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< 1876 fO 1696. 




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"4876 TO 1896. 


And to be purchased, either directly or — any Bookseller, from 
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Frice Four Shillings. 

annem Ltarant 


THE activity of private cultivators and nurserymen is con- 
tinually enriching our gardens with plants which are either 
new to cultivation or have been reintroduced after being lost 
sight of. 

Every corner of the world which affords any prospect of 
rewarding a collector is systematically searched. It would be 
difficult to estimate the expenditure of money and labour upon 
this kind of enterprise, which has not seldom been attended with 
the sacrifice of life. 

Unfortunately its results are too often launched upon commerce 
or otherwise distributed under names which have either been 
inaccurately determined or are purely fanciful. These names 
cannot be wholly disregarded, inasmuch as they hecome current 
in horticultural literature. It constantly, therefore, becomes 
necessary to trace them to their earliest publication in order to 
obtain information as to the native country of the plants to which 
they belong and other particulars relating to them. The task is, 
however, by no means an easy one, as the notices have to be sought 
in numerous and widely-scattered horticultural periodicals. 

To obviate this difficulty a list of new garden plants was 
published in the Gardeners’ Year Book and Almanack as long 
ago as 1860, and this list was continued annually until the 
Year Book and Almanack of 1886, which contained the new 
plants of 1885. The new plants of 1886 to October were published 
by instalments in the columns of the Journal of Horticuliure 
during the months of January to May, 1887. The publication 
was not continued in the following year, and it was believed that 
it was no longer likely to be undertaken by private enterprise. 
Such an annual list was, however, found to be so indispensable, 
even for the work of Kew itself, that it was decided to undertake 

‘its compilation by the Kew Staff. Accordingly the list for 1887 
was published in the Kew Bulletin for 1888. It was accompanied 
by the following prefatory remark :— 

“ As the publication of a list of new garden plants is of the 
“ greatest interest to botanical establishments everywhere, and as 

“é oo Wt 29513 D&S 29 a 


“ such a list would give information respecting many new plants 
“ grown at Kew, and distributed, in course of exchanges, to 
“ correspondents in all parts of the world, it has been determined 
“to continue the list as one of the regular issues of the Kew 
“ Bulletin. It is believed that such a publication will be of 
“ service to the horticultural world generally.” 

This expectation has been amply fulfilled, and the publication 
of the lists has been continued annually. From 1890 this has 
been done in the form of an appendix to the Bulletin. Several 
correspondents at Kew have found it convenient to cut up the 
lists and post up their contents in the form of a continuous 
alphabetical catalogue. It is obvious that, for the purpose of 
running down a name, a search through a long series of annual 
lists becomes increasingly tedious. It was therefore felt that it 
would bea boon to others besides Kew to combine the lists for, 
at any rate, a considerable period in one volume. 

The Kew Library contains copies of the lists published in the 
Gardeners’ Year Book for the years 1862 to 1878 and 1880 to 
1886. Every effort has been made to obtain a copy of that for 
1879, but without success. The only one known to exist (apart 
from public libraries) is that in the possession of the proprietors 
of the Journal of Horticulture, and this has been most obligingly 
lent to Kew for transcription. 

The new plants of 1876 to 1885 were catalogued for the 
Gardeners’ Year Book by Mr. N. E. Brown, A.L.S., an Assistant 
in the Herbarium of the Royal Botanic Gardens—as unofficial 
work. He proceeded on a definite plan which has been continued 
since. It was therefore considered advisable in preparing the 
present list to start with the new plants of 1876. 

The lists published in the Kew Bulletin are now prepared as 
routine work by the Staff. 

In addition to species and well-marked varieties, hybrids, 
whether introduced or of garden origin, have been included 
where they have been described with formal botanical names. 
Mere cultural forms of well-known garden plants are omitted for 
obvious reasons. 

In every case the plant is cited under its published name. 
These are largely provisional and often wildly incorrect. When 


first introduced into cultivation the merit of many new garden 
plants depends solely on their foliage. Their true botanical 
affinities cannot be ascertained till they flower, and in some cases 
many years may elapse before this takes place. A striking 
instance is afforded by Talisia Princeps, now known to belong to 
Sapindacee ; it had previously passed in gardens under the names 
of Theophrasta pinnata (Myrsinacee) and Brownea Princeps and 
B. erecta (Leguminosz). 

Where definite botanical determinations are possible, or 
synonymous names exist, these are given in square brackets. 
Only names are cited which agree in form, at any rate, with the 
usual Latin binominal nomenclature. The personal authority 
for such names has, however, been uniformly omitted, as it 
was found in too many cases impossible to assign it with 

The reference given is to the publication in which the plant is 
first described or figured ; to this is added, when available, a 
reference which supplies further information. The natural order 
is given in the case of the first species cited of each genus. This 
is followed by abbreviations intended to indicate the appropriate 
cultural conditions. A brief notice of the habit and most striking 
points of each plant is given; but it has not been considered 
necessary to attempt botanical descriptions. But a description of 
hybrids of garden origin and of mere garden varieties is not 
given, as otherwise the list would exceed the limits within 
which it is necessary to confine it. The native country is added 
at the end. 

The total number of plants catalogued for the 21 years, which 
is covered, amounts to 7,600. The majority of the actually new 
plants included have been derived from the United States of 
Colombia, the Malayan Region, and the Polynesian Islands, all 
areas known to be rich in species and still imperfectly explored 

The orders most largely represented are all Monocotyledonous ; 
they are Orchidaceae, Liliacee, and Aracee. This is, however, 
only significant as representing the present drift of horticultural 
taste. The two first are especially popular in the British Isles for 
the sake of their flowers, and the latter on the Continent for their 


The genera most largely represented are the following :— 

Odontoglossum --»  «» about 350 entries. 
Cypripedium eat te 
Cattleya he ie oh Oe ae 
Dendrobium ata È of ee ee 
Leelia ... ae poe et ae. | ae 
Masdevallia . i: sO 
Oncidium sq: ae a 

Croton, Iris ... “: 2003 eek 

With regard to Odontoglossum a great number of forms and 
even of species previously undescribed have been introduced 
from the high Andes. Our knowledge of the genus has been, in 
fact, about doubled during the period covered by the list. None 
of the forms enumerated in the list have originated in cultivation. 

The art of the gardener has added to botanical science the 
knowledge of a considerable number of bigeneric hybrids, t.e., of 
crosses between species belonging to distinct and even not very 
closely allied genera. It was at one time supposed that such 
crosses were either impossible, or, if possible, were a proof that 
the genera were not really distinct. Darwin had long, however, 
clearly shown that the limitations and possibilities of cross- 
fertilisation do not run parallel with taxonomic affinities, 7.¢., with 
the place occupied by the parents in a natural classification. It 
may be convenient to give the following list of bigeneric hybrids 
included in the list :— 

Aloe x Gasteria. 

Aphelandra x Stenandrium. 

Bertolonia x Sonerila. 

Calanthe x Limatodes. 

Chionodoxa x Scilla. 

Epilelia = Epidendrum x Lelia. 
Epiphronitis = Epidendrum x Sophronitis. 
Gloxinia x Tapeinotes. 

Lelio-cattleya = Lelia x Cattleya. 
Phaio-calanthe = Phaius x Calanthe. 
Sophro-cattleya = Sophronitis x Cattleya. 
Sophro-lelia = Sophronitis x Lelia. 
Spirea x Astilbe. 

Urceocharis = Ureeolina x Eucharis. 
Zygocolax = Zygopetalum x Lycaste. 


An even more remarkable phenomenon is presented by the 
at present unique case of a trigeneric hybrid :—Sophro-cattleya 
Veitchii, a garden hybrid between Lelio-cattleya elegans and 
Sophronitis grandiflora. 

The number of names enumerated under Croton largely repre- 
sents mere forms cultivated for the beauty of their foliage of 
Codieum variegatum, formerly known as Croton pictus. In 
point of fact the two genera are widely distinct, and belong 
to two different groups of Kuphorbiacee. 

The publications from which the list has been compiled, with 
the abbreviations used to indicate them, are as follows :— 
Acta Hort. Petrop.—Acta Horti Petropolitani. 
American Florist. 
B. H.—La Belgique Horticole. 
B. M.—Botanical Magazine. 
B. T. O—Bulletino della Società Toscana di Orticoltura. 
Bull Cat.—W. Bull, Catalogue of New, Beautiful and Rare 
Bull. Mus. Paris.—Bulletin du Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle, 


Cat. Comp. Cont. d@Hort.—Catalogue de la Compagnie 
Continentale d’ Horticulture. 

Cat. Nat. Arb. Zisch.—Catalogue des National-Arboretums 
zu Zoéschen. 

Damm. Cat.—Dammann, General Price List and Catalogue 
of Bulbs. 

Engros-Cat. des Nat. Arb. Zésch—FEngros-Catalogue des 
National-Arboretums zu Zéschen. 

Fl. and P.—Florist and Pomologist. 

Fil. des S.—Flore des Serres. 

F. M.—¥loral Magazine. 

G. and F.—Garden and Forest. 

Fard.—The Garden. 

Gard. World.—Gardening World. 


G. C.—Gardeners’ Chronicle. 


G. M.—Gardeners’ Magazine. 

H. G.—Hamburger Garten- und Blumenzeitung. 

Icones Plantarum,—Hooker’s Icones Plantarum, 


M. H.—L' Illustration Horticole. 

Jard.—Le Jardin. 

J. H. F.—Journal de la Société Nationale d’Horticulture 
de France. 

J. O.—Journal des Orchidées. 

J. of H.—Journal of Horticulture. 

Journ. Bot.—The Journal of Botany. 

Journ. de Bot.—Journal de Botanique. 

Journ. Linn. Soc.—Journal of the Linnean Society. 

J. R. H. S—Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society. 

K. B.—Kew Bulletin. 


Lemoine Cat.—Lemoine, Catalogue et Prix-courant. 

L'Hort. Int. Cat.—L’' Horticulture Internationale, Catalogue. 

Lind. Cat.—Linden, Catalogue des Plantes. . 

M. D. G.—Mitteilungen der Deutschen Dendrologischen 

M. G. Z—Möller’s Deutsche Garten-Zeitung. 

M. K.—Monatschrift für Kakteenkunde. 

Nat. Arb. Zösch.—Neuheiten-Offerte des Nationale-Arbo- 
retums zu Zöschen. 

N. B.—Notizblatt der Königl. Botanischen Gartens und 
Museums zu Berlin. 

N. G. M.—Dr. Neubert’s Garten-Magazin. 


Oester. Bot. Zeitschrift—Oecsterreichische botanische Zeit- 

0. R.—Orchid Review. i 

Proc. R. H. S.—Proceedings of the Royal Horticultural 

R.— Reichenbachia. 

Regel, Deser.—Regel, Descriptiones Plantarum. 

R. H.—Revue Horticole. 

R. H. B.—Revue de l’Horticulture Belge. 

Sand. Cat.—Sander’s Catalogues. 

Späth Cat.—Späth’s General Nursery Catalogue. 

Veitch Cat.—Veitch’s Catalogue of Plants. 

Veitch. Man.—Veitch’s Manual of Orchidaceous Plants (Cattl. 
—Cattleya and Lelia; Cypr.—Cypripedium ; Dendr.— 
Dendrobium ; Masdev.—Masdevallia). 

Ver. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien —Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich- 
Königlich logise ischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 

Vilmorin Cat.—Catalogues de Vilmorin-Andrieux et Cie. 
Warner Orchid. Plants. — Warner, Select Orchidaceous 
W. G.—Wiener Illustrirte Garten-Zeitung. 
Williams’ Cat.—Williams’ Descriptive Catalogue. 
W. O. A.—Warner and Williams’ Orchid Album. 
W. O. Gr. Man.—Warner and Williams’ Greenhouse Manual. 
Year-book.—Hogg’s Gardeners’ Year Book. 

Other abbreviations used are :— 

diam.—diameter. l.—leaf or leaves. 
J., —figure, figures. per.— perennial. 
jfl.—flower or flowers. pet.—petal or petals. 
Jr.—truit. pl.—plate or plates. 
Jt.—foot or feet. S.—Stove. 
G.—Greenhouse. sep.—sepal or sepals. 
H.—Hardy. seyv.—series. 
herb.—herbaceous. shr.—shrub. 

H. H.—Half-hardy: syn.—synonym. 
in.—inch or inches. t., tt.—plate, plates. 
infl.—inflorescence. var.—variety or varieties. 

It only remains to add, that the present list has no pretensions 
to be more than a compilation. Asan Index to the horticultural 
literature of recent years, it is believed that it will be found of 
practical utility. To have attempted to further elaborate it or to 
give it anything approaching a scientific character would have 
postponed its publication indefinitely. 

No doubt, its use will detect some errors. For example, by 
some mischance the genus Sonerila has got out of place. But 
those who in using the book discover its defects will probably be 
those who will regard them most leniently. 

January, 1900. 


1876 to 1896. 

Abelia rupestris grandiflora. Pp 
ee Tend Caprifoliacee. H. G 


Analis spathulata. CB. M.t a 
wering a. with pb osite 

fee hiph, too L., and pairs 

1 a Bnet a fl. 

Corolla ł in. long, campanulate, con- 

te se i ; 

Calyx-lobes fou long- 

spathulate, Sean: Jake 

Abi gums la ee (R. p. 1879, 

; B M. 7114.) niferæ. 

E ree, having the fac 
nordmanniana. Young shoot pinis” 


ro ounded, ‘truncate, or real bifid, ae 
T abov 6, Ta cous on each side of 

mi idrib below. Japan. 

Abies pamai ra and P. 1882,3 
H silver fi 

nor — nniana, 

Veitchi, "Lindl. ] | 

Abies sone mutabilis. (W. &. 
1888, 107.) H. Garden variety of 
Picea BRA 

QO. D. G. 

Abies gerar paise 
28. weeping form 

] a 
pene poo 

Abies Mariesii. (4. = 1879, xii. 
ede Sager EAn er fir, having 
aspect of P. seat te, Japan 

2146—1000—3/99 Wt 25918 D&S 

Abies nordmanniana PETEERE 
(R. H.1887, 151.) H. Garden variety 

Var. ron 
f. 132. 
drooping sae 

ae H. 1890, 440, 
den variety wit ith 

Abies sachalinensis. (@. C. 1879, 
xii, 589, A tall pyramidal 
tree, with long linear 1. and handso 
cones. Jap 

etd an Snek Slee Zef bes pi 

culia der 

habit with. “broadly ae pern - 

pinnatifid L. ‘on aaar petioles, Mada- 

Abuu. eg (B. WM. t. 6546; 
N yctagin- 

aco. Ls Per interesting Mt OS deans 

flow her rywhere praen 
> hairs 

L. petiolate, elliptic. seta 
llow axil 

frost lary, 

pedunculate migioboe umbels, 
Western North pi a. 

Ah +i] } } PaOAmMmMNnAR 

tum. (F. G. 1888. Reg G. Mal- 
vaceæ. Garden 

Anon ee = H. i, 

t.) ushy 

e beari NSE 

pright red, striate with orange, with 
dark red veins. Garden origin. 

Abutilon Teena (F. M. t. 287) 

G. Shr. a n palmatifid 1. 
and merkie odding ye! 

Abutilon Thompsoni, flore pleno. | obovate or sc oat toothed = 

CR. H. 1885, 324,t.) G. Thisi s merely | eari S1 ilky-w n both sides. Fl, 

a double- flowered form of the varie- | ong in esaa spikes on ‘long 
poe var, of A, striatum, | sey peduncles. Chili. 

— baileyana. (G. C. 1894, xv. | — dere ee a uant 

7, f. 4.) Leguminose. G. A sħr. Cat. =a .) Euphorbiae 
wie. elegant bipinnate 1. and small $ green, teeth prominently rounded, 
ads of yellow fl. in loose yellow. ` 

globose he 

unbranched racemes. Australia. 

A po macafeeana. UL Cat. 

Acacia i of erect hab L. broad, 
aan pS ago ae oe = ete seein in form, serrate, 
Acacias a forms a woody shr., with frequently much cut, ong, 6 In. 

large bipinnate 1. and large horn-like pee Asien red, blotched with deep 

> peed in pairs. The fl. are in axillary 
clus l heads, 1 in. long. 
Central America and Cuba 3 sn beg ee ear Cia. H. 
age shr. L. 
ed, i a ie ous cordate-accu- 
Acacia viscidula. (Gf. t.1109) G. all ki h- ire- 
of lax habit, with lin ee hyllodia, a ately wer 

an -e globular heads of yellow 

Apalyphe musaica. (Williams Cut 
1877, 17.) S. shr., with large deeply- 
Acæna adscendens. CB. T. O. 1888, srtated l of a bronzy-green, gu 
“a ‘ane seie “ge ome variegated with various sha of 
i) salt Q South § 
ding branches. L pin nate, orange and coppery-red. Sou ea 

o 1 in. long, obovate 
elliptic-obovate, obtuse, ae ce : 
rous above, silky beneath. Fl. heads ETU obovata. (Bull Cat. 1884, 

t. L. obovate, 

globose Fad: ırple, on long peduncles 11) S. foliage plant. L. 
Patagon | green with creamy pepsi when young, 
| changing to olive -green with pink 
Acæna r (B. 1888. margins, and finally to a bronzy centre 
J milar to a salina with broad rosy-crimson margins. 
but a itie pess er and less graceful. Polynesia. 

The leaflets of the rather long pinnate 

Acalypha Sanderi. (@. C. 1896 

cut to the middle, more or less 392.) S. Attaining a height of 10 ya 
pubescent on both sides, or glabrous 15 ft., with large ovate green serrated 
above. Fl. in od interrupted spikes, 1. and lo ong drooping tail-like spikes of 
: purple. Australia bright rose-red fl. [A. hispida, Burm, ] 
| New Guinea 
Acena sarmentosa. (B. T. O. 1888, | 
332.) H. per. A rampant species | Acalypha torta. (Bull Cut. 1876.) s: 
similar to A. Sanguisorbe, but stouter, Shr. of curious Stems erect, 
with Minis branches, d the e | covered with suborbicular ara e 
eath, and with longer hairs. | very much contorted 1., of a dark olive 
Fi. in glo eads on t green, on semiterete nar Samoa, 
peduncles of moderate wit 

te length h 
_one or two bracts. afise d’Acunha. Acalypha triumphans, 

1888, 55, t. 55; LZ’ Hort- Lint, Cat, 

Acæna sericea. (B. T. O. 1888 1888-9, 41; H. GŒ. 1888, 502; ; 
aalis i A. epai Beara long x 1888, 384.) S. A foliage sit ed with 

of cuneate, large cordate, toothed, acute 1., varie. 

meand toned Teas, silky beneath. p ar — crimson, green an 
Fl. green in eads, on sary pe- o be a variety of A, 

duncles, aot ce 2 or 3 smaller w coll xe er Isles. 
heads, sessile in the axils of leafy 
bracts. Patagonia, Chili. Acampe madagascariensis. . €. 
1891, x. 608.) Orchidaceæ. §, Allied 
— apiend ens. (B. T. O. 1888, to A. papillosum. Tt has thick leathery 
g A stout tufted alpine l. and small whitish fi., the lip rose 
L. pinnate, with 3-4 pairs of purple, Madagascar 

Asaashominthe : eee (B. 

FA a 

NEE Er TSL) Oreki oe 

i881, x v. 169.) Ore 

>. S. epiphyte 

Fl. light- 
rose with | humerous purple spots ; lip 
white and or! sail fig the nail and 
eas yellow. Bor 

ng plage eg je aage gee (A.C 

1896 r A. Curtisii, 
Pse e. rise rE 3 in. long, 
RED +, l. o oblong- lanceolate, tlicate 

g, in. wide; scape 
flowered gi near ariy 2 in, "long, ite 

Acanthophippium mantinianum. 
. O. 1896, 1388; ZL. xii. t 536.) 

ite, thicke 
part of ‘tisk. orange-yellow with ridges 
and lined with purple. Philip- 

Acanthophenix grandis. 
1895, 185.) Palme. S. 
palm with finely cu 


Vem state 

H. habs, 

is s peonliar t 


(ill. H. 
A handsome 

t 1l. and deep brown 
e called pie iggy grandis 

22 23). ait canthophenia 
o the Mascarene Islands]. 

2 aculeata. (ZU. H.1879, 
t. 367.) Palme. S. A fine palm, wit 
the trunk covered with asce 

bran pith Ard sem spines. L. with an orbicu- 
lar outline cut into m any epe acute 
spreadin s been dis- 

tributed under the name of Ch amerops 
stauraca: bore Mexico, 

Acanthus Caroli-Alexandri. (GA. 
1886, a, 73-75 oe Acan- 
H. ith a osette 
ofa ion paria yeay raion 
toothed radical 1., win, bor 

9-28 in. th 2-4 similar l., an 

ending in a dense spike A white fl. 

often raed with rose, . 

Acer vampate postelense. pi D.G 
1896, 80.) Sapindaceæ. ellow- 
leaved form of the common mse 

Acer oe tricolor. Sai 

a pink, shadi ff 
in an irregular manner into all shades 
of dar crimson to creamy 

red or 
white, Garden variety. 
an aril a ton (R. H. 1896, 398.) 

ornamental garden forms of 
thie species are described at the above 

a pea pare gen a hs pp 

tree. or 
of pi Silver Maple, J ween ie i are 
spotted with white, and the mae of the 

young one tinted with r 

Acer Duretti pager mae m. 
(M. D. G.1896,79.) H. with 
l. margined and dotted vith tery 

werin ; es are seller 
ra a Wiaguitilcbom. pulverulen- 

Acer Heldreichii. (@y.t.1185.) H. 

ee, with small palmately 5-lo Rs 
the lobes dentate-acute, the middle one 
cuneately tapering to i 

small terminal pantog; smaller hess 
the leaves. Gree 
Acer insigne. Te M. t. 6697 ia and 
P. 1883, 107.) H, tree, one of the 
tartis in cultivation; with large 
ht red bud sales palmate ly deeply- 

thea and serr te, pale een l., and 
terminal fansite of greenish fl, Persia 

Ace iyabei. (Späth Cat. 1894-5, 
G. and A 1893, 143, early 
related t me Seems Maple, Acer 

Acer Negundo varieties. (J. 
1006. 18) B. The following peii 
of this species are described d 
figured, viz. :—densiflorum, falcatum 
koehneanum, parallelum, rectangulatum, 

— bea borate e 2 A 1896, hae 
H. oduced fr 
aay pee 
to ripen 
grown in Europe is killed by cold. 


Acer peewee foliis marginatis. 

a ated dees but of more vigorous 

Var. Guichardi. (2. H. B. 
1889, 268.) H. tree. A form with 
the 1. all yellow, like those of the 
Golden Elder ; growth fairly vigorous. 

Var. odessanum. Kes Doe 
1896, 2.) H. A form ith L of a 
olden colour and Redes ing that 

eeper go 
colour | — 

Acer Negu 

the ordinary golden 

van, pendulum. Glare) rapes 338.) 
A weeping form o 
Ris laa 

Acer palmatum Aokii. (7. 1892, 
33,t.). H. tree. A form with variegat ted 
foliage. Garden varie ety. 

—— Var. dissectum JERA 
CGA. 1886, 569.) H. tree. Garden 

Acer platanoides Togra 
o =. Pa os An orn 

a må 
Stink fed) something Tike the Ball 
Acacia, Garden variety 
— Vars. columnare, age 
euchlorum, A 
(syn. pigmeum 
quadricolor, of a es ‘une 
337-40), Garden varieties, 


Var. Saor re. (H. H. 1878, 


it were, a leafy 
having s a very singular effect. 

ar. integrilobum. Si 1887, 
M. Ms HL. tree, Garden variety 

—— Var. multicolor. (ar 1886, ae) 
H A form of eet a aple wi 
large red 1. late 
white specks a blo 


--— Var. undulatum. (72. H. 1887, 
53) H tree, Garden variety. 

Acer ae — 
T. 1879, 270.) H. tree, 
da ae 

with lar rge Tea l. Ga Fek 

Var. or 
shr. o 

— “a AISTI 
334) H. the 1. being deep 


yellowish - rose - col 

fla ksi Si ae Other garden forms 

in R. H. 1896, 398, 

Acer Trautvetteri erythrocarpa. 
(Cat. Nat. 1 Zösch. 1892, 11.) H. 
tree. A ety with red fruit. 


N ior iape (G. C. 1877, vii. 

what resembli ing 

< “Pse udo-platanus, but the 1. are more 
oblong in outline, w ge f w 

esei lanceolate abe 

sinuses be twee 

e ree 

a qu uite glabrous 

ben aii Cat ucasus. 

a rupestris. (#. M. t. 6905; 
ptf. a sae Saara ri ; 

s alpine plant of dw 
tufted habit; ie rosettes of linear- 
spathulate, obtuse, pubescent, entire 
reyish-g , and aise leafy 
stems, 4-6 in. high, with small corymbs 
of small white fi.-heads, with very 
broad ray florets, Sonth Italy. 
oa Sa s ga sid 1879, 
240.) Am Ak A. 
oe haffoltii, =, a a eo et-red, 
ofte eripe with black. Hast ne 
Her Isti H ok. | 
Acidanthera oT nye g 
1893, xiv. 682 ; and F. vi. 133, 515.) 
Iridaceæ. eae species 
with stems 4 ft. aa and ensiform 1 
20 in. long by 1} in. wide. in a 
loose E a each with a tube 6 in. long 
and a in. across, va ith 5 

ptt pee This plant 

Dean Herbert, bat it has ten ately 
been introduced. Mountains of Sierra 

Acine gp mei i aT —< Sei xviii. 
soo Orchidacer. 

the narrow erect ail de Sadia of the 
lip. Fl. white with a “ia oo spots 
inside the lip. Colombi 

Acineta sulcata. (4. C. Pa xi. 652.) 
S. epiphyte, allied to / . Hu mboldtii. 
FI, pr rapa Po urved, with 
trong veloped wings on the hinder 
side = “ie side partitions, and adnate 

a greater part of them: callus linear- 
ligulate sulcate, with two teeth in 
front, and i ae h tas to 

ones on column 
hairy. Colombia (/). 

Acineta Wrighti.. (Gard. Spake ld, 
1889, v. 673 ; obust 

species, with ovate peeudobuibs sacked 
on their a S 

ri 2-4 pareet, lanceolate, 

: -stem 2-3 ft. long, with 
numerous handsome fl. Sep. and the 
small lowish, dotted wit 
purple. Lip. 3-lobed, the lateral lobes 
whitish, the terminal lobe purple, with 
ite , pubesce in the 
middle crest oblong, brown - - purple, 

cent with purple hairs. [This is 
Lacana spectabilis, Reichb. EJ Mexico. 

Aciphylla Lyallii. (1. &. 1889, 123.) 
Umbelliferæ. H, per. New Zealand. 

ym oe gow Cat, 1882, 13. 

and ¢ ins principa 
pelien helmet of the fl. Himalaya. 

Fischeri. = M. t. 7130.) 
H. Nearly allied to sbara 
Fortunei, differing chiefly by 

ts longer 
not sem micircular hood 

and m hore robust 

a spectabilis. (B. M. t 
9;) ocynaceæ older name 
for Towic alae spectabilis. 

Acriopsis indica. (7. ( 1881, sei 
656.) Orchidacee. S. Epiphyte 
clusters of short shining vaoudataltis, 
bearing linear-lanceolate l., and loose 
panicles of light ochre fl., with a few 
light- -brown markings on the petals. 

Acrochæ æne Emni Ç&. C. 1882, 
xvii. 796. rchidaceæ. S. A © 

lobes, fles. 
Pena middle lobe. Tropical Ai, 


Ada Lehmanni. 

si sae scene sax 
G. A 

Acropora Lodđigosii arepo En 

(Gn. 189 
Variety Ai dark ne aa sind 
dee mi ellow pet. and lip, dotted with 

_Acrostishum „magnum. (G. C. 1883, 
f A lar 

lices. S. 

F ra 

se, mbranous, gree 
ammer ous scales on byth idak 

upper whitish and incon nspic ae 
on tes lower ferruginous. ish 

Actinidia Sn (G. C. 1880, 

Tern stroemiacex. 

3 Pake ‘covered with 
Huffy white down. Japa 

g C. 1891, > 34.) 
Orchidaceæ, G. abit of = AUTAN- 
tiaca, po more igla Sep pet. 
p white with a pn callus. 


Colo Skis 

Adenocarpus ppr s H. 
1883, 156, 
shr., vin p ph aspec the 
furze, with densely rr oy fololate i 
the leaflets linear, soft, n; 
in short compact racemes, “ike those 

of the pea, a av yellow. Spain. 

a M. t. 6921. ) 

riferous, much 
branches slender. L, 
Fi. in lax rier sear 
bright calidon, pe gine in. in 
diameter. Pod Seer with 6-8 
rounded joints. Chili 

ed shr, 

ge Peek AE C. Aad ei 

ot er tice but Tess Ft pie an 

of a bluer-green ¢ ; the pinnules 

-= EEA cuneate-oblong , With 2-5 

gabias Sey black. Brazil. 

Adiantum aneitense. (Bull Cat. 1881, 
8,15.) 8 f free 

: evergreen 
wth. Fronds bipinnate: pinnæ 
3-4 A each Since of = ei distant, 
lin te ; pinnules 

obliquely preme Tobed along the 
per edge. Aneityum, Melanesia. 
| Adiantum assimile cristatum. 

(Bull Cat. 9.) G. A form with crest 
fronds, Victoria. 

Adiantum — = C. 1888, xii. 
oe wee ee, 73.) S. A hybrid 
nA.t ERRES a meand A. decorum. 

a bellum. (4. € 187 
sk f.; Bull Cat. 1879,3.) 8. Maiden: 

green tufts, about 6 in. hig ron 

ovate lan te, ery slender, 

bipinnate. — small, cuneate, 
n hair-li 

gular for ke 
prot Allied re A. fras gile, but the 
ae are not deciduous as in that 
species, Ber Se as 

Adiantum bessonian ra 
1896, xx. 75; G. and F, 1 314.) S. 
5 variety of A tenerum with TEE 
= on arpa reniform pinn Wes 

adiantum (pitkenheadii. (6 
1886, xxv. 648.) S. Fern of tufted habit, 
with fee fronds about 24 ft. 
long a is Seod, faitoid acuminate ; 

r pinnate ; 
obtusely oblong-trapezoid, 

cut on the upper y into shallow 
lobes. Gaii seedlin 

arrest Bournei. (7. and P. 1882, 

Maidenhair fern, remark- 

able for its eae triangular fronds on 
ong § 

Adiantum F Burnii. Rie ©- 1887, 1, 
47.) S. Garden varie 
Adiaten Caillus-veneris digi- 
um. (G. C. 1887, 1, 547). G. 
rae vari ariety. 
ar, grande. (G. (. 1886, zoi 

103). G. A garden variety of 1 
size, denser, and more bushy in habit 
than th he type. 

— Var. imbricatum. (4, Œ. 1887, 
i.647.) G. Garden variety 

Adiantum Cisne: gn. H. 1894, 
137, t.; G. C 1894 663.) 8. 
Species with is obeordate lanceolate 
pinnules variegated on h white and 
light green on dark green ground. 

Adiatan — pga Cat. 1885, 

9.) ern with 
uak uis cio 12-18 in - long, 
and a n triangular frond 15-24 in, 
ac nules ll rhomboid, 

Garden variet 

Adiantum colpodes roseum. (G. 

si F, 1888, i. 376.) S. fern, A 

ar, having the ee Biaics of a 
Haih -red hue 

cuneatum deflex 
xx, 70: Veitch Cat. ae 

Sy C. 1884, x 

tween A, cuneatum and 

A. Bausei 

—— Var. dissectum. (G4. C. 1879, 
xii. a Ae a? = A form growing to 
th the pinnules more 

ject i ‘oe Uia j in the type 

— elegans. (6G. C. 1885, xxiv. 
134). Ey TA garden variety, w rith dark, 

are aa E in. Ta gor 3 in. broad 

r. Gordoni. 
S. ‘a ha variety. 

CW. G. 1888, 107.) 

—_— ae „grandianpa (Gk 1893, 
vi. 685.) es var. 

the pe ces of a Gera eloped To 

bushy tasselled heads. path variety. 

Var. strictum. (G. C. 1884, xx 

E. arra nged pinne. 
Garden eat sa 

mR cyclosorum. (4. C. 

- 1887, 

ae rhom 
8-10 targe, circular, marginal, 

REUE Daddsii. (vu. 
.42,.) G. ! 

Garden variety 


C. 1887, 

Adiantum dolabriforme. ( Williams’ 

je E small, 
distant, dolabe atA. crenate. 

— dolabriforme. (Fl. and P. 
1882, 1 S. fern, often confounded 
with a i u nulatun, ‘but differing in its 
evergreen ronds elongated, 
sag proliferous pinnules dolabri- 

Adian yer! Pog, Woke (iu. 
1878, t. 286.) S$. fern. Fronds Siar 
slender, often ‘proliferous, pinnate ; 
pinnæ æ sessile, broadly cuneiform, trun- 
cate, bi ap d, about in. lon ng and 
broad. India 

Akin elegans. (4. C.1886, xxv. 
; Williams’ Cat. 1886, 22.) S. 

The long 

ovate or deltoid, with stalked pinnules ; 

pinnulets very small, o 3-lobed, 

roundish, the la arger Pie slight ly 

vole papa the terminal ones onan 
The stipes blackish purple. 

naa Variety, 

ers He ar ge ee (G4. C 
49.) À sport from 
I Pitter 

Adiantum Pyters (Q. C 1884, 
xii. 360.) S. fern of rather i aaral 

se, bipinnatisa, = slender pedicels 
4-4 in. long. Cey 

Bere festum. (G. C. 1887, i. 
10.) G. Garden variety. 

C: 1879. 
with the apex of the fronds multia 
paama otherwise as in type. New 

as fluviatile SRS 

aean kiia Seere Se. g 
. 198-9, f. 49.) 8S. 

rental bits 

aa eS hians. (G. C. 1887, i. 41.) 
S. aidenhai wW 

ir fern, wi triangular- 

ata tripinnate fronds having bl 
pes u variable, roundish, 
- y TES or 

1-2 i broadl ly-gaping sori. New 

peantom asa iphcrneans CW. G. 
e rat sian the w raal ulti- 
mate segm ments much crumpled and 
eres ee (G. C 183, 
85.) the way of A 
ee m i with a droo ooping 

< 3 fis Pas = somewhat 
Stipes stout, 

smooth, Pinna, pinnules and pinnulets 
all stalked. The ~~ Peet cb ea 
loù ng, trapeziform, | the ma 
Garden variety. 

Adiantum Degtandii, me and P. 

1882, 105. A dwarf fern, with 
small tri sen Troada. ‘densely set 
with overlapping pinnules, Garden 

agi Ceran, m. IT, 1895, 
Maidouhair’ ey Brin A, 
Clesii. Brazil, 

Adiantum lunulatum oleae 

(ill, H. 1878, t. 329.) S. fer ti 
ith densely pinnate fronds ; the 
pinnules more less fal below, 

[ A poel Lind. Oat, 1879.] Geleben, 

Adiantum on ee albo- 

striatum. (4. A Bea: xi. 816.) 8. 
var. with pinne streaked 

with creamy ie on a green ground. 

BAE Errar Bire ms, 
Cat. 1885, Be ae = aS. 
ing from ae havik 

-fronds twice p in the lower part, 
and sk eeni pe as Jamaica 

—— a (G. CL 1885, 
294.) n 

aspect to the pinnules. [Garden 
variety of A, Ca pill us-veneris, | 

Adiantum manicatum. (Gard. 1890, 
xxxviii, 94.) S. A seedling with bold 
broad fronds and much divided pinnules 

antum aeiaai. (Veitch 
J nhair fern 

Cat. 1886, 9 

barre: ress (G. C. 1879, 

warf evergreen 

fa “sbont. 6 in. high, with deltoid 
tripinnate fronds, 

paras, S. mirk aa cuneate, 3- 
innules. A seedling of A. cuneatum. 

Adiantum nebulosum. (G. C. 1893, 
seedling form of 
Pe ge AMS ‘ 

Adiantum onpi noino. < g 
1877, vii. Fronds 
S preading, g bee » deltoid, 3-4 times 

ate, pellucid 


in usium smooth, stipes 

rown, New 

smear Arye csledoin, (G. 6 
1883, xi 3 i 

S. iden fer 
REDA a and Sra blackish, the latter 
with dark brown hair-scales on the 
ide, i 

te pinne 
lanceolate, the aige ones ais 
pinnules irregu in size an re pom 
coarsely toothed. New Caledon 

Adiantum RRE minus. (Bull 
Cat. i883, 11. Evergr reen fern of 

iocis and lobed, Colombia. 

Adiantum Oweni. = 
110.) G. Garden variety 

C 17 i. 

Adiantum Pacottii. (#7. and P. 1882, 
105.) A arra fern pm in. 
th elon ri- 
pinnate fronds, with densely ss pinnæ 
and pinnules ; pinnules broadly cuneate 
and Geny cleft, [A. cuneatum, var.] 
f; a are if 
; As Cat. 1 7, 10, 
17. 18. set bs s, allied to A. PavAs 
Fronds se rambling, elongate, narrow 
se apex, laxly trip 

——— palmatum. (4 

mi-orbicu alar, in, broad, 
palmately cleft altes Bis Dm sori 
Hag mt he of the 
stipes and se smooth, 

dark en Peru 

— Paradise. (6. C. 1889, 
558) G. As ith the 

habit of A. ethiopicum. Fronds 6 in. 
and long, pimæ petiol 

peo segments crenate at the apex. 
Africa, | 


Adiantum pirnvianun. (1, H. 1878, 

t. 33 species, with pinnate 
fronds Rhachis black, slender ; pin- 
nules unequally ovate-acuminate, base 
Bom, sit ne, 2-3 i road, 
marginal, on an 

ame per of the pinnules, Perv 

Adiantum Regine. ee Cat. 1883 ; 

WG: aae 127. 2 S. A Maidenhair fern, 
approa rie een ie and A. 
rhodoph yilan, owas the habit of 
a ina anes Ct. a 
a Fl. and P. 1884, 
Veith oy A Fea Pa fG N ae 

slender black stipites ¢ hach- 
ides, nearly | long : pinnules 
h o-trapezoid, deeply lobed, the 
lobes often toothed. The young 

fronds iaae from rose to green. 
Garden varie 

ca Bo rhomboideu um. (4, C. 1879, 

84.) s the portot name for 

e pian nt commonly © 

varium he e A. varium has the 

ay alan "pati in = rhombaidenm 
tey Sa distinct. Jam 

Adiantum shisophylnm, (L Hort. 
Int. Cat. 1888-9, 45.) Garden variety 
of A. aemulum. 

Adiantum tetraphyllum gracile. 
cag ag ti fix. ; FI and P. 138.) 
able r its reddish 
it ki ada Stipes black, oo tek 
Fronds bipi innate; Perse æ 4- $ lin 
lanceolate acuminate, 6-8 pa aa 
re obliquely oblong, gee 
base, margin  crenate - dentate, 

PO Ae (I. H. 1889, 65, 

trapezoid, ' ebtuse. 

1888 crested form of A. 
( A eneris, 

Adiantum Victoriæ. (&. €. 1882, 
xvii, 423; FI. and P P. 1882, 74.) S 

Aant VONA (G. and E. 

"deeply eked 

te. ong or reniform at 
the a of the Tebi. Garden variety. 

Seen Waltoni. (G. C. 1887, i. | | ohne drakona.. (R. H. 1888, 

11.) G. Garden variety. BES 1888, 650; . W. G. 1888 


| 432.) s . plant, = a rosette of 

Alaia Pi. tad 2. n aa | eee ty ree Fai te bead” a 
i. ane 884, 9. 3. : P ? 

pele ‘with angular, tripinnate, | nennt. com me a: ee se 
glaprous seas pinne stalk , ovate straight A sat 4, green 
the l pair oblong - triangular ; : j ; 

pinnules stalked, the lower one - isr Pe operert Ees ee aa 

upper 5 S with ns on ees at the base, red ab and covered 

its angai black, shining. Anga hina O a e ones ng. 

pee b lax. T escai calyx glabrous, bright 

rose; corolla 1} in, long, bright blue. 

wer Williamsii. CG 20. Pane iaae ea 
. fern, somethin 

n the 
a ol 4. hilense, ‘Stipe Save RAEN, Achmea flexuosa. (G. C. 1887, i. 8.) 

eek ie abri pe ate g gh rae ee S. aax of the pera EN oe nee 
with a rosette of 20-30 large horn 

et ar, with t oblong- zenitorm aarian San: broad, bright. green afr Ae 

W ; prickles small and pale, Fl.- 

stem about 3 igh ; panicle lax, 

— PAA, Ce C. 1896, xix. ovate, with zigzag ultimate branchlets., 

40.) Ranunculaceæ A pretty Fl. distant, sessile glabrous; calyx 

Ta with ee i vided 1 "and yellow and ovary pale pink; pet. bright red. 

fl. about 2 in. in diameter. Ma nd- [Now identified with E. spectabilis, 

shuria. Brongn n. | 

— vernalis ipao. (4. U. 1879, eres i ncrseenbere. (B. ai, vie 
620, ith 

arfer and wit 2, pecies, with 1 
asa ‘than fr on A aL Tt. long, ee a 
on the gins, green. Panicle large, 
Aechmea Barlesi. (0. C 1983, xx. 102.) |- Tense, sessile, cone- or spike-like, 
Pismeliaicat: A large plant, with en apei -N = at 
a rosette of 8 9 lorate-ensiform green A mealy 2 pekes anok 5 
hast long and g in: iria, Baniy its axil - ‘fl. dis ichous, about 9 on each 
eo a e o a he branch. with BREA ured bracteoles. 
Fl.-stem central, paniculately Be 
branched, the —— on the lower part — 

red, the upper part green. FI. ee 

distichous, calyx with a lobo mealy Æchmea Glaziovii. (R. //. 1881, 100: 
tube, oe pale yellow. British B. H. 1880, 240.) S. A pretty 
cra ies p heat: 

of the genus, with a rosette o 
Achmea brasiliensis. (Gj. t.1202) | bout 40 Jorate channelled arched 
E RTA ous L. wi nute distant 
o ae pase chiens ing, : spines on rgins. Scape shor 
spreading 1l., 2 to 3 ft. long, spiny on ti ey ee age 
p a8 bright Sam ni eas cuspidate, rosy ; fl. purplish. Rio 
mealy beneath. Fl.-stem ut 3 ft 

“high bright red as well as the bracts 

and oa calyces of the blue fl. which are Achmea Hystrix. (4. H. issv, 91.) 
disposed i ina vie pike: like panicle. S. With numerous spreading rigid 
i inescent 1. 

2-3 ft. long, greyish beneath. Scape 

nearly as long as the l., covered with 

st oi a 2 Seat eee a vt) B. smooth unarmed scarlet bracts. Fl. 

teal ded hs teed. same mu oron onae i at violet, Song Jae in a dense oval spike, 
the a too at Cayen 

apex. Infi. rather Moci a Lalindei. (Zi/. H. ages, t 

than the l. The scape a Aer 1; Fl. and P. 1883, 57.) S. A plant 
sparce white tomentum. t ai long broad concave acute denticu- 
calyx carmine red. e Sollow. late green 1., 3-4 ft. long, and a tall 
Brazil fl.-stem, upper part with large 

reflexed acute crimson fl.- 

aka dense ; calyces ellipsoidal, 3 green 

ron ink apices ; corolla not exserted. 

Aichmea maaana oo 
fae Z 1880, 59.) } ft. lon: 
grey - mar, ins 

Gane with long straight a spines. The 

an mexicana. ((. C. 1897, 

panicle oblong - AERE al, 4-5 in. 
broad. yx and ovary green, devecly 
mealy ; pon bright crimson. Mexi 

Aichmea — Ch. u t 
6939 ;. G. 1887, ii. 108.) S. pe 
distinct-lo =. species with a den 
rosette of narrow attenuate canned 
l., 2-23 ft. long, 1 in. broad, armed 

the bracts a ight red. 
Fl. distichous, esii fading to lilac. 
Tropical Ameri 

Æchmea paniculata. (X. H. 1880, 
245.) S. Two ft. high, with broad arch- 
ing l. ,4 ft. or more long, wi ith spinous 
mar Fl.-stem with 12-15 bracti- 

l cle 1-6 in. long, 3-4 i 
oad, Bra woolly, ; 
subtending 2 sessile fl., between which 
oa peduncle g 4-5 
Sep. scarious, Bepon Pet. 

light Paci eh Mexi 

Aechmea paniculigera. (Bull Cut. 

1882, 13; FI. and P. 1882, 74.) 5 

Plant with ligulate 1., and a reddish- 

pur] rple fl.-stem severa: ral ft. pa Pactra 
with white 

egg above. The WE ews a hac 
on calyces rose-co. oe pet. dee 
purple. West Indi 

Echmea purpurea. (Williams’ Cut. 
poe 22.) S. L. 12-18 in. long, pale green 

at the tips, purplish-green str sh 

time a crimson-purple hue. Colombia. 

Aichmea vee (B. M. t. 6329; 
aa Cat. ra cX] as TMa ice 
her in 

arg ž lax te, 12-15 
in. Tens 2 in. peed: er peni te 
a Tae ; above, 

toothed bracts ; fl. and bracts scarlet- 
red, Colombia. 

— Var. npn (r H, 1880, Le 
Vor. red b 
which retain ie eotont for a DS ‘a 

Æchmea kirtena R 
ar. with a 

(R. G. 1887, 31): A var. w 

rosette of about je armed on the 
] with more crowded and 

mea spines han i ee n pe, uppe: 

with the basal pis washed 


blood-red. Fl.-stem shorter than t 
Bracts scarlet, mixed with waite ni 
reen. Fl. smaller than in the type. 

Aeranthus anaoa. (Act. 
Hort. -n 1890, xi. 303.) Orchi- 
warf species with 
j in, long, 

t cla 
curved spur. M Distrib buted by Sander 
& Co. Mi d grandidieranus.| Comoro 

granted a (G 

1883, 306.) A distinet e 

aving a ey _leaty stem, with 
ligulate emarg es dul 
green zee mee 1., and Pie hehe 
white Sep. and ligulate 

acute ; ip cuneate-obovate, pe with 
a median a apiculus ; spur filiform, five 
times as long as the lip. Madagascar. 

Aeranthus ges ng be (0. 
1888, 200; H. G. 1888, 127.) [A 
synonym of Angrecum grandidieri- 
anum, Carr, | 

Aeranthus Dat eg C. 1885, xxii 
18.) § 

726; xxiv, 80, f.1 aroi 
sword- like, ee ialeate, 8-9 in. 
long. Fl. ivory white, ble to 

ry w mpara 
those of Angrecum eeaguipedale m 
with a muc: hic 
funnel-shaped at its a, oe filiforn rm 
and bent abruptly upwards. Comoro 

pean EEr. o 

1888 98 j 

A um aA aoe Reichb. f “| 

Aeranthus ae ara (G. C. 
1888, iii. 264 ; 1888, 226 

3 ‘ott, linear, con- 

Sep.. lanceolate, 

broad, sopeere Bed base, acuminate at 
apex. Madaga 

narios fee CG. ¢ 

$9; +t. 210 ; “a 1890) 
56.) ‘one aC ex. 5S. Allied to A. 
Reet Reichb, E pni ditten i in its 

spur ving rose- 
pai f iei of gronlses white. 
Philippine e Islands. 

Aerides ballantinianum. (4. €. 
1885, xxiv. 198.) S. A showy Toad 
with rather kor bilobed 1. and 
v e fi. Dorsa and Jok, 

somewhat toothed ; lateral sep. white, 

ith the side tice 
orange or self- pa marked 
with purple streaks and pe nae 

—" ee te SP ne = 1886 
v. 650.) d fine 

"the nia -lobes 
over lapping ea 
lobe covering TRN in front. Borneo 

ones Burbidgei is ee 
CG. 1885, xxiii. 756.) 1. rich 
aA aay ne ion aa of tthe lip 
ochre, spotted with brown, and t 
ip of the spur o¢ 

Aerides crassifolium. (¢. €C. 1877, 

vii. 590.) epiphyte with war 
purplish-coloured fi. in the way of A 
falcatum, but wi the following 
distincti —spur bent at an angl 
side lo lip ch broader and 
shorter. The two keels on the 

f ar Bac stand close thi the 
base, they then get sari ous, and 
r orge, arching on both sides. 

Aerides Emericii. (G. C. 1883, xviii. 
586.) S. A species witha rich raceme 

o soak mauve- aprepls fl., the middle 
sep. and pet. 

cylindric and i i curved aair. the To. 
Andaman Islands 

Aerides expansum. (4. C. 
xviii. -40.) 8. isti 

em area deep purple. 

it (var. Leonie), 

e side lobes of th ips 

unt r ae = even dolabriform, is 

desoribed at the place above indicated. 

s been called A fae atum, var, 
ate G. C 1881, xvi. 38.] 


pri falcatum 
CG. gee, di 744; H. G. 1888, 
370 i). A compact form, with very 
thick ke weg broad 1.. and short 


AR Tne abue (E ni 
38.) m di iffering from 
he +5 pe in ae sie white fi. 

arre formosum, 
S. A form with 
of "white gtr fi., the trifid lip rote 
ith amet hyst. Garden 

Si ae ne a 

Äorides (Byes A Dne s = a ee 

ce ae of pi mae eieae De : 
eaked and 

with a retrorse ked solid tooth and 
a ver zy small angular spur. © 
aa bse per (CG. C 1888, xviii. 
nd P. 1303, tye A 
ka lant, the way of A 
mae losin; but with an unbranched 
racem d larger fi ite with a 

ce k 
lilac hue and very few blotches ; lip 
am aies sna with longi tudinal 
marks at the base. 

Aerides Jansoni. a C. 1890, viii. 
66; O. 1890, 193.) A su 
natural hybrid betv . odoratum 
and d. expansum. Burma, 
aoe a irene (G. C. 1884, 
; and P. 1883, 169.) 8. 
in ne i g A. odor atum, but finer. 
Sep. at first greenish, then white, 
rwards yellowish ; pet. flushed 

at the tips with purple ; mid-lobe of 
of lip purple, sending two purple lines 
to the inlay of the green-tipped spur 
Burma (?) 

Aeri Lawrencie amesianum. 
(E: C 1891- = = 3.) 5. Anr with 
ites gone than 2 ft. long 
nrawded th richly e coloured fi, larger 

those of the 

Aerides re (FI. and P. 
1882, EISS aea es with linear 1, 

and spikes of large white fi. 

drooping pik 
with a convex scoopeshaped lip of a 
bright magenta-rose 

Andaman Isla 

Sonia partes formosum 
A fine form with 

GE. t. 11.) 

ee ‘and i Bet ; Sep. and 
white mar ith numerous rose- 
purple spots ite at base, 

ith purple 1 the large 
elliptic | front lobe iiy rose-purple, 
Astidos marginatum to. 6. _ 
xiii., 533.) S. A beautiful spec 
the way of A. oe vulnerum, 
and pet. light yellow, wi 
border pu e Lip i 
orange Arra AES 
a ligulate toothed middle a yellow, 
gd to brown, Spur conical, 
light gree 

tum = hirmanionm. 


y of teral sep., and 
the mid-lobe of = lip very narrow 
and purple. Bur: 

Var. Demi a (L. 14.) 8. 
Spike of p white “a. having the 
tite of = , pot., 

with purp. aoe prides is dotted with 
purple aei tod with gree: 

Aerides olen lanum. (6%. C. 1885, 
xxiii. 501. This resembles A. guin- 
queculnerum, "but fa preven Sep. and 
pet. white, blotched w urple. Lip 
white, w ith sulphrclourl ed side-lobes, 
and a green spur, all spotted with red. 

ae pechypiyin, t C She 

epiphyte, w rge 
infi. of Seat fl. of light aoe: 
lake colour. Spur and column w 

the small lobes of the lip ay with 
or less warm purple. Burma. 


paridos miootisnum, CG. C. 1888, 

378.) S. At the place quoted this 

plant is stated by Reichenbach to ” 
e sameas A, houlletianum, "Reich 

aia ETAR (K. B. 1893, 
pecies allied to A. houlleti- 

aea inch across, lip 
flat, apne a a sep. <= A ee light 
buff ; lip yellow and purp 
— qunqa purpur- 
ted with 
ving the side-lobes of 
the ie. abe: with purple, 

-—- io ee 
1886, 6 

pact ot babi f with Surer sio Drader | 3 
than the type. 

Aerides Reishonhaghii cochin- 
chinense. (6G. C. 1881, 620.) 
No description is given’ of ‘ihe plant. 
Cochin China. 

cere ut e C. 1884, xxi. 
nol A fine the 

length, S m: mi ia t E: 
sep. and pet. palë white 
tips ; lip Tipp! rosy Tos as yellow 
lobes. Philip 

(G. C1884, 

aitas Seen 
06.) With long 1., i long 
. Sep. white j 

ge-coloured, spotted with ple ; 
the spur has two horns on the anterior 
side, which are somewhat mer- 

downward. tern Asia. 

Aerides onnaa asea (G. C. 1884, 
xxii. 134.) S. species, with short, 
broad 1., ai | numeron us, hata egni rich 
t. white 
tips 7- Hp valve with a purple middle 
and the re of the spur green. 
Bant Tropical Asi 

aeh savageanum. (Veitch Man. 
76.) BeA ay species, with 
oaii of moderate fl., white, 
tip and dotted with crimson- 
purple. Philippines. 

Aerides shee ea blandum. 
CGA. 1891, xA S. A variety with- 
out spots on ‘the 

ee scares (B. N. 123, 

rich panicled racemes of rosy fl, 
about 4 in. diam. Moulmein, Burma. 

Aerides virens Ellisii. (W. 0. A. 
Ta i 

tips of the spur greenish. 

ra cone ee Fat mi 
65.) riaceæ. 

ue eee ee 5 thes stem: s being ies, 
the 1. less gre lin “ong, ova ick, 
fleshy, and e fl., in erect genene 

on the ends pri the stems, 1 in. long, 
orange cone the — margined 
with deep red. Bur 

gy oe eas obconica. (2. . 
36.) 8 

yellow stripes on the spreading lo 
Asculus se iad G. rt 

distinctly stalked, oblong- oblanceo- 
late, finely serrate, zai a panicle of 
rather small fl. Chin 

oe T aaae sos ae H. 1894 
n hybrid betwe 
ms Ree pr y rubicunda. 

Æsculus rubicunda Briotii. (R. M. 
1878, 370.) H. tree. A fine pea 
of this a with deep red fi, 
Garden orig 

Asculus turbinata. (P. H. 1888, 
120-124, 496. G. and F. 1888, i. 491. 

large hilum. Cultiva vated under the 
name of E, chinensis, Japan. 



x l in. b 




| Aethionema coridifolium. (@/. t. 

1150) Crucifere. H. biennial. 
i ra 


dense somi of pretty purple fi. 

Afzelia africana. Se 1886, 551.) 
Leguminose. ental 

An ornam 

with coral- area ound ae 
Ba Tropical Africa. 

pr alma vitiensis. (Gf. 1887, 71, 

spreading v veins. Umbels 3-7 flowered. 

Aganisia cærulea. (4. ( 
226.) Orchidaceæ. S. epiphyte, with 
aslender climbing stem, articulate, and 
bearing distichous pseudobulbs, h 
with one cuneate oblong, acuminate 1 
Pedu rom the a M th, 
dark g flowered 

with Tae bine blotches sip sacci- 
form and fimbria 

we) [S cyanea. (4G. C. 1889, iv. 

[Syn. Warrea e ance , Lind 
. 1845, t. 28: but not Aganisia 
ee n Reichb. f a 

Aganisia cyanea. ke C. 1886. xxv. 

720, erroneously printed A. cærulea 
corre ected on p.804 to the above.) S. A 
handsome orchid of distinct 

i nd 

of the bulb, 2-3-flowered 

transversely reniform, sang wavy mar- 
gins. Rio Negro, Braz 

pen a m ix. t. 400.) S. 
well first i ced 

marked spe 

ma es e 
white handso: faa each 1} in. across. 

oliveriana, = C- 1878, 
558.) S, oe on beautiful 

clear blue fi. OTE PaE arand: 

orm. in, eate-oblon 
acuminate. Pim "9. 4 areri 
Sep. and pet. oblong acute: lip 
with a long claw with two lateral 

th, the front part fimbriate, a 

ie = a ects brown claw t 
the Braz 

Aganisia $ tioo. CL. i. 

different in shape. 

Agapanthus ERE EE excelsus, 
Ser Cat. 54.) 
per = 

h, and large 
wae of ‘light sir aS South Africa 

— Var. are aru eo 1878, 
5t.) G. ith blue 
el fi. a 1 

Leichtlinii. EGIA C. 1879, 
x EARS G. With the habi ‘A, minor, 
but w mete sig a : 

foot long, ł in. broad ; fl. n. long, 
deep hyacinthine blue. ae ate 
Agapetes Mannii. (4. C. um 
364.) Vacciniaceæ. A 
with w Bah dae Re Peres 
_ inconspicuous fl., similar to those of 
PFN Tei hills, India 

Ta, gaya (G. 
Fil. and P. 188 

C. 1963, rit. 

ong, greenish, arrang ax 
flexuose ge e [Syn. Alitertia Saler 
media.| Mex 

Agave IETT 

(G. and F. 
E A species 
belon nging to the sibgonns Speri a and 
allied t yn ifer o 20 in. 
ong, EFI in. broad, fiat ‘beth sides, 
margins filiferous, pungen 
duncle 12 ft. hi gh, fl. in pairs, Pe 
in. long, very narrow, yellow, 
stamens purple. Mexico. 

Agave Baxteri. (6G. C.1888, iii. 3 
1886, 209 G. 

8-10 ft. high ; panicle ae the branches 
3-4 in. ong a dense cluster of 
i ? 


| | Agave Botte 

(BP: rý 248.) 
G. perennial, “allied to i Faria 
oss. ody. 



$ igh 
densely b gr reenish, in a 

dense spike. Mexico 
Agave pirra (G. C. 1883, xviii. 
a f. 138-9 

gamens about 2 

Agave fenzliana. (B. M.-t. 6589.) 
This noble Agare is — = the 
plac uoted erroneously 

Hookeri, which i is a Pesci e A 

ner A. fenzli 


ong. Monterey, 

jana has 

me _candeiabriform ; 

igh ; 
aromin Mex 

Agave, Eoo, 
xii. EOF 
x 8 aaa of the di ga and ha 
j is americana ; a l. inte: 
ming a rosette 18 ft. karon: : Piniol 
nira erie: like, 40 ft. high, fl. green 
and yellow 

(K. P. 1892, 3; 

Agave Henriquesii, (2.6.1 
132; ii stccu ak 
Gioii keen A. aylonacantha 
and A. Jee rida. L: 2 ft. 

: Peay with ey 

Agave laxifolia. (B. M. t. 7477.) 
G, A species of the section Rigide 


A. ewcelsa, The fi. give out a | panicled above ; branches of the panicle 
smell exactly like that of mice. | horizontal, ending in a la arge den 9 
Mexico. | packed head of ye pee Se -green 

Fl, 3} in. long. Californi 
Agave maximowicziana. CGH. 1889 ; 
483; Act. Hort. Petrop. 1890, xi. 303.) Er sgeig mae CGA. 1893, 66, 

G. Allied to <A. densiflora; wi = anlescent, witha rosette ot 
dense rosette of subovate-lanceolate nner ano la gii Dae i net 
34} in. broad, densely and irre KEN | . long and 2 in. broad, deep 
aala the aren d spine sua | spon with blood-red and biian 
rked. Fl.-stem 6-7 ft. high, with a continuous Horny vorder. -LINA 
eer ae og dea ese eta ot brar 
es | Nati rtain, p b 

a Mirali = O 1887, 4. 548, Mexico or Texas 
5 05.) ed to A. americana. i 
rons tie L are ren 6-7 ft. long, an ñd — sopra CG. 1881, xv., 
nearly 1 ft. b: ad, not ilirice, not i 362. na a ie AN > ~ dense rarae 
thick, and with smaller prickles. Fl1.- na ; ne Pe mid die ea A i = 
ae res mga oaks ho = er. sr not more than about 2 in, thick, dull 
bright yellow. ed green, glaucous only when young ; 

marginal prickles chestnut-brown, 

Apen apa KG R. Z 1895, 519.) 1- in. long, confluent into a narrow 

Deseri species brown border. 
what vosomi He FE Potin iae Agave Villarum. (R. IT, 1886, 465.) 
be . 1000, D. 
Garden hybrid. 

Agan eee a x Sot | Agave wiesenbergensis. (1. (1885, 
PRR inm G. C T878, KA 266, | a ; JG: suecu ent ong- 
as + ‘age Hah law name paucifolia | —— pray onate, aai spıne- 

eviously used for |  toothe e rgin, 8 in g, b 

pas ans speci H 2 in. broad. Fl. spicate 
Ss a CR. H. 1885, 
rf, co mpact 

Agave Parryi. (. ©. 1879, xii. 237, | ~$) Gomposi + ie 
species eh aie stems, cordate 1. of 

39.) G.succulent. L. very numerous, 
in. long, 3 in. ceola’ 

10 broad 

acuminate, flat; margins spinose-den- bla a Fenai : and an abundance of 
tate; terminal spine somewhat tri- 

angular, nearly flat or slightly keeled IEE aa (&. C 
bove. scape 8 ft. high, laxly 885, 39.) Aracer. S. per. 
b; te; panicle like th A ith Fane ‘smooth dark green stem, 
pile aed yellow- green. | elliptic ovate acuminate dark green 
a and style much exserted. | } 6-8 inches long. ovate-lance- 
Arizon | i 

pe acuminate, light green spathes, 

34 in C 

Ann pruinis C4. C. 
66.) G. A pretty little plant, densely Aglaonema angustifolium. es z 

tufted and soboliferous, a 1895, 18.) Distinguished b 
rosette, 3-4 in, long, } in. mart x the long, se a l, and silvery ‘ery 
middle, } in. thick at base, broadly spathe small, greenish-white 
channelled down the face, slightly i Settlements. 
glaucescent, with Saipe s ho 
brown prickles margin, —— — CG. C 1892 
[ A. oligophylla, Sake) gr ie: 26.) pretty stove foli liage 

ao aliy A green l., spotted and 
A —, ee t. 903, f, a- = — —- scape short ; spathe 
species, with mall, green, Perak. 

pe nhs scram = edt sare Bodie 

l, 8-10 in. long, 3}-4 broad, ovate- | Aglaonema hookerian AE 
oblong, acuminate, ending in a strong 1882, xviii. 333.) S. poen ea per. 
spine, very concave; the mar An unattractive goana with elliptic 
brownish, armed with sub-contiguous or A E ark green l., 63-10 
stout curved or flexuose spi pe lon, 3 in. bread, a green boat- 

ines. Sea 
stout, 8-12 ft. high, entirely covered shaped sp a 2 in. long, and white 
with triangular overlapping bracts, imalaya. 

fe roan eee silt H. 4981, 
418 ; ; Lind. 

foliage plant, with tol, ianeetni 
te 1. 


n, han ely and very irre- 
gular blotched oe silvery grey. 
matra, Born 

Aglaonema nebulosum. (ZU. 
i : 

ctum, havin, 
the petioles, and oblong or obovate- 
g l, obliquely and somewhat 
a pion aa at apex, obtuse at 
the ba: ark green inreg 
Sake ct white Java 

Aglaonema pistes clint Cat. 1882, 
; Ill. H. 1882, t. 445.) f 

dsomely variegated — 
hitish blotches. Beat 
a in. long, gibbons white. Spa adlix 
truding, w tra. 

Var. compactum. (Bull. Cat. 
poe cds Port. Tat. Cat. 

, Shining, green. 

gracile. gion Cat. 1882, 
-a slender 
re oblong 1. 

ot acy similar. 

Aglaonema pumilum. 
1894, 5, f.) S. 

(Veitch. Cat. 
A ‘idee plant with 
1. 5 in. long, coloured 
deep sea-green, marble and blotched 
with white. Mala 

Aglaonema rotundum. (4. C. 1893, 
xiv. 86; J. -of xxvii. 379, f 56 3.) 
species, hs Short stems, 
oe k a . long, dark 
ys purple 
“pate ot it in. ree hooded, 


Aglaonema Macarcat tom (G. C. 1893, 
xiii. agri rnamental- Gace 
plant, the vale pees beig coloured 

two shades of green and white in 

atches. Until this sans ee its 
genus is uncertain. East Indie 

eae see" A. 

temma Walkeri. 
529.) Ca ryophytlaceæ. 
hybrid between A. 



Ainsliæa aptera. 

(Bull. Cat. 1882, 

d in an elongate spike- 

purple, dispo: 
like panicle. 
Ainsliæa Walkeri. (B. M. t. 6225. .) 

; : hig 
Stem cylindric, 

peer mey panicled abo 

rved, 3-4 =n lid narrow 

eae ethan t te towards the base 
few sharp teeth near the bristle- 

pointed apex, k green. -h 
nearly sessile on the 1-2 in. lo 
branches of the panicle, few together, 
narrow. bout thr lla white 
with five linear spreading T 
anthers purple red. Hong-Kon; 

Akebia lo eng ae t. 7485.) 

Berberidacex cites from 

A. quinata i ea i si 7 
branches, and trifoliate l. with broad 
lobulate very green more - 
branous sed ri te too are smaller, 
though of structu nd 
colour. Taa, North China. 

Alberta magna. (Bwll Cat. 1891, 3 
B. M.t. 7454.) Rubiaceæ. G. or S 

r. with deep green 
shining 1., and panicles of Pinar red 
fl., succee inge red 

colour, forming a cuiegsctiies object 

Beige pe ae abt Q. a iii. 10; 

25.) G. 

Aitiat to sE 'Wawefieidii. 
se, in. or more 

so 6, lanceolate, Hscnid, oe 

‘Bulb glo- 

1-13 z long, 1}-2in. broad. Fl.-stem 
3-4 ft. high. Raceme lax. Fl. about 
Mee in. lon greenish-white, inner 

ents not conni anal Stamens 

sharply constricted a 
Ovary trigon ous: ; style snbulate, 
stigma capitate. Zan 
Albuca Buchanani. (4. C. 1892, xii. 
8.) G. A species nearly allied to 
Wakefiel i 

a raceme of yellow fl. Ny: 

Albuca Atel to (G.C. pan 
38.) A ea 
with y 8 tere 1 rte, or pre long. 
Peduncle 6 in. ioe 5-6 fl. in a 
lax corymb; perianth 1 in. long, yellow, 

h i mnive 
without eros South Africa 

Albuca El wesii. 

(G. C:-1880,:xiv. 
230.) 8. 

[A. Wake Sidis Baker. ] 

— a tae (G € a v. 
34.) b, bearing seve 

te, glancons, 

few-fle racen of 
sali oopis fl. The three peen 
stamens without S ‘South Africa. 

a slightly p pene w dun 
ope Li te 

Albuca Nelsoni. (4. ( 1880, xiv. 
198. Ee 430 - Be Ms 45: 664936 GA 
fine plant, as psig as Galtonia 
pri RES Li 3-3 tt. ong. Scape 4-5 ft. 
high e upper half sto furnished 
with ota ascending . with a 
an Saer ie down the back of each 

e triohophylla. (a, ee 1889, 
94, all epee llied to 
eerie soe bright 

wat as fi., and nae paina sub- 

terete 1. N atal, 
Sates perigee ay M.t. 6429.) 
- bulb, with 4-5 inear atten- 
a flaccid, glabrous 12-184 in. long, 
1 in, broad, contemporary with fl. 
raceme ; perianth 
ull green, bei we 
margins. Hast | Tropical Afri 

Alamanda morte Hendersoni. 
(GA. 560-1, 142.) 
arden ‘variety. 

[Syn. A. sates 

Allamanda agenesis 

( Williams’ 
= 1888, 19 9.) 8 


5 in. in A variety of 

=a kias i] 
Allamanda Toisena. ce. C 1889, 
M. t. 7122.) 4 hand- 
ates nigh ete legen co s other 
—- in havin It 

in daliai in 1861, pr. soon 
i saat lost. Brazil. 

Alaneins Williamsii. (@. C. 1891, 

oe of a iv. t.. 376: 

5 6 WH. E H zard 
xl, 832.) s. A variety of PRE eri 
It differs et garden, kinds 
in being of Saar habi 

Allium Akaka. oe T. O. 1894, 
226.) f-growing 

iliacee. H. A dwar 

with rose-coloured fl. pro- 
duced in spring. co A, 
harataviense, Regel 



| Allium Blexianan. (Regel, Baa: 5 5) 
H. Bulb ob 

2-3 more a ea ya 
ee Lie in. gl 

bro fiowered, 
whitish, tried with t a nish- gi iA 

oe Amerone, (GA, t. 

WO.) er a distinet species 

of “arf habit sen y small bulbs, and 

linear obtuse t spaced 

tem, Umbel a Bi “a 
obose ; lilac ; 

pasion lanceolate, ‘acute. Mite wi 

aa ee RE.. gel, Tiec, 

5.) H en 

but ie "whitish hyeliow k aaki 

with reddi: es, sweet-scented. 
Banat, Au eri 

Allium ogra GEN. t. 6227.) H. 

2, fleshy, falcate, 6-9 in. pa 1-3 in. 

ri chery 2-4 in gh, flat with 

acute edges. Spathe of 2-3 deltoid 

co eee ranous valves. 30- 

mbel, on short pedicels, 

bright purple. California 

Allium a (GA. 213, 
215, f. 

= ) H tall species, 3-4 ft. hig: h, 
mbling a altissimum and a 
gigantenm: Fl. in a dense globose 
th segments narrow linear 

and totally refiexed. armit 

into a cup at the base. Hima 

Allium cabulicum. g MM. t. tage 

7. C. 1893, xiii. 546. Fi. a 

dense globose ny- Ben aha ; 

segments lanceolate, acute, whitish, 
with a keel of red-brown. A native 
of Affghanistan. 

Allium Pasa (Regel, Deser. s) 

H. similar to A. —— but the 

are all ifort a te, n channe -A : 
the ET rse 

the blue [Syn 

yn. ade cyaneum, var. 
sediri Regel.| Kansuh, North 

um Erdelii. Seta t. regen = 
Bulb « solitary, globose ; 

; perianth white 
diam.; the e segments ak 1-2 Dr 
Filaments ore tbase. Ovary black. 

Allium elatum. (G/. 1887, 369, t. 
1251.) H. with large, oblong, obtuse 


l.. 8-12 in. long, 2-4 in. broad, 

eeey numerous purple 

- wi preading re obtuse seg- 
Paperi * Central Asi 
ge Fetisowi. (47. t. 971, f.a-f.) 

H. bulb, solitary, globose, with whitish 

. me mbranous t tunics. 1 linear, 
flat. Um bu Ibiferous, "plies 
densely many-Howered ; perianth seg- 
ments linear, very spre din some 
what reflexed, rosy-lilac, as arealso the 
stamens which have 1-2 1 teeth 
e base, ost am shorter than the 

periant th. Turkes 
Allium giganteum. (Gf. t. 1113.) H. 
A striking species, with ay flaccid 
or ge bi 7-9 in. ag y 13-2 in. 
road, and i large globose umbel of 
ais rosy on a stout scape 3 ft. 

rock _Hierosolyme, eo 
9, warf, 8 
high” with bint sie pale pao 
hairy 1, and umbels of white fl. 

—— oe aee = 1169, f. a-c.) 
with sle i 

scape, gl bels 
diam., bearing bulbils among the 
x stoic numerous, ars white ; anthers 

ge-red. Tur 

ria me: 
[Syn. A. cyaneum, var. Pis hy mon, 
Regel.| Kansuh, North China 

oe Prey mcg se. Caf., = 941 ) 


aad mead of white 
rry fl, teen 

— —— = = t. 6707.) k 
-5 — 
ae i; ew a al ce acne 

umbel o 



AUSS pocen CR. x z 6789.) 
carcely -b E merous. 
a linear, = a ft, Pein rather 

nd a large 

Scape | 
with a aae 

spa we f, with iene | verre pe ke 



thin ; scapes several, 2- : ft. high ; 

numerous, bright mauv 

large g globose umbel ; 

ments connivent. Eastern Himalaya. 

Allium —— — 

Cat. 1889, 3.) pretty 

with large, roun sane bahe 
small „iesu $ 'and umbels of bright 
rosy flow 

Sar mm. 

Aliina peed = (GA. t. son.) 

a Unie s n ane ne here in. 
high, with a many-flowered umbel of 
rose-colou tod fi: Ene 

Allium oviflorum. as t.1134; Fr. 
and P. 1884, 9.) A hardy non- balbous 

long-pedicell Ted pa rple Perian 
ong, ovoid, the seg ments sealkig 



Allium paroiforum, (G@. C. 1888, iv. 

mall species, with a 

ovoid Sal. producing 1-3 slender 
-10 in. high, bearing 2-4 

raat em l., which are placed 

way up the stem, and an 
eum of 8-6 small purple fi. jacha 
S ardin: 

Attium praewalskianum. 

53 ulb with terete rush- 

iiei end E de of rosy-lilac fl, 
Kansuh, China. 


Allium Semenovi. (Gf. t. 1156) H. 

With glaucous, fistulose 1., on the 

face, round on the back. Scape usually 

shorter than the L; um all and 
w fi, 

outer segme: the 
perianth longer than the inner ones. 
Stamens very short, united in a tnbe 

ee the ovary. Alatau Monntains, 
Central Asia. 

Allium ee (GA. 

E OT fo opik A. bulb, Me, 
globose, with hyaline scariose i 
tem te inear 


stamens, suberect ; inner stamens entire 
or with a tooth at 'the base. Turkestan, 

egel, Deser. T; 

Damm. Cat. 188 

short rhiz flat 
m: any flowers abei of “yellowish fi, 
Jaffa, Syri 

Allium stramineum. 

in. high, 
Atal 1. below, Short ree as ‘Yonge a 

(GA. t. 886, f. 
ee stem 


trigonous, straw-coloured ; petals erect, 
heir apices alone recurved. Mand- 

Allium unifolium. (2. W. t. 6320.) H. 

With small ov b connected 
by a slender rhizome. L. 1-3, linear, 
shorter than the scape. Scape terete 
1-2 ft. long. Umbel dense 20-30- 
flowered. Spathe valves as long as the 
pedicels. Flower rotate, mauve pink. 

peer a tn Grifithii. (Z. V. t. 
7324.) lastomaceæ. dwarf 

plant aa large orbioular cordate 
eat í onze- 

scapes n. be 

small white ae p i Peninsula. 

atopic. Tayaghat. a. M. t. 7271.) 
with ise 

tubular hairy yellow ar 
pide tinged with red. Colombia? 

Mipata eS. (BM. b. 6333.) 
habit, remarkable 

k es o piei "i of 1. remaining in 
a rudimen Branches rathe 
succulent, terete, s th. Perfect 1 
on stout petioles, oblong, acute ; base 
rounded te, 6-9 in. long, 13-23 
in. broad. Fl. in aiii fascicles ; 
pedicels 4 in. long ; calyx large, deep 
red, 5-lobed ; upper lobe small ; coroll 
pale yellow marked with orange-brown 

in pog throat; tube bette cu ab 
lim margin fringed: s 

5-lobed ; 
saad 4, included. Costa Rica. 

Alnus japonica. (@/. 1886, 549.) 

Cupulifere. H. An Alder with ellip tic 
or elliptic-ovate, acuminate, serrate ii 
cute » base, in 

to 1 to 
Cones cota, pio 
long. 5 lines thick. 

in A. 
miede Sikse o or acute, an a he 


Sg oe Curtisii. 

base, irregularly glandular-toothed, 
smooth above, slightly prhesomt 
beneath, 2-3 in. long. California. 

goes {T ASS B. > 5, pe 
green “agitate lobed J Fe 2 ft. long, 
nd athes. Inte 
diate be entire- eet and 
pinnatifid. loaded s pirma New Gui 

prend Cat. 1895, 
eolate, very 
with a silvery sheen 
and prominent a ib. 

Maps taie 

er re oh nh CI. H. 1888. t. 
593 ‘ omp. Cont, @ ches ee: 
fine Aro 



eat th. 
Fl. unknown. New Guinea 

ape ap Chantrieri. (R. M: 1887, 
j, f. 92.) S. Garden hybrid. 


Alocasia canntr ea H. 
4.) 5. Garden hybrid. 

1888, 79, 

Alocasia conspicua. (2. H. 1891, 
ii 367.) S. A garden hyb rid 
ween A. odora and A. Putze eysi. 
Alocasia coriacea. (7. C. 1893, 
475.) 8. 
green ribs, t 
whei ate then rosy. white, mii e 
with g 

(K. B. 1894, 347.) 

pare beneath ; pedun t. 
e 6 in. oe pale yellow faw E 
5 e gyre yellow. Pena: 

Alocasia Dussii. (Gf/l. 1892, 412.) S. 
Aroid with large olive-green l. wi 
brownish-red nerves and petioles, 

Alocasia eminens. (4. (1 i: 
a S A species of bold nabit, ai 
A, thibautiana, L. pelta 

Spathe 5- long, with a 
pun m a4 a I deae pipete 
acute pale green limb. Spadix creamy- 
white. Malay Archipelago, Borneo? 


G, 1890, 

R eet — Li 
AA w vith cor- 

obust plant 
aa Ta rn een above with 
red "hue along the nerves, "light 
violet beneath with blackish nerves. 

Alocasia Gigas. CE Hort. Int. Ct 
TEA -9, n 8. o description or 
ocality give 

Alocasia — (4. C. 1886, xxvi. 

390.) 5S. oliage plant, wi 
blackish peticios 3 to 34 ft. lon me and 
ittate blades 20 24 

UER irs 

Alocasia guttata A olage Ds (I1. H. 
1884, t. 541.) = peras wit = 

the rp 
Spathe white, TEETE with g on the 

Bere ne soe. Leet oe aars, 
ng s spin ttl 

vith MaE i cone red, tt 
in whorls, and all pointing 
blade arrow-shaped, 1-2 ft. long, 
olive- with reddish veins. | C 

“a8 ma Johnstonii, N.E. Br.| Solomon 


prem e (i, = ba t. an 
ory-W peti 


ana ae np e : as 

some with distinet yellowish midrib 
i veins. uncles 

none, ‘ivory white. Spathe convo- 
lute green. clud 
C aey ovaries 
numerous, pale — rest of 
white. New Guin 

- Alocasia lucianá. (ait. H. 1887, 75, 
t. 27.) S. Garden hybrid. 

Alocasia ogra (iil. _H. 1887, 

pubescen i 

repand, rather thick, somewhat bullate, 
z green, with blackish nerv 

Alocasia marginata. (G. C. 1887, 
ii. “ag S. Petioles 2 2- 3: ft. long, pale 
green, ed with zigzag blac 
brown tars, and the s 
margined with the same colour. Blade 

~ Alocasia 

of 1. 15-2 ft. lo ng, 11-14 in. broa oad, 
broadly cordate-ovate, margin slightly 
sho poin cites basal 

Alocasia mortfontanensis. 
1891, 174. garden hybrid 
between A. Tork and A. sanderiana. 

G H. 

Alocasia nobilis. (&. C.1892, xi. 731.) 
S. Name only. 

ETET Donum a oa 1888, 

brown veins. Malay Archipelago. 
Alocasia pucciana. (2. 77. 1887, 466.) 
S. -Garden hybrid. 

Alocasia Putzeysi. (Hind. Cat. 1882, 
Til 1882, t. 439.) S. Lik 
longila, having lo 
dark g vi 

ae tion 
orde: white ; ha under side 
is fo dark purple. ‘Sanat 

a Regine. ( 

. Cont. 

tH, es 

t. 544: 
‘ii. 1885, S. 

cane viii, 

ohne the 

Alocasia reversa. (4. 
38.) 8. Not 1 ft. Mk ai 
sagittate l., coloured y- greo 
primary veins being broadly 

with dark green. Philippine pata 

Alocasia Rex. (G. C. 1892, xi, 731.) 
Name only, 
sone eg any (R. H. 1891, 

en a between 
A. thibautiana int A, Reg 

Alocasia sanderiana. (F7. and P. 
1, f. 3.) 

1884,94; Bull. Cat. 1884; HH, 

A foliage plant, with large alate 

sagittate, pinnatifidly lobed l. of a 

ark colour, with a tallic 

= agg and the midrib, veins, 
margins white. ee rchi- 

SP ee probably Borne 
w. gandavensis, Ge. H. 1896, 

ae z: 65 A for ith young 
purplish roan oR pea with ver- 
aei tinted vei this ation 

remains contest i on t the under surface, 
a Sak changes to green on t 
upper surface 

ae eager sigh Silman (a. C 1879, 

96.) he way of A. 

ainda wi hish dull green 
tioles. dense overed with small 
blackish lines, large sagittate green 1., 
d a cluster on short scapes in 
the centre of the plant ; the 43 in, 
hi id ; blong 

S. folia 

ery dar alon; 

saa nR with a S iie cheer 

pa: between them ; older 1. are dar 

green ; the vader sides is whiten too, 

Peduncles a ong e 

pao or tonger, light green. 

SpE eh 
rest white. or Philippines 

srg gs IPR (6. 
A. Z wwii, cat Bae 
larger: with poo acu eeply co ordate 
„ with rounded basal, prin pleske: 
retake with white v Born 

Cu H. el 
spotted w 
large ovate cordate: 

moans Nae 
t. Petioles 
oC ane Ko 
— l. of a bright 

Alocasia watsoniana. (4. C. 1893, 

xiii. 442, 569, f. 83.) S. A near ally 
of A. Putzeysi It has large cordately 
lobed leaf- es, with 

purple beneath. Sumatra 

Aloe abyssinica. foe G. 1896, 102.) 

Liliae po ae be following varieties 
are d . Sprenger : erecta, 
recurvata, pygmea, 


ri P 
mae t, 


— Ai lace aot poi: y M. 



Aloe aurantiaca. (6. C. 
780.) S. Betwee 

ense wer atd 
tinged with ‘red. South Afri 

Aloe o Bodinghausii. Sata 1896, 24.) 
S. A garden hybrid between Gasteria 
nigricans BA Aloe longiar istata 

ne ee iett 
verrucosa ene 

Bye K. 1896, 24.) 8. 
ween _Gasteri ia 

ry brachystachys. (B. M.i fre 
Allied to A. abyssinica ; Sarg ss 
l iform, 2 oy 
t green, 
S praagi 2 ft., bear- 
pink and „yelow 
tubular fi. 1 in. lo oe Zanziba 

ale Snobanani. (K. B. 1895, un 
A U A from which 
liters i bY its smaller fl. and 1. rosnie 
e back. Tropical Africa. 

Alog ap egma e. € i8? 
38.) Alli Hoss Zs a yeh - 
ing the l in 

E ‘narrower : 

pedicels longer the lan 
deltoid pikota and the fi. pale yellow. 
Stamens exser rted, South Africa 

iry araroa a x 1896, = = 
n hybrid, whose paren 
given a as probably Gasteria salei ha 
. verrucosa. 

Moo syama, 1 K. 1896, age? = 
n hyb: between A. 
= T incana. 

Aloe Derbetzi. g Eee i 17.) s. 
A garden hybrid Gasteria 
acinacifolia and pie eieren ipe 

Aloe Greenii. (HN. h 
Rosette escent. 

6520 J. 8. 

long, 3 in. var ise z in. 
thick, pier at on the face, except at 
base ins armed with short 
prickles, belch green, marked with 
ular transverse bands of 

whitish. lines. Soaps panicled above. 

nfi. at first umbellate, the branches 
Afterwards lengthening into racemes ; 
anth pale r be in. cae ee 
din a globos 
South Africa C ) 

Aloe O A M. Ps Sager H S 

. bright ¢ 
a Probably the same 38 A. inermis. 
Aa PrE 

gt M. #8 6981 ; 

inner yellowish, - _ with green keels. 

bast Tropical Afr 

— Holtzei. CW. K. 1896, 24. S. 

arden hybrid whose probable 

3 mk sents are given as Gu nii inter- 
media and Haworthia Radul 

Aloe Hoyeri. (M. K. t 

24) 8. 

A garden hybrid betwee 
rae and Lomatophyllum i done rune, 


— TONA sha gaa CM. K. 1896, 

hybri tween 

Lomatophyn gute um and Gas: 
"ia mac 

Aloe uabricaie. CW. G. 1893, 194.) 
A. garden hybrid. parentage not 
stator L 

Aloe i rigs eer £ 1885, xxiv. 40. 
= ` rid Aloe, raised 
sige on rA ylla fer- 
od by the pollen chinata, 
t has a short stem ; sscending ta 
- ing g'soomek green l., h pri 
the ns, and Be rous 
fabereles on donee under surface of the 
l., and 1-3 r of them on the upper 
FL patos 18- ja in. h 

tips o 
the segments ; buds coral-red, erect. 

a — (B. t 
ed to A. ie “ev iss 
ix 1 dark m 0 
rosette, eh si early long, 2i in 
: wide, with large meal teeth ; spik 
2 ft. prom bran 
orange, tipped 

7386.) S. 



fl. | 


; fl. over J in. Ione, | 
with b rown. Zanzibar. 

_ Aloe Laetii. (M. K. 1896, 24) S. A 
| garden hybrid between A, ciliaris and 
| A, succotrina. 

Aloe tapi Ae K. 1896, 27.) S. 
rden hyb etween panii ia 

mac ita and ive ee istata. 
Aloe Lauchei. (M. K. 1896, 27.) $. 
A garden hybrid between ` Qasteria 
pulchra and G. scaberrima 

Aip g Aae = oe 1888, of po 
mple, bearing a lax 

bas Bracts o 
Pedicels ab 
Fl. cylindrical, 1} in. long, pale y yellow, 
tipped with g g reen. Stamens i 
longer than the fl., with small “ed 

ae Luntii. 


(K. B. 1894, 342.) S. 

roädis iy -green, on 

pani is South Arabia 

Aloe Lynchii, (4.1881, xv. at S. 
succulent per. A curious 
betwe it 

Gasteria verrucosa, In Bes bit 

ion of a a; e e 
yellow at the middle, scan oh the base, 
and greenish towards the 

| Aloe macrantha. (#. M. t. 6580.) 
Like A. dhe’ but with larger 

handsomely rked 1., with large 
margina ri “FL umbellate ; peri- 
anth 1} in. long, em ethene shaded 
into n at the swollen globular 
base. South Af ies 

Aloe Mon 

teiroi. (G. C. 1889, vi. 523.) 
S. Near A. verte but with lo onger 
more channell „and duite coloured 
fl. Delagoa Bay. 

Aloe Nowotnyi. (M. K. 1896, 27.) 
hybrid of which A, 

A garden 
atic istata is one of the parents. 

| Aloe penduliflora. (4. C. 1888, iv. 
178 ; Zf. (Œ. 1888, 458.) S. The pendu- 
lous scape appears to arise from the 
base of the back of the lax, attenuate 

pale green I, which are flattish it 
and have 

yellow. Zanzibar 

Aloe Perryi. (z. 
Stem iS = 
L. 12 to 20. dens sett lanceo- 
late, 1 ft. an 3 an. one: dull glau- 

er 6596.) S 


co reen ; margin arm d with small 
brown prickles. Fl. racemose, yellow. 
This plant is the source of the Soco 

trine Aloes.. Socotra 

= parry. CG, 1877, = oe: 
milar in ez 
re : 

t rite a y 

a an 

inane han bracts. 

yellow, tipped and striped 
Stamens exserted. South Afri 

on peer is. (#. VM. t. 6705.) 8. 

ical i eerd with 

stout brown arr ckles 

l g, 14 in. 
Slane bright na. Aoi Tia 

Aloe Quehlii. (AL K. 1896, 27.) 8. 
A -garden hybrid Se kas Bavteria 
maculata and GŒ. formosa. 

Aloe schmidtiana. (4/. t. 970.) S. 
[A. Cooperi, Baker. ] 

ae simoniana. (W. G@, 1893, 194.) 
A garden hybrid between Gasteria 
distiche and Aloe longiaristata. 

Aloe striata oligospeila. wg 
1894, xv. ee S. Differs fro 
type by its erect habit, taller 
stem, and na Heater l., with a 
white border. British Kaffraria, 

Aloe tricolor. cm M. (am $8. Allied 
to A, saponari rae one Bae - 
broad, ecu ing i 

point ; Pdt “all 

n Pergi travers ba bans of as 
oval whitish-green 

or more or simple oe or pene i 

in short racemes, bright coral-red out- 

rom igs margins of the seg. 
ments whitish, pale yellow indik 

South Africa Q). 

densely clothed with broad- 2e set | 
Tar ace 

[Ses Roa lineata. Seng 
Cat, ), 12.) Scitaminer. S 
orna itet plant, 3-4 ft. high, ies 

elliptic oe pale green 1l., marked 
tae e broad bands of white. 

New Guin 

Alpinia mutica. ope C. 1883, n 
44: Bull Cat. 1883, : Fi and P. 
1883, 10.) S. Differs tock A. nutans in 
its erect infi., re in the absen the 
two short spurs at the base e lip 


cerns zingiberina. 

which are shienioterictio of A, nutans. 

es AEE = Mt 
i. 592; G. : $ 
1888, 311, 328.) 8. 
roeping: swollen at 

. 6995 ; 3 

obtuse, 3 in. long. ip 
eee longer 

an the corolla. South Chi 

Plant, with creeping ar Tag ac k 
variegated with white tween the 
nerves, and short spik f white fi 
on short peduncles, rising fr th 
rootstock. Calyx tubular, shortly 3- 
lobed, bright red. L dly ovate, 
crenate, with erect sides, erect 
subulate tooth on each f the 
base. Vei arden with í bright 
crimson. East 

(B. M.t. 6944, 

C. 1887, ii. 108.) S. A plant of 
sey alue. Rhizome stout, irre- 
gularly branched. Stems 4-5 ft A 
leaf )-12 in. long, oblanceolate- 
oblong, acute, dark green with a 
midrib, pale. green be 
Panicle 10-12 in. long. Fl. 1 in nts 8, 
pale green, with a te li 

p y 
with red on each side of a yellow diie 
yey Saig he horn-like processes a 

TNE macrophylla. = M. 
t. 51.)  Caprifoliaceæ 
alternate elliptic- ieri 



below into 

long, with a cylindri 

fine the poised of sis five spr 
ian te white 

ig New < 

hila atrovirens. (4. -i 
1893, vi. 194.) Filices. S. Stem 2 

in diameter, with a spreading head 
of broad tripinnate fronds. The sam 
large, dark green, crisp and wavy. 


eae keriana. 

Stipes, 6-8 3 in. tong, irs pie ag 
without scales 

Alsophila co narge au 
1882, t. 158). S. A weet with a 
tall ai of large 

—— lunulata. Sean: Cat. 

uently grow: 

margins crenulated. 

Alsophila marshalliana. C. 


1 t 9) 

Pinnules in 
nate; base obliquely : 
margin incised-crenate. Queensland. 

Alyssum wulfenianum. (e&f. 

th a 

obtuse or acuminate, acute or rounded 
at the es y, many 
flowered, shortly pedunculate. FI. 
hypoc rith a long tube, 

pale yellow. Fiji. 

pned lar arge, tin- 


aeara saskie.: ae H. 1887, 
9.) S. 

pale paze oa ed with carmine. 

ANATAYA ee Cu. H. coed 
15 shr., with sq 
seii ange a sessile ohana 
dark gree 

ve, purplish beneath, 
and ew-flowered cymes, 
of ge showy bright car- 

mine fl, with white stamens. 

Apsmenes. on (ill. H. rare 

ps, and 94, 
‘imilay to the irovo, 

an fae centre. Colombia 

Sprint be sop Soo eaten (H1. FI. des s 

in ae wa, y “spe iosus, 
with milar foliage, but m Seer 
and Sadiy with tioles 


mae wide: of 1. , and re pani kial, ties 

all deep purple- red. India 

(B. T- 0. 1896 

ndsome annual with 
erhaps a 

West Indies. 

Rare bor: ay Dussii. 

brightly coloured 1. 
ety of A. spinosus. 

reer pe eh peta CW. G, 
7, 433-4, £.7 . Garden variety, 
cepa cede riots Ssh (li. f. 
Per . H. Probably a 
melancholicus with 

and crimson 

elite 1 Hood: red above 

aryllis Belladonna. (B. 7. 
1895, 16, t.) Amaryllidacer. H. 
Deseri tions an d 


p gures of fou ur 
rieties, viz. :—alba, carminea, magni- 

fou, penile se 

Amaryllis leeana. (Williams Cat. 
1889, 22.) S. Garden variety. 
pret ir gr oy vittata. kih 
S. Form, 
ati ct etosely naiiai with 
a Gaua hybrid. 

Amaryllis Rougieri. (x, H. 1882, 
312, f. 67,6.) S. | Mippeastrum aulicum, 
Herb, | 

PA geen ag oe 
us af. t 56.) 5 used and 
trea. kod cr daa crimson che aie, 
Amaryllis aera 
S arden varie 
ar pe = J. t. 6915 
H. 92.) Verbenaceæ. S 

ae erecta. (B. M. t. 7445. 
A small shr. with brown stems, 

white an in. sub 
orbicular saes like br 

coloured rlet and yellow. “South 

Ambrosinia Bassii. = n fe wel 
Aracee. H.H. L. 2-4 iole 1-2 i 

septum in er dorsal compartment. 

Sicily ; Alge: 
Amelanchier agr CG. and F, 

es ft. high, w 
trond’ ‘npc -oblong l 
and too h 
se. To short. 
1 in, in dia are ees: 
pores Bde America, 

— ene es 

247, H 



3-4in a . dar. 
obovate or _ shortly oblong. 
United Sta 


ophyllum Patini. (&.C.1877 
vii, 139) S. [Spathiphyllum Patini, 
N.E. Br. } 

Amorpha i BS ie M: li sae) 

with sessile 

rmin: spikes of small blue 
'‘ Lead an United States. 

pinnate te ëg pee numerous 

CGA. 1888, 625.) | 



| O N EA a is M. 


white ; spadix 6i 
shaped, brown. West Tr ean “Arion 

than the sith aeni ee Leone. 

P C. 
to A. 

ies Fame 
var ENE 

ve a pineapple- 

like fniprantie: Geni land. 

Amorphophallus nee (i. H. 
1878, t. 316.) 8. liage ee 

t g up o , petiole terete, 

| striate-sulcate, a ith olive-green 
rs ; lamina composed of three pinnate 
branches; leaflets lanceolate, acumi- 

nate, bright green, spotted with white. 
Phu-quoe Island, Cochin China. 

Aba S oR onoophyilas t Si 2 
0 in, n.i diameter; 1 l. sale 3 a high by 

inside deep brown-purple with yellow 
blotches-; spadix erect, smooth, cre 
yellow our disaigrenbie 

Andaman Islands. 

Amorphophallus virosus. (6. © 
1885. xxiii. 759.) S. Much like S cam- 
panulatus, but with much s 
spat the Bsc ng a prai : in. mer and 

6 in , pale 
round pear spots, aids ai Droid purple 
eaa inside ae 
base and u middle 
rich Sens colour. “Sr sen t 
long, with a 

o a ena or taro appeal. 

Ampelovitis Davidi. (2, H. 1889, 
204, t.) A idaceæ. H. Vine, with 
the l ee ig lobed, or digitate, 


| shining , glaucous below. 
Fr, bla a te bunches. North 
| China, 

Ampelovitis intermedia. (RH. 

ine of vigorous 

growth mA ‘he stems and paea] 
ga sasari yeee The 1. are 

lar ary from 
> comets. soe ang re aS 5-lobed. 

Sepelovitis See ie (2. H. 1892, 

h lobed 1., glaucous 

beneath, au n = ow bunches of black 


Amygdalus, Ti Ax H. 1879, 
229, f. 62-64.) 

minate fl, and globose —— 
fr., about # in. in diam. Asia Minor, 

Anabasis —— dro 
1888, 37.) seis Taek: ree 
with aie Bere pee 
abundance of small slew | f. ‘Central 

ron. (w. G. 

ape — irekin ee 

C6 rfl. t. 1074.) C site. H,annual. 

L. bipinnatiia Wick @ small linear ee 

eads solitary, large, radiate, 

shite or yellow, with = underside of 
the ray purplish. S 

ameni, K atm a (GA. t 

H. per. Short 

ereot iiey ra ‘de ensely beset with 

mall lanceolate 1., ‘and producing an 
newt aaa of orl white flowers. 

Ananas yee (B. H. 1878, 
140, t. 4-5.) “tans S. A fine 
plant with very long, arched 
nelled 1., dull 

obpyrifor: T 

lowish, half as aa tone as the bracts 

Ananas Mordilona, = H. 1879, 

ages S. L. wi yez Th The fr, 

Íarge, fine aroma, 

Ananassa oo eet Cat. 
1879, gi Bromeliaceæ very 
large. razil. 

. (R. H.1878, 140.) 
S% L long, narro curved, traver: 
with bands vpi yellow, w, with toothed 
margins of a A light 


| Anchusa affinis. 
f. 12.) Boragina 
per. with 

a T. O. 1896, ao, 

H. annu ual o 
large ‘Forget me- not- like 

Gee: t. 1180, 
nas ‘short ovate 

a cærulea. 
2.) rid 

l.. and 

oe H. 

Ania mana kauae CGA. t. 1180, 
1) Ou small species, with 
lnoioiaw acuminate spreading 1., 
and close spike-like panicles of pale 
blue - fl... wi light green calyx 
segments, ciliate with ne white Biers, 
Ank ia. 

1180, f. G. shr., with aaa 
l., ana sinall dense ie of bright 
blue fl, with red glabrous calyx- 
segments, Abe tralia 

Andromachia maging — H.1 

eads corym 
a peduncles, radiate, pale aov. 

Andromedaianoni ] ti 

Ci, Hf. 1887, 83.) Ericacee. 
Peri is japonica, var, | 


Androsace albana. (G. C R d 
99.) Primulaceæ. H. per. 
small ar of bright green, tothet 
Fi. umbels, pinkish. Eas 
Caucasus us 

a britanica. (W. a. e 
34.) H. alpine pomi to 2 
height, with white f. © 
Androsace caucasica. (6. C, 1892, 
xii. 399.) H. per. with dense rosettes 
of narrow toothed 1. Fl, almost stem- 
less, in i Son bright pink. Caucasus, 
sneka cylindrica. (W.G 
H. alpine, r Tanicsoiais 
thas obtuse pubescent 1. growing 
to 4 in. long, and pure white flowers. 

Androsace foliosa. cae a Stee 
s Beso ae for 

Androsace Ferny (Gif. t. 969.) 

, on scapes 2- 
in. long. 

Androsace rotundifolia. (8. W t. 
6617.) H. per., with petiolate round- 
ish lobulate prami sA a ex across, 

a slender aay bearing an gre mbel 

of bright pink fl., with Tar rge leafy 

x extendi ing beyond the corolla. 

ReneeaAne termeni, (B M: t. 
of dwarf tufted 

with silky hair. mbellate, rosy- 
pu aya, 

rple. Himal 

ce ae. (Gard 

ear A sarmen- 
ving the l.e aled up into a 
cone. Fl. bright purple. Western Tibet. 

Androsace hentia (W.G. 1899, 

of A. alpina, but with 

‘he L less _pubescen nt, and large rosy- 
purple flow 

Anemidictyon Phyllitidis in se 
la ices. 

erect, contracted, ile ; rminal 
branches i sterile, 
pinnate, with broad obliquely ovate 
pi ; venatio: ic 

gate meshes pointin; 

apex; veins da 

a paler 
with a band 
of b 
a i 

Anemone blanda aytkin Kir d. 


with oe bine very sorte te 

H. A jon 
tfi. North Kurdista 
Anemone caffra. (&. C. 1890, vii. 
389.) G. L raga lobed, 8 in. 
across, dark gr FI, white, 3 in. 

across, on kapos i tb in. high. South 

Anemone Eunrenia. (B. T. 0. 1894, 
H. Probably a form = ry 
coronaria or A, hortensis, Pers 

— ree (G. C. 1886, 
. 432 <- BM. t 6958.) G. 

o mMm 
white fi. 24 "y 3 in. in eral Natal. 

Anemone nemorosa roe 
(Gf. t. 945.) H. A pretty var 
with very pale blue flowers, 

— genera = x t. ine 

H; ps g peti ioles s 

2 a4 rae m., orbioular. lobed 

ar Goal cordate at the base. 

Peduncle esc heas a branching 
ered umbel of pes 

fi. ar a 2 in. 
piel temas at the base by a leat 
involu f broadly eae of lobed 
and toothöd sessile 1, Himalaya. 

serine re WN (2. M. i 

lilae, drooping, 1} i 
pedicels 2-4 in. long. 
spreading, concav 

erect, imbricate, } ong sep., 
oblong. Carpels 3, with slender subu- 
late styles. Fruit-carpels 2 with 9-10 
seeds in each ; seeds wi ith quadrate flat 
processes arranged in series. Japan. 

Anpi apienlatam dormanis- 
m. (&. . xxiv. 456.) O grt 
rohan mai flowered var. 
vermilion- Pate aries, and ve: sce at 
tips to the exe 

Angrecum ane oa (Ga. 
ae i. 40.) S. tae’ i in broad; 
cuneate, shlong tipi, 2-lobed. 
sep. and pe os. tino 
slats okoia; lip Sr ee pare 

narrow at base; s long ; 
anther and set ltr Tembila a 
bird’s head. 

Angræcum bilobum Kirkei. (¢. €. 
1882, xviii, 488; Williams’ Cat. 1883, 
24.) S. A — narrow-leaved form 

with droo racemes of white fi. 
vise outs 33-3 i in. long. Zanzibar 

bistortum. (XK. B. 
) 5. Allied to re are sien, po 
th much vier E w ich are 
peculiar in havin Hal a looped spur 
West Tropical Afri 

calligerum. (6. C. 
552.) Ay L. a g glau- 
apex. Fl. 
of re Ellisii, or ag oblong 


cn ge 
1887, ii. 
cous. i. ilo 

times longer than 


Angrecum REETA W e | An eo a (G. C. 1882 

1880, xiii. 806.) 5. A plant with the xviii. 488.) $S. Similar to A. bilobum, 
aspect o - are watum, but with wit: canis oblong unequally bilobed 
_smaller yellow or greenish-white fl. l., and a thin lax raceme 
| sep. ochreous, the lateral ones reflexed ; 
i pet. broader, tie oblong, acuminate, 
men se a dome ie: J CoS | white; spur long, filiform, flexuose, 
latum, from w it d n brown Madagascar 
spur, in having teet An 
a the b f the lip, and two angular ngr æcum detain se (B. M. t. 
projections under the column. Fl.white 7061.) 5. se-growing species w ith 
with the base of the spur and ovary leafy p os 2 in. long ; fl. sol ary 
reddish. Madagascar. on axillary peduncles, pure white, with 
long subulate pet. and sep., a broad 

tailed 1 d nearly 6 in. 
ee ar caer om oe C. 1882, ‘omg abellum, and a spur y 
vii, 558.) S. Like A. Madagascar, 


“ Angræcum glomeratum. (6. C. 1886, 

? xxiv. 678. L. re bilo 
shorter hairy colum ite, e, mimerons, a fiia Gopa ay 
in siradtare Mike ins 
Angrec ecum eichleri CW. G. of r E nin s the lip is less 
ie, 434, f. anes 7. ‘nd P, 1883, open, and the spur s ae parallel 
S. Stems tall, eafy n 1. = | to the smooth w liten ova 
tans oblige, elliptic, ean fl. large, | 

solitary ; sep. a d pet. lanceolate, light  Angrecum grsadidiotisnoi: (R. H. 
green lip large, whi , obcordate 1887, 42, £.9.) S arf species with 
a triangular apiculus in the notch ; por | thick oblong 1., ‘See and unequally 

erect, conical, ei sós long as the se ri t the apex. T 
Loango, West described at the above place, but Reich- 

Angrecum Mtini (G. C. 1881, | the raceme as being 1-3 flowered ; the 
. 748, 844.) S. L.cuneate-oblong, | Sep. cuneate-oblong, acute; the pet. 
Dilo obed, rugose, 3 in. long and as much spathulate, apiculate ; and the lip 
in breadth. Fl. as large as those of | cordate-pandurate or _cordate-oblong, 
A. unmg a with broader T | blunt, with a long filiform spur. The 
acute sep. ; narrower, more acute, fl. are ivory white and about the same 
or obovate in R i nd ki spur size of those of A. chailluanum. Co- 
shorter. Madagasca moro Islands. 
Angræcum boai uesianum. (4. C. 
Angræcum foruentun, CG. C. 1885, | Tas ieaiai eroana AS 3 
Sen: 7) ? free-flowering speci re losely ailied to A. hart Lindi.. bu 
$ Te espect. 
eri piece Noy se Ie. oet St. Thomas Island, "West Afri 
er ; lip oblong, lanceolate, apicu- | 
late; spur filiform, longer by one-third | Angræcum Hildebrandt. (F. C 
than the ovary. Comoro Islands. | 1878, ix. 725.) S. A small species with 
ligulate unequally bilobed 1., anda very 
m ellow-or: 

| Fourniere. (R. H. iie an : ae 
O. R. 1896, 196). S. [A sty: | Sep. and per apila ieme 1-1} line 
$ 3 

a long ; lip obl i orn 
7” osum, "Rolie, K. B. "1895, 194.] | clavate pii shorter than the stalked 
ovary. Comoro islands. 
Angreum fournierianum ite C. 1894, | 

xv. xvi 40, f° 7.) S. Allied to | Angræcum hyaloides. G@. C. 1880, 
A, scichlerianum, but hoa a. = larger, xiii. 264.) S. he ve eee Peduncle 
2 in, wide, rer white ; short, with a single hyaline fl. Sep. 
the Iink anes of the Jabellum is P prolonged and ee ligulate. Lip "e Spur 

tongue. Madagascar. 

| long and filiform. Madagns 

a fragrans. (B. W. t. 7161: Angrecum ichneumoneum. (4. C. 
G. . and EF. iv, 103.) Bima nay, | 1887, ii. 681.) S. L. oblong, 1 ft. long, 
are used as tea in Bourbon, Fl. pure | by 2i in. broad, unequally bilobed at the 
white in axillary race racemes. Bourbon ' am shining 

| ong, lax. Bracts cup-shaped. Sep. eat 


pet. oblong, subacute dirty ochreous- | An ngrpoum rostallaro. CG. C. 1885, 

white. Spur much thickened at the 26.) S uneate-oblong, bilo- 
apex. West Tropical Africa bed i apex, uk Paio numerous, 
many flowered. Fl. something like 
Toron ee (G. C. 1887, those of A. fuscatum, having a similar 
15.) 8 ather curious species, lip, a ascending linear rostel- 
with a i Scot stem. leathery lum pas “spathulate apiculate petals. 
cuneate-oblong bluntly bilobed 1., Comoro Island 
and cluster-like racemes of sweet- 
nted oreamy-white f, with orang? | Angrmoum sanderianum. a. C 
and yellow lips. Se = 1888, iii, 168 ; G. and F. 1888, 
— Lip flabella te, “reise 16 ; H. G. 1888, 178 ; R. H. 1888, 516, t.) 
pieulate, convolute; spur d, A ; dependens. $ 
T t half as long as ascending. L. cuneate-oblong, about 
the lip, which it Rass! paid shies. 4 in. long and 14-1 the 
West Tropical Africa pex neq ot odoi with 
short tumid base not longer than the 
Angrecum Kotachyi. BE Aare Cat. bract Sep. triangular. Pet. and lip 
= 5, 14; @ C. 188 456, 693, elliptic, apiculate. Spur slender, 
$ E. 131: BP. M: T2) S o i. as long as theo vary ascending. 
re thick, spathulate, unequally a pire 3 in. in diam. Comoro 
bilobed. Fl. ivory-white of firm tex- Islands. 
ae ea — rate, with two short 
teeth at ase; spur very long, red- ; 
nee often ge wis stod. East Tropi pical arg he ee C. ce 
ae uelled down the face, picarinate on 
the back, 3} in. long, } in. thick; 
paws cum modestum. (B. M. t. 6693.) peduncle slender; fl. solitary, ‘white 
S. L. elliptic- onions almost entire at with an ochraceous spur 
the somewhat acute apex. Infl. an Islands. 
nt raceme of whi i 

le e fl, with 
oblong acute segments, the lip broader 
than the rest, spur ‘slender, nearly Angrecum Smithii. (K. B. 18% . 
straight, twice as. long as the pedicel. 37.) S. A oe ~ _ 

Mad ch 
adagascar, 1 in. long, beida ‘seal necirnink 

Angrecum obrienianum. (4. ¢ fl. Kilimanjaro, East Tropical Africa. 
1892, = 816.) S. A thick-leaved 

species allied to A. chailluanum, with Angræcum stylosum. (K. B. 1895, 
prensa e long-spur rred fl. 194.) S. Allied to A. re, oa which 
it re habit, the fl 
——— aO (4G. C. tw large sc whites spur 
1888, iv. 91.) S. Allied to A. cur- brownish. Madagase 
nowianum. Sep. 1 in. long, 4 in. broad, 
nar acuminate, spreading; pet. | Angraecum tridachy ei, ca. e 
narrower, curved down behind the side 1888, iv. 34; G. 1888, 397.) S. 
sep. Lip triangular, acuminate, with Allied to A. Taaa Pseudo- 
a filiform spur 4 pag dee long as bulbs sub-compressed, with sub-acute 
itself and twisted n the base. Fl. angles }in. broad. L. linear, 3-5 in. 
greenish yellow, wika white lip and long, 5-8 lin. broad, unequally bi- 
, : ’ 
reddish-ochre spur. Madagascar. dentate. Racemes lateral, about 2 in. 
long. Fl. distichous, 4 in. in diam., 
E A (G. and F. buff-coloured. Sep. and pet. ovate, 
. G, 1890, ist). 5. acute, Lip 3-lobed, with 2 fleshy 
k "a in the way of A. “pel l - um, marginal teeth at the base ; 
but with 1. 2 ft. long, and numerous lobes Epee recurving. Sierra 
long spikes of white fi. West Aine: Leone 
Angrecum polystachyum. ( Anguloa dubia. = C. 1882, 
1889, v. 552.) S. A small panh s a 764.) Orchidaceæ. Like A. ira, 
ligulate bilobed l, and of with yellow sep. Fie a ger with 
mall pale green fi. purple, and a white lip blotched with 
purple; the lip is comp , with 
yrecu um primulinum. (4. C. 1890, angular side lobes, a very small 
-> n ediate between A. triangular reflexed front lobe, and a 
Vistas and A. citratum, Madagasca. few short hairs, Colombia, 

Anguloa intermedia. (4. (. of 

iii. 798; H. G. ieee 296; Z. iv. t 
G. Garden hybrid 
apua cag wae (ZL. x. t. 434 ; 
es 124 . A garden bytea, 
aa “pe between A. Ruc 
a A. uniflora. 
a ae (ill. H. 1895, 

87.) Avar ot d. Dk ce wit 
shetty rose- tinted fi. 
Anguloa media. Se C. 1881, xvi. 38.) 
= a (amn fisi d between 4. Clowesii 
< Rue 

Anguloa purpurea. (41. 1881, t, 
427.) G. Pseudobulbs aoe “conical ; 
bl soli 

Anguloa Ruckeri alba. (G. snd 
F. 1888, i. 315.) G. A white-flowered 


> Var. retusa. (G 1883, 
B6J G. sin yellowish outside, full 
of dark rple spots inside ; lateral 
lopes of tha 4 lip ree PA angular ; middle 
lobe small, reflexed, hairy. 

Anguloa uniflora Treyerani. 
vit. b. 310: 
base of the lip ma e 
numerous rosy oa than aay Andes, 

neers Sie! ar at. 


sep., very sbtaas. 

“aren agen a dm (Ga 
| Mamm Sele ia 
aloides, ‘hia 
Anneslia grandifi 
140.) Leguminose 
grandiflora, Benth. | 

wae (RH. 1875, 
z [ Calliandra 

dens bat e i 
1881, 30.) Orohidaone A speci 

of setaceous ova i 
acuminate, about i in. Roe Bi in. broad, 
olive green, netted and pencilled with 



eee concinnus. eee — 
1878, 154.) of v oe us gr 


E & 

spaces retidala m 
ith the same tour Assam, 

ager Bor 

Gig one ms 
he A.. Boylei 
f et td k 
olo as with gold 
a ate a Daniar reeht tion. 

' Anæctochilus a E kri 
Cat, 1878, 15 B. 

ovate - elli iptic, on rat p iar T 

p rN ; lamina dark — ee 

confluent and very a 

bouk of silver-grey. has san 

| Anectochilus inscriptus. (Bull. 

Cat, 1878, 154. vate, rich 
velvety olive- “green, "netted with red- 
dish golden veins. Assa 

baa Lansbergie. Cl, T. 
1887 a C. O- 1887, i. 4151) 

S aret foliage pore with broadly 
ovate acute l., the und colour of 
which is of dark v i rey green in the 
middle, reticulated with emerald green, 
shadin; rown reticulated 


ng 1 
with old gold on n the ee and edged 
with yellow. Fl. unknown. Malaya. 

ao pa ornatus. 
1878, 15: ae Be L. b 
velvety, 0 

(Bull: Cat. 
roadly ove aes cute, 
- green wit ie baa 
g rii band, Sde pod an 
pecera with reddish en veins, 

An aoloeniins gage seen CGC. 
1895, xviii. 84.) vate, 4 in 
lo ish  retiriah 
reticalations cape t ft. ; fl. pale 

Faces Dake ahd, Rolfe. ] 

Sande Islands. 

E ape Redd touche CGC, 



gardens under the erroneous name 

Cyr Sant biis lutescens. Natal. 

PUTET srreyiiga ca. a 

er teresting plant, st probably 

not suitable for cultivation on account 

of its being a parasite. The stem 
brown, havin S few eera k scales. 
The fl. i nal and s 

rolla strongly eoit, pallid outils, 
bright red within. Cauc 

Anoplophytum amenum. H. 
= < 1884, 395.) 

83, 265, t. 17; 
Bromeliacee. S. iph ‘Doe with 
slender stems 4-8 in. long; crowded 
narrow .arched 

snook Sanalindiaté 
subulate green l. 4 in. long, and a 
short stem bearing shout! 4 = A 

with rosy bracts. Brazi 
aoe See incanum. (B. H. 
1881: 209, t-11) =S- - L. “silvery. 

[ [ Tillandsia Gardneri, Lindl. | 

Anop iA strictum. (B. H. 
Hi a .13.) S. [ Villandsia stricta, 

> Var. Ta (R. H. 1888, 350.) 
A 4 

F T. stricta 

b th “are "longer, much more 

slender, and perha her re 
aly, The bracts are deep rose, the | 

Sa a om 2 halt "Tillandsi Krameri, 

er. | 

iea scandens. (Damm: Cat. 
1889, 4.) Chenopodiacee. G. per. 
piel er, with fleshy light g green 1. and 
lon Si orin fan racemes of wW 

e age es (Zt. ii. 6.) Orchi- 
ured in the Botanical 
Register pii Te t. of as A, africana. 

differs from typical A. africana in 
Meth: g its pet. scarcely broader than 
thes sep. West Tropical Africa. 


Ansellia cone (il. H. 

143; Cat. Comp. Cont. @ Hort. 
2. Allied t 
aoe florifer ous, 
racemes, with ere e 
se re and pet. are similar, light green- 
ish-yellow, with dark 
spots; the lip has whitish side-lobes, 
veined with purple and a narrow 
: be ; 

the middle of the front lobe. 

Ansellia gigantea. (G. C. 1878, ix. 
398.) S. epiphyte in the way of A. 

africana, with smaller fl. of a light 
gT, with Bit few rrow trans- 
erse brown the deep yellow 

lip, without warts on its middle lobe, 
with more or less crenulate keels. 



PEE leer ca Cat. 1891, , 
3.) S. epiph A co 

nae En npon with kaia 
panicles of lemon-yellow fil., blotched 
and bar th oT at , each about 
2 in. in diam. lida differs = 

» pa 
having the ground eta! of the 
milk-white. Zam 
Ansellia —— rossiana. (0. R 
x with paler-coloured 
fl, than the ty sata 

Anthemis Lia iN PO mar- 

schallian (GA. t. 936.) Compo- 

ze plant, with 
wickeharest bipinnatisect 1., the 
ultimate segm h are 
linear-terete. Scape a foot or more 
ong, one-headed ; heads 1 in. or rather 
more in renin radiate, bright 
yellow, Caue 

eens macedonica. 
519. roc 

high, with white daisy- ake og 

a dark yellow centre. Macedonia. 

Sani 1894, 
6-8 in. 

Eee rma EREET 
AeA -lancelat, about 1 ti 

(B. M 
ong. Fi. 

stem about 2 igh, ss, As in a long 
n raceme. Fi. ght yellow about 
n diam. Mex! 
eee trea os C. 1876 
00.) way of A. 
ramosum. Z De a orks narrow 
inear, Oe te ek the face, 
acutely ne: back, rous. 
Fl.-stem Fa ft. high, frosted all over 
with i pillæ ; icle 
corym a and br Fl. 

ue white S a green keel. South 

eS (Fie dar gh pared no E 
1882, xv Sa T? 

nen: sine ip ribbed, i tighi 

green barred with dark The 

mhal white fl. in lax race 

Anthericum makoyanum. (Gj. t. 
7.) G. per. A foliage plant. 

distant three together in the axil of 
h bract, pedicillate, white 

Anthocleista ie (K. B. 1895, 

Antholyza cues 1G g ; 
1894, xv. 588.) Iri B: 

to A. abyssinica verge in all 
: its parts. FI. bright ids a) “yellow, 
in simple loose spikes. Abyss 

Anthurium acutum. (4. C. 1887, ii. 
776. Ar S. 

: tape 

Spadix subsessile 24-3 in. long, taper- 

ing, dull dark green. Brazil. 
thurium SEE nee (Gf. 1889, 

121, & 12933 A hybrid derived 
from A, aS Pat and A. Lindigii. 

Se on CIU. 1.1877 
Ce per bog pore 8-12 
out as the 

in, as ; blade as lon 
petiole, hee aia, acute peie cor- 
date a 5 ight g 
much aeda the petiole, slender, 
pathe vivid scarlet ge- 

scarlet, slightly preading, ve 

e, n. in diameter, orbicular- 
ovate nentes banii ordate, am i- 

sslightly undulate. 
Spadix a little oe than the spathe, 
recurved, pale golden yellow, with a 
broad belt of white in the middle. 

—— Var. album. ae Cat. aegis 2) 
S. as large type, but 
ostsee the Fests rst the Sura 
pure white 

— Var. amenum. c&C. 1893, 
egg 415 3 n = Serene variety with 
pathe and white 
ae: ior with 3 yellow. 

wget to) ei (RH. 
err 169, t.) A garden hybrid 
tween A, ina and A, 
Var. ee (4. 
_ xiii. 415.) S. eedling var. 
ith dark crimson alee 

—— Var. flore albo. (R. H. 1887, 
171.) S. Garden variety. 

ambekeanum. (Jil. H. 

Var | 
~ 1892, 109, yi — S. A var. with | 
white spathes 

=m brevilobum. (4 G. 
1887, a) S. A moderate-sized 
speckle With 

petioles 12-15 in. long, 

terete, acutely channelled down the 

face ; and, sone ovate blades 8-10 in. 

long, 4-5 in. broad, somewhat abruptly 
fe _ ishi bkini 

green. Peduncle 12-16 in. long. Spath 
in. long, }i ae „narrow lanceolat 
acumi ish, Spadix dark 

uminate, purp 
elie ae ster 3-4 in. long, on 
talk 3-3 in, lon 

Anthurium “oma (@. CASH, 
uo A evergreen 

ar io sheaths. Petioles 2 ft. 
long, terete, grooved down the face ; 
blade 3 ft. Ta ng, very deeply cor- 
_ = base, lanceo: la on i to 

ne pedate. 
Pedancls 2-3 ft. die slightl y angular 

Spathe 8 in. long, 2i road, lanceo- 
late, miim auricled a recat undulate 
rolled pæ 5 Ta sh ting 

Spadix sh sake, 12- ui in. pe 
purplish: Octo 

| Anthurium parore — (4. €. 

1889. vi. 700.) A garden hybrid 
very similar to A. ae carneum 

| Aathorium carneum. (4'/, 1886, 246.) 
S. per. Hybrid between A. andrea- 
num and A. pa e 

Tarere pamare (R. H. 1884, 

101,) 8. hybrid between A. 
ornatum sak T mst hr 

Anthurium Chamberlaini. (@. C. 
1888, iii. 462, 464-5, f. 66, 67; ZU. H. 
à lar 

3 ft. long by 2 ft. broad, p Teses 
34-4 f ; 

mso: -S 
ne ł in. thick, on a — <a 
ii B long, dull red. Venezue 

| Anhana Chantrieri. (R. H.1884, 

.) 5. A garden hybrid between 
subsignatum and A. or Piao, 

— oe (R. H. 

1889, 157.) garden hybrid 
between A, pE riles and A, 
a ae reanum. 

_ Anthurium chelseiense. (4. C. 1886, 

xxiv. 650; Bull Cat. 1886, 7, f.) S. 
garden ‘yor rid between r: Veitchii 
and A, andreanum. 

Anthurium fea S da very Úa (R.H. 

1879, 452, f 
long- “stalked ; spadix long- toi i 
1} ft. or more in length. 

Tropical A America, 

Sg ngs crassifolium. G. C. 

rigid mucro at the obtuse apex. 
uncle as long as the petioles, terete, 
green. Spathe reflexed, light 
Spadix sessile, an green, 2 in, long 

Anthurium crombezianum. (R. Z 
1894, 552, t. arden hybrid 4 
which A. scherzerianum is one of the 


Se cruentum. (R. H. 1886, 
50. A garden = fami — A, 
pat acta and A. Veitchi 

miare crystallinum ggi 
(G, C. 1893, xiii. 641.) S 
Terus with n blotches of Doly 
white on the 

Anthurium cymbiforme. 
889, vi. 67.) 

cordate i and 



large white spathes, 
with salmon-pink spadices. Colouihis ? 

Ripe osteo Dechardi. (71. 7.1877, t. 

m etioles 
61 in. long, vaginate, furrowed on 

he back ; blade inceolais, _— 
6-12 i n. long, 24- broad, ac 
Ten green. gea peste kesin 
the 1., te or sub-angular, Spathe 
ee aetiante ae in. lon 
whi oe 

tee shortly 
stalk "spat i ae 5 yl wm 
remnant se TAA Col 

eari —— a (R. H. 1884 
3, f.71.)8. A garden hybrid between 
y a and A. leuconeurwm. 


Anthurium desmetianum. cm. H. 
1888, 47, t. 52.) S. Garden hybrid. 

Anthurium td sor Seamer On H. 
1882, 289, f. 63.) S. A hybrid between 
A.n t pei 2 A. ethaia. 

Anthurium eburneum. (Williams 
Cat. 1891, 24.) S. A garden hybrid 
between A, andreanum and A, ornatum. 

Anthurium Eduardi. (R. H. 1884, 
102.) 5. A gar den hybrid between 
A, cristallinum and A. subsignatum, 


Aasherinw Aare Oh. t. 1112.) 

pe baie - A” ig - peduncled 
erect ma te” oah spathe, pee 

el koe groen or dark purple spadix. 

Anthurium excelsius. Oe G. 1890, 
307, t.) S. A hybri ween A. 
Veitchii and A. or li 

Anthurium ferrierense. (FI. and P. 
1883, 10.) 5. A garden dessa between 
A, andr reanum aa A. ornatu 

a hse pone aig C. 1886 

Shion, air ord bor goats spadi 
sessil , pale olot- 
pink. Colo bik 

EEr aieas (GA. 1886, 
arden hybrid between A. 
p ai ble A, ornatum. 

Anthurium gandavense. (G. C. 
1893, xiii. 415. garden oe 
be A. andreanum and 

Anthurium Glaziovii. (2. = t. 6833.) 
e A. acaule, with lar, 

, green outside, 
p purple within = spadix 6-7 in, 
long, violet-purple. Brazil 
MRT Goldringi. (G. and F. 
. A garden hybrid between 
Po spt sirana and A. scherzerianum. 
Anthurium greyanum. (G. and F. 
A garden hybrid between 
A, ornatum and A. DI 
Anthurium Grusoni. (&f. 1889, 121, 
t. 1293.) S. Hybrid of A. andreanum 
and A, lindenianum. 

rece pee oe ha t. 1076; 
37.) large 

aout sessile spadix. Col 
Anthurium oe ne tat (R. 

1889, 157.) S. Garden hybrid between 

A andreanum and A. Eduardi. 


rreme Harrisii 
(G@. C. 1880, xiv. 358. 


some plant, with se i ae. 
oblong 1., and a deep ria parpi 
spadix se creamy white 
spathe. Brazil, 

Anthurium T (G. and F. 
1893, Sap S. A garden hybrid 
between A. grande a yi Serricrense. 

PEPEYE ee (R.H. 
101. arden hybrid 

wa te at; p um and 


Anthurium inconspicuum. (6. C. 
1885, er 787.) L. 9-12 in. long, 
road, maroni elongate, 

elliptic’ ear at both e 
as long as the belies (6-91 in.) Spathe 
1 in. long, gree ix as long as 
the spathe, aa violet-brown. Brazil. 

oo intermedium. (Buli Cat. 

garden hybrid 

between A. hybr idum and A, ak. 

Anthurium isarense. 
423.) S. Garden hybrid 

(R. H. 1888, 

EEEE Kaloroyeri. CO- C. 1881, 
16.) piphyte with large 
dee ae l. Leaflets ab 

ee fiets about 

9, oblong, cuspidate ; eer repand, 
undulate. Colombia. 

Anthurium Kellermanni. (M. G. 

1888, 49.) S. Garden hybrid. 

Anthurium Kellermanni. (Jard. 


Spathe de pen Bor hie than the 
spadix ; ish. 

fi, small, 

Anthurium Kolbii. (ek 1889, 121, 
t. 1293.) 5S. Hybrid of 4. andreanum 
and A, lindenianum. 

— G. 

Anthurium Lar 1888. 

383.) Garden orig 

Anthurium lawrenceanum. (R.H. 
1888, 12, t.) S. Garden hybrid. 

Anthurium Lawrenciæ. 
xi. 731.) S. Garden hybri 

Arion longipes. (G. C. 1882 

J ) 8. mA with slow- -growing 

£4 C. 1892, 

Ee carson ice T 

11-18 in. long, and 2-34 in. broad.. 
Peduncle 2 ft. high. petits ia neeolate, 
green, reflexed. — shortly stipi- 
tate, yellowish. Braz 

Anthurium longispathum. (R.H. 

1888, 498 ; T 1888, 467.) 5. An 
acaulescent s speci on long petioles ; 
in. broad, 

sa stout, iain. 
2 ft. t. long. "Guaisloe 

Anthurium macrolobum. ae Cat. 
1883, 11; JI. and P. ss 75.) 8. 
A garden hybri etw >i leu- 
coneurum at A, pabitoradiaium. 

Anthurium si (G. 
xxvi. 230, 497.) S. A garden piei 
aiio A. RSE ee and A, subsig- 

Anthurium e (R.H. 
Pai 156, tt.) 8S. A 
een A. andreanum 

garden hybrid be 
. Veite 

peg Ortgiesii. (GA. 1889, 1 
93.) Hybrid of A. perasa 
fe = lindenianum. 

Anthurium Paradise. ( Williams’ 
Cat. 1891, 24.) S. A garden hybrid 
between A, andreanum and A, ornatum, 

Anthurium aana, ce, C. 1881, xiv. 
88.) A specie fie 

mall sin catia: ae acute l ofte 
raai base, and small argie 
brown pathes and spadices. Rio 
de Jane 

G G ue 
B- A p r seedlin, 
hybe ; parentage not s 

Anun pumilum. 

KUNIR punctatum. a C. 1886, 
i, 809.) S. per. in the way of 


i above, pale 
with blackish dots Baes Pedunel 
12- athe spread- 


oman tapering, j reme Boi 

Amane an rare (G.C. 1887, | Anthurium scherzerianum atro- 
sanguineum. (W. G. 1889, 113.) S, 

| M, dü; H 

EN 67, t. 107.) S. A curious form 
ae ao üni- two red spathes placed opposite 
Peduncle 1 ft. each other, 

in. long, 1 in. b a on both | —— Var. oo (ul. H. 1887, 
sides, with a green base. Spadix 6 in. 51, t. 18.) 

long, slightly” eee rich violet- 

pur rple. Braz 

— Var. compactum. (4G. C. 1895, 
xvii. 467; G. M, 1895, 244, È) 
almost circular , white, thickly 

ion ridolfianum album pathe 
Mes covered with blotches of coral-re ed. 

0O. 1891, 244, t. 8.) S. Ag arden 

—— Var. apo g M.t. 468.) 
Animan piriona. (G.C. 1892, arge elliptic 

Name crimson- a Fathe l 

Anthurium roseum. 

(B.T.0. 1888, 
99.) S. Garden hybrid. 

—— Var. lacteum. (Zi. gi sega t. 
607.) S. A white-spathed f 

A Sale i e i —— Var. maximum. (Bull Cat. 1881, 

A gar T a sÀ A large scarlet-spathed 
hybr id Me a s diene ais for 
rf lindenianum. 
r. maximum oe Cu. 
E tgs Sousa. (iu. - 1890, 29, t 100.) S. A seedling var. 
42. A n bad ith - 3 spa fs 


sea Jay Valea and A. andre- 
eee Var. eter (Rh. H- 1888, 
146.) S. Garden var., sas double 
An hohe pannuni, te E white spathes Santee with r 
1895, x 27 z A seedling var. 
rela poje Piras with a larg oe zp 
shield-shaped foliaceous spa the. 113 Sar is ane cepa A 

ae coe App B. Var. parisiense. Q R. z. . 1887, 

, on ara petioles mre Jil, H. 1887, 47, t. 

6-8 in. iii pere about 8, 8-10 in. 

long, very a — = roseum. (Bull Cat. 1893, 
attenuate duncle 1-2 in, long A var. with salmon-rose- 
pas in. long, lanceolate, attenuate, es eal spathes, 

pale green. Spadix sessile, stout, about 
as long N as the spathe, greyish-green, 

Var. rotundiflorum. 
pores 2 ming purplish, 

oom (W. a. 
1889, 113.) S. 
Anthurium mE TI Adriani. 
-= af. 1815. 6 3561F S per: 
large-spathed richly coloured variety. 

Var. albo-lineatum. (W. G. 
~ 1888. 2767 S. 

— Var. sanguineum. (W. @. 1839, 
113.) 8 

r. Wardii. crank ie. a, 
~ 98.) Ms Pi var. with b and 
spathes 6 in. long by 4 ge og 

AA Vas. andegevanan BH H. 1881, 
272.) ething like var. rath- 
shiddianvun, hewn the — dotted 

violet, and the spathe white 
Se dotted w ith red, ane above 
dusted with white. 


warocqueanum. (Z. 

1888, 45 t. 51; and H G. sigs 400.) 
S. thes 

white spa 

ak ‘red, does not come 
from the var. ras 



a ~—— ties C. Anthurium Veitchii. (4. c. Fe $ 

vi, 772, f. 142,148; Be M. t: 968.) 
mless. Poticle ss jea ects T S. per. Stemless. P etioles rated 
angular ; 1.-blade 16 -24 in. long, 13-24 2-3 ft. long; blade about 2 $s long, 
in. broad, narrow lanceolate, attenuate- ovate-oblong, acute, attached in a pel- 
eate from middle to base, ape tate manner near t Hie ; bas sordats: 
cuminate, i een; midrib mid the upper surface rounded 
prominent on both sides, rounded near the base, depressed near the apex, 
above, triangular-acute beneath. Pe- on the lower surface wide and flattened 
duncle 7-10 in. long, triangular, green. along the basal half, prominent an 
Spathe white, about 13 in. long, 1-14 i be apical half; lateral 
in. broad, erect, deeply hooded or boat- nerves arched, depressed r 
hee oadly ovate; apex shortly mi the lower surface. Peduncle 
minate. Spadix pale yellows lin. 4-4 as long as petiole, whitish. Spathe 
long ruse clavate, Tropical spreading, oblong with a long subulate 
America point, white, many-nerved. Spadix 
2-2} in. long, whitish or pink. 
Anthurium splendidum. g6. 6.1888, Sep aR 
53; > 
$ ; = Spee Var. acuminatum. (4. 
Buil pi 138, Ié t. S S. e foliage 
plant, with cordate bullate l., of a 1885, xxiv. pek a 1886, it) 
beautiful sea-green colour. Colombia . ovate- lanceolate, acumina 
Colo mbia. 
Aen subulatum. (4. C. ae Anthurium verveneum. (R. H. 
; Caudex short ; 1884, 204 t.) S. A white-spathed 
green, elongate, E nA e varie ty of A. scherzerianum. 
cuspidate-acuminate at the apex; 
peduncle 9 to 12 in. long, bearing a Anthurium Walujewi. if. te 
SS PEAT cor eee y E. Allied to 4. magnificum. 
ing Bega ane a iole 4-5 angled. Lamina broadl 
ong subulate point, “Colombia cordate, 12-14 in. long, 8-10 in pons d 
olive-green. Scape shorter than 
Arri iiaia, (B. M. t. 6339.) petioles, dorsally keeled. Spathe 
ery short. Petioles lanceolate, recurved, green, about as 
slender, nearly ae. slightly flattened long as the terete obtuse spadix. 
the fac ern h-brown; lamina Venezuela, 
10-15 in. eeply 3 - lobed; 
mame lobes “alitorm™ “oblong, — Anthurium wambekeanum. (ZU. H. 
oblong lan ieee, 185; G. C. 1893, xiv. 557, f.) 
ia Brr oiii Ped are garden hy ri "A. Lin- 
slender, erect, shorter than the petioles, pe mbee and A, andreanum. 
reddish-brown, Spathe reflexed, linear- 
oblong, o than the slender pee Anthurium warocqueanum. (FI. 
stipitate spadix, both reddish-bro and P, 1878, 101; Til- H. 1880, 
Tropical America (?) t 392. F oliag ae in the 
way of A. Ve eitchii, with l. similar in 
Anthurium trilobum. (ill, H. 1878, | Shape ora eles t ballate, o 
83.) S s probably doo rich dee with, : t velvety Siete 
ae A: tet aun it has the same and pale veins. "Colom 
form of 1., but the infl. is unknown 
Colombia. Anthurium ee ae Cae. er 

121, t. 1293. 
Anthurium triumphans. ( Bull Cat. andreanum and A. een haet 

1883, 11; and P. 1883 ge S. 

per. p A e iet with erect stem, Antigonon eer ) ; C. 1877, 
terete or quadrangular Pagers and ag a 789 r 6. olygonacex, 
elongate cordate bright S. climber, Stem s slender, angular, 
— rig } d 
Peduncle quadrangular; patie aati, pabesoent L4 seleg BAe 
p3 . i £ i . J SLA. ; m 
ee enh E ridi. vate ; apex shortly acuminate, pube- 
rulous above, downy be zien å 

ž very numerous, in tufts along the 
Anthurium triumphans. (4. C. aa of long panicles, which end in 
1896, xix. 650.) S. A garden hybrid branched tendrils; calyx of 5 mem- 
with pink spathe and yellow spadix. branous rosy-pink segments, the 3 

t l in. long and nearly as — 
corate-orbicular the 

3. Col 

epee leptopus ar 
7. 1888, 472. 
te-flowered vari li oe 

eae the 3 "cornered ovary. Styles 


An ti niece TE woe 

nc : 
in the young Tts for pie ving a 
slvergroy ae = along each side of the 

Sian: errs, M. 
eee rae herb, 
sti with glandula: 

1 ft. 

or opposite. i 
ing, recurved, “elliptic, ovate-oblong or 

lanceolate, r obtuse, 4-10 lin 
i Fi ermin sal acem 
rather large, pale ae witha a 
yellow palate wn A, 



ee ee 
iasa, 331, C 
. 806 ; 


s urple, u tube of 

the corolla not tom than the spread- 
ing lips, California. 

Sees a ge CG. C. 1889, 

67.) aceæ. S. per. L. about 

t. long by 3 in, broad, bright green, 

blotohed: with dull yellow ; fl. small, 

not showy. Congo. 

Apherema a SA M. t. 2%) 

site ovate | piee rrated =A and 
small, golden bed yi in inal 
slender erect mes. South ‘Sree 

oes amena. (Pull 
i $ hie Int. Cat. 1888-5, i 

rse of the 
veins. [A. blanchetiana, 
Hook. CR M, t. T179.) Brazil. 

“pane ae Cu. H. 
A small 

ore ps Saas blackish-green 
shining 1., and a sub-cylindric spike of 
wded fi. with green 


ee chrysops. (Bull Cat. 
t; ki C. 1887, i. 736, 140.) S. 

Thi same as squarrosa, var. 
Tsopoidis Van Houtte. | 

zrei sere Set H. 1894, a 
15. arden hybrid betw 
he EA re Sinitzini an ae 
enandrium Lindeni. 

Aphelandra macedouiana. (J//. 
1886, t. 583 ; Cat. Comp. ae T Hort. 
1886, 6.) S. per. 
zontally ignated 

sensi am ar een 
ed out in whitis 
eirda beneath. Brazil 

arah r ie e (B. H. 1883, 

the margins, 

2 in. long, bright 

S i. 


e, , elliptic- -ovate, 

A pun Binitzini. 

aig ars 

i EY reps (Bull Cat. wo 
M. of d 

A Ti pee ovate, b 
with a broad 

bright pinion 
centr: al band of —_ 

a much alicia ‘than “ses ame 

ar. Splendens. Sy t.1104.) 8. 

E raay form differing from the type 
in ha acute pp 2 ia. 
ETY punctata. (Bull Cat. 
1881, 5, 15.) a Sees elliptic-lanceolate. 
nate hered 

with green chee Fl. tubu 
bright yellow. [A. anina 
Hook. f.; B. M. t. 6627.) South 

Aphelandes to oo orp 

_ variety with ie ae in ae an nå 

meirin — of cages scarlet red 
fou as lcng as the sma 

browitish rane Contrai America 

Eg Teis Ettæ. (G. and E 1894, 

cee, G: ally 
og Cerera, having tunica ‘ait 
and 1. . like those of tia 

FI. white and rose. South Afri 
— ae roseum. 
H. 1885, 508.) acer, H. 
bows Var. with rosy ened flowers. 

EOE Zaetaigu. (R. H.1895, 
380, t.) A form of A. di stachyum 
with w and +a flesh-coloured 
bracts persis with green at the base 

pocatesten. Spa thaceum at ae 

Q. . 99.) r plant 
with nies me ‘ike ‘ij Paes 5 Ta d 
similar to A. distac hyum, 

but smaller cand with pinkish bracts. 
South Afri 

Appondicala Bet hake e c Save! 

69.) O mall 
a with tong slender pseudo- 
ulbs and 


Aquilegia sa or 6 190; A 
vulgaris with eck we a yria 

Aquilegia a bem 
(Ff. M, t. 278.) pe 
flowered nybria, ioe 

eit nica and A. chr} onary with 
arlet se 

atta pe the spur scarlet with 

yellow ti 

Aquilegia coeruleo-chrysantha. $ W., 
G. 1889, 292.) H. Garden hybri 

“ise flabellata, var. (R. H. 
57,t.) H. A pretty var., at 

aguilera SON sia, ch. H. 1887, 
548, f. 110.) _ Garden variety. 
plant inct from the true 
A, flabellata, Sieb. et Zucc. 

— Var. nana, flore albo. (B. 7.0. 
1888, 118, f. 17.) Garden variety. 

Aawtogia formosa. E M. t. 6552.) 
= Mu onan A, canadensis, 
erage larger m longer- 

. and bright yellow ae. 
let a 

urred fl, golden yellow, with the 
margins of the sep. and spurs bright 
or in va ite VESCENS par 
sa California 

CG. se a 
se bs f. 6, 90.) fi. per. oh olum- 
ine of allied to A. chry- 
cant } sap ee pubescent, iik ‘silky 
hai = glau 5 x ath. ` Fl. pale 

Aquilegia longissima. 

sre ur, or nearly 
white or cana with. a : ae z in; 

or more long. Texas and Mex 
A eee pana (R -H 1880, 
E per. about 14 ft. 

deli icate ae -blu Spurs stout, 

short, o 
ae EA seeng (W. G. 1890, 
)8.) mh ra vulgaris, but 
with tarzar : ond the sep. very narrow 
cute. Also oe own as A. 
eA “Sibari 

AS Se TT Stuarti. (R. 1. 1888,539 
H. G. 1888, 552.) Garden hybrid. 

hae lege vaslietrifolia, (Gf. t, 
er. herb a 

with light 
al “Toligge a deep blue fl. Petioles 
reddish-bro wn, 3- cides’ each br: gaen 

cae ae AEk Tyro. 

be bs lo trananiitaniaa; (G. C. 
1892, xi. 650.) 2 ft. high, 
b ise beia q Haat L. 
biternate ; segments 2-3 sfd. Z 2-3in. 

diam. bright purplish-blu [The 
correct nam e for this is A. pye dulosa, 

Fisch. | Pransylvatiia. 

Arachnanthe Lowii rohdeniana. 
A pee Phalæn. 10.) a bl 
dac Ss. A 

fl., the four lower yellow ones being 
pana from the rest by an interval 
of 9-12 in. Borneo. 

Aralia urr (printed cashi- 
(G. and F. 1888, 320; W. 

7 1888 6). heal . H. herb. 
per., growing 6 ft. high, with very 
large compound l., the leaflets being 
4-5 in. long, acuminate, hispidulous 
and serrate. The umbels of white fl. 
a ses i ow terminal 
raceme 3-4 ft. long. [This is the same 
as A aie eae Lindl. th names 

were published in 1844.] Cashmere, 

Aralia Ghabrietii. plian, Cat. 

4, ; Tei 887, £ 20 0, f. 

y a k fi A mii SA ‘leaflets 

i-9 in. long, de eep 

een, with crimson niidrib, [P Miyani ias 
ailaiabe Baker. | 

amnis chinensis, nua aureo- 
ariegatis. (W. G. 96, ori 

. A form ‘with golden Sees. 
Aralia cochleata. (Williams Cat. 

and petioles marbled. Porras: 

ama elegantissima. (///. H. 1876, 
; Bull Cat. 1876.) S.shr. or sm ali 
ra 'of graceful arnel with a slender 


Common petiole and petioles of leaflets 
yellowish, spotted with dark green 
v Caledon 

ss ee ernie ra a m 
Villis ams ALa 8, 9. 

atifid, bright green w 
Pp idri is plant, which 
1 also been exhibited as A. spectabil 
not an Aral d 

ia, and possi 
a different natural order. 
aang Ta Ta lands. 

Aralia gemma. (Zi. H. 1883, t. 477.) 
8. shr. of ornamental character, — 


olive e, greyish violet 
ane y when porte New Caledonia. 

gio gracillima. (Bull Cat. 
S. shr. of graceful habit. 

Stem pia L. closely set, spreading, 
linear-lanceolate, Bertil ar. reen ; 
hi arked, where the 

principal Arin tan sca branch off, with 

En white spur. South Sea Islands. 

Aralia kerchoveana. Ra C. 1878 

430.) S. shr. aliad of 
bold but neat habit, in way of 
elegantissima, but with h beac bolder 
.-segmen palma 

10-12 o. segments, anken 
l coarsel, d 

3 in. long, coarsely and irregularly 
Woa.. : 


Seo. & 



pai Wagi p. Saral Cat. 1883, p29 
, digitate 
alts ‘blanca, mente Bg Nor th 

po mares Ae Cat. adie w 

petioles krin ‘purple, thickly aa 

with green. L. pinnate, — 

margins sat spinulose, 
paai South Sea Islands. 

areri pag eS (Williams Cat. 
ndent nate 

L. ` 

Ahe , elliptic, with irregu- 

ai i iate margins; the surface 

blotched with grey, and the margins 
creamy-white. Polyne 

Ae pobilie. ( Williams’ Cat. 188 
of bold habit, with obl fo 
a ‘agumiate rugose u undulated 1., 

5- : ; 
green te d with darker green, 
Stem and petioles marbled and warted. 

` | Aralia quercifolia. Willians, hae 
` OGG Wes 4 

881, 21, 

40.) An s ing 

ae L. opposite, trifoliate ; leaflet 
, acuminate, ly sinuate-pin- 

nati, ae shining green 

arera quinquefolia pishe ce £ 
erg xvii. 217.) 
ar. of seeder poe BS ge 

terete petioles and palmate blades 
si a % linear remotely toothed seg- 

i Rogne. ne H. 1879, t. 337.) 

A. Veitchi, with a 
ea ames pinks variegate wit 
rose and olive and mar th darker 


lenticels ; leaflets six, linear, acuminate, 
flat, not undulate, of a uniform green. 
New Caledonia. 

aee degoe m an, w a 
hbr. distin gar 
i i ith sant 

re Sound 
colour when young. L 
th undish toothed toads the 
lateral ones s er the middle 
one. olynes 

sad curi ous 

i sitters “ie th of a Sonchus, 
deeply and irregularly cut, s 
l Petiol d stems ivory- 

dotted with black. New Oale- 


Aralia a (Wiliiams’ Cat. 
hr. A foliag an 

spotted and suffused with crimson 

— ianrey is H.1875, te 225.) 

Araucaria imbricata _ platifolia. 
(G4. w gee xvii. 468.) niferæ. H. 
a = ith much broader 1. than the 

ma H. 1882, 

Araucaria Muelleri. 
bes ies 

9; Lind. = 
handsome speci ith gr acefully 
arching ae like preanches | in whorls 

three. L. im 

e back. New Caledonia 

Sree gg s. C. 1888, 

i; Asclep: 


iflora, and gre 
e. jatan ika graveolons, now referr 
o the genus Araujia. | 

eae nevadensis. (M.D. 
G. 1896 — H: pro- 
strate e bush with ovate 
oor ed l. and short racemes of red- 


Arctotis leichtliniana. (4. ¢. es 
iv.38.) Compositæ shrub 

species 3 ft. high, with furrowed s 
clo ith a white tomentum. 
2-8 in. long, obovate or oblanceolate, 
pe , pinnatifid and toothed, not 

auricled or decurrent, tomen 
beneath, cobwebbed above. Fl.-heads 
palk in. in diam. ; Te olden Rag sted with 
. [This is figured in 
B t. 6835, upper figure, as A, 
oer ] South Africa. 

Arctotis revoluta. (B. M. t. 6835, 

ead ; -; Tay 
with dark blotch at the base of each 
floret ; disc also dark. South Africa, 
Ardisia aista. (Gt. a 70.) 
the apex of ins thick aiaia 1 it, 




long, pac apacia 
_ Pedun 

or more 

like head o s fl., suc- 
ceeded by bright red a ang Fiji. 

PAra mamillata. (4. C. 

810, 809, f. 154.) S. shr. of dwarf 
obara it, hairy. L rtly 
stalked, oblong, about 4 in. long, by 

late abov E 

rose, umbellate, on l axillary pagi 
2 in. long. Berries as larg a pea, 
brilliant rose-red. China. 

me ey wn H. 1881, 

MOPE sare a C. 1877, viii. 
6357 A 

red ca Seed shinee 

corymbs 4-5 in. in 
pedicels, peduncles, a 
bright lilac-purple. Costa Rica. 
Ardisia Poe Sieni Cat. en 13, 8, 
plant with ice sone) p crena se 
the margin, of a velvety 
aera rig with a bread central 
feathered silvery stripe. 

pos gles cme o 1877, 18.) 

Palm S. palm, gey-ellow 

stem a petals a an pal 
greenl. Madag 

— ee (Sand. Cat. 1895, 

46.) te g a height of 

9 ft. rr, large, hoai divided. New . 

Areca purpurea. (Zll. 11,1877, t.298; 
Williams’ Cat. 1877, alm 

nate, 1) i broad, bright green, 


ep Huteri. (J. of H. 1894, 
xxix. f. 57.) Caryophyllaceæ. 
EA pies ny re habit, with large 
pure white flow Tyrol. 


Arenga Engleri. (K. B. 1895, 19.) | 6 in. long, with a very short tube, and 
almæ. S. 5 ft. high, with fronds an erect broadly lanceolate-acuminate 
bearing numerous pinnæ 16 in. long, brownish-purple limb, striped with 
dark green above, silvery below ; white. Spadix longer than the spathe, 
spadices much branched ; fruit sub- the long barren part covered with hair- 
globose, } in. in diameter ; fl. said to like filaments and pendulous. Philip- 
be very fragrant. Formosa. pine Islands (?). 

Arenga Wightii. (Bull Cat. 1882, | Arisæma galeatum. (@. C. 1879, 

palm, with dwarf stem and xii. 102; B. M. t. 6457.) G. tu ber. 

aii 1l., with alternate linear leaflets ular species in leaf like A 

and ot io n young plants speciosum, and with a spathe shaped 

he 1. are at first simple, cuneate, with something like that of A. precor, 

the upper edges er ant having a galeate limb with a pendent 

potas they EENT become terminal lobe, green ribbed with bic 
innate. South Ind Spadix very much longer 

r than 
Pi ina Sane pendulous shire: like 
pe oa coat ae aw M. t. 6402.) PENs 

ual, very 3 5 eee 
goriz paaa pice se sows hispid An Giraldii. | QB. Ss 0. 
white fi. Colorado; Cali- . con angpineum, 
eis nee Schott, a plant allied to A. erubescens. 

spe et ae a M. t. 7414.) Arisema Gritithii. 

Bie a oe os (B. M. t. 6491.) 
long e 3in, wide, producing annually mbling those of A, speci- 
flowering stems 18 in. high, bearing pan " Scape $ as long as the petiole. 
engin 1. te re ead of the ee on an enormously developed 
carrot, and a = al cluster o 10 in, broad, arched over the 
tubular fl. 1 in. long, and 14 in. across ; mouth of the tube, the ies es spreading 
colour — pion with red streaks ; the whole 
see thienat Chill. is of a pepo brown wher beautifully 
ribbed and reticulate with green. 
Spadix ending i long filiform 
Aria — cee H. 1877, T? Ewa olal nP e Sikkim Hima- 
Rosaceæ. r shrub, muc. laya. 
the way ms Pess us aiem sih broad 
serrate 2 OL in large terminal | Avisema nepenthoides. (B. M. t. 
orymbs, rosy-pink. Also known as 6446. ) T per rit T wo l. to x 
€ ratæegus Horti ii. brownish, € iy 
purple; leaflets 5, digitate, oblanceolate, 
asia anomalu Ae C. 1890, acuminate, dark green with paler 
321; B. M. ks 1.) _ Aracex. margins. Spathe 5-6 in. long; tu 
S. A small species, caste ble in rather pen, xoa broad recurving 
sate an Iris-like rots and auricles its top; limb oblong, 
in being evergreen. in. high, acu irate, : gen ing, yellowish brown, 
green, with 3-5 lanceolate leaflets. lined and spotted with brown ; auricles 
Scape 9 in. high ; spathe small, coloured green with broad brown borders and 
greenish-white and brown. Perak. dark spots; spadix with a straight 
obtuse appendix, anea shorter than 
Ar eee ray aoa age (GA. 1891, the spathe. Eastern 
578, f. 1 The plant 
at the oe ted appears to be | Arisema utile. (B. M.t. 6474.) G. 
A, flavum, Schott, and not the agies tuberous r L. two to a root. 
A. mapy lum, Hochst. It is a Petiole 1 ft. long, green, unspotted. 
ies with pedatisect 1. with Leaflets k green, with purplish veins ; 
a leaflets The spathe is yellow, margins wrinkled. Scape much shorter 
b bent = orward; spadix chen the petiole. Spathe ieat 
faa, eise Arabi with greenish ribs, the 
e te limb » strongly roa fe ota 
ire fimbriatum. (4G. C. 1884, the ok of the tu Spadix ter. 
680, 689, f. 119; B. M. t. scaly minating in a long filiform purple. 
Bull Cat. 1885, Doe S tuber. brown yds Oe army wn and 
reaches th Hima- 

L. trifoliate. having elliptic-acuminate e ground, Sikkim 
segments. Peduncles a ig spathe laya. 


Arisema absidi (G. C. 1889, v. 136 ; 
BA 7105.) +S. A w ell-marked 
species sith I. 9-18 in. high, the 
petioles green, mottled with Toldi- 
brown ; pedu eee naar z 2 ft. lon 


each beari ng a hite spathe 

ae gman like ay ne, ae irk gin in size 
hape. Perak, 

Arisarum P ebeg tenes Bee J 

otiro-prpe South it 

Ariston platycaulis. CG. C: IBBT, 

—-. altissima. (B. M. t 
“me : 

w- d 
with darker brown. Sicily ; ‘Agetis. 

8s ee ae ' allied to A. 
Duchartrei, with large cer gal dart 
ae blotched and lined with pu 
arge, ovate, green. It is similar to 
A. inih Brazil. 

DEY hemes ce £ 1892, 
6l; t. 7512.) 

Aristolochia dammeriana. (CG. C. 

The old stems are San 
bark. Central Am 

Aristolochia elegans. (6. C. 1885, 
xxiv. 301, f. 64; B. M. t. 6909.) S. 

lish - brown ma Fui p ein 

Aristolochia Gigas Sturtevantii. 
(G. and F. 1891, 546; G. C. - 
f.) S. A very ‘large-flo 

. Guatemala. 

Aristolochia core (QU, ASST, 
40 M. 7073.) -S .climber, 
very similar to a brasiliensis in foliage 

and form of fl., but the beak of the fl. 
is seers — than the broad reni- 

ot A. tantak utside of 

vein a 
llowi side 
the broad lobe dull yello wile “greet, 
piua and spotted with purple-brown. 

Se te Posey accede (4. C. 

viii. 493, f. 98.) S. A robust 

Senne wi ith the habit Bex 1. o 

A. sirere Bae a 
et s 

a han £ nilabiate 
st dag hich the solitary lip of the 
flower is pacon into a very long 
ie olour anes white with 
purple veins. British Gaus. 
Aristolochia longifolia. (8. M. t. 
6884. interesting Aa P 

with short woody rootstock, long 
nies stems, long-linear- lanceolate 
acumin l., and 


rown fi., i e p be bein ellowish, 

ith dull purplish veins outside, and 

abruptly ‘ane bs apa eit the limb 

is roundish, about n diam and 

as the lower be sore up if 
pinched in the middle, “Tae icc 

oo promissa. (4. (. 1879, 

94.) S. [The plant in cultivation, 

alludes to at = oo quoted, i ound 

not to be so species. ] Vie aber 
West Afri 

Aristolochia ridicula. (¢&. ©. 1886, 
xxvi. 360, 361, f. 73; B. M. t. 6934.) 

odd-looking fi Stem, petioles, pedicels, 
outside of the fl. cover 
long spreading hairs. L, b green, 

sparsely clothed with clava te 
sedh brown hairs. Brazil, 

Aristolochia mpe = = 1886, 
xxvi. 456, 457, 92.) mber., 
co; ovate A aa oreas 

4-6 in. long, 2}-3 in. broad. Fl. about 

l; long, inflated at base, then 
aeupary tire as and bent upwar 
in the form of a dorsally compresse 
E e a tube, with an oblique 
outh, cream-coloured wit 
purple network of veins, inside lighter 
the upper lip with l central 
Hlotch and ee merous purplish spots 
arou it : margin is htly 

e slig 
reflexed, arie d with purple kasae and 
a few short purple hairs. Paraguay. 

Azistolochia S atsnii (B. M. t 

; pe H; "a iv. 150. 
H. 2 rote a S. climber, very 
similar to A longifolia but with 
much larger in. long, 
narrow oblong-lan me , acuminate, 
cordate at base, glabrous above, pubes- 
cent beneath 1. pendent, peduncle 
3-5 in. long, irs brown 
Perianth-tube pooh i at limb 
a ong 

n. bro 

h-ovate, by 5 
oad, greenish-yellow, reticulately 
nina with purple-brown. Chi 

236, f. 4 tree wi 

long agen eke elliptic gah 

= uminate serrate fl. of 
ale rose sometimes. stre aked 

darker colour. [This 


rape gate ah Alene = - 1879, 

is a Prunus.] 

Armeria mpna cor t. 1192, f. 
B. 96.) 

interesting 1 ‘Tittle 5 species, 

T-2 high, with tufts of small 
ippa recurving 1, Sais small heads of 
pale lilac fi. Spa: 
—= oe (W. G. 1888, 

bracts are white. 

Arnebia cornuta. (G. and F. 1888, 
ina aceæ. 

ow gee five black gaia 

at the base of tne lobes, which change 
d nally disappear, 

Arnobia macrothyrsa. (W. G. 1891, 


A ete ix. 148, 180 
ord A fine wy plant 
high, with 1. oa in. he aapi 
head of yellow fl. Armenia. 


Artanthe decurrens. (zu. H. i876, 

ih-red beneath. 

PA nk a Hort. ; 
C. DC. | 

Piper decurrens, 

Artemisia bi (i z G. 1896, 
mall m a 

cent b 

pal o s 
Da finely cut silvery-g roy L 
Asia ; North-west Amer 

Artemisia tridentata. (Späth Cut. 

A thick-growing = 
with silvery dea l. Wes 
North Amer 

oe neo - ita cum. 
(B. I iliac S. herb, 

stamens sme bearded ir in pala half 
New Caledon 

Artocarpus eburnea. one Cat. 1878, 
4. ticaceæ. S. shr. Stem 
ate, dar 
white veins ; petiole sonb ae 3-6 
in. ark Sea 

Arum wera (Damm. Cat 

. pe 
tubers, cordate- 
and bi shortly-stalked 
rile spotted 
with purple. Adi 
Arum = Ca C. 1882, xviii. 
298.) berous 
like a waguiatam, Da 
elongate 1. Spa 
purple outside, blackish-purple naive 
_ of the spadix blackish. 

agdalenæ. (B. 7 >» 1894, 

H. Nearly aiioa wo pale- 
stinum, but wi llow i. 
marbled and spolia purple. 

T. O. 1894, 

modicense. (B. 
227; W.-G. 1896, 311, 3 H A 
vigorous form of A. italicw Sicily, 

Arum sanctum. oie saad 1889, 
5, : ft. 655 

Arum o Ngee Lan. sel 657, f. 

124.) per. eems to be 
the s as P iem carduchorum, 
The tu rod cluster 
of short spathulate-lanceolate 1., from 
the centre of which arises a subsessile 
spathe 5-6 i ng, -purple 

ithin, green spotted with purple 
outside ; sp slender, pei as long 

as the spathe, blackish. Syr 

oe pron deena (W. 0.4 

39; B. M. t. 7284.) ohidin 
r S plant, with tall 
slender stems, linear acumi Ly 
a short terminal few-flowered spike 
Lelia-like fl., with pale mauve-purple 
se d pet., the latter with a dark 
aigaclae stripe, and a le 

p marked with whitish lines on the 
ae India. 

epee eerie ae and F. 1895, 
. bambuse- 
ers in 

latter are 14 in. across, pale lavender 
with a blotch of crimson 

ae —— (G. C. 1894, 

— Var. gramin (E -G 
xv. wag Has ae stems and 
narrower l. than ers type. [Bambusa 
pans. Hort.] Japan, 


inaria khasiana. ia o 

being quite g an ie Khasia 
and Assam 

oohugereyagiee khasyana. (4. C.1894, 
xv, 301.) Thi, plant, hik isnot 
the same Š "the p since 
described under the name of 
Arundinaria nitida, 

Arundinella — io 
w Graminee. H. 
dwarf habit. 

Arundo ppe aa (K B 

1893, S. A tall 
ree hom t t 
high and bears feathery panicles similar 
to grass. O distrib 

tion in See and Africa as well as 


B.M. t1126.)  Aristolo: 
chi A dwarf arum-like plan 
cordate hairy gr l., and 
e some oes and brown fl., the 

seg: narrowed into tails an 
fick long. amh China 

Ama ae Sarge A C. 1890, 
422; B: GLE 
cordate- EAR alg! a ats green 

wit veins. Fl. resting on the 
ground, brown with white spots. South 

Asarum aot en (B. M. 




8 . are tiga 
scented like Paras Formo 

Asarum maximum. (G. and F. a 

3; M. t. 7456.) G. Rhizome 
creeping ; 1. cordate, 18 in. high, 8 in 
broad, ren m wi 
grey, in Cyclamen. Fl. on short 
stalks, ~ y, three - 24 
in diam., maroon-purple with a con- 

spiouous die like blotch of white 

Asarum Thunbergii. (Gf. t. 928.) 
G. Scars is the very curious plant 
Ww. is better known as Heterotropa 

beast Japan. 

oe atrosanguinea 
(G. and F. 1881, i. 356.) 


which seem va 
snare sign wih deep blood- a fl 
vin yellow corona. Bolivi 
ig ee a Bes H. 1895, 
88.) S. y allied to 

vi plumo 

of pias | ie comorensis. 

1888, 158 ; M. G. M. 1894, 249, f.) 

r. of vigorous climbing habit, base 
dioe emerald-green foliage, some 
what pams that of A. plumosus, Fa 
the same as A. decumben 

Asparaeue ae. (G. C. 
27.) shrubby climber, pie 

(false leaves) men 
about 4-1 in. mae bristle- ight 
finel y pointed. South Afri 

nanus. Soke os 1882, 16, 
5-6; "Pi. and P. S-A 
dwarf form of this beautifol plant. 
South Afri 

Separata Taonmosna: 
1880, 19.) A 
Maurit tius, 

( Veitch 
imbing speci 

Asparagus is arboreus. 
(Jard. 1890, 255, n orna- 
ware As ants an he 

of A. plumosus, bati with st siraan 
eis, an gra — cladodes (false 
leaves) 3-1 in. 

Asparagus Sprengeri. 
4 80; H. G. 1890 

decorative plant, so mowha t i he 
ay of A. sar a ta and A. falcatus, 

but with the = mts oe pirre (false 

leaves) plac gether arly 

straight or r ha raog YR 

in, long, pungent-mucronate. Natal. 

it ism 

Asparagus imus. 
1882, ori Veiteh € ara seks: fE) =< A 
elic sem species, with 
light ered foliage of "teens tenuity. 
outh Afri 

aoe istu. 
elegan = fe 
pa arai several mies the upper part 
of which Shes: ch in a co rym 
manner ; anches suberect, again 
twice Brine ; cladodes in threes, 
3 in, long, acicular. South Africa. 

uae Cat. 

a, agg rates i : 1876, 

hidac udo- 

SA midl. ake those of È lu naa, but 

ep. et. 

yellowish, mottled w with brownish lines 

on their lowe: p pandurate, 

am » elliptic, apiculate, 

with an orange area its and 

with a wide violet disk before: = 
around it. Costa Ric 

Aspasia a CG. 

iii. 424; G. 1888, 218) pe 
rai with fi, like those 


of an Odontoglossum, 2 in. or more in 

; t. linear-lanceo- 
late, light en ie agit pral 
lips broadly two 

parallel eo sg ne the ny light 

Sapaata Bg iaoias, (a. C. 1878, x. 
met f 

ided racem ving t 
lip turned towards the axis. Sep. an 
pet. light gh ki rioed piana haa 
bars. Li 

andur: wit o keels 
and a few w purplish oe no ie top. 

earl oa agenda —— CQ. C. 1887, i. 

= Tanai y but differin 

whit ith 
eels i ithe sabes North- 

west Himalay 

bi ge ae (W. G. 18 
272.) H. per: ing A. ramosus 
but with fai lara more showy fi 

Be ea Hig Lien CW. = 1894, 
t. 7484.) Lilia s. 

"E ee ies, gins has. 
introduced from a with Cie 
habit and aspect f A, elatior = 
E from nat tk its trimer 

Aspidium poeple ee 
a and F. 1888 3 Filices. H. 

trong- slower: variet 

Aspidinm cristatum x Para 

Aspidium obliquatum rminyi. 
CTU. H. 1880, t. 402 ; Lind. Cat, 1881, 2.) 

oor ae : sips black. New Cal 

Sapium simulatum. (G4. and F. 
1896, 484, f. 69.) H. Allied to A. 

Thelypteris, which it resembles in 
gene characters differing chiefly 
in e er stipe, in low 
pinnæ, sori and less conyolute 


Asplenium primery tiene 
Cat. 1887, 20.) F 

continuation, of the frond, South Sea 

am apicidens. Sida rad 
is 36T) 
“of A, 

fronds. Pi 

series on each side of “the 

mi Polynesia. 
Asplenium pe ei (Williams’ 
Cat. 1881, 1881, xv. 235.) 

: g, with a 
stipitate linear-toothed pinnules. Sori 
linear-oblong, straight, pit ai 
and close to the midrib. Pol 

CG. C. 1885, 
long, dark, 
rown scales at the 
ith 1-2 S 

ae ees drape 
TIB eae 4-6 in 

with minute pei 
base ; fronds erect. 

yellowish-green, ai ily pellucid- 
dotted. British and Dutch Gui 

pasgain quite the rhachis, 
as to form a pines Wee 

Asplenium Drueryi. (Gard, 1894, 
poi 472.) H. A var. of A. Baptistii 
broader pinne, whic 

KAE pae crested. 

Re duale. (G. €. 1893, 
10.) S. Resembling A. falea- 

lin with woody rootstock ; te 
‘0 15 in. high; pinn in, 
serrated, with linear sori in two 

rows. [Inadvertently described as 

um. See G. C. ibid., p. 40.] 


h | 





aenn Herbstii. (4. C. 1896, = 
G. ronds very foliaceo 

a ri a bright olive-green sear 

Origin not stated. 

on seen ma ee (Bull 
Cat, 1878, 155.) yof A 
monanthemum, i 

high. Stipes slender, narrowly winged, 
dark n ro aperin 
to the ba da te; pinnæ 
trapezoid. i apex crena 

a oen eres CW leas Cats 

? ? 6.) 
with leathery pinnate Pa e 
ore long and 1 ft. broa 

close set, linear-lanceolate, p 
Stipes and rhachides bristly with dark 
brow brillose scales. Sandwich 

Asplenium laffanianum. EC 
1882, xvii, 673.) This short 
erect caudex crowned wit del- 
toid bipinnate bright green glabrous 
ronds. æ nearly sessile, lance- 
olate, yera innules oblong, 
oblique, obtuse, serrate; the uppe 
— broadly cia to the rhachis ; ya 

beiras st free, slightly pinnatifid. Ber 

Asplenium marginatum. (4. C. 
641.) S. A large pinn: 

the pinnæ strap-shaped and of a rich 

emerald- green colour 

Asplenium Novæ - — 

(Williams? Cat, 1880, 12.) An 

fern, remarkable for the 

pri pace te fronds. Lower 
inne and velar “deltoid, the latter 
rare from main rhac ving 

the — of the frond open. New 

“Cae paleaceum. (Zz. HT. 1878 
315.) G. fern 

deltoid. ovate, dentate, sub riage, 
tons sulcate veins ; sori linear, almos 
arginal. Austra. lia. 

Asplenium Pandaan: 
Cat, 1880, 13.) S. A dwarf, t 
green fern 

Ss gpa 

uh narrow ie scan fonda 


8-10 in. long, oeiia at the tips, 
and with a solitar es bud 
oblique, the e megia 
wi nip a few rounded teeth. Nat 

Anpionian crepe (G. C. 1887, i. 
S. e fern, with 
mpound fro 

oe lance inis ma nds, 
1 ft. long, narrowed gradually from 
the middle Sum 

Sinav a Heiani facile. A 2 
fle, lliams’ Cat. 188 


non per us, [A. Vieillardii i pi gore 

applied e sem amed A, 

Seni cad which was intr ode ced in 

tis an apar Pens grower, 

ee this variety grows more 
freely.| Pol 

Anier a. ppeensue. (GA. 1888, 
H. G. 18 888, 401.) 
Do on E robus naut 
E ft. nigh, with very ae wr 
n diam. ; rays purple ; disk Erken 

Astor gps (G. C. 1886 6, xxvi. 
59.) of little beauty, l-2 ft. 

kuaos ad North Asia. 

Aster oe CR. om. 
6718. > f 1884, oe Fl. -and P. 
1883, 169 A handsome pany 
ev erywhere clothed with glandu niat 
hair Ste 6- igh, wit 

mikk distant Pes late 

late acute 1. 


Aster gymnocephalus. (B. M. t. 
654 H. iennial or annual 

ose-purple ; disk formes Mexico 

Aster Herveyi. ta: ani F. 1889, 
472 fo Bh A slender 
plant 1-2 ft. high ; j slightly papt 

serrate d 

ome k: fl. in 
loose corymbose heads, bright lilac or 
violet ; rays narrow, 4 in. long. North 

Aster lindleyanus. (4. and F.1889, 
448, f. 127.) H ties, 

ends, . in loose panicles, 
pale” violet; rays 3 in. long. North 
in erica 

| Aster hdres Are nan 
Ret and P. 1882, 26.) 
ome form vik pee Kniha. 

ger Pseud-amellus. (G. C a 
Xxvi. -18 in. 
allied is A, Amel llus, sd with larger 
involucral bracts and to thed 1. ; 
rough, bearing a few pues 
1-1? in. in diam., with bluish-purple 
rays 1, long, oblong, acu 

je be leafy tips. Western Hima 

Aster Stracheyi. (B. M. t. ona, 
G C 1886, xxvi. 659; R. H. 188 

aie ssl, Peace inne ricating. 
Baga bluish-purple. Western Him 

Aster Townshendii. (B.M. t. 6430.) 
tS e owered 

oblong-ovate, acu 
amplexicaul, margin with - ra seat 
Heads 23 in. across; in ere squar- 
rose; rays purple; at yellow. 

Aster tricephalus. (4. C. 1886, xxvi. 

686.) H. a Si 4 ft. high, with leafy 
berulous -3 large 

petioles, en 
hairy ; stem-leayes oblong; half am 
plexicaul. Sikkim, 

Aster emygearseen (J. H. F, 1896, 
1188.) a species remarkable for 
Sate sa with ray-florets 
of a bluish -purple olour, either soli- 
tary or in pairs at t lon 
naked stalk. Western 
— chinensis. (Gard. 1892, 
. 221. ifragacee. H. A fine 
ror plant resembling A. japonica, 
but with more loosely ge hed infi. 
and rose-coloured fl. China 

Astilbe n EE H. 1895, i : 
185. Ag hybrid 
ra Bhoundergii a k A. fork 

orca sean (W. B. 1896, 

Ed and d dee ray-vi violet fl. rly 
re aceus, A. oaytr opal 
and A, sae fas. Asia Min 

Astrocaryum decorum. (Bu). sat, 
3} ppe S. agers 
innate, with atest rid 
leaflets, o aa yaana on a ribs above. 

Astrocaryum aemet rtan = 
1876, 4. . palm. own 
both it ted the ayers cee ah 

s dark-coloured spines. 


Leaflets a eini Colo 

es varia. ee | 1892, xii. 

racemes of tubular 2-lipped 
mauve and brown fl. Zululand. 

Athyrium ee ge acrocladon 

rheticum and crispum, bat e dears: 
tion is given. Scotland. 

- Var. laciniato - acrocladon. 
(FI. and P. 1882, 105.) Crested form 
of var. acrocladon, 

Var. magnicapitatum. (F1. 
and P. 1882, 105.) Crested form of 
var. acrocladon, 

— Var. ramosissimum fimbria- 
um. (Fl. and P.1882,105.) Crested 
form of the var. acrocladon. 

Var. sr gpm ea (Fl. 
a a 1882, 36.) warf var. 
of the Lady 


y-fern, aah the fronds | 

branching and crested like those of 
ar. acrocladon, but the ultimate 
divisions are cut into minute segments. 

Athyrium Filix-femina velutinum. 
ee C. E xviii, 307 ; . an : 
26.) A dwarf "dense finely 

divided variety. 

Athyrium —— (G, C, 1892, 
xii, 249.) Name only. 

H. A dwarf 
eA i wik brown branches 
and gas eee pale green l. FI. 

abou white, with red 
anthers ssid ovary. ” Central ik 

AE Peai ie (B. M. 
35.) F naceæ. 

Atriplex hali t 
(B. T. O. 1890, 42. f. 3 ; Of. 1890, 105, 
f 24.) Chenopodiac ceze seed- 
ling form of tall habit, aia oe 9 or 
10 ft. high. yn. A. nummularia, 
dl. var -monsmnantalie. Damm, Cat 
1890-91, 87, f. 5 

Atriplex nummularia. (Damm. Cat. 
1890-91, ei H.H. A much branched 
shrubby plant growing to 9 or 10 ft. = 
hei at a silvery-white 1. and fl 

Aubrietia Leichtlini. (W. G. 1888, 
325 ; rt 1886, 349.) pre aie H. 
pe orm with deep 

gr an oe Wallisi. (G4. c. 
pa > —_ Cycada Thi 
ownas Zamia am pl ifolia 

ea 2. Patis 

ae Se ak R. 2) 1889, 

rose or violet, 
dotted with Saran brown. Pedicels 


Azalea hybrida Daviesii. 

65. t. 1387.) A 
with white fis., suppose 
produced by crossing A. 
A, viscosa, 

(GA. 1893 
vgs hybrid 

sinensis with 

a monies. (G. C. 1893, xiii, 
ids of Fu 
RE ai sinensis) with th 

green hybrid paragem “ John 
'aterer © have bee amed Azaleo- 

Azalea obtusa alba. 

(Ve citeh Cat, 
1887, 9.) G. shr 

A var. with w 

Aaa agern (F. M. t. 418 
ith deep rosy-red d double fi. 

Tthodndond, ‘on indicum, Sweet, var. 

balsamineflorum.| Ja an. 

Azalea pory flore pleno. = 
Wee es 2,89.) H. deciduous 

h soft Tive oblong 1., rir double 

ia pk s potted with carmin 
urple, Japan. 

Azalea rustica, shy Pies ER = 
1893, 195.) H. n 
derived a = Rp ees 4. 
occide ntalis, 

baat Bde Ne (W. G. 

1888 J E T Rind n- 

dron air um, Hook. ET 

oe aa spears.. {E M. t. 6585.) 
ulb, th 

rie dhii idee: lan ate 

sessile 2- lippa pek blue fl. 

l., and 
Baccharis salicina. EE ias Cat. 
4-5.) Compos A bush 6 ft. 
high , With narrow pion gray- 

Western North America. 

— trimera. = H. 1896, de 

ff., 50-2.) G. A leafless shr. attainin 

a eight of 6 ft. with winged expansi a 
alon e stems. kray ds small, 
inconspicuous. pn 

Bæa tanger are 
Gesneracez. §. s per., with 
rosulate a, popes elliptic 
crenate-se: and slender few- 
flowered Maloi sapos, with ne blue 
fl. $in. in diam. North China 

GB. M. +t. 6468.) 

Backea parvula. (Gf. t. 886, f. 2.) 
S. shr. with small opposite 

oblong - lanceolate sub-acute 1., and 
small axill inal 3-6-flowered 

erect, seated around the top of the sub- 
g inferior ovary. New Cale- 

Beria gracilis. Be: we AE t 2 
an king Phar the tae cae me 
linear 1. and solitary radiate heads of 
bright gad fi., about in. in diam 



Bahia oontortifora; (Gf. 1888, 329, 

sh 1888, iii. 806.) ‘Com. 
pes b. per. 1. 18 i a. high, 
more or ate AA L. small, an eate, 
pinnately 5-7-lobed, 1 linear, 
Stems naked at the summit, terminated 
by small dense corymbose cymes of 
yellow radiate flower-heads. |Ærio- 
phyllum A. Gra 


revere ee (R. a 1889, 

889, 144.) Bro ce. 
Se E Bro oliad similar to Tillandsia 
argentea in pre? e, with a 
silvery 1., a panicle 16-20 in. 

and a 
Pee of peasy rosy-purple fi. about 
. in dia Brazil. 

Bakeria Mee doom Bo 1887, 71.) 
Arali odie 

aliace: ES ma an 
unbranc A: “dli te, with 
10 petio te elliptic een apime 
with blunt l, in large 
nit rage reen [ Plera wea “a 

vitiensis, “Baill. Fiji. 
ai suaveolens. 
1889, 187.) 
nual of erect Bieren i habit, 
with om serrate l. and pretty blue fl. 
aa whole Pie? is strongly scented, 
West Indies 

ue ae eaters ae 

CR. HH. 1879, a 

. annual, about 1 

high with „2 aichotomonsiy. bran 

er 'ye ellow te fl.-heads. tals 
bears the name =e "m ougerouxia recta, | 

ppoe — 

mama K ae ares (Gard. 1894, 

leaves 4} in. by } in., serra 
with silver stripes. 
Vitmorini, Hort.) Japan. 

Tse — (R. H. 1886, 

eac e being dark gree 

the otha side plow, pore en 
era oe n the ne L. 

also pated. [Phyllostachys Cas- 

tillonis, n Mitford.] Japan. 

Bambusa anioni (4G. C 1894 

xv. 368.) A os with slender 
stems 3 Pa ‘or re high; 1. 
by Fag in., a, striped with 

e wi 
beneath, [ Arundin- 
aria P grini ka, Mitford. j Japan. 

Bamb disticha. (Gard. 1894, 
xlvi. H. s 2 ft. high, thin, 
with distichously arranged branches 
and l. ; the latter . by 4 in. rigid, 
evergreen. [This n as been given 

a dwarf bamboo lòng cultivated 
the name of = un na, Hort. not 

of Borrar rgh.| Jap 

ee Henonis. 
68.) H. 
Mitford Jap 

Ce. XV. 
[Phy Hlostachye Mopac 

Hombuss  hetorooyola.- i H. 1878, 
354, 80.) h branched 
bam ne “oblique annulations, 

variously s ; foli 

tha rea. 

£ (Phil lostac J 7 
heterocycla, n Mitford] Jap: 

Bambusa Laydokeri, e C. 1894, 
xv. 368. ms t. or pors 
high, aF innan branch sl 
long, narrow ttled with dull 
yellow [ar skea ia Laydekeri, 
Hook. f pan 

Bambusa marmorea. (Gard. 1894, 

i green, Serra 
ith a constriction on one side near 
the apex. The yer ee ag mokan 

with eg grey. ie) ir Aari a ia Due 
tril, Kurz. | 

Bambusa Maximowiczii Blia 
LH illians cat. 1880, 13.) 

B. M. t. 7146 

Bambusa as aie ae = (Gard. aes, 
xlvi. 547.) A bam 

me Sery 2 ft. ‘high, ENS, purplis oh. 

1.6 y 2 ah m; serrated ; leaf-sheaths 

Jeteg Japa 

Bambusa nana. (ar Aged 1879, 3.) 
H. bamboo of dwarf habit, with slender 

twice-branc stems p Aren small 
tufts of short leafy twigs. L. n 
Ss, rom pine 1 ong, 

ve, glaucous Pea 
B aies Mitoni Japan 

— ee. ai C. 1894 
368 ) with = iE 
than ea hed ; 
4} in. 2S è in. i with 

rae hairs, . goo 



cms ce rn rent eee 


ns Premas SES C. 1894, xv. 
arfest pataboo in 
pete ee gets les ay 

high, kier ing wr branching free y: 
y $in, gr oen ‘Ln colin: ia 
ieee Kurz.] Jap 

Bambusa Kagumoskii CR. H.1880, 
= H: something i n the 
way of Ar van ria ‘aks but ‘with 
much larger l. [B. tesse ellata, Munro ] 

nunna senanensis. (G.1894, xlvi. 
46.) H. Apparently identic: al with 

ir undinaria Veitchii, Japan 

Bambusa sterilis. (¢. C. 189 

368.) H. This appears to be Pile 

stachys aurea, A, & C, Rivière. Japan 

ae ie eae (R. Reg 1888, 90 ; 
32.) A d 

1888 warf 
era with ¢ er ee ‘and oblong 
acuminate l., 4-8 in. long, 14-2 
broad, m above, bluish- 
green th, changing in autumn 
to yellow, or with a broad yellow 
border. Japan. [Arundinaria Veitehii, 

. E. Br 

Panias violascens. (R. H. ae 

S. per. ornamen rass, of 

see s growth and robust anes with 

PEE violet buds and abundant 

right green l. nag rai vio- 
lascens, A, & C. Rivière. ] 

rear Weiseneri. (R. H. see, 
a - Garden variety, of Japan 

Paraonis uneis (@. C. 1890, 


. It was re-introduced 
Gartiegh Kew i in 1890, 

Barkeria cyclotella. (4, e 1880, 
xiii. 72, £. 15.) Orchidaceæ. S. e yte, 
very near those of B, jap i pennie 

Barkeria ea nobilior. (4. c. 
hatg. z% A large-flowered 
E wih a ea ase spot on the lip. 

Barkeria —— (G. 
xxiv. 678, FI. equal to that of È 
lindleyana, a 
. — disk on the 
i acute 

Barila. hee elata. (4, C. 
Gf. 1 

48.) Ac 
oe a t shrub 6 ft. 
high, and of show ry appearance. Fl, 24 
in, across, dark blue. Singapore. 

— npa p. M.t, 6954; G. C. 
887, ii. 341.) A dwarf prostrate 
kads branched ‘shrub, with. elliptic 
or obovate obtuse 

in. diam., funnel- shaped, with 
per spreading lobes. East Tropical 

Batemannia lopis. Cl 
aceæ. S. epiphyte, allied 

to 2. £ cle but with an infl. 

ge, and o acne "vivid 
before the 

middle ; side lobes narrowly triangular, 

with teeth; its middle lobe cuneate, 
obcordate. Brazil. 

Hevemensin :Derovials. (K. B. 1895, 

193 895, xvii. 551, f.) 
paaa ale pagis angled, 2 in, long ; 
leave eae ceolate, 8 in. ne i racem 

red ; across, Saige 
tipped with green, the lip white with 
purple dots. Peru 

mgr a ieee a Si. 

wi ocolate-brown blotches 
bag with crimson. Colo 

Bauhinia corymbosa. ka a f oy 

ee rosy 1 . ter 
minating sat ev eee gins China. 
psor Galpini. (4. C. 1891, ix. 

we two-lobed 1. and aobis of iaie 
andsome crimson Transvaal. 

ones Plantarum, t. 1994 ; B. i 
S. It is a dw: arf 

Bauhinia perce. ce, Mi . 6277.) 
S. The co r Casparia 
speciosa Pp akae ps 

Bauhinia variegata. (B. M.t.6818.) 
S. A small with large broad 
2-lobed 1., 3-4 in. long and broad, on 
slender Tapora and racemes of 

le fi. about 3 in. diam, 

Petals elliptio-obtuse, comubens the lo lower 


Bauhinia variegata candida. (2. M. 
t. 7312; J. of H., 1893, xxvi. 277, 

pure white fragrant fl. [Thet war 
figured in B., M.t,6818,] Tropical Asia. 
Hearts = ÇB. M. t. 7231.) 
is the 5 e aan 
re = ger bisa and 
under the name of B, sple ele Pon 

eer Poe Sea Cepia Cat. 1896, 

. A garden n hybrid 
Bashe: and B. decora 
There is a species called B. acer ifolia, 
. B. K., native of Ecuador. } 

— a. doe ut. s 

3, 4, pecies o 

compact s iadi habit with, oblig ret 
lool shortly- of a glossy 
n spotted wit pact rt ga 

ey eme pee Eira Kio 1883, 


t, spotted with. ‘white, ony pE R side 
-red. Sum 

Boganis Ameliæ. (R. H. 1885, 512, a 
89-9% G. A garden hybrid betw. 
B. Faa and. B. Ræëzli. 

oaa Sea et 1890, 273; 
. 466 

. 3—4 
in diameter, and agreeably scented, 

Begonia PRETAS (E, M. $ 6767 ; Fl. 
23.) species of 

and P. 1884 

war habit it = 
foliage. Petioles erect, hairy; leaf- 
blade very obliquely 
lobed and hed on 
green, with white spots and pale mar- 
gin above, purplish un- 
cles about as long e petioles 
bearing a ac aad cyme of light 
pink in [As B 

fl., 1-14 in i 
assamica in ee Cat. 1884, IL ] Assam. 

Begonia bicolor. (V. A m. 137, kL; 
B. T. O. 1891, 189. A tall e 

the up ones with bulbils in their 
ils. iaei rose, 
in a , the peduncles 

being ETE A [B. gracilis, 
H B. K| Mexico. 


Patronis piemarski. T Cat. 1888, 
S. Garden 

negori rarer (Fl. and P. 1883, 
H. 1882, 377.) 8S, A gar arden 
hy between B. Schmidtii and B. 
mehs ai 



EE carminata. (Veitch 
2.) G-A between 

1896 garden A id 
B. coccinea aai 2b Dregei 

Hegas Carrieri. ded and P. a 
58.) G. a n rden between B. 

7 hmi dti 
en cee ey ya alba. (R. H. 
95.) S rge and robust 
var. pen white ft 

Begonia cinnabarina ypc 
(lu, H. 1892, t. 165.) G. A garden var 
having the pet. striped with white 

Be ee Clementine. es as 1888, 
39.) S. Garden 

Begonia me phe Æ. 1889, 131.) 

. Garden 
cote compta, (Bull Sed 1886, 7.) S 
obliquely o angular, of a a satiny 
green, with a “ale very iage along the 
course of the midrib. Brazil. 
Be egonia coronata, ented Cat. 
. A garden hybrid between B 

ca) olinieefolia and B. pol ieri 

eee Credneri. (Gf. 1890, 562, f. 

ft. L890, a 5 A garden 
kyt id between B. schar fiana and 
B. metallica. 

aee Tere S b t. i. 09249 

in. in diam. South 

ate on ia ors serena (R.H. 1880, 
S. ta Begonia but Pellionia 
sae, Ne E. Br.] 

Begonia Davisii. = M:t. aoe = 
ninap ous per. a com 
and wit Cmte 
soe obliquely ae 

subae ute, shinin 

gla brous, 
bearing a few G- bright crimson- 
scarlet fl. ; pet. 4, nearly equal, Peru. 


“etn ss fiore pleno. (F.M. 
G. Fl. large, double, crimson- 

— ee (4. C. tana xii. 621 ; 
and l; 

pis as -red with lenih veins, 
pink, Perak. 

Begonia decora. (Bull Cat. 1886, 7.) 
i ar. reen obliquely 

B: ene but the apr more 
min — probably B. albo- 
ista, : Braz 

bp Diadema. (Z4. H. i882, t. 
446; Lind. asi hace S. L. palma- 
tifi erisa spotted 
with w m is erect zos 
elo: ke pi ie green. Borne 

— Duchartrei. (R H. 1892, 

; Gard. 1892. vi., 115.) 8. A 
aT ayb rid between A echinosepala 
and B. scharfiana. 

"Bau tat neta (G. C. 1887, i. 346 ; 


white fl. }in, in diam, 
Begonia excelsior. (Ze — ybrid 
1893, No, 123. garden hybrid 
between B. Baumanni and B. I sh hii. 

Begonia ega ee (il. 
D 1895, » b. 43. with 
hoes. coloured E Ta the fous 

Begonia Frebeli vernalis. (B. Z 
rig Tie 3 tuberous per. Bower 
ing fr m December to March. Other 

wise like the type. 

Begonia fulgens. (Lemoine Cat. 1893, 
No. 123.) G. Rootstock tuberous 
E oa oe green; racem 
numerous ; fl. rich red , fragra. ant. 
closely kari p re z Davisii. Boliv 

m is 

ee amaryl oo Fone (By M. 
19.) ell- known ga k 

ieee: pr description of 

raga = aei along 

a ine ek 
which w 
th a igs 

Begonia A ae (Gf. 1888, 645, f. 

143.) Garden hybrid, 

Begonia goegoensis (C. C 1882, green, more or less y covered 
iii. 71; FL = P. 1882, 121.) S. with silvery- grey ar s. Cymes ter- 
arf evergreen species, with large minal, F]. n diam., pale pink, 
elas O bullate 1, of a with the “she of “the segments and the 
rich dark green with anhi. priid veins deep rose. Jav 
reflections, and the course of the nerves 
crystalline pale green, the under side Begonia kubai cR H. 1884, 171, 
and margins purple-red. Petioles , 225, f.; Fi.a 884, 58; Gi 
4-angled. ró niin in diam., in pe- 1888, iii. 301, f. 48.) 8S. rnamen 
dunculate Sep. ink. Pet- oliage plant with peltate narrow 
smalle Orlita.: Buls elongate obliquely - oblong 1., 6 in 
l 3 in. broad, of very dark 
Be 8, shining green above, with a pearly 
ona Mem kokea in (8: a eines 38, lustre, spotted with silvery markings ; 
is P aE fie. under An T rple. Fl. large, 

Teogonia Heracleicotyle. (Ve io j u. 
1895 garden 
B. heracleifolia and B. eehehe Begonia lyncheana. (B. M. t. 6758 ; 


in i ith tall stout stems, 
Begonia hoegeana, CON. 1886, 398.) Ph prea z oen 
5. Somewhat in the way of B. nit ne; glabrous green 1l., and large corymbose 
Sf ¢ a S cymes o right c armine fi., 1-1} in 

and broadly ovate l. rounded at the in diam. Colo 

half as large as those of B. nitida. re a air: j G A 

oe ybrid ; parentage not st 
: i tl elena to B. sae 
Begonia Jaurezi. (Z. &. 1890, m APPa EEN 
= on ee Begonia Margaritæ. (R. H. 1884, 
ouble fi S. foliage plant. 
rot i hy om id between B. metallica 
Begonia Johnstoni. P M. t. 6899 ; and 2. siheebepdla 
RH. 1887, 45.) S. per, 1-1; ft. high, 
glabrous ; stems suconlent, pale green | Begonia martiana ulcherrima. 
spotted with red. L Soir Ae (Lemoine Cut. Ko. i 123.) G. 
obliquely cordate-ovate, acute, cre- var. wi Ta purple e tinged 1. and 
nate, the basal aba psn tn dark mee arane rod f 
n above, paler beneath. Cymes 
few-flowered, on long peduncles, fil. . 
pale ayy the males about lin., the | - mkb rpe (E. i 1886, 
females about } in. in diam. East aa th a ‘stems, mic ering ha & y 
conie Africa. ly Male mits 5 
— Pars er i pee largs Begonia metallica. (F. 3, t. 197.) 
G. Per. of shrubby habit 
hairy emrald -gr ce leaves. Brani profuse flowerer. L. obliquely cordate- 
ovate, sub-bilobate, margin sinuate- 
Begonia Lemahoutii. caa. 1889, lobed and toothed, deep bronze-green 
258.) G. per. of compact habit, with with a metallic lustre, Fl. umbellate 
| oblique acuminate dark ii E female with five pet., mal th 
with purple beneath, wavy, two small pet., white 
toothed, and ciliate on margin. with a large central rose-coloured spot, 

Peduncles rising above the 1., bearing darker at the back and hairy 

cymes of white fl., tinted with rose 
ide. r e (Lind, Sel 

1883, 1.) 5. A dwarf species w 

Begonia Lesoudsii. CH. H. 1888, bright green l. — with as 
20, f£. 5.) G. Garden hybrid. Suma 
m oen lineata. Ra C. 1882, xviii. | Begonia pen Lemoinei. <2 
99.) S. <A tuberous species, dying 1889, 33, £ 7. brid 

3 Garden 
ually. a obliquely cordate, between B. octopetala and a tu Folens 
ovate, acute, sinuate or lobed, blackish Begonia. 

Begonia ¢ odoratissima. anise ( ue, 
896, bero 

rooted Begonias with Dace 

mopona Olbia. (G. C. 1884, xx. 720, f. 
128 ; = 40, £ 11; Fla nd P. 
S. Orn: mental 

peduncled few-flowered cymes 
white fl, Brazil, 

— a Saes Deser. 13.) 

S. p icose es, growing 

to Bt, in rene with obliquely cordate 

ti A a ly toothed on the 

n, dark green and sparsely h ld 

verre: niri beneath ; i any- 
flowered ; fl. pink. Brazi 

Begonia pictaviense. (W. &. 1891, 
155.) 5. A garden hybrid s 
B. scharfiana and B. metallica. 

Begonia platanifolia — a 
1894, xv. 663. g 
distinct variety. 

ar. illustris. (G. C. 1894, xv. 
as <" A distinct variety. 

am bia oe (G. C. 1878, 

A handsome plant, with 
-E dy stems an rnamen- 
tal foliage ; the e very unequal- 
sided, with sinuses and angles on one 
side. k purpli green Pg anager 
to tempera’ ming green as 
the temperature ‘is raised, prettily 
blotched sagt ymes few- 
flowered ; sep. broad, serrate, Brazil. 

ar. pulvinata. ae C. 1894, xv. 
prea ‘A distinct variet 

Begonia Rajah. (G4. C. 1894, xvi. 

215, ft 3 S A cies, 
prendi alli to B. goegoensis, but 
differs te hairy petioles, 

pink, and borne in loose erect racemes. 

Rex x decora. (Jard. 1886, 
267, f. 123.) S. A serie eet. hybrids 
ts above- 



Begonia Rex x socotrana. (6. C. 
1894, z 669.) S. A garden hybrid 
between Ras two species indicated b 

the nami 

Begonia Roezli. (Gf. Len 8. 
[B. lynchiana, Hook. f. | 

Begonia esi ores CG. C. 
1892, xii. 2 E01, 

Begonia mua ca eos agas, ia) 

t dec reei t ee adr ine 
sana ovate lobed toothed and 

ciliate l. of a bronzy green, with the 
veins marked o with pale green, and 

all over with gags brown ; 
under surface red. ‘India 

eles Nee gk 2 (Bull Cat. 1884, 

Ma 2- in diam, with two 
large elliptic De. echinate with red 
bri side, 

3-win te, with red bPintles. 
CB. Suaa W. Wats. | 

oe io schmidtiana. (ah. t. 990.) 

Begonia mer ehh er es H, 
1881, $30, t. aop G. h deep 

rose- ‘colou 

—- Var. Sturzii. ge pa — G. 
A floriferous var. wit se panicles 
fl. and having t the 1. spotted 

— pg lege 


"The l. are large, 5 ahem 
and -D — green. 

in diam ing im ose pink 

(G@. C. 1881, xv. 

agente Teuscheri. (77. M. 1879, t. 

8.) deep green, ted 

a marbled with whitishegreen, and 
margined with red. Dutch Indie 

Begonia alaare (H2M. t 
7457.) S. remarkable plant Poth 
in pe ati in havin i 

a few female and bisexual ones. 

AE H. 1881, 
g form, shi 
weber petio lad palma 

merous aides aun 

cymes of ser coloured fl. 

Begonia. Aer 
À free 


Tepsi D ime, ser Ge. 
rs. rm of f 

Bellevallia Aucheri. (B. 7. 0. 1894, 
Liliacee. H. species with 

Bentinckia ` nicobarica. (hat Cat. 

ee S. Sets primed 

of 70 ft. m. 

L. 8 ft. long ; leaflets 2 2 tt. eis aen 
bright green. 

Berberis aristata SAET 
CW. A 1888, 108.) Berberidace 
r. with few or no ite on 
ra ay of the 1. 
Berberis eens se M. t. 6505.) 
H. shr. L. tufted, 1-1} in. long, 
- te, = Fl. soli 
tary, pendulous, = aye: pedicels, 
« orange-yellow. Chi 

Berberis congstitora anren. 
(B. M. t: shr. L. shortly 
stalked, roundish z wee elliptic, 
with spiny margins. FI. dense 
axillary oo Any crowded ‘ona the 
ends of the branches ; ; bright yellow 

Berberis Saphaas. (Späth Cat. No. 

95, 59.) pright strong-grow- 

shr. ia. AEEA haan and hand- 

some fruits; spines about 1 in. long. 

Berberis Fendleri. (4. a F. 1889, 
460, 462 £. 72.) H. Sedat of B 



yellow, B s0 

base of the calyx. 

nea and mosia penh, 
in racemes n. long, 

me red sae pr gt the 
Rocky Mountains. 

Berberis Fremonti. (G. and F. 1888, 

496, f. 77.) H. evergreen shr, 
the priesto section. J. pinnate ; 
lets 2-3 b 

and inflated 
ripe. Texas: r Ae 

iyá sgia A aie ir soe? (a and F. te 
A dw ub 


white, and oe flowers sulphur-yellow. 
Yunnan, Chin 

os Sse oo tm (B. x E tey 

He + FE ufted, } 
spathulate obovate, pink Fi. solitary, 
nae pale yellow tinged with red. 


sae eagle virescens. (B. WV. t. 7116 
rrect name for the plant culti- 

Dr a gardens as B. helstaniana. 

Berehamis eonna: (W. G. 1888, 

87.) Rham g shr. 

as oblo a~ va ub- 

acute 1., and terminal puio of small 

fi., su dark brown berries. 
Japan ; 

Bertolonia < Sonerila. a * Sa 

1896, 7 hi Melastomaceæ. S. 
varieties a hybri pe 
lonia ae Bare la are h 
and figured and called se fae ris. 

i pot sesi (Fl. and P. 1882, 26.) 
Melastom dwarf shr. with 

silvery pe bar, the young aac 
pery. Garden hybrid. 

Bertolonia vittata. KZ Cat. 1880, 
3. L. ovate ` 

Hanohera eria bracteata. (B. M. t. 
664 ja ei llidacee. G. Much like. 
B. tubiflora, -aap uien with —_ bracts 
and greener 

Beachornaiia. scenes: or H. 

long, tu 
reddish-brown fee at the base of aie 

ae yon CR. 

very glaucous, entire 
greenish, th a tips a aguy re- 

Besleria Imray. (B. me te 6341. 
Gesneracez ae Ser ect and 
glabrous. Stems obtu wely F -angled. 

opposite, sub- penike broadly pied 
olate, acuminate errate, d een. 

: aig fe 
: ort rounded 
spreding lobes. Dominica. 

sae p ae CG. C. 1894, 


and a a -coloured bark, mrii 

Betula Medwediewi. (6. H. 

hed glabrous 

s cylindric ; 

in. long ; female shorter. 

petiole pine Catkins 
male about ae 

Be papyracea 

tula occidentalis. 
= G. 1888, 558. shr., said ta 

true from seed. North-West en 

Betula pumila 

Gra aie ( Engros-Cat. 
des Nat. Arb. “isch, H. shr. 

1890, 19.) 

ung l. and shoots densely 
meri cane British Columbia 

Betula pumila x lenta. (G4. and F. 
1895, 243, f. 36.) H. Hybrids betw. 

y tween 
the two species named have originated 
in ol Aeae UBA. 

| fig: of are given at the 
place quoted, 


| irk a ee es poe 1887, 383, f. 
tre with the you 

| ovate, pai iach , pubescent 
beneath the nerves and in t 
angles of the nerves. Catkins ovoid- 
oblong, ł- 1 in. long. Caucasus. 

Hare Fa ge F EPa 1894, 
19.) cee. H. H. Near 

to mol South European B. te ation um. 

Bifrenaria Se (K.B 

4, 184. hidaceæ. G. Allied to 
r Scns p Ere 4-angled, 
1} in. lo n. long ; scape 6 in. 
long, bearing about s .; fl. about 
3 in. long and coloured yello w, with a 

few red-brown spots on the lip. Brazil, 

potire wr die ingen (G. C. 
. Sep. and pet. almost 
T ‘teh yellow outside, procs 

cinnamon inside, with a few spots, bars 
| and mark pale Bs imines our 
| Lip broad, white, with one light brown 
spot behind and a larger one in front 
of the callus ; lateral lobes a - 
ting brown lines; front lobe with 
mauve lin id Hadisni 

Hort. var. bella, Reichb. f 

—— Var. Bee seit E & u, xiv. 
y the sep. and 

polygo figures on a light yellow 
| ground. Lip light pecs at the base, 
| white in front, with radiating 
| purple streaks. [Se dioèl p Ao 
ort. v 
| Bifrenaria Harrisonie alba. (Gf. 
1809-851. € 1312, f. 2.) G. A var. with 
he sep. whi i with pale red, 
the pet. ivory-white, the lip yellow 
veined with pu on oe side lobes, 
and the f front lobe w with 

—— Var. buchaniana. (4. = ene xi. 
=i G. Base of 
pet. marked with vE MEN rand a 
janie yellow lip. 

Bifrenaria mellicolor. (6. eae, ix. 
622. . Something in the way of B. 
‘Harvinohte, with honey- coloured i, 
striped with u 
and thin an 
with a depressed emarginate callus at 
the base of the front lobe. Brazil. 

Bignonia fag heen Neto a mary 
(B. 4 oniacez. 
climber. Fl. dar Re Meee re Southern 
United Sta 


Bignonia magnifica. (4. C. 1879, xii, | elevated above the 1., branched above 
2 ; Bull Cat. 1879, 4, t 4.) sE a bright red. FI. sub- ache 
Gee with simple ovate acuminate 1., uch 18! opens red at the base, 
nd large panicles of fl. 3-34 in. in yellow at the a 
diam., ranging from delicate mauve to 
rich purplish crimson, with a pale gage) i — CGf. t. 1217.) S. 
yellow throat. Colombia. H- road, 
mikia Won longer than the 
Pigaosis slis: Cue Cat. 1985, l.; sheaths and bracts bright coral- 
ber i red. Spike -a et flowered, fl. ł in. 
pel bs ii sls -acum long, blue. 
l. and ae e fl. of a bright Eas 
and red col geile Lanting err (Gf. 1887, 
30.) Garden hybrid. 

Porna baer prina P H. 1893, 
e with bright green 

pa sect pen ee with white, ae Y prea e kabal — My 
and tinted with rosy red when young. 

in ery concave on the face, and 

clasping each other at the basal part, 

Bignonia rugosa. (B. W. t. 7124.) 4 spiny on the margins, blackish green 

clir mo covered with soft erg E marked with silvery zones beneath. 

bifoli age in axi lary cymes ; calyx Fl.-stem shorter than the l, with a 

ad, shaped ee g ft short dense ovate-oblong spike of red 

shaped, Follos wih : creamy white with white floccose bracts and 
limb. Venezuela. calyces. Brazil. 

as “ema soon (RK. H. 1878, persist lee SOA (GA. 1891, 
s the old and well-known 563, f. 101.) A pere aan 
Ta coma Aree pE between B. Ee: and B. vitt 

P ierpis andegavensis. (R. H. Billbergia krameriana. (GA. 1888, 
6, 309.) Bromeliacew. 7.) Garden hybrid. 
i: “a hybri = serg B. thyr soidea and 
ren Billbergia leodiensis. (Gi 891 

563,4.. 100. gar n hybrid 

irc a Babe t Sgu Ar between B. iA oe iH, sare 
B. it. t. rita h pallesce 
Pu TE n (B. H. 1881, fi 

1 T.J meliad with 5-10 lora 
ory in Binoti. = H. F. 1896, 724.) poet a fake green L, and a ai 
wW a an 

0 : : 3 
P sep. rosy ; pet. green with violet tips. 
npe PE E peA peri ie I oe There is a var. chlorantha pea the 
oy : sep. and pet. entirely green. azil, 

ite. Infl. 
pendulous; its axis and bracts red. 
Organ Mountains, Brazil. 
Raa Taare (GA. 1890, 
Billbergia blireiana. (R. H. 1889, | 145, t. 1318.) arden hybrid 
m hýb rid between B. bet ae ao aig liboniana. 
n mee i = Par! ifolia 
ne Tora CAJ. 1890, 

1884, w f. 49.) Something in the way 
m “3 nee be sig ae te f B. Sieur: but with larger 1., 
f ¥ ic of a clearer green, not 
betw een B. pallescens and B. vittata. chard brows “banat mal ith 
fewer bars and spots ; and ne ont 
pete e Bruanti. (R. H. 1885, is thicker and erect, not 
52.) S. A garden Arnd between B. Bracts carmine-red. Wie witha green- 
pallescens and B. deco: ish calyx tin re ed with rose and green; 
pét. tipped with blue. Brazil. 

Billbergia Cappei. (B. H. 1885, 192.) 
S. Garden hybrid. Billbergia Rancougnei. R. H . 1884, 
524.) S. A garden h 

Bilbergia Chantini. (2. 1.1878, 112, B. liboniana and cent p eerd 
È ii 272, f. eee S. Fl-stem not identified. 

Billbergia eee aon 

stig ae in 
g all ‘its par = ee instead of 
light gree 

aa: roseo-marginata. (R. H. 

us margins. 
B. rubro-marginata, and 
Quesnelia roseo-marginat 

en peere (B. H. 1884 
17, tt. lant with erect 
b cin ore obtuse mu- 
cronate l., armed with stout spines 
ana Panicle ce merar ie 

1-3 fl FL 

in. long ; se and Pred amines 

tipped with blue. Brazil. 

Billbe yeh yw Se H. 1877, 10.) 
= ogee road. cefu ma arch- 
nap oe corr ula Scape 
iy “He sored. stout, anne ; bracts = 
= -rose ; man ee 
x Colia n the 
bordered a with violet. Brazi 

Billbergia arini — 
ai y 1883, 300, t.) A han 
for ith Aaaa scarlet bracts ant 4, 
the croton tipped with 


violet. Braz 
ees variagaia: (B. H. 1881, 
of B: pallescens, 
“ae taller, eee ee 2 ft. high, with 
broad & P out 8 in. g. 
Bracts vermilion - re Sep. pale 
green shaded wit rose, indigo-blue at 
the tips. Pet. pale green with indigo- 
blue tips. Brazil. 
illbergia vexillaria. e Hi 
467, C 118 t.) hyb brid 

ween iit thy thyrsvidea pat pi rE and 
B. morelia 

Billbergia vittata Rohani. (Gf. 
1890, 306, £. KARR S. Undistinguish- 

able from th 

Pian A.A Windii. (4. C. 1883, = 
1885, 250.) S. A hybri 

between B. nutans and B. o as, 

Billbergia Windii. (Gf. 1889, 7, f. 
ES 8. og poe pee between B. 


Billbergia wittmackiana. (Gy. 
1891, 328, £. 69.) 8S. Aga ee ones 
between B. vittata and B. an 

Billbergia worleana. (B. H. 1885, 
249.) S. A garden hybrid between B. 
nutans and B. moreliana. 

Biota orientalis laxenburgensis. 
(W. G. oniferæ. ; 
Garden variety. [Thuja orientalis, 
Linn. var.] 

Biota pyramidalis compacta. (2. 
ne i 34.). H. A garden var. of 

mpact narrow conical growth. 

Bismarckia nobilis. 
of som 

(Gf. t. 1221.) 
See ara 
what the 

ments and several Retest gi thread- 
like ones. Madagasc 

a rugosum., (G. C. 
viai FFI — G. Prods eas 
ews late, ac te, ft. 
long, Tuso aed aaeain i with indie 
lar hairs ; Cnm oblong, obtuse or 
acute, falca 

Moshni Pa ee aaan. 
and P. A dwarf 

p iere ieni f Be habit merge sar 

face slightly corrugated, 

densely crested. Clare Island. pier 

— Var. obovatum. 

Bletia ee 

(FI. and P. 1883, 
Hk curious form with o 

(CG. C. 1893, xiii. 

442.) Orchidac S. Apparently 
a var. of verecunda, R. Br., 

ering mg in having smaller 
flowers. Brazil? 

Bletia reflexa. 
Plant P ft. hig . grass- ass-like 4 in 
broad ; fi. 14 in. lon a purple ; pes e lip 
veined. with brown, its keels 

Sa R. 1895, 6.) G. 

cconia microcarpa. ee 1896, 
1.197.) Papaveracez. 
are a of 9 ft. The ind. tes a 
e-like panicle, not unlike the 
atian Sumach. North China. 
ge omita fg C. 1876, . sade 
ieme sep. “and pet. ight bias = 
base, deep est cate 
tips Serik tip yellow at gone api 


portion Blsckisbevidie. [2 Yiopeiaina bell-shaped, rose-coloured, the three 
— Reichb. f.] Tropical Sou inner pon nts s e otted with purplish- 
Am brown. Colombia 
Bollea hemixantha. (&. C. 1888 Pomat conferta. (4. C. 1881, xvi. 

206; and H. G.1888, 458.) G. Z ei SOY y tae A; patacocensis, Herb 
pelali hemixanthu m, Reichb. f 

Bomarea frondea. (4G. C. 1882, xvii. 

Dos iof irae ses (G. C 1818, x. 668, 669. tn 02; Fl. and P. 1882, 106 ; 
A handsome paos with fl. as Boo: 7247. G. Resembli ing 
tab ik tioa se of B. calestis. Sep. es B: caidasianan but erid up to the 
ute, milk-white with yellow ase ; the 1. immediately 

tips ; lip with a large bright yellow beneath the k a alor and ere 
callus, towards the apex dark violet, The a large dense mbel, 
whi i the callus. bight lig oht live. the inner segments 

is agar lawrenceanum, Reich b. dotted with brown. Colombia 

i ear pallens. g2 a — xy. 462.) a nee gh Sie, “De 

_ lig ee with A species ‘with orange fl. Colombia. 

i ello e inner 
borders of the lateral sepals cinnamon- : 3 
i being lig Bomarea oligantha. (@. C. 1877, 

co. , their lower halves light C 
yellow. Lip light ochre, with orange- : : „ climber, with oblong 
motets = painted with brownish acute l., about 2 in. lo membranous, 
rple. is to be referred to bright green, ciliated i on the nerves 
eos ran oes neath. Fi. 1-2 to an umbel ; cels 
1 in. long, glabrous. Perianth funnel- 
shaped, 1 in. long; outer segmen 
Bollea pilyioaris. (Z. ii. 29, t. 61.) shorter than the AR reddish outside, 
appear to differ from — within, unspotted ; inner seg- 
Zijepitaln pes Reichb. f. ents bright yellow, spotted with 
inion brown, Peru. 
Bollea scarederina, (G: C1895, 
xvii. 401,70.) G. Fl. fragrant, wax- | Bomarea patacocensi i (E W. 
like, pure white with the exception of 6692 ; Fl. and P. 1883, 107 2 G. poate 
= mAai A fore) lip, whi fa with. pubescent purplish rown stems, 
of Colombia. lanceolate acuminate l., ge 
[It i is to ‘be Praha to Zygopetalum. | umbels of bright carmine-rose fl., 2 in. 
long, the shorter outer segments with 
morn yea (G. and F. a dusky -green spot at the apex 
i. 815.) poy T end- Ecuador. 

landi, "Reichb. H 

BODITE ee (G.-C. 
1882, x 

= a pole tog ets 
Bomarea cocci a aan ea D. ae = oi v ses 
g1 as TANER ) pt bag species, with erties ee lanceolate 
r z a rather large, oblong, l 56i in. long, 2 in. broad. Infi. with 
ae with from “9 umbellate 2-3- Hiowered peduncles; ; 
15-20 fl. 1- ate long ; outer segments cadiosla as long as the fi. or longer. 
bright red, inner ones yellow dotted Perianth 2 in. long ; Baike ah- 
with dark brown. Mexico ; Guatemala. equal; outer ones orange-scarlet, 
tinged green and mar wi 
Tones harpe i. des some small dark dots at the tips; 
S. t. 2316.) G. climber, with oblong- inner ones yellow with a red midrib, 
lan soos acute l., and terminal umbels the tips greenish with dark dots 
of orange- cael fi. oe cay dark Colom 
crimson-bro Pedice ovary 
hairy ; perianth fanned about | Bomarea pare (rä. 
1 in. long. Venezuela, t. 145.) G. mbling 3 soe 

L; pu 
Menai Carderi. (4. C.1876,v. me) agg a lax umbels of about 
L. oblo: 

Bomarea vitellina. (6. 6 1882, xvii. 
6; FIL and P, 1882, 36. 

ones being much oak 
than the inner. Colo 

an nd narrower 
pe a ana G C. 1882, 

iii. 55 Fl. and P. 1882, 1 

purple, funnel-shaped, 2 2in. long ; ovary 

puberulous. Colom 

Boronia yas (B. M- t. 6285.) 
utaceæ. G. shrub of slender twiggy 
bi floriferous character, more 

owering branches, 
1-2 in. long, in. boad pinnate ; 
pinnæ 2-6 p: haraa an odd one, 
linear, Fl. 

inear, acu rulate. 
numerous ara th triiahca viene 
ing, eo globose, red-bro 


— n 
CB. M. t. 6845.) 

G. shr. wi 

n the typical form they 
are much ich: South-west Aus- 

— NE Co. M. t. 

G. annual herb, 

ea aoe with tes Sr gg eons 

with a slender curved tu 
long as the le and a broad 
ing 5-lobed BIP 
purple ; iia did of tube white. 

Bougainvillea glabra go gels co 
Exons. Cat. 1895; N. G. M. 1894, 273, 
f.) Nyctaginacern. S. A floriferous 

Bo villea refulgens. renin Cat. 
ono S. climber. A with 
brilliant maan i e bracts, 


| Bougainvillea spo variegata. 
ie illiams Cut, 189 ; W. G4. 1890, 

1) G.orSs. Panett with variegated 
folie iage. 

EE a. E 
phere th. nopodiaces. G. 
aie per. “climber nearly allied to 
Bo albia. Per 

(| Bouvardia H Te aoe corymbi- 

tus pedicell, 
er, 2 in. long, limb of four 
a Sha TAE oblong lobes, each 
about 4 in 

ring luteola plena. iV. 
7.) G. Garden variety. 


Lae eed ele if. Cy 1884, xxi, 


u yia aie ste s and 
distant whorls of ovate-acuminate Es; 
subscabrous on both surface ces, and 

dense veg Posty ieee of bright pink 
flowers. Mexi 

Bowenia ol gh ee a (Zi. 

and P. 1878 ; Bull Cat. eee 
5.) Cyc an ine 
bipinnate 1., on long sle nda undish 
dark green pe mens e obliquely 
oer ga acu rate. Aus 

CG. os 
Scitamines. S. Ste 

er long ; 1. eblong-lanceoate 

nearly 1 ft. me fl 

spike, yellow. Jav: 

OL Od Mende capa fee) C. 1876, 

Brac EE E Horsfieldii. 
1894, aes 2.) 

he rest being 
Amor ‘phophallus vari- 
abilis, Benth j 

ieee mere ipso (4. C. a 
vi. 62.) Asclepiadacer. G. A smal 
tenlier with eo Re rootstock, 

5 e long, ovate 1. less than 1 in. long, peene lone, oblong A 6 in. 
in. in eye oy ; corolla long. and a about 9 in. long 
cary yellow. South Afri bearing 10-12 E greenish - ela 
spotted with brown; lip pale yellow 
Brahea nitida. (R. H. 1887, 344, f. with white keels and orange marks. 
-70.) Palme. palm with large 
fan-like palmatifid glaucous-green l. ; ore ppe (G. C. 1881, xvi. 6.) 
and very large much branched glab- Sep. and pet. green changin g to 
rous spadices. Fr. aed rae the eaa with epi eer lines at the 
size of a pea, black. Mexi base of the pet., a 
base of the sep. ; tip yor a ate, gon 
pona Roezlii. (R.H. 1883, 102.) 9: date, with two keels, white with t 
A palm with silve ery- -blue fan 7 = Sirs or four purple central spots, two 
rele . [2 Wats] orange eyes on the base of the keels, 

and yellow in the disk underneath, 

Brassia “gr omen (G.C. 1879, xii. 
782 ; t. 159.) Orchidacew. G. | Bravoa bulliana. (@. C. 1884, xxii. 
3 A distinct 

Fl. E e the odd sep. and the 28.) Amaryllidaceæ. 
pet. purple-stained at base, the others nd remarkable p 

are blote blacki e. bulb, clothed w emains of the 
p with a callus at the base, velvety dl. which split into bristly fibres. L 
inside. Mexico? few, lanceolate, bright green, about 6 in. 
long, and 1-14 in. broad, rough at th 
Brassia bicolor. (Z. viii. t. 878.) |G. ine yr persia ree 
fe allied to B., Wi pepe It h a raceme of 5-6 pairs of curved fl. 14 

in. An L whitish pect tinged w 

EP ng alone pu P Da oE nish purple, dull yellow reien 

ie 2} in. long, the pet. 2 in. long, 
the lip patent and EDERA A hy eru. 

Brassia caudata hieroglyphica. Briza rotundata. La 8 1887, ea < 
(JU. H. 1881 t. 410.) @. A distinct | 158. . An 
Ti i mental grass with erect pe en ar 
irregularly barred with cinnam mon- , and narrow era es of erect spike- 

brown. Mexico. lets. Mexico to 
Brassia Bhi agent eee (GC. 1879, Fr Time o n gue u 
54.) wit th ving t 
ia. ‘pepe ates eae Ti ense raceme ies. asi a h F narro 

w fi. The upper part of the linear-oblong spike-like inflorescence. 
= “rs oxen h violet inside. Lip deep Greece ; Asia Minor. 
yellow, with dark blotches. Peru. 

Brocchinia cordylinoides. (6. C. 

Brassia elegantula. (G.C. 1885, xxiv. 1888, iv. 474.) Bromeliaceæ. S. A large 
616.) G. Asmall-flowered species, with terrestrial Bromeliad with a trunk 
glaucous pseudobulbs an growing to 15 ft. in height. L.ina 
yA 5 er ; sep spreading, gree dense terminal roset a f ong, 
with br ba Lip obl api- 6-8 broad, 'green, and obscurely 


keels, ins withou 
white, with purple-brown dots in front prickles. .a ri panicle, 6-8 ft. 
of the calli. Mexico. bare 

Brassia orgs G.C. se xiii. 680.) 
G. Sep. slg Sam sh red, with | Brodiwa Bridgesii. (G. and F. 1888, 
yellow tips "P. very perie scented. 125, f. 24.) Liliaceæ. 
Colombia Umbel of 10-20 funnel-shaped blue fl., 
1-14 in. long. California. 

Brane keiliana tristis. (W. 0. 
viii. t. 347; G.C. 1888, iv, 411.) G. EATE Douglasii. (B. M. t 

: var. with pybes amber-brown sep. . H. 1887, 166.) G. [Syn. Raden 
and pet., and a lemon-yellow lip with a ndli flor a.] 
a semicircular series of brown — a 
e base, Venezuela ; Colombia Brodiæa grandifiora Warei. (v7. 
1886, uea G A n glo Mipi a 
Brassia Lewisii. (0.R. i, 199.) G. rose fi, 3 in. long, and a fi,-stem 
P. oe It ig oblong 21 ft. high, California, 


— oo (Gf. 
G. L. linear, ae 
Son spk of about the sam el bear 
ing an umbel of clear rates fi. striped 
with green feie and with violet- 
purple midribs ; aroei bluish. 
Western North Americ 

ee a A M., t. 6989 ; 
iii. 466. ; A spec -= 

ia cam ‘linear p a brigh 
ong, an a 
-8 eee white or 
in diam. 

tern Uni 

ae Var Mank- 

502, t. 992.) 
lilac-tinted fl 

Leer’. 1894, xlvi. 
ar. with de Ji cate 


Brodiwa ixioides erecta. 
. 454 with large 

1896, xlix nim 
umbels of bright yellow 

Brodiæa Orcuttii. o 4 1896, xx, 

) G. es bearing 
bels of 5-15 E E Bia fi. on a 
scape 1 ft. long. California. 

Brodiæa Palmeri. RAS a F. 1889, 
t. hi 

244,107.) G.1-2f 1, numerous, 
lan te - linear ; fi. 
umbellate, 1 in. long, bright purple. 

produces small bulbils in large 

quantity on the ADA of the ground. 
Lower Californi 

cts Siere ie H) 1881, fl) 

grace atin g, >. ee aa U an 
sttennated anin een base, SS 


robust, Testy, stag a da little pan 
the let. Fl. in a dense 
spike, whit te tinted with violet. 

—- scarlatina. (B. H. 1881, 
164. ph woe apea aa oe: scarla- 

neo Linden 

Brownea Ariza. (B. M. t. 6469.) 
Leguminosæ. S. tree. age or 
more long, pinnate. Leaflets 1 0- 
late mi . crimson-scarlet, 
very pe ape formin orming dense glo 
heads 6in, in diam. Colombia. 

Brownea sage (G@. C, 1891, 
i 8.) hybrid between B. 
grandiceps and 2. BAe ylla. 

Brownleea Beia- a ic t: re 
Orchidace. G. species 
Oars hel ake annual 

nee each bearing two or three o 

green l. and an erect a of pale si 
fl. with violet oe as long straight 
spur, South Afri 

pa bee =o: (Gf. 1893, 3.) 
G. habit and foliage 
cea this reg not differ from 
Datura (Br seen) arborea, bat the 

. are golden yellow. Chi 

Brugmansia coccinea. (Bull 

1876, a. G. shr. of free growth, -er 
large bright scarlet t fl. “EPka -is 
er Colombi 
Bru tii Manue: Sig H. 
1887 ryllida S. 
[Cri inum Ak, akir. 
eee Breweri. (M. D. G. 1896, 
Ericaceæ. H. A dwarf ever- 
green shr., with crowded narrow l., 
and short Casi of purple- red fi. 
Californ å 
Bucklandia populnea. Si M. t. 
6507.) Hamamelidaceæ In its 
oun t is an eats 
orname evergreen shr he large 
orbicular-cordate acuminate l. at first 
are purple with the co f the veins 
picked out with green, afterwards they 
are gr with p 

are obliquely E aieiaa paspltah. 

Buckleya wages io ee (G. sia F. 
7.) Santalace: A 

4.237, tal 

shr. 10-12 ft. high wi Eae ie 
graceful spr branches, and light 
green delicate foliage ; fl .incon- 
spicuous. No: 

Buddleia asiatica. (B. M. t. 6323.) 
Loganiaceæ. G. floriferous shr. Young 
shoots, under side of 1 

clothed with a white 

te, entire or serru- 

rm Fl. white, fragrant in long slen- 
r drooping spikes ; rolla salver- 
shaped, A ee pri ve included. 


Buddleia auriculata. (6G. ; m 

greyish stellate = hae Fl. 
coloured, arranged in dense sionals 
heads, South Africa. 

Palas riega (R. H. 1879, 90.) 
A var D. sarenias, with 

eats ‘liso fl, 
Buddleia Colvillei. Sy C. 1892, xi. 
789 ; xii. 186, f. 3 t. 7449.) 

rose- verte bell- shaped fl. 
= en S ra H. 1878, 330, 

den form of 
ja fits ni ica. 

a ene (K. B. 1894, 
89.) rms a compact bush 

3 E Res ch, ‘covered with has 

irregularly ee 2 

small Benet veltowislearhite 
South Africa. 

Buddleia reflexa. (R. H. "n 90, z 

shr. A re aeei 

B. japonica (2), wi the branches 
strongly reflexed to i groun 

Bulbocodium pe TER s = 2.) 


in a slender tube 23-31 in 
ian et > bind recurved. [Merendera 
ieri: Boiss. | Cancas 

Bulbophyllum alonsecena. (G. C. 
1880, xiv. 70.) Orchidacee. S. In the 
way 0 B. tr bot a 2. dense nodding 
raceme of Paleo h have 
concave Aa m 

P eond com — (ZL. viii. t. 351.) 
oad en Briass Sra 

yolo ET wi h purple ; . side sep. 
erie with Seah lip purple. 

Mise) B. FI Aaea (K. B 

in, lon g, bear- 

ke pat Born oa 

see ance Becearii. ole 0.1879, 

Bull. Cat. 1879, 4; B. M. t. 
656 ty oo ee antic n with 
very stout climbing stem and enormous 
1.2 ft. long by 1-1} ft. broad, elliptic, 
outa, very £ nodding 
mes, ON V large 

ery lo cels, as 
as ge rs coon at BR, un light brown 


painted with violet, lip brown with 
violet hue ; pedunele rosy with violet 
lines. Born 

grt to ager a ioe 2 
nute epi- 
pie ereeping paso bearing 

ape seudo- 

ture on like that of ‘Cirrhopetalum 

Bulbophyllum bowringianum. 

C. 1881, xv. 814.) S. Pseudobulbs 

small ; lL.solitary, oblong-ligulate, 
rk green. Fl. in an a 

p yellowish-green 
with small brown spots. - Assam. 

Pap ose 
ri 216; L. xi. t. 495. A hand- 
e species nearly related to B, reticu- 

Late Bateman. Born 

(J. O. 

See comosum. (Gard. 
1892, xli. 48 f H. 1892, xxiv, 141, 
L2- 3 = t. 7283.) S. A p 
‘ise specie: clustered Pleione- 
like pseu a. fleshy deciduous 1., 
erec in. long, ab - 
ly reflexed Seose raoe of white hairy 
fl., which develop after the l. have 
fallen. B 
RulhophyHam = aperam flavum. 
gees 2 1882, 330.) S. A var. 

with ight yello w Sw E 

i re Dearei. (Veitch eet 

95.) is is Sarcopo 
Dearest here referred to Deltophy thon. 

eerie ee Tee (K. B. 
197.) S. A small aias the 
habi tof B. Jlavidum. zmesy 
Bsibophyliam, disciflorum. (K. B 
4895,7.) S. Pseudo 
crowded one-leaved ; 1. 4 in 
scape sho lowered 

ess hate ciopas 2 ce C. 1892, 
764.) S.. An attrac species 

with small palin pend, o rowed 
along the ste: 
ae slender sea) 
ong, niat 
a e upper o: 
than the others. Ce ylon 

Bulbophyllum Ericesoni. 
a a 522; 1897, xxi, 61 

s 9 i 
eluding the oii: - they are a AEE 
with brown s 

a ae fallax. (&. C. 1889, 

pA papm little species, 

Sa si in. long, bent acutely 

“i ie. S ndi and bearing small dark 
purple flowers. Assam 

Baber: pepanas an (Z. 
08.) grotesque-looking 
staal ase, Siea than beautiful, 
witha creeping rhizome, be 

U P 

Eh tongisepatum, Ta O-R, 1895, 
04.] w Gui 

Bulbopkyilun dp ieee (0. 

antic conan 

Piet na, a obulbs one- 
leaved ; scapes 9 in. ie one-flowered ; 
dorsal ep, 43 in. 2 in reenish- 
sys kigi shew hiotohees lateral 

4 in. long, sorta pet. and 

u ai New Guin 
Bulbophyllum a CG. and 
F. 1893, 336.) S. A remarkable plant 
with large flat wegen: pseudobulbs 
hi in, in against the 

thick rhizome, fiers l. and scapes 
18 in, long showing numerous fl. scars, 
Fls. not seen. Madagascar. 

te UE. pps a (G.C. 
XV. rather 

er com- 

- pl bes Balboph yllum, with 

ie ing rhizome, o 4-angled 
ee Pw Pac bear a a pair of 
oblong 1, . lon dding, 

bearing nahh yellow A Troia West 

S. cuneate 
Dahe, acute, green raa purple 
beneath, cas thick, 3 in. long and 
2 in. wide eduncle slender, red, 
bearing an umbel of small white fi. 

cog Sear iners. att C 
76.) L. soli 



Bulbophyllum inflatum. ane 
1891, ix, 234.) S. Alli coma 
b, = oa -angled pseudobulbs with 

pendulous sea rin, 

pe, s 
small n oE yallont fl. Sierra Leone. 

Mar) S. R r -E 

ASh ish with a purple lip. 

a omens (4. ©. 
1894, xvi. 592.) minutive in all 
its je clare, fl wine 3 in dia 


narrow sheath at its middle, bearing a 
ense raceme of very numerous 

i minate, 

g, acute, w 
h on each side, from which 2 keels 
ah TE uely to the centre. Khasia 

ran rar. rarer (G. 
C. 1890, vii. 672.) Differs “ei 
i B: lemniscatum, p habit and 
the structure of the appendages to the 
als, Java. 

cocoa hat atara (0 
1894, 29 

4, 294; 1894, xvii 
135,f.) 5 Med t to 4 Dearei, with 
large s y fl. on in. long ; 
dorsal sep honed tiers purple ae 

Bulbophyihiii a (K. B. 

45.) S. A species with ovoid 

are l in. long | 

eka gmc pee <P gig eyecare (@. 6. 
1882, x 66.) S rious species 
Pse kaite over 2 in. airea glaucous. 

green; the ped 
with purple: lip Mead pillow: with 
purple rickles and marks, North- 

Bulbophyiias ap parecer (K. B. 
deprtsse-ovaid peoudobulbs bearing 

3 sub d 
2. FL ‘yellowish seer purple iiae. 
West Tropical Afri 

Errege doen oblast (a.C. 
332.) mn the 
Sareipadiun - jaca 
ovoid one- karad eat bulbs 
ana Solliary fl. nearly 2 in. in diameter, 
yellow, with dark reddish-purple spots. 

Bulbophyllum orthoglossum. (4. C. 
1896, xix. 326, As —— ae 
> È rors which it r 

ee ane Islan 

Bulbophyllum Pahudi. (27. des 8. 
t. 2268-9. 

g a single large 
blong - lanceolate 1., and umbels of 
large and handsome fl. Sep. and pet. 

all tailed ; the upper amt about 3 in. 
long, the rest about reddish ; 
the Bagai SA much darker, brownish- 
red ; labellum ovate, acuminate, about 
l in. long, cae brownish-red, vay va, 

aA perpusillum, OC. 
1894, xvi. 592.) S 


lines in length, and the 1. about half a 
line in breadth. Madagascar. 

Bulbophyllum Psychoon. (4. 
1878, x. 170.) 85. om cantons pea 
shaped, covered with keels and furrow 
Fl. umbellate, pellueid Gres ak. 
with toothed margins. Ass 

Be onto pieriphilom. xD B. 

pe ee rata po ll « ol 
bulbs, and linear oblong l. ; sca 
long, bearing numerous distichous 
small white Fi Pen 
cele le racemosum. (K. B. 
Allied to B. anceps. 
ionlar  prendoba lbs lin. 
eathery Zear- 

: Ith 

oar leaf 43in scape 6 
long ; fis. 2in. ee poe. Sets alaki 

with maroon, the lip purple with black 
Bois near the tip. Borneo 

Bulboph Hm mistan. CK. B. 
1893, 4.) 8. meridense. 


It has short, four- sea man 
lous pseudobu lbs and 1 
ree ted with iad ge the. “tp 
so and purple-brown. Pern 

Bayt dec Serer CG. 

1 1886, A curious and 
a poders ith 4- to 5-angled 
one-leaved pseudobulbs, and a thic 
clavate bright red stem, loaded with 
odd-looking fl. Sep. light ochre, 
wit Pet. small, white, 

ochre, with a deep purple base. 
Philippine Islands. 

erie er pi ncaa 
66.) 8 

age ne Bp m 
ath, cordate at the base, se 
“i with a reflexed apex. Burma 

tpt eto gerne (EB: 
189 na B; ee: 
bat ee iti ian 
; fl. small, light “straw-yellow, 
rs zip bri ighter. Bur 

alerts ia, Sa suavissimum. CG. C 

ps oo p racemes ea small pale 
yellow fi. n gl r Bur 

Bulbophyllum 2 gerd (4. 
1896, 593.) soadolalbe oe 
glo obose ; 1, T pinra E 

raceme 6 in. 

in, i en es white with? fey 
purple lines pa lip, the latter fringed 
with long hairs. Nilghiri Hills. 

Bulbophyllum viride. (K. B 

West Tropical Afri 

mre ae ase vitiense. Sas oe 1893, 
£) A species with reeping 
rtzome, ae 4 eied | monophyions 
pseudob and race 
clothed a ial el whitish a nE 

A nitida. (B. M. t. 6403 
879, xii. 401, f. 63.) Scitamineæ. 
ith tufted 

cate, chesurely 2-toothed, 4 as 

corolla-tube, which is about miei in. 

ith a 
ase on "bifid 
a ovary a. 3 celled, cells 

any-ovuled. Born 

Bur. eee Go betas 
iams’ Cat ele , Orchi 
species w mt oblong tes. oie a 
pseudobulbs, with ean thick lanceo- 
ai . and pendulous few -flowered 
race: of rose-co oloured = about the 
size of tides of B. fragra 

a Will 

— eager (R. H. 1878, 00) 
Euphorbia o 
eeel areas ‘with sub-decussa 
w are more or less attenuated 2 
hate base 

tee = ase M. t. 7090.) 
aines miia 

yellow. Tropica! America 

Cadia ere goons (B. M. t. 6685; Fl. 
and P. 1883, 75.) Leguminos sæ. S. shr 
A rema arkabl a t with regular rose- 
pink ong, more resemblin 
cane of i Abutilon than of a legumin- 
ous plant. L. pinnate o ain alternate, 
taneclate: acute. Madag 

Cæsalpinia bicolor. Poe i 1896, a 
uminose. §. 

Yields a very fine 

valuable for dying pu sec ‘South 

CG. i 

Genpak P a nc 
iv. 513, f. 73) B 

petiole ; leaflets oblong obtuse. FI. i 
terminal racemes, nag yellow, shouts 
3 in. in diam. Japa 

Caladium rnn, (iu. A 
1891, t. 132.) Araceæ. S. L. deflexed, 
sa; gittate, “ia green with w hite 
tion, and numerous white dots 
along the hendan of the veins. Peru 

Caladium arre. au H. 
1895, 186.) S. Apparently a var. of 
C. arg yrites. [Ati p. 363 ot the sale 

aod t plant is ibe 

and 4 de the name ral 2i 
lilliputionse, Rodigas.] Venezuela, 


Salian mediotedisiun (ili 

i branches silvery w 
the petiole is mottled with a 

Caladium rubescens. (G@. C. 1893, 
2 in., 
w w hort 
Eea crims on, ma: argined with 
green. Spathe 33 in. “jones green with 

a black stripe. Braz 

ROR a ar mere miko = 199% 

ees bilobed | behind, ia. 
the midrib its dower: aka 
feathered 3% aa Brazi 

eee venosum. (G.C. 1893, xiv. 

Leaf-blade 10 in. long, 4 in. 

rae green, with yellowish nerves 

and a red margin. Spathe 3 in. long, 
green. azil, 

(a: K 

Calampelis oat rosea. 
Bigno H 

stn x: these arate 
range red ety = a 
well-known Tentera i scab 

Calamus Le engi Se H. sd 
È gis S. clim 

stipes thi be: 
oe TAE dark 
brown sey dae 

eee gracillimus. (G4. C. 1893, 
xiii, 475.) S. Leaflets very narrow 
cir Pi spaced at wide dis- 

Ere es m (TU. H. 1895, 223.) 
e under Acanthophæniæ grandis, 

guineensis. (u Cat. 1884, 
11 chert sie Palm with pinnate 1., havin: 
ceolate segments suppo 
iy opiny lea Beales Yous ng l. cinnamon 
bro wn, changing to deep green. Sik- 

re ee a iyi e 
Cont. gal ee 3.) 
ecalling ey 
character of "Kaui Sosteri ie 

Oa aiue lewisianus, (Z1. H. 1877, 

94.) alm. Petiole armed wit 
ee ao vertic cillate spines; ae 
elliptic, P pinnæ 
linear-lanceo pouminate, flat, sal 
opposite, cog green. Jav 


war izes Lindeni. (Lind. Cat. 1883, 2.) 

Palm wi petioles to the 
eE pinnate l. ; i 
lanceolate, Drai bright green above, 
white ben 

lamus Regis. (Cut. 
@ Hort. 1886, 8.) S. L. 
with a mealy petiole. 

A om mp: Cont. 
shining green, 
New & inea. 

Calamus take peace (Til. H. te 

green, istiobed in in rings of six or — 
Pinnz ensiform, crowded. Bor 

Gaons Laponia bilis. ( Williams’ Cat. 
Small-growing, some- 
oo oon with Saale pinnate 1. 

Calamus gies Reger (Bull Cat. 
1882, 13.) S. p the 

L, with 
a len dakai k East Indie 

Calamus mais (Bull Cat. u, 

mar; nes 
less dev veloped, transverse sani con- 
spicuous. Indies. 

Ta a ey Powers (E: ©. 
83.) C 

in e pet, 
mber, aa Fede at ot 
apex, Oregon 

Marre oo albata. (4. C. 1896, xx. 00D). 
garden hybr be- 
By van C. veratrifolia and C. ok, 

eager anghoriiora. (G. C. 1883, 

In the way of C. ver a 

tri rifolie ore the same habit of leaf, 
pee le fod rt velvet 

s re; pet. very 

car: gee lobe pe lip bent like an 
eirca Polyn 

Calanthe ae arana. (4, C. T881, 
zy. 136.) S. A Pe. hy brid between 
C. vestita and C. Turi 



Calanthe a (G. C. 1881, xv. 234.) 
garden hybrid between C.Veitchii 


and fi Turne 

enter biloba. (1.0.A. viii. t. 378.) 

purple, streaked with white. 

PATUNAY aeren CG. C. 1882, xviii. 

glabrous, oblong, mi- 
Men on oe ticle Peduncle hairy, 
wit ich raceme o , havi 

large bracts; the ovary, outside of sep., 
ands spur pubescent, Sam 

—— burfordiense. (R. t. 63.) 
gin tet supposed to be 
sale iti and C. vestita 

rubro-0c ae 
nar ore ge (G. C. 1885, xix. 

32.) ar C. i 

tinged with purple ; calli BZ the 
deep yellow. Malay "Penin 

ewe | a. x al a xxiv. 
Rac aceme 

ovary, bidentate A the apex. 

Calanthe Cooksonii. (Sand. Cat. 
nin 3.) A garden he with 
ite ie parentage not stated. 

paisatho erim (G. C. 1884, xxii. 
ong, pe petiolate, cuneate- 
lax wW. 

outside ; lip yellow 

callus. Sunda Islands 
wg ee kreon spe ee 1889, 

178, S. 
A santa hyped U Moi vieri 

and C. vestita var. ranio (var. 

—— aua (G. C.1 
94.) 5 

a acai but 

ring ages pee wide and very 
low front gr = the lip, curved on 
the outside wards the column. 

e of fl. downy. Sunde suet 
E 2 

ee Se (G.and F. 
hybrid between C. Jais 
Eon hii. 

— Leviton cues (4.01 
e-leaved es 
ae rich ae gt ow fl. Sep. an 
pet. bini, nute; "iip reniform ; spur 
clavate. Bur 

SEREA Gigas. S = 1893, xiii. 80 ; 
J. of H. sen 129, gar- 
den hybrid betw ween Ye sanderi srs ei 
gigantea and C. vestita var. gigant 
Calanthe Halli. (W. @. 1888, 108.) 
S. Garden hybrid, 
Zaa Langei. (4. C. 1885, xxiv. 
"A ng — lanceolate grow- 

aoe crow wded, deep 

inute toid es, 
eki — at the base. New 


i Apre i (Sand. Cat. 
arden hybrid bi between 
C Noda iana red È as fo ifolia, 

Calanthe = ie sa (G. C. 188 
xix. 44.) 8S. aes a Sg Seas 
C. labresa and C. Veitchii. 

ee pe aet trivarinata: (GC. 
210, 8 

| Calanthe Regnieri. (G. C.1 

` Calanthe rubens. 

garden hybrid 
by | 

two ats indicated 
rote sical 

Calanthe Mylesii. (ir. 0. A. t102: 
Williams oa 1890, 25.) S. A garden 
hybrid betw 

ae Ai nival is and C. Veit- 
FL dues white. 

oe e (e. C. 1885, 

= porphyrer. (G. C. 188 
j xi. 

76. A hy between a 
tades taro and Calanthe vestita rubro- 

repe Poe CG. l. 1881, 
3 S d to a. (bet but 

Li t up- 
bed ; r hai airy, ¢ 

whi z: with iea calli. Suade 


274; FL and P. 1883, 41.) x het 

with a purple-crims 
E a darker li ine up the middle of ‘the 


spur [Cv 
Lindl var. Regnieri. T Cochin China. 

—— Var. fausta. 
776.) 2 Eeloni 
rich pur 

CG. C. 1884, xxii. 
n and base of the lip 

C. 1890 

Tae oi 

576.) S. — = a Fl. 
numerous, ong time, 
The scapes oe Aimy cea and pad bear 
about 12 rose-coloured flowers. Malay 


Calanthe sanderiana. ( Williams’ Cat, 

1887,21.) S. FE ng many-flower 
racemes, deep rose-coloured, having a 
bright crimson li p, similar hee hat of 
C. veratrifolia yniert shape 

Cochin China. [at eke. Lindl. ‘act 

sa ares a (G. 
96.) S 

t is allied to C. natalensis 
hee with ‘ata per coloured 
lip. L. lanceolate, petiolate, 20 + Ang 
4 in. broad, sca ng, beari 

sanderiana, Williams, which is a var, of 
C. vestita.] East Tropical Africa. 

J 44.) 8. i 
hs A pallens cog eck eae ape Calanthe oe (G4 C 
tall with a lax many-flowered raceme | 1881, xv. 395.) ee aie of 
of pale lilac fl., the lip changing to g. Vitehii with an kin rege Mr the lip. © 
salmon colour. Sep. and pet. ovate- 
lanceolate och Lip with spreading 
oblong side lo and an far rdate a E — h a daii 
Sae lobe apas 1 in. kaa rved. yi : paar 


Peaathe Petri. (G. C. 1880, xiv. 326.) 

= oo narrower, a 
system of five curious valent sae h 
calli on of the lip, and is with- 

e C. veratrifolia, excepting that 
and t t has a | 

out the single mee and teeth of that | 
species. ! 


— Rinses (@. C. 1878, ix. 168.) 
hybrid. bevem, C. vestita 
phe ae aad C. Vei 

Sslsntho stevensiana. 
42. ies 

jointed greyish pseudobulbs, 

hairy 8-10-flowered scapes; fl. 

(Fl. and P 
with oat- 
and Be: 


with a rosy-purple spot on the lip; as 
become “cg they change to 
butt hin Chin 

ae erie oo M. t. 7026; G. 
iii. 364, iv. 573.) G. This is 
aep as C. 'Sieboldii. The pa 

l. are broadly lanceolate, acute, 6-10 

long stem 18 in. high ; raceme 
lax in. in diam. Sep. and pet. 
oblong, , yellow outside, brownish 
inside. Lip light yellow. Mapri bed, 
the le 1 ing in shortly 
2-lobed, me having 3 ridges which are 

raised into tubercles at their apex and 
near thai! base. Japan 
Calanthe asics. Ae C. 1881, xiv 
changing to bright 
Sine before fading. a Basi 

aeiie genet. (G4. C. 
70.) G e way of C. pa oma, 

but w ie = ery narrow lip. 
first cream- white w ashed with violet 
on t., column and base of lip, 
re are erties brick-red calli ; 
afterwards Ti ng to ochre, except 
of pet., sep., and the 


ope ar Veitchii coe n C. 1890, 
8. Fl. pur 

C ENA ee peenes 

form, en ’the a 
exceedingly tall and b with 
oc ne o calli well Tabee Pacific 

— Var. onae (G. C. api ii. 70.) 
S. with white se pet. 

and a light ‘yar lip, with aaa 
nearly semi-lunate side lobes. [Syn 

C. p i, Reichb. f.] Cochin China. 

Calanthe Mey ee 6 4 
8) S with s 

1892, xi. 488 
fl ion | the type. 

-— Var. igneo-oculata. (G. s 1876, 
v. 534.) S. A fine var. with the base 

of the column purplish, the ipa part 
n host column and lip of dazzling fire- 

Gadanthe pesescar’ oweniana. CW. 
A garden hybrid 
sae $A i Ba pee C. Veitch 

— va hid geen See 
134.) S. with white a a 
pet. aoe ged with crimson, 
and a bright a a lip. 

areg T ecb Se CR. t. 63.) 
A gar hybrid rg gene to be 
sane ween C. Teitohii and (.7 

it Bias pei a B. 1895,17.) 

0 C. zebrina, 

Ta ig a green ee the fl. white. 
British Guia: 

——— ia soe BSc t. 893.) 
e to its pope genus of 
Mar ibe lei ieee iiaa: Brazi 

—— cage meer (GA. $ 934.) 
cath a 

oblo ong, a acute, k green, 
wi whi te goer, alias the 
eat Fl. p os patie: in a rounded 

bracteate head; bracts large, pamer 
white. Bra 

pea ag une (G. C.1894, xvi. 

. green. Fl. m 
ie in the centre of the tuft = E 

Calathea tæniosa. (Æ. H. 1876 t. 5.) 

ith a 
obliquely ovate- alate 
long, 4 in. eep g 
pinnately banded with light green, 
pale green beneath. Fl. o ag short 
radical scapes, ea Bra 

— undulata. (Gf. t. Se 
S. Maranta undulata ot garde: 

Calceolaria alba. Ai 1895, xxxviii. 
ined raiabe agra ulariacee. H.H. Shr., 
thed l. and dense 

hiar Sot] pure white fl. Chili. 

verge ged 4 andina. (B. M. t. 7326 

C. 1893, xiv. 594.) G: As i 
Sirab, with b oadly-stalked oblo: 
ose l. and terminal 
of Asati Ss Chilian Andes 

Calceolaria arachnoideo - crenati- 
ae me 1888, 401.) G. 


Calceolaria Burbidgei. (G. C. 1886, 
vi. 464.) G. Garden hybrid. 

Sora es hoger (B. M. t. a 
petiolate , ovate, acute 

upper one cremate, [Not 
C. eet Ruiz & Pav.] 

a lobata. je M.t. weed E 
ular- pE scent herb. L. cord 
doi, lobed $ lobes unequally 
t a in lax terminal 
doola with the lower lip rema: rkably 
inrolled, pale clear yellow, p ea 
purple-red inside. Peru; Boliv 

Os tooola apses (B.M. t. 6597.) 

. high, hiir Lenes oblong 

AE 4 ads spotted with 

purple in ter sia ulate cymes. 

eh subcampantlate, two-lipped. 

ae ee CR.H. 1889, 
. Garden variety 

Calooglaria senolis. (B. x t. 6231.) 
Dwarf per. 

linear red spots; lower lip inside. 

Calendula officinalis ochroleuca. 
T — P. 1882, 26.) Composite. H. 
rm with double yellowish- hito 

rp teres 

sponte rime See 5 ua £3 
e-g.) ith as- 
cending “he ranching Bn ane ternate 
linear acute 1l., 4 14 in” long, and 
terminal _solitary light: fens at radiate 
heads, in diam. Turkes 

Caliphruria rie dh oor (B. M. 
t. = 2 Amary S. bulb. 

green, glabrous, distinct tly 'petioled. 

pe terete, 1 ft. long, bearing an 
umbel of 6-8 fl., which are white with 
a green tube, and abont in 

diameter. Filaments, bena, fat with 
a long tooth on each side, Colombia 

os tbe hte nee (B. M. t 
89.) ovoid, ea in. in dia- 
about 4 

pee ies ee to a bulb, 
contemporary with the fl.; petiole 
about 1 ft. long, channelle d down the 
“a eo Bpr my gyari pointed, 

. long, 3 in. broad, bright 
pad petiole very pale 
green. Scape 


chee rey byes OP white n 

oes w. | Bucha 
Col mbia 

oo oth peng (@. C. 1887, 

Fred ua ag pa 
e heads of white fi., having 
the laments tipped with red. Tropieat 

hare poisia Pips! mes (GA. 
. A dwarf 

eee on tan El wesii. 
8 x. bes ve _Amaryllidacez. 
var. with the coron 

which are emarginate 
: " [Stenomesson viridi- 
Horum, Benth. var. Elwesii, Baker. | 

ee hareri BCs g 1892, 

mre C 1 pul- 
Fl. os vee or purple. 

sorta et oe EB. M. 

one esa Y Surg in ong, and 3-6 
in a Ben c anib: E rianth 1 in. in 
r eeegas lemon- 

; se 

and ing a claret-brown 
rowers at the bane of each. California. 
and F. 
in. broad, 
ak ae own signe oe on the 
lower Pay of the inner segments 

rary ae PE ire 
sh ae 

Calochortus Kennedyi. — M t. 
7264; Gard. 1892, xlii. 15.) H. H. 
Fl. bright scarlet, the black spots near 
base being surrou — ith bristles 
L. linear. Californ 

Calochortus garibarbatas, (G. 4 and 
s1 ft. high with 

ekoi iteh E at the base 
of the segm 

hep hg 
ii, 426. bg 

Mr (Gard, 1895, 

Fl, large, pale lilac, 
Buling ta wi ar rown 
blotches A the base. California? 

Calochortus Se (4. C.i 
viii. 391, £.78.) H. H. Fl. bright ee 
yellow fi. with a band of d eep orange 

the base of each segment ; 1l. 

kes e i 
tch o 
an ice d 

pees aged 
ll.) H 


bis ules on Apor se egm 
at the base. Californ 

a. a ge and F. 

filaments purplish. California. 
Calochortus eg ee ce C. 1894, 
xVviv-138, 21.).. H-H, a delicate 
shade of lilac. Californie 

yep he venustus brachyse- 
pa (Gf. t. 8 

brown spot on its low 
covered with deep rose- nena fei 

ilacinus. (4G. C. 1877, viii. 
.and pet. lilac, each with 

a round red-brown blotch rdered 
with yellow, and some b ish 
markings above; lower half o t 
paor acest 

ers colour ; eat the 
cushion of caida owi hairs. 


Calo mh Be peti E Aa ai 
1895, x 
mall rei dew 
with rosy spots at the ‘ard 

and a 
Pra blotch on each segment. " Cali- 

—- eg ake ea CG, C. 1877, viii. 
Like lilacinus, but of a 
cn ter iE -lilac colour, and 
the blotch muck broader than long. 

(GA. 1886, sae 
. a ith short blui 
green 1l., and the white most with 
a distinct red spo Bs on each se 
and purple-rose outside. 

— Var. roseus. 
H H. var. 

mer iy beti (G. C. 1894, 
xvi. 183, £. 27.) H isis placed by 
Mr. Baker as a var. luteus. The 

fi. are rich yellow, the hka surface 
being covered wi ong brownish 
hairs. California 

aE ae eee i 
20. vulace 

uncles axil 

the tale bloo 

Ta. eer nian Asie nn 

Bochara, Turkest 

ey. Leshan Ass E ite 

are eo hyst se ai witha 
rich tuft 0 of pree at lamellæ o 
the front lobe of the 

Calpicarpum ornatum. 
1884, 12.) A 
green shrub, em pi oblong aneeo 
paes 1. of a fine g y green, 
a red govt: saly or-shaped. 
Panicles corymbose. Ceram 

(Put Ltt. 

i tere wn 24 C. 1890, 
389 = mall 

ose with the ra and 
Laburnum. | Known in Paii as‘ T 

Calyptrogyne ae eal Cat. 192 
13.) ooth teret 
g n petioles, and ae or aay 
- Ing bright g mes 

pla are 
of “inear-eblong aaoi leaflets. 
British Guian 

aii T ayana 
4.) Palme. Tru 

E —* ‘pianste* 

n, glab 

(Bull Cat. 
nk spine- 
abrou 1 


and ‘staminal tube asin Geonoma. Fr. 
sub-angular, 1- amore Jamaica. 

Camaridium lawreucianum. (K. B 

acer. S. Allied to 

in ha obulbs 1 in. long ; the 
l. narrow, 3 in. long. Fl. borne singly 
on axillary pedune . long, 

the lip being dark purple 

Camarin cochinchinensis. (G. C. 

1876, vi. 740.) O . epi- 
phyte with small racemes of unattra 
ive fl. TA n ear-ligu- 

late, bilobed at ape inous, 

under the column. 

Cochin China. 
Camassia Cusickii. (G. and F. 1888, 
cee. H. b 

tem leafy, 2-3 ft. high, bearing a 
ong moderately me reene. of 12 
pee blue fi. 1} i ith 
arrow Pane eg a ait 

Camassia Engelmannii. (2. 7. 0. 
1889, ve "H. Bulb 

species, Becky Mountains. 

— oneal oe 
ist 6287 name 
plan " euitivated as x Scaled 

Cambessedesia ara iee z 
G. per. 

right mer -red, arranged in 
se panicles, aguay. 


a RE maxima. (Bull Cat.1885, 
; B. M.b. 7572 

elliptic- acuminate leaflets, ; 
rooping axillary racemes; calyx 6-7 

in. long; pet. about | in. long, white. 

frilled at the margin. where they are 

tinted with zoldek yellow. Angola. 
pect oE AE $a M. t. 6588.) 
H. of dw = 
be abit. 2 zi "oboki, lin ear, 1-2 i 
long, hairy. an nodding, large, bright 
violet-blue. rope. 

a. aryen 
1896, 1. A garden hybrid. 
=d ween "0. “fragilis and e phyla 

€ Gard. 

eaii excisa. (G. C. 

310°; B. M.b. 7358.) H. inin t Fave 
E tommasiniana. Fl. funnel-shaped, 
wi notches between the lobe 

se ity 2h kee = M. t. 6504.) 
baceous plant. 

diz iaai South Ita. 

Campanula remy te — 
CW. G. 1888, 283, f. 55.) per. 
Seems only to be a dwarf ae 

CGJ. 1886, 

er. Reig cts 
H. large plant, 

Eastern Europe 

arpe Jacobæa. a M.t. = = 

G. peas stems a ar 
in. ; ile or aiei oe 
oblong or chien subacute ; fl. axillary, 

etic : 
ding, campanulate, 1 in. long, purple 
or pale green, Cape Verd Islands. 

pire) pA pe dat fe (G. C. 1895, 
16.) H. Allied to C. Medium. 

eas eae sorene 
= Mere oa Av 
ble white flow 

Campanula Regina. (4. C. 1896, xix. 
648.) H. [C K rahis Alboff.] 

Cajonia matrus neban: eiz H. 

th narrow campan 
arying from pale blue = onary 
Noith Europe. 

—— semaine (B. M. 
90.) pe glabrous. 

Stems 6-10 i: high, slender, iat. L. 
row lanceolate, ac , se pa 
1-2 in. long. numerous, racem 

narrow, campanulate, 8 "9 lines ioe. 
pale blue. Istri 

Campanula Van-Houttei. 

vat ri oe (GA. 188 

lo lobes; “ symphyandra Wanneri, Heutf. 
7594.] South Austria. 

A. as 

zala. € au. H. 1883, t. 498.) Bakas, 
ariegated with white, rose and 


oo Har (Gf 1887, m 
enaiis baba 
airs i pie: vin 

bluish- black fruit. Fiji. 

Canavalia Lunareti. 
286, ff. 56, 57.) 

?) A vigorous clim with 

la argo Beg ne a te fow Riles 

race loured Pod 

(R. = 1881, 
persas E. 

abou 3 Toi in. long aid andl ¥ 2 in, broad, very 
thick. Japan (?) 

Canistrum wood «ae 
1877, 2 Br 

(R. H. 

zoned. Scape stout, bracteate, 1 
ft. or more above the L. ; b - 
with red. Fl. tubular, —— 
dense flat- head, in ited: Fh 
the [Æchmea aurantiaca, 
Baker.] th America. ` 

` Canistrum roseum. 

H. | 
H. herb like C. nobilis, 

7 Canna indica Bertini. 
| 95.) 

eee Terase 


Canistrum eburneum. (2. H. 1879 

17; 168, 3, 14.) 5. L. very 
spreading, 23 ft. long, 4 in. ad. 
nfi. subsessile. Fl. numerous, green 
white, surrounded by a kind of 
involucre of ivory white bracts. Also 
Guzmannia fragrans, and 

Nidularium Lindeni. [Bohne ebur- 
nea, Baker. | _Tropical Americ 

CB. 1879 
18 83, Put tt. 14-15.) Pa “Hares 



white nae the corolla green, Laer 

rosea, Baker.] Tropical America 

Canna grandiflora pe R. H. 
1885, 396, t. Scit 
robust plant, with yellow fl. spotted 
with red. Garden variet 

Ta H. 1889, 
G. Garden variet 

Canna iridiflora hybrida. (F. and 

18 A garden var. 

with elliptic pe L and large crim 
son flow 

(R. H. 1878, 439.) 
hybrid between C. iridiflora 
os C. Bikon elli. 

| ees i (CR. g Ses 896, nt) 

[Several other gar arden Can spe pgx 
cribed at the place above ged] 
ranra oe Ee H. 1887, 

oe shr. Garden 
z I, 

| Caraguata andreana. (R. H. 1884, 

247, f. T ao 276, t.; B. M. t. 7014.) 
Bro L in ax rosette, 
arc ong by 2 in 
Panicle rather lax, longer than the 1., 
with th racts carmine- 

The num bout 2 in. long. 

; B. M.t.7 

cs Caraguata angustifolia. [Ge C. 1884, 
| 37.) S. 

taf ; a 6 fos ‘ong E in. 
broad, taper g toa with 
red - his mt slightly “epidot 

3-4 in an an 

with po: 
bright scarlet. Fl. 
ba ay bright yellow. Colombia. 

Caraguata beleana. 
114, £ 27.) 
acuminate iz 
beneath, and a A pi about 2 ft. 
with a panicle of white fl. 

S. fae , With bright gr 
” ft. lon ng, ieiacte 

sii aa poet eye ee M. t. 735 


(R. HW. ci | — campanulata. 

high | 

. Caralluma Luntii. 
BS 4-angle 

Caraguata lingulata cardinalis. 

ee H. 1880, t. 374 
ligu te. 

F recurved. ae 

h, surmo 
brilliant silted | 
tipped with green, the innermost ones 
yellow. The fi. sessile, white 
Lc. cardinalis, tind] ie mbia 

Caraguata morreniana. (2. //. 1887, 
13, t Pgh bie trast e A plan i 
with tte 

a lar rge compact 
with bright red 

Std cafe " yellow i 
bracts. Colombia. 

So ge a (B. H. 1885, 254, 

L. ne es or | | 

of | 
rendia he “hte | 

tt. romeliad with 
redid ai unarmed green 
ECTS long by 2 in. bro 

large dense subsessile central head of 
yellow fi. subtended by bright salmon- 
rose lan acute bi ith 
spreadi Ecuador. 

araguata Peacockii. (2. M. 18835, 
82.) 5. Rosette of 1. of a rose-purple 
colour beneath, ronzy-purpl acabi | 

.-stem covered with brighter 
bracts, the a ones rolled goaid Te 
white flower 

a sanguinea. (9. C. 1883, 

693; B. M. t. 6765. . rose- | 
pe surrounding es yellow 

Ca ee bh P ae comm Goat H. 
1878, t. Rosette o 
spreading sieben ligulate 1. ag in. 
1 oad, green. Scape 
2-3 Í h; panicle narrow, spike- 
ik t; flowering bracts bright — 
rose ; fl. yellowish, crowded on short 

i olo 

1 ; B.M. t. T214.) Ascle- 
Pisin. 8. succulent. warf 
Stapelia like plant, with 4-angled 

stems, and terminal umbels 
of star-sha a in. diam., 

velvety brownish cane Cepia, 

(CK. B. 1894, 335.) 
d smooth, 8 in. 

in diameter, with a 5-lobed tube, 
oloa yao sh “ane with purple 
spots. South Arabia 

Carex gracilis. — H. 1892, 4.) 
Cyperace with na rro 

i n ow maiae of 

slender aa red spikes. ayi rd 

achya, Thunb., 
gardens a as se. ' japonica.| Japan; Tails’ 

Carex yee variegata. (R. H. 
1878, 400.) Var. bine the 1. 
striped with yellow and gree 

Carex eager y M. +t. 6 — G. 

into a petiole at , and erect 
loose —- ies brownish red spike- 
lets. South C 

eee Caput-Meduse 
; Gf. 1890, 
S. with b; obed 1., 5 to7 
= tong, and heads of white filamentose 

Carludovica Drudei. (4. 
ae xii. ve 9, f. 
li C 

& je 

and widely spreading. Colombia. 
| Carludovica R cA “illiams’ Cat 
88 21, £) an-like : f 

led uo sce pe five 

are again deeply divided 
to narrow segments. 

Carludovica ensiformis. M. +. 

6418.) S. ever of dwarf 
ufted habit, with distichows ie the 
is arly to 




in. long, dense, 

long pendulous filiform 

te, with 
staminodez. Costa 


Carludovica microcephala. (B.M. |  glaucescent green above, rich vinous 
t. 7263.) S. A dwarf species with a purple beneath petioles purplish. 
stem, narrow dark green Tord Howe’s Island. 
plicate 1. 1} ft. long, split from the 
o below the middle ; peduncle AP ena nog erates CG. C. 
4 in, long ; sheaths lin. long ; spadix 1884, ; B. M. t. 6799.) 
l in iong; covered with pale yellow Ver np a = eae with opposite 
fi. and long white staminddes. c oblong-ovate coarsely-toothed 1., and 
axillary cymes of lavender- 
coloured bilabiate fl.; the lower lip 
Carludovica oe (G. C. 1889, toothed on the sides, Japan. 
50.) [C. Plumieri.] 

` Caryota plumosa. Cat. Comp. Cont. 

Carludovica rotundifolia. (B. M. a “a Hort, kao, 8.) padi S. z 
083.) Like C. palmata, but 
eta nek with | a fl.-scape as large 

gain Oos | Brani G EN (G. C. 1888, iv. 
| About 4 in. hi igh, 
| : k. Pe 

Carludovica Wallisii. CON b. 992.) with, black stalked eae fronds, 
arf Uaa | imh : 
vi bel sco seve ped bifid | ee Daeg te 5 pi 

enula r 
hinin S 
Posbon i o way down. shining green. Sori oia zem rowsalong 

| gins, 
Scape much shorter than the aon lime bene 
Spadix cream-coloured, git | 
long, and 4 in. broad. ose oad | aren se (D — Cat. 
about ł in. long, flexuous. TCdlousbas. | 1890-91, 76, 79, f. 46. minose. 
| H. fa r G. per [C AEAEE 

Carmichælia enpre abt (Gf. 

1887, 611.) Leg G. 4 prae PAET (B. M. t. 7002 
about £ ich. S de aa | G: ; G.and F. 1888, 
mpressed, pinnately branched ; the a Shr. ith pinnate 1. and ter- 
branchlets filiform, compressed. L. minal corymbose racemes of bright 
with 1-3 small obovate emarginate | yellow fi. 1-14 in. in diam. L. 2—4 in 
leaflets, about 4} in. long, on a rather | long; A s in 4-6 pairs, elliptic- 
longer petiole. F1, solitary or in pairs | oblong, mucronate. Upper pet. obcor- 
in the axils of the 1.. eae ee | tt Tather larger than the rest, which 
striate with purple. New Zea | ovate. Pods stipitate, 3-4 in 

E z in. broad, flattened. Chili. 
Carpenteria Se a : 1884, 

365; B. M. t. 6911; G ‘xxvi. Cassia „Beinwardtii. g2 Cat. 
103, f. 22.) Sa sifrapes wi | 1890-91, 78.) H.H. o synonym 
Stems tetragenous. L. pen ellip. of C. Snare. biaa 
tic-oblong, coriaceous, crenulate, dark 
reen above itish bene: pes Fl. 
large, elite, chunieienaedics in. in “Ea on i) Cop oe 
iam., in terminal oe Califor ia. : ees 
diam., in terminal cymes alifornia t vat. at the Ghadnit hartad 
$ bescence on the underside 
eem Bp age (Gfl. 1889, 581; | of rhe, "young l. [C. japonica, Hort.] 
. and F. 1893, 365, f.) Cupulifere. | Japan 
A tr ae with lanceolate-ovate | 
long-pointed Ll, dou rrate on | Senan a oe 3 
e ma [ale catkins cylindric, | aren tte aide oe re Aorta ye 
with spreading ovate bracts. Female | erit Stem 6 aCe tn. Righ, o cloth ed 
catkins large, ellipsoidal, with large | with oblanceolate undulate 
toothed imbricate bracts. Japan. | toothed 1. ; the upper ones Pees jon 
| gined with orange-scarlet, whilst the 
—— Pom tan ta H. 1896, 497, broad spathulate bracts are of a bril- 
170. liant orange let, i 

g into yel- 


height rs boat 50 ft., with the general b FL pale greenish- 
of Ldesia poly ra ‘pa, but wi yellow. Texas g 
capsular frui China 

pryde sumatrana. e H. fog 
Siete pee —— Cat. ere ma 5 tt 
1876, 4.) Euphorbiacee. ei high, much 

erect growth, with aus terete | ae very eee 
stem, L. alternate. broadly ovate, clear matra. 

geo es 
‘wingeu aa 

Catalpa bignonioides, vars. aurea, 
foliisargenteis variegatis,zrandi- 

flora, and purpurea. ug G. 1890, 
315.)  Bignoniaceæ. Garden 


O i Err aN CW. G. 1890, 

Af having 1. inter- 

a Bg between ces of C. speciosa 
and C. Bung 

PE Apap. (B. M. t. 6611.) 
H. tree, in the way of C. s si ing 
at with rather KADA i 
rdate, often lobed. 
Carella’ campanulate, 

FL miS 
yellow dotted with red. Japan. 

Catalpa rete: (W. @. 1890, 317.) | 

No descriptio: 

Catalpa a foliis Dai 
L. S Garden cae gy ety. 
Catalpa Tke CW. G. 1890, 
318.) No description 

Catalpa be ar pt Sigs eg p: 
1888, 330.) handsom 
small tree 9- is ot hi igh, with a yia: iai 
compact head. No further oe Npa. 
Perhaps of garden origin. Chin 

etri wallichiana. (W. G. 1890, 
H. Itis thought P ree a pone 

DAR ot C. Kempferi, an rather 
low growth, [C. ones nana. | 

502-3. ) 

cece a et Agel gh eC REN xi. 
È Bung Aen ea 

apertum. (K. B 

long ; fl. segments concave, forming a 

sort of cup, and oo apple-green | 

spotted with bro 
er menr ET A ii. t. 57 ; 
B.M, t ore a on 

white ob in ao 
lanceolate, adi stllately plore y 
lip very large, en ng, 
deeply concave. 
Tropical America, 

— Var. album. (Z.iv.8.) S 

with large pure white fl. ‘witha ition 
rose-coloured spot on the li ip. 

—— Var. aureum. (JZ.iii.t.116.) S. 
A var. at tens yellow fi. 

ed. — 
pale | 


ee rene Sanah pottsianum, 

(L. 341.) 

Aa gena Sis sits gira 

Mg purple, and with a few spots on 
the centre of the lips. 

(IU. H. 1890, 117, 
ellow-flowered for rm 
vith a et Fe as apricot- Bh a in 

——=; Var, ree 

oe S aeg pad aa CE 0. 
4, 251.) This s as the 
general eae of C. ns ‘pun and 
of about the same size or slightly 

ee The sep. are pale pat with 
rosy blotches ; the pet. also pale green 
but with more definite rosy blotches. 

oe i aos s C. 
1882, xvii. 588 ; t. 8. 
Like Cs s kaihe, vay ing reddish. 
bro fl.; the lip ing greenish 
solöw washed with Ba on its disk. 

Var. chlorops. (G. C. 1882, 
hie 628.) S. Green sep. and pet., and 

maller dark pen fringed lip, with 
a immense spur. 

—-- Var. obscurum. te C. 1884 
xxii. 649.) S. <A var 

peal light poles. marked with 

rede ee pact’. (J. O. 1895, ee 

edges on the outer surface. Venezuela. 

erore egneeg (G:C. 188 

stan t 
obscurely ribbed, mouth coni 

- Catasetum a eee 

ria sa t. 25.) 
inear-lanceo le- 
aa rather hat dull 
pee gg with blackish- 
purple. n, frinved, having a 
aR basal: iria crest. 


brown sep., 

poopie Bch (G. C. 
8 94.) S. It produ 

lowers, th 
female, both from the same psenãobulb, 
[C. fu uliginosum, Rolfe in &. C, 1888, 
iv. 473, not of Lindl. ] British Guiana. 

oe decipiens. (Z. iii. t. 144.) 

spherical sac, and a revolute margin, 
S outst, reddish-brown inside. 

Catasetum discolor vinosum. (J. 0. 
1894, 240, 252.) S. This differs from 
the type in oe fl. of a vinous r 

colour. Bra 

Catasetum Trosa (@. C. 1895, xviii. 
62.) S mbling 5 purum, Nees ; 
Enay a enke ot out 20 H. of a 
dirty Sire colour reper and pea- 
green inside. 

Catasetum fimbriatum Cogniau 



(L. xi. t. 499.) S Sep. white, potted | 

and suffused with rose- purple; lip | 
b z 

le o 
red-brown, upper portion whitish. 

— Var. fissum. (6G. C. 1881, xv. e 

S. Pet. broader ~ the sê with 
all tee Li 

and pet. 

conten Hs gga! gee (G. C. 1889, 
Vv. A large-flowered var.; 
pani of se ee, greenish-white with 
arae lea strea ks and dots; lip 
garlic green, 

—— Var. viri Apea (G. C. 1887, ii. 
272.) S. A var. with green fl. spotted 
with eT casei and having a de- 

pressed crest on the lip 

epi pye G. 0.1 
; the pet 

and erie with purple ; the 
inesi A lip a acute at the tip, 
entire, strongly incurved. 

Colon bia: 

Catasetum galeritum. (Z. ii. t. 67; 
G. C. 1886, xxvi. 616.) S. Allied 
C.atratum, with a several-flowered lax 
raceme of rather . Sep. and 
pet. arona sar ra green, spotted 
with saccate, oblong, 

conical at the apex, mostly pale green, 
ochreous in front, marked with brown 

around the mout th, pl e the yellow 
ground inside. Colom a? 

Catasetum galeritum Se hc 
m, (0. 0. 18897. 783 gt Dis- 
tinguished from the type by its 
almost square thick obtuse-angled 

Catasetum garnettianum. (4. 
1888, iv.692; B. M. t. 7069.) S. Alied 

shorter bristles on the margins below 
the middle. Brazil. 

Bogie Geter” (4. ¢ 
1885, x 2.) Fl. large, in a 

5) pots. a dep 
rounded sac and a triangular mouth, 
quite glaucous, with brown spots in- 

side. Mexico, 

Catasetum endear (J. O 
1895, 215 ; L. xi. } early allied 
to C. 

hy e lip 
forms a pouch yori idee and 
less mion South Ameri 

Patanötui regrare cS: c. em, 
. 44 

over 2 in. mson- purple. 
[A var. of the hybrid Cs poise 

Catasetum imschootianum. (J. 0 

B : 
green ; the labellum is saccate, fleshy, 
early truncate, and folded inwards, 

Catasetum Lehmanni. (47. t. Sap 
t me S. Pseudobulbs fusiform, 
in. w-lanceolate, Pa 
in. ae’ Fick uate, few-flowered, 

ut 1 in. in diam. Sep. conni- 

Catasetum Lemosii. (K. B. 1894, | 
393; B. J 444.) 5. Allied to C. 
albovirens. Pseudobulbs fusiform, 6 
in. long ; in. by 2} in. ; EW l $ 
long, erec any-flowered ; fi. 14 

across, brownish set the lip Tent 
green and yellow. Braz 

Catasetum Liechtensteinii. (&. C. 
vet xi.171.) S. Allied to C. Trulla, 
ith a oR ja = ines and brown 

ach 2 in. 

Catasetum opriri o bellum. 
(@. C. 1886, xxv. A var. 
with bro own-purple fa a ails large 
purple-brown blotch on each pet the 
lip. Brazil, 

—— Var. Lindeni. (2.x. +. 442 

1894, xvi. 306.) S. A var. 


—— Var. luteo-roseum. (ZL. 
502- ; ag . pale green pee with 
rose, except the lip which is orang 

— Var.carnosissimum. (JZ. xi. 26.) 
S oe a monstrosity hematin 
een the male an as the female 
dontition of this specie 
orp abe oe 
1877, vii 


, light a 
Ae ee s a x ei 
t pam le. Ecuador. 

Catasetum maculatum luteo- 
pu — CF. 0. 1895, . = 
A colou 

are ee ha a name. 

i verse Drow? 
red side lobes to the lip. 
mrana. J. O 1896, 

abe k. 56.) na 
hybeid eate 0. Luciani. 


es Oe 
Of. U4 


| Catasetum pallidum. (J. O. 1894, 
252.) ear C. finetianum, from 
which it differs pee y in its 
ee sep. and pet. and more fleshy 

ee Phasma. (G4. C. 1877, 
iii. 488.) S. Allied to f  Gnomus ; 
Wall marked by the erect b of the 
side lobes of pd sorrated p Fl. 
rather large and numerous, racemose ; 
sep. and ar ain a 
numerous purplish- brown spots; lip 
white; column light green spotted 
with brown. Bra ail. 

ee peheni CG. CG. 1882, 
An interesting form, 

with ee Tight red sep., pore long 

c i t., an ite lip, 
a wile nearly 
obtuse- ony eau laei in 

a blunt Venez 
| Gatasotum „polobrom: o. £ 1888, 
; i : O. 1888, 
26i a ee: e pit ass 4-6 
in. long, ł-1 in. thick, from t 

saccate, obscurely 3-toothed at 
apex, deep yellow. Brazil. 

ere se E (K. B. 1894, 
96.) i Allied à C. 

a. ns. Peon ulbs fusiform, 6 
in. long; 1. broad-lanceolate 10 in. 
long ; scape 8 in. long, bearing about 
12 aromatic fl., w e 2 in. across ; 

sep. and pet. yellow green, with 

brown spots; his. Sip dark i ae 


karere Quornus. (H. G. 1888, 

85.) A misprint for C. Gnomus. 

Catasetum Randii. (K. B. 1894, 394 ; 
M. t. 7470.) S. Allied to 

garnettianum, i 

habit, di a 

has a s broad brush-like appen- 


a pispe (J. O. 1894, 


same ek jose splendens ; 
the sep. and pet. are a slightly greenish 
ed bird the lip ng a less 


dee much narrower pouc 
in h pekeee 

longo um rodigasianu — 
ed S. Fl. large ina Tong vie 
p.are green spotted with Hown 

on the outside, and ont entirely 
brown inside ; are 

yellow colour spotted with purple- 
brown. Santa Catharina, Brazil. 

es rodigasianum tenebro- 

CL. viii. t. 406.) S. <A var. 

with, much darker coloured fl. than 
the type. Brazil. 

Catasetum Mag hyd rich integrale. 
(G. C. 1887, ii. = 8. 
var. with an cutie He 

Catasetum semiroseum. (W. Sa 

at the base. 
One o 
natural hybeid: C sendin 

— Pagers ge (O. R. 1894, 
1894, 302.) S. As 

ral hybri d, between C. 

pee sed SE 
Bu sidho vi ii macrocarpum. 

— Var. acutipetalum. (Z. 
502-3.) . Between C. sple ndens cand 
its variety C. Lindeni. 
— yes Mbam, U ba 55.) 8. 
Fl. pure white, tinted with green. 
ei of lip finely ea 

—— Var. Aliciw. (Z. x. t. 457.) 8. 
Fl. t rose, lined with purple, 
except the lip which is white, 

— Var. atro-purpureum. (J. 
t. 456.) S. > FL very | vrai purple with 
some yellow on the li 

— Var. ERRE (0. R. 1894, 
356.) eep yellow ith a 
few small canna spots on and 

—— Var. aureo-maculatum. (Z. = 
1896, 91, t. 54.) S. A form wi 
yellow fl. spotted with rich pags 

— Var. aureum. (J. 0. 1894, 302.) 

flavescens. (0. R. 
T TA Like var. Lindeni Tar Fi 

eee pare CO. R. 1894, 356.) 
Sep. and pet. of C. or 
t lip somewhat = -lo wit 
wall developed callu 

—— Var. 


A tri rifling | 

Pet. and 
d; tip poet. 

i) Slee 

ae a Poe 

splendens snini 
356.) g Lip of 4. 
cea pet. and sep. of C. macro- 



Bear maculatum. (0. R. 
35 56.) Sep. and pet. densely tied 
with oe purple. 

(0. R. 1894, 

— Var. getneewnes 
and pet, of var. Dacian: K 

356.) S. 
lip ivory- a 

regale. (0. R. 1894, 356.) 
S. Pet. with purple marking at base ; 
lip marbled and irag suffused inside 
with reddish purp 

— Var. 

— Var. rubrum. (Z. xi. t. 502-3.) 

— Var. viride. (0. R. 1894, say 
SPE nightly flushed with pale 

— Var. worthing tonisnum, (L. 
xi. 14. e resembling 
C. sple ndens album, but in colour 
the form of this hybrid called C. 
imper jais 

Sauta stupendum. (Z. xiii. t. 
587.) S. A synonym of C. ine oii 

pe h T 1 

CG. C. 1880, xiv. 456.) S. JĀ oS 
var. with shorter fl. than the type, 
having a shorter lip and broader 
pests ‘omg aare to the top. 

læve. (G. C. 1881, 
rifling var. 
pa callus on she li ip. 

with a 

| — Var. ile an ge (@. €.1880, 
| xiv 

358. large 

: rough 
tongue-like clin oocupies nearl 

fale brown spots. Col 

Bice serrulatum. (Gf. t. 1223, 
f. h-m.) 5. Dorsal sep. 
Aiae yellow. Pet. 
red; lon 
green, with 
=m white and the margin finely 
late. Andes, Colombia. 

so Var (G A Xiv. 

456.) 5. greenish, ed and 

washed with Wight “hcetriapabesns 

DMa tapiriceps. CG. sf ae, 

; H. G. 1888, 176 iii. 
0. 1885 = S. Like i macros 
Sep. Pet. bro 

trigonous-caccate, was zag serr u- 
late ma e side lotes revolute, 

ith a transverse 
not ar from the 
argin. Brasil, 

ee cea (G. C. 1881, 

oye side of the base. 
sep. and pet. with numerous 
cinnamon-oolonred bars ; column and 
lip whitish-oc 

corre es (4. 6 i x. 

pet. upright ; 

side teeth ae hriatios. Brazi 

Catasetum Trulla es arenas: 
(a C. eae iii. 168 ; ae 188 8, 1 

having t and 1 
ied with brown, ail the side lobes 
of P the lip fringed. 

= _ — (G. C. 188 
of a to T lip. 

maaten Santue (K. B. 1895, 
to C albovirens. 
Psordobuibs e 3-8 in. long; 

l. lanceolate 12 in in. long ; scape erect, 
bearing numerous green fl. Brazil. 

. with 

eae PESTA stig os CL. ix. 
st newer colours than the 

— Var. salmonea. (LZ. ix. t. 399.) 
S. A var. tego the ground colour of 
the fl. salmon-r 

Bt C.: 1892, 
1892, 196, 


: ggi amim. 

E 19 2 

Simil neral s to C. 
Zen “put po dull brown fi., 
the li rmly rosy-purple. C. 
wal Rodrig .] Brazil. 

—— Var. elegans. (Z, viii. 4 358.) S. 
A var. with larger fi. than the type, 
coloured rose-purple. 

© 0 

| Cattleya — 


| sci hl oe Br iat 

with fl. of 

a tien imiy ali salons and a rose- 

sea be Aliciæ. (Z. xi. t. 494.) G. 
Sep. and pet. white ; lip deep rose. 
Possibly a natural hybrid. 

w Amesiæ. SA oe 1892, xi. 
816) A garden hyb 

OIE edio ereng paee. 
ose-tinted v. 
of Zn pont Prinzii. 

CO. 1891, rainy ‘) 
gard hybrid betwee 
Loddigesii sar Lelia Perrinii. 

| premegi armainvillierensis. (R. H. 

beth ween °C Mendelii and C. Gigas. 


Cattleya arthuriana. (G. C. 1894, 
xv. 102) G. A garden 

hyb rid 
between C. dormaniana and C, Kioa. 

CG. O- 1893, 
garden hybrid 
Debora C. Harvisonia and C. Gigas. 

Cattleya ashtoniana. 
406, G-A 

var. without a Padi 

| —. var a ariana, ay C. 

Cattleya aurea marmorata. (@. C. 

1888, iv. 326.) S. A var. with the 
1 Fe P seir T 
rose. Lip crimso 
po veined with “purple on he 
al half. Colombia 

xii, form C. labiata 
= aan me of ae crimson 
he lip than usual. [Syn 
C. statteriana, ii of H, 1892, xxv. 277, 
f; 38.] 

“Se By eso 

pa ales oar E: y eai zii. 

aE H t. 
rom C. 

penar Haria (G. C 1892, xii. 
32.) S. Recallin 

gC iiir. 

purple; column very large. BPrazil. 

| Cattleya ra nenii, (4. 

aa xvi.3 with grehih 
p. and iig Pak ‘tink ite Hum 
Var. Lewisii. (G. C. 1896, xx. 
A var. with emerald green 
white lip stained 
with deep purp 


were hy Rese sane gaye aa 
fl Tawi the lip ‘bordered with 
white. Brazi | 

Var. wrigleyana. (&. C. 1884, 
xxii. 206. A variety with grey- 
green sep. and pet. and dark purple 

soe tear blesensis. (R. H. 1892, 416.) 
arden hybrid between C. pumila 
aa C: Loddigeet sii 

Mish Poean. (Veiteh Cat. 

oc. & hinneri Te 

bard: behind wih the sobs whieh 
C entral Amer 

— Var. Ashworthii. 
Te) cae ee 
light rose-purple. 

(0. R 
of a nearly be a 

Patoya Brownie. ¢€&. C. 1894, xvi. 
447; O. R.1894, 334.) G. A garden 
hybrid ‘between e eee and 
C. harrisoniana, 

erie PEA. CG. ad F. 1893, 
15.) ee 

lated ; the lip i: is three-lobed and pale 
purple with veins of a darker shade. 

parva Sippy KG C. 1883, 

4.6.18 G. Sep. 

pat ro a0 rple. Li ip very ra 

the front lohs peeti, obcordate ; 

margins rich mauve, middle area 

Ann a me H. sa be 
trifling form of C 
‘ois Pein 

ve burberryan Ca. C. eos 
i. 835. S. arden hybrid b 
rect C. imbr sighs pe C. superba. 

Cattleya calummata. (R. M. 1883, 
; Fl. and P. 1884,28; G. C. 1886, 
ay 635, garden 
hybrid between C. amethy ystina and C. 


Cattleya Se (e. g 
1881, xvi. hybrid 
betw: o Ki Leopoldi ad Lc. 


Cattleya ree aiee (0. R 
1894, 194.) Differs from the type 
in in its s larger ad nea coloured and 

ore elongated 1 

Cattleya PATE CG. = 
888, iii. G. 1888, 128; 
1888, iii. H F Garden hybrid. 

W. O 

crispa hab meon aere aan 

purple spots, ich 
purple. Brazil. Telias ia eris eii Beant 

— Var. arnt Le 2 A, 
t. 424.) vith é f, 
iato. Tai 

the an weak with an 

| ae iewes iè As C. 1886, xxvi. 

G. g in the way of 
l hite fl., 

C " Eldorado, ae arge white 
ng a four-lobed lip with a deep 
orange mid-line, expanding on the disk 

into a large blotch, with teeth in front. 

| Cattleya. ——— GC. 1882, 

. “wrea a akane 

Garden hyb 

ei dowiana aurea. 
1883, t. 493; 
Fl. very large, pale yellow 
purple lip “beautif 
yellow. i 


E aurea, 

r. chrysotoxa. (R. ii. 71, t. 
80.) ifn Sep. and pet. bright, wallow, 
the lip having on each s f the disk 
a large golden blotch eat with dark 
crimson. Colombia, 

CG. CLC I887 i 
eudobulbs abont 2 tt. 
8 Š in, ng, road 

ochre o hitg ; a upper one sop 
with auli SpA aN nae nside, with 
green teral ones bent z$ 
an nan nave purple on basal part 
brown: Gk oe on apic Bie broader, 

white border; the disk be sees 
pores lobes sulphur-yellow with s 

ve keels. 



Gattlors Bidorado Lindeni. ki is. 
var. with ETT 
f, ane a richly coloured lip 

— Var. ornata. (4. 83, XX. 
526. ne ied Yk dark 
purple tips to the p 

Var. Oweni. (Z. ix. t. 409.) 

A var. with white sep. Ga ae ie 
i? also white with a actos blotch 
a band of rose-crimso: 

— Var. Treyeranæ. (Z. ix. t. 402.) 

G. A var. with large broad lilac sep. 
and and a large labellum a . 
blotch of Tonmga yondi on the fro: 

— Var. virginalis. (W. 0 t. 
388.) [C. virginalis, Linden et 
André, and C. W ‘allisii, Linden]. 

ag felix. e C 1876, vi. 68.) 
rid between Lelia 
cr pispa and Cattleya schilleriana, 

Car flaveola. (4. ©. 1888, iv. 
} 28. G, 1888, 551.) Garden hybrid. 

pee pees (G. and F. 
5, sibly a ose 
hybek re he a eae S and 
labiata, with long scapes Seating 
nty fl., which are carmine, white 
or variously coloured. 

mar fe Seong o. C. kian ~ xviii. 
178, 192, £. 47.) A garden hybrid 
between C. eal ies and C. yen 

Cattleya: gaskolliana alba, at £ 

53) G. 

elie Ee ae yar k yellow 
throat to the lip. Venezuela. 

— Var, albens. (GA. beget 297, 545, 
t 1274; ° G. C 1888, 22. G. 
Av ith white fl. dolieataly tinted 
with lilac, a nd with a yellow disk to 

, which i is veined in the throat 

with peins -brown 

—— Var, — CO. R. 1895, 270.) 
hite, faintly tinted with 
lilac ; lip en yellow and purple. 

Var ECG. © 1890, viii. 
352; HG. 1890, 504.) G. Distinct 
in having variegated s sep. and pet. 

—— Var. > apaa Ais = bob ce 
G. white var margins 
and a rich lie porple bloteh on the 


| Seer Gibezie. ‘ere 

See C, intermedia Gibez 

iii, t. 133.) 

| sera gh Ay oo gg Tee (Fi. 

121. A distinct 
| bea ees eos "p ani pet. having a 
| central white bar 

—— Ver. amplissima. (Z. x.t. 461.) 
G. A large-flowered highly coing 

othe ge (Fl. and P. 
ae 106.) G. m, with large 
rosy- Ni p iL, pr a To of intense 

— Var. E Se jeg (0. A 
A are ) h pure white 
p. and TE crimson and 
veiw lip. 
— Var. grandiflora. (FI. and P. 
1882, 121.) ps Po g. bins ery 
large rose-p upper 

part of the. richly” estore lip white, 
edged with magen 

errotia mer 8) G A asperata. (6. C. 
1.) h 

1886, n Airi wit 
sep. and pet. bri S gy: ted with 
Dai p ye ello r at base, 
light vivid purple with a br hite 

border in front, rough on the surface. 
—— Var. Banneri. (0, R.1896, 244.) 
. A var. with the sep. and pet. 
suffused with bright lurid purple, Fl. 
6 in. across. 

nen. (e. C. 1890, 

8, f. 116; H. G. 1890 556.) G. 

Distinct trom A aa having i ivory- 
and pet 

Cattleya ETER wisch- 
a na. (G. 
ae -W 

e gaia u ip bro 
with pion dise Yellow ee a white ipot 
at the 

ree avi riari ta immaculata. 0. CG. 

is white with the front Tobe. purple. 

—— Var. leopardina. (Z. i. t. 19.) 
GŒ. A var. with che ee lbs, 
o om ect racemes, and pet. 
thickly arke ome, 
the side lobes o. grt 

the broad ankai front Ag is ‘wich 

ie eb pman cae a mS C 
1881, G. h the 

; lip whitish with a lilac 
hue, the middle lobe purple. 

— unda. (4. C. 1888, iv. 
378. Soe uns arto greenish 
changing to yellow. 

Var, M 

— Var. pein (G. C. 1888, 

pet. yel 
bo es. pria ith pur ag ont 
lobe one disk, and white side lobes, 

— Var. Eei, (ra: z 
1893, t. 184. and 
greenish zelodr ilk spotted with 
red-brown; lip bright red, bordered 

ith white. 

Var. phenicoptera. Pig C 

1883 xix. 688.) var. eep 

urple sep. and pet. and a whitish lip. 

Var. aoe 
xiv. 358. 

teh ia 

ts on the sep. bed pet. 

(G. C. 1880 


Var. Bon 
~ 1884, zzii T0, A var. without 
spots o the ns sep. and pet 
2o white, with a dark purple front 


"A WOE (G. C. 1885, 
206 ; as ery G i 
a p: 

wavy. Ip 
ply bilobed and frilled 
ieit beautifully 
ith yellow and w 

yellow spot on each side. Colo ah 

— Var. pyoneet 
363). 8. “a ne rose- 
coloured Ae lip eik, 
with the ‘apical part deep magen 
Garden origin. 

ch. viii. t, 


Var. beri ÇL. vii. s 
S. ep: arbled with purple on 
lig © ii ied e pet. dark ee 

Ps lip richly coloured. 
— -o — a y 1895, xviii. 
IG; D. var. with 
deep lilac saai, with » oe get of 
golden yellow i in the with 
a ms ac cokanicie sightly filled 

r lobe. 

hg on | 


| este he fan 
49.) S. Av 

with lar 

Cee S 
j fl. which 

rated i roperly pe ‘called a Tomi of t; 
Birari CC. Gigas). 

Cattleya Harrisii. (G. C.1887,i.104 ; 
“i “ar Man, Cattl. 91.) G, Garden 

srg T harrisoniana gat a 

1888, iv. 264.) p. am 
s vila short of a fc 
purple. Li ith the sido kbe ‘ight 


nately n whitish geod inside 
ge callus at the base 
awa ep ab g outside, 

Cattleya hybrida. (F. M. t. 473.) G. 
Garden hybrid. 

Cattleya intermedia benan splen- 
dida. (&/.1890, 1,t.1313.) G. Fl. 
pure white except the front lobe of 
the ae which is carmine-purple. Rio 

— Var. Gibezie. (L. iii. k Bg 
A var. with white fl., 

Ar 3- aa nes on the dlisk o oF en 

Paraya intermedia parthenia. 

(@. C1888, iv. 178.) form 
with  ciongatad pseudobulbs ‘and white 

— T Lyer (o R. i. 198.) 

eavily flaked and striped with 

ar. punctatissima. (R. 2nd 
t. 24; Gf. i 495. me Bee 

a ees wl ot $ 
dark purple ikk. lobe to the lip. 
South Brazi 

chem ie ee oie Ce H. 

1896, 549.) A garden hybrid be- 
tween n Cattleya inter mele and Laelia 

srs ae fy peewee ee 
(6.6. gent ne 593.) G suppose sed 
natu aeron the Da species 
indicated i is ia 

F 2 

rae intricata. (G. C. 1884, =a 
mbling = interme 
he iii erya sep. and pet., an 

between C. intermedia, iakin 
and C. guttata, Lindl. ] 

— Var. ee AS C. 1890, vii. 
163.) G; This’ va as fl. coloured 
a rose with ar spots. 

Cattleya souobtonians. (G. C. 1893 
06.) G arden hybrid of the 
=i origin as a ashtoniana. 

sreng h Pe (G@. C. 1894, 

garden hybrid be 

ai R poe aie C. labiata, var, 

Toys Epee wer — ii, 89; 
G eet 08.) species 
with sil as the iaae acute 
sep., and very broad elliptic wavy pet. 
of a delicate rosy ; the tube of 
the lip white outside with slow yellow 
w ide 

wavy front 
. son aor on the front part. 

ghee be krameriana. (4, C. 1888, 

323, o be a hybrid 
rade i intermedia ei C. urbesii, 
raised in zil, 

oat oo autumnalis. (Z, 
12.) A 


ular lip, an 

blotch on the front pa 

—— Var, 

nee C. 1882, xvii, 
lilac pet, and a 

a br eep orange line 
running ee the base of the lip on 
terior disc, where it expands 

ars a pentagonal blotch, with teeth 
n fro: 

ai m Ernesti. & i, 99, t. a 

purple ot a ome ker purple disk, and 
the tul with a large yellow 
blotch in 


oe purple — 

G. Var 
r mune las: dean part to the | 

1388, ili. 


Cattleya aime he bua (4. C 
1894, xvi. 4 497.) G. 
A ae jaan cas Teih rhite sep. 
and and blot ror a of orange and 
ea fe the lip. 

— bag gi sete CW. G. 1888, 
he: cede howy var. with deli cate 

pet.; lip lilac- shaded, 
strige with yellow in the thr oat, 
crisped on the ma 

— Var. magnifica. (G/. 1888, 497, 

t.1281,f.1.) G. FL light rosy- -purple, 

the front lobe of ta fg dark purple, 
and the throat yell 

- Var. marmorata. (G. C. 1892, 

i. 816. Fl. mottled. A var. of 
iis plant known in gardens as C. 


ment, Soa a 
A var. with 

purple, which radia n lin 
wards ; ns E oe ree nO with a 
white bord 

re er sal a u C. 1885, 
xxiii. 756. ith fl. of a 
Webaliae greyis i sepurplo, ideas 
darker purple lines is markin 

Se Pecierat. (O. R. 1894, 19) 
G. A var. with dark rose .parple fl 
irregularly i with a lighter 

Var. PA ne a 1882, 
xvii G. 
Front part c of ine lip = ae parpi, with 

riangle on eac and 
the 3 rest with radiating brown on a 

ar, percivaliana bella. 

‘ front _ of the vse all 
spotted with dark purple. 
Var. Regina. 

G. A showy form, 
purple flowers. 

CG. C. 1884, xxi. 
with rich 

Var. rootin Sa C. 1888, 
hite var. with a 

yellowish hue oe the disk. aiid faint 
purple on the front part of the lip. 
Le peahattonsi.] 

Cathay. as Sandere. (4. 4 
1892, xii. 567; Gard. xlii. 417.) 
ere ito wered variety with ack 
segments and a sas Aa crimson labellum, 
margined with whit 

Aes ga gmc (G. C. 1882, 
xviii re Set with oe large 
richly, coloured flower 

Var. schræderiana. te. =o. 
1886, xxv. 554; 1896, xx. 73, f.) G. 
A fine var. with large white fl., the 
lip being mark ith broken mauve 
lines and having an orange med 

Var. Warocqueana. (G. C. 
"1890, vii. eae O. 1890, 161.) 
Garden form (Syn. C. warocqueana, 
Lind. ] 

oer horsey Ce. C. nes 
ii. 460.) G. A var. with am thyst 
csloured sep., pet., ri Pant i lobe of 

which istiot i is ‘marked a nd spotted 

an dark purple, and on each 
side a purple area; at the base 
= some rere s e 

th t 
ei i Sra purple lines and a 
yellow eye on each side. 

rh lauremossiæ. (6. C. 1 
68.) garden hybrid 
ie U. lawrenciana and C. Mossie, 

Cattleya yy; na. (G. C. 1885, 

xxiii. oS, 1 31, ff. 68,69.) S. 
spec ch ‘larg purple-lilac fil., 
marked on ge front part of the lip 

with dark colour. British 


Var. atrorubens. (4. C. 189 
fol eons S. A brilliantly ceed 

Var. concolor. (G. C. 1886, xxv. 
585. w S. Whole fl. of a light purple 

Var. oculata. 
sae and pai 41.) S 
of hee lip buff-yellow, and withou 
purple band. 

as Veitch. Man, 

—— Var. rosea-s g e 
Man. Cattl. and Toka A 

fl., striai e sep. aen 
than the pet. and lip, onic tal 
white disk. 



| Cattleya ao Roezlii. 

eg he a 

with per ak red Mr “an 
and dull purple or slate-blue lip. 

Ragheb aie pa 

A ek. 

wee ae (G. C. 189 
6; e T. 1892, xxv. 41: 8 663 
G. A gar rden Hybrid between C. fausta 
and C. Loddig 
Cattleya Lindeni. (J7. of H. — 
xi 4 Probably a 

ip magenta-crimson, 
erii with undulated margin. 

paaa oes (G. and F. 1891, 

As garden hybri rid 
beeen C sateseaaes and C. Forbesii. 
ae lucieniana. ce. g zr 
; GA. wo 1 6.) G. Lian 
co eS fà of C. harrisoniana, and 
fl. like that öf C atelie, bu a pI 
and richer. Sep. and t. bro n with 

a wash of a ae rifid, rich 
purple, with pale yellow sida lobes, 
and red veins and k: 

gene ie Iuddamenninis Ernstii. 
(G 96, xix G. rger 
and ae | in ian our i hoe those of the 

(6. C. 

pe xv. 782.) G. A var. with brighter 
than the type, with tw 

pirolo spots ou each side, the fiddle 

ne the lip interrupted by white veins. 

ea TE (G. 1880, 
xiv. 556.) G. A garden hybrid between 
(H aie iosissima and C. Loddigesi. 

ns a. (O. R. 1894, 
Gard. 1894, xlvi. 458.) 8. 
garden hybrid betwee een C. bowringiana 


C. dowia 
SSUES llii. (CG. C. 1879, xi. 
234 ; ak e 437; W. 0. A. t. 287.) 
G. Garden hybrid. 
Cattleya m pearatypet aCe A E 
x. 556; E 

hybrid of € labiata. 

eA massaiana. (IV. 
62.) Large fi. ake fhos £ a 

pe ag having ma and pe 
a rich mma Jip, mitha Sse 
pan fe blotch on he throat, 

which is — ith, ere; Antio- 
quia, Colom 

yee Mathonie. (Z. xii. t.: as 
posed natural hybrid betweex 
Z Make and (. luddemanniana. 

Cattleya maxima alba. 

Si h 
a a ar Lelia, 44.) G 
white fi., havi 

ing the usual Lye llow 
ie Inip markings on the 

Var. aphlebia. (4G. C 1884, 
xxii. 394.) G. The purple reticulate 
veins are absent from the eae whic = 
a a yellow d by lig 


— Var. doctoris. (G. C. 1883, x 
624. A name now given to ee 
pale rose-coloured var. of this plant. 

— Var. ada 

G. Form with bright rose-coloured fl 
lip crimsou purple with crisp edges | 
margined with white | 

A CO: C. 1895, 
G. A light coloured 

— Var. hrubyana. (2.i.t.12.) G. 
Fl. pale rose-tinted, ae lip being 
espace gar! veined ith red and 

arked with a mly a serine. 

—- Var. malouana. (Z. v 11.) 
G. form with short “peeudobalbs 
and dark coloured flower 

Var. ype aang W. 
ark magenta-purple, t 


i mid-line of the hy Tradi cent 

yellow. Ecuador; Per 

Cattleya Measuresii. (&. €. 1886, 
xxvi. 526; Ae ete Man, Catil. 86.) 
G. Garden hybrid. 

Cattleya rt elem (Sand. 
Cat. 1896, arkable for 
the regi gis and om aad of the 

—— >) Var. bella. (We: 0.:Axt. 225.) 
This is the same as 0. labiata bella. 

— Var. grandis. ee C. 1895, 
xvii, 662.) G. A form with white 

fl., and rose and yellow r o on 
the lip. 

(Exiit = | 


Boece by tse Pe ape (Fl. 

nd P. 1882, ge ; sep. 
and pet. r ie “with purple tips; lip 
crisped, velvety purple-rose in front, 

having the disk yellow, and the throat 
whitish with crimson pencillings. 


—— Var. 
tvii- 6602) G-A 

CG. C. 1895, 
richly coloured 

(G. C 1876, YL 
t. A gard en hybrid 
pases: A ' quadr icolor and C. guttata 

parte Aea 

Cattleya Mossie amena. (Z. 
470.) G. This is a pale deont- 
coloured variety. 

Var. TT (L. 
482- 3.) Lip paea coveres with 
anatia ns oe a r puda and 

ned Bs aba with red, 
ioiii in fro 

— Var. PETE (6. C 188 

ses: 7.) G: ar. with rose- pir 
sep. and ‘i aa a rather narrow 

Var. aurea grandiflora. (G. C. 
~ 1887, ii. 249.) G. Garden variety. 

— a ys — tt. 482-3.) 

G. ith a red patch in front, 
whioh is Re into the yellow 

— Var. bousiesiana. (Z.iv.t.185.) 
G. Fl. marbled with rosy-purple. 

s Var hraa (P.O At ei 
A form with the throat and si 
= bey riy Fe: veined with marg 
La Guayra, Venezuela. 
—— Var. eximia. (Z. xi. tt. 482-3.) 
Lip bearing a red pa toh 4 in h 
and orange in the centre and thro 

Var. hardyana. CW. O. A.t. 125. 

La Sangre. Venezuela. 


Cattleya Mossiæ Imperator. (Z. = 
tt. 482-3.) G. Lip red, bordered with 
whi and passing gradually into 

orange at the throa 

— Var, magenta. (J. xi. tt. 482-3. 
G. Closely resembles var. eximia in 
colour, but has a larger red patch. 

=. Var. erase Sow viii. a app 

G. interm bet C. 
labiata Monia and € pase Mondelii. 
— Var. ee. she x. de 8.) 
G. A var. with fl. of um size and 
rich Soka, the lip peas eai 

Var. gaderne e iam 1888, 

114, f.) G. interesting form, in 

. which the fl. are blue aan they first 

open, on gi g to mauve, 
and then : 

—— Var. wambekeana. (ZL. x. t.433.) 
A var. with very large, richly- 
coloured flowers 

— Var. warocqueana. (J. iv. t. 192.) 
G. FL large, white, de a tinted 
with rose ; the lip with a rich orange- 

coloured oat, streaked with 

magenta in front. 

MG. oudo eee CA BRD, pi) 

ro pa far C ve epee he 
Fi like that of Lelia elegans. Brazil. 

eat eines (4. C. a 
ae IT. 1883, t. 485 “FL. 

lateral _ lobes of bern are 
the broad emar- 
ginate front-lobe we somewhat flat. 

—— Var. Hugue eir (L.i. 
A large-flowered va Fi. carve 
with red, with a yellow blotch i ned 
with red on the disk. Matto Grosso, 

Var. Maxima. Ce Ci rep Cont. 
d Hort, 1885, 3.) G. N ie 
coloured ; the sep a pet. 
beautiful lilac-purple ; the =i 
spot on the lip veined with purple. 

gogo a aa of H. 1890, 
n tinted var. 


a ae rg C. 1892, xii. 
f H. 1892, 241, f, 33.) 
b t 

"A vat 6: lab iste, and no 
unlike known as hardy man j 
has cr reign -white sep. and pet., an 

lip richly marked with a sc sik 

Cattleya pattseris EL vi. t. 276.) 
G. Garden hybrid between C. aaa iata 
and C. Moss na 

Oras Patrocinii. 
pn na tural h 
rA rode sii and C. 
It has the habit of C. Toddigenii with 
rose-purple fl. and a three lobed y 
ish lip, ie Ba de lobe being pict es 

MS ica bos) 
brid between 

Cathloya peroiyaliana magnifica 
CG. Č. 1895, 37.) G. Abri ight- 

x ‘larg wok tsb form of 

— Var. ee (L. i. t.39.) 
G. This isa form | labiata, with 
rich ma p : 

yellow with rich red vena 

Seer piis. CG. C. 1878, viii. 
84.) Garden hybrid. 

Cattleya eed ive — 
lata. (G. C. 1887, ii. . A var. 
having as iy marked with 

crimson pot?” 

Cattleya ae (&. -C 

1885, xxiv. 552; ; Gf. 18 15 j.) A 
A garden hybrid between € ‘intermedia 
and C. superba. 

Cateye Prinsepe, (4. 
16.) 1 colo 
& 0 Bias 

ured var, of 

Cattleya ge “ag. igre 
(Fi ~ a nd P. 98 =) arge- 
flowered sw west sconted em = gA 
Mossie with pu having 

the tube of ha Tip lined with iy oot 
disk ora ne, Stk AES E violet lines 
and dots towards the ma iar 

Gabseye. ea m (a. C. 1885, 

hyb hybrid betw L. 
C. cee” 

schilleriana a 

Gatti leya Rer C&G. C. 1890, viii. 684 ; 

. Vi, t. 265.) S. A handsome flowered 
mae of the labiata group, and pro- 
bl var. a 

a GC 
like C. aurea imschootiana 

premi -e Pa C. 1882, xviii. 
C. Mossie, with 

“vi bight ae eyes behind the 

purple apex of the lip. Colombia. 

Cattleya schilleriana. (77. 
t. 2286.) B. 

base; the broa d front lobe purple, | 
edged with white and toothed. Brazil, 

r. Lowii. (4 Sp ee xii. 138; 
J. of IL 1892, xxv. 187, f 26.) 8. FL. 
lavender-blue, the lip being eee 
with a darker shade of the sam 
i ate 

— Var.ama wr as a ii. t. 87 ; = 0. 
1887, ii 108.) S with a v N? 
oad front lobe to as lip, w 
is =o veined with bright purple a 
s ida te ground, and has a yellow disk. 


| ensis 6 ass ew leyswood- 

aurea being most 


— Var. aulcotensis. (4. C. 1895, 
xviii. 154.) form with large fl., | 
having p. and and 

purple usually 
observed in C. Warscewiezii. 

get eres (6. £ a 

xviii. 80 

yn. C. panics: Lindl. 

i g se oe idiana. | 
rene Scherdere. 

(G. Ci 1887, i 

[C. labiata, Lindl, var. Schre- 
23 | 

cite schrederiana. (6. i 1883, 

oblong apiculate 


nsis. of 1892, xxiv. 

nearly pur cit wi 
blotat of ¢ orange in the throat 

Cattleya scita. (G. C. 1885, xxiv. 
Gf. 1886, 156.) G. Allied to 

g isk with on 
lines, Pea a alien hybri 
Cattleya ee ar ee C.1877, 

810.) G. A var. ure white 
fl. wi ith purplish mites, and some 
pak irae iw on the lip. Costa Rica. 

— Var. oculata. n sarya Sram Sesh 
Ers G. A var. with a 
purple blotch on the lip 

eae sororia çe; C. 1887, i. 40. 

h Mar. Cattl. 87; W.O. A. i. 307.) 
4 ike C. Drumin Sep. tipped 
with pale green; marked with 
numerous dark spots ; lip white with 
light purple margins, a few dark purple 
lines f. ase, an e purple 
spots o. lk. The _ Pct of 
the lip is triangular r, retuse, emargin- 
ate, with some asperities on ‘the disk. 

Sate a buchana- 
A. . C. 1887, 

. malouana. (Z.i.t.47.) G 
e form with large fi, “ot a rich 
rose purple, t T lip veined with darker 

colour, and whitish around the mouth 
of the tube. 

Var. sanderiana. (G. C. 1892 
xii. 31 2.) 

One of the handsom: est 
and purest of white Cattleyas. 

(@. C 1892, 
H. 1892, xxv. 227, f. 38.) 
ra. j sa inion: var. statteriana. | 

| Cattleya suavior. ie Man. Catti. 
arden d bet tween C. 
inter ‘media and &. ae elii, 

pris ie a ae C. 1890, 
vi ae having 
ure whii e a 

mene sa ch lame (G. C1896, 
A garden me rid between 
C. super ba isa ra Forbes 

a. iee od teed aie 
G. Lip white, w 
veð oe toh | in te and yellow ig we 
throat. Sep. and pet. whit 

T Oo Pies an i 
handsome form, with light rosy-purple 
sep. a ; lip dar ple, h g 
the inside of the tu 

k pur av 
he e whitish, witha 
two-lobed yellow blotch in front. 
— Var. ardens. (ZL. xii. tt. 530- 28. 
G. Lip as in var, superba. Pet. 
sep. pink. 
—. Var. ETERN (O. R. 1895, a 
with large Lip 2 in. 
across an Pint purple-crimson, 

— Var. Ashtoni. CG. C. 1895, xvii. 

210.) G. A var. with a very broad 
open lip. 

—— Var. Renee cA o se Bue G. 

arge; se ry pale 
rose, the mola eg Tip poten elena. 

—— Var. broomeana. 
xii. 290.) G. Ar 
nearly white 
glowing pa ini on the labell 

Ae: C. 1893, 
with bro 

— $ an a 
ba Xvii. 168.) 

A large- Bowies 

—— Var. oourianidians, CG. C. 1893 
xvii. 295. . with a bri ght 

P Tr pete “a 

—— Var. ot eines (L. xii. tt. 530- 2 
G. Lip with a yellow patch in 
throat, encircled by a pink ring. 

—— Var. festiva. (Z. xii 
G. Lip deep red ; throat aes pet. 
and sep. pinkish. 

—— Var. formosa. EW: O. A. t 108.) 

G. ye A form with pale mauve sep. and 

pet., rich magenta lip with yellow 

pe on ahi are radiating streaks 
daraer yellow. 

—— Var. fulgens. (G. C. 1890, fis 

. tt. 530-1.) | 

ad | 
sere Sa a ons of | 

336.) G. A finely formed var. 
rich crimson labellum 

a ee G. 

—— Var. reblingiana. (4. 
1895, xvii. 167.) G. A colour-variety. 

— Var. russelliana. 
219; G. C. 1886, xxv. 266.) 


Cattleya Triane Gravesie. Gg 
1893, xiii. 357. nar- 
row l. and pse eudobulbs and large fl. 
with a red blotch on the labellu 

Var. hardyana. (G. C. 1879, 
<i, xi, 366.) G. A var. with white 
fl. washed with 

kon pet. — 

— Var. kaoliini (W. O. 
265. form of C. ‘abate 
Triane, With the ner lip of r 
mage nta, rked w wo pi 
clavate Frcs doy spots in the 

— Var. majostica. (L. 
530-1.) G. Lip red z Rir ee on 
the margin ; throat yell 

Var. marginata. (G. C. 1890, 
i. 336.) G. Remarkable in ek a 

a Tage labellum, coloured rich crim- 
n and edged with whi te. 

r. Massangeana. (W 

EH labiata, Lindl. my 
eine chron gree (E-M. %. 361) 
and pet. clear mae ; lip 

ar. pallida. (Z. v.t. 231.) G. 
es delicatdly coloured form, the whole 

. being of a pale rose, with the disk 
of the lip yellow. 

ar. regalis. (Z. xii. tt. 530-1.) 
wn Whole lip deep red. 



Var. sch 4e. i 
1886, xxv. 266.) G. A form 
usually long pet. oaa eraan at 
the base of the co! 


Cattleya Triane splendens; (Z. xii. 
tt. 530-1.) G. Pet. and sep. white; 
lip as in var. festiva. 

eee. a and 
TR ibe, 58 W. 0 
white-flowered ase pe a el 
aeie Aa lip 
—- Var. striata. 

(CL. v. t. 232.) 

broad carmine central stripe ; the li 
carmine, with a yellow disk. 

oi vanneriana. (G. C. 1886, 
KxV. R var., with a 
broad orange central stripe on the 
need ip wit purple 

a fine 
apex, orange disk, and light rose side 

Var. virginalis. (G. C. 1895, 
xvii, ty G. Fl. white, with pale 
pink front to lip 

wee triophthalma. Ses . C. 1883, 
. 526.) G. 

A gard 
Guden C. exoniensis and C. pape ba. 
aroa Taart Ain 1891, 48, t) 
rden between 
Todan and C. Bahi marginata. 

ered hae Lietzei. 
and G. C. 


ochreo pur dots ; lip 
sotisidinhindlebattade white veined with 
purple. Brazil. 

—— Var. punctata. (@#. 1888, a 

G. Fl. larger, the sep. and pet. thic 

dotted with ‘purple, and the front ike 

of the lip margined with yellow. 

oe venosa. (0. se 1894, 132.) 
Supposed to be tural hybrid 
ween C. har scion and C. 
Cattleya hrotem oe ie Pi 
1892, xi. 586, 115-116; R. 
1892, 198, £. 2 te) S. Very simi r a 
) Leopoldi in poondlobulli $ a | infl. 
ibed as having f x to 
Swenty fi. m a spike, eac: bi apee a 
with h segments and 2 white 
lip lined with rose and blotched with 
crimson, Brazil, 

Spas HS crea ae ao iii. t. 101.) 
A large white-flow 1 
disk and tube of 
‘sep. are lanceolate 
elliptic, obtuse ; lip t ubular, entire 
a frilled front lobe. [C Æl- 
dor atic var. | 

a and = ary 

te fi. 
marked wi th a a Yellow boeh om the 
disk of the lip. Braz 

wee TE 

Cattleya waone formosa. (6. C 
1893. xiii. 6 = var. with large 
richly coe oh flower: 

canes rer (W. G.1 
46; Gf. 1890,448.) G. [C. gnen 
Lindl. var.] 

Var. arinin U y e 
with deep rosy- 

purple sep. ia a and a rich maroon- 
ip with an orange-yellow 

metry Warscewiczii franconvil- 

£ TE $ 

bloteh ote ak Lank herir tA on othe 

— gi: dard yi (a. O 1893, 
var. with deep 

purple leek 
—— Var. sora Bie C. 1893, xiii. 
762.) . GeF arm crimson 
kad with a n hata 

Var. a! ne (O: R. se 

purple on a lighter ground. 
predn — es C. 1893, xiii, 
rid betw 
C superba and Latia yana i f 

Sarueys Wendlandii. (G. C. 1894, 

A garden hybrid 
hei een T bowringiana and C. War 

Cattleya ghir (Fi. aa E 1882, 
140; Gf. t distinct 

115 G. 
aie with stout short pseuobal, 
with 1-2 grr oblong 1., and short 
2-flowered Fl. e 
dull purple, ar a fringed 
purple lip, having the “lisk (o) 

pe fs ba syste CG. CG. 1877, 

angular side-lobes violet. 
ees Zenobia. (G. C. 1887, ii. 
2.) G. Garden hybrid. 
Cautleya hereus as M. t. ; R. 
88, 480 ; C. 1888, iii. 466 as 
( uttleya S g ae Sitrin G. per 
p sae aoe nie ail Sm. ] North-west 

eine taepsticliits, (Bull Cat. 
1889, 7.) Vacciniacee. G ub- 

l., of a bright reddish-bronze on the 
young growths, changing to bright 
gree Fl. in short compressed 
racemes, tubular, ete swollen 
below, Petar ak shaded with pink, and 
when in bud covered with carmine 
aie gees 

Ceanothus americanus variegatus. 
Garden var. Tarara the 1. 

ai with yellow. 

(R. H: 1875, 
ong slender 
PANEN n rak iaa elliptic, obtuse, 
crenate. Fl. in de le axillary 

clusters, pale lilac-ros 

EESE eres 

Ceanothus soir 

(Gh 1893, 536 ; 

glossy, and co S above 
white. Color: 

Fl. snow- 

Coanpthns ovalis. (G. and F. 1888, 
H. shr. 2-3 ft. high, with 

Me pon obtuse or noe crenu- 
late 1., and dense co bels of 
white flowers. 

ee aia ae (GA. 1889, 

mall, opposite, 

Aa or ee kite or toothed. 
Fl. blue, axillary. Oregon 

Cecropia dealbata. "ic se ms 
a pind Urticacee. S. A fine Sn 
with lars large soft natneesat 
cca L, light green above, Puas 
beneath. Colombia. 

Cedrela sinensis. (F. and P. 1876 
175.) Simarubaceæ. e correct 
a for the tree known in ete ns 

ilanthus flavescens. 



Ceara ne aga Conga CR: 
, 189 0, vii. 

Coni P r n ie, 
iy vas: pnk Atra Aeda 


ee Pera de = M. t. 7134 ; 

up s leafy; 1. ae in. long, ob. 
ei ata te, obtuse 

florets 30 40, Pg 3- boa © disk- 
florets yellow. New Zealand. 

Celmisia Munroi. (B. M. t. 7496.) 
G. hole hani except the upper sur- 
face 2 r wi 
a sno ie ony adpres: 
Stem Short, crowned with a thi 
of erec 

1-2} in. 

Golmisis Bpente bile. 

53.) G. hi i 

woolly tomentose ben 
several, wastty, 3 
bracts ; solitary, 2 in. in diam 
rays white ; disk yellow. Noi Sa 

am reticulata. 

(Engros- Cat. ver 
oe api 19.) Urt 


Patania Margarita. (&. M. 1895, 
.) Composite. 

m oF C. odoraii with d me habit 

white sweet-scented flow 

Centaurea gryr alba. (B. 7 
poe ot f. 12.) H. A var. äitering 
type i ny et ving ite fl. 

TRPE. & a. Ba] 

Centrosolenia eae 
22:3 eee Cat. 
cee. S.p 
in. Bed: ia bid, green, 
with rich cis metallic reflections. 
Fl illary. 

Ble H, 1875, ¢ is 
4.) Gesne 
wih a, acute, 8-10 

limb 5-lobed, spreading 

Cephselii Maarn. (A. G. 
. with aall oe 
pe anin of flowers. Mexi 

Cephaelis apee 
6696.) S i 

yellowish f, 

large scarlet ace Guian: 

ee palmata. CB. r 

ed with white, 

biace æ. 

e geri Fakin Ie E ry in. long 

888, 571.) | 


o very | 

scarlet | 



and small pink and green fl. in globose | 

terminal peduncled heads. Sou 

Cephalanthus occidentalis meii- 
= lius. pad H- 1889, 281, f. 71.) 
ith the 1. eee 
ha | in the pret and Tancciats. 

Cephalotaxus gen sphæra- 
lis C 

the type in having browni 
shoots and globose berries. Chin 
RR decalvans. (¢. C. 
615.) Caryophyllaceæ. H. 
airs sub-ligneous stems, and covered 
with tufts of wool. Fl. white, 
numerous, ‘aera: 


Cerasus acida Roser. H (R. H. 
1886, 4 ; 
ntm morency 

pei with er s, forming a 

EA resembling that of | 

Ty Lombardy Poplar 


rasus serratifolia rosea. (R. Z 
1877, 390.) H. A var. with slightly 
rose-tinted double flowers 

es a ae Ags C. 1887, ii. 
492-3, 974.) Peda- 
nse b 

arge, deflexed, long racemes, 
my with an oblique aie of a 
elicate mauve. 

Ceratozamia eo iridis. 

Cat. 1379, 4 

e areri 

W. Cereus as ea oe Mt. — 
A small | 


e fi. and 
numerous pet. to the bright rose- purple 

flowers. New Mexico and Texa: 
| Cereus iy angea (Gift. t-i 
S. m ovate-cyl Ga aal fake 
11-13 Sues "E TS radiating, about 
13 in a tu = ier i iam, 
rose-carmine. Caliter 
| ar Po: oe. M. t. 6533.) S. 

void 9-12-a; 

7- 10 ra gy one central, 1-1} long. 
a 1 diam., bright r rose. 

Cereus hypogeus. (RA. = Beeg S. 

underground u stem, 
and cylindric or anie pmpra 
aerial stems ; with 2-5 o 
more setiform spines, 3-5 longer 
central ones. F1. 2in long, tube short, 
with a few spine tufts ; pet. oblong 
mucronate, purplish, with yellow 


— T poser! peee toe = t. pe A 

ia > : 

straight sgy 
Fl. about 2} in. long and abou 
broad, dark red, with tufts of sa 
o green c Áa An, Pet. very 
obtuse. New M 

| Cereus Pecten-aboriginum. (G.and 

bed, the 
uppermost smaller, cordate or ovate- 
adi. -Fi 

lanceolate, lobed and tooth 

F. Sai we k =? k Trü 
in dia 

ia es. FI. 2-3 in. a purple ies 
white. Sonora, Mexi 

Cereus Philippii. (@7. t.1079,£.1.) G. 
Stems 8- : 

a tube senihy coe ie. 

eg! canes (G. and F. 1889, 

whita pai with purple. Mexico. 

e and 
ems up to 

a i Ta; nes 4 in 

tufts ; fl. Oe vall, pink. 

Cereus Ec er G 
os 1, 436 S. 
5 ft. 

ong in dense t 
oe California 

e mi eE Ca 6. 1895, xviii. 
8.) al 

aba pes PA kaa H stems, 
plee d. 

Cero ag Mont (D U n 
rra penp Ga for its 
rough. 1-2 in. 
bluntly ae 
owered, axillar 
t-shaped, met a 

C 3- 

purple-brown, and fringed with purple 
i Deins Pa 

Cespedesia Bonplandi. n Cee sre 
S, tree 
ft. in Jeng k, 

ttaining 3 

oe Ochn 
haped, a 


enne nerves prominent, hori- 

tal. Fl. large, bright orange- 
veiw: ate lax, 12- “16 in. long. 
Tropi cal Amer 

ee bg Hartwegii pubescens. 

1883, xix. 656.) 

aeara Tem aga nta fl. 1888 

aaar 4 Actes 
leafy aa pret ng. 

Heads corymbose, on short 
een yellow. California 


ae R 
Bta. of Pyri us 
japonica, ott rui iochd leaves. 

ee lee 

2 sped sree CR. H. 1894, ae 

15: 56.) ate floweri 

hint of ae typical Pyrus pania 
ie Simonii. (R. H. hik 75.) 
This is a dw bis 

arf s toes Te 

meierei form of Pyrus japón: 

Chamæcerasus ararte Pe a boa 
547.) Caprifo 

Rosemary, of a lems om 
glaucous beneath ; fl. rose-c 

| m E alpigena nana. Sa 
887 H. s 

63.) Garden 

of piji ara a alpige na. 

prera metallicum. (ii. HA. 

1884, t. 539; Cat ag Cont. @ Hort. 
1885, 3, f.) Arace Ss. velvety, 
eliptio, pinti acute, 3-5 in. long, 
23- upper surface 

esee shades of coppery- Aer în 
the yo becomin 
bronzy-green when older ; 
purplish. Born 

in T side 

Chamecladon rubens. Cat. 

ronzy-green above, 

purple beneath. Spathe purplish, 

Chamecyparis lawsoniana Rosen- 


thalii. it 1886, 6) es 
Ho Ay differing fr e 

in its peie growth, Di the 
ranchlets not drooping. [Cupressus 

lawsoniana, Andr, var. | 

Cha ger mm yong aurea. ce 
H. 1875, 220.) A. like the type 
butmuch more brauehed | the branches 
more compact, and of a golden yellow 

Var. casuarinifolia. (W. 4. 
~ 1888, 477.) H. Garden variety. 

oe ERN wing (B.J 
Palme. $. 

t. 6838 Stem aai 
ringed, 5-6 ft. hi h 6-7 ft. long, 
with slender petiole d 10-15 
pair of lanceolate acuminate leaflets 
12-18 in. pathes forming a 
sheathing tube, concealing the pe- 
duncle of the spadix, i um- 

male, densely c he i 
PIETE flowers. Guatem 
Soret EES: B ull Cat. 
pe etioles 

o, broad 
segments, green with Dr Mra Pae 
ribs. Colombia. 

Chamædorea formosa. (Bull 
1876,4.) S. L. pinnate; petiolesmooth 
with two channels down the face on 
which the leaflets ar ; leaflets 

into very long ar hike Toata. 
Solima, Colombi 
anois Poes Lei 
13 8. 

resembling those of C. Verschaffeltii. 

Someone a polite: — pea 1884, 
ooth ; 

i ‘ot young s plant b hid ot of olde plants 

o tw of pinne, 

with a cee asa saks ‘sora Mexico, 

Chamedorea ee po: Com. nD. 
ont. @ Hort 4.) 

full y sie nate, ie ney 

numerous linear leadibta. 

Kaampiorsa hectare (B. 
: igh, 
thick n esse ; ia 
plicate, bilobed, green ; spadices 
a, Seg 

nched; fi. yellow. South 

Chamedorea wobstiana. (Cat. Comp. 
Cont. @ Hort. 1885, 4.) S. Resembling 

C. Sartorii, but more robust, and with 
more numerous leaves. 


Champeuce i (GA. 1894, 47.) 


high bea 

bright purple heads. Orient 

pb mel Sprengeri. (Fi. and P. 
1883, 42.) H. Garden hybrid between 
C. diacantha and C. Casabone. 

pereema pan, 

. 527.) Acanthace S. shr. 

onbin age okk: young l. covered 
with s appresse ed orange-coloured 
hairs. azil. 


reer ge nen FAL 
y Pae. ar. po 

7) va 
al Saata te fr. 

Chamelum luteum. (Gf. t. 1129, f. 
69.) Iridacer. G 

5 shea ees ents linear- 
Pes acute. Chili. 

Cheilanthes pei ii and P. 
ore , 155.) Filices. G. all ever- 
een fer rn, with dense ‘uted Yen. 
ripinnatifid fronds, 

resin ay ee ante Sica 

tant te iets ‘andl pi a i 
the tater ith entire linear-oblong 
lobes. Stipes chestnut-brown, shining. 

ee aiene (B. A : 
7261.) Pittospor 
with the habit of Silly heterophylla, 
the stems bein 

and the ipod, 
des ger ie olitary ateral 
bran West Australia 
Sruti enti a H. 
Bromeliaceæ. S. ; 
wrest ea and marbled with dark 
gre Fl.-stem robust, 3 ft. or more 
high, bearing act spherical 
head of small green fl. with spiny-edged 
bracts. D noi the flowe ng the outer 
l. of the plant assume eautiful 

rose colour. (okan c] Daal 

Chevalliera gang (R. g 

-> 188%, 280; 6) L. broad, strap- 
shaped, spreading, arched, wavy, 2-23 
ft. lo 23-3 b ; aaa ae 
finely toothed, RL stem eleva 
above the a - Br very dense; bracts 
scarlet; fl, much shorter than the 

bracts, AE a i hmea germiniana, 
Baker. ] 

Chevalliera ——— ae reser 
s 888, 370, A 
as P ro erect, slightly. cn se 
acute apex, 2-3 in. broad, 

dense, about thick.. Fl. un- 
described. | Mehman] Brazil. 

eign oe a (B. M. t. 6433 ; 

G. C. 187 468, f. 64.) Liliaceæ, 
H. ty Scilla. like, fect blue. Asia 

as: Ven BAe. CFI. and P. 1882, 75.) 
H. A var. with white flowers. 

—— Var. Alleni. (Gard. 1892, xlii. 

17.) H. A large-flowered form. with 

blue, white and pink fl. Mt. Taurus. 

Chionodoxa Luciliæ x Scilla bi- 
folia. (Gard. 1891, xxxix. 308.) H. 
Garden hybrid. 

Chionodoxa nana. (B. M. t. ee 
two, 4-6 in. long, lin 
channelled down the face. Scape 
slender, as long as the 1., 2-flowe ten 
Sa Psi te, flushed with pale blue. 

Chionodoxa companion sex. 1885, 
277. bling Lucilie 
but atour br its a flatter, 
and darker blue fl. with a white e eye. 

Chignoass ea Japonia Be! M+. 
510.) per. glabrous 
heck: staat? ee accou int ad Si 
uliar flor Lr 
2-3 in. Se gor os noute: perce 
F1.-ste igh, with a few 
soubuned tain L Fl. white, in a 

Chionophila Jamesii. = and F. 
1888, 79,f.15.) Scrophulariacee. H., 
pine per. 4-5 in. mish, glabrous, with 
ickish entire oblanceolate radical 


1, and scape-like fl, stems, be 1-2 
pai rs of linker L, and a o e- sided Rots 
raceme of small two- lipped cream 
coloured fl., excel at the throat of 
the tube. Colorado. 

A, baara fs M. t. 7213.) 

arf species 
ith a age Ae rosulate green 
spathulate l.a a stoloniferous habit 
Fl. tubular, Glowinia-like, pu rple. 

Chariya gate {2 a aI; a 9 

a pe pie ra AA leaf. salt "FL 
lilac blue, showy. India 

wap = Sm arundinaceum. e 
260 Li 

6, 0.) liacez. 
E skate bright green, 1 rt 
long, 1 in 5 hite, in a close 

ea nicle about 6 in. long, and 
eaching to about the top of the 1l. 
eaten Himalaya. 
| Bidaeupheytuth brachystachyum. 
| (@. Č 1898, xiii. 7 S. Allied to 
long, and a dense raceme of 
sail whites aaa aland. 
ee Kirkii. (4. 0 
08.) S. Like C: aan. with 
Sistah ons lanceolate bri 
; i in. Grea. 
Fl.-stem 15-16 in. high. Fl. small, 
white, in a rather J raceme, East 
Tropical Africa 

Chlorophytum p PRETE (4. 

: ate g 
racemes short, few-flowered ; fl. 
white, 1 in. in uae Zanzibar. 

| Chloropiytam rieo atona. ato. 
” 1885, 
| aes viti a i fn RA rE 
er wir glabrous 1l., and a short 
A stom, ith ceme of white fl. 
in. in dimni er. Zanzibar. 

 Chlorospatha Kolbii. (Gf. t. 933.) 
S. Tuberous Spies proie 

= a solitary long-stalked pedate with 
oblong acute 3-nerved sade ` 
on near t of the leafstalk 
are p 3-4 infi. on long slender 
ped with narrow green 3 
volute spathes ; spadix with scattered 
m ovaries at , & fe 

stamin the middle, and ter- 
minating ina clavate spike of crowded 

thers, whi 
of four. South America, 


ae prire raima Beet ass um. Ss 

east a 08 ee 
C. ia 19, =x ix. t. 405.) O 
ifs i "i fmi iata, “out 
the D pet ellie wit. g fri 
to the pet. and lip. Colombt 
neath and on the edge. [syn 
Chondrorhyncha lendyana. (4. | thr um marginatum, Miq.| Japan. 
Sesi ote Hate S. F1. light yellow, ar | 
lip being da Lateral sep. spread- | EEE e (B. M. 
| 6930 

bi i y et. v ey large ; lip large, voi | high, 

cal, with a central bidentate callus g a a FL 
| ms. hy, linear-spathulate, 
Chorisia s aaen Jard. oas, 270.) | and coarsely pinnatifid, in ; 
-o ; vee S T B res Lo 3 Jon | = ee oe aoe ies ina 
petioles, digi ate, eaflets 5- patio u- 
late, lanc uminate, serrate. FL solitary a long pedimeles, radiate, 
Fl, axillary, solitary, pedicillate ; large | piedi ellow 14-2} in, in diam 
and showy, 3in. in diam regu- | Algeri 
larly 2-4-lobed, glabrous and ialo | 
pais, wits aed 2 long | Chrysanthemum E Ree i 
tuse, spreading, yellowish with dark | z E a 3 D J ala 
rown rays e base, de pubes- rle 8 ra Y. Ux- -eye aisy. Japan. 
cent h . Stamens in a lon 

E | Chrysanthemum Rhy, bio grandi 
f W- G. 

anthe apex, and a w | orum. 1888, 246.) 
arren anthers near the base. Brazil. | Garden variety. 
arralar ag ea tee sa t. 984.) | erg cag eel saggy Aep M. 
Crucifer with radical | +t. 6823.) s the 
pinnatifi 1, aie es stems ae plant tha ii A aw ng es Kaka as 
6 in. high, ending in lax of | Theophrasta imperialis 

ee Sarnia fi. pads bidad roar 
pex. Central Asia. Chusquea repy Ga M. t. 6811.) 
SA racef pei peran 

gare kerma ae ee bambo vith “i smoo 
.) Com 

CB. 6781 m posi small tiid linear-lanceolato j oe Cin 
one, adical, Gisiaatinoos light | long; and small terminal mes, 
green, glandular - punctate; flow | bearing 4-6 Taik birata 
s a foot high or more, soasingly Jamaica, 
br: peduncles one-headed ; head: 
l} diam. ; rays white ; disc yellow. ae be oweniana. E C. 1893, xiv. 
From this plant the famous Da aceæ. S. his is C. 
tian Insecticide powder is obtained. brucnnooiana, Reichb. f., ich was 
Dalmatia. introdu bout forty years ago. It 
resembles C. aurea in habit and bears 
oF eee decaisneanum. (K. sisan =n ized fl. of a pinkish 
1-1} ft. high, similar to C. ma ‘ginatum 
in appearance, wit nati- | Chysis Sedeni. 188 61 
fid L, and larger radiate pa tow I s Bedeni. co. c ne IS) 
heads. syn. Pyrethr ia: =A ea za 
ahoi, Mexia} Japan Cibotium Chamissoi. (&. C.1879,xi. 

cn frutescens chrys- ern, with bi- 
80, 225, t. 12) G: green o 
aowi as Etoile @ Or. A 

mealy hair- ; ovate-lance- 
Chrysanthemum hematomma. (4. olate, acuminate; pinnules linear- 
C. 1888. iv. 36; W. G@. 1888, 341.) G. oblong, with an minate crenate- 
or H. i. Suffrutescent, L. 2-3 in. serrate apex, pinnatifid; the 1 
long, 4- b ; t, with oblong, blunt, crenate. [Dieksonia. | 
Sandwich I slands 

Cibotium ea (GC. 1879, xi. 

bt f. 66.) S. Tree fern. Fron ds tri- 
innate, ovate, glabrous, green above 

ven oy age gek pinnæ ovate, 
p innules 

cute, serrate-crena 
Dio kansia. pE Deka Sandwich Talanide. 

Cibotium Menziesii. yn Cat. 1878, 
4.) S$. Trunk ston 

dark hair-like covering. 
Ene 3 Sandwich Islands, 
oer aiin (Bull Cat. 

[Didkeoma| ] anai Islands 

are japonica. e des 

nunculaceæ. H. per. herb K 
all radical "trifoliolate : leaflets stalked, 
cordate ase, palmately 3-5-lobed, 
serrate stems very tall, mostly 

ost conspicuous part. 

Niaghona Atagr shat ag (B. M. t. 6434.) 


l. a 4 in. 

long, Apa haed, 5- lobed, pink the 
s ciliate. Bolivia; Peru 

Cineraria albicans. (G.C. = xvii. 

lines in diam., and of a clear yellow. 

prag aurita. (Gard. 
viii, 252. t. 770.) G. With silvery I. 

and large elegant racemes of bright 
purple and white c ienen. Cart. 
B. M. t. 53.) Canary Is 

Cineraria maritima aureo-varie- 
(&. C. 1893, xiii. 641 ; J. of H. 
xxvi. 438, £.78.) G margined 
with creamy yellow. 
Cirrhopetalum abbreviatum. (6. 
C. 1881, xvi. 70.) Orchidaceæ. S. 


A curious species, with a poene 
much shorter than the L, bearing 

spots in rows; the lip and ciliate pet. 

EE ET amesianum. (J. vii 
314.) S. With 4-angled pseudobulbs, 

and the rest of the fl. is yellow. 

e Si raa A nce errr (K. B. 
1893, 62.) S. Alied to C. makoyanum, 
Ps eudobulbs ovoid dogo Mg; l.o blong, 
ong; sca fi 

we “yellow and ata Borneo. 

Cirrhopetalum Collettii. (&. «1891, 
ix. 614; B. M. t. 7198.) S. Pseudo 

purple and ade ped Una 

Cirrhopetalum compactum. (K. B. 
1895, 281.) S. Allied to pangia 
gk ovoid, Mep lin. long; 

in. long, ga few small, 
wale yellow fl. hinaa mak 

Cirrhopetalum Solitonnene. 
1882, xviii. 461.) S. Allied to C. Macrei, 
with ovate com mpressed pseudobulbs, 
mep elliptic-oblong 1., 3-5 in. long, 

(G. C. 

anda epee tag: ge 7-8 in ges: er 
ing 3 fla 24 in 

marbled with t two shades of dav arid 
purple. Hong 

a elegantulum. (4. ¢. 
552; Gf. 1891, 359.) S. A 
i P Er 
purple o: 

l. stri with m rarna 
on a pale ground. Mad 

hopetalum gracillimum. (K. 
B: 1895, 34.) 8. Psendobulbs : in. 
long. , angular, l-leaved ; 5 oblong, 
oh in . long; scape 6 in. long. 3 
elig " reddish- -purple. Be a 

Cirrhopetalum Teee or 


ee op haope (G. ¢ 
h 71.) oat pear- 
pouty ‘angled a h. L. cuneate- 


n fro side, 2- 

keeled.. (Syn. "Bul bind yl le um "lend yan u m, 

Reichb. f.] 

ee array ee (G4. C. 
1879, xi. 234; 7259.) S. 
Pseudobulbs dort 4- saa T stalked 

blunt xod oriaceous. Fl. 

light yellow, 8-10 in an umbel ; lateral 
a few brown ook and lines 

at 5 hree brown lines ; 

ciliate. Minas Geraes, Brazil 

LESI SE mastersianum. (Z. 
5.) S. Pseudo — ovoid-quad- 
me in 

f of th 
lateral sep. brown, and mas lip brown- 
ish- Diril: East Indie 

Cirrhopetalum mysorense. (K. B. 
1895, 34.) S. Allied at re macilosum. 
Pseudo bulbs angled, 1 sga 

in. ong ; ; 
ong; fi. 1 in. long, She. prise a 
purple lip. Mysore 

EET nodosum. (K. B. 1895, 
55.) S. Allied to C. Macrei. Rhizomes 
stout and woody ; pseudobulbs distant, 

i us. 2 i mg; 1l 
in. long ; scape 3 in. long ; 

fi. 13 in 
long, reddish, speckled with brown. 

Cirrhopetalum ornatissimum. (6 
C, 1882, ariii. 424: D M t 7229.) 
F raw-coloured, ma with 

LS ae purple lines ; the pet. and 

sep. with rea tremulous 
iaiT. East Indie 

Cirrhopetalum picturatum. (B. M. 

t. 6802.) 8. Pseudobulbs having three 
or four gira Bev atin, and a solitary 
ad bt 

and stripes ; lateral sep. conniving in 

a long straight acuminate blade, pale 

a | an oe each gibbous near the 

bas very nan ovate, with 
Bint: in Moulmein. 

a ra apenas ETR (iil. H. 

165.) S. A large- 

ow re a species, ee ith short distant 

long u: ginat a 
scapes 4-5 in. long, bearing about 
7 fl. in anu orsal sep. roundish, 
bruptly ru g outi -li 
point 4 in. long, purplish, dotted with 
man sp z ; al sop k ate int 
onvex ong blade 1} in. long, 
yellow mottled With purple. Alma- 

a, Moluce 

ere robustum. (0. R.i. 
aeea xvii. 771, f. 116.) 68. 

arge ovate angled 

aanmer aam thick leathery 1. 13 
in, long and 4 in. wide. Scape very 

bel 74 in. across; fl. 2} in. lon 

and pet. greenish-yellow Eod ‘with 
— lip deep red purple. New 

dierhopetalom E 
(G. C. 02.) S. 

: 5, xviii. 
Allied to C. Catt “with br ight 
crimson-purple blot with 

yellow on the ae > aan India, 

oe setiferum. (K. B. 
Allied to C. aeien se 
Psondobulbs ovoid, 1 in. long ; Li 
row é 10 in eae 10 ie coke: 
fl. Bediz 2 in. ec ; sep. and 
pet. press Himal 

teipe ago, eben oo (G4. C. 
1887, ii. 126.) S to C. Thouarsii, 
with ee upper on elliptic, soenen 

with purple, and hav. ro 
purple tips; lip curved, with two 

n the ves 0- 
lute, co urple 

with p -bla ts. 
{Syn m "Bulophyl um str penarine ium, 

Cirrhopetalum oeenoes CG. C. 
1881, xyi. 71.) S. Sharply 3 Ronee 

. free; upper sep. in 
fornicate, Pre, as are Paes the 
faleate sabulate petals, 

Ce be bela ae (4. C. 
Minute depressed 

dark purplish Thales 

REDE wendlandianum. 

and having 
tails 6-7 in. long. 

Cirrhopetalum whiteanum. (X. B 
ied to C. vaginatum, 

(W: Q 

eed Bg pie g firs aga ear,l. ‘extremely 
like those of y pr diacantha. 
The second e s 
develop to a height of 4} ft. and bear 

Cirsium hers ag oe 7. 1896, 
76, ff. A 

numerous large red fi.-heads. Servia. 

Cissus mexicana. (B. T. 1888, 
298, f. 25.) Ampelidacez or G. 
A species of vine, with tu berous | pies 
stock and foliage similar to the ordin- 
ary grape vine. Mexico. 

Cissus Ah aah fa CR. H. 1883, 
561, ay lant grown and 
sH und as above rh os 

is Piper ple yrophyllum, N. E. B 


Citrus Daidai. 
Mandarin e. 

CH. a. ba 7) 

(B. M.t 

Citrus medica Rivers. 
A f Lemon, ~ -with 


Citrus ho (B. M. t. 6513.) 

; g the bra: ee armed 
à fig praha x foliate 
pial elliptic-lanceolate, unui 

e i i- in har of the 
Rate iy i in. in , Sweet- 
scented. [LÆ pii re DeF Japan. 

Cladrastis —— foliis varie- 
gatis. (R. 93, 391.) Legumi- 
nose. DA fc the yellow-wood 
with vari variegation said to 
be c 


Taria paighoua bicolor. (Gp $ 

wi ea 5 eet broadly indare 

with white. 

TEN p e sae a. 
1878, 3.) R _ larg 


erry, rifer 
Kapali atin 

a taste. 

TOS OEE Prat Pa sor. 11.) 
s Theo- 

gi its 

Antioquia, Colombia. 

ac pea Bt ses a 
proper genus. 

To pia on = t. 692 2 

long, 4-6 i road, leathery, oblong 
or elliptic-oblong, acutish, dark green 
; eath, Racemes 

yellow. ‘Caracas, Venezue 

Cleisostoma ringens. C:1888, 

24.) mens ene. mall species, 
with oblong carga aie Te 3-4 in 
jong, i a ma and a few-flowere d 

us fl., having the 
middle lobe of the Tip purple, and an 
o; n the side lobes. Sep 


n a 

under the colum: spur very large, 
broad, eylindrioal, pra N at the 
apex. Philippin 

Cemais Addisonii. (G. and F. 1096, 
æ. An 

Clematis coccinea. (FI. and P. 
115, f.) H. This isthe Derio rei 
C lematis that is often cultivated as C. 
iteheri ; this latter is a very different 
plant with dull purple flowers 

—— Vars. atonia; ee CR. H. 

1888, 348, t ormer has the 
fl. yellow ‘inside, ie s laiter pk aosa 
fi., reddish i nside. Garden 

ep te paleare- (W. G@. 1889, 80.) 
G. to C. indivisa, with large 
H era fi. "Now Zealand. 



Clematis Douglasii. (W. G. 1889, 
warf species, with large, 

‘blue bell-shaped fl. North America. 

sag grewieflora. | M. t 
i . 

l in. long and rather more in 
` diam., tawny yellow. Minalas aya. 
Era intricata. CW. G, 1889, 
ee t 
Stena Hotadic Garden. Mongolia. 

a beg aio violacea, (r, 
17.) H. A violet purple fl., 7 in 
a fenis in diam 

re Dois rhea 
(B. M. 
segme rs 
belaai, white. Am 

er ge Toe (G. and F. 1888, 
sembling C. virginiana. 
ith the leaflets deeply 

hairs. . LC. brevicaud- 
ata, DC.] 

a gee os (B. H. 1878, 10.) 
imple, oa ne obtuse, entire 
Fl lon 

pedicel: eo orig Sioni 1 i long, 
scarlet. [C Masia, Engelm. var.] 
North-west Amer 

Ciasna Saone X coccinea. (R.Z 
893, 376.) garden Syorid 
sate termediate i in dla between the 
two pare 

agg a nme ger s M. t. 6574.) 
L. pinnate, or those on the flower 

aer esee 
ge. very 

rar ak Sick Boathebn United 

Clematis igre CR. H. 1887, 
449.) H. Garden variety. 

Clematis Sargen ti CG. <7 leas, 
344.) H. — in fC 
Pitcheri, North Ameri 


ng | 

— ea (@. C. 1890, viii. 

in. across, 
white to purple. 

South Afric: 

ppe stans. (B. M. t. 6810.) 
with erect stems, txifolto late 
svete the d l., and axillary a 
ters of tubular pale blue fl. 4 in. lon 

eT Sa aa and F. 1896. 

5, little-known 
PE p aa Malat mish 
resembles in habit foliage the 

ligusticifolia. North - west United 

Clematis a spre peret (B. H. 

shr., with large pin- 

; leaflets a 

tat xillary clusters, 

pedice llate ating $ in ae 

[¢: FEAE ata ‘00 North China. 

nately-itfolicat L; 
Pee Sair 

bec arson moana eth pari (R. 
H.i 0.) ie purple fi. 
abo oi Shin Ds din bip 

Clerodendron cephalanthum. (4. €. 
18388, üi 652. Verbenaceæ.  S. 

mens much exserted. Zanz 

ST delectum. oe io 
13.) S. Climber raised f 
balfowriannm, ene large Aae, 
s cy wy fl. ; the calyx is 
= re white, ú nä the corolla rich 
magenta ro 

pyrene Alustre. (a C. 1884, 
Shr., resem Ai 

squamatum, os differin: ri i 
-it ang distinctly repand-toothed 
rminal, w red 

aad cape scarlet : i ok bes 


Clerodendron Minahasse. (Bul! Cut. Syene pulchra. (6. e 1891, 

1886, 7.) S. Shr., with square stems, ; G. 1891, 274; GA. 1891, 

st Ba obovate serrate l. and broad 118.) “Aimar acer. upposed 
rminal cymose panicles of yellowinh- bigeneric hybrid between a Clivia and 

k ite fl. 4 in. long, with exserted Eucharis grandiflora. 

purple anthers. In fruit the calyx 

rrows out so as to lea in. 

=i ved isus, witha round | Clivia miniata Lindeni. (zu. I 

across, of a 
aa berry i in the centre. Celebes ’ S. A fine robust Seti 
ith fl. larger and more numerou 

i pce paniculatum. (Gard. than in the 
ems = 86.)8. Bs bale th 4-angle 
heads o ‘of Piri pi Aico fl. Old Wo rld garden form of Å. miniata. 

Cnicus altissimus. (@. C. 1879, xi. 
Clerodendron MaR, sie 436, f.61; Gf. 1879, 88.) Composite. 
9.) S. a 

7 9J 8 bie larg = one herb. per forming 
aE nas Sey Ly and ft. high 6-7 ft. 
terminal panicles of Bie inka through, aah vere thie hike age 
which at first are flesh-coloured, tifid and numerous fl.- 
prepene to red and crimson; sta- aaa of about three wad thee ends of 

serted, red. Jav the branches. North Am 

saree rea (B. M. Coccinia Moghadd. (B. T. O. 1894, 
6-10 ft. high. L. 11: Cucurbitaceæ. 8. 

a a the be: very large and he Restle’ per. gourd with pal- 
trifid, the upper broadly ovate, acumi- mately-lobed 1., whitish yellow fl., and 
nate, entire or serrate. Cymes axillary carmine red ovoid fr. Abyssinia. 
and terminal, long pedunculate, i 
trichotomously branched, red, p 4 
ed. Corolla white, 3 in. in diameter. Recon ne, earatisisatuienci (Gf ok 

n. r. 

a L. ve variable, cont eons 
Clethra, arboria, foliis variegatis. ovate, or with 2-4 short obtuse basal 
(R. 893, 285, t.) dem. lobes, middle lobe longer, obtuse, 
0: i rah with Sioa: prea rarely acute. Fl. dicecious, in raceme- 
Madeira. like axillary panicles, white, the 
female fl. succeeded by bright searlet 

Cleyera japonica tricolor. (a |) ee eee DC.) North 

Cat. 1882, ernstræmiaceæ. G. E 
Shr. The k green 1. ias ed with : E 
longitudinal and oblique bands of | Cochlioda neezliana. (Z. vi. t. 266; O, 
greyish - green, and the margins 1891, 290 ; = “ot t. 7474.) Orchidacer. 
creamy-white tinged with rose. Japan, | Very si r to C. rulcanicum, but 

ith rather ‘heemaae ak | Syn. anda: 
Clianthus Dampieri puna glossum næzlianum, Hort. } Andes. 
e G. 1889, ay © alk Leg 
den var.; tion given — Var. aurantiaca. (4. C. 1895, 
xvii. 763.) G. A form with yellower 
Clidemia vittata, (777. H. 1875, t. en fl. than the type. 
Lind. Cat. 1876, 2 Melastoma 
hr. of quick g large Cocos a BrO 
elliptic, acute, Barred, bullate, rich Palani i ing OR high. 
metallic green, yia a central white with 1. Tois ft. wog. Argentine, 
stripe. . pale rose, in a short erect 
a : 
ense panicle, Peru, Cocos odorata. (R. H. 1893, 345, i 
ll dwarf s specie 
Clintonia andrewsiana. pa e TONS, like €. campestris, but diffe ering in its 
iii. 805 ; B.M. se 7092.) Liliaceæ. H. Šaura spherical apiculat 
per ap sessile broadly pe P 9 


a Colchicum, and an erect scape about 
high, bearing an umbel of cam- | Cocos oe. (B. T 5 = po 

panulate deep rose- ence fl, on S. t. high, with 1. 

slender pedicels. Californ: e j n long. Andes of Bolia 


G. and F. iv 
` seedling for. hA Fi T i weddeliana differ- 
iny a from the type in 
narrower pinnæ. Wigured as C. sp.? 
minima , planca in R, H. B. 1891, xvii. 
ot ea 

Cocos Pynertii. sit 2 1891, xi. 683 ; 
Palme A 

Codieum. Nurse iret have 
duced a large number 

cies, or 

groups the “onder” PLi 
See under Cro 

meee bella. = ~ z oo. pnra 
aren known ‘a Bewoier Pat ge 

weelogyna si nee ad C&. C. 1881, 

XV. eitch Cat. 1881, 17.) 
pag uch like C. 
maculata, b th one or two long 
conspicuous lines on the pet., eep 
purple-mauve border to the front lobe 
of the ith an inconspicuous 
bract, and a peculiar ud 

p ut wi 
i song blunt angles, deep purple with 
umerous small lig ht green spots 

Celogyne a (Sand. Cat. 
1896, 6.) S. Fl. cinnamon, “rnat 
and white, in long aes sp ikes 

me iins laras e C E 

> Fl 

lag sas, PA 

e birmanica. pied C. 1882, 
J S Ve ear and pro- 

several pel! 
spots on a white ground. Burm 

Celogyne bornooneis. (kK. 

Allied to E ionifolia ; 
Psion | 

"pseudobulbs ovoid, each 

o raceme 5 Bik ong ; T 
small, whitish with = ‘brown mark- 
ings on the lip. Born 

À S 

e brachyptera. (6. C. iss, 
S a with thin four- 
pseudobulbs, 8-9 in. high, and 

| Cæelogyne cuprea. (6. 

lax raceme of fl. somethiug like those 
of E lentig ginosa. Sep. and pet. light 
pr em ey ip white with a brown stain 

eudobulbs four-ang ed, 2 in. 
ved ; 1. oblong lanceclate 
sope se Je tong al 

ae ieie lip: thre-obed, aes 
with brown. New Gui 

Galogyan chloroptera. CG. C 1883 
6.) za a abn lbs pyri riform, 

brown nerves, and 
in front of the keels. ehilippi ines. 

ear verse C6. C. 1893, xiii. 

anceps. Tt has 

lig ea pte and pet. and a 

yellowish brown lip Mikaya with 


Cælogyne TEDN. G. C. 1876 

acute, rves prominent beneath. 
Podis bearing 2—4 cre am-coloured 

Lip trifid, with two keels 
to d of middle 

ith brown nerv and each with 
a large orarge oe ” Hi imalaya. 

— Var.  hoteroglossa. (G. C. 1878, 
8.) h 

x, A large-flowered var. wit 
th ces of the side lobes of the 
lip overlapping the base of the ver 
broad middle lobe, and w hree 

th t 
membranvus keels along To middle 
of the lip. 

Cologyne apstats boge 
1881, 16.) 
white ence 

ge Cat. 
r. with entirely 


Var. igre oe ace 
ar, he crests 

xv. 563.) S. A var 
of the lip white. 

se Fi, large, 
ally sep. and pet., 
shallow side ig to the lip, 

C. 1892, xi. 
619.) S. Long onion-shaped 
ight bracts and drooping fi., 

ae resemble a reduced 
fl. of C. specios: 


1880, xi 

Coles dayana. es O: 1884, xxi. Baa bow ager = oe a 

826 O Az te 247) 2 ‘Long 
narrow if ae pseustobuls bearing 
stalked oblong acuminate l., and a 
long lax KRA PE ered infl, o ht 
ochreous fl. : sep. and pet. ligulate 
acute; lip broad, three-lobed, side 
lobes wavy, middle lobe reniform, 
crenulate ; two keels run fro e 

the li the base of th 

the lip is marked with dark pg ee gor Di C. 1888, iii. gaf 
d AS Much in 

brown graei = the base o 
oe Saidil lobe. Born 

Celogyne | E erntar mann. (G. C. 

other ond et! ie ot ae 
having brown Sai on the lip. 

Var. tricolor. (W..O. A. t. 102.) 
and a large light yellow lip spotted 
with dull adic. bar sorrel Himalaya. 

like thos eof C. acide creamy- -white, 

ith an ochre see marked with 
halon veins ag side lobes and 
erat "e yellow er the base of the 
fro Bur 

ip. Sep. and pet ute. 
trifid, side lobes half rounded, | Gelogyne lamellata. (A. 2. 1895, 
Pp arp species to 

Sunda Islands 

Celogyne Lge aang (Fl. and 

1882, 52.) S rm with ovate sulcate 
pseudobulbs, ee - lanceolate 1, 
nd a nodding raceme of pure white 
, 14 in. in diam. ; the front lobe o 

he lip marked with yellow lines. 
Nilghiri Mountains 

eee Leena 5G. o. ags, 
E i 

keels, ending in brown lines. Burma 

Celogyne hookeriana. (B. M. t. 
6388.) S. Small ovoid smooth pseudo- 
bulbs b a Z elliptic- aneco 
late plaited 1. errs and 

i ving 
Hti. yellow | amelie on the 
Sikkim Him 

Var sacle ries (G. < 
1887, i. 833.) S . with p 
— sep. mor 

te lip ha 
yellow Spotted with reddish-bro 
1888, iii 

ae two ne spots a some 
radiating dotted lines on the lip. 

Cel a Aunik sihe € C 
TOES: 92.) A var che white 

Macdonald; ar erect, ae 
flow sh-green ; sep. and 
pet. “obong ieri keeled, i, in. 
long; lip three-lobed, corrugated. 
New Hebrides. 

elogyne inter be ckisns. (CN. B. 

1896, 113.) S. C. carnea, 
t di i ne 


. toa areata in thie. oon of the 

lip and in shorter inf. New 

SETS lurida. oe ag ee 532.) 

and pet. eenish- 
yellow tinged wis Purple; lips 3-lobed, 
hite and p 

elogyne i IE Phim? (G.C. 
1887, ii. St with pale 
green pse tbe, à the hs eas 
with light ee aea arh spot 

Cælogyne bop igi (G. C: Pat 
S. the way 

viii, 134.) 
pandurata, but about fi aek 
urs are rn same, but the lip 
has a longer a broader front 
part, and zailea, any neck in the 
iddle, 3 

Celogyne massangeana. (&. C. uer, 

x. 684; B. M. t. 6979.) S. Allied 
seper ata (C. Leai but eg a longer 
laxer raceme and a differ Sep. 

oblong, light ochre, keeles 2: 
ly as b Lip t ifid, 

maroo: aerei with ochre veins; 

front Gin whitish with a large brown 

disk; keels light pirana 


Celogyne micholitziana. (6. c. gor gf ined apy arg Se C. 1893, xiii. 

hh x. 300; Gf. 1891, 534.) S. Allied 336, 360, f. 52; 56.) §. Allied 

to C, speciosa ; fl. white with a brown to C. aries = in ovate pseudo- 

callus. Maeassar. bulbs, dees aegen = pier i erect 

capes ing white 
with a yalor blotch di tie “lip and a 
Celogyne Micholitzii. (G. and F. ieva e i brown hairs on the keel. 

1895, 144.) S. In habit it resembles Upp: 

C. bar gf having scapes 2 tie meh 


large pure white flow re be rete (G. C. 1887, 
8. white, the front lobe 
of "the lip beig yellow and the side 
Calogyne no ossi 400, Ho Bul a ad lobes marked with 3 brown stripes. 
to C. nervosa, Pseudobulbs 13 in. long $ nee a Side 3 Jia tidied ini 
phates Spion k 6 in. long; ee K ; 
ng * : base, me 5-6-flowered. Fl. as 
me — Pe bearing about 6 fl. i 
era 1} 1038, pure white with a ae ee a AAN 
yellow crescent-shaped mark on the 
lip. Nilg ts. 

it hd aries CG. U. 1883, xix. 

42.) S. Allied to C 

Celogyne oe “cies ee (G4. Dea ak glaucous fusiform 

C. 1882, xviii. 776.) his differs pseudobulbs, cuneate-oblong acute 

re e type in _ deep colour of glaucous 1., 3-4 in. long, 1 in. broad. 

the elip being abse Peduncle 1-4-flowered ; fl. white ; lip 

3-lobed, wit pite bot in front = 

the keels, some smaller ones on the 

rer Bei att e C. Pa | side lobes, and a yellow spot at the 
Se ee oe E- base. Philippines. 

preg. fe A, oooh 6,0. tag) XXV. 
ing Ww C. 

overrun by the side keels. oblong acute Lf i groea With ¢ 
white lip, se on brown fined: on the 
Ceelogyne: Peltastes. (6. (1880, xiv side lubes. Born 

96; L. vi.t. 258.) S. Large thin oblong 
pseudobulb, which forms a kind of ee h piere Ch: p 1894, 

convex shield over the climbing stem. C. 1894, xv. 539; 2. ser. 2, 
Fl. emera? een, the lip white 99.) S Allied to C. di aane put with 
marked with brown. Borneo, shorter pseudobulbs and ra 

The fi. white iik a brown ` a lip 

elogyne præcox tenera. (G. C. yea with yellow. Philippin 
1883, xx. 294.) m A var. with pale 

ilac and yellow having a few TOS tenuis. (K. p. 1803, 171.) 
g £ 

purple-mauve hl a on the lip. r C. borneensis, differing in its 
Tleaved pseudobulbs, sande scapes, 
other characters. Fl. small, of a 

eos Mat nt CR Apr send lizat buff colour, Borneo, 

bulbs obpyriform vibbed : 1. 
tong ptil, oblong- lanceolate, dees ae Merwin (K. 5 tanen 
short oe ipo a le: a broa “ie wht eaumole fusiform, 4 in. long ; x lanceolate 6 in. 
yellowish aide lobes to the be Sep. n, pamela ping, Fle, an 
and pet. ligulate-acute. Bur aia New Guin Ag 

Celogyne salmonicolor. (G. C.1883, | Cælogyne ae (G. and F. 
XX. 328.) 8. Allied to C. $ speciosa, but — 144.) 1l. pure while, in the 
smaller, with te ronan s pear-shaped Yo G rites and deliciously 
peendobulbs, solitary cuneate-oblong fragrant, 


base, coppery elsewhere, and solitary — a (B. M. t. ed 

.„ the 3-lobed lip One of the tw 
being somewhat tesselated with roe moe est African Scene and of 
brown, Java or Sumatra. po aramean A value. Sierra Leo: 


Coffea geld con, nee CR: M. +. 
6749, L. a broadly 
mas Re sapu xiliary, 

e $in pg peeta Saai 
South’ India. 

Colax jugosus aaron 
88.) Or norte fe 

; oe Avar. 

pott ted 
[Z yeast i pond, Nichols. 

—— Var. Bice ay 

£ &. 

This form 
lue-mauve on the ip. "pale 
and blackish- 
pecks on the pet. Lopate 
paar Nichols. var. | 


a or Fhe ton Oe H. 1880, t 369. 
Ju gane the 1. 

pondon bulbs being The A 

e lip is livid violet. 

Colchicum Poen, 
1892,-xii. 471 ) H: 

ili Res 
bling C. speciosum, of wikis h it may be 
a ‘iets geographical form. Orien 

(@. C 

pie os Kroa 
A h 

(GA. 1896, 172.) sonion 
. with fi. a large as those é. 
speciosum. Asia Min 
ss ge garg CGN. t. pmi 
883, 372, £ 55.) 

i zh ise ar, pei ‘Contemporary 
with the fl. Tube of the yr 

long, purple; perianth 

oblong- EA phn i wit 

3-4 dark purple stripes on the back of | 

each. Turke 

ees Decaisnei. (B. 7. 0. 1892, 

G. C.1892, xii.458.) H. Allied 

te i letum, with large rosy-purple fl. 

(gecages ag eee ge rd. m 

white in colour. 

Colchicum montanum. (B. M. t.6 
Fl. and P. 1882, 26 ; G. E. 

Scilla. bifolia >. : 
a long slender tube and incurv 
oblong segments, i 
colour at the base. Smyrna. 

pc xix. 


Hala | 
h | 


ee a ra deer’ os C. 1890, 

2; GA. 1890, 255.) One of 
the Bla Bee section and ae allied 
Fl. b l 

Merendera. (Syn. Merendera soboli- 
fera, Hort.} Smyrna. 

peor co rata ser CA T a raah 

C. RTIA. 3-4 

sellated with lilac- 
sirm strap-shaped. St 

iia, Sibth. & Sm.] Armen 

Colchicum Troodii. (B. M. t. 6901; 
T H. 1887, wn Depressed- 
globose corm, „pro cing numerous 

white fl. we . in cia: she narro 
ghee. seg 2 in. long, 

. broad, _atesp shaped, obtuse, 
fave gree 

ee physaloides. (B. M. t. 

j4.) Campanulacez. HH: 
eai herb, 2-3 ft. hi Ñ g 

dai x teeth, New Zealand, 
Coleus rougi. 
Labiatæ. Ab with 
large em ais -green thick fleshy 1. l, 
and long spikes of blue fl. Abyss 

ushy s 

1892, 525.) 

parce Syste — Cat. ati 3, t 
ith 1 te 

Talend near Retr Gui 

Coleus meas Tonina Caf. 
96, 358, f. 62.) herb. 
plant about 8 i S pien esh L 

racemes of ein fl. Abyssinia, 

Collabium reine e = eed xv. 

yelow pone with pee outside, 
and with purple inside; lip w 

Co oa eip rie 
1886, t. 601.) 
ere P 
tate, acute, of a ki 



aoaie paler beneath, with purple- Conophallus anen Soa C. 1878, x. 
riag and primary veins. som 781, f. 127.) S. A plant 
ae miai ith a eae fl. mort D ` Tuber 18 in. 
i m. L. solitary; petiole 10 ft. 
rre et ee (U. H. high, blade divided into three principal 
aera t. 380.) . per. with cordate bipinnatisect branches which cover an 
acu E Par deep "prea. hand area 45 ft. in circumference. Scape 
comely "blotched with white. New 18 in. high. Spathe nearly 3 ft. in 
Guin diam., campanulate, black-purple, with 
a gr een base inside. Spadix 5 ft. long, 
vol samnoe A alhroyori, AC x t. 6633 ; of Keos the -= 8 in. alone bear fl., 
6, 217, f. 32 the rest being barren es 
a c: a "188 82, acy ee S [Amarphophatinst Seaman Beon, B.M. 
r. A striking plant, wit ck stems 5.| Western Suma: 
and crowded opposite sessile 1., one of 
each pair being very small, the other os makia are 
being 1 ft. or more long, and 23-3 in. (GA. t. 1292.) Liliaceæ 
broad, lanceolate, acuminate, toothed, with teas rmal fl., the nth ni 
bright green with yellowish-green more or less deeply divided. and the 
apr — crimson benea th. FI. lobes more pa less sprea ading 

axillary leafy fascicles, large, 
yellow streaked with red. Antioquia, 

Col soa oirne. PAR OTMICU, Meg G. 
472.) © vulaceze 
oe ek — stalked sigilate 
ou Ln pent ee D. G. 1896, TEPPAN aoei hite fl. 

canary yellow Shai Bile . 

opa VOI aa yoke genie (W. G. 
88.) ar. 

. of Ipomæua 
Ts aae (G. C. 1892, Fadia peig 
H. rally of C. ar bo- 

erenn oe cate auii in the 

d pedicels being- clothad with perekis ae Ca. E 
aes dusk: coloured hairs. Asia Minor. 1895, xviii. 405.) H.H. A climbing 
plan pies creamy white fi. 

San Mi aoe “Cali fornia, 
ecg peters Ti aiee (B. N. z 

A small 
hr ae Stine "hoary branches, “Gin vee pe nas ae ag eben 
ovate-lanceolate dark green 1. and erect cy baneran variegata, but with cen- 
terminal spikes of small yellow fl. Pa of marginal variegation. 
with long exserted stamens. Japan. [E Baar, Endl. var.] New Zealand. 
Comparettia agang (G. C. | —— Var. varie gata. (R. H. 1881, 
1879, xi. 398; B. M. t. 6679.) Orchi- 470.) H.H. shr. f bushy habit, with 
cee. S.: large, whitish washed opposite sabaeaails oblong _ shining 
with rose-red, and having the broad green l, bordered with whit 
a = ts Soa go ae blade = the lip 
covered with erous rose-red spots ; i 9 
sides of the lip Deensk, Colombia. yeis ae $ ata < Sele 
. L. alternate, sessile or sub-sessile, 
ogre g gerne: (G. C. 1878, spreading or deflexed, lanceolate, 
t. 253) S. FL. obtuse, scabrid, rugose, and gree 
la = n light ochre a ‘ s 
blade of lip ł in. high, 14 in ser T == ; margins revolute. Infl. termin 
orange; spur l} in. long. Ecu al, —) peduncles and 
i nto Calyx campanu- 
Conandron a ec late, 10-toothed, scabrous, brown. 
thee Posed B. M. t. 6484.) Gesne- Corolla 1-14 in. in dia meter, funnel- 
x H i. herb., with the shaped, pure white ; mar 
habit ‘and 1. of Ramondia Dy enaica. short rounded lobes. Stamens 10, the 
FL in a corym cyme terminating a alternate ones longer: included. Style 
leafless scape; corolla rotate, pinkish : branches 2, each forked at the apex. 
stamens 5; the apex of the anthers Fr. nut-like, woody, 4-celled, separa- 
roduced and in a tube em- ting when ripe into 4 valves. Seeds 
bracing the style. Japan. n us. Chile 


Cordia Gregit F aimeari, cs, and r | Coriaria japonica. (4. i. t. 7509.) 
1889, 233, f. 106.) Shr | oriariac Intere the ‘in the 
ft. high, with ae paket poeta | . colour of the flowering ae fruiting 

, and terminal clusters o e pet., which vary from cherry to coral- 

í w. 
fragrant fl., in size and form like those 
of C. Sebestena. North Mexico. 

indivisa dalliereana. 
Cll. H. 1899, t- 114.) Liliaceæ. G. 
Seedling var. having the l. striped 
with aw: 


a Ne este i (ill, H. 1880, 
t. 40; G. C. 188 Bed G. and F., 
1888, 204.) G. i 
ed ged and tbe. with white. 

pba sapmront. CF. M.t 

„paler pe and rosy tints, 

she ap P: p Sasi 
æ. ual, 

rich Fellow! fl., 

om t 1 in. diameter. Abyss 
Sanopa aristosa. (B. M. t. 6462.) 
annual having Eh niia Bs with 

sete lanceolate serrate acute seg- 

ments, and lax Sia Ei long- 

eae radiate Seer relies fl.- 
2 in, in diam. Uni tates. 

Var. M se og (GA. t. 1393.) H: 
annual, about 3 ft. high, with cut 1. 
turning rete and bright d eep yellow 
fl. heads. United Stat 

Co ee ear ae ga oa ard. 
995.) H. Like aiteas 
vi with aed a a pinnate È 
Southern United S 
pein? pennies CW. G. 1895, 
Hes Baa Japan. 

a yal maritima. (B. W.t. 6241.) 
rennial herb, of the section 
Tokai ‘mannia, 3-4 ft, high, glabrous. 
#5 10 in. sone, E een ; 
es ar, acute, Fl.-heads 
in. i ar 5 arf n: e 

pe a 4-8 in. long. Cal 

ee ni (B. M:t —_ 
rush-like, FL like 
Dati Phe heads 23 in paste 
ple, disk yellow. Soaker 
United S 

od. these in all ans r known — 
being black or violet- shied: Japan 

Cornus alba Rosenthali. a D. G. 
1897.) Cornaceæ. H. A form with 
variegation similar to C. Spaethii, 

Cornus corynostylis. (Gf. 1896, : 300) 
an species nearly allie 
to C macrophylla, Wall. 

Cornus florida, kok higra H. H. 
1889, 154.) H. having 
the å ae with be ight pelt North 

Soan Kousa. = C. 1892, xi. 816; 
i892, xx f: 
| Bont kaihiá Jipoia, Sieb. and Zucc. ] 

Cornus Mas aurea gba, git 
(R H. ae , £20.) H. Gee oe 
variegated, ellow passing int 
violet, some Tonna with rose, | eaees 

with rose and yellow 

a ae, Mietzschii. SH 1894, 
556.) H. Garden var., with |. marble d. 

argue and striped with grey, white 

and gr 

eho sanguinea, foliis 
a andifolia 
1889, 269.) H. A sport, ren on 
sseni of its very large golden-varie- 


Cornus ree yee (R. H. 

1888, en var., with 

onai 5 aves. 
Gomila a a C. 1876, v. 
bush, with 

. small, orbicular, obcor- 

cate, robione ora or obovate, te rudanly 
"i flat linear petiole, 

beneath. FI. 

fag sears: ite 
sa yellow, eek. scented, solitary, 
w Zealand. 

ero piemens ee 1896, 

FL tien Y =r Piao in pe base 
Asia Minor. 

aun PETE rapino. Ca 

“organih rag, (2. 

red-brown, the buck 

yellow shading to yellowish brown, 
and marked inside with large red 

rows spots. Venezuela. 

— Tass ee (ZL. vii. t 
93.) arge sep. and pet. are 
as Evely marked with brown- 

purple, the bucket of the lip is dark 
purple, and the large hood is white. 

ne macrocorys. (ZL. vii 
342.) §. FL arge, pale 

a nga 
shaped hood at the base of t 
streaked with purple. Peru. 

ear maculata vitrina. (0. 
cat 240.) S. FI. light greenish- 

Coryanthes Wolfi. 
G. C. 1891, x. 483.) 

CO. R. 1893, jek 

red mediu: 
their nearly flat solid’ food. Ecuador. 


la ae 
ime 1 s, with Ea mn E; 
the radical ones 5-6 in. ong ; the 
heh Aee 1-1} ft. high, branched, 
Race: ose, elongate ted. a golden 
yellow. i 3 i long. Turkes 

Corydalis Sa ariran (GA. t. 
948 ; B. M. t. 6925.) H. per. Root- 
a TO ed $ 

MALI. ie ek 

Sather aa purple fl. Turkes 

ad th eee ae (Gif. t. 981; 
B.M. t H. per., 

iiio : > i 
with obovate oak segments ; fl. 
sub. sessile ; brac ovate o 

c, glaucous; fi. purple, th the rather 

thick spur pale purple. 
Corydalis pallida. a = t raa 

H. A succulent 
— L ean poe 
i mes terminal, 

Gf. "80 


many-flow . long, bright 
golden ad = soe of the outer 
segments brownish. Chinaand Japan 

ee rai (Gl. t. 1077 ; 
6, £. 23; B. M. t. 6896.) 
E tuberou: ome 

ot tae yellow fl., with a long hooked 
ur. West Turkestan 

Co a tunera alba. (G4. C. 
ee iii ae r. This is the plant 
ulti as C ¢ a alba, C. ote 

hie nt C arkata: Fl. w 


coylpss E Pa M. 
779.) Hamamelidaceæ. H. . or 
esembling the hazel 

a soothed at the edges. Eastern 

pee levigata aureo-mar- 
inata. oe 1886, <i sÈ) 
Kaas ge, 
broadly bordered with Toda pay 
New Zealan 

Corypha decora. es Cat. a 10.) 

alme. -S L. haped, divided 

smon to the base fate pe Triar 

3 in. broad. Petioles armed with 
hooked prickles. Queensland. 

Cosmibuena obtusiolis, PEA 
correct name for Cuscar illa, re aa 
Cosmos bipinnatus albiflorus. (B. 
- O. 1890, 356.) apee. H. annual. 
A var. with white flowers 
coer hybrids. (e. and F. 1888, 

arge terminal corymbs. 

Cosmos spectabilis. (R. H. 1892, t. 
H. annual. Garden 

Costus Soy e oo G 1892, xii. 
96.) Stems 

789, Scitam 

tty dec erar nai elliptic 
obtuse ue dark green l. and re 
spikes white and yellow fl 

Peas € PETEN N. E. Br.] Tropical 

Costus igneus. (ZZ. MT. 1884, t. 511; 
B. M. t. 6821. f 

a. (labellum) is about 2 
flat and irregularly touidi krotiā the 
margin. Bahia, Brazil. 

= ape ape (GA. t. 3978.) 
wing species with lanc 
l., white ae yon! and 

lobe to 

pta Te 

Costus mosaicus. aie Cat. u 199 
ith v 

obliquely Ieoiata, 34 in. ea: a 
dark gre 

centre en, the rest tessellated 
with silvery -grey. ngo. 
Cotoneaster sikkimensis. (W. 
1890, 248.) Ros H. Deciduous 
shr. with large elliptic 1. 4-5 in. long 
y 2-2} in. broad, entire, mucronate, 
dull green above, grey beneath. Fl.i 
compound umbels, Fr. globose, 
bright coral-red. ; 
a Barbeyi. (G. C. 1893, xiii. 
Gf. 1896, 465, f.) sulacez. 
i h t 

š : a 
sub-globose panicle ; corolla 1 in. long, 
green and red. Arabia Felix. 

Cotyledon edulis (4. C. i ay 172; 
Fl, and P, 1883, 157.) G. thick 
stems, bearing "thick obtuse subiri 


panicles of white 


' Sed sam ag tL 

pee bags pote (G. 0. 

89.) H. like C S euti 
ut Ë giavioous and cove reddish 
gland ca broader 
aps ‘more spathulate. Taf. paniculate ; 



with fer as (N. B. 1896, 161 
o Echeveria farinosa, 
ae Ngoc oe ot the 
pyramid-formed red coro elias. 
Nevada, North America. 

w ang 


fon mapas eae ho 1893, 
33.) pei: Ligon moe = 

a with r 
[ This plant is ae - different snk pes 
the true C, quitensis, 


a ramosissima. (B: ] 
17.) G. Dwarf, shrubby, and ia 

elliptic-obovate, paaa glaucous, 
h. Fl. soli- 

purple. South Africa. 

perenne Scherffiana. (ZI. H. 1878, 
ous, shr. 

ovate-triangular lobes, white 

Oraasnia. niaide: (KB. a oe 

Aloe, the gree 
shy, a ioa or more long, 2 in. wide 
the base. The a -SC ape is 3-4 
high, bearing a corymb 18 in. across pr 
small pale yellow fl. iS vaal. 
Crassula bes eertain (G. C. 1878, x. 
780.) small glabrous species, 
with er slender simple or slightly 
branched reddish stems, ppo- 
site c i 

diam. C ong; white pet. 
linear-oblong, obtuse, thickened and 
what hooded at the recurved tips 

ar rer regents sa oine 
C souls jasminea and Rochen odorata. 

Crassula per tba (G. C. 1879, xii. 

HE a but with 

larger L. and Riis oured fl. Radi 


convex face 
punctate, green or purplish, beneath 
purplish, with a few obse dark 
dots ; margins retrorsely ciliate, 
al e terete flowering stems. 
Corymb small, te ne GS ink, 

South Africa. 
— rer aes wi C. 1882, 
* connate “ovate 
corymbs of. pinkish fl. “South Afri. 
Crassula Tze rman (GA. t. ee 

G. pem procum 
ohi acute 1., and 


axillary ee. cymes of white 
fi. The stem l. are covered with 
reflexed hairs. Ra Africa 

TONE geet (G. C 1890, viii. 

684 ; . 1890, 557.) Near C. 

h-green, mottled 

Stems 1 ft. 

3 PPL in fla t- pace ess, se 
son. Zululand. 

Grapsula. rhomboidea. (G. C. 1886, 
2-3 in. high, sere. 

a A ENA pwoten.. aoa 

middle, subacute, ł-1 in. long, 1-3 in in 
broad, 4-3 in. thick, eae punc- 
age t os short - TA lked 

floweren cymes, pale 

nal few 
Reset oured, Transv 

Crassula Rohmidtii (Gf. t. 1225.) G. 
{ €. impressa, N. E. Br. | 

—— Schweinfurthii (@. 1892, 

25.) S A hate Kee species with 
white fl. Abyssin 

Crategus Seer (R. H. 1884, 422.) 
Rosaceæ. ga Oayacantha sem- 
perflorens. | 

ee Carrierei. wen and P. nos 
R. H. 1883, 108, H. 

of large scarlet fruit. Garden origin. 

atægus grignoniensis. (W. G. 
"1890. 248.) hr, with lanceolate 
l., and yellowish-green or lemon-yellow 
fr., tinted with red. 

Carri (4.0. 
, iv. 736, t 104.) H. aed Carrieri, 


ratægus Ta eene foliis tri- 
poeeme ribus. (R. 886, 398.) H. 
Foliage Jeni with different 
shades of dark red, carmine and rose 


—— Var. semperflorens. (77. ued P. 
1883, 42.) H. Said to bloom all 
thro ough the summer, 

Crategus pease nar as d. 

1886, xvi. 621, f. 121.) with 
long-stalked lo ee aasi E 
and saat ie of eie white fl., 

-shaped fr., 

2 in. in diam., of a fine bright red. 
- North China, 

| Crawfurdia DuEn KE = A 
6539. yentianacer. T, 

tube. Cor 
ith a iait shortly 5- P A im 
pine with the ee pre ating with 
he naar white. es oblong, on a 
ong stalk, protr Tres aomi the ae: 
es corolla, bright scarlet, Sikkim 

Craoee sigi E a tk 464, 
f with 

eae oblanceolate ast a aeh 
and clustered termin: 
= fi <& the corol 

the calyx is eur 4 
t Ga kuglo and inflated ; mo 

on hookerianum. BAA eitch 
Cat. oes 8, 14.) Tiliaceze Shr. 
L.a ernate, lanceolate, sate serra ate. 

l. solitar 

brilliant coaret- crimson : 
wax- th 
[Triewspidaria raga” 
. M. t. 7160.] Chi 

pet. t 
e to 
Ruiz and 


Crinum dar ae 
a Pies 230, 5 

412, A fa 
Am arylli dac G. 

with ae t bluish-greon j e and ‘ape 
of lon bed fragrant white fi. 

Crinum amenum. (Bull Cat. 1880, 3.) 

G. Fl. fragrant, eran „ti aa mer ide 
with rose, 5 in. and 
style crimson. Keak 
Crinum Balfourii. (B. M. t. 6570; 
1880, 695.) § L lorate, 
pie srk cies 1 ft. long. Scape 
al ft with many-flowered 
mbel of shortly stalked white fi 

Fanii tube 24 in. long. Socotra. 

Crinum bracteatu 
Fl. and P.1879, 109; Feiten it oro 

>. BO) ceolate, 
slightly apie abe lender 9-12 
. high, light purple; umbel 4-9- 
flowered ; perianth tube purple ; peri- 
th seg umi 


ithon = S West 

Crinum crassipes. (G. C. 1887, ii. 
126.) 8. Bulb rife large, conical, L, 
lorate, suberect, . broad, bright 


1 ft. pee om thick. Fl. 15-20 i 
E umbel : 
mease 23 e long ; the bape 4 in. 

white, with ink keel, 
lama with’ ae eis "Mimoni. 

Crinum Dorie. ( 
broad, wavy at the m 
short, surmounted b 
mbel of scented ge fed striped fl. 

1894, 19.) S. 

Crinum firmifolium. (&. C. 1892, xi. 
362.) S i 

with narrow white segments. Ma da- 

aree ea aoe ee M. t. 6545.) 
oad, with whi 

fi., white, h 
ert bright rose-red. Delagoa Bay. 
oe pains. (R. H. 1894, 

A garden oe. between 
Ca care yanum and C. € 

Crinum) jemense. (B. T. 0.1892, 133, 
f.6.) G. Broad shining green 1., and 
large umbels of pure white fl. [(. lati- 

- folium, Linn,] Arabia 

Crinum maw ig -e F. 1895, 
288.) G. A garden hybrid between 
C. Kirkii and a pot CC. longi- 

Sun Kirkii. (B. M. t. 6512.) 

ae boc centre of each. 

Crinum weniger (W. G. 1890, 

358, f. 76.) S. a large rosette 
12-20 in. long, wavy on the mar 
Peduncle about as lo ; 

bearing 4- A 
ae | with a red stripe down each 

preron Lesemanni. (W. G. 1896, 
425, t Ryo B A garden hybrid 
between C. longiflorn. er C. makoy- 
anum, and identical w e Powe, 
a hybrid of the e same oe 

tube 3 in. long; limb a £ 

pe compressed, less ms | Crinum am, araoa (B 





$ t. 
early 6 in. in diam., 

i am., with a cylindric tube 
3 in. long, and linear spreading 
perianth segments. Damaralan 

Crinum longifolium farinianum. 

(G. C. 1837, i. 833.) Bulb narrow, 

with a g 3-4 ft. 1 

2 in. broad, glaucous. Scape from the 
bulb, ong, bearing 

together the tube 
33-4 i n. long. Kalahari Desert 

Crinum Macowani. (B. M. t. 6381; 
G. C. 1878, ix. 298.) G. Inthe var of 
C: ie but ma r. L. 3-4 ft. 

long, 3-4 in. broad; margins aan 

lat Fl. i ota ê, ak a Torspo te blush 
pink, on bene 2-4 in. long. Natal. 

Crinum gree teenie m. (R. 
417. Bulb large, with a 

broad, gr. 
the side of the b 
glaucous green ; umbe: 
fi. white, tinted e _ 
campanulat e, 4-6 in 

ora Ee. Moores, ook. "E 3 Caff- 

Crinum massaianum. (K. B. 1888, 

fl., having a red stripe down the centre 

each segment 

Crinum Moorei siie pre ea 
Cat. 1895, 6.) L. striped w 

ornatum rubro-vittatum. 
pe ike : ec. 

Crinum pedunculatum pacificum. 
cen Cat. 1882, 14, f. See S. Known 
the Wedding Lily. I t has lanceolate 


l, and i Bienes umbe ls a 

hipe B; fl. 
ith Tina mv 

segments. tort Swe s Island. 

Crinum podophyllum. (B. M. t. 
g S 5 6, lanceolate, 
i fl. 

: nth white ; 
ments at a. tapea, Ol 

serene oo (Fl. and P. 1884, 
arden hybrid between 

ra Dea ia vi longi folium. 

S album and intermedium. 
CG. Ya 1888, iv. 483.) 

Crinum oo CB Bs % 
iyt apaia strap-shaped, 
cute, w: ai as green, 13- 2 ft. long. 

Scape purplish, about 1 rei iaie 

umbel of sessile white 

tube 5-6 in. long ; 

stamens and style jey West Tropical 

Crinum roozenianum. (4. 
ix. 701 ; 1894, xv. 199, f. 20; Gh. ue 
390.) s. Near C. americanum „although 
the growth is eae, e that of 
= erubescens 4-12 umbel, 
ite; filamen red. a erubescens, 
Ait. var. MİNUS, Hort- Jamai 

soho age sanderianum. (4. C. 1884, 
i. 102; Fl. and P. 1884, 156, f.) S. 

Allied t to C. y e but smaller ; 
e, 2 in. in diam a 

late, acuminate, white, wih « red keel. 
Sierra Leone 

Crinum Scored ng (GA. t. 1309; 
B. M t=. 7417.) Pes Bulb, wit 
elon ail eck. L. 6-7, strap-shaped, 
glaucous, slightly scabrous on the 

Umbel about Bea 

white; th rather 
abruptly curved just below t the funnel- 
ped limb ; stamens 

Crinum Schmidti. a t. 1072.) G. 
entire, obl late, acute ; 
umbel on a a daea Scape Diowa. 

Fl. large, subsessile, noddin am- 
panulate, white Je Moorei, Tose f. 
var album. ] Nat 

Crinum vanillodorum. (J. H. 
1886, t. 617.) S. Bulb long- me 
eres oe 1l. 16-20 in. long, by 
2-3 and a la 
vin i the 1l, with an umbel of 
5-6 long-tubed white fl. wi 
and rather r spreading segments. [C. 
ji ijaiifoun; Andr,] Congo; Angola. 

Crinum zaoa peepee CG. C. 
sib ix: a orS. A tallg growing 
for oblon mg strap-shap 
striped "Tongitudinally with narrow 

Crinum Mae sce nero (GA. 
525.) 5. milar to oe abiinioun 
but smaller i is every par Abyssinia, 

Crinum eee rea (G. 
C. 1883, ensiform, 

aden. 4 th ‘ft. ‘aie 18-21 
broad, gradu ually narrowed from 
middle to apex; edge not ciliated. 
Scape lateral, under 1 ft. 1 : > 
about 4 in an umbel, sessile, 5- 6 i 
long, white, with a red central s diie 
on the segments. Zanzibar 

Crocosma oy ery es (W.G. 
1888, 340.) Iri H.H. Growing 
ba is ft. in one “Fl. fiery re -red, 

rly soo as large as in the type. 
South Afric 

Var. maculata. (G. C 8, 

dark red-brown spot. South-east 

Crocus aerius. ee as b.) 
Iridacee. H. Alli d to o. "fora 

orange-red. Asia Min nor. 

Crocus alatavicus. (Gp. t. 906, f. 1.) 
H. L. narrow, linear, g 

te with purple. 
Alatau Mountains, | Gintra Asi 

—— Var. ochroleucus. (4. C. 1878, 

passing into whiteat the edge, inner seg- 
ments white, all without any graining, 

Mier at poly Cee Ca. 

with the 

ee ca ien ae an right cläret-purple 

d the inner segm white, all 
grained at the base as in n tho type 

re —— A peso (G4. C. 
35.) H of C. biflorus 

Ww ite. or “pale purple ctr 
Mardin Pri Wao 

(Gard, 1892, xli. 

Crocus Billiotii. 
116.) H. Allied to C. aerius, differing 

purple, with a darker blotch eve the 
throat. Trebizond, y Pn Min 

ce st agar annata, 

C. 1876, v. 622.) 
the outer hiia 
back with 5 clear feathered stripes 
of reddish . Stigmas bright 
orange. Asia Minor 

Pike age pes a C. 1876; 

H. outer seg- 

ra broadly pieis wit ith sepia- 
b all do Stigmas 

deep red-orange 

ig Crewii. (Gard. 1893, xliii. 

spi 168.) H. Allied to C. 

biflorus, with almost black maton and 
range centre. Asia Min 

rocus meting aes = T : boa 

hee a4 T 
with a white ce vitta, Fl. with 
outer segments 
feathered dark purple stripes 
down the ee: ie Sa deep orange- 
yellow. Tusc 
Ozana Ar Fori R agdal 1892, 
18.) fi 

having a ea one Shrub and black 

Crocus Imperati vars. albiflorus 
cote nk pope flore fg lila- 

us, and pallidus (B. T. 0. 

888, 135.) 
— Var. purpureus. Tor 1280, 
2; E 1888, 500 ; . 1888, 

135. j Ho A purple- ‘outed ica 

Crocus "germ in. (G. C. 1886, 
xxvi. 4 Gard. 1889, xxxvi. 426), 
H. eite Lists delicate membranous 


fibres ; the cap EIT into a bun = 

thers, cream coloured. ara. cream 
coloured. Kurdi stan; Armen 

— op eigen (B. M. t. 6852, f. 
ommon yellow Dutch 

o are wnis 
eagan entire, orange-red, 

Central. Asia 
= —— chal = C. 1893, 
85.) H 5 
Dutch Crocus, Beat S distinct black 

tripes on th 

e back of the outer seg- 
sone of is pe rianth. 

gre prina tet 1889, XXXV. 

473. oblate . broad, 2 in, 
high Shont ing rd | the highest 5 in, 
above the corm; proper l. 7-8, } in. 
b E a orange ; style pale 
ier : A rs Wi. A 

C. “chr erates aca C. pi Mourad- 
dagh, Smyrna. 

Crocus repens ca (G. C, 1879, 
235; G.t.578.) H. A distinct anes 
rato flowering before the 1. 
appear ; distinguished rom its n 

allies by it 
and shortly wid stigma, Stauros 

Crocus Tauri TEA (8G. C. 
1893, xiii. 226 m of C. 
Tauri with black fae aan 

Crocus vea. (B. M. t. 6416, f. 
3.) H. L.5-6,contemporary with th 
fi. and equalling or ‘slightly gg mad 
them. Perianth orous, bright 
orange yellow. Styles fulvous, cut into 
numerous slender branches, ‘Syria. 

B. M. t. 6416, 
iffering from 

the back of the segments. 

aoua Teee, (B. M. t. 6211.) 
biflorus. L. 4-5, as 
r than the flower, 
svi ngage e e 

volute, Fl, w. 



r segments on the back more or | Croton austinianus. (Williams Cat. 
1883, 25.) S. 

fess et anew with white margins; 
anthers | -yellow ; stigma fulvous, 
ith 3. entin ire clavate branches 

Menninir ee (i M. +. 
6346.) S. oblong, 
obtuse aa a sen gre Beautifully 
reticulated with white veins. Fl. in 

ort dense spike. C oils din, in 
diam., 5-lobed ; the two upper lobes 
smalle the others erect 

lobe. West Tropioal Afric 

comp for 
arf branching habit, with oblong- 
ov erec -9 in. long by n 

creamy white and suffused with pink ; 
margins undulażed. aeey austini- 
anum, Year-book, 1884, 88. ] 

Croton Bergmanni. (Lind. Cat. 1880, 
t. 389. L 

12; ZU. H. 1880, 

band ivory-white. [ Codi@um Berg- 
manni. Year-book, 1881, 159 

Crossandra infundibuliformis. (Bull roti Bismarcki. (Bull Cat. 1876, 

in compact spikes. te ' und ea 
Salisb.] East Indies 

Cie z srs a nie rhe: ht, geret Dineh “Year-hook, 1877, 
Legu 18. 155. th Sea : 
.with thin org: clothed with tri Seem 
foliate 1 aring in winter erect i 
racemes oe rich yellow fl. Mexico Croton brageanus. (Veitch Cut. 

Croto ton neonate a coer F. zea 
592.) Euphorbiac woody 

eesti of small whitish fl. Alabam: ma. 

Croton aureo-lineatus. (Bull Cat. 
5.) L. obovate-lanceolate, 

1882, 17; FI. and P. 1882 



shades o ellow; midrib crimson. 
[Codieum brageanum. Year-book, 
8: .] 

saint neate at se, bri 
idri e 16.) 

ins all clear yellow. Pe yan 
-aureo-lineatum, Year-book, 79.] 
-Fijilslands. . 

+ Sas Oe oblong-laneeolate, of a 
ry dark 
with yellow (Cdionm Roane 
FDE 1882, 170.] 

: Williams’ Cat 19.) 

_auteo-maculatus, Pads eitch — enpor ae = mY 

— 1878, 2 Ga. 1878, ix. 430.) 

i a = Komi t E AA 
nvcubefalin, with neat habit and 
-smal oblong-ovate 1., bright. green 

‘spo ed with yellow. Š n aureo- 
maculatum. Year-boo! 79] 

are (FI. and 

Pe 1882, 122.). S. A var. with long | Croton 

1. more or Jess marbled with 
E a aureo-marmoratum, 
meet 1883, 88.] 

-aureo-punctatus. (Bull Cat. 

ved, 6-9 in. . br 
obtuse, shortly point ted, green with a 
ellow Codi@um camp- 
toph yllum. Year-book, 1878, 154.] 
uth Sea Islands. 

Carrierii. (J//. H. 1880, 90 
Lind. Cat. pire ai. Bi hh. Taciseolate, 
variegated with golden yellow. [ (- 
di@um Denier Year-book, 1881, 

1883; 42.)- S. A small en with | Croton caudato-tortilis. (Veitch Cat. 

obtuse l.. bright green, dot 
‘and Pacer = ee: wife 
-Year 1884, 

Bk usantte 

mea 14.) S.. L. pendulous, twisted, 
p olive-green, with a yellow 

crimson mid-rib; 

aha almost all yellow, becoming 

be crimson with e; 

y bl pocket and spotted. 
[ Codiceum sa Siete Year-book, 
1884, 88.] 


Orobin Oeon. oer Cat. Wee 4.) 
E. : 

my, odieum Chelsoni, Year-book, 

1880, 1 147.] New 

Croton concinnus. (Bull Cat. 1876, 
“5 ‘ . lanceolate, flat, 5-9 in. 

n yel i 
r less reticulately 
i TENA ri con- 
cinnum, Year-book, 1877, 155. ] 
— a erg Cat. 1876, ahs 
ere form imperiale, 
ae contor Sarg um, 
Year took: 1877, 155. | 

Siig Goat Cat, 

ee teeta 
83.) volutus, 
a ved 1 

m yellow on an olive 
green ground. ( ‘odiaum contortum., 
Year-book, 1885, 83. ] 

Croton: Cregne.. (siti Cat. 1a; J.) 

eke gh eae 

[ Codia@um sj rah 

with 1 sa A 

ees epee get nas Cat. 

[6 odia i@um 
88. ] 

Cromtadtii. Year Koks 1883, 8 

Croton Dogan Oe 4 ie 
2,- 25.) ceolate 

9-12 in. iait som reat a men 
brig we h the margins an 
ral a rich golden yellow. 
odi i@um k Dona. Year-book, 1883, 

Crotos. Revel. (Lind. Cat. dees be 
ceolate, acuminate, 

pte ranita with white. Te 
Lars Darah. Year-book, 1881, 159.] 

Croton eburneus. (Bull Cat. 1881, 
16.) S. L. meg anoa e,reeurving, 
of a deep green, broad white 

neum.  Year-book, 1882, 170.) 


Year-book, 1884 . 


Croton rie see ne oS Cat. 
. lon 

1881, 10, 16. 

with bright yellow. [Codiæum ele- 
gantissimum, Year-book, 1882, 170.] 

ee eminens. (Bull Cat; 1883, 
8. Of Sirs ron ge ix T are 
faa ola ssy g 
ira the aldrib ‘inl part of the Tatal 
white A pa m eminens. Year- 
odk, 1884, 8 8.] 

(Veitch Cat 

Croton evansianus. : 
7.) One of the trilobed 

1879, 23, f. 

es a 
(iiias evansianum, 
s, 147.] South Sea 

a para aon (Bull 1884, 
12.) A form with oblong stalked 
Ly ia ng the midrib cea like a 
small horn near the apex of the l., 
is vari with ee 
green, [Codi@um excurrens. 
book, 1885, 83.] 

Croton Eyrei. (FI. and P. 1882, 
171.) A nei form, with long narrow 
wirt v rved a freely variegated 

oles Ta 

brk anc fy red. a pidenn Eyrei. Year- 
book, 1884, 8 

— falcatus. (G. C. 1877, vii. 

7; Williams’ A 1877, 19.) B. 

I. 15-18 in. long, 2-3 in. broad, shortly 

stalked, swort-sbaped "i sokie-shapee, 

dilated and r grt pees 

with yellow, wh ad a gme mid- 

rib and margins Citn fale un 

Year-book, 1878, 154.] South Sea 


Croton fasciatus. (G. C. 1877, 
367; Williams’ Cat. 1877, 
shrub. A broad-l eaved form. 
9-10 in. long, 4 
stalked, obovate, tailed, roun at 

base, bright green, with bright yellow 
ere with a few irregular ts and 
blo Boece: piae n tne. 
bok, JATE. 154.] South Sea Islands, 

Croton goni. (Veitch Cat. 1880, 

20.) trilobed, at first t light 
green ee ‘a yellow — 
wards the midribs become crimson, 



and the blades effectively barred sna 
marked with golden reas [Codi sears 
Fordii. Year-book, 1881, 159]. Pol- 

—— gormogus. (Bull Cat. 1881, 
16.) L 

ich o re 
(endinn formosum. T ook, 1882, 

eat Cat. et 

whee SE ina 

y f 
gloriosum, Year-book, 

(Lind. Cat. 
; w-lanceolate, 
clear green variegated , with golden 
i Goedenoughtii. 

Santa Cruz 

Croton er 
1876, 5.) S. L. long, narr 
Year-book, 1877, 155 5.] 

Croton se poe (Veitch Cat. 
1880, 25.) S, L. with varied col Sr 
[ Codieum ianburganum Year-boo ok, 
1881, 159.] Polyn 

Croton a (Veitch Cat. 
1878, 26.) S 

oli c 

ibs when mature, Sees onerg on. 

tae paria Year-bock, 1879. } 

Croton prg Sie ae Cat. 1879, 
23, f.8.) 8. Dw 

urround piim green Üirdór. 
| Gdieun tears Year-book, 1880, 

nea Hendersoni. (Bull Cat. 1877, 
S. e -A ovate, acumin nate, 
u p gree tioula tely veined with 
yellow. (Codie um Header soni. ae 

. book, 1878, 154.] South Sea Isl 

Croton illustris. (Bull Cat. 
mis f. ve 8. sod as Sage orep 

variegated with yellow. 

Mati illustre, Yoni 1883. 


[ Co- 
, 83. ] 

is. (Bull Cat. 1882, 

Croton intermedius. (Lind. Cut. 1876, 
arge, green, wit 
and spots yellow, rose, or re Codi- 
eum intermedium. Year-book, 1877, 
155. ] 

= Mogen T ias Cat. 1881, 
with o poom ee 
12 18 P wr ng, 3-8. i 
reen, marked with gol 
venation. ta a hacen 
book, 1882, 170.] 


eee Cat. 


ny a bright greon, aadi led with led 

Cte eae elas 
25.) 8. L. 1 

and suff 
probably distinct gy the follow wing 
which s the same name. [ Cudi@um 
lineare. Weis oak, 1883, 88.] 

arca ee (Bull Cat. 1882, 
=e linear 4-6 in. long, of a 
i k gre with the midrib and 
blotches ello. Codieum lineare. 
Year-book, 1883, 8 881) 

Canos TAE Soret (Bull Cat. 1876, 

d oblong-ovate, ga iph 

Siy uo pepe spots, and t - 

versely — e from the midrib 

way to ge. [C gt maca- 
Feeanum, Tou heak 1877, 155. ] 

Croton ae (Veitch Cat. 
1877, 21.) ro poe ear-lanceolate, 
rice sh risped, nar 

at a or dilated” at paea bri 

ye rib, 

T Peed 
-book, 1878, 154.] 


s on each side ‘of it. 
praan paes Year 
h Sea Islands. 

peice reer ARE (G. C. 
var. of the trilobed 

tracted about the mid to t 
triangular lobes, the central one 
prolonged obo poi 

Leen maculatun Katonii. 
Parat. 1879.] Pacific Islands. 

magnificus. g 7? 1882, t. 
L. lap- 

a broad irregul bere he yel 
red along the [ Codie@um 
magnificum. Yar! 1883, 

Solomon Islands. 

en mpn A and P. 1876, 
52.) 5-18 in. long; 
young woe ail green, with a 
golden i, and markings representing 


the venation, but more or less oeie; 
mature l. deep so with the 

gation deep crim [LC Ps ag ma- 
jesticum. Year- re 1877, 155.) 

Croton peo pr amie (Zl. H. 1879, 
t. 347.) S. A for ith long linear- 

etween t [ Codiæeum massan- 
geanum, Tanek 1880, 148. | 

Cr zog OT ne: al! Lager 
Cat. 1877, 19.) L, lanceolate, 9-12 
‘ f. 

rib surroun a band of yellow, 
and a pale green ids spla: mone and 
ie with ze ellow ee 


es yellow, tinged wi 
ridin microph paa. ‘Your book. 

acres So gle mer (Williams Cat. 
_ 25.) orm with ovate 

veined with crimson. [c odicum 
mirabile. Year book, 1883, 8 

Croton Mortii. Beti, í Ch. Ae D 
bovate, short 

idri roadly margined 
with golden yellow. Codiaum Mortii. 
Year-book, 1877, 1 

Croton mra ake a OF ‘illiams’ oa 
34. Kea ith ry 

late aa ‘or ire 
bright green, mottled with ‘light 
inted or margined with 
rosy ¢ n. [ Codiceum m aultifor me. 
Year- peaks 1882, 170. ] 

ay nee, (B. H. ane 240, 

pani l. the c replac y 
cream colour. Ta ticianis musaicum, 
Year-book, 1884, 89. ] 

Croton Nevilliz. Mowe Cat. 1880, 
21,9.) S. L.obion: ceolate, olive 
green when young, pie and marked 

gr er, with a 
ic hue. [Odie um Nevillie. 
Year-book, 1881, 159.] Polynesia. 

prsten Newmanii. (Bull Cat. 1887, 6, 
S. A form of Codieum va 
ceo Ly 

the vari 
Broad central stripe. Poles ia. 

Croton nobilis. mak Cat, 1877, 
; Farges Cat. 1877, 19.) Be: L. 

[Codieum nobile. Year-book, 1878, 
154,] South Sea Islands. 

cetera ornatus, ee Cat. 1881, ate S. 
riety oblong, slightly un- 
u in, 

= creamy-yellow ; here there 
otched with yellow, the tomb 
boang tinged with crimson. ae 
times the l. are bronzy gree Pith 
rose lines and A Wihtshen. [Codieum 
ornatum. Year-book, 1882, 170.] 

Croton paradoxus. (&. C. 1877, vii. 
367; Williams’ Cat. 1877, 207.) 8. 
A narrow-leav: orm, with short 

ioles. < 1012 in i 

petioles. L . long, linear- 
oblong with a spiny point, at first 
reen, rwards 
yellowish stripes and spots, especially 
centre; midrib pink, under 
surface pale Some of the l. are 
wis oun raped in the middle. 
[ Codiæum adoxum. Year- book, 

1878, 155.] South Sea Islands, 
Croton ae Sis ai repe Cat. 
24.) ceolate 

8-10 in. long y 1 ta ; gr 

of the 1. rich golden yellow, extend 

ha ay through, and continuing 

along the centre nearly the whole 
length. [Codieum Phillipsii.] 

coe A aaike He (E H. ot 
23.) of Codie 



Croton pictus Ci. H, 
1877, t. 299; Lind. Cat. 1878, 4.) 8. L 

, and a line near the 
bright vel w., [Codieum 
ace poplin Year-book, 1879. ] 
ar. lyratus. we H. 1877, t. 298 ; 
ind, “Cit cg 4.) L. sub-erect, 
long, 23-3 = broad ; Ree 

init AREE h =. sudden con 
tion about the middle, with p Benannt 


part prolonged into os m narrower 
= a be 

reen, and v 
border oe ith yello (Codi um xe 
tum Ly ilies Year book, 1879. ] 

Croton — fier Cat. 1876, 6.) 

.„ some lanceo linear, others 
broadly ara a at — with the mid- 
inch or so, and 

ing . 
t ia pena atum. Year - book, 
1877, 155.] New Hebrides. 

an eee (Williams Cat. 
25.) L. 

with rich pink. (dodin um : Pilgri imii. 
Year-book, 1883, 89.] 

dee Cat. 

Tone p 1878, 

i and m 
blotches, afterwards Se wi e 
arme ma: into rich 

arkings pas 
mson. [Codiæum princeps, Year- 
Book, 1879.] New Hebrides 

Groton recurvatus. (Bull Cat. 1883, 

m idri 
vėins. vi ten recurvatum, Year- 

book, 188 

Croton Pegar (Veitch Cat. 1878, 
3). 8 n. 

L. 6-8 in. long, 2-2} in. br oad, 

“dee olive ee sparingly spotted 
with yellow ; the veins and mi 

ich © " bo e with a lighter 

colonr shading “= Si at orange ; 

we a s4 o nd of 

w ba 
£ p SSRA Regine. 
Tent hook, 1879. ] Pacific Islands 

Croton — (Bull Cat. 1877, 3.) 

S. L. strap-shaped, droo coping, undu- 
lated sad geo e a bronzy- 
ric midri 

age. [Co dieum e Year - book, 
1878, 155.] South Sea Islands. 


Croton rodecki ——— Sa 
1881, 34.) S. A v: h penden 

—— ere angen Seer Cat. dia 
. oblanceolate, shortl 
ed alon 

uA oe Kordan ng the 
midrib, veins, ~ Seep with yellow, 
2e towards argins takes on 

osy tint. (Cidieun sec a 
Xer- book, 1879.] 

—— pee eer por (Bull Cat. a 
i2.) the narrow droopin: 

with the usual cream A 

VENAE [ fia um 
Year-book, 1893, 83.] 

Javal peers 
d crimson 
Croton rubescens. (Bull - hae 
14.) S. L. elliptic-lanceolate, ned 
= semen with Spat ts whic h spots 
nally change to [ Codieum 
EDIS, rpa book, 1883, 8 89.] Poly- 

Croton hep Erg (Fl. and P. 
1882, 122.) S. L. oblong-lanceolate, 

ea and olive green. with crimson 
argin. [¢ PERN rubro- 
Tinei, Year- book, 1883, 
Croton Russelli. (4. C. 1893, xiv. 
Oe, of H. xev. 493, f, 71.) 85. 
[ Codiæum pictum, var. | 

annar eens. (Bull Cat. 1882, 
S. L. obovate- elliptic, green, with 
e primrose-yellow midri 
aie blotches. [Codiæum iuectanil: 
Year-book, 1883, 89. ] 

Lind. Cat. 1880, 

meee ame is 
14.) right green 

Spincki, Year-book, 1881, 159. 
go ——_—-* -Bui Cat. 1876, 
iaits iæum re. 
Year- rene 187, 155. ] New Heb 

Croton tow ane. (Williams’ Cut. 
1880, 14.) S. L. broad, obovate, cus- 
pidate, of a dark olive green, irregu- 
larly band margined with ric 

roan Midribs and petioles bright 
agenta. [ Codieum "o Year- 
kook | 1881, 159.] New Gui 

Croton ge aore Eai Cat. at 
<A d 

yellowish marki they 
the g aaien thes yellow mea 
heene the coppery-red and 


margins are brought out ; subsequently 
onze, while 

and m 
La Gii mpebiens. Year- 
book, 1879.] New Gui 

Croton Thomsoni. (G. C. 1893. xiii. 
641.) S. One of the many seedlin 

var. of Codiwum pictum. 

Croton sss nigra Atal Cat. 1878, 
ken up into 

t e midrib in places, dark 
green with a yellow midrib a 
eee aed ae. markings ulti- 
y chan red. H odieum 
torquatum, pa -book, 1879.] South 
Sea Islands. 

Groton torrigianus. (F! and P. 1884, 
94.) S. L. flat, lin. broad, green wi 
yellow veins go in Be which after- 
wards chan crimso [ Codiæum 
torrigianum., Texts book: "1885, § 83. 
Pen ariran (Veitch oe 1877, 
2.) 6: „ with linear-oblong 
ai arut obtuse orena) 
l, deep olive-green spotted with 

Ee es tortile. k, 1878, 
155.] South Sea Islands. 

Croton tricolor. ee mae = 2 

arrowly lanceolate, the 

changing to bright rosy crimson; 
petioles crimson. [Codieum tricolor. 
Year-book, 1883, 89. ] 

proia p Alberti. (Bull Cat 
S. A trifling var. of ilobus. 
[Codicum Pee: Alberti. Year- 
book, 1877, 155.] South Sea Islands 

Croton ——— (Bull Cat. 1878, 
C) S: Tear e pes oE are 
N inate eep ith Tone 
drib me veins tonon with gol 
drib crimson. [C awn 

+ Sow 
triumphans. Tonicb0ok, 1879.] New 

Croton Tan Spenser (IU. H. 1883, 
S wet one narrow, l 

n, spotted with yellow. 
Telias Van. Ooa zeei.] 

Croton variabilis. (Veitch Cat. 1877, 
22.) S. L. long, 
sions distorted, smooth or undulate, 

marbled and blotched with sitions 

shades of yellow, orange, an 

Ea al variabile. Ye pares "1878, 
5.] South Sea Islands. 

Sere Cat. 1881, 

Croton T 
17: L.o n. long, 24 

older 1. me igh -red. 
[ Codiæum vittatum. eh rn 1882, 
171. ] 

S4 ‘illiams’ Cat. 

Groton ae. 
S. s gih, habia 

rmine, changing 
ne. [indian sf i 
Tar Tok TISSI, 159.] Polyn 

Croton Ak a on f cr 9 

1885, 2 & 4.) 8-10 in 
broad, irregular ‘in eee 1 green 
d with yellow. ga e 

Wigmannii. | 

Croton vu an ce. an 


Williansts. Tear: er 1880, 1 

ay se Wi lsoni. (Williams Cat. 
1880, 15.) S. mewhat resemblin 
K Wa "o T ma ee So -2 

Cryptanthus Beuckeri. (4. H. 1880, 
241; 1881, 342, t. 17.) Šromeliaceæ. 
L. in an open rosette, petiol 

Cr ypas gudia 
— 157.) a a 

een: of yello 
teganthus Moensi, Soles 


Cryptochilus hac £4. E 1883, a Cucumis Sacleuxii. (W. G. 1890, 

733.) Orchidace 98. urbitaceæ. undish 
inre to, light ‘yellow, ` in aN es reniform, lobed, rough ‘and pn reyish- 
e green ovaries are green on both sides. Fr. ovoid, 3-4 in. 
om aor White papille. India. long, of a dark green with lighter 
oe, oe used for pickling. 
togramme ee ee (G. grome 
and F. 1888, 341.) Filices. G. or H. H. 
Similar to C. crispa, but larger and Cucumis sativus sikkimensis. (B. M. 
stronger in growth; the barren seg- 6206.) G. n ne aang the 
ments thicker in texture, more pro- ordinary ¢ cucu t fr. mental, 
minently veined, and cans s0 amy vo a e iR E e eciiaaed with 
cut ; the a lenis ments 3-} in s markings. Eastern Himalaya. 
North Ameri 
Cucumis Vilmorini. (B. 7 O. 1894, 
Cryptomeria japonic ve i ea p annual piant Sota 
ruits are abundantly 
ag Iyoopodioides, ant and spiralis, produced, are canary-yellow in colour 
ege Unei Š and armed with soft spines. 

pyramid; the second is thick and | Cucurbita andreana. (R. M. 1896, 
bushy, and very regularly branched, 542, f. 184-7.) Cucurbitacer. G. A 
ie _ long and cord-like ; the species with long stems rooting at the 
is short, much-branched, nodes, large 1. marbled with white, fl. 

spreading shr with a flattish or only half the size of those of the 
shortly conical top, m i eee common pumpkin, and obovoid fruit 
in a series of spirals. marked with white z on on a 
green ground. Urugu 

Cryptomeria hee somata ml T H. 

1875, w C. a maxima sylvestris. CB. 
japonica T. O. 1893, 333.) Supposed to be t 

ao of all the large-frui padia 

in cultivation. The native country of 

O nerulstae. ie C. C. maxima was unknown, but the 

ii. 693.) With very —— plant has been 4 wild in 

stems, elliptic obtuse % e Himalayan region. Fruit as large 
1}-21in b spotted with purple, and $6 & man’s head 
numerous minute yellow ted ; 

with crimson ; the sep. united at their 
base and apex. Brazil? Cu ae fee ge E enm Cat. 

er climber, 

1890-91 f 

$ very si aien C. nolanasper ma, but 
me yee te ee. i — with the 1. of. a a difiere pe, and fi. 
in: high; L go Eo a of a ar ps he F are large 

Sie and b Mex 


oranthus oblongifolius, Cupania elegans. (G. C. 1893, xiii. 
OP E 1808,39 G gil cer. 474.) Sapindacew. S. L. undulated 

4 -pedun ` kese É amai and toothed at the edges, 
oun ap and Sean South America. ` 
Cupania garniu ne ti. 

1884, 12. 
Pryptostylis dongitola, o C105 oe p aont i Soames 

276, f. 53.) Ore ets, 
i Aprep ess te, tely lobed, 
Terrestrial orchid with asingle lanceo- eo sag ong. aga e i J lo 
late 1 3 and a Pigs eme o: i usly- 

road, pet. 
ig tire ye Bonie Şip UDOT lanceolata. (B. M. t. 6412.) 
hoodl like, standing upwards, red, with 6412.) Lythrae cee. H. H. annual. A 
reddish-brown markings. Australia. strong - growing species, _ viscid] 

a b 4 
cordate-ovate, acutish. Fl. axillary, 
Crysophila nana. ak. T. O. 1889, solitary, pedicillate, deflexed. Cal. 

- 887.) Palme. S. arf palm, with about 1 in. long, purplish. Pet. six 
roundish flabelliform 1. Mexico. the two dorsal ones very large and 


orbicular, velvety, blackish- _— with stalked, 3-3} in, long,- on and 

s Oe oe border, the Sei ones inflated at pase, ope e, pale red 
orbicuiar, purpl see C. covered with anaes See spots. 
Font Roezl. | Saxton: ne consid es sng a a Fs sense 
the low fe 
capa Roezlii. (R. H. 1877, 469.) male. ie palomena ‘Wat, Regel, 
G. per., 2-3 ft. high, bushy, viscous- B. M. t. 6571.] Col 

hairy, very free-flowering. L. opposite, 
lanceolate, acuminate, attenuate at Superia antalata. 5 i, a 1892, xii. 

k . extremely abundant, in utaceæ. mall a 
narrow racemose bracteate panicles ; wits unbranched Siem ae a te l., 
cal in. long, bright vermilion not unlike an lia. Fl. white, in 

ange, greenish at the m ; pet. axillary agai il, 

and o 
S very small, Mexic 

_—- lobatus. (G/. t. 888; 

se eee a — B. M. t. 6485.) Campanulacer. H. 
CR. H. 1896, 8, f. 1.) Con H.H per. of dwarf habit, with pilose pro- 
A form differing from t the ‘type in its cumbent and ascending leafy stems, 
dense compact pyramidal habit. 6-8 in. long. Lobes of pinnatifid basa 

l. lik e upper 1l. cuneate-obovate, 

Cupressu lawsoniana stricta. lobate-dentate, glabrous, green. ; 

i R 0. "88s, 230,f.24.) H. Garden solitary, terminal, blue; calyx į in. 

ety. long, urceolate, green, hairy ; olla 

: in re tube a little gerd than 

ressus macrocarpa lutea. e calyx-limb; limb eading, 

Sole d. 1894, xlv. 33.) H. A walk: deeply 5 5-lobed ; lobes elliptic, obtuse. 
form, entirely suffused with Himalaya. 

sare golden yellow. 
Cyanastrum cordifolium. (4. ~~ = 

pag a 2 Sua. aba Cat. a 14.) 1894, 404.) Hæmodoraceæ, S. R 
Am A pre plant stock creeping ; 1. cordate, 6 in. iiit, 
of arf "habit, with sane ovate on dere; 9 in. long; fil. purple, 
— plicate 1 of a dark green with stellate, 1 in. across, on — erect 
a silvery lustre. India scapes. West Tropical Afri 
Curcuma bakeriana. uce. C, 1892, xi. pe Seon po er noram. C 
682.) Scitaminez. Allied to C. 75.) lastomaceæ. S 
austr — but wit E “larger orange- i on cua a in C. magnifi- 
fl., and club-shaped tubers. cum, and coated with a most delicate 
New Guinea. down, which gives them a velvety 
Curcuma Leopoldii. (Lind. Cat. 
1883, 2.) S. per., having the aspect of ee oT © C. 1894, 
a T with lanceolate bright green 63.) S. markable 
l., striped with cream colour. foe ita thin pen pei is a ft. 

surmounted by graceful fronds 3-4 
Caroni tya (Bull Cat. ft. long, the bases of which are spinous, 
1882, 15.) tuberous per., with 

large “oblong ae green | l, with an Cyathea microphylla. (Fl. and P, 

oblique yellowish green variegation. 9.) ft. high. Fronds 

tei Dalene vs 3 ft. long, with 

es sumatrana. (G. á 1882. small neat ovate-oblong deeply pin- 

tuberous with aaae a es er 

stalked | brondl elliptic bright green 1, ther known — of 

and a fini e of yellow , with C Cyathea. Peruvian Andes 

ve on ge deep orange-red g acts. 

sat : < a pubescens. Satya ot ea, 

4.) Fronds amp 

Curmeria Wallisii. (&. C. 1877, vii. stipes (r brown; al e aaga 
108, f. ie; Bull Cat. 1877, 4, t. D ft. loug ; pinnules 6-9 in. long, with 
tufted habit. 

Araceæ. $. of falca < blunt denticulate segments. 
spreadin; , al Jama: 
and 3 in. broad, elliptic-oblong, shortly 

g, stalked A 6 
: g 
omer — oblique, dark green | Cyathea pygmea. (@. g on xv. 
te edge and blo wrong concn a a aos about . high; 

vith “bright yellow. Spathe sho 


Cyathea —— (Buli Cat. 1884, 

own, spiny ; 
th his ane ae large, bipin- 
nate, with the lobes of the pinnules 

serrulate, glabrous. 

Cycas Beddomei. (4. C. 1883, xx. 
“pe Fi. Bytes P: 1883, 185.) Cycadace. 

-o Se 
oblong deltoid 
the others deflexed. 

Cycas Bellefonti. (2/7. H. 1886, t. 
586 ; Ae 2 Cont, @& Hort. 1886, 
9. endin gracefully 
sabe; = to. 53 t ong ; Ries nae ets 

inate, entire. Tong kin ing. 

Cycas Duivenbodei. ge C Au a mt. 
d Hort. 1886, a shen iny, 
covered with b Pia h- bro a es ; 
l. pinnate 3-34 fe long, wh by crowded 
acuminate leaflets 1 in. broad. Mol 

Cycas Euih: r 7s. 1877, 4.) 
S. L. plume- gpa. brigh —— Petiole 

ae Fhachis i eaflets 
long, linea, ig is are a 
few pg of eer stiff pa spines. 

Cycas siamensis. (6. C. 1878, 810; 
Bull Cat. 1879, 4.) 8. 
escent obloj 

cae China ; 

nent on both. aka 

a u) SE he posse — 1881, 
Fes Mt S ond 
late. Sonte, Ebi nin r ee 


Cycas Wendlandii. (Sand. Cat. 1895, 

32) S Somewhat resembling 
in habit, but differing in the i Taiba 
which are n Madagascar. 

Gyalamen eign: (GA. 1892, 526.) 
mulac H. a me A od 
ava fn with s 
h white, ‘and purple- S A ary a 
blackish eye. Asia Min 
—— Var. album. (Qf. 1892, 526.) 
H. White-flowered. 

“wee agar ign (Damm. Cat. 
2, 4.) L. large, often marked 
wi ith es grey. Fl. pure white. 
Probabl both Te par 
tauricum are forms of lt. europeum 
from high ei sdecreho Taurus. 

Oyoasthu Teua Soh Cat. 1882, 

As an 75.) Cyclantha reek 

Eve wi pig With bifid 1., whic 

recs ene CG. C.1892, 
S. Name 

Cycnoches peruvianum. (Z. vii. t. 
301.) Orchidaceæ. S. Allied to C. 
ventricosum, having a aoa raceme 
k 5 ~ gree ore. spotted with p urple- 

cat .white lip, ok Boek 
ie iia processes. Per 

eer rossianum: (G. 
Ss. M 

= 14 in. indi 
with brown spots ; female fi. a: 

darker veins, changin deep brown 
Lip oblong, te, convex, with a 
excavation near A g 
erect each side, thick an 
fleshy, white, becoming ITF e arietem 
spotted on the apical part with purple. 

Cycnoches Warzewiczii. (7. M. t. 

381; G. C. 1879, xii, 493, f. 78.) 5S. 
Fl. green. The ‘tan ale fi. 

column, and lip cut into about 
radiating segments. 


Cydonia vulgaris marmorata. 
(Spith Cat. 1889-90, 3.) Rosaceæ. 

A garden var., having the 1. 
riegated with white and yellow. 
LP; yrus Cydonia, L. var. 

Cymbidium =. ‘a. C = x. 
810; F. M. t G. 
Allied to n ‘eburneum one C. Master sii, 
having a 

~ few tiik dots on igi Pei of 
the lip. India. 

Cyabidium aU gre (G.-C. 
1889, vi. 406; O. 1889, 329.) S. [C. 
madidum, Lindl. A 

Cymbidium armainvilliense, (J. 
0. 1894, 9.) G. A garden hybrid 

between g eburneum at C. lowianum. 

we T E eee py 4 — 

oe irae both sides sepia-brown. b. 

, linear, yell -green, with 
numerous small b spots. Lip 
long, ue deltoid gap orange, 

red spots 
upright ; middle sessile, triangular, 
wavy, with a narrow white border, 

Cymbidium. eburneo- lowianum. (4. 
C. 1889, v.363 ; L. xiii. t. 578.) A 
garden” hybri id with the habit of C. 

epi gee eburneum philbrickia- 
nu & 5 

apart from the narrow 

s narrow, with an obscure mid- 

See (G: C. 
eee! t lobe and 
purple, the front he 
keels te oe having a little 
disk befor 

Bib pummene eS 

ee kes the lip 

ee. A front 
Le y- 

white, obcordate, 
perorchis elegans, Pse mer. 

Cymbidium ensifolium e 

eas ara aa Cat, anaa , 20.) G. Perianth 
‘Sep. green with a 

30.) Fro: 
tips of t the side lobes of the lip ee 

few red lines. 
a few 

Pet. white, with Per 

FL pete scented. 

Cymbidium aera lowianum. 
(aC. ae vii. agia . [C. lowianum, 
Reich, f.] Bur 

Cymbidium grandiflorum puncta- 

bie pieced ‘of the flower-segmen 

Kenen Ease. CG. K 1892, 
8.) ge and habit of m 
giganteum: Panicle valers 

s green and black fi. 
Calapy er | eo soit Madagas 

Cymbidium — TEN 
1878, x. 136.) 8, 
2 ft. long, 

an ee 
oad. FI. 

solii daik purple. Formosa 

Cymbidium taiso auvi & 
and F. iii. 153.) ae scarlet- 
flowered icone: Malae 

Cymbidium lowianum. ta: C. 1879, 

xi. 332, 403, f. 56; F. M. t. 353.) G. 
ear C. giganteum te e; sep 
d reen, wi faint brown 

1 r nerves. 

of the lip. s was previously 
described as C. pgod, bee on) 
lowianum, Reichh. f in G. C. 1877. 

85.) Burm 

ar. aureum. (4G. C. 1893, xiii. 
a G. Fl. yellow, cas a blotch 
of orange on the lip. 

—— Var. superbissim Te 
392.) G. Front lobe ori ax Jabellam 
coloured deep maroon 

Hee viride. (@. C. 1892, xi. 
Fl. greenish-yellow devoi id 
of Sei on the 

danger ium Lowio-eburneum. (4. 
1896, xix. spite G. A — 
between species indi 

reverse os 
CChernn-inciannn) is known, - 

Cymbidium Mastersii. (F. M. t 
C. 1880, xiii. 136. 

~- an l red or purple 

spots on the lip. yserorohis Ttr 


—— Var. album. (R.ser.1,t e G 
= gw _ — the k ich 
[C yperorekis 

Maiar sii, e Benth. ae mage ie 

Cymbidium elon C. C. 1878 

purpl wit 

numerous spo purplish-violet. 


r gage ee (G. 

cri. mson. ” Northem India. 

byrne a age (G. C. 1890. 

G lar; 
Horum, introduced a C. 
anum. ra. hookerianum, 2 Reichb. bet] 

et a (G.C. side 
R. se 

r. 2, t Ag 
ams hye | Sod a giganteum ena 
C. eburneum 

Cynanchum oe (K. = dose 
112.) aig seer asia S. Climber with 
ovate | in. long and large axillary 
cymes of ai greenish fl, Per 

Cynanchum a. hee H. 
ir 435, f. 78- 
ber i 

ls of p PE ari 
fi. with a .yellowishgreen co rolla, and 
white co Japan, 

ae eee er (G. C. 1893. 

with a long spur, Foot 
colour bright rose purple. Mada- 

Oynasorohis.o elegans. (G. C.1888, iii. 
PA G. 1698, 279.) Orchidaceæ 
“a i orchid, with 

tint ceolate acute 1 
Ae groen oblong 4 in. at striped and 

tr with ee beneath. Racemie 

obed lip ; 
ora than ihe ovary. To, pin 

Oynosorehis towians, (G@. C. 1888, a 
888, 280.) S. A sm 
terrestrial pees with a owe 

i Lip 4-lobed 
an obco: raat dirk purple 5 pot. 
roy ynorchis.| Madagascar. 

|B Facet 8 pr (G. OC. 187 

ith red- 

Stigmas petaloid, lemon yellow. Tri- 

i aes | gh Maa (B. M. t. 6213.) 

a purple along 
neh side of pret arched neck. Brazil. 

M. t. 7007 ; 

Bd agape au Poe 
888, iv ; and F, 1888, 

300. A Orais 

Cyperus aristatus, (B. 7. O. 1893, 
107, f. 14.) Cyperaceæ. @. An 
annual species hardly 6 in. high. 

Cyperus distano a emis. (W. 
yA 1888, gail H. Not described, but 

compared wi th Juncus spiralis as to 

Cyperus ferox. (B. T, 0. 1895, 258) 

A earl species wi 
large infl. South Brazil. 

Cypers gracilis. 
A form of C. PRAE variega~ 

(ER. H. 1893, 391.) 
tus, with filiform stems and 

Cyperand x ar (E. M.t. 
EG var. of free 
ptit e use war l for Malis purposes. 
The linear-acuminate 1. being beauti- 
fully striped with green and white 

i aa eo. (G. and F. 
Mariscus Grantii, T 
Clarke i Thiselton- Dyer Fl. Cap. vii. 
(1898) 194. | 

eae = (B. T. 0. 1895, 253.) 

li green densely tufted. 

ae a perennial it flowers in its 
first year, Argentin 

ps ied doreilie, (K. B. 1894, Si) 

Ps ag hes succulent, A A ; 

stem oe 3 toine or jenos- 

late, ong ; ie mall, 

lilac. Gelb Afr 

ge robusta. (ZZ. H. 1879, 
pre ors 1878, 4.) Palme. 

S. ek - ust habit with pinnate 
I> Aadi ar rown; pinnules 
aan ceolate- oc gr aaa flat, dark green, 

New Caledoni 

Cyphomandra mae E. I Ge Cat. 
1880, 3. a elliptic, 
80 eer 
bright lied tint, wit 

eins; under side glossy, stained 
With purple. 

SIEPE tet heawings a C. 1892, 

ga arden 
hybri id Eisma C. eyes and C. 

Cypripedinm Æson. (&.C.1893, xiii. 
0.) 5. A garden ee between 
C. Drurii and C. insigne 

Cypripedium Ainsworthii. (6. 
1879, ex 748.) S. A garden hybrid 
between C. Sedeni and C. Roezlii 

ripedium reir anum. (&. C. 
=- 672.) S. A garden hybrid 

wee ied C. spicerianum and C. insigne 

Cypripedium SIDO hag i ta - (4.0. 
nes ip viii. 38.) S. A garden hybrid 
between C. dominyanum and C, 

Cypripedium niom Es C. 1887, i. 

512.) S. Garden hyb 



Cyne. Alfredi. (G. C. 1890, 
3, A hybrid between 
oi venustum and C. levigatum. 

ee pepe tie (0. R. 
À garden ria between 
C. " ae ue and C. Curtisii. 

A Pien hybrid between 

D aS amabile. (R. A. 1891, 
C ja ae d C. Hookere. 

fraideari amandum. (&. C.1887,i. 
174; Bull Cat. 1887, 10.) S. Garden 

gE A ath nn Ad illiam? 
1887 iO; 40.) S. 
Gare nybrid 

"Than Copr: 1 Aphrodite. (Veitch 
76.) S. A garden hybrid 
ig ro, niveum and C, lawrence- 


| pate apiculatum. CEA 
aasin S. A garden hybrid 
etween “o, ae batum and C. Bowallii. 
Cypripedium appiatonianiii. oe 
xliii. 95; O. 
only a iety e č. baiteniamem 
with paler coloured fi. and 1. sy 
green, reticulated with dark gree: 

Cae Argo-Stonei. (4. C. 
1896, xx. 554.) S. A garden = Sn 
hota ‘the two species indicated b; 
the nam 

Cypr ipedi um eur igs (Veiteh 

fae sai 11 C. moensianum, 

ia hag ene (G. C. 1894, 

xvi. 378.) A garden hybri id 
-o i bellatulum omer C. super- 

a rarer (G. 

1890, viii. 632. rid between 
c. Veitchii and 23 raed 

Cypripedium arthurianum see 
i CZ, iii. t. 121) 8S. Garden 

it ae arr Ashburtonie expan- 

1 1884, ‘oe 52) S. 

blotches, on & green & ground. Pet, and 
1, broader than in the type. 

Cypripedium ee majus. 
(Veitch = Cypr. 79.) S. Agarden 
hybrid between C. barbatum Drossti 

and C.i ay 

Var. superbum. aliaa eink 
~ 1889, 23.) 5. Gardena hybrid bet 
C. barbatum superbum aa e. n sneinen 

giat araa Ashtoni. (4. C. 189 

xvill. 721 S. A garden hybrid 
C. eiliolare superbum and C. 
selligerum majus. 

ai erage at 

pA of 

1890, vii. 
792. 2.) Ez Jo den oia between 
C. niveum and ri ilie lare. 

Cypripedium cet CANH Pot m 
arden hybrid be 
C. chlor Ops ‘and vi Sehlimii. 

Qrpripodium, erate veltchianum. 
288.) A garden hybrid 

Saa 7, bar ain er C. superbiens. 
ginean Barteti. (G. C. 1886, 
R.A: ist; 347 & k 

C. barbatum and C. 
from eed 

as C. Laforcadei. 

Cypripedian hossioapa; CG. C. 1894 
v.762.) S. A garden hybrid between 
E. Curtisii and C. superbiens, 

ypripedium behrensianum, (0. R 
Ron 111.) S. A garden hybrid be- 
ween C. Bowallii and C. Töreni: 

Cypripedium bel = CG. % 
re iii. e 747, 2099 3 iv. 215; Di 

À lar arge- flowered form of € 
Godetr so with large spo 

bum. (G C. 1895, sl 

= Var. al 
748: O. R 1895, 207.) 8 A 
with pure white fl. 'and green 1, 

um, (G. C. 1888, iv. 

luteopurpur (C: 0. 
“78, oe, 13) S A fH re with a yel- 
lowish fi. blotched with purp 

= ianum. (4, C. 
a 798 ; . 1888, 396.) S. 
Stet es 


ge So peters bolerlaerianum. (4. C. 
ice 391.) S. A garden hybrid 
between nC Dautheri and C. harrisia- 

Cypri naai egestas (G, 

©. 1892 mi. istake for C. 
debosscheri ianum, 
Dip acetone: — e C@. C. 1877, 
367.) S. milar to C. villosum, 
ariy siii with dark blotches. 
Bractample, broa ot obtuse, with 
very broad bases. Pe reely cuneate 

Sta minode narrow at its base. India 

hE nai eno bragaianum. (Z. vii. t. 

ar rden hybrid between 

ra "Rinentasimam cerulescens and C. 
Boxallii atratu 

Crp Browni. (a. C. 1891, 
49.) 8. hybri ween C. 
pen E and (, leucorr aon 
Cypripedium ow 
SiE on.) S. A garden hybrid 
between C. Argus and i EEES ie, 

(G. C. 1892, 

OTRS xaar. arem (Gard. 
gar bri 

een nÊ. “Drurii ii and C. sions 
a reee — 
or on the rea under the 
mouth of the lip 

—— Var. oculatum, (4. C. 1881, xv. 
5 aving a mauve disk at 

shoe is dark brownish with a narrow 
green | canes in. Born 

Cypripedium Burbidgei. (4. ¢. 
1 ipod ) S. In the way of cSjavanicnn, : 

carci 6 of tie lip mauve. Born 

Cypripedium burfordiense. (4. C. 
1888, iv. 724.) S. Garden hybrid, 


pi ein nih Burtonii. 
pao 801.) S. A garden hybrid from the 
me par rents as 0. Millmani, viz. C. 
Pee pein and ©. philippinense. 

Cypripedium gone CG. 
1880, xiv. 652. A garden hybrid 
between C: Sareea biflorum and C 

og Calceolus x macran- 
C. 1892, xi, 394.) H A 
supposed natura imported 
from the birch forests of Western 

Cypripedium ones ecient B. ae 
alah -fl ea Aa 

eg 1-2 ft. wE p sa 
erved ; fi. alt ah dull yellow ; "ip 

hite Wi 
Closely allied to C. Aid Hg oh 
habiting damp woods in the northern 

parts of California. 
Cypripedium shears (G. C. 1888, 


130). d es hybrid, 

Cypripodiam eta (0. R. 
A garden od fom 

between ‘the a pear: indicated by 

Cypripedium calloso-niveum. (0. R. 
1895, 359.) S. A garden hybrid 
between | the two species indicated in 
the nam 

wit oi pope callosum. (G. C. 1886, 
S. Scmething in the way 

of ‘ 7 aa with a very large trans- 
verse elliptic acu š 
white, washed with purple and having 
numerous green nerves. Lower sep. 
half as long as the lip, ligulate, acute 
Pet. ligulate, pendulous, n, purple 

Or oe si iate, me with 

warts 0 margins 

and disk. "Lip like that oF C. super- 

biens. Stamin a reddish, marbled 
with green. Sia 

—— Var. Sandere. e c 1894, xv. 
beast O. R. 1894, 197.) = ‘ale 
loured var ors ae 

pres with a few lines of inetd 
green at the base. 

—— Var. subleve. (G. C. 1888, iii. 
331; H. G. 1888, 228.) S. A var 
without an any spo ts on the disk of the 

C. C. 1895, | Cyne let ad it 

| ah aes Sarg calurum. (G 

Oypripedia castleanum. 


700.) S. A var. 



COL es 
1881, 69.) A garden hybrid 
betw im i bar Sie and C. venustum. 

Garden hybrid ee 
E longifolium and C. Seden 
i a we Canhami. (W. G. 1888, 
32.) Garden hybrid. 

is Fm wa ween (. iii. 
41.) A var. of C. philip- 

pone: with 3 sep.; the lowe sep. 
r a Ban or 

Roch deni Reichb. f 
num, Linden. ] 

. Var, cannar isa 

Oypriposiun SATA hybrid (G. €. Lano, 

Nedons and C. Schlim 

ech avi n carnusianum. (E, 
1895, TE, 102 A garden hybrid 
between C. spicers ianum and C, hay- 



hybrid be tween C. hirsutissimum and 
fis superbiens. 

(G. C. 1892, xi. 234, f.34.) S. Habit of 
per biens. shaped. pes 


purple and white ; 

rm they 
not aai those of C. n atahis hay 

Var. oe anger CQ: C. 1892, 
ith a pale pta 


aba aor Chapmani. (G. £ bo 

67.) S. A garden hybrid be 
C Curtis and r bellatulum, 

ngenie ginasioge (G; 
ČC. 1893, xiv. 406, 437, f. 70; aes > i. 303; 
B. Ai THEY. S Close 
C spicerianum, which it t resembles 
= in size and form of fl.. diff ring 

ainly in colour; the aa 
white, veined and s with rosy 
purp and lip yellowish tinged 
with a staminod 

—— Var. unicolor. (G. C. 1895, Aim 
248.) S. A form cdr 

of the lip is as the shop 
sep., instead of aoe a in the type. 

Cypripedium chelseense. 
1888, iv. 406.) S. Garden hybrid. 

OTRO, miv. 325 oF oe CG. C. 
O A 81.) B: 
Garden h 

eee Bret r (G. e 1888, 
iii, 584; H. G 08.) S. rden 
ae jn. "Sele Pe DAUROS, 

a Pona CG. C. 

niet = 781.) gard n hybrid 
mn C, eae iea. and C. 

pisk ytra" ee (4G. C.1 
xviii. 483.) 5S y like C. super ae. 


asil of the lip is shorter, and the 
stam ae ae lower and broader. Philip- 

Var. miteauanum. (JZ. iv. t. 146.) 
A var. having the whole fl., except 
ep., suffused with a rich 
purple hue, ir Co husmus zy 

Linden & Rod.] Philip 

pF EY ot ee 
1889, v. 168.) S. Raised fro 
har a and C. villosum. 

Cypripedium Claudii. (Z. ix. t. 397.) 
S. A garden hybrid between C. ee 
ianum and C. vernixium., 

ce. c. 

ier gk era wet sare (G. 

1893, xiv. 86, f. 18.) arden 

hybrid between 2 e is and 

Cypripedium conchiferum. (4. C. 
1881, xv. 330.) S. Garden hybrid 
between C. Pearcei and C, Roezlii, 

Cypripedium jes ro nag ASC daha 
1887, 10.) S. Garden h: 

Cypripedium conco-callosum. (0. 
FR. 1895, 15.) S. garden hybrid 
between C. concolor and C. callosum. 

Cypripedium conco-lawre. (J. of H. 
1893, xxvi. 193, f. 41.) 8. A garden 

brid between C, concolor and C. 

ae concolor Chlorophyl- 
lum. (4. C. 1886, xxvi. 294.) 
Ll = an T weerhling ; fi, covered 
sonal. apts, 

CG. 0, 


ee eoneotor a Nt 
(O. R. 1896, 54.) 
a pet. 2} in, long 

Var. Reynieri. (G. C. 1886, 
xxv. 362. var. with large 
marbled 1. and yellow fl. with a purple 
on the outside of the sep.; 
i oe “ochre spotted | with 
white margin in 

front. ” Cambod 

Var. At sage se: C. 1893, xiii. 
590) oe AV 
ments lined with seal the ~P dotted 
witi purple. Mergui, Bur 

—— Var. Ee aie eG (G. a 1888, 
i HT, G. 1888, 504.) B. A 
i 1 light s 
out spots, but with 
on the 

Var. bra ease ioe ii.t.77 ; E 
C. 1887, i. 486.) S. This is a two- 
flowered form with rather larger fl. 
fo. C. tonkinense, Linden.) To 

Cypripedium conspicuum, and var. 

pictum. (4. C. 1888, ii. 521; H. 
1888, 281.) 8. Garden hybrids. 
Cypripedium Se ie 

arent 75.) S. A garden hybr e- 
een Č fairieanum oat C. da cipro 

Cypripedium ap ape Moa H. 
1893, 250.) E 
Bale and C eint 

Cypripedium aeee 

1895, xvii. 627; 0. R. 1895, 215.) E 
garden hybrid supposed. to 

tween C, lawrenceanum and O, D 

(4. C. 

Cypripedium corningianum. (G4. M. 
891, 495.) S. id between C., 
superbiens and C. philippinense. 

oee ium cowleyanum. (4. 4. 
1892, 72.) S. A garden hybrid 
beswen "C. Čurtisii and C. niveum, 

Cypripedium crossianum psittaci- 
num. (4. C. 1889, v. 9.) 
from C. insigne Maulei and C. venustum 

saii T E C&. C. 1889, 


Cypripedium Curtisii. (¢. C. 1883, 
“x. 32-W. Uy, eh oe S. Ve 

var. 0 ; L broader, more tion 
acute, darker, with darker marks ; Lip yellowish-green, spotted inside with 
arrower, wit cilie, and blackish- n o 
smaller spots, numerous at the top ; t in C. Bovallii, 3-lobed at the apex 
. lip large, with acute side angles. Ovary dens hairy, equalling the 
Sumatra. Ta 
—- Var. pallidum. (0. R. , 1896, i om discolor. a C.: 1882, 
288.) S. A pale-coloured v xvii. 218.) A garden hybrid 
SE i eege S i Rd C. 1892, LES appr doliare, Cae . 1887, i. 
. and F. vy. 460, f. 79.) 8. 47.) S. Garden hybrid 
rs prt Pg rid between C. Lowii 
and C. "aiken super a Cypripedium donatianum. (B. To 
1895, 79.) S. A garden hybrid, the 
Sypripodian ste age donee Se ix. t. parents 3 which nie not give sis 
411.) S. A en hyb between 
C. spicerianum and C. at Cypripedium Drurii. (@. C. 1876, 
vi. 68; DL. i. t. 6; G. C. 1885, xxiii. 472, 
Thre 8 qatar ivan (R. 1.1885, f..83.) S. In the way of C. insigne. 
: dippi L. ligulate, acute, very faintly spotted. 
z Peduncle 1-flowered, purplish-brown 
—— Var. rossianum. (6G. C. ey bract shorter than ovary. Sep. an 
iii. 425 ; 7, 1888, 280; B. T. 0. pet. greenish-yellow, the sep. covered 
1888, 136.) S. Garin hybrid. outside with dark hairs; upper sep 
and pet. with 1 broad black line 
Cypr ipedium daviesianum. (4. lower sep. with 2 narrow black lines ; 
1895, xvii. 82.) S. A garden cae the ee r groups of small dark 
between C. Bowallii atratum and C. brown spots and . numerous dark 
Sir "gus. glandular hairs towards the base. Lip 
hre-brown with numerous darker 
Cypripedium debolsinaee. (a C. spots on its channelled base. India 

1890, viii. 747.) S. A hybrid betw 
C. venustumand C. Boxailii srant okaga Cypripedium Edithæ, (&. C. 1892, 
xii. 458.) S. A garden hybrid be- 

ty ETS gurarien (R. tween C. conchiferum and C. Schlimii. 
B. 3892) 0) S arden Fad si 
= tween C. pii and C. bar- Cypripedium shiai (G. C. 1893, 
batum superbum, k Ms 1925). -5. 

een C. fairieanum ang is superdicna. 
—— reo on T, er 
hybrid between C. Cypripedium elliottianum. co. € 
501. 532. 556. f.: W. 

1892, 6.) 
Sallieri hyeanum and C. lawrene aae iv . i 

3813 Ss. t same Baki = € 

Cypripedium delicatulum. (6. C. Stonei and C. rothschildianum, L. 12- 
1887, ii. 552.) S. Garden hybrid. 15 in. long, 14-2 in. broad, bright 
green. Sca ft. or more high, 2-5 

Cypri ripedium P, (G. C. flowered. Upper sep. elliptic, acute, 
1894, xvi. 118; Z. x. t. 437.) 8. A flat, white, with dark purple-brown 

garden hybrid bet eas C. selligerum stripes. wW AS sep. broadly ovate, 

i coloured like the upper sep. Lip 
and C. superbiens. similar to that of (. Stonei, rosy- 
isianum. (L.v aie Pe TE a Pre. Fhorn oie 

Cypripedium Sepaea sno . i pases at ba base, sa ——— 
tails, white, spotted with chocolate 
C lr et C. Bowallii atratum. Sainte Tiek ear, balla i apex, bent 

Cypripedium dilectum. (@. C. 1888, downwards. Philippi 
iii. 330 H. G. 1888, 228.) S. Inter- 

m nC. or rA n SU ples enfieldense. (0. R. 

Wirwtisinn Megha n, den hybrid betw ae 

` with rows o laokish-purple Spots, C Ho Hookera ' measuresianum and C. law- 
pical margin, 

and a 

2146 I 


ie ae Engelhardtx. (ZL. vi. . | Cypripedium Fraseri, 

A garden hybrid betwee 
Ci fee Maulei and C. aaa, 

Cypripedium pacers KA R. 1894, 
garde brid bet tween 
£ rothschildianum = C. harrisianum. 

Oypripedium Exul. (6. C1892, xi. 522, 

sa L. vii. t. 327. Described as a 

r. of C. insig gae it is not unlike C. 

Drurii, but the fi. are coloured like 

those of S insigni [Syn. C. bia te 

Wall, . Heul, Ri + a ee Pa 
Wall. os, frapi Hort. ] 

— Var. imschootianum. (Z. vii. t. 
~ 327. . cA-var, with 

narrower pet, with white tips 

“yptipedins OE. (@. us 
1890, viii r. 2, t, 3 
hybrid b between n aa aea ai a. 

Pasi ee re er 

a hybrid between C. barbatum 
superbum and C, spicerianum., 

Side pogina fairieano-lawrenci- 

G.M. 1893, 728,£.) 8. A 

nin Ep bet tween the two species 

2 gh seg coo se acertael Ka and 
Ë., 1888, 90, f. 16; B. X 1) i. 
small-flowered species ; T 

long, g, greenish-yellow, with a purple- 
bro North-west America. 

Cypripedium fascinatum. 

ween Å. spiceria- 
num oat C. hirsutissimum. 

Cypri setini festum. (Gard. 1892, 
xli. 26.) A garden hybrid between 
C. bar diad ad 2i aes oneurum, 

Cypripedium fitchianum. (W. 0. A 
t En: aon Cat. 1888, 20; G. C. 
v. 600.) S. Garden ‘hybrid. 

open fordianum. (G.C. 1895, 
A garden dati be- 
ia oF ese: and C. callos 

EEA Maonan CAH 
1895, xvii. 337.) S. A garden hybrid 

C. harrisianum superbum and 
C. bellatulum. 

CZ. vi. t. 253.) 
A garden hybrid between C. hir- 
sutissimum and probably C. barbatum, 

Cypripolium gonmiarun, (G. C 
si xv. 814.) 5. A garden hybrid = 
n C. Hookere and C. purpuratum. 

if | Ae gina ger eee (4. 
1886, x J. OF H. xvi. 
A eiadus rid between C. villosum 
and C, pate imum, 

pel sper gibezianum. (J. ix 
25.) S. A garden be theme iri 
H villosum and C. ven 

Cap a Gigas. (G. C. 1892, ja 
136.) S. arden hybrid betw 
G: ai and C. e p peda 

pnn peoe (0. R.1 
65.) n hybrid PAR 
c a Chattin’, and C, Logrande, 

oypripotmi Godefroyæ. (G. C. 1884, 

i. 146; TE, jay 1884, 13, 18; Fi. 

An P, 1884, ı M:t 687 6.) S. 

Intermedia te al een eo niveum and C, 

concolor, with white fl. spotted with 

chocolate Kepta npea x gr like C 
concolor, Sia 

r sd ee A. e 
ee polit TO) oR: ar. with 
sulphur- coloured sep, 

— Var. Laingi. (0. 1890,129.) S. 
A var. with small fi., the u 

pet. narrowly elliptic or perri iasa onions’ 
similar to the 

— Var. leucochilum. (0. R.1894, 
145; @.C. 1894, xv. 717 ; L. viii. t. ma 
'A var. with spot 
and a pure white lip. 

— Var. luteum. (4. C. 1891, x 
393; Gf. 1891, 642.) Š. Differs from 
i i 

the spots yale rosy-lilac. 

—— Var. Marie. oe H. B. 1889, 97, 
t.) §S. Form very large f 
een the Laii nA notched at the 

Cypripedium godseffianum. (¢&. 
1888, iii. 296; 0. 1888, 133; RHEB 
1892, 85, f£.) S. Garden hybrid, 


Cypripedium goultenianum. (Sand 
Se diy, 23.) S. A garden hybri rid 
C. Curtisii and C. callosum. 

Cypripedium handel magnificum. 
. C. 1896, xvii. 529.) 8. TN ga 
hybrid between “C. lawrenceanum and 

C. Curtis 

eat grande. e. £ 1881, 

462; R. H. B. 1898, 27, f.) 8. 

Garden h ybrid between C. Robes and 
?, Warscewiezii (2) 

Cypripedium Gravesiz. (4G. 0.1894, 
xv. 298, f. 34.) S. A garden hybrid 
etween C. Argus and È niveu 

Cypripedium greyanum. (6. 
se xiii. 396.) S. A garden hybrid 
een C. cilivlare and C. Dru 

od rm meagre poly- 
chro “oy um. (Z.iv.t.166.) S. Garden 

—— Var. superbum. = iii, t. 118; 
7, C. 1888, iii, 235.) Garden 

—— Var. virescens. (0. R. 18 
235.) S. Differs from the type 
a yellowish- ga fl. without ae 

purple-brown markings 


SIP PD haynaldianum. (B.M. 
t. 6296; G. 0. 1877 ye 27 : 
Near C. Lowei, differing w follow 

A “the 1 hie 
aa quite cover- 
. Side 

contiguous, bank do 

lobes o p more prom , 

their sinus with the channelled nail 

bearing one small entire keel igm: 

blunt, pentagonal, straight. Lower 

sep. br r iis se , pale gree 
with some brown spots. Upper sep. 

white at the tip, gals bie with ss 

spo’ e low 

ts vordees broadly olak “Philippines, 

Cypripedium peee HE 
1878, ix. 202.) £ epiphyte, P 

wn ; tip green, with small b; 
spots near the base. Darien, Colombia. 

Crpripedinm,. Hgtery smut 

narrow eb br and more obtuse 
than in the typical form Borneo. 


Cypripedium Horneri. (0. R. 
A garden x pages dco fi 
Bowallii and C. Argus 

Cypripedium hornianum. (6G. 
1887, ii. 428.) S. Garden hybrid. 

Cypripedium orto (G. 
1888, iii. 561.) 8S. [ 0. pair Si 

p acta: geire C0; = 
1895, n hybri 
ween o Argus pals a. Curti isii. 

Pypripotum. yrs ad ete (G. 

893, l. yellow 

oa. white with. scarcely any of the 
brown markings of the type 

fps apa (z. ži. 
G. Dorsal 

e brown, 
Follow inside. 

—— Var. aureum. (FI. and P. 1882, 
75.) G: pi var. with hehe fi. 
Var. Chantini. (R. H. 1878, 

G. This is the var. Water 

ss re-deseribed and figured under a new 

Var. citrinum. (4G. C. 1895, 
xvii. 39.) G. A var. with lemon- 
yellow segments. 

— Var. Clarkei. = “a Ge a xiv. 
537.) A var. a few 
spots on the dorsal sae 

ve Ernestii. Ace C. 1893, xiv. 

630.) A var. wit coloured 
fl., not Dias that cited PREN @. 

Taa (@. C. 1894, xvi. 
a A Foca a. Sa having no 
brown markings in the fi. 

. halleanum. (4. C. 1889, 
i J 2 a from other forms 

of this species having the pet. 

piirest with Hivos dots of choco- 

late bro 

horsmanianum. (4. C. 

sss 7 693 .) G. Var. with narrow 
and a beak on the margin of the 

yellow hue than u 

(4. E 1893, xiv, 
— cleare 



gi eee aes latimacula- 

(L. xi, t. 510.) G. ti sepal 

yellow wile, a few brown s spots and a 
white margin ; lip and wings wel. 

— Var, longisepalum. (4. 
1890, viii. oag i 9°. Be? Sess 

ower with the sep, slightly 

longer than i in the t type 

—— Var. Luciani. (2. xi. t.505; IU. 

eek 1896, t 49.) G. A form with 
te lip and per. upper sep, broadly 
margined with wh ite. 

—— Var. lucidum. oe xi. t. 510.) 

Tr sep. green wit 

irregular islen > spots Di a white 
margin ; lip 

ar. Macfarlanei. (4. C1 
Viii. Mot GFL pd os = shes 
orsal sep. with a w margin, and 
without the brown spite the type. 

— Var. miniatum. CZ. xi. t. 2 
G. Upper sep. yellow with maroo: 
spots and a white margin; lip brow: 

— Var. montanum. oe 
G. This name has bee ven to a 

ar. mooreanum. (Wiliams 
a 1887, 22.) G. Garden variety, 

—~ Var. ner haian 
t. 510.) G. Upper 

light agen is ant 

gin; yellow 

p. yellow with 
white mar- 

Var. rubidum. (Z. xi. t. 510.) 
wE, Upper sep. pale green with regular 
pur ig ag and white margin; lip 
dark y 

r. Sandere. (G. C. 188 

upper sep. 
a w het dots along 
the pear ner ot 

Cypripedium Io-spicereanum. (0. 
R. 1894, 148. garden hybrid 
between: the plants indicated by the 

en irapeanum. (Z. H. 
1879, 128.) S. Lar 

Cu Itivated in this coun try hal 

: ago, but apparently soon lost. 
n “Sage Register, 1846, t. 58, 

si oid Py ieee sameeren 
wA 1891, n hybrid 
een o Bee wait “a spiceri- 


Cypripedium johnsonianum. (Q. C. 
1892, xii. 744. arden aratia 
etween C. nitens magnificum and C. 

E wenden aa EA (G 

C. 1895, xvii. y i- 120e xviii, 154, 
265,292.) 8. padie ed to oka garden 
ybrid between C. EE rn E 

and C. dayanum, 

TOS pce i C.1886, 

pA _barbainm and C: 

bri wee 
Chantini, raised the same seed 
pod teti, 

resin lathamianum. (4. C. 
H. G. 1888, 228.) S. 
Gardon hybrid 

— Var. inversum. (R. ser. 2, l t. 

ea yer ena CO. R.1894, 80.) 
arden hybrid between C. tine 
sum ae C. superciliare, 

Cypripedium ee A f 
1892, xi. 502, any 82) 8S. Ag 
hybrid betw ae z PAETA nen 

Be genere S EETA (G.C 

anterior teeth, light yellowish- white 
reticulate with green, with purplish 
edge. Borneo. 

aa a heap Af: C. 1887, = 
form with am 
hpi aa: ien A Sinted with light 
mauve ect hens the veins, and with 
numerous warts on the petals. 


Cypripedium lawrenceanum hyea- 

num. (L. i. t.42; G. C 1886, xxv. 
680.) A poe et having the 
veins of the large white "dorsal sep 
green ; sens ciliated, and the lip 
tirely gre 

—— Var. pleioleucum. = 
ii. 744.) S. Garden variety 

C. 1888, 

Var. stenosemium. (G4. €. 
~ 1887, ii. 38.) S. A slight var. with a 
narrower ee sep. than in the 
cal for 
— ~ viride. 

(CL, xii. t. 546.) 8. 

A var. with fl. much Ean than the 

Cypri EEE um ee Sapmi, 
CZ. xi. t: 504. A gard an hy beta 
vorar the two pacer licated by 

i le Pesce CR. B 

529.) S. Ag na 

hybrid ‘ican. C. T lævigatum and Ç. 

ioe Ledouxiw. (0. 
E E A garden hybrid of uae 
oe origin ti is sa 

C. harri isianum, 

gh nanan leeanum. (@. C. 1884, 

xxi. 140; Fl. and = 1884, 28 ; Z. iii. t 
125.) S. A hybr a Deira C spiceri- 
anum and C. yie Maulei. 

Breg supu (&. e 1893, 
17.) S. 

id to be very near , 

en- -| 

“yptipoltasi lemoinierianum. (4. 
C. 1888, iii. 712 ; H. Q. 1888, 270.) S. 
Ga rden 'hybr id. 

Oypripedium oar (ZL. viii. t. 360; 

C.: 1893, v. 342.) B. A garden 

hy bri id betw cae T insigne Chantini 
and C. callosum. 

Cypr aan EPET (4. C. 
eo S. A garden hybrid 
betw: lea superbum and C. 

dations al 

l pedium ee CEH 

1885, xxiii. A hybrid between 
C. Roezlii oa 2, Schlimii album. 

BoE oa aca loysoniantin: (R.H. = 
1894, x 

. 817.) 
= sorbed es “a rbot A ' barbatum 
var. and C, bellatulum. 

u pie lineolare. = C.1887, 
S. Garden hybrid 
a gate erie arts 
e dse B hybrid te 
Piai E C. dayanun, 

Cypripedium aay sees 
( Veitch Man 65.) §. small 
flowered for m, airs narrow 1, and 

slender scapes. 

id a omg ap ge er gene (G. 
C. 1895, xvii. garden 
hybrid b prises C. Hookere and C. 

| i! wet era Louise. (0. R. 

one-third larger than | 
U type. 
— Var. biflorum. (4. C. 1890, vii. 
BJ S C. insigne 

Chantini and C. spicerianum. 

A A Sig ganteum. (4. C. 1890, oes 
yf S. C.spicerianum crossed wi 

r . maculatum. aid and F. 1888, 
4.) S. Garden hybrid 

-— Var. superbum. es g 1886, xxv. 
j ) oe 
rsal sep. 
radiating rows of purple 

lines, green and shining at the base. 

pure whi 

— Var. Virginale. (4. C. 1895, xvii. 
The dorsal sep. is mostly 

arden hybrid, pro babl y 
= a Pier mat E ‘Ashburtonic. 


ped al seo lucidum. (4 
21,) S den hybrid 
C1 Tiel and C. villosum. 

Cypripedium lucienianum. (Z. viii. t. 
362.) S. A garden hybrid between 
C. villosum an . @ninthum 
superbum or C. bellatulum. 

Cypripedium Riu (4. C. 
1893, xiv. 692.) A garden hybrid 

ween C. pei fase aig C. sellige- 
rum majus. 

Cypripedium Macfarlynei. (4. 0. 

1891, x. 300; Gf. 1891, 534.) S. A 

hybrid between C. calophyllum and C, 



Oypripediang napeneias waai 
R- H. 187 

ee with purple-red A ring lees 
in its long Sistem ate 
twisted pendulous lateral sep. an 
ea he orn saccate lip. East Tem- 
te Asi 

Cypripedium ae te Se C 
0.) S. A hybrid 
Dawa C. ROR ed and C. Hidde, 

Cypri pane macropterum. (4. C. 
1882, EA ii. 552.) A garden hybrid 
betw EC Lowei and C. superbiens, 

ripedium margaritaceum. (0. 
@. Rhi 

with iti of blackis -purple spots. 

a ith nula 

rife or ap t auricles 
overlapping each other, keeled beneath, 
dar covered with small tuber- 
cles. od eflexed, corda 

ee pedium err ohn aa (G. 
C. 1876, vi. 130.) S. Hybrid between 
- C. Hookere and C. barbatum. 

og a amg oe (4. €, 1895, 
A garden hybrid be- 
ta = r : ae and C. spicerianum. 

Cypripedium ee (G4. €. 
1893, xiv. 70, 267, f. 48.) S. A garden 
hybri ween C. superciliare and 

C. rothschildianum. 

Cypripedium DSH ATAANER. ste. 

C. 1879, xii. 102; he & 
pics species, rk r rese 

shape, and 1. the 

venustum group, but ve 


eria e aaf As ured wi 
dark spots an ochre seid at the 
lower part of iste Lip wide, brown, 
with ochre Oh 8, rears inflated. 
Staminode oc with 

Sane: oie on eo a bised. 

very deep sinus internally. 

Sanda. ‘iets 

ag mauriceanum. (9. R. 
118. A garden hybrid between 
t. harrisianum and C. sylbaridhigts: 
Expr nadia. meyuertl CG. 4 
890, viii. 702 
ybrid ig C. ~~ en ee 
C. piden reh 

— measuresianum. (JVil- 
liams 22; W. O. A, vii. t. 304.) 
S. Ga pes hybrid. 

i Lat rae Meirax. (G. C. 1881, 
24.) S. Garden hybrid. 

Cypripedium E Sa PRON 
CG. C. 1880, x ; W. 0. A. t, 95.) 
S. Garden ayia 

He ond ge Se aa ase sii. (Z. 

den hybrid, the 

Mir of eee A pee ecorded, bu 

it is probably between C. spicerianum 
and C. hirsutissimum. 

Cypripedium microchilum. (4. C. 
1882, xvii, 77; L. ii. t. 50.) S. A 
age hybrid | Erne C, niveum and 
C. D 

OTEP Millmani. (4. {$ 1895, 

arden hybrid 

betw a 4 lawrenceanum ae C. 


Cypripečtim mjtegushum,, ÇL. iv. 
G." 0: g. 

tage, ” 302) To it Reichb. 
, var. miteauanum.] 

KE mensianum. (Z. iii. t. 
&. C. 1888, iii. 561.) S. Similar 

ara upper sep. is ss MET along the 
rves. Philippin 

Crp pee ee Mensii. ( 0. R.1894, 
A garden hybrid between 
C ‘oie and some other species. 

me a eges cee r and 
P. 1883, 10; P. he 7819.925 H. 
Saat pubescent 

et white-lipped 

e Morgani burfordi- 
CR. ser. 1.) 8S. A richly 
etd form eg i garden hybrid. 


Cypripedsam Motganip 
leyense. (G4. C 
a 79) Ag 

een C. superbiens 


ri S 
and C. Stonei 

CG. C. 1894, 
rden hybrid 
between C. ing and C. tautzianum. 

Cypripedium hs 
xvi. 318. S. 

ae eat nigritum. (4. C. 1882, 
02.) S. Much like C. bar batum. 

n each side of the dorsal sinus, 

Cypripedium ere (G. C. 1889, vi. 
701; W. O. A. t. 438.) B. Hybrid of 
C. Jairieanum we C. spicerianum. 

— Aai superbum. (G4. C. 189 
591 S. A var. of the hybrid C. 

spicerianwm x C. fairieanum, 

Agi get poet. (G. C. 1878 

t. 223.) S. Garden hybrid 

skeet Ky “insigne Maulei and C. 

Cypripedium arpa eas salt: g 
1888, iv. 1888, 396.) S. 
Garden hy brid. [Setonipedim niti- 
dissimum, Reichb. f.] 

aN aie obscurum. Be C.1887, 

8.) 5. Garden hybrid 

Mypripodium. nooania KaR 
036.) H. In W: 

1- in with twisted 
white lip 
[C. montanum, Toast] California, 

Cypripedium qnanthum. (4. C. 
1876, v: 297; W. a Å. t. ie S. 
Hybrid SALA insigne C. 

Var. ponse, (0. R 
334.) S. A form of the garden hybrid 
between C. hae isianwm and C.insigne. 


Var Apan = 
~ 1888, 6, ‘i, f.) S. AR 

So omen 
wean aulei 

ae ont Ea (J. 
of H. 1893, xxvii. 269, f. 38.) S. A 
garden hybrid between hum 
and C. superbiens, 

Cypripedium orbum. (G. C. 1887, ii, © 
8.) Garden hybrid. 
oe Hrs sae be 
1886, xxvi. 166; W. O. A. t. 455.) S. 
Daur hybri ia. 

eb a estate le Speer G- G 
1888, iv ; G. 1888, 504; O. 
1888 8, 257 i t Ea hybrid. 

i ar E areor a4 G. 

AS En A 1.) A 

nen ay hybrid gé tween C. pueden pe 
and C. harrisianum. 

(8. CL 187 
garden hybrid 
joins me barbatum and C. Hoo 

Matasan es 

wel gl paren Padli (Q. R i. 147; 

xii. t. 571.) S. A garden hybri rid 

ale ween C. harrisianum and C. selli- 

Cypripedium Pakre 

ee it 264; 0O. 1888, 1385, S. 
Gar n hybrid between C. Bowallii 
and $ venustum. 
Cypripedium porna (4. 
1895, xviii. 192.) S. A garden Ny brid 
etween C. rgus Mænsii and C. 


Cypripedium petersianum. 4G. C. 
1888, iii. 331.) S. Garden hyb 

Cypripedium Petri. (4G. ©. 1880, xiii. 
680.) S. Sep. white, with distinct 

Wiig Archipelag 

Cypripedium ah ae (G. 
ih che 326.) S. A garden hybrid 
n C. spicerianum and C. superb- 

Cypripedium pitch oe er 
can Florist, 1887, 178; 6 G. C. 1888, 
1888, 97.) a [6 pane 
Reichb. £] Philipp 

Cypripedium piatyeolor. _@ C. 

1895, xviii. 655. hybrid 
between C. Stonei peia cod C. 

pedium pleistochlorum. e. 

gripea ii, 552.) S. Garden hybri 

ss plunerum. (4. C. 1887, 
40.) S. Garden hybrid. 

Broo W. area (G. C. 1880, 
Vv. se 36.) S, Garden 

Oypripədium pollettianum. (4. C. 
1890, ‘viii, 702; R. ser. 2, t. 43. 
s. A hybrid be tween C. caloph yllum 
and C. venustum superbum, 

Cypripedium polystigmaticum. (6G. 
C. 1888, iv. 407.) S. Garden hybrid. 

Cypripedium ges eerie ta C. 
1878, ix. 366. Garden hybrid. 
[ Selenipedium tion, Reichb. f 

se eene p Ad Bee ig M3 


arden irtad Daear ©. pe 
batum biflorum, and C., kirdiki 

si E ening otier Aa 
C. 1879, 89.) 
betw een ©. Tord oa = pct: 
Syppeee pee 
1894, xv. 36; O. R. 1894, 54.) A 
sw pposed n natural hybrid between C. 
callosum and C. Hookere. 

(G. C. 

E ETTI præstans. y C. 1886, 

vi. 776; 1887, ii. 243, 813, te 
Tl, ‘fF 6.) Bes. Like 

st ppinense, , having similar 1., aie a 
veral-flowered hair uncle. Fl. 
ge, se ly equal, the lower one 
broadest, striped with dark brown, the 
es keel utsi Pet. 
y , tapering 

the Lip s ar to 
of Ç. Stonei, with a oats Tong basal 
oan, yellowish. New Gui 

—— Var. kimballianum. (Z. vi. 
ices ` Fl. richly Sesto the 
ore numerous and br na 
a dic pele larger than i in the type 

Cypripedium pryorianum. (6. c. 
1893, xiv. 7. 692. arden hybrid 
between C. lathamianum and C. harris- 

pycnop (@. C. 


— — (& C1 
rinted a idinn) 
S. gar arden hybrid betw 
renceanum and C. iepen 

pe lirtioer sy me refulgens. qe. C. 1895, 
210, 338.) S. A garden hybrid 
veen C. Curtisii and C. hirsutis- 

ae el regale. ae Cat. 1887, 
S. Garden hybrid. 

Cypripedium Reginæ. (G4. C. 
xx.5 A garden hybrid er 
€ leeanum and C. fairieanum. 

ee i oo pc ur geo (Sand. 
garden hybrid 
rele va aa and C. callosum. 

A a merger Shige er (Fl. and 

and three ribs 
“Boies erianum, 

green. [Seten podium, 
Reichb. f.] Col 

Ko robinianum. (0. R. 
garden a 
von "0: Parishii and C. Low 

poe gee zobnetius, e, C. 1889, 
aised from C. Sedeni 
La C. r, pE e 

pieg egn a CG. C. 1883, 

84.) ery C: philip- 
pines: but. witi n r 1, and 
ore hairy koa cle ; upper sep. 

Tight ochre. Philippine Islanas. 
Bi eee rossianum. (Ø. 
1895, 359 garden hybrid 
between C. barbatum and C. tonsum. 


i: C. 1888, iii. ) 
Allied’ to € giunåidiferun a 

Piensa). L. 2 long, 

ee Ant. 
45 7102. 

in. b i jay pts - sa 
more-fi ed. . oblong 
acute, yellowish with sp eho very 
dark ł tripes, borders, 

Cypripedium terum. (4. 
1876, v. 622.) S. Garden hybrid. 

pets ear with a wavy ieee, ee 
with dark lines and blotches 


the base. Lip like that of C. Stonei, 
brown with an ochreous border to the 
mouth. Staminode stout „at 7, 

g down 
ET like hairy process. New 

ori pi Mer eee (G.C 
aoe anybii 
Bom C. iiie ii CA 
Tea womens oe ve 

S. A garden 
brid be ve -villoswm superbum 
fk C. insigne rri 

Cypripedium — (G. and F. 

1896, 144.) A provisional na 
or an fade ant described as 
ha large - dorsal sep. 
col omens yellow and green, 
. coloured yellow and iy 

1886, xxv. 554 ; xxvi. > £.8er.1,; t 3) 
S. Likis G: caudatum aa C. one. 
Sep. yellowish-green with purple- 
brown nerve Pet 1-14 ft. ee 

Lip much like that of C., Stonei in 
shape, but of a Kopa. bronze colour, 
Malay Archipelag 

Cypripedium Sandero-superbiens. 
(G. C. 1893, xiv. 278 ; 
215, i: 31.) S. A come hybrid 
between C. sanderianum and C, su 

i ater saundersianum. (4. C. 
1886, xxvi. S. Garden hybrid. 

Cypripedium savageanum. (G. 
1888, iv. 407.) 5. Garden hybrid. 

Pi 3 relin and a rile tis- 


PFE oo ter eaten ont i z 
f.) A gar 

te eee A areo pate A 
C. 1890, vii. i. 386 6.) small 
hie with lin EL re Sd ant fl. 
It is very near T caricinum. [Sele- 
nipedium eee Reichb, f. 
British Gu 

ESR pec tee Schredere. (4. C. 

mas xix. 432; W. 0. 4. & 196) 8. 

ybrid between C. caudatum and C. 

Sodom < [Syn. oiik; Schra- 

oe splendens. (1. ii. t. 69.) 
Garden hybrid, 

Cypripedium eee 
(Veitch Man. Cypr. 8. 

U. oe aS Longo i "E 

Schlimii) inte , Schlimii. 

[ Sele ete rie Bedeni, Reich, f., var. ] 


fil pee Sedeni candidulum. 
(Ve b 

eitch Cat. 1 al AO Fad = hybrid 
between C. iongifetiim and C. Schlimii 
ts, florum., Ate nipedium  Sedeni, 
ichb. f., 

HL sd spam of dite (Fi. and P. 

1. t. 255.) S. Garden 
hybrid Ete C. barbatum and C. 

majus. itz) Mo 
ENE tages 

ge ig coger sag Se C. 1890, 
1890, 257; O 

0, 3 OLR . 1V. 17, 
s. gien with tessellated 1. 
and green and e fl., closely 

allied b to C. javanicum. Siam 

Cyne o Qi. H. 
nea nia = 
peace G: Bowallii and ie iy 

Oypripodium oa, ome (Bull Cat. 
garden Aone between 
G a RS Soa C. villosu 

ees Saree CG. C 1895, 
2.) S. A garden jes id be- 

rat is é ’ ciliolare. 

Cypripedium a CG. C. 
1392, x See J. of H. 1892, xxv. 39, £. 
A garden hybrid between C. 

bellatulum and another. 

near rs ——— 3, aS 1893, = 
E peat and C. Yeon 

igo araman rma um. (B. M. 
t. 6490; @. € 

the purple-brown lip. Assam. 


BE vcr. Spicerianum merca- 
tellia (B. T. O. 1893, 144, t.) 
FL per than in the t type. 

MBE miv. 28 SANSS (G. 
ee J. of H. xxvii. 417, 
ji pA hybrid between 

os par Mi and C. vewillarium. 

Cypripedium stenophyllum. (4. C. 
1876, v. 461.) S. Garden hybrid. 


var, with 
ivory- -white fi., de. aA tinged with lilac 
and the pet. wi ith r 

SE prin E “ pons: 

— Var. platytenium. ŒM 

“4 S. a pæ var. with long sleaten 

broad ery handsomely spotted. 

ned oll sorter Sloss CQ. C. 1895, 

10.) arden hybrid 

diedie C. tl ah C. 
venustum ? 

Cypripedium ee (4. 
1876, v. 795.) S. Hybrid between A 
barbatum and C. jiaki ens. 

Cypripedium swanianum. (4. C 
ao vi. 36.) S. A garden hybri rid 
een C. dayanum wad C. barbatum. 

Cypripedium Swinburnei. (4. C. 
ot ae 136.) S. A garden a 
n C. insigne and C. Argus 

Cypripedium E rara (0. R 
arden hybrid 
oenniy ‘between C. Een and C. 

oypripetium tautzianum. (4. C. 
1886, xxvi. 681; GA. 1887, 286.) S. 

Garden hybrid. 
— Var. lepidum. (4. C. 1888, iv. 
780) “Ss. Garden hybrid. 

ipedium ok oe CG. C. 
en xiv. 193.) S. A garden hybrid 

ween C. lawrenceanum C. 

peecipedion bannann, (G4. C. 
teem A garden keis 
betw: fap Baek and C.i 

Cypripedium tonso-villosum. (@. 
and #’,1893, 117.) S. Agarden hybrid 
between the two species indicated in 

Cypripedium tonsum. (G. C. 1883, 

ane ed to Se javanicum, 

with sont ow arked as in 

C. dayanum ; dorsal sep. IAL whitish, 
wit ree bro 

brown spots. Sumatra or Java 

ol apts or a gee (G. C: 
1894, 98.) A garden hybrid 

bet a VG. cosines superbum and C. 
Sallieri hycanum. 

Cypripedium tryonianum. (4. C. 
core Sok 134.) S. A garden hybrid 
between C. harrisianum and C. si uper- 

Cypripedium ea ae (San 
Mos 1895, 10. den Sa 
between C. Cortisii and C. spicerianum, 

Cypripedium a cer egomaer ng (G. 

C. 1893, xiv. 70.) S . A garden a 
tween C. insigne Chantini 


eee vanhoutteanum. (Z. 
iii. t. 130.) S. Garden perg [Spelled 
C; aiia in G, C. 1888, iii. 561.] 

“ynripodium Vannere. ne G 10g, 

895, 144.) 
con Tees hybrid between h a7 ee 
majus? and C. Cur 

Cypripedium variopictum. (4. C. 
1888, iv. 407.) S. Garden hybrid. 

ee Ce ee 
CG. 1889, 94.) S. Garden 
Coord, It has the cape appearance 
of C. spicerianum. 

ped i er venustum measure- 
sian (4. C. sage xiv. 756.) 
A var. > ok fi. — am only 
colours are wiles and g 

Cypripedium vernixium. (4. C. 
irs xi. sa AoA den rag 
ween C. Argus and C, villosum 

punctatum. a oe F, 
“ya, 17. JS: A var, wi 
dorsal sep.and slight colour po on 


Cypripedis vervætianum. (4. C. 
1888, H: G. 1888, 370.) 8. 
A Hs ia. 

Cypripedium vexillarium. (FI. and 
b, , 18 £.;° W. O. A. t, 447.) 8. 
Garden hybrid. 

ym tped ae vexill-Io. (G. C. 1893, 
A garden hybrid be- 
soar € vewillarium and C 

papupedion vigerianum, Fs H. 

5, RG, Labo, ei LUO, S: 

r AA a n hybrid between C. “ae batum 
and C. superciliare. 

Cypripedium qhiogam Peka (G. 
praa 40.) var. differing 
chiefiy i = the purplis 

ry al of its fl. 

— Var. measuresianum. cera C; 
1893, xiv. 297.) S. A . var. + with sin 
dark bl otches asin (| B 

—— Var. Truffautii. 
04.) S. L. broader 

(G@. C.1896, xix. 
eee in the type 

and fl. larger 

— Var.Violaceum. (4. C. 1893, xiii. 
195.) S. A garden hybrid between 
C. villosum it C. hirsutissimum, 

Cypripedium ii sg CG. C. 1890, vii. 
792.) S. A hybrid from C. philippi- 
nense and C. niveum. 
similar to C. Aylingi. 

— Var. roseum. (0. R. 45.) 5. 
A garden hybrid cen g niveum 
and C. philippinense, var. 

Cypripedium hy gal adhe 18. 

C. 1881, xv. 656.) S. hich 
m lower sep. does not oak p the li lip 

Cypripedium volonteanum gigan- 

eum. (G. C. 1893, xiii. 641.) 8. 
A var. with fl. twice as large as the 

Cypripedium von-molianum. (4. 

C. A892, xi. Pe. S. A garden hybrid 

een C. spicerianum and C. hirsu- 

Cypripedium yore ig ro ae. 
43 1895, xviii. 655.) A 
id between C. oe ja 
C. villosum. 

sypnpediun Warnero-superbiens. 
vita xii. 301.) S. A garden 
fybrid betw ne two species indi- 
cated in t "hs 

Cie podium erence (G. 
1895, xviii. 248.) den ona 
En. philippi nense ADAG, Curtisii. 

A aE —— sir z. 
arden hybrid betw 
È harri armen nigrumand C. sandler 

Cypripedium — anum. 
ix. t. 397.) S. A garden hybrid betw 
z a rhe. -tre and C. Miraki 

Cypr TE Ree. (G. C. 
sp xviii, 307.) A garden hybrid 
between A “Bova atratum and C. 

Oypripedium Af hoe a 
1882, xvii. 218; W. O. A. t. 365.) 
S Candas hybri rid. 

Nypi peiin winnianum. (4. C. 
1886, 362; 1893, xiii. %07,) S. 
A garden. hybrid b etween C. villosum 

and C. D 

Cypripedium wolterianum. (6G. C. 


pif or nar youngianum. (4. C. 
1890, viii. 183.) S. A hybrid between 
C, pe hirna and C. Ræbelenii. 

-— Var. superbum. (G. C. 1892, xii. 
138.) S. A garden hybrid between C. 
philippinense and C. superbiens. 

aoon, ronan. (i. H.1 
of C. esis oo 
Masi as gigant 

Cyrtandra pendula. (4. C. 1883, xx. 
70.) Gitas eraceæ. S. per. L. long- 

rown and do 
inside on the lower part. Java, 

Cyrtandra priest (Gf am, 
o S. Agla . with 
late elliptic ou en l aam 


at both — 5-6 in. long, by 2-23 B) He cae ang AES (K. B. 1893, 

broad, and pedunculate axillary 
erio cymes of small white fl., suc- 
ceeded by ovoid white berries. Fij iji. 

sa gee TEn EREE Bk B. 1892, 
83.) Amaryllidaceæ. lied to 
& Sapir 4 with large b jee di 

to C foliosa. L. 
TARARE 2 re long ; scape 2 
high, bearing a few fl pii about 1 in. 
across and coloured yellow ‘per 
purplish ve own on the side lobes o 
the lip. tal. 

which a deve loped before the 1. gare pinteni w i 1882, 


ate riveree ue C. 1885, 

91) G. between 

Tani sanguine booted and 
Vallota purpure: 

“eae 3), —— C&C. ga 

hi reen border 
with pa es lobes Anao 
with brown. Madagascar. 

garden hybrid b SITONA Ragnieri, (G. C. 1886, xxvi. 

sE Misheni ea C. Ailà. 
Cyrtanthus lutescens. (4. C.1888, iii. 
172.) G. Bulb, similar i pearance 
C. Machenii. Umbel 3-4 flowered ; 

fl. funnel-shaped, 2 in. long, pale yellow. 
South Africa. 

ae an a males (Sand. 
896, Appears not to 
differ ‘hom the re South Africa. 
Co aash ae oon. ue e — 
€ angustifolius rer "Me Masons T 


oblanceolate ; raceme 

luntangle on each side at the middle. 
Spur conical, 

Cyrtopodium Alicia. CL. viii. t. 371.) 
Orchidacexz ed to l. Statai 
It has nop Pairs: pseudobulbs, 

mg linear lanceolate 1. and a tall 
branched scape numerous fl., 
ey are a = S, green 

acr 1 
brown spots, and a three-lobed label- 
lum, white with pane spots. Brazil. 

aS Andersoni. Fi. es - 

linear, con the fl., 

which are bright scarlet, lh in. long, 

about eight an umbel. So C Alied to flavescens. (Z. x. 84.) 

o Siggerene P prAna Aa ja E 
ix. 104.) G usti 

duced before the 1.; scape 3 ft. high 
bearing iaia yellow fi. Venezuela. 

foins, FL. bri ms Mat produced Cyrtopodium an, CG. 
South Africa 

h the linear 1. 

Cyrtomium Caryotidium attenua- 

dium Filcatim. Sw. var. ] 

omium falcatum pendulum. 

C. 1885, xxiii. 756 ; 1888, iv. 181, f. 20.) 
$S. Allied to C. panniers pseudo- 
bulbs about 18 in. long ; inflorescence 
about 2 in. lo Fl. yellow, spotted 
with coke ; lip with broad oblong 
side a very short obtri- 
angu cls retuse oer lobe with 

callose border. Parag 

Uana Cat. 1892, 8.) Œ. Differs | Cyrtopodium virescens. (B. M.t 

m the type in its pendulous habit 7396.) S. Pseudobulbs tufted, fasi. 

arom narrower jinge . [Aspidium fal- form, 4 in. long; 1. 1 ft. long, 1 in. 

catum, Sw. var. | broad, piae: scape 4 ft. high, yo 
ay half clothed with fi, 1 

vent see Sorani BEA B. 1894, 363.) 

dobulbs "ovoid 
1 in. Tin on i ear elongate 
flaccid l. nearly 1 ft. zin ; scape ; 
1 ft. long, flexuous ; fi. nearly 1 in 

white, with purple spots and a 
yellow blotch on the lip. East Tropical 

m., and coloured per veiw 
blotched with red, Brazil 

sift god ferox, (Iu. A 1892, 
53.) Araceæ. S. Foliage plant with 

ie „petioles pe inaipa saarn 
shaped 1l. and greenish-white spathes, 



Oyrtosnorma = Johnstoni. e g jas, Pania gracilis. (Op. t. 861.) Com- 

808 ; Fl. and P. 1883, 27.) pos H-H; Lem L. bipinnate ; 

Are reference 5 its right genus of th leaflets ovate, coarsely toothed. Fl. 
own as Alocasia EA EE on rather long, slender peduncles, 

ith a 

_ ae Isle a 2-23 in. in diam., scarlet wi 
yellow centre. Mexico. 
ore an matriefianum. (4. 
xxi, 711 

1884 ; Cat, Comp. Cont. eines horse G. xi 
v Hort, 1885, £.) S. A foliage plant HA. is beaded 
with da n l. y petioles ; rr oF, a rich crimson favet giving 
in the young plants the 1. are sagittate ; it somewhat the appearance of Ja apan- 
in older plants they me divi ese Chrysanthemum. 
numerous narrow segments. i 

aes [ Podolasia stipitata, N. E. Br. ] Damnacanthus ii dious RG ieee 

59.) Rub i . ever, reen 

Cytisus oe ee (W. G. shr., with parae anne gr eee K 
EN 8, ae æ. H. shr, and tubular white fi., succeeded by 
arden a mall scarlet berries; the fl. and fr. 

are on the pla n ak the same tit.c in 

ph Boe a ne — 1886, 547.) the spring. 
orm of Genist. ta 

Liner, er MoA pale yellow Daphne blagayana. (Fl. des 

bie SEGERA = D. G. 1896, 
A small bush with bright 
pa fl, iomart of Upper Italy. 

Fl. i in terminal banda. white, ria 

ee gS a major. (R. H. | Daphne glomerata- Wat. Arb. Zisch. 
1875 Ə, 240.) shr. like the type, but 1891, 14 4) H ethin: 

with larger a of a deep vinous rose. ae way = its Firat with 

[C albus, Linn, var. j naked stems crowned by a rosette of 

oblanceolate obtuse 1l., among which 

Cytisus nigricans nanus. (G. a are clustered the raie “of lilac- 

1889, 164.) G. | Cybiens capitatus Sond purple fl. Caucasus; Arm 

Cytisus Tor ie (Cat. Nat. Arb, | Dasylirion Pamper ear San. 

Zöseħh. 1892, 15.) Hoshi CA 1887, 280, f. 75.) Liliaceæ. G. 
warf species aay 1 ft. a with stout, about 3 ft. high, crowned are a 
white fl. Balkan Mountain dense tuft of slender quadrangular 1., 
about 2 Fl.-stem about 5 ft. 
Cyrtochilum micranthum. (6. C. ee pitar re dense oe ee 

1896, xx. 63.) Orchidacee. G. Resem 
bling C. paced but mele ith 
greenish spotted sep. and pet., and the oe Sasa) Neel ait and p 
lip white with te bro iwi blotches | 57.) vergree: 
and a yellow anterior part, Brazil. rie ‘with the nrg of be Kiplin, 
ving rn ans arching quadri-pinna- 

; z tisect bright green fronds; pin 
Daboecia cantabrica calyculata. didng, oratedanodolate i nlii- 
(Nat, Arb, Zosch. ay 14; pr be 1891, mate segments cuneate, trifid or bifid, 
ix. i Ericacez. H. shr. producing bluntish ; fertile ones falcate, with a 

bo nd w ‘A form in litary sorus on the under side. New 

which the ae is developed per so as to Hebrides. Ser a ad 

give it appearance oan 

double flowers. "TD. polifolia, D. Don, | Davallia elegans polydactyla. 

e (Veitch Cat. 1982, 18; Pi. and P. 1882, 

Dædalacanthus macrophyllus. B. so A Form with orested f 
M. t. 6686.) Acanthaceæ. S. A ta 
herb, with large elliptic acumina = Pigg (G.-C. 1887, 
pubescent l., and large panicles of pele 39.) 5. A largesarmentose species, 

blue fl., the lower lobe se the corolla ih decompound fronds, having small 
being violet blue, sessile crowded cuneate timate 
segments. Madagascar, 


Davallia fijiensis elegans. (4. 
1893, xiii. are S. A var. with fact 
divided fro 

major. (Veitch Cat. 1879, 
~ 24) y ‘fern with geo: = ge vet and 
gracefully arching fro innules 
finely cut, bright rey om 

ar. plumosa. Se and P.1882, 
; Ss. 

ft, long, cut into multitudinous narrow 
segm ee, 


Davallia pee meee 
30-5 evergreen forn, 
decumbent s 

Cat. 1889, 
with a 

the arnet into narrow entire or 
forked segmen 

Derus: Rae gran een A $ a, 
nd P, 

he bie re obliquely cunea 

Dayallis Mariesii. { Veiteh Cat. 1880. 
21, t. 11.) G. fern of it and 
‘gro owth. [D. 0 Wall. var. 
Mariesii, Moore. ] 

(Veiteh Cat. ae 

Maralia genuas, 
11.) spreading habit, wi 



green r oidal or cuneate pinnules. 
Eindsaye anaes Mett.) Sumatra. 

iep are yer (G. C. 
Satir 02.) pendent var. 
ar. veitchiana. (FI. and P. 

cuneate, simple or 

Davallia truffautiana. (in. H. en 
186; G. M. 1896, 352, 5 S 
with es g = 
liarity of which is that the under 
surface is like the upper. 

Davidsonia pungens. i Cat. 1878, 
Saxifragacex. S.shr. of erect habit, 
with alternate spreading nieret 

l. nearly 2 ft. long ; leaflets 11-13, 

hen young, oming deep green. 
[No doubt D. Sains, F. Muell.] 

Debregeasia velutina. (R. H. 1896, 
18. icaceæ. G. shr. 

right red colour. East 

Decaisnea insignis. (B.M. t. 67 Lo 

prey dicecious, in ng ee racemes 
1 ft. long. Eastern malaya. 

Decaschistia ficifolia. (G. C. 1888, 
iv. 565.) Malvaceæ. dsom: 

a Ss. n e 

w 3-lobed l., cuneate at base, 

the lobes toothed, beneath. Fl 
. or more in coppery 

merging into geot with a rosy spot 
at the base, 

Deherainia smaragdina. (B. M. t 

ot) Myrsinacex. S. shrub, with 

bro hairy branchlets, termina 

with "tufts of lanceolate more or less 
serrate l., beneath which arise the 

re dull green fl. Cultiv 
Jacquinia a and rr hbenesnllies 
smaragdina, Mexi 

Den pros ay, pire tas an Bik 
1878, 14.) 

know arden 
Weta spt and A, concinna 
New Caledonia 

oe armeniacum. (Gf. 1894, 

snre-lae f, The ohirat babi it oft the 
p is similar to ome Spe D. Ajacis, 
but a robust. Arm 

Delphinium pepate borim gg 
and P. Pe 52.) H. pe 
white N orth Amer: 

D painian cashmirianum yiia 

(B. M. H. 
deat out L _orbioular, 35 bed 
st ts 

r i : 
more in diam., pale b eR dipa 
stripes, with dall yellowish we tipped 
srk purple. Whole plant hairy. 

gyros per caucasicum dasyan- 
t t 

long bracteate peduncles about 1 in. 
in prees ars blue, glandular hairy. 
simple, ip? a high, ig 
ducing a. a from 
a uria. 

Delphinium 2 mage (G. C. 1894, xvi. 

D. hesperium and D. 

a TE ft. high. Fl, dark 
blue. California, 

Delphinium oes aurantia- 
um. (W. G. 1888, 436.) H. Garden 

Delphinium Nuttalli. (Gard. 1894, 

: wing 
ft. hi gh. white with sky blue 
spots es ae upper sa North 

Delphiniam te dab (Oe AS 879.) 
roundish deeply 3-5- 
lobe È the ies again Rp or 
lobed, light green ; petioles long, hairy. 
Stems 8-12 in. high, hairy, hae nig 

r owered. Fl. 1 i 

slender spur; pet. black, the lower 
— Carpels 5, silky- hairy. North- 
est China. 

Seneye keema (W. G.1 
cies serie 2 a in kaki 
with sac aes fl, 

Delphinium raltiifolinm. (Gard. 
ei, m ya .) H. Stems stout, 
in height, ai or 

lightly hal ; re ee tioled, 5-7- 

e, erei 
aak pedicels; fl bright blue, 1- -l}in. 
Org n spur as long as the se 


ET AEA viride. (G. and F. 1888, 
0, £..29 

ualon bienni T 
wit 1 cut and toothed 1., and 
laxly racemose De the sep. and 
the long stout s e amaia. 

and lain iag dp. el ia Chihuah 

Rania ost (G. C. 1887, ii. 

8 5: b.wt H. annua 1 with 

pad ee on Y nely cut dark green 

1l., and enie racemes of pale yellow fl. 

Dendrobium aduncum. (B. M. t 
6784.) Orchidaceæ. S. Stems erect, 

spur large and gibbous. China. 

Dendrobium Ainsworthii. (F. Mm. 
Garden hybrid, 

perc hee fee Ga eto CGC. 
een os 8. sai species 

os o ; ; 
all and insignificant, with reflexed 

itera sep.,andc ng oblong 2-keeled 
New Guin 

Deperotum aaa (G. C. 1883, 
56.) 3 with 

aey me rm, 
edges ; lip striped and freckled with 
mauve, Mo luc 
Dendrobiam Aphrodite. (B. M. t. 
470 ; Veitch Man. meted 17.) 8. 

(This is is e first published name for 
D. nodatum, Lindl. ] 

Dendrobium Arachnites. (6, c. 
S. Ad speci 

1896, xx. 7, £. 2. 
Pseudobulbs rid 3 in. long, fusiform, 
shinin, in, across, orange- 

ng ; 
scar ane sep. and ee linear ; lip pan- 
durate. Burm 
Dendrobium srachnostashyum, reat 
8.) 8 

C. 1877, vii. 334 ; 

bese siei acute , B s r 

der ` bases. Pet longer, linear. 

lip trifid, very lane 3 side lobes 
wards the 

the organ to the 1 base of the saddle 
lobe. Gui 


Dendrobium atroviolaceum. 
Peay vii. 512; 

G. C. 

D. macroph itun, ‘diferin g 
brighte and s absence ‘of 
eee on its ry te ew Gui 

Dendrobium Auguste - Victoria. 
Bae ‘pigs 110) 5; 2a veratrifolium, 
Lindl. | New Guinea 

Dendrobium aurantiacum. (4. C. 

1887, ii. 98.) S. Allied gis erst 

u ving long bracts a oader 

p. and pet Stems slen an 1 ft. or 
more long. L , 2-3 in. long, +i 

broad. Racemes short, 1—3-flowered ; 

` fl. uniform, orange, Sep. oblong ; pet. 

broader ; lip hastate, rough inside, 

mp ke some linear elevations at the base. 

Dendrobium aureum album. (Veitch 
Man. Dendrob. 20.) S. Fl. very pale, 
nearly white. , 

— Var. aurantiacum. (Veitch Man. 
Dendrob. 20.) S. Fl orange-yellow 

— Var. Henshalli, aiies pe 
Dendrob. 19.) S. ant 
figured in B. M. t. bate ie 2 ain tero- 

carpum Henshalli. 

oe Meee eed arene ae C. 1880, 

and orange 
both sides of oe base. 

Dendrobium barbatulo-chlorops. 
(4G. C. 1892, xi. 298.) S. A supposed 
natural hybrid teat the two species 

indicated in the n 

in ea Cian eae album. (4. 
var. with 
Stm segments ai less colour in the 
fl. than the type. 
ae m Seana ce £ 1878, x. 
45.) S. with w marked 
on the dia i. the lip ofr sa pen 

Sieti bigibbum nee 
n vii. t. 317.) 8. Av 
whitish edges to the fl 


ee Ponce ein candidum: 
(G. S. A pretty 

var. ie whi te fl. " hunt. 

—— Var. superbum. (4. ¢. 1 
48.) S. A ee eos aes fens ra 
larger and long rounde d 
and very deep Seyi "ae gret to lip, 
and a longer spur than in the type. 

Bencong postz onoos. (4. C. 

Pa 748 as large as 

ose sof G infundibulum, white, with 

the lip and 

thas ‘ted oroa x at the base of = 
column ; pet. and lip. wavy. Borne 

oe bracteosum. (4. 
1886, xxvi. 809 ; Z. ii. t. 74.) S. Sinod 
to D. owmmilatuns, remarkable for the 

early as long a 

with e oa Sagres red « on the 
front marg 1 
spur oki 

_ parts of the 
Pe Bisa oblong, acute. ip 
nearly spathulate, a little convex on 
he upper pers uch thicker at the 

New Gui 

“the len gth of the oreo 
teral sep., rather blunt. 

Dendrobium brymeria tri- 
onicum. (4. C. 1888, iii. 104; 0.1888. 
225; sasha Man. Den pi ob.. 25.) 

_ An autumn-floweri ring for _some- 
times hax: a fringe to the fn. Burma. 

oe Aegon (G. C. 1878, 
n th 

- lip nearly contiguous. Sunda Islands. 

Dendrobium Nee kerio (G. C 
1892, xii. 744. ybri 
between D. tiunoianimand D. aureum, 
which are also the of D. 

Ponito Bag ae a sagas. 
CG. 0 With very 
short Bsr PL. 
arge D. dixanthum, Pinte a 

pox. Shae. “Lip. large dark o: 

at the base. Bur 

a an l va 

| the ay he a ovg with a valle 
i front: lobe. 


Deion cariniferum Wattii. 
CB; i5; R OE 
id dist net var. with white fl., 
having ye ello ow keels and rg ye ellow 
veins on each side of the li 

a “aps ere kae C. 1879, 

xii. 554.) of 46 f. 
pat and iisa e. Se 
and pet. light yellow, shaded with 
brown ; lip light ochre with brown 
lines ; claw th a strong retror 

h numerous 
on oy anterior edge 
Maln Archipelag 

areae a ne ER e (Gard. 

1893, xliii. 389.) arden hybrid 

n D, a ea a8 D. aureum. 

Dendrobium chlondpterunt CEE 
1884, xxii. 648.) =- Notis 
species. Pseudobulbs fusiform. 

bed ape: 

yellow pte, New 

Dendrobium chlorostele. (4G, c. 
1887, i. 477.) S. Garden hybrid. 

Dendrobium chlorostele - xantho- 

centrum. C. 1889, + 490.) S. 
Hybrid between i oes two species indi- 
cated by the 

Dendrobium rai berere anoph- 
thalum. (G4. Č. 1883, 44.) 

A distinct var. “deve “blokolibe on 
the lip. 

Var. microphthalmum. (4. 
~ 1879, xi. 366 ; Bull Cat. 1879, 4.) 8. 
AY ith 

ones as in the t 

Dendrobium chryseum. (4. (.1888, 
iii. 233 ; ani 1888, 166 ; Loes Man. 
d S.’ Stems 1} ft. high, 

slender. D $4 e Ara linear-lanceo- 
late. Racemes 2-3-flowe: Fl. rich 
golden yellow. Sep. oblong, 14 in. long. 

Pet. broad, elliptic. Lip orbicular, 
minutely pubescent, and minutely 


a AETS (G. 
C. 1892, a 8. golden- 
yellow, es ee : or ride- 

roseum, but witha eit lip. 

re ere chrysodiscum. (&. C. 
1887, i. 414.) S. Garden hybrid. 

Var. oculatum. (Veitch Man. 
Denki Si) 5: 
Dendrobium Ora; (G. 
1 v. 770.) ED, pe i 
Reichb. f.] 

Dendrobium christyanum. (4. C. 
1882, xvii. 178.) S$ 

Chin bluntly fogú 

pec gareng ace breve. (4. cC. 
328.) 8. Only differs nae 
ry nog in having short orriari 

Dendrobium Dene SM 
1880, xiv. 166. Habit 
cru menatu m. ig 
et. ochre a 
ith 3-5 purple 
lines and a MiA rple area before the 
apex. Bor 

pone ata pohbisnm. EA C. 1881, 

Ski hed ‘with Smet 
yellow with a cinnabar-orange blotch 
at its 

Dendrobium preggo wardia- 
num. (Veitch Man. Denbrob. 32.) S. 
[D. aisen iaee Reichb. f.] 

— a ane ape (G. C. 1884, 

0. 174) 8. FL 

very Ike ‘shake pa D. tridentiforme, but 

Fi, with the 
allus and side ay "a the lip 
peek hea Dale (@. C. 1881, 

102 A handsome species 

with stems lik like those of D. devonianum, 
and fi. in the 

Dendrobium varg (Sand. Cat. 
1896,. 12, f. arden hybrid 
between D. aureum aA D. Cassiope, 

ar yes curviflorum 
) S. Of 

OG B. 
the section A porum. 
eolate 13 in 

Biotchiad ` with vi Himala 

Dendrobium cymbidioides. (G4. C. 
1896, xix. 581, f. ; ied to 
. Celogyne.  Pseudobulbs ovate, 
clustered; 1. linear-lanceolate, 6 in 
long ; scape in. long, erect, many- 
flowered ; fl. 2 in. across ; sep. and pet 
narrow creamy-white ; lip small, white 
with purple markings. Ja 
mi ae ee (G. C. 
1881, xxi. Allied to D. 
macrostach, oo Fl ta ochre, with 
the margi i cof: if i 


brown. Lip with long narrow pde | 

lobes, and a square emargina 
blade, having three thick E e 
keels on the di sk, 

es Al blr ngs (G. C 

with, three red stripes. ` New 

Dendrobium dalhousieanum a 

te C. 1891, ix. 9 
straw- ition toria form. [D. ae 
chellum, Roxb. var.] India. 

__ Var. rossianum. (G. C. 1882, 

pss hireak on the stems. 

Dendrobium pen i C. 1882, 
i WB. 

white a 
yellow base to the lip. D. superbum 
eect ape and P. a ORT 5) is pro 

e same pian 

Dendrobium AEA — 
(G. C. Aeae a0 with 
clav. val s an eh t ee 
yellow fl. Lg se She 

Dendrobium devonianum candidi- 
dulum. 2 . 1876, v. 654.) S. 

ish markings, usu 
acts: of pet. and lip, totally 

| mer ie oe 


Dendrobium a 

ps th aa Doriar 

Dendrobium doreyanum. 

Dendrobium onion 

ee ee ee 

Tore devonianum elliot- 
(G. 1 

eaks its b 
of as ciliate. toothed pet. of the same 

1878, ix. 202. n hybrid 
betw obile 

een D. linawianum and °D. n 

(A CI 
pposed aara 
nt between D. preo and D. 

(E Hor 
Int. Cat. 1888-9, 48.) S. New tne: 

(CG. C. 1892, 
214.) arden hybrid sees 
D, r Siar pe D, aureum. 

CG. C. 1895, 
xvii. garden ra 
etw Si D Ga pee D. nobile 

DEE ee {8 C. 1876, 
98.) 8. 

Garden hybri 

ger ER wr aaa to ie 
35 98.) 

y ee ochre, ake 


crimson hairs on each side. 


C. 1885, 
i. den hybrid 
jioa Dz Endoe haris aie D, nobile, 

—- Bi Phu cmt (G. C. 1892, 

A garden hybrid between 
D. pan Sa D, Scher! is, 

Var. virginale. (G. C. 1895, 
xvii, 337.) 8S. A garden hybrid 
n D. Endocharis and D, nobile 

Pared ium, 

iri een ages em 0. 1889, 

all plan 
balbs: ni oe racemes t 
abe in. long 5 lip white, ire and 

POE. ISB 8 go keel 
S. ith 

white ips of ‘the ae palli Fip 
pallid, purplish at apex, aor at 

—-— Var. giganteum. (W. 0. A. t. 
257.) 5. A robust var. with large 

bordered with SPA FR. North 

a ribet robustum. (4G. (. 1879, xii. 

S. This only differs from the 

ris in r i rigs thicker scarcely 
constricted s 

Dendrobium Farmeri aureum. (W. 
A. t. 99.) S. A var. of dwarf 
habit, Aee free-flowering, with rich 
of clear yellow fi.; the lip 

ige e FloW. Moulmein, Burma. 

aa ae AT = O. 
1877, vii. 334.) In the way of 
Ð, Aphrodite. Mois with. fiat oblong- 

riform articulations. L. linear- 

ate ; oblong, 
acute; chin pearing wei aiken 

ee formosum Berkeleyi. 

CG. C. 1883, xix. 110, 210; Fl. and P. 

A var. with scentless 

-shaped than in the 

ae and shorter. 
Andaman Islan 

sie yeep Pier age piera (G. 

C. 1887, ii lied to D. sig- 
ro ce ae thick, furrowed, 
potted with purple on the sheaths. 
Racemes few-flowered. Fl yel- 
low, the lip with a darker yellow centre 
marked with a dark purple blotch 
in fo the lip is oblong, subacute, 
rough on the disk, raised at the base 

at its apex. Siam 

Dees Se eg 

ond D. chry iha, with cy 
grooved leafy 8 2-3 ft. lo 

4-6 in. long, ceolate, acuminate, 
striate, wi ort sheaths. 

lateral, several-flowered. FI. 
orange, lip rather paler with two dark 
purple-brown spots „base. [ 
Gi $ ] 


pet osee. fuscum. (G. C. 1879, 
80.) robust species, 2-6 ahs 
high, ak "weidixh. brown fi. Aus 

shat aoe fytchianum roseum 
C.. 1887, Pe 209; Williams Cat 
pa , 22.) S. Avar. with rose-coloured 
sep. and pe aa the side lobes and 
base of front ote of lip deep crimson- 
purple. Bur 

oe ges teeter sete 

den: with 
lip of a bright clear yellow. et 
aoe wets n the rs , slightly 
ped Lip very 

the margin 
broadly oordabi Diae with a fringed 

Bn Gemma, (0. R. 1895, 
3.) 5. A garden hybrid between D 
aureum and D. superbum Huttoni. 

Dendrobium peee yea = 

rose a iip orange. Moluccas 

Dendrobium sioner hee am (G. C. 

1895, xviii. 206.) mall and 

ignition aie er ft "On each 
stem, in cathe clusters. 

oer spre 

superb ai hae sh ‘20 ne 
3-4 in. lon wide, ligulate, 

aCe C. 1878, ix. 
lied o D. 

several rows of teeth, of a purplish- 
violet colour. North Australia. 

Dendrobium men (B. M. 
7042.) S. A near ally of D. 

roa” differing chi in 

ttn ah ke yellow with red spots 

are a e = 
90.) n the way o: 



Dendrobium Quihoriii. cg Veitch Man, 
Dendrob. 48.) is the D. 
has gees Carr. ite Seat as a var. 

D. griffithianum, 

Densror yn hamatum. (K. 

; in. 1 
Racemes axill any-flowered 
Fl. 14 in. wide, sep. and pet. pale 
yellow ae oo. of purple dots ; lip 

w with a ss stain 

on the Kont Tobe: Cochin Chin 

———— one EE (CG, XC. 
1883, xix. 624.) S. Fl. small, deep 
yellow, Sni two orange ny on the 

; the pet. and lip are strongly 
fri nged, which oe as well marks 
this species. Bur 

Dendrobium fa, Sage - e 
1886, xxvi. AES Allied to D. 
aduncum, with s 
lateral ra aconaee fe ‘the top. 

h: Duatuacum, but the spur 
t. delica’ 

fringe of hairs. Malacca. 

a I ery g B. 
4 . 

gc “Fi. 3 in. across, 

the sep. and isted and coloured 

le dull Bi: lip short and 
roundish, orange. Som aiaiai in 
colo is shown among cultivated 

_ plants. Burma 

Den drobium holmesianum. (G4. C. 
1896, xix. 401.) 8. A garden hybrid 
Sie dominianum E D, schnei- 
Dendrobium goeg hes ee = 
vil. rds ms thi 
scanning i wits with esate ow 
wart on the disk of the lip. Singapore, 

Rees am a. ICA R. 1895, 
F. of. H: xa. OGT, f. ey 

sa ab brid between 

Ep e pan and D D. daikon 

Dendro inauditum. (Z. ii. t. 
66; G. C. 1886, xxvi. 552; 1887, i. 45 ; 
9 ingular 

mae toa brownish leaf-stalk, 
pig tg bearing an elliptic obtuse 

1., from the base of which aris 

Sep. pet. 13 
linear- “Tamrsaeiats sal ip 
with square obtuse- ee sido: lobes, 

and a lance a ate acuminate front-lobe, 
i sp spotted with brown. New. 

Ss keg inflatum. (K. B. 1895, 
Of the section Pedilonium. 
Peeudobulbs slender, 6 in 
in. tong 3 racemes short, a ey 
Fl. . long, white with a yellow 
sist on the lip. Jav 

Dendrobium infundibulum naar 

pictum. | 1885, xxiv. . 
A var r. having a flesh- peed hue on 
the lip, and a thick oy ia ine and a 

few streaks = ya si 

— r beeen (Veiteh Man. 
Der oa hth Pe [This is D. jamesi- 
anum, Reichd, f.] 

— Var. oraanga, (CG: 0:1883, 
xix. 656. 8 with large waxy 
fl., having brown pn stripes and spots o 
the lip sha of yellow 

a pe 1a aie C. 1882, 
y speci 

lip; ovaries and peduncle mauve. 
Burma ? 

Allied to $ 
tndulan from which it differs in 
me: ara og the g ire 

a ate age (G. C. 
329.) 8. 

mn oia segm and 

three-lo' ‘ip. The doloar i is Yellowish 
PEE, vda inside and varnished. 

Dendrobium pieri semifuscum. 
(G. 3, xi g 

C. 188: rown pet., 
iow sep., sia with reddish- 
rown border: Bn lines on the 


per kingianu m album 
(W. 332; G. C. 1888, iii. 801.) 
S. aa flowered var, Australia 

Dendrobium lansbergeanum. 
(L'Hort. Int. Cat, 1888-9, 49.) S. 
New Guinea. 

Dendrobium leeanum.  (&. C. 1891, 
x. 591, 640 fy A A orn with tall 
slightly compressed pse 
unlike D. superbiens in gees and form 

of fl. Fl. white, m e rose, 

and tinged with g the base 
of the lip. New G a 

poe a een, (G6 

gore et Fl. and P. o3, 


hybrid abies D. aureum and D. 

Dendrobium leucochlorum. (4. C. 
1879, xi. 202.) S. Pseudobulbs stalked, 
thin, cylindric, shining, with pelluci 



bent in the middle. Burma. 

See ee ee (eee. 
1882, xvii : vii. t. 291. 
Near Dd. Tn but with larger 
pseudobulbs and a long lax 
of ng ee white fl. ; 
lobes triangular, a e its front- 
lobe long, linear-ligulate, acute. Malay 
Archi ipela go. 

Pe a loucopiorim. G. C 
v. 488 


Dendrobium lineale. (&. C.1889,vi. 
esembles D. canaliculatum ; : 

balh 2 ft. high ; racemes 1 ft. 
long ; fl. white ome bi rple sists on 
the lip. New Gui 

pene nna edge (@. C. 
188 18.) 

4, Stems slender, 
shiny, aA , bidentate. 

in. long, 2 in. broad, twisted. FI. 
rising singly f tufts of leaf- 
sheaths, white, with purple-mauve 
lines on lateral sep. and lip ; upper 
sep. small, oblong, acute ; pet. small, 
nearly rhombic ; lip cuneate, Ta 
reb or 3-lo apex, havin 
muriculate thick yellow area, ai ake 
front of the middle lobe. Suma 

Dendrobium Linguella. a e. raa 
xviii. 552.) S. Small-flow 
much in th 

e way of am, ; 
sey having double lamellar 
at the base of the lip. 

penal oooh with a yellow-tipped lip. 
Malay Archipelago. 


rep tae Agere eng 
(G. A 86.) S. A var. with 

wt Assam, &¢ 

— Var. Freemani. (G. C. 1877, viii. 
744.) 8. Ta var. with the lip covered 
with denser hairy bodi r ànd with the 
zone ey instead of white. 

Eria. robustum. (4G. C. 1877, vii. 
~ 781.) A var. only differing from 
the = in its much thicker stems. 

ME — A 

eines cs 
having short hairs on the basal pies 

Dendrobium nang nr C&C. 
1882, xvii. 460.) S ._ yellowish- 

a cin- 
on the side iota and _ 
the base of the middle lobe. Burm: 

Dendrobium abn ton chlorocen- 
trum. (G.C. 1 xix 340, f. n; 
Williams’ ir 18 883, "26 EJ S. A va 

mrose fi. having ioith 

hairs on the disk of the lip. 

Dendrobium ee (0. R. 
arden hybrid 

een D. aerate and D. splen- 

d jpe m grandiflorum. 

porrige Macfarlanei. meses 
leer Se ee 
Lit. high; raceme 9-12- : 
fl 4 across, pure hits, student 
with h purple on the sides and base of 
the lip. Ei eere onecoie C. 1891, 
ix. 104.] New Guin 

geiene Sprei ninae gigan- 
H. 1886, 348.) S. m 

lilac, t 
fringed lip being rosy-purple D. 
ee Reichb. ar. gigantewm.} : 
Philippine Islands. 

— Var. stenopterum. (4. AE see 
iii, 393; H. G. 1888, — we! A va 

with narro w triangular si lobes to 
the lip, hick is yellow, gale some 
on the middle 

Bete Doa kaawa lines on thoi side 


lobes. and pet. are ochre- 
yellow, dotted on ‘ihe pal are with dark 

Ss gy It also occurs with 

Dendrobium melanodiscum. (2. ser. 
2, t.12; G. C.1887,i. 414.) S. Garden 

Dendrobium melanophthalmum. 
(G. C. 1886, xxv. 426.) Stems nodose. 
Fl. like those of Dd, r. 
oe! but with two 

pots. Supposed to be a natural hybrid 
between D, wai aan and D. crassi- 

cay tee aurr AE C 

189 306. o D. 
nitidiminium, Di fl, ike shaw’ of Fii 

Dendrobium niau CG. C. 1879, xi. 
332.) S. A g hybrid between 
D. wardianum aia D. lituiflorum. 

ium mirbelianum. 

stems, 18-20 in. long, elli o us 
. and erect race bout a 
dozen mode S and pet. 
narrow, lanceolate, tue, Y pices ici 
yellow with nto Lip with 
oblong aen Sres nish-yellow, 
marked with br rown Tes, enclosing the 
column. að ate ront- 

a "wiek a pals akk, and oe 
eined with brown. New Gui 

= mohlianum. (4. C. 1877, 

39.) S. Somewhat in the way o of 
D. y yrsoides. ean: slender, with black 
eath L. linear 

puncta ear- te, 
apiculate. Kaisa compact; bracts 
mi-ovate. Fl. ; sep. un- 
equally ti t. oblong, sub- 
ute; lat xtended i 
ample spur; lip. d dilated and sli ipper- 
shaped at apex, minutely fringed. Fiji. 

an ag = ECA 

a fieshy callosity between them. 

Dendrobium moschatum Calceo- 
laria. (Veitch M: 

[A synonym of D. ar. 
jo wW ; EN spi pa 
Carey.] ` 

Dendrobium Murrayi. (0. R. 1895, 
167.) S. A garden hybrid between 
D. nobile and D. albosanguineum. 

Dendrobium oe Sea vas (GC. 
1888, iii. inte . G. 1888, 308.) z 
Garden hybrid 

Dendrobium ee ager (G. C. 
1884, xxi, 338.) trifling var. 
with very pale. ts = the sep., pet., 
and tip of the 

— Var.. Ain esiæ. ao: i. 115.) 
S. . with pur hit sep. and 
pet. an Pre a a eae E irp aali lip. 

— Var. ballianum. (4. 
XIE, 322; B: A va 
with white segments, tipped with ilo 
pink instead of purple. 

C. — 

— va pare ge (Z. x. t. 480.) 
with white s e ar a? 
lip ida. marine with 

—— Var. cooksonianum. 5 C. 1885 
xxiii, 692; Veitch Man 

area of the pet. of a very deep purple, 
g their Spe with pu me borders ; 

the pet. 
thickened iid velvety in the: middle. 

elegans, ee 

— Va (Veitch 
- Dendro ob. 64.) 

and the apical margin r 

—— Var. formosanum. ha C. 1883; 
xix. 432.) S. A lon mmed var. 
with white fi., having oe nek and lip 
— with mauve -purple ; ovaries 
uve. Formosa. 

—— Var. nobilius. ae C. 1882, Sg 

366; We GO. Art S. A va 

with large fl. of a slave oa r 

the fis being very dark and with fine 

—— Var. sanderianum. Ta C. 1888, 
iii. 554 ; R. se: ser. 1,6. 58. 

area in front 
with purple veins 

— Var. schneiderianum. (4. C. 
1884, xxi. 577.) S. A var. having a 
yellow ue m lags lip, and a deep 

mauve mark at its base. 


Thandarnhi: 221 } 
a eae Dendrobd. 64.) 5. A large- 
red var. with broad segments ; 
aad at a ite, sometimes tipped 

s pe 

with amethyst-purple. 
marhe disk eenen with pale yellow, 
and a w. 

Var tollianum, abe C. 1884, 
xxi, 445.) A va which the 
ee are Cohen d with geile Lip 
ted and streaked with purple on 

the “disk and at the base. 
ao ot bah igre 
(G. C. 1886, xxvi. 616.) mall- 

oduced in oe on 
the upper and ultimate tely leafless part 

lobes, and a a short retuse central 
lobe. New Guin 

oe arae (G4. C. 
S. Fl. small yellowish- 

1892, x: 

green. : Philp Islands. 
—— oreneaun. fe. C. 

1893, . 206, 5 ORL 86.) 28 

A ple Torty heiween D. “linawia- 

num and D. wardianu ese are 

e parents of D. SMit Reichb. f. 

Dendrobium pardalinum. (@. 

lobe pentagonal, bo 
ci backwards and sais 

Dendrobium Parthen ium. (G4. C. 
1886, xxiv. 489; Bull Cat. 1886, 
S. À tall lant with thin stems ; Í 

in. long; ra -flo fl. 
white with a purple blotch 
= the lip. Sep. lanceolate-triangular 
ith obscure keel Pe ong, 
bethia longer than the sep. Borneo. 
Dendrobium percnanthum. aE. 
1886, xxvi. T Cat. Comp. Cont. d Hort 
ct f 3) ie with strong 

ar aen and with brown 
purple keels. Sep. triangular. Chin 


bai Pet. linear, longer than the 
rned backwards. Lip ligulate, 
nia a at the apex, side lobes blunt, 

rhomboid, mid-lobe ovate, apiculate 

Pirin nae Petri. (4G. C. 1877, vii. 

i right 
tefl. The lipi is iigileto, 
volar with 2 gg ier teeth before the 


imtos the erg Sasia 

Dendrobium Phalænopsis. (G. C 
1880, xiv. 38; B. M. t. 6817.) 
i : 

obovate, acute. Lip 1 in. long, acute, 
with broad ee and spurred at the 
New Guin 

r. hololeucum. 
pice i 199, ey f. 72.) 
pur white 

(G. C. 1895, 
S. Avar. with 

— Var. rothschildianum. (4. A 
1892, xii. 668.) S. Does not appear 
differ in any way from the type. 

— Var. statterianum. (R. se 
t. 7.) S. FL smaller and sient S in 
colour than the type. 

eae eee Sen ena (G. C. 
92 ; G. 1888, a 8. 

yellow, with a purple e tip and lines on 
each side of the thickened mid-line. 

a Pogoniates. (4. ('. 1886, 
miniature plant 
ith fusiform 

North Borneo 

Sa pona ae (G. C. 
S. Stems tall and 

lobes, which have p 
Java or Sumatra. 


endrobinm, Le or aires ag ib A ', axillary whitish fl., with a brownish 
t. median stripe on the lip ; sep. and pet. 
ra is fof 0 Din di, ge the all directed He ds and recurved. 
se pet. are broader, of a brig alay Penins 
rosy colour; lip rounded, slightly 
fringed and hairy, ie pasal part pale | Dendrobium hodostomum. CG. ©. 
with three keels s radi- 187. 795 85 f.) Ss. 
ating Ee nate teres im disk peal ta purple, Hybrid d beter oe DE Stas ‘and D. 
and the m n whitis mo exes oa sanguinolentum, 
[D. rhe eien f.] Bur a. 
pper tatami Rimanni. (&. C. 1882, 
Var. Emerici. (&. C. 1887, ii. ; Fl. and P. 1883, 10.) S. 
242.) A var. br os a Ai mid-line Siana oina or fusiform ; 1. broadly 
on the back o A sep. The oblong, coriaceous; fl. as large as 
dark blotch on Aa frees ti of ae = is those of D. speciosum. Lateral sep. 
interrup y an amethyst- ured yellow striped with purple outside, 
bar, and the pn ont margin is aits, falcate and bent downwards. Pe 
changing to straw-colour. Burma. yellow, Er ee ga than 
the sep. pea purple 
Dendrobium porphyrogastrum. retioulations. Moluce 

y co blo, Dendrob. 90.) S 
aerea am webchat (K. B.1 
33.) D, nirbtiansn 
2 Re As but B ties ents 
"Bm, A To) Slams ee smaller bracts. Pse ack bulbs 2 “tt. 
t, dark, furrowed. L. lanceolate long ; fl. powinen with purple 
sch hinektaba tins length, pale es. New Gui 
ochre with i m i 

dark purplish limb. Li 
trifid, sulphur-yellow, orange in front, hog ng seen cates (0. R 
the central lobe velvety and 3-keeled, IEJ 8. Pon en Boob between 

D. ii and D. 7 

gere profusum. (G. C. 1884, 

S. Habit like that of D. | Dendrobium Rolfeæ. CG. C. 1892, xi- 

t SA but stem thinner; fi. in 522.) S. A garden eh i between 
racemes, yellowish-green, with purple D. primulinum and D. nobile 

base sep. 

purple dots on the pet.; lip yellow 

with a dark spot on the middle, pandu- Dendrobium rubens. (Œ. C. 1893, 
rate, very broad in the front, serrulate xiii. 226.) S. A garden hybrid Prite 
and wavy. Philippine ¢ slanda. D. leechianum and D, nobile nobilius. 

Dendrobium purpureum candidu- Den ois ‘Tutriferum. (4. 0. 
Boh weak wah iis fl. Ave eg sleek at tasty ` Fi. in short capi- 
green on the sep, oe = 

mes, rose-coloured, ut the 
of se of D. secundum p. 
triangular, obtuse. et. spathulate 
— Var, Moseley. (G. C. 1884, xxi. obtuse, Lip oblong-pandurate, with 
604.) B A form with fusiform inflexed borders, saccate and denticu- 
stems, 6-9 in. long, and lateral clusters late at the apex, and having a trans- 
of small tubular white te fl. tipped with verse emarginate pecs Em in front 
green. Moluccas. of the base. New Gui 
Dendrobium quadrilobum. (K. B. | Dendrobium sanderianum. (x. B 
1896, 44.) S. Of the section Giditiu, 1894, 155.) S. Like D. Dearei, but 

with creeping p short ob ong with larger fi. and the lip stained with 
— a re udobulbs and so solitary purple instead of green at the base; 

een fil. 1 in. acros an sxillaty clusters of. two or three; 
Ner Guinea, Borneo, 

remarkable 1895, xviii. 292.) S. Bel 
terete stems 1 ft. high, the section Clavipes, with aad 
. furnished with numerous oblong 1, 3 ft. long and small axillary crimson 
1}-2 in. on and moderately small fl. Bo: 

ig eee me (4. M. t. | Dendrobium sanguineum. e a 
species t 


Deondzehinza posanilinguo yra 
G. C. 1880, xiii. 616.) 
dtiil of name for 'D. albo-vir ik: 

Dendrobium piha (G. 
C. 1887, i. 209; W. O. A.t. 411.) 8. 
Garden hybri rid. 

a ae secundum niveum 
CG. C. 1882, xvii, 733,) 8. A distinct 
var. Wi . white except at the tip of 

the lip, which is orange. 

mie se agg (4. C. 1884, 

ear D. Bensonie. 
ed ant ‘pet. Teulate acute, reflexed, 
whitish. Lip sulphur-yellow T, with a 
brown blotch, shoulder 
In the mi 

ular ahs rat at Ta sides 

sa gnc ne S ~ 1879, 
S. short 

aage T: whitish vidi e a pard 
purple hue over the ovary, chin, 

ase = h h d green 
tips; lip ligulate-pandurate, boat- 
shaped, its apex green, concave, with an 
angle on each side a ginate in 
the middle, and with a transverse 

membranous keel above the middle. 
North A 

Dendrobium sponsa an (0. 
R. 1895, 119 5 ed to D fer mo- 
u as 

a deep 

eee ploteh on the Yip. Born 

| ondro oo ogia 

secon speciosum banoroftia- 
: A | 

ase, w middle 
keel and line, Queensland. 

a Sphegieneaneni. (G. 

sn 1888, 179.) S. Stems | 

aped, relat 9 in. high; 
pl na fl. rather small, a | 
lowish w r sep. 

sae; taal sep. clongate-triangular, 
acu Pet. lanceolate, obtuse 
pots od 3- lobed, fringed 
hairs, with an orange-red ti 

veins on the pa 

] Burma 

be “curl 

= [D om ial 

EE TE (G. 

1879; xi, 298; J. H. 8 1892, 438, 

$ S. Garden ‘hybrid between D. 
aureum and D. nobile. 

Var. grandiflorum. Teih 
“Man. Dendrob. $1.) S Gak 

Dendzohinm mingarra (G. C. 1886, 
6, 177, f. 34 H 
; Cat Comp, As an 

ip ured, 
violet veins, 3- lobed rarer lobe ovate 
acute. Sunda 

Ca. GC. 
Cat: Q “ig 4 fé tet 
Hort 1886, re i iii. t. 124.) 8 

to D. Stra atiotes, but with pire: fi. 

nearly triangular ; 

on the median area. Sunda Isles. 

— Var. rossianum. CZ. iii. 124; 

- 0. 3, 92; G. A rs iii. 7 


Mar the rite a sen. derio. to yellow- 
ish. New Gui 

gerie en striatum. (4. C. 1892, 
garden hybri 
t n D, japonicum and D. dalhousie- 

| Dendrobium len cer he 
C. 1877, vii. 749.) S. Ste 
cas n, shining. . ob 
early 2 long, 4-3 in. 
very ag pale yellow, with or 
3- lo ral tee 
violet, m ane are several reddish 
spots under the stigmatic hollow. 

D deere gh eve (4. 
1878 62.) With oar’ ha 
1 ft. thigh, with ene brow 

bearing dense la 
top. oe rach sours por ind oela 
e bases 

ll freckles outside of it. 

Dendrobium eg oe te a B. 
1894, 362.) S. A species with slender 

pseudobulbs l} Š long, oblong s. Si e 

lag and short racemes 

aS 3 in. long and coloured brilliant 

orange. Moluccas. 


aint on sulcatum See 
n 1887, i. 607.) Aw 
dovelipied condition. 

oe POPS i ae 
516 Staa. 
With uae arge s r xs some- 
thin the of D. bigibbum, but 
with much lo and narrower am 
the lateral lobes of 1 lip with numerous 
asperities, vee the middle lobe differing 
in bearing five equal ridges. Nor th: 
east Austr ja 

Dendrobium superbum Burkei. ue 
C. 1884, xxi. shee a A fine white- 
wered with two blush-rose 

n the ase of the disk of the 

pals yaln h 

Dendrobium ee CG. C. 
1880, xiii. 712.) Fl. white. Lip 
her 1 washed with 

ochre-yellow before the t ; 
with a dark purple blotch at the base 
of the the k of the 

hin is green. 

Dendrobium thyrsiflorum — 
net „C. tip xix, 593. eamy- 
narrow, istic: aaa and 

Mireka with yellow. 

eaea — (G. C. 
1877, 72.) L. narrow. Ste 
very tny, e slender, Ría i. Fl. s E lig 

like, purplish, the sep. and pet. endin; 
in long bristles. Fiji. 

ro ane menor Leases 
(G. C. 1885 95.) 
S wholly w. 

peguer ee treacherianum. (B. M. 

g. awe ea 
oblong, 3-4 in, long. Peduncles 2-3- 
ered. Fl. 1} in. long, rose-purple. 

soe veh Sele aoe (G 
1887, ii. 682.) _ Pseudobulbs tat 

3—4 , thin, 
ck, and ‘when ‘young 
FL, solitary, golden 

ransverse red 
lines on each side, and the front lobe 
: has a green central area. Burma. 


rar nbeoticym undulatum fimbri- 

labium. (&. C. 1878, ix. 40.) S. 
var. wid the angles of at so lobes 
of the lip fringed, and w short 

middle lobe to the lip. North ritek 

Dendrobium vannerianum. (4. € 
1887, ii. 72.) S. Garden hybrid. 

en ibia MA (K. B.1895, 
Pseudobulbs 5 in. lon 
Aaina : 
raceme Li 

Heer a ri yellow ; lip ve 
i Burm: 

ae versicolor. (J. 0. 1895, 
oa Allied to D. megaceras ; 
at. ie greenish-yellow, afterwar ds 

very pale yellow. Ass 

Dendrobium pamaen e C. 1884, 
xxi. 270.) §8. 

ines, front lobe very wavy, 
sulphur-yellow, with an zona blotch 
at each end of the tuft of hairs 

R virgineum. (G. C.1885, 

520. Allied to D. infundi- 

beled but with smaller fl. of an ivory 

white, with two thickened ligular 

reddish lines running a ~~ base to 
the middle of the lip. 

Dendrobium wardiano - aureum 
CG. C: 1889, v. 490.) 8B. ses sed from 
D. war ae and D. aureum 

| Dendrobium waräiano-japonioum. 

C. 1892, xi. 343.) A garden 
hybrid hotirean the two species indi- 
cated in the name. 

eeepc beens ons album. 

Sovrani spi range-yellow 
cei to the lips eei rather slender 

—— -Var. Serres (G. C. 1876, 
460.) 8. r. with entirely: 
white fl. 

— Var. giganteum. (W. 0. A.t 
113.) 8. [This is identical with the 
var. Lowii. 

— Var, Lindenie. = ix. t. 419.) 

. Fl, pure white, save a large aaa 
of saline at the base of the labellum. 

Er ene Lowii 

(Fl. M. Sep. white, rose- 
nted ; ‘ sc whi, purple-rose t 
apex ; li ith the lower % yellow 
with 2 purple-brown eyes, t 

white with a rose apex 

—— Var. pictum. (&. C. 1894 
298.) S. A var. with pale amethyst- 
ine sep. crimson at the tips; pet. w. 
uipa ak imson tips, and lip aaria E 

paroha Wattii. (4. o fase 
iv. 724.) S te is ie plant figured 
in the B. s D. PERE A um 
var. Wattii, “Hoole. i 

a hiyana E C. 1896, 
337, 84.) 

hybrid Moaea D. saline = nd D 

Dendrobium wiganianum. 

(Ü.K. | 
1894, 143.) S. A garden hybrid | 

) gar y 
supposed to be between D. harrisianum 
and D. Ashburtonie. 

par dienes oe (G.C. 


F about as ange as D. dalhousieanum ; pal 
with an 

its top of the same colour, but 
darker. New (Guinea. 

porer Epee CG. C. 
1890, 4895 

hybrid} nek went D. finda yanum ‘and | 
peci | 

some other s 

eaen giera n (G. C. 
1882, xvii. 256.) Orchidaceæ. S. 
solitary, padca i 

in, lo ta cle a Sere | 


longer th than the l., wit oose 

of g h fl. [Pla batt pei ana 
Rolfe. ec es, 

Dendrochilum ost ge ie 

infl. bent fito. a iiie Sep. an ’ pe 
sulphur-coloured; lip flabellate, orange- 
colo [ mo n cobbiana, 
rE Philippin 

ilum cucumerinum. (&. C. 

1884, xxii. S. Muchin the 
f D. uncatum. Pseudobulbs cucumber 
like, l furrow is 
$ ight pellucid green, 
. distichous 
toothed brown 

- racemes. Lip with a 
auricle on tis a of the base, 

nning out into a narrow aristate 

the disk. ({ Platyclinis cucumerina.] 

_ Dendrochilum uncatum. (G. (. 1881, 
. 780.) 8. 

brown mark at the b 
whitish column, [ Platyclinis uncata. ; 

Borat des oo eee Le C.1878, 
30.) m fleshy, 
ita Ber: A ue ong- 
ienas 1 ft. boag, “oblong, entire, 
pointed or rounded 

at b 
a Da nilvery-white ore i 
beneath, the veins green. Braz 

cia Sala CE CG. C. 1888, 

533.) S. Much in 
| the f D p ae "A leafless plant 
with a tuft of long green roots sprin 
ery m, from 
ch arises a scap ying from 
2-23 long, bearing several fi. 2 
in dia . and pet. lanceolate, 
te, gree h; lip obed, white, 

with a kionder spur 7 in. long. West 

Danan macrophylla. (B. M. 
nice or goers a pa high, Tees 

at to 2 in. 1 

oblong or foe ; cede ~ 
apex obtuse ; margin si 

Fl.-heads i a9 Kiger bright yellow, in 

droo pani 
ligulate. Ta cha Face on 
——- perae Son 
(G 877, vii. 367 
1877, ei Veiteh € Cat. art, pen "Files, 
Caudex ł in. thi i 

pie thick, creeping 
pes smooth, dark brown below 
|  golden-brown aboy ds ample, 
hee As 7-8 ft. long, yg in oe 
line, finely 
4-3 in ng” se oblong, de gly 
cut into blun z ma An obes, of 
which those the inet cat 
Sori small, aad near the yt in the 
sinus of on the l teeth 

ar davallioides, R. Br.] 

oj Dentaria H Killisii. (O. C. 1889, vi. 446.) 

| A hybrid between 
| Do n = D. polaphylia, more 
robust than either e parents. 

| Europe. 


pei Pinnato-digitata. (4. C. | 
46) H À 

D: digitata. se Mountains 
Mana polyphylla. T N: t. 6796.) 
hizome 6-10 in. lon EKEN 
t. high, 
n short rt petioles 

Pekarni, bee | 

cor, pA. 

diam., pure white. Doniini | 

rmatobotrys ee 

Derm (K. B. 
1893, 367; B. M t 


wt e new 1. tubular, 1} | 
long, bright red and yellow. 

Desmodium ee BS C. 
1883, xx. 748, 749, f. 130 
shr. w 

bran ches, ` and pi rore trifoliate 1., | 
covered “gn ered hairs on the under | 

side. in $a ng racemes. | 
TLecedece veboldi, Miq.] Japan. | 

— Var. flore albo. (W. &. 1893, 
69.) H. A white-fi d form | 

Deutzia discolor purpurascens. 
u H. 1894, 244; Jard. 1894, 147, f 

64.) Saxifrag aces. . A form with 
rose- purple tL Yunnan, China, 

Deutzia gracilis, foliis saursin A 
H. B. 1889, 270.) H. L. yellow 

Deutzia Lemoinei. (Jard. 1894, 85.) | 
= yore brid between D. gracilis and 

iania parviflora. (4. C. 1893, xi. 

152, t.31.) H. China. 

Lae bp oe To (Bult | 
‘at. 1884 

at k t stg 4, ae remy linear, 1- 1} | 

ft. jong, deep — bordered with 
yellow. Bolivi 

ianel tasmanica Mp fe 
(Bull Cat. 1894,3.) Liliac L. 

Dianthera bullata. (zi. H. 1886, t. 
589.) Acanthaceæ. S$. Of dwarf 
habit, with opposite elliptic acute | 

| ar eer Heltzeri. 

take bullate dark green 1., purplish 
h; andslender racemes of small 

ae fascicled in snd ils of minute 
opposite brac in. long, 
puberulous, bilabiate ; Triat lobe 4 
parted. Stamens 2, exse erted ; stam 
nodes 2. Tarani 

—— ea ape 1892, 

ophyl r: 
re hybrid between D. superbus 
and D. barbatus. 

| Disntins oe ey (B. M. 6.7228.) 
. per. 

are large, 
am., deep rosy-purple with a 
ering bein around the throat. Tran- 

— bic (G. C. 1892, 
er. A dwarf alpine species 
with shea pienocas l. and purple fl. 
. in diam. Bosnia. 

(GA. t. “ie 
ufted habit. L. linea ser 
By corti =e, Ss in. ig ng, 2 

broad. hig hy sparingly 
branched. FL ‘solitary, 14 fi in. in 
pink, bearded in yellow thre oat 
with purple Badia, tan. 

Var. dentatus. (Gf. t. 1032.) 
H. Pet. acutely toothe d. 
—- Var. ebarbatus. (Gf. t. 1032.) 
. Fl. paler and scarcely bearded in 
the throat, 

— Var. ee (GA. t. 1032.) 
H, Pet. 

— Var. flaccidus. (Gf t. a = 

Stem decumbent, flac 


— Var. ag frag es t. 1032.) 
fringed lik ose of var, 

Jimbriatus, but more fin o 

Dianthus plumarius scoticus, flore 
pleno. (W. G. 1888, 242.) H. Garden 

Diastema Lehmanni. (Regel, Deser. 
11.) Gesneracez. er. in wa 

s ovate , White, 
moii; and lined with violet. Colom- 


Diastema picta. 
S. per. Herb 6-9 in. high, mlay hai 

with scaly rhizomes, like those of AA 

aks. Stems 

; limb spreading, white, with 
r lobe marked with a dark 
pur gisi set: Andes of Colombia 

Dichea vaginata. Seog Cat. 1885, 

14, f.) Orchidacex, Stems long 

and flattene d, mall close-set 
Siskiohous L Mex 

PIE aP. 18s ele ÇB. M.t. 6746 ; 

oe ae cen. G. 

als and Tong 

linear r betie l, and arna purple 

ihe toon in diam. East Australia 
pe Tasmania, 

yer clap er —— Rae H.1894, 
melina al 

Fl, ‘deep violet-blue, Brazil. 
eens angustifolia. (Zi. H. 

58.) S. L. lanceolate, acute, 
rie in ‘lo č, reei Lg marked w ith 
wer tra i baks 
between the palea Pe easath. 

ens mosaica gigante a. 
G. 0.1892, xi. Fa TER r, with 

stems 2 t. , and 1. 9 in. ag by 
n, broad, 

Dichorisandra pubescens teniensis. 
(G. C. 1888, iii. 557, L 75; B. T. O. 
1888, 306; G. and F. 1888, 204, as var, 
talmiensis; B. 18 

L lan 

ric. ich on 
blue and whitei in e: terminal spike- 
like panicles. Braz 

icksonia berteroana. (Fl. and P. 
1880, 116, £. ; Veitch a pn. as, t. 
)' Tilices 

very coriaceous texture. Juan 

Dicksonia Billardieri. (@#. 188 
637, f. 90.) G. [D. antarctica, abill | 

(Gf. 1888, a s 

Pekna Deplanchei. (Lind. Cat 

poi green, kabo, New Caledonia. 
ae ee (G. C. 1885, 

garden hybrid between D. antarctica 
D. arborescens. 

Dictyogramma japonica variegata. 
Fl. and P. 1876, 3.) Filices 

b. 1 i 
Fronds or more high, with 2-3 
pairs of linear-lanceol pinnæ, 
in. long, g i 
side of the 

i b, pale en leine rien ae 
ime japonica, Hook. ] 

58.) Palme. S. ari 
y ft 

slender, about 

Distenerme fibrosum. (K. 2. 1894, 

pinnate, 5 ft. iy petioles 2 
leaflets 1} ft. lon; ng, 1 
=e obose 3 in. i 
ame, “ Vonitra.” 
fibre. Madagascar. 

Yields ‘Pi assava 

gre Lai aes Jaeno, Fe Peres 
Gesner _ 8. Allied to D. 

a lour o vate, cordate 
Infi. Streptocarpus- -like. Ps tubular, 
1} in. long, nodding, viol P 

1896, 2; P: N. t ratte. 
S. nee fae ite, green with a 
covering of white silvery hairs. 
Scapes ine Et ye 4-6, sp high, 

each beari which a e shaped 
like those of Sapo Rezii but 
are of a rose-yellow colour. 

Didymosperma nanum. ( 

high, ith a rusty m he 
petioles and spathes. L. pinnate, wi 
ao eae lateral ones cuneately 


boidal, irregularly = and lobed, 
a finely toothed on margins ; 
the terminal leaflet aires cue oe 
more or less lobed 
spike. A 
i agence bee a Siw Cat. 

1876, 7.) L 

yeilowish- seein mostly in in the apical 
fale its very thick. Colombia. 

Brow ake araona: ager i 
4.) r. ong, 

an g $ 
prae Bli of white and pale pare ax 
both sides. South Amer 

Miuabashis Marami. (Bull Cat. 
$; oblon ng: 
ste variegated, mk America 

Dieffenbachia Chelsoni. (Bull Cat. 
a ee 

ked a 
oen mir 
with bright eA pee Aa -green, Colom- 

ral pagae T h lia 
L. elliptic- inetolate, $ 8-1 ar eP 
spotted SE whitish abe rT 
South Americ 

devi Sas gigantea. (Williams 
t. 1883, 26, t. 20 ; FI. ai 883, 75; 
u “H. 1866 t. 470.) S. shr. ra 
acuminate l., 20-24 in. long by 7 in. 
broad, dark green, mottled with light 
green por zais the midrib and petiole 
grey. Colom 

error beter a ee Cat. 
187 rgreen arge, ob- 
rede te caidas at b ked al 
er with irregular ggg of yellow- 
ish-green, with cy to 

and n 
sanen yellow deag the veins. Co- 

oe ama gg An parator: GRs 

in, ion, 5 in, oes hy om E 
acumin olive-green, po decry 
blabohid with pale yellow and white. 

Dieffenbachia “gy ce a Cat 
1881, 17.) 

green, with rulas angular pe 
yellowish-gtoen blotches. Colom 

Dieffenbachia Jenmani. me and = 
nee blon 

nearly to the margin. British Guiana. 

Dieffenbachia Lanceola. (Bull Cat. 

76,7.) 5. Smallevergreen. L. 5-8 

in. long, lanceolate or somewhat fal- 

cate-lanceolate, dark green, with a 

narrow feathery central raed of white. 


ne: ee illus- 

tris. (Zu. 234; Lind. Cat 
1876, om BI Dor . lanceolate-ellip- 
tic green with large 

of pale green. 

raises eric 

let tate a Pn Cat. 
Gist S. evergreen of moderate 
ARN L. oblong, im iat rounded 
t base, deep green, blotched on the 

central part with iret patches of 
creamy white. Colo 

Bees magnifica. (Jil. H. 
rig Lind, Cat, 1883, 3, f. ; 

H P. 1883, 92.) per. 
lage, ‘hiptic-oblong acute green with 
white, some of 
whisk hive a en lines upon them. 
EE tha nee gaa (Bull Cat 
i vied oblong-ovate, 
ich a bee with 

sel a 
nni yellow blotches, A a a 
feathery white 

no ee marmorata. ( Williams’ 
Cat. 1877, 21.) 5. L. ovate-oblong, 
acute, mie in. long, 6 bi tose light 
green, spotted th white 

oe giana Meleagris. (Ji. 
59.) S. Asle — i soa! with 
search pets and 
nate dar nl, Ae witks a toe 
white i artei dor 

anes nitida. Seyi eig 

oblong lanceolate, scum 

na e, dee 
seen aate wih ‘ead Fp 
green. Colombia. 

Dieffenbachia Olbia. (zi. H. 1892, 
fa 3. B: Ex onl oblong- lanceolate 
dark green, feathered with white 

along the midrib, and spotted with 

yellow-green and white. Per 

eae re Parlatorei marmo- 
ings. gi lier piper dn 
Dieffenbachia a ra Cu. 

a t. 162 ovate-oblong, 
te, dark spo’ de with white. 


ee EN. (Bull Cat. 
_ 1882,15.) -8 cordate, of a 
j As scattered 

aa spoke aa a silvery-grey cen- 
ral band. 

Dieffenbachia Soy ae (Bull Cat. 

1883, 13, ae with large 
elliptic- oblon T nis pestis 
mottled with a gr ian, ead ined 

and blot blotched with dark green. "Routt 

per. with lar elliptic- 

oblong l, of a deep green, beautifully 

blotched with white; the blotches 

. sometimes marked with green, South 

enacts Rex. Sl p 1883, 

Dieffenbachia Shuttleworthii. (Bull 
C : QO. 1878, x. 45, f. 

ath white 

along the mble ib. CD. "Sia Schott. ] 



=e atk and ory an tis ric 

velvety green, with a lustrous surface, 

freely marked with whitish striated 

ea Toga ; the midrib is thick and 
ivory white. Colombia. 

aioe ge A erg ama Ca 
J ottled 

Cat. 1881 


with yellowish-green. Colombia. 
apap maser Achat ot Cat. 
4.) oe rk 
= reen stem, elite tioles, 
and elliptic oblong i of a batrik, green. 
Dieffenbachia vittata. i vi 
76, 7.) 8. evergreen. lanceo 


the yellow- roti i mais and margin 

with a feathery band of white 
lom bia 


oe me Cat, 
a foliace 

Gf. t Capri 

ine rat heh mb and yellow throat. 
Ju apan. 

| Dimorphanthus 

| Dioscorea caucasica. 

Marva sessilifolia. (G. and F. 
188 i. 14 t) H. 

ssile and 
many-flowered cymes of showy vite 
fl. Eastern United States. 

“pie oa see 2 Se t Md, 

Senon. jr piti ss ao 
oothed. Hea age , radiate, yellow. 

[ter tanae fli H. B. and K.] 

rth Am 

oan a aes 
; e seg Live 

oe campanulata. 

163.) perier creat æ. 

garden race of the common ‘foxglove, 
D; Sipoh. rope. 

(a. 18% 
A fi 


a eos! ciliata. (G. C. 1892, 
14.) Nearly ee A D, aN 
eon jai aiffering in panulate fi. 
and hairy ae toma, 

Ime. S. This 
as Chamerops and 
Texas; Florida. 

EEO tots, e. serrulatum. es 
87.) Pa 

es Palm 
Se -PeNEM serru tikes 

pen semen (ill. H. 1886, t. 
19.) tree. 

aparen w 
cream-white. [Aralia spinosa, Linn, 
var.) Mandshuria. 

Dimorphotheca fruticosa. (4. c. 
1887, ii. 398. i 

or annual (?) with procumben s, 
age ul 
in diam., with white rays, brownish 

beneath, aad a yellow disk. South 

a E 1894, xv. 

posite. Itis in general m 
ea us comm unis, Caue 
eTe crinita. (B. M. t. 
. or S. 

C 6804.) 

A climber, much in the way 

ae digitate ; leafiets 5, 


grace adstal pendulous spikes ; 

bracts ovate, with subulate recurved 
tips. Natal. 


“Say hes Fargesii. (R. z 1896, pi 
aoe with oe 
sail aoib 
Gack, atophylla. ‘ta, Western China 


ae et gd (RB. H, 1882, 379, 
f, 80-83 1 ge 

Supposed to be a hybrid 
n D. Batatas sad Tamus com- 

Dioscorea retusa. (Veitch Cat. 1879, 
38- G. C. 1881 ; 

pa . b4, 18, G. 
twiner, Stems slender. oval, dis- 
tinctly veined. Fl. creamy Nr ati in 

pendulous racemes, South Afr 

eo aaa Bet Cat. 1882, 
15.) lender stems 

a silvery. grey bands; under sur- 
face pur 

Diosma kakea (R. H. 1892, 
155.) Ruta warf shr. 
with Pano branches, closely beset 
with small narrow 1l., and ending in 
eads of ‘cient white fl. South 

R H. 1887, 

Diospyros anig 
t.) arden var, 

AD. kai 

Divepyroe Bertii. (R. H 1887, 349, t.) 
Garden var, of D. Kaki. 

Tonm coronaria. (R. H. 1885, 

small pe! nea aye 

1 Calyx in 
sight reflexed i in Fruit, “Fruit mit 
glo diam., orange-red, 

rss ier elliptica. (R. H.1887, 349, 
G. Garden var. of D. Kaki. 

iospyros Sahuti gallica. (R. H. 
PS sig, tl & Garden ae of D 

st eh ere ic H. 1887, 83 ; 

at th ; calyx-divisions with a 
short central lobe. Fruit egg-shaped, 
obscu ribbed. [Probably a var, of 
D, Kaki. 

i Balfourii. (4. C. 1880, xiv. 
424.) Liliaceew. 6S. bulb. L. 3 or 4 
to a bulb, EES, with the fl., 
ensifo “ead ft. long, re green. 
Seape terete, 2-3 ft. Racem 
6-9 in a lg laxly 10-12-flowered. FL. 
nearly 1 in. long, greenish-yellow 


@ .. 

| ey arepe ary hel are CG. and 

Gp. 18 4, 548, f.; zu. H. 

as ae 

arge as those of D. boliw viensis, 

but ioiii deep velvety maroon 

— Var. Clarkei. (G. C. 1892, xi. 
ri S. This is Be Sage D. atropur- 
pur as represe Botanica 

Bepi; 1843, t. 27. 

be eras eri Sug and P. 

02.) Fl. 5 in.: in of a 
delicate pinkish hike, pone 5 a Ber 
rose-pi at the throat. [D. 
martiana, re O. ] 

eraron delenia: At t Om m, 

ne mou aoe 
violet, the ost being shaded with 

a aa gee pera — oes pre 

ae rt ge i ec as spe "the 
wast of the rears tube, 

Dipladenia eximia. (4. C. 1893, xiv. 

A species with h elliptical o or 

orbicular 1. nearly long, and 

cymose racemes of rich rose red B, 
each 2} in, across. Braz 

Dipisdenia hyhrids. aris 
7.) 8. 

1877, 6 [D. martiana, A, DC.] 

S. Root- 
La i E tems annual, bearing 
leathery ovate 1. and large rosy-red f. 

ai gooey Ai gereg glabra. (B. M. 

nS eer Coat oes 1877, 
S. ne var. with of a 
A crimson, suffused vie ri ae 

| Dipladenia profusa. (William? Cut. 
$. Fl ri join 

80, 15.) S. Fl. rich carmine, 5 in 

rrap Regina. (Bull Cat. 1877, 
pe " An early ae var. wi 
which become paler with age. 

D. anaid A; DC.] 

cf og eae Sine sinl (Bull Cat, 1879, 
Fl. pink, suffused here and 

Si and bordered ‘with a deeper an 
richer shade of rose; throat yellow 
with a bright rose ring at the mouth, 


oe Psa dy (G. C. 1896, 
ied to D. eximia. L. 

thi pe 
petiole 4 in. 
wide, rose- loin gers 

a a. 
Ll, H. 1883, t r. with 
hort sho ae acu cde: and 
es o men rose fl. (Sym. D. 

pes ATEA] Braz 

Dipladents oo 

ci et gen (Bull Cat. Pa 

391.) Iridace G: 

Allied t vedas se with terminal spikes 
of white and blue fl. Australia 

Be eee ache Eee a i, 

nules oblong a te ; pinnules ¢ 
into close-set ober. [ Asplenium ae 
nottii, Baker.] Sandwich Islands. 

ge paiana: (&. C. 1888 

the side par 
E í 

marked with purple lines. Cambodia 
to Borneo. 

Dircæa refulgens anomala. (R. a 

1877, 250.) Gesneraceæ. G. herb. 
form with e of the fl. Daea 
and standing quite erect, the number o 
their organs increas 

lip often entirely wanting. 

a hah hy wid dae (G. C. 1886, xxv. 
; B. M. t. 6891 ) Orchidaceæ. G. 

E arser ‘rich 

ee on. sender uncles 3-4 

in. high. ipl ooded, witha 

very s short b liker s apur; lateral sep. 

clipticlanceolte, ae t. enie 
ifid a ip Lip wi 

distinct stalk 4 long, and a heteri 

acuminate blade, with a wa ere 

and 2e teeth each si uth 

Disa Cooperi. (&. C. 1892, xii. 268, 

f. 45; Tal M. t. 7256.) 5: L. lanceolate, 
7 in. long. Scapes erect, 1 ft. high, the 
lo se maf clothed with leafy bracts, 

r with 

the upper fant kabard 
fi. of a rosy-carmine with yellow lip. 
South Africa. 



| Misa prniilara pE (G. C. 
24.) G 

he "A. gA lighter 
sep. densely covered inside w 
son ager the spur, keels and tips dark 

Disa ETRY Ph 0. gn, xi. 343, 
618 8; i 

across. Madagascar 

Disa kewensis. (@. (. 1893, _ 625 ; 
G. and F. 1893, 244.) G. A garden 
mca ogee D. grandiflora and D. 


TA aria iv. aan 

„6: 1888, 

oblong, lacerate, o ged at the — 
only, or nearly or quite + entire. South 
. Africa, 

r. multifida. (G. C1888, iv. 
in havin 

664, E ‘93. ) Differs only ving 
he lip more or less deeply fringed from 
a apex. South Afri 

Diss oT ae C. 1894, xvi. 
n hybrid between 
D Š POA Ei D. racemosa. 

e macrantha. (ill. H. 1880, 74.) 

large fl. are ou 
spotted with err the lip deke, 
and the n of the dorsal sep. very 
large. South Africa. 

Disa megaceras. (B. M. t. 6529.) G. 
Robust pa stem 1-2 ft. hi ae 
2 i 


ig ig its long pra sm spur, 
South Afr 

tg nervosa. (4G. C.1894, xvi. 308, f. 
41.) ies with strap-shaped 1. 
and erect tall sepr; 2ft. high Ta 

racemes lag rose-coloured fi 
spreadi da ee 
1 in. tae: N: 



2 poyene Kee M. t. 6532.) | 
high, leafy. L. 

col te = 10 in. long. FL- 
i e, 3-19 in. long. Fl. 
bright Detak- tod, South Africa. 
Disa pulchra. (4. C. 1896, xx. 778.) 
G. Described i m a 1847, but never before 

masseg 2 i high aay : 
6 2 in: Aig coloured 
poló tiles and ‘purple ; spur, including 

of eee tube, 2. in lo 
South Afri 

er racemosa. ae C. 1887, ii. Tel 
lig nar- 

small, lanc eolate. South Africa. 

Disa sagittalis. (R M. t. 7403.) G. 
A species with shorts np -shaped green 
1, and an erect sca 3 i igh, bearing 
a raceme of about 12 white and blue 

fi.2in. long. South Afr 
= eae. C&G. C. 1889, y. mo: 
06.) aiias es like 
ee rvh r es Of 10-30 E 
each about | in. across, white and pink, 
spotted with crimson. South Africa, 
— Te Sri pet F. 1891, 
eee, C. y deat Xvi. 
t) ia tween D. 

oni oea: and Des racemosa. 

Dischidia hirsuta. t C. 1896, 

sri ee Ascle A iiio 
sp orbiealar Fedi l. 1 iv. in 
elu em of small 

maa aiar yi India to Jav.: 

Disporum leschenaultianum. (2. 
M. t. 6935.) Liliaceæ erb, 
wi creeping roots icho- 
tomously branched stem,shortly stalked 
elliptic acute 5-nerved 1., and axillary 
clusters of 2-5 llate c u- 

late white fi., followed by globose 
black berries. South India and 

issotis incana. (4. C. 1891. ix. 204, 
f.46.) Melastomacee. G. This plant 
was in cultivation 50 y y 

ears ago, when 
it was a aa in B. M. t. an It 

where i it is cies as Osbechia wnlaas- 

Ber chery a. 
3, 156.) 



CK. B. 
SP hiss: 

iis ancl na of yr ant which 
has been Rigen for over 
years under the name of Aralia Oy 
phylla,. Polynesia ” 
ee Cipvolsndi. (J: p. 
1890, ulacew. 
Allia 5 3 Me S; S3 ges D ‘Jei in. 
high, having violet blue with a 
yellow and black centre. California. 
Podecataaas Tomoinei. (W. G. 1889, 

09.) H of D. Meadia between 

D. integr olium and D. jefrayanum, 
Dodecatheon ogre (CW. @. 
TF 205-6, f. 44.) H. A garden form 

f D. Meadia. Tinn. 
EPOS nRa Synanehoues. (Bf. 
. 1891, 112, 1891, 282.) 
Bignonia on ee with oppo- 

and often ending in ril -Pe 
uncles pm with l- 3 ait Pta 
red f. Argen 

—— simpticifolins, Bom, t. 

18.) Tuberous 
eae ae = per w Stems 
annual, herbaceous, erect, about 1 ft 
long, ng brei anceolate 1. 

ea -shaped E Tropical Afri 
Doodia Sapa mules Akg Cat. 
d fern 

of pee” ia the pens = Roe 
and pinkish when young. 

Doodia perans 
408.) G. Apparently only a form of 
D. caudata, differing in being stouter, 
of firmer texture, and larger growth, 

(&. C. 1884, xxi. 

Cara plantagineum excelsum. 
C 9 

1 xx. 239, 297, t. 43.) 
wie aed ge per. 4-5 ft. high, 

with | oie S thed 1l., 
and "arse bright sow 2 heads, 3- 4 
in. i 

Dorian r, a C. 1893, x 
178.) Urticace: rD. 2 

five tails’ 2 in. lon 

Porri ee ier A — Aces 

xliv. 69, f£.) Amarylli 
form of D. Palmeri. Leh > A lot e 


oom wide, FI. spike 16 ft. high, bearing Tae ere CR. H. 1879, 100) 
merous clusters aes s rimson Ama L. crowded, narrow, 6 in. long, lin 
ryllis -like fl. Queensla Sart orh? brow 
Songer ata een Se sh t and F Dracæna Proemio, E g. hy 
n S re 5 8 an xx. 666, £. 115) 8. long, 2 
? : in. wide, reen mar nod rs striped 
t. about . high, densely tufted. with whims stem 5 Seer j re ie: 
L. 3-2 in. long, linear-lanceolate, entire, ee Te og South Sea Island 

which arise 2-5 long pedicelled prim- PERIE Chantrieri. (Lind. 

rose-like pink fl., } in. in diam. Calyx 1880, 15.) S. L. elliptic-oblong, the 

cam Sasi bats, with ovate teeth, Oregon. lower ones purplish margined with 

carmine ; in the upper ones the carmine 

Dracena . Alexandre. K G. C.1876 is more and more extended, and passes 
689.) Go a arden hy d into bright rose 

b etween rY nigrescens mn D. Regine 
Dracena coccinea. (Bull Cat. 1876, 
wth. L. 

Dron nas, (Bull Cat. 8.) S. shr. of close compact grow 
876,8.) S. shr. L.oblong-lanceolate, broadly ovate - oblong, dark green, 
aanle, p bronzy-green , basal | veined and marbled with reddish- 
half distinctly margined wi th: bright Crimson ; sometimes suffused with 
carmine ; petioles tinted with purple. purplish-rose, 
Dracena pe are smi (R-E. 
Dracæna amena. iden Cat. 1876, 8.) ate 83, 103.) G. m with densely- 
shr. of robust habit. L. oblong, l., of a dark pedini ipte purplish 
: a ath, 

acuminate, ‘seehii ng, rich 

margined with bright rose; under rar rae i. (Gard. 1892, xli 

surface slightly tinted with purple. 430.) de ¢ betwee : = bine 
eana at B. e alba 

a ee a Cat. 1877, 

S. var. with lance aie be of rich 

page ‘suffused 

green, atel Mares ita Dragons oriy mips ae pox ae ;59 

with creamy-white, rose and crimson a ack ace pers a pira 
arres a: at 
Dracena angustifolia. (Williams | ele great h eth rae 

green, with 
Cat. 1883, 27 .) 5. A form with | one almost white prominent 

in. long and 1 in. broad, dark green, 
arier and margined with crimson Dracæna cruenta. (Bull Cat. 1877, 
= L. oblong, acuminate, d: ark 
| l x flaked and stri 
Dracena argenteo-striata. (Bull | bronze-e0 asd eat dein: en 
Cat 8.) narrow, linear- 
lan si on b fs me t d with | 
on ‘Pickin es z pict ate Dracena cuprea. (G. C. 1876, v. 690.) 
Teal: | 8. a 

Garden preia between D. concinna 

D. Regine 
Dracæna aurantiaca. (G. C. 1876, v. | j 
.) S. Garden = kotus D. Dracæna cuprea. = H. 1893, = 
concinna and D. Reg 167.) S. Probably a ste of C: t 
minalis with coppery-brown 1. s 
ei sate a aS a — ë. with green ; leaf- stalks salmon- Tose. 
04.) lan 

seston igre above whitis tish ——, —— arans enam dedi 8.) 
green beneath ; puted petiole viclot e green 
tinted with rose. South Sea Islands. eir sink Bese with orion, the 
colour extending down into the edge 
nseni —— Ge H. 1886, TON | of the petiole; some l. occasionally 
ar. having th e elliptic l.of | bordered with cream- ut and crim- 
Z aoa red ~ | n-mar; ; young gro almost 
the adult State, and of a inpia red | entirely cream - - colour, flushed an 
flaked with br Dakin tis youie sede: | edged with rose. 
NotTE.—Most of the cultivated “ Draceenas” are garden forms of Cordyline terminalis, Kunth. 


Dracæna eburnea. — soon rae 8.) 
2 . broadly acu ht 
ined with pus 

Dracena erecta alba. (Lind. Cat. 
aa ling p H. 1880, t. 372.) G: 
a deep green, broadly 

anil BEAY margined with white. 

—— Var. purpurea. ger Cat. 1880, 

W) SL. Mita pale orange 
oon their margin, mi idribs, and 
— soe Ate Cat, 1885, 
H) ob. blong, drooping, 
sanm coed © ith bright 

gated wi 
y-red, t Cordiyline terminalis, | 

Dracena sagen 

S. per. with a tree-like 

ing at Min inia c iy a de 
4 ft. 

CB. M, t. 6447.) 

broad, green, Panicle ed t. long, 
drooping, composed o racemes 
1 ft. -a more long a T ote in diam. 
Perian hg hare recurving, 
4 in, = 

Dracena fruticosa. (B. M. t. 6253.) 
A new name given to the e plant wrongly 
known as D. S ensifolia i in garden: 

Granma gigantea. (G. C. 187 
S. Garden — etait D. 
excelsa and D. Regi 

Sheet eee a a. 
1893, 194; B. M. t.73 A 
Ble variegated plant, with the 
ch of D. sur culosa, but the 
spots l. are _ creamy 

on t 
yellow. West Tropical Afri 

Dracena goldi _— z Cat. 1877, 
9, t. 8; B. M. t. 6630.) L. cor- 
date-oblong. ac cuminate, penntitaliy 
arked with a e 

ilver-grey i a t 

Salen side of young 1. and upper pari 
of stem pale reddish-purple. Wes 
Tropical Africa. 

TT Hibberdii. (F. M. t. 201.) | 

5 m rose-coloured. Pel =_e -= 
hs rich car 

eepening in 
become almost bata of a blackish- 
metallic hue 

Dracena ignea. (G. C.1876, v. 690.) 
8. so gegen ae between D. concinna 
and D. Regina 

aS and F. | 

Dracena Laingi. 

coe indivisa doucetiana. (Z. 
H. 1888, t. 40.) G. [Cordyline.] 

ene Jamesii. 
9.) S. Aseedling var. of Cord pas 
Ki minalis. 

SAS. and P. bite 
robust for L. pre 
variegated S ith white, aE and asd 

Dracæna latifolia poimidtiana. 
CQJl. t. 1023.) S. A var. with white- 

OE Fehr n o ars, 
orm, with large 
RERE i T i es ga bor- 
dered and margined with r 

reer E Ksa H. 1880, : 
B84. late, acuminate. 

a al ys poise aoe n the centre, 
elsewhere cream-col with oue or 
two narrow = 1 nea c 

Dracæna longifolia alba. (Lind. 
Cat. 1880, -e 8; L. long, dark green, 
margined with white. 

Dracena PORES (Veitch Cat. 

aii, 23.) G.or S. shr. of very dwarf 
compact gro owth. E. under 1 ft. long, 
3 in. broad, oblong- lanceolate, nje 

spreading, vivid rosy 
olive-green. Australia. 

Disentis macrophylla. (Lind. Cat. 

1880, L. large, ovate-lanceo- 

te, ay a bright green, margined with 

Cat. 1884, 
minate, ae ay green. Mada 

n ull 
ol ta 

Dracena majestica. (4. C. 1876, v. 
690.) 5. Garden Ari between D. 
concinna and D. Regina 

Dracæna marmorata. 
7078.) 8. 
but with the 1. bright pan copiously 

marbled with grey. Singa 

Dracena massangeana, (B 
1881, 327, t.16.) S. L. broadly lan- 
ceolate, acuminate, dark green with a 
median whitish . [D. fragrans, 

Ker- Gawl, var. massangeana. } 


Dracena Massonii. e, H. 188 

0,20; | 
Lind. Cat. 1880, 17.) f vigorous | 
growth, with largo 'plood-red 1. goas 

Dramas miniata. (Bull Cat. 1877.5.) 
L. gracefu “ind arc na Saket acu- 

sins e, nzy-green, 
soe and ‘flaked with bright rosy- 

Dracena aeea (Bull Çat. 1877, 


lanceolate te, aneb anny marine a and 
some of them suffused with crimso 

Dracæna Moserii. (Lind. Cat. 1880, 
17.) S. A vigorous form with ovate- 
lanceolate dark green 1. m 0: 
broadly bordata y with white 

peere S (G. C. = 
Garden hybrid betw 
D. a saal and D. Regina 

es nivalis. Cat. 1877, 5.) 
S. h elegant droo ing :l., margined 
i ivory-white iiol es white- 


ae picturata. (Bull Cut. 1883, 
13.) att phe Ait with ric 

triped with 

se epee oe Taan 1883, ee 

marrow: see nicer ti cai nek feo intel 
l, variegated with creamy white 

sop gues Aeee CR. H. 1888, 530.) 
Garden varie 

Ee pngeece sf curt coy Soke £ ae 
690.) den a rid betw 
pst AP D. Ripin 

Dracæna rec (G 876, v. 
690.) 5. Gatien hybrid i Tees D. 
nigrescens and D. Regi 

Dracæna aA as alba. (Lind. Cnt; 
1880, 18.) S. fine var., with l 
recurved dark ao ol. borde red with 

Dracena regalis. (G. (.1876, v. 690. ») 
S. Garden wt between D: Serr 
and D. Regina 

acena Regis. (Lind. Cat. = 18 ; 
Ill. H. 1879, t. 360.) L. large, 
elliptic-ol c-oblong, when 

| Pean —— 

from clear green to rose and purple, 

then becoming bordered with scarlet, 

and ultimately wholly purplish rose 

ice ere RE H. 1896, 24, 
an raised from Ci or er Shak australis. 

Dracæna TERN Sai Cat. 
1877, 5; H. 1879, t. 342.) L. 

o n and brownish-crimson. 
South Sea Islands. 

= Cat. ot 8.) 

the young ones being almost entirely 
light creamy pink. 

Dracena Sgr TEN (Bull Cat. 
1877, 5.) 

with purplish-rose 

Dracena a (Ve cree rr 
1877, 23, 

with = to bright ca 

Dracena rothiana. (R. H. 1 
Lil. H. 1896, t. 50.) S. sa robust habit 

ate: contorted: 

ngs e on 
marginal part. Goincrs Ta 
Dracæna rubescens. ae ~ seki 
S. ie racefully rec 
late, dee Haanen re: ood wik 
rich rosy- an tan n be the younger 
l. tinged 

Dracena sanderiana. (4. C. w 
xi. 731 ; 1893, xiii. 442, f. 65; J. of A. 
eee 389, E TE Stem slender, 
branched at the base. L. 6 in. fo 
14 in. broad, aiies curved, 
wit eh bands of white. Tropical West 

— EAE oro (R. H. 1880, 20.) 
A var. with per red 1. bordered 
wiih done ae 

Dracena sepiaria. (Gf. api a 
S-i e small, dar 
tufts. ure white, rahe 


tolowed by yellow berries, s _ Dracocephalum Buptechti. (Gf. t. 

n the plant for along tim 1018.) H. per. bae in. high, 
very showy. L. ear- i ot 
some enti hers predir ifid. Fl, 

Dracæna hag Sectors at = tie v. large, blue, disposed in f man 
90.) n D. flowered rather ‘distant whorls along 
Cooperi a D. my the ends of the stems. Turkestan 

Dracena sci, 0 perels m18 Dracocephalum E bearn japo- 
late, acute, ligh olive-green, broa adly „C. ii. 166, f. 29.) 
striped or margined with pale yellow, H. Herb with pth stems, linear 
stained and edged with pi ae revolute 1l., and large terminal heads 

of w white fl. spotted with blue. 
Dracæna Thompsoni. (6. C. 17, Japa 
v. 690.) S. Gar A ge een 
Cordyline terminalis and D. Regis gina. gripe apriga speciosum. (B. . 
t. 6281.) H. per. 

Dracena thomsoniana. (Fl. and P. ing lone. Stem erect, simple, 
1882, 122.) S. Of bold habit, with a square. L. cordate, obtuse, crenate, 
ead of ram l bright green L West rugose, dark green, radical on lon 
Tropical Afri | petioles, the cauline with short petioles 

| or subsessile. The upper w f fl. 

Dracena ica seem (Bull Cat. | crowded into a dense oblong head, 1-4 
1877, 5.) L. narrow lanceolate, of | in. long. Corolla purple, spotted ‘logy 
a black purple, the edges of the young | White and darker purple. Himal 

ply e ith rose ; ee es | 
glaucous on the under surface | a en Seton Cat. 
| 5.) ir. 

Dracena sacar —_ Ca “6 1883, a > | ar: Bri ‘tall, Sab scabrous 

for habit, h | a , greyish white, wi ith i irregular 
oblong- ova a re many-ri | bands of dark brown i 
la yellow- poaa “blotched _ reticu- | the divisions wing irregu- 
des ith dark gr | larly dichotomous 'Ieatiets, bright 

Antioquia, Colombi 
Dracæna vestalis. (Bull Cat. 1877, 

5.) S. L. long lanceolate, acuminate, Dracontium annulatum. (Bull Cat. 
sah grin. margined with white. 1877, 6.) S.tuber. L. solitary ; peti ole 
d in 

sto we dull umber-brown, a otte 

Sraenaa yao. a . — pu irr egular rings with pale Be 
S. | whitish-brown ; gag branched, so 
liht green, eho vie rs ‘with division branched o side. An- 
pure whi tioquia, Colombia 

Dracæna kaiene Aya Cat, 1877, 

D Soko nerio dark | Dracontium paaro rer ot 
bronzy-purple, ee: ns and occasionally 1877, B. M. t. 6523.) ube 
suffused with bright r L. soli vatiole tall tightly Peai 
at base, dull flesh colour, banded with 
D pirates blotchy faae p umber- 
ene Mepa D = - “get brown ; blade t varin. me cisions 
robust habit. L. ae acute, dark i ia so ars sist a 
green, striped and argined with | í ane greet irregular y wing 
carmine. Petioles a Freon ntloquia, Colomb 
Dracena Williamsii. Krs illiam? Cat, | Dracontium fæcundum. (#8. V. t. 
1883, 27, t. 19.7} 8: large, oblong- 6808.) S. Tuber large, covered with 
lan ceolate , acute, eia ag recurved, ovoid buds, bearing a single tall ter- 
dull gree: D, irregularly „striped with nate l., succeeded by a large purple- 
chocolate, white, rose, cinnamon, and brown spathe, on a peience 2-3 ft. 
yellow. Polynesia. high. British Guiana. 
Dracocephalum oe (@#. t.  Dracontium sculpturatum. (Bul 
1080, ff. 4 ia aca <b Pag eve ss . 1879, 5.) H per with tuberous 
‘cren tate k. IA sapi ; petiole 
L porran of 1 — blue a forera ae brown a eA markings, and 


here — fame A ee igi 

winged rhachis, pale gree 
ROTAR Colombia, 

piti systyla. ae D. G.1896, a.) 
3 aa dw 

with long-staliod o 
cymes of bright eitti ee l a 

eet ged oe G. : 1878, 

aceæ. S. bu . stem- 

rka ing, spr ae A, 
light glaucous green, blotched wi ith 
bright gr a in. long, terete, 
glaucous green, . Fl. green- 
h-white dense raceme, the tag 

ones nfinute and abortive. Zanzibar 

eee rreg CG. C. 1889, v: 523; 
MN roseracez, A 

Drosera a rubra. oe Cat. 
4.) ring f 

1880, G: 5 
type in its red co 
peatedly forked 1., 
shorter segments. 

with narrower 

Dryas lanata. (4G. C. 1891, ix. 340.) 
A ftorm of D. octopetala, 

Linn. with woolly 1. 

K eg marmorata. (B. M.t. 6763; 
l and P. 1884, 124.) Gesneracex. 

tinged with red 
Tropical America. 

Drymophleus ot epee cage Be 
M. t. 7202.) Palme 
ei Bet h large cunate oem 
ral fi.-scape [Named D. 
fornia, in G. spo F, 1891, 330, 
; W. G. 1891, 392.] 

valia gy Sosa i y 1089, 

‘small w: 
lobes folded into May narrow lates 1 
plaits. South Africa 

ies nom _ habit | 

R arag oe z S vi. 130; 
culent per., 

purp airs. Sta 
polita, echinata, aia rol i finata South 

oh iste ee CB. x! t. 7340.) 

sect ea ate a thick recurved 
l. 2 ft. long, armed with marginal 

prickl Pedunvle 2 ft. Jong panicle 
-i ea long, branched ; fi. 4 in. long, red. 

Dyckia payer - M.t. 6294.) S. A 

reference to its right genus of Powr- 

retia frigida. 

aes Taa CG. C. 1884, 

198.) S. Very similar to D. rari- 

ian. ut rger 5- ae in a dense 
osette, lanceolate, minate, re- 
curved, 18-21 in. kik, TH i Ce road 
at the base, pale shia ae en raed 
white neath : nal 
hooked, brown. Fl. “stem 3-34 ft. Tong. 
Fl. bright scarlet, ł in. long, in 
spike. Paragua 

a as Be c E 

nerves, and erect < spikes of ga fl. 

Echeveria pie Ss H. 1892, 362.) 
Crassulacee. G.s lent. A seedling 
var. of Cotyledon aalan 

Echeveria metallica decora. (Z711. H. 

883, t. 505 ; Fl. and P. 1884, 10.) G. 

an cream - colour. 
lata]. : 

Behoveriy Purpusi. (G7. 1896, 608, 
G. C. 1896, xx. 698, f. 123.) H. 
[ Cetstodoh Purpusii i. | 

Echidnopsis dammanniana. (W. G. 
1892, 351, £. 59 ; Gl. 1892, 526, f. 107 ; 

ard. 189 92, 251, Ë) Ascle piadacex: 

. succulent. Very similar “eg = corei- 

Formis, with brown fi. Abyssini 

meninocactus. — ae? C. 1895, | Mehinonsotns ee anaro g 
vii ) garde r 
me pe a iow Sik ctus with | diite ering irom ‘the type in its Har 

short see anā bright peen aeni L | coloured flow 
in. long. [This is probably Æ. Gru 
soni. | 

| Echinocactus senilis. (Gf. t. 1230, 

2 3 | f.a.) G. Stem stout, cylindric, 6 8- 

Echinocactus bolansis. et 1889, | ribbed, having tufts of numerous hair- 

106, f. 21.) G. Stem mple or | like nape ae = Ate oo light 

branched, cylindric, presi Fe 12-16 n pin 3 in. and R 
high ; ribs 8-13, spiral, msely covered with a only hesa jiers tabe” ‘Chili, 

20-24 are radiating on four are | 

central. Fl. red. Mexic 


igh ; ribs c | 
with interlacing white spines, of which | 
| Echinocactus anao oe 

1876, vi. 292.) m globose : 
| with spirall rk tubere es, 
peer pee cylindraceus. (G@f.t. | giving it the 7 amns of mil- 
902. f. d. ; 877, vii. 240, f. 39.) | laria; tubercles a little longer than 
G. Plan’ = ~ or cylindrical, | broad, bearing about 20 radiating slen- 
often proliferous at the base, with der spines, and 6-8 stout brown central 
21-27 obtuse sub-tuberculate ribs and | ones. Fl fro oe the t eee 
a woolly spineless depressed top ; | yellowish - gree verging 
spines reddish, all stout and annulated, | purple. Ovary senile naked. Cole. 
recurved or flexuous ; ior spines | rado. 

central ones four, very. stout. Fl.2in. | Mobinocastes dap (Of. t. 1286.) 

long, yellowish, with 40-50 roundish ssed-globose, 5-6 in. in 
fringed sep. and about 25 fringed pet. an ie hes acute angles, bearing 
Stig fruit as in Æ. vir iieis, very distant tufts of about 8 stout 
Colorado. brown spines, 4-3 in. long, crag 
i versely ridged. Fl. from the axils o 
Echinocactus durangensis. (E. G. the e i spine-tufts 2-2} in, in 
1890, 231.) G. Stem c ylindrical 1,3-10 diam., of a delicate rosy-pink. Pet. 
in. igh, having about 21 continuous oblanceolate, beautifully fringed 
bs, armed wi ellowish spines Berry 1 in. i e, depresse glo- 
Doped o bipi y wn 2-13 in. long. Fl. bose, scarlet, be a few spines o; 
bro , Similar to those of EZ. | the top. Texas 
Wrightit as brighter. Mexico. | 
Echinocactus viridescens. (6. C. 
Eohinocactus esh cuai Cat. | 1877, vii. 172, £. 26.) G. Plant solitary, 
94-5.) and. |. EFi thick, 3-5 ft. high, . globose 
e large rose- pe red fl ae ns | when young, with about 13 obtuse 
of C Colorado. | tubercled ribs. Spines about 2, 
| radiating, stout, straight or recurv 5 
Echinocactus Haselbergii. (B. M.t. | reddish l 1} in, long, 
| i erous roundish im- 

. C. 1888, iv. 186; G. and F. 

1888, if, D G. Stem glo y cated sep. ; pet ong, obtuse, den- 
ed, 2-2} in. in diam., with tufts of ` 

short spreading whitish spines, and green, scaly, California 

brilliant orange-red fi. 1 

| Echinocereus poctinatui E 
| (Gf. 1890, 513, t. 1331; H. 
| 51.) suce 

Echinocactus Joadii. (B. M. t. 6867.) Ber aol oa 
G. A beautiful plant, with a globose | rowing to 1 ft. in height, with reddish 
many-rib s brownis spines, | spines and bright rosy fl, with the 

d handsome bright yellow fl. 2 in | lower par e ts white. 

y | 
directed outwards. Calyx-tube with | Echinocereus pheniceus inermis. 
tufts of slander | 

spines, | (M K. 1896, 150, £) G. A for 
curly hairs. Pet. narrow oblong, | differing from my e type i in not Néil 
Stigmas crimson. Uruguay? spines. Colora 
Echinocactus Johnsoni. £& 1883, | Echin inoglossum striatum. (4. C. 
58.) G. A D gy ale gy ies, densely | 1879, xii. 390.) Orchidacee. S. L. 
covered with tufts x: interw rwoven | ulate, very 

coriaceous, keeled 
. spines. South United States, — neath ; sheaths very rough. Peduncle 


short, thick, dark, pee pre 
with aa hg gat mit | 

pes on each ip- 
parently a Cleisntome. rete | 
India | 


Echinospermum marginatum ma- 

cranthum. (Gf. t .) Boragina- | 
ceæ erbaceous per. with linear- | 
oblo ng seats roughly hairy 1, an 
umerous axillary ov ages cymes of 
eet blue fl. Caucasus, &e. 
soe fastuosum. = HT. 1875, 
10.) Boraginaceæ. G. Robust much 
branch r. Branches glaucous, 
marked — Seige brown leaf- 
scars. 5-6 in. 

ong, crowde 
narrowly lanceolate-elliptio, ‘seca 
‘at both ends. FI. very numerous, dark 
blue, in short cymes densely crowded 
into a spike 8-9 in. long. Madeir 

a sai ae M. t. 6487.) A 

S. handsome float- 
pies aie oe g or short 
petioled rounded cordate or hari 

., 3-8 in. in rs along 
a ‘hairy rhachis, bright lighe Plar with 
a yellow spot on the upper inner 
perianth- “segment. Tropical America, 

Elæagnus fimoni: arietes. ee G. 
1888; 164 

1884, 13.) Tilia 

grandis. (Bull Cat. | 
cee. G.evergreenshr., | 
asa crenula s | 
fin | 

red pe 
cele nena ge pet. Queenslan d. 

oo gr ia pe pu- | | 
besce (4. 
eom, G. 

p ia shr, cultiva 
of Italy as Guevina Avellana. 

Kaas E ET 

iottia racemosa. (G. and F. 1894, 
206, f. 37.) Ericaceæ. H. A shr 

goly related t. RRES pei 
with nate mem 

a on eae racemes or 
racemose panicles of white fl. Eastern 
United Sta 

addni Pent hore, (G. 
1892, xi. 339, f. 4 

an Pg BE Jot ego 
L. deep 


coloured or yellow. Californi 

cred ery Guilielmi. 

ull Cat. 1879, 5.) 

chi ae ck subglobose or 
cylindric, 15-18 in. thick, covered 
with ash-grey wool, and marked Vv 

pairs, ascen ing ; the middle ones 3 in, 
long and } in. broad, all I linear-oblong, 
abruptly term: inating translu 

um. [E è N. 

orici- Quill GA. tt. 
acantha, G. C. 1878, x. 

810.3 -| South Africa, 

Encephalartos Hildebrandtii. ie g 

"e ix. 430; Gf. 1877, npt 
paaa 2 E. villos sa. D. pinn ar 
when young, ata 

road, spine-poin and 

spine-toothed except near the apex. 

Ence: por py ene g regalis. (Bull Cat. 
1879, 8, f£.) S. Trunk stout, 

crowned with from ~ So 20 pinnate L 

67 ft. a ee the sae peing riggers 


u rgin. in. [Do oubéfully distinct 

f per ma Hildebrandtii, A. & 

Bouché.] Zululand, 

Encholirium corallinum splendens. 
d K r Cont. deig 1885, D 
Bro S. on 
L ek "aiaa tt i 

er than in the ar 

seriiiiiiá, K. Koch. 


Encholirium roseum — 
de E1 e 470.) 8. Av ving 
the l. s d with vetbreich ee 
Tillandsias coral: K, Koch. var. ] 

oe 9 neha. (R. H. 1878 


pe a 

hed with otiraa 
. Fl. distichous, sath ee 

Tiltandeia Foner K. Koc h.j Brazi 

Encholirium Saundersii. (R. H. 
1878, 180 ; nis #1873, E 132.) SL, 

, gracefully arched, 
tted beneath 

e base. igh, 
nched. FL a gta ‘th Ee 
eae K. Koch. ] 

Engelm ann. pasaia. (a M. 
t. 6577.) mpositæ. H. herb, 
ft. a L 

corymbose, yellow. 

a aria Er a a 
t. 7059.) Ericaceæ. . decid nous 
shr., -= short racemes of dark r 
b “Andromeda 
arainn Miq.] Japa 

6460.) H. 
et japonic us, 

himalaicus. (B. W. t. 
Something i 

minate 1l., ooping 
dull orange-red fi. re at with brighter 
red. rn Himal 

Eomecon — (B. M.t. 6871 

Gard. 1889, xxxv. 76, t.) 
H . intermediate 

y co: 
pa sinus, margin broadly 
and apex roun -2 
ft. “ere reddish, eii vsubpaniculatsl 
ranched. FI. n diam 

, white 
faint nerved ; dain numerous, 

yellow. Chin 
Epacris onosmeefiora alba. (Bull | 
1883, 13, var. with 
Da. pikes A JO ouk double fi. 
— Var. flore ee (Fl. and P. 
1876, 83.) Epacri G. shr. of 
rigid ere 

ct habit, and genie flowerer. 
L. very closely set, sessile, rigid, 


p gent, c ‘ FI. 

double, white, nearly } in. in diam., 
in the axil of every l, thus 


the branches into beautiful 
tralia. | 

pense s finely Austi 

— erary a mau ood 
. 1883, 13, 
re white daak 

Bohne —— Ca fl. 1893, 535.) 

An upright bush 2-4 

i high with  Higuisetunclike branches, 

oe rong CG. C. 1880, 
588; Ba 


mauve-purple spots. Mexico 

ME 1880, So, Co oe AN Ch. 

; Fl. and P. 1883, 27 

693.) G. A handsome 
gulate obtuse 1l., 

except on the emarginate apex. Colom- 

ite’ Var, a paper (G. 0.1886, xxv. 
-) G. Var. with white fl. , only the 
lateral calli of the lip being orange. 

oe atropurpureum Ra di. 
(L. 49; S Comp. Cont, @ Hort. 
Ce Bey. 

1386, oon: var, 
of E. maer Mobla, with greenish- 
rown sep. and pet., margined with a 
paler shade, and prae lip 
arked with contig re satthe 

ed ve 
base. Also called Æ. oa Tae Brazil. 

Epidendrum atrorubens. B. 
he 46.) @. Al ta to E. plicatum. 
linear-o scot aig in. long, panicle 
ibe ri l1 in. across, pi pn le. 

ghg i oe Loe er (G. C. 
G. 1888, w G. 

Hach Mike È inaa. with | long 

is triangular acuminate, er 
two long swollen keels between the 
auricles, and three short ones in front. 
Epidendrum mirra (a, © 
1884, 616.) G. , 
acute, wavy, reddish Pirie and on 
e margins ; fl. in a e 

te, w with a deep purple blotch, per 
some short asg am rece on the e disc, 

where there ines. 
[Syn, Barkeria Durhorola, Reichb. f. ] 


toa epics ance i C. 1880, 

e bea llate w 
Y yellow A ajot with cinnamon. 

ee capartian 
33.) S. 

um. (LZ. vii. t. 
[ #. godsefiianum, Rolfe. } 

gean eee (G. C. 


botanical nitar 

only. T eon lip with three blunt 

ee Suaeyenum. CA. 
i. 38. 

and brown fi. Bolivia 

Epidendrum E (G. ee ar 


ng, 3-4 lines bro 
flowered. Fl. ochre, with dark purple 
spots onthe lip. Sep. an t. linear 
anceolate cordate at base 

narrowing towards the retuse tip, with 
two semilunar orange calli at the base. 

Epidendrum clesianum. (&. (. 1893, 
xiii. 641.) S$. 

Sere cooperianum ‘calo- 
— C. 1882, ait m 
A e with a rich purple 1 

Epidendrum coxianum. (4. C. 1877, 

resembling that of E. 
clavatum, Tropical Amer 

bg nt dellense. (6. (. 1891, ix. 

1891, 360.) G. hybrid 

bei E. xanthinum and E. radicans. 

ar g elegantulum. (6G. C. 

x. 361, £.-49.) garden — 
treia between E. Paliano Wa allisii 
and E. Wallis 

Epidendrum Ellisii. '¢ e's 1, 
184.) G. spas it he high; 1.4 
long ; fl. in short racemes, rose-co iced 
with < ee crest on the lip. 

a a hae Pegg a (600. ware 

432 ; 

xxiii. 504, | 
States dear high, with light greenish- i 

yellow —— sos sm with fass 
purple ; l. cordate ovate, emar- 
innis, TL “hie, the nes of the - 
reen, with 

g ome 
kotia a ae calli. Coat Rica. 

ee Endresio - Wallisii. 
(O. R. 

04.) G. garden hybrid 
between an two species indicated in 

prung rae wo E 

much re- 

keels, and white vinkla calli. 

Epidendrum forgeteanum. (6. €. 
1893, xiii. 752. species with 
— flowers, veined with dull 

a pmpn rareo < Č. 

pir bra 
wer part of the ov ary ae 
the set and calli yellow 

a k rerea 
1892, xi. 136.) ee poss section 
Enc helium, ‘with oc ong pseudo- 
bulbs lo rd Cs racemes of 

asic white, and rose-purple fi. 


T —— K: B. 1894, 

57.) ed to K. purum ; stems 
$ in long ; A linear 4 in. long: fi. i 
branched terminal | panicles, small pir 
on Trinidad 

armen ionocentrum (6. C. 
G. M : 

Sas somes: taal America 

Epidendrum Kienastii. (¢. c. ssh 

ii. 126.) G. L. 2, cuneate-oblong acute. 
6 in. lo 4- -1 in ae 

-oblong, ac 

Tae Soniai: (K. B. 

arabe ry —— i H. 
1892, t. 150. A dwarf speci 

so. y fi. . pale whiti 
marked with purple-brown dots on 




veins of the sep. and pet., and with — 
larger | 

stacking on the acute lip. 

Epidendrum marmoratum. (4. C. 
688. Thick fusiform 
bl E; 

pseudobulbs, ing 1-3 ong 
m by 1l in. wide. Fl numerous, 
pelluci stall wh 

won with deep purple blotches and | 
streaks. Mexi 

apaes Mathewsii. (6. 
1886, xxvi. 458 ; 1887, ii. 431.) G. One 
oft the Nanodes group, with short 
an tic 

above, concave beneath, deep shini 
ll blood-purple, completely conceal- 
ing the lateral sep. Per 

Epidendrum Epee um. 

with linear Li ft. ong, i lax 

panicle of ce gece green and 
le fragrant fl. Cost 

tetas Moseni. (4. C. 1880, 

90.) G. With brilliant and 

‘i Mtoe coloured fi =i 

endrum o’brienianum. (4. C. 
ae iii. 770, 771, f. as H. G. 1888, 
371.) G. Garde en hybri 

Epidendrum Ortgiesi. (Gf. 1892, 
races G. A showy species with 1 to 2 
haped 1., and a raceme of rather 
Sep. and pet. red with a white 
hg Amy: purple. Sagi also under 
the name of KE. amabile 
. palpigerum. ate Fs 
1879, xii G the ei of 

E. Wightii. b but the ar a trifid den 
tate lobe Aom aee 
a panicle, 

| Epidendrum pumilum. (K. B 


of a beautiful lilac. Pet. twice as 
large as epua and with a few crena- 
tions. Mex 

Senoun. paytense. (a. 0.1 
ur pron i 

and e 

S colou 
scarlet, with some "Sales 
Colombia; Peru 

darker spots on the 

Spidondzuh i eat asperum 
xxiii. 818.) G. The ovaries 
and i rhachis s densely covered with small 

Bpidentram Pristes. (G. C. 1886, 
262.) G. Stems slender. L. very 
iatl serrulate. Pedicels white at 
base. FI. bright cinnabar, with a 
yellow lip spotted with cinnabar. Sep. 
and t. 

pet. lanceola e pet. serrate on 
the upper a. ip ioe serrate, cs 
id-lobe small and bilobed, wit 

flexuous Keel at the base of the ak? 

ge ase Pseudepidendrum au- 

. C. 1885, xxiii. 406.) G. 

Disk of of me lip crimson, and the borders 

Epiden — Be rap orme. (Acta 
Hort. Petrop. 1890, xi. 305.) @. Allied 
to E. g geminior um and E. wi ioe at 
L. 4-6 in. long, nceola 

. -Allied to Æ. aren esii, 

Steis 5 in. long, ieni Tap oblong 1. 

and short few-flow Bs cemes of 
greenish yellow fl. Hist Rica. 

agg punctulatum. (&. 
1885, xxiv. 70.) G. Alied sig Maik 
FL i cle; d 
, brown oe: 
va en dì, light yellow, wid min 

SN TE Abe č. okt £ 
small s to E. 
lampene. i 

RE radiatum fuscatum 
(& C. 1889, v. 43.) G. M. wholly 


Epidendrum stamfordianum leea- | 

nu Ca: C. 1888, the $203 H G. 
1888, 281.) G. var, in which the 
chreous sep. and pet., and the pale | 

rose-coloured lip are spotted with 

—— Var. hal CG. C. 1887, i. 543.) 
Fr lobe of the lip o obcordate, 
entire, a very narrow. Colombia 
Epidendrum Bar pp G. 
1881, _xv. 462 

ep. and ovary hairy. Pa- 

a or isda (G. C. 1888, 
457.) A small 

douse sie 
my a ai eat 6 in , anda 
rgi ee sige ore fof about 
in. m. Sep. mag pet. cu gar 

lih near, Tk owish-bro 

linear side-lobes, and a a adi ‘hanes 
front lobe, white, with purple lines 
re more or less confluent. 

i ak sprachyontlam. (GA. 

s s ang 
elliptic, obtuse, undulate., wi 1 
tuberculate keels on its disk. is 

oped Biegi (K. B: 1893, 
63.) lto Æ. purum; stems 
in. long; fl, small and 

5 in, ns 

r-like odour. Venez 

Spidendune wiosen. (4. C. 
1881, xvi. 38.) G. Pse ndobuibs ovoid, 
hini i Sep. a nd 

whitish yellow, 
Rich. | 

ng, Co gose 
ag sabi eg cakes um, A. 

as drum Umlaufti. (WW. &. 1893, 
fy. t.) G. [E. costaricense, Reichb. 

se sae vielan nor e. 

1890, viii. 123. aa 
having rfec 

= p 
formed of 12 



oe vitellinum gigan- 

* = arner Orchid. Plant 

e 27. [E. vitellinum, 
Lindl? a majus. | 

| EPOS Wallisio-ciliare. (6. 

faa BH, r. garden 
hybrid between the two. species indi- 
cated by the nam 

| Epidendrum watsonianum. (G4. C 

Pp x A species allied to 

E. qodsefiia num, Braz 
| Epidendrum pensaan, CG. 
DES 1893, xiv. 7. 58.) G ied to Æ. tri- 

a ovoid | 

snow-white, eed aor lines Ay the 
lobes. Mexi 

| urria DTG Aan eE A 

63.) pone a 

ie pear shape gt bulbs, 
pees wo b Tiler « are re inc ‘hick 

n, iong, 3 ee 3, 
Aes “flow cae d pet : oe n with 
purple fas ; aise yellow, with a thick 
white callus. Brazil. 


wee 009, ariya, “AG C. 
. 1894, 
arden hybrid 

era Epidendrum ‘lone and Le 



Te ee (GA. =, 

g A dwarf. Aag 
Stems bent, 3-5 in. high. L 
op ite, sessile, ovate, 4 in. 1 g: Fl. 

4 in. in diam., bright r Pet. deeply 

obcordate. Stamens yellow. Californie. 

g; | ot perralderianum. (B.M. 
numerous, tight » yellow. witha cucum- | 
be: odo | 

t. 6509.) Berberidaceæ. 
trifoliolate ; leafle 
y dentate. 

` pet. (nectaries). 

Epiphronitis Veitchii. (4. c 

Vit. 199: Seca H. tri: DIS, t eH 

Orchidacew. G 

Epidendrum i i and opha ni 

| Epiphyllum Gertneri. (B. M. t. 

7201; Gand X. 1891, , 210:) C 
FI. scarlet, 24-3 

me oe with 
radiating lanceo “acute Pre. 
viously considered to be only a a mile 
s £. a [Syn. E. makoy- 



Mpiphy lam Gibsoni. (X. Z7. 1886, 


hairs 4 in. long at their bas 

"tay SA int (R. H. 1883, 
a) stinct form, with large 
eae white fl. 

Epi m pce der Sa (Gard. 

ag XXXV. hs J. Ya i 1889, “ah 
=i oe 889, s7 29.) S. For 

mély ee russeltianum 

Gert Pee Beo ARE m Ly, 

pussellianum, Gard. Barbieri. 
Hook. f.] Brazil. 

Epiphyllum buggy egare Gærtneri 
COR. if) 173.) [#. Ger dtr’: 

Epipremnum gerne (Bull Cat. 
S ee £12.) climber. 

s the celebrated « i Tonga pa ji 


i danisir for anner 

the slender ais sm a 
cordate l, Seen develop thick 
stems with very natel. Infi 
large, white. Fiji, &c 

ss densa. (K. B. 

Sienai oblong, pu ra raga 
illary ; ae vind shoal: 13 

ba oneal tinged with poeple. 

British Guiana 


a. oo eae cB. M. t. 6219.) 
f dwarf habit. Stem very 

long, ¢ 
diameter, pat Sporenie seas 
of tube Lemme with ia 
spots. Uolombia 

a somes eres (111. H. 1876, t. 236.) 
Stem stout, gr 

A mee an i -3} in. broad, elliptic- 

ovate, gom , purple-red below,ve ery dark 

green e; the stout midrib and 

salver-shaped, bright red, pubescent. 

maculata. a M. t: ed 
A i fleshy-stemmed plan 
d larg 

ied to Æ. erythro- | 

which are remarkable in 
of the no ee ae 
i oul valv 

brown a 

to the tube. British Gui 

ote) elegans. (¢/. C.1880, xiv 

Graminex. Hardy annual. ’Bra- 

Willian € Cat. 1880, 

albo- marginatum. 
15.) Acantha- 

ceæ. 3 plant with oblong- 
elliptic Ly eo in. long, 2-3 in. broad, 
uffuse grey, and vie mar- 

gined wi asap Pol 

eee borneense. (B. | 
670 . with ovate- ere eli 
ce L pee handsome me of 
with a ey ee = 

white fl., 
lowest alla lobe. Bor 

seo ct ea = Cat. 

1881, 18.) of neat habit, p 
i i aa te er orolla 

ments, over l in. ac 

York’s Island, New Britain. 

themum Eldorado. (Williams 
ith larg 

green, South Sea Islands. 
ienen ee (B. M. t: 
S. pigs = opposite, 
pant PRSE ge ach end, sub- 
acute. L bri ight siete, in axillary 
cymes ; coors 1 in. in diam 5-lobed, 
the t sang erect and ne arly 
parallel, Pasa 

Eran a macrophyllum. (Bull 
Ci at. 1886, S. winter-floweri 

eeper blue than 
[Deedaiacant us Sarriph ahs 
rs. B. M. t. 6486. ] 
—— ne iene LG m 
S S 

Seat slands. 
Eranthemum nigrum. (IU. H. el 
t. 404.) S. herbaceous per., with ova 
acu cre: 

ee L, 3-4 in. long, 2-23 


Ersathaman roseum. (ZI. H. aori 
S. per. with erect s 


Eranthemum ra oe (Til. 

[ E. reticulatum, Hook. 

B. M.t t. 7480.] South Polynesia. 

a irisalor. (Bull hes 
opposite or ternate, 

Hie stched with Psi a 

ae and salmon colour. South Sea 

eee papery = Cat. 

ith deep velvety 

iiei odi ballat I pa fn ng a ike 

of rosy- geek with a slender curved 
tube 1 i 

Eremurus aurantiacus. ( (//.t. 1168.) 
Liliaceæ. inear, pale green. 
Raceme = light ‘yellow fl. rather lax. 

ber oe Bungei. (&f. t. 1168.) E 
bling Æ. E TA y — 
me with a 
raceme of bright golden yellow fl. ‘with 
orange anthers. Pers 

CGA. b. 

julb, A AeA 
glaucous L, retrorsely serrulate-sca- 
brous on the in and keel, and a 

Eremurus pec agers 

and rather lax raceme of w 
1 in. in diam., the poten marked 
with a brownish-red median lin 

Eremurus himalaicus. S y 188 

bearing a dense coni 
white fl. Temperate Himalay: 

s Olge. T t. 1048.) L. 
ga a lanceo! labrous, 
ins, pet Br long. 
m very with a 
ense raceme of white E Li in, in 
diam. Central Asia. 






sg bienad turkestanicus. (GA. t. 
)97.) H. A robust plant, with broadly 
hed acuminate. l., 
with a very 
oe brown 
being m 
} much exserted, Turkestan. 

Eria acutissima. (4G. C. 1876, v. 
567.) Orchidaceæ. &. i yo 
E. ringens, with a rather thin slightly 
fusiform stem, ing a few linear- 
lanceolate acute l. at the top, and 

of small yellow fl. with a 
brownish -red base. Lip 3- lobed. 

Pacific Islands ? 

Eria albiflora. (K. B. 1893, 171.) 

Small in all 
void pseudobulbs 
and a short s scape “of small white fi. 
South India, 

— oye (Q. C. 1888, = 9; 
Stems stout, in, 
Tong, ey venta at the base, bearing 

ane ee blunt, mid lobe acute. 

Eria biflora. ie = Sage Se 10.) G. 
Plant 6 two-flowered 
racemes of mer ey ite fl. Sikkim 
, Burma 

Eria bigibba. (4. C. 1885, eat 680.) 
Rhizom e slender with close 

the — m ç 
pet. “ip nearly white, 
wae aal patil dashes at the base. 

=~ ceespitosa. 
A species 
at ie ceetiotalbe 

Fl. very small, white 
yellow. Hainan 

rs B. 1896, ee 

L. 2 in. sae 

purple and 

| Eria cinnabarina. (K. B. 1894, 183 
L.x.t. 448.) S. Allied to Æ. pare. 
6 in. long, 

Pseudobulbs 1 in. long, 1. . lo 
es 4 in. long, each bearing about 
, each 1 in. across, with 

bracts; the whole infi 


Fris com (G. C. 1878, x. Spes 
S. ar E. Griffithii. Pseudobul 
tn: Nigh, obtusely pag glaucous 
i . pti olate, oblon 

racemes of yellowish- white fl. Borneo 

dayana. (G. C. 1877, viii. 102.) 
ms Si Page way of E. sicaria, with 
rhizome, small ovoid ine 

bulbs 1 tearing 3 le eathery linear-lan 
ate acuminate iaiia es vg 
_ and outside of fl. woolly, white. 
FL oney - yellow, lip with brown 
Feces and a blackish callus. India, 
“ae Feige ae C. 1883, xix, 402 ; 

188 . 439 A 

Br, B. M. t. 7329.] 

eae in ai 3-toothed perian 
Meirax, N. 

Eria ohne = CG C. 1886, xxvi. 584.) S. 
Closely all ed to Æ. r osea, but differin 

nf green. Pe 
ovate-lane e, ute, coloured 
th narrow oblong, ob- 

t kee 
nmd F dull 
crimson veins. Hong Kon: 

ovary and lip i sep. and pet. 
vermilion. Born 

Eria SAROTEN C&G. C. 1892, xi. 809.) 
S. Near E. dillwynia ana, e 
drooping, bearing green and purple fi. 

Eria Lp aggre CG. C. 1880, xiv. 
358.) S. Sep. and pet. very faintly 
washed with Pe wn, 

=s = Eria monostachya. (4. C. 1885, xxiii. 

1885, xxiv 
bulbs fusiform, with 

Eria iron an (4. C. 
262 Pseudo 

; © 
+ An 

rom the base to the disc, a 
panne yk on each side. Siam 

Eria Eine e. a 1s, v. 200 ; 
B.M 6.7 t, 6 in, ‘high, 
with oblo Kee airy r 
bearing ow E er H; are lip coloured 
pale ke with a red 

ts Meirax. (4. ¢. 1880, xiv. 603. ) 

~ solitary, nearly oaii bodi zin. lo lon 
and of a 

dull brownish-purple colour. 

Eria merguensis. (6. C. 188 
616.) S. A little-known ‘sonia’ 
light sulphur-colou 0. 
at = calli hts the sinuses of the 
lip eeper yellow. L.two, parch- 
menty, ee te, bie at the a apex. 



532.) S. Alli llied to Æ. paniculata. L.1 
in. broad. Inflorescen 
tose with stellate 
ai. yellow. Jav 

nce simple, tomen- 
ae ligh 
| ms —— (G@. C. 1887, ii. = = 
species =, with m 
hase 2 about + 
ger oi: of very small pasa aoe 
f. Cey 

— rhodoptera. (4. C. 1883, xviii. 
86.) S. A curious et with strong 
vilia sulcate stems, two ligulate 
acute 1., and whitish- aka fi., with the 
pet. and side lobes of the lip purple, 

i. (G. C. 1885, xxiv. 
712.) 8. -P gnare pyri riform, ta 
3in, long. L. ng, 

reddis ucid, 

ellow ; the front ‘lobe of the 
lip golden — with two 
spots. Burm 

Eria ee Pers C. 1878 

106.) lous. 
ochre-yell Perea some vi creat tds 

Smer E to Sth lateral ‘helen of the 


a ; sep. lanceolate, rg pet. 

uch narrower ; chin 

hon obsolete, LB yrs Lindl.] 
Khasia Hills, 

ria ame a H. 1888, t. 48; 

S. Allied to 

and a stout erect raceme of moderate- 
sized fl. Sep. inear, acute, 
ochreous, striate with purple, the sep. 
sparsely hispidulous outside. ob 

long, 3-lobed, 3-keeled, New Guinea. 

in Toetita. at BY 1892, xii, 138 ; 

tall- -growing 

haps Æ. 



Eria vittata. (6. o. 1882, Siea 330.) G 
An inte ype: = ateral 
aape of glabro . The sep., 

and rm a tri riped with 
The lip is oblong, maren and has 
five plaited lamel Sag t are edged 
with red. North Indi 


Erica hyemalis nia as and P. 
1882, 26.) Erica with 
white fl 

Erica rane. (Fl. des S. t. 
323.) ath of hybrid origin, in 
ane way OLE E. perspicua, with crowded 

- and ascending tubular pink fl 
rigoron auceaiiaana (of t. 987, 
f. 1.) Composit H in, 
high. Radical L. Solais te or spa 
ulate. ay sessile, Rage acu- 

Ray-floreta bright mia 


a ai bescent var. 

Mrigeron glabellus a (Gard. 
arge An AD ed fl Col 
gous hybridus roseus. (iii. H. 
Ime 301, £. 26 hybrid 

26.) A garden h 
een "2. aurantiacus oe E, Villar- 

Erigeron multiradiatus. (2, M. 

6530.) per. Radical]. 4-8 Si ne. 
oblanceolate, narrowed into a 



peticia; seare toothed, 3-5-nerved ; 
ssile, an -lanceolate, acute. 

FE nee solitary n long juncles 
in, in diam.; ee bright purple; 
disk yellow. Temperate Himalay 

Erigeron pn ge superbus. (Gard. 
1889, xxxvi arden v a with 
much larger "las than the t 

Eriocnema Sanderw. (4. M. 1894, 
658,f.) Melastomacee. S. A seedling 
var. of Bertolonia marmorata. 

mee Sprucei. 

ACE o, 
rehidace: soot G. 

whitish with ots 
robe transversely elliptic, z a her 
stalk, havin acu orn the 
middle of the — light rieta pia 
spo the stalk ; the dis 
white, Brazi 

Eriospermum brevipes. (4. C. 1880 
i Liliacez uber. L. 

a green keel, 

Eriostemon obovalis, flore Bigra he. 
OW. £: IES 118.) Rutacex. 

mr ee drab de (GA. 1886, 
H. 1885, 557, f. 99.) 

with lon, k 
hia bar binara A. Gray.] California, 
Eritrichium nothofulvum. AW p: 
1093, 439, f. ig H. annual 
very like a a Forgot- 

pas te fi. 
[Plagiobothrys sesihefalon. E ‘Guy j 

a echinata. (B. M. t. 7389.) 
rchid S. An One 

tia plant with a 2-leaved pseudo- 
= sa tufted bracteate stems. L. 2-4 

Eoee art axillary, i 
about a dozen ie fi. SP nearly 
| in. in ith a flat 
3-lobed lip. Mexico. 

bg nero — a 1880, 
Cruciferæ. zD 

ess pinnati rather Tire, 

Erysimum oe Nig C. 
189 vind n 190.) H. t. high, 
branched. T iaoeiai “toothed. Fl. 
bright yellow. Trans sylva 

tlie! heen Jot 1887, 279. f. “ 
med = ac = 

margins of the 5 peti les and tomentose 
ons gga pendent spadices, Cali- 

p ogi a (Fl. and P. 1882, 
rofu use- 

ioe Nes EP T of e an 
L. T. elliptic. Fl. rosy. EE 
soni, Swee t. | 

arie pulchella difusa. (GA. 

Floriferous var., with 

eitiptio abuse l., and í eymose umbellate 
bright pink fl, țin. i n diam, [ #. Mas- 
soni, Sweet 

Erythræa venusta. (B. = = 6896 
H. A large-flowered speci 

with s 
sile opposite ovate Hate ob a 
btuse l. 3-1 bs Tong, an lin. Mes 
diam., deep r ith a whitish e 
lobes of ih corolla elipt: tE ba 
obtuse. Californi 

a compacta. = HH, 1882, 
348.) Leguminosæ A dwarf free- 
flowering form of E, ape 

ts in es pod ong of 
nstant, Golfe 

ly of E. caffra. Origin unknown 

insignis. (GJ. t. 988.) G. 
or §. shrub, a spiny, sang 

lange trifoliolate l., and dense m 

flow. op acem: of large bright 


Erythrina marmorata. (Veitch Cut. 
1879, 25, f.12; Fl. das S.. 

tt, 2379-80.) | 


S.shr. L. pinnately trifoliate ; leaflets 
broadly ovate, acute, subtrun ate at 

ith white in a very effective manner. 
South Sea Islands. 

pe ee Poron, 

F Williams’ 
e co 
growth of the plant 

Erythrina Vespertilio. (Bull Cat. 
14, f.) G. Shr. of singular 

1885, 14, £) singula 
appearance ; der and erect ; 
l. trifoliolate on rather long petioles, 
and the leaflets somewhat resembling 
: outspr wings; fi. 
ous, in Hess y erect racemes. 

West Australi 

weirs G, pent ce (B. à 

G. 652, 653, i 

Oe and E. 1888, 317, p3 50. ) Lilia- 

oe L. 2, ovate or r ovate-lanceo- 

late, obtuse, ait green, faintly spotted 
with bro 

rving. , 
dark purple ohn at 

he base. Oregon, 

PEE J apige (G. C. 1896, 
548, f. 

pin n p “acope-coloured on To rana 
of deep pink at the 

, resemblin: Dens 
Ben but itho a, on the 
leaves. Scape l-flowered. Fl. pendu- 
lous, 15 lin. deep, purple, with a 
bright yellow blotch above the base of 
a r segm Filaments unappend- 
ye in the upper half. 

Paar Island. 
| Escallonia revoluta. (B. M. t. 6949.) 

PE geen uai sö atay 

acemes panicled at the en 
branches, Fl. white, 4 in. long. Chile. 

Escallonia Rags panata. (8. M. 
t. 6599.) H with sinpi orato 

This v: 
ensily Sac aeninhed 
m R rubra qor the presence of 

on the young shoots, 
jidan; = Chile, 


conser etn tee tate ia ral 

ene hie specie eiie incurved 1 and 
small lemon-yellow fl. Califor 

SS maritima. (Gf. 1894, 

s differs from Æ. califor- 

in ae raisk ek and in its 

lighter yellow fl. with an orange blotch 
at the base of each pet. 

Esmeralda bella. (¢@. C. 1888, iii. 

white, margined wi 
brown on the very broad tumid front 

lobe. ped with 
the side lobes, beari ‘roundish basal 
tubercle, and on rein ligulate 
keed goy nearly to the apex, 
ere is. another roundish 
iae ig [Arachnanthe.] 
Esmeralda nan (4. 1886, 
xxvi. 562.) Sary hnanthe Clarkei, 
Rolfe ; ry x t.7 77.] 

(B. M. t. 6578.) 

Euadenia eaea 

pparid S. , 
Ferrer r a ena tex its curious s fl. é tri 

ae leaflets ake oblong-lanceo- 

late, ‘ Infl 
te iios ; the 
lo: ; mens green ; 
the four petalslight yellow. The two 
e defiexed, sees nene 

late, } in. e upper ar 
erect, 4i in. long, fanceolate- spathulate, 

ee ng ee i ieee give the fl 

urious appea ce. West 

Tropical ifia 
Eucalyptus andreana. (R: H. 1890, 
3 6.) 

46, f. 105-10 cee. 
tree, in the way of E. amygdalina, 
with Jlanceola i 
globose clusters of small fl. on short 

uncles, succeeded ense clusters 
of globose fruits about the size of 
small pe th a depressed rim 
Eucalyptus ficifolia. (77. an = 
1882, 26; Bull Cat. 1882, 16; 
a Aars mene 

1883, xx. om £5 G shr. 
r te l., and a profusion 
of crimson E Australia, 

Eucalyptus staigeriana. (G4. C. 
1889, v. 437, f.81.) G. One of the tr 
species with 

been cultivated some 

Enae baza co: C. 1888 
; G. and F.1888, 168.) G. 

i E about Y long 
sapien urn-shaped, Tas 

ET. eere e A iP. it. 
Oke eS 

corona of E. poe S Colombia 
Eucharis candida. fer Cat. 1876, 9 ; 
ae 878, ali LOB ulb. L. obovate- 
ong, minate, ¢ cuneate oe ase, 
ape E tie mbel 
of several white fi., with à yellowish- 
tinted coronas. Colom 

TESA — (Sand. Cat.1896, 
G. arden hybrid between 
E Sanderi ii pes E. oaa. 

ee er ae Moorei. (4. C. 
roundish, much 

the teeth between the filaments are 
large and acute. 

Eucharis Lehmanni. (G&A. t. 1300, 
i-l: Regel, Descr. 1J. B. L.2 e A 
sk rl. w et t four 

14 in. in diam.; corona deeply 

12. toothed. Soe Colombia 

Eucharis ras (G. C. — xiii 
455, 538, osed 
nat tural Pybrid between d gr bay g 
and F. Sanderi. impor 
with the last-named eee hen New 
Grenada, e fl. are pure white and 
as large as ca of E. grandiflora, 

Eucharis Mastersii. (B. M. t; 6831. 
h like those of Æ. grandiflora. 
ian 2-24 

. diam 
segments elliptic. Staminal cup 12 
toothed, striped with gree: 

T Sanderii. (&. C 1883, 
i. 712 ; xix. 349, £ 53 ; 27. and P. 

1883, 57; Bull Cat. 1883, 14; B. M. 

t. 6676.) S. with ptic 1., 

species in having a shorter tube and 
no corona, 

Sueharia Sanderi smulsifors, er. 

a ‘small, (aoe 
Eucharis Stevensii. (6 0 189 )0, vii 
641.) S. A hybrid bet cândida 

E. Sandevrii. 

oo deer in ae = M. t. 6414.) 
S.or G. is the plant 

iawn. w Reana Aae owe 
tall-growing grass of tu 

very pretty effect. 

mes opaj fromm << ra 
1878, x G. 

Gi TD a 

thirds the way up, narrowed gradually 
to the base, obtuse, unspotted, concave 
in lower half, Res under 1 ft. 
long, terete, unspo : me 2-3 in, 
long, dense, 14 in. thick, with a coma 
of 15-20 oblong 1. 1- . long, 
with cris cartilaginous margins. 

eea yellow ; -e kae “South Africa. 
oare rors gey ra ra x. 492; 
L. 5- 6, contem- 
porary i mik erect, 1 ft. lon 
in. broad at mide oblong, tiated” 
Scape than 1 

pale green sharp p 
omg deltoid. dark parpin, “Oars 
; style dark purple, Nat 

a a (&. C 1887, ii. 
54.) oblanceolate, bright 
sR = sth ton. by 4-5 in. 
. Fl-stem 3 ft. high, with a 
jong raceme of ima fi., l} 
in diam. South Afr 

Eucomis robusta. (& C. 1894, xvi 
562.) G. Near E. regia, from which 
it =r by its zn w long ensiform 
acute l., which ar tt. long. 
short, : in, in di 
6 in. to 8 in. 
green, tinged 

e. Raceme dense, 
ong. Fl. campanulate, 
with brown. Natal. 

Eucomis zam ee So i. 
xe V) G: Allied to ZÆ. 


D ct 

` Eulophia deflexa. (K. B. e 61) 
S. Alli * barbata. L.l 

but the 1. are orne, = like the scape, 

not spo ceme shorter and 
dace: and Te ped icels pees 
green. East Tropical Afri 


“Basra EAEri Ugani 

ces ie white- 
lowered evergreen tree or shrub 

Pogonias Garberi. (6. am E- jie, 
28, f. 8 yrtacex Àt e 50 

to 60 ft, high, es 18 in in diam 

with ovate oblong 1. =F at teas: 

clusters of white fl. Florida. 

sara big Samy on ae An. Cat. 1878, 
shining bul- 

the protu- 
= the stem tems 
its. ty New Caledouils 
Eugenia oleoides. (F1. des & 
S. gees bees 
long, n linear- lanceolate, enii. 
Fl. erei white, anged in in 
terminal E smal racemes. ENN 

kb. 2327. ) 
opposite, 1 i 

Eulalia gracillima univittata. (R. 
1889, 516.) i rass 

rS sinensis, 

erss.; B. M. t. 7304 

| Eulophia bella. = C. 1889, vi. 210.) 

= ty os eptopetala, = raed about 2 ft. 
high, bearing a dozen fi., each 1} in. 
across, and coloured yellow, white, 
carmine, rose, green, and 

ES ga Xe C. 1889, 
ae linfar ; fi. yellow 

meee congoensis. (Z. Hk ‘ma 
[E. guineensis, Lindl. ] 

e a. a 
about 1 ft. long te Soe mf | tees 
= x lax raceme of purple and 
lilac fi in. ai "be lip fringed 
with white, Nata 

re ee fa ele (K. B. -as s9 
veral f 

. harrow, cuneate- 
pena ent Pet. very large, 


elliptic-oblong, lilac. p with a yl 

d fro whic 
with ¢ darker stripes, to aekiii 
erased Wel G. C. 1888, iii. 616-7, 
f. 83 ; iv. 353. f * West Tropical Africa, 

Eulophia porns purpurata. 

acute, bright rose-purple. West Tro 
ical Africa. 

pary macnista, Cft: t. 1285.) S. 

[#. Ledienii, 
] Guinea 

phis Mackenii. (4. C. 1892, xii. 

83.) Closely resembling E. macu- 

n ahh f., but with broader 1. and 

Eoi gagi E te. C. 
an | ft 

Comoro Islands 

Eulophia nuda. (4. C. 1891, ix. 701.) 
S. Raceme erect, romei ing the 1.; fi 
of spine size. rosy lilac. India. 

Eulophia pulchra. (4. A 1308; xvii. 
732; Il. H. 1893, t. 18L) S. A large 

ophia scripta. pee Rane Same 
S. Rather —, Mel gern 
pseudobulbs, narro 
of seater wage ahd "A. "ented wan 
brown. Madagascar. 

Eulophia BOT. (B. we t. Sei 
berous, beari ual 
a. és 

ER tab -Bhi P. rd Sond.} South 

a ee ae eet (L. v 
325 ; J. O. iii. 9 MB. M4387) 

back of the sep., win ol and ovaries 

dull purple. Madagascai 
—— pociosisns. (ea and F. 
7612-3.) Fl. 

baat Be ak Gia in pkp eines 
spikes. The rhizomes 

, Tris- 
like apwi yellowish- white ; the 1. are 
the base. ada- 

Euonymus Carrierei. (Fl. an 

188], 171; R. H: 1881, 373.) Pa 
racex. h f spreading habit, 
with t brane es. L. persistent, 
shining, coriaceous, elliptic, obtuse, 
toothed, d green above. Fl, small, 
green, in axillary corymbs 

Euonymus japonica Chouveti. (R. 
H. 1887, 89.) H. 

—— Var. columnaris. (R. H. 1887, 
89.) H. 

ar. fastigiata. (R. H. 1875, 
. A garden variety raised from 
seed, with erect fastigiate branches 

260. zio) i 

ape Fay gegen, foliis varie- 

(R sa 1890, 514.) H. A 

Sale much branched garden variety, 
with small eren stad L 

Eupatorium grandifprum: g H. 
1882, 384, t.) Compositæ 

An ornamental s 
bably already known under some eather 

Eupatorium pesi: R 2 
aai 163.) H. her . in the 
y of E. ceenaens with opposite 

trito liate 1., pubescent eath, and 
corymbs of white fl. J apan ; Formosa. 

Eupatorium a C9. C. 1890, 
vii. 321, f.) an erect habit, 
hairy o pani l, and terminal white fl.- 


Rupstori ne tan. CR. 

39.) T., robust and hori- 
Fi L. fess se cordate, acuminate, 
villous, bullate-re Sp te, sists 
Infi r -heads small, 

Eupatorium erage oe (R. 
t.) G. 

rosy-lilac fl. Uru 

ge de BAe (R. H. 
ee sa i pant uted 
oa try but soon lost. 
[Itis identical with E. ee Paxt. 
am.| Mad 

Euphorbia apr” aes (Ww. G4. 


base. North America, 
(K. B. 1893; 
= the oo 
ect, bran 
winged, 1 S, 4 in. in diameter 
shii in seneilo cymes. Brazi 

Euphorbia Bipalisii, 

pore Segre ay hing, 


a — 

per Site felted wigs, Taare whe 

oh aa and d reddish fruits. Western | 

North A 

Eurya hazama (Gf. 1887, 130.) 
Ternstræmiace S. tree with elliptic- 
lanceolate or “bine serrulate 1., 
acuminate at on ends, of a shining 
green, and s xillary unisexual fl.. 
the — fascicled, the females usually | 
in pairs. Fiji 

Euryan ngium | Sumbul. ee 1879, 
87.) Umbellifere. H. ll-grow- 

Sumb e Pharmacopeia. 
[Perna Sumbul, Hook, f.] Turkestan. 

oo erie EA (Gif. 

with r 
neulaa DC. var.] 

Buryganis ovata. (B. M. t. 6393.) 
- Vacciniaceæ. §. evergreen rambli 
Mrena shr. Stems stout, terete, 
Is rnai 

| Eustoma exaltatum. (FL and P. 
of | 

H. annual, with 
h | 

colour at their | 

ore go ei a eae ti | 

pedicels ; calyx shortly 5-toothed, cam- 


| pan and, as well as the pedicels, 

| purple-red ; corolla urceolate, crimson 

| with a whitish shortly 5-lobed limb. 

| Stamens included ; filaments connate in 
a tube; anthers long, comet at apex, 

opening by apical slits. Per 

12.) Gentianacee. G hand- 

p blue fi Pir PTR 

| eae ae hg ae 1888, ess 
| pore i Be =r za 

| Exacum affine. (4. C. 1883, aa B: 
Fl. and P. 1 57; Gf. t. 110 
M. 24 j Gentianaceæ g 
annual abo k in. p roir k 
green ovate rved | nal 

long; c s terminal A ate kin 
ing y alow fl in. long. New Zealand, 

Exocarpus a (GA. 
1888, 288, 0.) Santalacee. 

| Fagus purpurea ete Et Le 

CG: a i. 779. Ls ET H. 
A gard i of Beech, 
with a à piik edge to the joii Te: 

Bie. Ss Sager (G. C. 1894, xv. 
A round-leaved var, of the 

eta bee 

nial whose fetid les furnish | 
of t | 


| Fagus iene eee 
ar G1 A 

oa in form, aed n e those of the 
er Beech in c : 
ar, conglomerata ae ae 
T. G. 1888, 347; G. and F. 
68.) H. 

— = foliis = (4. Q. = 
va a E 69.) E vered in ip 
esse. Soon afte T opati T 

"R to show à regular golden stia. 

tion, a raal with a nerves, whic 

lasts till the 1. fall o 


kr e datis, C. 1892, 
69.) orm having golden 
Ak Servi 

— re tricolor. (R. H. 1885, 311.) 
A var. with dark purplish-gree en 
spotted with bright carmine-rose and 
haded with rosy-white 

Fallugia paradoxa, Sat = t. 6660 ; 

Fl. and P. 1883, 10.) G. 
free-flowering bush, 2-4 “tt, ‘Eick. with 
small cunea 7-fid reen above, 
white ben ; the slender branche 
terminating in a solitary fl. or a few- 
flowered r of prett ee fi. 
1-14 in. in diam. New Mex 

Toon panuans, Seas Ce. 1884, 
A rubby | 

(4. 6 1890, 

she ee 
8. A sto 

a Betis) ) 

terminal panicles. Australia 

Dr gees candidissima. 
(B 19.) Valerianacez. 
H. re ond difering from the type 

having white fl 

—— Var. es A arae (GA. t. 
PIR 8.) var. h double pink 
fi. emisphe 

n em dw: 

tufts, nee is very floriferous. 
once’ yes Arne (W. G. 1895, dene 

lilac fl.-heads like 
alpinus, Tropical 
— piena (G. and F. 1888, 
H. shr. 2-4 ft. 
large w 

o ry 
she owy A. Bong long conspicuous sta- 

Zo $ 

Ferula fetidissima. (G/. t. 994.) 
Umbellifere. H. herb, cr a fess 
saien poaa branche d's ing 
ipinnatifid eas tiated 

out in- 

Pi kcal, F atiina: Turkestan. 

— Crinum-ursi. aa G. ee 

rA 2-3 in. high, No baker ge de- 



rical | 

a Moorei. 356.) 

ber. uite 

B. Mt 8 

por pai Tropical Aak ca `. 

a a (G. C. 1888, iti. 9; H. 
124. tic 

ears as gai as Artocarpus 
Canoni, Society Islands. 

hs tee Seago (R. H. 1887, 329.) 

S. ith large pie! petiolate 
monde obtuse 1 

Ficus elastica aureo-marginata. 
(G. C. 1882, xvii. 143.) S. L. broadly . 
bordered with yellow. 

Ficus araka (Bull Cat. 1879, 5, 
nasome ever- 

outline, bipi innatifidly lobed ; the lo 
d sinu: nates rounded, Sou 
Sea Islan 
se mi ange H. 1875, 120. 5, 

G. evergreen, like the well-known 
stipularis bai very much smaller i 
ts parts. 

ppr opens (Bull Cat. gon 9.) 

veins. South America. 
roni ee (Gf. 1891, 

397, E 82, 
ar n gtr oe cid bawen F. 
suspensa and F. viridissima. 

Fourcroya — inermis. (B 

t. 6543 cee. G. ne 
culent per. differing f the 

i igid spineless l. FL.- 
stem 10 ft. high. Fl. white, drooping, 
disposed in panicled r es. [Fur- 
erea cubensis, Vent. is, 

Baker. } Tropical Ameri 

de Roezlii. CR. H. 1887, sss, 
71.) G. L: 4) ft. long, 4 in. br 

i the middle, na narrow the a, 

uminate. Fl.-stem 10-12 

ft. ft hgh, © dtothed with _* sheathing 

bracts on the unbranched part, pani- 

culate above; floweri branches | 

Bedinghausii, C. Koch ; known n as 
Roezlia regia in gardens, ] Mezi 

Fourcroya tuberosa. (R. H. 

ca t Agave. L. 2 ft.long, 3-4 in. 
broad, lanceolate, acuminate at z, 
a at base, bright green, rough 
beneath, t ; Margins distantly 

pe 4-6 ft. high; panicle 
arge, lax. Fl. large, pale a Fr, 
abortive, replaced by scaly bulbs o; or 

oi deciduous buds, which readily 
uce the plant. [Fwrerwa 
rie sole Ait.] 

Franseria artemisioides. cs 

at. 1890-91, 78, 81, f. 48.) Com sita 
ous plant 5-6 ft 5 
ith bipinnatifidly d l, and uni- 
sexual fi.-heads in terminal spikes, the 
female heads being at the 

of the spike. Andes of Chile 

Fraxinus alba, foliis argenteo- 
marginatis (Rr Ps 1886, 398.) 
Oleacegæ. HE. An mental fo orm, 
having the leaflets ordered with _— 

yellow, or, in the young 1., with r 

Fraxinus err eos nova. (R, H. 
1887, 63.) H.t 

Fraxinus bungeana. (G. and ‘ie 1894, 
4,f.1.) H. A-small tree g 
to the section Ornus, Northern Ching. 

Fraxinus excelsior, — aureis. 
so, agai 380.) H: t S n ea- 
l .var. with mra + which 

neem young are tinted with violet, 

Fraxinus Mariesii. (B. M. t. 667s ; 
G. C. 1883, xix. 351.) H, ornamental 
on hes 

late subserra: 
one petiolulate terminal one, and with 

Fraxinus Regelii. (Nat. Arb. Zosch. 

1889-1890, 7.) H. Ash-tree of orna- 
mental character ; no description given. 
Central Asia. 

Fraxinus rhyncophylla. (G. aad F. 
1893, vi. 484, f. 70.) H. Easily 

d ch S 
n diameter, with broad scales 
pace with a coa t of thick rufous 
tomentum. Northern China 

rans Skee nie (R. H.1887, 

innate, dark green ; 
leafiots five, ae coarsely toothed. 

Freesia Viole — (R. H. Tees, 
207. = 

acex. var., with w 
fl. hav ae two Saas spots on ne 
lower segments. South Afri 

Var, maior, Lf. C. 1882, xvii 

n the base of a lower segmen 

Fritillaria — a M. t. 6365.) 
Liliacee. H. A dwarf spe 

scales 2-3, thick and fleshy. Ste: T 
i h, wi = lanceola a 
erect pale gree Fl. droop- 
ing, about 1 in cos dull lurid purple, 
not tessellated ; seme h 

minutely toothed on Pete style 
obscurely trifid. Arm 

Var, fusco-lutea. (4. C. 1887, 

brown outside. 

saree e ao C. 1876, v. 720; 
Gfi. t. 840.) H. 

aucescent, abo: 
> k ia fake 2-3 in. long, 
3-3 i lower ones in whorls 
of 3; ry. Fl. in sha e 
F. Meleagris, but bright yellow, wit 
abundan nearl ack quad- 
rangular spots, ur 

Fritillatis Roramnel iors. (Gard, 

1896, xlix. 282.) H. A species allied 
to F. aurea, = like that species, with 

Fritillaria bucharica. (Ga. a 1171; 

B. M. t. 7080.) H. An interesi ing but 
bg : 

not very showyspecies, Bul aris Sie 
1 ft. geek In us, sessile, 
e, 3-4 in. Infi. 

a lax many-flowered raceme bracts 
bre arpian linear or Da eg 


pain th gr reg hare: pg teneri 
= long, not tessella ted ; segm 
ae Gentral Asia. 

iar ae (G. C. 1879, xi. 
f....08, the way of F. 
Meleagris, 6-8 pA nN with about 
6 linear- lanceolate slightly ‘deemed i 
g bell-shaped 
htly glauc 
ni outside. [F. harm Gren. & 
Godr.] South Euro 

Fritillaria canaliculata. (G6 

ear, glaucous, 34i in. lon; 

agrees Cat. 
ee and 

eepe pira 

nest nie lous i. possess ny 
yellow within. Taurus. 

Eells contorta. (G. C. 1886, 

he ing the 

segments of the fl. all united (gamo- 

phyllous), L. 3-4, distant, PERTY 

somewhat fleshy. Fl. noddin .l}-2 in. 
ng, white. 

a hericaulis. (4. C. 1889, vi. 
38.) Stem 

armena, Asia Minor 
Prisibiaris Hookeri. (B. M. t. 6385.) 
[This is Lilium Hookeri, 
oa a eae ally of L. thomsonianum, 
Lindl. } 

Fritillaria imperialis inodora pur- 
(GA. t. 1165.) H. var. with 
ark crimson fi. Bokhara. 

Fritillaria eri es 
pend. ge oa 298.) 
£, and shape, dark 
pei gr tig and lighter with 
[F. nobilis, 

H. Like 
yellow markings inside. 
Baker. | 

Fritillaria Moggridgei. (F. M. t. 
405.) H. bulb. A dwarfish piant, 

ted i 
wi [E. delphinensis, Rei 
var. Monpridget ] South Europe. 

Baker, | 

Fxitillaris ee ~ Beg 

caul 1l., 
greenish- ei fl., dotted with purple 

ae Bat he (Gf. 1886, m 
rden Shee between F. 
oe conn F, lanceolat 

a Saree te (af. 


habit, recurved-spreadin 
ee onger than the greenish- 
yellow fi. Central Asia 



hears serali =. = be eer 
ulb g 

with scarlet inside. 

hh on ge a Sewerzowi. (B. M. t. 
71.) Fi. ree [Syn. Korol- 
rie Prabal Pane 
ya. goe EEA E8 H. 
light olive- 

Alatau Mountains 

aeree pisai Sie al t. 993.) 
fine species, with 

Foe a ted in ai ose 

at the middle of the s ate. 

purple-brown within, spotted with 
white. Alatau Mountains. 
Fritillaria Tanen. CG. C. 1893, 

xiii. 506.) Resembling F. Melea- 
r l. and f.; but wi 
orbicular instead 

ritillaria zagrica. (G. C. 1893 ie 
568.) H. Allied to F. ieee an 

F. armena. a. 
ated, glaucous outside, Persia. 

Fuchsia ampliata. (B. M. t. 6839.) 

L. ee 
acute, in whorls of 3 FL. 

lobes slightly 
petals broadly elliptic, 4 in. ‘yl Aadi 


Fuchsia boliviana. Mle H. 1876, E 
0.) In the of F. coryn 
biona, and onl differi ing in being 
a littl 
doper jolted 

Eras mago Pae Cat. 
ka =e is Arat, Tn rimson- 

scarlet, not reflexed ; pet. heap. violet. 

A a hybrid 
D cae branches 

Fuchsia age (R. H. 1894, 470, 

come tga afie Aig G. 1888, 
244.) G. Garden hybrid 

pe Beat bias e n Baa xviii. 
95.) species 

rns l. op hrees, and the 

rmina y racemes of 
brilliant scarlet fl., 1} in. long. San 

Arra TETA g s Soe G. 
ass den rid 
weoh F. ee ‘phi ia pis T phe 

Funkia sieboldiana ie - 
C. 1876, vi. 36; GA. t. 867.) ee 
am herb. per., difering from the type 

white f. and roundish planer 
porttitor Jean 

Furcrea albispina. a C. 1893, xiv. 

586.) Amaryllidaceæ. G. A dwart 

an erect ranched scape 

6 ft. Car Caibeal America. 

Cf. 1887, 130.) 

Gahnia M 
S. Agire ape not the soy 

_ Wavy 

seen ga pase ‘celine and pOr atic 
fruit. Fiji. 

Gaillardia pulchella lorenziana. 
if. t. 1083 

rays being sup- 
ariable. Also called 

oes Alleni. (&. C. 189 
Aiat 1891, 246.) Kie. 
ween Cf, latifolius and G. cau- 
EA L. short, broad, glaucous, Fl, 
white casus, 

a oo "ee pa a 0.189 

ctly reflexed at the 

ges, as in "hie former, and inner 
perianth-segments Saris with green, 
as in the latter specie 

FATO caucasicus. ais C. 1887, 

ith a green A i 
spot MOni the deep notch. Caucasus. 

ae refs Siero: (Jard. — 
mall variety of G. 

t oa is, Oar 
—— Var. precox. (J.òf H. 1893, a: 
549. An early rasta form 

the ‘species with broad 

Galanthus miar ER (4. C. 
1893, xiii. 
with a jarge | bulb ae thick glaucous 
l. Asia Mi 

Var. unguicularis. 
1894, zvit 179.) H, 
Elwesii, of erect habit 
tinguished Ei its claw-like reali oa 
Asia Minor 

ÇJ. of 
A bint of @ 

Galanthus Fosteri. (6. C. 1889, v. 
458; Gard. 18 XXXVi. HB. 

long, i inner kenar obovate-cuneate. 
Asia Minor 

Galanthus gracilis. (G. C. 1893, xiii. 
656.) H. Closely allied to @, Elwesii, 

of the perianth. Bulgaria. 

Gala nthus gonmitonie (G. 
1893, xiii, 65 

e r; 
fl. resemble those of the large 
forms of G., nivalis. 


Galanthus Ikarie. ah C. 1893, xiii. 

ped edges 
esii, and the single e apical bloteh 
m the inner eee, e G. nir 
lis, Niksi Ægean 


poe maximus. (4. C. 1893, 
B54;)2 Ha bat A Eat us, 

E eee erage (GA. 

arden var. with 

— Var. Els#. (Gard. 1891, xxxix: 
"243 -) H. ger allied to &. corey- 
rensis, but having larger fl. and stouter 
l. Macedonia. 

— Var. Racheliæ. (Gard. 1891, 
H. Allied to T eea 

but more “robust and with larger fi. 

passa oki. (4. C. 1879, rak 

pa ves, an 
on the cane tipo of. each 
perianth seg 

of the inn 

— Var. serotinus.. (Jard. 1888, 140.) | 
ariety. | 

eae late-flowering 

oe en —- 1888, 140; 
G. Re ne 

ath. Fl. lar 
sae on the inner viet Greece. 

Galanthus Perryi. (@. C. 1898, xiii. 
58.) H. A be 

long, Tee l. and dropping ra- 
cemes 9 in 

t. brown and the lip rosy. Brazil. 

oe tie “open ge On H. 

ae ey Piper ny tens, nee 
lanceolate acuminate 1., terminal 

hreous-brown. Lip. pale 
white, with a purple bloteh i in vg oe 

| Galeandra k ae ee 

with purple. Vene- 

PS mari 

SE C 1887, i. 
512; ii. 108; Z. ii. t.90.) S 

. A strong- 

ish fe like 

terminal process. Venue 

| Galeandra harveyana. CG. C. 1884, 

species niao ate sal 

ee sE caucasicus and (G. latifolius. 

Gapa Scharloki. (4. C. 1888, iii. 

re. nivalis, Linn, var.] 
Galanthus umbricus. a Cat. 
4.) H. very early-flowe 
orm of G. nivalis ; the fn bluish- 
ced th 

-green are 

Thich resemble those of 
white, with 
the inner segments. Umbria, Italy 

ae orale Clesii. (Z. ix, t. 391.) 
S. Allied to G. tel 
It has ae pseudobulbs about a foot 

Galtonia ee 

ore T eo ees light 3 sallow 
lip, having a a tuft of hair on the disk, 

, Galeandra ap en (G. C. 1894, 
03.) S. A very singular species, 

ete gree nish na and large rose- 

ime ip. Bra 
Bory ralis (Fl. and P. 
H. 1885, t. 555.) An 

sp ad squarish 
front lobe, white, with a central rosy- 
purple stripe. Brazil. 


ments and lanceolate bf sr narnia "South 


Gamochlamys heterantrs.. TARA 
; of 

lon in. broad, bri reen. 
Potente ages than 
reen, boat - ong. 
padix ka to e Gicughent 
its whole length. Female fl. about 30 ; 

ovary flask-shaped i row 
betw : the female ones on the upper 
h spadix, F enengena 

alf of the 
o ren Schott. ] 

er Sie ae Ce 2 
49.) osite. G, shrub, ‘with 

labrous. L. crowded, 1 in. long, 
trifid ; segments lin cute, er 
fleshy. Peduncles terminal, slender, 
1}-2 in. long. Heads ine or 
more in diameter, , bright 

yellow. South Africa 

—- ooo ass Cat. un ,5.) 

globose k as bek as a walnut. Natal. 

CG. C.1877, viii. 
es, closely 

Pantara £ colulenee 
liacee. G, speci 
G. acinacifolia so 

more or oval p 

ts. Fl.-stem sim aa J branched, 
2-4 ft. high; racemes rather 
Fl. 74 li Seiad: gl o 
inflated at coral-red, with 

pale green tips and darker green 
stripes, w in G. acinacifolia the 
fl. is 14 in. long aie carcely infl 
South Africa, 

Gasteria dicta. (G. C. 1876, vi. 68, 

Gastrochilus albo-luteus. ig. C. 
1894, xvi. 34.) Scitaminex. 

way of G. onii, but a fi. 

smaller with a ne rene gas 

with bright yellow ; 1. oblong, 

9 in. long, green. Andaman Islands. 

. 2è 

Sankrochilug Curtisii. (B. M.t. 7363.) 

G. longiflora. Rootstock 
as re -lanceolate, stalked, 
nearly 2 ft. long, hairy beneath. FI. 
a clus Š in the sheathing bases 

L across, white ; the 

yale on a red margin. Ma laya. 

Gaultheria  nummularioi des. (4. 

rosy-pink fi. Himalay 

Gasania heii = C. 1894, xv, 
20.) H.H. Allied to 

G a Rg T ‘ina rosette, linear, 
5-8 in. lo es 6 in. lon 
bodes we ; ray-florets 

2 in. across; 
urple beneath ; disk yellow. 
ome à. nivea, Hort.j Natal. 
racemosa. AER. H. 1880, i 
. with 
o Leaflete 
oblanceolate, acute, toothed. Thes 
midribs, and y young leaves Apre 
New Caledonia. 

Genista An: 
t.) Leguminosæ, 
ange reoparius with t gs of 

brown-crimso Toyin pe 

Pia, Link, var. prg 


e. H. 1886, 372, 
Ver o 

Genista oweniana. 
342.) G. A hybrid r 
everestiana and G, elegans 

(G. C. 1889, v. 
aised from G. 

Gentiana acaulis alba — 
striata. (Gf. t.966.) Gen 
H. var. _ dark blue stripes on the 
white peta 

—— Var. albida. 
A white-flowered vari 

(ap. t. 966.) H. 

—— Var, azurea. (GA. t. 966.) H. 
A var, with an intense blue flower. 

—— Var. celestina. (a7. t. 966.) 
H. - Fl. pale blue. 

aoe coerulea albomarginata. 
(GAL, t. 966.) yA ke white and light 
blue with dark blue streaks. 

Gentiana arvernensis. (Fl. and P., 
1882, n Ti H. alpine per., allied to 
G. monanthe, but more robust, 
broader l, and deeper 

Gentiana maae (G. €. 1890, viii. 
2 in. 

high, a nls 

Allied to &. anaes Caucasus. 
Gestisaa ogee SA a t. 6 et) 
r, n. high, h linear o: 

yers hae L Qi bax es = aes 
sessile violet fi, 

Gentiana calycosa. (Gf. t. 1270, 
-c ; < lees, UL 553.) H. 
r., with erect unbranched stems, 4-6 



p ee 
base of meee mn with white. Califor- 
; Ore 
Gentiana carpathica. (Jard. 1888, 
113.) H. per. 

Gentiana -ne ages 188 
6.) H. per. milar 

and suppos nae te a ri n 
that species and G. punctata he 
calyx is 5-toothed, t a olla 
yellow, dotted wit ith red. Swi d 

Gentiana sae hg G, 1888, 180, 

acuminate lobes. Switzerland. 

Meniians: Fetisowi. (Gf. t. 1069, f. 
5.) with 

dwarf species, w a 
pia i fe roa with a radical l., 
and erect stem, with 1-2 of 
sho l, and a te compact 
cluster of campanulate deep blue fl., 

2 in. ag Turkes 

maana Frokoin, Giard. 1888, 

linear-oblanceolate subacute 1l., 

solitary large blue fi., on peduncl 
l} in Jong, with a pair of leaf-li 

= cts at base Ea the acutely 

tiana gaudiniana. (Jard. 1 
76.) H. per., similar to G. pur, puret, 
but an. aè more a a Calyx 


t spathaceous, Corolla of a some- 

piactite aaa “G. purpurea. witzer- 

Sontiang eae. CG@fl. t. 1087, 

milar to G. decum- 

t with a SiaKty 5-lobed calyx 

beer whitish fl. dotted with violet lines. 

Gentiana kochiana. (W. @. 1888, 
181, f. 39.) i 

[G. ae tink var. | 

Gentiana wir grit ge < ere. 1888, 
6.) H. A hybrid es lutea 
and G., pannonica. North ' Tyr 

Gentiana Kurroo. 

(B. M. t. 647 
Bull Cat. 1880, 4.) é 


cending fl.-stem 
‘i. pote l- å- Lowered. 
1 in. more in diam., sky- 
blue, plentifully sprinkled with ‘white 
around the mouth of the campanulate 
tube. Himalaya. 

— = brevidens. (J. of = re 

H. A var. with rf 

tie habit. Fl. blue, fad on 

prostrate s stems 3-5 in. long. Hima- 

miata eee = M. t. 
; Roe Annu 

ong as the coro 

pore "o oe (GA. 
t. 1069, f ~~ 
bles G. Pioni. bat ta iara hy 
and larger clusters of larger fl Tur- 

areca Digs wes Kleea me xlii. 
4. species. 
12 ft. ‘his 

a broadly er u 
ene allied to G. affinis 


pian Res her ce am t. 6514.) H. 

= ant, 34 igh, with 
x ape terminal 
analy iie dark blue fl. Him- 

Gentiana prostrata. (Jard. 1888, 
annual, 1-3 in. high, wit 

small elliptic E and so olitary “hae fl. 
abou diam le 5-toothed, 

’ North Nictate Region: 

oon Bogert alba. (Gf. t: 

16.) ar. with white fi, 
(Gard, 1895, xlviii. 
pecies in the way of 
, borne in umbels 

Er E saxosa. 

6. PAEA Fi. white 
f 4-5. New Ze aland. 

a cones Ld ea cordifolia. (B. 

is is e blue- 
fowered "Gentian often cultivated 
of @ gelida. The 

rere ‘6. idah Psi followin fl 

Gentiana Thomasii. er 1888, 
ha to G, lutea 
folds, T = purplish 0 nage) ng the tube 
bout equa . [G.rubra, 
airv. | S witze A mt eee 

— TEIE. z A. t. 1140.) 

. dense Corolla ? in. long, 
n diam. ; scales the throat Bind. 
pires tan 
Geodorum anporroanni. (R. H. 
1882, 501.) Ore! S. pretty 
orchid in, se with 3-4 oblong- 
l, and a spike of 9-15 
p pet. linear-oblong, white; lip 
concave, risa purple veins, 
Cochin Chin 

Geonoma Carderi. (77. a ox ae 
182; Bull Cat, 1876, 9.) S. 

ook, L B. M. t. 7108.] Colombia. 

Geonoma decora. (IU. H. 1894, = 

t. 23.) 8S. A dwarf pinnate-lea 
palm with reddish-brown E kadis sis 

smooth deep-green narrow leafi 


a S 

ATERT — ohne 1889, xxv. 
ery i racilis, 
nat lakai in Tua tits “ome ents 

Geonoma intermedia. OWittians Cat. 
1882, 27.) palm, with light green 
pinnate reddish-brown 

l., having 

se ge siesmayeriana. (Lind. Cat. 
escribed as a species 

of tufted habit with glaucous green l. 
which are tinged with red when 

TRR see CIU. H. 1895, 

a h 1, like soe = 
ie rg iors and t 

young 5 filings tinted with rose. Ha Kern 

pink hairs. . small, white, in 
flowered ane British Guiana. 

Geranium — ot 
6452. raniacee. 

narrow and pinnatifid rpl 
vei Ww red, 13 i diam. 
[G. malreflorum, Boiss. E Rent. } 
| sormam piyli oran (G. C. 1894, 
778. A dwarf plant, with 
thick 1 ai almost sessile eure and 
purple fi. New Zealand; Chile 

ee igen Charlesii. 

posed tubers. 
f the 1. ae less 

lobed at their sides. ° Afigh 

arrea tenuifolia. (Gf. 1894, 48; 
. H. 1894 

m. A — about 1} ft. high with 

linear li green l. an og le violet 
Pentste aout fi. Mexic 
Trn amsor, (O O. 
PERR. AE KAL, Ost: aed. 

is, E A t. 722.) Composite 
per. pae pa with a 
yad of Lactuca-ike 1, and pes 
s of Gacania-lke 

oured rich 

pagent 1896, 

Say poi Sto 

Ta S 
perc fies 
ie ca hog: 
inverted: noma with te i 
South Afr 

eo TAE (B. M. 
94.) S. 

ibbed, E openin: g 
3 valves, seeds with a broad wing at 
ne end. Natal. 

peier Saum. a F t. Bi Ho 
H. herbaceous 

airy. L. Paadi 5 pinnatisect 
the gments roundi es ia gi rre- 
gularly toothed, FI.- sparingly 
branched. “ie eee Saad. lin, 
iam. Himal: 

high, hair 

— a 

(J.-0f Hf. 

vs a ve "Ob 

p coccineum, a ith deep 
orange red flowers, 

n es: (GA. t. 


r and a 
bright Yalow fl. 1 in. or more in diam. 


Gilia Brandegei. (B. M. t. 6378.) 
Polemoniaceæ. H. tufted herbaceous 
plant, lar 


c inal 
elongating raceme ; S lit in, yan 
pale yellow. Colorado. 

aoe singin nts (GA. t. 1042 
tty os with cas 
a fl. ery a A 

are gos ntti a wo 
ræ r 

cho eT tS Onis CG. €,1894, | 

e dehi pone of the ċapsule. 
FL ise “Californi 

— —— (G. o 1889, v. 
233.) Irida H. distinct 
species nat un liko é. EE but 
with much smaller fi, co 
yellow , with minute "red s spots. 


| Gladiolus decoratus. 

Paties Se goon 



CG. and F, 
warf species 
wi rs numerous small deep purplish fl. 

er See Sp rape ani 
v. Ad 

Gladiolus atroviolaceus. (Damm. 
il); B: 

di i e or blue, a a white E 
stripe. Pales 

m prai 

Paki xvi. 152) H. 

oran ge-yellow fl. 
thickly dotted ard over with red, South 


— brachyandrus. (B. M. 
H. species, about 14 ft. 

of H. of a pae scarlet with a pale tu 

rest. South ‘Trapani! Afric 
H. H. species, with 1. 2 ft. 
nd fi. 3 in. 
bright scarlet, 
with Ae alee r oblong pesa on 
the lower segmen East Afri 


ACD M. t. 6335.) 

L. broadly 
an PLR oe a ici Seas corolla 
about 1} in densely s 

with patpi ‘red on a pale — 
throat green. South Africa, 

"Gladiolus Elloni. (W. &. 1890, < 
ecies with star-shaped w 
f. gone with purple. South Agen: 

ep oR Kirkii. (4G. C. 1890, viii. 

. A species allied to G. Eek- 

ty E mbbe l} ft. high, spike 3 ft. 

high, RREA- 1} in . long, 
rose-coloured, PAE A 

pe grga us. (E Y. 


iathot ‘paler than the others with a 

dark Affghanistan 

Persi tie 

oe ae (G. C. 1889, 

À fine plant, with the 

habit n rea of G. Papilio and 
colours of G. psittacinus, Transvaal, 

Sladioine. pAn (R. H. 1879, 
arden hybrid, riaa 
A *prpnrcornat with G. ganda- 

Gladiolus massiliensis. (IV. G. 1894, 
34. A race of garden origin 
between G. psittacinus kad G.g 

Gladiolus echie wie tore (BHM. 
t, ae distichous, S, 

the three upper broa 
the three lower pr Transvaal. 
Gladiolus oppositiflorus. (&. C. 1892, 

xii, 552; B. M. t. 7292.) E H, An 

me of 

been found in the Transkei, South 

Gladiolus FEN —— (GA. 

1885, 341.) H. A fine with 
purple ground e cslour ' wo the fi. 
Instenă of a yellow on 

Gladiolus Kapito > eres 
C. 1893, H-H- A 

garden ied h bate the plants 
indicated by the na 

Gladiolus ma = 2i 
1893, xiv. 456.) H, H eG, 
horter opposite 1l., 
ike of deep Sollow fi. 

veined with red. Natal. 

— Send ata (4.6.1 
H. A robust niu owved 

vo fa writhions any a lee or ais. 
East Africa 

— na es. pe. 


| Giadiotus quar Gnignad, (BM t. 

pos ) Ba H. 
pha 3- n i an ene Mies © 
long, 4-3 in. broad, r mid and ants 
nerved. Fl. 4-6 in a re spike, yellow- 

about 2 in, in diam. Tropical Africa. 

— turicensis. (G. C. 1889, 
i. 183 A hybrid raised from 
a. gandavensis ‘and G. Saundersii. 

Gadinjus Bela ag CW. G. 1889, 
den. tries between 
rid 2 eae a G. Colri 

Gladiolus Polas, aire G. 1888, 326, 

crimson. Ao yi ittatus, Hornem 
South Africa 
Sadma watsonii ae 
6919; . 1887, 192.) H.H. L. aj 
ft, long, $ in ae : spike en lax, 
bearing showy bright searlet-red fl 
2 in. in diam. Mount Kilimanjaro. 
anp peewee orem, (Gf. t. 
1.) Papaveracer. H. herb 
with lyrate pinnatifid radical 1., and a 
ew = mn gg Fl 
yellow, 13 diam.; capsule 

covered with pace” Altai Mountains. 

Gleichenia dicarpa longipinnata. 
; T i. 780, f. 112.) Filices. 

branches m sis 
drooping pinnæ, 4-5 in. long, dark 
bluish green when young ; under sur- 
face glaucous. Australia, 
CER SNE C. 1879, 

ribed under G. dicarpa 
Tngipinata) G. Pereri fern, dis- 
tinguished the deep bluish green 
metallic colour of cig surface, = 
very glaucous aar urface of t 
fronds. Austra 

Globba alba. Sa H. 1887, 286, t. 20.) 
EESE LG. albobr vacteati, 

Globba rea ea Aa C. 1882, 
xviii. 71 188 

panicle whi 

te. Fl, 


2, 18, (EM. ' 
a E; 2; 89.) -8 
numerous, 1-2 ft n, bearing akes 
lanceol ate dark gree 

edged with a lighter shade, and a ort 
spike of yellow re Sisam bright crim- 
bracts. Bor 

ae art aan BE Me 
abrous, with tufted 

A sae, 
ape yellow with an ‘orange-red spot 
the a of the Wie te The anthers, 
er th a ite hs ETEA are 
iala. ka long T kai Sinaia above 
as ga E — the fl. a very peculia 

seo a a arene (2. T. O. 1894, 
228 284, f.) 

that species. Abyssi 

Glossopetalon opin aero (GA. 
1894, 237, f. 52.) races 

branched _small-leaved 

hitish fi. Colorado, ia, 

ae x Sit seta hag G. 1892, 
5, t.! brid 


spotted Gloxinia, 
ia agen serene ny ie = Dae 
he th white 
ee! with ates ‘purple, the’ spots i in 
middle part of the lobes densely 
crowded ; inside of tube yellowish. 

Glyphosperma Palmeri. 
Piep p H. 1884, 288 

(B. M.t. 

Glyptostrobus soa ngaris. (R. H. 
ka , 528.) Coni Garden 
[Tax EP en, Rich. var. 
fadigiact: Hort. ] 

Gmelina Hystrix. (B. M. t. TA 
G: C1894, x7: T18) Ver tengo S. 
A clim of 

Bougan; L Paar pa entire 

ka Evod Broa w ated and some 

| oe Preceding 

_ Gongora grossa. 


or lobed; fl. in short dense terminal 
cone-like spikes formed of ee red- 
td a bracts and irregularly campan- 

late yellow fi. 3 in. long. Philippine 
ini nds. 

Tonis fg Araria, 
888, 436. 
on tsa ete 

(W. G 
Of garden 

Gethea Saar ag Se (B. M. t. 6427.) 
rrcagg the plant better 
n as E Dania A ES 

ge sere decora. oe ca 1879, m 
Ochn ree-flowerin, 
bag coriacous “elliptic. -oblong 
alternate compact spicate 
Erie of plain yellow fi. Brazil. 


Separo sinaicus. (W. G. 
e 448, f. 85.) ape clepiadacez. ie 
rH. H is is a synonym of t 
common G. fr ioi, Syria to South 



p - 

wide, nearly white, barred with a very 
li ght brownish pnrp 

Gogora ete. (G4. C. A, vii. 

) S. Pseudobulbs large, rounded : 
` p Aii ina m. y-flowered 
Sep. d pet. ye spotted wi 

rown. Lip white, its apex and basilar 
wings rich yellowish, te wi 
mson, as white colum Fl, 
half the size of those of G. preven 
purea. Colombia. 
Gongora ae (G. C. 1836, xxvi 
456.) S. Allied to G. jratviabande, 

an arista 
yery small basilar horns on the 
middle part, 

Ca. C. 1877. Jaaa 
781.) 8. Closely allied to G. 
purpurea ; differing from it in — 
on the anterior horns outside, 
inside a l te 


e lip 

the being so densely cove 
look nearly blackish-purple. Ecuador. 


Songer — ase (L: sary 

m with se 
bright ro. dso: a cy with mae eke 
spots ; lip chan ai Colombia 
= sanderiana. CG. C. 1896, 
X. Allied to G. portentosa. 
Prendobalne conical,5 in. long. L. 10 
in. long, in, broad. Racemes 6- 
flowered; fi. yellowish with rose- 
coloured spots. Peru. 
Gongora vatis (O C. 188), 

812; B. J 24.) S. Nearly ‘allied 
to G. ret Abe 
ae grandiceps. (&. 4 
a Williams’ Cat. 188 
23) F 

ilices. ern o 

slender Sor rhizome. 
dium sp.| F 

Gonioscypha eucomo ides. 
1886, xxvi. 744 

[Poly ije 

(a. C. 
xx. 748, £) 

rootstock and a of pe 

enipe =e Et ‘ft long by E ra in. 
Ta scape beari aring a dense spike of 

n fl., surmounted by a ero 

of gus pe aR bracts, des a 

being mixed with the fl. Bhot 

irai ty mace: (G.C. 1go, 
æ. S. Terrest 
aha. wit ih jer d a ew o 

SL an 
white fl. hairy etde, Madeir: 

waaeyers | Rollisani. s O. Gr. Man. | 
ark-green, | 

Ed. 6.3 
Mirae nies e 

ined with odes 
allison, Anwet ‘toc hilus 
raven me Hort. and „emaria Rol- 
i, Hort. ] Malay: 

rege ie rigger orgs = H. 1686, 
6167 Q. C. 1886, xx 
ne restrial orchid, of 
anA with thick ovate acı 
green l., with a w ÉR erii central 
an Flu nknown, New Gui 
= pean (u. z 1e; 480) 

paein i of i pia 

Gossypium Comesii. (B. 7. 0. = 
308, t. 10.) Malvacee. G.shr. 
of Cotton with 3-5-lobed 1. stad vols a 
naa Mieis spot at the base of 
e pet. 

— Gove Andreas 

rial | 

Oe a 1884, 
xxii, 2 Orchidacex. S mbling pitita, but with es yellowish 
white the lip is cor- 
das; R acute, white with purple- 
red spots in front, i with brown 
bars above. Mex 
Torie a CG. € 1884, xxii. 
iia A ias 
mall purple ba a ele lip nearly 
elliptio apioulate, © with dark brown 
n fro 

prs Poe e C. a 
¥ 70. curious species 
onion Shaped penis Mianooolate 

blackish -purple hidr ib, 

oramnatayhlum elegans. or € 
viii. 776; Fl.and P. 1883, 

ame colour ; lip 
ith eate margin, hairy 
on the disk. Polynesi 

pa Farman i ai = daya- 

lines whi n the type. [Gram 
mangis Ellisii, Reich. f f. var. | 

a fae wae Guilielmi-se- 

- CGA. ee pitt S. [G. rum- 
phianum, Miq.] 

Grammatophyllum measuresia- 

has stout fleshy pseudo y ge 
leathery green l, and erect 
scapes, 5 ft. or more , with 
about 60 large colou yellow 
with dark brown blotches. [ G. rum- 
phian Bis Be Mi g 

Philippine Islands. 


pir Sores a ame eae 

xxxviii. i: 

eens i Pak brown blotches, 
bor rne on a stout long racem 


Grammatophyllum Boe 
(@. C. 1 Alli 


. 1878, ix. 788.) ed to | 

. Wallisii, with at hee smaller fi. | 
spotted wi k blotches ; sep. an 
pet. narrow ; lip totally naked, without 

any lin airs or velvet; middle | 

lobe acute. New Guinea. | 

iammatophyllam gg g 

C. 1877, vii. 240.) rather | 
large, strong an Sias. M üg; | 
pet. ovate; lip trifid; the side lobes | 
broad, angled; the middle lobe pro- | 

ginate, with | 

raised lines. Madagas 

Grammatophyllum sanderianum. 

ce 7. C 1893, xiv. 15. A re | 

lunder, the plant intended being | 

Greptophyliom picturatum. (Bull 
Cat. sek ER canthaceæ. S. A form 
of t wel norn a pictum, with 

riem l. than the 




Gravesia guttata da Gi, H 
1879, t. 359.) Melastom n 
This’ is the beautiful tolingo pla 

own in gardens as Bertolonia a 


Graya i eal 
1894 4-95.) Chenopodi 
with w 

Me zr Pees 

í oes aes petty 
Ww rere North Amer | 

rea eee H; H. 1880, 255 

ng, and se 
brownish-red fl., s y 
violet. The heads arise ps the 
ae car outer l. an 

e the plan 
aspect. Also aliod pate 

he tg Chile 

Groit ae 


i bri green above 
= ‘on nak side of the 
-rib x pe ents narrow, lin 
pungent-poin . milk-white, aie 
posed in large panicled racemes, West 

me a 

— parviflora. 

Griffinia ornata. 

et Suarnolortit 

Gunnera manicata. 
L r= 

large roundish-co 

| Se ee: CB. M. t. 6361.) 

Bal . -= at as m 

eas i 
iy, slightly hairy, snd with revolute 
et short terminal ra- 

ibe bri ght red, oe the 
laara limb pienian. East and South 


ong aaa styles, 


Breviea thelemanniana splen- 

fl. larger than 
type. [Appatently G. W oni. A. Gian, 
var.] West Australia 

CG. and he 1888, 
Gift. 1889, 601, f£.) Tiliaceæ. H. 
yellow, in dense pedun 
hidden by the 1. North Chin: 

ae. C. 1876, v. 266; 
M. t. 6367. 

Bull Cat. pote 
Amarylili L. eliiptio-oblong, 
convex, slightly decurr base ; 
nines Sag — wly winged. com- 

of 20-24 Tongstlked de delete ge eal st 
lilac fi. 

zo H. 1888, 
nd F. 1888, 233.) 
pet Ne : É 

CZU. H. 1884, t. 
red oragi ©. per. wi 
tioles, eare 3 ft. iig and 
eg -lobed 1., 
1} ft. in diam, Brae 

Sukerta Pathan. E D. &. 

A ge H: en - 

eni Mas 
poimin of psi golden-yellow a- - 

Western United Sta 
N 3 


Guzmannia —— (R. H. 1886, | clothed beneath and partially so 
324.) Bromeliacee, $. [ Caraguata | the upper surface, while young, with 
angustifolia, Baker ; B. M. b. 7137.) a golden powder 
Guzmannia devansayana. (B. H. | Gymnogramme Pearcei robusta. 
aes 113, t. 8-9; ind P. 1883 (G. and F. 1888, 303; Vei at 
L. linear, canalioulate, 2ft. | 1888,11; L’Hort Int. Cat. 1888-9. 50.) 
at dilated ab thei bases; scape : A robus form, with rathe large 
ene bracteate, bons half as long | triangular slightly cut pinnules, and 
the l, with a dense ovoid spike, | a base of the stipes covered with 
icing DOM pine cuspidate red | ite powder. South Ameri 
percha and small yellow fl. [Cura- | 
E. Morr. Ecuador. @ymnogramme sgn tet bm (Ve ait 
| Cat. 1881, 7,14; Jard. 1887, 3.) 
Gymn adenia ebony ys (Bul Cat: |. S: Fronds crowded. Stipes ep ack: 
1886, 8.) Orchida L. sheathing, ides rather slender, Faam gabei 
3-nerved ; spike E e fk 18-24 in. long, about 3 in. broad, gra 
dark brown with a rounded purplish- tne arching, tripinnatiià,: forked stu 
lilac lip pind aie ith sora er streaks oliferous at the pinnules 

and speckles. Sieve Leon nate pinnatifid, Tiana 

o be a hybrid between 
substance inside, used by the Chinese decomposit and G, Pear 
women for Ši shing the face. Soa 

Tree. Chin R 

Gymnocladus chinensis. (w. &. —— Var. gloriosa. (Jil. H. 1884, 
1889, nh = mes Plantarum, t. 1412.) | 522.) S. A form ios, peer and 
Legumi . tree, with large | longer 1, than in the ty 

rE pinnæ with merous | 
obio obtuse leaflets ; fl. in short | Gymno, ogramme Veitchii. (a. C. 
racemes and not showy ; -4 in. | "1894, ee ri G. and F. 1894, 433.) 
long, very thick, containing a sof | 

a “age ig ea 

Gymnogramme Sa ne (Bull 1894, 357 Aca 8 Ste 

Oat. 1389, G. 1889, 513.) a 

3 ‘torn, gt bi te f lon, hired green and grey, with 
the “pinulas being cut narrow a er m = fl. in a spike 8 in. 
segments. [G. A ipoe Baker. | lonr whit ith a purple stalk. 

ymnogramme fariniferum. (77/. Z 
1886, i 604; Cat. Comp. Cont. idiot 

Gymnotheca raddiana., (Bull Cat. 
1886, 9.) $. ing var. o 1878, 155.) Filices. S.f h large 
schizophyllum, with graceful rehing trnih- DNW rooistock, stout flesh 
aan pale green, powdered with stipites, and ample onë è 
hite above, entirely white beneath. glossy-green fronds. nh 
late ; pinnules linear, with th pos- 
Gymnogramme pE (Fl.a ves a terior base cordate, and nina anterior 
1877,252.) S. Intermediate betw | base truncate ; apex pena te; 
G. chrysophy ylla and o. Toüiheiñă, | gin sharply serrate. Braz 

Gymnogramme tathamig, (@. C. | Gyosnäropiid coccinea. (ZU. H 

1884, xxii. 360.) A garden hybrid 1878, t. 310.) Capparidaceæ. S. sh 
ween &, a= and G. schizo- 6-8 ft. high, quite glabrous. L. Ay r- 
phylla, | rst digitate ; leaflets 3 -5, gy pas 
| cuspi green, scar 
bet betel termin. al raceme : Svaty oblong, 
Gymnogramme laucheana grandi- green, on a long stipe. Colombia 

ceps. (FI. and P. 1882, 90.) S. 
Golden Fern, with elongated bipinnate 
fronds, e; ending in 

a boomy melled aora gi ieee (R. H. 1878, 

H. H. grass much 

| in the oa pry è argenteum, but with 

r r flat ars : . and larger 

e Mertensii dob e | and more graceful panicles of fi 

ROA Cia Cat. 1877,6.) G. — | pas rtaderia Juhaa, Stapf ; Pe Mt, 
short, triangular, Beis | 607.] Ecuador 


Gynerium aaa (B. M. +. 

735 pi a A tall dregs Stems 12 | 
e high iameter | 

at the base, aie Eene with disti- | 

chous by 1 

Panicle 5-6 ft. long, elegantly weied | 

d not unlike the co n Pampas 
So ly 


s “Uva Grass.” premo Enui | 


aynur PETET (Lind. Cat. | 
T. 1881, t. £36 ; Fl. and 

1882, 1; ZU. 
P. 188: 

es are covered 
soft purple hairs, wie 
asi t a rich velvet-like a 

— pice (B. M. t. 7244.) 

A loos 
wit w sey ceolate 
hed a d bearing numerous 

a of dull « an fl. Mala aya. 



D’ S, 
es $ 





(B. M. t. | 

Os cas aie amg 
H. A pretty | 

pink, in. in diam. Himalaya 
| CL Sg Reid Deser. 

with | 


rosy fl., aaa | 

ary pale 
Eastern Persia 

with darker colour. 

DOEA carnea. ce. and F. 1891, 

; 18 Aae kai x 9, f. 105.) 
A. SE ecies with 
ovate spotted with grey, and an 
erect scape 3-5 fl. Sosa iform | 

pale pink colour. cpa 
ane Vase eres ose R. Ag ee 
S. Differs 
white instead of i e, fi. aad 

of dwarf habit, 
. long, and an 

ong, bearing a dense 

otter pranova (K. B. 1893, 
73.) S As 

wae erect 

Habenaria intermedia. 
xii. 136. i 

ae wea 
518 ; 

t spike 6 in. lo 
cluster Of Maali orange-red fl. M 

(B. M. t. 7478.) 

Habenaria pT 
This s n kae 

ies is most n 
to H. digitata, differing in 
larger fl., hairy pet. with aeey ae 

the lip, and 

divisions, long lobes o 

spar- pe stigmatic ae 

wide. Habenaria gigantea sumatrana. 

he variety 
is Apres as having large white fl. 
a large eine 

ith a 
lobed “abelitn m [A Susanne, R. 
ar.) Sum 

(G. 0. 1879, 

are beautifully fringed outside. 
g, arched, compressed, greenish. 

gree oe an ee = M. 

I- G: with 

vt is in-like tadial L iia erect 
capes, bearing a few k which are 14 
in m., white, a pendent 

tc 4or 5 in. long. eis rn Ghats, 

Habenaria a (4G. C 
1889, v. rr mall species, 
wit unatt: D tiv yn. 
Brachy yoorgihis macowaniana, Reichb. 
f.] South Afri 

(G. C. 1886, 
V. O. A. t. 281. 

chi "Reichb. ee Cochin China. 

fringed on the margin. Japan. 

alpine, ein resembling Ramondia 
radical vate- 

bescent. Scape 2-3 
Fl. li 

D Range! epee Pi (GA. t. 991, 


of Streptocarpus, pale blue with a 
dash of yellow at the throat. Balkan 
Mo tb 


Habranthus punctatus. (Gf. 
1163, f£. 3.) Amaryllidaceæ. G. Flow 
ing before the l.; scape 1-flow Erat 

perianth l1} in. long, funnel-s shaped 
white, spotted with red. [Mippea- 
atti ar Chile 

Habrothamnus ue a ruber. 

CGA. 1886, 426.) Solana G. 
eifecti ith S 
and more brilliantly coloured fi. ti 

var. elegans. { Cestrum.]) 

ee Newellii. (Veitch 
23.2: &. —— — ower 
1 clusters 


of somos crims and more 

ger Š 
brilliant than in rile common varieties. 

Hemadictyum mpa (RA. 
1885, any Enea on Fronds pinnate, 
ft. the pinnules 
ke ending in a distinct 
by 4 in. broad; 

opposite, o shite 
point, 14-15 in. long 
petioles yellowish. 

Hemanthus abyssinicus. ae e 

avy TA an a 

of rich hai pink fi. 

oe sre song Martyn. Abyssinia. 

—— albomaculatus. (4. C. 
G. bulb, with the facies 

1878, x. 202.) 
of H. coc a , contemporar 
with the fl., ligulate, fleshy, glabrous 
1 ft. long, 24-3 in eep green, 
spotted ies Scape lateral, 
green; a dense head, 2-3 in. in 

oe white. South Africa 

Hemanthus Arnottii. (6. C. 1879, 
. 492.) G. bulb, in the wa iy ae 3 & 

6, overtopping the white fl., oblong 
nia with green veining. Pedicels 
4- rianth § long ; 
Aa Bet little longer than the tube 

Soames ‘District, South Africa. 

hea ees Hapri E M. t. 6875.) 
dwarf s 

with ioe "large pkra FT 
ge T i Me 5-6 

Stic: 8 oe 

the ground. Umbet « ae Taa betwee 
; bracts y obovate, ade 
; f. a little shorter than the 
bracts, ‘white, Kaffraria. 

= | eu eiar 



(Bull Cat. 

li. fet tee 
iE largo fae of pure fl. 
on scapes Y9 in, long. [ HZ. aia. 
Baker. a Co aal. 

Homia ame á eiteh 

West Co ae of Afri 
Henhontlite Clarkei. (G@. C- 1894, 
vi. 498.) G. A garden a between 
È I. albifios and H. coccine 

—— hirsutus. (4. C. 1878, 

round obtan . contemporary with the 
fl., very obtuse, shortly hairy both 
sides, dark n above, pal eath. 
Scape compressed, lateral, stout, a little 
longer than the 1, nsel air, 
greenish in the upper, reddish in the 
lower part hite, in a dense head, 

in. in diam. Bracts 6-8, pale oti 
Seeemine, 1 in. long, membranous 

PETENG Sariroyori CG. C. TS, 
b, with leaf-stem 

he with clare 


Ezz. multiflor us, - Mart ob “Tales as 

Los, Sierra 
Hemanthus Lindeni. 

(G C 18990, 

rosy- aoii. 

| Hemanthus oe (B. M. t it 
. 18 th he PF, 
a aie pera 
the a very show wy. L. shortly 
a | — shortly sue tate, 

ed : 

y green per iant 
stamens at cries apace, 
West Tropical Afri 

Eanus tuposti (Eiet t 
; he a 
es a 

cape in long. 
mottled ore Dani Tropical Africa. 

Hemaria Otlete. (IU. H. wah t. 
124.) Orchidacew. S. A beautiful 
i epeen Peers plant 6-10 in. ‘hi 

arr a lax 
with a yellow $ tinted one-sided in 

oor laurina. (G. C. 1885, xxiii. 

veg ; Sri : 
aisonolater pei rigid 1 and axillary 
globose heads, 2 in. eee , of delicate 
rosy-lilac fl. Australia. 

apie tg gd Meehani. (G. and 

F. 1892, 534, Styrac: 
A seeding va of PA tetraptera, differ- 
ing from sa So in its distinc vd 

hicker pais l. and shorter 
stalked kapet se 

jenga argenteum, flore 
urpureo. (Späth prea 


from the type in its deep rosy conn T 

Halimodendron speciosum. (R. //. 
pis tree differing from the 
mmon for 
lar rger 
nee Bass DC.) Siberia ? 
ee preter n. Eea Sa x. $ es) 

larger fi., 

with dull purple rioa calyx lobes 
and short fruiting calyx. | 

H. Morid ama EE. 1881, Xv. 205, 

f. 38.) Jap 

pi tamane Due (B. M. t. 7325.) 

Fer ey it differs mainly in 
the spadix free the spathe; it 
has green cordate 1 da h 
whi fi. Mala Peninsula. 
geirum ar TEE i k 
78.) Composit 
he zy pee. showy and T 
12 g, 2-24 in : 

cobwebbed | above, densel white- 

tomentose ben . Scape as long as 

the 1., white-tomentose. Fl.-hea 

2-23 in. in diam., yellow. South 

MeSoveppar Aa ee 
i ompos: H. per, shr., very 
forifrous and ay much-branched, 

ft. high, canescent. L. 1 i n. long, 

Pa or Bag errs: Rar. lobes 
ier Fl.-heads 

i Bgl ere , radiate, bright yellow. 
[Apiopappus spinulosus, DC.) 

i. H. 

| aaria brags ew -$ 

| 1882, 

rid, y the narrow- 
loaved state of H. com AORTA 


Harpalium rigidum C 
| es iv. cere pon H. 
b. es ar. with tw 

ray flor aia: 
3 ati ianthus ere Sin 

Farino Gemma. 




| (G. C. 1878, x. 
| 8.) Orchidacex. 




amethyst-purple flowers. 

| ns —— (G. C 1876, 

f. dwar 

ir zn ie xX cue attenuate 
from pet a subaristate int, 
HE ra long, dull green, tesselated by 
me: Pa nie oe sh-white veins. 
Fl, aceme, greenish- 

white with ca oa stripes. South 

— Theos te (Baal. +. 

05.) This differs from H. setata 


ali pellucid or lineate. Cape C olo: 

Hebeclinium a Ce. 

1877, 330.) mposite.  G. villose 

shr. L. oppo Ea large, elliptic-ovate, 
pe Fl.-he 

acute, coarsely tooth ads 
lilac-rose, small very numerous, in 
lar dense trichotom terminal 
cymes. [Eupatorium —ianthinum, 
Hemsl. var.| Panama. 
Hebenstretia comosa serratifolia. 

Ce. 1890, 191, A 46; B.T. re 1890, 

82.) Sel H. ay ve 
with lanceolate peers L dense 
spikes of white fl. sae with a 
blood-red spot. South Africa 

Hebenstretia tenuifolia. (¢. C. 1387, 
= pa _— eee, it erga S 

fae porn = ‘slightly rae ri 

and lo Ë small i 

marked with diff he shades of orange 
in the throat. South Africa. 

IRS peee (hed 

very small, white. 
Klotzsch. ] stan: 

Hedera gee aurantiaca. 
1884, 84 0, t.) Araliacee. H. 
or seg eed var. with orange-red frait. 

(R. H. 

— Var. tessellata. (Gard. 1893, Ded 
150.) H. A distinctly rked f 
Japanese Honeysuc 

CW, Q. 1893, 
aces. ge 

y 1l.; stem an 

pct ie dish ; ; corolla 

‘ Wablonbergia.| Alps 

me ores niveus. 

a C. 1894, 
xvi, 15 Scitaminez. A near 
ally = H, coronarium, but Eih larger 

rich golden yellow fil. 

Hpaposinn Elwesii. 

Hed hium eregrinum. (G. C. 
A : R -ank 3-4 S high, 

fl mee of wh 
narrow, faar. patho, se rg 
green. Madag 

ee) wilkeanum. a 0 Taws, 
A garden h d be- 
een H coronarium and Ey ae 
edysarum —- cb M. t 
6386.) Legum H. herb., with 
pinnate 1 6 i jasc Tg: a s 5-7 
pairs and ngem odd one, oval, Jokoa, or 
retuse ey os He g lax 

Pods long, co 
4-7 = Hove reticnlated 
glabrous parte North Am 

a pr microcalyx. 

jag duncles, mene 
ong bright purple. 
Pohang Heuahow = 

Hedysarum multijugum. (Gf. t 
1122.) H. shrubby Loge is £ bigh, 
pinnate l.; the 
heireda obovate or aoe stiles’ 

| Helianthus mollis cordatus. 

silky beneath, Racemes axillary, 
cee than ioe 1l., with 8-10 pink fi. 
South Mong 

AS H. 1891, 

— Bolanderi. 
) H. per. of 

377, £.9 eget 

da rk brown. North 

n (B. M. t. 7091.) 
markable plant, 

white pet. 
stamens, zg ting Ranun- 

British Gui 


Helianthus ooking (R H. 
1882, 120.) Composit 


debilis, Nutt. ; B. M. t. 7432 

te yellow fl.-heads. 
D a 
Helianthus pennant “es sgn pa 
(Damm. Cat. 1890-91, 57.) H 
hybrid bet ween H. estos iat el 
H. annuus. 

ETEEN mepe o <a 1894, 

4, f. 25.) H. Sai n ahei ght 
Er tt. in rich grown RL -heads 
nor, of medium size. 

and F. 1889, 136, f. 100.) H. per. 

Stems 3-5 ft. high, leafy, ‘branching ; 
l. broadly ovate, acute: fi. large, 
orange-yellow, on long leaf: 7 EEE RE 
Western Georgia and Tex: 

PoE ‘shone (R. H. 1879, 

annual, wit th 

met a cess i ant large bright 

yellow radiate - heads. North 

Helichrysum —— (o. e ts 
62.) Composit 

ak eden with r iri ii 

branches, D. la late, sessile, 

3-nerved, yish- h white 


srek pee (B. 
15.) H beautiful little ‘Alpine 

invotheren and black disks, 

nae sila dec 

clothed with small silky-hairy l., each 
ch terminating in a silvery white 

head of by about } in. in diam. Corsi 

Helichrysum graveolens. (Gf. t. 
889, f. 1.) H. herb, densely pea 
whi te, with short cree arren 

poan aki mgr rer eae iesea 

stems. L. o arren shoots linear- 

stem-l. linear, acute, base broader, 
sessile. Corymbs compact, 2 in. or 
more a Fl.-heads yellow, on very 

short peduncles. South-west Europe. 

Helichrysum aera Bia t. 889, 

r. dwarf. ceolate, 
obtuse, attenuate biaa a base, 
gr xly o bbed. Fl.-he: 

l-2 in. across. Greece ; Asia Mino 

Heliconia Sa 

pain we Belen Isles. 

oe greiner oir (6. and 

l. yellowish, as long as the 

Heliconia ee age — C — xiii. 


yellow, in rather lax corymbs; corymbs | 


beautiful toting aan ee Musa-like | 

abit ; > aa rose-red hier 
veins ed in rose-pin 

clea k. 
[Not a Helio onka: a South Sea Talay. 

Var. rubricaulis. 
1895, 83.) S. Differs cote type 
ving more richly co vay pa and 
the sheathing bases of the 1.-stalks 
ured vermilion-red. [Nota Heli- 
pone ] 

ap es Cat. 

Heliconia metallica. (2. M. t. 5315.) 

a form, with ager ers TE lance- 

late L, wit argins, veins, 

un ler surface and potii a TE red. 
[Nota Batioota: ] Polyn 

Heliconia nitens. 
14. per. sm. 
with obliquely ‘obtong-ovat “bright 

Sid nap oe 

ee Pi gar (ill. H. 1892, 
n with a 

aa 2 

a dull Jn 
Te Ameri 

p areon Erg PET (IUl. H. 1882, 

Cat. 1882, 6. A 

fo lis a Ares somewhat like Movida 

zebrina, with elliptic oblong petio said 
of a = rs 

primary veins, [Not a "Fieliconia, x 

a viridis. (Williams Cat, 
883, 27.) S. per. wi foliage, 
it. L. 14-2 ft. long 
pal, ae [Not a 
Heliconia] pro ega? 
Helicophyllum Alberti. (B. 
6969; G. C. 1887, ii. 75 

arple. Central Asi 

oe Isora. we C. 1887, 
pd roundish crenatedontate Botes 
ate w ually cordate 
ase, itt beneath, and 
small 1 axillary clusters of deep et fi. 
Fr. twisted. India. 

oo = e C. 1887, 
52.) An inte esata 
eliibing Crucifer, with areare twin- 
, lan ceola racemes 
ofl feng white fl. sometimes a tinted with 

| Helio oe incanum ET 

(Bull Cat. 
xxii. Rig 

by Gc €, — 
09, z i 0.) Bora 
G; dly elliptic, “rough 
fl. eae ina piran globose infi. Per 

Hell ahora paano erie 
62.) H. 

oat 189 Ranun 
pm difering, s tho é ibe in its 
‘ieee bluish-black 
Heloniopsis um sia ata. (G.C. it 
i. 711.) Liliaceæ. per. o 
teresting character, with a rosette ‘of 
lanceolate light l., brownish 

raceme oO 
narrow free saiaane For 

Hemerocallis aurantiaca major 
(CG. C. 1895, xviii. 62, f. 80 ; Gard. 1895, 
xlviii. 400, t. 1041.) Liliacee. H. 
A jee var large bright ie oar 
fi., which produced in 
lfin. roe tap kad labial vibbed. Ji Toa apan, 


Honočoaitlis aa Dga (GA. | ar porsin. (W. G. 1888, 

with orange- | A gigantic nore 
ait ow a ie the slender tubular | pba 12-13 ft. high, with lar 
portion half as Tep as the segments. umbels of white fl. Persia. 
|H. fulva, Linn. var. augustifolia, 
Baker.] Japan. RAN —— = M. t. 7173.) 
| Sterculia warf plant 
sroga reisen — = | with a snide oa ‘thin wiry 
a stems, faper am toothed 1.. and 
aat a Peg ie ohing habit, with | drooping axillary fl. 3 sis ee 
cordate a. Palate 1 i inted w Soloenad orange-red. Transv 
silvery-grey o e su Aa 
purple beneath ; fl, einall, white, and a See CG. C. 1882 
axillary. India. Fl, and P.1882, 140.) 
ilia = ‘ varie p 
Hemiorchis burmanica. = = É of Yueca-like habit, with a rosette 
7120.) Scitaminer, S. ick linear channelled dry 1. 12-18 in. long, 
growing herbaceous yS EA thin with thready margins, and a nearly 
rhizomes, oblong green l., and short naked fl.-stem 3-4 ft. high, bearing 
erect scapes of Taol and Sasi fi. several loose racemes of fascicled 
each ł in. across. Himalay reddish fl. Texas, &c. 

Miniilis oaiopiylla, (B Met. Hesperantha panha: a E DA 

6920.) Orchidacex. S. terrestrial or- 1877, vii. 652.) Iridaceæ. G. bulb, 
chid, with a aa Tini oblong or elliptic with 2-3 distichous glabrous grass- 
ute l. of a gree tifully like 1, 6-9 e 
mottled with purple-bro ax ping the scape below the middle 
racemi m een Scape 1 ft. high with a lax e 
ovate, acute, white, with - ere . Spathe-valves entire, 
line. Pet. smaller, white. Lip sine. green, tinged with red. Perianth-tube 
aigtay J lobed, $ in. long, ach purple. usually longer than the spathe ; seg- 
Tenass ments 8 ioe Biri 3—4 in. long, oblong, 
| inner o ite, outer ones — 
Hemitelia guianensis Parade. | with reddish 1 lone. South Afri 
< CZU. H. 1877, t. 280.) Filices. S: 
ern, differing from the type in its | Hesperocallis CE (Fl. and P. 
more robust habit, larger fection | 26.) L H. H. L. lanceo- 
; the rh without lat te, wavy, Sa p ‘edged with white. 
wings, marked with white i ticels ; | p n loose racemes, fragrant. 
sori marginal copious. Colombia, | California, 

Hemitelia Lindeni. (64. c1 804, 5v nR poun (GA. 1888, 
663.) S. Stem not 2 in. in cir 82.) Hydrophyllacex. H. alpine per. 
ference, and nearly 2 2 tt. high ; bouda with tuberous rootetock. L, all radical 
large, handsom 

2-2} in. long, 3-2 in broad, spathulate, 
ry beneath. S naked, 1-flower- 
; fl. nearly rotate, white, veined 
Heptapleurum polybotryum. H with violet and with a yellow base, the 
238.) Datoe. trom longer than the rae = i 
correct name for the plant cultivated airy within. Idaho to Oreg 

as Piratropia teysmanniana. Jav: | 

Rastaplocrun venulosum 7 rythro- Hetorospathe c Balt. oiii 

ys. A ~ 02.) A graceful pinnate- leaved Palm. Java. 
cap a i l ee pranohes R 

an itate in ks d, ' 
minute, very numerous, on a ae EEEN ee Re = 
rminal panicle. Tropical Asia Arum-like e plant v with ce root- 
stock 1-2 1. contemporar 
Heracleum raeme foe 1889, with a T very variable rage ad 
155, f£.) Umbellifere. H. A Sagittate, hastate, or 5-lobed with the 

less vigorous sulci ae kais basal lobes direc 
or H. persicum, ornamen erect 4-7 in. long; + times 
account of its more abundant and as reliar „tube, oblong - lanceolate 
more divided foliag rm i 


—_ = ~~ Spadix shor — 

= sesh fuphoninm 
Ei alir ai Wall] Himala 
a Pree (M. G. Z. 1893, 2.) 
garden n Arim 
saiia H ahai and H. san- 
bos ned. 

Bohs pene nines. (B. M. t. 6929.) 

on long hairy petioles, 

cor arae ae shorty ge med ona 

hich, wi a paniculate iaf. aie 

ing a Si crimson campannlate. fl. 
} diam. New Mexico and 

a (ili. H. 1896, = L 
32. K orm differing from 
type in Ties pure white 4 

Hexisea bidentata. (G. C. 1887, ii. 
431.) Orchidace ’ little 
Orchid, with jointed stems, constricted 
at the nodes, the joints 1- ong 

trom the nodes, bright scarlet, about 
in. sep. and pet. ‘line near, 
acu narrow, obovate-oblong. 
“Panama, Colombi ia. 

Hibiscus Areen. (&. aa F. 1896, 

t Malvacı 8. Ag en hybrid 
ween FI. oes haan — H. sehi- 

Hibiscus i ee SA Coe a 
1880, 15. brillia: 
crimson- Pee ele es on, 

Hibiscus brilliantissimus. (Bwll 
Ct 186; 8X B A var. of H. Rosa 
— h large single fl. of the 

or most PS ai crimson- 
cee fushed with oran 

ae G. 1891, 

ES ce wey m i terns with mee e 

white fl. 5-5} in. — am., 

the centre. Califo 

s ets ge 
6 ft. hig 

Mibiacns ealyetnue, (G. C. 1891, x. 

62.) G.s The correct name of the 

Se ipod: oud: ie tributed a 

years ago under the name of X. 
chrysanthus. Natal. 

n. | 

mner RETE (Bull Cat. 
ae b 

Da yellow 
eye. [Z aides Willd.| Nata 

pra pAg merdas So C. 1887, ii. 
IK 480, £.) G. shr. 

, Wit 
pir es tira ES with a tendency 
to become 3-lobed, and pale rosy-lilac 
fl. 24 in. in diam., with a campanulate 

calyx surrounded by numerous linear 
bracts. Brazil. 

Hibiscus coccineus. (4G. C. 1887, ii. 
6.) This is the oldest name for the 
plant often named H. speciosus. 

ee ae mgr P +. 214.) 
l. lar, e, double, yellow, ar the 
a of 8 me of the pet. deep red. 
ae Rosa-sinensis, Linn. 
var. Collerii.| 

Brey S ee ae 
, 494; Be 

fieryred fl, Abyssinia. 

Hibiscus gate eee (GA. 
1894, 622, L) nual wit 
large era ee i ‘loth with 

blood red at the base of the 

Hibiscus insignis. (Gf. t. 868.) = 
shrub, shortly and densely hairy 

Coro in 

ye ellowi sh, suffused with Tose 
the tips, with a deep- 

red ring just shore the base 

Hibiscus reer ae and- F. 
1888, 425, f. 68.) G hr. 

hirsute.) North America 
rr a Po ee (R.-H. w = ) 
H. H. ched species 

ft. to 
4 ft. high, "Wik fe paliit 1. ae large 



on yellow with red-brown 
biota at the base of the corolla. 

7 micranthus roseus. 
(B: T. O. 1895, 20, f. 3.) A var. with 
handsome rose-coloured fl. Abyan. 

Hibiscus Rosa-sinensis fulgens. 
oe 1888, xxxiii. t. 634.) 

— Var. intermedius. (Bull Cat. 
Ei x FF S. A. garden hybrid 

n H. Rosa-sinensis magnificus 
y TL. schizopetalus 

—— Var. magnificus. cae oe ant 
16.) S. A hands pees arge 
A ien iera fi. shade with shin 
and with a mast chocolate spot at 
the base of each pet 

Hibiscus roseus. (R. = Eke 10, = 
shr., with ovate-lan acum 
nate toothed L mt = oy e dee = 
species allied to M. mmilitarés 
aid i Moscheutos. 

au a (R. H. 1884, 
k -0f H. Rosa-sinensis, 

with Aer piis fl. of a ose 
ur, lightly striped with riches nd 

Ess = purple at the base of the divisions. 

Hibiscus og pee (G. C 
ix, 529, f. 1 

WwW ri 
e peered formed ire 
gives this species special interest. 

vari oe 

Hibiscus —— Ah poe Cat. ai 
6.) N: andsome 
H, Baa ete ih double fl, oi 
a creamy yellow, variously striped an 
flaked with scarlet, 


Hillebrandia sandwicensis. = a 

t. 6953 ; ea ge une as 1, 

. her rosea 

character, with the habit and oo 

ance of a Begonia. L. large E a 
many lobed, deeply e 4 at 

i uncles 

6-12 in. long, forked at the top, 


mon. Spant cymes o: white oe 
with sep. 
ive as mation thats, Sandwich 
Hippeastrum sarees Mey (GC. 
1880, xiv. 42 

amens 1 in. s 
perianth-segments. Colombia, 
Hi {tami hoe ah Spee tor. 

sap ; GA. 

Ge i 
ARA colour 
pink, and endin E des eep blackish 
red at eis base of ‘oe Joran South 

Hippeastrum ao g ppro 
(R. H. 1895, 577, t : 
S. A var. differin g from the type 
the mieia segments and larger size of 
the fl., &e. 

EE gona muesserianum. (ZU. 

96, t. S. Segments narrow, 

as onseble ur tin ted with rose. Ap- 

parently nearly allied to H, aulic um, 

e. a Sea m 
201, f. 4 S. A var. of the 
well A H. pairo Costa Rica. 

Hohenbergia ferruginea. 
1881, 437, f. 104. 
A large rob 
late 1., 
of a ig irregularly coppers 
dull a Infi. panicu 
erulate, sae rosy- liked ba 
woe ber Baker r.] 

Holothrix rpe ee E C. 1888, 
iii. 364, £. 55,56.) Orchi A 
pretty little terrestrial Orali, with 2 
or 3 ica 

e lip is 
with an iso spur, South 

Homalomena ia eee (Zl. H. 1885, 

560.) 8. foliage plant 

with iptobiaig as 10-12 in, long, 
broad, b green above 

suffused with purple beneath ; nei 
and midrib purplish. Scapes num 

purplish. Soutien ay ovoid, wits 
compressed beak, Born 

Homalomena peltata. (@. C. 1877, 
vii. ed 

A 5, er. of tuf 
Petioles 24 long, sheathing 
at base, clothed with soft rusty-brow 
with numerous conical prickles 

vening space with neuter ‘A. Colombin, 

Homalomena rage ae Bos 

Comp. Cont. @ Hort, 1885, 6 
slightly sagittate, on long co ie 
green ioles, [Syn. py Be ramon 

siesma yerianum. | 

rr Mea jamaicense. (0. 2. 

1896, 204 ; Icones Plantarum, t. 2461.) 
idaceæ, S. A genus alli 

Tetramicra, ‘remarkabl 

in. long, 
1 with linear segments 
} in. long. J amaica. 

Seer A "E S = Ree 

98.) 8. with ge 
habie k senate sherbet lobed 
l. and purple fi. 4 in i 

A . across, borne in 
short terminal racemes, West Tropical 

oodia Bainii. (B. M. 48.) 
Asclepiad . G. succulent uite 
glabrous, dwarf and bush Stems 
l} in. t , many-angle angle 
composed of peere spine- “tipped 
tubercles, grey Eidere 

pe of the heer ing 
haped, pale = ice i iee 
Uin. South Afri 
Hoplophytam lineatum. e C. 1893, 
meliaceæ. in cy. 
ig ‘greet with st ripes of 
gin nal spines black. 

a = 
white; the ma 
| Hehmea.| Brazi 


pe Pe seo sae purpureis. 
66.) Saxifragacez 

ral tos plish eee ome foliage. 
rE a ag A. Gray, var.] 

Houlletia Landsbergi. (B. M. 
7362 chid . First Fdserbed 

spots ; $ ; 
lip narrow, with four horn-like lobes, 
white tinged with purple. Costa Rica. 

Houlletia sp abe gr be at 
(G. C.1884, x Ah 
Satine with | crange yellow fl., Jot lip 
being sulphur and white 

Howea belmoreana. A M. t. 7018 ; 
G. C. 1888, iv. 415.) Palme. S. This 
is the plant known as Kentia helmore- 
ana, Lord Howe’s Island. 

ser a, 

me C. 1882, xvii. 

f. 115; F. M. t. 406 a5. Asclepia- 
da i So Pror mat ae climber, 
with fleshy oblong acute 1l., and large 

se heads of pale straw-coloured 
i white coronal pr s and 

with al 
Boro pink interspaces, India. 

ar cna (Gp. EGE 

a = yet cy vate a 
minate l., hairy on both git hispi 
peduncles and an umbel of rotate 

brownish A. with ovate obtuse lobes, 
hairy on both sides. India (?). 
eo row T C. 1885, xxiv. 
S. A 

waxy ; the segm 
elliptio in Satine as seen from above, 

maS E Aes C. 1882, xviii. 
5081.) S. climber. 

This | pie mint w adopted for the 
olen now as Piosik ma lasiantha. 

=p bay ero (M. K. 1896, 9, 
i) e-flo wered speci with 

dark b 
arn reg wow Gui 

Hoya. Speen pea (B. x 

eshy terete l., which hang rather 
close to the uote >; ky in ter al 
10-13-flowered u waxy white, 

E babei, ay | 3 in. in 

Hoya longifolia Shepherdi. (@. C. 

S Bih: Gt | .4 in. 


= OIT 
79.) Ascle- 
lent of very dwar 

Huernia brevirostris. 
780. sea — 

diameter, campanulate, wi 
5-10! bed lim’ D; i obes deltoid-ac uminate, 

vet- BKB, S lobed. 

bor e Toig, purplish 
South Africa. 

ge agni CQ. C.1876, v. 795.) 

ference to its proper 
genus oË is pists known as Stapelia 

Huernia macrocarpa. (W. &. 1892, 
350, f. 58; Gf. 1892, 526, t 108.) @. 
or $. (iH. Penzigii, N.E. B r.] 

Huernia macrocarpa. (Gf. t. 1416.) 
G. A Stapelia-like plant with shortly 
bell-shaped greeni Sae fl. spotted 
with red. Abyssi 

Huernia oculata. (2. x t. 6658.) G 

dwarf habit, with stout glab rous 
erect 5-angled strongly Scots stems, 
e Page Liew ee onan -l see 
clears with the bisai of the eae 
white. Damaraland, 


Huernia patt (@. C. 1892, xi. 
a G. or $. 


s | 


| aia Sprengeri. 


Fae G. 1893, 
1897, EJ- G, 
gold- bronze E a" 
ets ine A Aby: 

ar eas we 

a aoe (GA. 1886, a 


Var. lutescens. (B. T. O. 1895, 
H. This differs from ` the type 
in having the 1. bronzy or gold-tinted. 

eee azureus. (B.M. t. 6822.) 

n interesting species, 


conical ‘spike. ioc 
azureum, Fenzl.) Asia Mino 

oe Sr ere (2, 1 


retty little sping 

iow erin z: `bu 2 oer 6 resembling 
Scilla verna, but readily distinguished 
by having w pe ianth - segments 
= inear, semi- 

a bright, joai H a small lax 

raceme, ‘Corsica ; Sardin 

Pronin lineatus. RL 1887, 446, 

spring-floweri bulb, 
ai two oblong-lanceolate acute 1., 
2-2} in. long, $-} in. ad, and a 
scape 2-4 i igh, short 

aceme of ascending “ee campanu- 
late blue fl. Asia Min 

hes hon beng (B. M. 

t. 7343 arkable 

species rete 
fleshy green 

white sessile tubular fi, 3 in. long, 

ae ee (Gp kag 

461. 1) | 
bling H. 
ee in habit, with lanceolate 


e, numerous, white. Pekin 

LE H. 
rub, about 18 in. 
tems. L. 

pS late involucrata. 
1875, 59.) B. 

white; female fi. pale blue. Japan. 

Hydrangea 2na irinel. (Fi. 
and P. 188 with the 1. 
somoly va arated wish white and 

pale eae vee with yellow. 

[ Hf. Borena DC. var.] 

y rea a irsana (B. M. 
6788.) H amb 

ye pier S 

plant is 
vated as Sehi aara nahi h e eir 

Hydrangea ramulo-coccinea. = 
G. 1890, oe T G. shr. with the 
petioles dark phan. 
nari seal agente cent red. 

Fl. ange and tinted with r 
SUNT Saar — Pe esi a. 
C. 1890, 65.) ouble 
E e of it Hor ore 

srao um scandens Fulcheri. 

Ab. Ma xvii, 399, 331, £. 47.5. FI 
G a 1882, 59, ff.) Filices. 8S. A 
andsome climbin rn, differi 
from the t (ge lly known as 
Lygodictyon Forsteri) in its larger 
inne 3 in, long, and nearly 1 in. broad, 
more eg A ca bn na Bas gg i 


[ygndiun um r e eta var. orule Den, 3 

Hydrosme leopoldiana. (@. C. 188 
i, m, 644-45, f. 122-123 ; TU. H. 1887, 
Araceze ted 



branches n 2-3 times pinnatisect 

with narrow lanceol 
segments. Spathe vase-shaped at 
base, prolonged into a broadly lanceo- 

the rest [ Amor- 
phophallus.| Congo 

eee We aie (Gf. t. 1142.) 8. 

Aroid wi it of a Dracontium. 
L. ety. ripartite with bipi - 
fid bran mre the ult imate segment s of 
w et The 

e pe- 
; spathe 6 in. 

brown. case little sh per th 
the spathe, w eenish dric 
appendi [monphophaus Tishlari, 
Hook. f. ; M. 91.] Wes 

Tropical ina 

a mecca (4. €. — 
ary llidace S. Res 
bling H. feere but evergreen and 

+1 bat 
white. Mexico 

Hymences keam (R. H. 1894, 
peg cl re 
2i ft. in = ight, haat 
from 12 to fl. 
tai Cochin China, 

ogo eucharidifolia. 
xi. 3 

H littoralis, 


co. oria . long, with i cusps 
k Sik pair of P feat 

Hymenocallis humilis. (G. and F. 
— 114, f. 23.) S. A small 
ith a few se near 
soli “yes sto bout 3 in. in expanse, with 
very n + tie inear greenish segments, 
and a white corona. Florida, 

at ares macrostephana. (B 
M. + G. C. 1879, xi. 

2 , 3-4 in. 
broad, Scape shorter than 1., 2-edged ; 
umbel 6-10- ered; fi. pure white, 
tube gie in e ;_perianth-lobes as 
long spreading ; 
corona fennel -ahaped, 2 2-2 3 im. ern 

' Margin : stamens inflexed 


eg Fern enei (G. = F. Hypolytrum schraderianum. (4. C. 
138, Similar to H. 1893, xiii. 414.) S. A stout grass-like 
pie Pr et iG. a smaller “bulb, plant ith tuft l 
longer 1., and larger fl., with narrower 2 in. wide, entire, green with purple 
and longer white segments. Florida. | margins. Brazil. 

SIRONEN obiega eae sk | Hyper ae (G. C. 1877, viii. 
| 52.) aces. G. per, with 
green per. of "Geabehing abit, vik | x a E eoe Tiler, 3-4 in. in ‘diam., 

with solitary terminal | 
bright y yellow fl, 1 in, across, North | inside, green and pilose outside, Coles 

berg, South Africa. 

and a terminal corymb of yellow fi. L. 5 or 6, as each other 
marked with orange-red at the mouth | scapes for about 2 in, at the base, 1 ft. 
of the tube, and hairy outside. long, 34l aa b erect, falcate, 
Eastern Australia. | coriaceous, clothed with s ft 
spr white hairs Sia t 
ypericum Buckleyi. (G. and F. | See Sar tale. aa 
wade iv. A ea £.91.) Hypericacer. A | above il b we in. long, bright ye ellow 

Hypericum dennionus. (6. Per eee Hypoxis Baurii. (G. C. 1877, os 

iii, 524, f. À es A nearly | ea, G. A of dwarf eer a hab 
ress . j a rei art a United tuft, Er densely hairy, na in in, 
IOLE an E x Teg re et bright 
: red, Caffra 
Hypericum moserianum. (Jud. 
1888, 209 z W. C: 1888, 470; RH. 
1889, 464, t.) H. garden hybrid be- Hypoxis cone ALARE S 
tween H. eai and F. patulum, oblong hawegiate” gintiewas'1, 6-8 fa. 
ong, 14 -2 in. broad, bright green above, 
— Var. aprh A het 1894, 186, rather glaucous beneath. Peduncles 
f. 93.) H. This has riegated with slightly hairy, bearing three or four 
white and uriia bright yellow fl. South Africa 

Hypocyrta EaR e < 1894, xvi. | Iberis contracta rosea. Ca 1888, 
244.) 5. species tout sor | 899.) Crucifere. H. per. rose- 
stems, hairy fleshy clliptic-ovat l.5in. | coloured fi, 

lary fyti 
long, hairy and coloured fm | ; 
yellow. Olonihi | = Bag? brng Sf t. 1029, f. 3.) 

| = alterna 
— oe (B. M. b. 6224.) Fl. corymbose, ; 
. per. herb. Stems | sty yi Reichb,] South Eur 
aa 28 3 ft. high , branched, pubes- | 
cent. Fl. in axillary hae oa asian 

terminal spikes; corolla long, | Icacina ee a (B. M. 6260.) 
2-lipped, entirely aerie outside, Olaca S. shr. wit th l targe babot 
inside white, spotted and stri zipi w | root, APA slender climbing stems. L. 
rose-purple ; upper lip trifid; oon alternate, 5-7 in. long, elliptic, acute, 
slender ; throat yellow. South ‘Africa, | entire, g n. Fl, in small 

labrous, gree 
dense axillary fascicles ; corolla about 
1 in. long, pale yellow. Old Calabar. 

ed oe bal latifolium. (B. M. t. | 
n Cyperaceæ. S. per. Culms | Idesia polycarpa cris (R 
yi high, stout, pac: m | ag bee 3 phs 
“a icant Adee thee A a: N f.112.) Bixaceæ, H. Ra 
broad, 3-nerv mh sely | 

o spikele 1896, i. 113.) 
which are about } in. long; entire curious plant with thick k pyramidal 
panicle 3-4 in. long and broad. joe on; spiny stems and terminal panicles of 
ndia, ; Ae ET fi. priere California, 

plaited ; margins a 
Infi. a rather close bracteate panicle Idria columnaria. ea Mus. Paris, 
indri ts, Tamari G. 


Ilex camellizfolia. ng a 1887, BP) 
den yar, 
the common Holly, 

Interesting as being one of the plants 
whic a ield “ Mate” or “ Paraguay tea.” 

par Fischeri. (R. H. 1887, a A 
arden-var. of the common Holly 
Ilex rea fe = — xiv. 296, : 
53. As 
g maeti 
with spine-tipped 

Ilex monticola. (vat. Ard. Zösch. 
1891, 15.) H. shr. with elliptic acumi- 

and ra ure ; 
solitary, acilia a Testor United 

oe — (B. M. t.-7005 
1888, iv. D; Siy > 1888, 299.) 
e e nomic 
value (the true Star Ani L. lanceo- 

late or oblanceolate, -a acu- 
minate, eee Fl. axilla 
on pedicels } in. long : outer seg 
green, inn ner Ror China, 

Imant ot See atrosanguineum. 
(Williams’ Cat. 1888, 20, — 
Hi imantoph aht um n.) Amarylli da 
Ag y of Clivia miniata, 


gor aia blandfordieflorum 
stri eed Cat. 1889, 8.) S. 

segments ai with Pera buff, 

Imantophyllum ee (R. 
81, 140.) S. A fine form of loia 
miniata, with a large ae eo 
head of brilliant orange-red fl 

paniopay iam miniatum auran- 
tia illiams’ Cat. 1886, 25. ) 
S. var. ~ bright 

yellowisk salmon ¢ , 3 in. 

diam. [Clivia prenets Tod: var. "a 

Var. cruentum. aa prees Rie 
"1884, 13, f. 7.) 8, 0 

large many- Aowered u umbe i ‘on 

bright orange-coloured fi, 

ee sey miniatum splen- 
de = 1875 , 70.) S. A form 
with dee flowers, more robust 
he tata | igh than the type. 

s pae bein Van-Houttei. (R. 
, 300.) G. Garden hybrid. 

ro EEE (H M. t 
raniaceæ. the efid 
f F Roglói EL Heninger, a 
equally floriferous, with lar as 
late serrate 1l., and mi Toenis 
e those of T. Roylei, 
but with a rather Mace spur, Western 

ae oe (Jard. 

2; M. t. 7381.) S. Plan ant glabrous, 
bss t: 2 ft. high with a fleshy stem and 

upper port Fl. brig 
with a ney bifid sani spur, Comoro 

Se eee comorensis. BEL H. s 
887, 43 Balsam 

23N , 434.) am 
cues growth, with aen a. 
- acute crenate 1. and large iris 

mine fl. tee a bifid white 
iihi Isla: 

Sprm Eo me (Bull = 
13.) 5. Stems glaucous; 1l. lan 
candies minate, serrate; solitary, 
en ee with a long filiform 

Impatiens ea oe (Veitch Cat. 

86, ra tual- PE mia 
alsam, wi ric urple- 
carmine, i aprillini rosy 
hue. es Belisa, Makt ar.| Zan- 

aps — albiflora. (74. H. 

19.) S. The correct name 

a ie aad a known as J, 
platypetala alba 

nE brge (@. U 188 

elliptic acuminate serrate 1., „and vi 
large flat ie ey 
about 2 in, 

oe Mariane. E g. Be xv, 
G. annual with t h hairy 

between the veins, and cymes of rather 


e purple fi. Lip with a longish 

iA —. spur, er with a 

nding i a blunt or 

acute prolestion at moe ¥ = Welow the 
top. Assam, 

=e Fad ume os = with 

“gs tae ag a à dee 

hie a 
oord. de: New Guin 

Impatiens mirabilis. (B. M.t. EE J 


Balsam with oppos 
Ea ovate-lanceolate acute serrate 
š axi rosy-purple ong 

y fl. o 
cels, having a long site: spur 
curved forward. Jay: 

Tapata Sultani. (8. M. t. 

-and P. 1882, 106.) S. ea a 
habi with stalked ovate- 
lanceolate acumina and large 

fiat e brilliant carmine f; 
solitary or in pairs. Zanzibar 

— a <> . 1068.) 

shaped rosy- Pearce A EREA y A 
the crown, Tangut, North-west China, 

Incarvillea De slavayi. Ea H. 1893, 
544 ; sare: 1893, 58, 
7462.) H.H. A nekely anes pi 
with pinnatipartite 1l. and a raceme of 
red or deep rose-coloured fl. China, 

Incarvillea Koopmanni. (G. C. 1880, 
. xiv. 725; B. M. b. 6593.) H. per. 
gions shr., 2-3 ft. high, with 
5 'and rminal racemes 

oft oo mauve-pink fl. 

Huenteilion Olgæ. (Gf. t. 1001.) H. 
nnial @ ), 3-44 ft. high, L. apposita, 
segments natr ob- 

_ late-infundibuliform, with 5 
rounded spreading lobes. Turkestan. 

iadigatera ma compacta. (X. 
1877, 470.) H. per. with ps Branches, 
veers compact infi, and of a 

our, i ene Bice. 
Wall. v 

Inula Hookeri. (B. M. 6411.) 

i t. 
-2 ft. high, 

ray-florets numerous, linear, trun 
and 3-toothed. Sikkim Himalaya, 

Tone paleacea. (B. M. t. 6344.) 
. S. epiphyte, with a creep- 

lip sowel-Shapod, 

nearly i ng Fle se P», red-brown, 
purplish a gins d 

late. Bey Bulbiphyttvm palenoven, 
Benth] Aa 

Ipomæa Bronsoni. (G. and F. 1892, 

5.) Convolvulacez. rapid 

grower with white stems, thickened 
at the base. Cuba. 

"eran camgnnengis. (Gf. t. 1352.) 
merely an entire- 
cave form of È paniculata. Cam 

poma decora. (G. C. 1879, xi. 

755.) S. per., with a woody woodstock, 

throwing up annual stems 

high, with oval velvety l. and large 

white fi. with a rosy- pbs centre. 


Ipomea Horsfallie alba. (a. 
1883, xix. 568; Fl. and P. 1883, 085 
B. climber. A charming var. with 

white fl. West Indies 

rare Aarra. cB g 

open air, nara 

n the 
sabe South America 

Ipomea Robertsii. (B. M. t. 6952. ie.) 
S. twiner, softly pubescent, except th. 
fi. L. petiolate, cordate acute, 3—4 i 
long, the hairs more or less stellate o 

i with five ream purple 

cae Gaana, 

— Peerage Ke2 T. O. 1894, 
with cut 3 and 

= dean =- “whit perfumed fl, 
Temperate Bra: 

Ipomea thomsoniana. aa” ‘lliams’ 
Cat. 1884, 8, 13; G. C. 

f. ts d 

the leaflets ae krg elli iptic or ren 
oblong, acute, fleshy. Cymes a tae’ 
few-flowered, FL. 3 in diam 

coe Woodii. (G4. and F. 1894 
; K. B. 1894, 100.) S. A tuberous 

clus of ate "bell. ‘shaped rose- 

Hevi fi. Zululand. 

d „Anii: (Gard. 1894, xlvi. 157.) 
en hybri between 

E penas ies and T. Korolkowi venosa. 

Iris alata, var. alba, cinerea, cupre- 
ata, lilacina, magna, nigrescen 
= ——— (B.T. 0. 1889, mn 

ries of colour variations 


aod peg (GA. t. 999.) 
yo i 

green to the apex. Turk 

Iris albicans. eg G. 1888, 325.) 
Similar in ao 

ica, oa si pea fragran 

Iris glist tee! oe Gi. M. t. 7511. 


abit to T german- 

earest ally of this species is | 

2. hex Skea a native 
United States The $ speci 


Iris ai a minor. 

pa ar. 

with ean 
smaller fi. than | in the type. 

"B oh agree (R: H, 1891, 36, t.) 

Ff xiphioides, with 
ae “talls _ blotched with purple. 
Garden o 

Iris asiatica. (Gard. wa xli, 121, 
f.) H. A var.of i. pa lida. 
m as hla wp Boag, 1896, 

es belonging to the 
Onir cyl Peace bearing white fi. 
e those of a large I, cau- ` 
pak a 

Iris athoa. (4. C. 1893, xii. 711) H. 
A more robust sp. than aea 
to which it comes very n Fl. 
brownish- st a a in ery Mt. 

Athos, Turkey 

rootstock sto ed fleshy 
fibres ; 1. linear, glaucous, } ft. long. 
Spathe one-flowered. Perianth-tube 
green, longer than the oy Falls 
oblong-cuneate, i in. 

long, 2 in 

sis A ch st ag 
atrafusra a, Baker; 8. M, 


t. 7379.] 

Iris bakeriana. (B. M. t. 7084; Gard. 
1899, xxxvi. 495,570.) H. Of the Reti icu- 
lata gr bulb, subulate, 

unequal, lanceolate, perianth tu ibe 3 in 
long. Outer segments with a lo 
obovate-elliptic claw, the blade on its 
upper half and edges rich dark violet 
the ie eh fact aasi ee with violet 

sophia ee ae Spal ty 


Iria baikan (G: Cz 1878, a 260) || high, bearing one. larg the 
fted dwarf species about 1 ft. falls are ash-gre n darkor ` veins 
oh i re o a stem, glaucescent, and a black spo yF ;_ the 
ensiform, acute. Scape 2-flowered; _ Heres are ay Ha aiy ‘plackis h 
fl, gr claret-lilac ; the falls with a Leban 

| ite Bloudowii. (Gf. t. 1020, 7.2.) H. 

Iris Barnume (G@. C. 1888, iv. 182 ; dwarf species with narrow ensiform 
5 , 
B.M.t.7 es H. Hts slender, 3 ezee yellow the three outer 
=n L. 5-6 in a tuft, 6 in. long rianth- “segments ‘bearded. Altai. 

linear, acute, slightly. Bii Scape ; gn E 
“14-54 in. long, l-flowered. Falls | Iris Susa LS C. 1887, ii. 38; 
i i Wi M, 

cuneate-obovate, 2 in ng, in. A han dsome 
‘oad, exed at apex, dark red- ‘species, Pome allied to Z. 
purple w dar ins, the beard filifolia, but differi ving a 
, the hairs yellow with purple di t ve the ovary, broader 

_ tips. Standards indish - ate, more obovai =o ai a 
connivent, crenate, red-purple, with long narrow claw uter seg- 
darker veins and very few hairs on ments, which mi isinctly bearded. 

very spreading, Fl. purple. Port 

with purple crests. | Iris Bornmuelleri. (17. G. 1889, 404.) 

Armenia, (1, Danfordie, Boiss, | 
Iris Bartoni. (@. C. 1883, xix. 275; on Ppa Se and a 1888, 43.) 
t 6869.) H. Int the w way of Z. | distinct r peculiar 
florentina, h it res its | ia Rhizom ee. L. soli- 
x eand l. Falls 3}-4in.long,1} | tary, rigid, 1-2 ft. long, } in r 
in. broad, ulate, creamy white, | less, striate, one side n, the oth 
with greenish-yellow veins and shad- | glaucous. Stem angled, shorter than 
ings on the limb, purplish-violet on | l., cover th imbricating pur- 
the claw; beard white, tip with | plish sheathing bracts, 2-flo 
orange yellow on Reed Standards . large, nearly pure yellow, veined 
spathulate, emargi wavy,coloured | on the oblong-oblanceolate sep. iso 
liket the falls, but whites Affghanistan. | bluish purple. et. erect, narr 
lanceolate. Styles oa anid 
Iris benacensis. (Yer. Zool Bot, Ges, | With long crests. Oreg 
Wien, 1887, 649.) 12-15 in. high. | 
L. ensiform. Fi. distr Ta ese the Iris caroliniana. (G. and F. 1893 
lowest placed about the middle of the 334, £51.) HH. A species nearly allied 
stem, the rest crowded at the apex. | to Z. versicolor, North Car 
Falls elongate-obovate, dark violet, | 

Vi | 
wii arker veins ; the claw whitish, | iris caucasica cæœrulea. 
} | 889, v. 588.) H. 

veined with coppery violet; the beard : esembling J. cau- 
Ww. t ; yellow above | Tep in l but colour of fl. ; fl. p 
Standards br oblong, submargi ined with violet, ion a yéllow 
nate, violet. Crests of sti trian- fate on the fall. Canc 
gular, violaceous. Ovary oblong- 
cylindric. Tyrol. | 
— culata. (G. C. 1889, v. 
Iris Biliotti. (&. C. 1887, i. 738.) H. | 588.) "Similar to type, bene fl. . yellow 
handsome — sweet-scented asin | with biue markings. Cau 
pee mbling J. germanica inhabit. Fl.- — 
stem 24-3 ft. s gh. Falls 3} in. long, | Iris Seo CG. C. 1886, xxv. 554, 
1} in. broad, haaleaa late, red- 555.) H uch resembling 7. pallida, 
dish purple, ‘with fine blackish veins, | but with aiem fl. and the 1. dyin 
beard tandards 34 in. long,2in, | down in wi L, 6-9 in. 1 3 
road, connivent, blue-pu wit | in. or more broad, yellowish-green 
fine blue veins, St bovate, white, Scape ab hi -flowered. 
wi gular reddish urpl | Fl, like thosə of 7. pallida but soida, 
Province of Siwas, Asia Mino | sky-blue flushed with violet. Mon 

Cengialto, Tyrol. 
Iris bismarckiana. (JIV. G. 1892, 355, | 
353, f. EN H. A fne plant, With |. Wee Loppio. (4G. C. 1886, xxv. 
sword-sha; | 554-5.) H. This differs from the type 
bluish-green, and peduncles about 16 | in having bluish-green 1., and rich dark 


blue fl. with somewhat apai and connivent, 1} in. long, oblong-ovate 
narrower peri = apen or pale re d-lilac with dark veins. Styles 
other forms see G.C. 1886, XXV. ight red-lilac with So crenate 
586. Monte Baldo North Italy. ests. Kumaon, North India. 
= Cosniæ. (Gard. 1895, sabes init Frig ohia chigonmia. Ef t. 1011) 
dwarf Iris with large ery attrac 
dans clear yellow with ies emn eg SF ah BE the fl. Poe 
arkings, the falls of the same shade usually two-flowered. Segments of 
penilied with purple. the ferianth all narrow, lanceolate 
uminate ; the falls pale blue, with 
Tris cretensis. (B. M. v. 6343.) H. the central part yellowish veined wi 
Dwarf in habit. . linear, 6-9 in. violet ; roe segments erect, lilac. 
Fl. about on a level with 1.; North Chi 

perianth-segments with long claws na EACS Fait i 954; B. M.t 
i ined 

and oblong limb, the three outer vein species, with 
in the lower half with bri yellow, eon Sare Eiee ei an l, and a 
a oblique lilac 1 2-flowered leafless scap 

on a white ground ; tips dark p e in. in ; falls bearded, cun - 
inner segments entirely bright purple obovate, pale violet with darker veins ; 
all beardl Crests of stigmas erect, standards erect, spathulate, oblong ; 
linear, acuminate, serrulate on outer base yellow with darker veins, middle 
margins. Greece; Asia Minor. | pale, apex light violet ; stigmas purple, 

crests bifid. Thian Shan, Central Asia. 
Iris — (G. O: 1888, iv. 182.) 
Allied to Z. pna L. ensiform, = Apne = m M. t, 7216; G.C. 

glaucous, Spathe-valves boat-shaped, 16.) = fine Zris of the 

becoming more or re scarious mee Cas aucasicu tin Sep. and standards 

oe flowering, Falls cuneate-obova shine shaw limb spoon-shaped, 
wae te 23 in. prea, re errar h- Tine, deep violet 

wi r veins, ard with 

“ith e 

orango'tipped hairs: Standards ee Iris Gatesii. (Gard. 1889, xxxv. 523 ; 
n. lo y i Je RoB, i. 5 . H; 

‘ si ta xi. 144.) H. H. Of the 
brown on the claw. Styles ma lilac, susiana. and with 
the crests broadly triangular. Cypru larger fl. Fl. variable in colour, silvery 

istinct li 

Iris Danfordiæ. u C. 1889, vi. 279 ; 

spots of purple 
B. M: t. T140.:)- B y-spring- Armenia a 

flowering species ear : 
juncea. Bulb ovoid, half as broad as | Iris gwermanica sea. 
s: ie g gyp (I 

oper l. all radical, narrow 1893 8 H. f -= 
linear, glabrous, produced after flower- pearly- whine See ee 
ing. Scape 3-4 in. high, 1-flowered ; 
A. orange-yellow ; falls spotted brown, t 
and obscurely bearded, standards. re- rele - Arer ahe mae mt SoS fon 
duced to fine threads. [Syn. Xiphium Ttal: an lieben, Soe 
rig Baker ; Iris Berumnalleri, mé 
ausskn.] Cicilian Tauru | — Sys — (G. C. 1887, i. 739.) 
Àv: dark indigo-purple falls 
Iris Delavayi. n H. paset, 398, f. kavi "light blue-purple claws, 
28-9.) H. tall wing Fü dark blue-purple standards. Fr. very 
nearly allied to Fi sibiric A beau- short, not much longer than broad. 
tiful — resid blotched with: white. Province of Siwas, Asia Minor, 
Yunnan, Chin 
Iris — seg Ae Cat. 1893, 
Iris Eear (G. C. 1887, i. m5 5. 5; M. t. A 
hizome knotty and gnar ik -allied to to T. abiria ome ti er 
appearing after the fl.. 5-6 ap k ai sab i yellow pe karein n a 
2 ft. long, } in. broad, yellowish green. ed with vi Palestin 
FI. solitary, sessile ; tube 3 in. or more Zi 4 
long ; falls nearly horizontal, lanceo- | Iris Haynei. a, Cat. 1893, 5.) 
late, bearded, red-lilac above with H. A species o So erage group 
‘darker veins and blotches, beneath bs upright gla and la 
greenish yellow with the veins and o: ity colour 
blotches showing through; standards dotted with rotted Palestine, 


Iris Hen ee. M. 1894, 220; J. k4 | falls SRST are l in. by $ in 

H. 221, large-flow reflexed, bearded, purple with deep 
r saa ie with ad t sap spots above, greenish white 
Allied to I. Sari, Palestine. beneath, with the spots showing 
through; standards erect, oblong- 
pen hexagona. (B. M. t. 6787.) H.H ovate, ł in. long, nearly 4 in, broad, 
handsome species. — creep- | Purple. Styles purple with paler 
ate ; stem 2-3 ft. high; 1. ensiform margins, crests obtusely triangular, 
2-3 ft. long: fl. poe iam., in 2-3 reflexed, serrated and ba pur 
clusters; outer segments broadly | °® the edge. Garwhal, 
obovate, spreading, bright purple-blue, 

with a bright yellow keel; inner | Iris Kochii. oe = tem pe Ges. pee 
) high. 

segments erect, oblanceolate, lilac. | 1887, 64 ! 
Southern United States. |  ensiform, 2 naan Fi. eS in 
fours, the are on branches from 
: about the mi of the stem. F 
B hoa — “ee eee = te- obovate, brilliant violet, the 
Ey eshy. b 1 ft. long, ft in claws whitish, veined with ia et 
sag 3 colour s bearded ellow. 
e T es about 5 : a to ge = Standards deep purple-violet with 
flowered. Fl.-tube }—4 in. ae ; falls | yellowish claws, veined with purple. 
SS 1g i ng by fin. | rests of stigma ovate - pek hp 
broad, iene densely bearded, blue- |  Vilaceous. Istria. 
purple with darker blotches above 
standards narrow obovate, ł in. long H. high. rm with 
34 in. broad, blue- purple. Styles Mrowa re r . 
reddish purple, very concave, with corm, 4-5 in. long att e of flower- 
ular serrate revyclute crests. ing,subulate. Fl. scarcely overtopping 
Lahul, Bengal. e lL. ; outer segments recurving, with 
| the apical half rich dark purple, the 
Iris iberióa insignis. (G. C. 1879, xi, Pasal half white veined with purple 
694, 693, f. 100.) H. var. dwarfer and | and with a bright yellow median 
5 Aue longe than the type. | Stripe a with purple; inner 
tan e lilac, veined and thickly | Segments much narrower t the 
spotted with darker lilac; falls white, | Outer, aly AR Ais lave Gaon k: 
veined with black lines, densely sone | stigmas a little spreadis ag, lav ender- 
and blotched with reddish-brow | pu urple ; legra deeply bifid. Turkestan. 

SAL Var. para (W.4. ta, _ Tris Karikow! concolor. Ms e 
277 ; G. C. 1890, 1888, iv. 37.) H. A var. via broad 
with a broad pur ie “en ae on Wood and more obtuse segments than the 
spreading yellow outer segments ; a type, and the venation alm oat obscured 
inner segments are purple with by the general pea or purple colour. 
ehe network of veins. Giria 

— en praean C&. C. 1838 
iv. 379) handso 

baa e form, a 
Iris ib-parad. (Gard. 1894, xlvi. 157. creamy white rked with 
H A Lanan hybrid between eee blackish-parple Sick a the base of 
and J. paradox the falls. 
; Var. nervosa. Caf: 1888, 463.) 
Iris -oes an tin e ght yellow fbs Doubtless a typogra; error for 
iting the falls er Fe. ge? VEE 
is. in Leonera: wi effect ar ig a prvi enosa. (G. 1888, iv. 
cantain, 3T. D Kj greyish, inai veined 
ris Kæmpferi Schirnhoferi. c.g. VEP P™P 
1888, 137, t.1.) H. A var. with yellow — Var. violacea. (G. C. 1888, og 
fl. tz. levigata, Fisch. var.] Japan ee ee FL violet or puce-coloured with 

kingiana. (4. C. pika $ oe 
Pe wer) & Rhizome knotty. 
L. 2 ft. long, } in. broad, ph rans 
‘ie ng the 
‘solitary sessile fi. Tube 2} in. long; 

= lineata. (af. t. 1244, f. 1-6; 
-C 1887, i. 679.) HL About 1 ft. 
with a rod: 

reg rm produ- 
cing bulbs intervals. L, erect. 


acute, as long as the one- 

flowered sca Fl. with lanceolate 
g , greeni ow, 
wears with dull red-purple; the r 
beard th bluish- meie 
recurved ; ina 

with brownish purp 

bd. Saori, 
Regel.] Turkestan. 

Iris Lortetii.. (W, G. 1890, 353; 
B. M.t. 7251.) H. Allied to Z. susiana 
an ica, betw ch it is 
almost intermediate. About 1 ft, high, 
with linear 1. 6-8 in. 1 large 
hand coat fl.; the falls pale grey-lilac 

with dots ; rds 
Sak: pale lilac. Asia Minor 

—— Var. alba. CE. G. 1896, 137.) 
H. Differing from the type in its 
p white fl. 

Iris lupina. (@. C. 1887, i. I > 
Rhizome macs or 

more lon d, light green, 

eduncle Z in. high, ae ea ed. FL- 

by lł in. broad, broadly lanceolate, 
reflexed, trate, bearded, greeni: ish- 
yellow, with brownish-red veins to- 
wards the margins. Standards, 32 in. 
long, 2} in. broad, elliptic, connivent, 
crenate, ed, coloured the 
falls. Styles much urved, with 
rounded crests, yellow with brownish 
and do 

me, —— oe 
Oh H. 


ae nsistence. e fa 
ieat a yellow with trans; 
and marked 

Sprenger.] Portuga 

me gts cae W. G. tila: oi 
H. A smalls h narrow 

ur à 
ar aia as much as 3 

Iris Madonna. (B. T. 0. 1892, 
ith large lilac 

H. H. evergreen, w -blue 
fl. Arabia. 

Iris Mariæ. (4G. M. 1893, 
A dwarf species with falls 

(H. Helene, Baby Pal 

Bice H. 
a claret 

Fl. large, yellow, ofa a 
T j 

i marioaidas A hey poe (B. T. 
1892, 129.) H. A var. with nee 

urple fi, sys 
-= Meda. = = 7040.) H. Rhi- 
ome short, ing; l. linear, glau- 
=e nt, 324 i $ Jong: stem lo 
s the l, one-headed; spathe one- 
owered ; valves lanceola peria; 
tube cylindric, 1 in. long ; seg 

d; inner segments as 
long as outer, narrow, erect, Persia. 

iis Saget r. iene. 1890, acin 

rid between I. 
Monin aud 2 Shua, erika ng 
e latter spec 

me nopalonais pe e C. 1892 


differing i in ita sale ie ee bagel 


Iris orchioides. (R. H. 1880, 337, f. 
8; 1 Oe 1888: v. 

8; B. M t TWIT; G ; 
588.) H. Allied to Z. caucasica. Bulb 
ovoid. Stem 6-12 in. ; 

ssile in axils of 

bright yellow, crests orange. Central 

N rias ig g Aps 338; W. 
to be a a good 

rE pap Thunb, ? } 
ae gerar E acted 1892, xli. 459.) 

ween Z. iberica and 7. 
pile eed a. 

iais para-var. (J. o f H. 1896, xxxii. 
garden ee a 1 between 

T paradoxa and J, variegat 
Iris Parkor. As C. 1895, Baj ea: 

garden sipa Peni 

doza and Pa Krol 

Iris reticulata alba. (&. af. 1894, 75.) 
H. Fl. white, with orange yellow 


te of perfume. 


Iris reticulata Soren ws E 

1885, xxiii. 470.) H. A with light 
reddish Pasig falls, ms “reddish llac 
tandards. Kharput, Asia Minor. 

ine  robinsonians. out Cat. 1877, 6; 

1891, xl. 313, t. 825; G. C. 1891, 

= Hi G. and F. 1891, £. 60.) G: 

The gigantic Jris from Lord Howe's 

Island. pao robinsoniana, F. 
t. 7212.] 

slender, about 1 ft. long, bent above 
the mic dle; bracts, 2-4, adpressed. 
owered., lin. 

in diameter ; outer perianth-segments 
with an almost orbicular blade, light 
purple, v with a double white spot sur- 

unded b border; claw 

segments oblan piaig vale: “ia, 
spotted, fuer = than the 

ones. Hong Kong. 

= reson ane ers th t. ae Tris Statelle. C Be A t. 6894.) 

eon <e small n raa ama 
roots. From the very short stem arise 
3-4 convolute sheaths, forming a false 
stem 4-5 in. high, from which peep 

x H. 
ed to J. lutes =e nsiform, 
ae in. long, glau poet “FL -stem 
1 ft. high, 5 flowered ae apex. F 
see yellow, yes oe with green, and 


w ad 
cahoate - okova revolute m, the 
standards are broadly oblong, obtuse, 
over E the bifid styles. South 

iris pia Afad 1894, xlvi. 248.) 

ie tol A gir od ~~ stig rae. H-H. ie orms of this species are 
e a — r purplish with the tips figured h 

segments and stigmas 
blackish vi violet or violet-purple; the | —— Din J, serge Ta. (GŒ. C. 1889, 
inner segments have an elevated yellow 666.) Habit of type, but with very 
ridge down the dle, with violet lene deep purple fi, 

n each side of it. Turkestan 

i Rari- Snipes (B. M. t. 6960.) 

e short, oblique, pa 

Da po ayx oito glaucescent l. Pe- 

duncle I-flowered. Fl. large; falls 
th a 

; ish, 
violet-purple, veined and s ati tted with 
arker colour. Asia Min 

—— Var. Naza (@. M. 1893, 211.) 
H. Of the Danie ye a group, in general 
appearance I. Lortetii. The falls 
are heavily marked fore rows = 
brown - purple spots on a ag 
coloured ground and have aek 
maroon blotch in the centre ; standards 
creamy white with blue veins. Pales 

z alee CB. M. t. 7145 ; G. 

r. lilacina. (W. @. 1888, 92, 

t ig 3) A var. with sm aller fi. than 

less pronounced yellow s spits crests 
of stigma very upright. 

Var. marginata. a ERS - 1888, 
93.) A peculiar var. havin the 
violet fl. edged with whit 

Var. pavonia. (W. G. 1888, oe 

A var. with a white radiating area a 

—— Var, FETE ue G. Seri 92, 
i: A var 

the basal part whitis 
with violet-purple ; the stendiadas are 
wnt purple. 

, Ë. 55 ; Gfl. 1890, 394.) Iris Suworowi. i 1886, 397 ; B. 4. 

ou vi species, allied’ to 
istinguished by its shark 
lilac and purple fi. 

Iris Speculatrix. (B. M.t. 6306.) G. 

t. 7029.) H. orm. Fl.-s 
»-flo wered, as | aru gras 1. Petianth: 
pe ae all elliptic-lanceolaie, cuspi- 

e, hyaline, greenish, with greenish- 
one veins, the thee outer ones bear 
to the middle with blue. Bochara. 

or H. H. Rhizome short, about } in. = tenuis. (G. and F. 1888, 6, f. 3.) 
; i Rhizome 

thick. L.3 to a tuft, 12 in. ng wh n 
in flowe ; ng 'afterw: ne i 
in. b , green, “Fi. 

slender, creeping. L. 
thin, ensiform, j-} in. broad. Stem 
very slender, 2-3-flowered, 10-12 in. 



high. Peduncles distant, oeo ain 

long, En: Spathes s small, s 

Fl white, marked with aiye 
Falls oblong-spathulate, 

n dards narrow, oblong, 

and repa 
ge T 

ae tingitana. (2...t.6775.) H 

the outer 
segments ais lilac with a ‘yellow eas 
mner segments narrow, erect, wit 
Iaia tips, purple; styles purple. 

Iris trojana. (Ver. Zool.- Bot. Ges 
ggat 1887, 680.) H.? 3 ft. in height. 

pery purple. 
brondy “anipise, emarginate, 

ests of stigma ” toothe , por- 

rect, bluish vi olet. Fl. sweet-scented. 
Troy, Asia Min 

Iris vaga. (Gf. t. 1244, f. 7.) H. 

Bulbs stoloniferous. L. 1 ft long, 

nearly lin. broad. Scape 2 ft. high, 

3-flowered. Falls yellowish, with 

purple v and margin, bearded 

; dards br 

Sn , an 
s, bearded with whitish-yellow. 
rr Leichtlini Regel.] Turkestan. 

MEA and P. 1882, 

Iris Van-Houttei. 
90.) H. Hybrid ween J. susiana 
and J. iberica. 

is Vartani. (4. C. ee xxiii, 438 ; 

S ear. 
l arne f, "Styles w with long pointed 
lavender crests. Palestine. 

Isatis boissieriana. (Journ. Bot. 
Crucifere. H. ae 

high. Lower 1. cunea: 
oblong, poms sinuate-dentate ; peed 


l. cordate - 
entire. Infi. 
yellow. Silicules 
pubescent, Turkes 

gach tai oblong, acute, 

Ischarum angustatum. (B. M. 
.H. tuberous aid 
Infl. sessi 

e leecake, narrowed at bo 
"a B eee pm iarum ang iten 
N. E. Br.] Syria 

Ismene andreana. (G. C. 1884, xxi. 
1; R.H. 1884, 129, f. 30; Fl. and P. 
1884, ‘Besa Amar rylli idacee. ulb 

its marginal lo 
(Hy i menocal illis is andreana, 

Nichols, } j Ecua 

Ismene tenuifolia. (B. M. t. HD 
Te with 6-10 linear spreading 1. 
. long ig 9 solitary, sr sara 

n stri 

i ens, 
u border. ae ymenoeati 
eke nsis, g Rg Ecuad 

ae + dear on na 1881, 

18.) Ge of free 
grow a, pr cna a goier of 
tubular orange-scarlet fl., with the 
upper lip scarlet and lower lip and 
throat spotted with scar 

Isoloma jaliscanum. ((. and F. 1896, 
tpu ubescent 

long ; fl. 

in umbels, © ae I m fone: scarlet. 

— arren PE oe. 1876, Ae 
Fl. o cels illa 


Ixianthes retzioides. (B. M. t. 7409.) 
S : ‘ 

cles, yellow ; tube 

. bro 
ary pedun 

rt a 
inflated, nearly 1 in. en A limb 
s preading. South Africa 

Ixiolirion ig: hepa (GA. 

is the correo — ta. aptin gro 
un the name of Fees at 
repr es 

Ixiolirion macranthum. (W. G. 
1892, 2 H. or Q. bulb, with deep 
blue shaded with purple. 

Herb. var. 

mee num, macranthum, 
Regel. ] 

os ——— 
des S. 70.) 
blacki sh v Sa : 
si Ie ft. high, leafy. 
elled down 

(GA. t. 910 
Bulb habit = 
stem slender, erect, 
= narro tothe ear 2 

a: Tiari subponioulate 
Fl. pedunculate, 1} in. in diam 
purple. Caspian region 

Ixiolirion Sintenisi. (W. &. 1892, 
species with blue a 
lighter than those of Fe macranthum. 

Ixiolirion engm paei 
(Gf. b. 1014.) L. linear, paani 
nelled, 6-8 in. n g, cor Stem 
aya Wigh. Umbel few- Aao ed. 

1 n diam., blue. [J. montanum, 
Herb. E Central Asia. 

Ixora alba. aas D aria alee: 
S. shr. with e lance acute 
4-5 in. long, rk S in. ala, ie corym- 
bose white fi. dia. 

Ixo arme = Eear — 
1890, 26.) 8. dw: mpact 
habit, with pale sat fi. flushed with 


Ixora bella. mel Cat. 1881, 18.) 8. 
shr. with salmon-pink fi. 
Ixora Burbidgei. Tiret Cat. i 
14.) S. shr. very to I. sa 
folia in kena Du ine 
i as 3s inal dense 
‘eymose corymbs of bright orange- 
erlat © 

Ixora eg dat Aste 1879, R 

Ixora concinna. (Bull Cat. 1882, 16.) 

to deep salmon-pink. 

m — Steel Cat, 1886, 8.) 
A fo usses of bufi- 
Sy fi. patei o bright orange. 
cg eris ua Cat. 1n, Af) 
active var. with yel 
Slee Ste pees on. 

E a vami (Fl. and P. 1878, 76.) 

rant, as 853. | 

Ixora eminens. eu Mi 1885, 14.) 

snip. h large well- 

formed A., buff pr first, after- 
wards aa] to light salmon-pink. 

Ixora eximia. (Bull Cat. 1831, 18.) 
S. shr. with large trusses of long-tuhed 
buf fi. _ changing to salmon-pink. 

Ixora findlayana. (Williams Cat. 
os, 21) B. f free growth and 

short stocky habit. Fl. white, very 

fragrant, Hast Indies. 

Ixora formosa. (F. M. t. 284.) S. 
shrub of compact dwarf froe-flowering 
habit, we >: globose trusses of 

Ixora Gemma. Sael = 1885, 14.) 
. A var. with large compact trusses 
of rich orange-yellow 

Ixora E ae Cat. ae 

r. ight 
see rl 

Ixora Morsei. (Williams Cat. 1884, 

14.) S. A profusely flowering hybrid, 
having large trusses of bright- 

Ixora ornata. (Bull Cat. 1881, 18.) 
S. Producing trusses of bright orange- 
on fl, in great profusion. 

"a picturata. (Piani ea? 1880 
16.) S. An hyb I Wil- 
liamsii and T. piede 

Ixora wha toy sara Cat. 1881, 
27, 85; F. M: 428, £) S. A garden 


— = serie — Cat. ony, en 
8. Chelsoni, with ri 
rosy- wens fl. Ginta varie sag 

Ixora me igre F. = t. 225; Bull 
Cat. 1876, 9.) S. L. elliptic-ovate, 
acuminate, dark green above, paler 
nape FL in large very dense trusses, 
6 in e in diameter, deep orange 
ilni ne scarlet. 

ne yin ge ey Ka Ne 
the I. Seri Sais a p e greyish 
stripe along the midrib. Sumat 

Ixora salmonea. (Bull Cat. 1892, 3.) 
se garden var, with salmon and 

Ixora atean (Eoi Cat. 1886, pà 
miin o 

peia reae (Fl. and P. 1878, 
4.) 5. A garden hybrid. 

pe soe preg (Bull Cat. 1881, 19; 

l. H 1882, t. 463.) S. shr. A showy 

sia with tae he trusses of bright 
orange-crimson fl, 

Ixora get p r 1882, a 
A var of brig 

orange fl. nE Gy pA ‘buf. 
— rang (Veitch Cat. 1882, eb 
and P. 1882, 52.) 
hyba id bet oan I. odorata and Zz 

J yerri Holdteidaii, 

Ranondia ‘and: Haber le k a 

wW. tum ; fl. cup- 

Moen deep an To Thes- 


g“ C. 1889, ” 

Janthe bugulifolia. acon E see oa 
Scrophulariacee. H. 
cum-like habit. L. raat ai an cee 
ovate - lanceolate, stalked, dentate, 
nearly glabrous, green ‘-stem 8-16 
in. high; bling those of a 
Verbascum, yello -brown, subses- 
sile in an lax 


raceme. Celsia bugulifolia, Jaub. 

and Spach. Í Levant. 

Jasminum affine. 
_ £. 87.) Oleacex. 
a form of the common whi 

of fl. ad pret 
Linn. var. `. affine, Dippel. ] 

ÇR. H. 1878, 427, 
hae e Mey 

J rpg a angulare. (B. M.t. 6865. a 


lon, ith 
Heat ae ‘ore ‘onli Afric 

Jasminum didymum. eo M.t. nma) 
7 A winter - flow clim 

shortiy s stipitate, ellipsoid, i 
deep purple. Australia and Pac 

Jasminum floridum. (B. M. t. 6719; 

sin. in diam. Japan an 

Jasminum gracillimum. 
6559; Veitch Cat. 1881, 8, 1 
1881, Pa Pat Ae 2. 

(B. M. t 

Sy et 

cordate-ovate nee l., and large sub- 
globos iso white sweetly 
- petalled fi. North 

G. oo 403 ; 
hr. <A free fi 
L, and cl 

B; p outside, white 
within. Yunnan, China 

Jatropha urens. (G. C. 1880, xiv. 


cus letevirens. cae Cat. 1880, 

5.) decade G. per. L. in crowded 

ere 3 ft. high, remarkable for their 
vid green colour. Japan 

Juni ag gh viii reptane (M. 

G. Z. 1896, 296, £, BAA Akia 55.) 
Conifer. H. 

Var. turice: (GA. 1896, 
~ 162.) H. A form e a compact pyra- 

midal habit with bluish grey l 

Jussiza maoro pilinin (Bult 
Cat. 1880, 5.) rac 
Stems with five Ler angle, bay 
L. alternate, ciliate. Fl. axillary, larg 
yellow, 2 in. across. Colombia. 

maa oi ar aie peca D C 

lower lip. South Africa. 

J broteaaiy —— (Williams's a 
85.) S. fol 

S. age plan e 
w ne 4 in. D broad. Sana 
green, blotched and sara with 

Kempferia atrovirens. (Zil. H. iaae, 

t. 610; aon S area d Hort 
Td Seitam f dwa rft arae 
slight ay ne = 

alinio, very reen, 2-5 
ng, on t F 4-5 in. lo: 
1 ia of a beautiful 

-FE IF in 
mauve - bnin with ‘a whitish eye. 

= Gilberti. (77. re P. 
G. C. 1882, xvii. 71; 

rk green aad with n white. Fl 
purple and white. 

Kæmpferia ornata. 

ark green a 
feathered whitish stripe along the 
midrib; the under surface vinous 
purple. Borneo. 

Laoag secunda. (P. 

T, ù. vay $ 
C. 1888, iii. 722; Gard. 1873, 
a Ss. , 6-10 in. high. 
Stems slender, with 5 or 6 lanceolate 
acuminate Spike termina 

gments, and 
the centre of the 
roundish bilobed tip, As 

Kempferia vittata. (6. C. 1882 

xvii. 264.) S. foliage ‘Plant with 
petiolate elliptic obt of a dark 

velvety green wit. 
bac grey stripe va the midrib 
vag an orange 
ae “ie lip. Sumatra 

ee heer ae C. 1886, xxv. 

298 ; 4,12 Zit 49.) Crassulacex 
G. Gla nha succulent, with petiolate 
elliptic ovate obtuse crenate brownish- 
green 1., 3-5} in et 1}- - in. broad, 
an bose cymes of fras pin 

fi. } in n diam. With age the base 
of thes steht toes a large bola: South 

Kalanchoe Cassiopeia. (Gf. 1894, 
93.) G. A dwarf succulent, with 
voce ae blue-green toothed 1. 

Kalanchoe farinacea. „i 

. 1884, 58. . Or it apuiee 

with orbicular te ee obtuse entire 
ly: -white F 

ing he of 2 ft. or ith 
terete glabrous stem and irregularly 
n cles, red 

crenate obtuse l. Me 
or dark yellow. Abyssinia. 
Kalanchoe marmorata. (4. C. 1592, 
xii. 300; B. M. t. 7333.) G. Allied to 
: ween sich Per. with leafy 
stems, obovate cuneate 1. B in. long, 
een blotched with bro ymes 
ee pools take 2 in. et 
mb 2 in. wide, white. Abyssi 

— cu Leesa a and F. — 
i dec 

oad light red band a 
the base of the limb. "North Becta 
Kalmia latifolia Pavarti. (R. H. 

1888, 540, t.) H. Garden variety. 

peT sru (CR. H. age ir 10, 

This is merely a 
re of K. latifolia. 

le M. t 

Karatas Acanthocrater. 
i S peria 

904.) Bromeliaceæ. 
larium Acanthocrater. | 

mazonica. (Q. C. _ XXV, 

814.) k Bromeliad, with a 

lanceo . 1-144 ft lane, F 2-3 in, 
broad, nish brown on the face, 
glossy claret-brown on the A 

r scales, finely 


margins. Fl. in a 

amazonica, Hort.] 

EATE enpe (&. C. 1888, 

cite. Sat are T r 
or yale pe at the base, as Bon racts 
per scarlet. [Probably the 

jisit intended is Broneiia po A e 
in Wea whic 
ed B. fastuosa, Lindl. ] 

CR. H. 1878, 190, f. 
s the old Bromelia 
Mantis ass a new generic name 

ien ar 

Kendrickia anri, ili? C.1896 
394.) Melastomace: Climber wih 
creeping ivy: H o fi 

large bright ‘red fl. Cey 

aep i ovata cærulea. Ua: 1888, 
g ee $æ. h 

sod Australia. uh tn sate “gia 
ayh ylla, tenth 

Kentia A a ENE. CE Hort. Int. 
ka at. 1888-9, 43.) Palme. Nodescrip- 
tion or r localit ty given. 

Kentia poi, Be. z 1876, t. =) 
Palme. Of grace ul habi t L. o 
i sie 

nren da ] New Caledonia, 

E Lindeni. Shea g at. 1876, 7.) 
Of vigorous gro t young 
bi a pàle red, mat 
ark green with metallic flecti 
pale buf below. [Kentiopsis macro- 
carpa, Brongn.) New Caledonia 
ae oe Beg Cat. pe 5; 
t. lied 
to J š Lindeni, ota lar; arge thic aes 
i green l, on raes 

carthurii. Saa Cat. 

long. i dot zas 
Baits, Wendl] Australia 

mun eo ease Cat. 
with gracefy ally 

aans un nequal 

t apex, i the upper 

h iA os 
numerous, error Bs 
ao confluent at Spadix 
Th var lasta le tend 
landiana, H.Wendl. & Drude.] Quee: 

kane vente. (iu. H. 1881, 
29.) -P L. pinnate, dar 
aai in g a ung state reddi sh, 
Leaflets numerous, — lanceolate, 
acute, New Caledoni 

tad ti erig = : 1884, 

Palm with p the 

AR be Peddish Sheer 

and the Pee à of the older purplish 
beneath. New Caledoni 

SARUM ne D, M, 

it. Fr. a large globose brownish 

gees oe e H. Ttur, 
8. B. 

panicles of violet purple fl. with rose- 
a RE, bracts. | Seromnithd| ‘Teall 

Kickxia africana. (x. B, 1895, 241; 
Icones Plantarum, t. 1276, Apocyna- 
ree, 60 ft. high oi 

SRS a palmata. (4. ©1891, 
202 ; Bot. Mag. Tokio, vy. t. 18. Saxi- 
fragacer. > per. 
stems 2-3 ft. high, large lobed 
conspicuous bell - shaped yellow 

ee aloides glaucescens. 
pn rd. 1889, rani 458, t 

i var. with very large 
bak of flow: 


dard ee 2 dae oe ag C. 1893, =i | eee geen. a C. 1892, xi. 

and pedun 554, f ie distinct species 
ke K. itacan' bt with shorter — mblin pin riangularis. L. 
pale are ds serted stam pai ii ft. shed 3-nerved. Scape 
South 2 ft. high, slender. Fl. densely 
crowded, brill — orange - scarlet. 
Kniphofia comosa. (B. M. t. 6569.) | Orange Free Sta 
than K. 
bidas, with linear See ase Kniphofia Northie. va Bot. 
2-4 ft. long, 4-% in. broad. Fl.-spik 1889, af see 1889, 459 ; 
hort. Fl. yellow, funnel- shape ; | G. CL 1 vi ees : KA oe 412.) 
stamens and style bright red, twice as H, "40-5 Qin a regular rosette, 
long as the perianth. Abyssinia. | glaucous, kannoit o n the face, and 
without any keel; anei high’ 
Kni + pss | eroe Fl.-stems stout, 4-6 ft. 

seed Psa rant Se Sey x | en o ae of eA += 
aloides, with green acutely keeled 1. | di ieee ptt es inghily Ao. Saath 

5-6 ft. long, 11-2 in. broad at base, |  Teddish ; styles y exse " 

ro on the edge and keel. | 
Peduncle 4 ft. high, with two large 
naaede Raceme dense. Deis | Kniphofa pallidifiora. o C. 1887, 
reses green, concave and half | A 887, 166.) f ae h 
wiata to noian ied yH. in. long, small-flowere species, 1-2 tt. .Aigh, 
reddish -orange, ually narrowed with linear semiterete 1., 6-12 in. long 
| by 1 line broad, and a raceme of some- 
= the base. South- Sa Tropical L hag funnel-shape fin di 
| long. Madag: 

li j | 
Kni niphote, — issò, 18 a g Kat phofia ante G. P 

L. 3-4 ft. long, | 7269; G. C 1889, vi. 65. f. 10.) H.H. 
rpresing a som the plait, wiser’ | A doubtfully hardy species distin- 
sharply keeled, bright green, not — guished from most of the genus by its 
glaù st Paan Ze fi high; slender habit, narrow l., lax racemes, 
raceme dense, 3-4 in. long, 14-2 in. in | and pale ye ellow fl. Natal. 

iam. ; fl. pendulous, } in. long, yellow | 
and red, infla = othe ad in the | Kniphofia ee ag x ee 
upper part, Abyssin CE. C. 1883, 424 A 
garden hybrid betiveen the two ae “ies 

—— Var. distachya. (G. C.1884,xxii, | indicated by the 
230.) H. A robust var. with | 

roader l., and the fl. rather shorter Kipaana Tuckii. (G@. C. 1893, xiii. 
than in the type; peduncle sometimes | H.H A species resembling K. 
producing two or three heads. | a but differing in its shorter 

pay ie green l., the ianth-tube 
~ | widening from base to throat, and in the 
pet yard — aE es = es | less exserted stamens. South Africa. 

bade ia f n aiat oti bright 

green ensiform l., short racemes, and es pep erie = C. 1876, 

large clear yellow fl. Natal. | GA ii). A L. all 
Patol: ma Me long, si. in. bro 

Kniphofia modesta. ` E x t. 7293.) at base, lanceolate, gradually acumi- 

Hisitact tk near pale | nate, serrulate, oe green. Scape 

green Sippie is or more 3 ft. high. FI oe ene, 

long, sa a dma erect panicle 2 ft. bright anata: 3 stamens and style 

high of white fl.i in. long, Natal and 

Kniphofia Uvaria maxi (B. 
Kniphofia natalensis. Gard. isso, | %, 6553.) HH [X sister “Snot j 
xxxvi. 459; G. C. 1889, vi.562.) H.H. | 
rather pretty species. L. bright | me phobe Wolii. uua pae e xlviii. 
t. | ne desta 

a = psa bu vatar and 


) red 
rW : i 1 ft. x m ; 
inged with red, Natal. pk Natal in, long, cream 

pene ee fae soa -apn an H. 1888, 
393, f. 93 ; ee, i förd. 
1888, 59.) Sapi ea 
bipinnate, 2 ft or more co = 
nearly as broad; pinnæ few, each 
with nine or ten ovate acute toothed 
leafle esembling th x. 

tic, 2} in. long, purple when ripe 
Yunnan, China. 

Kolpakowskia ixiolirioides. (4. 

H. bulb, with 

led $ in a 


ecurved. et 

with thick claviform 

2 ion gayer Regel. | 
iran, Central Asia. 

agiia mere (G. C. aa. iii. 

105; Gf 349.)  Liliace ah. 
ee itdlari ia ep dw rowi, Regel, var. 
bicolor. | 

Kunzea pomifera. (@. (. 1889, v. m | 
36; W. ) M æ. 

of Australia; extensively used 


se bined pence eas (B. M t. 6751.) 
Legum G. little shrub 
with sessile ‘simple ie trifoliolate E; 

Sete y racemes of 
yellow fl., n dia Petals 4, 
örbioular; riie upper, one with two — 
pice at the base; stamens 2, one o 

very large and horn- Tike, 
Sith t n 

Labisia alata. E H. 1886, t. 605.) 
of dwarf habit, 
e l. of 

ois. a. Malio 

Labisia malouiana. (ZU. H. 1 ias. 
580 ; Cat. Comp. Cont. & Hort, rage 8 
8. foliage plant, of dwarf habit, wi 


fine lanceolate acute subsessile l. of a 

green, purplish beneath. Borneo 
a. pohona: au. H. 
61.) S arf shr., poa gracefilly 
spreading erate 

ars; Botanical 
Register, 1845, t. 48. Borneo; Singa- 

uaaa age more Cll. H. 1998, 

obtuse bright 

Laburnum monstruosum er 

tum: (R-E. —e 260.) Legumi- 
nose rm o ot L. vulgare with 
erect flexible fet anches 

| Laburnum poroiinem. (R. H. 1879, 
0.) H. late-flowering sree Eps 
ne Rei coriaceous, very 0 

truncate, shining a nds A Ai batata 
FL apie in a pendant raceme, sul- 

Pora n lease (E. 7.1878, 
var. of he common 
5 PA Aih whic i flowers jokae the 
end of the s 

Lacæna agag k M.t. me) 
Ore th lax 
ry pain. white ri 

8 ve 

ita awa colour. 

a peer LS see (G. C. 
xiii. 290, 

Liliacer. G. 
Differs from the ey in —- taller 
and stouter fi.-seapes. A plant at Kew 

bore spikes 19 in. high with 27 open fl. 

Lachenalia aureo-reflexa. (4. C. 
1887, i. 576.) G. Garden hybrid. 

sy WES Comesii. (Gf. 1891, 358, 
f.77.) G. A garden hybri brid between 
5 reflexa and L, quadricolor. 

jes wi y 
saseda laneclate 1, 4 ka Keone i bear 
broad, and a green sca 

Lachenalia Lagrer (&. C. 1884, 
xxi. 668.) ith flesh; 

spike of fragrantfl. Fl.3}in.long; the 
outer segments white, ing ed with 
blue ; the inner ones — te „edged witk 

purple, South Afr 
aema. mag (4.6. Se aa 
ith fleshy falcate 
ee fe =; spotted with poo 
a slender greenish-red 
es with brown, {oe z ae 
e of lilac fl. FL 4 in, ong. 
Sth Africa. 
Lachenalia Nelsoni. (F. M. t. 452.) 

G. garden niga between L. tri- 
color a) L. au 

Lachenalia E EE (&. C 
1884, xxi. E, anodoa, 

whitish fi. with green tips. South 

—— ponies: eae n 
with ce fl. Caden Stag 

Lachenalia _—< wae 
(GA. t. 1312, ele G. Fl. produced 
about Christm pE: STF icolor, 
Thunb. var. ae Baker. | 

—_—- = (FI. and P. 1883, 

58.) A species with pairs of 

pa 1, 6-8 in. long by 1 in. broad, 

and racemes of bri ght yellow f tipped 
with green, South Afri 

Lachenalia a. (Gf. 189 
356, f. 16.) arden hy brid 
between L. Sss za ft va aurea, 

Lachenalia a iere — (G4. C. 
1884, xxi, 372.) 

late, copiously oats with dark green. 
pe green, spotted with red-brown 

F1. 10-12 in a dense raceme, 1 in. long ; 

outer segments red at the base, yellow 
th iddle, tipped with 

inner segments greenish-yellow, with 

a reddish-brown margin, e rubida, 

Jacq. var.] South Africa 

Lactuca greens E C. 1881, 
xvi. 492.) Com 
rock-work Be tere hy 

y cory: 
of a light ‘purple colour. Himalaya. 

Lelia albida bella. (JV. 0. 9. A. 239.) 
S. A var. with larger fl. 
than the type ; fl. of a inilk- white 

colour, tinged with lilac- -pink on the 
tips of the petals, and having the 
front ee of the lip ioiii bordered 
with rose-purple, Ta kos yellow 
keels on the disk. Mex 

; BR. ser. 1, t. 68. 

ellie atge purplish tips t ‘the se sp. 

and pet., ard the lanai os the front 

lobe of the tip deep pur 

(a C. 1877, 

= Var. a Be (Q.C 1884, 

lip, sd dark purple marks at its 
Lelia amanda. (&. C. 1882, xviii. 

776; TU. H. 1891, t. 135.) A garden 

Lelia amena. 
A garden 
ae L, pumi 

(0. R. 1894, 334.) G- 
hybrid between Z. anceps 

— anope alba. (&. C. 1879, x. 

light green ; the fl. are 4-5 in 
i exico. 

— Var. amabilis. Wa C. 1889, 
104.) S. Fl. white, with a a yellow lip 
marked with purple Paes and streaks. 

Var. ae, fa SA ae 
ith white se 

with a central aig orange keel. 

Var. ashworthiana. (4. 
1894, ae 84, 103,f.10.) S. Fl. sn me 
w. bluish veinings in the 

_ Var. Trope CG. a 1885, xxiii. 
sep. and 

area pale 
merous shining ele- 
ated purplish brows stripes. 

—— Var. calvertiana. (4. C. 1883, 
xix. 78.) A var. somew like 
the var. Dawsoni, but with narrower 

rose border to the side lobes act 
the elip, a and the front lobe wholly 

Lelia — ae yeas drag (J. of 
. 1895, 7, 2.19.) A giant 

form wit h br “oad ce and hk colours. 
— Var. hilliana. fa. C. 1881 
169.) S. <A var. with the front tobe 

of the lip eddies and with a dee 
orange-coloured dis 

-— Var. hollidayana. (O1 
XV. Remarkable for te pre 
crimson veining of the labell 

meet poloeheils. 

ix, G. and F. iv. 31); 8. 
Differs ‘tro m the type ri tonne! an 
entire Prevent labellum. 

AC a 1891, 

— Var. hyeana. (Z. v.t.226.) 8. 
A handsome var. with large white fl. 
having a ap a = light -a on the 

on the side 1 Jobig. 
Var. SAna. (G. C. 1886 
xxv. 298. with the pet. 

and — lobes of ‘he lip of a fine 
rosy co 

Var. leeana. (4. C. 
S. A small- flowered a wi 

445.) ith 
white sep. and pet. narrow 
and very acute ; side lobes of the lip 

hi utside, ye thin, with 
light purple tips. On each side of the 
mid-line of the n 2 reddish- 
purple stripes and me oblique 
eddish en moii over the 
yellow zones 

—- Var. omer (G. C. 1885, 

xxiii. 206.) S. with white or 
light rosy markings on the darker 
rosy sep. and pet. 

r. lineata. (@. C. 1895, xviii 

734), E. Differs from OME 

ving wei white and crimson with 
brown lines 
uoaa: (G. C. 1886, xxv. 
with the white side 
‘marked with purple 
veins, and the Yellow of the lip con- 
fined to the three keels, 

Var. obscura. (4. C. 1886, xxv. 
H S. "A var. with very long narrow 
sep. and pet. of man ank soani lip 
sep. with a white 
dark purple, with a py Fd disk, 




A sens anoa owpniana: (&:C1 
J.of H. 

— yV 

—— Var. thomsoniana. (4. C.1890, 

1892, xxv. 569, £. 77. 3 
Ta richly coloured var., the 

fl. bein ing flaked with white. 
Var. protheræana. Aap e ae 6, 
x. 40.) S. Sep. and 

Pe E erne Sptirpls front lobe. 

Var. PSA var. wi 6 C. 1883, 

xix. 110.) S. A var h the tip of 

the lip truncate and t 

and front third 

mauve-purple ; era hen a orange with 
purple-brown vein 

— radians. ia C. 1888, on 
200 ; 0. reon 355.) _ Sep. an x 
yale asi le with a 

Lip rk purple, with the Alk ol of 

tiis side} lobes dark orange, and a few 
dark purple lines. 

rosea. (G. C. 1880, xiii. 
aes S. Fl. bright PEE P Disk 
of the lip yellow, marked with dark 

ar, sanderiana. o. 1885 
140; ee i. 251, oS.) S, 
s to bea Lae the var. 
Dawsoni, in which i transverse 
purple zone te oe into two 
ei by a white 


S a 

— Var. eee. mig C. 1885, 
white fl. 

xxili, 342. 

with an o ge yig e lip, an 
some sine varie vedinting” lines 
upon it. 

ar. Schræderæ. (4. C. 1887, 

i, 72.) S. A fine var. having the se T 
whitish rose, the pet. rose with purple 
tips, an with a brown disk, 
yellow side i arem, warm purple borders 
to the si i ant. ry dark 
blackish 1 aiy front | 
ar. scottiana. (H a = t. 
E 5) S: A var. with rich ma e sep. 

d pet. and a dark purple lip "with a 
peli throat, 

Var. § re ao: e 1887, i. 152, 
280, f. 58.) 8 arge-fi wered form 
= the var. W ‘liam, with a yellow 

lines, the rest of the fl. Paire Ee 

viii, 716: H G. 1890, 568) §. 
Resembles the var. amesiana, but has 
larger fi 



Lelia =m yeger = = 1883, 

xix. 274 te sep. 
and pet. ; disk oe the ip Tight yellow 
with brown veins ; angles of the side 

lobes and front part of the pare lcbe 
purple-mauve with darker stripes. 

Var. ves ete hae C. 1880, xiii. 
136.) S. A ver with white 
d atte lr and having 

3 bases of the side 
e? of a deep shining 
aere Bene 

Tipai (a Q. 1887, i. 
ure white, marked only 
n the sad crests of ron lip with 
sate clue can ow. 

“ny S. eats 

Lelia —o (G.C. ae ix. 740; 
Ee Eek dato ef Ag arden 

hy purpur and 
Cattleya 1 labáhi [Syn. Satie onttlepa 
na. | 

Lelia autumnalis alba. (@. C. 1889, 
vi. 420.) G. A white-flowered variety 

—— Var. atrorubens. (G C. 1879, xii. 
232; Gard. 1880, xvii. t. 229.) G. A 
form with purple-crimson fl, 

ar. Fournieri. (2. H. 1896, 547, 
* E ‘Alarge-owered dark-coloured 

—— Var. V haya a, sae Man. Cattl, 
62.) G: var w arge fl. of a nearly 
uniform rose- jiran is 

—— Var. xanthotropis. (R. ser. 1, 
t, 10; "Veitch se Cattl. 62.) G. 
A var. with bose ih = smaller rigid 

Lelia batemaniana. (G. C 1886 
xxvi. 263.) S. An interesting garden 
EA between , Sop ‘onitis grandiflora 



ra ya batemaniana, Rolfe, ] 

Lelia bella (4. c 18, xxi. 174.) 
G. A garden hybrid between L. pur- 
purata and Catileya Tipit 

callistoglossa. (G. C. 1882, 
xvii. 76; W. 0. A. t 235.) S A 
hybrid een ia pur- 
purata Cattleya Warecewiedti 

yyer = (G. O 1877, vii. 
02.) garden hybrid AHi 
Cuito po and Lelia crispa or 

2 Barca w. 0. A. under 
193 ; 

ue hybrid seak Cuit leja Mossie 
and Lelia purpurata 

Lelia cinnabarina  crispilabia. 
Veitch Man. Catti. 63.) G. ([Syn. 
L. erispilabia, A. Rich.] 

oo crawshayana. (4. C. 1883, xix. 
42.) G. Muchin the way of Z. albida 

Ta 2 Ee i aad L, tankit or 

— Var. a (G@. C. 1884, x 

the side lobes white 

ee oar araras (il. H. 

. With the 

ail half a the ip of. r greenish- 
yellow colour, Bra 

— Var. delicatissima. (6. C. 1881, 

xvi. 364 A var. with white fl., 
the lip having a broad eae mele 
: tee e to the middle ; 

ale rae and the sep, 

f lipp 
light parsi on the 

W. 0. A. 

— ay ie (G. s 1877, vi. 772; 
132 2) Sir milar to Z. 
pumila, differin 

æ. em “pumila, Reichb, f. var 

Lælia —— E C. 1889, v. 695.) 
pu rpurata crossed 
with Z. ape tig 

— a ee (G. C 
89, v. 658, 742, f. 111; Gard. 1889, 
thet ; ects 175, S. 

between L. ‘dighyana 
and Cattleya Mossie, 

halis dominiana. e C. 1878, x. n 
S. A supposed hybrid between Catt 
dowiana and Lelia elegans, 


Lelia rosea. Aine Man. Cattl, 95.) 
S. Garden hyb 

Lelia dormaniana. (@. C. 1880, xiii. 
S. Pet. and 

pet., whi 

around the limb, Lip very pale purple, 
with darker veins ; middle lobe mauve- 
purple, Brazil. 

ere lage aa Kee H. 1884, 

= fl. 6 in. 
ida lobe of 
e line einai to 
its base rich Aisee maem nta. 

= eeheimenae. ne OA: te 

pet. of a Sox 
rosy-purple ; the lip is magenta-purple 
with a light yellow throat. 

—— Var. oe oe C 1890, 

viii. 214; W. O. A. t. 413.) Sep. 
white and rose; pet. g eee i Sarpi 
rose ; lip glowing crimson 

R gryr MSZ C. zee Sa 
oe S. A var. coloured 1 t 
paced as Turneri, bat mn Pi folded 
settee of the lip pure 

—— Var.houtteana. (LZ. ii.t 
var. wit 


pE with rec 
tips. Pet as war as ee sep., 
rhomboid, eee Brazil. 

—— Var. incantans. (4. C. 1887, ii. 
~ 383.) S. A large-flowered var., with 
. an t. suff 

partly suffused with pale y 
aia Var. Mosgurosiais ah C. 1887, 
S. A 

and apex of side lobes 

— “Eo morreniana. (W. O. A. t. 

; @. C. 1888, iii. 800.) S. A var. 

1 magenta-rose sep. and pet., and 

tony ee Sel of the lip rich magenta- 
crimso aint vie he 



Lelia slogans gary CG. C. 1894, 
xvi. s with fi. of a clear 
rosy-crimson ti 

— Var. ae (G. ni a iii. 
178, t.) 5. A var. with la fl. 7 in. 

and tips of the side lobes crim 
— ar, picta. (G. C. 1884, xxi. chong 

S. he var, with light rose sep. and pet., 
marked with greyish zones and sma il 
dark purple spots, Lip yellow, with 
the tips of the side lobes and disk 

— Ta, Tirem Eea ues, 
xxiv with narro 

sep. an rp. sia ut any green co. aar, 
and with a a Peisana broad lip. 

— Var. tautziana. (G. C. 1888, 
ii S. arge- 

L. purpurata and L 
elegans, with stout narar pseudobulbs, 
1 ft. high, havi 

purple on the front part. 

— wee (G. C. 1888 
91, 12; G. and F. 1888, 3155 

Sep. d pet. oblong, blunt. tis 
3-lobed, the front lobe wavy; disk 
with 3 yellow keels. 

Lelia finckeniana. (4. 
194 ; xiv. pare 123.) S. Asup 
natural h ‘ork d betw ween L. autumnalis 
and L. EERE but pee only a var. 
of the latter species. 

C. 1893, xiii. 

unis flammea. (G. C. 189: 
168.) S. A garden hybrid + Patios 
L. cinnabarina and L. Pilcheri. 

aes flava AR = H ns, 
xvii. 468.) S. . with fi. o; 
glowing pure ba Mord 


area PF ostgessa (@. M. 1891, aor) 
; lip purple, lined “with 

Lelia | por gag cf C. 1888, = 
41; : 

i pte 


t. broad 
Lip with long 
ed tn He 

r dark 1 purple, whip i a 

ined a spotted with darker 
paris wid with 3 pet keels on the 

Lelia Fe te enebro. CO. 1891, 
161; @. x 

Lelia pee gon a 

Bison C. 
ae xvii. with 

A at a es tes aine 

Lelia one a C. 1888, iii. 770.) 
S. Garden hyb 

Lælia irrorata N. fe E 
52 20.) ar. 

1887, ii. h pale 
lilac sep. G da a ciy purple 
front lobe to the lip, marked with 

ker purple; the area Saige the 
lilac-tipped side lobes w with a 
lilac mid line. [Z. Sieg 'Reichb. f 
var. | 

Var ge Ae. C. 1883, xix. 
E 2. S. A var. long narrow 

p. and br ae acute pet. o 
Tight rose colour; lip purple with 
broad a aa, paw a 

ted with ite 
side job. washed with li ight, pape on 
the border; 

Lelia juvenilis, £0. 18 1890, t. 240.) S. 
A garden hybrid 1 n L. Perrinii 
tar L. Pinelli merio 

Lalis lesnik. (&. C. 1882, xvii. 492.) 
S. mate with narrow rose-coloured 
ee ns © ite Ue with the 

Ah e laima! ral lobes and some veins 
Bare T A supposed hybrid 

— lilacina. (Veitch Man. Cattl. 
89.) S5. Peduncle 2- or more-flowered. 
ilac i hite 

with purple 
sarele blotch on the dis 
wala T u R. 1893, rate 
rispilabia, fro 
Shion Mea differs í in having a iov 
o : bows other parts of the fi. purplish 

Lelia a alba. (G@. C. 1880, 
xiv. S. A var. with white fl, 
Colom ees 

Lelia oe poe j C. 1893, xiii. 

206, 715, £. 1 A garden hybri id 
between L. Sai dayana and L 

Lelia measuresiana. (W. 0. A. 
t. 207.) S. Stems 1 ft. high, peat, 

corymb seme of 
handso Sep. and pet te 
P. an ellow on the front part 

. 782.) 

o t. 
oblong, acute; lip ex cedingly sal 
ate to the column, Jam 

ae — 
f. 138. den hybri 
pas Cattleya gr anulosa and Telia 
eris Spe 

(G. C. 1876, vi. 

Lelia Normanni. (4. C. 1893, xiii. 
98.) S. A garden hybrid between 

L. pumila mar, ginata and Cattleya 
Lælia aaron CG. C. 1892, xii. 

191.) S garden hy ni gi between 
L. pumila -. and A ranthina. 
— saringan (E: viii. t. 374.) S: 

upposed natural hybrid between 
Z. Prani rgi elegans. 

Lelia Scam ge (G. £ 1888, iv. 

ag S. Sop — those of 
L. elegans, 

Wavy pet. Tight rosa, "Lip very narrow; 


side lobes long and narrow, white, 
bei light Bon og borders ; front ke obe | 
rrow, oblong, acute ik | 
darker purple veins. | 
— et alba. (œ. C. 1888, | 
. 446, 565.) S. A white te-flowered | 
with a igh of yellow on the | 

disk of the lip. 

Var. irrorata. 

CG. Bi 
my S. 

1882 aan 
var. of a zy 
colour ; lip nearly satin with a 

yellow ‘disk and light purple apex. 

(G. ©. 

Var. nivea. Kerg xiii, 
264 i We hides Cat, 188], e 


shh. the front of the lip otdesed 
with purple and the disk yellow. 

Lelia Serres ee (G. C. 1879, 
oa 102.) A garden hybrid be- 

een Lelia elegans and "Cattleya | 

Aaa ndia, | 

Foa Var. 

Lelia aerate i. (aa 
1886, This is merely a 
small- pact form. 

Wed sew 

— poten alba. (G. C. 1889, 
WN EL — white, 
4 ae ig ai Hp. TE, pumila, 
Reichb, f. var. | 
Lelia pusila eirian, (R-E 
mear 12.) 

oblique — ng lines on 

gins o 

.—— Var. delicata. (G. C. 1896, xx. 

471.) S. A var. with nearly pure 
white fi. 

Var. Ca IF 19878. 
ie, ti kG A . differing from 
he type in its larger deeper-coloured 
fl, with 10-12 small base 
of the labellum. B 

——_ Var. mlah G. C. 1880 
xii. 429.) S. A var. 
equalling those of Z. majalis. 

— Var. amena. 

ere ea 
with | 

—— Var. Gar 

ar. having a | 
mek cova ua gts sad sone 
sep. | — Var, delecta, (hina. Cat. 1896, 

the mar- 
the pet. and vate the ka j 

( | 
with fl. n nearly | 

| Lælia poupee a uae! (G. a 

1895, ge 
br oad nite uaa gis a dose 
perale Hp. 

Var. albo-purpurea. (Lind. 
oo 1896, 48.) S. Colour variety. 

—— Var. Alicie. (Lind, Cat. set 
~ 482) a Colour var. with a 

(Lind, Cat. 1896, 
48.) S. A form near L. Schrederi. 

ne. (Lind. Cat. 1896, 

— Annæ. 
i) 5 ems var, with a rounded 

ashworthiana. (4. C. 
"Ties, 39, f. 10.) S. A var. with 
. coloured purple-rose an 
striped pri white. 

pee Sf 0. A 

Var. brunnea. Plead ge 1896, 
48.) S. Form witha b urple 

and crea ay poal. 

nea. (Lind. Cat. ep 
48.) S. “Colour var, with a long lip. 

eres. og Cat, 1896, l 
S. Colour var. wit pet. ` 
sep. and a roundish imines lip. 

49.) S. Colour variet; 

ar. dives. a Cat. 1896, 49.) 
a fa aanes 

jar. discolor. (0. R, 1393, — 
S. A var. ap Pe E sep. and 

ae Emilie. (Lind. Cat. 1896, 
ay Galea var. with a rounded lip. 

Lo Ver ere (@. C. 1895, 
xvii. 662.) G. large and 
richly coloured fo 


Lelia purpurata TAE 
(Lind. Cat. 1896, 49. Colour 
var. with e longated lip, ka yellow 

ar. fastuo me a. ix. t. 385.) S. 
A r n var, with rose-purple 
sep. and pet. a pear nae maroon lip, 

—- Var. formosa. (Lind. Cat. 1896, 
49.) S. Colour variety. 

— Var. handleyana. (4. C. 189 
xi. 700.) S. A dark-coloured RaT 

Var. Josephine. (Lind. Cut. 
"1896, 49.) S. Colour variety. 

Juno. (Lind. Cat. 1896, 49.) 
ane Sis variety, 

Var. pidea (G. C. 1896, xix. 

55.) S. Fl. wholly a ‘sve a 
aai faint lines of lilac. -pink on the 

— Var. Lindeni. (Lind. Cat. 1896, 
~ 49.) S. Colour variety. 

lineata. (Lind. Cat. 1896, 
ak r Colour variety. 

— Var, lobata. (Lind. Cat. 1896, 
EY S. Form with an elongated lip. 

—- Var. lowiana. (4. C.1887,i.799.) 
5S. ies var. bine ose-coloured sep. an 

and a ark mauve- Tore lip 

Tas very little pehs at the 

Var. macrochila. (Lind. Cat. 
1896, 51.) S. Form with a large lip. 

—— Var. ee —— Cat. as 
31) 8. m the last 
Mariæ. (Lind. Cut. tp 
Colour var. with a large li 

Colour varie 

— Var. 
61.) S. 

» BL) S. 

— Cat. 1896, 
nobilis. (G. C. 1893, xiii. 
~ 641.) 8 pes with richly- marked fl. 

Pheebe. lie Cat. 1896, 
a. ri Colour variety. 

ar. præstans. (Lind. Cat. 1896, 
IY 5 Colour var. with a large e lip. 

— Var. (Lind. Cat, 1898, 
53.) ered form. 


Lelia purpurata pulchra. (Lind. 
Cat. 1896, 51.) S. Colour variety. 

Var. hares (G.-C, 1893, 
xiii. 641.) ar. with darker 
coloured fi. than a sual, 

— Var. striata. ona Cat. 1896, 
52.) S. Colour variet; 

—— Var. eon (Lind. Cat. 
1896, 52.) S. A deep-coloured variety. 
— Var. oe (G. C. 1888, iii. 
BoA v rk pu rple 
lip, without yellow 3 in the throa 

wna Aira “nny (Veitch si 
with white 
sips ee reid, a Seni ka ‘stain on the tip, 

—— Var. rosea. (F sitet Man. ee 
82.) S. FL rosy mauv 
purple blotch on the tip. SmI A 
peduncularis, Lindl. ] 

Lelia Sanderæ. (4. z wits xiv. =) 
. A garden hybrid be n DL, xa 
thina and L. ab ae 
Lglia Hye ey cA C. 1877, viii. 424.) 
hybrid between Cattle; oya 
He miri "Laelia devoniensis, 

Lelia bed in agerig Seoni (G0. 
ust 00.) 

with t the side shad ‘covered by a close 
purple network of vein 

Var. EPEE CW. 0. A.t 

383.) 5. me form, ith 
rosy-mauve sep. parece b the lip 
of an intense magenta-purple with 
yellow crests dis Mexico ; 

aoc purges (G. C. 1888, iii. 
E 1888, 198.) 

S Garden h 

Lælia a (Veitch Man. 
Catti. 97.) 3. jam . Cattleya trioph- 
thalma, Reichb. 

ms. (G. C. 1879, xi. 716.) 
S. Something in the wa of L. cinna- 
barina, ‘oat with E Scag pa 

and pet. and a w 3-lobed w 

Lelia vitellina. A. C. 1893, xiii. 
336, 365, 53.) A su 
hybrid between L. peated and 
and L. Perrinii. 


Lelia wyattisis, (G. C. 1884, xx. 
426; Fl. and P. 1883, 169.) S. In the 
way of L, erispa, with white sep. and 

the somewhat un ndulate front 


disk urple, and outside of side 
lobes light yellow. A supposed hybrid 
betw crispa and L. lobata. 
Brazil (). 

oe zanshins agraphis. (@. C. 

264; H. G. 1888, 503.) 5. 
I var pirat t purple markings on 
the lip. 


pret ateg h ee (a. ©. 

ie aed sind ae ‘between 
Cattleya Warneri. ae Lelia grandis. 
It pseudobulbs like Spe = Sra 

e Cattleya, with’ wars 

eae amena n cata. 
CZ, viii. t. 367.) G. A garden hybrid 
between Cattle ya Loddigesii and Taba 

Lelio-attleya Amesiæ. (4.0.1 ee 
455 G. A garden hybri 
ree n Lelia crispa and ( 8 oo 

Lelio- or og neon CJ. O. 
1894, 253.) G rid, the parents 
of fe eon are ibe giv ce 

Lelio-cattleya mer gee 
895, T C- 1895, 

G. Ag n hybri rid betwen € Cattiey ‘ya 

bicolor poh ‘Lela elegans. 

aE H. 

P S = SE CL. vii. 
s the same as Lelia 
ar rnol dia oe 

Lelio-cattleya bella. (@. C. 1888, 
iii. 361; H. aS 1888, 229.) S. [Lelia 
bella, Reichb. £.] 

Lelio-cattleya § broomfieldiensis. 
es . C. 1894, xvi. 194, 223, f. bole G. 
garden hybrid betw 

ceil. prestans and Cuttley: ya aurea 

Lelio-cattleya eymecians. (4. C. 
1895, xviii. cam! A garden hybrid 
ettioya’ id and 

Cattleya Wara zii. 

Lælio-cattleya canhamiana. (R. H. 
1895, 359.) den hybrid 
between ( attleya Mossie and Lelia 

lao fanwond E Ch: 

x. t. 4 en hybrid sup- 

bathe to a between Cattle} ya granulosa 
and Lelia purpurata. 

ppr Sy de nay Caer (R. H. 
den hybri - 
eae 2, Loddigesii a C. daya 

aig eee darwiniana. (0. K 
93.) A garden irer 
rissin aail ya elegans and 
Cattleya maxima, 

ee elegans = 
(G. "he . 586 ) G. var. of 
Lelia copa is ‘distingu ished by its 
entire bright crimson-purple lip. 

ses leucotata. (Z. ix. t. 413.) 

G, | (lativettoya ‘schilleriana, Hort. 

epee Spacey elsteadensis. (0. R. 

garden hybrid 

cao of, zanthina and Cattle eya 

ee Sarge ns (0. R. 
Lelia aiedogs ylla and 

Cattleya Prinzi 

Lelio-cattleya gottoiana rosea. 
C. me xviii. 467. oe 
sup hybri 
Lelia tenibrá osa and Cattleya tails. 

Lelio-cattleya hardyana. (4. C. 

1895, xviii. 248.) G. A garden be 
between Cattleya Gigas and Le 

Lelio-cattleya agape (4. 
1895, fe he oe ) G. A garden hybrid 
betw: Lela schilleriana and 
Cattleya Mossie 

Lælio-cattleya highburyensis. Sot 
Cc. ane, xix. 468.) G. A 
hybrid ia a 

yb 79 . 
and Cattleya lawrenciana. 

Lælio-cattleya Ingremij, (3. of H. 
a xxv. l4, f. A garden 
tape jaca dayana 

a) "Cuttley: ya E nee. 

Lelio-cattleya jacan 
1895, 359.) 

R H. 
Cattleya Mendelii a Lelia 


py eo se | Lindeni. (Z. x.t. 447.) | 

f Leælio-cc ak Bah mie s, 

markable tab the rich red 
see of its fl. 

eee marriottiana, (G. C. 

892, x 3.) G. A garden hybri 

Telio oattieya ae C&C. frei 94, 
xv. 264. A su 


hybrid betw: 
and Lelia grandis. 

paneer Sidoli (B. 7. = 

ree 8 win 
Cattleya Mossia pie 

Aelio-catiloys Sallieri. (R. W. 
1605, 511.) brid be- 
a purp ‘ata Williamsi and 

Ca att ley a ieee t 
Lelio-cattleya Oe = CO. R. 

1893, 363. ck 

ween Lelia porns thet rie Cattleya 

sae sa ag arani. (J. O. 1894, 
20.) pe hig: 
hb i a ‘not given 

Lelio-cattleya schilleriana leuco- 
tata, (0. 894, 237.) G. A pure 

=- ur 
white var., accor Seu of 
it published fen Lindenia, or sometimes 
flushed with r [ Lelio-c atte we ele- 

gans, Hort, var. ilata | L. ix. t. 413.] 
Lælio-cattleya schulziana. (Z. xi 

.4 rden hybrid aeaiee 
Lelio-oattle ya elegans snd Cattleya 

Lælio-cattleya statteriana, (6. c. 
1893, xiv. 631; J. of H. xxvii. 463, d. 

garden hybrid Diti 
Date Perrinii and Cattleya ladiata. 

Lelio - aps varjonevekyans. 
ee x. t. 466.) A garden hybrid 
een dats cee and Cattleya 
m arneri, identical wi 
albanensis, see O. R, 1895, 

Leli ttleya ee 
(@. C. 1896, xx. 360.) 
hybrid between the plot indicated | 
in the name 

pers: “| 

= s9 G A 

bai Laelio Hava nd € attleya Skin- | 
posed ur 
oe Cattleya braai Pri inzii | 

garde: | 
ge rpurata Aurora and | 

i Jarproonocni: TO. 

he parentage of 

a% des Beegii | 

A garden 


Lam Sette 

mee vations pionen L S 1894 
ard ri 
een Lielia purpurata ae Cattley je 
labiati, var. 

eo Nel Sa Ae C 1892, 
.) Cucur 
4a oi = Boil hase she CL. gee is) 
with wa: 

ae ieee hited WA 

8. 420 AM Labia H. differs 

irom the type = Pits alle l. and 

| Lamourouxia Pringlei. SA and F., 
riaceæ. G., 

1895, 273, f. 39.) Scrophula 

13 in. long, 

spaciosus: (4. ©. 
i. 414.) L. 
ed, bright 
ae Tongitudina stripes 

ae H. 

— 129, f.) S ut 

n. br ad, iia al le eae 
heen face ; ins spinose- 
dentate. Infl. spicate, dense; scape 
and peduncles rosy, f us ; bracts 
large, ý ve, rosy, 

Landolphia Nee a x t. 6963 ; 
(6. & uer i. 804 

À handso clim 4 femea ieee 
site elliptic oblong a pointed 1., 
and den mpact cymes of fragant 

white fi. mts in. in diam., with narrow 
spreading lobes. Tropi cal Africa 

garo mii (K. B. 1894, Mees 
rchida obulbs 

eioen i short ; racemes re r 
1 fi 

ing small green fi. with minute red- 
brown dots. Brazil. 

Lanium subulatum. = B. 1896, 
Small in all its parts, the 1, 
subulate and the fl. pale green. Brazil, 

Lapeyrousia` grandios, Sea * f 
6924.) Iridaceæ, Sim in 
habit to pep hal Hier but 
arger. Corm small, stoloniferous. 

in. pikes 
in diam., 
bright red with a Ja eye; the 

three lower segments marked with a 
e triangular dark crimson spot. 
South-east Tropical Africa. 

ee ee ae M. t. san ) 
ing-nettle wi 
an ne ro bu os sas a cordate 
peltate and purple raspberry-like fe in 
pendant bunches. 

se dahurica j S anian OW. D. G. 

28.) Con H- Larch 

with bluish- omaa it [i — 

may be the sam this s.] 
Noriko Japan, 

Lasiopetalum Baueri. (B. M. t. 
445.) Sterculiaceæ. free- 

Him wering much-branched shr. L. 
oe. oe <- whorled, 1-3 in. ag, 
linear, o Fl. in ry race 
pearly pepa about 4 in. in Sain, 
tomentose outside. Australia, 

an FEITT Ra o 
1889, 303.) Thyme- 
læac e. pea aie i E and 
h et of soft yellow fl. Alied 
Gnidia, South Africa 

Lastrea aristata variegata. (F. 

and P. r 98; Dul Cut. 1879, 6, t: 
Fi iffers from the 

Pinnules narrow, elliptica 
or oblong, rounded at the apex, apaes s 
serrated. Japan. 

—_-* dilatata Siwi (Fl. and 
H. ested v 

(Nephrodiom dilatatum, Dear: page 

hich have 1-2 short teeth. Inver- 
ness, d. 

aay diag hopeana. (4. C. 1882, xviii. 

744; Fl. and P. 1883, 10.) $. 

elegant — atka ft. Bigh , With mem- 
saa fronds ; cr re 


ligulate - “Taib 


sect ; Caan 



| Lastrea 

entire ; sori- — close to the mid- 
rib ; rhachides slightly pubescent. 
[Nephron hopeanum, Baker.] Poly- 

Lastrea Jenmani. (Bwll Cat. 1887, 

11.) S. Fern with s aly 
sti and bipi nnate fronds, t about 
2 long by 9-12 in. broad, ‘densely 

pellucid-dotted. Nephron rand 

mani, Baker, | 

Lastrea Pa (&. C. 

longest, siabeon n with rat git 
and se ri 
the midribs ares ste with inflated 

roundish-reniform lead-colo 
indusia green, se 
of the groove down the face, 

f Nepdcuattahe lepidum, Baker. } 

£6. C. 1881, 

—- tay gotta 
ergree dwart 


the . 
Sepirodi um g aeeai Baker. | 

Lastrea membranifolia. (Williams 
Cat. 1880, 16.) S. fern with a short 
ized b 

t stem, with modera broad- 
oe pinnate fronds. The lower 
[ Neph- 

of pinne are pinnatifid, 
nies dissec wees a var. pa ei 
Jia] Polyn 
Lastrea montana mesg (FI. 
and P. 1882, 140.) H. This is a var, 
of Nephrodinm montanum with finely 
crested fronds. 

rolifica. (4. C. as xviii. 
T4; pee Cat. 1883, 1 

the midrib, orange. [N re eeens 
er tine ee Mou var. prolificum, | 

trea ogres dsii multifida. (6. 
C. 1881, xv. 104 ; FI. des S. t. 2401-2 ; 
Veitch "Cat. 188i, 9, = S. A bold- 
habited fern , differing f rom the type 

in Saving J the ae “a a pae e 
pin us narro 
pointed $ jondin ng ‘Tob = The fro de 
to a length of 3 ft. [ Nephr rs ium 
Richardsti, Baker.) New Caledon: 

aes ee can. t. 1302, f. 

ee, W 
ments alternating wit 
of Santa Rosa, Chile. 

i Caer (BDM: t 
06.) —— H. per. 
differing partes L. Squamaria, in its 
fl., longer pper lij of aik 
angled seeds. Fl. violet purple. 

Lathyrus oni COf. t. 1127.) 


| hd 

ing in a tendril; leaflets 
élliptie, acute, Sl in. ‘long, a Uar 
oad. W- 
; North 

flowered ; Ae fi. ` yellowish white; 
linear. long. Japan 

spin — (G. C. 1894, 

98.) A plant growing 

E ft. “high ith nearly white or 

pubescen o C. 1895. 
; R. H. 1895, 40 H 

ies stem. Fl 
violet. in racemes. — 
in ‘ce South ¢ of npe Uruguay. 

Lathyrus aver = = ka 
326, 383.) t 
with aa tek 

19; B. M. t. 757 

Lathyru -ayeye ert Cat. 1881, 
76.) -or G. pi 
allied to the Everlasting Pea, but 

arger more abundant movies. 
purple fl. Lower California 

Lathyrus vi were CG. C. 1894, xv. 
398. TE. H. t. high, with ra- 
cemes of iat the f. California. 

Laurentia carnosula. (B. M.t. 6257.) 

likeaspect. Branches diffusel - 
g, g. pposite and 
alternate, linear - , acute, 
en or yi 
pai Re resembling Lobelia 

blue with 2 yellow white- 
Se a hse en lower lip. California 



Laurocerasus lancefolia. œ 2 
1857, 470. ©. 
with slender fastigiate ied me 
epas Pi ptic — attenuate 
at base a Gar var. raised 


rom ee [Prune 
Linn. var 

ETE SEN: (R. H. 1877, 
159.) H. gorous var. with large 
very dark ae Le ich thick 
nd —— , attenuate a nds, 
with thei 

te: both e 
argin very irs = te. 
[Prunus p iaaii Linn. var. | 

Lavatara arborea variegata. (FI. 
cca S 1882, 106.) Malvaceæ. H. An 
ental "form, with variegated 1. 
Lavatera insularis. piei and F. 1896, 
2n H, 

an L 


2 in. diam. age red yellowish w white 
and striped with purple. Mexic 

urin a 

ite H. 

ee Stems much branch hed, reddi s4 
pu nt. L 

E 7. oy, oe 
al "dw 

Fl. a 
disk yellow ; ray-flore ts yellow on the 
basal half, the Erag half being white, 

Dri glandulosa. (B. M. t. 6856.) 
annual, SS ae through- 

a branc the base T 
alternate, a store 1-1} in, long. 
Fl.-head liù: with 
disk and a broad Arani 
ray ; the ray-florets are flat, broadly 
and 3-lobed at the a pex. 

Lecanopteris carnosa. (K. B. 1894 
398.) Filices. S. An epiphytic fern 


L. p ' 
It is allied to Pals a un, ps 
Ledum glandulosum. cw. 
1896, 19; B.: Æ. t. 7610: 
This di 

, which 
are not woolly, but dotted underneath 
rae ga glands. Western North 

monah þilis. im eng „a003, 19; 
G. C. 1882, xvii, 492, 4 Tygi : FL 


upper surface of a rich i deep 
bronzy-green, with a broad white- 
toothed odian a stripe under surface 
claret-red. Born 

1a apenan. get A 1884, t. si 

a midrib er satin 
of the leaves coloured r 
Leontice darwasica. (4. C. 1888, iii. 

200; H. G. 1888, 179.) ies ising 

elliptic; fl. yellow, 3-1 in. in 


a laucheana. a. ee aoon, 
xi. 731.) Palme. S. Nam 

ETa pp aee (@ C: 1878, 
na pe Am è 

n; segmen nts red. 

arte. uechtritzianum. 
Gard. 1896, 1. 238.) Crucifere. H. 

A prost rate eae agrapar a herba- 
ceous plant with white fi ulgaria, 

E S are Cf 1890 
. 38.) Cactaceæ. 

South Brazil ; Pa 

Lepismium dissimile. (@/. 1890, 

, Others being covered 
setæ about ł in. long. 

i ter garam (B. M. t. 7367.) 
A branched shr. 6 ft. 
high gen ea leathery green l., 

5-8 in. long. in terminal clusters, 
white, with a slender =a 4in 
long and fi reading lobes 24 in. 
long. Tropical Africa 
EE a (G. O ibe, 
SF S mall Garde 
Eo with aian 1 21-7 j ra 
ioe. 3-12 in. b itary 

. Leptos ange paas 
racer © ane 

(GA. t. 1184. a 
ith ascen 

white, with red stamens. Philip 

Leptosyne gigantea. (W. G. 
441, ff, 46-7 ; SA 1895, 592, ff. 2) 
omposi A tall plant wi 
finely divid 

stem 2 i g Fl.-heads 
s uoe of a small Sunflower. 

ee een ee ee (6 C. 1892, 
Orch G. var, of 
Titra Fonlar, à differing a the 
n having shorter segments and 
a Yhite li 

Leschenaultia Baxteri major. 
ig H. 1886, t. 468.) cde ge o 

dulous on 
ae The corolla is two-lipped, with 
unequal divisions, three petals ‘ein: 
much larger than the other two and 
notched at their tips. [Z. Aidan, 
R. Br., var.] Australia. 

Lespedeza capillipes. (R. H. 1890, 
Sees aanus. 41. Okina 

a Delavayi. 
og ` 

H. = = Longe habit 

—" deep violet = into purple- 
ack. Yunnan, China, 

Lespedeza lnc oo Foor onan 2 
(B. H. 1890, 227.) 

Lespedeza hirtota, (R. H. 1890, 
226.) H.C 

Lespedeza macrocarpa. (R. 
14) H. shr. with italia 1 i i 
Spera; of numerous urple fi. 
North China, 
Lespedeza trigonoclada. (R. 
ie. ae . per. A remarkable 

es with triangular stems, elongate 
sab brous coriaceous l. and terminal 
panicles of E pale = or whitish fi. 
Gorges of Hee-chan-men, South China. 

Lespedeza yunnanensis. (R. H. 1390, 
s207) H. hina. 


Leucocoryne perpus: aaoi: E | ey some bennilieness (GA. t. 1005.) 
bat apes ith 

Ari ing x uberous-rooted per. 
gra sag sa 8 | ae ae villous. Lip elliptic- 
iver ate crimson-maroon "fl, Chile. | lanceolate or lanceolate, crenate, dark 

| green, papillose-hairy above. maS 
Leucojum hyomale. A M. t. 6711.) | ny kowene C Say an OR 

Amaryllidacez. flowering in | i 
9 wll E p e 
spring. prha inear, con 
temporary ‘with’ Plage ae Seape 1-2- 
ope fl, nodding, ł in. in diam., 
‘anthers connivent, yellow. 
Matitiios Alps. 

dorsal gibbositi the the 
ae — nipan and wilay pipii. 

Lievena princeps. (Gf. 1024.) 
Bromeliacez, 8, elia rufa 
pener — ee. di (Gi Gaud.] Brazil. 
type in in 2 tee onger l, larger fl. and Ligustrina pekinensis. eH. 1886 
more fideiFeioee habit. Corsica. 398.) Oleacex shr. or small tree, 
very bushy, with oe ‘volecty a 
Leucophyllum texanum. (G.and F. red branchlets, and opposite deciduous 
1880" 488, f. 63.) Sorkari =G G. l., with the petiole and midrib blackish- 
A beatiohiner ee with chewable nearly purple. [Syring ga pekinensis, Rupr. | 
sessile silvery l., and tubular mran North Chin: 
r more 

sa violet-purple fl., 1 in. 

ke Mex ae = | Ligustrum japonicum ni 

A H. 1886, 537.) Oleac A 

robust wit etar a3 
KEP sadn gene ae M acuminate entire l. narrowed at the 
ra agat Bs a rie ne base, wavy at the eee y of a dark 
Sine ER. FL deal tae te te perra g green, i F eled 
smal se axillary spikes. South- pae FOnow. ariety. 

west Australia. Ligustrum massalongianum. (6. C. 
188}, xvi. 149, f. 33.) H. H. evergreen 

honeotkoe payisie: gie * t. . at ) | shr., with ascending warted Teanchee. 
pilose when young. L. linear-lanceo- 

plant d Saito ; ea L. Lobbii. Call | late, acuminate, short rtly petiolate, 
fornia. | glabrous. Fl, white, in dense termina 

panicles. Khasia 

Mpa meetme, E M. +. 6263.) 

and free- | Li gustan medium. Nad Ar + isoh. 

nanem i patiesa Tinea, San 1891, 15.) H. shr. or small tree with 

ing to 1 ft. long, 4 in. Scape broadly I anceolate Sante 7. ger critical 

1-2 ft. high, san oly paige a panicle panicles of small white fl 
ay is i 

perianth-segments Ligustrum Pannan instabile. 
bena oblong, obtuse, Stamens 3, (Eè. H. 1878, 176.) H. var. with the 1. 
ited i e base, surround- | alternate, opposite or in whorls of 

3 ho tal three. 

arms protruding from between the 

stamens. South-east A a. | Ligustrum sinense nanum. (R. Z 
; | 1875, 20.) H. A dwarf form, tia 
Libocedrus decurrens ApS = bran anohat and ompak wit with 
gata. (M. D. G. 1896, 53.) © | cioseiy se ova un 
eS with Pekas peri abundant bunches of small rone f f. 
variegated l. K 
| rum villosum. (X. H. 1878, 
149.) H. shr., tomentose on the buds 
Licuala grand is. (Z. H. 1881, t. 412 and young shoots. ong, narrowly 
Lind. Cut. (at. 1900, b 4) Palme. E, 
d ‘ i : : rounde a at the apex, thie eae and 
for Pritchardia | = phintn Kar moa 

| erou 
” grandis, a | Ar or corymbiform ae white. 
| Cultivated under the name of L. Ibota. 
Licuala kirsteniana. ia H. 1895, | 
in S. A pretty palm with deeply- | Dilip ppn. CEA. 1890, 478.) 
o MO, Liliaceæ, [L. pareum, Kellogg. | 

Lilium auratum SRE C4 eg 

1889, 463, 496.) A colour variet 


— Var. pic ictum. Le 1889, 463,496.) | 

H. A colour v 
-— r sh Fi. ast C. 1880, 
98:).5 Fi A yar, mblin the 
ae but dwarfer, with b ae l. an 
wi perianth-segmen —— = copiously 

spotted with purple- ba 

—— Var. rubrovittatum. tae 1889, 
463, 496.) H. A colour variety. 

—— Var. tricolor. (4G. C. 1880, xiv. 
H A oe of Bren ag via 
broad sub-eree large 

without any taun, aiii do it 

ora Beerensi. (Gard. 1895, xlviii. 
hybrid between 

11.) H. <A garden 
L, chaleedonicum and L. excelsum. 
— Biondii. (2.7. 0.1896,1.) H. 
carlet-flowered — ng linea: EL 
Nearly allied to, or perhap “identical 

jaa cian: Chin 

Lilium bloomerianum opel ae 

(Bull Cat, 1876, 10.) H. arge, 
range, spotted pacers to 
pots, the upper 

a b centre. Je Humboldtii, 
Roezl & Leichtl. var. 
prard Bolanderi. (él. 1889, 384.) 
ith a purplish and 
la eg f a purple- 
red colour, rerig with blood red 
inside. Calif 

rae Browalt Bocuse (G 
ra with 
ed . with 
ins he tube is less dis- 
dinetly trumpe paS and the l. are 
broader thea i in the type.. Western 

wine Vig yiridnium, _(G, C. 1885, 
xxiv. 134. 

pe ga fe yellow ish gree 
a faint dash of pre. ga ry he 

Lilium chinense. (B. 7. 0.1896, 176, 
wi, 2) Hh A Scarlet-flowered lily 
lesaiy allied to A 

ith linear 


Sey r ae (R. a 1880, 120. 0 
Stem + . sessile 

eing of viele brown tint. 
monadelph ‘as Bieb. | 

ae oo luteum. (Gf. t. 

Lilium ee (G. C. ne 
xiv. between 
croceum and pA eo i 

Lilium dalhansoni. (Guard. 1893, 
xliv. .) H. A hybrid between L. 
Martagon dalmaticum and L. Hansoni, 

Lilium elegans geno (GA. 
1889, 497.) H. tall form with 3-12 
dark yellow fi. is apan 

Var. citrinum. (FI. des S. t. 

y variety, with 

high, lanceolate l. and 

orange yellow unspotted Japan. 

——- hat ge ets hos aA "i 

E Ar 

feo eep orange i. airs fies ae sm 
dark brown spots 

— Var. Wallacei. (ay. an, 497.) 
A dwarf form, usuall wered ; 
fl. spotted with brown ; in telini. ; 
ferous. Japa 

Lilium Elisabe (W. G. 1891, 

198.) [L. japonicum, Thunb.| Japan. 

Lilium i Rog and F. 1888, 19, f. 
H. Allied 

sB. M. t 34.) to L. 
a bet “with smaller and less 
g fl.. with br ents 

are not recury = na 
whorl, lanceolate, acute, not at all 
FL. often solitary, ding 

or somewhat nodding, sub-campanu- 
late, 14-2 in. long ; the se ts ob- 

reddish orange, EPE 
within. p es Mountains 

Lilium Harrisii. (2. Æ. 1883, 211, f. 
40.) This is a form of L. nanie. 

Lilium Henryi. (4. C. 1888, iv. 660 ; 

B. M. t TITI.) jara lily, 2-6 sft. 
high, with close- E aaoo L 
in. long, and a ras lax ak E of 

8 fl. 3- 3 in. long, yellow, Sokid in Tees 
ae low part with red- 
Ic “China, 

Lilium japonicum ET 
(4. C. + 1895, xiv. 86, 243, H. 

r . 
and longer | style. [Syn. L. Theor ty 
Hort.and Z. Alexandre, Hort] Japan, 

oe longiflorum Miranit 
= Bae , X. 66, 225.) 

rownii ; 

n red-brown. Central China. 

—— Var. formosanum. . C. 1880, 
xiv. 524; Veiteh Cat. 1881, 10, 16.) 
var. = more numerous 

FL 5-7 in. 

narro l. 
long, white ; the “segments keeled 
with red - ‘outside, Form 

Lilium Lowii. (G. and PF. 1891, 352; 
B, M.t. 7232.) G. Closely related to to L. 
nepalense but having smaller 1. 
Tu fi. with a few purple bien 
North India. 

Lilium lucidum. (4. C. 1878, x. age 
H. Allied to L. canadense, of whieh 
idered a var. 

ceolate o style 
and stamens equal A 
Oregon and Washington, 

— maritimum. (4. c 

anth - segmen 
Ny 36 atte; sip s short ae 

mens included. 
S G. E: 

n epi 
. 809.) H.- A white flowered 
wine the well-known Turk’s-cap 

Sa Ya atrosanguineum. GT 0. 
1889, 40, t. 2.) A form with dark 
purple fi, Europe, 


Lilium Martagon villosum. (B. T. 0. 
1893, 70.) H. A form differing from 

the type by its larger 1., deeper coloured 
fi., and by the -E hi s rean 
clothe the unopened The 

praga about a fortnight after Dis 
of the type. North Italy. 

Lilium Martagon x Hansoni. (4. C. 
1891, x. 94.) H. a ybrid between 
the two species nam 

rote nitidum. (G. ¢. 1880, xiv. ‘nai 
anicle deltoid, of 18-20 fl. Peri 
bright yellow, 1} in. rte iets 
moe te, po copious 
mall red-brown dots, ornia. 
um pardalinum pumilum. sas 
ee 410.) H. rA garden hybrid 
between L, pardalinum and L. ni oss 
— Var Se um. (G.C. 1889, vi. 52.) 
H. Av ith the fi. colo — ed Indian 
yellow saat ec with b 

— Var. Warei. Siar ses, I r 
A form with shor 

ents the scarlet 
Father oS cnain per and papille. 

ara sulphureum. (B.M. t. 7257.) 

. or This is the correct name 

a the plant cultivated under the 

names of ZL. PENR superbum 
and L. ochroleucu 

Lilium szechnense. (6G. C. — j žir. 
372.) A — with large b right red 
L. Maximowiezii, [L 

sutchuenense »Franch.} South China 

um tigrinum jucundum. (Bull 
Gt a ice ce H. A var. w with light 

pa te 
ments and style orange ; anthers 
chocolate-red. Japan, 

Lilium Siren gree en 
c Gf. 1 3 het 9, v. 809 
thelr axils ; fl. lar 
a As ee yellow, shaded w 
pex o h pitean 
is aren, oak) Himalaya. 

ae auras, <e 2 1879, xi. 
erer : 

pet e the 

mall dint ee purple spots, Ca kiako 
aai, Reichb. f.] Burma 

Linaria aparinoides aureo-pur- 
purea. (Gf. t. —_ È 2.) er 
riacee. H. ann linear 1. 
short raceme ar a rat 
fl, a eich sc paltier sete South Europe. 

—— ee purpurea. (Gf. 
898.) ar. with larger s zpen 
with a “hae palate, 

Linaria maroccana Aere an 
and P. 1882, eyii H. ero niee 
that vary fro eae 
lilac to violet, the: pest er being 
usually white. 

Eege multipunctata erecta. (R. 
H. 1889, 328.) H. Garden variety. 

Linaria Ers ee twee 
ae t 1135,2: 3.) work p 
of w ine habit, sidering. tage the oe 
orter stems and longer spur. 

rea eae CW. &. 1888, 
per. herb, 

22) ft To and 
san ia for 
ich is the 

scorpi oid cymes of bright blue 
me-no Fa like fi. [Perhaps 
$i spectabilis, Lehm., 
Cy Royle, figur 
in the Botanical ea Ne: 1840, 50. ó] 

Lindenia vitiensis. (&. A 1883, xix. 

693.) Rubiaceæ. S. tord 
late 1, and large tub at Paint f. 
New Caledonia. 

Lindneria es aA a 1890, 
viii. 240.) Liliaceæ. 4 ge, 
L teak lan- 

ceolate, 1 ft. long ; , een erect, 

beari ceme of numerous greenish 

piace b us fl., 14 in. long. Pseudo- 

— Pechuelii, O. Kunze.| Dam- 

— Micholitzii. (G4. C. 1895, 

Sand, 18 50.) 
hk vod A is unique in the genus 
in being quite stemless, the wedge- 

of long acute points. New Guinea. 

Liparis decursiva. (G. C. 1888, xxii. 

rchidaceæ. S. A species with 

ulbs and decurren bases 

; peduncle 

; fl. gree n, darker on 

eac! e of the whitish mid-line of 
the tin 

Liparis oe (G. C. 1886, xxvi. 
seudobulbs ovate, 1-3-leaved. 

with’ an ocage-rell lip. 
pee formosana. (4. 1880, 
394.) 8. 

In the way a Fp 
ituberenlata but with oblong acute 

dark brown with green borders. Sep. 
and =- light purple with gree 
borders. Formosa, 
a fulgens. (&. C. 1889, vi. 620.) 
We go te Plant with bright 
come from 
the Philippine plat 

Liparis grossa. (G.C. — ra 110.) 

S. An unattractive species. 
obtuse l. and small sens dog yellow 
fil, Burma. 

topes Lage (G@. C. 1885, xxiii. 
532.) ressed 

seudobulbs comp fe 
pear-s: Mias yra wed. so. 
cuneate-oblong, acute. Be light ochre- 
coloured, arranged in a long raceme. 

Liparis minutiflora. (4. C. 1888, iii, 
75.) 5. An una tive speci 

e green [L. longipes, 
Lindl. s var. pA tarts Hort.] India, 

zege die e (G. C. 1880, 
232.) S acute, a apple- 

Potinels two- pes 
a dense raceme of greenish f, Assam. 


Liparis iricallosa: 6 C. 1879, xi. 
high h 

gh wit 
elongate ‘onous 
pseudobulbs, a aa: soft Reg cuneate- 
. Sep. linear, greenish 
yellow Pet filiform, yellow or purple 
lip rather large with a very short claw, 
a rather orbicular or 

pur rple, with 
dark veins and two Blagkish Laces 
calli on the see base. Bor 

hippa sa (R. i 1881, soe 
erbenaceæ rng, 

subtended by violet bracts. 

aoea laa dilectus. (4. c. 1886, 

Ga: with bra: 
broad 1l. and a lane . high, 
bearing 4-10 large rosy | ri with a purple 
lip. Sep. linear acuminate, 
p a ; pet. oblong, very broad ; lip 
three-lobed with broad side lobes and 
a aiy square retuse front lobe. 

Lissochilus giganteus, (G. C. 1888, 
iii, OE n f. 83; 53.) he 
correct e for Eulophia A 

which se 
Lissochilus — = 4 1892, 
749.) S. In the _ reba i 

srian about 20 fi. Bai 
en and yellow 

hilus gira earn (B. 0. 
1894, 229.) S cers oo aha l 
orchid with large 1 tall spikes of 
golden yellow and Paa fi. Abyssinia 

Krebsii Woes ata. 
Fd . 

A. under 

S. be 
conical; l. thin, b pEr 
acute, plicate, 1 ft. lo Scape 3} f 

Fi. 2 in. in dia Sep. dar 
green outside, maroon-purple inside, 
revolute ; pet ate, bright 

ll orange-yellow, with chocolate- 
purple =~ lo r 
lines. South Africa 

Lissochilus Sandersoni. (6. C.1885, 
t.6858.) S. terrestrial 

re B.M. ġ: 

E wet fi. ie Sik 
a fl.-stem 5-6 ft. 

v2", indiaan, ; sep. greenish ; pet. 

Aen bee wi 
eloped, greenish 
& par plak wane the apex. Natal. 

—- riras (Q. C. 1885, 
6.) S.. A handsome species, 

k spots at the base of the tip 
Comoro Isles. 

Listrostachys Sedeni. Ae. C. 1878, 
S. epiphyte much like J, 

pa Angrecum aronatum) but 

i er „and -g ader 
.; the has 

and n ety teeth to the lip. 

East Tropical Africa. 

ibid ae (@. C. 1878, 

e spur ; hy td 
kies seen, blunt, 14 in. long. 

Litobrochia comans densa. (Bull 
Cat. 1880, a, Filices. S. A handsome 
ern. The fronds spread round an 
erect aa X ew Caledonia. 

Litobrochia robusta. S - ons 

sme Sohne 1886, 10.) S. with 
ronds of a sabes ’ clear 

green “with sli; ightly undulated pin- 

A more 
pte form than usual, South Africa. 

aren modesta Keitii. (Gf. t. 
37.) Liliaceæ. bulb. 

oe enervis. (W. G. 1891 

Loasa prostrata. (B. M. t. 6442.) 
Loasaceæ. H. prostrate herb clothed 

a red corona. Chili 
ÇIU. H, 1878, t. 

Loasa vulcanica. 
302; B. M. melas i ‘erect branch- 
ing ual, with alternate l.; th 


upper ones lanceolate, the others tri- 

solitary the 
in. in diam.; pet te, ovate- 

cucullate, with a tooth on each side 
e se. Coron t, connat 
into a conical tube, yellowish, with 
two red belts, the lower h 
regularly indented on i mar- 
gin by the yellow. Ecuador 

Loasa Wallisi. Sgr t. 958.) 
herb, in the way of os raleaniea ; 
handsome and pa ring. 
ap Theale rg partite, irregularly 
lobed a Mils 
in diam, easar Tia 

coro: ma a blunt tooth 
on an aides at ‘the middle, va to which 
they are yellow, above eeth r 
with two white bands. [L. rnlanien, 
dré.] Andes of Colombia 
args mre 

ne E. 1894, 

pedt k a form p 73 oo nus, 

Lobelia rns E H. 1893, 519.) 
TEAL g rid between L, car- 
dinalis ar z ienr 

Lobelia Kerneri. ft. 1889, 302 ; H. 
G. 1889, 365.) 

ir. with br 
Si in a rosette and 
mye l. along the , the upper 

E of which h esae with violet- 
purple fl. Costa Rica 

Lomaria Dalgairnsie. pe [n 

oak green 
pci pale ben: maak South Africa. 

Lomaria discolor Nad rater ea 
(Bull Cat. 1878, 7; 
re en r. pens bipinsauiad 
fronds ; key oh goo er 
ments ‘Bont oblong, crowded ; 
segm the abortive fertile iem 
whenna pinnatifid. Australia 

Lomaria gigantea. (JI. H. 1876, L 
rst Lind. Cat. get ae be kaiga 
ree -fern with s E Kaak 

inear pinnæ. 
attiMiaia, Willd., var gigantea. | South 
Africa and Pacific Islands, 


Oig Barteri. (2. M. t. 
A C. 1886, ei 785.) Legu- 

ed pees — shel brown 
Tropi cal Afri 

Lonicera Alberti. (Gy. t. 1065; 
G. 6, Si xvii. 256 ; B. M. t. 7394.) 
Caprifoliaceæ. H, A dwarf pean 
shr. with slender dependent branches, 
linear-o oblong 1. oe = hiom two 
teeth at each si and 
rosy-lilac fi. Girstta aunty wiat, 
5-parted. Turkestan. 

Lonicera bella. 
Garden hybrid 
and L. tatarica, 

CGA. pie mn 
between JL, Morro 

Er flavescens. (Gf. 
f. 1.) H. shr. with petiolate lan 
eaa ovate 

1888, 7, 

; segments of corolla 
r. (Syn. L. webbiana, 
Hort. | British Columbia 

— a (GA. 1889, 525.) 

shr., with rey-green ovate l. 

Fi. sol yee on short 

ina pale ro ured, about # in, 
Sa Lines Stapf. ] Tur. 

Lonicera lepa ge Arb. Zöseh. 
ee A hybrid 
ia “chrysantha. and L. ru- 

pa eg 

oe gigantea. 

E a large terminal panic 

Lonicera ore us Saree (G. 6. 
1893, xiv. 743.) aire cat 
shr., wi jerk raand l. and 
fine crimson fi. 7 in, Upper 

Lonicera hirsuta x rica ren (G. 
en = 1896, 345, £f, 46.) H. A garden 

Lonicera p hispida. (GA. t. mog er 
shr. with erect stem; bran 
er t oblong, acute, silat, gos eo 
petio: pairs, pe ndulous, l in. 
long ; br berries 


Lonicera Kesselringi. 
aie. 1890, xi. 310.) H. s 

ra, warf and m ag 

i lanceolate or elliptic. lanceolate, 

acute, pale beneath. FI. pairs, 

axillary, red outside, white variegated 

with red inside, bearded in the thro: 

of the 

the base. 

a sg tu, Hort, 
p se 


Fenena Korolkowii. (G. ék $ 
894, 4, 

eta a h 

Pr BY sen 

fruit orange red 

Hon neysuckle allied t 
Fl. ye i NE RE a 

Lonicera erer E 1 
nh P. 1884, si 
ac re and a 
"ea rolla pin in. 
lewer! lip shortly 4- lobed. a, 

162; " 

Tonina micrantha. (fi. 1889, 524.) 
A tall bush with lanceolate-ovate 

5 obova , nearly glabrous or 
slightly Hobis , pale pas 
becoming yellowish after flowering. 
Berries small, red. n. L. tatarica, 
Linn. var. mic Be 

Lonicera minutiflora. (Gy. 188p, 

523. arden hybrid betwe 
macrantha and L. Morrovi. 

Lonicera misera. ((///. 1889, 523.) 
Garden hybrid between A. iire 
and L, Vylosteum, 

Lonicera oye lek 1893. 
102, f. 18, garden hybrid 
betw ween L re dla ros i gibbiftor a. 

Lonicera muscaviensis. (Gif. 1893 
100, £. 18, 1-3.) H. A hybrid between 
L. us wi and L. ruprechtiana, 

pann notha, and 
rneo gilva, 
er ochroleuca. 

CEN. 1889, 525.) 
Garden hybri tween L. ruprech- 
tiana and L. tatarica. 
Lonicera permixta. (6&7. 1889, 528.) 
Garden eiii between L, micrantha 

and L. tatari 

— oe eee (GA. pm 580.) 
os rid between L. alpigena 
AEE Ae "ii. 

Lonicera quinquelocularis. («y. 
1889, 492.) H Shr with elliptic or 
ovate 1. pubescent beneath, ciliate on 


almost non moderate 
= Praen awe white. Himalay 

i paderi 

tube, which is not gibbous s | 



| Fonon salicifolia. (Gift, 1889, 524.) 
en h etween L, mic ges S 
mei L. ruprechtiana. 
„e 1889, 
The ipa me for L. 
paar of iren 

Lonicera napiondana, (G. and F. 1849 

268.) f the numerous form of 
L. tatarie 

Lonicera are ee ; 1890, a 

Ca o oti pate 

sh white fi. 

about wal Capritalien 

saleaaiduie How) 

wos ig exengant sy (GA. 1892, 
F : 


pep ink fi, about 4 4 in. long. Nor 

Lonicera oe CGA. = wi 
H. shr, ong or o 

Kansuh, Norv China 

| Lonicera gama pon be nied 

CAH. 1891, 
seedling var, eas ane aay Per 

| Lonicera foment ae Mt. 6486.) 

shr. t. high. opposite, 
very R aa cool EAT 
downy beneath. FI. fro: ch 
axil, pendulous, 4 in. lon hite 

tinged with pink. Sikkim Himalaya. 

Lonicera gs guerra Ca 1889, 
493. with cute 1. 
rounded or "lightly adai at 

ose of L. quin- 
queloc ulari is, but sli ightly 1 ees and of 
a darker yellow colour. Himalaya, 

Soie, Nt: £& 1888 

2-lipped, yellowish-green, 
outside with brownish red. 

rs fabeli. (Gf. 1893, 104, f. 

r- 3) A en hybri id be- 
aiia F Pee ends and L, tatarica, 

H. ` ate 
i ed 

- on p 
vary globose, groen ; kamia 
and cor ae both ie are Sarie e- rose, 
about lin. long. Mexi 

Loranthus flavidus. (G7. 1885, Ma) 
Loranthaceæ interesting parasite 
of the Mistletoe family, which may be 

A small s 
oblong 1. anii 7 in eas atni se Ha 
thick, Fl. fro $ 

ng r 
tube and four narrow reflexed seg- 

Senta New Zealan 

pi rho chinense. (æ. C. 1881, 

amamelidaceæ. B. 
chy ey compa it, -5 ft 
high. oblique, elliptic or go a 
oblong, acute, 14-2 in. lon 
i sy 1 

ll heads terminating the shia 
t. long, linear. China. 

aie P ties M t Ld 
384; FI. and P, oe 28.) 

ee si shr, ather 
crowded sessile 1. ; leaflets _subalate, 
spreading as if fascicled. Fl. loose 

wded on short shoo Sewiitaex H 
ends of the ches ; corolla scarlet, 
l in. long, wi ery narrow 
ae standard, which is sharply 

rved: like a hood. [ Z. Bertholetii, 

Mast] Teneriffe. 

Lourya a E E (RH. 1889, 
128, a 32; B. M. t. 71482.) Liliacex. 
very alar to y ap sae a in 
nse heads 

panulate, yellowish white, with a 
black di disk-like mark at the base inside, 
Cochin china. 

longiflora. (@. C. 1896, xx. 

composed of three 
lanceotat te Austr "im olive-coloureds sep. 
d two smaller linear purplish pet 
tufted at the apex ; the etira pet. being 
large n BoM, lip-like and pure 
; Shi Per. 

Lowia serpent oe t 
S. inger-like 

7351.) wi 
tufted disticho us lanceolate l. 9 in. long 
2 6. 

and loose short panicles of fl. in which 

the three large purple sep. an pe the odd 

cs lip-like pet. are suggestive of an 
rchid. Malay Peninsula. 

ae ti da ees (B. Mt. 6358.) 

long, branched, dark blood - red. 


—— crenifolia. (4G. C. 1893, xiii. 
thacer.. S. A 

ee ie eee Ro B. 1895, 

long ; fl. m 
a few SP ig brown 
bloto 3 ule the lip. South America. 

Tocana —— (4. C. 
epiphyte with 
we sci aa ve rrowed pseudo- 
bulbs and a rich raceme of handsome 
fi. p. salmon-coloured ; pet. and lip 
orange. Colombia 

— Forskalii. (B. 7. 0. 1893, 12, 

f.1.) Cucurbitacee, S. climber with 

sulphur- llow fl., small TE panan 
fruits and black seeds, Arab 

woa AES, E C. 1893, xiii. 

f fi. Sep. an : 
yellow ; lip large, lobed, s 
dull red. First int troduced in 1890, 

Luisia Cantharis. (x. B. 1895, 29 
S. Allied to L. volueris. Stem 

„gate; L ir 6 in. long; sias 
very short; fl. 1 in. a , green and 
purple, the lip karara a small 
beetle. Burma. 

Le volucris. (G@. C. 1893, xiii, 
WI; xiv, ti) foe Ak terete ; fl. 
niece in the axils, with linear 

obleng yellow sep. and pet.; the pet. 
aan teet ; the lip fleshy, b brown- 
purple, pressed close to the 

Q 2 

CAN. 2 
shrub of neat 
habit Ta opposite, } 4 in, fe, oie 
stalked, nee ge tuna api 
firm textur k gre 


Erer frac apna te 
90.) G. 

bling common myrtle, 
white, TMi T * Chi le. 

Lunaria ae ct emg (Jurd. 
94, 9.) ucifer 
form Siik. i iiki pani al with 

Lupinus fallax. (4.0. Cr xvi. 434.) 
inose. I. bush 3-5 ft. high 

with silvery foliage and spikes a 
violet fl. Mt. Tamalpais, California. 

a sag rem (G4. C. — xvi. 

preadin ng 
e a habit,- with ‘aa genplan 
or Nes wnish green fl. orth Cali- 

Luzuriaga Less neo (B. M. t. 6465.) 
Liliaceæ with slen 

folair. axitinty: A 3 
together, 13 i in. in diam., white. Chile, 

Lysaats ayeriana. ACs E sored xviii. 

Orchi A species with 
a ‘noone of Ca saree viirin ut 
witha ar pseudobulbs, strap-shaped 

a cenit l. and dro ooping green 
fi. Peru 

Lycaste erage 
IS: Dir. t 
mesoch lena. 
a single 

(0. R., 189 

e sep. and pet. w 
tinge of green oa the Bie daoia. 

Lycaste denningiana. (4. C. 
vi 308.) G. Ps eudobulbs large, pear: 
, glaucous. L. peti 


callus” on the disk 
lo side 

ween the side 

1 oar berate lobe 

dl blunt, serrulate, sides and apex 
reflexed. South Ameri 

Lycaste Deppei pun ctatissima. (4. 
L uer oe 717; Fl. and P. 1882, 
122.) G. A distinct v with whiti 

green sep. pet. dotted with purple 


lip yellow with radiating purple lines 
on the side lobes and five purple 
a on the middle lobe. Guate- 

Lyeast ee hapene OW. 

of Bifrenaria 
Yana wi h se Aa and pet. pure 
white, an p pale yellow with 
reddish poje faoi veins. Brazil 

bysai imschootiana. Kpr e 1893, 

v. 756,775, f. 119 : L.i 10.) G. 

F species with the habit of i. al 
and with th 

= Skinneri with 

sult of crossing 
Mas illaria nigrescens 
a. P on (Gard, 1889 
A var. of L. Skinneri. 

Fl. White ith ‘rich m magenta at the 
base of the uk and inside the akain. 

Lycaste Locusta. 1879, xl. 

LG, CO: 
age excepting gw 
ite. The fi. 
etween the side 

Lycaste unan. (&. C. 1893, xiv. 
766; ZL. ix. t. 412.) Allied to Z. 
siglo ; ; the sep. pale brown with 
he pet. white with rosy 

ai fee lip pink and white 

—— oe i CZ: 

in -cailiivation = noone 
name o: Youngii. [Probably Z. 
macrobulbom, ng of which a figure 
wW: . 4228, as 

Max ilaria maer mi tay Hook. j 
peT eae lo C 1086 
0; H. G.1 1888, 



878, = 0 

Ai sig b: Ps a EE but. 
coloured fi ’Sep. 

ong, koita hairy, with 2 
broad rhomboid tubercle at its ba 
Costa Rica 


EERE ee easurosiana. OW. 
. C. 1887, ii. Hing G 
i ith 

—— ree 

to L. eruenta, but with 

and the lip 
“faintly bart 

spots near the base 
three- pessoa ees 

Lycaste oer srs Lehmanni. 
a t: 182 A var. havi 

man ae ‘ths rosy carmine, and the 

a ip with red on the outside. 


Lycaste sohænbrunnensis. (0. 
1893,51 ; nf G: 1893, 2 ; G. C1894 
xvi. - 118, f 

between Z. y R and probably Z. 
schilleri iana, 

ycaste pen alba. (m. H. 
1880, t. 405.) G. A distinct var. with 
pure white fl. Mexico 

(E. ser. 2, t. 
utiful var, ik an 

Var. armeniaca. 
8.) bea 
apricot-yellow lip. 


—— Var. Par pures. (L. viii. t. it 
G. Aw h pale rose sep., r 
purple ier a white lip slightly 
tinged vii yellow. 

—- Var. Regine. (W. 0. A. t. 283.) 

A var. with Tighe rosy purple sep. 

and dark magenta-purple pet. and lip. 


Lycaste smeeana. («. ie 
198.) G. Much like Z. tia ae with 
ite fl. having a light purple borde 

lo f the lip and rows of small 
purple stripes spots over the 
whole surf: 

Lycas eats Selene CG. C. 1882, xvii. 
218.) etty Te with goat 
uiphur “coloured fl. spotted with red 
and purple-bro 

Lycaste Wittigi. (a. C. 1878, x. 
54) G. Much like ZŁ. tetragona ‘put 
ip. Li 

stri with purple; disk 
violet-purple. At the base of = front 
lobe is a brown e depressed 
lamella. Rio de Janeiro. 

(O. R.1893, | 

arden hybrid 

| 4 


pie p isoaria, flore pleno. i 
7.) Car aha 
aa os double pink 

Lycium pallidum. (4. and F. 1888. 
340, f. 54.) So æ. J 

solitary „pairs a5 
pe edicellate : castle f į in. lo ong, tu 
funnel-sha aped, wi ith road mailed 
ne lobes, green or tin wit 
le. Berries bright red, oe 
‘¥ in. lon ng. New Mexico: Arizon: 
podium mooreanum. 

R C. 
ts, a 

582, eri “ 
to L. reflow um with ste 
tng — orked ; 1, oe Arg Sch 

(Iil. H. 

Lyco opodium squarrosum. 
ci ti yo aai kn droop- 

1881, t. 4 

ing stem sely 
spreading lanceolate subulate bright 
green l. Tropical Asia 

roren alieu linia. (Williams 
Yal 1880, 16.) S du lo ous 

very sharply pointed 1 

sanguinea. (B. 7. O. 1888, 
32 26) rg i Ta idaos. et bulb, with 
3-7 linear obtuse 1. 2 da 

fi, 1 
ect segments which a 
not cri Sed è or sen aray Japa 

towed Sewerzowi. (Gf. t. 914.) 

lb long, narrow, ovoid, 

| — squamigera. 
| Bint 

(B. T. O. 1888, 
G. to P. 1890, 177, f. 32; 

seine Terracianii. (Damm. Cut, 
1889, 4.) H. bulb stated to be a var. 

of L, radiata with very large crimson 


H.. Which | are edged with rae ma 
fading. . [L. radiata, Her 
variegata, Baker. | 

eee Ta terra (G. C. 1882, | 

Filices. 8. A hand- 

the s rangia in clusters o) argi 
like blait ‘teeth, baidi reticula- 
tum, Schk.] Polynes 

Lysimachia brachystachys. (R. H. 

1881, 90, t.) or 

1-2 ft. hi L. tomentose, alternate 
narrowly gyre see l. white, 
dispo spikes 

Japan, Ez bar nated a. preat aj 

Lysimachia paridiformis. (6. C. 
1891, x: J90; Gf. 1891, 495; B. M. t. 
7226. 3 Hs å remarkable species 
resembling Paris aanak l. oval, 

tapering to both ends: fl. axillary 
pright yellow. Central Chin 

pe tenas d eripe CB. M:t. „i 
b. per. Rootstock 
poky > Be high. 

rpl te or ed 10 
in, long. elliptic or oblong-lanceolate, 
acuminate, at the base, serrat 

ark green with paler veins above, 
reddish beneath. Fl. in l 
lary cymes. rolla 1}. in. | 
funnel - sha ; outh oblique, 5- 
obed, e lilac pe darker mauy 

Peno re (Fl. des 8. 
t. 2458-9. handsome free- 

flowering ode gia ous herb. L 
lanceolate, acute, serrate, usually three 
in a bene? te i Pires 3 

ed rolla 

in eip 
8-flowered c 
I} in. is obliquely gea erra 
with a funne unnel-shaped tube, pale blue, 
with two yellow stripes on the lower 
ine of the tube. Himalaya 

porteana. (R. H. 1888, 

176;,.5..36 >). and F. 188s, m Te M. 

veins very prominent 
pubescent or setullose beneath. Petioles 
20-24 in. long with L 

late acuminate stipules. Philippines. 

| Maclura aurantiaca inermis. (R.H. 
| 1896, 33, f. 10.) hs e 
form with lar arger l. t the type, ‘and 
with te aa aa oriai 

Mac rinie pr ick es. 

a xin. 101.) Ramer 2. 8S. ie 
ot Siete acute, 

2 in. Gan Peduncle tensely-How ered, 

vi e 
cuspidate, white with Stii streaks, 
with Aata barier the side lobes, 

Macrochordium macranthum. can. 

1886, 297 B eliaceæ. S 
long, recurved, ss othed, of i 
dark sh gre above, densely 
white, pu anctate-strate = eath - 
duncle shorter e A ite- 
woolly, wit feri Saris bracts, 
d a small gloko head of small 
yell lack 

sh fl., which fade to 
[Eehmea fuss P APREA, Baker. ] 

Wiardi excelsum aureo - pic- 
tum. (Bull Cat. 1876, 10.) Piper- 
ace. . evergreen shr., densely 

branched. L. broadly cordate, very 

shortly acuminate, 5-7-nerved, green 
marke ith an gular creamy 
blot ing more or ) 

h les 
Sa: ve upwards. ae excelsum, 
rst.] New Zealand 

Macroscepis Steg hpi noe M. t. 6815.) 

Asclepiadaceæ. with long 
slender stems, kts i th brown 

airs, iptic shortly 1 
slightly cordate at the base, similarly 
clot rown hairs. own- 
ish, about 1 in. in diam. in shortly 

dunel deiis axillary cymes. 

Tropical America. 

SES Bortun (BER. 
7003 1888, Sila a. G. and oof 

oak 1-3 ft. “high, tótiihiy 
hairy. Radical l, 6-15 i n, lon ng, nar- 
airi fa lanceolate, 5-7-ribbed. Stem 1. 
maller. F pi ie met spike 
2-23 ck. 

pe dark brownish purple. North- 
est Himalaya. 

Cephalotes. (GA. e 
73.) H, per. with silvery = = 
Aiha yellow fi, Asia Min 

ae cept woe Bei ee. 
877, 7, f. 2.) Cycad 

wan thic Porn go pio 

inna nne narrow. Australia. 

aap gen R H. 1885, ja 
ass usu- 
a an open in succession, 

at grandiflora, Linn. var, | 

Magnolia Campbellii. (2. 
6793.) G. tree with large -piei iw 
ra eped acute . hairy be neath ; 
e, showy, 6-10 in. ma ei d 

eyii outside, white w att Pg | 

a pale pink edge, East Himal 

Magnolia halliana. (4. C. 1878. ix. 
378.) H. [M. stellata, Maxim. | 

gs parviflora, and var. minor. 
1888, 288.) H. Fl, similar to 

.is smaller in 

Magnets stellata. (23. 3. t. 6370: 
H. 1878, 270; F. M. t. 309 

sweet-scen sep. shorter than pet., 

oblong. outside ; pe flexed, 

arrow, linear-oblong, obtuse ; rata 
the green 

yellow, shorter than 

Magnolia stricta. orien 1893, xliv. 
391, Hybrid betw n M. soù- 

langeana and M. obovata. 

olia Watsoni. 
. C. 1891, x. 34 : 

(H. t. 7157; 
G. = 7 Tsoi, 112.) 

pl some 
gardens ander the name of M. parri- 
Hora. Japa 

Magnolia Wiesneri. Cr H. 1890, 
406 ; w, G, 1890, 457. ey yarf 
bushy tree glabrous in alt part iy 

ovate- oblong thick deciduous 1., 6-81 

long by : 3-4 in. broad, glaucous p paie 
Fl. pure white, fragrant. Japan 

Mahonia (Jurid. 1895, 
128.) var. of 

Rerberis Aquifolium ‘with light green 
l. tinged with coppery red. 


Mahonia rotundifolia. (Æ. //. 1881, 
A spineless var. of Berberis 

gee iea, with roundish leaflets, 

reee the margins. 
[Berberis "gi folinms Pursh, var. 
rotundifolia, H rt.] 


= eres gaponioas. i: H. 1894, 
| 32.) Eupho rb: G. 

| e or small tree with. alternate 
| cordate-acuminate I. and inconspicuous 
|  paniculate fl. 

Malus dasyphylla Sonia os. 
CE, C ede 1x, 201° F Ziseh, 
1891, Acer, tr ree. A 

form of the wild apple with tomentose 

l, which are much more like those 

of a plum than those of an apricot, 

theugh the ne ee to the latter. 

Pps) Leva 

Mains medwietzkyan ya A i, 

46l; Nat. Arb. Beech, 
. 1891, 164.) H.t Exco 

even the pulp, which has a fine raion, 
of a dark rosy colour. Siberia 

Malus se Bertini. (R. H. 

1882, 393, is is orm 
of fhe ‘vida with much larger 
fr. thar 

Mahis coterie fasti igiata. CR. H. 

washed and striped with red 

Malus Parkmanni, 
CG. C 1891, ix. 461.) H. This beautiful 
tree or large shrub was obtained under 

name from America, It distinctly 
suggests M. TOTT ynion is to be 
regarded as with 

—— — of Por us ‘flor hiis, 


flore pleno. 

Ta hastata. (B.T. s it 108, 

15.) Malvaceæ. H. ranched 

sak ot ith — ape ory rose- 
violet fi. eile 

Malvastrum Gilliesii. IS8S5, 
xxiv. 166.) Malvacea. Kno own in 
gardens as Va/ra geranivides, Parana. 

CG. C. 

| a oe neti & re 

cats with short exlindrie si stems deawely 


| crowd eylindri 

outer aad 5 of fine 

| setæ and stouter spines mix central 
spines longer than the others, hooked at 
t li 

apex. Fl. about 1 in. in diam. ; pet. 
| pale red with violet tnid-stripes. Texas. 

ae _chloran ha. = (a. 
; species with a 
parati stem covered with me 
densely interwoven | ieee s and havin 
greenish fl. Texas 

Ma ammillaria Sidr ons (4. C. 
1887, ii. 186.) G. 

as yellow; 
ents tinted with orange-red. 

. suc lent. zarf 
batted E very ornamental when in 
frui stems are glob about 
1} iam., with crowded cylindric 
mammillæ crowned with sho at- 
ing spin Fl. reddish outside, white 
within. S pear-shaped, bright 

red, Mexic 

serag inte Grusoni. (¢///. 1889, 
105, £ 20.) = succulent with g lobose 
ste cles 

“the p 3 eli ed and 
naked i in their "e bearing 14 radiate 
spines and two cen ss il pare ie 
gate A ong, becomin white with age ; 

yellow. Mex 

es  hoosoana. CU. K. ma, 
is has remarka 

intermixed with hiren bristles, ue 
when old. FI. ca e-red. Mexi 

oe fom he caa ~ 
asie. T 

spines and none e-red ie Ti sew a of 

eisa ot Sogo (G A. t. 
; Fl. and P. O) G: 
: cn 
green, woolly in the axils, with 24-26 
radiating spines and : 
ones about twice as long 
as the outer spines. Fl, dark red 

spæthiana. Bs ote 
Cat. 194-5) H. Similar in 
and fl. to M. Purpusi but dojen 

in “form. Mountains of 


eis and P. Z 
Rubia handso 
nays with sat at light green idling 
— of long-stalked 

Manettia oars 
144.) S. 

tabular i. , A 

Manihot ee k W. a 
1889, 454.) Euphorbiac S. tree 
almate L of 

slender habit, with idep pa 
a fresh green colour. 

parri maera ketda, (ill. H. 1885, t. 557.) 

Cyperaceæ. oliage plant with 
long-stalked T having an oblon - 
ly acuminate three-nerved bl 

g a ith purple 

een above, tinged 
[M. humilis, F. Villar.] 

Mappa porteana. (R. H. 1888, 176.) 
[Macaranga porteana, André. ] 

ERANI r e he ba 

-gre mar 
aerias lines of deep green. Braz 

Maranta en ss ng 
(@. C. 1891, 8. is 
correct name ‘Ee e plant cu ulti vated 
in gardens under the name Phrynium 

Maranta asymmetrica. g ull ¢ w 
1882, >, > foliage seg obliqu 
ovate 1 ark g 
oblique on De i 

ETE conspicua. (Bull Cat. 1885, 
A small species with o 
aA l. dark green above, pinnately 
marked with b i 
p. ore EEN green; purplish beneath. 

TOn piae 5 H. 1880, 97, 

per, ong strag- 
vine Bish tt S. L. elliptic- 
oblong, obtuse, dark gr with the 
ou e mid-rib and veins pale 
green, a between the veins 
with large chocolate-brown blotches. 

Fl. white in a slender lax spike. 

are doe fe HT, 1894, 
7) A dwa wit 

ET) B: d ith dis- 
tick s CE trun base and 
slightly acuminate thie ip, purple 
beneath ; ground colour of upper sur- 
face dark the 

e, pale green eet the edges ; 
nerves a fine red, Brazi 

a irage S - wt. 1884, 
13.) age plant ly 
vias. eevee ak 1. of A silver grey, 

with the midrib and 5 pering 
curved bands = m each sides of it bright 
green. Braz 

(R. H. 1879, 20.) 

d between M. eximia 

oo moer 
Garden hyb 
Van- oan ordet 

mi M. 
(Bull Cat. 1887, 

ovine iconifera. 
11.) S&S. foliage plant. 

Maranta so enon hear a H. 18 
77, t. 5.) S. per aa Peti oles 13-3 
i. - long; erect mes eading, 2-5 in. 
g, 13-3 in. broad, broadly elliptic, 
ote, shortly and abruptly cuspidate, 

ors to dark green, Braz 

Maranta Leone. o. K 1893, xiii. 
A low- grow ant with 

piven green with grey variegation, 

Maranta major. (4. C. 1896, xix. 
529.) S. Plant about 3 ft. high with 
erect long Bierin one ovate green l.- 
blades. Fl. not kno 

Maranta greer ngeana, var. albo- 

lineata, m 

1894, xv. 6 nts which appear 
o be varieties of this sub-species hav 
s m d bove. [M. massan- 
Morr. is a sub-species o 

A Sie Kedari 5 

Maranta musaica. (Buli Cat. 1884, 

13.) form with obliquely cordate 
ovate ]. 7 iu. long by 3} in. wide, of a 
brigh ossy green, marked with 

numerous close-set transverse veins. 

Maranta nitens. (Bull Cat. 1880, 6,t 
2.) S. With pale green glossy L 
barred with dark green lines. Brazil. 

Marssia nitida. gae Cat. 1884, 13.) 
dwarf speci 

x ein! ong by 3 i 3 in. broad, of a p 

rise shining green, with 4-5 Salona 

green patches on each side of the mid- 
i Brazi 

Maranta polita. a a, ae ya ) 
S. A dwa 1. 
long, 2 in. Bees of a api a 

elegantly marked vets stipitate omong 
dark green blotches, somewhat 
M. makoyana. Braz i 

EM sanderiana, (@. C. 1892, 

iage plant in the way 
of M. Pied oan V3 but with much 
larger 1. 

Maranta speciosa. (Bull Cat. at 

14, f. 6.) A pretty foliage plant w 
obliquely elliptic-oblong aout l. as 
bright green, pinnately banded with 

greenish white. 
ee ei erie’ asec Cat. 1884, 
S. climber 

ith fat sm jointed ies and dis- 
bichon SDM nabs deep green 1 

me brachypus. (B. M. t. 6380.) 
yn. Cy ypella brachy us, 
Hort., which see see. | = 

Marica eter on sgi 

895, t. 40. 

more rightly coloured than he rari 

Ta oaa (G@. C. 1892, 

i. 150. sembling M. northiana, 
ar it the fl, pa not s so large and the 
shorter. Per 

« £ . 1891, 

"e areant 
sh a 

as sata tivated 
Hapland as e ‘y perus aeiiae 

Pa n ws ag iar = 

with a spiny rhachis: 
long, 3-4 in. broad, cu 
amiab y 3- Saed a ‘the apex, 
wit ith smaller lobules. Spadix loosely 
rane rs fl. scattered, small, greenish. 

gree . an 
bright carmine fi. 

narrow tube and spr ading, 5- bian 
limb, about 2 in. in diam. 

Masdevallia abbreviata. (e. ra 
1878, x. 106.) Orchidacez. S$. Inter- 
etween M. Bg jeg and 

M. melanopus, but m: ike M. poly- 
sticta, with eeey H more gibbous 
underneath a » of the same 

ay but with few er dots. 


Masdevallia ee Seg C. 
1885, xxiii. 174.) Allie M. 
Ephippium Pi a narr ae l. 

and a e pet. Peduncle many- 
mim 5 go surface of the sep. 

w : Js with a wavy median 

keel. Ecuador 

Masdevallia ares ee Se £ 
8 i. 577. 

being o 
with tea spots, and the tails of the 
ot ia esl um anchori- 

Jer um, “Rolfe. 7 ta Rica 

Mandora Arminii. (G.-C. 1832, 
Fl. expanded, rose- 
co eae tinged with purple. 

Masdevallia astuta. (6 886, 
xxvi. 558.) G. Allied to W. pashelliant 
. long 

t r, outside brown with the 
centre and apex man inside hispid, 
m la ame T sys gia a tails 
bro s, pale 
yellow. i We er pater! doar te mare T] 

Mesdivallia bedkhonsians. 
1879, xi: 
Chimera pe 


vallia bartæana. (G. (1876, 
ed t 

v. 170.) G- Allied to M. i 
but with searlet fl. an aving 
lateral sep. connate in a straight tine, 

without an included sinus betwee 

them, Peru. 

ame pe ia nore te € 

wi ix. 

; spent 
bro pet. not p aioe marked 
with t oe sigthine keels. Colombia. 

mapsevalie nahn Clete. Hort. 
Gil. t. 1341-2.) 

blackish-purple San on the inside “i 

—— Var. splendens. . uea 

the base of the lateral sep. and a 
purple mid-line on the upper sep. 
|M. pachyura, Reichb. f.] 

T brevis. (4. C. 1883, xx. 
588.) G. Near M. ochthodes, but smaller 
and more 

a r: e. [Sca- 
Phosepalum breve, Rolfe.) British 

Masdevallia agri ea 0. R. 

1893, 265.) . Section ai ‘colabiate, 
L.5 n long, rat reg c less than 
2 in OSS; sep. ong, lateral 
united half way, wean yellow with 

wn spots ae so airs; lip 
silianeioh. Colo 

Masdevallia cajuns. (G. C. 1883, 
xx. 230.) G way of “i margi- 
ne nella, with bluish ei 

urface covered with ands wa Ea 

Masdevallia Sais ten ce. G. 

1878, x. 488.) n the wa 
coriacea, with s aar greenish white 
wi i o 

h three violet 
ci gy an 

aper k n e C. 1883, 
f B. M:t. 

Masdevallia caudata Estradæ. 
(G C1889. vi Tl TV: 
der. T4, Raised oa the two 
species indicated by the n 

Masdevallia Goals: (G. C. 1880, 

aia 554.) G. Garden hybrid raised 
rom M. amabilis re 

the I latter being ae pollen parent 

Masder. T4; G. C. 1889 19.) 
A result of the same i te hi ATA 
but with W. amabilis as the pollen 


arean gong gene (Hex. Masiuvaiie cucullata. (&. C. 1883, 

žo 532: D. et 6977.) Gt Iin xix. 592.) G. À fine species with glossy 
shee ie ge M. each es with greenish blackish-pu rple fl. whitish inside at 
sulphur-coloure spotted with base and with “Rg dey of the tails 
black an nd with black tails to the yellow. Colom 
ovate sep. ; pet. orange with two black 
spots and a tumour. Colombia Masdevallia ee. CGR. C. 
$ Maria 
Masdevallia Chimera. (¢. C. 1881, maioroklapiaii is, Reichb. £] 

xv. 463: xvi. 113, T. 26 ~ 0. A. t. 
103.) G: The plant usually waa eee ar ogee! ti = 1888, 

vated under this name and ur 8, 1888, 
at B. M. t. 6152 is its var. Wallisii ; Tey. = Ze ‘dual tiai ami 
h ype M. Chimera is distin- shini i : the 
_ guished from this by its very long cup-shaped p: ight brown densely 
acuminate tapering triangular se spotted with dark rown, ssy, 
10-12 long, blackish, dotted and very dark brown inside; pet. and li 
hairy, and by the lip having no angle ochreous, the lip with 3 brown lines 
at its base. Colombia. on the front lobe and numerous spots 
on the side lobes. Costa Rica. 
— Var. Go —— (Veitch Man. 
Masder, 31.) G. A var. with the ee peng (G. C.1896, xix. 
round colour of the fl. eh ape 40.) G. den hybrid between M. 
densely spotted wit th red-pur and macrura Bey y tovarensis. 
the lip tinged with pale ENE 
LSyn. Y. Gorgona, Hort. ] Masdevallia dayana. (G. C; 1880, 
L. flat, dark green 
— Var. vanneriana. (0. R. 1893, oe. aE beneath, 43 in. by 3 in. 
206.) G. The result of re M. The upper sep. yellowish white, with 
Chimera Wallisii with MW. Chimera seven membranous keels s with 
Roezlii, urple e inferior se 
orange, with some purple-brown spots 
Masdevallia coeoines. (GA. t. 870.) and borders towards the a [ Cryp- 
spathulate-oblong. faphoranti us dayanus, Rolfe. | Colom- 
Sree aes es slender, 1 ft. long, bia 
1-flowe; e in diam., deep 
scarlet with a es ¢ gloes lower lip meer demissa. (G. C. oa 
deeply parted, its lobes oblong, sud- ii. 9. y 
denly > ons to a short point; thick. p earr much yerai ont 
upper arching forward, linear- the 1l., 1-flowered. Fl. with the upper 
agar ia trop aaah ban Colombia. sep. yellow, wıth 3 brownish purple 
lines, and the side sep. brownish 
ar. conchiflora. a ‘citch Man. purple; tails yellow, the lower ones 
ee a) HA k ith larger descending, the upper one incumbent ; 
the late C sep, broader, sep. triangular, the lateral ones 
rounder, an pire connate and much a sect than the 
prad aii Reichb. f. ae conchiflora, dorsal one. Costa R 
Hort. ] 
Masdevallia eclyptrata. a f ana 
Benmersi sae gps (4. 6 577.) G. Somewha 
1878, ix. 72.) Fl. as large as M. blin sna x. cucullata, with A ae. 
coriacea, of i dark a oe yellow 
colour ; pet. terminating in an ascend- 
ing warty ser caiiian ool. Colombia. _—— eon (G@. CL 1880, 
| TT8.) Rhizome creeping, pro- 
Masdevallia costaricensis. (G. Ca duit i k ‘intervals of about 1 in. 
1890, viii. 183 ; Gf. 1890, 647.) G. A The blades of the l. scarcely more 
ase dense nsely Gh. Ibe — ant with than } in. long and ł in. wide; the 
spathulate l. and wered | peduncles vr nearly a span high and 
scapes; the fl. white, with So bear two three fl., which are 
tails, Ccsta Rica. apparently red. Colombia 

Masdevallia courtauldiana. (@. C. | Masdevallia ellisiana (4. C. 1889, 
1889, v. 200 ; arere Man. Maider. 14) -yi 154; Veitch on AN sp g-poeate 75.) G. 
Ag | raised from A hybri id raised f M. harryana and 

rosea cae N, Aa. M, ignea. 

Masdavellin erinacea. (G. C. 1881, 
0t.) G. A 

ovary and a few scattere 
an crepe the i ae fing 
orange. Colom 

Masdevallia Be Seer a (4. C. 
1882, xviii G. Near M. hout- 

teana bat Picea = 1AN lon 5 ł in. 
broad. Peduncles 

white one jen yellow, with sA h h- 
purple tails. Sep. i covered with 
styliform processes. “Dowin 

Masdevallia ie peren 

ri in 
Gan ie in ihe type 
Masdevallia aaea. 

ix. 352 arian Fo 
Lindeni and M. Veitchii 

ripe CASS, 
between M. 

Maedasailia fasciata. (a E 1881, 
xv. 202. Lip seated o; ong 
production d the foot of the eign, 
sep. is oblong, with 

if yet AAA ag orien 

erg ea perheen (G. C. 1884, 
1 species resem- 
ape ard 
er 2-3-flow 

a tten ud i 
e 1, and sle nde 

i. light Coste 

Bees — (6. C.1895, 

84.) species with com- 

bse ir ios bright gr een l, and 
small fi. Northern Brazi 

Masdevallia me. (4. € ma 

160.) G. species with 1, M. 


y much 

like “those of M. ae in shape. 

elephantio eps srg agw 
fl. with short flesh 

Masdevallia nee ee (G4. e are 
xvii. 1 arden hybrid 
between 4. pes en i coccinea, 

Masdevallia fulvescens. («. € €- 1890, 
viii. paN re O. 1890, 257: Hf. G 
All ied to M, Wrida 



and brown, the upper ‘sep. 
Hori ; pet. and lip very small, “white: 

aeons gairiana: CG. © 1884, 
garden gi dope between 
DA ce — M. Davisi 

rape galeniana. = C: 1887, 
G. “dar den hybri 

a igs a ke į ng, 

Sona i bat 
leather-yellow ; 

coheed atin Colo 

gyorg scour rt ‘ad 


y of 
mild rts acute, 
l- flowe red, 

purple; th 
yellow spotted with — [M. ery- 

throchete, Reichb. 
oa dae ane CG. C. 1883, 
294. warf species, with 
manari Het L; re in. long, obscurely 
h : 

3-toothed at the apex. Peduncles 
1-flowered ; rsal sep. triangular 
ochreous, with an orange tail of equal 
length, lateral sep. larger, oblique, 
ochreous at base, with nerves ; 
the front part purple ; ls orange, 
nearly as lon 

ng as the rest of the sep. ; 
lip cordate purple. 

oe oe CG. C. 1876, 

© & 

Fogger tet ee Rolfe, B. 
W. t. 6990,] Colombia, 

Masdevallia glaphyrantha. (6. 0. 
1886, xxvi. 648; Gf. 1887, 340.) G. 
Garden hybrid. 

Masdevallia guttulata. (4. C. 1890, 
viii 7 . Allied 

with ere of purple. Ecuador? 


acanthifo. elt Cat. 
ef Ti) FI, rich violet rose 

SS aye the ee 
a vale Pie apriot coloured ri 
veined with flame-red ving a 
yellow mouth to the ae Coloma 

—— Var. gS gn (W. 0. A. 
t. 105.) Fl. rich glowing ee 
flushed with magenta. “Colo 

— Var Oe. CE: . 382.) 
Fl. pin rose-coloured veins, 

[-V. coccinea, Linden, 

—— Var. nanen. ini Cat, 1883, 
14.) FI. rich rosy lak 

rker purple, 
and with crimson tips, Colombia 


Var. CG. C 
si. ari ELJI) G+ A va 

Cc. 1892, 
r. with pure 

—— Var. illustris. 
Fl. blood-red with a 
the centre. 

ar. | 

ee viii. t. 382.) 
ish ezi n 
[M. coccinea, Linde 

—- Var. imperialis, 
1882, § fine form 
crimson-magenta fl. Colo 

(Fl. and P, 
with large 

kegeljani. ao viii. t. 382.) 
FL bleed: red with a lilac band down 
the yg of the sepals. [JL coccinea, 
Li nden, ar. | 

Var. lilac (L. viii. t. 382.) 
FL pale Sant with darker veins and 
edges. [M. coccinea, Linden, var. ] 

Var. miniata. (IV. O. A. t. 103.) 
bri ight vermilion, fiushed with 


regalis. (Bull a 1883, 
aS “FL ae glowing crimso 
=: ine. (LZ. viii. t. 382.) 
F ow! -red with darker ce 
[ M. coccinea, Linden, v ar. | 

—— Var. splendens. Vaa ser. 2, t. e 
form he and dar 
magenta-purple fi 

Masdevallia Heathii. (4. ¢. 1895, 

pie 594.) G. .A garden hybrid yo 

ween M. reitchiana and M. ignea 

Masdevallia ae (G. €. dete 
xiii. 740; Ag 
eg araia w R be Y. 

Masdevallia ERENS (G. C. 
1882, x istinct form 

k p 
ea and the end tails suddenly bent 
dowi Colom 

thee hincksiana. eg C1887, 
G. Garden hybri 

Masdvalis gos hii. (J. iv. 8.) 
LA Ain Huchschii. 


iscus. (4. 
1878, x. 234.) 

aday À 
Of the Fenestrata 
jas long 
row 0 
numerous whit ish fringed Sroa all 
over the principal vein 

T Be corer a mE os 
1.) de of 

; bright 
mson - red yellowish 
sacral Colombi 

Masdevallia a. ee: 
CW. O. A. t. A trifling var. 
with darker pare A i Colombia, 

(G.-C. 1881, 

acess Var: hed dec: 
r. with mauve- 

purple nerves. 

oe yapo (G. C. 188 
vi. 716.) G. In the way of x corni- 
piers the trian is 

s shorter, very 
weis inflated and orange-ye ellow, 

grec: gets eerie 

inside, with th 
tails yellow. Soat west Ameri 

Maoaevalis lata. (G. C. 1877 

G. In the way of M. bicolor ad 

ra at ropurpurea, 

t of the tube, very 

concave, Central Pease 

Masdevallia oo (G. ¢ 
xviii. 88.) G. [U. Siae 

Masdevallia —— CG. 6.1877 
ied y Sas melita 
with vale. one pi bs ed m 
ranous bracts and ni a ean 
high, longer than Bi oblong acute 
long-stalked 1, 

ae pe: ne a 
245 Pg 


payable Lindeni grandiflora. 
i, t. 3 ie = re Braden esr 

Shed Sii urple j 
Colombia. (Mt EiS, greis var. | 

Masdevallia Lowii. («. €. on vii. 
0, 450.) 

purple ; 
purple, Colombia 
Masdevallia pub peuita. (G4. C. sees, 
xvii. i79 and os 1882, 37; Z. 
t. 472.) G. Tn of M. Betvaplte 
. but the tails longer, fe sep. pounce, 
and the lip pandura light 
yellow spotted cc h purple ; tails Sark 
yellow. Colom 

vallia macrochila. (Acta 
Hort. Petrop. 1890, xi. 307.) G. Allied 
to MW. bella, from which it differs i 

l orange, almost 

of the lower sep, 


t iie and covered w 


blunt biei Colour light brown with 

dark p e-brown spots and streaks ; 
eni Pet., eair nae 
lip smal yellowish, with purple d 
middle fe of lip orange- af ey 

Masten lis: menata an Si = h 
Man. 52.) G mall- mer 
form on ‘tie tails of an uni 
tawny colour, 

Reetevals Manoa (G. C.1 
i. 744. A garden ora eba 
Y tovarensis and M. Veitchii. 

P Sargun CG. 
1883, L. eas: ptio 
late, eiis i ; Tacem 
wi me white, with the Uio 
and tails green, the latter 

readi tho tails about 
as long as the rest of the 
Masdevallia militaris. (&. C. 1880, 
een, of great 

barine br and 
The ceo dw iioi flower very frodir. 

EEES 3 B Soros (G. C.1884, 
Allied to En l. elephan- 
_ Fl. solitary, 3 in. 


sep.; inside very 
rough: dhgoolate brown ; tails long. 

Masdevallia mundyana. (G.and F. 
1891, 293.) G. A hybrid between V. 
Veitchii and M. ignea aurantiaca. 

Masdevallia muscosa. (6G. C. 1875, 
iii. 460 ; 1887, i. 836.) G. Pl. pale buff- 
yellow. Remar in the genus for 
irritability or Silvanom i 

bellum, so that, when a 
alights eh it, it suddenly shuts up 
against colu prewar oe it, as it 
were, in a "bot. ‘Col 

ee rence (G. C: 1880, 

56.) G. A miniat 
opamp bearing 
with a purple tint and pec! ee 
long tails. Ecuador 

Masieri ee CG. 
iii. 524. small species 
allied vm AE simula, ut with Kaba 
yellow fi., spotted h maroo: 

Masdevallia pachyantha. (vw. 

= y connate with ee thick tails. 

ansie Parksii. Si 
36. G. arden 

between M, harryana and Mi 

C. 1893. 

manus, prlatoreana, 0. 

nin M. Veitchii. Colombia 

nye Aggies ce oe = 

the pone a ones orange at the base. 

rept = Sg ewer 
iii. 552 ; 6.7185 5.) G 
; saute the Coria iacea 
group, with light aloe f; 
short tails and a very broad lip fall o of 
acute warts at the top. 

bn cf 

Masdevallia platyrhachis. (6. ©. 
1888, iv. og 628.) G. A distinct and 
remarkable i i 

oblong L, 2-6 in. ae ; 
and a flattened sca Ree 
of light buff- loaro fl L wi gree 

The sep. scarcely combined in a tube 
at the base, ucose inside. et. 
em a br ip is , acute, 

ellowi ann 

a ert i 
Pleurothallis Pati sie Rolfe, B 
29.] a Ric: 

ap Aiba se hA mge 
data. (G.C. 1882, xvii. 179.) G. A 
var. with short stout tail 

oe Ga AC. 
1883, tix. 10.) G. A small species with 
yellowish fl. spockiad ari 

Bao homboid, covered with 

Mustevallia Pourbaixii. (7. 

garden hybrid Deeween 

387.) G. 
Y. reitchiana and M. caudata, 

Manarah Lhe ae CG. C1876 
17.) G 1-flowered. Fl. 

covered with innu 
[M. houtteana, Reichb. Colombia. 
Mania Atei C&. C. 1880, 

200.) G. Remarkable for the two 

po it e pre ate sep. 
Fl. olive green, ils and 
blotches, Foi toy Sale um TB cinare 

Rolfe.] Colombia 

23.) G. Allied be MW. pet an 

a punctata. (6. 
v; 323. 
Tw ted ; L. 3- -4 in broad. 

of small pale gree nish fl. s 

ess combinin the of the fi; 
the side sep. more oc us than the 
rest of the fl. and the spots minute. 
Tails p p se 4 „ofu 

. 14 lin. lon upper 
sep. } ng. [Sea phoxepal um purc- 
tatim, "Rolfe. B. M. t. 7165. | 

Masdevallia pusilla. (x. bres ) 
Near M. sate ert tae L. erara sora te, 
6 in. long ; scape 4 in. lon ous ; 
fl. small, ‘yellowish, w with pester cs 
blotehes. Colom 

pei Pusiola. (G.-C 1887, 

40.) G. Very smal!, with lanceolate 

small yellow fl. } in. 

3 eS long 
long, on capillary stalks, 

onaren — (G. C. 1877 
y of V. jontedlnn. 

apex and ra 
on upper arome ‘Colombi 

ee ee ieee yom au- 
antia g 

ry fine v 
sep. atten of. raise seowe ones. 

eagle llia Boreli: 
78; L.i G. A 

o mer of a Pontes group. The 

sep. blackish india- -purple, with 

ce e 1go; 


still darker warts and a very few 
short light purple hairs on the edges. 
Th light Sivas ‘the 

former being adorn some 
k-eyed blotches. ca Chimera, 
Reichb. f. var.] Colombi: 

—- Vac rubra. (W.0.A. t. 243.) G. 
A fine ge of eamy 
yellow, transversely mottled with dark 
chocolate-re side and wit 

te tails 3—4 in. long. Colombia 

Masdevallia rolfeana. (4. C. 1890, 
viii. 106; G. and F. 1890, 428.) G. 
Alied to W. demissa, but with larger 
fi, coloured crimson-brown with yellow 

Masdevallia rosea. ge C. 1880, xiii. 
554, 648, 681, f. 117, 118.) G. A speci jes 
with rich rose-purple i Colombia. 

UTE Rushtoni. 

210.) G. garden hybri tween 

M. e Eckhardii, and M. racemosa 

Masdevallia Schlimii. (B. M. t. 
7, 1883, xix. 532, f 80.) G. 

(0. R. 1893, 

y hich 
beyond that of the upper sep. and is 
pandurate in outline ; tails 
y e gie yellow. Venezuela. 
aaria lia moara (J. of 
1890, ii. 557, f. 74.) 

ee ee (G@. C. 1886, 
89.) G. the ae 

ee with co amiely small fi. of 
a reddish brown colour, ge inside 


the lip pale purple and white. [ M. 
nara. P'Reichb. f ar. ] 

ggg Shuttleworthii xan- 

yellow, pe s 

Iun shuttryana. (6. C. 
1892, xi. 764.) G. A garden hybrid 
between M. caudata and M. harryana, 

Masdevallia sororcula. (6. C. 1887, 
ii. 713.) G. Allied to M. elephanticeps, 

having a very similar fl. but the 

ve with gree et. 
a dark purple ge. 
Lip wiiite aa purple 

yar aey (G. C. 1878, 
493.) G. In the way of M. veitchi- 

a dark violet rii 

white; lip oe 
violet disk, a 
b. And 

Masdevallia striatella. (4. 1886, - 
xxvi. 103 G. <A small- flowered 
speci way of M. chloracea, 
having a closed white perianth striped 

cin on and goi into 

three short tails; the pet. lan late 

white with the base and apex yellow 
and having three — nerves, The 
about 5 in. , rather thick 

cuneate- oblong, ‘leone Colombia. 
Masdevallia a Rie C. 
1880, xiv.390.) G. Acu en aeeai 
like those of Swe ibs perenn 
bears one 



their tails, are 
yellow. " Peeran um swe bias m, 
Rolfe. | 

eet a — (&. C. p xix, 
z le: curious species w 
eate-ligulate acute b 

tails yellow inside, the lateral ones 

Masdevallia tovarensis mooreana 
(0. R. n5 e iise G. Differs from the 
type i n= tails of the sep, 
coloured mange: 

crane eee (8.0. 

iat 44.) apes free- 

peci: Die angular, 

widely expanding, with sene tails, 

ochreous, covered with light brownish 

aie parii except at the pon 
bases of the lateral sep. Colom 

Masdoyailis. wpne. (G. 4 
268. ; 

re vi. D E 

yellow, 2 in. across (from end of up 

to lower J er sep. 
te into a t-shaped y ig 

long bristle on each side; upper 

also pag in a bristle ; pet. whitish, 
Costa Ric 

gee tae TO (G. C. 1883, 
Much i EM, 

N toyani P m C. 1882, 
of M. 
Rede “Tails at i =e akort: N 
sep. connate; lip nearly square. Co- 

ee Pinne (E U. 

883, xix G. L. very thin, semi- 
terete ae channelled. Pedun 

very slen Fl. small, the dorsal 
sep. yellow, the lateral ones brownish- 

purple ; tails sigmoid, blunt, orange. 

Masdevallia Trigiochix. E C 
1878, viii. 648.) G. D: 1} in. long. 
narrow, thick, spathulate - cuneate, 
green ted 

ed, w 
yellow tails ; ox pale tos, Saka 
red blotch on the disk; lip pale 
with wai red on each side at base, 


premier Trogluäytis. (a, B. 

1877, 27, t. 5.) G. Belonging to the 
` himera group. L. tease ear-lanceolate, 
toothed at apex. 1-flowered. 


Masdevallia = (G. C, 1878, 
ix, 24) G. 1 ft. long, soft, 
long ; pet., lip and column 

ratei Ecuador. 


Masdevallia arontaphya. (t= ht 
1882, xvii. 788 G. Somewhat in the 
Ww ith 

ay "of Schlimii but w more 
Ss oreo smaller r-stalki 
of a brown, with small orange 

Masdevallia veitchiana grandi- 
ora. (Fi. and P. 1882, 106.) G. 
A form with very large fi. 

per eters ig sige a Estrada. 
CG. iii, 724 ; O, R.1893, 211.) 
G. n hybrid between t the tw 

species indicated by the n 

Masdevallia velifera. (@, €C. 1878, 
x. 364.) G, A ious species. Fl. 

green at the base outsid 
b and then to yellow at the bor- 
de , inside brown with 
yel ers ; pet an green ; lip 

gee grrr eae (G. C1877, 
0, in he 

sof ic x an viena Sep. pal e yellow, 
e p ith brownish purple, 

. Ww. 
crenate wings. Colombia. 

Masdevallia Wallisii discoidea. 
(CŒ. C. 1831, xvi. 166.) G. A pretty 

brown more tinged with purple, and 
the rene bh ae [M. Chimera, 
Reichb. f. var. ] 

— stupenda. (a, aie poe pon 
rea 473, f. 85.) 8. very 
large fi. which have k light s ek 
ground-colour s spoth ted wit ahs colate, 

and with chocolate tails, WL ¢ himera, 
Reichb. f. var. ] 

Masdevallia wendlandiana. (@. C. 
1837, i. 174.) G. A A small white-flowered 

side beneath ; tails sa to the free 
oft the sep. Colom 


Masderailis Adenrereres (@. C. 1881, from his garden at Fulham in 1818, 
Mue . 

in the way of M. and preserved in the Kew Herbarium 
ay ee Seg a in colour. two to a bulb, spreading on the sur- 
with more gradually tapering sep. and face of re pires m white 

the ak es Free 

ine mistaken Massowia Gardneri. (G4. € ar 
for T wagener iana. Tt differs in the 622.) Araceæ. [ [ Spathiph ieee can- 
blade of the lip being nats and didum, N. E. Br.] 

| Matricaria = ia grandiflora 

even sep.; the small pet. whitish. aurea. (P. H. 1888, 163.) Compo 
Lip yellowish, with a dark knob at H Ee ysanthemum Pane nium, 
the apex. Colombia rnh, var. ] 

oe , xanthodactyla. (G.C. 
1877 2.) he way of 
3. alan trial whi ich it is well 

— Var. piruna Ei H. 1886, 
"657, f. BL) Hes At rm of compact 
and somewhat pramida habit. 


distin ished by its very long pedicels, 

‘longer than the bracts, by the Mazillaria arachnites. (4. C.1880 
aden front lobe of the lip, and by . 394.) te chidacexe. G. G low- 
its different pet., which latter are ish , its omen 

ted towards their upper p twisted » ochre - coloured, with 
embranous crest under the many short streaks and lines, with 
middle vein Fl, er nish white, with pellucid hairs on th sides, and 
yellow tails, having a violet spot at several in front of the callus on 
on both sides of the the lip and disk; border purple. 

- ` Colombia. 

Mass eona sere gers eis (R. H. Maxillaria crocea Lietzei. (Regel, 
1878, 175.) Bromeliac S. Re- aaa, G. var. having the 
sembling 4 cence ede musaica, but scapes ky r th ; lip oblong, 
much larger, w with l. about 23 ft. long obsoletely 3-lobed, the middle lo 
and Sea broad, Saikeaite; arched, éno: dik papillose - pubescent 
dar k gn marked with transverse yellow, with the ma argin aad jaikia 
violet- perie 3 seo are broken 5 rple- brown. Brazil. 
ha paas higra and are most distinct on = 

surface, (Tiltandsia hiero- M 
a dresii. (4. C. 
glyphica, ge Mersa - 30). F agra rer pk oi 
I j yaeesh with very broad elliptic 

Missangos tunden], (TU. H. 1878, t. pseudobulbs. L. cuneate-ligulate, acute, 
309 to M. musaica, with Peduncle rather short. Sep. and pet. 
longer sib-aheet l., of a lightish green, triangular - ligulate, acuminate, aris- 
transversely y numerous ight ochreous. Lip ochre- 
irregularly broken lines of a dark coloured, wit yellow k, and 
violet - rds [ Caraguata Lindon, purple border and veins on the side 
Bak Per lobes ; callus triangular, depressed, 

Massangea musai ica. Ele Pa w 7, | Maxillaria Hirian i ce £ 1881, 
kent own Tillandsia n musaica. ra ara iiia | aon pra Toen i p pa 
musaica, André, | | ils 6 in. 

| and basal parts purple; disk 
Masso nia amygdalina. CG. C. 1889, | red, 

715.) > 

oioi rer sian A ovate} ae ARAE CG. C. 1886, 
fl. in a dense head, his al mond- 16.) Allied M. irrorata, bu 
scented. h Africa. | with : n rga the L. oblong- 
lanceolate, acuminate, 8-9 in. long, on 
Massonia a seem more. (B. M. t. petioles 5-7 in. long. Peduncles a 
pepe G. This p e tn span long, with many sheaths. Sep. 

as hs : 

inning o t 
celebrated ae Burchell by it oa |. wink reflexed tips, white outside ; 
recently reintroduced it had o y been inside white at base, purple in the 
nace from a single dried edina middle, sirg dee with red spots at 

Pet. t. rhomboid, apesna be 

lobe small, ‘cemi-oblong, 
omeo p, ochreous 8, mark with 
own stri and wi Gan 

an to ihe. side lobes. 
any fuscata. (G. C. 1888, iv. 
81.) A misprint for M. 

Maxillaria Huebschii. (4. C. 1888, 

iii, 136; O. 1888, 193.) G. Allied to JZ. 
fucata, which it resembles ppear- 
ance. Fl. white; lateral sep. rounded 
pet. linear rhombic, acu p trans- 
verse, rhombic, with a sverse 
emarginate yellow tubercle on the 
disk, an hairs behind it. The 

there are some s o 
colour outside at the base. 

Maxillaria arere (QG. C. 1883, 
x. 102) G: duncle LERA with 
-broad sheaths FL t 1 in. long, 
white, wash: ordered and blotched 
with purple ; > ochre, with a purple 
and urple spots under- 

Maxillaria Kalbreyeri. (4. C. 1885, 
xxiii. G. Something i way 

pale greenish white; lip mealy, with 
so rple on the outside of the 
upper margins. Colombia 

— ger ce C. 1886, 
A fi 

rown inside, 
ise fragile hairs, pale ochre oy waa 

dark chestnut we 
es triangular, wavy and s Bi 

ses re — CG. C. 1878 
In the way of M. venusta, 
te with smaller light ye fl. 

illaria Cani. as O. 1894 
362; L. x.t. 464.) G. A lar, e-flowered 
species with somewha nae milk- 
white acuminate sep. he same 

l as the sep., but with two or 
e deime ig lines ; 
very pale yi with five or six 

reddish . on age lateral lobes, 


a ae meg CG. C. 1890, 
"9 lied 

stig al a hy bas 
pair purple- zits 

Deilleris m (L. ix. t. 
R. 1894, 75.) G. Allied to 

larger and 
‘Lip greenish, 

a haa ita. Patai small, com- 
pressed; 1. li oblong, 12 in. long ; 
scapes 8 in, long, each bearing a single 
fl. 2 in. p. reflexed, orange 
and pirer 1 ith dark 

: maller, yellow 

with red-brown gine and lines ; i = 
yellow, with a marginal row of spots 

ea Monitor (G. C.1887 
to M. places Ce á 
ak ins ee ulbs and 1., but 
smaller fl. Sep. acute; yellow, tinged 
with brown on the up halve 
outside ; smaller, o g-lanceo- 
late, yellow. Lip with rounded yello 

a crescent-shaped naked cres 

ree oe (KB: 

36.) Allied M. g 

he orein“ colour i 

urple stripes on each pet. and a 

tos aloes lip, diceatiok with purple. 

eng fo hmong’ (Gf. wA aa: 

Egat Petro 
in ‘the of M. i bAa with Some- 
what Prin Area -angled pseudo- 
bulbs bearing solitary l. 


ted bracts. 
ar yellow ; lip yellow. 
dotted with ares [Syn, Y. sq wamata, 
Hort. } 

ee neophylla. (G. C. 1879, 
88.) G. Pse race ir mall, rugose, 
sie Me 

k brown sheaths ; ry wide, 
mide a gp ; chin 
te, pale 

and pet. a 
yellow, with pms i grase spots ; 
lip trifid. Colomb; 

es parva. (K. B.1895, u 
to M. pem ages ulbs 
a. si 3 in. lon; P ig llow, borne 
on a short scape. 
Maxillaria prestans. (4. C 
wea 566.) G. Pseudobulbs oblong’ 
edged. : 
FI dull yellow, with brown s eas 
R 2 


the base of the segments. 
late, acute ; 

Seg. Jee 


; eate-oblong, acute, very thick, 

brownish-yellow, with small brown 
pots. Guatemala. 

TEn ocr rere 

CE. ser. 1, 
qoet ae 


ba Tbs il 

talked, broadly oblong, „bibu , apicu- 

late : in. ex panse, 

crimson spots, Peru 
— Var. debio seit! doen (OU. 
1894, xv. 526.) G. A var. in which 
the fl. are ivo ry white, with only very 
few pale purplish ai on the pet 

—. Var, x ee Ge: of H, 
em xxvi. 494, 8 T Seen 
an exce nal 

pets on the cogent nails a anaes 

Minani B vey dab ripe (K. B. 1895, 
8.) ed to M. ye a, h 
i atl in 
having dull red-brown ns yellow fi. 
with à porple-erimson lip. Chiriqui. 
grona speciosa. (G. C. 1876, vi. 
le 1-flowered. Fl. 
; Sep. and pe 
w, acuminate, spreading, 5-6 in. 
Sala: Colombia 

Maxillaria striata. (0. 2. 1893, 266; 
a ix. t. sag a T Pres pot a i ac 

l. large, 5 
aay yellow, with’ brown purple 
pes ; whi th 
a oin iio lines, 
Var. grandiflora. (4. C. 1896 

sx 510.) G, FL grisa than the fesa 
isb with purple | 

e (G@. C. 1883, xx. 

corrugata, but with a ar ie li 
Bolivia, p. 

| na: cane ae meas Pose 

igh, 1-flowered, hairy like the 

l. Fl. nodding, about 1 long and 
the same in diam., s pet. 
, thomboid-ovate, v. Eph ie 

areis the inner on as long 

Pistil shorter patent the 

pres stamens. Man 

Meconopsis os (Bull Cat. 
with wrt cht on mee rd 

in diam., pale clear bl rg jer ete 
very numerous, orange- ena Fritel 
at B. M.t. 4668. Himal aya, 

— Var. foseo-paryuros, (B. M. 
= 6760.) H. tall hairy herb with 
large Aa Pa stalked radical 1., 
sessile oblong sub-pinnatifid stem-l 
and a lax pan f nodding brownish 
purple fi n diam. Eas 

15, £.9 621, f. 10 
Fl. and P, 1883, 169; B. M, t. 6730.) 
Melastomaceæ, § andsome free- 
owering shr habit, with 
opposite elliptic acute rather fi 
three-nerved 1l., and terminal panicles 
of white fl., the peduncles and pedicels 

ees red,and thestamens purple, 

oe ae rubra. (W.G. 
Var, with dark 
se af. 

me i 

ge eres Clarkei. (K. B. 1891, 

urple. W at tropieal 

er Soe gen Sara ng (K. 

8.) d to M. ozy p- 

Ay ails fi. See ‘crowded L, Bhs in. 

ng; scape 10 in. long; mall, 

yellowish green, with brown po 
ropieal Africa? 

a Joneses okie CK B 

1891, 198.) —. with one 

inear-oblong priors: .; fl.-3pike flat, 

E n with deep yellow fl, 
Tropical Africa 

Megaclinium ee (B. H. 

e E SA S. dimin- 
ke ` je: a ping rhizome, 
small oasa taari Ibs bearing each 

alll. Scape short, flattened, 
purple, with two agg of small orange- 
red Sierra Leon 

Totong Nummularia. (4. c. 

4, zv. Closely allied to 

W. kissa Dut with flattened pseudo- 

bulbs; 1. 1 in. long ; raceme shorter, 
theo 6-8 mints purplish fi, Cam 

ae 1200, 8085) ce. C. 1888, 
A small 

- olate acute l. 2 i 
and a coun + in. broad, o 
lig colour, Fi. like those z 

U fenatins but t pet, ae me a 


[Smm atnpnyi inn m ces jeden, Reich, 

oe pusillum. (K. B. 1894 

o M. esa ie his. 

Pseidobulbs Svan 1 in, long ; 1. linear- 
rips i 



fa ll pe and 
urple fi, East ’ y ee Africa 

inf ‘3-4 in . lon 


rough 'ontside, = a dull purple colour, 
with the f the sep. whitish green 
spotted with oben Pondoland, 
Megaclinium triste. (K. B. 1894, 
363.) S. Allied to M. lencorhachie. 
Pseudobulbs trigonous, oblon 
long; 1. fleshy, ob 


numerous small ee ito fi. Tro 
pical Africa ? 

Megarrhiza californica. ben C.1881, 
xiv. 792, f. 155.) Cucur H. 

racemes, the female 
solitary. The fruits are about 2 in. 

long, roundish a Pome T and thickly 
vered w bf 

abott ad ws bean, EL iamini 

Sabacea, Nina. ] Calif 

Eyres oe ovatifolium. (B. 7. 
O.1891,111.) Com EY H. annual. 
rit p A a H.. B.K 

ZOUT melanoxylon. C CG. C. xe, 

Geo poe of St 
Helena, firre now extinct. It survived 
for some time in cultivation in Euro- 
eg gardens, but is now completely 

Melia Azedarach umbraculifera. 
(G. and z. 1894, 92, f. 20.) Meliaceæ. 
G. character. ms Fa of this 
var, is ideptialtend by 

Melianthus trimenianus. (B. M. t. 

55 Sapindac G. ever- 

hr. L. pi 3-5 in. long ; 

leaflets 6-10 pairs, linear. emes 

rminal, 4-8 on 1 whorls 

f 4-6. Calyx oblique, green et. 4, 

linear-lanceolate, wavy, scarlet, Fruit 

4-winged, [ HM. pectinatus, Harv.] 

mey Graminea H. 1 (R. H. 1890, 

ra H. H. grass w with 

6 f fine 1. arrow slender 

panicles of of purplish ia Argen- 
tina ; 

Tay giier res Ts T a 1893, 
ke pere pes Fail vellosrich 
fl. “follo wed by small round orange- 

coloured fruits produc — 
poorest in autumn, Apia 

Melothria punctata. (B. 7. 0.1890, 
100, f. 13.) 

Mentzelia etian m Cr. G. et 
400. Loasacex. ual 
lanceolate nuai pinis 

showy large yellow fi. opening in t the 
morning and closing at night. Cali- 

Ninca dete aa G. m 559. ) 


Merendera caucasica ruthenica. 

mine-purple. Teauby 

ET punane, cm H. 1879, t. 

ental Peren A olive gree 

ith fine blackish li petioles olive 
green, with blackish lenticels. L.lyrate- 
pinnatisect ; termina oid or 
somewhat 3-lobed, ; sid 
lobes rhomboid, ovate, acute ; margins 
irregularl oothed, dark een 
marked with — whitish spots. 
New Caledoni 

Mesembryanthemum “en 

South Afri 
SE own 
(B. ror E G. C. 1889, ii 305.) 
species, allied to J 
pol yanthon, and equally free- lowering 
uch aise 
fa Tar subterete, in dist pate 
Uee green. FI. terminal, 1 in. in 
diam. a —— "orange red or 

" Reale Afri 
genet beyanthemum 


crown ow. tigm 
ve, oo "chon isois, Eang 
South A 



apera id weet on pava: (C. 
1878, x. te fi tems short, 
hairy, dec y tie ar, semi- 

terete, hai Kiry 3 : A las rge, bright papie, 

ae numerous eee stamens, Sout 



eR ps aprep. 
C4. 8.) 

„ With 
aus ile hy, faraka, 
covered with setuliferous papille and 
base ite E hairs 

apex. Fl. solitary the 
fins of the branches, bright Tiakat- 
urple. South Afri 

Mesembryanthemum § a 

at the base. L. opp , 2-3 in. long 
oblanceolate, acute, spreading, slightly 
concave above, convex beneath, green. 
Peduncles terminal, solitary or ternate, 
stout, 14-3 in. long. Cal hemi- 
spheric, the lobes unequal, subtrique- 
trous, spreading. -Corolla in. in 
diam.; pet. numerous, uniseriate, 
linear-obtuse, t pale purple 

lose, terminated by a long arista, 

Mesembryanthemum vittatum 
G. C. 1876. vi. 772.) G. succulent of 
, se te L. gis 


South Afr 

mpressed, erect 

Mesospinidium incantans. 
1880, xiii. 586.) x Hee. æ. 
interesting species. and pet 
ochre-coloured, with Seriei blotches. 
Lip white, with an ochre-coloured 
callus and many small brown dots, 


af g 
G. oy 

Meso: sem angen Japana (G 
1876, vi. 580.) G 
brown stripes and column 

spots ; 
w wii Menir staminodes ; ; 
case hairy, ascending a 


Metrosideros floribunda 

( Williams’ Cat. 1885,9.) G. Myrtacez. 
A var. with white fl, 

Mikseris Te conatalte (GA. 
6, 173; xi. 182, a 
Oa sinniet eaa pri ndso 
biennial ae en a height of 6 ‘tt. 
and numbers of white 
Martagon-Laly ke Radical 1. long- 
stalked. Asia Min 

i k H. 1894, t. 
Bhar iage 
r ms, red 
ks; È rina poet above’ a 
purple-red beneath. Bra 

en sieht 

— boca 
187.) 8S. 
long, fer: paa 

CIH: H. 1895, 
liated, ovate, about 6 in. 
shaded with violet. 

Microglossa albescens. 
eect Fi. and = 42. om 
ositæ. with alternate 
liasdenlata adnnianie: l, and terminal 
corymbs of nu merous small blue 
Aster-like fl. Himalaya. 

(CB. M. 

a nahn (R. H. 188 
9]. Ah br i 
2 Miermphaoie decipiens and 
a oon ercelsa the habit 
and folia the 
violettinted 7 
elliptic, of a reddish brown colour, 

ee bella. (@. C. 1886, xxv 

taginea, Steud] Sunda Isles 

pais er aps ne Soe ee 1879, 

7 ee as ong, 
pape purple at poco 

Mierostylis chlorophrys. i C. a, 

3; Bull Cat. ee. 

see. acu ; Wavy, brown above with 

the sagittate lip. 
Microstylis josephiana. AE: 

6325.) 8. a Raney the 
young ones with 3 oblong 



acuminate plaited l., coppery above, 

late ; 

their length ; 
volute; lip forming i parn Braes kui 
Sikkim Hi malaya. 

Microstylis Lowi. (B. H. 1884, 281, 
. A beautiful little e plant, 


with dark coppery brown rk 
with a broad whitish cent band ; 
te. le rosy- 

sagittate labellum ochraceous 

Microstylis macrochila. (X. B. 1895; 
G. C. 1895, xviii 60.) S 

. very nal for the 

sca ong ; 
genus ; lip 4} } in. wide. 
ee geri et u = 1880, 

66t È. 

seria ac a 2 a “ight o en 
arein. blackish-purple above, with a 
. yellow ; 

sho mtd oe on the idh die. 

se M. t. 7268, 2 
h fleshy gree 
as, Toela 6 5 ia. 

Microstylis Scottii. 
8. A dwarf species wi 

tems, . deciduo 

papie ii. -Ha 
preg to nobel Sid C. 1882, 
93.) u 

saak with a a few elite light ¢ -green 
„ and a rownish 
purple fi. Ra ereng Reichb. f.] 
Tropical A 

icrostylis Ventilabrum. 

light n E ing brownish 

veins, yellow fl. with ge 
square lip, sagittate at the base, and 
having 7-9 teeth at the top. Sunda 

Milletia me (B. i 
6541.) Legumi G. Evergreen 
woody climber with the reago of 
Wistaria sinensis. pinn an 

rous, glossy, 

rk green. Fl. purple 
panicled pendulous racemes 


Milos oe (L. iv. b. 176.3  Or- 

Garden hybrid between 
ma ria ae : and M.R Syn. 
bleuana, Linden eran Bleui, 

Miltonia ag Parva? (G. C. 
1894, xv. 89 nore f.) F 
handsom $ Í n hybrid 
betw M. reæillaria and Ra Roezlii. 

[M. Bleni, God.-Leb. var. ] 

—- Var. rosea. (G. C.1894, xvi. pane 
A nos dsome var., the fl. bein 
bins with an ike papis 
blotch bare red Ii fora in the blotch. 
Miltonia oo 
489. Sep. an 

ig C. 1879, xii. 

hybrid. Brazil 
—— Var. p pepr (@. C. 1887, 
ii. 649.) S E pom with brown 
e the sep. a, pet., a having a 
purple lip 
Miltonia perpara J Geg (G.C. 
1892, xii. 552.) S with shorter 
scapes and larger fi. rok the type. 
— Var. lamarckeana. (B2. she 
joe es oe A viesa lh Theichb 
which se 3] 

Miltonia flavescens co. 
(ap č. 1328.) S. Diff. 
type by its larger and paler yellowish 
flowers. Minas Ge: 

A enis. oe. = 1328.) 8. 
Ditters’ Sigs rufescent 

b whi tip. i dirigea 

seilatum, Lindl.] Minas Geraes, B 

pear Gag shew <a C. 1893, xiv. 
06.) l 

to be a natura 
eed Between i ( eesli nied M., 
candida. tats s, yellow, 

with brown AD a 

Miltonia lamarckeana. CG. C.1881, 

xv. 530.) S. In the way of M. can- 
dida. Sep. and meek poe , With 
broad cinnamon bars. te at 
we abruptly broader from the 

` middle; base w siegen — globular 
: t part wi lee. 
whitish iwp with a Terg pandura 

blotch before the keels, Probably a a | 


O A t leU GL, 1880, xi 


candida and M. 

hybrid between M. 
Claes [Syn. M. : C yr 
lamarckeana, Hort 


Miltonia petersiana. (G. C 

xxvi. 326.) S. A handsome plant 

the bulb and 1. of M. Clowesii, and 

like that of = IPONA mor eliana, 

‘browasetots colo 

Probably a 
aria M. moreliana and M. Clowesii. 

—— Var. Sn Ae te ar n 
nL Var 
pet. n the type sn onal ihe Hares 
eye- bes on the 

SE Magani purpurea. (R. 
891, 253, t. ; F. M. t. 490.) S. 

i nie var. with bri right purple fi. 
marked with darker veins on the lip. 

Miltonia ar weer ie (G. C1 
vi. ae t.382.) [Syn. ri 
glossum pre ianum, Reichb. f.] 

elder ee mpeni e 

as with mauve- pra He 
light mauve-lilac with a large kee 

—— Var. lineata. (L. p t.62.) S5 
handsome var. with a large SN 
blotch at as gow x the te pt seven 

ap gine ance ng from it nearly 

Var. pres re iii. t. 105 
64.) [Syn. M. more- 

liana, Hort) 

Var. moreliana = mae 

sep e lip > Purple 
with nine otining slice lin 

Var. moreliana rosea. (4. 0, 
~ 1880, xiv. 166.) S. ale light rosy- 
with a purple li 
vexillaria Leopoldii. 
co. C. 1889, vi. 331; R. H. B. ie 
t) 8. Fl. richly coloured, wi 
bite triangular bl otch at 
base of the lip. 


Miltonia vexillaria 
(@. C. 1889, v. 471.) 
with very deep- coloured fi, 

A var, 

— Va ar. sanderiana. (&. C. 1891 

x. 39 . and F. iv. 545.) [ AL. 

reillaria, Reichb. f. var. Leopoldi, 
which s ee. | 

Miltonia Warscewiczii 

nh very light mauve-lilac. 

—— Var. nies. (G. C. 1884, 
xx, 812.) S. A var. with deep yellow 
sep. and pet. and m ight yellow lip 

with a white border. 

Miltoniopsis Bleui. (0. 1889, 145, 
t. ae [Miltonia Bleui, God.-Leb 
which see. | 

Mimon S26: amv o T. O. 1892, 

-seeded, prickly. 

Mimulus Clevelandi. (4. and F. 
1895, 134, f. 293.)  Scroph 
. per. suffrutesce: 
SESE ig, Pasay lanceolate serrate 
l. and golden yellow fil. Southern 

2-4 in, hi me te sath or SP ublatig: 
Fl. 2 in. bui vA a ing limb, 
crimson. Californ 

pe Tonan Rss and k 
w- H D Ste 

mo sess (Gf. 1886, 

whitish, “with a dark: crimson eye. 
Mimulus rma, GA. t. 1009.) 
H. dwarf h 
and tufted. 

stents, Saoto Petania sr | 

ætheria. | 

ms very short | 
colt or elliptic- | 

re the A 3-4 

oe nder 

toe lip. C ly 5-lobed ; 
lobes rir deeply bifid. California, 

| Mimulus racionas, (G. C. 1883, xx. 

21, f. 6; Fi cand P: 1883, 108.) Hy 
bog ing c i stem 
with short leafy branches; 1. small, 
densel cked, obovate, use, hairy 
rg s, + in. long; peduncles 

long as ne nye Te 

with a violet blotch 
upper lip small bia; 
and 3-lobed. New Zea 

lower “aces 

Mirabilis multiflora. (B. 
6266.) Nyctaginacee. H. H. E 

Molinia Bertini. (R. H. 1890, 348.) 

Gramineæ, " variegated form 
of M. cerulea. 

`. Momordica —— Sie Top: 
Cuc taceæ. 

1893, 14, S. 
Similar to eae hited, hr differing 
from that species in its muc larger 
onae fruits of a silvery colour. 

TRIT ee (W. G. 
mbling M. 

C pei yaş i cok panes i, much 
bra nched, with ornamental fr. 

ieii muricata. (B. 7. O. 


6270.) of tufted 

as calyx, a 
-n aus shortly 5- lobed, the 
` upper erect, the 3 lower set 
Stamens and style exserted. California. 


Monnina zals pansis W M. t. 6415.) 

obla: Ederek Da žek lemes 
bright oue = 2-4 in. long, and 
copious race’ of bri right blue fi. ; 

tip of the3- lobed keel yellow. Mexico. 

re E ipar ia ee M. +. 

50.) cee. S. Well known 
in a ira sir i but laa flower- 

seo ee secunda. (Bull a 
1882, Scitamineæ. S. deciduo 

ght rose- 
colour empferia secunda, 
Wall; B. M. t. 6999.) India, 

mentpyic racemosa. (B. M.t. 6233.) 
Gesneracex. S, per. softly eer 
pur L. 

equal, subacute ; petiole paris with 
` a pale green purple-ce tered blotch at 

under side; limb of 5 short broad 
spreading lobes, the two lower ones 

toothed. Colombia 

ne crocosmefilora. (F. M. 
t. 472.) Iridaceæ. H. ae 
between Tritonia Pottsii and Crocosma 
aurea, [Tritonia ce seein a, Hort. } 

somes — (G. C. 1877, viii. 
; out 

rted, tri 
at Atri rica, [Tritonia 
Pottati cea ire B. M.t. 6722.) 

Moorea irrorata. (6. C. 1890, viii, 7: 
GA. god ~ z M.t.7262.) Orchi- 

a Z 2 in 

in diam. and coloured reddish brown, 
Moricandia sonchifolia. (7. M. t. 
6243.) Cruciferæ. H. annual, 1-2 ft. 
kigh, leafy, glabrous. L, sessile, 
y auricled at the : 

ag r. lyrate-pinnatisect, 

sinuate, serrate; cauline l. obovate- 
solves, subacute, PCR a serrate. Fl. 

mes, 1 in. in diam., 
pis volat Bias yey showy. China. 

Morina isana (Be Mt 

6966.) 2, ~~, rb. per 
10 h, with linear-lanceolate 
spinose-ciliate 1., and heads of bright 
rose- . marked with a crimson 

t he pi f the pati lower 

oa Sikki 

Morina SORES ABR. = = t. 6734 ; 
R. H.1 H. 

rac on to road 
rigidly spinous ; gos with heide 
tube 3-1 in. lo ong ; calyx-lobes bifid. 
Wes tern Akay 

aizis Sraa anea e C. 1879, xi. 

ovaries of the fl.- into a soli 
globular mass. India. 

Morisia hypogea. (4. C. 1890, v 
= ee H. Ipine wee 
dense rosettes of shining ele- 
asa cut tL en sessile bright yellow 
fi. Corsica and Sardinia 

Mormodes aromatica oleo-auran- 
tiaca. (G@. C. 188 80, xiv. ia 
idaceze S. 

ured, with numero 
streaks of blackish purple. The Si 
has fl. of a brownish purple with 
darker spots. 

Mormodes Buccinator aura sapma 
(Lii. H. 1892, t. 144.) S. Avar. with 

ne sep. and pet. and a ie lip. 

stenantha. (G. €. 1881, 

XV. es dass S. FL light ochre, striped 

with sepia-brown, with very narrow 
sep. and pet. Colombia, 


Mormodes Cartoni Kurhan (4. 
C. 1881, xv. 136.) S. ange, with 
sulphur-coloured lip ; al the parts of 

the fl. being very narrow. Colombia. 

Mormodes iuo (J. O. 1894, 
125; L. x. t. 444.) S. e fl. are some- 
what ker am oe HL nenon 
to which they EN ave a general resem- 
blance. Colombi 

meter ap ge (G. C. 1885, xxiv. 
552.) Sep. and pet. ochraceous, 
aad i side with red inetd ed 
white, with very revolute margin 

Mortona ignea maculata. (Z. v 
var. with PA AE 
ae sep. ei gue spotted with purple- 
brown, and a coppery red labellum. 

Mormodes ee (Z. vi 
273.) me d to M. Ca artoni, having 
long race good-siz ellowish fi. 

The lip dotted ne brown. “Oclombia. 

Mormodes seri punctata. (G. C. 

1885, xxiv. 13 ith 

whitish fl. Biad with small reddish 
spots on the sep. and pet. 

ar. purpurata. (4G. C. 1886, 
xxvi. 3 S. FIL. light mauve-purple, 
with Lipsy urple lines 

the se reg ae: and the poets T ‘of 
the lip “much darker than the central 

Mormodes Ocanz. (B. M. t. 649 
G. C. 1879, xii. 582, 817, t. 133, 1343 
S. FL dull 

spotted with small red-brown spots. 
Lip 3-lobed, the lobes with strongly 
ineurved margins. Colombia 

aa. Var. parte fe. fe tet, 

xv. 104.) S. rt lateral 
lobes to the itp. “Colon ab 

Mormodes pardina armeniaca. 
G. C. 1879, xii. 390.) S. var. with 

p apricot fi. washed here and fie 
th deep red. 

ar. aspersa. (G. C. 1881, xv 
a. pi A var. having pale sulp hur- 
col fl. with pn et 
spicuous pale brown spots. 

melanops. (4. C. 
xxvi. e S. A form with very rien 
brownish purple fi. 

pos ong? —— (G.-C. 1887; 
78.) S. Fl.pale b buff-coloured, over 
‘in. in diam, i ., in compact erec racemes 
— marked with many dull purple 

ee punctata. (4. C. 1891, x. 

Allied to M. Wendla ndii. 
Pecado ee ee 1, to in. long 
several fy 

coloured yellowish Seah, pate with 

Mormodes rolfeana. (J. vii. t. 289; 
3 . large, in a 

lip brownish crimson above, aiat 
green beneath, Peru, 

Mormodes vernixia. (G 87, ii. 
682.) sami to M. en nat, with x 
close raceme o bla 
purple fi. pop 
like that of M. var iabilis, but without 
hairs. Roraima, British Guia 

Morus alba aaee, (M. D. &. 1896, 
A form with 

2.) Urticace H. 
golden yellow i and branches. 

Morus nigra globosa. (V. G: 
1896, 2) H. A form of iiit 
hemispherical habit. 

Mucuna sempervire: = (G4. — F. 
1889, 266.) Legumin G, Nearly 
ied to the a I ee pa 


Muehlenbeckia depressa. (B. 7. 0 
1888, 249.) Polygonaceæ. H.H. A 
misprint a a ddp “essa. It appears 
wn i e gardens as Philo- 

podium aeiy ae um. 

Mulgedium oo SA G. 
1889, AS ge Composite. H. 6-8 
ft. high, with panicles of bloe- violet fi. 

Musa aurantiaca. (4. C. 1894, xv, 
102; K. B. 1894, 260.) Scitamineæ. 
S. "Allied to M. coccinea, bat with 
—_— pn bracts and flowers. 

sa Basjoo. (B. M. t. 7182; Gf. 
1891, 439 ; W. G.1891 , 445 ; K. B. 1894, 
i il. japonica, Hort. | 

Linkiu Islands, Japan 


Musa Fehi. (R. H. 1888,70 ; K. B. 1894, 

nds, an 
filled itlla a abundant violet-ooloured 
juice. . very and s 
neryed. New Caledonia, 

— — Sas & m Eae 743 ; 

Ware fruits. Queens 

— japonica. 
[IL Basjoo, Sieb. & Zuce 

ma kewensis. (G. C. 1895 a A 
S-A peal gi oa AL, 

Mai and M. 
corded hybrid pret a Peira ri 
Musa aeaa 

(B. M. t. 7311; K. B 

an erect spadix bea eral con- 
spicuous Par tay es bracts of a rose- 
cri ; fl. in yello 

imson eiL ees, 
fr, small, pone As and green. Assam. 
Musa Martia ini. (R. H. B. 1892, 107, 
8S. A for 

Cultivated in Teneriffe, 

Musa rubra. (B. M. t. 

1894, 258.) S. Allied to I, coccinea, 

Stems 7 ft. high, ler t, long : 
spike erst bracts, oath ap 
at with yellow tips; fl. 1} in. long, 
pale y ellow. Fr. 3 in. foe trigonous, 
S sisi. Pegu. 
— on A E, uo, viii, 182, 
28.) 5: It erect int similar 
Uranose mhg It is not known 

to be in cultivation yet, Ti 
usa sumatrana. (ZU. H. 1880, t 
prettily mar 
more or less confluent spots. Sumatra, 

Musa Uranoscopus. i ie — 
19.). 8. en 
Banana, bu 

racemes of “4 — fr. Queensland, 

CR. H. 1889, 491.) 
ce. | | 

trongly | 

| Muscari Heldreichii. 

ie | 

Muscari szovitsianum. 
Ta H. 

` Mussænda theifera. 

i by its net | 

Muscari estivale. (B. M. t. 62 any 
Liliaceæx. H. ne linear, deeply 
concave, light gree Scape 6-8 in, 
nasi ig ect, n» green, a with 
Fl. or sub- 

minute, linear, Orient 

(Gf. t. 

3-4, long, tady ite rs 
cree obtuse fr n ght blue, 
an $ 

Sineik 'vhitish. S-toothod. Gree 

Perry gb ga e (G. C. 16 = 
Hi. L. Saran eae 
6-8 in. i long, re“ in . wide, slightly = se 
cous, and deeply cha nnelled down the 
sold pa a - e ih; racemes 
den: iam. ; 
bright ight Bae ‘oblong , slightly con- 
stricted at the throa ; segmen round, 
white, Armenia, 

(B. M. 
6855. Intermediate between ar 
ai yoides and M, racemosum. 6-9 
inear, channe: 
ous face. 

aga 1 in, taint pa orior at the 
throat. Caucasus, &c. 

_ Muscari tenuiflorum. (W. G. 
443.) H. bulb. Alied to 
sum, with subu 



nearly briyan and of a deep violet- 

Sere erythrophylla. Craii c . 
1888, 8, f£.; L'Hort. Int. Cat. bac 51.) 

i elliptic crimson hb 
ong, sulphur-yellow. Tropical 

(R. H. 1883, 93 ; 
Bull Cat, 1884, 14.) shr. with op- 
ite te 

ovate l., and a cluster 

of pure white fl., having a Jessamine- 
like odour. Corolla with a slender 
tu d spreading limb. Cochin 

Mutisia brarilors.. CGR. t. 1163, f. 1) | 
bling shr. with 

ray deep orange ; disk yellow. Chile 

ee peiden ae des S.t. ext 
mbin ith altern 
ie REAL ba lat pneri T 
ed tendril, and large 
solitary deep orange-coloured fi.-heads 
4-41 in, in diam. Chile. 

=e emery CF. t. 1163, f.2.) 

G. scramblin slender gla- 
brous eka on praa ith 
revolute on and fl.-heads 1} in. 
n . Wit ut 12 narrow linear 
orange rays, bandel with 

are a mS H. 1887, 484; 
: handsome climber. 


involucre long and cylindric. Chile, 

Myosotis grog! ‘Ley esmeg 
CAH. nit 20. Boraginacee. 
H. A pre aes free flowering v var. 
with white, rose and blu 

Myosotis cintra. (B. 7. O. 1890, 134, 
. 1890, 191, £.47.) A [N 
Welwitschi ii, Boiss. ] 

Myosotis dissitiflora pnan 
. having 
f the 
ordi inary form, and p Jep då in great 
profusion in Februa 

Myosotis oye nna Aad g] 1399, 

290 ; 

arf : ae aur 2 i 
high. [M. cæspitosa, Schultz, var. 
Rehsteineri, Wartm. | 

ge bf eer elegantissima. 
CG et 33.) er. This is a 
florif uar Aa ‘form with large 
white, blue or pink fi. 

Myosotis Traversi. (4G. C. 1894, xv. 

778.) H. A yellow-flowered species 
with the habit of M. alpestris. New 

Mysore Welwitschii. (B. 
90, 170. Damm. Cat. Jee E2 
E peie or biennial of 


poon: 4 in. high, wi ith AES co 
of bright 

Taka paoa Ga Pit long. ae gx’ 
gipes, Liebm. var. colipensis. | 

gs rran ayete — M. t. 6883.) 
A s r pla in 

hich is covered wi pine- ing 

E ole arise short 

stout spiny stems with oblanceolate 

y l. and s te fl. seated in 

depressions of stem. Tropical 

Spes nana. (4. i be XV 
52.) Scitamines., S. cies re- 

markable Hrs its dwarf habit and Nao 
hairy l. variegate 

spike s. Brazil? 

Panam agan Sa $ 1887, 
33.) O 

: ny 

ep. nd lip 
te, kouti ; : TS slender, 2 in. 
or more long. Nata 
SAS oe (GA. 1885, 
43.) ybri 
b ween Nagélia zebrina and Achimenes 

Negelia ef ee arto (R. H, wa 
VEJ en hybrid bet 
N.“ pe Prem "and J. “rulgida 

Nama Parryi. (77. m P. 1882, a 
Hyarouhy tinea: < per., 

| ianseblate, 
; panicles "branched ; fl, 

lilac- ma California. 

659, 657, f. pidot M. 8. 
Differing from the better known VN. 
imperialis in its ook larger 1., which 

Tipon cuspidata. (G. C. 1886, 
X yrtaceæ. 



are fe in. long and 4 broad, 
fl. which are eae 
angled, with straight sides, and not 
Agate a cream- olodi with 
a nee cen 

i ge eee Miersii. (B. M. t. 7199.) 
hitherto cultivated under the 
pn name of N. Whitfieldii, 

Narcissus Barri. (G. C. 1886, xxv. 
648.) Amaryllidacez. H- A hy brid 
between J, incomparabilis ‘ma N, 

Narcissus Brouspohotii. ce C. 1888, 

iii. 169, 207 ; iv. 300 ; B, W. t. 7016.) G. 
An intere ie ipede with twisted 
pale glaucous green l. 14-2 ft. long, 
3 in, mpre bel of 6-9 pure 

e fl. 3-1 in diam., very sweetly 
sated. ite for the corona 
being absent or very rudimentary. 

Narcissus Burbidgei. (G. C. 1886, 
xxv. 648.) H. Garden a between 
N. incomparabilis and N, poetic 

Narcissus cernuus x triandru 
M. 1894, 275.) H. A hybrid are 
these species is here deve ed under 
the name of “ "thine 

Narcissus cyclamineus. (B. M.t 

ed l. an 
solitary fl. ; ge, tubular, as 
long as the oblong light yellow peri- 
, which a bruptly 


Nareisana 595 x 468) x Horsfieldi. 
(G. €.1 468.) 

hybrid e two species indi- 
cated in 

es cyclamineus x obval- 
laris. (G. C. 1894, xv. 332, 333, 
; intermediate 

r between its two parents, 

abe rig Fenzii. 

f. 84; È Scat 

Be ie Aart a 
gar ri ieta N, 
Narcissus Ti N. Tazetta. 

1891, 428, 
A : 

Narcissus Grællsii. = = t. 6473 
Dy) H. Ag ii narrow li Scape 
1-4 in. long, bearing a Ser ses —. 
ing fi. Perianth -segments 
than the tube, lanceolate, piez sul- 
phur yellow, with a broad green keel, 

Corona as long as the faces cam- 
meow ne sulphur yellow; margin 

nulate. Stamens and staple exserted, 

Narcissus St grec (Damm. 
Cat. 1893, A garden ires id 
between N. Piula and N. Tazet: 

— Jonquilla ee es 
1885, xxiii. 756. 
Ww Sai fe corona ror = six ap inini 
nearly down to the 

Narcissus a - er 
4. C. xxv. 648; = 161, 

T32) E Åp robable hybrid 

N; juncifotins ae nE a injar aert 


— Leedsi. (4. g rum: XXV. 
648.) H. Garden hybrid 

ies ge Margaritz. Saa 1891, 
491, x 9t.) A garden hybrid 
between N. Pseudo-Narcissus and N 

pap ster 

Narcissus Saori x apa 
thinus. (4. C. 1890, vii. 388.) H 
pra N. monophyllus. 

Narcissus muticus. (F. M. +t 
H. lin FI. wi 

r, very 
fibe about as long as the 
corona. Pyr 

Narcissus rupicola. (B. M. t. ake 
Lo) H , narrow-linear, 
cesvent. Sca] aap e as the 1., slender, 

sha six round 
Stamens shd style included. Spain 

Narcissus pallidulus. (B. M. t. 
73, ia) E = single, wy narrow, 
hannelled, ucescent, Sca 

slender, 6-12 in, ers with 1-2 droop- 
mod sulp hur-yellow fl. Perianth-seg- 
pig e la 

and rather Sakae: 

coronal tube, which is about # i 

same as V. Johnstoni, and is a 
between N. Pseudo-Narcissus 
and N. cyclamineus. Portugal, 

gis scaberulus. (G. C 

296.) 4H. — pl nf rapa 
Bulb oe 
prostrate, near, z angled kry 
m= with rough edges a nd keels. 
Sca 24-4 hi gh, 1-2-flowered. 
FI, naa yellow, palo ? cup-shaped 
corona, and serted stamens. 

ie apg id adres CW. 1 
362, f. A hands ie species, 
with h Jarg aie fragrant fl. in close 

Narcissus triandrus x albicans. 
(G: M. r xxxix. 164, £) H. 
Garden hybrid 

Narcissus triandrus x poeticus 

ornatus. ; loge: 275.) A 
i character be- 
tween the neaga 

Narcissus Victoriæ. (Gl. 1891, 453, 
garden hybrid between 
N. Pxeudo-Nar rcissus and N. aureus, 

rere Enid estan (BM. 
t. 6564.) V: H. per. herb. 
L. radical, meai een ellipt tic-lanceo- 

all above 
e OFE ea ig pink in aut 
dense heads. 

Narthex Polakii. (IV. G. 1889, 411.) 
a H. [Ferula Narthex, 

Negundo nikoense. h C. 1881, xvi. 
815.) Sapindaceæ. H. tree w ith short- 
talked trifoliolate 1. hai 
under side as well the pee oles, 
young shoots = buds. [ Acer nikoense, 

ce Torrey. (G. and x 1889, 4, 
f. 84. r. milar to 
N; A Remee p more iri i in 
habit, and Pred 2-3 ft. in bate: 
Rocky Mountains. . 

sorrento ot (Gp. + fie ) 

segments ; enka yellow. Mexic 


Nemesia cynanchifolia. (6G. C. 1879, 
xii. 136, f. 22.) Scrophulariacex. 
- P ; 

ves ae blue fl. with a yello 
da long curved spur, Natal 

Nemesia ee. (a. C. 1892, xii. 

269, f. . M. t. 7272.) G. Hard 
annual, err igh, covered with glan- 
dular hairs. L. lanceolate, toothed ; 
in co , +1 in. in diam., very 
variable in ab rei being white, ochre- 
orange, scarlet, car- 

mine, or fecha South Africa. 

eaten os acy Se C. 1891, 
Gf. 1 B. M. 

red racem 
nearly 1 in. across ar pure 
white. Zanzibar 

Neodryas sacciana. (J. 2 1893, pes 
Ore CeL. spec: with t 
habit of a small Oneidium, and smali 
fi. oaea dull purple wit th a yellow 
lip. genus is ‘lose allied to 

actin teen. Bolivi 

— amabilis. (Williams Cat. 

1886, 26.) Nepenthaceæ. S. rden 
hybrid seria N. Hookeri and N 

Nepenthes amesiana. (4. C. 1893, 
xiv. 756.) A garden hybrid be- 
tween V. ra sina and V. hookeriana, 

Nepenthes ampullaria 

East I 
Sopenihes angushifolis. (G. C. 1882 
mall species wi 

e base, 

Sopanthn atrosanguinea. (4. C. 
82, r 826, 827, f. TOR Willians’ 
Cat, 27, ) S. A garden hybrid. 

ge ae meas Kiera ~ 
ay l5: Q. 

Pi aii. aped 

ons a as down when young, with 

broad toothed wings, and two sharp- 
curved spurs which s 

lid; neck also with a blunt dorsal | 
spur. Borneo. 
a gare ges ka C. 1889 
aE for 
its eylintie soe Rags tchers, nar- 

wed i e middle, aaa coloured 
ris with ‘ieee a red. Bor 

—— Var. age soe (J. of H. 1890, 
xxi. 161, £ 21.) S. Pitchers larger 
pact more richly coloured than in the 

— Var. prolifica. (G. C. 1890, viii. 
184, narrow and pitchers 
smaller than in the type. 

oy gaged arte Aa C. 1884, xxi. 

and blotched with ae 

ga coccinea. (4.C. 1882, xviii. 
9; Williams’ Cat, 1882, 27.) S. 
ions hybrid, 

Nepenthes compacta. (Williams Cat. 
881, 17,36.) S. V 

ce, ce, with reddish-purple 
markings, aa sometimes shaded with 
violet, or ee ashe d a a, l with 

creamy w. the m 
of the same pa En ‘the Sid SaR 

thes Courtii. (es Cat. gd 
24.) S, Sean ap hybrid between 
EEAS Qnuale), itself xi “hybrid, and a 

amed Born: nean species (female e). 

having a 
horn at the base, and. 4 mendes toes 
the apex ins 
the | base of the lid 
pitcher is anotherslender horn or spur, 

Nepenthes lindrica. (@. C. 1887, 
ii, 521, £. car Ss; E brid. 


_ Nepenthes eines (G4. C 
tand under the | 

iv, 543, 541, f. 73.) S. Garden hybrid: 

| Nepenthes dormanniana. {Williams 
7. ©. 1882, g3 

se on hybr 


i excelsior. = and P.1883 
08.) S. Garden hyb 

Nepenthes findlayana. ( Williams’ 
Cat, 1886, 25, 21, f.) S. Garden hybrid. 

oe formosa. sane an. aa 

A garden hybrid betw 
Chelona: at OY. distillutori ia. 

a eee henryana. ( Williams’ Cut. 
1, 22,36; TU. H. 1882, t. 460.) 8S. 
iste hybrid between N. Hookeri and 
N. Seden 
“BSS, ar Mear a aaae Cat. 
27, t. 2% 

» 15.) 
Sada hybrid. 


ese ee EIL) B.A (G. 

nearly Dis species with vedalish 

8 and elongate 

pitchers ees, aaa iato p the e ase, 

: F 

yellow finely-ribbed rim, and the 
cordate, emarginate, with ee spur 

behind. Infi. paniculate. Borneo (?). 
yeh Age ees oe (G. C. 1881, 
2, 813, Pitchers 


central one on the inner face. Borneo 

Nepenthes intermedia. (@. C. 1882, 
xvii. 178, 179, f. 29.) S. Garden hybrid. 

—— ete) ek (G. C. 1882, 

L. oblong-lan- 
eiis i a narrow, Tik. 
shaped, dish, 5 in by 14 in. in 
diam. ; rim of the oblique mouth finel 

ribbed ; lid suborbicular, with a simple 
spur at the back. North Australia. 

Kopio lanata. (4. C. 1882, xvii. 
178.) S. L. deep green, glabrous above, 
thinly covered with blackish hairs be- 
‘cade are also the tonite an 


pitchers. Pitchers kde nok n 
all ventricose, 6 in 


in triangular a lid s 
long or Sahorbioniey. Born 

Bepenshes aurons. ase C. 1880 
ar 40, 41, Williams’ Cat. 1880. 16, 
9.) ’s. A "hy br: if of s Phyllam- 
p ela and N. hooker 

Nepenthes sanmi 
(Veitch Cat. 1882, 19; G. C. 1881, xvi. 
685 ) dsome species 
long, , 5 in. long, 1łi ond, 
green above. reddish beneath. Pitcher 
ri : hairy, 4-6 i ng 
when fully developed, inflated at the 

ase, radually into a cylin- 
without two f 

colour ; lid iaaea "oblong, 
aed behind. Madagascar, 

gece: ear arreg: te 1881, 

P. 1882, 

1063), 8 ba peat hybrid ince N. 
sanguinea and N., khas 

Nepenthes mixta. (@. C. 1893, xiii. 
= Iya A — a hybrid between 
N, northiana and N, 

—— Var. sanguinea. 
xvi, 318.) S. <A var. 
colou red dark red-brown 

Lc C. 1894, 

Nepenthes Morganiæ. are Cat. 
at Bur P. 76.) S 
Garde en h; 

nepnten MEU, CG. - 18 
al kt a pae pa 6 

ry ie Sek fate 
Mouth of “pitcher hae Pheer done a 
finel l-like margin ; 
cordate in young aaa; ovate- long 
in adult ones. Sarawak, Borneo, 

TEE Saige re CTU. H. 1890, 
109, t. hers long 
ro ilo and slightly 
ventricose ; appe half cylindric and 

dish ; mouth with a a green 

Toae pees gy et C1 
my. 411. 1 4; iias 
Cat. 1886, 16 t. gi ys pea Ba hybrid, 

Nepenthes Paradise. binend Cat. 
1883, 27.) S. Garden 


Kapenthos Perviliel. (@. C. 1896, 

aida eae eee rs dull crimson, 

2 in. long d specimens have 1l 

in. long and pitchers 8in. Seyche lles. 
a ee a Raper per farn Era 

C4. C. xviii, 425, f. 69.) 8. 

Pitchers T ng, 

y beset with meat 

hairs. Born 

Var. be hip! char (4. 
1882, xviii. 425 f. 70.) S. Pitchers 
6 in. long, in. broad, of a dull 

brownish stellate hairs. 

Nepenthes Rajah. (Veitch Cat. 1882, 

20 ; G. C. 1881, xvi. Erir 493, f. 91.) 
S. "Adult t pitchers abo 1 ft. long, 
and 5-6 very broad 

Lge. plants they 
and of a dull 
purple. ae: 

ni eg ee erg ee (G. C 1882, 

178, f. 28.) S. Garden hybrid 

ae en. N. Phyllamphora and N. 

—— robusta. (4. 1880, 
40 $ 

0, 41, f£.; Williams’ Cat. 188 
16, t.) B. A rid of N. Phyllam- 
phora and N. he na, with pitch 

particularly wide towards the base. 

sei eee ee Pn i a 
1882, xvii, 143, 24.) 


Nepenthes rufescens. (&. C. 1888, 
iv, 689, f. 95.) S. Garden hybrid. 
Mopenthes Ian 10. f (G. C. 1890, 

GF l 890, 
UT S. N. E 
narrow ; 5 pitchers 6-7 in long by 1} in. 
br h numerous longitu- 
dinal Gart reddish purple e spota; rim 
narrow ; lid small. Borni 

Nepenthes St vwari. (Veitch Cat. 
1879, 26, 52.) S. A Garden hybrid 
tween on Phyllamphora and N. 

Nepenthes superba. (F. M. t. 434; 
Ti, Wee 1881, t. 414.) S. Garden 



het ooo cere g Bid “sea 

m and 
mparatively all obici ng Tid, 
ich is glabrous; the: rest of the pla: ant 

cae villous, Born 

arenes Vieillardi. (Lind. Cı 
1876, 7.) S. Stem robust, obtus alte ri- 
gonous, glabrous, slightly hairy e the 

in le iry with th e sides winged 
an orate, cirrhi ay white 
or ferruginous, New Caledon 

are ehet Williamsii. (4. C. Jaso, 

, f.; Williams Mek 

17, t. S S. A hybrid b ai js 
Sedeni and N. hookeriana. 

Nepenthes wrigieyana. k> (f C. 1882, 
xvii. 143, f. 23.) S. Garden hybrid 
similar to N. ratclifiana 

Nepeta kokamirica. (Gf. t. 1030.) 
Labiate, H b, with small 

i the lower ag of the —- 
reniform, e marginate. Turkes 

ot ee icata. (B. M.t. 6403.) H. 

of dwarf habit, with ascending 

s bearing rather distant stalked 

oordate-ov atei sped serrate 1l., “aie end- 
ing in a spike of pu efl; rple 
- with the lower lip of the corolla beans 
white; calyx with 5 subulate teeth as 

g nnel-shaped, cu ; 
lower lip with an orbicular pasate ae 
middle lobe, and very short recurved 
side lobes, West Himalaya. 

be ae eee OPETE (ΠB. 
1896, 194.) Orchid ed 
to N. cordifolinm E ec 

10 in. long, “ray ow à 
. } in. wide, green with paipis irak ; 
lip white in front. Hong Kong. 

Nephrodium lucidum. (G. C. 1877, 

- viii. 456.) Filices. S. fern the 
habit of N. sophoroides hort, 

y scales few, ok brown. 
Stipites contiguous, 1-3 in. ong, 
slender, green ; frond oblong - lanceo- 
late, bipinnatifid, glabrous, 12-15 in, 
long, 5-6 in. broad at the middle ; pinnæ 
12-20 pai sessile, linear, tifid ; 

Nephrodium pallidum cristatum. 
( Williams’ Lacks 

with crested fronds, said to Vielä a 
delicios perfume. 

Nephrodium rodigasianum. (I. H. 
1882, t. 442.) S. fern with handsome 
F ne. lanceola inna 

ft. ong ; pinnae i inear- 
lanceolate, pinnati tifid, Sam 

Nephrolina gees Rpa gan 
1877, f 

habit, with short ee enlaces gre 
stipites, and large lanceolate-ovate pin- 
nate - pin ae wavy pale green 
East Indies, & 
Be is ag iter Ta ai 
1885, 12.) 8. of dens 
warf habi sigs nds n pb te nen. 
over | ft. high eed fiom their base, 
and of a soft bright green; pinne 
= Sag fonds bipinnatifid. Garden 

. Nephrolepis saber pe compacta. 

keso Cat. 189 Fern with 
arc fronds ei aid long, fur- 

pinnules are cordate pate ‘barr 
RT B. 

TA = ae = a S. A var, with 

Lk ee 

Nephrolepis Duffi. (Bull Cat. ggs, 
7, 6.2; Iara Cat. 1878, 24; G. C. 
% Fr 

Sanik rounded, crenate. anny 
York’s Island, near New Guin 

Nephrolepis ars Ch: C. 1878, ix. 
588, £i 108.) S. Fern 


arie the rhachi 

den Malaca 

Nephrolepis rufescens tripinna- 

e Cat. m IE: GC. 

1887, i. 476, 4 1, E 90, 91. oR 

with 1 aisia fr ois 
hich in the typical form 

with distant lanceolate e Sane efpinne, 


but in the a figured, the pinne are 

deeply p d and overlapping ; the 

fronds a are re clothed, expecially beneath, 
eddish hairs, Tropica 

— =ni rya Ü. — = 

ae Ms value, 

neave, expand 
ovate-oblong, short cus sme 2} in. 
lo an the 

upper tw = male, cream-coloured. 

AETI picturata. (4. C. 1887, 
i. 476; Bull Cat. a 11, > S. foliage 
plant. se a ong. 
of l.s 
ieee: pierre eas 
gated betwee 

pem Spare in. 
oak green, varie- 
een the nerves with white. 

Nerine Alleni. 
526.) Am maryllidace 
-form of N. sarniensis, 

(CG. C- 1895, xviii. 
acer. G. A garden 

Nerine ae (G.C. mev vi. 
195. . N. flexuosa, Herb 
angustifolia, Baker. ] Natal ; ONIG 

m eer eee: CG. C. 1894, 

N sup nfetie. Nata 

Nerine atrosanguinea (G. C. 1882 
xviii. 808.) G. Garden hybrid ps 
tween Pie sarniensis Plantii and / 


Nerine Cami. (4G. C. 1882, xviii. 656 ; 
Fl. and P. 1882, 180.) G. Garden 

Nerine elegans alba. (J. of H. 1893, 
xxvii. 349, f. 51.) G. An erect sca: 

pure white fl an uc- 
tion from So ca, and t fore 
not likely to be a form of VN. elegans, 
which is a hybrid of garden o 

It es ei. 

Nerine excellens. (FI. and P. 1882 
52; Bull Cat. 1882, 16.) G. Garden 
hybrid between N. flewilis and N. 

| § 


pee, filifolia, = = t. 65 ma G. 

erous „ a hairy 

rimti yh ones umbel 
rose-pink fi., the edges of the segments 
being re with darker rose anq 
wa r the tips. Stamens and 

ed oa; peri blue. Orange Free 

| ae gh Sap a 

ra in. a. $ ‘Pied atan, 
Pink fl. South Africa 

Var. gorge (G. 0. 1885, 

a cup at the base. 

Nerine Manselli. (G. C. 1886, xxv. 
104.) G. Garden hybrid between 
N. flexuosa and N. Fothergilli, 

Nerine Moorei. (G4. C. 1886, xxvi. 

oblanceolate segments, 14 in. long. 

Nerine mutabilis. (&. C. 1893, xiii. 
130) G- A ems hybrid between 
N. humilis and N. pule 

— ee. (@. C. 1891, 
576.) G 1. sub- 


as in Pancratium. Natal. 
maoe poai. (B. T. O. 1890, Kg 
iful plant very si 
4 decree with an umbel of 16-18 


bri t with a golden 
sheen. l. appear after the fl., an 
-are about 10 in. long, c i 
glaucous. i 


Nerine rosea crispa. 
ae f. 81.) G. A byb 
N. undulata and N. flexuo 

CW. G. 1890, 
ai between 

Nerine sarniensis Plantii. (6. c. 
1885, xxiv. Ga G. A var. with 
dull crimson fl. and more distinctly 
clawed segmen 

— AP? Se C. 1894, 

A hybrid 
between JV, currifolia and S. pudica; 



Nesopanax vitiensis. (@#. 1887, | Nicotiana colossea. (R. H. 1888, 
71.) Araliacer. $. small tree, 

l sma 5 . or G. annual, with a 
with long-stalk arge digitate 1. stout simple, stem 7-10 ft. high, L. 
aving 6-10 obovate bluntly-pointed very large, t. long, by 20-22 in. 
leaflets TAR at their bas a | . broad, re k a ee green, tinted with 
long stal m compound, reddish violet when young, ovate, 
12 in. in diam. ; fi. green, EPL poan — wh t the base into large 
vitiensis, Baill.] Fiji. wavy wi n the stout petiole. [.V. 
futile Ruiz & Pav.] Brazil. 
Neumannia arcuata. (R. H. 1886 
108, t.) Bromeliaceæ, S L. peti i mnt VE, variegata, CR. H. 1893, 9.) 
late, lanceolate, acute, 24-3 ft. long, G. A variegated form of VN, tomentosa. 
3--4 in. b , the petioles spiny; fl.- | 
tem archin, on done be the 1., clothed | Nisotians ——— Sa M.t. 7252.) 
ith 1 are | r the plant 
ABT Saia N. colossea. e Brazi il, 

ellow ; 
Aar ‘pale valor: [ Pitcairnia arcuata, 
André, ] Andes of Colombia 

Neumannia nigra. git H. 1881, pe 
S. Stem ascending ; l. petiol ate, 

tended by large, 
red bracts. [ Piccatonia. 

ee ghey (0. he Bie 
276 7425.) Orchid S. 

ow, be 

e fl, are small, pure 
white and borne in spikes 3 in. long 
Malacca ; Perak, 

oe ok = M. t. 7368 ; 

ll stout 
itn rte wae , With the 
habit =i of Curculigo ess an erect 
scape ing numerous s ked 
eabcplindi golden vation yon: rh 
long, laya. 

alabamensis. (R. H, 
. & 6 3 

shoots. 1 
long. Calyx- ae Pps cosa serrate, 
reflex , green. 

white „giving the plant its leant effet, 
Southern United 

Nicotiana affinis. (6. c. 1881, xvi. 
141, f. 31.) Solanaeeæ. 

— prepade an A, 
1884, 9.) 

s w $ 3 3e 
head in the centre of the 1., purplish 
or bluish. [aa atas acanthocrater, 
Antoine.] Brazil. 

aer ampullace 


of t 
aiba un recat ] 

Be deen date” ts (B. H. 1880, 91.) 


bands, and marked at the kpo apex with 
a reiala spot. 

many-flow ye Fl same 
succession during tw 

[ Karatas Binoti Antoine razil. 

| Nidularium Caanizioti. CR. H.1895 

452, t.) S. Aga — A rna ahi 

LV; fulgens and N. Innoe 

Aiert meree (W. G.1893, 
A garden hybrid between 

N. atai and Bromelia nitens, 

Nidularium Innocentii, foliis luteo- 

xariogstis, du, ae 1894, ps t. to ) 8. 
This differs from th 

adres 9 
the 1, aa ked with 1 Sni aleek lines 
and bandsof yellowish white. [Karatas 
Innocentii, Antoine, var. ] 


——— — (R. H. 1884, 

es pote let a , obtuse and 
channelled down th e, very pale 
green, slightly marbled, reddish at the 
apex, the margins ar with 
distant spines, Infi. immersed in the 
centre of the 1. 1. small, white. 

[ Karatas.} Brazil. 

Midnlatism wakoyanum. 
1887, 656.) S. 

narrowly linear-lanceolate ; 
to the base, whitish, slightly violet 
towards s the acuminate tips. [ Karatas. } 
Tropical America 

Nidularium paxianum. (GA. t. 
1415.) S. Nearly allied to WV. 
Innocentii, but with peculiar gic 
gree racts red-tipped ; fl. white. 

Waves ae magnificum. 
(4 S. Differing from the 

dark she e, 
the u elongate, na: » gree 
with ies Se dee! tips, lepidot act. 

arden tained by bud-variation 
of the " 

gerrie ieri (B. 11, a 
guished f 


dis ina 

panicle nestling among the 

bract-l, ; these 1. are of a beautiful red, 

shaded with rose; the smooth 1. are 

spo! with dar n. [Karatas 
rutilans, Baker. ] 

Nidularium striatum. Glini Cat. 

pee f.; L' Hort. Int. Cat. 1888-9, 

51.) S. With a rosette of 
broad 1. 8-12 in. long, green, striped 
with white and creamy yellow, the 
margins spinul 

Niphæa Ræzli. (GA. t. arg A Ges- 
neracez, S, = of dwarf co 

calyx with a e tube and 

5 linear- lobes; corolla smali, 

white, with 6 obtuse : 
ropical A 

| Nolina georgiana. (G. C. ages * <4 
688, 697, f. 123.) Liliace 

high, paniculately branched. FL. very 
numerous, small, whiti s 

henge" molis, (G. C. 1892, 
G. Fronds light 
por very-powered beneath ; habi 
dense, essed. 

Nothochlæna Muelleri. (G. and F. 

S n with slender 
pinnæ covered wi 
brownish scales, 

Notospartium Carmichæliæ. (4. C. 
1883, xx. 169, f. 26 ; 

ranches, a 
cemes of rose-purple pea-like fl. 
Kew Zealand, 

sa ks et coke {e C. 1880, xiv. 

58.) rag ia 

the not ee of a Dendro 
chilum. Mexi 

na brevis. (K. B. 1895, 194.) S. 

"e sp miera BAE i peme ng, 

8 any- 

flowered ; E i minute, E iaia ee hepni 
South Am 

greie tae ere CE. Coban, 
dobulbs large, broadly 

oblong. FL small, yellowish- -green, in 
long dense racemes, Tropical America, 

ia insignis. (R. H. 1889, 229, t. 
ie begs acon 

ae ii 
Ai beneath, and Koair of wat 
f ta nnan, China. 

oe se 4- i t. 6584.) 

lobose, ark ai 
mædorea tenella, Wend on 


Nattallie s meraciineis. (R. H. 1875, 

. 302, f . 44; 1896, 
Si aG t , Wi 
smooth bro har o g, entire, 
3-4in. long. Fl. white, in sub-termi 

racemes, sepeacing with the North 

punches se rubra. (B. = s h 
Nymphæa H. 

ar in’ ardens as aes ay rosea, 
and N. Gatnargh Swed 

Nymphza albo-pygmea. (4. C. 
i839, vi. 138.) H. garden hybrid. 

es frapan ow. 1896, 
25.) u hybrid or 

5 in. wide, violet-re 

“BS rate (R. H. 1879, 
Ab [N inn. var. rubra, 

"Tesh, 30 a Casparyi alba. (R. 
synonym of x 

ela pet flava. a2 7. 1884, 479 ; 
B. M. t. 6917.) rH. H. L nu- 

Fl. 4 i 
in om -, pale ye 

Nymphea kewensis. (4. C. 1887, ii. 
366.) G. Garden hybrid. 
et en ape Ares figon: Eint 

1893, ling var. 
_ to cron of hybrid origin Fl. 3} in 
diam. ; 


— Var. liliacea. (Gard. 1893, xliv. 
297. i En pre re be * saren origin, 
Fl, 2 rose- inate ed. 

—— Var. rosea. pla _— 1892, 280.) 
H.? Said to be ag n hybr id. It 

Nymphea marliacea. CG. C. 1888, 
iii. 564; Gard. 1888, xxviii. 292 
B. ater-lily with canary-yellow fi 
[Is the same as N. tuberosa, Paine, 
var. Oli 

~_— Var, g miih, (Jard. 1889, 

43,t.) H. 

Nymphæa miaa — (Gard. 

1893, xliv d to be of 

A rid scant A. nearly 3 in. in diam. ; 
pet. bright rosy crimson 

Var. rubra punctata. hier d. 
1893, il Rae H. Said t of 
hybr rid ori ori in. in pee i ry 
deep aropa and marbled. 

Nymphea mexicana. (W. G.1 

413.) H.H. Water-lily with shining 
yellow fl. 

Nymphea odorata rubra. (R. F 
1881, 406; B. M. t. 6708; FI. and P. 
1883, 139, i ete. t pretty small- 
flowered EEN, with rose-tinted fi. 
United States 

N pnphes ferte (G.and F.1895, 
den eaa, between 
N. dentata Ar N. Sturtevantii 

hea parkeriana. (G4. a 
“Feot iip a _ With the habit, r ¥ 
rge pure white 
mtr fl. with yellow stamens, 
Belen @u uiana. 

(Gard. 1893, 

gg re gpa easy 
aid to hyb rid 


rigin pa a in. in diam re broad, 
coloured =i they cotta "rose, shaded 
with yello 

Nymphea ee — ont sa 
col 389.) H. 
for N. alba ne 

the hea stellata geet ar nC. 
F. 1896, 474, f. 68.) 
Tag var. with numerous eer Rep 
blue Mei 

— ee (4. and F, a 
64.) S. A garden hybrid 
v dentata = T pinks ev Sedii 

PEROS tuberosa. (B.M. t. 6536.) 
closely resembles N. odor 

te crescent - a Sg 
an nie odoriferous, Eas 
North a eric 

si Vag, rpideasiane (a C. 1887, ii. 
condi H. ong sto ut 
rhiz eaha ig spi e ae tubers, 
L T, like those of VN. alba, and fi. 4-6 in. 
diam., of creamy white with 
bright yellow stamens, 


Nymphea voalefoka. (6. C. 1888, Odontoglossum Souminsiissimpa. 

This is said to 
wine var, of JN. stellata: Madagascar ? 

Nymphea zanzibarensis. (R. H. 
1882, 317 ; B. M. t. 6843.) 8. = form 
of N. stellata, but with larger 7-9 
in, in diam., intense blue with z E 
mie anthers. Zanzibar 

— Var. flore mio, (GA. t. o 
A . with deep rose-pu T 5 
but stated (G. C. 188, iii, 800) no t to 

large crimson bars; lip eolate, 
acuminate, dark yellow, with a br 
brown bar, and a le l with 

6- eth on aa A natural 
hybrid between O. pre i and 
0. Tirin. 

differ from N. stellata purpurea. arer A PARES Cook- 
i W. o. 

Oberonia Myosurus. (0. R.1896, 3.) 

orchideen. S. A small Segado pe 
y l. covered with 

saleen ot j pinnal; fl. apam 

buff-coloured. Bur 

Ereg a CG. C. 1881, = 
interes crane little pla 

with thiskish. sath ant a eae 

ike those of Oncidium iridifolium, 
ae oe terminal i ve 


pane ts lon é il. 
The a are Arii ultimately chang- 

ie 1 G A 
s nee owers freely 
blotched with chocolae, [0. crispum, 
Lindl. var.] Colom 

—— Var. cutsemianum. (Z. ii. t. 70.) 
ae ig. crispum, Lindl., var. cutsemi- 
anum. | 

r. giganteum. (FI. and 
ere “1073 G. A form with fl. 5 ais 
across, white with a yellow tinge on 
the lip. 

ing to light red. Bur — Var. Outramii. (W. 0. A. 408.) 

Octomeria cochlearis. (4. ot 1881, 
xv. 266.) Orchidacez. strong, 
cochlea‘ damage purple beneath, 
with numerous transverse furrows. 
whitish oiite, bent sideways ; sep. 
and pet. tailed ; lip trifid, hairy, light 
sulphar, vith a piaia blotch on its 
disk. Brazil. 

A handsomely spotted au with 
a = = a purple along the middle 
of th 

— Var. ese (W. 0 

Se a be 
127.) G. A showy form with so 

flowers blotched with cinnamon: 

[0. crispum, Lindl., var. ] alate, 

meria saundersiana. (¢. c. | — m TOE (W. 0. A. t. 387.) 
1880, xiii, 264.) S. L. thick, terete A var. with rose-tinted sep. and 
baha yellow, with t pet., and a white ag with a yellow 
purple stripes on sep. ani disk, “all — being blotched with 
ochre-coloured. Disk and calli chestnut- bro 
— 8 in front and abund- 2 
antly dotted. Brazil. Odontoglossum andersonianum 
= adshawii. ME ane bee G. 
Octomeria Me magnon (G.C. 1887, with Bes p. mt pet. 
ii. 716.) S. A small species ee bright Jw: eer th 
abnt $18 in. high, with elliptic fleshy 1., red-brown. ichenbach held 0. ‘ge 
whitish green abo „dark b- dersonianum Sy he 1, t. rah to be 
y tessellated with dark purple mdary type of O. lanceans 
inutel wed. 

eath, and y furr 
Potoncle 2-3-flowered. FI. 7 in. long, 
y green, faintly tinted peta 
AR outside; lip yellowish, m: 
with a large lurid purple blotch. “Bep. 
and pet. lanceolate, acuminate; lip 
one-fourth as long, obtuse. Brazil. 

£76) aha 
way of O “Basilicum, with ra ——— 
Land blackish- -purple flow 

— Var. guttulatum. (4. C. = 

sep, and pet.; lip white with a eater aes 
base and a few brown lines, 

mosum. cw. G@.1889, 485, | — Var. imperiale. (G4. C. 1891, ix. 
annual in the | 

#20.) G; Phe with large fi. ; "the 
segments broad, with large blotches of 
chestnut-red ona straw-yellow ground, 


reer sees 

tsoni. CG. C. 1896 358.) 

var. yi ae broad-petaled well- | 
formed fi 

tinged with 
purple and od with ey ein 

— Var. aaa aie (4, ©. 

Lip ` st ee a border, yellow at the | 

oa gie lobatum. (@. C.1879, xi. eu 

Sendo small dar 
on the base of sep. and 
rather spreading narrow side lobes. 

— Var. Marshalli. 
167 7.) G. Differs from the type in 
having violet-purple spots on the fi.- 

— e paolcharrimum. (G.C. je 
A fine var. with 1 
ies oe ea yellow, with 
brown-red blotches 

—~ Var. pulvereum. (6G. C. 1895, 
A var. with yellow fi., 
closely set with small red spots, 

— Var. splendens. (W. O. A.t. 292; 
G. C. 18874 y Ferdi x 0O. crispum, 
ee opinion 

—— Var. tenue. (G. C. 1878, ix. =) 
a ofa 

oxi eg : THO with a fish-tai led top. 

eg gene's angustatum sty- 

ites. (4. eg xvii. 588.) G. 
var. with styliform processes on each 
side of the Salton. 

arga Bagg rsd (4. C. 
1879 G. Something in the 
way of o. maaa but egg mere 

KERIA bs and thinn 

short roai. Sep. whitish Jaliow. 

mottled with gra blotches, keeled on 
the back, Pet er, whitish yellow, 


whitish, the basal callus yellow with 
brown lines. Natural hybrid, 

oe By ages orges (G. C. 1886, 
eg 56. ar. with a lobed 
lip marked with ine blotches, 

—— Var. Violaceum. (G.C. 1e xv. 
an) a A var, with mauve on the 
column and lip. 

(0. R. 1895, | 

a ke pe | 

vere ae eye | Spann aspersum eit 
G. (G. C. 

1895, xvii. 468. js 
3 var. ` with. b uff-tinted sep. and pet 
| Spotted with red-brown and a purplish 

| Odontoglossum ts a oa (4. 
ge Sra "psendobalbs case 
cuneate-oblong 1., of a clea 
yellow, blotched more ov Peal wi 
red-brown. Colom 


Oa isf wi 28 baphicanthum. ce. 

over their ee rface, 
urate, ¢ te, serra with 
bifurcate cal, yellow with pu Mine sh 
ots. Af of the natural hybrid 
and. stor : acco 
Reichenbach ( Bi ke SF). à 
secondary type neeans. 


pian Vir — = “ee R. Eon, 
yellow f. ar are ae iis 

coop ae os! Saale (L. vi. 
of 0. a 
which apis = Te “the same as va 
Stevensii. The fl. are white with act 
brown blotches 

| ER bictoniense roseum. 
| Veitch Man. Odont. 1 G. Thi 


nd pet. are brown 
and the lip deep rose. 

ge (Veitch Man. 
r. with yellow 
ad ae a whi ite lip 

ae ap 
- Oaont. 

— Var. arya A t. 1250, f. 
c-d.) dark-purple 

sep. De oe ae mar 
i eatin and with a rosy-purple 

Odotogorn ur oon albo- 
supe reum. (G. C. 1893, xiii. 355.) 
A var. ra airea PE 

with eyele 

mene Wer. rossianum. (G. C. 1836, 

he crests yellow 


Odesiogiansnes nies. | | tatiana. (0 Cervantesii punc- 
way of 0. (G 

crap with Bes prira ai ote pet. 

potted with purple; lip eolate, 

site, whi ite, with a Gye ‘ate 

— in the nA A natural 

Otontagossun Bleui. (0.1839, 63.) 
G. [Miltonia Bleui, God.-Leb. } 
Var. gore ea CG. C. 
~ 1892, xi. 698.) [ Miltonia Bleui, 
G 3 

-Leb., var 

ee cee eRe (4. 

Allied to O. 

odoratu p. a a lanceolate, 

inate, yellow, marked with brown 

ip white, s ith purple on 

the se blong, upright basal lobes ; 

front lobe wi ll spreading basal 
inate, dentic 

es at 
a few purple ious around it: 

rye ree imceterehan mew (G. 
Allie d it 0. 


eels, the two longest of — serrated. 
Natural ‘hybrid. Colom 

be crag tee Brandtii. (Gf. 1889, 

378, 537, t. 1308; G. C. 1889, vi. 591.) 
So iiny ta the ay of i - 
leyanum, of which it is pro 
variety. Sep. and pet. yellow, pon 
with igi on the l part; lip 
whi with sr - ‘apie 


cre cog rede like. Colom 

Metingienws. Prassia: CG. C. 1885, 
Dh): ri speci 

with B 


irea and pet. 

linear- lanceolate ; lip deltoid, mi 
iv he t 


CA. ser. 1, t. 
0. lanceans. Colo 

ST oo — 
um. ate: iv. t 171} G ar. 
a rosy lilac fl. 

— Var. erin. 
A v 
brightly s 

sae: ik 1878, t. may 
and more 
spot sted fi. Fen the type. 

. C. 1878, ix. 627.) 
ith the fl. covered over 
with ness ri dots 

—— Var. roseum. (Veitch Man. scl 
16.) G. <A form with pale 
coloured fi. 

xix, 562 

Sanne nNOS ag C. 
92.) 0. 
Halti, with ary ora pser nie 

lanceolate, acuminate ; lip pa 
fringed, Natural hybr rid. 

Odontoglossum cinnamomeum. 
J A. under i. 143. 

Flw ‘with a ah ts mson 
spot on the disc, and sis eek wiest faintly 
spotted with the same colour. The fi. 
are strongly scented. schilleria- 

num, Reichb. f.] 

it n cirrhesri. (4. C. 

1876, v. 222; Bull Cat. 
1876, 10.) T is ge, milk-w 
spotted with deep purplish violet, 
Sep. anceol, d 

yellow processes on the disk. Ecuador 

— Var. gemmatum. a. C. 1881 
xv. 330.) G. A var. with groups of 
mauve or net stains at the base o; 
the sep. an 

ar. hrubyanum. (@. C. 188 
ase of the lip and some red lines, 

——- Var. pest engetshet = co C. 1876, 
vi. 452.) with m h larger 

flowers aa 
PERET citrosmum album. 
Sepal PETA Odont. 19.) G. This 

te fi. with a yellow crest 
= s kko li roel 

oon: Var ee CZ. iii. t. 
BIJ Ge A - flowered var, 
dotted on the sep. pon pet. with red. 

r. punctatum. (Veitch Man. 
le 19) G. FL p rose-coloured, 
dotted with purple on the se 


fost tet citrosmum —- 
a th Mun. Odont. G. A for 
con a dee inst md blade to the 

— Prti clesianum. (L. 
pposed hybr pid Solr con 
0. a 
m. Fl. white, blotched 
with brownish crimson, Col ombia, 

Odontoglossum Abn nn (G. C. 
1876, vi. 516.) n the way of 0. 
r else i wit a SA aale ARA 

fl. bo ith yellow. The lateral 
sepals s under the ‘lip, g 
almost linear; petals rather broa 

btd ; lip oblong, acute 

ith a 
phon Lindl. ] Ecuador 

Kontoglossun tag preston 
1896, xix. 467. 
y iit with pale yellow $ fl gore 
and spotted with b 

ontoglossum confertum. (4. 
1879, xi, 298 ; xii. 8.) G. 

rple border rtly 
spots; lip light aria 

an constrictum -e 

‘ 6 
H. 1888, t. m < A var. with ole 
having one or two 
greenis sh white lines at the base. 

— Var. majus. oi of wer so Br 
ae form with longer fi d the 
the lip hastate. Vene 

— Var. ee. (G. C. 1886, xxvi 
.648.) G. A form with saiphur: 
coloured sp a pet. and a very pa 
yellow lip. 

—— Var. sanderianum. (Veitch Man, 
Odont. 20.) G. [0. sanderianum, 
Reichb. f.] 

ontoglossum cookianum. (6 
geh x. 696.) G. A supposed aa 
hy id between O. triumrhans and 
Ò. Tt has desp yellow 
with numerous chest- 

E 3 m, 


oe Coradinei albidu- 

fl., light ce at 
the base of the lip. Colombia. 

— Var. grandiflorum. fe ii. t. 93; 

c 1987; il. 108.) A large 
flowered form 

—— Var. oe CG. C: 1883, 

xix. 688 ) ‘go ape yes sep. 

pet. triped with 
oe ey a a light Borns lip. 

= Var. =e apei CG. €.188 
xxiii. 787. this natura 
hybrid with spite sep. ‘ude 
a yellow border, 

— Var. mirabile. (0. R.1894, oh) 
G. A form of this natural hybrid 

nes cordatum a 
(W. pra G. Differs 
the one ae the segments 
blotched with S üiilait yellow. 

— Var. kienastianum. (G. C.1836, 
xxv. 456 A var. remarkable for 

pet. The lip is very dark br rown in 

— ve res, fe. C. 1880, 

sat i oe he ale at et. per ip aieia with 
sulphur tips and blotches 

ees ante coronarium chiri- 

p nse. (Veitch Man. Odont. 23.) 
var rather larger and paler 
fl. th e . Sep. chestnut- 
brown ; ow with some bro 
markings; lip aapi with a brown 

[O. chiriquense, 

Reichb. f.] Chiriqui, Colombia, 

Aes Pigg) bogie BS ad 1876 

brown marbling. Lip 
3 conical sere warts on each 
ids of the crest. 

— Var. miniatum. A eitch Man. 
 Odont. 23.) G. A form with the pseudo- 
bs placed more e 1y together, 

; » rer 
“brown, tp "0. 
OW ; tp. yellow. Byn. 
fiai Hort.] Ecuador, 

Odontoglossum ofinitum. (4. C. 
40.) A very distinct 

E ee i ieat 4 iped an 
blotched ; sep. an nceolate, 

pet. lan 
acuminate ; lip i with filiform 
processes, Colom 

—— Var. sapphiratum. Me C. 1886, 
ziv. 752. var. having the 
white lip covered with light mauve 

Odontoglossum Pte ak amplissi- 
: ure whi 
segments, and a ‘yellow blotch on the 

r. andersonianum. (Veitch 
Man. Odont. 25, 26, f.) G. [Syn. 0. 
andersonianum, Reichb. f. ] 
Var. arare iA y Man. 

Odont. 25.) G. Af ander 
aa with mere ae 
- segments, 

Plotai on the petals. 

and Poe 

— Var. nang (Veitch Man. ae. 
27; G. C. 1886, xxv. 568.) G. 

large and iwo smaller ears blotches, 

ae VAS. ashworthianum. 
~ 1896, p ii 

rn pi ioe 
blotches of Pate and rose-purple, 
— Var. augustum. (JZ. xi. t. 524; 

OiR. 1896, 196.) G A carg with 
very large vinous red blotche: 

Var. aureum magnificum. (FI 
and P. 1883, 42.) G. A cream 
rew var., blotched with Uhse. 

— Var. bluthianum. go t. =~ 
G. An delicate one with = mauvi 
sep. and pet. without spo’ 

—— Var. rnb gl A n ae h eer n. 

2 pleat 26. L G. 
sep. and pet., aus i iih t Ma ~ esa 
and onesmall meddia brown praca on 
the e pet. 

sep., and 
Lip reddish erent ek broad yel- 
lowish white 
—— Var. citratum. (LZ. my 
G. A r pean a E aS fas 
to white at 
blotched with brown-purple, 



a a oe 

large- flowered 

toothed pet., = 
iassa te 

cutsemianum, Linden. ] 

— ie Dallemagneæ. JZ. ix 

420 A var. with fi. of liam 
size, white, "E a eggs blotch 
of red-bro ment; lip 

io with el er purer with 

ar. dormanianum. (Fl. and P. 
ar 181.) G. A large-flowered 
colour varie 

— Var. Edithiæ. or, B. 1888, us 

ar. with yellow fi. blote 
Sith fos tg the Jay <a oith 
rose, and the pet. with alge centres. 
S Edithie, Warn 

yn. orm o 
the natural hybrid, 0. rag sonianum, 
Reichb. f.] 

— Var. SASERORI as E. zs, ix, 
690; JZ. iii. t. 115 "H A with 
elongated sep. 
bluish-lilac, with a roe ad w 

o @ 

kee! s yellow, with some. brownish 

violet-parple = about them on the 
upper half 

— = ferrierense. (Z. viii. t. 381.) 
var. with large fl., the segments 

of w oie boar each a large reroute 

bioak. pa a rose-tinted ground. 

—— Var. Soten: (G.-C. 1880. xiii. 
232.) G. var. with be et fl. with 
a very few os spots and lin 

Var. og amar at i. H. 1888, 
132,t.) G@ i 


on the ee and a spot or two on 

—— Var r gr n-are (O. R. 
1894, 211.) G. A large and beautiful 
n a spotted $ pira with very 

broad s 

—— Var. hrubyanum. (R. ser. 1, t. 
A large-flowered var. in 
which the whats be the central area of 
bi . and pet, is occupied 
S a brown blot 


Odontoglossum crispum hyper- 

ing marked with a few 
yellow spo 

— Var. j Are ayia 
S Moh. Odont. 26.) G. n 0. je ees 
ianum, Reichb, f. A form of the natural 
hybrid 0. PEES Bae b. E] 


— Var. punoan. 
Xir. bt ) A v 
blotched ae Pabi Huia 

e e. 1896, 
te fi. 

— = ote erro = ser. 1, 
t. C. 1888, iii. 689 G. A 

red spots around 
and radia’ iating lines at the base 

— Var. latimaculatum. (Z. iv. t. 
145.) G. Avar. with broad white sep. 
and pet., and a broad chocolate spot on 
the lip. 

— Var. Lehmanni. (G.C. 1880, xiii, 
712.) G. This is a curi 

rather narrow l. 
numerous, usuall purple, with 

batum. k Ksilok Man. 

ja mey 26 .) G. [Syn. O. limbatum. 
Reic. natura 

A form of t 
hybrid i “andersonianum, Reich, E 

— Var. lobatum. a Man. Odont, 
20.) &, [S 0 ersonianum, 
Reichb. f., var. A einen Reich £ £] 

— Var. lowianum. (G. C. 1894, xv 
539.) G. A var. with spotted sep. pee 
plain-edged — pet. marked with 
binds of bro 

ar. luteo-radiatum. (Z. xi. 
ar "a. A var. having a central waa 
of yellow in the sep., pet. and lip. 

—— Var. Mariæ. (Jil. 1.1878, t.325.) 
G. Fl. pure white, seag twore 
at the base of the low sep., a few red 
on the column, an e callus 
tinted with yellow, 

Meleagris. Se xi. t. 520.) 
G. A fine form with 1 large pele | rosy 
lilac sep. and pet. ing ite 


Olen‘cg:ossum crispum mundy- 


plang marked with large blotches of 
magenta-purple, and having the back 
of the sep. and tek flushed with purple. 

— Var. prne $ C2 

dish brown on a white groun 

— w. ocellatum. (Z. ix. t. 429.) 
ar. with very small kea freely 
iA. over the segmen 

—— Var. Owenianum. (4. C. 1893, 

xiii. 636.) Œ. A var. with lar, rge fl. 

heavily aes with dark yellow ona 
white ground. 

—— Var. plumatum. (W. 0. A.t. ere 
GA e sep. and pe 
flushed with a soft rosy purple tint ind 
freely spotted with cinnamon-brow 

— = are igo Sige B. = 
pet. sae beds with: Geri oa ue 

ith cream, ; they are pe 
spotted with reddish brown, and the 
lip has a bro on 

the middle. 
(Syn. O. pollettianum, Williams. } 

Reginæ. (W. 0. A. t. 264.) 
G. A form with white fl. evenly spotted 
with pare brown, the disk of the lip 

— Var. 

— Var. baay as ad 2 — 
zô, Fl. with b 
tinted segments heavily plotebed with 

—— Var. ruckerianum, Er aiio Man 

Odont. 27, eg z yn. 0. ruckeria- 
num, Reichb. f rm of the natural 
hybrid 0. JAS AREE SN Reichb. 

—— Var. ruckerianum superbum 
(R H. _ 60, ne r A form with 
handsome rosy-ti 

— Var. Sander CG. C. 1892, 
~ 698; FA = ee 882, xxiv. 441, f. 78) 
th large cri crisped ‘heavil 
tee . 

— Var. Scottii. . and P. 

42.) G. FL any Ae iaai 
with chocolate 

— Vis: aenda. gi p 1888, Hy) 
G. var. with whi nged wi 
ag ` 

large brown blotch in the centre wen | 

ersonianum, Reichb, 
E fat sy Williams, ] 

nei Pigeon ga wears 
(Fl. and P. 1882, 52; W. 0 
O. FL lar Slee Wh, Savile Tarral 
with light brown ; ; lip with a 
yellow disk. 

— Yar. sulfureum. (0. R.1896, 60.) 
ar, with the an uniform 
salpinaececliow colour. 

— Var. tenue. (Veitch Man. Odont 
~ 95.) ERR rsonianum, 
Reichb. f. var. tenue, Reichb, b£] 

—— Var. Thompsoniæ. (&. C. 1 
xiv. e 
fl. pur white with blotches of rich 
aie on the pet 

and some brown 

Var. venustum. (&. C. 1896, xix. 
e53 SI FL ee blotched 
with crimson-purp 

—— Var. ia aire nia and P. 1882, 
181.) A large-flowered colour 

— Var, waltonense. = ix. t, 416.) 
. A var. with large 
toothed and wavy, colo rosy 
mauve on a white pas with large 
dark brown blotches 

— Var. Wilsoni. (FI. and P. 1882, 
IBL] G S large-flowered colour 

. Wo TEE (G. C. 
with large 

disk and yellow cre 

s Vi. rnan CW. 0. A, t. 
493.) G. Fl. with large heavy blotches 
of a plum-red colour, 

— Var. a (4. €. 
1883, xix. A var. with a 
yellow lip, ei few lines n 

@ large lobed blotch of brown, 

A var. with Silty full | 

ea segments | 


Odontogtoes um —— xanthotes. 
Ch. vii. t, 312.) G. ar, with white 
fi, polisi with yello eng 

| Odontoglossum cristatellum. (4. 0. 

ree 878, x. 1882, xvii. 143; W. 0. A. 
t. 66. e pf Geter cl brid with rich 
brown and yellow fl., having the 
of the 

column, wings, and bor ders 
k eels red. Ecuador. 

Odontoglossum cristatum Leh- 
manni. (Qf. t. 1315, f. 2.) 

A var. with oblong- apnena acute 

sep., elliptic - lan pet., 

and an obovate-oblong lip, 'obtusely 

rounded and with the edges turned 

pid ai 

chestnut-br sit 


ing ; lip ree ulate na an 

aiU NAA with several split crests in 
reat square pe ae in the 

centre, white. [A p of 0. 

Reichb. f.] Colombia. 

91.) luteo- gaits 

— ia piaty ami. LA C. 188 
ates Livi ta 


— Var. arag petan (G.C, 1881, 
xv. 428.) G. Lip ye 

a dellense. (@. C.1891, 
G. to bea natural 
hy “brid between O, Pescatorei and O 
i Anina 

Odontoglossum deltoglossum. (6. 
C. 1881, xv. 202.) @. Sep. and pet 

to Reichen Soili (BR. 
t. 37) a secondary type of 0. keia g 

— Var. Stevensii. (0. R.1894, 115.) 

nearly unmar: 


Odontoglossum  dicranophorum. | 
(4. C. — = 330.) G. Raceme lax. 
arge as that of 0. = age te 



larg i 

Lip oblong, elliptic at the base ; front 
be line ha rom the 

aiw to the centre a — depressed 

crest ending wor bik. Ne des, 

2 natural hybri rid. Sette ‘0. Lindley. 
um and O. triumphans. 

Odontoglossum rng wore 
(G. C. 1884, xxi. 11.) G. Pseudobulb 
elliptic, Beck: 2-edged, grooved and 

times with a 
the lip with a large blotch. 

Odontoglossum Edithie. (Warner 
Orchid. Pi E E Tages 
O. crispum Edithie 
Odontoglossum Edwardii. (4. C. 
1878, x, 74. xi. 12: D-M. C CIE) 
Infl. large ; fi. parple-violet, with 

a yellow lip. Ecuador 

pee aie a elegans. (G. C.1879, 
G. Natural hybrid much 
ike” 0. ia ai 

Lip yellowish, Beer the apical 
white age 

earing 2 pcs oS turned away 
oth one another. Ecuador 

Odontoglossum elegantius. (4. C. 
iii. 200.) and pet. 

n O: lindley- 
anum and O, Pescatorei. Colombi 
Odontoglos trum. (G. C. 
1887, ii. 71 7, G. Ane to 0. Prane 
with ith mauve and 

Sema abruptly con- 
; Head x long lanceo t 
crests brown, the disk around 
sulphur- coloured. A natural 
“hybrid. Colombia, - 

lobe; : 


Odontoglossum eugenes. (Veitch 
e Odont. 13.) G. suppo 
ybrid between O. Pescatorei 
ed O. triumphans, Colombia 

Odontoglossum excellens. (4. C. 
1881, xvi. 426.) G. A natural y lora 
between “0. triumphans and 

gs has also been raised art 

Var. chrysomelanum. (4. C. 
1888, iii. 522.) G. A var, with yellow 
fl. spotted all over. 

— Var bya my sae es * 1894, 
112; dJ. Ò. 1894, 2 with 
large fl. light yellow pra numerous 
brown spots, first described as 
hybrid of 0. crispum kaa 0. Panera 
— Var. lates ye: ack R.1896, a 
G. ulphur-yellow fi 
without the Boom inicias of the type. 

Odontoglossum facetum. 
T xv. 502) G- 


E E 

light "yellow, 
n; petals h 

with a semicircle 

light yellow ep a horses ped 
b in front of = keels, and 
opti on tween 
them, Natural hybrid? e 

Qdontogiosmim ferrugineum. (G. C. 

1883, xix . A natural hybrid 
se eki ro with yellow 
tips ; lateral sep. s ing under the 
x k b. ed; lip subcordate over 

k, narrow-oblo: or 

ee of the blade 
a subreniform tish-yellow, 
with a brown spot on the disk. 

Se glonerianum. 
iv. t. 0O. odoratum, Lind 
var. glonerianum. 

a ah papacy anum. (4. C. 

ontoglossum gracile. 

( Veitch 
Sie ecog- 

Odont. 74.) G. Easily rı 

which is paniculately branched, the 
bran i reddish brown 
fl. about 1 in. in diam Berio o 

ts on the fles lip, 



tana (re Posen william- 
num. (Veitch 3.) 
iva 0. Saian, Reickib. £] 
tenan pumas num. RES 
iv to be a var. of 
a E ienen, i wit iih pale yellow $ 
hav ving the spots almost black. 

a “we Lindeni. (Z. 
ston a orm with richly 

— Var. superbum. (Z. iv. 83.) G. 
A form with very dark fl. bordered 
with yellow, and having a white lip 

Var. xanthoglossum. (4. C. 
~ 1879, xi.716.) G. A var. witha a yellow 
lip ins ‘of a white one as in the 


aT rri x ee 
(&. C. 1896, ai bo ge 
hybrid peon the o specie indi- 
cated by the name. ro. er ispo- Halli. ] 

eee ypas xanthum. 

7.) G. A supposed natural 
Éybria So tween O. ian and O. poly- 
vanthum, Equatorial Andes, 

Odon lossum ha 
a 486 ; ene 

of larg 
. Sep. ET aad. ligu- 
Paar acute, weirs bro 
yellow bars and mar 

angled | 
on each side, yellowish with mauve 
borders and lines; blade . pan- 


with EAE. pan iasg 
ore a voter? 

—— Var. flavescens. (G. C. 1889, vi. 

38.) G. A remarkable var., the fi 
being wholly yellow. 
—— Var. pavonium. (4. C. 1889. v. 

G. A richly marked var, with 
a delightful perfume, 

— peee harven FA 


J. O. 1895, v. f. 7.) a fA 

fo ek ‘of 0. i which see. ] 


—— ee t: 
of O. ande: 
rnin or iniaa Ss p een 

CR. ser. 1 >| 37) a secondary type of 
0. lance an 

—— Var. aspersum. (R. ser. 1, t. 
T) G: 

— 5 NM: lineoligerum. (4. C. une 
45, . 85. G. 
hacer the letter- like > markings nies 
up i into spots and li 
€G. 0. 

Odontoglossum Hennisii. 
158; Gf. 1891, 


Aa Mingus, (&. C. 1887, 
ral siria with 
ened lance solate Vy and 
pet., an n acumin inhi lip, 
all the parts k Jlr and brown 

bach iri apse tee ee = 

eke in ee pita Py 0. tees 

ligulate, cia were, Bam datok. 
with bro bars. 

broader, whitish. with “light sulphur 

Lip trifid; side a Pt 

rder h con- 

culate! wa s 
four s styliform sps ‘calli & on each side. 
upposed natural hybrid, 
Odontoglossum ATE e (G. 
a 30, xiii. 41.) F 

Lip broad, wedge-shaped at b 
with obscure teeth at the soca 
outer border. Colombia, 

Odontoglossum , brubyanum. CA e 
rag iv. n a lax racem racem 

bases of the side 

with the ti tips youd | the 

which is nt, with 
an rem and a tumour on ok side 
at the Peru 

poe Satie humeanum. (4. ¢. 

1876, v. 170.) G: Probably a m atural 
by rati ween 0., maculatum and 
O, Rossi 


paven hensogeilianan 
F. 1889, 489.) 
ee ein Heri ianum, 

ted with ows the edge 3 sep 
and undulate, Colombia, 

— er grandiflorum. (Z. xii 
545.) A form with larger fl. ye 
a more crises onidan lip than the 

Odontoglossum imschootianum. 
(@...C, 1891, pu G. Supposed to 
be a natural rid between O. tripu- 
dians and O, rile faba 

Odontoglossum Insleayi ogra 
ianum. (Z. viii. t. 359.) of 
a yellowish eas as in var. aur ds 

— Var. leopardinum. (ef. S ge 
G. Only differs from the 
being die er more richly d es 
ag Siegen vermaet 

Odontoglossum — (a. C 
1884, xxi. 445.) G icled ; sep. 
and W, gli ve; lip 
mauve with a white tip, having a pro- 
jecting blunt angle on side of 
the and a linear- front 

lobe ; calli orange, Ecuador. 

iG, 1876, ix Af of 
0. NE SeA prada oo held 
+ Sena Speech S secondary 
type of O, lanceans 

Odontoglossum oae. 

ar, limbatum. (G4. C. 1882, 
Fe 808.) G. A var. tings a sulphur 
margin to the sep. and pe 

r. parciguttatum. (4. E ises, 
xix, ne 0.) G. A white-flow 

with a few brown spots on ioc, sep. ma 

Odontoglossum Kegeljani. (B. H. 
0) G. gi Acs te 

to O.triumphans. F1. ina lax raceme 
sep. and pet. elli intic-lanevolate acute, 
yellow; kasa incurv' arked 
with 2-3 red-brown iota; Tip ob- 
long, cuspidate, concave, ns ser- 
rulate: base, a s 

the rest reddish o iaa i 

dontoglossum bum. 
wi R. 1893, 200.) G. A var. without 
rose purple colour in the fl. Costa 

ae. ramori smithi- 
CG. C. 1883, xix, 242. 

in front 

Odontoglossum ier gemma ae D. 
1893, xiii. 442.) species similar 
to O. elegans, wit fl, 2 in. pene 

, with 
a ve Ivety brown ot jn Ek, and 
a few purple at the sides. 

BrE r læve auratum. (4. 

C. 1885, x A var. with a 

very na new ie a little besser at the 
pex and acute at the 

Odontoglossum lanceans gravesi- 

C. 1893, xiii. 322.) G,- A 

£: cre: white sep. and pet. 

spotted with urple. A form of 
O. andersonianum, 

ee latimaculatum. (ZL. 

crispum, Lindl. 

we. ladinkaidatin. Linden n.) 

Eri argo eat leeanum. (Fl. and P. 
1882, 76; G. C. 1882, xvii. 525.) 

rding to Reichenbach (R. ser, <I, 
t. £37) a secondary type of 0. lanceans. 

Od S8 E826) G fe idum. 

1884, xx. 526. feendobulbs is. 

rather bags, flowered, 
à veges ae at py yellow, 

afterwards changing to w w 

yellow edging ; se ith 2-3 brown 

spots; pet. with only one; lip ¢ te- 

hastate at wit 


Odontoglossum leroyanum. (Gard. 
1890, xxxvii. got 0. 1891, 112, st) Ba 
A form of O. Denisonia, a ybri 
tween O, aripii and O. pera 

eto pagel (a, C. 1882, 
and pet. oran ai - 

Te ay aos or sah an ae 2 brow 
blotches, Lip with an assage slew, 

rere Pan with a large brown 
its disk. A nee ral hybrid, a ares 
of O. Coradine 

blunt agg 

Gage limbatum vio- 
.(G. C. 1878, ix. 725.) 
A natural hybrid, a form of O. ander- 

Odontoglossum lindleyanum Co- 

radinei. (Veitch Man. Odont. 43.) 
G. [0. Coradinei, Reichb. bet 
— Var. ligulare. Siege Man, 
- Odont. Ra G. A form of 0. (.- 
—— vat andum. (Veitch Man. 
"Bld: 1s) G [Syn. O. mirandum, 
Reichb. f. } 
Odontoglossum ea ee 
num. S G. A, 

C. 1876, vi. 772 ; 

Plant Seibel A nike 07 
suchen with very rounded pseudo- 
bulbs. Fl. racemose, 1} in, in diamet er; 
sepals and broader _ sap yellow, 
with many abrupt n and 


Odon Shes lusianisnum. Ci. 

#1887, t. 7; L.i mG: z 86, 
XX Semaine ta 
of O. . nævium and O. aordi, with a 
fine fl. spott 

t asal | 
pert 0 of the poh acuminate lip. Vene- | 

(G@. C. 1891, _ 344, Ho 
G FI Fl. ofa pale yellow-green co 

paces resis 

— m ea oa (G. C. T 

avii G. A var. with broa 

a few halar brown edendi on the 
disk, | 

aa. ere rs GEL © m ; 
sep. broad, reddish brown, wi niger yellow 
tips; pet. broad, creamy yellow, oa 
red-brown ts; li 
with U pia aiit. Colombia: 


Ca. È 

he way © 



| rte armee pu um 
—_ e R. 1893, 34.) G. 



and pet. red 
tibii halt dép be sing the latter 
rked with a broad greenish yellow 

—— Var. ee es C. 1889, v. 
232, f. 4l. whole front 
halt of the lip Peis e into 

Var. alt meu (Veitch Man. 
Odont. 45.) [A form of O. Mulus, 
Reichb, E 

facetum. (Veitch Man. 
pie EES G. [0.facetum, Reichh, f.] 

Hin (Veitch Man. 
ar 46.) G. "0: ” Hinnus, Reichb, f. | 

Var. magnificum. (W. A. O. t. 

254.) G. Pi nee helt ps var. wi gpa 
sep eared chestnat-brown except 
and the pet. aa 
lip heavily. blotched with chestnut- 
brown. Colo 

ulus. (Veitch Man. Odont. 
iy ne aT Mulus, Reichb. f.] 

Var. vuylstekeanum. (Veitch 
| Man, Odont. ee Pa [Syn. O. vuylste- 

ontoglossum Be (G. e 
Odontogio 632, £.97,t.) @. Anatu 
hybrid, a form of 0. Denisonie, 

Odontoglossum oo ae (G. 

C. 1885, xxiv ae ; p. and pet. 
Apin lanceolate, acute, marked with 
nets of dark cinnamon ; lip raters d 

angular. r acute, 

denticulate, with numerous. lateral 

keels terminating in , and a 
central one dir forwa ard, 

ecte A 
natural hybrid, a form of O. Deni- 

| Odontoglossum maculatum anten- 

natai. ( CG. C. 1881, xv. 688.) G. 

— Var. du obec = C. 1888, 

352; L.v. t. 218.) @ A var. with 
| eal i ei 

| whitish yellow Ii lip, all of which ae 
spotted with bro’ 

ci i erosum, (G. C. 1879, = 

A showy var. with a 
0 ii lip. Sep. inside 

eae Lip and pet. Calon: with dark 


Odontoglossum madrense. (4. C. 

1877, viii. 102 ; W. 0. A.t. 71 fda 
the way of 0. nebulosum, but more 
slender. Fl. white, with broad green- 
ish or dish brown spots a of 

base. mawi 
Lindl. ; ya H. t. 6144.] Colombia. 

aoar Tac 0) ea Mal (G. 
1882, xviii. 680 

0. angustatum, 

aes m Aa b 

bro yellow margin an 
bet eii ti call 

Odontoglossum E x meet 

with a relia 
p. pet. 
pereiating. the _ former Eeclatea, the 
ae zer p pandurate, wavy. 

Odontoglossum mase — 
— C. 1888, iii. 618 ; HG. 1888 310.) 
TA yellow Variety of 0. oer um, 
Reic hb. 

Odon ces mirandum. 
1882, xvii. 143.) G. 

boid-serrate column-wings. Colombia. 

Var. — Sie C 1884, xxii. 
with unusually 
sep. and pe 
the disk of ek front part of Piho “ap 
tinted with 

‘eee oe 
_ Much like ØO. lind- | 


hulacum amahila 


Ca x. t. 450.) G. 
red dots scattered liberally 

segments of the fl. [ 0. ia tee. 

& Tex. | 

Dugger = 

rg ee Ty 

ar. (Veitch 
Odont. 53.) 

Man. without 

‘Var. seer We elik H. u 
ey er t. 524.) . havin 
entirely whit efi. 

| en Vie, agen gn. H. 1884, 
G. Sge 

oia Mulus holfordi- = 

dark purple-brown blotches he 
sep. Re p white, with a very 
light oc us disk, and some purple 
Notucal hybrid. 
Var. statterianum. (4. € 
~ 1893, xiii. 636.) G. A var. with ex- 
ceptionally large and mt marked fl. 
tum. Fe t. kog: G. 
of white fl., having the sep. and pee. 
impasse ip some 
ogee ee on the front lobe, the base 

with a large yellow Soe ner some 

t. 524. of the sep. 
and pet. and t ee part of the 
lip spoleed Bg reddish brown. 

1 | eink ow odoratum baphi- 
| canth 

m. G. 
[Syn. O 

—— . Var. ANOTA a ivt ees 

Sips Man. Odont, 55. 
1, Reichb. f. | 

G. A large var. with n us fl. ; 
sep., pet. and lip all 1 
nate, w white, } tt es asa 

trown, Venezuela. 

Var. hebraicum. afan h Man, 

Odot. m G. O. hebraicum, 
Reichb. f.] 

Var. hemileucum. (4. C. 1883, 
xix. 784.) G. A var. with the disk of 

the “we And nearly the whole of the 
lip wh 


— Var. leean (Veitch Man. 
Odont, 56.) G. yn. O. leeanum, 
Reichb, f.] 

Odontoglossum Oe 
pty vii. 302, BE 128; 

1- ered. 

pulehellum white, with rl pie = of 

the li paa isk before i yellow, 

wi ith = ‘ew 
ith mall Shiau blunt 
auricles abe each side of the base of the 
stigmatic cavity. Costa Rica. 

——s oliganthum. (6 

1879, xi. G. Psendobuibs 

of the pet. is dotted with brown. 

a short 

Lip with two basal angles, a 
‘oad front 

isthmus and br reniform 

ea —— (G. C. 
1879, xi. 336.) G. the way of 0. 
FPES and O. vos T having 

infi. 2-3 ft. long; fl. lar yellow, 
wit vith dark spots on pet., ces ep. 
and lip, Eastern Andes of Ecuador. 
gere ee ornatum. CW. so 
41.) G. Regular 
his n the centre, and wicked with 
small fon spots. Colombia 

foo op al Fit eee re (GA. 
30.) of o. eramu 
The A are e peared with prn, 
spotted with deep red, Colom 

Seer ee ben: eee Pi = 
535 Bi 

lip pure white. Colombia. 

Odontoglossum Sebre ma (L. 
v. 83.) G. No description 

Pdentoglossum. a auran- | 
532. | 


tia acum. G. 
with an ie base to 

— ue Kopat Fee feria sy G. 
A var. with p and 
the li lip c unas blotched sare purple, 

um. WO, Ay 

a few ‘rose-parple spots, eo 

om the mid line of the sep. and one 
the apex of the pet. The lip white, 
with the basal ed 

front lobe wie a few purple s 

ar. hyeanum. = iv. 83.) G. 
ET bicgesticweted form 

—- Var. leucoxanthum. (4. (. 1887, 
i, 606, £ 114) G. 

white ‘fl, only se eat with orange 

the crests and colu 

= Yer J Lewisii. (oA = = 135.) 

Ei e um-sized fl. ted, 

with maie eg marked 
witha ken blotch of violet-purple. 



Odontoglossum Pescatorei limbo- 

| gum. xiii. 169.) 
| . with the dark spots of O., Pescatorei 
| purpuratum, but fewer in number, and 
ith #23 ‘ous ve-coloured spots 
in addition along the whole border of 

the front blade of the lip. Colombia. 
—— Var. Lindeniæ. (Z. vii. `) G. 
E form with one la ie purple blotch 
on the disc of each sep. and pe 

— Var. Pres grape (ZL. iv. t. 178.) 

A form with the sep. striated with 
rose, the white pet. dbi with blood. 
red, and t p white with yellow 

crests and purple side lobes. 

—— Var. deter isl Ke. C. 1884, rie 
~ 638.) G. A var. sep. an 
pet. spotted with bint on a fetter 
mauve ground, 

— Var. ee 
1885, xxiii. 

white fl., hav: ang the rih hpt bre 

base of the lip blackish purple. 

val ri 

| — Var. schrederianum. (4. C. 
rs, Xx, 588.) This differs from 
var. Speen! in having the 
| pee ens on the ee of a more 

ecid ing so 

urple, ph not reachi 
near the tips. 
—— Var. ih agri (G. C. 1887, 
ii. 186. A large-flowered var, 
with the KA of the apet sep., the 
outer halves of lateral pes some 
spots on pet., and lines on the lip 

—— Var. thomsonianum. (4. C. 1889, 
vi. 534.) G. A richly spotted deep- 
coloured form, 

2 Tar pr apee aa C. 1882, 
xvi 588 and 1882, 76; 
Ta 63" ar. 1884, xxvi. 
t. 452.) G. Var. broad ma 
zonal bands and be ae two on asd 
sep. and pe 

Odontoglossum 3 Phalænopsis luxu- 

e callus broadly bordered 
with "yellow. [ a s Anean, 
Nichols, var.] Colom 

— Var. solare. (G, C. 1879, gee 
S A var. with fl. larger than in 


and a very broad lip with radiating Odontoglossum Rossii (74. UH. 
purple points, the basal part nearly 1880, t. 371.) G. In this or five 
circular, yellow, with hate [ Mil- reni coloured vars. are figured 
tonia Phalenopsis, Nichols. var.) Mexi 
ET =, PRET op ac (W.G. | —— Var. albens. CW. 0. 34.) 
aaa ser are similar G. A form spotted with 2x fa cia 
= oe to which 0. | of brown. 

pierce Thoda : they are of a fine 

yellow speckled with brown | Var. amesianum. (W. 0 

pA t 
343.) G. A var. with greenish white 

| ) 
ng ong uae Longe ai CG. ¢ sep., san — and barred with 
35.) | brow alee ite, with a large brown 
phon a ear ot a ous | area ‘at aes ; lip white with a 

pseudobulbs, aR. and a short | yellow cr pis 

ar. nti = Pn Sore Man. 
. O. aspersum 
purple. Central America es ote P we ey aE 

OGAE a) pollettianum. (1. 

tural hybrid, a 

ree . cerulescens. (Veitch Man. 
he yA (iar re aloes 

—— Var 
Qomt. 65.) G. [Syn. 0O. cwrulescens, 
. Rich.] 

Odontoglossum polyxanth (F. 

— Var. Ehrenbergii. (Veiteh Man. 
U. t. 453.) G. [0. Kegeljani, E. Morr] Dami. 65.) Bs a 0. p iasan ae 
Reichb. . Ehrenber idi Li = 
=a Var. rag wren re (Ww. 0 Klotzsch k D 
t. 258.) G. A large-flowered cas 

—- Var. humeanum. mE vitch Man. 
Odonto; ossum ramosissimum — Olt = G. [Syn. O. humeanum, 
ichb. f. | 

se tinted as si instead of | —— Var aurea teeing ce. m _ 
pera spotted with that colour on a 132; 1895, 113, f. 5.) r. in 
waite ground, Colombia which every trace of uia ee 

liliifilo nm. gla Man. Pet, and lip white and the sep. pale 
O 03) G. Ar with pink. 

: b, agas k 
with Sat ot es ocellated spots on the = Var. majus. (R. 77.1886, 492, t.) 
ic Š 

basal part of the sep. a , which 
are less wavy than in | 
Ten eee ee 
viride. (&. C. 1880, xiii. G. with the sep. heavily 
~ 998. eo A col | biotched wi blood-red, and the pet 
5 oe variety. | arked along the middle with a series 
Var. xant (G. C. 1880, | of blotches he same th 

xiii, 298 Gc Adkor. is veined with rose. 
—— Var. musaicum. (&. C. 1880. 
Odon J GE 1 ais ehant. | xiii. 200.) G. A var. with violet 
ce i, ibed pet., the lower halves covered with a 
0. peana giar fiar peppes ioe tra eis on _ yellow and green blotch; the lobes 
if m TO ked and dotted. 


| o 
ax; sep. gulate, amis, | Sep. ordam lobed, with green mar- 
yellow, with a brown line oer Rod gins, the spots and streaks chestnut- 
brown spots at base = as : | ee hes 

a narrow acuminate f Pad Toes | 

2 or 4, no bristles, | 

| A pimi. C&. C. 1880, xiii. 

exe var. with very pale 

OE reien. (G. | > eer fi. callus of the 
sj xiii, a8: supposed | RP as a very few light brown s 

natural hybrid, | inside. a $ 2% 


Odontoglossum Rossii Retwaletes. 
= xii. t. 534.) Sep. and lateral 
almost entirely ‘light a, 

. rubescens. 

— Var Cages ta 
XV. a dis A a 

white pet. with a brown disk an 
and a white lip with a yellow crest. 

Var. virescens. (Veitch 
‘iadin 65.) G. = var. with white 
spotted with gree 

Ma .: 

ions Var. um. = (Veitch 
Man ont 03) oe [Syn. O. warner- 
ianum, PR aiohh, F 
grey oop So um. (L. 
K aside anes Fi. light yellow 
with mars chocolate-brown blotches, 

ee ruckerianum ara 


is merely a lar 
pie mere Ate 
mauve blotches. escent called 
sit E A ondary type of 
O. lanceans 

Odontoglossum sanderianum. 
1881, xvi. 524, xvii. 492; R. 
large-flowered ae a 

0. constrictum, Lindl 

a ier 
1882, xvii ye 

<6- e 

[0. lut 
purana, Lindl. var. Sceptr um, Reic 
> AU. EE, S71, k 73.] 

Odontoglossum schillerianum. («. 
884, xxi. 577; L. ii. t. 82.) G 

on the disk. Ven, 

Odontoglossum a | 
Pre on G. Aformof O.ander- | 



witha fo light brown bars at t 

pet., and some orange on 
eye the lip and cailus. 


è | Bete oeii, peringa. 

arger Satie - | 

hb. | 

SPS > 


CG. C. 1882, xvii. 700.) A natural 
hybrid belie ved to be a form of O. 
Beni soni, Colombia. 

i mOdontodaibant 


(E; C. mee Ea rage R, ser. 1, t. 96.) 
her re escribed 

Mitton se iG dit iana, 

O'Brien, “a 
li the ed. 

same as the nam 

CW. G: 
with very round 

1891, i G 

| what alles than that of 0. 
| Aezandr C, r the oent sie: the fl. is white, 
e sep. a e bordered wi ith 

yellow, aa: des pied fl, is spot 

irregular ar patohes of brown-red. 
erini Colombia 

| Odo peapa ea spectabile. ie Q: 
| A 

aries 467; L. xi. t. 523. 
| iiae atural hybrid rasain 
| 0. Kroll y = Prti spotted with 


| ee saree be ta oe C. 
-AWIT L 315.) pe -= lind- 
aadar but pe Ms roader, 
light yello soon groon, aoe 
bro ip w 


the ere of the stalk. 

| brid between 0. indleyanum ere 
| tripudians. Colom 

 Odontoglossum stauroides grave- 
| gianum. (6. C. 1887, ii. 154) G. 
A form with ochre-sulphur sep.and pet. 
marked a 
lines ip dots of p 

ts natural 
w0. Kaiak and 
O. Pescatorei, 

Odontoglossum nioi aniane (GL. 
$, xxii, natural hybrid, 
a pitt of 0. pestis 

Odon oatoglossum tentaculatum. (G.C. 
1883, xix. 814.) G. A natural hyhi, 
a form of O. Mulus. 
pmen deep chocolate in colour, the 
lip be white with a blot of oran: 

GL: 1883, xix. 210.) G. A var. with 
yellow sep. and pet., blotched with 


maroon ; lip very broad, white, with a 

e bro rown blotch covering nearl 
the patos of the ro part, and smaller 
blotches beside i 

Odontoglossum tripudians harry- 
— nage = = — 210.) 

Ay pet. almost 
black i inside oor with light a : 
lip light er mauve at the 

—— Var. leucoglossum. (Veitch Man. 
Odont. 67.) G. —— biopten ge und 
colour of the lip w 

aot Sontag ieee (4G. 6.1881, 
104.) G A var. with a Hoag Jip, 
baare blotches, and only the 

Oiontoziossm triumphans au- 
OW 0. A. t. 460.) G A dis- 
ith yellow whic 
blotched with Bera Sie ai 
of brown. Colombia 

—— Var. volubile. 
G. This differs oe 
narrower an er l., a twinin 
stem 4} ft. or a: long g, with smaller 
—— fi. having narrower and more 

uminate segments of a paler colour. 

CR. H. 1888, 179.) 
ei ters havin 

oie lager? troyanofskyanum. 
er su 

Soi hybri og ate Py Pescatorei 

and O, triumphans. 

m Uroskinneri album. 
(G@. C. 1893, xiv. 470; O. R. 1893, 334.) 
G-A i white lip. 

toglossum CA C. 
1876, vi. 808.) ral hybrid 
een 0. apterur m and O. Aa 

Odonto; Cii vexillarium album. 
r 0. A. t. g G. A var. with white 

= base of the lip wit 
light ae bsi [Miltonia tordita 
Benth. ] Colombia, 
— Var. album. (W. 0. A. under t. 
204.) G. A beautiful white-flowered 

cobbianum. (77. and P. 1882, 
Ty za A var. with a white lip. 

—- Var. fastuosum. (Z. iv. 83.) G. 
i——. a pet. and a 

ee ec —— aa 
7. C. 1880, xiv. 296.) 

=V —— a on 1885, 
with t 


ey bright | aa ain the 
— Var. poera st C. 1885, 
Sep. t. with a 
c wien — d white 
Lip light Apis at the very 
ple lines, 

all aie it pes on the pure white 

— Var. Lehmanni. o C. 1880, xiii. 
586.) G. A "gi with light rose fl. 
Ferda lateral se three dark 

a around the 

The e te 
yellow base of the lip is striped. 
ar. Leopoldi. (@/. 1889, am G. 

ilar to var. meea, but with a 
differently wey 035 = streaked with 
purple at the 

— A Dear ergo (G. C. 1880, 
ip, a ia sep. bier pet. 

ane measuresianum. (W.0. A. 
under t. 204. white “flowered 
sees smaller and whiter than 
Mos albun 
—— Var. purpureum. (Z.i. t.13.) G. 
A form with rose-purple fl., the base 
of the lip being white with the usual 
red lines. 

Var. rubellum. (Fl. and P. 
1882, 26 ; ` Bull Cat. 1882, 17, t. 9.) G. 


wing a -r base mar 

with three crimson lin 

— Var. rubrum. (F, M.t.461.) G. 

A large-flowered var. with rather deep 
rosy-purple fi. 

— Var. ar en Ca: . 1881, 
i dar! 

Odontoglossum vexillarium misii- | 

um. (4G. C. 1882, xvii. 826.) G. 
var. with white fl. h gt 

ines in front, t 
purple lines - the base of a few aad 
a purple dot at the base o he pet. 

Odontoglossum Victor. (4G. C. 1883, 
A natural hybrid, a 
sel ms 0O. mar riottianum, 

vacntogioeram viminale. ae 0. 
1885, 108.) G. Allie te 0. 
sAn ae la Peduncle 1 k ong, 
bearing few-flowered straight racemes. 
Sep. and pet. ince, with w 
sulphur borders, an i 

pee acute, 1 ft. or more lon ng. 

OTe Arae vuylstekeanum. 
~ Me eee i 73 W; O. A.% B84. 
of 0. O. ‘h uteo-purpureum with 

deep A eae fl. blotched with orange. 

—— Var. maculatum. (4. C. 1884, 
xxii. a G.. A natu i hybrid. 
Syn eindes Reichb. . Var. MACU- 
se foot “Reich? eae oe ise iii. 522.] 

Odontoglossum ight ire ota 4i 


gon of o A cee 

a rid between 0. 
ha ryanum ar O. lindleyanum, 

— wendlandianum. 
(G. C.188$ 

G. Seek o bea n hyb 
between 0. cr upee. Tekmanni and 
Aien and 

O. cirrhosum. It h 

foliage of O. erispum aaah those 

of Oe cirrhosum, but per nao sealing 
with brown spots. 

Odontoglossum wilckeanum. (@. ¢ 
1880, xiii. 298 ; Warner Orchid. Plants, 

ser. 3, t. epiphyte. 

flowering plànt, with light yello 

triangu sep. ard pet cantly 

blotched. Lip light yellow, with 

brown blotches. [A rid 
wW 0O, crispum a 

een nd O. luteo- 
purpureum ; a form of 0. Denisonic. 7 

+ Var. albens. mae a i. t.35.) G. FI. 
white, blote. potted with red- 
brown, and “esto a yellow area at 


the base of m Sep. lanceolate 

acute ; pet. b nidie ‘ovate very acute, 

toothed 0 SE EA ag ip pandu urate, 
h crisped marg 

pth heeri wilckeanum atro- 
purpureum. „We 1891, 341.) GŒ. 
A var. wit ging of "yellow to 
the red sep. fiergha 

— Var. SUNE 
m 62) G Aiie A OE cere with 
few cinnamon spo segmen 
irósdet shah $ in the type. 

(0. R. 189 

— Var. elegans. (0. R. 1893, 135.) 
A var. with yellow sep. blotched 

wn. primrose-coloured pet. 

and ae with a few small spire sir 

— eae? at am. (J. 0. ret 
40.) G. of this natural hybrid 
with larger end bea brightly-coloured 

fl. than 

— Var. yeh (G. C. 1892 
D0.) G: + ee with rH olori 
f than the 

— Var. olivare. (J. 0. 1896, 40.) G. 
Br e olive-greenish fl. 

—— Var. Sennen (w. O. A. t. 201.) - 
Av. ith fl. of a whitish ground 
colour, blotched with brown. 

—— Var. Tag a C. 1882, xvii. 
217.) G. A var. whitish sul- 

phur-coloured fi., ioi ving one large 

brown “ on each sep. and a few on 
the lip 

a Ver, See gia ge rina A pa 
2, t. 22; Eg 1891, 495 i.) 

— Var. rufum. a +5 t. 519.) G. 
form of this natural hybrid with 
at gaiei blotches 

+ 1884, 

a few histches 
d 1 or 2 on the 

i Var, opan, Eee 
xxi. 306. 
coloured fi. ki 
and rp on the y Page 
teral se 

—— Var. varians. (G. C. 1881, xv. 

i our when 
open, then becoming white, and finally 
changing to light sulphur, 

Odontoglo — es 
(G. C. 1881, 134.) G. A v 
of 0. grande, but with shorter, Sedalia 
and more se pet. Column with 
uncinate Arg 

Odontoglossum Youngi. oe 1890, 
xxxvil. 84; W. O. 06.) G. 
natural hybrid, a ae of 


E e vening Prim meen with 

creeping rootstock, eeii upbranch- 

ing stems T215 in, high, covered with 
i ceola 

Saotheta E Eneee Cafe = 1041 ; 

te I. 
fl. which ards from wie to pink. 
North America. 

oo sarge dao (We mee = 
high, oh ear = pa T 
aeaa ye ellow fl. in loose terminal 

; tube about : fa long; limb 
Tiii peii Californ 

Olearia ee (B. M. +. 7084.) 

Com w 

robust nents ial densely clothed 

Olearia macrodon ta. (4. C. Boa 

H. ree-fi ering A gg ith 
elliptic - oblong ulate coarsely 
L ewhat Holly-like 

corymbs of seat daisy-like white 
New Zealand. 

learia nitida. (G. C. 1886, xxvi. 44, 
s5 L 10) N B. A free-flowering 
shr. of neat and compact habit. L. 
elliptic, acute, with 3-4 teas merg 

iate, in pa kreng saii 
white. New Zealand. 

Tanen. (Gp. t. 1073, f. aara 
G. shr. with sm: spreading 

and numerous nt Senet 

of small white fl. Australia. 

leobachia palustris. ( Williams’ 
Cat. 1880, 17, t. 11.) S: This is a 
corruption of Delabechia rupestris, the 
Boitle Tree of Australia. In its young 

rative plant. 

[Sterentia piisk Benth. ] 


O Graine ona (B. M. 

t. 7469.) 
. S. Adwarf densely-tutted 
sarme ‘grass with sessile alm 
imbricating distichous 1. 1 in. lo oe 
Costa Rica 

— auratium. (G. C. 1884, 

Orchidacex. G. Allied - 

a o. linguiforme, with com fom sed 

pear-shaped rib esie eii 
ing ligulate 

Side lobes of lip rectangular ; le 
lobe triangular, ligbt yellow; disk 
bro i the , over which 

are five light ae keels ending in 
bristles, Bolivia 

—— —. TR] 1886, 621, 49 


litary, ovate - oblong, sub-acute 
anicle na , raceme-like, with 
very short 2-3-flowered branches. Fl 
small, yellow, marke own oO: 
the sep. pe basal half of the lip. 
oblong, reflexed, the lateral ones 
connat Pet. ovate-oblong 

Lip pandurate, pil obed, with a many- 
tubercled crest, pubescent at the base, 

es —— (K. B.18 

h ovoid pseudobulbs 2 
in. ig ; gs aas E 12 in. long. and 
many - ‘flowered panicles of E E 
yellow fi. barred with brown and 3 in 
in diameter. 

carne brienianum. (4. (. 1881, 

G. Pseudobulbs short, small, 

short stalks. Th 
front blade of the lip isa distinctive 
peculiarity. The fl. ar are bright sulphur- 
yellow, with distinct cinnamon 

—— Var. rufida. (G. C1881, xv. 40.) 

G. Nearly covered with cinnamon- 

Oncidium heer a at e 

1883, xix. 340; W. O. A, t. 206.) G. 

ue towards their tips, and some 

stripes of brown on the at base 
e la se conna 

and bidentate. Lip broad, trifid; side 

erect, yellow ; front lobe purple- 

b ; call o straight parallel 

between and 
yellow or white with red bars. Brazil. 


Oneidinm ist ager (4. E beam | Oncidium ttre apt (G. C. 1885, 

Alli O. ma xxiv. 360.) mall species, wi 

ence: and like it in RA NAS light green ane ged pseudobulbs 

. Fl. yellow, marked with scarcely er than a hazel-nut. L, 

brown ; calli redd ish, vith numerous cuneate-oblong, acute. Fl. several in a 

red spots all round, zil, one-sided raceme ; sep. and pet. light 

ree evea striped and blotched 

with brown. Lip oblong-ovate, roun- 

Oncidium chrysops. (G. C. 1888, iii. Audion A A ab the base, lobed, 
195:0: 194.) G. Allied to 0. white, with lilac havi 

pe cree short reddish 1., anda velvety ‘2-lobed nites a “ey front ot 2 
reddis ish racem ose peduncle, Sep. and tuft of hairs near the base. Mexi 

wavy. y ; ; 
front lobe large, reniform, emarginate, serie rg cruciatum. (G. C. 1878, 
: 138.) 

with two large tubercles at the base, ant 
3 very small thread-like tubercles in fig t. 3926, as O. Pubes 
the middle, and 3 terete ones in front; var. flavescens, from whic ers 
column with falcate deflexed wings. in its larger panicle of bright yellow 

and red fl. with a white lip, with two 

Oncidium chrysorhap d g oe: horns over the lateral lobes. 
1888, iii. 72; O. 1888, eee . Allied — 
to 0. cornigera. Pseudobulbs 3-4 in. 
ong, terete-fusiform L o long- ese detortum. C Gel ' 1888, lil, 
lanceolate, acute, 6-7 long, 1} in 392.) Something in the way of 
broad, gloss ark Sep. and ae , with a very long infi 
pet. broad, pale yellow, nearly covered Sep. shortly clawed and eared, c = 
wit k t he disk, blong, acute, wavy, light brown, the 
side sep. connate. ip with erect upper one yellowish at the a 
nee side lobes, lobed at the apex, and with wae ter claws, wants yellow, with 

large reniform emarginate front brown spo Lip with spreadin 
lobe ithe w w has numerous tubercles brinig le side-lobes, ‘and an oblong 
azil. acute front crest formed of 
os eral keels an 

Ohian chrysornis. (G. C. 1881, 
maita ligulate, shouldered, ing 63.) G. Near O. aureum, in wae 
one or two cuneate lanceo i it has heen confused, but the fi. are 
and a wide zigzag panicle —_ - " larger, the sep. and pet, reddish purple 
numerous fl., which are yellow and the lip bright al The 
or 5 cinnamon sr 0. sacked, panicles are branched. 

Reichb. f.] Ecuador 

as 3 Maaui diodon. (4. C. 1880, xiv. 
Oncidium crispum olivaceum. 69.) G. Pseudobulbs like pre of —_ 
A C. 1877, vii. 40.) G. FI. oliye- macranthum. Fl. brown, 

having the basal area of the ginate, square, with a light” iab 
front lobe of the lip yellow, and th callus. 

umn, wings, and a few blotches 
= the base of the lip purple-black, Oncidium elegantissim (a. 
Brazil. 1877, vii. 13.) G. Pantotaibe aoa 


cous, short, rib a leave, 
Var. ochraceum. (4. C. 1888, = producing large panicles of fi. 
756.) T rs = nae ochre-bro to O. curtum, but with more shining 
fl. withou rests on the aia colours, p. rown, with narrow 
of the "is pear of the lip. Baer bands Pet. et. broad, with a few 
Argh spots. hi Teke ht yellow ; 
calli of th with purpli sh 
Oncidium oe. x B. 1892, ae k borders ; Pg Trout lin bean. 
210; L.x.t. 451.) @. Allied to O. tifully mottled and dotted with light 
schilleriunion pseudobulbs ovate, 2 in. brown. Brazil. 
lo l. lin ceolate, 6-9 in. 
-e branched, encian 
iig veal ae fl. 1} in. across and | Oncidium enderianum. (G.E ree 
scloaxen: bet bright y aie with a few xii. Aii ee oy 
spots crest of the lip. brid O. crispum and 0. 
Brazil. ae 


Oncidium endocharis. (G. C. 1884, 
xxi. 206.) G. A small species with 
fl. Se 

emarginate blade with 2 large lamellz 
and teeth at the base, all bright | 
vention Eurycline. (G4. C. 1884, 
Near O. uniflorum, but 
jargon, with AOE and fi. o a thi e 

, narrower than the front 


ees fmbristum. (@. C. 1879 
G. In the way of 0. cornige- 
ith rt 

lease Pet. cuneate-oblong, ob- 

tuse, equalling the odd — Lip pan- 

auricles te ; 

front A sei reniform ; ; 

miena a Arabii- sha , den- 

enai mi along the en front part 
prsne bilobed. Brazi 

Mi. ora, i 72. 
SEA with blotches instead ra a one- 
coloured disk and s rgin. 

ET Forbesii oe goes 
(G. Li 

— Var. maximum. (Z. Av. t 164.) 
G. A iow Soweat form 

Var. Measuresianum. to. O 
"4891, x. 227.) G. A var. with pure 
golden yellow fl. with La Siora 
border of purplish bro 

— pren 
ond Plt 1882, 53.) G. 
mar. wit a lilac 
tonia Warseewiczii, Reichb. 

Oncidium Gardneri flavescens. (0. 
R. 1895, 270.) G. Fl. yellowish, un- 

epn glossomystax. (G.C. 1879, 

pecies wit thl 

s: : == Fi. almost sessile, re- 

vely ight yellow, with : 

few brown blotches ; basilar disk of 

the lip with si pairs of = covered 
with white hairs. Mexi 

um godseffianum. (6&.C.1896, 
oe TA G. A species resembling 
O. Pubes, differing in its eating 1 

and in the separation of the lateral 
sep. Pseudobu = 5 in. long, cylin- 
dric, each bearing ir of linear- 
lanceolate cava flower-scape long, 
slender, branching. 

aparo oo Biss = 1881, 

cnindem, but po 
pet. car sll: mo; 
bordered so valine: oP 

pathulate middle lobe, a pei — 
aad no middle keel. Colom 

Oncidium legion ey pe (G.C, 1892, 

xi. 535, 650, f wee 2 G. Near 0. præ- 
textum. I ranched panicles of 
yellow and | peri ate in diameter. 
—s um guttatum — au. 
H. 1880, t. 390.) S. A var. with the 
be: and pet. rose, mottled with white 
an viewed i with yellow. [0. oe 
met Lindl. var.] Mexican Cordill 

Oncidium hematochilum. (0. R. 

L hybrid between O, / 
anum aT 0. luridum. 

ERIT oo neninelnees 
. C. 1887, ii. 12 with 

occasionally s 

potted On the soni J 
with whitish green. 

ar. Ræzlii. (4. C. 1876, vi. M) 
= FL small, yellowish, with so 

n spots; column, wings and s: 
lobes ws ed ip yellow; middle lobe of ip 

TE eraci ea (G@. C1877, 
92.) Large dense nodding 

oe of night goe fi. 0. 


onustum, Lindl, ; 498. | 

vacan Koon. Ce. C BRT ii, 
ees for ‘the 

e 10) 
BoM. t 3712; as O. 
major, - which e i 

ral sep. united for hait. their 
is atk: Brazil. 

Oncidium hrübyanum. WE p 
xix. 562.) G. A curious species, 

nse panicle of Fae 

with yellow at the 

d pet. 


S Huebschii. (6 paiicom ee a 1890, 

G. One of the Pyramidal r: 405.) G. 

yroe a S uc men Seana E oe idare taf fl 

f brownish yellow coloured rich c late-b d 

> er i nt tha a Sie bright yı A tural hybri 

ts chief mark nea in Se bipartite between 0. ee and 0O. marshall- 

orange-olo oured column-wings. Ecua ianum. [Belie to be a form of 
dor O. 

EE Lindl] Organ Mts., 

Oncidium incurvum album. (Z1. 
H. 1882, t. 444.) @. A var. with | Oncidium lamelligerum. (@. C. 1876, 
white fl. Mexico. vi. 808.) G. In the way of 0. tri- 

ea catum, but with fl. twice as rity 
pper sep. reniform, wavy, stalk , 
eam ere? á aia ant deep brown, with a yellow border 
yellow fi. spotted with violet-purple ; lower ae lon si aes oblong, 
upper sep. and the unguiculate hastate oeM prema th P 
pee widi basal. or median purple | Sas somi bastato on he other, Pot 
blotches; lip broad, pandurate, bright ite 3 OIN; ciosormnte Bevan 
yellow. Peru. : oblong, ob undulate, complicate, 
p, yellowish, with brown s 
Lip trifid, with kable lamellz, 
ee ee. (G.-C. es the side ones retrorse 
Fl. and P. 1884, 58; B. M. Ecuador. 
6982.) . L. subulate, thin; sep. nal 
whitith dase ear vote taa Toes lanceanum louvrexia- 
ip with small light yellow auricles m. (G. C. 1882, xvii 
and a white blade, marked i var. with yellow fl. pret 
purple and bro otches ; callus = spot and marbled ; lip deep mauve 
2 patellar bodies, the smaller one at base, white in front. Colombia 
front, and traversed by a strong sel. 
Paraguay. — Var. superb 
perbum. (/.i.t.16.) S. 
Only distinguished by its more richly- 
ar. flavens. (I. G. 1888, os | oured fi., the colours being brighter 
G. One idium eaten <a Reich er more intense. 
var. flavum, Reichb. f.] 

: Oncidium Lansbergii. (G. . 1876, v. 
— Var flavum. C. 1888, iv. 460.) G. Pseudobulbs minute, bearing 
234; W. 0. A.t. ML t 360.) S. Avar. with one cuneate cordate-oblong obtuse very 
Mibadohr green spots on the sep, and cartilaginous l. Fl. 3-4, in a slender 
pet., and jell lip and column raceme, yellowish green, with chestnut 
blotches. Venezuela. 
— Var. pheanthum. (R. se 
21.) S. A var. with Sowell dig — has) secre (G. ‘ 1a, 

and pet., a ee crest on the lip, . 556 274.) 8. 
and no spots. of ‘the Cy Cyr lohika. section. Peduncles 
ed; fi. 14 across ; 
— m kienastianum. (4. C. and pe white, with à purple disc ; Jp 
878, ix. 558.) G. L. and pseudo- violet-purple. Andes 

balta like O. serratum and fl. in the 

way of O. trilinguum, but with shorter sison lepturum. (G. C- 1886, 
diff 1 f 

group wi with 

bracts and erently coloured fil. xxv. 41.) G. One of the gro 

which are yellowish brown in the tufts of abortive fi. The properly 
inning; the pet. yellow with formed fl. are light W, 

numerous brown ba and spots. with brown. Sep. . cuneate- 

Afterwards the colour deepens and oblong, acute. Lip with a very broad 
e stalked ovaries are purplish. Peru. heart-shaped base, narrowed into a 

small bifid apex; at the base is a 
Oncidium kramerianum resplen- cushion of finger-like calli. Bolivia. 
dens. (G. C. 1888, iii. 360.) @. A 

ng a9 iii 360 . . ʻ 
large brightly coloured var. with no | Oncidium leucotis. (4. C. 1880, xii. 
b: in to the wavy lip, with 424.) G. In the way of O. obryzatum, 
with a mei icle of wholly yellow 

and bars; crest white in the middle. fi. 


Oncidium Lietzei. (Gf. t. 1044) G. 
of the 4-petalled section, with 

Var. aureo-maculatum. (G/A. 
ae 1279.) G. Avar.w ibea, much 
spotted and barred with b: 

— Var. bicolor. (Gf. 1888, —_ = 
= . small-flowered form, with b 
egated with ye shin 

iam geen linguiformo. (af. s 973.) 
t. lo 

ortest. Venezuela. 
Oncidium litum. a ra 
328.) G. Much 

Oncidium loxense. (a. C. 1884, xxii. 

584, 616 ; W. Oi Ae tod 9; R. ser. 2, 
54.) : Pucudohalie oblong, 

furrowed. two-leaved, 

ligulate, acuminate. 

panicle. Sep. clawed, oblong, acute, 

dali olive, with cinnamon bars. Pı et. 


form a bright orange- pe Phin 
Loxa, Per 

(K. B. 1894, 

yellow fl. in the way of O. marshallia- 
— — (GŒ. C. 1885, xxi 
56.) G. bles 0. annalare, 
bt has a Aian callus to p 
e brown oroe i into. 
yellowish brown, the upper one ae a 

. "Ss 
eer een eer ntsc pees ns 

A 23: +1 

narrow yellow border, Pet. yellow, 

with cinnamon-brown marbling ; lip 
very pale, yellowish ochre, tinted with 
brown ked with mauve at the 
base of the callus. 

we peeeoens. (G. C1 

to O. metallicum, 
deiei in cee yA 

the 3-toothed crest of the lip, and acute 

base, purple on the front part 

Oncidium luteum. (K. B. 1893, 172 2.) 
G. Allied to 0. ran a 0 amis, Pseudo 
bul s ovate, ov ov . long; x = in. 

rous, acy light y 

eRe Mantia. 

um. (4G. C. 1880, xiv. r 8) G. a 
very curious var., ing on each pet. 
a rather ae reniform blotch. Tro- 

pical Am 

Oncidium aan Sotasinum. 
CG. E 

< 1889, iv. 3 Av 
which the se ipod p of the yellow 
fl. are mihi blotch hed. 

o. _ 1888, 47, t.; 

235 ; 1888, "98.) 
G. Ge i ovoid, sith two strap- 
haped e . an raceme o 

efl. pem sep. ag the very large 
pet. chocolate - bro with yellow 

A natural hybrid, a form of 
y MaR Lindl. 1] Brazil, 

124, REL 

Fl in a long racemose ‘anil 
as Ag diamete 

acute, wallow, Piotched y to 
just arg their middle with purple- 
brown ; li ong truncate 
spreading auricles ak its — and a 
broad dilated bilo 

G@. C. 1880, xiv. 

58.) a with an infi. of 




> fi ei with a ellow and | 
brown wn spots, Venezuela. | 
— ss ae Ae C. 1880, 
. chry- 
ae = Ta En tight yellow, with 
the base of sep., pet. and lip 
blackish purple. pias dor 
generar meliosmum. (6G. C. rae 

xvii. 796.) A species with fl. o 
ale jae, blotched with dee 

naeim gmp Ses C. 1876, 

ara binds 5 tebe. Colombia, 
C. 1878, 
et sania rather large, sion. 

Sae e r CG. 
64.) large 

cheeks below the stigma. Colombia, 
Oncidium a (4. C. 1, 
xix. 368-9, f. 54.) G. A Aora 
with ocolate-brown fl., a. the 
undulate pet. and dorsal sep. 
with light yellow ; lateral sep. stalked, 
iptic, spreading. Colombia. 

Oncidium murinum. 1888, iii. 

| Oncidium ornithorhynchum album 

(F. M. t. 398.) G. A var. with sweet- 
mted white fl. with a yellow crest, 

Oncidium der sere Bios H. 1888, 
t. 69.) G@. A small but interesting 
species, with peculiarly sh 

1l or 2 abortive fi, Sep. an linear- 
lanceolate, acute, yellow, barred with 
brown; upper sep. reflexed; lateral 
ep. hangi ight down; pet. 
widely spreading. Lip broadly cor- 
date, with a triangular-acute 
ses int, and wo series of 

tubere’ les in ta of 3, yellow with 
brown markings 

| PEN seraa (K. B. 1895, 

o O, anthoe Vene, but with 
eo aaa aoa numerous fi. en ani 
red-brown and yellow. Colomb 

| arog Tapn Eckhardti. d 

| se TEET 

619.) G. A pretty, but a flowered _ 

Oncidium Bare ashes (GA. t. né 

fign papilioniforme.) 
[This is 0. Pas tives Reichb. 

Oncidium: obryzatum dasystalix. 
(G. C. 1880, xii. 456.) G, 
var. with a velvety base to the lip. 

Oncidium ornithopodum. 
1879, xii. 200.) Much 
a ansiferum, but distinguished 

r fl. and singular tri 

ar ag a solid beak-like 
— excavate lateral angles. 

like 0. 

by its 

A trifling | 

us, | 

median | 

rg rae ered 
rie the type in siz 

and P. 1883 
ee only differing 

Var. majus. Se iii, t. en 8. 
~ ridditivai wi Eekhardti, 
inden, ye ne iy eal var. majus, 

Reichb. f.] 
617.) G. An in i 

rsal se 
is ben 28 tong, light stew, with asn 

- Oncidium Piy logiooma; (G.-C. 
1881, xv. 169.) Allied to 0. Venti. 

white top: e salt yellow 

— pollettianum. (6. C.1886, 
26.) G. Raceme many: owered. 
Tan Sepals mee. with brown 

ateral and 

A na y 
between 0. dasytyle and 0. Forbesii, 


Oasidinm Breras paa C. 1880, 
A hybrid, | 
m e ani 

e T, and it resembles the 
last i ie its ayia? 

sae oe (G. C. 1881 
In the way - O. Gard- 
rd gr ete of the 
angled ; meraih broad ; Front lobe 
reniform, lobed ; crest of several calli 

and keels, 

— Var. bellum. (G4, C. 1884, xxi. 
372.) G. A var with a yellow lip, 
having nu merous Howi spots on the 


isk, and an interrupted border of 
brown blotches. 

Oncidium pyRdophoram. :< § (8. g 
1879, xii. 186.) ke 0. 
Pubes and O. cor ean aay the fi. 
quite yellow, with a e box at the 
— of = lip, and ‘errulate wings to 

e col 

ee refraoton (0. R. 1894, 
0O. zebrinum ; the 

the sep. and pe ; 
column and 5 refiexed. Colombia. 

Oncidium robustissimum. (4. C. 

G. Allied to 0. pulpi- | 

1888, iv. 35 
natum, phen: um, &¢., ith 
stout straight opener othe th 
er fi. t. brown at 
base, yellow a ae Lip 
side lobes 

Oncidium rolfeanum. (G. C. 1892, 
xii. 34. oc B of the Mi Microchila section 
and allied tianum ; with a 
long Fansels — of yellow and 
brown fi. Colombi 

Oncidium’ FrEE Ey allidum 
CGA. t. 1012 Wi ith the 

apex. ‘Mh ltenia 
russelliana, Lindl. var.} Brazil, 

Canion saintlegerianum. (G.C. 
xii, 582, 672.) @. Allied to 

0. greet with oblong pseud 
lanceolate 1. 

| — saltaiondom, (8 G sm, 

pte igens, Bees a ae = tek, vias 
short- a = mall so fi. blotched 
with brown. Colom 

Oncidium sanderianum. (K. B. 1893, 
337; G. and F. vi. 336,515.) G. Allied 
It is described as free 

—— = Gionee Sa 

1886, xxv. 488.) G. A trifling 

var, fe at spots on the irii lobe 
of thi 

-stelligerum Ernes 

(W. 0. A, t. 260; G. C. 1887, i. is) 

bai Ere T 

£ 1878, ix. 
with — —— nae y 
maller t the type, 
with a on of the lip broader, and on 

| each side of the kreh callus a ridge. 

| — teretifolium. (FV. and P, 
1882, 90.) t pecies, 
with thickish erect terete l., and erect 

wered panicles of small bright 


—- Var. albens. (G. C. 1877, vii. 
772.) G. A var. with — Tame 
white fi. and a Jahn an 

—— Var. mee CA 3 aoe xxvi. 
= G. p. and 
pet. of a Eer ki reddish brown 
inside, the tips being yellow and the 
dorsal keels green. 

Oncidium Ringe eect 
1884, xxii. 

70.) G. Pseudobulbs nar- 

Candian mee tum. (4. C. 1883, 
In the way of O. serra- 

ka, T a free The borders 
of the reniform blades of the sepals 


and petals light yellow ; lip crimson- up. zonndish, bifid, red, ss a ae 
lake, with light yellow niet ; the | disk; callus yello 

stigina S EE over 2 word-like white, Alonte Warezewiezii, Lindl. 
projections. Colombia Q). var. | 

Oncidium unicolor. (0. R. 1893, 266) | Oncidium yaa ae ees 

O. uniflorum, but of 1893, xliv. 227; O. R. 1895, 6 ; 
more aeai habit with larger fl., which 1894, xvi. 605.) G. A a hyt prid. 
of a uniform yellow colour. Brazil. robably a var. of O. Gardneri, with 

purple-brown sep. and pet. ; lip yel- 
‘eene sanioris letum. (4. c. and pur 
1882, xvii. 764.) G. A var. with a 
very bro 1 pandurate lip, white Oncidium Widgreni. (G. C. 1889, v. 

blotched with purple-mauve, with a ified to O dora 
> gerum 
horn ae n the pa iai ide, ae | bat wi: Pi brighter colours, the 
=e iick on the lower side, an | being bright yellow — bars of light 
OFange Ca. | reddish brown. Bra 
a Pane Sa a 2 peed wai | Oncidium xanthooentron. (G. C. 
> e aiti 1880, xiii. 104.) G. infl. is a 
eee with dark a ae dense tole é rig tate. 
. ? 
nn ka —— with dark brown and have a dark spot ove 
The lip is of a dark colour, with a 
rhomboid yellow centre. The contrast 
ae urophyllum. (4. £ . 1891, | of colours is very marked. Andes, 
.) 8S. Figur ms by Lindley in 
1841 “eu a plant in the pay fa Oncidium naga brunneum. 
collection, said to tas been i rted (6.6 sors, vi vi. 580.) Only an 
t has recently been fro ype in ee the sep. a 
yates raed Pome the island pet. ma at with brown ri a 
of Antig tt fink drooping panicle, aripi 
4 ft. long, o of ae r yellow fl. with a few 
bro arkin 

to O. bryvlophotum, Tt has 
heteromorphous fi., the whi 
pet. yellow 

Oncidium ustulatum. (6. c. 3, sep. 
Soares ith transverse brown 

xix. 340.) Much in the var on | 
ight | 

je Oncidium mann. (J. O. 1893, 76.) 


O. metallicum. FI. brown, with a | 


to the se me yellowish lines 
on the bo t., an 
front lobe of the lip odiieh purple tte goons | $ Zen 
Sep. and pet. cri ; ca oad, su ge, 

: us v 
with spreading linear ligulate | lamelle, 
and dots 



| bright pink; foliage glaucous, Servia. 
yellow with brown lines | 
Colombia. | 

Ua Sgen on with petiolate co ages nis pig 
ae | ee entose beneath, and long- 
(6. C. G mig pale ts) 5.) Fi. = | pedunel cled heads of bright purple fl. 

oeren virgulatum. (4. n ei s Onosma albo-roseum. (G. and F, 
52.) G. Peduncle Seg e! | L , 523.) Boraginaceæ. H. per. 

racemes. rey Agate er 

ti ge gzag branches hotirada iiai os pile ees after sy ag days 
phos fi. , the one form Sain without a a changing tò deep rose, Asia Minor, 

column, ‘the other much like the fi. | 
of O. Cheiri, but with very different | 

callosities, the a cee of | — ye eee M. res peek 

hich are two side-ri arting | rey 

from the base of the chief callus, a oa T. hispid per. Tima lange 

Colombia. | ree in. long ; foo stout, branch. 

$ | ig, leafy 14-2 ft. high. FL in short 

Oncidium Weltoni Stberbum. (R. | densely bracteate scorpioid drooping 

H. 1881, ye t.) ar. with a 
rich raceme ee fl; ikg and pet. 

very sp urceolate, 
undulate, oorh with white tips; bright scarlet. recive 

Oplismenus a Se. 
. 776. 

n stripe 
along the midrib, Indi 

Opuntia ‘eae ai Fes M. t. 6652.) 

Fl, 2 in. in diam. New Mexico 

Opuntia oe 
s2, É 

in. in diam. 
spines 5-6 in a tuft about } in. long, 


(G. and F. 1895, | 

Opuntia, lucida. GW. @. 1889, 146.) | 

t. high. ha ranches 
pe aky a net- Nn hg of shinin 
spines, an 

fragrant yellow fi. 
ERS Babes deit (Gf, t. 1129, f. 
A dwarf 

n diam., having an excee 
fate ger ovary about |} in, long. 

Opuntia Segethi. (7. t. 1129, f. 5.) 

G. Of similar habit ne Popp pigii, 
but Red a longer fl., ovary being 
long, with a bers w cy 
ing bracts, 1 in. long ; coro 
1} in. in diam., pale le 

antha. (B. M +t. 

G. 1896, 
ites red ; 

Opuntia r1 rhodantha. = D.G 
29.) G. Corolla and fi 
ovary smooth. Colo a oe 

Opuntia subulata. (@, C. 1883, xix. 
Sen generic 

poo A change of 
of Pereskia subulat 
tha. (@. and F, 
1896, 432.) G. Allied to O. Thurberi, 
is a branched shrub 2 to 5 ft. high, 
the stem and joi i , covered 

ning | 
and producing large rose-like | 

| a paseo, 

The „proper name of the | 
somris cultivated i in gardens as O. mis- — 

name = 


tufts of brown bristles and straw- 
tee en 

Fl. greenish oo eet : 

fr, peat, bright scarlet, Arizo: 
Bl eee eo (M. D. G. 
29.) G species with carmine- 

red A. dark yellow filaments per a 

idly ovary. Colorado. 

rania nivea. Com: ce Cont. 
8. Palm 

green l., white on their under surface. 

| nn borneensis. (4.0.1 
; Cat. nN me ‘ont. T Hort’ 
S. per. Are- 

1886, T y Hoe 

markable plant, Re nbling a dwarf 
Heliconia in foli but h fl. re- 
sembling those of chid. It is of 
dwarf habit, with elliptic-oblong acu- 
minate bright green 1. 6-8 in, long by 
23-3 in, broad, on ioles 5-10 in, 
long. The fl. uced in short 
spikes close to the ground. p. nar- 
inear- late, acute, 1 in. long, 
sh towards 

e apex, li i 
33 lines long, blacki olet. Lip 
near, acuminate, 1 in. long, b ish 

violet. Stamens 5. [Lowia borneen- 
sis, Hort.] Borneo 

ae t. al 5 2i 
make Kir eE eae a 

spike os Aieri fl. ; the lip dark yellow 
d sometimes es spot tted. Italy. 

Oreodoxa granatensis. =, Cat, 

Lies 6.) Palme. S8. ooth- 

mmed Palm, with pinna er Teat. 

long, narrow, and drooping. 

T andreanum. (R. H. 1882, 
523, ff. 117-8. G. s 

with a simple or h 
runk; l. petiolate, elliptic, roundish, 
or sub-cor sub- bed, 
entire or palmate tifid lobes, 
covered beneath as ll the 
petioles and b: with a reddish 
e raya tomentum. Fl. in globular 
head: ne in a terminal erect 
rants go 

Oreopanax gar sapere CR. 
H. 1882, 55 iy G. h long- 

Pana large digitate re pele 7-9, 
the entire, 
narrowed a neti ends, re e middle n 

datila, of ies. aie is gh Bt 
only a variety. 


aT ghee (G. E 

shape, leathery in texture, i 
small in globose heads. Guatem 

= cy (B. t. 
S. A small tree alla 

a ng pa 
caged iae petioles, digitately solo 
leaflets lanceolate. 

sel Pad Seeks packed greenish fl. 

a hybridum. ce. ii veas, 
iii.” 232, f. a Labiate. H. 
einen in gardens as 0. putciettum 
and O. Tournefortii, Levan 

—_— = — z 937, f. 


gte “imertowerd 


; "all about 

1 ‘in, long. [Tulipa len Bess, | 

overtopping the 
sca Fl. yellow. 

Orixa japonica. (Gf. t.1232.) Celas- 

t shrub with oblong acute 
slightly bullate dark green 1., 1-13 in 
, an inconspicuous 
n fl., from the sides of the 
branches some above the leaf- 
. [Celastrus Oriava, Sieb. & Ziuce. 

bo oregon — w Š mmi 

pae bie with Parie, gee fragrant 

Ornithidium nanum. (K. B. 1894, 

est Indies. 
orat a (G.C. et, 

209.) nattractive 
with distant elliptic two-edged 
bulbs on an ascendin 

and small yellowish fi, 

with mauve. Colombia, 
ithocephalus grandiflorus. (@. 
C. 1882, xviii. 168; B. peng Peed t. Š) 

gen with large ee obtuse 1, oa 
a af Brazil. 


Ornithochilus fuscus. (4G. C. 1888, 
iv. 210; B. M. t, 7385.) Orchi 
with fleshy oblong 

ie ea reddish 
purple ; spur conical. Bur 

Ornithogalum albovirens. (4. C. 

1878, x. 364.) Liliaceæ. G. L. linear, 
glabrous, 1-14 ft. long, }-% in. broad 
e, with a n dorsal 

each segment, disposed in 

aa piyaa dense raceme, 

yi ag: ied ai apn tn (G.C. 
ed to O, nar- 
18 in. long ; fl. greenish white, } in. 
a nt, 

oa gecesi (G. C. 
1879, xi. G. Species with reece 
ous 'inrollod aira hairy 1 

cory. white fl. keeled with sieg 
Ornit “opu mtoa, (4. 

1878, 748.) two toa bulb 

pee e erect, Er contemporary 

with in. , long. Scape 

slender, 3-4 Eia with “ee fi. 
erian campanu’ 4 in. long, 

bright saei yellow, without a dorsal 
band on the back of the 

minute, gE seg South Af 

sere Pea natalense. soe M, 
1893, 557.) This species very 

li Ty to 0. kuopa. pieg 

found at an altitude of 6,800 ft, Natal, 

1ithogalum serplatin. qite and 
. 1896, 323.) 
erect scapes 12 in. long, and 
um! racer 
1} in. wide, glis 
cyerlike blotch of stoned dem oih 

Ornithogalum Saundersiæ. (4, l 
1891, x. 452) G. 

ped ores age gaultherioides. (var. 
rb. Zösch. 1891,17; GA. 1891, 469, f. 
87.) Ericacee. H. A dwarf shrubby 


plant with prostrate leafy branches | 
covered with stiff hairs and glands. | 
nde » oblong, acute, rough beneath. Pe- 

uncles 1-2- peas ered ; large | 
Bhs ai idle hypocrateriform. | 
Caucas | 

paoi of large ląnceolate acute- 
: in 

segments, Corolla ya Snina 3 in in 
g an 

| long and as neh in breadth, Central 
Orthocarpus purpurascens. (GA. t. Asia. 
a Scrophulariacee. H. nnual Z 
of dwarf habit, with light green | PE ovalifolia. ÇR. H. 1885, 469 ; 
pinnatisect 1l., the divisions linear, | @. C. Aisa 6, XXY. she 8 i 165 Eirg 
acute, Fl. in short ovoid heads. The carios S. aquatic, with sanu ad- 
pinnatisect bracts, pave -lobes and g rosette of elliptic: "oblong "hoa 

corolla purple. California 

Orthrosanthus sain boracansia,: (4. 
s Pn vi 67. daceæ. 
ha short — peta chi: 

nicle, si 
2 Pariha and opening 
Sadaka Peruvian tie ; 

Osbeckia rostrata. (B. M. t 6575.) | 
Melastomaceze Stem 4-angled ; 


Cymes terminal, i . 2-24 in. in 
bright mauve-purple ; pet. 
roundish ; yellow. 


Osmunda japonica ay Toman 
A and P. 1882, 122.)  Filices 
var. with crested fronds. 

Osmunda javanica. (FI. and P.1882, 

122.) S. evergreen fern, 1-2 ft. igh. 
Fronds leathery te; the lower | 
or cent i fe ; barren pinne | 

late, 4-8 -in. long, entire or | 

E cas t sear | 

f. a—.) | 
pretty riea: sin ag swith oi 
terete 1 

and i Cimrolenlus-like bright 
blue fi. ; : buds pointed. Chi 

Osteomeles anthyllidifolia. 
moine Cat. 1893; G. 
74 osacexe 

Ostrowskia magnifica. (Gy. 1897, 
- 638, f. 160; B. eS 
- panulacer. H. per. 4- 5 ft. high; with | 

Cam- | 

Teh ose of poueto 

distarhy pri ore ae white 
umerous yellow stamens. Australia, 

À | Ozalis an thalminihiga. (Damm. ty 

1893, 5.) Q æ. G. yo 
E or lilac fl. fl ay nots 

Oxalis articulata. (B. M. t. 6748.) 

i igh ; ER papih ds with wae o 

cordate leaflets of a ipsi green, nua 
ca margins ; elong: 
bearing umbels of bright m ie manve-pink 

A line Ps ne Arge 

prea ere (Acta Hort. ren, 


Oxalis catharinensis. CG. C. 1887, i. 
0.) species with : 

with very narrow cuneate-oblong pet. 
Santa Catharina, Brazil, 

| Oxalis s emeaphyila, aa kar t omnia 

rather fles 
lo ae as petioles, bibracteate, 1-flowered. 
. 1-1} in. in diam., white or tele rose, 
with purple veins, 'Falklan d Islands. 

| Oe See flore ares £6. £ 

887, ii. 681, £. 129.) 
seb with hay 
having three 


aving broadly obeordate eats 
hies often overlap each other, 
duni airy, 3-4 in, high, poe: ee 
one double rose-pink ri South Africa, 

es pulchella, (B. M. t. ASE 
wae , Xxvi. 786; 1887, ii, 108.) 
PA handsome free- 

pworing ¢ f striking appear- 
cra quite ‘glabrous L. opposite, 2-5 


n, long, lanceolate, obtusely pointed, 
pa any p” jea large cre: raea A bright 
green. Fl. large and showy, 2 in. tong, 
fannel-chaped, with oblong lobes, 

— ones ” between them, 

Onponhus rh “AOR t 

solitary, axillary, funnel- shaped, 
purple, = pedicels about } in. long 

ee  ayacinicn. es z, 
1893, 341.) S. 
potin dienes which is widely ‘fis. 
pt aga in Africa, with canes 3 in. wide 
e base, and lanceolate l. 6 in. long. 

Oxytropis frigida Jeo er mS 
t, 1154, f. 2, Ek) 

than the 1l., hai Fl. 3 in, long, 
arranged in ‘a hawt spike-like racem: 

er kine C Coe. t. 1154, 

oe ‘ste api innate 
i n. long, with biome Daai 
kale and | ong-peduncled sho: rac- 

Pachyrhizus thunbongianas: (W.G. 
trifoliate 1. ela and violet ‘A. marked with 
a yello upper pet. 
[ Pueraria thunderg a Benth. ; GH, 
t. 1429.] 

em terminalis. (G4. C. 
30.) - 


green whitish marginal variega- 
_ tion, crowded sea the ends of the 

iak Myrsinites. (77. G. 1888, 
559; W. G, 1888, 440.) Celastracez, 
H. shr, formerly known as Myginda 
myrtifolia, [Pachistima Myrsinites, 


Pashystoma a thompeoniaaam. (4. €. 
ži 5f. 102-3; B. M. 
0 i Pseud 

i RAS re S. udo- 

bs dep: , orbicular, each with an 
erect lanceolate-acute 1, 6-8 in g, 
a ing 1 or 2 erect slender 

a recurv point. West Tropical 

Pæonia Bakeri. (J. R. H. S. xii. 441, 
Ranunculaceæ. H. per. about 

tem, r abou bi-ternately 

divided 1., br ovate acute 
leaflets, the terminal one 3-lobed, hairy 
glaucous beneath. Fl, about 4} in 

in diam., dee [Syn. P. peregrina, 

eep rose 
Mill. var. byzantina, Hort. ] 

Pæonia lutea. (IW. G. 1893, 30; Jard. 
1897,-216, t) G. A yellow- flowered 
ee-Pæony. Yunnan, Chin: 

Palicourea jugosa. BSc! Cat, 1886, 
8.) Rubiaceæ. $S. shr. with oppos 
i aap dark untae green I, 
depressed midribs and veins ; 
baal surface purple. Brazil, 

n diam, violet. Brazil, 

atte ten þipolar. ne C. 1878, ix, 
27.) Co t 

gree under surface 
more or less ae with brown woolly 
besce: Fernando Po, 

cbr staat pay patsy A H. fg Fis 

ences armatum. LIAR Cat. ik 

with bristly hairs. Fl. b along downy 
of many-flowered “umbels, 

Panax opa, Sed Cat, 1888, 9; 
LT? Hort, Int. Cat, 1888- shr. 
of dwarf compact habit,” 

_ se — neisd and toothed on the 

Panax ope ay. (Bull Cat. og iat 
f P. fruticosum ies: ht 

green er anal te cris 

Panax dissectum. Ses Cat. mse 
17.) SS. shr. of erect bran t, 
with numerous drooping ne Sires E 
crate cuneate-obovate, often bilobed, 

; leaflets 
, lobed and spine-toothed 

Panax emer (Bull Cat. 1883, 
15.) 8 y 

Panax elegans. (Williams Cat. 1880 
Ha. > a of dense habit, with finely- 

ax fissum. (Bull Cat. 1884, -~ 
S. shr. with a branched stem, mark 
with pallid spots ; 1. tripinnate, carey 
-lanceolate whitish-toothed leaf- 
lets. Polynesia. 

Pan fruticosum spe 
au. H. 1883, : wae Fl. and P. 188 
92.) S. shr. wi h digitately co inn 
p ari iao ternately or biternately 
divided the oa 

perag ca he d green 
with - tipped teeth. [Syn. 
Tai Peet Hort.] Polynesia. 
< Var, um. (E. C 1887, 
i 544; Veiteh Cat, 1887, 11.) S. A 
form havi a com plumose 
crown of tripinnatisect 1., ws cued 
ik -lanceolate ts 4-4 

ie saak with a short white bristle, 
with bristle-tipped teeth 
on on their 


—— rua R eiiie Cat. 1877, 
Bull Cat. 187 
of P _ Srationsun, Tima] ut 

Hamas lepidum. (Bull Cat. 1888, 9 ; 
L'Hort. Int. Cat. 1888-9, 52.) S. shr. 

mentary ; the margins are deeply 
incised and spinosely toothed. Brazil. 
Panax zon = M. t. 6798.) 8. 

long, m s mone oblong-lanceolate 

in. mee bright shining 
green. Dahi n diam., arranged 
in long termi iei fi; ae 

ie Seinn Polynesia. 

Panax nitidum. (Bull Cat. 1888, 9; 
DT Hort. Int. Cat. 1888-9, 52.) S. shr, 
bit. L. roundish- 

imes with two or 
more incisions. 

Panax ornatum. (Bull Cat. 1888, 9: 
L’ Hort. Int. Cat. 1888-9, 52.) S. shr, 
with long pinnate 1., the leaflets being 
narrow - lanceolate, and deeply “og 
bluntly toothed on 

Panax plumatum. (Bull Cat. 1879, 
6.4. ade S. shr. L, bipinnate ; pinn- 
ules The 

plant i is apne as like P, laciniatum, 

but the l. are more finely cut. South 

Sea Islands, 

Panax serratifolium. hrar ot Cat. 
1883, 28.) 8. Probal of 

leaflets serrated at the po stem and 
ome marked with brown. Poly- 

a var, of P, fruticosa wi 


Pancratium parviflorum. CHR Ipa pes, 
310.) Amaryllidaceæ. G. 
flowered species with sate mel 
acuminate 1, about | ft. long; scape 


sh umbel of cs 

white fl., 14 in, in — The s 

have a broad pag: 

on each side Vasant parviflora 

Herb.] S 
Peseti trianthum. (2.70 

1894, S. A species with a pio: 

balb 1-21 in. in diam. havi 

Pandanophylium h hamile. CoM Cat. 

tufted habit, with b ceil gine 
ing l. having thread-like terntinasions, 
furnished ones ving a peculiar 

appearan ae [ Mapania 
humilis F. Villar.) Jav: 

Pandanophyllum appear or (Cat. 

Comp, Cont. d’ Hort. 7 Mapania 
Muwitis, F. Villar. ] T as 
ndanus iy Beek tu. H. 
1886, t. 612.) P S. foliage 
plant allied to P. ton but = 
ler stem, and broader ore 
eres nee l. with groen posh 
late . New Gui 
Pandanus enoni (R. H. 1878, 
405, f. 84.) shr. rather dwarf 
habit, branching at z” , with 
ow chann a glaucous 1 Bing 
very spiny. 


Infi. e 

about 8 in, long ay 27'i in. rra inact 
and fl. yellowish white. uccas. 

Pandanus ceramic (4. C. 7 
iv. 631 —_ as sordieaanite .) S. Ste 
1} in. thick, bearing a crown of ‘eee 
L about 3 ft. long, by 13 i 
pin th i d 

j Peduncle 1 ft. ong, 
cluster of e 
about SE in. long, by. Ps in. thick, of 
a scarlet colour w eeedanse 
labyrinthicus, Kurz; cs M.t.7 063. ] 

Pandanus discolor. (Bull Cat. “gee 

surface of the akaa i Years foliage 
of a bronzy hue. 

Pandanus dyerianus. (4. C. 1892, 
xi 3L) S. IP Basen N. Veitch. ] 

grusonianus. KH =e 
ia S. screw-pine all 

with numerous tinea i 

3 ft. long, ł-1 in. broad, densely 

t spines. Admiralty 

1887, t. 

| Fysnia Kerchovei. (ZU. H. 1886, 
t. d Hort. 1886 

S ar 

very narrow brig 
with whitish spines. Kdmiralty I lain. 

Pandanus agen ho € u 

xi. 664.) 8. 
narrowed abruptly 

g tail-like point. 

erer greum Gu H. jo 

and strongly spinose-tooth 

rpp unguifer. (B.M. t. 6347.) 
tems slender, about 3 ft 

, l-2 in. broad, ully re- 
curving, keeled ; gins spinulose. 
F. sub-erect, large as the fist, 
com of about 150 yellow drupes ; 

spine. [P.» minor, e Buski ] gal. 

Panicum italicum j —- (Gf. 
1887, 278, f. 72. 
Cultivated var. of Stari ia A ialok 

Panicum tonsum. (B. 7. O. 1895, 
254.) H. A per. with a light feathery 
silvery infl, South Africa. 

ers eas ga (W.G. vn, 

mental 1 poppy over yer 1 te in n height, with 
fi. about 2-23 in. m., of a clea 
orango, pir th a pags Ping centre. C: 

Papaver glaucum. (Gf. 1891, 608, 
5—7. . annual. A distinct 

(B-A & T 
continuously in 
several weeks. A 
high ; stig- 


Papaver Hookeri. 
H. annual, flo ! 

hirley Poppy.” [P. 
Rheas. » Linn. var. latifoliume Buch.- 
Ham.) I 


ee ee <= C.. 1889, 

xa a ‘black blotch at the base of 
each pet. Ori 

Papaver fg (GA. t. 

3-4. ; 1886, xxvi. 328-9, f. "673 | 

pet. ; a ovary and capsule setose. 

Turkestan, & 

dy ioiai siirat 

ing in the way of P. 
anaie T t with more finely cut = 
and smaller dark cherry-red fl. Pers 

‘oe Zonia aged 
(B EIE H, 

diam., orange-red or scarlet. 

Fapeye — Cap. t. 986.) Passi- 
races. a tem 

gracilis, Hort.; a Vasc scala na 
Hort.] Colombia 

a cristata modiglianiana. 
888, iii. 72, 235 ; L. iii. t. 117; 
> Orchi 

(Ly yoaste eris- 
e S P, Modiglianii 
B. T. 0. 1888, 58.) Brazil. 

hinia grandis. (W. O. A. t. 145.) 
S. A curious orchid with large fl. o; 
-brown, barred on the iwé: 
pa ai e 
oh Bg with ber torn green 

; edges pale ; lip witha blackish 
nk claw, widening 

paet pirimia iptic 

meta | 

(WP. G. 1888, 272.) | 


Sep. and pet. lanceolate, acuminate ; 

the central red - purple 
(broken up into lines and spots on the 
sep.) ; argin whi ip white, 


papillate crests. ie ro lin- 
pea Nichols s.] Ori 

| a Randi. (J. i. t. 30.) 8. 

o P. cristata, ante ellipsoid 

iraa r lin. long, lanceolate acute 

| l. 3-4 in. hepr Uie nd a ring 
E Re . in ex 

| yeki te, ac minate, purple-red, 
| trans y bar at the base, an 

ppn Randi, Nichols. ] . 

i re: Bb dee (G. C. 1879, Sy 
S Sep. and pet. pal 

te lobes are yellow-brown. EN ycaste 
rugosa, Nichols,] Colombia 

— Var. Kalbreyeri. (4. C. 1880, 
i E 


ith dark purple a 
and horns and a few purple spo 

Var, Opnieri nex (a C. 1879, 
xii. 520.) S. having soft 
yellow fl. = ox brown spots, 

Lip white, with purple blotches. 
Papperitzia Fie tear Jf O. 1886, 

xxvi. 680. ide acer Asm all 
orchid w Ae pendulous =o of 
small ‘een flowers. Mex 

Pazadisanihna Sore 88% G C. 1881, 

stripes in meo tenting! boiie: Brazil. 

Faranssis nubicola. (B. M. t. 

Saxifragaceæ ical l. est te 

tote sub-corda m-l. solitary, 

elliptic. Peduncle 4-angled, 

6-12 in. high, litary, 1-1} in 
in diam., white. i 

mens yellow. Himalaya. 

Ait <a ot . 1126.) 

flowered ; fl, ¥ in _ ACTOSS, ilac ; petals 
obcordate, ‘Arctic region 

ere poyer e M. t. 7249.) 

to the ped ier 

aega grassy x: or = Jong branc si 
scapes of blue star-shaped fl, Chil 

romp atomiris: (G. C. 1883, 
xix. 693, f e R. H. 1883, 201, f. 39. 
Passiflora G. E alba, Link & 
Otto. ] Colombia. 

Arem bores LS det ai (eC, 
1883, 99.) Garden hvbrid 
bet Bia, ee rouse and P. Londini. 

erga easton. (G:C. 

am., greenish, Ecuador 

Passiflora praana, (&. C. 1896, xx. 
97.) A spe cies with entire 
a PETAK F in. long and greenish 
yellow fi. 3 in. across. bra 
FaaniNora SEET (Jard. 1888, 
1; G. and F.1888, 292.) G. Garden 
peter between P. raddiana and P, 


Paaiiota mema. (G. C. 1888, iv. 
352, f. 46.) A small Ne with 
ics aa ogy tins l., cordate at 
the base, claretcoloured beneath. "ahr 

a in diam., white 

white, ae with purple at the ra 
threads violet or deep purple, 

a To (Gard. 1889, 
72.) A garden hybrid be between 
P.a alata and P. cer Basi "ii is synony- 

s with P. Mun 

Passiflora triloba. (Z1z. 17. 1889, 53, 
t. 83.) 5. A handsome cli a 


| Passiflora TERS (R. H. bg 

468, G. 

species ea with -lobed L tang ogee 
semi-cordate rites a d long-ped- 
uncled fl., 3 in, m. ke ‘and pet. 
oblong, obtuse, pale li ilac ; outer coronal 
filaments blue in the middle, white at 


base and tips; the inner coronal 
filaments shorter, violet. Brazil. 

irea on ee M. t. nt 
S. ¢ lik gory or 

pe eno ae vp Fer 
under the wrong name of Tacsonia 
Buchanani. Panam 

Passiflora watsoniana. (&.C.1 

xxvi. 648, f. 126-7 ; Ban meg 310 
climber with 3 

2-2} in. long by ro bad, 

above, violet benea k in 

m. Sep. narrow-oblong, horned at 

, green, with a whiti argin 

outside, white flus with violet in- 

e et. simi licate 

eads, the as g 
as the i inner, violet, barred with white. 
Brazil ? 

Passiflora weberiana. (R. H. 1 

113 ; 1587, 324, t.) G. poer covered 
with glan: ular hairs. 3-5 in. 
long, 43-9 in. broad, 3- lobed | the lobes 
roadly vb 

thed ; base deeply cordate ; 
aes Ba vies eran pedun- 
es axillary, solitary, or two together. 
F 2 in. in diam., white; the filaments 
of the corona Saadeh” with white: 
ovary densely setose. Argentina, 

Paulowilhelmia speciosa. (4G. 

1889, vi. 749, f. 106.) Acanthaceæ 

of the corolla spreading fan-like. 
The plant eariy a PER of 2 ft., has 
cordate toothed rminal panicles 
of blue fl. Tropi fal Africa. 

Pavetta Fon ssc wee a s 

R si 
oblong acute dark foo opposite 1l, 
and large hemispherical o 
Ivora-like white fl., wi 
styl N 

DUTE mt gy (B. H. pte 59, 

. S. shr. much 

way of SA Wioti. L. elongato taso 
late, serrate, sees i wish 

Diser than ace calyx, deep rose ; seg- 
ments cordate, ovate, acute. Corolla 

gaa ep, aanak the base, which 
style muc 
on: rig pee Roa 
oe mu ana, Hoo 
D M. t. 64 nakon 

as ee HE i t. 6398 ) 
Syn. Pavonia Wioti, Hort.} 

scree a p 

lea term: 
golden yellow fi ‘fh: aa miara lip of the 
rolla a sho 
aghi gots Tirer Ty 3-lobed. 
Central Asia. 
Casulana Haruan og a M. t. 
7132 ms hairy, l-2 ft. high ; 
1, 2-1 10 i in. Beg twice pinnatifd lower 
bracts longer than rose- 
purple. Himalaya. 

Pedicularis ane ha. (Gf. t 
943.) a ected at herb with er 
which ra innati Fl. in ~ | 
—— rather | for this 
genu “bright N. [F get 
teri, Elotzsch.] Himalaya, & 

Pelargonium cteatum. 

cw. = = 477, f. 78.) Geraniacex 
with trai 

came of miiy E "Abyss 

Pelargonium ae (G.C. 

1890, viii. 154 ; ER 1890, 477.) G. 
e same group as pee 
ium.” Dw 

fragu - like 1. and mg pink and 
purple fi. South Afri 

ey maculata. (ZK. 2 sens, 7) 
æ. S. Species ing 

ed with | grey above 
purplish below, ira 
purple, clothed with 
and ing green pink-tipped fl. 

dure olivacea. (X. B. 1891, 200.) | 

unattractive species with d 
: — i 

Scape and fl. pubescent; sep. 
olive-green ; pet. and lip white, Andes. 

Pelexia saccata. (K. B. 1895, E 
S. _Allied to P. maculata, L. o 

| Paeria Sreyeaon. oki C. 1892, xi. 
| = aoe olive e, k ari ited 
| i ie. ip pes, 

| high; fl_w ite. CP, ie: Reicht. 
| f] Brazi 

(G. C. 1892, 

high, bearing 
starn gi fi. with a 

| dere ani 
| xi. 426.) 

a ak of Pie 

Se. a. << M.t. tae 
arf plan 


| = erect spicate infil. bearin, numerous 
| mall white fl. Malay Peninsula. 

Pellionia, — La g 1880, 

| is the 
| calor ped Sin and fi re H. 
| 1880, 290, as Begonia (l) daveauana: 

|  Itisadwarf cr with sm 

rn sarge -like 1. of 
een, with a central 

S band. . Cochin China. 

— Var. viridis. (&. C. 1882, rs 
712) S. Differs from the 
having uniform bright green 1l., or tere 
| and there indistinctly blotched oe 
| whi yn. P. daveauana, ÑN 
var. argentea, Lind. Cat. 1883, 4j 
Cochin China. 

| Pellionia tye (G. C. 1883, xviii. 

180. ey 4 tig in the way of P. 
soe differing in its oblong very 
of a dull blackish pre along 


ly | , t. 479; Lind. Cat. 

| e gate ere veins, the in’ 

|- being green. Cochin China, 

| Ten i giesateum. C 1884, 

|. 25.) @ ental 

| grass 5-6 “6 ft. ean eat ber: 
ola! l., and slender pedunculate 

spikes solitary or two together, 
from rA upper axils. 

Pennisetum sa Span done —— 

| (W. G. 1888, 436.) H. al gras 
with long padia airig ell to the 

Pennisetum rappelianum. 

(ill. 1 
1895, 206, f.) 

[Pe Ri ppoliit 

Pennisetum Ru 
1894, 155.) H. 
a yard in 

Pasien Penner (Jard. iam, 

uppellii. (8. 7. O. 
omen dee: about 
height, Abyssin' 

spikes gro growing to i ft. in 
orientale, Nees.] India, 

ee villosum. Geg 1891, 
a S. per., or ge Bo gpa as 
annual, An ornamental g 
S, T habit, with ong iene 
plumose white spikes, Abyss 

os aurea. Sie t. 1153.) 

the inanches. "TP, bellidiflora, Greene. | 

pi zo. fl., yellow at the base of 

tube; tube inflated above; limb 
spreading, 5- lobed, 2-lipped. North 

Pentstemon ele çe. C. 1883, 
f j 

C Pentstemon Menziesii Scouleri. 

Ù. ed 
ie 1-2 high, with linear h heath- 

ea ae eons (B. 4. Satt 7030 ; 

ed vary pubescent. [Syn. 
Erica sicula, Guss.] Sicily. 

Pentapterygium Perego (B. I 
6777.) Vaccinia a sir of 
graceful soara, wit th arge 
berries root- wanna ged poi 

mall L, and 


under side of the branch 

5-angled, green; corolla ł in. long, 

5-angled, b ker 

Pentas qanu hi G. rage 
w, z 31.) Rubiace A var. of 
finer sia acne plies 

; Ass tian the type. Abyssinia. 

Pentstemon Cobæa pa the (Fl. 
saki 1882, 26.) Scrophular 
with larg e rich papaa Ei shaded 
with 9 violet. 

ao Eatoni. (Fl. and P. 1883, 
27.) H. per., 1} ft. high; lower i. 
ovate ; fl. in terminal 

(H. G. 1888, 560; W. G. 1889, 363.) 
H per. ee 'Scouleri, Doug]. ] 

Penstemon puniceus. (W. G. 1889, 
198; Gard. 18 xviii, 147.) H, 

g 1l tin 
abundance of scarlet fi. North 

Pentstemon Torunia. (6.6 

1888, iv. 264-5 5, f Ps and F. 1888, 
472 Gp. 55.) 

stem being sessile; fl. laxly ome 
wee ‘bricked, about 1 in. lon 

Pentstemon secundiflorus. (Gard. 

1896, xlix. 478.) H. FI. blue, suffused 
with LZ e upper surface. 

Pentstemon Watsoni. (Gf. 1896, 
mm) H 

RTA com 
pecies with r h 1l. and racemes 
Eb blackish Shei T dieler 

Peperomia argyseia, foliis varie- 

gatis. (W. 3000, 4 297, t. 3.) S. 
racer. Pes ety. 

rich crimson-scarlet; corolla widen- oe inquilina. (6. C. = 
small trailing 

ing towards ems: mouth ; lobes nearly 
equal. Calif 

Pentstemon rca be sana 
eh 1895, 77, f. 25.) H dy per, 
a rosette of 

ail indi of dark blue fl. [P. glaber, 
Pursh.) North America. 

Pentstemon grandiflorus. (Gf. t. 
x pecies 

green sess 
or p eent en ob- 
tuse meea i. and racemes of large 

xii. 428.) S. A small 
with red stems, and small fleshy on 
bicular green 1. Central America, 

Poprosa metallica. (Zi. H. wa 

se Fi es se ft. high, wi 
dark green 1l. with a 

vere ge stripe along the midrib and 
voddish veins beneath, Peru 

P ostrata. (G. C. 1879, 
puruta ss slender 
ternate round 

x1. 716, £. eg S. 
creeping stems, 
a kara. 


Perezia pennies Ci H. ane 
134 t.) 

annual’ wie "Thisth tke È and Rute 

fi. -heads like ature Camellias, 

Pericome caudata. (4. C. 1880, xiv. 

8.) Co ite. 3-4 
ft. high, with a ye EAA ae 
long taper-pointed mbella’ 

panicles of yellow fl. ‘head. Colorado. 
ae og ee grid al ape aA 

nek Bap uns aia = all | Pt aT en 
the name of P. nankinensis. China, 

syne nf 888) BE GE HI 
6-8.) H H: [P si Be 

Peristeria aspersa. i "i t. 267; W. 
0. A. t. 327.) Orchi G. 

covered with brownish red dots, and 
the front of the lip dark crimson 

agran ray ices (G. C. 188 

Allied to P. lila 

and pro 
ick line to the apex of 
the middle thew Andes (?) 

S. Somethin ing in the wa of P. ceri ina. 
seu green. L 

long, narrow FIL. 
yellow ; sep. oak pet. with dark purple 
; lip paler, dotted with Indian- 

Peristeria Lindeni. (Z. vii. t. 328 
J. O. iii. 97, f. 12.) S. A distinct plant 
thickly spotted with a darker purple. 

Peristeria rossiana. ((. (.1889, v.8; 
B. T. 0, 1889, 138.) S. Allied to P. 
atin , differing only in the lip 

Peristeria se iite (6. e 1887, ii 
Eao i 8. ibe Bar scat BE joule. 

chit <a oor U. ‘1883; 

; ricacez 

; th te r meronta, of 
whieh ~ is probably à , but more 

— wering, and with kte crimson 
E oii South America. 

Persica Fidos bua PRON, (R. 

1878, 180.) H. var. of k 
do pA egy janchi which com- 
mences ower some days earlier than 
the ere form: [Prunus Persica, 
Stokes, var. ] 

Pescatorea ena £6: a 

1877, viii. 456, 
as large as oe of iP, vist sod 

; ee 
running out in angles and keeled with 
br ; in front of th are 
same o spiana Es ps the 

of th urple. 

s ligh 
[Ze 490, petal ethene, Reichb. 

ge ae bella. (G. C. 1878 

S. Fl. larger than P. cerina : 
a and pet. light whitish violet, 
having near their tips ry road 
sot of very dark purplish violet ; lip 
r hood ai whitish yellow, with a 
ee the rge 21-ribbed callus; 
r= ge on “thelr back line ; die of lip 
a large purplish-brown blotch. 
[2y a rapea bellum, Reichb. f.] Co- 
ia (?) 

Pescatorea agieren ae C.1881 
In the 

Ë P. Klabo- 
chorum and P. Lokam, aetingaiehed 
by f; 4 column with a 

ismni ian keels. Fl. white, with 
me light sulphur on the crest. 
Colombia (2?) 

Pescatorea — (G. C. 1876 

vi. 808.) Rather near P, Roezlii, 

ing in two diverging y Zugopeta- 
lum euglosswm, Reichh. f.] ador. 

Pescatorea fimbriata. (af. t 1008.) 

The uncles 
aore re about ioe 
p. and pet irer a acute ; 
basal hal ite; api E purple. 

owish white eter ha 
posed a 17-19 dark p purple: dedgen. 


pi gh Bolas (G. C. 1879, FS russeliana. CG. C. 1878, 

t. deep violet, 24.) n the way of P. dayana, 
ee i Pat inside black-purple. i Roezli t ha 
Lip rose-col lus covering the keels of the crest running out into 
half of it and having 15-17 iatin prominent angles outside, excep 
keels ; front part of the lip with obscure single straight middle keel; colours 

ee S an warts of the species just named, 
een them. [Zygopetalum Poteet lip and tips of sep. and pet. are red- 
ans Reichb. f.] Colombia? dish purple; — ellowish in 
front, with a lem t 

yellow a 
Pescatorea Klabochorum. (4G. ©. i chet] Eas russelianum, 
1879, xi. 684; xii. 167; W. O. A. t. 17.) 

i , and with ver arge fl. $ 
Sep. and pet. white, with chocolate tips. | Pescatorea ptian (G. C. 1882, x. 
Lip with small lateral auricles; callus 792; Fl. and P. HS E Allied 
with 19 lamellæ, and severa iating to P. Klabochor um ; eA pet. waxy 
airy and styliform processes pomad white, tipped with claret-crimson ; lip 
it, ochre-coloured, with brown b entirely claret orimson, 
the keels, [Zygopetatum ee. í 
Reichb. f.] Peum ud Mortani. (B. M. t. 7024; 
cg O. 1888, iv. 573.) Mo onimiacee. 
-— ep TE, E C. 1879, G. evergreen shr. This is the plant 
xii. ; f the above, _ known as Boldoa ‘fragr ANS, 

Phacelia mapanake, (6. C. 1882, 
and P. 1882, 122; B. M. 

part of lip dark reddish cas and 
j t. 6735.) E e a H. annual, 

the whole surface covered with styli- 

totes high, much branched. L 
talked, countileh-thionir arite. FI. 
tia atorguey Et C. 1884, large, broadly cam panulate, deep blue, 
TIDA D . with very with a white oe tt the base of each 

l ti í pe numerous sinus. Califo. 

milar spo ts at the base of the pet., 

ai a single spot at the base of the Phacelia poreuttiana. (W. G. 1890, 
2P id 

annual, with 
dad k “a white fl. having a 
Pescatoria Roezlii. (@. C. 1877, vii. re a centre. California. 
620.) S. Fl. large, white te, with al 
the segments tipped with violaceous Phacelia Petal 
blue. Lip with the tip broad and GA. t. R. A 57) E 
reflexed, somewhat r herb rt clothed with viscid hairs 

esembling the tail 
of a swallow. pA Roezlii, 
Reichb. f.) Ecuador. 

scorpioid ; a l in. in 
y diam., ` campanulate-rotate, shortly 
wer ge ree i = ya 5- lobed, violet, with five yellowish 

re aa sep. and ack: unusually spots at the throat of the short tube. 
ad and long. The anterior part of ilaments hairy. Califo 
the .lip oblong, revolute, retuse, and 

covered all over with long pea Phedranassa Lehmanni. (Gf. t. 
pe ars 1 ft. or more long, and 1138 ; Fl. and P. 1884, 28.) Amarylli 
broad. [Zy gopetalum daceæ. G. bulb, with a soli itary 
sri ly Reichb, f.] Andes elliptic-lanceolate acute l., dark green 
pt it glaucous beneath, and a, pedun- 
1 pra “ 3-flowered umbel of nodding 
dress a (a. C. Leer et fl. Perianth tubular, 1 in. long, 
F err vahiekig spreading tips. Stamens 
P. dayana, with twis pien iet = 
a Fa pape: ote white, uch exserted. Colonhin.” 
with a large light purple area near the i 
d The lipap triangular, | Phædranassa schizantha. (6. c. 
being revolute on each side and rolled 1880, xiv. 556.) This differs 
e top. is purple, r species in cultivation 
with a white us, and some yellow in the colour of its fl. which are 
at the | base of the side lobes. contem with the 1. The tube 


of the Sipe a is very short, gree 
the segments are Nea Ang tong, 
connivent, bright t red s off in 
salmon colour at the den. ytring 

Phædran viridiflora. (4. C. 

1877, ne sa i G. bulb with lanceo- 
1 ft. long, about 14 in. 
green. $ te 

fou narrow ete 
grieadah yellow fl, Ecuad 

Phaio-calanthe Arnoldiz. (6. £ 
1894, es 84.) idacez. 

garden rid between Phaius ie grand 
Solius | Calanthe Ras erii 
Phaio-calanthe berryana. (4. c. 
1895, xviii. 655.) S. Agarden hybrid 
between Phaius Humblotii and 
Calanthe Masuca 
a a (6. C. 
iii 888, 322.) A 

on ‘aea A 
Jolius and Calanthe vestita, 

—-- Var. albiflora. ce ss 1893, xiii. 
8. A white-flowered form of 
this garden hybrid. 

—- Var. rosea. (0. 85.) 
In the type Phaius grandifolius was 
the seed-parent but in this var. it 
was the pollen-parent. 

Phaius — — 
1883, xx, 334.) 
var. with a ella ence on ey front 

part of the li 

Phaius amabilis. (G. C. 1893, xiii. 

ot A ae 0. R. 1893. 87.) 8, 

A garden hybrid between a grandi- 
Jolrus and P, tuberculosus. 

Phaius ashworthisnus. (G. €.1896, 
xx. 534.) S. A garden tone between 
P. Mannii and gs macu 


Phaius Blumei assamicus (G. C. 

1882, xvii. 558.) Ss A ina e 

much in colour, the 
f the 

darker stripes : oculatus ; sep. and pet. 
brown insite lip yellow ‘with a purple 
blotch on sick” side 1 obe. 

EANN r ER ia B. 1889, 
in the way of P. 

an halla gas a nodding infi 
greenish, longer than t 
. Fl. entirely white. Lip trifid, 
the side lobes toothed in front, the 
front 1 = crested with filiform ai 
in a 2-lo 

cesses ; spur 
[Syn. Thunia candidissioa, Reichb. f. ; 
G. C. 1888, iv. 34.] 

Phaius Cookson#. (0. R. 1895, 220; 
G. ris iad ae S. A garden 
hybrid P. Humblotii and 
E prinia 

Phaius Cooksoni. (4. C. 1890, vii. 
P 57; GF H. 3rd ser. xxx. 446, 
f. 65 ; W. 0. A t. 478.) S. Aga rden 
hyd etoen P, tuberculosus and 

— epee ith (F. M. =) 

ani pg EE 

dulous romney on 
sep. and white ; lip te inside, 
vein red ; ape: 

ed w x W 
bninn India (?) 

Ee Gravesii. (G. and F, 1893, vi. 

and P. Prandin P. hybridus 
from the sa; 
ers PENDON, (G. C. 1880, xiv. 
. SET. 3 S. 
same: wit th white and ired 
blotches ; lip rae with a saddle- 
e callus ee out into 

ae. C. 1892, 
n hybrid bik 
P. piee Tre and P, Wallichii. 

geere badges 

Phaius maculato - grandifolius. 
a C 1891, x, 591.) 8. A hybrid 

the t two spevies indicated by 
pia name, 

Phaius Mannii. (6G. C. 1889, v. t) 
Ss. large flowered deep-coloured 
var. of P. Walliehis, 

Phaius marshallianus E dec ggg 
Seal euch ok pats 
five yellow Ulo aro i purple, 

and numerous yellow filiform pro- | 
; front with numerou 

al hb. f. 
purpurata, Reichb. £; G. C. 1888, iv iv. 

— tr trilobus. (x. z 1089, a8) 
broad : 

[Syn. Thunia marshalliana, Reich, f 
Mae triloba, Reichb. f,; G, C. 1888, iv, 

P Marthe. (&. C. 1894, xv. 
; R, ser. 2, t. 90.) s. A garden 
rid between P. Blumei and P, 

Phaius Oweniæ. (G. C. 1894, x 
5395) 5. A n bel P, bicolor with Mi 
of a rich dark co 

haius owenianus. 

y he 
663, 187, E . 102 

A gar ren hybrid 
bicolor Owenie and 

EAM E p gg meneer CG. C. 1889, 
rr = in. long ; 
i 12-18 in. long and pli- 
bene as long as the a: ; fl. 2} in. 
in reddish pese orii lip 
white Ph Philippines, 

Phaius Robertsii. (G. C. 1884, xxii. 
428.) is described asa hand- 
some species, with brownish yellow fl, 
streaked with red, and the lip des- 
titute of a spur. New Caledonia. 

Phaius Reblingii. (4. C. 1895, xvii. 
358.) aE hip aad rg 10 in. long ; 1. 

4 ft. long; fl. reddi h Indian-yellow, 

Pearanh | 5 ‘in. acro Pag Khasia Hills, 

x B. 1893, 6.) 8. 
z Pre scape erect, 
15 in. long, bearing 6 ., Which are 2 
in. across, and coloured pale rose with 
white spots on the Pe spur yellow. 
r; aiiis, Reichb. f.] Himalaya. 

Phaius roseus. 
lanceo. 1 ft 

Phaius sanderianus. (= C. 1892, xi. 
ani Gant. 10, xl 9) 8, A 
seedli E athe origin 
very like P, Walliohi. 

Phaius sedenianus. (4. C. 1887, i. 
174.) S. See Phaio-calanthe sede- 

haius Tankervillie Mariesii. 
(G. C. 1882, xvii. 588.) G. A form 
with shorter and broader sep, and 

Eaalesonsis Amphitrite. 
. 618.) 8, 

and a more prolonged middle 
lobe to the lip than in the type, 
also more vivid. 

and the colours 

TARN pa ter een pee C. Bot 

margin. wi 

ing in front of a tuft of rge bristles 
at the base of the colu Madagas- 

Phalmnopsis alcoornis, (e. t e97, 
99.) hidaceæ. 

ty gr pet. cream 
white; sep. “Tight erare outside. 
Lip white with yellow spots on the 

lo = — 
of - rear Shae ar, ahah lobe. 
hybrid, prt 
a foxes of P. ne -orrhoda, 

a C. 
A garden hybrid 

1892, 5 
ag. stuartiana and P. sande- 

ee oa topes ca E €, 

owe ee CG. C. 1883 

A species with sulphur- 

anes an a ormer 

ed and blotched with brown, and 

the latter longitudinal 

stripes ; front lobe of the lip white, 

crescen th blunt angles, 
es pan le ; la lo 

short bi bicuspidate 

yellow L De Si $ mauve and white 

l in trek Philippines 

Phalænopsis Ma dere (&. C 

1888, iv. 295; H. 1888, 434.) 8, 

Very . regneriana 

brighter in colour, and di 

having median processes on the 

stalk of the lip Bon eat ae i 

o a . and ight 
e, the side sep. sa pai 

with te. Lip brig the 

ht scarlet, 
lobes ochraceous outside, with 
scarlet lines, Cochin China, 


halenopsis corningiana. 

(G4. C. 
1879, xi. 620.) 

S. In the way ÉP 

middle ea i r T Probably a var, of P 

oman OTAD ad. C. 1890 
onar A pe nah TE P. Aphro- 
dite, A form of P. leucorrhoda, — 
Phalænopsis celtonte- ee C. 1882, 
P- rosea. Sep. 

base, an 
int on the middle and 

borer aniddle lobe ochraceous at the 
r part of the base, lilac on the 
mt part. [A supposed 

fron su natural hy- 
brid, probably a form of P. intermedia, | 

ZL, iii, 66 ; a. 1888, < 

Aegi sap gti (4. 
gA gd Ya sumatran 

halenopsis e pestri leucaspis. 
ate C. 1881, 68 688.) S wae 
white callus i 

pee E a. CR: 
107; W.-0. A. t. 321; B. M. t. 719 196.) 
A small L. disti S, 

S. s chou 
s ing, 8 in. | me- 
what granulose, ma: S erect, 
1 ft. high ; raceme few-flowered. F1. 1 in. 
in diam., rose-colo lip 3-lobed ; 
lateral lobes oblong, erect; middle 
_ Jobe obtuse, dec . Cochin China, 

—— Var. candidula. ond vi. t. 263.) 
pretty var, with white fl. having 
the lip streaked and hushed with rey 
purple, Cambodia. 

Pua as oy faecia 

PEESI intermedia 
na. (G. C 

Rapiunopis pipe ceaerrpmen (G. C. 
ctl 44.) § 1 species, w 

cuneate-lanceolate ig and pet. Lateral 
retrorse bristle and 

ed, with an erect fringed 

ee —_ (G. C. 1893, iiv. 
ecies with small gr 
i ae sail waliowis h fl, whic 
the peculiar character of expanding at 
about 9 am. vee eg wie about 3 p.m 
n the day. Iepderse er ungui- 
s, TiL] Philipp 

(@. C. 1882, 
of P. 

leain with light Soir sep. and 
pet., me a ngus yellow lip, with crest 

and of the front lobe orange, the 
front part o of lobe being light purple. 
Rpalencpels. Borions. (G. & 1888, 
554; 1889, xxxv. t. 697.) S. 
Noacly ‘ai tied to P. amabilis, with a 
narrow “op 2-toothed crest, Sulu 

———— Harriettæ. (G.C. iaer, 
i. 8, f.1.) S. Garden hybrid. [Sy 
Po violaceo-amabilis, Rolfe. ] 

son nlotohen, Natural hyb 

—— Var. Vesta. (G. C. 1893, xiii. 80; 
~ 0. R. 1893, 52.) $. A gariem By brid 

tween P. rosea leucaspis an 

rae nsees: Tarp alba. (77. 
42.) 5 

ar ar. with white 
5 geg with ae a the lip and 
base of the sep. A natural hybrid. 

oe buna (G. C. 1895, 
xviii. 36). species with fl. closely 
resembling z Gane mapa much larger ; 

L. somewhat like those of P, schiller- 

rn rp ee re 
1 ca. a C. 1887, ii, 586.) 
var, mies 
erect 1. 
sep. and pet.mar ked with 


raceous white 
brown piaren 

or spots e lip has very short side 

lobes, and a narrow cuneate front lobe, 

with a strong keel at base and ver 

few hairs at the convex top. Philip- 

Phalænopsis luddemanniano-ama- 
- (4. C. 1888, iii, 331; M G. 
1888, 228.) S.- Garden hybri rid, 

we, 10 nope aero om (G. C. 
02.) garden 
So Arai and Be 

seme ig — Aant C. 1831, 
“xvi. A 

numerous small spots. Borneo. 

Phalenopsis — (W. 0. A, t.8 
B. M. 

genta-purple s base 
lip rich magenta-purple with a white 
ge. Sulu Archipelago; Philippines, 

Phalænopsis epg seed, 
1890. 532. 

p of creamy 
Waite fl. Philippin es, 

Fhalenopeis , Saereacians. (a. H 
1887, ii. Allied 

nde? ith an thick co 

racemes of loured fil. with a 
dark purple lip, ich 

gular side lobes, and 

form processes are represen 

— e | 



hy set f 


white teeth, and there is also a small | 
three ite crest. Siam. 

-lobed white 

Ehalisnopsia reichenbachiana. (4. 
1882, xviii. 586, 
a man 

mauve blue, ai ehilippines 

) 8 A species | 

| Phalaenopsis stobarkians. ce. c. 


|: "halagopsit, rothechildiane, pL, c: 
; Garden 

Hie eb Be ro Pk and P. ae 

ioe a nin rT (o. 
and P. 1883, 108; 
8.) 8. 

rows of small purple spots at their 
base ; lip marked with purple spots 
d stains. 

Prya schilleriana arona. 
885, xxiii. 174.) &. 
jeee r k purple 

Var. purpurea. (4G. C. 
105) S S. fa var, with dark ariak 

——. Var. splendens. Ee H. 1886, 
396, t.) S. 

fi. washed as ake ha the side 
lobes of the lip white, with purple spots 
and washed with rose 

— Var. Vestalis. (4. E = xvii. 
330.) S. A var, with white fl, 

Phalenopsis speciosa. (4. C. 1881, 
xv. 562; Ts 0. A. t. pale L. vi. t. 288.) 

~ xviii. 745, i 131.) 8. This 
sep. and. t. the former are rose- 
— the latter rates 
a ayy ac (A. C.. 1882, 
vi, 18.) S Pete a with rose- 

4 <8 C. 1882, 
has broader 

1877, viii. 392.) y of 
P. amethystina, with hertsien sep. 
and pet., ulti ss ellowish green 

cnet naan 

lip am finally pe cl 
ing into iy pria ende the 
lateral partitions marked with yellow 
and white, 

Phalenopsis stuartiana. (4. 6. 
1881, xvi. 748, 753, f. 1 
1882, 36, 49, $559 z. EA 
A species 

han Sep. 
light yellowish outside, white inside, 
with the lower half of the lateral ones 

yellow, the yellow and orange parts 
spotted with crimson. 

HRE Ap unctatissima. (4. C. 1882, 
ked Sipe numerous 

. pun 
44.) 5. Mar 
sail mauve spots, P 

-— Var. bella. (G4. C. 1888, iii. 200.) 
S. A var. with rip linear spots on the 
= lobes of the lip, and large purple- 

wn blotches on The middle lobe, 

— Var. chee sah C. 1884, 

xxi. 372.) ving the pet. 

and sep. aa ber ae back, an 
bordered with white 

—— Var. EA LLES S. 
A var. mar sie tts umerous red dots 
on the sep. an 

Eyplescuee Ps p-verepes kimbal- 
liana. ath C.1888, iv.6; H. G. 1888, 
i Geer A var, with broad bright 

with red, 

us lip with an 
orange tubercle on ak däs lobe. 

— ay S ar goin ie C. 1882, 
S A var a few 
Sasccanak: purple bars on Sora saad 
pet., and some fine mauve apa. upon 
he lip. 

ar. sanguinea. (4 . C. 1881, xv. 
ge S. A var. with th e lateral se 
almost wholly dark red, with very few 
yellowish green markings, 

Phalenopsis tetraspis. (6. o; 1881, 
xv. 562, 656; B. M. t. 7321.) In 

£ P. violacea, with x ‘rich 

whi n teral 

processes ; front 
lobe of lip rhomboid-ligulate, with a 
cushion of hairs at the apex. Anda- 

p Tointa i (2.6. C. 1883, 
n Da aa aA tha tes, al —— 

some pm e bands ; ap nem like 
that o Ta viekpon mauv 
yellow. an eni bid 
between P. ae ee P, Cornu- 

Phalenopsis veitchiana brachy- 
od S. A 

. F xxi. 270.) S: 
distinct var. wi hite sep. and pet., 
th of th e paca sep. with some 
brown spots lobe of the lip 

ee = Bases ; ae Sioa with purple 

ake alee s and P. 
tp. aani, “Tindl, var, Vesta 

Phalenopsis violacea bowring- 

iana. (CG. C. 1884, xxii. 262.) S. 

var, with pure light yellow fl. with 
purple marks e base of the sep. 

d pe 
— Var. murna. (G. C. 1878, 

x PENT A var. e lemon- 
yellow fi. mar ith. urple inside 
t the of the lateral sep., the 

aa. e pi of the lip, and base of the 

ais ae sierra = C. 1882, 
ii. 680 ; and P. 140 under 
ais of P. RRF Pa 
with larger i more brilliantly 
coloured fi. than the type. 

Pa sedi tg (R. H. z w 
H. herb, in spis 
pe Saa nacea (of which i 
only a agt form), ae as stouter 
= pA arae attaining a height of several 

Phaleria ambiguis. o M. t. ees 
A climbing gla- 
a peer ith light green Tug 
kinri leathery 1. Te irae and sub- 
white scented 

Daphne-like #. 

isto r RUE, 

Ae &. 1890, 161.) 
[ Ipomee 
rom. leat 

a hede- 

FASLI on age wile 4. pe, e) 

white hilum ire witha 
hiladelphus Coulteri. (G. and F. 
1888, 232, f. 40.) H. 

H. shr, with slender drooping branches, 


ovate-lanceolate serrate l., whi a | 
escent beneath, and solitary white fi 
about 1 in, in diam. Nort thern Mexico. 

Eran A (W. &. 
97, x21; 89.43): H. 
len “hyte een P. micro- 

phyllus and P. cor inden ius. 

aT eee Weg a pith (G. 
C. 1887, ii. 156, 

fey Prigiadt fl New Mex 

Pairs. Seeon, ate C. 1888, iv. 

shr, [ Fhe 

ae i ma = Py P RR he 
Boiss. ; B. M. t. 6800.] 

Cite H, 

Philodendron andreanum. 
18 : 

hri pam Colombia 
Philodendron Carderi. (Bull Cat. 
1880, 6, t=. 8; GA- 1881, 245, f. 
[P. verrucosum, Mathieu. | Colombia. 
Philodendron corsinianum. (B. 7. 
O. 1888, 211.) S. Garden hybrid. 

ote devansayanum. (ZU. 
Loo ordate, glossy -hery 
when ait blood- yael you 
tems red. Upper r Per 

“Sa enaa elegans. (W rar 
Cat. ip S. climbing per., with 

esa ie oe a 

813.) Climber, in the 
P. crassinervium, with oblong acute 
deep-green 1., 12-18 in. long, 3-5 i 
broad, and solitary axillary n 

with the inside of the tube crimson. 

og ng girioun. Gil. 
a S. climber, with aa 
green. L. o 

b and veins. 


rage —— E (4. C. 
Si) Sn a 18- 

any Soe ge E 
vari iegated with we Ecuador 
Bader ae’ MAHON du. 
23.) is closely Rha 
> ae 

Philodendron nobile. (Bull 
P, crassinervium, 

spotted o outside with deep rose. South 

Eaa notabile. (&. C. 1893, 
oe S 

stalked edi 
and R KÀ coloured ape 

ess orton (Lind. Cat. 

1896, 21.) ribed as a species 
of extraordinary virte wiih large 
emerald green 

eera a serpens. (B. M. t. 
75.) 5. Climbing Aroid with large 
chlo-cordate bright green 1. on long 
ete peti which are covered with 

agen Spathe 5 in. long, 
the tube and 

rest Psi colou 

Philodendron Sodiroi. cB 1883, 
508 ; G. C. 1883, n oo K mber. 
e e, Ag: dotted 

ent ree violaceous beneath. Dani 

Philopodium rigid B. T 0. 
1388. 249) H. H. r ek 
adpressa, Meissn. ] 



Palos adsurgens. (8. nl Es sees; 

6, f. 11.) Polemon: 
with opposi Saati ae aati S Pausa 
lanceolate ac l, an few- 
ered os 

flow cymes of long-tubed rose- 
coloured fi. Oregon and North-west 

Falar Cmmi derrak (Gf. 
Se A a-lobes 
ORA the middie ae Foy keim 

as long as the pà re [Syn. Phlox | 
Drummondii, f. var. ett 
Grilli, B70. 1888, 119° t 1 18.] | 

—— Var. fimbriata. (On. t. 1264.) 
H. annual. 

as lon 
Phlow Dr um- 
mondii, Hook. f. var. ane Grilli, 
BT 0. 1888, 119, £. 19.] 

ar. flore pleno. («#. 1886, 
104, { ho H. A. double-flowered 

Phlox nana. (4. and F. 1888, 413, 
t f 


yellow fi., 
oth elliptic entire corolla- lobes, Pike. 

gyae eas mena (Bull Cat. 1883, 
15.) Palme. arden bri 
tween P. e and P. leonensis. 

Phenix cycadifolia. 
is pr seesi 
Paim, with the as 

(GA. t. 974.) 
. of the Date 

pinne very numer rou 

Phenix hybrida. gd _ te 115.) 
S. Gardvn hybrid b P. dacty 
lifera and P. ‘fin iniferi eis 

Phenix intermedia. (Esu Cat. -1s 
15. . Garden hybrid betw P. 
$} yltestris and P. rec Enator 

iee canion. (G. C. 1893, 
HH. 1893, 568, £- 
193, E) fa 

garden i the Ries 
It Si ea edible frui 

Phenix Rebelenii. (6. c. 1889, vi. 
473, £:68; G. and F. 1890, 273, D, Pan 
Dwarf species. 

m isa 
oo ate in» compact | 

head, each one being about 4 s sone; 
vee oa pinnate ; the 

narrow and green ‘as iets of ¢ C a 
weddelliana. Siam 

args e rupicola., Qui Cat, 1877, 7, 
LAJ & pal 

reduced to s spines, India ; 

Var. foliis Se ee 
(Til. H. 1887, t. 3. 
bane _Toviegated Sek ‘ae Garde =4 

oe baa ge at: How 607.) 

phyte, milar to 

2 sey rata, a differing i er aaa early 
globose pseudobulbs. ssa. 

spect a Lagerdt CK. B. 1893, 6.) 
o P. articulata aut ltd 

in a ye pari The racemes are 
n. long, pendent, ie clothed oe 
smail “shell like white 

Pholidota repens. (K. B. 1891, Te 
joi sete 


acem Ree 
urved ; fl. small, flesh- ag Tadi 

Pholidota ventricosa. (4. ©. 1889, 
v. 585.) ge pap pen: species, with 
1. 1} ft. long, and a pike 1 ft. high, 
bearing white C sA ALET R A Jav 

Phormi lpinum, flaccidum 
pe andl and robustum. m. (W. G. 
1o. 448.) Liliaceæ. 

No des 
criptions beyond the statement that 
P, Hursthonni has long panicles of 

, With the outer segments 
yellow, and the o 2 gence fila- 
sred. New Zea 

ae oo Bhd, i 1886, 
Sci about 

irregularly ban 
n. | Maranta peck A i 
Linn, var, variegata.] 


Phyllagathis air rrean ee 
Cat. 1884, 14. 
per. with st ip Mae re oon 

sul lan nculate heads 
n fl. ‘Born 

Phylagaths Lg heen CIL. H. 1894, 
3.) most 


unded pet., 
an Aijai entirely ‘abana to the 
alyx. Born 

and in the ovary | 

Phyllanthus aroparpareus.. (Bull | 
Euphorbiaceew. S. 

mor Island. 

iaer oe suatag (R. 
883, 537, ff. 7.) S.shr. Appears 
she fat as the well-known 
p glaucescens, 


de rye heire ce (Veitch. 
ya 1877, 24.) rnate, about 
long, ollie Jane, variegated 

with crimson and white 

Phyllanthus pietas. L T. 

small, gree ish ; fe- 
hort pedice cels, arger, tinted 
red, Colo mbia. 
Pilea seemannianus. (Bull 
Cat. side! S. Erect shrub, with 
long leaf- like branches, 
shortly stalked alterna 
axils of which the curious 
spicuous fi. produced. 
Phyllocactus albus He einige se 
(Gf. 1891, 258.) Cacta 

Phyllocactus ie get Soames aggre > 

CGA. plant with lar 
yellowish waite Known Dirinon 
P. Cooper 
Phyllooastus cruentus Acker- 
ni. - (F.-M. t. 413, und aes 
biydens G. A garden seedling wit. 
let fi, flushed with | 

| korere 

Exvllogestos BL ei sae t. 1370, 

E Hildmanni. (GA. t. 
21.) A garden hybrid between 
P. Wrayt and P. er iie 

gar ei Pr hope 
een P. rays and P, er 

t coe Pommer Beihai. (GA. 
| 2. 

r. with the young parts 

poate rusty tomentu L. 

shortly petioled, elliptic-oblong, acute, 
ini Fl. axi 


Fruit as large as a walnut stron gly 
ribbed, yellow. Brazil. [ Mugenia 

Selloi, Berg. ] 

punc ig 

oo inex, 
bs Sank ham m- 

. C. 1894, xv. 431. 

j mottled ste 
busa nigro-punctata, Hort ] 

Phyllotænium Lindeni magnifi- 
cum. Rae at. Sae a A Piik Bin 

in the Lo (Et kiima Tandon. EN 
Moore, var. ] 

Physalis Francheti. (&. M. 1894, f. 



= | cst hon 
gar n, seedling with ecg yellowish 
rtm! | 

>> 1894, xvi. aay ii f 57.) 

So olana: 
P lathohengs. but with Sie larger 
fr. Japan. 

Physalis vi care ca CR. H. 1882, 2 
cordate acute T = 
ne ak a gg! purple spot at 
the ‘elie: of ong lobe, and large glo- 
bose dark violet f. 

Se Hore ce he perm aan PSs 
91, 197.) G. all 
eck aitied 4 o Loddigesii vito 
long 1. and a aoa of rar arira 
and purple fl. Gua 

on Lindleyi. (x. B. 1893, 

Near P. Loddigesii, Stem 2 

in long ; 1. oblong. , obtuse, in. long ; 
4 in in, ‘long, 

long, a3 
with red sep. Mexi 
Physurus chinensis. (XK. B. 1896, 
200.) Orchidacer. S. Stem short 
a pitose, ovate, green, 4 in. 1 ; 
scapes short, be: erous 
Kwantung, ina, 

rrhiza ance oe H. 1879, t. 
P ) Le fase [Ti llandsia 
anceps, Lod — 



io bedi alee rtp (B. H.1 
87.) 5. per. species wae 
aoea. ra ad Sea 

of about w fi, 
eat ladia pate caine Brazil. 

rhiza Lindeni koutsin- 
egel, var. TORS yank, 
Tou ak, 1881, 177.] 

Ph hag orgs Seg ganar oe (B: H. 
a L. 

1882, 1 ngr re- 

ais Pee ine kai , purplish 
fl. in a lax d sdichous spike whit; 
calyx green, land. sia monadelpha, 
Baker. | 

Phyteuma comosum. (B. M.t. 6478; 
G. C. 1e; xiv. 176-7, f. 38-9.) Cam 

panulac An interesting rook 

Slant of “tufted habit, 

about 2-3 in, 
pai quite glabrous., L. lanceolate, 
te, toot Fl. in EET Serer 

Corola IHA flask-shaped, the in- 
n with 5 slits. rai 

Phytolacca decandra albo-varie- 
a. (R. H, 1887, 16, f.2.) Phyto- 
æ. H, per. L. variegated. 

—— Var. luteola. = -i 1894, nD) 
H. A form only di g from 
type in having the yalo yellow, 

striped and spotted ii bright gr 

Picea alpestris. CGA. kp 346.) 
Coniferæ, tree. h in the wa; 
of P, excelsa, ing the young 
shoots velvety with stiffer shorter and 

3-3 in. long, and more 
distinctly 4-angled. Swiss Alps, 

cea brewerlana. ((. C. 1886, xxv. 
197-8, f. 93; G. and F. 1890, 67, £.) 

3-1 line aroa 

Picea excelsa capitata. (R. H. 1889, 
: 393, f. 103.) H. A singular var. of the 

which forms a galains mass, | 

from which project, like pins from a 
pin- ‘ganar relatively long branches 
h beari 

eac a head- like mass of leaves 
at the caer 

Picea excelsa soca! eg H. 1890, 
259, f. 73; GA. 1890, 538.) H. A 

form with pendulous branches. 

— Var. virgata. pea 1887, 521, re 
P, excelsa, Link, v. 
monstrosa, Loud. 

irae = (G. C. 1884, xxi. 308, 

prominent midrib, mall La 
like ¢ oot 1-18 in, ee and $i in, thick, 

gi er nana. (R H 1 
H: orm of prato n habit 
raai Ae enlarged at the base 

Picea parryana. (G&f.1886, 199.) H. 
[ P. pungens, Engelm. | 

Picea ponpa Peau (H. Q: 
1888, [Syn. P. parryana, 
var. Soe, Hort] 

Pieris ae (G. C. 1882, xvii. 

f. 120. caceæ. H. [Syn 

Andromeda ja pone, Thunb. | 

Pieris og eg ogame 
Cat, 1880, 6. 
with slightly sabrons' nabe A rh a 
firm texture. 

ee ull 

Fl. in terminal racemes, 

ios aa rine (6. C. 1895, xviii. 
A dw. 

arf plant 
a ade miy zy-green l. ; 
fl. g sh white, in crowded axil 
racemes, Peru and Venezuela. 
Da G, 1888, 

Pilocereus pree fod 
85, f.) Cactaceæ. G. s ry with 
eine ha ocean À pres S; some- 

way of P. fossulatus but 
with, nee and longer spines an 
stouter and longer hairs, [ Cereus. | 



Toria ANa ee (R. H. 
890, 130, £. 40.) [Cereus Columna- 
paes: Karw.] 

Berry op enema ee (H. G 
, 8 


as 2} in, long. 

[cere eus. i ge 

Pilogyne punctata. (IV. . 1889, 459, 
Cucurbitacee, G. [Melo thria 
tie fi Cogn. ] 

Same nobilis. aoe i t.59; W. 
128.) Orchid [Trie PAAT 
Aiora Sisal yt var. soiit s.] 

ecora. (Cat. Ci omp. 
-) Palme. 
wo-parted 1. of a dark red colour, 
passing insensibly into a transparent 
pao — clouded as in some 


Pinanga lepida. 
ae Int. Cat, 
with short rufescent petiole es 
song the be “pinnately se ided into 
unequal segm Young |. brownish 
red, pena en ` deep SE ia, faintly 
mottled with darker gree 

(Bull Cat. 1888, 9 ; 

Pm Paar (B. M.t. 6581.) 8S. 
arf habit with smooth 


kiaro yellow. Buri 
Pinenga santariana: gpu a 1885, 

15. reading 

l of a ieies te ct ghee ; 
petioles spines, mottled or 
ownish pubescence 

Pinanga p aem Sept Cat. 1886, 
h dark n l. mot- 
tled with. light tgeen, sitvery bene th 
The young 1 o-lobed, the older 
ones pinnate. 

Tuunaa Meares: (Veitch Cat. 1880, 
ated Pa a of 


23, ci Varieg: 
ruses habit, w ose gene: aai d appea 

reminds ae Maranta Veitchii, “The 
fron y e are pale gree 
blotched and stained with spots te fa 
deeper shade. The colour deepens with I 

age, the spots soe blackish, the mid- 
b and veins reddish tinge and 

a ave a bronzy proka ce. 

sides are dull crimson. Borneo 

Fiagaisula bakeriana. e e 1881, 
f. 102). Lentibular g 
TP. (idle, Schlecht. ] 

sire Ser er igi M. t. 6624 
0.) G. A hands 

and P, 1882, 9 n ome 
rte with a rosette of large elliptic 
l. and 1 tab bright carmine 
fi. 1} in i a were 

peas ad with 
spur of prin the. same length: Mexi 

Pe Mr. i: rf t 6785.) 

ee ie geod (@. C. 1891, 
729 G 

s cited. 
similar to P, pb a is, but has eno 
yellow fi., the segments ere regu 
Southern United Sta 

Pinus austriaca, foliis — eg 
1887, 643.) H. tree. Garden 

a TO (G@. C. 1881, xv. 
112, f, 22.) fin 

Pat ‘feet hi i 
long. Cones solitary, pendulous, e 
row, Aeee about 15 in. long. Colim: 


Pinus mepe (G. C. 1884, 
480-1 [ Poir, var. 

P, Lari icio, 
oaia Tiaki 

Pinus koraiensis variegata. (R.H. 
1887, 83.) H. Garden variety. 

Pinus latifolia. (e, and F. 1889, 496, 
f. 135.) H. tree 
long 1. and cet sheaths. 
Rita Mountains, Arizona. 

Pinus patula macrocarpa. (4. C. 
1891, ix. 435, f. 92.) H. A form with 
sini muc ‘larger than ng er of the 
type. “ Pinus del Doctor.” 

Pi Soha derosa Scopulorum. ae. 
y 85350) H. At a 

and smaller cones, "Rocky 
sine pal 


Pinus sylvosizip columnaris com- with a rosy p aaiae cad falling off 
pacta. (2. Dey honk ot 102) H. like a cap; han the 
A slow-gro ins wit spathe, basal half fedanlo: the rest male ; 
flame- ox outline like P, fimbra in a ovaries crowde , oblong, truncate, one- 
young state. celled with 2-3 parietal placentas ; 

anthers crowded, sessile, connective 

Pinus Strobus excelsa zebrina. twice as long as anther cells, soe 

(A. H. 1889, 393, f.101.) H. Aform | ina conical point. North Born 

of the Weymouth Pine, with 1. marked 
with saree white transverse bands. P eae Se re ges se t. r A 
ering fr ig 
Fipor borneense. (0. C. 1882, xvii. heer l. mottled ao Aow, et the 
108.) Piperace. À Arab aed peduncle, which is 6 in. long, bearing 
with a thick hairy a8 A tae a nodding spathe 2 in. long, 
of a rich dark green with broad but with pink lines and do ore 
faint silvery-grey stripes betw shorter than the spathe, in whic 
erves ; they are ll-nerved, rugose completely hidden. Malay Peninsula, 
and glabrous above, hairy-pubescent Paces 
beneath- Bornéo. Pitcairnia ae ie: M. t. 6606.) 
Bromeliace e species, with 
Piper metallicum. (Lind. Cut. 1882, linear I. 2-3 ft long, => 
6.) S. L. a Gig oe of a beautiful white beneath, Fl.-stem 5-6 ft. high, 
metallic gree pu above. Fl. bright red, West 
Piper ornatum. gFoiteh G. 1808, Pitcairnia corcovadensis. CG. 1884, 
13; G. C. 1884, xxii. 424.) S. foliage 26.) A slender species with erect 
p climbing habit. L, peltate, ea bane lin acuminate 1. 
er es eee g p% ly-pointed, 2} -5 3-4 ft. long passing into linear bracts 
in. long, 2-4 in. bright green on the fl.-stem, which is about 1 ft. 
marked with pink spots, Celebes. high, and terminates in a single lax 
raceme of red fl. Brazil. 
Piper porphyrophyllum. (6. o. 
1884, xxii. ie a 5. EN age plant, Pitcairnia SR ATINS. (ard. 1888, 
e co t na the plant 1888, 383.) arde 
. Cultivated as Dirks one ee eric erg 
Pitcairnia flavescens. (B. M. t. 
Piper rubronodosum. (Bull Cut.1877, | 6818.) S. per. of robust habit. L. 
3.) shr. with fleshy scabrous stems linear 2-3 ft. long, 1-14 in. broad, 
red at the nodes. Petiole pubescent. bright green above, mealy white be- 
L. cordate-ovate, bullate, deep sap- neath, Scape 14 ft. long, slightly 
green, over logue young with floccose ; raceme lax, about l ft. hip 
silver-grey. Colom Fl. 2 in. long; calyx bright yello 
pet. primrose-yellow. iaa a pa ays yer, 
Piper rubrovenosum. (41. H. 1897; Mart.] Tropical Amer 

t. 33; H. @. 1888, 124.) 8. clim Se ne oke 
with cordate acuminate bright green Pitcairnia jaliscana. (G. and F. 
L mottled above with rose yo the 1888, 195.) S. An attractive species 

veins, green ut perhaps not in cultivation. Base 
This seems scarcely to differ “from bulb-like, composed of very short 
Piper ornatum. broadly sheathing 1. armed with re- 
flexed spines on the margins. > 
Piptanthus tomentosus. (R. = linear, erect, unarmed, mealy be- 
1887, 474.) Leguminose. H. H neath. Fl.-stem glabrous, bracteate. 
somewhat seo P. nepulonss Fl, numerous, Mao ae seme bracts and 
but — — silky tomentum in calyx deep rose-coloured ; corolla 
all parts, nnan, China, sate 2 in, ia scarlet. Mexico, 
iptospatha insignis. (¢, C. 1879, | Pitcairnia Maroni. ch = 1884, 
xi. 138, f. 20 ; B. M. t. 6598.) Araceæ. 222 ; 1885, 108, garden 
arf and t Aroid. L. hyb; rid between p Maie cal F: 
narrowed to an acute base corallina. 

above. Scapes rather | Pitcairnia Palmeri. (G. and F. 
infil. nodding. Spathe 1888, 209, 211, f. 38.) S. A small 
fusiform, not opening, white species with a bulbous base form ed 

of broad leaf-sheaths, te a few fili- 
form or linear 1., those mn the barren 
shoots spar: 

Corolla T in, 
iT light. red. Maxios 

Rees: platyphylla. (Bull Cat. 
ctly spreading, 

pee ight g above 

. Fl. somewhat panicled, 

large, deep crimson. West Indies, 

Pitcairnia Roezli. a r e See 
-9; M. t.7 

Ae pees, (CR. A. 1890, 
Ss. i ong 

or ut 

eee veasiae reece peso (p. 
). 1888, 272, Bignoni 
5 alin 

as Bignonia 
t from the species 
Set eet pune ia, 

et. | Sh 

Fisheooetoniuni clematideum. 
T. O. 1890, 22, t. 2.) S. climber 
. ending i 



Pittosporum SElOORTD ED. (B. a t. 
7473.) Pittosporac mall 
cs with pees weed 1. eye 

panicles of fragrant “golden: 
peyel Ma Western Himalaya 

Pittosporum a 
tum. (Bull Cat, 1882, 
green . with 
green l. aide « 


The plant | 
a month, 


ith white. New | 

Pittosporum phillyreoides. CB: 4.0. 
1888, 328, t. 13. 
with slender dr oan 
l., 2-3 in, ong. and axillary hl ellow fi. 
about 1 ;in.indiam, Aust 

er ethos Up Abeta dee (GA. 

a E one dansar 1l., an 
terminal crowded umbels of white fl. 

bje ramer PAIET (G. 
38, TS cy Aayi 

directed do h bra the pr 03 

Bi Bee Colombia 

oe lanceolata marginata. 
H. 1889, 71.) Plantaginacee. 
m . 

abnormal form, and pte! be ariasi 
by division, Fran 

lastoa. menropeyUs purpurea. 
(CR. H, 1878, 179.) m gA large purple- 
leaved v oh of P. maj 

Platanus occidentalis cucullata. 
(R. H. 1877, 354.) Platan nacex. H. 
oriens var. roundish, 
nearly entire or ‘lightly lobulate, 
saaa tins cucullate, 

Platanus occidentalis, n argen- 
teis. (R. H. 1887, 64.) 

TATEN gh pate (H. H. 1888, 

9.) Juglandaceæ, . shr. 

a da name pa Fortunea é hinensis, 

baer ieee ae 

429, f. 74- 

gen h abi ee P. p. aleicorne, but the 

Ea ists: x. 

perirà (hot greyish, Bist | thinly 
covered with white stellate hairs, 
fiabellately branched = the 


third ; fronds about ae ft. long, 
the part just be! e nching 
about 8 in. b and en 
pee arg downw: to a short 
stipes ; a small roundish 
or kine spots of the 

timate lobes, > ano an equal 
distance from the er if there is no 
side lobe, Queensl 


Platycerium Veitchii. (@. C. 1896, 
S. Of stout erect growth, 
each frond being of unusually leathery 
substance and dark green in colo 

Totoinis siian (Lind. Cat. 
21.) Palm iol 

arge, glaucous 
pakir ‘whitish on the under side. 

Plectocomia himalayana. (Bull at 
1878, 8.) S. Distinct and graceful 
eet une oliage. L. pinnate ; 

Bpadix Freh Sikkim pion aa 
reer ogee iy cbt age (W. G. 
BA ae biate. somewhat 

ae genet aca with small 
mone ia l. and lilac fl. Abyssinia. 

Å reg ae Saar aie 

oe A 5 Si ey si a cordate 
crenate l. tomentose on both sides, and 

> rage Cat. 

Eastern Australi ja, 

cea y hadiensis. ue G@. 1894, 
rostrate much. 

branched with shortly stalked doubly- 

eart-s and lilac- 
pariis spotted fi. Sania 

peripe spire (W. G. 
2) à 

ct : Lathe 
wheel toothed 1. and lilac fl, 

neate, sessile, fice Abys- 

Plectranthus Sokwainturthi. (W. 
f. 14, L 

h stalked mi a al 

many-f flowered whorls of small blue fi. 

leione arthuriana. (Veiteh ea 
1881, 17.) G. Seema [Cælog 

artha uriana, Reichb. 

Pleione humilis tricolor. (W. 0. A. 
t se G. [Celogyne humilis, Lindl. 

ce a fossa. (G. C. 1882, xviii. 

Fi. P. 1882, 123, 181.) 
é ee green fern with cori- 
aceous arching crowded fronds 1 ft. 

obed ; lobes 
multiédly pee 
ish, sunk in cavities, in single rank on 

each side of the midrib. [ alawydionss 
Jossum, Baker.) Malay Archipelag 

Pleopeltis picta. (@, C. 1881, xv. 
331; Williams’ Cat. 1881, 36.) 8. "fern 
ied to Pz Billardieri, 


abou . long, lin. broad. [ Poty- 
e um ea tum, Baker.) Polynesia. 

erara Ane (G. C. 1881 
izome creeping, clothed 
wed in 
ike [Pu yodium Xiphias, T. 
Moore. | “Polyn 

ie paan REA 1887, 71.) 

jacex. a misprin 
FP Gra aa eati ' zobust me 
es dark green digitate ing 

8-10 leaflets. Fiji. 

Pleroma gayanum. sE M. 
TAa S.dw 

t. 6345.) 

a alin panicles, lin 
inged with onal in 
{Thee ian, ] Peru 

in diam, 
the cen nested 


crer ara urig aah zape eet a 
ik. and large bluish pies fl, 

Fee aeemay costaricense. So N. 

ee and P. 1883, 42.) Am 
Half-shrubby plant. L 
padly: liera acuminate. F 
small, disposed terminal close 
icles, which spread 
Dertien the size of a pea, bright 
rimson. Costa Rica 

ene er _ = 
1895, 264.) O G. 
P., longis. Aa Tin in pooner Tight 
yellow, spotted and striped with 

pera pig eager (G. 

whiti ip cuneate PTEE 
South re eric 

A eT inflata. (K. B. ian, 
gt stems 6 in. lon 
long, l in. wide, and aid 
Ghitiah fl. Colombia 

Pirarothallis nons. C&G. C. 1887 
A spa onl 

ea Since: sa a 1 sea mes 
in. me i in. broad ; uncles 
flowered, 2} in. lo pe 23 

Fen | ng i 
ws i 
triped with dul ger tip k 
blackish p “purple, vilo at the apex. 

ore pierre pe gsar apres CH. 

1894, x A singular little 

species, ite aed purple ‘and s ilver- 
ite fl 

Pleurothallis liparanges. (6. e 

1885, xxiii. 


few-flowered ; fl. thin, pellucid, light 
reddish ochre. Brazil. 

Pleurothallis maculata. ΠB. 1893, 
334.) S. Allied to P. recurva ; 1. 2 in, 
long, blotched with dull ere: fl. 

mall, white and purple. Brazil. 

ee parva. (K. B. 1895, 
S. mall species with yellow 
a. razil. 

iene ome pel Series (K. B. 
to ihe marg — 

ee. small apsthulaie L 

lines. British Honduras 

a AETA E (K. 

4, to P. teste- 

j 2 mes oe ong, fleshy ; 

me } in. long, bearing six small 
sashes and purple fl, Brazil. 

chip apes picta. (G. C. 1887, ii. 
itt _— with 

a glten t l. about 2 in. high, 
and racemes o — SRA pgm 
and red fl. Fai | 

scapes 4 in. ing | 
very a yellowish = with purple 

T HE meag ie fot 

59.) ery, 

green bracts, and a 

ike of — ae fi. 
Bobtail % viek ant Braz 

Pleurothallis puberula. (x. 2.1893, 

Allied to P. wnivaginata, but 
e fl. are smaller an re numerous ; 
colo and du i 

they are ured green 
yellow, ry are fragrant 

nes dea te ( 
1888, iv. 756.) 

long, ee yellow, spotted w ith iiir 
bro per ger lance ceolate-blong, 
nto a con- 

ig aa ee, aS, C. 1876, 
of P. 


Toa. eNe num morous very 5 short- 

ec penen stout l. and a poe ba orange- 
ured fl, Central Thee: 

Pleurothallis Fob seine hes 1886, 
51.) with a 

: pp i 
peni ceous ; oar sep. reddish ; pet 
hitish ; lip 
oniho at the base. Min 
Pleurothallis rhombipetala. 4 (K.B. 
; to — with 
lax racemes Fs a green urple 
fl. Mt. Roraima, British Cais, 

rte arse a es to; 1888, s 

to their so that the fl. is open but 
a a ttle ae C 

ee (CK. B. 

arta . S species wi 
4 in, peame. and short scapes 
of os ra purple fl. Jamaica, 
Pleuroth epee inguis. (4. 

C.1883, pis 457.) G. A small species, 

with narrow spathulate l. about 1 in. 
long, and subcorymbose racemes of 

arrow acuminate lobes ; petioles long 
sant prickly. Peduncle about 1 ft. 

hyaline fi. spotted on the aristate sep. long, smooth or prickly. Spathe boat- 
with ge rple-mauve; lip dark olive- shaped, open to the base, brownish red, 
brown, with basilar retrorse horns and 33-4 in. long. Spadix — cream- 
an elliptic fringed blade. coloured, changing to bro Borneo. 

oh ade ee teretifolia. (4. 
s aya d to P. nak 

Potophyni i PEE (G. 

with narrow to Paks forming a tuft Ber sa ae Prk bably EAR 

9 in. high, and a pendulous maer ol Ls te ae 

comes of fleshy brown fl. Brasil. fruiting ones forked, from the bons Cid 
which are produ the large bun 

Tiostothaliis kribuloides. (G. C. of drooping rich purple fi: followed 

87, BER) ea inconspicuous fr. <a os May Apple, P 

the i obes tri angular, acuminate, very 
ene T CED. shallow ; margins dé sara China. 
1893, ge that a 

L. only pA T fa long; s scape 2} 
lone, aidot Drin patti eN Pogogyne geimui. CGN. t. oa 
whitish fl. with nomen: erty 
eninge in pars es PA aen narrow obtuse glabrous 1., i eats, 
Oi Bas oF eu G. of bright, blue fl. about } in. long. 

Podachænium andinum. (œR. 

1892, 414. £ 12 ae) Compositz. 4 grer Pore kaera a a a 
large, coarsely lobed ; corymbs of fl.- 6. 

aera lax ; ray-flor sa white ; aisle pa dowd Senpee rele: nenny 2 ft. in 

length. Fl. green, wi r gree 
TON Colom flush, and a fine network ‘of veins on the 
Podoc carpus, _Doctinate. (G. C. 1892, middle cap gt pany coe ee 
xi. 113, 662; K. B. 1892, 105.) | shorter; lip trifid, with angular side 
axac meee — with silvery | and anh ‘acuminate le lobe 
foliage. New Caledonia | reflexed at the apex. L. large, round- 
| ish, cordate at base. Mauritius and 
r onarpe vitiensis. e. C. 1886, | < tComoro Telknda: 
f. 89. . shrub or tree, | 
with giana frond-like ranche: 
thickly beset with small ont | iie gammieana. (B. M.t 6671.) 

ovate-lanceolate acute bright 
a lax raceme of pale lilac fi., appeari nd 
5 Sha the 1. has died down. Nort 

Podochilus a e a B. India 
1894, 186.) Orchi S. 

to P. unciferus. sarge 2 ft. aoe a 1 
in, long, } in. wide; raceme 1 in. long ; 
fl. small, white and purple. Borneo 

odocytisus caramanicus. (R: H. acute, of a fine bronzy green, purple 
Bre 63. Le inose. H. shr., beneath, hairy on both sides. Fl.-stem 
having the general aspect of Cı ytions produced after the 1l., two-flowered. 
purpureus, L. tiolate, digitately Sep. and pet. ł in. long, narrow-lanceo- 
trifoliate ; the leaflets obovate, }+3 in. late, acute, agian gg ee with 
. FL bright yellow, about } three dar: rves ; e, with 
expanse, disposed in term al panicu- darker lines, A ii in a ce. | 
Tabirin © caramani- Hong Kong. 

: racemes. 

cum, Benth. & Hook. f.] p 

: —— speciosa. (0. R.1894, 325.) 

Podolasia stipitata. (6. €. 1882, S. Stem erect, 4 ft. high with alter- 
xviii. aa Fl. and P. 1882, 123,) nate ovate oblong glaucous I. = 
. Araceæ e. S. per. of striking appear- 2-3 large purple apical fl. not unlike 
ance. L. sagittate or hastate, with those of a Bletia. Brazil. : 

Poinsettia i yegiz (Williams Cat. 
1882, og Eupho rbiaceæ. G. Colour 
var. of ulcherrima. [ Euphorbia 
pulcherrima, Willd. 

Pennie aieh ( Williams’ Cat. 
188 G. Colour var. of Euphorbia 
ss va rima. 

Po egies se Sues 
Buphorbic page rima. 

el pope 
ar, of 

Polemonium ceruleum campanu- 
latum. (@. (.1892, xii. 399.) H. Pole- 

leaflets Genina. p iroda Europe. 

— Var. [pear ects (6; 2 1887, 
i. "i, 766.) H. per. e inf. 
in diam., lilac-blue. Himalaya 

FONR eae abe Ae e. ie, 

covered with musk-scented glandular 

hairs. Rocky Mountai 

gg: tds Sif M. t. 6965.) 
t. high, loosely tomen- 
L. pin 

yellow, 1 in. in New Mexico, 

sd gia Tee e: (G. bss 
. 472 15.) È 

ig zh “branching and idn 
; fi. funnel-shaped, 
a on ae yellow, tinged w ith r 
tside; l. pinnate ; leaflets 
narrow, paer Pr acute, 1 in. long. 

Polybotrya lechleriana. (6. C. 1886, 
TI 7$ Filices. 

fronds. Pinnæ ob 
uminate, overlapping. innul 
eane sessile, oblong, te, cut into 
oblong pinnatifid nulets 
[ertiehun" lechlerianum, Hook. 

Polycycnis Lehmanni. (K. B. 1894, 
365 ; i 1895, xvii. 245, f.) 
Orchida S. Pseudobulbs oblong. 


te, 1 in. long, each bearing a 

dulous, 9 in. long, pals wered ; 
. 1} in, across, light gece , spot 
with purple ; disc Kovegice with long 

white hairs. Colo 

i ead Salpin. (B. M. t. 7439.) 
ga. G. A slender straggling 
ad as Tt. high. L. ovate, acuminate, 
in. | i i erect racemes 
4 in. long ; pedicels } in, long j corolla 
1 in. long, rosy lilac. Swaziland. 
pei PEEN E S (GA. 
44.) Polygonacezx. 
. L. 1-1 in. 
ate, acute, petio plate, 
Fl. in large forme panicles, bright 
ink. Eastern Bokhara. 

Polygonum compactum. (B. M. t. 
6476.) H. herb. per. with stems at first 
ascending, 2 ft. high, 

the base, and erect racemes of white fl 

Foiygonom. ay ecko 
Cat. 1890-1, 63.) 

Aa Ferg a ? "610 ft. high, with 

a n, 

(GA. 1890, 

cl rnation - red. 
eh of Ola Wor. 

pe pact iaatifotum. oa E 1881, 
na e Barga trailer, 

ies Santer Bae stems wiih die 

dow inter. i ate-ovate, 

‘ shining, 

eep green. kin all, arre in 

Polygonum miota variegatum. 
CR. H. 1892, Ath .8.) H. form with 
variegated leav 

ok pe spherostachyum, (B.M. 

t. api ee d. 1889, xxxv. 548 ; xxxvi. 
109, 463.) Roots berous. Stem 
solitary, ; 4-9 in. high; 
1. 3 -6 in. long, linear or linear-oblong, 
acute , glabrous and glauco 
or pubescent underneath ; spike 1-2 in 
tg cylindri n. long, p- 

Polypodium californicum. (G. and 
F. 1888, a- Filices. H. H. or H, 

segments narrow, oblong, acute, serrate, 
placed rather close together. California. 


Polypottusi Diane. (Fl. and P. 1876, 
187.) S.or G. evergreen Fern growing 
i ith 

pinnules 4 in. long, lanceola rnd 
serrate or entire. [P. mol ied Roi ] 
St. Helena. 

oats moa: (4. C. 

e pi defiexe 
ow cut into oblong crenate lobes. 
Sori a over every part o 
feed; rs 
Polypodium macrourum. (4 

and s but 
istinguished by its lon Epi -tailed ‘fronds, 
which are aggre de ate, 2-3 ft. 

pinnatifid, pra 

Toa — (R. H. 1886, 206, 

Fern ous 
Nena aiy elongate-oblong entire 
coriaceous fronds, 3 ft e long, 

and 4-6 in. broad, shining poe above, 
glaucous beneath. Braz 

Pol vg r (&. C. 

65; Gard. 1894, xlv. 472) 
a p os E aaoh hybri 
P. aureum and P. vulgare darane 

the pinnæ are wavy an 

Polypodium vulgare groeie 

e and g 1882, 37.) H. A remark- 

A robust habit, with the 

foods irr y bran hed, ted, 
cornute, and conglomerate, 

ar. Fowleri. (#1. and P. 1882, 
37) z Differing from var. cornubiense 
in being permanently decompoun 

eee panipaiste. ca = 1887, 

ray Pagar shr. pe ana in S ai aie k 
Terminalia elegans. 

Polystachya Buchanani. (K. #.1 
se Orchidaceæ. S. Very iB 

to P, eran L. about 6 in. lon; 
ia a ng ; fl. small, yellowish, 

niar ped of purple. East 
Tropical Africa, 

ee arte reaped fi dae at ae. = 
A species 

oh abi t Sa small Bulbophyllum, 
bay having r as ile ith 
an orange spot on a tip. West 
Tropical Africa. 

gen pe eg lone ae C. 1882, 
94.) 5 

war “of P. Ache Dat. taller. Fl. 
ochraceous ; the lip dark yellow, with 

purple side lobes and ee ee 
allus. West Tropical Afri 

imien A err Le. C. 1881, 
85.) way of P. 


the blunt chin. Lip whitish, mealy ; 
yee lobe very crisp. West Tropical 

Polystachya = sete ysna (K. B. 1893. 
rk, prti lia. 

a arya . lon 

short ‘branched, rata ay paes, ‘yelow 
ink fl, East Tropical Africa 

—— el mis B. 1895, 
282.) S P, lawrenceana. 

white, the lip margined with patel, 
East Tropical Africa 

wire mage be biter -gee (G. C. 
3, 0.) S. Very near tat 
sh e diferi% ng in its payee ign 

pale lilac and green. British Goals 

arrang on the rhizome so as to 
on pne segan en scape and 
ose light green A 
; area a white a which i e Ratti wit 
Sedge te meal on the central keel dies 
basal part. Sierra eae 

Foipitaca ratana. (G. C. 1879, 
h like P. luteola, with 
stick- bke pseudobulbs thickened at the 



simple (always 2), slightly hairy. Sep. 

ries oe 
ront borders light pennn 

Polystachya seme (K. B. 1894, 
93.) ith linear- -lanceolate 

whi te lip. Hast Tropical 

cdot hah Asa ot 4 Nee see 

t round 
diskli s poe ‘bulbs fu m wit 
two dirig ere oiae acute 

d iolet - purple hairy fi.- 
bearing so peen eshy old- 

gold: DAA fl. or less tinged 
with red. Aaaa From the 
nso apa this appears to be P. affinis, 

of Lindl. West Tropical, Africa. | 

Polystachya am (K. B. 
1895, 192.) mall nei with 
lanceolate 1. Ae in. tort and short scapes 
ye aaa wand brown fi. British pma 

ee acrostichoides grandi- 

G. C.1882, xvii. 492.) Filices. 
sae with the apices of the 
pin ested. [Aspidium = 

cKoidei, Sw. var. | North Ameri 

eo ram. Sig a 

C@. C. 1880, a a H. A dwarf 

wded overla apping 

pinne. arar Aeae ae, Willd. 
var. | 

ere ghar beac 

~ 188 37.) H. fern, in the way of var. 

vi alie, but larger, and having the 
es deeply incised. 

CFT. and P. 

Polystichum constrictum. (6G. C. 
1895, xviii. 588.) H. A Shield Fern of 
garden origin. 

Foiyskiehum i atua. awi Cat. 1880, 
eolate. pinnate, 

Pinne short, — ost sessile, spin 

ed, more or less lobed. [ Aspidium 
auriculatum, oe var, lentum, Baker. | 

ef gerne pba oiee (Bull 
Cat, 1883, ‘ fine evergreen 
fern with as Pant fronds; lower 

pinne deflexed; pinnules marginal, 
ee a ee a oblong, with a few 
co; d , the lower anterior 
pinates at and deeply lobed 

eee tripteron. (4G. C. 1881, 
yr Big 1881, we? H. 
fy: ft , hastate lobed : 
or po irs 
rs area sre 

Fom i 

[ Aspidium tripteron, Kunze] i 

eo erat yeski tam, omer aE 

to long sp 
pointed eth oike pn Ra 

es ahr oe (Bull Cat. 
0, An evergreen fern 

g plants. 
long. Ù fyer en eoi. 'Fée.] West 

ferre e (Gn. 1895, 

131, £. 35.) A quick- 

g rowing folia; s spitas much eee bling 

Phrynium i in habit. Fl. golden yellow, 

saci Kienastii. oe C. 1877, vii. 
8 it 

the base. 

[Seaphggltie Kienastii, 
Hemsl.) Mexi 

et pellita. (@. C. 1880, xiv. 8.) 

tudinal pur 
le radiating streaks, 4-lobed. 
fe tha. ease: ie Es g 1879, 

midl Minen aagi hodia ba 

L. deeply and unequally igbai, a 


Sg more less ARS upper sur- 

under surface 

during s 
cso ar ge 
Populus bolleana. (R. H. — 40.) 

alba, Linn., var. ppan idahE | Soh 

Populus canadensis aurea pene 
— gai H. 1876, 232.) H.t 
Like ut with golden-yellow 

l. o; hoe sisia ea 

tion of a branch on a pioneer act of ti the 

type. Bi deltoidea, Marsh., var. aurea, 

Van Geert. ] 

— a 
G. C. 1887, The sa 
P pyramidalis toe Ra EP, deltuidea, 


(GA. 1887, ST; 

Papau a, CAA. 1888, 173, 
and F. 1888, 139.) 
H. at, 
ives phem CEN 1890, 447.) H 
tree something 
but branc 
the bra 
branehed, the ordate 
and beneath, and the rials more fertile, 

a ramosissima. oe G. 

fr. se ee rtly hairy. Dalm 

Portulaca grandiflora Popa So. 
t. 1209.) wl oo B. E 

of v habit with terete Ar 

l. and h me pink fi. with a darker 

blotch at the base of each pet. ile 
CO. ©. 1886, 

Portulaca somalica. 

134.) S5. succulent of botanical 
interest, Ba i h, with seattered 
ter te 1., and gered _— 
yellow in diam sposed i 

etl tui of three. Dirie 

Potentilla gyrase x fruticosa. 
(M. D. i 1896, 49.) R A 
hybrid between the two species 


Potentilla ee (M. | 
1896, 48.) A low bush oo ‘halt 
Shit wy Pifentions with pions innate 1, 
and dark yellow fl, Japan, 

eee nitida. (Gf. t 
H. Alpine plant of very dwarf tufted 
habit. L. e a aT kesy 
Fl. solitary, large, Eur 

Potentilla parritalts M. D. -8. 
1896, 26.) H arf much- racet 
shrub with shew A. Siberi 

t. 858, f. 1.) 

pi ra Sane (B. M. t 
me = slender nabit, 

Califo ornia 

Pothos dte (Bull Cat. 1887, 
cee. oliage plant o 

climbing habit, with ob toT ovate 
te l. of a silve y-grey, with 

the Heen 

giesa aureus. on as 1880, t. pok 
S. evergree: pe ith large cor- 
a vipe pet te 

Pathos, bub probably a peen Herp 


P baa R (G. C. 1880, 

Veitch Cat. 1880, 23; Fl. 

N T 2419-20.) . climber. The 
stems are flat he under side, and 
are held in position by numerous roots. 
The 1. are src pag elipti c, of 
a dark velvety-green. rapid 
grower. meo. 

Pothos elongatus. Lent: Comp. Cont. 
d Hort. 1885, 8.) 8. ee mber, with 
` be orga te 12-14 long by 
6-10 in, broad, coriaceous, dark shining 

ee enderianus. (4G. C. 1884, xxi. 
+ Cat. Ci aes Cont. ig ass 8.) 

S. a climbing speci e foliag 
is of a ps ee Aann black. Borneo. 

me Tere k Cat. 1884, 
si dobar flattened root- 
pecan ap ovate- 
lanceolate acute eega . India. 
Pothos meeste. (Oat: Comp. Cont. 
@ Hort, 1886, 8.) climber with 
spreading L, „56 in. — of a ai 

blackish gr 

E Pothos nitens. (Bull Cat. 1887, DE S. 
climber wišh ovate acute l. obliquely 
cordate at the base, of a dar g 
bronzy purplish green, Malay Archi- 


Pon peg me PEE 
(a cig 

of ees mead “neat, 

wit eae i e Fe nd a lax 

spike of pale greenish allow fl., having 
he axis and the large concave acumi- 
ate bracts carmine. 

ee ee oar a Journ, 


curved, wavy edges and 

a 5 folds ae me with the 
meeting n the 

Pratia angulata. CG, 6. 1879, xi 
36.) Campanulacer. H. Wi th’ slen- 

ckish 1. 4 in. in 
diam., and long s Gesa narra Saag om 
bording paee hara white New 

Prestæa Carderi. ot M. 
Gl, 1890, 424.) S. 
in gardens as as Carderi. 

t. 7108 ; 

Primus sanie auris. a p. 

: æ. var. 

of the tg with ii lilae fi. TE vul- 
yaris, Huds. var. ] 

ice ge: tisk sey eee GCA 
tural ae d 

ara tia P. Auricula and P, clusiana, 
Upper Styria 

Primula pe ay (GA. t. 1198, f. b.) 

A tural hybrid between F; 
ie, er P. viscosa. 

airea a PEA C. 1887, 

othed with = 
Totei haira, an ovate een te deep 
crenate and creste = _ phat Ege: M 
8-12 in. long, beari cat- 
arsan lilac fl. with broadly “hoario 
lobes. Yunnan, Chin: 
PRD Fag! Sper oN CW, 2 oito of 

g tn gree T sah sa 
flowered umbels of reddish blue A a 
Yunnan, China, 

beg Here is 8 (B. M. pa 6916, f. 
ere is figured a with 

aae head of much lasiet E idet 
EA fi. than ar Sikkim 

on hrm ast (F. M.t. 360, 
ceolate ‘with 

all” r 
2 eA, re Sm. ] ` Cashmere 

Primula denticulata pas 
(W. &. 1889, 406.) 
with white- bordered i 

Primula dolomitis. (&. C. 1884, xxi. 

577; Fl. and P.1884,124.) H. Much 
like P. ciliata, but 1, more distinctly 
crenate and corolla longer ; its t 

in. long, 
limb, bright lemon yellow. Tyr 

RUE — calycantha. (Gf. 

coloured like the corolla. 

se fe pair (CG. C. 1892, 

99.) warf har ye ie, Bie 
; siren Fl. dark lilac. 
L. lanceolate. Laplan 

Primis orib ES - t. 6712; 
Fl. and P., 

xix. FI, 
18 3 18). G 5 with 
stalked elliptic - lanceolate toothed 
glandular - pu nt whorls 
of small yellow fl. t scapes 

gh. Sates ‘Hiwalagn. 

— Var. grandiflora. (Qf. t. 1424.) 
H.H. Differs from the type in having 
larger fi. 

Primula Forbesii. (Gard. 1891, xl. 

| resem 

oe fi. 4 in. in a asi long hairy 
scapes. Eastern Himalaya. 

y-flowered Saws of peas ping 


rather small fl. The corolla is deeply Prais pall (ern: (B. M. t. 6732; 

s lobed, but ihe oblanceolate lobes are Fl. and P. 1884, 28; 
traight with the erae; oe not in the 3 l. ae TO ti or H Hz retty 
Teast spreading. Cau apona, with large obovate-oblong E 
denticulate on the margins, and a 
thon i os (4. i. 1891, ix, al EA bearing several aoe of 
189), OR E> J. of u. ellow fi. 4 in. in ‘diam. Himalay 
3 ot, ae Ci I; "Gard. 1891, t 823 ; 
B. M. t. 7217.) G. The true Javan 
plant, which differs specifically from Eye mens, tsi manae 
the Himalayan Primrose figured in D mki ina anoi omas ti heh. 
B. M. t. 6732 under P. prolifera, The Al att rich purple-violet ee 
i ? ? 
r of the for ate n. lon readily distinguished fro ts ma 
5 in ai sah bors scape erect, 3-4 f alli ring of woolly hairs at 
ig ur to six whorls, rich 

E; n fou 
pia ei ak aa tinged with orange. 

Primula nivalis. K Gf. t. 930; R. pinnatid -d tat: “teeth recurv 

3 in 1 m., deep r ose or purple, Primula ER CG. 0; 1886, XXV., 
arranged umbel or in two 168 ; Le . per. with 
whorls. There are four forms of this ovate- dancesaie silky-pubescent à L, 
plant, which may be u is and umbels of 2-3 large drooping 
tinguished :—P. nivalis, type, 1. and cream.colour 1 in, in 
peduncles glaucous; var. farinosa, Kumaon, North India. 
underside of 1. covered with a whitish 
meal ; var. longifolia, l. much longer | Primula rosea. ae M. t. F. 
and narrower than in the type, mealy M +t. 360, f. 1.) r Saisie 
neath, ee rple; var. turkes- pri com ufted habit 
apan fl. deep rose, usually arranged with —— crenulate na aa n 
in tw br es Central Asia, &e. long, dark green above, pale eath, 
and umbels ae bright “iasg Trasna fi, 
Primula obtusifolia. oo ai t. 6956 ; Himalaya. 
G. C. 1887, ii. et aa A beautiful 
with lked oblon pera ; i 
glabrous regula ely porte! and r s —— (af. a aS 
umbe ret-purple fl, ' wit z. 
blackish aei per whe Gikkin.. eel pean igang 1 
flowered umbels of dee urple 
Primula petiolaris nana. (B. 1 wit ellow eye Th Pati is 

7079, f£. B; Gard, 1889, xxxv. mas 
dwarf Ve e an extremely 
pe. L.almost sessile, obovate, 

s e 

able ty part running np between the lobes 
oblong, or oarra ore very short; 
fi. the 

ethane Airek lilac-purple, with 
a white and yellow eye. Himalaya. Penal pe area coe t. goer 
: : : diminutive species, T in. high, 
Primula pie eho ey M. t. with a hagr e ai coarsely- 
Mt. Sol In of P. toothed 1, 4-8 in. long, an - 
cortusvides, with long- petia, A rdate- flowered umbels of nodding purple 
elliptic prides aiya geen renate l., bout 2 in. i m 
and long-pedun re = of bri ght Himaka : 
mauve or lilac dia: i 
onyx bese ‘eam npantlat, > shortly Primula sibirica kashmiriana. (2. 
Lee Aoi Maal | a i 6408). H per, A preity phat 
ith petioled oval 1. and umbel 
Pee P ee ee a aa 
361; R. H. 1889, 491; B. M. t. 7216.) 
G. or H. H. Allied to P. prolifera. | Primula corpse = and P. 
Glabrous, 4-6 in. high; 1l. narrowly 1880, 73, t. 514, f. 1.) elliptic, 
ong, with a broad dilated clasping thick fleshy, de ‘oe carti- 
base ; i te. F ls, laginous margi pe 3-4 in. high, 
rich l of 6-8 large 
rosy purple fl, Eastern Al 

(GA. t.991 1-3.) 

Primula Steinii. 
H rid between P. he SU 

. Garden hyb 
and P. minima, 

Fr Sib oer (a C. 1883, 

deep maroon- -purple 
-, Wit set eral eye, about 1 in. in 
diam. Califor 

Primula Venzoi. (4. C. 1887, i. 320.) 
H. hybrid. 

Primula vinciflora. (&. C. 1887, i. 
575 £ 1 H. 

5 glan Scape 

- ON! = } inearike "purple-violet Ei 
It i in. in diam , wit — pubescent 
prion ‘swollen at the base. Yunnan, 

he Sens (GA. 1890, ge 
B. M. t. 7117.) Gesneracez. „This 
a i Tabacu um, which see. Chin 

iw heg (G. C. 1889, 
R. H. 1889, 516 ; W. G 

Native name Shek- 
in, i.e. Rock Tobacco., China 

rona peated iE (ill. H. 

79, alme, S. Of bold 

habi p wiih large ee flabellate 

plicate l. divided 4 of the way down 

into numerous linear- nela acute 

ts something like P. etekin 

but more robust iod with larg rl. 

[P. a H. Wendl] Dt 
wich Islands. 

Pritchardia Periculorum. (#7. and 
an-leaved Pa lm, 

ing in having dar 
on and = sy Spherion al fr. 
Low Archipelago, Pacific. 

Pritaharnis Thurstoni. (Gf, 1887, 

of A at tie apex. 


aa weit eae etess, ays H. 

Ba deep-green 1., palmately cut into 
any segments.. Low Archipelago, 

Ai iepa aee $ R ny 

opposito ger sa pehee Ta fhed a- 
andso ome ee spikes 
y in. in dia Arge 

—— gs raran i é ae 

me lip. pr ea tala EN erum, 
Reichb, f.] opte 

Promenga PA. PA 
i AS 

ving the. pe “only 
parity “blotched = striped with 
lighter brown than the ae ‘which 
are like the 
Reichb, f 

type bu 
T rapes sapelicides, 

tous nana. e. C. 1889, v. 523; 
7 -A 

nodding. cu p-shaped crimson fi. re 
2} in, across. South Africa 

Bios — œ - t. if & 7983.) G. 

rain sted branches ner a 
oblong green l. ter 
3 in. across, rose- -coloured pi siaii 
stamens. Trans 
— hpi ier (a. and F. 
1890, 4 Ros A de- 
ities tic oa mall tre ‘early ea 
to the European P. t Uni 
- States. 

Prunus baldschuanica. (Gf. 1890, 
613; mr Hort. Petrop. a xi. i. 314.) 
H. shr. or dwarf tree hi way of 

P. divar icat, bot with siiGwitcatl ptie 

coarsely and doubly serrat- l, an ovate- 
cylindric Ca gst tu a and red fl. Bald- 
schuan, Bokha 

Prunus we oes (R. H. 1888, 137, f. 
30.) AE small tree, wit de- 
ciduous da or clliptc-oblong acute 
finely-toothed 1, glaucous gree 

neath, an sa terminal racemes of white 


fi. similar to those of P. Padus. Fr. 
red, palpi Tel mbling a small che Sh 
The Capollin or Cap ulinos of Mexico 
[P. Capollin, Zuce.} 

Prunus eae contorta. (R. H. 
1895, 201, f. 57.) H. Differing from 
the type in wh ing more fa astigiate 
— and in having the 1l, Brae 


Prunus Chapronii. (R.H. 1881, 467, 
; .) H. tree with elliptic acute 
serrulate l., and G miS em Ef, 

in. in diam., shining, 

punctate with white, of a agreeable 
acid flavour, Roumania 

n curdica. (M. D. &. 1896, 26.) 
Intermediate between ox spinosa 

and P. insititia, chai Min 
aem a say upton (R. 
i 1884, 504.) ornamental 
yearn an sbunlant of semi- 

doaie pure white fl., succeeded by 
black plums of good flavour 

Prunus mios reptans. au H. 
1886, 416, f. 107-8.) brid of 

P. japonica A P pumila peA red 
— and _ divaricate some- 
what naked b 

— Var. stricta. CR H., 1886, 417, 
ae 109.) H. A hybrid of P, japonica 

and P. = with white flowers and 
erect branches 

Prunus J soqnamontii CB. M. t. 

6976; G. and F. 48, 200; ig 

H: she. ‘with oe gla- 

vi se 
; about 4 in. in 
tubular, Eti n in ong, glabrous. North- 
west H: 

Prunus japonica a (R-E 
1890, — f. 136, +.) H, A garden 
th glo obose fr. of a pia: vinous 

poe ies 

Prunus juliana pe A a amis 
Cat, 1889-90, 3.) n form 

with pendulous aa 

Prunus Laurocerasus pohipkastsis. 
(Späth Cat. 1889-90, 2) H. An 
especially hardy form, | from the 
101 slopes o; e kan 

Prunus Maureri. (Gf. 1888, 124.) 

H. Garden hybrid. 

Prunus igs ear CG. and F. 1888, 
196, 199, f. This is said 

bike ‘the petioles ee young 
S por and orange glands at 
their base. Ja hia 

Prunus Mume se (R. H. 
1885, 564, f. FAX is HA ath with 
semi-double r ink fl. called 

Armeniaca ‘a rAlphandi. ss apan, 

gie bare Ta (G. and F. 
18 oa. ek 

with glauc 
flavour = ‘quality, ging Ja Sak 
low. Tex 

Prunus Pissardi. (R. H. 1881, 190, 
Remarkable for its -T dark 
red elliptic 1. Fl. white. Per 

Prunus præcox. (R. H. 1892, 488, 
f. 142-3.) H.shrub. A garden seedling 
of P. japonica spherica 

Prunus Salzeri. (@. C. 1892, xii, 
669.) Nearly related to P. Padus 
fruit yellowish white. Plant said to 
come true from seed. Carinthia and 

Prunus suhoorosta, Abe dot Cat. 1889— 
90 ndish Sonate 

Fl. as in the ordinary plum, Call. 

— subhirtella. (B.M. t. 7508.) 

Homage tree, the Arenge oy z 

tasol of To i a6 five, aiie: 

Fry tomentosa. (Gf. t. = H. 

. The new shoots entose 
t broadly elliptic, shortly Seriile, 


with small serratures, covered sere a 
ite tomentum beneath. FI. 

org a A solitary or in ade < 

two to f Japan. 

Prunus pooni (G. and F. 1894, 
134, f. 2 

metimes of good quality. Kansas, 

state pags Maulei. (R. H. 
ae 236, f, 52-5.) H. [Pyrus Maulei, 
Mast. | 

gigi gee g2 = 
6673.) A 
mest i RE e ary "peatly 4 divided z 
with lanceo. Fe acumin leafle ts, 0 
dark green, spo ith 

appendi [Syn. Spee bereien 
PA Linden & André.) Cochin 
Faenor Pag, a R H, 
®. E ing 
ail F ne with pinnate 1. 44 
ft. long, h g late acuminate 
leaflets 12-16 in. long, glaucous be- 
nea Sp anicl about 
long and br 

Berries ł in. in diam., 
bright orange or red. Flo rida, 

ETA K arpaa (R. H. 


“for of the Douglas Fir, 
ainn Pousiehé, Carr. | 

aa a. CR. H. 1890, 
233, f. 71.) Myrtaceæ.. S. Shr. 3 -6 

ped, about 
as a plum, pals green or vellowioh, 

Psychotria pre rnae s (G. 
180, ze 200, £ hae B. M.t. 64 sf) 
jacer, S. his is the plant know 
as e Blora Tinie a. 

(Of. 1887, 


Fereintris emiga 
30.) rofuse and co: 

sulphur. or fi berries. Fiji 

Ptarmica Sie ai a nas Paa 
(R. H. 73.) 
per. eleis Soa ered yr at 
Achillea Ptarmica. 

Ptelea er sing aurea. (R. H. 1886, 
) acee. H. Garden variety, 
pika Bausei. Ces Cat, 1886, 12. ) 
lices. S. rative fern of com 
mat habit, with densely tufted aeut 
13 in. high 

ing of 4 
pinnules. [P. semipinnata, Linn, var 
Bausei, Hort.] 
Pteris Pai.. e C. pire xx. 470.) 
inne much 
subdivide, the t e tips rand epee ee being 
densely cri 

Pteris cretica crispata. (Veitch Cut. 
1891, 11.) G. ; m- 

marked by a a ts white 

Pteris cristata. (G. C. 1892, xii. 249.) 
. Garden var. of P. ensiformis Vic- 

. nana. (R.H. 1887, 90.) A 
rion” var. a P. serrulata. 
. 1896, xix, 

Pteris ar aig i ors ABE: 
592. bly var, 0 
P. iu, ps on 2 = PRA and 
pinnæ 3 in. wide, dark gree 

Pteris mey Se, (a.C. 
1890, v. 76.) S o P. cretica, 
ut with he re ncaa l 
fertile fronds prettily marbled with 
ite. Malaya. 

Pteris iniri (Williams Cat. 
in the 

1880, 17.) S. fern, in way of 
P. heterophylla, with ovate tripinnate 
outer fronds, and | n MRN 

central fronds. West In 

Pteris longifolia Mariesii. (Veitch 
Cat. 1895, 9.) G. Differs from the 
type in its shorter fronds and narrower 

æ. India. 

fee nobilis. (Fl. and P. 1884, 
94; Wi liams Cat. 1884, 14.) 8. An 
evergreen fern of palm-like a 

with pinnate fronds ft. long; 
pme linear, 8-10 in. Tay 2 in. broad. 



Pteris Regine. (4G. C. 1892, xii. 249.) 
S. Garden var. of es ensiformis, also 
named Victoriæ-Regi 

Pteris serrulata E (&. C. 
1883, xviii Kirp G. Of dwarf habit 
with branched stipes, and broad-ended 
fronds a crested pinnz 
—— Var. i mie CG. C. 1893, xiii. 
79) G. Ais ar. with much larger 
fronds tha th e type. 

—— Var. lacerata. (Williams? Cat. 

1882, 28, f. 22; FI P. 1882, 70.) 
he fronds are in a pin- 
ated So ar ty seein aed brik ar 

the. Si ae the “first adia of the 

— Var. ons bee (F. M. 1876; No. <08.) 

s depauperate form with 

he nre ngated by long filiform 
a erae of their midribs. 

— Var. Pocockii. (4G. (. 1884, xx. 
426) G. A var. with . short dense 

est at the end of each segment of 
the drooping frond 

—— Var. voluta. (Bull Cat. 1895, 7.) 
G. Pinne markedly curled, the apex 

— — yg = C. 1886, 

Tracer Savy ia sane leafy fronds 
than the type. 

“eae . grandiceps. (G. C. 1886, 
vi. 757; Bull Cat. 1887, 11.) @. 
Giric hybri rid. 

variegata. (G. C. 1892, A 
ans E Var. with variegated fron: 

Pteris umbr ak ori Ke bes 
1879, 7, 5 5.) G. Ata Fron 
g fade "and va 
segments are all lo ong and 
linear, much divided at ‘the apices and 
cris} reen. 

Pterisanthes polita. (4. ¢. 1896, xx. 
182; B. M. t. 7561.) Ampe lidaceæ. 
S. A climber ‘gol the habit os a 
Cissus, cordate 1. 5 in. long an 
rhachis neice te omg like b fue. inde 

nd the margin 
rier po Sc m Malaya. 

Pterodiscus CG. C. 1886, 
Vi.A97, £98) Pedalioven. @ tubers 
rooted herb, Stems 2 ft. ‘high, with 

opposite stalked 1. oblong-obtuse, 
sinuate-toothed. Fl. solitary in Re 
upper axils , largo, funnel-shaped ; 
limb with 5 rounded lobes, iilae 
South Africa. 

Pee Baptistii. (B. * t. 6351.) 
Orchidaceæ. S. or G, te spet 
with singular fl. L. Ee m j ber ; 

= n 
the hood on each side. New South 

niet aryere a Ka Comp. 

Cont. d Hort. 1886,9.) Palmæ. Stated 

to be an elegant Palm rr New 
Guinea, but no description given. 

ae eee soeia. XS: pas Ba 


Sen li tlle fog ‘teh re- 
calling Cocos weddelli iana wes young, 
pinnate foliage. It 

of the Nicobar Islands, 
where i it to a slender tree 100 ft. 

A gin pines engencrenals. oan 
Cat. 1884, 15.) 
stems aad A A drooping sane 
l. of a rich green. Singap 

Pueraria Nga omc ees (R. H.1891, 

& Zuc 
hirsutus, Thunbg. ; D. e Toae Mort 

Pultenga dco ae +f t. 1173.) 
Legumin G. with virgate 
Braaohea, sie lin ee. E 

d 3-5-flower s of small fi 
inati branchlets, Fl. golden 
yellow, Stein bro h purple stripes 
o Mes d, and a brownish 
heel Australia 

Pultenza rosea. (G. C.1877, vii. 431.) 

G. Shrub of erect heath-like habi t, 
with twig-li ike branches, glabrous or 

or slightly hai L. -terete, 
obtuse, about 4 in. long, elled 
bove by the involute margins, slightly 
scabrous. Stipules subul in 
Fl. p in terminal h = 
Bracts few, narrow, trifid. 

under the calyx Ikaus annee 


pairs Te oe bat lines long ; a 
s lon s the . the tw 
os mo nited. Pet of Tt Se 
a jongth: not twice as lon ng as the 
calyx. Ovary villous; style subulate. 
Pod two lines long, 

Puya Tor (z. H. mei 314, f. 74.) 
Bromeliaceæ. § species 
with large Agare-liko i a ft. long, 
te md 


kiaia e rpi om 
mealy-white bene FL -stem rising 
to a height of 20-30 ft. is in a 
— Pa spike of whiti 

Pa; tanuginosa, (G. C. 1888, iv. 

i p 
; 1872, 110 
under the name of P. be ea 

cl es, 

fe 259, 

CB. k 1885, $0) 8. 

ular, 1} in. lon 
[Pitoairnia ation ya, Tiar ] 

Pyrethrum aureum selaginoides. 
I and P. bien 2.) Bae semua 
arf for 

= oe ayaan WY Jf hry weiss hen mum 
Parthenium, tons ar. | 

‘oe decaisneanum. (X. H. 
1887, -185  H. be thrysanthemum 
decaisneanum, N. E. Br. ] 

Pyrethrum marginatum. (R. H. 
887, 185. H. [Chrysanthemum 
marginatum, N: E. Br. ] 

Pyrethrum parthenifolium =e 
cum. (B. T. O. 1895, 22, t. H. 
A a erarema from s eas in 
havin ucous l. [Chrysanthemum 
sorte Fo 5 Tak ar.] 

Pyrus a flore pleno. 
E y ai 1893, 180, f.) Rosaceæ. 
his is a double-flowered form of 

P. coronaria, Linn., not of P, angusti- 


Pees petulsfolia. fe H. 1879, 318, 
f. 68, ae flower ng before 
L. on long petioles, 

pci mgs at both egi serrate, 
ng ad. Fl. in sessile 

red. Fr. small, sub-glo bose, brownish, 
dotted with white. hina ; Japan. 

Pyrus Fate nga os M. t. i) 
with 1 

cablin ete on oe elses $ 
outiine, but much thinner in ture. 

Fl. white, showy. Northern Italy. 
(G. and F. 1888, 

Kyras halliana. 
2.) oaeee form of P. 
re iT Nichol 

g heterophylla on G. 1888, 
" 1890, vii. 115, f.) L. entire, 
or la mtaa or inter mediate, Central 

Pyrus Malus aurea. Pe - B. 1889, 
272; GA. t. 1425.) of the 
Crab-apple with the 1. yellow, except 

a green patch in the centr 

Ere oi arg (G. and F. 1888, 
2.) A semidouble form of 
P floribunda. 

ine Me ara ei 
tee Page . 312, 
E tree i 
-n Ti ia, 
and the young foliage villose. Cua 

ae cta igi 

irg ee = and F. 1894, 

digenous Pear- 

F j ie hang continental 
Pyp yn us sinensis, a common cultivated 
fruit tree in all f the empire, 

baa’ Amr e become naturalized. 

Senget T ee C. aH 


on the he anthers. Pollen 
masses shaped, with a pellucid 

margin at the se N d, 
South-west Africa. 

era so a C. 1880, xiv. 
viii, 436; £5 

pete o 
oblong, esl green above, clothed with 


dense golden down beneath. Acorns | Quercus Robur apennina aurea 
long, obovate, with a cup like that su erba: EC 1885, 495.) ae 
of — Turkey Oak. Mountains of whi are of a 
Cypra jintene golden tint than in the ai 

Quercus. — $ gueme aat as G. 
8, 2 

1888, „H. H. tree. A form with | Quercus schochiana. cae Nat. Arb. 
very aii pinnatisect E attaining 1 ft. Zösch. 1892, 2 _ A hybrid between 
or more in length. [Probably a laci- 0. P ri Sasi 

niate form of Q. dentata, Thumb. | eee pa g rie 

Quercus georgiana. CQ. and F. 1888, borie me E A pom 

rm with 
lia aes eee aut see A pendulous branch: 
long-stalked, somewhat obo cu- 
neate at the base, with 3-5 entire acute ree Enderi. (Gf. 1888, hae f. 
or obtuse lobes wi eep or shallow 41-3.) Bromeliaceæ. S. [Q. la teralis, 
sinuses, very smooth. Acorns ellipsoid, Wawra. Syn. Billbergia Waders i, 

with smooth shining saucer-shaped Regel. 
cu Eastern United States, 

sones giandulifaa, (G. C. 1880, 163, 350, t. 1 8) S some plan 
5, H. Evergreen wi numerous ‘ae paH lose i 
Oak pa habit. L. oblong, banded with grey aye and a tall 
obtuse, distantly toothed. Peduncles se w cylindric 

short. Acorns clustered, ripening in spike of white fi. ih dark blue tips ; 
the first poar, ellipsoid, acute, rather bracts white, tipped with rose. Brazil. 

more cet wice the leng th of the 
hemispheric cup, which $ osn lia wittmackiana. Wh, 4. 
co h small obtuse ciliolate Qu S Aan plant with ae = 
les Soma = Q. podu lad KAES 3-4} Pot long, with small 
2 an pedunculata. F light trans- 
[Quercus Ti urneri, Willd.; Q. glan- spines ee -reepa the 

dulifera, Blume, is a different tree, ] 

; i te. pike 
erpe a. Aa C. short, composed of about 4 clusters z 
Sg H. f the er r S 2-3 fi. with red calyces and dark blu 
ere bearing le edible acorns. pet. South Brazil? 
aly to Asia Mino or. 
Ramoadia ee = G. C. 

Quercus palustris Sere 1886, xx TA Ges “4 

- D. G. 1896, 27.) var. ay diftezing “scare de type in 

. red from their bake oa having white fl. 

2 7 4 ALIE 

ae anemonoides. sa and 
Mah 1894, 451.) H. form of the P. 1882, 15: H 
Pyramidal or Cypress Oak. Sweden i 

= with glaucous green  biternately 
—— Var. gree ae (R. H. 1894, 17, divided 1., the segments cut into linear 
3.) A form of the common divisions; fl. rather large, white, 
oar Lith laciniated 1. ae = et ae Sar rose outside, 
pedun 3- high. 
= Var. ee (AL D. G. [Cullianthemem rao, G A. T 
~ 1896, 3.) a be broadly var. anemonoides 
globose abit A eip as eedling 7603.] Alps. 
from acorns of g. pre Be Sasti- 
giata, Ranunculus Buchanani. (Damm. 
` Cat. 1890-91, 80.) H. alpine. A dwarf 
Quercus pontica. (Vat. Arb. Zösch. species with the 1. two or three times 
1891, 18; Gf. 1891, 509, f. 95; G. C. trifidly divided, and a fl.-stem peda 
1891, ix. 462.) H. tree with large high, bearing one pure white fl. 2 
elliptic coarsely toothed 1l., growing to or more in diam. New Zealand, pri 
6in. in length by 3 in. in agers 5,000-7,000 ft. elevation. 
gla neath. Acorns 
eee as Bom. as their se Bessecoive carpaticus. E M. t. 
scaly cup. Asia Minor 7266.) H. A distinct and showy per., 


with Si pe rootstock. Stem 1 ft. 
hi early ee n outline, 


ima ate, ents. aa 

golden yellow. etn Hu anges 

Ranunculus scien (Fl. 

and P. 1882, 76.) arly- 
flowering species about 1 ft. high. L 
tripartite, the lobes deeply incised 
Fl. numerous, pale chrome-yellow, 
shining. spr rae, Boiss. 
var.) Greece. 

Ranunculus Lyallii. (&. C. 1879, xi. 
620; B. M. t. 6888.) H. perennial, 

ay it. high, with EA, peltate 1. 12-14 

in diam. n. in diam., pure 

white, in large aiin panicles. New 

SORIRCI arses a z 1881, 

3, 5.) herb. per. 
dying ie aay in amak and ap- 
peoe aga i tember and 

tober. L. cordate-reniform or cor- 

date- elliptic in outline, somewhat 3- 

lobed, irregularly toot -stem 

aring 1-3 large bright yellow fi, 

er apre isatoides. (R. H. 1885, 

372, f. 101.) Cruciferæ. H. A form 
of Radish with the general aspect of 
The radic 

Lsatis ena al l. are 
e-pinn an tem l. are 
ovate-lanceolate, amplexicaul, thic 
ucous. The llow, 

es terminating the side branches. 
sey variety. 

en een a ss Serge (R. H. 1879, 

mad . pure w ite, 

Dies bunches. [R. 

ARAE paiar Register t. 


Ravenea Legs ee 

1880, t. ani rene. 

Pa of act owin 
. height of 10-12 w Te alliptic ob- 
ong in outline, pinnate; l 
umerous, narrow w-lanceolate, ee 
zaab Islands. 

eats rosea. (R. H. 1880, 179.) 

.shr. L., opposite, trifoli- 
ae Leaflets ciiptic-obovate entire, 
shining. Fl. oS get -3 diam 
vem Braz 

Rehmannia r tas ghey (G. and F. 

1890 ek B. M. t. 7191.) a 
An interestin 

sieren t 13 ft. high. The eel 

Henge ated me lateral ones all droop- 

l fleshy, toothed, and 

pe le with "long milky hairs. Fl. 

tubular, iena tinged with rose. 
West Chin 

BiM, 7136.) 

sisia ae tis very similar to 

Ar trig pri Cimin i “ig ynum) and only 

ving f instead 

of three, = Diis on yellow fi. 

mee onl ae Br ie arr (Veitch 
Ca E t. 

Bijis peonmisis: tone 1889, 
Allied to i ae and, like it, at value 
nine. It has the habit 
of: C; a ae 

—eo ee (G. C.1878, 
74.) O 

ice lobes ; spur orange. Malaya (?) 

Renanthera a (K. B. 
1891, = sol to P. coccinea ; 
with s 

r perian a -segments, The 
fl. are oaidigh and yellow. Assam. 

ONE matutina breviflora 
dg T] BZA stinct 
Ara ine Sete its 
hoster sep., the lateral ones more aiken 
from one eee and TR. el calli under 

Lindl. ] Sunda Isles. S 

Renanthera Storiei. (&. €. 1880, 
i 6; 1881, xvi. 364.) S. 

mall, deep crimson, with 
a tre w 

Ery oaeee pg A C. 1880, 
32.) This ma 

“its ak Fe aa 

pue ow, pipi 
arks. Col ia 

— ee <4 Cl 
S. guituiata, Dat 
cae we ane cgi te lip; fron 
” be transversely oblong, pdi with 
atts, hairy, whitish, with purple- 
aes spots. Colombia. 


Fi. Tolir, By a a Toa capillary 
uncle, n g; the upper linear 
sep. obtuse; lateral connate, boat- 

a a in the middle. of ae rene 
Costa Ric: 

esiri sanguidos: Foe B. 1896, 

h soe 73 
in. long, and gs pence is of 
the te length. Colombi 

mesrevis: airiahi: (G. C. 1891, ix. 
s from other species 
of RA na m ag he tri 
of spotted sep. Otherwise it is not 
pane R. elegans. Colombia 

Regus Graer es. 

C. apa ae: H. G. 1890, 2 2) 
s rik variet 
Rhamnus Ee (B. M. 
yes See 880, ap 1884, 288.5 
Rhamnace. E d ub 4-6 Ae 
with rnate o 

l lan ng-ovate o 
ep serrulate L., and small axillary 
s of greenish "Al. Asia Min 

Rhamnus robusta. (R. H. 1879, 

100.) H. tree. A e Te ovate-lanceo- 

late, convex ng, Sade in. 

broad, AMEN Bros gree Fl, 

small, green. Fr, globose, a in. in 

apam ons Beenie su B. 
M. t. 6849. 
much-branched Mess at Nii oan 
ovate acute l., an F soan lilae fl., 
ieir aiee JS end 
branc: Cal mall, minutely 
ore "sa 4 in. long, biblar 
with a spreading 4-lobed limb; the 
upper lobe bifid. Bere 
bright blue. Chile. 


Rhapis natedens tara (1U. H. 1887, 


eolate segments, 
Ra nin TV Herit. | Japan, 

pm Slepa (W. G. 1889, 
; . 6.) Apocynacee. H. 
Resembling a Vinca, but with more 

erect stems, small shining l., and 
the fl. with a longer tube, vary- 
ing sop bright blue to dark violet. 

Rhipsalis aculeata. (R. H. 1892, 
428.) Cactaceæ. S. succulent with 
i $ ar 

whitish. Argen 

ee — Ke H. 1892, ak. 

cies wit th’ 
na Ha re > ciei etait ieee 
renula the margin and havin 
hite stems, epis- 

ellowish w. 
mium anceps, Weber. 1 Brazil. 

me ope wy geet CR. 
5 25.) E- 

ry numerous, all penden nd 
forming a tuft-like growth. Fl. lateral 
or subterminal, white. Brazil. 
eee clavata. (R. 17,1892, 429.) 
S. Something in a way of Bes ” i- 
ohare, but wi penden 
a te fl. ‘Son, PB aie ni. 
Hort] Beas il. 

Rhipsalis comorensis. (R. HM. 1892, 
S. succulent, with drooping 

green and whorls o 
fl. small, greenish white. Comoro Isles. 

Rhipsalis copienel ae ienr, ig 
3 su 

plant described in 1890 as ieia 

— ya meva. (R A hake a 
with 5- n ale . [Syn 
R. poet "We ber. ] 

Rhipsalis gibberula. (R. HM. 1892, 
426.) S. A slender species with jointed 
i 1 ranches and 

fl. on the sides of 

the branches. The ovary immersed 

in the stem. Berries large, white. 

r EA j 

f. with 
4-5-winged. [Syn. R. panee 

oo Braz 

Rhipsalis madagascariensis. (R. ZI. 
To Fie S. A much- ate 

ies with trailing or drooping 


6-10-angled stems about į in. thick, 
with tufts of white hairs along the 

ae = very numerous, greenish. 

ee os ghataa thy CG. C, 187 
ceculent closely allied 

se pet. Tropical America 

Pores pacha e (GA. 1889, 
182, f. 33, 34.) S. succulent similar to 

own; fi, white a. larah 

"S Fea ee (GA. 1890, 118, 

3.) S.suceu sn very similar 

Ch Houtletié with bro at coarsely 

nae eae branches, and pears white fl. 

a ott (M. K. 1896, 53.) 
species h stout terete branches ; 
reiki near the tips of the stems, 

Saath Brazil. 

Rhipsalis salicornioides bambu- 
soides. (R. H. 1892, 429.) 8. 
very large for en growing to 6 ft. high, 
with rigid erect stems something like 
ine of a Bamboo, and orange-yellow 

r reddish orange fl. Bra ail. 

Sas suareziana. (R. H. 1592, 
uch-br Aper bg gr 
of two 

young stems f 
Fi. cach lateral. 

Di ee Suarez, 

—— na ih H. 1892, 

es with much- 

cylindric. Possi 
eas T prismatica, but less roburt. 

ce ga a (R. 
A £ 

te, tipped with rose, ae sew 
aeb in the stem. Argen 

Rhipsalis ta. (R. H. 1892, 425.) 
S. ppsbhijs Ta to R. minutiflora 

we olinar. mey ‘branched droop- 
tem Fl. small, 

white aliay o or in pairs along the 
nches. Brazil. 

Rhipsalis oben heen ine ster (Gf. 1892, 
S. culent. A spec ies 

with ‘flat or 3 Langton stems, an 
white fl. about ł in. in diam. Brazil. 

ee zanzibarica. (R. H.1 
25.) Very similar to R. Seati. “3 
of Dick it ie perhaps, only a robust 
form. Zanzibar. 

Rhodea j | apres aurea. ie H.1879, 
220.) Lili H.per. A handsome 
var. with thé A broadly striped with 

ROSE seer ape seg ics Pa 
1887, 11.) 
variety near hee Gibsoni. 

Rhododendron EEE (Gf. t. 
1196.)- G. shr. small species with 
posi deb elliptic i, acute at both peas, 
green above, rusty ben m and f ~ 
flowered trusses of sm all tubular red 

fl. about 4 in. long. Philippine ap 

Rhododendron assamicum. (Bull 
A fre 

Cat. 1881, G. e-growing 
evergreen species with narrow lanceo- 
late densely set 1. in diam., 
peg hens with bro 

loured itani the base 
Ha, Wall.] 

(fl. and P. 1882, 
garden hybrid 
paerd type. 

en eae a 
07.) G.o 
of “he Miklir U- 
Var. album. (FI. and P. 1882, 
~ 128; Veitch Cat. 1887, 12,1.) -G: 

(Fl. and P. 1 
“123; Veitch "Cat. 1887, 12, £3 a 

~ 1888, er’ f) -G 

(Veitch Cat. 

Rhododendron brachycarpum. a 
and F. 1888, 292, f. 46.) H. shr., 
= e-branching, rare bling R. cine 
i ral 

le yellow 
with green at 
e upper lobes of the 
catalla. Japan. 


Rhododendron res are Ris g 
1880, xiv. 694 4609.) 

The A. are Ee in, Si ee J. te, 
tinged with yellow at the Min and 
do with ochre. Hong K 

oo ciliicalyx. 
1895, 51, f. 25.) 
R. eo e Pata 

G. Nearly = to 
Yunnan, Chin 

ee gorge (B. M. 

i. 620; ; iv. 297 , 

Pa ri -D yi pene j 

acute at both ends, coriaceous, opaque 
een above, pale bro 

ah opins 
beneath, 14-3 in. long. Fl. nearly 

i T - with broadly 
oblong lobes, pure white, arranged in 
dense terminal umbels. Afføhanistan. 

Riodolendron Curtisii. (Fl. and P. 
188 ; 1884, 113, t.615.) G. [R. 
aar Miq. v ar.] 

Rhododendron Daviesii. (F. M. 

somewhat tubular 

Rhododendron R x atom 
(G. C. 1896, xix. 702.) arden 
hybrid between me aie poviis indi- 

cated in the 

— Fordii. (K. B. 1894, 
G. and F. 1894, 363.) G. Near 

R Fortunei, with dark green obovate 
a Se BS in, E an loose clusters 
in diameter. China 

gepi Teea (FI. 
and P, Es 2, 76.) G. Garden a oe 
betw . Veitehit and R. Edge- 

Rhododendron grande roseum. (B. 
M. t. 6948.) G, A var. with deep red 

ododendron graveolens. 

Cat. 1887,11.) G. 

Garden hybrid. 

Rhododendron halopaninii, CR. g 
1896, 359, 428, t.) A 
hybrid between K. bien sid 
R. arboreum, 

indico -j ———. 
se ss 1889, > vi. 507, 602.) G.s À 
rid raised from — see "and 

a jaranie 

Rhododendron TARIN: 

ty ah gel APO 
d betw 

A natural 
EE E and 
pi parai 

Bree irroratum. (B. M. 
Allied to Fè. arboreum. 
ie Pat. a 3 b t. or more hig 

3 long, and termina s 
babala fl. 1} in. long, coloured creamy 
white, with a he of rose on the 
reflexed lobes. Chin 

epic jasminiflorum car- 
atum. Seii Cat. 1888, 13, f.) 
ea dards n hybrid 

— Var. roseum. (G. C. 1894, xv. 

a sa E ` a from = > type in 

wice any fl. i mbel 

which bu Sivad soft ieee rose. 

Rhododendron javanicum -e 
G. shr. with 

shaped lobe 1 in. or more long; calyx 
obsolete. Sumatra 
ee a os 
23.) H. All or 

arfer in 

and F. 
`d ahuri- 

cum, but dw 
3 in. long ; fl. in Siar ae si 1 in. 
across, rose purple. Japan. 
Rhododendron adare CG. C. 1888, 
iii. 620.) H. Garden hybrid between 
R., gritithianwm and: R. Hooker 
COR: b: 1195.) 

gortig Somi 
ac lanceo- 

i e sil nt er sses of 
white tubular fl. Breda ike those 
of R, jasminiforum, Philippines, 

Rhododendron ledifolium plenum 
purpureum. ((/. t. 1233, f. e-d; 
R. H. 1887, 143.) G.or H. Garden 

= lepidotum obova- 
CB. -i Seisi -) H. shr. with 
deadet naked brown branchlets ter- 
ted by a tuft ‘of obovate s r gins 
s scales 


Rhododendron ——— (4G. C. 
1892, xi, 780.) H. A garden hybrid 
between K. Fortunei and R. Thomsoni. 

— Var. splendens. (4. = 1896, xix. 
702.) H. Differs from yrs in 
having fl. of a rich ae ease 

5 ea Maddeni on 

rolla . long, which is dull rose 
omeide, A bluish inside. 

cea paneer Bangla. m £ 

aera see (B. N. 
t. 6769.) G. ith whorls of nar- 

fi. about 1 in. in diam. Sum 

—— aa some fulvum. (B 

M. t. 6 with the under 
surf "Rid oaliated. th 
trusses larger and th of a d r 

purple colour. Si 
a — Ms € oe 
G. n hybri 
R. Ti ry R. pie ea 

greai Soran be ` 1882, 
G. dwarf dense 

covered with white silky sc FI. 
2 in. = diam., funnel- rier dah 
salm Formosa. 

Poeman ovatum. Mas +h Cat. 
1895, A es first 
Ei om i Pertniis ig "Isu, but 

afterw pon 2n si = ovate, 

1k i ose-pu urple, pie 

with eiee pi. [Byes ‘Azalea ov nae, 

Lindl. ; B. M. t. 5064.) North Chi 

coopera? ee ium. (Gf. 
b, ag flexuously 

gerne } iii long, oblong, 

ameak at the base. Chin 

Rhododendron peen A 
1882, xvii. 429 65.) G. shr. with 
elliptic- -oblong hes ciliate 1l., and 
small t russes of white fl. Sikkim 

Rhododendron EREET (4. C. 
xi. 535 ; xii. 62 ta; ; 

fi. nearly 1 and not unlike 
some of the Ti ref R. parviflorum. 
Yunnan, Chin: 

REPE RTRT roseum odorat 

ured fragran rather 

Rhododendron Salvini. (Fl. and P. 
1880, 144.) H. A garden hybrid. 

Rhododendron scabrifolium. (4. C. 

1890, vii. 450; B. M. t. 7159.) G 
erect unbranc plant with scabrid 
hairy ovate ae 1. 24 in. long, 

and a compact head of fi., each 
14 in. gen white, tinted with rose. 
Yunnan, China, 

Rhododendron Schlippenbachii. 
(G. £ 1894, xv. 469, f. s: sare. ee 
xlvi. t. 972; B. M. t G. 

Cor Mase and Japan 

ETO Are Sii 

nal tufts o 
yn. Azalea serpylli- 
Jolia, A. Gray. ] apan. 

Rhododendron Smirnowi. (G 

b as long, and the stamens are 
roger green the corolla and hairy at 
e base ; ovary tomentose. Caucasus. 

Bhototenirer Tn: o eitch Cat. 
1877, 26 ; F. M. t. 242.) Garden 
hyb bid. 

Rhododendron grees 
xviii. 44, 
4-6 ft. high, with obl ong acute shortly- 
stalked 1. glaucous and thickly beset 


with rust-coloured scales beneath, meapole baste hexandra. (W. G. 
and 3-flowered umbels of aah 1890, 399 ; Bull Cat. 1890,7, f.) Palme. 
yellow fl, 2 in. in diam. Sikkim S. Palm with unarmed slende er stem, 
Himalaya. and regularly pinnate 1., having small 
linear acute leaflets. [Cyrtostachys 
Rhajptonirii Ungerni. CGA. t.1226, ceramica, H. Wendl. ; syn. Bentinckia 
La PE Obu apicu- ceramica, H. Wendl.] 
- “ Cet in. gao by 2-24 in. broad, 
and clusters of white fl. often tinted — ott pannia an H. 1885, 
with red outside. Stamens hairy in 54.) acee. H. shr. with 
the middle. Calyx-lobes } in. long, oar ee Garden sahe 

narrow lanceolate. Caucasus. 
Rhus Michauxii. (4. and F. 1895 


Rhododendron bw ae a nd F, | 404, f. 55.) H. A shrub with erect 

1888, 376, f. 60; G. C. 1888, iv. 569 ; stems 2-3 ft. high, spreading exten- 

896, a growing sively by underground stolons ; 1. pin- 

to 15-18 ft. in height, but flowering nate ruit in pyramidal panicles, 

freely when onl . high. L. ob- bright scarlet, clothed with close silky 
lanceolate, acute, cuneate at the base, pubescence. Southern United States. 

panded when 
flowerin i a i 
clear pink, dotted with darker pink Rhynchanthus Freshy dengan oe ni 
he f 

at the base of the upper lobes of the 
corolla, which is about 1} in. in botanical interest Roots 
Carolina. Stem 18 in, high, with 10-12 distichous 
lanceolate acuminate gree j- = 
: long, l4 in. broad, ike few-flowered, 
a victorianum. (6G. C. very lax; bracts 1 in. long, reddish 
1887, i. 387.) Garden hybrid. F1. yellow, with green-tipped lobes, the 
lip reduced to a mere point at the 
EEE eee Bs wrt Be = the stout boat-shaped filament, 
liams’ Cat. 1885,9. arden 
brid oa a Bintan and 
zalea sinensis a opri glomerata. ( = C. 
eee 819.) Cucurbitacesx. G. or 
i $ padosnaa. Af t.1233, H.H. A climbin ng tuberous per. Bes 
-b.) H.s produced glass, annual in a warm border. L. 
E e gale tap pasha palmately cut into about 5 linear- 
with adpressed hairs; the autumnal lanceolate segments. F1. inconspicuous, 
maller, linear - spathulate, male in racemes, female in clusters 

brodis petiolate, deep green. Umbels ne about as large : as a hazel nut, ovate, 
origa calyx-lobes linear-oblong, inted. Brazil. 
lla f 

serrate, setose; coro unnel- 
prema rose-pink. Japan. Ribes mene aureum. ous e 1881, 
xvi. 333, f. 61.) Sarif 
Rhodostachys amiina. (R. H. 1885 5, shr, A dwarf form with ón ea leaves. 
540, f. 95, t.) Brom Bette 
own es. “Bromelia longifolia and B. EN ep aging (GA. t 

carnea. “Chi with oblong- atonia 

Rhodostachys REREN racemes ‘of small greenish yellow 

kirchhoffiana. CGA. t. 1325.) G, |  bracteate fl. Chile 

Brom with ee narrow 

channelled gr een l., the inner ones red- eget Pi dear (2. IT. 1877, 436.) 

dish at their base inside, surrounding hrub, with divarica brai ; 

a dense sessile head of spi It pascal ecient trilobed denticulate-crenate 

from the type in being smaller strongly nerved 1., an pee glomeru- 

slender, and with o. Diao viienda late greenish fl. Fr. nearly globose, 
within. Chile. the size of a small chairs, y: red. 


Peels Poortmanni. (G4. C. 1883, i 
Bene! Proteaceæ. S. shr. with | Ribes Lobbii. (@. C. 1883, xix. 11, 
variahie foliage, ee with a red- fi) B satire ae shr, gland- 
tum, ‘pilot of ular-pubescent. trifid spines at 

red fl. [Roupala.] the base of the Aira of the three-lobed 


ee ena Peduncles 2-3-flowered ; 
dent, ł in, long, Fuchsia-like in 

fae dal p urple ; sepals green-tipped, 

nioe mosai, Fa t. 982, f. 1-3.) H. 

allied t ‘Menciesii. Branches 

with | ifa spines at the nodes 

o s, pe 

lobes lanceolate, revolute, red ; petals 
li runcate, not pern white. 
North West pee ica. 

Ribes succirubrum. (M. G. Z. 1896, 
99.) H. A hybrid buwan 1A rety 
HRA and R. niveum. 

Richardia A; Liard 1892, xlii. 
to be 

s des 
S} -and large yellow 
spathes similar t 

hose of = elliot- 
tiana. rR. hastata, “Wont y ar. ] 
eres ae (W. G. 1890, 

TT 6 A yellow spathed species 
with jowi 1. South Afri 

(Fe. £ Bode 
LR. Karia ook. J 

Richardia Lutwychei. 
Bae). Poon 
of t the Obos 

SA AOT nae C. 1892, 
397. A distinet 
ae wi ag a ableton at: 
africana and large spathes of a rich 
yellow colour. South 
Karin Rehmanni. (4. ¢.1 
v. 564, 659, 770; ciate .) E 
Pecaliae in having lanceolate leaf- 
blades and spathes more or Jess ti inged 
with rose-purple. South Afri 
POTE cambodgensis. eE 1887, 

02.) r g eee ee bably 
a tes E PR. communis, San Tange È. 
and anai stem and branches 

Ricinus grae (Gh. kes 

with whitish veins. East Tropical 

Robinia decaisneana rubra. (2. 
1890, 275; ie = 1890, 291.) Legu: 
minosæ A seedlin g for 
with rose- colnet 

hale: a (GA. 1891, 
362.) H. Near R. Pseud-acacia ; with 
small glaucous 1. ‘and red fi 

per hie luxurians. (4. C. 1892, xii. 
var. growing to a Seated 
height than bg type and with co 
poun lowering sometimes 
sge k F pe t PRN Mou 

Robinia Pseud-acacia yagi inis 
(Se = 1889, 420.) H. tree 

—— Var. T argan (R. H. 1878, 
140.) A var. with short stout 
branches, very little ramified, collected 

a rounded compact head, 

Rodriguezia Bungerothi. (Z. iii. t. 
127; G: e. = iii. 264, oer O. ae 
16 3) Orchidaceæ. S, Mu 

haped, acute, 5-6. in ‘i n k ae L p 
.in a dense raceme, bright 
carmine-rose according to th late, 
oa according to description. Sep. 
a b. ipyosrai L te- 
ovate, e i rather 

ek solid at the 5 Pp R Ry 

Rodriguezia ag rae (4. 
1883, xix. 368; Gy. t. 1372.) 8. a 

g ressed horn-like 
acute body, ee the solid acute 
spur of the nearly square emarginate 
lip. Colo bik 

——— phe pager a CaO. 
1890, viii. 746.) S 

roa “rose-coloured ; 
pet. and lip ony plowed with 
gery kar leeana. (e. C. 1883, 
xx. 38.) A large-flow species, 
bb linear- Pee gree eat 1 ft. long, 
race f large white fl., with a 
aie middie line on the sep. and pet., 
and tw ow four-branched keels 
on the is 

sae Vet visite: o C. 1885, xxiii. 692.) 
ered with numerous 
a arrie! tines and spots 


Redriguesis hahmanai: (G. C.1883 
03.) S. Allied to. R. caloplectron, 

p. with green keels, the 
lip with S terea disk and brown 
spots. Col 

Sng Lindeni. (J. 0.1892, 10, 
$) [ R. pubescens, Reichb. f. ] 

Moleiyonns luteola. (&. C. 1883, 
xix. 688.) S. A neat species with 6-9- 
flowered racemes of small orge 
= efena all the parts of the fl. 

ag ewe cordata. (R. H. 1878, 200.) 

Rubiaceæ. G. or S. shrub with oppo- 
site aeea akiosha ra acute 
l., sub- at poe largish ter- 

minal cor ymbose cym: es of small white 
fl, [Rondeletia cor data, Benth. ] 

mule ea Hawes, (G. C. 1887, i, 
n diam. 
golden is in hi ower part, 

lighter upwards, and often a with 
red at the tips South Africa 

egos Backhousii. (B. M. t 

L. 4-9 long, shortl 
petioled, ovate, acute, membranous, 
green, wit petioles and veins 

1 bes ; 
iin. in diameter. Tropical Ameri 

Rondeletia — ag soln 
B. M. t. 6350.) A fi 
ee n of the p iawn = 
ardens as b Wecisiniia speciosa, 

Ronnbergia columbiana. CB. H. 
1885, 82.) Bromeliaceæ. S. ome- 
liad with a 

egi short spike of hypocraterif orm 
dark blue fl., with a white tube. Co- 

— morreniana. (Lind, Cat. 
1879, 12.) L. large oval of a clear 
reen Ai with large blac kish green 
spots. Spikes of fl, blue, Figu 
at Jil. H, 1874, t. 177, Tropical 

Moi ae —-.. — G.1 

61.) desorption 

Gs of eee kinds rlan Attar of 
Roses. Eastern Roumelia, 

ren ee = and F. 1888, 

all the s mer. D lender, 
with a few recurved spines and no 
prickles. L. with a ia of small 
elliptic serrate lea small 
w in se aki corym 
Fruit not much pats oe a pea, at 
first orange-red, dee urple-black 
when ripe. Central ae 

m ene: ae G. 1888, W 
o description. gs Attar o 
Eo. astern Eur Sy: 

Rosa canina io. a cna 
240.) H. Seedlin 
peculiarly cut 1. 

Kost centifolia peer eer oe 
895, 165.) 
doubie or nia Phat ioe 
coloured fi, 

Rosa Ece. (4G. C. 1885, xxiv. 468; 
Tcones Plantarum t. 1329.) HA 
istinct species with small 1. having 


prickles, and small yellow 
e aeathiaa, Lindl. ] Affghanistan. 

a Engelmanni. (G4. and F. 1889, 
376,f.121.) H. A species with oblong 
fruit, like that of R. a to which 
it is nearly allied. Col 

n Fendleri. (7. G. 1888, 560.) 
H. Resembling R. blanda, and prob- 
ably ei a form of that species, New 

Rosa gallica aeria on 
Arb. Zésch. = 16.) H. Avar. 
h per rfume is obtained in 

Rosa gallica ae irigiatipetala. (H. G 
1888, 561; G. C. 1890, vii. 45, f. 8.) 
H. No A g Yields Attar of 
Roses, Eastern Roumelia. 


a gigantea. (G. C. 1888, iv. 122, 
1889, vi. 13, f. 4 ; G. and F. 1888, 321 ; 
16. š i 

and unarmed floral branches, Burma 

Rosa glutinosa yecosiensis. (4. €. 

1892, xii a very 
neat "small- leaved var. not much highe 
than 2} ft., characterised by its strong 
E similar tho: 

spines, se 
R. Seraphini, and a eae aia 
carve f. of a whitish red colour. Asi 

Rosa Godefroye. the i 1886, 261.) 
t bus 

rae the = wish 
5-7 leaflets shining dark green ; sep. 
; fl. large, ahi, 
Persia, probably 
a garden variety. 

Rosa humilis poe (G. and F, 
1889,7 rious form of 
this Nort iia which 

h Am 
the pet. are aati “teilobe d. 

Rosa minutifolia. (G. and F. 1888, 

tary pink or white 
on a spars along the. branches. 

(G. and F. 1888, 449, 

Boss aera 
H. = stout ar iy with 

ovaries smooth, unarmed. Fr. 
lobose, } in, diam., bright scarlet. 
North-west America. 

= _— —— (H: ha = i 
climbin: armed 

with meses 

with 3-5 elliptic obtuse coarsely 
bet leaflets, and corymbose penteles 
of white fl. Syria. 

a hooked eienen pinnate 

Rosa pisocarpa. (B. M. t. 6857.) H. 
x thie with reddish glabrous stems 
with straight prickles. L. 
rather small, with five leaflets. 
-3 together, bright pink, about 1 
ia diam. Fr. globose, reddish, }-} 
in diam, North California. 

(R. H. 1880, 314. f. 62, 
ft. high, with 1. an 
a thoes: of the Dog-Rose. Caspian 

re Lovage 
63.) -18 

"On piasypaziis, CR. H. 1886, 436.) 
P broad-leaved form of R, multi- 

m rugosa T CR. H. 1891, 

9, f. se ami 446, f. 148-9.) H. A 

eB between R, indica and 
R74 ssl 

— Var. fimbriata. (R. H, 1890, 427, 
Ty 131.) H. Garden hybri 

Rosa wichuraiana. (4. and F, 1891, 
569, f. 89.) H. shr. wit k glossy 
green 1, and white fl, Japan. 

Rosanowia ornata. (FI. des t. 
2423-4 ; ig prii aua 53.) e 
cew. brid between 
B: padie snd a re Gloxinia, 

Roscæa purpurea sikkimensis. Ee 
C. 1890, viii. 221.) Scitaminee. H.H 
ee osed t sats from the 

and r and also in the 
ane a Epal of the fl. 

Roydsia a = M. t. 6881.) 
Capparidaceæ. S. A free- 
sce: b 

numerous, yellow ; ovary on p gor 
stalk, yellowish. India 
Rubus cesius ee (GA. 
pet., and elongate 
flavour. Turkestan 

oe Pherae tricolor. (4. C. 
. 15.) H. A slender- 

older 1, variegated wih 

Rubus a (Späth Cat. 
1894-5 ; N. € ae Wi H. à 
species simi the Raspberry. 
North-west aea pel e 

Rubus Millspaughi. (W. G. 1892, 
216.) H. A spineless bramble with 
edible fruit. North 

— pee (B. 
79.) H mbing Bramble ale 
Raspberry. Ste 

small, about 4 4 as long as the ca 

segme ents, Ja apan 
Rubus trifidus. (G.and F. 1888, 273.) 
hr, of robust habit, with semi-erect 
divided l, and 

showy rose-coloured fl, 

aua ane ÇH. G. 1888, 561.) 

corymbs. “Fr, black. * Californ 

ge gies? Sa (GA. 1892 
H. mble of dwarf habit, 

snacéoded by yellow fr. North China 

bie acutangula. (B.M. t. 6382.) 
FERE æ. S. herb of large size. 

in laneta er; with sub- aa lobes. 

ee ce a (B. H. 1877, 344, 

19.3) . herb. foliage plant, with 
ie sae pate distantly 
toothed 1. of deep above, 

with course of the veins whitish, 
entirely purple beneath, and with 
white fl. Corolla-tube sud- 

denly dilated and tat the middle, 

per and larger part ma 
nearly a right angle with the lower 
e: ow part; spreading, 

Var. grilliana. g T. O. 1888, 
332.) S. Garden vari 

Ruellia macrantha. ( Williams’ = 
1883, ot a "H. 1881, 410, t.) S.p 
with lan ceolate L and [arge 

i -shaped fl. of a 
parple s with a light beautifully a 

noe makoyana. (R. H. B. 
olive green, shaded 

: hy ace 

vinous purple; fl. large, jennie ee 

—— Chehre 

(B. M. t. 6498.) 

e top. Li n, 
sub-equal bifid lobes. South Then 

— rosea. Gaui Cat. 1878, A 
S blun iy 4-angled 

aiaia, oblong-elliptic FL a 

or mauve, in “axillary 4-6- 

a4 in. 

5-lobed ; lobes eae. ta nate. 

Pen blackburniana nobilis. W. 
Sea 40.) Palmæ. S. No descrip- 

Saccia were Ch, IT. 

1889, 35; 
W. @. 1889, 112.) Convolvulacez. Ss. 

branches. Guthabastita, Bolivi 
a oe (B. H.1 
[Ang ack m 
eee a andl} 

Se bellino - bigibbu 
Je R.1895, 38.) 8- pe hybrid 
een the species indicated in the 
Sa Burma. 

pareen e bellinum. (4G. C. 1884, 
Fi: W OrA & 166.) K: 
way of 8, eateciary but larger. Sep. 
and pet. - yellow, with large 
brown Polotohies | i ay Matta with mauve- 
purple blotches. 

Paolin tte Soraia. (4.0.1 
n the way of sig Sere 
ina S. sural with the premorse 

1. of the firs = short espe ppd 
puberulous Spur 

acute lobed vip. Fl. wee ith 
amethyst spo 

eee piam. bivittatum. (Gf. 1890, 
607 a Hort. Petrop. 1890, xi. 309.) 
i : 

ag er leath 

ETN, as of smali fi., sep. and 

pet. _ mar. with two 

purple brown ripes ; 7 white, ‘rested 
as long as the ae East Indies 


sen ures ge Blumei russellianum. 

fine form 
with or Paes pendulou s racemes of 
white fl. spotted with menais — on 
. and h g a mauve- 

the a ‘and 
purple lip with a hie apex. 
chostylis tisha Blume, var. ] 

Saccolabium por zecire. E 0.1881 

5 ae , short, un- 

equally b ilobed ; fl. ochre- cinnamon- 

loured, in a nodding dense raceme. 

See E sober ee oe CERI 
serani 20.) No evidence is 
giv mot ‘its Daed in PAT Ba per New 

E conaum; CG. C. 1888, 
rather curious species, 
wit mank oblong biloped 1. andracemes 
of numerou axy orange fl. 
aye ith an parte „ooutra. spur. Sunda 

Saccolabium celeste. (G. C. 1885, 
xxiii. 692; W. O. A. t. 361.) S. Spike 
Sas : 

bo e 
recurved spur. [RA aaa vlis cælestis 
Reichb Td [Bhynchosty , 

(G. C: 1882, 

No evidence is given 

of oe pede in aai New 

EOE flexum. 

a i apris (G. C. 1882, 

purple. Strongly s ere like violets. 

EN nie ee 
884, xxi. 44; JU. H. 

urple spots on the sep. and 
rker and = purple of the lip 
belobiek than in the type. 

—— m Aureo E G i 

xxiv. 746.) Pe eee Held 
fi. of dull eg ‘Cochin 

ar. Regnieri. (2. H. 1889, 

uring 14 in. 

Tasa s. Avar, with fl. meas 


ae ee ee (G@. C.1881, xvi. 
16.) aa ph re bilobed ; 

ith a pe faaite 

fh front ‘of the base of the middle 

lobe. Fiji. 

rear ggeggent "ne erste (G. C. 

n the way of 
ri guttatum, but ag half the size, 


ETEA en retusa, ane ] India. 

Saorolahinn haiostonsa, (K. 

1a; 84.) Allied to 8. 8. gemma 
m 6 in. long. L lanceolate, 
ar, 23 in. long ; panicle 6 in. long : 

a ESS, small, white and purple. 

page ogee ey dagen ge = 
cone son hort; s Pas in. Toae, 
3 in. wide ; radeti n. long, mary- 
flowered; fl. cna ” pints sh purple, 

Saccolabium raren yar eeraa 
(G A fin 

co seed amas 7 2 iason-colonrt 
fi. with a dark centre. Philip 

a Rs ears (G. C. 1878, ix. 
dwarf habit, with one- 
side of rose-purple fl . wi 
the tips of the E pet. and lip green, 
South Sea Island 

Saccolabium mooreanum. (K. B. 
1893, 64; B. M. t. 7428.) S. Allied 
to 8. Mimus. i in. 
wide; scape 8 in. long; fl. small, ina 
crowded short a aie with green 
tips. New Guin 

Saccolabium Pechei. (4. C. 1887, « 
447.) 5. L. 7 in. long, 2in. oaa , oblong, 

ochraceous with red spots Lip witha 
cupular spur, retuse side — da 
ria lobe ; 


base yellow with a few rad ipate, 
as front lobe whitish. Moulmein, 

Poia nie smeeanum. (@. 0.1887, 
14.) L 

very thick, with acu 
enc obtuse and epe — 2-lobed 
at the apex. Racemes . Fl. small 

354 » 

i leapt with aayo mid-veins to the | fronds 1-2 ft. long. The lobes of the 

d pet., a mauve disk tothe  pinnatisect fronds are 4-6 on each 
white Xp, Sioh latter fades to yellow side, lanceolate, acute, entire. Sori 
and brown, the sep. and pet. fading to copious, orange - coloured, seated in 
whitish ochre with brownish mauve deep cavities which project as pointed 
stripes. Sep. and pet. oblong. Side | tubercles on the upper surfac e- 
lobes of lip very small, Negra mid- gabe Manatees, Baker.] Mo- 
lobe oblong, acute, wit welling | luce 

under the apex. Spur hark » CF vlindrie, 
Sagittaria montevidensis. (B. M. 

Saccolabi i i = te 6735.) Alismacez. 
a pah ee ees with sagittate 1. and a tall scape with 
gees h pus ly f os i lax whorls of large wh 
peiin ke si at B. M y ee es crimson spot at the base of each pet 
Th bearing th le fl. are 
Philip the name of S, harrisonianwm, ce adie Cae ae amet si age eit 

than ag of the male ones. South 

Saccolabium witteanum. (G4. C. 
1883, srl S. In general appearance Saintpanlia, reste a8 et a 1391 ; 
this resembles Sarcanthus densiflorus 08.) S. 

Eu PEES EE T at the apex, Hab Sat Ran P ee pee en aoe Fl. 
ft. or more long; raceme elongate, dank NTA with yellow anthers, 

lax ; sep. and pet. orange with reddish Usumbara Mountains, East Africa 

A e 

arks and a green apex to the spur ix amplexicaulis. 1893; 674, 
we mouth of which is covered by ara 136) 8 p areek oe son 
3 teeth. Jav Linn. var. Ear Boiss.} M 

aE capes, Poe a Salix balsamifera. (6. and F. 1888, 

T; 1878, 3 245.) H. shr. 4-10 ft.ħigh. L. 2-3 in. 

ilices.' S. tree fern of dwarf habit, long, 1-1} in. broad, acute or acumin- 

with large aa ae £ 6 ft. e ate, broadly rounded or subcordate a 

pinnæ 8- in. road, the base, of a rich reddish ag when 

pinnatisect ; pin ed cent Stine young, becoming dark green above, 

erect ; lamina spreading a = graceful paler or Aami beneath, glabro ous. 
horizontally curved man Sand- Catkins dense, 1-1} in. m 

ich Islands, very silky, with rosy scales ; female 

kea . becoming very zi t, 

Bajtai irregularis. ( Williams’ Cat. more long; fruit beaked, on 

1883, 28.) Filices. S fern with erect | 
caudex and fronds 3 ft. or more long, | 
Stipes, rhachis and mide ae gree — | Salix basfordiana. (G.C. 1882, xvii. 
ing. Fronds triang 298, f£. 41-2.) H. willow with bril- 
lower pinne sealed ti Aisen perry on ; ing E gee 
the lower side ; apex 'of the lower pinnæ | 
and frond acumi 

ies policet. Eastern Korth. America. 


he margin ; ultimate lobes Male catkins 3 9} in. eae yellow ; 

g ews e lower ones being fonao ns 1} in. 1 i. 
again lobed and ac eesti Neps emale tree is pone Ah wn as S, san- 
Ji wter e Tai eA T gE guinea. [S. frag dhe; var, bas- 
ium irregulare, er.| Polynes Fordiana, Bar 

Sagenia lawrenceana. (@. C. 1881; | Salix birge (GA. 1893, 378.) H. 
xv.9.) S. Caudex short, 3-4 in. high, Ah aed etween S. baby ylonica and 
fronds gracefully arching, 2 ft. or 8. fragili 

re in outline, pinnate 4 
below, pinnatifid above ; pinnæ falcate, | Salix californica. (@fl. 1887, 606, 
pinnatifid, the lower eee about 18 in. 644.) H. A var. of S. repens. 
long ; stipes, r ta beneath, 
black and glossy. (Nephrodium law- A eee a: and F. 1888, 
rEenceanum, Baker. | 54.) jillow forming a 
i hi 

i p se 6 a Shige hiv gh. 
 Bagenia | mamillosa. (4. L. oblong-lanceolate or obovate-oblong, 
38; Ill. H. 1886, t. we E eee eee silky Senenbh, 

re distinct and handsome fern with 

I Catkins dense. Fr, tomentose. North 
ceolate entire pong pinnatisect America. 

Salix oe ya: a “he 


W iss 
broad elliptic l. 4 in. long by 
road. Cascade Mountains, British 

arr e pitaa se 0. 1883, xx. 
93.) ° d midal 
something like the avast bone 

— Var. fastigiata. (R. M. 1896 
177, £. 58-60.) 

midal habit resembling ying of 


Lombardy Poplar, 

Salix las yo ir lancifolia (GA. 
1887, 410, 409, f. 98.) anceo- 
ate, iaeiei 10 i E tea s À 

rate on the : es reni 

ra catkins 
in. long, on jeee lateral shoo 


Salix Nicholsoni 
(Ni 1889-90, 18.) 

at. Arb. Zösch. 

Salix ee — (Gp. 
1893, 378.) Ad orm o: 
bl ack so pg with iiy tr sar ed k 

Salix Ero 
(@. C. 1891, ix. 462.) 
caulis, Bory & Chaub, 

Ta nplozi- 

— Var. E egg (af: 
1893, 378.) H. 

of the comm 
pu rple willow 
Salix Toa ease. Pe H. 
1879, 270.) ornamental var. 

with the i eons of a brig nt red. 
[S. alba, Linn, var. britzensis, s, Späth.] 

ge ee oe ae ms, xiii. 

coriaceous hn i; 
pataan Ter) Antioquia, Colombia. 

sere Meer = H = oF 51, 
64.) Lab G. 

m of pyra- 

gin ; stipu 
greenish yellow, abont | 


Payis en. Be: H. 1878, 49.) 
Roe t habit, whitish 

a7 chins vi 
oval llipic, aris 
Dooe a Bes base, a 
gin aanas s 
"sott, lilac- blue, very numerous. 
co (2). 


et M. t. 6595.) 

Salvia sacgrpir pa 
H. annual, 3 to 2 ft. L. radical, 


i 0 
he ends of the “branches Corolla 

bright blue, Californi 

Salvia flocculosa verticillata pauci- 
flo B. 7.0. 1890, 2 i 

lanceolate-ovate 1. thin ose. 
Fl. terminal spikes of rich red 

= op 

colour, with two white ae on the 
upper lip, Andes of Qui 

| Salvia Sh es (B. M. t. 6812.) 
species with narrow cuneately oblong 
obtuse 1, aid terminal race of 
showy fi.; corolla light pa E with 
: Pig | carmine lower lip. New Mexico 

Salvia Hovoyi, (G. f pc xiv. 695.) 
This is said to be a 
By which it resembles, ut 
are deep puce-purple e, ly 
blackish purple ; it is also said to be 
identical with S. ianthina. 

Salvia wera aE (G. and r 
94, E = t. 7372.) G. 
with qu itrangula 
green | 
and terminal spikes, 6 in. lon ng, of blue 

fl. o in. long Ecuador 


ee mexicana minor. (G. C. 1883 
a be h 

. herb. per. wi 
Hi a ary beneath, and 
6-8-fio eee whorls of blackish violet 
S with -tube not longer 
an the calyx on 8. rt teas H.B.& 
po M. t. 6772 a] Mexi 

Salvia officinalis siie. (R. H. 1879, 
240, A dwarf compact for m of 
the common sage with yellow 1. 
Salvia penon (B. 7. O. 1890, 


Pitcheri. ae C. 1880, xiv. 
685; F. M. t. 455.) H. H. or G. herb. 
Stem branc on 2-3 ft. high. 



L. narrow, a gen entire or 
rr i 

[S. azurea, Lam.] 

eMo shiaip Aaii E 
aei 7 var, with: ane 3 

got scapiformis. (B. E t. 6980 ; 

1888, iii. 242. or . per. 
with petiolat eini y ovate or 
cordate-oblong bluntly - toothed, gla- 

less e of pale e blue fi. in w 
wpe eae wee (K. B. 1896, eae 

fi.- pa 5. in. long ; fl. blue. Mexico. 
2 ee (B. M.-t. 6300.) 
erb. per. of robust habit. Stem 

pa mA ut, square, more or 
less . 5-7 in. long, lanceo- 
late ovate-lanceolate, acute, crenu 

borders. Corolla white ; : a twice 
as loħg as the calyx. Abyssini 

~~ aye Bruanti. 


habit, and with brighter aE fl 

E a M. 

than thi 

Sambucus Gautschii. (W. &. 1890, 
292, 371 ; ae Bot. Zeitseirift 1800 
xl. 230 J oliaceæ 

of S. Ebulus 

Sambucus glauca a 
cB H. ue pa Hane early- 

a —— (R. H. ke 
e narrow pyra 

habe, with par te 1, having beer 

large | elongated anequal deeply-toothed 
leaflets. (8. nigra, Linn. var.] 

Sambucus racemosa arborescens. 
CH. G, 1888, 561.) H.. A var, with 
larger 1. com posed of 7-9 oblong leaf- 


lets. Rocky Mou 
ae vege ee (GA. 1891, 
the’ E rw ai compose ot spr ong — 
gularly formed leaflets 2 


Sambucus —_ plum 
CR. H. 1886, 399.) H. Leaflets auton: 
crowded, feats pinnatifid. 

ar. plumosa aurea. (M. D. G. 
1896, ee H. A form of the scarlet- 
berried elder with finely cut golden 1. 

— Var. serratifolia. (R. H. 1886, 
399.) H. Similar to var. plumosa, but 
with rather forea r and les s dee eeply 
pinnatifid le 

See e eat Kaa A = t. 

pas fe sat T “Hoakdor. 

Sansevieria aurea ENE, CHEE. 
liams’ modoraceæ 

narrow pale green margin. Zanzibar. 

hee te: 1893, 186; 
ai) bust s species 
aed Ze s slongifor, producing stout 

hick leather t. high, y ea 
yield a saris, ‘ap bre; fl, in a dense 
head, tubular, white 

Sew hed chal hear CG. C1 
436.) 5. Allied to S, sail cas CA a8 
differing n having unspotted 1. and 
longer =P NEE fl. South Africa, 

fee utilis. 

(R.-H: 1895, 199, 
303, Í 

. 90-2.) Sapindaceæ. G. 

Sarcanthus RERCn Aes. ao B.1895, 
9, Allied to S. 
Parishit, differing principally i in having 

bes at the base of 
the lip. ae fl. are greenish white. 
ed with purple, 

ATT eae pS C. 1883 

wo ge aF 
tudinal popi brown even on 
sep., pet. and lip, 

ae Baam Bie C. 1882, xvi. 
oo bed an 
DENE sons A of yellowish prown a 

Sarcanthus hincksianus. (6, C. 
1878, ix. con st Allied to S, tereti- 
folius but diff sion bs fie. 

hia sm: a longer 
and more pe Para san ae lobes of 


the lip blunt, a callus with puam 
angles, and the s sep. and pet. 

with 3 equal red stripes, as fd 

TN Bailie to (G. C. 1884, 
oS. te ci: 7 

orange with 2 
mes papi eSa with sens peek ; 
long as the purple ovary. 

Serraathus ater. Aa C. 1878, 
g. Fl. sma mall, 

arera OTEN Sg oes (G. C. 188 

ke S. dee 

but ss narrower poor Ta fl. orange. 

Sarcochilus borneensis. (Jv. H. 
n i ee Se OE 

ect habit ith long peduncles 
bearttg a short spike of aia i: 

sep. narrow, spreading ; por $ oe l 

in. ian lip spotted. Born 
Sarcochilus gs canis ΠR 

1894, 396.) S. species with a 

climbin ing stem, 
fleshy 1. and short scapes 
few small yellowish fi. 

Sarcochilus hainanensis. (K. 
ied t 

1896, 199.) S 08, plates | ; 
stem orp sk = < pega Le g, : 
long ; lo fi. light 
yellow ; sep. a and et 1} in. ears lip 

Sarcochilus Hartmanni. (B. M. t. 
7010; ee C. 1888,iv. 186.) S. This is 
the plant known also as oa case 
vaca Quee 

pos sare muscosus. (K. B. 1893, 
T) Allied to 8. aides eana tt has 
x wart stem, disticho g l. and 
hairy scape of see a a 
ind piin fi, Andaman Islands. 

etomsir tae ae ca. 
1880, L. oblong, ae 
6 in. ie i = 

gor oer ae vermiculatus. 
Cat. 1894 Chenopodiacez. 
swlitia-tacioied thorny bush withn 
linear 1. aae agim aiae 
Western North Am 

Nees. ] 

gin y Dearei. (G. 
; Fl. and P. sen, 108.3 

lated ; 
Deore, T Reichb. f 

Sarcopodium ggg (G4. 6. 
1890, vii. 800; &. 
A Philippine "form of ‘Bulbophylium 

oe oe (B. T. O. 1889, 
41.) a. bs Knop hinat 
Sarai. T Wendl .] Florida. 

Sarmienta repens. (R. f 1879,320 ; 
G. Plant 

B.M. t ) Gesnerace 

with slender trailing eii small 

opa i r To sub-sessile 

en s green Fl. large 

i ies size anak the ey eet. 
-tubular, gee ag slender 

ea l in. long. 

Sarracenia atkinsoniana. (Bull 
Cat. 1884, rraceniace®. 
Garden hybrid between S. flava and 
S. purpurea. 

—— atro-sanguinea. (Jil. H. 
1880, t. 386; Bull Cat. 1880, 7, t. 6.) 

ood red with a eee! lustre. rs. 
purpurea, Linn. var.] North America. 

Sarracenia ee Ager Cat. 
1879, 27, f. C. , xiii, 725, 
f. 129 ai ` 817, ast. a 147-8 J 
G. Garden hybri rid between S. rubra 
and S. purpurea, 

Sarracenia Courtii. (Vei 
1885, 13, É; T ines = oy e. 
garden hybrid be 

and S. psittacina. 


Sarracenia crispata. (ZI. H. 1880, 
t. 387; Bull Cat. m 7, t 7.) G. 
Per a natural h; rid between S. 
flava Ag S. rubra. 


arene Parham (G. C. 1889, vi. 
hybrid probably from 8S. 
pa Ae and S. variolaris. 

Sarracenia excellens. (Bull Cat 
1884, 15.) G. Garden hybri between 
S. variolaris and S. Draseaoadi. 

iian exculta. a at. 1884, 
15.) G. Garden hybrid 

Sarracenia exornata. (Bull Cat. 
1884, 15.) G. Garden hybrid between 
S. crispata and S. purpurea. 

Erra ——. (Williams = 

kapai aroi bene eg ki 

deep sera eroin Ea 

“Sarracenia noa irnata- (Bull Cat. 

1880,7, t.5.) G. Pitchers clear me 

with strongly ma eal e-red 
reticulations. South United rises 

Sarracenia formosa. n Cat. 1884, 
rden hybrid between 8. 
purpurea and S. eariolaris. 

oy a (Bull Cat. 
, 15.) G. Garden hybrid. 



eh wa a A a and S. por bine 

soles: oy tec oy 

Sarracenia a LE, E ie 
xiii, 455 A rid 
between S. a fei Sd a z Ds um- 


Sarracenia Sean ae SEak ar 
1884, 15.) G. hybri 
S. rubra and re Pte 
Sarracenia mooreana. (Veitch Cut. 
1877, 26.) G. A garden hybrid 
bet ween S. flava and S. Drummondii. 

Sarracenia ae te rE ge and 
P. 1882, 107 | Pas 

ect circular lids veld ‘with 

gong reece (4. C. 
seedling or hybrid ye 
rt age 

Patagonia rubra ac cee mage a 
Cat. Sane 15.) G. Ginie k 

ao Se swaniana. (Bull Cat. 
1884,16.) G. Garden — between 
S. variolaris and 8. purpu 
para herea Thr a e 

Dr saat it re 

Sarracenia yri maculata. 
rg e: 1891, 25.) A garden 
hybrid n S, purpu irea and S. 

T Willisii. (&. M. 1894, 
f.) A garden hybrid between 
s. Ti and S. melanorhoda. 

Sarraaaia eco magre (Bull Cat. 
1884,16.) G. Garden ere rid between 
S. purpurea and S. flav 

Sarracenia wrigleyana. a Cat. 
1889, 12, f.; Gf. 1889, f. 75.) 
Garden hy brid ee ns cina 

and S, Se 

Sa a membranaceum. (G. C. 
1889, v. 137.) Or _— aceæ. G. Terres- 
trial "orchid. A lar 

all okas of the genus oe its toothed 
nged pet. South Afri 

oe nepalense. Saf Ss t. >_> 
G. A foot high or = 
ovate or lanceolate and an ri 
gated — of ae rose-pink fi, 
fi imalaya 

ee eee marae tags (B. H. 
95.) rrestrial species with 

with red spots and lines. 
a he om ape Cat. i 
of st 

roe ag mi rias Ay ida 
spine-toothed, een green. Java. 

perowiie = afghanica. (Gard. a 

staat t with white fl. Sains nging 
— group. [S. Strachyi, Hook. f. 
Thoms. var. alba, Regel.] Affghani- 


prane spionii e = 1894, 
s the 
ae EN, ek ao pleco 
as S. g epaiei it is is a supposed 
hybrid een S. scardica and 8. 


Saxifraga aquatica. (Gf. t. 1167.) 
is is the species grown as S. 
adscendens and S. petrea. Pyrenees. 

CW. @. 1895, 

A compact dwarf 
gro ae plant with light 
ge 1l. and slender stems bearing 
large white scented fl. Atlas Moun- 

ee emer 
86, f. 25. 

Saxifraga got kins “A Gard. pein xxxviii. 
10, t.) A garde: Mimet een sS. 
burseriana and S. aretio 

m griei — (4. C. 
, f. 27.) H. rockwork 
mall dense rosettes of 

ciliated and large solitary 
sae Ea on Pel about 2 in. high. 

vee we eyra es M. t. 6640.) 
Bhe plant. 

D 1 fabellately Arne bak cemose, 
n diam., white. 
ston Pe cortusifolia. (B. M. t. 
ela o 5. Fortunei 
ag. sarmentosa, with roundish lobu- 
ite toothed 1. and peni nicles of ae 
fl. ; pet, ir Rea a in size. Japa 
Saxifraga diversifolia. (B. M. t. 
6603.) H. per. with habit of a Par- 
nass Radical 1. co g 
petioles ; stem 1 ein paca, ovate- 
oblong, acute, entire. FI. in 
diam., fie agai eras corymbs. 

Saxifra mes Engleri. (G/l. 1890, 649.) 
H. hybrid between S. Aizoon and 
S. cuneifolia. 

Beings xe aba ies or. G. 1895, 
284 ba carpet of 


Saxifraga Hirculus grandiflora. 
(GA. t. 1035, f. 4.) Fl. 1 in. in diam. 

Sarine Huguenini. (@/. t. 1230, 
f. b.) H. A neat _ Bence per. 

ing in a solitary shortl 
fl. Eastern Switzerlan 

ger begin latepoipitis. (B. M: 
kable biennial 
tot Soms 8-12 i in. rae branched, 
ith broad petioles ; ; blade 

is =} 


or rosulate fc ad ame } in. in 
diam Spa 

sore aN lingulata cochlearis. 
CH. A 6688.) H. ree plant with 

1.4 ga Mander panicles of 
white le and bra pur- 
plis , glandular - pubescent. 
[S. cochlearis, "Reichh. ] Maritime 

Baxitraes. anoppi (G. € 
1888, iii. [S. apiculata, Koel. 
not ¥, Maio Sternb. ] 

certs ie macropetala. (@. C. 1888, 

iii. £ . Like S&S. i kg nia 
ith wded roundis cunea 
eet “ciliate p itted 1. ‘iar yr eep lila 

. resembling thie: of S. PREE 

The ovar y has a ring-like disk around 
its base. Tyrol. 

Naziraga. marginata. (B. M. t. 
02.) H. Belonging to the Aizoon 
of small 

a purplish fl. white, 4 in. 
diam., in small rather compac 
ple ltaly bee Greece 

ee media Frederici-Augusti. 
C&G. C. 1887, i. 47.) H. Alpine plant 

hor val stalks. S. Frederici- 
ae Ar is a totally different plant. 
[S. apiculata, Engl. } 

Saxifraga Milesii. (4. C. 1882, —— 
102.) H. In the way of S. Str achey 

oye ‘glandular- dree t. Himalaya. 

Sa piger. EE rea CGA. 
1890, H. — a var. of 
va = a yledon riae wte l . and red 

Saxifraga —— pallida. 
C&G. C. 1888, iii. 714.) 


PRENES, punds.. (EL. i xxiv. 
04.) rockwork plant with a 

; pet. per Atiy alge 
the feia hipe of the fr.; ovary dull 
purplish red. Sikkim 

Saxifraga peltata. (P. T.1880, 280; 

pale rose. Califor 
Saxifraga sancta. (FI. and P. 1882, 
of dense 

ense spike of yellow fl. 
Mount Ath 

econ Schmidtii. (Gf. t. 946.) 
Seems identical with the 
aad exactly 
of rose- 
coloured fil. Himalaya 

agree regt alba. (Gf. t 
28.) r. with white fl., 
n Aee to S ‘Ma ilesi, Himalaya. 

Saxifraga tombeanensis. ae a 

179.) H. Alpine per. 
the way o burseriana, Sith, =n Se 
of small erect te - lane 

subulate 1.; stem-l. similar but 
lar-hairy ; stems bright red, glan- 
dular - hairy, bearing 3-4 white fl. 
xifraga tricolor superba. (2 


1881, 120.) G. per. herb in the way = 
sarmentosa and probably onl 


garden var. of that Stem 
creeping; l. orbicu SOL 
delicate rose colour, sometimes red or 

flesh-coloured, or presenting all these 
shades in different degrees, 
Saxifraga ee — pleno. 
me if. t. 1092.) with com- 
ct white doubl 

—_ caucasica oe 
12.) Dipsacaceæ. 

oer blue fl. gr in. 

= Var. zm having hay Ca = _ 2 

H. A fo: 
with li cepa ipa 
ye sone ae ear peroneal 

ghen correvoniana. (G. C. 1892, 
614. andsome bushy 

yee 7-9 in 
age nin A 

nee with erect s 
bearing large heads o 
Abkhasia, Teainadtie casia 

ie ie a) epee M. +t. 

arf tufted per L. simple, 

26.) H 
elligtio or a eA, crenately 
oothed, green. Pedun 2-3 in. long, 
stout. Fl- purple, 1-1} in. in 
diam. Gree 
CW. -G. 1888, 

a Victoriz. 
437.) H. Garden hybrid. 

Scaphosepalum go ereer = 
©. 1890, vii. 709.) 
L. elliptic, 3-8 in Piong ; scape 
long. Fl. greenish yellow, lined with 
brown. Allied to S; pulvinare. 

rt ones arb mac pe (K. 
W., 1893, 335.) -G r S. ochthodes, 

as es ey ey n. 
three sge teeth and scapes 5 in. long, 
ing small greenish yellow and 

Scelochilus carinatus. Ke 2 1895, 
284.) Orchidaceæ. ceolate, 
in. long. Raceme pendulous short, 


white ; lip 3 
3 Pursio blöta. South America 

Scelochilus variegatus. (Z. xi. 26 

t s to OF o 
lanceolate, 4-5 in. beg Colombia. 

— orn. 


‘feo ig as ram ia (or J wticia £ caly- 

cotricha. Differing from the true S. 

tet yeotr icha in havi ving narrower T si 
andular-pubescent calyces. Brazil. 

(a, C. 1883, 

ee ret T M. 



sia erg ae Be ge mn (Bull Cat 
16.) arf foliage plant 

with ovate ae Bed green l. thickly 
blotched with silvery g sA under 
surface pale green. Born 

PE Ai ei da cot ai (Bull 

tic, cordate 
ce wia oe = pt a band of 
oe -green on each sid e mid 

-rib, Spathes whitish, 

Schismatoglottis Lavalleei im- 

maculata. (G. C. 1882, xviii. 298.) 

S. per. foliage plant ee from the 

type in the absence of s spots on the 

upper surface of the Tava and in their 

a vinous purple colour beneath. 

—— Var. ETRO (iil, H.1882, 
. 468; Lind. 1883, 5.) [x 
Lavalle, inden, ae immaculata, 
Hort. } 

—— Var. purpurea. (4G. C.1882 ci aber 
298.) 5. per. on plant only differ 
ing from the type in the bright green 
E blotched with net above and dark 
vinous purple beneath. Sumatra 
Schismatoglottis longispatha. (Zull 
at. 1881, 20, i; 2. H. 1882, xxix. 

feathered paiia seine ral niivie grey. 

aa e neoguineensis. 
CQ. C.1885, xxiv. 776; G@fl. 1886, 187.) 
; Syn. Colo casia NEOJUİNEENSİS, 
eons he sees alee u. 
sA E r ia Al 1, 
vidato at the base, 4-5 in. long, 
i uliar glaucous 
green abo 
nivar green spots. Borneo. 
E S siamensis. e 
15.) _ S. foliage le 

on i ge wit h ovate 
sist amee 1, spotted with N ite. 

Schismatoglottis variegata. (Bul 

Soa PONN ee 
Q Gfl. 1887, 665 5, f. 169.) Solana 
G. Garden varie ey 

aero ee es e n 1887, 
421. x. S. 

pinnatifid, green, with pale 
whitish green midrib and nerves 

Schizocodon erar (Gard. 
1892, xli. et G. a one in 415, f.; 

centre, shading to blush - white. 

Schlimmia trifida. (4. C. 1876, vi. 
708; vii. 140, f. 22.) Orchidacer. S. 
7 udobulbs narrow, semi-fusiform, 

nkled, bearing one stalked oblong 
ie pame ae 

line. PA 

eee ee Sepine (B. H. 
1883, 121, tt. 10- liaceæ. 8. 
[Syn. pie "Linden, André. ] 

arrori ta Se Ko H. 
; Fl. and P. 1883, 75. 2. 

bracts dark purple ; fl. yellow. 

Schlumbergeria Roezlii. (B. H. 
1879, t. 19.) “a iki vey bold habit, 
3 ft. hig ft. long, 









ged, 1 in. long. Calyx gr 
Corolla gamopetalous, ON; 
white and green. Andes of Peru 


Schlumbergeria virescens. (B. H. 

Puy Ti sia vitta E 
5 paee Hitam A. straminewm. 

Schenlandia gabonensis. (J. H.F. 
Pontederiaceer. S. An 

m f 
the bracts; branches, bracts and fl. 
pale violet. Western Tropical Africa. 

e. C. 

ans ay S. itundeta 
with ay snptad pseudobulbs 1 

Schomburgkia oa horace’ 
chine =e ERS 

more long, having but a single nt al 
cavity. cuneate-oblong, obtuse, 
4-5 in 1. numerous, white, 
with a purple spot on the 1 Sep 

with five entire keels on the disk. 
Central America. 

at Cat 10 E eS gE atich 
A, t. 507.) 

long "panioulate, 

purple towards their base. Venezuela. 

Schomburgkia lepidissima. (4. C. 
1889, v.72.) 8. The aay gay aad 
8. Ti ieu Flower-scape 34 ft. long ; 

se like those of Leliopsis 

Schomburgkia marginata. im- 
marginata. (@. C.1887, i. 447.) S. 
A var. with brown wavy sep. and pet. 
without a rata margin ; lip and 

column white 

Schomburgkia rhionodora kim- 
mean ( 

m i. light pe E misprint for 
ionodora kimballiana.] 

Schombur nopan rosea. e R. 1893, 
À near 

Sekomhurgkia sanderiana. (6G. C. 
Alli Fs D 5. Humboldtii. It has hollow 
pseudobulbs, very rigid 1. and a lax 

branched IE icle of my carmine 

medium-sized fl. 

Shomi iiy thomsoniana. (4. 
ii. 38; Veitch. Man. Cattl. 
ria °g, Similar to S. Tibicinis but 

wavy oblong front 
obscurely 3-keeled, blackish- 
purple. white ae nag he 
ape = yellow e front 
part of | the coreg" [Syn. Miia thom- 
soniana, Reichb. f. ] 

prape Sado ware a 
(R. 1887, 83.) Conifer 
ater resil 
e meer Sd $ 1891, ix. 521.) 
1-flowered a 

eeg the gies a 8, italica. FI. 
mauve-purple. Natal 

— coo serra = ia F. 1890, 

ly-flowering robust 

maniy-fiowerod form A sibirica. 


a pani A ras cit xxii. s 

bor teow shan. paren oe 
(Gf. 1892, 609.) G. 
a species w with 
= i of Here Bretter Morocco 

BE cag re (G. C. 1893, xiii. 
68.) G. pecies with a small glo. 
pie bulb, Tanoeolate green l. a foo 
long and a ous aeg scape 8 a 
long bringa d nse raceme of green 
fl. with purple filaments. Nyasaland. 

es coh por S 

areg peee (G. G 1881, xv. 

purple at base, green abo Race 
3-4 in. long. Pedicels D line "Tong. 
FI. small, a pari green. Natal 

Scilla hyacinthoides stricta. —— 
Hort. Petrop. 1890, xi. cacy ol Ho A 
ving solitary bulbs and 
to the fl. . 


Scilla laxiflora. (@. C. 1891, ix. ot) 
ied to S. revoluta Bulb 
s l. lanceolate ; scape -3 i Ap 
fl. green; filaments purple. South 

Scilla Ledieni. AG t. 1294.) G. 
narrow lance 

flowered; fl. small, 
green, with purplish tube. Congo. 

poi a r (G. C. 1893, xiii. 
mbling some of the 
Hyi nth sof the gy eg, Niogremeire. 
but the segments of the fl. are 
the base. Fl. bright ate ree 
with green. Persia. 

— o kaa CAN. t. 1261.) = 
anceola tar-like ices 
ae Aptian: "Mares 

— Var. lilacina. (Gf. t. 1261, £. 
3.) H. FI, lilac-blue. 

— Var. aias, 
H FE w 

(Gl. t. 1261, f. 4.) 

Ry ae = 1883, xx, 166.) 
L. 6-8, lanceo sae, acuminate, 
SA unspotted, contemporary with 
T fl. aes n 
pedice tin inged. aniria 
= dull P e South Africa 

— a (G@. €.1881, xvi. 
02.) G. ong-lanceolate 1 ft. 
4-43 in. pee: glaucous green, 

barred near the base beneath with 

long. FI. green, ‘South 

—- panime (@. @. 1878, ix. see) 
speci bout 

stri Sout tA with purple on the 
war e 
ee a a , drooping, 6 in. lo ong, 
n,in a dense r 

3-4 in long. Stamens lilac with purple 
an ide: Nata 

aan polyantha. S ¢. Ta ix. 

to a bulb, 
toi _ Spe green dotted with purple. 

a large dense raceme, green out- 
nig dull purple ening South Africa. 

De rE or Sa 

pati somewhat like Veila b fala with 

road linear o acem 
of ereot star-like pale blue fl. Tarko- 

Scilla sibirica none (Gard. 

1895, xlviii. 162, 29.) H. Form 

with longer por a than the 

mas rey (&. C. 1881, xvi. 
eral lanceolate 1, 6-8 in 

en g raceme 5-6 
in. long ish outside, 
greenish brown wi en 
purple, South Africa. 

re — (G@. C. 1880, xiv. 230.) 

neares sS. os 
differine in in 7] lit le 1 1., longer 
pedicels am seme fl. Port Blivabethe 
South Afri 

Oe ee ee 

ae anomalus. Rd 1884, 
aceæ. S. [Sy Sie 
pee Hort.] 
ee pertusus. (R. HM. 1883, 
2 DOL £ nI 8. 
tytn under this a 
Scindapsus, but Moniterd olidi: 

27.) Cype- 
raceæ. The above is the corrected 
name = ‘the plant known as Juncus 

Scirpus ae ee 
rinus. (Fl. and P. 1884 

Boolopendvinja otis Anoa. 
(R. H. 1886, 14.) H. 
A strong siii vin, Sy abs wi 
dilated and irregular ay ar, and 
crested at their pmd, arge 
poe Ezaa tufts. [S. sales; B ate 

Scolopendrium vulgare densum. 
CG. C. 1882, xvii. 673.) H. A remark- 
able form about 3 in. high, having the 

over with oe points as in 
curled pars 

multifidum. (FI. and P., 
“iss, 140) H. A var. having the 
of the fronds multifidly divided, 


nee sie sarainhios PET REN 
1893, 418, f. 60.) 

Ci Thi roai ditta s Seem the 
type i n having pale yellow scentless fl. 
[S. a Ši Hr var. concolor, Hort. ] 
Eastern Eur 

pE menas chrysantha. (B. M. 

cymes of yellow fi. in a termina 
thyrsus. Asia Min 

Scutellaria formosana. (G. C. 1894, 













E eni ‘Of purplish fl. Hong Kon 

i Hartwegii. (B. M. t. 
15.) S. half-shrubby per. L. cor- 
a acuminate, serrate, gua. above, 
purple benea in 
long, bright im, ‘witha ‘clot bek vig 
Andes of Qui 

Scutellaria Lehmanni. 

(Gf. t. 1152, 
Š 1, a-c 

.) S. Stems erect, aaa i 
petiolate, cordate and short ; 
i racemes, bright ETA 

Boutella purpurascens. (B. M. 

t. și Eoo h one venom, 
cordate, acute, denta Fl. 

mes. Corolla ? in. lo: conti 
and upper lip t blue; eh Po 

dark violet, bent a median white 
Tropical Ameri 

Scuticaria Dodgsoni. 
xv. 9.) Orchidaceze 
S. Hadweni. 

(G: C. 3881 
. 5. Thisis probably 

Scuticaria Baar e te 1888, 164 ; 
pile ie 4629.) S. This is th 

igen ice Soeasigy 

(R. H. 18 
532) E 

The correct 
Ph Piylanth ramiflorus, and 
“Kyloph sila ramiflora. Eastern Asia 

Sedum Albertii. (ay. t. 1019, f. = me 


infl. of white fl. Turkestan. 

Ease. = een (Gf. t, 972, £. 2.) 
See lags peste ES aer 

opponite Teg o 
Sad cymes of parplish f. Se 

— — a (W. B. 1896, 
ensely caespitose species 
allied to S. dasy- 

phyllum or S. gypsicolum. Pyrenees. 
con formosanum. (4G. C. 1885, 
xsi . H. annual 6 in. 
hi h © ith a repeatedly-forked stem, 

moathulate ai b - 

sessile bracteate ye 


w fi. Formosa 
see liebmannianum. (&.C.1 
white fl. capes with red. 

— averse (4. C. nats viii. Pal) 

culent of neat compac 
eae colour. This i is pee of as 
Sedums which are so commonly used 

for carpet bedding. Asia sind 

Sedum retusum. (@. C. 1880, xiv. 

a diam., white, with a rosy centre, 
ed in small dense terminal 
ager, Mexi 
ork arse “ana epee fin t. 

A aved 
= with anaE fl. ar e rele 
Scop. var. ] 

Selaginella ameena. See Cat. 1884, 

16.) Selaginellacez. m about 
1 ft. high, the upper pier tripin- 
nately branched; bright "er 

green. ts paar iaig Spring, 
amena.| Mexico 

ee ae bellula. (G. C. 1879, xi. 
; Bull 

ices a eet ek ginko closely set, 
oblong, “sub-falbate at the apex, acute, 

tu the 

CG. C. 1879, a 333), for the above- 

ot ee . [S. caulescens, Suing. 
ar.] Ceylon 

Solaginolis ci nga Gare > caas er 

Climber a rea is ‘eines: tei tri- 

branched stems, adpressed 


pes gtd i lateral 1. and acu- 
urved intermediate ones. 

Tropical Aik 
Selaginella caulescens Bgas 
çau ean 1880, oo. elegant 

braia hed stems wa ‘a bri ght green 

penre —— (Bull Cat. 1884, 

16.) 8 tish subscandent species 

and ovate bipin- 

curved j ints, giving 
vor appearance. [S. Lobbii, ak] 

ri flagellifera. ga, Sa 
1886, 9.) S. Stems long, fl 
a with rawr cordat te > brighi 
1, Fru spikes lon; 
rs. ‘plünosa, piae var, Mayle] 
Tropical Asia. 

seein gracilis. (G. C. 1886, 
752. . Stems sub-erect, 2-3 ft. 
‘pinnatel branched, rather 

set. Spikes a oraal, tetragona 
long. South Sea Is lan ds. 

(a. C.-1883, 

ge are eats 
wi = ; Fi. and P. 1882, 



road, densely 
distichous imbricating subfalcate 1. 

Selaginella involvens Pilg ios ab 

CA. C. 1888, xis ; Bull Cat. 

1883, 15, 8) S. retty var. 

hari ve the tipe of some of the branches 

Selaginella ae aurea. (Bull 
Cat. 1880, 7.) S$. with golden 
yellow branches. 

| — (Bull _ Cat. 
— aeaa above 
quadripinnately di ivide d; ves of a 

ark green colo our, S. Feelin i, Spring. 
Tropical Africa ; Madagas 

Selaginella ee eens (4, C. 1893 
xiv, 651.) S. erythropus, Spring, 
yar, minor, H 

Palagi ese pers (Bull = 

1887; 12-4, ex creeping. 

Stems as ‘arching, serene! 
branched ; the nchlets endin 

drooping sender ae 

Selaginella Victorie. 

(Bull Cat. 
1878, 8.) S. i 

ing in slen z tetragonal spikes 1-2 
in. long, Bor 

sa ae viridangula. (Fl. and P. 

1884, 94 ; ‘illiams’ Cat, 1884, 15.19 
iors ivi , the 
divisions minating in long drooping 

birat ae Dajan sia. 

Selaginella kira bragi varie- 
ga "m Epa Cat 8 A 

(B. M. t. 6607.) Cru- 
nnual, 6-9 in. high, 
quite glabrou L. pinnatifid. Fi. 
bright yellow, in bracteate racemes. 

Selenia oe sae 

Catan CO Ainsworthii deli- 
— oe e 1893, 244.) Orchi- 
arden hybrid orep 
S ingot ein and S, Seden 

a eer alberti- 

um. (Z.iv.t.174.) S. Avar. with 

pa iion sep. A the lip ee ara 
stained with dark purple in fron 


insti Nar. (IU. H. 1886, t. 

Selenipedium chlor = (G4. C.1888, 
iii. 584 ; H. G, 1888, 308.) Gard 
hybrid. ye Cy 'ypripedium chlorops, 

ichb, f. 

Selenipedium dalleanum. = A. 
att 164, 548, f. 180, t.) S: 

rowing plant wi with large a the 

oblong a pouch a deep glossy 

Selenipedium finetianum. (0. 
1895, 102.) S. A garden brid 
between S, cardinale and S. caudatum 


oe ee See (R. H. 1885, 
ki. boowoon ‘s A and 8, 

— Ra Helene. (G. and F. 
1894, 66.) S. A garden hybrid between 
S. Wallisii and 5S. leucorrhodum. 

Selenipedium kaieteurum. (6. €C 
1885, xxiv. 262.) L. coriaceous bright 
long, 2-23 

dark green, 7-9 in. i $ 
broad. § any-flower 
cen, heaths and bracts glabrous 
olive-green, with brownish re es 
p reen, with re brown 
nerves on the outside, pubescent; th 
upper one oblong, ho pex, 
with recurved margins; t wer 
elliptic, concave; both with crisped 
et. in, long, ly 
linear-oblong, obtuse, green, wit 
imson vei - 

colour on the subconn exed 
side ete sr (s. tindleyamum, Reichb, f.] 
Kaieteur Falls, British Gui 

—— oo groper (Q.C. 
arden [Syn. 
Ci eaten steroid "Rolo £] 
ee eo: ae Hi 

be the ae a 
On ypri elon "Far ishit 

gee l pern (O. R. 

166. A garden hybrid 

sare ween 8. pro and S, Sedeni candi- 

Selenipedium reticulatum. (Z. i. 

Kosiencalty Spr sene ag Ecuador., 

BEO M sargentianum. (0. R. 
1893, 239 ; B. M. t. 7446.) S. Closely 
allied i ich it 

differi in pair of 
small white tubercles on the inner 
margin of the side lobes of the lip. © 

Selenipedium Verdieri. (J. 0. 1896, 
100.) S. A garden hybrid between S. 
caudatum We allisii and S, Roezlii, 

eepe vittatum. (ZU. H. 

| h Ta r - ligulate, acute, bright 

lower sep. and half as long as the pet., 
brownish, inside green, spotted with 

: k pi own. Brazil. 

Betonipadiai oe E 

Sem YOE- 102.) A hyb 
between S. Bartier Dd S. sellin, 
mene differing from S. Sede 

Beniper vey Greenii. (G. C1877, 

brown tip. Fl.-stem 4-5 in. 
red ; pet, densely pilose onali. 

Sempervivum ace" Sas (B. M. 
z 66 ee H. A dwarf alpine species 
n the way of S. arachnoideum, with 
oblanceolate ciliate 1. and c ymose red 
fl. 4 n diam. Maritime Alp 

| ae pelle paina (GA. t 

Fl. yellowish; pet. erect. There i 
poet rl form of this (var. , Henffelii) 

ith green, — or sparsely hairy 
L p Eur 

Sempervivum Regine - Amalie. 
(@. C. 1877, viii. 230.) H. Rosettes 
and l. as large as in S. Zectorum, L. 

r na 

rich purple-brown i the up half, 
shading into p — glabrous 
ciliated. Fl. stem 4-6 i 

p yellow, i me, -P 

w ra a dense pe et. 

7, obscurely tricuspidate, glandular- 
i on both surfaces. Greece, 

Sempervivum Thomeyeri. (W. G 

1892, 117.) H. A -garden hybrid 
betw Mem S. hirtum and S, arachnoi- 

Senecio chordifolius. (B. M+, 6216.) 
itæ. suc ith 

G. succulent, with slender 
slightly bran gla s ste 
about a foot high, bearing numerous 
terete acute — _ hy 1. 7-10 in. 
long, drooping. ew, in a 


Renny ea ae rH L188, xx, 75; 
. M. t retty her- 

ray and z hite dik: iian purple. 
South A 

Senecio Galpini. (B. M. t. 7239; 

ol Fa pe Re G. A species 
tion Klei It form apagar 

tuft of eio Parren stems and ped 
glaucous ona la i- FL 
leafy, 1 ft. ending in a 
corymb of beia orange fl. Trans- 

Sonogio irie fo and F. 1891, 
0, n. Cineraria 

aur ‘ita, LU’ Hit. ] Hoare 

Praon Hualtata. (B. M. t. 7422.) 
H. her a 

Argentina ; Chile 

Senecio kleinioides. (&. C. 1894, xvi. 
34.) G. Allied to = Anteuphorbinm, 
but with smaller fi,-h and flat 
masa cuneate l. Ab; mea 
Senecio E sas (G. C. 1882, xvii. 
424.) H.rockwork plant with aly 
pse obtuse radical 1. setose above, 
beneath, Fl.-stem 
Ms “iè in. high; po (sw lax, few- 
1 min 

ered ; 
pte bright yellow. ae Zealand. 

E oe (B. M.t 
vi. f. 43, as S. latifolius) 
h ranched shr 

above, glaucous be: ; fl. in erect 
rminal panicles, yellow. New Zea- 

Senecio leucostachys. (R. H. 1893, 
104, f. cure G. or H. H. An under- 
shrub bis tomentose pinnatiseci 


Senecio = he C.1896, xix. 
9.) G, An all 

460, f. y of the 
Garden a ÇS. cruentus). It has 
a tall leafy stem branched above, wit 

numerous fi. 1 in. 

o purple 
parece? Bourgei, 
. 4994,] Canary 

cross, [Syn, 
Sch. Bip,; B. M. 

CW. @. 1890 

Senecio Palmeri. 
f. 24.) G. per. or H. annual. 

are few ea Tagai rays, 
Lin. in diam. in a peduncu- 
late Guadeloupe Island, 
Lower ‘California, 

— a = H. 1892, 
3, f. 16- 
m., with 

xii. i. 615 1880, ay: 149, i 

d m., bright purple, few or 
several in a lax corymb. South 

—— sh avi, hf saree (4. 

5-6.) herb. 

per, “Radical "Tonga, inal. 
acumin ie 

2 ft. high, with eee 

oblong spike of yellow fl heals each 

with three florets. fl.-heads 

in typical form oir ink one ray 
floret each. Japan. 

—- sooner 2 M. t. 6363.) 

S. cylin succulent 
hora piia aA 1l. with 2-6 
irs 0 lobes and one terminal 

lobe, deeply aga Pager! green, with 
pink veins. 
heads small, yellow, i 5 ites ‘at the 
ends of the branches of panicle ; 

florets all Ainan about 10 to each 
head. Tropical Africa. 

Sequoia sempervirens variegata. 
(CR. H. 1890, 330.) Coniferæ. H. A 
form with very glaucous and sli lightly 

variegated foliage. 

rar Bc eis tate a (B. 

Orchidaceæ. H. terres 
roid a 1 ft, high or more. 
. narrow, lanceolate, acumina; 
green, eed Spikes 5-6-flowered. 

Sep and pet. pale green and pale 
purple, veined ; pet. erect, free, broad, 
spreading and recurved, Lip large, 


a cordate ; “pat Soe crenulate ; 
with two tubercles on the very 

a claw, bright oe Natural 

hybrid. Southern brated &e. 

ec tae Mohintli. (R. 1886, 


of Day habit, with i opposite elongate- 

ovate entire coriace 

spiral a 
ed at the apex. 
Monintli Hemsl.] Mexico. 

sag ae arw a B. 1894, 
58; G 136, £. 91.) 

i : ' Ger nus allied to 

bit of Trichopilia. 
Psou do ase linearoblong, monophyl- 

PaA Te = in. long, clothed with 
numerous brown and yellow fl. 1 in. in 
iam. Colombia. 

Sophanis erasparsia, cB. M.t. Ties.) 
A shr. 8-10 f 

en, er nS Fe branches, aone i 

6-10 in ho f 

standard, iroplont 

Sewerzowia turkestanica. (Gf. 
1883, 250, f.) Leguminosæ. H. annual 
ripinnate 1l, ha 6-10 

mall oblanceolate retuse 

leaflets and few-flowered o 
small te Fest bse som a 
pair of sto sto [ Astra- 

galu palur Soathanaes haces Turke- 

mor E O Be (6. an F.1888, 
80; B. M. t. 7082.) Dia- 
a sa H. per. A pretty and very 
Interesting little plant with Ge habit 


l S age slender, 3-4 i 

long, rets in. in diam., 
5-lobed, a short funnel-shaped 

Sibthorpia e coil aurea. (G. M. 
1895, xxxviii. 305.) ophulari: riacee. 
’A var. with ye Siete lage. 

Sicana atropurpurea, (R. FI. 1894, 

108. oa Sopra rage . This differs 
from S. odorifera in having purple- 
violet fruits. Paraguay. 

Sicania odorifera. (W. &. 1889, 112; 
1889, 35 ; BnR 516, f.) 8. 
vigorous clim wi moncecious 
yellow fl. and e lindric fr., something 
like — ie aaber, hav ing a peculiar 
odour, Braz 

PiS, ee: (B. M. By 7109.) 
Cue A vigorous climber 
with on ut Lobe 1. he d fleshy Yellowish 
campanulate ac Fru 
Sonne, as i is p rion ae J a- 

EREN candida. (FI. and P. 1882, 
<H. 1891, 356, £. = Malvacez. 
oe er. branche d; 9- igh. L. 
roundish, 7-lobed, glossy, peia en 
FL white, i in terminal racemes, Colo- 

Sidalcea pies Listeri. i 
1896, 1. 131.) H., A var, with b 
pi ink fl. 

—— er nn a> < 
60.) G. A 

sep. and ula 
acute; lip geen the divisions 
linear, emarginate, callus hammer- 
like. Colombia, 

ean ee (B. M. t. 6918 ; 

4 ft. hig 3 p nnatisect. 
Heads th 0: . pper stem- 
l., radiate, 33 in. in diam., 6 eamy 

Simaruba gee os t wate a 

tinted and the fl. are about } in, in 
diam. Porto Rico. 

aa filifolium. (B. M. 
6829; G. y 1885, xxiii. 696, f. 155.) 
Sri cee, H, A charmin ng little plant 

eam iri share genie (Fl. and P. 
a 1888, iv. 709, 735; 
H. A 

1889) v. iss bs 94.) Rutaceæ. 
-garden form of 5. japonica. 
Akimnis fragrans. “fe A Pig! 56, 
Rutacez. 3 ft. 

high: with elliptic ses tak i * nd 
inal panicles = Aug fragrant fl. 
‘A form of S. japon 

ren ao Miira (R H. 
40. Diff rom 

more persis buds. A form of 

`- S, japonica. 

Smilax argyrea. he H; eah; t. 
. 152.) Liliaceæ a nek ith 
prickly stem and “era Fo aiin- 
ate l. "variegated with white a 
< Bolivi 

Smilax liars (Bull Cat. 1884, 


ber with slender 

beset with t short white rec courved i spines, 

and glossy green sub-hastate 

Ta ar, (ei oh ps x9) 
er with v. vari gated f 
- Shion Se ine y 
>ra Be 4 in. meg of AEEY A 
blotched in the yous me state with 
_purple-brown. Mexi 

Smilax glyciphylla. (&f. 1888, 
343-4, f. 7 G. climber, wi 

.ish green beneath, and clusters ad 
globose black paara tralia 

Smilax S poodo shina. aN and F. 

with un- 

` by black berries. North Ameri 

OA mE ies Cat. 

large cor- 

purplish at back ; nec 
deflexed at base. Colombia 

seks Poi pure 

rahoir: ani qe 1892, 
riean b. per. 

white fl. gp Core 


ot amesiana. (0. R. 1895, 

preg PN S. A garden hy- 

brid betw Ea vantholeuca and S. 

boat ea gb ns (Gard. 1892, xlii. 

nged w ink; lip large, wavy, 
sony Tilae vie a yellow throat. 

gr ae (G. C. 1896, xix. 
08.) S t of. S. macrantha. L- 

ute ; ow, margins wavy. 
South America 

sel Pasties. (G. C. 1877, vii. 
stout, bearin, shini 

ing a sharp angle by its lateral lobes 
overlapping the column. Colombia. 

Sobralia leucoxantha. (W. 0 
B. M.t. haem 4 L. lanceolate, 
acuminate, plica large, whi te, 
with the troat gar e of the Jip 
eep yellow, marked with nr 
lines in the tube. Costa Rica 

Borras Lindeni. (G. and F. 1895, 
; 0. R.1896, 367.) S. Stems shorter 

a in S. macrantha ; m i 
rane ; sep. and pet. white, tinted with 
1 oe on-pur in front, 

white in the fo 
chocolate TERES the throat. Ecu: 

PE a (G. C. 1890, viii. 

ii A. 
purple, ‘It p” "allied to S. sessilis, 

Sobralia lu casiana. (G. C. 1392, xi. 

816.) G. A he "i o 3 S. ma 
rantha. Fi, lar i 
lilac segments ; ki fa iiao: zeki a yellow 
blotch at the base 

Sobralia macrantha Hodgkinsoni. 
ce: R, 1894, 236.) . G. var. with large 
oi; lip brilliant rose-purpie and 


Sobralia macrantha kienastiana. 
AE G 1888, iv. 296 ; 1891, ix. 741.) G. 
te-flow ered var. with a small 
yellow mark = the lip,- 


Sobralia maorasihs nana. (R, H. 
1882, ay. 5.) warf form with 
maller ee in the PRs lip dark 
vislo, S at ‘the base. 

Sope naate.. ae C. 1890, viii. 
ied to 

e orange a in the 

throat. Central America 

weed seua gh Mt. 7376.) S. 
cribed b 

cross, rose red, with a crimson 

lip. British Guiana 

Sa TE (OC. 1878, ix, 
t lik 

lobe ; ‘keels yellow. Central America, 

ar re Veitchii. 
A garden hybrid betwee 
ro Me ee and S. macrantha. 

genei aea (G. C. 1890, viii. 

378; 1890, 554.) S. An near 
“Warscewiet ii. Fl. large, 
.white, suffused with rose, ra 
with tenia on the lip, -Central 

ally = ee 

Sobralia ee Ais O Ak 
B. M. t. 7332.) S. A distin 

lemon-yellow lip with a deeper yellow 
striped with orange-red, 
cial alba. (G. (. 1889, vi. ie S. 
ra var, ac with pale primrose- -colo ured 

Solanum acanthodes. (B. M.t. D 
Solanaceæ. othed w: 

L. long, 
ovate-oblong, pinnatifidly tobe, dull 
green. h light purple, in 
6-10-flowered scorpioid cymes. Brazil? 

Solanum albidum Poortmanni. . (R. 
_H. 1886, 232, f. m H. H. herb with 
large pinnatifid 1. 2 ft, long, bright 

(O. C. 1894, ob í 

reen above, white-tomentose beneath, 


on Ban yomg white-tomentose hasra 

Solanum betaceum coccineum. (R. 

ae 1881, 470, t.) A var. with orange- 
fruit of the ordinary “Tree 

Tomato ” Oy phömiaiva betacea, Sendt. 

sore ciliatum macrocarpum. 
H. 1888, 78, f. 16 ; B. T. O. 1888, ot 

A var, with fr, 1 in, in 
Solanum coronatum. (W. 1892 
30) Gor BH A cen DÀ 
leafy owing about a yard 
high, with dark green pinnatifid J. and 
ith violet and grey prickles 

Fruit as large as a plum, variegated. 

— crinitum. (W. G. 1889, 
Hod: f m 

per. 6-8 gh; stem, 
peti and infi. densely clothed with 
le owish b; l A 

large elliptic, mergi sinuate-lobed, 

tomentose beneath ; fl. in large clu usters, 

rk and showy, deep blue, with five 
darker lines, Qui 

Solanum dammannianum. (Acta 

ters, large, dark nEn aeea 
yellow berri 

Boranin uplosinuatum 
1892, 79.) A 

; +14 with yellow ee 
fi. pokey blue; fr. white. Abyss 

ete’ isak (W. G. 1890, 

tely lobed 1.; fi. purple, maw 
on the outside, West Tropical Africa 
wey et zarini (W. G. 1896, 405, 
A strong-growing ‘blue 
AN as species allied to 
PAb it ao Africa. 

Solanum guineense. (W. G 

. small, violet, Aai h by 
ining blackish blue fr. West 


er song ee Eai | 

sem ~e S. * prendoeapsieum, ai | 

undant white ceeded b 

prine ovoid fr, 

a ammi (B: M: t: onia 

ery similar to the commo 
ess pi smaller and arepas 
very small t oa white fl. 

Mexico ; Arizona 

Solanum Maglia. (B. M. t. 6756.) 
H. Very similar to S, Tina Chile. 

erae Bens) B P 
5, 543.) H. H. or G. climber. 

1894, 29, bush a Bout a 
yard high we i green violet 
stalked lyrate 1l. a right blue fl 

ed by large depressed globose | 

canary-yellow fr. Tropical Africa. 

Solanum muticum. 
G ee in habit t 
viol u 

ing a heig 

A bush atta t of 44 ft., | 
prerie A Dates Da En gland, but | 
for until | 
introdu A 
Balasan Ohrondii. (R. H. 1883, Dg 
i. 100; 1884, 115. This 
merely s: Commersonii edas hbi, 

a pensile. (B. M. t. 7062.) 

mber, with cordate l. and la 

pondent racemes of bright blue fi. 

with conspicuous yellow stamens. 

nae eee quercifolium. gez E 1880, 
species with “deeply cut l. pren large 

et fl. 

Solanum texanum ovigerum. (Vil- 

morin Cat. 1894, 13, = cg ra 29, 

the habit of S. n m but with Pilar 
fr. as large as an egg, bright red when 

ao gangs _Torreyi. (B. M. + 
ee-flowering he: rb. 
ic 2 


Bedia, 2 in, in diam., purple. 

GEP. i wA 

nasang irata: Las y 1881, xiv. 
26.) S.c l. and those 

in. = 
seaforthianum, iatt] 

Solanum Wallisii. d = 1877, i 
ush, habi 

late c edible, large, plum- 
like, violet, marbled and spotted with 
paler c colour, 

Solsum peaa (a M.t. nents 
S. ndsom 

192.) A ha 
ciate oe ; prickles on the 
stem and petioles. L, variable, 2-10 in. 
long, 1 . broad, entire, oblong, 

ith a 

acuminate, W r 
3-lobed, pinnatifid, or pinnate. Fl. in 
large terminal cymes, pe lilac- ha 
2-24 in. in diam. Costa Rica 

_ Solidago Do (B. M. t. 

silipt ic acute serra 
panicle of a Tean Marie hoii. 
East Unite 

Sophora sepou Aer (R. = 
minosz A ti 
long thin pendulous smaller ones, 
Sophora piniyestes. (M. D. G.1896, 
Ho In ral 

bi d. gen 
spe a eagna from 
differ edly 

S. japonic: ering mark 
in its fr. TA Bans 
— cattleya § batemaniana. 
(Journ, Linn. Soc. xxiv. 156; Veitch. 
se eate. 92 i. S. . Lelia 
emaniana, Reichb. f.] 

Sophro- Bepred eximea. (G. C. 
1894, xvi. A garden hybrid 
between Sopironitis grandiflora and 
Cattleya bowringia 

ap aniline be T (4. = 
ee wii. $12.) G. en hyb 
ween Tatieatleya elegans cad 
Sophronitis grandiflora 


Rogheor iplis: Maresh Ce A 

te earita rid ae “Siphronii 
grandiflora and Lelia flav 

TESES apg auran- 

(R. H. entet 492, t.) Orchi- 

rro G. A var. with dark orange- 
red fi. 

ar. B aon) tenha £ J fest h tre n. 
ane 106.) A var. with bright 
oo fl, Ta sions pur ea, Reichb. 

Erea G Av 
purple fi 

SA seid Man. — 
r. with bright 

Sophronitis ae koa (G. C. 1878, 
[S. 5, grandifiora, Hort 
cue pie Ale 
Sonerila - ariani lis and varieties 
Coat Cat. "isd, 8, f.) 
S. per. producing a profusion of bright 

a light or dark green ground. 
Hills, Burm 

Sorbus Aria chrysophylla (W. G. 
; pads on ~ saceæ. H, tree. 
var. parr yellow foliage. 
=e é Aria, Sm. var. ] 

Sorbus Aucuparia AOR uta 
(R. H. 1889, 114.) H. om 
large cory mbs of fl. and orb arge 
of ogee red, | Pyrus t feri a 
aati. var | 

wt gs ro aureis. (R.H. 1886, 
399. piver ntal form, having 
the thi i tomentose leaflets marked 
with esam sare able with age. 


—— Var. rossica, ee pc a 
D. G. 1896, 28.) f the 
i eiiie truite, 
Introduced from Russ’ 
Sorbus seeped e Ce C- 1891, ix. 
Br H. A small tree allied to the 
i preni bu Pyrus. 
Fast — [Pyne] 
africana, flore pleno. 
oe Cat. 1881, ar —— G. 
Àv ar, with do: 

T prenei a (4.0. 
70.) rous 

nt (Syn, S Merire ymer 
Baker; 8S. or inde wham Schott J 
Tropical Amer 

ee ee a ag gen (4. 
ao P. 1879, w 
ak i s the plant de- 
arid in the Yearbook, 1876, 130, as 
Anthurium candidum. 

ge iota nAn cannefolium. (4. 
shed i T YS Correct 
e ‘plant cultivated as 

yee Dechardi. 

rena ahi nd rage (iu. 
1882, t 450 J A garden pEr 
between S cannazalinm CS. Dechardi) 
and 8, Pat 

Be rong facta eo bag 
rt. gee 5; 
ise aes a ; Ti it 4 i 
S. i 


- lobe reid daos Sidik 2-lo 
at the apex. S. Vieitlardi, Reich. 

f.| Polynesia. 
Spathoglottis gracilis. (B. M. t. 
7366.) S. This plant i i 
ns A : 
sembles in every charac 
der-lobed se differently 
are 2 in. wide, 
bright yellow h a few streaks of 
red on the inside ber the lip. Borneo, 

“Arse 9,9 ere ype EA E 
. 92, 93, f. 9 and F. 1888, 

3. a Lifes: 

d the 

dorsal surface of the en mottled with 
-brown strie. Born 

Bpathoglottis Lobbii. (4. E u 
iii. 532, f. 92.) 
hid it a slender Sa 

in diam. ; latera ep. streaked with 

3—4 brown lines. 

aparioginis pee aed. e iy 
xix. 340 nd P.1883,58.) S. Pse 
eara Felene L oblong-lanceolate, 
; fl. racemose. Ovaries stalked, 
velvety. Sep. and pet. ee. obtuse, 
tish lilac, with darker margins, 


Lip with two curved blunt si pap 
lilac, edged with yellow, and a stalked 

orange disk k with two white 
tubercles on its base. Pacific Islands. 

a Leet Ga O -1877, 
. 6354.) o Pe d? 

en an green, g 
purplish at Aim oi i sheaths aig 

ts large, onset igu- 
uch Beas both 

yellow. ‘South Sea Islands. 

Se. sevens (G. C. 1887, 
Lobbii, but with 

having the lobes sh and 
‘oader, callus, which white 
lege brown spots, standing e back- 
ards, and no cilia on the — = 

5 Recast edgar is M.t. 
is an 
irh a ae S ees un. 

—— Var. rubra. (4. C. 1892, xii. apk 
k of H. 1899, arr atts in 

a pes the 

Spergula pilifera aurea. Si and P. 
1882, 107.) Caryophyllaceæ. H. A 
var. with yellow foliage. 

(GA. t. 1266, 

ta ae Pag" 
f. 1.) r. 1-2 ft. high. 



red, on slender pedicels. California. 

gare ey aes (B. 
08.) G. The 
long ‘ras-like branches s clothed with 

pean meok of bright yellow and 
red fi, West Australia. 

oo Davidii. (R. H. 1885, 55, 

f. 10.) pelidacee. G. species with 
spiny an ioles, broad cordate 
palmately lobed and too , and 

in. long. [ Vitis.] North China. 
Spiræa bullata. = e 1882, xviii. 
680; Fl. and P. 1883, 11) Rosacez. 
H. A dwarf. shr. we ft. high, with 

70.) ; 
d darker aie 

y ovate, pinnatifidly | 
together | 

wiry downy reddish brown branches 

sm amg Bes eas ee pae bullate Í 
| and d bs of dark 
pink e Jap 

| Bees Bumalda Seer ne. es G. 
460; Gard xl. 

A a8 arden hybrid be tate s lain 

Bumailda and S. bullata. 

— rigs Feats: (R. H. 1882, 
100, with dark 
red - s pienis Sih. gered; Japan. 

PE fain erie een (G. C. 1889, 

. 1889, xxxvi. 148 H. 
Herb. i byt ‘sta po Stems 
4-10 ft. high ; 1. 6 in. wide, 4 in. long ; 
f-stalk c elled, y hairy, 
rovi with two leafy stipules at 
he a number of irregular 
leafiets along its enti ngth ; ter- 
minal leaflet b 

poin fi. large ; fl. whi 
[S. peer Hort. ] Ka arii apy 

| | Spiræa media TEE e i 
1885, xxiii with 
elliptic 1. 8- cain a Rs ee 
globose umbels of white fl. [8. siah 
teata, Zabel; B. M.t. 7429.] Jap 

Spiræa opulifolia ae 
foliis aureo - ma reins atis (Gf. 
1890, 9, si 2-3.) H. shr. 
mental var. with irregularly lobed 1 L 
variegated a with yellow. 

Spiræa palmata elegans. (FI. aid 
| PP. 1878, 41, t. 463.) H. herbaceous 

an Said to be a hybrid be 
tween 5. Paia pelei Astilbe j japonica. 

|“ Spiræa ee af and F. 1888; 

Ap rye 

ing dw =n vith. rather small 

ovate-eblong mele 1, tooth abies 

the middle, puberulous above, densely 

i be nu- 

. placed in 

on very short lateral shoots, 

perl ie slender zigzag branches. 
North China. 

Spiræa Van-Houttei. (G. and F. 
1889, 317, f. 117.) H. A garden hybrid 
be n S. me —— trilobata which 
is a y cultivated as a plant 

er the name of S. confusa. 

Spiranthes sent (GA. 1890, 


607.) O: older name 
for S. leucosticta, 


Spiranthes ¢ ee —. = 

310.) | “This is ea ry: eae sims us 
speciosus, ge now merged i 

Spiranthes. The var. has the l. varie- 
gated wit light emcee ere on a 

darker ground. Colom 

Spiranthes euphlebia. (B. M. t. 
690.) rial Orchid 


. large whitish fl. striped with brown. 

Spiranthes leucosticta. (Gf. 1885, 

ligulate, dila 
obtusely triangular. Colombia. 

Coan winged goer (B. M. t. 6389.) 


lower lip with alae zaai in ter- 
minal spi Morocco. 

Srandy ayer ai Ae. C. 1888, iii. 
211, 1 sags 887, 290 ; na 
F. 1888 TA ee , 99.) H. per 

. som way of S. arenas 
nS = oni tubers, u 
Sincere ‘ee first 

ugh nis, but wa 

conside: et na iiaeia to be distinct. 
oe _ Behold, Mig.| North China 

SS pa hani. 
xiii. ar. 

Orc hides 

with site 
and hornless, 

S. Lowii. 


; —s so 
"i is probably a var. of 

ER N bellærensis. KCE C. 1895, 
00.) A garden hybrid between 
8. insignis and S. ocu ed 

Stanhopea jen (& U 1879, xii 
615.) S. FL lar 

. purple spots on the inside of the sep 
and pet. The lip is cov cee with small 
erie: dots, and on eac e between 
the two keels there isa sei blotch. 

od prenosim Lietzei. (Gf. 
A var. with the sep. and 
fom decided yellow and the 

oa mark on the hypochile of thé 
p replaced ir : faint red band ; fr = 

= of pe p white, dotted with 
— oe —— (G. C 
li and 

Ste ie like “the type, w wid te tinged 
with yellow. The is sid large, 
reminding one of S. hee ine 

perena Lowii. (K. B. 1893, 63; 
ei xiv. mo, eS 107.) 8. 

se ag having the 
hypochile and whitish buff sep. and 
pet. Colombia. 

Srarhkopk moliana. (Z. vii. t. 331.) 
to S. Ruckeri and S. Wardii. 

with purple. Peru 

rreta p ide (K. B. 1894, 
4.) ed to S. Wardii, which 

black eye-like ae on the s hypochile, 
the cavity being also blac 
oe poo (G. C. 1877, vii. 
mall-flowered species 
hort coal ribbed dark 
short, strong, 
apricot-yellow ; lateral 

late, acute, very bright yellow. Lip 
shining, sh with a roundish 

las aid Velie keels ' brownish 
purple. Costa Ric 

manaopes reichenbachiana. (G.C. 

triangu ar, rather convex. Colombia 
e Shuttleworthii. (a € 
; l n . Allied mae saigats 
ppt mn basal part of ricot- 
arine dark i blotokan ; 


= part of lip whitish peat; Ts 8 pirino (G0 1876, vi. 
; 49.) G 

ple spots on succulent with tangle 

blade. Column whitish ithe a an the pba an stems 4-8 i igh. 

middle part, — with. purple in- Pedicels } 1 in. long, pubescent. gio 

side. Colombi deeply 5-lobed ; lobes lanceolate, acu- 

minate, at fi st spreading 3-4 in. in 

Biankopės aap (Gh. t. diam., afterwards strongly reflexed ; 

Ante ek 552.) S. A garden the face entirely glabrous, without a 

hybrid “bres ' S. oculata and s. fringe, dull purple-red, with numerous 

tigrina. nsverse yellowish white lines. 
Corona dark le-brown ; 1 

$ 5 linear, concave ; apex recurved, obtuse, 

Stanhopea tricornis. pia C. 1878, with a minute tooth. Ale free to the 

x. .) S. A curious species with base, divergent, oblong, acute. 
small pseudobulbs pa a  pecubsiit ped- subulate, diverging, hooked at the apex. 
uncle bearing 2 large fl. Dorsal sep. Culti vated S. grandiflora minor, 

reflexed over the ovary ; lateral sep. Sout rb A 

sp ring the 
lip, which has a nearly half-globulat | Stapelia grandiflora lineata. (4. 
5 speed C. 1877, vii. 558, f. 85.) cculent, 
i ayer 

use epichi gular d aod eck 
prossod. oaout iy Roe an ae lobes with yellow lines. South Aftion 

the base of the pet. and sep. ; hypochile ss gi tig Pra (G. C 1895, 

with white longitudinal lines outside, ;:- 1898, - xxiv. 7, ff i: 

rough and with purple dots inside ; Allied a s Woodii. Stems 6 in. long, 

horns and epichile orange-ochre. 4-angled ; the angles with long ascend- 

ing stout teeth 1 in. long ; fl. in sessile 

} i ish-yellow, 

pipeli albicans. A G. 1894, 235, cymes, 14 inin dism, greine yo ew, 
39,) Asclepiadace yet Hibin spotted with purple. Delagoa Bay. 

3 rm of S. angulata, P hodarü. 
rete mie ome Massoni. aS C. 1883, xx. 

G. An old inhabitant of our 
Stapelia bees ate (G. C. 1877, vii. sea bat- herer before deserthed. 
430, f. 66.) G. The species Jong culti- Stem 4-angled, pubescent ; fl. 4-44 in. 
Meg under this name is spi scr ribed in diam.. brown-purple, with a few 
and figured here. South Af aki : 

narrow Baryt lines on the glabrous 
lobes, e disk thi covered 

Btapelia a (G. C. 1889, with ‘ane short purple hairs ; the lo 
4; a Plantarum, t. 1916.) g. jors with long purple hairs. South 

r pinea large-flowered plant, 
which had not been described before 
1889, = had been in cultivation about ego —— CG. C. xviii. 
Pia ort, t. 1908.) G. One 

e oasis group, “with 
i iflora. 8 thick glabrous mottled stems and large 
aes p E Ti whi Ga - va My bright yellow fi. Pipe crowded and 
ee-flo lowering plant with more or less oe ent a te 

pale ine ll Turk’s cap- cok spots 

ores very thick and eet loteting: 
like fi, South Atri acti token not season mes of the 
pen corona entire an 

Stapelia gigantea. (6. £ Es vii. 

684, 693, f. 112; B. Wf. t. 7068.) S- | __ var, tridentata. (G. C. 1882 
The finest of the genus. i resem- 7 a a 
bling those of S. Plantii. Fl. enormous, ee a — ae ship ten 
. ety 1D., SOTOS Ee sd pee, ooreo truncately 3- toothed at the apex. 
suffused with red arvund the corona ; Namaqualand, 

the surface is rugose and sparsely 

covered with short pale hairs, the Mapia primin C&. C. 1877, 

ins of the lanceolate poemara 21.) G. A pretty species 

lobes being fringed with similar hairs Sa ner slender stems Agee 

Corona dark a ase Zululand, and toothed as in its allies. FI. 1-3 
Transvaal, Nyasaland, &c. together ; pedicels 1} in. long. Corolla 


24-34 in. in diam.; lobes lanceolate, 
acuminate ; face rugose, 
ple-brown, with n 

ringed with long pale purple hairs. 
tae linear, lanceolate, vest with 
a central tooth. Ale ar-oblong, 
horizontal. Rostra subu ae hori- 
zontally recurved over the ale, r reach- 
ing nearly bad the sinuses of the corolla. 
South Afri 

rapes. laeg (G. C. 1882, 

raised u 
prati the general pers it 

Ptapelie Pea Sg os (W. G. 1894, 234, 

30.) G form similar to S, varie- 

nities but wie pots confluent into 
longitudinal stripes 

—— tsomoensis. (G4. 0. 
viii. 168 ; Icones rae um, t. 1s, 3 
G a succulent with 
stems and se 
cymes of dull ene AAR fil. 3 in, 
in diam. Tsomo River, South Africa. 

Stapelia unguipetala. (4. C. 1o 

vii. 334, ied t 
paientiriatris ae the fi. are lar arger, 
-4} in iam., rich purple-brown, 
tat a “two-third way up 
the lobes with transverse yellowish 
lines; the centre of the disk and 5 
bands radiating to the sinuses, pale 
greeni : lanceolate- 
attenuate, incurv at th 
apex, fringed with long pale purplish 


alæ deltoid-oblong 
, free, divergent, all dark purple- 
prowa. South Afric 

arg ae ane Kee H.1887, 

62.) o be a 

hybrid ae g, pes ae S. 

—- maha oe aoe 

(Fl. and P. 1882, 
the way of S. pro- 

Statice floribunda. 
LOT O dn 
Ava with immense heads of violet- 

RET Ers Bpk ror a ONS t. 996.) 
all r 

several a spikes of. pink fi. 

pree Be i sr E > is) a 

calyx purple 
ei corolla small, yellowish. Tur- 

hotrod prte aR 1887, 666, 

mbli 8. 

Snorri i, bi bette oe spikes seed 
rowded into a pyramidal panic 

aar Hae eats (G. C. 1883, xx. 
Gfl. t. 1095, f. 1-2; 

a reg spikes prn pretty lilac 
8- Tor 

pernato Sec gi sage EEA C. 1876, 
98.) hr. of 

climbing Babit. ts 
firm "r elli iptic - ovate, 
cute. pees hite, fragrant, in axillary 
taebawuced: racemes. Japan. 

eh re oe) sacaonags (0. 
peg es S. Descri 
Tes but ey at a the above “a 
inte uced into cultivation. $ 
erect, pramme with optic oilit 
1, 14 in. long ; Bites aren pr 
from chs axils of the l. ; sep. and pei 
red-brown ; lip purple and white, with 
a hairy keel, Philippines, 

Stauropsis warocqueana. CZ. vii. 
t. bes A one species with 
rich racemes of moderate-sized fl. Sep. 
in pet, ‘yellow dotted “with pale fone 
white, spotted with rose, 
noe Gui 

pp oe aird aga a K M. t. 6521.) 
mall but pretty 

e nage elliptic- 
lanceolate l. an posal spikes of 
bracteate dark purple fl. es. 



— penne (G. C. 1881, xvi. 

ve plant of cæsp 
rhe yee Dine por news ew mints 
racemes of spk greenish 
fl. with a "thick fleshy li 

ae sone (G. C. 1884, xx. 556.) 
is Bane me pe but smaller, 
stem and 

sided ; fl. a ochre. Sep. brow 
the base ; with a mauve middle 
zone. Sheree ra. 
Stellaria graminea aurea. E 
1885, 441.) Caryophyllaceæ 
var. with leaves of a aalo 
- colour 
Stellera Alberti. 

(Gf. | t. ea 

small, yellow. Central 

jes aoe “ner para eraa Cat. 
1890-91, 80.) Scrophular G 
H. annual, “tee +a "feo the 
base, with opposite sessile lanceolate 
toothed 1, and spikes o 
bluish-purple fl. Tropical pees 

Sinaine a (iu. 
H. 189 66.) nthacex, 
a ‘hybrid en S. pictum ‘and 
S. Lind 

Stenandrium goossensianum. (ZI. 
H. 1893, t..168.) = = i geas hybrid. 

ated, cs d yellow, mar- 
gined with bro 
Stenandrium igneum. (Zl. H.1877, 

t. 266.) S. [Syn. Eranthemum M 
Linde. i. 

cpg ieat ur (ill. H. ag 

foliage plan of 

pats hae oh lg ares I 
dark green, shading i paler green 
towards the centre, aA marked with 
yellow veins. l. yellow, in erect 
cylindric spikes. 

perrea em ETENE can. $ 

purple fil. somewhat rese: 
of a hyacinth. Paesi peire 

mere E — (G. C. 1880, xiv 
134 i 

f p 
it octal and in the lip being blotched 
n ing only seven callous teeth. 

sg ay longifolia. (P. M. %, 
7186.) Orchida S. retty 

l orchid with the ‘alt = 

Habenaria. L. 6 in. long ; sc 

8 in. high, upper half élothed “vith 

ge mauve fl. Labellum fimbriated. 


pamper eae. (B. M.t. 
Amarylli G. bulb with 

Andes of Ecu: 

gemea, irgi (G. €. 

Perianth-segments longer than the 
tube. Ecuador. 

a repaint 

C. 1894, xv. 683. 

ee ft. high ; leaf-blade cin 

in., with a pe 

Peduncle 12-18 in. long; spathe 6 in. 
i spruceanum, 

multiovulatum, Engl. ] 

a glabrum variega- 
tum. (R. H. 1875, 140.) Gramineæ, 
G. Os tr ailing grass with the l, 

heantifuily striped with yellow 

Btophanandrs incisa. (Gf. 
537.) osaceæ. [S. flexuosa, kien 
& Zuc er 

t. 7593.) H. deci 

arger in all its parts t am 8 exruosa. 

Dopu Tanakæ. (Gp. É Lun, 

Bipin — (B. 

419.) G. 
of As fay. in FA ie oblong 
ceolate l. and lax cymes of bright 
saan se ; corolla panulate, sud- 
ora : een tube 


al and 
at the base aioe (Ruellia. Brazil. 

Piaroniin 2 ha Neca ceed e: N 

e ith orange. [Syn. 8. 
Re oa Hatt, ] New Caledonia. 

Sterculia pone fe H. t. S) 


terminal spicate panicles. Calyx 
13 in. long, campanulate, rose-red. 
` Pet. none. Eastern Australia. 

sees Son ie piga nae and 
5, 144; G. C. 1895, 

fi. also are not z Pad dark a Boii 
of yellow: Asia M 

Stevia odorata. (Damm. Cat. 1890-91, 

nate l. and odorous white fl. in terminal 
rymbose cymes, 


Stigmaphyllon ae E a M.t 


a Biega (R. a n, 9; 

= au Avant but peg in its larger 
. fi., and the commana 
* combi arr pet., perry “are of a 

bias colour. South Afri 

Strelitzia Nivenii. 
. B. Garden hybrid, 

a erem Rawat & 

S Bepioi 

Strelitzia Regine citrina. (4. C. 
1887, ii. 816.) S. A var. with. citron- 
ye ellow w sep. South Africa. 

Var. Lemoinierii. fos des S. t. 
3870-1) S. A var. with yellow fi. 

Streptocalyx (R. H. 
1883, 13, t. 1-2.) 
a ih Carr. ] 

uncled | 

; the | yale aon ea epee 
_ orvicular, clawed, denticulate. Sou th | 43.) 8 
razil. | 

(R. H. 1888, 117.) 

(R. H. 1879, 220.) | 

Vallerandi. - 
Bromeliaceæ. S. [Syn. | 


Resoptocerous: Dilora: polyanthus: 
(Fil. des att t. 2429.) Gesneracer. 
Garden aac 

pared dproerd ce pe mae (R. H. 1889, 
brid between S. 
Rai pe R. pol ee a 

ea reel eg far i cma B. M. 

stem givi leafy b 

pairs of elliptic sities shortly stalked 
l. an uncu sa Ope ot ale Hla 
fl. i in. in diam. East Tropical Africa. 

MES e 1 Dunnii. =, 
C 18 

ong , 
cymes of SEa red fl. Transvaal. 
a et pis Dyeri. (G. and F. 

1895, 5.) S oe dics Pine tte 
S. Dunnii and S. Wendlandi, 

eink orang? gel oe gt AS p En: 

F, 1891 
728055 le Digi s Fa th e x To Ag 
phyllous ‘section. FI. nearly 1} in 

mauve with a conspicuous white eye 


hris C. 188 
Ag ished 
Hed peo T Pema sce S Rexii. 

Me he PPE (a C.1887, 
a, R. H. 1887, 391.) 

| senor Kirkii. (2. M. t. 

A pretty anire with a 
distinct ere stem, petio- 
late cordatellptc Situs pubescent 

and axi g iray n lax cymes 
ilac fl. 4 ength. East 
Tropical Africa 
Strptocarpus gp tee a 
(G. C. 1804, 510.) 
hybrid be Pa 13. Wendlandi nd ‘S. 

E eee ial (G. 
yy ak» 211.) S. A garden seedlin 
S. Revii with Jaret er brighter- 
pis d fil. than the type. 

rviflorus. B: M.t. 
scotty 8 pe a = rec species with 
veral lanceolate ose 1, and 


arke.] South Africa 

ph aed ia eeina 
a 800 ; B. M.t. 7036.) S. 

(G C 

e e across the spread- 
g lim the cor colia which is white 
with a little yellow on the lower side 
of the throat ; sgi a e violet inside 
and out. South A 

Streptocarpus Watsoni. e s 1887, 
ii, 137, 215, f. 62.) 8. hy- 

peck pri haerra E 
0; B. Mt 

g s n. 
tall panicle, ‘somewhat 

nnii in size and form, but of a 
clear ‘staid colour, N atal. 

ae is gnes introduce 
50 Years before, bu 

with a yellow 
spot in iag venra TS. alatus, Nees. | 


apse —_ Ci oe $ 

lax panicles, pale -purple, ł in. in 
diam. with a — os straight 
tube. Eastern Himalaya. 

Strobilanthes er ET (G. C. 
893, xiii. 442; GŒ. and F. 1893, tat J. 
i B. M. t. 7574.) 

Bunaea epg 00 (B. r 

. long, elliptic-lanceola , S0r- 
te, glabrous, bright green, narrowed 
into a petic “eat lilac-purpl loose 

leafy pani spikes; the tube of 
the Sorolla is ent and ti the setia deeply 
tched. India; Chi 

18 J8 : 

SA 0. C188 D (Ofl t. 

lobes with linear tails ae. ie: lon 

; | Se petersianus grandi- 
rae TE 

orus. 1390.) Sex. A 
climbing evergr shr. with ovate 
undulate 1. 3-5 in. long and termi 
lusters of erect bell-sha red ant 

yellow fi. ; J corolla-lobe 
lengthen -e to twisted tails 8 in. lr 

a ora (G. and 
cee. H.H. [Syn. 
Brodie TETH “Baker a 

Stuartia Paoudo camellia. (G. C. 
1588, 188, f. G. and F. 1888, 
15.) H, TEA s piP re nal F Briot. j 

californicum. a Cat 
Ti 15.) oe H.H eciduous 
hr, produci g early in he: spring a 
profusion of eas and beautiful white 
which are deliciously fragrant 
California. a 

ger eve — e C. 1888, iv. 133, 
B. gue 0- , 347; B, HM. t 
70393 H. E. elliptic or aoth. 
cuspidate, 3-8 in. long and asm 
broad, petiolate, dentionlate. R oe 
t white fl., Li} rages in "diam. 

spathe-valves two. 
aa ar Chile 

Susum epep pr r ee (R. H 
1889, 76, f. 23.) Flagellariaceæ. S. An 
ike plant wi 

stout fl.-ste lf-whorls of 
fl.-spikes 28i in. iong, o x reddish-tinted 

ual fl, Su 

Swainsona atrococcinea. (R. H. 
wii ines, Leguminose. G. Garden 

Swai niona poronilimioiia alba. 
ei 1889, 487.) m with 
fl. Australia 

Swainsona Ferrandi alba. (R. H. 
1886, 562.) G. Garden variety. 
we om Becta = CH. G. 
1888, =) H. shr. 
toothe y ai yan America 

Symphoricarpos occidentalis 
2 A 

with promineut veins, and pretty rosy 
fl. Colorado, 

Symphyandra Hoffmanni. (W.@ 
1884, 352, f. 53; G. C. 1888, iv. 760, 
t. 107 M.t. 

lanceolate, mAg entire. Bosnia. 

Symphytum pngmnen. Sba M.t. 
6466.) Boragina is the 

stem-l. and scorpioid cymes of pink 
and blue fi. “The whole plant, is very 
hispid. Caucas 

Rymplocos..6 Sumuntia. © bout č _ 
f. c-g.) Styracacee. 

narrowly elliptic acute serrulate 1. 
cuneate at the base, and short few- 
flowered spikes of small whitish fi. 

Synandrospadix vermitoxicus. (B. 
M. t. 7242.) Aracee. S. Rootstock 

covered with fl. Tucuman, Argentina. 

Paaa Auns K aee (B. M. +t 

e the ae cultivated as 
BASE ig E zeylanicus, Arum syl- 

Synpohanidn — (B. H. 

6572.) Pal raceful Paim, 
heer Aiai i ‘samuiaied na, bulbous 
the base. L. pinnate, 4 ft. long ; 
An = Ah ft. Tong, casa eet R 
saa . Spadix apg branched ; 
a slender. Fr. orange-red 
ellipsoid drupe, ł in. asg Guatemala. 

Syhoilesis ENa. (Gf. t. 887.) 

palmatipartite 1. ; lobes several, wit 
few strong teeth. bs lax ; heads 
mall, about -fl discoid, =i 

toca aconitifolius, Turez. ] Amur 
orth China, 

Synt hyris pinnatifida. se Bre 
a Scrophulariacez. 

high, with leathery ‘ipimnatind aon 

green l. and spikes ane dark 
blue fl. Rocky Mes unta 

gigrig Ter ag M.t.6860.) 
H. , with long 

ul : 
roundish, with : notch at the apex. 

Syringa amurensis. A and F.1888, 
222, 453 ; 1889, 271, f. 112.) Uleaceæ 
H. shr. 6-8 ft. hi 

Fl. white, in a dense e ;. corolla- 
tube included in the short calyx. 
Manshuria, ; 

Syringa mee (W. G. 
1890, 369.) [S. Emodi, Wall. var 
rosea, oe 

Syra Emodi aurea. if H. 1886, 
47.) H. Garden variet; 

Var. foliis variegatis. (R. H. 
~ 1886, 547.) H. Garden variety. 

—— Var. rosea. (R. H. 1888, 492, +) 
H. A var. with rosy lilac fl. Chin 

goia h lap (Q. C. 1886, xxv. 
G. and F. 1889, 295, 

‘strongly net 
panicles of Sihali white f. Ja apan, 

Syringa Lemoinei. (R. H. 1885, 310.) 
H. Fl. double, pale ashy lilac. Garden 

Syringa pokisonsis. ff oo fo 1888, 
1899, 165, A 

acuminate, on | slender petioles 
dark green, paler benea Panicle 
sone Fl. white, with the deck: 

searcely longer than the obscurely 
dontioulake calyx, China 

Srian ranunculifolia. (R.H. Augen 
310.) H. FL amaa. i , be- 
coming lilac. Garden 

gba a rubella. (R. H. a 0 my 
, chang 

uble, vinous red 
to Forio Garden var 

Syringa ayes eg pa ta (R. 
H. He 453. a ) A var 

Syringa eer CG. and F. 1888, 
414, f£. 67.) H. A free-flow shr. 

pale rose, very fragrant. [S. villosa, 
Vahl; B. M. t. 7064.1 North C 

prongs villosa. (@. and F. 1888, 222, 
520, f. 83.) H. shr. very similar ‘to 5. 
modi and S. Josikæa, but differing 

having the underside of the 1. clothed 
apar long white hairs. Possibly the 

. same as S, Emodi rosea, ym 


Syringa vulgaris ao 
(R. H. 1894, 370, f. 137-8.) 
dwarf monstrous form of the Sled 

— Var. Lemoinei. 
8.) A met hoo 
Lilac, with doubl 

ne H. 1878, 174, 
of the common 

Tabernemontana pe aceasta 

(R. H. 187 be 391.) ynace 

shr. L. 0 posite, elliptic- nee any 
FL ; 

five spreading lobes. South America. 

Taocsrum warmingisaoi, (4. i 
1881, xvi. 654, 134. 
S. taneous eats) res with the 
habit of an Amorphophallus. L. soli- 
tary. Petiole gfe high, stout, light 
green, mar numerous white 
lines ; lamina it spread of 2-2} ft., 
g 3 principal bipinnatifid divi- 
sions, bright green. Scape 8 in. long 
pathe 15 in, long, convolute below, 
open above, coppery brown. 
Spadix shorter than the spathe. Ovaries 
green, piire 4-6 fl dirty 
cle stamin me e 

fl, nnited into a . thick fleshy round- 
topped pinkish column, zil. 

Tekut radiatus. pe = 1889, 
entianacez. to be 
an error rie T, carinatus, 

aeea Turin. (Ie Cat. 
882 218 

1882, G. C. 1882, , 225, 
eres and P. 1882, 38.) Passi- 
orace. climber with 3-lo L 

and large g Fl.-tube long, 

ted and arp at the base. Sep 
oblong, h rovided with a re- 

hooded, ed 
ee deep ‘ssataly pointed wing. 

Tacsonia neyine 
xii. Fai 704, f. 109.) 
hybrid r seedli ng very 8 p Ap 
pikerien but with brighter col- 
ed fi. 

* ie 1892, 

Tagetes RES a egies st = 
6-9 ft. high, patie a aie ities 
stem and opposite pinnate l. with 
soft narrowly elliptic toothed — 
havi balsamic odour. Boli 

—— ETRE poosi 

shr. tte no eon 
characters one the type. L. lanceo- 
-late ; fi. large, pale yellow, and very 


Talants Hodgsoni. (B.M. t. 1992. 

oa fragrant, cup in. in 
oe ents purple, inner 
white, Him 

Talinum Arnottii. (B. M. t. 6220.) 
Portulacaceæ . or S, per. succulent. 
Roo w : 
Stems See 
cylindric, sparingly bran: 

L. alternate, broadly 

oblong, obtuse 
e ngg fleshy, green; ma 

- having at bract above the middle. 
South Afri 

Talinum roseum. (Damm. Cat. 1892, 
a A hes f succulent shr. with 
long p of rose-colo i, [Z 
Guini ptio, “Willd. ?] Abyssinia. 

(o CG 1988; ii. 

S. tree. It 

Talina prindere. 
06.) pindacez. 

gardens as 
pinnata, Bs ownea princeps, an 
ere uela. 

cta. Venez 

irg hispida. i a 1894, 352, 
t. alg amaricacez2, T. kashgari ica, 

ne prs meee ed C aa 

om the r 
being very small, glaucous gree 

ressed and imbricated. [ 7. hapida, 
Willd. } 

Tamarix odessa (Nat. Arb. si 
1891, 97; G. C. 1891, ix, 462.) Odes 

Tanacetum oar bractea- 
(EU. eei 584.) Com- 
» ditering from the 

y co: ae = = 

ance of a double involucre. India. 

Tapeinanthus nan Ki ay 1887, 
L 63, f£ 15. o emka A 

a Caroline major, (ZU; 
H. 1883, t. 506; Fi. mr . 1884, 10.) 
Gesneraceæ rect, robust, 

purple ; 1. lar rge, oblanceolate, acute, of 
e mi rib, 

form. [Sinningia Caroline, Benth. & 
Hook, f.] Bahia. 

Taxus baccata, varieties adpressa, 

(R. H. 1886, 103-6, 

Taras floridana, (G. and F. 1896, 

bush r tree, rarely 30 0 ft. 

hig, an a short trunk occasionally 

1 ft. in diam., and many te stout at ad 
ing branches. Torka. 

Tchihatchewia isatidea, 
un, xli. 484; 1893, xliv. 145; 
se 2 aces ncifere. Re 

B. M. 

ock-p ming ee 
like Secifrage rag and racemes 
of -pink fragrant fi, 

Tecoma amboinensis. 
1886, 9.) Bignoni S. climb 
with pinnate l. and axillary racemes of 
orange-red fi, 3-4 in, long. Amboyna, 

(Bull, Cat 

Tecoma PrE (B£ O. 1887, 

~ -2.) ber. L. pinnate; 

leaflets ovate, ee tgoth Fl. in 

r p: s; corolla with a 

somewhat inflated or narrowly funnel- 

tube and TE limb, deli- 

ca vias? ag, ined with a da = 
[Syn. T. Machen, W. Watso: 

G. C. 1887, i. 215.] South Africa, 

sera Smithii. (Bull Cat. 1889, 8.) 
A garden — between 7. relu- 
tina and T. ca pens 

hilea cyanocrocus Leicht- 

. CGA. 1886, 87.) Heemodoracee. 
Fl. deep blue, without any trace 
of yellow. The blue is like that of 
Gentiana verna. Chi 

TO mesures aac T M. t. 
6272.) Cucur een S. climber. 
Glabrous except petioles an 
Roo’ stout and 

young parts, per., 
ky: stem slender, grooved, L, 


stalked, pedately 5-foliate; leaflets | Thomasia glutinosa latifolia, (Gf. 
3-6 in. long, elliptic-ovate, acuminate, t. 1186.) Sterculiacee. G. shr, with 
sinuately toothed, 3-nerved, bright stalked cordate acute 1l. covered with 
green. Male fi. in a long raceme, all stellate hairs, of pretty 
1} in. in di ith a pu pink fl. with the stamens and a bl 

. in diam., white, wit e d otch 
eye, the broad ovate-deltoid lobes | . at the base of the pet. dark-brown. 
i i . abo : Australia. 
ong, ovoid-oblong, ‘obtusely beak 
with 10 broad wings, 3-celled, bluish Thomsonia nepalensis (B. 

or yellowish green ; ener 4 i 
Seeds roundish, flattened, brown, 1 in 7342.) Arace S., An An nop 
in di 

or more in diam, West Tr iai 
‘Africa. berous roo k, an a l 
. 2 ft. high with a trisect pinnatifid 

Teli n Cr : blade 2 ft. across and an erect sca 

li art $a Orë beppes = oe 1a JB 4 ft. high, bearing a greenish yellow 

re in. with ritieni E FL 1} in. boat:shaped spathe nearly a foot long, 

; in. yellow, with a dark net- and an erect yellow spadix ery as 

work, Sep. triangular, acuminate long as the spathe, Hima 

the middle nerve. Pet. cuneate, rhom- | Thrinax date eae Ci. H. 1884, 
boid, obtuse-angled, 5-nerved ; e š Sta Pal te, di ed 

broad, flabeilate, round o 15 -18 lin ncn ara sai ae ts ; 
nerved ; k base velvety ; ; column hollow: nate slender. [ 7. multiflora, Mart. } 
Thrinax Morrisii. (4. 891, i 
Tenaris rostrata. (G. C. 1885, xxiv. 700, f. 184; 1892, xi. MP £5 agate Bi 
39.) Asclepiadacer. S. per. with a S. A small species, not exceeding 
depressed-globose tuber 13 in. in diam 3 ft. in neigh Anguilla Island, 

a slender stem 13 ft. high, w boat a few fae Indie 
r 2 © 2-3 in 

g the terminal Tier pb ce. c. 
a pi 1882, 557.) Orchidaceæ 

rt of the stem in a racemose 

3 in diam., rotate, whitish, species mirn arabe g cunea ss fie 
densely covered towards the base of late re Li. about 9 in. 
the lobes with minute pape dots, long, and a raceme 
giving the fl. a pinkish hue, East of ream-colo ured fl spotted with 
Tropical Africa. amethyst on the lip. E om eerie 

Berkeleyi, "Reich. 
Tetramicra minuta. ge C., 1889, v; | Sands. 

527.) ` Orchi æ. The whole 

plant barely 2 in. sek Thrixspermum Freem 
1877, vii. 750.) S. L. crated slightly 
ae a ae B, Mt undulate, bidentate, 6-7 in. long 
C. 1890, s i f, 19.) li in. wide. Raceme many-flowered ; 
. H. herb. per. with racts semi-ovate, larger than the 
prone 2-3 ft. high. Radical l. long- small ovary. Sep. very long, narrow- 
petioled, ternately ly decompound. 10-12 leaved; pet. a little shorter FL 
in. broad ; leaflets obtus a 3-5-lobed, yellow spotted with brown. Lip small, 
cordate at the base ; fl. apia vob in saceate, tridentate, with four stalked 
lax panic ies a c = lo: as globular bodies covered with small 
elliptic-ovate. o 7. K didai warts before the _ 
Yunnan, China. leans = lateral parts. yellow, with 
pane, sty ” Free- 

brow. ; 
Thalictrum aarp, (4. manii, Reichb. f.] Assam. 

1892, xi. 722.) . per. Fl. to 
3 ft. high, pani i me L. like t those T permum Hartmanni. (4. C. 
ats the Miaiden-haie fern. Te on long 1877, vii. 716.) S. _L. about 4, rather 
stalks. Transvaal. thick, ligulate, bidentate. Fl. 
dense raceme, ra ll, iio, 
Thermopsis napauionaii aaron.. (R. na ie brick-red mu around 
- H, 1879, 100.) inose. e bases of sep. and pet. o n both sides. 
shr. only Seis tos m' the the type = Side lobes eA Tip semi- perses or oblong, 
having the bark striped with yellow richly painted with brick: k-red spo 
-and green, [ Piptanthus pay ` and streaks. Callus in the middle i of 
Sweet, var. ] -the lip yellow, with red spots ; spurs 


solid, having in front two yellow eyes 

with red mar ins; middle lobe of lip 
yellow i hilus Hartmanni, F. 

Muell. : B. M. t. 7010.) Queensland. 

TORTA indusiatum. (4. 
6, 585 ; sings Comp. a. 

h red; lip 
ite; s F eia iee a kind of 
siirat: at Pits apex. Sunda Isles, 

Edda ytd a esas (G. C.1880, 

acciform, with sh 

S XI od 
cochilus ' Moor ei, Hort.) Solomon 

Thrixspermum a a ag sac ag C. 

1831, xyz 198). S- L i te, un- 

ly b obed, 8-9 in. long Serten 
b sh brown, muricate . with 
pa e sep. barred purple, 
and a conical white lip s wit 

and purple Eagt AiE muri- 

culatus, Reichb. f. J 

Thrixspermum sillemianum. (4. ¢ 
REA xvii. 524.) xe = i Fanda 

ark ith t urple sp 

- side. T Sorcockitue niais "Reich, 

f] Burma (?). 

Thrixspermum unguiculatum. (W. 
ye A, t. 266.) 5. own as 

ænopsis Ruckeri in gardens. 
ti Sarcochilus unguiculatus, Lindl. ] 

Thujopsis gerip — co A 
1890, m 
pee ale ae like Rast 
a g i essus nootkatensis, Lamb, 

ari one affinis. ss. g. 1887, ii, 

B. M. t. 6975.) Acanth- 
oe: S. x me rol with shortly 
stalked ovate or ovate-lan are bright 
green 1. and n diam., 

soli : 
` of a dark ter Sata with i yellow 
` throat. Zanzibar 

Thunbergia ndiflora alba. (&. 
0, 1892 aii. 501.) S. Fl. pure w! white. 

Thuabergis Kirkii. (B. M. t. 6677.) 

te three- 

Ly g too 
ika Saal oh ae side, oa sailings 
purple fl. with a funnel-s tube 
and equally pine tamed limb. 
East Topload Afri 

Thunia alba gigantea. Bones Cat. 
1896, 17.) areg S. arger 
than in pure w. white, lip 
Saag ete. "ana albus, Lindl, 

Taonia bromera. (K. B. 1894, 

156; R. ser. 82.) S. Allied to 
T. mar saa ‘semis 2 . high ; 1, 
9 in. long ; in terminal ‘drooping 

heads, large, white, ie yellow, with 
radiating crimson lines. [ Phaius.] 

Thunia candidissima. (6. C. 
iv. 34; H. G. 1888, gi S. t Phains 
candidissimus, N. E. B e] 

Thunia kerygma A E oie. 
CG. C. 70.) ith 

j di isc and ke and 
ose veins to the apex. Phains 
bose Lindl y ar. | 

— Var. purpurata. (4G. C. 1888, iv. 
62.) 8. 

Sa Var — Ki C. 1888, iv. 62; 
Re. as 97.) 

Thunia mastersiana. (4. C. 1891, x. 

420; Gl. 1891, 610.) S. Stems 4 ft. 
high a = 1 ' lon Fl. about 
half th of those of T. alba. 
Bai pulehra, Reichb. f.] Moulmein, 
= nivalis. (G. C. 1888, iv. 62, 


dee is aro EAN 
Anaripiia [Phaius.] 

Thunia veitchiana. (4. c. 

xxiii. 818.) A garden surges between 
T, perierat and T, SONE, 

—— Var. superba. (G. C. 1894, Seas 
49.) A garden hybrid between 7, 
veitchiana and T, Bensone, E Phaius, ] 

Thunia winniana. (4G. C. 1895, xvii. 
188; y x. t. 45 a) Fi. Prge with 
osy lilac very 
Ped acon silenced rati ia 



Thuya occidentalis elwangeriana 

term. H. orm he A 
Arbor Vite with golden yellow 
which do not “burn” during summer. 

(GA. 1890, 226, f. 
oe id ge ad- 
shap u n 
lari. fathered | fa a Aa Se year. 

— bie ee 
54. ae 

m. a te 

—— Var. pe (A. D. @. 
8.) H. A form of thick re ew 
narrow pyramidal habit. 

ans hag ee a ge iS 1 
106.) biatæ the 
pia on thyme, but. witk Tiresa t 
more florifero and more dwarf. 

ria Serpyllum atropurpureus 

C. 1888, iii. 650.) alpine var. 
of a dark pu urple colour. North of 

—— Var. coccineus. (&. C. 1888, iii. 
#16.) H 

mies) anti n, (Gf.1 
28.) Acanthacee. S. [7. eae 
ees. ] 

_— pe enne. a os 

e ia ant dat dow i Setra 
as Erant frets coccineum and Thyrsa- 
canthus coccineus. 

Para meiodon. Ue a 1895, 
Sou Melastomacez. S. se shr. 
é ft. high. E. te, 1 in. a 
in peduncled oes corolla din. wide, 
purple. Bra 

epi bee e Sig mi F. =. 


bracts 1-2 in. lon road, 
greenish Ney, dotted with grt at 
the lade of the outer segmen 
pur aier lasas segments tubular, emer 
in the centre ; the dilated on te Sate 

ple blade. ssi 

styles hardly longer. Jalisco Moun- 
tains, Mexico. 

difora er (G. 
EE F. 1803, 367. ) H. H. Supposed 
a cross between 7. pie and 
T Pasii alba. It has reddis] 
fi. with nearly white variegatio 


Nene pe ie (e: ree 

oid. kat wee fe a Pavonia to F 
Tt has yellow fl. tinged 

ae Sea deri (B. M. t. 6295.) ae r 
T. Pavonia in habi 

with lack at the base ; 
ones smaller, with a 
glittering orystallin e band just below 
the middle. Anthers yellow. Styles 
deeply forked and recurved. Chile. 

becker ee ate (4. C. m 

x, 3399; #. H. 1882, 427; #7. 
P. 1882, zisg H. E FI. whi ; the 
of segments spotted with 

say iip a a yellow ground, 

ar. alba immaculata. (Gard. 
T890, mi xlix, sets n A snowy white form 

— Var. flava. (Gard. 1896, 1. 22.) 

ae distinct var. with pale yellow fl. 
TRONI Enie et — e F. 1888, 
H. H. 

pet. being 

broadly seer. or insito at the 

base, with a narrower small a 
9 4 


red ; base blotched with crimson, w with 
a border of orange. . with the 
base blo i 

orange, tinged ibe ears, not pre 
Chihuahua, Mexi 

ie nome Legge = M. 1894, eae 
L. linear ; fi. 

violet clonred vies mae eating: 

Tilia argentea orbicularis. (R. H. 
397.) Tiliaceæ. H. rm 

Bep at the bases silvery benea 

Tilia dasystyla.. 
H. tree having gla buds and 
base or 

nS H. 1883, 567.) 

L erek ci a se 
es sub-co 


Tilia mer coe pyramidalis ari 
164.) Garden variety. 
LF: Sie tie Scop, var. a 

er — CG. and F. 1893 
inet A species TI related 
uropean T, argentea. 

one ee (B. M. t: 6737 ; 

4, 384.) Cultiva on under 

res ri T. americana pendula, T. 

alba pendula, T. platyphylla SrA 
and T, argentea pendula. Brim ea (2). 

oo CAE aoe H. 1888, 577.) 

n hybr id. 
Tillandsia Armadæ. (&. C. 1883, 
xix. 693.) S. An elegant apo with 

Sal violet : South Colombi 

“eee = = H. 1879, 

ing a 
oad, green, 
covered with greyish pica Scape 
3-12 in. high, furnished with reduced 

l.. Spikes 2-4, in a pact panicle, 
or solitary, distichous, 3-9-flowered 
p rose; in. long, 

_ much exserted, narrow, tubular 
Stamens exserted, Arife West Indies 

Tillandsia brachycaulos. (B. H. 
1878, 185, t. 11.) &. A dwarf species 
th line 

urfy. Fl. 
ate among the 1. Mexico. 
Tillandsia Caput-Meduse. cB. H. 
on: = eg S. L. tumid at ase, 
a kind of bulb, lanceolate, 
: thick, "channelled, a te, 
_ undula unequal, sh ae -grey. 
na arae pen tha È i lobkad with 
elongated 1. nicle compound, of 
eek 4 narrow "elliptic 6-7-flowered 
spikes. Mexico. 

jose oad (ornare iat (B. M.t. 
6906 887, 166.) S. [Syn 
Vriesia pence aL E. Morr. ] 

Tillandsia crocata. (Buker’s art 
book of the Bromeliacee, 163.) 
Ard — ETOC: ocata, E. oe 

andsia didisticha. (B. H. 1881, 
gp ian under <Anoplophytum. ) 8. 
distinct plant with thick robust fleshy 

ae gens acuminate channelled grey- 

ish 1. elongate arcuate scape, and a 
congested gates panicle of elliptic 
2 lorentziana, 

Griseb. ] Argent tina 

erg distachya, (G. C. 1880, 
00.) Plant about 1 ft. high. 
L 1 re i Bracts green. Calyx 
. long. Corolla white, twice as long 
= "the e calyx. British Honduras. 

a fenestralis. (B. M. t. 
98.) yn. Vriesia fenestralis, 
Lindon fs ‘André é. | 

zea foliosa. (B. H. 1885, 249.) 
howy species with an ae 
aia panicle of violet fl. Mexi 

aree Pheer (FI 
laucous, Ain 

lorate, 2 inely ert. Po a 

late rosy bracts dusted wi 
a x wideas eal, 
Diese Garini ff C. 1878 
here densely 

eel with “sliver? yino 

under the name of T, argentea in 
English gardens. Brazil. 

ag spur (GA. t. yo 

88.) S. A a spot 
channelled sil 

carmine above, 

Tillandsia hieroglyphica. (Bull 

dar upper, and aig 
pe i purple = ie lower surface. 

HDendsis bres (B. N. t. 6882.) 
better kn 

F "riesia ee 40 illandsia ineur- 

a, Baker.] 

Berean karwinskiana. (4. C. 
x, 490.) S. peinp high. L. 

sasa 7 
to a long point, in green, e on 


the back, nearly or quite naked on 

the face. Scape 9-12 in. long, with 
1-12 violet fl. arranged in alax Ries tnd 
single distichous Saks; glab- 

rous, glossy, green 

EE "orane (GA. 149%, 
L. subu tes from 
aa E “hte, recur green. In x 
slender panicl i phe bracts 
and blue fl. Mexic 
TEOR, ATE (GA, 1893, 
580.) S. A 
i a Say brid be reo wi morreniana 
and T. Barilletii 

Tillandsia ee ae fore piane. 
(ER. H. 1881, 280.) A partially 
e eE varie = 

S Fear- 

vy S (Syn A 
rr. var. koutsin- 

book, 1881, 177.) 8 
rhiza Lindeni, E . Morr 

Var. LS angers (R. HH. sue: as 
t.) S. This is the same as the 


—— Var. tricolor. (O. C..1883, xix. 
693; R. H. 4885 a A form with 
large bright rosy bracts, and blue fl. 
[Syn. 7. tricolor, Vort, not Schlecht. 
& Cham.] Ecuad 

— Var. violacea. (G. C. 1883, ree 
693.) S. A small form with erec 
heey rosy bracts and gers t a 

Tillandsia pent (G. CG. 1883, xix. 
S. rounded, op gps with 
dark violet : iongitadinal 1 

— Malzinei. (B. M. t. 
95.) S. [Syn. Vriesia Malzinei, 
ous 1876, 162.] 

cpa a 1892, xli. 430.) S. A fin 
plant of vig s e E e folinge 
a and Spt barred with 

bronzy shade upon 
peri a a es of T. splen- 
Brongn. ] 


Tilsnanis misroriphion. (B. M.t 
A species of the subgenus 

Anoplophitum and a near ally of T. 
It has short erect tufted 

Tillandsia men (Gard. 1892, xli, 
with elegantly re- 
pa tae aseti or mottled with 
s green upon a yellowish 

Tiesas ae 
J with the ee hie 
bit ‘of iais 'glancoph yla. L. 1- 

2 ft. long, }-$ in linea 


spike ee 1 ft. long, 1} in 
broad; fi. in asip icuous, Sh 
white. Ec eae 
Tillandsia Agr wnat ss i 
Comp. en Hort. 1885, 9.) 
Allied ti 71 fenestralia, with b foe 
te l. of a 

poser ee shining 
green = Hea ee markod with a 
mosaic pattern of dark green lines, 
Tanana agers e a ae 
48.) in. 
hi igh. L. apelat vet swith 
large bulbous eae pandai on both 
sides with si scale: 

3—4-flowered spike, 14-2 in. long, 5- 
6 in Fl. violet. [Z. 1 7A 
Hook var, | 

ci vac agape sie = 
a a “with slender branched 6 ‘tems 
clothed wit aces te 
Fl.-ste ie 2 in, es pen 
a small ipte ke spike of tig EIR 
bryoides, Griseb.] Brazil, & 

n C. 1887, 

e plant also 
p bjss pe Guchania Te- 
Sukke met V, riesia reticu 

ray oe: 

Spout zonn (B. H. 1877, 272, 
16928. ng, broad, linear, acute, 
incurved, dark 

ig grees ae" (B. H. 
B. M. t. 6757, ) 
PeR Telex long, 
g to a stout more or less 


eer ssn papie UA ER Be hag Neg URE (6 £ 
18.) S. This is the plant known 2.) 

3 yp argente — nly divided. ai Tos G 
olour more elegant than the 

Tillandsia tricolor. (2; Z 1879, 162, type. 
t. racted above the ee 
= a 5 ps acuminate, | Todea grandipinnula. (G4. C. 1886, 

l xxv, 752.) 

gracefully arching, v. A dsome speci 
stem 1} high, red, covered with with broadly ovate tripinnate frond 
s 3-4, c ed to- 1-1} ft. lo 8-9 i ro ucid- 
gether, distichous. Bracts green. FI], membranous. Pinnæ sessile, crowded, 
violet, tipped with white. [ 7. punctu- oblong-ovate. Pinnules overlapping, 
lata, Cham. & Schlecht. var.] Mexico, 1} in. long, ovate, pinnatifid. [7% 

Moorei, Baker.) Lord Howe’s Island. 

Tillandsia umbellata. (R. H. 1886, 3 : 

60, t. L i inear, green, | Todea intermedia. (Z4. H. 1877, t 
fi. vo i 

arc ; 

10-14 in. long ; spike short, of 5-6 90. ’ 
24 in. in diam., of a brilliant blue, 6-8 i ad, tripinnatifid, gracefully 

with a white feathe blo at spreading ; l 

the base of each pet. Andes of winged above ; pinnæ dense, narrow, 

Ecuador, lanceolate, bright green, New Zealand. 

Tillandsia usneoides. (B. M.t. 6309.) Todea Moorei. (G. C. 1894, xv. 526.) 
a AE OF dulous moss -like habit, G. _< a dw 
covered with a greyish scurf. Stems from pe Howe’s Isl ney ig a 
long, filiform, much-branched. L. soarenely aden ties with £ wer 
pes ts 1-3 in. long. Fl. terminal, pinnula, 
4 in. a — pale green, 

Tropical Ameri Todea plumosa. (Veiteh Cat, 1879, 27, 
: C. 1878, i G. 

Tn ferra CC 1887, i. tr T aton ba, of rae ee A ‘habit, 
the broad-spiked e surface of the fronds is moderately 
es ap "hee a ot crowded, bristling with small erect segments, a 
far . sabulate 5-6 in. long, 4 in. in T, intermedia, but t ronds are 
broad, channelled, clothed with oie shorter and more ovate, recurved, as 
scales. Fl..stem 6 in. high; fi. are also the pinne, wine the ultimate 

simple distichous spike, aes with | segments are turn f 

bright red glabrous bracts. Mex 
— eee g. M.+t.331; B. H. 

Tillandsia yirginalis. ÇB. H. 1880, | ` 1879, ; Iii. H. 1878, t. 324; 
. 1881, iii. 717, f..93.) S. ER AS: 2 Py A 5 ees erophulariacer. 
A ee ‘of moderate size, with a | $S, herb with petiolate ovate 
mer of lorate pale gr pone l, | acute l., and large bright yellow ‘AL, 
sca ft. a dis- | with the throat and tube blackish 
Gaus gocti of eae white jx Bracts | purple. [T. flava, Buch.-Ham 
| "Tropical Asia, ` 

ae ne ass Arequite. | 
t.) r. 


| Torenia e lt (GA. t. 

arger whiter longer inf, wi | Sa gg ge x 

more numerous and whiter fl. than the + 
Cage: bent at the nodes. 

ter $ b 
Pasie — dentata. (B. M. 5-winged and toothed. Corolla nearly 

t. 6744.) Lab S5. A small shr. twice as long as the calyx, 
with opposite elliptic rie $ i witha me 5-lobed not very spreading 
l. and axillary brown-purple Calyx limb 4 in. in diam., white, with the 2 
large, cylindric, 2- eal, i aha thas side Sr rich blue, ET. peduncular U8, 

whole of he corolla- tube. Tropical Benth.] Malay 

Tous. fan (B. M t. 6700.) B 

Tbolemikya clavata. (Gard This Tase ulous form of the 
xli. 484 2 E yea for Sites | plant easels ke own as T. Bailloni, 
clavata, Tropical Asia, 

yer gae Fordii. (B: M. t. pss? 

S l 
on each of the side lobes ‘Of the corolla. 

Torenia Fournieri compacta. (a7 
1887, 667, f. 172.) S. Garden variety. 

ee cordifolia. ss H. 1887, 
128 26, 27.) Boraginac Ge: or 
H. m ` Shr. of bold habit, clothed with 
short hairs. L. opposite, growing to 
ofe M length, cordate, acute, on 
aie 3- fs in. long. Fl. small Pence 

in large minal eds ymes. 
Tropical Pier 

era e E ne na E ee 

S es rose-purp 
with dark spots. laoim oleracea, 
Hook. f. & Thoms, ikkim. 

ATE edan CR. H.187 
bet Es [Z martianns 
dl. ] Eat, bie al; Burm 

ag A ge khasyanus. (B. M. 

128.) This species has been 

in cultivation many years under the 

nam Pg pees? T Griffi- 

thii sa "C. martia (paienn 
Wendl.] Eas trh ‘Bengal ; Bur 

Tradescantia decora. Cal! Cat. 1892, 

Commelinacee. S. f age plant. 

E ae lanceolate, ps E olive- 

green, W median band of silvery 

MAREEA nonesa. (G. C. 1893, 

74.) S. L. longer and narrower 

purple tinge down the midri 

Tradescantia navicularis. ah t 
901.) S. herb. per. of diffuse proc 
bent habit. L. crowded or Talat, 

Trianea eee Cae t 
Hydroc S. aqua 

she: aoe ovate-oblong, acute, very 

concave, ranked, spreading, g 
stove: pie or purplish with darker 
nerves U inal 


, man r 

prong ge boat-shaped, half as long as 

ly 3 broadly ovate, bright rose petals, 

POT ET Reginæ. (Jil. H. 1892, 

G. C. 1892, xi. 696, f. 10 02) i S. 

about 6 in. long, whitish Ae with 
the central part and ma rans- 
versely veined with dar k green, and ` 
washed with purple along the midrib ; 
the underside is purple. Peru 

adescantia wep anna mo _~ — 

t. 155.) S. foliag 

oblong acute 1 
whitish stripe on PR side of the ty 
rib, purple beneath. Peru 

Tradescantia velutina. (G. C. 1893, 

xiii. 475. 2 Fs ram set short, hairy, 
purple with a narrow 
band of kets peti on each side. 

ragopyrum lanceolatum lati- 

paare (Gf. t. 1344, f. 1-3.) Poly- 
gon: form with broad 
1. ner mae ene Zazmanni, papok] 
Russia ; Central A 


long-s talked palmmatisoct 1 E vided in into 
about 9 lanceolate se ents. 

Trevesia oe (Bull — me 
f. Bae raliaceæ 

[Lim obis lagoons 
Kunth.] Colombia. 

ore — am C. 1888, iii. — 
small orchid wi 

diam., or nit densely 
een with reddish purple. Burma. 

Trias vitrina. (K. B. 1895, — S. 

3 in, long ; fl. solitary on short pedicels, 
pale sane, with a ibe r spots of brown 
on the lip. Tenasse 


Piglemslcs SUMAN er ace C. 1883, 
lepi iadac u- 

ee Diferan. (B. 
culent with stout a 
red with numerous 

tary, sessile, 4 in. in diam., dark purple- 
brown. Namaqua Land (?). 

Trichocentrum albiflorum.” (K. B 
econ kag 3 dacew. S. Allied 
t in. 

dentate spur te, with a tin nge c of 
purple at the Dap of the lip. Mexico 

Trichocentrum hace upein 
aria tum. (Z. ii . 1887, 
108.) S. A var. poe a large 
me as a an each side of the base 
of the lip, an apical part striped 
with the same a ep North Brazil. 

rear ee fuscum g TENON 
(G. 98. A large- 
foward yer with a longer: and thinner 
than usual. Mex 

ey caer eas sry K. B. 1894, 
95:) to T. Ate = 

shy, i 2 ri long ; scape 1 

long ; fl. 1 in. in diam. “ight Fellow ; $ 

lip Shits and red-brown. Venezue 

erichonemes tie Hegei. (G. C. 1881 
717.) A small plant. a 
ni ii cuneate-oblong, acute. 
Pedunele zigz ri lar 
fi. Sep. and pet. greenish yellow, with 
a purple middl : p durate, 
undulate, notched at the tip, white, 
with a n illiant purple 
lines and bli d two blunt 

ye 5. ie with a 
clavate notched apex. Mexi 

hocentrum ionophthalmum. 
(G. €.1876, vi. 100.) S. In the way of 
T albo-purpurewm, ™ Page broader 
d ega ag 
flowered. Tipe sep. pey pet 
culate, blunt, Mt se ei b yellowish 
— own, dots a 

Sch D sep. “brown, Lip 

fee whitish, with a large 
violet blotch on each basilar angle. 

—— Deeb ovate (4. 
1883 ear T. ioneph- 

America (?). 

Trichocentrum tes (G. C. 1881, 

ipa, raS crisp, white, with a 
red blote e middle of its stalk. 
foie yee 

— Var. zonale. (@. C. 1883, xix. 

or tw mes before the base of 
the lip. 
Ll ten nrc Bi sec sei (iu. H. 
in the way of 
Ts e l seen ere acute l. and 
solita: le fi. havi e margins 
ad thes kag ge Hp, and a rectangu- 

area k of the lip, light 
oo Roe Gates pade a (2). 

phir serch tigrinum splendens. 

ne var, hav 
the hase of the large obcordate fn 
of ee purple colour. Cen 

Am avi 

ee ee (4. C. 

1891, ix 390; LZ. vi. t. 
311 : species v vide the habit of 
fris, 6 in. high; a ee 

lip variege 
E Te des spur 1} Sy peg Poru. 

Trichocladus krain (G4. C. 
1894, xvi. 134; B, M. t. 7418.) Ham- 

fl. wit in, long 
The genus is allied to the Witch 
Hazels. South Africa. 

(@. 6. 

Trichodesma B fe Losec 
i ag fleshy 1 rootstock, 
stems, glaucous green 1. 

1892, xi. 363, 
A herb. per. 

and pure white fl, with a purple 
calyx. South Africa, 

BETEA Soshlonrise PUA C. isap, 

e, very sal with a few purple 
blotches, Suma ae 
Trichomanes Fraseri. iS C. 1890, 
xx. 266.) Filices. G. ies por 


ere, ł in. long, lobed; 
to the West 

top lobes. 
In ak 2 

Trichomanes. eai. (G. C. 
xviii. 680 ; and P. 1883, 1) S 

Trichomanes nS (G. C. 1885, 
lmy-fern eA vari- 

E ane roundish an r- 
date at one Pe both ends, or ot 

and narro an 
saben dark green ; veins fla = 
having a distinct midrib only 
e fr sori 

with tufts of hairs on margin 
sides ; lip = expand and rounded. 
British Gui 

eigen Ae ae ee 

like tock, and 

ironi Ta lines long, È 2" sri lee, 
on dark tomentose stipites 4-1 line 
long, meas clear bright. green. 
British Gui 

Trichopilia backhousiana. 
fiitiy clouded with darker 

Lip much narrower than in T.f eth ‘ans 
and lobed near the end. “Oslas 

nD CAS, ee e vii. t. 332 ; 
iii. 641, G. A pretty 

pe pres narrow pseudobulbs, 
EEE Š short racemes 

: pet. 
EA blotched “with red-brown ; 
with a short campanulate mages white, 
with a yellow stain in front. 


bear! rasa Saes isso mes, (G. 

358.) r. with 

ps bisa sep. at Lely F white 
lip, and white column. Costa Rica. 

Tric opila np ee ame i 
1883, 66.) G ar T. suavis, itk 
whi E aan a few ye ot 

lines Bee = on the disk of th 

three-lobed li 

ont se oo Rice — (4. C. 

20.) G ar. with whitish 

ier sep. eee i ie tead of brownish 
red ones. Colombia. 

Trichopilis Ļ Lehmsani, (Gfl. t. 1276, 
2) Q mething in the way of f. 

yellow spot in the throat of the lip. 

aeia oe CG. C. 1890, 

‘Sr 0, 65.) _ G. Remark- 

áb in k oth sep. and pet. 

add with ASÍ reddish purple 
spots. Costa Rica 

eea mans — — EE X 

soi vith : lobed 
yellow blotch. pated Ameri 

pgs D ee, ag £ 

several star - s. p 
slender stalks; fr. trigonous, winged 
South India ; Ceylon, 

a suavis meulenaereana. 
(J. Di 1804, 330.) Orchidaceæ. G. 
fee rcs 

e type in the lip 
not having a large yellow bl lotch and 
i ; 

ead of red-brown. Sikkim 

Trichostema Parishii. (FL. and P. 
1882, 12. i 

long projecting stamens; 8 
virgate, interrup [T 
Benth.] South California. 


Tridax bicolor rosea. (&. C. 1887, 
53, f. 108.) Composite. H. 

e with rosy = ray-florets an 
w disk. Mexi 

Trigonidium latifolium. (0. R. 1894, 
271.) Orchidaceæ. S. Fir described 

n 1837, but only recently introduced 
into cultivati It has mg acute 
. 6 in, long in, bro . an 

d se 
pet. yellow and purple ; lip with a 
fleshy yellow front lobe and narrow 
purplish side lobes. Brazil. 
TEPA nivale. Bod i t. Aer 
high, L. 3 in ees shortly petioled, 
ovate-oblong, ra er acute, . long 
Fl. 14 in. across ; se Ariani 
green ; pet. obovate-oblong, pure white. 
Northern United Sta 

Trillium sessile TSE (G4. 
and F. 1890, 321, f.44.) H. A robust 
large-flowered form from California. 

Tristania anes “ge H. 1881, 

aces. G. with oppo- 
site entire ovate cori relied l, an 
numer ste 3 ower d cymes of crimson 
fi. Australia 

Triteleia uniflora coerulea. (R. H. 
1893, 256, t.) ae = fo rm 
differing from type ving 
porcelain blue fi. (ge So ha 
Benth. & Hook, f.] 

hie Some Regalo (GA. t 
959.) Palm m dwarf, clothed 
ith ted sh 

es. L. large, fla rm 
3 the sin down into numerous linear 
bifid ents. Spadix branched. 

Trithrinax oe 

aea 337.) jesti 

the spadix stouter, South 

Tritoma Canari. (R. H. 1888, m 
A yellow-flowered for 
of Kniphofia aloides, 

Tritoma hybrida. (B. 7. 0.1891,81.) 
Liliaceæ. H. Under this name a 

large number of sean mans eee 
from Kniphofia Uvar x 

ooperi, and K. or chellii, ia 
briefly described, 

ae maroccana. (R. H. 1878, 
H. Res ees Eniphopia al- 
vidon, ì oe dwarfer. ewer 
r and rr 7 ni ola 

pandla, “Kanth h. | 

Tritoma aoi (R. H. 1882, 24.) 
his is merely a luxuriant form 
of Kniphofia P 

aeaa Saundersii. (R. H. 1882, 
,t.) This is Kniphofia aloides var. 

aan er (B. Mt t; 
312.) Iridaceæ. This 
L piant see 2 npe known w 
Montbretia Potts 

Tritonia Wilsoni. (G. C. 1886, xxvi 

m., with obov 
ments. Part Elizabeth, South ping 

Trochetia blackburniana. (B. M. 

209.) Sterculiaceæ. A HMibis- 
arik shr. with obovate l. and 
rooping axillary cupped fl. 1 in. 

across, karei ed white and crimson. 

pre eenei aralioides. 
t. 7375 ; Ba C. 1894 

2 Ss ee > 91) 

Mag nolia een shr, 
with the. habit f Heptaplenrum ; È 
shi green ; 

e ae Ene racem es, star- 
like, green, ł in. in diam. Japan. 

Tee yE Tae hiar E La 

era: clim 
we with pss ke anaes 
7-lobed 1. with reddish veins, and 
solitary yellow fi. 1 in. = diam. ; calyx 
green, with a long spur; pet 
beautifully y. a Dri Vanek ate 

TOn piga (R. H. 1895, 
861.) H. ag between 
T. polyph sien pei T, eduli 

wren — ie G: an, 
liaceæ. G. bles 
T Mitea = í Takt and kabit be but’ = 
the perianth-segments longer than th 
pet ts Fl. greenish white, Freee 

oe Alberti. (Gf. $ 912; B. = 

Liliaceze Allied 
a Greigi. Bulb- coats Pitk adpressd 
se inside; stem and peduncle 


anpe -lanceolate, more or less undu- 
late, glaucous green, pruinose. Fl. 

obtuse or emarginate, aver slightly 
incurve- oiai Turkes 

pie e altaica. (Gf. t 

, Í. a, ©, 
H. bulb with 4-5 spa lanceo- 

anthers yellow, acuminate. Si 

pre — (Regel, Dee: 4 
7, f. 2; GŒ. C. 1889, vi. 469; 

pale yellow. ` Filaments glabrous. 

eria Suie Mt re 

howy tulip allied to 7, 

pi p lemon-yellow segments 

sometimes tinged with red, Upper 

a a (Gf. t. 1175, £. 
6635 spreadi 

Tur kes 

ee eirp ee (GA. t. 1099, 
1 species ith 

purple on the back. Stamens nga 
with broad obovate glabrous filaments 

— po ieee (B. T. O. 1894, 

H. ies with scented 

cot = a spotted at the base 

Tulipa ciliatula. (@. C. 1890, vii. 
640 ; or 1890, 436.) H. Nearly 
allied to 

T. undulatifolia, differing | 


chiefly from that a in the shorter 
obtuse perianth-segme: and from 
T. precoxz by its sub- ane bulb- 
scales. Fl. bright crimson. Asia 

Tulipa concinna. (4. C. e aoe 
538.) H. A species with c 
allied to 7. reese gph tn = jemp a 
and T. Dammanni. Taur 

Far Aig (Gf. t. E 
E ois saiciats’ 
Ai e Presh ; solita 
campanulate ; segments cuspidate at 
e apex, ciliate at t r 
ones ,white, h the apex 
yellowish ; inner ones narrower, pale 
s wi tly reddish s 
Filaments tumi e the b 

Tulipa Dammanni. CRegel, Deser. 
4; W. G. 1889, 352, f. 61; GA. t. 
1300, £. 2.) H. Sye ay of 7 lini- 

T Didieri. (B. M. t. 6639; Fl. 
P. 1882, 140.) H. One of the 
ith b lanceo- 

margined spot at the base of eac 
segment, Europe. 

oe gaa ane (G. C. 1878, ix. 
756.) H. Nearl allied to 7. Didieri, 

claw, and narrowly bordered wit 
white.. South Europe. 

~~ Greigi araona (Gp. 1888, 
H. flowered Fl. 

reddish ye ellow. the 
perianth-segments but inconspicuously 

— Var. aurea. Sie 1888, 334.) E. 
A yellow Pager wered var.; pe- 

anth- = ts red tside. "Forms 
of it spectabilis (by a 
ead i epi, with red spots in 
ths perianth-segmen 

Tulipa Greigi carminos, (Gj. a 
armine-scarlet wit 
black spots at ie base of the ian a 

— Var. oe (Gf. 1888, ae 
H. Fl. inte red, wee foy base o 
the ei erapr iae ek yel 

— Var. imperialis. (Gp. 1888, me 
H. Peri Feri pho nts 8, red with 
black base. 

—— Var. oan (Gf 1888, 334.) 
H. A small-flower . scarlet, 
dogs black spots, Ta with yellow on 

rianth-segments ; parvi- 
flora aa A fl. sulphur yellow. 

Var. picta. (oh. 1888, = H. 
A large-flowered f orm 

ments tipped with red. 

— ~ ae age i. ae a ae 
352, . Said to be rid 
botireen T Greigt and 7, Bn rn 

Victoriæ. (GA. 1388, oy 
aes Yy large-flowered form ; peri 
segments red with yellow nak: 

onl ok Fae a ee (CI 

Bulb a 

brous; stem 1 ft. cae 1-flowered, 
glaucous ; 1. 3, aucous, erect, 
6-7 ot long, 

gen under 3 in. long, 
kn, Herzego 

a, — nia. tonne Cat. 1893, 

early-flowering form of T. 

i viatifalia with ice ge bright scarlet 

fl., which have mee aac kg sa bor- 
dered spots at the Taur 

Tulipa iliensis. oe : 975, f. cd, 
t. 982, + 4-6; 6518.) H. 

7 ; 
coats strigose-p: ide at ; 
l. about 3, elled, 3-5 in. 
long, over-topping fl.; perian 

1 in. in diam., pale yellow ; outer arei 


soe kaufmanniana. (Gf. t 
f. 6 . erect, linear- tee 
ae as long as the p 
minutely downy. Tw 
named, viz.:—var. albo - variegata, 
perian nth whisk -e m ow towards 
=a base, m e 

eduncle, very 
varieties are 

with yellow margins. Turkestan 

— Var. a (R. H. 189 
175.) robably a hy brid 1 between 
E haufmanniana and T. ‘ere 

tun ponaebeingit. Os t. 964; 
L. 3-4, linear, 
iak iter 6-8 long, 4 eS 

outer segments 
feathered with o Bet es Tur. 

n sand 1880, xil À 
1880, xii 

red on the back. 

ONS PRETE e 1889, xxxv. 
to 7. ste lata. L. 

ah FL 
ts shorter than the 
y mar- 
e; inner segments ob- 
Seaport bra eek white. Kashmir. 

Tulipa Levieri. = To ae eae) 
H. Perhaps a of 

L. glaucous ; fl. ire pe ria 

with a basal blac k blo a - magi 
with golden yellow. Pers 

Tulipa anoles, CQJ. 1888, p 
Fea ieri and Ti 

segments. Anthers shorter than the 
filaments. Lebanon 

wa —— Car A Ta f.d-f ; 
7 2e mall species, 


mpeni sod a en 

fl. abou in diam., marked w 
a black, aol at she base of = obovate 
obtuse segments, Central A 

Tulipa parame ioc A ae bes Deser. 
3; Gf. t. 1 fea GA 
469 ; 1896, x LTT, f) H A 
vis lin ifo r but with pont bulbseales 

ir i 
black spot, bordered with white. 

Tale. ostrowskiana. (Gf. t. LA 
; Fl. and P. 1884, 88; B. M. t 
E3959 H. Allied to A ii 
lin gla 

and b: red fl, 2 or in 
i ing a plack spot at the base 
of e the segments. Filaments 

o me 
very short, dilated, and, as well as the 
authers, purple. Turkestan. 

ue Joc rete (B. T. O. 1894, 

dwarf species Siei 

allied to T. celsiana and T. stellata. 

Tulipa primulina. (&. C. 1882, xviii. 
&; B. M. t. 6786.) H. Something 

ments. Stamens densely 
fl. are voy- fragrant 
Mountains of Eas rae Algeri 

ea Po (B. M. t. oeta 
glabrous ee “slightly pubescent at 
ee di 

in. long, spreading so 

te the ground, linear or linear-lanceo 
late, 1-3 in. broad, concave, glaucous 
, obscurely ciliated. in. 

ats acute, bright rose-red in the upper 

, bluish lilac below, with a dark 
corns blotch on the claw. Seea 
bearded at the base. Asia Min 

about 3 glabrous linear- 

mike l., attaining a length of 1 ft 
a ong or longer t el, 
usually branched below, and bearin 
Pe 4 in. long, campan 
late-infundibuliform, bright pale lilac 
with a mp — esas eye; seg- 
men Stam bearded at 

the base. 


eae Ponton, (B.. M. t ee 
to T. gesneriana. 


ing, 1-2 in. long, oblong, obtuse, 
cae or bright red with a yellow 

Stamens half as long as the 
pertains: glabrous sihan yellow. 
Central Asia 

is cures (a. C. 
; W. 6. 1891, prec 
oi he ake Tulip nearly 
allied to T. undulatifolia, but Thiffering 
chiefly in its more blunt avi rianth-seg- 

Saniha, and flat 1. pale glaucous 
red and scarlet with a black Motch on 
the claw. kish Armenia 

ir as 3 arent CO. O 1894, xv. 
ale Gf. b. HID = A species 
ior at without the 
black plateh "insid The filaments 
mga = ess aaa narrowed at the 

Ee a 

Tulipa mics a sea (B. 7. 0 
1894, 230 arly allied to T. 
undulatifolia. P gia brillian 

sages t, with a black brine blotch 
ie base of the ments inside. 

T an kee (Gf. t, 942, ee: 
9.) A dwarf 

5 Bs chan nlc ly te faker 
nae fare w fi, Turkes 

— = — — t: 1144, 
f. 3, 4 H. A var. with lin inear- 
oblong te aiia Pat irat e l. lying on 
the ground ; fl, small, yellow, the 3 

outer segments purplish. Turkestan 

se Se (Gp. t. 1050, 

ith brondiy linear-lanceo- 

a UE even! A Fl. soli- 
tary, about 14 in. a ae white, with 
e o ts yellow 

Western Turkestan 

—— SS (B. M. t 

6307.) cies bearing 
on the middle of the aen downy 
long, linear-lanceolate 

stem, 6-8 in. ; 
acuminate, concave, glaucous pa: 

the lower one 1-14 in. broad, undu 

Pedun 5 in, long cam - 
late diam. ; segments lanceo- 
late, attenuate, p inside, with 

tinted wi ou 
black ; pollen gin Asia Minor. 


Tulipa Taoa CB. T. 0. 1894, 231; | Ulmus gpr umbraculifera 
40.) = G. 

Fl. bright mauve- 
as a- ak blotch ete 
with white at the base inside. Pers 

E J Urti- 
F ‘form of U. campestris 
wate aculifera with small leaves. 

ai A grr (Gard. 1889, xxxvi. ren Kei CGA. t 1019, f. 1.) 

531.) H. A garden hybrid, probably 
aha forms of T. suaveolens and 

T. gesneriana, 1-2 ft. hi = “FL. arge, 
delicate oat Spat piy mas, 
te, glau 

Turrea obtusifolia. (B. os t. 626 79 
Meliaceæ. G. A much-branched shru 

ton beneath the 1. Seg 2-3 fleshy 
elliptic- oblong l. and br anching in a 

greenish h yellow. Tatala Fiolin. ] Eastern 

4-6 ft. high = ung 1l. 
L. alternate or fascicled, 3-1} in. long, ae eid Sot crepe CGA. t. 998, 
i o b- 

oblanceo use, entire 
tusely 3-5-1 towards 3 
bright green 1. solitary or fascicled 

ical l. rosulate, o 
a Ser Ars obtuse or subacute, 
eeren perm hairy. 
ort; cyme corymbiform, FI, White. 
Altai Moun initie 

with long claws; claw | Umbilicus turkestanicus. (Gf. t. 
i 998, f. 1.) H ical 1. i 

into a long pale yellow tube surround- 
ing t e, fring t the top with 
horizontally spreading subulate pro- 
ma green, mallet-shaped, 

grooved on the sides. South Africa. 

Aae S — ys s 1876, t. 260.) 

owerin g per., 

softly hi hairy, 1- on = heh L. stalked, 

2-4 in. long, in. broad, ovate-cor- 

date, greyish dion ‘marbled along the 

veins with darker green and violet 

ovate, shorter than the corolla-tube. 
i n 

with orange-red spots. [Zsoloma.] 

Tydæa ayina nana. (Gf. 
505, f. 60.) 5S. A dwari PEP is: 
garden hybrid. 

gps ete as B. eo 

sclepiadace aae ing. 

A oblong- PEH Bi y ong. at 

on short umbellate cy or in, wide, 
purple, Sierra Lette 

ganeg gerass, te. e jesi 

vi. 244.) 
tet inane eae. 3 iota, sis. penp ; 
. small, dull purple, in umbel-like 

cymes. Yemen, Arabia 

campestris globosa. (Späth 
Cat. Cat, 1994-5.) H. Anelm with L like 
those of U. rr sapiae Berardi but of 
globular habi 

ee heteroglossa. ke Ca 

cymose. Fl. iets ith, ea ‘stripes 
outside. Turkes 

iii thickened; spur ascending, 

Uniola Palmeri. (G. and F.1889, 400, 
f,.12 i ith 

4.) ine 
rigid cane-like culms 2-4 ft. high, 
leafy the top; erect, involute, 
with a long pungent apex ; f 
sta: ts. 6-9 in, | he 

aeee more dense, 4-6 in. long, the 

ranches nearly sessile. Colorado, 
United States. 

Uraria pee (G. em F. 1893, 424 ; 

racemes of purplish-rose fl. with con- 
spicuous rose-coloured ciliated bracts 
India; China, 

ge 214, È 
arden hybri prei yaaa Bies 
jvandilora and Urceolina pendula. 

eriospermoides. hg & a, 

perea ode (4.0. C. 1892, 
poe Am S. 

> y, 

ii. 126.) Liliaceæ. G, bul 


cylindric glossy 1., 4 in. in diam. ; and 
a fl.-stem 2 ft. high, with a raceme of 
small whitish fl. South Africa. 

piisa macrocentra. (@. C. 1887, 
02.) G. B b 

spur ł in. long. South Africa 

Urope — a a aa 

6 in ong, of dro ooping green fl, 


— prona (@. 0.1887, i, ero, 9 
rar ie he 

pre EN specio se 

dens, wt: referral to the evel Oreste nia, 

South A 

bits marcy bifida. (B. M. t. 6689.) 

entibulariaceæ. S. Inte teresting mar 
t, wi tufts = slender 
linear 1., 1-2 in, long, and erect slender 

racemes of oer Antir arnie like 
yellow fl. Asia 

eee Hembholdtii, d. 
xli. 362 and F. 1892, 113.) 
£ PA pr speci d 

aot id montana, British 

Utricularia a (B. M. t 

7466.) Š ome species with 
tapes blue corollas, 
he lower 

reniform oh =e 
the counted convex pa art o 
m d 

In a wild state it grows in 

the leaves of a Tillandsia. Brazil. 

eee age on 1892, 
ee a 

mate phere 
shaped l, and short pede voi dae of 
ve fil, British Guiana. 

ata Pog ed Pot a. (W. 4. 
arf compact plant, 
E wicket fl. marked with bent on. 

oe pants [ U. longifolia, Gard. 

8. (K. B. 1896, 16.) 
acer, S. Stems eagle L oblong, 

Vaccinium Mortinia. = M. t. 6872.) 

Vacciniaceæ. . Or uch 
branched shrub wit ll ovate 
leathery and cl of pretty 

urved lobes. 
Andes of Ecuador 

Vallota ee delicata. (4. C. 
ee 641.) yo decena G. 
Av Spe pale red flow 

Vanda amesiana. BL C.1887,i. TH; 
ii. 472; W. 0. A.t.2 

ransverse rounded janana. 
Spur sontok, compressed, short. India. 

Ton arbuthnotiana. 
xi. 522.) S. Near F. 
has ae ght green bilo a 
golden-yellow fl. with purplish stripes. 

(&. UI 

peee Bensoni tristis. 
422, A var. with fl. coloured 
paint outside an 
rown within ; lip whitish yellow with 
green side-lobes, 

CG. C.1896, 

Yasda Ponor, (G4. C. in xix. 422.) 

t. high ; leaves 6-10 in 
te pert 2- "r scape stout, 
erect, 4—6-flowered ; fl. 2 n diam., 
brownish A ge ni pre mar- 
gined wi ow and with large 
sliedi p Eee Himalaya. 

Vanda eyre] oraaa. G- C 
1881, xvi. 780. i 

sep. is dark purplish brown ; 

there are no apical blotches on the sep. 
and pet. 

ve Payg (0. R. 1894, 

urple; lip as in V. Bensoni, Burma. 
=e ape (K. B.1888,122.) 8 
y of Arachnanthe Cath- 

th, ka patel o sa o 

and pet. of a dark brown, with 
ochre, ages gees she lateral sep. 
and pet. curv obed, with a 
conical acute spur, Trhitish, with a 

brown border and brown areas between 
the keels, and also some brown stripes 

n lobes. t lobe cordate, 
oblong-elliptic, with a rough lobulate 
r d 7-9 ting ee 

keels, m of spur covered b 

~ retrorse with another feb in 

front. [äracinanthe oe Rolfe ; 
B. M.t, 7077; syn. Esmeralda Clarhei, 
Reichb. f.] Himatays.. 

Vanda cerulea — (R H. 

1881, 290, t.) S. A large-flowered form. 

Vanda porlos Boxallii. E 

=i 49.) S. A var. wit 

ae and lavender- eiai 
ie with longitudinal blue stripes. 

— Var. lowiana. (G. C. 1877, viii. 

102.) S. Like the var. Powallié, but 
with an amethyst-coloured middle lo 

to the lip and a dot of amethyst at each 
end of the sepals. 

anda Dearei. 4e C. 1886, xxvi. 648 ; 
“Ot 1887, 340.) S. Allied toV. tri color, 

een. p- 
elliptic, Lip al 
areh ae Totei, and a broad trans- 
verse pandurate fro nt as Sa es 
conical and with 

grooved it 0 over the front ot its 
mouth. Sunda Isles. 

bingo scsipre art edgar (G.C. 

ar.with sulphur- 
e Ee p with 
sei spots gs; 
orange inside ; ; front ‘part of lip 
Hight olive-green. Bur 
unctata. (4G. C. 1881, xv. 

white and some brown spots on the 
pet. and odd sep. 

Vanda eae meets C8 C. 1884, 

Vanda hoo 

556.) 8. lax raceme ; sep. ana 
pec. undulate , spathulate, light yellow, 
Woren w h ye th 

white, marked with brown aTe mauve. 
Sun da Islands. 

keriana. (Fl. and P.1882, 
| miled a to V. ten t. 73.) 8. A fine species 

eres, ererig it resembles į 

Pe te, with lines 
of purple dots on the 1 lip, which has a 

pair of iriangpier rich purple basal 
auricles ; sepals cuneate-ovate, obtuse 
wavy ; petals nmga ene than the 
sep., 2 in. across. 

Vanda nets toi oS a 

light Soba sep, a a ini es tent 
orange spots ; lip ped ae -coloure d. 

= egg (G. C. 1889, v. 
294, 335, f. 50; G. and F. 

1884, 499; B? M.t. 1112) G. ‘Allied to 
¥; amesiana, he l. are poles dar. 

flower 2} in. across, ~~ white with 
a rosy-purple lip. Burm 

—— Var. Lacknere. (yl. 1894, 561; 
t 1428.) G.. A for m differing from 
the type in the sn momen ite fl. with a 
number of om aat spots st the 
mouth of the spur 

— merra were Ket o 

ene ome Oth racemes bearing 14 to 
4 ochre-coloured fl., with a Bp 

— Var. -e super aos: 
> BAY 

Vii superba, Linde 

icra Lindeni. (&. C. 1886, xxvi. 70; 

conical, hairy inside. Sunda Isles. 

Vanda Parishii mariottiana. (4. 
C. 1880, xiii, 743.) E 

) Var. with 
mauve - colo fl. p. with 
arker mauve blotches. Auricles of 
lip with mauve stripes; 

lobe Bis lake. 


Vanda Parishii purpurea. (4. C. 
1883, xix. 307.) S. [V. Parishii, 
Reichb, f. ii. mariottiana, Reichb. f. | 

Le a x. B. 1894, 

treaks ; the a pair 
of halbert shaped lobes. Malays. 
ere ra es ruaa UR, H. 

ae WF 5 th brown sep. 

Bs he i pes yellow, 
TE white outside ; lip reddish. 

— Var. og eae (Q. C. 1883, 
rE 262.) S. A var. of the purple lipped 
ceedingly short lips, and 

sg ae lobes with a few more or less 
developed anterior teeth, 

Vanda sanderiana. = C. 1882, xvii. 
588; B. M. t. 6983.) ‘A handsome 
ee fe ; Se 

coloured like the odd sop: Lip pony 
triangular, dar ith g 
sides. Philippine Esai 

— Var. albata. (@. C. 1887, ii. 9 

purple at the base, and wnish 
yellow at the base of the front lobe, 
which is sometimes striped with 

—— Var. labello viridi. (JZ. i. t4) 
S. A distinct var. having a green lip. 

Vanda gen pane (G. C. 1885, xxiii. 
rgd j Mni. of torb fl ‘Sep.a and 
octets erwatr ochre- 
Sociol. tesellated ah dark purple- 
brown. Lip white and mauve-blue 

Vanda suavis Lindeni. (Z. ii. t. 60.) 
Bie having the sep., pet. and base 
he lip white with purple spots, and 
ds rest of the lip purple. 

Vanda superba. (Z. iii. t. 136; @. C. 
1888, iii. 806.) [V. lamellata, "Lindl. 
var. Bowallii superba, | 

— teres alba. (G. C. 1892, xi. 
64.) S. A var. with pure white fl. 

— Var. Bee (CG. C. 1881, xv. 
~ 688.) S. FL white, with a reddish 
hue over the coat part of the oe and 
some light yellow in the throa 

—— Var. gigantea. (4. C. 1896, xix 
593.) S. A large- flowered richly 
coloured form with stouter stems and 
1, than the type. 

Venis tricolor Hoveæ. (Z. ix. t.396.) 

var yellowish sep., and 

oe thickly spotted all over with red ; 
the lip is rose-crimson. 

— Var. oge (G. C. 1894, xv. 
94.) S. A var. with ee loured 
fi. neatly spotted with red-bro 

Nee, Wallichii. (R. H. 1893, 328, 

m with a yellow ground 
oe el ‘with brown ; lip lilac. 

Vanda Vipani. (G. C.-1882, xviii. 
34.) d 

I S ng and ow. Sep. an 

pet. bluntly rhomboid, narro to- 

wards t white outside, inside 
e a e , with short Wn- 

purple. ‘Side auricles of the np yellow, 
none the middle lobe light olive-green 

— vitellina. (G@. C. 1892, xii. 

206.) S. Resembling V. cærulescens, 

but the fl. are smaller and coloured 
snp yalew. 

Vanilla Humblotii. CB, C. 1885, 
xxiii. 726) Orchidace Ce ie leafless 


dis wisted 
hairs a from bane to disk. 
Comoro Islan 

Venidium fugax. (4G. C.1887, i P) 
Compositæ. H. ae 1-1} ft 
clothed with short hairs 
stalked, elliptic, more or Jess sinuate 

or lo ; upper L. en or 
slightly sinuate-toothed. tans l4 in. 
in diam., bright orange with a blackish 
disk. [Syn. at calendulacewm, Hort. } 

South Afric 


— —_ (G. C. 1887 
32.) Annual 1 ft. Firs ten clothed 

with ane hairs, "Radios . lyrate-pin- 

yellow wi ith a blackish disk. [Syn. } 
speciosum, Hort.] South Africa. 

haken fase (GA. 70.) 
Liliac embling y ii 
but ziti 

upper narrower ; panicle 
gate. Fl. blackish. Eastern Siberia, 

ir ger gen Be ba! ac (Gf. t. 1078 
te v.19.) Scro phiviariaces, 
H Rose Go lanceolate acuminate 
woolly 1. pan ft. long. FI. “eats "5 -6 

ft. high, branched f near the base 
= a candelabrum-like manner. Fl. ke 
. in diam., bright yellow. Levan 

Verbascum wiedemannianum. (4. 
H. A speci 

£ ka xiv. 785. es with 
fi. changing from ie to pur- 
plish lilac. North Kurdistan 

Verbesina poppet e iee Cat. 
1893, no. 216, 7, f. 
Many feet high with ieee piunnttid 
1. Gnatemala, 

Verminiaria Panin. us G. 1888, 
272.) Legumin G. A misprint for 
Viminaria dadala, 

Vernonia page, (B. M. t. 7255.) 

Composit ll-growing m 

with large ‘leathery foliage and a 

le, whi 

mina icle, which on strong chats 
is 3 ft. p , and ne ; as much wide 
The 4 in. lon Tarer and 
rose- purple, arranged in loos 

South Afri 

Veronica amplexicaulis. (G. x 
1895, 1870.) Scrop 
ae acee, H. Ad rf shrubby plant, 
with Loge ed elliptic l. and spik; 

of white fl. ‘New Z and, 

Veronica carnosula. (2. M. t. 6587.) 
The plant fi 

gured under this name is 

not the true V. ca Sorts apps but the sal 
known FV. pinguifoli 

Veronica eaii. = M. 1893, 269 ; 
B. M. t. 7296.) shr. close osely 
allied F. Taal a 
profusion of small trusses of insane 
blue fl. New 


| Veronica arga variabilis. 

(G. C. 1888, f. 5; 7.) - [Syn. 

F: — nivides, Hort, not of Hook. f. I 
B and. 

piaia ne 
or pos 
ytd eae related t Sy : Salsas. 
It has short br: sig E weak gir ts E 
less tian in reen with a 
pete margin fl lavender coloured, 
short erect branch 
Ne ew Zealand. 

e M.t. 7323.) 

— Lyre het SS = 1888, 
455 ; 

a AA e ee a 
spherical bush 14-3 ft. high. L.3in 
S, i ad, 8, obtu: 
narrowed at the base, thick in texture, 
concave, glaucous ¢ Fl. in 

axillary compact racemes, small, ve 
numero ite. is probably 

E carnosula, Hook. f.] New Zealand. 

Formian Hotot aCe C. 1895, xvii. 

590 ; 741 H.-H An 
erect Saias ek with small imbricate 
l. and clusters of pale lilac fll New 

me E ay ere 1893, 
xliy A 

realy a Set riaka to tia Toni i- 
fer-like section. The plantis S aeieea 
green in colour sei it of 
white fl. New Zealand. 

Te Pir a rreg ie = 
M. t. 6407.) 

ype in ie irad T enaa 

larger 1. with much shorter 
miea es, ane i in its ty dense spike 
of bright blue fi. Jap 

a are Fs ar ge (B. M. t. 6456.) 
Ad species, = T 
i rate pe Beni nding stems, opposite 
ovate acute serrate ee and lax racemes 
of long-pedicelled fl. Corolla 4 in. in 

diam., white, tinged with lilac. New 

(O C “1892, 
rennial trailing 
— with eae. ‘tufts of oblong- 
glabrous 1., ca spikes o 
Pf? Abkhas , Transcau- 

Veronica ee eee 

Varonis. satureioides, On t. 1192, 
f- mall dwarf species with 
wing ited o or oie and short 
terminal racemes of bright blue fl, 


vemia. species ee Ae 
es Ñ. 
variety ae ae “dea mites ee 
purple fi. 

Viburnum dilatatum. (B. 
ae Be g I ene H. mal vibe 

Viburnum — he ei eg 
um. (Qf. 1889, 462.) H. 
with short ito i about = in. a3 

— eat (G. and F. 

ay sos 

be d 
Opulus, Reais: United States. 

TERE gepe on Cat. 
9-90, 3 wit 

ga broad. [Eens 
not Yy, mpra Hemsl i 

Viburnum Vetteri. (GA. 1889, > 

arden hy = between 
Lentago and F. wie 
Vicia dennesiana. E M. 967.) 
eguminosæ. H. H. per. Sieber of 
great interest, on oo of its being 
extinct in a wil pinnate, 

ending in branched Daa T seers] 
rather dense. Buds purple, emesi 
to slaty-blue, and on ex Tr O a 
dingy fawn colour. Azo 

bi og aa oar (2. and F., 
paai 30.) a 
T clim with woody stems, 
nately tri ifolinte 2 hair istaria. 

like purple and white fl. Mexi 

ee aaas s 
i H. u 


in. i 
bose. Colorado; New 

Hias papiet ee M. t. nee 
entia r G. marsh herb, 
n each stem, 


es. Fl. terminal, 

capitate, } in. in diam., light yellow ; 

pet. bifid and denticulate. West 

Viola beckigna. CW. @. 1896, 197, t. 
ii.) Violaceæ. H. ndsome rock 
pani ve large blue or sh ahi fl. 

tine le calcarata a albiflora. CGR: 4 

ar. with large 

— Var. Halleri. (@fl. t. 1028.) A 
g m with large dark blue flowers. 

= grog = = C. 1892, xi. 650 ; 
Hei ight 

Viola plas ‘ie go erga (GA. 
t. 1110, f var. with 
the three 7: we ok aie, and the 
two upper ones violet. North America. 

Vitex arenas (B. HM. 

pu nce. pa opposi 
3-5-fo lic olate, on slender p 

yx; limb flat, 2-lipped ; upper 

lip of ye smaller, lower lip of three 
obes, pale lilac, 
red inside the tube. 

Vitex trifolia variegata. (Bull Cat. 
1876, 11.) G. Sorin of slender habit, 
with downy branches, L. oppos osite, 

hit violet - purple. 

South Sea Steals 

Vitis acuminata. CR. H. 1890, 183 ; 
W. G Pied rae _Ampelidacen. H. 

entire L, 

Beene 5 slightly ‘cordate at the 
à attenuate to a sharp 
point, scarcely toothed on the margin, 
labro with a ve hort 
pore pubescence beneath. 
large, black, ia — ow 

bene hes. Eastern Asia 

= op hia ag fame” por = dhe * 
x for ae yphylla 
Vine with ees able ae unequally 
and very sharply tost ial. "Turkestan 

is Berlandieri. (B. 7. O. 1888, 

56:) H. arn pogone covered 

G a crisp flocci bescence ; 


l. cordate-orbicular, more or less 3- 
lobed, toothed; panicles bearing 
blackish viol violet et globose berries. Texas ; 

ru — (R. H. 1887, 372, t.) 
ili wW 

cymes of 
followed by era globose blackish 
red berries. South Afr 

Vitis teens CG. and F. 1893, 

450 AKIL BOD £) H. 
Eaa into France and America 
a haw s from Japan, and at 
first en for TEA im 
it resembles in habit nd foli 

colour assumed by its l. in autumn, 

r and F. i 
very hardy vin 
=: and bra: nahea, 

y Scenians. 
59.) H. 

homiy wäite 

vins indivisa. ae ane z Be ne 
H. _L. cordate, 

Fl. in small loos pons E as ae 
about the size of pea, Eastern 
North Ame 

Vitis japonica betaine rs H. 
1886,81.) H. Ay very 
thick coriaceou lobed 1. olen — 
above, percent ao benea 

Vitis =. gracilis. (R. H. 
1891, 206.) H. Vine of much branched 

with very slender stems, 
deeply lobed 1. Grapes black, in small 
bunches. China. 

— T ged ae (B. HM. = See) 
e stem: men juare wi rill 

ota and th ati arge and ar rer 

[Syn. y. gongylodes, Baker.| Brazil. 

Vitis powers violacea. (R. H. 
1888, 5 132. 
with a 

sinall panicles. 
peduncles. rh og 

Vitis Romaneti. (R. H. 1888, gae, 
rE ee: & comes. Vine. L. v 
variable, cordate-entire to lobed. 

p ei 

igre dark td 

Wany produced compact panicles. 



Vitis obtusifolia. 
£ L. cordate, ay entire, 
covered with a white tomen 

(R. H. 1891, 522 

— Var. edges 
f. 134 pparently only a 

(E. H. 1891, FA 
=| A a for 

of se tensa plant which ripens fruit 


pone Serr (R. H. an 444, t.) 

ms ioles 
ao clothed with = “of a brilliant 
dark red colour; 1. ly cordate, 
acute, seer ‘lanes eee bene ath. 
Eastern Asia. 

ii oa eer (W. &. 1896, 
34.) arden 7 Ai between 

Y. Solonis aur Y. ripari 
T fo chien CG. C. 1881, xvi. 427.) 
reen climber, with rather 

; thick digii aving sessile cuneate- 
ets, and c; isga 
of goa fl. Berries as large as 
pea, reddish. Also called V. senper- 

virens. South Brazil; Urugua 
— Alberti. (R. H. 1889, 300, 
t.) aa agro S.A garden 
by brid between V. incurvata and V. 
morreniana. tn llandsia.] 

Vriesia amethystina. n E 1884, 
330, t. 15-16; R. H. 188 

w fi., 2} in. greenish 
yellow, lin. Sar [1 itandsia amethys- 
ina, Baker; B. M. t. 7121.) Brazil. 

Vriesia andreana. (ZU. H. 1895, 

a S. A garden hybrid between 
Barilleti ina V. splendens major. 

Pillan dsia.] 

Tn oo (RH. B. od HS 

en hybrid betw 

Miani i Fi Wi ate Tm É 

— Var. major. (R. H. B. EE 

A garden pe fon between V. Wa 

mingi fad V. psittaci 

Vriesia Barilleti. (B. H. 1883, 33, 
t. 3; R. H. 1883, 394.) 8. A pec Er ar 
plant, w ith green smooth-edged 1., 

sheaths; spike elongate, 
pri ka dense ; bracts boat-shaped, 


pondapticats, yellowish ales, with ~~ 
ots; fl. so ach bra 
yellow. [Tillandsia Baril illeti, bekis j 

Tula bellula. (Lind. Cat. 1883, 7.) 

(rie ilandsia halieonsanden. H. B, K.] 

Vriesia oara (iil. H. 1891, 
t. 125.) 8. garden hybrid between 
K; bracyetachye and V. Krameri. 

ndsia. | 

ba ie Senne. ys. (B. H: os, 

L. numerous, 8, 
nee arched, dark green, about 1 ‘ft 
long, fo: a lax rosette. Fl.-stem 

tee 1 ft. long, clothed with greenish 
FI. - spik S pore jae 

Bracts distichous, yellow. Fl. y 
y the bracts, [Tiltandi 
oe yootach ys, Baker M. t. 6906. | 

Vriesia Closoni. (R. M. B. 1894, 28.) 

A garden hybrid between FV. 
Barilleti and V. morreniana, [Til- 
landsia. | 


Vriesia crousseana. (R. H. B.1 
28.) A garden hybrid between y. 
amethystina and V. Warmingi. 

bor diyahkns (B. H. 1884, 105, 
7-8; the 

ad Pe i T ory ` with 
rosette of short sp l olate 
l, green above, be- 

green. green. 
f Tillandsia duvaliana, Baker.] Brazil. 
— a (i. a a 
A garden hybrid 
A ‘cardinal and F. aden Til. 

Vriesia ‘lauds (lil. H. 1888, t. 67.) 
Garden hybrid. [ Zillandsia.] 

Myers gracilis. he H. hi. is 28.) 
S. A garden hyb V. War- 
mingi and V. al ae BER "Tillandsia. ] 

Vrisnis gracilis. (Gf. 1886, 161, 163, 
1.) 5. A slender species, with 

x rosette of green ]. 10-12 in. long 

a 24 in, broad, and a slender panicle 


about 2} ft. high, with 

icho Baper aay: fi. subtended by 
sp ish bracts with green 
oa “Enitianasia procera, Mart.] 

Vriesia gravisiana. (R. H. B. 1890, 

49, t.; Gl. 1890, 494, f. 81.) S. A 
den hybrid between V. psitt 

morreniana and V. Barilleti. Tri 

on aeonit (a. C. 188 
warf tufted w 

habit, wis Sinise yes 

late 1 above, violet below. 
Spike erect, simple, risi 4-5 
above the 1., with 2 rows of boat- 
8 acu a of a a t rose- 
pink sere hi i wie wh ae 
curv hag Ss fe. [Ti landsia helicon 
oides, H Yi & Ck] Colombia. 

Vriesis Henrici. 
arden hybrid 
dida and V. splendens. 

qi. ine h 217.) 
(Tillandsia. ] 

er pego g": a OS 
an 94.) 
itassangea bids yphica and Pinasa: 
s ( Tillandsia hierogly- 
e> sit y ee 

zee hybrid 
F. Barilleti. 

Vriesia bates ‘espe 
1895, 456, f. 92.) 8. 
etween V. pues and 
[ Lillandsia. | 

Var. Pommer-Escheana. (Gf. 
t. ~ +, 1888.) S. A garden hybrid betw ween 
V. morreniana and V. splendens. { Til- 
landsia. | 

Vriesia imperialis. (R. 7. 1888, 58.) 
S. Bromeliad, haper a very stout 
stem, about 18- 20 in ring & 
rosette 4} ft. in diam., of bright green 
E nding and slightly 

o ace, 

‘One of the many forms of Tillandsia 
Regina, Vell.] Brazil. 

ves incurvata. (B. H. 1882, 52, 
S. A pre ith broad- 

and w green - ti 
(Tillandsia incurvata, Baker. } Brazil 

Vriesia insignis. Kea 1891, ia. S. 
A me hybrid be nV. B illeti 
and V. splendens. Tilla 


Vriesia a (Gf. 1890, 326, 
garden hybrid between 

y. Barta on y. Raeaiieci: [ Til- 

oes Krameri. (B. H. 369.) 
A form of Tillandsia e aet 

CB. M. t. 2841), 

with entirely 
bracts. Braz 


esn leodiensis. (W. G.1890, hee 
A garden hybrid between V. 
puttacina morreniana and V. Barilleti. 

{ Tillandsia.] 

a TATE (GAL. 1889, 343, 
f. 56-8.) n hybrid betwe::n 
F: "Bar teti as y ‘fonsitrahd. { Zil- 
landsia. | 

Vriosis Mariæ. (R. H. en 300, 
LT A garden sehen be ween 
'Birilleti and V. brac ere pile ag 

[ Litlandsia. | 

Vriesia mirabilis. (Jard. 1008, 199.) 
S. A garden hybri 
hier ogly hica and V. raedinahs. Cm E 

Vriesia ee qau. 
EIL d 

garden hybrid 
i Baril a aa Es pe oe 
{ Tillandsia. ] 

H. 1889, 

Vriesia a (R. H. 1896, 219.) 
i en hybrid between Encholi- 
roseum and Vriesia incurvata. 

Tillandsia. ] 

Legere obliqua. (Gy. t. 1369.) S. 
A garden hybrid, parents doubtful. 

Vriesia agyon Rik. B, 

229, t.) S. A garden hybrid ane 
y. splendens and V. Van-Geerti. [Til- 

Vriesia gegt morreniana. (B. 

= 1882, 287, t. 1 . 2, by error 
ber : . and P, 1883, 11.) 
eos emte = ving mor 

and more 
{ Tillandsia psittacina, Baker. ] Brazil. 

Vriesia ky rulenta lineata. (E. 
. 20.) 8. Rosette of | 

ng t. in diam. L, asce 
ith tips, gradually nar- 
rowing from a very d base to the 
acute apex, green, w bairs 

and longitudinally s slat with fava 
a unknown. [Tillandsia.] Brazil. 

o — (G. C. 
13.) 8. 

A richly coloured eae. 
i dark siis flushed with purple, 
lly purple on the under side. 

Tmi llandsia.] Brazil. 

T mea (B. H. 1884, 185, 

10.) arden hybrid between 
j ae Pan T psittacina morren- 
iana. (Tilla ndsia.] 

Vriesia Rex. (R. H. B. 1894, 217, t.) 
S. A garden hybrid between V. mor- 
reno -barilletiana and V. cardinalis. 

Vriesia Paap fearon a H. 1882, 
es P.1883, 11; Lind. Cat. 
1883, 7 A. Bromeliad of moderate 
size with a tuft of ligulate ma = 
7-8 in. long, road, an 
Sefe of yellow f, the larger siete 
rosy. | Zitlandsia rodigasiana, Baker. | 
South B 

Aies E (B. H. 1879, ta 
L. 10 in 

a en. Fl-s 14-2 ft. lon 
hanging from the plant like a rope 
ladder 1e K ne ery long; bracts 
deep r yellow ; corolla 
green. in nandon scalaris, Baker. | 

LES seat fonectlat patisionsis, (lu. 
Ht 89.) r -{ Mi 
andris. i “oath Brazi o 

— ye, rapea piots. (R. H. 1884, 
74.) S. L. marked with large rosy 

= Var. — (@. C. 1898, xiii. 
442, A. with 1. variegated 
in white ‘and sonal barde on a 1 pe 
tessellated ground. South Brazi 

—— Var. sanderiana. (G. C. 1892, 

i 434k.) var. with the 1l. more 

distinctly zoned and marbled than the 

ie il. H. 1889, 
dsome garden 
cina duvaliana 

 Tillandsia, ] 

— en 
87. = 

Erbe id bet 
and F. dr jek sie he on 

Vriesia Meer ya (2. H. 1878, 257, 
15 L. 

t. 14, a large open 
tte, came Marans. acute, 
entire, 1 ft. long, 14-2 i ad. 
2 ft. long, covered with scarious 

ts. Spike simple, oe n: 

Fl. white, 14 in. long, į in am. 
ai E: K p ae itandsin vimi- 

Hemsl] © 


oe Deea cel Bos H. 1884, 260, 
13.) species wit th 
ie iaceous slightly S piei acute 
about 3 ft. long and 2 in. broad 
marbled s 

ag g 

w, tipped with green. Fl. yell 
Ei laniata War Gace Baker. | Brazil. 

Vriesia tht iden Neher mo (GA. 1890, 
DE) 8, A> garden hybrid be- 
tween V. Barilleti and V. scalaris. 
[ Tillandsia. | 

Visia. Fisi. foe H. B. 1894, = 

rid between 
palates ant n Barilleti. [Til- 
landsia. | 

Vriesia arreu CON. t. 1283 ; 
G. C. 1888, iv. 565.) S. Garden hybrid. 
[ Tillandsia 

Wahlenbergia saxicola. (B. M. t. 

6613.) Campanulaceæ. H. L. oblan- 
oone, 1 in. long; scapes 
i igh, bearing solitary 
peg nulate blue fl, 1 in. in diam. 
New Zealand. 

Wahlenbergia tenuifolia. (B. M. 
rf tufted kabit. 

draianth us tenui- 
Dalmatia, &c. 

14-4 in. lon 

folius, A. DC.] 

Wanienengia onus pig (B. M. t. 

plan aa E: stems 
l. and terminal cam a 
is bery wide, olet- blue. 


Talvena De ai 30: 

( pb Hort. 
. 309; GA. t. 1841.) 

acute $ a3 in. “st 
the pet., and purple spots on the lip. 

Warrea bidentata. (G. C. 1888, iii. 
104; Paætons Flower hee PES 
f. 47.) Orchidaceæ. llied 
W. tricolor, but with a n and 
narrowe: ving a sharp basal 
keel, and the ‘disk covered with seriate 

callosities. [Aganisia.] 

wee cyanea alba. (G. C. 1885, 
xxiii. 692.) S. A striking var with a 
pure. white lip. Song panes c ‘cyanea, 
Benth. and Hook, f. var. ] 

Wahingissis shame S H. 1885, 
401, 73.) 

are pee a fan- ies ae = to about 
half-way down into numerous lin 

between the segm i 
pn LW. filifera, T Wendl} Cali- 

—— densiflora. L. M t. tae. 
G ll mark 

aceze fine well 
aun erect, linear, rigid, 18-24 
in. long, b , with several 

cer kg trifid, with each segment pn 
ifid. Natal. 

biore ve ua ee ee. 

flo i pat ia of Sy. yd bean 
identical with W. iridifolia O'Brieni. 

Var. O’Brieni. (&. C. 1889, vi. 334, 
350; R.H. 1889, 541.) ag to 
W. rosea in genera 7 appeara but 
with pure white [ W. Meriana, 
Mill. var. O Brini T South Afri 

Walesa candida rO a 1879, 5 ae) 
rifoliaceze. shr. 

dentate. Fl. in termina 
short lateral shoots, very prani t, 

Weigela procombine: (R. H. 1879, 
im eee 2S with slender 
pista Boag ill ok ino ured fi. 

more or less spotted wit 

ren mg (K. B. ri ae 
7405.) Commelinace G. 

erect scapes in a cluster in the centre 
of the l, Mexico; Guatemala. 
yee pyramidata com- 
ta: (R: ai 1891, 166.) Coniferæ. 
‘ n var. 0 yra- 
midal aam quoia gigantea, 
Torr. var. } 


Westringia longifolia. (GA. t. 937, 
b.) Labia shr., in = 
at W. er emical, from which i 

sub- = 

Sanat. very pale lilac. Aasias 

Widdringtonia Whytei. (G. C.1894, 
The Milanji 
Cypres: rows in the mountains 
of Nyasaland to a height of 140 ft. 

has Juniper-like 1, and cones smaller 

Wist chinensis varingats. 
(Williams gi 1886, 26.) Legum: 
ose. H. A var. with bright aler 
variegated foliage: 

P tieinis vacciniscas: (K. 

epee land coal oe perei 
red campanulate fi. 

—— = (G. C. 1883, 
Fl. and P. 1882, 181.) 
S = a dwarf habit, v 

oblong lanceolate pinnate fronds: pi 
numerous, 8-15 
oer long, E ay pinnatifid. Rocky 

Woodwardia eS cristata. 
ie and P. 1878 hg Har G. 
A var. with ee d symmetri- 
cally eats 

Wormia SE ESEE ÇB. M. t. 6531.) 
Dilleniaceæ. some ever- 
green shr, with large AR elliptic 
almost entire deep gree 

long, and axillary few-flowered cymes 

of sey goldan fl. 4-5 in. across. 


cartilaginous teeth. 
Pili Tia baes in. in e ams radiate, ee 

Saateni minor: pa M.t 6297.) 
ak 0 in. 

rizontally bent above the 
corolla: Sate Austra 

Se Fhe i M t 

of n remarkable 

a em oa wih t trunk, 
long eee tar eat er l., and 


geo sor fi. South-west Aus- 

SEO Barilleti. (R. H. 1882, 

per. foliage 

mA of bold habit, with large pedate 
dull green 1. Braz il. 

Xeronema Moorei. dos ee 1877, t 
297 ; Lind. Ca it. 1878, 5 
; sS. 

; in ap 
about 20 long, bracteate, abruptly 
bent in a horizontal manner a little 
below the raceme of brigh imson 
fl., which stand erect on the upper 
side ; anth campanulate, 3 
ong ; segments narrow, linear-lanceo- 
late, acute ; stamens exserted, twice a 

s ce 
long as the corolla. New Caledonia. 

a uen (GA. t 

Bet pete ae Read 

ces kable plant, with 

a Pane ota Syny a height of 12 ft., 

crowned with a t of long linear 
r reper pee glabrous 1l. Se 

ured above, with a few 

bristles baby the oblong ovary, which 

ensely d with ending 

cnn bristle: Fl. 1} in. in 

iam. ; the se nts 15-18 s long, 

nearly sessile, 4 in. long. 
retinervis, Baker.] Natal; Transvaal. 
—_—- pentia; (BN. & 
352.) H. Bulbous 
ae. ners ing oe road flat 
‘iment L aieh 6 in. long, and 1 sessile 
long-tubed th 

ellow down the face of the outer 

segments, not bearded ; inner sopan | Bike. ing cee violacea. (R. H. 

about 1 in. long, spathulate, unguic 
ading from ween 

s i 
nearly as large as the outer perianth 
segments, pale lilac. =. is alata, Poir.} 
Alge ; South Eur 

eor: ena ca. C. 1890, vii. 

eee Birman 5. Pseudobulbs 

Sank opea-like. FI. 

on short ree fy reddish rae T 
rei- ge ~~ with an o 

of a cumber. [Syn Mawillaria ia 

Colley, Lindl. | Trinida 

Mr 8) a (G. C. 1889 
[Syn. Mavillaria corrugata, 

Spn leontoglossum, 
1889 458; B. M. t. 7085.) “(sym 
Mavillari ia leontoglossa, Reich. $ =f 

a and F. 1889, 568, 

T meer 
146 G. Anar orescent 
ft. hi 

ucca filamentosa gece dpa dn 
AG ies a Tes 16.) =G: arked 
yellow i aaa 

Yucca p aei —— (Fl. 
des ad with a 
ei white ak gory dwi the 

centre of the 1, =a a beth sides 

r. recurvifolia, foliis varie- 
gatis. (Ill. H. 1883, t. 
1883, 27.) H. var. with a pale 
E reen reddish-tinted stripe down the 
centre of the 1. 

Yucca Hanburyi. (K. B. 8.) 
H Allied > F: aight fl 
a den 

ring fro 
Sig ro en habit, branched 
int, longer styles, longer and more 

te petals. Southern United States. 

Fil. and P. 
in. Oe eae Ari 

. 1884 a J 

eric sery kette Cat. 1886, 9.) 
e Palm with a fies 
ues a Sask pein pinnate 1. 
the yous p pt the 1. are two- rt. 
West Afri 

Zamia amplifolia. (@. C. 1878, x. 
810.) Cycadaceæ. S.evergreen ; caudex 
soe. obtuse, glabrous. L. š 

he: i ‘tha 

nn montana. (4G. C. 1882, xvii. 
TE Taak 2 Lie Ls ok KE 


ruptly acuminate, 
prominent and a few eat teeth. 

— Cat. 1896, 
Z. Lindeni, with 
Fron. the pinnæ also large 
and with marginal teeth. South 

gree nomas. 
S. ed to 


— sigan nee eg H. 1877, t. 289 ; 
With a sle nder 

a close pu te; leaflets 
7-10 h side of rhachis, ovate- 
lanceolate, acuminately obt at 
the apex, attenuate at the base, about 
8 in. long, and nearly 3 in. "broad. 

Seer — (Bull Cat. 1881, 20.) 
innate ; leaflets in w pairs, 
eate, dent 


furrow in fro 
white priekies "Z. latifolia, toddi 
Ho nduras 

a ese ea EAEE. (Gf. 
bii ey in pacar, Cu E 


Zamia tonkinensis. Th H. aaan t 
7 d Hort. 1885, 

n s 
a species 
e C. circinalis, 
kias Erene by a 

of large plume-like a Ẹ; 
with a spiny paola, Tongkin 

Zea pai yarisgats, 
1886, 640. 
garden var, Pe z 


Zea a foliis a 
CW. 7.) H.H. a 

garden sam of. Z. Moye with nein 

Zelkova japonica Yorschatell. 
G. C. 1892, xii. 669.) cacer. 
aes = with, “conspicuously 

o know 
shapes i it ot a Dippel.] 
Eastern As 

ges a re oe NA t. — ) 
te ie Sige lon, 
bearing a rsa ae bight a i 
fl. 1} in. long. Demerara? 

a tet pewara (G. C. 
1881, xvi. 70.) T in the way of 
Z. ca e bright 
pink A. “with a cate ab long as the seg- 

ments ; sara with short stigmatic 

lobes. Mexico. 
Oaa taubertiana. (Gf. 
27.) G species with oero 

tial ie ae large pink-tinted 

Zingiber TETEE (G. C. 1886, 
. 390.) mine. S. dwarf 
Ginger Soak: L ft. high. Stems naked 
below. with a few oblong-lanceolate 

i 2—4 i 

J S. ve per. wi 
purplish leafy ee 3 ft. high, bearing 

acate inf densely covered with orim 
son bracts, North-west Borneo 

gee aris Bey fit; ws 

eae A “435 S Te lia “hg ig oe pro 
t. hi 

habit, growing to 2 or gh, with 
lanceolate 1. 6-8 in. lon 2-23 in 
broad, of a bright green, with a broad 
cream-white argin, oblique 

stripes of the same colour, 
Zinnia linearis. (@f. 1887, 667, 
171; G@. GC. 1887, ii. 597, £ 116.) 
Vomposite. H. annual 12-18 in high, 
branching from the base, with opposite 
ear o kge late 1., a li 

oam aca: about 1 in. in diam 

ssa) er aaa ge ig C.1881, 
S. pretty little 

Aroia. with aoe ge, some 
what like that of Catalin marmo- 
ratum, but much sm aller. L. ovate, 
with a dee te base, 


dark gt with a series of irregular 
pale g > elg rranged around 
thel. anp gi ge very small. 
Spathe oblong: lanceolate, pt readin, 
out nearly flat, with revolut 
dull green. Spathe 
twice as long, bl 

asal + bearing 
rest barren. Colom 

ish, very slender, 
unisexual fl., the 

(Gf. a 1121, 


Bete az, with 

Sypalonue. ethers 

ae iscsi oe sie 
white fl, Texas; 
—— Pb CG. s 1887, 
65.) idaceæ. arden 
EA mid Shuniens A ygopetatum ag 
crinitum and Lycaste jugosa (Colas 

Zygopetalum brachypetalum steno- 
talum. (é/.t.1277.) Orchidaceæ. 

margin ; ; the crest with 

about 5 crenations. Brazil, 

EAE aa Burkei. (&. C. 1883, 

green ; lip white, with 13 purple ribs 
on the callus. ndobalbs nearly 
ietragonous, shining, thick. 

a ager Clayi. (G. Č 1877, 
684.) S. A a be- 

penis Z. crinitum and Z. 


Zygopetalum Crepeauxi. (R. H. Zygopetalum arg eri peru- 
1887, 420.) G. A robust tufted species, vianum. (Z. viii. t. 418.) G. A var. 
with small angular aage = with smaller fl. A ag the type. Peru 

dark red spotted and striped with Zy H ge leary ree re 

ellow; lip 1 hite with vi 1890, vii. 704 ; ) With 
sas ca: ths oe ~ pet ores the habit of 4 inter ee lip three- 
id with short islet sca hairs lobed an riate. Venezuela. 


Syacpeselaie } Klsbykli. CG. C. 1885, 
'Zygopetalum crinito - maxillare. and pet. whitish 
(Gard. 1890, xxxviii. 43.) G. A hybrid | ochro Uut v ith purple; lip pure 
i ss parentage is indicated by the white, fringed, spoked wi th purple ; 

specific name, [Z. Clayi, Reichb, f.] rou he callus oa epee ar eae, ligulate, 

Z; sum. (G. C. 
ee aoe ¢ Zygopetalum Klabochorum. (6. C, 

big ike a pote e xi. 684.) G. tufted, equitant, 
green; pet. der, brown in their anceolate, 12-15 in. long, 2 in. broad 
art, blotched with b with sp ng segments, 34-4 in. 
e lower part; lip green, with 5 in- in diameter ; sep. and pet. or less 
terrupted brown stripes on the basal incurved at the tips, basal ht 
lf, and similar blotches at the base E wt apia pren gag Bs eon 
of the front part, which is fringed. files; onma E 

Ecuador (?) 

ALY pipron foreipstui (6.21 ¢ 
ygopetalum eta pe (G. 
1883, xx. 360.) G. Allied to Z. grami- l g xxiv. 70.) A sil. sowored 
neum, with whitish ochre fi. Lip very spec ecies with Piae lL, and 
broad, fringed in = having two yellow fi. with a white lip. 
—- and a few purple Ta on the Z 
ygopetalum leopardinum. (4. C. 
front part. Tropical Ameri 1886, xxvi. 19) G. A garden 
E denporea ble ona CZ. iv. t. 181.) 

ar to Z. cochleare, a x 
-Ae E ad Zygopetalum leucochilum. (6. C. 

en xi. 214.) G. A garden He ater 
ry: fi: The “r ar se FEN 
aean, acute, white, with- mo Onka ond 5, Maska pi: 
out markings. Lip large and broad, 
with the sides turned up, white, veined le eras Lindeni. (Z. vii.t. et 
with violet, having a thick crest at . With lanceolate acute 1., and solita: 
the base. 

Zygopetalum graminifolium. (@. C. he age Lindon, Honk 

192, xi. 698 ; Bees 179; L. viii. t. 340.) ; 
G. This plant has been in cultivation | Zygopetalum Lindeni (Z. vi 
se ears, it does not ap 275; 0. R. 1894, 270.) ry A distinct 
have flowered till 1892. It is a species with narrow lanceolate 

small-growing spec th a slender sep. and pet. of ght rosy colour 

rhizome, small dobulbs, and a large ovate acute lip whi th 
and narrow grassy raceme erect, very numerous rose-coloured veins; 
bearing lg five to seven green and crest large and thick, rather darker. 
purple fi. Vene Sst 

_ pemes (G. C. 1889, 
Zygopetalum hemixanthum. (6.¢. | Zygopeta 

1883, iv. 206.) Œ. Allied to Z. Lalindei, v. 199.) longs to the section 
ba denna i lour, and ee ise. ya, aha is is ike Z ries. ake. — 
merous tu es and processes at the pe k. and also di in colou 

recles an B 
tees of the orot of koola. Sep. and ritis 

ker. Pa Js Re ew TIoni xantha, | Zygopetalum Mysan (4. C. 
Reichb. f. mbia. 1881, xv. 530.) G. the way of 

2146 2D 



c karer: — Atarira a with yel- 

srg sh g lip fringed, the callus 

tal ie wit: Sra cae 
soto Reichb. f.] Colombia. 

ao agen obtusatum. 

ear Z. mazillare, 
with a got raceme, blunt bracts, 
T : 

an ery Tahi ate tip, with a haria 
Sele retuse lower callus 

oe genta pentachromum. (4.0. 

Ct 532.) G. A garden hy- 
het ween Z. 

Z. ‘Mackags and 
ren Ea 

preeinn Perrenoudi. (J. 0. 
4,42; G.C. 1896, xix. aan 367, í oe 
> gar aie ybrid — n Z. inter 
medium and Z. Case 

sos aa Daeg CG. C. 1883, 

o known Warscewicezella picta. 
Tropical paiera 

a sanderianum. rfl. 
87.) S. Stem slender, creeping, 

bearing ovoid peersoalle. separated 

from one another by considerable 
intervals. L. lanceolate, S Sca 
few-flowere Sep. and p ceo- 
ars s eme speckled with brown 
ip very 

peers ehiti crenate, with a 
tria ies crenate crest at the base, 

el saree a PSs : 

F ri Rg a. ith fen: 

lanoclat „acute l, an nd solitary fl. 
out 2 i 

greenish. Lip angled at the b on 
h side, constricted at the middle, 

then expanded into a large cordate- 

reniform wavy fro 

strongly revolute at th h 

f it violaceous. [Syn. a wend- 
landiana, R G. and F. 1888, 315.) ~ 
Costa Ric 

—— Var. discolor. aF O. A. t. 126.) 
Sie igen. green, a white lip 
ith a baad: “vilet purple 

sm pan. Costa Rica. 

Bed thei pe (G. C. 1890, 
194) Se Es. about 

Site w. Colombia. 



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