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SRE Bee 

Part 1 

Marcu 31, 1920 

Viburnum dilatatum 
Diplotaxis tenuifolia . 

Pieris floribunda . 

Rosa ‘“‘ Dr. Van Fleet” 
Amygdalus Davidiana . 
Vernonia crinita : 
Platycodon sfendiilorase ; 
Benzoin aestivale 

Part 2 
June 30, 1920 

Cephalanthus occidentalis 
Corylopsis spicata 

Adlumia fungosa 
Aphelandra nitens 

Corylus rostrata 
Dracocephalum specioeiasr : 
Hydrangea quercifolia 
Jeffersonia diphylla . 

Part 3 

SEPTEMBER 30, 1920 

Crataegus Phaenopyrum . 
Viburnum Sieboldii . 
Stephanandra Tanakae 
Monarda media : 
Clethra barbinervis 
Solidago rugosa . 
ieee plumbaginoides, 
ossularia curvata . 

Part 4 
June 18, 1921 

185 Rosa “‘Edith Cavell” . 
186 Rudbeckia laciniata . 
187 Penstemon secundiflorus 
188 Pinus Thunbergii 
' 189 Physalis Franchetii. 
190 Pterostyrax hispida . . 
191 Koelreuteria paniculata 
192 Epiphyllum Hookeri . 

Index . 

Taxonomic Sates to Volumes 1 to 5. 

Alphabetic Index to Volumes 1 to 5 

The numerals refer to the volume-number. 
John Hendley Barnhart . 
Eugene Pintard Bicknell . 
Kenneth Rowland Boynton . 
Elizabeth Gertrude Britton 
Nathaniel Lord Britton . 
Henry Allan Gleason . 
Charles Arthur Hollick . 
Kenneth Kent Mackenzie. . 
Charles Frederick eae 
George Valentine Nash . 
Francis Whittier Pennell 
Joseph Nelson Rose 
Henry Hurd Rusby . 
John Kunkel Small 
Arlow Burdette Stout 
William Trelease . 
Elba Emanuel Waited. 
Percy Wilson . 



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PLATE 161 

ME Eaton. 



(Plate 161) 
Thunberg’s Viburnum 
Native of China and Japan 

Viburnum dilatatum Thunb, Fl. Jap. 124. 1784. 

This is one of the most attractive viburnums of Japan, a country 
- rich in members of this genus. Its flowers, which appear about the 
middle of June in the latitude of New York city, clothe it with a 
mantle of white, and in the early fall the fruit, which is borne in 
great profusion and lasts well through the winter, makes of the 
bush a mass of rich scarlet; the leaves also take on a rich fall color- 
ation, so that this plant is an object of great beauty for many 
months of the year. It is of easy culture, thriving in almost any 
soil of ordinary fertility. Longevity is added to its other desirable 
qualities, as is indicated by the fact that the plant in the New York 
Botanical Garden from which the illustration was prepared was 
secured in 1895 from the Arnold Arboretum. V2burnum dilatatum 
was introduced into England about 1875 by the Messrs. Veitch, 
and has since then become widely spread in cultivation. 

A general discussion of the genus Viburnum, including methods 
of propagation, will be found in volume 4 of this periodical, at 
page 55. To the information there presented it may be added 
that in the northeastern parts of North America there are fourteen 
species native, and three others in the southeastern United States, 
making a total of seventeen species for eastern North America. 
But it is in eastern Asia that the genus finds its greatest repre- 
sentation, about sixty-five species being known from that region. 

Thunberg’s viburnum in habit is an upright shrub up to ten feet 
tall, bearing its white flowers and scarlet fruit in broad flat-topped 
clusters. he branches of the year are clothed with a rather long 
dense pubescence, the older branches finally becoming glabrous. 
The leaves are opposite, each on a densely pubescent stalk com- 
monly less than a half inch long. The outline of the blades is 
oval, broadly ovate or obovate, or adiicaier or nearly so, the apex 
being abruptly pointed and the base rounded; they are densely 
pubescent on both surfaces, especially the lower, in age the pubes- 
cence becoming sparser; they measure commonly up to three 


inches long, occasionally more, and have the margin, except at 
the very base, coarsely toothed, the ultimate veins excurrent as 
short points on the teeth he flowers are in broad flat cymes up 
to six inches across, the stalk and branches densely hirsute. The 
corollas are about a quarter of an inch broad, pubescent externally, 
and are on short hirsute pedicels. The fruit is scarlet 

GEorGcE V. Nasu. 

XPLANATION OF PLATE. Fig. 1.—Flowering branch. Fig. 2,—Fruiting 
branch. Fig. 3—Autumn leaf. 



(Plate 162) 

Native of Europe 
Family BRASSICACEAE MustTarp Family 

Sisymbrium tenuifolium 1,. Cent. Pl. 1: ome $753; 
Diplotaxis tenuifolia DC. Syst. 2: 63. 182 

In 1916, plants of a = eee character were grown at the 
New York Botanical Garden from seed received from the Zurich 
botanical garden, and they proved to be Diplotaxis tenuifolia. The 
pale green foliage and light yellow flowers made a rather pleasing 
combination of color, and the fragrance of the blooms was not 
unpleasant. The branching and floriferous habit suggested pos- 
sible value as a flower garden subject, and the following year plants 
were raised from collected seed and placed in the flower borders 
near Conservatory Range 1. From these plants our illustration 
was taken. 

The wall-rocket has inclined to spread over more than its allotted 
share of ground, and to become weedy in habit, but it has a long 
blooming season, and a plentiful supply of small flowers, giving, 
with the gray-green leaves, the same general color effect as the 
yellow alyssum, Alyssum saxatile compactum. It must be kept 
within bounds, especially by discarding seedlings which spring up 
within several yards of the old plants. The plant may readily be 
propagated by seeds. 

The wall-rocket, so called because it is found so often on old 
walls in England, with other related species, is the Sisymbrium 
tenuifolinm of older botanies, described by Linnaeus in 1755, but 
later separated into the genus Diplotaxis, of which tenuzfolia is the 
type species. It differs from Sisymbrium in having a flattened 
pod, and in the arrangement of the cotyledons in the seed; and 
from Brassica in having the seeds in two rows in each half of the 
pod. In this country it is adventive from Europe, occurring near 
the sea-coast in the northeastern States and California. 

The wall-rocket is an annual or biennial herb, one to two feet 
high, bushy and branching, with smooth somewhat glaucous 
stems. The leaves are slightly glaucous, gray-green in color, 
pinnatifid, the lobes sinuately toothed, the lower ones three to four 
inches long, alternate, and sessile, the upper smaller and more 



EXPLANATION OF PLaTE. Fig. 1.—Portion of stem and leaves. Fig. 2.— 
Inflorescence. Fig. 3.—Stamens and pistil, X2. Fig. 4,—Pod. 




(Plate 163) 

Mountain Fetter-bush 
Native of the southern Alleghanies 
Family ERICACEAE Heat Family 

Andromeda floribunda Pursh; Sims, Bot. Mag. 38: under pl. 1566. 1813. 
Portuna floribunda Nutt. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 8: 268. 1843. 
Pieris floribunda Benth. & Hook. Gen. Pl. 2: 588. 1876, 

That the flora of our southern Alleghanies should have a goodly 
number of rather locally distributed genera in common with Japan 
and China is interesting. Naturally, the species in these two widely 
separated regions are not identical, although they often parallel 
each other in a striking manner. The subject of the accompanying 
illustration is a plant that stands alone in our flora, but it has 
several relatives in eastern Asia. The heath family, to which it 
belongs, furnishes several other conspicuous examples. 

This fetter-bush is one of those clear-cut species whose characters 
have become so fixed that they show scarcely any variation from 
generation to generation. In fact, the characters are so constant 
that the specimens from all parts of the geographic range look as 
if they might have been gathered from the same shrub. 

The mountains ranging from Virginia to Georgia have developed 
and delivered many plants of the heath family. Most of them 
have at one time or another been introduced into cultivation, both 
in Europe and in America. ‘The present shrub was discovered in 
the first decade of the last century in the mountains of Georgia, by 
John Lyon who was also responsible for the discovery and subse- 
quent introduction of many American plants into Europe. Speci- 
mens were first grown in England in 1811. The plants bloomed, 
and an illustration was published in 1813; it was again illustrated 
in 1824 (Botanical Register, plate 807). 

A mountain-slope clothed with this shrub, when in bloom, is a 
sight never to be forgotten. It is the more conspicuous because of 
its early flowering season—April and May—for there are fewer 
plants then blooming which would detract attention from it. 
Being evergreen it is always a prominent object, with the inflores- 
cetice conspicuous as well as the foliage. The flower-buds are 
formed about ten months before the flowers expand; the fruits 
form quickly after flowering and persist until well into the winter. 


All things considered this fetter-bush is worthy of wide cultiva- 
tion. It grows rapidly and is hardy far north of ‘ts natural geo- 
graphic range. 

A writer of the southern mountains, struck by the beauty of 
the subject of these notes, wrote of it in the following verses: 

Down, where the valley’s brooklet gushes, ; 
Sweet Rose, bewitches with her blushes 
In June all comers; 

Fair Lily, too, so tall and slender. 

Hath wooers who shall homage render 
Through sunlit summers. 

But not your gayest garden flowers 

Can match with those I find above 

On the high summits that I love, 

Buds nursed to life by mountain showers. 
‘There on the lofty heights that loom 
Above the blue world far below you, 
Pieris fair shall proudly show you 

The wonder of her snows in bloom 

Finer than all your heath and heather, 

A thousand milk white bells together. 

The mountain low fetter-bush is an evergreen shrub, usually 
much branched, with the branches erect or strongly ascending. 
The branchlets and particularly the twigs are clothed with two 
kinds of hairs, one kind numerous, minute, and crisped, the other 
fewer, long, coarse, and appressed. The blades of the short- 
petioled leaves are thin-leathery, elliptic to ee ee 
mostly one to two and a half inches long, acute or short-acuminate 
at apex, serrulate and bristly-ciliate with a hed a bale ar. 
minating each tooth, and obtuse, rounded, or sibosraaes at the 

se. The surfaces sa finely reticulate, somewhat shining, deep- 
green, and sparingly pubescent above, except the copiously fine- 


. The pan i 
short leafy branch. The nodding buds are negro five- aes: 
a for the oe year shortly after anthesis. The numerous, 
owded flowers are nodding, each terminating a short curved 

long but more than twice as long as the calyx, much swollen at the 
base, god sig at the throat, with the five lobes somewhat spread- 
ing. ve stamens are included in the corolla, the anthers 
appenda: oad The subglobose Capeites 2 are less than a quarter of 
an inch long, brown. 
Joun K. SMALL. 

EXPLANATION OF PLATE. Fig. 1.—Flowering branch, Fig. 2.—Portion of 
corolla, X4. Fig. 3—Stamen, side view, X4. Fig. 4.—Stamen, front view, 
x4. Fig. 5.—Fruit. Fig. 6—Dehiscent capsule. 

PLATE 164 

4 E.Eqlin. 



(Plate 164) 

“Dr. Van Fleet” Rose 
Garden Hybrid 
Family ROSACEAE Rose Family 

Among the climbing roses there is none other which can fill the 
place of this, for it is in a class by itself. A vigorous grower, with 
lustrous beautiful foliage and delightful blossoms, it is admired by 
all. A companion to ‘‘Silver Moon,” illustrated at plate 71 of 
this work, it resembles it in habit and foliage, but there the resem- 
blance ends. ‘The flowers in that are white or nearly so, and are 
nearly single, in fact ‘Silver Moon” is the nearest approach we 
have in hardy roses to that prime favorite of the south, the Cherokee 
rose. In ‘Dr. Van Fleet” the color is a delicate flesh pink, deeper 
in the bud, and the expanded flowers are sometime three or four 
inches across; being borne on long stems they are valuable for cut 

In response to an inquiry Dr. Van Fleet, to whom we are indebted 
for this beautiful addition to our rose gardens, writes that it was 
grown in 1907 from seed produced by pollinating with ‘Souvenir 
du President Carnot” a hybrid between Rosa Wichuratana and 
Rosa Safrano. He adds that it bloomed the second year from seed, 
and that he grew it under the provisional name of “ Daybreak,” 
but that the introducers (Henderson & Co.) preferred to offer it 
under its present name. Although the rose bears the name of its 
producer, Dr. Van Fleet was not responsible for its application. 

This rose was shown at an exhibition of the Horticultural Society 
of New York held in the Museum building of the New York Bo- 
tanical Garden in 1908. It was with the permission of the ex- 
hibitor that the material shown was used for propagating purposes, 
and it is from this source that the plants in the New York Botanical 
Garden were secured; from one of these the illustration was pre- 

It will grow in any ordinary garden soil, of course’in a sunny 
position and free from the environment of other vegetation. While 
primarily a climber, it can be grown also as a bush plant, but this of 
course requires more vigorous pruning. 

The “Dr. Van Fleet” rose is a climber of vigorous habit, the 
stems attaining a length of fifteen feet or more, with firm shining 


foliage, and delicate flesh-pink flowers. The branchlets are spar- 
ingly armed with flattened, somewhat curved spines. The alternate 
compound leaves are dark green and shining above and paler be- 
neath, 5 sparsely giandular-pubescent rachis being sparingl 
arm h small spines; the stipules are about a half inch long, 
adnate es un rachis, with gland-tipped hairs on the margin, the 
free portion subulate. ‘The thick firm leaflets, usually five and 
rather distant, are ereuy oval or obovate, and usually an inch 
to an inch and a half long and an inch or a little more in width, 
with an acute or abruptly pointed apex and a rounded base; the 
margin, except usually at the base, is very coarsely toothed, the 
—— pointed. ‘The double flowers are solitary, or in clusters of 
o to four, rarely more, the stalks with a few gland-tipped hairs; 
the Sees are at first somewhat pointed, finally expanding and spread- 
ing into a flower sometimes three or four inches across 


ne Falter 



(Plate 165) 

David’s Peach 
Native of China 

Persica Davidiana Carr. Rev. Hort. 44:74. 1872. 
Prunus Davidiana Franch. Nouv. Arch. Mus. Paris II. 5: 255. 1882. 
Amysdalus Davidiana Nash. 

Of all the known peaches this is the earliest to flower, its pre- 
cocity in this respect frequently leading to its undoing, for the 
flower-buds are often killed by frost. Usually early in April, in 
the latitude of New York city, three to four weeks in advance of the 
common peach, this charming tree, of slender habit and willow-like, 
puts forth its single flowers of a blush or light pink; there is also a 
variety with pure white flowers. If the frost does not destroy the 
buds, its flowers are a welcome sight, for it is one of the harbingers 
of spring among our cultivated woody plants, in this respect vieing 
with some of our native shrubs and trees, such as the spice-bush, 
alder, and red maple. In hardiness it is the equal of the common 
peach, and can be grown where that survives and in similar soil 
and environment. It is a worthy addition to any collection of 
woody plants, and should be more generally grown. The plant 
from which the accompanying illustration was prepared was 
received from the Bureau of Plant Industry, Washington, D. C 
in 1909, and is now in the deciduous arboretum of the New York 
Botanical Garden. 

Amygdalus ‘Davidiana was discovered about 1867 by the Abbé 
David in the neighborhood of Pekin, and by him subsequently 
introduced into the gardens of England. As a fruit tree it has no 
value, the fruit being thin-fleshed and of no economic importance. 
It is said that in China it is used as a grafting stock for many of 
the stone-fruits, and it may sometime prove of value in this country 
for the same purpose. 

The genus Amygdalus is found in eastern Europe and Asia. 
There are about eight species in common cultivation, including the 
common peach and almond. Amygdalus triloba, of China, is of 
frequent occurrence in cultivation in its double-flowered form, 
under the name of the flowering plum; in full bloom it is one of 
the most charming and decorative of our garden shrubs. It, 


however, like all its relatives, is subject to the attacks of borers, 
and it requires eternal vigilance to keep it free from these pests. 
They usually attack the base of the plant, and inspection just 
above and below the soil is necessary to detect this enemy. ‘Their 
presence is usually indicated by the borings, and the best remedy 
is to cut out the offenders at once and exterminate them; if not 
removed they will soon girdle the plant, and its eventual death is 
certain. There are several double-flowered forms of the ordinary 
peach in cultivation, some with white and others with pink, rose 
or red flowers. 

David’s peach is a small tree of slender habit, rarely over ten or 
twelve feet tall, with blush or light pink, rarely white flowers, 

commonly an inch or less long; the blades are lanceolate, elliptic, or 
elliptic-lanceolate, up to five inches long and an inch and a half 
wide, with the apex acute or with a — slender point the margins 
are sharply serrate. The flowers have a diameter of about an 
inch, and are borne solitary or two or thie together, as in other 
peaches, on the ends of ascending spurs, or short branchlets; the 
glabrous sepals are elliptic-lanceolate, acute; the petals are obovate- 
— obtuse, blush or light pink, = “rarely white; the stamens 
are numerous, with glabrous filam The hairy fruit, which 
is sincnck He inch in diameter, is saat Spobalar and is grayish or 
yellowish, having a prominent suture; the small stone is nearly glob- 
ular, and is free from the dry whitish flesh. 

EXPLANATION OF PLaTE. Fig. 1—Flowering branch. Fig. 2.—Portion of 
stem and leaf, 


ME Calon 



(Plate 166) 

Great Ironweed 
Native of the Ozark Region of the United States 

Vernonia crinita Raf. New Fl. 4:77. 1838. 
Vernonia arkansana DC. Prodr. 7: 264. 1838. 
Cacalia arkansana Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 969. 1891. 

The great ironweed is one of a large group of species widely 
distributed over most of temperate and tropical America and the 
warmer parts of the Old World. Several others occur in the 
eastern United States, but the great ironweed is perhaps the largest 
species. It is at home in open woods and fields throughout the 
Ozark Mountain region from Missouri to Oklahoma, and thrives on 
dry, barren and stony soil, but reaches its largest size in more 
favorable situations. The plant is a perennial, persisting from 
year to year, and throwing up each successive summer a larger 
number of stems from the base. The first of the showy red-purple 
flower-heads open in midsummer, but are somewhat concealed by 
the leaves. The later ones are more exposed, until by the end of 
August the plant is a showy feature in its native haunts or in the 
herbaceous border. After the fruit has matured and scattered, 
the leafless stems, topped with the straw-colored remnants of the 
flower-heads, persist through the winter and are by no means 
unattractive in this condition. 

None of the ironweeds has become popular in cultivation because 
of their large size and coarse texture, rendering them poorly adapted 
to the small garden. The wild plants usually grow in masses, 
lining the roadsides or sometimes covering acres of hillside, meadow, 
or open forest, and in such circumstances are very striking. The 
great ironweed is especially adapted to poor soil, and should be 
naturalized along walls and fences, in front of the shrub border at 
the edge of dry woods, and in open places and clearings in the 
forest. It is not injured by extreme cold in winter or by continued 
drought in summer, and once established will maintain itself 
without further attention and without danger of becoming a pest. 

The great ironweed is an erect, herbaceous plant, reaching a 
height of three to six feet or in unusually favorable conditions as 
much as ten feet. The stout, tough stem is unbranched below, 


but branches freely above the middle, and each branch terminates 
in a cluster of flower-heads. The stems and branches are normally 
quite smooth and rather closely beset with long, narrow, bright- 
green leaves, three to eight inches long by less than an inch wide. 
Each leaf tapers gradually at base and apex, is smooth or nearly 
so on both surfaces, and is either entire at the margin or wit 
small sharp scattered teeth. The flower-heads at the end of the 
stem and branches are grouped i into a loose, irregular, rounded or 
flattened cluster, which varies from a few inches to over a foot in 
width and contains as many as a hundred heads. Some of the 
heads are almost hidden among the leaves; others are on stout 
stalks one to three inches long. The central head blooms first and 
is followed by the central heads at the end of the branches and later 
y the marginal ones, so that the period of bloom lasts for many 
days. Each flower-head is enclosed while in bud by an involucre, or 
cluster of specialized leaves known individually as involucral 
scales. ese are very slender, spreading and curved, and as 
much as an inch long. As the head comes into bloom, these 
scales spread somewhat and from the center of the involucre RDECee 
the Se Be red-purple florets. ‘There are from fifty to nearly a 

hun f these in each head, and, as in most members of this family 
of plants, the conspicuousness of the flower-heads depends more 
upon the n he florets than upon the e s 

fruit ripens, the involucre spreads widely, finally exposing the 
cluster of slender seedlike fruits, one from each floret, Sats a fourth 

an inch long and surmounted by a tuft of dull-purple hairs, or 
pappiss by which the seeds are coaitered through the agency of 


EXPLANATION OF PiatE. Fig. 1—Flowering stem. Fig. 2——Flower, X2. 


iy E E ator. 



(Plate 167) 
Japanese Bellflower 
Native of eastern Asia 

Campanula grandiflora Jacq. Hort. Vindob. 3:4. 1775. 
Platycodon grandiflorum A.DC. Monog. Camp. 125. 1830. 

As early as the year 1775 a great Asiatic bellflower was grown in 
the botanic garden at Vienna, from seeds sent to Jacquin from 
Siberia. He described it as Campanula grandiflora. A few years 
later similar plants were introduced into England from Japan, 
and various forms, such as autumnalis, chinensis, and sinensis, 
were sent in from Korea, China, Japan, Manchuria, and Siberia. 
They are now considered to be forms of the same species. In 
1843 Fortune introduced into England a duplex-flowered form, 
which is the one most frequently figured in horticultural publica- 
tions. Maries collected a dwarf, large-flowered form for Veitch’s 
nursery, and this, known as variety Martes?, is now in cultivation. 
Some of the other forms are of horticultural origin, while others 
appear to be geographical varieties. The Japanese call Platycodon 
“kikio,”” The Chinese, according to Mr. E. H. Wilson, boil the 
roots and extract therefrom a medicine. 

Platycodon, now considered to be a monotypic genus, differs 
from Campanula in its broadly bell-shaped flowers, the dilation of 
the base of the stamens, and the opening of the capsule at the top 
instead of at the side. 

The Japanese bellflower and its varieties are among the most 
satisfactory of garden perennials. Bushy, hardy plants, blooming 
very freely in summer and early fall, they form when once estab- 
lished a permanent feature of the hardy garden. The flowers are 
large, blue or white according to the variety, of a firm texture, 
and strongly veined; especially interesting is the corolla before the 
five lobes separate to destroy the balloon-like bud. The plants 
from which our illustration was taken have been in the herbaceous 
borders at the New York Botanical Garden since 1913, and although 
originally supposed to be variety albiflorum, some are blue- and 
some white-flowered plants. 

The best method of propagation is by means of seeds sown in the 


greenhouse or hotbed. The seeds germinate very readily, and 
if sown too thickly the seedlings are liable to damp off from crowd- 
ing. Division of the crowns is not readily effected, as the root- 
system is cumbersome, fleshy, and brittle. 

The Japanese bellflower is a perennial herb with a fleshy, strong- 
crowned root-system, from which arise glaucous, purplish, brittle 
stems forming a bushy plant up to three feet in height. h 
lower leaves, arranged in whorls of usually three, are oblanceolate 
~ nearly cordate with saw-toothed margins, and are two inches 

ong and one inch wide, green above and glaucous-blue beneath. 
The alternate upper leaves are linear, acute, and in the inflorescence 

uch smaller and bract-like. The flowers are solitary and have: 
a turbinate, smooth, glaucous calyx with five acute, triangular 
lobes; a large inflated corolla with five triangular acute spreading 
lobes; five stamens, whose filaments are slender, pale above but 
dilated at the base into a broad, eee petaloid disk; linear 
anthers; and a five-celled ovary with a round style, and green, 
five-lobed stigma. The fruit is a Byespatoed capsule, opening at 
the top, and contains many seeds. 


EXPLANATION OF PLATE. Fig. 1.—Flowering stem. Fig. 2—Upper portion 
of ovary and style, X2. Fig. 3.—Capsule. 




(Plate 168) 

Native of northeastern United States and Ontario 

Laurus aestivalis I,. Sp. Pl. 370. 1753. 
Benzoin aestivale Nees, Syst. Laur. 405. 
Benzoin Benzoin Coulter, Mem. Torrey Oak - 164. 1894, 

In moist woods and thickets and along streams the spice-bush 
is at home. In such surroundings, late in March or early in April 
in the vicinity of New York city, this shrub will be found covered 
with bright yellow blossoms. ‘They come in advance of the foliage, 
and while not conspicuous as individuals, in their multitude they 
give a glimmer of gold to the landscape, and assume a prominence 
which would not be theirs did they come later, when foliage and 
flowers of more decorative mien would dwarf them by comparison. 
It is one of the harbingers of spring, and tells us of the near demise 
of winter; and anything which then gives us an uplift and a vision 
of flowers to come is welcome. Later come the leaves, which, like 
the bark, have a spicy fragrance (hence the derivation of the name), 
followed in August or September by the bright red fruit. The 
spice-bush is also known as spice-wood, Berjassa-pesh, fever-bush, 
and wild allspice. 

The natural habitat, a wet situation, will indicate the chief use- 
fulness of this plant in cultivation, although it will grow in much 
drier situations. It is very effective in low woodlands or along 
streams, and is of special adaptation to the water garden. A piece 
of low swamp land may be much beautified by the introduction of 
this shrub and its natural associates. One of these is a plant with 
striking foliage, its early leaves of a bright crisp green, with the 
feeling of spring in its color; this is the skunk cabbage, a plant 
despised on account of its name. This, however, does not destroy 
its usefulness and effectiveness as a decorative plant of bold foliage 
and habit. Another associate of the spice-bush in its wild state 
is the marsh marigold, Caltha palustris. ‘These three give beauty 
and brightness to a landscape, otherwise bleak and bare. The 
spice-bush is of frequent occurrence wild in the grounds of the New 
York Botanical Garden, and the accompanying illustration was 
prepared from such a plant. 


It is usually propagated by seeds which must be sown shortly 
after maturity, as they soon lose their vitality; propagation may 
also be effected by layers, which root best in a peaty soil; green- 
wood cuttings under glass may also be resorted to. 

The genus comprises about seven species, natives of eastern 
North America and Asia. One other species, the hairy spice-bush, 
Benzoin melissaefolium, grows in a similar habitat in the south- 
eastern United States, 

The spice-bush is a shrub, sometimes attaining a height of twenty 
feet, with the stems erect or ascending, and having the bark smooth 

and the twigs slender. The foliage appears after the flowers, = 
leaves having stalks usually a half inch long or less. The blad 
are oval or elliptic to obovate, as much as five inches long and half 
as wide, and have the under surface paler; they are acute or short- 
acuminate at the apex, more — some of them rounded, and the 
base is narrowed. The fragrant yellow flowers are dioecious or 
polygamous, and appear before the leaves in sessile clusters which 
have at the base a deciduous involucre of four scales. ‘The perianth, 
about an eighth of an inch in diameter, consists of six parts; in the 
staminate flowers there are three series with three stamens each, 
the filaments of the inner series being i lobed and ae at 
the base; in the pistillate flowers there are twelve to eighteen 

staminodia and a glabrous ovary with a style of about equal length. 
The red fruit, a drupe, is sometimes nearly a half inch long and 
perhaps a quarter inch wide. 


EXPLANATION OF PLATE, Fig. 1.—Branch with staminate flowers. Fig. 

2.—Staminate flower, <5. Fig. 3—Stamen of inner series, showing basal 
glands, X5. Fig. 4.—Stamen of outer series, X5. Fig. 5.—Branch with pistil- 
late flowers. Fig. 6.—Pistillate flower, x8, Fig. 7. =Staminodium, x8. 
Fig. 8.—Pistil, 8, Fig. 9.—Fruiting branch. 




(Plate 169) 
Native of North America 

Cephalanthus occidentalis I,. Sp. Pl. 95. 1753. 

With the single exception of the plant here described and illus- 
trated, all species of the madder family native in northern North 
America are herbaceous; in warm-temperate and tropical regions, 
however, this family is largely composed of shrubs and trees in 
many genera. ‘The button-bush inhabits wet grounds, preferring 
swamps, often growing in water more than a foot deep. It does 
not yield kindly to transplanting, except when young, and then 
only to situations similar to those in which it naturally exists. 
Its range extends from New Brunswick to southern Florida, west- 
ward to western Ontario, Wisconsin, Kansas, Arkansas, and New 

Vaillant knew the plant as early as 1722 and called it Platano- 
cephalus, with reference to the similarity of its flower-heads to those 
of the plane-tree. Plukenet, in his “ Almagestum Botanicum”’ of 
1691, illustrated and briefly described the plant, noting its common 
name as buttonwood. It was grown in England as early as 1735 
and in Holland by 1740. 

The similarity of the English names buttonball and buttonwood, 
applied to different plants resembling each other in their flower- 
heads, has led to some confusion; “‘ buttonwood,” used by Plukenet 
in 1691, has come to be generally applied to the American plane 
(Platanus occidentalis). Many other English names are used 
locally for Cephalanthus, among them honey-balls, globe-flower, 
pond-dogwood, pin-ball, swamp-wood, and river-bush. Our illus- 
tration was painted from a wild bush in the New York Botanical 

The bark has been used in medicine as a supposed febrifuge. 

The genus Cephalanthus, characterized by dense globose heads 
of small flowers, whence the name (Greek, head-flower), has the 
plant here described as its typical species; another (Cephalanthus 
Hanseni Wernham) occurs in Arizona, California, and northern 
Mexico; there are two or three other Mexican species, one Cuban, 


two Peruvian, and one in Paraguay and Argentina; two inhabit 
southeastern Asia and one is South African. 

The button-bush is a shrub from three to — feet high, rarely 
sige ea a tree up to twenty feet high (Jour. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 
54) with a trunk about six inches in diameter, a dark brown bark 
Sl es low ridges; the = are irregularly opposite or 
whorled, the twigs slender, and smooth or somewhat hairy. The 
leaves are thin, opposite or ehored: Seats to oval, entire-margined, 
smooth or somewhat hai iry, from three to six inches in length and 
from one inch to about two and one-half inches wide; they are 
pointed at the tip, narrowed or rounded at the base and have a 
stalk less than an inch long. The small white flowers, which 
na Pe in late spring in the south and in summer in the north, are 
born —_ e round stalked see about an inch in diameter, 

long, with four pointed lobes; the four short stamens are borne on 
the corolla-throat; the ovary is two-celled, with a single ovule in 
each cavity and is tipped by a neat style which projects 
much beyond the corolla; the stigma is small ded. The 
fruits are small, dry, hard, sepicaaidat containing one or two 
seeds with narrow cotyledons. 

N. L. BrIrron. 

EXPLANATION OF PLATE. Fig. 1.—Flowering branch. Fig. 2.—Flower, X 2. 
Fig. 3.—Fruit, X 2 




(Plate 170) 
Common Corylopsis 
Native of Japan 

Corylopsis spicata Sieb. & Zucc. Fl. Jap. 1:47. 1836. 

- Those who are not acquainted with plant families would hardly 
recognize in this interesting Japanese plant a close relative of one 
of the most familar plants of our own woodland, the common witch 
hazel, one of the few autumn-flowering shrubs. Not as in the witch 
hazel do its flowers appear in the fall, but at the opposite season of 
the year, the early spring. Late in April or early in May, in the 
latitude of New York city, its golden tassels of fragrant flowers 
appear, making of it an object of grace and beauty. The flowers 
are all the more conspicuous, as they appear before the leaves or 
just at the time of their unfolding. A shrub of small size, rarely 
attaining a height of over four feet, and an equal spread, it is well 
suited to limited quarters where larger shrubs cannot be attempted. 
It prefers a peaty or sandy soil, but will grow in ordinary ground 
not too heavy. As the flowers fade the attractive foliage develops, 
the broad leaves being firm in texture. The specimen from which 
the illustration was prepared has been in the fruticetum collection 
of the New York Botanical Garden since 1912. Other and larger 
specimens, obtained in 1899, are in the same collection, indicating 
that a long period of usefulness may be expected. 

The fact that it is a native of the mountains of the islands of 
Kiusin and Shikoka, in the extreme southern part of Japan, makes 
the hardiness of this plant north of New York city, except in shel- 
tered situations, an uncertain matter. At the New York Botanical 
Garden, however, as indicated above, it has been in cultivation for 
about twenty-one years, proving there at least its perfect hardiness. 

About a dozen species of the genus Corylopsis are known, half 
of them in cultivation; of these the one most commonly cultivated 
is that here considered. 

Propagation may be effected by seeds, sown in the spring, the 
best results being obtained with a little bottom heat; by half- 
ripened wood under glass, the cuttings being made in the summer; 
the process of layering may also be employed, as rooting takes 
place readily in fairly moist peat soil. 


The common corylopsis is a shrub of rather compact habit, rarely 
exceeding four feet tall and of equal width. The young —— are 
pubescent, salted reas later. The leaves, two to three 
inches long, are alternate, the mature ones having iedey talks 
commonly less than an inch lon ng; the blades are broadly oval or 
obovate, or vaste orbicular, inequilateral, especially at the cordate 
base, and acute at the apex; the upper surface is green and glabrous, 
the lower paler and whitish, pubescent, especially on the slightly 
curved nerves; the margin is sinuately toothed, the nerves extending 
into short points. The pendulous aoc are one to two inches 
long and have six to ten flowers, each flow —— subt matted by a 
conspicuous broad brown bract; there are ales milar bracts and 
two or three leaves below the racemes. ‘The eck are three 
eighths of an inch to half an inch long; the calyx is hairy, the lobes 
short; the petals are bright yellow, obovate and obtuse, and are 
narrowed toward the base. ‘The stamens are five, alternating with 
oo -parted short staminodes. There are two styles, and the 

ovary is partly superior. The fruit is a two-celled dehiscent cap- 
sule, each cell with a beak and containing a single black seed. 


EXPLANATION OF PLATE. Fig. 1—Flowering branch. Fig. 2.—Portion of 
calyx, with petal and two stamens, X 2. Fig. 3.—Pistils, x 2. Fig. 4.— 
Fruiting branch. Fig. 5.—Fruit open, exposing seeds. 


MK. Eb E oLO 5 



(Plate 171) 

Climbing Fumitory 
Native of the northern and eastern United States and Canada 
Family FUMARIACEAE FuMEwort Family 

Fumaria fungosa Ait. Hort. Kew. 3:1. 1789, 
Adlumia cirrhosa Raf. Med. Rep. IT. 5: 352. 
Adlumia fungosa Greene; B. S. P. Prel. Cat. N. 7. 3. 1888. 

Unlike the other members of the fumewort family this graceful, 
slender annual is a vine, whose nearest relatives are found in Asia. 
The genus was named for Major John Adlum, whose memoir on 
the ‘Cultivation of the vine in America, and the best mode of mak- 
ing wine” was published in 1823. It contains a list of the grapes 
grown in his vineyard near Georgetown, D. C., where he established 
an experimental farm and grew many of our American species. 
The preface to this little book and the following quotations on the 
title-page are well worth reading in these days of agricultural re- 
search and prohibition! 

““Wine is as good as life to man, if it be drunk moderately; what is 
life then to a man that is without wine? for it was made to 
make men glad. 

‘‘Wine measurably drank, and in season, bringeth gladness of the 
heart, and cheerfulness of the mind.” 

Ecclesiasticus, c. 31, v. 27, 28. 

The genus Adlumia is monotypic and with the exception of one 
of the Himalayan species of Bicuculla is the only climbing member 
of the family. This species is also called the ‘‘mountain fringe”’ 
and “Alleghany vine,’ names which indicate the character of its 
habitat and range; it shows a preference for moist, cool woodland 
borders in rocky situations, and the delicacy of its texture and 
continuous blooming would make it an attractive plant in culti- 
vation, whenever suitable conditions may be had. It grows readily 
from seed and comes up year after year in gardens where it has 
become established, preferring partial shade and moist soil among 
other plants, where it can climb. It is known to occur wild in 
New Brunswick, Ontario, and Michigan, and ranges southward 
along the Alleghanies to the mountains of North Carolina, having 
also been reported from Kansas, but is little known in cultivation, 


though its delicate beauty and grace entitle it to a place in every 
“well considered garden” along with the “ bleeding heart,” that old- 
time favorite. 

The plants from which this illustration was made have been 
grown for many years in my garden from seeds obtained at Buckhill 
Falls, Pennsylvania, and seem to endure our hot summers and 
violent thunder storms and full sunshine, as well as strong winds. 
Furthermore it is an annual, reproducing itself readily from seed, 
and may readily be transplanted in early spring. 

The climbing fumitory is a delicate glabrous plant with pale- 
green foliage; its three-parted, bipinnate leaves are divided into 
slender distant segments with cuneate toothed leaflets, which are 

in in texture, with the petioles twisting around other plants, thus 
enabling it to reach to a height of eight to ten feet, making a tangle 
sometimes quite dense in growth he stems are weak and brittle, 
of a pale red color, and seldom more than one-eighth of an inch in 
diameter. The flowers are borne in loose, axillary, drooping clus- 
ters, and are pale pink in color and slender in form. Each blossom 
is borne on a short curved stalk and is about three-fourths of an 
inch long by less than a quarter of an inch wide at base, tapering 
to the slightly opened mouth where the two united petals spread 
apart and show the stamens within. The sepals consist of two 
small bracts which usually fall off as the flower develops, as in many 
other members of the poppy family. The stamens are six in number, 
united below, diadelphous above and more or less adherent to the 
petals. The pods about equal the flowers in length, are pale green 
and slender, split in half when ripe and produce about ten to twelve 
small, glossy-black seeds which mature from June to October. 

EvizaBpetu G. BRITTON. 

EXPLANATION oF Puats. Fig. 1.—Flowering stem. Fig. 2.—Flower, sepals 
absent, X 3. Fig, 3—Sepal, X 8 Fig. 4.—Pod, X 3. Fig. 5.—Seed, X 3. 




(Plate 172) 
Shining Aphelandra 
Native of Colombia 

A phelandra nitens Hook. f. Bot. Mag. pl. 4761. 1868. 

This is one of the most attractive members of a family furnishing 
many showy varieties for the conservatories. In flower the bright 
scarlet-vermilion of its blossoms makes it conspicuous in any 
collection, but its beauty is not confined alone to flowering time, 
for the foliage is striking in the richness of its color, a deep shining 
green above contrasting with the vinous purple of the lower surface. 
Its home is in’ Colombia; it was first known from Guayaquil, from 
which place specimens were sent about 1867 by Richard Pearce who 
was on a collecting trip for the Messrs. Veitch. Plants from this 
source flowered in May, 1868, in the Royal Exotic Nurseries, at 
Chelsea, and the species was described from this material. The 
plant in the collection of the New York Botanical Garden, from 
which the illustration was prepared, was secured from the conser- 
vatories of Mrs. Finley J. Shepard in 1919. 

Its successful cultivation requires the conditions of a stove 
house, that is one where the temperature and humidity are high. 
It is readily propagated by cuttings; it is said to produce seed if 
placed in a cooler and drier house when in flower. 

The family to which this plant belongs is a large one and widely 
distributed, mainly in tropical regions. The genus Aphelandra . 
is confined to America, extending from Mexico southward to Peru 
and Brazil, being especially well represented in the Andean regions. 
Besides the present species there are six or seven others in culti- 

The shining aphelandra, under greenhouse cultivation, is an 
erect herb, usually of dwarf and compact habit, with thick leaves 
of a deep green above and vinous purple beneath, and a spike of 

searlet-vermilion flowers e green stems are stout and round, 
and are sparingly branched. ae ovate leaves are opposite, up 
to six inches long, with the margin recurved and the apex acute; 

the broad base is abruptly canoes into a petiole a half inch long 
or less. The erect spike is usually about six inches long; the green 
sect bracts are ovate or elliptic and acute, an inch to an inch and 


a quarter long, and somewhat pubescent. The flowers are erect; 
e sepals are linear-lanceolate; the corolla has the yellow tube 
longer than the calyx, the upper lip hooded and concealing the sta- 
mens, the lower lip of three spreading divisions, the middle one 
much the larger. 

EXPLANATION OF PLaTE. Fig. 1—Flowering stem. Fig. 2.—Flower, split 


PLATE 173 



(Plate 173) 
Beaked Hazel-nut 
Native of North America 
Family BETULACEAE Birrcu Family 

Corylus rostrata Ait. Hort. Kew. 3: 364. 1789. 

This is one of the two hazel-nuts found in the more temperate 
parts of North America. It is a shrub or, at most, a small tree, 
and loves banks of rivers and small streams or the moist valley 
where it thrives in the companionship of larger trees that protect 
it from the too ardent heat of the sun and from the too violent force 
of the wind. However modest and retiring it may be, it comes to 
life very early in spring, and puts forth its flowers long before its 
leaves. The flowers are of two kinds, catkins, long, slender, and 
graceful, providing abundant pollen for the small but none the less 
beautiful flowers that produce the nut. These are worthy of a 
closer examination with a small glass. The delicate greens and 
browns of the outer coverings form a most satisfactory contrast to 
the bright red stigmas spread out to catch a few of the many millions 
of pollen-grains blown about by the wind. 

The fruit, a small nut, is edible like its more common relative, 
the hazel-nut. It ripens in autumn and may be gathered about 
the time of the first frost. The beaked hazel-nut differs in appear- 
ance from the common hazel-nut on account of its outer covering 
which is extended into a long, somewhat curved beak. Two fruits 
always grow from one stem. The plant is quite widely distributed 
throughout the more temperate parts of North America, being 
found from Quebec to British Columbia, and as far south as the 
mountains of Georgia. 

he beaked hazel-nut is a shrub a small tree, with rather thin 
leaves, double toothed, smooth and dark green. The staminate 
flowers are borne in pendulous catkins, without sepals or petals, 
and with eight stamens, each of which has a one-celled anther. 
On the same twig, above the catkins, are borne the fertile or pistil- 
late flowers. ‘These are small, about a quarter of an inch in length. 
The calyx adheres to the ovary, and one of the lobes extends above 
it. The style is very short; the e stigmas are long and bright red. 
The cotyledons, which form the main substance of the nut, come 


to os ‘ape on germination. They are edible and deliciously 
E.Ba E. WarTSON. 

EXPLANATION OF PLATE. Fig. 1.—Flowering branch, showing staminate and 
pistillate catkins. Fig. 2—Pistillate catkin, X 4. Fig. 3.—Scale with two 
pistillate flowers, X 4. Fig. 4—Branch with fruit and leaves. 

PLATE 174 



(Plate 174) 
Showy Obedient Plant 
Native of the northern Mississippi Valley 
Family LAMIACEAE Mint Family 

Dracocephalum speciosum Sweet, Brit. Fl. Gard. pl. 93. 1825. 
Physostegia virginiana Benth. Monog. Labiat. 504, in part. 1834. 
Physostegia formosior Tanell, Bull. Leeds Herb. 2:7. 1908 
Dracocephalum virginianum Britt. & Brown, Ill. Fl. ed. 2. 3: 116, in part. 1913. 
While the mint family contains many attractive plants, most of 
the native species of the eastern and central states have flowers of 
rather small size. The chief exceptions are the horse mints, of the 
genus Monarda, of which most are conspicuous and some exceed- 
ingly showy, and the interesting obedient plant illustrated in our 
plate, with its several closely allied species. In the north central 
states and Missouri Valley, the obedient plant is a common but 
not abundant denizen of the woods and thickets of rich, damp, 
alluvial soil along streams, seldom occurring in large patches, but 
rather scattered individuals and small colonies. Growing in 
habitats often not easily accessible and opening its pink-purple 
flowers in midsummer when the weather is hottest and mosquitoes 
most troublesome, the obedient plant is by no means as well known 
to many lovers of wild flowers as it should be. Neither has it 
become common in cultivation, although it grows freely in any rich 
soil, either in the open or in half shade, and blossoms there even 
better than in its native woods. Our illustration was prepared 
from a plant in cultivation in the New York Botanical Garden. 
This species is offered for sale by some dealers in hardy perennials 
under the name Physostegia virginiana. This name rightfully 
belongs to a different plant, properly known as Dracocephalum 
virginianum. Although our species has been in cultivation for a 
century and was recognized as distinct in 1825, it has escaped 
further botanical scrutiny until recently. When the writer intended 
to describe it as new in 1906 he found that Mr. G. V. Nash had 
already assigned it a name. Before the latter was formally pub- 
lished, the name Physostegia formosior was given toit. It remained 
for Mr. Nash to show that it had already a name of long standing 
by which it is here designated. 


The significance of the name “obedient plant” is shown by a 
statement in its original description: ‘‘The spikes of flowers in this 
species are regularly 4-sided, although, when growing in the garden, 
the flowers are often seen to be facing one way; this is owing to the 
short and weak pedicels, and the weight of the flower, keeping it so 
firm on the bracts, that whatever way the wind blows it, there it 
remains. . . . the flowers may be moved by the hand in the same 
manner, either all to one side, or some to one side, and some to the 
other, and wherever they are placed, there they will remain.” 

fleshy in texture, and dark glossy green in color. There are few 
branches, and those all toward the summit of the stem, each ter- 
minating in a spike of flowers, of which the central one is always the 
longest and highest. The flowers are crowded closely on the spike, 
and the lowermost bloom first, others following in succession to its 
summit. Each flower has the structure characteristic of the mint 
family. The calyx is short, somewhat bell-shaped, terminating in 


‘XPLANATION OF PLate. Fig. 1—Inflorescence. Fig. 2.—Portion of stem 
and leaves. Fig. 3.—Flower, split open. Fig. 4—Stamen, X 6. Fig. 5.— 
Fruiting calyx, X 2. Fig. 6.—Nutlets, x 2. Fig. 7—Nutlet, X 2. 


4 £.E.aton. 



(Plate 175) 

Native of Georgia, Florida, Alabama, and Mississippi 

Hydrangea quercifolia Bartr. Travels 380. 1794. 
Hydrangea angulata Tausch, Flora 17: 494. 1834. 

Nearly a century and a half ago the son of the first native Ameri- 
can botanist was travelling with a caravan of traders in a journey 
across Georgia. ‘They were on their way to trade with the Indians 
in western Florida. When between the Okmulgee and Flint rivers, 
a little southwest of the site of the present city of Macon, William 
Bartram records “I observed here a very singular and beautiful 
shrub, which I suppose is a species of Hydrangea;’’ he described 
the plant and named it Hydrangea quercifolia on account of the 
resemblance of its lobed leaf-blades to those of some kinds of oaks. 
He also there published a good plate of it. 

Specimens were doubtless procured at this early date by William 
Bartram for his father’s garden at Philadelphia. Herbarium speci- 
mens are extant, gathered in Bartram’s garden, presumably from 
the original cultivated plants, or from their descendents. Living 
specimens were taken to England about the beginning of the last 

century and were grown with success there. Although native not 
far from the Gulf region it is hardy a thousand miles further north. 

By its numerous stems, arranged so that the leaves form a dome- 
like mass of green above which the large erect plumes of inflorescence 
stand, this plant is conspicuously excellent for making clumps on 
lawns. It is much better adapted to many cases in our country 
than some of the commonly used Asiatic kinds of hydrangea are; 
but, as some Philosopher recorded jong ago, ‘‘A prophet is not 
without honor, save in his own country.’ 

Curiously enough, the other southern shrub suited for just such 
planting, and an associate in natural geographic range, is the small- 
flowered buckeye (Aesculus parviflora) which was illustrated and 
described at plate 63 of this journal. It, too, is hardy just as far 
north as the shrub under consideration. 

The gray-beard, or old man’s beard, will thrive in almost any 
kind of soil, but a rich soil will naturally give a more luxuriant 


growth. It is conspicuous in the landscape not only at flowering 
time, in the spring, but in fruit, on account of the ray-flowers which 
are persistent until after frost. 

introrse stigmatic line. The fruits are crowded together in the 
persistent panicle, urn-shaped, prominently ribbed, crowned wit 
the persistent calyx from the mouth of which protrude as two 
horns the dried stout stigmas. 

Joun K. SMALL. 

EXPLANATION OF Pats. Fig. 1.—Top of flowering branch with young leaves 
d small i Fig. 2.—Flower, X 3. Fig. 3—Fruit, x 4. 


ME Eaton 



(Plate 176) 

Native of eastern United States 
Family PoDOPHYLLACEAE May-appLeé Family 

Podophyllum diphyllum U,. Sp. Pl. 505. 1753. 
Jeffersonia binata Barton, Trans. Am. Phil, Soc. 3: 342. 1793. 
Jeffersonia diphylla Pers, Syn. Pl. 1: 418. 1805. 

Among the wild flowers of eastern North America there are two 
of strikingly similar habit, yet always classified as members of 
different families. These are the bloodroot (Sanguinaria) and the 
twin-leaf. They agree in having short, thick rootstocks, from 
which arise in early spring simple scapes, each with several sheathing 
scales and one or more basal leaves, and each bearing a single ter- 
minal flower about an inch in diameter. In both the sepals are 
fewer than the petals, and drop off as the flower expands, while the 
petals are white and are eight or more in number; the leaves are 
~ small at flowering-time, becoming several times as large later in the 
season. ‘These remarkable points of resemblance may well make 
us wonder whether our ‘‘natural’” system of classification is, in 
the present instance, so natural after all. 

innaeus, in his historic work entitled “Species plantarum” 

(1753), attempted to enumerate all of the known kinds of plants, 
and assigned to each a double name, the first standing for the 
genus and the second for the species, a method never before con- 
sistently applied, but in almost universal use since that time. 
For the most part he merely gave new names to plants previously 
known; among the very few described as new, however, was the 
twin-leaf. He knew it only from fruiting specimens collected in 
Virginia by John Clayton, and was very doubtful of its relationship; 
he referred it, however, to the same genus with the may-apple 
(Podophyllum peliatum) calling it Podophyllum diphyllum. His 
botanical acumen is shown by the fact that all modern works recog- 
nize the close relationship of the two plants. 

When Barton, with a far better knowledge of the twin-leaf, 
distinguished it as the type of a new genus, he named it Jeffersonta, 
in honor of Thomas Jefferson. This was seven years before the 
commencement of Jefferson’s first term as president, while he was 
secretary of state in Washington’s cabinet. Jefferson was noted 


for his interest in natural science. He was acquainted with many 
of the scientists of his day, at home and abroad, and was interested 
in the introduction of useful plants into the United States. 

The twin-leaf grows in rich woods, showing a decided preference 
for calcareous soils, from northern New York to Wisconsin and 
northeastern Iowa, and southward to Tennessee. It is not a 
native of the valley of the Hudson, but has been grown successfully 
in the herbaceous grounds of the New York Botanical Garden, and 
these cultivated plants have supplied the leaves, flowers, and fruits 
figured in our plate. 

There is another species of Jeffersonia in eastern Asia. This 
peculiar distribution, in eastern North America and eastern Asia, 
with no known occurrence between, is shared by several genera of 
the may-apple family, and has been remarked in many other groups 
of flowering plants. 

The twin-leaf is a low perennial herb. From near the tip of a 
short erect or ascending underground stem there arises in early 
spring a slender, erect, leafless flower-stalk, from four to ten inches 
high, with a cluster of sheathing scales and foliage-leaves at its base 

of the other, but with outline and venation reversed; hence 
common name ‘‘twin-leaf.”” Each half of the leaf-blade is acute 

tually the flower-stalk elongates, often to a foot or more in length, 
and the flower is succeeded by a pod half an inch to an inch long, 
the lower two-thirds turbinate and the upper third conic; it first 
opens by a transverse slit along the line of the greatest diameter, 
this slit extending and gaping open, until finally the conic tip 1S 
reflexed, and attached to the body of the pod merely by a narrow 
hinge. J. H. BARNHART. 

_ EXPLANATION OF Piatg. Figs. 1-3.—Leaves. Fig. 4.—Expanding flower, 
with sepals at apex. Figs, 5 and 6.—Flowers. Figs. 7 and §.—Stamens, X 3. 
Fig. 9.—Pistil, X 2. Fig. 10,—Capsule. Fig, 11—Dehiscent capsule. 




(Plate 177) 

Washington Thorn 
Native of the southeastern United States 
Family MaLackAk APPLE Family 

Mespilus Phaenopyrum L. f, Suppl. 254. 1781. 
Crataegus cordata Ait. Hort. Kew. 2: 168. 1789. fe Mespilus cordata Mill. 
Crataegus Phaenopyrum Medic. Gesch. Bot. 83. 

Of our native ornamental woody plants ae is one of the showiest. 
Its flowers appear in great abundance, commonly early in June, 
later than any other of the thorns; in late fall the foliage changes to 
brilliant shades of scarlet and orange, which, with the brightness of 
the abundant fruit, make of this a striking feature in the landscape. 
It is of rapid and symmetric growth, unusually free from the 
attacks of fungous diseases, and is perfectly hardy. Its fruit is not 
as large as that of many other species, but its great abundance 
and the brilliancy of its coloring make this thorn more attractive 
than some of the larger-fruited forms. 

This species was known in Europe toward the end of the seven- 
teenth century. It is in cultivation in this country, but not to 
the extent that its beauty and attractiveness deserve. The plant 
from which the illustration was prepared was secured by exchange 
with the Buffalo Botanic Garden in 1901, and is now in the frutice- 
tum eee: of the New York Botanical Garden. 

he Washington thorn is a tree often twenty feet or more tall, 
oblong in outline, with erect or strongly ascending branches. 
The branchlets are armed with slender spines up to two inches 
long, at first of a bright chestnut-brown, later darker. The leaves 
have petioles up to one and a half inches long. The blades a 
bieedly-< ovate to triangular, up to two inches long and an inch a 
e; they are acute at the apex, and truncate or slightly 
wedge- aleaped or heart-shaped at the base; the — is three- 
lobed or three-five-cleft and is sharply serrate, except at the base. 
he corymbs are few-flowered, and appear after the aioe are fully 
gro he petals are obovate. The fruit is almost globose, up 
to a quarter of an inch in diameter, and is of a poet scarlet. 

EXPLANATION OF Pate. Fig. 1.—Flowering branch. Fig. 2.—Fruiting 

PLATE 178 






(Piate 178) 
Siebold’s Viburnum 
Native of Japan 

Viburnum Sieboldii Miq. Ann. Mus. Lugd. Bat. 2: 267. 1866. 

This isa shrub or small tree of large and vigorous habit, and _ 
requires ample space for its development and display; a garden of 
limited area, therefore, could hardly accommodate it. As a back- 
ground for small shrubs it is well adapted, its tall strong stems 
and large striking leaves lending much character to a group; the 
ample clusters of white flowers, which appear about the middle of 
May in the latitude of New York City, add much to its attractive- 
ness at that time. The fruit, which passes through pink to its 
mature color, a bluish black, ripens in September; at the time of 
fruiting the branches of the cyme turn to a bright seatlet, adding 
much to the beauty of the plant. Where a large vigorous shrub is 
needed, attractive in flower and bright in fruit, there is none to 
excel this. The bruised foliage and wood exhale a disagreeable 
odor, but as this is not manifest under normal conditions, it is 
quite easy to avoid this unpleasantness. 

In its native country this viburnum grows along streams, at the 
foot of mountains in dense woods, so its habitat would suggest a 
plant suitable for shady and moist situations. It is of exceedingly 
easy culture, thriving in sun or shade. It is readily propagated, 
as ‘are most of the viburnums, by seeds, or by greenwood cuttings 
under glass. It was introduced into cultivation in the latter part 
of the nineteenth century by Mr. S. B. Parsons, who brought into 
this country so many valuable Japanese plants. The illustration 
was prepared from a plant which has been in the fruticetum collec- 
tions of the New York Botanical Garden since 1895. 

Siebold’s viburnum is a large shrub or small tree of vigorous up- 
right habit, attaining a height of ten or fifteen feet. Its stout 
branches are pubescent when young with rusty hairs. The opposite 
leaves are deciduous and have stout petioles up to an inch long. 
The blades are oval to obovate-oblong, up to five inches long and 
an inch and a half or two inches wide, crenate-serrate, except at 
the base, acute at the base and rounded at the apex; the upper 
surface is dark green and sparingly a, when young, later 

er ail 

glabrous; the lower surface is pal permanently stellate- 


pubescent; the nerves are a especially on the lower 

surface. The flower-clusters a e ample, up to four inches across, 
Sern or nearly tr pet the seer branches spreading and, 

- er ) orescence, pubescent. The flowers have 
wero rt hardly distinguishable calyx-lobes, and white rotate 

ae sicet a quarter of an inch broad. ‘The fruiting clusters 
have the branches a bright scarlet. The fruit is oblong, about a 
half inch long, heaing at first pink, later to a bluish black, and is 
early deciduous 

GEORGE V. Nasu. 

EXPLANATION OF PLate. Fig. 1—Flower cluster. Fig. 2.—Calyx-tube or 
hypanthium, Fig. 3.—Fruiting bran 


ie ag E alg 
MEE ole? 



(Plate 179) 

Large-leaved Stephanandra 
Native of Japan 
Family RosacEAk Rosez Family 

Stephanandra Tanakae Franch. & Sav. Enum, Pl. Jap. 2: 332. 1879. 

‘Of the two species of this genus in cultivation, the other being 
Siephanandra incisa, this is to be preferred on account of its more 
robust habit, larger leaves with more character, and greater clusters 
of larger flowers; at the New York Botanical Garden it has also 
proved somewhat hardier, the branchlets not killing back so much 
in winter. It is a graceful shrub, well adapted to shrub borders 
or rocky banks, and is of easy culture, its requirements being met 
by any ordinary garden soil. It may be readily propagated by 
seeds, or by greenwood cuttings under glass; also by division. Z 

It is a native of the Hakone mountains in Japan, and was origin- 
ally collected on the slopes of Fuji-yama. The specimen from 
which the illustration was prepared was secured by exchange with 
the Royal Gardens, Kew, England, in 1901, at which institution 
specimens flowered in 1897 raised from seed secured directly from 
Japan in 1893. 

The genus Stephanandra contains four known species, three of 
these being natives of Japan and one of China. It is closely related 
to Opulaster, the nine-bark, and to Spiraea. 

The large-leaved stephanandra is a graceful shrub of paced ne 
habit, often eee a height of four or five feet and as great 
breadth. nches are ascending or spreading and have ‘wench 
bark. The ene: are alternate on short petioles, which about equal 
the deciduous stipules. The blades are up S two inches long, not 
quite so broad, are broadly ovate in outline, and are three-lobed, 
the lateral lobes being smaller, all the lobes seg t lobed and serrate; 
they are wees on the upper surface, pales on the nerves 
beneath, and are membranous and light green, changing to a 
golden yellow in the fall. The small flowers are in pendulous 
panicles up to four inches long. The calyx is yellow, its five acute 
lobes ovate and pubescent. ‘The five white petals, which are about 
as long as the cal packet: are oblong-ovate, spreading and puberu- 

ous. The egal are fifteen to twenty, the anthers on short 
filaments. ‘The ovary has a terminal short style and a capitate 
stigma. "The capsule is Sicke opening jrevaldey at the base, 
and is two-seeded. GEoRGE V. NASH. 

EXPLANATION OF PLATE. Fig. 1.—Flowering branch. Fig. 2.—Flower, X 4. 
Fig. 3.—Fruit, < 4. 




(Plate 180) 
Purple Bergamot 
Native of northeastern United States 
Family LAMIACEAE Mint Family 

Monarda media Willd. Enum. 32. 180 
Monarda fistulosa media A. Gray, Syn. es 2): 374. 1878. 

Species of Monarda have been cultivated in gardens for about 
three centuries. The horsemint or wild bergamot was well known in 
England before 1755, but in that year Peter Collinson brought a 
bright patch of color to the gardens by introducing Monarda didyma, 
our Oswego tea. About 1792 a purple-flowered form was brought 
into England, whence it was probably distributed to the continent. 
Willdenow described it as a new species from plants growing in 
the Botanic Garden in Berlin. 

The robust weedy habit of growth of the monardas makes their 
cultivation easy. Spreading rapidly by the roots, they form great 
matted crowns, and the only cultivation they need is restrictive, to 
keep them within bounds, and to prohibit their running out other 
plants. The purple bergamot is propagated readily by division of 
roots, and grows in any soil, but may do better with one which 
retains moisture. If the plants are cut back after flowering, they 
will give more bloom later in the season. The illustration was pre- 
pared from a plant growing in the New York Botanical Garden. 

The purple bergamot is a perennial herb, growing two or three 
feet high. The strong — are four-angled, reddish j in ie se 
slightly hairy. They bear many opposite, short-stalked, dark gree 
leaves, with ovate eeicnted blades acute at the tips. The 
flowers are in dense terminal clusters, subtended by showy purple 
bracts, some i and leaf-like, others long and narrow, with thread- 
like points. Each flower has a tubular, 15-ribbed calyx, with sharp, 
awl-shaped lobes, and spreading hairs in the throat; a purplish-red, 
hairy corolla, which is two-lipped, the upper lip ‘short, concave, 
and the lower oblong, three-lobed, the middle lobe the most promi- 

nent. Only two of the stamens ae Snes and these are exserted 
from the corolla and are very slen 

EXPLANATION OF PiaTs. Fig. 1.—Flowering stem. Fig. 2.—Calyx, X 3. 
Fig. 3.—Stamens, X 3. Fig. 4.—Fruit, X 3. Fig. 5.—Nutlet, X 3. 

Mie ae 


Mares € Eaton. 



(Plate 181) 
Asiatic Sweet Pepper-bush 
Native of eastern Asia 

Clethra barbinervis Sieb. & Zucc. Abh. Akad. Miinch. 4°: 128, 1846. 

This is one of the most striking of the sweet pepper-bushes. 
It is of upright habit, and bears its racemes of fragrant blossoms in 
panicles. While this, as is the case with the remainder of the hardy 
species, does best in a moist peaty or sandy soil, it will also grow in 
dry situations, although not attaining there so great a size. It is 
as hardy as our native eastern species, Clethra alnifolia, illustrated 
at plate 12, and is larger and more showy. Propagation may be 
effected readily by seed, which should be sown in pans in the spring 
in sandy or peaty soil; it may also be propagated from greenwood 
cuttings under glass; resort may be had also to layering and division. 
The illustration was prepared from a plant which has been in the 
fruticetum collections of the New York Botanical Garden since 
1899, when it was imported directly from Japan. 

The Asiatic sweet pepper-bush is a shrub or small tree, attaining 
a height sometimes of thirty feet. Its glabrous branches are 
upright or ascending. The nies are alternate, deciduous, with 
petioles a half inch long or less. The blades are se 

ix inches long a 

acuminate at the apex and usually a at the base; the upper 
surface is es green, finally glabrous, ete lower surface paler and 
ubescent, at least ee The racemes are 

The lobes of the white corolla are oval and obtuse. The stamens 
are glabrous. The fruit is a little broader than high, and is pees 

EXPLANATION OF PLATE. Fig. 1.—Flowering —— Figs. 2 and 3.— 
Stamens, X 3. Fig. 4,—Pistil, xX 3. Fig. 5.—Fruit, 


M ft lon. 



(Plate 182) 
Wrinkle-leaved Golden-rod 
Native of eastern North America 
Family CARDUACEAE THIstLe Family 

Solidago rugosa Mill. Gard. Dict. ed. 8. Solidago no. 25. 1768. 

This, one of the brightest colored of our golden-rods, inhabits 
fields, roadsides, and fence-rows, making the landscape bright in 
September with its golden color. Flowering at about the time the 
New England aster comes into bloom, and growing in similar situa- 
tions, it makes a striking combination with the rich purple of that 
plant. With the great wealth of golden-rods and asters which 
adorn our fields and woods, it is regrettable that so few of them are 
used to beautify our gardens. ‘They stand transplanting well, and 
in any neighborhood a wealth of material may be secured, for the 
mere digging, which would add an autumn glory to the garden. 

This golden-rod is of easy culture, thriving in any ordinary 
garden soil, but preferring an open sunny situation as its natural 
habitat would suggest. It may be readily propagated by division 
of the roots, or by seeds. The illustration was prepared from a 
wild plant collected in the grounds of the New York Botanical 
Garden, where it is common. : 

Referring again to the many kinds of golden-rods, it may be 
stated that there are growing wild in northeastern North America 
about fifty species, all but one, with white flowers, having blossoms 
of some shade of yellow; in addition there are many others in the 
southern and western states. The genus is typically North Ameri- 
can, but two or three species being known from Europe, and a few 
from Mexico and South America. 

The wrinkle-leaved golden-rod is one of the commonest of our 
eastern wild species, attaining a height usually of four to six feet, 

exceeding this. The st 

gh sometimes stems a fe) 
branched at the summit, and are hairy or sometimes nearly glabrous 
The alternate leaves are up to four inches lon an in 
half wide, sessile, or the lowest sometimes narrowing into petioles 


times recurved, branches which form a large terminal panicle. 
The involucre has Sn dealaeasii linear setae scales. The ray-flowers 
are bright yellow 

GEORGE V. Nasu. 

EXPLANATION OF Pate. Fig. 1.—Flowering stem. Fig. 2.—Head, X 3. 
Fig. 3.—Leaf. 




(Plate 183) 
Chinese Leadwort 
Native of China 
Family PLUMBAGINACEAE Leapwort Family 

Ceratostigma plumbaginoides Bunge, Enum. Pl. Chin. 55. 18353. 
Plumbago Larpentae Lindl. Gard. Chron. 1847: 732. 1847. 
Valoradia plumbaginoides Boiss. in DC, Prodr. 12: 695. 1848. 

The subject of our illustration is one of the rarer of our border 
plants. ‘the European leadwort has long been cultivated, and the 
South African one, Plumbago capensis, a slender, blue-flowered 
shrub, is found in many conservatories. The Chinese leadwort, 
which has been used as a bedding plant in the old world to some 
extent for over half a century, is used in this country as a hardy 
perennial. This species was discovered near Pekin by Bunge in 
1831; in 1846 Fortune found it growing near Shanghai. Plants 
first sent to England failed to live, but in 1847 the gardener to 
Lady Larpent succeeded in growing a few flowers and exhibiting 

An English nursery firm introduced it to cultivation. 
Lindley described the species as Plumbago Larpentae, but it differs 
from Plumbago, lacking the sticky glands on the calyx, and having 
several short glands on the stigma. 

The plants from which the painting was taken grew for two years 
in the flower borders of the New York Botanical Garden, and by 
late summer in 1919 had made a solid mass, about one foot high, of 
strong green foliage, and bore bright blue flowers profusely. All 
indications pointed to a desirable hardy perennial, of robust habit, 
with an abundance of flowers. The severe winter of 1919-20, 
however, saw the destruction of the entire group; but many other 
hardy plants suffered likewise, so perhaps it can be said to with- 
stand normal winters. Cultural requirements are a sunny location, 
moderately rich soil, and ample winter protection. Propagation 
is effected by means of cuttings or division of the roots. 

The Chinese leadwort has a perennial root, and flexuose, branch- 
ing, red stems about one foot high. The alternate leaves have — 
obovate, ciliate-margined blades, the lower ones narrowed at their 
bases so as to be almost stalked, the upper sessile. The flowers 
are in terminal clusters. Each has at the base two or three strawy 
red bracts. ‘The calyx is long, tubular, ridged, and has five awl- 


shaped teeth. The corolla-tube is longer than the calyx, and the 

flat limb has broad, bright blue lobes. The five stamens are 

united at the base and attached to the corolla. The short style 

bears five stigmas, which have a number of — horn-like a 

EXPLANATION OF PhaTe. Fig. 1.—Flowering stem. Fig. 2.—Stamens, X 2. 
Fig. 3.—Pistil, X 2. Fig. 4.—Fruit, X 4. 





(Plate 184) 
Southern Gooseberry 
Native of Georgia and Alabama 

Ribes curvatum Small, Bull. Torrey Club 23: 295, 6. 
Grossularia curvata Coville & Britton, N. Am. Flora 22: 221. 1908. 

The southern part of the Atlantic prong of the American continent 
as it was sketched out at the ‘‘beginning” is the home of both 
endemic genera and species. Of course, the surface of the land 
has been changed continuously and perhaps it was wholly sub- 
merged after it was first elevated; but the present more or less 
prominent domes of granite that were intruded in this earliest land 
formation and were also exposed at an early period, harbor especially 
peculiar plants. 

The subject of this note is one of the woody plants characteristic 
of the granite areas of the southern end of the Piedmont Plain. 
The unique vegetation of these isolated areas may represent the 
persistent remnants of a very old flora. For, although the vege- 
tation was subjected to the vicissitudes of climate for a very long 
time, the plants there were not subjected to the more violent changes 
resulting from erosion which those in the adjoining regions were and 
are undergoing, and which may have obliterated all their earlier vege- 
tation. For the granite, once bared of the decay of the sedimentary 
strata and other rocks, is slow to be disintegrated and shifted 
through the various meteoric agencies. 

This graceful gooseberry was discovered by the writer of this 
note in the spring of 1905, growing in great abundance on the slopes 
and about the base of Stone Mountain near Atlanta, Georgia. 
Since then it has been introduced into cultivation and distributed 
commercially by nurseries. 

There are about six kinds of native gooseberries in North America 
east of the Mississippi River. Five of these were discovered 
more than a century ago. Although some of them have long been 
cultivated for their fruits and have served as parents for various 
hybrids, none are particularly well adapted for ornamental purposes. 
The present one, however, is an ornamental shrub of the first order 
on account of several characters the other species lack. It thrives 
well in poor or rich soil, is vigorous in growth, and has a peculiar 


habit on account of its very numerous gracefully recurved branches; 
its long-stalked drooping flowers, which appear before the maturity 
of the leaves, are very conspicuous for a gooseberry-bush, and the 
numerous vivid-green scalloped leaves seem to be wholly free from 
the disfiguring effects of diseases and animal pests. 

Although not native north of middle Georgia, this shrub is 
perfectly hardy as far north as the latitude of southern Canada. 
It may be a southern plant whose ancestors survived the rigors of 
the ice age and whose adaptation to a colder climate still enables 
it to — in a latitude far north of its present natural geographic 

The southern gooseberry is a spine-armed shrub about a yard tall 
or less. ‘The branches are conspicuously recurved, clothed we a 
purplish bark which ultimately becomes loose and papery. 
branchlets are reddish, wiry, and often drooping at the tips. Th Be 
numerous small leaves are bright green, with suborbicular deeply 
lobed blades eines a petioles. The flowers are 
solitary, nodding, usually numerous. ‘The flower-tube is glandular. 
The sepals are a, inear = “ihearsepatulate, about a quarter of 
an inch long, recurved, whitish and with hyaline edges. The 
petals are white, much smaller than the eevials: each with a pair of 
rie ee near ee apex. ‘The stamens are erect, conspicuous, 

iry filaments and red anthers. ‘The style is pee ent. 
The ben is globose, often fully a quarter of an ee in diameter. 
Jou MAL 

EXPLANATION OF Pate. Fig. 1.—Flowering branch. Fig. 2.—Fruiting 




(Plate 185) 
‘Edith Cavell” Rose 
Garden Hybrid 
Family ROSACEAE RosE Family 

This is one of the latest introductions among the dwarf polyantha 
roses, and it is of first class merit. The growth is vigorous and 
clean, and the flowers, borne in great profusion in large clusters, 
are of a brilliant scarlet overlaid with deep velvety crimson, a 
unique color in its class; it should be neglected by none who favor 
this type of rose. It blossoms freely in the early summer, with 
scattering bloom following until fall, when it again flowers more 
freely. Specimens of this rose have been in the rose garden at the 
New York Botanical Garden since the spring of 1919; they were 
presented by Messrs. Bobbink & Atkins of Rutherford New Jersey, 
who inform me that this rose was originated in 1917 by Jan Spek, 
of Boskoop, Holland. It is from one of these specimens that the 
illustration was prepared. 

The ‘‘ Edith Cavell” rose is of bushy habit, attaining a height, under 

feet. The stems are glabrous, with 
broad flat thorns a quarter of an inch long or less. The leaves are 

with small spines; the ciliate-toothed stipules are adnate 

rachis, or sometimes the very apex is free. The leaflets are usually 
seven, or those of the upper leaves only five, on very short stalks; 
they are elliptic to oval and have the margins crenate-serrate; the 
base is rounded or somewhat acute, and the apex acute. The 
flower-clusters are large and showy, the branches, especially the 

more. ‘The sepals are toothed or lobed. The petals are broadly 
obovate, usually more or less retuse, and of a brilliant scarlet, 
overlaid with deep velvety crimson, 

GrorcE V. NASH. 

EXPLANATION OF PLATE. Fig. 1—Flower cluster. Fig. 2.—Portion of stem 
and leaf. 


‘| b Eatbr 



(Plate 186) 
Tall Cone-flower 
Native of the United States and Canada 

Rudbeckia laciniata 1,. Sp. Pl. 906. 

Few plants are better Kadwar than the rudbeckias or cone- 
flowers. After the common daisy or white-weed, the black-eyed 
susan, Rudbeckia hirta, is perhaps the favorite of our fields and 
roadsides. This and other kinds have been in our gardens many 
years, and in old world gardens are seen even more frequently. 
The most notorious member of the cone-flower group is the “‘ golden 
glow,” which is a “double” form of Rudbeckia laciniata, commonly 
seen in yards and gardens everywhere; it was introduced to culti- 
vation from the nursery of John Lewis Childs, about 1894, and was 
said to have been found among specimens of the normal form. 
The double yellow form is useful as a cut flower, but its garden effect 
is no improvement upon that of the wild form. It is supposed that 
the cultivation of the tall cone-flower dates back to at least the 
year 1640, when it was grown in the garden of Charles I, by John 
Tradescant, his gardener. Other records refer to a ‘‘ Doronicum 
americanum,” in the Parisian garden of Vespasian Robin, before 
1623, which is supposed to have been Rudbeckia laciniata. Perhaps 
all of the cone-flowers are appreciated more as garden. subjects in 
Europe than in their native country. 

The cultivation of the tall cone-flower is very simple, as it is a 
hardy, robust grower, and thrives in almost any soil. It grows 
taller and more vigorously in a moist location reaching a height of 
10 feet, with luxuriant foliage and many greenish-centered yellow 
flower-heads from August to October. With us this plant and the 
golden glow are subject to the attacks of a red aphis, which covers 
the stems, especially at the tops, and ruins the appearance of the 
plants. Whale-oil soap heavily applied has proved effective in 
smothering these plant lice. Our illustration was taken from a 
wild plant in the vicinity of the lakes east of the museum building 
of the New York Botanical Garden. 

The tall cone-flower is a branching perennial herb, sending up 
strong smooth stems to a height of seven feet or more. The lower 
leaves are long-petioled, pinnately divided into five or seven parts 


which are divided seein into lobes and have deeply toothed margins; 
the upper leaves are smaller Sata to five-parted, with shorter 
petioles; the Copermaet are three- rted or entire; all are light 
— in Stat and are smooth or sal with a few short scattered 
hair owers are numerous in heads surrounded Sas an 
aovatecre of a few lanceolate, unequal, drooping bracts. The 
individual flowers of the head are of 1 eas sorts, the outer ae ‘to ten 
drooping yellow neutral ray-flowers, and the inner disk-flowers, 
with five-lobed corollas, five stamens, and slender styles with hairy 
tips. The disk consists of many of these crowded into a long, green- 
ish yellow Sa The fruits of the disk-flowers are four-sided, 
brown, truncate achenes, surmounted by short crowns, and set in a 
avratidal Paeptate the chaff of which surrounds each achene. 

EXPLANATION OF PLATE. Fig. 1.—Flowering stem. Fig. 2.—Portion of 
stem and lower leaf. Fig. 3—Disk-flower, X2. Fig. 4.—Fruit, <3. 

PLATE 187 

ME. Eokon_ 




(Plate 187) 

Lavender-pink Beard-tongue 
Native of the east slope of the central Rocky Mountains 
Family SCROPHULARIACEAE Ficwort Family 

Penstemon secundiflorus Benth. in DC. Prodr. 10: 325. 1846. 

This beautiful plant is a fit species with which to introduce the 
forms of Penstemon of the great home-land of the genus, the high- 
lands of western temperate North America. As are its congeners 
previously shown, P. secundiflorus is luxuriant of bloom and its 
flower-form alone would arouse our interest. Peculiarly its own is 
the unusual flower-color, a shade of lavender-pink with a suggestion 
of violet. 

No species better illustrates the appropriateness of the common 
name ‘beard-tongue.’ The genus Penstemon is distinguished by 
the presence within the corolla of a rudimentary or abortive stamen, 
of which the anther in the course of evolution has become wholly 
lost, while the well-developed filament lies like a ‘tongue’ along 
the lower side of the corolla throat. In our species this tongue is 
much enlarged, and on its upper side bears a dense beard of orange- 
golden hairs—a ‘bearded tongue’ conspicuous against the lavender 
ground-color of the flower. 

Penstemon secundiflorus is one of a group of closely related species, 
all distinguished by such a hairy tongue. They occur on the high 
plains, plateaus, and mountain foot-hills of the west, and the dis- 
tribution of each is surprisingly precise. Our species I have seen 
in abundance on loose granitic slopes at different points in the 
eastern foot-hills of Colorado, yet its entire range follows this 
narrow belt of land from southeastern Wyoming to northeastern 
New Mexico. Some species of this genus are known from but a 
single park-like valley or a single mountain-range or isolated peak,— 
when we can read the lesson of such dispersal, what information 
such plants will give of the evolution of climate and land on our 

The lavender-pink beard-tongue is a quite smooth glaucous 
herbaceous plant, from a short rootstock sending up several stems, 
each terminating in a narrow panicle of lavender-pink flowers. 
The stems are erect, and nine to eighteen inches tall. The leaves 
of the winter rosette, persisting at the base of the stem until the 


flowering season, are two to four inches long, the petiole shorter 
than the ovate blades; the stem-leaves are lanceolate and sessile, 

clasping by a rounded base; all are wholly glabrous, atisia and 
somewhat fleshy-thickened, ‘and q uite entire. The panicle, some- 
times becoming half the height of the plant, is strongly. secund, 
strict and composed of six to nine nodes; the branching is of the 
type of P. Digitalis (Plate 130), but its structure is masked by the 
Sh ices of the lateral peduncles, so that the primary peduncle 
appears to bear a single cluster of three to six flowers; the bracts 

The sepals are o 
with erose scarious violet-whitish margins, and are about one fourth 
of an inch long. ‘The corolla is nearly one inch long, its throat 
gradually expanding, arched above and rounded beneath, the 

glabrous, but within over the bases of the anterior lobes it is pubes- 
cent with slender white hairs. The stamens are essentially as in 
P. hirsutus (Plate 145), the anther-sacs oblong, violet, and einteGal: 
The sterile filament is conspicuously widened distally, and densel 
bearded to the apex with orange-golden hairs. The capsule is 
ovate in outline, acuminate, glabrous, nearly one half inch long, 
and the seeds are brown, curved and sharply angled, about one 
eighth inch long. 

Francis W. PENNELL. 

EXPLANATION oF PLATE. Fig. 1.—Flowering stem. Fig. 2,—Flower, split 
open exposing stamens. Fig. 3.—Anther, with part of filament, <4. Fig. 4.— 
Fruit. Fig. 5.—Lower leaf. 




(Plate 188) 

Japanese Black Pine 
Native of Japan 
Family PINACEAE PINE Family 
so mrgsroneg Sieb, & Zucc. Fl. Jap. 2: 24. 1842. Not Pinus Massoniana 

Pinus Thunbergit Parl. in DC. Prodr. 16?: 388. 8. 

Many species of pine have peculiarities of habit which permit their 
identification at a distance, and this is one of them. In a young 
state this peculiarity is not pronounced, but as the tree grows it 
becomes more and more emphasized. The Japanese black pine 
often has a characteristic leaning habit, which, with a contortion or 
bending of the trunk, gives it a striking and unique appearance in 
the landscape, this oddity providing it with a desirable place in 
landscape work. Of easy culture, being equally well adapted to 
poor or rich soils, it is especially valuable in horticulture, for it 
readily adapts itself to a variety of conditions. ‘This pine has been 
in cultivation in the New York Botanical Garden since 1898, and it 
is from one of the specimens there that the illustration was prepared. 

A native of Japan, except in the northern island of Yesso, it is 
also extensively cultivated there; the native use as a shelter-tree 
along the seacoast to protect cultivated lands from the sweep of the 
sea winds, and the employment of it for fixing sand dunes and on 
exhausted lands unfit for other crops, suggest valuable uses for it in 
this coun 

Itis acnociated with the religious life of Japan, for it is found there 
in temple enclosures and cemeteries. The Japanese employ this 
pine in exercising their instinct for formal training, remarkable 
examples, the result of years or even centuries of training, exist. 
In some specimens the branches have been artificially trained in a 
horizontal position so that they cover an area over two hundred 
and fifty feet in diameter. A most remarkable example, in a 
monastery garden, has been trained in the form of a junk, the 
central trunk forming the mast, opposite branches having been 
trained to represent the hull of the junk; the priests of the monastery 
claim that this is the result of over three centuries of training. 

Pinus Thunbergit was introduced by Siebold into Europe in 
1855, and it made its first appearance in Great Britain in 1861 
through John Gould Veitch. At first it was considered identical 


with the Pinus Massontana of China, an error which has persisted 
up to the present day, for it is now sometimes offered for sale under 
that name. It was not until 1868 that the mistake was detected, 
and was rectified by Parlatore who gave to it the name it now bears. 

There are two varieties of this species in cultivation: one is 
known as Oculis-draconts, in which the leaves are marked with two 
yellow bands, giving the tufts of leaves as seen from above, an 
appearance of alternate yellow and green rings—hence its varietal 
name, which means dragon-eye; and the other, variegata, which has 
the leaves wholly or partly yellow or yellowish white. 

The genus Pinus contains about eighty known species, of wide 
distribution in the northern hemisphere, extending from the arctic 
circle to Mexico and the West Indies, and in the Old World to 
northern Africa and the Malayan archipelago. In tropical and 
subtropical regions it is confined mainly to the mountains. While 
some few species are dwarf and shrubby, most of them are trees, 
some tall, and, when mature, extremely picturesque. The needle- 
shaped leaves are usually in bundles of two to five, commonly with a 
scarious sheath at the base of the bundle. The flowers are of two 
kinds, borne on the same tree: the staminate in aments which appear 
in the spring and are conspicuous on account of their color and 
abundance; and the less conspicuous pistillate, which develop into 

of fifty feet, rarely e, the trunk, i re specimens, bein 
flexuous or contorte covered wi arial brown deeply 
fissured bark; the = is usually open, owing to the naked condition 

e r parts of the branchlets, exposing the characteristic 
appearance of the t e branche so orted o 
flexuous and usually somewhat pendulous; the branchlets, in whorls 
of three to five, have a pale reddish ish 
white buds, abruptly acuminate at 

tly a the apex, 
three quarters of an inch long, and have actimitiate Heoartencectate 
scales which are ciliate with long ai hairs. The leaves, two in 

margins so ee a measure up ss foes or five inches Pag. 
The staminate flowers are in aments up to an inch long. The 
ate cones, pale reddish SIO eE are about two inches long 
and an inch in diameter; the oblong scales = the apex rhomboidal, 
with a wane depressed keel at the cen 


EXPLANATION OF PiaTe. Fig. 1.—Fruiting branch. Fig. 2.—Apex of skapaes 
showing terminal bud and young cones. Fig. 3.—Staminate aments. Fig. 4 
Seale of ament, side view, X4. Fig. 5.—Scale of ament, front view, <4. 


PLATE 189 



(Plate 189) 
Chinese Lantern Plant 
Native of Japan 
Family SOLANACEAE Potato Family 

Physalis Franchetiti Mast. Gard. Chron. III. 16: 434. 1894. 

This large-fruited winter-cherry of Japanese gardens has been 
called merely a form of Physalis Alkekengi, the common winter- 
cherry of Europe, the fruits of which are used in decoration and in 
making preserves. ‘The Japanese plant, however, differs in habit, is 
smooth, and has larger more brilliantly colored fruiting calyces, 
which give the plant its common name of “ Chinese lantern’’ plant. 
It was not found in cultivation in Europe until James H. Veitch 
sent seeds of it to his nursery establishment in England, about 
1893. The plant was exhibited before the Royal Horticultural 
Society in October, 1894, and is now cultivated in gardens generally. 
Related plants are Physalis peruviana and P. pubescens, respectively 
the Cape-gooseberry and the strawberry-tomato of our vegetable 
gardens. In America we have about thirty native species, the 
ground-cherries, with smaller fruits and calyces. The flowers of 
the Chinese lantern plant are not showy, but the fruit and fruiting 
calyces are, and the stems may be cut and hung up for winter 
decorations, the glowing red ‘‘lanterns” being especially attractive 

e children. 

By means of creeping underground stems, which reach out in all 
directions, a considerable space of ground may be covered by a few 
plants, and their cultivation is simply a matter of cleaning, weeding, 
and mulching. Propagation is effected by division, or by seeds, 
which are freely produced. One large group of this Physalis, from 
a specimen of which our illustration was prepared, may be seen in 
flower borders near Conservatory Range No. 1, New York Bo- 
tanical Garden. 

The Chinese lantern plant is a perennial herb, with many short 
fibrous roots from slender stolons or underground creeping stems, 
from which arise simple, glabrous, zigzag stems to a height of two 
feet, bearing at a node one or two leaves and one flower. The 
leaves are glabrous and entire, or shallow-toothed near the apex, 
ovate or deltoid, acuminate at the apex and cuneate at the base; 
they measure from two to three inches across. The flowers are 


ellow in color, with campanulate calyces which have five 
weed wet hairy at the margins, and funnelform corollas also 
with five rounded lobes. The five stamens are attached to the 
base of the corolla. The styles are slender and inconspicuous. 
In fruit the calyses are drooping on long colored foray reach a size 
of two to three inches long, and two inches wide, ar e bright red in 
color, leathery in texture, and strongly potlcutated. completely 
wiloelar: the b bright red, many-seeded fruits. 
KENNETH R. Boynvon. 

EXPLANATION OF PLaTE. Fig. 1.—Flowering stem. Fig. 2.—Calyx, x2. 
Fig. 3.—Segment of corolla, X2. Fig. 4.—Fruiting stem. Fig. 5.—Fruit. 




(Plate 190) 
Hispid Winged Storax 
Native of Japan 
Family StyRACACEAE Srorax Family 

Pterostyrax hispida Sieb. & Zuce. Abh. Akad. Muench. 4%: 132. 1846. 

Among the woody plants which are hardy in the latitude of 
New York this must be considered one of the most attractive, when 
in full bloom, on account of its profusion of fragrant cream-colored 
flowers in long pendulous clusters. In this latitude it is usually a 
large shrub, but in a situation which is congenial it will develop into 
a small tree, and he who possesses a healthy vigorous tree of this 
species may consider himself fortunate. It flowers in June, and is 
hardy as far north as Massachusetts in sheltered situations. There 
are several specimens of it in the New York Botanical Garden: in 
the form of a shrub at the fruticetum; but the best specimen is a 
small tree, about twenty feet tall, along a walk not far from the 
entrance to the elevated railway. Specimens of this were secured 
by exchange with the Royal Gardens, Kew, England, in 1897, and 
it is from one of these that the illustration was prepared. It is 
sometimes sold under the name oe corymbosa, a species 
quite different and rarely seen in cultiv: 

It will grow in any soil of cated ae but it does best 
in a moderately sandy loam. Propagation may be readily effected 
by seeds or by layering; also by greenwood cuttings under glass. 

The genus Pterostyrax, native of China and Japan, has four 
known species, three found in both China and Japan, the fourth 
being confined to China. The genus was, and is sometimes now, 
united with Halesia, a group of plants peculiar to the southeastern 
United States. It differs in several essential characters, and is now 
considered distinct. 

The hispid winged storax sometimes attains a height of fifty feet, 
“ad commonly much less than this in cultivation, often only a 

alternate leaves are on petioles up to an inc 
are elliptic, up to mc inches long and about half as wide, with an 
acute or shortly acuminate apex and a wedge-shaped base; the 
upper surface is glabrous, t the lower paler and glabrous or finely 
white tomentose, the veins pubescent. xillary panicles, with 
two or three leaves at the base, are pendulous, up to six saihee long, 


and the branches, which are again divided, are one to two inches 
Hosa spreading, and with the flowers on one side; the axis and 
anches are pa See with spreading hairs. The fragrant flowers 
ie on pedicels one twelfth of an inch long or less. The calyx is 
obconic, finely white pubescent, and five-toothed, the ovate- — 
acute teeth very short. The cream-colored corrolla, which 
finely pubescent both inside and out, is divided eisngat to the ae 
into five oblong-elliptic obtuse — ‘which are about a third of an 
inch long and half as wi es. an e spreading or recurve The 
is shameas have pubes t tiasbats united below. The inferior 
ovary is three-celled, sah cell containing four ovules; the spas 
style is longer than the stamens. ‘The fruit is less than a half inch 
long, narrow, many-ribbed and densely hispid. 

XPLANATION OF PLATE. Fig. 1.—Flowering — Fig. 2.—Flower 
opened and spread out. Fig. 3 —Leaf. Fig, 4.—Fru 





(Plate 191) 

Varnish Tree 
Native of Japan, Corea, and China 

Koelreuteria paniculata axm. Novi Comm, Acad. Petrop. 16: 561. 1772. 
Sapindus chinensis Murray, Syst. Veg. 315. 1774. 
Koelreuteria chinensis Hoffmgg. Verz. Pfl. 70. 1824. 

Here is a tree for our summer months, for it comes into bloom in 
July or August, when its large clusters of bright yellow flowers 
make it most attractive, especially so at that time as there are then 
few trees in flower. Its curious bladdery fruit follows in September, 
again making of the tree an interesting object. It has a round head 
and large compound leaves which make it distinctive in the land- 
scape during the summer season. 

It is not particular as to soil, and prefers a sunny situation; as 
it stands drought well and survives under hot winds, it is much 
grown in the central west, from Kansas and Missouri southward, 
where it is known as “‘ Pride of India” or “China tree.” This tree 
is hardy in the latitude of New York city, and as far north as Massa- 
chusetts, although there it sometimes kills back in severe winters. 
It has been in cultivation at the New York Botanical Garden for 
many years. Specimens of it will be found in the deciduous arbore- 
tum, and another specimen along the road near the viburnum 
triangle south of the Museum; it was from the latter, which has 
been in the collections since 1906, that the illustration was prepared. 
Propagation is effected by seeds, which may be sown in autumn or 
stratified; also by root cuttings. 

There are five known species of the genus Koelretueria, that here 
considered being the only one commonly cultivated. Of the re- 
maining species three are from China and one from Formosa. 

The varnish tree in cultivation seldom attains a height of over 
feeatsy tex feet; it has a rounded rather dense head. The leaves 
are a te, unequally pinnate, or rarely bipinnate, petiolate. 

The leaflets are seven to fifteen, sho rtly stalked; the blades are 
oe elliptic, or oblong-ovate, with the e apex obtuse or acute and 

e base rounded and abruptly wedge-shaped, and the margin 
a crenate-serrate, or lobed, especially at the base, the teeth 
or lobes serrate; they measure up to four inches long and over 
half as wide, and have the surfaces glabrous, except the pubescent 


nerves, the lower surface paler than the upper. The inflorescence 
is terminal, ample, up to eighteen inches long, the axis, branches, 
and pedicels minutely pubescent. The irregular polygamous 
flowers are about a half inch in diameter; the sepals are unequal, 
obtuse or acute, about a twelfth of an inch long, ciliate; the four 
upturned petals are linear-lanceolate, obtuse or acutish, spreading, 
somewhat undulate, yellow, clawed, the claw with two small 
appendages which are at first yellow, later red; the disk is erect, 
lobed. The declined stamens are eight, or sometime es fewer, with 
long hairy free filaments. The ovary is oblong, three-angled, 
pubescent, with a long em ovules in each cell two. The fruit is a 
bla ddery three-lobed capsule up to an inch and a half long. The 
seeds are black, globose, up to a quarter of an inch in diameter. 

EXPLANATION OF Pate. Fig. 1.—Portion of flower-cluster. Fig. 2.— 
Staminate flower, X3. Fig. 3.—Perfect flower, X3. Fig. 4.—Fruit. Fig. 5.— 


Manu, £ Eaton. 



(Plate 192) 
Hooker’s Epiphyllum 
Native of Trinidad 
Family CacTACEAE Cactus Family 

Cereus Hookeri Link & Otto, Cat. Sem. Hort. Berol. 1828. 
Epiphyllum Hookeri Haworth, Phil. Mag. 6: 108. 1829. 
Phyllocactus Hookeri Salm-Dyck, Cact. Hort. Dyck. 38. 1842. 

In tropical America there is found a very interesting genus of 
cacti known as Epiphyllum. Unlike the cacti from the desert 
regions of Arizona and Mexico with which we are most familiar, 
the plants of this genus do not grow in dry regions but are often 
found in dense rain-forests; like their desert allies they too must 
have xerophytic conditions, so they grow on the bark of trees and 
are known as epiphytes. These plants do not have leaves but the 
stems are flat, green and leaflike, functioning as leaves. The 
flattened stems were at one time supposed to be leaves upon which 
the flowers were borne, which is the origin of the name Epiphyllum. 

The genus contains about twenty-four species, ranging from 
central Mexico through Central America to central South America. 
None are known to be native in the West Indies, except in Trinidad. 
One or more, however, have been described from Cuba, but these 
were doubtless based on cultivated plants. It is possible that there 
are species in the mountains of Santo Domingo or in the southern 
Antilles which will be found when those regions are more thoroughly 
explored. A number of epiphyllums are in cultivation and some 
of them are highly prized as ornamentals. Some are night-bloomers 
while others are day-bloomers; some have large sweet-scented 
flowers. Epiphyllum oxypetalum, bmg known as Phyllocactus 
bifrons in the trade, is a great fav 

The name Epiphyllum dates Back # 1689 when it was first used 
by P. Hermann. Its use, however, as a generic name in the modern 
sense dates from 1812 when it was used by Adrian H. Haworth, 
who made it a new genus based upon Cactus phyllanthus. Some 
years later other plants were referred to Epiphylium, and still later 
the type of the genus Epiphyllum was made the type of a new genus, 
Phyllocactus, and the name Epiphyllum was used for a totally 
different plant, namely Epiphyllum truncatum. Epiphyllum has 
recently been restored to its original type, while the “ Epiphyllum”’ 


of the gardens becomes Zygocactus truncatus. The species which is 
shown in our illustration is native to Trinidad and has long been in 
cultivation in gardens and conservatories. 

Hooker’s pe pedara has stems at first erect, but soon drooping, 
often becom ndent, and six to ten feet long; the branches are 
very V: vitiasie: either long, slender and whip-like, or broad, thin and 
leaf-like. The la aire branches are sometimes three inches broad, 

with a crenate margin. The flowers appear at night, and are not 
sweet-scented; the ieee tube is very slender; the — ieee 

segmen lemon-yellow while the inner ones are p hit 
the filaments are white. ‘The fruit is oblong, about poe dee caer 

and red. 
J. N. Rose. 

EXPLANATION OF PLATE. Fig. 1—Flower. Fig. 2.—Upper part of stem. 




£1 tn 211 ae | APITALS 

Bold-face type is used for the Lati 

for Latin names of families illustrated and for the names of the euttions of the 
text; italics for other Latin names, including synonyms, 

ACANTHACEAE: Aphelandra nitens, pl. 
Acanthus ee 23 
se Eek 21 
fungosa, 21, plate 171 
Aesculus parviflora, 29 

yss w, 3 
Alyssum saxatile compactum 
AMYGDALACEAE: Amygdalus Dawidiana, 
pl. 165 
Devin, 9, plate 165 

nitens, Ee plate 172 
Apple family, 33 

diphylla, 3 
i Hn 53 

—— cs plate 168 
ea dice 16 


Purple, 39 

Wild, 39 

BETULACEAE: Corylus rostrata, pl. 173 

Black-eyed Susan, 51 

Bloodroot, 31 
Boynton, WLAND: Cera- 
tostigma Witeigacidec 45; Diplo- 
taxis tenuifolia, 3; onarda media, 
h ; Platy- 
codon oye castes 13; Rudbeckia 
Brassica, ee 
RASSICACEAE: Diplotaxis tenuifolia, 

lumia fungosa, 21 
thus occidentalis, 17 

Buckeye, Small-flowered, 29 

Buttonwood, 17 

Cabbage, ese i 

Cacalia arkansi 

CACTACEAE: anaes Hookeri, pl. 

Cactus phyllanthus, 63 
i : 

y, 63 
‘altha palustris, 15 
fae —_— 13 
CAMPANULACEAE: 'ycodon grandi- 
florum, pl. 167 

Campvacar Rudbeckia laciniata, pl. 
186; Solidago rugosa, pl. 182; Ver- 
nonia crinita, 166 


Sanit 17 

is, 17, plate 169 


plumbaginoides, 45, plate 183 
Cereus Hooker, 63 
China Tree, 61 
Chinese Lantern Plant, 57 

alnifolia, 4 
a. 41, plate 
CLETHRACEAE: Clethra Sa pl. 

Cone-flower, Tall, 51 

aaa, 19, plate 170 
rostrata, 25, plate 173 
cordata 33 
Phaenopyrum, 33, plate 177 

enuifolia, 3, plate 162 
Saeaa americanum, 51 
speciosum, 27, plaie 174 

Epiphyllum. Hooker’s, 63 

Peles acts floribunda, pl. 163 

Fetter-bush, — 5 
Fever-bush, 1 

Figwort aie 53 
Fumaria funeosa, 21 
FuMARIA : Adlumia fungosa, pl. 

Fumewort family, 21 
Fumitory, Climbing, 21 

GiEason, Henry ALLAN: Dracocepha- 
lum speciosum, 27; Vernonia crinita, 

Globe-flower, 17 

Golden Glow, 51 

Golden-rod, Wrinkle-leaved, 43 
Gooseberry, Southern, 47 


berry family, 47 


curvata, 47, plate 184 

GROSSULARIACEAE: Grossularia cur- 
vata, pl. 18 

Ground-cherry, 57 

Halesia, 59 

HAMAMELIDACEAE: Corylopsis spicaia, 

ee AOE i, 35 
Horsemint, 3 


cuctiaie. 29, — 175 
Hydrangea family, 
HyDRANGEACEAE: aa querci- 

folia, pl. 175 

Ironweed, Great, 11 
J — = 

Sea ae 31, plate 176 
Kikio, 13 
Koelreuteria, * 

chinensis, 6 

aniculata, _ plate 191 
LAMIACEAE: Dracocephalum speciosum, 

LAURACEAE: ro Gael pl. 168 

Laurel family, 
Laurus senate 15 

South African, 45 
Leadwort family, 45 

Madder family, 17 
MaLaceEaE: Crataegus Phaenopyrum, 
bl. 177 


Marsh Marigold, 15 
May-apple family, 31 

Mint family, 27, 39 

didyma, 39 
‘fitaboca media, 39 
— 39, plate 180 
tain-fringe, 21 
ear family, 3 

Nasu, GEORGE VALENTINE: Amygdalus 

« Bdith Covel” 49; Solidago a 
43; Stephanandra Tanakae Vi- 
burnum hiasii: +. esteae 
Sieboldu, 35 

Nine-bark, 37 

Obedient Plant, eT 27, 28 
Old-man’s Beard, 2 
Opulaster, 37 

Peach, David’s, 9 

Peach family, 9 

stemon secundiflorus, 53 

hirsuius, 54 

secundiflorus, 53, plate 187 
Pepper-bush, Asiatic Sweet, 41 
Persica Davidiana, 9 
Phyllocactus, 63 


Hookert, 63 

Alkekengi, 5 
wes c plate 189 

suihiuctna: = 

formostor, 27 
virginiana, 27 

Sage 5, plate 163 
Pin-ball, 1 
Seo Hy Pinus ra pl. 188 
Pine, Japanese Black, 5 
Pine family, 55 
Pinus, 56 
Massoniana, 55 
Thunbergii, 55, plate 188 
Thunbergii Oculis-draconis, 56 
Thunbergit variegata, 56 
Plane-tree, 17 
Platanus Sari 17 
Platycodon, 13 
diflorum, 13, plate 167 

Larpentae, 45 
PopopuyLLACEAE: Jeffersonia diphylla, 
. 176 

diphyllum, 31 

Prunus Davidiana, 9 
Pterostyrax, 59 

corymbosa, 59 

hispida, 59, plate 190 
Ribes curvaium, 47 
River-bush, 17 

“ Dr. Van Fleet,” 7, plate 164 
«“ Edith Cavell,” 49, plate 185 

pl. 164; Rosa “ ; 
185, Stephanandra Tanakae, pl. 179 



“Souvenir du President Carnot,” 7 
Rose family, 7, 37, 49 
Rose, JosepH NELSON: Epiphyllum 
Hookeri, 63 
RusiacgsaE: Cephalanthus occidentalis, 

aioe 51, plate 186 

Sanguinaria, 3 
SAPINDACEAE: ‘eee paniculata, 

. 191 
Spiidus chinensis, 61 
CROPHULARIACEAE: Penstemon secun- 

curvata, 47; Hsdrone quercifolia, 
29; Pieris floribunda, 5 

Soapberry family, 

SoLANACEAE: Physalis Franchetii, pl. 

Solidago, 43 

rugosa, 43, plate 182 
Spice-bush, 15 
Spice-wood, 15 
Spiraea, 37 
Step! Large-leaved, 37 


dra, 37 
inctsa, 37 
anakae, 37, plate 179 
Storax, Hispid Winged, 59 

STYRACACEAE: Plerostyrax hispida, pl. 

Swamp-wood, 1 
Sweet hee ten. Asiatic, 41 

Thistle family, 11, 43, 51 
Thorn, a 33 
Twin-leaf, 3 

Valoradia-plumbaginotdes, 45 
Varnish Tree, 61 

arkansana, 11 

crinita, 11, plate 166 

dilatatum, 1, pl. 161 
Sieboldii, 35, pi. 178 


White Alder family, 41 
Winged Storax, Hispid, 59 
Winter-cherry, 57 
Witch-hazel fegiily: 19 

Zygocactus truncatus, 64 




The numerals refer to the plate-numbers 


— Poe 188 

Satake latifolia, 54 

Cratynyis Fraseri, 36 


‘Anttiietae grandifolium, 27 

Orontium aquaticum, 146 

Tillandsia as 39 

Com mitian: communis, 20 
Pontederiaceae: : 

a azureus, 74 


Chisnodéin wars gigantea, 33 

Lilium Henryi, 1 


Agave subsimplex, 34 

Bomarea edulis, 65 

Crinum americanum, 11 

Sisyrinchium Bermudiana, 22 

ee rg alae 156 


cue viridi Misvenk orum, 53 

Dendrobium atroviolaceum, 7 

Epidendrum oblongatum, a 

Oncidium urophyllum, 30 
Paphiopedilum Rothschildianum, 

Sobralia sessilis, 100 


Rites obtusifolia, 50 

Corylus rostrata, 173 

Okenia hvooeaea: 126 

Cimicifuga simplex, 58 

Viorna ee 117 

Jefesonia ac 176 

Magnolia "oben 108 

Benzoin gees 168 

St ropkorm diphyllum, 96 

pont fungosa, 171 
Diplotaxis tenuifolia, 162 
Bryophyllum crenatum, 152 
ula portul: 09 

Pachyphytum bracteosum, 67 
achyphytum longifoliam, 4 

Hydrangea quercifolia, 175 



aria anvata, 184 
Rosa ‘“‘ Dr. Van Fleet,” 164 
Rosa “‘Edith Cavell,” 185 
Rosa ‘Silver Moon,” 71 
Spiraea Thunbergii, 112 
nossa Tanakae, 179 
Aronia arbutifolia, 97 

Crataegus succulenta, 123 
Malus Halliana, 134 
Raphiolepis ovata, 70 

sors fe Davidiana, 165 

eel Tweediei, 
See oe 26 


Ila, 2 
Chamaecrista Deeringiana, 121 
amurensis Buergeri, 87 
aa Kelsyei, 3 
ena marginata, 86 

Poinsettia heterophylla, 159 

Frichenberipen benedictum, 42 
Rhus hirta dissecta, 37 
Tlex serrata argutidens, 106 
Tlex verticillata, 1 
Ce ceae: 

Celastrus articulatus, 125 
Euonymus alatus, 84 
“uonymus patens, 158 


oelreuteria paniculata, 191 


Hibiscus Moscheutos, 99 

Hibiscus Scaeneeny, 88 


Fouauiera formosa, 8 

SHOES floridana, 127 

Begonia Cowellii, 5 

Begonia Williamsii, 29 

Echinopsis leucantha, 147 

Epiphyllum Hookeri, 192 

Gymnocalycium Mostii, 83 B 

Gymnocalycium multiflorum, 83 A 

Harrisia gracilis, 61 

Harrisia Martini, 68 

Nopalea Auberi, 10 

Opuntia lasiacantha, 90 

Opuntia macrothiza, 19 

ee ee 47 
ss multiflora, 155 

Centradenia Sa 73 

Jussiaea peruviana, 118 

Benthamia japonica, 43 

Cornus ‘ 

Cornus officinalis, 89 

Clethra alnifolia, 12 

Clethra barbinervis, 181 

Leucothoé Catesbaei, 151 


Pentapterygium serpens, 76 

Ceratostigma plumbaginoides, 183 



oe virginiana, 85 

Puaieittes hispida, 190 

Forsythia Fortunei, 129 

oe pitas 45 

Dasystephana Porphyrio, 35 

Rhabdadenia pase 137 

Urechites = rum, 

Exogonium Aciindaaevata. 17 
oea tenuissima, 128 

eliotr cécinkesn Leavenworthii, 135 

ee polyphyllum, 133 
a japonica, 103 
Cieidienticce trichotomum, 15 
Lantana depressa, 115 
Vitex Agnus-castus, 18 

Dracocephalum speciosum, 174 


Aphelandra nitens, 172 

Dianthera crassifolia, 120 


i occidentalis, 169 

Abelia tla 

eee ee oe laevigatus, 

Symrkorcarpe Symphoricarpos, 

OE dilatatum, 161 
Viburn paper 148 
Viburnum prunifolium, 110 
Viteicuas Sieboldii, 178 
Adoxa Moschatellina, 21 
oe lobata, 64 
Phtyeodon grandiflorum, 167 
fae grandis, 143 
Aster mee age 60 


Coreopsis oaten a 113 

urpurea, 11 
Eupatorium coelestinum, 140 
Eupatorium maculatum, 132 
Helianthus orgyalis, 93 
Othonna crassifolia, 107 
Rudbeckia laciniata, 186 
Solidago altissima, 75 

Xanthisma texanum, 56 





The numerals refer to the plate-numbers 

Abelia grandiflora, 49 

Agave subsimplex, 34 
Alonsoa meridionalis, 150 
Amygdalus Davidiana, 165 

er tataricus, 6 

Baccharis is halimifolia, 55 

s, 6 
Bryophyllum cent 152 
Buddleia Davidi, 4 
Bulbophyllum i abiaicce: 156 

Callicarpa japonica, 103 
Cassia polyphylla, 2 
Catasetum Scurra, 32 
Catasetum viridiflorum, 53 
Celastrus tus, 125 

halanthus occidentalis, 169 
Serstoucicas plumbaginoides, 183 
Chamaecrista Deeringiana, 121 

Chionodoxa Luciliae gigantea, 33 
Cimicifuga simplex, 58 
Clerodendron pivinediiaen: 15 

Clethra alnifolia, 12 

Commelina Sceisianie: 
Coreopsis Leavenvorti, 1i3 
Cornus Mas, 1 

Cornus wei 89 
Corylopsis spicata, 170 
Corylus rostrata, 173 
Cotoneaster Sloseast, 91 
Crassula portulacea, 109 
Crassula quadrifida, 79 

Cremnophila nutans, 25 
Crinum americanum, 11 
Cymophyllus Fraseri, 36 

Dasystephana Porphyrio, 3 
Dendrobium Sa ee 72 
Dianthera crassifolia, 120 
Diospyros virginiana, 85 
Diplotaxis tenuifolia, 162 
Dircaea magnifica, 44 
Dracocephalum speciosum, 174 
Dudleya Brandegei, 48 

Echeveria australis, 40 


Echinopsis leucantha, 147 
Elaeagnus multiflora, 155 
Epidendrum oblongatum, 62 
Epidendrum paleaceum, 28 
Epiphyllum Hookeri, 192 


Euonymus alata, 84 

Eupatorium maculatum, 132 
Exogonium microdactylum, 17 

Fagelia diversifolia, 157 

Freylinia OTS 77 

Gongora truncata alba, 46 
Grossularia curvata, 184 
Gymnocalycium Mostii, 83 B 
Gymnocalycium multiflorum, 83 A 

Hamamelis j a 98 
Ha eli , 142 

Se o 

iotropium ee 135 
acon hr 133 
Hibiscus Mosche 
Hibiscus oculiroseus, 
Hydrangea Pte 175 

Tlex serrata argutidens, 106 
Tlex verticillata, 116 
Ipomoea tenuissima, 128 
Jeffersonia diphylla, 176 
Jussiaea peruviana, 118 
Koelreuteria paniculata, 191 
Lantana depressa, 115 
Lepadena marginata, 86 
Leucothoé Catesbaei, 151 
Lilium Hi , 153 

Limodorum Simpsonii, 124 

Maackia amurensis Buergeri, 87 

Mina lobata, 14 

Monarda media, 180 

Nolina texana, Al 
Nopalea 1 
Notylia sagittifera, 16 

enia hypogaea, 126 
Oncidium pubes, 69 

Oxydendrum arboreum, 139 

Pachyphytum bracteosum, 67 
Pachyphytum longifolium, 4 
An pemonaiere pec eteyp ssa 141 

Pin bergii, 1 
eager eee 26 
Platycodon grandiflorum, 167 
Poinsettia Secteeta 159 
Pterostyrax hispida, 190 

Raphiolepis ovata, 70 
Rhabdadenia corallicola, 137 
Rhododendron carolinianum, 1 
us hirta dissecta, 37 
Robinis Kelseyi, 3 
Rosa “‘ Dr. Van Fleet,” 164 
Rosa “Edith Cavell,’ 185 
Rosa “Silver Moon,” 71 
Rudbeckia laciniata, 186 

Sagittaria latifolia, 54 
Salvia , 119 
Sedum Tioureeth, 57 


Sedum diversifolium, ses A 

Stephanandra Tanakae, Ae 
Stylophorum diphyllum, 9 
Symphoricarpos albus ia: 2 
Symphoricarpos Symphoricarpos, 11 


Tillandsia sublaxa, 39 

‘Trichosterigma benedictum, 42 

Urechites pinetorum, 131 

Vernonia crinita, 166 
Viburnum dilatatum, 161 
Viburnum Lantana, 148 
Viburnum prunifolium, 110 
Viburnum Sieboldii, 178 
Viorna Baldwinii, 117 
Vitex Agnus-castus, 18 

Werckleocereus glaber, 47 
Xanthisma texana, 56