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Full text of "A table of vegetable poisons, exhibiting the principal poisonous plants ?comprising their common English name, botanic name, the class and order to which they belong in the Linnaean system, essential character by which they are particularly distinguished, native country, places of growth, time of flowering, poisonous effects and mode of treatment, &c. ; illustrated by accurate drawings of the principal indigenous plants, including the poisonous mushrooms, and some of the exotic poisonous plants cultivated in Britain /by G. Spratt ..."

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er Common 

me, Botanic Name, the Class and Order to which they belong in t 


Places of Growth, Time of Flowering, _ olsonous Effects and Mode of Treatment, &c. 

et Te Ser ee of ray ~ : wee z . : ® & = = fi. Tt : 
ie Limnean System, Essential Character by which they are particularly istinguished, Native Country, 



Plants cultivated in Britain. | 

neluding the Poisonous Mushrooms, an yf the Exotic 

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2 Characters, ke. whieh Sone Ge Potsoncus Spevies. : EPYECTS. TREATMENT, 
Kiy 4 Amanita Muscar WO eee eee ist. All these which grow in moist and marshy ground, and in shady places, whi The first symptoms which usually arise from eating noxious mush- When any of the untoward effects which have been enumerated arise from eatin : 
G latino A Agaricus Semigiobatus......... the solar rays have but little access, 9d, Those which ¢ grow in tufts and clusters fr rooms, aré a in the stomach and bowels, accompanied with nausea, mushrooms, the stomach should be immediately evacuated by an emetic of ipecacu- 
women WV ICALOT. .. 5» pet pee the trunks of trees. 3rd. Those whose stems are faa with a collar, or annular vomiting, and purging; to these succeed unquenchable thirst, sense of anha, sulphate of zinc, or copper; stimulating clysters should be administered without 
es : Fae gfe : : . oe ie i : or 4 4 
: Rt FIP ETULUS, sau e es seve veil, 4th. Those whose colour is of an orange, red, or rose tint, or have a dirty glain heat in the bowels, faintings, cramps of the lower extremities, delirium, delay, and as soon as the stomach becomes settled, repeated doses of Glauber or Epsom 
oo ees ee ae surface, or many distinct colours. 5th, Those which have bulbous and soft stenig, and convulsions. The pulse becomes small, hard, and frequent, and the salts, or castor oil, should be given until the intestines are thoroughly emptied. A fte 
e above may a a the authori ity of M. ee Ala and of he ie following, | STOW rapidly and corrupt very quickly. 6th. Those with an acrid taste, and a a pungent pupil often dilated; some are affected with vertigo and stupor, others are the stomach and bowels are sufficiently evacuated, small and repeated doses of ether, 
ch are decidedly more or Jess deleterious, viz. Agaricus Acris, Annularis, Urens, disagreeable odour. 7th. Those whose flesh turns blue when cut. exhausted by alternate convulsions and fainting s cold sweats come on, or opium and ether in combination, or weak brandy and water, s hould be given: water 3 
a | : ; : — oe ae 2 : : 
; ae S a a ‘ pes pa - te ae a7 2) a t ee She teel | # Mushrooms be long to the twenty-fourth class, SUG eee order, fourth Fungi, in the Linear and death closes the scene. The above effects seldom take place till six acidulated with any vegetable acid, may be taken to quench thirst.’ Should symptoms 
Pam, rss Sere! rua-Militens, Macuiatum, and Tricuspidatum, ke _ ‘ : : ; ld be ue : oe oo ke. 
; : ane ork a System; the generic and specitie characters of the species, would occupy more space than could bp or eight hours, and sometimes more, after the mushrooms have been eaten of inflammation supervene they must be treated according to general principles 
ay be added some varieties of the phere, and probabl y many others which grow 12 | allotted in a work of this kind, and at the same time oud not, we presume, lead to the discriminatio ae << : es : SS oe, 2 oc 5 E Ditte 
heist and shady situatio Ons, a ee of the poisonous fungi, se clearly as the general characters we have enumerated. 4 


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Cem: Ae Nera 
BON UGE, Botanical Nang, Cia Op 
ass Oreer, : 
a oe Essential Coaracter. Chon 
a : Ay, : Pigs ah ‘ 
oe S : ee Pieces where found. Time of Flewenag ee 
Bears Woot. .,....... | elleborus Fyzidus. ......... Plea — EFFECTS, 
: = S OIVE Vale, lem manv-tovwer bey sat, peace : 
ea vou : hy-Howered, ieafy; Leaves pedate; Petals five, converging. | 1b Brijals A 
Sntter-cups,.... Ranunculus 4c Ho. (Calyx of spread Bop Oe EAs ee eeees er ssaes tess! Thicke hal i Apri 
i (oe eee a i WB a Polyandria < Leaves i spreading; Flower-stalks round and even: ee ne py - 
. : ? eae in three deep-lobed and cut segments, those of the upper- AE stenoses : a chi 
most linear, and entire 8 ee a obese 
ae Se beeesessneseses| Vieads and pastures nascd Talc by any of 
oo reeseoes | Moncecia, Synoenesia Se oe five-loothed; Corolla five-parted: three Filaments in i te ee July. ne le 
BAY Le EAST ily Mei e flowers: Vemale bow A . 5 fm ine 2 mg efforts i tO Vor tin 
o oS ie ae aye owers, Pistil three-cloft : Leaves multified. | ~ Africa, Cape of Goad Hope. : vomit continue 
ae [oo . , olyandeia, 3 aly hone; eiais five or six: Sea ape @ one or tw : i Se ee ee ee Easiness ccscantioape mene! ot pine int + 
i é 4 ae 2 weclouccs neariy i 4 : acuated larce dre nis 
= Ly S % ~ : 4 A Pe ; nha * « Cit, tT Oe rau 
8 Z ee a ee VAe Aueiea and fat : pungent acrid taste, with more or less bitterness e » large draughis 
? ee ee ae Ona a, Jigie. Mfo a { Stalks nibing ; Teaves - : eS Lives sceese ua 4 Revere ie Jar and i . $ : Tore or tess oilterness ¢ of warm water, or th : 
; Monecia. { als ; : s palin oF ue hon Gon ites ois ee = 8664 e5 20 & 6 & © fis cli ep, aos a h a s Lak S take en i, be 
Celandine. a points; Flowers specie.” ol -— ssive heat and dryness of tl ith ar hi : 
(a wad oo Di : : : 3 : tte she se nes aees! Fledocs : tl sath and which. the efforts will : . 
- : See ee i Gl randna. Monogyma ao eaves vole: elaucar igs Jide orane 4 a a ‘ a j 28s ACS: Oe 6 Hee 2 8 ee ee 6 6 e 8 < ear es + 5 x BICT S hut 3 
€ awry Troperial PAG a a he ais » fe 6e opella ik . 4 aOge mehr Wlowers yellow. aE oe i ie 26 * 6 @ £OYOa ts acconipan ve ed with @ sense ot ¢ tig ht nes + + ‘ e Seek 
? ee ray ner ee : JPOr 1 fab . Sb be 6 8 6m ee ot 3 ; ene : 8S. iL oyu 5a) eation HAS ie 
PETLGUS, ss+eeee+ | Hexandria, Monogynia. (¢ base tne fo ie Pe es fariferous cavily at the Se seetee Waste shady QTCETS. «sce cersces ii: to ti i ptoms of intoxication or insensibility have 
Pal Th 8 ee ves entire. QW Perce ' : Te ee it; to these succeed violent vomit: ity nave 
{ eedinel Wlowee ao LE etsia ceeg violent vomitings and pur come on wi + 
a) Blower, .., Se %e ‘ : (Oa ee : 2 Den = come on witho omitine. if should 7 
os | Lobelia a Sup niillicd. ABP eee Boe Viovecania ; Coretta one-potalled, irregular s | sapsule loferior i ees ee Se oe A a y ging, witl o i : | ee ed ee 
EA ponte e eee pte * Hm 4 } met grea : 40 SLOT a 
Vaodil he . iree-celled ; Stem erect; Leaves ovate pointed. Sie ih aes a it pain in the stomach and bowels diatele eerie hie 
PUN OC 4a... Po : : : = Vigiliidy ' : diately excited by a prop : 
s¥eatesegaa | NOrCisstis Peeudonare ciseus. i "ese: un Ge S e Neotar , 2 Ces cee ee sca eG ‘Le ? A Drop achive 
PISS... , Mo nogynias 4 ae Hades Gane Ot 10 Wa tay Ms as ae erect, erisped, 2 p 68668600 484 o 0 5) ee ine efforts to yomit continuine alter the contents — 
Euphorbia Oe Bee Eee CC aEy yey ew. 4 Britai oe : 
Pas eee LUE 3 ss ve ie iH hi . ¢ 1.6 oe PUIG) 2 ee ee ee a, : ¥e woes ‘ 
a he « orb O ? oe te 4 » Yee Cert: ¢ ee iy 3 a . ee ene 3 Y MAS Stie Vie wore i f } mac ay! t 
uphorbia Oficinarum. 4.,... Syngenesia. 2 : Pode rola five-parted; Pomes hispid, bursting elas~ | _ A fr} »»| Moist woods and thickets ........| March, of the stomach have been evacuated; the pulse 
Vlatesium ATs celin 67 Male a oo. Ae INCA og eka se oc 1 es frequent : 
a ee Rr age Wiemordica oi £é. aleriam. Sosa. Monadelohia 5 “ ie sane ee Calyx BWV GC ETT le five-paried : Filaments five 8 & Pee oo. vEeEcomes rrequent and SE Tons, the > breath ne @ quick 2 
age ois, female fower—Caly sole 6 Sa Say x : | 
E é Gourd ba. Cal vs ay 'e eleft He orolla five-parted ad: Stele irvifid - (@) Seuth of Bu one and laho raha Sy : . * : \ 
. d opennig el astically. J 5 BE BAT get ee ao Cultivated j a €NG 1aD0TlGUs; appearances of intoxication some- 
nue oe ee Silicmins © . Calgye Tour-} Ce Pt eee ee ee ee ee | BE Gl uly, : : : 
«et Stalaem| ne Cons / ee : . : ‘ : 1OuUr~ eaved: Coaraila four- pel Aes nen Key ee hs % ty a q o nave th ee ara c 
¢ ogeides, 45. | Polypamia, Monsen ; eden ey a sila “ Ee ie A times occur; the pupil of the eye is often dilated 
: Obe-celled, crowned by the Six} four-lobed; Berry |} - — 1 ] 
o Pi veson, ee A odialn FO : ¥ (Ae oye, iliree-seeded, a WTR PRR ee eee aa eee eG : If the above sympton ns eT; Sata 
i oes ees ek (yratiola OFie FALLS ee eke es ieiandria. Monovynia. ee irregniars UCilys seven-le BH eC ¢ Toeaves lanced. ser ated : oe OO ea ve - be not ren noved in due infusion of cottee may he drank warn r tat 
: nai oyna. Vows parece : ved: Leaves lanced, serra Go Z time. by pro oo oe mee ma e On (Avi, 20nG at 
Hlenveck Diop-wort oo : : 2 { South of Evrop Cte é : ume, by proper remedies, insensibility resembli i ; 
2 ile ae te Revie rocks S : : 1 - oa DE, s wee Hee ae rate * e vie é ie . : b Pier atde ed as Ly Tesem oiling cua tervals vinecar iinter with j : 
ore CVor0la. os secs ees f Pentand ea. yeynia, ( Leaflets all wedge-shaped, many-cleft, nearly uniform © Pyoit linea ee) Cultivated in gardens. .csseeeses! Sune and Jaly. ee : & intervals vinegar diluted with water, in the pro- 
Houeica : ) oblone. wih Mesdes alee ruitlineam| 4) pee, | J death soon follows; the pulse loses its force, he portion of 
Hoviscleck. | : : ] g. mae 2 oe oe : 5 = 38 eiaks e) on et re ton Gh 
Hes ey ast ee | CULOCTY vivum Te SOT : ae Dodeca ae nis svers cul m twelve deep segments: Leaves fri 3 ie S06 Oe te sees Ww atery places. ne Gomes clo: ee ; f no © pare of the former tc three or four 
| oe ; on lx oak ede pilents Lenies (lasets Oe re July. omes slow, and death closes the sce Ae 
Vicarls-c: : ¢ edges of the ene, entice i y oe A scene, of the latter: a co a. 
ae BSG ees teseoee | Viola Tricolor, Pe 3 MT : { Stem angular, dif a | ee . Oe 
2 j vO UN ae Fe a i entancria, Monogynia. ; ia ives me use, ¢ fividec > Leaves oe bloug, deeply erenate 5 Sti- . De eS 66565 566 ee & 6G July. i. be 3 ve 
dpecacuanha...... Cephacis £ i 451 p ate, pinnatified ; ee obsolete. © oo es — Field d i M f ¢ : oe pe so ministered I frequently, and often with 
: ‘ so sepnaciis Inecacuanha..... y ae 2) Be SLOSS Sey bby 2 (> 88 SA see ese ee FICS 2G carcens [aes Wlany OF these y Z etahie ie ; el t 
i : verses | Pentandria. Monogynia. 2 cent: Cor nails aye ney ay be pointed, somewhat pubes-| .. h Sees | eke ess ye eset] May to Dept, : Sec aley U appbed exter much advantage, If the symptoms of ib} 
 Lepscewan . oe wel tally: Bracteas large. 2. Bouth Ameri: ‘ mile Henan ak cel raeeues te a 40 ns of insensibi- 
. bo + sescneese | Pedicularis Palusiris, ....<.-« | Didvnamia Anoiocneen § Stem delitaty, branched: Calyx ovate, h thhed. j be ee a a nally, produce more or less irritation of the skin, te ° oe 
“g a7 TUNUSIOIRs a DSTOS HET. i equally etched lobes: Plo wer eee et airy, ribbed, in twe un- ) Brits : veer! Feb. and Mar, ae 1 fla ity be considerable, blisters should be applied 
ou roye fe oe : y : , 5 Scarlet. wm Ire oilowed by “Com panied with oe oe 
f Spearwort, ....| Ranunculus Mammula.....s.-« | Polvandna Polvevania § Leaves simple, ovate, pointed, stalked; Stem reclini ik # DING, -o-+}--7+>+-++.--.| Boggy pastures, foo j 1 Jal ved by inflammation, accompanied with erup- to the nape of the neck and legs; y fricti 
ie le fe es ? fibrous: 8 » Saiked; Siem reclining: Roots a oe ae oeeerer*) June and July oe oo. ie : He BECK GHG 1C883 Wali sricuons 
: i fibrous; Seeds smooth. 83 a aJuly.| tions of pustules or vesications - oe 
oe | a gl ve esic 8. should 
a Aconita pe a . = : e oe Pe . ¢ oe oe a be 2s 7 yey arise uk a er rer ¥ - fs 
++ | Aconitum Napellus, | Polyandria, Mrieynia, { : VW oo ed tals five. the highest arched ; divisions of the Leaves weeeee++| Watery places.........esereceeeel J uly and Sept also be employed. If symptoms of in- 
: 4 ee ps orec wit bh ‘ ine Se ae 8 Be 4 c . e) es re Ge Dies ~e 
Riewlow Saffron : ; : : ‘ 26 Continent of E ra : e be | 
HMVon. ...+., | Colchicum dulumuale. ........ |Hesandvia Trigvaia § Leaves flat, lanceolate, erect; Segment of the Corolla oblon bot Europe. ....+.| Cultivated in BATUENS. i cece ae Tui ammation supervene, recourse must be had iv 
7. eR aAnoria, VO Plgy ile. ? we low era baal hg tes >, 3) fs : se aeeese, Jy ve i . 
adical purple, a~e : ¥ ble a 4 tio. se id at eases 
Faererean, .. ye : ue pu in, eediug, and the usual means resorted to in in 
a SRS ee ERS ew ee iJaphne Mezerewn, eS RE a ew Oeclundria, a Joa yy ony na § Flowers naked on ihe stent, Ressile . ad out ¢ re liree together : y Ee nee oS eo £4 2 KR be eS ee ee Bi ch m neacdow Wes a. Se 2 28 @ © Re eee Ge 6 co. 2 me e v ce 
ah Ponuy-wort divdro t lanceolate, deciduous. oe oo September, flammatory diseases. 
Sig DUyHWONL, coos Tive “atl : » o i - . ‘ : ie 7 BO ee eee ee ee . 
: : dydyocotile Pulearis, ........ | Pentandria, Dieynia, : nee = ee oes smooth, cloven at the base; Umbels some- 4 (177+) Woods, cultivated m gardens. ....| Mar-and A pal. 
ee : oe e; Flowers nearly sessile. : u i - 
esque Blower, , 3 2 ae oe . 
: tok a ee a 3 Ae jie s + ig Beers fa ne S x : Si ee ee eee ee me Satara als pn 4 
<s  Atiemoue Pulsaliile ....,..... Polyandria, Polygynia. § ee ss Gee on ae cep linear seemenis: Petals erect; Watery places...............-.++| May and June 
* oS sathery tails; “eaves deubly pinnate, eul with linear | : : 
: { lobes. : be, CUL WEIN LIMGRE | 2 tr ee ee | Chall 
on Ouk. See | : ety Chalky pastires, os ..cs ea. 
: trreveseees | Rhus Juxicodendron, ..,..... | Ventandna, Dieynia, § Caiye Bve-patied; Cetals five; Berry ge Leaves ternate : : ey 
oo i Leaflets petoled: Pei ales Sy ye SK : 7 
oe. ae Oe ee petioled; Petioles angled, pubescent; Stem rooting. y North Amerta.......... Cniwvaicd : jane, Julv 
os oo oe a ; ee aS a eG 2 : ; bee 4 AS ses ; % ne i ‘an 
ae Sea e aaa | pe Major, ee Monee. : Jonadel phia 1s Cosa tens io wei Atos ee a Hike wat : Seed one: ivated in some botanic ee ardens. 4 ne 2? 
eee en a, Coroll: Female Stigmas three, claven: Male Calyx five c oe 
22 we lal Ae Gn te > . 5 ? ; : 
2 parted; Stamens numerous, : Hues We 1) East and Wet Indies,  .... 
en. : oy ere ye : ¥ save ¥ . Se 68 6b UG epee Te 7a Ce. i Vi erat 
Ys «eee iveces | Convolvulus Seqmmonia. ....., 00 “entandnia, Aionorynia, § Leaves sagittate, the posterior margins with a tooth: Peduncles : : Aug. and Sept,, fn giving the essential character of the various Plants, we have th sought it advisable, j : 
a t mostly th ee-flowered ; Corolla monopetalous, hell. shaped, plalled, % Levant... — instances, to deviate from the s specific distincti : ee oe 
3 ) 28 : ewe, ce eo ee ae Is g! nn ‘ : 1b} 
§ Clusters axillary, generaily five-flowered, di onping; Leavas evergreen : ee bol a stinctions given by Linnaeus and others; by describing what we 
BrmOg) hoes SE yd en ie © Been, eabheteeieha 10st essentia Se ge th facia ‘ : ‘ : : 
t : moolh, obovate, lancelate: Flowers green: Berrics beck, Soe ial for the ready discrimination of each individual plant, as well from the generic 
s : as the specific character. oo oe 
ieesevsserne, dbniperus Sabina, ..., Diocia. | Male-samentun Das ae ore, basoia hose Stamens three, ee 
, : ? ema ae clais tree; Calyx ihree-par ied; Styles three: Leaves 
: e opposite, erect, decurrent, . oe 
OU 4... dc: Sala Mow - oe oF eu ae 
GES ..s... | Belle Moris Hexen Nios Corotta inferior Petals a, vee ello Bun you hook : GS the mark © answers io the term dnaual; ¢ Biennial; U Perennial: 
2 1. HeOnOgVnIa, sealy al the top; Mowers earlier than the hoe eee aes. plant oe 
| | : : 1 : plant is ether Aborcous or Shrub 
q rgin’s a owes, “4 ae - : a é pe : eee eb eens 3 Fs Dagan asa nace iain ecaeat g ea ae boy 
s Lower. tases flematis Fifaiha. ........... . | Polvandria, Poly ae _§ Leaves pinnate; Leaflets heart-shaped, partly cut, their stalks twi- Britain. .. : ae 
w ake - - : &3 ° 2 bing, permanent ; ; Panicles forked ; Stem woody ; Flowers white. Co Fe Hedses, on a chalk BY 8 Bll. aceon da July 
é Obl Aen ae : OO ee ad ce ; ner ye 
ROU. ....,.., | Strum Maenlalum............, | Monecia, - Polyandria y Siem bone | Leaves Belboreshaed, eure, sing. suded 5 Cols 
. L . 2 mon Stalk of the Flowers club-shaped, ebture; Berries scarlet, | 4 —— cope b tee meses Groves and bushy places ssn 
: 1 aS er ee ee 3 s ra aces : . ue ‘ : 
_ Hate Flellebore,.., . y rabrt am ADU. oss canes | Polvoamia. | Moaeen § Calyx none; Corolla six petals 3 Capsules three-celled, many seeded; oe oe 
c . 25 : ) Secds winged at each end; Panicle thrice compound. : Europe, .. eens Cultivated | d 
VU. all 1 ; . oo * oe em € ee « # uitivate nm our U Be 5 : : : 
i Pepper. Peeees iy | CeCUm dove. 2.2... ...,.¢. | Deeandiie Pentacynia } vey es, Bay Ove, 1s, Tamid, spire a) ike baay) a a 
“ALONE Hila gna. yme of three smooth branches leafy ; Flowers yellow 2 Britain a 
: % > os sd ve Oli. ee ee? ese e es OR we ee a VW : ¥ : 
Voter Cea : - : alls and roofs. .... oe 
Water Crowfoot. ... -.. | Ranunculas Seeleratus......... | Polyandria. Polyeynia § Stem erect, thick, hollow, much branched ; Leaves smooth; lower pal oS ee ee 
7 eal i fe upper Gngered; Wrult oblong ; Seeds minute, very numerous, Loe “eg kpc ees oe oo se ee VeAadOW and pastures 
: 3 - A { ak aS res, 
Water Plomlock Phaivedau o : oe is all uniform, wi ith narrow, wedge-shaped, cut, spreading seg~ oe eee Be aye 
; OCKs seses, | Phellandrium Aquaticunt.cesss, | Pentandna, Digynia. i pees ate ee broad ribs, and narrow dotermediate a | 
furrows. : : a coe 
hodo sdendroi, Hhododendro fr, a 4 ’ é : ee ee ee We atery places. Pee ee aetna 
- ay tendton Crysenthemum, | Decandria, = _ Monogynia. — 4, Calyx Bve-parieds Corolla nearly wheel-shaped; € Capsule five-celled : % Shes Ceigeui ad | ee 
¢ stem decumbent - : Ledves ovate, reticulated: U ee jerminal, ee i Cultivated in Britain..secseseses | mam 
eo a 
: a = 

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<1 f40 wt ss eer ted. 



“‘Bolay pioal Naines. “Class. - | Drder. a ee Baul e Charnct ce C cee fans. ee os 
a - - APACE E: ouniry. Places where f le ee ee ok a : oe 
: fe iases & ay eee Sos : | ee . 
os on Le Flac ere found Time of Flowerluz. EFEECTS. - ee 
BOE - e a % a Pe ‘a “ e : : Hy oe : ae 
eee eek ea ho Arstoloch) al i Cc ematit Lids Gynandria, ae oo Pevandrria, eeeee eae 5 Leaves heart-shaped ; Stem erect: « lowers ageregaic, axillary, 5 oo j oo . : : ; = 
Bane-bervies. ..,...<. Actea Spicata Polyandna. Monogyni 2 upright; Calyz unilateral, > |e Britain, Thicketsand amongruins. ......| July and Aug. 
Gay eae: : : ¢ e228 HONOR VIS Be ay ae 3 : 2 = Woereotic veretanl : j 3 s ; 
SyMIG. «:e+s+| Cluster dense, ovate; Petals the length of the Stamens. 4 Bhshy mountains. nea © | Narcotic vegetables when taken into the stomach,| When any of these Poisons have been taken in undue quantities, * 
an + Cal : HS. seerossesewsce) May ANC JUNE. | (in quantities more or less proportioned ; ; [pesiibas 
: Camphor.............| Laurus Cumphora, Enneandna. ....—— 5 a Ce rola calycine, six-parted; Nectary with 3 two- ae zd ¥ aes or less proportioned to the energy | the stomach must be immediate! y evacuated, either by means of : 
pe Oe a es - $ surrounding the germ; Leaves ovate-lanced,! % Asia, Japan. | C Sitivated in our green houses July ore Pe Pee applied to a wound, occasion the | the stomach pump, or by some active emetic substance, prepared 
Coon Daa }ouras Cone e bg ae 6 eg : ’ be) iia y. following symptoms: : pulse variable, but at first gene- | by dis solving in one or two sneous al of warm water, eight or ten 
wR Be ee a) BOUIEE tat Pe see hee Soa conan paneen - eelett: ‘ : ? 4 P a ae 4 3 
i pele Icosandria..osees waseeeal J {sen oe F | ae le Hlowers in racemes; Leaves ever-| 4 7 ouant ee rally fall and strong; heaviness of the head, stupor, | grains of the sulphate of copper, twenty of the sulphate of gine 
§ andular at the base. OVA ~ ~ubbe ro. i ' : ; aaa a 
Coculus Judi aus. Moa Fives ale ain feel : . * , in shrubberies, &e. ....| Aprile numbn 435 1D various parts ; sickness and desire to | or from three to five of tartarised antimony;+ this dose ts to ae 
oe ] & 10 * oe LG age ai TALE 1 separa ze fe ; 3 : : i it, Be che ‘ : melee a ee oe a 2. — 
sess) Menigpermum Coculus. Diceciu........+, Dodecandria....,.- dish iutecion; He Rees a Bae four odes ee vomit, at first slight, but afterwards bec aming almost | repeated every quarter of an Let until full vomiting is prod uced, 
: = : Re, Sisiee ale flower: Serries | See : : ao wupnortable: 2 stunid air. < a : ea. oe ee 
Cc vi : one-seeded. : e flower; Berries| Hast Undies, — in some botanic gardens. July. Pepper 2 supie air, and appearance of intoxi« | and these means may be assisted by tickling the tl iroat with ihe 
wy be Ge 2 Be % oy sy e : be 3 ur ¥ ary * s a F yloe $6, aa “s 
HUNT Dione ceca x eee Strychnos Nax vomica. | Pentandria. Gee. Monogynia oe $ kg: five-clelt to the pase, decidveus: Co rolla monopetal ous Give cation rious or livel y deliriui m3; somet times great finger, or a feather ; + & 2 iyster fs co ym posed of common salt and water 
Le soe x vte 2 4 is as ¥ Fe 3 ri ns x POy GS eo - se a a ee 
tropa Bedlad, 2 cleft; Leaves ovate: Stem unariied. : = So pe ~ a various parts; pupil of the eye gen srally g rael, or soap dissolved in warm water, should be administered as 
n ' e+) #ACFODO Setiuaonna, mmm vg gg g| mnt tg ep ont §=6teM herbaceous: Leaves ovate, entire: Mawers solitary, drooping. | 2 Britai vhs! - a & ee These sy mpton as are followed by convulsions | soon as possible, to clear the bowels, < ane evacuate any of the poison 
ea als § - = x2 o ae BaP Scat eles tre bere sOuar eeu + é ‘< . i Sep yee Ft ~ hac ser beur ‘ : 
Ce  ——— Teiandria, : Dievnr § Anas longer than the Coroll Spikviete shortey | — Ca pe ane aste ground on calcar. soils, cae.) Supe. of different parts of the bedy, or palsy of the extre- | that may have reached them. After the vo ee has ceased, active ~ 
ener IOVEids eae tO : e Corolla: Snibriele shorter than the Caly a eee & oeat ae ee : 
Foxglove ( Florets elliptical; Stem Sa in the npper part, : Be Oe ne PG eee i sei cac cies. oUly. sere as bla) See dejection; and death | pu gatives may be given ; and when by these means as much as 
- a : a: : ay : S 2 ¢ a red bee 73 ee pve bee - 1. : 
Se ,rstséti‘ CW Didynamia, .... Aneiospermia wa) § Calyz-segments ovate, acute; Corcila obiase; Upper Lobe searcely oses the scene, if not relieved by timely and proper | possible of the poison has been e xpelled, warm cofiee, and 
ye ae : €, ACHIO, Clrolkd GF i BCarcely | fF ete a 3 Lee ¥ 
Fool's Parsley ee nt : t cloven; Leaves downy, erenate. : : : Woods and hedges. ............| July andAug. ne diluted with water, may be drank alternately ; ; but vegetal 
ss BlOY< oo seseus) Mithusa Cynapium, Pentandria, ....| Digynia. ........| § Leaves uniforms Leaflets wedge-shaped, decurrent, with lanceolate are on no account to be administered until the poison is fee i 
: : fom 4 ee ae 5 fet ‘ Ae FP RES POL ES PTLIL Le SOY re fo. : 3 : OR ey : i - 5 
Plemic ke eae 44 ka Ge Ow Conan Ma iain My ? seomenis, : : Colivated elds... RSO6 SOS 546 8 Ove July and Aug. aS the above Means fail in removing the Stupor and drove a 
aeeos, WOlltin MMaculaium, ee ee : ‘ : : : whch ( : SA tbl 
or > : —. . * o w ed anc tuoh branched : o - a which is so oe mes extrenic, recourse must be had 500d 
Hienbane, ............ Hyosclamus Niger. ronment 5 gy ye.) MONOTYDIA ee au polished and epee’, mach branched. Bo mmnemetentne ‘edges and waste pround........., Mar. to June. and most advantageously fom hed oe ei ne ae 
Herb Pa os Paris Quadrifolia 5 oe : ONCE TUNE: eeesss) Leaves sinuated, elasping the stem; Flowers sessile. = Viaste ground a July aod ciosh advaubi see ee Bh vena} bee, 
Be een eee ee ee, YL ATIS 4 Akar fold, iD clandria. eee eee ‘Trigynia, 2 Leaves ovate , about four Ste a e a fr : . A 3s ee L iy * als 80 he ap »plied to she back at th ye nec K and legs, and tf the 
Pe a me : : 4 oul kk 5 ee se. smooth: Flowers solilary eee = ae : Re 
Vente 4 cece esses. Blvom Erin Didar — : : ple, smooth; Flowers solitary. | & COVES, ne oe ee cee ecu ses ys) May and June, roused by every possible means. The p sheat should also 
. iadel phig. ....| Decandna. .....+..) § Cae hee pared. the jones of the Corolla; Germs bare; Leaves | @ Ttz oe oe y a 
. tod | % compound, with an odd on : are; Leaves | @ Ttaly & Spain. oe May. as much as ponsble ou ne Jegs, if capable of standing, 
Pirong-scenied Letiice. | lactuca Piensa : : oe : oxtremities become 1, w friction 
gescented Letiuce. | luactaca Firesa. iwenesia : “9 ; |. : ; extremities become cold, warmth and friction should be resorted 
: : py ng BenCS! «nee Poly Saris a Ace qualis, 5 nes cokes yntal, finely toothed, the keel prickly ; (Coreiia of each’ # Britain | Chalkv banks Aug A Sent to. and unceasinely and ue ingl y us sed. 
Spee ets : q Herel ie ulare s Gees ae me ay: Ne ose ees 6 ve ees oes) OU 2 Ang co 2 On or oe 
White Poppy p . So orel ligulate). . ? . 8 pL 
v5 3 2 Ve eee ene ee AUAVeP Bo) iH #4 Jaleand ric Ly ay . gay 2 
re ? iferum, Polyandna. ...,| Monocynia, ......, § Capsule nearly globular, smooth, as well as the Calyx and Stem; | @ . Ficlds and waste ground Jul 
Therm Apple a _ : ; weaves notched, cla ; aS PECIGS € iste ground. .« uly. 
Fnom Apple, scses++« Datura Siramonium, Pentandria, ....) ————_- : iy » oe notched, clasping the Stew . ss hes 
ee ee C TPapie Se avate B + fs ee a Bd E . ; ae 
Wha oo ene se PPuUd spinous, ovate, cre s Leaves ovate, smooth, sinuated. © - L anghills and waste ground, . oak July. * Various preparations of some of these Narcotic VYegeiables are vex ty 
ues esusteess Nicotiana Zabacum, © (mmm arcsec el = me olate, ae decur a0 Calya five-cleft; Corolla | ~ + : : Aas : . active cy eff neaelous medici Sale ot hey have sometimes been administered in 
ayy A uv o { funnel-shaped, the mare in 4 Spreading, p i plaited. w North America, Galt vated in gardens. espe ussecees, consequence occuring d. 
Ape Se cay pe et : ee Rees Se eee oe i : y De ge Ap eS net oe Spey ayrpes a 
vy SRCT BAe peas Ae ula Perosd. oman a sy ays) LCVD, § Leaves twice ternate, serrated; Leaflets linear-lanceolate, decurrent; ; : + The dose of tl hese st “substan nces s must pe varie sd according to the age of the 
: —— = seetres*) @ . Branches nearly erect : oe ? >) 3b Britains Wat tery place eee Auoust patient ; : the above quantities being the ee dose for an adult person. 
oy heat 1S ' ee ey a t As one of the effects of these Narcotic Poisons is to deaden the eners 
sony 2G ‘Soanum Dulcamera, : Sik bly aieue eiiedt Gos 
2 - oe be mane he yg gg Monogynia. a ; £ oT oe WOODY, Mipeag, WilslOu thors + Upper LLODES hasiaie : “ re ed : : ihe stomach, and prev ent the action of even the most powerlal emetics, mt 
CUS Lere CYRUS, iL oa a o @6 846445 4045 84s 2 OH Bees June and July. beat up thio may in such eases be siven with adv vantage, as it slimulates the 
oe stomach in the first Instance, and then 3 acts aS an eniotic. 

: 3, DAV, Monel, Uurcom vest, Sovenedials« Soe eas ae SY Tyo : Q et oe : :