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In cHarcr or CAPT. J. H. SIMPSON, TorpoGraruicaL ENGINEERS, 















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Saint Louis, December 31, 1860. 
Dear Sir: Want of time has prevented me fully to elaborate the very rich 
botanical material brought together, under your orders, by my brother, Henry Engel- 
mann, the geologist and meteorologist of your expedition. 
I herewith inclose to you an account of a few species, which seem to have a par- 
ticular, and principally a practical, interest. 
I expect to continue my investigations, and hope to submit them, through you, to 
the. scientific public at a future period. 
Very respectfuly, &c., 
Capt. J. Hl. Srpson, 
Topographical Engineers, U. S. A., Commanding Expedition. 


Cercocarpus LepIFoLius, Nuttall in Torrey and Gray's Fl. N. Am. 1, p. 427; and in 
his continuation of Michaux’s Sylva, 2, p. 28, t. 51; Hooker, i. ¢. pl. t. 324; Me pain- 
Mahogany of the inhabitants of Utah. 

This small ever green tree is so well described by Nuttall in both works mentioned 
that not much remains to be added. His figure, however, is not a very faithful repre- 
sentation. He says that it grows much like a peach-tree, at most 15 feet high, and 
that the trunk is sometimes as much as a foot in diameter. On the expedition, it was 
found to grow rarely as a tree, but usually branching from the base, or several stems 
from one root; its height was from 8-15 feet, and the stems seen had the thickness of 
3-6, or, at most, 10 sailed The bark is light gray, tough, smoothish, with superficial 
longitudinal wrinkles and short transverse scars. The wood is hard, heavy, very close- 
grained, light reddish-brown, with; medullary rays very numerous, but 
extremely fine, scarcely visible with the naked eye; the wood is similar to cherry-wood, 
but harder and heavier. A specimen before me has a diameter of 16 lines, 14 lines of 
which are wood, showing 24 annual rings, so that each ring has a thickness of not 
much more than 4 line. The shoots, or longer branches, have a white, smooth bark, 
with joints or internodes of about 1 inch in length. The leaves, however, are usually 

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crowded at the end of lateral branchlets, a few lines to 1 or 14 inches in length closely 
covered with circular scars. Leaves very thick and leathery, persistent, lanceolate, 
acute at both ends, entire and revolute at the margin, with a thick midrib, prominent 
on the lower surface, 9-14 lines long, 24-35 lines wide, on a petiole 15-2 lines long, 
to the lower part of which adhere lanceolate, brown, scarious stipules. When young, the 
branchlets as well as the leaves are covered all over with short, curly hair; when older, 
the leaves becomé glabrous and glossy on the upper surface, the lower remaining hairy 
and assuming a rusty color. The sessile flowers are produced in June from the 
axils of the uppermost leaves of the preceding year’s growth, either single or 2 or 3 
together; short scarious bracts envelop the base of the cylindrical woolly calyx-tube, 
which is 3 lines long; its 5-lobed, white limb, 3-4 lines in diameter, is very woolly 
externally, and less so internally, and bears about 20 or 25 naked, slender filaments, 
with reniform anthers § line in diameter. Immediately after flowering, the silky-feathery 
style becomes elongated, and carries up with it the detached limb of the calyx; at 
maturity, the style becomes a twisted, feathery tail of about 2 inches in length; the 
inconspicuous, linear, hairy fruit itself is about 4 lines long, and remains hid in the 
persistent, calyx-tube; at its top and base I observe a beard of very curious, stiff, white 
bristles, less than a line in length, thicker in the middle, and tapering toward both ex- 
tremities. The fruit seems to be somewhat persistent, as I find it in specimens collected 
in spring before the flowering-season. About the time of flowering, the young leaves 
begin to develop at the end of the branchlets, leaving the flowers between them and 
the leaves of the year before. I generally find 4 or 5 leaves of the same year’s growth 
at the end of each branchlet; they probably fall off when about 15 or 18 months old. 

This fine tree, discovered by Nuttall on Bear River, north of the Salt Lake, and 
near “Thornberg’s Ravine” in the Rocky Mountains, was found by the expedition on 
the Lookout Mountains and other mountain-chains of the basin. 


ihe geographical limits of the area of this curious American family have been 
considerably enlarged by this expedition, proving the presence of at least 7 species in 
the Utah Basin between the thirty-eighth and fortieth parallels, viz: 2 Echinocacti, 1 
Cereus, and 4 Opuntize. Several species known before have been found in new loeal- 
ities, and 3 new and very distinct species have been discovered, 2 Echinocacti and 1 


— Maminnaria vivipara, Haworth, Suppl. p. 72; Torrey & Gray, Fl. N. Am. 2, p. 
554; Engelm. Synops. Cact. p. 13; Cactus vivipartis, Nuttall, Gen. 1, p. 295. 

Was collected in the South Pass and on Sweetwater River. It extends from here 
to the mountains of Colorado and New Mexico, but its most characteristic forms are 
_ peculiar to the more elevated plains, where it assumes that cespitose, spreading appear- 
ance, from which it has received its name. The mountain form usually makes larger 

heads, but remains single or branches out very sparingly. Its large purple flowers, 
with numerous lance-linear, long acuminate, bristle-pointed petals, and its leather- 
_ brown pitted seeds, readily distinguish it from allied species. 


Ecuinocactus Srmpsont (spec. nov.*) simplex, subglobosus seu depressus, basi 
turbinatus, mamilliferus; radicibus fasciculatis; tuberculis laxis ovatis apice oblique 
truncatis axilla nudis, junioribus leviter compressis basi deorsum productis, vetustiori- 
bus obcompressis basi dilatatis; areolis ovatis seu ovato-lanceolatis, nascentibus albo- 
villosissimis mox nudatis; aculeis exterioribus sub 20 radiantibus tenuibus rigidis rectis 
albidis, additis supra aculeis 2-5 setaceis brevibus, interioribus 8-10 robustioribus 
obscuris erecto-patulis, areola florifera sub tuberculi apice arcolae acfileigerae contigua 
circulari; floribus in vertice dissitis minoribus; ovario abbreviato squamis sepaloideis 
triangulatis paucissimis (1-3) instructo; sepalis tubi brevis late infundibuliformis orbicu- 
latis seu ovatis obtusis membranaceo-marginatis crenulatis fimbriatis, sepalis superiori- 
bus 10-12 ovatis obtusis integriusculis, petalis 12-13 oblongis apice crenulatis cuspidatis 
ex virescente roseis; stigmatibus 5-7 brevibus erectis, bacea parva viridi sicea umbilico 
latissimo truncata squamis paucis subinde aculeiferis instructa flore marcescente demum 
deciduo coronata irregulariter basi seu latere dehiscente; seminibus magnis obovatis 
obliquis minute tuberculatis, hilo magno ovato subbasilari, embryone circa albumen 
pareum fere circumyoluto hamato. 

Var. # minor: tota planta, tuberculis, aculeis, floribus seminibusque minoribus. 

Butte Valley in the Utah Desert, and Kobe Valley farther west; fl. in April and 
May, fr. in June and July. Var. # comes from the mountains of Colorado. This 
and the New Mexican Echinocactus papyracanthus,t the Mexican Ech. horripilus, Lem., 
and perhaps the South American Ech. Odierti, Lem., and Ech. Cummingii, Salm, and 
probably one or two others, form the small group of Echinocactt, with the appearance 
of Mamillaria (Theloidei, tuberculis spiraliter dispositis distinctis, Salm, Cact. Hort, 
Dyck 1849, cult. p. 34). They constitute the closest and most imperceptible transi- 
tion to Mamillaria subgen. Coryphantha, Synops. Cact., p. 8, which bear the flowers 
in the axils of the nascent tubercules, the flower-bearing and the spine-bearing areole 
being connected by a woolly groove. In M. macromeris, Engelmann, they come from 
the middle of the tubereule (Cact. Mex. Boundary, t. 15, f. 4), and in the. Theloidei 
they advance to the top of the tubercule close to the spines, thus assuming the position 
which the flowers regularly oceupy in the genus Lchinocactus (see Cact. Mex. Bound. t, 
20, £2; t. 21; t 25,£1; t 27,f£1; t 28, £2)4 

The ovary is also almost naked, like that of Mamillaria generally, or has only a 
few scales, like that of M. macromeris. On the other hand, the dry fruit, such as is 
often found in Echinocactus, but never in Mamillaria, the tuberculated black seeds, and 
especially the large and curved embryo, and the presence of an albumen, do not 
permit a separation from Lchinocactus. 

This species is further interesting because it again strikingly proves that the 

* An extract of this description was published in the Transactions of the Saint Louis Academy of Sciences, vol 
2, p. 197 (1863). 

t The plant I formerly described as Mamillaria papyracantha, Plant. Fendl., p. 49; Synops. Cact., p. 8, proves to 
belong to this section of Echinocactus. A closer examination of Mr. Fendler’s original imen shows that the floral 
areola joins the spiniferous one at the apex of the small nascent tubereules. Thas far Mr. Fendler’s specimen, found 
near Santa Fé, has remained the only one ever obtained of this pretty species. 

t Echinocactus brevihamatus, Engelm., forms an exception. In this s cies, the flowers are situated exactly as in 
Coryphantha, at the base of the tubercle, and connected with the distinct spiniferous areola by a woolly groove, (see 
Cact. Mex. Bound. t. 19, fs. 2 and 3). : : 


general appearance, the habitus, of a cactus plant, not necessarily indicates its real 
affinities. Not only i is it a true Echinocactus, notwithstanding every appearance of a 
Mamiillaria, but it is, moreover, closely allied in all its essential characters to the very 
compact Ech. intertextus, Engelm., C. Bound. p. 27, t. 34, in which all traces of tuber- 
cules are lost in the straight ‘sib It has the same small flowers and the same small 
dry fruit, containing few large seeds, of similar structure, though not entirely the same 
arrangement of the spines. 

Full-grown specimens of our plant are 3-5 inches high and 3-4 inches in diam- 
eter, of dark-green color; tubercules loosely arranged in 3 or 3; order, 8 and 13 spirals 
being most prominent. They are 6-8 lines long, at base somewhat quadrangular, 
6-7 lines wide in the vertical and 4—5 lines in the transverse diameter, becoming sub- 
cylindric upward ; areole 3-4 lines long, a little more than half as wide. The fruit- 
bearing tubercules are rather stouter and shorter. Exterior spines 4-6 lines long, 
whitish; interior ones spreading, stouter, and a little longer (5-7 lines long), yel- 
lowish and upward deep brown or black; no truly central spine. In the very young 
plant, the spines, 18-20 in number and only 1-14 lines in length, are all radiating, 
closely fitting with their compressed bulbous bases on a linear areola, resembling in 
shape and arrangement those of Cereus cespitosus. Soon afterward the areola 
becomes wider, and 6 or 8 short, stout, brown interior spines make their appearance, 
divergent like the original ones. Next the ordinary arrangement, as described above, 
takes place. 

It seems that quite early in spring the young tubercules on the vertex of the plant 
begin to form, exhibiting their densely woolly tops, and soon afterward, long before 
any spines make their appearance, the tips of the smooth brown flower-buds come out. 
The flowers are 8-10 lines long and of nearly the same diameter, externally greenish- 
purple, petals yellowish-green or verging to pale purple. The short stamens arise 
from the whole surface of the tube, leaving only a very small nectariferous space in 
its base. The fruit is about 3 or 34 lines long and almost as wide, borne on a very 
large circular areola, surrounded by a woolly margin (sce t. 2, f£ 1). It bears 
toward its top 1-3 scales, sometimes with 1 or 2 small spines in their axils. The 
fruit usually opens by an irregular lateral slit; falling off, its base remains attached 
to the areola, as is the case in many (or all? or only all the dry-fruited ?) Mchinocacti, 
thus producing a basal opening (see t. 2, f. 5). Seeds 14 lines long in the longest 
diameter, covered with minute close-set tubercles. The young seedling shows erect, 
pointed cotyledons, and, when a few weeks old, begins to develop its pubescent spines, 

Var. £ has been received this fall from the Colorado gold-region;* the smallest 
specimens were 1 inch in diameter, globose, the small tubercules in :\ order, spines 
14-2 lines long, often curved; sometimes 1-3 darker stouter ones in the center. The 
larger specimens are alee of the size of those of Utah, but often depressed at top; 

_ tubereules arranged in 3% or even 34 order, spines only 4—5 lines long, 20-28 external 

and 6 or 7 internal ones. 
_ This species has — named in honor of the gallant commander of the expedition. 

2 ee te’ | 

“ higher elevation than any other northern Cc actus, ocenp g the 
: ying e. 
: gravelly moraines of the Glacial pay of Clear Creek Valley, between 8,000 and 9,000 ome altitude, and in the soutberd 
“ € the —— the Sangre de Cristo Pass, 10,000 feet high (January, 1876). 


Plate 1. Echinocactus Simpsoni as it appears in early spring; on the vertex a young 
growth of tubercules is visible, their tops covered with wool. 
Plate 2.. Details of the same. 

Fig. 1. Four tubercules from near the vertex, one shows the broad sear where the 
fruit has fallen off, another one is just developing its spines, exhibiting their 

: points above the thick wool. 

Fig. 2. A detached tubercule bearing a ripe fruit. 

Figs. 3 and 4. Flowers with the upper part of the tubercule and its young spines. 

Figs. 5 and 6. The fruit magnified three times; fig. 5 showing the basal opening, 
fig. 6 the broad umbilicus. 

Fig. 7. A scale of this fruit, more magnified, with two axillary spines. 

Figs. 8-12. .Seed: fig. 8 natural size, the others eight times magnified; fig. 9 lat- 
eral, fig. 10 dorsal, fig. 11 basal view; fig. 12 part of the surtace, highly mag- 
nified. ) 

Fig. 13. Embryo, enveloped in the inner seed-coat, including also the albumen; 

2 magnified. 

Fig. 14. Lateral, fig. 15 frontal view of the embryo, magnified. 

Fig. 16. Seedling, a few weeks old, magnified. 

Fig. 17. Tubercules of the smaller variety from Colorado, in every state of devel- 

Ecninocactus punisprnus (spec. nov.) * parvulus, turbinatus, costis 13 subobli- 
quis compressis interruptis tuberculatis; areolis orbiculatis, aculeis brevibus, rectis seu 
sepe curvatis albidis apice adustis velutinis demum nudatis; radialibus superioribus 
1-2 robustioribus, longioribus rectis curvatis seu hamatis, ceteris 5-8 brevioribus; 
aculeo centrali deficiente seu singulo robustiore longiore arrecto sursum hamato ; 
flore?; fructu ?. 

Pleasant Valley, near the Salt Lake Desert, found May 9 without flower or 
fruit. Plant 2 inches high, 1 or 14 in diameter; compressed tubercules 4—6 lines dis- 
tant from one another, confluent in 13 ribs, radial spines 1-4 lines long, white pubes- 
cent or almost tomentose, more so than I have observed it in any other cactus; on the 
lower areole, I find only 5-6 spines, the upper ones a little longer and stouter than 
the balance; farther upward, the number increases to 10, one or more of the upper 
ones becoming still stouter and often hooked; at last here and there a single central 
spine makes its appearance, 5-6 lines long, the strong hook always turned inward or 
upward. At first, only the dusky point of the spine is naked; with age, the whole 
coating seems to wear off. In another specimen, I find the spines 8-12 in number, a 
little longer, more slender, all radiating. The small supraspinal areola proves this 
plant to be an Echinocactus ; it probably belongs, together with the next, to the sec- 
tion Hamati, Synops. Cact. p. 15. — 

Ecurocacrus Wurrrtet, Engelm. & Bigelw, Pacif. R. Rep. IV, Cact. p. 28, t. 1, Syn. 
Cact.p.15. Var. sprnostor: globosus; costis 13 compressis interruptis; aculeis radialibus 
9-11, inferioribus seepe obscurioribus, reliquis longioribus niveis, 2 superioribus seepe 

* This description has been published in Trans. Acad. St. Louis, vol. 2, p. 199 (1863). It is rather strange that 
neither this nor the above-mentioned E. papyracanthus has ever been found again (January, 1876). 



elongatis complanatis ctirvatis ; centralibus 4, summo elongato complanato pergamen- 
taceo flexuoso albo, 3 reliquis paullo brevioribus obscuris omnibus seu solum infimo 
hamatis; floribus minoribus; ovario squamis sepaloideis 5 oblongis munito ; sepalis 
tubi linearibus margine membranaceis integris mucronulatis, petalis angustis oblongis ; 
stigmatibus 6-7 brevibus in capitulum globosum congestis; bacca ovata parce squa- 
mata floris rudimentis persistentibus coronata. 

The species was originally discovered on the Little Colorado by Dr. Bigelow, and 
was found afterward on the same stream by Dr. Newberry ; the variety here described 
was met with more than 5 degrees farther north, in Desert Valley, west of Camp 
Floyd; remains of fruit, with the withered flowers attached, and some seeds, were 
found concealed between the spines from which the description has been drawn.* - 
Globose heads 3 inches in diameter, radial spines 4-14 inches long, central ones 13-2 
inches in length; flowers, if I may judge from the withered remains, about 1 inch 
long; ovary small, bearing about 5 membranaceous scales, the lower triangular, 
the upper oblong-linear, almost entire, and never cordate or auriculate at base, as they 
appear in most of the allied species; sepals of tube also narrow, linear, or oblong-lin- 
ear, 2-5 or 6 lines long, $1 line wide, stigmas about $line long. Fruit apparently 
an oval berry, $ inch long; seed just as it is described and figured in Whipple’s Cac- 
tacex ; the tubercules on the seed-coat are extremely minute and distant from one an- 
other, each forming a central protuberance on the otherwise flat surface of an angular 
cell of two or three times the diameter of the tubercule itself; embryo curved about 
# around a rather copious albumen. 

Cereus virmprrLorus, Engelm. in Wisliz. Mem. note 8, sub Echinocereo ; Cact. 
Mex. Bound. t. 36; Synops. Cact. p. 22. 

This is evidently the northernmost Cereus, extending to the Upper Platte; it is 
abundant in Colorado. These northern specimens are 1-3 inches high, 13-ribbed, and 
show the greatest variability in the color of the radial spines ; in some bunches, they 
are all red, in others white, in others again the colors are distributed without much 
regularity ; sometimes the upper and lower spines are white and the lateral ones red, 
or a few or even a single one above and below are red and all the rest white; or the 
lower ones are red and the upper ones white, and all these variations sometimes occur 
onthe same specimen. I mention this to show how little reliance can be placed on 

- the colors or the distribution of the colors of the spines. Central spines wanting or 1 
or 2 projecting horizontally, straight or curved upward, white or tipped with purple 
or all purple, 6-9 lines in length. 

Cereus Encetmanni, Parry in Sillim. Journ. n. ser. 14, p. 338; Engelm. Cact. 
Bound, p. 36, t=. 57; Synops. Cact. p. 27. 

Deserts west of the Salt Lake, without flower or fruit. Specimen entirely simi- 
lar to the one figured in the Cactaceze of the Boundary. The species seems to extend 
from the Salt Lake region southwestwardly to Arizona and the Mohave country. 

rado ( z * cise: oo" Dr. Hayden’s Expedition of 1875, Mr. Brandegee, found it abundantly in Southwestern Colo. 


OpUunTIA SPHHROCARPA, L/ngelm. and Bigelow, Pac. R. Rep. IV, Cact. p. 47, t. 18, 
Ss. 6-7; Syn. Cact. p. 44. Var.? Uranensts: diffusa, leete-virens, articulis orbiculato- 
obovatis, crassis, junioribus seepe globoso-obovatis ; areolis subapproximatis ; foliis min-. 
utis subulatis divaricatis; setis brevissimis paucis stramineis; aculeis nullis seu parvulis 
nune singulo longiore recto robusto albido; floribus sulphureis, ovario obovato areolis 
fusco-tomentosis sub-25 instructo, sepalis excise transyersis obcordatis cuspida- 
tis; petalis 8 late-obovatis emarginatis; stylo vix supra stamina exserto; stigmatibus 
8 brevibus erectis; bacca obovata areolis plurimis tomentosis stipata; seminibus nu- 
merosis irr Sralariter compressis anguste marginatis. 

Pass west of Steptoe Valley, in the western mountains of the Basin, found 
July 19 in flower and fruit. Joints 2-3 inches long and of almost the same diameter; 
often over 4 inch in thickness, sometimes almost terete or rather egg-shaped; areolze 
6 or 8 lines apart; leaves very slender and acute, scarcely 1 line long, smaller than 
in any other of our species except O. basilaris, also a western form from the Lower 
Colorado. Bristles few, and even in old joints scarcely more than $ line long; spines 
none, or on the upper areolz a few short ones, with here and there a stouter one }-1 
inch in length. Flowers nearly 3 inches in diameter, pale or sulphur-yellow, when 
fading, reddish; fruit about 1 inch long and half as wide, with a deep umbilicus, 
and with 20-25 areolze, which sometimes show a few bristles or a minute spine; seeds 
very irregular, 2, or, in the largest diameter, sometimes 24 lines wide. 

Unwilling to increase the number of illy-defined species in this most difficult 
genus, I attach this plant to the only species known to me to which it possibly can be 
compared, O. spherocarpa from New Mexico, though its fruit is not spherical, has not 
a shallow umbilicus, and is, at least in the specimen before me, not dry; the latter 
would be an insuperable distinction, if we might not suspect, what in fact is often 
the case, that the fruit later in.the season would become dry and brittle. The leaves, 
which heretofore have been entirely too much neglected as a diagnostic character in 
this genus, and the flowers of the original O. spherocarpa, are unknown thus far. 

OpunTIA TorRTISPINA, Engelm. & Bigelow, 1. c. p. 41, t. 8. fs. 2-3; Syn. Cact. p. 37. 

Forks of the Platte; in flower in July. The specimens being very incomplete, I 
am not quite sure that this is the same species as that of Captain Whipple’s Expedi- 
tion; the joints appear to be somewhat smaller, the areole closer together, and the 
spines shorter (1-14 inches) and rather weaker; it may possibly prove to be an 
extreme form of O. Rafinesquii, the area of which extends to the Rocky Mountains. 
Leaves subulate, 2 lines long; flowers 24-3 inches in diameter, sulphur-yellow; ovary 
long (1-14 inches), with 20-30 areole, with light-brown wool and short bright-brown 
bristles; exterior sepals obovate, lance-cuspidate; petals 6-8, broadly obovate, obtuse, 
crenulate; stigmas 6-8, short, erect, as long as the stamens. 

OPUNTIA HysTRIcINA, EHngelm. & Bigelow, l. c. p. 44, t. 15, fs. 5-7; Syn. Cact. p. 43. 

A flowering specimen, collected in June between Walker and Carson Rivers, is 

exactly like one found by Dr. Bigelow on the Colorado Chiquito; it has slenderer and 

straighter spines than the one fvuted in Whipple’s Report, and approaches somewhat 

to O. erinacea, E. & B., of the Mohave region, in which I now recognize the long-los: 
566 BU 


0. rutila, Nutt. in Torr. & Gar: Flor. 1, p. 555. Joints 5 inches long, half as wide, 
obovate; leaves 14 lines long; areole closely set with long straw- éolored bristles; 
lower ones with few and short white spines, upper ones with numerous grayish-red 
spines, 14-2 inches in length. Flowers. pale straw-colored, 25-3 in diameter; ovary 
1 inch long, with 20-30 white woclly aculeolate areole; exterior sepals oblanceolate, 
squarrose, or recurved at the elongated tip; petals obovate, obtuse, crenulate; style 
with 8 or 10 short erect stigmas, longer than the stamens. The squarrose tips of the 
sepals are particularly conspicuous on the bud. 

Opuntia Missourtensis, De Cand. Prod. 3, p. 472; Torr. & Gray, Fl.1, p. 555 (in 
part); Cactus ferox, Nutt. Gen. 1, p. 296. ~ 

From the deserts of Salt Lake Valley to Rush Valley; specimens without flower 
or fruit. Joints small (2-3 inches long), broadly obovate or circular; areole closely 
set; spines numerous, stiff, stout, angular, white, mostly deflexed. 

Opuntia Missourrensis, var. ALBISPINA, Hngelm. & Bigelor, 1. c. p. 46; t. 14, Ss. 
8-10; Syn. Cact. p. 44. 

Smith Creek, Lookout Msuntstie ; in Western Utah; flowering in July. By their 
slender flexuous spines, the specimens approach to var. trichophora. Flowers 3-35 
inches in diameter, bright golden-yellow; ovary 1 inch long, with 20 or 25-areole, 
scarcely spiny; exterior sepals obovate, cuspidate; petals about 8, obtuse, crenulate; 
style shorter than the stamens; stigmas about 5, very short, erect. Some flowers have 
elongated and very spiny ovaries, evidently abortive. 

OpuNTIA FRAGILIS, Haworth, Suppl. p. 82; Torr. & Gray, Fl.1, p. 555; Synops. Cact. 
p. 45; Cactus fragilis, Nutt. Gen. 1, p. 296. 

Fort Kearny to the North Platte country; in flower in June and J uly. This is, 
I believe, the first time that the flowers of this species were collected since Nuttall’s 
discovery of it in 1813. Travelers report that the plant is very frequently seen in the 
sterile prairies east of the Rocky Mountains, but that it is rare to find them in flower | 
and rarer still in fruit. Since many years I have the plant in cultivation from speci- 
mens brought down by Dr. Hayden, but have not been able to get it to flower. 
Nuttall baby informs us that the flowers are solitary and small. In the specimen 
before me, they are yellow, scarcely 2 inches in diameter; ovary 8-9 lines long; the 
15-15 areole are densely covered with thick white wool; the upper ones bear a few 
white spines; lower sepals broadly oval, with a short cusp; petals 5, obovate, rounded, 
-crenulate; style longer than the stamens; stigmas 5, short, erect, cuspidate. * 

* Through the kindness of Dr. A. W. Chapman, of Apalachicola, Fla., I have received living specimens and fruit 

of O. Pes Corvi, so that I can now complete the description of this very distinet southern species. 
Opuntia Pes Corvi, Le Conte in herb. Engelm.; Append. to Synops. Cact. in Proceed. Am. Acad. Arts § Se. 3, p. 346; Chap- 
seri Fl. Souk. vz Sp. — = Siffens, ne viridis; articulis _—* — seu obovate fumidis sepins teretinsenis con- 
; foliis eolis junioribus 
albo-tomentosis setas | parcas brevissimas pallidas et plerisqns aculeos 1-3 rectos rigidos spe basi inane 8 tortosve 
obscuros gere ntibus, infimis sneered a — — —— se pulvillos perpaucos fusco-villosos ge- 
rants: “sepals, exterioribus ova is; petalis sub-5 obovatis spatulatis obtusis ; 
1 on ibus 4-5 erectis ; seminibus panciasimis anguste obtuseque marginatis in pulpa viscosa 

li ronate nidulantibnu 

- Barren ne places ee ~ coast of — and Florida, Joints 1-3 inches long, obovate tumid, or narrower 



OPUNTIA PULCHELLA (spec. nov.) :* parvula ceespitosa diffusa; articulis parvis ob- 
ovato-clavatis; foliis minutis e basi ovata Subulatis; areolis confertis, superioribus acu- 
leos albidos rectos, singulum longiorem complanatum porrectum seu deflexum alios 
brevissimos radiantes gerentibus; floris purpurei ovario areolis 13-15 convexis albo 
villosissimis et longe setosis dense stipato ; sepalis inferioribus-lineari-oblongis breviter 
cuspidatis, superioribus spatulatis; petalis sub-8 obovatis obtusis, stylo cylindrico ex- 
serto, stigmatibus 5 linearibus suberectis; bacea sicca setosissima, seminibus crassis 
rhaphe lata plana notatis. 

Sandy deserts on Walker River;+ fl. in June. 

This is one of the smallest, as it is one of the prettiest, species of this genus. It 
belongs to the small section of Clavate (Synops. Cact. p. 46) of the cylindric Opun- 
tie, but is distinct from all those known to me by its small joints and purple flowers; 
all the others have, so far as I know, yellow flowers. Joints 1-14 inches long, 4-6 
lines thick, very slightly tuberculated; leaves scarcely one line long; areolze crowded, 
white woolly; larger central spine on the upper areola 4—6 lines long, flat, and some- 
what rough above, convex below; smaller ones 4—6 or 10, radiating, $-14 lines long; 
flowers crowded, of a beautiful bright purplish-red or deep rose-red color, 14-14 
inches in diameter; ovary 4-5 lines long, beset with white capillary spines, 3-5 lines 
long, 15-20 on each areola; style not ventricose, as is usual in the genus, but cylin 
dric; stigmas slender, pale yellow; berry clavate, at last dry, about 1 inch long, well 
marked by the conspicuous white-woolly areole and their numerous purplish-brown, 
flexible, hair-like bristles, 4—6 or 7 lineslong. These bristles are entirely destitute of the 
minute barbs which otherwise invariably characterize spines and bristles of Opuntie. 
The thick round seeds, 2 lines in diameter, are well distinguished by a broad rhaphe, 
much wider than I have seen it in any other clavate Opuntia. 

Plate 3, Fig. 1. Part of a plant of Opuntia pulchella, showing a flower-bud and two 

flowers, natural size. 

Figs. 2-4. Bunches of spines, 4 times the natural size. 

Fig. 5. Section of a larger spine, more magnified. 

Fig. 6. A leaf from an ovary with the sarah woolly and bristly areola, 4 times 
natural size. 

Fig. 7. A fruit. 

Figs. 8-9. Seed, 4 times magnified; fig. 9 showing the broad rhaphe. 

and cylindric, fresh or dark green, usually growing one on top of the other, forming chains of 1 or 2 feet long, at last 
prostrate ; joints fragile, separating as readily as in O. fragilis ; Paesia D secs ce 4-6 or Sch 8 a es apart; leaves 24-34 or 
4 lines long, incurved; spines 1-14 inches long, very straight, wl the “ crowsfoot ”’ used inst 
cavalry, whence the name given by the military gentlemen who discovered this species. Flowers 1-1} inches in 
diameter ; sepals and petals less numerous and narrower than in any allied species; ovary about 4 inch long, with only 
2 or 3 areole on the surface and 3-5 on the upper margin. Fruit obovate, 6-7 lines long, rose-purple, with a shallow 
umbilicus, oftened crowned with the blackened remains of the flower; areole almost obliterated ; red pulp very glut:- 
nous, including 1-3 or at, most 5 seeds, which are regularly shaped, lenticular, with a narrow but thick and very 
By its pulpy fruit, this species is widely removed from 0. fragilis, to which its tumid and fragile joints seem 

to ally it, nor can it be confounded with any other species, though allied to O. vul¢ gerit and O. Rafinesquii. 

* An account of this species was given in the Transactions of the St. Louis Acad. 2, p. 201 (1863 

+ This pretty species was afterward elias ted, 1867, “among the sage brushes” of Nevada, by Mr. William Gabb 
and in the following year by Mr. S. Watson “ frequent in the valleys of Western Nevada from the Trinity Mountains 
to Monitor Valley, 4-5,000 feet alt.” ; 



The name of “ Wild Sage”, now so familiar to every traveller in our western mount- 
ain-deserts, was first used by Lewis and Clarke, in the narrative of their adventurous 
expedition, to designate several species of Artemisia or Wormwood, distantly resembling 
the true garden sage, Salvia officinalis, by their gray foliage and aromatic odor. It seems 
that now this name has, by common use, been restricted to the larger shrubby species, 
which give a peculiar character to the arid plateaus of Western North America, and which 
are of the highest importance to the traveller as “furnishing the sole article of fuel or shel- 
ter which they meet in wandering over these woodless deserts”, as already Nuttall informs 
us in his genera of North American Plants, 2, p. 142. He states that the “Wild Sage” is 
his Artemisia Columbiensis, which name was by him improperly substituted for the prior 
name of A. cana, described by Pursh from the original specimens of Lewis and Clarke. 
Torrey and Gray, in their Flora of N. America, 2, p- 418, doubt whether this really is 
the “Wild Sage” of those travelers, and come to the conclusion that that name was 
indiscriminately applied to several shrubby species ; they further state that the plant 
given by Governor Lewis to Pursh as “the Sage” is the herbaceous A. Ludoviciana 
found on the homeward voyage on the Missouri River. 

I have now the means, through information obtained from Mr. H. Engelmann and 
from Dr. F. V. Hayden, to throw a little more light on this question, which is not 
without importance for botanical geography. The two species here in question are— 

Artemisia cana, Pursh, Fl. Am. sept. 2, p. 521; Torrey and Gray, Fl. N. Am. 2, p. 
418.—Shrubby, with woody stem 2-4 inches in diameter, 2-4 feet (on the Yellowstone, 
Dr. Hayden) or 2-6 feet high (on the Laramie Plains, H. Engelmann). Stem covered 
with a light-gray bark, which is separated into many layers of loose shreds connected 
by smaller transverse fibers, and is readily torn off. Wood light, porous, pale-colored, 
with very many darker brown medullary rays, easily separating along the division of the 
annual rings. These rings, or layers, are from $1 line in thickness, as stems of 14-2 
inches diameter show about a dozen rings, and are consequently as many years old. The 
stems are rarely cylindrical, but mostly: compressed, knotty, and variously twisted, and 
often stunted; they are sometimes divided from the base, but oftener bear short and thick 
branches higher up. The annual branchlets are crowded along the older branches, 
8-12 inches long, densely coated with a soft, white pubescence, and crowded with 
silvery-gray leaves, and bear toward their upper part and on the numerous short and 
erect lateral branchlets a profusion of small flower-heads, forming a spiked or con- 
tracted panicle, interspersed with short leaves. The leaves are flat, linear-lanceolate, 
entire or-(the lower ones) rarely lobed, 1-2 or 24 lines wide and 14-2 inches 
the upper ones becoming smaller. The flower-heads are mostly sessile, 
hemispherical, about 2 lines long and wide; outer scales of involucrum shorter, folia- 
ceous, and canescent (sometimes the lowest ones larger than the flowers, and pointed); 
inner scales nearly as long as flowers, brownish, scarious, obtuse, cottony-fimbriate 
on the margins. The flowers are all perfect, usually 5, in some specimens as many as 
8 in number, 14 lines long; ovary glandular, and, when bruised, with the odor of | 
- wormwood, 


or nearly so, 


This is the “Wild Sage” of the Upper Missouri (above the mouth of the Yellow- 
stone) and the Yellowstone River, and of the Laramie Plains, but it does not seem to 
occur west of the Rocky Mountains, as Torrey and Gray (/. c.) already state, and 
Nuttall (2 ¢.) must have confounded it with other species, when he contends that it is 
_ “still more abundant on the barren plains of the Columbia River”, and that it grows 

6 to 8 or 12 feet high. 

ARTEMISIA TRIDENTATA, Nuttall in Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. (n. ser.) 7, p. 398; Torrey 
and Gray, Fl. 2, p. 418.—Trunk, bark, and wood very similar to that of the last species, 
but trunk often larger, and usually even more twisted and knotty, with very numerous 
short and stunted branches, which are repeatedly divided into a great many smaller 
branchlets; ultimate annual branchlets fascicled, erect, only 3-6 inches long, canescent 
or silvery, very leafy at base, rather naked upward, bearing strict, rather compact, pan- 
iculate spikes, composed of sessile or usually pedunculate spikelets or glomerules of 3 
to 6 or 8 sessile heads. Leaves silvery-white on both surfaces, crowded at the base of 
the branches, and often fascicled on short or stunted sterile branches, narrowly wedge- 
shaped, 14-2 lines wide at the obtuse tridentate or trilobed end, narrowed down into 
a more or less distinct petiole; usually 3-6, rarely 8, lines long. Inflorescence inter- 
spersed with short and narrow, undivided, cuneate or spatulate obtuse leaves. Heads 
of flowers narrow, obovoid, nearly 14 lines long, not much more than half as wide, 
with short and obtuse, canescent, exterior scales, and longer, scarious, interior scales, 
ciliate on the sides. Flowers in some specimens 3, in others often 4-5 in each head, 
all perfect, scarcely more than 1 line long; ovary quite glandular and with the odor 
of turpentine. 

This is the ‘Wild Sage” of Utah, and, perhaps, of the whole region west of the 
Rocky Mountains, where it seems to supplant the more eastern A. cana. Nuttall, who 
first described it, calls it a shrub about a foot high, and as such it appears in the 
mountains of Colorado; but in Utah it is the largest and most abundant species, 
usually 2-4 feet high, rarely attaining a height of 6 feet, and then not straight, and 
with trunks of 3-6 inches diameter; sometimes the smallest bushes have trunks fully 
as. thick as the tallest ones, short and chunky. East of the mountains, in the range of 
A, cana, it ever remains an inconspicuous shrub, lost among the more common species. 
Near Camp Floyd, specimens were collected bearing white tomentose excrescences of 
the size of a pea, or larger, undoubtedly galls caused by the sting of insects; the same 
have been observed on this species in Colorado. 

The other species of Artemisia collected by the expedition were A. Canadensis, 
Michx., at Bridger’s Pass; A. Ludoviciana, Nutt., at Sweetwater, Bridger’s Pass, Round 
Prairie, etc.; A. dracunculoides, Pursh, on the Sweetwater; and A. frigida, Willd., on the 
Upper Sweetwater River. 


SARCOBATUS VERMICULATUS, Torrey in Emory’s [teport (1848), p. 149. Batis (?) 
vermiculata, Hooker, Flor. Bor.-Am. 2, p. 128 (1840); Sarcobatus Maximiliani, Nees in 
Pr. Mazimil. Trav. Engl. ed. p. 518 (ex Torrey), Seubert in Bot. Zeitung, 1844, p. 753, cum 
tab., Lindley in Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. IV, p. 1 (1845); Fremontia vermicularis, 


Torrey in Frémont’s First Report, 1843, Rept. 1845, p. 95, and Frémont’s Second Report, 
1845, p. 317, tab. 3; Sarcacanthus, Nuttall in Pl. Gambel, p. 184; Sarcobatus vermicu- 
- laris, Torrey -in Sitgr. Rep. p. 169, in Stansb. Rep. p. 394, in Bot. Whipple, p. 130;* 
Pulpy Thorn or Pulpy-leaved Thorn of Lewis and Clarke; Greasewood of the present 
travelers and settlers. 

This curious and important plant is found on the arid saline plains, principally on 
elayey soil, which in the wet season is moist, and on the border of salt-lakes, often covering 
large patches, from below Fort Pierre on the Missouri (Dr. Hayden) to the Upper 
Platte River (1rémont, H. Engelmann), and Upper Canadian (Dr. James) east of the 
Rocky Mountains to the plains of the Columbia (Lewis and Clarke, Douglas, Frémont), 
Utah (Frémont, Stansbury) through the Basin to Carson Valley (H. Engelmann) and 
down to the Gila River (Zmory). Though discovered and noticed by Lewis and Clarke 
(1804) and collected by Dr. James (1819), this shrub was first described, 1840, by 
Hooker, in his North American Flora, from Oregon specimens, and was doubtfully 
referred by him to Batis. A few years later, it was again described by Nees in his 
account of the plants collected by the Prince of New Wied as a new genus under the 
name of Sarcobatus, and very soon afterward, and without a knowledge of the publica- 
tion by Nees, again by Torrey under that of Fremontia. It is a great pity that this 
last name had to give way to priority, though at present a much handsomer and showy 
Californian shrub bears Frémont’s name, the wide-spread Greasewood of the western 
mountains and deserts would more fitly have commemorated the bold and hardy pioneer 
of explorers to the millions, who now do or in time to come will know and value this 
plant. : 

The Greasewood forms a scraggy, stunted shrub, 2 or 3 to as much as 6 or 8 
feet high; in Utah, it is commonly 3-4 feet high. The stems are scarcely ever more 
than 1 or 2 and rarely 3 inches thick, knotty, flattened, twisted, and often with irregu- 
lar ridges and holes (the sears of decayed branches) ; sometimes, however, many straight 
shoots issue from a single base, 4-$ inch thick, so straight as to be used for arrows. 
They are covered with a compact, smoothish or slightly roughened, light-gray bark. 
The wood is very hard and compact, of light-yellow, in the core light-brownish, color, 
with very thin annual layers, in younger plants about $, in older ones 4 of a line or 
less thick. The oldest stems seen showed 20-25 rather indistinct rings, and were con- 
sequently so many years old. The numerous smaller branches have a smooth, shining 
white bark, and are beset with white spines at right angles; these spines are Sadeiuiad 
branches of two kinds. The sharper and shorter ones are real 
more than 4-1 inch long; they bear leaves only, or, in the 
and are terminated by a sharp point and never by a stamin 
aioagteromiogn tae sape — _ which, after flowering, has fallen 
a ha sk aes Ss even longer, when they are apt to bear 

Poms P e Hower-bearing branches are very often secondary axilla 
productions closely under the sterile primary branch, which constitut t : ace 
that the spines often appear as axillary to the flower-h ae be Wee 
sae ae plo. atar: of Ob ; earing branches. The leaves are 

dy; } uwn Harrowed toward the base, flattened or even slightly 

_ * Compare S. Watson’: : isi - ees : at en caeONNAL OME 
Sd pesca ore eat ne Mente the American Chenopodiacew in Proc, Am. Ac. Arts So. vol. 9, p. 82 (1875). 

spines, scarcely ever 
axils of these, female flowers, 
ate spike. The other spines 

» 2 


channeled on the upper surface, and keeled on the lower one, at least toward the base, 
leaving a triangular scar after falling off. They are $-1 inch, rarely as much as 14 
inches long, and $ line, or sometimes, in the upper half, even 1 line, wide; in young and 
vigorous shoots, I have seen the leaves flatter, shorter, and broader, almost lanceolate. 
Their surface usually is perfectly glabrous; in specimens from Carson Lake, however, 
I find the younger leaves covered with a rough and sometimes branghed pubescence. 
The leaves are sometimes on the lower part of the branches opposite, but commonly 
alternating in? order. The staminate and pistillate flowers are both very imperfect, 
but very differ ent in their arrangement and structure; they usually occur on the same 
plant, though some plants seem to bear scarcely any but staminate, others only pistil- 
late, flowers. The staminate flowers are crowded into a deciduous spike or ament, 
terminating the branches. This spike is, before the flowers open, 3-5 lines long and 
14 lines thick, and very compact, exhibiting only the rhombic surfaces of the. scales; 
afterward it aiGiagatais to the length of 5-9 ities: showing the deciduous anthers under 
and between the separated stalee. The spike consists of 25-35 peltate angular scales, 
pointed at the upper end, which cover 3-5 broadly oval anthers, sessile on “the rhachis, 
$ line long, 2—celled, opening laterally. The fertile flowers are usually solitary in the 
axils of ne leaves and sessile; in some specimens, I find a secondary flower just below 
the primary one, and sometimes even below a branch, springing from the same axil ; 
sometimes they are aggregated on abbreviated branchlets, forming irregular latter: 
The flower consists of a tubular calyx with an inconspicuous rim, investing the lower 
half of the ovary, which is terminated by two unequal subulate stigmas, lateral in 
regard to the stem. In the fruit, this rim is enlarged to a broad, circular, spreading 
wing, 3-5 lines in diameter, green or sometimes red, which surrounds the upper third 
of the fruit. The flattened vertical seed, inclosed in the membranaceous utriculus, is” 
about 1 line in diameter, and contains a spiral embryo without an albumen, as-already 
demonstrated and figured by Professor Torrey in Frémont’s Report. 

The Greanewood | is found in flower from June to August. 

The form from Carson Lake seems to be distinguished not only by the pubescence 
of the younger parts of the plant, but also by its more squarrose growth, its subdice- 
cious flowers, and.its aggregated fertile flowers and fruits; but the Greasewood of other 
localities is also fen: subdicotaes, so that when first described, it was considered a 
truly dicecious plant. 

: Gerorce ENGELMANN. 

| Appendix M, Plate |. 

Expls. of Capt. J.H.Simpson's 1858-59. 




T. Sinclair & Son. lith. Phila. 


FP Roetter del. 

Expls. of Capt. J.H.Simpson’s 1858-59. Appendix M, Plate Il. 

PRoetter del. 


Expls. of Capt. J. H.Simpson’s 1858-59. . Appendix M, Plate III: 

T. Sinclair & Son. lith Phila. BRoetter del.