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CONTENTS. di dep dateetot 

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I. Somz Information respecting the Lignum Rhodium of 
Pococke's Travels, in a Letter to Alexander MacLea: Ys 
Esq. F. R.S. Sec. L.S. By Sir James Edward Smith, : 
M.D. F.R.S. Pr. L.S., $c. - T ecd. à 

IL. Of the Formation of the Vegetable Epidermis. By the. 
Rev. Patrick Keith, T.L.S. c á - B. 6 

III. On the Classification of the ess, Tribe of bisects 
NoronrcTIDES, with Descriptions of the British Species. 

By William Elford Leach, M.D. F.R.S. and L.S. H 19 

IV. Some Remarks on the Natural Hes of the Black 
v: + Stork, for the first time captured in Great Britain. By 
George Montagu, Esq. F.L.S. T 0 7o XN aa 

: & Sine aco UN: of the Tantalus Ephouskyca,a rare À merican 
Bird. By Benjamin Smith Barton, M.D. F.M. L.S. p. 24 

VI. Observations on the Orchis militaris of Linneus. By Mr. ` 
COJOE.Bicheuoó, ELS = os i eee 28 

VII. Grypuis and CHioDECTON, two new Genera of the E 
.. Family of Lichenes, with Descriptions and Figures of the 
Species hitherto discovered. - By Erik Acharius, M.D. + —— 
FALLS. mE T E LU oet re - - P.. 35- 

VIII. On the Power of Sarracenia adunca to entrap Insects. 
In a Letter to Sir J. E. Smith, Pres. Linn. Soc., from 
James Macbride, M.D. of South Carolina t p. 49 
| IX. Ob- 



1X. Observations on the Nature and Formation of the Stone 

incrusting the Skeletons which have been found in the 
Island of Guadaloupe, with some Account of the Origin 
of those Skeletons. In a Report made to General Ernouf, 
late Governor of the Colony. Communicated by the Right 
Honourable Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K.G.C. B. Pres. R.S. 
H.M.L.S. $c. - - - E - E p.. 53 

Descriptions of a new Genus of. Plants named Araujia, 
and of a new Species of Passiflora. By Felix de Avellar 
Brotero, Professor of Botany in the University of Coim- 
aE MLS. . - - - E - - P- Ed 

XI. Some Observations on the natural Fail ST Plants called 

ComposiTæ. By Robert Brown, Esq. F. R.S. Libr.L.S. p. 76 

XII. On some remarkable Deviations from the usual Struc- 

ture of Seeds and Fruits. By Robert Brown, F.R.S, — 

RHI. Remarks on two Genera of Plants to be referred to the 

Family of the Rosacea, in a Letter from Mr. AE- pe 
candolle, Professor of Natural History in the Academy of 
Geneva, Corresp. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, &c. to Sir James 
Edward Smith, President of the Linnean Society p. 152 

XIV. A Synopsis of the British Species of Rosa. By Joseph 

Woods, Esq. F. L.S. EU elg t a c 100 

XV. A Botanical History of the Genus Tofieldia.. By Sir 

James Edward Smith, M.D. F.R.S.P.L.S. =. p. 235 

XVI. A Monograph of the Genus Pconia. By the late 

George Anderson, Esq, F.L.S. dc. = - p. 248 






"wr Some Information respecting /the Lignum Rhodium of Pococke’s 
- Travels, in a Letter to AlezaWder MacLeay, Esq. F.R.S. Sec. L. S. 
By Sir James Edward Smith, M.D. F.R.S. Pr. L.S., 4c. 

Read February 21, 1815. 
Dear Str, | 
POINT of botanical history has just been cleared up by my 
examinations of the manuscripts and dried specimens of the late 
Dr. J. Sibthorp, which, not being admissible into the Flora Graca, 
. I think proper to rescue from oblivion, by requesting you to lay 
it before the Linnean Society. Lf 
Pococke, in his well-known * Description of the East," vol. ii. 
part 1. p. 230, speaking of Cyprus, has the following passage: 
“ Most of the trees in the island are evergreen; but it is most 
famous for the tree called by the natives Xylon Effendi, the Wood 

of our Lord, and by naturalists Lignum Cyprinum and Lignum — — - p 

Rhodium, because it grows in these two islands. It is called also 
the Rose Wood, by reason of its smell. Some say it is in other 
parts of the Levant, and also in the isle of Martinico. It grows 
like the Platanus or Plane-tree, and bears a seed or mast like 
that, only the leaf and fruit are rather smaller. -The botanists 

VOL. XII. B call 

2 Sir J. E. Suirn on the Lignum Rhodium 

call it the Oriental Plane-tree. The leaves being rubbed have a 
fine balsamic smell, with an orange flavour. It produces an ex- 
cellent white turpentine; especially when any incisions are made 
in the bark. I suppose it is from this that they extract a very 
fine perfumed oil, which, they say, as well as the wood, has the 
virtue of fortifying the heart and brain. The common people 
here cut off the bark and wood together, toast it in the fire, and 
suck it, which they esteem a specific remedy in a fever, and seem 
to think that it has a miraculous operation." 

' So far Dr. Pococke, who in the 2d part of the same vol. p. 188, 
mentions this tree again, and, in plate 89, gives a tolerable, but 
not precisely botanical figure of it. ‘This plate is cited by Will- 
denow, Sp. Pl. vol. 4. 475, asa representation of the Liquidambar 
imberbe, Ait. Hort. Kew, ed. 1. vol. 3. 365. That author perceiving 
it to be no Platanus, but rather a Liquidambar, reasonably enough 
concluded it to represent the Oriental, rather than the American, 
species of that genus. The figure, though drawn and engraved 
by Ehret, is not sufficiently accurate to determine so nice a point. 
As it does not show the hairiness about the veins of the leaves, 
which distinguishes the occidental Liquidambar from the oriental, 
Willdenow is the more excusable; though the outline of the foli- 
age agrees best with the former. 

Dr. Sibthorp, in his visit to Cyprus, was anxious to ascertain 
the tree mentioned by Pococke, and the result of his inquiry 
cannot be better related than in the words of his manuscript 

* April 19, 1785, at eight in the morning we left Upreva, and, 
passing through the vales below, gradually ascended the moun- 
tains of Antiphoniti. At noon we arrived at the convent, most 
romantically situated among the mountains, with a view of the 
sea, and a distant sight of the mountains of Caramania. I was 


of Pococke's Travels. 3 

come here, on the authority of Pococke, to see the Lignum Rho- 
dium. This the Greeks call Xylon Effendi. The Eugumenos of 
the convent, a very old man, offered himself as my conductor ; 
and leading me a few paces below the convent, into a garden, 
now covered with rubbish, he pointed out a tree, which upon 
examination I found to be Liquidambar Styraciflua. The trunk 
ofit was much hacked. Different bits of it had been carried off 
by the curious or superstitious, as an ornament to their cabinets 
or churches. This was probably the same tree that Pococke had 
seen. To ascertain the Lignum Rhodium has been much wished 
by the naturalists. An American tree, growing in the swamps of 
Virginia, seems to have little claim to be considered as the tree 
which should produce it. The name of Xylon Effendi, and the 
traditions of the convent, testify the reputation in which this tree 
has long been held in the island. It was probably originally in- 
troduced by the Venetians during their possession of Cyprus. I 
could not discover, either from observation or inquiry, that it 
was to be found in any other part of the island; nor do I recollect 
that the Liquidambar Styraciflua has been mentioned, by any bo- 
tanist, as an oriental tree. Whether the Lignum Rhodium of the 
shops is the wood of this tree or not, I am doubtful. The first 
Aspalathus of Dioscorides; I think, is cintas the Lignum Rho- 
dium of the ancients." 

Dr. Sibthorp then proceeds to mention two species of onm 
one of which he suspects to be the first, and the other the second, 
Aspalathus of Dioscorides; but the want of descriptions, and of 
marked specimens, renders it impossible to distinguish what he 
meant. . I do not presume to reconcile the discordant accounts, 
which may be found in writers on the Materia Medica, respecting 
the Lignum Rhodium ; nor are these writers even agreed whether 

its name originated from the rose-like scent of the wood, or from 
2. the 

À Sir J. E. Smitu on the Lignum Rhodium 

the isle of Rhodes being its native country. We find nothing 
among them indicative of the above Liquidambar, or any similar 
tree. It is evident that Pococke had but a superficial knowledge 
of the historical, and still less of the botanical, part of the subject. 
The only point I have had in view, after the example of Dr. Sib- 
thorp, was to ascertain Pococke’s plant. Specimens preserved in 
the herbarium of my deceased friend, and a pencil sketch by 
Mr. Bauer, show this to be, without any doubt, what he deter- 
mined it, the Liquidambar Styraciflua of Linneus, and not, as 
Willdenow presumed, the imberbe of Aiton. This last was brought 
from the Levant, Duhamel says from Caria, by Peysonel to the 
Paris garden, from whence I have an authentic specimen. Miller 
obtained seeds, by which the _L. imberbe was introduced-into our 
gardens, and he describes it well. Nothing can be more distinct 
as a species; but it was not well ascertained when Dr. Sibthorp 
began his travels, which will account for his adverting to the 
American Liquidambar only. | 
There still remains great difficulty in accounting for the intro- 
duction of this tree into Cyprus, and for its becoming so famous 
there. The plant is not known to have been cultivated in En- 
gland, much before the end of the seventeenth century, scarcely 
fifty years before Pococke found it, apparently long established 
in Cyprus. The Venetians were owners of this island from the 
year 1480 to 1570; so that if they, as Dr. Sibthorp guesses, in- 
troduced this tree, it must have been among the earlier botanical 
importations from the new-discovered continent. But we can 
find no traces of the Liquidambar tree having, any where, excited 
the particular attention of the Venetians, or an y other Italians, 
either for medical, ceconomical, or religious purposes; nor does 
it occur in their gardens, or even their botanical catalogues, as far 
as I can trace. Pococke’s vague mention of the ** isle of Marti- 


of Pococke's Travels. 5 

nico" might induce a suspicion of its having been obtained from 
thence; but no Europæans were settled in that island previous 
to the year 1635, nor do we know that the tree, being a native 
of North America, would grow in so hot a climate. : 

How the Liquidambar Styraciflua travelled to Cyprus, must 
therefore remain unexplained ; for we have not even a legend to 
help us, like that of the staff of Joseph of Arimathea at Glas- 
tonbury. That so great a novelty should have acquired consi- 
derable reputation in the garden of a Cyprian convent, so as to 
have even supernatural properties attributed to it, may not so 
much excite our wonder. Its celebrity indeed appears to have 
declined between the periods of Dr. Pococke's visit and Dr. Sib- 
thorp's, but the tree itself still flourished. Dr. Sibthorp, like his 
predecessor, found it forming seed ; yet it does not appear to have 
scattered its progeny over the neighbourhood, as, in so fine a cli- 
mate, it might have been expected to have done, though I have 
never heard of its bringing any seed to perfection in England, 
where it rarely even blossoms. Sa 

d remain, &c. XE er L di 
Norwich, Feb. 20, 1815. sip 4000 dE. SMITH 


II. Of the Formation of the Vegetable Epidermis. By the Rev. 
Patrick Keith, F.L.S. 

Read March 7, 1815. 

Tue pellicle that constitutes the vegetable epidermis has gene- 
rally been regarded as a membrane essentially distinct from the 
parts which it invests, and as generated with a view to the dis- 
charge of some peculiar functions in the vegetable œconomy. 
Some phytologists, however, have viewed it in a light altogether 
different, and have regarded it as being merely the effect of acci- 
dent, and nothing more than a scurf formed upon the exterior 
and pulpy surface of the parenchyma indurated by the action 
of the air. This was the opinion of Grew and Malpighi, and, 
though it does not seem to have ever met with any very general 
reception, has been revived of late by M. Mirbel, who, pro- 
fessing to be dissatisfied with the analogy that has generally 
been thought to exist between the epidermis of the animal and 
vegetable, contends that the latter is nothing more than the in- 
durated surface of the parenchyma, from which it differs only in 
such circumstances as are occasioned by position. If it is more 
or less transparent ; if it is tougher and firmer in its texture than 
the parenchyma, or any of its parts; it is only because it is con- 
stantly exposed to the influence of light and air, and to the con- 
tact of such bodies as float in the atmosphere; but it is not to 
be regarded as constituting a distinct organ or membrane; or as 


The Rev. PATRICK Kerra on the Vegetable Epidermis, — 7 

exhibiting any proof of its being analogous to the epidermis of 
animals *. | | 

Such is the substance of M. Mirbel's opinion, against which he 
is aware that objections may still be urged. For it may be said, 
If this is the true origin of the epidermis, how comes it to sepa- 
„Tate so easily from the interior parts in the spring? To this ob- | 
jection M. Mirbel furnishes the following reply, namely, that its 
facility of detachment is owing to the disorganization occasioned 
in it by means of its exposed situation, which has even the effect 
of ultimately separating it from the plant altogether, as may be 
seen in the instances in which it bursts and exfoliates when it is 
not able to expand in proportion to tbe internal parts. And thus 
M. Mirbel presumes he has got rid of all difficulties. 

But the above is by no means the most formidable objection to 
which the hypothesis is liable. For if it be true that the epider- 
mis is nothing more than the pellicle formed on the external sur- 
face of the parenchyma indurated by the action of the air, then 
it will follow that an epidermis can never be completely formed 
till such time as it has been exposed to that action. But it is 
known that the epidermis exists in a state of complete perfection, 
in cases where it could not possibly have been affected by the 
action of the external air. If you take a rose-bud or bud of any 
other flower before it expands, and strip it of its external cover- 
ing, you will find that the petals and other inclosed parts of the 
fructification are as completely furnished with their epidermis as 
any other parts of the plant, and yet they have never been ex- 
posed to the action of the air. The same may be said of the 
epidermis of the seed while yet in the seed-vessel, or of the root, 
or of the stem of the paper birch, which still continues to form 
and to detach itself, though the interior layers are defended from 
the action of the air by the layers that invest them. 

* Traité d'Anat. et de Phys. Veg. i. 87. 1 

8 The Rev. Patrick KEITH on 

In herbs, and in the temporary parts of woody plants, such as 
the leaves and flowers, the epidermis never detaches itself at all ; 
which circumstance M. Mirbel adduces as an additional argu- 
ment in favour of his hypothesis. But to me it seems an argu- 
ment against it. For, if the air produces such violent effects upon 
the trunk and branches of woody plants, why does it not produce 
similar effects upon other plants, or upon other parts of the same 
plant? And why is the epidermis of the leaf, flower and fruit in- 
capable of being again regenerated, if accidentally destroyed ? 
Till a satisfactory answer can be given to these inquiries, that 
shall be at the same time compatible with the supposed action of 
the air in other cases, it is impossible to admit the hypothesis of 
M. Mirbel. abdidit ie Mbit RE 

. But so far is the action of the mere air from being the cause 
ES origin of the epidermis, that it is even detrimental to its for- 
mation. For the re-production of a part that has been acciden- 

tally destroyed, in cases capable of re-production, is always more 

easily effected if the wound be covered closely up*. And hence 
it is extremely improbable that the epidermis is merely a modifi- 
cation of the external surface of the parenchyma effected by the 
influence and action of the air; if rather it is not evidently an 
organ formed by the agency of the vital principle, even when the 
plant i is yet in embryo, for the very purpose of protecting it from 
injury when it shall have been exposed to the action of the air in 
the process of vegetation. 

Accordingly the developement of the epidermis is found to 
-— pace with that of the plant which it invests, so that it 

* grows with its growth and strengthens with its strength,” ex- 
panding in all its dimensions, and accommodating itself with 
wonderful facility to the augmentation of the nelésad parts, as 
may be seen in the case of trees and fruits of rapid growth. Its 

* Senebier, Phys. Veg. i. 154, 


the Formation of the Vegetable Epidermis. 9 

expansion is circumscribed, however, by certain bounds or limits 
which it cannot pass. For, when it has become indurated with 
age, or when vegetation is too luxuriant, it refuses or is unable to 
expand further, and consequently bursts. But if it does not 
burst spontaneously, where it does not expand freely, it is then 
thought to check or retard the growth of the plant, by operating 
as a sort of tight roller or bandage; as may be exemplified in the 
case of the cherry-tree, the epidermis of which the gardener is 
often obliged to lay open by means of a longitudinal incision, in 
order to facilitate the growth of the parts inclosed. 

With regard to the disavowed analogy between the animal and 
vegetable epidermis, it is of no consequence to the above argu- 
ment whether it holds good or not. But there are several i impor- 
tant respects in which an analogy between the two cuticles is 
sufficiently striking. They are both capable of great expansion 
in the growth of the subject. They are both easily regenerated 
when destroyed, (with the exceptions above stated,) and seem- 
ingly in the same manner. They are both subject, in certain 
cases, to a constant decay and repair; and they both protect 
from injury the parts inclosed. Whence we feel ourselves en- 
titled to draw a conclusion directly the reverse of that of M. Mir- 
bel, namely, that the epidermis of the vegetable is not an acci- 
dental scurf formed on the surface of the parenchyma by means 
of the action of the air; but a distinct and individual organ formed 
by the agency of the vital principle, at the period of the genera- 
tion of the plant, and destined to the discharge of peculiar func- 
tions in the vegetable ceconomy, as well as exhibiting a close ana- 
logy to the epidermis of the animai. 

Stow Maries, Dec. 22, 1814. 

VOL. XII. c | Il. On 

( 10 ) 

III. On the Classification of the Natural Tribe of Insects Noro- 
NECTIDES, with Descriptions of the British Species. By Wil- 
liam Elford Leach, M.D. F.R.S. and L.S. 

Read April 4, 1815. 

Beror: laying down the characters of this interesting and natu- 
ral tribe of insects, it may not be deemed improper to give a very 
short account of what has been done PL a | entomologists. 

Linné and albhis predecessors comprehe nded the species under 
the generic appellation Notonecta. The accurate Geoffroy was 
the first who separated Notonecta into two genera, which have 

been adopted by most succeeding writers, excepting Linné, who 
= in the last edition of his Some Naturæ has merely given the 
synonyms of that author, without taking the least notice of the 
important characters which induced him to separate them. 

De Geer confounded the animals of this tribe with Nepa and 

Naucoris, whilst Latreille and Olivier placed them in a division of 
their family Hydrocorise. 
. In the Edinburgh Encyclopedia I separated them from the 
Hydrocorise, and placed them in a particular tribe, named in 
that work Notonectides, which term I shall adopt in the following 
little essay. 



Dr. LraAcn's Classification of the Notonectides. 11 

with Ordo. HEMIPTERA*. 
Subordo. HYDROCORISÆ. Insecta aquatica, antennis mi- 


Tribus 2. NoTOoNECTIDESs. 
- Pedes duo postici longiores, natatorii. 

Fam. I. 
Corpus cylindrico-ovatum, aut ovato-quadratum. Tarsi omnes 
biarticulati. (Scutellum magnum.) | 

nu | Oeil orere 
Corpus cylindrico-ovatum. Antenne articulo tertio secundo tenui- 
ore. Tarsi antici FLO primo longiore. Ungues postici minu- 
Gen. 2. PREA: | 
Corpus ovato-quadratum. Antenne articulo tertio aliis majore. 
Tarsi antici articulis subæquè longis. Ungues postici magni. 

Fam. II. 

Corpus depresso-cylindricum. Tarsi antici uniarticulati; qua- 
tuor postici biarticulati. (Elytra margine antico ad basin saltem 

Gen. 3. SIGARA. 

Scutellum distinctum. Thorax transversus, linearis. Corpus ova- 
tum, posticè acuminatum. 

Gen. 4. ConiXa. — 
Scutellum nullum. - Thorax transversus, posticè productus. Cor- 
pus lineare, anticè et posticè rotundatum. 

* In the Edinburgh Encyclopedia 1 have divided the HemrprerA of Latreille into HE- 
MIPTERA and OMOPTERA, which Latreille considered as two great divisions of one order. 

c 2 Fam. 

12 Dro LzacH's Classification of the Notonectides. 

Fam. I. 
AI the insects of this family swim on their back, moving by 
means of their long hinder legs, which resemble oars; whence 
they have been aptly named boat-flies. 

Gen. 1. NOTONECTA. : 

Besides the characters given in the above table, the following 
will be useful in order to enable the young entomologist to di- 
stinguish this genus from Prza, from which it has not been sepa- 
rated by any entomologist*. 

The thorax is hexagonal, the anterior part is much attenuated, 
and the hinder margin is straight. The head is narrower than 
the broadest part of the thorax; the eyes are oblong, and cón- . 
verge a little behind ; the hinder legs are much ciliated, and the 
claws are so minute as to be discovered with great rent - ; 
the tips of the 'elytra are notched. 

Spec. 1. Notonecta furcata. 

N. elytris nigris, maculis duabus baseos griseis: posticá — 
Notonecta furcata. Fabr. Ent. Syst. iv. 58. 
Syst. Rhyng. 102. 2. 

Oliv. Encycl. Méthod. Hist. Nat. viii. 388. 2. 
Var. £. Elytris maculá ferrugineá. 
Habitat in Caledoniz, Angli: aquis vulgatissime. 
Ogs. Elytra apice fuliginosa; dorsum nigrum. 

Spec. 2. Notonecta maculata. 
N. elytris fusco ferrugineoque variis, dorso ferrugineo fascià 
media pernigrá. ug 
Notonecta maculata. Fabr. Ent. Syst. iv. 58. 
—-— Syst. Rhyng. 103. 4. 

* In the Genera Crustaceorum et Insectorum, tom. iii. p. 150, the accurate Latreille 
has detailed the principal characters of PLEA, which he considered as a species of Notonecta. 


Dr. Leacn’s Classification of. the Notonectides. AS 

Notonecta maculata. Oliv. Encycl. Méthod. Hist. Nat. viii. 988. 4. 
Notonecta glauca var. A. Latr. Gen. Crust. et Ins. iii. 150. 
Habitat in Anglia prope Bristol, Plymouth, et Exeter. 

Elytra apice fuliginosa. 

Spec. 3. Notonecta glauca. 
N. elytris griseis margine fusco-puncfatis, dorso nigro apice pallido. 
Notonecta glauca auctorum. 
Var. 8. Elytris subferrugineis fusco-subirroratis. 
Var. y. Elytris apice subnebulosis. 
Var. à. Elytris pallidis immaculatis. 
Habitat in Britannia vulgatissime. 

"This species is by far the most common that occurs in Great 
Britain. ‘The back- T" the abdomen is always black, terminated 
with pale yellow. Var. 6 at first sight bears a-near resemblance 
to .N. maculata ; but the spots in the front of the elytra, and the 
colour of the back, will readily distinguish them. Var. y I twice 
received from Mr. S. W. Millard, who took them near Bristol. 
Var. à I found in the north of England, and I suspect it to be an 
immature specimen. All the varieties, excepting the last, have a 
small blackish spot on the hinder margin of the elytra; but it is 
much more distinct in some specimens than in others, and it is 
never to be seen in N: maculata: this affords another character 
for discrimination, and therefore ought not to remain unnoticed. 

 Gen.2. Pufa: 

The thorax is obscurely hexagonal, with the hinder margin pro- 
minent and rounded ; the head as broad as the broadest part of 
the thorax; the eyes are rather oblong, without the least ten- 
dency to converge behind ; the hinder pair of legs not more cili- 
ated than the others, but are terminated by very strong and di- 

stinct claws; tips of the elytra acuminated and entire. = 7 ^ — 
| Spec. 

14 Dr. Luacn’s Classification of the Notonectides. 

Spec. 1. Plea minutissima. 

P. grisea, fronte lined fuscá, thorace elytrisque subtilissime 
punctatis. : 
Notonecta cinerea, anelytra. Geoffroy Ins. Par. i. 477. 2 
Notonecta minutissima. Fourc. Entom. Paris. i. 220. 2. 
Latr. Gen. Crust. et Ins. iii. 150. 
Oliv. Encycl. Méth d. viii. 389. 
Fabr. Ent. Syst. iv. 59. 
Syst. Rhyng. 104. 10. 

Long. Corp. 14 lin. 
Habitat in aquis stagnantibus prope Londinum vulgatissime. 

This species has been considered by Geoffroy, Fabricius, and Oli- 
vier, as Notonecta minutissima of Linné, whicl reference undoubt- 
to the following “species ; 1 viz. to Sigara minutissima. 
“Whether Notónecta minutissima of Panzer (Fn. Ins. Germ. In.ii.14. ) 
be intended for this species, I cannot take upon myself to decide, 
as his figure indicates a deep notch in the hinder margin of the 
thorax, which I have not been enabled to detect in any speci- 
mens ; his figure must therefore be incorrect, or be intended for a 
distinct species from the one in question. 

Geoffroy has described the larva, never having seen the perfect 
insect. + 

Fam. Ir. 
Gen..3. SicARA. 

The characters already given sufficiently distinguish this from 
the two preceding genera. 

Spec. 1. Sigara minutissima. 

S. supra cinerea, elytris fusco obsolete maculatis, subtus pedi- 
busque flavis. 


Dr. LzAcn's Classification of the Notonectides. 15 

Notonecta minutissima. Linn. Fn. Sv. 244. 905. 
— — Syst. Nat. i. 713. 3. 

Habitat in rivis, lacubus vulgatissime. 

Long. Corp. 1 lin. 

Linné has described this species so minutely as to leave no doubt 
with respec: to the above reference; in the twelfth edition of his 
Systema Nature, and in the last edition of his Fauna Suecica, he 
has given the following characters: ** N. elytris cinereis; maculis 
fuscis longitudinalibus. Magnitudo minime arenule ; depressa est. 
Pedes posteriores longiores ; primum par minimum. Habet alas, ely- 
tra, scutellum”? 

Sigara minutissima is | found in every part of Gross Britain; I 
have observed it in the Lake of Killarney, and in other lakes in 
the south of Ireland ; in the north of England, near Carlisle, and 
in Derwentwater ; in Loch Lomond and Loch Katerine in Scot- 
land ; in the river Tavy in Devon; and I have frequently received 
it from the Norfolk collectors: whence we may infer that it occurs 
in that country. 

To this genus probabl y belongs the Sigara coleoptrata of Panzer, 
Faun. Ins. Germ. In. 50. 24. 

Gen. 4. Cortxa. 

The thorax is more or less produced behind in all the species 
of this genus; but it is not evident in the first division of the ge- 
nus until the elytra have been elevated. "The front, the under 
parts of the body, and the legs, in all the British species, are yel- 
lowish. | supe Swick 
* Elytris ad apicem subgradatim acuminatis. 

"Ihe channel on the anterior margin of the elytra in this divi- 
sion is uninterrupted, and gradually disappears before it reaches 
to the — S of the elytra. 


16 Dr. LraAcnu's Classification of the Notonectides. 

Spec. 1. Coriva coleoptrata. | 
C. thorace rufo-griseo, elytris sublutescentibus: maculis longitu- 
dinalibus nigricantibus. 
Sigara coleoptrata, elytris totis coriaceis fuscis; margine exte- 
riori flavo. Fabr. Syst. Rhyng. 105. 4. | 
Habitat in Norfolciæ aquis prope Norwich. 

Although the character by Fabricius does not accord with that 
given above, yet as he drew his description from a museum speci- 
men (which generally assumes the colour he mentions) I give his 
synonym without any hesitation ; but this insect is distinct from 
the Sigara coleoptrata of Panzer, which is figured with a scutellum, 

and most probably due to the genus Sigara as mentioned 

The To in the fore part o of f the qb at t about two-thirds 
from its commencement, is interrupted by an oblique transverse 
elevated line, and it terminates abruptly before it reaches to the 

apex of the elytron, and then it leaves the margin, inclining a 
little inwards or backwards. 

a. Elytris thoraceque rugulosis. | 

Spec. 2. Corixa striata. 
C. thorace el ytrisque fuscis: lineolis flavicantibus transversis stria- 
tis, dorso nigro, lateribus flavidis. 
Notonecta striata. Linn. Fn. Sv. 244. 904. Syst. Nat. i. 712. 2. 
Habitat in aquis stagnantibus. 
Descr. Elytra striis undulatis flavicantibus, margine exteriore 

fusco. Thorax perfuscus lineolis transversis numerosissimis fla- 
vicantibus, : 

Spec. 3. Corixa stagnalis. 

C. fusca, thorace lineolis transversis numerosissimis flavicantibus, 
elytris fuscis flavido irroratis. 


Dr. LzAcn's Classification of the Notonectides. 17 

Habitat in aquis stagnantibus putridis vulgatissime. 
Elytra fusca flavido-irrorata; margine anteriore flavido ; mar- 
gine postico basin versus flavido-lineato. Dorsum fusco-nigricans. 

This species is about half the size of C. striata. 

Spec. 4. Corixa fossarum. 

C. fusca, thorace lineolis sex transversis flavidis, elytris fuscis 

Habitat in fossis passim. 

C. stagnali paulo minor. Elytra fusca flavido-irrorata, antice fla- 
vida, postice basin versus flavido-lineata. Dorsum flavum. 

| Spec. 5. Corixa lateralis. 
C. albida, thorace lineolis septem nigris, elytris nigro-irroratis : 
margine antico immaculato. 
Habitat in fluviis. 
C. fossarum paululum minor. Dorsum atrum, lateribus flavis. 

Spec. 6. Corixa dorsalis. 
C. flavida, thorace margine lineolisque sex transversis nigris, 
elytris nigro-irroratis: margine antico immaculato. 
Habitat in fluviis vulgatissime. 
C. stagnali paulo major. Dorsum flavum. 

b. Elytris thoraceque glaberrimis, levibus. 

Spec. 7. Corixa Geoffroyi. 
C. flavida, thorace lineolis transversis numerosissimis nigris, ely- 
tris nigro-irroratis: dorso pernigro apice flavido. 
La Corise. Geoff. Hist. Nat. des Insect. i. p. 48. pl. 9. fig. T. 
Sigara striata. Panz. Fn. Ins. Germ. In. 50. 23. | 
VOL. XII. D | Long. 

18 Dr. LzAcn's Classification of the Notonectides. 

Long. Corp. 4 unc. 
Habitat in aquis stagnantibus vulgatissime. 

All authors have considered this species as Notonecta striata of 
Linné, although it will not agree with his character. It is figured 
by Geoffroy and Panzer, and is of the former author the species 
serving as the type of the genus Coriza. 

: Spec. 8. Corixa affinis. 

C. flavida, thorace lineolis transversis numerosissimis nigris, ely- 
tris nigro-irroratis : dorso pernigro; lateribus postice dentato- 

Habitat in stagnis prope Plymouth haud infrequens. 

C. Geoffroyi duplo minor. 

à x + Diner ae m Meer irm cdd pin nait Le MES 
p cantici E TNT Tofiteptet9g LE: EE : z ` + pe 
"TT d t a t E. : 

IV. Some 

C 49: ) 

IV. Some Remarks on the Natural History of the Black Stork, for the 
first time captured in Great Britain. By George Montagu, Esq. 

Read May 2, 1815. 

- Brack Stork. ~ 

Mosr ornithological writers mention this bird as an European 
- species, less common than the White Stork, and of a more soli- 
tary disposition. Its latitudinal range in its periodical migra- 
tions is apparently greater than that of the white species, since 
it is said to visit Russia and Siberia, and also to pass over Sweden 
in the spring in vast flocks, flying towards the extreme north, and 
soaring to so great a height as to appear no larger than a sparrow. 

From innumerable observations it is evident that migrative 
birds are much more coafined in their longitudinal range than in 
their latitudinal: hence it is that many species pass through 
France and Germany in the spring, and return in the autumn, 
which by no chance have as yet been ever observed to wander into 
this country, although they proceed much further north than any 
part of Britain. Others, from accidental causes of which we have 
no certain knowledge, occasionally vary a little from their natu- 
ral course, and are found solitary in this country. Of this I have 
the pleasure of announcing an example in Ardea nigra, the only 

instance I believe of its being found at large in Great Britain. 
D 2 This 

20 Mr. Montaau’s Remarks on 

This bird was captured by means of a slight shot-wound in the 
wing, without breaking a bone, and is now in my possession in 
excellent health. To my scientific friend, Mr. Austin of Bridge- 
water, naturalists in general, and myself in particular, are indebted 
for this addition to the British Fauna, he having rescued it from 
plebeian hands, where in all probability the circumstance would 
bave been consigned to oblivion. It was shot in West Sedge- 
moor, adjoining the parish of Stoke St. Gregory, Somersetshire, 
on the 13th of May 1814; and what is remarkable, another very 
rare bird, the White Spoonbill, was shot on the same moor, by 
the same person, in November of the preceding year. 

When first the Black Stork was observed, it was searching for 
food by the side of a drain, and when approached flew a consi- 
derable distan — m -—— —— P MÀ = 

" we 8.9 4 LLL II LE $ V €) " - 


ciently near to slightly wound it. It made little resistance, and 
on the following day ate some eels that had been placed near it. 
- I was greatly rejoiced to receive this interesting bird alive from 
Mr. Austin, as its manners do notseem to be much known. Like 
the White Stork, it frequently rests upon one leg ; and if alarmed, 
particularly by the approach of a dog, it makes a considerable 
noise by reiterated snapping of the bill, similar to that species. 
It soon became docile, and would follow its feeder for a favourite 
morsel, an eel. When very hungry it crouches, resting the whole 
length of the legs upon the ground, and supplicantly seems to 
demand food, by nodding the head, flapping its unwieldy pinions, 
and forcibly blowing the air from the lungs with audible exspira- 
tions. Whenever it is approached, the expulsion of air accom- 
panied by repeated nodding of the head is provoked. The bird 
is of a mild and peaceful disposition, very unlike many of its con- 
geners ; for it never makes use of its formidable bill offensively: 
against any of the companions of its prison, and even submits 
. peaceably 

the Natural History of the Black Stork. 21 

peaceably to be taken up without much struggle. From the 
manner in which it is observed to search the grass with its bill, 
there can be no doubt that reptiles form part of its natural food ; 
even mice, worms, and the larger insects, probably add to its 
usual repast. When searching in thick grass or in the mud for 
its prey, the bill is kept partly open: by this means I have ob- 
served it take eels in a pond with great dexterity : no spear, com- 
mon in use for taking that fish, can more effectually receive it 
between its prongs than the grasp of the Stork's open mandibles. 
A small eel has no chance of escaping when once roused from its 
lurking-place. But the Stork does not gorge its prey instantly 
like the Corvorant; on the contrary, it retires to the margin of 
the pool, and there disables its prey by shaking and beating with 
its bill, before it ventures to swallow it. I never observed this 
bird attempt to swim ; but it will wade up to the belly, and occa- 
sionally thrust the whole head and neck under water after its prey. 
It prefers an elevated spot on which to repose: an old ivy-bound 
weeping-willow, that lies prostrate over the pond, is usually re- 
sorted to for that purpose. In this quiescent state the neck is 
much shortened by resting the hinder part of the head on the 
back; and the bill rests on the fore-part of the neck, over which 
the feathers flow partly so as to conceal it, making a very indie 
appearance. "m 
The Black Stork, perhaps, is not more delicate in its food than 
the white species : fish appears to be preferred to flesh, but when 
very hungry any sort of offal is acceptable. - 

. All birds that pursue their migrative course by night in con- 
gregation, have undoubtedly some cry by which the whole assem- 
bly is kept together; yet it should appear that at other times the 
Black Stork is extremely mute: not a single note has been heard 

to issue from the bird in question since its captivity. 

22 Mr. Monracu’s Remarks on 

As there is a little variation in the plumage of my specimen of 
Ardea nigra from what has generally been described, and as the 
plumage when first captured indicated immaturity, being very 
different from what has been since assumed, I beg leave to sub- 
join a short description of three states of plumage. 

The head and upper part of the neck speckled with pale brown 
of different shades, having a slight tinge of rufous, becoming 
darker on the lower part of the neck, the fcathers being dusky in 
the middle: the back, scapulars, and coverts of the wings dusky- 
black, slightly margined with brown: quills and tail dusky-black, 
the latter glossed with green: the feathers on the lower part of 
the neck before pretty long and loose, hanging over the breast : 
from thence to the tail dingy-white. On the.back were two or 
three feathers, apparently-new; that-were of a dark glossy green, 
indicating a change of plumage. "This description was taken in 
June 1814, soon after the bird was captured. The bird conti- 
nued very gradually to moult throughout the summer and win- 
ter, becoming much darker on the head and neck, and much 
greener on the back; and by the beginning of February 1815 
the upper part of the head and back of the neck became dusky- 
black, glossed with green; the lower neck before dusk y-black, 
and the whole upper part of the body, including wing-coverts and 
scapulars, dark shining green, similar in colour to that variety of 
the Glossy Ibis known under the title of Tantalus viridis*. The 
under parts of the plumage continued as at first. The bill, which 
is full seven inches in length, has the upper mandible a trifle the 
longest, and deficcts a little at the point: the colour is dusky-red, 
brighter at the base, and orange at the tip: irides light hazel: 
the lore and orbits bare of feathers, and of a dull red: the legs 

= Pennant says blue. Arct, Zool. 
t Latham says greenish-grey, with a whitish tip, 
s and 

the Natural History of the Black Stork. 23 

and toes dull orange. "These parts have changed but little, and 
perhaps are rather brighter in colour than at first. | 

Indisposition having prevented my seeing the bird since the 
last-mentioned. period till the middle of March, I was much sur- 
prised to find the appearance of a few feathers on the upper part 
of the back, that were dusky, resplendent with violet and purple, 
having a margin of dark glossy green. These elegant feathers 
continued to increase in number, till the whole upper part of the 
back had nearly assumed this beautiful plumage by the first of 
April. At this time no other part of the bird indicated any further 
change of plumage: the scapulars and coverts, many of which had 
recently changed, continued of the same colour as last described, 
without the purple reflections or marginal green. It is scarcely 
possible to account for such a succession of change in plumage 
in so short a time, except by supposing that a change in the con- 
stitution of the bird, produced by captivity and a want of natural 
food, had caused obstruction to the usual course of moulting, and 
that the autumnal change had been retarded, and was scarcely 
effected before the spring moulting commenced. ‘The bill at this 
season has also become more orange. — | 

V. Some 

V. Some Account of the Tantalus Ephouskyca, a rare American 
Bird. By Benjamin Smith Barton, M.D. F.M.L.S. 

Read June 6, 1815. — 

T'uz annexed figure (Tab. I.) of a rare American bird, together 
with those very few facts and circumstances which I have been 
able to collect concerning the bird, may, I flatter myself, prove 
acceptable to the Linnean Society. It may be proper to observe, 
that although the. ing, by à Bar 

has been in my pc 
been made frogits: 4: >) pisos : 

We know little or nothing of this bird, but what has been com- 
municated to us by the ingenious gentleman just mentioned. I 
here subjoin all that he has said concerning it. 

* There is inhabiting the low shores and swamps of this river*, 
and the lakes of Florida, as well as Georgia, a very curious bird, 
called by an Indian name, (Ephousk yca 1.) which signifies in our 
language the Crying Bird. I cannot determine what genus of Eu- 
ropean birds to join it with. It isabout the size of a large domes- 
tic hen. All the body, above and beneath, is of a dark lead co- 
lour, every feather edged or tipped with white, which makes the 
bird appear speckled on a near view: the eye is large, and placed 
high on the head, which is very prominent: the billor beak is 

APrirs * 
AT DAI tialil, 

graving has ever 

* The St. Juan, in East Florida. 

t “ Tantalus pictus?" In another part of his work (p. 293.) Mr. Bartram mentions 
our bird by the same name, Š 


Linn. Frans Vot XH. Fab. 1. b. $4. 

We Cir ree 

ec boe EL. c. A 

Tantalus Chou Mee : 

Weddelé Se. 

Dr. B. S. Ba RTON’s Account of the Tantalus Ephauskyca. 25 

five or six inches in length, arched or bent gradually downwards, 
in that respect to be compared to one half of a bent bow: it is 
large or thick near the base, compressed on each side, and flatted 
at top and beneath, which makes it appear four-square for more 
than an inch, where the nostrils are placed, from whence to their 
tips both mandibles are round, gradually lessening or tapering to 
their extremities, which are thicker for about half an inch than 
immediately above, by which the mandibles never fit quite close 
their whole length: the upper a small matter longer 
than the under: the bill is of a dusky green colour, more bright 
and yellowish about. the base and angles of the mouth. The tail 
is very short, and the middle feather the longest: the others on 
each side shorten gradually, and are of the colour of the rest of 
the bird, only somewhat darker: the two shortest or outermost 
feathers are perfectly white, which the bird has a faculty of flirt- 
ing out on either side as quick as a flash of lightning, especially 
when he hears or sees any thing that disturbs him, uttering at the 
same instant an extreme harsh and loud shriek. His neck is long 
and slender; and his legs are also long, and bare of feathers above 
the knee, like those of the bittern, and are black, or of a dark 
lead colour *.” 

It will be evident, I think, from an inspection of the drawing, 
that the Ephouskyca is a species of the genus Tantalus or Ibis ; 
a genus of which America produces many species, several of 
which are now known to be natives of the United States. I can- 
not, however, find that the ** Crying Bird" is noticed by any of 
the European ornithologists. I am pretty sure that it is not one 
of the nineteen species described by Mr. Latham in his General 
Synopsis of Birds. I may add, that our bird has entirely escaped 

* Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, &e., by 
William Bartram, pp. 147, 148, Philadelphia, 1791. 

YOL. XII. E the 

386 wo Dr. D. S. Barton's Account of 

the notice of the late Mr. Wilson, author of the American Orni- 
thology. This gentleman has noticed only three species of the 
genus Tantalus, viz. Tantalus Loculator, or Wood Ibis; T. ruber, 
or scarlet Ibis; and T. albus, or white Ibis. I think it highly 
probable that the two last birds are really one and the same 

I am fully sensible how imperfect are these notices: but I have 
not hitherto been able to obtain any thing more satisfactory on 
the subject, though I have for several years endeavoured, through 
. the medium of my correspondents in the country of the Musco- 
gulge, or Creek-Indians, to obtain a specimen of the bird. I have 
no doubt that I shall ultimately be successful in my researches. 
In this case, I shall not fail to communicate something much 
more satisfactory on the subject to the Linnzan Society, whose 
pursuits are at all times highly interesting to me. | 

I shall only further observe at present, that should the Crying 
Bird prove to be a new species of Tantalus (I mean a species not 
noticed by any systematic ornithologist), it may be well to call 
it Tantalus Ephouskyca. This, I have already observed, is its In- 
dian name, the literal meaning of which has been mentioned. 
Ephous, or Ephaus, in the language of the Creek Indians, signifies 
a bird.—Nor will those who are well versed in the study of the 
oriental languages, fail to observe how close is.the affinity be- 
tween this word and the word for bird in the language of the an- 
cient Chaldeans: I may add, even in the Hebrew. ‘That this af- 
finity is not accidental, will appear more probable from what I am 
now to state; that the Creek and other North-American lan- 
guages contain many words that are most palpably derived from 
the Chaldaic, Hebrew, Persian, &c.* 

There is no reason to believe that the Tantalus Ephouskyca has 

* See my New Views, &c. Philadelphia, 1798. 

the Tantalus Ephouskyca. 27 

ever been seen in the United States, to the north of Georgia, or 
at least of the Carolinas. In page 293, Mr. Bartram mentions 
it as one of those birds which are natives of Carolina and Florida, 
and continue the year round in those countries. I have no doubt 
that we shall find our Tantalus in Cayenne, and other parts of 
southern America. I have elsewhere shown that the American 
animals have a great geographical range. 
B. S. Barton. 
Philadelphia, July 10, 1814. 

E 2 VI. Obser- 

( 28 ) 


VI. Observations on the Orchis mil Far of Linneus. By Mr. Eg E. 
Bicheno, F.L.S. 

Read June 20, 1815. 

Tue very near affinity which orchideous plants have to each 
other has rendered their separation into genera and species a mat- 
ter of great difficulty. Scarcely any tribe, however, has been 
more effectually changed,.or received greater improvements since 
the time of Linnæus, than this; and in support of the fact, we need 
only refer to the labours of Swartz in Sweden, and of Brown in 
our own country. No species required an elucidation more than 
the Orchis militaris ; for Linn:us has introduced so many varieties, 
and they are so badly supported by synonyms, that it is difficult, 
sometimes impossible, to make out what he means. It is to be 
feared that English botanists in general have not understood 
them, and that they have still further perplexed the subject. My 
object, therefore, on the present occasion is to point out what I 
conceive to be the English species, which have been called, since 
the time of Linnzus, by the name of Orchis militaris. Of these 
there are three: the Orchis fusca of Curtis; the Orchis militaris of 
English Botany, vol. xxvii. t. 1873; and the Orchis tephrosanthos of 
Willdenow and Swartz. The synonyms which I am enabled to as- 
certain are not numerous, because I am situated far from the rich 
libraries of the metropolis; but even if I could command them, 
I believe I should not be disposed to quote largely, since it is 
almost impossible to identify these plants in the old authors, un- 
; i | less 

-Mr. J. E. BreuzNo's Observations on the Orchis militaris. 20 

less the description is accompanied with a figure. It will facili- 
tate our inquiries if we examine each of these species pentes 
beginning with aE 

There is less difficulty in identifying this species and tracing its 
synonyms than in either of the other two. Linnæus, misled by 
the uncharacteristic and. formal figure of Dillenius in Ray's 
Synopsis, t. xix. f. 2. has made two varieties of it, and 3; and 
Hudson is the first author, adopting the Linnean system, who 
made it distinct under the name of purpurea. He, however, 
united it again with militaris in the second edition of his Flora. 
Jacquin clearly defined the plant; and his opinion was followed 
by Murray, Hoffman, Roth, Willdenow, Swartz, and most of the 
continental botanists. Curtis also has well distinguished it in his 
Flora Londinensis. Withering, in the second edition of his Ar- 
rangement, has made it a variety, but says he had not seenit. Sir 
James Smith in his excellent Flora Britannica has done the same, 
but has followed Linnzus too closely; and, if his synonyms be 
correct, bas included three English species, and we believe a fo- 
reign one, in his militaris : O. tephrosanthos, O. militaris, Eng. Bot. 
vol. xxvii. £. 1873, O. variegata (the fig. 22, 23, and 24, of Vail- 
lant being this plant), and O. fusca. ‘The error in the first vo- 
. lume of English Botany, where fusca is called militaris, is cor- 
rected in a later volume, to which we have referred ; and another 
plant is admitted, though mages as the # intended by 

The earliest notice we have of this as an English plant is to be 
found in Gerard, p. 166; where he informs us that it grows in 
many places in Kent with the Bee and the Fly Satyrions, and 
among the rest * upon the hills adjoining to a village named 
Greenhithe,” the very place referred to by James Sherard in Dil- 

lenius’s Ray, and where it is frequently found at present. ‘This 

.—.0 Mr. J. E. Bicuzno’s Observations 

information Gerard communicated of the Ornithophora candida, 
165, or Butterfly Orchis; but the figure is Orchis fusca: and 
there is little doubt but that this was intended, since Johnson 
corrects the synonym in his edition, and complains greatly of the 
transposition of the figures in the chapter in which this plant 
stands. Caspar Bauhine, too, refers to this icon, excluding the 
synonym, under his Cynosorchis militaris major, which is unques- 
tionably our present plant. Johnson's Orchis Strateumatica, p. 215, 
is an improved figure, and is copied in Parkinson's Theatrum 
Botanicum, p. 1344. no. 6. The description of the flower is signifi- 
cant enough, being like the * body of a man with his hands and 
legs cutoff." Dillenius is the next author who takes notice of it as 
an English plant (for Ray does not seem to have been acquainted 
with its being indigenous) ; and though his figure in the Synopsis 
is stiff and bad, his description is appropriate— Galea obtusa 
atro-rubens minusque surrecta, qua nota a precedente (O. tephro- 
santhos) distinguitur." Vaillant, who understood the Orchidee 
better than any of his predecessors, has given an excellent draw- 
ing of the flowers of this and others nearly allied to it; but it is 
curious that he should attribute to its flowers an insupportable 
smell of the goat, while Curtis says they have a strong smell, 
somewhat like, but not so pleasant as, Anthoxanthum. Blackstone 
is the last English author of the old school, who seems to have been 
acquainted with it, having found it plentifully “in the old chalk- 
pit near the paper-mill at Harefield." Since his time it has been 
gathered frequently in the fine chalky districts of Kent and Middle- 
sex; but we do not know that it is found beyond these counties. 
Haller in his Hist. 4. 31, and Curtis Flor, Lond. fasc. 6. t. 04. have 
given superb figures of it. 

This Orchis surpasses all its English congeners in size and gran- 
deur, and may be known by the lip of the nectary being divided 
into three segments, the two lateral ones being linear, and the 


on the Orchis militaris. 31 

middle one broad, bilobed, generally with an intermediate tooth. 
The middle segment varies in the depth of its fissures, so that 
many authors have described the lip as four-cleft, and others as 
five-cleft; but, when this is the case, the segments are never so 
regularly linear as in the following species, and they are notched 4 
and, besides, the petals are broader and not nearl y so acuminate. 


Orcuis MILITARIS. Eng. Dot. t. 1873. 

Though this plant is figured by the old herbalists Gerard, John- 
son, and Parkinson, it does not appear to have been noticed as a 
distinct species by any English writer, until it was taken up by 
Sir J. E. Smith in the 27th volume of English Botany. In this 
work, however, it is confounded with another, the O. tephrosanthos 
of Swartz. The figure which Johnson gives of it, p. 216, no. 13. is a 
tolerable similitude, and leaves little doubt as to what he intended. 
Parkinson has copied it, p. 1344, »o. 8. and has added another of a 
most fanciful and ridiculous kind, p. 1347, which seems to have 
had its origin in this species or the following. Merett in his Pinaz 
tells us that Mr. Brown, one of the authors of the Catalogus Oz- 
oniensis, and whom he calls in his preface * vir exercitatissimus 
et eruditissimus," found three Orchides ** near the highway from 
Wallingford to Reading, on Barkshire side the river. 

“ 1. Orchis anthropophora autumnalis. CoL mas. C. B. et P. 
1347*. The Man Orchis. OE PEDES 

* 2. Orchis anthropophora oreades altera. Col. p. 318. 

** 3. Orchis oreades trunco pallido, brachiis et cruribus satu- 
rate rubescentibus.” 

The O. militaris, E. B. t. 1873 and O. tephrosanthos arc proba- 
bly intended by these descriptions, since the former is found at 

* This reference to Bauhine I do not understand thoroughly, but suppose it to rcfer to 
his Orchis flore nudi hominis effigiem representans, mas.— Pin. p. 82. iiu 

32 Mr. J. E. Brcneno’s Observations 

the present day in the neighbourhood of Streatley and Pangbourn, 
answering exactly to the situation which Brown describes; and 
the latter is said to grow there, and at Caversham in the neigh- 
bourhood, on the authority of the same Mr. Brown, in Ray's 
Catalogus Plantarum. 

Vaillant has given the figure of a flower, t. 31. f. 21. which » 
regards as only a variety of fusca, and says he gathered it on the 
same spot with O. tephrosanthos ; but we are inclined to believe it 
belongs to this species. Ray's Orchis anthropophora altera, Hist. 
Plant. 1218, seems to answer to it. From the reports we have 
received of the Harefield O. militaris, mentioned by Blackstone 
as growing with the fusca, we suspect it to belong to this species 
rather than to the following. Haller’s t. 28. is somewhat doubtful. 

Willdenow's specific character, and consequently that of the 
Hortus Kewensis, does not accord with the English plant; for the 
middle segment cannot be called bilobed, nor are the bracteas, 
upon which the editor of Linnæus places his chief dependence, ob- 
solete. The reference to Vaillant also leads me to suspect it, 
t. xxxi. f. 24., as well as f. 22. and 23., being O. variegata. The 
bracteas, however, vary so much in shape in the dried specimens 
of all the three plants, from the circumstance of the point being 
caducous, that we ought not, perhaps, to rely too much on the 
character drawn from this appendage. Should Willdenow's spe- 
-cies be found to be distinct, it will be necessary to give our plant 
a new trivial name; but we leave this to be ascertained by those 
who have foreign specimens at hand, and who can refer to the 
figures which be has quoted. 

The chief character of our plant is the regular linear incurved 
segments of the lip, which are broader than in tephrosanthos, and not 
notched and ragged as in fusca, but much narrower. The flowers 
grow in a dense spike, which old Gerard describes as ash-coloured. 

: Oncurs 

on the Orchis militaris. ; AK 68 


This plant is well figured in the first and. second editions of 
Gerard, p. 156, no. 1. p. 205, no. 2. though under a different name in 
each, and copied from them into Parkinson, p. 1344, no. 4. These 
| old authors, however, do not mention it as found in England. The 
earliest information we have of this fact, if we except the allusion 
to it hy Merett, already stated, is recorded in Ray's Catalogus Plan- 
tarum, where we learn that it was discovered by Mr. Brown on 
“the hills by the river Thames, near Cawsham-Bridge, a mile from 
Iteading, and on several other hills on the other side the water to- 
wards Wallingford." ‘This last habitat is omitted in the first edi- 
tion of the Synopsis. Ray tells us in his Journey on the Conti- 
nent, that he found it near Geneva, and that he had recently ob- 
served itin England; and yet it might be suspected that he never 
gathered it himself at Caversham (the modern name) in Oxford- 
shire, since he records the place in Gibson's Camden as being in 
Berkshire. It is found at present on the rising ground among the 
bushes to the west of the great chalk-pit facing the river Thames ; 
butt is an uncertain plant, like many other Orchidee, being found 
some years very abundantly, and then altogether as sparingly. 
The two habitats quoted in Flora Britannica, from Ray and Sib- 
thorp, for this plant, are the same spot. That this is the fephro- 
santhos of Willdenow there can be no doubt. It takes its trivial 
name from the ash-coloured spike; but this would have been 
equally applicable to Bauhin’s plant, Orchis galea et alis cinereis, 
Hist. ii. p. 755, which seems not to belong to it, though quoted 
by Ray, but to O. militaris of Eng. Bot. or of Willdenow. 

E might have been supposed that Withering, in his second edi- 
tion of the Arrangement, intended our present species by his æ, 
since he has uniformly quoted synonyms and figures which refer 

"uni XIL F to 

84 Mr. J. E. Brcuexo’s Observations on the Orchis militaris. 

to it; but the description is evidently drawn up from a foreign 
species, probably O. variegata, and the references are all trans- 
ferred in the succeeding edition to another variety. This is ¢ of 
Linneus. : | 

This plant is easily known by the narrow segments of the lip, 
and the acuminated petals. It is a delicate, smaller plant than 
the other two, flowers early in May, and has a remarkably abrupt 
termination in the spike of flowers. The lip of the nectary is less 
scabrous than in either of the others. Vaillant, t. 31. f. 25. 96. 
has well represented the flower; but we believe that no modern 
figure has yet been published of this rare plant. 


VII. GrvPnuris and Cu1opEcToN, two new Genera of the Family 

of Lichenes, with Descriptions and Figures of the Species hitherto 
discovered. By Erik Acharius, M.D. F.M.L.S. 

Read November 21, 1815. 

Posrevam fundamenta Lichenologiæ jam pridem jeci* vel vera, 
ut opinor, principia constitui, spem mihi facio, fore neminem rei 
hujus intelligentem, qui negaverit, duo hzc describenda gener, 
satis su perque a reliquis omnibus distincta esse. 

In dies increscere coepit Lichenum tam numerus antea incog- 
nitarum specierum, quam de earum proprietatibus et partium 
formis singularibus notitia. Qus harum detectarum divitiis su- 
perstructa est, scientia, specierum in plura genera distributionem 
necessariam reddidit; quando nempe characteribus essentialibus 
apprime convenientibus, fixis certisque, hec determinari possunt. 

Inter eas species, quarum apothecia intra singularem et e pro- 
pria substantia, nec a thallo formatam verrucam locata sunt T, 
distinctissimum inter reliqua a me stabilita, huc usque solum 
eminuit genus, quod Trypethelium vocaturt. Species illae nuper 
detectæ, quarum descriptiones et figuras Societati Linneanæ Lon- 

* Lichenographia Universalis, Gôttingæ 1810 edita c. Tab. color. collatis Præmonen- 
dis in Synopsi mea Methodica Lichenum, jam nunc typis exscripta et mox evulganda. 

t Lichenes Idiothalami Hyperogenei. Cfr. Conspectus Systemat. Lichenum in Synopsi 
supra memorata. 

1 Monographiam hujus Generis c. Figuris dedi 1 in Actis Societ. Phytogr. Gorenkensis, 
vol. i. seqq.--Cfr. etiam de hoe Genere Synopsis Meth, Lichenum antea citata. 

r2 dinensi 

36 Dr. E. ACHARIUS on 

dinensi jam offerre animum induxi, cum Trypetheliis natura et 
dispositione jam dictarum verrucarum et apotheciorum etiani 
conveniunt, sed propriis simul dignoscuntur characteribus essen- 
tialibus, quibus a Trypetheliis omnibus et singulis ita discedunt, 
ut inter hac, salvo eorum charactere generico, recipi nequeant. 
He note e sequentibus clarius apparebunt. ! 


RxcrPTACULUM universale crustaceo-cartilagineum p!ano-expan- 
sum adnatum uniforme. Partiale verrucæforme, e propria 
substantia colorata formatum. ApoTuEcta subcartilagi- 
nea subrotunda oblongiuscula elongataque supra denudata 
impressa vel canaliculata (atra), in singula verruca plura 
innata, intus homogenea. | 


RECEPTACULUM UNIVERSALE. Thallus cartilagineo-membrana- 
ceus, contiguus uniformis plano-adnatus, effusus L limi- 
tatus. ; ! 

RECEPTACULUM PARTIALE. Verruca planiuscula, colore et sub- 
stantia propria a thallo diversa, apothecia fovens. . A po- 
thecia numerosa verrucæ propri: innata, ad ejus superfi- 
ciem denudata, aggregata l. subconfluentia, difformia (sub- 
rotunda, oblonga, elongato-linearia) su pra impressa, disco 

À planiusculo, excavato 1. subcanaliculato, in ambitu magis 

elevata submarginata, solidiuscula atra, parenchymate ho- 
mogeneo. | 

Ogs. Singulare hoc genus, equidem tam ab Opegraphis et 
G yrophoris, quam a Trypetheliis distinctissimum, cum his tamen 
| | generibus 

Glyphis and Chiodecton. | 37 

generibus analogiam majorem habet quam cum reliquis e familia 
Idiothalamorum Lichenibus ; sed singule ejus, quotquot sunt 
adhuc note, vel a me nunc primum detecta species, notas quas- 
dam proprias et essentiales offerunt, quibus ab omnibus aliis valde 
recedunt. E characteribus supra datis kæ etiam facile eriuntur. - 
In primis vero in eo differt genus Glyphis, quod, si verrucas apothe- 
ciorum, ut ita dicam, vel apothecium commune respicimus, hoc 
nec propria nec cruste solidiori quadam membranula tectum sit,. 
sed esubstantia plus minus pulveracea et raro solidiuscula forma- 
tum, atque aliter quam thallus coloratum ; quodque ipsa apothe- 
cia partialia, intra verrucas jam dictas pro maxima sua parte ad 
superficiem verrucarum denudata sint, atque loco thalamiorum : 
globosorum perithecio et nucleo instructorum (ut in Trypetheliis), 
tota quanta e parenchymate homogeneo atro compactiori, in aqua 
macerato versus centrum tantisper dilutius colorato, formata : 
figura aliquando rotundata, sepissime oblonga, elongata ac li- 
. nearia, disco depresso vel canaliculato, unde eorum ambitus ele- 
vatus, illum quasi marginatum reddit. Itaque differt Glyphis. — 
. ab Opegrapha, Graphide et Gyrophora apotheciis partialibus 
intra propriam substantiam verruczeformem (s. apothecium 
quoddam commune) aggregatis et receptis, nec non horum 
| forma et interna structura diversa. 
a Trypethelio: apotheciis partialibus oblongis et linearibus, 
perithecio, ostiolo papillato, nucleoque destitutis. 
a Chiodecto: forma et textura apotheciorum partialium, atque 
eorum situ, presentia disci et marginis. dy 
Derivatur nomen generis a Graeca voce yAvgis ob apothecium 
commune opusculum celatum assimilans. . | 
Locus: inter Lichenes Idiothalamos in ordine Hyperogeneorum, 
post Trypethelium, == —— | ae 



38 Dr. E. Acuartivs on 

1, GrvPurs labyrinthica. Tab. II. fig. 1. 

G. crusta fuscescenti-subolivacea ; pros atten verrucis ob- 
longis sordide albis plano-convexiusculis pulverulentis, e | 
disco apotheciorum elongatorum canaliculato nigro rimoso- 

Glyphis labyrinthica. Ach. Syao: p: 107... 

Trypethelium labyrinthiforme. Ach. Sylloge n nov. Benn ad 
Cl. Schrader pro ejus Diario Botan. missa. ; | 

Habitat in Guinea ad Sierram Leonam supra corticem arboris 
ignotz, quam secum adtulit Clariss. D. D. et Prof. Ap. Ar- 

. ZELIUS, incolis sub nomine Duffa obvenientis. 

Drscm. Crusta membranacea tenuis levigata, sed ex eminen- 
tiis subjacentis corticis inæquabilis, e fusco et cinereo olivacea, 
ite, ut videtur, et indeterminatim expansa. Verruce apotheci- 
orum Tarius sparse, parum supra crustam elevate subpulvinatæ; - 

Se planiusculæ, rotundatæ, oblonge, curvatæ, difformes, in 

ambitu integerrimæ tenuissimæ, sordide albicantes et pulvere 
pin suffusæ, rugis et rimis nigris frequentissimis tenuissimis 
profundis ramosis anastomosantibus et retieulatis secundum for- 
mam apotheciorum inclusorum notatæ. Apothecia longiuscula et 
elongata linearia, intra substantiam albicantem verrucarum abs- 
condita, vario modo flexuosa ibidemque confluentia, atra opaca, 
extus intusque e pulvere compacto solidiuscula, supra et ad su- 
perficiem verrucarum disco angustissimo profunde excavato ca- 
naliculata et inde marginibus elevatis parallelis acutiusculis, pru- 
ina albida verrucarum velatis, secundum longitudinem cincta, 
‘Timas verrucarum nigras decussantes formantia. 

Oss., Pauca tantum rarissimæ hujus speciei individua, nec 
nisi in unico corticis frustulo eor occurrentia inveni, licet 

Linn. rans Vol. JAM. Tab. p.a. 


» . Er. 
fF. Curis Soup. 

E Acharius. ded! 

Glyphis and Chiodecton. .89 

quamplurimas alias cortices in eodem loco a se collectas scruti- 
nio meo benevole concesserit amicissimus AFzE LIUS. 

Explicatio Icon. Tab. II. fig. 1.—a. Corticis frustulum hujus 
Lichenis crusta obductum, in quo verruce apotheciorum Sparse, 
magnit. nat.—b. Du: verruce supra vise multum aucte.— 
c. Particula thalli in quo verruca et ejus apothecia inclusa hori- 
 zontaliter resecta repræsentantur, ut structura et color internarum 
harum partium videatur, magn. valde aucta.— d. Particula corticis 
cum crusta et verruca apotheciorum ad perpendiculum dissecta. 

2. Giypuis tricosa. Tab. II. fig. 2. ; 

G. crusta ferrugineo-lutescente; apotheciorum verrucis planis 
difformibus cinerascentibus, e disco apotheciorum elongato- 
rum rimoso-canaliculato rugoso-gyrosis. 

Glyphis tricosa. Ach. Synops. p. 107. 

Graphis tricosa. Ach. Lichenogr. Univ. in Add. p. 67A. 

Habitat in India (Occid.?)ad corticem arboris ignote. Swartz. 

Descr. Crusta in specimine a me viso effusa contigua carti- 
lagineo-membranacea læviuscula lütescenti-brunnea s. pallide- 
ferruginea. Verrucæ apotheciorum parum supra crustam elevate 
plane irregulares, intus extusque cinerascentes, maculas quasi 
difformes dispersas et approximatas formantes; ob copiam apo- 
theciorum nigrorum e cinereo et nigro variegate ac gyrose. Apo- 
thecia verrucis immersa figura variant subrotunda oblonga et lon- 
giuscula, plurima autem valde elongata linearia flexuosa, confer-. 
tissima, intus extusque solidiuscula atra opaca, disco concavius- 
culo l. rimoso-canaliculato et marginibus parum elevatis tenuio- 
ribus integris l. tenuissime crispis ac flexuosis, ad superficiem 
verrucarum prominulis nudis instructa, unde he supra rugoso- 
gyrosæ apparent. Extra ipsas verrucas non raro extenduntur 
quzdam ex apotheciis longioribus et crustam percurrunt, formam 

et ambitum verrucarum perquam irregularem reddentia. Intra 

40 | Dr. E. Acuartius on 

verrucas apothecia confertissima aggregata et singulari modo in- 
vicem complicata, congeriem vermiculorum curvatorum atrorum 
assimilantia, nec tamen inde in hae specie concreta vel confluen- 
tia ut in Glyphide labi yrinthica, 

Oss. Fugitivis oculis inspecta similitudinem quamdam habet 
hzcce species cum Trypethelio anomalo, inque ejusdem arboris 
cortice obveniente, sed attentius examinata facile ab hoc dignos- 
citur. Præsentia verrucarum propriarum et natura apotheciorum 
quantum ab Opegraphis, Graphidibus et Gyrophoris discedat nos- 
tra species unicuique patet. 

Explic. Icon. "lab. IF. fig. 9. a. Crusta et verrucæ quzdam 
hujus speciei in corticis frustulo, magn. naturali.—b. Particula 
crust resccta cum apotheciorum verrucis binis supra adspectis, 
magn. aucta.—c. Verruca alia in particula cruste una cum apo- 
diede inclusis horizontaliter dissecta, ut harum conformatio intra 
cam conspici queat.—d. Sectio perpendicularis verruce cum 
apotheciis, crusta et corticis. Tigg. c. et d. magnopere auctze, 

3. Guyputs cicatricosa. Tab. II. fig. 3. 

G. crusta fuscesceuti-cinerea nigro-limitata ; apotheciorum ver- 
rucis cinerascenti-nigris in ambitu subcrenatis cinereoque 
marginatis planis, e disco apotheciorum latiori subrotundo 
elongatoque concaviusculo cicatricosis. ' 

Glyphis cicatricosa. Ach. Synops. p. 107. 

Trypethelium cicatricosum. Ach. in supra dicta Sylloge. 

Habitat in Guinea ad corticem Codarii Solandri V Aur. (Dialü 
guineensis WiLLD. Sp. Pl.) aliarumque arborum ibidem cres- 

Descr. Crusta tenuis membranacea levigata e fusco cine- 
rascens, in statu perfecto lineola nigra serpentina limitata. Ver- 
ruce apotheciorum sparsæ parve, parum a crusta elevatæ planæ 


. insigniter aucta. 

Glyphis and Chiodecton. ål 

intus extusque nigricantes vel obscure cinereæ colidiusculæ, in 
ambitu plerumque lobato-crenatz et e pruina cinerea ibidem sor- 
dide albicantes, per ætatem vero evanescente. Apothecia ipsa 
fere tota intra parenchyma verrucarum abscondita, solo disco ad 
earum superficiem perceptibili, minus numerosa quam in reliquis 
speciebus, latiora et breviora quam in duabus præcedentibus, 
jam subrotunda, jam oblonga et vix unquam triplo longiora 
quam lata, atque sub hac forma parum curvata, disco aliquantum 
depresso l. concaviusculo, margine obtuso tantillum elevato inte- 
gerrimo cincto; quam ob caussam verruce supra quasi cicatrici- 
bus nigris inustis notatæ videntur. Eleganter et in modum rosulæ 
in quamplurimis verrucis dispositi observantur apotheciorum disci, 
uno scilicet centrali et ceteris circumcirca hunc coronantibus. 
Oss. Quoad habitum prope accedit ad Glyphidem favulosam, 
sed criteriis essentialibus ab ea prorsus diversa species manet: ut 
Trypethelii speciem in supra memorata Sylloge, cum Cl. Schrader 
communicata, inter alias etiam hanc dubitanter recensui. 
Explic. Icon. Tab. II. fig. 3.—a. Pars rami Codarii cum crusta 
et apotheciis hujus speciei, magnit. naturali. (In eodem ramo - 
ad * delineata etiam occurrit Graphis tenella, nova species in 
Synopsi Lichen. p. 81, descripta.)—b. Lichenis crusta et apo- 
thecia in suis verrucis supra visa, magn. aucta.—c. et d. Verruce 
apotheciorum seorsim cum particula crustæ cui adnascuntur de- 
sumtæ, supra vise et magnopere auctæ, quarum una apothecia 
offert ad verruce superficiem subrotundata et oblonga concavi- 
uscula atque inde marginata in formam rosule disposita ; altera 
vero (d.) apothecia longiora et curvata absque ordine aggregata. 
—e. Sectio horizontalis ejusmodi verrucæ, apotheciorum formam 
et dispositionem intra substantiam verruce exhibens.—f. Ver- 
rucæ et apotheciorum inclusorum sectio perpendicularis, magn. 



42 | | Dr. E. AcHARIUS 0n 

4. Grvrurs favulosa. Tab. IIT. fig. 1. 
G. crusta albicante nigro-limitata ; apotheciorum verrucis ro- 

 tundatis planiusculis nigris glauco-pruinosis margine cine- 

rascentibus, e disco apotheciorum suborbiculari excavato 
Glyphis favulosa. ‘Ach. Synops. p. 107. 
"Trypethelium. favulosum a me pridem appellatum, tam in Actis 
—. Gorenkens. vol. 1. quan in Sylloge Lichen. Novor. su ! 
rata. ag m 
. Habitat i in America ad corticem Crotonis Cascarille. ` 
Descr. Crusta cartilaginea, crassior quam in antecedentibus 
speciebus, contigua laevigata, ex eminentiis et fissuris corticis sub- 
jacentis parum ineequabilis ac diffracta, sordide albescens, sub- 
inde pulvere albo adspersa, per ætatem e pallido-cinerascens vel 
parum fuscescens, i in ambitu irregularis, lineola nigra repanda et 

serpentina in statu perfecto limitata. Verruce apotheciorum su- 

pra crustam prominentes, subrotundæ oblongæ difformes, juni- 
ores convexæ pulvere albo-cinerascente l. glaucescente adspersæ, 
vetustiores planæ latiores; margine elevato subintegro utpluri- 
mum cinereo-pulverulento cincte, substantia interna carbonacea. 
Apotheciaverrucis innata subrotunda aut aliquando oblongiuscula, 
ad superficiem verrucarum quamplurima aggregata, supra exca- 
vata, in ambitu elevata, unde distincte marginata apparent, foveo- 
lasque nigras seu cicatrices in superficie verrucarum efformant. 
Ogs. Descriptio in Actis Gorenkens. ob specimina minus bona, 

utpote vitiosa, secundum jam datam corrigi debet. Iconem no- | 

vam etiam nunc dedi, quum forte incendio Moscoviz deleta est, 
qua ibidem incideretur.—Afänitas multa hujus speciei est cum 
Glyphide cicatricosa, a qua tamen abunde differt cruste natura 
ac colore, verrucis multo majoribus magis elevatis, nec non apo- 

 theciis in his numerosioribus. 


Linn Trans Vol AN. 725.3 p. 42, 

E. Acharius del J. Curtis scudp s 

Glyphis and Chiodecton. 43 

Explic. iain Tab. IIT. fig. 1.—a. Lichen in cortice Cascarille, 
magn. naturali—b. Crustz frustum cum verrucis quibusdam, 
magn. aucta.—oc. Verruca solitaria, supra visa, insigniter aucta. 
—d. Sectio horizontalis verrucæ, substantiam ejus et apotheci- 
orum inclusorum internam ostendens, magn. valde aucta.—e. Ver- 
ruca cum parte subjacente cor ticis ad perpendiculum dissecía sub . 
augmento adhuc majori. 



RECEPTACULUM universale crustaceo-cartilagineum plano-expan- 
sum adnatum uniforme. Partiale verrucæforme e propria 
substantia colorata (alba) formatum.  AroruHrcra sub- 
pulveracea subglobosa (atra), plura singulis verrucis in- 
clusa subconfluentia, alia ad earum superficiem instar 
punctorum elevatorum notabilia. 


RECEPTACULUM UNIVERSALE. Thallus cartilagineo-membrana- 
ceus, contiguus uniformis plano-adnatus, effusus 1. limita- 
tus. ae 

RECEPTACULUM PARTIALE. Verruca convexa l. sphærica, co- 
lore (albo) et substantia propria a thallo diversa, apothecia 

includens. Apothecia numerosa subglobosa, plurima intra 
substantiam verrucæ propriæ nidulantia aggregata et con- 
fluentia, alia pauciora ad ejus superficiem in modum papil- 
larum punctiformium subprominentia, intus extusque sub- 
pulveracea atra. : 

G 2 Oss. 

4A Dr. E. Acnartus on 

Oss. Verrucas apotheciorum hujus generis si spectemus, na- 
tura sua a Trypetheliorum et Glyphidum parum recedunt; sed si 
formam et indolem apotheciorum inclusorum consideremus, lizec 
in Chiodecti speciebus diversissima sunt et notas characteristicas 
validissimas essentiales offerunt, quibus hocce genus ab his et aliis 
satis distinctum sese præbet. Quoad verrucas ipsas, in notis spe- 
ciebus, coloris sunt extus intusque albissimi et substantia earum 
bombycino-pulveracea. Intra hanc apothecia nidulantur minu- 
ta subglobosa vel parum difformia suboblonga, homogenea sub- 
pulverace atra, nullum nuclei seu parenchymatis solidioris textu- 
ram offerentia, tamen maceratione in aqua ad earum centrum 
substantia aliquantum pellucidior in Chiodecto seriali observata 
est; de cætero in hac specie quasi concatenata, in altera ad cen- 
trum verrucz adeo congesta ut massam pulveraceam simul sumta 
constituant. Versus superficiem verrucarum quadam etiam lo- 
cata observantur apothecia, has supra quasi nigro-punctatas red- 
dentia atque admodum spectabiles. Differt adeo Chiodecton 

a Trypethelio, Porina, Thelotremate et Variolaria, absentia tha- 

lamii veri, nam neque perithecii et ostioli, neque nuclei vesti- 
gia in ejus apotheciis observantur,—in specie a tribus ultimis 
generibus: Verruca apotheciorum e propria nec e thalli sub- 
stantia formata. | 

a Glyphide: situ, forma, et natura apotheciorum, nec disco 

nec margine instructorum atque omnino intra substantiam 
verrucarum nidulantium—a reliquis cognatis Lichenum Ge- 
neribus, ut supra monui, presentia apothecii communis seu 
verrucz, a thallo haud formate, Chiodectis, Glyphidibus et 
Trypetheliis solis solemnis, nec non forma et indole apothe- 
ciorum partialium. 

A Greca voce xro» receptaculum et x^; albus nomen generis 
composui. | 


Glyphis and Chiodecton. 45 

Locus: inter Lichenes Idiothalamos in ordine Hyperogeneorum 

post Glyphidem. 
1. Curopecron spherale. Tab. III. fig. 2. 

C. crusta effusa lacteo-pallescente tenuissime tuberculosa ; apo- 
theciorum verrucis subglobosis albissimis, apotheciis intus ad 
centrum earum in massam confluentibus. 

Chiodecton sphærale. Ach. Synops. p. 108. | 

Trypethelium pulcherrimum. Ach. in supra dicta Sylloge. 

Habitat in America ad corticem Cinchone flave dictae. 

Descr. Crusta cartilagineo-membranacea effusa (uti videtur) 
lactea seu pallescens,e verruculis confertis albidioribus (forte initia 
apotheciorum communium) inzequabilis. Verruce apotheciorum 
frequenter subglobosæ |. parum compress: albissime Jævigatæ, 
punctis plurimis atris, (a totidem apotheciis, in superficie verru- 
carum subprominulis, ortis) supra notate. Apothecia numerosis- 
sima minuta subglobosa intus extusque homogenea subpulveru- 
lenta atra opaca, intra verrucas nidulantia, et juxta superficiem 
earum sparsa, et, quoad maximam partem, versus centrum con- 
gregata ibidem confluentia et massam atram simnl sumta effor- 

Explic. Icon. Tab. III. fig: 2.—a. Hujus Lichenis crusta cum 
apotheciis in corticis frustulo, magn. naturali.—b. Particula Li- 
chenis, magn. aucta.—c. Verruca fertilis separata a la tere visa, 
multum aucta.—d. Alia supra adspecta, cincta partic a crustæ 
verrucosæ, sub eodem augmento.—e. Verruca ad perpendiculum 

et.—f. Alia horizontaliter resecta, structuram et dispositionem 
Mc onu intra has i Apes verrucas representantes, magn. valde 

2, Curopecrox seriale. Tab. III. fig. 3 

C. crusta flavo-fuscescente levigata nigro-limitata ; apothe- 


46 | Dr. E. Acn ARIUS on 

ciorum verrucis oblongo-difformibus convexiusculis, apothe- 
ciis intus per series subconcatenatis. - : 

Chiodecton seriale. Ach. Synops. p. 108. 2 | 

Trypethelium paradoxum. Ach. in Act. Soc. Phytogr. Gorenk. 

vol. i. c. figg. inque Sylloge Novor. Lich. ; 

Habitat in America supra corticem Bonplandie trifoliate 

WiLrp. (vulgo Angusture dictam.) 

Descr. Crusta cartilagineo-membranacea lzviuscula, e sub- 
jacentis corticis irregularitate parum inæquabilis seu eminentiis 
levibus notata et diffracto-rimosa, sordide flavescens, linea serpen- 
tina nigra determinata. Verrucæ apotheciorum sparse, primo a 
crusta membranula subvelate apparent, sed sæpissime denu- 
date occurrunt, parum supra crustam elevate ac convexiusculæ, 
demum planæ, albissimæ byssaceo-pulverulentæ, juniores ob- 
longs magis regulares, vetustiores difformes margine subrepande. 
Apethecia oblongo-spheroidea minuta subpulveracea vel in cen- 
tro parum solidiora atra, et ad verrucarum superficiem sparsa, 
quam nigro-punctatam reddunt absque signo papillæ genuine, 
et intra substantiam verrucarum seriatim disposita, flavedine 
quadam parenchymatis verruce plus minus evidente circumdata. 

Oers. Descriptionem speciei, que in Actis Gorenk. l. c. ha- 
betur, heic emendatam et correctiorem tradere debui, postquam 
de partium natura et de genere ipso magis illustrati sumus. 
Sub vitris compositis maxime augentibus nullum intra apothecia 
partialia nucleum verum detegere potui, quare etiam dubitanter 
ad Trypethelii genus ibidem retuli, et licet apotheciorum verrucæ 
et apothecia ipsa iconibus ad augmentum factis antea in Actis 
hisce illustrata sunt, tamen superfluum esse non putavi, harum 
partium figuras iterum fideliter tradere, ut comparatio specierum 
evidentior fieret, in primis dum. adhuc nescimus, an sub incendio 
Moscoviæ perierunt Societ. Gorenkens, Acta. 



Glyphis and Chiodecton. 47 

Explic. Icon. Tab. II. fig. 3.—a. Crusta Lichenis cum apothe- 
ciis in corticis frustulo, magn. naturali.—b. Eædem partes magn. 
aucta.—c. et d. Verruce apotheciorum solitariæ cum parte crus- 
tæ ambientis supra visa, magn. multum aucta, quarum prima (c.) 
verrucam juniorem integriusculam exhibet, ex apotheciis in ejus 
superficie subprominulis nigro-punctatam—secunda (d.) etate 
provectiorem et supra omnino denudatam magisque deformem, 
in qua etiam apothecia fere tota denudata occurrunt.—e. Ver- 
ruca alia horizontaliter resecta, formam et dispositionem subcon- 
catenatam apotheciorum intra ejùs substantiam exponens. 


( 48 ) 


VIII. On the Power of Sarracenia adunca to entrap Insects. In 
Letter to Sir James E. Smith, Pres. Linn. Soc., from James Ma 
bride, M.D. of South Carolina. 

Read December 19, 1815. 

Your remarks on the ceconomy of the Sarracenie in your Intro- 
duction to Botany, led me to think of making this communication ; 
and I was emboldened to undertake it from having observed in 
your prefatory remarks on the study of this science, a spirit of pe- 
culiar liberality and disinterestedness. M y object is to lay before 
you the result of my observations on the insect-destroying-process 
carried on by the tubular leaves of these plants. 

It will hardly be necessary to inform you that the Sarracenia 
flava and S. adunca (S. minor of Walter, and S. variolaris of Mi- 
chaux,) grow in the flat country of this state in great abundance. 
With the latter my experiments have been chiefly conducted. If, 
in the months of May, June, or July, when the leaves of these 
plants perform their extraordinary functions in the greatest per- 
fection, some of them be removed to a house and fixed in an erect 
position, it will soon be perceived that flies are attracted by them. 
These insects immediately approach the fauces of the leaves, and 
leaning over their edges appear to sip with eagerness something 
from their internal surfaces. In this position they linger; but at 
length, allured as it would seem by the pleasure of taste, they 
enter the tubes. The fly which has thus changed its situation, 
will be seen to stand unsteadily, it totters for a few seconds, slips, 


Dr. James Macnnrpz on Sarracenia adunca. 49 

and falls to the bottom of the tube, where it is either drowned, or 
attempts in vain to ascend against the points of the hairs, The 
fly seldom takes wing in its fall and escapes; but this sometimes 
happens, especially where the hood has been removed to assist 
observation. In a house much infested by flies, this entrapment 
goes on so rapidly that a tube is filled in a few hours, and it be- 
comes necessary to add water, the natural quantity being insuf- 
ficient to drown the imprisoned insects. The leaves of the 
S. adunca and S, rubra of Walter might well be employed as fly- : 
catchers; indeed I am credibly informed they are in some neigh- 
bourhoods. The leaves of the flava, although they are very capa- 
cious, and often grow to the height of three feet or more, are never 
found to contain so many insects as the leaves of the species 
above mentioned. The spreading fauces and erect appendices 
of the leaves of this species render them (I suppose) less destruc- 
tive. | 

The cause which attracts flies is evidently a sweet viscid sub- 
stance*, resembling honey, secreted by, or exuding from, the in- 
ternal surface of the tube. On splitting a leaf it may readily be 
discovered in front, just below the margin, and in greatest quan- 
tity at the termination of the ala ventralis. From the margin, 
where it commences, it does not extend lower than one-fourth of 
an inch. During the vernal and summer months it is very per- 
ceptible to the eye and touch ; and although it may be s 
not discoverable by either, yet the sensation of swi tn 
dily perceived on applying the tongue to this portion of surface. 
In warm and dry weather it becomes inspissated, resembling a 
whitish membrane. Dow a ab ae a A 

* This substance it seems was noticed by Bartram the younger (see the Preface to his 
Travels). I was entirely ignorant of his conjectures respecting it, until long after 1 had 
proved their correctness. 

VOL. XII. H The 


50 Dr. Jauzs MACBR1DE on the Power of 

The falling of thé insect as soon as it enters the tube is wholly 
attributable to the downward or inverted position of the hairs of 
the internal surface of the leaf. At the bottom of a tube, split 
open, the hairs are plainly discernible pointing downwards; and 
as the eye ranges upwards they become gradually shorter and at- 
tenuated, till at, or just below, the surface covered with the bait, 
they are no longer perceptible to the naked eye, nor to the most 
delicate touch. It is here that the fly cannot take a hold suffi- 
' ciently strong to support itself, but falls. The inability of insects 
to crawl up against the points of the hairs I have often tested in 
the most satisfactory manner. Spiders descend into the tubes, to 
prey (I suppose) on the entrapped insects, and ascend with impu- 
nity ; but this is performed, as.I have witnessed, by the assistance 
of their threads. Also a small species of Phalena* appears to take 
shelter in these tubes during the day, and is enabled to ascend ; 
but by what contrivance I am at a loss to conjecture; unless it 
be by some peculiarity of structure in its feet. E 

- In the putrid masses of insects thus collected, are always to be 
seen one or more maggots in a very active state. To account 
for their presence, and to ascertain the insect to which they be- 
longed, I was long unable. The mystery was however unveiled 
in the following manner: While watching attentively some tall 
tubes of the S. flava growing in their natural situations, in order 
to discover whether other insects as well as flies were attracted by 
the bait above described, a large fly caught my attention: it 
passed rapidly from one tube to another, delaying scarcely a mo- 
ment at the faux of each, until it found, as it should seem, one 

* This Phalena, which is about half an inch in length, may be deseribed by saying it 
is divided transversely into three equal parts; the first division including the head is 
black ; the second dirty white, or yellow ; the third is like the first: Larva a greenish geo- 


Sarracenia adunca to entrap Insects, | 51 

suitable to its purpose ; then hanging its posterior extremity over 
the margin, it ejected on the internal surface of the tube a larva 
with a black head, which immediately proceeded downwards by 
a brisk vermicular motion. This viviparous musca was more than 
double the size of the common house-fly, had a reddish head, and 
the body hairy, and streaked grayish. I had often noticed it. be- 
fore among the S. adunce, but could never ascertain its object ; 
the hoods probably obstructing my view. | 3 

That insects may be found in these tubes which were not al- 
lured by the bait, I have well ascertained. At the time that 1- 
discovered the origin of the larvæ, I observed a beetle (Scarabeus 
carnifex, a herd being near) in its flight strike against the erect ap- 
pendage of the S. flava and fall into the tube. In the leaves of the 
S. adunca, growing on the margin of a large pool, I once observed 
the fragments of a large Gryllus and several Gyrini. These and 
similar appearances have led me to suspect that our large Nepa*, 
an extremely voracious insect, may occasionally use these tubes 
as storehouses. The hooked feet of this last insect would doubt- 
less enable it to ascend against the inverted pubescence. 

What purposes beneficial to the growth of these plants may be 
effected by the putrid masses of insects, I have never ascertained ; 
but I learn from a hint given in the article Dionæa, in Rees’s 
Cyclopedia, that it has been discovered that the air evolved is 
wholesome to the plants. I once entertained a suspicion that 
this air might be of such a deleterious nature as to cause the 
precipitation of thé insects exposed to it, but I have long since 
relinquished it as entirely groundless. 

* Very nearly allied to Nepa grandis of South America. It is very strong, and often 
destroys the Spring Frog. It inserts the claws of the two fore-feet into one of the frog's . 
hind legs, and with the claws of its hind feet it grapples rice-stubble, or some aquatic 
. plant; the frog unable to disengage itself becomes exhausted by struggling. 

n-2 ! The 

54 On the Nature and Formation of the Stone incrusting 

coquillages marins alternativement submergés et exposés a la 
chaleur du soleil, mais bien celle de ce liquide saturé.de soude 
et de chaux muriatées et sujets à une évaporation que la tempé- 
rature du climat nécessite. 

De l'évaporation des liquides qui tiennent des solides en solu- 
tion, résulte naturellement la précipitation de ces derniers. Mais 
comme il importe fort peu de considérer ici le corps précipité 
quant à la forme qu'il peut affecter en pareil cas, nous nous bor- 
nerons à observer, que les débris agglutinés des coquillages ma- 
rins, infiltrés par l'eau de la mer, que la chaleur du soleil évapore 
sans cesse, recoivent entre leurs interstices la chaux et la soude 
muriatées que ce liquide dissolvait, que la précipitation et une 
certaine adhérence de ces sels, envers ces débris agglutinés des 
coquilles, ont du déterminer une réunion plus. parfaite de ces 
derniers, en devenant eux-mémes parties constituantes de la 
masse pierreuse qui en.est résultée par la suite. Examinons 
maintenant ce produit de la nature à l'endroit de son gisement et 
de sa formation. : : 

La configuration et le rapport des masses sont certainement 
les premiers caractères qui doivent être spécifiés; mais ici nulle 
forme régulière ou constante ne se laisse appercevoir; nul rap- 
port de position ou de nature ne parait exister entre le minéral 
dont il est question et les autres minéraux dont il est environné. 
Les débris agglutinés des coquilles auxquels ce premier doit sa 
formation figurent ordinairement à leur surface les ondulations de 
la mer, résultát de linfluence des marées ascendantes sur ces 
mémes débris d'abord réunis par une faible adhérénce. | L'espéce 
de pierre qui provient de leur réunion est bien évidemment de 
formation nouvelle, et nous pouvons méme dire journalière, ainsi 
que l'on peut s'en convaincre aisément sur le lieu. 

Il n'est pas difficile de reconnaitre ni méme de distinguer à T 


the Skeletons found in the Island of Guadaloupe. 55 

vue simple les premiers matériaux dont cette pierre est composée; 
il est évident, au contraire, qu'elle doit sa formation aux débris 
des coquillages marins qui se sont réunis, ainsi que nous l'avons 
déjà dit, .par l'interméde de la chaux et de la soude muriatées 
déposées entre leurs interstices. 

Une adhérence trés-faible et presque nulle caractérise le pre- 
mier état d'agrégation des débris des coquillages marins, et nous 
oblige à ne considérer leur réunion que comme un État d'agglu- 
tination, en la définissant de la manière suivante : 

La Agrégat par agglutination, à gros grains, très-poreux et très- 

Une agglutination plus intime, ou une adhérence, toutefois 
indirecte*, réunit les débris des coquillages marins un une masse 
beaucoup moins fragile, qui peut étre spécifiée par la dénomina- 
tion de e 

2. Agrégat par adhérence à gros grains, poreux et non friable ; 
=- composé de chaux muriatée, de soude muriatée, et des débris des 
coquillages marins. 
Le troisième état de réunion de ces mêmes débris se URSS 
E la définition de | 

3. A grégat adhérent, compacte, ou à grains resserrés de même nature 
que le précédent. | 

- Une adhérence plus parfaite de ces débris des coquilles, dans 
laquelle les parties hétérogènes réunies se trouvent confondues en 
un tout ou une masse à peu près homogène, peut admettre la co- 

* Nous disons indirecte parcequ'il est démontré que les débris des coquillages marins ne 
sont point réunis par une adhérence réciproque, mais bien par l'adhérence intermédiaire 

de la soude et de la chaux muriatées pour ces mêmes débris. 

5G On the Nature and Formation of the Stone incrusting 

hérence pour définition. Ainsi nous déterminerons ce quatrième 
état par les caractères de 

4. Agrégat cohérent, de méme nature que le dernier, d'un gris jau- 
nátre, d'une saveur légèrement salée ; semi-transparent sur les 
bords seulement ; rayé par le verre, et rayant la chaux fluatée ; 
répandant une odeur animale par le frottement ; inphosphorescent ; 
fortement sonore ; réductible en chaux vive ; soluble en entier et 
avec une forte effervescence dans l'acide nitrique dilué. 

C'est sous ce quatrième état que les débris des coquillages 
marins réunis peuvent admettre la dénomination de pierre, et se 
ranger parmi les autres minéraux sous le nom d’agrégat composé 
de chaux carbonatée unie à la chaux et à la soude muriatées. Mais, 
outre que cette espece de pierre se distingue, en admettant dans 
sa formation ces deux derniers sels, des concrétions calcaires car- 
bonatées,. que nous fournissent les lithophites et quelquefois les 
-zoophites, elle se caractérise encore par un degré de dureté, que 
nous venons de déterminer par sa propriété de rayer la chaux 
fluatée, et par une pesanteur spécifique beaucoup plus grande que 
celle de la chaux carbonatée ordinaire. 

Il ne sera, sans doute, pas hors de propos de donner mainte- 
nant une courte énumération des différens vers testacés, dont 
nous avons pu reconnaître les dépouilles, puisque de cette ma- 
nière nous indiquerons les coquillages marins, dont les débris 
d'abord agglutinés, bientôt adhérens et enfin cohérens, ont pro- 
duit l'espéce de pierre dont nous venons de retracer tous les ca- 
ractères ;. ceci nous menera encore à connaître les diverses incrus- 
tations que l'on peut rencontrer dans cette pierre par de plus am- 
ples recherches ; mais il conviendra aussi de faire observer que 
cette énumération locale ne peut donner qu'une idée trés-bornée 
de là Conchyliologie des Antilles. 


the Skeletons found in the Island of Guadaloupe. 57 

Le genre Cyprea de Linné se fait connaitre par les espéces 
suivantes : 
Le Cyprea Pediculus. 
--— stercoraria. 

Exanthema et Zebra. 

Ces deux dernières espèces ne sont suivant Bruguieres que la 
méme coquille plus ou moins avancée en áge. 
Parmi les Buccins l'on trouve 

Le Buccinum cornutum. 
Dolium. | 

Dans les autres genres l'on rencontre la Voluta Oliva; le Mu- 
rex ramosus; la Bulla Ampulla; la Bulla gibbosa; la Nerita versi- 
color; la Nerita peloronta; le Strombus Lambis; le Turbo Pica: 
le Trochus niloticus, et plusieurs espèces de Patella. i 

Toutes ces coquilles, ainsi que tous les corps qui se trouvaient 
interposés parmi leurs débris concassés, ont du nécessairement s'y 
incruster, du moment que ces débris se sont agglutinés. C'est 
pourquoi l'on y rencontre aujourd'hui, outre ces différens coquil- 
lages marins, quelques coquilles terrestres, des morceaux de po- 
terie ou de terre cuite, des haches en pierre, instrumens dont 
sé servaient les naturels du pays; des ossemens humains isolés, 
et méme des squelettes entiers plus ou moins bien conservés. — 

Non seulement la nature de tous ces objets n'est point altérée, 
mais de plus les coquilles se trouvent incrustées sans avoir perdu 
leur nacre et leurs couleurs. C'est donc à tort que l'on a vulgaire- 
ment confondu jusqu'à ce jour l'incrustation de ces substances 
avec celles que l'on désigne communément sous le nom de pétrifi- 
cations. / Gi 


58 On the Origin of 


Les apparences nous portent à présumer d'abord, que les sque- 
lettes que l'on trouve au bord de la mer à l'est du bourg du 
Moule, sont les charpentes d'autant de cadavres déposés dans ce 
lieu. Nos premieres observations nous autorisaient d'autant plus 
à adhérer à cette opinion, que le squelette* que nous cherchons 
à extraire aujourd'hui se trouve dans une position qui paraitrait 
confirmer ce que nous avons avancé à ce sujet. 

Les anciens du quartier prétendent néanmoins que cette opi- 
nion est mal fondée ; ils nous assurent, que cet endroit, ot l'on a 
découvert successivement différens squelettes, était autrefois un 
carbet; que ce carbet fut également habité par des Indiens de 
deux nations différentes, dont les uns connus sous le nom de 
Caraibes étaient des hommes petits ou de moyenne grandeur, peu 
robustes, ayant les cheveux noirs assez longs; et le teint d'un 
brun assez foncé. Les Galibis, au contraire, qui formaient l'autre 
nation de ces Indiens, étaient d'une stature extraordinaire de six 
pieds au moins, trés-forte ; ils avaient également les cheveux noirs 
et très longs, mais le teint de ces derniers était d'un jaune olivátre, 
méme un peu basané. 

La plüpart des habitans du quartier du Moule s'accordent à ad- 
mettre la co-existence de deux nations d'Indiens, méme jusqu'à une 
époque bien postérieure à la découverte des colonies: quelques 
uns d'entreux ajoutent: que les Galibis habitaient une partie 
du quartier du Moule, le quartier du Port-Louis, et l'Anse Ber- 
trand, tandis que les Caraibes occupaient le quartier de St. Anne, 
celui de St. François, et une partie de celui du Moule, où la 

* For an account of this skeleton, see Philosophical Transactions for the year 1814, 
p. 107. 


the Skeletons found. 59 

rivière servait de ligne de démarcation convenue entre ces deux 

Quoique ces différens rapports ne soient point denués de vrai- 
semblance ou de probabilité, ils ne font toutefois point mention 
de l'époque à laquelle il faut remonter, pour retrouver ces deux 
classes différentes d'Indiens, ni du tems présumable de leur di- 
spersion, émigration, ou déstruction. 

Un particulier, homme digne de foi, nous assure cependant, ` 
que la déstruction de ce carbet et la dispersion des Indiens qui 
lhabitaient ne remontent point à une époque très-reculée. Il 
nous dit: que son père, qui mourut à un âge très-avancé, lui a 
raconté maintefois, non seulement, qu'il avait eu connaissance 
du carbet, que l'on dit avoir existé dans ce lieu, et des deux sectes 
d'Indiens qui l'habitaient, mais qu'il se rappellait de plus, que 
vers les années 1710 et 1711, une rixe s'était élevée entre les ha- 
bitans de ce carbet, et que les deux nations entiéres intervinrent 
dans cette querelle. Un combat eut lieu dans ce-méme endroit, 
ajouta le vieillard, et un grand massacre s'ensuivit. Les Galibis 
furent battus et dispersés, tandis que les Caraibes vainqueurs res- 
tèrent maîtres du champ de bataille. Il se fit sans doute alors 
une émigration des Galibis qui survecurent à cette triste défaite, 
car il ne fut plus mention d'eux depuis cette époque. 58° 

Ce même vieillard raconta encore à son fils, qu'il s'était rendu 
sur le lieu quelque tems après cet évènement, et qu'il vit quinze 
à vingt cadavres étendus sur le carreau. Les squelettes de ces 
cadavres furent encore reconnus il y à quarante ans environ par 
le particulier qui nous a fourni ces renseignemens, ainsi que par 
plusieurs habitans du Moule: A cette époque, ces squelettes 
commençaient à s'incruster dans les débris agglutinés des coquilles 
dont toute la cóte est meublée. Ce particulier observe toutefois 

I2 que 

60 On the Origin of 

que l'on pouvait alors en détacher ces squelettes au moyen d'un 
simple morceau de bois. | 

La position dans laquelle l'on a trouvé de nos jours, dans cet 
endroit, des squelettes incrustés dans la pierre, paraitrait dévoir 
nous éclairer, quant à la vérité des faits que nous venons d'ex- 
poser. Il n’y aque quelqués années, qu'un squelette fut déterré 
et enlevé avec une pierre d'incrustation, de formation nouvelle 
- (ainsi que l'on pouvait en juger par l'extréme friabilité de cette 
pierre). Ce squelette* fut trouvé dans la position d'un homme 
assis à terre et dont les talons rapprochés du rectum ramenaient 
les genoux à une trés grande proximité de la téte; les bras un 
peu repliés sur eux mémes étaient appuyés sur les genoux. Ce 
genre de sépulture a été, dit-on, celui adopté de tout tems par les 
Caraibes; nous ne pouvons donc rien inférer de l'exposition de 
ce fait. Le squelette dont nous surveillons aujourd'hui l'extrac- 
tion est étendu sur le dos dans toute sa longueur, et parait un 

u incliné sur le cóté gauche. 1l serait encore difficile ici de 
pouvoir déduire une conséquence dont nous puissions étre satis- 
faits, et de prouver que le cadavre auquel ce squelette a appartenu 
n'ait point été enterré de cette maniere. ‘Tout ce que l'on peut 
conclure de la différente position des deux squelettes dont il vient 
d'étre parlé, c'est qu'en admettant, qu'ils aient reçu l'un et l'autre 
Ja sépulture, ils paraissent avoir appartenu à des individus de na- 
tion différente, ou chez qui les usages différaient à l'égard de l'in- 
humation. | | 

Il convient donc encore de nous en rapporter ici à la tradition ; 
des témoins oculaires s'accordent à attester, que les différens 
squelettes qui se trouvaient au bord de la mer, à l'endroit du 

_* Voyez L'Histoire Naturelle et Morale des Isles Antilles de l'Amérique. Rotterdam, 

1658, 4to. p. 310. t 

the Skeletons found. 61 

carbet, étaient dispersés; que des membres étaient épars, et que 
la position de ces squelettes n'était nullement analogue à celle 
que l'on pourrait supposer à des cadavres enterrés, d'autant plus 
qu'elle n'était point la méme partout. Des ossemens isolés se 
trouvent encore aujourd'hui sur le méme lieu; des arcs, des fleches, 
des haches ont également été trouvés à différentes époques par 
les habitans du quartier. 

Au Moule, ce 15 Avril 1806. 



( 62 ) 


X. Descriptions of a new Genus of Plants named A aujia, and of a 
new Species of Passiflora. By Felix de Avellar Brôtero, Professor 
of Botany in the University of Coimbra, F.M.L.S. 

Read November 7, 1815. 


Carvx magnus, profunde quinquepartitus, persistens. Corolla 
campanulata, basi subglobosa, quinquegibba, tubo infra me- 
dium coarctato, limbo quinquefido. Nectaria sacculi quinque 
gibbosi, in fundo corollæ inter antherarum filamenta decurren- 
tia, in quorum decursu squama horizontalis et auricula termi- 
nalis. Styli duo brevissimi; Stigma utrisque commune ovatum, 
apice bicorni. Folliculi duo oppositi, deorsum flexi, coriaceo- 
fungosi, subovales, semi-biloculares: dissepimento eorum ad 
centrum, seu medium, protenso, utrinque multilamellato. Se- 
mina numerosa, lamellis dissepimenti adhærentia, coma longa 
sericiformi coronata. 


A. caule fruticoso, scandente; foliis cordatis, integerrimis, gla- 
bris, ad petioli apicem glandulosis ; racemis paucifloris. 
Radix perennis, ramosa, serpens. . 
Caulis fruticosus, debilis, scandens, teres, glaber, inferne penne 
anserinæ superne gallinaceæ crassitudine, tres quatuorve pedes 

M. Bnorkno's Descriptions of anew Genus named Araujia, &c. 63 

et ultra longus, succo lacteo refertus, (uti flores, fructus, et tota 
planta,) ramosus, ramis glabris, junioribus subtomentosis, op- 
positis, patentibus, interdüm uno ex ipsis in oppositione abor- 

 tiente, aut serius pullulante, nec paucis ad idem latus sursüm 

Folia opposita, oblongo-cordata, acuta, patentia, (nonnulla inter- 
dùm secunda,) venosa, integerrima, suprà saturate viridia, gla- 
bra, basi prope petioli apicem duabus tribusve glandulis mini- 
mis instructa, subtüs dilutè viridia, seu subglauca, glabra, sed 
lente visa subtomentosa, tres quatuorve uncias longa, novem 
ad quatuordecim lineas in basi lata: petiolus subteres, suprà 
canaliculatus, glaber, aut lente visus vii tates triplo 
quadruplove folii laminá brevior. 

Flores racemosi; racemi penduli, simplices, pauciflori, quorum 
flores plures sæpè abortivi; inferiores floribus quinque ad sep- 
tem alii versus caulis ramorumque apicem numero florum sen- 
sim decrescentes. Pedunculus communis extüs è latere axillæ 
foliorum exortus, teres, glaber, patens aut cernuus, semi-unci- 
am plus minüsve longus, partialibus brevior: Pedicellus infimi 
floris uni majori bractez oppositus unciam aut pauló ultra lon- 
gus, uti quoque pedicellus terminalis ; alii breviores, ex brac- 
tearum oppositarum axillis exorti, et non raró infra medium 
duabus aliis bracteis minoribus oppositis instructi. Bractee 
omnes sessiles, lanceolate, integerrimæ, utrinque glabrae, viri- 
des, patulae. 

Cal. Perianthium monophyllum, magnum, ita profundé quinque- 
partitum, ut ferè pentaphyllum videatur, persistens ; laciniis 

' Jato-lanceolatis, acutis, integerrimis, utrinque glabris et dilute 
viridibus aut interdàm extüs sordidé subpurpureis, primdm 
erecto-patulis, dein patentibus, altitudine inter sese æqualibus, 


64 M. Bnorzno's Descriptions of a new Genus named Araujia, 

rariüs latitudine subæqualibus, corolla brevioribus, quinque ad 
septem lineas longis, tres ad quinque in medio latis. 

Corolla monopetala, campanulata; inferné subglobosa, obtusa, 
pentagona seu quinquegibba, gibbis ex viridi flavis, singulæ 
limbi lacini oppositis; tubo infra medium ad organa sexualia 
coarctato, exinde laxiusculo, extüs usque ad limbi lacinias sor- 
didè purpureo; quinquefida, laciniis tubo brevioribus, ovatis, 
obtusiusculis, leviter revolutis obliquatisque ; intüs, ex apice 
usque ad tubi coarctationem, venis striisque variis saturate 
purpureis pulchré picta, exinde zona alba, villosa, ad lineas 
duas latA, cincta; fundus ventricosus, sacculis quinque gla- 
bris albisque instructus, supra tenul membrana marginatus, 
centro in tubulum crassum, conicum, decurrentibus staminum 
filamentis coadunatum, germina arcté involventem, et stigmate 
clausum, sursüm producto. Ejus ima basis perforata, qua re- 

ceptaculo adhæret, sesquilineæ duarumve linearum diametro, 
vix constat; ex ipsá usque ad limbi lacinias decem undecimve 
lineas longa est, et diametro linearum ferè quinque inter fundi 
gibbas gaudet. Post anthesin facilé decidit. 

Nectaria, non squamulæ neque auriculæ, sed sacculi, qui, stami- 
num inter filamenta curva decurrentia, gibbas extrorsùm effi- 
ciunt, et sub laxis antherarum commissuras ex opposito siti 
sunt; in istis enim sacculis succus melleus, ex prædictis com- 
missuris exsudatus, continetur. 

Stam. filamenta quinque, alba, crassa, plana, deorsüm sensim 
latiora, per corolle fundum arcuaté decurrentia, ex ipso de- 

-^müm exerta auriculis ad antheras conniventibus terminantur ; 
superne rimis vix apparentibus inter sese distincta, infernè in 
fundo corolla inter sacculos quinque distantia; intùs tubulo 
centrali conico ipsius fundi adnata ; paulo sub antheris, squama 

Ee horizontali 

and of a new Species of Passiflora. 65 
horizontali alba, brevi, latà, leviter emarginatà, obovata, sessili, 
instructa; he omnium filamentorum squamæ quinque coro- 
nam, seu stellulam, obsolete pentagonam quasi effingunt ; au- 
riculæ, quibus singulorum cauda plana, extra fundi membra- 
nam marginalem soluta, terminatur, sunt squamis antherisque 
opposite, ipsis approximate, albe, carnose, glabrae, obtuse, 

-hinc concave, absque ullis corniculis, inde convexæ ; harum 
tres minores, ovate, extrorsum ad corollam concave, due alie 
latiores, ovato-cordatz, introrsüm ad antheras concave, et ad 
unius ex minoribus latera utrinque site. Corolla tubus, has 

, supra auriculas quinque convergentes, coarctatur. 

Anihere quinque, cum corollz laciniis alternantes, filamentis ad- 
nate, sagittate, germinum apicibus approximate, membrana 
ovato-cordatá, inflexá, et stigmati arct® incumbente, termi- 
natæ ; utrinque ald reversà deorsüm sensim latiore prominen- 
tioreque, demüm in denticulum rigidum fragilemque desinente, 
auctæ ; vicinis aliarum antherarum alis similibus contiguæ, in- 
ferné veró intüs laxe ; biloculares, loculis pollinigeris apice in- 

-.-. trorsüm, sub membraná terminali, dehiscentibus. 

Pro polline, in utroque singule antherz loculo, corpusculum 
compactum, ex viridi flavescens, planiusculum, spatulatum, 
intüs (lente visum) contextu cellulari granuloso succulento 
farctum, extüs cuticulà scabrá tectum, superne lateraliter filo 
insertum ; filum breve, elasticum, obliquum, apice basique ad 
insertiones nodosum, hyalinum, succis ex viridi flavescentibus 
conspurcatum, superné ad tuberculi nigri latus prope basin 

adherens: tuberculum nigrum ovale, extüs nitidum, intüs opa- 
cum, cartilagineum, medio sulcatum et quasi didymum, apice 
duabus squamulis ovalibus minimis, albis, hyalinis, stigmati 
adhærentibus, terminatum, antherarum alis, corolleque laci- 
niis oppositum, uni ex quinque stigmatis foveolis ovalibus 

VOL. XII. K . semi- 

66 M. Brorero’s Descriptions of a new Genus named Araujia, 

semi-immersum ; ex alio ejus baseos latere aliud simile filum 
emittit, quod obliqué descendens corpusculo spatulato primi 
loculi proxime antheræ similiter adhæret : unde singulum tu- 
berculum duarum antherarum corpusculis spatulatis commune, 
et singula anthera filis hinc inde duorum tuberculorum corpus- 
cula spatulata ministrat. | 
Pist. Germina d uo approximata, ovata, acuminata, glabra, in tu- 
bulo seu cavitate conicá centrali fundi corollæ cum stylis re- 
condita. Styli duo graciles, teretes, brevissimi, mucronifor- 
miter persistentes. Stigma utrisque commune, magnum, cras- 
sum, ovato-subglobosum, glabrum, apice leviter emarginatum, 
bicorne, corniculis incurvis, introrsàm canaliculatis ; obsolete 
quinquestriatum, inter strias foveolis quinque ovalibus, pro 
tuberculis quinque nigris recipiendis, succo ex viridi flave- 
_scente tinctis, excavatum ; apicibus antherarum membranaceis 
_ferè usque ad medium tectum; sub foveolis in ora baseos mar- 
ginali emarginaturis quinque leviter notatum. | 
Per. Folliculi duo (quorum unus non raro abortit) oppositi, plus 
minüsve reflexi, oblongo-subovales, magni, tres ad quatuor 
uncias longi, unciam ad sesquiunciam et ultra in medio lati, 
coriaceo-fungosi, corio ad sesquilineam crasso, apice obtuso 
leviter mucronati, basi cavá retusi, subrugosi, glabri, diluté vi- 
rides; intüs ex viridi albidi, à seminibus prementibus subalve- 
olati, univalves, semibiloculares, extüs, quá parte in florescen- 
tia contigui, longitudinaliter unisulcati, sulcoque conscissè de- 
biscentes, . | 
Dissepimentum, seu seminum receptaculum, longitudinale hinc 
liberum et usque ad follicali centrum aut pauld ultra proten- 
sum, inde ad ejus parietem sub sulco tenuiter adherens, in 
matura veró dehiscentia-omninó solutum, solumque ipsius basi 
et apici adherens, latum, subcoriaceum, prope latus externum 


sub sulco, inque basi et apice, nudum, cæterùm utrinque mul- 

tipliciter alatum, alis, seu lamellis, membranaceis, ad quadra- 

- ginta, latis, semilanceolatis, acutè deorsüm serratis, dentibus 
prope folliculi basin acutioribus, longioribus. 
Semina numerosa, ad quingenta (nonnulla abortientia) deorsüm 

imbricata, immatura, interné prope come ortum, dissepimenti 
lamellarum dentibus adherentia, in maturitate soluta, crassi- 
uscula, compressa, ovato-oblonga, versus apicem attenuata, 
tuberculis obtusis mollibus instructa, hinc convexa inde sub- 
plana ibique in medio obsoletà costa notata, & castaneo fusca 
duas lineas cum dimidia longa, apice truncata, comosa. Co- 

ma pilosa; pilis numerosis, simplicissimis, albis, tenuissimis, 

sericiformibus, altitudine inzequalibus, in seminibus infimis ad 
duas uncias et ultra longis, in aliis sensim ad apicem folliculi 
brevioribus; in fructu immaturo omnibus inter sese adhæren- 
tibus, fasciculumque magnum, crassum, fibriforme constituen- 
tibus, in ipso autem maturo inter dissepimenti lamellas arcte 
contentis, demum divergenter solutis. 

Seminum integumentum simplex, tenue, membranaceum, in vesi- 

eulas tuberculiformes hinc inde sparsas elevatum.  Hilus in 
apice seminum truncato ad come ortum, ubi dens lamelle af- 
fixus erat. Albumen, seu perisperma, integumento firmiter ad- 
hærens, crassiusculum, subcoriaceum, intüs sordide seu ex ci- 

nereo albidum. Embryo longitudine albuminis, inversus; lac- 
'teus. Cotyledones duæ, oblongo-elliptice, foliaceæ. Radi- 

cula teretiuscula, cotyledonibus dimidio brevior, supera. 

Habitat in Perû, unde sub nomine Apocyni Peruviani missum. In 

-Regio Horto Olisiponensi autumno floret, fructus autem vere 

maturescit; ibi tota planta pluribus abhinc annis frigus hyber- 
num fert, et cicurata demum est: inodora, sed acris, cma succis 

lacteis abunde plena sit, et ut videtur virosa. | 
x 2 " Genus 

68 M. Bnorrno's Descriptions of a new Genus named Araujia, 

Genus in honorem Illustrissimi ac Excellentissimi Viri Antonii de 
Araujo, Principi Portugal. Regenti à Secretioribus Consiliis 
Regnique pro re navali Administri, et Botanices Botanicorum- 
que fautoris eximii, gratus dixi. Speciem à longis pilis serici- 
formibus, quos semina ferunt, nominavi: hi cum gossypio et 
serico misti ad eadem artificia, quibus Asclepiadis Syriacæ la- 
nugo, seu coma seminum, inservit, valde aptiores recogniti sunt. 
Ad Contortarum Linnei, et Apocinearum Jussiæi, ordinem 
naturalem attinet; non tamen cum ullo ipsius ordinis genere 
hucusque cognito confundendum, ab omnibus enim fructus 
florisque structurá nimis compositá singularique differt. 

Quod ad organa sexualia Generis attinet, existimo corpusculum 
compactum, succulentum, ex viridi flavescens, quod singulum 
antherarum loculum occupat, verum sperma foecundans conti- 
nere, affine illi, quod in granulis antherarum Orchidearum se- 
cernitur, sed diversè perfectum stigmatique diversè applica- 
tum ; in Orchideis enim, liquore spermatico in granulis anthe- 
rarum compactis complete preparato, exinde eorumdem gra- - 
nulorum fila, halitu quodam venereo, ex stigmatis mucositate 
emisso, irritata convergunt, ad istud immediaté applicantur, 
ipsumque liquore spermatico sensim ex sudato irrorant: in 
nostro autem Genere liquor spermaticus in corpusculis anthe- 
rarum compactis non complete perficitur, sed quadam elabo- 
ratione in filis et tuberculo nigro perficienda indiget ; quaprop- 
ter, apertis antherarum loculis, liquor spermaticus imperfectus 
ilico à vicinis filis proxime adherentibus absorbetur, exinde 
per ipsorum vasa sensim adscendens ad tubercula nigra perve- 
nit, ibique demüm perfecte elaboratus ad stigmatis foveolas, 
per sulcum seu rimam internam singuli tuberculi, sensim egre- 
ditur seu exsudat ; unde per vasa spermatica stylorum et re- 
ceptaculi ad ovula foecundanda descendit. Hæc omnia ita se 

- | babere, 

Linn. Trans. Vot. XH. Tab.4 .p. 64. 

Fr ? 
(7 i i 


and of a new Species of Passiflora, 69 

habere, succi ex viridi flavescentes, quibus fila internè con- 
spurcari videntur, nec non et stigmatis foveolæ quinque eis- 
dem succis tinctæ suadent. Squamulas tàm antheris qi 
tuberculis nigris natura dedit, ne liquor spermaticus hur 
tate aliquá externa misceretur, aut ipsi ne aeris nimia aliqua 

siccitas noceret. 

Tan. IV. 

Fig. 1. Caulis pars extrema. et unus ramus lateralis florentes. ; 
(aa.) Folia paginá superiori visa. . i ; 

(bbb.) Folia nonnulla ad idem latus versa, et. Disk. 

visa. às wi ; E 

(ccc.) Racemi. 

Ta». V. 


Fig. 1. Flos apertus magnitudine naturali visus. 

2. Ejusdem calyx cum pistilli germinibus duobus visus.. 

3. Corolla calyce separata cum gibbis in basi. — 

4. Corolla verticaliter scissa et expansa, ut ipsius interna 
facies insimul cum auriculis quinque, quibus stami- 
num cauda. pens: terminatur, conapitia d geniat. 

5, G 

therarum commissuris DT in “centro. gatis 
cornicula duo, et circa ipsa antherz transverse sectae. 
s` ima corolla sacculisque nectariferis nuda- 

TO M. Bnorzno's Descriptions of a new Genus named Araujia, 

Fig. T. Auricule duz ita dissectæ, ut appareat modus quo in 
antheras et pistillum connivent. 
. 8. Unius staminis anthera cum suo filamento crasso, plano, 
^ in auriculam desinente (hic non arcuatim, sed recte 
9. Anthera seorsùm posita. | 

10, Pistilli partes receptaculo insertæ (lente auctæ). 

11. Eædem partes magnitudine naturali, et sine receptaculo, 
scilicet, germina duo, styli et stigma bicorne cum fove- 
olis pro tuberculis nigris recipiendis. 

12. Tubercula duo, singulum cum duobus corpusculis polli- 
niferis, stigmatis foveolis applicata (lateraliter visa). 

13. Tubercula omnia quinque, singulum cum suis duobus 

. corpusculis polliniferis, stigmati applicata. - 

14. Tuberculum unum nigrum cum suis duobus corpusculis 
polliniferis, singulis è filo pendentibus (omnia magnitu- 
dine naturali). 

15. Ezdem partes lente auctæ. 

16. Folliculi duo magnitudine naturali paulo minores. 

— A. Unus ex folliculis verticaliter sectus, ut semina et disse- 
pimentum conspiciantur. 

18. Dissepimentum cum suis lamellis serratis indus. 

39. Semen unum coma piloso-sericiformi coronatum magni 

| tudine naturali). 
: - 20. Idem absque coma, et verticaliter eectum ait nucleus pe- 
risperma et embryonem continens videatur. - 

21. Idem lente auctum. 

22. Idem transverse sectum. 

- iy 



; Linn. Trans. Vet. XII. fab. 5 p. 70. 

Weddell Se 

and of a new Species of Passiflora. 71 

PASSIFLORA racemosa. à 
Marti yrio cachudo (Lus. Bras.) 

B his subpeltatis, basi emarginatis, glabris, trilobis; lobis ova- 
tis, acutiusculis, integerrimis, intermedio productiori ; petiolis 

 quadriglandulosis; floribus terminalibus, racemosis ; calycis 
laciniis acinaciformibus, corollà longioribus, apice introrsüm 
bicornibus. | 

Tas. VI. 

_ Radix perennis, caule crassior, obconica, inque ramos obconicos 
inferne multifibratos, divisa. Inodora est, atque nullo alio 
sapore, nisi herbaceo, prædita, sicque totius plantæ partes aliæ 

Caulis sarmentosus, teres, glaber, ut tota planta; inferné prope 
radicem crassitudine digiti, lignosus, subrimosus, nec tamen su- 
berosus, superné filiformis, crassitudine fili sutorii aut tenuior, 
alté arbores scandens, ramosus. Rami etiam filiformes, alterni, 
scandentes, superiores racemis terminati, penduli. - 

Folia alterna, duas ad quatuor uncias inter sese distantia, paten- 
tia, coriacea, utrinque glabra, saturaté viridia, impunctata, basi 
emarginata, subpeltata, omnia triloba (caulis infimis exceptis, 
qua sæpe ovata) lobis ovatis, acutiusculis, integerrimis, medio 
latiori longiorique, lateralibus binerviis, sinubus obtusis, à basi 

“ad lobi medii apicem tres ad quatuor uncias longa, transverse, 
inter lobos laterales, tres ad quatuor uncias cum dimidia lata. 

Petiolus folii laminà ferè dimidio brevior, sesquiunciam ad duas 
uncias aut pauló ultrà longus, sübteres, basi articulatus, glan- 
dulis szepiüs quatuor, sessilibus, ovatis, apice leviter concavis, 
instructus, quarum: duze infra ipsius medium subopposite, et 




12 M. Brotero’s Descriptions of a new Genus named Araujia, 

du: aliz paulo infra folii laminz basin oblique inter sese di- 
stantes, sitze sunt. 

Ad basin et latus petioli stipulæ duce solute, oppositz, sessiles 
aut subsessiles, cauli appressæ, utrinque glabre, integerrimæ, 
acutiusculz, mucronate, ovate aut subcordato-ovate, basi ob- 
liquatæ, inæquilateræ, semilamina interna dimidio angustiore, 
semiunciam ad fere unciam longz, caduce. 

Inter stipulas, et in axilla petioli, cirrhus filiformis, simplex, viri- 
dis, primum recté tensus, folio longior, demüm spiraliter tor- 
tus, folio equalis aut brevior. 

Flores in axillis foliorum nulli, sed ramos et caulem terminantes, 
racemosi, inodori. Caulis et ramorum apices sub racemo nudi, 
eorum nodi cirrhis solüm parati, et à casu foliorum stipularum- 
que leviter tuberculati. Pedunculus communis (seu interno- 

dium supremum racemo immediatum) brevis. Racemus sim- 

plex, pendulus, aphyllus, et foliorum loco stipulis instructus. 
Ejus rachis, seu pedunculus communis prolongatus, cylindra- 
cea, septem, octo uncias et ultrà longa: interdüm, praesertim 
cum nullos fructus alit, viva persistit, novosque ramulos ex 
emortuorum pedunculorum axillis protrudit. 

Pedunculi partiales simplicissimi, sepe novem ad tredecim, inii: 
mus et supremi sepius solitarii, alii alternè bini, unciam . aut 
paulo ultra longi, teretes, ex patenti adscendentes (in fructüs 

- veró maturitate penduli) pauló infra calycem articulati, ibique 

- demüm à casu involucri trituberculati ; basi inter binos, et sub 
solitariis, cirrhus brevis spiraliter tortus, ibidemque ad eorum 

latera stipulae duz opposite, adpresse, versus apicem rachis 
sensim minores, citò caducæ, ex omni parte illis, que ad peti- 
olorum basin site sunt, persimiles. 

Floris involucrum ad duas lineas, duasve cum dimidia, infra 

| calycem 

and of a new Species of Passiflora. 73 

calycem situm, triphyllum, foliolis ovatis, leviter inæquilateris, 
mucronatis, integerrimis, subsessilibus, glabris, erectis, primüm 

. flori recenter è gemmá evoluto subæqualibus, demüm calycis 
tubo pauló brevioribus, omnibus, sæpè multó ante floris aperti- 
onem, caducis. 

Cal. perianthium inferum, glabrum, monophyllum, inferné tubu- 
losum, limbo profundè quinquepartito ; laciniis petalis corollæ 
nonconformibus, extüs sordidé puniceis, latissimé carinatis, 
carina acinaciformi, intüs ferè usque ad apicem concavis, coc- 
cineis, apice introrsim semilunato-bicornibus (corniculo supe- 
riori longiori uncinatoque) patentissimis, duas uncias cum di- 
midià longis, tres lineas et ultra in medio latis, simul cum co- 
rollà marcescentibus ; tubo cylindraceo, obscuré subpuniceo, 
obsolete decemlineato, duas ad tres lineas longo, inferné duas 
lineas aut pauló ultra lato. Dum inapertum, tumidè obconi- 
cum, argutissimé quinquangulum, profunde quinquesinuatum. 

Corollæ petala quinque, fauci calycis inserta, ipsiusque laciniis 
4 ferè breviora, patentia, semilanceolata, obtusiuscula, inte- 
gerrima, planiuscula, extüs leviter carinata, intùs subcanalicu- 
lata, in solo natali utrinque coccinea. ! 

Nectarium corona triplex, filamentosa, filis omnibus supernè albis, 
inferne cæruleis ; intima exteriori altitudine zqualis, filis circa 
stipitem cylindraceum conniventibus, inter sese æqualibus, 
simplicibus, infernè membranâ coalitis, margini receptaculi 
elevato, fundum calycis circumcingenti, adnatis; due alix 
fauci calycis sub petalis insertæ, intermedia brevior, filis vix 
extra calycis faucem exertis, erectis, apice subcapitatis, inter 
sese æqualibus ; exterior filis simplicibus, duas tresve lineas 
extra calycis faucem prolongatis, patentibus, inæqualibus, illis, 
quz calycis laciniis sunt opposita, longioribus. | à 

Stam. filamenta quinque, summo stipiti sub germine inserta, basi 
VOL. XII. L leviter 

74 M. Bnorzno's Descriptions of a new Genus named Araujia, 

leviter coalita, pallidé viridia, sublinearia, erecto-patula. An- 
there sublineares, obtusæ cum brevi acumine, incumbentes, 
ex viridi lutescentes, medio et lateribus unisulcate, bilocu- 

Pist. Germen superum, oblongum, subovale, obsoleté ut 
tum, glabrum, pallide viride, apici stipitis insidens, qui ad 
unam unciam extra calycis faucem protenditur, cylindraceus, 
viridis, basi pentagoná latior. Styli tres, supernè crassiores, 
pallide virides, ad antheras recurvi. Stigmata capitata, ex lu- 
tescenti viridia. 

Peric. Bacca pedicellata, ovalis, trisulcata, glabra, pallidé viridis, 
ad duas uncias longa, unilocularis, polysperma, carnosa, demüm 
exsucca. | 

Semina axillata, ovata, compressa, receptaculo triplici, quod cor- 
tici bacce longitudinaliter adnatum est, adhærentia. 

Habitat in umbrosis sylvaticis inque solo glareoso littorali unam 
fere leucam ab urbe Riojanerià dissitis, et alibi in Brasilia, 
Floret Novembri, Decembri. Frutex sarmentosus, ob pul- 
cherrimos flores sat dignum hortorum ornamentum. 

Hanc novam speciem clariss. E, I. A. Woodford, botanices dili- 
gentissimus, in Brasilia invenit, in Europam secum transvexit, 
et mecum, uti alias quoque stirpes rariores in horto suo Olisi- 
ponensi cultas, benevolé communicavit. Quantüm ab omni- 
bus aliis hucusque cognitis congeneribus differat, ex florescen- 

_ tiâ racemosá, calycis formá, et aliis notis in descriptione posi- 

- tis, abundé patet. 

Oss. In solo natali caules duos ex eádem radice sæpè fert, quo- 
rum unus alté scandens, et omninó defoliatus fructificat; alter 
foliatus, scandens aut procumbens, tardiüs, hoc est, uno aliove 
anno transacto postquàm primus fructus tulit, florifer. Variat 
in Europá 1*. Aliquorum foliorum petiolis triglandulosis aut 


Zinn Trans. VA. XII. Fab.6.p.74. 





and of a new Species of Passiflora. 75 

quinqueglandulosis, nec quadriglandulosis; 2°. Calyce et co- 
.. TOllá pits minüsve puniceis, nec coccineis; 3%. Nectarii filis 
albidis, inferné virescentibus, nec cæruleis. ` 


: Tas. VI. 

Fig. 1. Unius rami nondum florentis pars extrema cum foliis, sti- 
pulis et cirrhis. | 
(a.) Folii petiolus cum glandulis quatuor. 
(5.) Stipulae. 
(c.) Cirrhus. 
Fig. 2. Alterius rami pars extrema nuda, racemosa. 
(A.) Racemi ex arbore vicinâ penduli pedunculus communis. 
(aaaaa.) Floris primarii aperti calycinz lacinie, dorso acinaci- 
formes, apice bicornes. 
(bbbbb.) Corolle petala. 
(B.) Staminum anthere, et filamenta stipiti summo inserta. 
(C.) Stigmata et styli cum germine apici stipitis insidente. 
(DD.) Nectarii corona triplex. 
(EE) Pedunculi partiales, alterné bini, cum cirrho inter ipsos 
spiralitèr torto. — 
m Pedunculi articulatio. | 
(4). Calycis pars inferior tubulosa. 
TU ) Calycis pars superior inaperti quinquangula. 
E ) Unus ex floribus extremis involucratus. — — 
ag .) Racemi pars extrema cum stipulis, et nonnullis floribus 
|. involucro penitus tectis. 
. Fig. 3. Unius floris recentér è gemma evoluti involucrum tri- 
phyllum: (a.) ejusdem foliolum separatum. 
Fig. 4, Bacca matura. 

p" ^ 62 XI. Some 

XI. Some Observations on the natural Family of Plants called 
CowrosiTx. By Robert Brown, Esq. F.R.S. Libr. L.S. 

Read Feb. 6 and 20, 1816. 

Tux class Syngenesia of the Linnean artificial system, as at pre- 
sent limited, constitutes a family strictly natural, and by far the 
most extensive in the vegetable kingdom. It is also, with the ex- 
ception of Grasses only, the most generally diffused, and is almost 
equally remarkable with that order, for the great apparent unifor- 
mity in the structure of its essential parts of fructification. 

This class of plants, for which I retain the established name 
Composit, in preference to any of those recently proposed, 
has lately become the subject of a minute and accurate exami- 
nation by Mons. Henri Cassini ; two of whose Memoirs on the 
Style and Stamina of the class, alread y published in the Journal 
de Physique*, are in my opinion models for botanical investiga- . 
tion. ! t Mp t Lu c rS 
A few years before the publication of M. Cassini's Memoirs on 
Compositæ I was induced to examine a considerable part of this 
extensive family, chiefly with a view to the more accurate deter- 
mination of the New Holland plants belonging to it. 

My principal object in the present paper is to communicate such 
general observations, the results of this investigation, as either have 
not yet been published by M. Cassini, or respecting which I consi- 
der myself to have anticipated that author in my General Remarks 

* Of 1813 and 1814, 

eh kar gore aor d 


Mr. BnowN's Observations, ác. 77 

on the Botany of New Holiand, appended to Captain Flinders's 
Voyage to Terra Australis. : 

To these observations I shall add some remarks on certain ge- 
nera of Compositz, which occur repeatedly under different names. 
in late systematic works, and whose structure and limits appear 
to be imperfectly understood. 

_ My first observation relates to the peculiar disposition of the © 
nerves or vessels of the corolla of this family of plants. 

In the essay already mentioned, which appeared early in the 
summer of 1814, I have noticed this peculiarity in the following 
terms : 

“The whole of Composite agree in two remarkable points of 
structure of their corolla; which, taken together at least, materi- 
ally assist in determining the limits of the class. The first of these 
is its valvular estivation ; this however it has in common with 
several other families. ‘The second I believe to be peculiar to 
the class, and hitherto unnoticed. It consists in the disposi- 
tion of its fasciculi of vessels or nerves; these, which at their 
. origin are generally equal in number to the divisions of the co- 
rolla, instead of being placed opposite to these divisions, and 
passing through their axes as in other plants, alternate with them; 
each of the vessels at the top of the tube dividing into two equal 
~ branches, running parallel to and near the margins of the corre- 
sponding lacmiæ, within whose apices they unite. These, as they 
exist in the whole class and are in great part of it the only ves- 
sels observable, may be called primary. In several genera, how- 
ever, other vessels occur, alternating with the primary, and occu- 
pying the axes of the laciniz: in some cases these secondary ves- 
sels being most distinctly visible in the laciniæ, and becoming 
gradually fainter as they descend the tube, might be regarded as 

recurrent; originating from the united apices of the primary 
branches ; 

18 Mr. Brown’s Observations on the 

branches ; but in other cases, where they are equally distinct at 
the base of the tube, this supposition cannot be admitted. A 
monopetalous corolla not splitting at the base is necessarily con- 
nected with this structure, which seems also peculiarly weli 
adapted to the dense inflorescence of Composite; the vessels of 
the corolla and stamina being — and so disposed as to be 
least liable to suffer by pressure.” 

At the date of this publication I certainly had no knowledge of 
any similar observations having been previously made: but Inow - 
see in M. Cuvier's account of the proceedings of the Institute of 
France for 1815, that M. Cassini is considered as having antici- 
pated me on this subject, and as he says in * termes non équivo- 
ques." What these terms are, appears by a letter I have received 
from M, Cassini himself, in which he states his claim to rest on 
the following passage : | os B HOS 

* Chaque fleur hermaphrodite ou male contient cinq étamines, 
correspondant aux — nervures de la Sorone et par conséquent 
alternes avec ses lobes.” 

This passage occurs in a Memoir on the Stamina of Compositæ, 
which was read to the Institute of France in July 1813, and first 
appeared with the substance of that Memoir in the Journal de 
Physique, said to be for April 1814; but the actual date of the 
publication of which I have reason to believe was somewhat 
later, and very nearly corresponding with that at which M. de 
Jussieu was in possession of à copy of my essay containing 
the observations already quoted. I conclude it is not supposed 
I could have been acquainted with the passage in the original 
memoir, unless the report usually made on memoirs read to the 
Institute should have been printed, and should have actually no- — 
ticed this passage or the discovery itis now said to contain. - 

But independently of the near equality of dates, I cannot con- 


© sc 

natural Family of Plants called Composite. —— 79 

 sider my observations as either wholly or even in any considera- 
ble degree anticipated by the passage in question. My observa- 
tions notice not only the disposition of the five vessels in the tube 
of the corolla, but their ramification in the laciniz, by no means. 
a necessary consequence of that disposition ; they notice also the 
existence, in several genera of Composite, of five vessels alter- 
. nating with those, and which I considered secondary in this order, 
though they occupy the place of the primary vessels in other fa- 
milies: and it is this inverted disposition, indicated in the greater 
part of the class by the primary being the only vessels existing, 
which I have considered as of material importance in determin- 
ing the limits of Composite, though by no means as affording an 
essential practical character for the whole class. 

In the passage quoted from M. Cassini (the only one I can find 
relative to the subject in the memoir in which it occurs), the 
existence of five nerves or vessels in the tube of the corolla, 
alternating with its laciniz, is stated, but their division and. dis- 
position in the laciniæ are not noticed; it is at the same time to be 
inferred from the terms of the passage, that no other vessels exist 
in the tube of the corolla: and itis equally evident that, so far from. 
announcing this disposition of vessels as a discovery, or peculiar 
to the order, the author rather considers it either as a fact already 
known, or as the usual structure. That M. Cassini was not then. 

aware of the importance of the fact which he had imperfectly 
stated, appears likewise from his having, many months after his. 
memoir was read, and at a time when he says he had finished his 
analysis of the corolla, proposed.a name for the class, taken from 
a supposed peculiarity in the structure of the filament, a name 
which he is now inclined to abandon for one derived from the dis- 

position of vessels in the corolla. 

80 - Mr. Brown’s Observations on the 

Since my attention has been again turned to the subject, I have 
endeavoured to collect all that has been observed on the nerves 
or vessels of the corolla of Composite, a brief account of which 
may be not altogether without interest. 

The earliest notice I have been able to find is-contained in a 
passage (in page 170) of Grew's Anatomy of Plants, where, in 
speaking of syngenesious flosculi, he says, **they are frequently 
ridged, or as it were hem'd like the edge of a band." And his 
figure of a magnified floret of the common Marigold, in tab. 61, 
gives a tolerable idea of the marginal vessels of its laciniæ. Grew 
however takes no notice of the trunks from which these branches 
arise, either in his text or plates. à 

Van Berkhey, in his Dissertation on Composite, published at 
Leyden in 1760, though he makes no mention of the nerves of 
the corolla in his text, yet in all the magnified figures he has 
given both of ligulate and tubular florets, correctly represents the 
trunks of the primary vessels, without however noticing their ra- 
mification in the laciniæ. I am anticipated therefore by this au- 
thor’s figures exactly in the same degree as by the passage con- 
tained in M. Cassini’s second memoir. 

The accurate Schmidel, in the few Composite which occur in his 
Icones, has correctly represented the trunks of the primary ves- 
sels, but has equally omitted their ramifications. 

In the Analysis Florum of Batsch, a work published in 1790, the 
object of which was to give an idea of the structure of the natu- 
ral families of plants, by a minute description and magnified 
figures of one or more species selected from each, Coreopsis tripte- - 
ris occurs ; and although the vessels of its tubular floret are very 
indistinctly figured, yet both their trunks and branches are cor- 
rectly described. The same author however, who in 1802 pub- 


natural- Family of Plants called Composite. — eu 

lished an ingenious work on the natural families of plants*, takes 
no notice of the vessels of the corolla in the character of Compo- 
site which he has there proposed. 

In the figures of syngenesious plants given by Schkuhr}, where- 
ever the ligule of Cichoraceæ are magnified, the trunks of the nerves 
are correctly represented ending in the sinuses; unless in one 
plate containing Lactuca.virosa and Sonchus sibericus, in both of 
which the vessels are made to pass through the axes of the teeth ; 
but in no case are the marginal branches noticed. It is singular 
that this generally accurate author, in the many magnified figures - 
he has given of tubular florets, has only in two cases represented 
the trunks of their vessels, namely in Echinops Ritro, where they 
are correctly placed, and in Silphium trifoliatum, where, though 
only five vessels are visible, they are erroneously made to pass 
through the axes of the laciniz. 

The only remaining author that notices these vessels is M. Mir- 
bel, who in the second part of his valuable Elémens de Physio- 
logie Végétale et de Botanique, published in 1815, introduces 
into his character of Composite the fact of the laciniz of the co- 
rolla being furnished with marginal nerves. This observation, if 
not original, the author may have adopted either ftom my essay 
already quoted, of which he was in possession soon after its pub- 
lication, or from M. Cassini's third memoir, which was read to the 
_ Institute of France six months after that essay appeared: but he 
could not have derived it from the passage in that author's second 
‘memoir, on which he rests his claim; no notice being there taken 
of the disposition of vessels in the lacinie. . 

. In M. Cassini's memoir expressly on the Corolla of Composite, 
which was read to the Institute of France in December 1814, and 
of which an abstract, by the author himself, is given in a làte 

* 'l'abulz affinitatum regni vegetabilis. ; . In Botanisches Handbuch. 
VOL. XII. M number 

82 Mr. Brown’s Observations on the . 

number of the Nouveau Bulletin des Sciences, the disposition of 
vessels in the corolla is expressed in the following terms: 

* Chacun des cinq petales dont se compose la corolle est muni 
de deux nervures trés simples qui le bordent d'un bout à l'autre 
des deux cótés, et confluent par conséquent au sommet," 

On this statement I have several remarks to offer. And first, 
I object to its hypothetical language. Whatever opinion may 
be formed of the theory here adopted by the author, namely, that 
-every monopetalous corolla is in reality composed of several con- 
fluent petals; a theory first proposed by Linneus himself in his 
Prolepsis Plantarum, and ably supported on different grounds by 
Mons. Decandolle in his excellent Théorie Elémentaire de la 
Botanique ; I can see no advantage in adopting its language in 
stating a fact of this kind, especially if — as a — 

. For my own part, I consider ahis opinion as correct in the sense 
in which it was held by Linneus, without, however, connecting with 
it the ingenious hypothesis of M. Decandolle, namely, that petals 
are only modified stamina. It remains to be seen on what ground 
M. Cassini has adopted this theory, as proposed by M. Decan- 
dolle, for Composite, the only family which seems to present a 
very important objection to it, in having its principal, and in the 
greater part of the order its only, vessels occupying the lines of 
junction of the supposed united petals. 

To adapt this disposition of vessels to the theory, M. Cassini is 
obliged to subdivide their apparently simple trunks ; a division, 
however, which may be regarded as entirely hypothetical. From 
the observations I have made on the subject, I have no doubt that 
these trunks are equally simple with the secondary nerves when 
present, or with the primary in other families. I find them to con- 
sist of two kinds of vessels, the spiral and ligneous. Of the spiral 


natural Family of Plants called Composite. — — 83 

vessels there are generally several in the cord : in Helianthus mul- 
tiflorus, however, I have not been able to find more than one, either. 
in the trunk of the nerve above the insertion of stamina, or in the 
branches of the laciniæ. It will be of some interest to verify this 
fact (which I by no means give with absolute confidence), both 
on account of the apparently formidable objection it presents to 
the theory in question, and also that, in following it up by an 
examination of the point of division, a clearer idea may be ob- 
tained of the ramification of spiral vessels than has hitherto been 
given. | : 

My second objection to M. Cassini’s account is, that he de- 
scribes the nerves as marginal through their whole length. I have 
formerly, in the passage already quoted, stated them to be pa- 
rallel and approximated to the margins of the lacinia. Perhaps 
in no instance can the branches be considered as strictly margi- 
nal; in many cases they are manifestly distinct from the mar- 
gins, and in the genus Hymenopappus are further removed from 
them than from the axis of the laciniæ. In H. scabioseus there is 
also an evident inequality of the two branches in each lacinia, 
the stronger extending nearly to the apex, while the weaker either 
entirely disappears before it reaches the stronger, or unites with 
it considerably below its termination. In H. tenuifolius this irre- 
gularity is still greater; one branch being not unfrequently alto- 
gether wanting, and even the remaining branch considerably weak- 
ened: where this happens a secondary vessel is always produced, | 
though very few flosculi are furnished with five complete middle 
DNE o e TOR B ; à 
- To the fact stated by M. Cassini that the lateral nerves are 
always simple, I have met with only one apparent exception, in 
an unpublished species of Madia, where they are connected by a 
few branches with the secondary or middle nerve, which in this 

M 2 plant 

84. = Mr. Brown’s Observations on the 

plant is more strongly marked than the primary, and from which 
indeed these connecting branches probably originate. 

It must, I think, be admitted by M. Cassini, that in many genera 
of Composite five vessels passing through the axes of the segments 
exist, even ten others are occasionally found, as in Helianthus, 
though these can hardly be traced below the insertion of stamina. 
But as it has been already shown that the lateral or primary vessels 
are not strictly marginal through their whole length, and as one 
instance has been Biden which their branches, if not them- 
selves subdivided, are at least connected by ramifications of the 
middle nerves*, it follows that a monopetalous corolla having in 
its tube fifteen nerves with distinct origins, three of which are con- 
tinued through each of its segnients, and unite together at the 
apex, would upon the whole better correspond with the definition 
M. Cassini has given of the corolla of Composite, than the actual 
disposition of vessels in that order. Now such a structure exists 
inthe whole of Goodenoviæ-, a family of plants very nearly related 

ci ih to 

-** M. Cassini himself (in a note to his third memoir published in the Journal de Phy- 
sique for February 1816, p. 129) hae given another instance of the ramification of nerves in. 
Tva frutescens. 

T Ihave formerly observed (in Prodr. Flor. Nov. Holl. p. 580, and in General Tomais. 
on the Botany of Terra Australis) that Euthales and Velleia, genera belonging to Gooden- 
ovice, exhibit the remarkable and nearly peeuliar character of a corolla having the lower part 
of the tube cohering with the ovarium, while the calyx is entirely distinct, I have at the same 
time remarked that, even in those genera of the same natural family in which the calyx is 
coherent, the tube of the corolla may be supposed to be continued down to the base of the 
ovarium ; and that this becomes even evident in such species as have the adhering part di- 
lated into nectariferous processes; or in those where, the segments of the calyx not being 
closely approximated, the coloured corolla is visible in the interstices. In some species of 
Goodenia, particularly G. decurrens and bellidifolia, I find it practicable to separate not 
only the adhering calyx, but also the tube of the corolla from the ovarium. In the tube 
thus separated it appears that the lateral nerves, which preserve their parallelism to the 

middle nerve nearly to the base of the segment, become more evidently divergent below the 

natural Family of Plants called Composite. 85 

to Composite. It exists also in Ernodea, in which the lateral nerves, 
though they give out externally a few branches, observe the same 
course, and terminate in the same manner in the laciniæ as those 
of Composite. A similar disposition is observable in certain 
genera of Solanacez, as Datura and Cestrum, though in these the 
lateral nerves are more ramified; and their trunks generally less 
distinct in the laciniæ. It appears therefore that, in adopting 
M. Cassini's theoretical expression for the vascular structure of 

point of adhesion, and iu such a degree that the corresponding branches of the neighbour- 
ing segments unite with each other considerably above the middle of the tube, forming a 
common trunk, which is continued to the base of the ovarium; the five trunks thus formed 
uniting internally with those from which the filaments originate, and externally with the 
axes of the opposite segments of the calyx. The middle nerves of the segments of the 
corolla are in like manner continued below the point of cohesion to the real base of th 

tube. ; 

. The analogy of this disposition of vessels in the corolla of Goodenovie to that of Com- 
posite is obvious. To assimilate entirely the two structures, it is only necessary to suppose 
a deeper division of the five primary vessels of Composite, and a continuation of the tube 
of the corolla below its apparent base to that of the ovarium. That this is its real origin, is 
rendered not improbable both from the analogous structure now described in the family of 
Goodenoviæ, and from the manifestly hypogynous corolla of Brunonia; a genus in many 
respects still more nearly related to Composite, though differing in the disposition of the 
vessels of its corolla, | 

The more direct proof of this origin, derived from an examination of the surface itself, 
can hardly, perhaps, be expected where the parts are generally so small, and where, as I 
conceive, the surface of the pericarpium in many cases depends less on. that of the cohering 
envelopes, than on the proper figure of the ovarium itself, as seems to be likewise the case 
in Umbellate, — - an + s | 

There are however a few cases in which this opinion respecting the origin of corolla in 
Composit may derive some additional-support from the appearance of the surface of the 
ovarium, as in Marshallia and Hymenopappus, in both: of which genera, but particularly in: 
the former, it is marked with ten longitudinal striæ, of which the five stronger are continued 
into the five nerves. of the corolla, the remaining five ending abruptly at the apex of the 



86 . Mr. Brown’s Observations on ihe 

the corolla of Composite, one — aw existing is 
lost *. | 

The principal peculiarity, however, consists in the corolla of a 
syngenesious plant, when reduced to its smallestnumber of nerves, 
having these nerves alternating with its segments in the tube. I 
am acquainted with no instance of this order of reduction in the 
nerves of any other monopetalous corolla, but I observe an ap- 
parent tendency to it in Portlandia and Catesbea. In the tube 
of the corolla of both these genera there are ten nerves, of which 
the five that alternate with the segments are manifestly stronger, 
and seem to furnish the greater part of the vascular system of the 
upper part of the tube and of the segments; the intermediate 
nerves being there somewhat like recurrent branches. 

I shall conclude thissubject by observing, that although the ex- 
istence of nerves alternating with the segments of a monopetalous 
corolla, dividing below the sinus and uniting their branches at the 
apex of the segment, be rare, this disposition is comparatively fre- 
quent in a monophyllous calyx, especially where its æstivation is 
valvular. Labiatæ furnish the most striking examples of this 
structure. I am not however acquainted with any instance of a 

calyx having five nerves only, and those alternating with its seg- 
ments. | 

The æstivation or condition of the corolla before expansion is 
the subject of my second remark on Composite. I have, iu the 

* A still stronger objection to M. Cassini's definition is, that while its application to 
Composite is only hypothetical, it very nearly corresponds with the actual disposition of 
vessels in certain polypetalous genera. Thus in Pittosporum revolutum, each of the petals 
has three nerves with distinct origins. Of these the two lateral, evidently within the 
margins, less so, however, than in Hymenopappus, are quite simple in the ungues, and 
ramify more or less in the lamina, near the top of which they unite with each other and 
with the middle nerve, 


natural Family of Plants called Composite. — 87 

— formerly quoted, stated this to be valvular, that is, 
having the margins of the segments applied to each other and 
dehiscing like the valves of a capsule. As I have remarked in 
the same place that this estivation exists in several other fami- 
lies, it is rather surprising that M. Cassini, in the abstract of his 
third memoir given in the Nouveau Bulletin des Sciences for last 
October, should seem to consider this characteras peculiar to Com- 
positæ*. It appears also- that he is not aware of any exception to 
itin the class. I have however, in a different part of the same essay, 
noticed one exception existing in Chuquiraga, and I have since 

found another in Corymbium. In both these genera the æstivation 
is induplicate, that is, the margins of the segments are doubled in, 
so that in the unexpanded state none of them are visible. I have 


* Since this paper was read, M. Cassini has published his memoir (in the Journal de 
Physique for February 1816), in which he states the same æstivation to exist in certain 
other families, namely, Campanulaceæ, Lobeliaceæ, and Rubiacee. This observation, if 
applied to the whole of these families, as is evidently the author's intention, is correct only 
with respect to Campanulacez, from which I have separated Stylidee as a distinct order, 
partly, as I have stated, on account of its imbricate æstivation. In a considerable part of the 
Lobeliacez of Jussieu, which includes my Goodenoviæ, the æstivation is not valvular but indu- 
plicate: and though in Rubiaceæ the valvular mode is very general, there are many remark- 
able exceptions to it, as Gardenia, Ixora, Pavetta, Coffea, and several other genera, where 
it is unilaterally and obliquely imbricate, as in most of the Apocineæ, with which Linneus 
united them under the name of Contortæ, derived from this very circumstance. On this 
subject I may be allowed further to remark, that M. Cassini, who in the memoir now cited 
has repeatedly asserted his claim to the priority of the observation on the disposition of 
vessels in the corolla, has in treating of its æstivation omitted to notice what had been 
already published respecting it in my essay above quoted, where I conclude he must have 
seen my observation, as he refers to the sentence containing it. The æstivation of corolla 
in Composita is also noticed in the observations on Brunonia, contained in my Prodromus: 
Flore Nove Hollandie, which I suppose he has not seen: I may therefore, for the 
general importance of æstivation of calyx and corolla in affording characters both for Orders 
and Genera, refer him to almost every page of the same work, and to its preface, for an 
observation on the degree of attention that had been previously paid to this point of structure, 

which will enable him to correct in some measure his own remark on the subject. : 

88 Mr. Brown’s Observations on the 

in the passage referred to observed that the valvular and indupli- 
cate modes of æstivation easily pass into each other, merely by 
an addition or abstraction of the elevated margins of the laciniz : 
instances of their abstraction, and of the consequent conversion 
of the induplicate into the valvular mode, occur in several Good- 
enoviæ, and in some Convolvulaceæ and Solanaceæ ; while 
Chuquiraga and Corymbium are examples of their addition i in an 
order where they are generally wanting. | 

My third remark is entirely borrowed from Schkuhr*, who 
states that in all Cichoracee or Ligulate the pollen is angular, 
and that in Corymbifere and Carduacee, or in all tubular florets, 
it is spherical or oval. 

All the figures which this author has given of pollen in Giit 
racez represent it as a regular icosahedron, except that of Gero- 
pogon glabrum, which is a dodecahedron. I believe neither of 
these forms of — has been observed in à mans — » 

A fourth remark on — I do not offer with absolute 
confidence, as it is opposed to the statement of M. Cassini, on 
whose general accuracy I have great reliance. It relates to the 
disposition of the branches of the style or stigmata, which accord- 
ing to M. Cassini are lateral, or right and left with relation to the 
axis of the common receptacle ; whereas; 1 consider them 
terior and posterior, though in many cases by a slight degree of 
twisting in the style they acquire what M. past regards as 
their original position. os 

This may seem a point of very little consequence to establish. 
Independent however of the necessity of minute accuracy in 
every case, it appears to me to have some connexion with my 

fifth remark, which relates to the internal structure of the Ova- 

* Botanisches Handbuch 3, p. 8. 

natural Family of Plants called Composite. 89 

rium of Composite. I am not aware of any thing baving been 
yet said on thissubject further than that it contains a single erect 
ovulum, inserted at the base of the cavity. In addition to this, 
I observe in the greater part of Compositz, whose ovarium I have 
examined, two very slender filiform cords, which, originating from 
opposite points of the base of the ovulum, or of its short footstalk, 
run up, and are more or less connected with, the lateral parietes of 
the ovarium, until they unite at the top of its cavity, immediately 
under the style; between which and the ovulum a connexion is 
thus formed. In many cases, as in Liatris spicata and Tussilago 
odorata, these cords are easily separa ble from the ovarium, and have 
such a degree of tenacity that they may be extracted from it en- 
tire, along with the ovulum. In other cases they more firmly co- 
here with the sides of the cavity: and in those plants in which I 
have been unable to see them distinctly, I conclude they are not 
absolutely wanting, but that their connexion with the parietes is 
still more intimate. 

These cords may be supposed to consist either solely of the 
vessels through which the ovulum is foecundated, or to contain 
also the remains or indications of a system of nourishing ves- 
sels, or chordæ pistillares, the position of which points out the 
true nature of the ovarium in this class, or the relation it has to 
the apparently less simple ovarium of other families. I am in- 
clined to adopt the latter supposition. In order, however, to be 
understood on this subject, it is necessary to premise that I con- 
sider the pistillum or female organ of all phznogamous plants to 
. be formed on the same plan, of which a polyspermous legumen 
or folliculus whose seeds are disposed in a double series may 
be taken as the type. A circular series of these pistilla, disposed 
round an imaginary axis, and whose number corresponds with . 

VOL. XII. © N that 

90 <` Mr. Brown’s Observations on the 

that of the parts of the calyx or corolla, enters into my notion of 
a flower complete in all its parts. 

- But from this type and number of pintilik many iin take 
place, arising either from the abstraction of part of the complete 
series of organs, from their confluence, or from both these causes 
united ; with consequent. abortions and obliterations of parts in 
almost every degree. According to this hypothesis, the ovarium of 
asyngenesious plant is composed of two confluent ovaria; a struc» - 
ture which is in some degree indicated externally by the division 
of the style, and internally by the two cords which I consider as 
occupying the place of two parietal placentæ, each of these being 
made up of two confluent chordule, belonging to different parts 
of the compound organ: I am well aware how very paradoxical 
such an hypothesis must seem, especially when applied to a struc- 
ture apparently so simple as that of the ovarium of Compo- 
site; and I therefore regret that I am not yet fully prepared 
to bring forward in its support a series of facts.alread y. in my pos- 
session, consisting of deviations from the usual structure of organs, 
and particularly of instances of stamina changed into pistilla, 

. In the mean time it may give some plausibility to the hypo- 
thesis to remark, that there are families of plants strictly natural 
in which a series of degradations exist, if ¿l may so speak, from 
the assumed. perfect. Medis: to a structure as: iue as that of 
Composite. | 

«Thus in Proteacce we desk: ati types obi i pati fille in 
the many-seeded folliculus of Embothrium ; the first degree of im- 
perfection in that of Grevillea, where only one. ovulum of each 
series; remains ; a further-reduction: in the indehiscent mono- 
spermous fruit of. Leucospermum, in. which the insertion of the 
ovulum is lateral ; and. the simplest. form in Protea itself, where 

es the 

natural Family of Plants. called Composite. 9t 

the-single ovulum is inserted at the base of thecavity., Proteacex, 
however, exhibit a series of obliterations in the parts of a single 
pistillum only. An illustration more in point, though somewhat 
-less perfect as a series; may be taken from Goodenovie, an order 
of plants very nearly related to the-class of. which. we are treat- 
ing. In the greater part of: Goodenovie, the ovarium is-bilocular, 
each cell having an indefinite: number-of seeds; in the greater 
number of Scævole, each cell. is: reduced to: a. single evulum ; 
d in some species of the same genus; and in albthe species ot 
Dampiera, the ovarium, though retaining: its-external pes 
is reduced to a single monospermous»cell, with an-erect ovulum, 
as in Composite. The anadas exhibits a 
obliterations, more obviously analogous .to: those <tc as 
taking place in syugeuesious plants; namely from a bilocular ova- 
rium with two polyspermous parietal. placentze, which is the 
usual structure of the order, to that of Isatis, where a single ovu- 
lum is pendulous from the apex of the unilocular ovarium. And 
lastly in the genus. Bocconia, in the original species of which 
(B. frutescens) the insertion of the single erect ovulum has the same 
relation to its parietal placente, as that of Composite has to its 
filiform cords, a second species (B. cordata) exists in inch ss 
placentæ are polyspermous. 

- My sixth observation on Composite daanin 
the florets expand. To understand the relation this order has to 
that of other families, it may be necessary first to- D a — res 
marks on the more usual modes of inflorescence. - ET 

It is well known that in an absolutely simple piks the expan- 

sion of the flowers is ascendent; that is, begins ‘at the base of the 
spike and proceeds regularly upwards. To this order very few 
real exceptions occur, several of the apparent deviations. being 

connected with some degree of composition in the spike. 1 
N 2 In 

00. — Mr. Brown’s Observations on the 

It is also known that in a compound spike, while the expansion 
of each partial spike is ascendent, that of the spikes, with relation 
to each other, is descendent; the terminal spike expanding first, 
and the others in a regular succession downwards. ‘his order, 
indeed, admits of a greater number of exceptions than that of 
the simple spike; several of them apparently depending on the 
density or imperfect composition of the spike; and the more 
usual deviation consisting in the expansion beginning below the 
apex, and proceeding in opposite directions from the point of 
commencement; the upper portion following the order of the 
simple, the lower that of the compound spike *. 

The simple racemus and corymbus are obviously very slight mo- 
difications of the spike, and in their expansion obey the same law. 

A syngenesious compound flower, or capitulum as it may be 
termed, is merely a spike with a shortened and generally de- 
pressed axis. In cases where this capitulum is unquestionably 
simple, the expansion of its flowers is uniformly from circum- 
ference to centre, or in the order of the simple spike. . Where 
the capitula are disposed in a corymbus, which is their usual 
mode of combination, the order of the compound spike is ob- 
served ; their expansion with relation to each other being from 
centre to circumference. In their denser aggregations, whether 
forming a compound spike or head, the same order of expausion 
obtains, and it continues though the florets in each common calyx 
or involucrum should be lessened in number, or even reduced to 
unity, as in Echinops and Rolandra. 

. * The most remarkable exception to the order of the compound spike exists in the com- 
pound umbel of Umbelliferze, of which the outer umbellule expand somewhat earlier than 
the central ; and as this order of expansion seems to extend through the whole natural 
family, Astrantia, in which the terminating umbel expands much earlier than those of the 
lateral branches, cannot be considered as having a compound umbel. 


natural Family of Plants called Composita. 93 

-The absolute constancy in the order of expansion of the simple 
capitulum from circumference to centre, and the more or less 
complete inversion of this order in the compound capitulum, ap- 
pear to afford tests of the real structure in certain cases where 
the degree of composition, and consequently the proper names of 
some of the parts, might otherwise be doubtful. 

To illustrate this I select two: genera, Lagasca and Casilia. 

In Lagasca the capitulum, both from its form and the appear- 
ance of its involucrum, might at first sight be considered as sim- 
ple : on examination, however, it is found to differ from all simple 
capitula, in each floret being furnished with a. tubular envelope, 
exactly resembling a five-toothed | perianthium, but which does 
not in any state cohere with the included ovarium. - 

Cavanilles, by whom the genus was established, regarded this 
envelope as a genuine perianthium, and erroneously described its 
tube as cohering with the ovarium ; an error which is copied in 
Persoon's Synopsis Plantarum, where the genus is consequently 
placed in. Polygamia æqualis. Jacquin, who has published La- 
gasca- under the name of Noccea mollis *, also describes the en- 
velope of each flower as a proper perianthium, although aware 
| of its tube being distinct from the ovarium. Subsequent writers 
have, indeed, more correctl y referred the genus to. Polygamia 
segregata ; but the terms involucellum and calyculus, which they 
apply to the envelope in question, appear to me —— 
for a reason that will presently be given... + 
_. Three suppositions may be formed respecting the: nature of this 
| envelope, namely, either that it is an involucrum reduced, as in 
Echinops, to a single flower ; secondly, that it is a proper perian- 
: thium, which in appearance it very much resembles ; or thirdly, 
Ee Fragm. Bot. p: 98, tab. 85. : 

: that 

94 Mr. Brown’s Observations on the 

that it is more analogous to the outer calyx of Scabiosa; which 
M. Cassini seems to consider sise in its nature ir -— 
these parts. = | | 

But the order of expansion in. re vw is, c — 
some degree of irregularity; from centre to: circumference, or 
that of the compound capitulum, seems to decide the question 
respecting the envelope of each flower, and to establish its iden- 
tity with involucrum : -nor does this involucrum differ materially 
from that of Echinops, except in the red uced: number and son- 
fluence of its component parts. - | 

The real structure of Casulia is rares less obvious. 

This genus, which was first published" by Dr. Roxburgh *, is 
referred by him to Polygamia segregata; the tubular envelope or 
involucrum nes un esc ninm as comam from the in- 
. cluded ovarium. 19 j i 

Koenig, on the sium hand, by imp: the: genus was discovertd, 
and whose account of it is given in the same work, describes the 
partial involucrum of Roxburgh as the surface of the ovarium 
itself; its segments being, according to him, a pappus of two 
leaves. And lastly Willdenow, regarding this involucrum as merely 
paleæ of the receptacle, refers the genus to Polygamia æqualis ; 
in which order itis continued, both in Persoon's Synopsis, — 
the second edition of Mr. Aiton's Hortus Kewensis. - 

This last view of the structure seems the most erroneous of any, 
and was probably adopted by Willdenow, in consequence of his 
having added to the genus a second specics not really belonging 
to it, and which I shall have occasion to notice in another part 
of my subject. 

An examination of the parts of fractiientipte in different stages 

* In Coram. Plants, i. p. 64. t. 93. : 

natural Family of Plants called Composite. 95 

reconciles the opposite statements of Koenig and Roxburgh; for 
I find that at the time of flowering the envelope of each floret is, 
as Roxburgh has figured it, distinct from the ovarium, with which, 
however,in a more advanced stage its tube becomes firmly united ; 
a fact that sufficiently accounts for Keenig’s description. 

‘There is here, therefore, a nearer-approach. to a true. perian- 
thim than in the involucrum of Lagasca; but the expansion of 
the flowers being, as in that genus, from centre to circumference 
of the capitulum, I consider the envelope of Cesulia as unques- 
tionably an involucrum, —- the asne anaie paea nalonging to 
Polygamia segregata, | ; 

^I mayhere ERA n name dors ttp conii anche 
+ Linneus for those genera of Composite with densely aggre- 
gate capitula, is caleulated to give an erroneous idea of the nature 
of the structure ; the opposite term Polygamia congregata being, 
according to the view now taken, obviously more proper for those 
genera,: at least,, whose involucra contain several flowers. : It is 
not. unlikely, indeed, that Linneus himself was aware of the true 
nature of the inflorescence of these genera; but the term Polyga- 
mia.congregata would not. have suited the artificial arrangement 
which he adopted in his subdivisions of the class, nor his includ- 
ing in it the order: Monogamia; for, with. this order the single 
flowered genera of. Bole gamia : dei must then have bars 
confounders —— 

dt is a curious. circumstance,» that the: iim of. MP in 
onini does not depend.on-the number.of flowers actually 
existing, but on the effort, if 1 may so term it, made to produce 
them, manifested by the presence of an involucrum or common 
calyx, some -cases;reduced: to a single flower. The the same time.contributes:to- prove, that the whole na< 
tural class is formed on that plan of dense aggregation of flowers, 


* * 

96 Mr. Brown’s Observations on the 

for which I have already attempted to show that certain parts 
of the structure of a syngenesious floret are peculiarly weil 
adapted. : H-faetdoniteub HE ter | i 
The circumstance, however, is not confined to Compositæ, but 
exists in an equally remarkable degree in Graminee. | 
I have formerly considered the gluma, or what Linneus has 
termed calyx, in this family of plants, as an involucrum. | 
.. In those genera where this gluma or involucrum contains seve- 
ral flowers their expansion is generally ascendent, or in the order 
of the simple spike. In a spike formed by these many-flowered 
glume, as that of Triticum and Lolium, the expansion of the par- 
tial spikes, with relation to each other, is descendent, or in the 
order of the compound spike; in most cases, however, with that 
deviation, which I have already noticed, of the expansion com- 
mencing below the apex and proceeding in opposite directions. 
But as the same descendent expansion takes place in a spike 
formed of single-flowered glume, it may be inferred that the 
genuine type or most perfect form of a grass is to have several 
flowers in its gluma or involucrum : a view not only consistent 
with the fact of a great majority of tlie order having actually 
this disposition; but also with that peculiarity in the vascu- 
lar structure of the inner valve of the perianthium ; which, whether 
it be considered as indicating that this part is formed of two con- 
fluent valves, an opinion I have elsewhere * advanced, or merely 
as a transposition of vessels in a simple valve, analogous to that 
in the syngenesious floret, is evidently adapted-to the many- 
flowered spicula, though equally existing in that with a single 
flower, | | 
_ The resemblance between the outer calyx of Dipsacee and the 
single-flowered involucrum of Compositz is so striking, that it 

* In General Remarks on the Botany of New Holland, 


natural Family of Plants called Composita. 97 

cannot appear very paradoxical to consider them as both of the 
same nature. | 

In Dipsaceæ, however, there is no instance of the outer calyx 
containing more than one flower, and the evidence afforded by 
inflorescence on this subject is not altogether satisfactory. 

In Dipsacus it has been long noticed that expansion begins 
about the middle of the spike, and proceeds in opposite direc- 
tions from the point of commencement: this order is evidently 
more analogous to that of the compound than of thesimple spike; 
there being several instances of spikes manifestly compound, 
where the same inversion of the upper part exists. 
^. But a fact, which I do not find any where observed, respecting 
the inflorescence of certain species of Scabiosa, particularly suc- 
cisa and atropurpurea, is not so easily reconcilable with the com- 
pound spike: in these, and I have reason to think in many other 
species of the genus, the expansion begins simultaneously at the 
base and middle of the capitulum, proceeding regularly upwards 
from both points. Were this the case in all Scabiosæ, the com- 
pound nature of the spike in Dipsacez, although by no means 
proved, might be considered not improbable: there are, however, 
several species of the genus in which the order of expansion is 
altogether that of the simple spike. j| 

Connected with the subject of inflorescence, I may remark that 
priority of.development, whether among similar parts in the same 
flowerorthe different flowers of the same spike, is generally accom- 
panied with greater perfection of these parts or flowers, and ap- 
parently with greater power of resisting the ordinary causes of 
abortion or obliteration. | 

I haye formerly * observed respecting several natural families of 
plants, in which the stamina are in a determinate number, but a 

* In Prodr, Flor. Nov. Holl. vol. i, and Appendix to Flinders's Voyage to Terra Australis. 
VOS. XII. 0 number 

98 Mr. Brown’s Observations on the 

number subject to.reduction, that this reduction, where the flower 
is of a regular form, takes place in the same order in.each natural 
family. Thus in Juncee, which are generally hexandrous, the tri- 
androus species have theirstamina constantly placed opposite to 
the three outer leaves of the perianthium, while in Restiaceæ, As- 
phodelez,: and I, believe in a great. part of the regular-flowered 
Liliaceæ, in certain species of which a similar reduction occurs, 
the stamina in the triandrous species are placed opposite to the 
inner leaves or segments of the perianthium. But in both cases 
the greater perfection of those. stamina that exist in genera or 
species reduced. to the smallest number, is indicated, where there 
is no reduction, by the earlier bürsting of their antheræ ; so that 
from. this circumstance the order of reduction or abortion of sta: 
mina in any natural family may with: some confidence be pre- 
dicted by an exaniination of those genera where the number. is 
complete. ———— — 
- Wherever the separation of sexes takes place, it may be assumed 
that the female flower. is the more perfect production. And if 
this-be admitted, where both sexes exist in the same simple spike 
the female should be found at its base, or where expansion com- 
mencés, which is almost uniformly the case. For the same: rea- 
son, in the trifid or trichotomous inflorescence, the female should 
be placed in the centre, which is also generally the fact *. 
- This connexion between præcocity and perfection of develop- . 
ment is even more constant than the order of expansion in certain 
forms of inflorescence ; as it is found to extend to several of the 
exceptions to this order. to r; | roti 
Thus in the apparently simple spike of Poterium, where the | 
order of expansion is descendent, the female flowers occupy the 

* To this order the most remarkable exception occurs in Begonia, in which the male 
flowers are central, and expand long before the lateral female flowers. 4 


natural Family of Plants called Composita. 99 

upper part of the spike; and this relation also exists in tlic more 
compound inflorescence of Ricinus, Syphonia, and Celtis, i in whieh 
the order of expansion is equally inverted. Wt 
- It may seem rather select Euphorbia as an ex- 
ample of the same relation; this genus being considered by Lin- 
neus, and the greater part of the botanists who have adopted his 
system, as having a dodecandrous hermaphrodite flower. We 
have already, however, I believe, sufficient evidence that this su p- 
posed hermaphrodite flower is in reality formed of several mo- 
nandrous male flowers surrounding a single female *. 1 
In conformity with this view of its composition, and with the 
relation above attempted to be established, the development: 
the pistillum €— that of the stamina in many — leon 
— ; 
Tt is more difficult to determine whether this order of expansion 
and relative position of sexes in Euphorbia be in conformity with 
the general rule, or an exception toit. For its faciculus of flowers 
may be considered as analogous either to the simple spike, and 
consequently having an inverted order of expansion, as in Allium 
descendens, and certain species of Grevillea and Anadenia : or it 
may be assimilated to the compound spike, as in several species 
of the genus the male flowers appear to be separated into fasciculi; 
* * To the Éen I have adduced (in my Remarks on the Botany of New Holland) 
in support of this opinion, I- am now ‘enabled to add the more direct pro: 
certain species of Euphorlia itself, in which the female flower is furnished with a manifest 
calyx. I have formerly observed, that in a few cases the footstalk of the ovarium is dilated 

and obscurely. lobed at top: but in the species now referred to it terminates in three di- 
stinet and equal lobes of considerable length, and which being regularly opposite to the cells 
of the capsule may be cór mpared to the three outer foliola of the perianthium of Phyllanthus, 
Between which’ and.the’cells of the capsule the same relation exists. This calyx is most 
remarkable in an undescribed species of Euphorbia from the coast of Patagonia, in the 
Herbarium of Sir Joseph Banks; but it is observable, though less distinet, i in E. punicea 
and several other species, ` ` 

o2 and 

100 Mr. Brown’s Observations on the 

and according to this view the order of expansion is direct, the 
central female flower being the representative of the terminal 
partial spike. | TOT 
There is even a third species of inflorescence with which the 
fasciculus of Euphorbia may be compared, namely, that’ consist- 
ing of one or more verticilli with a single flower in the centre. 
In this, which may be considered a modification of the spike. 
or umbel, the usual order of ex pansion seems to be from centre to. 
circumference. Its simplest form occurs in an unpublished New 
Holland genus of the same natural family with Euphorbia, in 
which a single verticillus of male flowers surrounds the central 
female flower. Lambertia may be considered as another instance of 
the same mode, and as far as can be determined, in a case where 
the flowers are hermaphrodite and their expansion nearly synchro- 
nous, following the same order. In all the known species of this 
genus the leaves are verticillate, and uniformly in threes : in 
L. formosa and inermis the involucrum constantly contains seven 
flowers, while in L. uniflora it is reduced to onc flower. 'The seven 
flowers of the two former species I consider as made up of two 
verticilli, in number of flowers corresponding with that of the 
leaves, and of a single central or terminal flower ; to which termi- 
nal flower L. uniflora appears to be reduced. From this order of 
reduction it may be assumed as more probable that species of 
Lambertia should be found with ten or four flowers in the involu- 
crum than with nine, six, or three. But greater permanence being, 
as has been already remarked, generally connected with greater 
perfection, it becomes also probable that, if any species of this 
genus should be discovered with androgynous capitula, the female 
flower will occupy the centre as in the genus, of Euphorbiaceæ. 
above referred to. | | 
It is worthy of remark, and may indeed appear in some degree 

natural Family of Plants called Composite. 101 

at variance with the foregoing observations, that although in an 
assemblage of flowers priority of expansion generally indicates a 
greater degree of perfection, and consequently a more ready con- 
vertibility of the hermaphrodite into the female flower; yet in a 
hermaphrodite flower the development of stamina usually pre- 
cedes that of pistilla. The most remarkable exceptions to this 
order of development which I at present remember, occur im 
several species of Plantago, where the stigmata are fully deve- 
loped, and often even withered, before the bursting of the antheræ. 

I now proce to ind some remarks on certain genera of 
Compositæ which either occur under different names in late syste- 
matic works, or whose structure and limits seem to be imper- 

fectly understood. 


was established in the Prodromus Floræ Peruvianæ et Chilensis, 
and is adopted by Persoon in his Synopsis Plantarum. 

To this genus Hippia minuta of the Linnean Herbarium un- 
questionably belongs, and it is perhaps not specifically distinct 
from Soliva pedicellata. But on comparing the structure of this 
plant with the figures and descriptions, given by Mons. de Jus- 
sieu (in the fourth volume of the Annales du Museum,) of the dif- 
ferent species of his Gymnostyles, it appears to me evident that the 
whole of this genus is referable to Soliva, whose principal charac- 
ters would consist in the want of corolla or perhaps its accretion: 
with the persistent style in the female florets; in the pericarpia 
being more or less winged, and presenting their disk me of 

their margins to the centre of the capitulum. | 

102 ; Mr. Brown’s Observations on the 

Sir James Smith has already pointed out the error M. de Jus- 
sieu has been led into in referring Hippia minuta Linn. to his 
Gymnostyles nasturtüfolia, a plant much more nearly related to 
Hippia stolonifera of Brotero ; which, from repeated examination, 
I can with confidence refer to the same genus. en 

Gymnostyles anthemifolia is stated by M. de Jussieu to be a 
native of New South Wales: but as I have observed it only in 
cultivated ground in the neighbourhood of Sydney, and as it has 
certainly been found in South America, of which four other species 
of the genus are unquestionably natives, it has probably been im- 
ported into New South Wales, perhaps from Brazil; nor is it al- 
together improbable that Hippia stolonifera of Brotero may have 
been introduced into Portugal from the same quarter. 

ao sue 3105 GRIN DERA; . diuo 
described by Willdenow in the Transactions of the Natural 
History Society of Berlin for 1807, and subsequently in his Enu- 
meratio Plantarum Horti. Berolinensis, flowered in Kew Gardens 
for the first time in 1815, when I had an opportunity of examining 
it, and of determining its very near affinity with Donia, a genus 
proposed in the second edition of Hortus Kewensis, and adopted. 
by Mr. Pursh in his Flora of North America: the principal distinc- 
tion between these two genera consisting in a difference in the 
number of radii of the pappus, which in Grindelia is described. by - 
Willdenow as of two rays, and according to my observations has 
more frequently one only. But as even in Donia the number of 
rays, though indefinite, is variable, and the structure of the pap- 
pus is very nearly similar in both genera, which in all other re- 
spects agree, it may be perhaps expedient to unite them under 
the name of Grindelia, which was first in order of publication. 

natufal Family of Plants called Composita. 103 

pue de E. —. TRIDAX : | 
was first established by Linneus, in Hortus Cliffortianus, from 
a specimen found at Vera Cruz by Houston, and sent to Clift 
ford by Miller. As Linneus had no specimen in his own collec- 
tion, that in Clifford's Herbarium, now in the possession of Sir 
Joseph Banks, is the only authority for the genus; and on ex- 
amining this specimen I find the be not setaceous, as 
Linneus has described it, but distinctly plumose. There is, there- 
fore, no difference whatever between Tridax:and Balbisia of Will- 
denow; and on comparing Tridax procumbens with Balbisia elon- 
gata, I cannot satisfy myself that they are even specifically di- 
stinct. > | ID eO | Ltd 
Angianthus tomentosus of Wendland's Collectio Plantarum, 
(vol. ii. p.32. tab. 48.) published in 1809, is evidently thesame plant 
as my Cassinia aurea, described in the fifth volume of the second 
edition of Hortus. Kewensis, which did not appear till 1818. 
Wendland neither mentions the native country of his Angianthus, 
. nor from whence he received it. He must, no doubt, however, 
have obtained it from Kew Garden, where it was introduced and 
flowered from seeds which I collected in 1802, in the island of 
St. Francis, on the South coast of New Holland. “ed, 

2 | Se aes ^MEXYERA. ddech SEA nc 
- This genus, described by Schreber in his edition of the Genera 
Plantarum, is not. adopted by Willdenow. Swartz, however, in his 
Flora Indiæ Occidentalis, has referred to it; and I have no doubt 
correctly, Eclipta sessilis of his Prodromus. On comparing this 
species of Meyera with a:plant in Sir Joseph Banks’s Herbarium, 
collected in Peru by Dombey, and which exactly agrees with 


104 Mr. Brown’s Observations on the 

Sobreya of the Flora Peruviana, it appears evident that this genus 
is reducible to Meyera. Enhydra of Loureiro's Flora cochinchi- 
nensis, though described somewhat differently, and referred to 
Polygamia segregata, 1 have little doubt, belongs to the same 
genus; as does unquestionably Hingstha of Roxburgh's unpub- 
lished Flora Indica, where it is also referred to Polygamia segre- 
gata. This plant, which I have examined, is scarcely distinct 
from a species of Meyera that grows in New South Wales. 

- Cryphiospermum of Mons. de Beauvois's interestin g Flore d'Oware 
et Benin, although reduced by him to Cichoracez, I have but 
little hesitation in referring also to Meyera. And lastly, Cesulia 
radicans of Willdenow, likewise a native of æquinoctial Africa, is 
perhaps not specifically different from Cryphiospermum repens of 

Mons. de Beauvois, . - eats 

was established by Linneus, in the first edition of Genera Plan- 
tarum and in Hortus Cliffortianus, from a specimen found by 
Houston near Vera Cruz, and communicated by Miller to Clif- 
ford, in whose Herbarium, now forming part of the collection 
of Sir Joseph Banks, it still exists. It does not appear that this 
plant has been found by any other botanist than Houston ; and 
according to the character given by Linneus of Melampodium, it 
must be considered the only species of the genus. | 

. In the second edition of Species Plantarum he added to it, 
but with a doubt, Me/ampodium australe, a plant adopted from 
Leefling, according to whose description the pappus and surface | 
of the seed are widely different from those of the original species. 
Swartz has referred to the genus a third species, M. humile, en- 
tirely distinct in these respects from both the former; and more 
recently a fourth species, M. dongifolium, with seeds differently: 
modified from all the others, has been annexed to it. | E 
But - 

natural Family of Plants called Composite. 105 

But if these four plants, so extremely different from each other 
in pappus and form of the pericarpium, really belong to the same 
genus, as their habit seems strongly to indicate, there can be no 
reason to separate from them Alcina of Cavanilles, erroneously 
considered by Willdenow as a species of Wedelia: and Dysodium 
of Richard, published in Persoon's Synopsis, though differing 
from all the others in the form of its pericarpium and in that 
of its receptacle, must also be reduced to this genus. If, how- 
ever, the part described by Linneus as pappus in Melampodium 
americanum be really such, and if the pericarpium itself vary so 
widely both in form and surface, it would be inconsistent with 
the principles of division generally adopted in Composite, to 
unite all these ‘plants into one genus, notwithstanding their great 
resemblance in habit as well as in the other parts of fructifica- 
tion; and it would be at-least in vain to look for any cotebinig 
character in this part of their structure. 

À careful examination of the female flowers, especially in an 
early stage, removes this difficulty, by proving that the supposed 
external coat of the ovarium, with its various inequalities of sur- 
face, some of which have been described as pappus, is in reality 
an involute bractea or foliolum of the involucrum, like that of 
Micropus, completely inclosing the ovarium, but from which in 
several species of the genus it is entirely, andi in others in great 
iin distinct. | of l 


e appears in E orster’s Prodromus Florule dei ot ins 
lium, where an essential generic character is given, but no de- 
scription of the species. The genus is adopted and the cha- 
racter received without remark by Willdenow in his edition of 
Species Plantarum, and by Persoon in his Synopsis. Among 
George Forster's drawings of subjects of natural history made in 

VOL. XII. P | | Cook's 

106. Mr. Brown’s Observations on the 

Cook’s second voyage, and now in the library of Sir Joseph Banks, 
there is a figure of this plant, from which it appears that he origi- 
nally referred it to Stehelina; a proof that he had not at that time 
very carefully examined it. It is not improbable therefore that he 
afterwards proposed it as a distinct genus, belonging to Polygamia 
segregata, from finding that this had been already done by Solan- 
der, whose name (Cartodium), however, he did not think it neces- 
sary to adopt, and with whose generic character he probably was 
not acquainted. In his own he very erroneously states that there 
is no partial involucrum, and hence perhaps M. Labillardiere 
entirely overlooked Craspedia when he established his Richea from 
a nearly related species of the same genus. That such is the case 
I have long since briefly noticed*; and have ascertained by a 
comparison of the specimen of Craspedia uniflora in George 
Forster's Herbarium with .Richea glauca of Labillardiere, and 
other species of the same genus which I have observed in New 
Hollandisi»sq:5: «5 of olemist- ad) 3o acihniamsra-d ary 
- M. Labillardiere’s character of Richea is essentially correct. 
It is well to remark, however, that his general involucrum is 
formed of the bracteze subtending and in equal number with the 
outer partial capitula; and that the general receptacle has no 
other paleæ than the analogous bractee of the inner capitula. It 
is the more necessary to take this view of the structure, as I. have 
found in New Holland a nearly related genus (Calocephalus), 
which differs from Craspedia and Richea in the want of these brac- 
tex, as well as in the partial receptacles being without paleæ, and 
in the rays of the pappus being plumose only in the upper part. 
I have also another genus of this tribe ( Leucophyta) from the same 
country, differing from Calocephalus in having a. general involu- 
crum consisting of a few short bracteæ, in the squamæ of its par- 
tial involucra being concave and bearded at top, and in the rays 
* In Prodr, Flor, Nov. Holl. p. 555. 
" of 


natural Family of Plants called Composite. 107 

ofits pappus being plumose through their whole length, as in 
Craspedia, from which it is distinguished by the want of palez on 
the partial receptacles, and very remarkably in habit. 

I have selected the foregoing genera as having been either pub- 
lished under different names, or, as it appears to me, unnecessarily 
subdivided. In this extensive class it would not be difficult to 
point out a much greater number consisting of species impro- 
perly united. One very remarkable case of this kind is the genus 

- s un | Casidus innt pii CRX se loisirs 
to which, as I intend to enter fully into the history and affinities 
of its species, I shall confine myself. ate wie" sont 

This genus was established by. Linneus in the sixth edition of 
his Genera Plantarum, where the natural character is given: but 
the following essential character, which is still retained, appears 
for the first time in the twelfth-edition of Systema Nature, in the 
third section of Polygamia æqualis : qe» 

** Receptaculum paleaceum, Pappus pilosus, Calyx imbricatus.” 

The species originally referred. to Calea, in the second edition 
of Species Plantarum, are C. jamaicensis, oppositifolia, and Amellus, 
described from specimens in Browne's Jamaica Herbarium, which 
he had received a few years before, and incorporated with his 
"These three plants Linneus had originally referred to Santolina*, 
for which it seems to me rather less difficult to account than for 
his afterwards uniting them together to form his genus Calea ; 
two of them, according to his descriptions4 though in reality one 
only, being without pappus, and in other respects corresponding. 
with the generic character of Santolina ; and the third, which 

* [n Ameenit. Acad. vol. v. p. 404. + Loc. cit. 
P2 Browne 

108 Mr. Brown’s Observations on the 

Browne had doubtfully referred to the same genus, though fur- 
nished with pappus, agreeing with the others in having opposite 
leaves. TER | 

But the difference in habit between all these plants and the 
original species of Santolina is so great, that it probably after- 
wards determined Linneus to remove them from that genus ; and 
although he found a sufficient generic character in the pappus 
of Calea jamaicensis only, he united with it the two other species, 
for a reason perhaps similar to what I have su pposed led him to 
separate all the three from Santolina. It is remarkable, however, 
that not one of these three original species of Calea corresponds 
with his character of the genus ; and that they in reality belong 
to three very distinct genera, on principles which, I conceive, 
Linneus himself would have admitted. | 

The first species, Calea jamaicensis, is the only one that even 
seems to agree with the generic character, in having pappus 
which at first sight (to the naked eye at least) might appear sim- 
ply capillary, but which on a closer examination proves to be of 
à very different and nearly peculiar structure. Of this species I 
have seen only one authentic specimen, received from Browne by 
Ehret, and now in Sir Joseph Banks's Herbarium. The speci- 
men in question, though incomplete, evidently belongs to the 
same species with * Conyza fruticosa cisti odore, floribus pallide 
purpureis, summitatibus ramulorum insidentibus,” of Sloane*, of 
which I have examined the original very perfect specimens in his 
Herbarium, preserved in the British Museum, and am satisfied 
that its pappus is of the same structure as that of Calea cordifolia 
of Swartz, who has well described it, but who has at the same 
time given a different account of that of C. Jamaicensist. '|hese 

.* Hist. Jam. i. p. 257. tab. 151. fig. 3. t Herb. vol. v. fol. 14 & 15. 
1 In Flor. Ind, Occid. vol. iii, p. 1328, 



natural Family of Plants called Composita. 109 

two plants are the only published species of this genus, for which 
the name of Calea should be retained, and which may be distin- 
guished by the following characters : 3 

Calez species Linnei. 

Involucrum* imbricatum. Receptaculum paleaceum. — Flosculi 
tubulosi, uniformes, hermaphroditi. Anthere basi mutice. 
Stigmata acuta. Pappus paleaceus: radiis uninerviis, pinna- 

Fratices. (Americae. PERS PARA scabri. Folia op- 
posita, indivisa. Capitula} corymbosa, v..terminalia, v. avillaria. 
Involucri subovati foliola nervosa, obtusa. Paleæ receptaculi convezi 
distincte, figura et textura fere involucri. Corolle luteo-purpuree 
(Swartz), glabre, laciniis dinerviis. Achenium subcylindraceum 
v. obsolete angulatum, glabrum v. pubescens, callo baseos subobliquo. 
Pappus persistens albus, nitens; radiis simplici serie subulatis, 
indivisis, superne denticulatis. 

Ons. In Sir Joseph Banks's Herbarium there are two plants 
very nearly related to Calea, differing from it merely in having a 
radius of ligular female florets. If this difference be considered 
sufficient to constitute a genus, it may be named Caleacte. The 
first of these plants (C. urticifolia), with nearly ovate acute 

. crenated leaves, found by Houston near Vera Cruz, is Solidago 

_urticefolia of Miller, by whom it appears to have been culti- 

M vated. ‘The second, with deeply lobed or pinnatifid leaves 

(C. pinnatifida), was lately sent from Brazil by Mr. Sellow. 

— 'Yhe second Linnean species, Calea oppositifolia, has very little 
affinity to the first. In attending merely to the technical cha- 
racter of Santolina, it might be referred to that genus ; but it dif- 

* Calyx communis Linnei, t Corolla communis Linn. : 

110 Mr. Brown’s Observations on the... 

fers so widely, both in other points of structure and in habit, that 
there can be no question of the propriety of separating it, which 
may be done by the‘following character, and under the name of 

Receptaculum conicum: paleis distinctis, conformibus : extimis in- 
volucrum constituentibus. Flosculi tubulosi, uniformes, herma- 
. phroditi. Anthere basi mutice. Stigmata appendice elongato, 
- hispidulo, acuto. Achenium prismaticum : pappo nullo. 
Herbæ (Americe æquinoctialis). Folia opposita. (vel alterna) in- | 
divisa. Capitula ovata, terminalia, terna (vel solitaria). Pales 
lanceolate. Corollz albide.  Anthere basi truncate. 

Oss. I have so constructed the generic character of Isocarpha as 
. to include Spilanthus atriplicifolius of Linneus, which, however, 
differs very remarkably from Calea oppositifolia in having alter- 
nate leaves and solitary capitula, as well as in the texture and 

form of its palex. ive ig ^ iin 
The pappus, consisting of three or four very minute aristæ, de- 
—s€ribed by Swartz* in Calea oppositifolia; 1 have not 

-to observe in any of the specimens that I have examined. 

The third species, Calea Amellus, is probably the same plant as 
Bidens scandens, which Linneus described in Hortus Cliffortianus, 
but, having no specimen in his own collection, appears to have 
forgotten. The original specimen in Clifford’s Herbarium, now in 
the possession of Sir Joseph Banks, evidently belongs to the same 
species, and perhaps to the same individual, with a specimen in 
Miller’s collection, which Mr. Dryander compared, and consi- 
dered to agree with Calea Amellus of the Linnean Herbarium. 
The true synonym, therefore, of Calea Amellus is “Bidens suffruti- 

* In Obs. Bot. p. 302. 


natural Family of Plants called Composite. iri 

cosus vimineus, foliis oblongo-ovatis oppositis, floribus comosis" of 
Browne* ; while Linneus has quoted and even derived his spe- 
cific name from the same author's “ Amellus ramosus, foliis remotis 
terminalibus, fulcris longis divaricatis4;” which, instead of belong- 
ing to Bidens scandens, I believe, for the following reasons, to be 
Bidens nivea. 1st, The figure in Burmann's Thesaurus Zeylani- 
cus}, quoted by Browne for his plant, though belonging to Lavenia 
erecta, is at the same time a good representation of Bidens nivea, 
and very unlike Bidens scandens. 2dly, Browne’s description in 
most respects very well agrees with the former species, but cer- 
tainly not with Bidens scandens. And Sdly, I infer that Bidens 
nivea was actually in Browne’s Herbarium, from finding it in 
the Flora Jamaicensis published in the 5th volume of Ameenitates 
Academic, and formed chiefly from that Herbarium ; thougha 
very erroneous reference for this species is there made to Browne’s 
first Santolina, which, from the description, cannot possibly be- 
long to Bidens nivea, but is probably Verbesina gigantea. 

M. Decandolle has lately established a new genus, Salmea, con- 
sisting of Bidens scandens, Bidens hirsuta, and a third species 
which I have not examined. ‘These plants are very properly se- 
parated from Bidens by this excellent botanist, and well distin- 
guished both from that genus and from Melananthera. It is 
rather remarkable, however, that he has not thought it necessary 
to compare Salmea with Spilanthus, from which, according | to his 
description, it differs only in its imbricate involucrum. But 
as in. Spilanthus the foliola of the involucrum are not exactly 
equal, and are disposed a at least in a double series, I have in- 

‘Biche, Tats. 317. 7 EO PR HS 
1 Eb pottipiidiquniit scrophularie — foliis oppositis, Burm. Thesaur. am 
p. 95. €. 42. 

112 Mr. Brown’s Observations on the 

troduced some additional distinctions into the following charac- 
ter of 
Decandolle in Cat. Hort. Monspel. p. 140. 

Involucrum imbricatum. | Receptaculum conicum, paleis persisten- 
tibus. Flosculi tubulosi, uniformes, hermaphroditi (5-fidi). An- 
there sagittate. Achenium verticaliter com pressym, bi-arista 

tum ; aristis persistentibus (apteris v. alatis). — 

Frutices (Americæ æquinoctialis) sepius decumbentes. Folia op- 
posita, indivisa. Inflorescentia terminalis, subpaniculata, vel corym- 
bosa. Corolle albide. Paleæ receptaculi post lapsum pericarpiorum 

Oss. Of this genus I have examined specimens of three species 
in Sir Joseph Banks’s Herbarium, differing from each other in 
several very remarkable characters. | t | 

.. 1. Salmea scandens, (Decand.l. c.) in which the aristæ are equal 
and without any membranaceous border: stigmata remarkably 
dilated, tongue-shaped, obtuse, not hispid, obscurely papulose, 
and apparently withont any terminal appendix: style dilated at 
the base into a hemispherical bulb which is truncated underneath. 

2. Salmea hirsuta, (Decand. |. c.) whose aristæ are unequal ; 
the inner, which is the larger, being furnished with an evident 
ala; the outer having a narrow margin only: stigmata sharp and 
spreading: style dilated into an ovate bulb which has an attenuated 
base. : 

3. Salmea? curviflora (nob.) differs from both the preceding in 
the tube of its corolla being remarkably bent outwards. In place 
ofthe inner arista there is a broad obtuse wing, of which the in- 
ner margin is straight and thickened, the outer continued down 
nearly to the base of the pericarpium: the outer arista is winged: 


natural Family of Plants called Composita. 113 

and besides these, one or two minute processes are generally ob- 
servable. Stigmata revolute *. 

In the 12th edition of Systema Nature, Linneus added to his 
genus Calea a fourth species, namely Calea scoparia; for what rea- 
son it would be difficult to discover, as it does not resemble, either 

* In theremarkable character of its re-curved florets, as well as in some other respects, 
this species of Salmea agrees with Spilanthus arboreus of George Forster (in Commentat. 
Gotting. ix. p. 66.), of which he originally formed his genus Laxmannia ; from a very er- 
roneous view of its structure, however, having described the Nectarium or glandula epigyna 
as a * germen superum ;” the real, though imperfect, germen with its two aristæ as a 
e perianthium bidentatum," and consequently referring the genus to Polvgamia segregata. 

When he afterwards corrected these errors and reduced Laxmannia to. Spilanthus, he 
did not discover that he had only the imperfect hermaphrodite or male plant before him. 

That Spilanthus arboreus is really dioecious, I have ascertained from the examination of 
numerous specimens collected by Sir Joseph Banks in the Island of St. Helena, where it 
forms a small tree called by the inhabitants White-wood. It is Bidens arborea and per- 
haps also Spilanthus tetrandrus of Dr. Roxburgh's List of Plants appended to General Beat- 
son's Tracts on St. Helena; the former being probably the female, the latter as tarved 
variety of the male plant. 

In re-establishing Spilanthus arboreus as a genus, sufficiently distinct from Bidens, Spi- 
lanthus, and Salmea, it will not, I conclude, be considered expedient to recur to Forster's 
name Laxmannia, which as far as relates to this plant is connected only with a series of 
blunders, was abandoned by the author himself, and has since been applied to another ge- 
nus already generally adopted. It may be —— by the following character, sat 


Bia polyphyllum subduplici serie: exteriore breviore, foliolis paucioribus 4 
. ceptaculum paleaceum, planiusculum. Flosculi dioici, tubulosi, 4-fidi :  Masculi : Bn 
ris exsertis ; Stigmatibus acutis hispidulis : Feminei : Staminibus sterilibus ; ; resin 
acutis recurvis. Achenium v. parallelo compressum v. creen ae (2-3) aristatis : : 
aristis persistentibus, antrorsum. denticulatis. - ; 
Arbor (Insulæ Ste Helenz). Folia opposita, indivisa. EN idrednalis, brachiata. In- 
.. volucrum oblongum. Paleæ receptaculi squamis involucri subsimiles. Corollulæ ochroleu- 
cæ, tubo arcuato-recurvo (ut capitulum primo intuitu radiatum videatur). Mas. Antheris 
nigricantibus, basi emarginatis, appendice apicis brevissimo, acuto; loculis vestigio septi 
longitudinalis instructis. Fem. Staminibus sterilibus distinctis, antheris sagitiatis cassis. 

VOL. XII. Q in 

114 Mr. Brown’s Observations on the 

in its fructification or habit, any of the three genera of which, as 
has been shown, Ca/ea was originally composed. This fourth 
species, which he had at first referred to Chrysocoma*, is now 
known to be dicecious ;—Browne, by whom it was first described 
and figured, and one of whose specimens I have examined, Lin- 
neus, and even Swartz when he published his Observationes Bo- 
tanice, being acquainted with the male plant only; which, how- 
ever, all of them considered hermaphrodite: nor is there any 
reason to doubt that Gærtner’s genus Sergilus is also the male of 
this species; although he has ventured to describe the colour of 
the embryo, deceived, probably, by the size of the imperfect 
ovarium, and the colour of its inner surface. 

Professor Swartz has since given a more satisfactory account 
of Calea scoparia, and has referred it to Baccharis f ; to which ge- 
nus as Richard f and Jussieu § have proposed to limit it, namely 
to the frenoi species of. America, it unquestionably belongs. 
This limitation of Baccharis it may, upon the whole, be expe- 
dient to adopt; by doing so, however, a name of Dioscorides 
is applied to a genus of plants found only in the new continent; 
while, notwithstanding the contrary opinion is expressed by M. de 
Jussieu ||, sufficient distinctions exist between those species of Bac- 
charis from which the Linnean character was taken, and Conyza 
when reduced to its original species, C. squarrosa and bifrons, and 
a few others since added to the genus: for these differ from Inula 
chiefly in the extreme shortness of their ligulz. 

As no satisfactory character has hitherto been given of Baccha- 
ris, that will serve to distinguish it, as now limited, from the diœ- 
cious Gnaphalia, I propose the following. 

* Ameen. Acad. v. p. 404. et Syst. Nat. ed. 10. vol. ii, p. 1206. 
t Flor. Ind. Ocvident, iii. p. 1339. -. . $1 Mich. Flor. Bor-amer. ii. p. 125. 
$ Annal. du Mus. d'Hist, Natur. vii. p.385. || L c. 


natural Family of Plants called Composite. |. 115 


( Ranker ) in Michaux Amer. ii. p. 125. J'ai in Annal. du Mus. 
— d'Hist. Nat. vii. p. 385. Molina Ruiz et Pavon Prodr. Flor. 
- Perwv. 111. Baccharidis species Linn. 

Involucrum imbricatum. Receptaculum nudum. Flosculi tubulosi, 
dioici. Masculi: antheris exsertis, basi muticis; stigmatibus ap- 
pendice acuto hispidulo; pappo subpenicillato. Feminei fili- 
formes; pappo capillari. 

Frutices (Americæ æquinoctialis et temperate). Folia alterna, 

-raro opposita, in quibusdam minuta vel nulla, ramis tunc foliaceo- 

alatis. Inflorescentia terminalis rariusve lateralis, corymbosa, 
nunc fasciculata. Involucri subovati v. oblongi squame semisca- 
riose, margine simplici. Mas. pappo cinereo. Fem. limbo minuto 
2-3dentato, staminibus sterilibus nullis: pappo elongato*. 


Willdenow, in his edition of Species Plantarum, has retained the 
four Linnean species of Calea, and added to them an equal num- 
ber, not one of which belongs to any of the genera formed by the 
original species, but to four others equally distinct. | 
. The first of these additional species, taking them in the order 
in which Willdenow has arranged them, is Calea aspera, which 
he adopted from Jacquin; by whom it is well described and 
figured, though erroneously referred to Calea. 

* I have observed another dicecious genus with naked Sn celine pappas, 
and a habit nearly similar to that of Baccharis, of which Baccharis nereifolia Linn. 
- only published species. It may be named 


Involucrum MERER, squamis coriaceis. Receptaculum nudum. Flosċuli dioici. Mas- 
culi : antheris exsertis, basi bisetis. Feminei angustiores, limbo 5-fido ; filamentis steri- 
libus: stigmatibus linguiformibus imberbibus. Pappus utriusque sexüs pilosus scaber. 

Arbusculæ vel Frutices (Africae australis) subtomentosi. Folia alterna integerrima. vel 

dentata. Inflorescentia terminalis, subracemosa. Involucra subovata, brevia : squamis 
ovatis, textura uniformi. 

Q 2 VERS, 

116 Mr. Brown’s Observations on the 

This, and not (as M. Richard has supposed) the nearly related 
species of North America, is what Linneus originally intended by — 
his Bidens nivea, as appears by the specimen in his Herbarium ; 
by his original reference to Vaillant's ** Ceratocephalus foliis 
cordatis s. triangularibus flore albo*," described from a speci- 
men in Surian's Herbarium; and by his-afterwards adding as va- 
rieties of his species the two plants from Carolina figured in 
Hortus Elthamensis. ' ! 

Calea aspera is abundantly distinct from Bidens, and has very 
little affinity with any of the original species of Calea, and least 
of all with C. jamaicensis, from which the character was taken. 
Since its appearance in Willdenow's work, however, it has been 
continued in this genus, in most of the recent catalogues of Gar- 
dens, as those of Desfontaines, Decandolle, and the second edi- 
tion of Mr. Aiton's Hortus Kewensis; and Lamarck in his Illus- 
trationes Generum has copied Jacquin's figure of it, apparently 
as the principal example of the genus Calea. | 5 

Itis certainly now too late to recur to the name of Amellus, un- 
der which Browne, as I have already attempted to prove, first pro- 
posed this plant as a distinct genus; Linneus having soon after 
given that generic name to two very different plants, to one of 
which it is still applied ; and the real plant of Browne having till 
now been mistaken, owing in part to his having entirely over- 
looked the pappus which is deciduous. 

Bidens nivea, however, as long ago as 1784 was described by 
Von Rohr, and published by him in 1792 in the second volume of 
the Transactions of the Natural History Society of Copenhagen, 
asa distinct genus, under the name of Melanthera: and in 1803 by 
Richard, in Michaux's Flora Boreali-A mericana, where it is called - 
Melananthera, and where the two species included by Linneus 

* Act. Paris. 1720, p. 327. 

natural Family of Plants called Composite. 117 

in his Bidens nivea are for the first time distinguished: and lastly 
this genus, as named and determined in the work of Michaux, is 
adopted by Persoon in his Synopsis. 

= But as both Von Rohr and Richard have given only the natural 
character of the genus, and the essential character proposed by 
Persoon is not altogether satisfactory, I have added the following, 
and adopted the more generally received name of 


( Richard) in Michaux Amer.ii.p. i06. Melanthera Von Rokr in Kio- 
— benh. Naturhist. Selskab. bind. ii. hefte 1. p. 213. Amellus 
cafa Browne Jam.317. Bidentisspecies Linn. Calezespecies Jacquin. 
Involucrum duplici serie polyphyllum, subæquale. Receptaculum 
paleaceum, convexum, paleis foliaceis. Flosculi tubulosi, uni- 
formes, hermaphroditi. Achenium turbinatum angulatum ver- 
tice depresso. Pappus e setis (2—18) scabris, distinctis, deciduis. 
Herbæ (Americe equinoctialis et temperate) pubescentes, scabra. 
Folia opposita, indivisa v. sublobata. Capitula terminalia, pe- 
dunculis unifloris, elongatis, ternatis, geminisve. Involucrum foli- 
aceum. Receptaculr hemispherici paleæ foliolis involucri subsi- 
_ miles, Corolle albide. Anthere nigricantes, appendicibus apicis 
albidis, basi mutice ; paulo post expansionem corolle exserte, dein 
( contractione filamentorum ) fauce incluse. Stigmata appendice 
acuto hispidulo, post retractionem tubi antherarum exserta ; de- . 
mum subinclusa*. | 
Oss. In Von Rohr's natural character of Melanthera the E. 
rium, or gland ular body sheathing the base of the style, is intro- 

* [n the extensive collection of plants made by my lamented friend Dr. Smith, on the 
banks of the Congo, I have observed a Syngenesious genus, which, though belonging to 
Polygamia superflua and having yellow flowers, is in other respects so nearly related to 

Melananthera, that had it been found with ripe seeds only, it would certainly have been 

118 Mr. Brown’s Observations on the 

duced, which is the earliest notice I have yet found of this - 
organ in Composite, except in Batsch's Analysis Florum, pub- 
lished in 1790, where it is both described and figured in Coreopsis 
tripteris. "The merit, however, of establishing its nearly univer- 
_ sal existence in the hermaphrodite florets of this extensive class 
belongs to M. Cassini. | 
Both Von Rohr and Richard in their characters of Melananthera 
have described the antherz as shorter than the corolla, which is- 
indeed the case in a particular state of the flower; immediately 
after its expansion, however, they project considerably, and 
again become inclosed in the more advanced stage. This fact 
has been noticed by Jacquin*, who considers the final inclo- 
sure of the antheræ to be owing to the elongation of the corolla. 
But the actual increase in length of the corolla is very slight, 
and by no means sufficient to account for the appearance; the 
real cause of which is a considerable, and I believe a gradual, 
contraction of the filaments. This ceconomy is not unfrequent 

referred to it. The following charaeters, however, prove it to be sufficiently distinet. It 
may be named 

Involucrum duplici serie imbricatum, subæquale. Receptaculum convexum, paleis folia- 
ceis, distinctis. Capitulum radiatum. Ligule (simplici serie) femineæ. Flosculi her- 
maphroditi, stigmatibus appendice acuto hispidulo. Achenia subuniformia, turbinata ;. 
Pappo setaceo, caduco. | 

Herbæ (Africæ æquinoctialis) Folia opposita, indivisa. Pedunculi terminales, terni. Invo- 
lucra brevia, foliacea. Paleæ receptaculi carinatæ, nervosce, acute. Corollule Slave. 
Ligulæ elongate, 3-dentatæ. Antheræ nigricantes, subinclusæ, basi mutica. Achenium 
oltusé tetragonum. Pappus, in disco verticis depressi, brevis, e setulis simplici serie, 
numerosis (8—10), distinctis, denticulatis, caducis vel deciduis. 

Melanantheræ proximè accedit: affinis quoque Ecliptae Linn. Wedeliæ Jacq. et Diome- 
deze Cassini (in Journ. de Phys, tome Ixxxii. p. 145.) sed ab his omnibus satis distincta. 

* Collect. ii. p. 291. Ic. Rar. iii. t. 583, 


natural Family of Plants called Composite. 119 

in Composite, especially in the tribe of Helianthee, to which 
Melananthera belongs. 

In M. Cassini's Memoir on the Stamina of Composite the retrac- 
tion of anthere is not ex pressly noticed. This appearance, how- 
ever, can hardly have escaped so accurate an observer; and his 
opinion respecting its cause may perhaps be inferred from an 
observation he has made on the stamina of the tribe in which it 
is most remarkable, namely Heliantheæ ; whose filaments below 
the joint, he says, wither very soon after foecundation*. To this 
withering, which he does not mention as occurring in any other 
tribe, the phenomenon in question may be supposed to be 
ascribed. | 

But it appears to me, that the contraction or collapse of the fila- 
ments, from their previous state of extension, is a vital action, and 
not the effect of withering or decay, which, however, speedily - 
follows it. For the contraction may in great part be prevented 
by the separation of the floret, when the filaments are in the state 
of extension : and in many genera of Composite the antheræ 
are never retracted, but continue to project till they fall off 
with the corolla. 

This contraction is also analogous to the' more evident motion 
or irritability of the filaments long ago noticed by Borelli and 
Alexander Camerarius in certain Cinarocephale ; and more 
fully described in the same tribe by Dal Covoloi; whose 
observations are confirmed and extended to other subdivi- 
sions of Composite by Koelreuter§. A similar contraction and 
* Journal de Physique, tome Ixxviii. p. 278. 

+ Ephemerid. Acad. Nat. Curios. cent. ix. et x. p. 194. 

f Discorso della Irritabilita d' alcuni Fiori. Firenze 1764. 
$ Von Einigen das Geschlecht der Planzen betreffenden versuchen. 3. fortsez. p. 125. 


190 Mr. Browx’s Observations on the 

irritability of the style has been lately described by Mr. Ker in 
certain species of Arctotis*. 

The second species added to the genus by Willdenow is Calea 
lobata, which Linneus, from the general appearance, I conclude, 
rather than from actual examination of the plant in Clifford's Her- 
barium, had referred to Conyza ; and having no specimen in his 
own Herbarium, the twofold error of supposing it to belong to 
Polygamia superflua, and to have a naked receptacle, remained. 
uncorrected in all his subsequent works. 

Its real structure was first pointed out by Professor Swartz, who 
consequently referred it to Calea, with the character of which it 
exactly agrees. - This alteration is adopted in the first edition of 
Hortus Kewensis, where the generic character of Calea is modi- 
- fied, to admit those species that are without pappus; and by 
Gertner, who limits the genus to C. lobata and C. Jamaicensis, as 
the only species that correspond with the Linnean cbaracter. But 
as C. jamaicensis, the original species of Calea, has been shown to 
have a pappus of a very different kind, it becomes necessary to 
give a new name to Calea lobata ; and some additions being also 
wanting to its generic character, I propose the following, i the 

name of s 

Calea Gert. 

Involucrum imbricatum, foliaceum. Receptaculum paleaceum, 
planiusculum. Flosculi tubulosi, uniformes, bermaphroditi. An- 
there inclusæ, basi muticæ (emarginatæ). Stigmata acuta, re- 
curva. Pappus capillaris, denticulatus, persistens. 

Frutex (Americæ æquinoctialis) erectus. Folia alterna, indivisa, 
et lobata. Corymbus terminalis, compositus. Involucri subovati fo- 

* Botanical Register, i. 34. 

natural Family of Plants called Composite. 121 

hola obtusa, nervosa. Paleze receptaculi involucro subsimiles. Co- 
rollulæ flave*. 

The third species, Calea pinifolia, is adopted from Forster's Flo- 
rule Insularum Australium Prodromus. 

The specimen of this plant in George Forster's Herbarium (now 
forming part of the extensive collection of Mr. Lambert) is very 
imperfect ; it evidently, however, belongs to the same species with 
a more complete specimen received, without a name, from Forster 
by Sir Joseph Banks, in whose Herbarium I have examined it, and 
ascertained that it has a naked receptacle. It therefore cannot be 
a species of Calea, which I have no doubt Forster considered it 
merely from a certain degree of resemblance to his Calea leptophylla. 
From the structure of its stigmata, antheræ, and involucrum, Ca- 
lea pinifolia belongs, indeed, to a very different tribe, and might 
even be referred to Gnaphalium as it at present stands. But this 
extensive and ill defined genus evidently requires reformation : 

* There are two other genera in many respects agreeing with the character here given 
of Neurolæna, which it is necessary to point out. The first is Carphephorus of M. Cas- 
sini (in Bulletin des Sciences 1816, p. 198), sufficiently distinct in having the stigmata of 
. Eupatorium or Liatris with the habit of the latter, from some species of which it differs 
only in its receptacle having paleæ. The second, not yet described, may be named 


Involucrum imbricatum, turbinatum, scariosum. Receptaculum: paleis distinctis. Flosculi 
tubulosi, uniformes, limbo revoluto. Anther@ exsertæ, basi bisetæ. Stigmata filifor- 

ə Mia, acuta, hispidula, Pappus pilosus. 

Frutex (Brasiliensis) ramosissimus, decumbens ? Folia alterna, integerrima, subtus incana. 

. Involucra axillaria et terminalia, fasciculata, glabrata, squamis sessilibus obtusiusculis 
enerviis, textura uniformi. Paleæ receptaculi squamis intimis involucri subsimiles, 
et una cum iisdem deciduæ. Corollule glabræ. Sete antherarum integerrime. Pappus 
albus, radiis simplici serie, : 

Ogs. Ihave not seen perfect seeds; and as even in the unripe state they fall off along with 
the inner squamæ of the involucrum, and the anther project in a remarkable degree, 
it is possible the plant here described may be only the male of a dicecious species: it cer- 
tainly, however, belongs to a genus not before published. 

VOL. XII. R and 

199 Mr. Brown’s Observations on the 

and if the necessity for its subdivision be admitted, it will also, I 
believe, be found most expedient to apply the name Gnaphalium 
to that section to which G. luteo-album, sylvaticum, and uliginosum 
belong, and which is characterized by its naked receptacle, its 
involucrum connivent at top and of equal height with the truncated 
capitulum, which consists of numerous filiform female florets in the 
circumference, with a smaller number of hermaphrodite florets in. 
the disk, both of them ripening seeds and a a sessile capil- 
lary deciduous pappus. 

To Gnaphalium so limited Calea pinifolia, a shrub with pearl y 
acerose leaves, and in which all or most of the flosculi are her- 
maphrodite and the radii ofthe persistent pappus somewhat thick- 
ened upwards, cannot be referred. 

It seems, however, to approach more nearly to Antennaria, a 
genus separated from Gnaphalium by Gertner, but which, as he has 
proposed it, consists of three tribes of plants sufficiently dissimilar 
in habit and structure to justify a further subdivision; and, what 
is remarkable, none of them entirely agreeing with his generic 
character. | 

The first tribe consists of herbaceous plants, natives of Europe 
and North America, having the male and female flosculi in di- 
stinct involucra and on different individuals. To this genus the 
name ANTENNARIA* may remain, though descriptive of the 

; pappus 

Antennariæ species. Gaertner. Gnaphalii species. Linn. Jussieu. 

Involucrum imbricatum, scariosum, coloratum. Receptaculum epaleatum, scrobiculatum. 
Flosculi dioici. Masculi: antheris basi bisetis : stigmatibus truncatis; Pappo vel peni- 
- v. apice incrassato. Feminei filiformes, limbo parvo: staminum rudimentis nul- 

: Pappo capillari. 1 ; 
nas perennes, tomentosee, incanæ. Folia plana, adulta scepe super glabriuscula ; radi- 
calia in plerisque latiora. Inflorescentia corymbosa rar solitaria.  Involueri turbi- 
nali vel quandoque hemisphærici squamae e basi calycina superne colorate (albæ v. pur- 
purascentes). Corollulæ flave, Antheræ semiexserte. Pappus marium niveus, opacus. 

natural Family of Plants called Composite. 123 

pappus of the male flower only. Its species are Gnaphalium dioi- 
cum Linn., alpinum L., carpaticum Wablenberg, plantagineum L., 
and G. margaritaceum L. 

The second tribe, consisting of Gnaphalium Leontopodium and 

Oss. Gnaphalium margaritaceum, which l have referred to this genus, was first described 
by Clusius ; from whose account it appears to have been introduced i into the English gar- 
- dens from Ainerica towards the end of the sixteenth century, 

It has ever since been very generally cultivated, as an ornamental plant, both in this 

country and on the continent of Europe; and has a place in several of the European Floras, 

. as well as in those of North America. It is surprising, therefore, that hitherto the male plant 
only should have been observed, uniformly, however, considered as hermaphrodite, except 
by M. Cassini, who in his first memoir on Synantheræ (in Journal de Physique, tome Ixxvi. 
p. 200) suspects it to be male, from the imperfect appearance of the ovarium. 

That this species of Gnaphalium is really dicecious, I learned several years ago from 
the inspection of a specimen of the female plant in the Herbarium of Sir Joseph Banks, 
who found it on the banks of the Rymney in Glamorganshire, where the plant was first 
observed by Lhwyd. I have since received several specimens of both sexes from Mr. Bi- 
cheno, to whom 1 had mentioned this fact, and who obligingly undertook to observe 
the different states of the plant in the same place, where it seems to be really indigenous. 
I have never been able to discover any female florets in the circumference of the capitu- 
lum of the male plant; but in the centre of the female capitulum I have always found 
two or three imperfect male florets, whose antherze, although cohering and of the usual 
form, appear to be destitate of pollen. 

The separation of sexes in a still more common plant of this class, namely, — 
tinctoria, has been equally overlooked. 

All the authors who have noticed this species, which —— in almost every is 
pean Flora, as well as in more than one recent Monograph of the genus, have considered. 

it as hermaphrodite, while it really belongs to Polygamia dicecia, or has its perfect sexual 
-organs on different plants. The hermaphrodite plant, apparently perfect, but which I 
believe very seldom ripens sced, is well figured by Schkuhr (in Botanisches Handbuch, 
tab. 234); and the female, whose stigmata are remarkably developed and undulated, 
while the antheræ are evidently imperfect, and which generally produces ripe seeds, is 
represented in English Botany (tab. 38), in Flora Danica (281), and probably also in 
Svensk Botanik (170). For my knowledge of this fact respecting Serratula tinctoria I 
am indebted to the Rev. Robert Bree of Camberwell, who pointed out to me both its 
states, which he was then disposed to consider as distinct species, 

R 2 Leonto- 

124 Mr. Brown’s Observations on the 

Leontopodioides, which may be called LeonropopiuM, is in affi- 
nity intermediate between Antennaria and Gnaphalium as here 
limited, but has sufficient characters to distinguish it from both. 

The third tribe has been found only in South Africa, and con- 
sists of shrubs with small rigid heath-like leaves, of which the 
margins are incurved, the upper surface tomentose, and the un- 
der convex and nearly smooth; but by a remarkable twisting 
they are in most of the species resupinate; a character which 
seems to have been overlooked in all the described species ; 
namely, Gnaphalium muricatum, mucronatum, and seriphioides. In 
this tribe, or genus, which may be named MzraArasrA, the invo- 
lucrum is generally cylindrical, and in most of the species has a 
short radius formed by the spreading coloured lamine of the inner 
scales; the flosculi are few in number, and all hermaphrodite ; 
and the radii of the pappus, which fall off separatel y, are either 
thickened or more strongly toothed at top. 

Calea pinifolia does not even belong to this genus, though it 
has a nearly similar habit; but the margins of its leaves are revo- 
lute, and their tomentum chiefly on the under surface. In these 
respects, as well as in the principal characters of fructification, it 
agrees with several shrubs, chiefly of New Holland and Van 
Diemen’s Island ; among which are Eupatorium ferrugineum, Eu- 
patorium rosmarinifolium, and Chrysocoma cinerea of M. Labillar- 
diere. Part of these have the inner squamæ of the involucrum 
simple, as seems to be the case in Calea pinifolia ; while in others, 
as the two species referred to Eupatorium by M. Labillardiere, 
they form a short radius. ‘These I am inclined to consider merely 
sections of one and the same genus, which may be distinguished 
by the following character, and named 


natural Family of Plants called Composite. © 125 


Involucrum imbricatum, scariosum, coloratum. Receptaculum epa- 
leatum, glabrum.  Flosculi (pauciores quam 20) tubulosi, vel 
omnes hermaphroditi, vel paucissimi feminei angustiores in 
ambitu. Anthere (inclusæ,) basi bisetze. Stigmata apice obtuso 
subtruncato hispidulo. Pappus sessilis, pilosus, nunc penicilla- 
tus, persistens. 

Frutices(Novæ Hollandiæ et Nove Zelandiæ, vix Africae australis,) 
graveolentes, tomentosi. Folia sparsa, integerrima, marginibus sæ- 
pius recurvis. Inflorescentia terminalis, corymbosa v. congesta. 
Involucra alba v. cinerea : squamis intimis nunc conformibus et con- 
niventibus ; nunc laminis patulis niveis radium brevem obtusum ef- 
formantibus. Corollule lutee. Pappus albus. 

The fourth species added to Calea by Willdenow is Calea lepto- 
phylla of Forster, whose specimens I have examined in Mr. Lam- 
bert’s Herbarium. Amongst Forster's drawings, formerly referred 
to, there is a coloured figure of this plant, by which it appears that 
he originally considered it to belong to Gnaphalium. From this 
genus he afterwards removed it, probably on finding it referred 
to Calea in the collection of Sir Joseph Banks, by whom it was 
discovered in New Zealand in a more perfect, at least in a more 
luxuriant state. | | 

This plant, though agreeing with Calea in every part of the 
Linnean essential character, differs remarkably from it in other 
points of nearly equal importance, as well as in habit; and along 
with Calea aculeata of M. Labillardiere, and several other species 
also natives of New Holland and Van Diemen's Island, constitutes 
a genus very nearly related to Ozothamnus, from which it is to be 
distinguished chiefly by the palez of its receptacle. 

I propose 

126 Mr. Brown’s Observations on the 

I propose to name this genus in honour of M. Henri Cassini, 
whose well conducted investigation of Compositæ has already 
thrown much light on the structure and economy of the more im- 
portant parts of fructification of this difficult class: and espe- 
cially of those organs from which the distinguishing characters of 
Cassinia are here derived. — 

I shall add the characters of the species of this genus, which, 
like Ozothamnus, admits of subdivision into two sections; and I 
have appended to it Calea spectabilis of Labillardiere, a plant cor- 
responding with it in character, but differing very much in habit 
from all the other species. 

Caleæ sp. Labillardiere. 

Involucrum imbricatum, scariosum, pauciflorum. Receptaculum : 
paleis distinctis, squamis intimis involucri subsimilibus. . Flosculi 
tubulosi, vel omnes hermaphroditi vel paucissimi feminei an- 
gustiores in ambitu. Antherz (inclusz) basi bisetæ. Stigmata 
apice obtuso subtruncato hispidulo. Pappus pilosus v. penicil- 

latus, persistens. | 

Frutices. Folia sparsa, sepius angustata, marginibus recurvis. In- 
florescentia terminalis, corymbosa rariusve paniculata. Involucra 
alba nunc cinerea raro aurea ; squamis intimis sepius apice conni- 
ventibus, nunc patulis et radium brevem obtusum efformantibus. 

T Involucrum radiatum (squamis intimis apice patulis). 
1. C. leptophylla, foliis lineari-lingulatis subter ramulisque inca- 
nis, corymbis terminalibus, involucris turbinatis. 
- Calea. leptophylla. Forst. Prodr. n. 287. Willd. Sp. Pl. iii. 


p. 1796. Persoon Syr ii. e - a Poiret Enci ycl. Suppl. ii. 
p. 28. dns ; 


natural Family of Plants called Composite. — 197 

Loc. Nat. Nove Zelandiæ campi arenosi prope Tolaga, &c. 
D. Banks. Prope Queen Charlotte's Sound J. G. Fors- 
ter. (v.s. in Herb. Banks et G. Forster). 

TT Involucrum connivens. 
A. Fruticose. ` 

C. denticulata, foliis ovalibus oblongisve acutis spinuloso-den- 
ticulatis subter tomentosis, corymbis compositis, involucris 


. Loc. Nat. Nove Hollandiæ ora orientalis prope Port Jackson. 

David Burton. (v.s. in Herb. Banks.) | 

C. longifolia, foliis lanceolato-linearibus elongatis levibus sub- 
ter tomentosis, corymbis decompositis,involucris turbinatis. - 
Loc. Nat. Nove Hollandis ora orientalis prope Port Jackson; 

in dumetis. (v. v.) 

C. aurea, foliis lanceolato-linearibus elongatis levibus subter 
glandulosis, corymbis decompositis, involucris ovalibus: 

squamis apice aureis. 
Loc. Nat. Novæ Hollandiz ora orientalis prope Port Jackson; 

in sylvis et dumetis. (v. v.) 

. C. aculeata, foliis angusto-linearibus margine revolutis super 

hispidulis subter ramulisque incanis, corymbis compositis 
decompositisve congestis, involucris turbinatis. 

. Calea aculeata. . Labill. Nov. Holl. ii. p. 41. t. 185. Persoon 

Syn. ii. p. 406. Poiret Encycl. Suppl. ii. p. 28. 
Loc. Nat. Insula Van Diemen; in dumetis et ad ripas fluv. 

(v. v.) 

C. affinis, foliis angustato-linearibus margine revolutis super 

128 Mr. Brown’s Observations on the 

_hispidulis subter concoloribus, corymbis decompositis con- 
- gestis, involucris turbinatis. 
Loc. Nat. Noyæ Hollandiz ora orientalis prope Port Jack- 
son; in dumetis. D.G. Caley. (v. s.) 
Oss. C. aculeatæ nimis affinis. 

7. C. levis, foliis angustissime linearibus margine revolutis super 
lzevibus subter ramulisque incano-tomentosis, corymbis 
. compositis, involucris congestis cylindraceis. 
Loc. Nat. Nove Hollandiz ora australis; in campis ad ra- 
dices montium prope ortum Spencer's Gulph. (v. v.) 

8. C. arcuata, foliis angustissime linearibus margine revolutis. 
super lævibus subter ramulisque incano-tomentosis, pani- 
cula pyramidata, involucris spicatis cylindraceis arcuatis. 

Loc. Nat. Nove Hollandiz ora australis ; in campis elevatis 
prope ortum Spencer’s Gulph. (v.v.) NO 

9. C. quinquefaria, foliis angustissime linearibus super ramulis- 
que glabris, panicula decomposita, involucris turbinatis : 
squamis 5-fariis. 

Loc. Nat. Nove Hollandiz ora orientalis prope Port Jack- 
son; in montosis. D, G. Caley. (v. s.) 

Tt B. Herbacea. 
10. C. spectabilis, panicula decomposita, foliis lanceolatis decur- 
rentibus subter ramisque lanatis. 

Calea spectabilis, Labill. Nov. Holl. ii. p. 42. t. 186. Per- 

soon Syn. ii. p. 406. Poiret Encycl. Suppl. ii. p. 28. 

Loc. Nat. Nove Hollandiz ora australis; in sylvis dumetis- 
que prope Memory Cove, Port Lincoln, &c. legi. In 
Insula Van Diemen a D. Labillardiere detecta. (v. v.) 

| Since 

natural Family of Plants called Composite. 129 

Since the publication of Willdenow's Species Plantarum very 
few alterations have been made in the genus Calea. 

In Persoon’s Synopsis two of the species are excluded : namely, 
Calea scoparia, which, following Swartz, he has referred to Bac- 
charis; and Calea aspera, adopted from Richard as a species of 
Melananthera. The additional species in the work referred to are 
C. cordifolia of Swartz, already noticed as a genuine Calea ; C. acu- 
leata and spectabilis of Labillardiere, which -belong to Cassinia ; 
and C. cordata, adopted from Loureiro, of whose plant nothing is ` 
known except from the short description in Flora Cochinchinensis, 
which is only sufficient to render it probable that it neither belongs 
to Calea as I have proposed to limit it, nor to any of the genera 
hitherto confounded with it. | 

M. Poiret, in the Supplement to the Botanical Dictionary of the 
Encyclopédie Méthodique, has under the article Calea retained 
all the species of this genus given by Persoon ; and also Calea 
aspera; which, however, he has in a subsequent article correctly 
referred to Melananthera. 

Connected with the proper subject of this paper, I shall describe 
and add some observations on a plant lately sent from Brazil by 
Mr. Sellow ; which, though not strictly referable to Composite, 
probably belongs to a genus at present included in this family; and 
conclude with a few remarks on the structure and affinities of 
Brunonia. | 

I have named the Brazil plant 


Herba annua? glaberrima, ramosa, diffusa. Rami adscendentes, 
angulati. Folia sparsa, petiolata, exstipulata, spathulata mu-. 
cronulo brevissimo, sesquiuncialia, crassiuscula ? glauca? sæ- 
piùs integerrima ; inferiora quandoque estra medium dentata. 

OZ XII. * Petioli 

130 Mr. Brown’s Observations on the 

Petioli lineares basi parum dilatata semiamplexicauli; infe- 
riores elongati ; superiores plerumque folio aliquoties breviores. 
Capitula solitaria, nunc oppositifolia pedunculata, nunc ter- 
 minalia subsessilia, basiflora, ovata, flava. Involucrum sim- 
plici serie pentaphyllum, capitulum floridum superans, folia- 
ceum; foliolis inaequalibus spathulatis sessilibus integerrimis 
ipsa basi connatis. Receptaculum subulato-conicum, palea- 
ceum. Palee lanceate mucronulatæ, inter flosculos herma- 
phrodito-masculos magis manifeste, inter hermaphroditos pas- 
sim abortientes. Flosculi tubulosi, uniformes, glabri. | 
Flosculi ambitás, duplici triplicive serie, hermaphroditi, utroque 
organo perfecto. Corolle Tubus gracilis cylindraceus, cum ova- 
rio continuus, basique stylo accretus, per lentem 10-striatus. 
- Limbus infundibuliformis, 5-fidus, æstivatione valvata ; laciniis 
| semilanceolatis, planis, trinerviis; nervis lateralibus margine 
~ parallelo-approximatis, indivisis, apice confluentibus, e nervis 
alternis tubi infra sinus furcatis ortum ducentibus. +. 
Stamina 5 epipetala, limbi laciniis alternantia. 
Filamenta inferne cum tubo arcte connata, superne libera, fauci 
quasi inserta, invicem cohærentia in tubulum 5-dentatum, ipsis 
- apicibus,subito mutatione texture, articulatis; basi intus incras- 
satum arcis 5 oblongis cum filamentorum axibus alternantibus. 
Anthere continuæ, lineares, dimidio inferiore arcte coherentes, 
superiore liberæ ; biloculares, loculis longitudinaliter dehiscen- 
tibus, valvula interiore angustiore, receptaculo pollinis utrius- 
que loculi longitudinali septiformi: basi emarginate, lobulis 
posticis acutiusculis brevibus polliniferis ; apice simplices con- 
nectivo ultra loculos haud producto. Pollen subglobosum, per 
lentem pluries augentem obsolete angulatum. 
Ovaria-connata, singula coronata calyce 5-fido dentibus spinescen- 
tibus cum laciniis limbi corollæ alternantibus; monosperma, 

natural Family of Plants called Composite. 13} 

ovulo ovato pendulo, paulo infra apicem affixo funiculo crassi- 
usculo ex ipso apice angustato cavitatis orto; chorda vascu- 
lari a puncto insertionis ad extremitatem inferiorem ejusdem 
lateris attingenti. Stylus filiformis glaber, inferne cum basi 
tubi corollæ connatus. Stigma simplex obtusum hispidulum. 

Flosculi superiores numerosi hermaphrodito-masculi, paulo minorés 
hermaphroditis, calycis laciniis submembranaceis ; ovariis (pari- 
ter connatis) imperfectis, sæpius absque ovulo. 

Pericarpia (flosculorum ambitüs) : Achenia conferruminata, sin- 
. gula..coronata. calyce aucto 5-spinoso, spinis patulis conico- 
_ subulatis e substantia suberosa axi solidiori rigida. 

Fees pendulum, ovatum extremitate superiore acuminato : testa 
membranacea: membrana propria nucleo adherens. Albumen 
figura seminis, carnosum, copiosum, album. Embryo axilis, 
subcylindraceus, longitudine fere albuminis, albus, dicotyledo- 
neus. Cotyledones lineares, obtuse, plano-convexæ, vix longitu- 
dine Radicule cylindraceæ, supera. 

Notwithstanding the great difference between my account of 
this plant and that given by M. de Jussieu of his Acicarpha tribu- 
loides, Y have very little doubt that they both belong to the same 
genus; though from the above description it is evident that Aci- 
carpha spathulata is not referable to Composite. To this plant 
Calycera of Cavanilles, in the seeds of which M. Correa has found 
albumen, seems to be very nearly related; and a third genus, 
probably referable to this group, is Boopis, described by M. de 
Jussieu in the same Memoir with Acicarpha; The important 
characters, however, of the pendulous ovulum and inverted em- 
bryo remain to be ascertained in all these; and the presence 
of albumen in Acicarpha tribuloides (in Acicarpha lanata of La- 
gasca in Pers. Syn. ii. p. 488, if it really belong to this gentis), and 

s 2 in 

132 Mr. Brown’s Observations on the 

in both species of Boopis. Another question respecting the lat- 
ter genus is, whether its capitulum be simple, as it certainly is in 
Acicarpha spathulata; or compound, as Jussieu's figure of Boopis 
anthemoides seems to indicate. 3 | 

In the mean time, with the necessary knowledge of structure of 
Acicarpha spathulata only, I shall venture to propose this group 
as a distinct natural family to be placed between Composite and 
Dipsaceæ ; though upon the whole somewhat more nearly ap- 
proaching to Composite. This family, if my conjectures respect- 
ing Calycera and Boopis should be hereafter verified, may be 
called CatycerEem; Acicarpha even as a generic name being 
barely tenable, provided the original species agrees with that 
here described : for on this supposition, M. de Jussieu has mis- 
taken the laciniæ of the perianthium for palez of the receptacle, 
deriving the name of the genus from their form ; and has entirely 
overlooked the real paleæ, which, though they could not have 
suggested this name, may however sanction its being retained, if 
it be not still better to change it to Acicarpa. 

It will be attended with similar advantage to form a separate 
family of [e 
Brunoyia, | 
as a link of equal importance, connecting Composite with Good- 
enoviæ, but from both of which it is in many respects very distinct. 
As I have formerly described this genus, and made several obser- 
vations on its principal affinities*, I shall here only state the 
more important relations and distinctions between it and those 
families to which it appears to me most nearl y to approach. 
Brunonia agrees with Goodenovie in the remarkable indusium 
of the stigma ; in the structure and connexion of the anthere ; in 

* Prodr, Flor, Nov. Holl; p. 589. 

natural Family of Plants called Composite. 133 

the seed being erect; and essentially in the æstivation of corolla. 
It differs from them in having both calyx and corolla distinct 
from the ovarium ; in the disposition of vessels in the corolla; in 
the filaments being jointed at top; in the seed being without al- 
bumen ; and in its remarkable inflorescence, compatible, indeed, 
with the nature of the irregularity in the corolla of Goodenovie, but 
which can hardly coexist with that characterizing Lobeliacee*. 

With Composite it agrees essentially in inflorescence; in the æsti- 
vation of corolla; in the remarkable joint or change of texture in 
the apex of its filaments; and in the structure of the ovarium and 
seed. It differs from them in having ovarium liberum or superum ; 
in the want of a glandular disk; in the immediately hypogynous 
insertion of the filaments; in the indusium of the stigma; and 
in the vascular structure of the corolla, whose tube has. five 
nerves only, and these continued through the axes of the laciniæ, 
either terminating simply (as is at least frequently the case in 
Brunonia sericea), or (as in B. australis) dividing at top into two 
recurrent branches forming lateral nerves, at first sight resembling 
those of Composite, but which hardly reach to the base of the 

It is a curious ciscpmatance that Brunonia should so completely 
differ from Composite in the disposition of vessels of the corolla, 
while both orders agree in the no less remarkable structure of the 
jointed filament; a character which had been observed in a 
| very few Composite T only before the publication of M. Cassini's 
second Dissertation, where it is proved to be nearly universal in 

thbeorder.. . 
In the opposite parietes of the ovarium of Brunonia two nerves 
. or vascular cords are observable, which are continued into the 

style, where they become approximated and parallel. This struc- 

* See Flinders’s Voyage to Terra Australis, ii, p. 559. 
+ Batsch Anal, Flor. p. 107; et Schkuhr Handb. tab, 236 et 244, 
° ture, 

134 - — Mr. Brown’s Observations on the 

ture, so nearly resembling that of Composite, seems to strengthen 
the analogical argument in favour of the hypothesis advanced in 
the present paper—of the compound nature of the pistillum in 
that order, and of its type in pheenogamous plants generally ;— 
Brunonia having an obvious and near affinity to Goodenovie, in 
the greater part of whose genera the ovarium has actually two 
cells with one or an indefinite number of ovula in each ; while in 
a few genera of the same order, as Dampiera, Diaspasis, and cer- 
tain species of Scevola, it is equally reduced to one cell anda single 
ovulum.. | 

Sir James Smith, in establishing Brunonia as a genus, is disposed 
to refer it to Dipsacea. To certain species of this order it, indeed, 
bears a striking resemblance in habit; it also very nearly agrees 
with them in its remarkable inflorescence ; and one great objec- 
tion to its union with them may be supposed to be removed in 
adopting M. Decandolle’s account of their ovarium. = = 

But as Brunonia differs from the whole order in the following 
characters, all of which are of primary importance ;—namely, in 
the origin and estivation of corolla ; in the insertion and whole 
structure of stamina; in the indusium of the stigma ; in the ovu- 
lum being inserted at the base of the cavity of the ovarium ; in 
the erect embryo and want of albumen ;—1 continue to think that 

its proper place in the natural method is between Goodenovie and 
Composite. ! ; | 

- 4 shall conclude this subject, by proposing a few queries re- 
specting the indusium of Brunonia and Goodenovie. 

Is this remarkable covering of the stigma in these families 
merely a process of the apex of the style? or is it a part of di- 
stinct origin, though intimately cohering with the pistillum ? On 
the latter supposition, may it not be considered as analogous to 
the glandular disk surrounding or crowning the ovarium in many 

. other 

natural Family of Plants called Composite. 135 

other families? And, in adopting the hypothesis I have formerly 
advanced* respecting the nature of this disk in certain families, 
—namely, that it is composed of a series of modified stamina,— 
has not the part in question a considerable resemblance in appa- 
rent origin and division to the stamina of the nearly-related family 
Stylidee ? | | 

To render this supposition somewhat less paradoxical, let the 
comparison be made especially between the indusium of Brunonia 
and the imperfect antheræ in the female flowers of Forstera. Lastly, 
connected with this view, it becomes of importance to ascertain 
whether the stamina in Stylidee are opposite to the segments of 
calyx or of corolla. The latter disposition would be in favour of 
the hypothesis. This, however, is a point which will not be very 
easily determined, the stamina being lateral. In the mean time, 
the existence and division of the corona faucis in Stylidium render 
it not altogether improbable that they are opposite to the seg- 
ments of the corolla. 


Since the preceding paper was submitted to the Society, 
M. Cassini has published + the substance of a Memoir, which he 
read to the Academy of Sciences of Paris in August last, on a 
new family of plants named by him BooPrpzEz, and consisting of 
Calycera, Boopis, and Acicarpha. I have also, through the libe- 
rality of Messrs. de Jussieu, Desfontaines, and Baron Delessert, 
had the opportunity of examining specimens of Acicarpha tribu- 
loides in flower and fruit, of both species of Boopis in flower, and 
detached flowers and pericarpia of Calycera. In allof these I 
have found the ovulum pendulous; and in Acicarpha and Caly- 
cera an inverted embryo occupying the axis of a fleshy albumen. 

* Linn. Soc, Transact. x. p. 159, t Bulletin des Sciences, 1816, p. 160. 

136 Mr. Brown’s Observations on the 

My conjectures, therefore, on their structure and relation to Aci- - 
carpha spathulata of the preceding paper, are completely verified 
by this examination, as well as by the observations of M. Cassini, 
who with his usual acuteness has detected the principal charac- 
ters distinguishing Boopidee from Composite and Dipsacez, be- 
tween which he has also placed them. 

As M. Cassini's Memoir, though read subsequently to mine, is 
already published, the name Calyceree, which I have proposed 
for this family, is superseded by that which he has given it. 

But as his account of the order is by no means complete, seve- 
ral characters of considerable, though not primary, importance 
being entirely omitted, I may be allowed to add to my paper 
some remarks on the more essential points of resemblance and 
difference between it and the two families to which it is most 
nearly related. ion | | | 

The principal characters distinguishing Boopidee from the 
whole of Composite are the pendulous ovulum and the albumen 
inclosing the embryo, of which the radicle points to the apex of 
the pericarpium. It appears to me necessary to state all these 
characters, and nearly in the terms in which they are here given : 
for, Ist, A pendulous ovulum most frequently, indeed, is not, 
however, invariably connected with radicula supera, though that 
direction of radicle might here, as well as in Composite, with con- 
fidence have been inferred from the vascular structure of the ovu- 
lum*. 2dly, Where the insertion of the ovulum is, as in this fa- 
mily, evidently below the upper extremity, the radicle which 

* Some of the indications in many cases afforded by the structure of the unimpregnated 
ovulum, of the position and direction of the parts of the future embryo, have hitherto been 
overlooked : the subject, however, for its elucidation requires details incompatible with the 
limits of the present communication, I have in another place (Flinders's Voyage to Terra 

Australis, ii. p. 601.) thrown out a similar hint, which has probably attracted no attention, 
aud must reserve the explanation of both for a separate essay, 


natural Family of Plants called Composite. 137 

points to this extremity cannot in strict propriety be described as 
directed towards the umbilicus. M. Cassini has not noticed the 
direction of the radicle; either from supposing it constantly con- 
nected with that of the ovulum, or, which is more probable, from 
not having ascertained it. 

_ These distinctive characters may be considered as fully sufficient 
to authorize the separation of Boopidee from Composite ; yet the 
same differences exist between certain genera referred and really 
belonging to Rubiacee and the principal part of that order. 

. There are, however, three other characters unnoticed by M.Cas- 
sini, which distinguish the flowers of Boopideæ from the herma- 
phrodite flowers of the whole of Composite; namel y, the accretion 
of the base of the style with the tube of the corolla; the absence of 
the epigynous disk or nectarium ; and the longitudinal subdivision 
of each cell of the anthera by a “receptaculum pollinis,” as in most 

- . other families,and of which, indeed, there seems to be the rudiment 

in the syngenesious genus Petrobium, described in the preceding 

In the partial cohesion of the anthere, in which they resemble 
Jasione, they certainly differ from all known Composite: but as 
in certain Composite the anthere are very slightly connected or 
entirely distinct ;—this, though a remarkable circumstance, can 
hardly be employed as a distinguishing character. 

‘The principal characters in which Boopideæ differ from the 
greater part, though not from the whole of Compositæ, are the 
corolla being continuous, or not jointed, with the ovarium ; the 
antheræ having no membranaceous appendix at top; and the un- — 
divided stigma. : 

Boopide« differ from Dipsaceæ in the vascular structure and val- 
vular estivation of corolla; in the estivation, insertion, and con- 

VOL. xtti. T nexion 

138 Mr. Brown’s Observations on the 

nexion of anthere; in the absence of the partial involucrum ; 
and in having alternate leaves. 

In adopting M. Decandolle's description of Dipsacee*, they 
would differ also in the important character of *ovarium inferum." 
This distinction, however, is neither universal, nor I believe abso- 
lute in any case. x j 

M. Auguste Saint Hilaire in his excellent Memoir on Primula- 
cee t, while he admits the correctness of M. Decandolle's account 
with respect to great part of Dipsaceæ, has at the same time well 
observed, that in several species of Scabiosa the ovarium is entirely 
united with the tube of the calyx. But neither of these authors 
has remarked the curious, and I believe peculiar, circumstance, of 
the base of the style cohering with the narrow apex of the tube of 
the calyx, even in those species of the order in which the dilated 
part of the tube is entirely distinct from the ovarium. 

“This kind of partial cohesion between pistillum and calyx is - 
directly opposite to what usually takes place, namely, the base of 
the ovarium being coherent, while its upper part is distinct. It 
equally, however, determines the apparent origin or insertion of 
corolla and stamina, producing the unexpected combination of 
* flos superus” with ** ovarium liberum." 

In the vascular structure of the corolla Boopidee may be con- 
sidered as essentially agreeing with Composite, in many of whose 
genera the middle nerves of the tube and segments are equally 
manifest. In stating the character derived from this source in 
either of these orders, it is not sufficient to describe the nerves of 
the laciniæ only as M. Mirbel has done in his character of Com- 
posite}, and M. Cassini in that of Boopideæ : but it is also neces- 

* Flor. Frane: o ed. vol. iv. p. Et. + Mem. du Mus. d’Hist, Natur. ii, p. 47. 
f Elemens de Physiol, Veget. et de Botan. ii. p. 885. | 

natural Family of Plants called Composite. 139 

sary to give their disposition in the tube or undivided part of the 
limb; there being instances in both families where the lateral nerves 
of the segments do not unite at top; and, as has been formerly 
. remarked, several examples in other families of a nearly similar 
disposition in the segments, accompanied by a different dispo- 
sition in the tube. To the examples of this kind formerly given, 
Globularia cordifolia may be added, in the segments of whose 
lower lip there are three simple nerves, of which the lateral do 
not unite at top, and continue distinct nearly to the base of the 
tube, where they converge and appear to unite with the middle 
nerve. ; | | Eo 

In Acicarpha and Boopis the filaments appear to me jointed as 
in Composite ; a character I have not been able to observe in 
the very few flowers which I have examined of Calycera. 

In Acicarpha the florets of the circumference are hermaphro- 
dite and apparently complete, the antheræ containing pollen and 
the ovaria producing seed ; while those of the disk are male with 
an incomplete pistillum. Such an arrangement has not hitherto 
been observed in Composite, in which, wherever the central flo- 
rets are male with an imperfect pistillum, those of the circumfe- 
rence are female with or without the rudiments of stamina. 

The regularity in the order of expansion of flowers from the 
base to the top of the capitulum in Acicarpha tribuloides and spa- 
thulata, and the irregularity, approaching to the inverted order, 
which I have found to exist in both species of Boopis, seem to 
prove the capitulum to be simple in the former genus and com- 
pound in the latter, notwithstanding the great resemblance be- 
tween theirinvolucra. ‘The exact nature of its composition, how- 
ever, in Boopis can only be satisfactorily determined in recent 
specimens. ` 

T 2 This 

140 | Mr. Brown’s Observations on the 

This irregular expansion in Boopis, which renders even the gc- 
neric name improper, and at present the want of satisfactory cha- 
racters to distinguish it from Calycera, are objections to the name 
M. Cassini has chosen for this family ; while thatof Calyceree, which 
I have proposed, derived from the genus first described, and appli- 
cable to all the genera of the order, appears to me unexception- 
able: especially as there seems no reason to doubt that the part 
which I have considered as calyx in Boopidee is really such; its 
divisions being generally in equal number, and alternating with 
those of the corolla. It may be observed that a like alternation 
of the divisions of the pappus with the segments of the corolla 
obtains in those genera of Composite where both parts are in 
equal number. But in some cases, where the division of pappus 
is still further reduced, the same alternation does not exist, espe- 
cially in those genera having verticall y compresscd pericarpia and 
two aristæ, as Spilanthus and Salmea. 6005 uei 

The absence of * discus epigynus" in Boopideæ is a necessary 
consequence of the accretion of the base of the style with the tube 
of the corolla. It seems to me, however, that a modification of the 
same organ may be traced in the five thickened areolæ observa- 
ble within and near the base of the tube formed by the filaments 
in Acicarpha spathulata; and much more distinctly in the same 
situation in Boopis balsamitifolia, where they have the appearance 
of five adnate fleshy bodies alternating with the filaments. 

This apparent decom position of the glandular disk in Boopidee, 
compared with its state in Composite, as well as its transposition 
and the alternation of its parts with the stamina, seem to give 
some additional support to the conjecture I have formerly ha- 
zarded in the paper on Proteacee, published in the Society’s Trans- 
actions (vol. x. p. 159); namely, that in several families—for the 

| hypothesis 

natural Family of Plants called Composita. 141 

hypothesis not meant to be extended to all—this part, even in its 
simplest state, may be considered as formed of a series of modified 
stamina: Or, merely to state the facts from which the conjecture 
originates, that there are certain families in some of whose genera 
this organ exists in its simplest form, that of an undivided fleshy 
ring; while in other genera of the same families it consists of 
several distinct bodies alternating with the stamina, and in some 
cases putting on the appearance of barren filaments. 

This hypothesis is chiefly applicable to families in which the 
number of stamina is equal to the divisions of one floral envelope 
only, the nectarium being supposed to be formed of the second 
series: but it receives its principal support from Scitaminee*, where 
the glandular bodies belong actually to the same series with the 
perfect stamen. 

I am aware at the same time of several objections to its gene- 
ralization. Thus, the nectarium or glandular disk exists in fami- 
lies where, though the stamina are definite, they are equal in num- 
ber to the divisions of calyx and corolla united ; and moreover, 
in such families where it consists of distinct parts, these parts are 
placed where an addition to the number of stamina is least likely 
to take place, as in Crassulacee. Here, however, as in many 
other cases, the divisions of the disk are opposite to the ovaria ; 
they may therefore be supposed more intimately connected with 
the pistilla than with the stamina; an opinion which is I believe 
held, though not yet published, by the ingenious M. Decandolle 
with respect to Ranunculacez. In support of this opinion it may 
be noticed that in Paonia Moutan, where the disk or urceolus is in 
the state of the greatest development, when a multiplication of the 
pistilla takes place, which in the double-flowered varieties of this 

* See Flinders's Voyage to Terra Australis, ii. p. 574. B 

142 Mr. Brown’s Observations on Composite. 

species it not unfrequently does by the addition of one or more 
inner series, tbe rudiments of an analogous disk are produced along 
with each of the additional series. | 

Yet, in opposition to this view, I have in a single instance found 
one of the divisions of the urceolus in P«onia Moutan changed 
into an anthera; and the divisions of the apparently analogous 
organ in Aquilegia, which in their usual state resemble barren 
filaments, have sometimes been observed with perfect antheræ*. 

* Schkuhr Handbuch, tab. 146. 

( 143 ) 

XII. On some remarkable Deviations j^ the usual Structure of 
Seeds and Fruits. By Robert Browh, Esq. F.R.S., Lib. L.S. 

Read March 5, 1816. 

Tur principal part of the following paper was read to the So- 
ciety in March 1813. It was then withdrawn with a view of 
rendering it more perfect by additional facts, which I hoped I 
might be able to collect. Since that time I have not had it in my 
power to pay much attention to the subject. As, however, the 
facts formerly stated appear to me of some importance, and are 
as yet unpublished, I take the liberty of again submitting them 
to the Society, along with a few additional instances of anoma- 
lies in the structure of seeds and fruits, hardly less remarkable 
than those contained in the original essay. sp 

It is, I believe, generally admitted by physiological botanists, 
that the seeds of plants are never produced absolutel y naked :—in 
other words, that the’ integument through some point or process 
of which impregnation takes place, cannot properly be considered 
as part of the seed itself. AES 

That such a covering, distinct from the seed, really exists, may 
in most, perhaps in all, cases be satisfactorily shown by a careful 
examination of the unimpregnated ovarium, to a part only of 
whose cavity the ovulum will be found to be attached. 

There are, however, many cases where soon after foecundation, 

and more remarkably still in the ripe fruit, this integument ac- 

144 Mr. Brown on some remarkable Deviations 

quires so complete and intimate a cohesion with the proper coat 
of the seed as to be no longer either separable or distinguishable 
from it. : * i 

But systematic botanists have generally agreed to term a naked 
seed not only this kind of fruit, but every monospermous pericar- - 
pium bearing a general resemblance to a seed, and whose outer. 
covering, though distinct from the nucleus, is only ruptured after 
germination commences. ; 

For the purposes of an artificial arrangement this language may 
perhaps be sufficiently accurate; but in determining, the aftini- 
ties of plants, it is express by appropriate terms 
those differences which are no less important than real. 

Of the fruits improperly called naked seeds, there are two prin- 
cipal kinds: The first, in which the pericarpium is distinct from 
the seed, is termed Akena by Richard in his excellent Analyse du 
Fruit; the second, in which the pericarpium coheres with the 
seed, is the Caryopsis of the same author. : 

An Akena (or Achenium), even in a separate state, may in ge- 
neral be readily determined. But it is not always equally easy to 
distinguish a Caryopsis from a seed. It may indeed be done in 
certain cases, as in Grasses, by attending to its surface, in which 
two distinct and distant cicatrices are observable; the one indi- 
cating the point of attachment to the parent plant, the other 
that by which it was fæcundated. In certain other tribes, how- 
ever, this criterion cannot be had recourse to, the surface of the 
Caryopsis exhibiting but one areola or cicatrix, which includes 
the closely approximated points of attachment and i impregnation: 
in such cases, the true nature of the fruit can onl y be determined 
by its examination in an earlier stage. : 

But although it must be adiblited that an ovulum is never 
produced without a covering, through some part of which it is 

im preg- 

| from the usual Structure of Seeds. 145 

impregnated; it is still possible to conceive a case in which a 
ripe seed may be considered as truly naked while retaining its at- 
tachment to the parent plant; and this not subsequent to germi- 
nation, but even preceding the formation of the embryo. For if 
we suppose, as the immediate effect of impregnation, a swelling 
of the ovulum without a corresponding enlargement of the ova- 
rium, the consequence will obviously be a premature rupture of 
the ovarium, and the production of a seed provided with its pro- 
per integuments only. i À 

I am not aware that such an economy has hitherto been de- 
scribed ; I have observed it, however, in several plants belonging to 
very different families, and of essentially different structures. 
- The first of these is Leontice thalictroides of Linneus, Caulophyt- 
lum thalictroides of Michaux, who has founded his new genus on 
a difference of fruit, the nature of which he has entirely misunder- 
stood. It is remarkable that its real structure should have escaped 
so accurate an observer as M. Richard, through whose hands it 
is: generally understood Michaux's work passed previous to its 
publication; but the fact may at least serve to show how entire! y 
unexpected such an economy must have been even to that excel: 
lent carpologist. dcr * Porn eas es 
: My observations were made in the summer of 1812, on à plant 
of Leontice thalictroides, which flowered and ripened fruit in the 
royal gardens at Kew. A 

in examination of the unimpregnated 
ovarium proved it to be in every respect of the same structure 
with that of the other species of Leontice; and essentially the 
same with the whole order of Berberides, to which this genus be- 
longs. A careful inspection of the fruit, in different states, 
proved also that the ** Drupa stipitata" of Michaux is in reality 
a naked seed, that in a very early stage had burst its pericarpium, 

VOL. XII. : U : the 

146 Mr. Brown on some remarkable Deviations 

the withered remains of which were in most cases visible at the 
base of the ripe seed. The first error of Michaux naturally led 
to a series of mistakes; and the naked seed being considered by 
him as a drupa, the albumen, which is of a horny texture, is de- 
scribed as a * nux cornea crassissima," and the embryo itself as 
the seed. 

But although this account of the fruit of Leontice thalictroides be 
in no respect similar to that given by Michaux, it may perhaps 
be considered by some as still differing sufficiently from Leontice 
to authorize the establishment of a distinct genus; and that, there- 
fore, the name Caulophyllum mtay be retained, and its character 
derived from the remarkable circumstance described, namely, the 
early rupture of its pericarpium. I believe, however, it will be 
found more expedient to reduce it again to Leontice. 

For, in the first place, its habit is entirely that of the original spe- 
cies of the genus. And secondly, though the pericarpium of Le- 
ontice Leontopetalum, which is the type of the genus, remains shut 
until the ripening of the seeds, and attains a size more than suffi- 
cient for the mere purpose of containing them; yet in Leontice al- 
taica, a species in other respects more nearly approaching to L. Le- 
ontopetalum than to L. thalictroides, the pericarpium, though it en- 
larges considerably after impregnation, is ruptured by the seeds 
long before they have arrived at maturity. ' | 

The accompanying drawing, for which I am indebted to my 
friend Mr. Ferdinand Bauer, will materially assist in explain- 
ing the singular economy now described; and may also per- 
haps render more intelligible the account I proceed to give of 
the second instance in which I have observed an analogous 
structure, but to illustrate which I have at present no drawing 
prepared, Tac gt. ai 

from the usual Structure of Seeds. — 147 

This second instance occurs in Peliosanthes Teta of Andrews's 
Repository and the Botanical Magazine: ; 

In this monocotyledonous plant, which in 1812 nearly ripened 
seed in Mr. Lambert's collection at Boyton, the ovarium coheres 
with the tube of the perianthium or corolla, and has originally 
three cells, each containing twoovula. Soon after impregnation has 
taken place, from one to three of these ovula rapidly increase in 
size, by their pressure prevent the deyelopment of the others, and 
rupture the ovarium, which remains, but little enlarged at the base 
of the fruit, consisting of from one to three naked berry-like seeds. 

In the Botanical Magazine Mr. Ker, in describing a second 
species of Peliosanthes *, takes the opportunity of altering in some 
respects the character of the genus he had previously given, and 
of adding a description of its supposed pericarpium, from an in- 
spection, as it seems, of the unripe fruit of Peliosanthes Teta. It is 
evident, however, that he is not aware of its real structure; and 
consequently does not succeed in reconciling its appearance with 
the unquestionable fact of its having ** germen inferum." 

"There are some cases in which this early opening of the ova- 
rium, instead of being, as in the preceding instances, an irregular 
bursting, apparently caused by the pressure of the enlarged ovula, 
is a regular dehiscence in the direction of the suture. Of this 
Sterculia platanifolia and S. colorata are remarkable examples; their 
folliculi after opening, which takes place long before the maturity 

“of the seeds, acquiring the form and texture of leaves, to whose 
thickened margins the ovula continue firmly attached until they 
ripen. Another exampleof this early and regular dehiscence occurs 
in an undescribed genus of the same family, which differs from 
Sterculia platanifolia in its pericarpium having a terminal wing and 
a single seed. | E 
* Botan, Magaz. 1532. 
U 2 In 

148 Mr. Brown on some remarkable Deviations 

Tn the specimens of a plant lately sent from Brazil by Mr. Sel- - 
low, I observe a similar economy. In this case the ovarium, which 
is originally unilocular with five parietal placentz, soon after fe- 
cundation opens regularly into five equal foliaceous valves, to the 
inner surface of each of which an indefinite number of ovula are 
attached. ; ! 

The genus Reseda, whose capsule opens at top at a very early 
period, may be considered as affording another instance, though 
much less remarkable, of the same anomaly. And it is possible 
this may be the real structure in certain cases of which a very dif- 
ferent view has been taken. > 

In the instances of naked seeds now given, the bursting of the 
pericarpium precedes the distinct formation of the embryo, while 
the proper coats of the seed remain entire till after its separation 
from the parent plant, and germination has commenced. | 

It may not be uninteresting to contrast this economy with that 
of the Mangroves and other plants of tropical countries, which 
grow on the shores, and within the influence of the tide. In many 
of these the embryo, long before the seed loses its original attach- 
ment, acquires a very considerable size; and the first effect of this 
unusual development is the rupture, in most cases succeeded by 
the complete absorption or disappearance, of the proper integu- - 
ment of the seed. In some instances the development proceeds 
still further, and the pericarpium itself is perforated by the embryo, 
which, while preserving its connexion with the parent plant, often 
attains the length of from eighteen inches to two feet. This hap- 
pens in Rhizophora and Bruguiera, or the Mangroves properly so 
called. In some of the spurious Mangroves, as Avicennia and 
ZEgiceras, a lesser degree of development takes place, and in ge- 
neral their pericarpia remain entire till they have dropped from 
the tree. In both cases the final cause of the economy is suffi- 


|» from the usual Structure of Seeds. — 149 

 ciently evident; a greater than ordinary evolution of the em- 
bryo being necessary to ensure its vegetation in tle unfavourable 
circumstances in which it is unavoidably placed. 

But an analogous structure exists in other plants, where the 
' final cause is less apparent, as in certain species of Eugenia, in 
which the integument of the seed is completely absorbed. before 
its separation from the parent plant, and while the pericarpium 
remains entire. | 

An economy no less remarkable than that of the Mangroves, 
but of a nature diametrically opposite, takes place in the bulb- 
like seeds of certain liliaceous plants, especially of Pancratium, 
Crinum and Amaryllis; in some of whose species the seed separates 
from the plant, and even from the pericarpium, before the embryo 
becomes visible. ‘This observation respecting some of these seeds 
was, | believe, first made by Mr. Salisbury ; and in such as I have 
myself examined, I have found the fact connected with one no 
less interesting, namely, an unusual vascularity in the fleshy sub- 
stance. ! | 
- I have in another place*, in speaking of this substance, which 
constitutes the mass of the seed, and in a central cavity of which 
the future embryo is formed, stated it to be destitute of vessels, 
and entirely composed of cellular texture. Buton a more careful 
inspection, of those seeds at least in which the separation precedes 
the visible formation of the embryo, I now find very distinct spi- 
ral vessels :—these enter at the umbilicus, ramify in a regular. man- 
ner in the substance of the fleshy mass, and appear to have a cer- 
tain relation to the central cavity where the embryo is afterwards 
formed, and which, filled with a glairy fluid, is distinctly visible 
before the separation of the seed. It is a curious consequence of 
this tardy evolution of the embryo, which in some cases does not 

* Prodr. Flor. Nov, Holland, p. 297. 

150 Mr. Brown on some remarkable Deviations 

become visible unless the seed be placed in a situation favourable 
to germination, that very different directions may be given to its 
radicular extremity, according to circumstances which we have it 
in our power to regulate. 

There is a fourth kind of anomaly in the structure of certain - 
seeds, which, as I have formerly described it*, I shall here notice 
in few words. It is that which takes place in certain Aroidee, 
especially in some species of Calladium. In these, the nucleus of 
the seed is not properly a monocotyledonous embryo, but has an 
appearance and economy more nearly resembling those of the 
tuber of a root ; for, instead of being distinguishable into a coty- 
ledon, a plumula and radicula, and of germinating in a determi- 
nate manner and from a single point, it is composed of a mass 
whose internal structure is uniform, and on the surface of which 
frequently more than one germinating point is observable. 

None of these anomalies appear to me materially to lessen the 
importance of the characters derived from the seeds of plants; 
but they evidently render a minute attention to every circum- 
stance absolutely necessary in all attempts either to deduce affini- 
ties or establish genera from this source; and they especially de- 
monstrate the necessity of carefully ascertaining the state of the 
unimpregnated ovarium; for, while its structure remains unknown, 
that of the ripe fruit can never be thoroughly understood. 

* Prodr, Flor. Nov. Holl. p. 335, 


from the usual Structure of Seeds. 151 


A.—A branch of the panicle of LrowTicE THALICTROIDES 
Linn. (Caulophyllum thalictroides Michauz), of the natural 

B.—The same magnified, to show at 1, the early rupture of the 
ovarium, the ovula as yet but little enlarged and only in part 
protruded: at 2, the same parts in a more advanced state ; 
one seed being nearly ripe, supported by its elongated and 
thickened umbilical cord ; a second ovulum considerably 
increased in size, but abortive; and the remains of the rup- 
tured ovarium somewhat enlarged. 

C and D.—T wo longitudinal sections of the nearly ripe seed ; ex- 
hibiting the vascular cord continued from the axis of the 
funiculus umbilicalis to the apex of the seed ; the remarkable 
process of the inner integument at the umbilicus (of which 
another view is given separately at E); and the unripe em- 
bryo nearly in contact with this process, and as yet undi- 
vided. | 

XIII. Re- 


T 152 

ART. Remarks on two Genera of Plants to be referred to the Fa- 
= mily of the Rosacee, in a Letter Jrom Mr. A. P. De Cahdolle, 
Professor of Natural History in the Academy of Geneva, Corresp. 
R. Acad. Sc. Paris, $c. to Sir James Edward Swith, President of . 
. the Linnean Society. 

Read April 2, 1816. 


St les descriptions des espèces nouvelles sont les acquisitions les 
plus évidentes de la botanique, les. rectifications des descriptions 
anciennes ne laissent pas d'avoir aussi quelqu'intérét : elles en ac- 
quiérent surtout lorsqu'elles sont rélatives à des plantes que leur 
beauté a rendues populaires, et lorsqu'elles ont pour résultats de 
faire classer avec quelque précision des objets connus au paravant ; 
ce sont ces motifs qui m'engagent à vous faire part de quelques ob- 
servations sur le Corchorus japonicus de Thunberg, et le Tigarea 
bidentata de Pursh ; je vous en dois l'hommage à d'autant plus juste 
titre que vous avez déjà étudié le méme sujet, et que c'est à la 
complaisance avec laquelle vous avez bien voulu me permettre 
d'étudier l'herbier de Linné, que je dois d'avoir pu éclaircir une 
partie importante des difficultés qui m'arrétoient. 

Occupé ey plusieurs années de quelques recherches sur les 
fleurs doubles, j’ j avois analysé avec soin le Corchorus japonicus de 
nos jardins, et je m'étois assuré, 1. que dans cette plante les- pé- 
tales naturelsetles pétales accessoires qui représentent les étamines 


to be referred to the Family of the Rosacea. 153 

sont insérés non sur le réceptacle comme dans les vrais Corcho- 
rus, mais sur le calice même ; 2. que l'ovaire n’y est pas unique 
comme dans les Corchorus, mais composé de 5 à 6 ovaires distincts: 
3. que le mode de végétation et d’inflorescence de ce prétendu 
Corchorus diffère beaucoup des autres espèces de ce genre :.j’avois 
conclu de ces observations que le joli sous-arbrisseau cultivé dans 
nos jardins sous le nom de Corchorus japonicus n'appartient ni au 
genre ni à la famille oà il a été placé, mais qu'il fait partie de la 
famille des Rosacées. = | ; ; 

Depuis lors j'ai eu, graces à vous, Monsieur, l'occasion de voir 
ce prétendu Corchorus à fleurs simples, et je me suis assuré que 
les soupçons déduits de l'analyse des fleurs. doubles étoient 
fondés, et que cette opinion, quoique en apparence nouvelle au- 
Jourd'hui, se trouve déjà consignée dans plusieurs livres. 

Vous avez déjà fait connoître par une notte de l'excellente mo- 
nographe des Rubus que vous avez insérée dans la Cyclopzedia du 
Dr. Rees, que le Rubus japonicus de Linné n'est autre chose que 
notre Corchorus; Linné dit que les fleurs en sont blanches, et 
cette circonstance a sans doute éloigné les botanistes de toute re- 
‘cherche à cet égard ; mais l'échantillon de l'herbier de Linné que 
vous avez bien voulu me permettre d'étudier, montre des pétales 
pales et décolorés il est vrai, mais qui ont pu être jaunes ; il est 
probable que Linné, entrainé par le sentiment et le tact exquis 
qu'il avoit sur les rapports naturels, a cru qu'une plante si voisine 
des Rubus et des Spirea devoit avoir la fleur blanche ; cet échan- 
tillon avec celui de Thunberg ne m'a laissé comme à vous aucun 
doute sur l'identité des deux plantes, et sur la sagacité avec la- 
quelle Linné l'avoit rapportée à sa famille; en voyant méme les 
rapports de foliation des Rubus corchorifolius, elongatus, pyrifolius, 
acuminatus, &c. avec celle de notre plante, on concoit facilement 
comment sur un échantillon sec elle a pu étre rapportée à ce genre. 


154 M. Dr Canpotte’s Remarks on two Genera of Plants 

Le savant et respectable Président de la Société Royale, qui, 
comme on s¢ait, a fait une attention particulière à la botanique 
du Japon, m'a fait remarquer lorsque j'ai eu l'honneur de lui 
parler de cet objet, que les Japonois paroissent avoir senti le rap- 
port de leur plante avec les Rosacées, car ils donnent àu Pyrus ja- 
ponica le nom de Buke, et au prétendu Corchorus celui de Jamma 
Buki. Keempfer dit méme en décrivant cette plante, “ flore sim- 
plici luteo Ranunculi, Rose canine facie ac magnitudine;" depuis 
l'époque de Thunberg les premiers doutes sur la légitimité de sa 
classification se trouvent consignés dans le Botanist’s Repository; | 
la figure représente trés bien la position perigyne des étamines et 
le nombre des ovaires; on lit de plus dans la description ; all the 
flowers that we have seen are from 5- to 8-gynous; which with the sin- 
gular form of the capsule makes us consider it as a very doubtful spe- 
cies of Corchorus. et o REE, eae 

Sil est facile d’affirmer que le Corchorus de Thunberg n'est 
point de ce genre, et qu'il appartient, comme Linné l’a pensé, à la 
famille des Rosacées, il l'est un peu moins de décider sa place dans 
cette famille; il ne peut étre un Rubus, parceque ses fruits ne 
paroissent nullement destinés à devenir charnus, et que d'ailleurs 
son port et la couleur méme de sa fleur s'y opposent trop forte- 
ment; il paroit avoir plus de rapports avec les Spirées ; mais il 
s'en éloigne encore par l'unité des graines de chaqu'ovaire et par 
cette méme couleur de la fleur; je crois donc que cette plante 
doit former un genre nouveau ; j'aurois voulu pouvoir faire hom- 
mage de cette espèce élégante, et qui devient tous les jours plus 
populaire au botaniste qui m'a donné l'occasion de m'assurer de 
ses Caractères, et qui a tant contribué à populariser la botanique 
en Angleterre: mais votre nom étant déjà consacré science 
des fleurs, j'ai donné à ce nouveau genre le nom de Kerria, d'après 
celui de William Kerr, jardinier, qui d’après le témoignage de M. 

| Robert 

to be referred to the Family of the Rosacea. ` | 155 

Robert Brown a introduit en Europe un trés grand nombre de 
plantes de Chine, et auquel nous devons en particulier celle qui 
nous occupe. 

Il est un autre végétal rapporté par le seul botaniste qui l'a dé- 
crit à une famille trés différente de celle-ci, et qu'on doit selon 
moi non seulement rapporter à la famille des Rosacées, mais pla- 
cer trés prés du Kerria; je veux parler du Tigarea tridentata de 
Pursh; dés l'inspection de la figure et de la description, javois 
pensé que cette plante n'étoit point un Tigarea*, n'appartenoit 
point aux Dilleniacées dont le Tigarea fait partie, et devoit être 
‘reporté dans les Rosacées auprès des Spirea. M. Lambert, qui a 
bien voulu me permettre d'étudier les richesses de sa belle collec- 
tion, m'a donné l'occasion de changer ce soupçon en certitude; 
je puis donc d’après l'examen de l'échantillon méme de 
firmer que sa plante est un genre de Rosacée, que je désignerai 
sous le nom de Purshia, en l'honneur du botaniste qui l'a le pre- 
mier fait connoitre, aussi bien qu un grand nombre de plantes de 
r Amérique septentrionale. 

Le Kerria et le Purshia ont entr'eux des rapports très intimes; - 
r un et l’autre sont des sous-arbrisseaux de pays tempérés et ana- 
 loguesf, munis de bourgeons écailleux, et dépourvus d'épines 
et d’aiguillons ; leurs feuilles sont simples, alternes, dentées, rap- 
prochées sur de petits rameaux latéraux ; leurs fleurs naissent le 
plus souvent solitaires, et pedonculées au sommet de ces petits ra- 
meaux ; elles sont composées de 5 pétales jaunes arrondis, attachés 
au calice, et d’un grand nombre d'étamines perigynes; leurs ovaires 

* Le Tigarea d'Aublet est lui-même un get qui a été sag: et réuni au Teiracera 
par Willdenow. ; 
+ Les botanistes savent qu'il existe un grand nombre de genres, et méme de ceux qui 
sont composés d'un petit nombre d’espéces, qui ont une partie de leurs espèces dans r ’Amé- 
rique septentrionale, et l’autre dans l'Asie orientale : tels sont les genres Magnolia, Tilli- 

cium, Cimicifuga, Panax, Platanus, Thuya, &c. &c, 
x 2 ne 

156 M. Dr CaNwpnorrz's Remarks on two Genera of Plants 

ne renferment qu'une seule graine, et leur fruit n'est pas charnu: 
ces deux genres se placent donc assez-bien entre la tribu des Spi- 
rées et celle des Dryadées. 

Malgré l'intimité que ces deux genres présentent dam Pensem- 
ble de leurs caractères, et la possibilité qu'on soit un jour forcé de 
les réunir, j'ai cru qu'il étoit plus convenable de les considérer 
comme distincts ; leurs différences, quoique legeres, me paroissent 
suffisantes pour autoriser cette séparation: 1. Le Kerria a.tou- 
jours de 5 à 8 ovaires au moins; le Purshia n'en a qu'un d'après 
Pursh. M. Robert Brown y a vu 2 ovaires dans une fleur qu'il 
a analysée ; je n'en ai vu qu'un dans celle que j'ai observée ; ainsi 
le nombre, quoiqu'un peu vague, est fort inférieur à celui du Ker- 
ria. 2. La graine du Kerria est attachée latéralement vers le mi- 
lieu de l'ovaire; celle du Purshia est attachée à sa base. 3. Les 
styles du Kerria à fleur simple sont longs, filiformes, bien distincts 
des ovaires, tandis que celui du Purshia est court, et semble n'étre 
qu'une simple sommité d'ovaire retrecie et atténuée ; oserai-je 
méme ajouter que les ovaires sont glabres, peut-étre indehiscens 
. dans le Kerria, velus et susceptibles d'une legére dehiscence dans 
le Purshia; que le Kerria a des stipules axillaires trés distinctes, 
tandis que celles du Purshia manquent; ou que du moins, si elles 
existent, elles y sont très petites et à peine perceptibles ? 

D’après ces considérations, je crois pouvoir établir les carac- 
teres de ces deux genres, comme suit: 


Rubi Sp. Linn. Corchori Sp. Thunb. 

Can. Calyx 5-fidus, lobis ovatis, 3 obtusis, 2 apice calloso-sub- 
mucronatis, æstivatione imbricatis : Petala 5 orbiculata calyci | 
inserta, ejusdem lobis alterna: Stamina circiter 20 filiformia 
calyci inserta: anthere ovate: Ovaria 5-8 libera glabra globosa, 


to be referred to the Family of the Rosacee. 157 

ovulo unico lateraliter adhærente fœta : styli totidem filiformes. 
Capsulæ (ex Thunb.) globosæ. 

Vec. Suffrutex inermis ramosus cortice levi virescente, ramulis 
lateralibus brevibus è gemma squammosa ortis, floribus in ra- 
mulis szepiüs solitariis pedunculatis; folia ovato-lanceolata acu- 
minata. penninervia grosse dentata, dentibus serratis serraturis 
acutis subaristatis, Spire: opulifoliæ nervatione et vernatione 

"Similia: stipule 2 lineari-subulatæ rigidiusculæ : flores lutei 
facillime pleni, staminibus in petala oblonga obtusa basi angus- 
tata substipitata mutatis, ovariis elongatis effetis sed seepius 
persistentibus nec omnino cvanidis. 

. Kerria Japonica. 

. Teito vulgo Jamma Buki. Kempf. Minn 844. 

Rubus Japonicus. Linn. Mant. p. 245. 

Corchorus Japonicus. Thunb. FI. Jap. 227. Bot. Rep. t. 587. Bot. 
Mag. t. 1996. 

Hab. in Japonia circa Nagasaki et alibi. Thunb. 5 (v. v. C. fl. 
pleno. v. s. c. fl. simpl. in herb. Smith.) 


| Tigareæ Sp. Pursh. 

Can. Calyx 5-fidus, lobis ovatis obtusis: Petala 5 orbiculata ca- 
lyci inserta : Stam. circiter 20, calyci inserta: Ovarium 1 (2 ex 

_ Brown) ovato-oblongum pubescens apice in stylum brevemsim- 
plicem attenuatum, ovulo unico basi inserto : Capsula ovario 
conformis rima laterali dehiscens. 

Vea. Frutex ramosissimus inermis, cortice cinereo, ramulis late- 
ralibus brevibus è gemma squammosa ortis: folia in ramulis 
conferta basi cuneata apice grossé bidentata supra villosa sub- 

tus cano-tomentosa: stipule nulle aut minime: flores pænè 
3 Purshia 

158 M. De CanDoLLeE’s Remarks on two Genera of Plants. 

Purshia tridentata. 
Tigarea tridentata. Pursh Ft. PR Am. 1. $::939. 4, 15. 

Hab. in pascuis.secus flumen Columbia in America boreali. 
Lewis. »,(v.s.s. inh. Lamb.) - 

Je désire, Monsieur, que ces observations puissent vous offrir 
quelqu'intérét, et en publiant cette note prise en grande partie 
dans votre Herbier et dans ceux des autres botanistes de l'An- 
gleterre, je m'estime heureux d'avoir une occasion de les remercier 
publiquement, ainsi que vous, de l'accueil obligeant par lequel ils 
ont bien voulu faciliter mes recherches. 

J'ai l'honneur d'étre, Monsieur, avec la considération la plus 
distinguée, votre très humble ct devoué serviteur, 

A. P. nr Caxporrr. 

XIV. 4 

XIV. A Synopsis of the PN Species of Rosa. By- Joseph 
Wood$, Esq. F.L.S. 

Read April 16 and June 4, 1816. 

Tur beauty of the Rose is so trite a theme, that it would be al- 
most impossible to praise it in any other terms than have already 
been used for the same subject:—but beautiful as it is, the genus 
has long been involved in confusion and obscurity. Born with 
the same senses, the same tastes as other men, the botanist will 
feel its beauties even more strongly than they do, in proportion as 
those tastes and senses have been more exercised towards simi- 
lar objects. But the difficulties attending the investigation of 
these plants are at least equal to the charms of their appearance 
and fragrance: even their commonness has perhaps contributed 
to our ignorance of them. Educated with Roses always before 
our eyes, it is long ere we learn to consider them as objects of 
science; and the excitement of novelty is lost while we are yet 
incapable of accurate examination. For my own part, if I had 
not been stimulated by the strikingly different appearance of the 
genus in the hedges of Westmoreland from that which it assumes 
in the southern counties, I should probably never have exposed 
my insufficiency in this attempt to discriminate the species: but 
the almost uniformly villous leaves and the colour of the flowers, 
generally either a white (sometimes almost pure, sometimes with 
a spot or two of full red), or else a much deeper red than in any 

of the Roses in the neighbourhood of London, attracted my atten- 

160 Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 

tion, and urged my endeavours to find fixed and distinct charac- 
ters, to distinguish plants marked by such differences in the ge- 
neral appearance. ‘Though I feel that I have little reason to con- 
gratulate myself on the success of these attempts, and have indeed 
been successively obliged to relinquish many of the characters on 
which that general difference of appearance depends, yet I ven- 
ture to offer their imperfect results to the notice of the Linnæan 
Society. In an obscure or intricate subject, the faithful record of 
observations is always valuable. 

With views no more exalted, it may be considered as incon- 
sistent to attempt a Synopsis of the British Roses; but in fact I 
did not perceive any other mode in which the remarks I had col- 
lected could be so well arranged ; and the attempt once made, I 
exerted myself to give some consistency and value to the essay, by 
putting in systematic order the materials within my reach. That 
it is still imperfect I am aware; but I flatter myself it will not 
be found useless by the future investigator of this most interesting 
genus. : | 
. It appears to me that the principle to be attended to in the 
subdivision of genera, is to keep together those species which are 
most nearly allied in nature. In the formation of the genera 
themselves, it may be necessary to attend exclusively to the or- 

.gans of fructification, as the most important parts of the plant ; 
but in their sections we must find a character in any part which: 
will keep similar plants together. With all this latitude of choice, 
the accomplishment of the object will be found often of very 
difficult attainment; and after all our labours, the best arrange- 
ment which can be made may still present some important aber- 

rations. à | 
On examining by this general rule the usual division of the ge- 
nus Rosa into those ** fructibus ovatis" and “ fructibus subglobo- 

Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 161 

sis," the following observations will sufficiently show that it is 
extremely defective. The existence of prickles, or rather of setze, 
on the fruit or on the peduncle, will not serve for this purpose 
much better, though these characters have hitherto been much 
insisted on ;—the setæ on the peduncle are, I believe, more con- 
stant than those on the fruit, but they are by no means implicitly 
-to be depended on. 

I have no intention, as I have no means, to enter in this essay 
on any examination of foreign Roses; but in endeavouring to 
form an arrangement of the British plants, it became necessary 
to pay some attention to the general appearances, and to the more 
striking characters of the foreign species. 1f the whole genus 
were spread out before a botanist, he would separate them, ac- 
cording to the habit or general appearance of the plants, into 
several leading divisions; but in proceeding to distinguish each 
of these families in description, he will feel the want of some pre- 
cise language to discriminate certain peculiarities not yet suffi- 
ciently attended to. Indeed, in analysing the differences among 
any tribe of plants more minutely than has been done before, we 
shall probably find it necessary either to adopt new terms, or to 
use with more precision some to which a more lax or more gene- 
ral interpretation has been affixed. This privilege I have ven- - 
tured to assume in a few instances, where it seemed to me indis- 
pensable; and particularly with respect to the arms (arma of Lin- 
neus) of the Roses, which have hitherto been called by the general 
term aculei, except in a few instances, where weak pedicellated 
glands have supplied their place; and this latter appearance has 
been designated by the word hispid. Something of the necessity of 
more accurate distinctions seems to have been felt by Sir J. E. 
Smith in his account of the genus Rosa in Rees's Cyclopedia, by - 

VOL. XIL Y | his 

162 Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 

his having used the words aculeatus, setosus, and hispidus, as applied 
to the fruit and peduncle; but he extends the difference no 
further, and has given no explanation of the particular meaning 
he attaches to these terms. © = = on 15 

Roses are furnished with aculei, sete, glands, hairs, chaff, and 
pubescence. Aculei or prickles are sometimes hooked, and gene- 
. rally more or less curved; but in some species they are quite 

Straight. They have an expanded oblong base, and occuron the 
stems, petioles and nerves of the leaves, and perhaps in one or 
two instances on the fruit and fruit-stalk ; at least one variety of 
R. spinosissima is either furnished with aculei, or with setze so strong 
that they are very liable to be mistaken for aculei. 

Acute are either straight, as in R. spinosissima ; straightish, 
with a very slight curve downwards, as in R.villosa ; falcate, or 
bent as a scythe, as in the large prickles of R. gracilis, and in 
some varieties of R. tomentosa ; and hooked or uncinate, like a — 
claw or sickle, as in R. canina. : Those of R: arvensis and of some 
neighbouring species are frequently a sort of obtuse elliptical cone, 
with a straight or curved mucro. This peculiarity of form is not 
found in R. systyla, and is no where sufficiently constant to enter 
into the character of any species. In the descriptions of the species, 
the form of the aculei must be taken from those which grow on 
the strong parts of the plant, and from those which are largest 
and with the most extended base. Ha raf 

‘Ser# are always straight, and tipped with a gland ; this gland 
sometimes falls off, but vestiges of it can generally be perceived. 
Setæ are always smaller than aculei occupying the same situa- 
tion; that is, the sete of the stem are smaller than the aculei of 
the stem ; the sete of the petioles are smaller than the aculei of 
the petioles; but the sete: of the stem are often larger than the 


Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 168 

aculei of the petioles. Sete are found on the same parts as the 
aculei, and are besides frequent on the peduncle and fruit, and 
sometimes on the leafits of the calyx: they differ, in being longer 
or shorter in proportion to the size of the gland " which they are 

The Guanps of Roses are almost songé on dittle footstalks, 
which however being weak, and seldom of length greater than 
the diameter of the gland, may in general be Pabcsditd separated 
from the sete above mentioned. 

Glands rarely occur on the stems ;- but they are found on the 
stipulæ, which are frequently fringed with them ; on the petioles 
and nerves; in some Roses on the under, and in some also on the 
upper side of the leaf, and sometimes on the edges, tipping the 
serratures, or giving the appearance of secondary ones; on the 
fruitstalk, receptacle, and calyx. The latter part is not unfre- 
quently furnished with set: at the base, which, gradually dimi- 
nishing in length and strength, pass insensibly into glands to-- 
wards the termination of the phyllus. To these glands the odour 
of the leaves of Roses seems to be invariably owing.: They are 
generally most abundant on the early and imperfectly-formed 
leaflets, and sometimes fall off or dry up towards autumn. . 

Some Roses are furnished with only one sort of these arms, others 
have two, others again all three. In some, one sort is confined to 
one or two parts of the plant, as the sete of R. villosa; in others 
it occurs generally, as the sete of R. rubella. Some species, as 
Rosa Eglanteria, proceed by almost insensible gradations in one 
part or other of the plant from hooked to straight prickles, to 
sete, and to glands; others again, though furnished with all these, 
display them perfectly. distinct. In some the aculei, though 
always distinct from setze, vary very much in size and character; 

¥ 2 in 

164 Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 

in others, though somewhat different on different parts of the plant; 
yet on any given part they are nearly similar. Some further obser- 
vations on this head will be found in the description of the surculi. 
Some Roses in the place of sete exhibit white warns, weak, but 
not very fine: in R. Borreri the peduncle has sometimes weak 
 setw, sometimes these white hairs, and sometimes, though more 

— rarely, a fine pubescence: hairs also occur on the upper side of 
the axillz of the foliole, and occasionally also along the channel 
on the upper side of the petiole in most Roses; and sometimes the 
petioles and the nerves on the underside of the leaf are covered 
rather with hairs than with down ; but from this. point the hairi- 
ness passes insensibly into pubescence, with which it is even in- 
terchangeable. On the upper side of the-leaf likewise a few 
straggling along the nerves may occasionally be observed in all 
the smooth-leaved Roses ; the seeds also and the styles are gene- 
rally hairy or villous. ‘The weak white hairs occur in every part - 
of the plant on which glands or sete are found, being a produc- 
tion apparently of a similar nature. ` oradi 
Cuarr may be observed occupying the place of hairs at the 
axillæ of the folioles of R. spinosissima and some others of that 
tribe. I have not observed it elsewhere. 
Punzscrwcz is found on the stems, reeeptacles, calyces, sti- 
pulæ, and folioles. The presence or absence of hirsuties, whether. 
of coarse or fine hairs, on the petiole and on the veins beneath the 
leaf, appears to me of considerable importance; and it is observ- 
able that these always accompany each other. Individual leaves 
may doubtless be found in which the petiole is downy and. the 
nerve naked, or perhaps sometimes just the reverse; but a more 
extended examination will assuredly demonstrate their connexion. 
To the pubescence of the inferior and superior paginas of the leaf 
| | i attention. 


hairs which occupy the place of glands are always more or less + 

Mr. Woons on the British Species of Rosa. 165 

attention must be paid, although the former. perhaps always in 
some degree accompanies the hirsuties of the footstalk. On the 
stem, peduncle and fruit, pubescence is too rarely exhibited in 

British Roses for me to form any estimate of its value. On- the 
other hand, R. arvensis is the only British Rose of which the styles 

are smooth, and the seeds in all of them are villous. The white 

interchangeable with them ; the hairs on the axillz of the leaflets, 
and those which are occasionally to be met with along the upper 
surface of the midrib, are I believe.common to all Roses; and can 
therefore be of no use in distinguishing the species. The chafliness 

3s only met with in one tribe, where it is somewhat uncertain, and 

which is besides characterized by much more important distinc- 

The appropriate name for the wre of a Rose during the inflo- 
rescence has been long a subject of contention among botanists; 

a circumstance which may be considered as a proof of the insuf- 
ficiency of the Linnean terminology in this respect. Linnæus 
himself called it the germen. Sir J. E. Smith, aware of the im- 
-propriety of this term, drew all his specific characters of this part 

from the fruit, not adverting to its appearance in an earlier stage: 

4n the detailed description he still preserves the word germen. 

Willdenow continues the use of this word, although he censures 
Linnæus for adopting it. Jussieu and Gærtner call it simply 

calyx, describing the genus as having calyx urceolaris. © ‘The French 

botanists. call it the tube of the calyx: but, according to general 
apprebension, the calyx would consist merely of those five leaves 

which form the outer envelope of the flower; and even after a 

‘strict attention to botanical terms, a student would be apt to.con- 

clude the fleshy body separated by its substance, and. apparently 
+ by 

166 Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 

by its functions, from the five small leaves, to be a germen, till 
the circumstance which alone distinguishes it—the small orifice 
through which the styles pass—is pointed out to him. Under 
these circumstances I have ventured to call the part in question 
a receptacle, understanding by this term the thickened substance 
occurring between the summit of the peduncle and the leaves of 
the calyx in the natural order of Rosacea, supporting not only the 
latter, but also the stamina and petals, and confining it. to the 

period of inflorescence :—the outer covering of the flower I have - 

therefore exclusively called calyx, and its divisions Jeafits instead 
of laciniz. | | 5d 
The only objection to this arrangement arises from that part of 
a strawberry and of one or two other genera, which has usuall y 
been called receptacle. Considering this term as only applied to 
the edible part of the strawberry, Gærtner says that the Rose has 
no receptacle: the difference, however, seems to me only this, 
that the inner series of vessels in the receptacle is dilated into a 
spongy body; in Fragaria soft and juicy ; in Comarum harsh and 
dry; while in Rosa and Potentilla no such expansion takes place. 
If this be a correct view of the subject, the fruit of the straw- 
berry ought not to be considered as the true receptacle, but as a 
spongy body attached to the receptacle and immediately sup- 
porting the seeds. sé TE 
dn calling the calyx simple, sub-simple, or compound, I have 
perhaps taken a less excusable liberty with the common language 
of botany ;—by simple, I mean to express that the leafits are 
undivided or without any offsets. These offsets of a leafit when 
they occur have the appearance of a proliferous growth, which 
renders the term offset particularly applicable; and the term 
would perhaps be better than that of pinne, which I have adopted, 


Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 167 

ifit were as usual. In a regularly-formed calyx they are always 
very narrow at the point of junction, and go off at a considerable 
angle; and when they take their commencement from a wide 
base, or lie nearly parallel to the line of the leafit when the flower 
is open, the calyx must be rejected as a monster. On this sub- 
ject some further observations will be found in the course of 
this introduction. This character (of a simple calyx), like all. 
others in the genus, must be determined with caution; aseven in 
some of those Roses whose calyx is generally simple, a small offset 
may sometimes be observed, even putting monstrosities out of the 
question. Another circumstance to be attended to is, that the 
proper offset or pinna always occurs before the contraction of the 
calyx leafit at the point of the flower; after that contraction 
many Roses have a strong tendency to produce more or less of a 
The five leafits of the calyx of a Rose, dnited before the expan- 
sion of the flowers, present five lines of junction, each of which 
in the compound calya is furnished with a row of offsets; two of 
the leaves having pinnæ on each side, one on one side only, and 
the remaining two are uniformly entire. 
** Quinque sumus fratres, sub eodem tempore nati, 

Bini barbati, bini sine crine creati, 

Quintus habet barbam sed tantum dimidiatam,” 

This arrangement I express by the term compound : in the sub- 
simple calyx every flower offers one or more of these offsets, but 
the whole provision is never found in any one. 

In all Roses these calyx leafits are liable to become monstrous 
two ways: sometimes one or two, or sometimes even the whole 
number will grow out into leaves (folia), and sometimes the off- 

sets are entirely wanting even in species where they usually are 

168 Mr: Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 

the most numerous. In the first case the divisions mostly take 
place after the contraction of the leafit, which in the bud marks 
the termination of the petals; orif it occur in the lower and 
broader part, it carries the appearance of a division not of an 
offset, being wide at the hase and contracted upwards ; whereas 
the legitimate offset is uniformly contracted at the base and ex- 
panded upwards, except in the few instances where it is capillary. 
In the second case the receptacle is generally small, and the leaves 
are expanded towards the apex. In both the receptacle is but 
little contracted at the summit, and assumes somewhat of a tur- 
binate form ; but the best security for the student will be to ex- 
amine many examples, and to judge by comparison of their pro- 

per form. | | 
. Another word, which perhaps may require some explanation,— 
rather, however, from a peculiarity in the mode of growthin this ge- 
nus than from any singularity in the use of the term,—is Su ncurvs. 
In many roses, perhaps in some degree in all, two appearances 
may be observed ; and, if I may be allowed the expression, every 
species under different circumstances has two distinct habits. A 
seedling Rose of the family of R. canina, for instance, where this 
. property is very remarkable, usually comes up a small and feeble 
plant; it soon puts forth branches, weak like the parent from 
which they spring. ‘he aculei are few, small, weak, and but 
slightly hooked ; the flowers pale and solitary ; or, if in a favour- 
able soil, two or even three flowers may be seen together; and the 
plant for several years probably will not exceed the height of four 
or five feet. If in this state it be cut down, a strong shoot pro- 
ceeds from the root or from the base of the stem, which in one 
year will rise eight or ten feet in height, armed with abundance 
of strong hooked prickles, whose base is nearly equal to their 
: | length ; 

Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 169 

length; and bearing in the following summer bunches of six or 
eight flowers; or in Rosa surculosa, which affords an excellent 
example of these modes of growth, perhaps even of twenty-four 
flowers. In R. arvensis, and still more in some foreign species of 
that tribe, these shoots frequently bear cymes in the same year in 
which they are produced; consisting in R. arvensis of fifteen or 
sixteen flowers; in R. indica of twenty or thirty; in R. moschata, 
as I am informed by my friend Mr. Borrer, who has taken the 
trouble to count them, sometimes as many as two hundred and 
sixty-five. As branches are yearly produced from these surculi, 
their strength diminishes, and the original character of the plant 
returns till new root-shoots make their appearance. "These are 
produced when the plant is partially destroyed; nor do I know 
that they ever occur except in consequence of some injury to the 
original growth. ‘They do not indeed always vary to the extent I 
have described ; but they constantly differ in this manner from 
the other parts of the plant, though not in equal degree. 

In the Latin descriptions no ambiguity can possibly occur from 
the use of the term “foliolum,” as applied to the parts of the 
calyx and those of the leaf. In the English observations I have 
endeavoured to avoid confusion, by calling the first /eafit and the 
latter leaflet, a distinction I did not adopt till I felt the want of 
it. The shape of the leaflet is taken principally from the ter- 
minal one, which I consider as the most perfect; all those of the 
earlier leaves are uncertain in their shape, always rounder than 
the others, sometimes retuse: these are to be rejected, and the 
shape of the leaflet deduced from those PAM later in the 
season. ! 

The stipulæ of all British kor: are linear-decurrent on the 
petiole of the leaf, and generally edged with glands; in some 

VOL. XII. Z species 

170 Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 

species these continue unchanged, or nearly so, in those leaves 
which accompany the inflorescence, and -no stipulae are found 
unaccompanied by leaves; in others the leaflets gradually dimi- 
nish in number, till at last they are entirely deficient, and the 
two stipule unite and form a bractea; in others, again, before 
this process is complete, the stipulæ increase very remarkably in 
breadth, and the first bractea formed is perhaps subrotund, though 
arising from an alteration of strictly.linear stipulæ ; but in the 
cymes of flowers the bractez are repeated, growing gradually 
smaller and somewhat narrower; still, however, retaining traces 
of their original increase in width. The description of the bracteæ 
is therefore taken from the usual form of the first, which are 
found entirely devoid of leaflets; and the circumstance affords a 
very good distinction between two tribes of Roses, the family of 
R. cinnamomea possessing them in a remarkable degree, which I 
therefore describe as bracteate ; and those of the family of R. spi- 
nosissima preserving the stipule nearly unaltered, which I have 
therefore called ebracteate. 
_ This appropriation of terms is not the only liberty for which I 
have to apologize in this essay. I must acknowledge that I have 
described plants as species, of which I can hardly say that I really 
believe them to be distinct; but when this is the case, it is be- 
cause I did not know with what species to join them. In enu- 
merating them as species, I hope likewise to provoke the at- 
tention necessary to rectify the error; while, if placed as varie- 
ties, they would have less chance of being attended to. Another 
circumstance in which I have deviated from the usual practice 
of British botanists, though in this I am supported by the au- 
thority of Willdenow, is, that I have given names to many of 
the most remarkable varieties; and this practice has been 

Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 171 

adopted on the same principle of exciting the attention of other 

The drawing out into a table the specific characters of a ge- 
nus possesses a double advantage; it brings them to a test, by 
which the writer will inevitably discover if unfortunately some 
of his specific characters should be drawn up without inclu- 
ding any peculiarities to separate it from others, a fault of which 
even good botanical works afford too many examples ; and it is 
of great assistance to the future investigator, as it leads him 
step by step to the species which is the object of his examina- 
tion. But in order to accomplish this end, it is necessary that 
the characters which are most important and most permanent 
should occupy the first places: it is desirable that the arrange- 
ment of the table should of itself divide the genus into its most 
natural families. ‘lo combine these advantages is no easy task. 
To discover characters which shall be permanent, always ca- 
pable of clear description and determination, and which at the 
same time shall uniformly bring together the most similar plants, 
and separate those comparatively dissimilar, is perhaps beyond 
the power of the human mind. Mr. Brown's arrangement of 
Proteacee, in the tenth volume of the Society's Transactions, is 
an excellent specimen of what may be done in this way. La- 
marck and De Candolle in their analysis of the genus Rosa in the 
Flore Francaise, have proceeded on a similar notion, though they 
have adopted a much inferior form, and seem to have had no 
higher ambition than to assist in some degree the investigation of 
the species. Even in this they have effected very little; because 
in taking first the colour of the flower, then the snape of the fruit, 
and then the prickliness of the peduncle, they have adopted for 
their leading divisions characters which are very variable. The 

: z 2 yellow- 

112 Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 

yellow-flowered Roses are perhaps constant in their colour; but 
this is by no means the case with the other species. ‘The globu- 
lar fruit in some divisions of the genus appears to be important ; 
in others it is extremely uncertain. If the bristly fruitstalks are 
ever of any value, it can only be when they are used very cau- 
tiously to separate one or two allied species in particular subdi- 
visions. > | | 

The characters which appear to me most constant in this genus 
are the presence or absence of setæ on the stems; the prickles 
straight or hooked, equal or unequal; the tendency towards the 
formation of the upper stipule without leaves, or at least with 
leaves of fewer folioles, and expanding into bractez. Next to 
these are the simple or compound form of the leafits of the ca- 
lyx, and the simple or compound serratures of the leaves. In the 
latter subdivisions 1 have made use of the shape and flatness 
or hollowness of the leaflets; and sometimes, though un willingly, 
I have been obliged to depend on the pubescence, not finding 
any other describable character to discriminate plants whose 
difference of habit seemed to announce the necessity of sepa- 

This arrangement is not without its disadvantages, principally 
on account of the deciduous nature of the setz in two, or perhaps 
in three, families of the genus. Of these, however, R. cinnamomea 
is the only British plant; and a moderate attention to the descrip- 
tion will easily teach the difference between this plant and Rosa 
villosa, the only species with which a specimen devoid of setae is 
in danger of being confounded. ` 


Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 173 


Receptaculum carnosum urceolare, fauce contracta. 

Calyx 5-phyllus paullum infra faucem receptaculi insidens. Fo- 
liola plus minus triangularia, tomentosa, æstivatione imbricata. 

Petala 5, obcordata, disco faucis receptaculi basi angustissimá 

affixa, venosa. 
Stamina plurima, disco receptaculi affixa. 
Germina numerosa, superficiei interne receptaculi affixa; inferiora 

pedicellata. Styli tot quot germina per faucem receptaculi 

transeuntes. Stigmata obtusa. 
Fructus: Receptaculum auctum baccatum, semina includens. 

Semina numerosa, angulosa. 


I have already explained the reasons which have determined me to consider the young 
fruit of the Rose as a receptacle. In the abortive attempts to produce flowers, which so 
frequently occur in Rosa sulphurea, this part is flat as in Potentilla. In R. turbinata and 
a Rose called R. caroliniana in the gardens about London, it is cup-shaped; and some- 
times even in our single English Roses a tendency to this form may be observed, but never 
without being accompanied by other circumstances of monstrosity. 

In addition to the above characters, it may be observed, that all British Roses have weak 
stems furnished with prickles; pinnate leaves with serrated leaflets ; and linear stipule ge- 
nerally furnished with glands on the edges, decurrent on the petiole of the leaf, 


174 Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 

A. Setigeræ (aculeis sæpius rectis) 
l. bracteata, setis deciduis « . 1 a 
2. subebracteatæ, setis persistentibus 
æ. serraturis simplicibus 

a. fructu suburceolato, aculeis paucis subæqualibus 

b. fructu globoso, aculeis confertis valde inzequalibus 

B. serraturis serrulatis 
a. foliis supra glabris . , . 
b. foliis utrinque hirsutis 
* ]aciniis calycinis integris 

T aculeis rectis : : 
T aculeis falcatis E 5 
** laciniis calycinis divisis . . 
B. Setis nullis, aculeis rectiusculis 

1. calycibus simplicibus : ; . . 

2. calycibus subsimplicibus 
æ. bracteis ellipticis : . e 
B. bracteis lanceolatis E $ à : 

3. calycibus compositis 
a, serraturis serrulatis 

a. petalis margine crenatis E . 
b. petalis margine integris DUX 
B. serraturis simplicibus . . a a 

C. Setis nullis, aculeis uncinatis 
l. stylis distinctis 
æ., serraturis serratis 
a. foliolis hirsutis à 
* pagina tota inferiore glandulosa 

T aculeis confertis, surculorum inæqualibus 
TT aculeis sparsis, sureulorum subaequalibus 

** pagina inferiore subeglandulosa. 

T pinnis calycinis confertis latissimis 
tt pinnis calycinis raris angustissimis 

b. foliolis glabra. s- a 
f. serraturis simplicibus 
a. foliolis subtüs venulis hirsutis 
* pagina superiore hirsuta 
T bracteis fructum superantibus 
TT bracteis fructu brevioribus 
** pagina superiore glabra 

T aculeis subæqualibus à 
tt aculeis inæqualibus : 

b. foliolis utrinque glabris 
* aculeis petiolorum falcatis . 

: * aculeis petiolorum uncinatis . 
2 a stylis unitis S 

æ. surculis suberectis ; aculeis confertis ^ 
B. surculis decumbentibus ; aculeis sparsis 






Sabini. * 







`- micrantha. 






1. Rosa 

Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. ,276 


R. bracteata, receptaculis globosis, calycibus simplicibus, caulibus 

setigeris, foliolis lanceolato-oblongis simpliciter serratis. 

R. cinnamomea. Linn. Sp. Pl. i. 703. Willd. ii. 1065. Eng. 

Dot. xxxiv. t. 2388. Lam. et Dec. Flore Fr. iv. 439. 

Frutex quinquepedalis. Rami vagi, atropurpurascentes, setis tenerrimis deciduis, acu- 
leisque rectis, sub-binato stipularibus muniti,  Petioli tomentosi, inermes.. Stipulee 
lineares, undulatæ, purpurez, glanduloso-serratæ ; ez quæ floribus propiores foliis defi- 
cientibus in bracteas latissimas acuminatas immutatæ, — Foliola 7, par superius et foli- 
olum impar ceteris majora, omnia lanceolata, molliter pubescentia, quod. praecipue in 
pagina inferiore accidit; supra cinereo-viridia, subtus pallidiora. Pedunculi 1 ad 3 
bracteas superantes, glabri. Receptaculum globosum, glabrum, fuscum. Calycis fo- 
liola simplicia, elongata, petalis longiora, inermia, margine tomentosa, Flores [cya- 
thiformes rubescentes Sm.] Styli planiusculi. Fructus globosus [aurantiacus Sm.]. 

Found by R. A. Salisbury at Aketon pasture near Pontefract. 

Smith in Eng. Dot. : 

R. cinnamomea of Roth’s Fl. Germ. i. p. 217, and i1, 554, appears 
to be R. lutea (à bicolor. The above description was taken from 
a garden specimen (with single flowers), for which I am indebted 
to my friend Mr. Borrer. On comparison we found it to agree 
exactly with the figure and description of English Botany. Will- 
denow quotes R. fluvialis Fl. Dan. t. 868, as a variety of this 
plant; but this appears to me very doubtful. R, colliniola Ehr., 
R. majalis Hermann., and R. fecundissima of some German writers, 
are usually, and I believe rightly, considered as synonyms of this 
species; but I have not had sufficient opportunity of investiga- 
tion to decide upon the subject: and Roth describes R. facun- 
dissima with hooked prickles; which certainly causes consider- 
able doubt. Perhaps, too, we must place here R. fraxinifolia of 
Gmelin, Fl. Bad. Alsat. ii. 413. 

The long leaflets with simple serratures would alone be suffi- 

176 Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 

cient to distinguish this from every other British Rose; indeed it 
belongs to a family of which we have no other example in these 
islands, distinguished principally by setose stems, straight prickles, 
globose germens, entire calyx leafits, lanceolate or oblong leaflets, 
and large distinct bracteæ. The sete and even the aculei are 
very apt to be deficient on the upper part of the plant; and in 
this intricate genus it is necessary to examine the whole plant, - 
and even many individuals of the species wherever it is possible. 
In all parts of the plant the setze are apt to fall off entirely; but the 
little papillæ, to which they were originally attached, are in general 
observable. This family includes R. Banksia and R. blanda, and 
perhaps we may unite with it R. parviflora, R. nitida, R. lucida, 
R. gemella, R. Lyoni, R. setigera, R. caroliniana, and R. caucasica, 
of the catalogue in Rees's Cyclopædia, to which I refer, as the 
work of a botanist of the highest authority, and as the most com- 
plete list of the genus hitherto published. I must, however, take 
this opportunity to declare that my knowledge of the foreign 
Roses is exceedingly slight and confined ; and that in this attempt 
to mark the subdivisions of the genus, I have drawn my notions 
of the plants almost entirely from the characters given in the 
above-mentioned work. The object of these enumerations is to 
make my ideas intelligible respecting the natural affinities of the 
several species. In all this tribe the setze are deciduous, and the 
aculei few and nearly equal, never passing by almost insensible 
gradations into setze, as they do in Rosa spinosissima, R.involuta, &c. 

This plant having hitherto been observed only in one place in 
these islands, I have no British varieties to enumerate. In coun- 
tries where it is plentiful it varies very much in appearance, if 
we may judge from the different names it has received, and the 
 discordant opinions as to what ought to be included in it as 

f 2. Rosa 

Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 177 

2, Rosa RUBELLA. 

R. ebracteata, caulibus setigcris, receptaculis suburceolaribus, 
serraturis foliolorum simplicibus, aculeis perpaucis gracil- 
-limis subæqualibus. Ţ 

-R. rubella. Eng. Bot. xxxvi. t. 2521. 

Frutex erectus, 3—4-pedalis; in sabulosis maritimis vix sesquipedalis. Rami breves, 
fusci, aculeis rectiusculis, gracillimis, setisque confertis instructi, Petioli glandulosi, 
foliorum ad ortum superne subacerosi, cetera nudi. Stipule lineares, margine glan- 
dulosæ, subæquales, Foliola 7 ad 11 paria, quorum duo vel tria summa ejusdem 
cum foliolo impari magnitudinis, reliqua sensim minora; omnia elliptica, obtusa, 
simpliciter serrata, utrinque glabra, supra viridiora, subtus pallidiora. Pedunculi so- 
litarii, filiformes, setis longiusculis tenerrimis vestiti. Receptaculum basi globosum, 
superne aliquantulum urceolatum ; nunc glabrum, nunc setis sparsis instructum, atro- 
rufum, nitidum. Calycis foliola triangularia, subulata, simplicia, setosa. Flores rubelli, 
aut interdum rubri, vel variegati. Styli inclusi ; stigmatibus planiusculis. Fructus sub- 
globosus, superne receptaculi instar ad formam urceolatam accedens [coccineus, Sm.]. 

Mr. Winch finds this species on the sands of the sea-shore in 
Northumberland, mixed with R. spinosissima : it is also said to 
have been brought som Scotland. The ripe fruit I have never 

The resemblance of R. rubella to R. spinosissima may perhaps 
have occasioned it to have been so long overlooked ; though the 
stems and branches covered with setze, intermixed with a very few 
_slender aculei, sufficiently distinguish it. The simple serratures 
of the leaflets will not suffer it to be confonaded with R. involuta 
or R. Doniana.’ 

- The specimen of n. pimpinellifolia i in the nan Herbarium 
considerably resembles this species; but it is not sufficiently 
perfect to enable me to pronounce with confidence: I have there- 
fore preserved the name given to itin English Botany. Perhaps 
some other authors may also have intended this plant by R. pim- 
pinellifolia; but I have not been able to unravel their synonyms 

from those of R. spinosissima. 
VOL. XII. 2 À Rosa 

178 | Mr. Woops on the British Species of. Rosa. 

Rosa rubella is an interesting species, as it is so exactly between 
the families of R. alpina and R. spinosissima, that it might almost 
indifferently be referred to one or the other. The aculei are few 
and frequently wanting, as in the former tribe ; the setze, though 
not uniformly deciduous, are yet very apt to fall off; and the 
fruit, though not properly urceolate, is distinguished from that of 
R. spinosissima and its affinities by a very evident neck. Of the 
family of R. alpina we have no British Rose; it includes besides 
that species R. pendulina, R. lagenaria, and R. pyrenaica. 

Mr. E. Forster has a plant raised from seeds which were sent 
from Ireland for R. hibernica, and which, if not a distinct species, 
must be referred to R. rubella. The receptacle during the inflo- 
rescence is very long, and the leaves of the calyx are furnished. 
with small offsets. The prickles are extremel y slender, and more 
curved than is usual in the tribe, and the leaflets are narrower 
than their general form in this and the following species. There 
is a specimen closely resembling it in the Banksian Herbarium, 
where it is referred to R. pimpinellifolia, and marked Hort. Pit- 
cairn. 1781. : | 


R. ebracteata, caulibus setigeris, receptaculis globosis, serraturis 

foliolorum simplicibus, aculeis confertis valde inæqualibus. © 

R. spinosissima. Linn. Sp. Pl. i. 905. FI. Brit. ii. 537. Eng. 

3 Bot. iii. t. 187. Willd. ii. 1067. Roths FL Germ. i. 217. ii. 555. 

R. pimpinellifolia 8. Lam. et Dec. Fl. Fr. iv. 438. 

R. pumila spinosissima, foliis pimpinellæ glabris flore albo. Raii 

Synop. 455. 

Frutex erectus, in apricis bipedalis, quandoque in umbrosis multo elatior. Rami breves, 
interne fusci, aculeis reclinatis vel horizontaliter patentibus, rectiusculis, confertis, valde 
inzequalibus, tandem in setas immutatis, muniti, Pe/ioli nunc glabri, sæpius glandu- 
losi, interdum aculeis rectis instructi, acerosi, rarius pilosi. : Stipulæ lineares, glandu- 
loso-serratæ, glabra, equales. Foliola 7-11, foliolum impar, et paria duo superiora 
reliquis majora, inflorescentiam versus subpauciora, simpliciter serrata, hic illic ser- 


Mr. Woons on the British Species of Rosa. 179 

- watra minore, plerumque . glabra, interdum pilis raris ad nervum instructa, saturate 

. . Viridia, nitoris expertia, subtus pallidiora. Pedunculi solitarii, superne incrassati, 

.* glabri. Receptaculum. globosum, glabrum. Calycis foliola triangulari-lanceolata, 
acuminata, simplicia, petalis breviora. Flores planiusculi, petala alba, basi lutes- 
centia, rarius pallide rubescentia, vel venis rubescentibus, vel alba gemmá rubellà. 
Styli inclusi ; stigmatibus planiuseulis. Fructus glaber, globosus vel depressus, ni- 

_ tidus, atro-purpureus, demum niger, interdum etiam maturus, sanguineus, 

In borders of fields and bushy places in a gravelly or sandy soil; 
frequently abundant on sand-hills by the sea-shore. 

. In old specimens growing in barren and exposed situations, the 
branches are occasionally destitute of prickles. The flowers are 
sometimes red, and sometimes with veins of that colour. I have a 
specimen of the latter variety, gathered near Cartmell in Lanca- 
shire, with elliptical acute folioles. In the R. ciphiana of Sibbald 
they are variegated with red and white. 

The ripe fruit is in some countries preserved, and brought to 
table in that state. In its natural state it is every where eaten by 
children. It has a grateful sub-acid taste. The juice of it di- 
luted with water, dyes silk and muslin of a peach-colour; and 
with the addition of alum, of a deep violet: but it has very little 
effect on woollen or linen.” With. ii. 4.65. | 

B. Fruit-stalk rough, with pedunculated gumas The flowers are 
sometimes very large. - 

— R. pimpinellifolia æ. moe et — F1. Fr. iv. 450: Sussex, 
Mr. Borrer. — iy i 

2 aculeatissima. Fruit very large; peduncles and Fruit sometimes 
smooth, sometimes armed with aculei rather than seti: 
both appearances may be seen on the same plant: the fruit 
is generally attenuated at the base. Sussex, Mr. Borrer. _ 

R. pimpinellifolia y. Desvaux Journ. de Bot. ii. 119. 

3. pusilla. Peduncle very short; fruit large, depressed, 2st 
buried among the leaves. Ireland, Mr. Sabine. 
242 s Pe- 


180 Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 

s. Peduncle setose; fruit somewhat ampulliform, dark. Found 
by Mr. Robertson near Newcastle. I have never seen any 
specimen: it may perhaps be a dark-fruited variety of 
R. rubella. | 

R. spinosissima may be easily distige from R. involuta by its 
simple serratures. The only other British plant with which it could 
be confounded is R. rubella; but in R. spinosissima the aculei are 

numerous, strong, and expanded at the base, and gradually di- 

minish into sete, those of an intermediate size being as nume- 

rous as those wbich are larger or smaller. In R. rubella the 
prickles are few, very slender, little expanded at the base, and 
nearly of a size; while the setze are much more numerous and 
crowded than in R. spinosissima : the sete of the peduncle e also. 
in R. rubella are long and ‘slender; whereas the peduncle of. 
R. spinosissima is biher naked as in z, or with the glands on short 
peduncles as in B, or with arms, which are rather aculei than setze, 
as in y. But perhaps the existence of such variations in this 
species ought to induce us to place but little dependence on this 
character. Both the colour and shape of the fruit of R. spinosis- 
sima vary considerably ; but it is probably never either so red or 
so long as in R. rubella. | 
R. myriacantha, Lam. et Dec. F "j. Res iv. A59, &.vi..583, ap- 
pears to be allied to R. spinosissima ; but the footstalk and the - 
under surface of the leaves are covered with glands. Lamarck 
and Decandolle also mention that there is a difference in the ser- 
ratures of the leaves and in the leaves of the calyx, but they do 

not point out in what it consists. Desv aux, Journal de Botan. ii. 

118, says the serratures of R. myriacantha are compound; but in 

a specimen of this species from Decandolle, in the Herbarium of 

Mr. D. Turner, they are simple. 

I am by no means confident that the figure in the Fl. Danica, 

t. 398, is intended for this plant: it differs in the aculei, which 


Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 181 

are represented as all equal; and being variously bent, look 
rather like hairs than prickles: their length, however, gives them 
a different appearance from those of R. rubella, and I have never 
observed smooth fruitstalks on that species. In all the Roses of 
the llora Danica there is an unnatural curvature and laxity of 
habit, which was probably introduced by the artist from the no- 
tion that it would render them more beautiful as drawings. 

No small degree of confusion bas arisen between the names of 
R. spinosissima and R. pimpinellifolia, originating apparently witli 
Einnæus himself. In the Flora Lapponica he says of R. sylvestris 
pomifera minor, which has usually been considered the same as 
R. spinosissima, * In desertis passim prope tuguria vel fluviorum 
ripas obvia fuit, licet nullibi copiose." In the Flora Suecica he 
describes a species under that name, with a reference to the Sp: 
Plant. but not to the Flora Lapp., and says of it, ** Habitat ad 
agrorum margines, eorumque acervos passim." Again, in the 
Fruticetum Suecicum (Amen. Acad. v. 220,) he writes, ** Per totam 
Sueciam crescit, precipue in acervos lapidum et ad agrorum mar: 
gines, adeoque in sabuletis et montibus." In the second edition 
of the Sp. Plant. i. 703, R. pimpinellifolia is first introduced, “ ger- 
minibus globosis, eaule aculeis sparsis;" and it is added, “ Habitat 
forte in Europa:" but nosynonyms are given. In the same edi» 
tion R. spinosissima is described. “ germinibus ovatis glabris, pe- 
dunculis caule petiolisque aculeatissimis ;" and in the Syst. Veg. 
edit. 13, the character “ germinibus globosis" is equally given to. 
both. | à | 

Sir J. E. Smith considers the specimen of R. pimpinellifolia in 
the Linnzan Herbarium as undoubtedly R. spinosissima ; and very 
naturally concludes, that when Linnæus added R. pimpinellifolia; 
he did not recollect the plant to which he had previously given 
another name. Dr. Wahlenberg, Fl. Lapp., quotes R. spinosissima 
of Fl. Suec. of Linnzus, but with a mark of doubt, as a pue 
| o 

182 = Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa, 

of his R. majalis, of which he declares, * Rami ramulique in ma- 
turo frutice sæpius toti inermes, rarius aculeis stipularibus paucis 
rectis gracilibus armati." The principal, or rather, I believe, the 
only ground on which this reference is supported is, that the 
place of growth of R. majalis agrees with that pointed out by 
Linnæus for R. spinosissima, and that no other Rose grows in simi- 
lar situations. : | 

Dr. Afzelius, in his Tonteimin primum de Rosis Sine, p: 3, 
remarks, * that Linnæus himself was at last inclined to unite 
R. spinosissima with R. pimpinellifolia ; but that in earlier times he 
certainly was of a different opinion: because R. pimpinellifolia 
is not a native of Sweden, much less is it a idis growing * ad 
agrorum margines eorumque acervos passim; nor has it soft 
fruit. Therefore,” continues he,“ we cannot doubt that Linnaeus 
at first intended some other species, which he afterwards seems 
to have forgotten; at first substituting in its place a Rose * ger- 
minibus ovatis, and afterwards confusing both with R. pimpinet- 
lifolia." A little further on, Dr. Afzelius adds, that from an exa- 
mination of the places pointed out by Linnæus, it a ppears clearly 
that the species of Rosa called by him spinosissima, is one of the 
many varieties of Rh. cinnamomea, ff rene he mn rt Shee . 

dulces, rubidos." This account, if 1 Br right, agrees 
with that of Dr. Wahlenberg: but if this is the case, some diffi- 
culty is introduced by the expression “ caulibus junioribus spino- 
sissimis;" as the young stems of R. cinnamomea are sometimes 
densely covered with sete, and in the usual language of bo- 
tany, as applied to Roses, might be called rough; but it seems 
a considerable license to call them thorny. Another unfortu- 
nate circumstance with respect to this passage is, that we do not 


x de 

Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 183 

know what Rosa Dr. Afzelius means to indicate by the name of 
R. pimpinellifolia; and still less is it possible to conjecture what 
is the Rosa “ germinibus ovatis," which was according to him 
first confounded by Linneus with R. spinosissima, and afterwards 
with that species blended into R. pimpinellifolia: but I have only 
been able to procure the first, second, third, fifth, sixth, seventh, 
eighth, ninth, and tenth of his Tentamina ; in the last of which he 
resumes the consideration of this species, as described in the works 
of the Swedish botanists previous to Linnæus, and no further. Per- 
haps, if 1 had been able to consult the eleventh Tentamen, I might 
have found all difficulties resolved. Be that as it may, the R: spi 
nosissima of the Linnzean Herbarium is certainly the English plant, 
and no variety of R. cinnamomea. I can have therefore no doubt 
in retaining the name, which would be very reluctant] y tratisterred 
to a plant almost without prickles or thorns. | 

Willdenow describes R. pimpinellifolia as distinct from R. spi- 
nosissima ; as also does Gmelin, Fl. Bad. Als. ii. 415: but I can- 
not understand from either of them in what the difference con- 
sists, except in the “ aculei sparsi," which is the essential cha- 
racter given by Linnzus, in opposition to the * aculei conferti? 

- of R. spinosissima, and is retained by both these authors. Dr. 

Roth, Fl. Germ. i. 217, and ii. 556, seems nd acknowledge E 
eine to ro ded the qe dips i Hit 

£ "AE 
PE b 

4. Rosa INVOLUTA. — 

R. ebracteata, caulibus setigeris, receptaculis globosis, foliolis du- 
| plicato-serratis supra glabris, aculeis confertissimis. 

R. involuta. Fi. Brit. 1398. Eng. Bot. xxix. t. 2068. 

Frutex 'ereetusy ddtigesife.. Rami stricti, fusci, aculeis confertis, strictis, reclinatis vel 
horizontaliter patentibus, valde inæqualibus, tandem in setas immutatis, muniti, . Pe- 
tioli aculeis reclinatis instructi, glandulosi, sparsim pilosi, Stipudee lineares, glandu- 

loso-ciliate, subæquales, sed interdum ez floribus propiores ceteris aliquantulum 

184 Mr. Woo»s on the British Species of Rosa. 

Jatiores, et etiam in bracteas parvulas immutate. Foliola 9; par superius et fo: 
liolum impar ceteris majora, omnia elliptica, duplicato-serrata, subtus venulis hir- 
suta, supra glabra, nisi interdum nervo quandoque petioli instar pilis sparsis, glandulosa. 
Pedunculi solitarii, rarius binati, setis inzequalibus obsiti. Receptaculum globosum, 
atro-fuscum, setis ut pedunculus munitum. | Calycis foliola triangulari-lanceolata, in- 
tegerrima, petala plerumque zequantia, glandulosa, receptaculo pallidiora. Flores 
cyathiformes ; petala obcordata, rubescentia, basi albida. Styli inclusi; stigmatibus 
planiusculis, Fructus globosus, setosus : maturi colorem nescio. 

Scotland, principally on the western coast. Glen Lyon, Rev. 
J.Stuart, D.D. Isle of Arran, Mr. G. Don. 

This Rose is easily distinguished from R. rubella and R. spino- 
sissima, by the double serratures of the leaflets. From R. Doniana 
it is known with more difficulty ; for though I have uniformly 
found the upper surface of the leaf without hairs in this species, 
with the exception already noticed in the description, and as uni- 
formly pubescent in the other, yet I feel that it would be un- 
wise to place an entire dependence on this character. Still, how- 
ever, the expanded flower and comparatively scattered prickles 
of R. Doniana seem to denote an essential difference between 
the two plants. The root-shoots of R. Doniana are indeed very 
full of aculei, though less so than those of R. involuta ; and it 
must carefully be observed as a general rule in the comparison of 
these and of all other species of Rosa, that we must draw the pa- 
rallel between similar parts :—for instance, in the present case we 
must compare the strong surculi or root-shoots of R. involuta with 
the surculi of R. Doniana, and the branches of the one with the 
branches of the other; and not conclude that there is no diffe. 
rence if the surculi of R. Doniana are as thorny as the weaker 
branches of ft. involuta ; for in almost all Roses these strong shoots 
are decidedly more prickly than the rest of the plant. 

If the distinctive character between this famil y of Roses and that 
of R. cinnamomea be drawn from the bracteæ, as I conceive must 
necessarily be the case, the young botanist may possibly be led 


Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 185 

by it to seek this speciesof Rose among the last-mentioned family ; 

the permanence of the setze, and their insensible gradation into 

aculei, which never occurs among that tribe, will serve to correct 
the error. 
| "n Rosa Doniana. 

R. ebracteata, caulibus setigeris, calycibus simplicibus, foliolis 
duplicato-serratis utrinque hirsutis, aculeis strictis inæqua- 
libus sparsis. 

Frutex bipedalis; in sepibus Sussexie interdum etiam quinquepedalis. Rami subdif- 

fusi, fusci, aculeis rectiusculis horizontaliter patentibus, insequalibus, gracilibus, spar- 
_sis, tandem in setas immutatis instructi. Petioli villosi, glandulosi, atque interdum 
aculeis minimis muniti. S/ipulæ lanceolato-lineares, glanduloso-serrate, tomentose, 
subgequales, sed interdum ez floribus propiores aliquantulum latiores, atque etiam in 
bracteas parvulas immutate. — Foliola 7 vel 9, elliptica, inflorescentize propiora sub- 
pauciora, par superius et foliolum impar ceteris majora duplicato-serrata, utrinque 
villosa, eglandulosa. Pedunculi solitarii, cylindracei, setis inæqualibus muniti. Re- 
ceptaculum globosum, fusco-viride, setis fortibus armatum. Calycis foliola subulato- 
lanceolata, elongata, simplicia, vel tantum hic illic lacinia filiformi instructa, petala 
æquantia, villosa, setosa, receptaculo viridiora, Flores expansi; petala alba, obcor- 
data. Styli iuclusi, — penses Fructus globosus, setosus: maturum 

+ pon vidi. eit 

catrehel by Mr. G. Don of Forfar, on the mountains of Clova, 

and by Mr. Borrer by the water of Leith near Mii also 

near Albourn and Henfield in Sussex. 

lam very happy in the name of this species to have an oppor- 
tunity of commemorating Mr. G. Don of Forfar, whose ability as 
an indefatigable investigator of our indigenous botany is well 
known, unfortunately now exerted no more. Mr. Don first ga- 
thered this plant, and distinguished it from R. involuta: and it 
merits observation, that though he relied entirely on the habit of 
the plant, all his specimens agree precisely with the artificial 
character I have adopted. Besides the particular differences 
pointed out under R. involuta, Mr. Don observed that the present 

VOL. XII. 2B species 

186 Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 

species runs less at the roots than the other. This I have not had 
an opportunity of examining; but the roots of the Sussex plant 
appear to extend themselves considerably. The mode of growth 
is certainly much looser and more diffuse. 

From R. gracilis this species is distinguished by its mucb 
smaller size, both in the whole plant and in each part; by its 
peduncles, almost invariably solitary, and by the total want of 
the large curved aculei so characteristic of that plant —From 
R. Sabini by the leafits of the calyx, which in that species are uni- 
formly divided. No other British Rose can be confounded with it. 

6. Rosa GRACILIS. 

R. bracteata, sahil setigeris, calycibus simplicibus, foliolis 
photos ueque pun aculeis uota: fal- 
catis. - i 

R. villosa. Engl. Bot. ix. t. 583. (excl Syn n. et Tij. fructus) - 

Frutex 8—10-pedalis. Rami vagi, intense fusci, heolia, setigerique ; aculei majores 
faleati, subbinato-stipulares ; minores recti, sparsi, setas forma referentes et in has 
demum sensim transeuntes.  Petioli villosi; glandulosi, aculeis parvis subfalcatis mu- 
niti. Stipulz lineares, acuminate, glanduloso-serratæ, glabriuscule, ex floribus pro- 
piores latiores, et interdum, foliis deficientibus, in bracteas parvas ovatas acumina- 
tas immutate. Foliola 7 vel 9, par superius et foliolum impar ceteris majora, omnia 
elliptica, duplicato-serrata, utrinque hirsuta, margine glandulosa, quod interdum etiam 
subtus in nervo, sed nunquam, ut credo, in superficie paginæ inferioris accidit, Pe- 
dunculi 1 —3, plerumque binati, setis inæqualibus obsiti, hoc qui prior evenit erecto, 
illo graciliore, longiore, nutante. Receptaculum globosum, nunc setis pedunculi instar 
munitum, nune totus glaber. Calycis foliola triangulari-lanceolata, petala æquantia ; 
rarissiime in his conspicitur pinnula filiformis. Flores subcyathiformes, petala ob- 
cordata, pulcherrime rubescentia, basi alba. — S/yli inclusi, stigmatibus hemisphe- 
ricis, Fructus globosus: maturum non vidi. 

The specimen figured in English Botany was sent by Mr. Robson, 
. probably from the vicinity of Darlington ; and | have received 

it from the same place under the name of R. villosa. In 1808 I 

Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 187 

observed one or two plants of this species at Pooley-Bridge in 

Cumberland ; and again in 1814. At the latter time I likewise 

gathered specimens from a plant in the neighbourhood of Kes- 

wick: but as I have neither seen nor heard of it elsewhere, I 

conclude it to be a rare plant. 

I can hardly have any doubt as to the correctness of the syno- 
nym I have quoted. In the Rose figured in Engi. Bot. the prickles 
on the stem, by their number, scattered disposition, and slender- 
ness, appear to indicate what I have called setæ, or at least 
the small aculei approaching to sete. This point established, 
it must belong to the setigerous tribe; and we have only to 
determine between R. Doniana, R. gracilis, and R. Sabini. Un- 
fortunately the large falcate prickles, the strongest character of 
R. gracilis, are wanting; but this is a circumstance which I 
conceive may occasionally occur in a single specimen; while on 
the other hand the size and habit of the plant, the binate pe- 
duncles, and the form of the calyx-leaves, induce me to refer it 
to this species rather than to either of the others, and the place 
of its growth strengthens this supposition. I am much more con- 
fident that the plant of Engl. Bot. is not the R. villosa of Linnæus, 
or that of Hudson, or even of the Flora Britannica: The descrip- 
tion “aculei caulini rariusculi” pointedly disagrees with the figure; 
and all authors unite in attributing to R. villosa ** aculei sparsi;” 
and in this genus Linnzus, from whom the term is borrowed, 
opposes “ sparsi" to * conferti," and uses it to express the com- 
paratively small number of aculei. The term would therefore be 
quite inapplicable to this plant and to the figure in Engl. Bot., sup- 
posing, as would necessarily be the case, the setae (never before 
distinguished from the aculei) to be included under the same 
term. The figure of the fruit, in which the calyx is remarkably 
compound, appears to have been drawn from a different plant, 

2522 probably 

188 Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 

probably owing to none having been sent by Mr. Robson with 
his specimen. 

Besides the marks enumerated under R. Doniana by which 
these species may be distinguished, the peculiar length, slender- 
ness, and apparent weakness of the second peduncle of R. gracilis 
may be mentioned. From R. Sabini it mé be known by the 
simple leaves of the calyx. 

7. Rosa SABINI. 

R. ebracteata, caulibus setigeris, receptaculis globosis, pa per 
compositis, foliolis duplicato-serratis. 

Frutex 4—6-pedalis. Rami vagi, fusci, aculeis sparsis, inæqualibus, rectis, tandem in setas 
immutatis muniti. Petioli villosi, glandulosi, aculeati ; aculei minimi, recti. Sti- 
pulæ lineares, glanduloso-ciliatæ, ex fic or ibus propiores aliquantulum latiores, his fo- 
lia interdum desunt et bracteæ parvae ovate fiunt. Foliola 5 vel 7, quorum par superius 

et foliolum i impar ceteris majora, omnia elliptica, duplicato-serrata, subtus venulosa, 
 venulis hirsutis, interdum etiam nervo et margine glandulosa, superficie quoque supe- 
riore pilis sparsis hispida. Pedunculi 1—3, filiformes, setis inæqualibus obsiti. Re- 
ceptaculum globosum, olivaceum, setis sicut in peduneulis munitum. Calycis foliola 
composita, pinnulis angustissimis, nec raro capillaribus setosa, glandulosaque. Flores 
ruhescentes, expansi, magni. S/yli subinclusi, stigmatibus villosis. Fructus globo- 
sus: qui sit in maturo color nescio. 

Mr.Sabine received this Rose from Mr. Vere’s garden, where it was 
introduced by Mr. Jackson from Scotland. Mr. Borrer found it 
in the neighbourhood of Dunkeld ; and I have noticed it near 
Hawes-Water in Cumberland. 

The sete will always readily determine the family to which 
this Rose belongs, if examined on the living plant or in good spe- 
cimens; but I know no way by which to determine with any 
certainty specimens of Roses exhibiting only the flowering shoot 
and two or three leaves. From all other British setigerous Rose 
R. Sabini is distinguished by the divided leafits of the calyx: the 


Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 189 

segments may I believe always be observed if examined with at- 
tention ; but they are sometimes so strictly capillary as hardly to 
be distinguished from very large and long sete. 

This Rose does not seem to have been before noticed ; I have 
therefore given to it the name of a gentleman who has long culti- 
vated and investigated the characters, principally of the foreign 
Roses, with the greatest care. "The result of his labours will not 
I hope be long withheld from the public. It is by his assistance 
that I am enabled to distinguish this species from all others. 

This species and the five preceding form the English portion of 
the family of R. spinosissima. R. rubella, R. spinosissima, R. invo- 
luta, R. Doniana, R. gracilis, and R. Sabini, all agree in having 
persistent setæ on the stems and branches, the stipulæ not in- 
creasing in breadth towards the inflorescence, or only in a slight 
degree, the flowers few together, and the fruit nearly round. I 
have already mentioned how slight my knowledge is of the exotic 
species; and perhaps in this subdivision I have fewer materials 
of comparison than in any other; but considering that the more 
completely I exhibit my ideas on the subject of the arrangement 
of the genus, the better chance I have of making my principles 
understood, I venture to mention R. kamschatica as the only 
foreign addition to the tribe at present known. | 


8. Rosa VILLOSA. 

R. receptaculis subglobosis, calycibus simplicibus, acujeis rec- 
tiusculis subæqualibus, foliolis rhombeo-ellipticis, bracteis 

R. villosa. Linn. Herb. Linn. Sp. Pl. i. 704? Willd. ii. 1069? 

R. mollis. Engl. Bot. xxxv. t. 2459. 

. pomifera. C. Gmelin Fl. Bad. Alsat. ii. 410? 

R. glandulosa. Lam. et Dec. Fl. Fr. vi. 539? 

R. helvetica.  Romer's Arch. b. i. st. 2. p. 6? 


- 190 Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 

Frutex 6—8-pedalis. Rami vagi, fusci, juniores glaucescentes, aculeati; aculei recti, 
graciles, subæquales, plerumque binato-stipulares.  Petioli tomentosi, glandulosi, 
aculeisque parvis faleatis muniti. Stipulee lineari-lanceolatze, glanduloso-ciliatæ, eæ 
floribus etiam solitariis propiores latiores, et demum foliis deficientibus in bracteas. 

. late ellipticas acuminatas immutate. — Foliola 5, rarius 7, par superius et foliolum 
impar ceteris majora, rhombeo-elliptica, duplicato-serrata, utrinque hirsuta, superne 
mollissima, subtus rugosa, et precipue marginem versus glandulosa, Pedunculi 1, 2, 
setis inæqualibus armati, bracteas superantes. Receptaculum subglobosum, setis for- 
tioribus, sed paucioribus quam quz in pedunculo, munitum. Calycis foliola simplicia, 
triangulari-lanceolata, vix petala longitudine æquantia, glandulosa, setosa; fructüs 
reflexa. Flores concavi, saturate rubentes, rarius albi maculis sanguineis, vel ru- 
bescentes. S/yli inclusi, stigmatibus convexis. Fructus globosus, setosus, ruber. 

* Gathered by the late Mr. G. Jackson in Scotland, and by the 
Rev. Hugh Davies in Wales; also between Edinburgh and 
Ravelston-Wood. It appears to be not very uncommon in 


England and Wales.” Engl. Bot. 


The specimen in the Linnean Herbarium marked Rosa villosa 
is undoubtedly this species, though the aculei are shorter, stronger, 
and more curved than I have generally observed them. It is 
probable that the plant of our gardens which is generally known 
by that name, and R. tomentosa, were included by Linnzus under 
the same species; but as the existing specimen agrees with the 
description, as far as that defines any one Rose, I have preferred 
assigning the name of R. villosa to this species, instead of retain- 
ing that of R. mollis, given in English Botany. We may be cer- 
tain that Linnæus intended the present plant—that he would 
have included the others is matter of supposition ; and when it is 
found neccssary to subdivide an original species, the Herbarium 
is the best authority to determine which plant shall retain the 
name at first intended to include the whole. In this case a 
further argument arises from the uncertaint y of the plantintended 
under this name by other authors, and our inability to distinguish 
most of them from the numerous varieties of R. tomentosa. 


Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 191 

On examination of the original specimens of R. mollis in the 
Herbarium of Sir J. E. Smith, it appears to me that, of the 
places of growth mentioned in Engl. Bot. Mr. Jackson's only can 
be safely quoted for this species, and that the others belong to 
R. tomentosa, to which I must also attribute the ** Rosa sylvestris, 
folio molliter hirsuto, fructu rotundo glabro, calyce et pediculo hispi- 
dis" of Dillenius in Rai? Syn. 478. The Rev. Hugh Davies ob- 
serves, that in the plants he finds, the fruit varies from perfect 
smoothness to every degree of roughness; butas R. villosa and 
R. tomentosa have been hitherto described “ fructu hispido," and 
both species are liable to vary in that respect, I do not perceive 
that this observation can at all tend to determine the synonym. 
It is far more likely to be a smooth-fruited variety of R. tomentosa 
(which certainly occurs in Middlesex and Surrey), than the pre- 
sent species, which we have no reason to suppose was ever found 
in those counties. 

I have drawn up the description of this plant from a specimen 
gathered in Mr. Vere's garden at Kensington, in September 1814, 
and from another gathered in Mr. Sabine's garden at North Mims 
in June 1815. ‘These two plants proceeded originally I under- 
stand from the same root. 1 3 

I have already observed, that in most of our Roses the earlier 
leaves of each sort are obtuse: this species seems to havea gener 
quantity of these leaves than most others. 

A plant agreeing closely with these specimens is sold ir Lee 
and by Loddiges under the name of R. villosa, except that the 
aculei are stronger and slightly curved, approaching therefore 
more closely to the plant of the Linnean Herbarium: but though - 
the general character of the aculei is of the greatest consequence, 

] do not find these minute differences much to be depended upon. 

192 Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 

Though very downy, the leaves of this Rose are generally green 
above; but I have specimens which are considerably gray. Mr. 
Sabine has a plant from Mr. G. Don, which differs from this 
only in a harsher pubescence. 

B. cerulea. Fruit and peduncle nearly smooth ; flowers blush- 
red. The glaucous waxiness of the young shoots is very 
conspicuous and very beautiful in this variety :. the leaves 
are more glandular, the bracteæ are in general smaller, and 
the habit is more slender than ine. The plant from whence 
I have taken this account was sent from Scotland, by Mr. 
G. Jackson, to Mr. Vere's garden, and from thence received 
by Mr. Sabine ; but I have specimens nearly similar collected 
by Mr. Robertson near Newcastle, and by Mr. D. Turner at 
Killin; and I have met with it myself in Friars Wood, near 
Ingleton. | 

y. concavifolia. Leaflets remarkably concave, or conduplicate 
and hoary. Bracteæ lanceolato-ovate; receptacle globose. 
Scotland, Mr. Borrer. 

à. suberecta. Fruit globose, that and the petiole furnished with 
strong sete; flowers deep red. Stems stiff and upright ; 
leaflets 7, sometimes 9, elliptic, concave; stem, petioles, sti- 
pule, young prickles, and midrib, of a vinous red. The 
general appearance of this variety is such as to make me wish 
to consider it as a distinct species; but I have not been able 
to fix on any good character. In smell, in the abundance of 
glands underneath the leaves, and even in habit, it ap- 
proaches somewhat to R. Eglanteria; it is not however en- 

tirely free from the turpentine flavour which accompanies 

Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 193 

all this family ; and the straight prickles render it impossible 
to mistake it for thatspecies. If distinct, its place would be 
before R: villosa, as nearer to the family of R. spinosissima, 
The stipulz are almost membranous, which would form an 
. excellent character if it should be found constant. I have 
only seen it in one place, on a rocky limestone bank at Ingle- 
ton in Yorkshire ; and at that time I was so puzzled by the 
multifarious appearance of thie specimens I had collected, and 
which I had not had opportunity to arrange, that I did not 
pay it the attention it merited, and only preserved a single 
— specimen. | 
It is with considerable doubt that I have quoted R. pomifera, 
Fl. Bad. Alsat., as a synonym of this species. The author says, 
that sometimes two of the calyx-leafits are divided, which might 
have induced me to refer it to R. scabriuscula ; especially as the 
name seems to indicate a large-fruited Rose; and the fruit of 
R. scabriuscula is occasionally very large; but in other respects 
it does not agree with that plant. | 
- I hesitate still more whether R. glandulosa, Lam. et Dec. Fl. 
Fr. vi. 539, ought to be considered as a smooth variety of tbis 
plant: it certainly approaches FER near to it, except in the P 
bescence. £ 
. Rosa helvetica, Rômer’s Archiv. für die Botanik, is perhaps. a 
dwarf variety of this species. Here again the descriptor * foliolis 

glabris inodoris" renders it ad doubtful. 

R. receptaculis ellipticis, calycibus subsimplicibus, bracteis ellip- 
© ticis, aculeis rectiusculis subæqualibus, foliolis ange z 
lipticis duplicato-serratis. | 

VOL, XII. 2c R. sca- 

194 Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 

R. scabriuscula. Engl. Bot. xxvii. t.1896. Winch Bot. Guide, ii. 
Pr. p- à 
Frutex 4—6-pedalis. Rami vagi, fusco-olivacei, aculeati; aculei recti, gracilis omnis qui 
in situ eodem ejusdem fere magnitudinis, plerumque binato-stipulares, sed sparsi quo- 
que inveniuntur.  Petioli tomentosi, glandulosi, aculeisque minimis rectis muniti, 
Stipule lineares, glanduloso-ciliate, ez floribus propiores latiores, et demum foliis de- 
- ficientibus in bracteas ellipticas acuminatas immutate. Foliola 5 rarius 7, par superius et 
. foliolum impar ceteris majora, elliptica, vel potius in meis.speciminibus oblongo-ellip- 
tica, duplicato-serrata, utrinque hirsuta, mollissima, subtus precipue marginem ver- 
sus glandulosa. Pedunculi 1—3, setis debilibus plerumque armati, interdum toti gla- 
bri, bracteas longitudine subequantes. Receptaculum ellipticum, nunc setis aliquot 
.. fortioribus quam qua in pedunculo munitum, nune glaberrimum. Calycis foliola suh- 
pinnata, triangulari-lanceolata, petala vix æquantia, glandulosa, fructüs erecta. 
Flores concavi ; petala alba, maculis sanguineis gemmæ persistentibus, Styli inclusi, 
stigmatibus convexis, Fructus magnus, subglobosus, ruber, 

Found by Mr. Winch in hedges in Durham and Northumber- 
land. Engl. Bot. Banks of the Dee, and on the side of Loch 
Tay, Mr. G. Anderson. Friars Wood, near Analeion a odi 
If I were not fortified by the authority of Sir J. E. Smith and of 
Mr. Borrer, I should hardly venture to describe as a distinct spe- 
ciés a plant so nearly approaching to some varieties of R. tomen- 
tosa. The calyx-leafits, indeed, though always in some. degree 
pinnate, are never, as far as I have observed, completely fur- 
nished with offsets on each division as they are in that plant. In 
this respect it varies exceedingly, approaching however nearer to 
the compound calyx of R. tomentosa than to the simple one of 
 R. villosa. On this character, such as it is, the specific distinc- 
tion must principally rest; for the shape of the receptacle and 
leaflets, though sufficiently distinct in some specimens, still va- 
ries so much in this tribe of Roses that I dare not place much 
reliance on it. Still less can I depend on the greenness and 
harshness of the pubescence, the characters by which this Rose is 

Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 195 

more particularly pointed out in Engl. Bot.; as the specimens 
which I have received from Mr. Winch, the original discoverer, 
are hoary with a velvety down, and exceedingly soft on both 
sides—perhaps even more so than is usual in any other spe- 
cies; and those which I have gathered myself agree with them in 
this as in every other particular. Mr. Winch also in his Botanist’s 
Guide describes the leaflets as densely covered with down. I 
have reason to believe that the plants gathered by Sir J. E. Smith 
near St. Edmund's Bury, which in Engl. Bot. are attributed 
to this species, rather belong to R. tomentosa » of this essay. 
The extreme variableness of this latter species (the Rose I have 
had the most opportunities of examining under different circum- 
stances) induces me however to attach very little importance to 
this peculiarity in the pubescence. 


R. receptaculis subglobosis, calycibus subcompositis, aculeis rec- 
tiusculis subzequalibus, bracteis lanceolatis. 

Frutex 7—9-pedalis. Rami vagi, pallide fusco-olivacei, aculeati ; aculei subfalcati 1, 2, 
v. 3 singula ad internodia caulis, plerumque ad basin foliorum. Petioli tomentosi, 
glandulosi, rarissime hic illic aculeo minimo recto muniti. Stipule lineares, acutae, 
tomentose, glanduloso-serrate, interdum pagina inferiore glandulosæ ; ew floribus 
proximæ vix ceteris latiores, quanquam interdum deficiant folia, — Fo/iola 5 v. 7, par 
superius et foliolum impar ceteris majora, nunc elliptica, nunc forma obovato-oblonga, 
basi rotundata, insigniter variantia, duplicato-serrata, utrinque molliter hirsuta, glan- 

= dulosa. Pedunculi 1 v. 2, nunc glabri, nune setis inæqualibus obsiti, bracteas æquantes 
vel eas superantes. Receptaculum subglobosum, nunc glabrum nunc setosum, setis 
fortioribus quam quz in pedunculo inveniuntur munitum. Calycis foliola pinnata vel 
_subpinnata, petalis longiora, basi setosa, sursum glandulosa. Flores expansos non 
vidi; petala alba sanguineo-maculata, Styli inclusi, stigmatibus convexis. Fructus 
Found by Mr. W. Borrer at Collington near Edinburgh, and else- 

where in that neighbourhood ; also at Finlarig. i 
2c2 I do 

196 Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 

I do not find any description to which this Rose can be referred. 
It seems to be called R. villosa by the Scotch botanists; but that - 
name being appropriated to another species, I have given to the 
present plant the name of R. heterophylla, expressive of a charac- 
ter which it usually presents, and which gives to it a certain pecu- 
liarity of habit when compared with any other British species. 

The Roses most nearly allied to this are R. villosa, R. scabrius- 
cula, and R. tomentosa. From the first and last of these a proper 
attention to the leafits of the calyx will distinguish it; and from 
R. scabriuscula, as well as from the two others, the remarkable 
shape frequently occurring in the leaflet, and the narrow bracteæ. 

11. Rosa PULCHELLA. 

R. receptaculis obovatis, calycibus compositis, aculeis rectius- 

culis subæqualibus, petalis margine crenatis. 

Frutex 11—2-pedalis. Rami ‘subflexuosi, erecti, fusci, aculeati ; ; aculei subfaleati, graciles, 
subæquales, plerumque binato-stipulares. Petioli tomentosi, glandulosi, aculeisque 
gracilibus falcatis muniti,  S/ipulæ lineares, glanduloso-ciliatæ, pagina inferiore 
glandulosæ, ez floribus propiores latiores, sed bracteam perfectam nondum vidi, 
. Foliola 5 v. 7, par superius et foliolum impar ceteris majora, On cencava, dupli- 
cato-serrata, utrinque hirsuta, subtus glandulosa. Pedunculi pauci, setis inæqualibus 
obsiti, stipulas proximas superantes. Receptaculum obovatum, glabrum. Calycis 
foliola pinnata, petalis breviora, glandulosa. Flores concavi, petala saturate ruben- 
tia, margine glanduloso-crenata. Styli— Fructus : Has partes non potui satis exami- 

On limestone banks at Ingleton in Yorkshire. 

Like the foregoing, this Rose seems to have been unnoticed by 
preceding authors. It is easily discriminated by its crenate 
petals from all other British Roses: but this character it may be 
difficult to determine in the Herbarium, as the petals of Roses 
are apt to fall off, and when preserved generally shrivel very 

much in drying. The shape of the receptacle and the shortness 

© Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. — — 197 

of the calyx-leafits appear also to be characters worthy of atten- 
tion; but I have seen too little of it to be able to point out the 
variations to which it is most subject. The size and habit of the 
plant, the shape of the receptacle and that of the leaflets, will 
distinguish this from the common Apple Rose of the gardens; a 
species with which it would be ridiculous to compare it, were it 
not for the singular circumstance of the crenate petals—a cha- 
racter which, as far as my knowledge extends, is not to be met 
with in any other species of this genus. 

12. Rosa TOMENTOSA. 

R. calycibus compositis, aculeis rectiusculis subzequalibus, petalis 
integerrimis, bracteis ellipticis, foliolis duplicato-serratis. 
R. tomentosa. Fl. Br. ii. 539. Engl. Bot. xiv. t. 990. Lam. et, 

> Dec. Fl. Fr. iv. 440. 
R. villosa. Huds. Fl. Angl. ed. ii. p.219. Lam. et Dec. Fl. Fr. iv. 
440. Roth Fl. Germ. i. 217. & ii. 556. 

R. Reynieri. | Rómer's Archiv. D. i. St. 2. p. T. 

Rosa sylvestris pomifera major nostras. Raï Synop. 455. 

— Frutex 6—S-pedalis. Rami vagi, fusco-olivacei, aculeati; aculei rectiusculi, graciles, 
subbinato-stipulares: sparsi quoque hic illie inveniuntur. — Petioli tomentosi, setosi, 

_ aculeisque leviter falcatis muniti. Stipule lineares, tomentose, glanduloso-ciliate, 
paginaque inferiore sæpius glandulosæ ; ex floribus etiam solitariis propiores latiores, 
et demum foliis deficientibus in bracteas ovatas acuminatas immutate. Foliola 5 v. 7, 
par superius et foliolum impar ceteris majora, elliptica, apice triangulari-acuto, utrin- 
que tomentosa, duplicato-serrata, subtus nune tota superficie, nunc margine, venisve 
tantum glandulosa, Pedunculi 1—4, setis inæqualibus obsiti, bracteis breviores. Re- 
ceptaculum plus minusve ellipticum, subfuscum, setis laxius sparsis quam sunt calyx et 
peduneulus munitum. Calycis foliola triangulari-elliptica, acuminata, setosa, pinnata, 
pinnis inciso-serratis, glandulosis, foliolum semipinnatum, pinnam solitariam tantüm 
plerumque habet. Flores planiusculi ; petala basi alba, margine integerrima, nunc in- 
tense rubella, saepius rubescentia, nune tota alba, nunc alba maculis sanguineis externe 
notata, gemma sanguinea. Styli inclusi, stigmatibus planiusculis vel parum convexis. 

- Fructus late ellipticus, ruber. 

198 Mr. Woons on the British Species of Rosa. 

Common in hedges and bushy places throughout Great Bri- 

-I rely upon the se of the leaflet and the entire margin of the 
petals, to distinguish this Rose from the R. villosa of the gardens, 
whose petals are crenate, a character pointed out to me by 
Mr. W. J. Hooker; and somewhat also on the smaller and less 
globular fruit: on the bracteæ, and on the shape of the leaf- 
lets, to separate it from R. heterophylla: on the entire margin of 
| the petals, to mark it from R. pulchella; and on the very pinnate 
leafits of the calyx, to divide it from R. villosa and R. scabrius- 
cula. The plant thus discriminated includes so many varieties, 
or perhaps species, that it is certainly the most intricate of the 
genus. It undoubtedly embraces the R. villosa of Hudson, and 
the Rosa sylvestris pomifera major nostras of Ray, which has usu- 
ally been quoted as a synonym of R. villosa. I should also feel 
confident that it included the Rosa villosa of the Flora Britannica, 
if the learned author had not assured me that that description 
was drawn up from the plant commonly known under the name 
of R. villosa in our gardens:—that, however, we have no reason 
to suppose a native of this country, though perhaps in the present 
state of our — we should find it difficult to trace it to any 

The characters proposed by British botébisfe to distinguish 
R. villosa from R. tomentosa, viz. the small ovate fruit and hooked 
prickles, do not by any means regularly go together. The size 
and shape of the receptacle and fruit vary much, as may be 
sufficiently seen in the ensuing catalogue of varieties ; and even 
under that appearance from which I have drawn my descrip- 
tion, indeed on the same bush, they may be observed large or 
small, more or less elliptic, more or less covered with sete, or 
quite naked. "The average mape in « is however wider than in 


Mr. Woops on the British us of Rosa. 199 

some of the varieties; and perhaps » and £, in which they are re- 
markably elongated, might be taken for the Rosa tomentosa of 
the Fl. Br.; and the figure in English Botany is not very dif- 
ferent from those varieties. Ray, however, says nothing of the 
curved aculei of his R. sylvestris fructu majore hispido, the sy- 
nonym quoted by Sir J. E. Smith; while, on the contrary, he 
describes the fruit of R. sylvestris pomifera major “ fructus pyri 
parvi forma et magnitudine"—a description which appears exag- 
gerated if applied to R. tomentosa n of this essay, but which agrees 
with that variety better than with any other; but perhaps still 
better with an appearance sometimes met with in R. scabriuscula, 
Ray adds * spinulis obsiti;" a description which altogether does 
not agree with any fruit-I have seen; but which we may easily 
perceive cannot indicate the same thing as the “ germen glo- 
bosum" of Linnwus; especially if we sonido that in this fa- 
mily the fruit is uniformly rounder than the immature recep- 
tacle. Hudson bas merely joined the synonym of Ray to his 
R. villosa B, without adding any remark of his own to either 
variety. Lightfoot, F/. Scot. i. 261, has added, that the fruit is 
black when ripe; a — which renders his preise, very 

In such a labyrinth what is the course to be pursued? I have 
already mentioned in the account of R. villosa, that in the appro- 
priation of that name I have followed the Linnean Herbarium. 
R. tomentosa is therefore left for this; and as the name cannot 
reasonably be objected to in a genus where it is so difficult to 
find names at all characteristic, and as some of the varieties are 
already well known under this name, I cannot hesitate to pre- 
serve it. The synonyms above quoted do not appear to me at 
all doubtful as to the species; but I have not attempted the dif- 

ficult, or rather impracticable, task of determining the correspon- 

200 Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 

dence between my varieties and the varieties or species of pre- 
ceding authors. 

I have made several attempts to form such an arrangement of 
the varieties of this Rose as might keep together those plants 
whose natural character would point out the probability of their 
constituting distinct species, and separate those whose habit 
seemed to announce important differences. "This attempt has 
failed ; but I believe in the following list the order adopted is not 
far from a natural series. If the botanist who knows the species 
be able to assign to the specimens he collects their place among 
these varieties, my object will be attained. 

I have here been obliged to use the word hirsutus rather than 
setosus to the arms of the peduncle and receptacle, in order to in- 
clude the variety o, which has a downy peduncle without either 
glands or sete, while yet it is characterized by a receptacle 
smoother than the peduncle. 

B. differs from « only in having the upper pagina of the leaf en- 

! tirely smooth. Ambleside, Westmoreland. 

y. Leaves smooth on both sides. By the road on the north side 
of Loch Tay, Mr. W. Borrer. 

à. has a rounder leaflet than æ, with scattered Miu the upper 
surface, and scattered hairs and glands on the under; the 
nerves on the underside of the leaf are thickly clothed with 
hairs somewhat spreading; petals white. ‘The earliest flow- 
ers in this variety frequently have the leafits of the calyx 
entirely simple, nearly linear, and expanded at the end: 

the latter peculiarity, where it exists in a remarkable degree, 
though pointed out in English Botany as a character of the 
R. mollis of that work, appears to me a sure indication of an 

unnatural or imperfect state " inflorescence. Dunkeld, 
"as W. Borrer. — 
s. Fruit 

Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 201 

e. Fruit subglobose ; receptacle frequently elliptical; peduncles 
sometimes extending beyond the bracteæ, from one to eight 
or nine in a cyme; petals blush-coloured, white at the base ; 
prickles falcate ; leaflets very soft, without glands, except on 
the nerves and serratures. Near Newcastle, Mr. Robertson. 
Tunbridge Wells, Penshurst, Stoke Newington, and Ulver- 

£. hybrida. The leaves of this plant are green, not white with 

- down, hairy underneath, and rough with glands; receptacle 

as setose as the peduncle ; aculei falcate. Pointed out to me 

by Mr. Sabine under the name of R. hybrida. I have ob- 

served a similar Rose near Keswick, and also in the neigh- 

bourhoood of Godstone in Surrey. Mr. Borrer has speci- 

mens much resembling it from Scotland, in which the recep- 
tacle is globose. 

z- Receptacle large, olive-coloured, attenuated at the base, less 
setose than the peduncles; peduncles one to four, furnished 
with weak setz ; leaflets rough, with glands on the underside, 
except those on the young shoots which are very soft and 
downy; the aculei vary very much, some even on the strong 
stems being quite straight, while in general, even on the young 
branches, they are considerably curved; whereas in this genus 
the root-shoots have usually the prickles stronger and more 
curved than the branches. This variety of R. tomentosa bears 
a considerable degree of resemblance to two other very di- 
stinct species, It. micrantha and R. Borreri, and at the same 
time in general appearance is not very different from the 
variety s; I have only seen three plants; two between Down 
and Holwood in Kent in July 1815, both of which at first 
sight I took for R.micrantha, until the thorns, which are never 

VOL. XII. 2D uncinate 


Mr. Woops on the British Species of. Rosa. 

uncinate as in that plant, and the downiness of the young 
leaves undeceived me; and one near Potter’s Bar in Hert- 
fordshire, in the autumn of 1814, which I supposed at that 
time to be R. Borreri. The latter had eight ripe fruit, having 
probably had at least twelve flowers in a cyme ; on the others 

- I could not find more than four. 
3. Receptacle elliptical, as setose as the flowerstalk ; peduncles 

often longer than the bractez ; leaves densely villous, glan- 
dular underneath. Sent by Mr. G. Don to Mr. Sabine under 
the name of R. mollis. 

4 sylvestris. Receptacle along ellipsis, as setose as the peduncle ; 

peduncle shorter than the bracteæ ; aculei falcate ; leaflets 
narrower than in a, slightly pubescent above, hairy and 
rough with glands on the under side; surculi dark. purple. 
Received by Mr. Sabine from Mr. Donn of Cambridge. 

x. canescens. Receptacle broadly elliptical, nearly smooth ; aculei 

slender, but slightly curved ; leafits elliptic, oblong, concave, 
very soft, white, with down on both sides, glandular beneath. 

The calyx-leafits of this variety are very much divided, and 
have a strong tendency to grow out into leaves; in some of 

the early flowers they are, however, nearly simple, with onl y 
a few laciniz, broad at the base, lying in a direction parallel 
to that of the leafits. Stock Gill and Kentmer, Westmore- 
land, and Pooley-Bridge, Cumberland. | 

; A. Receptacle broadly elliptical, somewhat attenuated at the 

| base, less setose than the peduncle ; aculei falcate ; has much 
the habit of the following variety. Gathered by Mr. Borrer 
in Scotland in 1810. 

p. Peduncles as long or longer than the bracteæ ; receptacle as 

setose as the peduncle, and generally somewhat attenuated 

Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 203 

at the base ; offsets of the calyx-leafits remarkably short and 
broad; petals white with red blotches; leaves somewhat 
concave. Highlands, Mr. W. Borrer. 

» Receptacle elliptical, attenuated at each end; peduncle longer 
than the bractez ; aculei falcate ; leaflets narrower than in 
æ, with a few hairs above, hairy and glandular beneath like the 
variety 7. ‘This seems to have some affinity with R. micrantha, 
but in a different way. ‘The principal peculiarities are in the 
long peduncles, in the aculei, which, though never uncinate 
as in R. micrantha, are yet more constantly curved than in 
most of the preceding varieties of R. tomentosa, and in the 
narrow leaflets. It sometimes approaches in scent to R. Eglan- 
teria; and the first time I gathered it in this state I did not 
doubt that I had found the American sweet-briar, R. suaveo- 
lens of Rees’s Cyclopedia. The upper surface of the leaves is 
sometimes almost smooth, at others quite soft and downy ; 
both sides are occasionally densely pubescent. Near Hen- 
field in Sussex, Mr. W. Borrer. Kent, Surrey, and Middlesex. 

£. differs from » only in the want of glands on the under surface 

of the leaves, excepting occasionally onthe nerve. Like that 

` variety it is sometimes almost smooth, sometimes densely pu- 

bescent. Near Durham, Mr. Robertson. Lancashire, West- 
moreland, and Middlesex. 

o, incana. Receptacle elliptical, smooth; dali ien bts co 
without glands; peduncle with only a. few hairs; aculei fal- 
cate ; young shoots purple-gray ; leaflets narrower than in a, 
with a hoary pubescence, without glands ; but the colour is 
less striking than that of the variety z. Stipule also downy 
and without glands. Sent from Scotland by Mr. G. Don to 

2D2 TT Mr. 

204 Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 

Mr. Sabine, in whose garden is the only plant I have ever 

Perhaps of these varieties č may be a distinct species ; $ and « 
may possibly form another; 7 a fourth; and » and £ a fifth; and 
o a sixth: this would seem a very great multiplication of spe- 
cies, and it would be extremely difficult to find for them any spe- 
cific characters. Another obstacle to considering these as six. 
species, arises from the great number of other varieties, which 
after repeated examinations I found myself unable to class with 
any one of them, and of which the distinctions are nevertheless 
exceedingly trifling. I have therefore above detailed the account 
of these, in hopes of exciting the attention of some botanist 
whose talents and opportunities. will enable him to do more jus- 
tice to the tribe. . | 

To some one or other of these varieties we must probably attri- 
bute the Rosa mollissima, Gm. Fl. Bad. Als. ; but in a genus so in- 
tricate, and with descriptions so defective as have hitherto been . 
given of the Roses, I find the difficulty exceedingly great of assign- 
ing the synonyms of preceding authors to the proper species, and 
utterly impossible to trace them to their corresponding varieties. 

The description of R. montana, Lam. et Dec. Fl. Fr. vi. 232, 
would induce me to join it to this species; but Willdenow, Sp. 
Pi. ii. 1076, refers the original plant of Villars, which is quoted 
also by Lamarck and Decandolle, to a Rose with hooked prickles 
(* aculeis uncinatis"), and which would agree tolerably well with 
R. Borreri. Among these inconsistencies I pretend not to decide 
what Villars intended, or what plant was meant by the French 
and German authors. 

R. fetida, Lam. et Dec. Fl. Fr. vi. 534, may perhaps be R. to- 
mentosa B ; but the authors compare it at once with R. collina and 


Mr. Woops on the British Species of. Pos 205 

their own R. tomentosa, two very different plants. * Aiguillons un 
peu courbés” is a character hardly inconsistent with any variety 
of this plant; though in some they are frequently to be met with 
quite straight. The fruit is said to give a feetid smell when rubbed ; 
a quality I have never had the opportunity of observing. 

'l'o the same variety, or to y, we may perhaps refer Rosa ande- 
gavensis of the same work, vi. 539. It agrees very well with the 
usual appearances of this species, except in the pubescence. 

13. Rosa NUDaA. 

R. receptaculis globosis, calycibus compositis, aculeis rectiuscu- 
lis, foliolis simpliciter serratis. te 

Frutex 5—7-pedalis. Rami diffusi, e fusco glaucescentes, aculeati; aculei subæquales, 
rectiusculi, sparsi, vel binato-stipulares. — Petioli nunc glabri nunc glandulosi, abs- 
que aculeis vel tomento ; pili tamen, ad axillas foliolorum siti, sunt in hac specie per- 
conspicui.  Stipulæ lineares, apice serrate, ec floribus etiam solitariis propiores cete- 
ris multo majores. Foliola 5 vel 7, par superius et foliolum impar ceteris majora ellip- 
tica, acute et irregulariter sed simpliciter serrata, utrinque glabra. Pedunculi pauci, 
"breves, glabri. Receptaculum globosum, viride, glabrum. Calycis foliola divisa, 
pinnis integerrimis. Flores rubescentes. Styli vix inclusi, stigmatibus in conum col- 
leetis, Fructus globosus: maturum non vidi. | 

Near Ambleside in Westmoreland. 

No Rose hitherto published can be quoted as a synonym of this 
species ; or at least its most remarkable peculiarity, ‘the union 
of straight aculei unmixed with sete, with smooth leaves fur- 
nished only with simple serratures, has never been noticed. Per- 
haps, however, I shall hardly be considered justifiable in ad- 
mitting it in the enumeration of species, since I have only one 
specimen, which was gathered without particular notice among 
others from the hedges on the side of the road between Amble- 
side and Clappersgate. Had I known with what species $9 join 

- it, 

206 Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 

it, it would not have obtained a place by itself: its nearest aff- 
nity is probably R. tomentosa, from which however the peculi- 
arities above remarked separate it widely. The petiole and the 
midrib of the leaflets are usually of a reddish or purplish hue; and 
in these circumstances, and perhaps also in habit, it is somewhat 
allied to the R. rubrifolia of Villars. That Rose, however, claims 
a nearer affinity with R. cesta; but I should suppose, from the 
descriptions I have met with, that the aculei are straighter and 
the serratures more simple than in that species. 

This Rose concludes the account of the British Roses of this 
family, consisting of six species; viz. R. villosa, R. heterophylla, 
R. scabriuscula, R. pulchella, R. tomentosa, and R. nuda: itis cha- 
racterized by the want of setæ on the stems; the stipulæ chan- 
ging more or less into bracteæ ; and by aculei nearly straight, or 
at least not uncinate. | : 

14. Rosa-ÉGLANTERIA. => - i: 

R. fructibus obovatis, aculeis inæqualibus majoribus uncinatis, 
- foliolis hirsutis subtus glandulosis du plicato-serratis. 

R. Eglanteria. Sp. Pl. ed. i. 491. Hudson, 218. Encycl. Métho- 
dique, 286. | | 

R. rubiginosa. Mant. ii. 564. Willd. ii. 1073. Flora Br. ii. 540. 
Engl. Bot. iv. t. 091. Lam. et Dec. Fl. Fr. iv. 445. Roth 
Fl. Germ. i. 218. & ii. 558. Jacq. Fl. Aust. i. 31. t. 50. 

R. suavifolia. FL. Dan. t. 870? 

R. sylvestris odora. — Raii Synops. 454. 

Frutex 4—7-pedalis. Rami suberecti, virides, juniores fuscescentes, aculeati; aculei 
valde inæquales, majores uncinati, minores rectiores, minimi rectissimi, sed nun- 
quam ut credo in setas immutati; aculei majores interdum binato-sti pulares, ceteri sem- 
per sine ordine sparsi, Petioli tomentosi, glandulosi, aculeis falcatis instructi: defi- 
ciunt sete, Stipulæ lineares, glandulis tenerrime serratæ, vel potius ciliatæ, eæ flo- 


Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 207 

_ ribus propiores foliis deficientibus in bracteas immutatæ, quarum forma incerta. Fo- ` 
liola 5 vel 7, par superius et foliolum impar ceteris majora, elliptica, suprà hirta, subtus 
pilis glandulisque odoriferis vestita, serraturis serrulatis glanduliferisque, | Pedun- 
culi 1\—11, setis inæqualibus obsiti, quarum pauce interdum faciem aculeorum æmu- 

"lent. Receptaculum primitivum obovatum, cetera plerumque elliptica, omnia fusca, 
setis sparsis munita; sete longiores fortioresque aculeos simulantes receptaculi ad basin 
inveniuntur. Galyció foliola triangulari-ovata, longius acuminata, pinnata; pinne 

. lineari-lanceolate, glanduloso-dentatæ. Flores concavi; petala rubella. Styli in- 
clusi; stigmata convexa, villosa. Fructus primitivus obovatus, ceteri obovati vel 
elliptici, omnes setis fortibus basi armati, rubri, demum maturitate sanguinei, 

In bushy places on a dry soil in Kent, Sussex, and Surrey. Some- 
times very abundant on the chalky banks in those counties. _ 

B. is a variety in which the larger aculei are falcate, not unci- 
nate; and which seems to want the character arising from 
the increased magnitude of the setæ at the base of the ger- 
men. ‘This may possibly be a distinct species. 

The only Rose of our country which can be confounded with 
this is R. micrantha; and occasionally, when the latter grows in 
exposed situations, or when R. Eglanteria is found (which is rarely 
the case) in moist hedges, the eye will not immediately distinguish 
them. In general, however, R. Eglanteria is a stiff, compact, up- 
right bush ; R. micrantha, a loose straggling briar. In all cases the 
central flower of the cyme, the one which is first expanded, is 
followed by an obovate or pyriform fruit in the former species ; 
while in the latter the fruit is at most only elliptical, and almost 
always terminating in something of a neck,—a distinction first 
pointed out in Engl. Bot., and well marked in the figures of the 
two plants. Another equally constant character is derived from 
the aculei, which in R. micrantha are in general merely binato- 
stipulary, with a few others scattered without order on the branches 
—all aga of a size, and never intermixed with a multitude of 


208 Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 

smaller ones. In R. Eglanteria the aculei of the shoots, and frc- 

quently those of the branches, are mixed with scattered prickles 
of all sizes; though in small specimens this character may some- 
times be wanting. In both species a few sete may occasionally 
be noticed on the stem immediately below the inflorescences. 
but these seem to be merely accidental. 

Mr. Borrer found a Rose in Normandy nearly allied to this, 
and most resembling the variety 8 ; and Mr. Hooker brought spe- 
cimens of the same from the South of France; but it has not 
been described by the French botanists, or at least I cannot ap- 
propriate to it any of their descriptions. 

This Rose has been very unfortunate in its name; it is called 
eglantina, eglentina, and esglentina, by Bauhin and the early bo- 
tanists. Linnzus in his first edition of the Species Plantarum 
called it R. Eglanteria; but in the second he transferred that 
name to the single yellow Rose, still however quoting the same 
synonyms, all of which clearly belong to this plant. And this 
species is not given, nor does the name of R. rubiginosa occur, 
until the publication of the Mantissa Plantarum altera : indeed it 
seems as if LinnϾus at one time confounded the two species, 
misled merely by the circumstance of the glandular and fragrant 
leaf, which is almost the only character not common to the whole 
genus, in which these two Roses agree. Notwithstanding R.rubi- 
ginosa has been adopted by most of the modern botanists, I have 
ventured to restore the name originally given by Linnzus, in 
which I am supported by the authority of Hudson and of Poiret, 
Encycl. Nat. The yellow Rose, which is not a British plant, has 
latterly been more properly named R. lutea, from the hue, which 
is very rare in flowers of this genus. 

15. Rosa 

Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 209 


15. Rosa MICRANTHA. 

R. fructibus ampullaceo-ellipticis, aculeis aduncis subaequalibus, 
foliolis hirsutis subtus glandulosis duplicato-serratis. 
R. micrantha. Engl. Bot. xxxv. t. 2490. 
Frutex 5—8-pedalis. Rami diffusi, virides vel fusco-virides, aculeati; aculei adunci, 
' nunc sparsi, nunc binato-stipulares. — Pe?ioli tomentosi, glandulosi, aculeisque rec- 
tiusculis vel faleatis muniti, — S/ipulce lineares, glanduloso-serrate, interdum subtus 
:glandulosze, ex floribus propiores solitariæ vix ceteris latiores, cymarum tandem foliis 
deficientibus in bracteas lanceolatas acuminatas immutatæ, Foliola 5 vel 7, par supe- 
rius et foliolum impar ceteris majora, elliptica, duplicato-serrata, supra vix hirta, subtus 
pilis glandulisque odoriferis vestita. Pedunculi 1—11, setis obsiti, quarum nonnulle, 
rarissime tamen, aculeiformes. Receptaculum ellipticum, fuscum, setis sparsis præ- 
. cipue basi munitum. Calycis foliola glandulosa, pinnata, pinnis lanceolatis glandu- 
loso-ciliatis. Flores cyathiformes, rubescentes, Styli inclusi; stigmata planiuscula. 
Fructus parvus coccineus, interdum ellipticus, sed sæpius si minusve urceolatus, 
Hedges and bushy places in the southern and midland counties. 

This species was first established by Sir J. E. Smith in English 
Botany. Its closest affinity is certainly to R. Eglanteria ; and 
I bave already: pointed out under that Rose i- characters by 
which these species are best discriminated. I may add, that the 
present plant uniformly wants the strong seta at the base of the 
fruit, which I have constantly found in R. Eglanteria, except in 
the rare variety B, which in most other respects assumes an ap- 
pearance directly opposite to R. micrantha. "The habit of this 
species is indeed so loose and. straggling, that an inattentive ob- 
server might pass it over as a variety of R. canina. "The fruit is 
always small, and never has the pear-shaped form of the primor- 
dial fruit of R. Eglanteria; the flowers are also generally smaller, 
but this is an uncertain mark. The scent varies exceedingly, 
being sometimes very weak, at other times not to be distin- 

uished from that of R. Eglanteria, and once or twice I have ob- 
served the turpentine flavour which is generally to be perceived 

VOL. XII. | 2E t 

210 Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 

in the family of R. tomentosa. R. micrantha has also considerable 
affinity with R. Borreri: it may however be distinguished from 
that species by the much stronger and more numerous setze of the | 
peduncle generally extending on the fruit, by the narrower pinnæ 
of the calyx, and by the glands covering the whole under surface 
of the leaf; the general colour of the plant is also a paler and 
yellower green. 

R. sempervirens, Roth Fl. Germ. 1. 218. ii. 556; R. umbellata, 
Lam. et Dec. Fl. Fr. vi. 532, seems to be allied to this plant, but 
can hardly be identified either with this or with R. Eglanteria. 
It might be expected that the Rose mentioned in the account of 
R. Eslanteria as having been gathered by Mr. Borrer and Mr. 
Hooker in different parts of France, would be found among the 
descriptions of the French botanists; but I cannot refer it with 
confidence either to R. sepium or R. umbellata. If distinct, we 
may consider this subdivision of the large family of R. canina, | 
distinguished by compound serratures and glands under the whole 
surface of the leaf, as composed of four species; R. Eglanteria, 
R. micrantha, R. umbellata, and one yet unnamed. I dare not 
at present admit R. sepium among the number. 

16. Rosa BORRERI. 

R. receptaculis ellipticis, pinnis calycinis confertis, abnuit unci- 
| natis subæqualibus, foliolis hirsutis eglandulosis duplicato- 
serratis. : 
R. dumetorum. Engl. Rise xxxvi. t. 2579. 

Frutex D Rami diffusi, olivacei, aculeati; aculei uncinati, subæquales, 
umque stipulares, binati vel solitarii. Petioli tomentosi, glandulosi, aculeisque 
fortibus .wneinatis muniti, Stipulc lineares, glanduloso-serrate, pagina inferiore 
haud glandu Si, ege floribus etiam solitariis propiores latiores, cymarum demum foliis 
deficientibus in br cteas ovato-lanceolatas acuminatas immutate, Foliola 7, intense 
viridia, lucentia, par superius et foliolum impar ceteris majora, impar quoque foliolis 

Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 211 

paris superioris semper latius ; nunc ovato-elliptica, nune rhombeo-elliptica, plana, du- 
i plicato-serrata, serrulaturis glandulosis, paginis ambabus plerumque hirsutis sed sem- 
per inferiore. Pedunculi 1—16, modo setis debilibus, nunc pilis albis sparsis, et nunc 
pubescentià densâ, instructi, bracteis breviores. Receptaculum ellipticum, obscure 
fuscum, glabrum. Calycis foliola triangulari-elliptica, composita, pinnis confertis, 
lanceolatis, vel ovato-lanceolatis, incisis, glanduloso-serratis. Flores incarnati vel ru- 

bescentes. Styli inclusi; stigmata planiuscula, Fructus ellipticus, rarius subglo- 
bosus, intense ruber. 

Hedges and thickets, not uncomnion. 

B. Leaves hoary, with pubescence on both sides. Near Edin- 
burgh, Mr. Borrer, 

The leaves of this species are generally of a very dark colour, 
and always remarkably flat; the young leaves are tender at the 
edge, and frequently tinged with purple. This character it has 
in common with R. dumetorum and R. surculosa ; bút both these 
plants have simple serratures; and these marks, as well as the 
peculiar breadth of the terminalleaflet, may assist the investi- 
gator, in addition to the specific character and to the particula- 
rities already pointed out under R. micrantha, in distinguishing 
it from that species: from which, notwithstanding its affinity, it 
also strikingly differs in general habit. "The irregularity of the 
serratures in R. collina may sometimes create a difficulty be- 
tween this and that species. The calyx-leafits, the dark-green 
flat leaflets; and the broad terminal one, may help to decide 
in doubtful cases; yet some specimens I have been obliged to 
join to R. Borreri merely on account of the double serratures of 
the leafléts: and in the autumn of 1814 I observed a plant near 
Southgate, which, with all the other characters of R. Borreri, had 
nevertheless simple serratures: in 1815 the same plant had com- 
pound serratures. I have examined perhaps a hundred plants of 
this species, and my friends Mr. W. Borrer and Mr. E. Forster 

272 | —5 

212 Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 

probably as many more, without meeting with any other instance: 
of such an anomaly ; nor has a similar one been observed in any 
other species. | | 

The artificial character which separates this from R. cæsia seems 
to be slight; yet it is I believe constant; and as there is no ap- 
proximation in habit, there will be no difficulty in distinguishing 
the plants. No synonym of any foreign author can be referred: 
with this species. | 

17. Rosa czsia. 

R. receptaculis ellipticis, pinnis calycinis raris, aculeis uncina- 
tis subæqualibus; foliolis hirsutis eglandulosis duplicato- - 
serratis. i 

Rosa cæsia. Engl. Bot. xxxiii. t. 2367. 

Frutex densus, 5-pedalis. Rami suberecti, fasco-purpurei, glaucitie conspieuá induti; 

_ aculeati ; aculei uneinati, subæquales, plerumque binato-stipulares, Petioli tomen- 
, tosi, glandulosi, plerumque inermes. Stipulce lineares, glanduloso-serratæ, tomen- 
_ tose ; eæ floribus etiam solitariis propiores latiores, et demum foliis deficientibus in 
bracteas ellipticas acuminatas immutate. Foliola 5 vel 7 > par superius et foliolunr 
| impar ceteris majora, elliptica, venulis subtus prominentibus hirsutis ;. pagina inferiore 
hirsuta et interdum quoque superiore, serraturis glandüloso-serratis. Pedunculi sub» 
solitarii, glabri, bracteis breviores. Receptaculum eilipticum, primo glaucitie indu- 
tum, dein fuscum, glabrum. Calycis foliola eglandulosa, lanceolata, acuminata, 
pinnata; pinnz rare, lineares, nunc glanduloso-dentate nune integerrimæ, Flores 
rubescentes, Sty/i inclusi; stigmata hemispherica. Fructus ellipticus : maturi faciem. 

nescio. - 
At Taynuiltin Mid Lorn, Argyleshire; and in Strath Tay, between 
.. Dunkeld and Aberfeldie, Mr. Borrer. Side of Loch Tay, Mr. 
G. Anderson. : A 
I have endeavoured in the description of R. Borreri to show 
the differences between that species and the present. R. collina 
is still nearer in character; and I fear that in the prese 

- eee à nt state of 
our knowledge I can only point out the few and smal 

l pinne of 

Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 213 

the calyx-leafits as a decided mark of separation ; for the double 
serratures of the leaflets are sometimes rather ambiguous, and al- 
ways less strongly marked than those of R. Borreri; and the simple 
serratures of R. collina, though I believe never strictly compound, 

are yet frequently so irregular and unequal as to produce some- 
thing of the same appearance. From R.hibernica R.casia is arti- 
ficially distinguished by the total want of the smaller scattered 
aculei. I have neverseen this plant in aliving state; but Mr. Bor- 
rer assures me that the dense mode of growth, glaucous shoots, 
_ and hoary blueish gray foliage, contribute to give it an Le pere vi 
_ Very different from that of any other Rose. 

Rosa rubrifolia of Villars, Dauph. iii. 549, seems late 
between this species and R. nuda. Baron Fr. X. Wulfen, in 
Romer's Archiv. fur die Botanik, mentions a Rosa glaucescens which 
in some respects resembles this ; while i in others it seems to unite 
better with R. collina. 

The Rose with leaflets pubescent on the underside, mentioned 
by Afzelius in his Tent. de Ros. Suec. as confounded in Sweden 
with R. canina, is supposed by Sir J. E. Smith in Engl. Bot. to be- 
long to this plant; it seems to me to be decidedly my R.collina B. 


R. stylis distinctis, receptaculis ovatis, aculeis uncinatis, foliolis 

| duplicato-serratis glaberrimis. F5 eee 
R. canina. Roth FT. Germ. i. 218; ii. 560. — es 

Frutex 8—10-pedalis. Rami diffusi, olivacei, saad? aculei adunci, nune > rari, sparsi, 
. nunc solitarii vel binato-stipulares. : : Petioli absque pubescentia, hic illic glandulosi, 
5 du falcatis basi expansis muniti. _ Stipule spatulatæ, glabra, serrate, serra- 
turis interdum glanduliferis; ex floribus propiores etiam solitariis multo latiores, 
tandem foliis deficientibus in bracteas ovatas acuminatas immutate ; ad florum eymas 
bractez illae numerosiores, sed basi angustiores. Foliola 5 vel 7, elliptica, par superius et. 
foliolum impar ceteris majora, subacuminata, glabra, supra cerea, subtus interdum nervo 


214 Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 

aculeata, serraturis inæqualibus, plerumque divaricatis, irregulariter serrulatis, Pe- 
dunculi 1—8, glabri, bracteis breviores. Receptaculum anguste ellipticum, fuscum, 
glabrum. Calycis foliola glabra, triangulari-elliptica, acuminata, pinnis lanceolato-li- 
nearibus, inciso-serratis, Flores rubescentes, planiuseuli. Styli inclusi, stigmatibus 
planiusculis. Fructus ellipticus, coccineus, nitidus. 

Common in hedges and bushy places. 

B. nitens.. The leaves, instead of the gray waxy appearance they 
generally have, are of a shining green : this variety has fre- 
quently a few setæ on the fruitstalk. Mr. Borrer finds this 
character also in æ. I have observed one specimen further 
remarkable by its straggling habit and small leaflets, with 
long ragged-looking serratures; perhaps it ought rather to be 
considered as belonging to the variety y. In hedges. 

2. i dwarf variety of very lax and feeble growth, which is occa- 

Sion: dy met with in waste ground and on way-sides: the leaf- 
lets are rarely more than five, elliptico-lanceolate, or even 
sometimes lanceolate; the serratures are narrower and longer. 
It is remarkable that in this variety, while the leaflets are 

always narrower than in æ, the leafits are generally wider. 

à. is a very large plant, which has the fruit and even the imma- 
ture receptacle nearly globose ; the calyx-leafits are also fre- 
quently glandular. At Settle and other places in the moun- 
tainous district of the North of England. 

=s A variety with very small flowers, and a habit not unlike that 
of R. cesia. At Settle. 

€ A large but slender plant, with flowers alwaye solitary. Re- 
 Ceptacle broadly-elliptical. Road-side near Furness Abbey. 

I am disposed to refer to this species R. micrantha, Lam. et 
Dec. Fl. Fr. vi. 587. The name I have adopted is derived from 

Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 215 

the manuscript observations of Professor Swartz, communicated 
by him to Mr. Robertson of Newcastle. 

"The setz which are occasionally met with on the peduncle of 
this tribe of Roses have a very different appearance from those of 
the straight-thorned Roses and of R. Eglanteria and R. micrantha $ 
they are extremely feeble, hardly even stiff enough to support the 
gland by which they are terminated, and frequently passing into : 
mere bairs without any gland: indeed in the former tribe the 
sete seem to indicate an attempt to produce aculei ; and it is 
sometimes difficult to say whether the latter name would not be 
more appropriate : in this they have the appearance of an endea- 
vour to form hairs; and as they gradually diminish in strength and 
in the size of the terminating gland, till at last it entirely disap- 
pears, it is not always easy to decide to which sort of arms they 
belong. Thus, extraordinary as it may seem, we have in this 
genus hairs and prickles passing into one another by steps almost 
insensible. | 

The plant most nearly allied to this is undoubtedly R. canina, 
from which itis to be distinguished by its double serratures: by 
the smooth leaflets without either hairs or glands on the under 
surface, it may be easily known from R. micrantha; and the want 
of hairs will readily distinguish it from R. Borreri and R. cesia ; 
- but as I am always unwilling to rest upon this character alone, - 

when the difference of habit is supported by any other, I will 
observe that the shape of the leaflet, and its being always more 
or less carinate in this species, will be a decided mark of separa- 
tion from the former of these plants ; and the same character, 
though the difference is less distinctly marked, and the pinnæ of 
the calyx leafits, will make it known from the latter. 

| 19. Rosa 

216 Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 

R. receptaculis globosis, aculeis uncinatis, foliolis simpliciter ser- 
ratis subtus tomentosis, bracteis fructus superantibus. 

Frutex 6—7-pedalis. Rami diffusi, nunc fusci, nunc olivacei, aculeati ; aculei falcato-unci- 
nati, binato-stipulares. Petioli tomentosi, nec glandulosi, aculeisque falcatis muniti. 
Slipule lineares, subintegerrimæ, vel apicem versus serrulate, subtus tomentose ; ez 
floribus propiores multo majores, demum foliis deficientibus in bracteas magnas ova- 

' tas, acuminatas, fructus superantes immutate. Foliola 5 vel 7, par superius et foliolum 
impar ceteris majora, elliptica, supra hirta, subtus tomentosa, interdum nervo aculeata, 
simpliciter serrata. Pedunculi 1—4, plerumque glabri; rarius setis sparsis debilibus ar- 
mati. Receptaculum globosum, olivaceo-fuscum, glabrum. | Calycis foliola triangu- 
lari-elliptica, pinnata, pinnis integerrimis. Flores incarnati, concaviusculi. Styli sub- 
inclusi ; stigmata in conum porrecta, villosissima. Fructus globosus : maturi colorem 

Hedges about Ulverston, Lancashire. 

B. Stipulz nearly smooth ; sens lents glandular. At Ambleside 
in Westmoreland. — 

Tam not aware that this ces though Dréscnitg n very yatriking 
character, has been noticed by any preceding botanist: from 
- that character the present name is adopted; but my choice was 
confined by the use of names previously introduced from charac- 
ters somewhat similar. R. bracteata is the well-known name of a 
very different species ; and Thuilliers has given the name of sti- 
pularis, which would have been the most appropriate, to a Rose 
with which I am unacquainted, but which cannot be confounded 
with the present. ays 

-From R.dumetorum, independently of ce marks "hd will 
bé painted out in the description of that species, R. bractescens 
may be known by the rounder receptacle, the mass of woolly 
styles, and theimmense bractez. This latter is an important cha- 
racter by which it may be distinguished from the other Roses with 
hooked prickles and simple serratures; from most of which it 



Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 217 

also differs in having the leaves pubescent on both surfaces: to 
this may be added, that the aculei are more slender and less 
curved than is usualin this tribe, though quite enough so to show 
that they belong to it; and they are also more numerous, and tlie 
petioles are very rarely unarmed. ‘The entire pinne of the calyx 
seem to be constant in this Rose, a circumstance seldom to be 
met with in those which resemble it most nearly. Its closest affi- 
nity is certainly with R. collina; but a careful attention to the 
above marks will be sufficient to distinguish it. _ 

20. Rosa DUMETORUM. dee 

R. stylis distinctis, receptaculis ellipticis bracteas superantibus, 
aculeis uncinatis, foliolis simpliciter serratis utrinque hirsu- 

R. dumetorum.  Thuilliers Fl. des Env. de Paris, 250. 
R. canina £. Desvaur J. de Bot. ii. 115. 

Frutex 4—96- pedalis. Rami debiles, diffusi, olivacei, aculeati; aculei parviusculi, unei- 
nati, subbinato-stipulares sparsique. Petioli pilis aculeisque uncinatis, interdum 

- etiam glandulis instructi. Stipulæ lineares, apicem versus glanduloso-serratæ, mar- 
-gine pilose, ez floribus propiores ceteris paullàm latiores, denique foliis deficientibus 

in bracteas lanceolatas parvas, latitudine parüm, longitudine nequaquam, stipulas 
superantes, immutatæ. Foliola 5 vel 7, sublucentia, par superius et foliolum impar 
ceteris majora, impar quoque etiam foliolis paris superioris semper latius, nunc ellip- 

tica acuta, nunc subrotunda acuminata, simpliciter serrata, subtus nervo-pilosa vel 

, juniora sericeo-pilosa, pagina utráque hirta. Pedunculi 1—3, glabri, pilisve sparsis 

.. tantum instructi, bracteas plerumque subæquantes, interdum superantes, Receptaculum 

me ellipticum. vel ovatum, nunc fuscum, nunc floribus decidentibus olivaceum, glabrum. 

© Calycis foliola triangulari-elliptica, acuminata, } I plen 'rumq e glabra, rarius pilosa, com- 
posita ; pinnis confertis lanceolatis hic illic incisis, , margine ssepius integerrimis. Flores 
planiusculi, petalis rubescentibus. Styli subinclusi, stigmatibus in globulum villo- 

sum congestis, Fructus late ovatus vel | subglobosus, glaber, ruber. 

Hedges in the southern counties occasionally ; clones in any 
abundance. 57159 
VOL. XII. 2 



218 Mr. Woops.on the British Species of Rosa. 

This is generally a weak straggling Rose, which, in the instances 
which have fallen under my notice, does not flower very freely. 
Mr. Borrer, however,—to whose accurate observations this essay 
is in many instances deeply indebted,—finds a plant in the neigh- 
bourhood of Henfield in Sussex, which, agreeing in other respects 
with this, is yet neither of feeble growth nor unwilling to flower. 
Even under this appearance the aculei are usually smaller and 
weaker than in the neighbouring species. 

B. has a stronger growth and larger aculei than are usual in @; 
the pinne of the calyx are also narrower, the flowers in a 
cyme, much more numerous; and both in appearance and 
character it approaches very near to R. surculosa. 

7. has a leaflet of a very dark shining green, much longer than 
usual in R. dumetorum. 1 have seen very little of it, and 
have therefore for the present joined it to this plant on ac- 
count of the small bracteæ, small aculei, weak growth, and 

. the pubescence of the leaves, which are decidedly hairy on 
- the veins and on the surface beneath, and exhibit some scat- 
“tered hairs on the upper surface: but it must be confessed, 
that in the shape of the leaflet and the general appearance 

. of the plant it has little affinity with this species, 
If we except the doubtful variety y, the flat leaves of this Rose 

(a considerable portion of which in every plant is either subro- 

tund and acuminate, or at least very much rounded at the base) 

will distinguish it, without reference to the pubescence, from R. sar- 
mentacea, R. collina, and R. canina. This form and expansion of 
the leaf it has in common with R. Borreri and R, surculosa ; but 
the first has its leaves doubly serrated, in the latter they are al- 
ways entirely smooth on both sides. I have already recorded an 
observation which throws some doubt on the former character ; 

| and 

Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 219 

and the latter is in so many instances in other families known to 
be variable, that I am unwilling to depend upon it entirely in 
this. Yet the three Roses are dierent in habit, and I have not 
been able to fix on any more permanent distinction. 

21. Rosa COLLINA. 

R. stylis distinctis, aculeis uncinatis subzqualibus, foliolis sim- 
pliciter serratis subtus tantum hirsutis. 

æ. R. collina. Jacq. Fl. Austr. ii. 58. t. 197. Willd. ii. 1078. 
Lam. et Dec. Fl. Fr. iv. 441. Segre setosis, | 
B. pallescens. - | | 

Frutex 6—8-pedalis. Rimi subdiffusi, olivacei, seul; aculei uncinati: aifid, sæ- 
pius debiles, subæquales, solitario- vel Bitiákó stipitaics; Petioli tomentosi, incani, 
aculeisque faleatis muniti. Stipul@ lineares, apicem versus serrate vel glanduloso- 
serrate, supra glabra, cx floribus propiores majores, et tandem foliis deficientibus 
in bracteas ovato-lanceolatas immutate. ^ Foliola 5 vel 7, par superius et foliolum 
impar ceteris majora, elliptica, enormiter (sed nunquam duplicato) serrata; serra- 
turis apice pallide eartilagineis, subtus hirsuta, supra glabra, glauca, et nitoris ex- 
pertia. Pedunculi 1—5, glabri, bracteis breviores. Receptaculum ellipticum, gla- 
brum, olivaceum. Calycis. foliola ovato-lanceolata, apicem versus pilosa, pinnata; 
pinnis lineari-lanceolatis incisis, plerumque margine integerrimis, Flores planiusculi, 

. pallide rubescentes. Styli inclusi, stigmatibus convexis. Fructus ellipticus : matur 
colorem non observavi. 

Hedges i in the southern counties occasionally. 

y. R. canina y.. Lam. et Dec. Fl. Fr. iv. AAT... ai age À 


R. dumetorum, Lam. et Dec. Fl. Fr. vi 594. 
Stems stronger but more diffuse , brown; aculei Paen brown- 
ish, and much more hooked than in R. collina B; leaflets 
of a bright. shining. green on the upper surface, generally 
somewhat carinate, while in 8 they are rather slightly cam 
cave; tips of the serratures fusco-cartilagineous. Flo 

stalks one to nine. Receptacle broader than that of B. 
" 2r2 Flowers 

220 Mr. Woops on the British Species of. Rosa. 

Flowers sometimes white, sometimes of a full blush-colour. 
Fruit often m Hedges throughout. England very 
common. . vedo e205 
3. A compact bush three or four feet iat thick with leaves, the 
leaflets small, very acute, silky underneath. Near Dovedale, 
Derbyshire. MIPS | |j 
There is no species of Rosa in which my endeavours have been 
more unsuccessful than in this. Iam neither satisfied in what I 
have joined together, nor in the marks by which I have attempted 
to discriminate it from other species. The variety « is adopted 
merely from Jacquin; and, as far as is at present known, is not à 
British plant. I have therefore drawn up my description from the 
variety B: an examination of the specimens of `R. collina possessed 
by Sir J. E. Smith, and of those in the Herbarium of Sir Joseph 
Banks, and a comparison of these with the figure in the Flora Au- 
striaca, enable me to state that this x variety differs only : from. L in 
the want of hairs or giands on the peduncle. | Tn this state it ap- 
proaches very nearly to R. bractescens, being scarcely distinguish- 
able, except by the somewhat smaller bractéæ and the entire 
nakedness of the upper surface of the leaf; and as tbat species 
has frequently a glandular, or rather a weakly setose peduncle, 
exactly like that of Jacquin's figure, I have doubted whether 
T ought not rather to have attributed the name and synonym to 
that plant. Jacquin, however, could hardly have passed unno- 
ticed the remarkably enlarged bractescent stipulæ accompanying 
the inflorescence of R. bractescens ; he describes the prickles as 
* validi," although in the figure they are represented as much 
weaker. than is the case with most Roses of this subdivision of 
the genus, and the folioles as ** atro-virentia," whereas they are 
figured pale and. glaucous ; both figure and description attri- 
bute a dark cartilagineous summit to "e serratures. These cir- 

Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 221 

cumstances induce me to believe that Jacquin would have in- 
cluded in his species most, if not all, of those different ap- 
pearances which I have united into mine. "The glandular foot- 
stalk varies in `R. bractescens, R. canina, and other neighbouring 
species; which will justify us in rejecting it from the essential 
character in this instance, though a most diligent search bas not 
succeeded in bringing to light a single instance of glands or setae 
on the peduncle of any variety a native of this country :—once, 
indeed, on one plant | found a few hairs on that of the variety y. 

This last-mentioned variety is certainly a very different plant in. 
appearance from either « or B, and may perhaps be a distinct spe- - 
. cies; but Ihave found myself unable to find any character by which | 
it might be separated; and it besides varies greatly in. itself both 
in habit and in character. The leaflets are sometimes almost as. 
broad, but I believe never as flat, as those of It. Borreri and. R. du- 
metorum ; and the calyx-segments sometimes approach in shape 
and number to those of these plants; the serratures too, though. 
never double, become sometimes exceedingly unequal. At other 
times the long leaflets and equal serratures. might lead one, with- 
out the inflorescence, to refer it to R. systyla. ‘To this variety I 
should refer the Rose which is mentioned by Afzelius as a hairy, 
variety of R. canina, and. quoted by Sir J. E.Smith under R.cesia: 
some further observations on Afzelius’s varieties of R. canina will 
be found in the account of that species. ‘The genie fringe of 
the serratures sometimes passes into hairs. — a zt 

|. Of the variety à I have only seen one plant. ads that. before its 
fow were open: it was a compact bush, between three and 
four feet high, abounding in flower-buds; and the numerous 
small and very acute leaflets gave ita peculiar appearance. 

In Römers Archiv. fur die Botanik, Band i. p. 6. Auc. A. ab 

Haller, R. collina is described as having the upper surface of 
ee Uae 

222 Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 

the leaves shining, with a silky pubescence. The author refers 
to Jacquin ; but. he must È hiik sama have mistaken the 
plant.  . 
Rosa arvensis, Roth Fl. Germ. i. 217, & i. 554; R. corymbifera, 
Gmel. Fl. Bad. Als. ii. 424, resembles in some respects the va- 
riety y; but the isis are said. by the latter writer to be hairy 
on both sides. It is not explained whether the serratures of 
the leaves are double or single; Roth describes his plant as a 
robust shrub ten feet high, with leaves attenuated at both ends; 
a character which rather belongs to this than to any other of the 
pubescent-leaved Roses of the canina tribe. 
` Perhaps to this species we must refer R. leucantha, Lam. et Dec. 
FI. Fr. vi. 535, which has whiteflowers, and occasionally a few hairs 
on the upper surface of the leaves. R. fastigiata (of the same work 
and page)may likewise be a sub-variety of R.collina y, with flowers 
more numerous than common : the shape « of. the leaves will not 
permit me to join this latter to R. surculosa, with which therwise 
the flowers ** disposés en corymbe assez large” might indicate am 
affinity. All Roses with hooked thorns of nearly equal size, 
having the leaflets smooth above, and the petiole and midrib on 
the under surface hairy ; the styles distinct and included, or nearly 
included, in the germen,—must be considered as belonging to 
this species. I must leave it to future investigators to decide on 
the one hand, whether these characters are sufficient to distin- 
guish it as a species from R. canina; and on the other, whether 
with so much difference of habit it ought not itself to be further 

29. Rosa HIBERNICA. 

R. receptaculis globosis, aculeis uncinatis inæqualibus, ipuem 
simpliciter serratis. 

R. hibernica. Engl. Bot. xxxi. t. 2196. 


Mr. Woows on the British Species of Rosa. %93 

Frutex tripedalis, ied stricti, fusci, aculeati; aculei uncinati vel faleati, sübbinato- 
sstipulares, hic illic minoribus rectioribus sparsim intermixtis. Petioli pilosi, aculeis 
-glandulisve plerumque expertes. — Stipulee lineares, subglanduloso-serratæ, ez flori- 
bus propiores etiam solitariæ, ceteris multo latiores; cymarum tandem, foliis deficien- 
tibus, in bracteas ovatas acüminatas immutate. Foliola 5 vel 7, par superius et folio- 
lum impar ceteris majora, elliptica, simpliciter serrata, supra glabra glaucescentia, 
subtus precipue nervo pilosa. Pedunculi 1—5, glabri, bracteis plerumque breviores, 
Receptaculum subglobosum, fuscum. | Calycis foliola triangulari-elliptica, acuta, peta- 
lis breviora, pinnata, pinnis lanceolatis i integerrimis. Styli subinclusi ; stigmata villosa, 
conica. Fructus nunc globosus, nunc fauce parum elongatà : maturum non vidi. 

In Ireland, Mr. Templeton. Engl. Bot. 

I haye never seen this plant in a wild state. The curvature of 
the aculei is generally less than in other Roses of this tribe,—a 
character in which it agrees with R. bractescens; but the simple 
serratures will readily distinguish them both from all the varie- 
ties of R. tomentosa; and the aculei rest on a longer base than is 
found on that plant. From R. bractescens and R. collina this spe- 
cies may be known by its dwarf rigid habit; but the most im- 
portant character is derived from the mixture of small straight 
prickles on the branches. It is true that R. Aibernica has this 
character in common with R. Eglanteria ; but the entire want of. 
glands, the simple serratures, and the shape of the fruit, render it 
impossible that any mistake should arise between them. 

23. Rosa CANINA. 

R. inia duiisictiad subi caulinis: uncinatis. peti 
-= = foliolis carinatis simpliciter serratis. glabris. . i 
R. canina. Linn. Sp. Pl. i704. Willd. ii. 1077. Fl. Brit. 
. 540. Engl. Bot. xiv. t. 992. Lam. et Dec. Fl. Fr. iv. Me 
Fl. Dan. t. 555. 
Rosa sylvestris res seu canina. Raw Syn. 454. 

Frutex laxus, 6—8-pedalis. Rami diffusi, ue. aculeati; aculei uncinati, subbinato- 

«ind Petioli pubescentes ; aculeis falcatis, atque hic illic glandulis sparsis mu- 
od niti, 

994 | Mv. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 

niti. Stipulæ lineares, serratæ, glabræ, ese floribus propiores latiores, et demum fo- 
liis deficientibus in bracteas ellipticas acuminatas immutate. Foliola 7, par superius 
et foliolum impar ceteris majora, anguste elliptica, carinata, acumine parvo torto, ju- 
niora lucescentia quasi fucata, glaberrima; serraturze acuminate, inæquales, sed nun- 
quam serie duplicé. Pedunculi glaberrimi, in ramulis solitarii vel binati rarius terna- 
ti, in sureulis plerumque quaterni. Receptaculum ellipticum, fuscum, glabrum. Ca- 
lycis foliola triangulari-ovata, glabra ; pinnæ lineari-lanceolatæ, hic illie glanduloso- 
incise. Flores plerumque rubescentes, rarius albi, gemma flore expanso aliquantu- 
lum rubrior. Styli inclusi, — — Ltée Dur ellipticus, ay 
nitidus, coccineus. 

Common in hedges and -bushy places. 

Under this name our early botanists seem to have included 
(besides the present species) R. sarmentacea, R. Borreri, R. dume- 
torum, R. collina, R. surculosa, and R.systyla of this essay. After 
all these reductions it must still be considered as a very variable 
Rose. I will attempt to enumerate the principal differences of 
appearance to which it is v ed | | 

B. cerea. The young: leaves are uiis x a Ex substance, 
and till rubbed are of a glaucous green entirely without 
gloss. Root-shoots are more freely produced in this variety 
than in #, and I have sometimes met with as many as eight 
flowers in a cyme. "The plant is eight or ten, and sometimes 
even fifteen, feet high ; the leaflets are broader, and the little 
point at the end is alwaysa little twisted ; a character which 
may be observed in a slight degree in «, but is more conspi- 

cuous here. "This is a very beautiful Rose, and more com- 

= mon than the preceding variety, from which I have drawn 

= my description, because R. canina has been almost always 
described with shining leaves. 

These two varieties form the chief subdivisions of the spe- 
cies, and are marked by a. difference of habit as well as co- 

Mr. Woows on the British Species of Rosa. 225 

Jour; and it is remarkable that R. collina and R. sarmentacea 
"are not unfrequently to be observed.of a habit somewhat in- 
termediate between these varieties; so that if at first sight 
the young botanist should doubt whether he has the waxy 
or shining-leaved variety of R. canina, it is highly probable 
that a closer investigation will prove it to be one or the 
other of those species. 

y. glandulifera. Peduncle, receptacle, and calyx furnished with 
glands, or rather with weak setae, which are most abundant 
on the latter.—Near Potter's Bar, Hertfordshire ; at Pound’s- 

Bridge, near Penshurst in Kent; near Ambleside in West- 

. moreland. Mr. Borrer gathered a Rose nearly resembling 
these specimens, and which must be referred to this variety, 
but with the calyx-leafits narrower and less divided, at the 
Pass of Lanrick. 

à. Branches, stipule, and petioles of a vinous red. Not rare in 
hedges and bushy places, generally in a barren soil. 

T ibecontauit subglobose; leaflets bd or lanceolato-ovate, 
acute, with very little appearance of the small twisted acu- 
men. This Rose certainly does not accord well with the other 
varieties of R. canina : the shape of the leaflets, and their very 
irregular glandular serratures, united with the general habit, 
would almost justify an observer in attributing it to. R. col- 
lina; and with this notion the subglobose fruit i is not incon- 
sistent; but the petiole veins and inferior surface of the leaf- 

— lets areentirely without hairs. In some respects it resembles 
 R. surculosa ; but the leaflets are not flat, and the aculei of 
the petioles are rarely more than falcate. Near ‘aa 

YOL. XII. 26 E sim- 

226 . Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 

3. simpliciuscula. Calyx-leafits nearly simple. A slight difference 

. in the general habit induced me to gather this plant when I 

observed it near Betchworth in Surrey; but I did not then 
notice the character by which I now distinguish it. 

Among the British Roses with uncinate prickles and leaves 
entirely without pubescence, R. canina may be distinguished 
from R. sarmentacea by the simple serratures ; from R. surculosa 
by its carinate leaves, and by the weak and slightly-hooked 
prickles of the petioles ; from R. arvensis by its distinct and woolly . 
styles. R: sempervirens is in habit and even in family quite a 
distinct plant; yet it is difficult to express any decided marks of 
difference, except in the styles, which, though sometimes slightly 
porrect in R. canina, are never lengthened out as in that species. 

Afzelius, De Rosis Suecanis Tent. viii. 46, describes seven varie- 
ties of Rosa canina, which he considers only a portion of the. num- 
ber of species into which this plant must be divided. "The first 
seems clearly to be the R. collina y of this essay. The second also 
I should probably have enumerated among the varieties of that 
species, but it is remarkable for a large globular hip as large as 
a plum—a very uncertain mark of comparison. The third plant 
is R. canina Ê; the fourth, R. canina y; the fifth, R: canina « ; the 
sixth appears to belong to my R. surculosa. R. rubifolia of Vil- 
lars is quoted under the seventh of this list of Roses; but Dr. Af- 
zelius. does not seem to be of opinion that the Swedish Rose is of 
the same species as that of Dauphiné; the former is perhaps 
rather the R. canina ò of this essay. Besides these, he mentions 
many other Roses of this tribe as existing in his collection, which 
not having seen alive he does not venture to describe. The various 
appearances. of this. Rose are therefore probably as numerous in 
Sweden as in this country. 


Mr. Woons on the British Species of Rosa. 29T 

Desvaux, Journalde Botanique, ii. 114, has noless than twenty-one 
varieties which he attributes to this species; but in respect to some 
of them he is certainly mistaken: his £ is the « of this essay, and y is 
theB; while hise seems to beintermediate, or rathertoapply equally 
to either when the first appearance of the young leaves is passed 
off; à seems to be my R.collina y, and « R.collina a; X perhaps is to 
be referred to R. canina «; n must be placed with my R. canina y: 
à the author has borrowed from Lejeune, and, as he says himself, 
without understanding it: +, x, 4, I suppose all to belong to R. ca- 
nina y of this paper; wis R. tomentosa, adopted from the botanists 
of this country. The description of the aculei might indeed mis- 
lead Desvaux; but he must be totally ignorant of our plant, as 
in the essential character of the species he describes the serra- 
tures simple: » 2, are to be attributed to R. dumetorum ; o proba- 
bly to R. collina: and here also I should put z, 2, v, : vis R. ca- 
mina È; ® may be R. canina y: but all these references must be ` 
considerably uncertain, as the descriptions are very short; and it is 
not at all improbable that one or two of them ought to be quoted 
as R.surculosa. I have detailed them chiefl y to show the ex- 
treme uncertainty which exists as to this species. Of the twenty- 
one varieties, there are at the most only ten which appear to me 
to belong to R. canina, and some even of these are very doubtful. 

A conserve is made from the hips of this Rose, and probably 
of all those which have been hitherto confounded with it, which, 
as Sir J. E. Smith justly observes, would be brought to table as a 
sweetmeat if it were not in such frequent: use as a vehicle for medi- 
cines. It is sometimes met with on the tables of the Continent. The 
Tartars, according to Pallas in the Flora Rossica, drink instead of 
tea a decoction of the shoots and especially of the roots of this 
plant: this beverage has been adopted by some of the Russians, 
particular] y in Siberia, who highly praise the agreeable and exhi- 

262 larating 

228 ^ Mr. Woons:on the British Species of Rosa. 

larating effects of it. Thé Russians of the Volga prepare a spirit 
from the flowers; they likewise preserve them with sugar and ho- 
ney. The leaves dried and infused in boiling water have been re- 
commended as a substitute for tea. — 

24. Rosa sURCULOSA. à; 
R. stylis distinctis, aculeis caulinis petiolinisque uncinatis, folio- 
lis planis simpliciter serratis glabris. uH 
Frutex octo-pedalis, laxus, habità Rosam caninam vel potius R. Borreri inter et R. arvensem 
referens, Rami diffusi, atro-purpurei vel intense fusci, juniores glaucescentes, nune 
copiose aculeati nunc fere inermes; aculei fortissimi, uncinati, nunc binato-stipu- 
lares, nunc solitarii, sparsi. — Petioli supra tantum sparse pilosi, alioquin glabri, acu- 
leis fortibus uncinatis muniti. Séipulæ spatulatæ vel lineares, nunc serratæ, nunc 
basi glanduloso-ciliatze, nunc nisi apicem versus integerrimz, glabra, interdum mar- 
gine pilose, ez floribus propiores latiores et demum foliis deficientibus in bracteas 
ellipticas, acuminatas, immutat, — Foliola 7, par superius et foliolum impar ceteris 

- : . 

majora, acie supraque nervo tantum pilis raris instructa, elliptica, vel subrotunda, acu- 

minata, impar basi cordatüm vel ovatum, serrata, subtus glabra, obscura, juniora pur- 
purascentia, Pedünculi 1—24, hie illic setis. sparsis, tenerrimis, pilisve muniti. 
Receptaculum. ovatum, fuscum, glabrum, disco convexo. Calycis foliola triangulari- 
elliptica, acuta fere usque ad basin divisa, pinnis lanceolatis vel lineari-lanceolatis, 

nervosis, integerrimis. Flores rubescentes, Styli subporrecti, villosi ; stigmata in 
globulum congesta. Fructus late ellipticus, ruber, 

About Albourne, Henfield, West Grinstead, and elsewhere in 

Sussex.. Mr. Borrer. Road-side between Hayes and Bromley 
in Kent. ! Ge 

B. Surculi not so strong, redder; bush more compact ; disk of 
the receptacle flat. Near Stoke Newington. Only one 
bush of this Rose has ever been observed ; but the habit of 

the plant is very remarkable, and I had noticed it several 
years before I began to pay any particular attention to this 

genus, i EA | 
The only British species which can be mistaken for R. surculosa 

Mr. Woows on the British Species of Rosi. 220 

are R. canina, R. systyla, and R. arvensis; and from each of these 
it may perhaps be difficult to give a description which shall accu- 
rately distinguish it, while in habit it is considerably different 
from either. From the first it may however, T think, always be 
known by the porrect styles, the entire pinne of the calyx-leafits, 
the peduncle almost always furnished with hairs or sete, the 
shape and flatness of the leaflets, and the strong and hooked aculei 
of the footstalk. ‘These marks seem indeed amply sufficient, but 
I am afraid they are all more or less uncertain. I have never 
seen the glands of the peduncle extending themselves on the re- 
ceptacle or calyx ; in R. canina, when glands are found on the pe- 
duncle, they are also generally to be observed on the fruit, and still 
more on the calyx; but this character likewise sometimes fails, 
A better distinction in the living plant is found in the enormous 
surculi covered with beautiful blue wax, and bearing great cymes 
of flowers. In the most favourable circumstances it is only by 
accident that R. canina has more than four flowers. In this plant 
if any surculi are produced, and it is rarely without them, the ob- 
server will not often be disappointed in searching for eight or ten, 
. and he will sometimes find double that number; but even this 
mark is not very decidedly exhibited in the variety 8, which 
seems however to unite better with this species than with any 
other. From R. arvensis it may be known by the styles, which 
are here hairy and but just protruded, not smooth and collected- 
into a long cylinder, as in that plant. It is also a much more up- 
right plant, the surculi being rather erect than decumbent. From 
R. systyla also a due attention to the styles will distinguish it; 
and the shape and flatness of the leaf give a decidedly different 
appearance to the present plant. 

25. Rosa 

830 | Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 

25. Rosa sysTYLA. 

R. stylis unitis, receptaculis oblongis, aculeis uncinatis subæqua- 

libus surculorum confertis, foliolis simpliciter serratis. 

R. systyla. Bastard Flore d' Anjou, as quoted by Desvaux, Journ. 

... de Bot. ii. 113. | 

R. stylosa. Lam. et Dec. Fl. Er. vi. 586. Desv. Journ. de Bot. li. 

113. pl. 14. | = =e 

R. brevistyla. Lam. et Dec. FI. Fr. vi. 537. 

R. leucochroa. Desv. Journ: de Bot. ii. 113. pl. 15. 

R. collina. Engl. Bot. xxvii. t. 1895. 

Frutex gracilis, 8—12-pedalis. Rami vagi, olivacei, aculeati ; aculei uncinati, subæquales, 
ramulorum minores plerumque binato-stipulares, sureulorum maximi instar Psitta- 
corum rostri. Petioli tomentosi, sape glandulosi, aculeisque parvis falcatis muniti. 
Stipule lineares, serrulatæ, glabriuscule, ez floribus solitariis propiores vix ceteris 

. Jatiores, ad cymas, foliis deficientibus, tandem in bracteas lanceolatas acuminatas 
x immutatæ. -~ Foliola 5 rarius 7, par superius et foliolum impar ceteris majora, el- 
liptica, vel lanceolato-elliptica, carinata, acuminata, simpliciter serrata, supra gla- 
bra, subtus venulis hirsuta. Pedunculi 1—8, glandulosi, elongati. Receptaculum 
oblongum vel elliptico-oblongum, fusco-olivaceum, glabrum. Calycis foliola ovato- 
-triangularia, pinnata; pinnæ inciso-glandulosæ, Flores cyathiformes, petala pul- 
cherrime rubescentia, basi parum in aurantiacum vergentia, sed interdum flores pal- 
lidiores et etiam albi inveniuntur. S¢y/i in columellam porrecti ; stigmata in conum 

. congesta. Fructus elliptico-oblongus, glaber, coccineus, ; ; 

At New-Timber, Henfield, and many other places in Sussex 

abundantly. Mr. Borrer. At Walthamstow and Quendon in 

... Essex, and at Clapton in Middlesex. Mr. E. Forster. At Don- 

. nington-Castle in Berkshire. Mr. Bicheno. Near Penshurst in 

Kent, and near Hornsey in Middlesex. 

B. Leaves entirely smooth on both sides. 

I cannot hesitate in referring to one species the synonyms above 
quoted. R.brevistyla and R. leucochroa are said to differ in having 
a shorter column of styles than R. stylosa; but this circumstance 

| I have 

Mr. Woops-on the British Species of Rosa. 231 

I have observed to vary considerably. R. debracteata, Lam. et 
Dec. Fl. Fr. vi. 537, ought also probably to be referred to this 
species: it has the styles connected, and differs from R. arvénsis 
in its greater size and upright stem. The * flore d'Anjou” of 
Bastard I have not been able to meet with, I therefore trust to 
Desvaux: but the character of the plant is so distinct, as ap- 
plied to a Rose having nearly the habit of R. canina, that there 

can be no doubt of the accuracy of the reference. Desvaux has 
thought proper to alter the name ; but I have preferred retaining 
that originally proposed by Bastard, not only as being prior to 
the other, but also very decidedly better. ‘I'he name in English 
Botany was given with the idea that this species coincided with 
the R. collina of Jacquin; from which, liowever, it may readily be 
distinguished by its elegant habit, cup-shaped flowers of a much 
more glowing hue, long fruit and peduncle, narrow bracteæ, and: 
above all by its connected styles, which separate it from all Roses 
of the canina family. The difference in the size and strength of 
the aculei of the branches compared with those of the surculi. 
may sometimes also be a useful character. The habit of R. 

systyla will to. the practised eye keep it abundantly separate from 
R. arvensis. In artificial character they are more nearly allied ;. 
butin R. s syst yla the surculi, though weak and gracefully bending,. 
rise upwards, unlike the long, rambling, decumbent. shoots of 
R. arvensis: they are also thickly covered with large. prickles ;. 
whereas those of the latter Rose have the aculei ipeioen very large 
nor very numerous, but rather the contrary. - 

In some states this is a Rose of no very conspicuous appear- 
ance ; but when it produces its root-shoots long and gently curved 
downwards by the weight of the numerous clustered flowers, it is. 
hardly possible to conceive any thing more beautiful. 

26. | E. 

232 Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 

96. Rosa ARVENSIS. 

R. stylis unitis, aculeis uncinatis surculorum sparsis, foliolis ellip- 
ticis inæqualiter serratis. | | 

R. arvensis. Willd. ii. 1066. Fl. Brit. ii. 538. Engl. Bot. iii. 
t. 188. Lam. et Dec. FI. Fr. iv. 438. 

R. canina B. Fl. Germ. i. 218. & ii. 560. 

R. repens. Gmel. Fl. Bad. Als. ii. 418. 

R. sylvestris. .Rómer's Archiv. B. i. st. ii. p. 33. 

R. sylvestris minor flore albo. Raï Syn. 455. 

Frutex altitudine 2—4-pedalis ; surculis longissimis, decumbentibus, flagelliformibus, juni- 
oribus glaucescentibus, senioribus viridibus. Rami vagi, debiles, glauco-virides e luce 
purpureo-fusci, aculeati; aculei surculorum sparsi, basi latissimi, mucrone plerumque 
adunco instructi, ramorum graciliores. Petioli nunc hirti nunc glandulosi, rarius 
utrumque aculeati. Svipule lineares, apicem versus nunc serrate nunc glanduloso- 
nunc piloso-ciliatæ, glabræ, ez floribus cymosis propiores foliis gradatim deficientibus, 

: demum in bracteas lanceolatas, vix stipulis latiores, immutate. Foliola 5, par in- 
ferius ceteris minus, elliptica vel subrotundo-elliptica, plana, crenato-serrafa, interdum 
apicem versus inciso-serrata, nervo interdum subtus pilosa, sepius utrinque glaber- 
rima. Pedunculi 1—8, interdum etiam usque ad 15, elongati, glandulis subsessili- 
bus induti. Receptaculum plerumque ovatum, rarius in locis sterilibus subglobosum, 
fuseum, glabrum. Calycis foliola ovata vel subrotundo-ovata, nunc hirta nune- 
glandulosa, pinnulis parvis lanceolatis integerrimis hic illic instructa, Flores albi, 
expansi. Styli in columellam glabram persistentem porrecti ; stigmata in globulum 
congesta. Fructus formå multum variat, ab elliptico- oblongo etiam ad accurate 
globosum, posterior tamen vix nisi in pedunculis solitariis invenitur: maturi color san- 

Hedges and bushy places in the southern and midland counties ; 
rare in the mountainous districts. 

B. Fruit glandular as well as the peduncle. At Shermanbury in 
Sussex. Mr. Borrer. By the high rocks at Tunbridge-Wells. 

Mr. Borrer has communicated to me specimens remarkably 

long in the leaves and fruit. ‘This approaches in some degree to 

Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 233 

the R. prostrata, Lam. et Dec. Fl. Fr. vi. 536, which scems to be 
a variety of this species with shining persistent leaves; but the 
latter circumstance has not occurred to me in any English speci- 

This Rose has hitherto been separated from its nearest affini- 
ties on account of the shape of the fruit: but this has been done 
erroneously ; for though the full-grown fruit is sometimes nearly 
globular, the receptacle, while the plant is in flower, is decidedly 
ovate, except occasionally in starved specimens: it is generally 
longer in the cymes of flowers than when solitary, differing in 
this respect from R. canina and its allies, which have usually 
among the cymes rounder receptacles than those of tlie solitary 
flowers. | i 
— The midrib of the leaflet is sometimes furnished with hairs: 
this peculiarity will occasionally occur on some branches and 
not on others of the same plant. 

The habit of this Rose is a low bush with long trailing shoots 
frequently covered with a profusion of flowers opening quite flat. 
The buds are faintly tinged with red, but the expanded petals are 
I believe always white. Mr. Sabine has what he considers as a 
double variety of R. arvensis, which retains the blush coloür in 
the flowers, and is extremely beautiful. In this the serratures of 
the leaves are furnished with glands which have the appearance 
of double serratures, as in R. provincialis, R. gallica, R. damascena, 
and R: alba, «°° : 1350.98 3E ge ^ erg on 
. In the long shoots of this plant the aculei frequently appear to 
consist of a short mucro on an expanded base. As the ramifica- 
tions are repeated, it often happens that the expanded base die 
minishes in proportionate size, and the mucro becomes a hooked 
prickle more round and'slender than in the family of R. canina ; 
the smallest prickles are even sometimes quite straight. á 

— VOL, XII. 2 H The 

234 Mr. Woops on the British Species of Rosa. 

The distinct, smooth, lengthened column of styles is alone suf- 
ficient to distinguish it from every British Rose except R. systyla, 
froin which it may be known by its decumbent shoots and ex- 
panded flowers; the leaflets also are flatter, the serratures wider 
apart, and the whole plant of a grayer colour. When once known, 
their general appearance is so different that it is impossible to 
confound them. Among the exotics, R. sempervirens comes near 
to it in habit, while in essential character it is easily separated by 
its shining leaves and villous styles. R. sempervirens of Roth, Fl, 
Germ. i. 218. ii. 556; R. umbellata of Gmelin, Fl. Bad. Als. ii. 4253 
Lam. et Dec. FL. Fr. vi. 532, appears to me a very different spe- 
cies: it is not an evergreen ; the fruit is globose or nearly so, and 
the leaves are doubly serrated and glandular beneath. Gmelin lc, 
remarks that it is allied to R. Eglanteria. It is perhaps as near 
to R. Borreri as to any British Rose; but it is scarcel y possible 
_ to conceive how this could have been mistaken for £. 246 of the 
Hortus Elthamensis, the only plate referred to by Linnæus, and 
clearly pointing out his plant. | 

R. semperflorens is another plant of this family, and, unless the 
distinct styles of these Roses should make it necessary to separate 
them, R. indica. It will also contain R. moschata, R. multiflora, 
and R. sinica. Some Roses from China, of which specimens exist 
in the Banksian Herbarium, will probably form another family 
allied to this. 

The hip of this species has a finer flavour than that of us 
other British Rose ; that of R.s ystyla does not much differ in this 

XV. 4 

"(€ 935 ) 

XV. A Botanical History ef the Genus Tofieldia. By Sir James 
Edward Smith, M.D. F.R.S. P. L.S. 

Read January 21, 1817. 

NorwirusrANDING the assiduous labours of so many acute 
and learned men in the field of Botany for three centuries past, 
much still remains to be done in the mere determination of spe- 
cies. All our care and watchfulness are still requisite, to keep 
the science clear of confusion, even in the history and discrimi- 
nation of Europæan plants. No accurate and scientific student 
will find any want of employment, or of well-deserved credit, in 
the exclusive cultivation of this field. The more familiar the 
plants, the less carefully have they, often, been studied, and the 
more numerous their synonyms, the greater is the chance of ac- 
cumulated and intricate mistakes. ‘Those who are competent to 
devote themselves to this branch of scientific inquiry, will wisely 
avoid all loss of time about matters of opinion, concerning which, 
men more learned and experienced than themselves have differed, 
but which are in general sufficiently settled for all practical uses, 
though they might be debated upon for ever, ‘without any incon- 
trovertible conclusion. Such are many of the genera in dispute 
between Linnæus and other authors; in alluding to which, I by 
no means wish to deter young botanists from the study of genera, 
one of the most instructive that they can pursue. But to learn 
and to teach are very different things. I cannot too often pro 

test against those more tempting roads to immortality, gratuitous 
2H2 changes 

236 Sir J. E. Suirrn's Botanical History 

changes of names, and speculations in classification. Tle former 
can only be permitted, if at all, to the most eminent leaders and 
reformers of botanical science, who may be capable of acquiring 
supreme authority in ihe latter. 

The writer of this paper has never thought himself more di- 
rectly pursuing the best objects of that Society, now so eminent, 
and so extensively useful, to whose service he has so long been 
devoted, than when employed in those practical investigations 
and criticisms, by which its * Transactions" are particularly distin- 
guished. "These subjects are so far from being exhausted, that 
scarcely any considerable genus of plants could be taken at ran- 
dom out of the Linnæan herbarium, without affording matter for 
an ample dissertation. 

. The genus Tofieldia is known to have been involved in much 
confusion, as to its name and character ; but no one seems aware 
of the still. greater confusion, and intricate misapprehensions, 

which concern its species. - ak: shall attempt to unravel both these 

The late Mr. Dryander has well pointed out, in die second 
edition of Mr. Aiton’s Hort. Kew. v. ii. 324, that our present Tofi- 
eldia was the real and original Anthericum of Linnzus, in his Ge- 
nera Plantarum, ed. i. 106. Accordingly it there stands in the 
Herandria Trigynia. But in the second edition of the same work, 
published five years afterwards, the author combines, or rather 
confounds, with this genus his own Bulbine, Gen. Pl. ed. i. 95, as 
Tournefort had done before him. In the first edition of the 
Species Plantarum therefore Anthericum is a most heterogeneous 
assemblage ; and so it continued in all the subsequent publica- 
tions of the great Swedish botanist. Some things have been 
done in England still further to embroil, and some to reform it. 
The Hortus Kewensis, and Mr. Brown's Prodromus, stand emi- 


' of the Genus Tofieldia. — 237 

nently conspicuous among the works which have conduced to 
the latter object. Their authors have, in this instance, wisely 
exercised that discretionary paramount authority, which belongs 
only to the leaders-in Botany, of overruling a prior claim of no- 
menclature. Instead of setting up the original Anthericum, they 
have retained that name for the numerous species to which it is 
popularly applied, and which make the bulk of the genus as 
Linnzus and his followers have subsequently understood it. 
Hence a very troublesome degree of perplexity is avoided ; espe- 
cially as these writers must otherwise either have invented a new 
name, or have restored Bulbine, already differently applied by 
Gertner. They certainly knew better than to take up with 
Tournefort's Phalangium, which is appropriated to a genus of 

The author of the Flora Britannica indeed, aware of the above- 
mentioned confusion and pretensions respecting Anthericum, had 
exercised the same discretionary power, following Mr. Hudson in 
his name of Tofieldia. Under this is commemorated Mr. Tofield, 
a country gentleman in the neighbourhood of Doncaster, who 
there discovered the Vicia bithynica, a plant which had escaped 
the notice of Ray and the botanists of his time, though since ob- 
served in other parts of England. The herbarium of Mr. Tofield 
came, in 1793, after his decease, into the pum of Dr. À aa 
of Sheffield, F. L.S. | AT wi 

Jussieu, led by Gerard, has feansierred Meriiig’s n. name of E- 
thecium to our Tofieldia ; from an idea, as it appears, that the 
real Narthecium of that author belonged to this genus, though 
nothing can be more distinct. We believe it to be no less di- 
stinct from Anthericum, though retained in that genus, after 
Willdenow, in the Hortus Kewensis The able M. Decandolle z 
not wishing perhaps to clash with Jussieu, has called this. last 


238 Sir J. E. Surrn's Botanical History 

plant Abama; but the prior right of Narthecium, published in 
1742, is irrefragable. 

The genus whose illustration is the object of the present disqui- 
sition, may therefore be considered as now established beyond the 
reach of controversy, under the following name and characters. 


Huds. Fl. Angl. 157. Sm. Fl. Brit. 397. Dryand. in Ait. Hort. 
— Kew. v. ii. 324. Pursh Amer. Sept. 216. Decand. Fr. v. iii. 198. 

‘Anthericum. Linn. Gen. Pl. ed. i. 106. Hall. Hist. v. ii. 98. 

Narthecium. Ger. Gallopr. 142. Juss. Gen. 47. Lamarck Illustr. 
t. 268. 

Isidrogalvia. Ruiz et Pavon Peruv. v. iii. 69. Dryand. 

Cuar. Ess. Calyx trifidus. Petala sex, qualia. "Styli verti- 
cales, breves. Capsule tren super | bagi ven Dee 
Anthere subrotunde. Se 

CHAR. pcm 

Cal. Perianthium inferum, remotiusculum, monophyllum, mem- 
branaceum, trifidum, parvum, persistens. 

Cor. Petala sex, oblonga, concava, æqualia, patentia, persisten- 
tia, calyce multoties longiora. * 

Stam. Filamenta sex, petalis opposita, subulata, simplicia, gla- 
bra, longitudine corollæ.  Antherz incumbentes, cordato-sub- 

-` rotundae. 
Pist. Germina tria, supera, conniventia, acuminata, desinentia 
_ in stylos brevissimos, verticales, distantes. Stigmata capitata. 

Peric. Capsulz tres, basi connexæ, gibbosæ, carinatæ, membra- 

nace®, uniloculares, bivalves, intüs præcipuè dehiscentes. 

Sem. Numerosa, elliptico-oblonga, angulata, valvularum mat- 
gini internæ utrinque inserta. sa 
Né cum, 

of the Genus Tofieldia. | 239 

Narthecium, which agrees most in habit with the genus before 
us, is distinguished from it by the want of a calyx; as well as by 
having a simple germen and single style; hairy filaments; and a 
membranous tunic, tapering at each end, to the seeds. Anthe- 
ricum, including the PAalangium of 'Tournefort and Jussieu, dif- 
fers from Tofieldia in having no calyx; a simple germen and 
style; and angular seeds. Helonias, to which Willdenow refers 
our T. palustris, confounding under that solitary species nearly 
the whole genus, has a simple germen and capsule, though three 
styles; very few seeds in each cell; and wants the calyx. 

The species of Tofieldia have hitherto been even less understood 
than its generic characters, as the following exposition will show. 

1. T. palustris, capitulo ovato, caule glabro filiformi aphyllo, pe- 

talis obovatis obtusis, germinibus subrotundis. 

T. palustris. Huds. Angl. 157. Sin. Brit. 397. Engl. Bot. 
t. 536. Ait. Hort. Kew. v. ii. 324. 

T. pusilla. Pursh Amer. Sept. 246. 

Anthericum calyculatum. Linn. Sp. Pl. 447. Fl. Lapp. ed. ii. 
106. ¢.10. f.3. Fl. Dan. t. 36. Lightf. Scot. 181. t. 8. f. 2. 

Helonias borealis. Willd. Sp. Pl. v. ii. 274. 

Narthecium pusillum. Michaux Boreali- Amer. 9. i. 209. 

Phalangium scoticum palustre minimum, iridis folio. Rai Syn. 
875. Tourn. Inst. 369. — eni 

Native of the black boggy margins: “of pools | and M anti rills, "E 

on the mountains of Lapland, Scotland, Durham, and North 
. America, p rticularly 1 lake Mistassins, flowering from June to 

= This is a perennial P ieee inei; of SE ds stature, entirely 
smooth i in every part. The root is horizontal and somewhat tu- 
berous, or — but slender, with very long, tough, white, zig- 

240 Sir J. E. Surrn's Botanical History 

zag fibres. Leaves composing numerous radical tufts, dark green, 
 equitant, sword-shaped, ribbed, two inches long. Stem erect, 
from four to six inches high, solitary, simple, round, quite smooth, 
. naked ; triangular at the base, where it often bears one small leaf, 
not rising above the others. Flowers pale green, very small, in a 
little oblong, obtuse, generally very dense head, from a quarter to 
half an inch in length. -The partial flower-stalks are entirely want- 
ing, the calyx being crowded close to the main stalk, with hardly 
any perceptible bractea. The base of the flower within the calyx 
is however elongated, assuming, as the fruit advances, the appear- 
ance of a thick stalk, swelling upwards, half a line in length. 
Calyx very deeply divided into three acute segments, small, mem- 
branous, and whitish. Petals hardly a line long, obovate, gene- 
rally quite obtuse, concave, greenish-white, longer than the sta- 
mens.. Germens combined into a nearly globular form, with three 
furrows. St yles extremely short, spreading, with abrupt, slightly 
capitate, stigmas. Capsules converging, roundish-obovate, each 
about the size of mustard-seed, obtuse, with a minute spreading 
point crowned by the style. | 

` Such is the original Lapland plant of Linneus, exactly agree- 
ing with specimens from Scotland and the county of Durham, as 
represented in Engl. Bot., and answering precisely to the T. pusilla, 
adopted by gem from Michaux. With this has all along been 
. confounded a Swiss species, which we are next to describe, and 
which is the only plant known to botanists of the South of Eu- 
rope as the Linnæan Anthericum calyculatum. Dillenius caused 
this confusion, as appears by the Flora Lapponica ; where Linnæus, 
who strongly suspected these two plants to be different, but never, 
to the day of his death, saw more than one of them, was induced 
by his learned rs pensent to consider them as varieties of each 

2. T. al. 

of the Genus Tofieldia. / 241. 

2. T. alpina, racemo cylindraceo, bracteis pedunculo subæqua- 
libus, caule glabro diphyllo, petalis obovatis, germinibus 

T. palustris. Decand. Fr. v. iii. 193.  Redout. Liliac. t. 256. 
Anthericum n. 1205. Hall. Hist. v.ii. 98 ; excluding the syno- 
nyms of Moering and Gorter. 
A. Pseudoasphodelus. Jacq. Enum. 59, 233. 
Narthecium iridifolium. Villars Dauph. v. ii. 225. 
N. calyculatum. Allion..Pedem. ©. ii. 165. Lamarck Franc. 
w. iii. 298. | 
Scheuchzeria Pseudo-asphodelus. Scop. Carn. v. i. 263. 
Phalangium alpinum palustre, iridis folio. Tourn. Inst. 368. 
Segu. Veron. v. ii. O1. t. 14. Scheuchz. It. v. i. 139. 
Pseudo-asphodelus alpinus. Bauh. Pin. 29. 
Pseudo-asph. pumilus, foliis iridis. Clus. Pan. 261. t. 262. 
Pseudo-asph. secundus. Clus. Hist. v. i. 198. 
Pseudo-asph. quibusdam. Bauh. Hist. v. ii. 624 ; the descrip- 
. tion, not the figure, which represents a Pancratium. 
Asphodelus Lancastriæ verus. Ger. Em. 96. 

Very common in moist grassy pastures on the alps of Europe, 
throughout Austria, Switzerland, the south of France, and 

north of Italy, flowering in August. Scheuchzer says it grows 
on the shady dry ridges of hills, and he therefore wonders at 
'Tournefort's epithet of palustris. I have gathered this plant in 
the boggy margins of alpine rivulets, on the plain of mount 
Cenis. Seguier, Villars, and Allioni speak of it as an inhabi- 
tant of rich, moist, or spongy soils, among grass. Notwith- 
standing what is said in Gerarde's Herbal, there is no auth 
rity for its ever having been found in Britain. it 



242 Sir J. E. Su1Tn's Botanical History 

This species is, in every part, twice the size of the foregoing, 
of which it has, till now, been considered as a variety, whose 
greater luxuriance, or more dilated habit, was attributed to its 
situation in a more favourable climate. Into this error I have 
been led in the Flora Britannica, where therefore a number, of 
erroneous synonyms are accumulated; but the description be- 
longs precisely to the T. palustris, except perhaps what regards 
the bracteas and fruit. So much are we frequently disposed to 
see with the eyes of others, that it was not before I had compared 
the figure in English Botany with that of Redouté, both cited 
together in Hort. Kew., that I was obliged to correct my opinion. 
After making all imaginable allowance for possible inaccuracy in 
the two artists, however excellent; and for the one plate being 
taken from a wild specimen, the other from a most luxuriant 
garden plant; nothing seemed to justify a conclusion of their 
belonging to one species. A more close examination of the plants - 
themselves immediately removed all uncertainty. Besides the 
difference of size, as above mentioned, the root of what I have 
now named T. alpina is much thicker in proportion, and more 
woody. The stem bears two distant leaves, of which the upper- 
most especially is much smaller than the radical ones, and if si- 
tuated more than half way up the stem, it diminishes in propor- 
tion. But the most satisfactory differences exist in the flowers. 
The inflorescence is a cluster (racemus), from one to two inches 
long, frequently interrupted or scattered. The partial stalks, 
though short and thick, are always distinctly present, having a 
concave permanent solitary bractea, about their own length, at the 
base; and as the fruit advances they become more evident, a 
line or more in length, and curved upward. The calyx is close to` 
the rest of the flower, cup-shaped, unequally and rather slightly 

: three- 

Linn, frans. Vot. XII. Tab.8. p. 245, 




7 editii 



E / 

of the Genus Tofieldia. . 2 | 948 
three-cleft. Petals rather more yellowish, scarcely so long as the 

stamens. They are represented too narrow and acute in M. Re — 

douté’s figure.» Capsules combined almost all the way up, making - 
together a roundish-elliptical three-lobed figure, larger than a cori- 

ander seed, of a light brown, transversely corrugated, their point: 
widely spreading, crowned with the short thick styles, and ca pitate 
stigmas. The seeds are extremely numerous. The wooden cut of the 
old authors above cited, is quite as expressive as the copper-plate 
of Seguier, commended by Villars, and copied by Lamarck. 

& T stenopetala, racemo cylindraceo, bracteis calycem superan- 
tibus, caule glabro diphyllo, petalis lanceolatis acutis. 
Gathered by Kalm in North America, but in what part we are 
unable to determine. Three of his specimens are preserved in 
the Linnean herbarium. : 

This, which Linnæus did not distinguish from his Anthericum 
calyculatum, is most akin to our Tofieldia alpina, with which it 
accords in size and habit, as well as in bearing two, sometimes 

three, alternate distant leaves on the stem. The inflorescence is a 

dense obtuse cluster, one inch and a half long, interrupted in the 
lower part. The bracteas however afford a clear specific difference, 
being lanceolate, and extending not only to the summit of the short 

and thick partial flower-stalks, but often reaching much beyond 

the calyx, which latter is very broad and shallow, unequally three- 
cleft, sometimes with a few supernumerary teeth ornotches. The 
petals are very different in shape from both the preceding species, 
being lanceolate and acute. Their colour seems a greenish white. 
Anthers pointed. Germens ovato-lanceolate,. Styles twice as long 
as- thelaébe. u^ 4. | 

of the natural size, with the separate parts of fructification mag- 
P 2123 nified. 


TA». VIII. Fig. 1 represents a dried specimen of T. sten j ret NE 


244 Sir J. E. Suirü's Botanical History 

nified. A is the calyx with its flower-stalk and bractea, B, a 
petal. C, Stamen. -D, Germens and styles. 

4, T., cernua, racemo cylindracco, floribus cernuis, bracteis brevis- 
simis, pedunculis glabris longitudine corollæ, caule aphyllo. 
Anthericum filamentis levibus, perianthio integerrimo. Gme- 
lin Mss. 
— A.n.89. Gmelin Sibir, v. i. 73. t. 18. f. 2; the synonyms al- 
: together erroneous. 

Native of mountainous woods, near the river Lena, in Siberia, 
flowering about the end of July. Specimens in flower and 
fruit, sent by Gmelin, are preserved in the Linnæan herba- 
rium; and we find with astonishment that when the first edi- 
tion of the Species Plantarum was written, they were con- 
founded with the genuine Lapland Anthericum cal; lyculatum, 
even by Linnzus himself. 

'The present most distinct species is as different from T. palus- 
tris as two plants of one natural genus can well be. It is more 
akin to our second and third species, with which it accords in ge- 
neral aspect, but the roofs are of a more creeping nature, and the 
stem is taller, a foot or more in height, quite leafless, except at 
the very base, cylindrical throughout, glaucous in the upper part. 
Leaves narrow, near three inches long, with a small oblique point ; 
their edges rough toward the extremity. Cluster erect, many- 
flowered, from two to four inches in length, rather lax, but 
scarcely interrupted. Partial flower-stalks nearly horizontal, slen- 
der, angular when dry, quite smooth, about one eighth of an inch 
long, and as the fruit advances becoming still longer. Bracteas 
solitary at the base of each stalk, and about a quarter as long, 
ovate, keeled, a little recurved. Flowers white, drooping, about 
twice the size of Convallaria bifolia. Cale dilated, with three 

of the.Genus Tofieldia. — — 245 

shallow,obtuse segments. Petals obovate, obtuse, slightly pointed, 
concave, the length of the flower-stalks, and keeping pace with 
them in their subsequent elongation, when the petals become very 
narrow at the base, Stamens shorter than the corolla; the anthers, 
according to Gmelin, yellow. Germens and styles much like 
T. stenopetala. Capsules quite pendulous, shorter than the per- 
manent corolla, obovate, very thin and brittle, combined nearly 
all the way up, but easily separated, each crowned with a straight 
spreading style, and capitate stigma. Seeds very numerous, small, 
slender, prismatic. - 

Gmelin mentions, on the authority of Steller, a variety with 
leaves upon the stem, which we should suspect to be a different 
species ; but without seeing specimens, we can determine nothing 
respecting this point. 

5. T. pubens, racemo cylindraceo interrupto, pedunculis fascicu- 
latis scabris longitudine corolle. 

T. pubens. Dryand. in Ait. Hort. Kew. v. ii. 325. 

T. pubescens. Pursh Amer. Sept. 246. ; 
Narthecium pubens. Michaux Boreali- Amer. v. i. 209. 
Melanthium racemosum. Walt. Carol. 126. 
Anthericum filamentis levibus, perianthio trifido. Linn, Hort. 
Cliff. 140. Gron. Virg. ed. i. 39. | 
A. foliis ensiformibus, perianthiis trilobis, filamentis. glabris. 
Gron. Virg. ed. ii. 51. e 2 

Asphodelus minor albus. Pluk. Man t. 29. Phyt. t. 342. #5. 
Native of moist meadows, swamps, abd mossy boggy woods, in 

Virginia and Carolina, flowering in July. Clayton, Pursh. 

Having no specimen of this, I postpone its description, till I - 
can examine the Banksian herbarium. It makes the last of five 
species, which have been confounded together under the” Lin- 
nean Anthericum calyculatum. | 

6. T. 4 

246 Sir J. E. Surru's Botanical History 

6. T. elutinosa, racemo ovato coarctato, pedunculis glutinosis 
scabris longitudine corolle, antheris orbiculatis exsertis. 
T. glutinosa. Pursh Amer. Sept. 246. | 
Narthecium glutinosum. Michaux Boreali-Amer. v. i. 210. 

Native of North America, from Quebec to lake Mistassins, ac- 
cording to Michaux. Ourspecimen was gathered by Mr. Men- 
zies, on the west coast of North America, and is the same with 
what Mr. Pursh saw in the Banksian herbarium. We have no 
reason to suspect the plant of Michaux to be different. He 
says it has “the habit of the Linnean Anthericum ossifragum,” 
and that * the spike consists of a few alternate fasciculi ; the 
capsule is ovate, twice as long as the calyx." By calyx, he 
means corolla, and by spica, racemus, as is evident from the rest 
of his account. Mr. Pursh therefore is inaccurate in copying 
his phraseology, which contradicts his own generie character 
of Tofieldia. 

Mr. Menzies's specimen has a — tuberous hertzontal root, 
with long simple brown fibres, being undoubtedly perennial, like 
the rest of the genus. Stem erect, a foot high, angular, at least 
when dry, roughish all over with short glandular hairs; more 
densely hairy for the space of two inches from the top, where it 
bears a small leafy bractea, possibly not constant. - Leaves rather 
few, all radical, except one or two on the very lowest part of the 
stem, which do not rise above the others; they are all erect, four 
or five inches long, narrow, ribbed, bright green, smooth, except 
a slight roughness towards the point. Cluster scarcely an inch 
in length, ovate, obtuse, of twelve or fourteen flowers, on hairy 
_ stalks, sometimes in pairs, hardly a quarter of an inch long, erect 

or slightly spreading, having at the base one or two membranous 
acute bracteas, one-third their own length. Calyx not deeply 
lobed. „Petals yellowish, obovate, about as long as the flower- 


7 of the Genus Tofieldia. 247 

stalks. Stamens equal, thread-shaped, quite smooth, a little 
longer than the corolla, Anthers purplish, nearly orbicular, point- 
less. Germens ovate-oblorg, taper-pointed. Styles rather elon- 
gated, with small stigmas. 
Having seen nothing of the capsule, we cannot compare it with 
Michaux’s description. | 
This is unquestionably very different from the Narthecium glu- 
tinosum, described by Mr. Gawler in Curt. Mag. t. 1505, the lat- 
ter being a real Narthecium, called by Pursh N. americanum ; 
see his Flora, p. 227. | 
Tas. VIII. Fig. 2 is taken from Mr. Menzies's specimen of T. glu- 
tinosa. A, Calyx magnified, with its flower-stalk and bracteas. 
B, Petal. C, Stamen. D, Germens and styles. 

Norwich, Jan, 20, 1817. J. E. SMITH. 


( 248 ) 



XVI. A Monog graph of the Genus Paonia. By the late George 
Anderson, Esq. F. L.S. 4c. 

Read February 4 and 18, 1817. 

Tus male and female Pæonies of Theophrastus, Pliny and Di- 
oscorides are ascertained to be the plants that were known by 
those names after the revival of letters. Clusius, of the sixteenth 
century, seems to have been the first who made any addition to 
these. That truly original writer describes the plants he saw du- 
ring his travels with a clearness which, considering the infant 
state of science at the time, deserves more praise than seems to 
have been bestowed on him. A number of botanical authors 
towards the close of the sixteenth and throughout the seventeenth 
century, chiefly copying him and each other, increased the cata- 
logue; but their descriptions are in general so ill defined, and so 
replete with inaccuracies, that much information cannot be ob- 
tained from them. John Bauhin and ourcountryman Morison 
are the principal writers, after Clusius, who can be depended 
upon, till the days of Linné ; gnd his opinions upon Pæonies were 
singular and erroneous. 

In the Hortus Ch liffortianus, his earliest publication, in 1737, he 
discloses doubts on the subject by observing underneath P. offici- 
nalis—* Qui considerat notas essentiales str ucturamque plante, non 
potest non palpitare vastum istum apud authores numerum, non nisi 
meris varietatibus constare." He afterwards makes up his mind ; 

and i in the first edition of Species Plantarum reduces all the Pæo- 

Mr. Axnpznsox's Monograph of the Genus Paonia. — 949 

nies into one species, with this sweeping remark, ** Limites inter 
species non reperi, hinc conjunxi” Retzius, his pupil, the first who 
questioned the correctness of this opinion, makes the following 
just observation thirty years afterwards: * Genus Pæonie nimis 
contraxit illus. a Linné, character specierum utique difficilis non tamen 
impossibilis. Si Paonia anomala pro distincta haberi debet specie, non 
video cur ni etiam relique, nec mihi persuadere potui omnes ab una 
productas fuisse. Si vero quis aliter. sentiat, per me licebit ; tunc 
vero bine tantum statui debent Pæonie species, Officinalis nempe et 
Tenuifolia. Memoratas species sepius € seminibus educavi semper 
sibi similes.” The truth of this is confirmed by all our experience; 
for the seedling plants preserve uniformly, as far as we have ob- 
served, the habits and characters of their parents, But there is 
great difficulty in discovering sufficient marks of distinction be- 
tween them ; which, however, we ought not to presume in any 
case to be insurmountable, though we may have failed in over- 
coming it in some instances. uod | 
Linné admits the newly-discovered P. tenuifolia into his second 
edition of the Species Plantarum, and P. anomala is described as 
à new species in his Mantissa; but he persists in considering the 
old male Pæony only as a variety of the female, though they are | 
distinguished by characters fully as opposite as those by which 
the two former species are distinguished from either; nor does he 
ever acknowledge any of those with pubescent leaves to be di- 
stinct species, although several of those found in the old authors 
are unquestionably genuine. But even the error of this great man 
has on the present occasion proved beneficial to science, by re- 
pressing that prevailing propensity among botanists to increase 
too much the number of species: for no writer has since pre- 
sumed to take up any of those rejected by him, without mature 
consideration and well-grounded proof. u m 
Retzius, Pallas, and Murray are the principal botanists who 
VOL. XII. 2K have 

250 Mr. Anperson’s Monograph of the Genus Paonia. 

have described Ponies with precision after Linné, and their de- 
scriptions are excellent as far as they go; but the accession of new 
species lately discovered, and as yet but imperfectly described, to- 
gether with the necessity of a thorough revision of those that were 
formerly known, rendered some attempt like the present requi- 
site. If it shall be found to possess any merit, it is not to me, 
but to my much esteemed friend Joseph Sabine, Esq. F. R.S., &c. 
that it is to be ascribed: that gentleman for several years has 
collected with indefatigable pains all the P:eonies he could dis- 
cover both from public and private gardens. Having at length 
assembled upwards of seventy plants under different names in his 
garden at North Mimms, he began, by comparing them together, 
to produce order out of confusion. It was at his particular invi- 
tation that I first attempted to describe them ; and it has been 
by the assistance of his information that I have been enabled to 
proceed in the unde taking. I have, therefore, to avoid the neces- 
sity for reiterated acknowledgements, taken the liberty of employ- 
ing the plural number, as including ae in the composition of 
the following account. 

+ Ido not enter into any examination of the general character, - 
farther than to repeat what has been hinted by others; that the 
“genus properly belongs to Polyandria Trigynia, not only because 
the species more generally exhibit three pistilla than any other 
number, but also because this is its most natural position: it 
should stand, in my opinion, between Aconitum and Homalium in 
the factitious arrangement. The germina tomentosa, will now be 
expunged from the natural character, there being two species — 
with smooth germens. 

The descriptions are made out from an actual examination of 
each living plant; and it affords no. small satisfaction to say, that 
very few if any of the plants taken, notice of up to.the present 
time remain unaccounted for: a few, indeed, which appear to be 


Mr. Ax pz nsox's Monograph of the Genus Paonia. 251 

questionable, are noticed as such in their proper places. I have 
rejected many synonyms of the old authors, from motives of cau- 
tion: butI am inclined to believe that every species enumerated 
by them refers to some one or other of the plants here recorded. 

It was deemed necessary to be more particular in describing 
the varieties than is customary in a scientific paper; not only be- 
cause some of these may hereafter turn out to be distinct species, 
but also with a view to render the tract useful to cultivators as 
well as to botanists ; and by referring each plant at present known 
to the old authors, in all cases in which they can be followed, to 
guard in future, as much as possible, against the confusion which 
their inaccuracies have produced. E 

I have rejected the folium ternatum in the specific characters, 
as being common to the whole: and for the same reason I have 
avoided in the descriptions the repetitions of such terms as caulis 
uniflorus, caulis angulatus, petioli supra canaliculati. The number 
of stamina is also omitted, as being very indefinite. 

_ There are two parts, however, in the organization of the Pzonies, 
which appear to me to deserve more attention than has been paid 
to them; but they attracted my notice when it was too late for 
me to avail myself of them: viz. the shape and number of the 
stipule attached to the caudex, and the form and structure of the 
perigynous substance which belongs to ‘all the species. These 
may perhaps hereafter form important objects for specific distinc- 
Gon Mundi: 04 HR UE Lot ^ie iio. 

. All the species hitherto known are confined to the northern he- 
misphere, and no one has yet been found in an y part of America. 
They belong to cold climates. Some species indeed are indige- 
nous in the south of Europe; but they grow upon elevated situ: 
ations. . They are, as far as has yet been tried, sufficiently ha rdy 
to stand our winter unprotected. use 
2x2 . PZEONLE 

252 Mr. Anperson’s Monograph of the Genus Paonia. 


Fruticosa — . : = à . . . s " (01. Mouten. 
Herbacem ` ss T ; 
= Folia glabra 
Fructus glabri 
caulis multiflorus eae € : ^ . 2. Alliflora. 
caulis uniflorus $ à ` : à . 3. Anomala, 
Fructus pubescentes 
foliola linearia iiir: : . 3 à 4. Tenuifolia. 
foliola lanceolata. . : . 005.557 Offftinalis. 
foliola ovata, planiuscula . ` ‘ - 6, Corallina. 

foliola subrotunda, undulata. * á . +f Daurica, 
Folia pubescentia i 
Foliola canaliculata 
stigmata elongata, erecta T $ . 8. Humilis. 
ene ovi recurvata >» E E Decora. 
SSRI RER "ert e ara hens 
ina areuato-patentia ee ee Nen 10. Arietina. _ 

^ foliola xn c eda Ti a dime T iced x ii eur P x regrin 2 
— foliola brevissime fissa . ji - . 12. Paradoxa. 
foliola lateralia subsessilia . -e . 13. Mollis. 

1. Pzoxi4 MourTax. ! 
P. caule fruticoso, foliolis distinctis summo apice trifidis, ger- 
minibus tomentosis urceolo membranaceo inclusis. e 
P. Moutan. Hort. Kew. ed. ii. v. 3. p. 315. 
P. officinalis. Loureiro Flo. Cochinchinensis, 343. Thunb. Flo, 
» Jap. p. 230. 
he Moutan. Mémoires des Chinois, v. iii. p. 461. 
Botan. Kempf. Amen. Exot. p. 862. 

Radix ramosa. - Caulis 4-pedalis, lignosus (medulla crassa), ramosus, cortice rugosiusculo, 
fusco. Ramuli annotini simplices, alterni, pedunculis unifloris deciduis terminati, | basi 
stipulis numerosis cucullatis vaginantibus aucti. Pesioh longissimi, glabri, airopurpurei, 
axillis nigricantibus, Folia biternata, foliola plana, ovata, basi obtusa, interdum ob- 


Mr. Annerson’s Monograph of the Genus Paonia. — 953 

liqua, supra glabra, saturate viridia, venis atropurpureis: subtus cæsio-glauca, pi- 
losiuscula. Foliolum intermedium sepius inciso-lobatum, subinde obtuse trifidum ; $ 
lateralia integriora, minora, subsessilia. Bractece foliaceæ calyci approximate. Ca- 
lycis foliola numeri incerti, glabra, mucronata. Petala 8—13 palmaria, expansa, 
obcordata, eroso-crenata. Membrana perigyna tenuis, glabra, rubicunda, primum 
ovata, apice stigmata effundens, dein germinibus tumentibus rupta. Germina circi- 
ter 5 parum tomentosa, demum patentia, Stigmata lineari-compressa, recurvata, 
purpurea. Floret ad finem Maii. 

A minute account of this species is given in the Mémoires des 
Chinois by the Missionaries, Paris 1778: from whom we learn 
that it is the pride and glory of the Chinese, who have cultivated 
it by their own accounts for upwards of 1400 years ; and its vari- 
cties, from two to three hundred in number, are cherished with 
no less consideration than the Dutch florists do their tulips; and 
that it is a theme for their poets and painters, and prized even 
by their emperors, not only on account of the beauty but of the 
sweet perfume of its flowers. ‘The colour of these is represented 
to consist of difierent shades of purple, crimson, violet, rose, yel- 
low, white, black! and blue. Their tradition of its first origin is 
of its being discovered by a traveller on the mountains of Ho-nan : 
no notice is taken of its being now found there, or any where else 
in a state of nature; and Loureiro and Thunberg only describe 
it as being every where cultivated in the gardens of ua and 
Cc ot 

The Chinese take credit for rendering it a shrub i means of 
their superior art in gardening, for which they plume themselves 
greatly. Iris possible that they might mistake P. albiflora, which 
is found in China, for the original state of this plant. At this we 
Eoo not wonder, when two European botanists mistook it for 

P. officinalis. We cannot for a moment doubt of the shrubby. 

stem being natural, although it bears a strict analogy to the sub- 

254  Mr.Axpznsox's Monograph of the Genus Paonia. 

terraneous caudex of the herbaceous plants, of which it seems to 
be nothing more than a prolongation, each annual shoot being 
simple and subtended by numerous vaginal stipulæ, which in 
those rise only to the surface of the ground, and are not wanting 
in any of the species. ‘The membrane too which envelops the 
germens, and which some botanists have suspected should re- 
move this plant to a new genus, is only a more extended example. 
of the truly perigynous crown which surrounds the base of the 
germens in all the Ponies. 

The seeds are represented as being black; we have not seen 
them matured: its leaves are not shining as in albiflora, nor are 
they totally divested of pubescence. ‘The woolly germens would 
sufficiently distinguish it from that species, though all the other 
marks were removed. bss zisog oum tá 

Fr E 

a. papaveracea; petalis 8—13, albis, basi macula purpurea no- 

wc ^ 


P. papaveracea. Bot. Repos. 463. : Rees's Cycl.. -— — 

Introduced by Sir Abraham Hume, about the year 1806, from 
China. This should be considered as the type of the species, the 
other varieties having double flowers. Its capacity to stand the 
rigour of our climate is not as yet sufficiently tried, being still 
too rare and valuable to risk with the full experiment; but we 
think it will prove to be hardy. Its petals are white, very broad 
and large, obcordate, with a blotch of deep purple at the base 
of each. The membrane that surrounds the germens is more en- 
tire in this than in the other varieties, the united mass of germens 
is ovato-spherical, and more tapering at theapex than the capsule 
of the poppy, with only a small orifice at the top to let out the 
stigmas, which are reflexed and form a star of bright purple: these; 

m with 

Mr. Anvernson’s Monograph of the Genus Peonia. 255 

with the petals, produce a contrast of fine colours seldom to be 

equalled in one flower. | | 

B. Banksii ; foliolis apice fissuris obtusis, floribus plenis, petalis 
medio rubicundis. | 

P. suffruticosa var. flo. purpureo. Bot. Repos. 448. 
P. Moutan. Bot. Mag. 1154. Rees's Cycl. 

Introduced in 1789 by Sir Joseph Banks ; the first of the spe- 
cies that appeared in Europe, and which has hitherto been found 
the most hardy. | 

The leaves of this variety are more obtuse than those of papa- 
veracea, not so glaucous on the under surface, and darker green 
on the upper: these, however, are only distinctions of compa- 
rison. Calyx composed of eight or ten leaves; corolla of twenty 
to thirty petals, very large, nearly white in the margin, with an 
indistinct streak of dull purple along the middle. 

y. rosea; foliolis apice fissuris obtusissimis, floribus subplenis, 
petalis roseis. — —€— 
P. suffruticosa. Bot. Repos. 313. | | 

This variety was introduced about the year 1794 by the late 
Right Hon. Charles Greville into his garden at Paddington : it is 
more tender than the preceding; and has no other claim for pre- 
ference to it, but in respect to its smell, which is very fragrant, 
not unlike that of the rose: the flowers, when weak, are fre- 
' quently almost single; petals rose-coloured ; léaves more pale ; 
leaflets broader, more obtuse, and smoother on the upper sur- 
face than those of Banksii, and the buds push out in the spring of 
a more ruddy hue. T9 nó Aint | | 

We may expect new varieties of this interesting species from | 

China. "1 | | ci n 
' 2. PÆONIA 

256 Mr. Awpznsox's Monograph of the Genus Pæonia. 


P. caule subtrifloro herbaceo, foliolis ovato-lanceolatis conflu- 
entibus laciniatis, germinibus glabris, floribus erectis. 
P. albiflora. Pall. Ross. v. ii. p. 99. t. 84. Willd. Sp. Pl. v. ii. 
: p. 1222. Hort. Kew. v. iii. p. 316. Reess Cycl. — 
P. lacteo flore, foliis utrinque viridantibus et miennes Gme- 
lin in Amman. Ruth. 11. n. 103. 
P. fructibus tribus glabris. Gmelin Sib. v. iv. p. 184. 

Radicis tubera fusiformia, fusca, aggregata. Planta omnino glaberrima. Caulis bi- tripe- 
dalis et ultra, angulosus, flexuosus, in duos aut tres pedunculos versus apicem de- 
sinens, interdum simplex, precipue apud axillas (petiolumque) rubescens. Folia 
biternata, foliola modo lobata, seu incisa, decurrentia, hinc confluentia, lanceolata, 
latitudine et figura, secundum varietates, valde diversa, acuminata, subtus nitidissi- 
me viridia, supra saturatiora, venis atro-rubentibus protuberantibus, marginibus scabra. 
Bracteæ nonnullæ foliaceæ, inferiores partite, superiores in calycis foliola orbiculata 

. sensim transeuntes. Corolla variat petalis 8—14, colore vario a niveo ad roseum, sub- 
incisis, erosis, plicatulis, interioribus angustatis. Stamina splendide aurea. Membra- 
na vere perigyna longior quam in ceteris spe iceis, lobata seu lacera. Ger- 

mina 3—5, primum erecta demum recürvato-patentia j ; stigmata obtusiuscula reflexa, 
Floret fine Maii ad finem Junii. | 
We had almost persuaded ourselves that Besler's two figures in 

Hort. Eyst. Plant. Vern. ordo vi. no. 12 & 13, belonged to this spe- 

cies ;—but what can we say for an author's accuracy, who deli- 

neates P. officinalis with a divided stem supporting two flowers ? 
Native of a vast range of latitude, from the northern regions of 

Siberia down to the dominions of China. Pallas found it in Mon- 

gol Tartary, and on the borders of Lake Baical. Its roots, he 

says, are used as an article of food by the Tartars, and the seeds 
reduced to powder mixed with their tea. Discovered also on 

Mount Caucasus, and in Georgia on grassy hills. : 

In proportion to the diversity of climate it is found to- vary in 
form and stature. We have in vain endeavoured to discover any 

Mr. ANDERSON'S Monograph of the Genus Peonia. 257 

fixed marks of distinction between the nine plants enumerated 
below, and are obliged to conclude that they all belong to one 
original species. In their relative connexion, the three double 
varieties from China are the furthest apart, yet they differ from the 
others only in degrees of comparison; in the essential. points there 
appears to be no discrepancy whatever. ‘This species is distin- 
guished from anomala, with which only it can be confounded, by 
its erect flowers, more obtuse foliage, and above all by its. having - 
more than one flower on its stem, a property possessed by no 
herbaceous Pæony but itself. Nor ought we to omit mentioning 
the seed, the uniform brown colour of which is peculiar to this 

species, and serves materially to confirm our Opinion, those of all 
the other herbaceous species being black when ripe. 

e. vestalis ; foliolis latioribus planis purpurascentibus, corolla albi- 
cante octo-petala, stigmatibus ochreis, caulibus 2—3-floris. 
P. albiflora. Andr. Repos. 64, bona. 

This variety, obtained by Mr. Sabine from Messrs. Lee and 
Kennedy under the name of albiflora, perhaps more common 
among our gardens than any other, is to be distinguished by its 
white eight-petalous corolla, rarely and slightly tinged with pink 
at the base. Cymes of two or three flowers; the middle flower is 
the strongest, the earliest, and always the shortest. ‘This observa- 
tion indeed applies to most of the species. Leaves broader, more 
flat and shining; and these and the stem, together with the peti- 
oles, are altogether of a darker hue than most of the others. The 
stigmas are of a dull yellowusisciictaosoie 
B. candida ; foliolis latioribus planis saturate viridibus, corolla pal- 

. lide carnea octo-petala, stigmatibus carneis, caulibus bifloris. 

Mr. Sabine found this variety at Mr. Knights nursery, in the - 
King’s-road. He had it from the Liverpool botanic garden under 

YOL. XII. 2L = the 

258 Mr, ANpznsoN's Monograph of the Genus Peonia. 

the name of sibirica; but it is not the plant which generally gets 
that name; and it differs from the foregoing in having its lcaves and 
stalks less of a purple hue, in its disposition to have fewer flow- 
ers on the cyme, and in the stigmas being flesh-coloured instead 
of yellow. The plant too seems weaker. The flowers of this as 
well as the foregoing go off white (a florist's term); but this has 
rather a greater dash of pink in its opening corolla. 

y. tatarica ; foliolis latioribus planis purpurascentibus, corolla car- 
nea 9—14- petala, stigmatibus carneis, caulibus 2—3-floris. - 

P. edulis. Paradisus Londinensis, 78. 
P. albiflora. Botanical Register, 42. 

Mr. Sabine got this variety from Mr. Biggs, who cultivated it in 
the botanic garden of the late Mr. Swainson of Twickenham. 
Another plant of the same was presented to him by Sir Joseph 
Banks, whose hands are always extended to promote objects of 
science. ‘lhe original, we believe, was imported by the late Mr. 
Bell of Brentford, to whom we are indebted for the introduction of 
several Pæonies, by means of his correspondence witli Pallas. It 
came from Tartary, Its hue, though darker, a good deal resem- 
bles that of vestalis ; but its flowers are larger, with a greater num- 
ber of petals, which retain a pale pink colour till they drop. The 
stigmas are of a pink colour, like those of candida. | The figure 
in the Botanical Register is from a specimen out of Mr. Sabine’s 
collection. : 

3. sibirica ; foliolis concavis dilute viridibus, corolla omnino nivea 
.8-petala, stigmatibus carneis, caulibus bifloris. 

Raised from seed by Messrs. Loddiges and Sons, and said tocome 
from Siberia through Pallas. Leaves yellowish-green, and flowers 
quite white even in the bud ; is altogether divested of that purple 


Mr. ANDERsoN’s Monograph of the Genus Ponta. 259 

tint in the stalks, leaves, and germens, so observable generally in 
this species. It also bears the largest flowers, which seldom exceed 
two on each stalk: in this we suspect, however, it is subject to 
vary, for Mr. Sabine observed a plant last year at Kew with a 
. greater number of flowers, which he takes to be this variety. 

e rubescens; foliolis concavis angustioribus purpurascentibus, 

corolla rubente 8-petala, stigmatibus ochreis, caulibus tri- 

This plant was purchased by Mr. Ronalds, nurseryman, of Brent- 
ford, at the sale of the late Mr. Bell’s collection. Sir Abraham 
Hume has the same plant, and we believe from the same source, 
under the name of tatarica. This is the most diminutive variety, 
and with flowers of the darkest colour. The leaves are small, 
obtuse, concave or channelled on the upper surface. Perhaps 
this may be the variety y of the Paradisus Londinensis * petalis 
roseis." The petals of our plant are pale red, narrow, and small: 
stigmas of the same colour as those of var. æ. i 

& uniflora ; foliolis concavisangustioribus, corolla albicante 8-pe- 
tala, stigmatibus ochreis, caulibus subsimplicibus. 

P. albiflora. Bot. Mag. 1756. Wen p | 
We are informed by Messrs. Loddiges that they had s Edad 
this plant from Pallas. We observe it among the g ardens 
London under different names. It is to be distinguis 1 d fr 
other varieties by the narrowness of its leaves, and a disp 

to produce only one flower on the stalk: in this particular, how- 
ever, we doubt its constancy.- ‘The’ petals "aré white, slightly 
tinged with pink at their base. Stigmas dull yellow, like tho: 
of var. «. JE oe r T 

2- Whitleji ; foliolisrugosioribus inæqualiter laciniatis, lori us ple- 
212 qs 

260 Mr. Anverson’s Monograph of the Genus Pæonia. 

nis carneo-albicantibus, caulibus tripedalibus sparsis sub- 

P. albiflora flo. pleno. Andrews’s Repos. 619, mala. 

P. albiflora Whitleji. Sabine in Hort. Tr. vol. ii. p. 277. 

In regard to this and all the double-flowering herbaceous va- 
rieties, we shall refer to an account drawn up by Mr. Sabine on 
them, read to the Horticultural Society, and about to be pub- 
lished in their Transactions. 

This beautiful plant was imported in 1808, from China, by 
Mr. Whitley, nurseryman, of Fulham. Stems full three feet high ; 
leaves rugose and less shining than is usual in the species; flow- 
ers full double, having the outside petals reddish, and the inside 
petals pale straw-coloured. the whole becoming nearly white be- 
fore they drop off, emitting a scent somewhat like that of elder- 
flowers. It flowers about the middle of June. 

S. Humes: ; foliolis rugosioribus | inæqualiter laciniatis, floribus 
plenissimis rubentibus, caulibus 4-pedalibus sparsis 3-floris. 

P. edulis var. sinensis. Bot. Mag. 1768. 
E albiflora Humei. Sabine in Hort. Trans. vol. ii. p. 279. 

Introduced by Sir Abraham Hume, Dart. from China, through 
the means of Captain Welsted, in 1810. The largest of all the 
herbaceous Ponies, the stems sometimes exceeding tour feet in 

height ; flowers extremely double, reddish in colour, somewhat 
similar to the following, but iarger and almost scentless. Cymes 
hody of three flowers; leaflets broader than any other of the 

"rans ; foliis rugosioribus angustioribus pallidis, floribus 

enis roseis, caulibus 3-pedalibus erectis 1—3-floris. 

P. albiflora igrans. Sabine je dorée Trans. vol. ii. p. 278. 

Mr. Axpxnsox's Monograph of the Genus Paonia. 261 

Introduced from China in 1805 by Sir Joseph lane; This 
variety is conspicuous in its upright slender stalks, leaves more 
pale, and narrower, than those of the other two double ones, sca- 
brous, and obsoletely serrated on the margin. It flowers the latter 
end of June, the latest of all the Pæonies, of a pale rose-colour, 
giving out an agreeable scent similar to that of the rose. The cen- 
tral petals are longer than the others, and erect. | 

These varieties are hinted at by Loureiro in his Flora Cochin- 
chinensis. He states that the Peony is found both wild and cul- 
tivated over all the Chinese empire, chiefly in the northern pro- 
vinces; and concludes, “ Sunt aliæ multe varietates (fortasse 
species) quas non vidi." We may look for an increase to our ac- 
quisitions from that quarter. 


P; caule unifloro, foliolis multipartitis, laciniis lanceolatis ger- 
minibusque glabris, flore nutante. 

P. anomala. Linn. Mantiss. 247. Retz. Obs. iii. p. 36. Murray y 
in Act. Soc. Gott. v. vii. p. 90. Willd. Sp. Pl. v. ii. p. 1222. 
Hort. Kew. ed. ii. v. iii. p. 816. Bot. Rep. 514. Bot. Mag. 

P. fructibus glabris patentibus. Gmelin Sib. iv. p. 184. t, 72. 

P. laciniata. Pall. Ross. v. ii. p. 98. t. 85. sub P. sibirica. " 

Planta tota glabra. Radicis tubera fusiformia, magna, subsessilia. Caulis bi- tripedalis, 

uniflorus, angulato-cylindraceus, rubicundus. Fo/ia biternata seu ternata, pinnatifida, 
hinc dissecta laciniis angustis acutis, decurrentia ; subtus nitentia, venis prominentibus. 
Bractee foliaceæ, corollam subæquantes, calyci connexæ. Calycis foliola orbicu- 
lata, acuminata, nonnunquam bifida, apice rubentia. Corolle nutantis petala 6—8, 

inaequalia, apice erosa, emarginata, seu bifida, punicea. Germina plerumque 5, in 
stellam disposita, glabra, nitentia, aequalia, depressa, demum patentia, vix recurvata. 
Stigmata plana, erectiuscula, lunata, rubra. Calli fungosi, difformes, coronam circum 

basin germinum formant, quá nota optime species distinguitur, Semina nigra, ovata, 
levia, splendentia. Floret ad finem Maii, sai 

262 Mr: Anperson’s Monograph of the Genus Paonia. 

This is a most distinct and well-marked species, being endowed 
with one unique property, in having its flowers constantly droop- 
ing to one side. It differs also essentially from albiflora in being 
supplied with only one flower on the stem ; and from all the other 
smooth-leaved species by its smooth germens. The earliest no- 
tice of it appears in Gmelin's Flora Sibirica, published at Peters- 
burg in 1747. Though Linné does not acknowledge it in either 
edition of his Species Plantarum, it is at length admitted in the 
Mantissa. * poH 

Native of all Siberia, and frequent on the Altaic mountains. 

It was first introduced into England by the late Mr. Bell, from 
Pallas, about the year 1788, as P. laciniata, under which name it 
is described in Flora Rossica, but on its figure in the same work it 
is called sibirica. Pallas sent seeds of it to Murray as P. hetero- 

phylla; and it appears as P. quinquecapsularis in the Description 
of the Russian Empire by Georgi, who found it eastward of the 
river Ural, for we believe.this to be our plant. We must, how- 
ever, preservethe original name given by Linné, however objec- 
tionable. | 
The roots .grow to a great.size in their native state, and toge- 
ther with those of albiflora compose part of the food of the Mon- 
gol Tartars. Gmelin says the roots have a smell similar to that 
of the Florentine Iris; and Pallas compares it to that of bitter 

almonds or peach-kernels. 3 
The fleshy protuberances which surround the base of the ger- 
mens are nothing else than the perigynous membrane in another 
form, an appendage which never is entirely wanting in any of 
the: species. 


P. foliolis multipartitis glabris lineari-subulatis, pedunculis bre- 
vissimis, germinibus tomentosis erectis. 23 
x P . tenui- 

Mr. ANpznsox's Monograph of the Genus Pæonia. 263 

P. tenuifolia: Linn. Sp. Pl. ed. ii. p. 748. Gmelin Sib. iv. p. 185. 
t.73. Linn. Fil. Plant. Rar. fase. i. P- 9. t.5. Pall. Ross. ii. 
p. 95. t.87. Willd. Sp. Pl. ii. p. 1993. Gert. Fruct. i. p. 309. 
t. 65. f. 1. Bot. Mag. 996. Hort. Kew. ed. ii. v. iii. p. 316. 
P. laciniis foliorum linearibus... Zinn Cat. Got, p. 127. 
P. hybrida. Pall. Ross. ii. p. 94. t. 86. Willd. Sp. Pl. ii. p. 1223. 
Radix tuberum fasciculus, surculis repentibus. Caulis sesquipedalis, valde foliosus, glaber. 
Folia triternata, multifida, glabra, ad apicem caulis aggregata, quibus flos quasi nidu- 
latur. Foliola linearia subulata ; radicalia nonnunquam lineari-lanceolata ; hine P, hy- 
brida Pallasii. Calycis foliola glabra, integra, interiora orbiculata, mucronulata, exte- 
rioraacuta. Folia apud apicem caulis aggregata. Corolla minima saturate sanguinea, 
Petala 8, incurva, obovato-lanceolata, obtusa, apice erosa. Germina 2—3 raro 4, recta, 
approximata, demum patentiuscula, nec revoluta, villis purpureis dense vestita. Stigmata 
erectiuscula, rubra, Semina oblongo-elliptica, fusco-atra, levia, Floret initio Maii. - 

Native of the Ukraine, between the Tanais and Volga, on hilly 
grounds and perpendicular banksof the'Terec. Plentiful in the Tau- 
rian Chersonesus. It first appeared in Zinn's Gottingen Catalogue, 
published in 1757, and is adinitted into the second edition of the 
Species Plantarum by Linné, who indulges in a fancy that one might 
imagine it was a bastard offspring of Pæonia and Adonis apennina. 

The linear leaves are alone sufficient to characterize this spe- 
cies. The creeping surculi of its roots are also peculiar to it; and 
the small dark but bright. red flower, supported on a very short 
peduncle and nestled as it were among the finely-divided leaves 
that crowd around the top of the stalk, together with the purple 
hairs which cover the germens, all sufficiently distinguish it from 
any other Peony. It appears to have been introduced into this 
country by the late Mr. Malcolm, so far back as 1765. 

P. hybrida of Pallas is not even a permanent variety. The ste- 
rile or rather the radical leaves in rich ground almost constantly 
assume.a lineari-lanceolate form; indeed both descri ptions of 
leaves are frequently produced on the same root. We have exa- 


264 Mr. Anperson'’s Monograph of the Genus Paonia. 

mined many plants said to be seedlings, but never have discovered 
any perceptible variation in them. | 


P. foliolis inæqualiter laciniatis glabris, laciniis ovato-lanceolatis, 
germinibus rectiusculis tomentosis. i : 

P. officinalis. Pall. Ross. pars ii. p. 93. Retz. Obs. iii. p. 35. 
Smith. Prodr. Flo. Grec. i. p. 369. Lamarck et Decand. Flo. 

| Franc. v. iv. p. 919. Scopoli Carn. v. i. p. 378. Host Syn. 

p.66. Willd. Sp. Pl. v. ii. p. 1221. Hort. Kew. ed. ii. v. lil. 
p.315. Bot. Mag. 1784. 

P. officinalis æ. Linn. Sp. Pl. ed. ii. p. 747. 

P. communis vel foemina. Bauh. Phyt. n. 4. Pinar, p. 323. Mo- 
rison Pl. Hist. p. 454. | 

P. foemina prior. Dod. Pempt. p. 195. . 

P. femina vulgatior. Joh. Bauhin. v. iii. p. 492. —— j 

P. fæminea, &c. Ger. Em. p. 981. Lobel. Icones, 682. Park. 

+ Par. p.343. Rau Hist. v. i. p. 098. | 

P. fcemina foliis difformiter lobatis. Mill. Dict. 

P. rubra flo. simpl. Besler Eyst. ordo vi. p. 15. 3 

La Pivoine femelle. Regnault Bot. Planche. 

Radicis tubera oblonga, obtusa, e fibris dependentia. Caulis simplex, 3—4-pedalis, flexuo- 
sus, glaber, nitidus, Petioli glabri, nitidi, Axille foliorum et foliolorum fusca. Folia 
glabra, interdum tamen subtus pilosiuscula, ternata. Foliola pinnata seu pinnatifida, 
intermedio quandoque decurrente, varie dissecta, bi- seu tri-partita, hinc integra. 

_ Lacinie@ lato-lanceolate, modo fisse, plane, subconcolores. Bractea foliacea, ter- 
nata vel incisa, calyci approximata. Corolla magna, speciosa. Petala 7—8, incurva, 
obovata. Germina recta 2— 3, tomento albo dense tecta, demum ferruginea. Stig- 
mata semilunaria, fusca, marginibus flavis. Semina magna, ovata, parum corrugata, - 
cœruleo-atra, splendentia. Floret medio ad finem Maii. | 

Nativeof the mountainous woods of Helvetia, Provence, Mont- 
pellier, Dauphiné, Piedmont, Carniola, the Grecian Islands, and. 
| ee most 

Mr. ANDEnSON's Monograph of the Genus. Pæonia. — 965 

most of the hilly regions in the south of Europe. Also on Cau- 
casus.and in Georgia (Pallas). Quer in his Flora Espanola states 
that it is frequent in Spain, particularly on the mountains of 
Avila. ; | 
The history of the present species may boast of a greater anti- 
quity than that of most plants. There can be no doubt of its 
being the Paonia of- Pliny, to which sud great medical virtues 
were attached. 

Were we to trust to the double varieties, which are by nth 
the most common in this country, we should conclude that this 
species was altogether free from pubescence; but on examining 
the single-flowered sorts, we find two out of three that have come 
under our observation slightly villous; so little reliance is to be 
placed on that property. Retzius is the only writer who has fully 
described this species, and his description is, in our opinion, with- 
out a fault. He has laboured per haps over-much in defining the 
divisions of the leaf, which are so apt to vary, from soil and situa- 
tion, as to baffle any such refinement of description. There arc 
two the Cliffortian herbarium named anomala, which 
we take to be those of a variety of this species - with narrower 
leaves than any we have seen elsewhere; they are certainly not 
specimens of anomala, for they have woolly germens, a a decided 
mark of distinction between these two species. caer c di 

We have been obliged to reject many synonyms, _ to prevent 
swelling the list to an unreasonable length. - All the old herbals 
have noticed, if not figured, the * female peiony.” We have in- 
PRE distinct mb Garotas 

tes Sabini ; floribus atro-purpureis, foliis omnino glabris. 

A few years ago no person knew that a plant of the si ie 
flowered P. officinalis existed in this country. Mr. Sabine had. the 

good fortune to discover one in the corner of an old garden at 

VOL. XLI. Q Mu Great 

266 Mr. Anvenson’s Monograph of the Genus Paonia. 

Great Berkhampstead in Hertfordshire, where it possibly had re- 
mained undisturbed many years. The flowers are precisely of the 
same colour with those of the common double-red, but the petals - 
expand a few days earlier. The leaves are less waved. The petals 
of all the single-flowered varieties are more inflexed than those 
of the pubescent species, being formed into the shape of a cup, 
contracted at the mouth. An abundant supply, of plants of this 
variety, has been imported from Holland since the peace, not 
differing materially from Mr. Sabine’s plant. The figure in the. 
Botanical Magazine was taken from one of those. 

B. rosea; floribus saturate roseis, caulibus erectis. 

This variety was observed by Mr. Sabine in the Oxford botanic 
garden, along with the plant that follows. We cannot obtain any 
account of their history : they have in all probability been very 
old tenants of that garden ; perhaps since the days of Morison, in 
the latter end of the seventeenth century; ; nor do they seem to have 
found their way out of it, till Mr. Sabine was obligingly presented 
with roots of them by Professor Williams. 

This has very broad undulated and obtuse leaflets, of a dark 
hue, tinged with red on the edges, and with a few slight hairs on 
the ribs of the under surface. Flowers of a pleasant rose colour; 
germens 2—3, densely tomentose, diverging at the apex. Stem 
erect, as tall as var. æ, flowering a fortnight earlier, about the 
middle of May. 

y. blanda; floribus saturate roseis, caulibus laxis. 

Obtained, as before mentioned, from the Oxford garden.  'The 
leaflets of this variety are likewise broad, though less so than the 
preceding; also much less undulated, and of a peculiarly pale 
green colour for a plant of this species: and, like those of the 
rosea, furnished with a few hairs on the back of the leaf. Stalks 
spreading ; petioles reddish ; flower of same colour and same time 


Mr. ANDEnRSON's Monograph of the Genus Peonia. — 967 

of flowering as the preceding; germens generally three, upright at 
first and finally diverging. " 

Notwithstanding the partial pubescence observable on this and 
the preceding, we are in no kind of doubt in considering them 
mere varieties of the first-described and of the double-flowered 
varieties enumerated below. 

ò. rubra; floribus plenissimis atro-purpureis. Double red Peony. 

P. femina polyanthos; Lobel Ic. 684. 

P. polyanthos. Camerarius Hort. pi 114. 

P. flore pleno rubro. Joh. Bauh. v. iii. p. 493. ) 49 7 

P. foemina flore pleno rubro majore. C. B. Pinav, p. 324 Mo- 
 vison Plant. Hist. v. ii. p. 455. t. 13. | 

P. foemina multiplex. Ger. Em. p.981. Tabernem. Ic. p. 184. 

P. foemina vulgaris flore pleno rubro. Park. Par. :p. 342 & 343. 

ugs 3. . 

P. officinalis rubra. Double red Peony. Sabine in Hort. Trans. 
(V. li. p. 214. | 

To this variety we may apply the words of Besler; * vulgatis- 
sima est omnium Pzoniarum ;" and we may add without e 
geration, the most splendid of all flowers. Even the fine double 
Pæonies from China, rich and: magnificent as they are, cannot be 
compared for brilliance with this common inhabitant of almost 
every cottager's garden in England. Nothing but its extreme 
vulgarity and the extraordinary foecundity of its roots could: have 
brought this beautiful plant into the neglect it has suffered for a 
century past. — ee 

The first account given of it is in the edition of Lobel’s Icones, 
1581. Camerarius writes, in 1588, “id est flore pleno quz ante 
paucos annos ápud. nos est coepta. coli ;" from which we may 
conclude that it was at that time a recent discovery.. The gar- 

2M2 p dens 

068 Mr. Anpersox’s Monograph of the Genus Paonia. 

dens of Europe have been enriched with it, therefore, upwards of 

two centuries. ma 

£. carnescens ; floribus plenissimis saturate roseis. Double flesh- 
coloured Peony. = 

P. flore pleno incarnato. Moris. Plant. Hist. v. ii. p. 455. 

P. officinalis carnescens. Double flesh- coloured Pony. Sabine 
“in Hort. Trans. v. il. p.275. 

This beautiful variety is not of so old an introduction as the - 
preceding. Morison gives us the first account of it, in 1699. 
The flower opens of a fine rose colour, and afterwards becomes 
pale flesh; it is not so common as the preceding, but never- 
theless is too well known among the ad eod to require any 
further description. SO. 

SA albicans > floribus point roseis. Double white Bana. 

N foemina polyanthos flore siho. Tabern. Ic. 785. Gos de 982. 

P. albo flore pleno, sive &c © Joh: Bauh. v. ii: p. 404. 

P. foemina flore pleno + er Park. Par. p. 342 & 343. f 4. 

P; foemina flore albo pleno.. Moris. Plant. Hist. on. p. 455. 

P. officinalis albicans. Double white PERI Sabine in Hort. 
Trans. v. ii. p.275. - lss N 

Tabernæmontanus race this variety in 1590; it aiia must 
have come into notice nearly about the same period as the double 
red. ‘The flower of this bursts forth of a pale pink, and at length 
becomes alinost quite white; is very common along with the dou- 
ble red in most of the old gardens, from which even neglect and 
bad treatment will not Danish them. 


Ld foliolis distinctis ovatis planiusculis glabris, intertaed e sub- 

lobato, folliculis recurvatis tonientosis. 
s co- 

Mr. Axvenson’s Monograph of the Genus Paonia. 269 

P. corallina. Retz. Obs. iii. p: 84. Willd. Sp. PE v. ii. p. 1921. 
Engl. Bot. 1513. Hort. Kew. ed. ii. v. iii. p. 515. De Cand. Fl. 
Fr. v. v. p.643. Smith Flore Grece Prod. v. i. p- $70: rd 
P. Mas. Matthioli Comment. lib. ii. c. 151. | Dod. Pempt. p. 194. 
Lob. Ic. 684... Tabernem. Ic. t. 784. J. Bauh. v. iii. p. 492. 
Ger. Em. p. 980... Park. Par. p. 3841 & 343. f. 1. Raüi Hist. 
v.d. p. 693+ Blackwell Herb. t. 245. i 
. P. Mas flore purpureo. Besler Eyst. Vern. ord. vi. fol. 10. 1. 
P. officinalis, var. 8 mascula. Linn. Sp. Pl. 747. 
P. officinalis. Mil. Illustr. T 
P. mascula. | Miller's Dict. ed. viii. 1. 
P. folio nigricante splendido, quae Mas. - C. Bauh. dizia, ou. 
. Idem, Pinaa, p.933. Tournef. Inst. p. 273. t. 146. 
P. simplex latiore folio. Moris: Ozon. v. ii. p. 454. 1 
P. integra. Murray in Commentat. Soc. Gott. 1784 & 1785, v. vii. 

Radicis tubera numerosa, fusiformia, aggregata. Caulis bipedalis et altior, simplex, glaber, 
. teretiusculus, rubicundus. | Pe/ioli communes longi, rubicundi ut in caule... Folia bi- - 
triternata, vel ternata, pinnata, glabra.  Foliola omnia distincta, nec confluentia ; 
lateralia integra; intermedium szepius bilobum, raro tripartitum, nonnunquam inte- 
grum ; lato-ovata, planiuscula, subinde subundulata, plus minus reticulata, acutius- 
cula, supra saturate viridia, venis rubicundis, subtus pallidiora. Calycis foliola glabra, 
exteriora lanceolata, reliqua rotunda. . Petala 5—6, integriuscula, ovata, concava, ex- 

+ pansa; kermesina seu saturate rosea, venis coloris profundioris notata. Germina 3—4 
raro 5, mollissime omnium tomentosa, primum. rectiuscula, patentia, demum valde 

. recurvata. — Follicula matura. aperta, longitudinaliter. revoluta, seminibus atro- mr; 
` pureis, plurimis abortivis phœniceis intermixtis, pulcherrime bullata. Stigmata re- 

: voluta; compressa, rubra, — Dm. -—— ilis F P. zali. minora, pove afine 

ez f 

Maii ad initium Junii. > + — i sé id 4 ee: 
This i is SE P. mas of Pliny ai and other ancient writers : 
upon. what. was; it obtained this. title we cannot conjecture. 
It retained it, however, till Retzius, describing it for the first time 
scientifically, gave it that which it now bears. It is ie that 

Linné, who must have seen both plants, should persist i in: consi- 


270 Mr. Axpznsos's Monograph of the Genus Pæonia. 

dering this and P. officinalis as only varieties of the same species, 
no two plants in the whole genus being more distinctly separated. 

The leaves of some varieties lately brought from Holland differ 
in being less or more pitted, but do not display any disposition 
to intermingle with other species. "The leaves and stem are al- 
ways quite free from pubescence in all our examples; though 
Ray, who copies John Bauhin, says that the leaves are “ lanugine 
quadam aversa parte pubescentibus," owing possibly to the carc-- 
lessness of old writing. : 

Native of mountainous woods in the south of Europe, as in 
the neighbourhood of Alais in Languedoc ; frequent in Switzer- 
land, and on the Alps generally: also on Mount Ida and in the 
island of Zante. Our claim to it as a native of Britain is per- 
haps but slender. It grows apparently indigenous on a small 
island in the Severn frith, called the Steep Holmes: and Gerard 
` his editor Johnson unceremoniously observes that he planted it 
there himself. ci 

| 7. Pzonra DAURICA. 

P. foliolis distinctis subrotundis undulatis obliquis integriusculis 
glabris, folliculis patentibus tomentosis. j T 

P. daurica. And. Repos. 486. Bot. Mag. 1441. Hort. Kew. 
ed. ii. v. iii. p. 317. : : 

P. triternata. | Pall. Ind. Plant. Taur. in Nov. Act. Petrop. v. x. 
p.312. Georgi Deschr. des Russ. Reichs. v. iii. p. 1050? . 

Radicis tulera crassa, oblonga, sessilia, fibrisque adnata. Caulis sesqui- bipedalis, sub- 
. erectus, rigidus, flavo-virens, glaber. Folia figura praecedentis, persistentia, apice 
tandem sphacelata. Foliola inzequaliter rotunda, raro lobata, obliqua, valde undulata, 
supra flavo-virentia, subtus glauca, venis reticulata. Petioli abbreviati. Calycis foliola 
glabra, duo exteriora foliacea, reliqua orbiculata, cava. Corolla rosea, petalis eirei- 
ter octo obtusis. Germina 2—4, flavescentia, dense tomentosa, demum patentia, vix 

reflexa. Stigmata rubra, recurvata, Semina fusco-nigra, sphærica, reticulata, Floret 
a medio ad finem Maii, DEAE | 
| We 

Mr. AN pEnsox's Monograph of the Genus Peonia. 271 

We believe this to be a discovery of Pallas, and that it is P. tri- 
ternata of ‘his Tour, and of Georgi’s Description of the Russian 
Empire published at Keenigsberg in 1800. The late Mr. Bell 
received. seeds of it from Pallas prior to the year 1790: it is said 
to be a native of Siberia, but its native habitat is not precisely 
known. . éd ia peN EM 

Though in general habit a good deal resembling P. corallina, it 
is nevertheless essentially distinct from that species, in having its 
leaves always rounded, partially cordate, oblique, and much un- 
dulated ; whereas those of the former are more or less pointed 
and nearly flat: the spherical, brownish-black, reticulated seeds, 
and the yellow tint of its leaves, stalks, and germens, would other- 
wise characterize it. . 

Its leaves are disposed to wither at the points and to remain 
Jonger on the stalks than those of the others. Its flower is of a 
pleasant pale rose colour. Among seedlings it is seen to vary in 
the degree of undulation of its leaves, but retains ‘its essential 
character throughout. i 


P. foliolis tripartito-compositis lanceolatis acutis canaliculatis sub- 
villosis, germinibus rectis glabriusculis, stigmatibus erectis. 

P. humilis. Retz. Obs. iii. p. 85. Bot. Mag. 1422. Smith in Recs's 
Cycl Hort. Kew. ed. ii. v. iii, p. 316. idi: 

P. hispanico semine nata. Clus. Hist. v. i. p. 279. 

P. tenuis laciniata &c. Bauh. Pin. p. 823. 4. Morison Hist. v. ii. 

Biel n Oe oie ocn | 

P. femina pumila. Ger. Em. p. 982. 6, quoad Iconem. ; 

P. foemina hispanica pumila. Park. Herb. 1379. Raii Hist. v. i. 

yf - Radicis 

272 Mr. Anverson’s Monograph of the Genus Pæonia. 

Radicis tubera numerosa, parva, elliptica. Caulis sesqui-bipedalis, flexuosus, angulatus, 
glaber. Petioli glabri, partialis medius lateralibus duplo longior. Felia biternata vel 
|. ternato-trifida, valde et inæqualiter incisa seu pinnatifida, supra saturate viridia, rugo- 
"^o siuscula, glabra, margine rubicunda : subtus glauca, villis obsoletis demum evanescen- 
tibus tecta, venis prominentibus glabriusculis ; laciniæ lanceolat, apice attenuate, 
| acutae, incurvo-canaliculate, undulate, transverse reflexæ. Pedunculi sulcati, elon- 
gati. Bracteæ (una vel altera) integrz.seusimpliciter fisse, calyci approximate. Ca- 
lyx. glaber, foliis exterioribus planis, interioribus concavis muticis. Petala 6—8, 
eroso-marginata, parum laciniata, purpureo- sanguinea. Germina 2, raro 3, primo 
. recta, leviter pubescentia, denique patentiuscula, glabra ; folliculi maturi vix reflexi. 
- Stigmata persistentia, elongata, erecta, apice reflexa (hujus speciei signum prestantis- 
'-.. simum). Semina anguloso-ovata, atro-purpurea, levia, splendentia. Floret initio 
.. Mai. = 
"This species may be recognised with tolerable precision as that 
mentioned by Clusius, an acute observer and original writer, who 
described a um number of. ell then. laser alte which he ob- 
test 1 century nihi diseovered. iti in ». Spain: which i is. ; happily 
MÀ sa our. gie yma Shuter lately. ; returned from 
that country, who says he saw P. humilis grewing abundantly on 
the mountains. It seems indeed to belong exclusively to Spain, 
unless it be what De Candolle considers a variety of P. peregrina, 
observed by him on the Serane mountains with smooth germens, 
and the segments of the leaves * plus pales et plus allongés," which 
we think highly probable. P. lusitanica of Miller, ** with flowers 
of an agreeable sweet scent,” cannot be reconciled with this or - 
with any species we know. We suspect that Willdenow did not 
know this species, otherwise he could not have mistaken P. para- 
doxa var. P. for a double-flowering variety of it in bis Enum. Plan- 
tarum. | | 
The ust ct we describe is probably an offspring from the 
seeds obtained from Spain through Clusius: how or when it came 

Mr. AxDERSON’s Monograph of the Genus Peonia. 273 

into this country is uncertain ; possibly from the Dutch, who seem 
to have retained a taste for Pæonies long after they had got out 
_of repute in this country. We found it in the nursery of Messrs. 
Chandler and Buckingham, at Vauxhall, who do not know from 
whence they obtained it... The figure in the Botanical Magazine 
is taken from their plant. i | 

It is characterized by narrower, more subdivided and smoother 
leaves than those of any other species in the present subdivision. 
It differs too from the following in its smooth follicles, and from 
it and all other known species in the stigmas being elongated and 
almost upright, resembling styles ; an important character, which 
Retz in his description, otherwise excellent, has altogether over- 

9. Pmonta DECORA, 

P. foliolis tripartito-laciniatis oblongis obtusis canaliculatis sub- 
tus pilosis, germinibus pubescentibus patentibus, stigmati- 
bus recurvatis. : 

P. byzantina prior. Clus. Hist. p. 219. 

P. peregrina flore saturè rubente. Bauh. Pinax, 324. Raï Hist. 
v.i. p. 696. Moris. Hist. v. ii. p. 455. 

P. foemina byzantina. Park. Par. p. 342 & 343. 4.2? | 

Radix præcedentis, tuberibus tamen paullo majoribus, Caulis erectus, bi- tri-pedalis, gla- 

ber. Folia biternata, caulina horizontalia, parum reflexa, Foliola (intermedium 
trilobum) lateralia sub-decurrentia, hine interdum laciniata, oblonga, obtusiuscula, 
longitudinaliter canaliculata seu inflexa, minime undulata, glauca, non nitida, vix ru- 
gosa, margine rubicunda, subtus, ut et petioli partiales, parum pilosa. Pedunculi 

elongati, glabri. -Calyx pracedentis. : Petala circiter octo, parva, angusta, margine 
crispa, saturate kermesina. Germina 2—3, suberecta, pube albido leviter tecta, de- 

mum patentissima, rubicunda. Stigmata lunata, pallide-rubra. Semina ovata, atro- 
purpurea, levia, splendentia, — Floret ad finem Maii, 
This and the three succeeding species are nearly allied to each 
other: it is, however, frequently a much easier task to determine | 
MOL. XII. 2°N _a species 

274 Mr. Anverson’s Monograph of the Genus Paonia. 

a species than to describe it. Being satisfied that they are distinct, 
we have endeavoured to give the: best distinguishing characters 
that a close examination of three seasons has afforded us. | 

Our present plant we do not hesitate to refer to that which 
Clusius obtained from Constantinople ; as the description which 
he and the succeeding writers give of it agrees with ours, and it 
also comes from the same quarter. 

It is remarkable for the elegant stateliness of its habit. Each 
stalk accompanied by its horizontal leaves, diminishing as they 
ascend, and terminated by its flower, (which is rather smaller than 
is usual in the genus,) supported on a long peduncle, exhibits 
somewhat of a pyramidal figure. Its leaflets are constantly more 
or less longitudinally inflexed or concave: in this respect it re- 

sembles the last described, but differs from itin the leaflets being 
broad and obtuse. The follicles are less pubescent than those of 
the three following species, but more so than those of- the pre- 
ceding; they are very large, and at maturity diverge widely, but 
do not become so much recurved as those of P. arietina. We 
have only observed two varieties. 

e. Pallasii ; foliolis anguste oblongis. 

Seeds of this plant were received by Messrs. Lee and Kennedy - 
from Pallas, probably from the Crimea, where he spent the latter 
years of his life. The name he gave it, if any, has been lost ; they 
called it byzantina : its flower has a fine deep rose colour, in 
shape and appearance not unlike that of Papaver somniferum ; 
the seedlings came up without exhibiting any apparent variation. 
B. elatior ; foliolis lato-oblongis. 

First observed in the nursery of Messrs. Chandler and Buck- 
ingham, who believe. they got it from Holland. It differs from 

the preceding in the leaves. — somewhat broader, and: the 

Mr. ANDERsON’s Monograph of the Genus Paonia. 275 

plant altogether more robust and rather more pubescent; un- 
questionably a mere variety. | | 

10. PxoNraA ARIETINA. 

P. foliolis trilobatis pinnatifidisque decurrentibus ovali-oblongis 
planiusculis subtus pilosis, folliculis tomentosis arcuato-pa- 

Radicis tubera ut in precedente. Caulis 2—21-pedalis, suberectus, pilosiuseulus. Petioli 
foliolis subzequalibus axillis pilosis. Folia pedalia, sub-biternata seu ternata, pinnatifi- 
da ; foliola sparsim lobata, basi decurrentia, tunc inciso-dentata, integraque, ovata, ob- 
tusiuscula, rugosa, supra glabra, subtus glauco-pilosa. Bractee foliosæ, acute, Calyx 
basi pilosus ; foliola duo exteriora acuminata, reliqua orbiculata, cava, obtusa, Petala 

. mediocriter crispa, vix lacera. Germina 2—3, magna, tomentosa, primo patentia, de- 

mum arcuata, parum recurvata. Stigmata compressa, lunata, brevia, rubicunda. 
Semina ovata, nigra, rugosa. Floret a medio ad finem Maii. 

This species is by much the largest among those of the present 
division. Its distinguishing characters consist in the leaflets being 
decurrent, often even confluent, and in the germens being arched 

and frequently recurved, suggesting a resemblance to rams’-horns : 
it seems to have been well known to the old authors, as will ap- 

pear in describing the varieties. 
a. Andersonii ; floribus saturate roseis, petalis minus crispis. 

P. promiscua Vormarii folio latiore. J. Bauh. Hist. 0. iii. Eds 493. 
Rau Hist. v. i. p. 695. Moris. Hist. v. ii. p. 454. , 
Es byzantina. major, Besler Ey yst. Vern. ordo. vi. p. 14? 

This pl int, to. which Mr. Sabine gave the cognomen, owing 
to his having obtained it from me several years ago, though not 
common about London, probably having been banished with 
contempt for its single flower, is nevertheless still to be seen in 
remote parts of the country in the gardens of old baronial man- 
sions: in such situations we knew it many years ago in Aber- - 

2x2 deenshire, 

276 Mr. Axpznsox's Monograph of the Genus Paonia. 

deenshire, where it is still to. be found under the name of the 
Single Pæony, and the only species with single flowers we ever 
observed in those parts. | 

We attach J. Bauhin's synonym without hesitation; his de- 
scription of it, which Ray and succeeding authors have copied, 
being so applicable: ** Folia siquidem que imis ramis herent, 
latiora sunt quam cæterarum, rotundioraque ; aversa parte glauca, 
hirsuta, adversa saturatius virentia itidemque pilis obsita ; siliqua 
retortæ, hirsutie alba tote contecta." 

From analogy we presume it to be a native of the Levant. Its 
flowers are of a bright but deep rose colour, resembling most 
those of daurica, and appear very handsome over its abundant 
dark though glaucous leaves. Morison’s figure, No. 3, is so bad 
that we cannot quote it. 

B. oxoniensis ; floribus carneis, petalis lacero-crispis. 

E RS Plant. Rar. P: 281. ÈS 

P. cretica. 

P. folio subtus incano, flore albo vel pallido. C. B. T. D. 323. : 
Moris. Hist v. ii. p. 454. | 

P. feemina flore carneo simplici. Park. Par. p. 342. 

P. mas major flore incarnato. Besler Eyst. Vern. ordo vi. p. 11. 

This is probably No. 6. Ger. Em. p. 981, as to the description, 

“ in our London gardens bearing flowers of a pale whitish colour, 
very single, resembling the female wilde Peiony ;" although the 
figure of No. 6 is that of another species (humilis). And from 
Parkinson's notice of it we presume it must have been among the 
gardens in his days, though no where to be found three years ago 
in this country but in the Oxford botanic garden, where it seems 
to have existed unnoticed and unknown since the time of Mori- 
son, whose description of it is very satisfactory: “ quam in horto 
alimus, cujus folia latiuscula lanugine alba utrinque obsita sunt. 

Mr. ANpxnsox's Monograph of the Genus Paonia. 277 

Flores simplices primo emergentes, subcarnei, deinde in albos 
transmutantur.” Mr. Sabine was indebted to the liberality of 
Professor Williams for roots of it from the Oxford botanic gar- 

From Clusius we learn tbat this is a native of valleys on the 
highest mountains in Crete; which its habit confirms, having all 
that woolly-like softness in its young stalks and leaves so peculiar 
to the plants of that island. If it be P. ochranthemos Camerarii, 
it has been found in Navarre ; but this last authority is not at all 
. conclusive. . i 

This is among the earliest of Pæonies ; comes out of the ground 
of a pale glaucous green colour, destitute of the ruddy tint so 
common in the genus. Petals of a beautiful pale blush colour, 
crisp, and lacerated in a greater than usual degree.  Follicles 
almost reflexed when ripe, less woolly and of a lighter colour 
than those of var. æ. Roots of a Peony have been imported by 
Messrs. Chandler and Buckingham from Holland which prove 
to be this plant. 


P. foliolis tripartito-laciniatis integrisque ovato-lanceolatis plani- 
usculis subtus pilosis, germinibus tomentosis rectis. T 

P. peregrina. Hort. Kew. ed. ii. v. iii. LA 315. De Cand. Flor. 

| Franc. v. v. p. 643. | ; 

F: peregrina flore coccineo. Besler Bit: M ordo vi. p. 9. 

P. peregrina foliis difformiter lobatis &c. - Mill. Dict. ed. viii. 3 

This species is involved in much obscurity among the old au- 
thors; and since it has been restored by modern writers, no de- 
tailed description of it has yet been published. For several years 
successively we have examined three plants, each of them dif- 

fering considerably from the other, and they prove to retain 


978 Mr. Awpznsox's Monograph of the Genus Paonia. 

unchanged their respective habits. It is not possible, however, 
in the present state of our information, for us to pronounce 
whether these ‘be specifically distinct or not; and we deem it 
expedient, in order to pave the way for a subsequent decision 
on this point, to give a separate description of each, as we have 
observed it. | 

P. peregrina, De Candolie informs us, is a native of the moun- 
tains of Provence and Languedoc, chiefly near Montpellier; also 
abundant on the mountains La Serane and Pic St. Loup, and in 
the forest of Valene; but which of our plants, (or whether all 
three together) is intended by him, unfortunately his defective 
description denies us the means of judging. It also belongs to 
the Levant, as will afterwards appear. Bulliard, vol. iii. p. 300, 
we think rofa to it; aang = nn is bad, and his figure 

P. peregrina. Bot. Mar 1050. 

P. byzantina altera. Clus. Hist. 279. 

P. peregrina flore dilute rubente. C. B. Pinar, p. 324. 

P. pomi aurantii colore. Morison Hist. v. ii. p. 455; exclus. syn. 

Radicis tubera fibris brevibus adnata, numerosa, teretia, oblonga. ^ Caulis bipedalis et 
ultra, erecto-flexuosus, pilis albis tectus. Folia biternata, læte seu dilute viridia, pe- 
tiolis glabriusculis.  Foliolum intermedium trilobatum, raro ternatum, hine varie et 
profunde incisum seu pinnatifidum, basi decurrens. — Lateralia integra nonnunquam 
bilobata, basiobtusiuscula. Lacinia planiusculz tamen subundulate, ovate, obtusi- 
uscule, minus rugosæ, sinubus rubentibns; subtus cano-pilose, supra glabra, sed 

.. monnitide. Bracteæ frondosæ, integræ, calyci approximate. Calycis foliola exte- 
riora bracteis non distinguenda, inferiora obtusa, glabriuscula, margine rubicunda, 
à: Petala 8, integriuscula, obovata, apice erosa, kermesina. Germina 2, rarissime 3, ca- 

no-tomentosa, primo congesta demum divergentia, triplo minora quam P. arietinæ. 
Semina ovato-oblonga, acuta, nigra, levia, splendentia. Floret medio Maii. |. 

Clusius received seeds of a Peony from Constantinople in 1588; 
| “his 

Mr. Anverson’s Monograph of the Genus Paonia. 279 

his description of which, under P. altera, accords with the pre- 
sent plant: it may therefore be considered as a native of the Le- 
vant. If our quotation from Morison be correct, it must have 
been an old tenant of our gardens, although it is not now com- 
monly to be seen. Our plant was obtained from Kew, the same 
from whence the drawing was taken for the Botanical Magazine. 

This plant is remarkable for the pale grass-green colour of its 
leaves, which Clusius and Morison both take notice of ; these are 
much divided, and covered underneath with white hairs. It 
comes into flower a little later than arietina, from which it differs 
in the leaflets being more obtuse at the base, seldom decurrent, 
in the whole plant beiti considerably smaller, and in the germens 
being straight and erect. 

If the oblong shape of the seeds be a permanent character, it 
alone would be sufficient to distinguish it as a separate species. 

B. compacta. 

Radicis tubera minora quam a, Caulis sesquipedalis.. Folia biternata, saturate viridia, 
lato-ovata, plana nec undulata, minime rugosa, crebre laciniata, laciniis apice obtu- 
sissimis; foliola lateralia trilobata seu ternata, conferto-imbricata, Calyx basi pilo- 
siusculus; foliola exteriora frondosa, incisa. Germina duo. Semina rotundata, nigra, 

levia, splendentia. (Cztera ut in precedente.) 

Found in the nursery of Messrs. Lee and Kennedy under the 
name of anomala: but we are unable to obtain any account of 
its origin; nor can any notice of it be discovered among the au- 
thors, only that, as it corresponds sufficiently with De Candolle’ s 
description, and having traced the foregoing plant to Constan- 
tinople, we might conjecture that this comes from the south of 
France. It is probably a distinct species. It differs from para- 
doxa, which it much resembles, in the fissures of the leaves being 
deeper though nearly equally obtuse, petals entire, calyx pu- 

bescent, and germens scarcely ever more than two, besides its 

280 Mr. ANpEnsoN's Monograph of the Genus Paonia. 

being nearly a fortnight earlier in flowering. This plant is reż 
markable at first sight by its general compact bushy habit, and by 
its broad flat dark glaucous-green leaflets; not yellowish-green 
nor bordered with red, like the foregoing. 

y. Grevillei. 

Radix precedenti similis. Caulis bipedalis, glabriusculus. Folia biternata ; foliola pro- 
funde laciniata, valde undulata, interdum tortuosa, angustata, acuta, rugosa, glauca, 

margine rubicunda. Calyx glaber; stigmata acutiuscula; semina rotundata. (Cæ- 
tera ut in var. a.) 

Obtained by Mr. Sabine from the garden of the late Mr. Cie: 
ville, who cultivated it as a new species, but whence it originally 
came he could not learn. We found the same plantin Messrs. Lee 
and Kennedy's nursery, without any name; its history is equally 
ambiguous with the preceding, but it may be supposed to have 
come pads the same quarter. Itis conspicuous by its deeply and 
numerously laciniated leaflets, which are glaucous, very much 
undulated, and sometimes twisted. It comes into flower rather 

earlier than the other two; petals deep crimson, not so dark as 
those of var. a. 


P. foliolis multipartitis obtusis undulatis, subtus glauco-pilosis, 
germinibus adpressis tomentosis. 

P. promiscua seu neutra. Lobel Ic. 683. | 

P. promiscua strictiore folio. J. Bauh. Hist. v. iii. p. 498. 

P. foemina altera. C. Bauh. Pin. p. 323. 

P. byzantina minor. Besl. Hort. Eyst. Vern. ordo vi. p. 14.? 

P. promiscua. Ger. Em. p. 982.5. Raii Hist. v. i. p. 695. 

P peregrina. Smith in Rees's Cycl.: absque synonymis. 

Radix ut in precedentibus, tuberibus vero angustioribus et paulo magis sparsis, Caulis vix 
sesquipedalis,  glabriusculus, simplex. Folia biternata, precedente minora, foliola 

trilobata, varie et inordinate. “incisa, nonnunquam ternata, Laciniæ sepius bifide 

Mr, Axprrson’s Monograph of the Genus Paonia. 981 

aut trifide, fissuris brevibus, obtusis, confertæ, imbricatæ, planiuseule, tamen sub- 
undulatæ, margine rubicunde ; supra glabra, rugose, saturate virides; subtus czesio- 
pilose. Foliolum intermedium quandoque decurrens; lateralia basi obtusissima, ro- 
tundata. Pelioli glabri, Bracteæ integra, lanceolate, hinc incisæ, scu bilobe. Calyx 
glaber, foliolis tribus exterioribus foliaceis, acutis, reliquis orbiculatis parum retusis, 
Petala 8, obovata, lacera, interdum bifida, patentia, violaceo-kermesina. Germina 
plerumque duo, rarius tria, erecta, adpressa: folliculi maturi tamen patentiusculi, 
Styli angusti, hamato-reflexi, Semina nigra, spherico-ovata, exigua, lævia, splenden- 
tia. Floret initio Junii. E. 

From a general coincidence we conclude this to be the P; proinis- 
cua of the old authors. - Both the varieties we believe came ori- 
ginally from Holland at some early period. . It appears to be a 
native of the Levant. | TEEN 44 

This is the latest in coming into flower of all Ponies, excepting 
albiflora ; its flowers seldom expand before the latter end of May: 
it forms a dense tuft of leaves and flowers, more dwarf than humilis, 
and is the lowest in stature of all the species excepting mollis. 

From peregrina it differs in the leaves being small, ovate, and 
anore glaucous; the leaflets more divided, crowded, and imbri- 
cated ; the ultimate fissures shallow and obtuse; in the germens 
being close pressed together, and very little separated even in 
the ripe follicles. - ` | 

These considerations, together with the uniformity of character 
in the two varicties, which both flower a fortnight later, have in- 
duccd us to remove them from peregrina: future observation may 
decide whether our judgement be correct. Our learned Presi- 
dent, who must bave had this plant before him in describing 
P. peregrina in Rees’s Cyclopedia, observes with his usual correct- 
ness, that it does not accord with P. peregrina flo. coccineo of Besler, 
the figure of which is that of our peregrina; nor with byzantina 
of Gerard and Parkinson, which is our decora. dp 

a, simpliciflora ; caule omnino glabro, floribus S-petalis. a 

' To be found in most of the nurseries, under the mistaken name 
VOL. XII. : 2 0. of 

282 Mr. Anperson’s Monograph of the Genus Peonia. 

of humilis: the follicles are of a paler green than in peregrina; 
petals a dark purplish-red, often bifid, or a little lacerated. - 
B. fimbriata ; caule vix pilosiusculo, floribus plenis. 

P. flore pleno rubro minore. C. Bauh. Pin. p. 324. 
P. flore pleno rubro, minor. J. Bauh. v. iii. p. 493. taii Hist. 
. ©. L. p. 090. om 
P. foliis difformiter lobatis pubescentibus.. Mill. Fig. of Plants, 
199: mala. 

P. flore pleno dran pua Moris. Hist. v. ii. p. A55, 
et Sect. xii. tab. 1. fig. 

P. humilis. Willd. Enum. b 

P. paradoxa fimbriata. Double fringed Pæony. Sabine in Hort. 
Trans, v. ii. p. 216. 

Messrs. Lee and Kennedy have long possessed dis plant; and 
Méssrs. Loddiges and Son imported it from Holland under the 
name of the double-purple Peony. It is the only plant among 
the pubescent species with double flowers. These are of a beautiful 
purplish crimson, smaller in size, and with the inner petals more’ 
linear and divided than those of the double varieties of P. officinalis, 
giving it the appearance of a fringed tassel. It accords in every 
material circumstance with the single-flowered pum 

| 13. Ponta MOLLIS. 
D. foliolis ovali-lanceolatis planis lobatis imbricatis subtus cæsio- 

pilosis; lateralibus subsessilibus; germinibus tomentosis rectis, 
Radicis fibre longe, tuberibus longis desinentes. Caulis pedalis et ultra, rigidus, stric- 
— tus, pilosiusculus, dense foliosus. — Petioli breves, supra glabri, subtus pilosiusculi ; 
_ partiales undique pilosi. Folia dodrantia, inæqualiter subtriternata, complanata, ho- 
rizontalia, saturate coeruleo-viridia, Foliola lateralia subsessilia extus decurrentia, 
profunde lobata, lato-lanceolata, plana, obtusa, congregata seu imbrieata, venis fuscis 
parallelis, subtus dense pilosa, glauca; supra glabra, nitidiuscula. Bracteæ foliaceæ, 
integræ et incise. Calycis foliola obtusa, exteriora pubescentia, integra, Germina 
2—3 rectiuscula, adpressa, apice distantia, molliter pubescentia, pilis ferrugineis, 
Semina equaliter ovata, rugosiuscula, nitida, — a medio ad finem Maii, 


Mr. Axvunxson’s Monograph of the Genus Peonia. — 283 

This species is entirely unrecorded. It was raised by Messrs. 
Loddiges and Sons of Hackney, from seeds obtained from Pallas, 
and said to be from Siberia; although from its appearance we 
should rather suspect it to have come from the Crimea, where 
that respected naturalist spent the latter years of his life. From 
Messrs. Loddiges it has found its way into the gardens of the 
curious under the mistaken name of anomala. We distinguished 
it three years ago in Mr. Sabine’s collection as a truly distinct. 
species; and it has been reserved for us first to describe it. 

crowded, overlapping each other, very woolly on the under-side, 
nowise bordered with red as in most of the others, and the lateral 
leaflets being almost sessile, the exterior side of each disposed to 
be decurrent. It is the most dwarf of all our species, seldom 
reaching eighteen inches in height even in our gardens. The stalks 
as well as the primary petioles are nearly smooth. "The flower is 
small, of a dark dull purplish-red, by no means handsome. 



Two days after the preceding account had been brought to its 
present state, by the diligence and industry of my most valued 
friend, he was accidentally killed by a fall from a carriage. ‘This me- 
lancholy event happened on the 10th of January last, near his own 
house at West-Ham ; and the superintendence of the publication 
of this paper in consequence of this misfortune has fallen op me 
alone: thus the gratification I had enjoyed in assisting him in the 
composition, and which would have been complete had we been 

202 2 able 

284 Mr. ANpznsox's Monograph of the Genus Pæonia. 

able to see the result of our inquiry placed in the pages of the 
Transactions of the Society, was suddenly destroyed ; and that 
which would have afforded me so much pleasure, has now becn a 
task, accompanied with the most painful recollections. | 

To those who had the happiness of being acquainted with 
Mr. George Anderson, it will not be necessary to recall the recol- 
lection of his merits and of his goodness; his loss has been most . 
severely lamented by his friends, and tlie remembrance of his 
virtues and of his excellence will remain in their hearts to the 
latest period of their lives. The science of Botany in this coun- 
try, had he not been so early lost, would probably have been con- 
siderably benefited by his labours. He had devoted much time 
and minute attention to the investigation of the genus Salix, the 
species of which he had examined with the greatest care; and 
having formed a most extensive collection of them, he had made 
such progress in their arrangement as would have enabled him, 
had he lived, ere long to have communicated to the public a very 

accurate and correct account of the whole. His inquiries were 
not, however, confined to this subject only ; his knowledge of 
English plants was accurate and extensive, and his diligence and 
perseverance in the search after rare and new native species very 
remarkable. With all the different hardy bulbous plants he was 
particularly well acquainted, and had acquired a knowledge of 
the species and varieties of the extensive genera of Crocus, Nar- 
cissus, Tulipa, Hyacinthus, and Lilium, from the examination of 
them under cultivation in his own garden, which probably no 
individual who survives him possesses. 

I have not ventured to alter or to add to any part of the pre- 
ceding paper; the examination which I was enabled to make of 
the Pæonies during the last summer, has given me no reason to 
. doubt the accuracy of any of the observations for which we were 

= jointly 

Mr. ANDERSON's Monograph of the Genus Paonia. 285 

jointly responsible: it is possible, I think, that new varieties may 
be discovered, and that future investigation may add to the refc- 
rences which we have given; the work cannot be considered as 
complete, whilst any synonym of those authors, who described 
what they actually observed, remains unapplied ; such additions, 
if they be thought worthy of notice, shall be given hereafter in a 
supplemental paper, should health and leisure be allowed me. 

The first volume of M. De Candolle's Systema Naturale Regni 
Vegetabilis, which has just arrived from Paris, contains the genus 
Pæonia; and as that work must, from its peculiar merit and from 
the great repute of its author, be constantly referred to as autho- 
rity, it will perhaps be considered not entirely useless to compare 
the species of our paper with those of M. De Candolle, and to 
endeavour to reconcile the points of apparent difference. He has 
not arranged his species in the order which has been adopted in our 
paper, but placed them in the following succession: X. Moutan ; 
2. Corallina ; 3. Officinalis ; 4. Peregrina; 5. Lobata; 6. Daurica ; 
T. Albiflora ; 8. Tatarica; 9. Humilis; 10. Anomala; 11. IIybrida; 
19. Tenuifolia; 13. Laciniata. | 

In Moutan he has made the double one the type of his species; 
and under that has referred to our two double varieties; placing 
P. papaveracea as the second variety, and suggesting the eis 
By that it may be a distinct species. 

- Of P. albiflora he makes two varieties only ; his æ, dido by 
ds reference to Andr. Repos. 64, is our P. albiflora æ. vestalis; his 
B. flore roseo is our P. albiflora y. Tatarica, as I conclude from 
his reference to Par. Lond. 78, though the plant there figured 
is described as having ** petala pallide rosea," whilst that with 
* petala rosea," therein noticed as another variety, is either our 
P. albiflora s. rubescens, or one which, if ever it did exist in our 
gardens, is now lost. - M. De Candolle's reference to the Hortus 


286 Mr. Anperson’s Monograph of the Genus Pæonia. 

Kewensis, 2d edit. in this species is only to the var. B, as if that 
alone was noticed therein; whereas P. albiflora of the Hortus Kew- 
ensis is referable to the species itself; and the variety figured in 
the Par. Lond. is the second variety B. of P. albiflora in the Hor- 
tus Kewensis. M. De Candolle has no references to the figures in 
the Botanical Magazine or the Botanical Register ; and I conjec- 
ture that he is not acquainted with more than the one double va- 
riety, P. albiflora B. Whitleji, to the figure of which in Andr. Bot. 
Repos. he refers. | 

Our two species P. anomala and P. tenuifolia agree with those 
of M. De Candolle; but he has kept as a distinct species P. hy- 
brida, adding to the statements of Pallas, the authority of Dr. 
Fischer, who in his correspondence has assured him he found it 
growing on the northern side of Mount Caucasus, and that it was 
not an hybrid plant, but a genuine species. Being fully satis- 
fied that Pallas's plant, figured and described in the F. "lora Rossica, 
and which was from a cultivated specimen, is only P. tenuifolia in 
a state it sometimes assumes, but different from what it usually 
puts on, I must still continue my opinion of their identity. In 
Dr. Fischer's Catalogue of the Garden at Gorinki near Moscow, 
printed in 1808, he does not enumerate P. hybrida. Should this 
plant, however, after more investigation, prove distinct from 
P. tenuifolia, I shall rejoice in the circumstance, as our list of spe- 
cies of this charming genus will thereby be increased; but if 
P. hybrida be distinct, it cannot be set down as one now culti- 
vated in this country. 

P. officinalis, on the authority of several French authors, has 
been considered hitherto a native of different parts of France: it 
seems from the personal observation of M. De Candolle, most 
probable that other species have been mistaken for this; and I 
should not be surprised, if subsequent examination of specimens 


Mr. ANDznsow's Monograph of the Genus Paonia. 287 

from the natural habitats, should very much reduce the number 
of synonyms of modern writers which have been hitherto applied 
to this species, and- that by this operation the native places of 
growth of those new species described by us from cultivated 
plants only, should be discovered. One reference of M. De Can- 
dolle, viz. that to “Saku Jaku, Kempf. Amen. v. p. 862," I must 
consider as very doubtful: the result of every inquiry I have 
made is, that only P. Moutan and P. albiflora, with all their va- 
ricties, are cultivated in China and Japan ; the Botan of Kæmpfer 
is the first of these species, and I believe the Saku Jaku is a va- 
riety of the latter with single red flowers, and that the two double 
varieties of the same, mentioned by Kæmpfer, are our P. albiflora 
Whitleji and P. albiflora fragrans. | 
P. corallina is now so well known that no doubts can exist 
about it, or the synonyms referable to it. M. De Candolle has 
confirmed our belief, that P. daurica is the P. triternata of Pal- 
las and Georgi: and P. humilis is so well settled by the authority 
and accuracy of Retz, that no difficulty can exist relating to it. 
The synonyms which we have applied to our P. decora, are all 
referred by M. De Candolle to his P. lobata; and I am inclined 
to think they are the same, though from the circumstance of his 
plant being quite smooth in the leaves, and ours being hairy un- 
derneath, théy must, if brought together as a species, remain as 
distinct varieties: in all other points, except this one, they agree. 
As the P. lobata is cultivated in France, and as Mr. MacLeay 
has got a plant of it from Paris in his garden, the question will 
be probably settled in the next summer. | 
With our P. arietina M. De Candolle seems to be quite unac- 
quainted ; the synonyms of Bauhin and Morison, applied by us : 
to P. arietina e. Andersonii, are referred with a mark of doubt to 
his P. peregrina; whilst those of Clusius and Dauhin, which we 

288 Mr. Axprrsox's Monograph of the Genus P«onia. 

have quoted as referable to P. arietina B. Oxoniensis, make onc of 
his unknown Pæonies. 

The next species, P. peregrina of our paper, I cannot refer to 
that, to which the same name is applied by M. De Candolle in his 
present work; relying on the reference in his Flore Française, to the 
figure in the Bot. Mag., we had considered the P. peregrina of his 
work as our species ; but in the Systema Naturale Regni Vegetabilis 
the P. peregrina of the Hort. Kew. and of the Bot. Mag. (of the 
identity of which plant we are quite certain) is made the variety y. 
of his species; and this variety must hercafter be referred to as a 
synonym of our P. peregrina e. Dyzantina : with our two other va- 
rieties of P. peregrina, viz. compacta and Grevillei, I must suppose 
M. De Candolle to be unacquainted; it then remains for me to find 
a place for the varieties &. and £. of his P. peregrina in our arrange- 
ment. We have concluded that our P. paradoxa is the P. pro- 
miscua of. the old authors, of Lobel, Gerrard, and John Baubin. 
To this plant of these writers, as well as to the P. altera sive 
neutra of Caspar Dauhin, we on examination of the living plant 
referred that species. M. De Candolle, with his plant (a native of 
Trance, found by himself,) before him, has referred it to the same 
authors: our description of the plant exactly accords with his, 
and particularly agrees in the circumstance of its low growth. 
The only difference which prevents my coming to a decided con- 
clusion in the identity of the two is, that M. De Candolle, in his 
specific character, has ** capsulis tomentosis basi erectis apice di- 
vergentibus," whilst the corresponding part of our specific charac- 
ter is * germinibus adpressis tomentosis,” the diy ergence of the 
germens being one of the points by which our P. peregrina is di- 
stinguished-from P. paradoxa. Notwithstanding this difficulty, I 
think it will turn out that our P. paradoaa is the P. peregrina «æ, of 
M. De Candolle; but we must wait for specimens or plants from 


Mr. ANDERSON’S Monograph of the Genus Paonia. 289 

France to settle the matter decidedly. Of M. De Candolle’s 
P: peregrina B. “ ovariis glabetrimis," we have hinted our belief 
that it might be referred to P. humilis: M. De Candolle, in his 
Flore Francaise, suspected it to be P. peregrina in an unhealthy 
state, and not a variety, which I am inclined to think very likely: 
If it be a distinct variety, I certainly never have had it under 
examination. | 

I have now compared all the species described in our paper 
with those of M. De Candolle, except P. mollis, which being quite 
a new plant, unknown in France, and not described before by 
. any author, was not likely to have been noticed by him. His 

P. Moutan, P.corallina, P.officinalis, P. Daurica, P.albiflora, 

milis, P. anomala, and P. tenuifolia, are the same as our species. 
so called: his P. peregrina I think is referable in its varieties to 
our P. paradoxa and P. peregrina; his P. lobata I believe to be 
our PP. decora; and I am ready to admit P. hybrida as distinct 
from P.tenuifolia, when the evidence of its existence is confirmed ; 
our P.arietina and P.mollis are decidedly new. It therefore only 
remains to notice two additional species enumerated by M. De 
Candolle as doubtful ones; viz. P. Tataricaand P. laciniata, both 
of which I conceive must be withdrawn from the list of genije 

He appears to have been induced to notice P. Tiataried welely 
on the authority of Miller, the plant not being otherwise known 
to him, for he only refers to Miller's Dict. no. 5, and Miller’s. 
Ic. t. 199. Miller says this plant was raised from fed obtained 
from the Levant, and that there is a double and single variety 
of it, the figure in his Icones being intended for the double one. 
M. De Candolle, on the authority of Miller, calls it a native of 
Tartary, but I cannot find any statement in Miller's Dictionary 
to justify this supposition. Miller's P. Tatarica is however our 

OL. XII. 2 P P. paradoxa, 


200 Mr. ANDERSON'S Monograph of the Genus Pæonia. 

P. paradoxa, as such we have referred to his figure, in the syno- 
nyms of the double variety; and our P. paradoxa I have before 
stated to be in my opinion the P. peregrina æ. of M. De Candolle. 

The P. laciniata in like manner is founded on a single autho- 
rity only, that of Willdenow's Enumeratio. Willdenow's plant 
came from Siberia; and it might be suspected that he had got 
Pallas's P. laciniata, which is the P. anomala of Linnzeus and all 
subsequent writers, and had erroneously considered it distinct, 
being misled by the name, but that he describes it ** capsulis 
tomentosis." This circumstance (since it cannot be admitted that 
it is another species, or it would have found its way to other col- 
lections from the Berlin garden,) makes it probable that Willde- 
now's P. laciniata was only a strong-growing plant of P. tenui- 
folia, perhaps in the very state figured by Pallas as P. Aybrida. 
M. De Sandla bas described his =. laciniata with * pee to- 

North Minus: ; 
20" December, 1817, 




; : i 






I. Some Information respecting the Lignum Rhodium of 
Pococke's Travels, in a Letter to Alexander MacLeay, 

Esq. F. R.S. Sec. L.S. By Sir James Edward Smith, 

M.D. F.R.S. Pr. L.S., 4c. - - eee D. 
II. Of the Formation of the Vegetable Epidermis. By the 
Reo, Patrick, Keith, kalama. em nuo uv P 

III. On the Classification of the Natural Tribe of Insects 

Noronscripes, with Descriptions of the British Species. ` 

By William Elford Leach, M.D. F.R.S. and LS op: 

IV. Some Remarks on the Natural History of the Biack 
Stork, for the first time captured in Great Britain. By 
George Montagu, Esq. F.L.S. mere ES p. 

V. Some Account of the Tantalus Ephouskyca, a rare American 
Bird. By Benjamin Smith Barton, M.D. F.M.L.S. p. 

VI. Observations on the Orchis militaris of Linneus. By Mr. 

J. EF. Bicheno, F.L.S.  - - mere p. 
VII. Gryprnurs and CHIODECTON, two new Gener 1 ; 
Family of Lichenes, with Descriptions an Figures of the 

Species hitherto discovered. By Eri x Acharius, M.D. 
: F.M.L.S. - S. alic. ohm = P - - p- 

VIII. On the Power of Sarracenia adunca to entrap Insects. 
In a Letter to Sir J. E. Smith, Pres. Linn. Soc., from 
James Macbride, M.D., of South Carolina p- 

X. Observations on the Nature and Formation of the Stone 
| inerusting the Skeletons which have been found in the 
Island of Guadaloupe, with some Account of the Origin 
of those Skeletons. In a Report made to General Ernouf, 






late Governor of the Colony. Communicated by the Right 
Honourable Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K.G.C. B. Pres. B.S. 
Eo | 

H.M.L.S. Ge. 4. "E. D = = p 
X. Descriptions of a new Genus of Plants named Araujia, 
and of a new Species of Passiflora. By Felix de Avellar 
Brotero, Professor of Botany in the University of Coim- 
bra, F.M.L.S. - à È = = à p. 

XI. Some Observations on the natural Family of Plants called 
Covrosirz. By Robert Brown, Esq. F. R.S., Libr. L.S. p- 

XII. On some remarkable Deviations Jrom the usual Struc- 
ture of Seeds and Fruits. By Robert Brown, Esq. 
F.R.S4 Libr. LS... > - - - - - p. 

XII. Remarks on two Genera of Plants to be referred to the 
Family of the Rosacea, in a Letter Jrom Mr. A. P. De 

Candolle, Professor of Natural History in the Academy of 

Geneva, Corresp. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, $c. to Sir James 
Edward Smith, President of the Linnean Society D. 

XIV. A Synopsis of the British Species of Rosa. By Joseph - 

Woods, Esq. F.L.S. E p. 

XV. A Botanical History of the Genus Tofieldia. By Sir 
James Edward Smith, M.D. F.R.S. ELS, -= P. 

XXI A Monograph of the Genus Peonia, Dy the late 
. George Anderson, Esq. F.L.S. $c. Desdr sp. 

a gre 


X VIT. Observations on the Linnean Genus J uncus, with the 
Characters of those Species which have been found growing 

wild in Great Britain. By James Ebenezer Bicheno, 
Esq., F.L.S. sati uo o e v E 




XVIIE INED m new Shells. By Captain Frederic 

Marryat, R.N. F.L.S ^1) do ba 358 

mis: De. 


XIX. Descriptions of five British Species of the Genus Tere- 
bella of Linné. By the late George Montagu, Esq. F. L.S. 

Communicated by William Elford Leach, M.D. F.R.S. 

and L.S. - - é a ‘ E p. 
XX. Characters of two Species of Tordylium. By Sir James 
Edward Smith, M.D. F.R.S. P.L.S. - E p. 

XXI. Observations on a Viper found in Cranborne Chace, Dor- 
setshire. By the Rev.'Yhomas Rackett, F. R.S.and L.S. p. 

XXII. Description of select Indian Plants. By Henry Tho- 
mas Colebrooke, Esq. F.R.S. and L.S. - = p. 

XXIII. Upon the different Species of esculent Strawberries. 
By Thomas Andrew Knight, Esg. F.R.S. and L.S. Pres. 

Hort. Soc. - - - - p- 

XXIV. On the Germination of Lycopodium denticulatum, in 
a Letter to the Secretary from Richard Anthony Salis- 
bury, Esq. F.R.S. and L.S. - E ae p- 

XXV. Some Account of the Lycoperdon solidum of the Flora 
Virginica, the Lycoperdon cervinum of Walter. By James 
Macbride, M.D. of South Carolina. Communicated by 

the President - ym = s b p. 
XXVI. An Account of Rhizomorpha medullaris, a new Bri- 
tish Fungus. By Sir James Edward Smith, M.D. F.R.S. 
P.L.S. ue m - - - - - P- 

XXVII. A Century of Insects, including several new Genera 
described from his Cabinet. By the Rev. William Kirby, 
M.A. F.R. and L.S. ee IN 

XXVIII. A Description of several new Species of Insects col- 
lected in New Holland by Robert Brown, Esq. F.R.S., 
Libr. Linn. Soc. By the Rev. William Kirby, M.A.F.R. 
and L.S. = - - - - - - p. 
'. Some Account of the Island of Tristan da Cunha and 

‘of its Natural Productions. By Captain Dugald Car- 
michael, F.L.S. rom o 

365 - 






XXX. Some 


XXX. Some Account of the Spiral Tubes or Ligaments in the 
Genus Terebratula of Lamarck, as observed in several Spe- 
cies of Fossil Shells. By Mr. James Sowerby, F.L.S. p. 

XXXI. On the Use of the Pedes scansorii of Birds; in a Let- 
ter to the Rev. William Kirby, F.R.S. and L.S. By the 
Rev. Revett Sheppard, F.L.S. - - - - p. 

XXXII. An Account of a new Species of Gull lately disco- 
vered on the West Coast of Greenland. By Joseph Sa- 


bine, Esq. F.R.S. and L.S. $c. - - ^ - p 

XXXIII. Remarks on the Changes of the Plumage of Birds. 
By the Rev. William Whitear, of Starston in Norfolk. 
Communicated by Joseph Sabine, Esq., F.R.S. and L.S., 

Ge, - . x - UR 
XXXIV. A Memoir on the Birds of Greenland; with De- 

scriptions and Notes on the Species observed in the late 
Voyage of Discovery in Davis's Straits and Baffin’s Bay. 

. By Capt. Edward Sabine, of the Royal Artillery, FRS. 

and LS. - à - p 
XXXV. Characters and Description of LvELLtA,a new Ge. 

nus of Mosses, with Observations on the Section of the Or- 

der to which it belongs; and some Remarks on LEPTO- 
sTOMUM and Buxsaumia. By Robert Brown, Esq. 
F.R.S., Libr. L.S. - - = Te * alp. 

XXXVI. Extracts from the Minute-Book of the Linnean So- 

ciety of London - - a FOR 

Catalogue of the Library of the Linnean Society. Continued 
from Page 426 of Vol. XI. of the Society's Transactions p. 

List of Donors to the Library of the Linnean Society. 
Donations to ihe Museum of the Linnean Society. 




(291 . 

XVII. Observations on the Linnean Genus J uncts, with the Cha- 
racters of those Species, which have been fouhd growing wild in 
Great Britain. By James Ebenezer Bichého, Esq., F.L.S. 

Read June 18, Nov. 5, and Dec. 3, 1816. 

Or all the objects to which the pages of the Linnean Transac- 
tions have been devoted, none has contributed more to the pro- 
gress of science than the monographs which have appeared of the 
different genera of animals and plants. With a view, therefore, 
of contributing a small share to the labours of the Society, I have 
ventured to communicate a few remarks for the purpose of elu- 
cidating the obscure and uninviting genus Juncus : for though an 
inaugural dissertation has been dedicated to the subject by Rost- 
kov, intitled ** Monographia Generis Junci, cum Tabulis binis eneis,” 
Berolini, 1801, it is a work not to be found in any of our botanical 
libraries; and, though containing much useful information, does 
not supersede the necessity of a further illustration of the genus. 
His arrangement of the species is indeed altogether unnatural and 
objectionable, as he has brought together into close connexion 
some of those which have the most distant relation in the whole 
genus. The French botanists have commemorated the author by 
naming after him a new genus, naturally related to the objects of 
his essay. 
The old herbalists seem to have had no other character for the 
than their grassy appearance, and their internal spongy 
structure. This comprehended an heterogeneous assemblage of 
YOL. XII. 2q plants 

202 Mr. J. E. Broneno’s Observations | 

plants of various genera, e. g. Scirpi, Scheni, Cyperi, Triglochines, 
Butomus, Eriophora, and others. Nevertheless, with all this con- - 
fusion, they divided the real Junci, which are included in the | 
first subdivision of the genus in the Species Plantarum, into two 
families, the hard and the soft; the former being all called acu- 
tus, and the latter levis*. The Gramina hirsuta, which are those 
Junci described as plane-leaved by Linnzus, were kept entirely 
distinct, and were arranged among the Grasses. 

Our systematic countryman Ray gives this description, * de 
Junco et Gramine Junceo T:7—* Juncus caulibus teretibus, fan- 
gosis, panicula vel in summo caule existente, vel ex ejus latere 
inferius exeunte, et multis seminibus majusculis compositá à re- 
liquis graminifoliis distinguitur. Gramina juncea à juncis distin- 
guuntur caulibus foliosis articulatis. Folia etiam in his non sem- 
per teretia sunt, sed in nonnullis speciebus compressa, in omni- 
bus tamen fungosa." The latter part of this description alludes 
to such as have jointed leaves: but Ray confesses that he has 
admitted under his definition, in conformity to the opinion of 
other botanists, plants which he did not know how to dispose of 

otherwise. He has placed the Gramina hirsuta in a distinct divi- 
sion. In the second edition of his Synopsis, the Gramina juncea 
are said to differ merely in their having a leafy stem. -Ray’s de- 
finition, it must be confessed, very much lessened the number of 
plants which were at first admitted, though it still embraced the 
Eriophora, Triglochines, and some of the Scheni and Scirpi. No 
improvement of the character appears, as might be expected, in 
the Methodus Graminum, published afterwards; but on the con- 
trary, it is more loosely defined. Dillenius, in his edition of 
the Synopsis, introduced considerable correction both in the 
racter of the genus and the synonyms, and the true Junc 

* Bauh. Pin., p. Il. + Historia Plantarum, p. 1302. 


-on the Genus Juncus of Linneus. 293 

|. thus described: * Calyce hexaphyllo, staminibus totidem, quot 
sunt calycis folia, et semine multo in vasculo seminali recondito 
a Scirpo differt *." The species are also divided into those which 
are leafy and those which are leafless. 

Scheuchzer and Haller have included the Gramina juncea and 
the Gramina hirsuta in their Juncoides, rejecting at the same time 
from the. former family the Eriophora and some other genera 
which Ray had retained. The real Junci, such as acutus, glaucus, 
effusus, &c. rank under a separate division, with this definition : 
* Flosculi hexapetali, rosacei, sex scilicet petalis in orbem posi- 
tis constantes."—** Vascula seminalia triquetra aut ex triquetro 
rotundata, trivalvia, septoque per medium cujusque valve lon- 
gitudinem procedente, in tria loculamenta divisa, seminibusque 
plurimis plerumque, ac minutissimis repleta, a Juncoide autem spe- 
cialiter differt, scirpis teretibus, prorsus enodibusT," &c. Tour- 
nefort, whose attention was chiefly arrested by the corol, has in- 
cluded in his character all three of these strongly-marked families, 
because he found their petals, otherwise called the leaflets of the 
calyx, to correspond. "The penetrating Micheli, however, led 
more by the internal structure of plants, adopted two distinct 
genera; the first, Juncus, which he describes as having a trilocu- 
lar, many-seeded capsule ; the other, Juncoides, with a unilocular, 
three-seeded capsule. The great Linnæus, guided by Tournefort, 
re-joined them ; and at the same time adopted in his generic cha- 
racter the peculiarity of the Gramina hirsuta, as being unilocular; 
—by which inconsistency the real Junci are all excluded! Jussieu 
. does not describe the cells in his generic definition ; but at the 
head of the natural family he calls them trilocular. 

The Gramina hirsuta seem to have been first taken up by 
| J. Bauhin under the name of Luzula. Cesalpinus calls the Jun- 
* Raii Syn, 3d ed, 431, t Scheuchzer’s Agrostographia, p. 987. 
2Q2 à 


294. Mr. J. E. BicueNo's Observations 

cus campestris, Linn. * Herba Luziola vulgo ;" and the reason, as 
Gerard informs us, is, that the heads of the flowers shine in the 
night; ** wherefore in Italy they call it Luciola quia noctu lu- 
cet." Tabernæmontanus and Ruppius call the family Cyperella ; 
Scheuchzer, Haller, and Micheli, Juncoides; Willdenow (Hort. Be- 
rol.), Lamarck and Decandolle (Flor. Franc.), and Désvaux, have 
established the genus under the name of Luzula. The last-named 
botanist has published a paper on the subject in the Journal de 
Botanique, vol. i. p. 131; and the alteration has been recognised by 
our own learned and indefatigable countryman, Mr. Brown, in his 
Prodromus Flore Nove Hollandie. The different habit and striking 
character of the two families would have been enough to have 
caused their separation; but, sanctioned by these weighty autho- 
rities at home and abroad, it can no longer be a subject of doubt. 

In distinguishing the species of Luzule, I have derived great 
assistance from observing the shape of the seeds, and of what I 
have ventured to call the Coruncula, attached to them; the figure 
of which, if well observed, will set at rest any hesitation that may 
exist about the British species. The same appendage is incident 
to many of the real Junci, and may be particularly remarked in 
J. acutus, maritimus, triglumis, castaneus; and in the foreign 
J. grandiflorus, Linn., now made a new genus by Desvaux, on 
account of this striking character, under the name of Marsippo- 
spermum. The seeds of Narthecium ossifragum, which is nearly 
allied to the plants under discussion, have an integument of the 
same nature. 

Besides the attempt to adopt a new genus into the British 
Flora, I have given in the following pages what I conceive to be : 
amended characters of all the species of Juncus and Luzula yet 
discovered in Great Britain; and have added some few new 
ones, which were either imperfectly known, or regarded only as 


on thé Genus Juncus of Linneus. 295 

varieties. The synonyms I have introduced are not numerous; but 

they have been collated with care, and I trust may be relied on. 
The Linnean genus Juncus includes a great variety of species. 
In the third edition of the Species Plantarum, eighteen are de- 
' scribed, besides a great number of varieties. Murray has twenty- 
two; Gmelin thirty-five; Lamarck, in the Encyclopedia Methodique, 
thirty-two; Willdenow, forty ; and Rostkov, fifty-two. Almost all 
the new ones belong to the true Junci; and it is fortunate for 
science that so numerous a tribe may be so naturally and easily 
subdivided: Ist, into those with LEAFLESS sTEMs, including 
the original and true Rushes, beginning with Juncus acutus and 
ending with J. filiformis: 2dly, Such as have cHANNELLED 
LEAVES, embracing among the British species the Linnean bulbo- 
sus, bufonius, trifidus, and uliginosus; J. squarrosus belongs to 
this series, but does not follow any other species with a very close 
affinity ; J. trifidus connects itself with the leafless subdivision by 
its entire want of leaves in some situations, and in some degree 
with the Luzude by its fimbriated scales: it is. nearly allied to 
uliginosus, with which it is linked by the supinus of Hoffman 
and Don’s Herbarium Britannicum: 3dly, Those with JoINTED 
LEAVES succeed, a most distinct and natural family, connected 
with the last subdivision by J. triglumis and biglumis, which have 
cellular-knotted leaves, and ending in the new species, which 
were included by Linnæus in his articulatus. This series, in order 
to connect it with the former, begins with those which are least 
complete in the joints of the leaves, and ends with such as have 
the most distinct and perfect articulations. It would seem, in- 
deed, as if the channelled leaves of this genus were imperfect 

articulate leaves. 

It is necessary to add a word or two in explanation of some 
terms I have used in | my descriptions differently from some other 
botanists. - 

296 Mr. J. E. Bicueno’s Observations 

botanists. That which they have denominated the leaves of the 
true Junci, beginning with glaucus and ending with filiformis, I 
have regarded as barren stems, and for these reasons :—the spe- 
cies which are most nearly allied to them, having leaves, produce 
them from a membranous integument sheathing the base of the 
stem, as in J. acutus and maritimus. They are generall y indeed seta- 
ceous, channelled, and of a totally different appearance from the 
culm which they accompany. Examples may be found in their 
congeners J. bulbosus of Linnæus, squarrosus, and bufonius; and in 
many plants more remotely allied, such as man y of the Eriophora, 
Scheni and Scirpi. Of the last genus, some of the species pro- 
duce leaves constantly, as Scirpus fluitans, acicularis, setaceus, &c.: 
others sparingly, as cæspitosus; and others none at all, as palus- 
tris and multicaulis. But the manner in which the leaves are de- 
veloped in Juncus trifidus and filiformis, shows in a satisfactory 
manner that the scales and the awns at the bottom of the stem 
of J. glaucus, and the other leafless species, are of the same na- 
ture as those in the plants just named. "The scales, which are | 
first produced at the base of the stem of J. trifidus, are awnless. 
As the plant advances the new scales become awned, and after- 
wards the awns of the following scales are successively enlarged, 
until at last a complete leaf is developed. The J. filiformis pro- 
duces awns of the same peculiar nature; but they are seldom 
elongated into leaves. A similar structure is present in some of 
the Scirpi. The Nardus stricta, and many others of the Grasses, 
show at first, in the development of their leaves, the same unsuc- 

cessful attempts. | | 
Linnæus and his successors have described the panicle of 
J. acutus and maritimus as terminal, accom panied by a two-leaved, 
spinous, involucre; while they have called the panicle of J. glaucus, 
effusus, conglomeratus, and filiformis, lateral, This involves their 

on the Genus Juncus of Linneus. 297 

descriptions in needless obscurity; and especially since no dif- 
ference of organization is apparent among any of these species. 
Why the panicle of J. maritimus should be described as terminal, 
and that of conglomeratus as lateral, is irreconcileable with any 
theory of inflorescence which the Linnean terms countenance. If 
the elongation beyond the panicle be an involucral leaf in the one, 
it ought to hold good in the whole of the leafless subdivision, 
The more consistent and more natural method seems to be, to 
describe the panicle as lateral, where a similar structure of the 
stem is continued above the panicle as exists below it; and to 
denominate the spinous support at the base a bracte. Its ana- 
logy to a similar production in J. bulbosus, Linn., squarrosus, tri- 
Jidus, and many of the Scirpi and Eriophora, where the support is 
indisputably called a bracte, justifies the opinion. The mem- 
branous scales at the base of the flowers are for convenience 
. called flower-scales. i 

. Specimens of the plants* here described accompany this Me- 
moir. ~ ! 

R vs n. 

Cal. hexaphyllus. Cor. nulla. Caps. supera, trivalvis, trilocula- 
ris: loculamenta polysperma. 

* Culmo nudo. 
1: Juncus ACUTUS. | . | 
Juncus culmo nudo pungente, paniculá laterali, bracteá spinosa, 
capsulis mucronatis subrotundis calyce duplo longioribus. 
J. culmo nudo, panicula terminali, involucro diphyllo spinoso, 
capsula subrotunda acuta, petalis duplo longiore. Rostkov 
Monograph. 14. ; 

* These are deposited in te Museum of the Linnean Society. ME 
J. culmo 

208 Mr. J. E. BrcneNo's Observations 

J. culmo nudo tereti, paniculá terminali, involucro diphyllo spi- 
noso, capsulis subrotundis mucronatis. Fl, Brit. 374. Engl. 
Dot. xxiii. 1614. 

J. maritimus, culmo nudo apice bivalvi, paniculâ terminali subum- 
bellatà, capsula calyce duplo longiore. Lamarck Encycl. iii. 
p.258. Flor. Fran. iii. 162. 

J. culmo subnudo tereti mucronato, paniculá icti ls involucro 
diphyllo spinoso. Sp. PI. 463. Huds. 148. With. 346. 

J. pungens, sive acutus capitulis Sorghi. - Bauh. Hist. ii. 520. 
Moris. s. viii. t. 10. f. 15. 

J. maritimus capitulis Sorghi. Park. 1193. 4. 

J. acutus capitulis Sorghi. Bauh. Pin. 11. Raii Syn. 431. 

Angl. Acure Rusu. Sea Rush, Great sharp Sea Rush, Prick- 
ing large Sea Rush. | 
In arenosis maritimis, precipue cumulis, rariüs. 

Peren. July. 

Root fibrous, running deep into the sand. Stem three feet high, 
erect, straight, simple, leafless, cylindrical, even, terminating 
in a very sharp and rigid point. Leaves like the stem, but 
smaller and shorter. Panicle lateral, compound, many-flowered, 
first branch the longest. Bracte membranous, and dilated at 
the base, very pungent. Flowers clustered. Calyz-leaflets ovate, 
obtuse. Capsule broad-oval, somewhat three-sided, mucronate, 
shining, three-celled; each cell many-seeded. Seeds ovate, 
attached to the dissepiment, shining: Coruncle elongated at 

each end, 

This plant and the following, though separated by the old bo- 
tanists, have been considered as the same species by Linnæus 
and many of his disciples. The character first applied by La- 
marck—capsula calyce duplo longiore—is excellent; and: by ob- 


on the Genus Juncus of Linnaeus. 299 

serving this, and the large, shining, roundish capsule and blunt 
calyx, the botanist will be at no loss to distinguish the species. 

Sir James E. Smith, Eng. Bot. l c., conjectures that Homer, 
in his Battle of the Frogs and Mice, had this Rush in view as 
the weapon with which to arm his imaginary champions. It is 
not so common in England as the next species, and is not found 
in any country further to the North. It is one of those useful - 
plants, which Providence has ordained to bind the loose sands of 
the shore together as a barrier to the ocean, 


Juncus culmo nudo pungente, paniculá laterali subproliferà, 
bracteâ spinosá, capsulá oblonga acuta longitudine calycis. 

J. culmo nudo, panicula terminali prolifera, involucro diphyllo 
spinoso, capsula oblonga acuta petalis equali, Rost. Mono- 
graph. 16. 

J. culmo nudo tereti, paniculà terminali prolifera, involucro di- 
phyllo spinoso erecto, capsulis oblongis. Flor. Brit. 375. Eng. 
Bot. xxiv. 1725. - | 

J. acutus, culmo nudo mucronato pungente, panicula involucrata 
laterali, capsula longitudine calycis. Lamarck Encycl. iii. p.253. 
Flor. Fran. iii. 163. ; 

J. acutus B. Sp. Pl. A64. Huds. 148. With. 346. Willd. Sp. Pl. 205. 

J. acutus maritimus Anglicus. Park.1193.7. Moris.s. viii. t. 10. 
SJ. 14. Raii Syn. 431. ! 

Angl. Sea Rusu. Lesser Sharp Sea Rush. English Sea Hard 
Rush. | 

In paludibus maritimis copiosè, praecedentis socius. 
Peren. August. 

Root fibrous, thick. Stem two feet or more high, leafless, erect, 
VOL. XII. ! 2 R glaucous, 

300 ` Mr. J. E. BrengNo's Observations 

glaucous, rigid, tapering to a stiff point; sheaths at the base 
brown, polished, even. Panicle erect, decompound, as if pro- 
liferous, shorter than the stem; branches very unequal, the 
first much longer than the rest. Bracte membranous at the 
base, spinous, subulate. Flower-scales lanceolate, acuminate. 
Calyx-leaflets lanceolate, acute, zagged towards the point. 
Capsule linear-oblong, triangular, three-celled, light brown. 
Seeds ovate; coruncle elongated at each end. 

The J. maritimus is a slenderer, lower plant, with an oblong 
and smaller capsule than the last. The panicle is also much more 
branched, the first branch far overtopping the others, and the 
calyx-leaflets lanceolate and acute. The two species cannot be © 
mistaken if seen together when ripe. It is common on most 
parts of the coast; and, like the last, prevents the sea from 
making incursions on the land. The flower-scales in this species, 
and in most of the others, are very much disposed to become 
foliaceous. j theta est | 


Juncus aphyllus, paniculà laterali erecta angustá, capsulis el- 
lipticis acutiusculis calyce brevioribus. 

J. culmo nudo glauco apice inflexo tereti, panicula laterali erecta, 
capsulis oblongis acutis. Rost. Monograph. 9. 

J. culmo nudo glauco apice inflexo, panicula laterali effusa, ra- 
mis elongatis, floribus acuminatis, Willd. Sp. Pl. ii. 206. 

J. culmo nudo stricto glauco, panicula laterali erecta, capsulis 
ellipticis acutis. Eng. Bof. x. 665. Flor. Brit. 375. 

J. culmo striato glauco, basi stipulis fuscis, panicula. laterali 
sparsa. Sibth. Fl. Oz. 113. . : : ri 

J. effusus B. Huds. 149. 

J. inflexus.  Leers 88. t. xiii.. f. 3. (char. spec. dub.) — Relh. 141. 

With. 345. Abbot, T8. Huds. Fl. Angl. 1st ed. 130. 
J. acutus 

on the Genus Juncus of Linneus, ; 301 

J. acutus vulgaris. Park. 1193. 1. Moris. s. viii. t. 10. f. 13. 
J. acutus. Ger. Em. 35. Raii Syn. 432. 

Angl. Harp Rusu. Common Hard Rush. Sharp Rush. 
Peren. July, August. 

Root creeping, black.. Stem from one to two feet high, striated, 
glaucous, rigid, terminating in a sharp, tapering, frequently 
inċurved summit; sheathed at the base with large, brown, 
shining scales. Panicle lateral, bursting about one-third the 

. length of the stem below the top, erect, loose, branched. Ca- 
lyx-leaflets striated, very acuminate ; three inner leaflets shorter. 
Flowers hexandrous. Capsule elliptical, three-sided, narrower 
towards the top, mucronate, shining. 

However easily distinguished this plant may be on’ examination, - 
it is uncertain whether it was known to Linnæus, although a pro- 
duction of Sweden, or he has included it in his J. inflexus, which 

no botanist since his time has understood. Willdenow has suf- 
fered the latter species to remain in his edition of the Species 
Plantarum, and adds from his own observation this remark: 
** Culmi suprema pars non est teres, sed folii ad instar compres- 
sus*." Sibthorp, who seems to have taken the J. glaucus up 
from Ehrhart (Gram. 85.), first introduced the trivial name into 
the British Flora, It may be known even at a distance from the 
soft Rushes, by its rigid stem, of a glaucous hue, and scanty pa- 
nicle; and, on a closer view, by its pointed capsule. Wahlen- 
burg (Flor. Lapp. p. 79.) says of those specimens he found in 
Lapland, that the flowers were larger than those figured in En- 
glish Botany. 

* The authors of the Flore Francaise; vol. v. have expressed their opinion that the 

J. inflexus of their third volume is nothing more than J, glaucus; adding at the same time, 
that the real J, inflexus, Linn, has but three stamina, 

2n2 - PPM 

302 ` Mr. J. E. BreneNno’s Observations 


Juncus aphyllus, panicula laterali conglobata, floribus triandris, 
capsulis retusis. 

J. culmo nudo stricto, paniculâ laterali conglobatà, capsulis retu- 
sis, floribus triandris. Flor. Brit. p Eng. Bot. xii. 835. 
Rost. Monograph. 7. 

J. culmo nudo stricto, panicula "laterali coarctato-capitata. 
Willd. Sp. Pl. ii. 205. j 

J. culmo nudo stricto, capitulo laterali. Sp. Pl. 464. Flor. Dan. 
1094. Leers 87. t. xii. f. 1. Huds. 148. Relh. 140. Sibth. 113. 

J. levis vulgaris panicula compactiore. Raz Syn. 432. 

J. levis panicula non sparsa. Bauh. Pin. 12. Moris. s. viii. £. 10. 


Angl. RouND-HEADED Rusu. Clustered Rush. Conglomerated 

Rush. Common Rush. Soft Rush. 

In pascuis et ad vias, locis humidioribus. 
Peren. July, August. 

Root horizontal, creeping, fibrous. Stem two feet high, sheathed 
atthe base with large black scales, minutely striated, very acute, 
but not pungent. Panicle lateral, many-flowered, densely con- 
glomerate. Calya-leaflets lanceolate, two-nerved. Stamens three. 
Stigma very much fringed. Capsule obovate, retuse, almost 
three-lobed, about as long as the calyx. 

The dénse panicle distinguishes this species at once from its 
congeners. It is used in common with J. effusus to make the 
wicks of rush-lights, pith in toys, mats, little baskets, chair- 
bottoms, ropes and lines. Mr. White in his Natural History of 
Selborne, (Letter 26.) has given a pleasing account of its uses to 

the thrifty housewives of Hampshire. Rushes are employed by 
| the 

on the Genus Juncus of Linneus. 308 

the cleanly peasantry to strew their floors; and Shakespeare, 
whose observation was alive to the most insignificant incidents, has 
many allusions to this custom. 


Juxcvs aphyllus, paniculá laterali effusâ supradecomposita, cap- 
sulis turbinatis apice subtruncatis. 

J. culmo nudo stricto, panicula laterali supradecomposita effusa, 
capsulis clavatis apice truncatis. Rost. Monograph. 10. 

J. culmo nudo stricto, paniculá laterali effus4, floribus oblongis. 
Willd. Sp. Pl. ii. 205. 

J. culmo nudo stricto, panicula laterali effusá supradecompositá, 
capsulis obtusis. Flor. Brit. 376. Eng. Bot. xii. 836. 

J. culmo nudo stricto, paniculà laterali. Sp. Pl. 464. Flor. Dan. 
1096. Leers 88. t. xiii. f. 2. Huds. 148. Relh. 141. Sibth.113. 

J. levis vulgaris, paniculà sparsà, nostras. Rai Syn. 432. 

J. levis vulgaris, paniculà sparsâ, major. Park. 1191. 2. Moris. 
s. viii. 4. 10. f. à. 

J. levis. Ger. Em. 35. 

Angl. Sort Rusu. Common Soft Rush. Common Rush, Seaves. 

In pascuis humidis, copiose. 

Peren. July, August. 

Root creeping, black. Stem two feet or more high, pale-green, 
soft, pliable, very finely striated. Panicle effuse, divaricate, 
very much branched, with numerous flowers. Calyz-leaflets 

- subulato-lanceolate, acuminate, two-nerved. Flowers frequently 
triandrous. Capsule small, obovate, slightly retuse, nearly 

truncate, pale brown, with no persistent style. 

304 ; Mr. J. E. BrcowEeno’s Observations 

This plant is better adapted than the last for use in all the little 
arts of weaving and platting :— 

‘¢ Viminibus mollique detexere junco.” 

It is cultivated in Japan for the purpose of making mats of an 
extremely delicate texture, which are used in the place of car- 
pets. Both this and conglomeratus indicate a better soil where 
they grow than glaucus. From the latter it is easily separated by 
the absence of the glaucous hue about the stems, and the obtuse 
capsule: and its effuse and decompound panicle at once distin- 
guishes it from J. conglomeratus. There are intermediate appear- 
ances when young, between effusus and conglomeratus, which are 
most easily disposed of by observing the distance the panicle 
breaks forth from the summit; the former having frequently one- 
third of the stem above the panicle, while the latter has not more 
than three or four inches. When further advanced, the shape of 
the capsule is a sure criterion. The J. levis alter of Moris. s. viii. 
231. 5. is probably nothing more than this ** brevior et crassior." 


Juncus aphyllus, culmo filiformi nutante, paniculá laterali sub- 
simplici pauciflorâ, capsulis subrotundis. 

J. culmo nudo filiformi nutante, umbella laterali subsimplici pau- 
ciflora, pedunculis subbifloris, capsulis obtusis. Rost. Mono- 
graph. 12. 

J. culmo nudo filiformi nutante, paniculà laterali bracteatä sub- 

` simplici, capsulis subrotundis. Flor. Brit. 377. Eng. Bot. xvii. 
1175. | 

J. culmo filiformi nudo, paniculd brevissimà pauciflorà laterali. 

| Lamarck Encycl. iii. 254. 
n J. culmo 

on the Genus Juncus of Linnaeus, ` ‘808 

J. culmo nudo filiformi nutante, paniculá laterali. ‘Sp. Pl. 465. 
Leers 89. t. xiii. f. À. Huds, 149. ` Smith Spicileg. t. 8. 

J. parvus, calamo supra paniculam compactam longius producto. 
Raii Syn. 432. 

Angl. Least Rusu. Thread-form Rush. 

In irriguis alpinis, inque Anglia preecipué ad ripas lacuum bore- 

Peren. July, August. 

Root creeping, horizontal, fibrous. Stem soft, generally a few, 
rarely ten inches high, very slender, tapering towards the sum- 
mit, frequently drooping, sheathed at the base with scales, 
which are light-brown, obtuse, remarkably awned. Panicle 
from three- to eight-flowered, nearly simple, remarkable for 
bursting from about the middle of the stem. Flowers sessile, 
supported by a small bracte. Fruit peduncled. —Calya-leaflets 
lanceolate, acute, very nearly equal; keel three-nerved. Cap- 
sule globose, about the length of the calyx. 

This plant has never been found in England, excepting on the 
margin of the lakes in the North, being a similar situation to 
that in which it is found on the Continent. Pursh states it to 
be frequent in boggy mountain-meadows in North America. Its 
diminutive size, and long slender summit above the panicle, suffi- 
ciently mark its character; though in habit it approaches very 
nearly to the two last described. Indeed, I anticipated a closer re- 
semblance when I found three stamens to be common to both the 
other soft Rushes conglomeratus and effusus; and 1 examined nume- 
rous fresh specimens of filiformis, with the view to discover the same 
numerical structure, but could never observe it. The small awnat 

the point of the radical sheaths appears to be an attempt towards 

506 . Mr. J. E. BicuaNo's Observations 

the production of leaves; a circumstance which is seen more 
completely developed in J. trifidus. The English name, by which 
it is generally known, is objectionable on account of its having 
been applied by the old botanists to Scirpus setaceus; but it is 
better to retain the commonly-received name, if it is at all tole- 
rable, than to introduce a new one. 

** Folia canaliculata. 

Juncus culmo nudo, foliis setaceis canaliculatis, paniculé termi- 
nali elongatá, capsulis obovatis. 

J. culmo nudo, panicula terminali elongata, capsulis obtusis, fo- 
liis setaceis canaliculatis. Rost. Monograph. 17. 

J. culmo nudo, foliis setaceis, paniculà terminali composità glo- 
meratá. Flor. Brit. 318. Eng. Bot. xiii. 933. 

= J. culmo nudo, foliis setaceis, capitulis glomeratis aphyllis. 
Sp. Pl. 465. Flor. Dan. t. 30. Huds. 149. Relh. 142. Sibth. 
114. à 

J. montanus palustris. Ra Syn. 432. 

Gramen junceum palustre humilius, folia et spica Junci. Moris. 
s: viii. f. 9. f. 13. 

J. acutus Cambro-britanicus. Park. 1198. 2. 

Angl. Moss Rusu. Heath Rush. Welsh Rush. Ragged Rush. 
Goose Corn. 

In montosis et ericetis sterilibus, praecipue solo spongioso, copiose. 

Peren. June, July. 

Root fibrous. Stem a foot or more high, straight, rigid, striated, 
leafless. Leaves in tufts, setaceous, channelled, rigid, pointed, 

smooth, dilated and sheathing at the base, not half so long as 

on the Genus Juncus of Linneus. 307 

the stem. Panicle terminal, erect, branched, clustered. Bractes 
membranous, sheathing, brown, striated, terminating in a stiff 
sétaceous point. Calya-leaflets chocolate-coloured, scariose at 
the edge. Capsules obovate, Fu: obscurely three-sided, ob- 
tuse, mucronate. 

This plant fully justifies the proverbial worthlessness of the 
Rush. It indicates a most unprofitable soil, and is well known 
from the harshness of its herbage. Lime is recommended by 
agriculturists as the means of destroying it. What relation it 
has to Geese in Ray's English name I know not ; excepting, in- 
deed, that they may frequent some places where it grows. . The 
figures in Ger. 18. 4. Gramen junceum maritimum, which Ray quotes 
with a doubt, and in Ger. em. 21. 4., copied by Parkinson, p. 1270., 
although referred to this plant by modern authors, cannot be cited 
with any certainty, since they have the male spikes of a Carex de- 
lineated at the top, and the capsules bear little resemblance. The 
leaves and root, indeed, are faithfully represented. This species 
has but little affinity with any other; and, when once known, is 
not likely to be mistaken. 


Juncus culmo simplici folioso compresso, foliis linearibus mar- 
gine. incurvis, capsulis rotundis calyce noeh eis ia 
terminali bracteá breviore. ; ; | | 

Je foliis upeanbas. Jeune conesvi capiau, piang, culmo 

esso. Jacq. Vindb. 285. : Bo 

J: bulbosus, culmo folioso simplici Toi pressiasculo, foliis cana- 
liculatis, corymbo terminali foliis floralibus breviore, capsula 
subrotunda obtusa petalis longiore. Rost. Monograph. 23. 

J. bulbosus, culmo compresso indiviso, foliis linearibus canalicu- 
latis, corymbo terminali, calycinis foliolis obtusis, capsula sub- 

- rotunda obtusa brevioribus. Willd. ii. 213. 
VOU. XII. 28 J. bulbosus, 

$08 Mr. J. E. Bicueno’s Observations 

J. bulbosus, foliis linearibus canaliculatis, culmo basi folioso, pa- 
niculá cymosa, capsulis obtusis. Flor. Brit.381. Eng. Bot. xiii. 

J. bulbosus, folis linearibus canaliculatis, capsulis obtusis. Sp. 
‘Pl. 466. Huds.150. Relh. 143. Sibth. 115. Abbot, 79. -Leers 
Fl. Herb. 89. t. xiii. f: 7. 

J..parvus cum pericarpiis rotundis. Raii Syn. 433. 

Gramen juncoides junci sparsa panicula. Park. 1190. 7.? | 

Gramen junceum aquaticum. Ger. 11. 2. Ger. Ein. 12.2. Park. 

3260; 3. 

Angl. Rounp-rruitep Rusu. Rushie Water Grass. 

Habitat in pascuis humidis. 

Peren. July, August. : 

Root creeping, horizontal, fibrous, not bulbous. Stem erect, from 
six to twelve inches high, simple, cylindrical at the base, com- 
pressed upwards, smooth, leafy, particularly at the base. Leaves 
linear, channelled, dilated and involute at the base, striated. 
Panicle inclining to a corymb, compound, many-flowered, the 
first branch longer than the others. Bractes foliaceous, chan- 

nelled; the lowermost longer than the panicle. Calya-leaflets 
obtuse, brown, scariose at the edge, shorter than the capsule, 
Capsule rotund, very obtuse, mucronate. 

I have ventured to separate Linneus’s Juncus bulbosus into two 
species, and to abolish the trivial name altogether, in consequence . 
of the confusion of synonyms that it has occasioned, and its total 
want of appropriateness. The plant bearing this name in the first 
edition of the Species Plantarum, is the uliginosus of Smith and of 
the present paper (which has a bulbous root), as appears from. 
the remarks of Ehrhart; and the transfer of it in the succeeding 
editions to the present plant, seems to have originated in an over- 
sight of the illustrious Swede. The name given by Jacquin is 

: very 

on the Genus Juncus of Linneus. 300 

very significant ; for which reason I have adopted it. I think there 
-can be little doubt of the figures which I have quoted belonging 
to this species, though that in Eng. Bot. has the capsule badly re- 
presented, and more like J. bottnicus of Wahlenburg. J. .compressus 
is to be distinguished from J. cenosus, the next species, by its 
lighter colour, broader and more concave leaves, the capsule be- 
ing longer than the calyx, and the lower bracte longer than the 
panicle. The leafy stem and blunt calyx-leaflets are sufficient 
marks to separate it from the rest of this subdivision. It is ge- 
nerally an inland plant; whereas cenosus is confined to the shore. 
The authors of the Flore Francaise seem to have observed the dif- 
ference of the two plants, and have, I conceive, described the sea- 
shore species under their bulbosus, and the inland one under J. Ge- 
rardi, v. 5. p. 308. : : 

Juncus culmo simplici folioso, foliis setaceis canaliculatis, cap- 
sulis obovatis obtusis longitudine calycis, paniculâ terminali 
subsimplici. bracteá longiore. - 

Angl. ‘Mop Rusu. | 

Habitat in salsis copiosè. 

Peren. July, August. 

Root creeping, fibrous. Stem from two inches to a foot high, erect, 
leafy, simple, smooth. Leaves setaceous, channelled, slightly 

_ striated. Panicle inclined to a corymb, terminal, erect, few- 
flowered, longer than. the bracte. — Bracte at the. base of the pa- 

| : nicle setaceous.  Calya-leaftets obtuse, dark chocolate-coloured, 
as long as the capsule ; three inner leaflets scariose at the mar- 
gin. Capsules somewhat unilateral, obovate, very obtuse. , 

I rely principally on the shape of the capsule, the proportion 
it bears to the calyx, the more rigid nature of the stem and leaves, 
the length of the bracte, and the altogether darker colour of the 

232 plant, 

310 Mr. J. E. Brcueno’s Observations 

plant, as marks to distinguish this from the preceding species. 
It is very plentiful in those places on the coast subject to be 
overflowed by the sea, and varies very much in size. Virgil's 
epithet, *' limosus juncus," applies to most of this family, but to 
none more forcibly than this. The Flor. Dan. figure 431, and 
Morison's sect. viii. t. 9. f. 11. resemble this more than the last. 
The names of Lob. 18., Ger. 18. 1., Ger. em. 21.4., and Park.1270.6., 
correspond much. better with J. cwnosus than with J. squarrosus ; 
and indeed Ray, in the first edition of his Synopsis, so applied 
them: but was afterwards induced to change his opinion by the 
observations of Dr. Plukenet (vid. Philosophical Letters of Ray, 
p. 232.), who says, *' I must needs acknowledge that I am not a 
little entangled in my thoughts about the Juncus parous cum peri- 
carpiis rotundis, J. B., which though you are pleased to make the 
same with the Gram. junc. marit. Lob., 1 cannot easily obtain 
with myself a compliance herein, but do rather accept it as the 
Juncus acutus Cambro-britannic. Park., and which I take to bea 
true and genuine Rush, as you most truly have observed. But 
unto this you are pleased to apply the Junc. Cambro-brit., Park. 
(h. e.), Gr. junc. maritim., Lob., whose Icon of it (and indeed so 
do those of all other authors) agrees exactly with our Moss- Rush, 
the capsules whereof are somewhat elongated and pinched in to- 
wards the top, resembling more a cone than a globe, the capsules 
of the former being more accurately round, according as its name 
imports.” Ray, however, in his second edition of the Synopsis, 
states, that though he agrees with Dr. P. in rejecting the syno- 
nyms of Bauhin, which he had before quoted, he could not as- 
sent to this being the Juncus acutus alpinus Cambro-britanicus, 
Park. It induced him, nevertheless, to omit this synonym under 
J. squarrosus, to which, in the first edition, he had appropriated 
it—a change which I cannot but think was erroneous. If the di- 
stinction of the two plants J. compressus and cenosus be admitted, 


on the Genus Juncus of Linncus. 0. 

the difficulty, perhaps, may be explained ; since the synonyms of 
Bauhin are all applicable to the latter species, and the figures of 
Gerard, C. Bauhin, Parkinson, and Johnson are not to be de- 
. pended on, seeing that they represent the male spike of a Carer 
terminating the panicle, and that Gerard's is the only original 
figure among them, the rest being merely copied from him. Vail- 
lant (Botan. Paris. 109, 110.) has arranged the syrionyms of the old 
authors, as far as relates to J. squarrosus and bulbosus Linn. in a 
more satisfactory manner than any person I have consulted. 


10. Juncus BUFONIUS. 

Juxcus culmo dichotomo, foliis angulatis, floribus solitariis ses- 
silibus, calycibus setaceis capsulà duplo longioribus. Baer 
burg. Flor. Lap. 81. 

J. culmo folioso subramoso, foliis linearibus 'canaliculatis pani- 
cula dichotoma, ramis multifloris, petalis acuminatis capsula 
obtusa longioribus. Rost. Monograph. 20. 

J. culmo dichotomo, foliis angulosis, floribus solitariis sessilibus. 
Sp. Pi. 4G6. Flor. Dan. T. t.1098. Leers 90. xiii. 8. Huds. 150, 
Relh. 144. Sibth.115. With. 348. 

J. foliis linearibus canaliculatis, culmo dichotomo racemoso, flo- 
ribus solitariis. Flor. Brit. 381. Eng. Bot. xii. 802. 

J. palustris humilior erectus. Rai Syn. 434. 

Gramen juncaum vulgare pepe paleaceis. Moris. s. viii. t. 9. 
J. 14. 

Gramen j junceum parvum sive Holostium Matthioli. Park. 1190. 

Gramen junceum. Ger. 4. Ger. em. 4. 
B. Gramen juncoides minimum Anglo-britannicum, Holosteo 

Matthioli congener, aut Bufonis Gramini Flandrico. Rai 

Syn. 434. 

Gramen junceum minimum, Holosteo Matthioli congener. Park. 


512 Mr. J. E. BricuzNo's Observations 

Angl. Toap Rusu. Toad Grass. Rush Grass. 
Habitat in humidis et aquosis. 
Ann. June, July, August. 

Root fibrous. Stems from an inch to a foot high, numerous, di- 
chotomous, upright, cylindrical, smooth, striated, leafy. Leaves 
linear, channelled, acute, dilated at the base, not jointed. 
Flowers solitary, rarely in pairs, sessile, erect, growing in some- 

what of a spike on the terminating branches. Calyz-leaflets se- 
taceous, acuminate, with the keel green and the remainder 
scariose. Bractes ovate, scariose. Capsules elliptical, rather ob- 
tuse, shorter by half than the calyx. Seeds very numerous. 

The solitary flowers and long silky calyx sufficiently mark the 
character of this species. Like others of its congeners, it is occa- 
sionally gemmiparous. It is subject to great variation in size, 
owing to the soil in which it grows. Sometimes it may be ob- 
served on a sandy coast not an inch high, with a capsule not 
quite obtuse; at other times, in a richer soil, where water has stood 
during the winter, it may be seen shooting into a long simple culm 
teeda a foot in height. The var. @ is thus described by Dil- - 
lenius: * Priori simili (?. e. the common one), sed multo minus, et 
minus ramosum, coloris plerumque rubentis : florendi etiam tem- 
pore differt, nam mensis et sesquimensis spatio illud antecedere 
solet." I could never perceive that it was worth much attention. 
The old botanists, from whom Linnæus adopted his trivial name, 
imagined some affinity to exist between this species and the toad, 
because this animal inhabits similar places. A seedling plant is 
figured in Rose's Elements of Botany, A ppendia, t. 2. f. 5. A. and B. 

The Juncus gracilis, published in Eng. Bot. xxxi. 2174., has an 
inflorescence and fructification the most like this, but that has 
broader and emarginate valves to the fruit. 

11. Juncus 

on the Genus Juncus of Linneus. 313 

| 11. Juncus GRACILIS. í 
Juncus foliis linearibus planis, caule dichotomo racemoso foliis 
altiore, floribus solitariis. Compend. Flor. Brit. 56. 
Juncus gracilis. Eng. Bot. xxxi. 2174. 
Angl. StgNpxR Rusu. Slender spreading Rush, E. B. J. c. 
Habitat in paludibus alpinis Scoticis, rariüs. 
Peren. July. 

“ The Root consists of woolly fibres, and has the appearance of 
being perennial. Stem very slender, a foot or more in height, 
naked, except at the base and summit. Radical leaves but one 
or two, much shorter than the stem, narrow, flat, slightly thick- 
ened, or somewhat involute, at their edges, not channelled. 
The top of the Stem terminates in a few racemose forked branches, 
with two or three leaves at the base. Flowers solitary, mostly 
sessile. Calyx-leaves sharp-pointed. Valves of the ane blunt 

and emarginate. 

* Found by Mr. G. Dow i in 1795 or 1796, by the side of a rivu- 
let in marshy ground, among the mountains of Angus-shire, but 
very rarely. It appears to us to be a nondescript: but we. re- 
ceived from Mr. Dickson, some years before the above date, a 
specimen not so far advanced towards sins shied of what. seems 
to us the same species. 

“ The inflorescence and fructification of this Rush come nearest 
to bufonius, t. 802.; bui the fewness of the flowers, taller stem, 
and flatter leaves, as well as the broader and emarginate valves 
of the fruit, serve well to distinguish it; not to mention the pro- 
bably perennial root. Eng. Bot. I. c." 

This species is unknown to me, except from the description I 
have here quoted. I may however add, that it is not the gracilis 

of Roth Germ. i. 155. ii. 402., which is J. capitatus, Willd. ; nor 

314 Mr. J. E. Breneno’s Observations 

of Brown's Prod. Flor. Nov. Holl. ; and whose name, therefore, being 
first applied to another species, ought to take precedence of that 
in Eng. Bot. Plants brought from the Cambridge garden as au- 
thentic specimens are, I think, a variety of J. pygmaeus of the French 
botanists; but they are so unlike the figure in English Botany, that 
1 cannot persuade niyself but that there is some mistake. _ 

12. Juncus TRIFIDUS. 

Juncus culmo nudo, capsulà oblonga calycem c quante, bracteis 
foliaceis canaliculatis floribusque tribus terminalibus. 
J. culmo basi nudo, apice triphyllo subtrifloro. Rost. Mono- 
graph. 54. 
J. culmo nudo, foliis floribusque tribus terminalibus. Sp. PI. 465. 
Flor. Dan. 107. Huds. 149. Lightf. 183. t. 9. f. 1. With. 345. 
- Flor. Brit. 378. Eng. Bot. xxi. 1482. 
J. monanthos. Jacq. Obs. 33. t. 4. f. 1. | 
J. acumine reflexo, minor et trifidus. Bauh. Prod. t. 92. | 
Angl. Tarne-teavep Rusu. Trifid Rush. Three-cleft Rush. 
Habitat in paludibus alpinis Scoticis, rariüs. 
Peren. July. me | 

Root creeping, fibrous. Stems very numerous, from a few inches 
to a foot in height, filiform; at the base sheathed with nume- 
rous awned brown scales, which are terminated abruptly with 
a membranous and fringed border; awns in the upper scales 
more or less leafy. Flowers from one to three, terminal, ac- 

. «ompanied by three foliaceous channelled bractes, two of them 

near the flower, the third sometimes at a distance, membranous 

. at their base, fringed at their border. Calya-leaflets scarcely so 
long as the capsule. Capsule oblong, large, shining, acuminate ; 
cells few-seeded. 3 | | 

Lightfoot says that he found the Scotch specimens all with 
a single flower, corresponding with Jacquiu's J. monanthos. On 

on the Genus Juncus of Linnaeus. | 315 

the contrary, Wahlenburg informs us that he never met with the 
one-flowered variety in Lapland. It is also worthy of remark, 
that Linnzeus’s plant does not produce radical leaves ; whereas 
ours possesses them more or less, showing at the same time by 
the awn, which terminates the scales, many fruitless attempts at 
perfecting them, though they are more completely produced at 
every new effort. It is the connecting link between the Junci and 
the Luzule. =“ Mira omnino mihi videtur species,” says Wahlen- 
= burg, Flor. Lap. 81, ** ad radicem prorsus aphylla. . Radix re- 
pens cülmos multos fasciculatos exserens squamis tantum brevi- 
bus interstinctos. : Vaginze culmi basin vestientés brevi mucrone 
ornate, de cætero in fimbrias partite. - Folium in suprema parte 
culmi plerumque adest, bracteis simillimum; ligula fimbriata 
alba. Bractez canaliculatæ,; marginibus serrulatis, Semina in 
singula capsula pauca: de cætero quoque structura capsule inter 
Juncum et Luzulam ambigit. Capsula oblonga., J. monanthos, 
Jacq. differre mibi videtur: foliis. radicalibus ; et capsula ovali, 
duplo. maigre, caro excedente." 2 

Juncus, foliis setaceis canaliculatis, floribus ternis sessilibus, cap- 
sulà obtusá calycem excedente, culmo bu boso radicante. 
J. foliis setaceis subnodoso-articulatis, capitulis trifloris su yproli- 
pet culmo bulboso radicanite. © on ee 380. Eng. — xii. 
J. XU 5 fol i080, fóribi T ascicu in : 

. setaceis articulato-nodosis. Sibth. 115. 
Gramen junceum minimum, capsulis bo rit he es Sy 
A34. | 
Gramen junceum capsulis triangulis minimum. Moris. a viii. 

t. 9. f. 3. sore. 
B. capitulis foliaceis et gemmiparis. Var. Rai Syn. 434. 1L 
VOL. XII. ST. | J. uligi- 

T 4 ar 

ti 283 

'proliferis, foliis 

316 Mr. J. E. BicuENo's Observations 

J. uliginosus. With. 348. | 

Gramen junceum minimum, paniculis foliaceis. Moris. s. viii. 
t. 9. f. à. 

G. junceum aquaticum paniculis cum foliis eapillaribus. Pluk. 
Phyt. t. 32. f. 3. 

Juncoides calyculis paleaceis, glomeratis folio varians. Scheuch. 
Agrost. 330. t. 7. f. 30. 

y. culmo longiore, foliis caulinis subnodoso-articulatis, capitulis 

J. fluitans, culmo bulboso tenui radicante, foliis setaceis sub- 
nodoso-articulatis, capitulis trifloris subproliferis. Lamarck 
Dict. iii. 270. Flor. Gal. 152. 

J. uliginosus. Flor. Dan. 817. 

Angl. Bursous Rusu. Little bulbous Rush. The least tri- 
angular-seeded Rush. 

Peren. July, August. - 

Habitat in ericetis humidis arenosis, vel turfosis ; y in stagnis. 

Root fibrous. Stem bulbous at the base, erect, leafy, slender, 
branched upwards; branches divaricate. Leaves setaceous, 
smooth, channelled, cellular; cells in a double row, the par- 
titions of one being opposite to the middle of another in the 
corresponding series; in y some are articulate. Flowers three 

. together, lateral and terminal, sessile. Bractes small, scariose, 
shorter than the flowers, excepting in the viviparous variety as it 
is improperly called, in which they are lengthened out like the 
leaves. Cal yx-leaflets all of the same length, scariose at the 
edge, chocolate-coloured ; keel green. Capsule three-sided, 
obtuse, opake, somewhat longer than the calyx. 


This plant has, till lately, been in a very unsettled state, as 
may be seen by the numerous synonyms quoted by most authors. 
It is not readily distinguishable in some states from other species; 


on the Genus Juncus of. Linneus. 317 

but its blunt capsule will enable the botanist to separate it from 

J. lampocarpus and acutiflorus ; and, besides the diagnostic marks 

mentioned under supinus and subverticillatus, the opake chocolate- 

coloured calyx and capsule are very constant characters. This 
is Haller's 1320, which he says he received from Dillenius as his 

Gramen junceum capsulis triangulis minimum ; so that this clears 

up all doubt about the synonym; and most probably the J. supinus 

of the Flore Francaise iii. 168. The var. B hás its little flower- 
heads more or less foliaceous and gemmiparous,—a monstrosity 
to which this and its near affinities are very liable. Wahlenburg, 

Fl. Lap. 82., suspects, erroneously, the figure of it in Eng. Bot. 

t. 801. to be the acutiflorus of Ebrhart, and of the present paper. 

The var. y, which is not uncommon, is very likely to prove a 

Tm ! 

14. ‘Juncus SUPINUS. 

Juncus foliis canaliculatis filiformibus, capitulo trifloro tami 
nali secundo, bracteis setaceis foliaceis. | 

J. culmo dichotomo, foliis canaliculatis filiformibus, capitulo tri- - 
phyllo. Manch. Enum. Plant. 296. t: 5. Fl. Dan. 1099. Hof. 
Germ. 125. Don’s Herb. Brit. f. 4. 85. 

J. capitatus, foliis setaceis, capitulis terminali alarique subfoliosis, 
petalis acutis integris pericarpio zequalibus. | Meet Obser. 
Bot. p. 28. t. 2. f. 5. 

Schenus minimus, culmo tereti nudo, capitulo dimidiato involu- 
crato, involucris 3—5-phyllis, 1 valvula alters, subulata flores su- 
perante. - Symon's. Synop. Plant. 197. 

J. subverticillatus 8. Willd. ii. 212. 

Angl. Dwarr Rusu. 

Habitat in uliginosis. | - | 

Peren. July. | | p : 

Root fibrous, bulbous at the base. Stem erect, simple, two or 

three inches high. Leaves filiform, channelled, cellular. Flowers 
272 three 

318 Mr. J. E. BiombwUé Observations 

three together, terminal, clustered... .Bractes setaceous ; one or 

. more frequently foliaceous, longer than the flowers, and forcing 

them on one side. Calyz-leaflets lanceolate, chesnut-coloured. 

- Capsule oblong, rather — nb ne not quite so long as 
the calyx. : 

The synonyms I have — may I think e So on. 
The figure in Flor. Dan. 1099. represents the plant stronger than 
it usually is ; and in which case it occasionally produces branches 
of lateral flowers, but in its more common state they are only ter- 
minal. Bauhin, in his Hist. ii. 523., has probably described and . 
figured this species under his Juncus foliatus minimus. ‘The syno- 
nym brought from Symon’s Synopsis is determined by authentic 
specimens in the herbarium of my friend Mr. Edward Forster, 
F.L.S., which formerly belonged to Hudson, and from which. the 
character and description in that little work were drawn up. - 

Mr. George Don, who has the merit of first pointing out the 
species as of British growth, makes the following remarks: = “ I 
observed this plant, in October 1804, by the side of a rial 
near the summit of Ben Lawers, in a situation where the snow 
remains the greater part of the year, and not far from the spot 
where 1 first discovered the Juncus castaneus in May 1794, at which 
time the first-mentioned. place was covered with snow. I have 
cultivated the plant, and carefully compared my specimens in 
their different appearances with the figare in Flora Danica, which 
I consider as a just resemblance of this variable plant. The 
leaves which accompany the flowers, where they become terminal, 
give the plant the appearance of being. viviparous. ‘The plants, 
which I have cultivated, flowered in July; but in their native 
place they do not probably show their flowers earlier than — 
or September.” Dons Herb. Brit. fasc. v. 85. de 

This plant, to say the least of it, appears very different. Boni the 
rest. Its near approach to uliginosus, and the strong disposition 

e there 

on the Genus Juncus of Linneus’ 319 


there is in the bractes of all the species to become foliaceous, in- 
duces me to hesitate. The German botanists, however, whose 
acuteness is not often to be surpassed, continue to admit it as 
distinct. It is very small, not exceeding generally one or two 
inches in height. I met with it in boggy ground about Ambleside. 

RRR I "oliis articulatis. 

E 4 15. Juncus TRIGLUMIS. 

In uNcus foliis. subulatis, floribus ternis terminalibus JA LUE 
capsula obtusiuscula longitudine calycis. Wahlen. Flor. Lap. 84. 

J. „culmo | basi. folioso, foliis linearibus planis, . capitulo trifloro i in- 

volucrum subæquanti. Rost. Monograph. 52. mu 

J. foliis planis, gluma triflora terminali. Sp. PI. 467. “Flor. Tien 

132. Huds. 151. Lightf: 186. t. 9. f. 2. | 

d. floribus terminalibus subternis, bracteis duabus ovatis flores 
subzequantibus. - Vahl. Act. Soc. Hist. Nat. Haf. i. 1. 38. 

J. foliis planis, capitulo. trifloro terminali erecto sphaiie brace 

| . teato.. Flor. Brit. 382. Engl. Bot. xiii, 899. . 

J. gluma triflora culmum terminanti. Flor. Lap. 115. 1,10, Jf 15. 

Juncello accedens graminifolia plantula a Armeriæ proli- 
feræ. Rati Syn. 430. . 

Gramen cyperoides minus Caryophylli proliferi capitulis, Moris. 

oak t. 12. f, 40. 

Angl. THREE-FLOWERED Rusu. _Three-glumed Rush. “Small 

heads ding Sweet Williams. 

Habitat in locis uliginosis et inigutis rariüs. : 

Peren. July, August. | | 

Root fibrous.. Stems four to six a EN erect, night; cylin- 
drical, leafy only at the base. Yeu subulate, compressed, 
sheathing, somewhat jointed ; cells like those of J. uliginos 
Flowers terminal, erect, nearly sessile, generally three toge 

Bractes oval, concave, nerved, bright brown, membranous; two 

520 Mr. J. E. B1cukNo's Observations 

outer ones largest, not longer than the flowers, and opening so 
as to let them stand all on the same plane. Calyz-leaflets lan- 
ceolate, equal, blush-coloured at the tips. Style very short. 
Capsule elliptical, mucronate, somewhat obtuse, three-sided, 
scarcely exceeding the calyx. Coruncula elongated at each end 
of the seed. 

This is not so rare a plant with us as the J. biglumis, being found 
in the mountainous districts of Wales and of the North of En- 
gland, as well as in Scotland. I have met with it on Helvellyn, 
on Fairfield, and most of the other mountains about Ambleside, 
and at the edge of Scales Tarn in Saddleback. Dillenius mistook 
it for a variety of Scirpus cæspitosus. ‘The leaves instead of being 
flat, as described in the specific character by every botanical au- 
thor but Haller, Wablenburg, and Brown, are constructed with 
cells in a similar manner to those of J. uliginosus; and the articu- 
lations are much more susceptible to the touch on drawing a leaf 
between the thumb and finger—* Semper tam angusta et tereti- 

uscula reperi, ut jure meritoque subulata dici possunt.” Flor. Lap. 
Wahlen. 84. 

16. Juncus BIGLUMIS. 

Juncus foliis subulatis, floribus binis terminalibus altero pedi- 
cellato, capsulis apice retusis calyce longioribus. Wahlen. Flor. 
Lap. 84. 

J. culmo basi folioso, foliis linearibus planis, capitulo subbifloro 
folio suffulto. Rost. Monograph. 53. 

J. foliis subulatis, gluma biflora terminali. Sp. PI. 467, Flor. Dan. 
120. Huds. 649. Lightf. 1100. 

J. floribus terminalibus subgeminis, bractea altera floribus lon- 
giore acuminata. Vahl. Act. Soc. Hist. Nat. Haf. ii. 1. 38. 

J. foliis planis, capitulo bifloro terminali secundo basi foliato. 
Flor. Brit. 382. Eng. Bot. xiii. 898. : 

Angl, Two-rrowrnED Rusu. 'lwo-glumed Rush. 

| ; Habitat 

on the Genus Juncus of Linneus. 321 

Habitat in locis irriguis summarum alpium, rarissime. 

Peren. August. | 

Root fibrous. Stem three or more inches high, leafy, simple, stri- 
ated. Leaves compressed, jointed, erect, sheathing, pointed. 

Flowers terminal, binate, unilateral, one above the other; upper 

one on a short footstalk. Bractes two; larger one foliaceous, 

erect, forcing the fruit on one side. Calyz-leaflets lanceolate; 

pointed, equal, keeled, chocolate-coloured. Stamens longer than 

the calyx. Capsule large, turbinate, retuse, chocolate-coloured 

above, longer than the calyx. Seeds numerous; appendage elon- 
gated at each end. 

This rare plant has been found with us only in | Scotland, parti: 
cularly on Ben Lawers in Breadalbane. The old botanists were - 
unacquainted with it; and even Lightfoot suspected it might be 
a variety of J. triglumis. The two species are, however, perfectly 
distinct, and may be recognised at once by observing that one of 
the bractes in J. biglumis is much longer than the flowers, and the 
capsule turbinate. The seeds are remarkably distinguished by 

their covering. 

Ju uncus foliis planis amplexicaulibus, capitulo terminali subge- 
mino multifloro basi foliato, bracteis acutis. Flor. Brit. 383. 
Rost. Monograph. 49. Eng. Bot. xiii. 900. 

J. Jacquini, folio subulato, e terminali subquadrifloro. 
Sym. Syn. 87. Hull.76. | 

Habitat in alpibus Scotiæ, ‘solo micaceo Fido. 

Peren. July. | 

Root creeping, with runners. Stem erect, straight, from six to 
twelve inches high, cylindrical, solitary, leafy. Leaves princi- 
pally on the stem, alternate, erect, compressed, jointed abi ov 
sheathing, folded and dilated at the base so as to make a sharp 

keel. Heads terminal, erect, one above the other, from three 

322 Mr. J. E. Breiugxo's Observations 

to eight-flowered, shining, nearly black. Bractes membranous, 
linear-lanceolate, acuminate. Calya-leaflets lanceolate ; outer 
ones longer and more acute than the inner. Stamens the length 
of the calyx. Style persistent, of about the same length as the 
stigmas. Capsule oblong, pointed, three-celled, black, longer 
“than the calyx. Seeds numerous “a cam ce; a —€— subu- 
late at each end. no Jit 9d ! 

"The first botanist of whom we nave heard TT 'took notice of 
this new species, was Dr. ‘Steuart. He gathered it on Ben Chal- 
lum. Mr. Dickson brought it from Den Lawers; and it was pub- 
lished first under the name of J. Jacquini in Symon's Synopsis 
Plantarum Insulis Dritannicis Indigenarum, &c.. Others have mis- 
taken it, in the same way ; and I am afraid that the draughtsman of 
hice Spesi in English Botany has fallen into the error. J. Jacquini 
s the lower bracte with a long filiform summit, very acuminate 
y: cleafletey: very short stamens, and one leaf on the stem.’ elt 
belongs t to that division of the genus which has channelled leaves ; 
while J. castaneus is an articulate-leaved species. In addition to 
the habitats before mentioned, I have it sector by Mr. Dani 
in Fion Glen in Breadalbáne: è 


Juncus foliis caulinis subulatis nodoso-articulatis, paniculá co- 
rymbosá, capitulis subquinquefloris fasciculato-verticillatis, 
capsulà obtusa calycem striatum æquante. 

J. culmo procumbente, foliis setaceis subarticulatis, éciytatidi di- 
chotomo divaricato, capitulis subquinquefloris sessilibus. Rost. 
Monograph. 42. dt K 

J. culmo decumbente, foliis setaceis, &oribu nées vertieil- 
latis, glomera Ibi foliosis. - Willd. iis 219.8 enol ©: gu. 

Gramen junceum sylvarum minus articulato folio. Pak 1189. 6. 

Angl. Wuonrrp Rusu. E. 

Peren. July, August. | Stem 

on the Genus Juncus of Linneus: | 323 

Stem a little bulbous at the base, decumbent, striking root at the 
“joints, generally a few inches in height, cylindrical, fistulous. 
Leaves at the root filiform, articulate; those of the stem larger, 
subulate, knotty-jointed, brittle, springing from a large scariose 
sheath. Flowers in a corymb, as if proliferous, fasciculato-ver- 
ticillate, light-brown. Calya-leaflets lanceolate, acuminate, stri- 
ated, rigid. Capsule obtuse, light-brown, not longer than the 
calyx, somewhat shining, mucronate. 

Though I am not enabled to ascertain many modern synonyms 
with certainty for this common plant, I feel confident that it will 
be found on examination to be a good species. ‘The French bo- 
tanists give it the above name in their herbaria. Rostkov, Will- 
denow, and most others seem to have considered the J. uliginosus 
of Smith and this to be the same. Sibthorp’s description of 
uliginosus corresponds so nearly with it, that I think he had an 
eye to it in drawing up his specific character—* Floribus fasci- 
culatis, fasciculis proliferis, foliis setaceis articulato-nodosis." Wi- 
thering's definition is also applicable to this. Haller’s no. 1321 
is most likely intended for it—* Foliis sessilibus articulatis, pani- 
cula simplici, glumis aristatis.” And Parkinson’s figure 1189 
tolerably corresponds. 


Juncus foliis nodoso-articulatis, paniculá terminali supradecom- 
_posit, calycis foliolis omnibus. lanceolatis acuminatis capsulam 
acuminatam æquantibus. 

J. foliis compressiusculis panicula terminali supradecomposita 
diffusa, calycis foliolis omnibus lanceolatis acuminatis, CERE 
ovato-oblonga triquetra mucronata, culmo 3—4-folio, Rapes 
Linn. Trans. x. 13. é 

VOL. XII. Qv -= " foliis 

924 Mr. J. E. BrcugNo's Observations 

J. foliis nodoso-articulatis subcompressis, culmo enodi paniculá © 
decomposità dichotomá, calyce omninó acuto. Compend. Flor. 
Brit. 55. Eng. Bot. t. 238. descrip. 2148. 
J. sylvaticus, culmo erecto, foliis nodoso-articulatis teretibus, pani- 
cula composita, foliolis calycinis aristatis interioribus longiori- 
"bus. Willd. ii. 211. 
J. nemorosus, culmo folioso erecto, foliis subteretibus, nodoso- 
articulatis, panicula supradecomposita. Sibth. 114. 
J. articulatus, foliis nodoso-articulatis, capitulis paniculatis multi- 
floris. Redh. 138. 
J. foliis nodoso-articulatis, floribus acutis. Ehrh. Gram. 66. 
J. foliis teretibus articulatis, panicula repetito-ramosa. Hall. Hist. 
1323. i 
J. nemorosus folio articuloso. Raz Syn. 433. 
Gramen j junceum articulatum palustre erectum et elatius. Moris. 
s Nb, à 454 
Gramen junceum sylvaticum sparsa panicula. Park. 1189. 5. 
Gramen junceum aquaticum magis sparsa panicula. Park. 1969. 4 4. 
Gramen junceum sylvaticum. Ger. Em. fig. 22? 

Ang. SHARP-FLOWERED Rusu. Sharp-flowered jointed Rush. 
Greater jointed Rush. Wood Rushie Grass. 

Habitat in sylvis humidis et aquosis. 
Peren. June, July. : 

Root fibrous, creeping. Stems two or three feet high, slender, 
"erect, compressed, smooth; joints fistulous. Leaves three or 
four on a stem, sheathing, compressed, smooth, knotty-jointed. 
Panicle terminal, very much divided, diffuse; branches long, 
slender, smooth. —Calyz-leaflets all acuminate and of a similar 
consistence. Capsule three-sided, ovate-oblong, acuminate, 

light brown, a little shining, about the length of the calyx. 

on the Genus Juncus of Linneus: 325 

This is unquestionably a good species, and the: Rev. Hugh 
Davies's remarks leave me nothing to add to the diagnostie:de- 
scription. “The panicle of this is more branched than that of 
the last, the branches more slender and spreading, the divisions 
of the calyx narrower and longer, the capsule smaller, much more 
taper-pointed and lighter-coloured ; culm of fewer joints, that 
and the leaves less compressed. It is a taller plant, sometimes 
above three feet high, and it ripens later." I cannot persuade 
myself that Ray did not intend this species and not obtusiflorus by 
his J. nemorosus folio articuloso ; since in his Hist. Plant. he quotes 
Ger. 20. 10. (a most excellent p of the obtusi Morin) 
with a doubt. | 


Juncus foliis compressis, paniculà terminali composita erecta, 
calycis foliolis tribus interioribus obtusiusculis, capsulà acuta 
triquetrá nitidissima. 

J. foliis nodoso-articulatis compressis, culmo enodi, paniculà 
erecta, capsuld colorata nitidissimâ. Compend. Flor. Brit. 55. 
Eng. Bot. xxx. 2143. 

J. foliis compressis, panicula composita erecta, calycis foliolis 
tribus exterioribus ovato-lanceolatis acuminatis; interioribus 
scarioso-marginatis obtusiusculis, capsula ovata triquetra, stylo 
brevi terminata fusco-purpurca nitida, culmo 3—6-folio. Da- 
vies, Linn. Trans. x. 13. 

J. articulatus, culmo adscendente, foliis nodoso-articulatis com- 
| presso-teretiusculis, panicula composita, foliolis calycinis æqua- 

. libus obtusiusculis. Willd. ii. 211. 

J. articulatus, foliis nodoso-articulatis, petalis obtusis. Sp. PI. 
A65. Leers, 88. t. xiii. f. 6. Huds. 149. 

J. compressus, culmo folioso decumbente, foliis compressis nodoso: 
articulatis, panicula composita. Relh.141. Sibth. 114. Abbot,79. 

Zu. J. foliis 

326 Mr. J . E. BrcueNo's Observations 

J. foliis articulatis compressis, eic semel ramosa. Hall. 
Hist. 1322. | à 
J. foliis articulosis floribus umbellatis. Raii Syn. 433. 
Gramen junceum articulatum palustre humilius utriculis frequen- 
ter donatum. Moris. s. viii. t. 9. f. 2. 3 | 
Gramen junceum aquaticum Bauhini folio articulato et cum utri- 
culis. Park. 1270. 5. 
Angl. SHINING-FRUITED Rusu. Lesser-jointed Rush. Shidiüg- 
fruited jointed Rush. ; 
Habitat in locis uliginosis et paludosis. 
Peren. July, August. 
Root creeping. Stem about a foot high, compressed, many-leaved, 
slightly striated. Leaves compressed, sheathing, distinctly 
jointed, rigid, pointed. Panicle terminal, erect ; branches stiff, 
elongated, nearly simple. Flowers five or six together, sessile. 
| Calya-leaflets shorter than the capsule; the three inner some- 
what longer, and with a more obtuse and membranous edge 
than the outer ones. Capsule larger, oval, triangular, chocolate- 
coloured, varnished, acute, terminated by the persistent style. 

This plant in an advanced state is easily known from J. acuti- 
florus and obtusiflorus by its large, shining, dark capsules. While 
early in flower, the best marks are the more simple panicle and 
the somewhat obtuse calyx. It is subject to become foliaceous in. 
the flower-scales; in which state C. Bauhin has figured it, Prod. 12., 
and Parkinson has copied it, 1270. Gramen aquaticum, Ger. 19. 1 
and Ger. Ein. 13. 1., which are usually referred to this species or 
the following, are. more likely, judging from tlie panicle, to be 
Alisma Plantago, drawn asit appears after having seeded. ‘This I 
have but little doubt is Linnæus’s articulatus; for though his de- 
uon ** petalis obtusis" is not so applicable to this species as 

! to; 

on the Genus Juncus of Linneus. 327 

to obtusiflorus, yet, as compared with acutiflorus, it is sufficiently 
characteristic. His synonyms are quite consistent with this opi- 
nion. This by the old botanists was called the aquaticus, while 
the acutiflorus was called sylvaticus. Linnæus himself makes this 
- distinction in his Systema Nature. We are indebted to the Rev. 
Hugh Davies for making them intelligible to the English bo- 

Juncus foliis teretibus nodoso-articulatis, paniculâ supradecom- 
posita divaricatá, calycis foliolis ellipticis obtusis capsule lon- 

J lis cauleque sodotovortiauieds teretibus, panicula divaricatá, 
calyce obtuso longitudine. capsule. Compend. Flor. Brit. 55. 
Eng. Bot. xxx. 2144. 

J. foliis teretibus, panicula terminali supradecomposita divaricato- 
refracta, calycis foliolis elliptieis obtusis, capsula ovato-acumi- 
nata triquetra, culmo bifolio. Davies, Linn. Trans. x. 15. 

J. foliis nodoso-articulatis, floribus-obtusis. Ehrh. Gram. 16. 

J. articulatus B. Flor. Brit. 379. exclus. s ynonym. 

Gramen junceum sylvaticum. Ger. 20. 

Angl. BLUNT-FLOWERED Rusu. Blunt-flowered joined Rush. 
Wood Rushie Grass. | | M dus 

Habitat i in stagnis et aquosis, non vulgaris. : 

Peren. J uly, August. m 

Stem. erect, ‘two or ae feet os M oca nmi arenes; di- 
vided into cclls between the joints, bearing usually two leaves. 
Leaves rigid, jointed, cylindrical, smooth, sur joints cel- 
lular. Panicle terminal, very much branched ; branches re- 
peatedly compound, entangled one with the other; ultimate 

branchlets frequently refracted. Flowers small, lateral and 
- terminal, 

328 Mr. J. E. BicuzrNo's Observations 

terminal, collected into little heads. | Calyz-leaftets elliptic, all 
obtuse, as long as the capsule; margin broadly scariose; keel 
brown. Capsule light-brown, shining, small, oval, mucronate, 
three-sided, three-celled. 

The pale much branched panicle distinguishes this at first 
sight; and, upon closer examination, the obtuse cal yx-leaflets, 
which are as long as the capsule, and the jointed stem having 
only two leaves, afford further marks for discrimination. This is 
no doubt what Gerard has figured p. 20. f. 10. and which in 
Johnson's edition is changed for acutiflorus; and it is what Ray, 
in his Hist. Plant. p. 1307. 4., has described as a variety of the 
same plant.—* Cum planta,” he says, “ in aquosis et humidiori- 
bus nascitur, majis sparsa et pluribus capsularum agminibus com- 
posita quàm in precedente. Quamvis autem planta ipsa major 
et elatior sit quàm illa, capsule tamen seminales minores sunt, 
nec adeó obscure nigricant." It is also Ray's plant, mentioned 
in his Synopsis, 9d ed. p. 276., where he says, after describing 
acutiflorus, * Secunda species elatior et major est, paniculà ma- 
jis sparsá, capsulis tamen minoribus 1ninusque coloratis quàm in 
illa." Dillenius understood the expression “ secunda species " 
to refer to the second species of the subdivision in which the 
plant is placed ; whereas Ray meant the second as following that 
he was then describing, which was acutiflorus. 'lhus, in the third 
edition (in which the species are differently arranged,) Dillenius, - 
speaking of this plant, says, * Priori elatior et major est, panicula 
majis sparsa est," &c. &c., applying these words to J. lampocar- 
pus, which was the second species of the second edition, and 

whieh he in his new arrangement had placed next before acu- 


on the Genus Juncus of Linnaeus. 329 



Cal. hexaphyllus. ‘Cor. nulla. Caps. supera, trivalvis, unilocu- 
laris, trisperma. 


Lvzvura paniculâ cymosá divaricatá, floribus lateralibus sessili- 
bus solitariis, seminis coruncula uncinati. 

L. foliis planis pilosis, corymbo terminali subcomposito, pedun- 
culis unifloris nutantibus, petalis ovatis capsula brevioribus. 
Willd. Hort. Berol. 393. 

L. vernalis, foliis pilosis, corymbo subsimplici, pedunculis uni- 
floris nutantibus, perigonii lobis ovatis acutis, capsulis obtusis. 
Decand. Flor. Gall. 151. 

Juncus pilosus, foliis planis pilosis, corymbo subsimplici, pedun- 
culis unifloris nutantibus, petalis capsula brevioribus ovatis 
acutis. Willd. ii. 216. Rost. Monograph. 25. 

J. pilosus, foliis planis pilosis, panicula cymosa divaricata, flori- 
bus solitariis. Flor. Brit. 384. Eng. Bot. xi. 736. 

J. pilosus, foliis planis pilosis, corymbo ramoso. Sp. Pl. 468. 
Huds. 151. With. 349.  Relh. 145. Sibth. 115. Curt. Lond. 
f. 5.1. 25. Leers 90. t. xiii. f. 10. 

Gramen nemorosum hirsutum vulgare. Raï Syn. 416. 

Gramen hirsutum latifolium majus. Moris. s. viii. t. 9. f. 1. 

Gramen nemorum hirsutum majus. Park. 1184. 

Gramen hirsutum nemorosum. Ger. 17. Ger. Em. 19. 

Angl. Harry Wooprusx. Small Hairy Woodrush. Hairy Rush. 
Common Hairy Wood-Grass. Hairy Wood-Grass. 

. Habitat in nemorosis et dumosis, vulgaris. 

Peren. Mar. Ap. 

Root fibrous, stoloniferous. Stem from 6 to 12 inches high, slender, 

330 Mr. J. E. BrcuEeNno’s Observations 

cylindrical, simple, leafy. Leaves linear-lanceolate, plane, 
nerved, acute; the margin, especially towards the base, clothed 
with very long, white, soft hairs : : radical leaves very numerous . 
and large. . Paniclé terminal, cymose, somewhat branched, di- 
varicate : ultimate branches reflected. Flowers solitary, termi- 
nal and lateral; lateral ones sessile. Bractes two to each flower, 
membranous, acute. Calya-leaflets lanceolate, acuminate, dark- 
brown, with a scariose margin. Filaments very short. Capsule 
one-celled, three-sided, inversely heart-shaped, obtuse, sud- 
denly narrower towards the middle. Seeds three, shining, cho- 
colate-coloured ; coruncula lengthened at the top, hooked, 

twisted, all three meeting at the insertion of the pistil. Vid,- 
Ta». IX. f. 1. 

The peculiar shape of the coruncula will at once enable the bo- 
tanist to distinguish this plant from all its congeners ; but when 
that cannot be seen, the divaricate and dark panicle will generally 

‘suffice to separate it from L. Forsteri; and the solitary flowers 

prevent it from being confounded with the rest of the British 
species. The marginal hairs. of this genus are singularly con- 
structed, being composed of a number of smaller fibres, which 
are jointed and twisted; so that upon the application of moisture, 
in a dry day, as in the case of the awns of Avene, they untwist 
themselves. . sns 

This plant has no known medicinal or agricultural use. Its 
dry tough herbage renders it unfit for cattle in general; though 
horses, goats, and sheep will eat it; more, however, from its being 
one of the earliest spring plants than from any other cause. 

9. Luzuta FORSTERI. 

LuzuLa panicula cymosá erectá, floribus solitariis, CADET acu- 
tis, seminis corunculà subrectà obtusa. 
L. foliis pilosis, corymbo subsimplici, pedunculis unifloris erectis, 


Ann Dans Vol Xl Zab 9 p 250. 

l Luzula pilosa 

CY 3 

IL. Sylvatica 

e.a e e. Feed 

J Curtis sup 

on the Genus Juncus of Linnaeus. 331 

perigonii lobis ovato-acuminatis, capsula mucronato-acuta. 
Decandoile, Syn. 150. Ib. Icones Plant. Gall. i. t. 2. 

Juncus Forsteri, foliis planis pilosis, paniculà cymosá erectá, flori- 
bus solitariis, capsulis acutis. Eng. Bot. xviii. 1293. Flor. 
Brit. 1395. í - eda ^ 

Angl. FonsrER's Woonnusm. Narrow-leaved Hairy Rush. 

Habitat in nemorosis calcareis et glareosis. 

Peren. May. 

Root fibrous. Stems from 6—12 inches high, very slender, erect, 
simple, cylindrical, smooth, leafy. .Leaves linear, narrower than 
in the preceding species, acute, hairy at the margin; upper 
oneslargest. Panicle terminal, cymose, erect, spreading, a little 
branched ; branches never divaricate or refracted. Calyx-leaflets 
lanceolate, acuminate, light-brown, as long as the capsule. Cap- 

. sule one-celled, roundish-ovate, acute, mucronate. Seeds three, 
oval; coruncula straightish, obtuse, all meeting at the insertion 
of the pistil. Vid. Tan. IX. fig. 2. | 

No doubt whatever can be entertained with regard to the cor- 
rectness of this being made a species. It was first discovered by 
Edward Forster, Esq. F. L.S., whose acuteness in indigenous bo- 
tany has been rarely equalled, and published in the 18th vol. of 
English Botany. lts pointed capsule, peculiarly shaped corun- 
cula, and ascending cyme, are invariable marks to distinguish it. 
The leaves are not half the width of those of pilosa. The calyx- 
leaflets are longer, much more acuminate, and of a lighter colour. 
The solitary flowers are peculiar to these two species. The figure 
given by Decandolle is very satisfactory, but somewhat stiff. 


LuzvurA paniculà cymosáà decomposita, floribus fasciculatis, co- 
runcula obsoleta. a 
VOL. XIL 22 L. maxima, 

332 Mr. J. E. BicugNo's Observations 

L. maxima, foliis planis pilosis, corymbo decomposito divaricato; 
. capitulis subtrifloris, petalis aristatis lon gitudine capsule. Willd. 

- Hort. Berol. 393. : 

Juncus maximus, foliis planis pilosis, corymbo decolnpntito divari- 

" cato, capitulis subtrifloris, petalis aristatis longitudine capsule. 
Rost. Monograph. 28. 

J. maximus, foliis planis pilosis, corymbo decomposito, pedunculis 
elongatis divaricatis subtrifloris, calycinis foliolis aristatis lon- 
gitudine capsule. Willd. ii. 217. 

J. maximus. With. 349. 

J. sylvaticus, foliis planis pilosis, corymbo decomposito, floribus 
fasciculatis sessilibus. Huds. 151. Sibth. 116. - Curt. Lond. 
f. 5. t. 26. : 

J. sylvaticus, foliis planis pilosis acurniiiatis, Bs cymosá de- 
composità, floribus ne Flor. Brit. 385. ago! Dot. xi. 
qao: ouis ifo 

J. pilosus 3. Sp. PI. 468. 

Gramen nemorosum hirsutum latifolium maximum. Rai Syn. 
416. | 

G. hirsutum latifolium ipi juncea panicula. Moris. s. viii. 

G. hirsutum latifolium minus. Ibid. 

G. nemorum hirsutum latifolium minus juncea panicula. Park. 
1185. 3. | 

G. hirsutum angustifolium majus alterum. Ibid. 5. 

Angl. Great Woopnusu. Wood Rush. Great Hairy Wood 
Rush. The greatest broad-leaved Hairy Wood-Grass. 

Habitat in sylvis, nemorosis et montosis. 

Peren. May, June. 

Root fibrous. Stems a foot or more high, erect, striated, leafy. 

on the Genus Juncus of Linneus. 333 

Leaves linear-lanceolate, acuminate, eight-nerved, hairy at the 
margin; stem-leaves smaller, shorter. Panicle terminal, cymose, |. 
repeatedly compound, often divaricate. Flowers small, about 
three together, fasciculate. Bractes linear, hairy, acute. Calyx- 
leafletsequal,acuminate, somewhat longer than the capsule. Cap- 
sule ovate, mucronate, three-seeded. Seeds elliptical; coruncula 
sitting close to the seed, and of the same shape. Vid. Tan. IX. 

fig. 3. 

Linnzus comprehended this, with some other real species, in 
his Juncus pilosus ; but that itis most distinct from every other, no 
botanist now doubts. It is the largest of the genus, whence the 
name maximus: but though this be the case, it has a smaller seed. 
vessel, in proportion, than any of the rest. It differs from L. pi- 
losa and Forsteri in the circumstance of the flowers growing in. 
clusters, and the repeatedly compound panicle; and from the 
campestris, in the absence of the spiked heads. It flowers later 
than the others by a month. The herbalists Bauhin, Parkinson, 
and Morison have two varieties of it, a larger and a smaller; 
but whether this has arisen merely from the different size of the 
plant, or whether there is really a distinction, as I confess I have 
sometimes suspected, I cannot at present determine. Parkinson’s 
1185. 5. is Luzula albida. His Gramen nemorum hirsutum majus 
alterum precor tuberosa radice, 1184. 2. is the large variety ; 1185. 3. 
is the smaller one, copied from C. Bauhin. Morison's Gramen 
— hirsutum latifolium majus juncea panicula, sect. viii. £. 9. f. 2. is the | 
larger; and Gramen hirsutum latifolium minus the smaller, and 
copied also from C. Bauhin. Whether any old botanist besides 
Bauhin was acquainted with it, is doubtful. Flor. Dan. 441. re- 

presents the small variety. 

9x2 4. LUZULA 

334 Mr. J. E. Bicueno’s Observations 


LuzuLA culmo tereti, spicis umbellatis sessilibus pedunculatis- 
que ovatis, capsulis muticis. + 

L. spicis capituliformibus subumbellatis iüieqnakides peduncula- 
tis; intermedia sessili, perianthii foliolis æqualibus acutissimis. 
Brown, Prod. Flor. Nov. Holl. 591. 

L. foliis planis pilosis, spicis pedunculatis umbellatis, intermedia 
sessili, petalis mucronatis capsula longioribus. Willd. Flor. 
Berol. 394. 

Juncus campestris, foliis planis pilosis, spicis pedunculatis umbel- 
latis, intermedia sessili, petalis mucronatis capsula longioribus. 
Rost. Monograph. 44. 

_J. campestris, foliis planis pilosis, spicis pedunculatis umbellatis, 
intermedia sessili, calycinis foliolis mucronatis prem longio- 
ribus. Willd. ii. 221. | 

J. campestris, foliis planis pilosis, spicis iomair sessilibus pe- 
dunculatisque, capsulis obtusis. Flor. Brit. 385. Eng. Bot. x. 
672. l 

J. campestris, foliis planis subpilosis, spicis sessilibus peduncula- 
tisque. Sp. PI. 468. Leers 91. t. xiii. f. 5. Huds. 152. With. 
350. Relh.145. Sibth. 116. Curt. Lond. f. 2. t. 19. 

G. hirsutum capitulis Psylii. Moris. s. viii. 9. f. 4. : 

G. nemorum birsutum minus angustifolium. Park. 1185. 6. 

 Gramen exile hirsutum. Ger. 16. Ger. Em. 17. Raii Syn. 416. 

B:.congesta, altior, capitulæ oblongz congesta aut longè pedun- 

Luzula congesta. Forster’s Flor. Tonbridg. 44. Flor. Fran. v. 305. 

L. erecta « & B, culmo erecto elato, capitulis ovatis inzequaliter 
pedunculatis strictis; capsulis ovatis perianthio longiori; ra- 
dice cæspitosa. Desv. Journ. i. 156, 157. 

: L. multiflora. — 

on the Genus Juncus of Linneus. 835 

L. multiflora. Flor. Fran. v. 306. 

Juncus erectus. Pers. Enchirid. i. 386. 

J. liniger. With. Mh ed. 436. — 

J. campestris y. Sp. Pl. 468. 

Gramen hirsutum elatius, panicula juncea compacta, Raii Syn. 

G. hirsutum capitulo globoso. Park. 1186.9. Moris. s. viii. t. 9. 
f. sinist. 

G. capitulis globosis. Ger. 16. 1. Ger. Em. 18.3. 

Angl. Smarz Wooprusu. Hairy Field Rush. Field Rush. 
-Small Hairy Wood-Grass. Hairy Grass. 8 Globe-headed Rush. 
. Hairy Grass, with a compact rush-like pani: Round-headed 
. Silver Grass. 

Habitat in pascuis siccioribus: f in andis: 

Peren, April, May. 

Root fibrous, creeping. Stem four inches or more high, simple, 
erect, leafy. Leaves linear, plane, five-nerved, hairy at the 
margin; point rigid. Flowers in spikes, sessile, ten or twelve 
together; heads ovate, erect, at last nodding; the lowermost 
sessile, the rest pedunculated. Bractes three or four at the foot 
of each flower, membranous, fringed, shining, giving a silvery 
appearance to the flowers. Calyz-leaflets lanceolate, acumi- 
nate, shining, keeled. Filaments very short. Capsule obovate, 
obtuse, three-sided. Seeds reniform, roughish, ash-coloured 
green, opake; coruncula enlarged at the bottom of the seed, 
and attaching it to the receptacle. Vid. Tan. IX. fig. 4 

8. Taller, leaves longer, panicle composed either of many heads 
clustered into one, or several little ovate heads of flowers stand- 
ing on long peduncles in somewhat of an umbellate form. 

Though the real Luzula campestris is not likely to be mistaken, 

if its spiked flowers and obtuse —— be attended to, yet it va- 

336 | Mr. J. E. Bicneno’s Observations 

ries so — according to the soil in which it grows, as to render 
it difficult to assign the limits between it and £, and some of the 
foreign species.. Many botanists indeed have considered the bog 
variety as a distinct species. Ray, Dillenius, Sibthorp, Withering, 
and the French botanists are of this opinion. On the other hand, 

Linneus, Willdenow, Curtis, and Sir James Smith regard it only 
as a variety. To the latter opinion I assent after much examination. 
Sir James Smith, Flor. Brit. 386. in his 8 has only described that 
variety growing in bogs with a conglomerate head, composed, as 
Ray says, * ex pluribus veluti globulis coacervata;" but mine 
includes not only. this, but another, equally common, the y of Lin- 
nzus, where the little heads stand on long footstalks, growing 
something like the one figured by Linnzus, Flor. Lap. t. x. 2., and 
yettotally distinct from it. Sir James Smith is at a loss to recon- 
cile Ray's synonyms; but all the figures to which he refers are 
without doubt intended for the plant in its pedunculated state. 
Desvaux has made Linnzus's 8 and mine a new species, which he 
calls Luzula erecta, as above quoted. I cannot, however, agree 
with this arrangement, being quite satisfied that Linnæus’s plant, 
Flor. Lap. l.c., is a good species, and is to be known by the 
leaves being narrower and nearly destitute of hairs, the stems 
compressed, and spikes umbellated. Wahlenburg, who has given 
it a place in his valuable Flora, calls it Juncus pallescens, with 
this definition: “ foliis planis, culmo compresso, spicis umbella- 
tis oblongis pedunculatis patentibus, bractea foliacea.” I have 
not observed it in any collection of British plants, though it is 
very likely to be a native of the northern mountains. 


LuzUuLA spicà racemosa nutante, spiculis sessilibus bracteatis, 
capsulis acutis. :- PM 

on the Genus Juncus of Linneus. $37 

Juncus spicatus, foliis planis subpilosis, spica glomerato-racemosa 
basi divisa nutante, petalis longitudine capsule. Rost. Mono- 
graph. 46. : | 

J. spicatus, foliis planis, spicd racemosa nutante basi composita, 
capsulis acutis. Flor. Brit. 386. Eng. Bot. xvii. 1170. 

J. spicatus, foliis planis, spica racemosa nutante. Sp. Pl. 469. 
Fl. Lap. t. 10. f. 4. Flor. Dan. 270. Huds. 650. With. 350. 

Angl. Seiren Woopnusm. Spiked Rush. Alpine nodding 
Rush. i 
Habitat in alpibus Borealibus. 

Peren. July. | wi 

Root fibrous, tufted. Stem simple, six or eight inches high, slen- 
der, leafy. Leaves linear, channelled, hairy at the base; stem- 
leaves convolute or subulate. Spike terminal, nodding, cylin- 
drical, oblong, obtuse ; spikelets sessile, many-flowered, brac- 
teated. Bractes pale, lanceolate, laciniated. Calya-leafletslan- : 
_ceolate, acuminate. Capsule pointed, one-celled, three-sided. 

_ This plant approaches. ‘nearer to the Junci than any of the rest 
of the Luzule here described. Its leaves are not so flat or hairy 
as most of the rest of the genus, and the capsule shows the rudi- 
ments of dissepiments. It is not likely to be confounded with 
any other plant, with the exception, perhaps, of L. pediformis, 
which is much larger, and has a pointed capsule. It is very rare 
with us, occurring chiefly in Scotland. on the summits of the highest 
mountains. I found a single s specimen in the herbarium of my” 
friend Joseph Woods, Esq. F. L.S., gathered by him on Fairfield, 
near Ambleside; and this is the only instance that has come to 
my knowledge of its being found in England. 


( 888 ) 

XVIII. Beseriptions of two new Shells. by Captain Frederic 
M Marryat, R.N. F.L.S. — 

Read February 18, di : 


aa Mitra ZONATA. 
a. Tas. X. Fio.i, x 

' be ide luteA fromai 

nigris, columella quinque-plica 7 
Habitat in mare Mediterraneo. 

Anfractus basi nigri, crenato-striolati. 

tà, anfractibus inferne 

This shell was taken up near the port of Nice in the Mediter- 
ranean, adhering to a sounding-lead, in very deep water. I have- 

no hesitation in pronouncing it to be a new species, as I cannot 
find it described by any author. 


Testa depressa, perspectivo-umbilicata ; apertura circularis. 

Tus X. FOS > 

C. testa alba, lineis longitudinalibus et transversis elevatis decus- 
santibus, inde cancellata. 


Zinn. Trans Void X 

Captain F. MannvaTY's Description of two new Shelis. 339 

Habitat - i 
A pertura labiis cancellatis, cancellis transversim striatis. 

I found this beautiful little shell among a collection of chiefi y 
West India shells. ` According to the Linnæan system, it would 
come under the genus Turbo; but with the advice of Dr. Leach, 
] have distinguished it as a genus, under the title of Cyclostrema. 
Helix- depressa and serpuloides of Montagu are referable to the 

same genus. 

VOL. XII. gv XIX. De- 

( 340 ) 

XI Descriptions of five British Species of the Genus Terebella 
of Linné. By the late George Montagu, Esq. F.L.S. Commu- 
nicated by William Elford Leach, M.D. F.R.S. and L.S. 

Read March 4, 1817. 


Gen. Cuar. Body long and annulated, furnished on each side 
with pedunculated feet terminated with bristles, which are 
retractile: head with numerous long simple capillary appen- 

dages: three small ramified branchiæ on each side behind 
the head. l 

The animals of this genus either prepare a sheath from the te- 
nacious secretion of their- bodies mixed with adventitious matter, 
or reside in prepared perforations at the bottom of the sea. The 
tubes which are prepared by them are in general so extremely 
delicate, that they are very easily destroyed, and they are then 
found lurking beneath stones, or forming a new habitation by 
connecting together sand or mud with the slimy secretion of their 
bodies. Some species form a tube in old shells or stones, to 
which they adhere by the whole length; others fix a tube per- ` 
pendicularly in the sand, with two or three inches projecting 
above the surface. Many are gregarious, and so numerous, that 
we have seen the shore covered with the fragments of théir tubes 


m pn Trans. Voc. IL TZL p.341. 

Mr. Moxrac v's Description of Terebella, 4c. 341 

after a storm : thus, from the fragility of their tubes, these animals 
are often found at P “When in their tubes, generally but a 
small part is protrude ting the capillary tentacula, with 
which they seem to bër food in every direction by 
thrusting them int r stones, &c. 
The branchial app 
red whilst the animals 
as they become wea 
guid circulation. 
The mouth is ir 
to make the opening upwa 
All the ~— inhabit 

Spec. t. pes GIGANTEA. 
j Tas. XI. 

T. with seventeen pairs of exserted fasciculi and eight dorsal 

Body long, with - numerous. articulations furnished de whole 
length with peduncles, and a few with fasciculate bristles; but 
the seventeen anterior joints have the fasciculi most conspi- 
cuous, being always erected, and remaining so after death: 
the first eight joints have a broad plate on the back different 
in structure from the rest; they are of a rufous-brown colour, 
shaded with purplish-black, continuing down the back in a de- - 
creasing line. The general colour of the other parts is yellow- 
ish. Beyond the seventeen first joints the peduncles are very 

small, and appear to be destitute of fasciculi ; and they incline 
gradually from the sides to the back, till towards the extremity 
they almost meet, forming two dorsal lines: near the mouth 

originate numerous capillary appendages, that are five or six 
earo inches 

3 342 Mr. MoNTAGv's Descriptions of. 

inches in length : the three pair of branchiæ are much ramified, 

E 1 i E 
and red. à | soc Ta + 
P sixteen inches. PURE 

T. gigantea is th yest of t ex E ecjes ; it inhabits 
the soil at the bo sea, and seems to be destitute of 
| i n ary of Kingsbridge 

at low water: it discharged an oured fluid from its 
mouth in great abundance. ^ | 

Tas. XII. Fro. 1. ah 

CT. with eleven oral dorsal plates on the anterior articulations. 

Body long, with numerous orange-coloured articulations, fur- 
nished with small peduncles, and at the anterior end with fas- 
ciculi of bristles: branchiæ large and red: mouth with a frill- 
like membrane beneath, and ciliated above. Capillary appen- 
dages four or five inches in Sn cu 

Length nearly twelve inches. = 

Diameter near the head half an inch. 

The tube (which is described in Testacea Britannica under the 
` name Sabella cirrhata) is very fragile ; it is composed of sand and 
clay, and is lodged in the ground, with half an inch projectag 
above the surface. 

This species is gregarious, and is not uncommon on the south- 
ern const of Teton: Bi Lob nbus ¢ 

VE 7 
] Sp S 

e d 




p», si 




J Curtis. suip 

five British Species of Terebella. 343 

: Tas. XII. Fie. 2. 
T. with its body spotted with white, having thirteen dorsal plates, 

Body long, orange-red, spotted all over with white. Anterior 
extremity very tumid, defended by the dorsal plates: anterior 
peduncles very small, with the fasciculi pointed. The other 
peduncles and fasciculi are broad. The posterior end is ab- 
ruptly smaller than the other, as if it had been lost by acci- 
dent, and afterwards reproduced. | The capillary tentacula are 
numerous, and of a pale orange-colour spotted with white. - 
Branchiæ red with white spots. 

Length six or seven inches. — 

Diameter of the largest part half an inch. . j 

Inhabits the southern coast of Devon rarely, being taken only by 
deep dredging. Its case is composed of slimy matter, covered 
with gravel and broken shells. 

; | LAR III. Fio. 1. 
T. with twelve broad plates on the back: capillary appendages 
i pale. 

Body orange-red, with about one hundred and twenty approxi- 
mate articulations furnished with small fasciculi ; those behind 
the dorsal plates are divided down the middle by a sulcus: 
mouth with an expanded lower lip, surrounded with capillary 
appendages longer than the body. _ 

Length three or four inches. 

Inhabits the coast of Devon, and is rare. 

The very closely-connected articulations discriminate this spe- 

cies from any of the others. Its case or unknown. 

944 Mr. Montacu’s Descriptions of Terebella, $c. 

Tas. XIII. Fre. 2. 

T. with orange-red body, thickly and minutely marked with 
' white spots. 

First seventeen or eighteen joints furnished with short peduncles 
and fasciculi: other joints with long peduncles and no visible 
bristles.’ Capillary appendages whitish, very slender, numerous, 
and nearly double the length of the body. We have observed 
this animal fixing its tentacula, and by contracting them draw- 
ing its body forwards. 

Length rarely more than three or four inches. 

Taken by RE on the southern coast of Devon at Tore 

. XX. Cha- 

( 345 ) 


XX. Characters of two Species of Tordylium. By Sir James 
Edward Smith, M.D. F.R.S. P.L.S. 

Read March 18, 1817. 

I wave lately had occasion to remark, in preparing for the Lin- 
nean Society a botanical essay on Tofieldia, that scarcely any 
considerable genus could be taken at random, which would not 
afford matter for such a dissertation. I had not proceeded far in 
the alphabetical course of my botanical labours for Dr. Rees's 
. Cyclopedia, before an instance of this presented itself, in the long- 
established and well-known genus Tordylium, some of whose spe- 
cies have hitherto never been clearly determined. Our popular 
guides, such as Willdenow, have left the subject in the same state 
in which they found it. The details into which I find myself 
obliged to enter, are beyond the scope of the work above men- 
tioned, and may not prove unworthy of the notice of the learned 
body whose attention I shall now, for a few minutes, solicit. 

The species of Tordylium which will come under our examina- 
tion at present, are chiefly officinale and apulum, with the humile 
of Desfontaines ; except some incidental notice of the Linnæan 
peregrinum, and of Scopoli's si/folium. — 

T. apulum is mentioned by Linnzus in his Hortus Cliffortianus 
90. 2. 3, under the following character and synonyms. 

T. umbellalis remotis, foliis pinnatis, pinnis subrotundis lacini- 

' atis. 

T. apulum. Rivin. Pentap. Irr. t. 2. | 
T. apulum 

346 Sir J. E. Smitu’s Characters 

T. apulum minimum. Column. Ecphr. p. 1. 192. t. 124. Tourn. 
Inst. 320. Raï Hist. 412. Moris. Hist. v. 3. 316. sect. 9. t. 16. 
7.6. | : A^ 

Seseli creticum minimum. Bauh. Pin. 161. 

A variety is subjoined from Boerhaave's Hort. Lugd. Bat. con- 
cerning which nothing can be ascertained ; and as Linnæus never 
again adverted to this supposed variety, we must leave it unde- 
tétitibed. | 

In the first edition of Sp. PI. 239, the Tordylium in question 
appears with the specific name apulum, and the above essential 
characters, with a reference to Hort. Cliff. and to: Van Royen’s 
Prodr. Lugd. Bat. 94. But its other synonyms are limited to 

' Columna and Bauhin, as above cited. 

Now it appears that the synonyms of Columna and Rivinus 
belong to two very different plants. Which of these is to be taken 
for the T. apulum of Linneus? There being no specimen in his 
herbarium, the specific character must be resorted to as our safest 
guide, and this agrees with the plant of Rivinus, not of Columna ; 
** pinnis subrotundis laciniatis.” Such was doubtless the plant of 
the Hortus Cliffortianus, which appears by the Viridarium Clif- 
fortianum to have been cultivated at Hartecamp, and was there- 
fore seen alive by Linnæus. Such likewise is T. apulum of Jac- 
quin, Hort. Vindob. v. 1. t. 58, which that author afterwards find- 
ing not to answer to the synonym of Columna, he thought he had 
mistaken the Tinnæan name, and in the 3d volume of the same 
work, p. 2, he refers his plant to the Linnean T. officinale. 

. On the contrary, it appears to me that Columna's figure repre- 
bd merely a starved variety of officinale, under which species I 
have long ago quoted it, with a mark of doubt, in Fl- Brit. ; and 

that Jacquin has described the genuine apulum of Hives and 


of tto Species of Tordylium. 347 

These species are clearly distinguishable by a character which, 
though faithfully indicated by Rivinus and Jacquin, has not been 
fixed upon by any botanist as a specific mark. In T. officinale the 
radiant or dilated part of the marginal flowers consists of two 
. neighbouring petals, each of which has one large, and one very 

small, lobe; in T. apulum there is only one radiant petal to each ` 
flower, whose two very large lobes are equal. I would therefore 
propose the following definitions of the two species in question : 

T. officinale, involucellis longitudine florum, foliolis ovatis incisis 
crenatis, petalis radiantibus geminis inæqualitèr bilobis. 

T. apulum, involucellis flore brevioribus, foliolis laciniatis ; supe- 
rioribus angustatis, petalis radiantibus solitariis ED bi- 

. lobis. a 

The synonyms of the former are pasrantly given in both edi- 
tions of Sp. Pi. as well as in FI. Brit. 294; to which are to be 
added Engl. Bot. t. 2440, and the unpublished figure in Fl. Grac. 
t: 967. There is every reason to suppose this the original Togdvasor 
of Dioscorides. 1f Columna had been as exact as usual, his figure 
would have left us in no doubt respecting the character of the 
petals. But asit is, enough may be discerned for our purpose ; and 
the form of the leaves, the length of the partial involucrum, and the 
figure of the seed, all agree with T. officinale, not with apulum. — 

To the latter belong the synonyms of Rivin. Pentap. Irr. t. 2 
and Jacq. Hort. Vind. v. 1. 21. t. 53; which last is quoted in MSS. 
by Linnzeus in his own copy. of Sp. Pl. This is likewise T. apulum 
of Prodr. Fl. Grec. n. 631, from which however must be removed 
the reference to Columna, and consequently the synonym of 
"Tournefort depending thereon; Jacq. Hort. v. 1. t. 53, being in- 
troduced in their stead. Bauhin’s Seseli creticum minimum also, 
being adopted from — belongs to T. officinale. 

VOL. XII. 2z I cannot 

348 Sir J. E. Smiru’s Characters of two Species of Tordylium. 

I cannot but consider T. humile of Desfontaines, Fl. Atlant. v. 1. 
325. t. 58, as indubitably T. apulum. It accords exactly in size 
and habit with Dr. Sibthorp's Greek specimens. Willdenow, by 
some accident, has not adverted to this plant. | i 

Scopoli's T. sifolium, Fl. Carn. ed. 2. v. 1. 194. t. 8, comes very 
near to our apulum, agreeing in the solitary radiant petal, with two 
equal lobes. But the flowers are red, not white; the leaflets 
broader, less divided, and more uniform; and the fruit bristly, 
which last may afford a good specific character. The general invo- 
lucrum moreover is said to consist of only one or two small leaves. 

I cannot conclude these remarks without adverting to T. pere- 
grinum, Linn. Mant. 55. Sm. Prodr. Fl. Grac. Sibth. n. 633. 
This is Conium dichotomum of Desfontaines, Fl. Atlant. v. 1. 246. 
t. 66, who seems not aware of its being a Linnzan plant. Its 
seeds indeed bear some resemblance to those of a Conium; and. 
the flowers, which the able author just cited never saw, are uni- 
form, scarcely radiant. The habit and foliage agree with Conium 
rather than with Tordylium. But, on the other hand, the charac- 
ter of the involucella dimidiata is not observable, and the crisped 
margin of the seeds answers better to Tordylium, though their - 
strongly 3-ribbed disk is adverse, and rather belongs to Conium. 
'To the latter genus I should perhaps consent to remove this spe- 
cies. Professor Sprengel, in his Prodr. Plant. Umbellif. 12 & 21, 
refers it to Cachrys; but I cannot discover any peculiar coat to 
the seed, which, according to that learned writer's own principles, 
might justify such a measure. It is remarkable that he distin- 
guishes the plant of Linnæus from that of Desfontaines, though 
certainly without any foundation. | 

Norwich, Feb, 10, 1817. J. E. SMITH. 

XXI. O6- 

( 949 ) 

XXI. Observations on a Viper found in Cranborne Chace, Dorset- 
shire. By the Rev. Thomas Rackett, F.R.S. & L.S. 

Read April 15, 1817. 

Tue Viper which accompanies this paper does not appear to 
have been noticed by any British naturalist. It is probably Co- 
luber Chersea of Linnæus. 

Coluber Chersea. Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 377.184. Gmel. iii. p. 1091. 
Fn. Suec. 285. Act. Stock. 1749. p. 246. t. 6. fig. 1.2. Laur. 
Reptil. p. 9(. n. 214. Weigel in Abh. der Hall. Naturf. Ges. i. 
p. 12. 

* Habitat in Sueciæ presertim Smolandiw, Scanie, Uplandiæ, 

* coryletis et fruticosis depressis, etiam in Pomeraniæ dumetis. 

* Bero satis affinis, et citius funesta nisi P morsa statim rese- 

* cetur. 9$ poll. longus. 

* Bero minor, color obscurius spadiceus, caput ovatum, truncus 


Linnæus has described this species in the Swedish Transactions 
for the year 1749, and has given a figure which nearly resembles 
our specimen. The heart-shaped spot on the head is apparent. 
The belly is quite plain, and has not the appearance of steel ob- 
servable in the common viper. Linnzus lays great stress on a 
dark spot near the extremity of the tail, as a distinguishing cha- 
racter of the species: this mark is very evident in the one under 

examination. 1 
NT 222 I received 

350 The Rev. T. RAckETT's Observations on a Viper, $c. 

I received the viper from the Rev. John Tregonwell Napier, 
Rector of Chettle in Dorsetshire, who killed it in Cranborne 
Chace. It is extremely rare, but known to the gamekeepers under 
the name of “Tne Rep Viper.” <A mutilated specimen sent to 
me last year, was when recent of a bright red colour inclining to 
orange. The bite is much more venomous than that of the com- 
mon viper; as I have been assured that a dog which had been 
bitten by a red viper, expired before he had reached the extre- 
mity of a down in his way home. 


( 951 ) 

XXII. Dorivipiion of se indian Plants. By Henry Thomas 
Coleb ye, zajam F.R.S. 4 L.S. 

Read April 15, 1817. 

Havine had the opportunity, during a long residence in India, 
of examining some plants, which had not, so far as I know, been 
previously described, and others which had been but incompletely 
so, I purpose to submit to the notice of the Linnean Society, in this 
and successive communications, such of them as appear deserving 
of remark, either as constituting new kinds, or notable species of 
previously settled genera. 

Under the first head is a plant of which the delineation is here 
presented under the Indian name ; as this seems not unsonorous, 
nor otherwise objectionable. In general it is desirable to avoid the 
coinage of new words, and to preserve existing names, whenever 
they are not too barbarous for admission into the classical nomen- 
clature of botanical science. I propose therefore to retain the - 
Indian term, scarcely altered, for a denomination of the genus ; 
and accordingly to name it Sabia from the Hindi Sabja. 

Under the second head, one of the most remarkable of the 
plants which will be here offered to the Society's consideration is 
a species of Strychnos, which bears much resemblance to that de- 
scribed and figured by M. Leschenault*, and by him affirmed to 
be one of two which afford poison used to envenom weapons in 

* Ann, du Mus. 16, p» 479. pl. 23. 

352 Mr. CorzBRooKE's Description 

Java, and the most deadly of the two which have been there em- 
ployed for that nefarious purpose. Neither M. Leschenault nor 
Dr. Horsfield, who has also noticed it*, saw the fructification. 
But the first of those naturalists has concluded (I presume from 
the habit) that it is a Strychnos. The plant which I take to be 
nearly allied to it, if not specifically the same, and of which I 
have examined the fruit, is an undoubted Strychnos. It grows 
in the mountains and forests north and east of Silhet in Bengal ; 
where, from numerous other instances, the flora is known to par- 
‘take largely of that which belongs to the Malayan peninsula and 
archipelago.. The mountains confining the province of Silhet 
seem to be the boundary, in the geography of plants, between 
the hither and remoter India, between the cis-gangetic and trans- 
gangetic regions. 

The specimen of this Str; ychnos was sent to me by Mr. M. R. 
Smith, who, without being himself conversant with botany, has 
laboured assiduously in advancing the science by collecting spe- 
cimens of indigenous plants from countries contiguous to that 
sequestered province, and by communicating his. ir pi to 
the botanical garden at Calcutta. — . | 

The flowers of this plant have not been seen. by n me. But the 
examination of the fruit authorized the pronouncing of it to be 

-a Strychnos; which has been verified by Dr. Wallich, the present 
superintendant of the botanical establishment at Calcutta. It 
differs from Leschenault's description and drawing, as the leaves 
are ovate, acuminate; his elliptic, acute. Dr. Horsfield desig- 
nates the leaves of the Javanese species as in pairs, or pinnate in 
two or three pairs ; egged, spear-shaped, terminating in a long 
narrow point. Nevertheless, the prominent character of the in- 
crassated tendrils, noticed by Leschenault, raises a surmise that 

Li Bai, Trans. 7 de h 

of select Indian Plants. . 8098 

the diria of Silhet may be the same with the Tieuté or 
Chittk of Java. 

The Bengalese name, which is that of the Nua vomica. (euéhila) 
with a distinctive epithet (hár), shows that the natives of Silhet 
have remarked the affinity of these Indian species of Strychnos 
The specimen was received thence with the information that “the 
plant has medicinal virtues;" but without any intimation of de- 
leterious qualities in the bark or root. The leaves are used ex- 
ternally as suppurative; and the seed internally as a febrifuge. 
In a large dose, however, it is said to be poisonous. 

. In this, as in most, if not in all, the species of the genus, the 
wood, and stiil more the bark, are intensely bitter. This isemi- 
nently the case in the two species first known and described, 
S. colubrina and Nux vomica. They are employed in the Indian 
practice of medicine, especially the bark of the root; which is 
administered by native practitioners as a febrifuge. Their seeds 
are used singly, and in conjunction with opium as an adultera- 
tion of that drug, for their narcotic efficacy ; and are also em- 
ployed by venders of ardent spirits to augment the intoxicating 
power of the liquor vended-by them.  . 

In the Javanese species, a decoction of the bark of the root 
has been ascertained by Dr. Horsfield to be a most active poison. 
when internally administered. The soluble matter of the bark 
appears also to be the efficient part #3 it as a mortal venom in- 
troduced by a wound. | | : ff 

Notwithstanding the seeming contrast of faaliles between a: 
medicine and a poison, it is possible that the same substance, 
which is deadly in a greater quantity, may be salutary in smaller 
doses : the. presumption, therefore, is not conclusive against the: 
identity of the species indigenous i in Java and in Silhet. 

Another plant now submitted is a species of a genus named 


954 . Mr. CoteBrooxe’s Description 

by Geertner Pygeum. Nothing more of his plant was seen by 
him besides the fruit; and as no marked difference sufficient to 
discriminate the species is presented in the mature fructification, 
it is possible that the species now described may be the same 
which he named Pygeum zeylanicum. It seems prudent, how- 
ever, to give provisionally a distinct trivial name to a plant, 
which most probably is specifically different. 

Two plants of the natural order of the Asclepiadeæ have been 
selected fur insertion in the present communication: the first of 
them, a species of Dischidia; only one species of that genus 
having been hitherto described. It was figured by Rumphius, 
being native of the Molucca islands. ‘The present sort is indi- 
genous in the north-east of Bengal: and the ingenious botanist, 
by whom the genus was constituted, has intimated, that India 
possesses other species of it not yet examined in a perfect state *. 
Another plant now described is a Tylophora; in which genus the 
specific characters of eight sorts have been established by its 
author: but none I believe have been delineated by figure. — — 

One more plant of a known genus is here described; and, in 
deference to authorities of the Linnean school, under the generic 
name of Macrolobium. I should be disposed, however, to follow 
Lamarck in separating very dissimilar plants, which Schreber has 
collected into one group. If this be allowed, and Lamarck's ge- 
neric name be retained, the plant now described net: be de- 
signated Vudpa bijuga. 

- * Brown’s Prodromus. 


Curtis soup. 

Linn. Trans. Vol XI. Tab. 14. p. 355 


CAU oot ern Loto 




of select Indian Plants. 355 


PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA: pentapetalous, inferior. 

Ess. Cuar. Petals lanceolate, persistent. Stamina straight. 
Drupe superior, reniform, one-seeded. Embryo direct, spiral. 
No perisperm. tab. uud 


=, a LAB DEV it 

Native of Silhet, where it flowers in October, and bears ripe 
seed in May. 

Beng. (at Silhet) Sabjd-lat. . 

Stem shrubby, scandent, flexuose. Leaves alternate, short-petioled, 
lanceolate, acute, entire, smooth ; 4—6 inches long; 1—14 broad. 
Corymbs axillary and terminal ; forming a loose, ovate panicle : 
primary divisions ternate. Flowers numerous, small; green 
with a slightly-purplish tinge. Bractes minute, ovate, acute. 
Perianth five-parted, acute, persistent. Segments ovate. Petals 

. five, lanceolate, acute, spreading, smooth, persistent. Filaments | 
five, flat, subulate, shorter than the petals, inserted at their 
base. Anthers round. Germ round. Style columnar, short. 
Stigma simple. Drupe reniform, pulpy, dark-blue, size of a 
kidney-bean, one-seeded, sd on the permanent calyx and 
corolla. Nut or Pyrene solitary, wi qua ly two-lobed, attached 
by the middle of the idin lobe a little above the base. 
Shell crustaceous, thin, fragile. . Seed solitary, attached to the 
navel by sans ligament; honey-coloured ; spiral, anfrac- 

e chink on one side, and two on the other, an- 
icature: cof. the cotyledons). vierte e 

‘tyledons néon SS serial | (being folded one 
other; plaited: once longitudinally and thrice tra 

Scape dorsal, curved, filiform. ps cota conical, inferior. 

356 Mr. CoLEBROOKE’s Description 

Sia AiB: C. Flower magnified. 
3i E F. Fruit (natural size). 

-G. Seed in a state of germination (natural ig 
H. The B nen; or embryo. 

-€— " Las av. l 
Leaves ovate, acuminate. * aii axillary, thízkened. Berry. 

j T countries north and east of Silhet in 
here it blossoms in the hot. season, and ripens its 
1 the beginning : of the rainy season. 

| Ar-cuchila, or Hár-cuchila. 

randent. Leaves opposite, short-petioled, ovate, 
nate, three-nerved, smooth, polished. Tendrils axillary, 
ing above ‘the middle.  Fascicles axillary, opposite, 
bi ; corymbose, shapes Flowers small, white. 
E two, opposite, ovate, acute, cili: oo ip Peri- 
anth five-cleft. ~ ments ovate, ciliate. C E unes smooth, 
five-toothed. | 


of the iih porem qe beaded at the base wit Keopi- 
ous hoary hairs. Pistil shorter than the stamina. . Stigma 

subcapitate, Ovary two-celled, with nut es is ovules affixed 

toa central receptacle. Berry + 2 iptico Mt 

n. Za) z5 ?. 350. 

17 7 

Linn. Trans. Vo 









Linn. Trans. Vol ZIL Tab + p.357- 

J. Curts sculp. 

358 - — Mr. Coresnooxe’s Descripi 

TYLOPHORA exitis. 
5t Tam. XVI, 

Panicles terminating in umbellets. Corolline segments oval, ob- 
tuse. Leaves subcordate, acute, smooth, becoming firm, fleshy. 

Introduced into the botanical wiles at Calcutta i in 1810 from 
Chitagong, of which it is native. Bears flowers. and ripe seed in 

the middle of the rainy Lugust). 

Stem perennial, simple, scanden “twining with the sun, TEE 
yards in length, no thicker than a crow-quill; rooting at the 
joints if it trail on the ground: young parts. thinly beset with 
soft hairs. Leaves opposite, petioled, ovate to cordate, acute 
or even acuminate, entire, smooth on both surfaces, few- 
veined : old leaves firm, fleshy. Length 1—2 inches. Breadth 
half as much. Petioles i inch; round, somewhat channelled | 
on the upper edge. Flowers small, dilute purple, inodorous. 
Panicles subaxillary, solitary, ramous, lax, dichotomous, or 
flexuose with alternate divergent pedicels ; terminating in um- 
bellets ; ; many-flowered. Peduncles slender, round. Pedicels 
proper, somewhat clavate. Bractes triangular to ens iform, mi- 

 nute. Perianth five-parted. . Segments triangular. Corol rotate. 
Divisions oval, obtuse.. Nectary, or stamineous tube, round at 
the base, five-angled i in the middle. Germs ovate. Styles most 

.. short. Stigma flat, pentagonal. _Follicles oblong, tapering to 

ye s pointed apex, round on one side, flat on the other. Seed 
ovate, bracteate, convex with concave within, papillous, 
margined, denticulate at the base, .cinnamon-colour, crowned 
with a fascicle of many long silky hairs. 

The panicle of this, com pared with BM. us. umbels of some 

other Re Pate: plants, seems to indicate a derivation from 
£1 ae AO Sess 2 such 

of : select Indian Plants. 357 

whict | Bip strongly adheres. Interior thin, brownish. 
onform to the seed, undivided, white, semitranspa- 
rent, horny. Germ almost half the length of the perisperm, 
milk-white. - Cotyledons cordate, three-nerved. Radicle se, 
cylindric, longer than th e cotyledons. . | w 

Compare with Str de Tieuté, Leschenault, Ann. du Mus. 16. 
479. pl. 23. and Tshittik, Hije; Bat. Trans. 7. , 


Le oblong, ancipital. + Se d a | 
Native of Silhet, where it is ral like thet piniis Pará- 

rúhá; and thence introduced into the botanical garden at Cal- 
cutta by Mr. M. R. Smith. - Flowering season, April. 

Roots a few short slender fibres from each joint. Stem perennial, 
| parasitic, (by culture, terrestrial,) scandent, radicant, and some- 
^ times twining; round, slender, jointed, lactescent. Leaves at 
. thé joints, short-petioled, opposite, oblong, obtuse, smooth, 
firm, fleshy, two-edged, entire, veinless, yellowish-green. Length 
1—1 inch. Breadth 3—%.  Petioles round, less than a quar- 
ter of the length of the leaf. Umbels from alternate axils: 
short-peduncled, simple, few-flowered (about 10). Flowers very 
small, yellowish-white, inodorous. Perianth five-parted ; seg- 
ments ovate, coloured (white). Corol urceolate, five-toothed. | 
Throat villous. Toothlets ovate, erect. Nectary, or stamineous 
tube, subcylindric. Stamineous crown five-leaved. Leaflets su- 
bulate, bifid. Segments lanceolate, reflex, involute. Germs ovate. - 
Styles short. Stigma a pentagonal obtuse pyramid. 

The mature fruit | has not been seen. But the flower su fiicien " 
|. marks the ; genus. eod 

ay " 
.l vM 

Sad. . . LOPHORA 

Linn, Frans, Vol XU Tab 16 p.358. 

J Cutis scup. > 

Linn. Frais. Vol XI. Lab.27. p. 359. 


J. Curtis 

gegen : 

À. | ^ 
c \ X V UE 
ff Ne 



py : 
$ VS 22 ieu 7 





of select Indian Plants. 359 

such an umbel by elongation of the ramifications; which, scat- 
tering the rays of what should form an umbellet, converts the 
inflorescence into a panicle. | 

Tas. XVII. 
Flowers triandrous. Six sterile filaments. Leaves two-paired. 
Whence or how introduced into the botanical garden at Cal- 
cutta, where a solitary plant has long been, is uncertain. It 
flowered there for the first; and, so far as is known, the only 
time, in 1813; in the hot season; the tree being about eight feet 
high; and ripened a single legume in September. 
Trunk arborescent, erect. Bark gray, smooth. Branches spread- 
drooping towards the extremity. Leaves 
| | Leaflets obliquely elliptic, fal- 
ches long; 2—24 broad. Pe- 
annelled. Stipules none. 
ry ramifications dichoto- 

ing, adic 

Leaflets rosii - concave, door Corol "bun Petal o one, 
vexilliform, round-cordate, wavy. Claw linear, downy on both 
surfaces. Wings and Keel none. Filaments nine: three anthe- 
: riferous, filiform, thrice as long as the corol, incurved : six ste- 
rile, (a pair on either side of the vexillum, and solitary ones al- 
_ternating with the fertile 3) less than a quarter of the length of 
the fertile ones: all united at the very base, and free above, 
dark chesnut-coloured, beset towards the lower end with thinly- 
scattered: white hairs : tips of t the sterile filaments hooked, white. 
inear, incumbent. Germ linear-oblong, compressed, 

villous, containing a few ( bout eight) globular ovula. Style 

F i . > 
360 Mr. Coresrooxe’s Description 

length and situation of the stamina, filiform. Stigma headed, 
two-lobed. Legume broad-falcate, compressed, few-seeded. 

Seed black, immersed in lateritious meal: unequally reniform 
or nearly three-cornered, compressed. 

This is seemingly a plant of the same genus with the Vouapa 
and Simira of Guiana described by Aublet; from the first of 
which a genus was constituted by Lamarck (Ilust. Genres, i. 96). 
Schreber, followed by Willdenow, has united them with the Outea 
of the same author, in a genus of which the character is taken 
from the plant last mentioned *. In deference to their autho- 
rity, the Indian plant is here described under the name assigned 
by them to the genus; qoos nevertheless an opinion, that, 

with the Vouapas, it sho e Me sabe from. that, and formed 
into a distinct genus wit 

— by Lamarck: “ Calyx 
guiculate petal. Three 
Legume compressed, fe 
plant now described to 
. the natural order of Ca 
disjoined even in the | 

filaments seem to MR that its proper place is i in the Decan- 
dria class. 

Gartner de Fruct. 1. p. 218. t. 46. f. m ei 

ICOSANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Calyx inferior, six-toothed. Frail 
six. Drupe dry, transversely vitu age ans vibe without 

ab std) Tama VE ME, A ck | 
A large tree, native of mountainous — ort on 
* Gen. Plant; uo. 62. Spec. A EG 


KM. aqui Ment a aa rag, 

Linn. Trans. Vol XII. 560. 


Zp | 
Pygeum eL ne phu lt nme 


Silhet. Flowers in the rainy season, and fipens its seed in the 
cold season, about January. 

Beng. (at Silhet) Ghorma. 

Trunk arboreous. Leaves alternate, short-petioled, ovate to broad 
lanceolate, (sometimes unequal, acuminate, entire, smooth, 
shining ; 4—6 inches long, 11—3 broad.  Petioles 4 inch; 
round beneath, channelled on the upper edge. Racemes length. 
of the leaf, erect, simple, cylindric. Peduncles four-cornered, 
slender, villous. Pedicels as long as the flowers. Flowers yel- 
lowish-green, inodorous. Perianth cyathiform, six-toothed, de- 
ciduous, leaving a small entire ring at the base of the fertilized. 
germ. Teeth subulate. Petats six, on the margin of the caly-. 
cine cup, ovate, villous. Filaments numerous (30—40) on the 

margin of the calycine cup, capillary. Anthers round. Germ. 
above, roundish, villous. Style filiform, length of the stamina.. 
Stigma truncate. Drupe transversely oblong, juiceless at ma- 
turity, size of an olive, dark-purple. Nut subreniform, con- - 

tracted in the middle; lobes subequal ; crustaceous. Seed con- 
form to the nut, attached dorsally a little below the apex. ne, 

‘tegument single, chartaceous. Perisperm none. Embryo c con-. 
form to the seed, inverse, yellowish-white. : Cotyledons thick, 
flat on the contiguous. ends, and hemispherical on the outer; 
amygdaloid. .Radicle superior, vety small, conical. 

A + Xen constituted the genus, saw: neither dm nor 
any other part of the plant besides the fruit: consequently, until 
his Ceylonese plant has been further examined, it must remain 
doubtful, as I apprehend, whether the species be distinct: and, 
at all events, the specific character cannot be yet determined, as 
but one species is fully described. | 

XXIII. Upon 

XXIII. Upon the differgnt Species of esculent Strawberries. By 
Thomas Andrew Knight, Esq. F.R.S. 4 L.S. Pres. Hort. Soc. 

Read May 6, 1817. 

Bsrore I enter upon the immediate subject of the following 
communication, it will be necessary that I define precisely the 
meaning which I annex to the word species; as that appears to 
me to be often used somewhat vaguely and licentiously by writers 
upon botanical subjects. By a species of plants, I mean all 
plants which can be made to breed together without producing 
mules; that is, without producing plants which are incapable of 
affording offspring by seeds: and I consider all plants to be of 
distinct and different species which cannot be made to breed with 
each other (if capable of breeding at all), or which, if they inter- 
mix, produce mule plants. The peach and nectarine tree have, 
under my care, bred very freely with the bitter-almond tree; and 
the offspring do not appear to be mule plants: and I am there- 
fore disposed to question the specific difference of the Amygdalus 
communis and 4. persica. Similar experiments have led me to 
doubt the specific difference of the cultivated plum and sloe; 
and I possess several varieties of the willow, which are not mules, 
and which appear to have derived their existence from seeds of 
the Salix Russelliana, and the pollen of the S. alba; and therefore 
Iam much disposed to question the claims of many of the it inter- 
mediate supposed species to their present titles. - 
Many plants of the following species and varieties of straw- 

Mr. T. A, KNIGHT on, esculent Strawberries. 363 

berries were planted in pots, in different successive seasons, for 
the purpose of experiment :—the common wood, the white alpine, 
tbe Duke of Kent's, or wood-strawberry of Canada, the common 
scarlet, the Bath scarlet, the pine, the black, the white Chili, and 
the hautbois, with some others which proved to be varieties of 
the common scarlet, but to which no particular name had been. 
given. The pollen of the Wood-strawberry was introduced into 
blossoms of the White alpine, from which the stamina had some 
days previously been extracted in an immature state. Abundant 
seeds were produced, which afforded offspring generally similar to 
their male parent in taste, flavour, and colour. 'l'he wood-straw- 
berry of.Canada, the common scarlet, the Bath scarlet, the pine, 
the black, and the white Chili afforded under similar circumstances 
abundant offspring, however crossed, and the offspring presented 
every intermediate shade of character between these varieties ; 
but none of them would intermix with the wood or white alpine. 
The Hautbois did not breed with any of the preceding varieties, 
except in one instance with the Bath scarlet, from the seeds of 
which 1 obtained plants which proved apparently to be mules. 
. I preserved these several years, in which they made feeble and 
always abortive efforts to produce blossoms. In external charac- 
ter all of these a good deal resembled the hautbois in foliage and 
general habit; and two of them were not readily distinguishable 
from plants of that species. — 
_ The preceding results, therefore, lead me to conclude that our 
gardens contain three, and three only, distinct species of straw- 
berry, one of which has sported very widely in varieties. 
= ] much wish that some members of this learned Society would 
make experiments, similar to those above stated, upon the diffe- 
rent species and varieties of plants now comprehended within the - 
genus Rosa, Salix, Pelargonium, and others. Many of the sup- 

VOR Ait. 3B posed 

364 Mr. T. A. Knicur on esculent Strawberries. 

posed species of each of the preceding genera would, I am very 
confident, be found. capable of breeding with, and being trans- 
muted into, each other, as to their external characters; and if 
botanical writers still choose to call such species, they ought cer- 
tainly to distinguish them from others, as secondary or trans- 
mutable species. The external form and character of each plant, 
as it came from the hand of nature, was probably sufficiently 
peculiar to render it readily distinguishable from those of every 
other species: but varieties of soil, of climate, and of culture ap- 
plied for other purposes, have so far mixed and confounded the 
primary characteristics of many species, that experiments, such 
as those above described, now afford probably the only source of 
decisive evidence. | 


[3 ny UO a) 

XXIV. On the Germination. of Lycopodium denticulatum, in a 
Letter to the Secretary from Richard Anthony Salisbury, Esq. 
F.R.S. and L.S. 

: Read June 3, 1817. 
Dear Sir, E 

Pnorssson Brorero’s description of the Lycopodium denticu- 

latum agrees so exactly with the plant of which I send you some 

figures, Tan. XIX., that I have nothing to add to it, except that 

I have never found the capsule three-lobed, as he says it is, but 

invariably four-lobed: in some positions, however, it appears 

three-lobed, and he himself mentions that it always contains 
four seeds. | PSU | 
Notwithstanding I have examined many flowering branches, I 
have not been able to detect the manner in which the seeds are 
feecundated, or to find any thing like an Embryo in them, though 
they come up in abundance spontaneously under the parent 
plant, and on the adjacent moist parts of the shelf, where it 
stands in Mr. Joseph Knight's greenhouse. | ! 
The seeds contain at an early period of their formation a' clear 

liquor, which quickly evaporates, and flashes when applied to a 

candle: this liquor soon becomes milky, and is finally converted 

into what appears to me grumous albumen.—I am not certain 
how the seeds are inserted, and believe that I have not yet been 
so lucky as to meet with a single fæcundated seed, though perfect 
in all other respects; for this occurs in Cycas, when there is no 
male plant to foecundate its seeds. In one capsule, in which the 

382 : seeds 

3606 Mr. R. A. SALISBURY on the Germination 

seeds had ceased to swell, apparently from their earliest formation, 
they adhered together to something like a central placenta: in 
all the other capsules I found them loose, and suspect the pla- 
centa had been absorbed by the liquid remaining in the capsule. 
A very minute hilum remained always visible, and the three- 
radiated mark originating there appears to me to be only three 
stronger ribs of the reticulated cuticle of the seed. 

The germination of this plant approaches much nearer to that 
of Dicotyledones than to that of Monocotyledones, especially if that 
part which Brotero calls vitellus be considered a radicle. I am, 
however, inclined to think that it is true albumen, though it does | 
adhere to the embryo; and till we can succeed in getting plenty . 
of perfect seeds, or to catch them in a still earlier stage of germi- 
nation than the first figure. I now send you represents, this point 
will remain dubious. au 

In the mean while, a comparison of the seeds of this Lycopo- 
dium with those of Isoetes and Pilularia, which they exactly re- 
semble, will assist us ; and as Brotero says that be has.seen the 
easy he describes for stigma ** liquore unctuoso diutissime perfu- 
sum,” I have little hesitation in believing that itis so: before I 
read his account, I took the suture at the i top, where the capsule 
afterwards splits, for the stigma, and it is not very unlike the 
stigma of Stylidium. 

I remain, &c. 

8, Queen-Street, Edgeware-Road, R. A. SALISBURY. 
June 3, 1817. 


of Lycopodium den ticulatum. 367 


Tas. XIX. Fig. 1. 





A seed in the earliest stage of germination 
yet observed. 

The same more advanced. 

Its seed-coat removed to show the vitedlus of 
Brotero adhering. 

Still more advanced. 

An anther. 

The same splitting and discharging its yel- 
low pollen: I find no difference between 
this pollen and that of other Lycopodiums, 
which has been regarded as seed. 

. Upper and under surfaces of a capsule, the 

latter showing its pedicellus. 
The ‘part described for stigma by Brotero: 
it is thinner and. more transparent than 
_ the rest of the capsule. 
A capsule burst naturally, with its four seeds. 
Two views of a seed more magnified, the 
latter showing its hilum and E 
mark. ; 

À transverse section, filled with white gru- 

— mous albumen? — - : 

One of the reticulated - areas of the cuticle, 
highly magnified, in the centre of which, 
while young, there is a succulent bristle 

green at the point. 

XXV. Some 

€ 368 `) 

XXV. Some Account ft the ee arin solidum of the Flora Vi 
~ ginica, the Lycoperdon cervinum of Walter. By James Mác- 
bride, M.D. of South Carolina. Communicated by the President. 

Read dine. S. 1817. 

T urs fungus is most frequently — up in lands w hich have not 
been clones: of their original wood more than three or four years, 
in the preparation for planting. It is found at various depths, 
from a féw inches to two feet, and is sometimes met with partly 
above ground. I have seen it in every variety of soil, except 
swampy ; but it is found in greatest abundance, and appears to 
attain to the greatest size, in loose rich, lands, the forest-trees of 
which were. different species of oak, Juglans alba, Linn., and 
Pinus Tada. It is very common in the southern states; but is 
rarely seen further north than Maryland. Its shape is irregular ; 
the largest specimens approach the globular form, or the cylin- 
drical with globular ends. I have seen a specimen which weighed 
fifteen pounds; and I am credibly informed a single tuber has 
weighed thirty or forty pounds. 

The common opinion entertained of this substance is, that it 
is the root of the Erythrina herbacea or Convoloulus panduratus, 
both of which bave large roots, and that of the latter penetrating 
the earth to a considerable depth. "The usual appeliation of it is 
Indian Potatoe or Indian Bread. It was used by the Indians as 
an article of food, as their name for it (Tuckahoe) is said to imply. 

-= Fugitive 

Dr. Macnauinr's Account of the Lycoperdon solidum. 369 

Fugitive negroes sometimes subsist upon it. Deer, the wood-rat 
(a Sorez ?), and probably squirrels, feed upon it when it grows 
sufficiently near the surface of the earth. From the abundance 
in which it grows, and its nutritious quality, it must have been to 
the aborigines a considerable source of subsistence, had they 
known any method of detecting it. The discovery of it now is 
always accidental. | 

This. fungus is parasitic at first, growing out of the living roots 
of various trees. It appears at first, in most instances, between 
the wood of the root and liber; but in some. of the smallest spe- 
cimens accompanying this paper it can be seen only between the 
lamellz of the outer. bark. It may, like other fungi, emanate from — 
dead wood, but the smallest specimens which I have seen were 
attached to living roots. During its growth it detaches the bark - 
from the roots, incorporating it with its coat, surrounds the 
ligneous portion, and gradually assimilates it with its own pe- 
culiar internal substance. If during the expansion of the fan: 
gus it comes in contact with the root of another tree, it is also 
assimilated with it. In large specimens no traces of the bark 
or wood of the original root are discernible. Nothing is known 
respecting the progress or duration of the growth of the Tucka- 
hoe; it has been dug up in — cleared of wood. more than: a 

The outer coat of this — is of a hainig colour, iod 
roughened by irregular fissures ; the inner, if I may be allowed to 
make this distinction, is coriaceous, resembling that portion of 
some of the Boleti which is used as touchwood ; and when a 
part of the fungus grows exposed, the inner coat of that portion 
is thickened, and when properly dried is very combustible. The 
‘internal substance is insipid, inodorous, of an uniform white, 
compact, and not disposed i in any regular. manner; but in fresh 


370 Dr. MACBRIDE’S Accoùnt of the Lycoperdon solidum. 

specimens, divided transversely, it uniformly cracks in lines per- 
pendicular to the surface. In a solitary specimen, which was 
very large, I observed something like a disposition of the inter- 
nal substance in concentric laminæ ; but I have macerated many 
specimens in water, and corroded them by acids, without disco- 
vering that such a structure really obtains. 

The Tuckahoe newly dug up contains little moisture, and soon 
becomes very hard if kept in a dry place; but in a situation un- 
favourable to evaporation, a fine white byssus issues from it and 
envelops it. I have seldom, if ever, seen it undergo any change 
resembling putrefaction. When exposed a long time to the 
weather, it crumbles, assumes a ferruginous colour, and becomes 
acidulous to the taste. The internal substance moistened with 
- water feels slippery. When dried particles of it are pressed be- 
tween the teeth, they have a cohesive effect ; when moistened w ith 
water and spread over a hot surface, they form a tough elastic 
pellicle, which, if exposed to a. greater degree of heat, blackens, 
froths, and emits a smell resembling that of burning bread. When 
an infusion of galls is added to water in which the tuber has been 
macerated, a copious white precipitate is thrown down. Sul- 
phuric acid dissolves it, and Acquires a purple colour, which in a 
few days deepens into a black. Water added to this solution 
causes a dark, flaky precipitate. | 

From such experiments as I have made with this fungus, I 
am led to believe its internal part is chiefly composed of gluten, 
but differently modified from that which we obtain from the 
Cerealia. Ihave not succeeded in procuring from it any starch or 
fibrous matter. 

In some specimens I have pba portions of the internal 
substance loose and friable. "These were always saccharine and 
acidulous to the taste. MÉ 


Dr. MacnnriDz's Account of the Lycoperdon solidum. 371 

I am sorry that I am unable to give any information as to the 
following particulars : | 

1. How long the fungus continues to derive support from the 
juices of the roots out of which it grows, and whether it causes 
the death of the inferior portion of the root. 

2. Whether the Indians knew any method of finding it similar 
to what is practised by the truffle-hunters in Europe. Tradition 
says they did. 

.8. The probable quantity of the fungus produced by a given 
portion of ground. 

T Chudeiton: March 28, 1817. 
7E ESS BE. ^ 

VOL. XII. 3c XXVI. An 

6 972.) 

XXVI. An Account of | Rhizomorpha, medullaris, a new British 
Fungus. By Sir James Edward Smith, M.D. F.R.S. P.L.S. 

. Read June 17, 1817. 

"Tuis, which appears to be a nondescript species of Rhizomorpha, 
was communicated to me by Mr. Francis Boott, an American 
botanist, who met with it during his visit to Derby, in the course 
of last spring. It was first observed, many months before, by 
Mr. Bainbrigge, house-surgeon to the Derby Infirmary, and seems 
to have excited attention as a troublesome intruder into the re- 
servoir destined to supply the baths. That gentleman thus de- 
scribes the appearance and situation of the fungus in question. - 
* The reservoir in which it was found is a kind of circular cel- 
lar, with an opening at the top. Itis situated in the shrubbery, 
and contains water to supply the baths, which is conveyed by 
leaden pipes. As the water is sent by a forcing-pump, a piece of 
timber was fixed across the upper part, to support a perpendicu- 
lar pipe that admitted the water. From this timber, which was 
deal, and not in the least decayed, the plant hung, and as the 
depth of the water varied, a greater or less quantity floated on 
the surface. I believe the whole of it would be seldom immersed ; 
but the wood, and every part of the plant, would be always wet, in 
consequence of the water goingin with considerable force. Isaw 
the joiner measure the fungus immediately on our getting it out, 
and he says the length was 12 feet. This I have quite forgotten, 
| | but 

Sir J. E. Suiru's Account of Rhizomorpha medullaris. 873 

= fa pot am inclined to think him mistaken. The plant had a beautiful 

_ appearance in the water, from the fibres diverging in every direc- 
tion, and its whiteness, which was lost when it became dry. The 
extremities were peculiarly brittle. Even the agitation of the 
water broke off large quantities. This produced great inconve- 
nience, and several attempts were made to destroy the plant, 
by clearing it away; which not succeeding, the timber was, at 
length, removed. Oak has been substituted, smeared with tar, 
pitch and tallow, which has hitherto had the desired effect. The 
old beam has been used for other purposes."—Such is Mr. Bain- 
biigges very accurate account. Mrs. Hardcastle of Derby, to 
wi al bted for the drawings now laid before the Lin- 
nean tas tha she only. heard of this curious vege- 
table production by accident, after it had Jain by ten months in 
a dry state. Her drawing therefore represents this state only, and 
is here accompanied by a very small portion of the original spe- 
cimen. This, in its brown and shrivelled appearance, much re- 
sembles the roots of willows or poplars, such as often find their 
way under ground into some adjacent river, or water-course. 
These have often been brought for my inspection, and I must 
confess they have led me to doubt the existence of some reputed 
Rhizomorphe ; but I shall in future be more precise in my exa- 
minations, lest I should inadvertently confound with them 
genuine fungus. That the present is really of the latter descrip- 
tion, appears from its history, as well as from the texture of the 
dried plant, whose internal substance does not, like a root, con- 

sist of concentric circles, but of an uniform congeries of longitu- 

dinal parallel tubes, in the dried specimen at least, of a yellowish 


colour. There is nothing like a central pith. And yet the brown d 

external coat, though not separable like the bark of a root, 
so great a resemblance to that part, as almost to sta 
3c2 | | 

374 Sir J. E. SuiTn's Account of Rhizomorpha medullaris. 
opinion. The taste of the dried plant has nothing of a fungus- — 

like flavour, but in its slight astringency agrees with many, almost - 

tasteless, roots. ‘The above history of the origin of the plant, 
from a piece of wrought: , and its copious growth, must pre- 

clude all idea of its bein; ng any thing else than a parasitical fungus. 

The specific character may thus be given: | 
RHIZOMORPHA, medullaris, teres ramosissima nivea ; intus cel- 

lulosa flavescens. — 

E - Sa T 
m 3 



2. Terminatiôn of-a principal Bench, 
Lu À transverse section of the stem magnified. 

T E Lui d dna + : 
HE : J. E. SMITH. 

XXVI. A Cen- 



AAYE: - À Conti i A NAP several new Genera de- 
scribed from his ip By the Rev. William Kirby, M.A. 
FR. and L.S, 

= Read November ^ 1817. 

| po host et apr ae insects occurring in the ento- 
mological cabinets of this country, is rather disgraceful to us: 
and what is more so, we permit foreigners to do that for us which 
we are fully competent to do ourselves. Witness the numbers 
described by Fabricius, Olivier, and others from British col- 
lections. ; 

Tue i nih 

Pudet hze opprobria nobis. — 
Et diei potuisse et non. potuisse refelli.. 

I am not, however, so illiberal as to wish that the entomologists. 
of the continent should be excluded from our cabinets : if we our- 
selves are too idle, or too busy, to give the public some account 
of our entomological treasures, it is for the interest of science that 
they should do it for us. s 

. To remove, in some degree, this opprobrium, I 

offer to the Linnean Society descriptions ofa century of s the non- 

cript insects of 1 my own. cabinet. Should this a tem 
with approbation, I may be induced, perhaps, to dec 
mainder; and I wish tbat my example may stimulate other gen- 
tlemen to do the same with respect to their own collections. 

In my general arrangement I have followed that of my kind 




= found that. 

s. * 

e m 
Mr. Kies Century of Insects. 

and learn it 
| y wes, contained many insects that could not 
well be p laced in any of his Tz ED These I have named 


(Cicindelide) a i 
Mrcacernara Latreille. — — 
brasiliensis. 1. M. viridis, elytris dorso nigro: macula apicis, ore, 

pedibusque rufescentibus, Ed. 

Long. corp. lin. 81—9. s 
Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. | 

M. Caroline simillima, sed minus nitida. Thorax dorso nigrescit. 
— Elytra nigra: margine laterali tantum viridi; macula apicis 
| lineari rufa, nec apex ipse pallidus ut in illa. 


The comparative length of the maxillary and labial palpi, upon 
which this genus is built, seems to me, in this case especially, to 

indicate a family rather than a genus. The labrum, however, is 

of a different shape from that of most other Cicindelide. 

nivea. d ænea niveo-pilosa, labro elytrisque glabris albis. 


Long. corp. lin. 7. 
Habitats in Brasilia. D. Hancock. 

decumbentibus, vestitis. Labrum album glabrum. Elytra 
glaberrima, punctulatissima, alba: scutello suturaque æneis, 
prope basin lineis duabus; interiori longiori; punctorum im- 


e, “in adhering Cow I have — 

| C. capensis, sed paulo angustior. Corpus æneu T 
ibus, capite thorace pedibusque pilis longis niveis 


s^ ^^ 

Mr. Kinn's Century of Taberi, 

pressorum nigrorum. Postpectus * et abdomen medio glabra " 
_ purpurascentia. ipi " 
i (Carabide.) : Wie 

ScaRITES Fabr. 

excavatus. 3. S.ater,elytris elevato-striatis: interstitiis serie punc- 
torum excavatorum. 
Long. corp. lin. 172. 
Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. 
Corpus lineari-oblongum, atrum, glaberrimum, vix nitidum. Caput 
antice striatulum bisulcum : puncto impresso in utroque sulco, 
-alioque insu per utrinque in vertice. Mandibule extus elevato- 
lineatæ, intus dente lato depresso rotundato striato armatæ. 
Elytra striis septem elevatis: interstitiis serie punctorum mag- 
norum excavatorum.  Epipleura + medio longitudinaliter gra- 

Pevecium Kirby. | ; 
Labrum brevissimum disco excavatum, antice et postice obtusan- 
gulum : angulis anum spectantibus. 
Labium apice subemarginatum biaristatum. iid 
Palpi articulo extimo magno elongato obtriangulari sive obcunei- 
formi. < A | | | 
Antenne filiformes. 
Thorax cordato-oblongus. 
Tibie anteriores intus emarg 

205 SES CSS 
hé SET tS 

and de fra et x coa Fic. 
Eiklcs T T TES à à De 6 à La 

* Bythis term Mr. Spence and myself have distinguished that part of the body in which 

the four posterior legs are inserted, 
t By this term we designate that part of the elytrum that is under the lateral margin, 
which often covers the sides of the body, and is remarkable in many Heteromerous insects. 

+ $ 

Mr. KirBx’s Century of Insects. 

i : This genus is distinguished from all others of the tribe by the 
form of its labrum, and of the last joint of the palpi. It should 

be. placed at the end of Latreille’ s fifth section, between Pana- 
geus and Cychrus *. ". 4 

cyanipes. À, P. provin 

Prare XXI. Fig. 1. 
Long. corp. lin. 75. 

Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. 

Corpus oblongum, atrum, glabrum, obscurum. Caput subcor- 
datum violascente-nigrum. Clypeus distinctus, transversus, 
quadrangulus; pone clypeum foveole dus longitudinales. 
Labrum tenue, hic inde obtusangulum: angulis anum spec- 
tantibus, disco excavatum. Mandibule capitis fere longitudine, 

.edentulez, acute. Labium articulatum, apice subemarginatum | 

biaristatum. Mentum magnum, transversum, emarginatum, 
basin maxillarum tegens. Palpi maaillares exteriores quinque- 
articulati: articulis duobus primis brevissimis, tertio elongato 

subarcuato, quarto brevi obconico, extimo magno compresso 

elongato-obtriangulari vel obcuneiformi ; labiales triarticulati : 
articulo primo brevi fere obconico, secundo elongato filiformi 
flexuoso, extimo fere ut in maxillaribus sed paulo majori. An- 
tennæ rufæ, basi violascentes: articulis longitudine fere æqua- 

libus: primis quatuor obconicis, sequentibus oblongis: extimo, 

obtuso. Collum subglobosum. Thorax oblongus vel oblongo- 

»cordatus, quadrangulus, antice latior et emarginatus, postice 

subrepandus et utrinque sulco impressus : lateribus rotundatis 
 marginatis, dorso canaliculatus. Scutellum minutum, triangu- 
lare. Elytra porcata: porcis septem obtusiusculis, ante mar- 

* Cuvier, Règne Animal, iii. 197. : 

Mr. KirBy's Century of Insects... 379 

ginem lateralem serie punctorum excavatorum.  Epipleura an- 
gusta, sinuata. Sternum elevatum apice anum spectante. 
Tibie antice intus emarginatæ. Tarsi anteriores dilatate: arti- 
culo penultimo bilobo. | 


chinense.. 5. C. atrum, supra nigro-æneum, scabrum, elytris punc- 
tis impressis inauratis triplici serie. 
Long. corp. lin. 15. 

Habitat in China. D. J. Davie. 

Corpus subtus atrum, supra nigro-æneum, obscurum. Caput 
punctulis minutissimis confluentibus impressis irroratum. Tho- 
rav punctulis rugulisve confertissimis scaber, dorso obsolete 
canaliculatus, utrinque postice valde impressus. Coleoptra 
oblongo-quadrata, granulis minutissimis numerosissimis exas- 
perata, punctis insuper impressis inauratis triplici serie. Epi- 
pleura angustissima. | 

laterale. 6. C.æneum nitidum, thorace elytrisque margine viridi, 
. his striis crenatis, punctis elevatis triplici serie. 

Long. corp. lin. 13. | 

Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. 

Corpus subtus atrum, supra æneum nitidum. Caput inter oculos 
confluenter, postice sparse, punctulatum. Antenne apice ci- 

 nereo-rufescentes. Thorax canaliculatus, utrinque impressus : 

margine omni viridi punctulato; disco lzviori. Elytra elevato- ` 
striata: striis transverse impresso-lineatis ; interstitiis punctatis, 
unde stri: crenate videntur. Striz a sutura tertia, septima, 
et undecima e punctis elevatis oblongis lzvibus: interstitiis 
viridi-inauratis, constant. Margo lateralis viridis. Epipleura 
antice angusta, postice angustissima et vix ulla. 

YOL. XII. : 3 D : This 

| 380 . Mr. Kinav's Century of Insects; 

- This insect stands in the Banksian cabinet as Carabus calidus 
Fabr.; but since that specimen was not labelled by Fabricius, and 
does not agree either with his description or that of Olivier, I 
conceive my insect to be nondescript. 

curvipes. T. C. nigro-æneum, obscurum, elytris striatis: punctis 
impressis inauratis triplici serie, tibiis posteriori- 
bus arcuatis. 
Long. corp. lin. 112. 
Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. 
Priecedenti simillimum sed minus, supra magis obscurum, tactu 
scabrum. Caput et Thorax punctulis minutissimis confertissimis 

confluentibus tecta; hic totus concolor postice angustior. Ely- 

_ tra fere ut in precedente, sed unicolora nec margine viridi: striis 

 ànterstitiis: haud punctatis,. et omnibus transverse impresso- 
lineatis. Puncta impressa inaurata triplici serie. — Epipleura 
postice magis conspicua. Tibie quatuor posteriores arcuate: 


pulchella. 8. B. elytris acuminatis scabris : laco duabus ob- 
scuris albis, corpore lineari cyaneo. : 

Long. corp. lin. 42. 

Habitat in Australasia. D. MacLeay. 

Corpus angustum, lineare, cyaneum, punctatum. | Caput orbicu- 
latum, postice longitudinaliter impressum. Antenne breves, 
serrate. Thorax ex rugulis transversis scaber, postice utrinque 
elevatus et in medio foveatus. Scutellum transversum, brevis- 
simum, supra. linea elevata. Elytra amoene violacea, ex gra- 
nulis complanatis scabra, sericeo-obscura, pone medium utrin- 
que tumida, basiin medio impressa, apice attenuata et extus 


Mr. Kinay's Century of Insects. — 25» 

mucrone valido acuto armata. Fasciæ duz obsolete piloso- 
albidz ante apicem in elytro cernende. ; 

jucunda. 9. B. elytris serratis cyaneis : fascia postica punctoque 
laterali sanguineis, thorace canaliculato. 

Long. corp. lin. 13. 

Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. 

Corpus oblongum, subtus viride nitidissimum. Caput punctula- 
tum, cyaneum: ore acuminato. Antenne thorace breviores, 
serrate, Cyaneæ. Thorax punctulatus, cyaneus, conicus, an- 
tice truncatus, postice utrinque subito dilatatus et in medio 
sublobatus, dorso canaliculatus. Scutellum rotundatum, basi 
emarginatum, apice impressum. Elytra planiuscula, cyanea, 
striato-punctata, basi impressa, a medio ad apicem serrata, 
ante apicem fascia lata sinuata et in medio prope marginem 
externum puncto, sanguineis. Sternum magnum, protensum, 
conicum. Pedes cyanei. Anus supra rufus. 

At first I mistook this beautiful insect for B. equestris Fabr. ; 
but the terms—Corpus æneum—sterno parum porrecto—Elytra 
punctorum duorum par, by no means agreed with it: and when I 
further compared it with Olivier's B. hemorrhoidalis, to which Fa- 
bricius refers as synonymous with his B. equestris, Iwas fully con- 
vinced that they were distinct species; since from Olivier's figure 
E appears ihat: D. hamorrhoidalis is. little more than half the “se 

of this abdomen are red, whereas fir the latter they are ireen". 

amæna. 10. B. elytris serratis, apice bidentatis, cyaneis, striatis : 
fascia postica subarcuata testacea. 

Long. corp. lin. 84—11. 

* Fabr, Ent. Syst. Em. ii. 195. Oliv. ii. Buprestis 32. 38. 47, t. x. f. 109. 
3 D 2 Habitat 

382 Mr. Kinrsy’s Century of Insects. 

-. Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. 

Affinis precedenti sed alia. Corpus e viridi cyaneum. Thorax 
haud canaliculatus: angulis posticis non dilatatis. Scutellum 
oblongum. Elytra subsulcata: sulcis vix conspicue puncta- 
tis, ante apicem fascia subarcuata subtestacea aut flava, apice 
ipso interne bispinoso. Abdomen supra et infra concolor. 

Var. 8. minor, cyanea: elytris fascia vix arcuata lutea: thoracis 
dorso foveolis binis impressis. An eadem? 

leucosticta. 11. B. elytris serrulatis atro-violaceis scabris: punc- 
tis sparsis albis, corpore aurato-viridi. 
Long. corp. lin. 6—63. 
Habitat in Australasia. D. MacLeay. 
| . B. in Mus. D. Brown. i 
n oblongum, subcylindricum, aurato-viride, punctulatum. 
- Caput orbiculatum, excavato-punctatum, cupreo-auratum, inter 
oculos valde impressum. Antenne breves, æneæ, serrate. 
Thorar cupreo-auratus, excavato-punctatus. Scutellum latum, 
acuminatum, leve, aurato-viride. Elytra atro-violacea, reti- 
culato-rugosa: areolis singulis granuliferis unde tactu scabra, 
punctis sparsis squamoso-albis irrorata, apice serrulata. : 4b- 
domen segmentis ventralibus utrinque macula squamoso-alba. 
Var. 8. capite thoraceque aurato-viridibus ; elytris purpurascen- 
pubescens. 12. E. niger, thoracis lateribus linea intermedia litu- 
| risque duabus obliquis, elytrorumque latere 
exteriori, pallidis. 
Long. corp. lin. 93. 
Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. 

Mr. Kirpy’s Century of Insects. 385 

Corpus lineare, nigrum, ex pube infuscatum. . Caput inter oculos 
fovea impressa. Antenne thoracis fere longitudine, serrate. 
Thorax obtuse canaliculatus : margine laterali et antico, lituris 
duabus dorsalibus obliquis, lineaque intermedia longitudinali, 
pallidis. Scutellum oblongum. ` Elytra vix striata, basi im- 
pressa: margine laterali, apice excepto, late pallida. 

inermis. 13. E. testaceus, thcrace linea dorsali, ran sp vittis 
tribus, antennisque, nigris. 
Long. corp. lin. 174. 
Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. : 

Corpus lineari-lanceolatum, læve, nitidum, glaberrimum, subtus 
pallide testaceum. Palpi mazillares articulo extimo magno, 
oblongo, subarcuato, subpetiolato, compresso. Facies inter 
oculos pone antennas utrinque longitudinaliter elevata: fossula 
profunda intermedia. Antenne thoracis longitudine, serrate, 
nigræ : articulis duobus primis testaceis. Thorax elongatus in- 
æqualis, flavo-testaceus : vitta dorsali nigra, antice obsolete tri- 
]obus : lobo intermedio emarginato ; lateralibus deflexis, postice 
etiam trilobus : lobo intermedio truncato ; lateralibus acutissi- 
mis. Scutellum rotundatum. Coleoptra punctato-striata, trans- 
verse rugulosa, basi impressa, lutea: vittis tribus, intermedia 
communi, lateralibus per medium elytri a humero ductis, nigris, 
apice mucronata. Abdomen subtus segmento anali foyeis binis 
ovatis excavatis pilosis. 

cornutus, 14, E. testaceus, capite bicorni, thorace lineis duabus 
dorsalibus interruptis, coleoptrisque vittis tri- 
z bus atris. 
| Long. corp. lin. 11—15. 
Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. 
Corpus dilute testaceum, nitidum, subtus utrinque vitta, sæpius 

384 Mr. Kirey’s Century of Insects. 

interrupta, atra. -Caput cornubus duobus brevibus porrectis 
antice armatum, inter cornua impressum, puncto nigro antice 
et postice signatum. Palpi et Antenne fere ut in precedente. 
Thorax elongatus, antice utrinque angulis porrectis, postice 
obsolete trilobus: lobis rotundatis, lineis binis dorsalibus pone 
interruptis, et utrinque supra et infra puncto laterali, atris. 
Scutellum subrotundatum. Coleoptra punctato-striata: vittis 
tribus, intermedia communi, lateralibus marginalibus basin 
haud attingentibus, atris, apice mucronata. Abdomen subtus 
segmento anali foveis binis oblongis pilosis. | 

These two insects seem nearly allied to three species of Fabri- 
cius, Æ. suturalis, bicornis, and vespertinus; but at the same time 
they appear to be quite distinct from them. From the first they 
are sufficiently distinguished by having no lateral thoracic tooth 
or spine; from the second in their colour, E. bicornis being en- 
tirely black; and from the third i in the colour of their head and 
antenne. From the different shape of the last joint of their 
.palpi, and from the remarkable pair of impressions on the anal 
segment of the underside of the abdomen, these insects should 
form a distinct family, if not a distinct genus. 


Labrite tectum, minutum, apice rotundatum. 

Labium subquadratum, bifidum. 

Mandibule exsertæ, edentulæ, incurvæ, acutæ. 

Palpi brevissimi, filiformes. Mavillares articulo extimo paulo 
majori, oblique truncato. s 

Antenne filiformes, moniliformes: articulo extimo sublunato. 

Corpus lineare, subcylindricum. 

Pectus inerme. 

Mr. Kirpy’s Century of Insects. . See 

This genus connects Latreille’s tribe of Cebrionites (Cebrionide K.) 
with the Elateride. It differs from all the present genera of that 
tribe in its moniliform antenne and short palpi, and more espe- ` 
cially in having its labrum quite concealed by the clypeus. From 
Elater, which in habit it most resembles, it is distinguished not 
only by these circumstances, but also by its protended mandibles 
and deflexed sternum. | 

 Drurii. :35:.A. | 
Phara XXI. Fic. 2. 
Long. corp. lin. 6. 
Habitat Ex Muszo D. Drury. 

Corpus lineare, subcylindricum, fuscum, obscurum, sonbeusr. 
Caput suborbiculatum, thorace receptum. | Labrum subinflex- 
um, parvum, apice rotundatum, hirsutum, clypeo penitus tec- 
tum. Labium subquadratum, bifidum. — Mandibule exsertæ, 
edentulz, apice incurva, acute.  Maaille breves: lobo lato, 
corneo, glabro, apice rotundato. Palpi brevissimi; filiformes, 
maaillares articulo extimo obtriangulari. Mentum transversum, 
quadrangulum, disco excavatum. Antenne in sinu frontis 
anteriori insertæ, thorace breviores, filiformes, moniliformes : 
articulo primo incrassato reliquis longiori, secundo subgloboso, 
tertio sequentibus longiori obconico, sequentibus subglobosis, 
extimo longiori sublunato acuto. Thorax convexus, antice 
transversus, postice dorso acini tre obsolete trilobus : an- 
gulis lateralibus. acuminatis. . tellum tr ilare, acutum. 
Elytra striata : striis punctatis. "Epipleard vix ulla. Tibie apice 
bicalcarate. Sternum deflexum. 

at PT 

RurPricrnA Latreille. 
marginata. 16. R.viridis pubescens, elytris fuscis punctatis: mar- 
gine omni pallido, pedibus nigris basi rufis. 

386 Mr. Kannav's Century of Insects. 

Prate XXI. Fic. 3. 
Long. corp. lin. 103—12. 
Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. : 

Corpus lineare, subcylindricum, obscuro-viride, mollissime cine- 
reo-pubescens. Caput suborbiculatum. Labrum rotundatum, 
apice emarginatum. Labium integrum, minutum, hirsutissi- 
mum. Mandibule magne, porrectæ, primum divergentes, de- 
mum subito convergentes, unde subfractæ evadunt, intus 
basin versus dente valido acuto armate. Palpi longi admo- 
dum: articulo extimo subovato. Mentum transversum. An- 
tenne nigra, multiarticulate, flabellatæ : ramulis circiter 27,a 
medio basin versus et apicem longitudine sensim decrescentes. | 
Thorax subconicus, antice transversus, postice obsolete trilo- 

bus: lobo intermedio emarginato, lateralibus acutis. Elytra 
- fusca, punctata, margine omni, summo apice excepto, pallide 
favo. Pedes nigri: femoribus, apice excepto, coxisque rufis. 
Tibie apice bicalcaratz. Sternum rufum, acutum, incurvum, 

vix deflexum. Abdomen segmentis plerisque apice obscure 

The Brasil species of this genus vary from those of New Hol- 
land (one of which I shall hereafter have occasion to describe) in. 
having only one tooth near the inner base of each mandible; 
whereas in the latter there are two. The last joint of the palpi of 
this. is cylindrical, while in R. marginata it is subovate or ovato- 
lanceolate. Hence may be formed two natural families in the 

genus, * Mandibulis intus unidentatis ; ** Mandibulis intus biden- 

(Lampyride.) , 

Mr. Kirpy’s Century of Insects. 387 


Lampyris Linn. 
* Ovate. 

Latreilli. 17. L. elytris nigris testaceo-lineatis, antennis mas- 
culis disticho-flabellatis, femineis disticho-ser- 

Pratt XXI. Fro. 4. 

Long. corp. d. lin. 12. 

| | 2, lin. 13. 
Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. 


Corpus depressum, atrum, obscurum. Antenne decem-articulate, 
nigra: articulis intermediis octo utrinque ex apice ramum 
longum, compressum, linearem, fere foliiformem, flexilem emit- 

 tentibus, extimo simplici compresso longissimo. Thora pal- 
lide testaceus: maculis tribus magnis, intermedio longiori tri- 

7 angulari, nigris. Elytra confluenter punctulatissima ; margine 
omni, apice excepto, lineolis tribus obscuris dorsalibus, vitta- 
que hamata a humeris ducta postice abbreviata, pallide testa- 
ceis. Ale nigrae. Abdomen immaculatum. . 
: à ! 

Antenne undc imbricatim disticho-serratæ. 

In honorem viri . , Entomologorum hodiernorum facile 
principis, DOPO Latreille, Galli. 

icd E Ie 

Illigeri. 18. L. thorace lituris duabus elytris unica laterali ba- 
sis, pallidis, antennis flabellatis. 

Long. corp. lin. 10. 

— Habitat in Brasilia: D. Hancock. . | 
YOL. XII. 3 E Corpus 

388 Mr. Kinnv's Century of. Iisects. 

Corpus atrum, supra magis obscurum. Antenne nigræ, undecim- 
articulate, intus flabellatæ. Thorav reflexus, punctatus, dorso 
leviusculus gibbus: lituris duabus obliquis pallidis. Elytra 
confluenter punctulatissima; lineis quinque longitudinalibus 
elevatiusculis in apicem elytri anastomosantibus, vitta margi- 
nali basis pallida. Pedes basi pallidi. Abdomen subtus seg- 
mento anali utrinque lucernula* pallida. 

In honorem viri doctissimi, et in Entomologia heu desideratissimi, 

D. Illigeri, Borussi. 

Savignü. 19. L. thorace fenestrato pallido; dorso margineque 

nigris: vitta laterali abdomineque pallidis. 
Long. corp. lin. 91. 

Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. : | 
Affinis precedenti, sed distincta. Corpus pallidum. Antenne 

corpore dimidio breviores, nigri, compressæ, serrate. Thorax 

pallidus, vix reflexus, supra oculos fenestratus: dorso gibbo 
` margineque nigris. Elytra fusco-nigra: lineis quatuor eleva- 
` tis obsoletiusculis, vitta Jaterali apicem haud attingente pal- 
~ Jida. ; 
` In honorem Zoologia Ægypti peritissimi interpretis, in Entomolo- 
gia oculatissimi, D. J. C. Savigny, Galli. - - ; 


- Y exclude from this tribe two genera placed in it by Latreille, 
(Mastigus Hoff. and Scydmenus Latr.), but which, having little 
affinity with it, had better stand by themselves, and then divide 
it into two sections: the first containing those with serrated an- 
tennæ (serricornes), and the second those with clavated (clavicornes). 

* By this term I distinguish the phosphoric spots on the thorax of Elater noctilucus, 

and those also on the ventral segments of the abdomen of Lampyris, : : 
| * Serricornes. 

Mr. Krnpy's Century of Insects. 389 

* Serricornes. 
Evryeus Kirby. 

Labrum transversum, integrum. 
Labium bifidum. 
Palpi omnes articulo extimo majori, securiformi. 
mazillares quadriarticulati. 
labiales biarticulati. 
Antenne serrate. 
Thorax subquadratus. 
Corpus depressum. 
| Trizus Fabr. 
Labrum transversum, integrum. 
Labium minutum, integrum. 
Palpi maaillares filiformes, triarticulati. 
labiales biarticulati: articulo extimo maximo, securiformi. 
Antenne serrate. 
Thorax cylindricus. 
Corpus convexum, | 
| AxiNA Kirby. 
Labrum emarginatum. 
Labium bifidum? _ : | 
Palpi omnes articulo extimo magno, securiformi. 
— . gnaaillares triarticulati, | 
labiales biarticulati. 
Antenne serrate. — 
Thorax cylindricus. 
Corpus subdepressum. 
= PriocerA Kirby. 
Labrum emarginatum. | 
Labium bifidum. 

3z2 Palpi 

390 Mr. Kirey’s Century of Insects. 

Palpi maxillares filiformes, quadriarticulati: articulo extimo com- 
presso, oblongo. : 
labiales triarticulati: articulo extimo magno, petiolato, se- 
curiformi. eter | TN 
Antenna serrate. 
Thorax teretiusculus, postice valde constrictus. 
Corpus convexum. 

Latreille's character of Tillus in Cuvier's Règne Animal *, “où 
la majeure partie des antennes est en forme de scie, et où les 
tarses, vus sur les deux faces, ont cinque articles trés-apparens,” 
would include the four genera I have here defined. But the other 
characters exhibited by them, both as to their habit and general 
form, and their oral instruments, are so different, that every ento- 
mologist who at all adopts that learned author's system would 
consider them as good genera. Thus in Eurypus and Tillus the 
labrum is entire, while in Arina and Priocera it is emarginate. 
Again, the labium in Tillus is entire, but in the three other genera 
bifid. In Eurypus and Axina all the palpi terminate in. a securi- 
form joint; in Tillus and Priocera, only the labial ones. In Eury- 
pus and Priocera the maxillary palpi consist of four joints ; in 
Tillus and Avina, only of three. In Eurypus, Tillus, and Aaina 
the labial palpi are biarticulate, but in Priocera they are triarti- 
culate. In Eurypus the square; in Tillus and Aring, 
cylindrical ; and in Priocera, constricted behind. 


" rubens. 20. E. 
| PraATE XXI. Fre. 5. 

- Long. corp. lin. 6, 
Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. 

* iji, 254, | P | 

Mr, Kirpy’s Century of Insects. 391 

Corpus lineari-oblongum, depressum, nitidiusculum, punctalatis- 
simum, villosulum, rubens. Caput suborbiculatum: ore pro- 
ducto. Labrum transversum, integrum. Labium bifidum. Man- 
dibule tectæ. Palpi maaillares longiusculi, quadriarticulati : 
articulo primo brevissimo subcylindrico, sequentibus duobus 
brevibus obconicis, extimo magno obtriangulari, /abiales biar- 
ticulati brevissimi: articulo primo filiformi, secundo majori, 
sed non magno, obtriangulari. Mentum subtransversum qua- 
drangulum. Antenna serrate? rufæ, apice nigrz. (In nostro 
specimine articuli quatuor ultimi desunt.) . Oculi prominuli, sub- 
hemispherici. Thorax subquadratus, planiusculus: dorso fo- 
veis binis impressis. Elyéra planiuscula, basi latere exteriori, 
et lineola apicis prope suturam nigris. Pedes breves. Tibie 
vix calcarate. Tarsi articulo penultimo latissimo, bilobo. 


Pirit XXI. Fio. 6. 

: Long. corp. lin. 6. 

- Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. 

Corpus lineare, villosum, subtus fuscum, supra pallidum. Caput 
deflexum, orbiculatum, punctatum, rufescens. Labrum trans- 
versum, emarginatum. Labium bifidum?  Mandibule eden- 

. tuhe. Palpi rufi, mazillares triarticulati : articulo primo elon- 
gato clavato, secundo brevi obconico, extimo magno securi- 

A formi, labiales articulo primo et extimo ut in maxillaribus. 
| Oculi magni, reniformes, villosi, distincte reticulati. Antenne 
thorace breviores, rufie. Thorax elongatus, cylindricus, punc- 
tatus, dorso impressus, rufescens : lateribus fuscis. Elytra dorso 
planiuscula, punctata: lateribus, fasciis duabus; prima ante 

medium angusta, angulata, intus abbreviata, altera latiori di- 

analis, 921. A. 

392 Mr. Krnnay's Century of Insects. 

lutiori apicis, punctisque sparsis, fuscis. Apex ipse elytri im- 
maculatus. Pedes fusci. Tibie vix calcaratæ. Tarsi longius 
pulvillati. Abdomen subtus segmentis duobus ultimis pallide 
flavis. | vt | 


PraATE XXI. Fic. 7. 
Long. corp. lin 6. 
Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. 

Corpus lineare, nitidum, fusco-nigrum, villosum. Caput suborbi- 
culatum, deflexum, ex punctis confluentibus inter oculos rugu- 
losum. Labrum transversum apice emarginatum. Labium bifi- 
dum. Maxille lobo exteriori elongato, rotundato. Mandibule 
apice dentatæ. Palpi maaillaresfiliformes, quadriarticulati: arti- 
culis tribus primis brevissimis, extimo oblongo subcompresso, 
labiales triarticulati: articulo primo brevissimo, secundo elon- 
gato lineari compresso, extimo magno petiolato securiformi. 
Mentum subquadratum, disco excavatum. Antenne rufescentes, 
capite longiores, serrate, ex cochlea tubiformi in cantho oculo- 
rum sita provenientes. Oculi magni, reniformes, villosi, distincte 
reticulati. Thorax fuscus, punctatus, teretiusculus, postice 
valde constrictus et strangulatus, unde quasi capuciformis, 
dorso impressus. Coleoptra dimidiato-excavato-punctata, apice 
levia, rufa: maculis quatuor magnis quadratim ordinatis ; an- 
ticis duabus humeros occupantibus, posticis fasciæformibus 

| per medium transverse ductis, punctisque intermediis, flavis. 
Fascia fusca lata pone fasciam mediam flavam cernenda in 
singulo elytro. Apex immaculatus. Pedes fusco-nigri: tarsis 
rufescentibus ; pulvillis elongatis involutis. Tibie vix calca- 
rate. Abdomen subtus segmentis apice summo anaque rufis. 

variegata. 22. P. 

** Clavicornes, 

Mr. Kannay's Century of Insects. 393 

** Clavicornes. 

asi EwoPLiUM Latr. 
lituratum. 23. E. pallidum, capite thoraceque rufis, elytris litura 
arcuata, antennisque, nigris. 

Long. corp. lin. 6. 

Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. , 
Corpus obcuneato-lineare, pallidum, pubescens. Caput orbicu- 
latum, rufum, punctatum. Labrum transversum, emarginatum. 
- Labium apice bilobum: lobis rotundatis. Mandibule eden- 
tulæ, apice rotundatæ. Palpi maaillares triarticulati: articulo 
extimo majori subsecuriformi, labiales biarticulati: articulo 
extimo item securiformi. Antenne nigre : articulo primo rufo, 
tribus ultimis magnis clavam serratam formantibus, Thorax 
teretiusculus, punctatus, rufus, utrinque vitta nigra: lateribus 
retusis. Elytra punctata, apice latiora, pallida, basi rufescentia: 
litura angusta laterali arcuata, apiceque summo, nigris. Pedes 
pallidi: duobus anterioribus genubus nigris. Tibie vix calca- 
rate. Tarsi articulo primo minutissimo et tantum non obsoleto, 

| supra nigri, subtus longius pulvillati pallidi : articulis interme- 
diis bilobis. 

The first joint of the tarsi in this genus is scarcely visible under 

a strong magnifier; so that they may rather be regarded as tetra- 
merous than pentamerous insects. _ 

viridipenne. 24. E. rufum, elytris aurato-viridibus i punctato- 
| striatis, abdomine nigro utrinque punctis 
flavis. : ; 
Long. corp. lin. 71. 
Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. 
Corpus lineare, rufum, punctatum, subhirtum. | Caput et Thorax 

394 Mr. Kirey’s Century of Insects. 

figura fere ut in precedente. Antenne rufæ. Elytra aurato- 
viridia, nitidissima, basi seriatim punctata: punctis excavatis, 
apice levissime punctulata. Abdomen nigrum: <o nd utrin- 
que lineola transversa flava. i 

Crrnvs Latr. 
Nutalli. 25. C. cyaneus, elytris rubris: sutura, fasciis tribus, 
punctoque humerali, cyaneis. 
Long. corp. lin. 4. 
Habitat in America septentrionali, prope flumen Missouri. 

D. Nutall. 

Valde affinis C. apiario et C. leucopsideo Oliv. ambobus tamen 

multo minor. A priori precipue differt statura angustiori, hu- 
. meris elytrorum puncto suturaque cæruleis, fasciaque antica 
. latiori. A posteriori antennis clava nigra, femoribusque petes 
. nullo modo incrassatis, bene distinguitur. 

Hister Linn. 

Omega. 26. H. ater, nitidissimus, elytris. quadristriatis, thoracis 
lateribus punctulatis, fronte » Grecorum im- 
pressa signata. 

Long. corp. lin. 5. 
Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. 

Corpus latum, subquadratum, læve, nitidum, aterrimum. Caput 
inter oculos litera v Græcorum.(qua nota ab omnibus reliquis 
Histeribus differt) impressa signatum. Thorax dorso levissimus: 
lateribus minutissime et absque lente forti vix conspicue punc- 
tulatis. Punctum majusculum valde impressum ante scutel- 
lum. Elytra pone humeros subsinuata, brevissima, quadristri- 
ata ;. 

Mr. Krrey’s Century of Insects. 395 

afa: striis tribus, exterioribus interiori longioribus, abbreviatis, 
externa undulata, levissime exaratis. Truncus subtus utrin- 
que lineolis exsculptus. Tibie antice quadridentate. Poder 
utrinque punctatus. 

Hororepra Paykull. 

flagellata. 27. H. atra, elytris bistriatis, abdomine segmento pe- 
nultimo utrinque sulcato. 

Long. corp. lin. 5. 
Habitat in Australasia. 

Corpus ovato-oblongum, depressum, nitidum, lave, atrum, subtus 
lateribus punctatis. Caput mandibulis porrectis ascendenti- 
bus. Thorax utrinque sulco marginali exaratus. Elytra apice 
oblique truncata: angulo exteriori rotundato, tristriata : stria 

. interiori integra, intermedia basis, exteriori apicis, abbreviatis. 
Tibie omnes quadridentatæ. Abdomen segmento dorsali penul- 
timo utrinque punctato bisulco: sulcis in angulum obtusum 
latus spectantem conniventibus. Anus ipse deflexus punctatus. 

NiriDULA Fabr. : 
hemispherica. 28. N.nigra, supra viridis, abdomine pedibusque 
| Long. corp. lin. 93. 
. Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. — | 
Statura N. lutee et quadripunctate Illig. Corpus glabrum, suh- 
tus planum nigrum, supra valde convexum viride, Ininutissime 
punctulatum. — 4ntennz flave: capitulo triarticulato, orbicu- 
lato, nigro. Scutellum maximum, subtriangulare. Abdomen 
cum pedibus flavum. 
VOL. XII. oce (Scarabæide.) 

396 Mr. Krnav's Century of Insects. 

| — Copris. — ! 
floriger. 99. C. thorace viridi-æneo: cornubus duobus elevatis, 
subincurvis nigris, capitis erecto apice compla- 
nato subemarginato. 
| ` Long. corp. lin. 94. 
Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. 
Affinis C. splendidulo et conspicillato Fabr. sed alia. 
3. | 

Corpus viridi-æneum. Caput nigrum, lateribus postice viridi-&keis. 
Clypeus rugulosus, subbidentatus: cornu thorace breviori erecto, 
apice complanato subemarginato incurvo, basi dilatato utrin- 
que dente obsoleto obtuso armato. Antenne dimidiato-tuni- 
cate: articulis lunatis. Thorax metallico splendore nitidus, 
antice dente parvo armatus, utrinque, ante pu nctum ordinarium 
excavatum, puncto nigro notatus, postice in medio subacumi- 
natus, dorso foveatus: fovea magna biloba in medio cornubus 
duobus, longis admodum, acuminato-subtriangularibus: acu- 
mine nigro, subincurvis armatus; lateribus postice sinu excisis. 
Elytra substriata: strus quatuor interioribus basi foveatis, ni- 
gro-viridia : sutura viridi. Corpus subtus nigrum : podice, post- 
pectoris disco, femoribusque supra viridi-æneis. Tibie antic 
obtuse tridentate. 7 


Femina altero sexu paulo major, clypeo haud cornuto, transverse 
carinato, thorace antice foveato: fovea parva viridiæneo ; den- 
tibus tribus nigris obsoletis obtusis in triangulo obtusangulo 
dispositis, armato, macula magna dorsali nigra lobata ; lobis 
recurvis florem expansum quodammodo simulante, cornubus 
dorsalibus foveave postica nullis. Corpus subtus totum atrum : 

femoribus quaii posticis solummodo nigris. 
Var. B. 

Mr. Kirey’s Century of Insects. . $91 

Var. B. thorace femoribusque quatuor posticis supra, cupreo- 
auratis: macula thoracis dorsali minori; lobis vix recurvis. 

This species is nearly related to C. splendidulus and conspicil- 
latus Fabr. From the former it is distinguished not only by 
having the horn on the head flattened instead of compressed at: 
its apex, but the thoracic horns are narrower and more elevated, 
and the fovea does not extend the whole length of the thorax : 
besides, in C. splendidulus the horn terminates near the anterior 
margin of the thorax in a prominent tooth, which is wanting in 
C. floriger. C. conspicillatus is also a native of Brasil; but the 
thorax of this is very retuse anteriorly, and armed with two teeth 
only, which is not the casc with the insect I have described. The 
insects in question, with several other species, vary from Copris 
in their antenne and some other characters, and form a connect- . 
ing link between Onitis and that genus. 

Onrnopuacus Latr. 

Greeni. 30. O. obscurus, clypeo emarginato transverse carinato, 
: thorace punctatissimo : punctis papillatis, elytris 
scabris. icd | 
Long. corp. lin. 6. re sided 
Habitat apud Promontorium Bone Spei. D. Green. 

Corpus atrum, obscurum, fere hemispheericum. Caput rugulosum, 
antice emarginatum, postice linea transversa elevata. Thorax 
antice utrinque obsolete retusus, punctulis creberrimis conflu- 

entibus papillatis irroratus. Elytra granulis minutissimis, sine 
lente forti vix conspicuis, scabra, punctis etiam haud profun- 
dis notata. Tibie anticz obtuse tridentate. 

This insect seems to vary somewhat from the habit of Onthopha- 
gus, and forms an intermediate link between it and Copris. ` 
. Sr2 : macro- 

808 Mr. Kinny’s Century of Insects. 

macrocephalus. 31. O. niger, nitidus, thorace retuso, clypeo elon- 
gato: occipite lamina lata apice nutante. 


Long. corp. lin. 7. 
Habitat in Australasia. 

Corpus nigrum, nitidum, subtus ferrugineo pubescens. Clypeus 
elongatus, acuminatus, supra concavus, postice transverse ca- 
rinatus: Occiput lamina longa lata, isoscelem triangulum refe- 
rente, recumbente, apice nutante. Thorax brevissimus, late- 
-yibus rotundato-obtusangulis, antice retusus, dorso obsolete 
canaliculatus. Tibie anticæ quadridentatæ. 

Capella. 32. O. niger, thorace antice retuso bituberculato, cly- 
peo punctato, occipite lamina lata bicorni. 
. Long. corp. lin. 63. 
Habitat in Australasia. ' 
Corpus nigrum, obscurum, subtus pubescens. Caput clypeo ro- 
tundato, punctato, postice transverse carinato. Occiput lamina 
transversa, elevata, arcuata, utrinque cornu brevi obtuso sub- 
incurvo armata. Antenne picez: clava pallida. Thorax punc- 
tatus, dorso canaliculatus, antice retusus in medio bitubercula- 
tus. Tibie antice obtuse tridentate. 

rugosus. 33. O. niger, rugosus, thorace tricorni: intermedio bi- 
lobo, clypeo emarginato. - 

Long. corp. lin. 5—6. 
Habitat in Australasia. D. MacLeay. 
Corpus nigrum, subtus pubescens. Caput rugoso-punctatissimum : 
occipite punctis sparsis. Clypeus antice attenuatus, apice sub- 
emarginatus, postice linea transversa elevata subundulata. 

Vertex transverse obsolete carinatus. Thorax antice retusus 
tricornis : 

Mr. Kirpy’s Century of Insects. 399 

trigornis: cornubus lateralibus minutis dentiformibus, interme- 
dio majori protenso bilobo: lobis divergentibus apice rotunda- 
tis, pone cornua rugosissimus. Elytra striata rugosissima : ru- 
gis dedaleis. Tibie anteriores reliquis longiores, arcuate, qua- 
dridentate : dentibus tribus primis prelongis, acutis. | 

Alter sexus minor, thorace quadridentato : dentibus æqualibus, 
tibiis anterioribus brevioribus. | 

ScarABæÆus Latreille. 

Æneas. 34. S. thoracis cornu incurvo bifido: lobis acutis, capi- 
tis recurvo compresso simplici, elytris brevibus. 
 Long.corp. lin. 21. . 

Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. — 

Corpus nigrum, subtus pubescens. Caput cornu elongato, com- 
presso, arcuato, recurvo, simplici, acuto, punctato, basi rugu- 
loso, armatum. Clypeus apice bidentatus: dentibus recurvis. 
Mandibule apice bidentate: dentibus elongatis. Thorar an- 
tice declivis, postice dorso valde gibbus et quasi in monticulum 
elevatus: gibbere cornu brevi horizontali protenso bifido: lo- 
bis acutis, armato. Latera thoracis rugosa. Elytra nigro- 
castanea, nitidissima, sparse levissime punctulata : latere punc- 
tis majoribus cinereis irrorata, stria, huic generi ordinaria, crispa 
apud suturam notanda. Tibie antice acute tridentate. 

This species has considerable affinity with Geotrupes bilobus 

Tabr-: ; but the eyes a are not Mtinted, Add the lobes of the tho- 

‘racic horn are acute. - i 

Ascanius.. 35. S. thorace antice retuso mucronato, clypeo emar- 

Long. corp. lin. 11. 

Habitat à in Brasilia. D. Hancock. | 

400 — Mr. Krnnpy's Century of Insects. 

Corpus fere rufo-castaneum nitidum. Caput e punctulis conflu- 
entibus rugulosum : linea elevata transversa in medio sinuata. 
Clypeus emarginatus. Thorax punctatus, fovea magna: fundo 
ruguloso, antice excavatus. Ante foveam in margine ipso 
cornu breve rectum obtusum. Elytra punctato-striata infra 
apicem gibba: gibbere brevissimo. Tibie anticz acute tri- 
dentate. Tarsi antici unguiculo interno bifido. 

This species appears. to be related to Geotrupes Zoilus Fabr. ; 
but it is of a different colour, and considerabl y larger than that 
insect as figured by Olivier. 

Metotontua Fabr. 

aurulenta. 36. M. cupreo-aurata, subtus. piloso-incana, thorace 
. fovea dorsali fundo carinato, clypeo emargi- 
nato. : 
Long. corp. lin. 4. 

Habitat in Australasia. D. MacLeay. ] 

Affinis videtur M. aulicole Fabr. (M. aulica Oliv.) sed alia. Cor- 
pus oblongum, cupreo-auratum, subtus piloso-incanum. Caput 
subpilosum, confluenter punctulatum. Clypeus quadratus, re- 
flexus, apice emarginatus, supra transverse carinatus. "Thorac 
punctatus: punctis sparsis, utrinque impressus, lateribus ob- 
tusangulis vel subspinosis, fovea dorsali haud profunda longi- 
tudinaliter carinata postice impressus. Elytra excavato-punc- 
tatissima: lineis duabus longitudinalibus elevatis obsoleti- 
usculis. Tarsi violacei. Tibie antice bidentate : dente apicis 
elongato. | 

Obs. An hujus generis ? 


Mr. Kirpy’s Century of Insects. 401 

Genrates Kirby. 

Labrum transversum, antice obtusangulum, subtus processu parvo 
inflexo munitum. 

Labium transversum, latissimum, breve, medio acuminatum, basi 
palpigerum. | | 

 Mandibule subarcuatæ, cornes, validæ, apice emarginate. 

Maxille mandibuliformes, subarcuatæ, cornez, validæ, apice tri-- 

Antenne novem-articulatæ : clava Ltephylle, elongata, lineari-lan- 
ceolata, pilosa. 

Pectus et Postpectus inermia. 

Tarsi antici masculi articulis quatuor primis dilatatis subtus SCO-- 
pula pilorum dense pulvinatis. 

Unguiculi posteriores externi apice bifidi, antici pollice basi in- 

i structi. 

ArocoNIA Kirby.. 

juices postice rotundatum, antice medio acuminatum: 

Labium transversum, medio subacuminatum, basi palpigerum. 

Mandibule subarcuatæ, corneæ, validissimæ, apice fornicatæ, sub- 

Maxille mandibuliformes, brevissimæ, corneæ, apice edentulie 
subemarginatæ. onm | f 

Palpi subclavati. 3 a 

Antenne decem-articulate : clava hn Ae sublanceolata, pilosa. 

Pectus et Postpectus inermia. 

Unguiculi omnes apice bifidi. 


Labrum transversum, antice medio acuminatum. 
Labium quadratum, medio acuminatum, sub apice palpigerum. 

402 Mr. Kirey’s Century of Insects. 

Mandibule breves, validissimæ, corneæ, apice edentulæ integer- 
rime extus rotundatæ intus acute incurve. 

Maxille mandibuliformes, arcuate, breves, validæ, corneæ, lobo 
edentulo fornicato, apice subemarginato. 

Palpi subclavati. 

Antenne decem-articulatæ : clava triphylla, semiovata, pilosa. 

Poststernum caput versus protensum, conicum. 

Unguiculi omnes simplices. 

I have given the characters of Anoplognathus, as well as of the 
two genera I have here established, that I might afford a clearer 
view of those particulars in which they differ, in order that the 
claim of the latter to be considered as dístinct genera may be more 
readily perceived. In habit and externa! appearance they cer- 
tainly appear very unlike each other; but their oral organs are 
upon the whole so similar, that from these they might perhaps be 
thought to belong to the same genus, and be well arranged under 
Anoplognathus. A near view of them, however, will I trust jus- 
tify me for giving them as distinct. 

In the first place, Anoplognathus is distinguished, besides its 
general habit which at first sight appears different, from both 
Geniates and Apogonia by the remarkable protended conical post- 
sternum observable in all the species of that genus; in the next, 
by having all its claws simple and undivided ; in this respect re- 
sembling Rutela. Its labium also is of a different shape, unless 
it may be regarded as connate with the mentum. From Geniates 
it differs in having maxille without teeth at the end and very 
concave, and, which is important, its antennæ have one more 
joint. ‘Those remarkable circumstances, peculiar to the males 
of Geniates, of a stiffly-bearded mentum and dilated anterior tar- 
si, furnish also a striking distinction. From A pogonia it may be 

| known 

Mr. Kirex's Century of Insects. —— 403 

known not only by the particulars before noticed, but also by its 
transverse labrum, its entire and very concave maxilla, and by 
the elytra covering all the joints of the upper side of the abdomen 
butthelast; whereas in Apogonia the two last joints are uncovered. 
Geniates may be distinguished from Apogonia not only by this 
last circumstance, in which it agrees with Anoplognathus, but also 
by having a transverse labrum, maxillae armed with three teeth, 
by the insertion of its head, which is inclined towards the horizon, 
whereas in Apogonia it is nearly vertical, by having a joint less in 
its antennæ, by the beard on its chin, and remarkable dilated 
anterior tarsi before noticed, by having only its exterior claw, and 
not both, hifid at the apex; and lastly, by the remarkable thumb- 
like process at the base of the inner anterior claw. 


burbatus. 37. G. testaceus, capite postice nigro, mento masculo 
dense barbato, elytris striatis. 
PrarE XXI. Fie. 8. 
| Long. corp. lin. 82. 
Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. Femina in Museo D. Mac- 
Leay. | IR I DE 

Statura fere Melolonthæ melanocephale Fabr. scd major. Corpus 
oblongum, testaceum, subtus parum pubescens. Caput declive, 
confluenter punctatum, postice nigrum. Clypeus transversus 

. rugulosus, antice rotundatus : margine reflexo. Oculi magni, 
_subglobosi. Thorax transversus, marginatus, levissime punctula- 
tus, antice subretusus emarginatus, postice subrepandus: late- 
ribus rotundatis. Scutellum triangulare, punctulatum. Elytra 
striata: striis subpunctatis ; interstitiis alternis punctatis. Ti- 
bie antice tridentate. Tarsi quatuor posteriores unguiculis ex- 
VOL. XII. 3G ternis 

404 Mr. Kinny's Century of Insects. 

ternis apice bifidis, antici dilatati subtus scopula densa rigida 

pulvillati, trianguiculati: ungue intermedio longiori bifido, in- 

terno brevi arcuato obtuso polliciformi. | 
Obs. Foemine mentum imberbe, tarsi antici vix dilatati. 

Another insect in my cabinet, which I regard as Melolontha 
ruficollis Fabr., but which comes from Brazil, is distinguished by 
dilated anterior tarsi, and may perhaps belong to this genus. Its 
labrum, however, is triangular, with the vertical angle emarginate, 
and the acumen of the labium is also emarginate; in other re- 
spects its oral instruments agree with those of Geniates. 


gemellata. 38. A. 
| -PLATE XXI. Fic. 9. 

Habitat in Brasilia ? 

Corpus oblongum, subcylindricum, - hese thes miata ene he 
glabrum, nitidum, nigro-piceum.  Caput deflexum et fere ver- 
ticale: vertice summo horizontali. Clypeus declivis: margine 
rotundato reflexo. Palpi rufi. Antenne rufæ. Thorax trans- 
versus, convexus, antice segmento circuli dempto, postice ob- 
solete obtusangulus: lateribus marginatis rotundatis. Scutel- 
lum subtriangulare, apice leve. Elytra æneo-picea, excavato- 
punctata: seriebus quatuor punctorum per paria ordinatis, la- 
tere exteriori subsulcata : sulcis punctatis. Tibie antice biden- 
tate. Tarsi unguiculis æqualibus, bifidis. | 

_ The species here described agrees in many respects with Fabri- 
cius's, description of Melolontha geminata; but the term “caput 
leve’ ' at once indicates their difference, since in my insect the head 
as well. as the thorax i ds thickly covered with deeply-impressed 

| Mr. Kinny's Century of Insects. 405 


rugosus. 39. A. elytris rufis rugosis, capite thoraceque fulvo- 
viridi-aurátis. | 
Long. corp. lin. 11. 
Habitat in Australasia. : 
Corpus nigrum nitidum, subtus pube albida. . Caput declive ful- 
: ; vum : splendore viridi-aureo, punctulatum antice confluenter. 
=: Clypeus distinctus : linea elevata transversa obtusangula. Tho- 
rat supra leviter punctulatus, colore capitis, postice in medio 
subemarginatus. Scutellum | viridi-auratum triangulare, basi 
. depressum. Elytra rufa, non aurata, ex punctis impressis irre- 
- gularibus rugosa. Posisternum viride, nitidum, porrectum, acu- 
tissimum : linea, basi tripartita, impressa. Pedes testacei, sub- 
aurati: tarsis nigris. Tibie antice tridentate. Abdomen ni- 
grum, glabriusculum, supra viridi-eneum: ano subtus testaceo. 

inustus. 40. À. supra luridus, elytris lineolis punctisque inustis 
nigris. ; >i 

Es | . Long. corp. lin. 11. 
—. Habitat in Australasia. | EAE nf | 
Corpus subtus nigrum, pube alba decumbente incanum, supra 

luridum, nitidum. |. Thorax utrinque puncto majori impresso. 
- Elytra punctata: dorso insuper lineolis punctisque nigris inus- . 
. tis notato. Sternum acutum, porrectum, testaceum. Pedes tes- 
© taceisubaurati: tarsis splendore viridi. Tibie antice tridentate. 
- Abdomen nigro-cupreum. ATE 

RurELA latr. 

pulchella. 41. R. viridi-lutea, thoracis dorso, scutello, elytrisque 

fascia lunari, viridibus. 
so? PLATE 

406 Mr. KinaY's Century of Insects. 

Prate XXI. Fie. 10. 
- Long. corp. lin. 83. 
Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. 
Corpus luteo-testaceum, nitidum : flavedine viridi tincta. Caput 
punctatum, viride: clypeo antice luteo. Labrum subtriangu- 
. lare, sub clypeo latitans inflesum. Labium minutum transver- 
sum. Palpi maxillares clavati: articulo extimo majori, ovato- 
lanceolato. Labiales filiformes. Mandibule apice bidentate : 
dentibus rotundatis. Clypeus antice truncatus, emarginatus. 
Thorax medio latior, utrinque subangulatus, viridis, punctu- 
latus: lateribus luteis. Scutellum triangulare, viride. Coleoptra 
obsolete punctato-striata, luteo-testacea: basi apud scutellum, 
fasciaque lunari pone medium, viridia. Tibie valide, antice 
acute tridentate: tarsis nigris: unguiculis simplicibus. 

liturella. 42. R. viridi-lutea, supra viridis, thorace lateribus linea 
dorsali elytrisque vittis duabus luteis. 
: Long. corp. lin. 53. 
Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. 

Corpus luteum, viridi micans, subtus utrinque rugulosum. | Caput 
punctatum viride: ore luteo. Clypeus antice truncatus emar- 
ginatus. Labium emarginatum.  Thorav punctatissimus, viri- 
dis: lateribus obtusangulis lineolaque dorsali postice abbrevi- 
ata, luteis. Scutellum longitudine latius, viride, breve. Elytra 
striata: striis levibus; interioribus antice abbreviatis, viridia : 
vittis duabus, antice latioribus connexis, luteis. Tibie postice 
supra virides subtus cupreæ : anterioribus quatuor margine ex- 
terno viridi, antice acute tridentate. Tarsi rufo-picei. 

cyanipes. 43, R. oblonga, aurato-viridis, pedibus cyaneis. + 

Long. corp. lin. 17. 
5 n Habitat 

Mr. Kirsy’s Century of Insects. ^. AUT 
Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. 

Affinis Cetonie ignitæ Oliv. sed diversa. Corpus oblongum, to- 
tum aurato-viride, subtus pubescens. Caput punctulatum., 
Clypeus margine reflexo. Antenne clava elongata, viridi: caule 
fusco. Thoraz punctatus: lateribus rugosis. Elytra punctata: 
punctis impressis subseriatim ordinatis: serierum interstitiis 
punctulatis, lateribus rugosis. Pedes cyanei: tibiis anticis tri- 
dentatis. Abdomen ex lineolis impressis supra rugulosum, po- 
dice inflexo. | 

Gozraruus Lamarck. 

fasciatus, 44. G. fuscus albido irroratus, thorace viridescenti, 
elytris fascia obliqua nigra, clypei cornubus 
Long. corp. lin. 154. 
Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. 

Corpus subtus nigrum, pubescens, supra totum varium punctis 
maculisque pollinoso-albis. Clypeus bilobus: lobis cornifor- 
mibus compressis elevatis, apice emarginatis. Antenne tes- 
tacez. Thorax fusco-viridis, inæqualis: margine laterali ro- 
tundato, dentato, dorso obsolete canaliculatus. Elytra fusca, 
polline albido variegata: fascia nigra obliqua angulata, ante 
apicem gibba. Tibie antice acute tridentate. Alt. serus cly- 
peo quadrato, rugoso: margine recurvo, quinquedentato. 

inscriptus. 45. G. fuscus albido irroratus, thorace viridescenti, 

elytris litera n reversa nivea inscriptis, clypei 
cornubus apice rotundatis. 
Long. corp. lin. 12. 
Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. 

Simillimus precedenti, sed minor. Clypeus die oi apice rotun- 

408 ‘Mr. Krrey’s Century of Insects. 

datis. Elytra punctis et: maculis pollinoso-subcinereis obscu- 
rioribus. In utroque elytro litera x reversa alba conspicienda. 

o bia: | "[nicuius Fale. 

Teiangaiam: 46. Ei ater; thorace triangulo i impresed; elytris lu- 
nula lituraque furcata, fulvis, podice utrin- 
que albo. 

Long. corp. lin. 4. 
Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. 

Affinis T. Delta, tamen omnino distinctus. Corpus nigrum, sub- 
tus rugulosum. Caput rugulosum : clypeo elotffhto; emargi- 
nato. Antenne brunnew: clávà dilutiori. Thorax glaber, sparse 
punctatus, et inter hac puncta minutissime rugulosus, dorso 
triangulo obverso impressus. E/ytra inæqualia : lituris duabus 
arcuatis; posteriori apicem versus elongata furcata, unde literze - 

-. Graecorum y reversa quodammodo similis, fulvis, lineola insu- 
per transversa laterali alba. — Postpectus utrinque punctis tri- 
bus pollinoso-albis. Pedes brunnei. Tibie anticæ acute triden- 
tata. Podex utrinque pollinoso-albus. 

 CrrToxrA Fabr. aes 
Macleaii. 47. C. nitidissima, aurato-viridis, thoracis disco, co- 
 leoptris maculis duabus quadratis, fasciaque 
communi lunata, atris. 
Long. corp. lin. 103. | 
Habitat in Insula Luconia prope Manillam. D. Davidson. 
Insectum splendidissimum pulcherrimum. Statura et habitus 
fere C. africane, &c. Corpus depressum, kevigatum, glaberri- 
mum, nitidissimum, aurato-viride, fere smaragdinum. - Caput 

Mr. Kirpy’s Century of Insects. 409 

basi nigrum, punctatum, inter oculos postice leve. Vertex 
cornu brevi decumbenti apice obtuso armatus. | C/ypeus mar- 
| gine reflexo, apice bidentatus: dentibus rotundatis. Antenne 
nigræ : clava semiovali picea. Palpi picei. Thoraz triangularis, 
apice subtruncatus, utrinque antice canaliculatus, postice medio 
emarginatus: disco macula magna subtriangulari antice angu- 
lata, atra. Scutellum elongato-triangulare basi paulo dilatatum. 
Coleoptra supra planiuscula, lateribus deflexis: macula magna 
quadrata utrinque apud scutellum fasciaque apicis lunari com- 
muni, atris. Elytrorum apex apud suturam mucronatus. Post- 
sternum porrectum, canaliculatum, apice auctum incurvum. 
Thoracis latera deflexa et femora lineolis nigris obliquis in- 
sculpta. Tibie tarsique castanea. Tibia antice edentulz. Ab- 
domen segmentis apice nigris. 

Viro amicissimo, nature scrutatori docto indefesso, in Entomologia 
eximio, et insectorum musai ditissimi, ex omni fere orbis terrarum re- 
gione collectorum digno possessori, Domino Alexandro MacLeaio 
S. R. et L. S. Soc. Linn. a Secret. hoc pulcherrimum insectum ab i, ipso 
mihi benevole communicatum merito. dicatur. 

This beautiful insect was brought from Manilla by Mr. Sigii 

Davidson, Surgeon in the Royal — who purchased several of 

them in a shop, where its elytra and.those of some splendid. Bu- 
prestes were sold as ornaments for ladies’ head-dresses. 

dk Ja Ee ES ek B® 

insculpta. 48. C. thorace lobato, livida, tota lunulis nigris in- 

| sculpta, elytris macula apicis lunata nigra. 
Long. corp. lin. 9. 
 Jabitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock... 

Corpus subtus: glaucum, supra lividum, totum lineolis plus minus 
arcuatis, interdum confertis, in prona pagina sae plus brevissime 


410. Mr. Kinay's Century of Insects. 

setigeris, insculptis, atris irroratum. Clypeus apice reflexus 
emarginatus. Antenne brunneæ : clava caulis fere longitudine. 
Thorac triangularis, antice emarginatus, pone oculos utrinque 
paulo excisus, ciliatus, postice lobatus: lobo apice rotundato. 
Scutellum minutum, triangulare, niveum. Elytra dorso plani- 
uscula, inz qualia: macula sublunata atra pone apicem. Tibie 
anticæ edentule. 

reticulata. 49. C. thorace lobato, subpilosa nigra, fulvo macu- 
lata,elytris obsolete reticulatis, oculorum septo 
bicarinato. À 

Long. corp. lin. 6. 
Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. 

Affinis videtur C. maculose Oliv. sed, distincta « et alia. Corpus 
nigrum, subpilosum. Caput pallidum, punctis impressis nigris 
irroratum.  Clypeus apice transversus. Antenne nigra. Oculi 
septo bicarinato. Thorar punctis impressis, sæpius nigris, 
irroratus, nigricans: lituris duabus obscuris sordide luteis: 
lobo posteriori apice rotundato. Elytra velutino-nigra: ma- 
culis sparsis obscuris sordide fulvis: lineolis tenuissimis trans- 
versis, arcuatis, elevatis obscure reticulata. Pedes hirti, ni- 
gri, immaculati. Tibie antice acute bidentate. Postpectus 
utrinque macula lutea. Abdomen luteo utrinque variegatum. 
Podex utrinque macula lutea. 


Lucanus Linn. 

nebulosus, 50. L. niger, obscurus, mandibulis recurvis thorace 

| canaliculato inæquali, elytris fuscis cinereo- 


Mr. Kirey’s Century of Insects. 411 
PraATE XXI. Fic. 12. 

Long. corp. mandibulis exclusis, lin. 10. 
mandibularum, lin. 22. 

Habitat in Australasia. D. MacLeay. 

Corpus oblongum, depressum, subtus nigrum nitidum punctatum, 
supra valde obscurum. Caput transversum, punctatum, sub- 
carinatum, postice cinereum, antice obtusangulum elevatum 
utrinque tuberculo intermedio munitum. Mandibule thorace 
breviores, intus rectiuscule hirsute punctate, apice recurvee 
emarginate, utrinque dente magno prominentes, supra dente 
obtuso armate, subtus etiam dentibus tribus parvis obtusis in- 
terioribus. Labrum penitus tectum. Palpi articulis arcuatis. 
Mentum bifidum. Antenne thorace breviores, fractæ, clavate : 
clava compressa pectinata quinquefida. Thorax transversus, 
punctatus, nigricans, dorso late canaliculatus, utrinque insu- 
per foveis quatuor impressis, antice emarginatus, postice re- 
pandus: lateribus deflexis obtusangulis. Scutellum triangulare. 
Elytra levissima, valde obscura, purpurascente-fusco cinereo- 
que nebulosa. Femora antica lata, oblonga. Tibie antice mul- 
tidentatæ. Abdomen fuscum. 

This species differs from the other eg in having a bifid men- 
tum, recurved mandibulæ (in which it agrees with Lamprima 

Latr.), and palpi with curved articulations; but its broken an- 
tennæ with a pectinated clava, and depressed body, prove that it 
is more nearly related to Lucanus than to Lamprima, in which the 
body is more convex, the antennæ unbroken with a lamellated 
clava. It seems scarcely entitled to be considered as distinct 
from Lucanus; but at any rate it forms a family in that genus. 


412 Mr. Kirzy’s Century of Insects. 

Psammopes Kirby. 
Labrum emarginatum. E 
Labium bifidum : lobis divaricatis. 
Mandibule apice conniventes, bidentatæ. 
Maxille basi aperte. 
Palpi filiformes, maaillares elongate. 
Mentum trapeziforme. 
Antenne graciles, subclavatæ: clava triarticulata. 
Corpus oblongo-ovatum. 

This genus is intermediate between Pimelia and Tentyria: from 
the former it is distinguished by its bifid labium, by its quadran- 
gular mentum, narrowest below so as not to cover the base of the 
maxilla, and by its long, slender, clavate antennz ; and from the 
latter, besides these characters, by its emarginate labrum. It is 
to be observed, that in this latter organ Pimelia muricata and his- 
pida differ from each other, as well as in their antenne, and the 
form of their bodies; hence the genus might be divided into two 
families, * Corpore subgloboso, ** Corpore oblongo. 

longicornis, 51. Ps. niger, cinereo-setosus, antennis elongatis, ely- 
tris granulatis scabris. 

PLATE ABI. Fic. to, 


Long. corp. lin. 10. i 
Habitat apud Promontorium Bone Spei. D. Green. 
Pimelie brunnee et levigate Oliv. congener et affinis: ab amba- 
bus differt antennis longioribus, a priori colore nigro et capite 

postice, nec antice, punctato, et a posteriori thorace excavato- 

Mr. Kirpy’s Century of Insects. 413 

punctato nec leviter, et elytris granulato-scabris et haud lævi- 
gatis. Corpus oblongo-ovatum vel ovato-lanceolatum, supra 
ex pilis rigidiusculis subincanum, subtus disco piloso-ferrugi- 
neum. Caput triangulare, postice punctatissimum: clypeo de- 
presso, emarginato, punctis sparsis; labro levi. Palpi filiformes, 
ferruginei. Maxillares quadriarticulati: articulo primo brevis- 
simo, secundo majori clavato, tertio obconico, extimo oblongo 
apice rotundato. Antenne thorace longiores, graciles, ferrugi- 
nez, pilos; : articulo primo crasso, subcampanulato, secundo 
brevissimo, tertio longissimo subclavato, sequentibus quinque 
longitudine sensim decrescentibus subclavatis, tribus ultimis 
majoribus clavam formantibus: nono obconico, decimo turbi- 
nato, extimo ovato. Thorax convexus confluenter punctulatus, 
antice emarginatus, postice transversus, in medio latior, lateri- 
bus tenuissime marginatus, dorso subcarinatus: carina levi. 
Scutellum subacuminatum, basi latissimum. Coleoptra obovata, 
connata, marginata: margine subexplanato, granulato-scabra : 
granulis piligeris. Epipleura linearis, acuta. Pedes graciles, 
postici elongati. Tibie apice bicalcarate. Tarsi filiformes: un- 
guiculis longis, gracilibus, simplicibus. 

Oxvna Kirby. 

- Labrum subquadratum, subemarginatum. 

Labium bifidum : lobis divaricatis. 

Mandibule breves, apice bidentate. 

Mazille basi apertæ. 

Palpi mavillares elongati : articulo extimo magno, securiformi, 
labiales filiformes. 

Mentum fere trapeziforme. 

Antenne medio attenuate, subclavate : lava triarticulata. 

Corpus lineare. | | 

3H2 Caput 

414 Mr. Krnnav's Century of Insects. 

Caput rhomboidale: oculis prominulis triangularibus. 
Thorax teretiusculus, vix marginatus. 

The characters which distinguish Ozura from Psammodes, which 
it much resembles, are principally the last joint of the maxillary 
palpi, which is securiform, its linear body,its rhomboidal head con- 
tracted almost into a neck behind the eyes, its prominent triangu- 
lar eyes, its barrel-shaped thorax with scarcel y any margin, and its 
elytra furnished with a mucro at their apex like those of a Blaps. 

setosa. 52. O, | 
PLATE XXII. Fic. 3. 
Long. corp. lin. 8j. 

Habitat apud. Promontorium Bonz Spei. D. Green. | 
Corpus lineare, angustum, fusco-nigrum, ex setis rigidis subcine- 
. reum... Caput subrhomboidale, postice fere in collum: angus- 

- tatum,. punctatum : punctis setigeris. Palpi rufi, maxillares 
elongati, quadriarticulati: articulo primo brevissimo, secundo 
elongato clavato, tertio triangulari, extimo magno securiformi, 
labiales triarticulati, filiformes. Antenne ante oculos sub cly- 
pei margine laterali insert, rufe, clavate, medio attenuate : 
articulo primo incrassato subcampanulato, secundo brevissimo 
turbinato, tertio filiformi sequentibus duobus simul sumptis 

longiori, proximis quinque subclavatis, longitudine et crassitie | . 

sensim decrescentibus, tribus ultimis majoribus clavam oblon- 
gam formantibus: nono obconico, decimo turbinato, extimo 
ovato. Oculi prominentes, triangulares. Thorax immargina- 
tus, teretiusculus, medio latior vel fere doliiformis, antice sub- 
constrictus, punctatissimus : punctis cinereis setigeris.. Elytra 
linearia, levia: lineis duabus longitudinalibus intermediis eleva- 
tiusculis, marginata : margine explanato recurvo, apice mucro- 
nata. Epipleura linearis. Pedes fere ut in Psammode longicorni. 


Mr. Kirsy’s Century of Insects. 415 

Scorinus Kirby. 
Labrum bifidum. | 
Labium bifidum : lobis divaricatis. 
Mandibule apice conniventes, dentate. 
Maaille basi apertze. | 
Palpi crassiusculi: articulo extimo majori obtriangulari. - 
Mentum bifidum: lobis divaricatis. E 
Antenne moniliformes, apicem versus subcrassiores: articulo ex- 
timo brevissimo vix distincto. 
Corpus ovatum, marginatum. 

This genus resembles Erodius and Asida in the last joint of the 
antenne, but it differs from them both in the labrum, labium, and 
mentum. With Erodius it has a bifid sternum ; its clypeus, how- 
ever, is not bifid, in which it agrees with Asida, but the sternum 
of the latter genus is entire. 

crenicollis. 53. Sc. subcinerca a thoracis margine cré- 

Pirate XXI. Fre. 14. 
| Long. corp. lin. 94. 
Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. — — 

Corpus obovatum, obscurum, nigrum, ex setulis emet re qui- 
busdam brevissimis subcinereum, levissimum, supra planius- 
culum. .. Caput deflexum, inæquale, inter oculos postice trans- 
verse elevatum. Clypeus. antice emarginatus, apice in medio 
triangulo nitido. Labrum magnum, nitidum, vix longitudine 
latius, piceum, excavato-punctatum, apice bifidum: lobis ro- 
tundatis. Labium breve, nitidum, excavato- -punctatum, piceum, 
apice bifidum: lobis divaricatis. Palpi breves crassi: articulo 
extimo majori obtriangulari. Mentum basi constrictum, apice 


416 Mr. Kinnav's Century of Insects. 

Jatissimum, bilobum: lobis divaricatis. Antenne capite paulo 
longiores, setosæ, piceæ, apicem versus paulo crassiores, moni- 
liformes: articulo primo reliquis paulo crassiori clavato, se- 
cundo brevissimo subgloboso, tertio reliquis longiori subclavato, 
sequentibus sex subglobosis, decimo brevissimo transverso un- 
decimum minutissimum recipiente, ita arcte ut hi duo quasi — 
unum articulum subglobosum formant. Articuli 1, 8, 9 nitidi, 
reliqui obscuri. Thorax quadratus, antice paulo latior et emar- 
ginatus, postice rotundatus et utrinque angulatus: lateribus 
marginatis; margine crenato, linea dorsali postica piloso-fulva 
sipnatis. Sternum anum versus bilobum: lobis rotundatis. 
Scutellum minutum, acuminatum, basi latissimum. Coleoptra 
obovata, connata, acute marginata, apice declivia mucronata 
rufescentia, apud scutellum macula parva quadrata velutino- 
nigra. Epipleura maxima. Pedes setosi. Tibie apice bicalcaratze.- 

Mr. MacLeay possesses a smaller species of this genus, also 
from Brasil, distinguished from S. crenicollis by having the mar- 
gin of the thorax entire, and that of the elytra crenate. 

Spuxrotus Kirby. 

Labrum transversum, apice rotundatum ciliatum. - 

Labium minutum, apice truncatum. 5i 

Mandibule vix dentate. | 

Mazille basi apertæ. | 

Palpi maxillares incrassati: articulo extimo maximo, securiformi. 

labiales articulo extimo paulo majori, subcampanulato. 

Mentum apice truncatum, basi rotundatum, medio valde con- 

Antenne extrorsum stibcrassiores : : articulo extimo oblique trun- 
cato. | 

Corpus globoso-ovatüm, immarginatum, 


Mr. Kinnav's Century of Insects. 417 

This genus in habit much resembles Moluris Latr.; but the bi- 
fid labium, cordate mentum, subfiliform palpi, and antennæ ter- 
minated by an ovate acute joint, which distinguish the latter, 
sufficiently warrant me in considering them as distinct. | 
curvipes. 54. S. "TI 

CTI Pirate XXI. Fic. 15. 
cs . Long. corp. lin. 54. 
Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. 

Corpus globoso-ovatum, glaberrimum, nitidiusculum, nigro-zene- 
um. Caput orbiculatum, levissime punctulatum. Clypeus sub- 

| triangularis, a fronte sutura profunda separatus. Antenne api- 
cem versus. paulo crassiores: articulo primo brevi obconico 
sequentibus vix crassiori, secundo brevissimo subgloboso, ter- 
tio sequentibus paulo longiori subclavato, reliquis longitudine | 
sensim decrescentibus plus minus obconicis: extimo oblique 
truncato. Thorax convexus, levissime punctulatus, antice sub- 
emarginatus, postice transversus subemarginatus, lateribus ro- 
tundatis tenuissime marginatis. Scutellum minutissimum. Co- 
leoptra subglobosa, seriatim quasi variolosa: variolis obscuris 
canaliculatis. Epipleura latiuscula. Pedes piceo-nigri. Tibie 
graciles, arcuatæ: calcaribus duobus minutissimis obsoletis. - 
Tarsi pulvillati. 

| |... STRONGYLIUM Kirby. 
Labrum transversum. ; | 
Labium subcordatum. 
Mandibule brevissimæ, validæ, apice edentulæ acutæ. 
Maxille apertæ, apice bilobæ : lobo exteriori majori extus rotun- 
dato, interiori minuto acuto. 
Palpi articulo extimo magno securiformi. 

418 Mr. Kirpy’s Century of Insects. 

Mentum fere cordatum. 

Antenne apicem versus sensim crassiores: articulo extimo sub- 
ovato. ; | 

Corpus lineari-oblongum, immarginatum. 

This genus in many respects resembles the preceding. But the 
labium, mentum, and labial palpi are different: the body also 
is oblong, the thorax has no margin, and the tarsi no pulvillus ; 
circumstances which combined satisfactorily establish their claim 
to be considered as distinct genera. 

chalconatum. 55. Str. 

Prate XXI. Fic. 16. 
Long. corp. lin. 6. - 
. Habitat in Australasia. hax: £c | 
Corpus lineari-oblongum, subcylindricum, nitidum, glabrum, ni- 
gro-zneum. Caput orbiculatum, punctulatum. Palpi omnes 
articulo extimo majori sécuriformi. Clypeus postice linea curva 
impressa a fronte separatus. Antenne thoracis longitudine, 
apicem versus sensim crassiores: articulo primo reliquis cras- 
siorl, secundo brevissimo obconico, sequentibus duobus longi- 
tudine fere æqualibus subclavatis, sex proximis magnitudine 
crescentibus longitudine decrescentibus fere obconicis, extimo 
ovato acuto. Thorax subquadratus, immarginatus, levissime 
punctulatus, postice canaliculatus. Scutellum triangulare. Ely- 
tra subseriatim quasi foveolata: foveolis oblongis excavatis 
fundo canaliculatis. Epipleura angustissima: … Pedes graciles. 
Tibie obsolete calcaratæ. 

Evrynorus Kirby. 


Labrum transversum, emarginatum. 

Labium fissum, brevissimum, submembranaceum. Sion iet 



Mr. Kings Y's Century of Insects. 419 

Mandibule validæ, conniventes, apice bidentate. 

Maaille basi aperte. 

Palpi articulo extimo majori securiformi. ! 
Mentum quadrangulum: lateribus rotundatis, subcarinatum. 
Antenne extrorsum crassiores: articulo extimo orbiculato. 
Corpus oblongum, apterum. : 

Tarsi anteriores quatuor dilatati, pulvillati. 

-Eurynotus is distinguished from Pedinus Latr., to which it is 
nearly allied, in having a much larger and more conspicuous /a- 
brum, and a clypeus though emarginate not cleft. "The four ante- 
rior tarsi of the males, and not the first pair only, are dilated. The 
thorax also is widest behind, whereas in Pedinus it is widest in th 
middle. . 

muricatus. 56. E. 

Pirate XXII. Fria. 1. 
Long. corp. lin. 71. 

Habitat Unde accepi non reminiscor. 

Corpus oblongum, atrum, glabrum. Caput suborbiculatum, le- 
vissime punctulatum. Gula rugosa postice triangulo levi. Cly- 
peus transversus, antice emarginatus, a fronte linea impressa - 

. separatus. Antenne vix thoracis longitudine, sensim crassiores : 
articulo primo reliquis crassiori, secundo brevissimo turbinato, 
tertio elongato subclavato, quatuor sequentibus obconicis sen- 
sim crassioribus, 8°, 9°, et 10° compressis triangularibus, ex- 
timo compresso orbiculato. Thorax transversus, leviter punctu- 
latissimus, antice angustior segmento circuli dempto, postice 
subrepandus, lateribus marginatis. Scutellum transversum, bre- 
vissimum. Elytra connata, striata: striis punctatis, apice punc- 
tis elevatis acutis muricata. Femora postica arcuata, intus cili- 

YOL. XII. OI . ata. 

420 Mr. Kinnv's Century of Insects. 

ata. Tibie bicalcarate. Tarsi quatuor anteriores articulis in- 
termediis dilatatis subtus pulvinatis. i 

AprELIUM Kirby. 

Labrum sübeendrals m, subemarginatum. 
Labium bifidum. 
Mandibule breves, apice conniventes bidentatze. 
Maxille basi apertæ. 
Palpi maaillares articulo extimo maximo obtriangulari subcom- 
presso. Ha 
labiales brevissimi, filiformes. 
Mentum subtrapeziforme, inæquale. 
Antenne filiformes: articulo extimo oblongo. 
Thorax brevissimus. | : 
Corpus oblongum, apterum. 

This genus has little affinity with any other of this tribe: the 
species of it, unless closely examined, would be set aside as be- 
longing to Calosoma or Carabus. They are however heteromerous, 
and belong to the Tenebrionide. 1 know only three species, the 
two here described, and the other Calosoma porculatum of Fabri- 
cius. They are all New Holland insects. 

calosomoides. 57. A. nigro-æneum, nitidiusculum, thorace utrin- | 
que impresso, elytris punctato-striatis. 

Prarr XXII. Fic. 2. 

Long. corp. lin. 6. 
Habitat in Australasia. 
Corpus nigro-eneum, nitidiusculum, glabrum. | Caput orbicula- 
tum, punctatum. Clypeus apice truncatus, postice linea im- 
pressa curva a fronte separatus. Antenne filiformes, thorace 

longiores, pilosæ, nigra: articulo primo reliquis paulo cras- 

Mr. Kinpy's Century of Insects. 421 

siore, secundo- brevissimo subturbinato, tertio sequenti duplo 
longiori subclavato, proximis tribus oblongis 7°, 89, 9°, et 10° 
obconicis, extimo oblongo. Thorax planiusculus, punctatus, 
longitudine latior, antice emarginatus, postice truncatus, late- 
ribus fere in segmentum circuli rotundatis, marginatis, dorso 
obsolete canaliculatus, utrinque foveola lunata impressus. Scu- 
| tellum minutum, triangulare. Coleoptra obovata, leviter punc- 
tulato-striata, apice acuta. Epipleura basi latiuscula, apice acu- 
tissima. Tibie apice brevissime bicalcarate. Tarsi pulvinati. 

licinoides. 58. A. æneo-nigrum -nitidum thorace utrinque im- 
presso, elytris substriatis punctatis, tarsis rufis. 

Long. corp. lin. 6. 

Habitat | in £u D. Francillon. 

Precedenti valde affine, sed angustius, supra nigrius: thorace ma- 
gis quadrato, supra inæquali: lateribus postice subexcisis. 
Elytra substriata: striis punctatis: punctis magis excavatis, 
apice minus acuta. Femora antica paulo crassiora. Tarsiomnes . 
rufi. | 

( Helopide.) 
Spueniscus Kirby. 

Labrum transversum, integrum. 

Labium minutum, cuneiforme. 

Mandibule apice conniventes. 

Mazille basi apertae. ia 

Palpi omnes articulo extimo magno, minus compresso, obtrian- 


Mentum oblongum, convexum, apice subemarginatum. 

Antenne extrorsum crassiores, serrate: articulo extimo subrhom- 

boidali oblique truncato. 

Corpus ovato-obcuneiforme : elytris gibbosis. 

313 The 

422 Mr. Kirex’s Century of Insects. 

The habit of this genus is at first sight very much that of one 
of the gibbous Erotyli; but it is heteromerous, and belongs to the 
present tribe, and, with many others'equally distinct, may have 
been arranged under Helops. It however possesses very few cha- 
racters in common with the genuine species of that genus, H. cha- 
lybeus, &c., differing in antennæ, labium, mentum, palpi, and genea 
ral habit. 

erotyloides. 59. Sph. : 
Pirate XXII. Fic. 4. 
Long. corp. lin. 8. 
Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. 

Corpus fere obcuneiforme, subtus planiusculum, nitidum, glaber- 
rimum, aterrimum, orbiculatum, punctatum, inter oculos ca-- 
_naliculatum. Mentum transverse subcarinatum. Clypeus de- 
_ pressus, antice subrotundatus, postice linea curva impressa a 
fronte separatus. Antenne thoracis longitudine, sensim cras- 
siores, apice compresse, serrate: articulo primo sequente paulo 
crassiori, secundo brevissimo subcylindrico, tertio sequentibus 
longiori cylindrico, quarto majori subtriangulari, sequentibus 
sex magnitudine crescentibus, triangularibus, extimo subrhom- 
boidali. Thorax planiusculus, subtrapeziformis, antice seg- 
mento circuli dempto, inæqualis, sparse punctulatus, immar- 
ginatus, postice trifoveatus. Scutellum triangulare. Coleoptra 
subovata: dorso valde gibbo, seriatim punctata, tenuissime 
marginata, pallida: fascia media angulata, apicibus, punctis- 
que plurimis sparsis interdum confluentibus,atris. Pedes longi, 
graciles. Tibie brevissime bicalcaratæ. Tarsi compressi, lon- 
gius unguiculati: unguiculis basi intus dente obsoleto. 



Mr. Kinnav's Century of Insects. 493 


Labrum transversum, apice rotundatum;. 
Labium minutum, cuneiforme. 
Mandibule apice conniventes.. , 
Maxille basi apertæ. | 
 Palpi omnes articulo extimo minus.compresso; obtriangulari.. 
Mentum. subtrapeziforme, disco subelevatum. _ 
Antenne extrorsum crassiores : articulo extimo oblongo. 
Corpus lineare, angustum. - | 

This genus possesses many characters in common. with the pre-- 
ceding ;. but it is sufficiently distinguished by its antenne, which. 
are not at all. serrate, by its linear body, and cylindrical thorax. 
I possess two species distinguished by the same character. 

rufipes.. 60. St. virescens, supra cyanea, elytris fasciis duabus. 
luteis. margine connexis, antennis pedibusque: 
rufis.. . 
Piare XXH. Fro..5.. 
Long. corp. lin. 8. 
Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock:. 

Corpus lineare, angustum, .subtus virescens,. ex pilis brevissimis 
micantibus sericeum.. Caput postice confluenter punctatum : 
cæruleum, antice pilis-aureo micantibus ornatum.. Clypeus an-- 
tice transversus, postice rotundatus, linea. curva impressa a. 
fronte separatus. Palpi rufi. Antenne extrorsum crassiores, . 
thorace longiores, rufz:- articulo primo sequentibus crassiori: 
obconico, secundo brevissimo, tertio vix. quarto longiori,. sed 
paulo tenuiori, ambobus clavatis, sequentibus obconicis et sub-. 
turbinatis subcompressis, extimo oblongo-ovato obtuso.. Tho-. 
fax cylindricus, postice submarginatus, confluenter punctatis- 


424 Mr. Kirex's Century of Insecis. 

simus, virescenti-cyaneus. Elytra cyanea: basi et medio fascia 

sublunata margine laterali connexa pallide lutea, sulcata: sul- 
. cis lineis transversis elevatis decussatis. Pedes graciles, rufi : 

intermediis longioribus. Tibie apice vix calcaratæ. Tarn un- 
» guiculis simplicibus basi intus subdentatis. | 

cyanipes. 6i: St. cyanea, antennis rufis, E brevissimo, ely- 
. tris fasciis duabus fulvis margine connexis. 

Long. corp. lin. 6. 
Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. — 

Precedenti affinis sed minor,corpore toto glaberrimo, cyaneo, post- 
pectore solummodo et pedibus viridi-cyaneis. Thorax brevis- 
simus, punctatus: punctis vix confluentibus. Antenne articulo 
extimo magis oblongo. Elytra striata: striis punctatis, trans- 

verse rugosis : fasciis fulvis, anteriori suturam haud attingente, 
postica vix lunata. 

. I possess the mutilated remains of a third species without head 
or thorax, the legs of which are dirty-red, the elytra violet, and 
the fascia of the base of St. rufipes replaced by a large acute ovate 
pallid spot with the point towards the apex; T middle fascia 
does not reach the suture. In sculpture they resemble those of 
St. cyanipes ; the abdomen and postpectus are green and hairy, 
but the hairs are not shining as in St. rufipes. —— 


MorDpELLA Linn. 

clavicornis. 62. M.atra,elytris lunula apicis cinerea, antennis cla- 
. vatis: clava compressa serrata. 
Long. corp. lin. 61. 

Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. re 

Mr. Kinny's Century of Insects. 425 

Corpus crassum, totum velutino-atrum. Antenne clava magna, 
compressa, serrata, septemfida: articulo extimo hinc subemar- 
ginato. Elytra ante apicem lunula reversa, obscura, cinerea. 
Anus aculeo ordinario. 

This species in every respect so entirely resembles the other 
Mordelle, under which genus I only place those ano aculeato, that 
I do not conceive the difference of structure observable in its 
antennæ, which may perhaps be a sexual character, a sufficient 
indication that it should form a distinct genus. 

-~ Gyatuium Kirby. 
Labrum transversum. | T 
Labium minutissimum vix discernendum. 
Mandibule protensæ, elongate, apice incurvæ, edentulæ, acutis- 
simae. — —— 
Maaille apertæ : lobo longissimo gracillimo. 
Palpi filiformes: articulis cylindricis. 
Mentum trapeziforme ? : 
Antenne extrorsum crassiores : articulo extimo elongato-conico. 
Corpus obcuneato-lineare. 

Thorax campanulatus. . — 2 | 
This genus comes next to Nemognatha Ilig., from which it bor- 

rows that remarkable sexual? character, of having the lobe of the 

maxillæ, like those of a bee, almost as long as the body ; but it 
differs in having a transverse instead of a circular labrum, in its 
mandibule protended far beyond the labrum, in its incrassate an- 
tennze, which gives it some connexion with Mylabris. 'The shape 
of the head and thorax also is different. [he insect is so minute 
that I have not been able to geta clear idea of the shape of the 
labium and mentum, but I think the latter is tra peziform. 


426 Mr. Kinnav's Century of Insects. 

Francilloni. 63. Gn. 
_Prare XXII Fic. 6. 
Long. corp. lin. 2+. 
Habitat in Georgia. Ex Mus. D. Francilloni a D. MacLeaio 
emptum et mihi benevole communicatum. 

Corpus obcuneatum fere, pilosulum, supra nigrum, subtus pi- 
ceum. Caput deflexum, elongatum, punctatum: disco levius- 
‘culo, collo brevi angusto piceo insidens. Mandibule capite vix 
breviores, protensæ, apice incurvæ, rufæ. Antenne apicem ver- 
‘sus sensim crassiores, articulo secundo quarti fere longitudine, 
tertio reliquis longiori, sequentibus fere obconicis, 8°, 9°, 10° 
subcylindricis, extimo elongato-conico. Thorax cam panulatus, 
glaber, rufus, brevissimus. Elytra rugulosa. Tibie bicalcarate. 
Tarsi unguiculati: unguiculis bipartitis. 

Memorie D" Francilloni, S. L.S. heu nimis deflendi, Musai longe 
et late celebris benevoli RONDES. hoc insectum sacrum esto. 

* Infracticornes. 

Labrum rostro postice connatum, minutissimum, emarginatum. 
Labium minutissimum, cuneiforme. 

Mandibule valide : apice tridentate. 

Maxille apertae. 

Palpi brevissimi, conici. — 

Mentum subtransversum, convexum. 

Antenne extrorsum crassiores: articulo extimo ovato lanceolato. 
Corpus angustatum lineare. 

Thorax globoso-conicus. 

Mr. Kinnay's Century of Insects. 497 

This genus is related to Brentus; but its tridentate mandibulæ 
and incrassate antennæ, taken in conjunction with its short and 
rather conical thorax, sufliciently distinguish it. 

 hemoptera, 64. Rh. | 
PraATE XXII. Fro. 7. 

Long. corp. (Rostro excluso) lin. 74. 

Habitat in Australasia. Ex Museo D. MacLeay accepi. 
B. Ex Museo D. Marsham. 

Corpus angustum, lineare, atrum, obscuriusculum, subtus parce 
albido-pilosum. Caput deflexum, punctulatum, medio con- 
strictum, postice convexum. Rostrum teres, capitis thoracis- 
que longitudine, punctulatum, apice nitidum. Antenne rostro 

- pone medium insidentes, thorace longiores, basi attenuate gla- — 
bree, alias pilosissimæ : articulo primo clavato subarcuato cras- 
siori, secundo brevi obconico, tertio sequentibus vix longiori 
subclavato, proximis duobus magnitudine crescentibus obco- 
nicis, reliquis æqualibus subobconicis, extimo ovato-lanceolato. 
Oculi hemisphærici, supra pilis rufis subtus albidis cincti. Tho- 
raz subconicus, antice constrictus, piloso-velutinus ; utrinque 
vitta laterali intus subrepanda, linea dorsali, maculisque dua- 
bus posticis, piloso-fulvo-aureis. Elytra punctulatissima, pi- 
losa, fulvo-aurea: sutura nigricanti. Tibie apice bicalcaratze. 
Tarsi pulvinati. Unguiculi simplices. : P 

Var. 8. Thorace utrinque macula magna triangulari sanguinea, 
linea dorsali maculisque posticis nullis. Alias simillima. An 
eadem ? DOT 7 

EvunniNvs Kirby. 

Labrum vix distinctum. 

Labium subcordatum. 

Mandibule apice tridentate : dentibus æqualibus acutis. 

VOL. XII. 3K Maxille 


498 Mr. Kinnavy's Century of Insects. 

Maaille aperte. 

Palpi brevissimi, conici. . 

Mentum cordatum. 

Antenne integra, basi submoniliformes, apice clavatæ : clava tri- | 
fida perfoliata: articulo extimo in maribus longissimo 

Corpus obcuncatum. 

Thorax teretiusculus. 

I sent a sketch of an insect of this genus to M. Latreille, and 
he was of opinion that it belonged to a genus he had constructed, 
but which is not yet published, under the name of Orthorhynchus. 
1 have since been informed by him, that the type of that genus is 
Lixus semipunctatus Fabr., which from Olivier's figure appears to 
be more nearly related to Lirus bidentatus of Mr. Donovan, and 
is distinguished by acuminated elytra | and filiform antennx ; 
whereas no species of Eurhinus, and there are several, has acumi- 
nated elytra, and the antennz terminate in an oblong clava, the 
last joint of which, in the males, is very long. Olivier describes 
Livus semipunctatus as antennis moniliformibus vix extrorsum cras- 
sioribus (v. 242. n. 249. t. xii. f. 141.) In L: bidentatus the an- 
tennæ are not moniliformes, but they are extrorsum vix crassiores. 
So that Orthorhynchus seems to be a connecting link between 
Eurhynus, the antennz of which are submoniliform at the base, 
and Lirus bidentatus, but belonging to the same genus with the 
latter. There are-several species of Orthorhynchus in Mr. Mac- 
Leay’s rich cabinet. As Lixus semipunctatus is in the Banksian 
cabinet, it may be easily ascertained whether these observations 
are correct or not. 

scabrior. 65. Eu. niger, piloso-incanus, elytris. striatis, basi sub- 

cristatis, granulis tuberculisque acutis scabris. 

Mr. Kinnav's Century of Insects. 429 

Prare XXII. Fio. 8. 
Long. corp. (Rostro incluso) lin. 9. 

Habitat in Australasia. D. Brown: MacLeay. 

Corpus fere obcuneatum, nigrum, pilositate parva plus minus in- 
canum. Caput rugulosum, postice læve, inter oculos canalicu- 
latum. Oculi minus prominuli. Rostruin thorace brevius, apice 

- paulo latius, lateribus basi piloso-albidis, pone antennas punc- 
tatum. Antenne rostro pone apicem insidentes, thoracis longi- 
tudine: articulo primo crassiusculo clavato, secundo brevi ob- 
conico, tertio sequentibus paulo longiori clavato, proximis 
quinque brevibus obconicis, tribus ultimis crassioribus : primo 
obconico, secundo brevi cylindrico, tertio in maribus longissimo 
cylindrico clavam longam perfoliatam formantibus. Thorax 
teretiusculus ex punctis confluentibus rugosus. Elytra striata: 
striis punctatis ; interstitiis granulatis, et insuper serie tubercu- 
lorum acutorum muricatis, basi apud scutellum longitudinaliter 
elevata vel subcristata: crista muricata. Tibie calcaribus ob- 

soletis. Femora antica reliquis crassiora. : | 

levior. 66. Eu. niger, piloso-albus, elytris striatis, basi subcris- 
tatis, striarum interstitiis lzevibus. 
Long. corp. (Rostro incluso) lin. 7. 
— Habitat in Australasia. D. MacLeay. . ` de 
Præcedenti similis sed minor, corpore angustiori albidiori. An- 
tenne articulis brevioribus, 6°, 7°, et 8° globosis. Thorax levior. 
Elytra striarum interstitiis laevibus, sed crista muricata est. 

Bracuycerus Fabr. 
| * Thorace spinoso. 
maculosus, 67. B. niger subcinereus, thorace spinosolate canalicu- 
lato, elytris nodulosis cinereo scriatim inaculosis. 
9x2 Long. 

430 Mr. Kinny's Century of Insects. 

Long. corp. (Rostro incluso) lin. 14. 
Habitat apud Promontorium Bone Spei. D. Green. 

Corpus subovatum, crassum, obscurum, pollinoso-subcinereum. 
Rostrum inæquale, punctatum, postice triangulo elevato, utrin- 
que ante oculos strangulatum. Thorax utrinque acute spinosus : 
spina valida, supra inæqualis, nodulis et tuberculis complanatis 
utrinque notandus: lineis duabus latis dorsalibus elevatis lzevi- 
bus, canalem latum inter se includentibus. Coleoptra subglo- 
bosa, nodulosa, punctulis minutissimis confertissimis quasi re- 
ticulata, polline cinereo seriatim maculosa. Pedes rugosi. 

* Thorace inermi. 

verrucifer. 68. D. ater, thorace subcordato punctato, — glo- 
bosis verrucosis. | 

. Long. corp. (Rostro incluso) lin. 5. 

Habitat apud Promontorium Bone Spei. D. Green. | 

Corpus ovatum, atrum glabrum. Rostrum punctatum, basi utrin- 
que strangulatum. Thorax subcordatus : lateribus obtusangu- 
lis, sparse punctatus : punctis papillatis. Coleoptra globosa, tu- 
berculis numerosis complanatis verrucosa. 

This species is nearly related to B. Spectrum Fabr.; but the 
tubercles on the elytra are not disposed in rows as in that, bcing 
scattered irregularly. : 

. RuiNan1A Kirby. 
Labrum vix distinctum. 
Labium subtrapeziforme. 
 Mandibule edentulæ. 
Maaille aperte. 
Palpi brevissimi, conici. - 

Mentum quadratum. 

Mr. Kirpy’s Century of Insects. 431 

Antenne integre, capitate: clava triarticulata ; articulis arctis- 
sime connexis. 

Corpus oblongo-ovatum. 

Thorax subglobosus. 

The insect, which is the type of this genus, is altogether of the 
habit of the Curculionide fracticornes brevirostres, particularly Cur- 
culio asper, &c.: but its unbroken antennz place it. in this sec- 
tion, from all the genera of which it is foto celo different. I found 
it in a collection of New Holland insects which I once purchased. 

cristata. 69. Rh. . | 
: Pirate XXII. Fie. 9. 
Long. corp. (Rostro excluso) lin. 44. 
Habitat in Australasia. 

Corpus oblongo-ovatum, subtus- squamulis pallidum, supra gri- 
seum. Caput postice convexum, antice inter oculos crista 
squamoso-pallida tetragona: vertice quadruplici lobis subhe- 
misphericis. Rostrum capitis fere longitudine crassum, rec- 
tum, deflexum, tetragonum, levissimum, glaberrimum, niti- 
dum, nigrum, apice subtus utrinque dente triangulari acuto ar- 
matum, basi constrictum strangulatum, ante antennas eleva-- 
tum. Antenne rostro basi utrinque insidentes, articulo primo: 
reliquis paulo crassiori, longitudine secundi, his duobus excep- 

| tis, qui et subclavati, articuli reliqui longitudine fere æquales 
sunt, tertio subcylindrico, proximis quinque obconicis, ultimis 
tribus paulo majoribus capitulum arcte imbricatum lanceola- 
tum efformantibus. Oculi prominuli, subtriangulares, distincte 
reticulati. Thorax subglobosus, ex punctis confluentibus, no- 
dulis intermixtis, scaber. Elytra subsulcata, squamosa : sulcis 
punctis ocellaribus albis ornatis, interstitiis serie setarum de- - 

cumbentium et granulorum alternorum, notandis. In prona 

432 Mr. Kinnany's Century of Insects. 

corporis pagina puncta ocellata sparsa utrinque conspici pos- 
** Fracticornes. 

CnvrronnyNcnvus Illig. 

corruscans. 70. Cr.cupreo-auratus, nitidissimus, pedibus cyaneis, 
corpore rhomboidali, thorace postice lobato. 

Long. corp. lin. 44. 
Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. 

Insectum splendidissimum. Corpus fere rhomboidale, nitidissi- 
mum, glaberrimum, cupreo-auratum, splendore fere rubini ful- 
gidum, levissime punctulatum. Caput postice viridi-sericeum, 
minus nitidum, antice cupreum: fovea impressa. Rostrum tho- 
racis longitudine, inflexum, rectiusculum, cylindricum, apice 
paulo latius, viride, basi cupreum. Antenne nigræ, rostri medio 
insidentes. Thorax subhemisphzericus, antice constrictus, postice 
lobatus: lobo rotundato. Scutellum triangulare. Elytra trian- 
gularia, striata: striis levissime punctulatis; interstitiis leevibus, 
sublacunosa: humeris valde gibbis. Pedes cyanei. Tibia vix cal- 
caratæ, apice intus bispinose. Abdomen viridi-auratum. 

Leachii. 71. Cr. ater, unicolor, corpore rhomboidali, thoracis 
| dorso elevato, pectore bicorni. uS 

Long. corp. (Rostro excluso) lin. 5. 
Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. | 

Habitus Cryptorhynchi Spiculatoris D. Humboldt. Corpus rhom- 
boidale, glaberrimum, leve, obscurum, totum aterrimum. Ros- 
irum thorace longius, arcuatum, punctulatum. ` Antenne rostri 
medio subtus insidentes: capitulo ovato-lanceolato. Oculi mag- 
ni, planiusculi. Thorax antice constrictus: lateribus rotunda- 
tis, dorso postice maxime elevatus. Scutellum quadratum. : 

| | Elytra 


Mr. Kirpy’s Century of Insects. 433 

Elytra triangularia, striata: striis subpunctatis, humeris valde 
gibbis. Pedes punctulati: femoribus subtus dente acuto. Tibie 
inermes, posticæ elevato-lineate. Pectus inter pedes anticos, 
. utrinque cornu elongato, arcuato, declivi armatum. Serus alter 
minor: pectore inermi. : 

In honorem D. G. E. Leach, M.D.S.L.S., insectorum et anima- 

lium aliorum indefessi oculatissimi et perspicacissimi indagatoris. 

Arnoldi. 72. Cr. ater, corpore rhomboidali, pectore bicorni, tho- 
_ race rufo postice lobato. 
Long. corp. (Rostro excluso) lin. 3. 
Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. 

Similis admodum præcedenti, sed Corpus nitidum, subtus punc- 
tatum. Rostrum arcuatum, compressum, apicem versus sensim 
angustius. ‘Thorax transversus, rufus, levissimus, antice haud 
constrictus, postice lobatus. Elytra humeris minus gibbis, 
striis magis exaratis. Pectus cornubus minoribus. Sexus alter 
major: pectore inermi. 

Observatori morum insectorum éoRdato, D. Arnold, M.D. S.L. S., 
hec species inedita dicatur. 

Ryncnænus Fabr. - 
Dufresnii. 73. R. subcylindricus, coleoptris maculis sex auran- 
| tiis, basi triangulo magno obverso pallido. 
Prare XXII. Pic 10. °° 
Tong corp. (Rostro excluso) lin. 83. 

Habitats in Brasilia. D. Hancock. 

Css subcylindricum, fere cuneiforme, subtus pilis decumben- 
- tibus pallidum. . Caput inflexum, nigrum, pilis pallidis, præ- 
cipue postice et ad basin rostri, consitum. Rostrum crassius- 


434 Mr. Kirpy’s Century of Insects. 

culum, capite longius, pallido-pilosum, apice glabrum puncta- 
tum. Antenne pone apicem rostro insidentes: capitulo ovato- 
lanceolato quadriarticulato: articulis arctissime connexis, unde 
capituli solidi speciem exhibet. Oculi ovales, minus prominull. 
Thorax subglobosus, antice.constrictus, nodulis minutis scaber, 
dorso carinatus, velutino-ater, postice piloso-pallidus. Cole- 
optra item in locis nodulosa, atra: maculis sex magnis subro- 
tundis aurantiis, ex pilis vel squamulis decumbentibus, densis 
.confectis, basi triangulo magno obverso piloso-pallido, pilis 
minus confertis, apice subcompressa. Pedes intermedii reliquis 
breviores. Femora dente brevi armata. — — 

Viro mihi amicissimo, qui museum insectis, avibus, conchyliis raris- 
¿»simis ezuberans collegit, ordinavit, D™ Dufresne, Musei Regalis Pa- 
risiens. curatori digno, sit species hac pulchra dicata. 

Roddami. 74. R. oblongus, cinerascens, coleoptris verrucosis, 
fasciis duabus albis. - 
Long. corp. (Rostro excluso) lin. 154. 
Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. 

Maximus in hoc genere. Corpus oblongum, squamulis piliformi- 
bus subtus albidum. .Caput deflexum, squamulis incanum. 
Rostrum thoracis fere longitudine, glabrum, levissime punctu- 
latum, subcylindricum, apice paulo latius. Antenne prope 
basin rostro insidentes: articulo primo haud ita elongato: ar- 
ticulo octavo reliquis subito majori, sed a clava distincto: clava 
ovata triarticulata. Oculi subovati, subprominuli. ‘Thorax co- 
nicus, tuberculis et nodulis sparsis muricatus, ex pilis fulvo- 
cinereus, postice macula subcirculari squamoso-albida. Elytra 
striata: striis excavato-punctatis, interstitiis complanato-verru- 
cosis, squamoso-fulvescentia: fasciis duabus, anteriori magna 
arcuata a humeris ad medium usque ducta, posteriori trans- 


Mr. Kirey's Qiitoty of Insects. 435 _ 

versa, squamoso-albis. Poststernum concavum: lateribus ad 
recipiendum rostrum reflexis. Tibie validissime calcarata, 

Reidi. 75. R. ovatus ater, thoracis basi et apice, elytrisque fas- 
ciis margine connexis nigro-punctatis, flavis. 

Long. corp. (Rostro excluso) lin. 114. 
Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. 

Corpus atrum, ovatum, obscurum. Caput inflexum. Rostrum 
thorace vix brevius, depressum, planum, subcarinatum, apice 

- labro distincto cordato minuto in medio terminatum. Antenne 
piceæ, rostro ante basin insidentes, et ejus fere longitudine: 
articulo octavo. praecedentibus subito majori; clava brevi ovata 
triarticulata. Thorax conicus, antice, dorso postice, et late- 
ribus, squamoso-flavus. Tubercula qusedam sparsa in thorace 
etiam notanda. Elytra punctato-striata: striis interstitiis parce 
complanato-verrucosis ; fasciis quatuor sinuatis, nigro macula- 
tis, margine connexis, squamoso-flavis. Postpectus basi et apice 
utrinque squamoso-flavum. Poststernum ad recipiendum ros- 
trum excavatum. Tarsi ex pilis fulvo-aurei. : 

In honorem D. Geo. Roddam, M.D. et D. Dav. Reid, chirurgi, 
qui ambo plurima insecta hactenus inedita summo studio collegerunt, 
hoc Curculionini par nominatur, 

Curcuzro Linn. 

Hancocki. 76. C. corpore squamoso : squamulis fe. 
| scenti-cæsiis, coleoptris gibbis quadritubercu- 
; latis: humeris apicibusque mucronatis. 

Prate XXII. Fie. 11. 
Long. corp. (Rostro incluso) lin. 154. 

Habitat in Brasilia rarissime, semel lectus. D. Hancock. 
VOL. XII. S 5 Insectum 

436 Mr. Ktrey’s Century of Insects. 

Insectum splendide pulcherrimum. Corpus totum squamulis mi- 
nutissimis, subrotundis, virescenti-cæsiis, auratis micans. Ca- 
put porrectum, brevissimum, subtus atro-bivittatum. Rostrum 
crassum, tetragonum, capite longius, supra canaliculatum, apice 
emarginatum : mandibulis porrectis, conicis, truncatis, vertice 
insculptis tuberculo parvo centrali. Mentum excavatum. An- 
tenne in nostro specimine mutilate, sed articulus tertius elon- 
gatus. Thorax suborbiculatus, depresso-planus, tuberculo late- 
rali atro utrinque in medio armatus. Elyira pone medium apud 
suturam elevato-obtusangula: angulo tuberculo obtuso coro- 
nato, disco in medio alio minori complanato, atris. Inter hæc 
tubercula fascia sinuata obsoleta pallide aurea notanda. Ely- 
tra basi intus obtuse subdentata, humeris mucronatis recurvis, 
apice etiam mucronata sunt. Pedes setosi. Femora posteriora 
fasciis duabus atris. Tibie vix calcaratæ. Abdomen segmentis 
ultimis macula basis triangulari nigra. | 

In honorem D. Hancock, Classis Regie Navarchi, qui innumera 
insecta, quamplurima inedita, mei gratia in Brasilia collegit, et mihi 
benevolentissime dono dedit, hoc splendidissimum insectum nominavi. 

Marshami. 77. C. niger, thorace utrinque elytrisque disco, spi- 
nosis, rostro brevissimo cristato, 

Long. corp. (Rostro incluso) lin. 94. 
Habitat in Australasia. D. Marsham. 

Corpus ovato-oblongum, glabrum, obscurum, nigrum. Rostrum 
crassissimum, subcylindricum, basi utrinque cristà compressa 
bifida: lobis rotundatis, apice ante antennas tuberculo com- 
presso munitum, antice emarginatum : lobis divaricatis; labro 
intermedio triangulari. Mandibule magne, crassæ, trigone, 
edentulee, supra rugolose, ipio acute. Antenne articulis, 


Mr. KinBY's Century of Insects. 437 

primo elongato excepto, obconicis, tertio sequentibus longiori, 
octavo elongato clavato tres ultimos brevissimos excipiente, et 

. clavam subsolidam quasi petiolatam simul formante. Thorax 
medio postice elevato-lineatus: dorso utrinque nodosus, lateri- 
bus bispinosis: spina anteriori longiori emarginata, sub spinas 
latera deflexa varie plicata. Elytra oblonga, rugosa, seriatim 
spinosa: seriebus tribus, duabus interioribus anum versus ab- 
breviatis, exteriori dimidiata ; spinis acutis. Serierum intersti- 
tia seriatim nodulosa. Elytrorum latera et apex deflexa. 

This species, as well as that which precedes it, would in a mo- 
dern system doubtless form two genera, from the remarkable dif- 
ference in their mandibles. But since, in a late number of Ger- 
mar’s Magazin der Entomologie (Zwieter Band, p. 339) the names 
of 52 genera of Curculionide are given, amongst which these may 
probably be included, I judged it best to give them for the pre- 

sent as Curculiones. 
Amico mihi semper facili et bencvolo auctori Entomologie Britan- 
nice celebri hoc insectum sacrum esse volui. | 

elegans. ‘78. C. angustus, viridi-auratus, thorace vittis quatuor, 
elytris plurimis atris. se aie 
| PLATE XXII. Fie. 12. — 
Long. corp. (Rostro incluso) lin. 74 
Habitat in Brasilia, D. Hancock... . 

Animal elegantissimum, statura fere C. Sprengleri, sed angustius. 
Corpus ovato-lanceolatum, angustum, squamulis viridi-auratis 
micans, subtus subvillosum; lateribus nigro maculatis. Rostrum 
tetragonum, supra carinatum, Antenne clava lanceolata, qua- 
driarticulata. Thorax subcylindricus, vittis alternis atris et viri- 

di-auratis : his nigro punctatis, eleganter variatus. Elytra vittis, 
Zi  lineolis, 

438 Mr. KinBv's Century of Insects. 

lineolis, maculisque, atris et viridi-aureis quasi tessellata. Pedes 
villosi. Abdomen segmento ventrali ultimo supra carinato. Seaus 
. alter segmento abdominis anali plano et minime carinato. | 


Prionus Fabr. 
Spenciz. 79. P. thorace inermi carinato, testaceo: vittis duabus 
nigris, elytris nigris: fascia obliqua fulva. 
FLATE XXII. Fic. 13. _ 
Long. corp. lin 16. 
Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. 

Corpus oblongum, nigrum, glabrum. Caput testaceum utrinque 
postice nigrum. Labrum transversum, breve, parvum. Man- 
_dibulæ porrectæ, testaceæ, edentulæ, apice incurvæ nigræ, acu- 
tissimæ. Mentum transversum. Gene apice bidentate: dente 
exteriori majori. Antenne thorace paulo longiores, compressæ, 
subserratæ, pilose, nigræ : articulo primo subtus flavo. Thorax 
transversus, confluenter punctatissimus, antice emarginatus, 
postice sublobatus : lobo intermedio rotundato, lateralibus ob- 
tusis, testaceus: maculis binis oblongis dorsalibus nigris; mar- 
gine laterali reflexo undante, sinuato, dorso tricarinatus: cari- 
nis lateralibus arcuatis antice abbreviatis. Elytra confluenter 
punctulatissima, nigra: fascia magna, media, obliqua, fulva, 
prope suturam carina dorsali. Pectus testaceum, utrinque ma- 
cula nigra. Postpectus inter pedes flavescens. Femora apice 
testacea. Abdomen medio longitudinaliter flavum. 

Viro in Entomologia apprime docto, oculatissimo, coadjutori strenuo 
utilissimo amicissimo Gulielmo Spence, S, L.S. hoc insectum ab amico 
$uo dicatur. 


Mr. Kirey’s Century of Insects. 439 

Lamia Fabr. 

speculifera. 80. L. cinerea, thorace, elytrisque basi, spinosis, his 
| lunula levigata nitidissima. 
Long. corp. lin. 6. 
Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. 

Affinis videtur L. tribulo et horride Fabr. sed penitus distincta. 
|. Corpus oblongum, ex pilis tenuissimis decumbentibus cinereum, 
pilis longioribus rectis sparsis subhirtum. Caput inter oculos 
sparse punctatum, piloso-fuscum : fascia inter antennas pallida. 
Mandibule nigra, lævissimæ. Antenne mediocres, piloso-ci- 
nereæ, subtus hirsute. Thorax subcylindricus : spina elongata 
ascendente acutissima apice nigra utrinque armatus, spinis in- 
super quatuor, antico obsoletissimo, brevissimis dorsalibus in 
rhombum ordinatis, linea elevata inter se et cum lateralibus 
connexis. Scutellum quadratum, fuscum. : Elytra basi spinis 
duabus validis acutis, anteriori humerali, oblique positis ar- 
mata, lunula longitudinali, laevigata, glaberrima, nitidissima, 
fusca, speculum instar micanti notanda, apice spina laterali 

annulicornis. 81. L. plumbea, thorace spinoso, utrinque albo, 
elytris carinatis latere albidis, antennis an- 
tiüistié. 1:102 25a | 
: Long. corp. lin. 83. | 
Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. 

Corpus lineare, nigrum, ex pube brevissima plumbeum. Caput 
sub oculos et linea intermedia piloso-album, supra canalicula- 
tum. Mandibule apice bidentate. Antenne breviores, nigræ : 
articulis basi albis, intermediis subtus atro-barbatis. Thorax 


440 Mr. Kinsy's Century of Insects. 

lateribus piloso-albis, postice spina obtusa armatis. Elytra line- 
aria, apice paulo latiora rotundata, punctatissima, apud latus, 
apice excepto, piloso-alba. Anus subtus ex pilis albus. Pedes 
basi fulvi. | BE 

^ragifera. 82. L.fusca, thorace subspinoso, elytris apice cristatis, 
basi tuberculo fragiformi. : 
Long. corp. liù. 9. 
Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. 

Corpus oblongum, subtus disco villoso-fulvescenti, supra ex pilis 
cinerascente-fuscum nigro subnebulosum. Caput subinflexum. 
Mandibule late, edentulæ, nigra. Vertex canaliculatus : punc- 
tis binis obliquis atris. Antenne breviores, ex tuberculo pro- 
venientes: articulis fuscis, basi pallidis; primo apice valde in- 
crassato fulvo. Scutellum subquadratum, fulvo-pilosum. Elytra 
fusca, subnebulosa, rugosa, apice cristata : crista pilis coronata ; 
lineola transversa alba antice adjacente, postice tuberculo 
magno hemisphærico fragiformi, vel tuberculis pluribus mino- 
ribus aciniformibus exasperato. Humeri etiam elytrorum tu- 
berculato-rugosi. Pedes nebulosi. : 

aculeicornis. 83. L. oblonga cinerea, thorace spinoso, elytris basi 
subcristatis, antennis apice unguiculatis. 

Long. corp. lin. 6. 
Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. | 
Valde affinis L. Scorpioni, sed multo minor, elytris basi tantum 

. .€ristatis. Corpus totum cinereum, nec subtus et thorace album. 
Tibie item antice haud dilatatee—alias simillima. 

This insect, as well as Lamia Scorpio, exhibits a most extraordi- 
nary character; the terminal joint of the antenne exactly resem- 

Mr. Kinny's Century of Insects, 441 

bles a claw, such as arms the tarsi of many insects. This charac- 
ter, perhaps, would indicate a separate genus, but in every other 
respect these are true Lamiæ. What may be the use of this claw 
is not ascertained ; it is probably for the purpose of laying hold 
of surfaces. 
CeramByx Linn. ; 
hirticornis. 84, C. ater, thorace sexspinoso testaceo nigro macu- 
lato, elytris testaceis dimidiato-nigris, anten- 
nis barbatis. 
"m ves = Long. corp. lin. 11. 
Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. 
Affinis Cerambyci barbicorni. Corpus oblongum, subdepressum, 
atrum. Caput suborbiculatum: gula mandibulisque testaceis, 
supra velutino-atrum: vitta media obscuriuscula fulvo-aurea, 
Gene apice bidentate: dente exteriori majori. Antenne me- 
diocres, atrze: articulis intermediis hirtis, subtus barbatis. Tho- 
rax obtuse sexspinosus : spinis quatuor obtusis lateralibus, ante- 
rioribus brevioribus, et unica utrinque postice in dorso, testace- 
us: macula magna dorsali subtriangulari vittisque duabus late- 
ralibus, nigris. Scutellum atrum. Elytra testacea: apice late 
humerisque velutino-atris: linea dorsali elevata longitudinali 
sinuata glabra apicem haud attingente. Femora basi testacea. 
Sternum et Poststernum elevata obtusa: hoc antice excavato. 


e NOCORUS E abr. 

hirtus. 85. St. piceo-æneus, hirtus, thorace submutico, elytris 
maculis duabus pallidis. 

. Long. corp. lin. 113. 
Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. 

Corpus lineare, nigro-piceum, æneo tinctum, pilis cinereis longi- 

442 Mr. Kinsv's Century of Insects. 

usculis sparsis hirtum. Caput horizontale, inter oculos canali- 
culatum. Gene apice spina armate. Antenne articulis infe- 
rioribus apice spinosis. Thorax punctatus, cylindricus, utrin- 
que bituberculatus, dorso tuberculis quinque laevibus glabris 
in quincunce ordinatis. Scutellum sericeum, pallidum. Elytra 
punctata: macula intermedia irregulari obliqua exterius ramum 
emittente, aliaque apicis angulata, pallidis, apice bispinosa. 

hirsuticornis. 86. S. nigra, thorace elongato, utrinque vitta ar- 
. gentea, coleoptrisque aurea, antennis medio 
fasciculatim barbatis. | 
Long. corp. lin. 9. 
Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. 

Corpus lineare, angustatum, obscurum, nigrum. Caput inclina- 
tum, vel declive. Palpi labiales maxillaribus longiores. An- 
tenne mediocres, piceæ, articulis tribus intermediis elongatis 
sulcatis, atro fasciculato-hirsutis. Thorar elongatus, cylindri- 
cus, infra apicem constrictus, utrinque linea pallida piloso-ar- 
gentea. Elytra dorso plana, latere deflexa: vitta angusta in- 
termedia piloso-aurea. femora filiformia apice clavata: clava 
lanceolata. eo | 

scopulicornis. 87. S. rufo-picea, thorace elongato, elytris vitta au- 
rca, antennis articulo quinto apice scopula 

Long. corp. lin. 5. 

Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock: 

Affinis præcedenti. Corpus lineare, angustatum, totum rufo-pi- 
ceum, obscurum. Antenne mediocres, subtus pilis longis spar- 
sis, barbatæ: articulo quinto apice scopula quinque-radiata, 

: sive | 

Mr. KikBY's Century of Insecis. 443 

sive ex fasciculis quinque pilorum nigrorum divergentium con- 

stante. Thorax antice et postice constrictus. Elytra vitta dor- 
sali angustissima utrinque abbreviata, pallide aurea. Femora 
fere ut in precedente. 

Necypatts Linn. 

aurulenta. 88. N.aureo-pubescens, elytris subulatis fulvis: vitta 
laterali furcata nigra, antennis apice extus ser- 

: à Long. corp. lin. 10. 
Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. 

Corpus pube fulvo-aurea vestitum. Caput inter oculos carinatum : 
carinacanaliculata, pone antennas pube subferruginea. Antenne 
thorace longiores, sensim crassiores, nigra, apice extus serratæ. 
Thorax subglobosus, depressus, pube aurea et fusco-ferruginea 
nebulosus, postice constrictus : lineis tribus dorsalibus elevatis ; 
exterioribus arcuatis, glabris levibus, postice utrinque spatio 
glabro, escavato-punctato. Elytra subulata, corpore paulo bre- 
viora, fulva, punctata: vitta marginali antice furcata, sutura- 
que nigris. Pedes rufi: femoribus tibiisque medio nigricantibus. 
Temora quatuor anteriora incrassata, postica clavata. Tibie 
posticæ apice barbatæ. Abdomen rufum, aureo-pubescens. 

barbicrus. 89. N.nigra, elytris abbreviatis subulatis, macula ha- 
- mata alba, tibiis posticis undique barbatis. 
Long. corp. lin. 6. | 
Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. 

Corpus lineare, angustum, nigrum, subtus piloso-incanum. Caput 
- punctulatum, inter oculos canaliculatum. Antenne breviores, 
extrorsum crassiores, apice intus serrate, rufo fuscoque varie. 
VOL, XII. 3M Thorax 

444 Mr. Kirpy’s Century of Insects. 

Thorax brevis, subcylindricus, reticulato-punctatus: punctis 
papillatis, postice utrinque tuberculo dorsali levi. Elytra bre- 
vissima, subulata, punctatissima: vitta antice intus uncinata 
` et in medio obtusangula, levi, pallida. Pedes postici testacei ; 
tibiis, basi nuda excepta, undique atro dense barbatis. Anus 


Mecatopus Oliv. 

sexmaculatus. 90. M. flavus, subtus fascia, capitis vertice, thora- 
cis dorso, coleoptrisque maculis sex, atris. 
Long. corp. lin. 5. 
Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. | 
Corpus oblongüm, flavum, punctulatum : punctulis piligeris. Ca- 
put triangulare, postice inter oculos nigrum. Antenne nigre. 
Collum dorso nigro. Thorar teretiusculus, antice constrictus : 
dorso macula, utrinque angulata postice rotundata, nigra. Ely- 
fra fascia humerali, maculaque magna medii et apicis, lineola- 
que marginis, atris. Postpectus fascia lata nigra. Tibia posticæ 
arcuate, tarsique omnes, nigra. Jemora postica valde incras- 
sata. ns s 
Aturnus Fabr. 
rostratus. 91. A. fronte rostrata, supra testaceus, thorace vitta 
dorsali elytris apice, corporeque nigris. 
Long. corp. lin. 7. 
Habitat Ex Museo D. Drury. 

Corpus lineare, angustum, glabrum, atrum. Caput rufum, clypeo in 
rostrum breve apice truncatum, supra sulco exaratum nigrum, 
subtus declive rufum, producto. Ossub capite inter oculos. An- 

: tenne 

Mr. Kinnav's Century of Insects. 445 

tennein nostro specimine desunt. Oculi magni, laterales. Thorax 
 planiusculus, quadratus: angulis anticis truncatis, postice sub- 
lobatus, confluenter excavato-punctatus, rufus: vitta dorsali 
nigra. Elytra striata: striis lineis elevatis decussatis, unde exca- 
vato-punctate, rufa, apice nigra. Pectusrufum. Ale nigræ. 

This insect, which I purchased from the late Mr. Drury's col- 
lection, appears to vary both from Alurnus and Hispa, and might | 
perhaps constitute a new genus; but as my specimen has no an- 
tennee, I have for the present considered it as an Alurnus. 

Lamprosoma Kirby. 
Labrum subquadratum, apice deflexum. 
Labium minutissimum, oblongum. 
Mandibule apice incumbentes, edentule. 
Palpi crassi, subclavati. : 

.. Mentum minutissimum, oblongum. 

Antenne subclavatæ : clava compressa subserrata. 
Corpus hemisphæricum fere, dorso gibbo. 

Caput inflexum, a thorace receptum. 

Thorax postice lobatus. 

One species of this genus has been described by Fabricius as a 
Chrysomela (C. Globus), and another by Olivier as a Eumolpus 
(E. globosus). Itexhibits much more affinity to Clytra, from which 
however it is sufficiently distinguished by its labrum, mandibulæ, 
and palpi, as well as by the globose form of its body. 

bicolor. 92. L. supra cupreo-fulgidum, subtus cyaneum. 
Prate XXII. Fre. 15. 
Long. corp. lin. 44. 
Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. 4 
3M 2 Corpus 

446 Mr. Kirey’s Century of Insects. 

Corpus subglobosum, antice angulatum, glaberrimum, subtus cy- 
aneum, supra nitidissimum splendore cupreo fulgidum. Caput 
suborbiculatum, deflexum, punctulatum, inter oculos fovea ob- 
longa impressum. Os nigrum: mandibulis validis apice rotun- 
datis. Antenne capite vix longiores, nigre: articulo primo 
magno subcompresso, subrhomboidali, vel antice et postice ob- 
tusangulo, secundo brevi et fere conico, quarto minutissimo 
subgloboso, sequentibus tribus brevibus obconicis; rcliquis 
majoribus subtriangularibus, clavam compressam subserratam 
formantibus. Oculi magni, laterales, subreniformes. Thorax an- 
tice emarginatus, postice lobatus : lobo apice rotundato; lateri- 
bus obliquis, supra punctulatus. Scutellum minutissimum, acu- 
minatum.  Coleoptra dorso gibbo, punctato-striata, lateribus 
angulata. Sternum oblongum, punctatum. Pedes violacei. Fe- 
mora subtus pro receptione tibiarum longitudinaliter excavata. 
Tibie apice vix calcaratæ. 

Curamys Knoch. 
Bacca. 93. Ch. atra, supra cupreo-aurata, thorace bilobo, ely- 
tris muricatis punciatis: : sutura denticulata. 

Long. corp. lin. à 

Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. | 
Animal singulare, baccam rubicundam acinis constantem super- 
ficie rugoso simulans. - Corpus crassum, subquadratum, fere 
pentagonum, glabrum, subtus punctatum, atrum, supra obscure 
cupreo-auratum, sericeum. Caput orbiculatum, deflexum, fere 
totum in thorace receptum, quasi concentrice rugulosum: cly- 
peo distincto, subtriangulari, punctato. Labrum subquadratum, 
rufum. Palpi subfiliformes, labiales articülo secundo haud extus 
producto. Labium rufum, emarginatum. Antenne rufo-piceæ, 
subserratæ ; articulo primo elongato clavato arcuato. Thorax 
i minu- 

Mr. Kirpy’s Century of Insects. 447 

minutissime rugulosus, cupreo-auratus, dorso elevato bilobo: 
lobis emarginatis, antice constrictus, postice lobatus, lobo bifi- 
do. Coleoptra quadrata, tuberculato-muricata: tuberculis sub- 
trigonis, anticis acutis, reliquis obtusis anterius excavatis: su- 
turis denticulatis, lateribus profunde sinuata. Sternum ele- 
vatum, os claudens. femora subtus cuprea, pro receptione ti- 
biarum longitudinaliter excavata. Anus inflexus. Segmenta 
antica brevissima, et quasi plicata, anali profunde excavato. 

This species seems to differ from the others of the genus. in the 
structure of its labial. palpi, since they are not at all furcated. 
Whether the other species have the sutures denticulated I do not 
know, having only this species of the genus. Olivier does not no- 
‘tice it. The circumstance is so unique and rémarkable, that if 
they have it not, it would indicate that C. Bacca belongs to a 
- distinct genus. 


Cuoracus Kirby. 

Palpi subsetacei : articulo extimo acuto. 

Antenne clavatæ: clava triarticulata, basi afticulis duobus pri- 
mis incrassatis. 

Corpus cylindricum. 

Caput inflexum : clypeo elongato. 

After repeated examinations under a powerful magnifier, I have 
not been able clearly to discover more than three joints in the 
tarsi of this insect; but Mr. Curtis in one tarsus detected four. 
Indeed its general habit, &c. connect it witb the Tetramera, espe- 
cially Cis and Cryptocephalus : it will not however well arrange 
under any of the present families of that section of Coleoptera; I 
have therefore considered it as the type of a new one, to which 

some other nondescript genera in my cabinet belong. 

448 Mr. Kinay's Century of Insects. 

Sheppardi. 94. Ch. | 
Prate XXII. Fic. 14. 

Long. corp. iin. 2. | 
Habitat in Anglia. Apud Offton in Suffolcia a D. — 

rarius lectus, strenue saltans. 

Corpus oblongum, cylindricum, piceum, pilositate parva obscu- 
rum. Caput subinflexum, subtriangulare, punctulatissimum : 
clypeo plano subelongato. Mandibulæ acute, edentulæ. Palpi 
subsetacei: articulo extimo acuto et fere subulato. Antenne 
thoracis fere longitudine, nigræ: articulis duobus primis magnis 
incrassatis rufis, tertio brevi obconico, quarto subelongato cylin- 
drico, sequentibus quatuor obconicis, tribus ultimis preeceden- 
tibus subito majoribus, nono et decimo obconicis extimo fere 
ovato, clavam laxam efformantibus. Oculi subrotundi, plani- 
usculi. Thorax ex globoso conicus, convexus, punctulatissi- 
mus: puncto utroque sub lente forti centro eminenti. Scutel- 
lum vix ullum. Coleoptra oblonga, striata: striis punctatis. T'i- 
bie rufæ submutice. Tarsi item rufi: articulo intermedio reli- 
quis latiori. Unguiculi duo brevissimi. 

Entomologo cordato oculatissimo Revetto Sheppardo, A.B. S. L.S. 
hoc insectum ab ipso solummodo adhuc inventum, et mihi benevole com- 
municatum, merito dicatur. 


Moufeti. 95. B. fusca, thorace antice reflexo utrinque angulato. 
Mouffet 130, fig. infima. 
_ Kirby and Spence Introduct. to Entomology, ii. 320. 
Long. corp. lin. 22. 

Habitat in Brasilia frequens. D. Hancock. 3 

Mr. Krrpy’s Century of Insects. 449 

Corpus depressum, totum fuscum, obscurum. Caput utrinque 
sub oculos apud antennarum basin interne puncto pallido. 
Thorax supra rugosus, antice fulvus; margine antico emargi- 
nato, et laterali exciso, reflexis pallidis, disco gibbus. Tarsi 

_ articulis omnibus pulvillatis. 

Var. B. Elytris, thoraceque luridis. 


sinuata. 96. M.fusco-cinerea, oculis spinosis, elytris sinuatis ala- 
rum longitudine. l 
Long. corp. lin. 24.. 
Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock, ? in Mus. D. MacLeay. 
: | d 1 ; 

Affinis M. oculate et lobate Fabr. Folium aridum exactissime re- 
fert. Corpusfusco-cinereum, obscurum. Oculi ovales,spina acuta 
sursum terminati. Antenne setosæ, fulvæ, submoniliformes: ar- 
ticulis ultra 30 brevissimis turbinato-conicis. Thorax utrinque 
ante medium in angulum obtusum dilatatus. Brachia fulves- 
cunt. Elytra longitudine alarum, latere externo sinu magno 
posterius excisa. Ale fusco maculatæ. Abdomen fuscum. — 

gx OM 

Antenne medio crassiores, duodecim-articulatæ : articulo primo 
crassiori longiori cylindrico, secundo minimo cylindrico, tertio 
elongato subclavato, reliquis cylindricis, ultimis quinque mag- 
nitudine sensim decrescentibus. _ 

"Those Mantes whose eyes terminate in a spine seem to form a 
separate family from the rest, if they may not rather be considered 
as a genus ; for, besides the above singular character afforded by 
the eyes, their antenne are very different both in the number and 

form of the joints of which they are composed. 

450° Mr. Kinpy’s Century of Insects. 


Lathburii. 9T. F.fronte rostrata ascendente, elytris viridibus, albo 
flavoque ocellatis, alis luteis apice nigris. 
| Long. corp. lin: 18. | 
Habitat in China. Ex Mus. D. Lathbury. 

Affinis F.candelarie, sed rostrum supra nigrum, apice tantum rufo. 
Truncus disco nigro. Elytra nigro-viridia: vasis luteis, maculis 
pluribus sparsis ocellaribus, pupilla lutea, iride alba. Puncta 
quzdam alba in margine interiori. Abdomen pallidum, nigro 
maculosum. | 

^(Phalangide.) — — 
GoxvrEPTES Kirby. 

: Character essentialis. 
Mandibule chelate. mS 
Palpi unguiculati. 
Tarsi 6—10-articulati. 

: Character naturalis. 

Corpus triangulare. Caput thorace multo angustius, et ab illo 
linea impressa obtusangula: angulo anum spectante separa- 
tum, antice in medio biemarginatum, utrinque rectum, tuber- 
culo vel cornu dorsali basi oculigero : oculis binis rotundis pro- 
minulis, armatum. Mandibule inflexæ, biarticulatæ : articulo 

. primo subito apice valde incrassato, ultimo subovato chelato. 
Marxille nulle, ni coxæ pedum anticorum pro maxillis habendae. 
Labium pectorale, pharynge duplici. Palpi quinque-articulati, 
incurvi: articulo primo fere obcampanulato, secundo longiori 
subcylindrico, tertio brevi incurvo, quarto crassiori subcylin- 


Mr. Kirsy’s Century of Insects. 451 

 drico, intus aculeato: aculeis pluribus setiformibus mobili- 
bus, ultimo subovato intus aculeato, apice unguiculato: un- 
gueincurvo. Thorax suborbiculatus: lateribus marginatis in- 
crassatis. Pedes octo: coxis sex anterioribus arcuatis basi 
subcoalitis, intermediis longioribus, posticis duobus maximis 
cum postpectore coalitis et vix linea impressa separatis, extror- 
sum rotundatis, supra apice spina valida armatis, trochanteri- 
bus brevibus cylindricis, femoribus cylindricis: posterioribus 
spinosis genubus convergentibus, tibiis triarticulatis: articulo 
primo brevi incrassato campanulato, secundo tenuiori longiori 
cylindrico, tertio gracili longo filiformi apice bicalearato, tarsis 
filiformibus pilosis: anticis sexarticulatis, antepenultimis sep- 
tem- vel undecim-articulatis, penultimis brevioribus sex- vel 
septem-articulatis, posticis octo-articulatis: articulo primo ob- 
soletiusculo, secundo reliquis longiori, penultimo brevissimo. 
Tarsi omnes unguiculati, sed in quatuor anterioribus unguicu- 
lus internus obsoletus. Sternum inter pedes sex anteriores an- 
gustissimum, subcuneiforme. Poststernum inter coxas posticas 
et ab eis linea impressa levi separatum, fere sagittatum, postice 
utrinque spiraculo lunari pertusum. Abdomen brevissimum, 
interdum retractum, segmentis brevissimis et quasi plicatis, 
dorsalibus quatuors ventralibus sex, analibus mame bu: 

- This genus belongs to Latreille’s Arachnides Trachéennes Hole- 
tres, and should come before Phalangium, to which it is nearly re- 
lated. It is sufficiently distinguished from that genus by its tri- 
angular body, immense posterior coxa coalite with the postpec- 
tus and scarcely separated from it, except anteriorly, even by an 
impressed line; and more particularly by not having more than 
eleven joints in any of its tarsi. The third joint of the tibiæ may 
by some perhaps be regarded as the first joint of the tarsus, but 

VOL. XII. 3N the 

452 Mr Krinsv's Century of Insects. 

the spurs which arm its apex sufficiently prove that it belongs to 
the tibiæ. The knees of the hind-legs of these extraordinary in- 
sects converge; and being armed with spines, seem adapted to 
catch or retain their prey ; and probably on this account itis that 
the coxe of these legs are so strong. 

It seems to me that this genus and Phalangium, instead. of 
coming after the Pycnogonide, as Latreille has arranged them, 
should precede those marine animals, since their affinity to the 
spider tribe, scorpions, &c., is much greater. 

aculeatus. 98. G. cornu oculigero inclinato, thorace aculeato: 
aculeo incurvo, coxis posticis extus spina bi- 
Long. corp. lin. 6. . 
Habitat i in Brasilia. D. noi. ni: 

Corpus glabrum, leve, obscurum, fusco-rufum. Caput cornu 2n». 
sali oculigero elevato, acuto, inclinato. Thorax subnebulo- 
sus, transverse seriatim nodulosus: margine laterali exteriori 
pallide flavo, interiori incrassato noduloso, postice in medio 
spina aculeiformi validissima, incurva, acuta, basi sinistrorsum 
bidentata, dextrorsum unidentata terminatus, Pedes sordide 
pallidi: coxis fuscis, penultimis postice pectinatis: pectine 
fixo sexdentato, posticis extus spina robustissima apice bi- 
dentata armatis. Femora postica fusca, nodulosa, subtus prope 

- basin spina validissima obtusa pluribusque aliis minoribus uni- 

. caque dorsali armata. Genua item intus bispinosa. Tibie pos- 
tice articulis duobus primis nodulosis, intus acute spinosis.. 
sdidonen, inter coxas retractum et quasi intrusum, 

horridus, 99. G. cornu oculigero brevi bidentato, thorace tuber- 
culis binis, coxisque posticis spina furcata, ar- 

matis. | 

Mr. KinnyY's Century of Insects. 453 

Pirate XXII. Fre. 16. 
P i Long. corp. lin. 63. 
Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. _ 
Corpus fusco-rufum, glabrum, leve, obscurum. Caput elevatum : 
. cornu oculigero brevissimo bidentato: dentibus distantibus. 
Thorax postice tuberculis binis dorsalibus elevatis, in margine 
punctis elevatis pallidis. Puncta quædam alia elevata in tho- 
race notanda. Pedes elongati. Cove postice extus spina elon- 
gata apice furcata terminantur. Trochanteres et femora postica 
spinosa: spinis pluribus longitudine variis; unica prope basin 
elongata hinc emarginata. Sternum tricarinatum. Abdomen 
apertum: segmentis dorsalibus me elevatis callosis albis 
Var. 8. Abdomine subtus fusco rufoque marmorato. 

scaber. 100. G. cornu oculigero bifido, thoracis disco seriatim 
- tuberculato, coxis posticis spina apice recurva. 
ME SEE Long. corp. lin. 33. 

. Habitat in Brasilia. D. Hancock. 

Corpus griseum, obscurum, subtus subsetosum et granulis sca- 
brum. Caput cornu oculigero elevato apice. bispinoso. Thorax 
postice tuberculis quatuor oblongis magnis: anterioribus mi- 
noribus, aliisque quatuor parvis hemispheericis, per paria lon- 

" gitudinaliter ordinatis. In margine laterali et angulis posticis 
puncta elevata pallida. fere ocelliformia. Cove postice spinis 
externis apice recurvis.  Pemora postica spinosissima : spina 
elongata basis apice diffracta. Abdomen fere verticale, haud 
retractum, scabrum. 

ET " KAVIT. í 

( 454 ) 

XXVIII. A Description of several new Species of Insects collected 
in New Holland by Robert Brown, Esq. F.R.S. Lib. Linn. Soc. 
By the Rev. William Kirby, M.A. F.R. and L.S. 

Read February 17, 1818. 

No country has produced more novelties in every department of 
Natural History than New Holland ; and the plants and animals 
of that insular continent, if I may so speak, are most of them of 
a peculiar character. Even such as are most nearly related to 
those of other climates usually exhibit some diagnostic that se- 
parates them from their correlatives, and indicates the region that 
gave them birth. "Thus, the Rhipicere of New Holland are distin- 
guished from those of South America by the teeth that arm the 
inside of their mandibles: their Lucani, (L. nebulosus Kirby, at 
least,) from those of other countries by their recurved mandibles 
and emarginate mentum. Not to mention the differences that 
separate Anoplognathus from Geniates and Rutela, or Scarabeus | 
proboscideus from its affinities Sc. mobilicornis, quadridens, &c. 
Mr. Brown, (who has so ably illustrated the Flora of New Hol- 
- land, and whose observations and discoveries have diffused so 
much new light over the science of Botany,) when in that country 
did not overlook its zoological productions, and amongst other 
subjects collected many new and singular species of insects. 
Desirous of having these treasures described, and his time and 
attention,—to the great benefit of the botanical world,—being de- 

Mr. Kinpr's Description of several new Species of Insects. 455 

voted to another science; though fully competent to the task him- 
self, he has requested me to lay a description of them before the 
Linnean Society, which I shall now do to the best of my ability, 
adhering to the plan begun in my former paper. 

Burrestis Linn. 
cruentata. 1. B. viridis, elytris subacuminatis violaceis: fasciis 
duabus, maculaque antica laterali, sanguineis. 
Long. corp. lin. À. 

Parva sed pulcherrima. Corpus lineare, subcylindricum, nitidum, 
punctulatissimum, glabrum, ameene viride. Caput triangulare, 
inter oculos impressum, postice canaliculatum. Antenne ca- 
pite vix longiores, nigræ. Thorax linea angustissima dorsali 
longitudinali levi. Scutellum triangulare: disco excavato. Ely- 
tra striata: striis punctatis, violacea; fasciis duabus, anteriori 

- subsinuata, postica lunata, maculaque sub humero cum fascia 
antica connexa, sanguineis. Inter fascias color violaceus ely- 
trorum vergit in purpureum. El Jtrorum apex subacuminatus. 

tricolor. 2. B. viridi-aurata, elytris bidentatis, flavis; litora bis, 
sutura, fascia, maculaque apicis, violaceis. | 
| Long. corp. lin. 5i. 

Corpus subdepressum, oblongum, punctulatum, subtus Hadian- 
ratum: pube parva albida. Caput inter oculos impressum, 
postice canaliculatum. Antenne nigræ. Thorax æneus: late- 
ribus sordide flavis, postice paulo latior: puncto medio im- 
presso. Scutellum triangulari-cordatum, viride: disco impresso. 


456 Mr.Kinnt's Description of several new Species of Tnsects 

Elytra striata: striis punctatis ; interstitiis punctis sparsis, soré 
dide flava: litura laterali postice hamata basis, sutura late, 
fascia angulata pone medium, maculaque apicis subtriangulari, 
cum macula elytri alterius lanulam formante, purpurascente- 
violaceis, vel cruce obversa lunula coronata. | : 


pheorhea. 3. B.viridi-aurata, elytris bidentatis subsulcatis luteis, 
apice fusco-purpurascentibus. 
. PLATE XXII. Fic. 2. - 
| - .. Long. corp. lin. 4s. 

Insectum elegans. Corpus lineari-oblongum, subdepressum, punc- 
tulatum, glabrum, nitidum, viridi-auratum. Caput canalicu- 
latum. Antenne viridi-æneæ. Thorat antice submarginatus, 
postice latior subtrilobus, utrinque puncto majori foveolaque 

— dorsali impressus. Scutellum triangulare, viridi-auratum, disco 
impressum. -Elytra subsulcata: sulcis punctatis ; interstitiis 
sparse punctatis, obscuriuscula, pallide lutea, apice late fusco- 
purpurascentia, spinis duobus distantibus terminata. 

rufipennis. 4. B.atra nitida, elytris bidentatis sanguineis: sutura 
nigra. | 

Long. corp. lin. 7. 

Corpus lineari-oblongum, subdepressum, punctulatum, glabrum, 

nitidum, atrum. Caput inter oculos longitudinaliter impres- 

sum. Thorax sparse punctatus, postice sublobatus, utrinque 

obtusangulus ; lateribus fovea profunde excavatis. Punctum 

impressum ante scutellum, et unum utrinque in ipso margine 

postico. Elytra striata: striis punctatis, sanguinea: sutura atra, 
apice bidentata: dentibus brevissimis approximatis, 

decemmaculata. 5. B. sulphurea, elytris tridentatis atris: maculis 
quinque luteis, pedibus violaceis. 

collected in New Holland by Mr. Robert Brown: 457 

Prars XXIII. Fre. 8. 
Long. corp. lin. 6. | Et 


Corpus lineari-oblongum, punctulatum, glabrum, obscuriusculum, 
subtus sulphureum. Caput nigro-æneum, inter oculos postice 
canaliculatum : antice macula lanceolata sulphurea. ^ Antenne 
nigrae. Thorax nigro-æneus: lateribus sulphureis, dorso obso- 

"m canaliculatus, ante scutellum impressus. Scutellum trian- 
gulare, atrum: disco antice impresso. Elytra striata: striis 
punctatis, atra: maculis quinque luteis, prima nempe subro- 
tunda ad scutellum, secunda oblonga laterali ad humeros, ter- 
tia transversa ante medium, quarta lunata pone medium, ultimo 
in apice subtriangulari minori, luteis. Apex ipse dentibus tri- 

“bus parvis, intermedio longiori, armatus. Postpectus medio et 
lateribus macula nigra. Pedes violacei. | 

* 3 

cuprifera. 6. B. supra nigro-ænea, rugulosa, elytris serrulatis : 
UI vitta laterali cupreo-aurata, margine nent 

Long. corp. lin. 55. 

Corpus oblongum, depressum, subtus nitidum, viridi-æneum, punc- 
tulatum, parva pube pilosulum, supra minutissime rugulosum, 
nigro-æneum, obscuriusculum, glabrum. Caput inter oculos 

. punctis impressis valde excavatis quasi reticulatum. Antenne, 
thoracis fere longitudine, filiformes, subserratæ. Thorax trans- 

versus, utrinque postice subimpressus. Scutellum minutissimum, . 
| apice rotundatum, lævissimum. Elytra acuta, a medio fere ad 
apicem minutissime serrulata : vitta laterali subflexuosa fulgide 
cuprea: margo ipse lateralis violaceus. 

cupriceps. 7. D. viridi-aurata, elytris serratis punctato-striatis, 
capite cupreo, ano bispinoso. : 

Long. corp. lin. 54. i 

458 Mr.Krinnv's Description of several new Species of Insects 

Corpus lineari-lanceolatum, subdepressum, punctatum, nitidum, 
viridi-auratum. Caput obscuro-cupreum. Antenne filiformes, 
æneæ, subserratæ. Thorax postice latior, puncto impresso ante 
scutellum. Scutellum subquadratum. Elytra seriatim punc- 
tata, ba: i impressa, a medio serrata, apice truncata, trispinosa. 
Anus | spinis duabus minutis armatus. 

fissiceps. 8. B.ænea, elytris integerrimis sericeis substriatis, basi 
lobatis, capite emarginato. 

Long. corp. lin. 4. 

Corpus oblongum, subdepressum, æneum, subtus albido-pilosum. 
Caput inter oculos profunde impressum, quasi bifidum, in val- 
leculæ fundo carinatum. Antenne filiformes haud serratæ. 
Thorax lineolis plurimis dorso concentricis insculptus, postice 
lobatus: lobo truncato. Scutellum minutum acuminatum. Ely- 
tra striato-punctata: punctis quasi concatenatis, rugulis trans- 
versis minutissimis sericea, basi apud scutellum lobata: lobo 
rotundato. .— 
| (Cebrionida.) 

. Rurprcera Latr. 

femorata. 9. R. atra, thorace elytrisque punctis albis irroratis, 
femoribus rufis. 

Long. corp. lin. 8. 

Habitat in Australasiæ insulis dictis Kent’s Islands in freto dicto 
Bass’s Straits. 

R. mystacinæ affinis. Corpus lineare, subcylindricum, nigrum, 
subtus pube albida incanum.. Caput punctulatum, inter an- 
tennas impressum. Antenne multiarticulatæ, atre, flabellatæ : 
ramulis ultra 30 linearibus com pregas elongatis, primis qua- 


collected in New Holland by Mr. Robert Brown. 459 

tuor abbreviatis. Mandibule protense, primum divergentes, 
dein convergentes, intus bidentate : dentibus rotundatis, apice 
acutissimæ. Thorax brevis, subcylindricus, postice paulo latior, 
ante scutellum impressus, punctis. difformibus piloso-niveis 
utrinque precipue irroratus. Scutellum rotundatum, d 
.cavatum. Elytra punctata: lineis quinque longitudinalibus 
elevatis interiori postice. dimidiata, punctis plurimis sparsis 

piloso-niveis variegata. Femora rufa, apice nigra. 



Juba. 10. S. thorace antice retuso subcornuto, clypeo reflexo 
cornu brevi recurvo, elytris castaneis cinereo-punc- 

Long. corp. lin. 13. | 
Habitus fere S. syloani Fabr., et S. Ascanii Kirby. Corpus oblon- 
gum, nitidum, subtus piceum, pubescens. Caput nigrum, conflu- 
enter punctatum, postice lævius. Clypeus reflexus, apice trunca- 

= tus, cornu brevi punctato, subrecurvo, obtusiusculo armatus. 
Thorax niger, levis, levissime attamen et sparse punctulatus : 
punctulis sine lente forti omnino inconspicuis, postice repan- 
dus, antice retusus: fovea parva; fundo ruguloso. Cornu par- 
vum, brevissimum in i pso margine antico. Elytra castanea, sub- 

seriatim punctata: punctis excavatis pollinoso-cinereis. Tibie 
antice tridentate. 

| Bozsoceras Kirby. 
Labrum transversum. 
Labium bipartitum : laciniis oblongo-quadratis. 
Mandibule corneæ, supra concava, altera apice bidentata : dente 
interiori longiori acuto. 
VOL. XII. 30 i Maxille 

460 Mr. Kirsy’s Description of several new Species of Insects 

Mazille apice bilobæ : lobis ciliatis; interiori minuto, exteriori 
subcuneiformi: angulo apicis intus producto acutissimo. 

Palpi filiformes. 
Mentum subquadratum, integrum. 

n we und lecim-articulatze: articulo primo subclavato extus 
- minutissimo, secundo cylindrico, proximis sex transver- 
sis, ultimis tribus clavam maximam compressam subor- 
biculatam, pilosam, articulo intermedio sæpius penitus 
tecto et abdito, formanitibus. 

GrornvuPrs Latr. 

Labrum transversum, integrum. 

Labium bifidum : lobis rotundatis. 

Mandibule cornes, arcuatæ, edentule, acute, supra concave. 

Maaille lobo exteriori trigono, apice scopigero: scopa densa, ri- 
gida, trigona. : 

Palpi filiformes. : 

Mentum suborbiculatum, apice —o emarginatum. 

Antenne undecim-articulatæ : articulo primo incrassato clavato 
piloso, secundo brevissimo sequentibus crassiori obco- 
nico, sex proximis magnitudine sensim crescentibus, ul- 
timis tribus clavam subovatam obscuram papillosam, 
intermedio semper aperto, formantibus. 

These two sets of characters are designed to point out the dif- 
ferences between two distinct families of Scarabeide that have 
hitherto been considered as belonging to the same genus. Sc. mo- 
bilicornis Linn. (of which Sc. testaceus Fabr. is only a variety), qua- 
dridens Linn., farctus Fabr., Lazarus Fabr., Cyclops Oliv. &c., be- 
long to one of these families; and Sc. Typheus Linn., dispar Fabr., 
Momus Fabr., stercorarius Linn., foveatus Marsh., Mutator Marsh., 
splendidus Fabr., sylvaticus Fabr., hemisphericus Oliv., and verna- 


collected in New Holland by Mr. Robert Brown. 461 

lis Linn., &c. to the other. Whoever considers these characters, and 
compares these sets of insects with each other, will be immediatel y 
` convinced that, according to the modern system, they ought to 
constitute different genera. The mandibula of one side (in some 
the right-hand one and in others the left) bidentate : the 
maxilla with the outer lobe truncated at the apex, the i in ner angle 
acuminate, and narrowest at the base, and ciliated; the quadrate 
entire mentum; and above all the compressed, orbiculate, shining, 
punctate, hairy clava of their antennæ, the exterior lamellæ of 
which usually inclose the intermediate one as entirel y as the valves 
of a bivalve shell the animal which inhabits it, distinguish the for- 
mer of these tribes, to which I have long given the generic name 
of Bolboceras; whereas the other, the true Geotrupes, or earth- 
borer, is remarkable for mandibule without teeth; maxillæ with 
a prismatic exterior lobe terminating in a brush of stiff dense 
hairs; an orbicular deeply-emarginate mentum ; labium with 
rounded lobes; and antennz with a subovate clava, the third 
joint of which is always.apparent, and all its joints exhibiting a 
downy appearance, but having no hairs. The body of the former 
also is more hemispherical than that of the latter, and the clypeus 

is not rhomboidal. a 
Geotrupes vernalis seems to connect these two.genera ; its body 
approaching to an hemispherical form ; its labrum, though not 
emarginate, terminating in a concave line; and its mandibulæ 
having two teeth at the end. It differs from both in having the 
interior tooth the shortest, and the exterior edge of the mandible 
sinuate. In most other respects it agrees with G. stercorarius, &c. 
In Bolboceras Cephus the middle joint of the clava of the antennæ 
is not so wholly shut up between the two exterior ones as to be 
entirely hidden by them. Ih other respects it agrees with the 
rest. My details of Bolboceras were taken from B. quadridens, 
302 and 



462 Mr. Krrey’s Description of several new Species of Insects 

and those of Geotrupes from G. stercorarius. I-shall now describe 
a new species of the former genus from Mr. Brown’s collection. 

Austra 11. B. testaceus, thorace punctatissimo antice re- 

tuso, clypeo obtuse carinato. 

z* Prate XXIII. Fie. 5. 

*, Long. corp. lin. 9. 

Corpus oblongo-hemisphzricum, totum testaceum, subtus pubes- 
cens. Caput antice confluenter, postice sparse punctatum. 
Clypeus antice rotundatus, marginatus : margine subreflexo, su- 
pra carinatus; carina transversa, obtusa, utrinque abbreviata. 
Mandibula sinistra a tergo bidentata: dente exteriore obtuso. 
Labrum late emarginatum. Palpi articulo extimo elongato, sub- 
Janceolato. Antenne clava magna, compressa, exacte orbicu- 
lata, nitida, punctata, lamella intermedia penitus clausa. Tho- 
rax transversus et fere lunatus, confluenter punctatissimus : 
dorso postice longitudinaliter lzviori punctulis sparsis, utrinque 
obtusangulus et puncto ordinario majori impressus, antice re- 
tusus: fovea subtriangulari, prominentia obsoleta triplici. Ely- 
tra striata: striis ex punctis impressis crenatis. Tibie anticae 
serrate : serraturis nigris. Tibiarum calcaria longissima. 

| Trox Fabr. 
spurius. 12. T. oblongus, scaber, subcinereus, elytris seriatim pa- 
Long. corp. lin. 5. 

Intermedius inter Trogem et Melolontham, et forsan proprii gene- 
ris Corpus oblongum, nigrum, glabrum, obscurum, punctis 

papillatis et centro oblongo eminentibus pallidis subcinereum i 

et scabrum. . Caput suborbiculatum, deflexum, inæquale: cly- 


collected in New Holland by Mr. Robert Brown. 468 

peo reflexo antice subemarginato. Os concursu labri et menti 

` omnino clausum: labio, mandibulis maxillis palpisque labiali- 
bus penitus tectis. Palpi maxillares articulo extimo przcedenti- 
bus majori, subarcuato, basi tenuiori. Mentum magnum. 

_ tum, dorso depressum, triangulari-cordatum. Antenne ı 
articulate: articulo primo subglabro longiori, secundoqu b 
vi, clavatis, apice incrassatis ; tertio graciliori, clavato ; quarto 
brevissimo, subcylindrico ; quinto et sexto subpateræformibus, 
transversis; clava lamellis tribus lanceolatis acutis. Thorax 
transversus, antice emarginatus, postice obsolete obtusangulus, 
lateribus rotundatis, dorso utrinque tri-impressus. Elytra punc- 
tis papillatis seriatim ordinatis, seriebus plurimis. Tibie antice 
obtuse tridentate. : 

. Not being able to come at the trophi (Znstrumenta cibaria Fabr.) 

of this insect, I cannot clearly ascertain whether it belongs to 
Trox or Melolontha. Its habit, stature, and closed mouth are 
nearly those of the former genus; but the first joint of the an- 
tennz is not hairy as in that, its abdomen not vaulted and flat, 
and the anterior pair of tibiæ are not without teeth. 


sericea. 13. M. viridis, supra sericea subtus piloso-incana, pedi- 
bus rufis, clypeo elongato emarginato. 

Long. corp. lin. 5. 
Affinis M. aulicole Fabr. et M. aurulente Kirby, sed distincta. 
. Corpus oblongum, viride, sericeo-nitidum, subtus ex pilis albis 
decumbentibus incanum. Caput inclinatum, ex punctis con- 
fertis impressis quasi reticulatum. Clypeus elongatus, antice 
profunde emarginatus: margine omni reflexo. Palpi maxil- 
lares niveo-pilosi. Mazille basi apertæ, magne. Mentum ob- 
triangulare. Antenne pallide rufæ, decemarticulatæ : articulo 

464 Mr.KinnY's Description of several new Species of. Insects 

secundo sequentibus longiori; clava fusca. Oculi septo cili- 
ato: cilia nivea. Thorax subconicus, confluenter punctatissi- 
‘mus, dorso subcanaliculatus, lateribus subspinosis impressis. 
| ellum acuminato-triangulare, levissimum. Elytra subseri- 
atim punctata: lineis duabus longitudinalibus elevatiusculis. 
Pe le rufi, niveo-pilosi. Tibie antice apice subsinuatæ, vix den- 
‘tate. Tarsi unguiculis apice bifidis. Abdomen ventre valde con- 
vexo et fere gibbo. 

Crronia Fabr. 
atropunctata. 14. C. olivacea, clypeo elongato pide, elytris 
punctis sex vel octo atris. 


Long. corp. lin. 12. 

Habitat in Australasia. Apud Port Jackson a D. Brown in 
Mimosa lecta. 

Corpus nitidum, olivaceum, supra glaberrimum, subtus pubescens. 
Caput deflexum, punctatum. Clypeus elongatus, apice bifidus: 
lobis obtusis, margine incrassatus. Palpi subclavati. Thorax 
triangularis, antice truncatus: angulis porrectis acutis, postice 
sublobatus: lobo emarginato, sparse punctatus: margine late- 
rali incrassato, subrepando. Scutellum triangulare, lævissimum. 
Elytra punctata, at vix seriatim, punctis impressis, subrugosa, 
basi lzviuscula: punctis tribus atris in triangulo obtusangulo 
ordinatis, uno minori semicirculari apud scutellum, altero ma- 
jori extus in medio, tertio minori intus pone medium, rotundis. 
Apice mucronata sunt elytra: mucrone brevissimo. Postpec- 
tus in medio, et abdomen subtus segmentis quatuor primis, ni- 
gris. Poststernum porrectum, apice triangulare. Core antice 
tuberculo parvo subtriangulari fusco prope apicem inserto. Ti- 
bie anticæ acute tridentate. Tarsi unguiculis duobus com- 
pressis, truncatis. | | 

Var. 8. elytris punctis octo atris. D. MacLeay. 
: : Browni. 

collected in New Holland by Mr. Robert Brown. 465 

DBrownü. 15. C. castanea, capite, thoracis disco, scutello, pec- 
 toreque nigris, clypeo elongato bifido. 

Prare XXIII. Fic. 6. 

Long. corp. lin. 133. » 
Habitat à in Australasia, apud Port Jackson. +.. 
Corpus obovatum, glaberrimum, nitidum, læve. Caput a atram. 
Clypeus elongatus, bifidus: lobis divergentibus, utrinque im- 
pressus, margine incrassato. Antenne castaneæ. Thorax vix a 
præcedente differt quoad figuram, sed anguli antici haud pro- 
tensi et latera rotundata, levissime punctulatus, castaneus : 
margine antico et postico, et macula magna dorsali sublobata, 
atris. Scutellum triangulare atrum. Elytra levissime, ast se- 
riatim, punctulata, castanea; basi humeris suturaque, atris: 
Pectuset Postpectus atra. Pedesatri: tibiis castaneis apice atris. 
Abdomen nigro-castaneum. Anus lineolis transversis inscul ptus. 

Horum insectorum collectori Botanices Australasie elucidatori 
eximio, Ordinum plantarum Naturalium docto et lynceo extricatori 

D. R. Brown, S.R.S. Bibl. L.S. hoc insectum ab illo lectum merito 

brunnipes. 16, C.supra viridis, thoracis lateribus, punctisque du- 
obus dorsalibus elytrorumque plurimis, albis, 
pedibus brunneis. 
Long. corp. lin. 5$. 

Affinis admodum videtur C. aulice Fabr. sed multo minor et di- 
stincta: Corpus obovatum, subtus nitidiusculum, nigrum, pi- 
losulum, polline pallido variegatum ; supra viride, obscurum. 
Caput deflexum, punctatum, postice lunula interrupta polli- 
noso-alba. Clypeus apice emarginatus, subreflexus.. Palpi cum 
antennis brunnei. Thorax quoad figuram fere ut in præce- 


466 Mr. Krrey’s Description of several new Species of Insects 

dente, sed latera obsolete obtusangula, et postice haud loba- 
tus, ante scutellum tamen emarginatus: lateribus margine 
punctisque duobus dorsalibus distantibus pollinoso-albis, line- 
olis arcuatis sparsis insculptus. Scutellum elongatum, trian- 
gulare, leve: lineola utrinque pollinoso-alba. Elytra pone 
humeros sinuata, punctis lineolisque sparsis pollinoso-albis 
picta, lineolis, interdum duplicatis interdum figura ferri equini, 
insculpta : lateribus ante apicem, apiceque ipso, obscure brun- 
neis. Pedes setosi, brunnei. Tibiæ antice acute tridentate. 

. Podex rugosus: maculis quatuor, interioribus majoribus, polli- 
noso-pallidis. Abdomen subtus lineolis arcuatis setigeris in- 


ApELium Kirby. 

caraboides. 17. A. nigrum, thorace postice utrinque angulato, 
elytris porcatis: porcis alternis catenulatis. 

Piare XXIII. Fic. 7. 

Carabus porcatus apterus, ater, elytris striatis apice 
granulatis. Fab. Ent. Syst. Em. i. 147. 101. 
Calosoma porculatum. Fab. Syst, Eleuth. i. 911.8. 
Long. corp. lin. 74. — 

Facies omnino Carabi sed hujus generis. Corpus subdepressum, 
nitidum, glabrum, nigrum. Caput subtriangulare, ex punctis 
excavatis confluentibus postice rugosum, antice inter antennas 
transvetse elevatum. Antenne fere filiformes, thorace longiores. 
Thorax planiusculus, transversus, ex punctis impressis conflu- 
entibus valde rugosus, antice emarginatus, postice transversus: 

angulis lateralibus extantibus, subrecurvis, utrinque margina- 

collected in New Holland by Mr. Robert Brown. 467 

tus: margine explanato rotundato. Scutellum apice rotunda- 
tum, punctatum. Elytra porcata: porcis crenatis, alternis ca- 
tenatis, vel ex punctis oblongis elevatis, ut in Carabis pluribus 
obtinet, constantibus. 

Obs. Porci omnes in apice elytri interrupti sunt. 

I did not discover that Adelium caraboides had been described 
by Fabricius till after the figures illustrative of this paper were 
drawn; and as the insect here given confirms the genus I had 
laid down in my former paper, and is another instance of its spe- 
cies imitating the form and appearance of the Carabide, I think 
it may be interesting to Entomologists, particularly on account 
of Mr. Curtis's excellent figure, if I retain it. I have altered 
Fabricius's trivial name, as the insect certainly is neither a Cara- 
bus nor a Calosoma, to make it harmonize with those of the spe- 
cies before described. 

Hzrzvs Latreille. 

* Thorace antice bipartito, ante caput protenso. 

Brownii. 18. H. ater, glaberrimus, thorace caput ambiente, co- 
leoptris disco elevato granulato: sutura cari- 

Prare XXIII. Fre. 8. 
Long. corp. lin. 9. | 
Affinis H. perforato Latr. sed dimidio minor. Palpi maaillares 
articulo extimo minori, subpetiolato. Coleoptra glaberrima, 
haud punctata, granulis quibusdam subseriatim notata. Su- 
tura in carinam elevata. Sternum vix carinatum. Alias simil- 

This family of the genus Heleus presents some of the most sin- 
gular insects in nature. "The lobes of the thorax meet over the 
VOL. XII, 3P head, 

468 Mr.Kinnv's Description of several new Species of Insects 

head, and by their union, by means of a sinus cut out of their in- 
ner side, form a round hole where the vertex of the head appears 
and part of the eyes, so that the animal is thus enabled to see 
things above it as well as below it. The-anterior part of the head 
is below the thorax. ; i 

** Thorace haud caput ambiente. 

piceus. 19. H. fusco-piceus glaber, thorace emarginato, elytris 
| seriatim punctatis. 
| Long corp. lin. 62. 

Forsan ad aliud genus amandandum. Corpus oblongo-ovale, totum 
glaberrimum, obscuriusculum, fusco-piceum. Caput postice 
angustius, levissime punctulatum. Labrum transversum, apice 
rotundatum. Labium transversum, rotundatum. Mentum fere 
pentagonum. Palpi maxillares quadriarticulati: articulo extimo 
magno, sed haud maximo, securiformi.: Clypeus apice subemar- 
ginatus, Thorax semicircularis, segmento circuli antice dempto, 
postice subrepandus: lateribus marginatis, levissime punctula- 
tus; dorso valde convexo. Elytra seriatim punctulata, margi- 
nata: margine subreflexo. Epipleura lata, levis. 

(Curculionidz.) | 
| .  Evuruinus Kirby. 
muricatus. 20, E. niger, piloso-subincanus, elytris basi subcris- 

tatis: granulis tuberculisque acutis elevatis 
- Scabris. T m 

Long. corp. (Rostro excluso) lin. 8. 

Corpus. obcüneiforme, plus. minus piloso-incanum. Caput ru- 
gulosum, postice læve, inter oculos. canaliculatum.. Rostrum 

collected in New Holland by Mr. Robert Brown. 469 

thoracis longitudine, pone antennas punctatum. Antenne ros- 
tro pone apicem insidentes, tboracis fere longitudine, basi vix 
moniliformes: articulis tribus primis subclavatis, proximis quin- 
que obconicis, sensim brevioribus et majoribus, ultimis tribus 

. fere ut in E. leviori K. Thorax teretiusculus, rugosus. Cole- 
optra oblonga, granulata, striata : striis punctatis; punctis pro- 
funde excavatis ; dorsalium interstitiis tuberculorum acutorum 
serie, apud scutellum utrinque crista obsoletius elevata tuber- 
culis acutis muricata. Pedes antici longiores: femoribus in- 

| Curcutio Linn. 

mirabilis. 21. C.fuscus, rostro brevissimo, thorace confertim el y- 
trisque seriatim nodulosis, ventre masculo pos- 
tice aperto. 

. Long. corp. (Rostro excluso) lin. 10. 

Corpus lineari-oblongum, obscurum, nigro-fuscum. Caput squa- 
mulis luteo-pallidis consitum. Rostrum brevissimum, crassissi- 
mum, subcylindricum, supra inæquale, canaliculatum, apice 
emarginatum.  Mandibule maximæ, subtrapeziformes, intus 
lævissimæ, glaberrimæ, nitidissimæ, extus pallido-squamulosæ : 
pilis nigris intermixtis; verticeextus excavatæ. Antenne frac- 
tæ: articulis 4°, 5°, 6°, 7? globosis, quatuor ultimis clavam lan- 
ceolato-rhomboidalem acutam arctissime imbricatam et fere 
subsolidam formantibus. Thorax depressus, suborbiculatus, 
dorso subimpressus, antice subconstrictus, confertissime nodu- 
losus. Elytra subporcata, seriatim nodulosa: nodulis parvis 
setigeris, apice obtusa et ad suturam submucronata.  Femora 
inermia. - Tibie vix calcarate. Venter segmentis duobus ulti- 
mis ut videtur quasi circulo dempto, adeo ut patent interiora ; 

3P2 sed 

470 Mr. Kinsy’s Description of several new Species of Insects — 

sed revera deflexa est horum segmentorum pars media. Ex 
fundo cavitatis lamine due, late, compresse, obcuneatæ, 
apice rotundatæ, lævissimæ, glaberrimæ, nitidæ emergunt, et 
postice utrinque in margine ipso circuli setarum rigidissima- 
rum fasciculi, vel potius pectines duo. Basi late excavatus est . 
venter. | 

Var. Sexus alter: mandibulis trigonis obscuris, rugosis setosis, 
acutis, thorace vix impresso, ventre integro: cavitate nulla. 

I know no insect amongst the Curculionide (except one of the 
same tribe with this in Mr. MacLeay's cabinet with an anal for- 
ceps, something like that of an earwig,) that is so wonderfully 
formed as the species here described. The ventral cavity, lami- 
nee, and pecten have no parallel that I am aware of in the insect 
world. These organs are probably for sexual purposes, since the 
other sex, if I am not mistaken in supposing the variety I have 
described merely sexual, is without them. 


punctatus. 22. St. piceus, thorace spinoso, elytris excavato-punc- 
| tatis, pallido nebulosis. | 

Long. corp. lin. 14. 

Corpus lineare, subdepressum, piceum, nitidum, subtus piloso- 
incanum. Caput subinclinatum, subtus transverse rugosum : 
gula in medio levissima, supra subpilosum postice rugosum, 
inter antennas canaliculatum. Labrum transversum: disco de- 
presso. Labium bilobum: lobis divaricatis pilosis. Mandi- 
bule incurvæ, acute, supra rugose. Mazille aperte: lobo 
exteriori elongato scopigero, interiori brevi ciliato. Palpi ar- 
ticulo extimo semicordato, mavillares longiores. Mentum trans- 


collected in New Holland by Mr. Robert Brown, 47 1 

versum, apice rotundatum. Antenne breviores, rufo-piceæ; ar- 
ticulis quinque intermediis extus apice spina armatis. Thorax 
rugosus, utrinque spina acuta valida, antice et postice constric- 
tus, dorso verrucis s. tuberculis quinque, in quincunce ordi- 
natis, complanatis. Scutellum piloso-cinereum. Elytra exca- 
vato-punctata: punctis magnis profundis, piceo pallidoque 
varia, apice bispinosa. Pedes dilute picei. 

Disticnuocera MacLeay. 

Labrum transversum, tetragonum. 

Labium membranaceum, apice bilobum: lobis divaricatis. 
Mandibule trigonæ, edentulæ, apice incurve, acuta. 
Maxille basi aperte. 

Palpi filiformes. 

Mentum transversum, trapeziforme. 

Antenne sensim crassiores, disticho-ramosæ. 

This genus, named long ago, as above,-by Mr. ee ps con- 
nects Cerambyx with Molorchus, Necydalis, and Rhagium. With 
the latter indeed it has little other connexion than from the simi- 
lar shape of its elytra, which grow gradually narrower towards 
the apex ; from Cerambyz it is distinguished by its antennæ; and 
from Molorchus and Necydalis by its elytra, scarcely at all shorter 
than the wings, and by its disticho-ramose antennæ, | 

maculicollis. 23. 
Prate XXIII. Fic. 10; 

Long. corp. lin. 8 

Corpus fere cuneiforme, subtus pilis argenteis nitidum, supra ni- 
grum, obscurum. Caput subcordatum, pilosum, canalicula- 
tum, utrinque ante antennas carinatum. Oculi brunnei. An- 
tenne breviores, nigrae : articulis omnibus apice biramosis (duo- 
bus primis brevissime); ramis oppositis compressis vertice ro- 


472 Mr. Kinny's Description of several new Species of Insects 

tundatis, sinistris paulo longioribus, articulo extimo simplici 
clavato. Thorax subcylindricus: maculis quatuor dorsalibus 
quadratim ordinatis. Elytra cuneiformia : lineis tribus longitu- 
dinalibus elevatis; striga apud scutellum et alia majori in me- 
dio apud suturam, piloso-argenteis, apice truncata. Femora 
brunnea. Tibie bicalcarate. Ale elytris longiores. 

Moroncnvus Fabr. 

cingulatus. 24. M. niger, elytris dimidiatis luridis, apice ma- 
= cula alba, abdomine cingulis tribus niveis. 

Long. corp. lin. 11. 

Corpus lineare, subtus atrum, pilis albis maculosum. Caput in- 
clinatum, subcordatum, medio canaliculatum, utrinque sub 
antennis carinatum, ex punctis conftuentibus rugulosum. Cly- 
peus a fronte linea impressa separatus, pentagonus, vel rhom- 
boidalis: angulo antico truncato. Antenne mediocres, apicem 
versus crassiores, nigra. Thorax brevis teretiusculus, antice 
constrictus, postice impressus, lateribus caput versus obtusan- 
gulis, confluenter punctulatissimus. Scutellum nigrum. Ely- 
tra brevissima, oblique truncata, confluenter punctulata, luri- 
da: lateribus deflexis fuscescentibus, apice in medio macula 
triangulari pilosa alba. Ale nigricantes, corporis longitudine. 
Pedes brunnei: femoribus dilutioribus. Abdomen cingulis tri- 
bus piloso-niveis circumcinctum. 

(Lepturida.) - 
Lrzrruna Linn. 
ceramboides. 25. L. nigra, thorace subspinoso antice constricto, 
| elytris croceis, ore pedibusque rufis. 
Puate XXIII. Fie. 11. 

Long, corp. lin. 73. 
A habitu 

ME MI ie 

collected in New Holland by Mr. Robert Brown: 473 

À habitu generis omnino recedit, Cerambycibus propior. Corpus li- 
| neare, angustum, nitidum, glabriusculum, nigrum. Caput por- 
rectum, oblongiusculum, subtus et antice rufum, inter oculos 
canaliculatum, ante antennas declive. Labrum transversum, 
minutum. Labium apice bifidum: lobis divaricatis. Mandi- 
bule trigonæ, subforcipate; acute. Maaille basi aperte. Palpi 
breves, filiformes. Mentum transversum, quadrangulum. An- 
tennæ submediocres: articulis intermediis subtus barbatis. Oculi 
subtriangulares, prominuli. Thorax antice valde angustatus. 
et late constrictus, utrinque subspinosus, supra quadrituber- 
culatus :'tuberculis complanatis, anticis approximatis. Elytra 
punctulatissima, obscura, elevato-quadrilineata, crocea : sutura 
in medio violacea. Pedes rufi. | 

This species approaches very near to Stencorus suturalis of 
Olivier (iv. no. 69. 29. 25. t. 3. f. 29.); but in his insect the legs: 
are black, the thorax has only two tubercles, and the base of the 
exterior margin as well as that of the suture is violet; whereas im 
L. ceramboides the legs are red, the thorax has four tubercles, and 
only the suture is violet. His insect also comes from a different 
country, being a native of the East Indies. "These two species: 
form a distinct section of Leptura, or perhaps a new genus.. 

(Chrysomelide.) - 
CunvsouELA Linn. | 
Curtisii. 26. C. oblonga, sanguinea, thoracis vitta, elytrisque dis- 
co, aurato-viridibus.. - 
PLATE XXII. Fic. 12. 

| Long. corp. lin. 4. 
Corpus oblongum, sanguineum. Caput punctulatum. Antenne ex- 
trorsum crassiores, compresse, nigra, basi rufz. Thorac trans- 

474 Mr. Krnnv's Description of several new Species of Insects 

versus, punctatus, antice utrinque puncto vittaque dorsali an- 
gusta cyaneo-viridibus. Scutellum viride. Elytra vage punc- 
tata: disco aurato-viridi. Postpectus utrinque viride. Pedes 
genubus tarsisque nigris. — 

Ab insectoruin pictori eximio, collectori strenuo, indagatori assiduo, 

cordato, D* Johanni Curtis Norvicensi, Aoc pulchellum insectum 
nomen mutuatur. 
— (Cimicida.) 

Dua. 27. S. viridis, supra cyanea, scutello basi macula biloba, 
abdomine, lateribus, femoribusque, aurantiacis. 

Long. corp. lin. 6. 

Corpus ex ovali subheptagonum, viride, punctulatum. Caput tri- 
angulare, subtus gula flava utrinque puncto nigro. Rostrum 
nigrum, basi rufum. Antenne nigra. Thorax antice levis vi- 
ridis: lineola transversa obscura rufa, postice convexus cya- 
neus punctulatus utrinque obtusangulus. Scutellum cyaneum : 
antice macula magna transversa postice biloba aurantiaca. 
Postpectus cyaneo maculatum. Ale nigra. Pedes villosi, cy- 
anei: femoribus rufis. Abdomen lateribus dentato-aurantiacis. 

Acuitus Kirby. 

Frons tricarinata. ; 
Labrum vix distinctum, cum clypeo in medio coalitum. 
Antenna suboculares biarticulatæ : articulo primo brevissimo cy- 

lindrico, secundo paulo crassiori tereti, lzevi, setigero. 
Thorax brevissimus, antice subrepandus, postice obtusangulus: 

angulo caput spectante. 

l The 

" st ü 

» collected in New Holland by Mr. Robert Brown. 475 

The situation of the antennæ of the insect from which I have 
formed this genus, agrees with that of Fulgora; but in all the 
genuine species of the latter their second joint is much larger 
than the first, globose, and covered with papillæ : whereas in 
Achilus it is not remarkably larger than the first, is rather taper- 
ing, and without papilla. The labrum also is not separated from 
the clypeus, except on the sides, by any suture or even impressed 
line; the thorax a good deal resembles that of Fulgora, but it is 
more completely obtusangular. ; 

flammeus. 28, A. Es : 
Prate XXIII. Fic. 13. 

Long. corp. lin. 6. 

Corpus sanguineum, immaculatum. Caput vertice transverso qua- 
drangulo, postice segmento circuli dempto.  Fronsinflexus, vix 
a clypeo separatus, tricarinatus. Clypeus cum labro in medio 
connatus. Oculi hemispheerici, albi, laterales, postici. Antenne 
sub oculis insertæ, biarticulatæ : articulo primo brevissimo cy- 
lindrico, secundo longiori paulo crassiori teretiusculo, haud pa- 
pillato, setigero. Ocellus utrinque intus inter oculos et antennas 
ad clypeum situs. Thorax brevis, postice sinuatus: sinu magno 
obtusangulo, antice repandus. Metathorax cum Scutello fere 
rhomboidalis. Elytra corpore longiora, plana, oblonga, latere 
exteriori et apice rotundata, intus subsinuata. Ale plicatiles, 
elytris paulo breviores, apice latiores obliquæ rotundatæ. Pe- 
des angulati: tibiis posticis apice calcaribus et spinulis semi- 
coronatis. Anus flosculiferus*. . 

.* By this term we designate an anus terminated by a process resembling a floret, Ex, 
Fulgora candelaria, . 

VOL. XII. — Oo . g HYMEN- 

476 Mr. Kinny's Description of several new Species of Insects 

| (Sphegida-.) 
Tuynnus Fabr. | à 
annulatus. 29. 'T.fulvescente-villosus, thorace obscure ferrugineo 

nigro maculoso, abdomine flavo: segmentis 
utrinque annulo nigro. 

Long. corp. lin. 153. 

Corpus nigrum, pube densa satis fulvescenti vestitum. Caput sub- 
triangulare: ore flavo. Clypeus flavus, postice macula dorsali 
longitudinali subcampanulata nigra. - Antenne nigra. Truncus 
oblongus, quadrangulus, fulvus: maculis quibusdam obscuris 
dorsalibus nigris. Pedes fulvi: cosis posterioribus basi nigris. 
Ale corporis fere longitudine, fuscescentes. Abdomen lineari- 
lanceolatum, basi retusum, apice deflexum, flavum: segmentis 
apice annulisque duobus latere exteriori interruptis, nigris. 
Podex macula nigra. Venter segmentis: utrinque lunula; stri- 
gaque intermedia, nigricantibus; ultimo spina acuminata ar- 

variabilis*. 30. T. rufus, nigro maculosus, abdomine atro: seg- 
mentis quinque anticis supra et infra flavo 

Long. corp. lin. 13. 

Corpus fere lineare, mollissime sed vix dense fulvo pubescens.. 

Caput flavum: vertice macula magna angulata nigra. Antenne 
thoracis fere longitudine, setaceæ, nigra. Truncus subglobosus, 
supra fulvus: antice fasciis duabus vitta intermedia connexis, 

* I adopt this name from the MSS. of Dr. Leach, who observes that this species varies 

considerably. He possesses four varieties, and Mr, MacLeay a fifth, "ER 
| nigris, 

æ collected in New Holland by Mr. Robert Brown. 477 

nigris, disco nigro: lineolis duabus obliquis rufis, subtus ful- 

vus, spatio inter pedes primi paris et posteriores nigro utrin- 

que fulvo strigoso. Pedes rufo-fulvi. Ale corpore longiores 

fuscescentes. Abdomen ovato-lanceolatum, vel fere cuneiforme, 

nigrum, segmento primo flavo: apice, maculis duabus, cruce- 

que, nigris, intermediis quatuor nigris: maculis quatuor flavis 
transverse digestis. Venter segmentis anticis fascia flava, ulti- 
_ mis interruptis, anali mucronato. 

(Apide) | 
: XvLocopA Latr. : 
Australensis. 31. X. cyanea, supra viridis, alis violaceis, capite 
anoque villoso-albis. 
Long. corp. lin. 8. 
Corpus oblongum, subtus cyaneum: pube nigra. Caput orbicula- 
tum, viride: vertice cyaneo tincto, totum villoso-album. An- 
tenne nigrae, subtus picez: stipite viridi-æneo. Truncus supra 
cyaneo-viridis, punctulatus: disco lævissimo nitido, antice ca-. 
naliculatus. Ale violacez. Pedes cyanei atro hirti, tarsi pos- 
| tici precipue. Abdomen supra viride, punctatum, nitidum: 
ano pilis albis ciliato. 
Formica Linn. 
intrepida. 32. F. nigra, trunco pedibusque rufis, capite abdo- 
mine majori. 
Long corp. lin. 7. 
Habitat in Australasia, apud Port Jackson. Formicarum auda- 
cissima, strenuissima. 

Affinis F. rufe, L. Corpus glabriusculum, nigrum. Caput trian- 
gulare, postice subemarginatum, supra sparse punctatum, et in- 
(Es 3Q2 super 

478 Mr. Kinnv's Description of several new Species of Inseets. 

super sub lente forti reticulato-lineatulum: areolis minutissi- 
mis. Stemmata in triangulo in foveolis inserta, sed posteriora 
duo difficillime cernuntur. Frons inter antennas bicarinata : 
carinulis flexuosis ; interstitio canaliculato. Mandibule vali- 
dissimæ, supra punctate, apice sexdentatæ. Antenne rufes- 
centes: stipite nigro. Clypeus,obtuse carinatus, emarginatus. 
Truncus compressus, cum — rufus ; femoribus dilutiori- 
bus. Squama rufa, integra, pilis subciliata,. Abdomen subovale, 
nigrum, subpilosum. 

viridis. 33. F. glauco-viridis: antennis oreque rufis, abdomine 
segmentis margine albis. 
Long. corp. lin. 

Habitat in Australasia septentrionali. 

Affinis videtur F. smaragdine Fabr. sed minor. Corpus fere glau- 
cum, pube brevissima obscuratum. Caput triangulare.  Man- 
dibule apice nigra, supra punctate. Labium cum mazillis pal- 
lidum. Frons stemmatibus tribus in triangulo. Antenne pal- 
lide rufze. Clypeus truncatus. Truncus subglobosus dorso sa- 
turatior, subtus utrinque macula obscura pallida. Tarsi rufes- 
centes. Ale corpore longiores, albæ: neuris fuscis. Squama bre- 
vissima, crassa, emarginata. Abdomen ex globoso ovatum, glau-. 
cum: segmentis supra et infra margine albis. 

This is the ant the bite of which Sir Joseph Banks found 80. 
painful *. | 

. * Hawkesworth's Cook’s Voy. iii. 223, Kirby and Spence, Introduct. to Entomo- 
logy, i, 9rd ed, 123, 



5 27 

Hat ? 

7 Curtis ad 


E a. Mandibula: b. Maxilla with Maxillary Palpus. c. La- 

Explanation of Plates. 479 



. Pelecium cyanipes. 

a. Labrum. b. Maxillary Palpus. c. Labial ditto. d. Li- 
gula. e. Antenna. 

Anelastes Drurit. 

a. Clypeus. bb. Mandibulæ. c. Antenna. 

Rhipicera marginata. | 

aa. Mandibulæ. bb. Ditto of RA. femoralis. 

Lampyris Latreillii. 

a. Antenna of female. 

Eurypus rubens. 4 

a. Maxillary Palpus. b. Labial ditto. c. Labrum. d. Tarsus. 

Axina analis. 

a. Maxillary Palpus. 6. Labial ditto. c. Tarsus. 

j Priocera variegata. iss | 
a. Maxillary Palpus. &. Labial ditto. c. Tarsus. 

Geniates barbatus. 

a. Mandibule. b. Maxilla with Maxillary Palpus. c. La- 
brum. dd. Labial Palpi. e. Labium. f. Mentum 
with circular beard or brush. g. Antenna. -h. Dis | 
lated anterior Tarsus. — ; 

Apogonia gemellata. 
- a. Mandibula. b. Maxilla with | Maxillary Palpus. c. La- 

brum. ‘d. Labium with — Palpi. e. Antenna. 
f. Part of Tarsus. 
Rutela pulchella. . 

brum, d. Labium with Labial Palpi. e. Antenna. 


Fig. 11. 




[ IO. 

Fig. 1. 

Explanation of Plates 

Cetonia MacLeayi. 

Lucanus nebulosus. 

a. Maxilla with Maxillary Palpus. b. Labium with La- 
bial Palpi. c. Mentum. _ ! 

Psammodes longicornis. | 

a. Labrum. 6. Base of Maxilla. c. Maxillary Palpus. 
d. Labium with Labial Palpi. e. Mentum. f. One 
of the setigerous puncta of the Thorax. 

Scotinus crenicollis. 

a. Labrum. b. Base of Maxilla. c. Labium. d. Maxil- 
lary Palpus. e. Mentum. f. Antenna. 

Sphærotus curvipes. 

a. Labrum. 6. Mentum. c. Maxillary Palpus. d. La- 
bial ditto. e. Apex of Antenna. f. One of the 
puncta of the Elytra. - 

Strongylium chalconatum. 

a. Labrum. b. Base of Maxilla with Maxillary Palpus. 
c. Labium with Labial Palpi. d. Mentum. e. Apex 

of Antenna .. f. One of the puncta of the Elytra. 


Eurynotus muricatus. 

a. Labrum. b. Labium. c. Mentum. d. Antenna. 

Adelium calosomoides. : | 

a. Labrum. b Labium with Labial Palpus. c. Base 
of Maxilla with Maxillary Palpus. d. Mentum. 
e. Apex of Antenna. f. Anterior Tarsus. 

Ozura setosa. | 

a. Labrum. b: Labium. c. Mentum. d. Mandibula. 
c: One of the setigerous puncta of the Thorax. 

| Fig. 

Linn. Trans. VoL XI. Tab 22 P480 

JJ Curtis ad nat piny et scudp. 

to Mr. Kinnv's Descriptions of new Species of Insects. 481 

Fig. 4. 

Spheniscus erotyloides. 

a. Labrum. b. Labium with Labial Palpi. c. Base of 

Maxille with Maxillary Palpus. d. Mentum. 

5. Stenochia rufipes. E. 
a. Labrum. b. Labium with Labial Palpus. c. Base of 
7 Maxilla with Maxillary Palpus. d. Mentum. 
6. Gnathium Francilloni. 
a. Head (front view). b. Labrum. c.Mandibule. d. Lobes 
of Maxille. e. Labium. f. Mentum. . 
7. Rhinotia hemoptera. 


. Rynchanus Dufresnii. 
. Curculio Hancocki. 

. Curculio elegans. 

a. Mandibule. b. Labium with Labial inis: cc. Max- 
ille with Maxillary Fabi. d. Mentum. 

. Eurhinus levior. 

a. Mandibulæ, b. Labium with minute Labial Palpi. 
cc. Maxillæ with Maxillary Palpi. d. Mentum. 
e. Antenna d. f. Antenna ? of another species. 
Rhinaria cristata. 

a. Head (front view). b. Crest. c. Mandibula. d. Labium. s 

a. Head (front view). 
a. Apex of Mandibula. 
Prionus Spencii. 

Choragus Sheppardi. ; 
a. Head (front view). b. Palpi. c. Puncta of the Thorax. 

. Lamprosoma bicolor. 

a. Labrum. bb. Mandibule. c. Maxillary Palpus. d.La- 
bial ditto. e. Antenna. 

Gonyleptes horridus. 
a. Mandibula with Chela. 6. First joint of ditto. c. Part 

of Pectus. d. Sternum. 



. Buprestis cruentata. j 

.—— —— 10-maculata. © 

Qv E Co 19 mi 

Explanation of Plates. 

Pirate XXIII. 

-— pheorhea. 2 + 

————— fissiceps. à à * 

. Bolboceras Australasie. 

a. Labrum. 6. Mandibulæ. c. Labium with Labial Pal- 
pus. d. Maxilla with Maxillary Palpus. e. Men- 
tum*, f. Antenna. 

Cetonia Brownii. 

Adelium caraboides. 

Heleus Brownii. 

Curculio mirabilis. 

a. Ventral Cavity and Apparatus. 55 cc. Lamine in ditto. 

Distichocera maculicollis. 

a. Labium. b. Antenna. 

. Leptura ceramboides. 
- Chrysomela Curtis. 
. Achilus flammeus. 

a. Front. b. Antenna. 

* ed e are from Bolboceras quadridens, | ^ 


t pinxe sup . 

ad na 

J ardor 

( 483 ) 

E d 

XXIX. Some Account of the Island of Tristan da Cunha and 
of its Natural Productions. By Captain Dugald Carmichael, 

Read December 16, 1817. 

Tre British Government having judged it expedient to take pos- 
session of the island of Tristan da Cunha, a military detachment, 
consisting of about fifty men, with a captain, two subalterns, and 
a medical officer, was sent to occupy it from the Cape of Good 
Hope. Motives of curiosity led me to apply for permission to 
accompany this expedition, which embarked on board His Ma- 
jesty's ship Falmouth on the 2d of November 1816. A liberal © 
supply of agricultural instruments, with a team of labouring oxen, © 
and some cattle for breeding, was sent on board at the same time. 
We sailed from Table Bay on the 3d, and two days after en- 
countered a heavy gale, during which, our cattle, standing unshel- 
tered upon deck, were so much injured by the rolling of the ship, 4 
and by the sea washing over them, that they all died before we © 
arrived at our destination. The westerly winds, which usually 
prevail in the high southern latitudes, protracted our voyage to 
the 28th of November: but we had the good fortune to come to 
anchor in fine weather, and landed all the stores without loss or 

Tristan da Cunha is situated in 37°6’ south lat. and in 11° 44’ west 
long. The whole island is apparently a solid mass of rock in the form 

YOL. XII. 3 R of 

484 Capt. CARMICHAEL’s Description of 

of a truncated cone, rising abruptly from the sea, and ascending at 
an angle of 45 degrees to the height of three thousand feet. "This 
mass is surmounted by a dome upwards of five thousand feet high, 
on the summit of which is the craterof an old extinguished volcano. 

The island is of a circular form, and about nine leagues in cir- 
cumference. In various places the sea beats home against the 
salient angles of the mountain, rendering it impossible to walk 
round theisland. Between those points a narrow beach has been 
formed, by the gradual accumulation of the fragments of rock 
daily precipitated from above; and is covered in some few places 
with a layer of fine black sand resembling gunpowder, which 
is, however, kept in constant motion, being washed away by one 
gale, and cast up again by the next. 

‘The face of the mountain, as far ups the base of the dome, is 
mostly covered with brush-wood, intermixed with fern and long 
grass, which veil its native ruggedness. | In many parts, however, it 
is completely bare, and presents to view the edges of a vast num- 
ber of strata arranged horizontally, or at slight degrees of incli- 
nation. These strata are in-general from five to ten feet in thick- 
ness, and vary essentially in their internal structure. ‘The greater 
number are of solid rock, of a blueish-gray colour and extreme 
hardness, in some instances homogeneous, in others exhibiting 

* crystals of hornblende, felspar, and olivin sparingly scattered, or 
forming more than a moiety of the compound mass. Between 
those are frequently interposed beds of scoria cohering from the 
effect of partial fusion; of tufa studded with crystals of augite; 
or of ashes condensed by the pressure of the superincumbent 
mass. The latter, still retaining in a great measure their friable 
nature, moulder gradually away, and leave the more compact 
strata in projecting shelves. 


! the Island of Tristan da Cunha, $c. . 485 

The mountain appears to have been rent asunder by some vio- 
lent convulsion, and the fissures filled up by a hard stony mass of 
a blueish or a reddish colour, and of the nature of trap, forming 
regular veins, the ramifications of which can be traced by the eye 
to a great height in the face of the rock. The sides of these veins, 
where they come in contact with the rock, are invariably in a 
semivitrified state, and exhibit obscure marks of crystallization. 

Along the north-west side of the island there runs a belt of low 
land about six miles long, varying from a quarter of a mile to a 
mile in breadth, and presenting to the sca a perpendicular front 
from fifty to three hundred feet in height. The whole of this 

plain is a confused assemblage of stony fragments, scoria, and - 

other volcanic products, resting on a bed of Java. All these mat- 
ters are in a progressive state of disintegration, and the greater 
part of them reduced to mere nuclei imbedded in their consti- 
tuent elements in the state of a black indurated earth. 

_ The northern extremity of the plain is in a great measure cleared 
of its wood. By setting fire to the grass the trees have been so far 
scorched as to destroy their vegetation ; but-they still lie strewed 
along the ground, and it will cost some labour to remove them. 
The rest is still in a state of nature, covered with an impenetrable 


_. The surface of the plain, though apparent! y smooth and even 

while clothed with its native herbage, is in fact extremely irrega- - 

lar, being every where broken by small ridges of loose stones 
concealed under a mere scurf of soil. Between those ridges, how- 
ever, the soil is pretty deep, and consists for the most part of the 
remains of decayed vegetables, with here and there a substratum 
of alluvial earth approaching to the nature of clay, . It is soft, 

spongy, retentive of moisture, and possesses most of the charae- 

ters of peat. ‘This soil has been found admirably adapted for the 
3 R2 production 

486 Capt. CARMICHAEL’s Description of 

production of culinary vegetables, but is far too light to support 
the weight of trees or large shrubs. | 

This plain is the only part of the island that is in the least sus- 
ceptible of cultivation; and serious obstacles oppose the conver- 
sion even of this to the purposes of agriculture. With the excep- 
tion of fhe few spots already mentioned, where the earth washed 
down by the rain has accumulated, the whole of the ground, be- 
fore it will be fit to receive the plough, must undergo a regular 
trenching in order to remove the loose stones, and to loosen the 
hard earth which lies immediately underneath the surface, and in- 
corporate it with the vegetable mould. After this preliminary 
operation, there can be no doubt that the soil will yield a fair re- 
turn in all sorts of European grain. 

"The ascent to the peak is practicable in sundry places; but the 
undertaking is attended with serious difficulties, and not free from 
danger. I went up on the Ath of January, accompanied by 
Dr. Evers, a couple of servants, and a guide, who had. been up 
some days before. We experienced some obstruction at the out- 
set in making our way through the long grass (Spartina arundi- 
nacea) which grows along the lower part of the mountain in close 
entangled tufts. As we advanced, our progress was retarded by 
the extreme steepness of the ascent, and the loose incohesive na- 
. ture of the rocks, which we could hardly venture to touch, lest 
these fragments should fall upon our heads; nor did we run less 
risk in availing ourselves of the branches of the arborescent Phy- 
lica to support our weight; for the greater proportion of these 
being rotten, it was necessary for us to choose with caution, as a 
mistake might prove fatal. After a laborious effort of three hours, 
however, we gained the table land, and there discovered to our 
mortification, that the upper region of the mountain was com- 
pletely obscured. Urged by a strong west wind, the cloud broke 


the Island of Tristan da Cunha, 4c. 487 

from time to time against the sides of the dome, and gave us à 
transient glimpse of the peak at a height and distance that were 
by no means encouraging. After resting, however, for a few mi- 
nutes, we proceeded across the base of the dome, trusting that the 
cloud would be dissipated by the meridian sun; nor were we in 
this respect altogether disappointed. In the mean time, we found 
the ground as we advanced a perfect swamp, studded with tufts 
of small rushy plants, that gave way under the slightest pressure. 
Here also we had to pass through extensive patches of fern (Lo- 
maria robusta), the stems of which, like junks of old cable, trail 
along the ground, and cross and recross each other in such an in- 
tricate manner, that it required all our circumspection to avoid 
stumbling over them. Further on, the ground becomes more 
firm, but is perforated in all directions by the various species of 
Petrel, which resort in myriads to the island during the season of 
incubation, and burrow in the earth. The weaker tribes of these 
birds are devoured in vast numbers by the Skua gulls, which 
pounce upon them as they come out of their holes in the evening, 
and leave nothing but the bones and feathers to attest the havock 
made among them. 

The surface of the dome is furrowed on every side with ravines, 
which take their rise among the scoria of the peak, deepen as 
they descend, and open in tremendous chasms on the edge of the 
precipice. The various portions of the surface thus cut off in a 
great measure from all mutual communication, grow narrower 
and narrower as you approach the base of the peak, and dwindle 
at last into bare ridges of scoria, so sharp and so steep, that the 
wild goats of the mountain dare hardly venture to thread them. 
‘That ridge in particular over which we must either have passed 
or returned without accomplishing our object, is for at least fifty 
yards not more than twelve inches in diameter. The wind blow- 


488 Capt. CanMICUAEL’s Description of 

ing in violent gusts at the time, rendered it the more difficult to 
maintain that strict equilibrium of body, the slightest bias from 
which, either to one side or the other, would precipitate any of us 
in an instant to the depth of several hundred feet. We got safely 
over it, however, though with some trepidation, and in a manner 
as various, I believe, as the number of our party would admit of. 

A short way beyond this ridge vegetation ceases ; not so much, 
however, owing to the elevation of the ground, as to the total 
want of any kind of soil wherein plants could fix their roots. 
From this point to the summit, a distance of about a mile and a 
half, the whole is a mass of scoria, fragments of cellular lava, and 
all sorts of volcanic refuse, constantly slipping under your feet, and 
rendering the toil of ascending excessive. For nearly a mile we 
walked along a ridge of blue lava, which seems to have been at 
one time covered over, but afterwards left exposed by the gradual 
recession of the loose matters which covered it. In grain and co- 
lour it resembles the veins which intersect the island mass; but 
as disposed on the slightest stroke to break into small amorphous 

The crater is nearly a mile in isle Ti i its border is irre- 
gular, the south side being two or three hundred feet higher than 
the north, by which we ascended. At the bottom of it there isa 
pool of water about 150 yards in diameter, to which the descent 
by the north side is gradual and easy. dts depth appears to be 
inconsiderable, as we could discover the bottom more than half 
way across; and its border is covered with rounded fragments of 
cellular lava, which float about at the humour of the breeze. 
The water is pure, and untainted with any mineral solution. 
From the peak we could see the distant ocean on all sides over 
the cloud which still shrowded the lower part of the dome ; but 
no part of the low land can be seen at any time, being covered by 


the Island of Tristan da Cunha, $c. 489 

the projection of the table land. I found several mosses on the 
summit of the peak and some lichens, among others the L. pas- 
chalis.: There was also a large patch of snow a considerable way 
down its side, and another within the crater. 

Besides the principal crater, which terminates the peak, there 
are several others scattered over the declivity of the dome, which 
must have rested for ages quiescent, as they are now covered 
with verdure. Two of these are situated near the edge of the 
table land, looking down on the landing-place. 

As we walked down the mountain on our return, we passed 
among flocks of albatrosses engaged in the process of incubation, 
or tending their young. There are four species of them that 
breed on the island, none of which hatches more than one egg ata 
time; the Diomedea spadicea, exulans, chlororynchos, and fuliginosa : 
the two former give themselves no trouble in constructing their 
nest, merely choosing a dry spot of ground, and giving it a slight 
concavity to prevent the egg from rolling out of its place. The 
egg is white, very large, and of a peculiar shape, being uncom- 
monly long in proportion to its diameter, and equally thick, or 
nearly so, at both ends. 

The black albatrosses ( D. fuliginosa) are at this season gregari- 
ous, building their nests close to each other. In the area of half an 
acre I reckoned upwards of a hundred. They are constructed of 
mud, raised five orsix inches, and slightly depressed at thetop. At 
the time we passed, the young birds were more than half grown, 
and covered with a whitish down. There was something extremel y 
grotesque in the appearance of these birds standing on their re- 
spective hillocks motionless like so many statues, until we ap- 
proached close to them, when they set up the strangest clattering 
with their beaks, and, if we touched them, squirted on us a de- 
luge of fœtid oily fluid from the stomach. i 


490 Capt. Canut1cuaEL's Description of 

The D. chlororynchos builds its solitary nest in some sheltered 
corner, selecting in particular the small drains that draw the 
water off the land into the ravines. There it runs up its nest to 
the height of ten or twelve inches, of a cylindrical form, with a 
small ditch round the base. A curious circumstance with regard 
to this bird is, that when irritated the feathers of its cheeks are 
separated, so as to display a beautiful stripe of naked orange skin, 
running from the corners of. the mouth towards the back of the 
head. : | | previo usi 
^ All of these birds nourish their young by disgorging the con- 
tents of their stomach. They are never observed to carry any ar- 
ticle of food in their bill: those matters, indeed, from which they 
derive the chief part of their sustenance, the blubber of dead 
whales, seals, and sea-lions, would melt away if carried in the bill 
to any distance. We could not help admiring the utter uncon- 
sciousness of danger displayed by them on our approach: they 
never showed the least disposition to move out of our way: even 
when kicked or pulled off their nests, they made not the smallest 
show of resistance; but quietly returned to their post, or stood 
still until we passed on. Their plumage is in the finest order, co- 
pious, and without the slightest stain. They find great difficulty 
in getting on wing, and must run twenty or thirty yards along 
the ground with expanded wings before they can get fairly under 
way. We had the curiosity to take one of them by the point of 
the wings and fling it over the rock; yet, though it had several 
hundred feet of a clear fall, it never recovered itself, but dropped 
down like a stone. On this account, when not engaged with their 
young, they usually rest upon the edge of the precipice, from 
which they can launch at once into the air ; and on entering again 
upon that difficult part of our route, we had to kick upwards of 

a dozen of them to the right and left of us before we could get on. 

the Island of Tristan da Cunha, 4c. 491 

Wearrived at the cantonment about sun-set, after a most fatiguing 
journey of fourteen hours. 

In viewing the general structure of the island, and comparing 
its diminutive size with the great number of spiracles crowning 
its summit, and which must all have been at one time or another 
in a state of activity, there can remain little doubt that the whole 
of it isof igneous origin. The solid foundation on which it stands 
is undoubtedly lava. The platform which forms the plain is also 
a sheet of lava; and though the face of it at one part breaks into 
prismatic columns, after the manner of basalt, yet the bed of 
semivitrified rock on which it rests seems to leave no room for 
doubt with regard to its origin. An entire hill, seven or eight 
hundred feet high, near the centre of the plain, is composed of 
nothing but stratified tufa. The plain is encumbered with large 
detached masses of porphyritic stone, and with others, inclosing 
crystals of sulphur or of augite, which seem to have been ejected 
in their present state from the interior of the mountain; and in 
one instance I met near the base of the mountain, and under one 
of its strata, with a specimen of the convoluted lava, so common 
in the Pays-brûlé of the island of Bourbon. 

The climate of Tristan da Cunha is so mild, that the herbage 
remains unimpaired throughout the year. Snow is never seen on 
the low land; and the only indicaton of winter is a transient 
sprinkling of hoar frost, too slight to give any serious check to ve- 
getation. The thermometer during summer rarely ascends beyond 
74 degrees in the shade, and stands at about 110° when exposed 
to the meridian sun. At night it occasionally falls as low as 48 
or 50 degrees. | 

‘If we may give credit to the information of a man of the name 
of Currie, who has lived on the island for the last six years, its 

climate may be regarded as one of the most rainy in the world. 

YOL. XII. : 3s According 

492 Capt. CARMICHAEL’ S Description of 

According to his account, the months of January, February and 
March are the only period throughout the year in which fair 
weather may be expected with any degree of certainty. During 
the other nine months the rain, he told us, is almost perpetual. 
How far the latter part of this statement may be correct, remains 
still to be proved ; but it was our misfortune so far to experience 
the fallacy of the first, that from the 28th of November, the day 
on which the detachment landed, to the 30th of March, when I 
quitted the island, it rained on an average every second day. 

This excessive humidity is not however entirely chargeable to 
the latitude in which the island is situated. Of this we had fre- 
quent and tantalizing proofs ; for, at the very time that the rain 
poured heaviest down, we could plainly distinguish from under 
the skirts of the cloud which hung over us, the distant horizon 
illuminated by the rays of the sun. / | ` 

The power which high mountains possess of condensing the 
moisture of the atmosphere, and precipitating it in the form ofrain, 
is no where, indeed, more apparent, or more unremittingly exerted 
than on this island. The upper region of the mountain is usually 
involved in a thick cloud, which not only obscures the whole 
island, but extends its shade to some distance over the surround- 
ing ocean. From this cloud the rain descends in heavy and pro- 
tracted showers, for the most part on the lower grounds only, but 
occasionally on the summit also. In the latter case its fall is an- 
nounced by the sudden appearance of torrents of water pouring 
in a hundred channels over the edge of the precipice, dashing 
down from cliff to cliff, and forming a series of cascades the most 
magnificent, perhaps, on the whole face of the globe. 

-With such a moist climate, and such frequent rains, it is a cir- 
cumstance worthy of remark, that the island is but scantily sup- 
plied with running water. The only permanent stream of any 
| | magnitude 

the Island of Tristan da Cunha, &c. 403 

maguitude in the whole island, is one which gushes out at the 
base of the mountain immediately behind the cantonment. Ex- 
cepting this brook, you meet with nothing from one end of the 
plain to the other but the dry beds of mountain torrents, impe- 
tuous, indeed, while they flow, but ceasing with the shower to 
Which they owe their existence. 

This singular deficiency of spriugs may, perhaps, be attributed 
to the nature of the rocky mass of which the island is formed. 
Though regularly stratified, the rock is cracked and split in all 
directions, and the rain transmitted through the spongy, absorbent 
soil, penetrates easily through its fissures, and sinks down at once 
to the level of the sea, where it may be seen along the shore gush- 
ing out through the sand on the reflux of every tide. 

Notwithstanding the frequency of the rains, the climate appears 
to be abundantly healthy. Nota symptom of sickness appeared 
among the soldiers during the four months I remained on the 
island. ; 

The spot pitched upon for the cantonment is at the northern 
extremity of the plain; ile- landing-place, 
and within range of cannon-shot from the anchorage. It is plen- 
tifully supplied with excellent water from the stream alread y men- 
tioned, which runs close by it, and which, even during the hottest 
days of summer, maintains the low temperature of 50° degrees. 
This stream, after running its course for about half a mile, preci- 
pitates itself in a cascade over the face of the rock into a small 
sandy cove, where boats can easily put in to supply shipping with 
wood and water. 

The prevailing winds off Tristan da Cunha blow from the west- 
ward and southward. Strong gales are frequent, but rarely con- 
tinue above twenty-four hours. They never blow quite home on 
the island, but incline upwards at some distance from the shore, 

: 3s2 and 

494. Capt. CARMICHAEL'S Description of 

and striking against the face of the mountain, are beat back on 
the low land in furious whirlwinds. j 

The sea immediately round the island is fathomable to the 
distance of a mile and upwards. The bottom is every where 
rocky, and covered with a gigantic species of sea-weed (Fucus py- 
rifer), which, after growing from the depth sometimes of twenty 
fathoms or more, stretches along the surface of the water, and 
preserves it in some degree smooth and unruffled during even the 
highest winds. This is a circumstance of the more importance, 
as the coast abounds in a variety of excellent fish, which will prove 
a valuable source of subsistence should the island come to be per- 
manently inhabited. Among these are several species well known 
at the Cape of Good Hope. The Snook (Scomber serpens), the 

Horse-mackarel (Scomber Trachurus), the Roman fish (Sparus 
_), and the Jacobeever (Scorpena Capensis). The best fish, 
however, and fortunately the most abundant, is a species of Che- 
todon I should think, but which is figured by Forster as a New 
Zealand fish, under the name of Sparus Carponemus. To the ge- 
nus Sparus it has certainly no affinity, if the form and disposition 
of the teeth are of any weight in the character. This fish usually 
grows to the weight of five or six pounds; and is remarkable for 
this circumstance, that when pulled up by the hook it discharges 
from its vent a great quantity of air, which follows it up in large 
bubbles. A large species of Perca is sometimes caught in the 
deep water. Among the rocks are found an undescribed species 
of Callionymus, and a most beautiful Labrus. I saw one Exocetus 
eziliens that dropped on board a ship while at anchor, and which 
measured eighteen inches in length. The only shell-fish I ob- 
served were a Chiton, a diminutive Cardium, a Patella, and two 
Buccinums. A large crawfish is found in abundance and of a good 
quality. The Sepia détapoda, and an Echinus, with a small land in- 

the Island of Tristan da Cunha, $c. 495 

sect belonging to the old genus Cancer. Several species of Co- 
rallina are common on the rocks. 

Two species of the Seal are the only quadrupeds on the island 
that can be considered as strictly indigenous, the wild goats and 
hogs having been introduced subsequently to its discovery by the 

The Bottle-nosed Seal, or Sea-lion (Phoca Leonina). The colour 
of this animal is blueish-gray along the back, approaching to white 
on the belly. It sheds its hair once a year, which falls off in 
large irregular patches, and gives the animal at that season a 
most ragged and uncouth appearance. The full-grown male mea- 
sures from twenty to twenty-five feet in length, and yields seventy 
gallons of oil. ‘The female is considerably smaller. When irri- 
tated it has a curious manner of protruding its snout, and infla- 
ting the skin over its nose ; but there is nothing like the crest with 
which the head of this animal is ornamented in Shaw’s Zoology. 
The whole figure is in truth a complete caricature, without the 
slightest resemblance to the original. 

These animals pass thie-grcater-part-of their time ashore, never 
quitting it unless when disturbed, or when, urged by hunger, they 
repair to the reef to feed on the sea-weed. They may be seen in 
hundreds lying asleep along the sandy beach or concealed among 
the long Spartina grass which borders the sea-shore. ‘These huge 
animals are so little apprehensive of danger, that they must be 
kicked or pekat with stones before they make any effort to move 
out of one's way. When roused from their slumber they raise the 
fore part of their body, open wide their mouth, and display a 
formidable set of tusks, but never attempt to bite. Should this 
however fail to intimidate their disturbers, they set themselves at 
length in motion, and makefor the water; butstill with such de- 
liberation, that on an expedition we once made to the opposite 


496 Capt. CARMICHAEL’S Description of 

side of the island, two of our party were tempted to get astride 
upon the back of one of them, and rode him fairly into the water. 

The Falkland Island Seal (Phoca Australis). This species grows 
to the length of five or six feet. The fur on the back is dark- : 
brown, intermixed with long hairs tipped with white. The throat 
and breast are cream-coloured, the belly rufous. The vibrissæ of 
the male are white, very long, some of them twelve inches, and 
hang down over its breast. The fore-feet are placed near the 
centre of the body, which enables it to sit erect, in an attitude 
much resembling that of a penguin. "Though these animals herd 
occasionally with the sea-lions, they are much more shy in their 
nature, and speedily forsake those parts of the island where they 
are liable to intrusion. They bark like a dog, and are of a bold, 
ferocious disposition. > MEE: | 

The wild hogs secrete themselves in the deepest recesses of the 
wood, where it is impossible to pursue them. "Their ordinary suste- 
nance is from the roots of the wild celery and of the Pelargonium : 
but they occasionally prowl along the sea-shore, and feed on the 
dead carcasses of seals and sca-lions when they fall in their way. 

The wild goats have retreated to the highest ridges of the 
mountain, where they are equally secure from disturbance. From 
the very small number, however, that has been seen there, it may 
be inferred that they have not greatly multiplied. 

The only land birds on the island are a species of thrush (Tur- 
dus Guianensis ?), a bunting (Emberiza Brasiliensis ?), and the com- 
mon moor-hen (Fulica Chloropus). These birds have spread over 
the whole island, and are found on the table-land as well as on 
the low ground. The Fulica conceals itself in the wood, where 
it is occasionally run down by the dogs; the others fly about the 
cantonment, and are so tame as to suffer themselves to be caught 
with a hand-net. The latter proved extremely destructive to our 

| : garden, 

the Island of Tristan da Cunha, 4c. 497 

garden, nipping off the young plants as soon as they appeared 
above ground: but their ordinary food are the larve of certain 
species of Phalena, and the berries of the Empetrum and Nerteria. 
Of aquatic birds there is great abundance. I have already 
mentioned four species of Diomedea. There are six species of 
Procellaria, among which are the P. gigantea, cinerea, and vittata. 
The last, and the other three, which are smaller, are night birds, 
never appearing on wing until after sun-set. They may be caught 
in any number by kindling a large fire of wood. Attracted by 
the light, they approach and flutter round it, like so many moths 
round a candle, till at length the greater number of them, dazzled 
by the glare, plunge into the flame and perish. The Larus Cata- 
ractes is the common tyrant of all the smaller birds, and destroys 
them in multitudes. There are two species of Sterna, the S. sto- 
lida, and one which varies very little from the S. Hirundo. The 
former builds in the trees, and lays a solitary egg. I never saw 
the nest of the latter. | 
The Crested Penguin (Aptenodytes chrysocoma) conceals itself 
among the long grass, and in the bottoms of the ravines where 
they open upon the shore. Here they assemble in countless mul- 
titudes, and keep up a moaning noise which can be heard at a 
great distance; and, combined with the roar of the surge re-echoed 
from the mountain, and the bold inhospitable coast around you, 
is calculated to excite a train of ideas by no means pleasant. It 
is owing perhaps to the scantiness of its plumage that the pen- 
guin swims heavier than any other bird, no part of it except the 
head appearing above the water. This gives it undoubtedly a 
peculiar facility of diving and pursuing its prey under the water. 
With the same view, perhaps, its eyes appear to be uncommonly 
sensible to the stimulus of light. In every bird that I had an op- 
portunity of examining the pupil was contracted to a mere dot. 
There are no reptiles of any kind on the island : and the only 

498 Capt. CarmicHAEL’s Description of 

insects I observed, are three small species of Curculio; four of 
Phalæna ; one of Hippobosca ; two of Musca; one of Tipula; one 
of Spheroma; and one of Oniscus. The latter has multiplied asto- 
nishingly in the soft yegetable soil, and proved a great nuisance 
to us, creeping up the roofs of our tents, and dropping thence 
upon our beds during the night. ‘The common window-fly of the 
Cape was not observed until two months after our arrival; but 
before I left the island it had begun to be troublesome. 

The Flora of Tristan da Cunha is as copious perhaps as the ex- 
tent and situation of the island would warrant us to expect; but 
with the exception of the cryptogamous class of plants, it offers 
nothing that is possessed of any peculiar interest. 

The only plant on the island that approaches to the size of a 
tree is a species of Phylica. This plant occupies not only the 
whole of the plain, but has also spread over the face of the moun- 
tain, wherever its roots could insinuate themselves into the cre- 
vices of therock. In favourable situations it grows to the height of 
twenty feet and upwards, measuring from twelve to eighteen inches 
in diameter. Its trunk is extremely crooked and twisted, but the 
wood. is hard, close-grained, and, according to the report of a 
ship's carpenter, who examined it, would make excellent timbers 
for vessels of sixty ton and under. Its bark possesses a slight de- 
gree of astringency. Owing to the lightness of the soil, and the 
frequency of high winds, these trees rarely stand upright, but 
lean against the ground, and cross each other in such a manner, 
as to make it a business of extreme — to penetrate to any 
distance through the wood.  . 

Besides the Phylica there are only two shrubby plants on the 
island, both of which belong to the genus Empetrum, and may be 
only varieties of one and the same species. They possess no qua- 
lity to recommend them, but that they grow on the most barren 
spots, where no other plant could vegetate. 


the Island of Tristan da Cunha, &c. 499 

Of the herbaceous plants, the most remarkable is a gigantic spe- 
cies of Spartina (S. arundinacea). "This grass overruns the whole of 
the island, from the upper edge of | the table-land down to the sea- 
shore, accommodating itself to a and situations. It springs 
up in large close tufts which, ; When full grown, are borne down 
by their own weight, and lean upon each other in such a manner 
that a person may roll himself. n without any danger of 
sinking. Its stems grow to the f six or seven feet, and 
are of a solid, almost ligneous, te covered with a pro- 
fusion of leaves. This grass €ellent and durable 
thatch, and the young leaves ar orses and oxen. — 

The wild Celery grows in ab theTow ground, 
and attains a great size, its stem uring upwards of 
three inches in diameter. It pos gh degree the fla- 
vour of the garden celery, and by : ment might be 
brought to equal it in every respec 1 

A species of Chenopodium (C. to 
odour, is. common around the cant 
dried leaves of this plant is used a ? for tea by the 
Hottentots sent down in charge of the "he soldiers use 
for the same purpose the leaves of the ? baies — 
yield to the others in strength of odo | 

The low ground is overrun with a spe ' Acena (4. sarmen- 
Nea, a plant of no apparent utility, but an intolerable nuisance to 
such as have occasion to walk over the ground where it grows. 
Its fruit is a sort of bur, which on the slightest touch fixes itself on 
one’s clothes, and falling in a hundred pieces, covers him all over 
with an unseemly crust of prickly seeds, not to be got rid of with- 
out infinite labour. : | 

strong balsamic 

infusion of. the 

VOL. XII. 3T Descrip- 

500 Capt, CAnM1cH AEL's Description of 

Description of Four Species o ish found on the Coast of Tristan 
| Cunha. | 

1. Cnæronon MoNoDACTXLUS, subolivaceus dorso transversim 

nigro fasciato, spinis 


Length eighteen inch 
front sloping; mout 
teeth subulate, crow 
ing to a single row 
G. plates scaly; 
part fleshy and. 
rayed ; six lo 
the bottom tw 
lar consideral j 
fleshy, and sca 

oval, compressed. Head sharp; 
ictile ;-Jij S flesh ys; jaws equal; 
e fore part of. the jaws, diminish- 
Eyes large; iris amber-coloured. 
l -rayed. Dorsal fin 17-24, soft 
- = Pectoral fan-shaped, fifteen- 
rest. bifid ; the sixth ray from 
e others. Ventral 1-5, triangu- 
ine-of the pectoral fin. Anal fin 
.9-12, the second ray very strong. 
smooth. L. line parallel with the 

| olive to bronze, with six broad, ob- - 
scurely-marked across the back, reaching half-way - 
down the side: lackish ; pectoral, amber-coloured, ex- 
tremely delicate. t : 'o ex | 

This fish is very mmon on the coast of Tristan da Cunha, and 
feeds on the leaves of the Fucus pyriferus, such of them especially 
as are covered with serpulæ. It takes the hook freely. 

I have called:this fish Chetodon, as coming nearer to that genus 
than to any other that I am acquainted with. | Among Forster’s 
drawings in the collection of Sir Joseph Banks, a figure of it is 
given under the name of Sparus Carponemus; but the form and 
disposition of the teeth exclude it from that genus. The specific 
name was suggested by the uncommon form and length of the 
| fifth 


Zinn. ^... ToU XI ab 24 p. $00. 

L. Curtis 

us vs monodady la J. 

T ; 
v ARN antarctica. 

Z. Gatis sculp. 


JL Curtis sculp. 

J oa NP pr 

(aa dub d LL 


the sl md 

"a “te 

fifth pectoral ray. I have in my possession the figure of another 
fish from the Cape of Good Hope, nearly akin to this, with the 

four lowest rays of the pectoral fin lengthened. 

of Tristan da Cunha, 4c. 501 

2. PERCA ANTARCTICA, nigro- -cœrulea subtus argentea, spinis 
dorsalibus novem : 8 abbreviatis fossula reconditis ; ventrali 
unica. | 

Tas. XXV. 

Length thirty inches; weight fifteen pounds. Head large, 
abrupt, punctured, naked. Mouth large, ascending. Jaws equal, 
armed with a single row of small teeth. Palate rough. Eyes 
large. G. covers scaly, slightly serrated. Membrane seven-rayed. 
Dorsal fin 9-18, the eight anterior rays very. short, lodged in a 
groove; soft part covered with small scales. Pectoral falciform. 
Ventral fins 1-6, triangular. Anal 18, scaly at the base. Tail 
concave. L. line parallel with the back. Scales smooth. Colour 
dark blue above, silvery underneath. 

This fish was caught by one of the officers, of e the Falmouth, 

while the ship lay at anchor off Tristan. 
afterwards. Flesh not remarkably good, | 

punctisque albis marmoratus, pi n: 
(8) corpore aliquoties brevioribus, | p 
ribus spinosis. 

dorsalis prioris radiis 
ctoralis radiis 5 inferio- 

Tia. XXVL 

Length seven inches. Body round, tapering from the head. 
Belly flat. Front depressed. Mouth large, armed with nume- 
rous small teeth. Palate rough. Jaws equal. Eyes approxi- 
mated; iris brown. G. covers marked with tortuous streaks, 
terminating in two strong, subulate spines, that stand upright 
when the gills are expanded. G. membrane seven-rayed. First pe 
3 T 2 sa 


502 Capt. CARMICHAEL'S Dess of 
sal fin eight-rayed.: Second twenty-rayed. Pectoral fins rounded, 
fifteen-rayed ; five lowest rays simple, curved; the rest divided. 
Ventral fins distant, five-rayed. Anal fin sixteen-rayed. Tail con- 
vex. L. line raised, parallel with the back. Scales none. Colour 
olive, marbled with green blotches and white dots. Skin mucous. 
This fish is very common among the rocks, and takes the bait 
greedily. Flesh delicate. - 

à. Laprus onNATUSs, olivaceus corpore pinnisque fasciis longi- 
tudinalibus azureis. ` : | 
Tan. XXVII. 

Length eight inches. Body oblong, compressed. Head small, 
naked. Mouth very small, armed with a single row of subulate 
teeth. Eyes small; iris flame-coloured. Cheeks scaly. G. mem- 
brane five-rayed. Dorsal fin the length of the body, twenty-two- 
rayed, a few of the anterior rays spinous. Pectoral fan-shaped, 
twelve-rayed. Ventral six-rayed, lanceolate. Anal sixteen-rayed. 
Tail rounded. Scales large, deciduous. L. line parallel with the 
back. Colour olive, with four agure stripes along the sides, and 
three along the dorsal and anal fins. Head variegated with azure 
stripes; four bars of azure across the tail. Dorsal and pectoral 
fins, with the upper half of the tail, purple. | 

A very rare fish, Caught off the rocks. 

Flora of Tristan da Cunha. 

1, ACENA SARMENTOSA, diandra hermaphrodita, aristis qua- 
tuor, capitulis globosis, foliolis argute serrato-incisis: supra 
glabris venosis; subtus sericeis, stipulis indivisis. 

Ancistrum sarmentosum. Aubert du Petit Thouars Flore de 
Tristan @ Acugna, p. 44. in Melanges de Botanique. m 

Linn, Trans. Vol AM Lab. 27. p. $02. 

: — rs 
se BY on MN | 1 

L ' lotta OINAS. 

Z Curtis sculp. 

Mee of Tristan da Cunha, 4c. * S 

This plant grows-all over the low ground ; never, how- 
ever, taking is implied in the specific name. The 
extremities of the branches are ascending. | 

2. ĪsOLEPIS SULCATA, capitulo laterali globoso polystachio, 
spiculis ovatis, squamis latè ovatis nervosis margine sca- 
riosis apice calloso. | 

Scirpus sulcatus. Aubert op. cit. p. 36. 
Culmus 1—2-pedalis, nudus, compressus, sulco exaratus. 
Stamina 3. Stigmata 3. " 

It grows on the plain in large tufts. 

5. IsorEPis BICOLOR, culmis angulato-filiformibus, foliis cana- 
liculatis angustissimis, capitulo terminali, spiculis (5—7) 
ovatis teretibus, squamis margine coloratis, involucro sub- 
diphyllo : foliolo altero erecto capitulum superante ; altero 
deflexo spiculam vix equante. 

This plant grows in moist situations, both on the low 

ground and thetable-land. It collects in tufts, rising from 
a spongy base resembling a rotten stalk. 

à. horses SQUARROSA, culmis angulato-filiformibus. indivisis 

basi foliatis, foliis canaliculatis angustissimis, capitulo ter- 
minali globoso, spiculis (12—20) ovatis, squamis margine 
concoloribus, involucro diphyllo: breviore deflexo. 

5. IsoLEPIS PROLIFER, culmis angulatis ramosissimis, foliis fas- 
ciculatis, capitulis passim proliferis, spiculis oblongis tere- 
tiusculis, involucro diphyllo. 

Scirpus prolifer. Aubert op. cit. p. 36. 

Grows on the plain. 
6. SPAR- 

Capt. CarMicHAEL’s Description a 

6. SPARTINA ARUNDINACEA; Spica communi teretiuscula ; 

partialibus arcte imbricatis, valvula minore glume exte- 
riorem oblique truncatam perianthii superante. 

Ponceletia arundinacea. Aubert op. cit. p. 36, 
Culmi plurimi, fasciculati, suberecti, solidi, 5—8-pedales. 

Folia longitudine culmi, linearia, plana, externe nitida, in- 
terne glauca profundè sulcata, margine scabra. Spathæ 
striatæ, superne ventricosæ. Spica vix emergens, stricta, 
cylindracea, sexpollicaris, e spiculis pollicaribus undique 
imbricatis composita. - | 

7. PoLYPOGON INTERMEDIUS, panicula coarctata lobata, glu- 

mis subulatis pubescentibus, seta perianthii terminali val- 
vula quadridentata breviore. | 

Phalaris mollis. Aubert op. cit. p. 37? 

Culmi plurimi, 1—2-pedales, fasciculati, adscendentes. Folia 
linearia glabra, vaginis glabris, suprema ventricosa. Pa- 
nicula vix omnino exserta, nutans. - 

This grass grows in spreading tufts, chiefly confined to 
the clear ground. It is greedily devoured by cattle. 

8. AGROSTIS RAMULOSA, Culmis filiformibus ramosissimis, fo- 

liis setaceis, panicula simplicissima, glumis acutis glabris: | 
carina supra denticulata, perianthio glabro sessili: setula 
apicis brevissima. 

9. AGROSTIS MEDIA, Culmis filiformibus ramosis, foliis setaceis, 

. panicula simplici rara, glumis acutissimis pubescentibus : 
carina longitudinaliter denticulata, perianthio sessili im- 
berbi: seta terminali valvulam subæquante. 
Both these species of Agrostis are found on the high part 
of the mountain, forming the chief part of its herbage: a 
: few 

athe Island of Tristan da Cunha, &c. 505 

few straggling tufts are met with on the low ground, along 
the bottom of the ravines, where the seeds have been 
washed down by the torrents. 

10. NERTERIA DEPRESSA. Willd. Sp. Pl. i. D. 105. 
Erythrodanum alsineforme. Aubert op. cit. p. 42. tab. 10. 

Grows in the plain in the most barren spots. 

11. Nenrerta ASSURGENS. Aubert l.c. 
Erythrodanum majus. Aubert op. cit. p. 42. tab. 11. 

Flowers pale yellow, very small. Berry scarlet, the size 
ofa pepper-corn. Tt grows on the plain. 


This plant is found on the south-east side of the island, 
growing in the sand close to the shore, and confined to a 
single spot. It appears to be of recent introduction, hav- 
ing in all likelihood been wafted to this shore by the cur- 
rents. | 

13. Puvrica amnonza, foliis sparsis ovato-lanceolatis aveniis 

subtus tomentosis, capitulis axillaribus lanatis. 
Phylica arborea. Aubert op. cit. p. 45. © — sa 

_ Truncus arboreus, cortice cinereo. _Ramuli albo-tomentosi. 

Folia conferta, semipollicaria, subtus albo-tomentosa, ju- 

= niora supra pilosa apice barbata. Bractea longitudine 

florum. Calyx lanatus. Petala squamuliformia, subro- 

tunda, concava. Capsula corticata, ovata. Flores seepe 

abortientes. - 

14. CHENOPODIUM TOMENTOSUM. Aubert op. cit. p. 38. 

Common on the plain. 
15. Hy- 

506 Capt. CARMICHARL’s Description of 

15. HYDROCOTYLE CAPITATA, hispida, foliis reniformibus obso- 
lete lobatis crenatis, capitulis subsessilibus, bracteis pedi- 
cellos superantibus. 

Hydrocotyle capitata. Aubert op. cit. p. 43. tab. 12. 

Caulis repens subterraneus. Rami debiles, flexuosi, pilosi. 
Folia utrinque hispida, setis crassis erectis albis. Petioli 
semiteretes. Stipulæ obtuse marcescentes. Pedunculi 
oppositifolii, petiolis breviores. Capitula globosa, multi- 
flora. Bractea lanceolata singulum florem fulciens ; exte- 
riores involucrum polyphyllum efformantes. 

A common weed on the plain, creeping among the grass. 
It has a strong taste and odour of the carrot-leaf. 

16. APIUM AUSTRALE, umbellis subsessilibus confertis, foliis bi- 
pinnatifidis: pinnis suboppositis; laciniis cuneiformibus 
acutis argute incisis, caule striato. | | 

Apium australe. Aubert op. cit. p. 43. 

17. Rumex rnuTEscENs, floribus monoicis, valvulis graniferis, 
foliis obovato-oblongis. | 
Rumex frutescens. Aubert op. cit. p. 88. 
Caules fasciculati, sesquipedales, adscendentes, sulcati. Fo- 
lia glabra, retusa. Flores glomerati, hermaphrodito-mas- 
culi femineis intermixti. 


I found this plant growing in a ravine on the table-land ; 
and, there being no flower, judge of its genus merely from 

the form of the leaves and their extreme acrimony to the 

19. Car- 






the Island of Tristan da Cunha, 4c. 507 

CARDAMINE PROPINQUA, glaberrima, foliis pinnatis, foliolis 
* obtusis dentatis: terminali majori. 
Proxima C. antiscorbutice. 

Grows in the ravines on the side of the dome. 

PELARGONIUM ACUGNATICUM, umbellis subcapitatis multi- 
floris, calycibus pilosis acuminatis, nectario dimidiam pe- 
dicelli subæquante, foliis reniformibus obsolete lobatis 
dentato-crenatis glabris. 

Pelargonium acugnaticum. Aubert op. cit. p. 44. tab. 18. 

Herbaceum. Caules plurimi, fasciculati, adscendentes, in- 
ferne obsolete trigoni, superne ancipites, pubescentes. 
Folia reniformi-cordata, venis subtus pubescentibus. ^ Pe- 

 tioli semiteretes. Stipulæ reflexæ. Pedunculus foliis lon- 
gior. Umbellæ 6—12-floræ. Petala longitudine calycis, 
cuneata, rubella. 
It grows abundaatly all over the lower parts of the 
island, and diffuses the strong odour common to the genus. 

Common on the plain. 

GNAPHALIUM PYRAMIDALE. Aubert op. cit. p. 40. 
Abundant on the cleared ground. 

CHEVREULIA STOLONIFERA. Cassini in Bullet. des Scien. 
1817, p. 69. i 1 TISO 
Xeranthemum cæspitosum. Aubert op. cit. p. 39. tab. 8. 
Grows on the most barren spots on the plain. 
LAGENIFERA MAGELLANICA. Cassini in Bullet. des Scien. 
1816, p. 199. 
Calendula pusilla. Aubert op. cit. p. 40. tab. 9. 
Grows on the dome: apparently rare. 

VOL.. XLII. 3 U , 25. Ux- 

508 Capt. CarmicHAEL’s Description of 

25. UNCINIA BREVICULMIS, spica cylindracea longissima basi 
attenuata, squamis arcte imbricatis apice subcalloso, fruc- 
tibus lanceolatis acuminatis: dimidia superiore hispida, 
foliis laxis. | = : 

Uncinia brevicaulis. Aubert op. cit. p. 35. tab. 6. 
Uncinia gracilis. Aubert op. cit. p. 35. tab. 5? 
Grows in the thickest part of the wood. The culm 
greatly elongated after the period of flowering. 

26. Carex Tuovarstt, spicis androgynis oblongis confertis ses- 
silibus: infima remotiuscula, squamis aristatis, fructibus 
rostratis bidentatis, foliis planis. - 

Carex spicis confertis sessilibus hermapbroditis. Aubert op. 
cit. p. 36. | 

27. CAREX INSULARIS, spicis masculis pluribus, femineis pedun- 
culatis distantibus: inferioribus pendulis, squamis arista- 
tis, fructibus ovatis bidentatis. 

Carex spicis pluribus masculis, femineis pedunculatis. Au- 
bert op. cit. p. 36. 
Both this and the preceding grow on the plain. 

28. EMPETRUM MEDIUM, floribus (plerisque) hermaphroditis, 
baccis 7—9-spermis, ramulis foliorumque marginibus spu- 
riis (angulis reduplicationis) lanatis. 

Empetrum rubrum. Aubert op. cit. p. 39. Non Vahlii, cui 
tamen quam maxime affine. ; 

29. ATRIPLEX PLEBEJA, caule herbaceo erecto, foliis rhombeo- 
hastatis dentatis obtusis ; superioribus hastatis lanceolatis- 
que edentulis. 

This plant grows along the shore, and seems to be almost 

a stranger on the island. | 
30. Ly- 


the Island of Tristan da Cunha, 4c. 509 

30. Lycoropium prAPHANUM. Willd. Sp. Pl. vip. 28. 
Lycopodium clavatum? Aubert op. cit. p. 30. 

This elegant plant grows indiscriminately on the dome, 
the face of the table-land, and the plain. It extends to 
the length of several fathoms, decaying from the base in 
proportion as it advances, and drawing sustenance by the 
radicles which it pushes from time to time into the soil. It 
is entirely clothed with leaves ending in a white filament, 
which gives it in its fresh state a silky feel. The shoots are 
numerous and irregularly subdivided. The spikes sessile, 
cylindrical, two inches long, simple, bifid, or in pairs, 
equal in thickness to the shoot, and of a yellowish colour. 
The floral leaves are reflected after the dispersion of the 

31. LYCOPODIUM wacELLANICUM. Willd. Sp. Pl. v. p. 15. 
Grows on the side of the dome. 

32. LYCOPODIUM INSULARE, capsulis axillaribus, foliis lineari- 
lanceolatis acutis integris confertissimis patulis reflexisve, 
caule dichotomo. 

Grows on the sides of the ravines. 

33. OPHIOGLOSSUM OPACUM, spica caulina, fronde cordata opa- 
ca: venis inconspicuis, radice bulbosa. 

Grows high up on the dome. - 

34. ACROSTICHUM CONFORME. Willd. Sp. Pl. v. p. 107. 
Acrostichum laurifolium. Aubert op. cit. p. 31. 

In the wood. 

202 35. AcRos- 

35. ACROSTICHUM SUCCISÆFOLIUM, fronde simplice oblonga co- 
riacea utrinque squamosa: squamis peltatis lanceolatis 
ciliatis. | 

Acrostichum succisefolium. Aubert op. cit. p. 31. 

510 Capt. CARMICHAEL s Description of . 

In the wood. 

36. ACROSTICHIUM CILIARE, fronde simplici elongato-lanceo- 
lata subacuminata membranacea marginibus costaque 
squamatis: squamulis subulatis nudis. 

Acrostichum ciliare. Aubert op. cit. p. 32? 
Fronds 6—12 inches long; fertile ones smaller margined. 

Grows on the mouldering banks of the ravines. 

37. ACROSTICHUM OBTUSATUM, frondibus simplicibus : squamu- 
lis subulatis sparsis; sterilibus oblongis ; fertilibus ovatis, 
stipitibus hispidis. 

On the highest rocks of the table-land. 

38. GRAMMITIs AUSTRALIS. Br. Prodr. 146. 
On the table-land and rocky borders of the ravines. 

39. GRAMMITIS CHEILANTHOIDES. Willd. Sp. Pl. v. p. 143. 
Asplenium filipendulæfolium. Aubert op. cit. p. 34. tab. à. 

High on the face of the table-land, and on a detached 
hill in the middle of the plain. 

40. POLYPODIUM AQUILINUM, fronde tripinnatifida deltoidea 
: subtus pubescenti, pinnulis falcatis: inferioribus crenato- 
c incisis, stipite pubescente et paleaceo. 
Polypodium aquilinum. Aubert op. cit. p. 32. 
Caudex repens, basibus stipitum induratis muricatus. Frons 
1—4-pedalis, subquadripinnatifida. Stipes rachis costæ- 

^"^^ the Island of Tristan da Cunha, &c. 511 
que pubescentes, paleisque rufis deciduis adspersæ, paleæ 
baseos lineares, confertissime. Sori submarginales. 
Grows in the wood: very common. 

41. AsrrDiUM BIFIDUM, fronde bipinnatifida lanceolata pube- 
scenti, pinnulis integris obtusiusculis: venis indivisis, soris 
lateralibus seriatis. i 

Polypodium tomentosum. Aubert op. cit. p. 32. tab. 3. 
Stem about twelve inches long, beset with the remains of the 
decayed stipes, forked at the top. Fronds from one to 
` three feet long. 
In the wood: common. 

42, AsPIDIUM CORIACEUM. Willd. Sp. Pl. v. p. 268? 
Polypodium calyptratum. Aubert op. cit. p. 33. 
Grows on the face of the table-land ; appears to be very 
rare; perhaps a stranger. I met with one plant only. 

43. Asprp1um MEDIUM, fronde bipinnatifida deltoidea glabra, 
pinnulis pinnatifido-incisis dentatis, involucris lateralibus 
incisis stipite rachique squamosis. s 
Stem about six inches, crowned with a circle of fronds from 
nine to twelve inches long. | 
Grows on the table-land. 

A4. CHEILANTHES viscosa, fronde tripinnatifida pubescenti, 
pinnulis inciso-dentatis, stipite rachique hispidis. 
Polypodium villoso-viscidum. Aubert op. cit. p. 33. 
Caudex subterraneus, repens, setosus, stipes erectus teres sul- 
co exaratus fragilis rufus. Frons sensim explicata, 2—3- 
pedalis. Planta tota setis rigidis erectis glandulosis viscidis 
obsessa. . 3 

It grows in the wood: rather common. 
| 45. As- 



Capt. CARMICHAEL’s Description of 

45. ASPLENIUM MONANTHEMUM. Willd. Sp. Pl. v. p. 322. 

In the ravines. 

46. AsPLENIUM INSULARE, frondibus pinnatis submembrana- 

ceis, pinnis oblongis duplicato-crenato-incisis basi supc- 
riore auriculatis inferiore excisis. 

Asplenium marinum. Aubert op. cit. p. 34. 

In the wood. 

47. ASPLENIUM OBLIQUUM. Willd. Sp. Pl. v. p. 315. 

Asplenium crassum. Aubert op. cit. p. 33. 

In the wood. 

48. BLECHNUM AUSTRALE. Willd. Sp. Pl. v. p.410. Aubert op. 

cit: DOSS 
In the ravines. 

49. Lomaria ROBUSTA, frondibus pinnatis, pinnis oblongo-linea- 

ribus acutiusculis : sterilibus integerrimis : paginis discolo- 
ribus; costa super lanata subter rachique paleaceis, stipitis 
paleis subulatis elongatis. 

Pteris palmæformis. Aubert op. cit. p. 80. 

This beautiful fern is more generally scattered than most 
of the others, being found in all moist places from the table- 
land down to the plain. The trunk grows to the length of 
four or five feet, sometimes erect, but usually lying on the 
ground, with its apex only upright. T hough not above two 
inches in diameter, the stumps of the decayed fronds, with 
their thick scaly covering remaining attached to it, give it an 
apparent diameter of eight or nine inches. It is crowned | 
with numerous stiff fronds, from one to three feet in length, 
according to the age and situation of the plant. The barren 
fronds form a spreading circle, within which, in the summer, 
five or six fertile fronds shoot u p in a perpendicular tuft. 

50. Lo- 







the Island of Tristan da Cunha, 4c. 513 

Lomaria ANTARCTICA, frondibus pinnatis, pinnis semi- 
oblongis obtusis integris: terminali breviore, involucris 

Acrostichum polytrichoides. Aubert op. cit. p. 32. tab. 2. 

. On the most barren parts of the plain. 

Grows in the wood: not common. 

ADIANTUM ZTHIOPICUM. Willd. Sp. Pl. v. 452. Aubert 
op. cit. p. 34. | 
In the ravines. 

VITTARIA STRICTA, frondibus linearibus acutis strictis, so- 
ris intramarginalibus. 
Pteris? vittarioides. Aubert op. cit. p. 31. tab. 1. 
Grows in the wood. 

TRICHOMANES ANGUSTATUM, frondibus elongato-lanceolatis 
glaberrimis bi-tripinnatifidisve, pinnulis linearibus integer- 
rimis, involucris alatis turbinatis : ore dilatato. 

On the rocks. 

HyMENOPHYLLUM ÆRUGINOSUM, frondibus lanceolatis bi- 

pinnatifidis hirsutis, pinnulis bifidis linearibus, stipitibus | 
filiformibus. : 

Trichomanes æruginosum. Aubert op. cit. p. 34. 
‘On the rocks. | | 

I have nothing to remark regarding the Mosses and Lichens, 
not having made any memoranda of them. 

XXX. Some 

- * * 
3 LI 
) €" 


XXX. Some Account of the Spiral Tubes or Ligaments in the Genus 

Terebratula of Lamarck, as observed in several Species of Fossil 
Shells. By Mr. James Sowerby, F.L.S. 

Read December 6, 1814; and February 7, 1815. 

I wave the honour of submitting to the Linnean Society a sketch, 
showing the general construction with the extraordinary spiral 
and perhaps originally cartilaginous tubes of a certain division of 
the genus Anomia of Linnæus, or Terebratula of Lamarck, ‘The 
Anomia striata of Martyn is represented at Fig. 2. (Tas. XXVIII), 
having its triangular aperture between the beaks, which is charac- 
teristic of the division. In this species the side of the spiral tube 
is of a darker colour than the crystallized carbonate of lime which 
fills the shell, the whole being limestone. It is probable that 
these peculiar constructions may give characters to new genera, 
of which many species are found in England, France, Ireland, 
and even in New Holland, imbedded in limestone, flint, chert, 
or sandstone. In a specimen brought from New Holland by 
Mr. Brown, one only of the spiral tubes is to be seen ; and it was 
not known positively that the shell ought to have two, until, a 
short time since, I discovered in my collection a complete speci- 
men, from which Fig. 1. is taken. | 

Fig. 1. 

B * ; 
Mr. Sowrnrsy on the Spiral Tubes in the Terebratula. 515 

Fig. 1. Terebratula striata, Anomia striata of Martyn*. The lower 
valve containing the spiral tubes considerably enlarged, 
the specimen being little more than one inch long. 

a.a. Sections of those parts of the spiral tubes by which 
they are attached to the upper valve. 
b. The place of the triangular aperture immediately 
above the lower beak. 

Fig. 2. Terebratula striata. The two valves with onc end cut off. 

a. The triangular aperture between the beaks. 
b. Section of the spiral tube near the end. 

B suspect Anomia cuspidata}-, Linn. Trans. vol. iv. Pl. 4, with 
the beak of the perforated valve lengthened and reverse, may 
have a similar construction within, as well as Anomia subconica of 
Martyn, tab. 47. 


Since I presented to the Society a sketch of an Anomia or Te- 
rebratula with a spiral internal cartilage, I have received a species 
of Terebratula of a very different construction with a spiral carti- 
. lage; and I conceive that a figure of this species would be a con- 
venient addition to my former communication, as showing that 
the spiral cartilage is less confined to shells of a certain external 
form than might have been expected. Such as I had seen before 
had straight elongated hinges, and the deeper shell had a trian- 
gular foramen, or distant curved beaks indicating it. The present. 
sketch (fig. 3, 4.) represents a shell curved laterally from the 
hinge, which must bé very short, the beaks very small, and with- 
out any space for a triangular foramen externally, although within 

* Mr. Martyn sent me this specimen some years since. It shows the triangular aper- 
ture, although his figure does not ; but the shell showed no sign of the tube till I broke it 
for information. 

T Figured, since the pU of this Paper, as T cupid in Mineral Concho- 
logy, tab, 120. 

VOL. XII. 9x there 

516  Mr.Sowznnx on the Spiral Tubes in the Terebratula. 

there appears a nearly triangular appendage to the cartilage, 
- which, if not possessed of the outer shell, might indicate a trian- 
gular foramen. I presume to lay this sketch before the Linnean 
Society, hoping that the subject will meet with attention and in- 
vestigation when opportunity offers. The construction of the 
shells in my former communication would, without the present 
specimen, have given an idea of the straight hinge being peculiar 
to those Terebratule with a spiral cartilage, as agreeing with 
Parkinson and Martyn, and might therefore have been mislead- 
ing. The spiral remains in the present species seem rare, as most 
of the sliells are filled with a hard marley earth. It was found 
with some other species in Sladacre's Quarry, on the right-hand 

side of the road leading from Wych to Calwell-Green, a part of 
the Malvern hills. Some specimens. had small round joints of 
Enara on them. 


Fig. 3. "Téseitotula obtusa. The remains of the spiral cartilage and 
the somewhat triangular appendage; the shell having 
been worn off. | 

Fig. 4. The marle cast nearly covered with the shell and two small 
round joints of an Encrinus, perhaps the new species 
mentioned by Mr. Horner* as found also at the Mal- 

-vern hills. 1 
I add also. a drawing of a small Terebratula, which might be 
called. T. sinuata, with a straight hinge. It seems plentiful in a 
marley stratum somewhere. I do not think it is noticed in any 
work; and I shall be glad to learn its locality. | 
Fig. 5. T. sinuata, natural size. | 
a. Upper side. b. Under side. 
Fig. 6. T. sinuata, magnified upper side. — 

* Trans. of Geological Society, vol. 2. cl de en 

d. po s ad ne AR / oy. lad 2^5 Vig J 


XXXI. On the Use of the Pedes scansorii of Birds; in a Letter to 
the Rev. William Kirby, F.R.S. and L.S. By the Rev. Revett 
Sheppard, F.L.S. 

Read June 16, 1818. 

| Mx pear Sin, 

Ha»rrrsixo a few days since to take up Ray's Wisdom of God 

in the Works of the Creation, I was particularly struck with the 

passage where, speaking of the Woodpecker tribe, he says, “ Their 
toes stand two forwards, two backwards; which disposition (as 

Aldrovandus well notes) Nature, or rather the wisdom of the Cre- 

ator, hath granted to Woodpeckers, because it is very convenient 

for the climbing of trees.” | 

The attempt to prove this assertion, adopted by so many and 
able naturalists, to be altogether unfounded, must appear to sa- 
vour of presumption in one who has so little of the philosopher 
about him: nevertheless, I hope to convince you that such dis- 
position of the toes in the Woodpecker tribe was intended by the 
Author of Nature for a very different, though equally wise pur- 
pose. I know of but six genera, viz. Psittacus, Cuculus, Picus, 
Ramphastos, Trogon, Bucco, that are furnished pedibus scansorus, 
i.e. with two toes before and two behind ; and of this number I am 
acquainted with the manners of the three first only. 

To begin with Cuculus :—I speak only of our common species : 
Here is a bird furnished with two toes before and two behind, and 
yet is actually never known to climb at all; a convincing proof 
that such conformation does not necessarily bring with it the power 

3x2 | of 

518 The Rev. Rgv rrr SHEPPARD on the Use 

of climbing; more especially when we consider that the Nut- 
hatch (Sitta europea) and Tree-creeper (Certhia familiaris) have 
their toes placed in the usual manner, and yet run up and 
down trees with as much facility as the Woodpeckers. The use 
of the pedes scansorii *, then, to the Cuckow (as they evidently, in 
this case, conduce not to climbing,) I judge to be this: It is well 
known that this bird will oftentimes sit by the half-hour together 
on the bough of a tree vociferating its loud and pleasing note; in 
doing this it sits remarkably forward, and appears in constant 
agitation, continually moving its body up and down with great 
elegance: now, as it sits so forward whilst using this exertion, it 
would be liable to lose its balance and quit its hold, had it only 
one toe behind ; whereas, by the contrivance of two, it is enabled 
strongly to adhere to the branch. _ , 

Psittacus also has the pedes scansorii, and is actually a climbing 
genus; yet does not this conformation in my opinion in any man- 
ner conduce thereto. To say that Parrots assist themselves with 
their beaks in climbing, would not argue the pedes scansorii to be 
of no utility. "Their real use to this genus seems to be not only 
to grasp their food (for the foot of the Parrot serves the purpose 
of a hand in that respect), but to enable them to step securely 
from one branch to another, and likewise to hang suspended, as 
they often do; in which case the two toes before and two behind 
certainly give stability to their hold. 

With respect to the Pici, rather a clumsy tribe, the very stiff 
feathers in the tail are of material service to prop them up in the 
act of climbing : : not so the pedes scansorii, for the Nuthatch with- 
out them runs up trees equally well. Of what use then can these 
be to the Woodpecker? I answer, that in boring trees, (in which 

* I think a more appropriate term might be ond for this peculiar conformation ; 
and for this purpose I take the liberty of suggesting the word comprehensorii, 


of the Pedes scansorii of Birds. 519 

occupation the bird is often engaged for a considerable length of 
time), its weight is thrown backward, and thus the supply of two 
toes behind is rendered extremely necessary for its support: 

What makes me think the wise Author of Nature had this end 
principally in view is, that the Nuthatch, from the want of this 
conformation, is, when breaking nuts, under the necessity of sit- 
ting with its head downwards. | It may be alleged that its flexible 
tail compels it to this position; but, as I have before observed, 
it runs up trees with equal or greater facility than the Wood- 
pecker, notwithstanding that disadvantage. 

-It would be a curious circumstance, and a conclusive argu- 
ment in my favour, should it ever be ascertained that the three- 
toed Woodpecker (Picus tridactylus*), which has only one toe 
behind, bores trees in the attitude assumed by the Nuthatch 
when breaking nuts. | 

I have now brought this letter, which I fear has tired your pa- 
tience, to a conclusion; but as it is upon a subject hitherto not 
sufficiently examined into, you may possibly think it worthy of 
being communicated to our scientific brethren. 

Fam, &c. 

Wrabness Parsonage, Revetr SHEPPARD.. 
April 15, 1818. T " 

* Linnzus, in his description of the Picus tridactylus, says,  Europæus vertice flavo, 
Americanus rubro est." It is worthy of observation, that a fine specimen, brought by my 
brother Edmund Sheppard, Esq., of the Royal Artillery, (whose assiduity in collecting sub- 
jects of natural history when abroad, entitles him to great credit,) from Drummond's Island, 
in Lake Huron, Upper Canada, has the crest, like the European species, of a bright yellow. 


XXXII. 4n 

( 590 ) 


XXXII. An Account of a new Species of Gull lately discovered on 
© the West Coast of Greenland. By Joseph Sabine, Esq. F.R.S. and 
L.S. 4c. 
| Read December 15, 1818. 

I nzcrivzp in the last summer, by one of the whaling ships from 
Davis's Straits, a collection of birds, which had been made by my 
brother Captain Edward Sabine of the Royal Artillery, who ac- 
companied the late expedition in search of a North-West passage. 
Among them were specimens of a Gull hitherto unknown and 
undescribed. | E à | 

My brother's account of them was as follows: They were met 
with by him and killed on the 25th of July last on a group of 
three low rocky islands, each about a mile across, on the west 
coast of Greenland, twenty miles distant from the main land, in 
latitude 75° 29’ N., and longitude 60°9 W. They were associated 
in considerable numbers with the Sterna Hirundo, breeding on 
those islands, the nests of both birds being intermingled. 

The male and female are nearly the same size, the latter is 
rather the smallest, but their plumage is exactly similar. The 
length of different specimens varies from twelve and a half to 
fourteen inches; the extent of the wings is about thirty-three 
inches, and the weight from six and a half to seven and a half 
ounces. ‘The following is a full description. The bill one inch 
long, the base of both mandibles black as far as the angular pro- 
jection of the lower mandible, the remainder yellow; the inside 


Mr. Sasine’s Account of a new Species of Gull, 4c. 521 

of the mouth bright vermilion. ‘The irides dark, surrounded by 

a naked circle of the same colour as the inside of the mouth; a 

small white speck beneath the eye, scarcely perceptible. ‘The 

whole of the head and upper part of the neck a very dark ash- or 

lead-colour; the remainder of the neck behind and before, as 

“well as the breast and belly, pure white; a narrow black collar 

surrounds the neck at the meeting of the ash-colour and of the 

white. The back, scapulars and wing-coverts are ash-coloured, 

very much lighter than the head, but darker than the corre- 

sponding parts of the Larus ridibundus; the lower ends of the 

scapulars are tipped with white. The first five primary quill- 

feathers with black shafts, the whole outer webs of these black; 

the edge of their upper webs white to within an inch and a half 
of the tips, the white sometimes continued to the tip; the tips of 
the first and second of these quill-feathers in some white, in others 

black; the tips of the third, fourth and fifth white, giving the 
wing when closed a spotted appearance; the sixth primary quill- 
feather with a white shaft, having the web more or less black, 
but principally white, with sometimes a black spot near the end ; 
the other primaries, the secondaries, and the tertials white; the 
whole under parts of the wings white. The wings extend an inch 
or more beyond the longest feather of the tail. The legs, feet, 
and claws black; the thigh feathered to within three-eighths of 
an inch of the knee; the length of the tarse one inch and a half; 

the length of the front toes about one inch, the inner one the 

shortest; the hinder toe small, and placed high. The tail with 
its upper and under coverts white; the tail-feathers twelve, the 

outer narrower than the centre ones ; the outer tail-feathers about 

five inches long, the others in succession gradually shortening, so 

that the whole tail becomes forked by a diminution of nearly an 



522 Mr. Sasine’s Account of a new Species of Gull 

This is the description of the bird in its mature and breeding 
plumage: it is probable, that in its immature and winter state it 
resembles other black-headed Gulls, in being divested of the dark 
colour of its head. 

This species lays two eggs on the bare ground, which it hatches 
the last week in July: the young when first hatched are mottled 
with brown and dull yellow. The eggs are an inch and a half in 
length, and of regular shape, not much pointed; the colour is 
olive, much blotched with brown. 

Little of course can be known of the manners and habits of 
these birds, for they were not seen in any other instance during 
the voyage through Davis’s Straits and Baffin’s Bay: the Esqui- 
meaux who accompanied the expedition as interpreter, and who 
possessed some knowledge of the native birds of South Greenland, 
had never observed them before. "They flew with impetuosity 
towards persons“ approaching their nests and young; and when 
one bird of a pair was killed, its mate, though frequently fired at, 
continued on wing close to the spot where it lay. "They get their 
food on the sea-beach, standing near the water's edge and perte 
up the marine insects which are cast on shore. | 

In conformity with the custom of affixing the name of the ori- 
ginal discoverer to a new species, this bird has been called Larus 
Sabini. It will naturally fall into the division of the Gulls with 
black heads, of which there. are several species, though most of 
them are but little known, and it d be distinguished by the 
following specific character: | 
L. albidus, capite nigricante, torque « 

| rico nigro, Pr basi 
nigro apice luteo, pedibus nigris, cauda forficata, 
Tas. XXIX. 

The forked tail of the bird will fi ground, to those who are 
desirous of increasing the number of genera, to place this in a new 

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lately discovered on the West Coast of Greenland. 523 

genus intermediate between Larus and Sterna. If every diversity 
_ of character is to become the foundation of a new genus, we shall 
have as many genera as there are species ; and when multiplied to 
excess, genera will cease to afford the facility of investigation to the 
examiner of species which they were designed to give. Between 
each individual species there will always be some difference of 
character beyond that of colour of plumage, which may be made 
to constitute what with some modern ornithologists is so impro- 
perly called a generic distinction. In the present instance the 
forkedness of the tail is very remarkable; but if the want of an 
even termination of the tail-feathers is to constitute a generic di- 
stinction, then the Larus tridactylus must be removed from its 
present place and become a new genus; for the tail of that bird, 
though slightly forked, is certainly uneven, and more distinctly so 
in the younger birds. 

Since I received the specimens which I have described above, 
I have obtained one from Hudson's Bay of another black-headed 
Gull bearing a strong resemblance to the Larus Sabini, except 
that it has an even tail, and is without the dark collar round its 
neck. It is certainly an undescribed species, and must be placed 
in the genus Larus, although its bill approaches more to that of 
a Tern than that of any other Gull with which I am acquainted. 
Such instances, I think, satisfactorily prove that, if every exist- 
ing species were before us in one view, we should find individuals 
so approaching each other in particular points, as to make it very 
difficult to determine where to place the boundaries of genera. 


( 524 ) 

XXXIII. Remarks on the Changes of the Plumage of Birds. By 
the Rev. William Whitear, of Starston in Norfolk. Communicated 
by Joseph Sabine, Esq., F.R.S. and L.S., §¢. 

Read April 6, 1819. 

Ir is well known that birds annually change their feathers, and 
that in many of them the new feathers are of a different colour 
from those which were cast. 1t is also known, that several birds 
put on a different livery during the breeding season to that which 
they wear in autumn. But no writer, with whom Iam acquainted, 
has hitherto pointed out the fact, that in some birds the full-grown 
feathers themselves change colour without being replaced by new ones. 
Some recent observations that I have made upon birds assuming 
their summer plumage give me reason to suppose that such a 

change does really take place. | 
In the year 1817, Mr. Youell of Yarmouth had sixteen young 
wild Mallards confined in a small pond by netting; and he was 
much surprised to find that towards the end of the year these 
birds put on a great deal of the beautiful plumage of the old 
bird, and yet that no feathers were to be found floating on the 
water, or scattered on the banks of the pond, as is usually the 
case when birds are moulting. Mr. Youell having made the same 
remark last year upon other birds of the duck genus, and com- 
municated his suspicions to me, that birds sometimes change the 
colour of their dress without shooting their feathers, I determined 

Rev. W. WurrEAn on the Changes of the Plumage of Birds. 595 

to make such observations upon them as might tend either to 
establish or disprove the fact. 

On the 9th of January last I received a young wild Mallard, 
which had nearly assumed the plumage of the adult bird. Upon 
examining the feathers of this bird, I found many of them which 
were party-coloured, the same individual feather retaining in 
some parts the colours of the bird during its first months, and in 
other parts exhibiting those of the perfect bird. A male Chat- 
finch, killed in February, had the feathers on the crown of the 
head blueish ash-colour, except at their extremities, which were 
rufous-brown, apparently still retaining on those parts the colour 
of the young bird, while the greater part of each feather had as- 
sumed that of the old one. Three specimens of the Swiss Sand- 
piper, in a state of change from the winter to the summer garb, 
had many feathers upon the breast and belly perfectly black, 
others perfectly white, and the rest sprinkled with black and 
white in various degrees; in some the black just beginning to 
appear, in others only a little white remaining upon them. . A 
white-fronted goose, killed in October, had the breast, belly and 
sides, white blotched irregularly with black. The feathers upon 
those parts exhibited exactly the same varied appearance as 
those of the Swiss Sandpipers. A Dunlin, in a state of change 
from winter to summer plumage, presented a similar mixture of 
black and white in the feathers on the belly; but in this bird the 
black did not predominate so much as in the foregoing. In a 
young specimen of the black-headed Gull, killed the 9th of March, 
the scapulars were of a mixed colour, the same feather retaining 
some of the brown of the imperfect bird, together with the light 
blue ash-colour of the adult state. And the two colours prevailed 
in various degrees, some feathers exhibiting only the nascent 
shades of the ash-colour, and in others the remains alone of the 

| $2 | brown 

526 Rev. W. WurTEAn on the Changes of the Plumage of Birds. 

brown were discoverable. The wing-coverts were in a similar 
state of change. Many of the feathers on the head of a Reed- 
Bunting (killed the same day as the gull) were black with reddish- 
brown tips, the extremity of each feather apparently retaining the 
winter tint, while the greater part of it had assumed that of the 
summer. : fe 

The above observations seem pretty strongly to confirm the fact 
which Mr. Youell has pointed out, namely, that a change in the 
colour of the plumage of birds does not always arise from a change 
of feathers, but sometimes proceeds from the feathers themselves 
assuming at one season of the year a different colour from that 
which they have at another. This fact may be fully tried upon 
living birds. If the feathers of a live bird, apparently beginning to 
change, were marked by fastening a piece of silk to them, notch- 
ing, them, or otherwise, and it was observed that the first colour 
of the feather gradually disappeared, while the new colour ex- 
tended itself more and more, till the feather had assumed that 
‘exhibited by the perfect bird, the fact would be established be- 
yond contradiction. 

Having called the attention of ornithologists to this subject, I 
hope it will be pursued by those who have better opportunities of 
investigating it than myself. An inquiry into the changes which 
the feathered race undergo, can hardly fail of throwing light upon 
the history of this beautiful and interesting part of the creation. 

March 18, 1819. 


(::597 ~) 

XXXIV. A Memoir on the Birds of Greenland; with Descriptions 
and Notes on the Species observed in the late Voyage of Discovery 
in Davis's Straits and Baffin's Bay. By Captain Edward Sabine 
of the Royal Artillery, F.R.S. and L.S. 

` Read April 6, 1819. 

I wave much pleasure in presenting to the Linnean Society a 
Memoir on the Birds of Greenland. In accompanying the expedi- 
tion which sailed last year in search of a North-West passage, I 
had opportunities, when not engaged in the official duties which 
I was sent to perform, of making some observations on the Orni- 
thology of that part of the world. | 

. Of fifty species enumerated by various authors as having been 
found 3 in Greenland, twenty-four fell under my notice: some in- 
teresting’ facts relating to these have been ascertained, and four 
other species have been added to the list, one of which has not 
been before described by any naturalist. "That so few birds were 
seen is to be explained by the circumstance, that the ships: very 
rarely approached the shores so as to permit a landing; but it is 
confidently hoped, that the voyage which is about to be under- 
taken will afford facilities for more extensive research. 

I have confined my account to the birds seen either in Davis's 
Straits or in Baffin’s Bay, omitting all notice of those observed on 
the voyage when we were nearer the shores of the British islands 
than those of any part of Greenland. 

The works which have been generally quoted are the following : 

598 Capt. SaBiNE's Memoir on the Birds of Greenland, &c. 

Gmelin, Systema Nature Linnei. | 
Latham's General Synopsis of. Birds. 
Latham's Index Ornithologicus. 

- Fabricii Fauna Groenlandica. 
Brünnichii Ornithologia Borealis. 
Pennant's Arctic Zoology. | 
Linnei Fauna Suecica, Editio altera. 
Müller, Zoologie Danice Prodromus. 
Temminck, Manuel d'Ornithologie. 

= Wilson's American Ornithology. 
Pennani’s British Zoology. Second edition. 
Montagu’ s Ornithological Dictionary and Supplement. 

I did not consider it expedient to introduce the synonyms of 
or reference to any other authors than those above mentioned, 
except the particular circumstance of any individual case required 
it; where such occurs, the title of _ work will appear in the refe- 

rence itself. 
1. Fatco IsraANDICUS. Jerfalcon. 

F. TIRE Gmel. i. 275. Lath. Ind. Orn.i. 32. Temm. 33.— White Iceland Falcon. 
Lath. Syn. i. 71.—F. Candicans. Gmel.i. 975.—W hite Jerfalcon. Lath. Syn.1.83. & 
Supp. 21.—Gyrfalcon. Arct. Zool. ii. 991. Br. Zool. i. 217.—Jerfalcon. Mont. Dict. 
& Supp.—F. Islandus. Gmel. i. 971. Fabr. 58. Brün. no. 7 & 8. Müll. no. 73.— 
Spotted Iceland Falcon. LatA. Syn. i. 7 1.—F. Rusticolus. Gmel. i. 268. Fabr. 55. 
Faun. Suec. 19. Lath. Ind. Orn. i. 98.— Collared Falcon. Arct. Zool. ii. 222. Lath. 
Syn. i. 56. 

YOUNG BIRDS. F. Gyrfalco. Gmel.i.275. Lath. Ind. Orn.i. 32. Faun. Suec. 
22.—F. Fuscus. Fabr. 56. Briin. no. 9.—F.Sacer. Gmel.i.273. Lath. Ind. Orn. i. 
34.—Sacre Falcon. Lath. Syn. i. 77 & 78. & Supp. 20. Arct. Zool. ii. 202.— Dusky 
Falcon. Arct. Zool. ii. 990.— American Falcon. Lath. Syn. Supp. 38.—Brown Jer- 
falcon. Lath. Syn. i. 82.—Iceland Falcon. Lath. Syn. 1.70. Arct. Zool. ii. 216.— 
Greenland Falcon. Lath. Syn. Supp. 36. 

The Jerfalcon was seen in a single instance at Baffin’s Three 
Islands, on the west coast of Greenland; in lat. 74°. It was 

wounded, but got away. 

Capt. SABINE's Memoir on the Birds of Greenland, &c. 529 

The progress of this bird from youth, when it is quite brown, to - 
the almost perfect whiteness of its maturity, forms a succession of 
changes in which each individual feather gradually losés a portion 
of its brown as the white edging on the margin increases in breadth 
from year to year; such has been the cause of the variety of 
synonyms which have been referred to. 

2. FArco PRREGRINUS. Peregrine Falcon. 

F. Peregrinus. Gmel.i. 272. Lath: Ind. Orn i. 33. aon 34.— Peregrine Falcon. Br. 
Zool. i. 218. Arct. Zool. ii. 202. Lath. Syn. i. 73. & Supp. 18. Mont. Dict. & Supp. 
—F. Communis. Gmel. i. 270. Lath. Ind. Orn. 1. 30.— Common Falcon. Lath. 
Syn. i. 65.—Lanner. Br. Zool, i. 223.—Great-footed Hawk. Wil. Am. Orn. ix. 190. 

Killed in the third week of September in lat. 66° N. and long. 
58° W., and therefore most probably from America. Fabricius 
does not mention this bird as an inhabitant of Greenland. The 
specimen from which the note is taken was a young bird, and re- 
mained for some hours about the ship in company with three 
others. I have not hesitated to add the synonym of the F. com- 
munis to the other received ones of this species; the French spe- 
cimens under that name fully proving the identity. The broad 
black line or patch, extending from the eye down to the throat, 
is a distinguishing mark of this bird, and of the Falco Subbuteo, 
or Hobby, in the various states of their plumage; the difference 
in size of the two species will always prevent their being con- 
founded. i À 

I suspect that the Falco Lannaxius of Briinnich is a Merlin, and 
therefore have not referred to it. The Lanner of the British 
Zoology is a young Peregrine Falcon; but the F. Lannarius of 
Linneus and Gmelin, of Latham and others, as well as the Lanner 
of the Arctic Zoology and of Latham’s Synopsis, is a distinct spe- 
cies (as I am informed by M.'Femminck) common in Russia, Po- 
land, and Hungary, to which also the F. Stellaris and Starry Fal- 
-con of authors must be referred, being the same bird in a younger 

530 Capt. SariNe’s Memoir on the Birds of Greenland, 6c. 

state. "These have hitherto been usually referred to as synonyms 
of the F. Peregrinus. ! 

i 3. Convus Conax. Raven. 
C. Corax. Gmel.i. 364. Lath. Ind. Orn.i. 150. Temm. 66. Fabr. 62. Faun. Suec. 29. 
Müll. no. 86. Briin. no. 8.—Raven. Lath. Syn. i. 367. & Supp. 74. Arct. Sool. ii. 
945. Br. Zool. i. 279. Mont. Dict. & Supp. Wil. Am. Orn. ix. 113. 

Killed at Hare Island, and seen on the west coast of Greeniand 
in lat. 754°. We did not notice a pied one, although such a vari- 
ety is said to be common in arctic countries. 

4. Terrao Lacorus. Ptarmigan. 
T. Lagopus. Gmel.i. 749. Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. 659. Faun. Suec. 73. Brün. nos. 198 & 
199. Fabr. 114. Müll. no. 993.. Temm. 293.—Ptarmigan. Lath. Syn. iv. 741. 
Br. Zool. i. 359. Arct. Zool. ii. 315. Mont. Dict. 8 Supp.—T. Rupestris. Gmel. i 
751. Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. 640.—Rock Grous. Lath. Syn. a 217. Arct. Zool. ii. 

Killed June 19th + at Mi Island. The females were laying : 
they had been abundant, but only a few were left on our arrival, 
several whalers having anchored there before us, the crews of 
which had destroyed them. Were I not quite satisfied of the iden- 
tity of the species, the difference of the plumage of these birds 
would seem to justify a persuasion that they are distinct; but in 
all essential characteristics they are the T. Lagopus. The pecu- 
liarities which are to be noticed have escaped the attention even 
of Fabricius; who nevertheless describes these birds as seen du- 
ring the summer. The period when they fell under my observa- 
tion being that of their full breeding season, it must unquestion- 
ably be allowed that they were in perfect summer plumage. The 
male birds were wholly white, with the exception of the black 
line from the bill to the eye, of the under tail-feathers, and a very 
few scattered black feathers on the top of the head: even the 
shafts of the large quill-feathers were white ; the females had not 
the usual portion of white on the breast; the coverings of the 


Capt. SABINE’s Memoir on the Birds of Greenland, &c. 531 

legs were white, as were the quill-feathers, but the shafts of these 
were dark ; the whole of the coloured plumage was more rich and 
gaudy than in Scottish specimens. In the latter the ash-colour 
predominates, in the Greenland Ptarmigan the orange. The bars of 
brown are also broader and deeper in the Greenland specimens. 

5. Emperiza Nivatis. Snow Bunting. 

E. Nivalis. Gmel. i. 866. Lath. Ind. Orn, i. 397. Temm.188. Faun. Suec. 82. Brün. 
nos. 245 & 246. Mull. no. 250. Fabr. 117.— Snow Bunting. Lath. Syn. ii. 161. & 
Supp. 157. Br. Zool. i. 444. Arct. Zool. ii. 355. Mont. Dict. Supp. & Appen. 
Wil. Am. Orn. ni. 36.—E. Glacialis. Lath. Ind. Orn. i. 398.—Tawny Bunting. Lath. 
Syn. iii. 164. Br. Zool. i. 442. Mont. Dict. & Supp—E. Montana. Gmel. i. 867. 
Lath. Ind. Orn. i. 398.— Mountain Bunting. Lath. Syn. iii. 165. Br. Zool. i. 445. 
Mont. Dict. & Supp. 

These birds were abundant in Hare Island on the west coast 
of Greenland, lat. 70? 26', in the month of June, and were breed- 
ing there. We also saw them on the western coast of Davis's 
Straits, about the same latitude, in September. Fabricius has well 
described their nest as formed externally of grass, next of feathers, 
and lined with the hair of foxes. Eggs four or five, dirty white, 
spotted with ash-colour and yellowish brown ; the nests are placed 
in ledges of the rocks. The song of the male bird was noticed fre- 
quently. Notwithstanding the deference which is due to the 
general accuracy of Montagu, I have ventured to place the 
Snow, Tawny and Mountain Buntings together, believing them to 
be the same species in different states of plumage, the effects of 
age, sex, or climate. Those seen at Hare Island exactly corre- 
spond to the Snow Bunting of Montagu, and those on the opposite 
coast to the Tawny Bunting. 

| 6. SYLVIA OENANTHE. Wheatear. 
Motacilla Oenanthe. Gmel.i.966. Faun. Suec.93. Fabr. 122. Brün. nos. 245 & 246.—S. Oenanthe. Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. 529. Temm.135.—Wheatear. Lath. 
Syn. iv. 465. & Supp. 182. Br. Zool.i. 521. Arct. Zool. ii. 490. Mont. Dict. & Supp. 

VOL. XII. | 9 Z j This 

582 Capt. Sagıne’s Memoir on the Birds of Greenland, $c. 

This species was not seen on the shores of Greenland on which 
we landed: but on our return homewards in October, off Cape 
Farewell, a few were seen at a distance from the land, doubtless 
on their passage southward. In our outward voyage, in May, we 
also met with them in lat. 60° N. and long. 13° W., then most 
probably migrating north ward. 

7. Trinca Maritima. Purple Sandpiper. 
T. Maritima. Gmel. i. 678. Lath. Ind. Orn. 5.731. Brün. no. 189. Müll. no. 206.. 
—Selninger Sandpiper. Arct. Sool. à. 480. Lath. Syn. v.: 173. & 2d. Supp. 312. 
Br. Zool. ii. 80.—T. Striata. Gmel. 1. 672. - Lath. Ind. Orn. 3. 733. Fabr. 107.— 
Striated Sandpiper. Arct. Zool. ii. 472. Lath. Syn. v. 176.—Sea Sandpiper. Mark- 
wick in Linn. Trans. iv. 22.—T. Nigricans. Montagu in Linn. Trans. iv. 40.—Purple: 
Sandpiper. Mont. Dict. & Supp.. 

Fabricius was the first naturalist who knew this bird to be the 
same in all its changes of plumage; he called it T. Striata ; but it 
being now more generally known as T. Maritima, I have given it 
that name, being what it is usually called when in its summer 
dress: the specimens killed at Hare Island in June, and at 
Possession Bay on the 1st of September, were in this plumage. 
In its winter state it has been called the T. Striata, or Striated’ 
Sandpiper. As a British bird it has been described only in the 
latter plumage, and it is the Sea Sandpiper of Mr. Markwick, the 
Purple Sandpiper and Tringa Nigricans of Montagu. Temminck 
does not notice it in his. Masel The Greenland specimens have 
been compared with two in my brother's cabinet of British birds, 
the latter having been killed in winter: the difference of the plu- 
mage of the two seasons consists in the under parts during sum- 
mer having less of dusky and more of white; and the feathers. of 
the back and scapulars being of a much deeper and richer colour, 
and beautifully marked with broad white edgings: a similar mark- 
ing is observable, but not so distinctly, on the back of the head 
| . and 


Capt. Saninr’s Memoir on the Birds of Greenland, §c. 533 

and neck; there is also a little dash of ferruginous occasionally 
interspersed on the upper plumage. ‘This species was found in 
flocks of six and eight on a shingly beach. 

8. Trinca CINEREA. Knot or Red Sandpiper. 

"T. Cinerea. Temm. 404. 

SUMMER. T. Islandica. Gmel. 1.689. Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. 737.—T. Ferruginea. 
Brü Müll. no. 203.—Red Sandpiper. Arct. Zool. ii. 476. Mont. Dict. 
& App. Lath. Syn. v. 186. Br. Zool. ii. 89. 

WINTER. T.Cinerea. Gmel.i. 673. Lath. Ind. Orn.ii.733. Brun. no. 179. 
Mull. no. 202.—Ash-coloured Sandpiper. Lath. Syn. v.177. Br. Zool. ii. 78. Arct. 
Zool. ii. 474. Mont. Dict. & Supp. Wil. Am. Orn. vii. 36.—T. Grisea. Gmel. i. 
‘681. Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. 733.—Grizzled Sandpiper. Lath. Syn. v. 175.—T. Ca- 
nutus. Gmel. i. 679. Lath. Ind. Orn. 31. 738. Faun. Suec. 65.—Knot. Lath. Syn. v. 

. 187. Br. Zool. ii. 76. Arct..Zool. ï. 473. Mont. Dict. & Supp. 

- BIRDS OF ONE YEAR. T. Calidris. Gmel.i. 681. Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. 732. 
—Dusky Sandpiper. Lath. Syn. v. 174. Mont. App.-—T. Nevia. Gmel. i. 681. 
Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. 732.—Freckled Sandpiper. Arct. Zool. ii. 480. Lath. Syn. v. 
174.—T. Australis. Gmel. 1.679. Lath. Ind. Orn. ii: 737.—Southern Sandpiper, 
Lath. Syn. v. 187. & Supp. 249.—Aberdeen Sandpiper. Br. Zool. ii. 89. 

Killed at Hare Island in June. It is probably a rare species 
in Greenland, being unknown to Fabricius. Its various stages of 
plumage have been correctly described by Montagu in bis Æp- 
pendix, article * Dusky Sandpiper,” and by Temminck in his Ma- 
nuel: they had been previously involved in much obscurity, and 
had given rise to the variety of synonyms which are referred to. In 
its winter state it is the T. Canutus, or Knot: in its progress to the 
summer state it becomes first the T. Grisea, or Grizzled, then the 
T. Cinerea or Ash-coloured Sandpiper: the old birds in summer 
are the T. Islandica and T. Ferruginea, and Red Sandpiper: the 
birds of the first year, not attaining the high colour of the old 
ones, have been described variously ; as the T. Calidris or Dusky, 
T. N«evia or Freckled, T. Australis or Southern, and the Aberdeen 

$322 9. TRINGA 

534 Capt. SaBine’s Memoir on the Birds of Greenland, 4c. 

9. TRINGA ALPINA. Dunlin. 

"F. Variabilis. Temm. 395. 

SUMMER. T. Alpina. Gmel. i. 676. Lath. Ind. Orn. ii..736. Brün. no. 178. 
Mull. no. 197. Faun. Suec. 64. Fabr. 111.—Dunlin. Lath. Syn. v. 185. & Supp. 
249. ` Arct. Zool. ii. 476. Mont. Dict. Supp. & App. Br. Zool. ii. 99. —R ed- 
backed Sandpiper. Wil. Am. Orn. vii. 25. 

WINTER. T. Cinclus. Gmel. i. 680. Lath. Ind. Orn. ñ. 735.—Purre. Arct. 
Zool. ii. 475. Lath. Syn. v. 182. Br. Zool. 294. Wil. Am. Orn. vii. 89. : Mont. 

Only a single specimen was killed. . The bird is said by Fabri- 
cius to be very rare in Greenland. The fact of the Tringa Cinclus 
and Alpina being the same bird may be considered as established, 
the former in the winter and the latter in the summer plumage: 
for this discovery Europeans are indebted to our countryman 
Montagu. Even the acute and accurate Temminck has not ar- 
rived at clearness on this point in kis Manuel, though he concludes 
the T. Cinclus as referable to the Alpina (his Variabilis) in some 
state. It must not be overlooked, however, that before Montagu 
had published his discovery, the close practical observation of . 
Wilson the ornithologist of America, had put him in possession of 
the fact also. | | or 

These birds must certainly migrate from the arctic regions in 
the winter; since neither Brünnich, Müller, Fabricius, nor the 
Fauna Suecica make any mention of the Tringa Cinclus. 

10. CHanapmius HiaTicULA. Ringed Plover, 

C. Hiaticula. Gmel. i. 683. Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. 743. Müll. no. 209.  Brün. no. 184. 
Fabr. 112. Faun. Suec. 66.—Ringed Plover. Lath. Syn. v. 201. Arct. Zool. ii. 
485. Br. Zool. ii. 105. Mont. Dict. & Supp. Wil. Am. Orn. 765. = 

Killed at Hare Island in June: perfectly agreeing with Mon- 
tagu’s description of British specimens; from whence it may be 
inferred thatthe remark made by Pennant of the black collar be- 


Capt. Santne’s Memoir on the Birds of Greenland, $c. 535 

coming fainter in North America, from the effect of climate, is 
not correct. Montagu mentions that he has seen several of these 
birds which had been killed in England, in which the collar was 

11. PHaraRoPus Hvrznnonzus. Red Phalarope. 

P. Hyperboreus. Temm. 457. Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. 775 .—Tringa Hyperborea. Gmel. i. 
675. Mull. no. 196.—Tringa Lobata. Fabr. 109. Faun. Suec.64.—Red Phalarope. 
Lath. Syn. v. 270 & 271: Br. Zool. ü. 125. Arct. Zool. ii. 494. Mont. Dict. 
Supp. & App. Wil. Am. Orn. ix. 75. i 

IMMATURE. Phalaropus Fuscus. Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. 776.—Tringa Fusca. 
Gmel. i. 675.—Tringa Lobata. Brün. no. 171.—Brown Phalarope. Lath. Syn. v. 
274. Arct. Zool. ii. 495. 

A small flock of these birds were met with on the west coast 
of Greenland, in latitude 71°, in June. A considerable variation 
takes place in the ferruginous colouring of the sides of the neck, 
in some instances the colour meets at the breast, and in others it 
does not; it has been considered that this difference is characteristic 
of the sex, but I am inclined to think that such opinion is errone- 
ous. Some authors have supposed the Tringa Fulicaria of Linneus’s 
Systema Nature and of Brünnich to be the female of this species, 
and have consequently described it as differing extremely: but 
I have had no hesitation ia placing the Tringa Fulicaria as a 
synonym of the true Tringa Lobata (not the T. Lobata of Fabricius, 
which is the present bird). The Phalaropus Fuscus with its syno- 
nyms is considered as the immature bird, on the authority of 
Temminck and the Fauna Suecica ; but great confusion has been 
made in the synonyms referred to by other writers. Iam not ac- 
quainted with the winter plumage of this species; but think it 
probable that the ferruginous tints are peculiar to the summer 
months, as the specimens killed in J une were very irregularly and 
uncertainly marked. | 

Az Pia- 

536 Capt. SaniNz's Memoir of the Birds of Greenland, 4c. 

12. PHALAROPUS Pratyryncuos. Flat-billed Phalarope. 

 Phalaropus Platyrynchos. Temm. 459. 

SUMMER. Tringa Fulicaria. Linn. Syst. Nat. ed. xii. vol.i.249.  Brün. no. 172. 
Fabr.111. Müll. no. 196.—Tringa Hyperborea, var... Gmel.1.676.— Red Pha- 
larope female. Lath. Syn. v. 271. | 

WINTER. Phalaropus Lobatus. Lath. Ind. Orn. à. 776.—Tringa Lobata. 
Gmel. i. 674. Mull. no. 195.—Grey Phalarope. Br. Zool. ii. 123. Lath. Syn. v. 
979. Arct. Sool. ii. 494. Mont. Dict.—Grey Phalarope. Wil. Am. Orn. ix. 72. 

IN CHANGE. Phalaropus Glacialis. Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. 776.—Tringa Glacia- 
lis. Gmel. i. 675.—Plain Phalarope. Lath. Syn. v. 273. Arct. Zool. ii. 495 Grey 
Phalarope. Mont. App. 

-YovwG. Tringa Lobata, var. 8. Gmel. i. 674. 

However unwilling I feel to admit alterations in names, I am 
induced to do so in the present instance, and to adopt Tem- 
minck's specific appellation, both as appropriate, and distinct 
from the confusion in which the various other synonyms which 
are referred to are involved. "The specimen from which the ac- 
count is taken was killed on the 10th of June, out of a flock of 
four, on the west coast of Greenland, in latitude 68°. They were 
swimming in the sea, amongst icebergs three or four miles from 
the shore. From the considerable difference between the summer 
and winter plumage of this bird, it is not surprising that so many 
mistakes have been made. My specimen, which was a male, agrees 
with Temminck's description of the full-plumaged bird in sum- 
mer, except that the whole under parts have a considerable 

quantity of white mixed with the brick red, the white being 
rather predominant. Before I had an opportunity of consulting 
the Manuel d'Ornithologie, which confirmed my opinion, I had 
arrived at the conclusion that the Tringa Fulicaria of Brünnich 
was this bird: his accurate description of the bill left no doubt in 
my mind, notwithstanding the difference in the plumage, the 
consequence of season. Fabricius enumerates the Tringa Fulicaria 


Capt. San1Nx's Memoir on the Birds of Greenland, &c. 537 

m his Fauna Groelandica ; but the bird itself does not appear to 
have fallen under his notice: he was aware, however, that it could 
not be referred to his Tringa Lobata. This species is only known 
to British naturalists in its winter state. 

13. Atca ALLE. Little Auk.. 

A. Alle. Gmel. i. 554. Lath. Ind. Orn. i. 705: Briin. no. 106. Fabr. 84. Faun. Suet. 
O. Mull. no. 142.—Little Auk. Lath. Syn. v. 327. Arct. Zool. ii. 512. Mont. 
Dict. & Supp. Br. Zool. à. 158. Wil. Am. Orn. ix. 94.—Uria Alle. Temm. 611. 

This species was abundant in Baffin’s Bay and Davis’s Straits ; 
and in latitude 76° was so numerous in the channels of water 
separating fields of ice, that many hundreds were killed daily, 
and the ship’s company supplied with them. The whole of the 
birds in the breeding season (the sexes being alike) had the under 
part of the neck an uniform sooty black, terminating abruptly 
and in an even line against the white of the belly; the young 
birds, which we saw in all stages from the egg, as soon as they 
were feathered were marked exactly as the mature birds: but in 
the third week of September, when we were on our passage down 
the American coast, every specimen, whether old or young, was. 
observed to be in change ; and in the course of a few days the en- 
tire feathers of the throat and cheeks and of the under part of the 
neck had become white; this latter state has been erroneously 
considered by some authors as that of the immature bird. It has 
been correctly described however by. Fabricius as the winter 
plumage. Montagu arrived at the same conclusion in his Sup- 
plement. We saw neither of the varieties which Fabricius remarks. 
that he had heard of; namely, a red-breasted variety, and one: 

wholly white.. : 

14. Urra 


538 Capt. SABINE’s Memoir on the Birds of Greenland, &c. 

14. Urra Bnüxwieuir — Brünnich's Guillemot. 
Uria Troille. Briin. no. 109. 

Until the last autumn this bird was known to naturalists on the 
authority alone of Brünnich ; who, in his Ornithologia Borealis hav- 
ing described the species at present denominated the Uria Troile, 
under the specific name of Lomvia, proceeds to notice the exist- 
ence of a second species much resembling it, and which he names 
the Uria Troile: this second species is the present bird. Linneus 
originally called the first bird Alca Lomvia in his Systema Nature, 
edit. 10. (1758) vol. i. 130; but in the second edition of his Fauna 
Suecica (1761), he named it Troile. Briinnich in 1764 took up the 
specific appellation of Lomvia from the Systema Nature, adding the 

description he found given of it in the Fauna Suecica under the - 
name of Troile, and applied Troile to his new bird, referring, how- 
ever, to the. Fauna Suecica probably as authority for the name. 
From this confusion I apprehend it has arisen that both these birds 
have not since Brünnich published his work been noticed by ge- 
neral authors as distinct species. Dr. Leach on examining this bird 
ascertained it to be a distinct species; and not being aware that it 
had been previously distinguished and described by Brünnich, ex- 
hibited it at the Linnean Society as a new species, under the name 
of Uria Francsii in compliment to Mr. Frederick Franks, whom he 
then supposed to have been the person by whom it had been first 
killed. I have already had occasion, when speaking of the Pha- 
laropus Platyrynchos, to remark the accuracy in observation of 
Brünnich. 1t is but justice to attach his name to a species of 
which his claim to priority of knowledge and of communication 
is unquestionable. Latham (Synopsis vi. 330) notices this bird of 
Briinnich’s, but considers it a variety of the Foolish Guillemot. 

"The Uria Brünnichii was found in abundance in Davis's Straits, 

Capt. Sanine’s Memoir on the Birds of Greenland, &c. 539 

and occasionally in Baffin's Bay. A specimen killed on the 10th 
of June had the feathers of the throat mottled with white; from 
whence I infer that it undergoes the same changes from season 
as the Uria Troile. A matured specimen was sent by me to my 
brother, and reached England towards the close of the summer; 
several were subsequently brought home by the expedition which 
visited Spitzbergen, as well as by that which went to Baflin's 
Bay. TT | 

It is extraordinary that a species so abundant in the Greenland 
seas should be unnoticed by Fabricius; it must have escaped 
his observation altogether, as he has not even mentioned the Uria 
Troile, for which it might on a slight view be mistaken. Length. 
17 inches—extent 2 feet— weight 21b. 6oz.; inside of the throat 
yellow, irides dark ; throat and neck sooty brown; head black ; 
hind head, bind neck, back and wings, dark sooty brown; the 
wings being lightest, and the secondaries tipt white; the feathers 
of the head and neck have a peculiar smoothness and softness ; 
from the eye to the hind head is a line occasioned by a division 
of the feathers; belly and all beneath pure white, running up to 
a point in the neck ; the feathers are very thick, and on being 
removed a dark down appears betweet them and the skin ; legs 
marbled, brown and yellowish; claws black; no difference in 

by Brünnich in the following words: ** Lomviæ in omnibus simil- 
. lima, excepto rostro latiori et breviori, cujus margines etiam in 
exsiccatis exuviis flavescunt." The yellow margin extends from 
the corner of the mouth, along the edge of the upper mandible, 
to the point to which the feathers project on the bill: it is rather 
horn-coloured than yellow. Brünnich mentions three other birds, 

VOL. XII. à A Nos. 

540 Capt.SAB1NE’s Memoir on the Birds of Greenland, $c. 

Nos. 110, 111 and 112, which he calls Svarbag, Ringvia and 
Alga; the two former Iceland and the latter Danish birds: he is 
undetermined whether these be distinct species, or the present 
in different states of plumage: I am.inclined to consider the 
latter supposition as the correct one. | 

It will be necessary to make some alteration in the specific cha- 
racter of Uria Troile, as given in Gmelin and Latham, to distin- 
guish it from Uria Briinnichi. It is therefore proposed to de- 
scribe the two species as follows: 

U. Troile. U. corpore fusco, pectore abdomineque niveo, remi- 
gibus secundariis apice albis, rostro longitudine capitis : 
mandibula superiore quadruplo longiore quam lata. 

U. Brünnichii. U. corpore fuliginoso, pectore abdomineque ni- 
veo, remigibus secundariis apice albis, rostro capite breviore : 
= mandibula superiore triplo longiore quam lata. 

15 URTA GRYLLE. lack C ullemot 

U. Grylle. Temm. 608. Fabr. 92.—Black Guillemot. Br. Zool. ii. 163. Mont. Dict. & 
Supp. Lath. Syn. vi. 339. & Supp. 265. 
MATURE WINTER. -U.  Grylloides. Brün. mo. 114. —U. ea Brün. 
nos. 115 & 116. | 
MATURE SUMMER. U. Grylle. Brin. no. 113. Lath, Ind. Orn. ii. 197.—Co- 
lymbus Grylle. Gmel. 584. Faun. Suec. 52.—Colymbus Gryllus. Müll. no. 151.— 
» Black Guillemot. Arct. Zool, ii. 516. 

'The states of plumage of this bird are clearly described from 
the extensive and accurate observation of Fabricius. The young, 
when just feathered, are spotted black and white beneath, but 
otherwise resemble the parents. On the approach of winter the 
whole become varied with black and white; the feathers of the 
back margined with white; the head, throat and breast, white 
lightly spotted with black, the'wings continuing black, and the - 


Capt. SABINE’ s Memoir on the Birds of Greenland, §c. 541 

speculum white. In this state it has been described by Brünnich 
as the Uria Balthica, No. 115. In mature winter plumage the 
whole bird is more or less speckled, and the upper feathers of the 
wing spot become tipt with black, giving it a mottled appearance. 
It is then the Uria Balthica, No. 116, of Brünnich. A male speci- 
men, killed in November at Shetland, having the wing spot mot- 
tled, shows that this circumstance is not peculiar to the females, 
as has been supposed. In the spring the plumage gradually re- 
assumes the black. A male killed in Davis's Straits early in 
June, had the whole head and neck mottled with black and white, 
equally distributed ; the plumage beneath and the back being 
black with a few white feathers dispersed ; the lower part of the 
abdomen gray as in the neck; the speculum still mottled, but 
with the white predominating. This bird was killed on our first 
arrival in the Greenland seas; and it is presumed that the change 
to full summer plumage was proceeding very rapidly, as we did 
not afterwards see a mottled bird. The legs of the November 
and Jüne specimens were red, though not so bright as in sum- 
mer. The breeding plumage is too well known t6 need descrip- 

We did not see a variety, unless a specimen killed in September 
having the primaries rusty brown instead of black may be con- 
sidered such : the varieties which are noticed by Gmelin, and a 
by Latham in the Index Ornithologicus and in the Synopsis, and 
which are supposed to be found in different. places, are referable 
to the changes of plumage which this bird undergoes during the 

4A2 16. Co- 

542 Capt.SaBiNe’s Memoir on the Birds of Greenland, 4c. 

16. CotymBus SEPTENTRIONALIS. Red-throated Diver. 

C. Septentrionalis. Fabr. 95. Temm. 602. 

s MATURE. C. Septentrionalis. Gmel.i. 586. Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. 801. Müll. 
no. 153.—C. Lumme. Briin. no. 132.—Red-throated Diver. Lath. Syn. vi. 344. 
Arct. Zool. ii. 520. Br. Zool. ii. 169. Mont. Dict. Supp. & App. 

. BIRDS OF THE FIRST YEAR. C.Stellatus. Gmel. i. 587. Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. 
800. Brün. no. 130. Müll. no. 159.—Speckled Diver. Lath. Syn. vi. 341, Br. 
Zool. ii. 168. Arct. Zool. ii.519. Mont. Dict. & Supp. 

BIRDS OF THE SECOND YEAR. C. Striatus. Gmel. i. 586. Lath. Ind. 
Orn. ii. 802.—C. Borealis. Brün. no. 131. Lath. Ind. Orn, 31. 801.—Striped Di- 
ver. Arct. Zool. ii. 519. Lath. Syn. vi. 345. 

Killed June 30, on the west coast of Greenland, in lat. 71°. The 
rich chesnut marking on the throat is conical in shape, having the 
apex, which is sharply pointed, at the throat, and the base resting 
on the white of the breast; the back of the specimen is slightly 
sprinkled with white spots, showing that it is a bird of the third or 
fourth. year. Following Temminck, the Colymbus Stellatus and 
Striatus, with their synonyms, are here introduced as the imma- 
ture birds of the present species: Fabricius was aware of the 
change of plumage, and has described the mature bird well; but 
no author before Temminck appears to have supposed that the 
Striped and i spenhled. Divers were referable to this species. 

17. STERNA HIRUNDO. Common Tern. 

S. Hirundo. Gmel.i.606. Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. 807. Fabr. 105. Mü 170. Faun. 
Suec. 55. Temm. 481.—S. Paradisæa. Briin. mo. 159.—Great Tern. Wil. Am. — 
Orn. vii. 76.—Common Tern. Br. Zool. ii. 196. Mont. Dict. & Supp. 

IMMATURE. S. Hirundo. Brün. no. 151.—Common Tern. Lath. Syn. vi. 361. 
Great Tern. Arct. Zool. ii. 524, 

Abundant on the coast of Greenland. In the accounts of the 
authors who have been cited, a difference is observable in the de- - 
scription of the colour of the forehead of this species: by some 
it is represented as white, and by others as black: the specimens 


Capt. SaBinr’s Memoir on the Birds of Greenland, &c. 543 

which were obtained, and which were very numerous, were all of 
the latter plumage, which is certainly that of the perfect adult 
bird. The white feathers on the forehead are found only on young 
birds of the first year considerably advanced towards maturity. 
In astill younger state it is supposed to be the S. obscura or Brown 
‘Tern of Gmelin and Latham, and perhaps also the S. nigra of the 
Fauna Suecica, Müller and Brünnich. There is a remarkable dif- 
ference between the Greenland common Terns and those of the 
European coasts, in their bills and legs ; the bills of the Greenland 
birds are one-third shorter than the European ones, and the tarsi 
of the former are only half the length of the latter. 

18. Larus Marinus. Great Black-backed Gull. 

L. Marinus. Fabr. 109. Temm. 490. 
MATURE. L. Marinus. Gmel.i.598. Lath. Ind. Orn.ii. 813. — Brün. no. 145. 
Faun. Suec. 55. Müll: no. 163.—Black-backed Gull. Lath. Syn. vi. 371. Br. 
Zool. ii. 179. Arct. Zool. ii. 527.—Great Black-backed Gull. Mont. Dict. & App. 
IMMATURE. L. Nevius. Gmel. i. 598.— Wagel. Lath, Syn. vi. 575. Br. 
^ Zool. ii. 189. rct. Zool. ui. 598. 

The largest of the known Gulls. This bird was once, and once 
only, seen from the ships, when they were high up in Baffin’s Bay, 
but at a distance too great to obtain a specimen. It was known 
to Fabricius both in its mature and immature plumage; but he 
was probably mistaken in considering the L. varius of Brünnich ` 
asa synonym of the young bird : that from its size is probably an 
immature Herring Gull. -The L. marinus is too well known to 
need a particular description. 

19. Larus Graucus. Glaucous Gull. 

L. Glaucus. Gmel. i. 600. Fabr. 100. Briin. no. 148. Müll. no. 169. Lath. Ind. 
Orn. ii. 814.—Glaucous Gull. Lath. Syn. vi. 374. Arct. Zool. ii. 539. & Supp. 70. 

Notwithstanding the confusion in which the larger species of 

344 Capt. SaBINE's Memoir on the Birds of Greenland, &c. 

Gulls are involved, there appears no doubt of the a pplication of 
all the above references to the species now under descri ption. The 
L. glaucus of Temminck is not quoted, because, as will be here- 
after shown, it is a different species. 

None but mature birds in the perfect summer state were killed 
during the voyage, but these were very common throughout Da- 
vis's Straits and Baffin's Bay. I am fortunately able to make the 
history of its plumage complete from specimens in my brother's 
collection of British birds ; and I am happy thus incidentally to 
record it for the first time as an addition to British ornithology. 

In immature plumage it is mottled throughout with an uniform 
light-brown and white, being distinguished from the young of 
other well-described species by being without the darker marks 
on the wings and tail: during the first year the bill has the upper 
mandible less arched, the angular projection of the lower mandi- 
ble not so defined, and the extremities of both lead-coloured. In 
winter the mature bird has the head and neck mottled with brown, 
as is usual with all the white-headed Gulls. In the perfect sum- 
mer state, the whole plumage is white excepting the back, scapu- 
lars, and wing-coverts, which are a very light ash-colour; the pri- 
mary quill-feathers are still lighter, the ends and under part being 
pure white; there is no black whatsoever on any part of the plu- 
mage: hence the bird from Hudson's Bay, described in Latham's 
Synopsis at the page referred to above, with six of the primary 
quill-feathers black at the ends, must have been another species. 

When arrived at maturity the bill is three inches in length, of 
a lightish horn-colour, the angular projection of the lower man- 
dible being bright red; orbits naked, straw-coloured and very 
fierce ; legs and feet a livid flesh-colour. In size jt is somewhat 
inferior to the L. marinus ; the bill, tarsus, and body of the latter 
being decidedly greater. Length of a male specimen twenty-nine 


Capt. Sastne’s Memoir on the Birds of Greenland, $c. 545 

inches and a half. Extent sixty-three inches. Weight 4lb. 8 oz. 
Length of the tarsus two inches seven-eighths: the females ave- 
raged rather less. Temminck (Manuel, p. 490, note) appears to 
have seen an immature specimen of this bird, to which he was 
disposed to give the name of L. giganteus : this name would not 
be a correct one, because it is a smaller bird than the L. marinus. 
Temminck identifies his specimen with the L. Ictyætos of Pallas, 
but that bird is a black-headed Gull. | 

The Larus glaucus is unquestionably the Burgomaster Gull of 
the Dutch, and preys on smaller birds as well as on fish. One spe- 
cimen which was killed disgorged a little Auk when it was struck, 
and proved on dissection to have a second in its stomach. 

lam indebted to Mr. James Ross, a midshipman of the Isa- 
bella, (one of the Discovery ships,) for a singular specimen of a 
Gull which, though differing in several points, I conceive must be 
placed under this species: it was shot on the 6th of June near 
the middle of Davis’s Straits. Its description is as follows: 

Length twenty-six inches; extent fifty-eight inches; a male 
bird ; plumage wholly white, the feathers of the hind head, neck, 
back and wings being occasionally tinged with a very faint brown- 
ish hue; the legs and feet flesh-coloured; length of the tarsus 
two inches and a half; irides deep brown; the length of the bill 
from the corner of the mouth two inches and a half, being full 
half án inch shorter than in the usual specimens of the Larus- 
glaucus ; the bill is a yellowish horn-colour, the ends of both 
mandibles being a lead-colour. From the colour of the bill and 
the faint spots on the feathers, this bird was evidently immature ; 
and it may reasonably be presumed that its full plumage would 
have been entirely white. In this, and in its smaller size, it differs 
strongly from the Glaucous Gull; both of these circumstances, I 


546 Capt. SaniNE's Memoir on the Birds of Greenland, $c. 

conjecture, may have been caused by sickness or by scan ty su pply 

of food. | 
20. Larus AncENTATUs. Silvery Gull. 

The bird now under consideration does not appear to have 
been described in any of the books which are referred to in this 
memoir. It is necessary therefore to explain why the name of 
argentatus or silvery, which has been used before, has been at- 
tached to it. A Larus argentatus was introduced by Brünnich, 
who was followed by Gmelin; but the bird to which the name 
was applied is evidently the Larus fuscus or Herring Gull of La- 
tham, in winter plumage: as is also the Silvery Gull of the Arctic 
Zoology and of Latham’s Synopsis. In this opinion Temminck 
concurs, as is shown by his quotations in his Manuel under the 
head of Larus glaucus. Latham in the Index Ornithologicus takes 
up the Larus argentatus of Drünnich, but considers it erroneously 
as an aged bird of the Larus marinus or Great Black-backed Gull. 
Montagu finding the term argentatus at liberty, applied it in his 
Dictionary to his Less Black-backed Gull; but it will be seen by 
reference to the Manuel of Temminck that the Less Dlack-backed 
Gull is the Larus fuscus of Linneus and Gmelin. 

I apprehend that the reason why the bird under consideration 
has not been hitherto distinctly described is to be found in its 
general resemblance to the Larus glaucus: it will be therefore 
best distinguished by a comparative description. In the general 
character of the plumage they are alike, differing from the other 
large species of this genus in the entire absence of black in the 
primary quill-feathers; the shade of the ash-colour of. the back, 
scapulars, and coverts, varies in different specimens from almost 
the lightest percéptible tint to a darker than the darkest Larus 
glaucus that was killed on the voyage; the principal distinction 


Capt. SaB1NE's Memoir on the Birds of Greenland, &c. 547 

between the two species is in the difference of size; the males 
of this species average twenty-four inches in length, and the fe- 
males rather less : extent four feet five to four feet six inches: the 
legs and bill of both are alike, except insize: length of the tarsus 
two inches and a half; the wings of the argentatus are rather 
longer in proportion than those of the glaucus. j 

These birds were abundant in Davis’s Straits and Baffin’s Bay, 
but were only seen in mature summer plumage: from analogy it 
may be expected that the immature birds will resemble those of 
the Glaucous Gull. 

I should have been disposed to have considered this bird as a 
new and undescribed species; but in a personal communication 
with Mr. Temminck, whose extensive skill and judgement in or- 
nithology are only equalled by the liberality and kindness with 
which he communicates his knowledge, I have learned that he 
considers the bird of Greenland to be specifically the same with 
the Herring Gull of the more southern shores of Europe; but 
that from the effect of climate the black markings of the primary 
quill-feathers, which have been hitherto considered an essential 
characteristic of the species, are changed to white in the arctic 
countries. ‘The mature summer birds of Greenland (in which 
state only I have seen them) certainly strongly resemble our Her- 
ring Gull in all other points. In deference therefore to such high 
authority, I add the synonyms of the authors I quote belonging 
to that bird, as it is found in temperate climates. , 
L. Fuscus. Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. 815. Müll. no. 164. Faun. Suec. 54.—L. Glaucus. 

Temm.493.—Herring Gull. Lath. Br. Zool. ii.181. Mont. Dict.& Supp. 
MATURE WINTER. L. Argentatus. Gmel. i. 600. Briin. no. 149.—Silvery 
Gull. Lath. Syn. vi. 875. Arct. Zool. ii. 555. 
MATURE SUMMER. L. Fuscus. Gmel.i. 599. Brün. no. 142.—Herring Gull. 
Arct. Zool. ii. 527. | : | | 
IMMATURE. L. Varius. Brün. no. 150.—W agel. Æret. Zool. Supp. 70. - 

VOL. XII. : 4 B Before 

548 Capt. Sanine’s Memoir on the Birds of Greenland, $c. 

Before I had the pleasure of meeting with Mr. Temminck, he 
had designed to give the specific name of argentatus to the Eu- 
ropean bird; it will therefore remain as I have placed it at the 
head of this species: the name of glaucus, which in his Manuel 
was given to the Herring Gull, will be removed by him to the 
true Glaucous Gull. It is singular that Pennant, in his Arctic 
Zoology, under the head of Herring Gull, states that bird to be 
common in Greenland throughout the year; though no other 
writer, as far as my observation has extended, mentions the cir- 
cumstance, and we did not observe a single one with black pri- 
mary quill-feathers during our voyage in the Straits. 

21. Larus EsunNEvus. Ivory Gull. 

L. Eburneus. Gmel.i. 596. Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. 816. Temm. 498.—Ivory Gull. Lath. 
Syn. vi. 377. Arct. Zool. ii. 529. & Supp. 70.—L. Candidus. Fabr. 103. Müll. p. viii. 

Abundant in Baffin’s Bay. Authors describe the length of 
this bird as sixteen or seventeen inches; the matured specimens 
obtained, averaged twenty inches; but an immature one measured 
an ineh less. Weight about twenty ounces. Nothing can exceed 
the beauty of the delicate snow-white plumage of this species in 
its maturity: I apprehend that this takes place at the end of the 
second year; on the 24th of August the young birds were ob- 
served 3t flight, much mottled with brown about the head, and 
probably also about the wings, though not so visibly. A specimen 
killed the first week in June, of a bird apparently of the pre- 
ceding year, has a few light-brown feathers about the bill, extend- 
ing towards the eyes, a very small transverse band of brown spots. 
across the primary wing coverts, thickest at the point of the 
wing; the primary quill and the tail feathers slightly tipped with 
brown. Since my return I have seen a specimen of an immature 
bird with the ends of the primary quill-feathers and of the tail- 

| feathers 

Capt. SABINE’s Memoir on the Birds of Greenland, §c. 549 

feathers tipped with brown : the bill of the immature bird has the 
extremity yellow as in the mature bird. The wings of this species 
extend an inch and a half beyond the tail: the legs are black, and 
the skin very rough; they are feathered within a very short distance ! 
of the knee: length of the tarsus only one inch and a half ; the claws 
are much hooked : irides dark brown in every specimen: the legs 
and bill of the mature birds agreed in colour with the descriptions 
of the authors quoted; the hind claw is sufficiently conspicuous, 
though Fabricius says not. These birds are attracted in consider- 
able numbers by whale blubber, and are therefore usually found 
in company with the Procellaria glacialis; they are easily killed, 
being by no means shy. 

29. Larus Tripacryzus. Kittiwake Gull. 
L. Tridactylus. Temm. 502.—Kittiwake. Mont. Dict. & Supp. 
^ MATURE SUMMER. L. Tridactylus. Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. 817. Fabr. 98.— 
Kittiwake. Lath. Syn. vi. 393. Br. Zool. ii. 186.—L. Rissa. Gmel. i. 594. Arct. 
Zool. Supp. 70. Brün. no. 140. Müll. no. 160. T" 
MATURE WINTER. Kittiwake. Arct. Zool. ii. 529. & Supp. 70. 

.. IMMATURE. L, Tridactylus. Gmel. i. 595., Müll. no. 161. Faun. Suec. 55. 
—L. Tridactylus. 6. Lath. Ind. Orn. ii, 817.—Tarrock Gull. Mont. Dict. & Supp. 
Lath. Syn. vi. 392. & Supp. 068. Br. Zool.ii. 187. Arct. Zool. ii. 533. S Supp. 

It is expedient to distinguish the different states of plumage of 
this bird, in reference to the authors quoted. Temminck is the 
first writer who appears to have had a fuil knowledge of the 
changes it undergoes. The mature summer plumage is wholly 
white, with the exception of the back and wings; these are of a 
deep ash-colour: the black markings of the primary quill feathers 
have been correctly described by Temminck. In the autumn, 
the white at the back of the head and neck is changed into a 
light ash-colour, which is rather deepest behind the ear, forming 
the appearance of a spot: the small feathers under the eye are 

4B 2 also 

550 Capt. Sapine’s Memoir on the Birds of Greenland, $c. 

also rayed with black. The young birds when full grown have 
this autumnal appearance with additional differences correctly. 
described in the Fauna Suecica; the bill is black instead of yel-. 
low; at the back of the neck the feathers are tipt black, forming: 
a narrow crescent-shaped patch; the wing coverts are tipt black, 

forming a bar across the wings ; primary quills black, with more 
or less E the inner webs in didiont specimens white: tail tipt for. 
. half an inch with black, except the outer feather on each side, the 
second having only a spot on the inner web. It is worthy of ob- 
servation that the outer tail feathers are somewhat longer than the 
inner ones, giving the tail an appearance of being slightly forked ; 
this is more perceptible in the young birds than in the old ones. . 

The specific name of tridactylus (though given by Linneus to 
the immature bird) appears preferable, as being more appropriate 
than that of Rissa: it is therefore adopted. I am inclined to 
suppose that this species attains maturity at the age of one year. 
In June none were seen with spotted plumage; early in October 
several immature birds were killed, being marked as above de- 
scribed: the specimens noticed by Montagu as killed in the 
month of March, and supposed by him to be i in complete plu- 
mage, had evidently not got rid of all the black markings on the 
wing coverts, which I believe would have taken place, had they 
lived a few weeks longer. 

The L. tridactylus of Gmelin and Müller, and the Tarrock Gull 
of the Arctic Zoology, are the young bird afterit has lost the black 
bar upon the wing, and before the colour has disappeared from 
the neck and from the tips of thetail-feathers. Itis apprehended 
that the Larus cinerarius of Fabricius is the tridactylus in winter 
plumage: its rarity in Greenland, as noticed by him, may be ac- 
counted for by the probability that most of these Gulls migrate 
southwards during that season. 

23. Larus 

Capt. SàgixE's Memoir on the Birds of Greenland, dc. 551 

23. Larus Sagini. — Forked-tailed Gull. 

A fall description of this bird having been already presented to - 
the Society*, it is unnecessary to repeat the account. 

Mr. Temminck informs me that he has seen this bird in the 
Museum at Vienna, where it was proposed to call it Larus colla- 
ris, but that it has not been described by the ornithologists of that 
capital, or by any author whatsoever before the Memoir above 
referred to was presented to the Society. The specimen, he thinks, 
was obtained from Professor Giesecké ; but the bird is not to be 
found in a MS. list of Greenland birds in his own hand-writing, 
with the sight of which I have been favoured by Mr. Bullock, nor 
is any other Gull there mentioned with which it could possibly 
have been confounded. 

Catharacta Parasitica. Fabr. 105. 
MATURE. Larus Parasiticus. Gmel. ii. 601. Lath. Ind. Orn. à. 819. Faun. 
Suec.55. Temm.519.—Arctic Gull. Br. Zool.ii. 179. Arct. Zool. ii. 
530. Lath. Syn. vi. 389. Mont. Dict.& Supp.— Catharacta Parasitica. Brün. no. 197. 

IN BROWN PLUMAGE. Catharacta Coprotheres. Briin. no. 128. : 

IMMATURE. Lestris Crepidatus. Temm. 515.—Larus Crepidatus. Gmel. ii. 602. 
Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. 819.—Black-toed Gull. Br. Zool. ii. 178. Arct. Zool. ii. 531. 
Lath. Syn. vi. 387. Supp. 268. Mont. Dict. & Supp.—Larus Cepphus. Müll. no. 168. 
— Catharacta Cepplius. Brün. no. 126. 

I have followed the example of Temminck in removing this 
with the other dark-coloured Gulls from Larus and giving them 
the generic appellation of Lestris. Much inaccuracy as well as 
difference of opinion has existed respecting not only the imma- 
ture, but the mature birds of this species. ‘The immature bird 
has been described as a distinct species. Montagu was the first 
author who had a doubt of the correctness of this arrangement, but 
he erred in considering the young bird as a variety only. It has been 

* See page 520 of this volume. e fled 

552. Capt. SaniNE's Memoir on the Birds of Greenland, ác. 

called by the different names cited above, during the first year of its 

existence, when its tail is destitute of the long feathers, and its whole 

plumage is marked with transverse bars of light-brown and dingy 

white. The markings do not entirely leave it in the second year, 

but are perceptible in the under parts of the wings and in the 

adjoining under parts of the body: at this period the two centre 

tail feathers have become elongated, the breast and throat have 

become white, though sometimes spotted a little, and the ends of 
the feathers of the back and wing coverts are tinged with brown, 

the crown of the head being dark brown. As the birds advance 

in age the under parts and back of the neck become white stained 

more or less with brown, and the sides and back of the neck are 

tinged with yellow; the crown of the head and the whole u pper 

parts except the neck are an uniform dark brown, and the two 

tail feathers are much lengthened. In all these changes there are 

however considerable variations; and even in the descri ption of 
the immature bird as a separate species, authors have varied ac- 

cording to the age of the specimen before them. F abriciüs's ob- 

servations ascertained that there was no difference between the 

sexes; and as he saw them at their breeding places he must have 

been aware of their difference of plumage in their young state. 

I learn from Mr. Temminck, who has had recent opportunities of 
investigating the history of this bird, that he is satisfied the males 

and females of the same age are alike, and that he is convinced of 
the specific identity of the Larus crepidatus. But the great diffi- 

culty is where to place the birds which have their whole under parts. 
brown: these have been erroneously considered by many as the 

females, and Briinnich made them a distinct species ;—the elu- 

cidation of this point must wait for further investigation. Several 
birds in that state of plumage, but no young ones, were killed 

during the voyage in the Straits. 

25. Pro- 

Capt. SABINE’s Memoir on the Birds of Greenland, $c. 553 

25. PRocELLARIA GLACIALIS. Fulmar Petrel, 

P. glacialis. Gmel. i. 562. Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. 823. Faun. Suec. 51. Temm. 518. 
Brün. no. 118. Fabr. 86. Müll. no. 144—Fulmar Petrel. Lath. Syn. vi. 403. 
Arct. Zool. ii. 534. Br. Zool. ii. 203.—Fulmar. Mont. Dict. & Supp. 

These birds are very abundant at all times in Baffin's Bay and 
Davis's Straits; the greater part in the plumage described by 
authors generally: but some were occasionally seen in which the 
whole under parts as well as the head and neck were ash-coloured, 
. instead of white; and the back and wings of a darker shade: 
these latter birds agree with the plumage which Temminck has 
assigned to the young birds; if they were such, the species is two 
years in attaining maturity, because we killed full-plumaged birds 
of this character in June; the difference cannot be sexual, as 
males and females in each colour were obtained. 

Whilst the ships were detained by the ice in Jacob's Bay in 
latitude 71°, from the 24th of June to the 3d of July, Fulmars 
were passing in a continual stream to the northward, in numbers 
inferior only to the flight of the passenger pigeon in America. 

Latham appears to have been in error in his Synopsis in re- 
ferring to Brünnich as an authority for the tail of this species 
being black: we did not see any birds so marked. 

26. Anas SPECTABILIS. King Duck. 

Anas Spectabilis. Gmel. i. 507. Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. 845. Faun. Suec. 39. Müll. 
no. 108. Fabr.63.—King Duck. Arct. Zool. ii. 554. Lath. Syn. vi. 473. Br. Zool. ii. 
246. Mont. Dict. & App. 

I am indebted to Mr. Skane! midshipman of the Isabella, for 
the only male specimen of this most beautiful Duck, which was 
shot during our voyage. They were very numerous on the coast 
of Greenland in company with the Eider Ducks; but they were 
too shy to approach the ships, and opportunities of seeking them 


554 Capt. SapiNe’s Memoir on the Birds of Greenland, $c. 

on shore were very rare and very hurried. Two females were 
killed, agreeing as well as the male with the descriptions of au- 
thors. It is reasonable to suppose that they are the same num- 
ber of years in attaining maturity as the Eider Duck; but the 
different states of their immature plumage have not as yet been 
noticed. This is one of the desiderata which it is hoped the next 
voyage will supply. The rarity of this bird in the milder parts 
of Europe, and the want of specimens of it in the best collec- 
tions, have occasioned it to be im perfectly known, except amongst 
the writers on the ornithology of the northern regions. Temminck 
in his Manuel considers it as the Anas mollissima in one of its 
changes; this is the cause that there is no reference to his work 
amongst the books cited. It is however noticed in the second 
edition of his Manuel, now preparing for publication, as a distinct 
species. | 

. The trachea of the King Duck has so close a resemblance to 
that of the Anas mollissima or Eider Duck, that one description 
and figure will suffice for both: they are represented in the an- 
nexed plate. Tab. XXX. Fig. 1 and 2. 

27. Anas Morrissiwa. Eider Duck. 

A. Mollissima. Gmel. i. 514. Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. 845. Temm. 549. Müll. no. 116. 
Fabr. 68. Brün. nos. 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63,64, 65,& 66. Faun. Suec. 41.— 
Eider Duck. Lath. Syn. vi. 470. Supp. 974. Br. Zool. ii. 943. Mont. Dict. & 

` Supp. Arct. Zool. ii. 553. Wil. Am. Orn. viii. 122 (male). 125 (female). 

Abundant on the coast of Greenland; but we were not fortu- 
nate in obtaining many specimens. According to Fabricius these 
Ducks congregate in immense flocks during the winter. Brün- 
nich has described the male of yarious ages, as well as the female, 
and several varieties: according to his account the male is not 
perfectly mature in plumage till the fourth year; he describes the 
male at one year old as having white as well as black markings on 


Capt. SABINE’S Memoir on the Birds of Greenland, $c. 555 

various parts; buta young male which was killed in June exactly 
resembled the female in colour, though much larger in size. A 
specimen of a young male, which I obtained in June, had no ap- 
pearance of change from the brown plumage, and certainly was 
not a bird of that year; I have therefore formed an opinion on 
this point different from that of Brünnich. The trachea of the 
male is uniform in size, rather compressed; the tympanum is small 
and flatly globose ; the branchiz are of different sizes, the larger 
one being dilated considerably in the centre. 

. 98. Anas Gracrazis. Long-tailed Duck. 

A. Glacialis. Gmel. i. 599. Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. 864. Temm. 558.—Anas Hyemalis. 
Fabr. 71. Müll. no. 123. Faun. Suec. 44 & A7. no. 133 (female). Brün. nos.75, 
76, 77, 78, & 79.—Long-tailed Duck. Lath. Syn. vi. 528 (male). & 599 (female). 
Br. Zool. ii. 968. Arct. Zool. ii. 566. Mont. Dict. Supp. & App. Wil. Am. 
Orn. viii. 93 (male). & 96 (female). 
~ IMMATURE. Anas Glacialis, var. y. Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. 865 (female).—Anas 
Hyemalis. Gmel. i. 520.—Long-tailed Duck. Arct. Zool. ii. 566. & App. 76. —— 

. As the Long-tailed Duck only winters in Europe, returning to 
the arctic regions in the summer, the state of its plumage at the 
time we were in Baffin’s Day is interesting. I obtained a speci- 
men of a mature male on the 30th of June. Its winter dress has 
been detailed by several of the authors referred to, but I believe 
a description of its summer plumage will be new. "The whole 
under part of the neck and the breast is black, the appearance of 
the black spot so conspicuous in winter being removed by the 
general diffusion of the dark feathers; the sides of the head and 
a little beyond the eye are a brownish white; round the eye 
are some white feathers; from the bill a black line runs on the 
top of the head to the crown, which is black; the back of the 
neck is chiefly black, but at a small distance below the crown a 
few white feathers are intermingled with the black ones across 

VOL. XII. Ac the 

556 Capt. Sapix e's Memoir on the Birds of Greenland, ác. 

the neck; the black of the back of the neck extends down the 
back, but in the centre of the upper part of the back near the 
neck is a patch of black feathers edged with ferruginous; the 
scapulars are long and narrow, black ia the centre and edged 
with ferruginous-white, the longer ones having more white; 
the wings are a brownish-black, the quill feathers being the 
palest ; the lower belly and sides to the rump and the under tail- 
coverts are white, a line of black descending between the white 
from the back to the tail; of the four middle tail-feathers two 
are eight inches, the others are about four and a half inches long. 
Briinnich gives this bird in five different states of sex and plu- 
mage, the second (No. 76) is the male in summer plumage. Mon- 
tagu, in the Appendix to his Supplement, has described the trachea 
well; the figures in the annexed engraving, Tab. XX X. fig. 3 and 4, 
will convey a very correct idea of its appearance: it is most curi- 
ous and singular in its construction ; the window-like formation 
at the lower part next the tympanum is particularly so. 

Subjoined is a complete list of the birds of Greenland, as far as 
I conceive they are at present ascertained; the Fauna Groenlan- 
dica has been taken as the foundation thereof, and the alterations 
which appear to be necessary have been made in it. 

The species enumerated by Fabricius are fifty-four: I have re- 
duced five of these, considering them as synonyms of some of the 
others, but have enlarged the list again by the addition of an equal 
number of species which had not fallen under the notice of that 
author; the names of the five reduced species are placed in italics 
under those to which I have referred them; and the added spe- 
cies are marked with an 4; in those cases where I have given the 
bird of the Fauna Groenlandica under a more correct name, the 
synonym of that work follows in the same line in italics. The birds 
which are marked * are described in the preceding pages. 

1. Falco 

Capt. SaB1NE's Memoir on the Birds of Greenland, $c. 357 


p 3. 

j* 18. 

* 20. 

= 22. 


Falco Albicilla. Vultur Albicilla. 

Islandicus. Falco Islandus. 

- rusticolus. 

- fuscus. j 

- peregrinus. Not mentioned by Fabricius, or by 
any other author, as a bird of Greenland. — 

Strix nyctea. nie: . 

asio. Fabricius had not seen this bird himself. 

. Corvus corax. 

Tetrao lagopus. 

. Emberiza nivalis. 

Fringilla Lapponica. 


. Sylvia Oenanthe. Motacilla Oenanthe. 

. Parus bicolor. Not seen by Fabricius. 

. Ardea cinerea. Not seen by Fabricius. 

. Scolopax Lapponica. - Scolopax. Jardreka. 

— —-— gallinago. This and the preceding species are 
very rare according to Fabricius. | 
Tringa maritima. Tringa striata. 
-— interpres. Not seen by Fabricius. 
- cinerea. Not mentioned by Fabricius or by 
__ any other author as a bird of Greenland. 
-— Alpina. 
Charadrius hiaticula. ; 
pluvialis. Charadrius apricarius. 

Phalaropus hyperboreus. Tringa lobata. 

platyrynchos. Tringa fulicaria. Not seen 
by Fabricius, but described as a Greenland 
bird by Brünnich, 

Alca impennis. 

4c2 [* 95. Alca 

$58 Capt.SasiNE's Memoir onthe Birds of Greenland, 6c. 

95. Alca torda. 
26. —— Arctica. 
ver. alle. 
4% 28. Uria Brünnichii. Not described before as a bird of - 
l — Greenland. 
* 20 grylle. 
30. Colymbus glacialis. 
"3E septentrionalis. 
* 39. Sterna hirundo. 
* 33. Larus marinus. 
* 34. glaucus. 
J* 35. argentatus. Not noticed by Fabricius. 
* 36. eburneus. Larus candidus. 
* 37. ——- tridactylus. Lee 
— cinerarius, Not seen by Fabricius. 
+* 38. Sabini. A new species. 
* 39. Lestris parasiticus. Catharacta parasitica. 
* 40. Procellaria glacialis. 
41. puffinus. | 
42. Mergus merganser. ‘Not seen by Fabricius. 
43. serrator. 
44, Anas anser. Not seen by Fabricius. 
45. bernicla. 
* 46. spectabilis. 
"4T. mollissima. 
48. - boschas. 
| = —— clangula. 
|  glaucion. 
* 50. —— hyemalis. 

51, —— histrionica. 

52 . Pel i- 

Capt. Sanine’s Memoir on the Birds of Greenland, $c. 559 

52. Pelicanus carbo. 

53. graculus. Pelicanus cristatus. 
54. . Bassanus. Only seen off the coast; not an 

Of the above fifty-four species, I have in the preceding pages 
described twenty-eight which came immediately under my own 
observation. Of the twenty-six species which I did not meet with, 
six were not even seen by Fabricius, and others are unquestion- 
ably rare birds in Greenland. 

XXXV. Cha- 

( 560 ) 2 

XXXV. Characters and Description of LYELLIA, a new Genus of 
Mosses, with Obserfations on the Section of the Order to which it 
belongs; and some/ Remarks on LE PTosroMuM and BuxBAUMIA. 

By Robert Brown, Esq. F.R.S. Libr. L.S. 
Read April 6, 1819. 

Ix the tenth volume of the Society's Transactions, I have given 
a description of Dawsonia, a genus of Mosses having entirely 
the habit of Polytrichum, but whose peristomium, instead of con- 
sisting of a single row of short teeth connected by a horizontal 
membrane, is composed of an indefinite number of capillary cilia. 
These cilia, originating both from the inner surface of the capsule, 
immediately within the orifice, and from the columella itself, form 
a loose pencil, of which the hairs are sufficiently distinct to allow 
of a gradual discharge of the seeds. 

The correctness of this account of Dawsonia, especially as to 
the origin of the peristomium*, and the nature of the supposed 
columella}, has been questioned by some of those authors, who 
have since adopted the genus. 

From a careful re-examination, however, I find no reason to 
alter in any respect the generic character formerly given; and to 
the description of the species I have only to add, that the upper 
surface of the leaves is furnished with parallel lamellæ, like those 
of Polytrichum ; and that the inner membrane of the capsule is, 

. * Bridel Meth. Nov. Muscor. p. 205. 
f De la Pylaie in Journal de Botanique appliq. iii. p. 134. Y 

Mr. Brown on Lyellia, Leptostomum, and Buxbäaumia. 561 

in the early stage at least, connected by numerous plice with 
those elevations of the surface of the columella, which are no- 
ticed in my description, and well expressed in Mr. Bauer's excel- 
lent figure. 

My principal object, in the present paper,.is to establish 
another genus of the same family, equally related to Polytrichum 
in habit, which resembles Dawsonia in the remarkable form of 
its capsule, but whose peristomium is of so peculiar a structure 
as to require its separation from both these, and readily to di- 
stinguish it from all other genera of Mosses. 

This new genus I shall name Lyellia, in honour of Mr. Charles 
Lyell, an accurate English Botanist, who has particularly studied, 
and made several important discoveries in, the natural order to 
which it belongs. 

. Mr. Hooker has already intimated his intention of establishing 
a Lyellia in the same order, to consist of those species of Leuco- 
don that have a mitriform calyptra*; but he has readily agreed 
to transfer the name of our friend from a genus, respecting which 
there is still some uncertainty, to one so unquestionable as that 
here proposed ; I have not a drawing prepared to accom- 
pany the present communication, I trust he will give the necessary 
ilustration of this interesting genus, in an early aumher of his 

excellent Musci fune | T AE 


Stoma edentulum, clausum epiphragmate (crasso depresso), cujus 
discus circularis a limbo (latiori) persistenti secedens, cum colu- 
mellà remanenti inclusà cohzret. 

Capsula hinc plana inde convexa. | 

Calyptra cucullata (apice pilosa). 

* Musci Exotici, vol, i. 17. 

562 Mr. Brown on Lyellia, Leptostomum, and Buxbaumia. 

Muscus (Nepalensis) habitu Polytrichi ; capsule figurá et structurá 
interiori Dawsoniz similis; peristomio ab utroque genere diver- 


Descriptio. Muscus cæspitosus. 

Caulis erectus, simplicissimus, 3-4-uncialis, ipsa basi tomento: ` 
radicali cinereo copioso tenuissimo tectus, dein, ad 4 circiter 
longitudinis, basibus emarcidis foliorum squamatus, supra 
dense foliatus. 

Folia undique versa, e basibus dilatatis subcuneatis semiva- 
ginantibus membranaceis pallidis imbricatis, subulata, ca- 
naliculata, nigro-viridia, opaca ; marginibus ab apice ad 
+ longitudinis et ipso apice carinæ serratis; disco intus lon- 
gitudinaliter lamellis numerosis, parallelo-approximatis, 

_ tenuissimis, e nervo ipsaque superficie ortis; limbo elamel- 
- lato: minutissime areolato; madore patula leviterque in- 
trorsum falcata, siccitate contorta. 

Masculi Flores non visi. 

Fructificatio Feminea terminalis, solitaria. 

Vaginula ori xdtdppa) villis iuplesis instructa, apice truncato: 
simplici. FE 

Seta tutos Hits erecta, teres, leevis, castanea, 
demum cava. 

Calyptra (nonnulle delapse solum a nobis vise) cucullata, 
hinc alté fissa inde truncata, levis, apice pilis brevibus 
simplicibus hispidula. 

Capsula erectiuscula, circumscriptione ovata, fusca, vix mani- 
feste areolata, hinc plana et ala perangusta cincta, inde 
convexiuscula, collo brevissimo cylindraceo.. Apophysis 
nulla nisi basis castaneo-fusca et undique instructa punc- 
tis parvis, sparsis numerosis, pustuliformibus, verticaliter el- 


Mr. Brown on Lyellia, Leptostomum, and Buabaumia. 563 
~ lipticis, margine paulo incrassatis, disco angusto, porum 
referente sed laminam tantum exteriorem perforañte. . 

Operculum (unicum tantum visum quod calyptra delapsa in- 
clusum) e basi depresso-conica desinens in rostrum longi- 
tudine circiter ipsius baseos, intus auctum processu cylin- 
draceo, centro baseos inserto, et proculdubio disco circu- 
lari terminali columelle applicito. 

Peristomium horizontale, nec obliquum, clausum quasi oper- 
culo interiori seu epiphragmate crasso, opaco, edentulo, pla- 
niusculo, persistente ; limbo latiusculo crassiore castaneo ; 
disco pallido leviter depresso ; ipso centro circulari plano, 
crassiusculo fusco, a disco pallido mox separante, arcte 
cum columella coherenti, eaque demum abbreviata intra 
cavitatem retracto. | 

Membrana. interior. (s. 'Theca vera) approximata exteriori, 
quacum processubus numerosis vasculiformibus connexa, 
ore coarctato, spongioso-membranaceo, collum breve colu- 
melle arcte amplexante, superficie interiore alt? corrugata. 

Columella in capsula matura majuscula, subovalis, lacunosa, 

- rugis elevatis applicitis et forsan connexis plicis respon- 
dentibus membrane interioris. — | : 

Semina minutissima, in cumulo viridia, separatim hyalina, 

levier + e 

Lyellia crispa was lately discovered in Nepaul (probably in 
the vicinity of Kathmandu,) by the botanical collectors sent from 
the Company's garden at Calcutta, by Dr. Nathaniel Wallich, the 
worthy successor of Dr. Roxburgh in that establishment. 

The specimens here described were received from Dr. Wallich 
by Sir Joseph Banks; and I have also seen others sent at the 
same time to Mr. Lambert, part of which he very liberally com- 



564 Mr. Brown on Lyellia, Leptostomum, and Burbaumia. 

The whole number of capsules examined does not exceed 
twenty-five; but as all of these were ripe and of uniform appear- 
ance and structure, they will probably be considered sufficient for 
the establishment of the genus. l 

To complete the description of Lyellia, male flowers, which, 
however, probably resemble those of Polytrichum and Dawsonia, 
are still wanting; and although there is no reason to doubt that 
the calyptra and operculum, both of which I have ventured to 
describe from fallen specimens, really belong to this species, yet 
it would be more satisfactory to find them while still attached to 
the capsule; for in this state only, the form of the operculum and 
its probable central connection with the orbicular disk of the pe- 
ristomium can be absolutely determined. It will be necessary also 
to examine a greater number of specimens, and perhaps in dif- 
ferent states, to ascertain absolutely the ceconomy of this moss in 
the dispersion of its seeds. It is evident, however, if the descri p- 
tion already given be correct, that as far as dispersion takes place, 
by the mouth of the capsule, it can only be effected by a contrac- 
tion or shortening of the columella, and a corresponding retraction 
within the cavity of the capsule, of the central portion of the 
peristomium which adheres to it; and in this state several of the 
specimens were actually found. |. 

But it is also manifest, both from the great size of the columella, 
and its numerous points of connection with the inner membrane, 
that in this way the whole of the seeds cannot be discharged. It 
is possible therefore, that in certain circumstances at least, their 
dispersion may be assisted by the minute pores existing at the base 
of the capsule. These pores, in the specimens examined, were found 
to penetrate the outer membrane, or even its external layer only, 
and being situated below the origin of the seminal bag, their first 
effect will probably be to accelerate the decay of the internal 


Mr. Bnoww on Lyellia, Leptostomum, and Buxbaumia. 365 

Spongy texture of the base of the capsule. Butby thus removing 
support from the columella and inner membrane, they may con- 
tribute to the greater shortening of the former, and consequently 
in increasing the dispersion by the mouth of the capsule ; or, from 
the same cause, the inner membrane being at length ruptured, the 
seeds may be in part discharged by the pores themselves. 

It seems then not improbable, from what we at present know 
of the structure of Lyellia, that for the dispersion of the seeds in 
this genus there are two distinct contrivances, both of which, 
however, in the only species yet known, are apparently imperfect. 
But hence it is perhaps allowable to conjecture, that either other 
species of Lyellia, or a nearly-related genus may exist, in which 
while the mouth of the capsule remains absolutely shut, the pores 
of the base may be sufficiently enlarged for the complete per- 
formance of this important function. 

Pores exactly resembling those of Lyellia crispa have not hither- 
to been found in any other moss. I have observed, however, in 
several specimens of Polytrichum alpinum still more minute pus- 
tules, not very different in appearance, and similarly situated on 
the base of the capsule. 

In establishing this new genus of Mosses, it is of importance to 
determine its more intimate affinities in the family to which it 
belongs. Its place is unquestionably between Polytrichum and 
Dawsonia; and it will I believe be admitted, that these three ge- 
nera, in the natural method, cannot be separated ; though they will 
necessarily form or be referable to distinct sections of an artificial 
system founded chiefly on modifications of the peristomium. 

In attempting to discover characters by which this group of 
PorvrnicHoiprz may be distinguished from other Mosses, it is 
in the first place necessary to determine the whole structure of 
Polytrichum; for this genus, though one of the most common of 

| 4 D 2 the 

566 Mr. Browx on Lyellia, Leptostomum, and Buabaumia. 

the order, and, from the great size of the capsules in many of its 
species, most readily admitting of accurate observation, has never 
yet been thoroughly examined. 

One of the most striking characters of Polytrichum is the dense 
texture and consequent opacity of the leaves; in which it agrees 
with the other two genera of the section. ‘This character, how- 
ever, is not altogether confined to Polytrichoidee, and is wanting 

in Polytrichum undulatum and angustatum. But the lamelle of 

the upper surface of the leaves probably exist, though in very 
different degrees, in all the species of Polytrichum; are equally 
observable in Lyellia and Dawsonia; and I am not aware that they 
have been found in any other genera of the order: 

These lamellæ, which are represented in several of the species 
figured in English Botany, by Wahlenberg in P. levigatum*, and 
since noticed by Messrs. Hooker and Taylor as existing in nearly 
the whole of the genus, do not belong to the nerve only, as the 
authors of Muscologia Britannica seem to suppose, but in several 
species cover the greater part of the surface of the upper or spread- 
ing portion of the leaf; the sheathing base being either entirely 
destitute of them, or having them much less dexcleped and strictly 
confined to the nerve. te ec git} agi | 

In the form and position of the ines: flowers there is probably 

an absolute uniformity in the whole of this group: but the only 

peculiarities consist in the perigonial leaf or bractea being formed 
chiefly of the sheathing part of the stem-leaf; and in the new 
shoot proceeding from the centre of the star-like cluster. In 
P. undulatum, however, the former character is by no means ob- 
vious, and the latter is not perhaps constant; and both are only 
presumed to exist in Lyellia. 
The double calyptra of Polyirichum, ioni considered as the 
* Flora Lappon. tab. 22. T Muscoli Brit. p. 24, — - 


Mr. Brown on  Lyellia, Leptostomum, and Buabaumia. 567 

essential character of the genus, equally exists in Dawsonia. But 
this outer or spurious calyptra, formed of densely matted hairs 
originating from the vaginula and the apex of the inner cucullate 
calyptra, is wanting in several species of Polytrichum, in some of 
which, and in Lyellia, the true calyptra is furnished with a few 
hairs only, either scattered over the whole of its surface, or con- 
fined to its apex; while in others, as in Polytrichum undulatum, it 
is nearly, and in P. magellanicum and levigatum, entirel y smooth. 
_ Respecting the teeth of the peristomium of Polytrichum, 1 have 
very little to add, except that in P. magellanicum they appear to 
be eighty in number, which is a higher multiple of sixteen than 
has hitherto been noticed in this genus, and the greatest number 
that has yet been found in a single series in the order. 

On the nature of the transverse membrane or tympanum of 
Polytrichum, I have formerly made some remarks in treating of 
Dawsonia, and have there considered it as the remains of the 
pulpy continuation of the columella, originally occupying the 
cavity of the operculum. But its uniform texture, as well as 
its exactly circular form and equal margin remain to be ac- 
counted for; unless this regularity may be supposed to depend 
on the circular, and apparently corresponding, aperture of the 
inner membrane... ; 

Most authors have described the tympanum of Polytrichum as. 
minutely perforated. These pores I have never been able to de- | 
tect; but I observe in many Cases an appearance which may per- 
haps account for the belief in their existence, namely, a minute 
reticulation on the outer surface of the membrane, apparently 
owing to the corresponding areole of the inner surface of the oper- 
culum, with which it was originally in contact. 

Polytrichum is remarkable for the various forms of its capsule. 
Those species, indeed, in which it is quadrangular have been 
| considered 

568 Mr. Brown on Lyellia, Leptostomum, and Burbaumia. 

considered as a distinct genus by Mons. de Beauvois. But un- 
less this difference of external form should be found connected 
with others, either in the habit or in theinternal structure, which 
I believe is not the case, it seems hardly sufficient to justify me 
subdivision of so natural a genus. : 

'The symmetrical quadrangular capsule, admitting of a regular 
cylindrical inner membrane, is a character of inferior importance 
to the plano-convex or dimidiate capsule, which almost neces- 
sarily implies, and in Dawsonia and Lyellia at least is found to be 
connected with, a corresponding irregularity in the figure of the 
cavity; and hence I have introduced this remarkable form into 
the characters of both these genera. 

On the structure of the inner membrane of the capsule in Poly- 
trichum the only observation that I have met with occurs in Eng- 
lish Botany, where, in the account of Polytrichum subrotundum 
(plate 1624), it is stated that Mr. James D. Sowerby has disco- 
vered, in this species as well as in Polytrichum undulatum, a real 
membranaceous peristomium within the teeth, which, according 
to Sir James Smith, * gives quite a new idea of the generic cha- 

This inner peristomium, if it may be so termed, which is well 
represented in the figure referred to, and consists of a horizontal 
projection of the inner membrane immediately below its apex, 
will, I believe, be found to exist in all the species of the genus, 
and in some cases reduces the aperture of the inner capsule to 
half the size of the outer at the origin of the teeth. It is always, 
however, quite entire, and, according to my observations, is formed 
of a doubling of the inner membrane, with a loose cellular or 
rather spongy substance interposed between the lamelle. 

Besides this transverse annular projection there are in the inner 
membrane of all the species of Polytrichum that I have examined, 

P. undu- 

Mr. Brown on Lyellia, Leptostomum, and Buxbaumia. 569 

P. undulatum alone excepted, four longitudinal equidistant pro- 
cesses, extending from the aperture to the base of the capsule; © 
and in many species projecting so far into its cavity as to come 
.in contact either with the salient angles or sides of the colu- 
. mella, and consequently to subdivide it into a determinate num- 
ber of cells. 
= The analogy of these longitudinal processes with the more nu- 
merous and irregular plicze in Dawsonia and Lyellia is obvious; 
and I have not myself met with similar processes of the inner 
membrane in any other genus of mosses. ‘They do not, however, 
afford an absolutely distinguishing character of this group, as they 
seem to be altogether wanting in Polytrichum undulatum; and 
Hedwig, it must be admitted, has represented an apparently ana- 
logous structure in Gymnostomum pyriforme*. 

The quadrangular or four- winged columella of Polytrichum com- 
mune is well figured and described by the accurate Schmidel+; 
and I have found an equally regular form of this body in most 
of the species of Polytrichum that I have examined; though in 
many it is less evidently winged than in P. commune and the spe- 
cies nearly related to it. 

Mons. de Beauvois.seems to consider the alae of the columella 
as themselves forming complete septa, and also that in this state 
‘they exist only in such species as have quadrangular cap- 
sules; for to these he limits his genus Polytrichum, distinguished 
by him from Pogonatum by its multilocular fruit. The cavity, 
however, is completely subdivided in several of the species 
with cylindrical capsules, as in P. urnigerum, and in a new 
species. very nearly related to it (P. microstomum, nob.) lately re- 
ceived from Dr. Wallich: and the ale of the columella, as far as 

* Fundam. Hist. Nat. Muscor. Frond, pars ii. tab, 2. 6. 
+ Icones pl. p. 236. tab. 59. fig. 15, 
I have 

510 Mr. Brown on Lyellia, Leptostomum, and Buxbaumia. 

I have observed, never form complete septa, at least in the ripe 
fruit; though in those species having. quadrangular capsules they 
nearly reach the parietes opposite to the external angles, towards 
Which they are directed. 

As the columella of Polytrichum retains its regular form in the 
ripe capsule, its real structure may even then be in a great measure 
determined. In this stage I find its wings, or compressed sides, 
to consist of a double membrane with an intermediate spongy 
substance, in which there is no appearance of granules; and 
the internal denser substance of the axis is equally free from 
granular matter. But as there is no indication of lateral rup- 
ture, the sides in several species remaining perfectly smooth, nor 
of any central cavity, this structure affords a powerful argu- 
ment in refutation of those hypotheses which assume the exist- 
ence of two kinds of granules in the capsules of mosses; the one 
produced in the cavity formed by the internal membrane, the 
other in the substance or supposed cavity of the columella itself; 
the latter being considered as seeds in one of the hypotheses *, 
and in the other as pollen. 

This argument, however, is not here advanced to disprove the 
existence of two kinds of granules in the capsules of mosses, but 
merely against their production in the distinct cavities assigued 
to them in the hypotheses referred to. 

In the greater number of Polytricha as well as in Lyellia and 
Dawsonia the seeds are extremely minute; a fact with which the 
increased surface for their production is probably connected : for 
in P. undulatum, where the seeds are larger than in most other 
species of the genus, this increased surface does not exist; and in 
P. levigatum, where they are of still greater size, the plicæ of the 
inner membrane are probably also wanting. 

* Palisot Beauvois, Æihiog. p. 5. _ T Keith, Physiol. Bot. ii. p. 346. 
| Although 

Mr. Brown on Lyellia, Leptostomum, and Buabaumia. 571 

Although there is but little resemblance in the structure of the 
peristomium among the different genera of Polytrichoidee, they may 
still be said essentially to agree in the function of this part: for in 
all of them the complete separation of the seeds is ensured by the 
smallness of the apertures for their discharge. It may be re- 
marked, that the necessity for this complete dispersion in Mosses 
seems to be inversely as the size of the seeds. For in those ge- 
nera of the order in which the capsule either bursts irregularly or 
has a naked mouth, the seeds are in general larger than in those | 
with a single, and still more manifestly than in those with a double, 
peristomium. And in conformity with this also, in Polytrichum 
undulatum and levigatum the tympanum is sooner ruptured or 
removed than in the other species of the genus. 

The result of this comparison of Polytrichum with Lyellia and 
Dawsonia, although it confirms the propriety of their approxima- 
tion, does not afford any clearly distinguishing mark for the very 
natural section of the order which these three genera form. In 
the mean time, however, it may be circumscribed, though not with 
absolute precision, by a combination of the more general charac- 
ters which have been now enumerated. 


In defining this genus, which was first proposed in my former 
paper on Mosses, I relied chiefly on the undivided annular pro- 
jection of the inner membrane of the capsule. I was induced 
to employ this modification of the peristomium as a character, 
though certainly far from being obvious, in finding it to exist in 
several mosses of the southern hemisphere, having a similar and 
peculiar habit ; and which, had it been neglected, I must have 
referred to Gymnostomum, with the greater number of whose spe- 
cies they have hardly any thing in common. 

VOL. XII. & E Mr. 

572 Mr. Brown on Lyellia, Leptostomum, and Duabaumia. 

Mr. Hooker, however, has since found, as he states, the same 
structure in several other mosses, generally considered as having 
a naked peristomium, particularly in Gymnostomum microstomum, 
Griffithianum, and fasciculare ; and as these species have but little 
resemblance to each other, and still less affinity to Leptostomum, 
he has reduced this genus also to Gymnostomum. 

If the statement referred to be correct, Leptostomum, though it 
may be a natural genus, must be given up, until other marks 
shall be found by may be distinguished. I have not 
had specimens sufficiently perfect to enable me to judge of the 
structure of all the species of Gymnostomum mentioned by Mr. 
Hooker. In one of them, however, Gymnostomum microstomum, 
the peristomium is certainly very different from that of Leptosto- 
mum. Jn this species I find, on removing the operculum, that the 
mouth of the capsule is not only completely covered by a hori- 
zotital membrane, but that this covering is derived from the outer 
membrane of the capsule, and consequently differs in origin as 
well as in form from the peristomium which it has been said to 
resemble. Its centrai portion, however, being extremely thin is 
soon ruptured and deciduous, and in this state only it has been 
seen by the authors of the Muscologia Britannica. 

Gymnostomum microstomum therefore may itself be considered as 
a distinct genus, to which the name of Hymenostomum* may be © 
given; and it is worthy of remark, that in its technical character 
it approaches most nearly to Lyellia, though no two mosses dife 
fer more > in almost every other respect. 

Fi. Fem. terminalis. 

Stoma edentulum, . clausum epiphragmate (e membrana exteriore orto), disco tenuissimo . 

(a columella libero) mox rupto et evanido ; lino persistenti horizontali indiviso. | 
Calyptra dimidiata, levis. 

Fl. Mas terminalis, gemmiformis. 
: From 

Mr. Brown on Lyellia, Leptostomum, and Buabaumia. 573 

From the account given of Gymnostomum Griffithianum it ap- 
pears that this species also has in the early stage a membrane 
completely covering the mouth of the capsule. But this mem- 
brane probably differs in origin, at least, from that of Hymenosto- 
mum, as it seems to do both in form and dehiscence from the pe- 
ristomium of Leptostomum. 

Of Gyinnostomum fasciculare I have examined only imperfect. 
specimens, I cannot therefore speak with confidence of its struc- 
ture. The annular process, however, mentioned by Mr. Hooker 
is more likely to be the remains of a complete horizontal covering, 
and probably originating from the inner membrane, than to re- 
semble the peristomium either of Hymenostomum or Leptostomum. 
A membrane of this kind is certainly present in some species of 
Gymnostomum, and perhaps may be found in all those that really 
belong to that genus. It exists also in Weissia Templetoni, which 
so closely resembles Gymnostomum fasciculare as to be with diffi- 
culty distinguished from it, unless by the inspection of the peri- 
stomium ; and, in addition to the erect annular peristomium from 
which the character of the genus is taken, I have observed a simi- 
Jar membrane in Leptostomum itself. It seems even to be not arf 
uncommon process or termination of the inner membrane, though 
it has been remarked only in some of its more obvious and per- 
sistent modifications. Thus the spongy membrane figured and 
described in the two published species of Calymperes, seems to 
be an analogous structure*, as is also the circular disk terminat- 

* The circular spongy membrane covering the mouth of the capsule certainly does not 
form an essential part of the character of Calymperes ; for, in the only species that I have 
examined, it is either entirely wanting, or firmly adheres to the inner surface of the oper- 
culum, along with which, also, a considerable portion of the columella separates. Nor has 
Swartz, who established the genus (in Spreng. Schrad. und Link Jahrb. der Gewäch. 
vol. i. p. 1.) even noticed this membrane in his description. 

AE 2 ing 

574 Mr. Brown on Lyellia, Leptostomum, and Buxbaumia. 

ing the columella in several species of Splachnum ; and perhaps 
even the tympanum of Polytrichum may be of similar origin. 

But these characters of Leptostomum and Hymenostomum, though 
they do not appear to have been yet observed in any other mosses, 
may still perhaps be considered too minute for generic distinc- 
tions: and it must be admitted that were nothing to be obtained 
but the subdivision of an extensive natural genus it could not be 
necessary to have recourse to them. The divisions in question, 
however, are certainly not of that kind. 

The weakest part indeed of Hedwig's system is its bringing to- 
gether all those mosses that have a naked peristomium, and even 
including the greater partof them in the genus Gymnostomum ; while 
many of the species so associated are in real affinity much nearer 
to several other genera of the order having a simple or even a 
double peristomium. | ‘à | | 

= Thus Gymnostomum iieri funem: the PANIER of the pre- 
sent paper, has less the habit of the genus in which it is placed than 
of Weissia, to some of whose species, especially IV. affinis and £richo- 
des, it seems to approach even in the structure of its peristomium. 

Several species of that section of Gymnostomum, to which per- 
haps the genus should be limited, especially G. fasciculare, Bon- 

plandii, and Rottleri, can hardly be distinguished from Weissia 


* Weissia Templetoni, along with a nearly related species found in New Holland, Fu- 
naria minor of Delile (Flor. Ægypt.), and perhaps also Weissia radians, may form a genus 
distinct from Weissia, and nearly related to Funaria, differing chiefly in the irregular burst- 
ing and evanescence of the inner peristomium, which in Funaria is regularly divided and ge- 

nerally persistent, though in some cases perhaps equally deciduous. In a variety of Weissia 
Templetoni, or a very nearly related species, vollected in 1800 in the county of Donegal, 
I have observed the outer peristomium to be not unfrequently wanting, even before the se- 
paration of the operculum ; a fact which, if hereafter confirmed, would establish its affinity 
to Gymnostomum fasciculare. 


Mr. Brown on Lyellia, Leptostomum, and Buxbaumia. 575 

Gymnostomum or Anictangium pulvinatum agrees in every other 
part of its structure with Gris 
(^ Gymnostomum lapponicum, notwithstanding the difference of ca- 
lyptra, may be considered as related to Grimmia Daviesii, and 
consequently to Orthotrichum, which G. Daviesii* resembles in 
its teeth being approximated in pairs. 
G ymnostomum viridissimum has exnoily the habit and calyptra 

of Zygodon. | | 
Gymnostomum pennatum (Schistostega of Mohr,) i in one remark- 
able character may be compared with Fissidens}. 
Anictangium aquaticum is evidently related to Cinclidotus or 

Gymnostomum julaceum and Hedwigia secunda of Hooker resem- 
ble certain species of Pterygynandrum, Neckera and Leskia. —— 
An unpublished moss (Glyphocarpa capensis) with a naked pe- 
ristomium, which I observed on the Table Mountain of the Cape 

* Griffithia Daviesii nob. - 

T As Schkuhr (in Krypt. Gewüch. ii. p. 31. t. 12.) has ascertained that the — of 
Gymnostomum pennatum separates entire, the genus Schistostega must be again reduced 
to Gymnoslomum, until other distinguishing characters are discovered. 

Its resemblance to Fissidens consists in the somewhat similar disposition of leaves. 

In Fissidens, as limited by Bridel, (Muscol. Nov. p. 186) the leaves are universally de- 
scribed as presenting their margin instead of their disk to the stem, and as having a dou- 
bling of the lower half of their inner or upper margin, extending as far as the nerve. 

On this view Bridel (in Z. cit.) has formed a separate section of the order, consisting of 
Fissidens and Octodiceras ; and hence also M. de la Pylaie has changed the name of Fissi- 
dens to Skitophyllum. (Journal de Botan. Applig. iv. p. 133.) It seems to me a much simpler 
explanation of the apparent anomaly to consider the supposed doubling or division of. the 
leaf as its true disk, and the deviation from the usual structure as consequently consisting 
in the greater compression of the leaf, and in the addition of a dorsal and terminal wing. 
In support of this view it may be observed, that in the lower leaves of the stem both the 
additional wings are greatly reduced in size, and in some cases entirely wanting, as they 
universally are in the perigonial leaves, which have likewise the more ordinary form, being 
moderately concave and not even navicular. 


576 Mr. Brown on Lyellia, Teptostomum, and Buxbaumia. 

of Good Hope, has the spherical striated capsule as well as the 
inflorescence and ramification of Bartramia : and with this genus 
also Anictangium Humboldtii agrees in its capsule, though its habit 
is that of Leskia or Hypnum. 

Drepanophyllum of Richard (Dicranum? falcifolium of Hooker,) 
in form and disposition of leaves is related to Fissidens and Neckera. 

Calymperes approaches to Orthotrichum, or rather, perhaps, to 
Schlotheimia or Macromitrium. 

Lyellia, which belongs to the same division of the artificial 
system, is evidently allied to Dawsonia and Polytrichum. 

And lastly, Leptostomum, the genus more particularly under 
consideration, appears to me most nearly related to Bryum ; with 
which indeed its affinity would be completely established, were 
Hedwig’s account of the peristomium of Bryum macrocarpum 
proved to be correct. sé 

To the observations now made on the various affinities of mosses 
which agree in having a naked peristomium, it may be added, that 
the genera with a simple peristomium do not form a strictly na- 
tural series, several of them being much more nearly related to 
those in which the peristomium is double than to each other. 

But if the correctness of these statements be admitted, it fol- 
lows that, in many cases to obtain natural genera in this order 
either additional sources of distinction must be sought for, or 
those at present in use more minutely investigated. | 

Of additional characters, which in some cases may be employed 
with advantage, I shall merely advert to the membranes of the 
capsule being distinct or contiguous, and to that more intimate 
union where there seems to be a single membrane only; to the 
modifications of internal structure of the inner membrane; the 
differences in form and duration of the columella, or even its 
being entirely wanting in the ripe capsule; the presence or ab- 


Mr. Brown on Lyellia, Leptostomum, and Buxbaumia. 577 

sence of the annulus; and the insertion, form and relative position 
of the male flowers, which, though always considered of import- 
ance by Hedwig, many of the most distinguished muscologists 
of the present day entirely exclude from the characters of their 

With respect to the principal source of generic distinctions, the 
Peristomium, in addition to the circumstances generally attended 
_ to, namely, the origin, number, direction, form, and actual divi- 
sion of the teeth, it may be of some importance to ascertain their 
æstivation, which, though very generally, is not always valvular: 
and especially to mark the existence or want of the longitudinal 
strie or semi-pellucid lines: for these, if they do not prove the 
compound nature, at least clearly indicate a tendency to division 
in the teeth where they are found; division being always in the 
course of the striæ, and in no instance taking place unless where 
they are present. 

But in considering them, which I am inclined to do, as proving 
composition or confluence of the teeth, it would appear that there 
is a much greater uniformity in the structure of the simple or outer 
peristomium, at least, than is generally admitted ; and that the 
prevailing number of teeth in this series is thirty-two ; though by 
a coalescence, more or less complete, they are frequently reduced 
to sixteen, in some cases to eight, and in a few even to four. 

3 According to this view, a single longitudinal line in the axis of 
a tooth indicates the confluence of two teeth; three equidistant 
lines, one being central, the coalescence of four; and seven lines 
similarly disposed that of eight. 

_ Nearly the whole of these modifications exist in that natural 
subdivision of the order, which may be named Splachnee, consist- 
ingof Splachnum, Systylium, Tayloria, (Hookeria of Schwaegrichen,) 

Splachnum squarrosum of Hooker, and Weissia splachnoides. 

578 Mr. Brown on Lyelka, Leptostomum, and Buxbaumia. 

The number of teeth in SPLACHNEZ is thirty-two, which, how- 
ever, are never entirely distinct and at the same time equidistant, 
but approximated or united in various degrees in the different 
genera and species of the section. 

Thus in Tayloria and Systylium the thirty-two teeth are distinct 
and disposed in sixteen pairs. 3 

In Splachnum rubrum and luteum there are apparently only eight 
pairs, each tooth, however, having a pellucid and obscurely-perfo- 
rated axis. In almost all the other genuine species,of Splachnum 
there is the same disposition as in S. rubrum and luteum ; but the 
pellucid axis of each tooth is less distinct and imperforated. 

In Splachnum angustatum, and I believe also in a second spe- 
cies nearly related to it, the arrangement is somewhat different; 
for the sixteen apparent teeth are approximated, and at the base 
even united in fours, the pellucid axis of each tooth being still less 
obvious. Hence these species in their peristomium very nearly 
approach to Tetraphis, to which they would be absolutely referable 
were the union complete. 

In Splachnum squarrosum the apparent number of teeth is eight, 
without any actual subdivision. But as each tooth has three 
equidistant pellucid lines, of which the lateral are nearly as di- 
stinct as the central, there can be no doubt that the composition 
is the same here as in the rest of the section*. 

| n By 

* In a late number of Musci Exotici, (No. 17. tab. 136.) Splachnum squarrosum is 
transferred to Octollepharum, and, on the authority of M. de Beauvois, is stated to be 
Octoblepharum serratum of Bridel. Mr. Hooker, however, continues to refer it to this 
genus, on the supposition of its agreeing with the original species in the form of its ca- 

lyptra : observing that if this should prove not to he the case, it ought to be separated, 

under the generic name Orthodon, formerly given to it by its discoverer M. Bory de 
St. Vincent. 

The calyptra of O. albidum is represented as distinctly cucullate, both by Swartz (in 
Ols. Bot. tab. xi, fig. 1.) and M. de Beauvois (in Flore d' Oware, i. tab. 31.). I have also 

Mr. Brown on Lyellia, Leptostomum, and Buabaumia. 579 

By these lines also S. squarrosum is readily distinguished from 
Octoblepharum, in which the apparent number of teeth is the 
same: for in Octoblepharum each tooth has only a single pellucid 
line; and hence its affinity to certain species at present referable 
to Weissia, with a nearly similar habit and sixteen distinct teeth, 
whose axis is not perceptibly pellucid. 

Weissia splachnoides differs from the other Splachnee in having 
sixteen equidistant teeth; but as these teeth, according to the 
indication of the pellucid axis, are double, the arrangement may 
be compared with that of Tayloria and Systylium, in which the 
separation into thirty-two is complete, and the sixteen pairs equi- 
distant. It agrees, however, also in this respect with Grimmia and 
with several species of Weissia : but in other important characters, 
as well as in habit, it is evidently related to Splachnum, and offers 
perhaps one of the best examples of the importance of the male 
flowers in distinguishing natural genera. 

Even Tetraphis pellucida may be cited in proof of the same pre- 
vailing number in the peristomium ; each of its four teeth, when 
highly magnified, appearing to have seven longitudinal striæ, 
which, according to this test, would make the real number thirty- 
two; a structure contributing to fix the place of Tetraphis in the - 
natural series between Splachnum and Orthotrichum. — 
observed it of the same foai in specimens from Madagascar. There seems, therefore, no 
reason to doubt that these two mosses differ materially even in this part of their structure $ 
and as other differences, of at least equal importance, also exist, both in the peristomium 

and male flowers, Octoblepharum serratum, whose habit is nearly that of Splachnum, may 
be distinguished both from that genus and from Octoblepharum by the following characters, 

Fl. Fem. terminalis. : 
Peristomium simplex, octodentatum, dente singulo striis tribus lengitudinalibus instruct 

(ideoque e quatuor coalitis composito). 
Calyptra mitriformis (4-fida, pilosa). 
Fl. Mas terminalis, discoideus. 
VOL. XII. ÅT Better 

580 Mr. Brown on Lyellia, Leptostomum, and Buabaumia. 

Better evidence on the same subject is afforded by Trichosto- 
mum, Didymodon, and Leucodon, in all of which the thirty-two 
teeth are distinct, though approximated in pairs; by the sixteen 
bifid teeth of Dicranum and. Fissidens; and by the like number of 
teeth with a perforated axis in Trematodon, Weissia nuda, Didy- 
modon latifolium, and several species of Grimmia. | 

In all the genera having a double peristomium I believe the 
pellucid axis more or less manifestly exists; but in these genera 
there is a great uniformity in the apparent number of teeth in the 
outer peristomium ; there being no instance of actual division in 
this series beyond sixteen, or of a further approximation, unless 
in Orthotrichum, in several of whose species the approximation 
or even union of the double teeth by pairs takes place, while in 
a few others the sixteen teeth are slightly divided at the apex, and 
in the whole genus the pellucid axis is remarkably distinct. 

The only exceptions to the actual division into thirty-two, or 
t.e structure indicating that number, in the simple peristomium 
of mosses, occur on the one hand in certain species of JFeissia; 
perhaps in Encalypta and in Octoblepharum, in all of which, I be- 
lieve, there is a reduction to sixteen: and on the other in Polytri- 
chum, where the number is frequently increased, varying in the 
different species, and chiefly by multiples of sixteen, from thirty- 
two to eighty. In this genus also, whatever the number may 
be, the teeth never have»a semipellucid, but rather an opake or 
thickened axis, and no tendency to union or even approximation 
is observable. The constant equidistance of the teeth in Poly- 
trichum seems to be connected with its peculiar mode of disse- 
mination; for as this takes place through the interstices of the 
teeth, and as complete separation of the seeds seems necessary on 
account of their extreme minuteness, a reduction in number 
and consequent increase of size of these apertures would. proba- 


Mr. Brown on Lyellia, Leptostomum, and Buxbaumia. 581 

bly, in some degree, prevent dispersion, while the unequal di- 
stances of the teeth might either produce a deviation from the 
regular figure, or an early rupture, of the tympanum, which forms 
an essential part in this economy. 


In my former paper I have proposed to preserve the genus 
Buxbaumia, as established by Schmidel; and in constructing a 
character to comprehend both species, I entirely rejected the 
outer peristomium of Hedwig; and having also adopted his opi- 
nion respecting the middle peristomium of B. aphylla, which he 
has termed corona, and considered as analogous to the annulus in 
many other mosses, it became unnecessary to advert to this part 
in defining the genus. 

Mr. Hooker has since published an excellent analysis of both 
species, and has followed Ehrhart and Mohr in regarding them 
as forming distinct genera. | 

"This determination I have now no hesitation in adopting ; for, 
whatever the nature of Hedwig's corona may be, it affords at 
least an obvious character, and is connected with other differences 
of sufficient importance to justify the separation ; though the two 
genera must always remain in the same natural section of the © 
order. T | | 
"The observations that follow belong, therefore, solely to Buz- 
baumia aphylla. | ! 

"My first remark on this plant relates to its peristomium, on the 
nature of which, as compared with that of other mosses, at least 
two different opinions may be formed. | 

According to one of these, the outer peristomium of Hooker 
may with Hedwig be considered analogous to the fimbria or an- 
nulus existing in many other mosses ; and the principal objection 

4r2 to 

582 Mr. Brown on Lyellia, Leptostomum, and Buabaumia. 

to this view would perhaps be obviated by rejecting the outer pe- 
ristomium of Hedwig, as I have formerly proposed, and which 
Mr. Hooker has since done; as there would then be nothing either 
in the origin or texture of this part essentially at variance with 
the supposition; the principal remaining difference being its 
greater length; for the cilia of the peristomium of Buxbaumia may 
be compared with the striæ or divisions existing in the annulus, 
Which seem to be equally determinate in number, and in some 
cases also disposed in a double series. | 

On the second supposition, the peristomium of Buxbaumia ori- — 
ginating entirely from the outer membrane, may, thou gh consisting 
of several and even of dissimilar series, be regarded as analogous 
to that portion of the pencilof Dawsonia which arises from the same 
part of the capsule. This analogy is suggested by Mr. Hooker, 
and is confirmed by a circumstance that he does not seem to 
have noticed, namely, that his outer peristomium, the corona of - 

Hed wig, consists of a double series of cilia. The numberof cilia 
in each series exceeds sixteen, but hardly amounts to thirty-two; 
it probably, however, corresponds with that of the plicæ in the 
membranaceous. peristomium. 
. . Wehave here then a passage from.a number still perhaps defi- 
nite, though disposed in a triple series, to the indefinite number 
peculiar to, and so striking in, Dawsonia. — 

My second observation relates to the inner membrane of the 
capsule, of which I find the mouth to be quite entire and open, 
though before the separation of the operculum it is closed by the 
terminating process of the columella. Hence Burbaumia has some 
resemblance to Polytrichum, and a still greater to Lyellia, in this 
part of its structure. crm 

Buxbaumia aphylla is the only moss considered as being entirely 

destitute of leaves; and though it has been oftener and more fully 

Mr. Brown on Lyellia, Leptostomum, and Buzbaumia. 588 

described than any other plant of the order, from the monographs 
of Linnæus and Schmidel to the excellent illustration recently 
published by Mr. Hooker, there is no difference of opinion on 
this point. I have lately ascertained, however, that Buzbaumia 
aphylla is always furnished with perfect leaves, which more nearly 
resemble, both in texture and division, those of a Jungermannia 
than of any species of moss properly so called; and consequently 
are widely different from those of Polytrichoïdeæ, to which this ge- 
nus is in several respects related. 

The leaves in the barren plant, where I first observed them, are 
lanceolate and but slightly divided. Those at the base of the fe- 
male perichetium are even broader than the former, but more 
deeply cut, both laterally and at top, into several capillary seg- 
ments; while the leaves which proceed from the surface of the 
pericheetium are still more deeply divided, and their segments 
so much elongated that the minute foliaceous base has been uni- 
versally overlooked, and the perichætium consequently described 
as covered with hairs. | là | 



(584 ) 


XXXVI. Exrracrs from the Mixure-Book of the Society. 

Mar.18, Reap an Extract of a Letter addressed to the Secre- 
1817. tary from Sir John Jamison, F.L.S., dated at Regentville, 
New South Wales, September 10, 1816, as follows: 

* I cannot avoid relating to you an extraordinary 
peculiarity which I have lately discovered in the Orni- 
thorynchus paradoxus.—The male of this wonderful.ani- 
mal is provided with spurs on the hind feet or legs, 
like a cock. The spur is situated over a cyst of veno- 
mous fluid, and has a tube or cannula up its centre, 

through which the animal can, like a serpent, force the 
“poison when it inflicts its wound. I wounded one with 
small shot; and on my overseer’s taking it out of the 
water, it stuck its spurs into the palm and back of his 
right hand with such force, and retained them in with 
such strength, that they could not be withdrawn until it 
was killed. "Phe hand instantly swelled to a prodigious 
bulk ; and the inflammation having rapidly extended to 
his shoulder, he was in a few minutes threatened with 
locked-jaw, and exhibited all the symptoms of a person 
bitten by a venomous snake. The pain from the first was 

insupportable, and cold sweats and sickness of stomach” 
took place so alarmingly, that I found it necessary, be- 
sides the external application of oil and vinegar, to ad- 
minister large quantities of the volatile alkali with opium, 
which I really think preserved his life. He was obliged 
to keep his bed for several days, and did not recover the 
perfect use of his hand for nine weeks. This unexpected 

Jan. 90, 


Extracts from the Minute- Book of the Society. 585 

and extraordinary occurrence induced me to examine the 
spur of the animal; and on pressing it down on the leg 
the fluid squirted through the tube: but for what purpose 
Nature has so armed these animals is as yet unknown to 
me. The female is oviparous, and lives in burrows in 
the ground, so that itis seldom seen either on shore or 
in the water. The males are seen in numbers through- 
out our winter months only, floating and diving in all our ` 
large rivers; but they cannot continue long under water. 
I had one drowned by having been left during the night 
in a large tub of water. I have found no other substance 
in their stomachs than small fish and fry. They are very 
shy, and avoid the shot by diving and afterwards rising 
at a considerable distance." 

Mr. Lambert, V.P. communicated to the Society an 
Extract of a Letter from Don Jose Pavon of Madrid, one 
of the authors of the Flora Peruviana, stating that he and 

5 his companions Ruiz and Dombey had found the potatoe 

Feb. n 

(Solanum tuberosum) growing wild in the environs of Lima, 
and fourteen leagues from thence on the coast of Peru, as 
well as in Chili; and that it is cultivated very abundantly 

in those countries by the Indians, who call it Papas. 
Dr. Maton, V. P. communicated a. Letter from the 
Rev. Revett Sheppard, F.L.S.,. stating that. on the first 
of this month he shot a fine specimen of the common 
heron (Ardea major), and that its feathers were covered 
with a powder of a light blue colour; but in what man- 
ner this powder is secreted, or whether it occurs in the 

winter:season only, he has not: been able to ascertain. 
The Secretary stated, that Mr. Robert Gee has com- 
municated to the President a specimen of Saliz cinerea, 
(Flor. Brit. 1063, Eng. Bot. 1897,) with androgynous cat- 


April T. 

Extracts from the Minute-Book of the Society. 

kins, nearly half the flowers in the upper part of the cat- 
kin being male, and the rest female. It was found by 
himself at Duckinfield near Stockport, in Cheshire. - 
Read a Letter addressed to the Secretary by the Rev. 
Patrick Keith, F. L.S., of which the following is a copy: 
Dear SIR, Bethersden, Ashford, Kent, March 30, 1818. 
In my Paper on the subject of the Developement of 
the Seminal Germ, published in the last volame* of the 
Society's Transactions, I find that I have unbappily 
exhibited an incorrect and imperfect representation of 
Mr. T. A. Knight's hypothesis on the same subject. I 
have said that * the grand defect of Mr. Knight's hypo- 
thesis is, that it does not at all account for the ascent of 
the plumelet ;" a statement that proves to be erroneous ; 
since the fact is, that Mr. Knight's hypothesis does ac- 
count for the ascent of the plumelet as well as for the 
descent of the radicle, though the circumstance (I am 
sorry to say) had completely escaped my recollection at 
the time I wrote my Paper: not that I had merely 

glanced at Mr. Knights hypothesis, and then, after a 

long interval, undertaken a refutation of it from memory ; 
but that the notes which I did take from Mr. Knight's 
Paper at the time I read and perused it, contained, by 
some unaccountable oversight, nothing whatever on the 
subject of the ascent.of the plumelet: I am desirous, 
therefore, that this declaration and admission of error on 
my part should appear in the next volume of the Soci- 
ety's Transactions, that the reparation which I now offer 
to Mr. Knight may be commensurate, as much as pos- 
sible, with the injury he has sustained. Iam, &c. 

To A. MacLeay, Esq. | P. Kerru. 

* Page 252. | 
May 25. 

May 25. 

Extracts from the Minute-Book of the Society. 587 

Mr. James Dickson, F.L.S. presented a specimen cf 
the Misseltoe, found by him on the 20th of this month 

- growing upon an oak-tree about four miles from Maid- 

- The Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, H.M. 10 


stone, by the side of the Medway. 

The President announced, that an extensive and valu- 
able collection of Quadrupeds, Birds and Reptiles, made 
by Mr. George Caley in New South Wales, bas been 
purchased by subscription by the following Members of 
the Society, and lodged in the Society's Museum, viz. 

Sir Janies Edward Smith, President . . 10 
Alexander MacLeay, Esq. Secretary . 10 
Edward Forster, Esq. Treasurer . . . 10 
William Elford Leach, M.D. . . . . 10 

William G. Maton, M.D., V.P. 10 

_ James Francis Stephens, Eso ... 5 
The Lag Suntik V PE A AnI CIO 
Thomas Furly Forster, Esq: 5 
William Kent, Esq. . 5 
Richard Taylor, Esq. . uoc ccr eg 
.Arclibáld-Menzies; Esq.^ - : +s l1 
George Mine, Esq: . . . . .. 2 
Henry Grimston, Esq. . . . 1 
Michael Bland, Esq. . . 5 
Duncan MacArthur, M.D. . 1 

The Lord Bishop of Durham, HUM. 430 
Daniel Moore, Esq. . + . . . . .10 
Joseph Sabine, Esq. . . . . . . . 5 
Rev: William Kirby 2745.91. .:4 

Carried forward £..128 
4G A. B. Lam- 


588 Extracts from the Minute- Book of the Society. 

Brought forward . 128 
A. B. Lambert, Esq. V.P. 
Charles Stokes, Esq. i 
Sir Christopher Pegge |... .. A 
The Duke of Marlborough, H. M. sva 
Thomas Smith, Esq. at. 
Arthur Tyton, Esq. 
Rev. J. B. Johnson 
William Jackson Hooker, E 
William Pilkington, Esq. 
John Sims, M.D. . . 
G. B. Greenough, Esq. 
William Horton Lloyd, Esq. 
The Earl of Mount Norris . 
Sir George T. Staunton, Bart. 
Andrew Forster, Esq. 
Sir Frederick Baker, Dart. . 
Daniel Stuart, Esq. AS 
Philip Derbishire, Esq. ——— 
Rev. Thomas Rackett =. | TONES 
Charles Konig, Esq. . . . | 
Rev. Joseph Goodall, D.D., Provost ^ 

Eton College. sys vi oO 10..0 


E... MER e 

MO © OO Game COCO COCR Oe © O6 © © O©O OCF 

£.220 14 0 

Nov. 3.  Dr.Leachexhibited a new species of Guillemot, named 
by him Uria Francsii*, discovered by Mr. Francs near 
` Ferroe, and afterwards by Lieut. Parry, R. N. on the 

west coast of Greenland. 5 

* For a description of this Bird, under the name of Uria Brünnichii, by Capt. Edward - 
Sabine, see page 538. 

( 589 ) 




Continued from Page 426 of Vol. XI. of the Society's Transactions. 

<TC e 

N.B. To Books which are Continuations of Works included in any of the former Parts of the Catalogue, the 
original Numbers are here affixed ; and the other Books are numbered in regular progression, 

EL oom 

811. Acuarn (E.) Synopsis Methodica Lichenum. Lunde, 1814, 8vo. 
812, Aikin’s (A.) Address delivered on the 27th of May, 1817, at the annual distribution 
of the Rewards adjudged by the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufac- 
. tures and Commerce. London, 1817, 8vo. 
813. Barton (W. P. C.) Floræ Philadelphicæ Prodromus. - Philadelphia, 1815, 4to. 

814. Biographical Sketch of Benjamin Smith Barton, M.D. Phila- 
delphia, 1816, 8vo. 
815. Account of Holeus bicolor as a Substitute for Chocolate.  Phila- 

delphia, 1816, 8vo. 
816. Beck’s (T. R.) Annual Address delivered e Appointment before the Society for the 
| Promotion of useful Arts in the City of Albany. Albany, 1813, 8vo. 

817. — Inaugural Dissertation on Insanity. New York, 1811, 8vo. 
671. Bernardi (A. B.) Sicularum Plantarum Cent. 2. Panormi, 1806, 4to. 
818. Stirpium rariorum minusque cognitorum in Sicilia provenientium 

Descriptiones. Manipuli 1 et 2. Panormi, 1813—14, 4to. 
819. Bigelow’s (J.) Account of the White Mountains of New Hampshire, 1816, 8vo, 
820. De Blainville (H.) Sur les Ichthyolites. Paris, 1818, 8vo. 
723. Bonpland (A.) Description des Plantes rares que l'on cultive à Navarre et à Mal- 
maison. Livr. 6. Paris, fol. 
821. Brotero (F. A.) Phytographia Lusitaniz selectior, tom. 1. Olisiponæ, 1816, fol. 
822. Brown's (R.) Observations systematical and geographical on the Herbarium collected 

by Professor C, Smith in the Vicinity of the Congo. London, 1818, 4to. 
462 823. Brown's 

590 Catalogue of the Library of the Linnean Society. 

823. Brown's (T.) Elements of Conchology. London, 1816, 8vo. 

824. Bullock's (W.) Companion to the London Museum. London, 1816, 12mo. 

825. Burraw's (E. J.) Elements of Conchology. London, 1815, 8vo. 

826. Burrows's (G. M.) Aecount of two Cases of Death from eating Mussels ; with some 
general Observations on Fish Poison. London, 1815, 8vo. 

897. Clanny (W. R.) On the Mineral Waters of Gilsland. Sunderland, 1816, 8vo. 

828. Clinton's (De Witt) Discourse delivered before the Literary and Philosophical Society 
of New York on the 4th of May 1814. New York, 1815, 4to. 

829. Elliot's (S.) Sketch of the Botany of South Carolina and Georgia, no. 1. Charles- 
ton, 1816, 8vo. 

830. Fischer (G.) Zoognosia, ed. 3tia. vol. 1. Mosque, 1813, 4to. 

831. ——————— Notice d'un Animal Fossile de Siberie. Moscou, 1808, 4to, 

839, —— —————. Notice des Fossiles du Gouvernement de Moscou, part 1—3. Moscou, 
1809—11, 4to. 

Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Université Imperiale de Mibcou. 

Livr. 1. Moscou, 1810, fol. 
834. —— Prodromus Craniologiæ Comparate. Mosquæ, 1811, fol. 
835. -—— Essai sur la Turquoise et sur la Calaite. Moscou, 1816, 8vo. 
836. Forster (E) se Avium | in Tnsulis nas bol iie dns m 

8vo. * ae : 

837. Forsters (T.) Übscivalions on the Influence of Arieta States of thé Rüosphere 
on Human Health and Diseases, particularly Insanity. London, 1817, 8vo. 

633. «nea 

838. Observations on the Phenomena of Insanity. London, 1817, 8vo. 

839. — Observations on the Natural t of a 6th ed. London, 
1817, 8vo. 

840. — Synoptiest- Catalogue of British Birds. London, 1817, 8vo. 

841. Brief Inquiry into the Causes and Mitigation of TEPE Fever. 

London, 1818, 8vo. 
842. Forster (T. F.) Flora Tonbrigensis. London, 1816, 8vo. 
843. Francis's (J. W.) Inaugural Dissertation on Mercury. New York, 1811, 8vo. , 
844. Cases of Morbid Anatomy. New York, 1815, 4to. - 
815. Fuchsius (L.) De Historia Stirpium Commentarii. Basileæ, 1542, fol. 
846. Gallesio (G.) Traité du Citrus. Paris, 1811, 8vo. 
847. Gmelin (J. G.) Flora Siberica, 4 tom.  Petropoli, 1747—69, sick 

818. Greenough’s (G. B.) Critical paner of the First Principles of Geology, Lon- 
don, 1819, 8vo. 

849. Halleri (A.) Opuscula Botanica. Gottingæ, 1749, 8vo. 

850. Harveii (G.) Opera omnia, a — Medicorum Londinensi edit: Londini, 1766, 

. Haworth (A. H.) Supplementum Plantarum Succulentarum, &c, Londini, 1819, 8vo. 
862. Heyne's 







864, ——— 
865. ——— 




Catalogue of the Library of the Linnean Society. 591 

Heyne's (B.) Tracts Historical and Statistical on India. London, 1814, 4to. 
Hooker (W. J.) Flora Londinensis, new Series. No. 1—9. London, fol. 
Hosack's (D.) Hortus Elginensis, 2d ed. New York, 1811, 8vo. 

System of Practical Nosology. New York, 1818, 8vo. 

Huber (F.) Nouvelles Observations sur les Abeilles, 2de ed., 2 vol. Paris, 1814, 8vo. 
Johnson's (J. R.) Treatise on the Medicinal Leech. London, 1816, 8vo. 

De Jonnes (A. M.) Monographie du Trigonocephale des Antilles, Paris, 1816, 8vo. 
Observations sur les Geophages des Antilles. Paris, 1816, 8vo. 
Des Effets du Climat des Antilles sur le Systéme Moteur. Paris, 

8vo. i 
Keith's (P.) System of Physiological Botany, 2 vols. London, 1816, 8vo. 
Keysler's (J. G.) Travels through Germany, Hungary, Bohemia, Switzerland, Italy, 

and Lorrain, 4 vols. London, 1758, 8vo. 

Kirby (W. and W. Spence) Entomology, vol. 2, London, 1817, 8vo. 
| Appendix to ed. 1. of an Introduction to Entomology» 

London, 1816, 8vo. 

Lamouroux (J. V.) Essai sur les Genres de la Famille des Thalassiophytes non arti- 
culées. Paris, 1813, 4to. 

Leach (W. E.)Malacostraca Podopthalma Britanniæ, nos. 4—16. London,1815—17, 
4to. ; 

— Zoological Miscellany, vols. 2 and 3. London, 1815—17, 8vo. 

—— Observations on the Genus Ocythoé. London, 1817, 4t& 

l — A general Notice of the Animals taken by Mr. John Cranch during the 
Expedition to explore the Source cf the River Zaire. London, 1818, 4to. 

Linné (Car.) Systema Vegetabilium, ed. xiv., curante J. A. Murray. Gottinge, 
1784, 5vo. 

Martini (F. H. W. and J. H. Chemnitz) Neues. Poptenatiches pie fibus 
11 tom. Nurnberg, 1769—95, 4to. —  , de 

Meyer (G. F. W.) Primitiæ Flore RS ti Gongs; 1818, 4to. 

Millar’s (J.) Guide to Botany. Edinburgh, 1818, 8vo. 

Millin (A. L.) Mineralogie Homerique, 2de ed. Paris, 1816, 8vo. 

Mirbel (B.) Exposition et sue de ma Theorie de l'Organisation Vegetale. Ala 
Haye, 1808, 8vo. 

Mitchill (S. L. Edward Miller, M. D. and E. U. Smith's) Medical Repository, 
vol. 1—15. New York, 1804—12, 8vo. 

Morrison's (R.) Dictionary of the Chinese Language, vol. 1, Ma l and 2. Ma- 
eao, 1815—16, 4to. 

Dialogues and detached Sentences in the Chinese Lond with a 
free and verbal Translation in English. Macao, 1816, 8vo, 

Nicholl (W.) Tentamen Nosologicum. London, 8vo. 

876, Ni- 

592 Catalogue of the Library of the Linnean Society. 

$76. Nicholl (W.) Outline of the History of the Human CEconomy. London, 8vo. 

877. — ———— Sketch of the Œconomy of Man. Ludlow, 1819, 8vo. 

878. Paris (J. A.) Memoir of the Life of the late Rev. William Gregor, A.M. London, 
1818, 8vo. z 

879. Parkes’s (S.) Chemical Essays, 5 vols. London, 1815, 12mo. 

880. Rafinesque (C. S.) Circular Address on Botany and Zoology. Philadelphia, 1816, 

; 12mo. RS 

881. Reichenbach (H. T. L.) Monographia Pselaphorum. Lipsiæ, 8vo. 

882. Rigby (E.) Holkham, its Agriculture, &c., 2d ed. Norwich, 1817, 8vo. 

883. 3d ed. Norwich, 1818, 8vo. 

884. Rootsey's (S.) General Dispensatory. Bristol, 1815, 12mo. 

885. — ——— — Syllabus of a Course of Botanical Lectures. Bristol, 1818, 18mo. 

886. Ross's (J.) Explanation of Captain Sabine's Remarks on the late Voyage of. Disco- 
very to Baffin's Bay. London, 1819, 8vo. 

346. Roxburgh (W.) Plants of Coromandel, vol. 3, no. 2. London, fol. 

887. Sabine’s (E.) Remarks on the Account of the late Voyage of Discovery to Daffin's 
Bay published by Captain John Ross. London, 1819, 8vo. 

888. Saint Hilaire (A. de) Mémoire sur les Plantes aumqueligs on attribue un Placenta Cen- 

_ tral Libre. Paris, 1816, 4to. 

889. Samouelle’s (G.) Entomologist’s useful Compendium, London, 1819, Byo, 

890. Savi (C.) Botanicon Etruscum, 2 vol. Pisis, 1808—15, 8vo. 

891. -Æ Observationes in varias Trifoliorum Species. Florentie, 1810, 8vo. 

892. Savigny (J. C.) Mémoires sur les Animaux sans Vertebres, 1 et 2 part. Paris, 1816, 

892. Schroter (J. S.) Deities über alle 10 bande des Systematischen Conchylien-Cabinets, 
Nurnberg, 1788, 4to, — — 

893. Schwaegrichen (F.) Historize Muscorum Hermes Prodromus. Lipsiæ, 1814, 8vo. 

511. Shaw (G.) General Zoology ; continued by J. F. Stephens, vol. 9 and 10. London, 
1815—17, 8vo. | 

894. Sinclair (G.) Hortus Gramineus Woburnensis. London, 1816, fol. 

895. Smith (H.) Flora Sarisburiensis, or Repository of English Botany, nos. 1—5. Sa- 
lisbury, 1817, 8vo. 

896. Smith (J. E.) Compendium Flore Britannicæ. Londini, 1816, 12mo. 

897. Smith's (J. E.) Considerations respecting Cambridge, &e. London, 1818, 8vo. 

898. Defence of the Church and Universities of England. London, 1819, 
899. - Review of the Modern State of Botany. Edinburgh, 4to. 
568. Sowerby’s (J.) British Mineralogy, nos. 66—84. London, 1811—17, 8vo. 
- T8 Mineral Conchology of Great Britain, no. 18. London, 1815, 8vo. 
780. Exotic Mineralogy, nos, 14—26. London, 1817—19, 8vo. 

900. Spafford’s 

Catalogue of the Library of the Linnean Society. 593 

900. Spafford's (H. G.) Gazetteer of the State of New York. Albany, 1813, 8vo. 

901. Spurzheim's (J. G.) Examination of the Objections made in Britain against the Doc- 
trines of Gall and Spurzheim. Edinburgh, 1817, 8vo. 

902. Stackhouse (J.) Nereis Britannica, ed. alt. Oxonii, 1816, 4to. 

903. De Sternberg (C. Comes) Revisio Saxifragarum Iconibus illustrata. Ratisbone, 1810, 
fol. ; 

904. Abhandlung über die Palanzenkunde in Bohmen, 2 vols. 
Prag. 1817—18, 8vo. 

905. Temminck (C. J.) Manuel d'Ornithologie, ou. u Tableau — des Oiseaux qui 
se trouvent en Europe. Amsterdam, 1815, 8vo. 

908. Thiebaut de Berneaud (A.) Eloge Historique de Ch. Sig. Sonnini de Manoncourt. 

= Paris, 1812, 8vo. : 

907. Mémoire sur la Culture des Dahlies. Paris, 1812, 8vo. 
908. —-- Mémoire sur le Cactus Opuntia. Paris, 1818, 8vo. 
909. Coup d’ Œil Historique, Agricole; Botanique et Pittoresque 

sur le Monte Circello. Paris, 1814, 8vo. © 

791. Thomson’s (T.) Annals of Philosophy, vols, 6—13. London, 1815—19, 8vo. 

910. - --— System of Chemistry, 5th ed. 4 vols. London, 1817, 8vo. 

911. Viviani (D.) Florz Italicæ Fragmenta, fasc, 1. Genus, 1808, 4to. 

912. — --— Phosphorescentia Maris. Genuz, 1805, 4to. 

913. Walckenaer (C. A.) Mémoires pour servir à l'Histoire Naturelle e Abeille eed 
qui composent le Genre Halicte. Paris, 1817, 8vo. ts 

914. Walford's (T.) Scientific Tourist through England, Wales and Scotland, 3 vols. Lon- 
don, 1818, 12mo. 

915. Williams’s (S.) Natural and Civil History of Vermont, 2d ed., 2 vols. Burlington, Vt. 
1809, 8vo. 

916. Wilson’s (A.) American Ornithology 9 vols. Philadelphia, poate de foh. 

917. Wood (W.) Index 'P ologicus. London,1818, 8v. |^. ^  .- 

598. Asiatick Researches, vol. 12. Calcutta, 1816, 4to. " | 

‘918. Denkschriften der Königlich- Baierischen Botanischen Gesellschaft i in Regensburg, 
1et 2 Abth. Regensburg, 1815—18, 4to. 

919. Kongl. Svenska Vetenskaps Academiens Nya Tn EM, tom. 33, for 1812, Stock- 

holm, 1812, 8vo. 
Kong]. Vetenskaps Academiens Handlingar for 1813—17. Stockholm, 1813—17, 



920. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, nos. 1—8 and no, 14. 

921. Medical Transaction, published by the College of Physicians in London, 5 vols. 
London, 1785—1815, 8vo. 
664, Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, vol, 2, part 2.—vol. 4, 

part 1. Charlestown and Cambridge, 1804— 1818, 4to. 
922, Me- 

594 Catalogue of the Library of the Linnean Society. 

922. Memoirs of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, vol. 1, part 1. New 
Haven, 1810, 8vo. 

802. Mémoires du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle par les Professeurs de cet Etablissement, 
tom. 2—4. . Paris, 1815—17, 4to. 

803. Memoirs of the Wernerian Natural History Society, vol. 2, parts 1 and 2. Edin- 
burgh, 1814—1818, 8vo. 

438. Philosophical Transactions for 1815—18. London, 4to. 

585. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, new Series, vol. 1. Philadel- 
phia, 1818, 4to. ' 

439. Transactions of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Com- 
merce, vols. 33—36. London, 1815—18, 8vo. 

527. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. 7, part 2. Edinburgh, 4to. 

804. Transactions of the Geological Society, vols. 3 and 4. London, 1816—17, 4to. 

923. Transactions of the Royal Geological Society of Cornwall, vol. 1. London, 1818, 8vo. 

665. Transactions of the Horticultural Society of London, vol. 1, part 3—vol. 3, part 2. 

London, 1809—19, 4to. 

584. Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, vol, 13. Dublin, 1818, 4to. 

924. Pharmacopoeia Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londinensis. Londini, 1809, 4to. 

925. The American Medical and Phijegiic Register 2d ed., 4 vols. New York, 1814, 

926. Analyse des Travaux de ls Société Royale Veient de nen Second Rap- 
port. Copenhague, 1815, 4to. 

927. Exposition publique de la Société Royale d'Agriculture et de Botanique de la Ville de 
Gand, Fevrier, 1818. Gand, 1818, 8vo. 

928. Report of a Committee of the Linnean Society of New England relative to a large 
marine Animal supposed to be a Serpent. Boston, 1817, 8vo. 

929. Hortus Bengalensis. Serampore, I812,9vo.— 

930. Index Botanicus, sistens omnes Fungorum Species ir in D. C. H. Persoonii Synopsi Me- 
thodica Fungorum enumeratas. London, 1819, 8vo. 

931. Travels in Louisiana and the Floridas in the Year 1802; translated from the French 
with Notes by John Davis. New York, 1806, 8vo. 





With References to the Numbers affixed in the foregoing Catalogue 
to the Books presented by them Fekpéctively. 

T HE Royal Society of London, 438: 
The Royal Society of Edinburgh, 527. 
The Royal Irish Academy, 584. 
The Royal Academy of Sciences of Stockholm, 919. 
The Asiatick Society, 528. 
The Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, 439. 
The Geological Society of Ladok 804. .— 
The Royal Geological Society of Cornwall, 923. 
The Horticultural Society of London, 665. 
The Wernerian Natural History Society, 803. 
The Honourable Court of Directors of the East India Company, 346, 873, 874. 
The American Philosophical Society of Philadelphia, 585. 
The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 920. 
The Linnean Society of New England, 928. 
The Royal College of Physicians, 850, 921, 924. 
The Royal Society of Agriculture and Botany of Ghent, 927. 
Erik Acharius, M.D. F.M.L.S. 811. 
Arthur Aikin, Esq. F.L.S. 812. 
William P. C. Barton, M.D. 813, 814, 815. 
Theodric T. R. Beck, M.D. 817. 
Sig. Anton. Bivona Bernardi, 671, 818. 
VOL. XII. 4H Jacob 

596 Donors to the Library of the Linnean Society. 

Jacob Bigelow, M.D. F.L.S. 819. 

Mons. Henri de Blainville, 820. 

Mons. Aimé Bonpland, 723. 

Felix de Avellar Brotero, M.D. F.M.L.S. 821. 

Robert Brown, Esq. Libr. L.S. 822, 

Thomas Brown, Esq. F.L.S. 823. : 

Mr. William Bullock, F.L.S. 824, 905. 

Rev. Edward John Burrow, F.L.S. 825. 

George Man Burrows, M.D. F.L.S. 826. 

W. R. Clanny, M.D. 827. 

His Excellency De Witt Clinton, LL.D. F.M.L.S. 828. 

Gotthelf Fischer, M.D. 830—835. 

Edward Forster, Esq. Tr. L.S. 849. 

Edward Forster jun. Esq. 836. 

Thomas Forster, M.B. F.L.S. 837—841, 901. 

Thomas Furly Forster, Esq. F.L.S. 842. 

John William Francis, M.D. 816, 843, 844, 931. 

Mr. George Graves, F.L.S. 853. 

Sir Justly Watson Green, Bart. F.L.S. 862, 866, 871. 

George Bellas Greenough, Esq. F.L.S. 848. 

Adrian Hardy Haworth, Esq. F.L.S. 851. 

Benjamin Heyne, M.D. F.L.S. 852. 

David Hosack, M.D. F.L.S. 854, 855, » 922, I 

Mons. Francois Huber, 856. — — 

James Rawlins Johnson, M.D. F.L.S. 857. 

Mons. A. M. de Jonnes, 858—860. 

Rev. Patrick Keith, F.L.S. 861. 

Rev. William Kirby, F.L.S. and William Spence, Esq. F.L.S. 749. 

Mons. J. V. Lamouroux, 863. : 

William Elford Leach, M.D. F.L.S. 752, 753, 864, 865. 

G. F. W. Meyer, Ph.D. 868. | 

James Millar, M.D. 869. 

Mons. A. L. Millin, F. M.L.S. 870. 

Samuel Latham Mitchill, M.D. and E. H. Smith, M.D. 872. : : 

Donors to the Library of thè Linnean Society. 

Whitlock Nicholl, M.D. F.L.S. 875—877. 
George Henry Noehden, LL.D. F.L.S. 893. 
Mr. George Ord, 916. 
John Ayrton Paris, M.D. F.L.S. 878. 
William Dandrige Peck, Esq. 664. 

Mr. Samuel Parkes, F.L.S. 879. 

Mr. C. S. Rafinesque, 880. 

H. F. L. Reichenbach, 881. y 
Edward Rigby, M.D. F.L.S. 882, 883. 
Mr. Samuel Rootsey, F.L.S. 884, 885, 929. 
- Captain John Ross, R.N. 886. 

Captain Edward Sabine, F.L.S. 887. 

Mons. Auguste de Saint Hilaire, 888. 

Mr. George Samouelle, A.L.S. 889. 

Sig. Cajetani Savi, 890, 891. 

Mons. Jules-Cesar Savigny, 892. 

John Sims, M.D. F.L.S. 845, 847. 

Mr. Hamilton Smith, A. L.S. 915. 

The late Henry Smith, M.D. F.L.S. 895. 
Sir James Edward Smith, M.D. P.L.S. 846, 896—899. 
Mr. James Sowerby, F.L.S. 568, 780, 781. 
Mr. Horatio Gates Spafford, 900. : 
John Stackhouse, Esq. F.L.S. 902. 

James Francis Stephens, Esq. F.L.S. 511. 

| Caspar Count-Sternberg, 903, 904, 918. 
Mons. A. Thiebaut de Berneaud, 906—909. 
Thomas Thomson, M.D. F.L.S. 791. 
William Vaughan, Esq. 829. 

Sig. D. Viviani, 911, 912. 

Mons. C. A. Walckenaer, 913. — 

Thomas Walford, Esq. F.L.S. 914. 

Mr. William Wood, F.L.S. 917. 




; {, 598.) 





Exclusive of Presents of single Specimens of Animals, Plants, 
and Minerals. 

Continued from Page 430 of Vol. XI. of the Society's Transactions. 


À COLLECTION of Specimens of Plants from ? John Vaughan Thompson, Esq. F, L.S. 

Maulsgüseat. aeS cREE xo 
Specimens of Ferns from the Island of Pier Edward Hasell, Esq. F.L.S. 
The Herbarium of the late Professor Murray of 

Gottingen; and an extensive Collection of jee George Hibbert, e F.L.S. 

Plants from the Cape of Good Hope .... 
Specimens of the Species described in the Donor's 

Paper on British Roses, published in the pre- dem 

sent volume of the Society's Transactions, 
Specimens of the Species of Juncus and Luzula 

described in the Donor's Paper on the dc 
nus Juncus of Linnæus, published in the 
present volume of the Society’s Transactions 


J sce Woods, Esq. F.L.S. 

James Ebenezer Bicheno, Esq. F.L.S. 

Specimens of the Coal Fossils found in the neigh- 
bourhood of Camerton, near Bath...... 

Specimens of six Speciesof Birdsfrom New South 
Wales, not before in the Society's Collection 

he ey eiiis: Rector of Camer- 
11 Specimens of Birds from New South Wales, ? 

Sir Everard Home, Bart. F.L.S. 

Alexander Mac Lea Sec. L.S. 
not before in the Society's Collection .... š 3 z es 

68 Specimens of Birds collected by the Donor on 
the South, East, and North Coasts of New 
Holland; the greater part not before in the 
Sicer: RE iaa 

A Portrait of Linnæus .,,,,,..,...,.,...,., Joseph Sabine, Esq. F.L.S. 

A Medallion of Linnæus, in alabaster ........ The Medical Society of Stockholm. 

A Model of Proteus Anguinus, .,,,,,,..,,... Professor Schreibers of Vienna. 

Robert Brown; Libr. L.S. 




TAB. 1. Tantalus Ephouskyca ing to face page 
2. Glyphis labyrinthica, &c. - - - - - - 
x favulosa, &c. < - - - - : 
4. Araujia sericofera — - PNIS - - : À 
5. ` 5 s à X * 
6. Passiflora racemosa - > - - - < 
7. Leontice thalictroides - - - - - - 
8. Tofieldia stenopetala & glutinosa - < - - 
9. Seeds of Luzulæ - - - z : ‘ 

10. Mitra zonata & Cyclostrema cancellata - - - 
11. Terebella gigantea - - : E ‘ š 
12. -- cirrhata & nebulosa E - - - 
13. -- constrictor & venustula - - - - 
14. Sabia lanceolata " = - - e ie : 
15. Strychnos axillaris - - . i ë ‘ 
15.* Dischidia bengalensis - - à : : : 
16. Tylophora exilis - - - " . . 
17. Macrolobium bijugum  - - Es : 
18. Pygeum acuminatum - - - - “ o 
19. Lycopodium denticulatum - - - . : 
20. Rhizomorpha medullaris - rc $ . 
21. Pelicium cyanipes, Anelastes Drurii, &c. - — . à 
29, Eurynotus muricatus, Adelium calosomoides, &c. - 
23. Buprestis cruentata, D. phæorhea, &c. esl» > 
24. Chætodon monodactylus e i. ; 
25. Perca antarctica } 2 : n Í 

26. Callionymus diacanthus : 

359 : 


Directions for placing the Plates of the Twelfth Volume. 

"TAB. 27. Labrus ornatus nann - E to face page 502 

28. Fossil Terebratule - ° - - . - 516 

29. Larus Sabini - - - - à - - 522 

30. Tracheæ of Anas spectabilis, mollissima and glacialis - 554 
ome n a n 

The Binder is requested to observe, that as a general Title-page and a Table 
of Contents for the whole Volume are now given, the Title-pages to the sepa- 
rate Parts, and the Table of Contents for Part I., arẹ to be cancelled, 





Page 294, line 17, (and throughout Mr. Bicheno's Paper on Juncus,) 
for Coruncula read Caruncula. 

and for Coruncule read Caruncule, 

315, line 9, for Wahlenburg read Wahlenberg, . 

357, after line 8, insert Tab. XP * 

$99, line 10, for brevibus read levibus, 

415, line 16, for subcinerea read subcinereus,. 
and for obscura read obscurus. 

499, line 1, dele Pl. XXII. fig. 8. 

—- after line 20, insert Pl. XXII. fig. 8. 

537, line 1, for Groelandica read Groenlandica. 


Tab. 9, for Perisperm read Caruncule, 
21, fig. 8, letter A wanting, to point out terms. 
23, fiz. 13, letters a, b wanting, to indicate front and antenna. .