree 1oo ft. or more high, with 
trunk 2.5-3 ft. in diameter. 

Leaves green; petioles 9-18 lines 

Floral panicle 8 in. long, with 
single branch ae! equal in length, 
and nodes + in. apart. 

Fruit slightly gee 0.16 in. 
in length 

Cortex of fruit smooth, palish, 
entire, persistent. 

Opercular opening with straight 
or concave walls, narrowing slightly 
at its inner edge. 

Operculum cylindrical, with round- 
ish, indented apex. 

Operculum breaks away and falls 
from the fruit as the columella 

B. nobilis Miers. 

Tree somewhat taller than B. ex- 
celsa, with trunk 14 ft. in diameter. 

Leaves rufescent; petioles 3-6 
lines long. 

Floral panicle 10 in. long, with 
about 5 short branches, and nodes 
©.25-0.5 in. apart. 

Fruit approximately — spherical , 
usually under 5 in. in diameter. 

Cortex of fruit comparatively 
thick and rough, darker, cracking 
as the fruit dries and tending to 
loosen and drop off as the fruit is 

Opercular opening with sharp edge 
and concave walls, and widening con- 
siderably inward. 

Operculum oval or radially com- 
pressed, conical and pointed at the 

Operculum remains attached to 
remnant of columella an 
latter shrivels, falls into the cavity 
of the fruit. 


4 Berc in Martius’ Flora Braziliensis, I. 142478. 
5 Miers, J.,On the Lecythidaceae, Bertholletia. Trans. Linn. Soc. II. 30: 195-199. 


The differences noted above, as far as they relate to the fruit, 
are well shown in the copy of Miers’s drawing, reproduced half- 
size in text fig. 1. 

The idea that B. excelsa Humb. and Bonp. is the source of 
commercial Brazil nuts has become so thoroughly grounded in 
popular and even in botanical literature that it seems to be accepted 
on faith and passes unchallenged. The extent of this belief will 
be apparent when we consider that of the following quotations 
only the last two, or possibly three, make any mention of a second 
species, to which, moreover, they assign a wholly subordinate 

Brazil nut.—One of the triangular edible seeds of a tall South American tre 
(Bertholletia excelsa).—Standard Twentieth Century Dictiona 

Brazil nut-—The seed of the fruit of Bertholletia excelsa.—Century Dic- 

Brazil nui.—An oily 3-angled nut, the seed of the lecythidaceous Brazilian 
tree Bertholletia excelsa.—Webster’s New International Dictionary. 

Cream nut (Bertholletia excelsa Humb. and Bonp.).—This is a common nut 
in our markets brought from Brazil; hence it is often called Brazil nut.—Nut 
culture in the U.S., p. 106, Div. of Pomology, U.S. Dept. Agriculture 

Brazil nuts, cream nuts, Para nuts.—These are edible nuts imported from 
Brazil. The nuts are the product of Bertholletia excelsa (Humboldt and Bon- 
pland).—U.S. Disp., roth ed., p. 1420. 

Bertholletia excelsa.—Brazil nut.—A large tree belonging to the family 
Lecythidaceae, and yielding the Brazil or Para nuts of commerce. A tree 100 
to 150 ft. high, ie throughout northeastern South America to the 
Island of Trinidad—Coox and Cotiins, Economic plants of Porto Rico, 
Contrib. U.S. Nat. Herb. é 291. 1903 

Beriholletia Humb. and Bonp. —Tall trees. One or two species. South 


a. B. excelsa Humb. and Bonp.—Seeds, Brazil nuts, Para nuts, cream nuts, 
nigger toes, Castana nuts.—Lyons, A. B., Pl. names, sci. and pop., 2d ed., p. 71. 

Bertholletia.—Brazil nut, Para nut, cream nut, nigger toe.—Species 2, 
both of which furnish Brazil nuts——Hastines, G. T., in Bartey’s Cycl. of 

The Brazil nut, also called Para nut, from the port of shipment, is the seed 
of a large tree (Bertholletia excelsa Humb. and Bpl.).—Another species, B. 
nobilis Miers, also yields a similar nut.—WrnTon, A. L., Microscopy of vege- 
table foods, p. 312. 

This state of affairs seems to be due primarily to BONPLAND’S 
assumption, stated in connection with his description of B. excelsa, 


that it is this species which furnishes the Brazil nut. The long 
time which elapsed previous to the identification of a second 
species allowed this view to become so thoroughly established that 
MieRs’s work appears to have been overlooked by persons inter- 

Fic. 1.—Reproduction of Mrers’s drawings of Bertholletia, copied half-size from 
Trans. Linn’ Soc. 30: pl. 37. figs. 1-3, Bertholletia excelsa: 1, pyxidium cut open to s! 
structure; 2, section of opercular opening; 3, operculum; 4-7, Bertholletia i 
4, pyxidium cut open to show structure; 5, section of opercular opening; oper- 

culum; 7, a — of seeds (Brazil nuts).—Published by courtesy of the fein 
Society of Lon 


ested in botany from the economic standpoint. The work of 
various botanists during this interval, and especially BrRe’s 
description of B. nobilis under the name B. excelsa, no doubt con- 
tributed to the same end. Moreover, the seeds of the two species, 
so far as can be judged from the descriptions and drawings avail- 
able, are so similar as to be distinguished with difficulty if at all. 

After making a careful study of the situation, the writer has 
become convinced that the commonly accepted view is erroneous, 
and that the Brazil nuts of commerce are derived from B. nobilis 
Miers (B. excelsa Berg) and not from B. excelsa Humb. and Bonp. - 
The reasons for this view are given below. 

t. Commercial samples of Brazil nuts contain, in larger or 
smaller numbers, opercula derived from the fruit, and the presence 
of these in itself is evidence that the nuts were derived from B. 
nobilis, since, as has been noted in the comparison, the opercula 
fall from the mature pyxidia of B. excelsa, and hence would not 
find their way into samples of nuts from that source. On the 
_ other hand, their presence among nuts from B. nobilis is perfectly 
normal and what would be expected, since in this species the 
opercula fall into the interior of the pyxidia and become mixed 
with the nuts. . Moreover, the opercula, so far as the writer has 
been able to observe, are always of the B. nobilis type, as shown 
in fig. r. They vary in form from ovoidal bodies to cones of 
varying slope, being modified apparently by the size and degree 
of persistence of the columella, as well as by the extent of the 
grinding against surrounding nuts to which they have been sub- 
jected during shipment. All, however, are provided with a dis- 
tinct apical point except where it has been broken off, in which 
case the fact is usually quite evident. It cannot be denied that the 
absence of opercula of the B. excelsa type does not preclude the 
possibility that nuts of this species may be occasionally mixed 
with those of B. nobilis, since the writer is not aware that it is 
possible to distinguish the species from the character of the nuts 
alone. : . 

2. Every pyxidium of the Brazil nut which the writer has had 
an opportunity to examine has indicated that the fruit is that of 
B. nobilis. Their main points of structure are well shown in 



figs. 2 and 3, which illustrate pyxidia obtained from different 
sources. A comparison of the photograph with Mrers’s descrip- 
tion of B. nobilis will leave no doubt of their identity. Most if 
not all of the pyxidia which the writer has examined were brought 
to this country by the importers of Brazil nuts, and represent the 
source of the nuts in which they deal. 

3. The testimony of others, although comparatively scanty, 
should not be overlooked, since it is improbable that the authorities 
quoted as stating that the Brazil nut is the seed of B. excelsa have 
given the matter any exhaustive study. After this description 
of B. nobilis, Miers states ‘‘these seeds are known in commerce 
as Brazil nuts,’ and proceeds to give statistics regarding their 
exportation and use. Moreover, BERG’s error regarding B. excelsa, 
although perhaps adding to the confusion, is in reality indirect 
evidence of the same fact, since it is doubtful whether he would 
have confused the two species had he not been sure that the speci- 
mens from which he made his description were those of the Brazil 
nut, which he, in common with others of his time, regarded as B. 

Norte.—Acknowledgment is due Mr. H. C. SKEELS of the Office of Foreign 
Seed and Plant Introduction, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, who has reviewed the 
work and confirmed the conclusions of the writer. 

WasaincTon, D.C. 


Bertholletia nobilis Miers.—The form of the operculum and opercular 
opening, and the loose, broken cortex are characteristic of this species. 

Fic. 1.—Opercula from So Brazil nuts; x. 

Fic. 2.—Entire pyxidia; 

Fic. 3.—Pyxidium cut open me show structure; nuts in piace; small speci- 
men; natural size. 



A mixture of rubber and paraffin as an imbedding medium for 
brittle objects was first described by J. B. Jounston,’ and the following 
is a modification of his original formula. 

-Melt 98 grams of paraffin of the melting point usually used, to it 
add 0.4 gram of asphalt (mineral rubber) and heat until the asphalt is 
dissolved, giving the paraffin a dark color. The purpose of the asphalt 
is to increase the power of the paraffin to dissolve rubber. For very 
woody tissue so much asphalt may be added that the paraffin becomes 
black. To the dark-colored liquid paraffin add 2 grams of crude rubber 
cut into very small pieces, and keep the mixture at a temperature of 
95° C. for several hours, or at the melting point of the paraffin for several 
days until the solution is saturated with rubber. Then decant the 
clear supernatant liquid and allow it to cool. Use the dark solid exactly 
as paraffin is used. 

There are two points which require care in manipulation. First, 
as the rubber tends to separate out slowly if the mixture remains in the 
melted condition too long, allow the mixture to cool when not infiltrating; 
second, the elasticity of the mixture leads to the formation of internal 
air bubbles if the “blocks” containing the imbedded object are cooled 
too rapidly. During winter, when the water is very cold, it is best 
not to immerse the blocks completely, but simply let them rest on the 
surface until hard. The addition of the rubber decreases the melting 
point of the mixture by two or three degrees. 

The relative amounts of the different components of the mixture can 
be modified to suit individual requirements, and with a little practice 
the results obtained equal those obtained with the much more cumber- 
some celloidin method.—H. M. Benepict, University of Cincinnati. 

t Journ. Micr. and Lab. Methods 6: 2662. 1903. 

Botanical Gazette, vol. 52] [232 


Plant and animal breeding for secondary schools 

There has been a growing demand in recent years that the secondary 
schools, especially those located in rural districts, shall give courses in agri- 
culture, domestic economy, and other subjects bearing a practical relation to 
the life of the people in whose midst the schools are located. In several 
states these subjects are now a part of the prescribed course. Such require- 
ments make demands for properly trained teachers and for suitable text- 
books. A well-conceived and charmingly written manual of plant and animal 
breeding has been prepared by Professor EUGENE DavENporRT' to partially 
meet this growing need. 

In some respects this work is essentially an abridgment of the same author’s 
earlier work on Principles of breeding, but less attention is given to philo- 
sophical discussions and more to facts regarding the origin and history of the 
various domesticated races. Several early chapters describe the manner in 
which plants and animals came to be domesticated, and point out the need of 
their further improvement. A chapter on the “ways of the wild” gives a 
very readable discussion of natural selection and the survival of the fittest, 
thus giving a basis for a proper appreciation of the relation between artificial 
selection and the natural evolutionary processes. The principles which are 
involved in the improvement of plants and animals are then discussed at some 
length, chief attention being given to Gatton’s Law of ancestral heredity 
and the correlation table. 

MENDEL’s laws are given very inadequate treatment. The author evi- 
dently has hazy conceptions of unit characters, dominance and recessiveness, 
latency, atavism, mutation, etc., and his discussions involving these subjects 
lack the definiteness and accuracy which characterize the rest of the book. 
He repeatedly emphasizes the statement that each individual possesses all 
the characteristics of all its ancestors, a statement directly opposed to all 
Mendelian experience. This lack of precision in the treatment of the prin- 
ciples of Mendelian heredity constitutes the most fundamental defect of the 

ook. It is not only too plainly apparent in the discussions, but is also seen 

in a number of erroneous definitions in the glossary, as the following examples 

a show: ‘“Gamete, the fertilized ovum”; “Mutant, an individual or 

‘Daveieek yaa Ne Dome sticated animals and plants. A brief treatise upon the 

origin and evelopment of domesticated races, with special reference to the methods 

of improvement. pp. xiv+ 321. figs. gg and frontispiece. Boston: Ginn & Co. 1910. 


strain essentially new and produced spontaneously by nature through aia 
bud variation, or otherwise, synonymous with the older term ‘sport’’’; “Zyg 

tions as these. However, the defect in regard to Mendelian heredity is mainly 
a “sin of omission,’ and the prepared teacher can easily fill in the vacancy, 
especially with the aid of PUNNET?T’s Mendelism. DAVENPORT’s book can 
not fail to interest, instruct, and inspire, and is deserving of a wide distri- 
bution.—Geo. H. SHULL. 

Popular manuals 

The scientific men and women of England have always been interested 
in interpreting the result of science to the intelligent public not trained in 
science. Even their scientific papers are apt to be more popular in form than 
are those prepared in the United States. We cannot but feel that science 
in America has suffered very much from lack’of proper interpretation. Those 
who are willing to write on scientific subjects for popular reading are usually 
unfit for the task; and those who are fit, are unwilling. The projected Cam- 
bridge Manuals of Science and Literature furnish a notable illustration of the 
continuous effort in England to interest the public in scientific matters. They 
are not intended primarily “for school use or for young beginners,” but also 
for educated readers who want brief and simple, and at the same time authori- 
tative statements of recent discoveries. The five volumes now issued, dealing 
with cree will indicate the subjects treated and the kind of authors pre- 
paring them 

The coming of evolution, the story of a great revolution in science, by 
Joun W. Jupp (171 pp.); Heredity, in the light of recent research, by L. 
DONCASTER (140 pp.); Plant-animals, a study in symbiosis, by FREDERICK 
KEEBLE (163 pp.); The natural history of coal, by E. A. NEWELL ARBER (163 
pp.); Plant life on land, considered in some of its biological aspects, by F. C. 
Bower (172 pp.). : 

To issue such a series, at one shilling a volume, is to place this material 
in the hands of a very wide range of readers, and must react favorably upon 
the general interest in science. 

Another series, having the same purpose, is called Home University Library, 
ten volumes of which have now appeared. It is an English series (Williams 
and Norgate), as one might expect, published in this country by Henry Holt 
and Company. The books are larger than the Cambridge Manuals (uni- 
formly 256 pp.), selling for 75 cents, and are more pretentious in contents, 
suited doubtless to a somewhat better trained group of readers. Four of 
the volumes are of interest to botanists, as follows: Modern geography, by 
Marion I. Newsictn; Polar exploration, by W. S. Bruce; The evolution of 
plants, by D. H. Scort; Evolution, by Patrick GreppEs and J. ARTHUR 


A third series is the A ppleton’s Scientific Primers, edited by J. REYNoLDS 
GREEN, an English botanist. Three of this series have appeared, the third 
by the editor and entitled Botany. It is written from the English point of 
view, which lays much stress on details and terminology, but is effective in 
ieedentiag the plant as a living organism, for the author is a physiologist. 
A great deal of material is packed in the 128 pages, and it would be interesting 
to know the impression such material makes upon those without laboratory 
experience.—J. M. C 


PuNNET?’s little book? on Mendelism, which was one of the first attempts 
at a simple popular presentation of its subject, has been completely rewritten 
and enlarged for its third edition. It is in fact a new book, written however 
from the same point of view and for the same circle of readers. The author 
limits himself to the presentation of illustrative examples, with no attempt 
at exhaustiveness in any phase of the subject, referring readers to BATESON’S 
book on Mendel’s principles of heredity for more detailed information and for 
references to the literature. The material used to illustrate the various 
principles is well chosen, and is mostly derived, as might be expected, from 
the work of the Cambridge group of geneticists, of which the author is one. 
This results in a decided advantage, since the author’s familiarity with his 
material favors clarity and vividness of presentation. The slight sense of 
provincialism given by this method is in this way more than compensated for. 

While the treatment is in the main admirable, several unfortunate errors 
have crept in. It is stated (p. 2) that “among animals the female contributes 
the ovum and the male the spermatozoon; among plants the corresponding 
cells are the ovules and pollen grains.” . Several other zoological writers on 
genetic subjects have obviously made the same mistake. The animal ovum 
(after maturation) and spermatozoon are homologous cells, but ovules and 
pollen grains are not single cells, and not even homologous structures, the 
ovule consisting mostly of maternal somatic tissue, and the pollen grain being 
a much reduced gametophyte. The embryo sac within the ovule, and the 
sperm nuclei in the pollen tube, approximately correspond to the ovum and 
spermatozoa. On page 51, line 16, c should be C, and in fig. 8 on the following 
page the three squares which are black should be albino, and the three mark 

“albino,” but containing C, should be black. The author assumes that 
dominance of a character always indicates that such character is due to some- 
thing added to the recessive form, thus ignoring the possibility pointed out 
several years ago by the reviewer that the positive character may be reces- 

*Punnetr, R, C., Mendelism. Third edition, entirely rewritten and much_ 
enlarged. at mee 192. pls. 6 and frontispiece. figs. 32. New York: The Mac- 
millan Co. 

3The “presence and absence” hypothesis. Amer. Nat. 43:410-419. 1909. 


sive through the failure of the unpaired gene in the heterozygotes to produce 
a visible effect. 

A number of excellent text figures and six plates, five of them colored, add 
greatly to the attractiveness of the book, and the press work leaves nothing 
to be desired. 

This little manual is worthy of an even larger measure of the appreciation 
which has been given to its two preceding editions by those engaged in other 
scientific fields, and by general readers who are not themselves engaged in 
science, but who like to keep themselves informed on the advances that are 
being made in science.—GrEo. H. SHULL. ° 


Alpine plant life.—In an attractive volume intended for the general 
reader, ARBER‘ has described the plant life of the higher altitudes of the Swiss 
Alps. The plants are treated in ecological groups, and an evident effort has 
been made, not unsuccessfully, to maintain the ecological point of view through- 
out. It might be questioned if most modern ecologists would find as many 
beautiful adaptations as are evident to the author, who declares that not only 
the color of the flowers, but the density of their pigment ‘“‘may be primarily 
due to a specialization in favor of a particular class of insect visitor.” Other 
adaptations of alpine plants receive considerable attention, and the probable 
origin of the alpine flora is briefly discussed. 

The text is pleasing in style, the descriptions are accurate and profusely 
illustrated by more than 75 excellent plates and figures. A glossary of botani- 

cal terms and a chapter on the structure of the flower should make all the 
descriptions intelligible even to the reader who is entirely without scientific 
training.—Gero. D. FULLER. 


Cecidology.—The anatomy and histology of insect galls continues to 
be an interesting and profitable field not only for the entomologist, but also 
for the plant pathologist and the experimental biologist. _WEIDEL’ gives us 
a valuable study of the life history of the gall of NV euroterus vesicator Schlecht. 

— the gall characters which are recognized by the zoologist to a 
owth enzyme,” he discusses his methods. These methods are well worthy 

4 ARBE . A. NEWELL, Plant life in alpine Switzerland. 8vo. pp. xxiv+355- 
pls. 47. pans gp London: John Murray. toto. $1.50. 

5 WEIDEL, F., Beitrige zur Entwicklungsgeschichte und vergleichenden Anatomie 
der Cynpidengallen der Eiche. Flora 102:279-334. pl. 15. figs. 49. I9gtt. 


of notice by our American workers. The mature galls were taken into the 

the plant tissue. The “growth enzyme”’ is from the larva, and e gall 

kes ac 
galls. He also states that the character aig ee somewhat upon the part 
of the host plant on which the gall is form 
KUsTER® gives a brief discussion and ee of one of TROTTER’S’ recent 
papers, in which he compares the protoplasmic and histological characters 

He calls attention to the necessity of comparative study of the structure of 
gall with the normal structure of the plant. The galls and dicot stems both 
have the radial arrangement of parts, with parenchyma tissue in the center, 
but the fibrovascular bundles of the galls are not so well developed as in the 
stems. KUsTer sees enough differences in structural characters to prevent 
agreement with TROTTER, but does not go into an extended discussion of these 

REVILLIUS® gives a very ranach discussion of certain pseudo-galls 
or ead tedinate The first of these was briefly described by Rus- 
SAAMEN IQOI. e author agrees with RUBSAAMEN, but gives a more 
detailed PRE The insect attacks the upper surface of the leaf, causing 
the tips to curl. The upper epidermis is seriously injured and the mesophyll 
somewhat distorted, but the palisade cells only slightly changed. The meso- 
phyll is poorer in chlorophyll than in the normal leaves. When the buds are 
attacked they fail to develop. A similar gall not previously described occurs 
on S. graminea. A Thysanopterocecidia on the Polygonum Convolvulus is also 
described, but in this the insect attacks the under surface of the leaves. The 
structural characters are practically the same as the preceeding. 

The LEEUWEN-REIJNVAANS® give a fourth paper on the cecidia of Java, 

‘Kis STER, geen be die. Sprossihnlichkeit der protoplasmatischen Gallen. 
Marcellia 9:159, 

7 TROTTER, “ es a di una omolgia caulinare nelle galle prosplastiche. 
Marcellia 9: 109. 1911. 
§ GREVILLIUS, Dr. A. Y. von, Notizen ueber Thysonopterocecidien auf Stellaria 
media Cyr., S. graminea L., und Polygonum Convoloulus L. Marcellia 9: 161-167. 

ice UWEN-REIJNVAAN, J. eae W. Doctors, Einige Gallen aus Java. Vierter 
Beitrag. Marcellia 9: 168-193. 


in which they describe 50 specimens, most of which are caused by insects of 
the genus Cecidomyia. This material was collected in the Oengaran moun- 
tains at an elevation of 700 to 1000 meters. Large, soft galls with water 
parenchyma were especially abundant. 

TROTTER™ gives brief descriptions of 24 species of galls collected by Dr. 
Forti in Asia Minor, and occurring on Quercus aegilops L. (Q. vallonea Kosch.), 
Q. lusitanica Lan., and Rosa sp. Most of these species had already been 

KIeFrrerR (Bitsch) and Hersst (Valparaiso)™ describe seven new species 
of cecidia and insects producing them, from Chile, and give brief descriptions 
of those species not previously described. 

Among the papers on American cecidology we note FELT’s” key, parts of 
which will be serviceable to the botanist as well as to the entomologist, but 
there are not enough characters of the galls given to enable exact determi- 

1TH _M. PATCH’ gives a most excellent piece of work on the aphis galls 
of the elms. Although, with the exception of brief descriptions of the galls, 
the major part of the work is devoted to the biology and life history of the 
insects, the work is of great value to the botanist. Several species which have 
previously been very much confused are separated in a manner which makes 
them easily omanreng The value of the work is increased by the illus- 
trations and bibliographies 

SmitH’s™ bulletin comes to us as a valuable contribution on bacterio- 
cecidia. The historical discussion and the long series of experiments are 
interesting and valuable. It is very doubtful if any cecidia have a wider 
range of host plants than has been proven for this one. The fact that the 
galls are produced most readily in soft, rapidly growing tissues, is in harmony 
with results already obtained by the study of insect cecidia, and further 
studies will doubtless bring out other similarities. The very limited dis- 
cussion given to the stimulus and to the character of the cecidia leads us to 
hope for another bulletin in which these phases of the subject will receive 
more attention. 

Norton’ records a very interesting crown swelling of the peach due to 

to TROTTER, * oo di Galle Roccolte dal Dr. A. Fortr in Asia Minor. Mar- 
sm - a 
und Hersst, P., heigl sa und Gallenthiere aus Chile. 
ak f Bak, Wats u. Infek. 29: 606- 
» Pett, BP. ae midges of Aster, ey one and Salix. Jour. Econom. 
Ent. ba sara 
= gat ‘ , Gall aphids of the elm. Bull. No. 181, Maine Agric. Experi- 
ment Nealon IgII 
4 Smita, E. F,, Brown, N. A., and Townsenp, C. O., Crown gall of plants; 
its cause and remedy. Bur. Plant Industry, Bulletin 213. rg1t. 
*s Norton, J. B. S., Crown swelling disease of peach. Phytopathology 1:53, 
54- 1911. 


unknown causes. The structure of the swelling is characterized by spongy 
masses of parenchyma filled with starch and interspersed with woody layers. 

An interesting myco-cecidia of the orange is described by FLORENCE 
Hepces. This cecidia is attributed to Sphaeropsis tumefaciens, nov. sp., 
which is described. The external characters of the gall are given, but the 
development and histology are omitted—MeEt T.- Cook. 

Phycomycetes.—PETERSEN gives an abbreviated English translation 
of his paper on the aquatic Phycomycetes of Denmark, which was originally 
published in Danish. The paper” is divided into three parts, the first dealing 
with the phylogeny and relationships of the Phycomycetes, the second with 
their occurrence and distribution, and the third with descriptive taxonomy. 

s to their phylogeny, the author adheres to the view that the aquatic 
Phycomycetes and their near relatives constitute a phylogenetic series. If 
they were derived from the algae at various levels, they would hardly show 
the homogeneity which runs through the aquatic forms. As to the direction 
of their evolution, he holds that the lower Phycomycetes have been derived 
from the higher forms through reduction of the plant body. This view, 
which necessitates the assumption that motile zoospores and cilia were acquired 
by the degenerating forms, meets with difficulty when the non-aquatic Pero- 
nosporales are considered. The author regards the Pythiaceae, on account 
of their probable relationship with Lagenidium, as the ancestors of Lagent 
ceae. The Peronosporales, to which the Pythiaceae belong, would pultoadl 
form a part of the reduction chain, and it would be necessary to assume that 
zoospores adapted to aquatic conditions have arisen among the aerial Pero- 
nosporaceae from conidia eminently suited for aerial] distribution. The alternate 

ypothesis that the Peronosporaceae are losing their aquatic characters in a 
dry habitat, instead of acquiring them, seems more reasonable. e chief 
argument of the author is directed against the view of FIscHER that the 
Phycomycetes are derived from the Monadineae. Here he rightly points.out, 
among other differences, that the germinating zoospore of the Phycomycetes 
leaves the spore membrane behind, while in the endophytic Monadineae the 
zoospore makes its way in its entirety into the host cell. The author rightly 
regards the Synchytriaceae as a distinct group, which represents a line of 
development different from the rest of the Chytridiales. The idea is not fully 
carried out, however, in his synopsis of the families given later. 

In the second part of the paper are given many interesting observations 
on the biology and distribution of the aquatic Phycomycetes in Denmark. 
The Saprolegniales occur frequently on fish and frog spawn, but they do not 

© HEDGES, FLORENCE, Sphaeropsis — noy. sp., the cause of the lime 
and orange knot. Phytopathology 1:63-6s. 
7 PETERSEN, H. E., An account of chk a Phycomycetes, with bio- 
logical and ——— remarks. Ann. Myc. 8:404~560. figs. 27. 1910 
over Ferskvands-Phycomyceten. Botanisk Tideskrift 29: 

345-429. he. = 1g0og (with English abstract 


produce such epidemics among fish as have been reported in other countries. 
Dead twigs, which have fallen into the water near the shore, form the most 
common habitat for these fungi. They sometimes occur on remains of aquatic 
plants, like Nuphar and Nymphaea, but herbaceous plants do not generally 
seem to be a favorable substratum for their growth. Leaves which fall into 

ngi. ) 
Phycomycetes is in early spring, while the water is still too cold to allow growth 
of bacteria and infusoria. 

The rest of the paper consists of a taxonomic arrangement of the species, 
with notes as to their habits and occurrence. The brief descriptions which 
are given for the known species in the former paper are omitted in the trans- 
lation, diagnoses being given only for the new species. Of these there are 
twelve. One, Pythiomorpha gonapodyoides, represents a new generic type. It 
is unfortunate that the designation ‘“‘sp. nov.”” accompanies the names of these 
species in the translation. It is needless to point out the confusion that may 
result from such double publication of new species in editions appearing 

nearly a year apart. 

The paper, which is an excellent achievement in local botany, shows the 
results which sustained study of a group may be expected to yield in territory 
of which the flora is presumably fairly well known. It is to be hoped that it 
may direct the work of botanists of other countries to this fruitful field. 

According to a brief article by MatrE and Tison,™ sexuality usually attrib- 
uted to Urophlyctis is lacking in that genus. In Urophlyctis empty cells are 
found accompanying the sporocysts, thus making it appear as if conjugation 
had taken place. These empty cells, however, according to the authors, are 
nothing more than the older vegetative cells whose contents have passed into 
the younger cells, which arise as buds from the older ones. The authors con- 

genera, Urophlyctis, Physoderma, and Cladochyirium, forming a well-defined 
natural grow 
CHMER RED has described the abnormalities occurring in a species of 

of these plants and some of which have been figured by several investigators, 
occur mostly in the sporangia, and cause these organs to assume forms and 
modes of behavior characteristic of other genera of the Saprolegniales. Varia- 
tions are described simulating the sporangia of Leptomitus, Pythiopsis, Achlya, 

%8 Marre, REeNf, et T1soNn, ApRIEN, Recherches sur quelques Cladochytriaceae. 
Compt. Rend. 152: ie 10%. nee 
19 LECHMERE, A. FE, g ofa species of Saprolegnia New Phytologist 

9: 305-319. pls. 1, 2. Ig10. 


Dichtyuchus, and Aplanes in form, manner of discharge, and germination of 
spores. A common type of variation is one in which chains of rounded spo- 
rangia discharging laterally are formed. It is well to have these variations 
recorded from observations on a single form in pure cultures—H. Hasset- 

Photosynthesis in water plants.—BLAcKMAN and SmirH” have published 
two papers upon “‘Gaseous exchanges of submerged plants,” being nos. 8 and 
9 of the excellent series on ‘‘Experimental researches on vegetable assimilation 
and respiration”’ issued from BLACKMAN’Ss laboratory. The first of the present 
papers deals with ‘‘A new method for estimating the gaseous exchange in 
submerged plants.’”’ Instead of using the oxygen elimination as the basis for 
study, the CO, consumed is determined. Water of known CO, content 
(determined by tritation) is passed over submerged plants of a given illumi- 
nated surface, and the CO, withdrawn for photosynthesis determined by later 
titration. Correction is made for CO. produced by respiration and for that 
in the eliminated gas. The method seems to insure reasonable accuracy. 

In agreement with other workers, BLACKMAN and SmitH find Elodea 
extremely sensitive to adverse conditions. A few days of storage in tap 
water in laboratory or greenhouse cuts the assimilation 17 to 30 per cent. 
The plant also endures great concentration of CO,. Water saturated from an 
atmosphere containing 30 per cent CO, does not interfere with assimilation; 
it is not likely that air plants would long.endure such concentrations. The 
points of large significance can be set forth by quotations from the summary 
of the second paper 

“The aim of this study is to demonstrate the mature of the relation between 
assimilation and the chief environmental factors: (1) CO,-supply, (2) light- 
intensity, and (3) temperature. The relation is such that the magnitude 
of this function in every combination o these factors is determined by one or 
the other acting as a limiting factor. 

“The identification of the particular limiting factor in any definite case 
is carried out by applying experimentally the following general principle. 
When the magnitude of a function is limited by one of a set of possible factors, 
increase of that factor, and of that one alone, will be found to bring about an 
increase of the magnitude of the function.’ 

e experiments in this paper deal with such moderate intensities of 
assimilation as may be fairly well maintained for several successive hours. 
- With more intense assimilation the values soon fall off by the action of internal 
factors grouped at present as the time factor. Experiments in which this 
additional factor has to be reckoned with will be considered in a later paper.”’ 

” BLackMAn, F. F., and Smita, A. M., amare oe on vegetable 

accimi hanocec 

d respiration: VIII. Sue method for 
of submerged plants; LX. On assimilation in ahinens water planta and its velattoni 
to the Sica aseleel of carbon dioxide and other factors. Proc. Roy. Soc. London 
B 83:374-412. IQIt. 


The work from BLACKMAN’s laboratory has done much to substitute a 
physico-chemical conception for the too general stimulus conception of the 
German plant physiologists. In this direction these papers again bring forth 
evidence for the non-existence of true optima, for the great importance of 
“limiting factors,” and for the significance of what BLACKMAN has designated 
as the ‘‘time factor.”—WILLIAM CROCKER. 

Cytology of the ascus.—The controversy to which the behavior of the ascus 
nucleus has recently given rise, has led GUILLIERMOND* to reinvestigate the 
bject. Contrary to the results of Miss FRASER??: 23, 24 and her coworkers, 
these new observations extend and entirely confirm his previous studies, and 
convince him that the number of chromosomes remains constant during the 
three successive mitoses of the ascus nucleus. He discusses the method of 
formation and the separation of the chromosomes of the first division, and 
whether there exists a second: numerical reduction during the third nuclear 
division. In all of the species studied (Humaria rutilans, Peziza catinus, 
Pustularia vesiculosa, Galactinia succosa), he finds that the number of chro- 
mosomes of the equatorial plate stage and of the anaphases remains the same, 
and that the distribution of these chromosomes is accomplished in the same 
way in all of these forms. As in previous studies, GUILLIERMOND?S: 2° believes 
that the process described by Marre??: 28 that is, a double longitudinal division 
of the chromosomes during the anaphases, which results in doubling the num- 
ber of chromosomes found in the ee plate stage, rests on incorrect 
observations. He also believes that Marre’s contention that there exists in 
the ascus of Galactinia succosa protochromosomes, which fuse into four definite 
chromosomes, is untenable. GUILLIERMOND holds that there are eight definite 
chromosomes and not four, which are formed directly and not from proto- 
chromosomes. These eight chromosomes are divided only during the meta- 

2 GUILLIERMOND, M. A., Apercu sur l’évolution nucléaire des ascomycétes et 
nouvelles observations sur in mitoses des asques. Rev. Gén. Botanique 23:89-120. 

22 FrASER, H. C. I., Contributions to the cytology of Humaria rutilans. Ann. 
Botany 22:35-55. 1908. 

73 FRASER, H. C. I., and WeEtsForp, E. J., Further contributions to the cytology 
of the ascomycetes. Ann. Botany 22:465-477. 1908. 

24 Fraser, H. C. I., and Brooxs, W. E. Sr. J., Further studies on the cytology 
of en ascus. Ann. Botany 23:538-549. 1909. : 

UILLIERMOND, M. A., aoe sur la karyokinése des ascomycétes. Rev. 

om Sepsis 16:1-65. 190. 
, Remarques sur i karykinése des ascomycétes. Ann. Mycol. 3:344- 

361. 1905. 

27 Marre, R., Recherches cytologiques sur quelques ascomycétes. Ann. Mycol. 
3: pe aae 1905. 
, Recherches sur la karyokinése chez les ascomycétes. Rev. Gén. Bota- 
nique pits esis. 1904. 


phases, and not again during the anaphases. The exact manner of division 

of the chromosomes seems to agree with that described by Miss FRASER, but 

on the basis of certain stages, which he thinks were missed by her, he interprets 

his results in a different way. He describes a synapsis stage, whose loops 

correspond to the y-shaped chromosomes, which later appear on the spindle 

in the equatorial plate. Although he does not very strongly insist on this 
f ‘ 

scribed by FARMER and Moore for higher forms of plants and animals obtains 
in the ascomycetes. In the first part of the paper an interesting discussion 
of the state of these Aix and other problems relating to the ascomycetes 
will be found.—J. B. Overton. 

Anaerobic growth.—LeHMAN” has studied anaerobic growth in higher 
plants, trying to determine whether the view of WIELER or that of NABOKICH is 
correct. WIELER claims that the higher plants will not grow in total absence 
of oxygen, but that only a very low oxygen pressure is needed for growth. 
NABOKICH claims that higher plants will grow in absence of oxygen. He 
maintains, however, that proper nutritive conditions must be supplied, as 
in fungi. For this purpose a glucose solution is suitable. This solution 
certainly increases anaerobic growth in the pea seed, sunflower seedling, and 
other forms. In a later article, not cited by LEHMAN, NABOKICH® describes 
the course of anaerobic growth in higher plants. Soon after placing the 
organ in the oxygen-free medium, growth ceases (Vacuumstarre). Some- 
what later growth begins, and the rate rises until it equals that of aerobic 
growth. Still later growth ceases and death of the organ ensues. NABOKICH 
explains the course of anaerobic growth as follows: oxygen acts as a stimulus 
to growth, and not merely as an energy releaser, hence with its withdrawal 

growth ceases; intramolecular respiration later produces poisonous by- 
products, whith in low concentrations act as stimuli to growth, but which 
with further accumulations stop growth and kill the organ. The bad feature 
of this explanation is the indefiniteness of the term stimulus. NABOKICH 
finds that resting plant cells or those with low metabolic activity can remain 
in oxygen-free condition for long periods without injury. 

LEHMAN found only very slight if any anaerobic growth in Vicia Faba, 
Pisum sativum, Lupinus albus, Brassica Napus, Phaseolus multiflorus, and 
Cucurbita, ais in distilled water or glucose solution. In Zea Mays and 
Glyceria fluitans, anaerobic growth was marked in glucose solution, but was 
nil in distilled water. In Helianthus annuus, anaerobic growth was slight in 
distilled water, but considerable in glucose solution. LrHMAN concludes that 
anaerobic growth in any higher plants is not long-enduring nor considerable 

*? LEHMAN, Ernst, Zur Kenntnis des anaeroben Wachstums héheren Pflanzen. 
Jahrb. Wiss. Bot. 49:61-90 
* NaBoxicu, A. J., Ueber die Wachabiusebies Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 26: 7-140. 


when compared with aerobic growth. He also finds no coincidence between 
intensity of “intramolecular” respiration and of anaerobic growth. e con- 
clusions of these workers are drawn from too few and these mainly cultivated 
forms. Study of wild forms of varied habits may show very different results. 

Structure of the spore wall.—A notable addition to our aide of the 
structure and development of the spore wall is contributed by BEER in a 
study of the young pollen grains of [pomea purpurea. At the conclusion of 
the reduction division, the tetrads of young pollen grains become surrounded 
by massive mucilaginous walls, which show the reactions of callose and pectose. 
Within this mucilaginous wall, and surrounding each young pollen grain, 

i with th 

awkward and misleading term “special mother cell wall. e exine is 
deposited by the pollen protoplast upon the inner surface of the special wall, 
and at first is homogenous, but soon becomes differentiated into an outer 
lamella, with a network of thickening bands on its inner surface, and at the 
‘intersection of the bands are the rudiments of the spines. At this stage a 
clear space is seen between the outer lamella and the thickening bands, and in 
this space the rodlets characteristic of the mature pollen develop. The spines 
project into the pollen cavity before they begin to appear externally. The 
intine develops within the exine as a thin layer, with thicker portions where 
it protrudes into the exit pores. Chemically, it consists of pectic bodies 
associated with some cellulose. In older pollen grains the exine consists of a 
delicate outer lamella perforated with countless pores, so that it really forms a 
reticulum with open meshes, beneath which are the thickening bands con- 
stituting the mesospore, perforated by the narrow exit pores for the pollen 
tubes. The outer lamella of the exine dips into the exit pores and covers the 
protrusions of the intine at these spots. Since nearly the entire growth of the 
rodlets and spines takes place after they have become separated from the 
protoplast, it is concluded that they are able to develop without any direct 
contact with the protoplasm. 

This short paper presents a thorough study of a single species and suggests 
a series of investigations, for it may be predicted with the utmost confidence 
that the account will not hold for angiosperms in general, and the author 
makes no such claim. After various types of pollen grains have received 
similar attention, it will be time to generalize—CuartEs J. CHAMBERLAIN. 

Chemotaxy.—SuiBaTa* gives the first part of a full statement of his exten- 
sive work on chemotactic responses of the spermatozoids of pteridophytes. This 

3 _ Rupotr, Studies in spore development. Ann. Botany 25:199-214. 
pl. 13. 19 
3? SurpaTa, K., Untersuchungen iiber die Chemotaxis der Pteridophyten Sper- 
aaa “Jah b Wiss. Bot. 49:1-60. 1911. 



part deals with positive reactions, while the second part will deal with the 
negative. SHIBATA himself has contributed no small part of the knowledge 
in this field, especially with the forms Isoetes, Salvinia, and Equisetum. The 
paper is divided into seven sections dealing with the following phases of the 
subject: (1) introduction and methods, (2) action of organic acids, (3) action 
of metallic ions, (4) action of H and OH ions, (5) action of alkaloids and other 
organic bases, (6) application of the Weber-Fechner Law, (7) the classes of 
chemotactic sensibility and their relation to each other. 

h of facts is so great that no statement of it can be attempted 
here. Some of the generalizations, however, especially those derived from the 
seventh section, are of considerable interest. SurpatTa concludes that there 
exists in the pteridophytes three categories of positive chemotactic sensibility: 
(1) for the anions of malic acid and of the related dicarboxyl acids, (2) for the 

in t 
same category one member dulls the action of any other. In general, the 
ulling effect is proportional to the attractive value, but this is not always the 
case. Citrate, which is 1/10 as powerful in attracting Salvinia sperms as is 
maleate, is just as effective in dulling the action of maleate as is maleate itself- 

found no dulling action between any two chemotactically active substances.— 

Coremia formation by Penicillium.—By methods which at the present 
stage of plant physiology appear somewhat crude and superficial, WACHTER’ 
has attempted to find the factors influencing the formation of coremia in a 
orm of Penicillium, which he designates by the usual name of P. glaucum, 
but which can be easily identified as P. expansum Link. The method of study 
consisted in growing the fungus on sterilized slices of various fruits and vege- 
tables, and on the expressed juices of these, and also on an inorganic nutrient 
solution with various concentrations of sugar, this being the only medium 
approximating anything like known conditions. When the results are sifted, 
we are left in the same position as before as to the factors which influence 
the formation of coremia, namely, that when grown on various substrata of 
unknown composition this form (like other coremia-forming species) some- 
times forms coremia and sometimes not, a fact, moreover, clearly formulated 
Se THOM in regard to this and other species of similar habit. The work o 
33 WACHTER, ve peepee die Koremien von Penicillium glaucum. Jahrb. Wiss 
Bot. 48:521~-548. 

34'THom, CH. ee eres, of species of Penicillium. U.S. Dept. Agr., Bur. 
Animal Industry, Bull. 118 


Tuo, however, came to the author’s hands only in time to be noted in the 
proof. A closer approximation to definitely known conditions, if not yielding 
positive results, might at least have resulted in excluding certain groups of 
factors as having no influence on the formation of coremia. 

In the latter part of the paper, the author distinguishes 11 forms of Penicil- 
lium by their growth characters on the substrata which he used in the first 
part. The forms are not further characterized nor identified with other 
descriptions. The author lays stress on cultural characteristics, and the 
utilization of the coremia-forming habit for separating the species of Penicil- 
lium. Both have been used by Tom in his partial monograph of the group. 

Feed containing smut spores.—The feeding of grain products containing 
large quantities of smut sporés to animals has usually been regarded as per- 
nicious, both on account of the widespread — supposed to be based on 
practical experience, that the smut spores are injurious to animals, and on 
account of the danger that the spores pass faced through the animal 
body and, as asserted by BREFELD, become a source of infection when they are 
distributed over the fields in manure. These questions have been reinvesti- 
gated by Honcamp and ZIMMERMANN, who as a result of feeding ESRI 
: which large quantities of smut spores, mostly of Tilletia caries with som 

T. laevis, were fed to different domestic animals for long periods of as e; 
came to the conclusion that in no case could any injury be definitely attributed 
to the smut spores. The spores which had passed through the bodies of 

animals, with rare exception, were incapable of germination. Fur 

experiments showed that sound spores mixed with manure or other fertilizers 
and scattered over the soil rarely cause infection of grain. These experiments 
indicate that the danger of infection from smut spores scattered over the 
fields in manure has been largely overestimated. This is true more particu- 
larly of the spores that have passed through the animal body. The only 
source of infection to be regarded of significance in agricultural practice is 
that from the spores adhering to the seed grain, a fact which may be inferred 
from the almost total prevention of smut by treatment of the seed grain.— 

Temperate plants in Helgoland.—Since the spring of 1904, KucKUCK 
has been experimenting with the introduction into Helgoland of various 
species of plants of warm temperate climates.%* Although situated but 30 

3s Honcamp, FR., und ZrmMERMANN, H. (unter Mitwirkung von G. SCHNEIDER), 
Untersuchungen iiber das Verhalten von Brandsporen im Tierkérper und im Stall- 
diin: r. Centralbl. Bakt. II. 28:590-607. 1910. 


, P., Ueber die Eingewohnung von Pflanzen wirmerer Zonen auf 
oe ‘Bot Zeit. 68%: 49-86. pis. 1-3. figs. 2. 1910. 


km. from the mainland, this island enjoys many of the features of an insular 
climate. February, the coldest month, has a mean temperature of only 
1°34 C., and the lowest temperatures of the winter seldom exceed —8° C 
This is much milder than the climate of the mainland, but less genial than 
that of the southern coast of England. Notwithstanding the favorable 
temperatures, many plants are injured by the severe and incessant winter 
winds, and by the lack of a protective covering of snow. Kuckuck describes 
his results in detail, indicating the successful culture in the open of a large 
number of species, including such plants as Pittosporum Tobira, Camellia 
japonica, two species of Fuchsia, and various opuntias. Perhaps the most 
noteworthy of them is the fig, Ficus carica, which has been cultivated on 
the island for thirty years, attains a height of 4.5 meters, and matures fruit 
regularly. Kuckuck considers in general that the winds are more hostile 
to plant life than the frosts, and believes that other species might prove hardy 
if they could be given soils better suited to their requirements.—H. A. GLEASON. 

Twining.—NIENBURG?’ has made a detailed study of the nutation move- 
ments of young twining plants in their early stages of circumnutation. He 
believes that all the circumnutation and twining movements can be explained 
by the joint action of autonomic nutation and negative geotropism. He also 
believes that he has entirely disposed of NoLt’s conception of lateral geotro- 
pism. A careful analysis of his results, however, shows that lateral geotropism 
will also explain all movements he describes, with the possible exception of 
one on the centrifuge. The strongest evidence for NoLL’s conception was 
gained from the use of the centrifuge, and now with a slight alteration of the 
position of the plant NrENBURG obtains results on this instrument that seem 
to disprove Nout’s conception. NIENBURG’s centrifuge experiments have 
their main value, however, in showing the need of further centrifuge snes 
in this field—Wititam CROCKER. 

Amphibious polygonums.—A recent paper very plainly shows that exten- 
sive experimental cultures will be necessary before the taxonomic and ecological 
relationships of the various species of Polygonum can be settled. NreuwLAND* 
distinguishes at least three closely related species of this interesting genus 
which exhibit both an aquatic and a terrestrial form, but adds no experimental 
data to our present scanty fund. The species described vary so mu 
response to varying conditions of habitat that it seems possible that all these 
forms, with intermediate gradations, might be produced from the same stock 
by careful methods of culture. An interesting historical résumé of the litera- 

37 ek oe Die Nutationsbewegungen — Flora 
102; I17-1 46. 

38 ies: J. A., Our amphibious Persicarias. Amer. Midland Naturalist 
2:1-24. IQII 


ture shows that our knowledge of the ecology of these plants has advanced 
but little beyond the observations recorded by JoHN Ray? more than two 
centuries ago.—GeEo. D. FULLER 

Syndiploid nuclei.—Nuclear figures in chloralized root tips, described by 
NEMEC, then by STRASBURGER, and then discussed and figured at some length 
in NEmec’s recent book on fertilization, have been reinvestigated by STRAS- 
BURGER.” He used again the root tips of Piswm sativum, and made a critical 
comparison of the nuclear figures in normal and chloralized tips, and compared 
the peculiar mitoses of syndiploid nuclei with the normal heterotypic mitoses 
of the same species. He agrees with NEMec that the syndiploid nuclei grad- 
ually disappear, but denies that any heterotypic mitoses are concerned in the 
disappearance. NEmec’s figures, intended to support the theory of a somatic 
heterotypic mitosis, are discussed and explained as only peculiar vegetative 
mitoses, with merely superficial resemblances to genuine reduction divisions. 

Structure of protoplasm.—During the last decade cytologists have been 
so busy with various phases of the chromosome problem that little attention 
has been given to the structure of protoplasm. A preliminary announcement 
by LEpPESCHKIN* is entitled ‘On the structure of protoplasm,” but this paper 
deals with artificial emulsions rather than with protoplasm itself. e prin- 
cipal conclusion is that streaming protoplasm cannot have the foam structure 
described by Btitscuir, but rather has the structure of an emulsion. He 
admits that the peripheral layers of protoplasm in infusoria may have a foam 

Peat bogs in Iowa.—A comparison has been made by PAMMEL* between 
the t bogs of northern Iowa and those occurring in other parts of the 
United States. The principal types found in this state are the aspen bog, 

ow bog, sedge bog, and rush bog, none having a very extensive develop- 
ment. The sphagnum bog is conspicuously absent. A detailed comparison 
of the bog flora of Iowa, Wisconsin, and Michigan shows that in Iowa many 
of the typical bog plants of more northern regions are replaced by others of 
a very different character—Gero. D. FuLter. 

3? Ray, JoHN, History of plants. Vol. I, p. 185. 1686. 
4° STRASBURGER, EpuArp, Kernteilungsbilder bei der Erbse. Flora 10221~-23. 
pl. 1. 1911 

4* LEPESCHKIN, W. W., Ueber die Struktur des Protoplasmas. Ber. Deutsch. 
Bot. Gesells. 29:181-190. 1911. 

# PAMMEL, L. H., Flora of northern Iowa peat bogs. Iowa Geol. Survey 19: 
739-784. 1909. 

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October Iorr 


An Attempted Analysis of Parasitism D. T. MacDougal 

Contribution from the Rocky Mountain Herbarium. IX 
New Plants from Idaho Aven Nelson 

The Development of the Ascocarp of Lachnea scutellata 
illiam H. Brown 

Physiological Behavior of Enzymes and Carbohydrate ‘ 
Transformations in After-Ripening of the Potato 
Tuber Charles O. Appleman 

Current Literature 

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Che Botanical Gazette 

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Issued October 17, 1911 

Vol. LIX =. | CONTENTS FOR OCTOBER 1911 No. 4 

7 Pere FROM THE seat MOUNTAIN HERBARIUM. IX. New Pants ao: 
AHO. Aven Nelson - ~§ 0 3 | 


PLATE IX AND FIFTY-ONE FIGURES). William H. Brow ee ees 

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D.T. MacDoUGAtL 

According to a recently published estimate made by the author, 
about half of the total number of seed plants use complex food 
material derived from other organisms by mycorhizal or parasitic 
arrangements. So far as our observations go, dependent species, 
which are advantaged by contact or association with other species, 
undergo direct somatic modifications, consisting chiefly of atro- 
phies or reductions of the shoot and root system; and in plants of 
fixed parasitic habit, these reductions may be such as to include the 
total disappearance of the roots and to bring the shoot down to 
simple, unbranched, chlorophylless stems, upon which the leaves 
are represented by colorless bracts. The fruits and seeds may 
show various specializations. 

During the course of an extensive investigation of the condi- 
tions under which two species may enter into the relation of host 
and parasite, regenerated cuttings of a large number of species 
were attached to the stems of desert succulents and xerophytes. 
In some cases the attached plants formed roots; and in others 
the epidermal cells performed the function of absorption. 

The ruling factor was in all cases the osmotic ratio between the 
sap of the two plants; one plant may not become parasitic upon 
another except by the aid of a superior osmotic pressure which 
withdraws solutions from the tissues of the enforced host. Many 
causes, however, may operate to prevent a potential parasite 



"4 from becoming actual, such as the formation 
e i of wound-cork, excretions, periodic alterations 
y ~ in turgidity, etc. The physiological alterations 
consequent upon the arrangement of two plants 
z, in a xeno-parasitic relation are of a saltatory or 
\ / mutative character, yet no evidence is at hand 
as to the manner in which such alterations 
> become fixed and transmissible. A perfectly 
a, graded series of parasites may be selected 
: which exemplify all stages of dependency, atro- 
phies or reductions, and adjustive arrange- 
ments; but nothing may be assumed as to the 
manner in which progress has been made from 
one stage to another. It 
seems fair to conclude, 
however, that the evolu- 
tionary movement is 
generally toward in- 
creased dependency 
of the parasite, ac- 
companied by ac- 
centuated and more 
complete atrophies. 
The view that such a 
movement may some- 
times ultimately lead 
to extinction, al- 
though by a long and 
indirect way, seems 
also justifiable by in- 
ference, although 
such an end must not 
be assumed for all 
groups of parasites. 

1.—Cissus laciniata parasitic on 
Tse Blakeana; the host has been 

a to expose the roots of the xeno- 
KaxMovtes parasit 


In the experiments carried on at the Desert Laboratory from 
1908 to 1911, the desert grape (Cissus laciniata) of Mexico, the 
expressed juice of which shows a pressure of over 11 atmospheres, 
was found to maintain itself on the flattened joints of Opuntia 
Biakeana at about 9 atmospheres; not so successfully on Echino- 
cactus Wislizeni, the drinkable juice of which has a concentration 
equivalent to about 6 atmospheres; while it soon perished when 
attached to stems of the great tree cactus (Carnegiea gigantea) at 
less than 7 atmospheres (fig. 1). The last named plant exudes 
an acrid fluid from fresh wounds, which are quickly closed by the 
formation of heavy, corky layers. Opuntia versicolor, a species 
with cylindrical stems showing a pressure of 12 atmospheres, was 
able to draw supplies for extended periods from Carnegiea and 
the other hosts mentioned. Plantlets of A gave were equally effi- 
cient, although this xeno-parasite formed such a great number of 
Foots as to destroy the tissues of the host plant. Cissus also 
formed roots which penetrated the host, while the absorptive 
contact of Opuntia (flat-stemmed) was by the epidermal cells of the 
stems in every case examined. 

The briefest inspection of the results of the analysis of plants 
used in these experiments, shows that the direct proportion of 
mineral salts in the sap and the acid contents of the sap have no 
direct bearing on possible parasitism among the higher plants." 
The relation of seasonal cycles, capacity for development of absorp- 
tive elements de novo, and an accommodative adjustment of the 
Osmotic pressure of the cell sap are to be mentioned as factors in 
the making of nutritive couples. The greater number of the para- 
sitic arrangements made are to be included with the root parasites. 

A few additional experiments were set up to test certain points 
after the completion of the manuscript printed in 1910. The 
results of these and of the continuation of older preparations 
seem to warrant the presentation of this additional note on the 

May 11, r910.—A number of beans of a mixture of species 
native to the deserts of southern Arizona were attached to joints 

‘See MacDovcat and Cannon, The conditions of parasitism in plants. Publ. 
No. 129, Carnegie Inst. of Wash. 1910. 


of prickly pear, with the radicles thrust into cavities in the soft 
tissue. The bean was held in place by a setting of plaster of 
Paris, and a moist strip of cloth was brought from a vessel of water 
to furnish moisture until the plants should become established in 
their new relations. 

May 13.—A large number of new insertions of the “‘rusty”’ 
bean in joints of Opuntia and bodies of Carnegiea and Echinocactus 
were made on this day. Some of the original preparations were 
showing notable growth. 

May 14.—Some of the plants first arranged had thrust the tips 
of the plumules beyond the cotyledons, but had not yet straight- 
ened the hypocotyl. One bean with wilted plumule was taken 
out of the Opuntia. The main root had grown but little. A 
secondary branch from near its base had come out and extended . 
down into the cavity, alongside the main root, showing as great 
a length. 

May 22.—Twelve seedlings on Opuntia had survived, of which 
one had developed the plumule to an extent that the leaves were 
unfolding from between the cotyledons. Six seedlings on Echino- 
cactus had survived, and were showing some slight development. 
Three seedlings out of g insertions on Carnegica had survived and 
had made-.a slight development. The cotyledonary curvature 
was still markedly present. 

May 31.—Temperatures of 111° and 112° F. out of doors, and 
all parasites were flagging, apparently dying. All soon perished. 

About a dozen germinated beans of the form known as ‘small 
Papago white” were inserted in joint of ‘‘Mission Pear” (Opuntia 
sp.), near the laboratory at Carmel, California, on June 23, without 
any protection except a cloth shade. These, with the exception 
of two, dried out, although small secondary roots were formed by 
June 27. All were replaced and a small vial was arranged with a 
strip of cloth to give shade and moisture. About 8 similar preP- 
arations were arranged on Oenothera biennis and O.H 206. On 
July 1, only one of this lot had become dry, the fogs of the pre- 
ceding days having been an obvious advantage. 

July 14.—Seven Papago white beans on Mission Pear thriving. 
of which three had well developed leaves of the first simple pair, 


and one showed a second pair. The others still retained the plum- 
ule partly between the cotyledons. 

August 2.—All beans were dead or nearly so. All of the devel- 
opment in these plants was undoubtedly carried on at the expense 
of material in the cotyledons; and the roots soon perished after 
being immersed in the mucilaginous tissues of Opuntia or the 
stems of Oenothera. The high humidity of the fogs and low 
temperatures ranging between 45° and 65° F. also made for the 
endurance of the seedlings. These tests are chiefly interesting 
in contrast with the cultures of Prrrce, in which plants of Pisum 
salivum were grown on stems of Vicia Faba to maturity. The 
advantage of the aeration of the roots in the central cavities of 
the stems of the host and also of one legume parasitic upon 
another, doubtless accounts in large measure for the success of 
' these cultures. 

The completion of the original manuscript on this subject 
left several preparations in good condition, which were two years 
old. Among these were Opuntia Blakeana, O. versicolor, O. arbus- 
cula, and O. leptocaulis on Carnegiea; O. leptocaulis on O. discate; 
also one Agave americana on Carnegiea. Some of these parasites 
remained alive throughout a part or all the year, it being noted 
that those shielded from direct illumination by the body of the 
host survived longest. March ro11 found arrangements of Opuntia 
versicolor, O. Blakeana, and A gave on Carnegiea. 

All these preparations were made with plants as xeno-parasites 
Which were characterized by a water balance of some amount and 
by an osmotic pressure of the sap of 9-12 atmospheres. Further- 
more, the survivors were held in place by a mass of plaster of 
Paris molded about the bases of the stems which held the roots 
closely appressed against the corky tissues of the host. 

This state of affairs may be seen to furnish a fair approximation 
of the physical conditions under which an Opuntia was found with 
the roots in a small cavity in the trunk of a Parkinsonia, and of the 
Same species in a cavity in the summit of a trunk of Carnegiea.° 
A further illustration is offered by a case photographed and reported 

* Peirce, G. J., Artificial parasitism, etc. Bot. Gaz. 382214. 1904. 

3 See Publ. No. 129, Carnegie Inst. of Wash. t1gTo. 


ar Tehaucan, 

—Cissus lac 
Mex.; winiala and O 
; an epiphytic bromeliad is puntia growing from sin 
3 attached to one of the ter ne C ane mE 
minal joints of th 
e Opuntia. 


by Dr. W. A. Cannon, in which a flat-jointed Opuntia was found 
established in a cavity in the trunk of an Acacia Greggii. One or 
more species of Opuntia native to the Tehuacan region find a foot- 
hold in the crevices of tile roofs,.and stone and adobe walls, in a 
very noticeable manner; and it was in this vicinity that one of 
these plants and a native grape were found rooted in the sinus of 
a forked tree Yucca (fig. 2). 

The conditions of such association seem favorable for the slow 
extraction of solutions from the host plant through non-living 
tissues without the actual contact of the living cells, an approxi- 
mation to the initial conditions of parasitism. It is obvious that 
the crowded root systems of a wide physiological variety of plants 
in the soil furnish numberless duplications of these conditions, and 
it seems entirely reasonable to suppose that such contiguity of 
absorbent and succulent roots may acccount, in part, for the 
greater number of root parasites. 

It is to be noted that among the higher plants the part played 
by destructive secretions is at a minimum. The activity or 
absence of such substances in seed parasites has been variously 
described. In no instance, however, are there such abundant 
and disintegrating effects as may be seen resulting from bacterial 
and fungal parasites of plants and animals. 

The parasitic arrangements described above, in which the host 
furnishes lodgment and a slowly yielded supply of solution, are 
characterized by a slow growth of the parasite, in which the amount 
of development is limited, the members being reduced. The 
Opuntia parasitic on Parkinsonia, which was described in Pub- 
lication No. 129, Carnegie Inst. of Washington, rg1o (see pl. 10), 
was taken from the host early in 1910 and set in the adobe soil of 
the terraces in the courtyard of the Desert Laboratory. In the 
course of the growing season of that year, it made three new joints, 
each of which was three or four times the bulk of those previously 
formed, the total growth in the previous 7 or 8 years. F urther- 
more, in this autophytic growth it developed characters which 
demonstrated that it properly belonged to Opuntia Toumeyi instead 
of O. Blakeana, with which it was first identified, because of its small 
joints and atrophied spines (fig. 5). 


The Opuntia versicolor which had been fastened in a cavity in 
the side of a tall Carnegiea early in 1909, lost three of its four 
short branches and the terminal section of the stem during the 
dry foresummer of 1910. Activity in the rainy season in the 
midsummer following resulted, not in the formation of additional 
sections or members, but in the increase in thickness of the stem 

FIG. 3.—Opuntia versicolor parasitic on Carnegiea gigantea, March 1910 

and roots; the latter were thin and fibrous when the preparation 
was made, January 23, 1909. After two years of parasitic exist- 
ence, the visible portions of the root system were much enlarged, 
after a manner sometimes exhibited by autophytic individuals 
of the same species (figs. 3 and 4). 

An Opuntia Blakeana set in a cavity of Carnegiea, where it 
was held by plaster, early in 1909, likewise formed no additional 


members during the following two years. Some thickening of 
the cylindrical basal segment, however, was noticeable. 

The work described in this and previous papers has been suc- 
cessful in the demonstration of certain physical conditions which 
make parasitism possible, and has led to the suggestion of physi- 
ological activities which limit or facilitate the adhesion of two seed 

plants in a dependent 
nutritive combination. 
Wider observations 
would doubtless increase 
the known parasitic 
combinations, while it 
may be safely assumed 
that present conditions 
are as favorable for their 
making as at any time in 
the history of the plant 
world. New parasites 
may be expected to be 
brought to our attention 
from time to time. 

The assumption of a 
mutualistic or depend- 
ent role, in fact any de- 
parture from a purely 
autophytic condition by 
a green plant, is inevi- 
tably followed by reduc- 
tions or atrophies. Such 

Fic. 4—Same plant as in fig. 3, March rotr, with 
enlarged roots and stem, and with but one surviv- 

ing branch. 

combinations are displayed by a number of seed plants, not far short 
of half the existing species. It is of interest to note that the parasiti- 
cal consequences have not yet been seen in green plants furnished 
With food material including organic compounds. The total 
reaction is complex, and the exciting ‘causes are probably not 
simple. Whatever they may be, they are furnished only by the 
living or decaying bodies of other organisms. The part played by 
the pathological effects and physiologic reactions of parasites in 


the evolutionary development of plants has never been adequately 
portrayed, even in a speculative manner. 

The vigor of growth, widely varied capacity for reproduction, 
range of endurance to unfavorable conditions, and accommoda- 
tional adjustment displayed by parasitic fungi and bacteria in 
general seem to place the greater majority of these forms in a 

Fic, 5.—Opuntia Toumeyi; this plant was found growing in a cavity of the trunk 
of a small tree of Parkinsonia microphylla in 1906, and the small joints formed during 
its parasitism are to be seen near the base and to the right; the larger joints were 
developed after the plant began an autophytic existence rooted in the soil; photo- 
graphed February rort. 


position where the only obvious way to extinction would be by 
the destruction of their hosts, resulting from their own effective- 
ness. Nothing known of the life history of any of these forms 
suggests a possible aban- [ — 
donment of the parasitic | 
habit and of an advancing 
morphological develop- 
ment. So far as the higher 
plants are concerned, the 
only consideration hitherto 
given to parasitic forms has 
been to view them as pass- 
ing down an inclined plane 
of atrophies, which would 
ultimately lead to their ex- 
tinction, without reference 
to the abundance of devel- 
opment of the host forms. 
No hint has yet been ob- 
tained as to the possibility 
of a retracement, by which 
a dependent might once 
more regain its standing as 
an autophyte. 

Regressive action of this 
character would naturally 
be discernible only in a 
Series of material extend- 
ing over long periods of 
time, such as that obtained 
by the paleontologist. It 
is interesting to note that 
this subject is one to which 
some serious attention has 
been given, and Dr. J. M. CrarKe* has recently summarized 
the information with regard to the case of the limpet and the 

—Cissus laciniata parasitic on 

Opuntia Blakeana (see fig. 2). 


4 The significance of certain early parasitic conditions. Science 33:291. TQTT. 


crinoid of earlier times and the gastropods and sea urchins of the 
present. It is made clear by CLARKE that the limpets of the early 
Silurian were largely parasitic on the crinoids, a habit that per- 
sisted for millions of years, until the closing stages of the Paleozoic, 
when evidences of it were lost, and no traces of parasitism of 
snails on the few crinoids of the present are known. Other gas- 
tropods of the limpet structure are now parasitic on the starfish 
and sea urchins, close relatives of the crinoids. The earlier lim- 
pets were not carried beyond the stage of possible regression in 
their parasitism, but the modern parasitic gastropods are ‘often 
so modified by their degeneracy that their nature is hardly recog- 
nizable, and this parasitism is fixed and beyond repair.” Two 
separate cases of adaptational adjustments seem involved, and 
the parasitism of the modern gastropods is taken to be wholly 
independent of the earlier assumption and abandonment of the 
habit. The suggestion lies near, however, that a family which 
has thus furnished two separate series of parasites is one which 
by morphological characters or physiological tendencies is liable 
to assume dependent relations with other organisms as hosts. 
Parasitism among the higher plants of the present time is con- 
fined to ten families, one of which has been added recently to the 
list by the work of Dr. W. A. CaNnNon. It may be safely assumed 
that in some of these, the Orobanchaceae, for example, the habit 
is far beyond retraction. 
Tucson, ARIZONA 



Most of the plants considered in this paper were collected in 
Idaho. Since they were secured during a single season by an 
amateur, a word concerning the collector and the field investigated 
will not seem out of place. Early in 1910 specimens were received 
from J. Francis Macsripe for determination. In the corre- 
spondence that developed it was soon apparent that he was a 
close observer and deeply interested in the flora of his neighbor- 
hood and state. A proposition from him to collect for the Rocky 
Mountain Herbarium led to the discovery that he was a boy just 
out of the Boise High School. An agreement was soon reached 
whereby he was to undertake field work in some part of Idaho. 

To determine the least worked and therefore the most inviting - 
field, appeal was made to the two men who probably know the 
flora of the state better than any others, namely the former pro- 
fessor of botany at the University of Idaho, L. F. HENDERSON, 
and Professor Ext1as Netson of the Experiment Station. These 
Were agreed that southwestern Idaho was practically unexplored, 

that name. Their judgment has been confirmed by the work thus 
far carried out, and further collections in this very interesting field 
will be made in Igit. 

Ertoconum ovatirotium Nutt.—As the collections of this so- 
called “aggregate” species multiply, the probability increases that 
the seemingly quite distinct forms of it represent but one very 
variable species. The type of the species was the comparatively 
small yellow-flowered form. Then Nutra gave us E. purpureum, 
differing in no respect except in color. It has since been shown that 
between the two the specimens show all shades of yellow to white, 
and white to purple. At most then, NuTTatt’s second species 
261] [Botanical Gazette, vol. 52 


ought not to be recognized as more than a variety, and as a recog- 
nizable though not necessarily permanent variation. 

What is true of E. purpureum Nutt. is equally true of three of 
SMALL’s segregates. They are based on no permanent characters, 
since in this genus color and size have been shown to vary with every 
change in the ecological factors. Two of these species, E. ochroleu- 
cum and E. orthocaulon, occur in the semi-arid portion of the 
Snake River basin and its tributaries. They may grow inter- 
mingled in the same district, as was the case in the superb specimens 
mentioned below. I therefore propose one varietal name to repre- 
sent the two as follows. 

ERIOGONUM OVALIFOLIUM celsum.—E. ochroleucum Small, Mem. 
N.Y. Bot. Gard. 1:123. 1900; E. orthocaulon Small, Bull. Torr. 
Club 33:53. 1906. 

MACBRIDE’S specimens, soon to be distributed under this varietal name, 
represent well the two colors, the oval to oblong leaves, and the tall scapes. 
New Plymouth, Idaho, May 21, 1910, nos. 85 and 86. 

ERIOGONUM OVALIFOLIUM vineum.—E. vineum Small, Bull. 
Torr. Club 25:45. 1808. 

Besides the wine-colored flowers, this is more noticeably tomentose, hence 
may be kept distinct from the preceding variety, though like that it merely 
represents the species in its maximum development. 

Stanleya rara, n. sp.—Inflorescence inordinately crowded, 
becoming 4 or more dm. long, the rachis only moderately stout: 
pedicels about 1o mm. long, in fruit 15-20 mm.: sepals yellow, 
linear, about 10 mm. long and 1 mm. or more wide: petals yellow, 
linear, narrower than the sepals and about three times as long; 
the claw longer than the sepals and but little narrower than the 
blade: anthers 3-4 mm. long, at length well exserted and more or 
less curved or coiled: ovary at full anthesis about 4 mm. long, some- 
what shorter than its stipe: pods at maturity filiform, 4-6 cm. 
long or possibly more, irregularly curved and spreading, on stipes 
nearly half as long and somewhat longer than the pedicels. 

This is a tentative description of a seemingly excellent species, and is 
described from only a fragment of the plant. This had been gathered for a 
bouquet by Mrs. Crourners, on a dry hillside, near Big Willow post-office, in 
Canyon Co., Idaho, about May 25, 1910, where it undoubtedly is indigenous. 


This fragment is no. 217 in MACBRIDE’s series. He will try to secure the plant 
in quantity in rort. 

Thelypodium milleflorum, n. sp.—Tall, branching, wholly 
glabrous, biennial, 1-2 m. high, the stout main axis and the much 
slenderer ascending branches a deep purple below, becoming paler 
upward: leaves coarsely and irregularly dentate to entire, passing 
from oblong below to linear above; the lower petioles 6~r15 cm. 
long, usually shorter than the blades, becoming shorter upward: 
inflorescence greatly crowded, at length very long (that of the 
main axis often 4-6 dm.) but even in fruit quite dense: flowers, 
pedicels, and even the rachis very pale or milky white: sepals 
narrowly oblong-linear, slightly cucullate and greenish at the tip, 
about 5 mm. long: petals very narrow, twice as long as the sepals; 
the spreading blade nearly linear: the clawlike portion filiform but 
distinctly expanding again near the base: filaments at length well 
exserted, and the purple, linear, scarcely sagittate anthers coiled: 
pods a pure green, in good contrast with the pale pedicels and rachis, 
almost filiform, 6-10 cm. long, normally strongly ascending or 
suberect, but often irregularly spreading as if from their weight: 
stipe 2-3 mm. long; the style about the same length: the ascending 
pedicels a little longer than the stipes. 

This is T. Jaciniatum Endl. in part, some specimens being found in herbaria 
under that name. That species differs from this in many ways, but notice- 
ably its shabitat (on rocks), its smaller size, its laciniate leaves, its shorter, 
thicker, spreading pods, and opener inflorescence with green pedicels and 

The best specimens are MACBRIDE 234, New Plymouth, Idaho; abundant 
in rich soils on open slopes; in May, and by June in full fruit. It is also rep- 
resented by Cusick 1955, from dry bottom lands, Malheur Co., Oregon; 

AKER 1020, Eagle Valley, Ormsby Co., Nevada; CorTon 391, Yakima region, 

Rorrpa patusrris (L.) Bess.—In studying MAcBRIDE’s col- 
lections, I found a variation of this widely dispersed species that is 
quite noteworthy. This led to an examination of all the available 
Specimens at hand, as well as of those representing what we have 
been calling R. hispida (Desv.) Brit. In this study it became 
evident that MAcBRIDE’s specimens have the size, habit, and 
general aspect, and the perfect glabrateness of R. palustris, but 


the globose or subglobose pods of R. hispida. One is therefore 
driven to the conclusion that these are but variations of one species. 

In the present disturbed condition of nomenclature, one scarcely 
knows what generic designation to employ. However, if one 
ignores names prior to 1753, the order of the three names commonly 
employed seems to be Roripa Scop., Fl. Carn. 520. 1760; Radicula 
Dell. ex Moench, Meth. 262. 1794; Nasturtium R. Br. Ait., Hort. 
Kew. Ed. 2. 4:109. 1812. 

Following the same plan on the specific name it seems to result — 
as follows: 

Roripa terrestris (R. Br.), n. comb.—Nasturtium terrestre R. Br., 
l.c.; N. palustre DC., Syst. 2:191. 1821; Roripa palustris (L.) 
Bess., Enum. 27. 1821. 

RORIPA TERRESTRIS hispida, n. comb.—Brachylobus hispidus 
Desv., Journ. Bot. 3:183. 1814; Nasturtium hispidum DC., L.c.; 
Roripa palustris hispida Rybd., Contrib. U.S. Nat. Herb. 3:149. 

RoRIPA TERRISTRIS globosa, n. var.—Tall and often declined, 
4-10 dm. high, perfectly glabrous; pods globose or subglobose, 
with a short necklike constriction between pod and receptacle. 

MACBRIDE 275 is typical; swampy land, Falk’s Store, Canyon Co., Idaho, 
June 22, 1910; also by AVEN Netson, Head of Wood’s Creek, Albany Co., 
Wyoming, August 1910. 

Spiraea idahoensis, n.sp.—A shrub, wholly glabrous throughout, 
10-18 dm. high, branched below; the current year’s branches 
erect, 3-5 dm. long and very leafy: bark of young branches very 
pale reddish brown: leaves large, ovate to elliptic or often oval, 
usually rounded-obtuse at both ends but sometimes subacute at 
apex, nearly regularly serrate often almost to the base, 5-9 cm. 
long: panicle large, more or less compound, cylindrical or pyramidal, 
' the lower branches of the panicle axillary to the uppermost some- 
what reduced leaves: calyx lobes reflexed, triangular-ovate, mostly 
acute, about as long as the disk: petals rose color, about 2 mm. 
long, twice as long as the calyx lobes, ovate, subacute or obtuse: 
filaments slender, more than twice as long as the petals: carpels 
ovate-oblong, smooth and polished, about o. 5 m. long. 

It is singular that this Idaho shrub should so long have passed for S. 
Wenziesii Hook. That species finds its typical development along streams and 


in cold bogs of the Northwest. It is always more or less pubescent, and its 
leaves are typically narrower and smaller. Its Idaho counterpart is a shrub 
of the mountains or foothills, in moist soil but not in marshy or wet places. 
S. idahoensis is reported plentiful throughout southern Idaho. 

The type is MACBRIDE 630, collected at Trinity, Elmore Co., August 23, 

Potentilla trina, n. sp.—Perennial from a rough shreddy but 
slender vertical caudek, 4-8 cm. long, green and glabrate or even 
quite glabrous: stems less than 1 dm. high, slender but erect, few- 
leaved and few-flowered: leaves trifoliate: basal leaves on slender 
petioles 5-8 cm. long; leaflets short-petioled or subsessile, 1-3 cm. 
long, broadly obovate-cuneate, deeply and incisely toothed, the 
teeth more or less incised; stem leaves sessile, narrowly cuneate, 
incisely toothed at apex: cymes very few-flowered: calyx tube 
sparsely and minutely hirsute; sepals triangular-lanceolate, about 
5mm. long, acute, obscurely ciliolate; bractlets oblong, mostly 
obtuse, shorter than the sepals: petals obovate, emarginate, 6-8 
mm. long: stamens about 20: carpels 20-25. 

his is a very near relative of P. emarginata Pursh, and may be only a 
8eographical variety of that arctic species. If it stands as a species, it must do 
So on the strength of its almost glabrate condition, larger and longer rootstocks, 
larger leaflets, and erect habit. 

Collected by Macsrine in the Trinity Mountains, on the grassy banks of 
Star Lake, one of the Trinity Lakes, August 30, 1910, no. 680. Only a few 
plants were found. 

Prunus padifolia, n. comb.—Cerasus padifolia Greene, Proc. 
Biol. Soc. Wash. 18: 59. 1905. 

MAcBRIDE secured some excellent red cherry specimens on his collect- 
ing trip in Idaho in 1910. These led to an examination of GREENE’s interest- 
ing paper on “Some West American red cherries.” A checking up of the 
Specimens in the Rocky Mountain Herbarium in the light of this paper revealed 
Some sheets referable to the above name, including MACBRIDE 443 and 479 
from Silver City and Twilight Gulch. He secured two sets of specimens, 
one typically red-fruited, the other with fruit a clear lemon yellow. Otherwise 
no differences in the two collections could be seen. A character not mentioned 
y GREENE is the glandular denticulation of the leaf margin. 

Thermopsis xylorhiza, n. sp.—Stems clustered, erect, rather 
Slender, from a branched woody caudex surmounting a stout 
Woody root, 4~7 dm. high, simple and (at maturity) leafless below, 
sparingly branched above, glabrate and somewhat striate: green, 


glabrous above, very sparsely pubescent beneath; the stipules - 
ovate or obovate, obtuse or acutish, 2-4 cm. long, either longer 
or shorter than the petiole; leaflets oval to narrowly elliptic, obtuse 
or acutish at apex, mostly somewhat cuneate at base, 4-8 cm. 
long: raceme of 10-20 rather crowded flowers; calyx finely pubes- 
cent;' the campanulate tube 6-7 mm. long, the triangular acute 
teeth half as long; the deep-yellow corolla more than twice as long 
as the calyx: the young pods erect, straight, white with fine silky 
pubescence, at maturity greenish and sparingly pubescent, moder- 
ately or only slightly arcuate, spreading, 4-8 cm. long and 5-7 mm. 
broad; the pedicels 5 mm. or less. 

So far as known to the writer, the other western species all have a semi- 
fleshy running rootstock, but aside from the woody character of the caudex 
and roots this species has other good characters to distinguish it. 

Secured by MacsriveE at Falk’s Store, Canyon Co., Idaho, May 24, 1919, 
no. go. 

Hypericum tapetoides, n. sp.—Depressed perennial, spreading 
by the slender rhizome-like stems which root at the nodes, very 
leafy: leaves glabrous, oval or obovate, tapering to the half- 
clasping base, 5 mm. or less long, longer than the internodes: flowers 
rarely solitary terminal, usually in cymes of 3-several: sepals 5, 
similar, narrowly elliptic-oblong, abruptly acute, about 3 mm. 
long: petals 5, orange yellow, elliptic, very delicate, 5—7-nerved, 
as long as or longer than the sepals, marcescent: stamens 12-20, 
distinct, nearly as long as the petals: styles 2-4, equaling the 
stamens, slightly dilated upward to the truncate or subcapitate 
summit: capsule ovoid, acute, as long as the sepals: seeds numer- 
ous, oblong, minutely longitudinally roughened striate. 

Very distinct from H. bryophytum Elmer, Bor. Gaz. 36:60. 1903, and 
from H. anagalloides nevadense Greene, Fl. Fran. 113, apparently the only 
species to which it makes a close approach. It was found growing in dense 
mats on sunny mossy, boggy stream and lake banks, usually intermingled with 
mosses and with these forming thick soppy-wet carpets of green. MACBRIDE 
453, Silver City, Owyhee Mountains, in bloom, July 22; no. 570, Trinity, 
Elmore Co., in fruit, August 1910. 

SPHAERALCEA RIVULARIS diversa, n. var.—Differing from the 
species in the green and almost glabrous leaves which are shallowly 
only 3-5-lobed; the lobes mostly obtuse, often broadly rounded, 


never sharply serrate on the margin but varying from entire to 
merely undulate crenate: flowers not crowded-terminal as in the 
species, but axillary-pediceled in the upper leaves and in a short 
nearly naked terminal raceme of 3 or 4 flowers: carpels hirsute- 
hispid on upper part of the back only. 

MACBRIDE 582, moist hillsides, Manyon Creek, Elmore Co., August 11, 

Phaeostoma rhomboidea, n. comb.—Clarkia rhomboidea Dougl., 
Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 1:214. 1833; Opsianthes gaurioides Lilja, 
Linnaea 15:261. 1840. 

The genus Phaeostoma was established by Spacu (Hist. Veg. Phan. 4: 392. 
1835), one species being referred to it, namely P. Douglasii, which was the 
earlier Clarkia elegans Dougl. I am not so much surprised that this excellent 
genus was later suppressed (during the Benthamian era) as I am that it has 
not been since restored. There are only a very few species referable to it, but 
these are so aberrant in the genus Clarkia that one trying to find them by 
means of keys now available meets with a number of contradictory and mis- 
leading statements. Clarkia rhomboidea runs just as readily to Godetia as to 
Clarkia, for it requires a decided mental bias to recognize the narrowed base 
of its petals as a claw. 

Removing the species with entire petals from Clarkia, it becomes homo- 
geneous in that all the species have clawed, 3-lobed petals, only 4 real stamens, 
and a stigma evidently lobed. Phaeostoma, on the other hand, has entire 
_ petals with or without claw, eight perfect subequal stamens, and a stigma with 
lobes so short that the stigma looks capitate or disciform. It is to be noted 
too that in Phaeostoma some of the leaves are opposite. The other species 
referable to this genus are as follows: 

Phaeostoma elegans, n. comb.—Clarkia elegans Dougl., Lindl. 
Bot. Reg. t. 1575. 

_ Phaeostoma xanthiana, n. comb.—Clarkia xanthiana Gray, Proc. 
Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 72145. 1861. 

Phaeostoma parviflora, n. comb.—Clarkia parviflora Eastwood, 
Bull. Torr. Ctub 30:492. 1903. 

Sphaerostigma implexa, n. sp.—Annual, more or less branched 
from the base and upward, 1-2 dm. high; the stems and branches 
puberulent and purplish tinged, the bark not exfoliating; the 
branches ascending, almost as long as the main axis: leaves glabrate 
or puberulent, oblanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, tapering to a 
short petiole; the lower 5-7 cm. long, upward passing into the 


narrow bracts which are gradually reduced; raceme crowded, 
becoming narrow and more or less secund, puberulent: calyx 
lobes lanceolate, 5-6mm. long, and about twice as long as the 
tube: petals greenish- or yellowish-white, suborbicular, abruptly 
acutish, or with a tooth on the subtruncate apex, as long as the 
calyx lobes: capsule narrowly linear, subcylindrical and only slightly 
enlarged downward, at maturity 20-25 mm. long and greatly con- 
torted or implexed. 

The habit and general appearance of this suggests S. decorticans (H. & A.) 
Small, from which it is far removed geographically and otherwise. 

ype, MacsripE 27, from Falk’s Store, Canyon Co., Idaho, dry stony hill- 
sides, May 17, 1910. 

Onagra (OrNoTHERA) ornata, n. sp.—Stout biennial, widely 
spreading from the summit of a rather large woody root; the sev- 
eral stems assurgent and simple, 5 dm. or more high, very leafy, 
densely and finely pubescent, with some scattering ciliate hairs: 
leaves narrowly oblong-lanceolate to linear-lanceloate, the largest 
10-14 cm. long, reduced toward the base and into the bracts (first 
year leaves not seen), with short dense subcinerous pubescence: 
inflorescence crowded: calyx densely white hirsute-pubescent, at 
anthesis its tube less than 4 cm. long, about twice as long as the 
ovary, its lobes as long as or longer than the tube: corolla a deep 
golden yellow, unchanged in drying or shading to orange; the 
petals broadly triangular-obovate or obcordate, as long as the 
calyx lobes: anthers yellow, 12-15 mm. long; the filaments much | 
shorter than the petals: style not protruding from the bud but 
elongating and surpassing the stamens as the buds open: capsule 
pubescent, 2-3 cm. long, somewhat thickened on the angles and 
only slightly tapering: seeds angled. 

This highly beautiful evening’ primrose, coming as it does from a state 
supposedly fairly well worked, is a distinct surprise. Doubtless, however, 
it is an indigenous plant. The excellent key prepared by Dr. R. R GaTES 
(Mo. Bot. Gar. Rept. 20:126. 1909) now makes it possible at least to place 
species of this genus in fairly well-marked groups. This proposed specie? 
will be somewhat aberrant in the O. grandiflora group. That the present 
species has nothing in common with the O. biennis group is evident not only 
from GarTEs’s key, but is attested by the well-known fact that in that group the 
petals of all the recognized western species (O. strigosa, O. Hookeri, etc-) become 


paler, pinkish or even white, on drying. GREENE is the only writer who has 
mentioned a western form (California) in which the petals remain yellow, or 
turn a deeper yellow, but he referred this to the misunderstood Oenothera 

grandiflora Ait., which Miss Vatt (Torreya 5:9. 1905) has since definitely 
located for us. It seems strange, however, that neither HowELL nor PIPER 
make any mention in their floras of the large-flowered species representes by 
this and the next. 

MacsrivE reports this species as scattering in the foothills but more abun- 
dant upon the adjacent mountain slopes, near Boise, Idaho; no. 262, June 18, 

Onagra (OENOTHERA) Macbrideae, n. sp.—Annual, from a 
rather slender, vertical taproot: stem simple below or sometimes 
with one or two smaller accessory erect stems from the crown, 
usually sparingly branched above, 4-8 dm. high, glabrate in appear- 
ance but with a sparse crisped pubescence and a few longer cilia- 
tions: leaves glabrate or more evidently pubescent, especially on 
the midrib or veins which are often substrigose; the radical leaves 
narrowly oblanceolate, tapering above to the acute apex; cauline 
leaves similar but smaller and passing into the sessile bracts: 
inflorescence open from the first: calyx lobes nearly glabrous, about 
3cm. long, shorter than the glabrous slender tube, the linear tips 
short: petals yellow, thin, fading to a deeper yellow or orange red, 
obovate-obcordate, about 4 cm. long, twice as long as the filaments: 
anthers more than 1 cm. long: pistil not protruding from the bud, 
about equaling the petals: capsule moderately fusiform, nearly 
straight, and 8-costate, 2-3 cm. long: seeds apparently wing-angled. 

Two such splendid plants as these by one collector, seem quite an achieve- 
ment for one season. In so limited a genus, since both are from the same 
State, one might suspect that they should be united, but that is impossible, 
for one is a coarse, pubescent, spreading biennial with woody stems and crowded 
inflorescence: the other a glabrate, erect, herbaceous annual with few and 
much larger flowers. 

That this species is indigenous can scarcely be doubted, It was secured 
more than 50 miles from a railroad in a practically uninhabited desert area 
in the Owyhee Mountains, Idaho. It affords me much pleasure to dedicate 
it to Mrs. C. M. Macarme, who so industriously and discriminatingly assisted 
her son in the field work during most of the season of 1910. Type no. 473, 
Twilight Gulch, July 27, rg10. 

Dodecatheon dispar, n. sp.—Glabrous throughout, obscurely, if 
at all, granular-glandular in the inflorescence: rootstock short, thick, 


ascending or erect, producing an abundance of fleshy roots: leaves 
numerous, oblanceolate, tapering gradually into the long, margined 
base, tapering lanceolately toward the subacute apex also, 2-3 dm. 
long: scapes 4-6 dm. high, few-flowered (1-6), the pedicels very 
unequal: calyx tube obconical, about 5 mm. long; calyx lobes linear- 
lanceolate, longer than the tube: the sinuses broadly rounded: 
corolla lobes lance-linear, one-half longer than the sepals, the tube 
very short: stamens distinct and sessile, stout subulate, as long as 
the sepals: capsule circumscissile near the apex, then splitting at the 
summit only into 5 valves, each of which opens for a shorter distance 
in the dorsal suture, ovoid to oblong, equaling the calyx lobes. 

Among the operculate species, having distinct anthers, I can find none with 
which to compare this large glabrous form. 

MACBRIDE 672, moist flats near the Trinity Lakes, Elmore Co., Idaho, 
August 29, 1g10. 

COLLOMIA GRANDIFLORA axillaris, n. var.—Stems slender, cin- 
erous-puberulent, 3-5 dm. high: leaves puberulent: the capitate 
flower clusters small and few-flowered, on very short foliar-bracted 
branchlets axillary in most or even all of the leaves, the terminal 
cluster often not much larger than the others: calyx very glandular. 

Collomia grandiflora is thus seen to be exceedingly variable. Any one com- 
paring this variety with material typical of the species would have no hesitation 
in declaring them remarkably distinct. But with C. grandiflora diffusa Mul- 
ford before you, and a goodly number of intermediates between the species 
and the varieties, one hesitates to name it at all, So striking a variation, how- 
ever, ought to be designated in some way. 

MACBRIDE 580 is the type; Trinity, Elmore Co., August 8, rgro, open hill- 
sides. Less well represented by his no. 376, Silver City, July 14, 1910, steep 

Phlox aculeata, n. sp.—Depressed-caespitose on the intricately 
slender-branched caudex: stems slender, sparsely crisped, viscid- 
pubescent, especially above, the internodes short or nearly wanting: 
leaves densely crowded, filiform, straight or curved, rather rigid 
and aculeate, the midrib and margins slightly thickened, obscurely 
puberulent and the uppermost also minutely glandular; usually 
only 10-12 mm. long but often a few of them are a half longer: 
flowers solitary or more often 3-5 at the ends of the branchlets, 
on pedicels 3-7 mm. long: calyx densely glandular-pubescent, 


apparently cleft nearly to the base: its lobes nearly linear, scarious 
on the slightly broadened base, acuminate and aculeate above, 
7-8 mm. long: corolla usually a deep pink, shading to lighter or 
even white; its tube a half longer than the calyx; its lobes narrowly 
ovate, rounded and obscurely denticulate at summit, about 8 mm. 
long: style and the longer stamens as long as the corolla tube: 
capsule large, spreading the calyx lobes apart, 4-5 mm. long: seeds 
oblong-ovate, rugulose and minutely puncticulate. 

It might be referred to the P. caespitosa group but for the usually 3-5- 
flowered cymes which relate it to the Kelseyi group (5 species), and of these it 
is most nearly related to P. pinifolia Brand., which is erect and with calyx 
and pedicels pilose and not glandular. 

Macsripe tells me this is common on the dry bench lands in the vicinity 
of New Plymouth, in the Payette Valley. His collection, no. 73, New Plymouth, 
May 20, 1910, supplies the type. 

Phacelia luteopurpurea, n. sp.—Slender annual, sparingly 
branched from the base and upward, hispidly short-hirsute, 1-2 
dm. high: leaves 2-5 cm. long, somewhat irregularly bipinnate, 
the oblong-linear lobes rarely few-toothed: inflorescence rather 
densely and conspicuously dark glandular-pubescent: sepals 
linear, spatulate, as long as the corolla tube and exceeding the 
Mature capsule, hispid as well as glandular: corolla narrowly 
campanulate; the tube yellow or yellowish, only 3-4 mm. long, 
more than twice as long as the broadly rounded spreading purple 
lobes: stamens nearly as long as the corolla tube, inserted in the 
Margin of pocket-like depressions near the base but without any 
vertical folds: style 2-cleft at apex only: capsule ellipsoidal, 
2mm. or more long; the ovules about 16; the seeds often fewer, 
irregularly oblong, with fine transverse acute rugulae. 

Most nearly related to P. bicolor Torr., but at once distinguished by its 
glandular pubescence and short corolla. "These two, with P. glandulifera 
Piper, P. Ivesiana Torr., and P. Fremontii, are the members of the section 
Evctypta Wats. (Micnoomnerns A. DC.). 

The type is MacsripE 84, New Plymouth, Idaho, May 21, 1910; sandy 

Madronella purpurea (Howell), n. comb.—Monardella purpurea 
Howell, Fl. N.W. Am. 550.—Low, scarcely more than 2 dm. high, 
the shrubby hase freely branched: twigs of the season very numer- 


ous, slender, simple, puberulent, 10-18 cm. high, very leafy: 
leaves entire, oblong or ovate-lanceolate, subacute, rather thick, 
obscurely puberulent or nearly glabrous, 12-25 mm. long, usually 
much exceeding the internodes, tapering into a short petiole: head 
of flowers close, 15-20 mm. high and about as broad; involucral 
bracts in two rows, the outer only slightly shorter, all obovate: 
calyx tube about 1o mm. long, minutely hirsute; the small tri- 
angular teeth softly hirsute: corolla tube minutely pubescent, 
distinctly exceeding the calyx, its linear purple lobes about half 
as long as the tube. 

GREENE’s argument (Leaflets 1:168) for discarding the name Monardella 
seems convincing; therefore, I transfer two most excellent species. The above 
is re-characterized in the light of Macsripe’s perfect specimens from Silver 
City, in the Owyhee Mountains, no. 434, growing in granite soils. 

Madronella parvifolia (Greene), n. comb.—Monardella parvi- 
folia Greene, Pl. Baker. 3:22. 1901; appearing in CouLTER and 
Netson’s Manual as Monardella parviflora, a slip in copying. 

LITHOSPERUM RUDERALE lanceolatum, n. comb.—L. lanceolatum 
Rydb., Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 233. 1900. 

There can be little doubt that Prrer is right (Contrib. U.S. Nat. Herb. 
11:486. 1906) in replacing L. pilosum Nutt. by L. ruderale Dougl.; but not 
in reducing L. lanceolatum to complete synonomy. RYyDBERG’s name probably 
should be retained as representing a recognizable variety. The characters 
on which he relied to separate it specifically from its nearest ally, L. pilosum, 
are characters of degree, mainly size. This character may so readily be ac- 
counted for by environment that one is not justified in giving more than varietal 
significance to it. In the light of most remarkable specimens of this variety 
secured by MAcBRIDE at Big Willow, Canyon Co., no. 110, the salient char- 
acters may be restated as follows: 

Stems very numerous, stout 4-6dm. high: the inflorescence 
paniculately branched, sepals elongating and surpassing the very 
large nutlets, which are distinctly keeled and provided with a 
conspicuous flaring white polished collar bordering the broad con- 
cave basal scar. 

Pentstemon Macbridei, n. sp.—Caudex woody, subterranean: 
stems several to many from each of the few crowns of the caudex, 
puberulent, slender, simple, erect, closely and equably leafy, 
1-3 dm. long exclusive of the ample inflorescence: leaves puberu- 


lent, narrowly linear, tapering to both ends, 3-6 cm. long, all 
sessile except the lowest which are somewhat reduced in size and 
short-petioled, the upper passing into the bracts which are gradually 
reduced upward: the cymose panicle ample, 1-2 dm. long, or often 
longer, the open, lower branchlets more or less elongated and bear- 

ing simple or compound cymes, puberulent as are also the pedicels 
~ which are often much longer than the calyx and with a small pair 
of bractlets: sepals broadly ovate-lanceolate, acute, green and 
glabrate with subscarious margin, 5-6 mm. long: corolla showy, 
bluish-purple, gradually dilated, moderately bilabiate, glabrous 
within and without, its tube 14-16 mm. long, its oval-oblong lobes 
spreading, about 5 mm. long: anthers saccate, opening only above 
the middle, glabrous even on the line of dehiscence, sterile filament 
flattened at apex, wholly glabrous. 

This beautiful Pentstemon seems not to be closely related to any de- 
scribed species except P. gracilenta Gray, from which it is readily distinguished. 
That has glabrous herbage and is glandular pubescent in the inflorescence. 
Its leaves are broader and largely basal, upwardly becoming distant and 
reduced; the relatively smaller and narrower inflorescence is naked-peduncu- 
late; and the corolla is smaller and the sterile filament more or less bearded. 

I take pleasure in naming this for my young friend J. FRANCIS MACBRIDE, 
who collected so industriously during the summer of 1910. The type is no 
105, secured on loamy slopes, near Big Willow, Canyon Co., Idaho, May 27. 

Pentstemon perpulcher, n. sp.—Stems few-several from a short 
thick woody caudex, 4-8dm. high including the inflorescence, 
erect or ascending, puberulent below, becoming glabrous above: 
basal leaves narrowly oblanceolate, 3-10 cm. long. including the 
tapering base and petiole; cauline linear-lanceolate, with sessile 
clasping base, reduced upward and passing into the linear bracts: 
thyrsus crowded or more open, rather narrow and secund, 1-3 dm. 
long: sepals glabrous, ovate, acute with subscarious and minutely 
€rose margins: corolla blue, mostly less than 20 mm. long, with 
moderately dilated glal throat and oval lobes: anthers dehiscent, 
glabrous; sterile filament stiffly bearded at the tip, not at all 

I hesitate to designate another species in the P. glaber group. Several 
Segregates have already been published by various authors, none of which, 
however, seems to have anything to do with the specimens in hand. The 


characters relied upon to separate the new species are (a) the erect slender 
stems with the narrow leaves and secund thyrse, giving the plant the aspect 
of P. unilateralis Rydb.; (6) the pronounced puberulence of the plant below 
the inflorescence; (c) the short corolla, a third shorter than any of the other 
species of the P. glaber group; (d) the glabrous anthers; (¢) the habitat, the 
plant seemingly much at home on dry banks of ‘the sage brush deserts of 
western Idaho. All of these characters are directly opposed to the accepted 
ones of typical P. glaber Pursh. 

MacsrIpE 80, New Plymouth, Canyon Co., Idaho, May 21, roo, is the 

Pentstemon Woodsii, n. sp.—Moderately short pubescent 
throughout, and more or less glandular upward: stems wholly 
herbaceous, from the branches of a short woody subterranean 
caudex, erect, leafy, terminating in a small cyme of three or five 
flowers: leaves not at all coriaceous, oblong to oblong-lanceolate, 
acute, ascending, dentate or denticulate except the lower which 
are smaller than the others and entire, the larger 3 dm. or more in 
length and much longer than the internodes: sepals narrowly 
lanceolate, about 1omm. long: corolla purplish blue, gradually 
dilated upward, about 3 cm. long, its oval-oblong lobes less than 
5m. long, finely woolly in the throat on the lower lip: anthers 
dehiscent through the junction of the two cells but not explanate, 
finely matted-woolly; sterile filament not dilated at apex, the 
very tip bearing a few long woolly hairs: style slender, scarcely 
exserted but surpassing the included stamens. 

I would refer the present specimens to P. montanus Greene (of which I 
have seen no authentic specimens) were it not that GREENE says of that “leaves 
cinerously puberulent, corolla pink-purple, and sterile filament naked.” He 
would hardly have failed to mention the decidedly glandular pubescence of 
the inflorescence and the thin, not at all leathery, leaves. In TWEEDY ’S 
specimens, cited as the type, it is mentioned that the corollas ackent in drying, 
which is not the case at all in P. Woodsii. 

The fine specimens taken as the type were received from Mr. C. N. Woops, 
Supervisor of the Sawtooth Forest Reserve, no. 26 5, for whom it is a pleasure 
to name the species. 





The material upon which the present study is based was col- 
lected at Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, where the ascocarps 
of Lachnea were found in large numbers upon decaying wood in 
damp places. The ascocarps appear to be frequently produced 
in crops, as a considerable number of about the same age are often 
found on a single log. If all of these are removed while still young, 
a second crop will usually appear in a few days. If now the young 
ascocarps are removed as they appear, successive crops may con- 
tinue to be produced for some time. By this means a large number 
of young stages can be quite easily obtained. 

For microscopical study, sections were cut 3-5 # thick and 
stained with Flemming’s triple or Haidenhain’s iron-alum hema- 
toxylin. The latter gave the best results. 

Lachnea scutellata has a disk-shaped ascocarp, 2 mm.—1 cm. in 
diameter, the upper surface of which is covered by the hymenium, 
Which is colored red. The margin and lower surface of the disk 
are brown and thickly beset with long brown setae. The setae are 
long, septate hyphae, the outer walls of which are greatly thickened. 
A cross-section of an ascocarp (plate fig. 1) shows that the inside is 
composed of densely interlacing hyphae, while the margin and lower 
Surface are covered by a parenchymatous cortical layer consisting 
of large, thick-walled hyphae which run nearly parallel to each 
other and perpendicular to the outer surface of the ascocarp. 
Woronin (38) described the ascocarp of Lachnea scutellata as 
originating in the production of an archicarp, which soon became 
surrounded by vegetative hyphae that obscured its further develop- 

* Contribution from the Botanical Laboratory of the Johns Hopkins University, 
Oo. —. 

275) [Botanical Gazette, vol. 52 


In the youngest specimens obtained, the archicarp consisted of 
a row of 7-9 cells, which had just become surrounded by vegetative 
hyphae. The ascogonium is the penultimate cell of the archi- 
carp, which when mature consists of about 9 cells (plate fig. 3). 
The ascogonium and all of the vegetative cells are multinucleate. 
In the youngest specimens the ascogonium was about one-third 
to one-fourth its size at maturity. There was observed neither at 
this time nor later any sign of an antheridium, and since in the 
young specimens the ascocarp consisted of only a few hyphae, it 
should have been plainly visible even if degenerated. It seems 
probable, therefore, that no antheridium is present. 

Before the ascogonium reaches its mature size, the walls of the 
vegetative hyphae on the outside of the young ascocarp become 
thickened, and these hyphae form the outer covering of the asco- 
carp (plate fig. 2). This covering undergoes no further growth, 
but remains at the base of the mature ascocarp and forms the first 
part of the cortex. The hyphae around the ascogonium remain 
active and give rise, over the ascogonium, to small hyphae which | 
grow out to form paraphyses (plate fig. 3). The same hyphae 
which give rise to the hyphae producing the paraphyses give off 
branches, around the region of the paraphyses, some of which grow 
up and add to the cortex, while others grow out and form setae. 
As the cells of the setae and cortex reach their mature size, they 
become greatly vacuolated and the outer walls increase greatly 
in thickness. When the setae are first formed, they are bent down 
toward the center of the top of the young ascocarp, and thus form 
a covering over the developing hymenium (plate fig. 4). When 
a part of the cortex is once formed, the development of that part 
ceases, and further additions are made only in the region between 
the paraphyses and the cortex. The hyphae here remain active 
and give rise on one side to paraphyses and on the other to setae 
and more of the cortex of the ascocarp. As this continues, the 
older setae are carried outward, and finally come to be on the lower 
surface of the ascocarp. The setae which are formed first are not 
as long as those which are formed later, so that the setae around 
the margin of the disk are longer than those on the under surface. 
As the hymenium increases in diameter, by the production of more 


paraphyses and the pushing in of the ascogenous hyphae, which 
by this time have grown out from the ascogonium, it becomes too 
large to be covered by the setae and is thus exposed. When this 
has occurred, the ascocarp has attained its mature form (plate 
fig. 1). The relation of the various parts of the ascocarp is shown 
diagrammatically in fig. r. In this diagram are shown both the 
ascogonium. and asci, whereas the ascogonium always disappears 
before the formation of asci. 

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Fic. 1.~—Diagrammatic cross-section of ascocarp 

The vegetative nuclei usually contain a nucleolus and a small 
amount of scattered chromatin, but sometimes the chromatin is 
collected into a rounded mass resembling a nucleolus. In dividing 
the vegetative nuclei show five chromosomes. The nuclei of Lach- 
nea contain comparatively little stainable material, as will be seen 
from the figures. This scarcity of stainable material makes the 
figures appear diagrammatic. Such is not the case, however, as 
all figures were drawn with a camera lucida, and in those illus- 
trating nuclear details, all of the stainable material in the nuclei is 


figured. In most cases the cytoplasm is omitted, as this resembles 
that usually found in Ascomycetes. 
The nuclei in the ascogonium resemble the vegetative nuclei 

Fics. 2-13.—Fig. 2, nucleus of ascogonium in resting stage; fig. 3, formation of 
chromosomes in nucleus of ascogonium 

somes are on the nuclear wall, but owing to their position appear to be inside the 
nucleus; fig. 9, metaphase in nucleus of ascogonium; fig. 10, anaphase in nucleus of 
ascogonium; fig. tr, telophase in nucleus of ascogonium; fig. 12, reorganization of 

nuclei in ascogonium; fig. 13, reorganization of nuclei, in contact, in ascogonium, 
all X 11,200. 

except that they are somewhat larger. The chromatin is usually 
scattered throughout the nucleus, but sometimes it is arranged in a 

definite spireme (fig. 2). This condition probably indicates the 
approach of division. It has not been possible to determine defi- 


nitely whether or not the spireme is continuous. Often several 
loops are tangled together, so that it is impossible to foHow indi- 
vidual parts. Still more frequently parts of the spireme run along 
the nuclear membrane for considerable distances, so that even if it 
were continuous it could be followed only with considerable diffi- 
culty. At other times there appear to be definite breaks. This 
appearance may be due to a failure of the spireme to take the stain 
or to poor fixation, but there is nothing to indicate that such is the 
case. The spireme, soon after its formation, appears to contract 
and divide to form five chromosomes (figs. 3, 4). ‘The chromosomes 
may be rather widely separated (fig. 4), but frequently they are col- 
lected together into a compact group resembling a second nucleolus 
(figs. 5,6). The group can be distinguished, however, from a nucleo- 
lus by its irregular outlines. This grouping of the chromosomes is 
not confined to the ascogonium, but can be seen throughout the 
ascogenous hyphae and in the prophases of the second and third 
divisions of the ascus. It is probably also the explanation of the 
grouping of the chromatin seen in the vegetative nuclei. 

While the chromosomes are being formed, linin fibers make 
their appearance in the nucleus. At the same time a centrosome 
appears on the nuclear membrane. This was not visible during 
the resting condition and appears to arise de novo. The centrosome 
is not a point, but rather a flattened area, apparently composed of 
many granules. When the centrosome was first observed, it was 
already connected with the chromosomes by the linin fibers in the 
nuclear cavity (fig. 7). Soon after this the centrosome (fig. 8) 
divides, and the daughter centrosomes move apart and come to be 
Situated at the opposite poles of the complete spindle (fig. 9). The 
centrosomes in fig. 8 are against the nuclear membrane, but owing 
to their position appear in the figure to be within the nucleus. 
The five chromosomes then divide and five daughter chromosomes 
Proceed to each of the opposite poles (fig. 10). The nuclear mem- 
brane now breaks down, and the two groups of chromosomes and 
the nucleolus, which soon disappears, are left free in the cytoplasm 
(fig. 11). The two groups of chromosomes are usually separated 
far enough so that when they reorganize the daughter nuclei are 
Separated by an appreciable distance (fig. 12). F requently, how- 


ever, the daughter nuclei reorganize so close together that after a 
slight growth they are pressed against each other and resemble 
fusing nuclei (fig. 13). The spindle fibers are frequently present 
at this stage, and can be seen connecting the two masses of chro- 
matin, which are still visible in the daughter nuclei. Frequently 
the masses of chromatin lie against the nuclear membrane, and the 
disappearing fibers are entirely outside the nucleus, but at other 
times the fibers appear to cross the nuclear cavity, as in fig. 13. 
Frequently the chromatin appears, at first sight, to be in the center 
of the nucleus, when in reality it is lying against the membrane. 
This is due, of course, to the fact that the chromatin is at the upper 
or lower surface of the nucleus as it is viewed from above. 

Division seems to take place rapidly throughout the growth of 
the ascogonium and the development of the ascogenous hyphae. 
The nuclei do not divide simultaneously, as all stages, including 
resting nuclei, can be found in a single ascogonium. There appear, 
however, to be periods in which division takes place, followed by 
others in which all of the nuclei are in the resting condition, for a 
large number of divisions are frequently found in a single ascogo- 
nium, while others show only resting nuclei. The same type of 
division that has just been described and the same number of 
chromosomes persist throughout the development of the ascogonium 
and ascogenous hyphae. The nuclei decrease somewhat in size 
during the growth of the ascogonium, and in the early stages of the 
development of the ascogenous hyphae, but as the ascogenous 
hyphae develop further, the nuclei increase in size until they come 
to be slightly larger than in the young ascogonium. 

No fusion of nuclei has been observed in the ascogonium or in 
the ascogenous hyphae except in the tips where two nuclei fuse to 
form the primary nucleus of the ascus. A number of cases were 
seen in which two nuclei were pressed against each other, but in 
all of these the nuclear membrane was intact between the nuclei, 
and the appearance seemed to be due to the fact that the nuclei, 
_ after division, had reorganized close together, in the manner pre- 
viously described. It may be said that a fusion of the nuclei would 
be hard to find, but they have been looked for very carefully ina 
large number of well fixed and stained preparations. The slight 


decrease in the size of the nuclei during the development of the asco- 
carp and the persistence of the same number of chromosomes 
throughout the ascogonium and ascogenous hyphae, moreover, 
indicate very strongly that a fusion of nuclei during this stage is 
not to be expected. 

When the ascogonium has reached its mature size, it gives off 
a number of large ascogenous hyphae which are multinucleate 
from the first (plate fig. 3). The nuclei do not appear to be 
arranged in pairs or in any 
other definite manner, but 
to be scattered irregularly 
in the hyphae (fig. 14). 
They are undergoing divi- 
sion rather rapidly, as has 
been previously described. 
About this time the cyto- 
plasm and nuclei of the 
other cells of the archicarp 
begin to degenerate. These 
cells apparently do not fuse 
together as in Ascophanus 
carneus (CUTTING 7). The 
ascogenous hyphae grow 
up among the vegetative 
hyphae which are situated Fics. 14-16.—Fig. 14, outgrowth of ascoge 
over the ascogonium and _ nous hyphae from ascogonium; fig. 15, storage 
have been mentioned as ‘lls giving off paraphyses; fig. 16, tips of 

aE ‘ ascogenous hyphae in hymenium; all X 525. 

giving rise to paraphyses. 
As the ascogenous hyphae increase in length, they branch freely 
and become divided up into a number of large multinucleate cells. 
Some nuclei are left in the ascogonium and these finally degenerate. 
When the ascogenous hyphae are growing out from the ascogonium, 
the vegetative cells over the ascogonium (plate fig. 3) are slender, 
densely protoplasmic, and extend upward toward the covering of 
the ascocarp. They thus have the appearance of young paraphyses, 
but do not take part in the formation of the hymenium until they 
have developed further. As they grow up they branch freely and 


become thicker and less densely protoplasmic. As the developing 
ascogenous hyphae grow up and branch among these vegetative 
hyphae, the older parts of the vegetative hyphae cease to have the 
appearance of paraphyses, while the younger parts still form a 
layer ahead of the ascogenous hyphae. When the place where the 
hymenium is to be formed is finally reached, the layer of paraphyses 
is thus already completely developed (plate fig. 4). The continued 
upward growth and branching of the vegetative and ascogenous 
_ hyphae causes the hymenium to have a much greater diameter 
than it would have had if it had been formed before the branching 
had taken place. Some of the vegetative hyphae in the sub- 
hymenial layer give off branches which form large, densely staining 
storage cells. These in turn give rise to more paraphyses (fig. 15). 
In a few cases nuclei in these storage cells have been seen to be 
fusing, and since in some cases the fusing nuclei are exceptionally 
large, it may be that nuclei which have been formed by fusion may 
themselves fuse. The fusion of nuclei in the storage cells is of 
regular occurrence in Leotia (BROWN 6), but is probably excep- 
tional in Lachnea scutellata, as most of the nuclei in the storage 
cells of this species are small and of nearly uniform siz 

While the storage cells are being formed in the cabh eral 
layer, the ascogenous hyphae can be seen, in the same region, as 
rows of large multinucleate cells. These give off smaller multi- 
nucleate branches which extend upward into the lower part of the 
hymenium (fig. 16). It is from these branches that the asci are 
to be formed. The tips of these branches frequently contain two 
nuclei, and it seems probable that these are cut off together in a 
single cell, as no such uninucleate cells have been observed in the 
hymenium or subhymenial layer, although binucleate cells are of 
frequent occurrence. It is, of course, still possible that uninucleate 
cells may sometimes be cut off, and that these may have been over- 
looked, as the uninucleate condition would probably last only a 
short time. The cutting off of two nuclei in the tip of an ascoge- 
nous hypha has been described by McCuppin (28) in Helvella 
elastica. ‘The cutting off of two nuclei or a single one, which subse- 
quently divided, in Lachnea scutellata would probably not have 
any effect on the further development, since, as has already been 


described, the nuclei undergo division in the ascogenous hyphae, 
so that the two nuclei which are in the tip of a hypha are probably 
closely related. There appears, moreover, as has been previously 
pointed out (BRowN 6), to be no reason for thinking that the rela- 
tion of fusing nuclei can make any difference, if these are all in the 
same plant and are derived from a single nucleus, with the haploid 
number of chromosomes. 

The nuclei in those cells of the ascogenous hyphae which are 
below the hymenium finally degenerate. In doing so they often 
swell up to several times their original size, after which the nuclear 
membrane gradually disappears. This process is quite similar 
to that described by HARPER (22) for the nuclei in the trichogyne 
of Pyronema confluens. Before degenerating two or three of the 
nuclei sometimes fuse togethér. Such fusions are not confined to 
the nuclei of the ascogenous hyphae, but may occur in other 
degenerating cells. 

The binucleate cells previously described as being formed from 
the ascogenous hyphae grow up in the hymenium and bend over 
at the tip. The two nuclei pass into the bent portion and divide 
in the same manner that has been described for the nuclei in the 
ascogonium (fig. 17). At metaphase there are five chromosomes, 
and at anaphase five pass to each pole. Walls come in between 
the daughter nuclei of each pair, thus forming a binucleate penulti- 
mate and a uninucleate ultimate and antipenultimate cell (fig. 18). 
This is of course a typical hook. The two nuclei in the penulti- 
mate cell may fuse to form the nucleus of an ascus (fig. 20), but 
often they divide and give rise to the nuclei of another hook (fig. 24). 
The ultimate cell usually grows down and fuses with the stalk 
(fig. 19), after which the nucleus from the stalk usually migrates 
into the ultimate cell (fig. 21), although occasionally the nucleus 
of the ultimate cell may pass into the stalk. After the nucleus 
of the stalk has migrated into the ultimate cell, it may fuse with 
the nucleus of the ultimate cell to form the primary nucleus of an 
— ascus (fig. 22), but usually the two nuclei divide and the ultimate 
cell grows out to form another hook (figs. 23, 24). Sometimes the 
nucleus formed by the fusion of the nuclei of the ultimate and ante- 
Penultimate cells does not develop further. This is usually asso- 


ciated with a vacuolated condition of the cytoplasm. Fig. 25 
shows a case in which the penultimate cell has developed into a 
second hook. The nuclei of the ultimate and antepenultimate 
cells have fused, but the fusion nucleus has not developed further. 
The penultimate cell of the second hook has given rise to an ascus, 
while the nucleus of the ultimate cell has migrated into the ante- 
penultimate and fused with its nucleus. 

The processes described above, by which either the ultimate 

Fics. 17-25.—Fig. 17, tip of ascogenous hyphae, showing form of hook and 
division of nuclei; fig. 18, binucleate penultimate and uninucleate ultimate and ante- 
penultimate cells; fig. r9, fusion of nuclei in penultimate cell and fusion of ultimate 
and antepenultimate cells; fig. 20, fusion nucleus in antepenultimate cell; 
migration of nucleus from antepenultimate to ultimate cell, followed by outgrowth of 
ultimate cell; fig. 22, formation of asci from both ultimate and antepenultimate cells; 
fig. 23, formation of hook from ultimate cell and ascus from penultimate; fig. 24 
formation of hooks from both ultimate and penultimate cells; fig. 25, case in which 
nucleus from antepenultimate cell migrated into ultimate and fused with nucleus of 
ultimate; a hook was formed from binucleate penultimate cell, the penultimate cell 
of which in turn gave rise to an ascus, while the nucleus of the ultimate cell migrat 
into the antepenultimate and fused with its nucleus; all X 1400. 




or antepenultimate cell may give rise to a hook, may be repeated 
many times, so that a large number of asci may be formed finally 
from a single hypha. Even in young ascocarps, five or six hooks 
may frequently be seen joined together in various ways, and if it 
were possible to follow a hypha for a considerable distance, the 
above number would of course be greatly increased. 

The significance of these phenomena has been discussed in 
a previous paper on Leotia and Geoglossum (BROWN 6), in which 
genera they also occur. 

As new hooks are successively developed from older ones, that 
part of the ascogenous hypha which connects the successive hooks, 
as well as the older parts of the hypha, become vacuolated to 
such an extent that no cytoplasm can be seen in them. Despite 
this fact, new hooks and asci are formed quite rapidly. It seems 
probable, therefore, as HARPER (22) suggests, that the developing 
asci obtain their nutrient material from the paraphyses, which are 
in contact with them, by transfusion through the walls. 

The multiplication of the number of hooks gradually raises 
the level at which asci are formed. At the same time, the level 
at which the paraphyses come off is also raised by the formation 
of new ones from the basal portion of older ones and from storage 
cells which are being continually formed at a higher level. As 
growth continues and the hymenium rises higher and higher, the 
subhymenial layer is increased in height by the addition of the 
older parts of the hymenium, which are gradually left behind. 

ile the hymenium is thus being raised, it also increases in 
diameter. As has already been described, the cells between the 
hymenium and cortex continually produce new cells which give 
rise to paraphyses around the margin of the hymenium. At the 
Same time, hooks formed from the ultimate or penultimate cells 
of older ones grow in among the paraphyses. Owing to the pro- 
cesses described above, an ascocarp, after it assumes its mature 
form, may increase greatly in both height and diameter. 

When the two nuclei which fuse to form the primary nucleus 
of the ascus are in the process of fusion, they contain compara- 
tively little chromatin. This is scattered somewhat irregularly 
on linin fibers, but shows an approach to the spireme condition 


(fig. 26). The fusion nucleus grows rather rapidly, and as this 
continues the chromatin soon comes to be arranged in a definite, 
fine spireme (fig. 27). When this condition has been reached, the 
spireme does not usually show any free ends, and it can frequently 
be traced as a continuous thread for considerable distances. It 
is impossible, however, to follow it through some of the tangles. 
Frequently threads run to the nuclear membrane or nucleolus, after 
which it is not possible to trace them further. This suggests that 
the spireme is not continuous throughout its entire length, but 
this conclusion must be considered doubtful, as it is difficult to 
follow a spireme along the nuclear membrane, which is usually 
irregularly thickened, or to distinguish it from the nucleolus when 
it is in contact with the latter. While the nucleus is still far from 
its final size, the spireme shows the approach of synizesis by begin- 
ning to collect in a tangle either around or to one side of the nucleo- 
lus (fig. 27). This usually continues until all of the spireme is 
arranged in a dense tangle in which little detail can be seen (fig. 
29). No evidence of a fusion of spiremes during this stage was 
observed. An examination of figs. 27 and 28 will show that the 
spireme is not double as it goes into synizesis. The spireme was 
occasionally seen contracted into a mass about as dense as the 
nucleolus. This extreme condition may have been due to fixa- 
tion, but the regular occurrence of synizesis at this stage, and in 
material in which the fixation seemed to be perfect, certainly seems 
to indicate that synizesis is, as Mortrrer (29) thinks, a stage in 
development, and not an artifact due to fixation, as is claimed 
by SCHAFFNER (32). This view is supported by the fact that the 
spireme is quite different in appearance before and after synizesis. 

ynizesis probably lasts for a considerable time, as the nucleus 
and ascus grow considerably during this period. 

At the end of synizesis the spireme, which is now much thicker 
than before, loosens up and becomes spread through the nucleus 
(figs. 30 and 31). The continuity of the spireme throughout its 
length at this stage is, just as before synizesis, doubtful. After 
the spireme has become spread through the nucleus, it splits longi- 
tudinally (fig. 32). This splitting appears to extend through almost 
if not quite the entire length of the spireme. The two halves, 


Fics. 26-34. —Fig. 26, fusion of two nucleiin ascus; fig. 27, early stage in approach 
of synizesis in nucleus of ascus; fig. 28, later stage in approach of synizesis; fig. 29, 
Synizesis in nucleus of ascus; ie. 30, spireme just after pieerrys fig. 31, spireme 
spread through nucleus; fig. 32, split spireme; fig. 33, contracted spireme just before 
formation of chromos osomes; linin fibers — fig. 34, nucleus with five chromo- 
Somes and well developed fibers; all X28 


however, soon come together again, after which all traces of the 
split are usually lost, although sometimes evidences of it may be 
apparent even after the formation of the chromosomes. 

After the two halves of the spireme have come together, it 
begins to contract. This contraction continues until the spireme 
shortens very considerably (fig. 33). The spireme at this stage 
has the appearance of a continuous thread, the ends of which are 
probably free. The spireme finally segments into five somewhat 
elongated chromosomes (fig. 34). Each of these chromosomes is 
probably bivalent, since the nucleus received five chromosomes 
from each of the two nuclei which by fusing gave rise to it. The 
bivalent condition, however, is not indicated by the form of the 
chromosomes. In this they are probably similar to those of most 
plants. In Peperomia (Brown 4), however, the two halves appear 
during the heterotypic prophase, as separate chromosomes con- 
nected by linin fibers; while in Oenothera (GATES 17) the diploid 
number of chromosomes appears at the same stage, and in this case 
some of the chromosomes may not be arranged in pairs. 

As the spireme contracts, linin fibers appear within the nucleus 
(fig. 33). Along those fibers, and especially in the early stages, 
there are small granules which have the appearance of chromatin. 
They usually stain less densely than the chromatin of the spireme, 
but frequently they are large and numerous enough to make the 
fibers along which they are scattered resemble the spireme. It 
was not possible to tell whether the substance of these granules 
passed to the chromosomes or took part in the formation of more 
linin fibers, but since as they disappear the number of linin fibers 
increases considerably, it seems probable that part of the granules 
take part in the formation of the fibers. No evidence of the forma- 
tion of these fibers from the linin of the spireme by the migration 
of the chromatin has been observed, but since the continuity of the 
spireme in the early stages is doubtful, and these fibers may resem- 
ble the spireme very closely, such a possibility, while not probable, 
can hardly be said to be excluded. It is certain, however, that 
most of these fibers which will later on take part in the formation 
of the spindle are formed de novo. 

As the spindle fibers increase in number, they become connected 


with a centrosome which makes its appearance on the nuclear 
membrane, and some of them connect the centrosome with the 
chromosomes (fig. 35). No signs of this centrosome have been 
visible up to this time, and as there is nothing to indicate that it 
persists through the resting stages, it is probable that it is formed 
de novo at each division. In this respect it resembles the centrosphere- 
like bodies in Polysiphonia violacea (YAMANOUCHI 39), the centro- 
spheres in. Corallina (Davis 11), and the kinoplasmic caps 


Fics. 35~41.—Fig. 35, fibers attached to centrosome; fig. 36, nucleus showing 
extra body which appears much like a chromosome; fig. 37, late prophase of first 
division in ascus; fig. 38, metaphase of first division; fig. 39, early anaphase of first 
division; fig: 40, late anaphase, showing division of daughter chromosomes; fig. 41 
telophase of first division; all X 2800. 
in Griffithsia bornetiana (Lewis 25). Deeply staining granules 
are frequently present in the cytoplasm of Lachnea. These are 
Particularly abundant around the nucleus at this division. The 
nuclear membrane does not have an even appearance, but is irregu- 
larly thick, and often the granules just described are in contact 
with it. Owing to these facts it has not been possible to trace the 
origin of the centrosome. The centrosome here, as in the divisions 
Previously described, is not a spherical body, but a flattened struc- 
ture composed of a number of granules. 


When the five chromosomes have become connected with the 
centrosome, other deeply staining bodies are frequently present 
on the linin fibers. These are usually small and are probably 
similar to the granules previously described. Sometimes, however, 
they are as large as or larger than the chromosomes, and may bear 
such a striking likeness to them that there may appear to be as 
many as six or seven chromosomes (fig. 36). When the spindle 
is completely formed, these bodies may still be present on fibers 
connected with the spindle or nucleolus. Only very small ones, 
however, have been seen on the spindle, so that when the spindle 
is formed these bodies, which usually stain lighter than the chromo- 
somes; can be readily distinguished from them. 

After the linin fibers have become connected with the cen- 
trosome, they increase in number. The centrosome then divides, 
and the two daughter centrosomes take positions at the opposite 
ends of the spindle (figs. 37 and 38). When the spindle is first 
formed, it may be at any angle to the longitudinal axis of the 
ascus, but as division proceeds, it takes a position which is approxi- 
mately parallel to it. While this is taking place, a set of fibers 
makes its appearance outside the nucleus. These fibers radiate 
from the centrosome into the cytoplasm for a considerable distance. 

At metaphase five chromosomes are present on the spindle (fig. 
38). Usually all of these appear to be somewhat elongated and 
have their longitudinal axis parallel to that of the spindle. Each 
of the five chromosomes divides transversely, but the divisions do 
not all take place at the same time, so that as division proceeds, 
anywhere from six to ten chromosomes may be counted on the 
spindle. Remembering that when the spireme segmented it gave 
rise to five elongated chromosomes which were probably bivalent, 
it would seem that this division probably separates chromosomes 
which were placed end to end on the spireme and can have nothing 
to do with the longitudinal split seen in the prophase. There 
appears to be nothing to indicate that the chromosomes which 
went into the fusion nucleus have persisted unchanged through the 
resting nucleus and the prophases of this division, and are the same 
as the chromosomes which are separated at metaphase. On the 
contrary, there would seem to have been every chance for an 


exchange of material during synizesis, if not during the resting 
stage. The independence of unit characters in heredity would 
seem to favor the view that there may be an exchange of material 
between chromosomes, for if a given set of unit characters were 
permanently associated with the same chromosomes, we would 
expect to find different characters correlated much oftener than 
they are. If, however, as is generally assumed, the chromosomes 
are the part of an organism which is responsible for the transmis- 
sion of hereditary characters, and if different chromosomes are not 
alike but responsible for different characters, it would be impossible 
for a promiscuous exchange of material between various chromo- 
somes to occur without producing chaos. It would seem more 
likely that the chromosomes are so constituted that only certain 
kinds of material can be fitted into them, so that while chromosomes 
derived from different nuclei may exchange material which is 
responsible for similar sets of characters, they cannot exchange 
material which is responsible for one kind of character for that 
responsible for a different kind. 

The chromosomes at the first division in ie appear to 
approach the poles rather slowly, as anaphase is very abundant in 
sections. The ten chromosomes, formed by the division of the 
five seen at metaphase, are at first grouped at the equator of the 
spindle and give this stage a striking resemblance to metaphase. 
Finally, however, they separate into two groups of five, one of 
which goes to each pole (fig. 39). As the chromosomes approach 
the poles all of them may again divide (fig. 40). The two halves 
of a chromosome do not appear to be connected, but when division 
has just taken place the halves appear to be arranged in pairs, 
the constituents of which usually lie side by side on the spindle. 
It would seem from this that this division is due to a longitudinal 
splitting, and this may be connected with the splitting of the 
spireme seen in the prophase. <A division of the daughter chromo- 
somes as they approach the poles has been described in Gallactinia 
succosa by Marre (27) and GuiLLIERMOND (18). 

After the chromosomes have reached the poles, the fibers which 
connect the centrosomes continue to elongate until they become 
markedly bent. At the same time, breaks are formed on the 


nucleus at each pole (fig. 41). Finally the groups of chromosomes 
break through the nuclear membrane, after which the fibers which 
connect the chromosomes straighten out and the groups of chromo- 
somes are carried far beyond the limits of the nucleus (fig. 42). 
The nuclear membrane then breaks down. The nucleolus is left 


prey sear e 


Fics. 42-44.—Fig. 42, early stage in reorganization of daughter nuclei; fig. 43, 
four nuclei of an ascus in contact; fig. 44, late stage in reorganization of daughter 
nuclei after first division; all 2800 

in the cytoplasm and finally disappears. Both the fibers which 
connect the centrosomes and those which radiate out into the 
cytoplasm frequently persist until after nuclear membranes have 
been formed around the daughter nuclei (fig. 45). Sometimes the 
groups of chromosomes are not separated so far, and in this case 
the daughter nuclei may reorganize in contact with each other. 


Occasionally this may occur at both the first and second divisions 
(fig. 43). 3 

When the two groups of chromosomes have reached the place 
where the daughter nuclei are to be reorganized, they lie at the ends 
of the fibers which connect the centrosomes and just below those 
which radiate out into the cytoplasm. A clear area then makes 
its appearance on the side of the chromosomes which is away 
from the radiating fibers (fig. 42), and a membrane is formed 
around this clear area 
(fig. 44). The centrosome 
appears to be on the 
nuclear membrane and 
can be distinguished 
until the nucleus grows 
considerably, but after 
a time it seems to dis- 
appear. When the nu- 
cleus is first formed, the 
chromosomes are still 
arranged in a group on 
that side of the nucleus 
which is near the radi- 
ating fibers. As growth 
Proceeds this group 
gradually grows smaller, Fics, 45-48.—Fig. 45, daughter nuclei reorgan- 
while masses of chroma- ized; fig. 46, resting nucleus between first and 
tin make their appear- second divisions; fig. 47, metaphase of second 
ance on other parts of division; fig. 48, anaphase of second division; all 
the nuclear membrane. *7°°° 
The nuclei are usually pear shaped (fig. 45). This appearance sug- 
gests that the radiating fibers exert a pull on the nucleus. 

The next division is homotypic, and shows no new features. 
The chromatin becomes arranged in a spireme (fig. Wo) WHI BVES 
tise to five chromosomes. These chromosomes are usually rather 
close together, and frequently they become aggregated in a rather 
dense mass. This phenomenon appears to be similar to the 
grouping of the chromosomes in the prophases of the divisions in 


the ascogonium and ascogenous hyphae. The spindles of this 
division are similar to those of the first, and usually lie in a plane 
which is approximately parallel to the axis of the ascus, but, as 
HARPER (21) has shown, they may vary markedly from this 
position. At metaphase the five chromosomes divide and five pass 
to each pole. Telophase and the reorganization of the daughter 
nuclei appear to be entirely similar to the same processes as 
described at the end of the first division. 

The third division is essentially like the second, except that 
the spindles are usually approximately at right angles to the axis 
of the ascus although, as 
HarPER (21) has shown, 
one of them may be par- 
allel to the ascus wall. 
At telophase, when the 
masses of chromosomes 
have broken through 
the nuclear membrane, — 
some of the fibers which 
radiate from the centro- 
some out into the cyto- 
plasm appear to be con- 
nected to the plasma 
membrane around the 

Fics. 49-51.—Telophase of: third division; radi- Wh 
ating fibers attached to plasma membrane; fig. 50, — (fig. 49) : is 
nucleus reorganized after third division; fig. 51, this occurs, the plasma 
spore showing beginning of secondary thickening membrane is pulled in 

of wall; fibers still apparent; all X 2800 
° toward the groups of 

chromosomes as though the fibers which connect the groups of 
chromosomes with the plasma membrane, by contracting, were 
drawing the membrane and group of chromosomes together (fig. 
49). As the groups of chromosomes approach the periphery of 
the ascus, the radiating fibers come to be bent backward; this 
may be due to the movement of the centrosomes. The nuclei 
reorganize in a manner similar to that described for the daughter 
nuclei at the end of the first division, except that a more pro- 
nounced beak is formed on the nucleus where the radiating fibers 


are joined to the centrosomes (fig. 50). The plasma membrane 
around the ascus, which was pulled in where the radiating fibers 
were connected with it; has by this time very nearly resumed its 
normal position against the ascus wall (fig. 50). The nucleus 
which is still connected by fibers to the membrane is, by this 
means, drawn toward the periphery, and this may account for the 
beak and also for the further bending back which has taken place in 
the radiating fibers which were not connected with the membrane. 

Since the fibers seem to exert a pull on both the plasma mem- 
brane and the nucleus, and to be bent as a result of the movement 
of the nucleus, it would seem that they must be relatively solid 
structures. This view is strengthened by their behavior during 
telophase in all three divisions. After the chromosomes have 
reached the poles, the fibers connecting the centrosomes continue 
to grow and become bent as though under tension. At the same 
time beaks are formed on the nuclei at both poles. This may be 
due to the pressure of the connecting fibers, or in part at least to 
a pull exerted by the fibers radiating into the cytoplasm, as in the 
case of the beaks formed on the eight nuclei. 

Harper (19, 21, 22, 23) has described the cutting out of the 
spores in Erysiphe, Lachnea scutellata, Pyronema, and Phyllactinia. 
According to this author, the fibers radiating into the cytoplasm 
fold back and fuse into a membrane which grows back until its 
edges meet at a point opposite the centrosome. FAULL (12) has 
studied spore formation in a number of Ascomycetes, and con- 
cludes that the spores are not cut out by a membrane formed of 
fused astral rays. According to him the spores are delimited by a 
limiting layer of protoplasm. On the site of this there is formed 
a plasma membrane about the spore, and another opposed to it 
lining the cavity in the epiplasm. The formation of these is 
probably preceded by a cleavage of the limiting layer. The 
€xospore is formed between the two opposed plasma membranes. 
OVERTON (31) in Thecotheus pelletieri and FRASER (14) in Humaria 
rutilans describe the spores as delimited by the astral rays. In 
Lachnea, the first sign of the cutting out of the spore is the appear- 
ance of a delicate membrane at the outer limits of the recurved 
astral rays. This usually appears first around the centrosome 


and then is formed progressively until it cuts out the spore. This 
membrane is apparently not formed by a fusion of the astral rays, 
for although it appears at their outer limit, after it is completely 
formed the rays are still present within the spore and are appar- 
ently as numerous as ever, and in shrunken material both the 
centrosome and astral rays may be drawn completely away from 
the spore membrane. Moreover, in Lachnea there do not appear 
to be enough fibers to fuse together to form a membrane, unless, 
as pointed out by Fautt (12), they become flattened out very 
considerably, and there is no evidence that such is the case. Where 
there aré a large number of fibers, as in Phyllactinia (HARPER 23), 
the fusion would be a much simpler matter, but that they are very 
numerous where the membrane appears, and disappear as it is 
formed, is not sufficient evidence that they fuse. It would be 
necessary to see the actual fusion to prove that the spore is cut 
out by a membrane formed of fused fibers. What part, if any, 
the centrosome and fibers take in the formation of the membrane 
is doubtful. The appearance of the membrane just outside of 
them suggests that they may have something to do with its position. 
On the other hand, sometimes even before the membrane is com- 
pletely formed the centrosome may be within it and not in contact 
with it. Stages showing a spore partly cut out are relatively rare, 
which indicates that when the process is once begun it takes place 
rapidly. Miss Fraser (14) says that Fauir’s account of the 
cutting out of the spores ‘does not seem to satisfactorily explain 
either the persistence of the astral rays or the formation of the 
nuclear beak.”” In this connection it may be noted that in Lachnea 
the astral rays usually persist after both the first and second 
division, until the daughter nuclei are completely reorganized, and 
that beaks are frequently formed on the nuclei, although these are 
not so prominent as those on the nuclei of the spores. 

During the early stages of the formation of the membrane, it 
appears to be simply a differentiated part of the cytoplasm, and it 
is difficult to determine exactly when a distinct wall is formed, but 
the wall appears to be produced on the site of the original mem- 
brane. After the wall has been formed around the spore, it begins 
to thicken (fig. 51). This process frequently commences in the 


region around the centrosome, but it may begin at any point. 
After the wall has become thickened, it is easy to determine that 
it is a distinct wall, with plasma membranes on both sides of it. 
This is shown especially clearly in material which has been shrunken, 
when it is possible to find, side by side, cases in which all of the 
contents have a normal position, and others in which either the 
plasma membrane around the spore or the one lining the epiplasm 
is drawn away from the wall. At this stage the astral rays are 
still plainly visible. 

The stage at which the nucleus retracts its beak and rounds 
up is somewhat variable, but it usually does not take place until 
after the formation of the wall. When the beak is withdrawn, the 
centrosome may be left in the cytoplasm, but more frequently it 
remains in contact with the nuclear membrane. In either case it 
finally disappears. 

As the spore reaches its mature size the wall around it thickens 
and becomes the exospore. 


The method of reduction in the number of chromosomes in 
Lachnea is quite similar to that described in Dictyota (WILLIAMS 
37), Fucus (YaMANOUCHI 41), and in a large number of the higher 
plants. The chromosomes are arranged end to end in the prophase 
of the heterotypic division, and there is no evidence of a parallel 
fusion of spiremes. 

The reducing divisions in Lachnea are quite unlike those in 
Phyllactinia (HARPER 23). This is perhaps not surprising in view 
of the great dissimilarity which, according to the work of Davis 
(12), YaMANoucut (39), and Lewis (25), is shown by different 
genera of the Rhodophyceae. The great difference between the 
mitoses in Lachnea and Phyllactinia would certainly make it unsafe 
to carry any conclusions in regard to nuclear phenomena from one 
form to the other. 

There is in Lachnea nothing resembling the double reduction 
described in some other Pezizineae by FRASER (14), FRASER and 


WELLsrorD (15), and Fraser and Brooks (16). This is in 

harmony with the view that there is no fusion in the ascogonium.. 


It is unnecessary to review here the history of our knowledge 

of the sexuality of the Ascomycetes, as this has been thoroughly 
done quite recently by HARPER (22, 23), OVERTON (31), and 
Lotsy (26); while the latest literature has been discussed by 
FRASER (16). The passage of the nuclei from the antheridium into 
the ascogonium of Pyronema confluens, as reported by HARPER 
(22) and confirmed by CLaussEN (8), would seem to have estab- 
lished the view that the antheridium and ascogonium are to be 
regarded as sexual organs, even though the antheridium may be 
functionless or lacking in other cases. DANGEARD’S (10) failure 
to find a passage of nuclei from the antheridium into the ascogonium 
of Pyronema confluens may be due, as BLACKMAN and FRASER (3) 
suggest, to his having worked on a different form from that observed 

y Harper and Ciaussen. The writer has found that the 
antheridia may behave differently in different strains of Pyronema 
confluens. In one (BROWN 5), the antheridia never fused with the 
trichogyne, while in a strain of Pyronema (confluens) omphalodes, 
obtained through the kindness of Dr. F. J. SEAVER, the antheridium 
at the proper stage, as has been figured by him (SEAVER 34), can 
be readily seen fused to the trichogyne. The two strains, more- 
over, show differences in the conditions under which they can be 
grown. It is interesting in this connection that VAN TIEGHEM 
(35) has shown that under cultural conditions the antheridium of 
Pyronema confluens may be normal, rudimentary, or absent, while 
the ascogonium develops normally. 

Since recent work has shown that the fusion of nuclei is the 
essential part of fertilization, the discussion of the sexuality of the 
Ascomycetes has naturally centered around the nuclear fusions. 
In the simple forms Eremascus fertilis, Endomyces magnusit 
(GuiLttieERMoND 18), and Dipodascus albidus (JuEL 24), the 
antheridium and oogonium fuse and give rise at once to a 
single ascus. In Eremascus fertilis the antheridium and oogonium 
are uninucleate, and in all three cases the primary nucleus of the 


ascus is formed by the fusion of a nucleus from the oogonium 
and one from the antheridium. 

Among the Erysibaceae, HARPER (19, 20, 23) has described the 
fusion of a uninucleate antheridium and oogonium in Sphaero- 
theca humuli, Erysiphe communis, and Phyllactinia corylea. Accord- 
ing to Harper, the male and female nuclei fuse in the oogonium, 
and this is followed later by a second nuclear fusion in the ascus. 
DANGEARD (9, 10) has studied the development of Sphaerotheca 
humuli and Erysiphe, and denies the presence of a fusion in the 

BARKER (2) has described the fusion of an antheridium and 
oogonium in Monascus. He did not find a fusion of nuclei in the 
oogonium, but attributed this to his failure to get the proper 
Stages. SCHIKORRA (33) has also described the fusion of an 
antheridium and oogonium in Monascus, but does not find any 
fusion of nuclei except the one in the ascus. 

Among the Pezizineae the fusion of nuclei in pairs in the ascogo- 
nium has been described in Pyronema confluens (HARPER 22), 
Humaria granulata (BLACKMAN and FRASER 3), Lachnea stercorea 
(FRASER 13), Ascobolus furfuraceus (WELLSFORD 36), Ascophanus 
carneus (CUTTING 7), and in the vegetative hyphae in Humaria 
rutilans (FRASER 14). In all of the above cases a second fusion is 
described in the ascus. CLAUSSEN (8), however, after studying 
Pyronema confluens, has concluded that there was no fusion of 
nuclei in the ascogonium. BRown (4) came to the same conclusion 
in regard to a form of this species in which the antheridium did 
not fuse with the trichogyne. This conclusion was confirmed by 
the behavior of the chromosomes in the ascus. In Lachnea it 
would seem to be quite evident that there is no fusion of nuclei in 
the ascogonium, but there are appearances connected with division 
Which may be readily mistaken for fusions. During prophase, 
when the nuclei are of course large, the massing of the chromosomes 
into a nucleolus-like group gives an appearance much like a fusion 
nucleus, while the reorganization of fusing nuclei in contact simu- 
lates fusing nuclei rather closely. Similar appearances have been 
seen by the writer (BRowNn 4) in Pyronema. In view of these 
facts and the increasing amount of negative evidence, it would 


seem necessary to study the structure and behavior of the nuclei 
in the ascogonium quite closely before deciding that there is a 
fusion of nuclei in the ascogonium of any of the Pezizineae, and it 
is worthy of note that divisions have not been described in any of 
those mentioned above in which such a fusion is said to occur. 
This is particularly true of such an aberrant case as the occurrence 
of a second fusion following the sexual one in the life history of 
the same plant. 


When HorMe!ster used the term alternation of generations, 
he of course did not know of the alternation of the haploid and 
diploid number of chromosomes, but meant the alternation of two 
kinds of plants, one of which bore sexual and the other asexual 
reproductive bodies. Since the significance of nuclear phenomena 
has come to be better understood, many writers have been inclined 
to use the term alternation of generations as synonymous with the 
alternation of the haploid and diploid number of chromosomes, 
but the question may be asked as to whether the two things always 
necessarily coincide. If we take the cases of Alchemilla (MURBECK 
30), which has an embryo sac with the diploid number of chromo- 
somes, and Nephrodium (YAMANOUCHI 40), which produces sporo- 
phytes with the haploid number, there is of course no alternation 
of the haploid and diploid number of chromosomes, but from the 
standpoint of phylogeny there is an alternation of two kinds of 
plants. In Coleochaete, where the zygospore divides to form 4 
number of cells which produce zoospores, the cells formed from the 
zygospore may be regarded as an intercalated asexual phase, but 
reduction takes place at the first division of the zygospore (ALLEN 
1). Here there would seem to be, as FARMER has suggested, 2 
sporophyte which normally has the same number of chromosomes 
as the gametophyte. In the red alga Griffithsia bornetiana, LEwIs 
(25) thinks that the sexual plants and the mass of carpospores 
constitute an antithetic alternation of generations, while the sexual 
and tetrasporic plants represent the alternation of an homologous 
phase. According to this interpretation, the diploid number 0! 
chromosomes would extend through two distinct phases. 


It seems probable that the ascogonium in some of the ancestors 
of Lachnea scutellata was fertilized, and that this ended the gameto- 
phytic phase and initiated the sporophytic, which ended in the 
production of spores. According to the interpretation usually 
applied to .the delayed nuclear fusion in the rusts, the above 
interpretation would hold even if nuclear fusion was delayed, as 
CLAUSSEN (8) claims to be the case in Pyronema confluens, until the 
formation of the ascus. 

From a phylogenetic standpoint, it would seem reasonable, 
therefore, in the case of Lachnea scutellata to regard the stages from 
the spore to the ascogonium as gametophytic, and those from the 
formation of the ascogenous hyphae to the production of spores 
as sporophytic. The diploid number of chromosomes exists, how- 
ever, only in primary nucleus of the ascus. Even if we should 
adopt DANGEARD’s (10) interpretation, and regard the ascus as an 
oogonium, the third division in the ascus, which shows the haploid 
number of chromosomes, would still appear to belong to the 
sporophyte. It would seem advisable, therefore, in the case of 
Lachnea scutellata, as in those previously mentioned, to distinguish 
between the alternation of generations and the alternation of the 
haploid and diploid number of chromosomes. The gametophyte 
is usually regarded as beginning with the spore mother cell, but if 
the ideas brought forward here are correct, this can hardly be the 
case in Coleochaete or Lachnea scutellata, and it would seem better 
to think of it as beginning with the spore. 


The mature ascocarp of Lachnea is disk-shaped. The hymenium 
forms the upper surface, while the rim and lower surface are 
covered by a thick-walled cortical layer. The center is composed 
of rather loosely interlacing hyphae. 

The ascogonium is the penultimate cell of a row of about nine. 

The ascogonium is early surrounded by vegetative hyphae, the 
outer of which form the first part of the cortex, while those around 
the ascogonium remain active and give rise on one side to more of 
the cortex and on the other to hyphae which will produce pa- 
raphyses. When a part of the cortex is once formed, the develop- 


ment of the hyphae composing that part ceases. The cells between 
the cortex and hymenium, however, remain active and add to the ” 
cortex and to the hyphae which produce paraphyses. 

The ascogenous hyphae are large and branch profusely. At the 
ends of these are formed typical hooks, consisting of binucleate 
penultimate and uninucleate ultimate and antepenultimate cells. 
The two nuclei of a penultimate cell may fuse to form the nucleus 
of an ascus, or they may divide and give rise to the four nuclei of 
another hook. The uninucleate ultimate cell usually grows down 
and fuses with the antepenultimate cell, after which the two nuclei 
may give rise to the nuclei of another hook, or they may fuse to 
form an ascus. 

When the hymenium is first formed, it is covered by the younger 
setae of the cortex, but as its diameter is increased and its level 
. raised by the multiplication of the number of asci and paraphyses, 
it comes to be exposed. 

No fusion of nuclei was Sceroed in either the ascogonium or 
ascogenous hyphae, except where two nuclei fuse to form the pri- 
mary nucleus of an ascus. 

The nuclei of the ascogonium and ascogenous hyphae appear to 
be entirely similar except for size, and the same number of chromo- 
somes, five, persists throughout their divisions. When the chromo- 
somes are first formed, they are frequently grouped in a mass 
resembling a second nucleolus. The chromosomes become con- 
nected with a centrosome which was not apparent during the 
resting stage. This centrosome divides, and the two daughter 
centrosomes come to be situated at the poles of the spindle. At 
metaphase the five chromosomes divide, and at anaphase five pass 
to each pole. The daughter nuclei are usually organized at some 
distance from each other, but sometimes they are so close together 
that they resemble fusing nuclei. 

The first division in the ascus is heterotypic. Synizesis is pro- 
duced by the contraction of a single spireme. After synizesis the 
spireme splits longitudinally. The two halves come together again, 
after which the spireme contracts considerably and segments into 
five elongated chromosomes. A centrosome makes its appearance 
on the nuclear membrane and becomes connected with the chromo- 


somes by linin fibers in the nucleus. The centrosome divides and 
the daughter centrosomes come to be situated at the poles of the 
spindle. The chromosomes divide transversely. As they approach 
the poles they appear to split longitudinally. The second and 
third divisions in the ascus are similar to those in the ascogonium. 

The spore wall does not appear to be formed by the fusion of 
_astral rays. 

The writer wishes to express his thanks to Professor D. S. 
JoHNson for helpful suggestions and criticisms, to Professor C. B. 
Davenport, Director of the Biological Laboratory of the Brooklyn 
Institute of Arts and Sciences, for courtesies shown him during 
his stay at Cold Spring Harbor, to Mr. L. W. SHarp for help in 
collecting material, and to Dr. F. H. Biopcetr for assistance in 
the preparation of .the photographs. 



I. ALLEN, C. E., Die Keimung der Zygoten bei Coleochaete. Ber. Deutsch. 
Bot. Gesells. 23:285-292. 1905. ‘ 

- Barker, P. T. B., The morphology and a of the ascocarp in 
Miaicne Ann. Botany 1'7:167—-236. 1903. 

- Biacxman, V. H., and Fraser, H. C. I., On the sexuality and develop- 
ment of the aseocatn of Humaria eromalats. Proc. Roy. Soc. London 
77°354-368. 1906. - 

- Brown, W. H., The nature of the embryo sac of Peperomia. Bot. Gaz. 
46: 445-460. fsok, 

. —————. Nuclear a in Pyronema confluens. Johns Hopkins Univ. 

Cir. 6: *42-45. 190 

6. , The ecko of the ascocarp of Leolia. Bot. Gaz. 50:443- 


Curtinc, E. M., On the sexuality and development of the ascocarp in 

rete carnens Pers. Ann. Botany 23:399-417. 1909. 

5 CLAUSSEN, YF. Zor Kenntnis der Kernverhiltnisse von Pyronema confluens. 
Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Gesells. 25: 586-590. 1907. 

: DANGEarRD, P., Seconde mémoire sur la reproduction sexuelle des Ascomy- 
cétes. Le Botaniste 5:245. 18 

10. ———.. Sur le développement Ae la perithecée chez les Ascomycétes. Le 

Botaniste 10:1. 1907. 




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11. Davis, B. M., Kerntheilung der a bei Corallina 
officinalis. Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Gesells. 16: ——. 1808. 
12. Fautt, J. H., Development of ascus and spore- oad in Ascomycetes. 
Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 32:77—-114. 1905. 
. Fraser, H. C. 1., On the sexuality and sioean? of the ascocarp in 
Lachnea stercorea. Ann. Botany 21:349. 1907. 
, Contributions to the cytology of H umaria rutilans. Ann. Botany 
22:35. “068. 
15. , and WEtsrorp, E. J., Further ove to the cytology of 
the Ascomycetes. Ann. Botany 22:465. 
16. Fraser, H. C. L., Recent work on the bak: of the Ascomycetes. 
Trans. British Mycol. Soc. III. 2:100-107. 1909. 
17. Gates, R. R., A study of reduction in Oenothera rubrinervis. Bot. GAz. 
46:1-34. 1908: 
18. GuILLIERMOND, M. A., Remarques sur la karyokinése des Ascomycétes. 
Ann. — 37344. 1904. 
19. Harper, R. A., Die Entwickelung des hee ae bei Sphaerotheca 
castagnei. Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Gesells. 13:475. 1895. 
20. r das Verhalten der Kerne bei der ichoasse a einiger 


21. ———, Cell division in sporangia and asci. Ann. Botany 13:467. 1899. 

, Sexual reproduction in heat confluens and the morphology of 
the Secor. Ann. Botany 14:321. 1900. 

23. ———,, Sexual feikedaction and he. oiganleation of the nucleus in certain 
fides Publ. No. 37, Carnegie Institution of Washington. 1905. 

24. JuEL, H. O., Ueber saepe Befruchtung, und Sporbildung bei Dipo- 
dascus. Flora 91:47-55. 

25. Lewis, I. F., The life aie of Griffithsia bornetiana, Ann. Botany 

6 I 

26. Lotsy, J. P., Vorlesungen iiber Deszendenztheorien. Erster Teil. 1906. 

27. Marre, R., Recherches cytologiques sur quelques Ascomycétes. Ann. 
Mycol. 3:123. 1905. 

28. McCussin, W. A., Development of the Helvellinese: Bor. GAz. 49: 195- 
306. I9gto. 

29. Mortter, D. M., The nana ’ od igi igs chromosomes in 
pollen mother cells. Ann. 

30. MURBECK, S., Ricca | Embsyobildeng fn in au Gattung Alche- 
milla, Lands Univ. Arsskrift 367: no. 7. pp. 46. 1 

the many-spored asci of Theocotheus pelletieri. Bot. Gaz. 42°450-492- 

190 ‘ 

32. SCHAFFNER, J. H., The reduction division in the microsporocytes of Agave 
virginica. Bort. Gaz. 47:198-214. 1907. 





- Scuikorra, W., Ueber die Entwicklungsgeschichte von Monascus. Zeitsch. 

Bot. I:379-410. IgIo 

. SEAVER, F., Studies in pyrophilous fungi. I. Mycologia 1:131-139. 1909. 
- VAN TriecHEM, Pu., Culture et ae du Pyronema confluens. 

Bull. Soc. Bot. France 31: 

. WELsForD, E. J., Fertilization in ibe furfuraceus. New Phytol. 

6:156. 1907. 

- Wits, J. L., Studies in the Dictyotaceae. I. Ann. Botany 18:141- 

160. 1904. 

- Woronin, M., Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des Ascobolus pulcherrimus 

und einiger Pesce, Beitr. Morph. u. Phys. Pilze 2:1-11. 1866 

- YaMANoucut, S., The life history of Polysiphonia violacea. Bor. Gaz. 
422401. 1906. 
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Fic. 1.—Vertical section of mature ascocarp. 
Fic. 2.—Vertical section of young ascocarp, showing young archicarp sur- 

rounded by comparatively few vegetative hyphae. 

Fic. 3.—Vertical section of older ascocarp, showing ascogonium giving off 

ascogenous hyphae. 

IG. 4.—Vertical section of ascocarp, showing early stage in formation of 





An active growing period, followed by a period of rest, is a 
very general phenomenon among plants. Thus most seeds, 
tubers, and bulbs are structures whose growth processes have 
been arrested. Germination is simply a continuation of growth 
after the awakening from the rest period. The buds of the potato 
tuber, for example, will not grow, under the most favorable con- 
ditions, for several weeks after maturity; but after the awakening 
from this dormant condition they will grow under much less favor- 
able conditions in a cold cellar. 

Certain changes occur during the apparent dormancy, which 
are antecedent to the release of the abe processes, and these 
changes are known as “‘after-ripening.”” In many seeds the rest 
period is due to coat characters, which exclude or limit the supply 
‘of water or oxygen. After-ripening in such cases are processes 
which render the coats permeable to these substances. Often the 
processes of after-ripening are metabolic in character; this is 
especially true of tubers. 

Certain external agencies artificially applied have been found 
to accelerate the processes of after-ripening, and thereby greatly 
shorten the natural rest period. Miiier-THurGAU (1) has shown 
that exposure to o° C. for one month has this effect upon the 
resting potato tuber. Changes are thus brought about which 
break the rest period and allow growth to proceed several weeks 
earlier than under ordinary circumstances. He also found a 
great reduction of respiration, accompanied by an accumulation 
of sugars during exposure at low temperature. 

The following work is a further study of the metabolic wee 
Botanical Gazette, vol. 52] 


occurring in the potato tuber as after-ripening proceeds during 
Storage ato’ C. It is intended to throw some light upon the nature 
of the limiting factor or factors of growth during the rest period 
of this particular organ. Thus far a quantitative study has been 
made of digestive and respiratory enzyme changes and the carbo- 
hydrate food transformations. 


The material used for this investigation was the red land 
potatoes grown in Texas and procured only a few days after 
being harvested. This variety has a very short rest period. Two 
crops a year are grown in this climate, and samples from both 
crops were used in this work. The tubers were wrapped with 
paraffin paper and one-half stored at o° C. and the remainder 
stored in a dark basement room at 20-25° C. 


GLUCOSE, SUCROSE, AND STARCH.—The methods employed for 
the determinations of glucose, sucrose, and starch were virtually 
those of the association of official agricultural chemists (7). The 
glucose was determined according to the method of Munson and 

Diastase.—A modification of the starch iodine method (8, 9) 
was used in making the diastase determinations. One cc. of a 
I per cent soluble starch solution was placed in each of ro test 
tubes surrounded with ice. Ascending amounts of the potato 
extract, prepared’ by grinding with quartz sand and filtering, were 
added to the tubes, beginning with 1 cc.-and increasing the amount 
©.1 cc. for each succeeding tube. The tubes were then incubated 
at 40° C. for 48 hours, placed again in ice, filled nearly full with 
water, and 3 drops of iodine solution added to each tube. The 
first tube in the descending series which showed a blue or violet | 
color was considered the index for comparative diastatic activity. 
The method is impractical with larger amounts of extract on 
account of dark oxidation products and the precipitate which 
falls on addition of the iodine. If small amounts of both starch 
solution and extract are used, and the incubation continued for 


48 hours, satisfactory. duplicates may be obtained, so the method 
was considered sufficiently reliable for comparative purposes. A 
few drops of toluol were added to each tube during incubation, to 
insure against activity of bacteria. 

CaATALASE.—A detailed description of the method for the cata- 
lase determinations will be found in a recent paper by the author 
published in this journal (4). In all cases the water bath tempera- 
ture was 25° C. during the experiment. 

PEROXIDASE.—In order to compare the rate of peroxidase 
activity in the material under investigation, various methods were 
tried and variously modified. The methods differed mainly in the 
preparation and treatment of the extract, for in all cases guaiaconic 
acid was used as the oxidizable substance (10, 11). A definite 
quantity of extract was allowed to act upon a definite quantity of 
guaiaconic acid in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. The 
time required for the oxidation of the guaiaconic acid to reach a 
depth of blue equal to that of a standard tube, containing a solu- 
tion of indigo carmine, was considered the index of the peroxidase 
activity. The standard tube was placed against a white back- 
ground and screens arranged to eliminate shadows and unequal 
lighting. If the test tube is held against the standard tube, and 
the eye fixed upon the line separating the tubes, and the time noted 
when the color is the same on both sides of the line or when the 
line seems to disappear, quite accurate readings may be obtained 
with a little practice. The error of reading is greatly reduced if 
the test solution is of such dilution or the standard tube of such 
depth of blue that the time of reaction is not less than ten seconds 
nor greater than one minute. If the solution of indigo carmine is 
made up with pure distilled water, the fading of color at the end 
of several weeks is so slight that it falls well within the experi- 
mental error involved in comparing the shades of blue. 

The present methods for peroxidase determinations are unsat- 
isfactory, but under careful manipulation the above method will 
give results of value for determining comparative activity of the 
guaiaconic acid oxidizing peroxidase in potato tubers. 

The method described by Griiss (2) for obtaining a peroxidase 
solution from the potato tuber was first tried. According to this 


method, morphologically similar parts of the tuber were sliced 
directly into absolute alcohol and heated to 70° C. for 10 minutes 
in order to destroy the oxidases. The slices were allowed to 
remain in alcohol 24 hours. The alcohol was changed three times. 
They were then dried between filter paper, covered with ether for 
a few minutes, replaced between filter paper, quickly dried in a 
vacuum desiccator, and thoroughly pulverized in a mortar. One 
gram of this powder was ground one minute with quartz sand and 
25 Cc. water and filtered. For the tests 5 cc. of the filtrate were 
used and 0.5 cc. of guaiaconic acid sdlutics and o.1 cc. of one-half 
per cent hydrogen peroxide. The guaiaconic acid solution was 
Prepared by dissolving 0.5 gram of guaiaconic acid in 50 cc. 

Three sources of error were soon discovered in this method of 
extract preparation, which render it unreliable for comparative 
purposes. Filtering, which is necessary in order to obtain a 
sufficiently clear solution for colorimetric work, removes a large 
percentage of the peroxidase. This is probably due to inclusion 
of the peroxidase in the clot of coagulable proteins, and not to an : 
insoluble form of the enzyme. Filtering has no effect on the 
peroxidase activity of fresh unheated extract. 



HEATED To 70° C. for 10 MIN. | | 
| Filtered through Filtered through 
Unfiltered cotton paper 
Ste ce RE ee = 28 56 
Pee eae | 12 23 
ample 3... | 
el oe 15 45 
crs es ieee ek | 15 35 
aN } pens en 

Another source of error probably arises also from the presence 
of coagulable proteins. The peroxidase leaches out of the 
Coagulum and thereby renders the peroxidase activity of the 
solution very unstable, as shown in table II. HasseLBRING and 
ALSBERG (5) found a similar condition in studies upon oxidases, 
and first concluded that it must be due to coagulable proteins. 

It is not due to activation of zymogen, as the phenomenon does not 
occur in the fresh unheated extract method described later. 



| After 2 hours | After 24 hours 

Slices of potato dehydrated with alco- 
hol and ether; heated to 70° C. for 
CPU so ee tae 51 34 3° 

A third source of error, which would have to be taken into 
account, is the degree and time of drying. If the slices are dried 
in a desiccator for several hours, the peroxidase activity is greatly 
impaired. After a few days the peroxidase is practically destroyed 
in the powder produced by grinding the dried slices (table II). 
Gortner (6) has recently described a tyrosinase, which loses its 
vitality on drying. 


| Time required for re- 
| action to reach blue 

Potato tuber | 
. of standard tube 

24 seconds 

Slices dried in desiccator 30 min................| 
i 120 seconds 

Slices dried in desiccator 22 hrs...............-. 
Powdered slices standing 4 days exposed to labora- 
ory air 

ro minutes 

The above facts alone are sufficient to render the method 
described by Griiss of little value for determining peroxidase 
activity in conditions approaching those of the living tuber. By 
grinding the potato tuber with CaCO,, thus neutralizing the acids, 
the peroxidase activity was found to be quite stable for some 
time in the resulting extract (table IV). 

Based upon this fact the following procedure was employed 
for the final comparative determinations of the peroxidase in the 
potato tubers under investigation. The tubers were grated with 
frequent dipping of the surface in CaCO,. The pulp was then 


ground in a mortar with quartz sand for two minutes, and the 
extract pressed through cotton and cheesecloth; 1 cc. of the 
extract was at once added to 300 cc. of water. This dilution gave 
a solution sufficiently clear for the test and a speed of reaction 
which reached the standard color in less than a minute. It was 
unnecessary to destroy the oxidase by heating. In this dilute 
solution the time required for the oxidase to produce a visible 
blue was longer than that required for the peroxidase to produce 
the blue of the standard color. 




| After 6 hours | After 24 hours 

Ground with CaCO, ....... 21 21 3° 
Ground without CaCO,..... 45 bs go 

OxIpAsE.—Colorimetric methods, as well as the direct measure- 
ment of the oxygen consumed by the oxidation of hydrochinon 
in the manner recommended by Griiss (2), were used in an effort 
to ascertain the comparative rate of oxidase activity. So many 
sources of error were discovered in applying these methods to the 
material under investigation, that the results were considered too 
unreliable for publication. Better methods than those in present 
use are much needed. 


In comparing results obtained by the two methods for peroxi- 
dase determinations previously described, it was found that the 
alcohol and ether method always gave a much greater peroxidase 
activity in the cold storage potatoes than in those stored at room 
temperature, while the fresh extract method gave practically the 
Same in both cases during the same period of storage. According 
to the following table this would seem to be due to an alteration 
at low temperature of coagulate protein, which modifies the 


amount of peroxidase occluded by clot, for after 24 hours of leach- 
ing the activity is just as great in the room-stored potatoes. 




PoTaToO TUBER SAMPLE | Storage at 20°-25°C. | Storage at o° C. 

After 24 | After 24 

hours | hours 

Sis -trestnd anh. alcohol a said ( tee 60 20 28 20 
ether; heated to 70° C. in alco-;| 2...... 56 Hees 
ol for $0 MUAULES os ec in iss | yee 51 ee 

Ground with CaCO, and deter-({1....../ 35 Al loess 40 
minations made with fresh un- Boe eee 2 30 
Meabedettract. PElpsgo 3! ae as 

The following table is a summary of the metabolic changes 
thus far studied occurring in a typical lot of young potatoes stored 
at o° C. and 20-25°C. for a period of 6 weeks, tests being made 
every 2 weeks. Several lots were run, but as they all showed 
practically the same changes, only a typical table is given. 



or i | PEROXI- 
, — Guucosr | SucROsE | STARCH DrastTAasE | CATALASE DASE 
ee oe 
cc. ato 
pero to Seconds 
Days : digest ce. of Os pores oO 
ys *C. Percent {| Percent | Percent | roocc. evolved vie 4 
| starch a in 3 min, | standar 
| in 24 hrs color 
at 48° Ce 
oe \| 20-25 | 0.37 0.55 14.4 30 40.6 35 
oe r3 13.2 25 37.6 35 
Be \| 20-25 | 0.32 | 0.54 | -14 0) at 
(] o-+r 5 1.65 i ae 28.6 32 
Fe a eet tate 5 20-25 0.3 0.84 | 13.6 25 | 44. 32 
( 1 Bs5 28: fb  o8 | 20. 4. 26:4 25 


Potatoes stored at o° C. or below exude an acid fluid. This 
fact suggested the possibility that the increased diastatic activity 
after cold storage may be due to free acids. The decreased cata- 
lase activity might also be thus accounted for. The following 
single experiment is evidence in favor of this view. 

Two potatoes of nearly equal weight were grated and thor- 
oughly ground, one with CaCO,, and the other without. Both 
were stored at o° C. for 34 days, and analysis made according to 
table VII. 



Porta BS ; : 
eg ti a Units of extract |Seconds required ne Gh, evelued 
Per cent to digest a to reach in 5 min. 

unit of starch | standard color 

et CAO eae 100 30 o.1 
MRO trace 160 40 7 

_ The expressed potato sap is strongly acid. After repeated 

titrations, I found that the sap from cold storage potatoes and 
that from room-stored ones contained practically the same amount 
of acid. Low temperature, therefore, does not change the total 
acidity, but probably affects the permeability of protoplasmic 
membranes, and thereby allows the acids to reach zymogens more 
rapidly than under normal conditions. — 

Conclusion and summary 

The method recommended by Griss for determining the rate 
of peroxidase activity in the potato tuber gives no indication of 
the rate of activity in conditions approaching those of the living 
tuber. This is due to errors introduced by inclusion of the peroxi- 
dase in the clot of coagulable proteins, and to the loss of peroxidase 
during the process of drying the slices. After a few days the 
peroxidase is practically destroyed in the dry powdered potato. 
This method always showed an apparent increase in peroxidase 
activity in cold storage potatoes. The evidence at hand seems to 
indicate that this is due to an alteration of coagulable proteins 


by low temperature, thus modifying the amount of peroxidase 
occluded by the clot. 

Certain internal changes are accelerated by o° C., which shorten 
the rest period of potato tubers. 

Both glucose and sucrose accumulate. © The increase in sucrose 
is more rapid at first than glucose, but by the end of 6 weeks of 
storage at low temperature the percentage of glucose is about 
twice that of sucrose. 

Diastase activity was greater in the cold storage tubers than 
in those stored at room temperature at the end of 2 and 4 weeks; 
but at the end of 6 weeks there was no appreciable difference, 
as the variety used for this work was near the end of the rest 
period. A few had already germinated. The increased diastase 
activity is probably due to greater activation of zymogen by free 
acids, which are liberated by the greater permeability of proto- 
plasmic membranes at low temperatures. 

Catalase is very potato tubers stored either at 
o° C. or at room temperature, but suffers a gradual reduction as 
storage at o° C. continues. The presence of free acids would cause 
this reduction, as catalase is rapidly destroyed by the free acids in 
ground potato pulp. This behavior of catalase corresponds with 
that of respiration under similar conditions, a significant fact in 
the light of a recent claim (3) that catalase is the primary factor 
in alcoholic fermentation, and therefore probably in respiration. 

A guaiaconic acid peroxidase is very active in potato tubers at 
the beginning of the rest period and increases slowly as the end 
of the rest period approaches. Low temperature had no appre- 
ciable effect in hastening this increase in the material used for this 
work, according to the method employed for its determination. 

The changes peculiar to after-ripening may be in the buds, and 
the metabolism of the tuber as a whole may bear little or no causal 
relation to these processes. 

The writer wishes to acknowledge his indebtedness to Dr. 
Wi11am Crocker for suggesting the problem and for his untiring 
interest and assistance during the progress of the work. 



1. MULLER-THuRGAU, HERMAN, Beitraige zur Erklarung der Ruheperioden 
der Pflanzen. Landwirtsch. Jahrb. 14:859-863. 1885. 
een aus Wundrant der Kartoffknolle. Zeit. 

2. Griiss, 
Pftanzenkrank 17:69-70..1 

- Kout, F. G., Ueber das Raaieoct Alkohol Jahrung. Beih. Bot. Cen- 
tralbl. 25: ree1a6. 19 

4. APPLEMAN, CHas. O., Some observations on catalase. Bort. Gaz. 50:182- 

5. Rie H., and AtsperG, L., Studies upon oxidases. Science 
31:637. IQIo. 

6. GortNER, R. A., A contribution to the study of oxidases. Jour. Chem. 
Soc. (London) 97:110-120. 1910 

7. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Chemistry. Bulletin 107. 

8. WontcemutH, Jutius, Methode zur quantitativen Bestimmung des 

diastatischen Ferments. Biochem. Zeitschr. 9:5. 1900. 

9. SHERMAN, H. C., Kenpatt, E. C., and Crark, E. D., Studies on amylases. 
1. An examination of methods for the determination of diastatic power. 
Jour. Amer. Chem. Soc. 32:1073-1086. 1910. 

- KastLe, J. H., The oxidases and other oxygen catalysts concerned in 
biblogical guilations: Public Health and Marine oe ae Service of the 
United States Hygienic Laboratory. Bulletin No. 

- Euter, H., and Bout, Ivar, Zur Kenntnis biologisch wichtiger Oxyda- 
tionen. Zeitschr. Physiol. Chem. 61:72. 1909. 





Morphology of Nidularia.—In two papers Fries has given a clear account 
of the morphology of the fruit-body and spore development of Nidularia 
pisiformis Tul. The first paper deals with the development of the fruit-body." 
The youngest stages observed are nodules about o.4 mm. in diameter. In the 
earliest stages these are differentiated into a uniform medulla and a cortex 
which become more pronounced later. All the cells are binucleate. The 
medulla soon becomes differentiated into a lower sterile portion and an upper 
denser portion in which the peridiola arise. The beginning of the peridiola 

subhymenial layer. The peridiola, spherical at first, assume an oval form. 
A wall is formed around them, but this at first remains open at the poles. 
Through the openings the peridiola remain in connection with the surrounding 
medulla during their growth; the wall finally incloses the whole peridiolum. 
The development agrees in the main with the development of the fruit-bodies 
of other members of this peculiar group of Gasteromycetes, except that the 
peridiola are not connected to the wall of the fruit-body by strands of hyphae 
as in Crucibulum and Cyathus. 

In the second paper? an account of spore development of the same plant 
is given. The young basidia are binucleate, agreeing in this respect with other 
Basidiomycetes, as well as with the ascus of Ascomycetes. The two nuclei 
grow to about twice the size of the vegetative nuclei, after which fusion takes" 
place. This is followed by the usual rapid growth of the fusion nucleus just 
previous to the divisions leading to spore formation. The chromatin, which 
is in the so-called synapsis stage, later spreads out through the nuclear cavity 
in the form of an irregular band, which is single at first, but later appears ech 
split lengthwise into two parallel threads. The chromatin thread shortens 
and thickens and breaks up into a number of double chromosomes. This 
process was not easily made out, but the author is inclined to believe that 
two such double chromosomes are formed, although some earlier stages seemed 

*Fries, Ros. E., Om Utvecklingen af Fruktkroppen och Peridiolerna sss 
Nidularia (with German résumé). Svensk. Bot. Tidsk. 4:126-138. pl. 1. fi8- J 
?—. Ueber die cytologischen Verhiltnisse bei der Sporenbildung vo" 
laria. Zeitschr. Bot. 3:145-165. pls. 2. 1911. 

Nide- 2 


to show three to five segments. The spindle of the first division is transverse 
to the long axis of the basidium, as in the whole series of Basidiomycetes, 
_ beginning with the Tremellales. The processes of division are very obscure, 
but there appeared to be three or four chromosomes at each pole in the ana- 

nuclei. It results in the distribution of the components of the double chro- 
mosomes to the new nuclei. Two chromosomes appear at each pole of the 
spindles. The whole interpretation hinges on the correctness of the author’s 
assumption that only two segments are formed from the double chromatic 
band after synapsis. 

After the reorganization following the second division of the nuclei, the 
Sterigmata bud out from the basidia and swell out into spore bodies n 

with the nucleolus at its apex, then migrates through the narrow sterigmata 
into, the spore cavity. This peculiar migration is explained by the fact that 
during the process the nuclei are in the prophase of a division which is com- 
pleted as soon as the chromatin has entered the spore cavity. The mature 
spore is binucleate, corresponding in this respect with other Gasteromycetes 
that have been investigated —H. HASSELBRING. 

Hereditary factors in Primula.—The existence of numerous varieties of 
the Chinese primrose (Primula sinensis) makes this species an enticing one for 
the study of unit characters in inheritance, but the number of different factors 
is so great as to make complete analysis practically impossible. Factors for 
form of foliage, heterostylism, singleness of the flower, color of stems, color of 
flowers, palliators, inhibitors, pattern factors, coupling, and repulsion, are all 
needed in the description of the results. During the past eight years BATE- 
SON and Grecory have been analyzing the characters which distinguish the 
different varieties, and they have jointly and severally reported on various 
phases of their results from time to time since 1903. REGORY? has just 
presented a comprehensive memoir on these experiments, illustrated with 
three excellent double plates, two colored and one photographic. Some of 
the more interesting results may be mentioned. Long style is epistatic to 
short style; palmate type of leaf to the pinnate or “fern” type; crenate mar- 
is to entire margins; single flowers to double; the flower colors may be 
arranged in a series in such manner that each is epistatic to all that follow, 
as follows: dominant white, magenta, red, blue, recessive white; some pale 

* Grecory, R, P., Experiments with Primula sinensis. Jour. Genetics 1:73- 
132. pls. 3. 1911. 


colors are recessive to the full colors, but more commonly the lighter shades 
are epistatic to the intense ones and are interpreted as the result of a partial 
inhibitor or “palliator”; there is similar epistasis of the lighter stem colors to 
the darker; two inhibiting factors produce definitely localized effects in the 
flower, one affecting the central region of the flower, the other the periphery. 
In all of these unit characters the expected Mendelian ratios were obviously 
present except in several instances of ‘“‘repulsion” and of partial coupling. 
Thus magenta was never found associated with the short style, and a partial 
coupling between magenta flower color and green stigma seems to indicate 
that there is a segregation on the plan 7:1:1:7 in one of the sexes, while in the 
other sex the segregation follows the usual plan 1:1:1:1. 

The occurrence of dominant and recessive white in the flower color of the 
different varieties presents an interesting situation. In the varieties first 
investigated, the dominant white was always associated with red stems and 
the recessive white with green stems. An exception to this rule exists in the 
case of the variety “Pearl,” in which dominant white and green stems are 
combined. KEEBLE and PELLEW! now report an exception in the opposite 
direction in “‘Snow King,” a red-stemmed variety with either dominant or 
recessive white flowers. Crosses between this variety and various colored 
varieties gave different results according as the particular individual of “Snow 
King” used in the cross chanced to be dominant, heterozygous, or recessive 
in regard to a dominant white factor W. The heterozygous whites when 
crossed with colored varieties gave white and colored, 1:1 in the F;, and these 
F, whites when self-fertilized produced an F, which in each case -_ approxi- 
mated the expected ratio, 13 white: 3 colored—GrorGE H. SHUL 

An inhibiting factor in oats.—Nusson-Eutes describes a number of 
instances in which mutants resembling the wild oats (Avena fatua) have 
appeared in his cultures of numerous cultivated varieties of Avena sativa, 
the coefficient of mutation being about 1 in 10,000. These atavists had 
approximately the same congeries of characteristics regardless of the char- . 
acteristics of the varieties in which they were discovered. Most frequently 
they were found in heterozygous combination with the cultivated varieties, 
but sometimes also in the pure extracted forms. That these could not have 
been the results of crosses with the wild oats is proved by the fact that when 
they appeared in a variety having white or yellow glumes, the atavist retained 
this recessive character. The heterozygotes proved to be in all cases inter- 
mediate between the atavists and the particular varieties in which they 
appeared. The fact that the atavistic type differs in each case by 2 single 
unit character, so that the whole group of wild characters appears in their 

EEBLE, F., and PELLEw, Miss C., White-flowered varieties of Primula sinensis. 
tea Ceaictice Ii1-5. 1910 

5 Nitsson-Ente, H., Ueber Fille spontanen higoeate eines Hemmungsfaktors 

beim Hafer. Zeit. Ind. ‘Abuiasn. Vererb. 521-37. pl. I. I91I. 


usual combination in one-fourth of the F, offspring, leads the author to the 
conclusion that the difference between the wild oats and these various culti- 
vated varieties is due to the presence in the latter of an inhibiting factor which 
prevents the development of the wild characters. As he has never found 
among the numerous crosses he has made between different cultivated varieties 
any instance in which the atavists made up one-sixteenth of the F., as they 
should do if different varieties possessed different inhibiting factors, he con- 
cludes that the same inhibiting factor is present in all the cultivated varieties, 
and that the different degrees of development of the awns and hairiness of 
the glumes which have been found to be dependent upon independent genes, 
must remain latent in the wild oats until the origin of an inhibiting factor 
brings them to light. On this ground he argues that the degree of discon- 
tinuity which results from any mutation depends upon the number of latent 
genes which are brought into manifestation by it, and also that various appar- 
ent correlations may result from the disappearance of a factor which had 
simultaneously inhibited both of the characters which appear to be correlated. 
The author does not take into account the hypothesis of “variable potency,” 
which could also be made to explain how the same inhibiting factor in the 
various cultivated varieties could produce such various degrees of develop- 
ment of awns, hairiness of the glumes, etc., as are displayed by them.— 
GrorcE H. SHULL 

Mitosis in Spinacia.—This extensive investigation by Sromps,® written 
in Dutch, but with an eleven page résumé in German, deals with mitosis in 
both vegetative cells and in the microspore and megaspore mother cells. 

€ 2x generation shows 12 chromosomes arranged in pairs, which can be 
distinguished not only in the nuclear plate but also in the prophase, and pairs 
probably persist in the resting nucleus. No continuous spirem is formed, the 
two components of each pair, as soon as they can be distinguished, having 
- two free ends. A imaindioal splitting of the chromosome occurs in early 
prophase, a longitudinal row of vacuoles appearing, and these, by increasing 
in size, split the chromosome. This mode of splitting results in threads with 
alternating thickened and slender portions, but Sromps does not regard the 
thickened portions as chromomeres or ids, nor does he regard the slender por- 
tions as linin, but both are the same in substance 

In the prophase of the reduction division, before synapsis, the 12 chro- 
mosomes fuse in pairs, forming 6, each with two free ends. There is not only 
a pairing, but also a genuine fusion of the two chromosomes of each pair. No 
continuous single or double thread is formed. As the nucleus comes out of 
Synapsis, one sees 6 chromosomes, each evidently double, and the two mem- 

°Stompes, THEO. J., Kerndeeling en Synapsis bij Spinacia oleracea. 8vo. pp. 
162. pls. 2. t910. A briefer account in German, which is partly a summary and 
partly a translation of the original, is published in Biol. Centralbl. 31: 257-320. pls. 
Y Sunde Igit 


bers of a pair may separate at this stage. Tetrads sometimes occur at this 
time. The mantle fibers (Zugfasern) are believed to persist from one cell 
generation to another. The nuclear membrane is a tonoplast, and the nuclear 
cavity a complex of vacuoles. 

Many of the figures look rather diagrammatic, but they are carefully 
drawn, and the summary indicates that the author, at least, feels certain of 
his principal conclusions, The work is so extensive and so well presented that 
it cannot be laid aside; cytologists should either confirm the conclusions or 

Fungi in rhizoids of liverworts.—Investigation of about thirty species of 
liverworts by GARJEANE’ shows that there is no uniformity in the occurrence 
of fungi in the rhizoids. In some forms the presence of fungi seems to be the 

growth of the hyphae are described for Lophozia inflata and species of Cephalo- 
zia and Cephaloziella. From the details it appears that the plants in no way 
profit as a result of the presence of fungi in their rhizoids. On the contrary, 
the protoplasm in the young rhizoids, and also in the neighboring cells when 
these are infected, is killed by the fungi. Extended infection of rhizoids is 
accompanied by sickening of the plants. An interesting reaction of the 
thizoids to the attack of the fungus is described ‘in Lephozia. When the 
hypha comes into contact with a rhizoid, a thickening appears on the inside 
of the rhizoid wall opposite the point of contact. As the hypha grows:into the 
cell, cellulose is continually deposited ahead of the growing point, so that the 
hypha is surrounded by a sheath of cellulose. Often hyphae pass straight 
through rhizoids in this way, and become incased in a tube of cellulose. The 
author was successful in isolating the same species of fungus, described as 
Mucor rhizophilus, from nine species of liverworts. A large number of suc- 
cessful infections was made with this fungus in sterile cultures of Lophozia 
inflata, Cephalozia anata Cephaloziella sp., and Jungermannia ventri- 
cosa. The author believes that the association of fungus and rhizoid is not 
of the nature of a caedes: neither does the fungus cause considerable 
damage to the plant, although strongly infected plants show the unfavorable 
influence of the fungus.—H. HassELBRING. 

Fall of petals.—Firrinc’ finds that a number of stimuli will cause the pre- 
mature falling of the corollas of various sympetalous and polypetalous flowers. 
He worked in the main, however, with Geranium pyrenaicum. Among chemi- 

7Garjeane, A. J. M., Die Verpilzung der Lebermoosrhizoiden. Flora 102: 
148-185. pls. 11, 12. figs. 9. 1911. 

* Firrinc, Hans, Untersuchungen iiber die vorzeitige Entblatterung von Bliiten. 
Jahrb. Wiss. Bot. 49:187-263. 1911 


cals that are effective are traces of illuminating gas and tobacco smoke; con- 
siderable concentrations of CO, (4-50 per cent); high partial pressures of 
ether and chloroform vapors; and HCl gas. Other effective stimuli are high 
temperatures, shaking, sprinkling with dust, and wounding the style. Frr- 
TING concludes that the process is a vital one, for it does not occur when the 
plant is in heat rigor or in rigor from lack of oxygen. He also concludes that 
it is a true stimulus process, showing well-marked presentation and reaction 
times, as well as typical summation and relaxation. The reaction cannot be 

varies greatly with the stimulus, age of flower, and species of flower. Traces 
of illuminating gas give a reaction only after 2-6 hours, while CO, in optimum 
concentration gave a reaction after 30 seconds in Verbascum thapsiforme, and 
after only a slightly longer period in a number of other forms. Reactions to 
Shaking and high temperatures were also rapid. Old flowers were always 
more sensitive than young ones. 
ITTING proposes to call these responses chorisms, using the prefixes chemo-, 
€rmo-, seismo-, etc. The paper should prove of considerable economic 

Fundamental units of vegetation.—Ecology as a definite branch of the 
science of botany, _— sult § in Wen —, has xesehied a ae its wher A 
ment at which i 
to inquire what were the bela: from which the branch has developed 
and whether there are tendencies which require pruning or molding. Moss? 
has taken such a backward look over the course of the development of the 
concepts and the nomenclature of the units of vegetation most used in the 
Study of plant communities. The look has been a careful one, and has traced 
“plant associations” from its first use in a floristic sense by, in 
1806, and with its truer ecological meaning by ScHouw, in 1822, to the present 
day. To Moss the concept seems to be best defined as ‘‘a community of 
definite floristic composition within a formation.” 

“plant formation” a term and concept of slightly more . recent 
origin, dating to its employment by GrIsEBACH in 1838. The different 
oe this term has had for various workers are discussed in such a manner 

as seems likely to lead to some agreement as to its proper content. The 
desirability of some general agreement as to methods of denoting associations 
and formations is discussed in a most reasonable manner, and several good 
Suggestions made. The writer is to be commended for correctness of per- 
spective and breadth of view throughout what is doubtless the best historical 
review of this phase of botany which has yet appeared.—Geo. D. FULLER. 
eee es 

*Moss, C. E., The fundamental units of vegetation. New Phytol. 9:18-53. 


Tropic responses.—In working out the phototropic responses of Avena 
sativa, Ar1sz® believes he has shown that the terms reaction time, presenta- 
tion time, threshold of stimulation, etc., do not represent any well-determined 
end points in tropic responses. Quotations from his paper present his con- 
clusions: ‘Each quantity of energy reacts on the plant and is expressed by a 
curvature of definite maximum strength.” ‘If we once more trace how far 
the above investigations influence our conception of the process of stimula- 
tion, it is clear that the similarity to physico-chemical processes becomes 
more and more marked. The existence of a threshold of stimulation can no 
longer be maintained, for not only is each quantity of energy perceived, but it 
is clear now that a reaction will always take place. The time which inter- 
venes between the application of the stimulus and the beginning of the curva- 
ture, the ‘reaction time,’ was found to be experimentally undeterminable. 
Thus the latter cannot serve as a measure of sensitivenesss.” 

We are urged, then, in this stronghold of stimulus physiology (tropisms), 
to abandon the stimulus conception for the physico-chemical. 
had earlier urged such a shift of viewpoint in the study of metabolic processes 
of plants.—WILLIAM CROCKER. 

The cytology of rice.—Since closely related species or even races of a 
given species may show differences in chromosome characters, several races 
of rice (Oryza sativa) were selected by Kuwapa™ for a cytological study. 
Just before synapsis in the pollen mother cell, a number of chromatin masses, 
about equal to the diploid number of checmceatsies: are found scattered 
throughout the nuclear cavity. The masses, which are constantly paired, 
stretch out into double threads, which remain double during synapsis, but fuse 
after the synaptic stage is past. Soon after synapsis, the single thread arising 
from the fusion again becomes double and segments into 12 bivalent chro- 
mosomes, or gemini, and throughout the prophases the two parts of the bivalent 
chromosomes remain in parallel association, while they become shorter and 
thicker. Even in the homotypic division paired chromosomes, forming pseU- 
dogemini, occur. In the diploid generation the chromosomes are always 
paired and the number is 24. The development of the embryo sac presents 
nothing unusual. There are at first three antipodals, but, as in other Grami- 
neae, the number becomes much larger at a later stage in the development.— 

Physics of transpiration —RENNER™ has already shown that in still air 
evaporation from surfaces of like shape but different size varies more nearly 

~ se W. H., On the connection between stimulus and effect in phototropic 
curvatures of weioliihiens of Heed sativa, Reprint from Proc. Konink. Akad. We 
tensch. saab March 25, 1 
™ Kuwaba, boise A eee study of Oryza sativa L. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 
24:267-281. pl. 8. 
™ Rev. in Bor. Cc 512156. 1grt. 


in proportion to the like linear dimensions of the surfaces than in proportion 
to the surfaces. He has also shown that for equal surfaces isodiametric sur- 
faces give least evaporation, and that the greater the deviation from the 
isodiametric the greater the evaporation. These facts are related to the 

gives great importance in the absence of air currents. He concludes that the 
deviation from the linear dimension law, under conditions cited in the first 
sentence, is in large part due to convection currents set up by the moist air 
over the evaporating surface being less dense than the surrounding dry air. 
In the present work,® by means of wet filters and water surfaces, RENNER 
studied in great detail the effect of shape, size, position, and proximity of 
evaporating surfaces in both still and moving air. Later he expects to carry 
these studies over to leaves, where the part played by internal rn can 
also be determined. —WILLIAM CROCKER. 

Theories of heredity.—In a discussion of two theories of heredity, that 
the nucleus is and that it is not the sole bearer of hereditary qualities, LunbE- 
GARD" devotes most of his space to a study of the literature, but also $ 
the various constituents of the cell in root tips of Vicia Faba. In the first 
part of the paper he comes to the conclusion that the nucleus cannot be the 

substances found in cells. He believes that the mitochondria do not come 
from the nucleus, and that they are not bearers of hereditary qualities. Here 
again the reviewer is not convinced and, in the present state of the subject, is 
inclined to think that at least some of the bodies known as mitochondria are 
of nuclear origin. Plastids also are considered, and the view of SCHIMPER 
and others, that the plastid is a permanent organ of the cell, is upheld.— 

feo Pe 4 } 

Heterochromosomes.—That there is a d 
has been recognized for some time by zoologists, but it is only 1 more recently 
that botanists have turned their attention to the subject. In the wild mul- 
berry (Morus indica) TAHARA’ finds, in early stages of prophase in sporophyte 
nuclei, paired chromatin masses which may be called pronuclei, and even at 

13 spi O., Zur Physik der Transpiration. Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Gesells. 29: 
125-132, 1911 

** LUNDEGARD, HENRIK, Ein Beitrag zur Kritik zweier Vererbungshypo 
Ueber Piece | n den — von Vicia Faba. Peery 
Wiss. Bot t. 48: 285-378. pls. 6-8. 19 

*s Tanara, Masato, Ueber die Toe bei Morus. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 24: 
281-289. pl. 9 


this early stage two pairs are noticeably larger than the rest, and the differ- 
ence becomes more pronounced as the chromosomes become arranged in the 
equatorial plate. The usual number of chromosomes is 28, but it is often 
higher. In the mother cells there are constantly 14 bivalent chromosomes, or 
gemini, one pair constantly larger than the rest. While zoologists are assign- 
ing the large chromosome a particular function in the determination of sex, 
it is too early to make any statement for plants. At present what is needed 
is extensive investigation along the lines of the present paper.—CHARLES J. 

Crown gall and sarcoma.—lIn a recent review" of the bulletin on crown 
gall by Suit, Brown, and TowNseEND, attention was called to the resem- 
blance of the crown gall tumors to certain malignant animal tumors. SMITH 
has now issued a brief circular” to announce the discovery of further evidence 
of this resemblance. The bacterium causing the primary tumor occurs also 
in the secondary tumors, associated with the tumor cells, the conclusion 
being that this is not a disease which —— itself independently of the 
inciting organism. Furthermore, “tum rands” were observed connect- 
ing primary and secondary tumors, ‘alee Sars tat from the pri- 
mary tumor which wedge their way through stems and leaves like foreign 
bodies and give rise to secondary tumors, which subsequently rupture through 
to the surface of the plant. The full details, with illustrations, are promise 
in another bulletin —J. M. C 

Symposium on reproduction."*"—At the meeting of the Botanical Society 
of America held at Boston, December 27-31, 1909, a symposium on the nuclear 
phenomena of sexual reproduction was one of the features. Dr. Davis dis- 

ARPER, CHAMBERLAIN, and Morrter discussed the subject in the fungi, 
gymnosperms, and angiosperms respectively. No new investigations were 
presented, since the object was not to record the results of recent personal 
research, but rather to present the subject in such a way as to make it helpful 
to the botanical public, and to stimulate and facilitate research in the various 
phases of the problem. Naturally, the principal emphasis was laid on fer- 
tilization and reduction of chromosomes. No serious differences of opinion 
appeared, except in regard to alternation of generations.—CHARLES J. CHAM- 

™ BOT. GAL, S3576:: c6tx. 

7 SMitH, ERwin F., Crown gall and sarcoma. U.S. Depart. Agric., Bur. Pl. Ind., 
Circular no. 85. pp. 4. June 20, 1911 

* Davis, B. M., Harper, R. A., CHAMBERLAIN, CHARLES J., and MOTTIER, 
D. M., Necicat viisnpehesa of sexual reproduction in thallophytes oe spermato- 
phytes. Publication 45 of The Botanical Society of America. Reprinted from the 

Anica Naturalist of June, July, September, and October, rgto. 


Germination of fern spores in darkness.—It has been almost the universal 
experience of those who have investigated the germination of fern spores that 
at usual room temperature and with so-called inorganic nutrition they will not 
germinate in complete absence of light. However, at high temperature, or 
in sugar or peptone solutions, germination in total darkness has been induced. 

ISCHER® has now found that the spores of one of the commonest and most 
widely distributed ferns, Polypodium vulgare, are able to germinate in dark- 
ness at 25° just as well as in light. This is probably the best case on record 
for germination in darkness, since prothallia were actually obtained, and 
not merely a bursting of the exospore, as LAAGE reported for Osmunda regalis 
and other ferns. The prothallia formed in darkness differ somewhat from 
those of the same age produced in light, being composed of more and longer 
cells. It is probable that some limiting factor prevents the germination of 
the spores of most ferns in darkness; and discovery of the proper conditions 
for germination may show that the spores of many species are capable of devel- 
oping prothallia without light.—CHartes A. SHULL. 

Vegetation of Nockamixon Rocks and Navesink Highlands.—It is im- 
portant to have on record the natural vegetation of areas that are becoming 
densely populated, since tracts that have escaped the modifying influence of the 
ax and the plow are being reduced to a minimum. HARSHBERGER has con- 
tributed much to this record, and has lately investigated” the plant formations 
on a series of cliffs, known as-the Nockamixon Rocks, on the Delaware River 
in Pennsylvania. Upon the talus a climax mesophytic forest has developed, 
characterized by the beech, maple, and associated forms, with an oak forest 
upon the crest of the cliffs and a mixed one upon the larger rock shelves. 

More recently he has studied the Navesink Highlands upon the coastal 
Plain of New Jersey. The forest is here dominated by the chestnut and the 
chestnut oak, with a more xerophytic association at the summit, character- 
ized by dwarfed trees placed at wide intervals —Gro. D. FULLER. 

sng Sig in Scottish peat mosses.—Lewis has published a fourth 
Paper* upon this subject, the present investigation dealing with the Scottish 
Highlands and Shetland. An appendix also discusses the Icelandic peat 
deposits. His former conclusions as to the principal stages in the history of 
vegetation over peat-covered areas, since the later stages of the glacial period, 
were oe oeaantly confirmed. The stages are as follows: (1) an arctic-alpine 

9 FISCHER, sar sae und Dunkelkeimung bei Farnsporen. Beihefte Bot. 
Centralbl. 27°26 
* HARSHBERGER, peas W., The plant — of the Nockamixon Rocks, 
Pennsylvania. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 36:651-6 
, The: vegetation of the Navesink abs Torreya 10:1-10. Igio. 
* Lewis, Francis J., The plant remains in the Scottish peat mosses. Part IV. 
Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 4737937833. pls. 5. 1911. 


‘vegetation on the moraine deposited by the last ice sheet; (2) a forest of 
birch and hazel; (3) a layer of arctic-alpine plants, occurring down to sea 
level in Shetland; (4) a forest of pine, hazel, and birch, occurring up to 3200 — 
feet; (5) a layer of peat, accumulated from stage 4 to the present day, con- 
sisting entirely of moorland plants. This means an alternation of two forest 
beds with two arctic beds, before the peat came in.— oe 

The structure of Mesoxylon.—In 1910, Scorr and MAsLen published 
Mesoxylon as a new genus of Cordaitales, which included five species. One 0 
these, M. Sutcliffii, has now been studied by MASLEN,” so far as the structure 
of stem and leaf is concerned. The name of the genus refers to the fact of 
its intermediate position between Cordaites and Poroxylon, and the known 
species appear to bridge the gap almost completely. The present study con- 

resemblances of M. Sutcliffii to each of these genera, and also its differences 
in each case. One of the most interesting features of Mesoxylon is that it 
illustrates the gradual extinction of centripetal wood and the establishment of 
endarch structures in the Cordaites.—J. M. C 

The chromosomes of Dahlia.—Isuikawa* finds 16 and 32 chromosomes 
in Dahlia coronata, but 32 and 64 in nine other species and races. In the pollen 
mother cells of D. coronata in the heterotypic prophase, the chromosomes are 
paired, but in the other species the pairing is seen also at the homotypic 
mitosis, indicating, according to IsHIKAWA, that the vegetative cells of these 
species are tetraploid. 

rom the literature and his own observations, the reviewer has tabulated 
the number of chromosomes in more than 30 species of composites, and finds 
that the number varies from 3-6 in Crepis virens to 21-42 in Hieracium flagel- 
lare, with 8-16 or 9-18 as the most usual numbers. The extraordinary variety 
of form in Compositae may be related to the variation in the chromatin.— 

teolytic enzyme of Drosera.—The proteolytic enzyme of four species 
of Drosera (D. auriculata, D. Menziesii, D. peltata, D. Whittakeri) has been 
investigated by Miss JEAN Wutre,’s who finds a pepsin-like enzyme present 
in all of them, but unassociated with any peptolytic or tryptic enzyme. 
Peptic digestion occurred either in acid, basic, or neutral medium, every test 
giving a good biuret reaction for peptones; but in no instance could the 
faintest trace of amides be found with the tryptophane reaction. This dis- 
23 Masten: Artur J., The structure of Mesoxylon Sutclifii (Scott). Ano. 
Botany 25: 981-414. pls. 33-36. 1 
pl os oneness M., Cytologische Getic iiber Dahlien. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 25:1. 
ae a 
se — The proteolytic enzyme of Drosera. Proc. Roy. Soc. London 
B 83: 14159. 


covery is interesting, since it is the only record of a peptase occurring in plants 
unassociated with ereptase. The enzyme is present as such, not in the form 
of zymogen. The leaves of Drosera were found to be capable of absorbing 
_dissolved peptones from liquids placed on their surfaces in a few hours.— 

Hepaticae in Scotland.—Macvicar* has published a full account of the 
liverworts of Scotland, stating that “this work may be regarded as a new 
departure for Scotland in this branch of botany,” previous publications 
having been fragmentary. An ecological discussion of nearly 50 pages pre- 
cedes the list, the latter including a full list of stations under each species. 
Among other interesting facts of distribution, the altitudes to which species 
ascend may be mentioned. Of the 225 species included in the list, 20 ascend 
above 4000 ft., 61 reach 3000-4000 ft., and 32 reach 2000-3000 [t.; which 
means that half of the Scottish species ascend above 2000 ft. There are 67 
genera recognized in the list, those including 10 or more species being Lophozia 
(26), Scappania (20), Marsupella (13), and Cephalozia (10).—J. M. C. 

A cretaceous Pityoxylon with ray tracheids.—It has been supposed that 
the occurrence of ray tracheids in the pinelike conifers is more recent than 
the Cretaceous, so that their discovery by BAILEY” in a Pityoxylon from the 
Upper Cretaceous of New Jersey is one of considerable interest. The species 
represents a structure intermediate between the older cretaceous pines and 
the most primitive of living pines; and the infrequent occurrence of ray 
tracheids in the older portions of the stems and their entire absence from 
the younger wood are taken to indicate that these structures are of recent 
origin and are not strongly fixed upon the plant. This shifts the develop- 
ment of ray tracheids from the Tertiary to the Upper Cretaceous.—J. M. C. 

Longevity of seeds.—Miss RreEs*® has made a study of the relation exist- 
ing between the structure and permeability of the coats and the longevity of 
seeds. In general, the macrobiotic seeds (retaining vitality for more than 15 
years) belong to the legumes and have highly cutinized coats. Eucalyptus calo- 
phylla and E. diversicolor are exceptions. They possess no impervious cover- 
ing, and, contrary to the general situation ag macrobiotic seeds, they are 
large and very rich in oils —Witt1am CROCKE 

boratory air.—Netyusow” has studied the growth of the pea seedling 
in in laboratory air and comes to the following conclusions: Ethylene is the 

© Macvicar, SyMERS M., The oe oe of Hepaticae in Scotland. Trans. 
and Proc. Bot, Soc. Edinburgh 25:vi+ 336. 
7 Bartey, I. W., : cretaceous pe a marginal tracheids. Ann. Botany 
25:315-325. pl. 26 
Rees, BERTHA, canes of seeds and nga and nature of the seed coat. 
Proc. Roy. Soe Victoria N.S. 23:393-414. 19 
* NELJUBow, D.., Geotropism in der isi Ber. Deutsch. Bot. 
Gesells. Sekar ck IQII. 


effective impurity of the laboratory air. Acetylene in sufficient concentra- 
tion has the same effect. In these impurities the seedling loses its negative 
geotropism and becomes transversely geotropic or diageotropic. All his con- 
clusions, with much more data for substantiation than NELJUBOW has, were 
reported by Knicut and his co-workers at the Boston meeting of the A.A.A.S. 
in 1910. Extracts of this report appear in Science®* and in the Experiment 
Station Record.3*—W1IL.LIAM CROCKER. 

Height of the Douglas fir.—Inquiring into the cause of the great height 
of the Douglas fir, Frye? finds that unusual size is a characteristic of many 
of its neighbors, and cites as an example the common brake, which in this 
region attains a height of 14 feet. This among other things leads to the sup- 
position that the cause of such giants of vegetation is to be sought in the 
climate, and hence to the conclusion that the fir is tall because it grows in a 
damp climate and in conditions of partial darkness due to overcrowding and to 
the large number of dark days during its elongating season —GeEo. D. FULLER. 

The chromosomes of Ginkgo.—Conflicting accounts by CARDIFF, 
CAROTHERS, and SpRECHER regarding the number of chromosomes in Ginkgo 
biloba led Isu1kawa3 to examine the readily accessible Japanese material. He 
found 12 bivalent chromosomes in the pollen mother cell, the number reported 
by Carprrr. One of the 12 is constantly larger than the other 11, a fact 
recorded in the figure but not in the text of both CARDIFF and CAROTHERS. 
While the paper is short, the evidence that 12 is the gametophytic number of 
chromosomes in Ginkgo is conclusive—CHARLES J. CHAMBERLAIN. 

The embryo sac of Pandanus.—From material of Pandanus coronatus 
collected in Java, CAMPBELL finds that the embryo sac has a nearly normal 
€gg apparatus, an endosperm nucleus formed by the fusion of two or more 
nuclei, and a considerable mass of antipodals, resembling the antipodal situa- 
tion in Sparganiwm, except that in Sparganium most of the. antipodals are 
formed after fertilization. CamppeLt had already noted as many as 14 
nuclei in the embryo sac of Pandanus before fertilization —CHaRLes J. 

* Knicut, Lee I., Rose, R. Cairn, and Crocker, WILLIAM, Effect of various 
gases and vapors upon etiolated seedlings of the sweet pea; a new method of detecting 
traces of illuminating gas. Science N.S. 31:635, 636. Igro. 

* Exp. Sta. Rec. 23: 229, 230. 1910. 

* Frye, T. C., Height and dominance of the Douglas fir. Forestry Quart. 8: 
468-470. IgI0, 

3 IsHikawa, M., Ueber die Zahl der Chromosomen von Ginkgo biloba L. 
Bot. Mag. Tokyo 24:225, 226. Sigs. 3. 1910. 

4 CAMPBELL, D. H., The embryo sac of Pandanus coronatus. Bull. Torr. Bot. 
Club 38:293-295. 1910. 

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Reversible Sex-Mutants in Lychnis dioica George Harrison Shull 

Reproduction by Layering among Conifers William S. Cooper 

The Endosperm of Angiosperms John M. Coulter 

Some Problems in Cecidology Mel T. Cook 
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Current Literature 

The University of Chicago Press 

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pokes 6k pees IN LYCHNIS DIOICA pee. FIFTEEN Le ees Coy = 
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ee it LABORATORY 151 (wiTH FouR FIGURES). W.J.G, Land =) 4 =e Se 
ere IN Pellaca ciropurpurea, W; N. Stel -0 9 - ee et ee 
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Six hermaphrodite specimens of Lychnis dioica L. were found in 
cultures of 1908, and eight in r909. With respect to their heredi- 
tary behavior in the first generation, when used as pollen parents, 
these hermaphrodites proved to be of two kinds, the individuals 
A and B being capable of determining the hermaphrodite character 
in their male offspring, while individuals C and D behaved exactly 
like normal males, giving progenies @nsisting of females and nor- 
mal males. 

The conclusion was reached (SHULL 26) that the hermaphrodites 
are modified males, because (1) in all families in which the first 
mentioned type of hermaphrodite was used as the pollen parent 
the offspring consisted of females and hermaphrodites in the same — 
ratio as would have been expected of females and males if a normal 
male had been used as the pollen parent, and because (2) the second 
type of hermaphrodite when used as a pollen parent gave the same 
result that a normal male would have given. 

Accepting tentatively the Mendelian explanation of sex first 
clearly enunciated by Correns (6), which recogirizes the one sex 
as homozygous and the other sex as heterozygous with respect to a 
Sex-producing gene, it was decided that these hermaphrodites (and 
therefore also males) must be heterozygous, because (1) the males 
are capable of being modified in such manner as to display function- 
: * Read at the meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Minneapolis, Decem- 

er, IQIo 


al organs of both sexes, and because (2) self-fertilized hermaphro- 
dites produce dimorphic progenies, consisting of females and 

In my first paper on the inheritance of sex in Lychnis (SHULL 26), 
I represented the sex genes by the conventional signs for the sexes 
(9, 6, and ¥). As these signs were used in my tables with two 
different meanings—to represent sometimes the character of the 
genes and at other times the character of the soma—lI suspect that 
readers may have experienced some difficulty in comprehending 
the tables. I shall therefore adopt here the plan usually followed 
by students of genetics, of representing the genes by letters, letting 
Ff be respectively the presence and absence of a female determiner, 
Mm a male determiner, and Hk a hermaphrodite determiner. 
The conventional signs for the séxes will be used in this paper 
only in their more usual signification, referring to the nature of 
the soma, that is, the sporophyte. 

If Correns’ view of sex determination is correct, and the males 
are heterozygous, the females must be homozygous. CastTLe (5) 
suggests that in such a case the females will always be positive 
homozygotes, having a pair of sex genes (FF) corresponding with 
a single equivalent gene (Ff) in the male. I do not believe that 
this view can be substantiated, as there seems no good reason why 
females should not be negative homozygotes in some plants and 
animals, “neutral”? homozygotes in others, and positive homozy-- 
gotes in a third class. If the females are positive homozygotes, the 
somatic formula of the two sexes may be represented thus: FF=3, 
and Ff= 4; if the females are negative homozygotes, the correspond- 
ing symbols will be FFmm=, and FFMm=<é; and if the female 
is a “neutral” homozygote, the formulae of the two sexes will be 
FF=$%,and FM=4. Only the first two of these assumptions cor 
cerning the nature of the females were considered in my earlier 
paper, and either was found capable of explaining the results secured 
in the first generation, provided the presence of a partially jnde- 
pendent hermaphrodite factor (H) might also be assumed. 

Whether there was any genetic relationship between the her- 
maphrodites A and B which produced hermaphrodite offspring, and 
C and D which produced males, could not be determined in the first 


generation, and two explanations seemed possible: (1) these two 
types of hermaphrodites might be respectively homozygous and 
heterozygous in regard to a modifying factor H, whose presence 
was assumed, on the suggestion of CorRENS, as possibly necessary 
for the change of a normal male into a hermaphrodite; (2) the 
hermaphrodites of the second type (C and D), which gave first 
generation progenies equivalent to those produced by normal males, 
might owe their hermaphrodite character to some accident of 
development which affected the soma alone, leaving the germ cells 
unchanged. In this case they might be appropriately called 
“somatic hermaphrodites,” to distinguish them from those of the 
first type (4 and B) which transmitted the hermaphrodite char- 
acter to their male offspring and which are therefore to be recog- 
nized as “genetic hermaphrodites”’ or true hermaphrodite mutants. 

Neither the character of the females nor the relationship of the 
two types of hermaphrodites could be determined from the results 
of the first generation, but it was obvious that at least a partial 
solution could be expected from the second generation. To attain 
this end a large number of crosses were made in 1909, by using 
hermaphrodite individuals and their derivatives in various com- 
binations with each other, with unrelated females, and with normal 
males. The offspring of these crosses were grown during the sum- 
mer of 1910, and the 104 families produced from them included 
6132 individuals which came to bloom and of which the sex was 
tecorded. These records were made in the writer’s absence by Mr. 
R. Cattin Rosz, to whose energy, faithfulness, and care it gives 
me pleasure to testify. 

In order to comprehend fully the problems involved, it will be 
advantageous to consider some assumptions which were permitted 
by the results of the F, crosses, and whose availability is partially 
tested in the F, families reported in the present paper. In this 
Connection it is also important to consider briefly the “presence 
and absence” hypothesis, a full discussion of which, however, 
Would require too great a digression. Although this so-called 
hypothesis is frequently referred to by students of genetics, I am 
not aware that it has ever had a very definite formulation, and it 
would undoubtedly be defined differently by different students. 


‘‘Presence and absence” came into use in the first place, simply as 
a convenient method of expression to avoid the confusion which 
arises when the same dominant character is described as an alterna- 
tive of several different characters which are hypostatic to it, and 
which may themselves be present or absent in any particular 
instance. The very general applicability of this mode of expres- 
sion naturally suggested to various writers (Hurst 18, SHULL 27, 
etc.) that it might have a more fundamental significance than merely 
as a convenient form of description. These authors considered it 
simpler and more practical to suppose that the heterozygous genes 
are unpaired, and that the “absence” of a character? is unrepresented 
by anyinternal unit corresponding with the gene which determines the 
“presence” of that character. The “presence and absence” hypothe- 
sis need not be associated, however, with the conception of unpaired 
determiners in the heterozygote, for in any pair of organs there may 
be present a function or feature in one member of the pair which is 
absent in the other member, or both members may be alike in kind 
but different in quantity or activity, the differential between the 
two being in this case the determiner of the alternative characters 
involved. This excess in one member of the pair would be present, 
of course, in that member only, and must be absent in its mate. 
Whether the hypothesis of unpaired genes or that of paired 
genes represents the true condition in any particular instance, 
and whether the absence of a character is absolute or only rela- 
tive, will not interfere in the least with the use of “presence 
and absence” as the most convenient method of stating a great 
majority of the alternative characters with which the student of 
heredity has to deal. For the application of these different phases 
of the “presence and absence” hypothesis to the sex problem in 
Lychnis, attention is directed to the following table: 

? It is to be regretted that some writers have misconstrued the meaning attached 
by most geneticists to the expression “absence of a character.” The absence of the 
Angora character in cats, rabbits, ete, -» does not result i ina hairless animal, vee one 
with short hair. In Ocenothera ie event 
the production of Aaeeg in the amount and localization characteristic a 0. 
rubrinervis (see Gates, R. R., Studies on the variability and heritability of pigmenta- 
tion in Oenothera. "Deltech Tid. Abst. Vererb. 4:337-372. 1911). 




e pues WW PUP YHA } a wai ato at WHWA wd | snOBK2030494 HT 
& puvs , TAN ee HHWd YY | SnosXkzowoy YT 
pur ‘TeaynoNn 
‘SA *q oyun 8.5 ty 
Be damian amici e pues yu Ue Y Fue, Pegs oe cael bee As ut yy Ueut sno3Azo19}0 
suorjdunsse 989 yy RPUVs | HAMM AT PCC YAMA yet HHY NAL | YYyMimyy | snosXzowoy 7 
JO ssauqoa1I09 sy, pur ‘aaneson 
a103AzZOID}OY Ul 
eg pues YY fy PU YHA a yw paydnoo 7 YES Wael snosAzoia}oy fT 
& pues YLT pue YADA Se oe er ear ee ee HHL YY gapeey 
pur ‘sArqIso 
ayposydvurioy oyeuray 

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‘gTeulay ay} 

UI uoIssaidxe puy Jou. YOIYA ynq ‘oyporydeuy B 0} a[VUT oY} SaduRYD YOTYM PF 10JOV ayvAvdas ¥ SI aay J—] NOLLdWASSV AXVNIAg 



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ayvul | 4 pur s Afy pue yay Afy da \'° peared sauary 
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pur ‘aatpIsog 

Avurt yr ‘9uo3 xos oy} Jo 

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QR pues Y4HWA PUre WYATT W Yt pafdnoo 7 Y4HWA ee [TeaqynoN 
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panuyuod—l ATAVL 



Particular attention should be given to only two points in this 
table until after the results secured in the second generation have 
been considered. The assumptions which form the basis of the 
first section of the table lead to the expectation (a) that females 
derived from hermaphrodite families, whether they be fertilized 
by normal males or by their hermaphrodite sibs, will yield families 
in which the male offspring are hermaphrodite and normal male in 
equal numbers; and (6) that the hermaphrodites of the second 
generation when used to fertilize females from normal male families 
will produce no hermaphrodites, but only females and males. The 
alternative assumptions involved in the second and third sections 
of the table, on the other hand, lead to the expectation that, re- 
gardless of the origin of the female, no hermaphrodites will be pro- 
duced normally, except when fertilization is brought about by 
sperms from a genetic hermaphrodite, and then the result will always 

the same whether this hermaphrodite was a mutant or whether it 
was derived from an antecedent hermaphrodite. 

We may now proceed to examine the results of the crosses. 
This will be most easily accomplished by considering each type 
of cross separately in the following fourteen cases. In the model | 
pedigrees, illustrated under each case, the oldest ancestors entered © 
in the diagrams are females and males both of which came from 
normal families, whose matings had been controlled during at 
least three still earlier generations, and which are known to have 
been in each such previous generation the result of crosses between 
females and normal males, and to have belonged to families in 
which no hermaphrodite mutants appeared. In the diagrams 
all male and hermaphrodite individuals which appeared as mutants 
are indicated as such, and it should be understood that any male 
or hermaphrodite not so marked was a member of a family which 
consisted of a normal proportion of its own type, that is, either 
male or hermaphrodite. : 


Only 2 of the 8 plants recorded as hermaphrodites in 1909, in 
otherwise normal male families, were successfully used for breeding. 
One of these, bred to 2 different unrelated females, produced 72 


females and 88 hermaphrodites (nos. 09123 and og171). The 
other, bred to the same 2 females, produced 116 females and 53 
hermaphrodites (nos. 09124 and 09172). The result of these four 
crosses, involving 2 hermaphrodite mutants, was therefore 188 
females and 141 hermaphrodites, thus showing that these 2 hermaph- 
rodite mutants were of the same character as the two denomi- 

Pedigree no. Result | Pedigree no. Result 
~ ST 
0809 veers eterna GRSi 400 28-1) OBI50. ee 509:43% 
O8106..... 2.6.6... eee 532: 508 OGE SS eras Suna eta es es 362253 
OUEED cect Ph retrace GOP BOGIES VT OOI IR. oc OOS iis seas 522: 30% 
Soke 1 Oa ne 512.528 COI7T 65 ies 3697358 
08128... 1... eee. 502: 518 ned wa Top aiore eae S| Saree 649: 239 
COLAGE a eee 672:335 sic ghee Soke lla 
. | tk: See ee 5862: 4468 : 26 

nated A and B in my earlier report. For the sake of completeness, 
the crosses of A and B already reported are included in the tabula- 
tion of these crosses, the total progeny from this type of cross being 
586 females, 446 hermaphrodites, and 2 males. : 

586 446 
Fic. 1.—Model pedigree for case I 

Two other individuals, which had a derangement of the sexual 
characters of such a nature that the lobes of the calyx were trans- 
formed into stigmas, and in one instance a small ovary with appat- 
ently functional stigmas was present in the center of the flower and 


associated with functional stamens, were of such anomalous char- 
acter that they have not been included among the 8 recognized 
hermaphrodites found in normal families in 1909, but they will be 
mentioned later under case XIII in connection with the somatic 
hermaphrodites C and D of my preliminary report. 


Pedigree no. Result ? ( 

a. be ks boat ee a eee 249%: 1909 
OR Pe toe eis os ch ca eae os ee lee 99: 68 
Pires re oe ek I10%: 95% 


Pt et a eae ee | 1439:1209 
(Mutant) o Sef 

None of the new hermaphrodite mutants 

discovered in 1909 were successfully self- | “| 
fertilized, and the pedigrees here reported 

are repeated from my former paper for the : fe) 
sake of completeness. Al the self-fertilized 143 120 

hermaphrodites which yielded progenies in Pus 5 ---Model pedi- 
my 1910 cultures belonged to a later genera- gree for case IT. 
tion, being offspring of a self-fertilized her- 
maphrodite and not the progeny of new mutants. They conse- 
quently belong to a separate case and will be considered next. The 
agreement of these results with those under case I leads to the con- 
clusion that the eggs of the hermaphrodite are all of one type, 
that is, female-bearing, like those of the females. The significance 
of this result will be considered later. 



Pedigree no. Result Pedigree no. Result 
ie easiest 
se dots CACM aati es cat 59: 88 Obste cew isa e res 16%: 9¥ : 
aha CT ee IS 172%: 6% Os ee ye: 
MOTE ike nein yok 189: 23% $s Pee et —~ 5? 
ik dah ER nS ee 69: 10818 |} 09220...--+- eee ert : 
FEO os i cin oa es 1g Boe a, eee eee 439: 388:16 
otal ci sees 1479: 1018235 
ees eee ne ey 


The first four of these families were produced by self-fertilizing 

4 individuals of pedigree number o8115, and the rest by self- 
fertilizing 6 individuals of number o8119. Most of these families 
were too small to show obvious differences in the genetic compo- 
sition of the different parent plants, or between them and the 
hermaphrodite mutants tested | 

2 ae under case II. The small size 

of the families is due to the 

comparatively poor develop- 

ment of the ovaries and stig- 

(Mutant) O Xsut mas in most hermaphrodites, 
and the consequent difficulty 

| of securing large quantities 

of seeds by self-fertilization. 

OXset Most of the attempts to self- 

fertilize the hermaphrodites 

resulted in failure, and only 
in a small proportion were any 

2 oO o seeds produced. The total 
(Mutant) result agrees with results 

ie a 3 secured from the observation 
Pi® 3-— Model pedigree for case 111 of larger families, and it is 

fair to assume that the rela- 
tively large differences shown by some of. these families are not 
significant because of the smallness of the progenies. This con- 
clusion will be fully justified I believe, when it is observed under 
case IV that the very same plants, which produced the somewhat 
variable progenies shown above, gave uniform results when they 
were crossed with an unrelated female. 


The families 09133 to 09142, inclusive, resulted from pollinat- 
ing different flowers of a single female, 08114(4), with the pollen from 
to different hermaphrodites taken consecutively in family 08115; 
and the remaining 19 families were produced by pollinating the 
same female, 08114(4), with pollen from rg different hermaphrodites 


in family o8t19. This series of experiments, like those under 
case IIT, was calculated to discover any genetic differences which 

Pedigree no. 

Result Pedigree no. Result 
442:203:14 OGTSALGWH YS Saree aes 579: 263 
§52:278 OOTES ee os ee 489: 423 
4195375 O0156. cee 549: 418 
422: 31% OO1S7 Cty ek ere 562:328 
473: 33% OO1 SS eo aa nw sey SG 592:259 
472:378 OORT i. oe ees 512: 298 
508: 298 OOIQO RS is ie eigen ee 432: 29% 
659: 259 OO1OT cise ee 529: 298 
382: 348 Opthz eo 259: 30% 
51%: 40% OG104. os see 562: 332 
522: 258:14 O9104 Se ee 169: 14% 
49%: 308 OOIO§. 0. Ss Pane 462: 409 
512245 OQN0G 2. Sis oy 362: 19% 
662:243:16 || 09167 362: 190% 
492:229 ates foe 

Total... oes see \13829: 867%: 36 

might exist among F, hermaphrodites, and the fact that these 
29 different individuals when crossed with a single female produced 

e's ie 


(Mutant) es 


Fic. 4.—Model pedigree for case IV 
essentially identical results leads to the conclusion that no such 
Senetic differences existed. This conclusion is apparently open to 

| | 
5 fom 



but one criticism; the characters of the female chosen to be the 
mother of all these families might dominate such different char- 
acters as were possessed by the hermaphrodites, in which case 
all families would show identical composition regardless of the 
variations in the pollen parents. This suggested dominating in- 
fluence of the female is rendered untenable, however, by the fact 
that the same female was pollinated by 7 other hermaphrodites 
having different histories from those considered under the present 
case, and also by 11 different males of diverse origin, and in every 
case the males among the progenies were of the same type as their 
pollen parent. 



Pedigree no. Result Pedigree no. Result 
OOLTA ee ee 219: 84 BOIGG eo fo ees 492: 226 
OL IG sik es 509: 344 ia ee ee Oe 289: 256:1% 
OR os cs. S49 WOOttE ) OGIOG. ose eee ens 332: 236 
eR eS a 392:114 eS Ree or on) SOR: See 
OOLOT ty 362:17¢ 09200 a ee | 269: 226 
OM ie iS: 448590" 09203-6524. eee 229: 176 
OOlGO a i 123: 66 OBIE. es cee 219: -326 
TO Cn te 4719: 3055:4% 

These families were produced by pollinating 14 different females, 
taken consecutively in o8115, with pollen from a single normal - 
male, 0855(36), in an unrelated family. The essentially equal 
results of all these crosses indicate that there are no differences 
among these females which were not dominated by the sex char- 
acter of the pollen parent. As this pollen parent was a male from a 
normal male parentage, it may be appropriately assumed to have 
been free from any hypothetically possible hermaphrodite modifier 
H. If such a modifier had been possessed by any of these 14 
females, a more striking evidence of that fact should be presented 
than is found in the occurrence of less than 1 per cent of hermaph- 
rodite individuals among the offspring. This is a smaller percent- 
age of hermaphrodites than has been found in one or two cases 
among the offspring of a female pollinated by a normal male, neither 


parent having had any hermaphrodite connections. It appears 
fair, therefore, to consider these four hermaphrodites simply 
as mutants, and not as genetic derivatives from their maternal 
grandfather. The few hermaphrodites occurring in the families in- 
cluded under the present case may be related to the fact, however, 
that the females belong to a hermaphrodite family, for the same 
male 0855(36) was crossed with seven other females and with one 
hermaphrodite, and among the 443 offspring produced there were 
no other hermaphrodites. 

= 2 
mm OXe 2 of 

Ee | 

| | | 
oe a 
471 305 4 

Fic. 5.—Model pedigree for case V 

Allowing for the same frequency of occurrence of hermaphrodites 
as shown in the table above, there should have appeared among 
these 443 individuals derived from the same male crossed with 
other females at least two hermaphrodite mutants. This number 
is so small that they may possibly have been omitted through the 
€rrors of random sampling, but the suggestion may be made that 
while a female cannot transmit hermaphroditism to its offspring, 
it may perhaps supply an intracellular environment favorable to 
the mutation of the male genes into hermaphrodite genes. 



Pedigree no. Result | Pedigree no. Result 
OOTP kn ee i: 62: 2% RQS Ati wo ok 92: 28 
OR ei ey Pet le 239:133 OGIO cee ee ee ee 302:179 
OE Foie ou ee as sie iy hs SOLO esse ee es 482: 6% 
at a(S ON Si Seo a ne 459: 289 OOLOs ea ave eee 403: 20% 
ers es ee aoe re aa 639: 16% (sy log Wa pee ohare cen ar is 40f: 7% 
RR ey ath ahi ss ok ws 49: 38 POR en ee inion 35%: 102 
8 = OED a 369: 7% OOI05. sos as sree ge: 7% 

otal. aes 4292:155% 

The seed parents of these families were the same 14 females 

which produced the families considered under case V. In the 

present case they were all pollinated by a 

2 oe single hermaphrodite, 08115(9), in the family 

to which they themselves belonged. The 

results correspond closely with those of the 

last section, except that in this case the males 

(Mutant) 2) X Self were invariably hermaphrodites, showing as 
before that the character of the pollen parent 

— determines the sex character of the male — 

offspring. It may be noted that most of 

Q o these families contained a strikingly high per- 
centage of females, as compared with those 

under case V, there being 73.46 per cent of 

females among the progenies of case VI, and 

only 60.7 per cent among those of case V- 

2 fe) The meaning of such differences in the sex 
6 ree ratios is quite unknown at the present time, 
fia 6 Mody peal. and no discussion of the series of experiments 

Side fod cane VL. which are in progress for the purpose of 
finding an interpretation of such variable 

ratios will be undertaken here. It is believed, however, that the 

question of the sex-ratios constitutes an altogether different prob- 

lem, and has no direct bearing upon matters relative to the genetic’ 

interrelationships of the different sexual types, which are alone 

under consideration in this paper. 




Pedigree no. Result | Pedigree no. Result 
ee et. 362:188:14 OGIIS So tree a ee 462: 428 
a eo ee) 562:318 WEES ey oe es 462:498 
pe op oe 79°32 OO140 ek es 502: 309 
fi A SN pet aa 202: 148 ODLAS ee ae 5523248 
a oe 392: 269 00200) rer ae 269: 278 
i he oa 472:19% 

Total no eas 4282: 2929:18 

These families are essentially similar in nature to those con- 
sidered under case IV, except that in the present case the mutant 
was Crossed with an unrelated female instead of being self-fertilized. 
The first 7 of these families were produced by crossing 7 different 

2B otmm 

292 I 
Fic. 7.—Model pedigree for case VII 

hermaphrodites in 08118, upon a single female, o8109(1); the next 
three (09145-09148) were the result of using three of the same 
hermaphrodite individuals in the pollination of the female, 08114(4), 
Which was used as the seed parent of all the families included under 


case IV. The genetic equivalence of the different hermaphrodites 
again stands out clearly in these results, and when the ratios of 
the two series are compared, it is found that the percentage of 
hermaphrodites produced by the hermaphrodite offspring of a 
self-fertilized hermaphrodite is slightly lower than that produced 
by the offspring of these cross-bred hermaphrodites, the former 
producing only 38.2 per cent of hermaphrodites and the latter 
42.6 per cent. The difference is too small to be of significance, 
particularly in view of the fact that much wider differences than 
this are found in families produced from different seed capsules 
on a single plant when pollinated by a single male. It might have 
been expected, perhaps, that a self-fertilized hermaphrodite would 
have produced a larger percentage of hermaphrodites than would 
be produced by the same hermaphrodite crossed upon a female 
of a normal family. The fact that such a result does not appear 
is further proof that, although the hermaphrodite is a heterozygote, 
its egg cells are of a single type and like those of the normal females. 
The last family under this section was produced by crossing 4 
hermaphrodite of 08128(16) upon a female in a genotypically 
distinct strain of Lychnis dioica, received several years ago from the 
vicinity of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The result is quite the 
same as in the other families, all of which were derived from 4 
common stock secured at Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island. 


Pedigree no. Result 
ete 219:116:23 
OO7TS oF. Bee gee oe $2: 16 
cy ee ee tee 292:128:29 

I have already remarked the difficulties encountered in the use 
of hermaphrodites as self-fertilized seed parents. The difficulties 
are still greater when the problem requires the crossing of the 
hermaphrodites with other males, for nearly all the numerous 
castrations which have been made have resulted in the dropping 


of the flowers without further development. Only one family 
(08116) was produced in 1909 from a cross of this kind. It was 

to Bees 
L__ L__ 
© mtutant a 
Ee | 
@ | | 
2 of g (Mutant ? ) 

Fic. 8.—First model pedigree for case VIII 

Een a 

(Mutant) OX Self 2 ne 
| —— 


8 I 
FG. 9.—Second model pedigree for case VIII 
Teported upon in my preliminary paper, and is repeated here. The 

occurrence of two hermaphrodites in this small family suggested 
that the hermaphrodite character might be inherited from the 


mother as well as the father. On this account the cross between 
hermaphrodites and males must be considered the most important 
of all combinations in interpreting the relations of the sexes. The 
difficulty involved in the castration of the flowers permits the 
question whether the two hermaphrodites may not have been due 
to a faulty technique, for males produced from unintentional self- 
pollinations would be hermaphrodites.s Special efforts were put 
forth in tg09 to secure more crosses of this character, but these 
resulted in a single success, and that of so limited extent as to be 
wholly indecisive. The 9 offspring of this cross (09215) consisted 
of 8 females and 1 male, so that the little evidence which such a 
small family can give is in harmony with the proposition that the 
character of the female parent has no influence upon the sex char- 
acters of the male offspring, except possibly by supplying an intra- 
cellular environment which is favorable or unfavorable to the occur- 
rence of sex mutation, suggested under case V. Continued efforts 
are being made to secure more data from combinations of hermaph- 
rodites with normal males. 


Pedigree no. Result 

OA ae oe 382: 389 

OOLEE eS at a, Vie sik 519:33% 
OTAL Oe bos ity S92: 719 . 

The appearance of 2 hermaphrodites in family 08116 of case 
VIII immediately raised the question whether they were true 
genetic hermaphrodites like A and B, or whether they might not 
be somatic hermaphrodites whose hermaphrodite character was not 
in any way related to the fact that they were the offspring of i 
hermaphrodite seed parent. If they should prove to be somatic 

3In a family grown in ror1 from a cross between a white-flowered hermaphro- 
dite and a homozygous blue-flowered male, all the offspring were blue-flowered and 

several (less than 6 per cent) were hermaphrodite, thus showing that such hermaph- 
rodites are not in this instance due to any unintentional self-fertilization. 


hermaphrodites, they would be in reality of the same genotype as 
their pollen parent, thus offering no exception to the general rule 
that the male parent determines the sexual type of its male 

Both of these hermaphrodites were crossed upon female 08114(4), 
already mentioned in cases IV and VII. No influence of the male 
grandparent appears, as all of the male offspring in these two 

eg Fg 

Fic. 10.—Model pedigree for case IX 

families were hermaphrodites. This result proves that the 2 
hermaphrodites of o8116 were genetic hermaphrodites. One of 
these hermaphrodites was also self-fertilized and gave a progeny 
of a single hermaphrodite, constituting family number 09210. 
It would be rash to draw a conclusion from a family consisting of a 
single individual, and nothing could have been derived from it if 
by chance that individual had been a female. The fact that it was 
hermaphrodite instead of normal male, however, confirms the con- 
clusion that the hermaphrodite parent was a genetic hermaphrodite 
like its own seed parent.. 

Whether these two hermaphrodites owed their hermaphrodite 
character directly to their hermaphrodite mother, or whether it 


resulted from a mutation of the male genes received from their 
father, cannot be definitely decided, but further experiments are in 
progress to test the possibility that the eggs of hermaphrodites 
can carry hermaphroditism and may therefore sometimes transmit 
it to their offspring. The evidence thus far is against their doing 
so to any considerable extent. 



Pedigree no. Result 
BOF ac ele Sih Seis Sie eee ace ae | 
QQ20G i ye a tee 29>: QUtt 
BOO ee, fue ee a es 462: 308:14 
OOGLt foros cee 309:17% 
BED ee ee ak va eee 322: 16% 
LOCAL ee ee 1279:738:26 

These are crosses in which the same 2 hermaphrodites of o8116, 
discussed in case IX, were used as the pollen parents in crosses with 

i tg i 

0 (Mutant) St 
bo J 

Q fe) (Mutant ? ) 

= fe) : St (Mutant) 

73 = 
Fic. 11.—Model pedigree for case X 


three different females in the same family. The results may be 
compared with those under case VI, where sib crosses were also 
dealt with. The comparison shows that the results were identical, 
though in one case the parents were the progeny of a self-fertilized 
hermaphrodite, while in the other the parents resulted from the 
ctoss of a hermaphrodite fertilized by a male. Thus is given still 
further evidence that these hermaphrodites in 08116 were genetic 
hermaphrodites and that such hermaphrodites are of like hereditary 
capacity, whatever their origin. 


Pedigree no. Result 
007008 es, Pos eo 
OG2T Fe ae 108: 84 
OOF eva eas 3392256 

Lota eee 502: 344 

The first of these families (09206) had the same seed parent as 
the first two families (09207 and 09208) under case X, and the 


a ey 
— | aa 
¢ of 



Frc. 12.—Model pedigree for case 


second (09213) had the same seed parent as the last two families 
(og2tr and og212) under that case. The pollen parent in all three 
families of the present case was the same normal male, 0855(36), 
that was used for all the crosses in case V. It is consequently fair 
to assume that the differences in the result under case X and case 
XI are wholly referable to the male parent, and that such differences 
as appear between case X and case V are referable to the seed 
parents. There is no difference in the latter instance, while the 
fundamental difference in the former is that in case X the males 
were hermaphrodite, while in the present case they were normal 
males, thus showing again the correspondence between the male 
offspring and their pollen parent. 

Pedigree no. Result 
OOTAI Se ee Beles ck 402:406 
O0240 ne ik ek 432:446 
OAL oe ers 839:846 

It will be recalled that among the 705 offspring produced in 
1909 from crosses between females and the genetic hermaphrodites, 
A and B, there were 2 males and 305 hermaphrodites. In similar 
manner it will have been noted that in a number of the cultures 
of 1910 a very small percentage of such males have appeared 
in families of which the male offspring were generally hermaphro- 
dite. Instances of this kind are noted above, under cases I, Ill, 
IV, V, VII, and X. Whether these males were true males or PpOS- 
sibly somatically modified hermaphrodites may now be considered. 

The families reported under the present case were produced 
by pollinating two different unrelated females with pollen of 
08118(13), one of the two males derived from genetic hermaphro- 
dite fathers in 1909. No hermaphrodites were produced, thus 
showing that the pollen parent was a true male, and not a hermaph- 
rodite which had suffered the suppression of the female organs 
because of some purely somatic influence. The frequency of 
occurrence of such male mutants may be inferred from the fact 


that 11 of them appeared among progenies comprising a total 
of 3331 females and 2126 hermaphrodites. In other words, they 
constitute about o.2 per cent of the total progeny of the genetic 
hermaphrodites when the latter are used as pollen parents. In 
no single family did more than one such male mutant occur. While 
these numbers are too small to allow an accurate estimate of the 

2 fof : ore 

OF Mtant 

Fic. 13.—Model pedigree for case XII 
relative frequency of hermaphrodite and male mutants, the evi- 
dence seems to indicate that there is no striking difference between 
the capacity of males to give rise to hermaphrodite mutants, and 
that of hermaphrodites to give rise to male mutants, though 
male mutants have appeared with slightly greater frequency than 
hermaphrodite mutants. 

Pedigree no. Result 
OST2e ca eas 3902:556 
O8152 vig eae cans 269:186 
OOS. ewe eyes 569: 266 
0000: bis eis eee whee eee 632:34¢ 
Totek 6.3 esr 1849:1336 
itarcigeeentencm ten 


The pedigrees 08125 and 08132 are those of hermaphrodites 
C and D among the cultures of 1909, which were reported upon — 
last year. If the “model pedigree’’ illustrated in the diagram 
(fig. 14) be compared with that under case I (fig. 1), the two will be 
seen to correspond perfectly. In fact, the hermaphrodites A and B 
included under case I were full sibs of hermaphrodites C and D 
whose progenies are repeated here. These 4 hermaphrodites 
which were found in the cultures of 1908 were indistinguishable 

fe 2 
LJ -L4 


Fic. 14.—Model pedigree for case XIII 

_ from one another in their external characters, and the fact that 
they belonged in two different categories was only demonstrated 
by the breeding tests. 

No additional instances have been found in which a hermaph- 
rodite indistinguishable from the usual type of “genetic hermaph- 
rodites” has proved to be simply a somatic variation of the male. 
However, 2 peculiar variant individuals found in one family of the 
1909 cultures exhibited an analogous behavior, and consequently 
their progenies have been added to those of C and D under this 
case. The 2 individuals used as pollen parents of the families 
0995 and og96 had several lobes of the calyx prolonged and 
modified to the form and structure of stigmas, and one of the 
flowers had in the center a small unicarpellary ovary with an 
apparently functional stigma. Both of these plants had func- 


tional stamens, and both approached more nearly to the type of 
normal males as the season advanced. On account of the anoma- 
lous position of the stigmas in these plants, they are not to be 
included in the same class with the other hermaphrodites which 
have been considered, but it may not be unfair to accept the appear- 
ance of stigmatic calyx teeth in these male plants as additional 
evidence that the male is heterozygous in regard to sex, but nor- 
mally has the presence of the female character completely hidden 
by the dominance of the male character. A somatic derangement 
may be assumed as the proximate cause of the appearance of the 
misplaced stigmas. 

These 2 abnormal plants were crossed upon a Jone sib, 
o8109(1), and produced together 119 females and 60 normal 
males, not one of which showed any development of stigmatic 
calyx lobes or other female characteristics. The female o8109(1) 
was the one used in case VII for a number of crosses with genetic 
hermaphrodites, and it was also used as the seed parent in 20 crosses 
with males of various origin. In all of the other crosses upon this 
female, the males among the progenies were of the same type as the 
male parent used in the particular cross from which they sprang, 
thus showing that this female exerted no modifying influence upon 
the sex character of her male offspring. This makes it reasonable 
to conclude that the stigmatic calyx lobes were a purely somatic 


Pedigree no. Result % 

OOTIO Sis oe a _— §09:276 
OOTS0. ev ae kes  372:168 
OOTS?. 66.5 33%: 268 
OOTI2 85. 6s Pen 619:148 
OGX0S 2s ce 492:424 
OOTOG a view cee 452: 108 
OOLIOs Fees wee ee 582: 336 

LOM Cae es 3339: 1686 

In order to make sure that the conclusions drawn from the first 
§eneration regarding the character of the hermaphrodites C and D, 


as discussed in case XII, were sound, and that there was not simply 
the temporary disappearance of the hermaphrodite character 
through some thinkable vagary of dominance in the F,, 5 males 
in 08125 were tested in crosses with 2 different females. The 
resultant progenies consisted of 333 females and 168 males. Not 
a single hermaphrodite appeared, thus convincingly supporting 

ey ow 
2 SS 2 © (Somatic) 
L___— Lo | acsaed 

333 168 
Fic. 15.—Model pedigree for case XIV 

the view that the appearance of hermaphroditism in C and D was 
illusive, and that they were therefore only superficially like the 
genetic hermaphrodites A and B. These results fully justify my 
conclusion that the hermaphrodites of Lychnis dioica belong to 
two genotypes, one of which is the same as the normal male, the 
other different from it. 

Discussion and conclusions 
Although these data from the breeding of hermaphrodites of 
Lychnis dioica are presented in fourteen sections, each represenUng 
a somewhat different direction of attack upon the genetic problems 
involved, the results under the various sections are remarkably 
consistent. The hermaphrodites are clearly of two kinds. Those 


included under cases I-XII produced male offspring like themselves 
when they were used as male parents (but not when used as female 
parents). These have been called “genetic hermaphrodites,” 
to distinguish them from occasional genetic males which possess 
female organs as a purely somatic modification, and which I have 
therefore called ‘somatic hermaphrodites.”” These ‘somatic 
hermaphrodites”’ will be omitted from the discussion for the present. 

Under cases II and III it is shown that genetic hermaphrodites, 
of whatever origin, when self-fertilized, yield dimorphic progenies 
consisting of females and hermaphrodites, thus confirming the 
conclusions derived from the F,. This fact, together with the 
apparent relative ease with which males are made to exhibit the 
organs of both sexes, has been. accepted as conclusive evidence 
that the hermaphrodites (and therefore also the males) are heterozy- 
gous with respect to sex, and the females homozygous (SHULL 26). 
In this regard Lychnis dioica L. agrees with Bryonia dioica (Cor- 
RENS 6); with many species of Coleoptera, Orthoptera, Hemiptera, 
Diptera, Odonata, and perhaps also with Myriapoda and Arachnida 
(McCiuNne 19, WILSON 38-42, MorRGAN 20, 21, STEVENS 31-34, 
etc.); and with the nematode worms, Heterakis (BovERI 4) and 
Ascaris megalocephala (BorING 3). In man, GuyeER (16) has 
demonstrated that there are two types of sperms, and while the 
relation of one or other of these types to the type of the egg is 
unknown, there can hardly be a doubt that here also the female 
is homozygous and the male heterozygous.* 

Although these widely divergent groups of plants and animals 
agree in having homozygous females and heterozygous males, 
there may still be fundamental differences in the different groups, 
since there may be three different kinds of homozygotes, and 
Correspondingly different kinds of heterozygotes. This question 

* Heterozygous females have now been recognized in Abraxas (DONCASTER and 
Raynor ro, and Doncaster 8, 9), sea urchins (BALTzeR 1), canaries (DURHAM and 
Marryar 11), and in domestic fowl (BATESON 2, SPILLMAN 28, 29, GOODALE 12, 13, 
HacEpoorn 17, Peart and SURFACE 24, 25, STURTEVANT 37). GUYER (14, I5) 
Teports two types of sperms in both the guinea fowl and the common fowl, but these 
observations are out of harmony with all the genetic studies in which sex-limited 
characters of the Gallinaceae have been involved. The considerable difficulties 
encountered in the cytological studies on these species suggest the advisability of 
@ repetition of this work. 


will be discussed later in connection with the nature of the 

Correns (6, p. 17), with undoubted justification, maintained 
that the germ cells of monoecious, hermaphrodite, and dioecious 
species possess the tendency to develop into individuals having 
the distribution of sex organs characteristic of the particular 
genotype to which they belong; but when he likens the association 
of organs of both sexes in the same individual to the mosaic of red 
and white colors in striped flowers, and of pigmented and white 
spots in the coats of spotted animals, his justification becomes less 
obvious. Both striped flowers and spotted pelages are known 
from many investigations to be due to the presence or absence of 
a definite Mendelian gene, a so-called “spotting factor” or “pat- 
tern factor.” ae 

One of the chief aims in the arrangement of my cultures for 
1910 was to test the possible existence of such a mosaic or “pat- 
tern factor,” H, as a proximate cause of hermaphroditism m 
Lychnis, and the most striking result secured is the decisive mannet 
in which such a possibility is denied. The hermaphrodite character 
is not only incapable of reaching expression in the female* (as 
might be expected, since the female is homozygous), but it is also 
as a rule not transmitted through the egg cell to the male 
offspring. The males in the progeny of any cross agree in their 
sexual type with the male parent of that cross, regardless of its 
antedecent history. All the assumptions and implications involved 
in the first section of table I, in which an independent gene H was 
postulated, may therefore be rejected. 

SI refer here only to the normal functional hermaphroditism with which this 

paper deals, and not the pseudo-hermaphroditism which results when females of 
Lychnis dioica are attacked by the smut, Ustilago violacea, as reported by STRAS- 

and (0) that male plants may be infected also, but such infection does not in this case 
result in the development of the female organs. 


In the second section of table I the hypothetical gene H for 
hermaphroditism is given limitations which make it fit all the 
empirical results of both the first and subsequent generations; 
but when the significance of the limitations is taken into account, 
it becomes evident that there is small advantage gained by the 
postulation of such a gene. Indeed the only advantage lies in the 
fact that in case the female is a positive homozygote, it keeps open 
the question whether or not there is a synaptic mate of F in the 
normal male; for a newly arisen hermaphrodite gene (H) might 
conceivably become a synaptic mate of F, even though the latter 
had had no synaptic mate in the normal male. 

If the female is a neutral homozygote, that is, if the female 
gene F has a male gene M as its synaptic mate in the male, the 
hermaphrodite gene (if it exist at all) must be absolutely coupled 
with this male gene. In like manner, if the female is a negative 
homozygote FFmm, the H (if present) must be coupled with the 
male gene M. It is simpler, however, to assume that the hermaph- 
rodite determiner is a modified form of the sex gene itself, than 
to suppose that it is a separate gene invariably coupled with the 
sex gene. This conception that hermaphroditism results from a 
mutative change in the sex gene, or in its homologue (?), the “Y- 
element,” is made the basis of the last section of table I, but can 
apply only to those cases in which a male gene is present, or if 
not a male gene, then its homologue, a sexually indifferent gene 
which takes the place of M in the male; for if the hermaphrodite 
character is assumed to be due to a change in the female gene 
(F), as it must be if the latter has no ‘‘synaptic mate,’’ the scheme 
will not work. 

It appears to me impossible at the present time to determine 
whether the females of Lychnis are positive, neutral, or negative 
homozygotes. The facts seem to be equally well met by any of 
these assumptions; but the definite limitations of the hermaphro- 
dite character to the males makes inapplicable the extreme form 
of the “presence and absence” hypothesis (that is, the hypothesis 
of unpaired genes) unless the female is a negative homozygote 
With reference to a male sex gene (M). While the possibility must 
be kept open that this is the relationship of the sexes in Lychnis, 


it seems to me more probable that the female is a neutral homozy- 
gote (FF), the male having the formula FM, and the hermaphro- 
dite the formula FMy. The gradually increasing number of known 
instances of “spurious allelomorphism” proves that the pairing 
of unlike or unequal genes in the heterozygote is, if not the general 
condition, at least a not uncommon one. 

The question whether the sex genes are paired or unpaired in the 
heterozygote, and if unpaired, whether the female is a positive or a 
negative homozygote, might be settled by simple observation, if it 
could be known that the chromosomes are the sex determiners, 
as a number of recent cytological studies clearly suggest. It is 
not at all certain, however, whether the unequal chromosome 
groups in the male-producing and female-producing germ cells are 
active determiners or simply passive indicators of other more 
fundamental differences. The latter possibility is strongly empha- 
sized by Morcan (20), who shows that the pole to which the 
accessory chromosome in Phylloxera is to proceed, is already deter- 
mined before that chromosome has given any indication, by its 
own motion, to which pole it will go. This suggests that the poles 
of the dividing spermacyte may be sexually differentiated in ad- 
vance by some other factor. If the chromosomes are not the sex- 
determiners, but only passive indicators, the fact that they are 
paired or unpaired, equal or unequal, has no decisive bearing upon 
the question whether the female is a positive, neutral, or negative 
homozygote, or whether the genes are paired or unpaired in the 
heterozygote, for it is quite as easy to assume that the movement 
of the accessory chromosome or “X-element” to the female pole 
takes place in response to a tension caused by the absence of a 
positive male sex-determiner at that pole, as that it is attracted 
by the presence of a positive female determiner. If the “X-element” 
should move into the vacancy caused by the absence of the sex- 
determiner, the presence of the added chromosome or group of 
chromosomes would become the evidence of the absence of the 
sex gene; in other words, the female possessing the added chromo- 
some would be a negative homozygote. All this is highly specula- 
tive, and as there appears to be no way as yet to put the matter 
to experimental test, it seems futile to discuss further the question 


whether the female of Lychnis dioica is a positive, neutral, or 
negative homozygote, or whether the synaptic mate of the female 
gene is qualitatively male or not. ‘The matter has been considered 
at such length only because it is important that no unwarranted 
conclusions should be drawn from the configuration of the chromo- 
somes in any given case. 

There appears to be no very strong evidence at present that the 
chromosomes are the representatives or producers of particular 
Mendelian unit characters, though attempts have been made a 
number of times during the past decade to identify them as such. 
On the other hand, there is still no positive and complete demonstra- 
tion that the chromosomes are not the determiners of the Mendelian 
characters, and until this demonstration is provided, the relation 
of the chromosomes to the unit characters must be kept open. 
Whether the chromosomes are responsible directly for sex may well 
remain likewise an open question for the present, especially in view 
of the fact that in many animals, and in the few plants which have 
been thus far investigated, no chromosome differences have been 
found to differentiate the sexes. 

There can be no doubt of course that the sex characters are 
associated with chromosome differences in the considerable number 
of animals which have been found to present such differences, but, 
as we have just seen, the nature of this association is not clear. 
Where two types of sperms are found in the male, the one type 
corresponding in its chromosome complex with the single type 
Presented by the eggs, the inference is fully justified that such 
males are heterozygous and the females homozygous in respect 
to sex, whether one or more chromosomes be the sex-determiner, 
or whether these chromosomes are merely symptomatic of other 
fundamental differences which are the true sex-determiners; and 
vice versa, when two types of eggs having different chromosome 
§toups are found in the female, one of which agrees with the only 
type found in the sperms, the inference is fair that the female is 
heterozygous and the male homozygous in respect to sex. So 
consistent have been the results in those species in which both male 
and female germ cells have been investigated, that it has not seemed 
improper to assume that in any given species the one sex will have 


uniform germ cells, and is to be considered homozygous, if the 
other sex is demonstrated to have two types of germ cells.° 

No chromosome differences have been found in Lychnis dioica 
L. by STRASBURGER (36), who has studied a form of this species 
known in German taxonomic works as Melandrium rubrum Garcke. 
His careful investigation of germ cells and root tips showed 24 
chromosomes to be the somatic number, one pair of these chromo- 
somes being notably larger than the rest, thus resembling the acces- 
sory chromosomes or supposed sex chromosomes of the insects. 
However, in Lychnis, the two members of this pair are indistinguish- 
able from each other in both the male and the female. The same 
results have been independently secured by Miss Lutz during the 
past year, but have not yet been published. Lychnis appears to 
agree, therefore, with Nezara, Oncopeltus, etc. (WILSON 39) 4°); 
among the Hemiptera, as in these the two types of sperms, which 
doubtless exist, are not visibly differentiated. STRASBURGER (36) 
reports also that an investigation of Bryonia dioica has not revealed 
the two types of sperms that might a priori have been expected. 

The hypothesis of unpaired determiners implies that a new 
Mendelian character originates by the formation of a new gene 
or the loss of an-old one. My interpretation of hermaphroditism 
in Lychnis dioica as due to an alteration in a sex gene already in 
existence, which alteration does not in any way change the homology 
of the gene in question, calls for a fundamentally different method 
of origin of new characters from that involved in this extreme form 
of the “presence and absence” hypothesis. The new genotype 
which arises by mutation from the old one has in this case neither 
more nor fewer genes than had the genotype from which it originated. 

The occurrence of male mutants among the offspring of my — 
genetic hermaphrodites appears to me to have a bearing upon this 
question, as to the mode of origin of new characters. Among the 
offspring of genetic hermaphrodites tabulated in this paper, 1 
male mutants appeared, and under case XII it is shown conclusively 
that these are true males, and do not again give hermaphrodite 
offspring, except probably in the extremely small proportion given 

‘As already noted, GuveEr’s (14, 15) studies on spermatogenesis in the domestic 
fowl and in the guinea fowl appear at present to be exceptions. 


by males not derived from a hermaphrodite family. These 11 
males appeared in hermaphrodite families comprising a total of 
5467 individuals, thus possibly indicating a somewhat greater 
coefficient of mutability than that reported for the production 
of hermaphrodites from normal males. It seems therefore that the 
Modification of the gene M (or f) into a hermaphrodite gene H, 
and the reversal of this modification so that a normal male gene 
is again produced from a hermaphrodite gene, occurs with somewhat 
unequal facility, but the difference is not great enough to warrant 
the belief that mutation in the one direction is caused by the 
appearance of a new, independent organ, while its reversal is due 
to the disappearance of that organ. It seems to me more probable 
that these reversible mutations are due to reversible modifications 
of an element or organ continuously in existence, and not to the 
Production of a new element or the dropping out of an old one. 
The change from a male to a hermaphrodite condition and the. 
_ Feverse are processes both striking and sudden. Perhaps they are 
as fundamental mutations as those observed among the oenotheras. 
The interpretation given here of the process of mutation in the 
Sex character of Lychnis seems to be available for other mutations 
as well. The sudden acquirement of new functions by a gene 
already in existence is different from the conception presented by 
E Vries in Die Mutationstheorie, to account for the origin of 
the Oenothera mutants, and is in accord with SprttMan’s “teleone 
hypothesis.” Sprrrman (30) is inclined to attribute the remarkable 
mutations in Oenothera to irregularities of mitosis, but in these 
Sex Mutants of Lychnis, abrupt genotypic modifications have 
taken place which can hardly be assigned to such irregular mitoses. 
One puzzling feature of the inheritance of sex in Lychnis is 
the fact that self-fertilized hermaphrodites produce similar ratios 
of females and hermaphrodites as are produced when unrelated 
females are fertilized by sperms from hermaphrodites. Since it is 
obvious that the two types of offspring are due to the heterozygous 
character of the male, we are led to the conclusion that even though 
the hermaphrodite individual is heterozygous in respect to sex, 
its egg cells? are of a single type like those of the normal female 
* Perhaps I should say “its successful egg cells.” 


and carry only the female tendency, while its sperm cells are of two 
types, one of which has the same sex character as the egg cells, 
the other bearing the hermaphrodite condition. In my preliminary 
paper, it was suggested that those eggs may fail to develop which 
lack the female gene F, or which possess the male gene M; or that 
in case the female is a negative homozygote, there might be an 
extrusion of the male gene during oogenesis. As there are no 
visible cytological differences between the females and the hermaph- 
rodites, it may not be possible to decide these questions. The 
relatively small number of seeds in the hermaphrodites, as com- 
pared with the females, appears to be favorable to a selective elim- 
ination of male-bearing eggs. Another explanation seems possible. 
A segregation of the female and male genes may conceivably take 
place earlier than the time at which the germ cells are formed, 
though it must be admitted that there is little evidence at present 
that such early segregations regularly take place in any plant or 
animal. Such a suggestion has been made by BATESON (2, P. 159); 
however, in the effort to account for certain interesting instances 
of coupling. If a segregation of female and hermaphrodite genes 
could be assumed to take place as early as the formation of a certain 
primordial cell from which the entire reproductive tissue of the 
ovary develops, so that the ovules are supplied only with the female 
genes, the observed uniformity of the egg cells would result. If 
segregation may take place thus before the spermacytes are devel- 
oped, this might also offer an explanation of the exceedingly variable 
sex ratios which occur in Lychnis, for an unequally rapid develop- 
ment of tissues derived from female-bearing cells and male-bearing 
cells, from the moment of segregation until the spermacytes are 
produced, would give an unequal number of female-bearing and 
male-bearing sperms, and variability in this process would produce 
irregular ratios. I place no stress upon this hypothesis, howevet; 
and am inclined to look for an explanation of the observed phenom- 
ena in some sort of selective elimination. 

There remains to be considered the relation of the somatic 
hermaphrodites to the problems of sex determination. The 
results under cases XIII and XIV show that the hermaphrodite 

* They are known to take place occasionally in the production of bud sports: 


character of these plants was purely superficial and did not affect 
the germ cells in any recognizable manner. The only bearing 
these plants have upon the question of sex determination, I think, 
is in the evidence they give that genetically normal males may be 
induced in some unknown way to exhibit female characters. When 
the male is interpreted as a Mendelian heterozygote in respect 
to the sex-producing gene, the occurrence of such a somatic modifica- 
tion has the appearance of a simple case of imperfect dominance, 
such as has been noted not infrequently in other Mendelian hetero- 
zygotes. However, the development of male organs (non-func- 
tional) in the supposedly homozygous female, when the latter 
is attacked by the smut (Ustilago violacea), gives support to the 
_ View held by SrraspurcER (36), that not only the heterozygous 
sex but both sexes contain in some degree the elements of the 
Opposite sex or the capacity to react in the sexually opposite 
Manner. This fact may perhaps indicate that sex is a more 
fundamental condition than might be inferred from the frequency 
with which it behaves as a Mendelian unit character. MorGAN 
(23) suggests a way in which the appearance of the organs or 
characters of one sex in individuals of the opposite sex may be 
explained in harmony with the Mendelian interpretation of sex 
determination. He assumes that there may be present, underlying 
the female sex gene, a male element with respect to which all 
individuals of both sexes are homozygous. This he indicates by 
introducing m into all of his sex formulae. In keeping with com- 
mon usage among geneticists, he should have used M, since he 
intends to denote the presence of maleness. 

While recognizing the aptness of this suggestion in removing 
Some of the difficulties in the way of a general application of the 
Mendelian explanation of sex, I am inclined to the view that the 
Mendelian nature of sex is of secondary rather than of primary 
consequence. May not maleness and femaleness be thought of 
as alternative states, which can be crudely analogized with the 
acidity and alkalinity of chemical solutions? Just as solutions 
may be made acid or alkaline in different ways, either by qualita- 
tive or by quantitative additions, subtractions, or substitutions, 
or by a combination of qualitative and quantitative changes, it 


is conceivable that the alternative sexual types may be determined 
in different cases by very different methods, some qualitative, 
some quantitative, and others both qualitative and quantitative. 
In some species the sexes appear to represent a much more strongly 
polarized (?) condition than in other species, and a transition from 
the characters of the one sex to those of the other is attained 
only with the greatest rarity, if at all; while in other species the 
sex conditions may be so nearly balanced or neutral that individuals 
are not so absolutely determined in their sex relations by their 
genotypic nature, thus resulting in ever-sporting varieties in 
respect to sex, such as CorrENS (7) has found in Plantago lanceo- 

With such a conception of sex, it also appears probable that 
sex may be influenced sometimes by external factors as well as : 
by internal ones, and in this case the preponderance of one sex 
over the other, which has been observed in many animals and 
plants, need not be attributed alone to a selective disorganization 
of germ cells, a selective fertilization, or a selective death rate, 
but might conceivably be controlled to a certain extent by environ- 
mental conditions acting at some particular “sensitive period” 
in the ontogeny of the organism in question. However this may 
be, there is little or no evidence at present that such environmental 
influences on sex can be more than relatively slight in the case of 
dioecious plants and animals. In such organisms recent genetic 
and cytological studies prove conclusively that sex is generally 
determined by the genotypic nature of the individual. 


The hermaphrodites of Lychnis dioica are modified males. 
They are of two kinds, which are here distinguished as “genetic” 
and “somatic” hermaphrodites. 

When the genetic hermaphrodites are used as pollen parents, 
either when self-fertilized or in crosses with females, their pros" 
enies consist of females and hermaphrodites. When they are use 
as pistil parents, and fertilized by normal males, they produce 
females and normal males. 

Somatic hermaphrodites may be externally indistinguishable 


from the genetic hermaphrodites, but when used as pollen parents 
they produce no hermaphrodite offspring, but only females and 
normal males. 

The fact that males can be modified so as to produce functional 
organs of both sexes, indicates that they are sex heterozygotes, 
and the production of both females and hermaphrodites by self- 
fertilized hermaphrodites strongly supports the same interpretation. 

The hermaphrodite character can neither find expression in 
the females, nor can it be transmitted by their eggs to the male 
offspring. Consequently it is not determined by an independent 
gene, H, but by a modification of the male sex gene, M, or of the 
“synaptic mate”’ of the female gene, F. 

If the males and hermaphrodites are heterozygous, it follows 
that the females are homozygous; but this does not offer an ulti- 
mate solution to the relationship between females and males, 
since there may be several different kinds of homozygotes and 
heterozygotes. As applied to the relation of the sexes, these may 
be indicated by the following formulae: (a) The female may be a 

“positive” homozygote; then FF=9, Ff{f=2, Ff” or FH=%. (b) If 
the female is a “negative” homozygote, FFmm=9, FFMm=é, 
FFMym=%. (c) When the female is a “neutral” homozygote, 
FF=9, FM=2, FMqg=%. In each of these formulae the subscript 
H is intended to represent a modification of the gene to whose 
symbol it is appended, such that the male is changed to a her- 
maphrodite. Which of these formulae correctly represents the con- 
dition in Lychnis can not be determined, but the modified gene 
Which results in hermaphroditism is allelomorphic to F unless 
the female is a negative homozygote. 

Among the offspring of genetic hermaphrodites were a small 
number of male mutants (11 in 5467), which on breeding proved 
to be normal males. The occurrence of these male mutants indi- 
cates that the modification to the hermaphrodite condition, and 
back again to the male condition, occurs with but slightly unequal 
facility, and this circumstance is believed to favor the view that 
mutation in this case depends upon reversible modifications of 
Some permanent element or organ, rather than upon the origina- 
tion of a new unit, and its disappearance. This interpretation 


bears both upon the nature of mutation and upon the real signifi- 
cance of the “‘presence and absence” hypothesis. 

STRASBURGER has shown that females of Lychnis dioica attacked 
by Ustilago violacea become pseudo-hermaphrodites through the 
production of stamens, which however are non-functional, owing 
to the fact that the smut produces its spores in the anthers. This 
seems to justify his conclusion that each sex possesses some of the 
potentialities of the opposite sex. 

The view is expressed that the sexes represent alternative 
states which in different species may be attained in various ways, 
through either quantitative or qualitative changes, additions, 
subtractions, substitutions, or transformations, and that in some 
instances the action of environment may prove effective in deter- 
mining which of these states shall find expression. Nearly all 
the recent investigations indicate, however, that sex is at least 
predominantly dependent upon the genotypic nature of the indi- 

Cotp Sprinc Harpor, N.Y 


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Many types of plants multiply more or less by layering, or may 
be made to do so by artificial means. The fact seems not to be 
well known that various conifers, particularly members of the genera 
Picea and Abies, possess this power and multiply by it to some 
extent. Having by accident discovered a case of layering in the 
balsam fir (Abies balsamea [L.] Mill.) during the course of ecological 
work on Isle Royale, Lake Superior, I found that the habit was a 
factor of considerable importance in the dynamics of the forest. 
Investigation into the literature of the subject brought to light 
a few scattered references to layering of coniferous trees, which 
are noted below. It is not probable that the list is exhaustive. 

I. Literature 

The earliest description that was found was contained in Lov- 
DON’S Arboretum et Fruticetum Britannicum (8), vol. IV, pp. 2297- 
2298. The author quotes Mr. James M’Naps in The Gardener's 
Magazine as follows: 

_ From the pendent habit of the lower branches of the spruce (Picea excelsa 
Link) some curious anomalies are occasionally found in its habit of growth. 
The shoots next the ground, when they have attained a considerable length, 
naturally rest on the soil at their extremities; and the soil being kept moist by 
the shade of the branches, these often root into it; and the points of their 
shoots taking a vertical direction, a series of new trees are formed in a circle 
round the old tree. 

A particular specimen, growing in Scotland, is described thus: 

Many natural layers from the trunk and from the primary substems 
have taken root, so as to form a double series of young trees in two concentric 
circles round the parent trunk. 

A little farther on is the following: 

That portion of the branch which is between the trunk of the original 
tree and the part where it roots into the ground, and which is sometimes several 
feet in length, rarely i in diameter after its extremity has rooted... . . 
369] [Botanical Gazette, vol. 52 


The branches proceeding from the primary substems have also branches, 
equally healthy with themselves, proceeding from them, and with every appear- 
ance of their producing others. . .. . e primary substems, which constitute 
the inner concentric circle of young trees, vary from 8 feet to 25 feet in height; 
and the secondary substems, which form the trees of the outer circle, are from 
4 feet to 10 feet high. There are upward of thirty rooted stems surrounding 
the mother tree, and 30 feet is the greatest diameter of the space covered by 
stoloniferous branches; though in one case a secondary layer has reached as 
far as 18 feet from the main trunk. 

Loupon also mentions cases of abundant layering in Abies nigra 
(Picea mariana [Mill.] BSP.). 

UNZE (7) also refers to M’Nas’s observations and concludes 
from these and other cases that ‘Coniferae, especially the Abie- 
tineae, possess widely extended power of root formation and are 
able to send out rooting shoots.” 

KiHLMAN (6) notes that Picea excelsa growing at the arctic tree 
line in Lapland spreads extensively by layering. He describes 
the occurrence of the habit as follows. The lowest branches often 
have roots, and from their tips new erect shoots develop, which 
become treelike in form and come to lead independent lives; from 
this results a complex of shoots and small trees of various ages, 
which is very sharply bounded, and which often arises from a single 
parent. Such a group, 4 meters in diameter, included 42 stems 
more than 4 cm. thick, besides numerous smaller ones. The age 
of such a centrifugally spreading group of spruces may almost 
be unlimited. He distinguishes two habit varieties of Pues 
excelsa. One possesses a tall cylindrical crown, often extending 
to the ground, the lower branches seldom rooting, and the life of 
the individual thus ending with the death of the main trunk. The 
other variety, characteristic of the region of the northern limit 
of the spruce, is low and scrubby, and layers abundantly as described 

Curist (2) refers to layering in Picea excelsa as of rare occur 
rence, and names such forms Picea excelsa forma stolonifera. 

GOEBEL (5) mentions cases of layering in Picea excelsa, P. nigra; 
and Abies sibirica. 

ScHROTER (11) describes and illustrates something very similar 
in the case of Pinus montana in the timberline belt of the Alps- 


He speaks of “horizontal snakelike branches crawling over the 
ground, ascending or erect at the ends,” but does not state, nor do 
his figures show, that these branches take root. 

According to Mayr (9) all deciduous trees and conifers are 
able to produce roots when branches or weak stems are bent down 
and placed in contact with the ground for a time. He mentions 
the following genera as among those that have been observed to 
reproduce by layering: Abies, Picea, Pinus, Larix, Pseudotsuga, 
Chamaecy paris, Cryptomeria. 

Micuta (10) briefly notes the habit, and gives an illustration 
of a spruce (Picea excelsa) surrounded by a circle of young trees 
developed from layered branches. 

VOGTHERR (13) speaks of the habit as occurring frequently, 
though often overlooked, and states that it is commonest in moist 
habitats in northern latitudes and in mountain regions. 

Reproduction by layering among conifers has been reported 
in America, so far as I have been able to discover, in two species 
only, both of the genus Abies. 

SuDWorTH (12) in discussing the reproduction of the alpine 
fir (Abies lasiocarpa [Hook.] Nuttall) says (p. 111): ‘Occasionally 
at high elevations branches lying on ground take root (layer), 
from which, however, reproduction is probably rare.” 

In Silvical Leaflet (4) of the Forest Service, devoted to Abies 
lasiocarpa, is the following paragraph: 

Alpine fir frequently exhibits a tendency to reproduce by layering. The 
lower branches, which are procumbent, become covered with earth, roots are 
Produced, and the branches increase in size and assume an upward curve. It 
is doubtful, however, if the tree ever actually reproduces itself in this manner. 
The tendency becomes more apparent with increasing altitude, the main trunk 
tte shorter, while the layered branches form a saucer-like whorl at its 


CLEMENTS (3), speaking of the same species in the Colorado 
mountains, states that “all the young firs examined had started 
by layering from the lower branches of parent trees.” 

Concerning the eastern balsam fir (Abies balsamea [L.] Mill.) 
I have found but one notice of the habit. CarrreNDEN (1) in 
discussing the timberline trees of the White Mountains says: - 


Balsam, at such elevations, rarely matures its seed, reproduction being de- 
pendent on seed blown up from below and on the layering of the trees them- 
selves. Branches so layered are often found growing as independent trees, 
the connecting branch having decayed. The rooting always proceeds from 

rmant buds. Prostrate balsam occurs at an altitude of 5500 feet on the 
Presidential Range, where it reproduces almost entirely by layering. At an 
elevation of 4900 feet cones are borne sparingly, but even here reproduction 
by layering exists. 

II. Layering as observed on Isle Royale, Lake Superior 

Upon Isle Royale the layering habit manifests itself as follows. 
In the forest one frequently comes upon small groups of young 
balsams, often of about half a dozen individuals of various sizes. 
These upon superficial inspection would easily pass for a cluster 
of seedlings, but if the group be carefully dug up, all the young 
trees will be found to be connected with each other a little below 
the surface of the ground. The way in which the layering comes 
about was found to be as follows. The lower branches of the balsam 
droop more or less, and the middle portion of such a branch fre- 
quently becomes covered with moss, litter, and humus. If the 
point of origin of the branch is very close to the ground, the connec- 
tion soon becomes entirely concealed; this seems to be the case 
more often than otherwise. The covered portion now produces 
roots abundantly, and the tip becomes erect, loses its dorsiventral 
character, takes on radial symmetry, and is to all appearances @ 
perfect miniature tree. 
_ Layering may take place at any stage in the life of the tree. 
Sometimes the layered branch may be only a few years younget 
than the parent and not very perceptibly smaller, showing that 
it must have developed from one of the very earliest branches. 
Mere seedlings were sometimes seen with layered branches about 
as large as the parent. The daughter trees often produce a second 
generation, and it is in this way that the groups of apparently 
independent saplings come into existence. On the other hand, 
cases were found where a mature tree was layering through branches 
that had their points of origin a number of decimeters above the 
ground. Several of the lower branches of a mature tree may layer, 
producing a circle of young trees around the parent, and numerous 


Cases were found in which the layered branches themselves had 
given rise to secondary groups, the connection with the original 
tree being still maintained. 

There is abundant evidence that in many cases the layered 
branches become independent trees by the decay of the connecting 
Portions. In fig. x it may be seen that the layered branch near its 
Point of origin is extremely slender, while in the region where the 
roots have developed and in the subaerial portion it is thick. The 
_ transition from thin to thick is frequently very abrupt. This 
Points toward the conclusion that the young tree is deriving by 
far the greater amount of its sustenance from its own root system, 
and that if the connection should be broken it would be entirely 
able to care for itself. The underground portion was often so weak 
that in spite of the greatest care it was severed in the process of 
uprooting. In many cases also the decumbent bases of independent 
young balsams indicate that they once had a horizontal connection 
With some neighboring tree (see a in fig. 1). 

Some examples will make clear the various forms which the 
habit of layering takes. 

1. A very typical case is seen in fig. 1. The oldest stem shown 
in the photograph is at r (all but the base has been removed for the 
Sake of clearness). That this is itself a layered branch of a still 
older tree is indicated by the long rhizome-like structure (a) extend- 
ing horizontally toward the left. The character of the well formed 
young tree 2 as a layered branch of 7 is evident. Branch 2 is one 
meter high. Branch 3 is connected with 2 by way of c, and has 
itself given rise to 4; the latter finally has produced 5. There are 
thus represented five generations of upright stems produced by 
Ttepeated branching and layering. Each except the youngest pos- 
Sesses a well developed root system of its own, and in every case 
except the last the horizontal connecting stem behind the region 
of vigorous rooting has remained practically without further 
development. The constriction where b joins 1 is especially evi- 
dent. Branch 5 receives all its nourishment from 4, and the latter 
Probably still derives much from 3. 

2. A balsam 2 meters high, which had died very recently at the 
age of 46 years, itself apparently a layered branch, had given rise 


through a lower branch to a young tree 7.5 dm. high, 24 years old, 
2.5 dm. distant from the parent. This daughter tree was found 
to have produced four smaller ones, 1.5-6 dm. in height, with 
ages ranging from 16 to 22 years. 

3. That the habit may show itself even in large and mature 
individuals is proved by the following case. This tree, a balsam 

es 7° aRyS 
a eese Fs 

Fic, 1.—An example of layering as it commonly occurs on Isle Royale, Lake 
Guteibie: Abies balsamea. 
1.5 dm. in diameter and 85 years old, had given rise to a daughter 
tree through a layered branch which started 7.5 dm. above the 
ground. The outer portion of this branch was soil covered and had 
well developed roots. At a distance of one meter from the parent 
it became a symmetrical tree 1. 3m. high. The same large branch 
had also produced two smaller trees by the layering of secondary 


4. A balsam growing in a large rock crevice at the forest edge 

On an exposed shore had several layered branches, erect at tip, 
through the soil at the general level of the ground. Several similar 
branches, at about the same elevation but in line with the crevice, 
descended into it somewhat, but their ends were erect, radially 
symmetrical, and perfectly treelike. Since the crevice was a foot 
wide and contained no soil, no roots were formed in this case, and 
these branches remained entirely dependent upon the tree. 
Aside from the balsam, layering was less frequently observed 
in every one of the coniferous trees that occur upon Isle Royale. 
It was fairly common in the case of the black spruce, perhaps being 
favored by the pronounced droop of the lower branches of that 
species. The black spruce occurs sparingly in the upland forest, 
and in this habitat the layered branches were identical in behavior 
with those of the balsam. Black spruces and tamaracks growing 
in bogs were found to layer abundantly through the rapidly grow- 
ing sphagnum. Specimens of white spruce were found upon nearly 
bare rocks, whose lowest branches, covered with a thin mantle of 
humus, had developed the layering habit to such an extent that 
the parent had become entirely surrounded by a group of daughter 
trees. Similar groups were seen in the case of arbor vitae growing 
IN a river swamp. 

Ill. Conclusions from data presented 

From the material here presented we gather that the habit of 
natural layering among coniferous trees is common and widely 
distributed, though its importance appears to have been generally 
overlooked, at least in this country; that it is particularly character- 
istic of the closely related genera Picea and Abies, but is found in 
many other genera, among which are Larix, Thuja, Pinus, Pseudo- 
tsuga, Chamaecyparis, and Cryptomeria; that it is most prominent 
in northern and mountain regions, and that it occurs more fre- 
quently and attains more striking development with increasing 
latitude and altitude; that its best development is found at the 
extreme limit of the forest—the arctic tree line and the mountain 

The general region of its occurrence is practically that of conifer 


dominance; its increased development in high latitudes and alti- 
tudes is not so easily explained. VoGTHERR (13) correlates the 
layering tendency with a moist habitat, made possible by the low 
evaporation rate in northern and mountain forests, and it is doubt- 
less true that moisture and absence of light are the factors that 
stimulate the buried portions of the branch to root production. 
But cases were noted (see example 4 above, and also SCHROTER 
11), in which, although the end of the branch became erect and 
treelike, no portion was buried, and therefore no roots were formed. 
In other cases trees with layered branches were found growing in 
xerophytic situations upon the exposed rocky shores of Lake 
Superior. Timberline conditions, too, more often than not, are 
xerophytic in the extreme. The connection with a moist habitat 
thus seems not to be an essential one. In explanation of the 
striking cases of layering reported from the tree line in various 
regions (circles and double circles of daughter trees surrounding 
the parent), it may be noted that in such localities the forest is 
open, and the trees therefore, on account of abundance of light, - 
are clothed with living branches to the ground. Moreover, they 
are as a rule short, bushy, and branchy, and the low crown tends 
to spread horizontally rather than to increase in height. Just 
such conditions as are found here (numerous healthy branches 
close to the ground) are those which would apparently most favor 
the appearance of the layering habit. In the endeavor to solve 
the problem, however, the meagerness of the data should be borne 
in mind. It may be that more extended and careful observation 
would prove that the habit is as common at low latitudes and alti- 
tudes as at high. Possibly the greater number of reports from arctic 
and alpine regions is due to the fact that the phenomenon is most 
easily observed there, or that individual cases of more striking 
appearance have been found. On Isle Royale, though the habit 
was exceedingly common, no such remarkable examples were dis- 
covered as those reported by Loupon and KimLMAN. 

IV. Ecological importance of layering 

The habit of layering, in regions where it occurs, must be 
included as an important factor in any investigation of forest 


dynamics. For example, in the climax forest of Isle Royale there 
1S an appearance of thick reproduction, with a great preponderance 
of balsam in the young growth. Upon superficial examination 
one would conclude that reproduction by seed is taking place at a 
tremendous rate. Careful investigation reveals that a large pro- 
Portion of the apparent seedlings are in reality merely layered 
branches, some of them having originated from mature trees, and 
Many others being groups of connected shoots which have started 
from a single true seedling. The same situation was found by 
Clements (3) in Colorado. It is evident that the effectiveness of 
this method of reproduction will have an important bearing upon 
the course of the succession in the forest. The habit is of special 
importance in the region of timberline, where, according to authors 
quoted above, it is sometimes almost the only method of repro- 

V. Physiological bearing 

There are also physiological problems involved in the phe- 
nomena of layering in this group of plants, which cannot at present 
be Satisfactorily settled. These problems relate to the theories 
of orthotropism and plagiotropism and their mutual relations. The 
Whole subject is at the theoretical stage, without adequate evidence 
mM support of any of the various hypotheses. In the process of 
layering, the rooting (when it occurs) is simple enough as a response 
to moisture and absence of light. The change from dorsiventral 
to radial symmetry is to be expected as a result of the tip becoming 
erect, being an adjustment to changed light relations. The change 
in direction of growth from horizontal to erect is the part that is 
difficult to explain. It is bound up with the agencies which cause 
lateral shoots, ordinarily plagiotropic, to become orthotropic when 
the terminal shoot is removed or damaged. In the process of layer- 
ing, it should be noted, this change takes place without antecedent 
removal of the main shoot. The case is thus somewhat different, 
but the same factors doubtless govern it. In the present state of 
knowledge relating to orthotropism, plagiotropism, and correlation, 
it will be useless to continue the discussion at length. One point 
however seems to be important enough in its bearing upon the 


physiological side of the question to justify a few words in conclu- 
sion. GOEBEL (5, chapter iii), to explain the replacement of the 
terminal by a lateral shoot, offers the theory that the change in 
direction of growth of the lateral comes about because of changed 
conditions of nourishment. He thinks that the main transpiration 
current, which ordinarily goes to the terminal shoot where growth 
is most vigorous, is deflected when the terminal shoot is removed, 
and passes into the uppermost lateral. The great increase in nutri- 
tion acts as a stimulus, causing the lateral shoot to become erect. 
He describes several cases of layering among conifers, and attributes 
the change in direction of growth of the layered branch to the same 
factor. In this case the increased amount of food materials which 
acts as the stimulus is furnished through the agency of the newly 
formed root system. This theory would fit most of the cases of 
layering which have been described, but in one example which came 
under my observation on Isle Royale (no. 4 above) the change of 
direction of growth took place with absolutely no root formation. 

The same is probably true of those described by ScHROTER (11). 

Here are cases, therefore, where GOEBEL’s explanation certainly 
does not hold, and so far as this bit of evidence goes, it throws - 
doubt upon his theory as a whole. 



1. CHITTENDEN, A. K., Forest conditions of — New Hampshire. 
U.S. Dept. Agric., Been of Forestry, Bull. 55. 1905. 

2. Curist, H., Schweiz. Zeitschr. fiir Forstwesen, seb, p. 2 258 (see VOGTHERR 

3- CLements, F. E., The life history of lodgepole burn forests. U.S. Dept. 

4. Forest Service, U.S. Dept. Agric., The subalpine fir. Silvical Leaflet 1. 

5- GOEBEL, K., Einleitung in die experimentelle Morphologie der Pflanzen. 
Leipzig u. Berlin. 1908. 

6. Kiaiman, A. O., Pflanzenbiologische — aus Russisch Lappland. 
Acta Soc. Fauna et Flora Fenn. 5: n. 3. 

7- Kunze, G., Einige Falle von Pieiatons dee Nebenaxen in Hauptaxen 
bei den Abilis: Flora 9:145-151. 1851. 

8. Loupon, J. C., Arboretum et Fruticetum Britannicum. London. 1844- 

9. Mayr, Heryricu, Waldbau auf naturgesetzlicher Grundlage. Berlin. 


10. MicuLa, W., Biologie der Pflanzen. Leipzig. 1909. 

rt. Soratiree. C. , Das Pflanzenleben der Alpen. Ziirich. 1904-190 

12. SupworrH, G. B., Forest trees of the Pacific slope. U.S. sane Agric., 
Forest Service. $505. 

- VoGTHERR, J., Altes und Neues tiber Adventivwurzeln. Forstwiss. 
Centralbl. 305-316. 1910. 



In a recent analysis of all the available testimony in reference 
to the morphological nature of the endosperm of angiosperms, it 
seemed clear that certain conclusions might be reached, and the 
purpose of the present paper is to state them. 

It has been assumed that the endosperm must be either gameto- 
phytic tissue or sporophytic tissue, and the arguments for each 
view are familiar. The perplexity has arisen chiefly from the 
feeling that gametophyte and sporophyte must be subject to rigid 
definition. When definitions become rigid, ideas become rigid 
also, and nature is always playing havoc with rigidity. If gameto- 
phytes and sporophytes are defined as x and 2x structures, respec- 
tively, straightway x sporophytes and 2x gametophytes are dis- 
covered. If sporophytes are defined as structures produced by 
fertilized eggs, the definition is contradicted by numerous sporo- 
phytes that are not the product of fertilization. In this way, every 
criterion suggested has found its contradiction. It is becoming 
evident that definitions must be elastic and not rigid, and that 
general situations rather than definite categories must determine 
conclusions. We have moved so far beyond the rigid categories 
of the days of metamorphosis, that it is surprising to find an equal 
rigidity in the days of alternation of generations. 

Without citing an extensive and familiar literature, attention 
may be called to the various claims that have been made as to the 
morphological nature of the endosperm of angiosperms. 

Ever since the comparative morphology of the vascular groups 
was uncovered by HormetsreEr, belief has been general that the 
endosperm of angiosperms is gametophytic tissue which develops 
after fertilization. It was easy, even in the days of HoFMEISTER, 
and much more so now, to obtain from gymnosperms what seems 
to be abundant confirmation of this claim. Throughout that group 
there is a distinct tendency to differentiate eggs earlier and earlier 
Botanical Gazette, vol. 51] ‘ [380 



in the ontogeny of the gametophyte. When this differentiation 
occurs along with the first appearance of tissue after the free nuclear 
Stage (as in 7, orreya), it is clear that the great bulk of endosperm 
tissue is developed after fertilization. When the differentiation 
occurs during the free nuclear stage (as in Gnetum), it is clear that 
all the endosperm tissue is developed after fertilization. It was 
very easy, therefore, to see in the endosperm of angiosperms only 
belated gametophytic tissue. 

When the relation of the polar fusion to endosperm formation 
began to be appreciated, LE Monnier (1887) suggested that this 
fusion is a sexual act, and that therefore the endosperm is sporo- 
phytic. This would mean that the embryo and endosperm are 
twin sporophytes, the latter for some reason not developing the 
organization of an embryo. This explanation of the polar fusion 
does not seem to have met with much approval. It is important 
to note, however, that lack of approval was probably due to the 
fact that there had developed already a considerable knowledge 
of the great freedom of nuclear fusions within the embryo sac and 
within the endosperm. Clearly all such fusions could not be sexual. 

With the discovery of “double fertilization,” the endosperm 
Problem became conspicuous. One of the nuclei that enters into 
the triple fusion is plainly a male nucleus; one of the polar nuclei 
is sister to the egg nucleus, and this was taken to indicate its 
sexual character; the other polar nucleus has been regarded as 
vegetative in character. The fusion of an undoubted male cell 
and an assumed egg was regarded as an act of fertilization, and 
the product of such a fusion must be a sporophyte. This con- 
clusion as to the nature of the endosperm is inevitable if the triple 
fusion is to be regarded as involving a sexual fusion. 

If the endosperm is a sporophyte, it must be explained why it 
does not become organized as an embryo, but remains as formless 
tissue. Miss SARGANT (1900) offered a very ingenious explanation, 
effectively supported by what seemed to be confirmatory evidence. 

ccording to this explanation, the endosperm remains a formless 
mass of tissue (a ‘“‘monster’’) because a vegetative nucleus enters 
into the fusion and interferes with the legitimate result. This 
view is attractive, but hardly explains the increasing number of 


cases in which the so-called vegetative nucleus does not enter into 
the fusion, and still the product is only endosperm. 

STRASBURGER analyzed the situation, and held to the original 
interpretation of the endosperm as gametophytic tissue, on the 
plea that there are two aspects of fertilization, one being fertiliza- 
tion as a stimulus to growth, the other being fertilization as a 
transmission of hereditary characters. These two aspects he 
designated respectively vegetative fertilization and generative 
fertilization. He saw in the result of the triple fusion only a 
stimulus to growth, resulting merely in tissue, and not a trans- 
mission of hereditary characters, which would express itself in an 
organization. Unfortunately for this view, all the phenomena of 
xenia are against it, for in such cases it is quite evident that char- 
acters of the pollen parent are transmitted to the endosperm by 
the male nucleus that enters into the triple fusion, but of course 
there is no sporophytic organization. 

Furthermore, the cytological test for the two generations 
breaks down in this case, as it had in cases of apogamy and apos- 
pory, for the seinen number of chromosomes, in case triple 
fusion has occurred, is neither x nor 2x, but at least 3x. To speak 
of 3x gametophytic tissue is to use some other test than the number 
of chromosomes. It must not be understood that this in any way 
affects the general contrast between gametophytes and sporophytes 
on the basis of chromosome numbers. A generation that follows 
a reduction division is of necessity an x generation; and one that 
follows fertilization is a 2x generation. But when the reduction 
division or fertilization does not occur, and still another generation 
follows, the chromosomes of that generation must become unusual 
in number, following an unusual situation. 

It will be helpful to consider the cases of endosperm formation 
that do not involve triple fusion. This will enable us to recognize 
the fact that the origin of endosperm is not necessarily related to 
the triple fusion, and that we have in endosperm a constant product 
arising from variable antecedents. It is simple to put such cases 
into two categories: (r) multiple fusions, and (2) no triple fusion. 

(1) The well-known case of Peperomia may represent the 
category of multiple fusions. In the fusion of 8-14 nuclei to form 


the “primary endosperm nucleus,’’ we observe an act too miscel- 
laneous to represent anything so definite as fertilization. More- 
Over, we obtain positive evidence that in the embryo sac there is 
some condition that favors nuclear fusions, quite apart from what 
may be called sex attraction. 

(2) Cases of no triple fusion, followed by endosperm formation, 
are humerous. In some instances, there is not even polar fusion, 
each polar nucleus initiating endosperm formation independently. 
In other cases, the male nucleus may fuse with either of the polar 
nuclei, the other nucleus remaining out of the combination, but 
the result is always the same. When the male nucleus pairs only 
With the micropylar polar nucleus, one might expect an embryo, 
if the latter nucleus is really an egg, but endosperm is the result. 
The increasing number of known angiosperms which are habitually 
parthenogenetic furnish cases of endosperm formation in the 
absence of the male nucleus. Of course in such cases the endo- 
Sperm may be claimed to be parthenogenetic also. 

The cases of so-called parthenogenesis among angiosperms 
illustrate a wider variation in the antecedents of endosperm forma- 
tion than the mere absence of the male nucleus would seem to 
indicate. STRASBURGER has called attention to the fact that in 
the cytologically investigated cases of parthenogenesis there has 
been no reduction division, and that therefore the parthenogenetic 
€gg is a 2x egg, just what it is after normal fertilization. If the 
failure of reduction results in a 2x egg, it must result also in 2x 
Synergids, antipodals, and polars; in other words, the gameto- 
phyte has throughout the sporophyte number of chromosomes. 
And still, endosperm formation proceeds as before, when one would 
be justified in expecting embryo formation by sporophytic budding, 
@ phenomenon very common in the tissues adjacent to the embryo 
Sac. No one questions that the embryo is a sporophyte, whether 
it is a result of the act of fertilization or not, for it is recognized 
by its organization. It is pertinent to ask, therefore, why there 
Should be any hesitation in recognizing the endosperm as gameto- 
Phytic from its lack of organization, no matter how it originates. 
It is obvious that the constancy of endosperm lies in its structure 
and not in its origin. 


From the facts in hand, the following statements seem to be 

(1) Endosperm formation is not dependent upon the presence 
of a male nucleus. 

(2) Endosperm formation is not even dependent upon polar 

(3) Therefore, both of these fusions may be regarded as supple- 
mentary rather than determinative. 

(4) Endosperm formation does not even depend upon having 
been preceded by a reduction division. 

5) The fusions associated with endosperm formation do not 
represent a definite process, but are miscellaneous in number and 
order. é 

(6) The product of such fusions as do occur is merely an undif- 
ferentiated tissue, which practically continues the tissue of the 
gametophyte; that is, it is simply growth and not organization. 


It seems evident that the egg has an-organization peculiar to 
itself. A male cell may fuse with any other cell in the sac, and the 
result is only endosperm; but occasionally such a fusion (as with 
a synergid or a polar) results in an embryo. This implies that, for 
- some reason, these ordinarily sterile cells have achieved the organl- 
zation of eggs. It is this possibility that makes them potential 
eggs; but in the ordinary embryo sac of angiosperms there is only 
one actual egg, which means only one cell capable of being fertilized 
in any real sense, and therefore capable of producing an embryo. 

Conditions in the embryo sac favor fusions of any free nuclel, 
in any number and of any origin. A male nucleus, perhaps, 1S 
more apt to enter into fusions than any other kind. 

A male nucleus entering into a fusion may or may not express 
itself as a carrier of hereditary characters. If it does express itself 
in this way, it is like injecting certain gamete tendencies into 4 
vegetative fusion; therefore, it is more probable that the male 
nucleus modifies somewhat the normal product than that the ant 
podal polar (a vegetative nucleus) modifies a normal product. In 


other words, the vegetative fusion is more apt to arcana the 
normal situation than a sexual fusion. 

There is no necessary phylogeny of such a performance. It is 
more a physiological problem to discover the conditions in the 
embryo sac of angiosperms that favor miscellaneous nuclear 

The final conclusion seems to eo that free nuclei within the 
embryo sac, containing a variable number of chromosomes and 
reacting to one another in various ways, are in a condition to con- 
tinue division, and this division is usually carried forward to tissue 
formation. The whole history of the megaspore and its products 
justifies us in regarding this tissue, however formed, as gameto- 


Note.—Since this paper was in type, there has appeared a paper 
by CAMPBELL on the embryo sac of Pandanus,' which supplies 
another illustration of the indefiniteness of the nuclear fusions 
Within the sac. In this case there is an extraordinary development 
of antipodal tissue before fertilization, and a varying number of 
free antipodal nuclei fuse with the micropylar polar to form the 
large primary endosperm nucleus. In some cases two primary 
endosperm nuclei may be formed by these multiple fusions, and it 
would seem to make no difference in the result whether the “ second 
male nucleus” fuses with one of them or with neither of them. In 
either event, it is obviously a vegetative fusion. 

Ann. Botany 25:773-789. pls. 59, 60. figs. 2. 191T. 

Mei ¥, -Coox 

It is very doubtful if any phase of biology has been neglected 
more than that very conspicuous and extremely puzzling branch 
known as cecidology. This subject in its broadest sense includes 
all forms of abnormal plant growth regardless of cause. It must 
include, therefore, not only the hypertrophies, but also the witches 
brooms. It must include the abnormal growths caused by flower- 
ing plants, fungi, bacteria, insects, nematodes, and chemical and 
mechanical injuries. It must also include that great number of 
abnormal growths from unexplained causes which are included 
under the general term of teratology. Unfortunately, many of the 
botanists have interpreted the subject to include only those cecidia 
which are the result of insect injuries, and have attempted to 
relegate the entire subject to the entomologists, although they have 
not hesitated to study the cecidia caused by nematodes and bac- 
teria, which might just as reasonably be forced upon the zoologist 
and bacteriologist. 

The fact that the mycologists have usually been interested in 
the fungi and not in the host plant, explains why so much interest- 
ing material has been thrown aside with the single comment, 
“bugs.” But with the development of plant pathology, a branch 
of botany which is necessarily interested in the pathological con- 
dition of the host, there is no longer any excuse for not giving 4 
reasonable consideration to all phases of cecidology. 

It is the purpose of this paper to call attention to some of the 
problems involved in cecidology, and to their bearing on other 
phases of biology, more especially botany. Cecidology is as old 
as the science of biology, and cecidia are referred to in some of the 
earliest biological literature. That cecidia were the subject of 
speculation, if not of study, is evidenced in the writings of REDI," 
who, like other vitalists of his period, believed plants were endowed 
with souls and that the soul of the plant controlled the formation 

* REDI was born in 1626. 

Botanical Gazette, vol. 52] [386 


of both the egg (i.e., the gall) and the insect which emerged from it, 
and determined their specific characters. As in all other biological 
subjects, the first real scientific work was taxonomic in character, 
and in 1686 Ma.picut, who was a physician to Innocent XII and 
professor of medicine in Bologna and later in Messina, published 
his De Gallis, in which he gave quite accurate descriptions of the 
known galls of Italy and Sicily. Following this work, which may 
be looked upon as the starting point for cecidology, LINNAEUS and 
many other later writers gave more or less attention to this subject, 
which has attracted so much attention in Europe during recent 
years. _ In America, the pioneers in this subject were Baron C. R. 
OsTEN-SACKEN, BaAssETT, WALSH, Ritey, Fitcu, SHIMER, and 
Harris, all of whom were entomologists. 

Although the entomologists have done more work in cecidology 
in both Europe and America than the botanists, their work has 
been no broader. The entomologists have studied the insects 
and described the cecidia which were attributed to them, and in 
the case of the injurious species have devised means for their con- 
trol. The botanists have done the same work for fungi which cause 
cecidia, and have also invaded the fields of the bacteriologist and 
zoologist and studied not only the cecidia produced by bacteria 
and nematodes, but have even studied the organisms. 

Taxonomy seems to be the forerunner of all lines of biological 
work, and this has been true of cecidology, but we have now reached 
@ point from which we can extend our studies into other phases of 
the subject. We can now study the subject with reference to 
other phases of biology, in fact other phases of biology are encroach- 
ing upon the subject of cecidology. With this new development, 
the entomologist, the mycologist, and others will continue to find 
ample fields for the study of taxonomy. The entomologist will 
also have those almost untouched fields of life history and of alter- 
hation of generations which came so near to demonstration by our 
fellow-countrymen, H. F. Bassett, and which was afterward demon- 
Strated by HERMAN ADLER. 

The various groups of botanists will find especially. rich and 
almost untouched fields in many directions. The anatomical 
and histological characters and the development of cecidia have 


been the subject of extensive studies in Europe, but have received 
very little attention in America. These studies when properly 
carried out and correlated with the work of the taxonomists will in 
turn open broad and unexplained fields in evolution. The pathol- 
ogy of the plants which are suffering from the attacks of these many 
cecidia-producing organisms cannot be overlooked by the plant 
pathologists, who have no more right to refer insect cecidia to 
the entomologist than the surgeon has to send the patient suffer- 
ing from a gun-shot wound to the gunsmith. Both the economic 
entomologist and the plant pathologist will find enough problems to 
keep them busy for many years to come. It is doubtful. if the. 
entomologist has said the last word on the Phylloxera vastatrix, 
Schizoneura lanigera, Eriophyes pyri, and many other cecidia- 
producing insects which attack economic plants; and it is undoubt- 
edly true that the plant pathologist has scarcely touched many of 
the economic problems involving cecidia-producing fungi and bac- 
teria. The cytologist will also find a field for his labor. 

However, the most difficult and probably the most fruitful 
field is open to the plant physiologist; the character of the stimuli 
which excite malformation is a question well worth the attention 
of any group of scientists, and one which if answered may be very 
far reaching in its influence. The botanists have doped the plant 
with many chemicals, with some of which it may never come in 
contact in a state of nature; they have subjected it to the various 
kinds and degrees of gases, light, moisture, and temperature; 
treated it with electricity; prodded it with everything imaginable 
from a most delicate needle to a crowbar; and otherwise subjected 
it to various normal and abnormal conditions, but have made little 
or no effort to determine the character of the stimuli which cause 
the formation of cecidia. Darwin and all his predecessors believed 
that the cecidia are directly or indirectly the result of a chemical 
secreted by the mother insect at time of oviposition; MALpIiGHI 
believed that the chemical causes a fermentation of the juices; 
ReavumuR? held the same view, but also believed that the thermal 
effect of the egg and the character of the wound, which varies with 
the different species of the insect, are important factors. Sir 

2 WMA. < eo a 

' toire desinsectes. Mémoire XII. Vol. 111. 1733+ 


James Pacet, as late as 1880, said that “‘the most reasonable, 
if not the only reasonable theory, is that each insect infects or 
inoculates the leaf or other structure of the chosen plant with a 
poison peculiar to itself.” Unfortunately, this view is still held 
by most of our biologists, although the researches of the past thirty 
years have demonstrated that it is almost without foundation. 

In 1881 Dr. HERMAN ADLER? published the results of his long 
and careful studies, in which he gave the first real scientific evi- 
dence concerning the nature of the stimuli and character of gall 
formation. According to his results, the fluid secreted by the oak- 
gall fly is not irritating, and is not a factor in gall formation, but 
May serve as an antiseptic dressing for the wound in the plant. 
This view is strengthened by BEYERINCK,' who demonstrated that 
the fluid is without taste or smell and not irritating when injected 
under the skin. ApLER advanced the idea, which has been affirmed 
by other workers, that in the oak-gall flies, whatever irritating 
chemical exists comes from the larva and not from the parent insect. 
ADLER also reports his observation on Nematus Vallismierii, one 
of the saw flies, which attacks the Salix amygdalina. In this 
case the female pours out an abundant glandular secretion at time 
of oviposition, and the gall is well formed before the larva emerges 
from the egg. 

It is also well known that mechanical stimuli will frequently 
Cause abnormal growths. However, accurate data upon the results 
of various stimuli is not to be found in our literature. 

ADLER says that the cecidia always originate from the formative 
cells of the plant, and that if the stimulation is applied to any other 
than the formative cells, cecidia are not produced. This statement 
Opens up an enormous line of work. While some scale insects cause 
hypertrophies, others do not. Who has traced the ramifications 
of the mouth parts of these insects through the tissues of the host ? 
Why do some Uredineae cause cecidia while other closely related 
Species do not? Who has traced the mycelia of these related species 

’ Ueber den Generationswechsel der Eichengallen. sais Wiss. Zool. 35: 
T5I-246. 1881. Translated in 1894 by CHARLES R. STRA 
‘ Beobachtungen iiber die ersten seca cl chain einiger Cynipidengallen. 
Naturk. Verli. der Kon. Akad. Deel 22: 179. 1882. 


in their ramifications through the tissues of the host plants? Who 
has solved the chemical and enzyme relationships which may exist 
between these fungi and their hosts? If the insect cecidia are the 
result of chemical stimuli, how about the myco-cecidia? If the 
insect cecidia are due to mechanical irritation, how about the myco- 
cecidia? If the insect cecidia are the result of irritation applied to 
the formative cells, is the same thing true for the myco-cecidia ? 
By what school of biologists should these problems be worked ? 
Will not the solution of one set help in the solution of others? — 

The writer is not presenting these questions for the purpose 
of controversy, but merely to call attention of students to this 
enormous field of plant pathology and plant physiology. Give 
us more data concerning the relationship between parasite and host 
plant, regardless of the character of the parasitic organism. Let 
us tear away the artificial barriers and give the broadest study to 
these problems. 


W. J. G. LAnp 

The temperature of incubators heated with gas taken directly 
from the mains is very irregular when an attempt is made to con- 
trol the flow with mercury-actuated thermostats commonly used. 
- Most mercurial thermostats will compensate for slight variations 
from the mean gas pressure, but not for large ones. The rise in 
temperature in the water-jacketed incubators used in the Hull 
Botanical Laboratory for paraffin infiltration was so sudden and 
so high that delicate plant tissues were often much distorted. 

Electrically controlled heaters have been placed on the market 
tecently by makers of repute, but the price of the apparatus ($50 
and $100) is unreasonably out of proportion to the cost of material 
and labor. 

In order to test the effect of definite temperatures on plant tissues 
for a longer time than is usually employed in imbedding, and having 
a direct current of 110 volts constantly on in the laboratory, the 
problem of devising a simple and efficient electrically controlled 
heater was first attacked about four years ago. The conditions of 
the problem were that the apparatus must maintain a definite 
temperature constant within very narrow limits for weeks at a 
time, must be easily adjustable to temperatures ranging from 
40° C. to 80° C. with certainty, must be absolutely automatic in 
action, must be readily attachable to the usual type of ovens, 
must require practically no attention to keep in order, must be 
simple and inexpensive to construct, must use a minimum quantity 
of electricity, and must not be easily put out of adjustment by 
inexperienced or meddlesome persons. 

For over two years the apparatus here described has replaced 
the gas heaters in this laboratory, with satisfactory results. The 
tisk of fire, always great when gas is used, has been eliminated. 
391] [Botanical Gazette, vol. 52 


So many requests for information concerning the apparatus have - 
been received that it has become impossible to give individual 

The apparatus consists of a metallic thermostat (fig. 1) placed 
on a shelf in the oven, a water-jacketed heating coil (fig. 2) fastened 
to the bottom of the oven in such a way that the water jacket of the 
coil forms a continuous system with that of the oven, and an auto- 
matic switch (fig. 3) placed wherever convenient. 

The thermostat (fig. 1, 2) is a thin strip of iron about 1 mm. thick 
and 2 cm. wide, firmly riveted to a strip of zinc the same width and 


Fic. 1.—Diagram of thermostat and connections; , thermostat of zinc and iron; 
d, screw for adjusting temperature; 5, b’, binding posts to connect with #, ¢’ of the 

from 1.5mm. to 3mm. thick. One end is fastened to a brass post 
set rigidly on the slate base, and the other end swings free. The free 
end of the metal tongue has a contact point of platinum fastened 
to the zinc side near the end. The adjustment for temperature is 
made with a platinum-tipped screw (d) set so that its point can 
always be brought in contact with the platinum disk on the metal 
tongue. The metal tongue and the adjusting screw are connected 
respectively with the binding posts (8, b’), as shown in the diagram. 

The base of the thermostat should be made long enough to fit 
easily in the oven, the ends resting on ledges provided for the upper 
shelf. The sensitiveness of the thermostat depends, of course, on 
the length of the metal tongue. If extreme sensitiveness is requir ed, 
it may be made nearly twice the length of the base and bent toa U, 
or it may be much longer and coiled. In practice 20 cm. has been 
found satisfactory. The zinc strip should not be thinner than 


1.5 mm., or the thermostat will respond unpleasantly to any tremor 
of the bath or even in the laboratory building. If desired, brass or 
aluminium may be substituted for the zinc. The regulating screw 
should be made long enough to provide for quite a range of tempera- 
ture. When the thermostat has been adjusted to the required 
temperature, it will need no further attention, except perhaps to 
brush the dust from the contact points at very long intervals. 
To raise the temperature turn the screw to the right, to lower it 
turn it to the left. 

The heater (fig. 2) is a water-jacketed resistance coil of brass 
tubing and German-silver resistance wire. The tubing need not 
be thicker than 1 mm. The coil should be proportioned to the 
size of the oven it is intended to heat. .For ovens having internal 
dimensions of 20X 2526.25 cm., and for temperatures of 30°- 

PC., the size given here has been found suitable. Such a coil, 
however, will heat much larger ovens satisfactorily. The brass 
tubes should be about 15 cm. long. The resistance coil is four 
layers of no. 21 German-silver wire, wound on a tube 3 cm. inside 
diameter. The layers of wire are carefully insulated from the 
tube and from each other with asbestos paper about 0.6 mm. 
thick. The wire is wound with an engine lathe 24 turns to the 
inch under considerable tension, and the ends are brought out to 
binding posts (s, s’) in the slate head of the coil. Wound as 
described, the current at r10 volts measures about 2.2 amperes. 

The water jacket is made of 3 concentric brass tubes, the outer 
one being 6.25 cm. in diameter, the middle one 4.5 cm., and the 
inner one 3 cm. outside diameter, so that the tube of the heating 
coil will slip over it in close contact. The inner tube is closed at 
the lower end with a brass disk soldered tightly in place. The 
upper end remains open, and is fastened to the middle tube by a 
brass ring. The lower end of the middle tube is in turn fastened 
in'a similar manner to the bottom of the outer tube. A hole is cut 
in the outer wall of the bottom of the oven, and the outer tube 
soldered directly to the bottom. If preferred, the outside tube 
may be threaded and screwed into a flange soldered to the bottom 
of the oven. If this method is used, a rubber gasket should be 
Placed between the flanges, as shown in fig. 2. This arrangement 


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9960.00 000000000000 000 000000 

°. orororeronn, 
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0°00 7090 "0 90070070 0°00 900 20.20 90. 89 96 20.200 90°02 070% 

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s Ss s* 
Fic. 2.—Median longitudinal section of heater, showing method of construction 
of water jacket and resistance coil, and how it is attached to the oven; s, s’, binding 
posts to be connected with h, h’ of the switchboard. 


adds slightly to the cost, but will permit the sediment which appears 
in water-jacketed baths to be removed easily. Great care must 
be taken to have all joints absolutely water tight, since a leak 
will cause the destruction of the resistance wire in a few hours. 
An inspection of the diagram (fig. 2) shows the arrangement 
is such that the resistance coil is completely surrounded by water 
except at the.lower end, thus insuring rapid conduction of heat. 
Also the coil can be removed easily if repairs are ever necessary. 

- 3.—Diagram of automatic switch; p, p’, binding posts to connect with 
Source a electrical supply; e, op ta a, armature and switch; r, gasket for 
lamp rheostat; #, ¢’, binding to be connected with thermostat; ¢c, container for 
mercury (m, m); ki; Se binding et to be connected with heating coil. 

In two years’ use, only one has needed repairs, made necessary by 
spilling water on the head of the coil when the water jacket was 
being refilled, 

The automatic switch (fig. 3) is a slate base having an electro- 
magnet (e), armature (a) with switch, and a lamp rheostat (7) at 
one end, and the slate cups (c) filled with mercury at the other. A 
convenient size for the slate base is 20X11.25 cm. The magnets, 
which can be had very cheaply from electrical supply houses, should 
have a resistance of about 20 ohms. The armature (a) should be 
fastened by a spring to a pillar rigidly attached to the baseboard, 


and should extend about 15 cm. to form the arm of the switch. 
Care must be taken not to have the spring too strong, or the arma- 
ture will not be pulled down when the current flows through the 
coils of the magnet. The spring may be much weaker if an 8 or 4 
candle power lamp is used instead of a 16 candle power lamp 
theostat. One wire connects the post p directly to ¢; the other 
post p’ is connected through the electromagnet ¢ and the lamp 
rheostat socket r with ?’. 

_ The switch end of the armature should have two iron pins 
extending downward at a right angle, sharpened, and tinned to 
insure good contact with the mercury in the cups c. In practice 
it is advisable to drill two holes in the switch arm, tap them, and use 
iron machine screws for contact points. The screws should be 
provided with lock-nuts to hold them at the proper length. Switch 
points gradually wear away, due to the small arc which always 
occurs when contact with the mercury is broken. The machine 
screw device permits compensation for this wear. The screws 
should be sharpened of course, to minimize splashing, and tinned. 

The double cup (c) for holding the mercury (m, m) should be 
made of slate. A convenient sized block is 5X3.75X2-5 cm. The 
holes for mercury should have a diameter not less than 1.25 CM™., 
preferably 2 cm., and the edges should be chamfered. The mercury 
oxidizes somewhat rapidly, and in consequence the volume should 
be rather large. Oxidation of the mercury is the chief defect of 
the apparatus, but no way has yet been found to prevent it. To 
compensate for oxidation, a small quantity of mercury must be 
added occasionally. One wire conriects the post p with one of the 
mercury cups, the other cup is connected with #. The post p’ is 
connected directly to h’. 

The switch (fig. 3) may be put in any convenient place, prefer- 
ably out of reach of inquisitive persons. Attach the heating coil 
(fig. 2) to the oven and place the thermostat (fig. 1) inside the ores 
on the upper ledges and connect the posts p, p’ of the switch with 
any convenient lamp socket, fill the cups c with mercury, screw a 
lamp in the socket 7, connect the posts ¢, ¢’ with 6, b’ of the thermo- 
stat. Connect h, h’ (fig. 3) with s, s’ (fig. 2) of the heating coil. 
These connections are shown in fig. 4,a photograph of the apparatus. 


It is realized that most botanists are not electricians, and therefore 
the description of the construction and wiring of the instrument 
is not written for experts. 

The action of the apparatus is as follows: When the platinum 
points of the thermostat are in contact, the current flows through 

Fic. 4.—Photograph of thermostat, heater, ana switch, with connections. 

the electromagnet, the armature is drawn down, closing the switch 
and making a circuit through the heating coil. The circuit will 
remain closed only so long as the platinum points of the thermostat 
are in contact. As the temperature of the oven rises, the platinum 
points are separated, the circuit through the electromagnet is 
broken, and the switch is opened by the release of the armature. 


When the temperature of the oven falls below the required point, 
the thermostat again functions and the switch is instantly closed. 
This action continues automatically as long as the current is 
supplied, or until the mercury in the cups is all oxidized. In one 
instrument it was found that a difference of o.01° was sufficient 
to actuate the mechanism. As has been said before, turning the 
adjusting screw to the right adjusts for higher temperatures, and 
vice versa. It will be seen that the two circuits are absolutely 
independent of each other, and that when the oven is at the required 
temperature both circuits are broken; that the electricity is only 
on when the temperature is below the required point. 

Because the switch closes so sharply when the thermostat 
functions, it is advisable to drill a small hole in the core of the mag- 
net nearest the switch and insert a rubber plug for a buffer. If the 
mercury splashes too much, rubber corks, with a hole in the center, 
may be put in the tops of the cups. The flash which occurs when 
the switch points leave the mercury is bright, but it does no harm. 

It is possible to use an alternating current, but it is very difficult 
to adjust the armature spring so as to avoid the unpleasant hum- 
ming. It is planned to try a weighted or balanced armature with 
alternating currents. A battery may be used to actuate the switch 
if magnets of lower resistance are used, and the lamp rheostat 
replaced with a plug; then the alternating current may be used to 
heat the coil in the oven. 

If preferred, the lamp used for a rheostat may be placed in the 
oven and connected to the socket on the switchboard with a cord 
and plug. This arrangement is very convenient, for the instant 
the door of the oven is opened the lamp is lighted. Also the heat 
of the lamp increases the efficiency of the apparatus. 

Anyone at all familiar with tools can construct the apparatus 
at a cost of about $3.75 for material. Of course he must have 
access to an engine lathe to wind the coil so that the wires will not 
touch each other. After the first experimental instrument was 
found to work satisfactorily, the interest of a very expert mechani- 
cian, Mr. A. W. Srrickrer, 1311 E. 57th St., Chicago, Ill., was 
enlisted. He suggested many improvements, always having in 
mind increase of efficiency and lowering of cost. It is largely due 


to his interest in the problem and his skill in construction that the 
apparatus has proved so efficient in this laboratory. He has 
recently devised a form of this thermostat which can be used 
with safety where explosive gases are present. He finds that when 
made as described here the cost should not exceed $15.00 for the 
apparatus complete and ready to attach to the incubator. 




In the course of a study of fertilization and related phenomena 
in several ferns, a culture of Pellaea atropurpurea (L.) Link was found 
to have developed embryo sporophytes apogamously. The spores of 
this species were collected in October and sown on clay soil December 
13, 1910. The soil was sifted into a small pot, moistened with water, 
and sterilized in an oven. The culture was kept under a bell jar in a 
Wardian case in the university greenhouse. Watering was found 
necessary but once, and was accomplished from below with — 
water. t 

The prothallia grew rather rapidly, and hundreds carefully exam- 
ined at various times showed no indications of antheridia or arche- 
gonia. Two and one-half months after the spores were sown, the first 
indications were noticed of the development of apogamous embryos. 
Many prothallia were again examined on both surfaces for the appear- 
ance of sex organs, with negative results. On March 13, 1911, 110 
prothallia were examined with special care; 47 bore sporophytes in 
various stages of development, but no sex organs were found in any 

At an early stage in development it is difficult to distinguish between 
young antheridia and rhizoids. Young antheridia may be hidden 
among the rhizoids and escape attention; rhizoids, however, were in 
no case produced in great abundance in the culture in question. Thus 
the possibility is not excluded that rudimentary antheridia may have 
been formed; but my observations make it certain that none developed 
beyond the earliest stages, and that no archegonia were produced on 
these prothallia at any time. 

The prothallia of this fern are of a darker green color than the pro- 
thallia of several other species in my cultures. They are generally 
heartshaped with a deeply cut notch, but many irregularly shaped pro- 
thallia occur. The first appearance of the apogamous embryo is indi- 
cated by a small darkened area usually a short distance back of the 
growing point. This, as sections made at this time show, represents 4 
region of active division, the prothallial cells concerned being much 
Botanical Gazette, vol. 52} -— 


smaller than the neighboring ones which are not concerned in embryo 
formation. Embryos are formed on the inner sides of the lobes, as well 
as a-short distance back of the apical notch. Long ribbon-shaped 
prothallia without apical notches also develop sporophytes at their 
distal ends. Sporophytes are often formed, therefore, in regions quite 
distinct from the meristematic area in which archegonia are ordinarily 

Soon after the beginning of embryo development, hairs appear 
surrounding the region of active growth. These originate from the 
area of the prothallium which is involved in the development of the 
embryo. Still later, the embryo projects from the prothallium, some- 
what inclosed by the hairs, each of which is composed of several cells 
with large nuclei. As the embryo continues to grow, the primary leaf, 
from the petiole of which numerous hairs develop, makes its appear- 
ance. Later the primary root and stem are formed. At no time was 
there any evidence of the development of a structure which could be 
thought to correspond to a foot. In several cases two sporophytes 
began their development on the same prothallium. From studies so 
far made, it appears that both interior and surface cells of the pro- 
thallium are involved in the formation of the sporophyte. 

During the present season, apogamous embryos have begun their 
development upon a large number of prothallia of this species in four 
cultures growing upon peaty soil. The first embryos were observed 
about one month after the sowing of the spores. : 

So far as I know, apogamy has not been previously reported in 
Pellaea atropurpurea, although Worontn (1907) reported its tnaest 
tence in P. flavens, P. nivens, and P. tenera.—W. N. Stet, University 
of Wisconsin, Madison. 


Vegetation der Erde 

As previously noted in these pages,t ENGLER has in contemplation an 
elaborate phytogeographic treatment of tropical Africa. The second volume 
of this series was the first to appear, and it is now followed by the first volume, 
which is issued in two parts.? The first volume is devoted to as much detail 
as is now possible to a consideration of the vegetational conditions of Africa. 
This volume makes it particularly clear that Africa is no longer the “unknown 
continent”; particularly is this true, so far as tropical Africa is concerned, 
of the German possessions, each of these being well delineated phytogeograph- 
ically by maps in colors. Most of the volume is taken up bya presentation of 
the chief phytogeographical subdivisions of Africa, which, as here treated, 
are (r) Mediterranean Africa with the bordering parts of the Sahara, (2) trop- 
ical East Africa, (3) the southwestern region of winter rain, (4) the summer 
rain region of West Africa, (5) Macronesia. This portion of the work is richly 
and beautifully illustrated by photographs of desert landscapes in North 
Africa, cuts of representative Saharan plants, and by similar photographs and 
cuts in much greater number from tropical East Africa, including especially 
Abyssinia, the Somali Peninsula, and German East Africa. The account 
of the summer rain region of West Africa also is very full and is finely illus- 
trated, especially in the portions dealing with the German territory. The 
work closes with a treatment of the general geographic conditions (including 
temperature and precipitation data, and an account of the various types of 
soils), a short description of the regions at different altitudes, a brief survey 
of the plant formations, and an account of the floral constituents and the general 
floristic relationships of Africa. Under the last head many genera are tabu- 
lated as to their affinities, whether pantropic, paleotropic, endemic, ¢tc. 
Also there is a short account of the geological development of the present 


Apamovié, who for many years has published important papers dealing 

with the vegetation of Servia and neighboring lands, has now issued a mono- 

* Bot. Gaz. 50:468. 1910. 

* Encter, A., und Drupe, O., Die Vegetation der Erde. IX. ENGLER, A., Die 
Pflanzenwelt Afrikas insbesondere seiner tropischen Gebiete. Bd. I. pp. xxviii 
1029. _maps 5. pls. 47. figs. 708. Leipzig: Wilhelm Engelmann. 1910. 
(subscription M 45). 




: This volume is the second one of the series to treat of American vegeta- 
ag The general plan of the other volumes is followed, though the con- 
sideration is mainly floristic, very little being said regarding the formations.‘ 

EBERBAUER, the author of the treatise, has spent several years of study in 
Peru, and is known to plant geographers by various papers dealing with Peru- 
vian vegetation. Following the usual bibliography of literature and an 
account of the topography and climate, there is a survey of the plant families 
represented. Most of the volume is devoted to a detailed account of the 
vegetation by “zones,” that is, by altitudinal subdivisions. These subdi- 
visions are the Misti zone (2200-3400 m.) and the Tola zone (3400-4300 m.) 
on the western slope in southern Peru, the Loma zone of the coast, the north- 
€rn desert zone, the central Sierra zone, the northern Sierra zone, the high 

a atin 

> ENGLER, A., und Drunk, O., Die Vegetation der Erde. XI. Apamovié, L., Die 

Vegetationsverhiiltnisse der Balkanlinder (Méische Linder) unfassend Serbien, Altser- 
len, Bulgarian, Ostrumelien, Nordthrakien, und Nordmazedonien. pp. xvit-567. 

maps 6. pls. 41. figs. 11. Leipzig: Wilhelm Engelmann. 1909. M 40 (subscrip- 
tion Mf 30). 

4, Die Vegetation der Erde. XII. WeEBERBAUER, A., Die Pflanzenwelt der 
Peruanischen Anden. pp. xii+355. maps 2. pls. go. figs. 63. Leipzig: Wilhe' 
Engelmann. tgt1. M 28 (subscription M 20). 


Andes or Puna with its wonderful xerophytic forms, the eastern sclerophyll 
forests, the northern Paramo, and the luxuriant eastern tropical forests. This 
part of the work is rather fully illustrated by excellent cuts and photographic 
reproductions. A short section follows on the culture plants, the volume 
concluding with an account of the geological development of the Peruvian 
flora, mostly in the form of tabulations.—H. C. CowLes. 

Plant life of Maryland 

“The plant life of Maryland”’s is the title of a volume issued as a Special 
Publication of the Maryland Weather Service, and is one of a series of reports 
of unusual completeness and excellence. The first of these reports dealt with 
the physiography and meteorology of the state; the second with the climate 
and weather of Baltimore and vicinity; and this, the third volume, presents 
the plant life in its relations to the physiography and climate, also inquires 
into the correlations between natural vegetation and crop possibilities, and: 
includes the agricultural features and forest resources of the state. 

The main part of the volume is by SHREVE, who directed the botanical 
survey. His introduction summarizes the geography, climatology, topog- 
raphy, mineralogy, and soils of Maryland. In Part II, after a brief history of 
field botany in the state, he discusses the floristics according to the present 
knowledge of the flora, comparing the three zones (coastal, midland, and 
mountain) with respect to the number and species of plants, and the floristic 
relations of the zones to each other and to other regions. 

Part III occupies the body of the book and presents the ecological plant 
geography. SHREVE considers first the eastern shore district of the coastal 
zone under the several divisions: upland, swamp, marsh, aquatic, dune, and 
strand vegetation. Comparison of this district with the coastal plain of New 
Jersey and of the southern states brings out striking variations. CHRYSLER 
treats the western shore district of the coastal zone under the following topics: 
forests (upland, lowland, and cypress swamps), marshes (fresh and salt), peat 
bogs, strand, and cultivated plants, the chief interest being in his discussion 
of the succession of the forest types and in the transition of salt to fresh water 
marshes, this region affording unusual opportunities for such studies. In the 
lower district of the middle zone, the vegetation is classified by SHREVE 
according to the soil types, the topographical and general physical conditions 
being here uniform, and the vegetation less diversified than elsewhere. The 
upper district of the midland is divided into four natural belts of ridges and 
valleys, and the characteristic plant life of these divisions is discussed by 
BLopcetr. SuReEve describes the mountain zone under seven headings: slopes, 

LEY oe W.1 orResT, Curyster, M. A., Biopcetr, Freperick H., and Brs- 
, F. W., The plant life of Maryland. 4to Baltimore: 
hns Hopkins ryland. 4to. pp. 533. pls. 39. figs. 15- 

Jo Press. rort. : 


ridges, valleys, rocky slopes, glades, swamps, bogs, the topography determining 
in each case the character of the vegetation. 

In Part IV, on the “Relation of natural vegetation to crop possibilities,” 
SHREVE concludes that only in a general way may the native or introduced 
plant cover, as seen today, be significant of agricultural capabilities, although 
there is evidence that the virgin forest did give indication of the char- 
acter of the underlying soil which was observed to advantage by the early 
settlers. Part V, on the “Agricultural features” by BLopGett, Part VI on 
the “Forests and their products” by F. W. BEstey, and Part VII, a “List. of 
plants collected or observed” by SHREVE, complete the book. 

€ careful work of the authors and the collection of the floristic and 
ecological data make this a valuable treatise of its kind. It is handsomely 
Printed and abundantly illustrated. For regions presented in such detail 
and with many local references, the lack of adequate maps is often noticed.— 
Lavra Gano. 


Wettstein’s Handbuch.—The mere fact that a second edition of a book 
has become necessary indicates that it has met someneed. The second edition 
of WetrstEIn’s Handbuch® does not differ essentially from the first edition. 
Minor inaccuracies have been corrected, additions have been made both from 
the rapidly increasing literature and from the author’s own investigations, 
and a large number of illustrations, of the same high grade which made the 
first volume useful, have been added. As in the first edition, the work on 
angiosperms is particularly extensive, occupying about one-half of the entire 
book. This part of the work presents a compact, profusely illustrated account 
of all the more important families, which should give the beginner a sound 
foundation for advanced work, and which cannot fail to be helpful even to the 
Professional taxonomist. « It is encouraging to note that in discussing the phy- 
logeny of angiosperms, the monocotyls are derived from the lower dicotyls.— 


Ornamental shrubs.—It is safe to predict that the latest handbook by 
APGaR,? while intended for the general public, will prove most useful to the 
teaching botanist who has occasion to draw much of his material from parks 
and greenhouses. In its scope the volume includes not only native and 
hardy shrubs, but also introduced forms, many of which are conservatory 
plants in the northern United States. Numerous keys, based mostly upon 
leaf characters, appear to be most efficient in aiding the student to identify 
ee area nt 

6 Wetrstemn, R: V., Handbuch der systematischen Botanik. 2d edition. 8vo. 
PP. viiit-or4. figs. 600. Leipzig: Franz Deuticke. 1910. M 24. 

7 ApGar, Austin C., Ornamental shrubs of the United States. 12mo. pp. 352. 
Jigs. 621. New York: American Book Company. 1910. $1.50. 


species even when they are not in flower. The keys are supplemented by 
simple descriptions and by more than 600 illustrative drawings, while a glossary 
of botanical terms will prove useful to the beginner, and the size of the book 
will recommend it to all as a most useful pocket aid to the study of a com- 
paratively unknown portion of our flora—Gro. D. FULLER. 

Dictionary of plant names.—GERTH VAN WIjK;,' a teacher in the schools 
of Holland, has published the result of a most laborious compilation of data, 
extending through twenty-five years. The dictionary is intended to enable 
one to find the vernacular name of a plant in four languages, provided he 
knows its scientific name; the four languages chosen being English, French, 
German, and Dutch. Two other parts are promised, which will really form an 
index to the first parts, and will enable one to find the scientific name of a 
plant if he knows the vernacular name in any one of the four languages. 
questions as to the usefulness of such a work are submerged by amazement 
at this exhibition of enjoyment in endless drudgery.—J. C 

Album of thallophytes.—The first fascicle of an album of the algae, fungi, 
and lichens, by Couptn,? indicates that the complete work will be useful to 
all who are interested in the lower plants. All the genera and many of the 
more important species are illustrated by drawings emphasizing the features 
which are of importance in classification. The figures are in plates opposite 
the descriptions, and with the description of each species is a bibliography of 
the principal contributions, so that more extended information may be easily 
obtained.—Cuar es J. CHAMBERLAIN. 

Natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien.—Parts 241 and 242 conclude the supple- 
ment to the Chlorophyceae by N. WILLE; include that to the Phaeophyceae 
and Dictyotales by the late F. R. Kyeriaan and N. SvEpELIus; and begin 
the supplement to the Rhodophyceae by N. SvEDELIUS, who continues it in 
parts 243 and 244. A new our eee of Lithodermataceae is 
described by SvEDELIUs.—J. M 


Current taxonomic literature.—O. Ames (Phil. Journ. Sci. Botany 6: 35- 
56. 1911) under “Notes on Philippine orchids with descriptions of new species 
III” places on record additional data concerning this group of plants in the 
Philippines and describes 22 species new to science.—R. C. BENEDICT (Am. 
Fern Journ. 1:40-42. pl. 2. 1911) describes and illustrates a new species of 

*GerTH VAN Wyk, H. L., A dictionary of plant names. 2 parts. 4to. PP- 
xxiv+1444. Haarlem: Published by the Dutch Society of Sciences. 1909, 1910. 

* Coupin, Henrt, and Coupry, Mii. FERNANDE, Album générale des 
pate (algues, champignons, lichens). Fasc. x. pls. 1-15. Paris: E. Orlhac, Editor. 


Anemia (A. nipeénsis) from Cuba. The same author (Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 
38:153-190. pls. 2-8. 191 1) presents the results of studies in the fern tribe 
Vittarieae, recognizing 7 genera. Several new combinations are made and one 
new species of Polytaenium (P. quadriseriatum) is described from Hayti.— 
E. BETHEL (Mycologia 3:156~-160. pl. 48. 1911) describes and illustrates 

studies on “The ferns and flowering plants of Nantucket” recognizes 12 species 
of Rubus and characterizes 24 hybrids in this genus.—F. BorGESEN (Bot. 
Tidsskir, 30:177-207. 1910) under the title “‘Some new or little known West 
Indian Florideae II” has published critical notes on several species of the 

tisiphon) of the Siphoneae is proposed.—A. Brresapota (Med. Rijks. Herb. 
PP. 75, 76. 1911) has published 4 new species of Polyporaceae, two of which 
(Fomes subendothejus and F. surinamensis) are from South America.—F. 

uBAK (Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Gesells. 29:70-74. 1911) in an article entitled 
“Eine neue Krankheit der Maulbeerbiume” describes a new genus (Dothiorel- 
lina) from Bulgaria. The fungus is parasitic in the branches of Morus alba.— 
L. Buscattont (Ann. Botany 9:87-122. pls. 1-4. 1911) records several species 
of the Sympetalae from the region of the Amazon in Brazil and describes and 
illustrates new species in the following genera: Torenia, Drymonia, and Memora. 
—C. Dr Canpoite (Rep. Nov. Sp. 9:229-235. 1911) has published rr new 
species of Piper from Bolivia-—A. CHase (Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 24:103- 
160. 1911) presents the results of further studies on the Paniceae, and includes 
a new species in the genus Valota and two in Axonopus. Two new genera 
are proposed, namely, Homolepis, based on Panicum aturense HBK., and 
Scutachne, based on Panicum durum Griseb.—T. F. CHEESEMAN and H. B. 
Hemstey (Kew Bull. 188, 189. 1911) have published a new genus (Coxella) 
of the Umbelliferae; the genus is founded on Ligusticum Dieffenbachii Hook. 
f.—E. Cutovenpa (Ann. Botany 9: 51-85, 125-152. 1911) under the title “ Plan- 
tae novae vel minus notae e regione aethiopica”’ has published several species 
of flowering plants and proposes the following new genera: Tzellemtinia of 
the Rhamnaceae, Hymenosicyos of the Cucurbitaceae, Erythroselinum and Ste- 
bhanarossia of the Umbelliferae, and Pefrollinia of the Compositae.—R. Cxo- 
DAT (Bull. Soc. Bot. Genéve II, 3:125, 126. 1911) has described a new 
genus (Ernstiella) of the Myxophyceae. The alga was found in one of the 
parks of Geneva.—H. N. Drxon (Journ. Bot. 49:137-150. pl. 513. 1911) 
has published several new species of Indian mosses and includes a new 
genus (Hyophilopsis Card. and Dixon) of the Pottiaceae.—S. T. Dunn (Kew 
Bull. 193-198. 1911) has published a new genus (Adinobotrys) of the Legu- 
minosae and refers thereto four species from the Indo-Malayan region and 


China. The same author in cooperation with Dr. Harms (Journ. Bot. 49: 
106-109. 1911) has proposed a new genus (Craibia) of the Leguminosae. The 
genus, as here treated, embraces nine species of trees, all of African distribu- 
tion.—C. W. EpcGerton (Phytopathology 1:12-17. pl. 4. 1911) under the 
aa “Two new fig diseases” records two fungi found on the fig tree at Baton 
ouge, Louisiana, one (Tubercularia Fici) being new to science.—A. ENGLER 
on Jahrb. 46:1-288. pls. r-4. 1911) under the general title of “Beitrage 
zur Flora von Afrika XXXVIII,” in cooperation with several noted special- 
ists, publishes an important contribution to our knowledge of the flora of 
Africa. About 160 species are here published for the first time, and one new 
genus (Simarubopsis) of the Simarubaceae from central Togo is described and 
illustrated. The paper includes a synoptical revision of the African species 
of Ficus by J. MirpraEp and M. Burret. These authors recognize 95 species 
of this genus from Africa, and a key precedes their enumeration.—A. J. EWART, 
J. Wutre, and B. Woop (Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria, N.S. 237: :485~304. pls. 
49-57. 1911) under “Contributions to the flora of Australia, No. 16” have 
described several species new to science and propose a new genus (Sarga 
Ewart) of the Gramineae.—C. E. Farrman (Ann. Mycol. 9:147-152- 1911) 
under the heading “Fungi Lyndonvillenses novi vel minus cogniti” has pub- 
lished 8 new species of fungi from the vicinity of Lyndonville, New York.— 
—C, FERDINANDSEN amd O. WrncE (Bot. Tidsskr. 30:208-222. 1910) record 
several species of fungi obtained on the WARMING expedition to Venezuela and 
the West Indies in 1891-92. A new species is added to Helotium and one to 
Sterigmatocystis. Two new monotypic genera are characterized, namely, 
Myxotheca, found on the pinnae of Trichomanes pinnatum from the island of 
Trinidad, and Sp eo found on decaying fruits of cacao from Venezuela. 
—W. O. Focxe (Rep. Nov. Sp. 9:235-237. 1911) records 5 new species of 
Rubus from Central and South America.—R. E. Frres (ibid. 211) has published 
a new species of Wissadula (W. indivisa) from Paraguay.—E. L. 
(Leafl. Bot. Obs. and Crit. 2:121-152. 1911) has described upwards of 5° 
new species of flowering plants chiefly from western United States. One new 
genus (Sandbergia) of the Cruciferae is proposed. The same author (Am. 
Mid. Nat. 2:73-90. 1911) under the heading “ Antennaria in the Middle 
West” recognizes 13 species of this genus from the central part of the United 
States; of this number 7 are said to be new. A key to the species precedes 
their description —R. M. Harper (Torreya 11:64-67. 1911) records a new 
Prunus (P. geniculata) from Florida.—L. L. Harter (Mycologia 3:154, 155- 
t91t) has published a new species of Alternaria (A. Forsythiae) found at 
Washington on living leaves of Forsythia suspensa Thunb.—E. HASSLER 
(Rep. Nov. Sp. 9:145-160, 193-197. 1911) has published several new species 
and varieties of Leguminosae and Convolvulaceae from Paraguay.—F. HEDGES 
(Phytopathology 1:63~-65. pl. 15. 1911) describes and illustrates a new fungus 
(Sphaeropsis tumefaciens) from Jamaica; this fungus is said to be “the cause 
of the hoe and orange knot.”—F. Hrypricu (Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Gesells. 


2926-33. pl. 2. 1911) in an article entitled “Die Lithothamnien vor Roscoff” 
describes and illustrates a new genus (Sguamolithon).—R. H. Howe, Jr. 
(Mycologia 3:106-150. pls. 41-47. 1911) under the title ‘American species 
of Alectoria occurring north of the fifteenth parallel” recognizes about a dozen 
Species and records a new one (Alectoria pacifica Stzb.) from the Island of Guad- 
alupe off the California coast —G. KUKENTHAL (Philip. Journ. Sci. Bot. 6: 57-64. 
I9II) gives a synopsis of the Philippine Caricoideae, with a key to the species 
of Carex, 24 being listed for the Philippines, one (C. pycnothyrsos) hitherto 
unknown to science.—J. Lunett (Am. Mid. Nat. 2:57-60. 1911) records 4 
hew species of Compositae from North Dakota, and (ibid. 90-94) under the 
title “New plants from North Dakota” characterizes 8 varieties of “Laci- 
maria scariosa.”—B. MACKENSEN (Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 38:141-143. 1911) 
Tecords 2 new species of Opuntia from Texas—W. A. MURRILL ‘(Mycologia 
3*97-105. pl. 4o. 1911) in the eighth article on “Illustrations of fungi” 
describes and illustrates several plants and records new species in Omphalia, 
Inocybe, and Campanularius.—J. A. NrEUwLAND (Am. Mid. Nat. 2:60-6s. 
Torr) in an article entitled “The type of the genus Panicum” proposes a new 
generic name Chasea, and transfers thereto several species of Panicum. Pani- 
cum clandestinum L. is taken as the type of the newly constituted genus.— 
L. O. Overnorts (Ohio Nat. 11:353-373. to1r) under the heading “The 
known Polyporaceae of Ohio” records 118 species from that state-—A. Pa- 
SCHER (Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Gesells. 29:112-125. pl. 6. 1911) gives an account 
of a new tentacle-bearing chrysomonad, found growing in ditches on Mikro- 
Spora and Oedogonium at Franzensbad, Germany. ‘The plant has been desig- 
hated by the generic name Cyrtophora and together with Pedinella Wyssotzki 
and Palatinella Laut. are referred to a distinct family Cyrtophoraceae.— 
F. Perak (Rep. Nov. Sp. 9:177, 178. 1911) has published a new species of 
Cirsium (C. Greenei) from northern Mexico.—J. A. Purpus (Monats. fiir 
Kakteenk. 2r: 50-53. r911) describes and illustrates a new species of Mamil- 
laria (M. Sartorii) from Mexico.—C. B. Rosrnson (Philip. Journ. Sci. Bot. 
6:1~33. pis. Z-3. tgtt) presents the concluding article in his consideration 
of the “Philippine Urticaceae.”’ In this paper 11 genera are recognized and 
to them are referred 43 species of which 13 are new. A new genus (Astrothal- 
mus) is proposed, which is based on Maoutia reticulata Wedd.—H. H. Ruspy 
(Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 38:145, 146. 1911) describes a new species of Mayepea 
and one of Morus from Mexico.—R. SCHLECHTER (Rep. Nov. Sp. 9:161-166, 
212-218, 281-287, 289-294. 1911) under the title “Orchidaceae novae et 
Criticae”’ has published new species of orchids from different parts of the 
world, including several from Mexico and Central America. One new genus 
(Solenocentrum) is proposed from Costa Rica.—P. C. Sranpiey and J. C. 
BLUMER (Muhlenbergia 7:44-47. pl. 5. 1911) have described and illustrated 
@ new species of Castilleja (C. austromontana) from the southern Rocky Moun- 
tains—J. Sremer (Oesterr. Bot. Zeits. 61:177-183. 1911) had published 
several new species of lichens, including one (Buellia mexicana) from Mt. 


Hinatikatl, Central America.—G. S. West (Journ. Bot. 49:82—89. 1911) under 
the heading “ Algological notes’’ characterizes a new genus (Oligochaetophora) ; 
the genus is based on Polychaetophora simplex.West, which was found orig- 
inally growing on submerged portions of various aquatic flowering plants at 
Donegal, England.—J. M. GREENMAN. 

Cecidology.—Among the most important of the recent papers on galls is 
that by Denizor™ on the gall of Andricus radicis. This gall occurs on the 
roots of at least three species of oaks, and appears to resemble somewhat the 
American twig gall caused by A. punctatus Bassett. The gall is plurilocular, 
but its histological structure is very similar to the unilocular gall caused by A. 
sieboldi. e gall is made up primarily of parenchyma tissue, and each 
larva is surrounded by a definite structure as follows: (1) a zone of parenchyma 
tissue well filled with starch and known as the nutritive zone; the starch 
disappears with the growth of the larva and is supplanted by tannin and oil; 
(2) a protective zone of scelerenchyma tissue containing albuminoids and 
tannin. There is a gradual transition between these two zones. The supet- 
ficial part of the gall is made up primarily of cork cells whose contents are 
reduced to a thin layer of tannin deposited against the inner walls. e€ 
tannin exists in all parts of the gall, but is most abundant in the parts referred 
to above, and increases in amount with the decrease in starch. It causes a 
coagulation of the contents of the cells, persisting in the protective cells in the 
orm of grains, and in the cork cells as a thin peripheral layer. The reviewer 
has observed similar conditions in several of our American galls. ; 

Another exceptionally good piece of work is that of Houarp™ on the action 
of certain scale insects on the plant tissues. His studies were restricted to 
Asterolecanium variolosum, A. thesii, and A. algeriense on Quercus peduncularia, 
Q. sessiliflora, Q. pubescens, Pittosporum tobira (an Asiatic plant), Templetonia 
retusa (an Australian plant). In all cases these insects cause cone-sha 
swellings, and in the tip of each cone a depression in which the insect is located. 
The swellings are due partly to thickening of the bark and partly to a modifica- 
tion of the vascular bundles. The galls differ in accordance with the response of 
the vascular bundles to the stimulating influences of the insects; the more com- — 
pact the bundle, the greater the resistance. If the bundles are compact, the 
hypertrophy of the medullary rays is slight and the bundles only slightly sepa- 
rated, thus making it difficult for the parasite to reach any great depth. In 
the case of A. variolosum, the vascular bundle responds to the action of the in- 
sect in the formation of new wood only. This new wood possesses an abnormal 
structure due to the sucking of the insect interfering with the normal differentia- 

© Denizor, M. Georces, Sur une galle du chéne provoquée par Andricus radicts 
(Cynipide). Rev. Gén. Botanique 23:165-175. IgIt. 
: * Hovarp, C., Action de Cécidozaires externes, appartevant au genre Asteroleca- 
mium, sur les tissues de quelques tiges. Marcellia 10:3-25. 1911- 


tion of the fibers. The major ‘part of this abnormal structure forms lignified 
cells with slightly thickened walls. In the case of T. ‘ences ~ ring of vascular 
bundles presents enough resistance to prevent the] yp phy of the medullary 
Tays. However, A. algeriense has a stronger influence on the intermediate 
woody vessels, stopping pin development and causing a hypertrophy of the 
thickened angles of the stem. The vascular bundles in the stem of P. fobira 
are much less resistant than in any of the preceding host plants; in this case 
the insect affects the bark, easily gains entrance to the medullary rays, and 
causes a hypertrophy which results in the separation of the vascular bundles. 
The modification of the tissues between the bundles is advantageous to the 
insect. In the petioles and midribs, the bundles do not form a complete ring 
and therefore are much less resistant than in the twigs, and are subject to much 
greater hypertrophy. In all cases, except the last, the external tissues of the 
stem undergo excessive hypertrophy and form the greater part of the gall. 

The biology of galls is ably discussed by Dr. ARTUR Mopry,” who gives a 
review of the subject and also the results of his own investigations. though 
the study of galls is very old, it has attracted comparatively little attention 
from: biologists. The workers on this subject have defined galls differently, 
but the definition given by BEYERINCK is most generally aie at the present 
time. According to this definition, the gall is a “new formative — within 
the body of the plant and is due to insects or plant organisms.’ MAS 
Suggested the use of the word “cecidien” (meaning nut gall) as a substitute 
for all other terms; then subdivided the galls on basis of cause into Phyto- 
cecidien and Tao cocidiats and these groups sais myco-, . ae phytopto-, 
entomo-cecidien, etc. Although this marked an advance in the study of 
cecidology, it was of very little botanical importance. This w was largely over- 
come by KERNER,* who suggested the following divisions: 

simple mantle ck 
bud flower 

This division has been of great value for descriptions. In 1904 Ross sug- 
8ested division into root, stem, leaf, and blossom galls. This division has 
been of considerable value, but was not very practical. LacazE-DUTHIERS 
(1849-1853) suggested division into internal, external, and mixed galls. How- 
ever, the greatest advance was made by KtsTER, who as a result of his study 
Mopry, Dr. Artur, Beitrige zur Gallenbiologie. 
K. K. Staats-Realschule. 1911. 
*3 KERNER AND OLIVER, The natural history of plants 2:514-554. 1895. 

Sechzigsten Jahresb. 


of gall anatomy divided them into (1) galls without cell multiplication (enlarge- 
ment of cells should not be confused with multiplication of cells), (2) soft 
galls, and (3) hard galls. The divisions are based on the character of the tis- 
sues of which the galls are composed. The author admits there are so many 
intermediate stages as to make these divisions in some cases very unsatisfactory. 
Monry follows KtisTEer’s divisions, and gives a very comprehensive review of 
the various structural (both external and internal) characters of the various 
groups of zoo-cecidia. A review of this part of the paper would require entirely 
too much space and is entirely peagueme! for those who are familiar with the 
literature of the histology of ga 

Another paper of great interest ‘e Americans is by TROTTER™ on a collection 
from Washington, Oregon, Arizona, California, Hawaii, and Mexico. In this 
paper the author describes 88 species, of which g have been described. Of 
the remaining 79, 13 are given specific names and the remainder assigned 
to genera only. This paper is a most excellent illustration of our lack of 
knowledge of the American cecidia. 

Dr. ScaLIA’ gives a very interesting discussion and description of a new 
species on Cyclamen neapolitanum, to which he assigns the name Phyllocopies 

One of the most valuable contributions to American cecidology in recent 
years is SmitH’s™ paper on crown gall and sarcoma. In his recent bulletin 
on crown gall, Dr. Sairu calls attention to the resemblances of crown gall o 
plants to malignant animal tumors, especially to sarcoma. This resemblance 
has attracted the attention of many workers, but it remained for SMITH to 
demonstrate that it is something more than superficial. The questions 
previously unsolved which SmitH answers are (1) the presence of bacteria in 
the secondary tumors, (2) the origin of the secondary tumor from the primary 
to which it remains attached by strands of tumor tissue, (3) the structure of the 
secondary tumor is the same as that of the primary. The strand of tumor 
tissue core: the galls works its way as an outgrowth from the primary gall, 

the interior of the stem and leaves. At suitable places it undergoes 
diigisintate forming deep seated seed galls which eventually become 
apparent on the surface. These tumor strands contain the bacteria which 
cause the disease. We are promised othe bulletin on this interesting sub- 
ject which we will await with great interest. 

Another very interesting goatee which the reviewer believes should 

ROTTER, A., Contributo alla Conoscenza delle Galle dell America Nord. Mar- 
cellia 10: 28-61. rie . figs. 21. 1911 

*s ScaLia, Dr. Be = Species di Eriofide sul Cyclamen neapolitanum Ten. 
Marcellia 10:62-64. 1 

6 Sura, ERWIN ‘ Crue gall and sarcoma. Circular No. 85. U.S. Bureau of 
Plant Taduatey: Igit 


be included under cecidology, is that part of the work of East and Haves’? 
on inheritance in maize which refers to “ plant abnormalities.”” In this part 
of the work, the authors state their objects as follows: “The first object was 
to see whether the manner of transmission of inheritable monstrous char- 
acters gives any clue to the reason why monstrosities have seldom obtained a 
foothold in nature when in competition with normal types. The second object 
was commercial. If teratological specimens appear in commercial varieties 
of maize, it is desirable to know the easiest method to destroy them.” The 
authors discuss the appearance of and experiments with dwarf forms, irregular- 
ay of rows of seeds on cob, bifurcated ears, ears with lateral branches, plants 
with striped leaves, and hermaphrodite flowers. They call attention to the 
fact that many of these monstrous variations occur in strains that have been 
self fertilized for several generations, and suggest that inbreeding may give 

€ same effect as lack of nutrients, while cross-breeding may give the opposite 
effect. Monstrosities are due to retardation or acceleration of cell divisions. 
The question is then raised as to whether the monstrosities might not be due 
to an abnormal distribution of the chromatin. Another paper is promised on 
the effects of inbreeding in maize.—MEL. T. Cook. 

Recent papers on Phytomyxaceae.—MaireE and Tison® have published 
a brief note on Tetramyxa parasitica Goebel, which produces galls on Ruppia 
and Zannichellia. The parasite appears in the host cell in the form of an 
amoeba, which undergoes division simultaneously with the host cell in such 
a way that at first only a single amoeba appears in each cell. During this 
Stage the nuclei are said to divide in the manner described by NAWASCHIN 
and by Prowazexk for Plasmodiophora. As these accounts differ somewhat 
as to detail, it may be inferred that the division in its main features follows 
the method common to the members of this group, by the formation of a 
chromatic ring around a karyosome, both of which divide. This stage is followed 
by the chromidial stage, during which the chromatin disappears from the nuclei 
and ch tic bodies appear in the protopl Later the (same) nuclei appear 
with a chromatin network and undergo two karyokinetic divisions, which are 
followed by spore formation. Karyogamy was not observed. 

In a second paper, Marre and Tison” describe a new genus, Ligniera, 
to include those species of the Plasmodiophoraceae which lack the schizogenous 
Stage or have it very poorly developed, and which do not cause gall formation in 
the host plant. By these characteristics the genus is separated from the genera 

? East, E. M., and Hayes, H. K., Inheritance in maize. Conn. Agric. Exp. 
Station, Bull. 167. pp. 129-137. IQII. 

*® Marre, RENE, et T1soN, ADRIEN, Sur quelques Plasmodiophoracées. Compt. 
Rend. 150: 1768-1770. I9I0. 

**——.. Sur quelques Plasmodiophoracées non hypertrophiantes. Compt. 
Rend. 1§2: 206-208. rgrr. 


Plasmodiophora, Sorosphaera, and Tetramyxa. The new genus includes L. 
radicalis, which is new, L. Junci (Schwartz) (Sorosphaera Junci Schwartz), 
and L. verrucosa, also new. 

OsBORN” gives an account of the development of the interesting form 
Spongospora subterranea, causing the corky scab of potatoes. Penetration 
of the organism into the host cell was not observed, nor was it possible to 
infect sound potatoes with spores. The first stage observed consisted of an 
amoeba containing a single nucleus, which had a membrane, chromatic gran- 
ules, and a deeply staining karyosome. In the early stages nuclear division 
is followed by division of the amoeba, so that a number of independent amoebae 
are found in the same host cell. The parasites occur in the cambium, and 
when the parent cell divides, one or more amoebae are included in each daughter 
cell, in the manner described by NAWASCHIN for Plasmodiophora, and by BLOoM- 
FIELD and Scuwartz for Sorosphaera. The division of the nuclei during this 
stage is of the type characteristic of the group. The chromatin forms a ring 
around the karyosome; both the ring and the karyosome then divide, and the 
halves move toward the poles, where the halves of ring and karyosome unite 
into a deeply staining mass. The nuclear membrane constricts between the 
masses, and finally divides at the point of constriction, leaving each chromatic 
mass enclosed in a separate membrane. No fibers or polar radiations were 
observed. At a later stage many of the amoebae are multinucleate, and when 
the food content of the host cell is exhausted, the amoebae coalesce to form a 
plasmodium. At this time the chromatin of the nuclei disappears and chro- 
matic material appears in the protoplasm. When the nuclei appear organ- 
ized again, they contain a chromatin network but no karyosome. The author 
is inclined to believe that the new nuclei are constructed de novo. This stage 
is soon followed by fusion of nuclei in pairs, and a period of nuclear growth 
previous to spore formation. Two karyokinetic divisions take place, after 
which the protoplasm is rounded up into uninucleate spores 

In a later paper Marre and Tison*' give the results of further observations 
on Sorosphaera, Tetramyxa, Ligniera, and Mollierdia, some of which differ 
in some points of their development from other forms of this group. Teéra- 
myxa parasitica has multinucleate plasmodia during the phase representing 

e schizogenous stage, the nuclear divisions not being accompanied by ¢ | 
division. The chromidial stage, prominent in other forms, is lacking here. 
At the secre of spore formation, me plasmodia break up into uninucleate 
masses. result of two mitotic divisions, 
and divide by constriction into four uninucleate spores. In this form, 45 

* OsBorn, T. G. B., Spongospora subterranea (Wallroth) Johnson. Ann. Botany 
25 1327-341. pl. 27. 1911. 

* Marre, René, et Tison, ApRIEN, Nouvelles recherches sur les plasmodiopho- 
races. Ann. Myc. 9:226-246. pls. 10-14. fig. 1. IgIr. 


well as in Sorosphaera, amoebae are carried into new cells by the division of the 
infected host cell as described above for S ‘pongospora, 
igniera radicalis develops in the root hairs and cortical parenchyma of the 


Toots of Callitriche stagnalis. As stated in the former paper, a true schizoge- 

occurs here as usual before the meiotic divisions. The first of these divisions 
often occurs before the plasmodium has broken up, but in such cases the plas- 
modium breaks up into “energids” during the second mitosis in such a way 
that the four nuclei resulting from the two mitoses are inclosed in the proto- 
plasmic masses, which break up into four spores. The mode of development 
of L. Junci and L. verrucosa is similar to that of L. radicalis. 

Molliardia is described as a new genus to include Tetramyxa Triglochinis 
Molliard. This form is peculiar in producing no spores on the host plant. 
infected cells contain plasmodia which soon break up into uninucleate schizonts. 
These become 2-8-nucleate and break up anew. The full life history of this 
form is not known. In conclusion, the author adds some observations on the 
affinities of the Plasmodiophoraceae. He is inclined to regard them as being 
more closely related to such forms as Rhizomyxa and Woronina among the 
Chytridiales than to the Myxomycetes.—H. HASSELBRING. 

The Grigna mountains.—The Grigna group of mountains includes some 
60 square miles of mountainous country. in northern Italy, adjoining the 
eastern shores of Lake Como and the connecting Lake Lecco. Its phytogeo- 
8taphical description by GErILINGERE* has an additional American interest 
because of the location of the region near the main route of American tourist 
travel. Notwithstanding its small area, the elevation varies from 199 meters 
_ at Lake Como to 2,410 meters on the highest of the peaks. This permits a 
wide range in climate, which is of course reflected in the vegetation. The 
Mediterranean province does not reach so far north, but many species of 
Mediterranean origin are present, and the olive extends to a maximum altitude 
of 490 meters. Most of the area is comprised within the submontane region, 
With forests of oak, hop hornbeam, and chestnut extending up to 1os0 meters. 
From this elevation to 1650 meters the montane beech forests dominate. 

€se in turn are succeeded by the subalpine forests of larch as far as 1950 
meters, above which is the treeless alpine region. For all of these regions the 
author distinguishes ecological groups with a detail seldom approached in 
America. He recognizes seven chief types of vegetation, including forest, 
bush-forest, perennial herbs, grassland, swamps, aquatic vegetation, and rock 
vegetation. These are subdivided into formational groups, formations, and 
Societies, of successively minor importance. This classification is d 

* GEILINGERE, G., Die Grignagruppe am Comersee. Bot. Centralbl. 247: 119-420. 


primarily upon physiognomy, and only secondarily upon environment or 
floristic composition. It is doubtful whether such a method can ever give 
entirely satisfactory results, although the author considers it the best for this 
region, where all the associations show the effect of cultural changes. Probably 
the gravest defect of the paper is the entire failure of the author to discuss 
the dynamics of the vegetation. The development of the various associations 
and their successional relations are omitted completely. Illustrations would 
have added greatly to the clearness of the descriptions, and the scale of the 
accompanying map would have easily permitted the location of the chief 
types of vegetation. Almost half of the ate article is occupied by a care- 
fully annotated list of species—H. A. GLE ; 

Gametophytes and embryo of Pseudolarix.—MrvakeE and YasurI* have 
investigated the monotypic Pseudolarix (P. Kaempferi), a native of China, 
one of the Abietineae whose morphology had not been studied. The material 
was obtained from a tree growing in a garden in Pallanza, Italy. The winged 

grains contained the usual cells of the male gametophyte, and the 
divisions showed 12 chromosomes, but the later development of the game- 
tophyte was not seen. Megaspore formation was observed, a linear tetrad 
being formed about the time of pollination (April in Italy). The large central 
vacuole is formed in the spore stage (before free nuclear division), and the 
young female gametophyte is invested by several layers of nutritive cells. 
At maturity, the megaspore membrane is well developed, as in other Abieti- 
neae. Early in June the female gametophyte is solid tissue, and then the § 
or 6 archegonium initials appear, the archegonia maturing in about three 
weeks. After the division of the central cell, the ventral canal cell disorganizes 
at once. Fertilization occurs about the end of June, and the first four free 
nuclei of the proembryo move to the base of the egg, walls appearing with the — 
next division. The cells of each tier divide, and the completed proembryo 
consists of four tiers, with four cells in each tier. The functions of the tiers 
are as in Pinus, and the whole situation seems to be an almost exact duplica- 
tion of that genus.—J. M. C 

A cedar bog in Ohio.—Dacunowskr* records, as an isolated area of 
northern plants, left behind in the great northward migrations following upon 
the retreat of the ice sheet of the glacial period, a swamp in central Ohio, 
characterized by Thuja occidentalis and other species not usually found south 
of central Michigan. Mats of sphagnum, together with the sundew and various 
orchids, testify to the true bog character of the association —Gro. D. FULLER. 

3 Mixayi, Kiicut, and Yasur, Kono, On = oe and embryo of Pseu- 
dolarix. Ann. Botany 25:639-647. pl. 48. 1 

*4 DACHNOWSKI, ALFRED, A cedar bog in AOE Ohio. Ohio Naturalist 11: 193- 
199. IQII. 


December ro9xr 


Light Intensity and Transpiration Burton Edward Livingston 

The Embryo Sac of Epipactis 
William H. Brown and Lester W. ee 

The Oxygen Minimum and the Germination of Xanthium 
Seeds Charles Albert Shull 

Briefer Articles 
A Protocorm of Ophioglossum W. J. G; Land 

Current Literature 

The ‘University of Chicago Press 

be geaiae ay ILLINOIS 


oe: "TH, STAUFFER, Leipzig 


The Botanical Gazette 

A Monthly Fournal Embracing all Departments of Botanical Science 

Edited ps Joun M. CouLTER, with the assistance of re. members of the botanical staff of the 
University of Chica 

Issued December 19, ni 

Vol. a | Sent FOR DECEMBER 1911 No. 6 

LIGHT 1 INTENSITY AND: TRANSPIRATION (wits OnE FIGURE). Burton Edward Livingston 417 
| THE EMBRYO SAC OF EPIPACTIS (wits priate x). William H. Brown and Lester W. Sharp 439 


Albert Shull - > < = se Pi 
3 Be prs OF OpHIocLossum eae ONE FIGURE). W. J. G. Land - - - -. 478 
oe _ MINOR NOTI So ee a Be ee 
_ NOTES FOR iis De ee Res a eee ee ee ie ae as 480 

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While it is well known that light intensity plays an important 
role in the determination of water loss from plants, our knowledge 
of this matter is purely qualitative. The present paper deals 
with an attempt to find some simple means of physically determin- 
ing the intensity of solar radiation with reference to its effect on 
plant transpiration. While the results to be here brought forward 
do not possess that degree of completeness that we are wont to 
expect in the fields of physics and chemistry, yet they emphasize 
the quantitative aspect in the study of the external factors which 
influence plants in the open, and they seem to place in the hands 
of ecologists of a quantitative turn of mind a somewhat ready means 
of approximating the physical magnitude of one of the most im- 
portant, and at the same time most baffling, of the environmental 
conditions with which they have to deal. 

The total amount of transpirational water loss from a plant, 
for any given period, may be considered as a summation of the 
effects of the evaporating power of the air and of the radiant energy 
absorbed throughout the period, modified by certain secondary 

‘Botanical Contribution from the Johns Hopkins University, No. 21. 

* The pressing need for methods of evaluating the various external factors which 
affect plants has been emphasized in a paper read before the Botanical Society of 

merica in 1908. See Plant World 12:41-46. 1909; and Amer. Nat. 43: 369-378. 


effects of these conditions and by certain responses to other con- 
ditions. One secondary effect of variations in light intensity is seen 
in the opening of stomata when many plants are transferred from 
darkness to diffuse or stronger light. These openings close, or tend 
to close, in many plants when light gives place to darkness or to very 
dim light. But there seems to be no evidence for thinking that 
stomatal movement is at all marked as long as the intensity of 
illumination is above a certain minimum, about what is known 
as weak diffuse light. Of course they close with wilting under any 
light conditions (see Ltoyp, Publ. 82 of the Carnegie Institution). 

Another secondary effect of high evaporation conditions, whether 
caused by direct sunlight or by dryness of the air, etc., is the 
removal of water from the leaves at a rate more rapid than its rate 
of entrance, so that the cells are plasmolyzed and general wilting 
occurs. It is probable that this effect is felt long before actual 
wilting is to be observed; whenever transpiration surpasses the 
rate of water supply to the transpiring tissues it must be supposed 
that a gradual lowering of the vapor tension of the water films 
held in the moist cellulose walls will ensue, just as a semi-dry piece 
of filter paper will exhibit a much lower vapor tension than a similar 
piece saturated. Long before plasmolysis occurs we should expect 
to find that the capillary menisci of the cell membranes abutting 
upon the internal atmosphere of the leaf would become more and 
more concave, and would perhaps break and retreat into the pores 
of the membrane. In the one case, the vapor tension of the water 
film, in the other their actual superficial extent should be reduced. 
It may thus come about that an increase in the evaporating power 
of the air or of solar insolation might produce, by its very accelerat- 
ing influence, a retardation in the transpiration rate. Such a 
phenomenon is common in soils, where an increase in the rate of 
water loss above the rate of diffusion of water to the soil surface 
causes the water films to retreat into the soil and thus decreases 
the rate of water loss. It is thus that the “dust mulch” is produced, 
_ by which adaptation the soil seeks to reduce water loss in a dry 
time! A measurable falling off in the relative transpiration rate, 
occurring in the forenoon, when the evaporating power of the air 
and the light intensity are both still increasing in their daily march, 


is exhibited in certain of the transpiration graphs of Publ. No. 50 
of the Carnegie Institution. These occurrences may well be due 
to the phenomenon just suggested, which may be termed incipient 
wilting. If the process were carried far enough, actual wilting 
would of course ensue. If incipient wilting be the true cause of 
this sort of fall in transpiration, without any appreciable stomatal 
closure, it should make itself manifest by a gradual fall in the 
gross water content of the leaves themselves, which should be- 
come more marked as evident wilting was approached. It is 
seen, then, that either stomatal closure or this hypothetical in- 
cipient wilting must act to decrease the equivalent evaporating 
surface of plants. By equivalent evaporating surface is here 
meant a free water surface which would evaporate the same 
amount of water as the plant, at the same place and for the same 

Since the secondary effects of variations in light intensity through 
the photosynthetic process may be safely regarded as negligible 
in the present state of our inquiry, they will not be considered here. 
We may therefore assume that (for short periods having light 
intensities continuously adequate to prevent the closure of stomata, 
and with transpiration rates and a moisture supply which do not 
produce incipient wilting) the plant is virtually to be looked upon 
- 4S an integrating atmometer, automatically summing the various 
increments of water loss from moment to moment as these fluctuate 
in magnitude. It might therefore be expected that a physical 
atmometer exposed at the side of a plant should exhibit the same 
march of the evaporation rate as that evidenced in the transpiration 
of the plant, providing of course that suitable corrections of the 
observed rate be applied, to adequately account for any and all 
internal changes in the organism which were influential in reducing 
the effective or equivalent evaporating surface of the latter. It is 
On this general supposition that the methods used in this study are 

To keep logically and spatially within bounds, I shall here con- 
sider the effects of changes in the intensity of illumination between 
Strong diffuse light and direct sunshine, thus once for all avoiding 
the question of marked stomatal movement. The stomata in my 


experiments are supposed to be open, in the day condition, through- 
out. I shall also limit my considerations to short periods of time, 
at least to short periods in strong light, thus aiming at an avoid- 
ance of the problem of incipient wilting as above set forth. The 
former of these problems has been touched upon already (see Science 
N.S. 29:269-270. 1909), and the full consideration of it should 
make another title. The second problem, of incipient wilting, 
cannot be experimentally considered at the present time. 

The specific problem which now holds our attention is, then, 
Is it possible by any simple means to estimate quantitatively the 
various light intensities to which plants in the open are subjected 
and so to sum the effects of these as to be able approximately to 
calculate the variations in transpiration thus brought about, and 
the total transpiration for the longer period in which these varia- 
tions occur? It is obvious that the solution of such problems as 
this is of the utmost importance in establishing a basis for a scien- 
tific agriculture. Also, such problems lie at the bottom of con- 
siderations of the factors determining plant distribution, and it 
must be through their solution that ecology may at length emerge 
from the descriptive and classificational stage in which, for the 
most part, it now finds itself. The importance of our present 
inquiry is exceeded only by its difficulty. 

Apparatus and methods 

To attack the problem outlined above it was necessary to meas- 
ure the water loss from experimental plants under different light 
intensities, and to compare the various rates thus obtained with 
readings taken, for the same periods and exposures, upon whatever 
physical instruments were available for the estimation of light 
intensity. For the plants, the ordinary method of weighing potted 
and sealed specimens was resorted to. A number of different 
instruments for determining light intensity were tested. I shall 
proceed first to a discussion of these instruments. : 

Since the intensity of solar radiation varies from time to time, 
even for short periods, as on a partly cloudy day, our great desider- 
atum in the present connection is an instrument or method for 
automatically obtaining an integration of this factor for a given 


time period. One such device was available at the inception of 
this work, another was devised. 

1. The Hicks solar radio-integrator (obtainable from J. Hicks, 
Hatton Garden, London) consists of a glass vacuum chamber, the 
upper portion of which (a spherical bulb) is about half filled with 
dark-colored alcohol and exposed to the light. The alcohol vapor 
produced by the absorption of energy by the dark surface is con- 
densed in a lower bulb and collected in a still lower burette-like, grad- 
uated tube. The condenser and receiver are shaded during opera- 
tion, and readings are obtained from time to time on the amount of 
alcohol distilled into the tube. The instrument is occasionally to be 
inverted and the collected alcohol replaced in the exposed bulb, 
an operation made possible by a bent tube connection between 
the two bulbs. The rate of distillation depends of course on the 
difference between the vapor tension of the alcohol in the upper 
bulb and that obtaining in the shaded part of the apparatus. The 
shaded part nearly maintains the temperature of the surrounding 
air, while the exposed bulb tends to be warmed by the sunshine. 
Thus this instrument causes the sun’s rays to perform work in 
vaporizing alcohol and furnishes a means of measuring the work 
accomplished in terms of the amount of the liquid accumulating 
in the graduated tube. It is thus seen to be self-integrating. 

2. Various lines of experimentation had shown that the porous 
cup atmometer, a self-integrating device for estimating the evapo- 
rating power of the air (see Publ. No. 50 of the Carnegie Institu- 
tion), is measurably affected by sunshine; that, celeris paribus, 
it loses more water in direct sunlight than in shade. The differ- 
ence in rate so produced, however, is not as great as that observed 
in plants under the same varied conditions of illumination. Con- 
sidering this fact, it occurred to me that it should be possible to 
modify the porous cup in such manner as to cause it to absorb a 
greater proportion of the sun’s energy, and thus render the ratio 
of its readings in light and shade more nearly like those obtained 
from the plant. The instrument already integrates the influx of 
energy, in terms of the amount of water evaporated, and the con- 
templated alteration should involve only the coloring of the porous 

evaporating surface so as to increase its power to absorb radiant 


energy. After numerous preliminary tests this possibility was 

The porous cups are now furnished in a dark-colored claves 
deep, grayish brown, and these cups show a marked increase in 
light-absorbing power over the ordinary white ones. 

3. Another light-absorbing cup was obtained by coating the 
white form with a thin layer of washed lampblack. Common 
lampblack is boiled in distilled water, allowed to cool and settle, 
and the water decanted as well as possible. This process is repeated 
three to five times, and furnishes a clean, insoluble, and impalpable 
black powder, in the form of an aqueous paste. The latter may be 
diluted and applied to the cups with a small brush. This applica- 
tion should be made after the cup is filled and ready for operation, 
as the absorption of water by the surface when thus arranged is 
sufficient firmly and quickly to fix the carbon layer in place, and the 
latter is never allowed to become drier than it is destined to be in 
the actual operation of the instrument. The cup cannot be handled 
by the coated surface without injury, but it is a simple matter to 
renew the coating if such injury occurs. These coated cups operate 
in essentially the same manner as the permanently colored ones. 

used in these tests, the white, brown, and black cups were in- 
stalled on burettes, essentially as figured in Publ. No. 50 of the - 
Carnegie Institution. 

4. The black bulb thermometer im vacuo (the one used was 
obtained from the Kny-Scheerer Co., New York) is essentially 
an ordinary glass-mercury thermometer, the bulb of which is 
blackened and inclosed in a thin glass vacuum bulb. It is exposed 
to the light for a short time period and the rise of the temperature 
of the bulb noted as the reading. The instrument must be shaded 
and must come to air temperature between observations. It is 
seen that the light absorbed by this instrument is made to do the 
work of expanding the mercury, the amount of expansion occurring 
in a specified time being the measure of the energy absorbed. 

The devices for light estimation thus far mentioned all depend 
upon the heating effect produced by the absorbed light. Another 
group of instruments, all following the principle of the Bunsen- 
Roscoe “photometer,” depend upon the chemical effect produced 


by the absorbed rays. These instruments now make use of some 
form of photo-sensitized paper, and the reading is either the length 
of time required to produce a certain standard shade of color in 
the paper, or the depth of color produced by an exposure of a certain 
length. WresNER’s instrument (see his Lichtgenuss der Pflanzen) 
belongs to this class. They are not photometers in any true sense, 
but really actinometers, measuring only the actinic effect of the 
light. The paper may be modified so as to give sensitiveness in 
any part of the spectrum, but the region to which they are sensitive is 
always rather limited, and the sensitiveness is not uniform through- 
out this region. Another obstacle in their operation comes from 
the difficulty of procuring proper standard colors; a third arises 
from the fact that the comparison of the color produced with the 
standard depends to a great extent upon the observer’s judgment, 
the sensitiveness of his retina, etc. Two forms of actinometer were 
tested in this work. They were exposed to the action of the light 
till the sensitive paper attained the shade of the, standard, the record 
being made in seconds. 

5. The simplest form of actinometer for our estimations is the 

ynne exposure meter, for sale by most dealers in photographic 
goods. It is very convenient to use, the paper therefor is appar- 
ently carefully standardized, and with each package of paper is 
furnished a slip of non-fading standard color suited to that partic- 
ular lot of paper. 

6. The other instrument of this class to which we had recourse 
is the Clements actinometer, a modification of the Wiesner type 
of instrument, using any form of photographic paper which the user 
may wish. It is described by CLEMENTS in his Research methods in 
ecology. As there recommended, I used “‘solio”’ printing out paper, 
and made my own standard color (water colors, afterward var- 
nished), which was no easy task. As will be shown in the records 
of these tests, there is no doubt that this method is as satisfactory 
in operation as that of the Wynne, but the former is somewhat 
More difficult. I have had evidence, moreover, that the “‘solio” 
brand of paper is rather more apt to alter with age (at least in a 
warm climate) than the Wynne paper. 

Since all of these instruments, both thermal and actinic, depend 


for their records upon the absorption of incident radiations, it is 
essential that the angle of incidence of the impinging light be always 
the same. But the direction of incidence of the sun’s rays is 
constantly changing throughout the day, and varies, for the same 
hour, from day to day. It is therefore necessary to consider this 
matter in the operation of any and all forms of absorbing instru- 
ments. The Hicks instrument cannot be adjusted in this regard, 
for the main absorbing surface is the meniscus of alcohol in the 
upper bulb. 

The porous cup atniometer possesses a cylindrical absorbing 
surface, modified slightly at the closed end of the cup, which latter 
part may readily be removed from operation by a suitable covering 
if desired. Iam convinced that the error involved from the curved 
end of the cup, however, is negligible in this sort of estimation. 
The form of cup used was the usual one, the modification recently 
described by Transeau (Bot. Gaz. 49:459. 1910) would no 
doubt be as efficient for our purpose. To receive the sunlight 
always at the same angle, the cups are so placed that their long 
axis is perpendicular to the direction of light incidence at noon, 
the common plane of sun and cylinder being vertical. When so 
arranged the sun virtually rotates about the cup, its rays always 
illuminating one-half of the surface only, and falling always verti- 
cally upon a longitudinal line through the center of the lighted 
area. The position of the lighted area on the cup is constantly 
changing, but since all sides of the cup are supposedly equivalent, 
this introduces no complication. The position of the instrument 
will of course vary with the sun’s altitude, that is, with latitude and 
season, but may readily be determined from an almanac or by simple 
observation at high noon. Actual tests showed clearly that the 
vertical cup, as ordinarily used, fails to record proper intensities 
of sunshine at and about noon, for at that time only a small portion 
near the tip receives perpendicular radiation. Of course in high 
latitudes the vertical position would not introduce so great an error 
as nearer the equator, and the error in winter would be less than in 
summer. The black bulb thermometer is to be exposed in the same 
way as the cups. 

The photographic papers were always exposed by hand, so placed 


that they received perpendicular rays from the direction of the sun 
at the time of observation. 

As to the portion of the entire radiation which is absorbed 
by these various instruments, it is possible to say very little at 
the present time. It is fairly certain that portions of all the 
various wave-lengths of light, as well as of the infra-red and ultra- 
violet, are absorbed by the thermal instruments. On the acti- 
nometers we may be as certain that little effect is produced outside 
the actinic rays. Since the heating effect is the one which we 
are interested in at present, because our inquiry deals with the 
evaporation of water from green leaves, it is obvious that on a-priori 
grounds the thermal instruments are to be regarded as the most 
reliable. The quantitative statement of this whole matter must be 
left to some future time. 

One other theoretical point may be mentioned here with refer- 
ence to the interpretation of the results obtained with these instru- 
ments. It must be borne in mind that other factors besides radia- 
tion intensity are active in the control of evaporation, both from the 
Porous cup and from the plant. Thus, in the night time the evapo- 
ration rate and that of transpiration are by no means mil, while the 
readings of the instruments which do not deal with evaporation 
will vanish at that time. From this fact we may expect the differ- 
ences between two light intensities as shown by the non-evaporating 
instruments to be much greater than those shown by the evaporat- 
ing ones. The latter always record the rate without light influence 
plus that due to light, the former can show no rate without the 
influence of radiant energy. It is possible so to manipulate the 
Porous cup as to obtain readings from it directly comparable to 
those from the black bulb thermometer, but this cannot be entered 
into here. 


It was my good fortune to be able to spend the summer of 1910 
at the Desert Laboratory, Tucson, Arizona, under auspices of the 
Department of Botanical Research of the Carnegie Institution of 

ashington. During this period, and with the assistance of Dr. 
Witi1am H. Brown, now of the Michigan Agricultural College, a 
number of lines of inquiry which had been previously begun were 


continued, the matters considered in the present paper forming 
a portion of our operations. Without the enthusiastic cooperation 
of Dr. Brown, the amount of experimentation and other work 
accomplished would have been much smaller, and the quality less 

In the three series of tests to be presented, the plants stood upon . 
a table in the open, the instruments being arranged in their imme- 
diate vicinity, so that the whole group of plants and instruments 
occupied a space perhaps 40 or so cm. square. Reduced light 
intensities were obtained by placing over the group, at a height of 
something less than a meter above the table, a cloth screen about a 
meter square, supported by a light wood frame and four light wood 
supports at the angles, The screen was always so placed that all 
the objects of the experiment were well within the shadow; they 
never received any direct sunshine while the shade was in position. 
The burettes of the atmometers and the tube of the radiometer 
projected below the table, so that the active portion of all instru- 
ments was always at approximately the same height from the table 
(and distance below the screen) as the plant foliage. The plants 
were 10-20 cm. in height; they had been lifted from the open soil 
several weeks previously and had been carefully accustomed to 
full sunlight. All had grown appreciably since potting, were 
leafy and apparently in good condition. They were in tinned sheet 
iron cylinders, some 8 or 10 cm. in diameter and about as high, 
- which, during the experiments, were sealed by the application of 
prepared modeling clay over the soil surface and over the drainage 
openings at the base. 

The plants were weighed and the instruments read at intervals 
of one-half hour, or as nearly so as possible. Where the time 
period was greater or less than 30 minutes, the data have been 
corrected to this time period. Weighings were made in the house, 
each plant remaining out of its proper position only long enough 
for this operation. In every test, after two half-hour periods of 
sunlight, there followed two similar periods under shade, these 
being in turn followed by two more periods of sunshine. The 
black bulb thermometer was covered most of the time by a loosely 
fitting cylinder or sheath of asbestos board, open at both ends to 


allow air circulation. When a reading was to be taken, this sheath 
was removed far enough to expose the scale, and a reading of the 
shade temperature was taken. Then the sheath was completely 
removed and the rise of temperature which took place in a single 
minute was noted. The photographic instruments were operated 
by exposure in the hand, close to the plants, a stop watch being 
used to determine the length of time needed to produce darkening 
of the sensitive paper to the degree of the standard color, a bit of 
which was attached to the case of the instrument, directly adjoining 
the exposure opening. All instruments and plants had been in 
full sunshine for an hour or more at the beginning of an experiment. 
Wind velocity was taken, and shade temperatures, but since these 
data show no relation to the resulting transpiration ratios, they need 
not be reproduced here. Throughout the tests there was always 
some air motion and never a high wind, the velocity varying from 
©.2 or 0.3 to 2.0 or 3.0 miles per hour. The temperature varied 
from about 30 to 35°C. The plants used were Physalis angulata 
L. var. Linkiana Gray, Xanthium commune Britton, and Mar- 
tynia louisiana Mill. They will be referred to merely by the 
' generic names. , 


The first series of observations extended from 8:00 A.M. to 1:00 
P.M., August 9, r910. A plant of Physalis, one of Xanthium, and 
the three porous cup atmometers (brown, black, and white) made 
up the series of objects. During the second hour the shade used 
was of white “‘8-ounce cotton duck” or tent canvas. During the 
fourth hour the shade was of a single thickness of ‘‘cheesecloth.” 
The data from this series are given in table I. 

To study, in a general way, the comparative effects of shade on 
the rates of water loss of the different objects, it is expedient to 
reduce each series of figures to relative values. We may take the 
datum for period 4 as unity in each case, and form the new series 
by dividing this datum into each of the remaining data. Graphs 
of these derived quantities are given in fig. 1, all of them passing 
through the common point (unity) at period 4. These graphs are 
thus directly comparable as to the relative heights of their ordinates 


The periods of shade are denoted on the graphs by a broad black 
line below. 

The graphs show merely a general and qualitative agreement 
between the rates of water loss from the various objects. It is 
quite evident that the white cup fails to show nearly as great fluctua- 
tions with light and shade as do the plants. On the other hand, 
the brown and black atmometers agree fairly well with each other 

Physal. Xanth. Brn. atm. | Blk. atm. | Wht. atm. 
eee Open Pe 3-4 2.9 3-7 2.0 
ee te Open 3.0 4.2 4.3 4.7 2.8 
Sse Canvas shade “7 2.4 4.2 3-4: 2.4 
£05 Canvas shade 1.7 2.4 2.1 2.9 2.4 
See Open 2.7 3-9 3-5 3.8 a 
S..8; Open g. 4.5 4.0 5.0 et 
aR Cheesecloth shade 3.0 3.2 2 4.0 hd 
By, Cheesecloth shade 1.9 4.7 2.5 3-7 2-3 
he Open 4.3 at ei 4.8 3-4 
eee Open Ce 4.2 am 5-3 3-5 

and with the plants. The Physalis plant lost an inordinate amount 
in period 6, the brown cup lost what appears as too much in period 3, 
and the behavior of the Xanthium plant in the last three periods 
is unusual; otherwise the agreement in the different ordinates is 
about what should be expected. Attention may be called to the 
general ascent of the series of three maxima for two of the instru- 
ments, showing clearly the gradual increase of the sun’s intensity 
from 8:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. Also, with the thinner shade neither 
of the plants and neither of the dark instruments exhibit such a fall 
in rate of water loss as they do in the denser shade. We may now 
turn to the quantitative relations shown by these series of data. 
Since the use of two different shades really constitutes soles 
separate tests, we may consider the observations for the first six 
periods as test I, and those for the last six as test II, there being 
a common period of sunshine for the two tests. If now we calculate 
the ratios of the two sun periods, respectively, in each test, t© 
those of the shade period intervening, we shall obtain quantitative 


measures of the relations which we wish to study in detail. But 
It is obvious that the first half-hour in any condition fails to give 
as clear an expression of the response to that condition as does 
the second half-hour, there usually being a more or less marked 

Fic, 1 

lag of effect behind cause; therefore we need give attention only 
to the second period in each condition. Thus a period of 30 minutes 
is allowed to elapse after each change of conditions before use is 
made of the data obtained. This is a common method for the 


treatment of such changes in physics as well as physiology. The 
two second half-hour periods of sunshine will be termed the first 
and second sun exposures, the second half-hour of shade giving us 
the measure for the shade exposure. All of the sun-shade ratios 
are given in table II. Examples may make the procedure of their 
derivation more evident. The first ratio of test I for Physals 
is 3.0+1.7, or 1.76. The second ratio for the brown atmometer 
in test II is 4.12.5, or 1.64, etc. 

Physal. | Xanth. | Blk. atm. | Brn. atm. | Wht. atm. 
est E evecaha deg 1.76 35 2.05 1.62 1.17 
(canvas) 2d sun exp.....} 3.00 1.88 1.90 1.72 4-49 
est ist sunexp....} 2.68 | 1.22 1.60 1.35 1.35 
(cheesecloth) / 2d sun exp..:..| 1.84 ae 1.64 1.43 1.52 

If both plants were influenced alike and only by the direct 
heating of the sun’s rays, and if the instruments were affected by 
radiant energy just as were the plants, that is, per unit of surface 
exposed, then we should expect all these ratios to be equal. _ In 
so far as they are not equal, they signify a variation in the effect 
produced upon the two plants and upon the three instruments by 
the same alterations in light intensity. Thus, if any one of these 
instruments were used as a basis for light measurement, to predict 
the influence of light changes upon either of these plants, the instru- 
mental result must obviously be corrected. Since it is already 
clear that the two plants do not entirely agree in their sun-shade 
ratios, it will be necessary to find correction coefficients, not simply 
for each instrument, but for each instrument for each plant. From 
the sun-shade ratios of table II have been calculated the correction 
constants, by which the ratio of any instrument for any period is 
to be modified (multiplied) so as to equal the corresponding ratlo 
for either plant, and these coefficients are given in table IT. As an 
example of the method of derivation, the first coefficient of cor- 
rection for the black atmometer in reference to Physalis (test I) is 


1.76+1.62, or 1.09. Each pair of coordinate coefficients for each 
test is averaged, also, in the table. 



Brown atmom. | Black atmom. | White atmom. 

Physal. Xanth. | Physal. | Xanth. | Physal. Xanth. 

Ist sun exp...|. 0:86 0.85 1.09 1.08 t.66 233 

Test I | 2d sun exp....| 1.58 ©.99 r.74 1.09 1.50 1.46 
Average..... 122 0.92 1.42 I.09 60° 7 3290 

Ist sunexp...} 1.69 0.76 1.99 0.90 T.99 2.90 

Test II | 2d sun exp....| 1.12 0.70 1.29 0.80 59% 0.75 
Average ..... 1.40 | 0.73 1.64 | ©. 85 | 1. 0.83 

The second series of observation (test III) was carried out from 
10:00 A.M. to r:00 P.M., August 11. The shade here used was of 
two thicknesses of cheesecloth. Three plants were used, one of 
each of the forms above mentioned, but different specimens, and 
one of Martynia louisiana. Besides the three atmometers, all 
of our other instruments were operated in this series. We may 
neglect the losses for the first half-hour periods of each exposure, 
since they are not to be used in calculating the different ratios. 
The rates of loss, or in the case of non-evaporating instruments the 
averages of two readings taken at the beginning and end of the ~ 
Second half-hour of each exposure, are given in table IV, and 
the corresponding coefficients of correction in table V. There was 
almost no discrepancy shown between the first and second readings 
of the non-evaporating instruments; the conditions for the half-hour 
Were sensibly constant. In the case of the two photographic papers 
the ratios are of course inverted, since the light intensity must vary 
inversely as the time required to produce the given depth of color. 

A third series (test IV) was carried out on August 12, from 10:00 
A.M. to 1:00 P.M. The plants were similar to those of test III, but 
were different individuals; the shade was of canvas, as in test 1, 
For this series only the final coefficients of correction and their 
averages need be given. They may be found in table VI. 



Tele te F 
Test III ae ee eee :3 
SB) Elei gi el gig} | 3 hs 
br <a ~ = hy ; - “> Bg pag 
Ei UTe Ele al Fl eee 
a ee eee Mee ere 
1st sun expo: .-| 3-45| 3-98] 3.12| 2.9 | 3-7 | 2.2 | 3 34-5| 2-4 | 6.7 
Double aeenabite 
SHAME ues occ 2,88] 3.48| 2.701; 2.6 | 2:6 | 2.2 | 1.71 95.01 5-5 | 3-9 
ad sun exposure.....| 4.35] 4.05] 3.54] 3-3 | 4-5 | 2.7 | 2-95| 38.0] 2-15] 6-5 
Test III Brown atmometer Black atmometer 
Physal. | Xanth. | Martyn. | Physal. | Xanth. | Martyn. 
Ist sun exposure ...| 1.07 1.02 1.04 0.85 0.80 0.82 
2d sun exposure....| 1.19 0.91 1.03 0.87 0.67 0.76 
Avelage. 3. oss 1.13 0.97 1.04 0. 86 0.74 0.79 
- White atmometer Integrator 
Physal. Xanth. Martyn. Physal. Xanth Martyn. 
Ist sun exposure...) 1.20 1.14 1.16 0.69 0.65 0.66 
ad sun exposure. . 1.23 0.94 1.07 0.87 0.67 0.76 
Aves... 1.22 1.04 1.12 0.78 0.66 ahh oe 
a s 
“Solio” paper Wynne paper 
Physal. Xanth Martyn Physal. Xanth Martyn 
Ist sun exposure . . °. 0.41 0.42 0.52 0.50 ae 
2d sun exposure....| 0.60 0.46 0.52 0.59 0.45 ei 
Average... 6... 0.52 0.44 0.47 0.56 0.48 0.5! 
Black thermometer 
Physal. Xanth. Martyn. 
Ist sun exposure ...| 0.54 0.51 0.52 
2d sun exposure...| 0.70 flies iy 
Average ee Gee Soa 0.62 0.52 0.56 
eee eee aan 




Test IV Brown atmometer Black atmometer 
Physal. Xanth. Martyn. Physal. Xanth. Martyn. 
Ist sun exposure ... 1.38 T.09 0.99 1.38 1.09 0.99 
2d sun exposure.... xuRs 1.26 0.07 1.46 1.21 0.93 
etieRe ces. 1.46 | 1.18 0.98 | I.42 Se 0.96 
White atmometer | Integrator 
Physal. Xanth. | Martyn. | Physal. | Xanth. | Martyn. 
Ist sun exposure ... ae 1.58 1.43 0.43 0.34 O.47 
2d sun exposure.... 4,23. {+2 7208 120 0.69 0.57 0.44 
Pomtage 2k a. k. 1.61 1.63 | 1.36 0.56 | 0.46 | 0.38 
“Solio” paper : Wynne paper 
Physal. | Xanth. | Martyn. | Physal. | Xenth. | Martyn. 
Ist sun exposure ...|- 0.21 0.16 O.t5 0.43 | 0.34 0.31 
2d sun exposure....| 0.25 0.21 0.16 0.51 0.43 0.33 
nbhee: 2 Scan 0.23 0.18 0.15 0.47 | 0.30 | 0.32 

Black thermometer 

Physal. Xanth. Martyn. 
Ist sun exposure...| 0.40 0.31 wild 
2d sun exposure ...| 0.49 0.40 @.3f 
Bverase 2 0.45 0. 36 0.39 

Finally, in table VII are brought together all the average coef- 
ficients from the preceding tables, together with their averages, for 
each plant for the whole investigation. This second average gives 
Us a Coefficient that may be taken to represent each instrument 
with reference to each plant. The average of the three different 
coefficients thus obtained for each instrument is given in the last 
column of the table. The latter average may perhaps represent 
the correction to be applied to each instrument for plants in general. 
Of course the latter statement is a pure assumption, based on the 


gratuitous supposition that plants in general may be found to 
average up, in their sensitiveness to light intensity, as did the 
three which happened to be used in these tests. 

Plant Test I | Test II | Test III | Test IV | For plant} For instr. 
Physal. =... Tiss) oT. 40.) res TAG | 2230 
Brown atm..... mateo. 0.92 0:73 0.97 T.18-) 0:65 1.09 
Martyn. <2... ee Sar 1.04: f° 6:98 4 “T0Gr 7 
Physah 2. E41 r6e|. 6.864: 3.471. 83 
Black atm..... 2 Ct ee 1.09 | 0.85 | 0.74| 1.15 | 0.96 |} 1.06 
Martyn..... Hee abs 0.79 | 0.96| 0.88 
: PUyHe 2 2. I.92| 1.60 “a.e2 | 1.61 | 1.59 
White atm..... pt 2 RO aes ¥.48 | 6.83 | 1.04 | 1.63 | 1.99 (pee 
Martyn..... wees ven ¥.12 40:) 2224 
Physal. ..... ee eee 0.78 | 0.56| 0.67 
Integr: 2... Maths css: ave bo. 41 3.06 1-046 p 0.567 ee 
Martyn..... Oo. 72 | 0.98 | 6:58 
Physal...... 0.52 23 |:.0.38 
**Solio”’ paper. . AA, yc, ) 0.18 | 0.31 | (9-33 
Martyn..... 0.47 15 | :O:gt 
Physabo os: ae PIS; 0:56 | 0.47 | 8.52 
Wynne paper .. PANU ys ee Niet 0.48 | 0.39 | 0.44 0.46 
Martyn..... eS ciga [om §E 1. 0.32) Oras 
Physal.. 3.5: 62 | 0.45 | 9.54 
Black therm... . Rann See 0.52 | 0.36} °o. 0.47 
Martyn..... 156 |: 0.30 | 0-43 

In the last section have been brought forward the results of an 
experimental attempt to determine what sort of corrections must 
be applied to the data furnished by the seven instruments tested, 
in order that we may obtain from these data the sun-shade ratios 
of the transpiration rates as actually exhibited by the different 
plants. Four tests, each furnishing two sun-shade ratios for each 
. plant, have been carried out. In all, we have eight tests for Physalis 
and the same number for Xanthium, but only four for Martynta. 
It is safe to assume that the full sunshine for the three days of this 
inquiry was approximately the same; all tests continued through 


about the same part of each day. It is quite obvious that in other 
regions the results might have been different, but I am convinced 
that the present data would agree fairly well with those for the 
hottest summer days in most parts of the United States. It is to 
be remembered, however, that the work was done in the arid region, 
albeit in the moist season, and that humidity has not yet been 
investigated with reference to its quantitative effect on plant 
transpiration. In the absence of a better method for describing 
weather conditions, it may be stated that the temperature varied 
within the limits 30-35° C., and the sky was not without haze, 
though clouds were rare. We have considered nothing weaker 
than strong diffuse light, that obtained under a screen of tent 
canvas. The plant stomata were probably always in the day con- 
dition throughout these experiments, and incipient wilting, if it 
occurred, was probably not generally a controlling factor in the 
transpiration rates. 

Several different shade intensities were included in the tests, 
but an inspection of the tables will convince one that the fluctua- 
tions in the correction coefficients do not appear to be related to 
any particular shade. In the following derivation of conclusions 
all tests will be considered as tentatively equivalent, and no attempt 
to weight the averages will be made. The coefficients of correction 
will be treated as the main criterion for judging of the relative 
degrees of sensitiveness of the plants and instruments toward 
variations in light intensity. 

1. Considering all coefficients (tables III, V, and VI, not the 
averages) with values between 0o.go and 1.10, inclusive, as equal 
to unity, we see that all of those greater than unity have reference 
to the porous cup atmometers. The other instruments always 
recorded greater differences between the two light intensities than 
did any of the plants. To study the distribution of the different 
forms of coefficient more in detail we may proceed to classify them 
in each of these two groups of instruments. The frequencies of 
occurrence of coefficients less than, equal to, and greater than unity, 
for the three atmometers and the three plants, are presented in table 
VII. For example, there are six coefficients greater than one 
occurring for the brown atmometer and Physalis, only one for 


Xanthium, and none for Martynia. The last column of the table 
gives the total number of comparisons made. 

Instrument Plant Cras C=r G4 Total 
Pita ee oa I I 6 8 
Brown atm....4 | Xanth.......... 3 4 I 8 
Mattyn S02 eu: ° 4 ° + 
Physab eh: 2 I 5 8 
waeek Sn. 4 | Aamo... 3 4 I 8 
MANO a 2 2 ° 4 
Cl Piel. 2.0 ss ° ° 8 8 
White atm... 1) Manth..-... sic, I 2 5 8 
iv, ) I 3 4 

2. From table VIII we derive the generalization that for all cups, 
under all test conditions, Physalis shows the most frequent occur- 
rence of coefficients greater than unity. Martynia shows the least 
frequent occurrence of these. Physalis, therefore, is usually more 
sensitive to light changes than the cups; the other two plants are 
generally equally sensitive or less so. 

3. For the white cup, for all plants, and under all test conditions, 
the great majority (16 out of 20) of the coefficients are greater 
than unity. This cup is generally not as sensitive to light varia- 
tions as are the plants. 

4. The brown and black atmometers agree in giving mainly 
coefficients for Physalis which are greater than unity, while for the 
other plants they are equal to or less than unity; see 2. : 

Turning now to an analysis of the coefficients of the other 1n- 
struments, we may treat them as we have the atmometers, only 
classifying them as less than, equal to, or greater than 0. 50 instead 
of 1.00. We may consider as equal to 0.50 all coefficients from 
0.40 to 0.60, inclusive. Table IX presents the classification on 
this basis. 

5. It appears from this array of figures that the integrator gives 
predominance to coefficients greater than 0.50, while the other 
instruments give them equal to or less than 0. 50: 

6. “Solio” paper shows the strongest tendency to give coefli- 


cients less than 0. 50, but half of those derived from this instrument 
are equal to 0.50. 

Instrument Plant | C<0.50 C=o0.50 C> 0.50 Total 

PRYSOL er: ° I 3 4 

Integrator ....... POT ee ee I I 2 4 
Martyn... I I 2 4 

os, Physeloo se 4 2 2 re) 4 
Solio” paper....}]| Xanth....... 2 2 fe) 4 
Martyn, 2.2 2 2 ° 4 

Phivselo 2.3 4 fo) 4 

Wynne paper ....}| Xanth....... I 3 ° 4 
Martyn: : 2... 2 2 ° 4 

: Physats 3), ° 4 I 4 
Black therm ..... anh. SF... I 3 ° 4 
Martyn. cs. 2 2 ° 4 

7. From the Hicks integrator and the black bulb thermometer 
evidence is again presented that Physalis is more sensitive to light 
changes than either of the other plants, and it is suggested that 
Martynia may be somewhat less sensitive than Xanthium. 

From the grand averages of table VII we may derive some ap- 
proximate notion of the values to be taken, in general, as correction 
constants in the operation of these instruments. It must be borne 
in mind that the data are inadequate and the conclusions tentative 
in the extreme. 

8. Physalis appears to be about a third more sensitive than the 
two dark cups, which agree well together. Xanthium and Martynia 
appear nearly to equal these cups in sensitiveness. The average 
correction factor for all three plants is 1.075. : 

9. Physalis appears to be about 60 per cent, the other two 
plants only about 25 per cent, more sensitive than the white cup. 
The average correction factor for the white cup is 1.36. 

to. All three plants are somewhat more than half as sensitive 
as the Hicks solar radio-integrator, the average correction for which 
iS 0.59; see 5 above. 

11. The Wynne actinometer and the black thermometer agree 
well in showing a sensitiveness about double that of the plants, 


more than double for Physalis and less than double for the 
onic, = 

12. The Clements instrument, with “‘solio” paper, seems to be 
generally about three times as sensitive as are these plants, some- 
what more than this for Xanthium and Martynia, somewhat less 
for Physalis. From these averages it appears more sensitive than 
by the method of frequencies; see 6 above 

On the whole, we may conclude that the black and brown 
atmometers and the Hicks integrator have shown themselves to 
be valuable instruments for estimating the solar intensity, so far as 
transpiration is concerned. They should be suitable for the com- 
parison of light intensities in different habitats, etc., and they are 
especially to be recommended on account of their power of auto- 
matic integration, and also on account of the fact that they all give 
their results in terms of vaporization of a liquid, thus resembling 
the plant in its transpiration activity. The black bulb thermometer 
_ recommends itself as the best of the non-integrating devices. The 
photographic papers are not to be highly recommended as used 
in this inquiry, mainly on account of their failure to record effects 
of other than restricted wave-lengths. They may be modified so 
as to be more available, and may, possibly in their present form, 
be even more valuable than the other instruments here tested, when 
the effects of light variations on photosynthesis rather than trans- 
piration are to be determined. 

BaLtmore, Mp. 


The present study is based upon material of Epipactis pubescens 
(Willd.) A. A. Eaton, collected at Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y., in 
August 1909. 

The archesporium is distinguishable very early as a single 
hypodermal cell which terminates an axial row surrounded by a 
single epidermal layer. As growth proceeds, the young ovule 
becomes strongly anatropous and develops two integuments, the 
outer one being continuous with the slender stalk. Since the nor- 
mal heterotypic prophases always occur in the nucleus of the . 
archesporial cell preparatory to its first division, it is to be regarded 
as the megaspore mother cell, no parietals being formed. 

The subsequent course of development to the complete embryo 
sac is not identical in all ovules, the same end being reached by a 
variety of methods. The behavior in what probably represent the 
Majority of cases is as follows. After becoming considerably en- 
larged, the megaspore mother cell undergoes its first division (fig. 1). 
Since the spindle lies near the micropylar end of the mother cell, 
the resulting daughter cells are very unequal in size (fig. 2). The 
larger, chalazal cell again divides unequally, forming two mega- 
Spores, while in only a single case was the micropylar daughter 
cell observed in process of division (figs. 3 and 4). The innermost 
megaspore enlarges and gives rise to the embryo sac, while the 
other cells of the row soon degenerate. 

The nucleus of the functioning megaspore divides to two (fig. 
5), and very soon small vacuoles appear in the cytoplasm, mostly 
in the region between the two nuclei. Meanwhile the sac grows 
considerably, but continues to have the general shape of the mega- 
spore mother cell. As growth proceeds, the increase in volume of 
the cytoplasm fails to keep pace with that of the sac cavity, so that 
Contribution from the Botanical Laboratory of the Johns Hopkins University 
ro Po a t of th bry written by Mr. SHa 


oe. oy 7 
and the discussion by Mr. BRowNn. 

430] [Botanical Gazette, vol. 52 


the small vacuoles in the central region coalesce to form a large 
central one (fig. 6), the cytoplasm becoming spread out as a parietal 
layer which is thickest at the ends of the sac where the radius of 
curvature is small. The two nuclei lie in these two regions. These 
nuclei soon divide simultaneously, giving rise to the four-nucleate 
sac (fig. 7). In this division and in the preceding one no traces 
of cell plates could be distinguished on the spindle fibers. After 
considerable enlargement of the embryo sac, the third division 
occurs, the two spindles formed in each end varying in position. 
Usually they lie approximately at right angles to each other; in 
such cases they may be equidistant from the end of the sac (fig. 8), 
or one may lie at a little distance from the other along the lateral 
wall. Cell plates appear on the fibers of all four spindles, so that 
the resulting eight nuclei are separated in the usual manner. In 
the micropylar end the transverse spindle gives rise to the two syner- 
gids, while the longitudinal one forms the egg and polar nucleus. 
In the chalazal end three antipodal cells and a polar nucleus are 
formed in an exactly similar manner (fig. 9). The egg and synergids 
increase in size, and the two polar nuclei approach each other and 
fuse (fig. 10). 

Exceptionally the two spindles in the chalazal end of the sac, 
instead of lying at right angles, come to lie more or less parallel to 
each other and usually to the longitudinal axis of the sac (fig. 11). 
As division proceeds they may become coalesced, forming one 
large spindle instead of two ordinary ones (figs. 12-14). The con- 
clusion that such is the explanation of the large spindle shown in fig. 
12 is supported by the fact that the plate of chromosomes could be 
seen by focusing to be made up of two groups of approximately 
equal size, and that altogether their number was plainly larger 
than that in either of the micropylar spindles. The same was true 
of the corresponding spindle of fig. 13. The division of this double 
spindle may keep pace with that of the micropylar ones (fig. 12); 
or it may be delayed as shown by figs. 13 and 14. In fig. 14 the 
wall on the fibers of the chalazal spindle is only slightly younset 
than those of the micropylar ones, showing but a slight delay. 
In fig. 13 the delay has been greater, the chromosomes of the chala- 
zal spindle having very recently separated, while in the micro- 


pylar end distinct walls and nuclear membranes are present. 
The wall which appears on the fibers of the double spindle cuts 
off one nucleus in the base of the sac, and leaves one free in the cyto- 
plasm (fig. 15). In these cases the latter nucleus apparently fuses 
with the polar nucleus from the typical micropylar group, while 
the one cut off by the wall later disorganizes (fig. 16). That sucha 
six-nucleate condition offers no hindrance to fertilization is evi- 
denced by the sac represented in fig. 16, in which a two-celled 
embryo is present. 

In fig. 11 the chalazal spindles have taken up a nearly parallel 
position, but at too late a stage to coalesce, since membranes are 
already present about the four nuclei. It is probable that in this - 
case a continuous wall would be formed across the base of the sac, 
cutting off two nuclei and leaving two free in the cytoplasm, but 
no sac was observed in which such an end had been reached. These 
Phenomena appear in most cases to be in some way associated 
with a narrow configuration of the chalazal end of the sac at this 
time, and a consequent diminution in the amount of cytoplasm 
present there. 

In other cases the fate of the megaspore mother cell is quite 
different from that described in the foregoing account. After 
enlarging somewhat the nucleus divides, the spindle lying at about 
the center of the cell, so that the thin wall formed upon the fibers 
Separates the mother cell into two nearly equal daughter cells 
(fig. 17). The wall, however, soon disappears, leaving the two 
nuclei in a single cell cavity which is to form the embryo sac. 
Between the nuclei vacuolation occurs, so that the center of the 
Sac comes to be occupied by a single large vacuole, the two nuclei 
taking up positions at opposite ends of the sac, where the greater 
part of the cytoplasm lies (fig. 18). Aside from the conspicuously 
larger size of the sac and its nuclei, this stage is closely similar to 
the corresponding one of a sac derived from a single megaspore. 
It is important to note that here the epidermal layer of the nucellus 
could be seen to be everywhere in contact with the sac, degenerat- 
ing cells being clearly absent (cf. figs. 6 and 18). 

The two nuclei again divide, and delicate walls appear on the 
spindle fibers between each pair of resulting nuclei. Later both 


walls may become quite distinct (fig. 19), though they vary some- 
what in position owing to the various planes in which the spindles 
may lie. In the figure shown they are transverse to the longitudinal 
axis of the sac, so that the four nuclei have a linear arrangement. 
Usually, though not always, these walls disappear very soon. In 
the event of their complete disappearance, there results a four- 
nucleate sac like that represented in fig. 20, which is essentially the 
same as one derived from a single megaspore, but is conspicuously 
larger. That the four nuclei here shown have resulted from fewer 
divisions from the nucleus of the archesporial cell than have those 
in four-nucleate sacs derived from one megaspore seems to be 
indicated by their relatively larger size (cf. figs. 7 and 20). A 
similar condition was pointed out in connection with the two- 
nucleate stage (cf. figs. 6 and 18). 

t a stage as late as the four-nucleate sac it becomes very 
difficult to determine whether degenerating cells at the micro- 
pylar end of the sac are present or not, so that it is unsafe to depend . 
too strongly upon them as a criterion, but after the examination 
of a large number of cases the present writers hold the view that 
the four nuclei, which, on account of their origin and the appear- 
ance of walls at the mitoses which give rise to them, are megaspore 
nuclei, and that these by one further division give rise to an eight- 
nucleate sac entirely similar to one derived from a single megaspore- 

Important evidence in this connection is afforded by the wall 
formed between the two chalazal (megaspore) nuclei, which often 
shows a tendency to persist. In fig. 21 it is still visible as a remnant 
during the division to form the eight nuclei of the sac, the four 
spindles in this case showing an unusual irregularity in distribution. 
Since one of the micropylar spindles was in an adjacent section, it 
was not possible to demonstrate the presence of a wall in that end. 
In other cases the wall persists for a longer time, giving rise to the 
condition shown in fig. 22. Here it is observed separating the two 
undivided chalazal nuclei, while at the micropylar end the next 
division has taken place, cell plates being evident on the spindle 
fibers. A somewhat later stage is represented in fig. 23- The 
persistence of the wall seems to result in a delay of the nuclear 
divisions (fig. 21), or in their suppression, as shown by figs. 22 and 23- 


The fact that in these cases the wall between the two chalazal 
nuclei is decidedly thicker than those between the micropylar 
nuclei would seem to indicate that it had been formed at the time 
of megaspore formation rather than later by a double spindle as 
described above, for in the latter case the division of the double 
spindle lags behind that of the micropylar ones. It thus appears 
that a six-nucleate sac of this type may originate by either of two 

Should the wall formed at the first division of the megaspore 
mother cell persist until after the second division, we should have a 
development similar to that of Smilacina (MCALLISTER 9g), in 
which the walls separating the four megaspores break down, leav- 
ing in a single large cell the four nuclei, which then divide once to 
form an eight-nucleate sac. 

A number of two-nucleate sacs were observed with apparently 
but one degenerating cell present at the micropylar end. Further 
evidence on this point was not obtained, but these may represent 
cases in which the embryo sac is being derived from a daughter 
cell, or, in the light of the above, from two megaspores. 

The development of embryo sacs from two or from four mega- 
spores in a plant, which also forms them from one megaspore in the 
usual manner, may be regarded as steps in the reduction of the 
number of nuclear divisions occurring between the archesporial cell 
and the formation of the egg. When four megaspores take part 
in the formation of an eight-nucleate sac, the egg is removed from 
the archesporial cell by three divisions, as is also the case in Cypri- 
pedium (Pace 11), in which the egg nucleus is one of four formed in 
one daughter cell. Should one more division in any way be elimi- 
nated, the egg nucleus then being one of the four products of the 
reducing divisions, the gametophytic generation would be repre- 
sented by a single nucleus, and the condition would be exactly 
comparable to that of the animal egg. 

The further fate of the embryo sac, whether derived from one, 
two, or four megaspores, is apparently the same. The pollen 
tube makes its way through the micropyle into the sac, disorgan- 
izing one of the synergids, and liberates two male nuclei, one of 
which fuses with that of the egg, and the other with the product 


of the fusion of the polar nuclei (fig. 24). The endosperm nucleus 
which results from this fusion enlarges but does not divide, and 
soon degenerates along with the antipodals (fig. 25). 

The first division of the fertilized egg is transverse (fig. 16). 
The second division is in the micropylar cell and is also transverse, 
while the third (fig. 25) separates the.chalazal cell into two by a 
longitudinal wall. These two divisions frequently occur simul- 
taneously. Intermediate stages in the development of the embryo 
were not observed, but in the mature seed, which is of the usual 
orchidaceous type, it consists of a small, oval, undifferentiated 
mass of cells with no suspensor. 


Owing to the definite course of development in many of the 
animal eggs, the zoologists have been able to study some of the 
factors concerned. They have found in some cases that structures 
develop independently. In others some organs do not appear if 
certain parts are wanting, while in still other cases, as the lens of 
the amphibian eye (SPEMANN 14), structures, which at one time 
probably required the presence of another organ for their develop- 
ment, have during the course of evolution come to develop inde- 

The factors concerned in the development of plants have been 
studied much less than in the case of animals. This is perhaps 
due to the fact that most of the plants which show determinate 
development are inclosed, during their early stages, in the tissues 
of the parent. It is well known, however, that the form of a 
plant may be greatly affected by external conditions. A striking 
case is that of Stigeoclonium, in which, according to LIVINGSTON (8), 
the cells develop into a palmella stage or elongated filaments 
according to the osmotic strength of the nutrient solution. HARPER 
(6) in studying H ydrodictyon concluded that the shape of the net 
was due to the shape of the parent cell, while the axis of elongation of 
the individual cells was connected with the pressure exerted by 
neighboring cells upon each other. 

In Epipactis it is not evident why the nucleus of a megaspore 
should in some cases develop into the nuclei of a whole embryo sac, 


and in others into those of only a portion of one. This may be due, 
however, to some condition such as nutrition, which is external to 
the megaspores, and is probably not due to potentialities inherent 
in the various megaspore nuclei, for it would seem that the nucleus 
of each megaspore, if placed under proper conditions, would have 
the potentialities for producing the nuclei of a complete sac. This 
conclusion is supported by the large number of cases in which the 
development of more than one megaspore in a tetrad has been 
described (Coutrer and CHAMBERLAIN 4). Differences in the 
potentialities of the megaspore nuclei, moreover, could not explain 
the differences in development, for the course can be predicted at 
metaphase of the reducing division. Different potentialities if 
they existed would, therefore, have to be in the nuclei of the differ- 
€nt megaspore mother cells; but according to present theories of 
heredity all mother-cell nuclei possess equal potentialities. The 
most reasonable conclusion would seem to be that the different 
courses of development are due to conditions external to the nuclei, 
and that the fate of a nucleus will depend on its position. It would 
seem probable, moreover, that the conditions which determine the 
fate of a nucleus, when four megaspores combine to form a normal 
Sac, must be the same as those which determine the fate of the 
nuclei of a sac formed from a single megaspore. The formation of 
a normal sac from four megaspores in Lilium (CouLTER and CHAM- 
BERLAIN 4), Smilacina (MCALLISTER 9), and also in the large 
number of cases in which a row of megaspores is not formed, as 
well as from the aposporous outgrowths into the cavity of the 
degenerated embryo sac of Hieracium (ROSENBERG 13), and in 
Alchemilla (MurBecxk 10) from the megaspore mother cell without 
a reduction in the number of chromosomes, would seem to in- 
dicate that the formation of a sac is not due to the nature of the 
cell from which it is produced, but that a normal sac will be formed 
from any cell subjected to the conditions under which a megaspore 
would produce one. The determining conditions in all of these 
cases, or at least most of them, are probably the same as in Epi- 
pactis, and since these conditions appear to be widely distributed 
among the angiosperms, they may have been the original cause of 
the evolution of the eight-nucleate sac. This could be true even 


if it should be shown that some normal sacs are formed without 
the original determining condition, for cases apparently quite 
similar to this are known among animals. A striking example 
is the lens of the amphibian eye (SPEMANN 14), which in some 
species requires the presence of the optic cup for its development, 
while in others it develops even if the optic cup is removed. 

From the foregoing discussion it does not follow that the nuclei 
play a passive part in development; for the external conditions 
which influence them may in turn be due to the nuclei from 
which these have been derived, i.e., the vegetative nuclei of the 
plant; and if a nucleus were other than it is, it probably could 
not react to external conditions to produce the structures which it 

Any analysis of the conditions determining the course of devel- 
opment of the embryo sac must at present be incomplete and largely 
tentative, but a comparison of the conditions under which various 
types of sacs are formed may be worth while, as it is likely to sug- 
gest new ways of looking at their origin and development. The 
first point to be considered is the production of polarity. Before 
the megaspore mother cell divides, it has the general shape of the 
mature sac, and an enlargement of the whole nucellus without 
further change would preserve this shape. The formation of the 
megaspores in rows in most angiosperms, and the elongation of the 
nucellar cells in a direction parallel to this row would indicate that 
the elongated shape of the functional megaspore and the sac is 
connected with the direction of greatest pressure in the nucellus. 
When the nucleus of the mother cell divides, the daughter nuclei, 
as is usually the case, tend to be evenly distributed in the cyto- 
plasm. After vacuolization, a continuation of this same tendency 
would carry the nuclei to the two ends of the sac, where surface 
tension would cause the accumulation of the cytoplasm. The 
conclusion that this is the explanation of polarity is supported by 
the development of the sixteen-nucleate sacs. In Peperomia 
sintenesit (BROWN 1), where the sac would seem to be derived from 
four megaspores, the mother cell and embryo sac are both rounded, 
and there is no polarity. The same thing is true in the Penaeaceae, 
where Miss STEPHENS (15) believes that the embryo sac is derive 


from four megaspores. In Peperomia hispidula (JOHNSON '7) and 
in Gunnera (ERNST 5) the embryo sac is rounded at the four-nucleate 
stage and there is no polarity, but as development proceeds the 
sac elongates and polarity is produced. In Strelitzia (BROWN 3) 
there are four megaspores, each of which may germinate, but the 
three micropylar ones degenerate and the sac is always formed from 
the chalazal one. The three micropylar megaspores are not elon- 
gated and their nuclei do not show a polar arrangement. 

At the second division of the embryo sac of Epipactis the spindles 
are arranged so that the daughter nuclei are again evenly distributed 
in the cytoplasm. 

At the third division the spindles in both ends are usually 
arranged approximately at right angles to each other. This is 
of course usually the case in the ends of embryo sacs and in other 
rounded masses of cytoplasm, and would seem to be the way in 
which the spindles and resulting nuclei would be most evenly dis- 
tributed. In Epipactis, however, the chalazal end is sometimes 
narrow, and in this case the two spindles lie side by side. The 
simultaneous division of the nuclei and the production of an equal 
number in each end is probably connected with the similar condi- 
tions in the two ends. The number of nuclei is very likely due to 
some kern-plasma relation. In later stages the similarity of the 
two ends is destroyed and the nuclei take on quite different appear- 
ances. In Epipactis there is sometimes less cytoplasm in the chala- 
zal than in the micropylar end, and this is connected with a delay in 
the divisions in the chalazal end. 

STRASBURGER (16) has pointed out that the walls produced at 
the last division in a normal eight-nucleate sac are formed on the 
fibers connecting the nuclei, and that since one nucleus at each end 
is nearer the center than the other three, no wall is formed around 
it, thus leaving it free in the cytoplasm. He ascribes the fusion 
of these two polar nuclei to the fact that they have ceased develop- 
ing and are in the same cell cavity. Evidence strengthening this 
Position has been constantly accumulating and, as previously 
Pointed out (BRown 1), is quite striking in the case of the sixteen- 
nucleate sacs, where all of thesnuclei not cut off by walls fuse to 
form the endosperm nucleus. In Epipactis the polar nuclei are 


produced in a variety of ways, but always fuse to form the endo- 
sperm nucleus, although this does not develop further. 

It would seem that even the final fate of the nuclei may depend 
largely on interacting conditions, for the synergids in those cases 
in which a sac is formed from four megaspores, as in the normal 
cases, are formed from the pair of nuclei arising from the transverse 
spindle. That the nuclei at this stage are equipotential is indicated 
by the occasional fertilization of one of the synergids (COULTER 
and CHAMBERLAIN 4). The structure of eggs, synergids, antipodals, 
etc., probably depends largely on the nature of the protoplasm 
of which they are constituted, and is of course widely different in 
different plants; but the part which any particular nucleus in 
Epipactis, and probably in other angiosperms, is to produce, as 
well as the general arrangement of the sac, apparently depends on 
the relation of the nucleus to other parts rather than upon any 
quality inherent in it. 

According to the above interpretation, the embryo sac in its 
early stages may be regarded as a system, all parts of which are 
equipotential, the fate of the different parts being connected with 
conditions external to them. The course of development in certain 
animal eggs is connected very largely with a stratification of the 
materials composing them, but in the early stages of many of these 
eggs a cell may develop into a whole embryo or some fraction of 
one, depending on whether or not it is separated from others. 
This dependence of the course of development of a cell on its rela- 
tion to conditions external to it, therefore, seems to be common to 
both plants and animals. 

The foregoing analysis, in so far as it goes, may be taken as 
indicating that the parts concerned act according to mechanical 
principles and do not need a vitalistic force to explain their behavior. 
This would seem to be true of any analysis which shows an orderly 
relation between an antecedent and consequent event, because for 
a thing to be mechanistic (this term being used in its widest sense) 
means simply that when the events are reduced to their simplest 
terms they take place in an orderly and predictable sequence. 
An analysis may bring to light new elemental laws of a different 


kind from any that we know at present, but in so far as they 
are laws of an orderly sequence, they will be as good a mechanical 
explanation as any other law, for a law can only state the sequence, 
and it is outside the realm of science to explain why one event fol- 
lows another. Any vitalistic explanation must therefore be either 
outside ‘and supplementary to science or contrary to the funda- 
mental postulate of all science, namely, that the same antecedent 
conditions are always followed by the same consequent ones. 

If we compare the development of the angiosperm embryo sac 
with that of the gymnosperms, we find in the early stages a strik- 
ing similarity between those of the gymnosperms and the sixteen- 
nucleate sacs of the angiosperms. In both cases the nuclei are 
fairly numerous, evenly distributed in the cytoplasm, and do not 
Show a polar arrangement. This similarity, however, is probably 
derived and not primitive in the case of the sixteen-nucleate sacs, 
for some of these, at least, are derived from four megaspores. There 
would appear to be in the gymnosperm embryo sac nothing similar 
to the striking polarity shown by those of most angiosperms, but 
that the same factors are at work is perhaps indicated by the 
elongated shape of the embryo sacs of many of the gymnosperms, 
as well as the tendency toward a reduction in the number of nuclei, 
and the presence of a large central vacuole. Likewise the presence 
in the early stages of the gymnosperm embryo sac of free nuclei 
Surrounded by a cellular region may foreshadow the free polar 
nuclei of the angiosperms. Porsc# (12), in an excellent discussion 
of the phylogeny of the angiosperm embryo sac, has attempted 
to point out a similarity between the archegonia of the gymno- 
sperms and the two polar groups in the angiosperms. When 
we remember, however, that in those gymnosperms which have 
archegonia they are initiated in a cellular phase and the polar 
groups of the angiosperms in a non-cellular one, it would seem that 
any similarity between the development, final structure, or factors 
concerned must be rather superficial. It would probably be better 
to regard the structure of the angiosperm embryo sac as the result 

_ot new physiological conditions which have arisen in connection 
with the reduction of its size and the number of its nuclei. 



1. The archesporium of Epipactis consists of a single hypodermal 
cell, which, without formation of parietals, functions as the mega- 
spore mother cell. 

2. In most cases the megaspore mother cell divides to two 
unequal daughter cells, the chalazal one again dividing to form two 
megaspores. The innermost megaspore then gives rise to the 
embryo sac. 

3. In other cases four megaspores take part in the formation of 
the sac, the walls appearing at the first two divisions of the mega- 
spore mother cell being evanescent. At least one of these walls 
often shows a tendency to persist, which results in a six-nucleate 
type of sac. The same appearance may also result from irregulari- 
ties in the orientation of spindles. 

4. There is some evidence that the embryo sac may at times be 
derived from two megaspores. 

5. che normal mature embryo sac contains an egg, two syner- 
gids, three evanescent antipodal cells, and two polar nuclei which 

6. The usual type of ‘double fertilization” occurs. 

7. The fertilized egg gives rise to an embryo, which, at least in 
the seed, has no suspensor. 

8. The endosperm nucleus, formed by the fusion of one male 
nucleus with the two polar nuclei, disorganizes without dividing. 

9. The variety of methods by which the embryo sac of Epipactis 
is formed may be regarded as a series representing a reduction in 
the number of nuclear divisions occurring between the archesporial 
cell and the formation of the egg. 

1o. The fate of the nuclei in the different courses of develop- 
ment is probably due to some conditions external to them rather 
than to any inherent potentialities. A normal sac would probably 
be produced by any cell subjected to the conditions under which 
a mother cell would produce one. 

11. The sac in its early stages appears to be an equipotential 
system, polarity being connected with its shape, and the part that 
the nuclei are to play with their position. 

12. The polar groups probably do not represent archegonia, 


but the general structure of the angiosperm embryo sac may be 
indicated by some features in those of the gymnosperms. 

The writers wish to express their thanks to Professor C. B. 
Davenport, director of the biological Laboratory of the Brooklyn 
Institute of Arts and Sciences, for courtesies shown them during 
their stay at Cold Spring Harbor; and to Professor D. S. JouNsoN 
for helpful suggestions and criticisms during the progress of the 


1. Brown, W. H., The nature of the embryo sac of Peperomia. Bor. Gaz. 
46: 445-460. pls. 31-33. 

, The embryo sac of Habenaria. Bor. Gaz, 48:141-250. figs. 

I2. 1909. 

3-——, The embryo sac of Strelitzia. 

4- COULTER and CHAMBERLAIN, Morphology of angiosperms. 1903. p. 80. 

5- Ernst, A., Zur Phylogenie des teens der —— Ber. 
Dedisch. Bot. Gesells. 26: 419-437. 8. 

6. Harper, R. A., The organization of setith coenobic plants. Bull. Univ. 
Wisconsin, Science Series 3: 279-334. 1908. 

7- Jounson, D. S., A new he of embryo sac in Peperomia. Johns Hopkins 
Univ. Cir. 195:19-21. 190 

8. Livincston, B. E., Chemical stimulation of a green alga. Bull. Torr. 
Bot. Club 32:1-34. 1905. 

9. McALuister, F., Se sapere of the embryo sac of Smilacina stellata. 

OT. GAZ. 48:2 ats. OF. .75, 

to. MurBEcK, S., Pationecuseche Embryobildng in der Gattung Alche- 
milla. RES Univ. Arsskrift 367: 46. 1 

tr. Pace, Luta, Fertilization in Cini Bor. Gaz. 44:353-374. pls. 
24-27, 1908. 

12. Porscu, Orro, Versuch einer phylogenetischen Erklarung des Embryo- 
sackes und der doppelten Befruchtung der Angiospermen. 1 

13. ROSENBERG, O., Ueber die ee in der Gattung Hieracium, 
Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Gesells. 24: 157-161. 

14. SPEMANN, H., Ueber Linzenbildung nach ‘cet Entfernung der 
primidren Linsenbiidunaseetiead Zool. Anz. 28: 419-432. figs. 9. 1905. 
15. STEPHENS, E. L., The embryo sac and embryo of certain Penaeaceae. 

Ann. Botany 23: ene: pls. 25, 26. 1909. 
16. STRASBURGER, E., Die Samenlage von Drimys Winteri und die Endosperm- 
bildung bei Ansiospecnen. Flora 95: 215-231. 1905. 




All figures were drawn with the aid of an Abbé camera lucida, and show a 
magnification of 900 diameters. The following abbreviations are used: a, 
antipodals; d, daughter cell of megaspore mother cell; e, endosperm nucleus; 
m, megaspore; pt, pollen tube; s, synergid; co’, male deceu 

Fic. 1.—First division in the megaspore mother cell. 

Fic. 2.—Daughter cells resulting from division of megaspore mother cell. 

Fic. 3.—Two megaspores formed by the division of the chalazal daughter 
cell, and the undivided micropylar daughter cell. 

Fic. 4.—Micropylar daughter cell dividing; the only case observed. 

Fic. 5.—Young two-nucleate sac; spindle fibers still present; no separating 
wall; abortive megaspore and daughter cell represented by two deeply stain- 
ing masses. 

Fic. 6.—Two-nucleate sac after formation of central vacuole. 

Fic. 7.—Four-nucleate sac. 

Fic. 8.—Division to form eight nuclei. 

Fic. 9.—Eight-nucleate sac. 

Fic. 10.—Fusion of polar nuclei. 

Fic. 11.—Division to form eight nuclei; the two chalazal spindles show a 
tendency to become parallel to each other. : 

Fig. 12.—Metaphase of a similar division; the two chalazal spindles 
have mete to form a single large spindle. 

Fic. 13.—Later stage; the division es the coalesced chalazal spindles lagging 
behind ek of the micropylar ones. 

1G. 14.—Telophase of a similar division; wall appearing on the fibers of 
the spindle formed by coalescence. 
15.—Wall complete; the nucleus cut off in the base of the sac beginning 
to disorganize; its sister nucleus free in the cytoplasm with the polar nucleus 
of the micropylar group. 

Fic. 16.—Sac containing bwo-aled proembryo, endosperm nucleus, dis- 
organized cell in base, and pollen tu 

Fic. 17.—Nearly equal division of megaspore mother cell; wall formed on 
the spindle fibers. 

Fic. 18.—Later stage; the wall has disappeared and a central vacuole has 

Fic. 19.—Four megaspore nuclei with evanescent walls. 

Fic. 20.—Four megaspore nuclei; the walls have disappeared. 

Fic. 21.—Four megaspore nuclei dividing to form the eight nuclei of the 
sac; megaspore wall still evident in chalazal end. 

Fic. 22.—Sac in which the chalazal megaspore wall has persisted. 

Fic. 23.—Later stage; walls in micropylar end complete. 

Fic. 24.—Double fertilization in a typical eight-nucleate sac. 

: Fic. 25.—Sac containing young embryo; éndosperm and antipodal nuclei 




Although delayed germination has received considerable atten- 
tion during the last few years from investigators both in America 
and Europe, not much has been accomplished toward solving the 
problems presented by this phenomenon. This may be due in 
large measure to lack of exact, or at least quantitative, methods 
of investigation, and to mental attitude which may modify the 
interpretation of results. Vitalistic interpretations of phenomena 
may at times prevent a close analysis of the physical and chemical 
phenomena which condition the manifestations of life, thus pre- 
venting the solution of the real problems. 

During the last two years the writer has been engaged i in an 
investigation of the relation of oxygen pressure to the germination 
of Xanthiwm seeds. The need of oxygen for germination and 
growth of organs in the higher plants has been under discussion for 
some time. TAKAHASHI (27) has shown that rice can germinate 
in complete absence of free oxygen, and CROCKER (5) has shown 
the same to be true for the seeds of certain water plants, as Eich- 
hornia and Alisma Plantago-aquatica. NABOoKIcH (20) has experi- 
mented on the hypocotyls of Helianthus annuus, Vicia Faba, and 
Phaseolus vulgaris, and concludes that the organs of higher plants 
generally are able to grow in entire absence of oxygen. A rather 
small number of species was used from which to draw sweeping 
conclusions. . LEHMANN (18) investigated the anaerobic growth of 
the organs of higher plants, and found that there is practically 
no growth in epicotyls at 1 or 2 mm. of atmospheric pressure. In 
some instances, as with Helianthus annuus, growth of the hypocotyl] 
occurred in total absence of oxygen in distilled water at a tempera- 
ture above 25°. In o.5-1 per cent sugar solution, growth occurred 

even at 20°, but was slight. A number of plants, Vicia Faba, 
[Botanical Gazette, vol. 52 



Pisum sativum, Brassica Napus, Lupinus albus, and Cucurbita, 
failed to grow in total absence of oxygen, either in water or in sugar 
solution, at any temperature. It is evident that the organs of 
higher plants vary according’ to species in their need of oxygen 
for growth and germination. 

The results obtained with Xanthium seeds emphasize this vari- 
ability, as will be shown later. A preliminary report of this work 
(26) was published some time ago, since which time the work 
there outlined has beenlargely completed. The problem was sug- 
gested by Dr. WitLtAM Crocker, and has been pursued under his 
direction at the Hull Botanical Laboratory. It is a pleasure to 
acknowledge my indebtedness to him for many helpful suggestions 
during the course of the experiments, and for making during my 
absence from the University of Chicago some accurate determina- 
tions of the vapor pressure present in the os saienties under experi- 
mental conditions. 


The literature on delayed germination has been reviewed so 
recently by others that a detailed account of the earlier work is not 
necessary here. Some of the earliest experiments were carried on by 
NosseE (21) during the decade 1870-1880, in connection with the 
testing of agricultural seeds. A little later NoppE and HANLEIN 
(22) tested many weed seeds, obtaining remarkable results; and 
finally HANLEIN (11) reported on a large number of seeds which he 
kept in germinative conditions for 1173 days, many of which showed 
a fraction of 1 per cent of germination, while of Phyteuma spicatum 
L. and Primula elatior Jacq. not a single seed germinated in that 
time. These investigators recognized that the testa in some cases 
excluded water and prevented germination. But when the testa 
allowed water to enter, which was not infrequent, and still no 
germination occurred, both writers refer to this phenomenon as an 
inexplicable “ Ratsel.”’ 

HANLEIN recognized another category of behavior, however, in 
which the resistance of the seed to germinative conditions is not 
external and mechanical, but is internal and protoplasmic. The 
character of the ovule, the origin, character, and age of the fertiliz- 


ing pollen, the nutrition of the parent plant, accidents of sun and 
shade, moisture and dryness of soil, high and low altitude, weather 
conditions during ripening, the time of harvesting, and subsequent 
handling of seeds are suggested as influential factors in determining 
germination behavior. 

The germination of Xanthium seeds was first investigated by 
ARTHUR (I), who noted the dimorphic character of the two seeds 
in the bur, and found that the lower seed germinated in the spring 
after ripening, while the upper seed germinated the second year or 
later. Believing that the testa was too nearly alike in both seeds 
to cause this difference, and finding much more reducing sugar in 
the lower seed than in the upper after exposure to germinative 
conditions, he suggested that enzymes were produced in the lower 
seeds more readily than in the upper, and that the delayed nutri- 
tion of the embryo of the upper seed was the probable cause of the 
delay in germination. 

MAsTERMAN (19) tested the germination of Xanthium in some 
field experiments during several years, and showed that over 90 
per cent of the burs grew both seeds the same year, thus contra- 
dicting the statement of ARTHUR that the upper seed was usually 
delayed till the second year or later. MAsTERMAN’S experiments 
were not critical, but the results that he and ARTHuR obtained are 
readily explained and harmonized in the light of more recent 

PamMMEL and Lummis (24) found that weed seeds germinated a 
much higher percentage of seeds after having been frozen than 
before. In the case of X. canadense, they found that none of the 
fresh seeds germinated during the fall, but after freezing and thaw- 
ing during the winter, over 50 per cent of them germinated. Faw- 
cETr (7) obtained similar results with many kinds of weed seeds, 
the percentage of germination being increased, and the “period of 
dormancy” shortened by freezing again and again. 

If the upper cocklebur seed is delayed till the second spring or 
later, it is because it has resisted the forces of disintegration which 
finally make possible the entry of oxygen in sufficient quantity for 
germination, or has not experienced the high temperatures which 
Crocker has shown will cause the germination of uppers with 


coats intact. Such resistance may be the usual thing in seeds 
collected and kept at an even temperature during the first winter. 
But in nature the extremes of winter climate must often destroy the 
integrity of the coats of these seeds, thus admitting the oxygen 
necessary for growth. And even if the seed coat is intact, the high 
temperature often experienced during the spring and early summer 
is sufficient to germinate the upper seeds if they are near the surface 
of the ground, since temperatures between 30 and 35°C. cause 
germination of the uppers with coats intact. Thus it is seen that 
the results of ARTHUR and MAsTERMAN may both be correct under 
proper circumstances, and the discrepancy i in | their results is readily 
accounted for. ; 

Later CROCKER (4), in testing ARTHUR’s enzyme theory, dis- 
covered that the cause of delay in the upper seed lay in the seed 
coat, which, though not excluding water, restricted the supply 
of oxygen to the embryo to such an extent that growth was tempo- 
rarily suppressed. He tested many other seeds which showed 
delayed germination and found that, contrary to the usual opinion, 
in the majority of cases the coat was responsible for the delay 
by exclusion or restriction of oxygen or water. He pointed out that 
the restriction of oxygen for the embryo by the testa gave these 
seeds an exceptionally high minimum temperature for germination, 
and that, since the seed coats of uppers and lowers differed in the 
degree of restriction, two minimum temperatures exist for each 
seed, one with the coat intact, the other with the coat removed. 
He suggested that high temperatures caused germination by hasten- 
ing the diffusion of oxygen through the seed coats; but since it is 
shown in this paper that a rise of temperature decreases the amount 
of O, demanded for growth, the question as to the influence of 
temperature on diffusion in this particular case is an open one. 

High oxygen pressures brought about germination in a short 
time, but not in the usual manner. The cotyledons elongate 
sooner than the radicle, due to the thinness of the testa at the distal 
end of the seed permitting the diffusion of oxygen more readily 
over the cotyledons. 

CROCKER (5) tested seeds of water plants also, and showed that 
in many instances the delay in germination was due. to coat char- 


acters, which exclude or restrict the supply of water, rather than 
to embryonic characters. : 

At about the same time certain German investigators published 
a number of papers dealing with similar problems, which are of 
interest chiefly because of the interpretations of their results. 
CorRENS (3) found a higher percentage of germination in the disk 
seeds of Dimorphotheca pluvialis than in the ray seeds. He ascribed 
the difference in percentage of germination to the different constitu- 
tion of the embryos, but CrocKEeR showed that in the dimorphic 
seeds of Axyris amaranthoides the non-winged seeds were delayed 
by coat characters, and that the percentage of germination did 
not differ when the coats were broken, both showing too per cent 
in three days. 

Ernst (6), working with seeds of Synedrella nodiflora, showed 
that light of various intensities and refrangibility affected the length 
of time necessary for germination, and he attributed not only 
percentage of germination but also the length of time necessary for 
germination to the constitution of the embryo. 

FIscHER’s (8) paper on the influence of hydrogen and hydroxyl | 
ions on seeds of aquatic plants appeared shortly before CROCKER’s 
work on the seeds of the same plants. Fiscuer interpreted his 
results as showing that the ions stimulated and awakened the sup- 
posedly dormant protoplasm to activity, and thus caused germina- 
tion to occur. But as already intimated, it was shown by CROCKER 
that the protoplasm of the seeds of these aquatic plants is not 
dormant, and needs no stimulus except the necessary conditions for 
germination, which are supplied if the testa is removed or broken. 

OsTENFELD (23) found that digestive enzymes of birds favored 
the germination of seeds, but he refrained from ascribing the results 
to the effect of the enzyme on the embryo, saying that the question 
raised by the widely different interpretations of FiscHer and 
CROCKER was an open one. 

Following the work of Ernst mentioned above, KINZEL (12-16) 
has shown that light is a factor in the delayed germination of many 
seeds. The data accumulated show that in some way light of 
various intensities and refrangibility modifies the seed with the 
testa intact. The interpretation in all cases ascribes the results 


to the protoplasmic characters of the embryo, which are supposed 
to be changed so that the seed becomes more active or less active 
by exposure to light. The uses of such terms as “‘lichtmiide” 
and ‘“‘dunkelhart” as applied to protoplasm gives one the charac- 
teristic viewpoint. 

Very recently GassNER (9, 10) has studied the effect of light 
on the germination of some South American Gramineae. His 
interpretation is in harmony with that of K1nzet, the effect of the 
light being considered as exerted upon the embryo. 

In none of these recent investigations have the methods been 
sufficiently refined to locate with certainty the cause of the delay. 
Before the real truth'in regard to the cause of delay in many of 
these instances can be ascertained, more exact and analytical . 
methods of procedure must be brought to bear upon the problem. 
A careful reinvestigation of some of these cases will not only’ 
probably locate the causes, but also reveal the nature of the causes 
of delay. 

Materials and methods 

This investigation of the germination of the seeds of X. penn- 

sylvanicum and X. glabratum was undertaken after the discovery 
had been made that the oxygen pressure necessary for germina- 
tion with testa removed was lower than the results CROCKER 
obtained with them intact would seem to indicate, and with the 
knowledge that the seeds of some higher plants, as Alisma, Eich- 
ornia, rice, etc., could germinate in entire absence of free Oz 
Seeds were collected in various places. Those used during the 
first season were secured in vacant lots in and near Chicago during 
the spring of 1909. One lot of seeds had been collected in the 
autumn as soon as ripe, and were kept in cool dry storage during 
the succeeding winter and spring. During the second season, 
seeds were used which had been collected in Lexington, Ky., in 
November 1909, and kept in an unheated dry room until June 
1910. These seeds would all be included in Gray’s X. canadense 
Mill., but Brirron’s treatment of the genus is certainly more 
satisfactory than Gray’s, and I use the names X. pennsylvanicum 
Wallr. and X. glabratum Britton as in the Brirron Manual. I 
am indebted to Dr. J. M. GreENMAN for examining the seeds and 


permitting me to see and compare my materials with the genus 
collection of Xanthiwm in the Field Museum of Natural History. 

a In determining the minimum oxygen pressure required for the 
initiation of protoplasmic activity, reduction of total atmosphere 
was employed. The apparatus used at first was a slightly modified 
form of that used by SCHAIBLE (25) in his experiments on the germ- 
ination and growth of various plants at reduced atmospheric 
pressures. In order to control the light, the germinators were at 

t MoM. 

Fic. 1.—Diagram of apparatus: a, capillary tube; b, wash bottle; c, two germina- 
tors with wet cotton, for lowers and uppers; ¢, pressure gauge; ¢, vacuum chamber 
e low pressure when the germinators are started, f, aspirator run 

by constant level system with a fall of 45 feet. 

first surrounded by opaque black paper; but later, when tempera- 
ture was found to be a very important factor in the result, and while 
testing the influence of temperature on the oxygen minimum, light 
and temperature were both controlled by placing the germinators 
in a water bath provided with a sensitive electric thermostat. A 
diagram of the apparatus is shown in fig. 1. 

The seeds were germinated on moist absorbent cotton, and a 
constant current of air was drawn into the apparatus through long 
Pieces of capillary tubing by means of powerful aspirators. In 
order to overcome the drying effects of a low atmosphere, a dish 
of water was set in each germinator in addition to the saturated 


absorbent cotton on which the seeds lay. This method was dis- 
carded for the temperature and pressure experiments, as a more 
satisfactory arrangement consisted in immersing the lower end of 
the capillary tube in a flask of water, thus drawing the atmosphere 
through water before it entered the germinator. This method had 
the added advantage of showing at once whether the flow of air 
through the capillary tubes was being interfered with by dust 
particles. The air was kept moist in this way, but owing to the 
very rapid exchange of gas in the apparatus, the atmosphere was 
not saturated. The water which ran the aspirators had a fall of 
45 feet, and was furnished through a separate constant level system 
which gave the aspirators uniform power. 

The seeds were in all cases prepared for experimentation by 
soaking them in ice water, far below the minimum temperature 
for germination, for at least 12 hours, after which the testa was 
removed carefully, without injury to the seeds. ‘They were exposed 
to constant conditions for 10 days, and the elongation of the hypo- 
cotyl and the geotropic response was used. as the criterion of 

Temperature series at various pressures were run at 31 C., 
and the influence of fluctuating temperature was determined by 
using a fluctuation of 25—40° C 

At the low pressures and high temperatures employed, the 
evaporation of water in the apparatus is very rapid. In determin- 
ing the actual oxygen pressures to which the seeds are subjected, 
it is necessary to know what volume of air is drawn through the 
apparatus in a given time, and what part of the gas pressure is 
due to water vapor. The atmosphere is not saturated, for if it 
were saturated at these reduced pressures, the water vapor pressure 
alone would be much higher than the total pressure used. The 
amount of air at normal pressure entering the apparatus is 3-5 liters 
per hour, a very rapid exchange, since it means 8-12 times that 
volume per hour within the germinators due to expansion under 
diminished pressure. Under such circumstances it is not surprising 
to find that the water vapor is removed so rapidly that the satura- 
tion point is not approached. It was clearly demonstrated, how- 
ever, that water was not a limiting factor in these experiments. 


Any increase of the aqueous vapor about the seeds was invariably 
attended by a marked decrease in the percentage of germination 
and amount of growth, due to the fact that such increase necessa- 
rily reduces the oxygen supply of the germinating seeds. In spite 
of the rapid evaporation and removal of the water, there is suf- 
ficient moisture present to bring about all the growth changes 
which the oxygen supply will permit, as was shown by repeated 

In correcting the pressures for water vapor, the only practicable 
method is to measure directly the amount of dry air passing into the 
apparatus per hour, and the amount of water vapor drawn from it 
in the same length of time, then calculate the proportion of each 
gas in the gram molecular volume. A concrete example will make 
the method clear. At 88 mm. pressure, 30° C., the dry air drawn 
through the apparatus measured at 20° C., barometer 745 mm., is 
4.37 liters per hour. Reducing this volume to standard tempera- 
ture and pressure gives 3.9 liters. This volume is 0.178 of the 
molar volume. The amount of water vapor present with that 
amount of air drawn from the apparatus as determined by phos- 
Phorus pentoxide absorption was 1.65 grams per hour; and this 
amount is readily found to be 0.086 of the molar volume. The 
dry air and water vapor together amount to 0.264 of a mole per 
hour. The pressure recorded by the manometer is 88 mm. Of 
this amount, 178/264 (59.3 mm.) is air pressure, 86/264 (28.7 mm.) 
aqueous pressure. The oxygen pressure is then readily obtained, as 
oxygen constitutes 20.93 per cent of the atmosphere. The correc- 
tions were made on the basis of the average of three determinations, 
and are therefore fairly reliable. 

To determine whether reduction of pressure per se has any 
effect on germination, hydrogen gas with a low oxygen content 
was admitted to the chambers containing the seeds. The hydro- 
gen was imported by the Linde Air Products Co., of Buffalo, N.Y., 
and was found to contain 2.34 to 4.7 per cent of oxygen. The 
gas with more than 2.5 per cent of oxygen was of little use, because 
the oxygen pressure was so high that no comparison with the 
reduced pressure experiments could be made. This hydrogen was 
under 120 atmospheres of pressure, but was controlled by high 


pressure valves so that a small stream of gas at normal pressure 
ran constantly through the germinators. 

The gas was washed by passing it successively through potash 
bulbs containing concentrated potassium permanganate solution, 
and 33 per cent potassium hydroxide. The whole series of coils 
and jars was packed in ice for 12 hours after the hydrogen began 
to flow, and the gas was carefully analyzed by phosphorus absorp- 
tion until it was found to be coming from the apparatus with as low 
oxygen content as when taken directly from the tank, at which 
time the temperature was allowed to rise sufficiently for germina- 
tion. In this way the possibility of the initiation of germination in 
only a partially replaced atmosphere was precluded. The appara- 
tus was quickly brought to ordinary temperature, and kept con- 
stant at 21.5° C. by allowing a current of water from Lake Michigan 
to flow over and around the potash coils and germinators. Re- 
duced atmosphere experiments at the same temperature were run 
at the same time, but the correction for water vapor in these series 
makes a direct comparison with the results in hydrogen impossible. 
However, comparison of these hydrogen results with other low 
pressure series run in the same way, makes it possible to draw 
trustworthy conclusions. 

Attempts were made to test the after-ripening of Xanthium 
seeds of different ages, from green to a year old, at normal and 
reduced pressures. These experiments were not extensive, and. 
on the whole not very satisfactory; but the results indicate that 
only very slight changes occur. : 

In all cases control cultures were employed. In measuring 
the growth of the controls, a difficulty presented itself. At full 
atmospheric pressure the roots of Xanthium seedlings penetrate 
the substratum of cotton with innumerable branches, impossible 
of disentanglement and accurate length measurement. In all these 
cases only the unbranched portion of the plant was measured. In 
all the experimental plants the total growth in length was easily 
measured and is so recorded. 

Experiments : 
As indicated above, the experiments proceeded along four lines: 
to determine the minimum oxygen pressure necessary for germina- 



tion, and to determine the influence of temperature, pressure, and 
after-ripening on that minimum. Since the first of these determi- 
nations is that on which the others bear, that portion of the work 
will be considered immediately. 

The tabulated results of these experiments are given in the 
preliminary report, but for convenience they are presented here 
again, with one addition, a test with X. glabratum (all others are 
X. pennsylvanicum) at 85 mm., and with correction of the oxygen 
pressure for aqueous vapor. 

grou ous. | PHERic —— TEMPERA- 
ee ee ome | | a ele Petal by eT ele 
mer | oe FL Ri eis £1 TRIS 
a1 0O)) bie khe to ele 
99..... 16.4 | 82.6 | 17.3 9-22 |75.0/100 |45 | 95/14.5 | 30-0 | 4.9/23.3 
90..... 3 | 73-7 | 15-4. | 21-22.680.0) 95 [50 |100/22.8 | 45.9 | 4.3/37-8 
eG 6.25] 68.75) 14.39) 21.5 (56.6) 93.3/23.3/100)42.8 |103.64/10. 5194.9 
72* 16.14} 55.86] 11.69} 20-28 (45.0/100 |20 |10011.5 | 46.0 | 9.4/33.6 
(ee 16.14) 55.86] 11. 20-22 |30.0| 95 | © |100 6.36) 28.5 | 0.0)/22.0 
28*....| 15.27| 12.73| 2.66|21.5-24.5) 0.o|100 | oO | g5| 0.0 | 37.8 | 0.0/28.8 

* Temperature not controlled. 

The table shows at once that there is a marked difference between 
the upper and lower seeds in percentage of germination and amount 
of growth under identical conditions, this difference being the 
expression of a decided difference in the oxygen need of the two seeds 
for germination. The difference in percentage of germination at 
each pressure and temperature used is fairly constant, the lowers 
germinating about 30 per cent more seeds than the uppers in each 
experiment. The difference in the oxygen need is several milli- 
meters, the lowers requiring less oxygen than the uppers for the 
initiation of activity. The oxygen minimum for the uppers is 
approximately 12 mm., at 21° C., while the minimum for the 
lowers is about 9.5 mm. 

It is important to notice the relation which this physiological 
difference in the embryos of the two seeds bears to the difference 


in their seed coats. CROCKER found that restriction of the oxygen 
supply by the testa was the main cause of delay in germination, and 
that difference in the degree of exclusion by the testa of upper and 
lower seed accounted for the difference in delay of the two seeds. 
But this embryonic difference, which is clearly demonstrated in the 
table, acts in conjunction with the coat differences in securing a 
longer delay in the upper than in the lower seeds. 

In comparison with the seeds and organs of other plants, the 
oxygen demand of Xanthium seeds is very high. As already 
noted, most seeds will germinate with not more than a few milli- 
meters of atmosphere, and some germinate without free O,, but 
Xanthium requires g-12 mm. of oxygen, the equivalent of 44-60 
mm. of atmosphere. This high demand for oxygen aids in secur- 
ing delay, for if only a small fraction ofa millimeter were needed 
for germination, the testas might not restrict the supply sufficiently 
to cause delay. And the difference in demand of the two seeds 
would secure a longer delay for the uppers than for the lowers, 
even if the testas did not differ in their power to exclude oxygen 
from the embryos as they do. : 


It was found that temperature is a powerful factor in determin- 
ing the oxygen minimum, slight changes producing marked effects 
upon the results. The potent influence of temperature in this 
regard is shown clearly by the two lots of seeds of X. pennsyl- 
vanicum kept at a pressure of 72 mm. as recorded in table I. The 
variation noted in these two lots was due to one lot being subjected 
to a temperature 6° higher than the other during a part of the last 
two days of the experiment. Previous to that time, the behavior 
of the two lots of seeds had been almost identical; but 45 per cent 
of the lowers germinated in the lot which reached 28°, as compared 
with 30 per cent, the lot which did not go above 22°; and 20 per cent 
of the uppers germinated as compared with complete failure to 
germinate at the lower temperature. The amount of growth in 
each lot shows a similar relationship. 

In- another instance shown in table I, two lots of seeds were 
subjected to atmospheric pressures of 90 and 99 mm. respectively, 


but the latter lot was subjected to a temperature 2° lower on the 
average than the former. The results show, instead of an increase 
in percentage of germination and growth in length, as would have 
been expected from the increased supply of oxygen, a decrease of 
5 per cent in the germination of both lowers and uppers, and a 
considerable decrease in the average growth of the lowers in length. 

A number of experiments were performed with the purpose of 
determining how much effect temperature has on the location of 
the minimum. The results are presented here in tabular form. 
For the sake of comparison, one experiment at 72 mm. and room 
temperature is included at the bottom of the table, which may be 
compared with the results at 76 mm. and 31°, and with those at 
75 mm. and 25-40". 


a : 
s s a 

ancy | Gacy | ER | ood | BLE RIE) BLE BI SE 

%, = c =I a 

| PeTs clele siolete 
Tees 29.0 | 47.0 | 9.8 31 |93.3/100 \40.0 100 |50.4 102.0 32.75)109.0 
no eee 90.2% |. 38.90 | 7-5 31 |60.0/100 |43.3|/100 |33.1 |102.0 20.15/109.0 
ee 99;0 155.6 1 95 31 |80.0/100 |10.0/100 /32.4 | 79.6 24.00) 86.6 
ce eee 25.7 | 30-97). 6.8 31 |66.6)100 | 0.0/T00 |11.6 | 79.6) 0.00) 86.6 
eee Varies) with |temp. |25-40 (93.3) 90 |56.6)100 |37.25 67.4/28.00) 70.6 
ee Varies with |temp. |25-40 |86.6) 90 (26 6\I00 |32.9 | 67.4/17.25| 70.6 
fies pae 16.4 | 55.86) 11.69/20-22 | 30 | 95 | 9.0)/I00 | 6.36 28.5, G16 | 22.0 

The difference between uppers and lowers in percentage of 
germination is even more pronounced at 31° than at 21°, amount- 
ing in some instances to 60 or 70 per cent more germinations among 
the lowers than among the uppers. It appears also from table IT 
that the oxygen minimum is considerably lower at 31° than at 21°, 
especially for the lower seeds. From the data here presented the 
oxygen minima have been approximated by mathematical methods. 
Since a pressure of 65 mm. germinated 10 per cent of the uppers, 
the oxygen minimum as calculated from the results would be about 
6.75 mm. The minimum for the lowers was not accurately deter- 
mined, but at 55 mm. atmospheric pressure, representing an O, 


pressure of 5.5 mm., there was still 66.6 per cent of germination. 
The closest estimation possible from the data at hand would 
indicate an oxygen minimum of about 2.5-3.5 mm. for the low- 
ers at 31°. 

The lowering of the minimum is somewhat greater in the lower 
than in the upper seeds. The oxygen minimum of the uppers is 
decreased from about 12 mm. to less than 7 mm., while for the 
lowers the minimum is decreased from 9.5 to about 3 mm. All 
of these results show that with the increase of temperature there is a 
decrease in the demand for free oxygen. The probable reason for 
this will be discussed later. The physiological difference of the 
embryos of the upper and lower seeds is shown clearly by these 
experiments, the embryo characters being just as strikingly differ- 
ent as the coat characters; and both sets of characters act together 
in securing the difference in delay of the two seeds. 

Temperatures fluctuating between 25 and 40° are apparently 
no more effective in producing germination than the constant high 
temperatures employed. Since the pressure in the germinators 
remains constant while the vapor pressure fluctuates with the 
temperature, it is evident that the oxygen pressure fluctuates also, 
and that its fluctuation is inversely as the temperature, rising as the 
temperature falls, falling as the temperature rises. CROCKER 
found such fluctuating temperatures more effective in producing 
germination than constant temperature of 35° in the upper seeds 
with testas intact. The fluctuation may render the testa more 
permeable to oxygen, but in view of the effect of temperature on 
oxygen demand, the inference cannot be made with certainty. 

A peculiar result was observed in all the control experiments at 
high temperatures. At normal room temperature, both the 
experimental seeds and the controls show less growth in the uppers 
than in the lowers; but at high temperatures, whether constant 
or fluctuating, this relation is reversed in the controls. This is 
noticed on comparison of lower and upper controls in table II. At 
the same time, both lowers and uppers of the experimental seeds 
show less growth in a fluctuating temperature of 25-40° than cor- 
responding lowers and uppers at constant high temperature of ae 
and equal pressures. The first two experiments in table II, com- 


pared with the two fluctuating experiments in the same table, 
show this to be true. The decreased growth in the fluctuating 
temperature in this case is possibly due partially to the decreased 
oxygen pressure in the germinators as the vapor pressure increases 
with the rise in temperature. 


The method employed in these experiments has been briefly 
described, and the results are recorded in table III. Parallel 
experiments at reduced pressure were run along with the hydrogen 
tests, the germinators being kept in the same running water at a 
pressure of 85 mm. The oxygen pressure in the hydrogen and 
reduced pressure experiments would have been the same but for 
the aqueous pressure in the latter. The correction for water vapor 
reduces the O, pressure from 17.79 mm. to 14.39 mm., a large 
enough difference to make the results not directly comparable. 
The first three tests were with X. pennsylvanicum, the remainder 
with X. glabratum. 

The first of these hydrogen tests is of little value in determin- 
ing the effect of pressure on the oxygen minimum, for the oxygen 
content was 35.25 mm., or more than double that used in any of 
the reduced atmospheres. Only a slight reduction of the growth 
is brought about, which would indicate that this amount is prob- 
ably somewhat below the optimum oxygen pressure for Xanthium. 
Nagpoxicu has shown that the atmosphere contains considerably 
more than the optimum oxygen supply for growth in higher 

On comparing the results of the remaining hydrogen tests with 
those at reduced pressures, it is seen at once that there is a higher 
percentage of germination, and a greater average growth in the 
hydrogen than in the reduced atmosphere. For instance, in hydro- 
gen 96.6 per cent of the lowers, and 43.3 per cent of the uppers of 
X. pennsyloanicum germinated, as compared with 26.6 per cent of 
the lowers and 23.3 per cent of the uppers in the 85 mm. atmosphere. 
X. glabratum shows a similar behavior, 56.6 per cent of the lowers, 
and 23.3 per cent of the uppers germinating in the reduced atmos- 
phere. Is this difference due to a difference In oxygen pressure 




v°zg o'9z | z'gg 1'gt oor | €'f1 oor | 0°06 o-ee | 6f*rr $£°g9 $z‘gt ke tee Ae ee 
42g o'61 | 2°98 o'be OO fy ERE Gor | 2-25 o-ez | G6E:rz $L°g9 Sz*gr aoe SAL 2 ee 
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o’Sor | Sc'6g | g*101 | £76 | Efe] £°86) g'og|] £°86 |S:ez-S-1z | Sz-S€ ee? oe oL*¥ 
sforjuo_ | stoddq | sjomjuod | siamoy | sjorjuoD | szeddq | sforzuo0g | siamoy (70) 
(9) (KR) | aanssaua (UR) NADORGAM. (OX) 
‘WN) ‘TALOQOdAH veeckny, RAKED enone oamaby ‘oo. eases aEUENCAY Se 




alone, or does the difference in pressure as such have a part in pro- 
ducing this effect? Comparison of the results in hydrogen gas 
with those at 90 and 99 mm. in table I, which approach most nearly 
the same oxygen pressure, shows that the difference is probably 
nearly all due to difference in oxygen pressure, rather than to a 
difference in barometric pressure. It is possible that great reduc- 
tion in pressure may affect slightly the percentage of germination 
and the amount of growth. WUIELER (28) came to the conclusion 
that growth is independent of pressure; and SCHAIBLE (25) ob- 
served that reduced pressures increase the rate of growth, but that - 
the influence of air pressure on germination is very slight. 

From the data of table III, as compared with the results of the 
other experiments, it appears that the oxygen minimum is prac- 
tically the same for any given temperature, whether the reduction 
is accomplished by reducing the atmospheric pressure, or by dilu- 
tion with inert gases like hydrogen. 


Several attempts have been made to test the after-ripening of 
Xanthium seeds, with the results here briefly recorded. During 
October and November 1910, I made a test of the germination of 
X. glabratum at normal pressure, average temperature 23° C., at 
Transylvania University. Seeds in three different stages were 
taken as follows: green seeds, so young that the testas were still 
quite white; seeds which had ripened normally on the plants in 
1910; seeds collected in the same locality in 1909. The seeds were 
prepared for germination as in all the other tests, and the integu- 
ments removed carefully. The results show that, at normal pres- 
sures at least, the protoplasm does not pass from an inactive state 
to an ultimately more active one, and that there is no after- 
ripening in that sense. The seeds averaged as follows in growth 

in length: 

Lowers - - Uppers 
IQIO green SCEUS.. 1.2.4. essneees 46.0 mm, 37.0 mm. 
36.0 mm. 31.5 mm 

1910 brown seeds. .....--++++++++- 
1909 brown seeds.......-+-+-++-+:- 34.3 mm. 
One experiment with fresh seeds at reduced pressure agrees with 

these results. The seeds were kept at 90 mm. pressure, tempera- 


ture 21.5°, December 2-11, 1909. In this case 96 per cent of the 
lowers, and 33 per cent of the uppers germinated; and the lowers 
averaged 30 mm. in length, the uppers 1omm. The controls were 
injured in some way, but all had germinated. A comparison of 
these figures with those at 90 mm. pressure, temperature 21-22.6° 
(table I), using seeds almost a year old, shows that fresh seeds have 
as high a percentage of germination and a more rapid growth than 
the old seeds under reduced pressure. 

In another experiment, however, seeds collected green in 1910 
were tested along with seeds a year old, and no germination was 
secured at 90 or 100 mm. pressure, at 21°, in either crop of seeds. 
In the controls growth was fine, and the 1910 seeds showed a better 
growth than the 1909, just as reported above for seeds eerie 
under the same conditions. 

It is possible that the after-ripening manifests itself in a cae 
either in the lowered demand of the embryo for oxygen, or in an 
increased permeability of the coats to oxygen, or in both at once, 
the change being too slight to affect the results at normal pressure. 
Some experience with these seeds in laboratory exercises in the 
Hull Botanical Laboratory lends force to this suggestion. With 
freshly ripened seeds having the testas intact, the classes fail to get 
the usual cotyledonary germination in pure oxygen atmosphere, as 
was reported by Crocker for the upper seeds of X. canadense 
after 6 days at 21-23°; but in the winter, several months after 
ripening, these same seeds gave good cotyledonary germination in 
pure oxygen. This experience indicates either a decrease in the 
demand for oxygen by the seed, or an increase in the permeability 
of the seed coats as ripening progresses, and corroborates the 
evidence furnished by the experiments on after-ripening. 

It is clear from these experiments that there is a slow progres- 
sive deterioration of the seeds, manifested in the reduced growth 
of the seeds as they become older, which after a few years probably 
causes entire loss of power to germinate.. This deterioration seems 
to be a little more rapid in the lowers than in the uppers, but the 
physiological difference of the two seeds was very evident in the 
oldest seeds, and no doubt remains so long as they will germinate 
at all. 



The methods employed in much of the recent work on delayed 
germination of seeds has not been as exact as is desirable, or even 
necessary, for the solution of the problems involved in this phenome- 
non. ‘The factors which are influential in the germination behavior 
have been investigated qualitatively only, without any attempt to 
measure them accurately and determine their relations. Moreover, 
the seed has been regarded too often as an embryo only, which may 
be affected profoundly by chemical and ethereal stimuli, the testa 
being considered as negligible on account of its thinness or on 
other insufficient grounds. In K1nzev’s latest paper (16) he claims 
to have met all the serious criticisms made against his work, but 
in none of his experiments has he eliminated the testa as a factor. 
Recently LEHMANN (17) has shown that other stimuli than light 
can be substituted in its place and produce approximately the same 
effect. For instance, he found that the effect of 1 per cent Knop’s 
solution in the germination of the seeds of Ranunculus sceleratus 
was much the same, inducing practically the same percentage of 
germination. If such substitutions of stimuli are possible, what 
can be stated with certainty as to the cause of delay in these cases ? 
Light and the chemicals undoubtedly affect something, but it may 
as easily be the testa as the embryo that is changed. Even if the 
effect is actually produced in the embryo in these instances, the 
phenomena are not explained by saying that the protoplasm has 
been rendered “lichthart”’ or “‘lichtmiide,” as if it were a sort of 
“weariness of the flesh!’ If there is a change in the permeability 
of the embryo, or other physical or chemical alterations in it which 
leads to activity or cessation of activity, demonstration of such 
changes would throw some light on the phenomena. 

In these Xanthium experiments the determinations have been 
made with as great exactness as possible, the accuracy lying well 
within the variability of the seeds themselves, and the work has 
been almost entirely quantitative. These methods demonstrated 
clearly the physiological difference between the embryos of the 
upper and lower seeds, although the difference is so slight as not 
to affect visibly the germination of the uppers at atmospheric pres- 
sure when the testa has been removed. This fact shows the value 


of the quantitative method. It may reveal differences existing 
in various parts of the seed, which would otherwise remain undis- 
covered, and may in this way lead to results of the highest signifi- 
cance in the explanation of delay in germination. Often only 
quantitative measurements can detect the factors which determine 
the peculiarities of behavior. 

The oxygen pressure needed to initiate germination in Xanthium 
seeds with coats removed is considerably less than would be 
expected in view of the rapid exchange of gases which CROCKER 
found in these seeds with testas intact. However, the amount 
necessary is large in comparison with the oxygen supply needed 
by seeds of many other angiosperms. The question as to whether 
higher plants can grow in absence of oxygen has been much dis- 
cussed recently. Attention was called to the results of TAKAHASHI 
on rice, of CRocKER on Alisma and Eichhornia, of NaBoxicH and 
LEHMANN on the organs of the seeds of many higher plants, in the 
introduction to this paper. Nasoxicu believes that the organs 
of nearly all seeds of higher plants can grow in absence of free O:. 
Xanthium seeds would certainly have afforded him a remarkable 
exception. It is much more probable, from the data now before 
us, that the seeds of the higher plants vary largely in the amount 
of oxygen required for germination, some of them, like Alisma 
Plantago-aquatica, rice, and other seeds which grow in media 
containing little free oxygen, requiring no free oxygen whatever; 
others, like Xanthium, requiring a comparatively large amount; 
with perhaps the great majority of seeds lying somewhere between 
them in regard to oxygen need. Such seeds as water plantain 
stand at the one end of the series, and Xanthium perhaps at 
the other extreme, with all possible intergradations. The exper! 
ments which have been carried on with Xanthium show that some 
seeds require a comparatively large amount of free oxygen, thus 
making each species of seed a problem in itself. There is no one 
behavior for the seeds of all higher plants, as NABOKICH seems 
to believe. 

There are several facts which need to be considered in connec- 
tion with the apparent inconsistency between the results I have 
obtained with Xanthium seeds as to the need for oxygen when the 


testa has been removed, and those obtained by Crocker with the 
same kind of seeds with the testa intact. When the seeds with 
testas on are allowed to germinate normally, the hypocotyl always 
elongates first and the root is well developed before the cotyledons 
begin to grow. That is, there is a strong correlation between the 
growth of these two organs of the seed. But if the well ripened 
seeds with coats on are germinated in an atmosphere containing 
a high percentage of oxygen, the cotyledons instead of the hypo- 
cotyl initiate the development of the embryo. The strong normal 
correlation is reversed by temporary suppression of the hypocotyl, 
due probably to a more rapid diffusion of oxygen through the very 
thin distal portion of the testa surrounding the cotyledons than 
through the thick proximal portion which invests the hypocotyl. 
The cotyledons thus receive the necessary free oxygen for germina- 
tion sooner than the more sensitive hypocotyl, with the result that 
the usual course of growth in the seed is completely changed. 

This reversal of a very strong correlation probably requires 
considerably more oxygen than a normal germination. Not only 
is the usual behavior overcome, but the part which grows instead 
of the hypocotyl is a much less sensitive part of the embryo, 
undoubtedly requiring more oxygen to initiate its activity. In 
animal cells food storage renders the protoplasm inert, and delays 
cell division to a very marked degree. It is possible that food 
storage in the cotyledons has a similar effect on their activity, 
requiring more energy, and therefore more oxygen, for the growth 

Another factor probably responsible for a considerable portion 
of the gaseous exchange during germination with the seed coats 
intact is the testa itself. BECQUEREL (2) has shown that the 
integuments of seeds produce CO, in comparatively large amounts, 
sometimes greatly exceeding the seeds from which they have been 
taken in CO, production. For instance, he found that one gram of 
Ricinus integuments exposed to light gave off 18 times more CO, 
than one gram of seeds with testas removed; that one gram of the 
testas of Vicia Faba gave off 10 times as much CO, as the same 
weight of decorticated seeds; and that one gram of the coats of 
the pea produced 25 times as much CO, as a gram of the embryos. 


In CROCKER’S experiments the measurement of the gaseous 
exchange was made for seeds with testas on, and therefore included 
whatever coat CO, production occurred. And, since the thickness 
of the testa over the hypocotyl practically excludes the oxygen 
from that organ, while the thinner distal portion of the coat admits 
the oxygen to the cotyledons first, thus initiating the cotyledonary 
germination mentioned above, the measurement of the gaseous 
exchange has dealt very largely with that occurring in the coty- 
ledons. In my experiments the removal of the coats eliminates 
the coat CO, production; and, since the cotyledons never grow 
under the conditions of the experiment until after the hypocotyl — 
has elongated, the determination of the oxygen minimum is made 
for the hypocotyl only. There is no inconsistency, I believe, 
between the results obtained by Crocker and those obtained in 
these experiments. Indeed, the unusually high minimum for the 
decorticated seeds agrees well with the data secured in earlier 
determinations with the coat intact, when the coat CO, produc- 
tion and the reversal of the correlation between hypocotyl and 
cotyledons are taken into consideration. 

The lowering of the oxygen minimum by increase of temperature 
is at least partially accounted for by the increase in anaerobic 
respiration as the temperature rises. On the other hand, if a 
constant free oxygen supply below the optimum is maintained 
during a rise in temperature, the growth capacity of the organism 
is increased as the temperature rises. It is known, also, that merely 
cutting off the supply of oxygen will increase the anaerobic respira- 
tion in many organisms. With the oxygen reduced to a minimum, 
and at the high temperature employed, the conditions in these 
experiments are favorable to a considerable increase in the anaerobic 
form of respiration. As the anaerobic respiration increases, there 
is less need of the aerobic to release the energy sufficient to initiate 
growth. The question then naturally arises whether the lowering 
of the oxygen minimum by increasing the temperature really 
indicates any difference in the amount of respiration occurring. 
It is possible that the total energy release necessary for the germina- 
tion of the seed is practically the same at any given temperature, 
_ the variation being in the proportion of release due to aerobic 


and anaerobic respiration. This question can be answered only 
by further investigation. 

A detailed study of the permeability of the seed coats of Xan- 
thium to oxygen and other gases and reagents will be carried on, 
with the purpose of determining whether BECQUEREL’s conclusions 
regarding the réle of dry seed coats have general applicability. 

The necessity for more exact quantitative studies of the factors 
which cause delayed germination is emphasized by this work. 
The factors which cause specific behavior of the seed are sometimes 
very minute and may escape detection entirely unless the methods 
employed in investigation are adapted to that end. The most 
refined methods of quantitative study are best suited to this 
purpose, and for a further advance with the problems of delayed 
germination it will be necessary to adopt the most exact and 
rigorous methods of analysis. 


1. The naked embryos of the dimorphic seeds of Xanthium 
exhibit a marked difference in their demand for oxygen for germina- 

2. The oxygen minimum for the germination of decorticated 
Xanthium seeds at 21° C. is approximately 12 mm. for the upper 
seeds, and about 9.5 mm. for the lowers. 

3. Increasing the temperature decreases the minima, a rise of 
10° from 21° lowering the necessary minimum of oxygen from 12 mm. 
to approximately 7mm. for the uppers, and from 9.5 mm. to 
approximately 3 mm. for the lowers. 

4. Variation of the total atmospheric pressure probably does 
not influence the oxygen minimum for germination. The experi- 
ments indicate that equal partial pressures of oxygen produce 
approximately the same effect on the seeds, regardless of the total 
pressure of which it forms a part. 

5. There is very little after-ripening, or at least the after- 
ripening is not visible in an altered germination behavior at atmos- 
pheric pressure and ordinary temperatures. There is evidence either 
of a decrease in the oxygen need, or an increase in the permeability 
of the coats to oxygen, or both, as ripening progresses. 


6. A very slow progressive deterioration of the seeds takes place, 
which after a few years causes entire loss of power to germinate. 

7. The general conclusion that the organs of the seeds of higher 
plants can grow in entire absence of free oxygen is not supported 
by the results obtained with Xanthium seeds. They cannot grow 
without comparatively large amounts of free oxygen. 

8. The oxygen pressures required for germination of Xanthium 
seeds are very much higher than those reported by LEHMANN for 
the epicotyls of such plants as Helianthus perennis, Zinnia elegans, 
and Glyceria fluitans. 

g. Since the coats cause delay by excluding oxygen, we might 
expect to find the oxygen demand for growth high. Xanthium 
seeds stand at the opposite end of the series from the seeds of certain 
aquatic plants, as water plantain and rice, in demands for oxygen 
for germination. 

10. The high oxygen demand, and the difference in this demand 
in the two seeds, act with the coats to secure delay, and a difference 
in delay, in the two seeds. But if the coat has been removed, the 
demand for oxygen by the embryo is too low to be significant in 
securing delay in germination. 


LexrncrTon, Ky. 


1. ArTHur, J. C., Delayed germination in the cocklebur and other paired 
seeds. Proc. Soc. Prom. Agric. Sci. 16:70-79. 1895. : 

2. BECQUEREL, Paut, Recherches sur la vie latente des graines. Ann. Scl. 
Nat. Bot. IX. 5:193-320. 1907. 

3- Correns, C., Das Keimen der beiderlei Friichte der Dimorphotheca plu- 
vialis. Ber. Deatich, Bot. Gesells. 24:173-176. 1906. 

4. CROCKER, WILLIAM, 3 of seed coats in delayed germination. Bot. 
GAZ. 42:265-291. 1 

*, of ean gt of the seeds of water plants. Bort. Gaz. 44:375-38°- 


6. Ernst, re Das Keimen der dimorphen Fruchten von Synedrella nodt- 
flora (L.) Gris. Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Gesells. 24:450-458. 1906. 

7- Fawcett, H. S., The viability of weed seeds under different conditions of 
treatment, and a study of their dormant periods. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. 
PP. 25-45. 1908. 

8. FiscHer, ALFRED, Wasserstoff und Hydroxylionen als Keimungsreize. 
Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Gesells. 25: 108-122. 1907. 




. GASSNER, GusTAv, Ueber Keimungsbedingungen einiger stidamerikani- 

scher Gramineensamen. Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Gesells. 28:350-364. rg10. 
, Ueber Keimungsbedingungen einiger siidamerikanischer Gramine- 
etiesmen. Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Gesells. 28: 504- 

512. IQIo. 
- HANLEIN, H., Ueber vi imkraft von Vidvcutiniend Landw. Ver- 

Seder “7 465-470. 

NZEL, WILHELM, Ueber ie Einfluss des Lichtes auf die Keimung. 
“Lichtharte” Samen. Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Gesells. 25:631-645. 1907. 
——., Die Wirkung - Lichtes auf die Keimung. Ber. Deutsch. Bot. 
Cesclle, 26a: 105-115. I 
, Lichtkeimung. Tinige bestatigende und erginzende Bemerkungen 
zu den vorliufigen Mitteilungen von 1907 und 1908. Ber. Deutsch. Bot. 
Gesells. 26a:631-645. 1908. 

Lichtkeimung. Weitere bestatigende und erginzende Bemer- 
kungen zu den vorlaufigen Mitteilungen von 1907 und 1908. Ber. Deutsch. 

Bot. Gesells. 26a:654-6 

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ichtkeimung, Erlauterung, und Erginzungen. Ber. Deutsch. 

Bot. Gesells. 2'7: 536-545. 1909. 
. LEHMANN, Ernst, Zur Keimungsphysiologie und -biologie von Ranuncu- 

lus sceleratus L. und einigen anderen Samen. Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Gesells. 

27:476-494. 19009. 
8. ———, Zur Kenntniss des anaeroben Wachstums hodherer Pflanzen. 

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- 140. 

NoBBE, F, Handbuch der Samenkunde. Berlin. 1876. 
HANLEIN, H., Ueber die Resistenz von Samen gegen die 
aserok Facile der Keimung. Landw. Versuchs-Stat. 20:71-96. 1877. 

. OSTENFELD, C. H., Bemaerkninger i anledning af nogle forség med spire- 

evnen tos fré, der har passeret en fugls fordéjelsesorganer. Svensk Bot. 
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Pammet, L. H., and Lumuis, G. M., The germination of weed seeds. 
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ScuarBLE, Fr., Physiologische Experimente iiber das Wachstum und die 
Keimung einiger Pflanzen unter vermindertem Luftdruck. Beitrige Wiss. 
Bot. 4:93-148. 1900 

. SHULL, CHas. A., Oxygen pressure and the germination of Xanthium seeds. 

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Takaunasut, T., Is germination possible in absence of air? Bull. Coll. 
Agric. Tokyo 6:439-442. 1905. 

WieteEr, A., Die Beeinflussung des Wachsens durch verminderte Partiir- 
pressung dos Sauerstoffs. Unters. aus dem bot. Inst. Tiibingen 1. 1881- 




In October 1908, Dr. CHARLES R. BARNES and the writer, while 
collecting bryophytes in a little known region of Mexico, botanically 
speaking, on the eastern edge of the great central plateau, about 150 
miles northeast of Mexico City, on the boundary of the states of 
Hidalgo and Puebla, found great quantities of an Ophioglossum, which 
was distributed as O. Pringlei Underwood by the late Dr. C. G. PRINGLE." 
The plants were in such numbers and varied so much in size that some 
days were spent in a thorough exploration of the region, hoping to find 
gametophytes. Of many hundred small plants, only one showed any- 
thing resembling a prothallus. After returning to Chicago, this sup- 
posed prothallus was sectioned and found to be a protocorm. 

The protocorm, buried in the soil to a depth of 5 cm., is almost 
. spherical and 9 mm. in diameter (fig. 1), with a slightly roughened 
surface caused by the irregular collapse of dead cells of the outer cortex. 
The leaf, including the petiole, is 13.5 cm. long, and shows no trace of a 
fertile spike. The remains of the leaf traces of five other leaves are 
present, showing that the protocorm is at least seven years old. e 
growing point is sunken in a pit made by cortical upgrowth. Numerous 
rootlets are penetrating the cortex in all directions, but only three or 
four in the upper region of the corm have reached the soil, and have 
partly decayed. The outermost cells of the cortex have lost their con- 
tents and collapsed, forming a protecting layer. These empty outer cells, 
as well as those of the partly decayed rootlets, are infested with fungal 
hyphae, which, however, do not enter the living cortical cells. The cells 
of the cortex are very full of starch. 

*The specimens were submitted to Dr. J. M. GREENMAN, who has made the 
following statement in reference to them: “Upon comparison of the material in 
collections determined as O. Pringlei with known species of this genus, I am unable 
to find a single character to separate it from our northern species QO. vulgatum L. So 
far as I can find, O. oulgatum never has been definitely recorded from Mexico, but we 
have it represented from different stations from Canada and Maine to Arizona, and 
it would not be unparalleled by other cases to have it turn up in Southern Mexico. 

I should be inclined, therefore, to regard these Mexican specimens as conspecific with 
G, Si ag LL 

Botanical Gazette, vol. 52] | [478 



It was noticed that the plants with few exceptions were in groups of 

3-10, usually radiating from a large plant. When 
the root system of these groups was laid bare, a 
work of no little difficulty because of the depth 
of the roots and the great number of roots of 
other plants in the soil, it was found that nearly 
all of the plants of a group were connected, and 
that the smaller plants were produced by adven- 
titious budding of the roots of the larger plants. 
This method of vegetative reproduction is found 
in several species of Ophioglossum. Occasionally 
a leaf bears two fertile spikes. 
_ The presence of a protocorm, and a method 
of vegetative reproduction so similar to Phyl- 
loglossum, may lead the unwary, or the “arm 
chair” botanist, to speculate concerning a pos- 
sible relationship between Ophioglossales and 
Lycopodiales. It must be borne in mind that 
the protocorm probably has no phylogenetic 
significance whatever. 

The region is one of exceptional interest to a 
botanist. The great central plateau falls sharply 
away to the low plain bordering the Gulf of 

exico. Rain and mist are abundant even in 
the dry season, because the clouds drift against 
the high eastern escarpment of the plateau. 
The border of the plateau is deeply dissected by 
the numerous small streams which fall over its 
edge and form box cafions, sometimes 500 meters 
deep. Because clouds continually drift up these 
Cafions, their walls and floors are covered with 
dense masses of filmy ferns, liverworts, and mosses. 
On the high mesas between these cafions, but 
never in them, this Ophiogl i tab t ; 5 
In the same situation Lycopodium clavatum and : 
L planatum are alsoabundant. The species of 
Lycopodium and Ophioglossum are apparently 
confined to an altitude of about 2200 meters. At 
the same altitude, on the bank of a stream just before it plunges over 
the wall of a box cafion, a bog of volcanic ash and sphagnum was 
found.—W. J. G. Lanp, The University of Chicago. 

Fic. 1.—Ophioglossum: 
protocorm bearing sterile 



Trees and shrubs.—Part III of the second volume of this work has been 
issued,t and contains full and lucid descriptions of some 30 species, 25 of 
which are accompanied by carefully executed full-page illustrations, including 
detailed drawings of flowers and fruit. Nearly all of the plants considered 
are native in the South conneo and Gulf states, and about one-half of the 
species treated are new to science. New species are published in the following 
genera: Quercus (1), Hamamelis G) , Crataegus (3), Prunus (6), and Sambucus 
(1). The high standard of excellence, characteristic of the previous parts, is” 
fully maintained in the present issue.—J. M. GREENMAN. 

Flora of Congo.—A second fascicle? of the third volume of this work has 
appeared recently, which records the results of further studies in several fami- 
lies of spermatophytes from the Gramineae to the Compositae. A number 
of species new to science are included, described, and illustrated in the same 
excellent manner as in previous fascicles of this florai—J. M. GREENMAN. 


Experiments with maize.—Several years ago BLARINGHEM’ published a 
monograph on his now well known experiments in the production of anomalies 
in various plants as the result of mutilation. The mutilations forced into 
development buds which ordinarily remain latent, and the branches produced 
from these buds frequently possessed characters not recognized as normal 
features of the plants operated on. In a small percentage of cases the abnor- 
malities thus brought to light were found to be inherited to a greater or less 
degree, and the conclusion was reached that mutilation is a very general and 
easy means of provoking mutability and an important factor in the evolution 
of vegetable forms. Most of his experiments were made with maize, thoug' 
some apparently corroboratory evidence was derived from barley (H. distichum 
and H. tetrastichum) and mustard (Sinapis alba). All of the new characters, 
abnormal or otherwise, which came to light in his experiments with ma aize 

* SARGENT, CHARLES SPRAGUE, Trees and shrubs. [Illustrations of new or little 
known ligneous plants, etc. 4to, pp. 117-190. pls. 151-175. Boston and New to 
Houghton Mifflin Co, IgrI. $5.00. 

D ILDEMAN, Emme, Flore “ Bas- et du Moyen Congo. Ann. Mus. Cane 
Belge. Bot. V. 3:149-316. pls. 28-49. 1910. Brussels. 

* BLarincuem, L., Mutation et traumatismes. Etude sur l’évolution des formes 

végétales. pp. 248. pis. 8. Paris: Felix Alcan. 1908. 


were discovered in the descendants of one original plant mutilated by the 
author in r902. After that time the pedigrees were kept carefully controlled, 
either by hand-pollinations or by cultivation in isolated plots. 

The reviewer,‘ at about the time this monograph appeared, demonstrated 
the occurrence of numerous biotypes in hybrid combination in what appeared 
to be a fairly uniform population of maize, and believes this to be the general 
situation in this species. JOHANNSENS has pointed out that the reviewer's 
results favor a different interpretation of BLARINGHEM’s experiences, since the 
new types which proved to be hereditary may have appeared as the result of 
segregation of biotypes which were already present in the original plant chosen 
for mutilation, this segregation being due, not to the mutilation, but to 
subsequent method of breeding. GriFron* has given further support to this 

appear when no mutilations have been practiced, and the reviewer has had 
the same experience. GRIFFON shows that the abnormalities which character- 
ized BLARINGHEM’s forms are strongly dependent upon seasonal conditions 
for their devel t, being much more abundant in all cultures in some seasons 
and less abundant i in alti in other seasons. He does not agree with BLARING- 
HEM that with respect to these abnormalities these maize families constitute 
ever-sporting varieties. It does not follow, however, that abnormalities are 
not hereditary because they are strongly affected by the environment. Hus 
and Murpocx’ have shown the inheritance of fasciation in a strain of popcorn, 
the offspring of two fasciated ears giving progenies over 50 per cent of which 
produced fasciated ears, while an unfasciated ear from the same strain gave 
only 3 per cent fasciated ears. It will be understood, of course, that the strain 
from which these ears were selected was complexly hybrid, and that pure-bred 
derivatives might have shown either approximately 100 per cent fasciated 
or approximately no fasciation, under favorable conditions. There is evidence 
that the fasciation is strongly fluctuating, the two ears on a single stem being 
not infrequently one fasciated and the other normal. The significance of 
the percentage inheritance is doubtful in complex material of this kind 

The reviewer’ has presented additional evidence of the hybrid nature 
of ordinary vigorous maize plants, and their dependence for their vigor upon 

HULL, G. H., The composition of a field of maize. Report Am. Breeders’ 
Association 6. 1908. 
S JoHANNSEN, W., Elemente der exacten Erblichkeitslehre. pp, vi+-516. Jigs. 31. 
Jena: Gustav Fischer. 1909. 
° Grirron, E., Observations et arg expérimentales sur la variation chez 
le mais. ae Soc: Bot. France 57:60 . 1910. 
7 Hus, H., and Murpock, A. W., ce of fasciation in Zea Mays. Plant 
World 14:88-96. rorr. 
§ SHULL, . H., a methods in corn breeding. Amer. Breeders’ Mag. 
1:98—107. 19 


this hybridity. Previous conclusions that F, hybrids between self-fertilized 
strains are on the average equal in yielding capacity, and in certain combina- 
tions much superior, to strains cross-bred in the normal manner, have been — 
confirmed; also that reciprocal crosses are essentially equal. In addition it 
is shown that the yield and quality of the crop are functions of the particular 
hybrid combination, the results being the same whenever the cross is repeated. 
The F, was found no more variable than the pure self-fertilized parental strains, 
but the F, was considerably more variable, the coefficients of variability in 

latter gives no coefficients, clearly demonstrates the segregation of different 
grades of such purely quantitative characters. East has also presented 
similar evidence of the segregation of a quantitative character (height of 
stalk) in the F,, but he makes no reference to the reviewer’s corresponding 
results published a year earlier. He gives no coefficient of variability for 
pure strains, but his coefficient for the F, was 8.68 per cent, while in the several 
F, families it ranged from 12.02 per cent to 15.75 per cent. 

eory that the increased vigor of cross-bred maize plants is due to a 
stimulation accompanying heterozygosis requires that crossing within the 
same biotype or within the same F, shall give no advantage over self-fertiliza- 
tion in the same biotype or in the same F,. The reviewer™ has reported on a 
number of such sib-crosses in comparison with corresponding self-fertiliza- 
tions, the advantage in favor of the crosses being so slight that they can be 
fdirly accounted for by the lack of complete genotypic purity in some of the 
self-fertilized families. Crosses between sibs in ten self-fertilized families had 
an average height of 20 dm. and gave an average yield per acre of 30. 17 bushels. 
as compared with a height of 19.28 dm. and a yield of 29.04 bushels in the 
offspring of self-fertilized parents. In the F, those families which sprang 
from sib-crosses in the F, had an average height of 23.30 dm. as compared 
with 23.55 dm. in families produced from self-fertilized parents, and the 
corresponding yields per acre were 47.46 and 41.77 bushels respectively. 
These results show that cross-fertilization is of no (or little) advantage except 
when it brings together unlike hereditary elements. The relations of F, 
and F, in regard to height of plants and yield per acre strikingly emphasize 
the economic importance of using hybridized seed corn. Ten F; families had 
an average height of 25 dm. and produced an average yield of 68.07 bushels, 

9 Emerson, R. A., The inheritance of sizes and shapes in plants. Amer. Nat. 
44:739-746. Igo. 
* East, E. M., The genotype hypothesis and hybridization. Amer. Nat. 45: 
160-174. figs. 6. 1911 
* SHULL, G. H., The genotypes of maize. Amer. Nat. 45:234-252. fig. I. 19tt- 



while twenty corresponding F, families had an average height of 23.42 dm. 
and gave a yield of only 44.62 bushels per acre. 

Hayes and East have also shown a similar relation between first and 
second generation crosses, one such cross giving 105.5 bushels per acre in F, 
and only 51.5 bushels in F,, another cross giving respectively 117.5 bushels 
per acre and 98.4 bushels per acre. These authors give a good discussion of 
the economic bearings of these results and methods of putting them to practical 

‘Cotzmss has also shown the practical value of hybridization methods in 
corn growing, reporting on the results of sixteen rather wide crosses, all but two 
of which gave higher yields than the average of the parents, and all but four 
exceeding the better parent in yielding capacity. PEARL and SURFACE,™ 
while subscribing to the correctness of the genotype idea as applied to 7 
are of the opinion that the ordinary ear-to-the-row selection method “in a 
much cruder and less precise way, really makes use of the same chia 
the reviewer's “‘pure-line method,” and they wider simply the relaxation re) 

genotypes will have been satoinaticalty eliminated.” This view fails to t 

account of the relatively greater vigor in the F, hybrids. East, Hayes and 
East, and CoLins,” on the other hand, urge the use of the method of 
Morrow and Garpner,* as the most practical means of utilizing the greater 
vigor produced by heterozygosis, and the reviewer believes that the attitude 
of these authors is justifiable. The method of Morrow and GARDNER is 
identical with the “pure-line” method, except that highly developed commer- 
cial varieties are used in the place of pure self-fertilized strains. The two 
chosen parental types are grown in alternate rows in an isolated plot, and one 
variety is detasseled. The seed for the general crop is harvested from the 
detasseled row, and the process is repeated year after year, using the same 

parental varieties 

East and Haves” have made a most important contribution to knowledge 

™ Hayes, H. K., and East, E. M., Improvement in corn. Bull. Conn. Agr. 
Exp. Sta. pp. 21. pls. 4. 191t. 

3 Cottins, G. N., The value of first-generation hybridsin corn. Bull. rgr, B.P.L., 
U.S. Dept. Agr. pp. 45. 1910. 

™% Peart, R., and SurFace, F. M., Experiments in breeding sweet corn. Ann. 
Rep. Maine Agr. Exp. Sta. 1910.. pp. 249-307. Bull. 183. jigs. 220-233. 

*5 East, ., The distinction between development and heredity in inbreeding. 
Amer. Nat. 43:173-181. 1909. 
6 Op. cit. 17 Op. cit. 

*® Morrow, G. E., and GARDNER, F. D., Field experiments with corn 1892. 
Bull. 25, Ill. Agr. Exp. Sta. pp. 173-203. 1893. 
9 East, E. M., and Hayes, H. K., Inheritance in maize. Bull. Conn. Agr. Exp. 

Sta. pp. 137. pls. 25. 1911. 


of the inheritance of unit characters in maize, and have succeeded in clear- 
ing up most of the difficulties met by CorrENs and Lock, and simply by the 
expedient of applying a strictly individual analysis, instead of permitting 
pollinations from a number of individuals possessing the same characteristics. 
Only a few of the more striking results can be mentioned. There are two 
independent genes for yellow endosperm color, giving F, ratios 3:1 and 15:1. 
These are so related as respects dominance that the intensity of the yellow 
color agrees approximately with the actual number of Y genes present, i.e., 
the color is most intense in seeds having both genes homozygous, less intense 
when one gene is homozygous and the other heterozygous, still less intense when 
both are heterozygous or when either is absent and the other homozygous, etc. 
This situation results in a distribution of individuals in the form of the probable 
error curve, and is therefore superficially like that of fluctuating variations, 
from which it differs however in that the different grades are inherited. In 
another paper the senior author” makes use of these facts in extending Men- 
delian theory to include variation that is apparently continuous. In 
purple aleurone color, East and Hayes find no less than four independent 
genes involved in different varieties, a full purple color requiring the simulta- 
neous presence of both P and C, a full red color the presence of Rand C. In 
the absence of C, both P and R are capable of producing some pigment, giv- 
ing “particolored” seeds. In addition to these three genes, there was found 
in a cross between Tom Thumb pop corn and Black Mexican sweet corn, a 
factor which partially or wholly inhibited the production of the purple aleurone 
color. This inhibitor or “(dominant white” is strictly normal in its hereditary 
havior, and its presence in some of Lock’s strains undoubtedly accounts 
for that investigator’s aberrant results. In pericarp colors the authors sige 
nize five independent red-producing genes, R: the ordinary red of “red” 
maize, R, the striped red of “calico corn,” R; a dirty red most abundant at 
the base of the grains and apparently completely coupled with red silks, R, and 
R; a rose red which reaches full development only on exposure to the sunlight. 
The red cob-color is a simple Mendelian dominant, independent of pericarp 
color. While starchiness is an endosperm character and shows xenia, the 
quality of the starch, whether flinty or floury, is a “plant character,” and 
affects all the grains of an ear. Crosses between flint and dent varieties show 
undoubted segregation with the flint character recessive, but there are prob- 
ably several genes involved, and the results are obscured by physiological 
correlation. Further evidence is given that size characters, such as height 
of stalk, length of ear, and size of grains, segregate normally in the F2. Several 
abnormalities are mentioned, dwarfness, striped leaves, split and furrowed 
cobs, branched ears, and hermaphrodite flowers. With exception of the last, 
these characters are thought to be inherited in Mendelian fashion, though the 

* East, E. M., A Mendelian Se of variation that is apparently con- 
tinuous. Amer. Nat, 44:65-82. 1910. 


possibility is suggested that fasciation of the ears may bea purely physiological 
effect of disturbed nutrition. 

MERSON* reports the discovery of red aleurone color as a latent character 
in a cross between Queen’s Golden pop corn and Black Mexican sweet corn 
though other crosses between these two varieties gave only purple Slenrote: 
Crosses between a tested homozygous red-aleurone strain and White Rice 
pop corn and Evergreen sweet corn produced F,’s with only purple aleurone 
cells, thus demonstrating the presence of P as a latent character in both of 
these white varieties. Dark and light yellow endosperm colors were also 
seen to be latent as a result of a cross between the orange-colored Queen’s 
Golden and the Black Mexican with colorless endosperm. 

While not experimental, two papers by Itt1s” on abnormalities are worthy 
of mention. Both of these abnormalities are assumed to have been induced 
by the traumatic action of Ustilago Maydis. In the first the glumes of the 
female flowers were somewhat enlarged, and in place of the carpel arose a 
tubular structure 10-20 cm. long, terminated by a long pistil-like thread 20 cm. 
long. The occurrence of a ligule on this structure served to identify it as a 
phyllode, and leads the author to the conclusion that the ovary, which after- 
ward forms the seed coat, is homologous with the leaf sheath, and the style 
with the leaf blade. Within this tube, as a prolongation of the axis, grew an 
abnormal leafy branch. In the second paper?’ the author describes abnormal 

orescences in which the flowers are paired, each pair consisting of a sessile 
female or hermaphrodite flower and a stalked male flower. This is an arrange- 
ment characteristic of the Andropogoneae, and the author looks upon its 
appearance in maize as a reversion. On this basis he would rank the Zeae asa 
subtribe of the Andropogoneae, in support of Hacker and Stapr, who had 
adopted this arrangement on other grounds.—Gro. H. SHULL. 

ichen parasites.— ToBLER™ has studied the relation of two so-called 
lichen parasites to the lichen host, to the alga on which the lichen grows, and 
to the substratum to which the lichen is attached. After the manner of think- 
ing commonly followed by European botanists, and often by American as well, 

Emerson, R. A., Latent colors in corn. Ann. Rept. Amer. Breeders’ Ass. 6: 
233-237. I9I0. 

2 Intis, H., Ueber eine durch Maisbrand verursachte intracarpellare Prolifikation 
bei Zea Mays L. Sitzungsber. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Math.-naturw. Klasse 119. 
pp. 15. pls. 2. 1910. 

43 Int1s, H., Ueber einige bei Zea Mays L. beobachtete Atavismen, ihre Verur- 
sachung durch den Maisbrand, Ustilago Maydis (DC.) Corda tiber die Stellung der 
Gattung Zea im System. Zeitschr. Abst. Vererb. 5: 38-57. pls. 2. Igtt. 

24TostEer, F., Zur Biologie von Flechten und Flechtenpilzen. I. Ueber die 
bicuhenenn 4 sales Flechtenparasiten zum Substrat. Jahrb. Wiss. Bot. 49:389- 

409. pl. 3. fig. I. 1911. 


he considers the lichen to consist of the fungus and the alga on which it grows, 
instead of accepting the logical view, namely, that the fungus alone constitutes _ 
the lichen. 

Phacopsis vulpina Tul. and Karschia destructans Tobler, of the Pezizineae, 
are considered with respect to their biological relation to the lichens on which 
they grow and to the algal hosts of these lichens. Phacopsis vulpina is found 
on the thallus of Evernia vulpina (L.) Ach. in the Alps. By sectioning the 
fungus and the lichen host together in paraffin and subsequent treatment with 
iodine solution, the author was able to trace the course of the Phacopsis hyphae 

Phacopsis is best developed in the lichen thallus, the algae are entirely absent- 
In other portions of the lichen thallus the algae are surrounded singly or in 
groups by the Phacopsis hyphae, the Evernia hyphae being absent from such 
places. In other places the hyphae of both Phacopsis and Evernia are found 
entwining the algae. Thus it appears that the Phacopsis hyphae in time 
‘reach the algae in limited areas of the lichen thallus and gradually displace 
the hyphae of the latter. It seems that the algae multiply more rapidly for 
a time after the Phacopsis hyphae reach them, but may finally disappear 
entirely where these hyphae are most abundantly developed. When the 
Phacopsis hyphae have reached the region of the lichen thallus where the 
algae are found, they spread laterally until large portions of the Evernia cortex 
are cut off from the medulla within and finally die. The Phacopsis hyphae 
are found to penetrate into the dead cortex and into the medulla of the Evernia. 
The foreign hyphae are absent from the spermagonia of the Evernia and areas 
immediately surrounding them, but are present in the soredia, which may 
serve as portals of entry. The conclusion is reached that the Phacopsis is 
probably first a parasymbiont and later a parasite on the lichen thallus 
Karschia destructans Tobler is described from the thallus of the lichen 
Chaenotheca chrysosephala (Turn.) Th. Fr. It was found that the Karschia 
penetrates into and through the crustose thallus of the Chaenotheca and into 
the bark upon which the lichen thalli examined grew. In growing through 
the lichen thallus, the Karschia is found to entwine and destroy algal cells 
and to displace and destroy the lichen hyphae. This makes the Karschia a 
parasymbiont with the lichen and likewise a parasite on it. But finally, the 
Karschia hyphae penetrate into the bark, after which ‘the fungus fructifies. 
So before the fungus produces its fruit, it becomes a saprophyte. Thus @ 
parasitic, a parasymbiotic, and a saprophytic condition are found in one 
ontogeny. The author reaches the conclusion that the Karschia is for a time 
a lichen-fungus (we would say a lichen), but at other times a parasite or 4 
saprophyte. Whether this fungus is a lichen is really a matter of definition ; 
but whether a given plant should be called a lichen or not is of no speci 
biological importance. If its relationship with the alga is accompanied by 
no morphological characters which should separate it from the genus Karschia, 


the fungus must remain in that genus. Several other species of Karschia are 
numbered among about 400 fungi that grow on lichen thalli, and a study of 
each of these would be of special interest and value. 

The author states that his study of these two fungi proves that there can 
be no sharp separation of the many fungi known to grow on lichens into para- 
sites, parasymbionts, and saprophytes, since a single species may show all 
three conditions at various times in its life history. He thinks that further 
studies would demonstrate that most of the fungi found growing on lichens 
are not purely parasitic, but parasymbiotic and often saprophytic as well. In 
this he is probably correct, and further research along this line would add 
much to our knowledge of the biological relations of these fungi. The c con- 

demarkation between lichens and other fungi. This is true, but a consider- 
able number of botanists have already concluded that the oa distinction 
between lichens and other fungi should not serve longer to maintain the 
lichens as a distinct group in any general classification of plants. 

Some other fungi growing on lichens were examined briefly, without add- 
ing materially to the important results secured in the study of the two species 
considered above.—Bruce FINK. 

Evolution of vascular structures.—In a bulky memoir of 325 pages, CHAU- 
VEAUD*® expounds his view of the evolution of vascular bundles as they are 
found in different groups of plants. He finds himself in disagreement with 
the current notion of the stele as a morphological concept of first importance, 
and returns to the earlier view of a vascular bundle as the unit. With him, 
in fact, a vascular bundle is either a xylem or a phloem group, and these are 
arranged according to one of six “dispositions”: (1) centric, corresponding 
to protostele; (2) excentric, with the xylem group more or less flattened; (3) 

alternate, represented by a root with diarch structure; (4) intermediate, as 
seen in the hypocotyl of some plants; (5) su , a circular row of co- 
lateral bundles; and (6) peripheral, FE by amiphivasal bundles such 
as are seen in monocotyledonous stems. Thus what most writers call a pro- 
tostele is by CHAUVEAUD, as well as earlier writers, regarded as the most 
primitive condition; the alternate arrangement of xylem and phloem exhibited 
by all roots is the next main step in evolution; and from this root structure 
are to be derived the conditions seen in the stems of gymnosperms and angio- 
sperms. It will be seen that this mode of derivation lays a heavy responsi- 
bility on the hypocotyl, for this transitional region is considered to reveal the 
stages in evolution leading to the stem structure of all the higher plants. 
One must swear entire allegiance to the recapitulation theory when adopting 
this scheme, although certain difficulties appear, for instance, in connection 

2s CHAUVEAUD, G., L’appareil conducteur des aon vasculaires e 
principales de son évolution. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. IX. 13: 113-438. rig or) Igtl. 


with the origin of amphivasal bundles. To some it may appear an unneces- 
sarily round-about plan to derive a circle of collateral bundles from a proto- 
stele via the root, when direct routes have been proposed which do not violate 
the doctrine of recapitulation. Moreover, it would be interesting to see how 
the stele of Osmunda could be derived according to the new method, inasmuch 
as in ferns the evolution is said (p. 271) not to proceed further than the third 
or alternate disposition 

The memoir is divided into doe parts, in the first of which a fairly com- 
plete historical résumé is given. This is rendered more valuable by the group- 
ing of the papers under six headings. It is to be regretted that a number of 
errors have crept into the citations. The second part is devoted to a sum- 
mary of the author’s earlier researches in this field; while the third part con- 
tains an account of his new observations, extending over a wide range of 
vascular plants, including a large number of dicotyledons, though the criti- 
cally important cases found in his group ‘‘vascular cryptogams”’ are repre- 
sented only by Pieris cretica—-M. A. CHRYSLER. 

Fermentation.—Experiments of HarpEN and Norris*® confirm the 
work of other investigators according to whom many yeasts which ordinarily 
do not ferment galactose acquire the property of fermenting that sugar by 
being cultivated for a time on a medium containing it. The authors further 
show that the juice from such a yeast is also capable of fermenting galactose, 
and that the addition of phosphates to the fermentation-mixture causes an 
acceleration of fermentation similar to that observed in mixtures of glucose, 
ructose, or mannose and yeast juice on the addition of phosphates. As in 
the case of these hexoses, the phosphate is in the form of an organic compound 
from which it is not precipitated by magnesium citrate mixture. Small 
quantities of sodium arsenite also accelerated fermentation. 

Regarding the constitution of the compound formed when a phosphate 
is added to a fermenting mixture of yeast juice and a hexose, three views have 
been proposed. According to HARDEN and Younc it is a hexose-phosphate 
containing two phosphoric acid residues. LEBEDEW holds that the compound 
contains only one phosphoric acid residue, basing his view on the fact that the 
ozazone obtained from it has only a single phosphoric acid residue. The 
third view is that of IwaNorr, who considers the compound a triose phosphate. 
In a recent paper, purely chemical in its content, but of great biological inter- 
est in so far as it clears up part of the mechanism of fermentation of sugars by 
yeast juice, Younc* presents further evidence to show that the compound is 

* EN, A., and Norris, R. V., The fermentation of galactose by yeast and 
yeast juice (Preliminary communication). Proc. Roy. Soc. London B 82:645-649- 

7 YounG, W. J., Ueber die Zusammensetzung der durch Hefepresssaft gebildeten 
Hexosephosphorsiure. II. Biochem. Zeitschr. 32:177-188. 1911. 


a hexose phosphate containing two phosphoric acid residues. The evidence 
is based largely on the composition of the barium salt of the compound, an 
on the behavior of its ozazones. In the formation of the ozazone, a single 
phosphoric acid molecule is split off, while the ozazone also contains a phos- 
phoric acid residue. 

It has been known that yeasts are able to ferment a number of substances 
other than sugars. The number of such substances which undergo a kind of 
fermentation accompanied by the evolution of carbon dioxide has been greatly 
extended by NEUBERG and Tir.* The substances which are fermented in this 
way by yeasts and yeast preparations are the common plant acids which occur 
naturally in fruit juices and other substances used in alcohol production, and 
also components or products of the yeast cell, as fatty acids, glycerine, and 
lecithin —H. HassELBRING. 

Soil productiveness indicated by natural vegetation.—The practical 
object of SHANTz’s Bulletin? on “Natural vegetation as an indicator of the 
capabilities of land for crop production in the Great Plains area”’ does not 
detract from its scientific value. It is an interesting and valuable example of 
the application of exact ecological research methods, with results establishing 
reliable data relating to the natural vegetation of a given region, and its corre- 
lation with the crop-producing capabilities of the land. Detailed investiga- 
tions were made in Washington and Yuma Counties, Eastern Colorado, al- 
though a general survey included all the states of the Great Plains, a region 
containing the largest body of land of possible agricultural importance in the 
United States on which the native plant cover still exists. The methods 
included study of the vegetation with respect to the formations, dominant 
associations, and important species, and of the various determining factors with 
especial consideration of the physical conditions (temperature, rainfall, evapora - 
tion, saturation deficit, soil moisture, soil temperature, etc.). Records for 
these physical factors were made at 11 different stations on the Great Plains, 
under direction of Briccs, and supplemented by SHANTz with many compara- 
tive observations. For purposes of comparison, the soil moisture determina- 
tions were reduced to definite standards, as moisture equivalent and non- 
available moisture (for Kubanka wheat). 

Plant migrations, invasions, effects of fire, grazing, mowing, and other 
biotic agencies are considered. Illustrations of the root systems of significant 
species are given and their relations to the soils and in the successions are noted. 
Indicative of agricultural land are the grama-buffalo grass and the wire grass 

28 NEUBERG, C., and Tir, L., Ueber zuckerfreie Hefegdrungen. II. Biochem. 
Zeitschr. 32:323-331. IQII. 
- 99 Santz, H. L., Natural vegetation as an indicator of the capabilities of land for 
crop production in the Great Plains area. Bur. Pl. Ind. Bull. no. 201. pp. 100. 
S. 6. figs. 23. IQII. 


associations (both short grasses), also bunch grass and sand hills mixed (prairie 
grasses). Each of these types is characterized as to general appearance, 
floristic composition, correlated physical factors, effects of disturbing factors, 
variations from the typical association. e relationships and successions of 
the different associations are outlined, primary and secondary successions 
being recognized, though these do not appear to be fundamentally distinct. 

he remainder of the bulletin is concerned with crop production in the light 
of the data obtained, with practical suggestions as to the choice of land and to 
methods of culture.—LauRA GANO. 

Embryo sac of Pandanus.—In 1908, CAMPBELL published a preliminary 
note on the embryo sac of Pandanus, and in 1909 a fuller paper appeared. 
Now a third paper has appeared," based upon material that shows the com- 
pleted structures of the sac. Three species are included (P. Artocarpus, P. 
odoratissimus, and P. coronatus), so that the results may be regarded as fairly 
representative of the genus. 

e primary sporogenous cell (overlaid by several layers of parietal cells) 
divides into a large inner cell and a smaller outer one, the latter dividing again. 
e embryo sac is developed by the innermost cell, which thus represents two 
megaspores. The usual divisions occur to the 4-nucleate stage (a pair of 
nuclei at each pole of the sac). The micropylar pair divides, and there is 
organized a normal egg apparatus and its attendant polar nucleus. Before 
this occurs, however, the two antipodal nuclei initiate a series of free nuclear 
divisions, accompanied later by wall-formation, until finally 64 or more antip- 
odal cells may be formed before fertilization occurs. A variable number of 
antipodal nuclei are free and fuse with the micropylar polar nucleus to form 
a single large endosperm nucleus, or two such endosperm nuclei may be formed 
by the multiple fusions. In the formation of endosperm by the usual stages of 
free nuclear division, wall-formation, and centripetal growth, the author states 
at the “endosperm nuclei diminish in size as division proceeds, and this dimi- 
nution in size is accompanied by a corresponding reduction in the number of 
chromosomes,” although no count seems to have been made. 

The excessive amount of antipodal tissue preceding fertilization certainly 
suggests that the antipodal cells are to be regarded as representing the vege- 
tative tissue of the gametophyte, and so far as this feature is concerned, it 
seems safe to assume that it is primitive. In the organization of the egg- 
apparatus, however, it is not so much a question of the number of cells in the 
sac at the time of fertilization, as the number of divisions between the mega- 
spore nucleus and the egg. In this case, since two megaspore nuclei are in- 
volved, there are just two successive divisions between a megaspore nucleus 
and the egg derived from it, instead of the usual three divisions.—J. M. C. 

%® Bot. Gaz. 47:485. 1900. 
* CaMPBELL, D. H., The embryo sac of Pandanus. Ann. Botany 25:773-789- 
bls. 59, 60. figs.-2. 1911. 


Physiological behavior of Hypocrea rufa.—MepIscu® has made a physi- 
ological study dealing mainly with the factors influencing the production of 
pigment by Hypocrea rufa, and the behavior of the fungus toward ammonium 
salts, nitrates, and nitrites as sources of nitrogen. The conidia of this fungus 
are green when grown on alkaline media, while in acid media yellow conidia are 
produced. When the fungus is grown in liquid media containing only glucose, 
the pigment diffuses into the medium, while the mycelium remains colorless. 
The medium passes through shades varying from green to yellow, orange, and 
brown. Certain salts, as the chlorides of magnesium, sodium, and potassium, 
potassium chlorate, and magnesium sulphate, have a specific stimulating effect 
on the production of pigment. This stimulation is limited for all these salts 
to isotonic solutions varying from 0.05 to 0.125 gram-molecules per liter. No 
pigment is produced in the presence of ammonium salts of strong acids, owing 
to the accumulation of free acid. The pigment production is regarded as an 
oxidation process, as it takes place only in the presence of oxygen, and the 
colored solution can be decolorized by reducing substances like sodium sul- 
phite, hydrogen peroxid, and sodium hydrogen sulphide. The addition of 
an excess of calcium carbonate, infusorial earth, kaolin, and similar substances, 
decreases the intensity of color, probably as a result of absorption. 
fungus grows with either ammonium salts, nitrates, or nitrites as a source of 
nitrogen. Nitrates are reduced to nitrites. With ammonium salts of strong 
acids, growth is soon depressed, and the formation of conidia is inhibited. As 
the fungus has no invertase, it cannot use cane sugar; however, in the presence 
of ammonium salts cane sugar serves as a source of carbon, owing to its inversion 
by the liberated acid. When nitrites are given as the source of nitrogen, 
conidia are produced only in the light, except when levulose is present. In 
that case, a few conidia are produced also in the dark. Ammonium salts are 
utilized in preference to nitrates, and ammonium salts of organic acids in 
preference to those of stronger mineral acids. Experiments to determine if 
the fungus assimilates free nitrogen did not give definite results. The paper 
contains a great number of data on the interaction of various substances in 
nutrient media in which fungi are growing. —H. HASSELBRING. 

Peroxidase and respiratory chromogens.—A number of experiments to 
test the various methods of preparing peroxidase have been performed by 
PALLADINE and IRAKLIONOFF,%} who find that the best method with tissues 
containing small quantities of proteins, as watermelon, pumpkin, etc., is to 
extract with water or 10 per cent NaCl, and precipitate the proteins with 
saturated aqueous HgCl. The enzyme is then precipitated from the purified 
filtrate with 95 per cent alcohol. The best solvent of the precipitated enzyme 

# Mepiscu, Marc, Beitrige zur Physiologie der Hypocrea rufa (Pers.). Jahrb. 
Wiss. Bot. 48:591-631. Igt0. 

33 PALLADINE, W., and IraKLionorr, P., La peroxydase et les giao respira- 
toires chez les ientea Rev. Gén. Botanique 23:225-247. 1911 


is K,HPO,. From their experiments they further conclude that peroxidase 
occurs in some plants as enzyme, in others as zymogen, and that the quantity 
present in different plants varies considerably. The smallest quantity in any 
of the plants studied was found in Aspergillus niger and the Saccharomycetes. 
A suggestion is made in this connection which is very important if true. Th 
think it probable that yeasts are capable of producing alcoholic fermentation 
even in the presence of free oxygen because they contain very little or no oxidiz- 
ing enzymes. The experimental evidence for this view is too slender as yet 
to be considered seriously; but if it proves to be true, it will clear up the 
relation of fermentation to the respiratory process. 

The quantitative distribution of peroxidase and the respiratory chromogens 
shows a direct correlation, tissues rich in peroxidase containing much of the 
chromogens, and vice versa. Moreover, the tissues of plants are found to con- 
tain substances which are conceived to “stimulate” the color reactions used 
in detecting peroxidase. The products of alcoholic fermentation, which are 
rich in oxidizable substances, are placed among these stimulators of the forma- 
tion of respiratory pigments. Finally, boiling of aqueous extracts containing 
chromogens is believed to render the formation of pigments impossible, either 
by changing profoundly the chemical nature of the chromogens, or by destroy- 
ing the substances which stimulate the formation of the respiratory pigments 
which are produced by the action of such substances as emulsine and peroxidase 
on the chromogens. Most of the conclusions and suggestions seem to rest on 
a minimum of experimental evidence—Cnar es A. SHULL. 

The flora of Newfoundland.—The report of a botanical expedition to 
Newfoundland by FERNALD includes the mention of many additions to the 
flora of the island, which is now known to possess 783 indigenous species. 
An inquiry into their geographical origin shows that about 60 per cent are boreal, 
including 28 per cent common to southern Labrador and eastern Canada. 
An additional 3.5 per cent are Canadian types not found in Labrador. A 
surprisingly large number of species are southwestern types found also in 
Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and coastal New England, but unknown or 
rare in Quebec and Ontario. This class contains 274 species, or 35 per cent 
of the Newfoundland flora. At present 16 endemic plants are known, com- 
gus 2 per cent of the flora, 

o explain the abundance of plants identical with those of the Atlantic 
seaboard south of Newfoundland, the writer postulates the former existence 
of a bridge formed by an elevated coastal plain, composed of siliceous soils, 
connecting the island with Cape Breton and forming an ideal highway for 
the northeastward advance of plants which thrive on such soil. This siliceous 
bridge, according to the writer, would have been highly unattractive to such 

34 FERNALD, M. i A bot cone | p qty: 4.5 “wT. ¢ 31. 3 and southern Labra= 
dor. Rhodora 13:109-162. r9r1. 


species as Adiantum pedatum, Thuja occidentalis, Lilium canadense, Calypso 
bulbosa, Lonicera canadensis, Solidago squarrosa, Aster macrophyllus, and 
many other similar plants not found in Newfoundland, and which in eastern 
Canada “scrupulously avoid the more sterile areas.” This explanation and 
the considerable lists of “calciphiles” indicate that the writer believes the 
vegetation to respond directly to the chemical character of the substratum.— 
Gro. D. FULLER. 

Root tubercles of cycads.—Three papers on root tubercles of cycads, 
recording conflicting opinions, lay emphasis upon different features of these 
rather well known structures. ZACHSS pays particular attention to the fungus 
hyphae, which branch profusely and become coiled together, after which the 
coils become digested. The fungus infests the tissues, causing the abnormal 
development, and the cell reacts by absorbing the fungus, a phenomenon which 
reminds the author of phagocytosis in animals. The relation is not symbiosis, 
but parasitism. 

HokejS1° comes to the conclusion that the relation is symbiosis, and that 
the alga is the only cause of the abnormalities in the roots, the fungi and bac- 
teria being merely the accompaniments of degeneration. The alga enters by 
the lenticels. 

The third paper, by Miss Sprart,3? deals entirely with the life history of 
the alga, and gives a much more detailed account than has hitherto been avail- 
able. She finds that the heterocysts are reproductive bodies, the contents of 
which break up into gonidia capable of reproducing the filament, as described 

Branp for Nostoc. The central body is described as a simple structure, 
incapable of anything but direct division. No reference is made to the work 
of OLIVE, whose technic and figures might have been helpf 

None of the three writers refer to the work of Lrre,* who described the 
mode of entrance of the alga and the general development of the root tubercle. 

Cretaceous flora of Japan.—SuzvuxK1 has described two conifers from 
the Upper Cretaceous of Japan as new. One of them is made the basis of a 
new genus (A biocaulis), and is said to be nearest to Abies among living forms; 

35 Zac, FRANz, Studie tiber Phagocytose in den Wurzelkndllchen der Cycadeen. 
Oesterr. Bot. Zeit. 60:49-55. pls. 2. 1910. 

36 Horesyst, J., Einiges tiber die symbiontische Alga in den Wurzeln von Cycas 
revoluta. Bull. Intern. Acad. Sci. Bohéme 15:1-10. figs. 24. 1910. 

37 Spratt, ETHEL Rose, Some great on the life history of Anabaena Cyca- 
deae. Ann. Botany 25:369-380. pi. 32. I9II. 

38 Bor. Gaz. 31: 265-271. 1901. 

39 Suzux1, Y., On the structure and affinities of two new conifers and a new fungus 
from the Une Cyetacooun of Hokkaido (Yezo), Bot. Mag. Tokyo 24:181-196. 
pl. 7. 1910. 


the other is a new species of Cryptomeriopsis, the generic name suggesting the 
reputed affinity. A new fungus is also described, parasitic on the shoots of 
Cryptomeriopsis, and is referred to the Pyrenomycetes as a new genus (Pleo- 

Fuyne has followed Suzuxt’s paper with a short discussion of the features 
of the cretaceous flora of Japan so far as uncovered, and especially contrast- 
ing it with the results of HoLtick and JEFFREY in the United States. He 
announces a change of opinion as to the affinities of Yezostrobus and Yezonia 
(Stopes and Fuji 1910), being convinced now that this strobilus and stem, 
whether they belong together or not, are to be associated with the araucarians. 
The discussion of the causes of extinction is preliminary and suggestive rather 
then definite, attention being called to the influence of such factors as para- 
sitic fungi, injurious gases from volcanoes, climatic changes, “(inherent char- 
acters,” etc. Even the cytological situation is included, the fluctuating num- 
bers of chromosomes in angiosperms and their fixed number in gymnosperms 
suggesting a relation to the variability and hence adaptability of the former 
group, and the fixity and decadence of the latter group.—J. M. C. 

An ecologist’s ak botanical garden of a new type, situated on 
Mount Aigoual, a peak of the Cevennes, and due largely to the foresight 
and energy of Professor FLAHAULT, has recently been described by SKENE.* 
The situation seems almost ideal for the study of many ecological problems, 
as it lies between the Atlantic and Mediterranean basins, with an elevation 
that permits the mesophytic vegetation of the former to thrive within a few 
miles of the xerophytic plants of the latter region. The presence and proximity 
of calcareous, siliceous, and granitic soils add to the value of the region for 
experimental purposes. In addition to the garden proper (800 feet below the 
summit), there is a at at the very top of the mountain, and a bog which forms 
the source of a strea 

Since the ‘ecidius of the garden (known as “L’Hort de Dieu”’) in 1903, 
a laboratory capable of sheltering a dozen people has been erected, and several — 
thousand seedling trees and shrubs have been planted. Trees from all parts 
‘of the earth are being grown, in order to find those most suitable for forestry 

es in southern France, and to solve such ecological problems as the 
factors which limit tree species at certain altitudes. Not only the garden but 
the entire mountain is being made one gigantic ecological experimental plot.— 
Gero. D. FULLER 

Leaves of Calamites.—Tuomas* has undertaken an investigation of the 
leaves of certain species of Calamites, to obtain from their structure indications 

# Fujyu, K., Some remarks on the cretaceous fossil flora and the causes of extinc- 
tion. Bot. Max Tokyo 24:197-220. 1910. 

4 SKENE, Redeerereee An ecologist’s garden. New Phytol. 10:64-68. 1911. 

” THO H. Hamsuaw, On the leaves of Calamites (CALAMOCLADUS section). 
Phil. Trane Roy: Soc. Landon B 202:51-92. pls. 3-5. 1911. 


of their environment. In short, it is a study of the ecological anatomy of 
fossil leaves. The leaves of Calamites are mostly known as impressions, and 
Tuomas has referred the structures he has been able to obtain to the better 
known impression forms. The petrified material used was obtained from the 
Lower Coal-measures (Halifax Hard Bed), and five types of leaf were distin- 
guished. The twigs bearing the leaves proved to be quite interesting in stelar 
structure, especially in its relation to that of young stems of Equisetum. 

The ecological conclusion is as follows: ‘The leafy twigs seem to have 
grown in a pendulous fashion, and the structure of the mesophyll and epidermis 
suggests that the habitat was a damp one. On the other hand, the leaves 
possess some xeromorphic features, such as the presence of fibers in the longer 
forms. The evidence points to a marsh or swamp forest as their habitat; 
this may Sali been near the sates but if so the soil probably contained little 
salt.”—J. M 

Transpiration in salt marsh plants.—Transpiration rates of cut shoots of 
Salicornia annua and Suaeda maritima have been found by DELF* to be equal 
to or greater than those from equal surface areas of such mesophtyes as Vicia 
Faba. The highest degree of succulence seemed to be accompanied by the 
highest transpiration rate per unit area. Relating transpiration to evaporation 
from a water surface, unit areas of Salicornia lost 32 per cent and of Vicia 
26 per cent as much water as equal areas of water surface. It was shown that : 
Salicornia is able to absorb water readily through the surface of its stems when 
submerged, and less convincingly that it does not absorb sufficiently through 
its root system to replace the loss by transpiration except in a humid atmos- 
phere. This seems the more surprising, since TRANSEAU* has shown evapora- 
tion to be exceptionally high in salt marshes. The stomata in Salicornia 
and Aster trifolium appear to have distinct powers of movement in young 
plants early in the season, losing this plasticity at a later date——Gro. D. 


Cytology of the ascus.—An account of the cytology of Helvella crispa Fries 
is given by Miss CarruTuers.s The cells of the hypothecium are one to 
several-nucleate, and some of the nuclei were observed to fuse in pairs, but no 
migration was observed like that in Humaria. An attempt was made to deter- 
mine the number of chromosomes on the spindles in the vegetative hyphae. 
Apparently two chromosomes are present in the vegetative spindles, and four 
or eight on the spindles in the fertile hyphae, but owing to the minuteness of 
the objects not much importance can be attached to these observations. The 

43 Deir, E. Marion, Transpiration and behavior of stomata in halophytes. Ann. 
Botany 25:484—505. Igtt. 

4 Bor. Gaz. 45:217-231. 1908. 

45 CARRUTHERS, D., Contributions to the cytology of Helvella crispa Fries. Ann. 
Botany 25:243-252. ais. 2. 168%, 


divisions in the ascus follow the same routine as described by Miss FRASER 
in Humaria rutilans. The first mitosis is heterotypic, the second homotypic, 
and the third brachymeiotic, leading to a reduction without division in the 
last mitosis. The spores are formed by the astral rays in the manner described 
by Harper for Pyronema.—H. HassELBRING. 

A parasitic orchid.—According to the investigation of Kusano,“ the vege- 
tative body of the orchid Castrodia elata consists of a tuberous rhizome which 
multiplies through the production of tuberous offshoots. If these offshoots 
form no mycorhiza, they decrease in size and finally die without being able to 
flower, but if infected by the mycelium of Armillaria mellea they enlarge, 
flower, and produce daughter tubercles; it is therefore concluded that the 
orchid is completely parasitic upon the fungus. The mycorhiza is of the ecto- 
tropic type; occasionally, however, the fungus behaves as a parasite, pene- 
trating deeply into the tissue of the tubers and causing their collapse in a 
manner similar to that seen in potato tubers attacked by the same organism.— 


Budding in Cycas.—While in Japan, Miss Stopes*7 noted the origin of the 
well known adventitious buds of Cycas revoluta. They arise on the upper 
portions of old leaf bases, some appearing more than 200 crowns back of the 

growing point. None were found arising from the axis, and the young 
buds do not seem to have any connection with the axis. The buds 
when removed grow into normal plants, but when they develop strongly 
upon the parent plant they give rise to the so-called “branching,” and in such 
cases, of course, vascular connections are established with the main axis.— 

Kusano, S., Preliminary note on Gastrodia elata and its mycorhiza. Ann. 
Botany 25:521-523. IgIt. 

47 Stopes, Marte C., Adventitious budding and branching in Cycas revolute. 
New Phytol. 9: 234-241. figs. 7. 1910. 


Classified entries will be found under Contributors and Reviews. 

New names 

and names of new genera, species, and varieties are € printed i in bold face type; syno- 

nyms in zéalic. 

Abies —— oe, ering of 36 
Adinobotrys 4 oe cet ey 
Africa, flora Ve 
After-ripening, i in as 306 
Alcohol, hydrating with 63 
Pees New 2 Zealand 4 

ine e 408 
on of generations in Ascomy- 

é a Senpeialee of 407 
panty O., work of 406 
Anaerobic growth 243 
Anemia nipeénsis 407 
ier ence endosperm of 380 
Antennaria 408 
Apgar, -, “Ornamental shrubs” 405 
Apogamy, i in ferns 166; in Pellaea 400 
Appleton ene Primers 235 
Aquilegia 1 
Arber, E. . Newell, “Plant So alpine 

Switze rlan Se 236; work of 234 

ork he 

hecho: eaeutatus 163 
Ascocarp of Lachnea scutellata 275 
gray dip alteration of pol Ree 

hace © cytology ology of 24 i 495 

reas , flora of 9 

Atmosphere, at =o of 126 

Australia, flora o 

Axonopus 407 


Bailey, I. W., work of 327 
Beer, Rudolf, gyre - 244 
Benedict, H. "M. 2 
B enedict, 

B.C. a of 406 
Bensley, R. R.; ce of 167 
Bertholletia 2 26 

Besleria pycnosurzygi. 
Be ve opew. “Plant tite of Maryland” 

Bethel, E., work of 407 
Bicknell, E., Ww 

Blaringhem, L., work of 4 
epee, PH. Plant life of Maryland” 

J Sines , J- C., work o 
: ‘olivin’ mosses of or Pipe from 407 

, A., work of 

riquet, John, “Flore Care O07 
rooks, W. E. St. J., work of 242 
rown, Nellie A, work of 75, 238 


aversion: in Cycas 

Buellia mexicana foie 
Burns, — P. 105 

: urret, M., work of 408 

J suscalioni i jock of 407 


os ium a 45 

mbridge se - 
Ca mpanulari 
Campbell, D. He work of 328, 490 
Cardot, J., = ork of 1 
arduus vern 
aricoideae, Philippine 409 

, D., work of 495 

astilleja austromonta _ — 
ecidology 236; pro woe vs 3 
edar in Ohio 416 


Central Ameri ica, 




Ceratozamia, adult trunk of 81 
ee mberlain, Charles J. 73, 81, 163, 164, 
165, 167, 168, 244, 248, 319, 322, 323, 
324, 326, 328, 405, 406, 493, 490; 

work of 324 
poms - igs of 407 
Chauveaud G., work of 487 
a ee work of 407 

isten wi 
Chromogens, peroxidase and 4 
s, of Dahlia gee va Ginkgo 

; usr, 487; ‘Plant life 
of hasan nd” 4 
Cirsium Greene Rot: 
Clarkia, elegans 267; parviflora 267; 
rhomboidea 2673 Sige Pg 267 
lintonia, embryo sac of 209 
te, W. N., w es of 161 
oastal floras 77 
kayne ba Pana Zealand plants” 159 
ollins, G. N. "ork of 483 
ollomia grandiflora axillaris 270 
onifers, layering among 369 
pecory “temperature apparatus, elec- 


€itae> 209 oS 0 


Cantiberes: Appleman, C. O. 306; Ben- 

edict, H. M. 232; Brown, W. H. 275 
439; Burns, G. P. 105; erlain, 
Cc. 73, 81, 163, 164, 165, 167, 168 

See a. Cook, Mel T. 236, 386, 410; 
W.S. 360; Coulter, J. M. 67 

es ee 234, 324, 326, 380, 406, a6 
49°, 493, 494; Cowles, H. C. 

Crocker, W. 67, 79, 241, 243, 245, 247, 
340, 423, 427, 308; Da chnowski, A. 
1, 126; Fink, brace ar: Fuller, G.D: 
80, 159, 193, “ae 247, 248, 321, 325, 
328, 405, 41 2, , 6; 
Gano, Laura 404, 3805 “Ch og wt 
246,415; Greenm an, J. M 
406, 480; Hague, Stella M. - ’ Has- 

I, Hem 
A. F. 15 4903 way, 

eiffer, Norma E. 166; 

Pritchard, F ms 169; Robinson, B. L. 



schleger ; WwW. 
Cook, Mel. T. 236, fae 
Cooper, W. S. 369 
Copeland, E. E work of 161 
7, 158, 160, 234, 324, 

Coupin, e, 
a cikeate des Cryptogames” 

Cone, rt C. 4c2 

Coxella 4 

Craib, W. oe work of 161 

Cranberry apa vegetation of 1, 126 

Cycad, adult t cank ey 8 budding in 

496; root tuberles fo) 
Cytology of cacus 495 

D : 
Dachnowski, Alfred 1, 126; work of 416 

Dahlia chromosomes 0 32 
Davenport, “Domesticated animals 
and plants” 233 

Davis, B. M., work of 60, 
De Candolle, C. enters of i, , 497 

Ol 495 
Denizot, Georges, work of 41 
Desert plants, pear relations of 79 
ee pcamag re 

DeWildemai, “Emile, (Flore du Congo” 

Digitalis, inheritance in 78 
Dioon, adult trunk of 81 

Diospyros ateienk morphological 

a, proteol of 3 26 
Drude, O., ecetcon der * Erde ’ 402 


Drymonia 407 
Dunn, S. T., work of 407 

East, E. M., work of 413, ape , 483, 484 
Ponies: units of Miho oy 
Edgerton, C. 
Elatostematoides 163 
Elm . D. E., work of 1 
Poko Dioepyros. 395 Pseudtars 416 
Embryo sac, 209; Diospyros 

. A., wor 
Endosperm, snispeataik a —— 

Bagley A. A,, he. cteanices der Erde” 402; 
9 Seadoo i sac of 439 

Erigonum ochroleucum 262; ovalifolium 
ovalifolium celsum 262; ovali- 
i 262; vineum 262 

cere sacs of 164 
and plant succession 193; 
and vegetation 1 

Ewart, A. J., pec of 408 


Fairman, C. E., work of 408 

Felt, E. P., work of 238 

Ferdina ndsen, re work of 408 
ion 488 

new spe in 
1615.0 uth peice as 161; 
cultures of prothallia 166 
F ertilization, of Diospyros 37 
icus 4 
oe Bru 



Fomes, subendothejus 407; surinamensis 

Posi plants 158 

Fraser, H. C. fy ., work of 2 

Free Rob. E., work of eg 408 
of 328 

ia 163 
Fujii, Ke ark of 404 
Fuller, Geo. D. 80, 159, 193, 23 247, 
248, nes 3255 328, 405, 410, 492, 494, 
495, 496 



Fungi, new species of 408; Russian 163; 
. Texas 161 


pepe eas Ag: Sete 416 
Gano, Lau 


plant names 
Ginkgo, chromosomes - 328 
Gleason, H. A. 2 
. Re ee ‘work of 235 

, 160, ror, 406, 480 

Gymnosporangium Kernianum 407 


ne sg Stella M 
Hall, ., and isons 

Har, 408 
Basbereet: J. W., work of 325 
Harter, L. L., wi ork of 40 


Hasselbring, H. 75, 155, 239, 245, 246, 
316, 320, 43, 488, 491, 496 
Hassler, E., . of 161, 4 
Hauya 48; lucida 48; - 
“6 quercetorum 7 

Hayes, H. K., ei of = 3, 483 
Heald, F. D., "work of 1 
Hedges, Florence, work oF 239, 408 
Heilbronn, Alfred, work of 166 
Helgoland, temperate plants in 246 
Heller, A. A., work of 16 

nsel F. 153 
Hemsley, H. B., work pai se 
Hepaticae in Scotland 3 


Herbst, P., work of 238 
Heredity, in oats 318; theories of 323 
Heterochromosomes 323 


: 79 
Home University Jeary 234 
2 tera 
Honcamp, ie , work of 246 


Howe, R. H., Jr., work of 409 

Huron River Valley, botanical survey of 

Hus, H., work of 4 

Hybri idiza fern 166 

/ Risea rufa, ier a akaice of 
i ed SO South American 163 

vg new cana oe 261 
tis, H., work o 
intesine siedinis. ta brittle or woody 
feet | in Digitalis 78 © 

be 409 

lows “ties 
peat bogs i 
ran, - aed ot 491 
Ishi see M., work of 326, 328 

cea Re ba flora o 
H. Mike ocaphie des 
ea der auf Java” 67 
Javenese woods, micrography of 67 
Johannsen, We ork of 481 
Jones, W. N., ork of 78 
Judd, John W. ak of 234 


Keeble, F., work we ay 234, 318 
pany work of 4 tis 

Kuwada, ri, work of 322 

Laboratory air 
Lachnea sculelats. ascocarp of 275 




»,W. J. G. 391, 478 
Layering a conifers 369 
Leaf-fall 8 
pals - Citas 404 
Lechmere, A. F., work of 240 
Lee, E., pala fe) "80 
Leeuwen-Reijnvaan, J. and W. Docters 
von, work of 2 
Lehman, Ernst, work of 2 

Laciniaria scariosa 409 

sianthus meianthus qui 

1; quichensis 51 
thospermum stots olatum 372; ruderale 

anceolatum 2 
iverworts, peer in a vhdcpids of 320 

Loheria 162 
pcg te dry! work of 323 
unell, J., wor! 
Leaping sI 161; nen 161; sabulosus 

Lychnis, reversible sex-mutants in 329 

MacDougal, D. T. 2 
McFadden, M. E. ror of 162 
bri i. work of 162 

work of 240, 242, 413, 414 

Maize, experiments in ate 


Maryland, oni life of 404 

Maslen, A. J., work of 326 

Massee, George, " Diseases of cultivated 
plants and trees” 155 

Mayepea 409 

a blag work of 491 


Mendelism 2 235 

rrill, E. D , work of 162 

rritt, 7 L. work of 162 

Merritt; tia 

Mesoxylon, schon’ of 326 

Michigan peat bogs 105 
ayi, Kiichi, ak of 416 

Mitosis in Spinaci 
Modilewski, J., wreak fe 164, 165 


Modry, bead work of 411 


Monardella savebralia be haute ve 25% 
Morrow, G work of 4 

Moss, ae E., work of 321 

Mosses, Bolivian 163; Mexican 161; of 

work of 324 

Murdock, A. W., work of 481 
Murrill, W. A., rk of 162, 409 
Myxotheca 4 08 

Nabokich, A. J., work of 2 
Nasturtium side pee Toalisiee 264; 

Naturhiches Pflaisgen faciiliies 
Navesink Highlands, vegetation ce 325 
Nawaschin, Sergius, work of 1 

Neljubow ms Th wate eae 27 

Nelson: Aven 261 

Neuberg, C., wor 

Newbigin, Marion I., work of 234 

A ios rate fi 402 

New Zealand, algae of ie _— 159 
Nidularia, morphology © 

Nienbur , Wilhelm, wo ae 247 
Nieuwland, J. A., work of 247, 409 
Nilsson-Ehle, H., work of 318 


N = te rage — vegetation of 325 
oe ie of sr 

North “American. Flor 

Nor , work oe 238 

Nuclei ‘syndiploid 248 

Oats, inhibiting factor in 318 
Oenothera, gene etic studies in 68 

ac ©, ae of 411 

ridez 269; 

um palmat me fertile ke of 

siidecsha © ef 478 

: Opsianthes gaurioides 267 

Opuntia 161, 

Orchid, a new 400; jabs nl 496; Boe 
th Am 

Sees mn 
meethy los: 

Overholts, L. O., wor rk of 409 

Overton, j. B. 242 

as gh rie seacaiaticns of Xanthium 

Palladine, W., work of 491 
Palmer, Edward 61 



Pammel, L. ri _ of 248 

Pasanth mosse! 

achat pane sac of 328, 490 

Paniceae 407 

Panicate 409 

Paraguay, Leguminosae pee Convolvu- 
laceae of 408; plants of 1 

Parasitism, analysis of 249 

od in Taraxacum 167 

Pentstemon cera 272; perpulcher 
273; 8 


 eroxidase fe chromogens 491 

etals, ig of 3 

*hacelia luteopurpurea 27 
-*haeostoma — 267; perviior 267; 
rhomboidea 267; xanthiana 
hilippine Caricohdeae 409; oni 161; 
orchids 4 Piperaceae 161; plants 
161; er 162; Urticaceae 162, 

Sisal ieee’ fedek heed be 
wy ww 

Phlox aculeata 

 saiomiomerscigy e ate plants 241 

Phycomycetes 23 

Phyllocactus Fichlamii 163 

Physostegia, emb mee 218 

Phytomyxaceae 413 

eye Oey a new gree 158 

Pierce, Newt gee work of 1 

Piper, ’Bolivia 

Piperacene, Philippine 161 


Pit sn, a a 32 es 

Plant and a eding 

Plant Sageetin sage gr iin aad ucpeation 193. 

Polygonums, phe ibious 247 
Polypodium prolo ic we 161 
Polytaenium quadriseriatum 407 
Potato, after-ripening of 306 

Primula, hereditary factors in 317 
Pritchard, F. J. 169 


Proteolytic enzyme of Drosera 326 
Pr eee water cultures of 166 

Prunus geniculata 408; padifolia 265 

Puccinia gra yearly origin and dis- 
semination of 16 

Punnett, R. C., ““Mendelism” 235 
urp | wor rk of 

Pseudolatix, “gametophytes and embryo 
of 4 

Ray, John, — of 248 
Rees, Bertha 
Renner, O. geod of = 3 

Reproduction, hea 
Rev Ap rennet Shrubs” 

u Congo” 480; Engler and 
Drude’s “Vegetation der Erde” 402; 

and plants” 2 33 

Urban’s ‘Symbolae tillanae’’ 160; 
hmer’s “Planzenstoffe”’ 67; Wett- 
stein’s “Handbuch” 405 
inotrichum 16, 

ork of 162 
Root tubercles ot reads — 

san ee Ps alustris 263; palustris 264; 
a. terrestris globosa 
ae wis hispida 264 
Rose, J. N., wor 160 
, R. C., work of 327 
Rosenstock, E., work of 162 
pea 407, 4 

usby, H. H. oe of 409 
ries fungi 163 
Rydberg, P. oe work of 162 



Safford, W. E. 61 
Sandbergia 2a 

Sage and ae gall 324 

Pegi © Sz, brees — shrubs” 480 
Saunders, Miss E. re ork of 78 

Scalia, C., work of 4 
Reheleabecs, G., oak of 162 
chindler, A.K., work of 162 

Schlechter, R., 

Schmaltzia pubescens I : 

Schneider, C. eo Handbuch der Laub- 
holzku series 

Schenella 1 

Schroeder, i, Pi of 79 

Scirpus Lon, 

Scotland, Hepaticae of i 

Scott ork of 2 


Seaver, F. ae ark of 162 

Seeds, germination of Xanthium and 
alle minimum 453; longevity of 

Setchell, W. A., work of 162 

Seward, AC 4 “Fossil Layee 158 

Sex, dawnt 

or eame maioukn in Lychnis dioica 

Gerashity of Ascomycetes 298 
Shantz, H wi 

Shull, C. wy 325, 326, 453, 4 

Shull, Geo. H. 68, 78, = ne 318, 329 
0; work - 48r, 

ss flora o 

Si icydium m Tuerekheim 49 


Skene, Maceresor, wget of 494 

Small, — ork of 1 

Smith, A Me ork fee 

sar E. oe pokes of 157, 238, 324) 

Smith, John Donnell 45 
Smith, Ra 2, os — of 157 
Smit Wilso 

Smut spores, feed: co oni aining 246 
Soil productiveness and natural vegeta-. 


abla ge implexa 267 

el R., work fee 403 
Squamolithon 42 409 
Standley, P. C., babe of 409 

, and Hall, J. G., “Dis- 

of o. plants” 155 

eo. Fc work © 

Sympetalae, of Amazon 407; Philippine 

Tabernaemontana Deanii 50 

s micola eh 

3 m, L., work of 1 

q ‘pe ule ne E., ob of 407 
Tir, L., work of 489 

é ri , G., work of 1 

‘Tison, Adrien, work ae i 413, 414 
Tobler, F., work of 485 

Tore a 407 

a piven d, C. O., work of 75, 238 
Transeau, Edgar N. 

Transpiration, —_ ratus for study 54; 

and light intensity 417; physics 322; 

re salt marsh plants 4 


Zeijlstra, H. H., work of 7 

ES oe responses 322 
r, A., work of 237, 238, 412 
Tuberc Fici 408 

Tecllemtints 407 

Units of vegetation 321 
U: ; 160; 

im hes mbolae Antillanae”’ 
wor of x 
Urticaceae, Philippine 409 


Vite aes of 167 


Vaucdat: structure, evolution of 487 
Viola 161 

Vittarieae 407 

Wachter, W., work of 2 

Wehmer, C., "“Pflanzenstofie” 67 
eidel, F., work 0 236 
ve d TS 5 



Wallechions, W. A. 6 

et Kono, work of 4 
Young, W. z. 226; eek “ 488 


ch, Franz, work of 493 
ult trun 

., work of 246 


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