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Compiled by 


Edited for the New England Botanical Club 




To Merritt Lyndon Fernald 
1873 — 1950 



The first fifty volumes of RHODORA, published between 1899 and 
1948, contain a history and chronicle of field activity and research 
in taxonomic botany during that period, particularly with reference 
to the flora of Eastern North America. Up to the present, this vast 
quantity of botanical material has been relatively inaccessible with 
only yearly indices available. The present book is a subject, author 
and title index, covering volumes one through fifty. 

A comprehensive index is a tool of research that saves time and 
error for the user in his quest for the published work of others. 
What might not be thoroughly appreciated is the time, effort and 
expense required to produce such an index. 

The compilatory work on the present volume was painstakingly 
done by Dr. Ernest Rouleau, who undertook the rather formidable 
task with enthusiasm. His original draft was a model of what an 
index should be and his achievement is hereby gratefully acknowledged. 
Dr. Rouleau has further aided the project by carefully checking the 
proofs. Unfortunately, the great cost of producing the index in its 
original form was prohibitive. Rather extensive changes in the direc- 
tion of space-saving and the elimination of repetitious entries were 
required as measures of economy. Some of the ease with which the 
index might have been used was sacrificed, but the accuracy and com- 
pleteness of coverage have been preserved. The editors assume full 
responsibility for the revisions made in Dr. Rouleau's original manu- 
script. Much of the work of these revisions has fallen to Mr. Ralph 
C. Bean, who in addition, together with Mrs. Bean, has read the 
galley proof. Dr. Albert F. Hill contributed much of the editorial 
work for one section of the book. In dedicating this volume, Dr. 
Rouleau and the Editors have been mindful of the fact that the late 
Professor Merritt Lyndon Fernald was on the Editorial Board from 
the beginning of RHODORA and was Editor-in-Chief from 1929 to 1951. 
Fernald’s botanical work, so largely a feature in the pages of RHODORA, 
marked an epoch in the study of the flora of North America. 

Reed C. Rollins. 



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The basis of this cumulative index has been the yearly indices 
of RHODORA, volumes 1-50. Because of the accuracy of these indices, 
it was not found necessary or desirable to compile the index from 
the text. The major contribution of the author has been to bring 
the various citations into uniformity. 

For greater usefulness, the index has been divided into two parts, 
the first taxonomical and the second bibliographical, using both author 
and the principal words of the titles. 

In the taxonomical portion, orthographical variants have been 
combined under the correct orthography; when referring to different 
taxa, they have not been combined. Evident errors (such as the ending 
flora changed to folia, etc.), either in the text or the indices, have 
been corrected. As in RHopona, bold-face indicates a new name or 
a new status for a name. 

The bibliographical portion has beeen made as complete as pos- 
sible because the compiler thought it would be useful to the majority 
of users, whether they consult Ruopora frequently or only casually. 
Under each author, the articles have been arranged in chronological 
order. Joint authorship has been clearly indicated under each author 
in order to prevent unnecessary cross-checking. 

The most loyal and conscientious aid of my assistant, Miss Jeanne 
Viau, in the preparation of the manuscript and in the correction of 
the proofs is herewith acknowledged. It is my hope that this index 
will prove a useful tool for taxonomists and bibliographers and that 
too many errors may not be found. 

Ernest Rouleau. 
Herbier Marie-Victorin 
Institut botanique 
Université de Montréal 


Abama montana 33:52 

Abdra brachycarpa 36:364 

Abele 12:178 

Abies 6:103; 7:160; 10:63; 11:168; 12:177; 
17:166, 167; 29:48; 35:358; 37:267; 40:149— 
153, 157, 162; 42:522; 45:108; 46:152; 49: 
83; 50:36, 37. alba 17:62; 34:189; 42:522. 
amabilis 45:108; 46:152. americana 17:167; 
90:106, 118. balsamea 1:171, 183, 191; 2: 
202, 222; 3:169, 189, 232; 4:24, 84, 189; 
5:36; 6:103; 9:158, 169; 10:63; 11:201—203; 
12:103, 177; 13:138; 17:60, 65, 152; 18:32; 
22:133; 24:98, 112; 25:6; 28:43, 45; 29:206; 
31:20; 32:60, 113, 199, 204, 205, 207; 33:110; 
34:50, 62, 65, 191: 35:122, 322, 358; 36:277; 
37:415; 39:231; 40:73, 145, 148, 156, 160, 
161, 163, 167, 169—171; 44:110, 412; 48:103; 
f. hudsonia 34:190; var. phanerolepis 11: 
203; 12:103; 23:188; 28:43-45; 29:130, 146, 
206; 33:116; 44:110, 138. canadensis 17:61, 
62, 166, 167; 21:41, 108, 109; 34:188, 189. 
concolor 47:186. Douglasii 47:316. Fra- 
seri 11:203; 17:60, 165: 35:320, 222^ (B) 
nana 34:190; var. Hudsoni 34:191. Hud- 
soni 34:191. hudsonia 34:190, 191. lasio- 
carpa 37:363; 45:108; 46:152. magnifica 42: 
524; var. xanthocarpa 42:524. mariana 34: 
188. Menziesi 47:317. Mertensiana 47: 
317. nigra 9:173; 34:189. nobilis 42:522, 
523; 45:108; 46:152; compacta 42:524; 
glauca 42:523; prostrata 42:524; glaucifolia 
42:523; robusta 42:524; robustifolia 42:524; 
var. argentea 42:523; var. prostrata 42:524; 
var. robusta 42:524. pectinata, 17:02; 42: 
522. Picea, 17:62; 42:522. procera, 42: 
Tn f. glauca 42:523; f. prostrata 42: 

Abietineae 11:167, 169-172 

Abietinella abietina 30:9 

Abromeitiella 44:28 

Abutilon 7:159; 22:72. Avicennae 10:153. 
incanum 50:93. Theophrasti 14:206; 22: 
72; 43:341 

Acacia 2:154; 21:29; 46:313. amentacea 37: 

. angustissima, var. hirta, 10:33; 11: 

49; 36:224, 231. Berlandieri, 37:77. densi- 
flora, 38:406.  filicoides, 10:33. filicu- 
loides, 10:33. hirta, 10:33. julibrissin, 49: 

Acacia, False 12:181 

Acalypha 21:82; 36:373; 42:96; 46:316; 47: 
207. brachystachya 29:196. brevipes 29: 
204; var. pubescens 29:198; 39:16. caro- 
liniana 29:195, 197; 39:16, 304; 42:461; 47: 
217. crenulata 29:195, 198; 39:10. digy- 
neia 29:194, 196-200, 203; 32:216, 258; 35: 
39; 37:432; 39:14-16; 42:96. divaricata 
29:204. fruticulosa 29:204. gracilens 6:85; 
21:82; 29:193, 194, 197, 200—203; 32:258; 
37:87, 193; 42:96; 47: 207; var. Fraseri 
29:194, 200-202-204; 47:207; var. mono- 
cocca 29:194, 203, 204; 30:220; 37:193. 
monococca 29:203. neomexicana 29:200. 

ostryaefolia 29:197, 198, 200; 42: 369, 461; 
47:217. rhomboidea 29:195; 39: 19111067 
42:96; var. Deamii 39:16; 42: 96. urtici- 
folia 29:198; 42:96. virginica 6:85; 17: 
226; 21:82; 29:193, 194, 196-198, 200; 30: 
236; 32:210, 257; 37:432; 39:14-16; 42:96; 
44:164; a. genuina 29:195-197; 39:14, 16; 
B. intermedia 29:198; 39:14, 16; B. mono- 
cocca 29:203; y. gracilens 29:201; y. graci- 
lescens 29:201; 8. Fraseri 29:202; var. «., 
42:96; var. Deamii 29:194, 197, 198; 39: 
16; var. gracilens 3:296; var. intermedia 

Acanthaceae 6:152; 20:68; 41:382; 47:100, 
261, 262; 50:225; trib. Ruellieae, 47:262 

Acanthophora orientalis 21:206 

Acanthospermum 9:26; 26:34. australe 9:26; 
26:34; 41:573 

Acarospora chlorophana 36:161. 
101. Schleicheri 36:140 

Acarosporaceae 28:226 

Acer 1:168; 6:122; 7:160, 190; 12:182; 21:127, 
190; 23:172; 25:163-165; 29:169; 33:110; 
40:149—153, 157, 162, 166, 167, 169, 170, 172, 
180; 43:220; 44:359, 412; 45:108, 364; 46: 
150; 47:144; 50;287, 288. barbatum 24:79; 
46:445, 446; 47:159, 160; sinuosum 24:79: 
46:446, 449; f. floridanum 47:160; var. 
floridanum 47:160; var. grandidentatum 46: 
446; var. Longii 47:160; f. platylobum 47: 
160. campestre 44:359. carolinianum 14: 
81; 15:222; 17:66. circinatum 13:190. coc- 
cineum 9:116. dasycarpum 1:40, 213; 2: 
35; 3:235; 4:130; 47:159. Drummondii 14: 
81. eriocarpum 9:116; 47:157, floridanum 
24:79; 40:380, 440, 441; 43:505, 510, 523, 
603; 44:351, 359, 360, 426—428, pls. 725, 727; 
45:363, 379, 453; 46:447, 449; 47: 96, 156- 
160; f. villipes 44:426, 427, pls. 725, 727; 
47:160; var. Longii 44: 426-428, pl. 726; 
47:96, 160; f. platylobum 44:426, 427, pl. 
727; 47:160; var. villipes 44:426, pl. 727; 
47:160. glaucum 9:116. grandidentatum 
45:273, 274; 46:445-450; 47:156, 157; var. 
sinuosum 46:449, 450. leucoderme 44:12, 
360, 428; 46:449; 47: 157. macrophyllum 
47:317. mexicanum 46:449. microphyl- 
lum 9:116, 117. montanum 47:157. Ne- 
gundo 1:213; 2:125; 3:235; 4:130; 14:80; 
21:127; 24:177; 28:233, 244; 30:374; 41: 
515, 519, 548; 44:240; 47:157. nigrum 6: 
122; 21:190; 42:292; 47:156-158; f. pube- 
scens, 43:661. pensylvanicum 1:213; 2:37; 
5:35, 49, 289; 6:122; 12:182; 15:121; 21: 
127, 130, 199; 22:134; 24:117; 28:233, 244; 
32:206; 33:234; 39:201, 202, 430, fig. 28 
(map); 42:94; 47:157, 217. platanoides 1: 
214; 2:168; 12:30, 32; 10:230; 21:127; 26: 
226; 29:245; 32:13, 160, 264; 37:87; 47: 
158; 50:303. pleiostocenium 32:13. Pseudo- 
Platanus 1:214; 21:127; 32:160, 264; 37: 
87; 41: 519; 50:298; var. purpureum 42:44. 
rubrum 1:191, 213; 3:174, 188; 5:132, 134; 

fureata 29: 

6:122; 9:116, 117; 11:231; 12:128, 182; 13: 
91, 139; 14: 19; 15: 33; 19: 220; 20: 115; 21: 
119, 127; 22: 110, 130, 134; 27: 108; 98: 71, 
233; 29: 106, 167, 171; 32: 197, 152, 206, 215, 
264; 33: 112, 122; 35: 250; 36: 100; 37: 352, 
fig. 1 (map); 39: 371, 375; 40: 148, 452; 41: 
515, 519; 44: 169, 170, 173, 174, 428; 47: 
157-159; subsp. microphyllum 9: 116; var. 
Drummondi 43:608; 47:217; var. tomen- 
tosum 9:116; 34:168; var. tridens 9:116, 
117; 12:110, 140; 17:66; 21:127; 23: 102, 
151, 274; 24: 177; 32: 212, 264; 47: 217; var. 
trilobum 47:217. Rugelii 40:133. sacchar- 
inum 1:213, 214; 2:125; 3:235; 4:130; 5: 
132; 6:122; 9:116; 16:13,16; 19:220; 21: 
127; 25: 212; 28:39, 111, 112, 179, 233, 234; 
35: 158, 250; '36: 374; 47: 157- 159; 46: 83, 445; 
50:248; var. floridanum 47: 160. saccharo- 
phorum 46:445, 448, 449; 47:157, 158; var. 
sinuosum 46: 440, 449. saccharum 1:213, 
214; 3:234; 6:122; 8:71; 12:128, 182; 13: 
141, 148; 16: 15; 21: 127, 190, 199; 22. 137; 
26: 128; 28: 111, 112, 179, 233; 32: 99, 206; 
35: 391; 36: 238; 39:231: 40: 145, 146, 161, 
431, 433; 41: 31; 44:360, 427, 428; 45: 273; 
46: 445, 447, 448; 47 156-159; 50: 248; f. 
conicum 36: 239, fig.; f. Rugelii 40: 133; 
var. barbatum 1: :214; 3:234; var. glaucum 
36:100; var. grandidentatum 45:274; 46: 
446; var. nigrum 1:213, 214; 3:234; 5: 236; 
44: 360, 427; var. Schneckii 47: 157; var. sin- 
uosum 46:449. sacchatum 28: 234. semi- 
orbieulatum 9:116, 117. sinuosum 24:79; 
46:446, 449. spicatum 1:170, 191, 193, 213: 
2:37, 122; 3:174, 188; 5:35; 6: 122; 12: 37, 
182; 15: 118, 121; 21: 127, 130, 199; 99: 130, 
134; 28: 216; 29: 216; 32:204, 206; 33:122, 
227; 34:53; 40:73, 145, 170; 46: 303; 47: 
159. subglaucum sinuosum 46:449. tomen- 
tosum 9:116, 117; 47:157. Treleaseanum 

Aceraceae 6:122; 9:50; 12:182; 21:127; 26: 
226: 29:216; 31:42; 32:204; 40:174; 49:255; 
50: 298, 303 

Acerates 43:510; 46:488, 489; 48:209. flori- 
dana 40:378, 435, 454; 42: 476; 46:488. hir- 
tella 46:488. lanuginosa 48:116. longifolia 
46:488, 489. monocephala 50:118. viridi- 
flora 4:17; 36:224; 39:444; 45:458; var. 
lanceolata 19: 246; 35: 363; 45: 458; var. line- 
aris 35:289; 48: 208, 209 

Achillea 6: 132; 10:127; 24:35; 26:34, 185, 
187, 232; 37: 307. borealis 9: 164, 191; 29: 
132, 191, 221; 34:55; 41:295; 42:341; 45: 
316. fusca 41:295. lanulosa 16: 192; 19: 
252; 26:34; 36:284; 48:116; 50:215; f. 'rubi- 
cunda 45: 116. Millefolium 3: 189; 6:97, 
132; 7:122; 17:36, 154, 219; 18:44; 21: 170; 
22: 136; 23: :95; 26: 34, 184—186, 228: 29: 191, 
221; 32: 151, 270; 33:126; 34:55; 36:374; 
47:91; 50: 215, 300; f. rosea 50: 300; var. 
lanulosa 37: 71; var. nigrescens 25: 11: 28: 
60; 41:295. mongolica 31:220. multiflora 
31: :219, 220; 41:295; 42:341. occidentalis 
18:44; 42: 341. Ptarmica 2: 137; 14: 164; 
19:252; 20:107; 26:34. sibirica 31: 219, 290; 


41:295; 42:341; var. typica 31:220. subal- 
pina 41:295. tomentosa 10:127; 26:34 

Achlya 26:218 

Achnanthes brevipes 9:136. coarctata 10:180. 
curvirostrum 9:136. lanceolata 10:181; var. 
Haynaldii 10:181. longipes 9:136; 26: 193, 
215. manifera 9:136. subsessilis 9: 136 

Achnanthidium flexellum 9:131, 136 

Achras 49:289—292. bahamensis 48:164; 49: 
293. emarginata 49:292. mammosa 49: 
291. Zapota 49:289-292. zapotilla B. parvi- 
folia 48:164; 49:292; var. parviflora 48:164; 

Achroanthes monophylla 6:112. unifolia 6: 
112; 7:95 

Achy1 'anthus 6:51 

Acnida 17:178. altissima 43:288; var. pros- 
trata 43:288; var. subnuda 43:288. can- 
nabina 14: 176; 17:178, 209, 215, 221; 32: 
177, 212; 37: 415, 425; 41: 540, 560. rhysso- 
carpa 17:179. subnuda 43: 288. tamaris- 
cina 17:179; 34:174; 37:191; var. prostrata 
10:32; 43: 288. tuberculata 13: 89; 17:179; 
19: 129; 43:288; var. prostrata 10: 32; 43: 
288; var. subnuda 36: 376; 43:288 

Acolea coralloides 4:207 

Acomastylis depressa 96:11 

Aconite 42:310 

Aconitum 6:116; 42:356; 43:499, 518; 44:374; 
49:97. baccis niveis et rubris 42:263, 265, 
fig. 1; 46:147. Bakeri 36:309. columbia- 
num 36:309. delphinifolium 41:154, 160, 
165, 226; 42:325; 45:310. lutescens 36:309. 
Napellus 6:116; 20:182, 184; 24:116; 42:43. 
noveboracense 31: 50, 51; 33: 227; var. qua- 
siciliatum 31:49, 51; 33:997. reclinatum 
31:51; 42:346. uncinatum 31:50, 51; 42: 
356; 43: 499, 500; 44:399, pl. 720; var. acuti- 
dens 44: 398, 399, pl. 120; 49:97. vacca- 
rum 42:346 

Acoridium 7:119 

Acorus 12:5; 31:9, 12; 40:183; 47:385; 50: 
139. Calamus 2:216; 3:129, 190; 5: 132; 
12:5; 14:26; 16:89; 18: 30; 32:216, 242; 37: 
367, 369; var. vulgaris 37: 367, 369. gramin- 
eus 37:307 

Acosmus 9:44 

Acotyledons 47:384 

Acrasiales 50:286 

Acroblaste 5:208-210; 10:122, 123, 125. Rein- 
schii 2:43; 5:208, 209; 10:122, 123, 125 

Acrochaete 8:124. repens 8:124 

Acrochaetium 8:190, 192; 10:133; 13:180. 
Alariae 8:191, 192; 43:214. Amphiroae 50: 
263. Dasyae 8:191; 10:134, 135; 13:186. 
Daviesii 8:191, 192, 194; 10:134; 50:263, 
265. Dictyotae 8: 189-191, 193; 13:186. 
Dufourii 13:187. flexuosum 8: 191, 192; 13: 
186. Hoytii 10:134; 13:186. minimum 
10:133; 13:186. Sagraeanum 7:231; 8: 
191, 199, 194. secundatum 8:191, 193, 194. 
Thuretii 50: 263; f. agama 50:263. virgatu- 
lum 8:191, 193, 194; 26:214; 50:264; f. 
luxurians 8: 194; f. tenuissimum 8: 194. 
Zosterae 50:264 

Acrosiphonia 4:112, 115 


Acrospermum 23:183, 184 

Acrostichum 37:383, 384. alpinum 47:146. 
areolatum 17:162. crispum 37:245. fron- 
dibus pinnatis 37:383. hispidum 48:384. 
hyperboreum 47:146. lanuginosum 47:122. 
platyneuron 28:143; 37:382-384. Plumieri 
32:225. polypodioides 28:143. Thelypteris 
21:174, 178; 31:23, 33. viscosum 32:225 

Acrothrix 30:195. novae-angliae 35:149, 150; 
43:73; 50:261 

Actaea 4:88; 5:79; 6:116; 10:66; 18:165; 42: 
260; 46:147. alba 4:75; 5:49, 132; 6:110, 
140; 11:94; 18:165; 19:224; 20:182, 185; 21: 
200; 34:96; 35:249; 42:260-265, fig. 1, pl. 
604; 46:146, 148; f. rubrocarpa 34:96; 42: 
261, 264. americana 42:261; œ. alba 42: 
260; 8. rubra 42:261. brachypetala œ. alba 
42:261; B. rubra 42:261; 8. microcarpa 42: 
261. brachypoda 42:261. dioica 41:423, 
424; 46:283. eburnea 6:140; 10:66; 42: 
261, 324. longipes 42:261. neglecta 6:140; 
10:66; 42:261. pachypoda 42:261, 263, 264, 
pl. 604; 46:146, 303; f. rubrocarpa 42:264. 
pentagyna 50:199. racemosa 47:374. rubra 
6:116; 10:66; 11:94; 12:128; 13:125, 126; 
18: 165, 187; 19:224; 20:182, 185; 21:200; 
25:8; 31:84; 32:173, 176, 206; 33:121, 178; 
34:96; 35:249; 36:281; 42:201, 262, 324; 46: 
146, 147, 303; f. neglecta 10:66; 11:94; 18: 
165; 19:224; 20:182; 21:116; 24:116; 31: 
84; 42:261-264, 324, pl. 604; 43:339; var. 
neglecta 46:303. spicata 5:79; 30:71; 42: 
264, 265; 46:146, 147; B. alba 42:260, 262, 
263, 265, figs. 1, 2; y. rubra 42:261; var. 
rubra 3:130, 174; 5:77; 6: 140; 42:324 

Actidesmium 41:136. globosum 41:136. 
Hookeri 41:136, 137, figs. 5-7 

Actinea 34:6; 47:403. acaulis 47:403; var. 
glabra 47:403. herbacea 10:68; 47:403. 
Richardsoni, var. floribunda 38:408. tex- 
ana 38:408 

Actinella acaulis, var. glabra 47:403. odorata 
7:80. punctata 9:138. Richardsoni, var. 
floribunda 38:408. scaposa, var. glabra 10: 
68; 47:403. texana 38:408 

Actinococcus aggregatus 2:48; 3:133, 134, sy 
5:282. peltaeformis 5:232. subcutaneus 2: 
48; 3:134; 5:232; 7:231; 10:115, 116; 26: 
214; 50:264 

Actinocyclus 29:1. Barkleyi 9:129, 139. cras- 
sus 9:139; 26:193, 215. Ehrenbergii 9:139; 
26:193, 215. Ralfsii 9:139. subtilis 9:139. 
tenuissimus 9:139. triradiatus 9:139 

Actinomeris 47:401, 402. alternifolia 36:374; 

Actinomonas 50:278 

Actinoptychus 9:130. undulatus 9:140; 26: 
193, 194, 215. velatus 9:140 

Actinospermum 49:192 

Adder’s Mouth, White 35:242 

Adder’s-tongue 4:88; 35:352; 46:313-315. — 
Family 35:352. — Lily 46:314 

Adelia 21:190. neo-mexicana 42:77 

Adenarium 11:112. marina 11:113. mariti- 
mum 11:112, 115. peploides 11:112, 113 

Adenocaulon 37:210, 212, map 8. adhaeres- 

cens 37:210. bicolor 37:200, 205, 207, 210, 
212, 216, 218, 333, map 9; 49:207. chilense 
37:210. himalaicum 37:210 

Adenophora 50:41 

Adiantum 6:101; 7:191; 9:27, 82, T Si 
134, 141; 30:13; 35:130; 50:117. boreale 
7:191. Capillus-veneris 9:39; 35:129; 30: 
223, 225; 37:190; 50:117. Curtisii 50:117. 
pedatum 1:218; 2:182, 229; 3:185, 236; 4: 
247; 6:101, 207; 7:103, 190-192; 0:825; 10: 
165; 13:141, 147, 161; 21:200; 22:80, 83, 90, 
123; 26:177; 30:13; 33:179; 35:129, 130, 
249; 40:382, 385; 44:484; var. aleuticum 7: 
192; 9:155, 158, 167, 174; 13:118, 132, 137, 
141; 24:227; 29:162; 35:10, 83, 129; 37: 
247, 362; 44:114. peltatum 22:123. vesti- 
tum 48:383—386 

Adicea 9:54; 38:169. Deamii 38:169, 170. 
fontana 38:169, 170. Nieuwlandii 38:169. 
opaca 38:169, 170. pumila 38:169 

Adlumia 18:215; 46:20. cirrhosa 2:122; 46: 
20. fungosa 18:215; 21:201; 32:108 

Adnaria 9:54; 33:197 

Adonis 44:25. annua, var. a. 42:242; var. B. 
42:242. autumnalis 18:177 

Adopogon 9:55 

Adoxa Moschatellina 41:146, 290 

Adventina 24:34. ciliata 24:35. parviflora 
24:34, 35 

Aecidium 9:195. caladii 44:174. leucostic- 
tum 2:186. Orobi, var. leucostictum 2:186. 
Pentstemonis 38:98. Solidaginis 38:98 

Aegagropila 4:113, 115; 11:18, 149, 150 

Aegagropiles marines 11:149, 150 

Aegilops 47:280. aromatica 8:210. 
42:499. ovata 36:408 

Aegira 50:256 

Aegopodium 7:160, 189; 24:92. Podagraria 1: 
159; 8:72; 19:245; 24:92, 182; 42:45 

Aeschynomene 42:394, 400, 402, 512. hispida 
41:466, 467, 471, map 1. virginica 39:473; 
40:383; 41:400, 471, 475, 532, map 1; 42: 
385, 391, 393, 457, 510, 512, 514; 44:357, 417 

Aesculaceae 21:190 

Aesculus 21:127, 190; 47:97. austrina 14:81. 
discolor 39:352, 435, 482; 40:374, 441; 45: 
383, 453. floridana 46:48. glabra 39:318; 
f. pallida 39:318; var. leucodermis 36:231; 
39:318; var. pallida 39:318; var. Sargentii 
39:318. Hippocastanum 1:214; 12:32; 19: 
230; 21:127; 32:264; 39:371, 375; 50:112, 
119. neglecta 46:47; var. pubescens 45:383, 
453. octandra, f. vestita 39:318; f. virgin- 
ica 39:318; var. vestita 39:318; var. vir- 
ginica 39:318. pallida 39:318. Pavia 36: 
47; 39:482; 46:46, 48. sylvatica 46:47 

Aethusa 24:92. Cynapium 1:159; 24:92, 179; 
29:182, 217 

Aetopteron 21:10; 22:180 

Afzelia 20:68, 136; 23:3. cassioides 17:134 

Agalinis 15:224; 20:69, 70, 73, 133-137, 199, 
200, fig. 7; 23:138; 25:62. subg. Euagalinis 
20:70, 73. subg. Othophylla 20:70, 73. 
subg. Panctenis 20:70, 73. acuta 25:62. 
auriculata 20:71, 73. densiflora 20:71, 
73. glauca 20:71, 73. grandiflora 20:70, 


73; var. serrata 20:70, 73. heterophylla 
20:134; 36:221 laevigata 20:71, 73. lini- 
folia 20:134-136. maritima 24:203; 25:62, 
213; 32:210, 274. neoscotica 23:139, 161, 
290; 24:203. paupercula 23:139; 25:62, 213; 
var. borealis 37:366; var. neoscotica 23:139. 
pedicularia 20:70, 73; var. ambigens 20: 
10, 73; var. caesariensis 20:70, 73; var. 
pectinata 20:70, 73. peduncularis 20:135. 
purpurea 20:70; 24:88; 25:62; 32:212, 274; 
36:221. Skinneriana 50:123. tenuifolia 24: 
119; 25:63; var. macrophylla 20:71, 73; 
35:360. virginica 20:71, 73. viridis 36: 

Agalinis, Purple 15:224 

Agaloma 34:25; 43:110. purpurea 34:25 

Agardhiella 2:131; 7:234; 50:267. tenera 1: 
123; 2:48; 7:231; 35:149; 50:264 

Agarics 4:6; 13:57; 23:88 

Agaricus 47:386. arvensis 1:161-164. cam- 
pestris 1:161-164, 227; 3:37; 4:77, 79, 199. 
Christinae 2:128. comtulus 1:161-164. 
cyaneus 27:154. diminutivus 1:161-163. 
flavovirens 1:58. illudens 1:43-45. octo- 
gesimus nonus 9:51. olearius 1:45. placo- 
myces 1:161, 163, 164. Rodmani 1:161, 162, 
164. sapidus2:76. silvicola 1:161, 163, 164. 
sylvaticus 1:161, 163 

Agarum 33:129. Turneri 2:45; 10:115, 116; 

Agastache 25:37; 47:176. nepetoides 19:247; 
40:382, 455; 47:176. pallida 38:407. scro- 
phulariaefolia 12:192; 24:184; 25:37; var. 
mollis 19:247; 24:118 

Agathis 11:170; 44:34 

Agave 44:342; 47:200. americana 44:342. 
tigrina 38:405.  virginica 36:224, 230; 44: 
342; 46:307, 308; var. tigrina 38:405 

Ageratum 9:50; 26:34; 35:46. altissimum 40: 
293. Houstonianum 26:34. mexicanum 26: 

Aggregatae 47:384, 386, pl. 991 

Agoseris 26:126, 127; 30:77; 50:34, 35. alpes- 
tris 50:34, 35. aurantiaca 50:34, 35; var. 
aurantiaca 50:33; var. purpurea 50:33. 
cuspidata 50:33, 34. gaspensis 26:125; 35: 
338; 44:124, 125, 146; 50:32. glauca 50:34, 
35. gracilens 26:125; 50:31, 32. purpurea 

Agrimonia 2:235; 6:120; 13:18; 20:15; 40: 
334; 42:153. Brittoniana 1:25, 220; 2:237, 
238; 6:120; 12:16; 15:224; 40:333; 48:71. 
dahurica 2:237. Eupatoria 2:236, 237; 26: 
39; hirsuta 2:235-237; 8. hirsuta 2:236, 237; 
y. mollis 2:238; var. hirsuta 1:26. grypose- 
pala 2:235, 236, 238; 4:91; 12:113, 140; 20: 
15; 23:146, 272; 26:39; 34:64; 35:202; 40: 
334; 48:71. hirsuta 1:26, 220; 2: 235-238. 
microcarpa 2:238; 39:355; 48: 71. mollis 
2:238; 8:221; 12:189; 20:15; 28:179, 180; 
35:39, 200, 202; 37:381, 427. parviflora 2: 
236, 238; 4:85; 15:07; 19:228; 24:116; 36: 
374; 37:381, 427. pilosa 2:287. platycarpa 
2:238; 38:423. pubescens 48:71. pumila 
2:236. rostellata 19:228; 35:200; 36:230; 
37:427; 39:355; 48:71. striata 2:237, 238; 


4:91; 6:62, 120; 9:95; 15:224; 20:15; 23: 
272; 40:333, 334, 357, pl. 500; 43:80; var. 
campanulata 40:333, 334, 357, pl. 500. 
viscidula 2:237 

Agrimony, Britton’s 15:224 

Agriotes stabilis 38:91 

Agropyron 6:107; 11:38; 12:26, 27, 61; 15: 
149; 17:226; 23:102; 26:230; 31:16; 33:60, 
110; 35:55, 94, 161-185; 36:417, 419, 421; 
48:22; 49:265; 50:90. § Goularda 35:161, 
167, 168. § Holopyron 35:167. acadiense 
19:15; 23:165, 232. alaskanum 35:169. an- 
dinum 12:75. biflorum 12:65, 74; subsp. 
andinum 12:75. brevifolium 12:66, 74. 
caninoides 12:70; 35:181. caninum 1:183; 
5:36; 6:107, 208; 12:26, 27, 61-64, 68-70; 13: 
89; 15:149; 16:17; 24:113; 35:161, 162, 164, 
165, 180; 36:418, 419; 49:265; B. pauciflorum 
36:419; f. caninoides 6:107; f. glaucum 
12:69, 71; 23:232; 24:162; 35:177, 179; f. 
pubescens 12:69, 71; 24:113; 35:180; f. 
violascens 12:76; 35:181; var. andinum 12: 
69, 75; var. Gmelini 12:66, 69, 75; f. 
Pringlei 12:69, 76, 206; var. Hornemanni 
12:69, 73; 33:117; 35:163, 164, 171, 174; 
f. pilosifolium 12:69, 75; 35:175, 177; var. 
latiglume 12:69, 73; 35:169; var. Pringlei 
12:76; var. pubescens 12:71; var. Richard- 
soni 35:181; var. tenerum 12:69, 71; 15: 
149; 17:147; 23:232; 24: 113; 31:83; 35: 
170; f. ciliatum 12:69, 72; 15:149; 24:162; 
35: 177; f. Fernaldii 12:69, 73; 35:166, 173, 
174; 44:139; var. unilaterale 12:67-69, 76; 
35:181; f. ciliatum 12:69, 76; 35: 182. 
dasystachyum 35:167, 168. Gmelini 12:66, 
75; var. Pringlei 12:66, 67, 76, 206. junceum 
x littoreum 35:167. latiglume 35:161, 164, 
168, 169, 174; 41: 150, 183; 42:317; 45:308. 
littorale 35:167; X repens 35:107. littor- 
cum 35:167. mutabile 35:169. novae- 
angliae 3:170; 6:107; 12:63, 71; 35:162—165, 
174. occidentale 19:16. pauciflorum 35: 
169; 36:417-419; 37:372; 47:208; 49:265. 
pseudorepens 35:162-164, 171, 173, 174, 400, 
pl. 243. pungens 11:39, 131; 12:26; 13:178; 
15:149; 19:17; 23:165, 232; 34:118; 35:167, 
168, 400, pl. 245; 48:20; 49:265; var. acadi- 
ense 23:232. repens 6:107; 12:27, 62, 63; 
14:92, 179; 15:149; 17:146, 147, 213, 226; 
18:34; 23:102; 26:185, 222; 29:132, 207; 32: 
150, 157, 237; 33:60, 117; 34:63; 35:167, 168, 
181, 183-185, 400, pl. 245; 39:328, 423; 41: 
512, 516—519; 48:20, 22; 49:241, 265; 50: 
293; f. aristatum 35:183, 185, 400, pl. 245; 
48:20; 49:265; f. pilosum 35:183, 184; 43: 
79; 48:20; 49:265; f. pubescens 35:165, 184; 
f. trichorrhachis 35:183-185; 48:20; 49:241, 
265; subvar. pubescens 35:184; var. glaucum 
35:177; var. maritimum 35:165; var. novae- 
angliae 35:174; var. pilosum 15:149; 16: 
190; 23:232; 29:128; 35:184; var. subula- 
tum 35:183-185, 400, pl. 245; 48:20, 25; 49: 
241, 265; f. heberhachis 35:184, 185; 48: 
20; 49: 241, 265; f. setiferum 35:184, 185; 
48:20; 49:241, 265; f. Vaillantianum 35: 
183, 184, 185, 400, pl. 245; 48:20; 49:241, 

INDEX TO VoLUMEs 1-50 5 

265; var. tenerum 12:62, 71; 35:170; var. 
Vaillantianum 35:184. Richardsoni 12:62, 
67, 68, 76 ; 35:162, 165, 181, 182; 36:420; cilia- 
tum 35:182; var. ciliatum 12:77. Scribneri 
12:66, 76, 205, 206. Smithii 19:16: 35:167, 
168; 39:423; 41:152, 183; 48: 20, 100; var. 
molle 32:200; 203, map 27. spicatum 35: 
168. tenerum 12:26, 61, 63, 66, 68, 71, 205; 
13:89; 18:34; 22:92; 23:232; 35:162-165, 
170, 171, 174, 177, 399, pl. 243; 36:417, 418; 
49:265; subsp. trichocoleum 12:73; var. cilia- 
tum 12:73; var. longifolium 12:68, 205; var. 
novae-angliae 35:174; var. pseudorepens 35: 
171. tetrastachys 35:107. trachycaulum 
35:162-165, 168, 169, 181, 399, pl. 243; 36: 
417-420; 37:204, 252, 299; 41:183; var. caeru- 
lescens 35:166, 177, 180, 400, pl. 244; var. 
ciliatum 35:165, 182; var. Fernaldii 35:165, 
166, 173, 174; 44:139; var. glaucescens 35: 
166, 174; var. glaucum 35:164-166, 169, 177- 
180, 400, map 18, pl. 244; 48:20, 23; 49:265; 
var. majus 35:169, 171, 172, 174, 181, 400, 
map 16, pl. 243; 37:73; 48:20, 23; 49:241; 
var. novae-angliae 35:169, 174, 175, 400, 
map 17, pl. 243; 48:20, 23; 49:242, 265; 
var. pilosiglume 35:400, pl. 244; var. Rich- 
ardsoni 35:181; var. tenerum 35:170; var. 
trichocoleum 35:165, 177; var. typicum 35: 
169, 170, map 15; 50:90; x Hordeum 
jubatum 50:82, 90; var. unilaterale 35:169, 
172, 181, 400, map 19, pl. 244. trichophorum 
49:265. unilaterale 12:67, 76; 35:162, 165, 
181, 182. violacescens 12:76. violaceum 3: 
160, 170; 12:26, 27, 61-66, 68, 74; 35:164; 
B. virescens 35:171, 174; f. caninoides 12: 
68; 35:181; f. violascens 12:68; f. virescens 
12:74; subsp. latiglume 12:73; var. andi- 
num 12:61, 62, 75; var. caninoides 12:70; 
var. genuinum 12: 74; var. latiglume 12:61, 
62, 64, 73; 41:183; var. majus 12:74; 35: 
166, 171, 174; var. virescens 12:64, 74; 41: 
183. violascens 12:76; 35:181. virescens 
12:62. yukonis 35:169 

Agrostemma 6:115; 18:86. Githago 5:188; 
6:78, 115, 146; 18:86; 22:137; 32:251; 41: 

Agrostis 4:49; 6:105; 7:160; 11:27; 12:28, 29; 
14:180; 15:126; 18:29; 21:28; 29:10, 13, 
159; 31:16; 35:81; 38:203, 207; 49:270. 
alba 4:33; 6:105; 14:180; 15:126; 17:147, 
150, 209, 212; 18:33; 19:95, 119; 26:2, 185; 
29:207; 31:145; 32:234; 33:108, 110; 34: 
62; 35:317; 36:277, 415; 39:373, 375; 41: 
34; 44:70; 49:109, 110, 270; f. aristata 49: 
112; var. aristata 13:177; 15:126; 16:189; 
19:119; 20:97; 24:113; 26:2; var. maritima 
11:88, 229, 230; 15;126; 17:209, 212, 221; 
18:33; 22:136; 29:63, 91-93, 122, 148, 207; 
32: 234; 49:270; var. stolonifera 2:209; var. 
vulgaris 2:209; 6:105; 14:92; 15:126; 17: 
153, 209, 212; 22:136; 25:6; 28:74; 32:234; 
36:415; 37:82; 49:271; altissima 49:89, 109— 
113, 271; antecedens 15:126; 35:208, 209, 
318, 400, pl. 246; 37:370, 371; 38:271; 47: 
210; 49:271; arachnoidea 4:143; 44:252. 
borealis 9:156, 158, 169, 190; 11:88; 20:13; 

32:200, 202, map 11; 35:5, 55, 83, 203—206, 
211, 318; 38:122, 124, 140, 264, 269; 41:179; 
49:112; f, macrantha 38:264; var. amer- 
icana 35:204, 205, 206; 38:264; var. ma- 
crantha 11:88; 35:205; var. paludosa 35: 
204, 205, 207; var. typica 35:204, 206; 41: 
179; f. macrantha 35:205.  brevifolia 4:46, 
47; 18:233. canina 13:30, 70; 15:126; 19: 
119; 28:50, 56, 81, 85, 161; 29:126; 35:206, 
211, 317, 318; 38:264; 47:43; 49:112, 240, 
271; var. alpina 35:204, 206; var. tenella 35: 
204, 206. capillaris 26:2, 185, 222 ; 92:284; 
50:293. clandestina 47:198. coarctata 4: 
26. concinna 35:204. diffusa 9:20,21. dis- 
par 49:109, 110. elata 23:155, 229; 35:211, 
318; 38:264, 270, 385; 39:349, 363, 382, 467, 
476, map 30; 40:368; 41:503; 49:109, 110, 
112. Elliottiana 35:284; 36:219; 41 :490, 
502; 43:491, 535; 44:252. filiformis 9:19; 
45:228, 230, 236; a. 45:230; B. 45:230. 
foliosa 9:19; 45:223, 229, 230, 235, 238, pl. 
749; f. ambigua 45:230. frondosa 9:19; 45: 
228-230, 235, 238. geminata 35:211, 318; 
f. exaristata 35:211, 212; 44:139. gigantea 
49:270. glauca 32:47. heterolepis 50:106. 
humilis 39:150. hyemalis 6:105; 9:88; 15: 
126; 17:153, 212; 18:33; 22:183, 136; 23: 
155; 25:6; 28:82; 32:235; 33:112, 116; 34: 
50; 35:12, 207-209, 211, 318, 400, pl. 246; 
36:36; 37:370; 38:264, 270, 271; 39:481; 
41:179; 44:70; 47:210, 211; 49:109, 271; 
var. elata 23:229, 230; 35:211; 49:109; 
var. geminata 23:155, 230; 34:51; 35:211. 
idahoensis 33:232. intermedia 1:67; 4:39, 
90; 6:178. jamaicensis 22:103. juncea 4: 
48, 49. lateriflora 9:18; 45:226, 227; var. 
filiformis 9:19; 45:236. laxiflora 35:200; 
8. montana 35:209. maritima 43:535. mel- 
aleuca 28:63, 109, 161; 35:207. Mertensii 
35:204. mexicana 9:18, 19; 16:89; 32:40; 
45 :223-226, 228, 236, 238, pls. 751, 752. 
novae-angliae 7:106; 35:205-207. paludosa 
28:118, 161; 35:55, 207. palustris 26:139; 
43:535; 49:270. perennans 4:90; 14:20; 
15:126; 18:94, 95; 19:119; 22:133; 23:155, 
230; 32:235; 35:211, 249, 317, 318; 36:415; 
38:264, 268, 365; 39:363; 43:79; 47:43; 49: 
111, 112, 271; f. chaetophora 35:317; 47: 
43; 49:112; var. aestivalis 35:318; 38:204, 
268; 49:112, 271; f. atherophora 35:317; 
47:43; 49:112; var. elata 49:109, 112, 271. 
Pickeringii 3:169; 35:205, 207; 8. rupicola 
35:204, 205. polymorpha, var. palustris 49: 
270. racemosa 9:22; 45:231, 235, 237, 238, 
pl. 753; 47:209. Rossae 35:203. rubicunda 
4:143. rubra 3:169; 35:206; var. americana 
35:205, 206. rupestris 35:205, 206. scabra 
3:18; 6:105; 35:5, 12, 207—209, 211, 817; 36: 
36; 37:370, 371; 38:264; 39:481; 41:179; 
42:317; 47:210, 211; 49:109, 271; f. Tucker- 
mani 35:207, 209; 38:264; 49:240, 271; var. 
montana 2:98, 99; 6:105; var. septentrion- 
alis 35:209, 211, 400, pl. 246; f. setigera 
35:210, 211, 318. Schweinitzii 19:119; 35: 
318; 36:415. serotina 29:10. setosa 9:22; 
45:237. sobolifera 9:18. Spica-venti 15: 

128; 38:264; 49:270; var. palustris 49:270. 
stolonifera 18:10; 32:222, 234; 35:317; 36: 
277, 415; 38:204, 268; 43:534; 49:270; 50: 
293; x tenuis 33:116; f. aristigera 35:317; 
38:264; 49:270; var. aristata 49: 112; var. 
compacta 32:213, 234; 33:116; 35:252; 38: 
264, 270, 271; 43:535; 44:380; 49:270; 50: 
301; var. major 36:415. sylvatica 9:18, 20; 
19:119; 32:118. tenuiflora 9:18. tenuis 26: 
2; 32:234; 35:317; 38:264, 268; 41:34; 43: 
535; 44:247; 49:240, 271; 50:293; f. aristata 
26:2; 38:264; 49:271; var. aristata 43:535; 
var. pumila 49:240; var. sylvatica 49:240. 
trichopodes 4:143; 44:253. verticillata 35: 
317. vulgaris 26:2, 222; 29:207; 32:234 

Ahnfeltia 7:231; 10:161; 26:189, 232. plicata 
2:48; 3:134; 7:138, 231; 10:116, 160; 13: 
187 ; 26:214; 30:196; 33:130; 50:264; f. fur- 
cellata 13:187 

Aigeiros candicans 50:236. deltoides 13:12, 
199. virginiana 13:12, 198 

Aigosplen 34:167 

Ailanthus 9:54; 21:81; 31:120; 44:34. glan- 
dulosa 1:106; 12:9; 17:217; 21:81; 32:152, 
156, 257 

Ainslieaea aptera 48:410. pteropoda 48:410 

Aira 8:81, 82, 84, 137, 138; 16:81; 28:143; 30: 
243; 32:262; 36:90; 49:268. alpicola 28: 
155. altissima 28:153. ambigua 28:154. 
arctica 4:143; 36:90. aristulata 28:154. 
bothniea 8:85. brevifolia 4:143, 144; 36: 
90. capillaris 43:534. caryophyllea 16:78; 
38:266, 267; 43:534; 49:208. cespitosa 8: 
85; 28:153, 154; 34:239; b. altissima 28:153; 
B. glauca 28:154; B. virescens 28:153; e. 
firmula 28:153; var. f. littoralis 28:155; var. 
aretica 36:90; var. brevifolia 36:90; var. 
genuina 28:153; var. minor 28:154. indica 
8:82; 31:194, 255; 32:201, 262. littoralis 
28:155. media 4:144. melicoides 8:84—86. 
mollis 8:139, 140, 144; 36:36. nitida 8:139, 
140, 144; 47:198. obtusata 8:137-140, 142, 
144. pallens 8:139, 140, 145; 36:36; 47 :198; 
mutica 8:139; 36:36; var. aristata 8:145. 
pallescens 8:145. parviflora 28:153. penn- 
sylvanica 8:139, 140, 144; var. major 8:140. 
praecox 43:488, 534; 44:379. spicata 8:82; 
18:196; 30:238; 31:194, 195, 255; 32:261, 
262. subspicata 8:82; 30:238; 31:194. tri- 
flora 44:253. truncata 8:139, 144 

Airelle 1:168 

Airopsis 8:137, 139. 

Aitonia erythrosperma 16:62 

Aizoaceae 5:188; 17:203; 26:224; 31:42; 32: 
250; 42:98; 50:296 

Ajuga 5:154; 25:37; 44:384. Chamaepitys 
24:151. genevensis 5:154; 22:193; 44:334. 
reptans 4:14; 5:154; 6:144; 7:99; 25:37; 44: 

Akebia quinata 31:107 

Alacospermum 9:54 

Alaria 16:4; 33:129. esculenta 1:69, 70, 124; 
2:45; 7:242; 8:192; 33:130. Pylaii 2:45 

Alaska Cedar 49:228 

obtusa 8:138. obtusata 


nn 11:49; 41:552. Julibrissin 37:427; 


Albugo 5:107. bliti 39:369. candida 50:286 

Alcea 49:152. floridana 49:152 

Alchemilla 9:92; 13:117, 124; 14:229-232; 20: 
15; 43:489; 49:205. § Aphanes 40:435. al- 
pestris 14:234. alpina 14:229, 230; 29:121, 
127, 129, 133, 179, 215; 49:249; subsp. eual- 
pina 9:47. arvensis 40:435. filicaulis 14: 
232; f. vestita 14:233. foliis lobatis etc., 49: 
205. glomerulans 14:233. microcarpa 40: 
435, 436, 445; 43:489, 571. minor 14:233; 
35:274; * filicaulis 14:233. obtusa, var. 
comosa 14:233. officinalis, 13:110; 14:231. 
pratensis 9:92; 14:232, 233; 20:15; 45:27. 
vulgaris 14:230—232; 23:94, 272; 26:222; 35: 
274; * alpestris 14:234; * filicaulis 14:233; 
* glomerulans 14:233; * vestita 14:233; 9. 
alpestris 14:234; 0. minor 14:233; subsp. syl- 
vestris B. glomerulans 14:233; var. comosa 
14: 233; var. filicaulis 14:232; 28:121; 35: 
58, 274; 49:249; var. grandis 14:234; var. 
vestita 14:233; 20:15; 28:54, 124, 214; 35: 
58, 274 

Alder(s) 4:74, 168; 5:44, 153; 6:126; 11:176; 
16:56; 22:132; 41:146, 159, 160, 164, 167, 
217, 218, 478; 42:311, 339; 43:94; 46:313; 
47:103; 48:205. American 47:338. Black 
12:181; 23:109; 25:148; 43:94;46:313; 47: 
337. Common 47:341; Northern 45:30. 
Downy Green 12:178. European White 
47:335. Glaucous 47:350. Gray 47:337; 
Hoary 12:178; Sea-side 47:341; Silver- 
leaved 47:340; Speckled 12:178; 47:349, 
350; Swamp 47:103, 333, 334, 337; White 
18:39; 47:337, 349 

Alder Tree, Notch'd-leaved 47:342 

Aldrovanda 5:267 

Alectoria bicolor 28:231. chalybeiformis 28: 
231; 29:103,105. divergens 28:231. jubata 
36:143, 154; var. implexa 28:231. nigricans 
28:231; 36:143, 153, 160. nitidula 36:143. 
ochroleuca 28:231; 36:143, 153. sarmentosa 

Alectoroctonum dilatatum 43:180 

Alectorolophus minor, var. fallax 12:143; var. 
vittulatus 12:143 

Alethris 47:282 

Aletris 10:131; 40:61. aurea 17:64; 39:326, 
328, 347, 353, 381, 399, 467, 480; 41:472, 538; 
42:445; 44:241; 45:114; 49:93, 99; x fari- 
nosa 39:399. farinosa 1:179, 184; 10:131, 
143; 13:179; 14:28; 32:212; 33:39; 36:42; 
38:378; 39:328; 42:88, 92; 45:114; 47:374. 
lutea 45:114 

Alexanders 28:63 

Alexandrina 12:23 

Alexitoxicon 9:49 

Alfalfa 11:28; 14:194 

Alfileria 39:233, 235 

Alga(e) 3:242, 255, 260, 282, 285; 4:111, 118, 
124; 5:79, 107, 120, 135, 220, 252; 6:181, 182, 
229. 230, 234; 7:26, 46, 77, 97, 98, 136, 168, 
170, 171, 223, 225, 235; 8:77, 190, 193-195 ; 
9:36, 77, 78; 10:124, 126; 11:61-63, 128, 132, 
150, 151, 196; 15:88; 16:1, 3; 23:70; 40:324; 

INDEX TO VoLuMEs 1-50 7 

41:134-136; 44:175, 176, 180, 184; 47:386; 
50:69, 135. Blue-green 44:183; 50:255, 269, 
270. Brown 8:124; 50:263. Green 5:2; 8: 
124; 9:196; 50:257, 271. Marine 5:135; 8: 
124; 43:72; 47:04. Red 5:1; 8:232; 9:90; 
11:17; 50:263 

Alicularia 9:58. Geoscyphus 9:57. minor 9: 
97. Roteana 9:58. scalaris 14:12; 8. minor 
9:57, 58 

Alisma 2:154; 5:86-88; 12:3; 29:249; 30:55; 
44:219; 45:53. brevipes 44:219; 48:86, 87. 
cordifolia 49:107, 108. Geyeri 25:206, 33: 
165. gramineum 50:179; subsp. Wahlen- 
bergii 50:179; var. Wahlenbergii 50:179. 
parviflorum 48:87, 88. Plantago 1:105 yd. 
206; 5:86, 89, 132, pl. 45; 47:343; 48:87; 
8. graminifolium 50:179; 8. parviflorum 48: 
88; s. americanum 48:87; var. americanum 
1:105; 47:343; var. graminifolium 3:206; 
var. lanceolatum 3:206; var. triviale 48: 87. 
Plantago-aquatica 12:3; 13:141; 17:211; 
27:112; 29:248, 252, 253; 31: 118; 37 :190; 
38:271; 44:219; 48:86, 87, 330; subsp. 
brevipes 35: 251; 37:190; 48:86, 87; var. 
brevipes 48:87; var. parviflorum 24:160; 
29:248, 250; 32:104, 105; 44:219; 48:88; var. 
triviale 48:87. rostrata 49:108. subcorda- 
tum 37:190; 44:219; 48:87, 88. subulatum 
5:85; 42:408; 47:343. superbum 48:87. 
tenellum 5:86-89, pl. 45; 15:223. triviale 

Alismaceae 5:86, 87; 6:104; 12:3; 25:221; 29: 
248; 31:42; 32:11, 231; 36:277; 44:355 

Alismataceae 6:24;43:79 

Alkali Grass 49:264 

Allenrolfea 43:228 

Alliaria 7:25; 46:315; 50:178. officinalis 13: 
89; 46:315; 50:176, 177 

Allionia Bushii 10: 31. linearis 10:31; 37:191. 
nyctaginea 36:407 

Alligator Pear 46:313 

Allium 6:110; 10:128; 24:19; 25:155; 36:373; 
37:386; 42:151; 46:59, 315. Ampeloprasum 
43:504; var. atroviolaceum 43:504, 548; var. 
paterfamilias 43:505. Bolanderi 42:22. 23. 
Brandegei 32:22. canadense 5:132; 10:129; 
32:178; 43:549; 48:115; 49:24; 50:178. ca- 
rinatum 46:59, 60. cernuum 46:80. colli- 
num 41:505. fibrillum 41:505. fistulosum 
1:221. Geyeri 25:102; var. graniferum 32: 
22. mirabile 32:22; 35:362. mutabile 36: 
224. oleraceum 46:59, 60; subvar. virens 
46:60. oxyphilum 46:80. parvum 32:22. 
punctum 32:23. Robinsonii 32:22. 
Schoenoprasum 6:110, 139; 8:65; 10:129; 19: 
127; 41:213; var. laurentianum 28:167; 
44:140; var. sibiricum 6:110; 12:112; 28: 
62, 63, 167; 29:89; 36:279; 37:204; 42:319; 
43:155. sibiricum 19:97; 28:167; 42:319. 
stellatum 34:174; 36:224; 46:80. tricoccum 
1:222; 2:124; 6:110, 208, 235; 9:12; 10:128, 
165; 43:339; 48:61, 62. triflorum 48:62. 
vineale 9:12; 10:129; 29:245; 35:362; 40: 
443; 43:504, 548; 49:132; f. capsuliferum 
49:132; f. compactum 49:132 

Allocarya californica 3:215 

Allosorus 37:241, 242; 43:11. acutifolius 43: 

16. aquilinus 43:16. arachnoideus 43:58. 
Brunonianus 37:241, 246. capensis 43:17. 
caudatus 43:54. coriifolius 43:17. crispus 
37 :238, 241-243, 245; var. acrostichoides 37: 
242, 246; var. Brunonianus 37:242, 240. 
esculentus 43:61. foveolatus 37:241, 243, 
246. hottentottus 43:16. lanuginosus 43: 
16. lorigerus 43:63. psittacinus 43:58. re- 
curvatus 43:22. sitchensis 37:241, 246. 
tauricus 43:16. villosus 43:16 

Alnus 1:168; 6:113; 9:18; 12:178; 15:103; 16: 

110; 21:190; 33:60, 110; 34:246; 40:149, 
153, 162, 167, 169, 170; 42:243; 45:109; 46: 
313; 49:229. acuminata 47:339. alnobet- 
ula 6:113, 162; 9:153; 13:216. americana 
47:350. autumnalis 47:346. crispa 6:162, 
163; 9:153, 156, 160, 190; 15:44; 25:8; 32: 
61, 205; 35:122; 36:280; 37:10, 206; 38:148; 
40:145; 41:145, 149, 151, 163, 217, 218, 288; 
42:321; 45:310; 47:350, 357; f. stragula 47: 
144; var. mollis 15:44; 29:157, 211; 33: 
120; 34:52; 35:122; 37:85. fruticosa 38: 
135; 41:217, 218; 42:321. glauca 47:330, 
337, 341, 343, 344, 349—351. glutinosa 2:157; 
29:157; 47:214, 336; 8. serrulata 47 :355; 
lusus a. genuina 47:355; lusus b. obtusifolia 
47:355; lusus c. rugosa 47 :346; lusus rugosa 
47:340; var. autumnalis 47:346. hybrida 
47:340, 346. incana 5:132; 6:113, 126, 232; 
9:48; 10:165; 12:128, 178; 15:121; 16:13, 
56, 88, 110; 17:150, 152, 153; 18:36; 19:220; 
21:190; 22:132, 134, 135; 28:39; 29:132, 157, 
211; 32:62; 33:60; 35:251; 36:280; 40:145, 
148, 156, 159-161, 163; 43:80; 44:283; 45: 
30; 47:333—337, 340, 344, 346, 347, 349—351, 
360, pl. 976; a. vulgaris 47:350; B. ameri- 
cana 47:350, 352, 354; B. glauca 47:352; f. 
tomophylla 29:50; var. americana 47 :347 ; 
var. glauca 16:56; 47:347, 350, 352; f. tomo- 
phylla 16:56; 47:353; var. hypochlora 23: 
257; 24:173; 47:339, 340, 346, 348, 358; var. 
pinnatifida 16:56; var. tomophylla 29:50; 
47:353. lanuginosa 9:48. latifolia 47:346. 
macrophylla 47:346. maritima 0:176; 13: 
220; 47:337, 341. mollis 6:162; 7:110; 9: 
160; 12:103, 175, 178; 13:216; 14:75; 15: 
44, 98; 17:148, 152; 22:134. noveboracensis 
32:176; 47:344, 348, 358, 361, pl. 985; rubra 
43:94; 47:341, 355. rugosa 12:128; 13:91; 
14:21; 16:110; 19:220; 21:119; 23:87; 31: 
84; 36:43, 100, 200; 40:252; 47:333, 337, 
339, 340, 342—345, 347, 349, 350, 355, 358, 
360; var. americana 47:345, 350, 353, 354, 
361, pls. 980, 981; f. hypomalaca 47: 345, 
353, 361, pl. 982; f. tomophylla 47:345, 
353, 361, pl. 982; var. obtusifolia 47 :355; 
var. serrulata 47:355; var. typica 47 :345, 
354, 360, 361, pls. 977—979; f. Emersoniana 
47:345, 347, 349, 350, 361, pl. 979. serru- 
lata 5:132; 6:232; 41:478; 44:233; 47:333, 
336, 337, 340—346, 349, 350, 354, 355, 360; 
a. genuina 47:355; B. macrophylla 47:346; 
B. rugosa 47:346, 348; 8. obtusifolia 47:355; 
f. noveboracensis 49:138; var. genuina 47: 
357-359; var. obtusifolia 47:357, 361, pl. 


984; var. subelliptica 47:355, 358-361, pl. 
986; 49:138; f. emarginata 47:355, 359, 
361, pl. 987; f. mollescens 47:355, 359, 
361, pl. 988; 49:138; f. nanella 47:355, 
360, 361, pl. 989; 49:138; var. vulgaris 47: 
354, 355, 358, 360, 361, pls. 983, 984; f. 
noveboracensis 47:354, 358, 361, pl. 985. 
sinuata 42:321. undulata 47:350. viridis 
1:193; 2:98; 3:156, 173, 189; 4:189; 5:35; 
6:113, 162, 163; 7:110; 12:175, 178; 13:216; 
29:157, 211; var. repens 47:144. vulgaris 
16:111; 19:220 

Aloe 47:290; 49:205 

Alopecurus 14:178; 15:125; 17:97; 18:197; 19: 
166; 44:28; 49:271. aequalis 28:127, 162; 
28:196-199; 32:221, 222; 38:264, 267, 268; 
42:244; 49:272; var. natans 27:198, 199; 
28:107, 162; 31:189; 35:120, 125; 38:140; 
41:153, 177. agrestis 15:125; 38:266; 49: 
271. alpinus 36:166; 39:127; 41:177, 178; 
f. Stejnegeri 41:177, 178; var. Stejnegeri 
41:177. aristulatus 19:165, 166; 23:229; 24: 
113; 27:196, 197; 32:221, 222; var. Merriami 
27:198; var. natans 27:198. beringianus 
41:177. carolinianus 19:166; 40:372, 387; 
41:490; 43:491; 44:70. fulvus 19:165; 27: 
197; 32:221, 222. geniculatus 11:88; 12:104, 
135; 15:125; 16:89; 19:165, 166; 23:95, 229; 
27:196, 197; 29:148, 207; 32:222; 35:361; 
38:264; 42:244; 49:272; B. natans 27:198; 
var. B. 42:244; var. aristulatus 15:126; 16: 
89; 19:97; 22:138; 23:229; 24:113; 27:196; 
38:298; 49:272; var. microstachyus 23:229; 
var. natans 28:197, 198; var. ramosus 
19:167; 35:361; 38:266. glaucus 41:178. 
glomeratus 45:237. Howellii, var. Merriami 
27:198, 199. myosuroides 38:264, 266; 49: 
271. occidentalis 41:178. pratensis 15:126; 
29:207; 38:264; 46:25, 26, 386, 387; 49:271. 
ramosus 19:166, 167; 35:361. Stejnegeri 41: 
177. ventricosus 29:88; 46:387 

Alp Lily 42:319 

Alpine Adiantum 7:190. Azalea 42:335. 
Bearberry 28:98 

Alsinanthe 21:11, 12. biflora 21:13 

Alsine 12:160; 21:1-4, 7-12; 26:171; 34:247; 
40:213; 42:57. subgen. Eualsine 21:11. 
aizoides 21:6. alpina 42:135. anatolica 21: 
6. atheniensis 42:111. attica 21:6. aus- 
triaca 21:11. Baldwinii 41:489, 540. biflora 
21:11-13, 15. Bocconi 42:110. borealis 1: 
185; 6:115; 16:150; 28:245. brachypetala 
16:151. bracteata 42:83. canadensis 42: 
112. caucasica 21:5. Clevelandi 42:175. 
crassifolia 42:322. cymifera 21:5. deci- 
piens21:6. diandra 42:82. dianthifolia 21 : 
6. Douglasii 21:12. Funkii 21:5. glabra 
21:20; 50:119. graminea 6:115. Greenei 
42:71. groenlandica 21:20. heterosperma 
49:195. hirta 21:21; «.foliosa 21:22. inter- 
media 21:6. laricifolia 21:16. leucantha 
42:76. leucocephala 21:6. libanotica 21:6. 
longifolia 42:323. longipes 42:323. lute- 
ola 42:111. macrotheca 42:71. marginata 
12:161; 42:119. marina 12:160, 161; 42: 
124, 204; a. minor 42:125; var. B. 42:119. 

maritima 42:127. media 6:115; 12:160, 162, 
21:7-9; 28:70; 42:119, 120. mexicana 42: 
80. Michauxii 50:119. minor 21:7. mol- 
luginea 42:179, 210. octandra 21:11. par- 
nassica 21:6. patula 43:328. peploides 11: 
113; subsp. oblongifolia 11:114. platensis 
42:182. propinqua 8:32; 21:22; var. ten- 
nesseensis 26:170. pulvinaris 21:6. rima- 
rum 21:6. Rossii 8:33. rubella 8:33; 21: 
12, 22; var. hirta 8:32; 21:22. rubra 42: 
106; 8. 42:106. rupestris 21:11; 42:207. 
Schimperii 21:6. segetalis 21:7-9. Simcoei 
16:145, 150; 42:255, 259. sparsiflora 42:127. 
spergulae facie etc., 42:134. striata 21:16. 
stricta 8:33; 21:12; 50:119. tennesseensis 
26:170, 171. tenuis 42:138. Thevenaei 21: 
6. valida 42:71. verna 8:32, 33; 21:12; 
B. rubella 21:22; 8. propinqua 21:22; à. 
glacialis 21:22; n. hirta 21:21; var. hirta 8: 
32; var. propinqua 8:32; var. Thevenaei 21: 
6. Villarsii 21:11. Walteri 50:197 

Alsinella 21:12. biflora 21:13. media 42:125. 
rubella 21:22 

Alsinopsis 21:9, 11, 12; 22:180. arctica 21:10. 
caroliniana 21:9. Douglasii 21:12. glabra 
21:9, 20. groenlandica 21:9, 20. hirta 21: 
22. laricifolia 21:11, 16. obtusiloba 21:14, 
15; 35:11. patula 43:328. propinqua 21: 
9, 22. quadrivalvis 21:22. sajanensis 21:9, 
11, 13. stricta 21:9. tenella 21:12. verna 
21:9, 11 

Alstroemeria 47:385 

Alsyke 28:71 

Alternaria Brassicae 41:512. Solani 41:512. 
Sonchi 44:168 

Alternate-leaved Dogwood 12:182 

Althaea 22: 73. officinalis 22:73; 32:204; 41: 
468, 549. rosea 34:64; 41:518, 519; 44:270, 

Altingia 32:95; 33:91 

Altingiaceae 21:190 

Alum-roots 42:152 

Alyssum 18:215. alyssoides 18:215; 19:225; 
31:84; 35:248. americanum 41:239. biden- 
tatum 36:364. calycinum 1:47; 2:122. 
dentatum 36:360. incanum 1:47 

Amanita 1:225; 3:142; 4:5, 6, 78; 13:57, 60, 
62. caesarea 3:39; 4:5; 11:124.  cariosa 13: 
60, 61, 66. cothurnata 3:40. crenulata 3: 
40. floccocephala 3:38, 40. muscaria 3:37; 
4:78; 8:232; 11:129. phalloides 1:45; 3:37, 
38, 40; 44:168. rubescens 2:193; 41:512. 
spissa 13:61. strobiliformis 2:33. velatipes 

Amanitopsis 3:142; 4:5, 6. strangulata 13: 
61; 44:108. vaginata 4:78; 44:168; var. 
fulva 44:168 

Amaranth 29:224; 42:369. Bloody 17:179 

Amarantha Pigweed 28:73 

Amaranthaceae 6:115; 17:178; 26:224; 28:73; 
31:42; 32:250; 50: 302 

Amaranthus 6:115; 11:44; 17:179; 41:82; 44: 
33. albus 3:18; 6:82; 47:139, 140; var. 
pubescens 47:140. altissimus 43:288. 
blitoides 1:47; 2:205; 10:154; 11:179; 13: 
89; 17:179; 35:362; 47:139, 140, pl. 887. 


Blitum 47:139. caudatus 16:179. chloro- 
stachys 10:112. crispus8:226. cruentus 16: 
179. gracilis 17:179. graecizans 6:82; 11: 
130; 17:179; 35:362; 46:83, 84; 47: 139, 140, 
pl. 887; var. pubescens 47:140. graecus 47: 
140. hybridus 6:82; 17:179; 31:243; f. 
hypochondriacus 10: 66; 17: 179; var. 
hypochondriacus 10:32, 66. hypochon- 
driacus 1:224; 10:32, 66. miamiensis 43: 
288. Palmeri 17: 179; 31:243. paniculatus 
17:179. Powellii 17: 179; 20:203. pubescens 
47:140. pumilus 32: 213. retroflexus 1:47; 
5:135; 6:82, 115; 11:130; 17:179, 226; 22: 
137; 96: 186, 224 ; 28: 73; 32: 250; 39: 369, 
375; 50:302. spinosus 8: 226 ; 17: 180; 19: 
129; 31:243; 46:83; 50:123. Torreyi 42: 
369, 450. viridis 17:180 

Amarella acuta 19:150. Amarella 19:150. 
plebeia 19:150. propinqua 34:245 

Amaryllidaceae 9:50; 11:75; 23:162; 25:156— 
158, 160; 31:42, 91, 94; 32: 245; 33: 33, 35; 
37: 386; 44 :342. subfam. Hypoxidoideae 
25:158. trib. Hypoxideae 25:158. subord. 
Hypoxideae 25:157, 158, 160. divis. Hy- 
poxidiformes 25: 157. trib. Agaveae 25:158. 
trib. Alstroemierieae 25:158. trib. Amaryl- 
leae 25:158. trib. Conostylideae 33:33, 35, 
map 11; 35:106. trib. Hypoxideae 25: 158. 
trib. Vellosieae 25:158 

Amaryllideae 25:156-158. trib. Agaveae 25: 
157, 158. trib. Conostyleae 25:157. trib. 
Euamaryllideae 25: 157. trib. Haemodo- 
reae 25:157. trib. Hypoxideae 25:157 

Amaryllis 47:385 

Amberboi 30:59 

Amblyodon dealbatus 30:8 

Amblystegiaceae 30:9; 39:44 

Amblystegiella 35:146. confervoides 15:13. 
Sprucei 30:10 

Amblystegium 4:238, 239. adnatum 4:238. 
chrysophyllum 4:288. compactum 4:239. 
hispidulum 4:239. irriguum 4:182, 239. 
Juratzkanum 48:2. Lescurii 4:182. notero- 
philum 19:69. riparium 11:230; 13:44. 
serpens 4:239; 30:10; 50:292. subtile 4:181. 
vacillans 13: 44; 14: 52; 15:13. varium 3: 
180, 181; 6:72; var. orthocladon 6:72; var. 
ovatum 48: 2 

Ambrosia 7:160; 26: 35, 187; 41: 81; 42:501; 
47:403; 48: 73, 74. aptera. 26:35; 42: 500. 
artemisiifolia 3: 189; 17:30, 219, 225, 226; 
18:44; 22:137; 26: 35, 184, 185, 228; 28:72; 
32: 270; 36: 374; 37: 184, 185; 50: 300; var. 
elatior 37: 185; 43: 82; f. villosa 37: 185; var. 
jamaicensis 37: 185; var. paniculata 37: 185. 
bidentata 36:221, 408. diversifolia 37:185. 
elatior 37:185. glandulosa 37:185. integri- 
folia 40:348. media 37:185. monophylla 
37:185. paniculata 37:185. psilostachya 
11:30; 13:33; 19:251; 33:166; 35:361; 37: 
195. striata 42: 501. trifida 2: 204; 17: 225; 
23:298; 24:205; 26:35; 36:374; 41: :81-83 ; 
42:500; 47:396; 8. integrifolia 40:348; f. 
integrifolia 40: 347; var. aptera 42: 501; 
var. integrifolia 6: 144; 12:111; 16:40; 17: 

30; 26:35; var. texana 42:501; 
47: :396. variabilis 42:501 

Ambrosiaceae 6:61 

Ambulia rigida, var. microphylla 37:442 

Amelanchier 3:221; 6:120; 7: 109; 9:179; 11: 
27, 131; 12:180; ' 14: 117-121, 123, 125, 129, 
132-136, 239, 241; 15:3: 16: 198; 18: 49; 20: 
16; 22: 110, 146; 23: 302; 25: 171; 26: :178; 
31: :222; 33: :62, 110; 38: 48; 42: 153, 379; 43: 
486, 505, 559, 560, 562, 566; 46: 157; 47: :144; 
48: 125, 128-131, 133; 49: 22, 232; 50:51. 
alabamensis 14: 132, 240: 38: 48. alnifolia 
14:125, 143; 41: 245; 50:49. amabilis 23: 
48, 72; 48: 132. arborea 43:563, 564, 566, 
pl. 672. arguta 14:129, 158. austromon- 
tana 43:486, 564, 566; 48: 126, 127, 131, 132. 
Bartramiana 14: 129, 132, 135-138, 145, 148, 
158, 200, pl. 96; 22:149; 23: 136; '95: 05:28: 
178, 179; X: 212; 28: 232; 29: 177, 179, 180, 
214, 231; 31:84; 32: 61, 206; 33: 121; 34: 53; 
36: 281; 42: 44; 43: 565; 48: 130, 132. Botry- 
apium 14: 127, 147, 150, 154; 43:561. cana- 
densis 3:188; 7: 195; 11:94; 12: 109, 128, 180; 
14:122-124, 130—132, 135, 137, 139, 142, 150, 
152-156, 240, pl. 96; 15: 165; 19: 226: 21:199; 
22:147, 148; 23: 136, 170, 198, 267, 300, pl. 
130 (map 8); 37: 193, 426 ; 38: 48; 39: 310, 
371, 375; 41:512, 519; 42: 44 ; 43: 561—566, 
pl. 672; 46: 446; 48: 126, 128-130: a. Botry- 
apium ‘14: 150; B. oblongifolia 14: 128, 147; 
43:566; y. rotundifolia 14:138; C. oligo- 
carpa 14: 158; var. Botryapium 11:47; 14: 
128, 154; 37: :193; var. oblongifolia 5:132; 
14:150; 43: 560; var. obovalis 14:150; 22: 
148; 43: 565; var. oligocarpa 22:147; 29: 
179, 214; var. rotundifolia 14:138; var. spi- 
cata 14: 138; var. tomentula 11 47; 12:108, 
139; 14: 192. 150; 19:226. Cusickii 14:127. 
erecta 14: 125, 126. Fernaldii 22:149; 33: 
110, 121; 35: 56, 272; 36:332; 40:274; 44: 
142; 50: 49. florida 14: 126, 127, 137, 140, 
143, 145, pl. 95; 22:151; 29: 231; 33: 235, 236, 
41: 245; 46:254. gaspensis 33: 234, 235-237, 
240; 44: 142; 50:49. grandiflora 22:149, 
151: 23:48, 71, 72. X grandiflora 23:48; 48: 
130. humilis 14:126, 128, 131, 132, 135, 137, 
139-141-142, 144, 145, 161, 239, pl. 95; 15: 
165, 222; 22: 151; '33: 235-237 ; 37: 74; 41: 33; 
48:162, 127, 131- 133; 50:49. huronensis 22: 
150, 151; 37:262; 46:254; 48:132. inter- 
media 14: 124, 127, 147, 150; 22:147, 148; 
23:103, 267; 98: 232; 97: 262: 50: 214. laevis 
14: 122-124, 126, 131, 132, 135, 137—139, 145, 
148, 149, 151, 153, 154, 156, 241, pl. 96; 
15:165; 16: 15; 17:152, 153; 20: 16; Dò: 134, 
148, 149, 151; 23: 198; 26: 178, 179; 28: 
232; 29: 178—180, 214; 35: 272; 39: 370, 371, 
375; 42:43; 46: :254 ; ' 48: 130; x oblong i- 
folia 20: 16: f. nitida 14: 155, 158; 23: 267. 
var. nitida 3: 267 ; 24:175. lucida 50:492 
51. mucronata 50:49. nantucketensis 14: 
134; 18:48, 49; 50:50, 51. neglecta 48:130, 
132, 133. oblongifolia 12:128; 14:122, 124, 
127, 128, 130, 133—135, 137, 139, 144, 145, 147, 
149, 151— 153, 240, 241, pl. 96; 18: 38, 48; 19: 
226; 20:10: 821 119; 22: 147, 148; 23: 103, 

var. trifida 


198; 26:225; 32:151, 161, 216, 254; 33:195; 
37:424, 426; 43:500—563, 565, 566; 48 :126, 
128; 50:302; x stolonifera 20:16; var. 
micropetala 10:33; 11:131; 12:128; 14: 
132-134; 18:48; 20:16. obovalis 14:127, 
130, 147, 148; 22:148; 43:566, pl. 672; 50: 
50, 51. oligocarpa 1:184, 191; 2:98; 3:174; 
5:35; 6:120; 9:156; 10:206; 11:94; 12:105, 
176, 180; 13:138; 14:128, 129, 158. ovalis 
14:123, 124, 127, 144, 147; 48:125, 128, 129, 
131, 132, pl. 1028; B. subcordata 14:131, 150. 
pallida 48:132. rotundifolia 1:48; 9:223; 
14:138; 19:226; 48:128, 131. sanguinea 14: 
125, 126, 131, 135, 137, 138, 140, 142, 144, 
145, 161, 235, 240, pl. 95; 19:226; 20:16; 22: 
150, 151; 23:72; 26:179; 33:236; 36:281; 48: 
132; f. grandiflora 14:139, 141; 22:149, 
150; var. gaspensis 14:139-141; 22:149; 
31:55; 33:235, 237; 44:142; var. grandiflora 
29:149. saxatilis 14:132. sera 33:195. spi- 
cata 5:49; 6:109; 9:223; 12:114; 14:123, 
127, 138, 141, 144; 19:226; 28:244; 29:251; 
48:125-129, 131-133, pl. 1027; 50:51. stol- 
onifera 14:122, 124—127, 130, 132-135, 137, 
144, 148, pl. 95; 18:48; 19:226; 20:16, 105; 
22:149; 23:130, 135, 138, 266; 24:116, 174; 
98:84; 37:86; 43:505, 560, 564, 565; 48:126- 
129, 131-133, pls. 1029, 1030; 50:49, 50; 
var. lucida 23:267; 24:175; 50:49; var. 
micropetala 20:16. vulgaris 48:128, 131 

x Amelasorbus 49:232 

Amelia 29:1 

Amentaceae 47:384, 386 

Amentiferae 16:201 

American Alder 47:338. Ammophila 22:70. 
Aspen 12:178; 28:73. Black Raspberry 7: 
144. Cowslip 39:319. Cranberry 12:183; 
39:368. Elm 8:135; 12:179; 21:42; 23:91; 
28:73; 41:193. Fly Honeysuckle 12:184. 
Larch 12:177; 35:358; 50:118. Mountain 
Ash 12:179. Ostrich Fern 17:161. Sugar 
Maple 28:233, 234. White Cap 7:144. 
White Weed 12:15. Wild Rice 12:25. Yew 
12:176; 35:357; 46:313 

Amesia 27:105; 33:140. discolor 27:105. 
latifolia 33:140. Mairei 27: 105. monti- 
cola 27:105. Royleana 27:106. schensi- 
ana 27:106. setschuanica 27:106. squa- 
mellosa 27:106. tangutica 27:106. Tenii 
27:106. Wilsoni 27:106. xanthophaea 
27:106. yunnanensis 27:106 

Amianthium 39:485; 41:470; 50:193. angusti- 
folium 42:254. Muscaetoxicum 50:184; 33: 
39; 36:42; 39:304, 399, 472, 474, 481; 41: 
490, 536; 42:362, 381; 43:502, 548; 45:369, 
374, 393 

Ammannia 20:65; 33:44; 42:507. auriculata 
37:169; 46:50. coccinea 43:555; 46:50. 
diffusa 46:50. humilis 37:169. Koehnei 38: 
437, 451, pl. 449; 39:477; 42:367, 370, 467, 
507, 508, map 4; 43:617; 46:49, 50; var. 
exauriculata 38:437, 451, pl. 449; 39:475; 
42:510, 514; 43:522, 617; 44:352, 430; 46: 
50. linearifolia 46:50. longifolia 46:50. 
multicaulis 46:50. occidentalis var. pyg- 
maea 37:169. ramosa 37:169; 46:50. ramo- 

sior 37:169. teres 46:49, 50; var. exauricu- 
lata 46:50 

Ammi capillaceum 48:162. costatum 44:253 

Ammodenia 21:1-5. major 11:114. peploides 
11:109, 113; 21:4; 26:184, 224; var. major 

Ammophila 4:33; 11:131; 15:127, 219; 18: 
29, 93, 94; 20:105; 26:185; 30:202; 33:110; 
36:421; 38:267; 40:110; 49:270. arenaria 
11:88, 127; 12:26, 28, 30; 13:128, 135, 140; 
14:20, 178, 183, pl. 97; 15:127; 16:39, 189; 
18:33, 95; 22:70, 71; 24:86; 29:60, 64, 148, 
207; 30:204; 32:11, 235; 49:270; X Calama- 
grostis epigeios 9:42; var. arundinacea 22: 
70. arundinacea 5:131; 9:218; 17:146; X 
baltica 9:42. breviligulata 22:71; 23:230; 
24:86; 26:184, 222; 28:80, 162; 29:44, 90, 
111, 122, 148, 185, 207; 30:202-205; 31:82; 
32:11, 147, 157, 169, 210, 235; 33:116; 34:63; 
38:264, 270; 40:279; 41:513, 519; 44:169, 
171, 174, 342; 47:354; 49:270; 50:293 

Ammopursus 48:375. Ohlingerae 48:374 

Ammoselinum Popei 34:6 

Ammyrsine 29:226 

Amoeba 24:51 

Amoebas 7:45 

Amorpha 7:28; 20:165. canescens 36:223; 
38:191; f. glabrata 38:191; var. glabrata 
38:191. croceolanata 47:215. fruticosa 1: 
164; 2:91; 10:151; 20:165; 27:214; 36:46; 
38:190, 191; 47:99, 101, 156; var. angusti- 
folia 38:190, 191; f. latior 38:190, 191; var. 
croceolanata 47:215; var. emarginata 47: 
215; var. tennesseensis 47:215; var. vulgaris 
38:190, 191. nitens 47:215 

Ampelamus albidus 40:282; 41:471, 475, 557, 
map 10 

Ampelopsis 6:122; 10:24, 25; 41:36. arborea 
36:47; 37:432; 38:377; 39:481; 42:363, 370, 
462; 43:513, 514, 604. brevipedunculata 41: 
139; var. Maximowiezii 41:35. cordata 10: 
95. Graebneri 10:26. hederacea, var. dume- 
torum 10:27; var. murorum 10:27. hepta- 
phylla 10:28. hirsuta 10:26; 41:429, 430. 
latifolia 10:27. quinquefolia 3:239; 5:132; 
6:122; 10:24, 25; 8. hirsuta 41:429; var. lati- 
folia 10:28; var. murorum 6:141. Saint- 
Paulii 10:27. tricuspidata 10:29. Veitchii 

Amphicarpa 9:54; 11:50; 20:165; 35:276; 38: 
95; 41:463; 42:213-215. bracteata 35:276; 
38:95, 96; 41:463; 44:234; var. comosa 39: 
318; var. Pitcheri 38:95, 96; 39:318. 
comosa 39:318. monoica 1:27, 28; 2:89; 16: 
15; 19:164; 20:165; 21:200; 23:273; 32:257; 
33:88; 35:270; 37:166; var. comosa 39:318. 
Pitcheri 1:27, 28; 2:91; 4:91; 8:221; 9:12; 
12:192; 19:229; 20:165; 32:177; 35:276; 38: 
95; 39:318 

Amphicarpum 11:37. Purshii 41:111 

Amphidinium operculatum 50:276 

Amphiprora 9:130. alata 9:135. conspicua 9: 
135. lepidoptera 9:135; var. pusilla 9:135. 
maxima 9:135. ornata 9:135. pulchra 9: 
128, 135. vitrea 9:135 

Amphitetras 9:130. antediluvianus 9:139 

INDEX TO VoLuMEs 1-50 11 

Amphiroa 3:91 

Amphisphaeria aquatica 50:287 

Amphistelma scoparium 50:130 

Amphithrix 10:162; 26:161, 162. janthina 2: 
41; 7:237; 26: 162; 50:67; var. torulosa 2:41. 
violacea 2: 41; 7: 223; 10:162 

Amphora 9:128, 130. cingulata 9:135. Clevei 
9:135. cymbifera 9:135. erebi 9:135. 
Eulensteinii 9:135. Grevilleana 26: 193, 216. 
intersecta 9:135. levis 9:135. lybica 10: 
180, 183. obtusa 9:136; 26:193, 216. ovalis 
9: 136; 10:180. pediculus 10: 180, 183. pro- 
teus 9: 135 

Amsinckia 9:55; 18:27; 21:38, 39, 148; 25:28; 
34:189, 190. arenaria 21: 39, 40. barbata 
18:27; 21:38, 40; 25:28. Douglasiana 18: 
28; 21: 148; 22: 111; 25:28. intactilis 21:39, 
40. intermedia 3: 214; 18:27, 28; 21:39, 40; 
25:28. lycopsoides 1: 104: On 214: LEES 21: 
38, 39. Menziesii 21:39, 40; 25: 28; 41: 282: 
42:837. spectabilis 18:27; 21:40. tessellata 

Amsonia 17:130; 24:235; 42: 475; 45:328. 
ciliata 36:54; var. filifolia. 45:328, 329. Hu- 
brichtii 45: 328, 329. illustris 36: 232; 45: 
329. Tabernaemontana 10:151; 24: 235; 42: 
359, 475, 498; 43:489; 45:329, 380, 457; var. 
salicifolia 42: 475; 43: 490 

Amygdalaceae 21: 190 

Amygdalus 45:451. nana 25:70 

Anabaena 1:100; 5:80; 23:252; 24: 104; 28:3. 
affinis holsatica 26: 162. californica, f. sub- 
constricta 50:275, 279, pl. 1118. catenula 
1:10, 11; 14:114; 15:89; var. americana 6: 
10. circinalis 15: :89. flos-aquae 14:236; 24: 
104; 26:162; var. gracilis 50:275. inaequalis 
24: 104 ; 26: :162; 50:67, 275, 279. macro- 
spora, var. distorta 28:2. oscillarioides dis 
236 ; 26:162; var. stenospora 26:211. sphaer- 
ica 15: 90. spiroides 23:253; var. crassa 23: 
252, 253, fig. 1. torulosa 2: 41; 7:223; 10: 
162; 26:190, 191, 212; 50: 256; var. cylin- 
dracea 50:275. variabilis 2 4l; 7:172, 223 

Anacampseros triphylla 11:46 

Anacamptodon 5:201.  splachnoides 4: 239; 
5:201; 6:72; 13:45, 46; 14:52 

Anacardiaceae 1:213; 6: 121; 12:181; 18:39, 
98; 21:125; 26: 226; 28: 71; 31:42; 32:95, 
263; 43:81; 50:297 

Anacharis 22: :19; 34:114—116; 42:150, 524, 525; 
44:219. Alsinastrum 22: 18-20, 27. cana- 
densis 22:25, 29; 34:152; 44: 9, 219; var. 
Planchonii 44: 220. densa 34: 151; 40: 368, 
385; 42:409, 524; 44:220. Nuttallii 22: 22. 
29. occidentalis '36: 405; 42:370; 44:220; 

Anacolia aristifolia 38:240 

Anacystis rupestris 50:67 

Anadema 4:115 

Anagallis 11:127; 24:232. arvensis 3: 189; 4: 
16, 185, 186; 6: 142; 10:145; 17:35; 24: 232: 
26:185, 186, 227; 39: 218; 32: 271; 50:298; 
var. caerulea 6:142. caerulea 4: 185, 186. 
flava 40:290. lutea 39:439. tenella 29: 125, 

Anantherix connivens 50:101, 119 

Anaphalis 6:132; 7:156; 26:35; 37:306. mar- 
garitacea 1: 192; 5: 50: 6: 132: 7:156; 9:122; 
13:25, 26; 17: 36, 154, 219; 18: 44; 39: 134: 
24: 205; 26: 85; 29: 190, 221; 22: 151, 214, 
279; 33: 126, 179; 40: 218, 219; 41: :390, 391; 
fe anochlora 24:205; 33: 111, 126; 34: 55; 
40:218; 41:390, 391; f. latifolia’ 41:391; 
subsp. angustior 41: 391; subsp. japonica 41: 
391; subsp. yedoensis 41: :391; var. angustior 
41: 390, 391; var. intercedens 41:390, 391; 
var. intermedia 41:390; var. kamtschatica 
41:390; var. occidentalis 7:156; 11:99; 13: 
25-27; 24:181, 205; 25:11; 29: :233; 34: 85; 
40: 218, 219; 41: 390, 391; var. revoluta 41: 
390, 391; t arachnoidea 40:219; 41:390, 
391; var. subalpina 28:239; 29: 129, 190, 
291; 33:221; 40:218; 41:391; var. typica 41: 

Anaptychia speciosa 29:104 

Anarrhinum $ Anarrhinum 9:47 

Anchusa 18:50; 25:28. angustifolia 18:51. 
arvalis 6:91; 8:72; 18:51. azurea 25:28. 
hirta 37:330. italica 25:28. officinalis 3: 
214; 10:154; 18:50, 51; 25:29; var. angusti- 
folia 18:51 

Ancistrocactus Scheeri 35:225; 37:78 

Andrachne phyllanthoides 36: 224, 231 

Andreaea 29:238. alpestris 30:2. crassinervia 
24:122. petrophila 2:62; 3:180; 11:117; 24: 
122; 39:13, 39 

Andreaeaceae 30:2; 39:39 

Andreaeales 11:16; 39:100 d 

Andrena 41:186. claytoniae 36:28. cressonii 
37:159. hippotes 38:91. lata 42:354. vi- 
cina 36:26, 28; 37:159; 38:91; 39:02; 42: 
354. weedi 37:159 

Andrenid Bees 42:353 

Andrenidae 41:186 

Andrewsia 34:167 

Androcoma 49:50 

Androgynia Huntii 10:57 

Andromeda 6:125, 149; 7:157; 10:53; 13:114; 
18:100; 24:152; 29: 183; 33:99; 35: L2: 42: 
513 5 44: 28, 29; 47:170, 290. acuminata fe 
132. americana 5:71. axillaris 47:169-171, 
pl. 900; 50:218; B. 47:169, 171; var. longi- 
folia 47:170. baccata 10: 84. calyculata B. 
latifolia 47:390, 391; nana 47:391. cana- 
densis 5:71. canescens 18:100, 101. cas- 
sinefolia 42:471; var. nuda 42: 471; var. 
pulverulenta 42: 473. Catesbaei 47: 170, Tol 
50:218. floribunda 42:350. formosissima 
46:50. frondosa 43:628, 629. glaucophylla 
5:70, 71, fig. 1; 6:125, 149; 7:110; 9:163, 
169, 189; 11: 97, 159; 12: 119, 129, 156; 13: 
54, 217, 220: 17: 148; 18: 100—102; 22: 38, 41, 
44, 46; 23: 98; 24: 152; 29:162, 183, 218, 929: 
32; 261; 89: 51, 92, 99, 112; 123; 34: 54; 36: 
283; 37: 206 ; 39: 471; 40: 145; 44: 115; var. 
iodandra 18: 102; 22:46. hypnoides 81: 
138; 44:29. lanceolata 50:218. ligustrina 
1:93; 3:235; 4:131; 8:99; 43:625; var. 
pubescens 43:628, 629. lucida 17: 132. 
mariana 1:93; 16: 158. montana 42:350. 
nitida 10:53; 17:132. paniculata 43:024, 
625; var. 1. nudiflora 43:624; var. 2. foliosi- 


flora 43:624; var. foliosiflora 10:53; 43:625- 
627; var. foliosiflora A. 43:624, 628; var. 
foliosiflora B. 43:625, 628; var. nudiflora 43: 
625. polifolia 1:93, 181, 183; 2:38, 125; 3: 
164, 176; 5:67-71, 133, fig. 2; 6:125, 149; 
11:159; 13:217, 220; 18:100; 29:183, 218; 
41:151, 275; 42:311, 335; 44:28; 50:119; var. 
angustifolia 5:68, 69, 71; 18:102; var. glau- 
cophylla 5:71; var. latifolia 5:68, 69, 70, 
71; 18:100, 101; var. media 5:68, 69. 70; 
18:100; var. minima 5:71; var. oleifolia 5: 
71; var. revoluta 5:71; var. rosmarinifolia 
5:71; var. subulata 5:71. populifolia 17: 
132. pulverulenta 42:472; var. nuda 42: 
471. racemosa 41:553. reticulata 17:182. 
rosmarinifolia 5:69, 71; 18:102. speciosa 
42:473; var. a. nitida 42:471-473; var. D. 
pulverulenta 42:472, 473. spinulosa 47 :170, 
171; 50:218. tetragona 9:182. tomentosa 
43:628, 629. Walteri 50:218 

Andromeda, Common Marsh 18:100. Marsh 

Andropogon 15:54; 39:203, 363; 42:357; 43: 
90; 45:389; 47:108, 213. 8 Schizachyrium 
49:413. alopecuroides 14:166; 45:250-252, 
255, pl. 761. argenteus 37:139. Cabanisii 
37:138. capillipes 37:140, 142; 42:384, 403, 
415; 43:519. chrysocomus 37 :146, 147. cili- 
atus 44:253. clandestinus 50:119. corym- 
bosus 37:142. divaricatus 45:252-255, pl. 
761. divergens 37:144; 42:241, 415, pl. 626. 
dulce 31:159. Elliottii 36:219; 37:138; 38: 
380, 395; 39:363, 481; 43:219; 50:119; var. 
gracilior 37:138; 39:363, 388, 476; 49:124; 
var. projectus 37:139. flexilis 19:103; 37: 
144. furcatus 7:106; 14: 182, 184, pl. 99; 
15:54; 16:16; 19:164; 31:110, 114; 32:216, 
232; 37:146; 38:269; 39:195; 40:156; 45: 
255, 256, 258; 47:213. Gerardi 45:256, 258; 
47:913; 50:92, 154, 155; var. chrysocomus 
45:258; var. paucipilus 45: 258. glaucop- 
sis 37:140, 142. glomeratus 14:20; 15:54; 
31:110, 117, 198; 32:147, 232; 37:139-141, 
143; 39:196; var. corymbosus 37:141. 142. 
gracilior 39:363. halepense 14:180; 18:231. 
Hallii 50:64. hirtus 29:115. Ischaemum 
50:154. littoralis 8:205; 19:100, 103, 105; 
32:931; 37:143, 146. longiberbis 37:142. 
macrothrix 9:40. macrourus 15:54; 37: 
140, 142; y. hirsutior 37:142; 42:416; e. 
corymbosus 37:142; var. abbreviatus 37: 
141, 143; var. glaucopsis 37:140-142. mari- 
timus 42:241, 415, pl. 626. Mohrii 39:364, 
381, 388, 467, 477. neomexicanus 37 :145. 
nutans 45:252-255. paucipilus 37:146, 147. 
perangustus 37:142. praematurus 42:413- 
415, pl. 626; 44:383; f. hirtivaginatus 44: 
383. provincialis 37:146, 147; 45 :255-258 ; 
50:154; subvar. furcatus 45:257; subvar. 
genuinus 45:257; var. chrysocomus 37:147; 
45:258; var. paucipilus 37:147; 45:258. 
purpurascens 19:103; 37:144. saccharoides 
36:219. scoparius 5:128; 14:19; 15:54; 18: 
68; 19:100, 101, 164; 24:85; 31:110, 117, 
222; 37:143, 144; 39:195; 41:517, 519; 42: 
240, 357, 413, 414; 44:70, 168, 169, 174, 237; 

45:377, 390; 50:64, 92, 93, 293; subsp. a. 
genuinus 42:240; subsp. genuinus, f. or sub- 
var. flexilis 37:144; f. or subvar. typica 37: 
144; subsp. b. maritimus 42:240, 241; subsp. 
maritimus, æ. genuinus 42:241, 415; B. di- 
vergens 37:144; 42:241, 415; var. divergens 
37:143, 144, 146, 187, pl. 340; 42:413, 415; 
var. ducis 37:144, 145, 146, 187, pl. 340; 
var. frequens 19:102, 103, 105; 28:38; 31: 
82, 110, 114; 32:150, 231; 37:143-146, 186, 
pl. 339; 43:79; var. genuinus 37:143, 144, 
186, pl. 339; f. calvescens 45:390; var. lit- 
toralis 8:205; 19:103; 24:86; 32:231; 37: 
144-146, 187, pl. 340; 49:123; var. neomexi- 
canus 37:143, 145, 146, 187, pl. 339; var. 
polycladus 19:103, 105; 24:86; 31:110, 117; 
32:178, 210, 231; 37:143-145, 187, pl. 340; 
42:415; var. septentrionalis 37:143, 145, 
146, 187, pl. 339; 43:79; var. villosissimus 
19:101, 102, 105; 24:86; 45:390. Scribneri- 
anus 37:137. tennesseensis 37:146. tenui- 
spatheus 37:142; 42:416. ternarius 36:219; 
37:137-139; 39:481; 42:278; var. Cabanisii 
37:138; var. glaucescens 37:137, 138; 39: 
476. ternatus, subsp. macrothrix 9:40. 
tetrastachyus 37:140, 142; 42:384; 44:253, 
349. vaginatus 44:253. virginicus 15:54; 
31:110, 115, 117; 32:176, 210, 232; 35:361; 
37:139-142; 44:172, 174, 253; 45:252; var. 
abbreviatus 37:142, 186, pl. 338; 39:475; 
var. corymbosus 37:142, 186, pl. 338; var. 
genuinus 37:141, 142, 186, pl. 337; var. 
glaucopsis 37:141, 142, 186, pl. 337; 39:476; 
45:461; var. glaucus 37:141, 142, 186, pl. 
337; 42:384, 403, 415; 43:519, 536; var. hir- 
sutior 42:416; f. tenuispatheus 42:416; var. 
stenophyllus 37:141, 142; var. tenuispath- 
eus 37:142, 186, pl. 338; 38:381, 395; 39: 
477; 42:416; f. hirsutior 37:142; 38:395; 
39:388; 42:416; var. tetrastachyus 37 :140- 
142, 186, pl. 337; 39:481; 42:384, 416; 44: 
253, 342; var. viridis, subvar. ditior 37:140, 
142; subvar. stenophyllus 37:142; var. «. 
viridis, subvar. genuinus 37:139, 142 

Androsace 35:96. arctica 41:277. Chamae- 
jasme 41:147, 151, 163, 164; 42:336; var. 
arctica 41:277. Gormanii 29:35; 42:336. 
Lehmanniana 42:336. occidentalis 36:364; 
44:75. septentrionalis 31:55; 33:233; 35: 
81, 82, 96, 280, 298, map 5; 38:134, 41:148, 
277; 42:336; var. robusta 44:144 

Androstephium coeruleum 34:5, 9; f. leucan- 
thum 34:10. violaceum 34:9 

Aneilema 42:392, 394, 400, 512. Keisak 42: 
391—394, 399, 400, 441, 504, 510-513, map 
20; 43:488; 44:372, 390. nudiflorum 42:21, 
512, 513 

Aneimia flexuosa 32:74 

Aneine 1:168 

Anellaria 3:40 

Anelsonia eurycarpa 43:369 

Anemonanthea 30:186. quinquefolia 30:186 

Anemone 4:88; 5:154; 6:116; 11:130; 13:18; 
18:165; 29:53; 30:180; 34:239; 42:325; 43: 
220; 44:25, 102; 46:347. 8 Anemonanthea 
29:54; 30:180-182. subgen. Euanemone 5: 

INDEX TO VoLuMEs 1-50 13 

155. angulosa 29:53. baldensis 41:227. 
Cairnesiana 41:227, 228. canadensis 1:48, 
50; 6:192; 12:112; 13:141; 18:165; 20:182, 
194; 21:56, 59; 22:92: 31:141; 35:251; 36: 
281; 46:250; 48:116. carolina 46:306. caro- 
liniana 34:6; 46:306. cuneifolia 30:183. 
cyanea 30:186. cylindrica 1:49-52, 80, 221, 
pl. 3; 6:97; 10:146; 14:241; 15:67; 18:165; 
20:182, 193; 36:224; 37:260; var. alba 1:49, 
51. deltoidea 30:182, 188. dichotoma 31: 
141; 33:178; 46:250. Drummondii 41:161, 
163, 227, 228. Falconeri 29:53. globosa 41: 
227; 42:325. Grayi 30:180, 182, 186. groen- 
landica 31:139, 141, 142. Henryi 29:53. 
Hepatica, var. transylvanica 29:53. hud- 
soniana 19:141; 8. sanguinea 19:141. lanci- 
folia 30:181—185; 33:32; 39:200. Lyallii 30: 
182, 187. minima 30:181, 182, 185. multi- 
ceps 41:227. multifida 5:154, 155; 6:193; 
7:5; 9:161, 166; 12:114; 13:148; 19:140; 
33:234; 35:47, 266; 36:281; f. polysepala 
44:102, 141; var. hudsoniana 19:141; 20: 
182, 194; 28:125, 201; 35:266; 37:66; 41: 
227; 42:325; f. polysepala 19:141; f. san- 
guinea 19:141; var. Richardsiana 19:141; 
44:102, 141; f. leucantha 19:141; 44:141. 
narcissiflora 13:222, 223; 21:53; 41:148, 160, 
227; 42:312, 325; var. uniflora 42:325. ne- 
morosa 5:130; 18:165; 20:77, 184; 24:186; 
30:180, 182, 183, 186, 188; 31:10; 8. quinque- 
folia 30:186; f. quinquefolia 30:186; subsp. 
americana 30:186; var. y. quinquefolia 30: 
186; var. Lyallii 30:187; var. oregana 30: 
186, 187; var. quinquefolia 30:180, 182. 
oregana 30:182, 186-188. parviflora 7:5; 9: 
161, 166, 183, 190; 11:93; 13:117, 129, 223; 
17:159; 18:101; 20:182, 194, 195; 28:60, 75; 
35:47; 36:280; 38:150; 41:227; 42:325; 44: 
107; var. grandiflora 42:325. patens, var. 
Wolfgangiana 42:325. pedata 30:186. pen- 
sylvanica 1:48, 223; 42:94; 46:250. Piperi 
30:180, 182, 187, 188. quinquefolia 4:88; 5: 
155; 12:128; 18:165; 19:220; 20:182, 185; 
24:186; 30:180, 182, 185, 186, 188; 32:252; 
36:281; 37:260, 350, 354, 355; 39:374, 375; 
41:517, 519; var. bifolia 37:260; var. Grayi 
30:187; var. interior 37:260; 47:214; var. 
Lyallii 30:187; var. oregana 30:186. Rich- 
ardsonii 41:146, 151, 161, 227; 42:325. rip- 
aria 1:51, 52, pl. 3; 2:171; 5:154, 155; 6: 
116, 193; 9:161; 13:141, 148, 161; 15:222; 
18:165; 19:139, 140; 20:182, 194; 21-50- 22: 
49; 32:4; f. inconspicua 19:140; 44:142; 
f. rhodantha 19:139; 44:102, 142. san- 
guinea 19:141. transylvanica 29:53. tri- 
folia 30:181, 183-185; 33:32. virginiana 1: 
48-50, 52, pl. 3; 4:74; 5:130; 6:97; 13:218; 
18:165; 19:139, 140; 20:182, 193; 32:4, 107, 
216, 252; 34:02; 36:218, 274; 37:426; f. 
leucosepala 19:140; var. alba 1:49, 51. 
zephyra 41:227; 42:325 

Anemone(s) 42:310. Wood 5:155 

Anemonella 9:151; 18:165; 24:185; 37:349; 
40:375; 46:347; 50:199. thalictroides 2:157, 
171; 3:205, 206; 4:63,76; 9:151; 12:128; 18: 

165; 19:220; 20:182, 193; 37:415; 40:420; 
41:544; 50:199; f. chlorantha 39:461 

Anethum Foeniculum 50:119 

Aneura latifrons 4:242. palmata 26:7 

Angelica 21:145; 24:92; 28:117; 33:74; 41: 
269; 45:299. ampla 28:117, 222. Archan- 
gelica 21:146. atropurpurea 1:159; 3:165; 
6:192; 11:96; 13:123; 16:13; 19:33; 21:65, 
145; 24:92; 25:10; 28:222, 223; 29:183; 33: 
74; 36:282; 37:319; 45:298, 299; 46:27; var. 
occidentalis 33:74. Curtisii 42:346; 45: 
298, 300, pl. 769. hirsuta 1:159; 6:205; 45: 
298, 300, 301. laurentiana 28:222; 35:58, 
60, 279; 44:143. lobata 50:217. lucida 91: 
144-146. officinalis 41:267. pastinaca 18: 
203. triquinata 45:298-301, pls. 768, 769. 
venenosa 45:301. villosa 35:288; 37:381, 
433; 45:298, 300, 301 

Angiosperm(s) 47:207; 50:36 

Angiospermae 9:36; 42:317 

Angorchis falcata 27:107 

Angraecopsis falcata 27:107 

Angraecum 2:31. falcatum 27:107 

Angstroemia 40:359 

Anidrum 9:54 

Anis 1:168. des Vosges 1:168 

Anisanthera 41:320. hastata 41:325. versi- 
color 41:325 

Anisonema 50:277. ovale 50:277 

Anisophyllum 43:98, 110, 168, 171. albomar- 
ginatum 43:202. Chamaesyce 43:265. den- 
tatum 43:272. Fendleri 43:224. Geyeri 43: 
131. humistratum 43:261. hyssopifolium 
43:141. maculatum 43:143. melanadenium 
43:187. novomexicanum 43:229. Peplis 
43:110, 272. polygonifolium 43:117. pros- 
tratum 43:266. senile 43:263. serpens 43: 
199. thymifolium 43:252 

Anisostachya decipiens 39:240 

Anisothecium rubrum 30:3 

Anithista 5:249 

Ankistrodesmus Chodati 50:273. convolutus, 
var. minutus 50:273. falcatus 23:66; 24: 
107; 26:164, 211; 29:164; 50:273 

Ankleberries 9:5 

Anoda 22:73; 44:361. cristata 44:361, 429. 
triangularis 18:143; 19:230; 22:73 

Anoectangium 41:112. arizonicum 41:112. 
kaleakalea, var. laxum 36:132. 
14:48. Mougeotii 14:48 

Anogra 15:223. coronopifolia 15:223 

Anomobryum concinnatum 30:6 

Anomodon apiculatus 2:62; 4:30. attenuatus 
2:62; 4:30. rostratus 4:239. tristis 1:54 

Anonaceae 11:44; 45:443 

Anona pygmaea 46:50 

Anonis phaseoloides scandens 44:425 

Anonymos 17:130; 34:206; 41:537. aquatica 
10:55; 17:130; 34:206; 40:339, 340; 42:398. 
caroliniensis 17:130, 131, 134; 34:206; 37: 
329, 330; 47:31, 71, 77, 85. cassioides 17: 
134. graminifolia 37:183; 48:222, 247, 248, 
255. Lupino affinis 50:202. pinnatus 17: 
131. pudica 41:536, 537. quaternata 36: 
345. quinata 36:345. repens 17:130; 34: 
206. rotundifolia 41:341; 50:202, 203, pl. 



1107. sagittalis 41:336. umbrosus 17:131. 
uniflorus 17:481 

Anosporum cubense, var. gracile 46:146 

Anotites 40:212-214. debilis 40:213. Dorrii 
40:213. latifolia 40:213, 214. Menziesii 40: 
213. picta 40:214. tenerrima 40:213. tere- 
ticaulis 40:213 

Anserina 11:48. argentea 11:48. concolor 11: 
48. grandis 11:48. litoralis 11:48. pacifica 

Antennaria 1:71, 107, 155, 204; 2:88; 6:132; 
7:105, 110; 11:130; 13:23, 129; 15:117-119; 
16:129, 134, 196; 17:126; 20:107; 22:111, 
138, 141; 23:98; 26:35; 28:96, 103, 106, 118; 
30:77, 137; 31:16; 33:213, 216, 220, 221; 35: 
51-55, 83, 89, 327-346, 373; 36:101, 103, 107, 
108, 114, 117, 422; 37:211, 229, 230, 233, 237, 
306; 38:109, 126, 160, 367; 41:154, 156, 506; 
42:156, 340; 44:129, 464, 467; 47:182; 48: 
116-118, 121; 49:254; 50:131. affinis 33: 
215, 222, 223. alaskana 36:104, 107, 108; 
41:148, 163, 292; 42:312, 313, 340. albicans 
16:197; 26:97, 100-102, pl. 142; 28:50, 97, 
105, 213, 238; 33:215, 216; 35:329, 331, 340; 
47:228, 232, 244, pl. 918. alpina 13:24, 25, 
127; 16:131; 18:237, 238; 22:138-142; 26: 
95-99, 102, pl. 142; 28:62, 106, 239; 29:56; 
23:213, 215, 216, 222, 224; 35:334; 36:102, 
112, 148, pl. 281; 38:122; 41:204, 295; 48: 
119, 121; B. canescens 22:141; 36:109; var. 
cana 13:24, 25, 127, 129, 137; 16:129, 131, 
196; 18:236, 237; 26:98, 99; 35:337, 338; 
var. canescens 18:237; 22:140; 25:114; 26: 
98; 48:119; var. corymbosa 22:140; var. 
Friesiana 22:140; 33:223, 224; 36:107, 112, 
113; var. glabrata 22:140; var. monocephala 
16:130; 36:107; var. typica 26:98; var. 
ungavensis 18:238; 22:140; 26:98; 28:239; 
36:110, 114. alsinoides 22:142. ambigens 
1:150—154, 160; 47:239. ampla 40:471. 
anaphaloides 41:149, 292. angustata 26:98; 
35:332; 36:102, 103, 105, 107, 110, 115; 38: 
115, 116, 120, 125, 159. angustifolia 33:216, 
293. 224; 36:112-114. appendiculata 23: 
295; 26:97; 33:214; 36:284; 44:102, 146; 
47:294, 229, 232, 245, pl. 921. aprica 41: 
506; 47:230, 234, 246, pls. 938, 939; 48 :120. 
arenicola 36:104, 110, 111. arida 41:293. 
arnoglossa 3:11; 15:119; 22:142; 33:214; 
47:183, 240; var. ambigens 1:150; 47:183, 
239. Bayardi 35:328, 333, 334, 402, pl. 
265; 47:227, 232. borealis 35:336. Brain- 
erdii 1:153, 154, 160; 15:98, 201; 26:97; 
38:369; 47:231, 240, 247, pls. 952, 953; 48: 
118. brevistyla 33:216, 223. brunnescens 
35:328, 336, 402, pl. 266; 47:227, 232. bur- 
wellensis 36:103, 104, 110, 111; 38:126. 
calophylla 38:230; 47:240. campestris 1:72, 
73, 47:229, 233, 245, pl. 928. cana 18:236, 
237; 26:96, 98, 99, 102, pl. 142; 28:62, 96, 
103, 105, 237; 33:215, 216; 35:88, 329, 333, 
337-339, 400, pl. 267; 47:227, 232. canaden- 
sis 1:72, 154, 160, 204; 2:69; 4:85, 92; 6: 
132; 7:105; 10:146; 12:129; 13:23, 25; 15: 
66, 118, 119, 121; 16:132, 196, 197; 17:125- 
198, 154; 20:107; 22:136; 23:296-298; 26: 

35, 97; 31:85; 33:214-216, fig. 1; 37:231, 
237 ; 47:184, 229, 232, 233, 244, 245. pls. 922, 
923; var. Randii 1:72, 154, 160; 3:186; 31: 
85; 33:214; 47: 184, 232; var. spathulata 
16:132, 196; 35:340; 47:232. candida 36: 
111. canescens 36:103, 104, 107, 109; 38: 
125, 159. carpathica 13:24; 16:130; 22:138, 
139, 141, 142; 26:100; 33:213; 36:105; 47: 
231; y. pulcherrima 47:231; var. humilis 18: 
24; var. lanata 22:142; 36:105; var. pulcher- 
rima 22:142; 36:105. chilensis 35:335. 
cinnamomea 8. angustior, 41:391. column- 
aris 35:328, 331, 332, 402, pl. 263; 47:227, 
231, 243. compacta 36:105, 111; 41:295. 
confusa 35:329, 332, 338—340, 402, pl. 268; 
47:998, 932. congesta 36:105, 110, 114; 38: 
126. decipiens 1:153; 3:11, 13; 47:240. 
dioica 33:213, 222; 36:148, 376; 48:119. 
eucosma 13:23, 24, 129, 130, 138; 16:129, 
133, 196; 17:159; 26:96, 110; 27:90; 28:98, 
100, 105, 213, 237; 32:13; 35:275, 328, 330, 
331; 47:226, 231, 244, pl. 912. exilis 41:294. 
fallax 1:74, 151, 153, 154, 160; 3:186; 6:132; 
7:105; 15:117-119, 222; 17:127; 22:142; 26: 
35, 97; 31:86; 32:178; 36:221; 37:233, 381, 
449; 38:229-231, 367, 369; 47:183, 231, 233, 
239, 244, 246, pls. 945, 946; 48:118; var. 
calophylla 38:230; 40:471; 47:240, 246, pls. 
947, 048. Farwellii 1:151, 152, 154, 160; 6: 
232; 37:05, 72; 38:230, 238, pl. 433; 47:230, 
239. Foggii 35:328, 332, 333, 336, 402, pl. 
264; 47:927, 232, 243. Friesiana 33:223; 
36:112. fusca 35:336; 41:506. gaspensis 
35:329, 341, 342, 402, pl. 268; 37:237; 38: 
368; 44:110, 146; 47:224, 226, 229, 233. gla- 
brata 16:130; 22:140; 33:216; 36:117; f. 
tomentosa 36:116, 117. glabrifolia 26:97; 
44:146. grandis 35:345; 47:234. groenlan- 
dica 33:216. Howellii 33:214. hudsonica 
36:103, 105, 110, 115, 116; 38:115, 120, 159. 
intermedia 33:216, 223; 35:334. isolepis 26: 
97, 102, pl. 142; 29:56; 32:62; 33:214; 35: 
334; 36:103, 104, 108; 38:160; 41:146, 149, 
156, 292. labradorica 18:238; 22:140; 33: 
223, 224; 36:105, 112-114; 38:120, 159. 
Laingii 41:293, pl. 554; 42:340. lanata 13: 
24 ; 22:141, 142; 26:100; 36:105, 106. Longii 
28:237, 238; 35:337—339, 402, pl. 267. ma- 
gellanica 35:334, 335. margaritacea 6:97. 
mesochora 33:214. microphylla 16:132; 34: 
238; 48:119, 120. monocephala 22:140; 36: 
104, 106—108; 41:163, 164, 292, 204; 42:340; 
47:941; x philonipha 41:294, 295. mucro- 
nata 22:141. munda 38:229, 230, 238, pl. 
433; 40:383, 471; 41:477; 47:231, 233, 239, 
244. neglecta 1:71—73, 107, 154, 160, 204; 
2:69; 6:132; 12:129; 15:117; 16:133, 134; 
17:127; 19:220; 23:296; 26:35, 97; 31:86; 
32:151, 279; 33:214; 37:230, 233; 38:230; 
47:183, 184, 222, 224—226, 229, 233, 241, 243, 
245, pls. 924-926; 48: 118, 119, 121; f. sim- 
plex 38:230; 47:233, 241, 245, pl. 927; var. 
argillicola 47:184, 234; var. attenuata 47: 
184, 234; var. gaspensis 47:184, 233; var. 
neglecta 47:183, 233; var. Randii 47:184, 
232; var. simplex 22:111; 38:230; var. sub- 

INDEX ro VoLUMEs 1-50 15 

corymbosa 1:73; 16:133, 134; 35:346; 47: 
235. neodioica 1: 72—74, 107, 153, 154, 160, 
204; 2:69; 3:189; 4:92; 6:132; 7: 105; 12: 
129: 13: 23, 25, 139; 15: Bis 16: 132, 133; 
le 127; 21: 200; 22: 142; 23: 98, 296, 297; 26: 
35, 97; 31:86; 33:214, "215, 217, fig. 2; 35: 
330, 341-343, 345; 36: 114; 37: 229234, 236, 
237; 38:230, 367-369 ; 47: 184, 230, 233, 234; 
48: 118; var. argillicola 38: 230; 47: 234; 
var. attenuata 1: 154, 160; 3:186; 31: 86; 35: 
89, 342, 345; 37: 234—236, fig. 4; 38: 231, 308, 
369; 47:184, 234, 245, pl. 933 ; 49: 252; var. 
chlorophylla 23: 296, 297; 31: 86; 35: 345, 
346; 37:237; 47:234, 245, pl. 935; var. gas- 
pensis 9: 164; 13: 71; 16: 132; 33: 214, 218, 
219, fig. 3; 35: 34l, 342, 346; 44: 146; 47: 
184, 233; var. grandis 1: 73, 154, 160; 6: 
132; 21: 200; 23:98, 105, 296; 26: singt 
86; '35: 330, 345; 37: 72, 236; 47: 234, 246, pl. 
936; var. interjecta 35: 345; 37: 237; 44: 
146; 47:234, 245, pl. 934; var. petaloidea 1: 
72, 73; 47: 234; var. rupicola 16:131, 132, 
133; 33: 214; 35: 342; 47:233; var. typica 
85: 345, 346; 37:234, 235, fig. 3; 38:369; 47: 
234, 245, pls. 931, 932. nitens 36: 104, 106; 
41: 292, 295. nitida 26: 96, 97, 101, 102, pl. 
142. occidentalis 0:2325 10: 146; 15: 98, 118, 
119, 121, 167; 17:127, 128; 19: :250; 26: 35, 
geogr 86; 37: 72, 74, 233; 38: 229, 230; 47: 
239. Parlinii 1:71, 74, 150, 151, 153, 150, 
160, 204; 2:69; 3:189; 4:152; 7: 105; 10: 
146; 12: 108, 129; 13: 25; 15: 117, 119-121, 
167 ; 17:127, 128; '23: 98; 24: 205; 26: 35, 97; 
81: 85; 33: 214, 216, fig. 1; 87: 381, 449; 38: 
231, 367, 369; 46: 141; 47: 183, 231, 233, 240, 
244. 246, pls. 949, 950; 48: 118; 50:131; var. 
ambigens 1: Vals 107, 150; 47: 239; var. arno- 
glossa 1:51, 153, 156, 160; 40: 471; 47:183, 
240, 247, pl. 951. parvifolia 48:119-121. 
Peasei 26: 97, 101, 102, pl. 142; 33:215; 44: 
129, 145; 47: 224, 298, 232, 244, pl. ' 915. 
petaloidea 1: 73, 154, 160; 2:171; 3:186; 6: 
132, 206; 13:23; 15: 98, 118, 121, 122; 16: 133, 
134; 17: 127; 23: 295, 296; 24: 120; 26: 35, 97; 
31: :86; 32: 177; 33: 214, 216, 217, 219, figs. 
L2. 4; 85: 346; 37:72, 74, 233; 38: 369; 47: 
230, 233-235, 244, 246, pls. 940, 941; 48:118; 
var. modesta 47: 235; var. noveboracensis 
23:296; var. scariosa 1:73, 154, 160; 16: 
133, 134; 33:215; 47:235, 240, pl. 942; var. 
subcorymbosa 16: 133; 23:108, 295, 296; 
31:86; 33:214; 35:330, 344, 346, map 27; 
47:235, 246, pls. 943, 944. philonipha 41: 
163, 294, 295, pl. 554; 42:340. plantaginea 
1:74, 151, 153, 154, 156, 160, 204; 3:11, 13; 
47:240; var. petiolata 1: 107, 154, 156, 160, 
204; 4: 92; 47 :240. plantaginifolia 8:11; 11: 
130; 12: 199; 13:24, 25; 15:117, 120; 17: 36, 
37; 19:220; 26:35, 97; 31:86; 32: 279; 33: 
214, 2155 36: 221, 376; '87: 230-233, 236; 47: 
182, 183, 224, 231, 233, 240, 241, 243, 247, 
pls. 954, 955; 48: 119, 121; B. monocephala 
47:241, 247; var. ambigens 47:183, 239; 
var. arnoglossa 47 :183, 240; var. petiolata 
26:35; 47:240, 247, pl. 956; var. plantagini- 
folia 47:183. Porsildii 33:216. pulcher- 

rima 13:24; 22:142; 26:96, 100; 35:331; 36: 
104—106, 108, 284; 42: 314, 340; 47: 226, 231. 
pulvinata 26 : 102. pygmaea 16: 129, 130; 
26:96, 99, 100, 102, pl. 142; 29:56; 35: 333; 
36 :103, 104, 109, 110; 38:126, 159. rosea 16: 
132; 48:120. rupicola 1:74, 154, 160; 16: 
132, 133; 35:330, 342, 343, 345, map 26; 37: 
237, 332; 38:368; 47:230, 233, 245, pls. 929, 
930. simplex 47:233. solitaria 3:12; 26:97; 
37:381, 449; 40:371, 375, 471; 42:303; 46: 
141; 47:183, 224, 231, 241, 243, 247, pls. 957, 
958; 48:121. Sornborgeri 18:237; 26:90, 
98, 102, pl. 142; 29:56; 33:215; 36:104, 110, 
111; 38:126. spathulata 16:196, 197; 17: 
159; 26:97; 28:105, 239; 33:215, 216, fig. 1; 
35:54, 329, 340, 346; 47:228, 232, 244, pl. 
920; 49:252; var. continentis 28:105, 213, 
239; 33:215; 44:145; 47:232. straminea 16: 
130, 131; 26:96, 100, 102, pl. 142; 28:79, 97, 
105, 238; 33:215; 35:329, 335, 340; 47:228, 
232, 244, pl. 914. subcanescens 36:105, 
112; 41:148, 151, 295. subviscosa 16:131, 
132, 196, 197; 26:97, 101, 102, pl. 142; 33: 
214, 215, 222, 223, 283; 35:334; 44:104, 145; 
47:224—2206, 228, 232, 243, 244, pls. 916, 917; 
48:119. umbrinella 22:141; 26:102; 33:223; 
35:334; 48:119, 121. ungavensis 36:104, 
110, 111. vexillifera 26:96, 99, 102, pl. 
142; 28:105, 107, 237, 238; 33:215, 216, 223; 
35:275, 329, 338, 340; 44:129, 145; 47:224, 
227, 232, 243, 244, pl. 913; 48:119. virginica 
37:230—237, fig. 1; 38:230, 231, 367, 368; 
47:184, 222, 230, 234, 242, 243, 246, pl. 937; 
48:118; var. argillicola 37:232-236, fig. 2; 
38:230, 231, 368; 47:184, 234, 246, pl. 937; 
48:118; var. typica 37:234. viscidula 26: 
101. Wiegandii 28:238, 239; 35:54, 329, 
340; 47:228, 232, 244, pl. 919 

Antennarias 42:340; 47:183, 184 

Anthaenantia rufa 44:253. villosa 44:253 

Anthelia 14:223. julacea 4:213. Juratzkana 
4:212, 218; 5:171; 15:23; 25:196 

Anthemis 26:36; 37:307; 43:515. arvensis 6: 
142; 26:36; var. agrestis 13:18; 26:36; 40: 
477. Cotula 1:25; 3:189; 11:130; 17:36; 
18:44; 22:137; 26:36, 228; 32:157, 279; 50: 
303. secundiramea 43:516, 657. tinctoria 
6:78, 144; 10:145; 17:30; 26:36; 41:79 

Anthericum 25:155 

Anthoceros 9:219; 14:223. carolinianus 14: 
223, 224; 15:26, 27; 25:197. crispulus 14:1, 
16, 17: 15: 26, 27; 47: 120; 19:272; 23:284; 
25:197. laevis 5: 173; 6: 74; COS TA: 224: 
15:26: 252197: 28: 13. Macounii 10:191; 
12:204; 15:26, 27; 19:272; 25:197. multi- 
fidus 14:17. punctatus 5:173; 7:58; 10:191, 
192; 11:195; 14:1, 16, 17; 15:26; 19:272; 
23:284; 25:197; a. crispulus 14:16; 8. multi- 
fidus 14:16 

Anthocerotaceae 5:173; 15:26; 25:197; 26:13 

Anthocerotales 11:16; 25:192 

Anthochloa 21:216 

Anthoxanthum 6:104; 14:178; 15:123; 31:100; 
33:108; 45:250; 49:276. aristatum 38:264, 
266, 267; 49:276. giganteum 14:166; 45: 
249-251. odoratum 2:215; 6:104; 15:123; 


17:221; 18:33; 22:136; 26:185, 222; 29:207; 
32:150, 234; 33:116; 38:264; 49:94, 276; 50: 
293; f. giganteum 49:94, 121; var. villosum 
37:82. Pueli 15:123; 38:266; 49:276 

Anthriscus 24:92. 8 Eu-Anthriscus 9:47. 
Cerefolium 16:96; 19:245. scandicina 43: 
493. sylvestris 24:92. vulgaris 43:493, 618 

Anthyllis 13:240. Vulneraria 13:240; 19:229 

Anticlea chlorantha 37:256; 46:78, 79. elegans 
37 :256 

Antigramma pinnatifida 50:117. 

Antirrhinum 25:63; 41:382. majus 7:35; 19: 
248; 25:63; 39:373, 375 

Antithamnion 7:169. americanum 2:48, 131; 
7:234; 26:191; 35:148; 50:264. boreale 2: 
48; 4:177; 10:116; 43:214. cruciatum 2: 
48; 7:234; 21:203, 204, 206; 26:214; 35:148; 
43:214; 50:264; var. radicans 1:125: 2:48. 
floccosum 2:48; 16:4. Plumula 2:48; 50: 
264, 265. Pylaisaei 2:48; 4:177 

Antoiria vulgaris 18:82 

Ants 42:194-196; 43:206, 207; 44:13-15, 165. 
Black 42:194, 195. Harvester 42:195 

Anulocaulis 47:329. gypsogenus 47:330, 331. 
leiosolenus 47:330, 331; var. lasianthus 47: 
330; var. typicus 47:330 

Anychia 6:50; 17:202; 38:416, 417. argyro- 
coma 8:102. canadensis 6:50-53; 17:202; 
25:184; 35:39; 36:58; 38:417, 421; 49:201; 
8. pumila 38:421. capillacea 5:190, 203; 6: 
50, 52; 18:88. capillaris 6:52. conferta 6: 
51, 53; 38:419-421. dichotoma 5:190, 203; 
6:50—53; 7:48; 49:201; var. capillacea 6:50, 
52. divaricata 6:51, 53; 38:417, 420, 421. 
fastigiata 6:51, 53; 38:419—421. filiformis 
6:52. lateralis 6:51, 53; 38:419, 420. nudi- 
flora 6:51. Nuttalli 38:417, 419. polygo- 
noides 6:51—53; 17:202; 19:129; 36:220; 38: 
417-421; var. a 38:418-421; var. b 38:418, 
420; var. c 38:418; var. d 38:418-420 

Anychiastrum 38:416, 417. montanum 38: 

Apalanthe 34:116 

Apargia 27:48. 
pratensis 3:293 

Apera 15:128. Spica-venti 6:84; 15:128; 19: 
119; 35:261; 49:270 

Aphanes australis 40:436, 445 

Aphanocapsa 29:39. delicatissima 29:40. 
Grevillei 26:162. Lewisii 29:41. pulchra 

Aphanochaete vermiculoides 7:240 

Aphanorrhegma 12:151. serratum 12:151; 15: 


autumnalis 4:39; 21:211. 


Aphanothece Castagnei 50:275. clathrata 29: 
163. microscopica 6:230; 14:114, 236. 
microspora 24:104. pallida 26:162. 
cola 14:114; 15:89; 24:105; 26:162 

Aphragmus Eschscholtzianus 41:163, 232 

Aphyllon fasciculatum 19:65. minutum 28: 
236. Sedi 28:236. uniflorum 3:295; 4:76; 
5:136; 6:129; var. occidentale 28:236 

Apiastrum 40:180. patens 10:35 

Apidae 41:185 

Apinus flexilis 34:246 


Apiocystis Brauniana 50:67 

Apios 20:165; 36:88, 89; 42:214. americana 
36:88, 89; 41:475, 547, pl. 575; 42:213, 214; 
f. eleistogama 36:195; f. pilosa 40:179; 
41:547; var. turrigera 41:546, 547, pl. 575; 
47:216. Apios 36:89; 41:547. Priceana 45: 
278. tuberosa 1:96; 2:89; 9:13; 10:145, 
166; 11:129, 230; 16:13, 15; 20:165; 23:147, 
273; 24:176; 31:84; 32:257; 35:251; 36:88, 
89, 374 ; 41:475, 547 

Apiosporina Collinsii 41:512 

Apis mellifera 39:62; 41:185; 42:354. melli- 
fica 34:214; 37:159 

Apium angustifolium 50:111, 119. graveolens 
19:245; 39:369, 375 

Aplarina 43:111. microphylla 43:272, 273. 
prostrata 43:111, 272, 273 

Aplectrum 31:15; 41:489; 43:486. hyemale 
1:199; 3:203; 4:18, 20, 22; 17:136; 35:360, 
362; 40:375, 408; 41:486, 539 

Aplostemon 23:24; 31:227. atropurpureum 
31:227. bracteatum 23:24 

Aplozia cordifolia 6:170. hyalina 21:150. 
obovata 21:162 

Apocynaceae 4:17; 6:127; 24:235; 31:42; 32: 

Apocynum 4:20; 6:127; 24:235; 42:155; 44: 
331; 47:369. androsaemifolium 3:176; 4: 
17, 81; 5:129; 13:18, 139; 16:15; 22:136; 
24:235; 32:216, 271; 34:30; 36:220; 38:193; 
var. glabrum 34:31; var. incanum 34:31; 
38:193. cannabinum 4:17, 81; 6:127; 10: 
55, 145; 13:148; 16:12; 23:288; 24:180, 235; 
32:18; 35:251; 44:235; 0. album 42:267; var. 
glaberrimum 6:127; var. hypericifolium 1: 
203; 44:331; var. nemorale 10:55; var. 
pubescens 12:217. cordigerum 37:327. 
Farwellii 37:327. hypericifolium 1:203; 2: 
69; 6:97; 37:327, 328; 42:475; f. arenarium 
37:328; var. cordigerum 37:327, 328; var. 
Farwellii 37:327; var. salignum 37:328. 
medium 4:137; 6:127, 142; 11:83; 15:167; 
23:27, 288; 24:235; 32:177. nemorale 10:55. 
salignum 37:328. sibiricum 37:327, 328; 42: 
397, 475; 43:635; f. arenarium 37:328; 44: 
235; var. cordigerum 37:327; 44:331; var. 
salignum 37:328. Syriaci 47:369 

Apodanthes 2:1 

Apoglossum Montagneanum 5:206, 207 

Apogon humilis 44:253 

Apoidea 36:28; 37:159, 161; 38:91, 93; 39:62; 
41:185; 42:354; 44:189 

Apolozia 11:16 

Apple(s) 11:32; 12:179; 28:71; 45:450, 451; 
46:313; 49:229; 50:38. Baked 12:109; 13: 
123. Indian 46:317 

Apterocaryon 15:168; 29:50. Michauxii 47: 

Aquifoliaceae 6:121; 12:181; 18:39; 21:125; 
29:216; 31:42; 32:263; 43:81; 49:255 

Aquilegia 6:116; 8:10; 11:130; 13:18; 18:165; 
36:9, 309, 310; 37:307, 349; 46:303, 347. 
brevistyla 41:226; 45:310. canadensis 2: 
188; 5:128; 12:128; 18:165; 20:182, 193; 
32:176; 36:224, 225; 37:381, 426; 42:279; 
45:277; 46:303; f. Phippenii 31:36; 37:86; 


var. flaviflora 4:169; 20:182; 21:116; var. 
Phippenii 4:169; 18: 166; 20: 182; 31:249. 
columbiana 29:35. formosa, subsp, caelifax 
40:136; var. caelifax 40:136. phoeni- 
cantha 38:75, 76. saximontana 22:195. 
vulgaris 3:187; 6:116; 18:166; 20:182, 184; 
36:9, 310; x olympica 36:9 

Aquilina 43:12. Gardneri 43:58. vulgaris 43: 


Arabidopsis 20:201, 202. novae-angliae 20: 
201—203; 39:276. Thaliana 20:202, 203; 36: 
44; 45: 208 

Arabis 5: 225, 226, 228; 7:31; 9:40; 13:37; 18: 

215; 20: 202; 37: 418; 39: 63-70, 72, 74, 84; 
40: 373, 422, 430-432; 42:49, 152, 45:114. 
§ Cardaminopsis 43:292. § Euarabis 39:71. 
$ Oxytria 43:479. § Sisymbrina 39:70, 71. 
$ Turritis 5:226; 39:71. aculeolata 43:308, 
350, 352, 353, 361, 479, fig. 1. acutina 43: 
378. albertina 39: 140; 43:366, 370, 371. 
albida 13:123. alpina 9:161, 190, 191; bess 
119, 123; 25:113; 28:60, 104, 116, 146; 35: 
60, 121, 270; 38: 125, 1537 39: 64, 66, 67, 69, 
74, 84—86, 178, map 3; 43: 292, 303, 306; 44: 
113, 119; 120; f. phyllopetala 35:270; 39: 
69, 86, 88, map 4; var. B. minor 39: 85, 87; 
var. y. ruderalis 39: 85, 87; var. glabrata 22: 
140; 39:86, 87, map 4; var. typica 39:85. 
ambigua 39: 95, 97; 43: 362; var. glabra 39: 
98, 95, 97 ; 43: 362; var. intermedia 39:92, 96, 
97; 43: 362; var. scabra 39:96, 97. angulata 
43: :395, 397, 398. angustifolia 39:137; 43: 
370. aprica 43:387. arbuscula 43:426. ar- 
coidea 43:401. arcuata 43:402; var. longipes 
43:399; var. perennans 43:395; var. secunda 
43:441; var. rubicundula 43: 402, 406; var. 
subvillosa 43:403. arenicola 34:245; 38:119. 
125, 153; 39:66, 74, 76—79, map 1; var. 
pubescens 39:77, 80, map 2. arenosa 43: 292, 
362. arida 43:451. armerifolia 43:366, 367. 
atriflora 43:405. atrorubens 43:404, 406. 
Austinae 43:409. Beckwithii 43: 451-453, 
457. blepharophylla 43:290, 308, 321, 348, 
349, 352, 479, fig. 1, map 2; var. Macdonald- 
iana 43 :352. Bolanderi 43:479. Bourgovii 
43:479, 480. brachycarpa 5:226, 228-231; 6: 
140; 13:148; 37:66, 74; 39:66, 67, 71, 108, 
114, 118, 130, 134, 135, 137, 146, 162; 43:375. 
bracteolata 43:382, 383. Brebneriana 43: 
479. brevisiliqua 43:375, 377. Breweri 43: 
311, 407-410, 426, fig. 1; var. Austinae 43: 
396, 408, 409, map 15; var. figularis 43:408, 
409; var. pecuniaria 43:396, 408, 409, 410, 
map 15; var. typica 43:396, 408, 409, map 
15. Bridgeri 43:356, 357. Brucae 43:304. 
Burkii 39:163, 166. caduca 43:441, 443. 
campylopoda 43:403, 404. canadensis 5: 
203, 236; 15:165; 18:215; 39:04, 65. 67, 68, 
70, 71, 75, 119, 120, 124, 165, 175, 178-180; 
40:423; 42:361. 452; 43:298, 521, 553; 44: 
240; 45:114, 115. canescens 39:181; 43:385, 
446, 451, 453, 455, 456; var. latifolia 43:382, 
383, 385; var. stylosa 43:431. chionophila 
43:473, 474. cobrensis 43:290, 303, 315, 396, 
453, 455—457, fig. 1, map 17. cognata 43: 
364. Collinsii 7:32; 9:161; 20:96; 39:66, 

68, 71, 171, 183, 184; 43:445; 44:142. co- 
lumbiana 39: 132, 133, 140; 43: 405. con- 
ferta 43:473, 474. confinis 4: 85; 5:226-231; 
6:140; 39: 108, 130—134, 137, 140, 157; 43: 
370, 375; var. brachycarpa 5: 297, 231; 39: 
130; 43: 375. connexa 5:230, 231; 39: 139, 
144, 145; 43:370, 371, 373. consanguinea 43: 
441, 443. cornuta 43: 315. Covillei 43:474. 
Crandallii 43:290, 303, 310, 396, 431—433, 435, 
fig. 1, map 17. crucisetosa 43:290, 307, 309, 
358-360, 390, 479, figs. 1, 4, map 6. crypta 
43:455, 456. Cusickii 39: 133; 43:290, 312, 
358, 410, 411, fig. 1, map 8. dacotica 43: 875, 
376. Davidsonii 43:308, 358, 364, 365, fig. 1, 
map 8. demissa 43:313, 386-388, 390, 436, 
fig. 1; var. languida 43:358, 386-388, map 
8; var. russeola 43:387, 388; var. typica 
43 :358, 387, 388, map 8. densa 43: 366, 367. 
densicaulis 43: 403, 428—430. dentata 39:69, 
75, 123, 167, 169, map 27; 40:43; 42:48; 43: 
303; 48:208; 50:17; var. phalacrocarpa 39: 
75, 169, 170, map 28; 48:208; var. typica 
39:75. depauperata 43:384. dianthifolia 
43:470, 471. Diehli 43:389, 391. dispar 43: 
290, 307, 309, 396, 458, 466-469, fig. 1, map 
17- ay, aricarpa 5: 231; 39:66, 67, 71, 75, 129, 
130, 188, 134, 136, 146: 42:328; 43:299, 302, 
303, 312, 358, 374, 375, 378—381, 440, 480, fig. 
1, map 7; var. interposita 43:374, 375, 378, 
379; var. stenocarpa 39:130, 133, 136, map 
17; 44:142; var. typica 39:130, 131, map 
16; 43:375. drepanoloba 43: 384. Drum- 
mondi 5: 226—231; 6:40; 9:161; 10:146; 11: 
14; 12:168; 13:37; 15:139, 140: 18:215: 28: 
124, 202; 31:84; 35:89, 270; 37:86; 38:64, 
454; 39:66, 68, 75, 108, 109, 124, 130—134, 
136, 137, 143, 146-148, 158, 161, 162; 40:423; 
43:299, 303, 311, 321, 368, 369, 373, 374, 378, 
379, 409, fig. 1, map 4; var. alpina 39:137, 
140, 141, 144, 147, 148, map 19; 43 :366—-368 ; 
var. brachycarpa 5:227, 231; "39: 130, 134; 
43:375; var. connexa 5: 231; 15:140; 98: 
123, 302; 39:137, 144, 145, 148; map 23; 43: 
370; var. interposita 43:378; var. Lyallii 43: 
366; var. oreophila 39:137, 141, 142, 148, 
map 20; 43:366, 368; var. oxyphylla 39:71, 
137, 143, 146, 147, map 22; 43:370; var. 
pratincola 39:137, 140, 142, 146, 148, map 
21; 43:375, 379; var. typica 39:137, 138, 
142-144, 146, map 18; 43:370. duriuscula 
43:470, 471. Egglestonii 43:382, 383. elata 
43:479. elegans 39:181; 43:403, 429. End- 
lichii 43:479. epilobioides 43:408. eremo- 
phila 43:395, 397. Eschscholtziana 39:121; 
43:320. exilis 39:180; 43:441, 443. falcata 
39:65, 176, 178. Fendleri 39: 134; 43:302, 
313, 389, 392-395, 397—400, fig. 1; var. spati- 
folia 43:303, 388, 393, 394—396, map 12; 
var. typica 43:303, 393, 394, 396, map 12. 
Fernaldiana 43:311, 361, 430, 432, 433, figs. 
1, 3; var. stylosa 43:310, 431, 432; var. 
typica 43:431, 432. filifolia 43:479. for- 
mosa 43:460—462. fruticosa 43:311, 312, 379, 
380, fig. 1. furcata 39:117; 43:290, 308, 350, 
353-355, 358, 479, fig. 1, map 6; var. olympica 
43:354, 355; var. purpurascens 43:350, 351, 


353; var. typica 43:354. georgiana 39:74, 
122, 123, map 13; 40:422. glabra 15:66; 
18:216; 38:64; 39:67—69, 71, 74, 75, 106, 110, 
111, 116, 120, 139, 146; 40:430; 43:293, 294, 
299—301, 307, 315, 316, 323, fig. 1; var. fur- 
catipilis 39:74, 75, 106, 109, map 8; 43: 
307, 315—317; var. typica 39:74, 106; 43: 
315, 316. glaucovalvula 43:290, 307, 396, 
465, 466, fig. 1, map 18. gracilenta 43:395, 
398. gracilipes 43:310, 358, 399, 400, fig. 1, 
map 9. Gunnisoniana 43:303, 314, 390, 
434, 436, fig. 1, 3. hastata 39:161. hasta- 
tula 43:480. heterophylla 39:157, 159—161 ; 
41:80. hirsuta 1:222; 9:161; 12:114; 15: 
140; 19:225; 24:116; 34:231; 35: 363; 36: 
224, 335; 37:422; 39:08, 69, 107-109, 118- 
121, 123, 139, 157, 158, 160, 179, 186, pls. 457, 
458; 41:238; 43: 291, 293, 301, 302, 307, 308, 
316, 317, 319, 320, 322-324, 355, 359, fig. 1; 
p. glabrata 39: 116; 43:319; y. ovata 43: 
318; f. americana 43: 319; f. banffica 43:318; 
f. constrictoides 43:318; f. cordata 43: 318; 
f. crepidifolia 43:318; f. "Eschscholtziana 43: 
322; f. gracilis 43: 318; f. grandiflora 43:322; 
f. integra 43:319, 320; f. iowensis 43:318; 
f. Krausei 43:322; f. laevis 43: 318; f. lilacina 
43 :322; f. novomexicana 43:318; f. sagittata 
43:318; f. subsetosa 43:322; var. adpressi- 
pilis 43: 317-319; var. Eschscholtziana 43: 
318, 320, 321, 323, 324, map 1; var. glaber- 
rima 22: 140; var. glabrata 39:121, 122; 43: 
318, 319, 321, 323-325, map 1; var. pycno- 
carpa 43:303, 304, 318, 323-325; 44:142; 
45:311. Hoffmannii 43: 302, 310, 407, fig. 1. 
Holboellii 5:228; 7:31; 13: 219; 16: 132; 31: 
55; 34:67; 37: 207; 38: 274; 39: 66, 67, 69, 
132, 170—175, 182, 183, 185, map 29; 43:302, 
315, 369, 379, 392, 439-441, 448-450, 479, 
fig. 1; 44:104, pl. 696; 47: 225; var. arcuata 
43: 402 ; var. Collinsii 43: 440, 442. 445, 449, 
map 22; 44:104, 142, pl. 696; var. Fendleri 
7:32; 43:391, 393; var. patula 43:480; var. 
pendulocarpa 43:440, 442, 446, 449, map 
22; var. pinetorum 43:304, 440, 442, 447, 
449, 450, map 20; var. retrofracta 39:180; 
43:304, 313, 439—442, 447, 449, 450, 452, 
453, 480, map 21; var. secunda 43:441; 
var typica 43:440, 442, 448—450, map 20. 
Hookeri 39:66, 67, 74, 126, 128, 129, map 15; 
43:294, 480; B. breviramosa 39:127,129; var. 
multicaulis 39:127, 128. horizontalis 43:471. 
Howellii 43:473. humifusa 36:281; 39:76, 
78; var. pubescens 39:77, 79. inamoena 39: 
66; 43:464, 465, 472, 473, 475, 476; var. 
acutata 43:474—476. incana 39:85. integri- 
folia 47:208. interposita 43:378. inyoensis 
43:309, 311, 314, 457-459, fig. 1. Johnstonii 
43:301, 309, 467—469, fig. 1. juniperina 43: 
466, 467; kamchatica 39:92; 43:362; var. 
glabra 43:362; var. intermedia 43:302. 
Kennedyi 43:382, 383. Kochii 39:180; 43: 
441. Koehleri 43:290, 297, 310, 311, 390, 
425, 426, figs. 1, 2; var. stipitata 43:425, 
426; var. typica 43:425, 426. laevigata 5: 
226, 227, 230; 6:208; 7:13; 13:37, 38; 19: 
225; 21:201; 36:224; 39:67, 68, 75, 130, 132, 


137—139, 158-161, 164-168, 179; 40:382, 422, 
423; 42:49; 43:303, 304, 463, 505, 553; 44: 
400; 45:358; var. 8. laciniata 39:156; var. 
Burkii 39:163, 166, 167, map 26; var. hetero- 
phylla 39:157, 160, 161; 41:80; var. laciniata 
39:158, 159. latifolia 43:382. Leibergii 43: 
474. Lemmoni 39:185; 43:313, 381, 382, 
385, 410, 432, fig. 1; var. depauperata 43: 
310, 382, 384, 385, 396, map 11; var. dre- 
panoloba 43:380, 382, 384, 385, 396, map 
11; var. paddoensis 43:382, 384, 386, 396, 
map 11; var. typica 43:358, 382, 384, 385, 
map 9. lignifera 39:180; 43:304, 314, 315, 
321, 398, 435, 437, 439, 450, 458, figs. 1, 2, 
map 2. lignipes 39:183, 185; 43:441, 443; 
var.impar 43:451. longirostris 43:480. 
ludoviciana 29:192; 39:81. Lyallu 39:133, 
140, 141, 147, 148; 43:311, 312, 321, 365, 368, 
369, 374, 409, 429, fig. 1, map 3; var. David- 
sonii 43:364; var. nubigena 43:365, 367, 
369; var. typica 43:365. lyraefolia 39:161. 
lyrata 1:130, 222; 6:97, 117; 21:59, 201; 34: 
231; 35:286; 39:64—08, 72, 74, 88, 89, 94-96, 
124; 40:423; 43:292, 304, 364, fig. 1; 50:120. 
subsp. kamtschatica 43:362; var. glabra 39: 
89, 93, 95-97, map 7; 41:238; 42:328; 43: 
362, 363; var. kamchatica 37:418; 39: 80, 88, 
92, 93, 96, 97, map 6; 41:238; 42:328; 43: 
309, 324, 358, 360, 363, 364, map 5; var. occi- 
dentalis 37:418; 39:93, 96, 97; 43:362; var. 
typica 39:88, 89, 90, map 5; 43:363, 364; 
f. parvisiliqua 39:88, 91. MacDougalii 43: 
441, 443. macella 43: 356, 357. Macounii 
43:428. macrocarpa 39: 107 ; 43:316. maxi- 
ma 43:402; var. Hoffmannii 43:407. Mc- 
Donaldiana 43:308, 321, 352, fig. 1, map 2. 
media, var. glabra 43:362; var. intermedia 
43:362. Menziesii 43:480; var. lata 43:480. 
mexicana 43:480. microphylla 43:311, 312, 
314, 369, 426, 427, 429-432, fig. 1; var. 
Macounii 43:396, 427, 428, 430, map 16; 
var. nubigena 43:367; var. saximontana 43: 
304, 396, 427, 429, 430, map 16; var. Thomp- 
sonii 43:427, 429, 430; var. typica 43:304, 
396, 427, 430, map 16. missouriensis 45: 
269, 273; var. Deamii 45:269. modesta 
43:307, 308, 350, 351, fig. 1. mollis 39:128, 
176, 178. multiceps 43:366, 367. nardina 
43:466, 467. nemophila 43:375, 377. neva- 
densis 43:389. nubigena 43:367, 369, 429. 
Nuttallii 43:309, 355-360, fig. 1, map 6. 
oblanceolata 43:375, 376. occidentalis 43: 
362. oligantha 43:472, 473, 475. olympica 
43:355. oregana 43:308, 321, 349—351, 353, 
fig. 1, map 2. oreocallis 43:382, 384. oreo- 
phila 39:141; 43:366, 369. ovata 39:109, 
115-117, 119, 120; 43:318. oxylobula 43: 
313, 386, fig. 1. oxyphylla 5:229, 230; 39: 
139, 142, 143, 146; 43:370, 371, 373. Parishii 
43 :290, 301, 309, 468, 469, fig. 1. patens 39: 
66, 74, 75, 120, 123-125, 168, map 14. patula 
39:134, 180, 181; 43:479, 480; var. 8. 39:174, 
175. paupercula 43 :367-369. pectinata 43: 
480. pedicellata 43:481. pendula 39:161; 
var. B. 39:161. pendulina 43:313, 388, 389, 
391, 392, 394, 396, fig. 1, map 11. pendulo- 


carpa 39:66, 68, 71, 76, 183-186, map 31; 
43:445, 446, 448, 449. peramoena 43:401. 
perelegans 43:403. perennans 43:290, 297, 
304, 314, 321, 393-395, 398—400, fig. 1, map 
3; var. longipes 43:395, 399. perfoliata 4: 
93; 6:84; 39:107, 108, 139; 43:316. perstel- 
lata 42:47, 49; 48:208; x laevigata 42: 
49; var. phalacrocarpa 48:208; var. Shortii 
48:208; 50:17. petiolaris 43:290, 306, 478, 
479, fig. 1. petraea 7:67; 39:77, 89, 94, 95; 
9. kamtchatica 39:92; var. ambigua 39:92, 
93; var. glabra 22:140. philonipha 39:140, 
143; 43:370, 371. pinetorum 43:447. platy- 
loba 43:473-475. platysperma 43:290, 296, 
307, 357, 381, 465, 466, 472-476, 478, fig. 1; 
var. Howellii 43:442, 472, 473, 475, 476, map 
24; var. imparata 43:474, 475; var. typica 
43:442, 472, 475, map 25. polyantha 43: 
441, 445. polyclada 43:382, 383. polytricha 
43:403, 404. porphyrea 43:393. pratincola 
39:142, 146; 43:375, 376, 379. puberula 43: 
296, 309, 396, 450, 452-456, 465, fig. 1, map 
18. pulchra 32:26; 43:297, 309, 458, 459, 
461, 462, 465, 466, fig. 1; var. glabrescens 43: 
461; var. gracilis 43:315, 396, 459, 461, map 
19; var. munciensis 43:442, 459, 460, map 
23; var. pallens 43:442, 459, 460, 462, map 
23; var. typica 43:442, 459, 461, map 23; 
var. viridis 43:461. purpurascens 43:350, 
353. pyenocarpa 39:68, 69, 74, 109, 112, 
118-121, 123, 125, 160, 178, 186, pl. 458; 41: 
238; 43:318, 323; 44:142; var. adpressipilis 
39:113, 117, 121, map 12; 40:430; 43:319; 
var. glabrata 39:113, 116, 122, map 10; 43: 
319; var. reducta 39:113, 117, 121, map 11; 
43:318, 325; 44:142; var. typica 39:113, 114, 
120-122, map 9; 40:430; 41:238; 43:319, 
324. pygmacea 43:307, 476-478, fig. 1. 
recondita 43:395, 397. rectissima 43:290, 
312, 313, 391, 392, 396, fig. 1, map 12. re- 
panda 43:304, 307, 463-465, 479, fig. 1; var. 
Greenei 43:358, 464, 465, map 10; var. typica 
43:358, 464, 465, map 10. reptans 36:308, 
369. retrofracta 5:228; 39:66, 76, 172, 173, 
179—183, 185, map 30; 41:238; 43:403, 440, 
441, 447, 448. rhodantha 43:441, 443. rigi- 
dissima 43:312, 361, 380, 381, figs. 1, 2. 
rostellata 43:408, 409. rotundifolia 36:368. 
rugocarpa 43:387. runcinata 43:481. ru- 
pestris 39:121; 43:319, 320, 322. sabulosa 
43:451; var. colorata 43:451, 452; var. fri- 
gida 43:451, 452. sagittata 39:179; y. ovata 
43:318. . salubris 43:466, 467. secunda 43: 
441, 445. Selbyi 43:311, 396, 433, 436, 437, 
439, fig. 1, map 15. semisepulta 43:382, 384. 
serotina 39:163, 166, 167. setigera 43:391, 
392. setulosa 43:389, 391. Shockleyi 43: 
290, 296, 309, 453, 457, fig. 1. sparsiflora 43: 
310, 311, 314, 400, 401, 403, 405, 409, 479, 480, 
fig. 1; var. arcuata 43:396, 401, 402, 406, 407, 
409, map 13; var. atrorubens 43:396, 400, 
401, 404, map 13; var. californica 43:314, 
396, 401, 402, 406, map 14; var. columbiana 
43:400, 405, 406; var. peramoena 43:401, 
405; var. subvillosa 43:396, 401, 403, 406, 
411, map 14; var. typica 43:396, 400, 401, 

462, map 13. spathulata 9:40; 43:350. 
spatifolia 43:394. Stelleri, var. Eschscholtz- 
iana 43:322. stenoloba 43:433. Stokesiae 
43:975, 377. stricta 5:230; 39:86, 87, 137; 
43:370. subpinnatifida 43:309, 452-455, fig. 
1; var. Beckwithii 43:451; var. impar 43: 
451, 453, 454. subserrata 43:403, 404. suf- 
frutescens 43:290, 296, 307, 381, 466, 469, 
471, fig. 1; var. horizontalis 43:307, 469— 
471; var. perstylosa 43:396, 469, 471, 472, 
map 19; var. typica 43:396, 469, 471, 472, 
map 19. Suksdorfii 43:354, 355. tenuicula 
43:427, 428. tenuis 43:441, 445. Thaliana 
20:202. trichopoda 43:461. tricornuta 43: 
298, 462, 463, 479, fig. 1. Turritis 39:107. 
“Turritis ovata” 43:318. Viereckii 43:481. 
virginica 13:91; 29:192; 36:230; 38:192; 
39:67, 70, 74, 80, 82-84, 124, 472, 474; 40: 
290, 364, 372, 373, 422; 43:297, 481; 44:75. 
viridis 13:38; 15:67; 17:65; 18:216; 19: 
225; 25:184; 39:67, 70, 75, 155, 156, 158-160, 
165; 40:431, 432; 45:269; var. Deamii 39: 
75, 156, 157-160, map 25; 41:80; 45:269; 
var. heterophylla 41:80; var. typica 39: 
156, 157, map 24. Whitedii 43:294, 481. 
Wyndii 32:25; 43:391, 392 

Araceae 6:109; 12:5, 47; 18:34; 22:89; 31:42; 
32:242; 34:119; 37:369; 40:183; 42:248; 43: 
79; 44:16; 48:207. trib. Areae subtr. As- 
arinae 42:248. trib. Peltandrae 12:47 

Arachis hypogaea 19:229; 20:165 

Aragallus arcticus 30:144. Belli 30:150, 151. 
deflexus 30:140; 38:299. foliolosus 30:140. 
hudsonicus 30:142. inflatus 30:154. johan- 
nensis 30:146. podocarpus 30:154 

Aralia 3:217; 6:124; 13:18; 18:153; 22:129; 
23:117; 46:250. Balfouriana 18:153. filici- 
folia 18:153. Guilfoylei 18:153. hispida 3: 
188; 5:128; 6:124; 9:122; 11:96; 13:139, 
146, 149; 17:152, 154; 18:40; 21:201; 22:134, 
152, 153; 23:117; 25:45; 34:54. monstrosa 
18:153. nudicaulis 1:168; 3:132, 188; 5:49, 
132; 6:124: 11:96; 17:152; 21-109; 22:129, 
130, 134; 23:117; 29:217; 32:206; 33:109, 
122, 178; 34:54; 36:282; 40:163; 42:101, 
102; var. elongata 12:39; 23:117. quinque- 
folia 1:169, 171; 2:122; 6:124; 10:146; 46: 
250. racemosa 4:75; 0:124; 23:117, 170, 
277; 40:382, 447; 43:520. spinosa 14:81; 
24:118; 28:244; 38:377; 39:194; 44:1; 46: 
137. trifolia 9:13. Victoriae 18:153 

Araliaceae 6:124; 10:24; 18;40; 23:117; 29: 
217; 31:42; 36:282; 49:255 

Araucaria 11:170 

Araucarineae 11:166, 168-171 

Araucariopitys 11:169, 170 

Araucarioxylon 11:168, 170 

Arbor Vitae 9:163; 10:201; 12:117, 177; 13: 
115, 142; 21:56, 58—60; 22:40, 130; 23:247; 
35:359; 47:219; 49:143 

Arbutus 4:127, 128; 16:25-27; 28:51; 33:197; 
40:68. alpina 16:21, 25, 27; 28:51, 52; 31: 
138. Unedo 28:51, 53, 55, 84; 29:127. Uva- 
ursi 9:182; 16:27, 28 

Arbutus, Trailing 4:140; 50:251 

Arceuthobium 2:2, 3, 5, 8-11, pls. 12, 13; 4: 


249; 5:49; 7:160; 9:28, 54, 75, 76, 208; 12: 
14; 17:171; 33:100. abigenium 50:120. 
americanum 33:100. minutum 2:2. oxy- 
cedri var. abigenium 50:120. pusillum 1: 
184; 2:1-3, 6, 8, 9, 221, pls. 12-14; 4:28, 35, 
249; 5:49, 202; 6:85, 86, 150, 204; 7:108; 8: 
79, 168; 9:28, 75, 76, 124, 208; 10:36; 17: 
171; 23:97, 257; 25:99; 27:54; 33:92-95, 97, 
98, 100, 101, 191, maps 1, 2; 35:90, 265; 37: 
268, 413; 50:120 

Archangelica Gmelini 21:145, 146; 26:188; 29: 
183, 217; 32:159. hirsuta 45:301. officinalis 
41:267. peregrina 21:145, 146 

Archemora 50:126. ambigua 10:35. rigida 
var. ambigua 10:35 

Archichlamydeae 41:142; 45:277; 46:209 

Archidiaceae 39:100 

Archidium floridanum 39:100 

Archilejeunea 10:191. clypeata 5:171; 10: 
190; 15:27. Sellowiana 5:171; 10:190, 191; 
15:27. unciloba 10:190 

Arconogonum phytolaccaefolium 41:219 

Arctagrostis arundinacea 41:159, 167, 178, 233; 
42:317; 45:308. latifolia 25:112; 41:146, 
158, 179; 42:317. macrophylla 41:178 

Arctic Cress 28:91 

Arctium 6:133; 11:130; 12:46; 13:18; 26:36; 
37:306. Bardana 12:45. intermedium 12: 
45, 46. Lappa 3:132; 5:135; 6:133; 12:43- 
45; 14:164; 26:5, 36; 28:72; var. majus 1: 
82: 6:133; 10:153; 12:44; var. minus 12: 47; 
var. purpurascens 12:45; var. tomentosum 
6:209; 12:45. majus 12:44; X minus 12: 
46. subsp. nemorosum 12:45. minus 3: 
189; 6:133; 11:60; 12:43, 44, 46, 47; 14:164, 
206; 17:36; 18:44; 26:5, 36; 28:40; 32:280; 
34:63; 39:373, 375; f. laciniatum 12:43; f. 
leucocephalum 42:47; var. corymbosum 26: 
5; var. paniculatum 26:5; var. purpurascens 
12:46. nemorosum 12:44-46; 14:164; 19: 
252; 23:299; 26:5, 36. pubens 12:45, 406. 
tomentosum 12:43-45; 19:252; 26:36 

Arctoa 40:359 

Arctomia delicatula 36:142, 153 

Arctophila 18:2; 28:150. fulva 41:157, 166, 

Arctostaphylos 4:34; 16:22, 23, 25-32; 17:233; 
24:152; 26:231; 29: 50; 33: 197; 35: 348-350; 
38:200; 39:462; 44: 168, 230; 47:177. alpina 
1:93; 3: 156, 165, 176; 9:163, 166; 11:97; 13: 
117, 123, 136; 16: 21-23, 25, 27-30, 32; 22: 37, 
44, 46; 25: 10; 28:52, 56, 50, 99; 29: 132, 218; 
31:138; 32:60; 35:5, 121; 36:136, 183; 4l: 
147, 158, 164, 166, 275; 42:335. coloraden- 
sis 39:462, 463, 464. glauca 16:29, 30. 
Manzanita 16:31. nevadensis 39:464. pa- 
tula 39:463. pinetorum 39:462-464. 
Pringlei 16:31. pungens 16:31. rubra 16: 
32; 22:46; 28:99, 213, 223; 35:275; 36:183, 
283, 329; 41;275; 42:311, 335; 45:314. to- 
mentosa 16:31. Uva-ursi 1:93, 104; 2:124; 
5:128; 8:223; 9:163, 181, 182; 11:97, 128; 
12: 129; 16:25-29, 31, 211; 17:233; 18:71; 
19:220, 246; 29: 218; 31: 256; 34:7, 66; 37: 
206 ; 39: 372, 375; 40: 145; 41: 275; 42: 311, 
335: 44:115; 46:314; 47:177; var. adeno- 

tricha 16:213; var. coactilis 16:212; 23: 
278; 24:118, 152; 32:173, 179; 33:227; 35: 
348, 350; 36:283; 37:66; 44:144; 46:493; 
f. heterochroma 35:350 

Arctous 16:22, 23, 28-32. alpina 16:30, 32; 
var. rubra 16:22, 30, 32, 33; 29:50. rubra 

Arcyphyllum 44:423, 424. difforme 44:423. 
erectum 44:423. simplicifolium 44:423 

Arcyria albida 1:128. cinerea 29:171; 44:168. 
denudata 2:79, 81, pl. 16; 29:171, 173; 44: 
168. ferruginea 1:128. flava 1:128. glo- 
bosa 29:171. incarnata 1:128; 29:171. nu- 
tans 29:171; 44:168; 50:286. occidentalis 
29:171, 172. Oerstedtii 29:172. pomiformis 
29:171, 172. punicea 1:128. stipata 29:171, 

Ardissonia superba 9:137 

Arenaria 9:63; 11:109, 112, 113, 184; 12:158; 
13:180; 15: 209, 210; 16: 147, 180; 18: 86; 19: 
260; 21:1-3, 5, 12, 118, 19; 34:246; 37:225; 
40:180, 182; 42:57, 58, 109, 121, 134, 244 ; 44: 
114; 45:268; 46:306; 50:119, 195. § Lepi- 
gonum 42:58. § Minuartia 41:39. aizoides 
21:6. alpina 21:13, 15. anatolica 21:6. 
arctica 9:155, 161, 167, 174, 186; 13:118, 134, 
136; 21:10, 14, 16; 35:10; 41:151, 160, 163, 
164, 222; 42:312, 323, 324. arenarioides 
21:5. attica 21:6. austriaca 21:11. Ber- 
teroana 42:173, 176. biflora 21:13, 15; var. 
obtusa 21:14. Bocconi 42:110. bonariensis 
42:186, 192, 193. brevifolia 50:196, pl. 1103. 
bryophylla 21:5. calycantha 16:146, 147, 
150; 42:255, 256. campestris 21:6; 42:106, 
136. canadensis 12:161; 42:112, 124, 125. 
capillaris 41:223. caroliniana 15:115; 17: 
66; 36:53; 39:349, 356, 406, 466, 467, map 
29; 44:241. caucasica 21:5. cephaloidea 
36:409. cerastioides 21:5. Cerviana 42: 
169. Cherleria 37:225. ciliata 13:118; 16: 
44;35:11; var. humifusa 9:161, 167; 13:118, 
134; 16:43, 44; 35:11; var. norvegica 16:44; 
35:11; 41:222. Cossoniana 21:7. crillon- 
iana 37:225. cylindrocarpa 16:43; 28:79, 
199, 213; 35:10, 11, 83, 120, 265, 401, pl. 256; 
38:123, 150; 41:222; 44:114, 141; 49:299. 
cymifera 21:5. dasyphylla 21:6; var. 
sedoides 21:6. dawsonensis 28:62, 199; 35: 
48; 41:222; 42:323; 44:141. decipiens 21: 
6. denticulata 42:168. depauperata 42:161, 
162. diandra 42:80, 82, 111, 126, 140. di- 
anthifolia 21:6. dichotoma 21:5. diffusa 
11:114; 44:253. diversifolia 21:6. elegans 
8:33. floribunda 42:170. Funkii 21:5. 
Gieseckii 21:21. glabra 21:17-20; 50:119, 
197. glandulosa 42:173. glaucovirens 21: 
7. grandis 42:174, 184, 185, 203. Grise- 
bachii 21:6. groenlandica 1:90, 184, 192; 
2:97, 98; 3:173; 5:36, 188; 8:102, 114; 9: 
156, 161, 166, 177, 179-181; 11:184; 13:180; 
15:139; 147: 233; 21: 16-20; 22:38, 48; 25:8; 
38:150; 44:123; var. glabra 21:20; 23: 172. 
hirta 8:31, 32; 9: 154; 21:21; a. glabrata 21: 
21, 22; Q. pubescens 21:21. Hookeri 21:4. 
humifusa 38: 123, 126, 131, 150; 41:150, 222; 
44:114, 141; 46:61. iberica 21:5. imbri- 

INDEX TO VoLUMEs 1-50 21 

cata 37:225. intermedia 21:6. Jankae 21: 

juniperina 8:34; 13:117. lanceolata 21: 
ll. lanuginosa 21:3; 37:381, 426; 38:377; 
39:478, 480, map 48; 44:253; 50: 194. larici- 
folia 21: 3, 11, 13, 15, 16; 35:10. lateriflora 
3:188; 5: 131, 188; 11:93; 15: 209; 16:55, 179, 
180; 17: 148, 151; 18:86; 19:32; 22:93; 25: 
8: 29: 212; 32: 173, 214, 251; 33: 109, 120; 36: 
280; 37: 206 ; 40:253; 41: 222; 42: 323; var. 
angustifolia 19:260, 262; 34: 52; var. gla- 
brescens 19:260—262; var. "Taylorae 19:260, 
262; var. tenuicaulis 19:262; var. typica 
19:260—262. leptoclados 5: 188, 235. lepto- 
phylla 42:210. leucocephala 21:6. libano- 
tica 21:6. lignosa 42:142, 143. litoralis 11: 
113; 42:119, 120. litorea 8: 33; 13:117; 28: 
199; 44: 141. macradenia 21: 4; 46: 282; 
subvar. Ferrisiae 46:282; var. Parishiorum 
46:282. macrocarpa 41: 147, 151, 160, 163, 
164, 223; 42:312, 323; 45: 310 macrophylla 
2:195, 199, 200; 5: 188; 7:20, 156; 9:63; 16: 
55; 24: 184; 33: :296; 37: 216; 38: 274; 44:129. 
macrotheca 42:70. makmelensis 21:6. 
marcescens 21:13, 15; 31:47; 35:10, 11, 83, 
265, 401, pl. 255; 44: 114, 141; 47:320. mar- 
ginata 12: 160, 161; 42: 118-120. marina 12: 
158, 161, 162; 42: 112, 118, 119, 124, 127, 136; 
g. 42: 111; var. 8. 42: 119, maritima 12: 113; 
42:119, 127, 136. media 12:159-161; 42: 111, 
113, 118-122, 124-126, 158, 173-177: var. B. 
42:118. Michauxii 1:39. miclonensis 42: 
126. montana 21:6. musciformis 21:5. 
nardifolia 41:223. norvegica 13:118; 16:44; 
35:11, 265, 401, pl. 256. Nuttallii 40: 182. 
obtusa 21: 7, 14, 15. obtusiloba 21:13, 14— 
16; 35:11; 41: 163, 223; 42:311, 323; f. rosea 
41:223. occulta 21: 13. octandra 21:11. 
paludicola 21:3. papulosa 21:7. paradoxa 
42:210. patula 36:224; 42:6; 43:325-328, 
331, 333; 46:306; f. media 43: 328, 330, 331; 
f. Pitcheri 43: 327, 329, 333; f. robusta 43: 
327, 330. peploides 4:189; 5: 1831, 188; 11: 
109-114; 20:104; 25:8, 99; 26: 224; 98: 63; 
29:123, 212; 34: 70; 36: 280; 41:166; 50:289; 
var. diffusa 11: 110, 112, 114; 28 :54, 100; 
var. major 11:111, 112, 114; 41:161, 223; 
var. maxima 11: 113; 35: 11; var. robusta 
11:114; 13:135, 140; 15:139, 143; 16:190; 
17:146; 18:29, 37, 86, 97; 20:104; 23:264; 
28:100; 29:122, 174, 212; 32:147, 251; 33: 
111; 40: 462; 42:279; 43: :80; 50:302. 'phy- 
sodes 41: 166, 223; 42: 911, 323. Pissisi 42: 
163. Pitcheri 43: 326, 327, 329, 330. platy- 
sperma 21:7. polyantha 42:169. poly- 
gonoides 8. occulta 21:13; var. obtusa 21:7. 
portulacea 11:113. propinqua 8:32; 21:9, 
21. pulvinaris 21:6. quadrivalvis 21:22. 
recurva 50:196; 8. 50:196. rimarum 21:6. 
Rossii 8:33; 41:224; 42:323. rubella 21:22; 
41: 39; 42:323; 44:109; f. epilis 41:39; 44: 
141. rubra 12:157, 161; 42:70, 71, 106, 109, 
110, 112, 119, 125, 126, 134, 135, 172, 175; 
a. campestris 42:106, 110, 111, 135, 136; 8 
42:112, 124; 8. marina 12:158, 159, 161, 162; 
42: 110, 118-190, 123-125, 134-136, 211, 212. 
pls. 591, 592; var. campestris 42:174, 175; 

var. marina 42:112, 125, 174, 185; var. poly- 
phylla 42:172. sajanensis 9: 161, 167, 186; 
21:3, 10-13, 15; 37:225; 38: 113, 118, 124, 
150; 44:114. salina 42: 124. salsuginea 42: 
82. scandinavica 21:13. Schimperi 21:6. 
serpyllifolia 1:43; 5:188, 235; 6:84; 18:86; 
32:251; 35:248, 390; 40: 443; var. tenuior 5: 
235. sitchensis 11:114. spathulata 21:5. 
sphagnoides 21:6, 13. squarrosa 15:115. 
stellarioides 21:7. stellata 21:6. steno- 
carpa 42:166. stenopetala 21:13. striata 
21:16. stricta 5:188; 8:33, 34; 11:184; 12: 
168; 17:232, 233; 21: 59; 25: 184; 97: 70, 204, 
299, 422; 43: 326; 50: 119; var. texana 36: 
231; 37: 191; 43:326. tenella 21: 12; 43:326. 
tenuifolia 21: 19, 11; 22-180. teretifolia 42: 
142, 143. Thevenaei 21:6. Tommasinii 
21:7. uniflora 50:195, 196. verna 8:31, 32; 
9:154; 21:9, 11, 16, 21; 41:39, 155; var. 
equicaulis 8: :32; 21: 22; var. hirta 5: 189; 6: 
94; 8:81, 32; 21: 18, 21, 22; var. propinqua 
8:32; 9:154, 161, 174; 13: 117; 21:21, 22; 
f. epilis 8:32; 21: 21. 22- 41: 39; 44:141; 
var. pubescens 21:21; 35: 120; 38: 119, 124, 
149; 41:147, 224; f. epilis 21:22; 38:149; 
44:141: var. rubella 8: 93; 21:21, 22. Vil- 
larsii 21:11 

Arethusa 3:86; 7:49; 11:30, 76; 13:113, 114; 
17:150; 23: 79, 159; 31:8, 10, 15; 49:134. 
bulbosa 1: 104; 2: 114, 124, 219; 3: 198; 4:18, 
410: 5:82 133; 11 :30, 76, 02- 12: 118, 119; 
13: 139; 15:74; 17:65, 149; 19: :31, 50, 57, 131, 
236; 21: 118; 99: 43, 47, 137; 23: 103, 126, 
132, 149; 25: 99; 26: 176; 29: 110, 129, 211; 
32:124 216, 246; 35:5, 241; 42: 87, 90. di- 
varicata 39: 326; 48:186; 50:191. medeo- 
loides 49:134—136. parviflora 42:56. race- 
mosa 17:136; 50:191. spicata 17:136. tri- 
anthophora 42:56. verticillata 49:134, 135 

Argemone 18:214. intermedia 47:214. mexi- 
cana 18:214 

Argentina 11:1, 2. Anserina 11:3-5, 8; 35:11. 
argentea 11: :3-5, 8; 35:273. Babcockiana 
11:3, 6. Egedii 11: 3, 6, 9. litoralis 11:3, 6, 
9. occidentalis 11:3, 6. pacifica 11:3, 6, 7 
9; 41:40. rubra 16:10. subarctica 11: 3, 8, 
9. vulgaris 11:8 

Argynnis aphrodite 36:28; 41:186 

Arisaema 6:109; 12:5; 13: 18; 15:20; 31:11; 
37:369; 38: 378; 42: 150, 248, "430. acumina- 
tum 36: 41; 42: 253; 43:547. atrorubens 42: 
251—253, 430, pl. 599; 8. viride 42:252; f. 
viride 42:252, 253, 430, pl. 599; f. zebri- 
num 42:252, 253, 430, pl. 599. brasilianum 
42:248. Dracontium 2:126; 8:79; 12:169; 
13:78; 40:377, 402, 431; 41: 35; 43: 547; 44: 
19, 25; 45:974. hastatum 42: :252. nepen- 
thoides 37: 315. pusillum 23:136; 42:249— 
252; f. pallidum 33:168; 42:252, 430. qui- 
natum 23: 136; 39:194; 42:253. Steward- 
soni 6:139; 19:126; 32:177, 212; 34:119; 
42:150, 251, 253, pl. 600. triphyllum 3:129, 
189; 5:132; 6:109, 163, fig.; 9:121: 19-5. 
128; 13:78, 141; 18:223, fig 1; 19: 125; 28: 
136, 238: 28: 34: 32:124, 153, 215, 216, 242; 
33:178, 296; 34: 65, 119; 36: 41; 41: 193; 42: 


247, 250—253, 430, pl. 598; 43:547; 44:174; 
45:277; 47:363; f. pusillum 42:252, 253, 
430, pl. 598; f. viride 42:252; var. acumina- 
tum 42:253, pl. 598; 43:547; var. montanum 
42:253, pl. 600; var. pusillum 19:125; 23: 
136; 24:114; 42:249, 252; var. Stewardsonii 
23:136, 238; 24:114; var. viride 42:252; var. 
zebrinum 42:248 

Aristida 15:124; 36:406; 37:372; 39:203; 49: 
274. adscensionis 35:284. affinis 39:196. 
basiramea 31:78; 36:219, 405, 415; 38:264, 
270, 363. Curtissii 36:230. dichotoma 1: 
201; 2:202; 5:128; 15:124; 31:146; 32:211; 
35:284; 36:219; 38:264, 270, 363; 49:274; 
var. Curtissii 39:382; 40:387. fasciculata 
36:284. geniculata 35:318, 319; 44:252. 
gracilis 1:201; 2:69, 202; 15:124; 32:211; 
35:318, 319, 386; 36:415; 44:253; 49:275; 
var. depauperata 35:319. intermedia 35: 
200; 36:219. lanosa 36:219; 37:136; 39:481; 
41:111, 503; 42:369; 43:535; 44:343; var. 
macera 37:135, 136, 186, pl. 335; 39:475. 
longespica 35:318, 319, 386; 36:219, 415; 37: 
389; 38:267; var. geniculata 35:318, 386; 
38:264, 270; 40:250; 49:275. oligantha 36: 
219, 237; 37:389; 38:264; 39:474; 49:275. 
palustris 39:196. purpurascens 14:20; 15: 
194; 32:150, 210, 234; 35:200, 284; 36:219; 
37:136; 38:204, 270; 49:275; var. minor 37: 
136; 38:385. ramosissima 36:219, 230; 39: 
494. spiciformis 44:253. stricta 35:319. 
tuberculosa 15:124; 24:86; 38:264, 270; 39: 
477; 48:37; 49:274. virgata 39:349, 354, 
382, 480, map 26; 40:387, 448 
Aristolochia 7:160; 38:235; 44:24. Clemati- 
tis 37:307. hastata 43:550. Serpentaria 15: 
67; 33:88; 37:381, 425; 43:550; 47:374; var. 
hastata 43:550. Sipho 5:38, 39, fig.; 8:223 
Aristolochiaceae 6:114; 17:171; 31:42; 37:306; 

Armeria 13:216; 18:55, 56; 19:1, 2; 36:184. 
subsect. Holotrichae 36:184. alpina, var. 
alba 18:157. andina 19:5; 8. californica 19: 
2. 9. arctica 19:2, 9; Cephalotes 18:157; 
var. alba 18:158; var. grandiflora 18:158; 
var. rubra 18:158; var. splendens 18:158. 
juncea 18:157. labradorica 19:2, 4, 6, 7; 
36:184, 185; var. genuina 36:185, 186; var. 
submutica 36:185, 186; f. glabriscapa 36: 
185; f. pubiscapa 36:185. leucocephala 
18:157. majellensis 18:157. maritima, f. 
Laucheana 18:157; var. variegata 18:157. 
mauritanica 18:157. plantaginea, var. alba 
18:157; var. gigantea 18:157; var. grandi- 
flora 18:157; var. leucantha 18:157; var. 
rosea 18:158; var. rubra 18:158; var. splen- 
dens 18:158. sanguinolenta 19:2, 9. sibir- 
ica 36:184, 185. vulgaris 19:2, 6; f. arctica 


Armoracia 26:230; 27:186. aquatica 27:186. 

lapathifolia 50:296 

Arnica 7:146, 159; 8:30; 18:44; 26:103; 28: 

96, 213; 30:137; 35:53, 55, 373; 37:205, 214, 
217, 307; 38:109, 126; 41:144, 298, 507; 42: 
342; 46:314. § Alpinae 35:368; 36:308. 
$ Arnoglossae 35:368. $8 Cordifoliae 37:205, 
214, 334, 336. 8 Diversifoliae 36:308. 
$ Foliosae 36:308. 8 Obtusifoliae 35:368. 
group Diversifolia 41:507. group Foliosae 
41:508. acaulis 36:52; 38:378; 39:476; 41: 
489. alpina 7:146-148; 17:19; 26:103-107, 
pl. 143; 27:90, 91; 34:245; 35:365; 36:96, 
97, 193, 308, figs. 1, 2; 41:165, 298, 507; var. 
angustifolia 36:96, fig. 3; var. Lessingii 7: 
147, 148; 26:105. amplexicaulis 41:507. 
amplexifolia 41:507; var. trina 41:507. an- 
gustifolia 7:147, 148; 26:104, 105; 35:366; 
36:96, 97. arnoglossa 7:148; 26:106, 107; 
35:307. attenuata 27:90, 91; 29:35; 35:365, 
366 ; 41:297 ; 42:311, 324, 341; 45:316. brevi- 
folia 41:298. Chamissonis 2:98; 3:164, 165, 
177; 5:46; 7:146, 149, 150; 9:154; 37:335; 41: 
508; subsp. foliosa 41:508; var. Maguirei 
41:508; var. longinodosa 7:149. chiono- 
pappa 7:148; 9:164; 13:148; 17:159; 26: 
104—107, pl. 143; 27:90; 28:96, 103, 118, 240; 
31:55; 33:233; 35:57, 81, 365—367, 402, map 
29, pl. 269; 36:329; 44:102, 146. cordifolia 
7:150; 37:214, 335, 336, 341, pl. 379. diversi- 
folia 36:308; 41:507. Fernaldii 35:51, 53, 
367. foliosa 41:508. fulgens 48:101, 103. 
gaspensis 7:148; 9:164; 13:219; 26:104—107, 
pl. 143; 33:232; 44:117, 146. Griscomi 26: 
104, 105-107, pl. 143; 28:118, 240; 32:13; 
35:53, 368; 44:146. lanceolata 7:149, 150; 
37:335. Lessingii 41:160, 163, 298; 42:312, 
341. lonchophylla 45:316. louiseana 35: 
365, 368, 369, 402, map 30, pl. 270; 36:327; 
41:149, 160, 163, 298; 42:341, 342; 44:128, 
146. Maguirei 41:508. mollis 7:149, 150, 
249; 9:154, 164, 191; 13:148; 26:103, 104; 
27:52; 37:335; 44:115, 120; var. petiolaris 
7:150; 12:114, 145. montana, 8. alpina 
26: 104; var. alpina 7:147. nudicaulis 7: 
146. obtusifolia 41:298. plantaginea 7:147; 
26:103, 104, 106, 107, pl. 143; 35:275, 365; 
38:160. pulchella 17:18, 19; 26:103, 104, 
107, pl. 143; 27:90, 91; 28:50, 96, 106, 120, 
240; 35:364, 365; 41:298. Rydbergii 36: 
308; 41:507. Sornborgeri 7:147; 26:104, 
105, 107, pl. 143; 27:90, 91; 38:126. terrae- 
novae 27:90, 91; 28:96, 103, 105, 240; 35: 
53, 275, 331, 365, 366, 402, map 28, pl. 270; 
38:125, 160. tomentosa 17:19; 35:53, 364, 
365, 402, pl. 269; 41:298. trina 41:507. un- 
alascheensis 11:141. Whitneyi 37:334—330, 
341, pl. 379. 

19:2, 9; subsp. arctica 41:278; var. alba 18: 
157; var. grandiflora 18:157; var. Laucheana 
18:157; var. purpurea 18:157; var. rubra 18: — Arnoseris minima 11:61; 23:299. pusilla 23: 
157; var. splendens 18:157. Welwitschii 18: 142, 299 
158 Aromochelys 9:199, 234. odorata 9:199 
Armillaria 4:77. aurantia 3:38. mellea 2:32; Aronia 11:47; 22:48; 23:266; 44:35; 45:451; 
3:38, 144; 4:77; 39:369; 41:515. ponderosa 49 :229-232. alnifolia 14:126, 127, 143. ar- 
16:47 borea 14:150. arbutifolia 7:74; 8:27; 49: 

Arnicas 41:297 
Arnicastrum 44:280 

INDEX TO VoLUMEs 1—50 23 

231. atropurpurea 10:33; 18:154; 21:119. 
Botryapium 14:150. latifolia 14:131. me- 
lanocarpa 18:67, 68. nigra 6:120. ovalis 
14:127, 147. praecox 14:129. prunifolia 49: 
231. sanguinea 14:138. subcordata 14:131, 

Arrhenatherum 14:182; 15:129; 38:207; 49: 
269. avenaceum var. nodosum, 18:234. 
bulbosum 13:208; 18:234. elatius 13:208; 
14:177, 179, 183, pl. 97; 15:129; 17:146; 29: 
207; 31:82; 38:266; 44:335; 49:269; B. bul- 
bosum 18:235; 8. tuberosum 18:285; var. 
bulbosum 49:269; f. striatum 49:269; var. 
nodosum 18:234; 38:266; f. striatum 18: 
235; 38:260; 49:269; var. tuberosum 13: 
207. nodosum 18:235. precatorium 18:234 

Arrow Arum 21:192. Grass 5:174; 44:218. 
Family 44:218 

Arrow-head(s) 21:191; 44:218 

Arrowroot 43:3 

. Arsenococcus frondosus 43:029. 

Arsmart 46:315 

Artemisia 2:39; 6:133; 26:36; 31:55; 36:373; 
37:306; 38:64; 46:462; 50:98. Abrotanum 
2:39; 6:133. Absinthium 2:39; 12:191; 13: 
90; 26:36; 29:221; 38:66. alaskana 42:314, 
341. albula47:255,256. androsacea 41:296. 
annua 2:39; 6:82; 8:226; 13:70, 90; 26:36; 
41:574; 50:98. arctica 41:148, 163, 296; 42: 
341; 45:316. atomifera 47:254. biennis 10: 
153; 13:90; 26:36. borealis 9:155, 164, 167, 
174, 186; 28:118, 239; 29:93, 95, 129, 131, 
161, 221; 31:54; 35:7, 121, 145, 346; 36:284; 
97:207; 38:160; 41:296; 42:341; 44:114; q. 
Purshii 29:94, 95; 8. Besseri 29:95; 9. spith- 
amaea 29:95; var. latisecta 29:93; 35:7, 
346; 38:160; var. Purshii 29:93, 94; 35:346; 
var. Wormskioldii 9:164, 167,174. Brittonii 
47:248. campestris 29:95; subsp. caudata 
40:184; subsp. spithamaea 29:95; var. cau- 
data 40:134; var. pubescens 13:90. cana- 
densis 2:135; 6:97, 133, 192; 9:154, 164, 167 ; 
25:11; 29:94; 32:18; 33:50; 36:284. candi- 
cans 36:284. capillifolia 50:227. Carruthii 
47:255. caudata 5:131; 10:153; 11:130; 14: 
20, 79; 15:154; 16:39; 17:38; 18:94, 99; 26: 
36; 29:60; 31:167; 33:226; 36:221; 40:134. 
cuneata 47:248. discolor 47:256; var. 
glandulifera 32:27. Douglasiana 47:250, 
251. dracunculina 47:247. dracunculoides 
47:247, 248; var. dracunculina 47:247; var. 
glauca 47:248. Dracunculus 13:90; subsp. 
dracunculina 47:247. filifolia 50:64. frigida 
12:111, 144; 13:90; 33:226, 232; 35:255; 38: 
66; 42:341; 50:107. glauca 47:247, 248; var. 
dracunculina 47:247. globularia 41:103, 
296. gnaphalodes 6:144; 19:252; 36:373; 
38:65; 47:251, 253. Herriottii 47:250-252. 
hyperborea 41:146, 296, 297. indica, var. 
mexicana 47:248. kansana 1:46; 47:255. 
longifolia 47:251-253; 48: pl. 1026. ludo- 
viciana 1:47; 6:82, 84; 11:30; 12:111, 144; 
26:36; 37:195; 38:65; 47:251, 252, 256; var. 
americana 47:248, 252, 254; var. Brittonii 
47:248, 252, 254; var. cuneata 47:248; 


var. gnaphalodes 39:459; 47:252, 253, 256; 
var. latifolia 47:253; var. mexicana 47 :248, 
252, 254, 255; var. pabularis 47:248, 252- 
254. mexicana 36:232; 38:65; 47:248. 
Michauxiana 39:495; 47:256. norvegica 41: 
296. pabularis 47:248. Pattersoni 37:226; 
var. glabrior 37:226. pontica 6:133; 12: 
144; 13:71; 24:208; 26:36; 33:167; 50:107. 
procera 11:60. Purshiana var. latifolia 47: 
253. rhizomata var. pabularis 47:248. sco- 
pulorum 37:226; var. aggregata 37:226. 
senjavinensis 41:163, 164, 296. serrata 47: 
250-252. spithamaea 29:94, 95; 41:297. 
Stelleriana 1:107; 2:38, 40, 238; 0:191 TI* 
130; 14:20; 18:99; 19:252; 23:298; 26:36; 
32:11, 280; 40:279. Tilesii 41:165, 166, 233, 
297 ; 42:341; 47:254; var. elatior 41:297; 42: 
341; var. unalaschcensis 42:341. tridentata 
38:66, 67. tripartita, var. Hawkinsii 39: 
151. Tyrrellii 41:297. vulgaris 2:135, 205; 
6:133; 17:219; 26:36; 29:04; 40:443; 47: 
248-251; subsp. gnaphalodes 47:251, 253, 
255; subsp. heterophylla 47:250; subsp. lu- 
doviciana 47:251, 252; subsp. mexicana 47: 
248; subsp. Tilesii 47:254; subsp. Wrightii 
40:134; 47:255; var. americana 47:248, 254, 
255; var. glabra 47:250; var. latiloba 47: 
250; var. Wrightii 40:134. Wrightii 40: 

Artemisia, Silver-king 47:255 

Artemisias 38:64 

Arthonia lecideella 29:98. punctiformis 28: 
159. radiata 29:98 

Arthoniaceae 28:159 

Arthraxon hispidus, var. cryptantherus 36: 
313; 38:380, 395; 39:100; 41:529; 42:198, 
199; 43:518, 536 

Arthrocladia villosa 1:125; 2:45 

Arthrodesmus 7:260; 24:224; 26:204, 208; 37: 
115. convergens 7:260; 24:224; 26:208. 
impar 37:115, 120, pl. 329. Incus 5:223, 254; 
26:209; var. longispinus 7:260; var. Ralfsii 
7:261; 24:224; var. validus 7:260. octo- 
cornis 5:81; 7:261; 24:224; 26:209; f. minor 
7:261. quadridens 7:260. triangularis 24: 
224; var. inflatus 7:261 

Arthrospira 40:271. Gomontiana 7:235 3226" 
215; 40:271. subsalsa 40:272 

Arum 4:168; 31:7, 9; 42:244, 247; 50:59. atro- 
rubens 42:251-253. maculatum 12:48, 49. 
quinatum 23:136. sagittaefolium 50:59. 
sagittifolium 50:57—59. triphyllum 42:247— 
253, fig. 1, pl. 598; a. zebrina 42:252; B. 42: 
248, 249; B. atropurpureum 42:252; B. viride 
42:252; y. 42:248, 251; var. B. virens 42:252. 
virginicum 12:48, 49; 14:103; 42:432; 50: 
57, 58. Walteri 50:57 

Arum, Arrow 21:192 

Aruncus 38:180, 181, 236, pl. 416; 41:423, 424; 
46:283. acuminatus 38:181, 237, pl. 416. 
allegheniensis 38:180-182, 236, pl. 416; 
11:423; var. pubescens 38:179-181, 231, pl. 
416; 41:423. americanus 38:181, 182; 46: 
283. Aruncus 38:180, 181. dioicus 41 :423, 
424; 46:283; var. pubescens 41:423. 
pubescens 38:179, 180; 41:423. sylvester 


33:32; 36:230; 38:180—182, 237, pl. 416; 41: 
423, 424. vulgaris 38:181, 182; 46:283; var. 
americanus 38:182 

Arundinaria 31:146; 36:34; 43:511. gigantea 
39:481; 45:461. macrosperma 36:38. tecta 
2 31:146; 38:376; 39:477; 42:278; 44: 

Arundinella 9:50 

Arundo 24:55, 56; 30:202, 245; 43:287. agros- 
toides 24:143; 32:40. arenaria 12:28-30, 36; 
22:71. brevipilis 41:502. canadensis 16:89; 
24:143; 32:40, 47. cinnoides 32:47. co- 
arctata 32:47. confinis 46:287. Donax 31: 
96; 40:386; 42:402, 410; 43:287. fissa 32: 
40. glauca 32:47. groenlandica 32:59. 
indica 42:263. Langsdorfi 24:143; 32:43. 
lapponica 32:56. maxima 43:286, 287. 
neglecta 32:53. phragmites 24:56. stricta 
32:47, 53. vulgaris 24:56 

Asarum 6:114; 17:171; 31:12; 45:374, 381- 
383, 399. § Heterotropa 45:374, 399, 400. 
arifolium 36:43; 38:415; 39:477; 42:372; 
45:398, 399; 50:194. canadense 1:171; 6: 
114; 10:32; 14:75; 17:171; 21:200; 33:226; 
34:231; 35:249; 40:333; 45:398, 399; 47:378; 
50:194; f. Phelpsiae 40:333, 357, pl. 499; 
var. reflexum 10:32. carolinianum 50:194. 
europaeum 47:378. Lewisii 45:398—400, pls. 
774, 775; 47:93, 102, 133. Memmingeri 
39:499. reflexum 10:32. Ruthii 39:429; 
45:398, 399. Shuttleworthii 45:400. virgin- 
icum 38:378; 39:476; 45:399, 400; 50:194 

Asbestos-bush 47:263 

Aschysma 41:112 

Asclepiadaceae 4:17; 6:127; 9:52; 24:236; 26: 
227; 31:42, 95; 32:271; 36:236; 40:283; 49: 
288; 50:303. subfam. Asclepiadeae 9:37. 
subtrib. Metastelmatinae 9:37 

Asclepias 6:127; 9:37; 13:19; 24:236; 34:65, 
66; 38:235; 46:488; 48:209. amplexicaulis 
11:129; 13:19; 14:21, 79; 15:153; 24:236. 
angustifolia 44:253. connivens 50:119. 
cordata 50:219. Cornuti 3:131; 4:17; 6:83, 
97, 127; 20:206, 207. exaltata 32:271; 50: 
219, 220. floridana 46:488, 489. grandiflora 
20:206. humistrata 36:32, 50. incarnata 
23:135, 160, 288; 35:251; 47:369; f. albiflora 
41:440; var. neoscotica 23:288; var. 
pulchra 4:17; 5:131; 11:129; 14:26; 17:217; 
23:135, 288; 24:180, 236; 32:150, 158, 271; 
50:303; f. candida 41:446. kansana 40: 
133. lanceolata 37:438, 439; 38:378; 39: 
469, 476; 42:387, 476; 46:489; var. pauper- 
cula 37:438, 439; 38:394; 39:476; 42:476; 
45:368, 458, 461; f. flaviflora 45:458. 
longifolia 46:488. Meadii 40:116; 47:205. 
Michauxii 44:253. Nuttalliana 50:118. ob- 
tusifolia 4:17, 19; 5:129, 204; 9:14. pauper- 
cula 37:438; 42:362. perennis 31:147; 37: 
321. phytolaccoides 4:17; 21:201; 24:236; 
26:176; 32:271; 50:219. polystachia 50:218, 
219. pulchra 9:122; 23:135. f. albiflora 41: 
446. purpurascens 2:157; 4:17; 5:204; 24: 
236; 40:454; 42:476; 43:499, 504, 635; 40: 
202. quadrifolia 4:17, 19, 74; 5:204; 6:97; 
12:168; 24:185, 236; 26:176; 34:231. rubra 

39:326, 444, 466, 482; 50:219. syriaca 4:17; 
6:127; 11:130; 13:18, 148; 15:167; 16:14; 
20:206; 24:236; 26:227; 32:18, 161, 271; 
35:252; 36:24; 39:369, 375; 41:580; 44:31; 
46:387; 47:369; 50:303; Q. exaltata 50:220; 
f. leucantha 46:387; f. inermis 20:207; 
24:236; var. exaltata 50:219; var. kan- 
sana 40:133. tuberosa 1:221; 2:217; 4:17, 
19; 5:204; 11:129; 14:91; 16:185; 24:236; 
26:175; 32:271; 37:438; 43:498; 46:488, 489; 
f. bicolor 32:33; f. flavescens 37:438; f. 
lutea 32:33. variegata 38:377; 39:482. 
Vaseyl 50:118. verticillata 2:157; 4:17, 19; 
5:204; 16:185; 24:236; 26:175, 176; 32:124, 
210, 271; 37:439; 44:12. viridiflora 48:209; 
var. lanceolata 48:209; var. linearis 48:208 

Asclepiodora viridis 36:224 

Ascochyta graminicola 41:512; 44:168. Lo- 
phanthi, var. lycopina 41:512 

Ascocyclus distromaticus 50:261. 
2:45; 7:227 

Ascomycetes 3:207 ; 5:97; 50:287 

Ascophyllum 2:207; 7:232; 16:3, 4; 19:83, 
84; 26:189, 190; 33:129; 35:293; 40:228; 50: 
260, 263, 266. Mackaii 2:45; 7:229, 230; 
43:215. nodosum 2:45; 3:133; 5:212; 7: 
230, 232; 10:161; 16:3, 4; 19:83, 84; 26: 
213; 33:130; 40:228; 43:216; 50:260-262; f. 
scorpioides 3:291, 292; 43:214-216, fig. 1 

Ascyrum 11:52; 39:203. Crux-Andreae 38: 
430—433 ; 8. 38:433; 8. angustifolium 38:432. 
helianthemifolium 38:433. Hypericoides 1: 
212; 13:151; 32:213; 36:220; 38:430-432; 
39:480; var. multicaule 38:433; 39:482; 
46:137; var. oblongifolium 38:433; 39: 
481; var. typicum 38:432; 46:137. lini- 
folium 38:432. multicaule 38:432, 433. ob- 
longifolium 38:432, 433. spathulatum 38: 
433. stans 37:432; 38:377, 432; 39:198, 473, 

Ash 6:20; 13:57; 39:43; 44:413; 46:154; 50: 
186. American Mountain 12:179. Black 
12:184; 22:131,132. Carolina 50:186. Eng- 
lish 25:174. Green 15:15. Mountain 13: 
238; 22:131; 28:72. Prickly 4:130; 25:175. 
Pumpkin 39:331. Red 15:15; 25:176; 48: 
61. Water 39:330, 331; 50:168. White 12: 
184; 23:91; 45:274; 49:172; 50:168, 169 

Ash-leaved Maple 25:176 

Asimina parviflora 37:426; 39:333, 364, 409, 
467, 477; 40:366, 448; 42:362, 377; 43:492, 
519, 552; 44:240; 45:370, 412. pygmaea 46: 
50. triloba 37:354, 381, 426, 437; 40:375 

Asparagopsis 30:198. hamifera 30:197, pl. 
176; 35:149, 150; 43:73; 50:264 

Asparagus 10:130; 28:73; 43:3; 47:207; 49: 
205. officinalis 10:130; 11:131; 17:214; 22: 
136; 26:186, 223; 28:73; 32:159, 244; 34:62; 

Aspen 12:32; 22:131; 41:216; 42:320; 44:410. 
American 12:178; 28:73. Large-toothed 
12:178; 28:73 

Asperella 6:107; 14:187; 15:151. Hystrix 4: 
89; 6:107, 208; 14:187, 188; 15:151; 24:229, 
231; 23:130, 170, 232; var. Bigeloviana 24: 
230, 231; 48:22; 49:267 


INDEX TO VoLuMEs 1-50 25 

Aspergillus 50:287. candidus 50:287. cucur- 
bitaceus 5:98, 102 

Asperifoliae 47:386, pl. 991 

Asperococcus 35:257. echinatus 2:45; 7:228; 
2: :108; 26:213; 50:261; var. vermicularis 8: 

Asperugo 25:29. procumbens 3:214; 25:29 

Asperula 26:13. galioides 5: 174; I 50 
glauca 11:57. odorata 26:13 

Asperulae 47:385, pl. 991 

Asphodel 18:71. Bog 28:75 

Asphodelus 7:16; 9:37 

Asplcarpa 9:44 

Aspidium 4:7-9, 51-53, 160, 164, 166; 6:100; 
9:83; 10:30; 11: 27, 86: 12: 207; 19: 181; 21: 
een uni 26: 230; 30: 16; 31: 24; 48:385. 
acrostichoides 1: 218; 2; 184, 229; 6: 100; 9: 
83; 11:36; var. incisum 2:184, 330; 33 41; 
6: 101, 137; 11:35, 36. aculeatum 26: 90; 30: 
30; var. Braunii 1:183; 2:229, 230; 3: 41, 
168; 4:247; 5:47, 2306; 6: 101, 203, 207 ; 13: 
218; 30: 30; var. 'scopulinum 36: 89, 90. al- 
pestre 19: 203; 30:48; 31:166. americanum 
17:48. angustum 19: : 186-188, [9021975 21: 
178. asplenioides 19: 185-188. Boottii f: 
218; 3:42; 6:101; 9:83; 15:154; 21:177; 22: 
42, 48; 30: 17. Braunii 4:10. campylop- 
terum 17:48. cristatum 1:218; 2:183; 6: 
101; 9:83; 17:150; 18:31; 21: 177; 22: 133; 
30:17: 85: 59: var. Clintonianum 1: 218537 
42; 6:101, 176; 9:83, 124; 15:154; 21: 177; 
30: 17; x ‘marginale 9:84. dilatatum 17:47. 
dumetorum 17:47. Filix-femina 19:185-187, 
199; var. aspidioides 19:199. Filix-mas 8: 
23; 11:86; 12:207; 13:111; 16:78; 21:177; 
x 'marginale 12:207. fragrans 3: 236; 9: 154, 
158; 11:13, 14; 12:114; 21:177, 192; 25:3; 
31:247. Goldianum it 171, 219, 222; oF 229; 
3:236; 4:247; 6:101, 207; 7:100; 13: 238: 
18: 154; 19: 106; 20:119; 21: riri 30: 17; var. 
celsum 10: 30. intermedium 17:47. ‘lano- 
sum 48:385, 386. Lonchitis 4:8. marginale 
1:218; 2:183, 229; 6:101; 9:83; 13:111; 21: 
178, 200; 23:186; 29: 244; 30: 17; f. Daven- 
portii 6: 212; 11: 36; 30: 17; var. elegans 9: 
83; 30:17. mohrioides 26: 50, 89, 90, 92. 
molle 1: 218. noveboracense 1: 218: 2:183; 
3:42; 5:131; 6:101; 9:83; 17:152; 21: 178, 
2005922: 133; 30: 16; gar 298; 94 350, 354. 
palustre 31:33. pittsfordense 6:212. Plu- 
mieri 4:160. Schweinitzii 11:36. simula- 
tum 1:183; 2:155; 6:138, 203; 8:219; 9:74, 
Sei elO: 140: TU 36; THE 78, 177; 14: 19; 21: 
178; 23: 104, 186; 24: 111; 96: 49; 30: 16; Sie 
27; 32: ANNE 200; 41:111. spinulosum 1: 
192, 218; 3:42, 190; 6:101; 9:84, 208; 17:47, 
153; 18: 31; 2 178; 22:38, 42, 48, 133; 29: 
205; 30: 17; 92:228; X marginale 6: 138; I 
dilatatum 1: :218; f. intermedium 1: 218; var. 
americanum 17: 47, 48; 18:31; 21:174, HS: 
var. concordianum 6: 212; 9: 84; 2E RS; 
17; var. dilatatum 3: 168; 4: 247; 5: 38; y$ 
101, 207; 9:84; 11:36; 17:44, 47, 152, 153; 
Fi: 174; f. anadenium 9:84, 218; 17:45, 48; 
21:174, 178; 30:17; 47:260; var. intermedium 
2:183, 229; 3:42; 4:247; 6:101; 9:84 th 

152; 21:178, 200; 22:48, 133; 30:17. squamu- 
losum 31:34. tenue 37: 374, 377. Thelyp- 
teris 1:218; 2:183; 3:42, 190; 5:131; 6:101; 
9:83; 11: 296, 230-232; RH: 150; 18: :94, 95; 
19: 164; 2L 178; 22: 135; 23:164; 26: 187, 219; 
30:16; 31: 27, 28, 33; 32: 228; 35:200; 50: 
293; B. squamigerum 31:34; 8. squamuli- 
gerum 31:34; f. Pufferae 9: 83; 30:16. tri- 
foliatum 4:8, 160 

Asplenium 1: 219; 3:192, 266, 267, 269; 4:165; 

6:101; 8:12; 9: 82; 17: 64; 19: 171- 175, 181, 
187, fig. 25 21: 174, 175; 22: 38, 90; 28: 101; 
30:15; 31: 25; 35: 351; 37: 383, 384; 40: 382: 
43:11; 50: 117. acrostichoides 4: 39; 6:101; 
9:12, '83; 14:240; 15:154; 19:178; 21: 175, 
178; 23% 185. Adiantum-nigrum db 1; DEN: 
35: 47; subsp. serpentini 9:175. adulterinum 
9:175. angustifolium 1:9, 171; 2:182, 183, 
229, 230; 3:41; 7:100; 13:238; 19: 106, 178; 
21:175, 178; 35:300. angustum 21:175. 
aquilinum 43:16. asplenioides 21:175. 
Athyrium 19:185, 188, 189. auritum 19:174. 
bipartitum 19:174, 178. Bradleyi 36:219, 
227. 230. bulbiferum 19: 173, fip 2. crypto- 
lepis 30:41—43; 32:76; 34: 231; 36:223; 37: 
65, 66, 71, 74, 199, 205, 209, 213, 217, ‘map 
5; 41:29, 138; var. ohionis 30: 43. cyclo- 
sorum 9: 155, 158; 21:175. ebeneum 2: 
182, 211; 8:1, 2, 4l, 65, 225, 236, 248, 249, 
pl. 22; 4: 54; 5:257, 272. Bios TE 103; 8:13, 
68, 113; 9: 82; 37: 383; f. Hortonae 30: 14; 
var. Bacculum rubrum 38:304; var. Hor- 
tonae 3:1, 2, 224, 225, pl. 22; 4: 54; 5:257; 
6:138; 10: 30: 30: 14; var. incisum 10: 29, 30; 
30:14; var. serratum gre) Dl. 22: ebenoides 
3:248, 249; 4:54; 5:272; 6:32; 8:68, 113, 
114, 230; 19: 106; 22:80, '85, 87, 88; 30:14; 
Rife 311; 50:118. elatius 19: 188, 190, 191. 
Filix-femina 1:192, 218; 2:182; 3:41, 190, 
266, 268; 4:7; 5:47, 132; 6:101; 9:27, 83; 
11:86; 17: 150, 152; 19: 186, 187; 21: 175, 178; 
22:38, 136; 23: 185; 30:15; 32: 298 : 35: 361; 
di: 190; var. angustum 9: :83; 19: 187; var. 
commune 19:187; var. cyclosorum 19:187; 
var. exile 3:41; 19:187; var. laciniatum 3: 
4l; var. latifolium 19:187; var. Michauxii 
3:41; 19:190; var. rigidum 3:41. fontanum 
48:383. fragrans 19:173, 174, fig. 2. lunula- 
tum 3:2. mexicanum 19:174. Michauxii 
19:188, 190. montanum 4:54, 157; 22:80, 
84, 85; 35:351; 37:205, 208, 213, 217, map 
4:- 50: 20. murorum 35:47. nigrum 35:47. 
pinnatifidum 8:192; 0:2/2: 8:230; 22:80, 
84, 85; 36:100, 219, 230; 46: 73; 50:117, 118. 
platyneuron 8:230; 9: 82; 10: 30; 19:175, fig. 
3; 22:80, 84; 30: 14; 32: 215, 298; 35:249; 
37: 382, 451, pl. 384 ; f. Hortonae 30: 145 
f. serratum 30: 14; var. bacculum-rubrum 
38:304; 41:494; 44: 162; var. euroaustri- 
num 37:382, 451, pl. 384; 38:304; var. in- 
cisum 10:29; 30:14; var. serratum 9: 82; 
Pringlei 26: 50. pycnocarpon 21:178. resi- 
liens 36:223. Ruta-muraria 1:39, 222; 3: 
42; 4:55; 6:94, 101; 8:13, 14; 16:198; 22: 
39, 49, 80, 87, 88; 28:131; 30:14, 37-42; 32: 
76; 35:47; subsp. cryptolepis 41:29, 31; 


var. lanceolatum 30:43. Scolopendrium 21: 
177, 179. septentrionale 37:244. thelyp- 
teroides 2:182, 229; 3:236; 6:101; 9:83; 13: 
111; 19:178. Trichomanes 2: 166, 182, 911; 
3: 1, 41, 236; 4:54; 5:128, 257; 6: 101, 207; 
7: 13, 103, 110; 8: 13, 14; 9:82; 10:20, 165; 
16: 198; 19: 173, fig. 2; 21: 201; 29: 80, 84, 85; 
25:184; 30:14; 3l: 82; 35: 47; 36: 219; 43: 
338; 46: 204; x Ruta-muraria 8: 12. Tricho- 
manes-ramosum 35:47, 235. virginianum 
37:383. viride 4:54; 6: 101; 8:14; 9:154, 
158, 166, 172, 175; 19: 173, fig. 2; '21: 192; 
22: 80, 86, 87; 28: 99, 117, 148; 35: 47, 190, 
235, 390; 37: 66, 73, 244; 46:303 

Aspleniums 5:257 

Asta 44:28 

Astasia Klebsii 50:277 

Aster 3:221, 241; 4:89, 186; 6:131; 9:151, 157; 
10:194, 207; 11: 31, 131; 12: 14; 13: 123, 142; 
16:57, 60; i7: 14, 17; 19: 88; 21: 75; 23: 172; 
26:55; 39: 75, 190; 30: 77; 31: 145; 33: 6, 140, 
159; 34: 4; 35: 323, 359; 36: 373; 37: 307 ; 38: 
192, 193, 380, 452, 453, pl. 452; 39:373, '375; 
40: 148, 156, 158, 161, 163; 41: 190—192; 42: 
157, 197; 44: 28, 108, 154, 363, 369, 370, 464, 
470; 45: 344, 350, 361, 485; 46:313; 47: 
291; 49:142; 50: 43. 8 Conyzopsis 16: 59, 60. 
§ Multiflori-commutati 35 :323. acadiensis 
46:31. acuminatus 1:184; 3:164, 177; 5: 
36; 6:132; 13:141, 148; 17: 152; 18: 44; 21: 
200; 22: 134; 26: 55; 32: 176; 33: 109, 126, 
160, 162; 34:61—63; 35: 4, 311; 45:345, 350; 
x nemoralis 45: 350. adscendens 35:37. 
adsurgens 35:324-326. agrostifolius 35:38. 
alpinus 29:190; 45:316. ambiguus 35:35. 
amethystinus 15: 57; 19:250; 24:120; 26:55; 
32:1-3, 185, pl. 192; 33:63; 41: 190-192 ; f. 
leucerythros 32:3; 33: 63; 37: 88; f. leucos 
33:63; 37:88. amygdalinus 42:494. an- 
gustifolius 32:138. angustus 12:227; 16:57, 
58, 60; 18:244; 29:92, 106; 50: 120, 178. 
anomalus 36: 221, 232; 38:193; 50:107. anti- 
costensis 17:16, 17; 48: 271. azureus 36: 
224. bakerensis 37 421. bellidiflorus 35:23, 
28, 29, 33. bifrons 30:178, 179. X Blakei 
45: 345, 350. carmesinus 19:250. carneus 
35:21, 22; B. subasper 35:24; y. ambiguus 
35: 35, 36. chelonicus 35:38. 'ciliatus 1: 187, 
ciliolatus 45:344, 346. clivorum 35:38. 
coerulescens 35:20, 26-28, 37; 44:339; var. 
Wootonii 35:20, 28. Collinsii 28:210. co- 
lumbianus 30:227; 32:137, 139. commuta- 
tus 26:55; 35:323-326. concinnus 2:166, 
167. concolor 27:203; 32:144, 213; 35:144; 
38:381, 448, 449; 39: 363, 480; f. lasiocaulis 
38: 448; var. devestitus 32: 145. cordi- 
folius 3: 189, 190; 4:88; 6:131; 13:148; 16: 
15; 17:36; 19:88-90, 155; 21: 170; 96: 55; 
29:31; 30:175; 33:161; 34:61, 62; 35:17, 38; 
38:193; 39:456; 42:104; 44:237 ; 45:344, 346; 
var: Furbishiae 1:187; 6:132; 19:89; var. 
polycephalus 26:55; 38: 193; var. racemi- 
florus 19:155. Cordineri 35:326, 327. 
coridifolius 30:165, 169. cornifolius 42:494. 
corymbosus 6:131; 29:31. crassulus 35:325, 
326. Curtisii 38: 448, 452, pl. 452. Cusickii 

45:348. cyaneus «. glaucus 30:228; depau- 
peratus 10:94; 11:57, 59, 240; var. parvi- 
ceps 10:94; il: 58, 59; 38:194. diffusus 6: 
131; 30: 172, 176, 178; 35:24; var. bifrons 
10: 04; 30: 175, 178; var. hirsuticaulis 6: 131; 
30: 172, 176; var. horizontalis 30: 175; var. 
thyrsoideus 30: 175, 177, 178; var. variifolius 
30:176. divaricatus 6: 131; 17:36; 19:250; 
21:200; 26:55; 29:31; 32: 216, 278; 33:88; 
34:33, "34; var. tenebrosus 34:33. diver- 
gens 30: 173. Douglasii 17:17. Drummondii 
31:147, 150; 38:193; 42:104; X cordifolius 
42:104; var. rhodactis 31 : 151. dumosus 1: 
188; 11: :31; 19:250; 24:120; 26:55; 30:162, 
163, 165- 167, 169, 171, 175, 176; 32: 211, 278; 
35:17, 37; 41:572; X vimineus 30: 172; 32: 
278; var. coridifolius 26: 55; 30:163, 165, 169, 
32: 278; 39:474, 476; 41: 572; var. Dodgei 
11:31, 58, 60; 30: 164, 167; var. gracilentus 
30: 166, 169; var. gracilipes 30:163, 166; 
var. pergracilis 30:163, 166, 169; var. stric- | 
tior 11:31; 26:55; 30: 164, 165, 167, 169; var. 
subulaefolius 30: 164, 167-169; 41:572; var. 
subracemosus 30:172. durus 35: 26. Elliottii 
44:370, 476; 45:461; 49:90. eminens 35:23. 
Engelmannii 30: 228; var. glaucescens 30: 
228. ericoides 10:94; 11:59; 17:36, 37; 21: 
170; 26:56; 28:65; 30: 78, 171, 172, 175; 31: 
42; 32:1, 136-140, 278 ; 34: 8, 1; 35: 17, 27, 
31, 37, 323-325; 38: 194; 41: 190, 514, 519; 
50:303; x vimineus var. subdumosus, 30: 
172; B. villosus 32:139; y. platyphyllus 32: 
139; f. caeruleus 32:139; 34:8; var. de- 
pauperatus 10:94; 11:59; var. parviceps 10: 
94; 11:59; var. platyphyllus 30:106; var. 
Pringlei 1:220 ; 32:140; var. prostratus 32: 
138, 139; 38:193; var. pusillus 10:94; 11: 
59; var. Reevesii 32:140; var. villosus 26: 
56; 30:79; 32:2, 139. exiguus 30:227; 32: 
138; 35:325. exilis 34:9; 37:184. falcatus 
35:325-327, Faxoni 6:131. fluvialis 35:26. 
fluviatilis 35:26. foliaceus 9:164, 191; 17: 
13, 14, 16, 17; 19:88; 23:204; 25:11; 34:13- 
15, 34, 55; 45:344, 345, 347—349; var. arcuans 
17: 14, 15; 34:13, 15; 44: 145; var. creni- 
folius 17: 15; 34: 13; 44: 108, 145; var. fron- 
deus 17:14, 15; 32: 62; 34: 13; 38: 126; var. 
Parryi 17: 14, 16; var. subgeminatus 17: 
16; 33:207; 34: 13; var. sublinearis 34:14, 
15, '38; var. subpetiolatus 17:15, 16: 34: 
13; 44: 108, 145. foliolosus 30:168, 172. 
fragilis 30:165; 35:37. Fremonti 17: 13. 
frondosus 6:82; 12:227; 16:57, 58, 60; 29: 
107; 35:182. furcatus 30:77. glabellus 32: 
139. glaucescens 30:228. glaucophyllus 
30:228. glomeratus 34:34. Gormani 30: 
228. gracilis 18:68; 38:377, 448; 39:467, 
475; 49:94. grandiflorus 29:31; 30:236; 38: 
448; 39:361, 473, 476; 41:572; 42:492; 44: 
476. graveolens 41:190. Greenei 35:37. 
gymnocephalus 45:351. hebecladus 32:139; 
35:325. Herveyi 1:69; 18:183, 184; 19:250; 
26:56; 28:244. hesperius 35:21, 22, 26, 27; 
var. Wootonii 35:28. hirsuticaulis 11:61; 
30:172, 176; 35:24. horizontalis 30:173, 175. 
humilis 42:493, 494. hyssopifolius 32:138. 


ianthinus 4:203; 11:61. incanopilosus 35: 
326. infirmus 1: 42, 82; 8:222; 19:250; 26: 
56; 39:188; 41:572; 42: 494; 43: :590, 654. in- 
terior 35: 21, aM 33, 35; 38: 193. Jacksonii 
38:229. Jacobaeus 35: 32. johannensis 17: 
13. junceus 12:112; 13:221; 17:13; 19:32; 
23:204; 33:161; 35: 23; 41: 291; 42: 339; 45: 
348, 349. junciformis 44 :338, 339; 45: 348. 
kentuckiensis 82:140; 50:28. Kumleini 38: 
194; 42:197, 198. laetevirens 35:21, 28, 36, 
38; 44:339. laevis 2:167; 14:21; 26:56; 30: 
298; 35:17, 203; 36: 294; 41: 560, 572; f. 
amplifolius 43: 654; var. amplifolius 19: 
250; 26:56; 40:254; var. latifolius 43:654. 
lateriflorus 6: 131; 17: 36, 218; 18:44; 26:56; 
30:161, 162, 164, 171, 172. 175-179; 31: 147; 
32: 278; 33:120, 161; 35: 16-19, 30-32, 36, 37, 
312; 38: 194; 45: 345, 346; var. angustifolius 
30: 164, 174—176; 33: 161; var. bifrons 10: 
94.; 30: 178; var. glomerellus 3021/2: 175. 
177; var. grandis 10:94; 30:178; var. hirsuti- 
caulis 16:15; 17:152, 154; 26: 0-007172. 
176; var. pendulus 30:164, 172, Fes 175, 176; 
95: 26, 37, 38; 38:194; var. tenuipes 30: 164, 
174, 175; 45: 346; 46: 31; var. thyrsoideus 
30: 177, 178. latifolius 43 654. laurentianus 
16: 59-61, pl. 109; 29:106; 44:145; 50:212; 
var. contiguus 16: 60, 61, "pl. 109; 20: 102, 
107; var. magdalenensis 16:59, 61, ol. 109; 
44 :145. lautus 35:26; var. prinoides 35: 20. 
ledophyllus 30:228. "Leucelene 34:6. lin- 
ariifolius 1:104; 5:128; 15:153; 16:192-194; 
17:36; 26:56; 32: 151, '278; 34: E She 221; 
38: 378; f. leucactis 34: 12; 37: 88; var. 
Victorinii 16:194. Lindleyanus 3: 284; ize 
103; 13:183; 24:205; 33:161; var. ciliolatus 
45: 346; var. comatus 6:142. linearis 38: 
407. longifolius 2:167; 6:132, 143; 13:33; 
17:13, 17; 19:250; 23: 294, 205; 26: 56; 33: 
161; 34: 14; 35: 23, 24; 36:284; "44: 339; 45: 
348, 349; var. villicaulis Lis 187; 6:132, 143; 
27:56. longulus 44 :338, 339. 'Lowrieanus 
13:32; 19:250; var. lanceolatus 13:32. luci- 
dulus 26:45 31: 147, 151; 47:46; f. albiflorus 
81:151. lucidus 96:5. macrophyllus 3: 
131; 5:36; 6:131; 13:141, 142, 148, 161, pl. 
90 (map 1D; 18: 183; 19: 83:502 134; 26: 
50; 33:161; 34:8, 61, 62; 37: 336; 45: 344, 
345; var. ianthinus 4: 203; 16: 13, 15; 26:56; 
33: 161; var. sejunctus 12: 112; var. velutinus 
22:134; 28:204; 33:161; 45: 345. major 45: 
350. meritus 37: 421. miser 90:172; 35:24; 
var. diffusus 30:172; var. glomerellus 30: 
172, 175, 177; var. hirsuticaulis 90: 1/2/8170: 
missouriensis 30:165, 171, 175, 177-179; 35: 
17; 38:104; x vimineus var. subdumosus 
30:172: var. thyrsoideus 30:165, 175, 177, 
178; 35: 31, 32,34. montanus 45:263; multi- 
florus 1: 187; 11:61; n1700: 20:00; 28740; 
65; 29:95; 30: 78, 79, 175, 227, 298; 82:1-3, 
136-139, 160, 185, 278, pl. 192; 35:323, 325, 
326; 41:190-192, 514, 520; 50:303; «. nor- 
malis 32: 139; 8. prostratus 32: 138, 139; 8. 
stricticaulis 32: 138; var. caeruleus 30: 785 
2213/75 130 VAr: columbianus 30:227; 

139; var. commutatus 35:326; var. En 


1:187, 188; 26:56; 30:227; 32:138; 35:325; 
38: 193; var. pansus 30: 227; 82: 138; var. 
stricticaulis 35:326. multiformis 11: 61. 
mutabilis 50:107. nemoralis 2:123, 208; 11: 
58, 61, 86, 99; 13:135, 139; 14:24; 17: 67-69; 
20 iat 143; 22: 94, 95, figs. 1-3 (maps) ; 23: 
90, 295; 24: 120; 26: 57; 29:221; 30:136; 32: 
104, 173, 176; 33: 113, 126, 162; 34:55; 35: 
5; 36: 24; 97: 332; 44:244; 45: 345, 350; var. 
Blakei 17: 149; 23: 156, 295; 26: 57; 33: 162; 
35:144, 312; 45: 350; var. major 23: 156, 295; 
33:113, 196, 162; 35:144, 312; 45:350. no- 
bilis 11:61. novae-angliae 1:82, 102; 4:89; 
10:153; 19:164; 26:57; 28:40; 29:31; 30: 
235, 236; 31:85; 32:1-3, 185, pl. 192; 38: 
194; 41:190—192; 45:345, 349; f. geneseensis 
34:8; 42:47; f. roseus 24:185; 26:57; 44: 
334; var. roseus 28:40; 30:78; 38:65. novi- 
belgii 2:208; 4:92, 186; 9:39; 15:168; 17: 
13, 36, 217, 218, 221; 18: 44, 94, 99; 19: 88; 
23: 295; 26:57; 98: 112; 29: 31, 124; 30:171; 
32:278; 33: 110, 126, 161; 34: 61; 35: iy ar: 
478, 514, 520; 45: 347, 348; 49: 252; f. albi- 
florus 33: 161; f. roseus 26: 57; var. atlanticus 
26:57; var. Brittonii 26:57; var. laevigatus 
18:44; 20:57; var. litoreus 17: 147; 26:57; 
33:162. obliquus 35:21. oblongifolius 29: 
203; 32:2, 3; 36:224; 41:138; 42:197; var. 
rigidulus 38: 194; 42:197. ontarionis 30: 
165, 175, 179; 35: 16, 38. Osterhoutii 35:36. 
paniculatus 1: :188; 2:107 ; 5:131; 6:131, 132; 
16:13: 12:17, 154; 96: B7 ; 29:31; 30: 161, 162, 
171, 172, 175, 177-179; 33: 161, ' 207; 34: 61; 
35: 16-20, 28, 30—35, 312, 314; 44: 339; 45: 
345, 347, 349; var. acutidens 6: 143; 26: 57; 
35: 33; var. bellidiflorus 6:182; 33: 161; 85: 
28, 29, 33; 38:194; var. cinerascens 1: 188; 
o: 143; 11: 31; 35:33; var. lanatus 6: 131, 
143; 35: 33; var. polychrous 35:26; var. sim- 
plex 6:143; 26:58; 35:20, 23, 30, 32, 33, 38; 
38:193, 194; 43:82. pantotrichus 38: 194. 
parviceps 11: 57—59, 240; 38:194; var. pusil- 
lus 11:59. patens ird :36; 21: 202; 26:58; 
32:151, 278; 35:202; 36: 221; 37: 189, 195, 
263; 38: 194, 378, 449; T: roseus 37: 263. 
paucicapitatus 30:228. pendulus 30:173, 
176; 35:24. persaliens 19:250. philadel- 
phicus 35:37. pilosus 32:138-140; 34:11; 
37:88; 38:194; 43:82; 50:28; f. pulchellus 
34: 11; var. demotus 32: 139, 140; 34:11; 
36: 291; 38:194; 44:363, 476; var. platyphyl- 
lus 32: 139; 38: 194; var. ’Priceae 50:28; 
var. Pringlei 32: 140; var. Reevesii 32: 140. 
polycephalus 35:325. polyphyllus 6:94, 131; 
26:58; 31:42. praealtus 35:16-18, 21, 23, 
25-97, 29, 30, 32; 38:194; var. angustior 35: 
19, 24, 37; var. imbricatior 35:20, 26; var. 
nebraskensis 35:20, 25, 26; var. ‘subasper 
35:20, 24, 25; var. texicola 35:20, 25, 27. 
prenanthoides 22:202; 36:374. Priceae 82: 
140; 50:28. Pringlei "32:140. ptarmicoides 
1:221; 16:20; 19:250; 35:291; 36: s var. 
lutescens 19: 64; 37: 200. puniceus 1:187, 
189, 190; 5:44, 50; 6:132; 16:13; 17:36, 152; 
19: 88-90; 21:170; 26:4, 58; 28: 40, 124; 29: 
31, 124; 30: 175; 31: 151; 33: 162; 34: 15, 6l- 


63; 35:17, 18, 23, 32, 33, 37, 38; 38:366; 41: 
517, 520; 44:338, 339; 45:344, 345, 348, 349; 
x paniculatus 35:32; Xx tardiflorus, var. 
lancifolius 1:189; var. compactus 1:189, 
190; 26:58; var. demissus 1:190; 26:58; var. 
firmus 26:58; 31:151; 42:47; 49:252; f. ru- 
fescens 27:187; 44:145; var. laevicaulis 
1:190; var. lucidulus 1:190; 26:4; 40:252, 
254; 42:200; f. albiflorus 31:151; var. lucidus 
14:55; 26:4; var. oligocephalus 1:190; 9: 
164; 11:99; 28:124; 32:261; var. perlongus 
17:17; 32:261; 44:145. racemosus 30:172; 
44:369, 476. Radula 1:184; 3:164, 177; 5: 
46; 8:146; 11:99; 13:135; 17:151, 152; 19: 
88, 250; 22:137; 23:172, 294; 26:58; 28:82; 
33:126, 161; 35:311; 45:345, 346; 49:252; 
var. strictus 11:99; 12:106, 107, 144; 13:96; 
29:130, 221; 33:126, 161; 45:346; 49:252. 
ramulosus 35:326; 8. 35:326. recurvatus 30: 
172. Reevesii 32:140. Richardsonii 45: 
263, 264; var. meritus 45:263, 264. rigidulus 
35:21. Rolandii 45:344, 345, 347, 348; 50: 
211. rubiginosus 45:351.  sagittifolius 24: 
100; 38:194. salicifolius 4:89, 94; 12:192; 
26:58; 30:78; 35:21-23, 27, 31, 33; 38:194; 
var. caerulescens 35:26, 27; var. stenophyl- 
lus 35:24; var. subasper 35:24, 201. salignus 
35:23, 32, 33. salsuginosus 45:262-264. 
saxatilis 30:172, 175, 179; 35:16, 20, 30, 34, 
312—314, 402, pl. 262; 45:347. scabrosus 28: 
210. Schreberi 3:65; 6:143; 34:34; 37:323. 
scoparius 32:139; 35:325. secundiflorus 30: 
169. sericeus 31:53; 36:224; f. albiligula- 
tus 31:53. Shortii 30:78; 31:150; 49:199; 
f. Gronemanni 31:150. sibiricus 41:155, 
166, 291; 42:312, 339; 45:264, 316. simplex 
35:31-33. sparsiflorus 30:166, 169. spathu- 
latus 17:17. spectabilis 2:215; 11:57—59; 
13:8; 14:21; 17:65; 18:68, 183; 19:250; 26: 
58; 30:226; 32:212; 38:447, 452, pl. 452; 
B. 38:447, 448; var. cinerascens 30:226; 
38:447, 448; var. suffultus 38:447, 448, 451, 
pls. 451, 452; 39:475; 41:487, 572; 49:189. 
spinosus 40:434. stenophyllus 35:24. stric- 
ticaulis 30:227; 32:138; 35:325. subasper 
35:24, 25; 50:107. subulatus 5:133, 204; 7: 
140; 9:151; 10:153; 13:150; 16:57-61; 17: 
218, 221; 18:243, 244; 19:258; 26:58; 29:92, 
108, 111; 32:212; 37:184, 189, pl. 251; 38: 
453; 40:112, 113; 41:560; var. euroauster 
37:183, 184, 189, pl. 251; 39:476; 40:112; 
var. obtusifolius 16:61, pl. 109; 19:258; 
20:102, 107; 29:90; 40:112. surculosus 11: 
58, 59, 131; 38:448. tardiflorus 1:108, 187, 
220; 4:100; 6:132; 13:183; 17:16; 19:88- 
90; 26:58; 35:17, 38; 37:323; var. lanci- 
folius 1:189; var. vestitus 1:188; 6:132, 
143; 19:89. tataricus 30:79; 42:402. tene- 
brosus 34:33. tenuifolius 5:133, 204; 26: 
58, 176; 32:212; 35:28, 31, 37; 43:654; 
B. ramosissimus 35:28; y. bellidiflorus 35:28. 
tenuipes 45:345, 346; 46:31. thyrsoideus 
30:175, 177, 178. tortifolius 28:210. "Trade- 
scanti 19:250; 26:58; 28:72; 29:31; 30:170, 
172, 178, 179; 35:29-31, 35, 36, 312-314, 402, 
pls. 261, 262; 43:36; 45:345-347; var. fragilis 


30:170; var. saxatilis 35:34. Tripolium 29: 
190, 221. turbinellus 38:194. umbellatus 
3:164, 177; 6:132; 11:99; 13:139; 16:13; 22: 
134; 26:58; 29:190, 221; 32:278; 33:120, 161, 
162; 34:61; 37:350, 356; 42:493, 494, pl. 
647; 45:345, 350; f. flexicaulis 42:493; var. 
brevisquamus 42:492, pl. 647; var. lati- 
folius 29:190, 221; 42:493-495, pl. 648; var. 
pubens 42:498, pl. 647. undulatus 1:188; 
4:186; 5:130; 17:36; 21:170; 24:205; 26: 
58, 186, 228; 30:171, 175; 32:160, 278; 35: 
17, 33; 37:449; 44:234, 236, 343; 45:344—346; 
50:303; X novi-belgii 4:186, 187; 26:59. 
vialis 30:228. villosus 32:137-139. vi- 
mineus 1:187; 17:36, 218; 22:134; 23:294; 
26:58, 185, 228; 30:162, 164, 169, 171, 172, 
175, 176, 179; 32:160, 211, 278; 35:16, 17, 30, 
31, 34, 37, 38, 312; 44:237, 369; 50:303; var. 
dubius 30:164, 170, 171; 33:161; var. folio- 
losus 1:188; 2:201; 26:58; 30:171, 172; 42: 
47; var. saxatilis 1:188 ; 23:294; 26:58; 30: 
172; 35:34; 43:36; var. subdumosus 30:164, 
171, 172, 178. violaris 11:61. Wootonii 

Aster(s) 5:260; 46:313; 50:289. China 46: 
313. White 28:72 

Asteraceae 24:34; 30:226 

Asterella 16:63. Ludwigii 39:5, 11, fig. 2 
(map). saccata 39:6, 11, 12, fig. 6 (map). 
tenella 5:170; 7:58; 15:22; 25:193; 26:7 

Asterionella 1:100. formosa 9:137. Ralfsii 9: 

Asterococcus 23:256, pl. 133. limneticus 23: 
252; 26:211. superbus 23:252, 256, pl. 133; 

Asterostemma 9:52 

Astilbe 41:423. biternata 23:71; 38:182; 39: 
198, 200, fig. 22 (map). decandra 38:182. 
japonica 1:47; 18:246; 44:37 

Astomum 41:112. Muhlenbergianum 48:3, 4 

Astraeus hygrometricus 41:515 

Astragalus 3:221; 6:121; 9:154; 12:14; 20: 
165; 30:137; 37:307; 40:180; 42:332; 44: 
437; 46:282. § Cycloglottis 9:38. subgen. 
Homalobus 28:106, 214. aboriginum 30: 
192; 33:232, 234, 239, 240; 41:251; 44:112. 
alpinus 1:103; 2:89, 91, 134; 6:192; 9:162; 
10:51; 13:218; 25:9, 113; 28:104, 121, 213, 
215; 35:121; 36:164, 171, 179, pl. 284; 38: 
155; 39:310, 317; 41:147, 250; 42:332; f. 
arcticus 39:317; var. Brunetianus 10:51; 
12:112; 39:315-317; var. giganteus 10:51; 
var. labradoricus 39:315, 316. americanus 
39:313-315, pl. 472. argillophilus 32:5, 6. 
biflorus 30:154, 155. bisulcatus 48:99. 
Blakei 2:89, 91; 6:121; 9:154, 155, 162, 167; 
22:49; 28:117, 216; 32:18. Brunetianus 39: 
316. canadensis 2:89, 91; 19:229; 36:407; 
38:04, 95; 39:365; 40:383, 436; var. caro- 
linianus 38:94, 95; var. longilobus 38:94, 
95. cariensis 9:50, caryocarpus 46:306; 
48:111. contortuplicatus 9:38; 14:56; 20: 
165. crassicarpus 34:5. cyaneus 40:180. 
deflexus 30:140; 46:283. distortus 31:256; 
36:223, 224. Drummondii 48:100. elegans 
7:5; 9:162, 167, 172; 10:33. Emoryanus 

INDEX TO VoLUMEs 1-50 29 

38:406; 39:420. Engelmanni 40:180. eu- 
cosmus 10:33; 12:113, 114; 28:104, 213, 
215; 35:50, 274; 38:155; 39:317; f. albinus 
28:215; var. facinorum 28:215; 39:317. 
faleiferus 42:310, 332. Fernaldi 44:143. 
frigidus 39:313—315, pl. 472; 45:313; var. 
americanus 7:5, 249; 9:162; 13:148; 39: 
313-315, pl. 472; var. dawsonensis 45:313; 
var. gaspensis 39:313—315, pl. 472; 44: 
106, 143; var. littoralis 39:314; 41:146, 250; 
42:332; 45:313. gaspensis 39:313, 315, pl. 
472; 44:143. giganteus 10:51. glaber 44: 
259. glycyphyllos 10:151, 218; 20:165. 
Gormani 29:36. gracilis 38:405. Jesupi 9: 
154. labradoricus 39:315, 316. leptocar- 
poides 38:406. leucanthus 30:142. line- 
aris 41:160, 250, 251. longifolius 42:267. 
lotiflorus 34:5; 36:224. macilentus 38:406. 
mancus 40:136. mexicanus 34:5; 36:223, 
224; 39:317, 318; var. trichocalyx 39:317, 
318. Microphacos 38:405. mollissimus 
32:5, 6; 34:6. neglectus 37:70, 203; f. li- 
monius 39:318. nigrescens 30:153. Nut- 
tallianus 34:6; 39:420; var. leptocarpoides 
38:406. occidentalis 2:91. oroboides 10:51, 
218; var. americanus 10:33. parviflorus 10: 
33; 38:405. pectinatus 48:99, 100. platten- 
sis 46:306. polaris 41:251. puniceus 40: 
181. pygmaeus 30:153. retroflexus 30: 
140. rhizanthus 9:50. Robbinsii 2:89, 91; 
6:121; var. Jesupi 2:91; 5:191; var. occi- 
dentalis 2:91. scerupulicola 33:238-240, 
fig. 1; 44:112, 143. secundus 39:315. strag- 
ulus 28:214, 215; 35:275; 44:437, succu- 
lentus, var. Paysoni 39:151. sulphurescens, 
var. pinicola 39:150. tenellus 48:102. ten- 
nesseensis 11:61; 47:216. terlinguensis 39: 
419. Tracyi 38:406. trichocalyx 39:317. 
yukonis 28:106, 215; 42:314, 332 
Astrantia major 42:45 
Astrophytum 35:225. 
223; 35:224, 225 
Astrostemma 9:52 
Asymmetria 40:27 
Asyneuma 50:47 
Atamasco 31:94 
Atamosco 31:91, 94 
Atelophragma 33:240; 39:316. elegans 39: 
317. Fernaldi 44:143. lineare 41:250 
Athyrium 3:266, 267, 270; 4:8, 160; 19:171- 
178, 181, 188, 206, fig. 1; 21:174, 175; 30:15; 
31:25, 93; 38:164; 42:149; 50:138. acrosti- 
choides 19:178, 206; 21:178; 22:80, 83; 23: 
136, 165, 185; 24:159; 30:15. alpestre 19: 
177, 179, 181, 184, 188, 202, 203, 206; 30:44, 
47—49, pls. 161, 162, 165, 166; 31:165, 166; 
35:58, 120; 37:244; var. americanum 19: 
204; 28:117, 148; 30:44—49, pls. 163, 164, 
167; 35:129; var. gaspense 30:48, 49, pl. 
168; 44:125, 138; var. typicum 30:48. 
americanum 30:44-47, 49. angustifolium 
19:178, 206; 21:178; 22:80, 87, 88; 30:15. 
angustum 19:172, 178, 181—184, 188, 190, 191, 
195, 196, 201, 205, 216, figs. 1, 5, pl. 123; 21: 
178; 22:30, 80, 89; 23:185; 25:6; 30:15; 32: 
135, 161, 215, 228; 34:50; 35:360, 361; 37: 

asterias 34:227, 228, pl. 

203; 42:149; 48:389, 390; f. confertum 19: 
195; 30:15; 44:138; 48:389; f. elegans 19: 
196; 30:15; f. laciniatum 19:195; 30:15; 
48:389; f. typicum 19:191, 193, 196, 216; 
var. confertum 48:389; var. elatius 19: 
191-193, 197, 216, pl. 123; 22:80, 84, 85; 
23:185; 24:159; 30:15; 32:228; var. lauren- 
tianum 19:194, 205; 22:80, 83, 84, 110; 31: 
82; 35:250; 44:138; 48:389, 390; var. ru- 
bellum 19: 192, 193, 195, 197, 216, pl. 123; 
22:80, 82, 110; 23:185; 29:145, 205; 30:15; 
33:109, 115; 34:50; 35:129; var. tripinna- 
tum 19:197. asplenioides 19:175, 178, 181- 
184, 187—189, 202, 205, 207, 216, figs. 4, 5, pl. 
123; 21:178; 22:80, 84, 85; 30:15; 37:190, 
385; 42:149; 48:389; f. subtripinnatum 19: 
189, 190, 216, pl. 123; 30:15; 48:389; f. 
typicum 19:189; var. angustum 19:190. 
cyclosorum 3:268, 269; 9:158; 19:178, 197- 
199; f. Hillii 19:199. Dombei 19:206. Filix- 
femina 3:268, 269, 270; 4:160; 7:103; 19: 
170, 171, 173, 175, 178, 179, 181-184, 187, 
188, 197—208, 205, 206, 215, 210, figs. 3, 5, 
pl. 123; 24:135; 26:219; 30:45, 48; 37:244; 
42:245; 48:389, 390; f. rubellum 42:245; 
var. asplenioides f. subtripinnatum 48:389; 
var. californicum 19:201, 202; var. con- 
vexum 19:198, 200; var. fissidens 19:216, pl. 
123; var. latifolium 19:195; var. Michauxii 
19:190; 50:301; f. confertum 48:389; f. 
laciniatum 48:389; f. laurentianum 48: 
389; var. multidentatum 19:198, 199, 216, 
pl. 123; var. rhaeticum 19:198, 205; var. 
rubellum 42:246; var. sitchense 19:198- 
200, 205, 206; 35:128, 129, map 13; 42: 
316; 48:389; f. Hillii 19:199, 200; f. stric- 
tum 19:200; 42:316. fontanum 3:207; 
19:171. Martensi 19:206. Michauxii 19: 
188. mongolicum 19:177. pectinatum 19: 
207; 36:373. pycnocarpon 21:178; 43:520, 
528; 44:240. Schimperi 19:207. sitchense 
19:198, 199. tenue 37:377. Thelypteris 31: 
33. thelypteroides 3:270; 7:103; 32:135; 
38:269; 40:382, 385; 43:337, 520; 44:240, 
363; 46:303; f. acrostichoides 43:337 

Atolaria 41:320 

Atragene americana 6:116; 49:220. columbi- 
ana, f. albescens 35:347; 38:300. pseudo- 
alpina 35:347 

Atrichum 40:359. 
2:96. leiophyllum 3:181. 

Atriplex 17:83, 85, 176; 18:29; 26:187; 43:228. 
arenaria 5:131; 14:19; 17:84, 85, 176; 18: 
96; 26:176; 32:158, 250; 50:302. Babing- 
tonii 23:262. bracteosa 17:176. dioica 17: 
84. glabriuscula 23:262-264; 28:63; 29:122, 
174, 212. Gmelini 41:161, 220. halimoides 
17:84. halimus 17:84. hastata 1:106; 17: 
84; 23:202, 263; 26:188, 224; 29:43, 44, 174, 
212; 50:295. laciniata 17:84, 85. latifolia 
29:174, 212. maritima 9:144; 17:84, 85; 
20:104; 50:212. mucronata 17:84. patula 
4:02; 14:20; 16:199; 17:83, 176; 19:129; 23: 
202, 263; 26:188; 29:64, 92, 93, 174, 212; 36: 
280; var. bracteata 23:262, 264; var. hastata 

angustatum 4:30. crispum 
undulatum 2:96; 


1:106; 2:208; 5:133; 6:82; 11:121, 230; 12: 
109; 13:89, 125, 180; 16:39; 17:146, 147, 176, 
208, 215, 221; 18:36, 96; 28:37; 29:64, 89, 91, 
106, 174, 212; 32:147, 250; 33:111, 120; 37: 
191; 50:295; var. littoralis 6:81, 82; 13:180; 
16:39: 17:176; 19:129; 29:60, 91. rosea 17: 
85, 176. sabulosa 17:84, 85; 50:212 

Atropa physalodes 11:56 

Atropis 18:1, 2; 28:150, 151; 40:393. airoides 
18:16. Borreri 18:10. distans 18:12; 8. 
tenuis 18:13. Foucaudi 18:8. maritima 18: 
7. procumbens 18:11. vilfoidea 18:9 

Augochlora confusa 36:28; 37:161; 38:93 

Aulacodiscus Argus 26:193, 195, 216 

Aulacomniaceae 30:8; 38:240 

Aulacomnium androgynum 12:151, 152; 23:68; 
24:123. heterostichum 4:30, 169. palustre 
1:34; 3:180; 6:43; 12:152; 26:219; 30:8; 
var. imbricatum 48:1 

Aulaxanthus ciliatus 44:253. rufus 44:253 

Auliscus caelatus 9:139; 26:194, 216; var. 
strigillata 26:193, 216. Macraénus 9:139. 
pruinosus 9:139. sculptus 9:139 

Aulosira 44:184 

Aune 1:168 

Aureolaria 20:69, 70, 134—137, 199, fig. 6; 25: 
63. subgen. Panctenis 20:70. calycosa 36: 
221, 232. divaricata 20:136. filicaulis 20: 
136. flava 25:63; 37:350; 50:122; var. ma- 
crantha 35:289; 36:221. grandiflora 20: 
135; 50:122; subsp. cinerea 38:407; var. 
pulchra 49:202; var. serrata 36:220. Greggii 
20:135. laevigata 50:122. pectinata 20: 
136; 50:122; var. ozarkensis 36:221, 232. 
pedicularia 20:136; 25:63; 32:178; 50:122; 
var. austro-montana 46:140; var. caesarien- 
sis 32:177, 212; var. typica 46:140. reticu- 
lata 38:407. tenuifolia 20:136. virginica 
20:67; 25:63; 50:122 

Auriscalpium vulgare 44:168 

Austrian Pine 7:124-126 

’ava’a 50:282 

'ava'ava 50:282 

Avena 6:106; 8:81—83; 86; 14:183, pl. 97; 15: 
129; 21:76; 30:241; 43:220; 49:269. airoides 
30:238. barbata 49:269. bulbosa 13:208; 
18:234. elatior 18:234; b. nodosa 18:235; 
d. tuberosa 18:235; var. tuberosa 13:208. 
fatua 16:183; 19:119; 22:110; 23:230; 35: 
203; 38:266; 49:269. glumosa 45:242. hir- 
suta 15:129; 38:266, 267; 49:269. Hookeri 
38:298. hybrida 15:129; 38:266, 267; 49: 
269. mollis 18:197. orientalis 38:266, 267; 
49:269. palustris 8:139, 145; 18:234. pen- 
sylvanica 18:234; 42:04. precatoria 18:234. 
pubescens 15:68; 19:119; 38:266, 267. sa- 
tiva 1:107, 183; 6:106; 14:179; 15:129; 17: 
212; 26:222; 28:74; 29:149, 207; 32:100, 
235; 33:117; 37:82; 39:374, 375; 41:152; 44: 
70, 172, 174; 49:269; 50:293. Smithii 21:76, 
77. spicata 45:242. striata 3:160, 170; 4: 
99; 5:33, 34, 197; 6:106; 7:244; 8:211; 15: 
144; 21:76, 77; f. albicans 7:244; 10:47; 
44:139. subspicata 30:238. Torreyi 21:76, 
77. tuberosa 13:207; 18:234 

Avenaceae 8:86 

Avens 42:153; 46:315 

Avocado 46:313 

Avrainvillea longicaulis 3:90 

Awlwort 6:228 

Axonopus furcatus 8:205; 37:380, 390; 38: 
381, 386, 304; 39:358, 477; 40:369; 41:503; 
44:241. paniceus 22:103 

Axyris 20:224. amarantoides 29:223; 35:262 

Azalea 4:141; 14:101; 20:54; 25:116; 43:31, 
32, 35; 45:451. atlantica 23:179; 43:620- 
622; var. luteo-alba 43:622. Bakeri 43:33. 
calendulacea 20:53. canescens 1:182; 7:109. 
lutea 20:53, 54. neglecta 23:179; 43:021. 
nudiflora 1:182; 20:53, 54. periclymenoides 
20:53, 54. prinophylla 26:4. procumbens 
50:216. rosea 26:4. viscosa 4:106; 7:75; 
8:27; 21:119; e. glauca 43:623; var. glauca 

Azalea(s) 46:157. Alpine 42:335 

Azolla 35:354. caroliniana 23:210, 212; 35: 


Baccharis 26:59; 40:322; 45:116. foetida 41: 
450; 44:228. foliis ovato-lanceolatis, etc. 
41:460, 461. glomeruliflora 49:86, 189, 190. 
halimifolia 8:223; 10:154; 13:243; 17:218, 
221; 26:59; 32:178, 212; 39:474, 480; 49: 
190. sarothroides, var. pluricephala 40:321. 
sessiliflora 49:189. texana45:116. Wrightii 

Bachbunge 4:191 

Bacidia atrogrisea 29:99. incompta 28:160. 
leucampyx 28:160. luteola 28:160. rubella 
28:160. umbrina 29:99 

Bacillaria paradoxa 9:131, 136 

Bacopa 10:66; 43:526; 44:355, 356, 358, 368, 
378, 436, 437. § Bramia 37:441. acuminata 
10:66; 35:289; 37:442; 38:377 ; 39:474, 480; 
var. macrophylla 37:442; var. microphylla 
37:442; var. peninsularis 37:442. caro- 
liniana 10:66. cyclophylla 41:446, 447; 
42:401, 402, 479, 511, map 22; 44:435. egen- 
sis 50:124. Monnieria 37:440, 441, 454, pl. 
401; 42:370, 508; var. cuneifolia 37:440, 
441, 454, pl. 401; 38:378; 39:480. obovata 
39:475; 42:401, 511, 514, map 24; 44:355, 
438, 439. procumbens, var. peduncularis 
37:442; var. tenuis 37:442. rotundifolia 
37:441; 39:432; 41:447; 42:22, 402; 44:435, 
439. simulans 44:438-440, pl. 729. strag- 
ula 44:434-438, pl. 728 

Bacteria 16:79; 39:280 

Bacterium apii 39:369 

Badhamia 2:78. affinis 29:166. hyalina 1: 
129. lilacina 29:166. macrocarpa 1:128. 
magna 1:128, 129; 29:166. panicea 1:129. 
rubiginosa 29:166. utricularis 1:128 

Baeomyces aeruginosus 11:217; 28:229. bys- 
soides 11:215; 28:161. cenoteus 34:154. 
ericetorum 11:215, 217. placophyllus 11: 
215; 28:161. roseus 2:67; 11:215; 28:205; 
29:99. rufus 28:161 

Baeothryon 9:51; 31:171, 173; 49:51. fistu- 
losum 31:153. flavescens41:47. Halleri 31: 
172. nanum 31:169. pauciflorum 31:172. 

INDEX ro VoLuMEs 1—50 3l 

pusillum 31 :169. 
gatum 31:156 
Baeria 26:59. gracilis var. tenerrima, 26:59. 
uliginosa 26:59 

Bakeapple 23:99, 148, 169; 46:314 

Baked-Apple 9:150; 12:109; 13:123; 46:314. 
Berry 42:330; 46:314 

Balardia 42:183. platensis 42:181, 182 

Bald Cypress 39:330, 470 

Balduina 49:86, 88. uniflora 49:86, 192 

Baldwinia 11:60 

Ballota 25:37. nigra 16:86; 25:37 

Balls, Burr 7:43 

Balm-of-Gilead 7:123; 11:127; 12:178; 13: 
237; 50:233-235. Fir 35:358 

Balsam Fir 5:52; 9:76; 11:201; 12:177; 17: 
165-168; 20:186; 21:109; 35:358; 44:110. 
Poplar 12:178; 48:103-109 

Balsamiflua ilicifolia 47:362 

Balsamifluae 32:95 

Balsaminaceae 6:122; 18:39; 21:128; 29:216; 
31:42; 32:204; 49:255 

Balsamita Balsamita 25:15 

Bambusina Brebissonii 5:80, 254; 7:266 

Baneberries 11:27 

Baneberry, Red 5:77; 18:185. White 46:148 

Bangia 5:1; 7:230; 50:263. atropurpurea 29: 
38. ciliaris 2:48; 7:230; 20:144; 50:204. 
fuscopurpurea 2:48; 5:18; 7:230; 50:264 

Banisteria 30:54 

Banksian Pine 21:44-49, 52, 65 

Baptisia 20:165; 46:29; 47:94; 50:200, 201. 
alba 36:53; 38:381; 39:476; 41:366. arach- 
nifera 46:29, figs. 1-5. australis 2:172; 
36:224, 227, 230; 39:312; 46:306; 8. 39:312; 
var. minor 39:312, 313. bracteata 23:255; 
32:108, 109; 36:54. cinerea 50:201, pl. 
1106. Gibbesii 38:424; 39:414, 476; 47:94. 
leucantha 37:350, 356-358, fig. 4 (map); 39: 
430. minor 39:312, 313. perfoliata 41:366; 
46:29. simplicifolia 46:29. Xx stricta 50: 
202. tinctoria 2:89, 168; 3:34; 5:129, 130; 
9:121; 14:22; 17:35; 20:105; 25:211; 32: 
108; 34:175; 38:424; 39:371, 375, 414, 415, 
476; 40:462; 46:281; 47:94, 156, 215; var. 
crebra 39:414, 415; 46:281; 47:94, 215; var. 
Gibbesii 38:424; 39:414; var. projecta 39: 
415; 46:281. vespertina 39:312. villosa 
39:467, 480; 40:468; 42:362; 43:506; 50:201, 

Barbarea 6:118; 11:134, 138; 18:216; 34:243. 
americana 11:134-137, 140. arcuata 11:134, 
135, 138. Barbarea 11:139; var. stricta 11: 
140. bracteosa 11:138. gracilis 11:136, 137, 
140. hirsuta 11:139; 45:304. lyrata 11:138, 
139. orthoceras 11:137, 138, 140, 141; 13: 
123; 28:121, 201; 34:53; 41:232; 44:128; 
var. dolichocarpa 11:140. parviflora 11: 
135. planisiliqua 11:138, 141; 42:327. 
plantaginea 11:139. praecox 3:65, 145; 11: 
134—136, 140. stricta 5:204; 6:84, 118; 11: 
134—137, 139, 140; 45:304. taurica 11:138. 
verna 11:134—136, 139, 179; 18:216; 29:214. 
vulgaris 4:92; 6:83, 118; 11:134-141; 12: 
128; 15:165; 16:14; 18:216; 29:214; 37:422; 
45:304; 50:296; B. bracteata, subvar. hirsuta 

retroflexum 39:236. varie- 

45:304; subsp. euvulgaris, subforma hirsuta 
45:304; subsp. rivularis, var. longisiliquosa 
11:139; subsp. vulgaris, var. longisiliquosa 
11:136, 240; var. arcuata 11:138, 141; 45: 
304; f. hirsuta 45:304; f. plena 45:304; 
var. brachycarpa 11:136, 139; 45:304; var. 
bracteata, subvar. hirsuta 11:139; var. gra- 
cilis 11:137, 140; var. hirsuta 11:139; 45: 
304; var. longisiliquosa 11:136, 137, 139; 
17:216; 18:216; var. stricta 11:139, 140; 
var. sylvestris 45:304 

Barberry 14:207; 15:226. Japanese 25:170. 
Thunberg's 15:225 

Barbilophozia 14:211, 212. attenuata 10:187. 
Hatcheri 10:188; 14:210. quinquedentata 

Barbula 3:179; 14:47; 41:112. convoluta 15: 
11; var. commutata 15:11. fallax 13:46; 
24:123. gracilis 11:117. michiganensis 41: 
112. montana 39:4. rigidula 11:117. un- 
guiculata 4:30; 15:11. vinealis 30:5 

Barleria 47:386 

Barley 49:267. Wall 19:121 

Barnyard Grass 17:225; 47:212 

Bartonia 11:74; 23:99, 103, 153, 168; 24:234; 
25:148; 33:39; 34:164-167; 35:6, 13, 85; 39: 
203. iodandra 2:55—57, pl. 15; 11:87, 97; 
13:116, 159; 23:149, 153, 154, 286, 288; 25: 
148; var. sabulonensis 23:288. lanceolata 
10:35; 34:165; 37:320; 39:197. Moseri 2: 
55—57, pl. 15. paniculata 10:35; 23:153, 
154, 156, 286—288; 24:118, 180, 234; 32:210, 
271; 34:165, 166; 35:5, 280, 281, map 24; 
37:320; 39:197, fig. 12 (map), 198, 444, 480; 
41:488, 490; 48:328; var. intermedia 23: 
287, 288; 24:180; 25:148; var. iodandra 
23:287, 288; 28:84; 29:185; 35:6, 280; 49: 
251; var. sabulonensis 23:287, 288; 24:180; 
29:185; 49:251. pubescens 34:166. tenella 
1:43; 2:55—57, pl. 15; 5:130; 34:104, 165; 
48:328. verna 23:153; 29:185, 218; 34:165, 
166; 37:379; 48:327, 328; 49:85, 170. vir- 
ginica 9:122; 13:182; 14:79; 19:31; 23:138, 
148, 149, 153, 157, 159, 286; 24:180, 234; 25: 
147; 29:127, 184, 218; 32:150, 210, 271; 34: 
165; 37:438; 38:365, 453; 48:328 

Bartramia 9:37. ithyphylla 30:9. Oederi 6: 
145; 8:168. pomiformis 1:34; 4:30; 30:9; 

Bartramiaceae 30:8; 38:240; 39:42 

Bartramidula carolinae 38:240 

Bartsia 28:106; 41:382. acuminata 36:186. 
alpina 28:105, 234; 35:121, 125, 275; 38:158, 
412. coccinea 41:382. Odontites 7:33 

Basidiomycetes 1:59; 3:207; 5:97; 26:195; 50: 

Basilima 9:54 

Basket Willow 49:43 

Bassia 17:176. hirsuta 11:120, 121, 239; 17: 
176; 26:176; 49:164; 50:295. hyssopifolia 
39:209; 42:43 

Basswood 11:28; 25:204; 44:351, 410, 413; 

Bastard Spruce 21:46. Sun-flower 45:486 

Batidaea 21:89, 90. amplissima 21:89. hetero- 
doxa 21:89. itascica 21:91. peramoena 21: 


91. strigosa 21:89, 92, 96; subsp. B. acaly- 
phacea 21:98; subsp. B. arizonica 21:98; 
subsp. B. cataphratica 21:96; subsp. B. ele- 
gantula 21:96; subsp. B. heterodoxa 21:96; 
subsp. B. itascica 21:91, 96; subsp. B. pera- 
moena 21:91, 98; subsp. B. subarctica 21:97 

Batodendron 29:49 

Batrachium 38:1, 3, 4, 8, 11, 17, 28, 30, 32, 
44, 45, 47. admixtum 38:33, 38. aquatile 
38:29. Bakeri 38:18, 28. circinatum 38:42. 
confervoides 38:33, 35, 36, 38. divaricatum 
38:24, 42, 45. Drouetii 37:363. eradicatum 
38:33. hederaceum 38:13. Lobbii 38:16. 
longirostre 38:42. omiophyllus 38:13. pe- 
dunculare 38:18, 28. trichophyllum 6:117; 
38:18. tripartitum 38:35. usneoides 38: 
45, 46 

Batrachospermum 7:168; 8:110, 190; 24:103; 
33:130; 50:70. anatinum 7:241. australe 
8:110. Boryanum 7:241. Corbula 7:241. 
ectocarpum 7:241. macrosporum 8:110. 
moniliforme 24:103, 110; 26:162; 33:130; 
50:67; var. chlorosum 7:241; var. typicum 
7:241. pyramidale 7:241. vagum 7:237, 
241; 33:130; keratophytum 26:162; var. 
flagelliforme, f. tenuissimum 8:110. virga- 
tum 7:241 

Batschia caroliniensis 37:330. decumbens 46: 
497. Gmelini 37:330. longiflora 46:497 

Baumea crassa 25:54. Deplanchei 25:53. fal- 
cata 25:53. mariscoides 25:53 

Bay 41:478; 46:313; 49:153. Loblolly 49:151, 
152. Red 47:149; 49:152, 153. Tan 49:151 

Bayberry 12:178; 18:29, 94 

Bazzania 25:91. deflexa 6:74; 10:190; 25:76, 
90, 91. denudata 25:75, 89, 91-95, 196, 198; 
26:10. triangularis 5:171; 6:74; 10:190; 15: 
27; 25:76, 78-82, 90; f. densior 25:80-82; f. 
laxa 25:80, 81; var. flaccida 25:79; var. in- 
tercedens 25:80. tricrenata 10:190; 14:17; 
15:23, 27; 25:75—83, 89-94, 196; var. cavern- 
arum 25:81; var. pratensis 25:81; var. sub- 
integristipula 25:81. trilobata 3:181; 4:30; 
5:51, 171; 15:23; 16:68; 25:196; 26:10 

Beach Grass 22:70; 49:270. Pea 29:58; 42: 
157. Plum 11:127, 132; 18:94; 25:69; 29: 

Beachflag Iris 49:213 

Beadlea Storeri 23:84 

Beaked Hazel 4:132; 38:76 

Bean(s) 42:381; 45:169. Bog 28:62. Kidney 
45:169, 170. Wild 45:170 

Bear, Oak 36:239, 240 

Bearberry 11:128; 13:123; 16:26; 18:71; 32: 
60; 42:335; 46:314. Alpine 28:98 

Beauty-berry 46:314 

Bear's Grape 16:26 

Beaver Tree 18:206, 207 

Beccabunga 4:191 

Beckmannia 11:38; 30:24-26. baikalensis 30: 
25-27. erucaeformis 30:24-27, 51; var. bai- 
kalensis 30:25-27; var. uniflora 30:26, 27. 
syzigachne 30:27; 41:180; 42:317 

Bedstraw 6:22; 13:237. Heath 28:83. Sweet- 
scented 18:185 

Beech(es) 4:93, 169; 5:45; 7:122, 123, 126; 

12:178; 13:86; 21:51; 23:91, 195; 28:34; 
32:151; 43:07, 94; 44:230; 45:377; 48:61. 
Blue 4:132; 37:424. Drops 33:139. Fern 
30:16; 43:219 

Bees 42:196. Andrenid 42:353. Bumble 44: 
3. Honey 42:353 

Beets 41:157 

Beggar-ticks 17:225; 28:72 

Beggiatoa alba marina 26:215. mirabilis 26: 

Begonia 7:27; 44:163; 50:153 

Behen 9:55 

Belameanda 9:53; 47:207. 

Bell-heather 10:173-175, 177; 15:189 

Belle Isle Cress 11:140 

Bellflower 21:107 

Bellincinia 11:16. platyphylla 18:83 

Bellis 26:59. perennis 26:59; 29:221; 35:15, 
311; 37:88 

Bellwort 39:319 

Belonium eustegiaeforme 44:168 

Bembecidae 41:186 

Bembex spinolae 41:186 

Benjamin Bush 8:196 

Bent Grass 12:28, 29; 49:270 

Benthamia 9:55; 34:29. fragifera 34:29 

Benzoin 8:197, 198; 15:18; 18:213; 47:140. 
aestivale 8:198; 12:128; 16:91; 18:213; 19: 
220; 32:253; 36:24, 31; 37:192, 354, 416; 
40:462; 41:560; 42:87; f. xanthocarpum 
16:91; var. pubescens 38:422. Benzoin 8: 
196, 198. odoriferum 8:198 

Berberidaceae 6:117; 18:213; 31:42; 32:252; 

Berberis 5:271; 7:158; 11:130; 13:18; 18:213; 
41:433. agapatensis 2:152, 153. amplec- 
tens 39:376. canadensis 36:24, 227, 230; 
41:433; 44:31. pinnata 39:376. pumila 
39:376. repens 2:152, 153, 155, pl. 19. Thun- 
bergii 2:151—153, 155, pl. 19; 15:225; 24:116; 
25:176; 32:252; 41:545; 46:85. vulgaris 2: 
151—153, 155, pl. 19; 12:128; 14:207; 18:213, 
240; 34:63; 41:517, 520; var. asperma 14: 

207; 18:213 
scandens 14:81; 37:318; 

chinensis 37:309, 

Berchemia 43:524. 
38:377; 39:481 

Berchtoldia oplismenoides 23:62 

Bergenia Schmidtii 18:160 

Bergia texana 47:217 

Berkheya membranifolia 18:159. Radula 

Berlandiera lyrata 34:6. pumila 36:54. tex- 
ana 35:291; 36:224, 232 

Bermuda grass 41:482; 46:336; 49:275 

Bermudiana graminea, flore, etc. 48:153-158, 
215, pl. 1042. Grass-leaved 48:154 

Berneuxia 45:333-335. thibetiea 45:333, 335, 
336. yunnanensis 45:333, 336 

Berry, Partridge 13:216. Snow 18:185 

Berteroa 7:159; 18:216. incana 1:104, 202; 
2:205; 6:83, 146; 9:227; 13:89; 14:20; 18: 
216; 31:84; 32:253. mutabilis 12:189; 18: 

Berula 50:119. angustifolia 1:159; 3:209; 44: 

INDEX TO VoLUMEs 1-50 33 

189, 190. erecta 44:189, 190, figs. 1-5; 50: 
119. pusilla 44:189, 190, figs. 6-9 

Beta 17:64. vulgaris 39: 369, 375; 8. rubra 

Betula 1:167; 6:113; 12:31, 178; 13:113, 114; 

15:103, 168; 16: 111; 21: 190; 29: 48; 30: 125: 
33 :60, 110; 34: 246; 40: 149-153, 157, 162, 166, 
167, 169, 170; 41: 144; 42:152; 44: 419, fig. É; 
45: 108; 47: 338, 386. § Apterocaryon 15: 
168; 29: 50; 47: 327. ser. Albae 47:303, 325. 
ser. '" Costatae 47:326. ser. Humiles 47:325, 
326. alaskana 29:35; 32:198; 47:321, 322, 
328, 329, pl. 972. alba 11: E 12: Qi 38; fo: 
169, 201; 21:190; 28:73; 33: 60; 38: 148; 47: 
304, 305, 307-309, 311, 324; a. vulgaris 47: 
308; B. dalecarlica 47: 305; B. pendula 47: 
305, : 309; ò. papyrifera 47: 311; f. occidentalis 
47: 312; ' subsp. occidentalis, p. commutata 
47 :312, 313, 316; subsp. papyrifera, B. cordi- 
folia 47: 320; p. humilis 47:306; var. humilis 
47 :322, 323, 328, pl. 971; var. y. humilis 47: 
321; subsp. pubescens 47: 309; subsp. verru- 
cosa 47:322; 5. resinifera 47: 322; var. resini- 
fera 47: 322; var. a. typica 47: 810; var. 
carpatica 47: 323, 324; var. cordifolia, DEO 
6:113; 11:231; 13: 238; 15:201; 17:148, 152; 
94:52; 47: 320; var. elobata 15: 169; 44: 
141; 47: 319; var. glutinosa 47:318; var. 
minor 9: 156, 160; 16:39; 47:306, 324; var. 
papyrifera 6: ib Sipe 2: 178; Gren eles 17: 1525 
18:35; 20:101; 22: 134; 26: 195; var. populi- 
folia 47: 304; var. pubescens 32: 247; var. 
tortuosa 47: 307, 328, pl. 963; var. urticifolia 
9:111; var. vulgaris 47:309. alleghaniensis 
15: 222; 19:128; 24:167-170. Alnus incana 
47: 338; (rugosa) 47:338, 339, 345. borealis 
47 :304, 308, 323—325, 328, 329, pl.973. caeru- 
lea 24:172, 173; 47:305; var. Blanchardi 24: 
171, 172; 47: 305; var. grandis 24:171, 172; 
47 :305. 'caerulea-grandis 24:171— 173; 47: 
304, 305. carpatica 47:323. cordifolia 47: 
320, 321. crispa 6:162; 47: 343. dahurica, 
B. americana 47:300; var. americana 47: 306, 
307. Ermani 47: 321; X glandulosa 42:321. 
excelsa 24:170; 47: 324; 50:120, 229, 230. 
excelsior 50:120. exilis 41: :218. fontinalis 
47:313-317, 321, 325; var. Piperi 47:317. 
glandulosa 3: 173; 9: 160, 169, 174, 190; 13: 
123, 136, 219; 17: 87; 25: 8; 32: 196; 33: 22; 
36: 280; 38: 148; 41: 146—148, 166, 218; 42: 
314, 321; 47: 224, 306—308, 324, 328; 48: 183; 
var. rotundifolia syn ing): 17: 87; 44: 115; var. 
sibirica 17:87; 41: 157, 158, 160, 2187.42: 
321. incana 9: 48. laciniata 47:305. lenta 
4:83; 6:113; 13:111, 206, 207; 14:80; 16: 
L115 19: 128: 21: 199; 23:257; '24: 133; 34: 
95, 96; 47: 326, 329, pl. 974; a. genuina 24: 
170; 8. lutea 24:170; f. laciniata 9: 111; 
var. uber 20:64; 47: 325, 326. lutea 1:191; 
6:118; 13:46, 206, 207; 16:111, 190; 18:35; 
19:30, 128; 21: 42, 190, 199; 22:110, 134; 23: 
257 ; 24: 167-170; 29:211, 245; 30:125, 129; 
31: 80, tris 32: 176, 205, 247 ; 34: 95; 36: 374; 
37: 307 ; 39: 195, 231; 40: 145, 161; 46: 82: 
50: 120: x pumila 30: 125; x pumila, var. 
glandulifera 30:125; alleghaniensis 24:170; 

f. fallax 34:95; var. alleghaniensis 23:257; 
24:168; var. macrolepis 24:170; var. typica 
30:199. Lyalliana 47 :312. Michauxii 2452: 
28:121; 29:50, 130, 157, 211; 35:12, 123; 47: 
326, 327; 49 :246. microphylla T] 93; 25: 8; 
28: 79; 36: 280; 44:115; 47:306-308, 317, 323, 
325, 398, pl. 963. minor 47 :304, 306-308. 
321, 325, 328, pl. 963. nana 15: 168; 17:87; 
29: 50, 157, 211; 35:12; 36:136; 47: 326-329, 
378, pl. 975; g. sibirica 17: 87; e. Michauxii 
47:326; var. Michauxii 11: 93; 13:113, 116; 
15:168, 169; 29:50; 47:320; var. sibirica D 
87; 41:218. neoalaskana 47:321. nigra 5: 
204 ; 10:43; 13:151, 155; 14:73, 235; 16:111, 
204; 19: 128; 24: 83, 99, 132; 98: 244; 36:374; 
a 414, 425; 38: 376; 39: 331, 353, 473; 47: 
314, 319. occidentalis 47: 312-317, 321, 322, 
325; var. fecunda 47: 317, 328, pl. 966. 
odorata 3: 173; var. tortuosa 3: 173; 47 :306, 
307. papyracea 3:173; 47: 311, 313, 316, 322; 
a. cordifolia 47:320; var. minor 3: 173; 47: 
306, 321; var. occidentalis 47:312. papyri- 
fera 1: 183, 191; 2:35, 126, 202; 3:173, 189; 
4:90; 6: 113; (i :110; 10: 166; 12: aye 38; 20: 
64; 21: :43, 190; 24: 171; 25: 210; 29: 156, 157, 
211; 30: 195, 196, 128; 31:97; '32: 176, 247; 
83: 120; 85: 122; 36: 280; Sf 64; 40:145, 146, 
148, 156, 159-161, 163; "41: 151, 218; 42: 314, 
321, 502; 47:304, 308, 311-314, 310, 319-321, 
3928, pl. 964 ; 50: 299, 230; f. coriacea 25:209; 
47: 311, 312; var. communis, f. cordifolia 47: 
320; var. commutata 47 :311, 312, 313, 315- 
317, 328, 405, pl. 965; var. cordifolia 3: rede 
20: 63; 23: 257; 29: 56, 156, 157, 211; 34:52; 
36: 280 ; 42: 502; 47: 306, 308, 312, 319, 320, 
328, pl. 970; var. elobata 44: 141; 47: oie, 
319, 320, 328, pl. 969; var. humilis 47: 221; 
322, 398, pls. 971, 972; var. Lyalliana 47: 
312, 317; var. macrostachya 47:308, 311, 
318-320, 382, pl. 968; f. longipes 47: 311, 
319, 328, pl. 968; var. minor 36:280; 42: 
502; 47: 306, 324; var. neo-alaskana 41:145; 
47: 321; var. occidentalis 47:312; var. pen- 
silis 47: 311, 318, 328, pl. 967; var. sub- 
cordata 47 :390. pendula 12:31; 24: PLI 
32:152, 247; 47:304, 305, 309, 321; f. dale- 
carlica. 9: 111; 42: 502; 47 :305; var. dalecar- 
lica 4:83; var. japonica 24: 171. Piperi 47: 
317. populifolia 1:183; 3:130, 233; 4:132; 
5:129, 134; 12:128, 178: 14:19, 235; 15: 153: 
16:38, 111; 17:153, 154, 214; 20: 101, 103; 
24: 172, 173; 25:172; 32:151, 213; 34:62; 40: 
242; 43: 80: 44: 236, 294; 47: 165, 303-305; 
50: 301; f. incisifolia 47: 304; var. laciniata 
44: 236, 237, pl. 708; 47:304, 305. pubescens 
15:169; 29: 157, 211; 32: 152, 247; 47:305, 
308-311; 50:230. pumila p: 299; 5: 33; 6:3, 
E p: 189; 12:117; 13:138, 217; 20: 101; 21: 
65, 88; 28: 191; 29: 157, 162, 211; 30:125, "128: 
33: 112, 120; 40: 160; 47: 307, 324, 325, 327, 
343; 50: 230; y. borealis 47: 323; var. gland- 
ulifera 30: 125, 127, 128: 40: 145; var. reni- 
folia 28:190, 191; 44: 141; 47:327. Pur- 
pusii 30:125, 126, 129; var. luteoides 30:129. 
rotundifolia 17:87. rugosa 47:339, 340, 342, 
345. Sandbergi 30:125-129, fig. Í, pl. 170. 


serrulata 47:341, 342, 355. terrae-novae 47: 
326, 327, 329, pl. 975; 49:246. tomentosa 
47:308-311. tortuosa 47:307, pl. 963. uber 
47:325,326, 329, pl. 974. verrucosa 12:31; 
47 :305 

Betula-Alnus glauca 47:340, 343. maritima 
47:341. rubra 47:341, 355 

Betulaceae 12:178; 16:110, 199, 201; 18:35; 
25:8; 28:73; 29:211; 31:42; 32:247; 36:280; 
40: 174; 43: 80; 45: 310; 49: 955; 50: 301 

Biatora Berengeriana 98:159. globifera 11: 
100. granulosa 28:159. hypnophila 28:160. 
leucampyx 28:160. ochrophaea 28:229. 
peliaspis 28:159. vernalis 28:159 

Biatorella coracina 36:162. privigna 28:226. 
simplex 29:101 

Biatorina grossa 28:160. premnea 28:160 

Bicoeca 50:278. lacustris 50:278 

Bicornes 47:385 

Bicuculla 9:54; 44:22, 34. 
Cucullaria 6:117 

Bicucullaria 44:33 

Biddulphia aurita 9:138. Baileyi 9:138. 
Favus 26:193, 194, 216. levis 9:130, 139. 
pulchella 9:138. rhombus 9:138. Tuomeyi 

Bidens 5:90, 91; 7:160; 8:99; 10:197, 201, 202; 
12:120; 15:76, 77; 17:20, 63; 19:257; 20: 
146; 23:129, 167; 25:43; 26:59, 82; 27:35; 
30: 31; 31:87, 88; 34:29; 37:306; 39:365; 
40: 280, 348, 351; 41: 479; 42:157, '394, 397; 
44:366, 371; 45: 53; 47: 290; 48:83. § Platy- 
carpaea 15: 77. aristosa 6: 49, 82; 15:76-78; 
19:251, 252; 26:59; 27:185; 32: 59; var. 
Fritcheyi 15: 18; 96: 59; var. mutica 15: 78; 
19:251; 26:59. 'Beckii 2: 70; 8:99; 9:63; 
17:63; '24: 120, 181, 207; 25: 107 ; 26: 59, 131; 
40:464. bidentoides 5: 90-92, pl. 45; 15: 75, 
78; 17:21; 26:221; 27:35, 142, 184; 30:31; 
31:87, 88; 42:514. bipinnata 3:904; 26:59; 
36:374. cernua 2:69; 5:90, 131; 6:132; 10: 
202; 13:141; 17:21, 25, 219; 20:146, 147; 
28: 298; 24: 206, 207; 26: 60; 27: 145, 167, 171, 
185; 30: 31; 32:179; x hyperborea var. col- 
pophila 27: 171; var. elliptica 17:25; 24:207; 
26:60; var. integra 17:25; 24: 207 ; var. 
minima 17:25; 24:207; 35: 262; var. 'oligo- 
donta 17:25; 24: 207 ; 26: 60; 44:146. chry- 
santhemoides 5:132, 204. colpophila 17: 
21; 19:92; 20: 146-149. comosa 5:90-92, pl. 
45; 8:222; 9:14; 10:199, 201, 202; 17:23, 24; 
26: :60; 27: 145, 185; 30:31; 40: 247 ; 41: 478, 
574; 46:141. connata 5: 90-92, 131, pl. 45; 
10: 197-201 ; 14:26; 15:74, 76; 17: 23, 24, 219; 
19:251, 257, 258; 21: 103; 24: 207 ; 26: 60, 187, 
228; 27: 35, 142, 145, 185; 30:31, 32, 34; 32: 
149, 279; 50: 291, 300; x Fatoni 27: 145; 
var. ambiversa 30: 31, 33, 35, pl. 160; 35: 
391; var. anomala 15: 76; 37: 35; 20: 233; 30: 
31, 94; var. fallax 30: 3l, 32; 39: 459; var. 
fultior 17: 245; 26:60; 30: 32; var. gracilipes 
21:103, 104; 23: 167, 298; var. inundata 
23:298; var. petiolata 10: :200; 11:60; 17: 
221, 234; 19:257, 258; 21:103, 104; 23:298; 
24: 207 ; 26: 60; 30: 31-33, 35, pl. 160; 32:279; 
35:391; 43:82; var. pinnata 30:31, 34, 35, pl. 

canadensis 6:117. 

160; var. submutica 35:391; var. typica 
30: 31-33, 35, pl. 160. coronata 26:60; 27: 
185; 30:34; 32:59, 179, 212; 40: 348-350; 42: 
393, 402; var. brachyodonta 40:349, 350, 
358, pl. 506; 44:371, 477; var. tenuiloba 39: 
475; 40: 348-351, pl. 506 ; var. trichosperma 
40: 349, 350, 351, 358, pl. 506; 41:573; 42: 
402; var. typica 40: 349, 350, '358, pl. '506; 
42:498. discoidea 5: 91; 8:220; 15: 76; 16: 
40; 17:219; 23:92; 24: 88; 25: :214; 26: 82; 
27: :185; 29: 233; 32:58; 35: 291; 38: 449; 44: 
343. Fatoni 5: :92, pl. 45; 15: 76; 17: 20, 21; 
19:76; 20:98; 24:120; 26: 82; 27: 142, 143, 
145, 166, 185; 30:31; 31: 87, 88, 100; 40: 352; 
42: 514; var. fallax 5:92, pl. 455 15:76; 
26:82; 97: 143; 31:100; 34:117; var. illicita 
31: 100; var. interstes 27: 143, 144; var. 
kennebecensis 19:76, 92; 23: 42; 96: 177, 
178; 27:143-145; var. major 27: 143, 144; 
var. mutabilis 97: 143, 144; 3l: 100; var. 
simulans 27:143, 144; var. typica 27:143. 
elliptica 24:207. frondosa 5:90, 91, 130; 6: 
132, 143; 8:222; 10:200, 201; 15: 74-78; 17: 
22, 219, 225; 18: 44; 25:214; '96: 82; 27:185; 
28:72; 29: 124; 34: 117; 40:352; 48: 330; f. 
anomala 40: 352; var. anomala 5:91, 92; 
15:75; 24:207; 27: 34, 35, 56; 29:253; 34: 
117; 35: 389; 40: 352; var. pallida 26:5; var. 
puberula 40: 352; var. stenodonta 17: 22; 
44:146. heterodoxa 17: 23; 19:257, 258; 
26:177, 178; 27:142, 143, 185; 30: 31; 34: 116; 
40:352, 358, pl. 507 ; 50:212; var. agnostica 
19: 259; 24:120; 34: 116; 40: 352, 358, pl. 
507; var. atheistica 34: 116; 40: 352; 44: 
146; var. interstes 26:178; 27:143; var. 
monardaefolia 19:259; 24: 120; 26: 178; 34: 
116; var. orthodoxa 17: :245 19: 257; 26: 78; 
34: 116; 40:352, 358, pl. 507; 44:146. hyper- 
borea 10: 201, 202; 12:120, 144; 13:183; 17: 
20, 21; 20: 146—150; 24: 206; 27: 166, 167, 171, 
185; 30: 31; 31:87; 32:13; "34: 70, 74, 77, 78, 
117, map 11; 37:416; 41: 377; 48:82, 83; 
var. arcuans '25: 44; 97: 167, 170, 171; var. 
cathancensis 20: 149; 25: 43; 96: 177; 27: 
167, 169; var. colpophila 20: 149; 26: 82, 
177; 27: 167, 168; var. gaspensis 20:149, 
150; 25:43; 27: 167, 170; 44:106, 146; var. 
laurentiana 27 :167, 169-171; 44: 146; 48: 
83; var. Svensoni 27: 167, 170; 44:146; var. 
typica 27:167; 48:82, 83. infirma 40: :351, 
358, pl. 507; "42: 514; 44:146. involucrata 
27: 185: 35:360. laevis 9: 120; 15:95; 19: 
251; 24: 206; 26:82; 27:145, 167, 185; 30: 
31; 39:482; 40: 248; 42: 393; 46:141. leu- 
cantha 27: 185. mariana 31: 88, 89, fig. 1; 
42:514. minima 24:207. mitis 39: 477; 40: 
348, 351, 358, pl. 506; 42:511. X multiceps 
27: 145, 185; 30:31. petiolata 10:198-200; 
30:33. polylepis 42:498. puberula 40: 352. 
tenuisecta 27:185. trichosperma 19:251; 26: 
60; 27:185; 30:34; 32:59; 38:366; 40: 348— 
350; var. tenuiloba 26: 60; 40:350. tripartita 
10: 199-201 ; 15:74-76; 17: 22, 23; 27:185; 
30:31; var. fallax 10: 200; var. heterodoxa 
15: 165 17:23. vulgata 4: 100; 6:143; 8:222; 
10: 145, 154, 200, 201; 15:98, 168; 26: 82; 27: 


185; 37:451; 40:352; 47:396; f. puberula 
40:352; var. puberula 19:251; 26:82; 40: 
352; var. vulgata 47:396 

Bifora 9:54. radians 1:159; 3:209 

Bigelovia uniligulata 49:296 

Bignonia 30:58. bracteata 46:389. capreolata 
30:58; 36:34, 51; 38:377, 445; 39:194, 482; 
46:307. radicans 30:58 

Bignoniaceae 25:186; 31:42; 32:275; 49:58 

Bigtooth Maple 46:445, 448 

Bilimbia sabuletorum 28:160. 

Billion-dollar Grass 46:314 

Biophytes 5:127, 135, 136 

Birch(es) 4:74, 141; 5:44, 45; 7:124; 12:30- 
32; 13:57, 113; 15:33; 21:51; 22:130; 41: 
154; 42:152, 502; 44:230, 413; 47:314, 405. 
Black 13:206, 207; 21:51; 49:172. Canoe 
12:37; 15:168; 23:91. Cherry 4:83; 10:165; 
13:206. Dwarf 47:303. Gray 4:132; 12: 
178; 13:207; 25:172. Paper 12:178; 13: 
207; 21:50; 22:131. Red 37:414. Silver 13: 
207. Swamp 48:61. Sweet 13:206. White 
4:83; 12:37, 178; 15:29, 33, 34; 21:199; 22: 
129, 132; 26:195; 28:73; 42:321; 44:410; 
47:303, 405. Yellow 13:206, 207; ISzoL. 21: 
42; 22:131; 24:169, 170; 31:80; 44:410, 413 

Bird Cherry 12:181; 25:169, 172-176 

Bird's Eye Maple 15:34. Primrose 21:148. 
Knotgrass 4:65 

Birthworts 44:24 

Bistorta 12:15; 43:612. 
vivipara 34:244 

Bitter Boletus 4:187. Dock 28:73. Pecan 39: 

Bitternut Hickory 50:61 

Bittersweet 25:204; 28:72. Climbing 32:108 

Black Alder 12:181; 23:109; 25:148; 47:337. 
American Raspberry 7:143. Ash 12:184; 
22:131, 132. Birch 13:206, 207; 21:51; 49: 
172. Blueberry, Low 12:183. Brant 41:258. 
Caps 7:145. Cherry 18:140; 25:170, 172, 
173, 176; Wild 12:180. Chokeberry 4:55, 
56; 12:179; 18:67. Cohosh 23:202. Crow- 
berry 12:181. Currant 12:21, 22, 25, 32, 34, 
179. Grass 7:46; 17:214, 218, 219. Gum 
41:193. Henbane 18:144. Huckleberry 4: 
14; 12:183; 18:67; 23:135. Larch 35:358. 
Locust 25:173. Oak(s) 4:132; 9:61; 38:58, 
59; 39:364; 41:193; 43:67, 70; 46:44; 49: 
172. Oat Grass 49:274. Oblong-fruited 
Walnut 50:147. Poplar 13:195; 16:206; 48: 
106; Virginian 13:198. Raspberry 60:224; 
8:146, 147; 9:4; American 7:144. Scrub 4: 
133. Spruce 4:35; 6:42, 149; 9:28, 208; 11: 
175, 201; 12:177; 13:114; 18:188; 21:50, 51; 
35:358; 41:152, 175; 49:83. Walnut 24:185; 
39:333. Willow 12:177 

Blackberries 8:146, 212, 217; 12:119; 22:185, 
186, 188, 189; 43:512; 50:73 

Blackberry 4:40; 6:196, 223, 225; 10:118, 152; 
8:18, 95, 97, 150; 11:128, 130, 132; 28:71, 
76, 80, 83; 33:102; 42:286; 44:345, 348; 47: 
95, 98; 49:92. English 28:80, 84. Hog 9: 
5. Long 10:121. Millspaugh's 15:224. 
Mountain 12:180. Running Swamp 12:180. 

sphaeroides 28: 

ophioglossa 29:35. 

Sheep-teat 10:121. Sow-teat 10:121. 
Square 10:121. White 1:205 

Black-eyed Susan 18:212 

Black-jack Oak 21:49 

Bladder-Campion 43:505 

Bladder-fern 8:113; 30:18 

Bladder-nut 4:130 

Bladderwort 14:204; 23:100 

Bláhveite 12:27 

Blairia 30:54 

Blasia pusilla 4:30; 5:170; 6:74; 15:22; 23: 
67; 25:193; 26:7 

Blaspheme-vine 49:90 

Blechnum crispum 37:245. magellanicum 26: 
92. Spicant 24:134, 135 

Blechum 47:11. Tweedyi 47:11 

Bleeding-heart 44:22, 23; 45:442 

Blepharia 21:185 

Blepharidophyllum 38:77 

Blephariglottis Canbyi 14:96. conspicua 10: 
70. grandiflora 9:154. psychodes 50:125 

Blepharolepis 49:50 

Blepharostoma setaceum 6:185. setiforme 3: 
181. trichophyllum 1:34; 3:181; 4:30; 5: 
51, 171; 15:23; 25:196; 26:11; 39:36 

Blepharozia pulcherrima 8:42 

Blephilia 50:53-55. becki 50:54. brevifolia 
50:54. brevipes 50:54. ciliata 1:221; 2: 
126; 25:37; 50:53, 54. heterophylla 50:54. 
hirsuta 24:119; 50:55; var. glabrata 1:221. 
lanceolata 50:54.. nepetoides 50:54. pra- 
tensis 50:54 

Blessed Thistle 9:28; 46:158 

Bletia 27:194. aphylla 39:470. purpurea 23: 

Blindia 3:179. acuta 39:13, 39 

Blidingia 50:257. minima 50:257, 259, 264 

Blitum capitatum 6:114; 42:322 

Bloodroot 4:128; 42:196, 279; 44:14, 15; 45: 
438, 439 

Bloody Amaranth 17:179 

Blue Beech 4:132; 37:424. Flag 46:315. 
Fringed Gentian 9:28. Iris 18:42. Joint 
Grass 29:40. Lucy 18:42. Spruce 18:32. 
Wheat 12:27 

Bluebell(s) 5:259; 42:339 

Blueberries 12:109; 13:86; 39:60 

Blueberry 4:14; 10:147; 14:135; 18:29; 22: 
132; 25:204; 36:233; 42:155, 335. Early 
Sweet 12:183. Half-high 4:131. High 12: 
183. Highbush 23:97, 98, 109; 32:152; 39: 
60. Low 18:67; 23:135; Black 12:183. 
Lowbush 39:60, 61. Low Sweet 12:183. 
Sour-top 12:183. Swamp 12:183. Velvet- 
leaf 12:183 

Blue-black Huckleberry 4:14 

Blue-bonnet 41:563 

Bluebottle(s) 21:106; 41:490 

Blue-eyed grass 40:462; 48:153 

Bluegrass 18:144 

Blue-green algae 50:255, 269, 270 

Bluet(s) 1:168; 5:119; 9:210; 46:306. Moun- 
tain 50:179 

Blumenbachia insignis 8:226 

Blysmus 31:124. rufus 45:287 

Blyttia Lyellii var. Flotowiana 6:165 


Bocconia cordata 10:153 

Bodo 50:278. angustus 50:278. caudatus 50: 
278. lens 50:278. minimus 50:278. reni- 
formis 50:278 

Boebera papposa 6:144 

Boehmeria 12:10; 17:169; 33:53; 36:373; 47: 
100. cylindrica 5:132; 10:121; 12:10, 11; 
16:13; 17:169; 32:216, 248; 34:247; 36:374; 
var. Drummondiana 12:10, 11; 32:210, 248; 
40:253; var. scabra 12:10, 11; 32:248; 40: 

253. Drummondiana 12:10, 11; 34:247. 
scabra 12:10, 11 
Boerhaavia 29:234. erecta 31:146. leiosolena 

47:329, 330 

Bog Asphodel 28:75. Bean 28:62. Cranberry 
12:35; 18:41. Huckleberry 23:99. Rose- 
mary 5:07. Rush 28:74. Spruce 35:258 

Bogs, Cedar 11:223. Chamaecyparis 11:222, 
223, 225, 226, 228 

Bois d'Argent 33:234 

Bolandra 36:267. californica 36:267. imna- 
haensis 36:266, 267. oregana 36:267 

Bolbitius variicolor 3:40 

Bolbocoleon 8:124. piliferum 2:43; 8:124 

Bolelia elegans 50:124 

Boleti 4:172; 44:173. Pruinose and subto- 
mentose 2:176. Viscid 2:175 

Boletinus cavipes 2:174; 13:57. decipiens 2: 
194. paluster 2:174; 13:57. pictus 2:174, 
175; 3:144; 41:512. porosus 2:174 

Boletus 4:78; 11:129; 13:57; 16:86. $ Calo- 
podes 2:176. § Cariosi 2:178. $ Edules 2: 
177. 8 Hyporhodii 2:178. 8 Laceripedes 1: 
16. 8 Lundi 2:177. 8 Versipelles 2:178. 
$ Viscipelles 2:175. affinis 2:177, 178; 3: 
227; var. maculosus 3:227. albus 2:175; 3: 
226. alveolatus 1:16; 2:177, 192; 11:123. 
americanus 2:195. badius 2:178. bicolor 
2:176, 194; 3:226. castaneus 2:178; 41:512. 
chromapes 2:178, 192. chrysenteron 2:176; 
3:226. clintonianus 13:57. cyanescens 2: 
178. edulis 11:123; 41:512; var. clavipes 
11:123. erythropus 2:178. eximius 2:177; 
13:57. felleus 2:178; 3:226, 227; 4:187, 188; 
41:512; var. obesus 4:187. Frosti 2:177; 
11:123. gracilis 2:178; 3:227. granulatus 
2:175; 3:226; 39:369. griseus 2:178; 3:227. 
hemichrysus 2:193. luridus 1:16; 2:177— 
179; 3:39, 227. miniato-olivaceus, var. sensi- 
bilis 1:23; 2:176, 194. obsonium 3:38. 
ornatipes 2:176, 193; 3:227. pachypus 2: 
177; 3:227. Peckii 2:194. piperatus 2:175; 
3:226. punctipes 13:57. Havenelii 2:193; 
3:227. rubinellus 2:175. Russellii 1:16. 
Satanas 2:177. scaber 2:175, 178; 3:227. 
separans 2:177. spectabilis 13:57. subgla- 
bripes 2:176; 3:226; var. corrugis 2:170. 
subtomentosus 1:23; 2:175. varipes 3:227. 
vermiculosus 2:178. versicolor 3:227. ver- 
sipellis 2:178; 44:168. vicesimus sextus 9: 


Boltonia 26:82; 39:358, 456; 42:396, 482; 50: 
227. asteroides 1:171; 19:250; 26:82; 28: 
40; 31:147; 38:366; 42:396, 482-486, 491, 
492, pl. 640; 47:389; f. rosea 34:9; var. 
decurrens 42:492; 50:120; var. glastifolia 

42:486, 511, pl. 641; 44:357, 476. caro- 
liniana 42:484, 487, pl. 642; 45:379, 478; 
47:97, 196; 50:227. decurrens 42:492; 50: 
107, 120. diffusa 42:484, 489-491; 44:253; 
var. interior 42:490, pl. 644. glastifolia 
42:482, 485, 486; B. ? decurrens 42:492; 50: 
120. latisquama 26:82; 36:232; 37:190, 195; 
38:193; 42:484, 490-492, pl. 645; var. de- 
currens 42:492; 50:120; var. microcephala 
42:484, 492, pl. 646; var. occidentalis 42: 
491; var. recognita 42:491, pl. 646. occi- 
dentalis 42:491. Ravenelii 42:484, 488, 
489, pl. 643; 44:374, 375 

Bombacaceae 49:58 

Bombidae 41:185 

Bombus bimaculatus 34:214. fervidus 34:214. 
ternarius 34:214; 36:26-28; 37:159, 161; 38: 
91, 93; 39:62; 41:185; 44:189. terricola 34: 
214; 36:28; 37:161; 38:91; 39:62; 41:185; 
44:189. vagans 34:214; 36:28; 37:159, 161; 
39:62; 41:185; 44:189 

Bombyliidae 39:62 

Bombylius 37:159; 39:62 

Bonnemaisoniaceae 30:197 

Borage 44:366 

Boraginaceae 6:127; 7:249; 18:42; 21:170; 
25:11, 28; 29:219; 31:42; 35:66; 36:283; 
38:373; 40:313, 343; 42:33, 155, 156; 45: 

315; 49:255 
Borago 25:29. officinalis 3:215; 25:29; 29: 

Borbonia fructu oblongo etc. 47:150 
Borrichia frutescens 37:451 
Boschniakia glabra 32:200, 202, map 16. 
rossica 41:150, 159, 288; 42:314, 338 
Bossekia 37:59. parviflora 37:277; 42:275 
Boston Ivy 10:29 
Bostrychia 7:233. 
232, 233 
Botrychia 7:96 
Botrychium 2:185; 3:220; 4:159; 6:100; 7: 
97; 9:85; 13:14, 15; 19:31, 207, 216; 26:230; 
35:353; 44:192; 49:254; 50:138. angusti- 
segmentum 17:87, 88, 143; 19:31, 33; 20:19; 
23:209, 217; 25:45; 31:82; 35:95, 130, 353. 
anthemoides 17:234. brachystachys 19:214. 
chamaeconium 19:216. cicutarium 19: 
214-216. dichronum 19:214. dissectum 6: 
235; 23:151, 187, 209, 217; 34:244; 35:353; 
37:104, 385; 44:192; 49:200; f. elongatum 
23:209; 35:353; 36:34; f. obliquum 23: 
151, 187, 210, 217; 35:353; 37:385; f. onei- 
dense 23:210; 35:353; 36:34; var. obliquum 
23:141, 151; 36:34; 44:192. gracile 19:208. 
lanceolatum 1:183, 218; 2:185; 3:43, 253; 4: 
36; 5:203, 236, 274; 7:103; 8:229; 17:87, 88, 
143; 18:26; 20:19, 20; 28:122, 148; 32:134, 
136; 34:244; 35:95; 39:149; 44:192; 49:238; 
var. angustisegmentum 8:229; 9:85; 17: 
87; 20:19; 32:134; 35:353; 44:191, 192. 
lanuginosum 19:216. Lunaria 5:275; 6:235, 
236; 13:119, 147; 19:209; 20:20; 23:210, 218; 
28:59, 119, 148; 34:244; 35:47, 04, 95; 36: 
276; 37:206, 244; 39:149; 41:150, 155, 163, 
164, 172; 42:315; 49:238; var. minganense 
41:172; var. onondagense 28:119, 148. ma- 

rivularis 2:48; 3:135; 7: 

INDEX TO VoLuMEs 1-50 37 

tricariae 1:183, 230; 7:96. matricariaefolium 
1:218; 2:119, 185, 202; 3:36, 43, 144, 253; 
4:36; B: 203, 236, 274-276, pl. 48; 6: 80, 100, 
212; 9:85; 26: 50; 28:122, 148; 32: 134, 136; 
85: 89, 95, 130, 353; 46: 303, 304; 49: 238; 50: 
117. minganense 32: 13; 4l: 172; 48: 271; 49: 
238. multifidum 35:95; 38:164; subsp. silai- 
folium 44:162; subsp. typicum "44: 162; var. 
intermedium 35: 353. neglectum 34: 244; 
50:117. obliquum 6:235; 9:86; 13:14, 103; 
18:26; 23:151, 209; 34: 244; 35: 353, 361 ; 37: 
164; 38: 164; 4l: 494; var. dissectum 9: 86; 
13: 15; 19: 31; 35; 353; var. elongatum 9:86; 
35: 353; var. oneidense 7:105; 12:80; 13: 102: 
35:353; var. tenuifolium 38:164. ramosum 
9:85; 18: 26; 19:31, 34; 23:187, 210, 213, 
214; '25: 45; 30: 198; 32: 136; 85:353; 50:118. 
Schaffneri, var. pusillum 44: 162; var. typi- 
cum 44:162. silaifolium 34: 244; 41 :505. 
simplex 1:183; 3:42, 252; 5:275; 6: 96, 100, 
212; 9:85; 19: 31, 33; 23:102; 187, 210, 215, 
216; BUE 198; 34: 244; 35: 4, 95, 130, 353; var. 
compositum 23:210; var. subcompositum 5: 
276. strictum 19: 208, 215. tenebrosum 5: 
203, 274-276, pl. 48; 6:312; 35:353. terna- 
tum 1: 105, 218; 2: 185; JE 42, 220; 4:55; 5: 
274; 18: 26; 40: 151; var. australe 3: 42; var. 
dissectum 3: 42; 6: 100; var. intermedium 2: 
185; 3:42; 6: 100; 9: 86; 13:103; 15:156; 22: 
133; 23: 210, 215; 24: 111; 35: 353; var. obli- 
quum 3:42; 6: 100; var. " oneidense 35:353; 
var. rutaefolium 1: TUDTSDI 19:523 182 210, 
216; 32:134, 136; 35:95. virginianum 1: 180, 
219; 2:185, 229; 3:42; 06:100; 8:48; 9:86; 
13: 15, 125; Ir: 233, 234; 19: 31, 207-216, fig. 
6; 21: :200; 23:210; 31: 82; 32; 14, 136, 176; 
34: 244; 35: 353, 360; 37: 385; 40: 290 ; 44: 192: 
var. europaeum i: 234; 19: 207, 211-213, 215, 
216; 23:210, 216; 35: 95, 274; var. gracile 1: 
219; var. intermedium 19: :210, 211215; 
23: 210, 220; 35:353; 44:162; var. lauren- 
tianum 19: 208, 210, "211, 215, fig. 6; 23:210, 
216; 28:78; 44:138; var. meridionale 19: 
213, 215; var. occidentale 19:213, 215, 216. 
virginicum, 8. mexicanum 19:214 

Botrychiums 7:170 

Botrydiopsis arhiza 50:274 

Botrydium granulatum 23:67; 26:211; 50:67 

Botryococcus Braunii 23:66; 26: 211: 50:274 

Botryopleuron 23:4 

Botrypus 4:159 

Botrytis 39:369. Paeoniae 39:369 

Bottle-brush Grass 49:267 

Bouçet jaune 1:167 

Bouchea 9:38 

Bouleau 1:167 

Boulon 1:167 

Bouteloua 15:130; 35:182; 48:27; 49:276. 
breviseta 47:331. "curtipendula 33: :296 ; 36: 
222; 46:75, 307; 47:208; 48:17; 50: 92, 95. 
eriopoda 38:239. gracilis 15: 130; 36:223; 
48:17, 100; 49:276. hirsuta 33: 296; 36:223; 
50:92, 95; var. pectinata 38: 405. Hum- 
boldtiana 6:82. oligostachya 6:82; 15:130; 
49:276. pectinata 38:405. prostrata 6:82. 
radicosa 15:131; 48:17; 49:276. rigidiseta 

48:17; 49:276; 50:92, 93. simplex 48:17. 
texana 15: 131; 49: 276. uniflora 6:82 

Bouton d'or 1:167 

Box Elder 4:130. Huckleberry 22:167, 168 

Boxberry 18:41 

Boykinia aconitifolia 39:200. humilis 37:169. 
Richardsonii 41:148, 151, 163, 164, 240; 42: 

Brachiaria 47:108. digitarioides 14:168 

Brachilobus hispidus 42:26 

Brachionus 24:51 

Brachyactis 16:60. hybrida 16:60 

Brachychaeta sphacelata 41:138 

Brachyelytrum 6:105; 7:158; 15:125; 29:158- 
160, 246; 49:254, 274. aristatum 6: 105; var. 
Engelmanni 45:260, 261. aristosum, var. 
glabratum 45: 260-262. erectum 5: 48; 6: 
105; 15:125; 21:200; 29:158, 159, 246; 38: 
204, 268; 39: 423 ; 40: 382, 387; 44:70; 45: 
260, 261; 49:239, 274; var. septentrionale 
45: 260, 261; 49:274 

Brachylobus hispidus 10:32; 30:132, 133 

Brachyoxylon 11:169-171 

Brachyphyllum 11:169-171 

Brachystemum linifolium 50:221—223. 
ginicum 50:223 

Brachytheciaceae 30:10; 31:38 

Brachythecium 31:39. acuminatum 1:55; 14: 
52. acutum 26:219; 48:2. Bestii 48:2. 
campestre 2:62; 48:2. flexicaule 1:55; 48:2. 
glaciale 1:55; 4: 182. laetum 6:72. novae- 
angliae 2:62. oxycladon 2:62. plumosum 
6:73; 39:13. populeum 2:62; 15:13; 48:2. 
reflexum 4: 30, 182; 30:11. rivulare 6: 73; 
48:2. rutabulum 11: 117. salebrosum 2:62; 
4:30; 30:11. Starkei 4:30. velutinum 15: 
18; 48:2 

ay hrs Quoyii 1:126; 2:41; 35:150; 43: 

Bracken 30:13; 43:1-4, 6, 7, 12, 19, 27, 28, 44 

Braconnotia elymoides 12: 70 

Bradburya 7:28. virginiana 43:588 

Bradlea 36:89 

Bradleya macrostachys 14:81 

Brake 11:128; 30:13; 46:315. Cliff 30:14. 
Rock 30:14 

Brambles 47:91 

Bramia 37:441, 442 

Brasenia 8:28; 10:166; 18:89; 21:75; 23:169; 
44 :175. peltata 2: 215; 4: 76; 5: 134; 19:63. 
purpurea 7:110. Schreberi 14: 31; 18:89; 
23:264; 24:174; 29:244; 32:12; 38: 10, 340; 
40:251, 368, 415; 42:52, ' 87, 90; 43: 508 

Brassavola 23 31 

Brassia 2:31. Wrayae 2:64 

Brassica 6:78, 117; 11:44; 18:216; 27:186; 28: 
88; 40: 306, 307, 309; 42: 243; 45:277. ad- 
pressa 7: 101; 40: 306, 309. alba 12: 104, 139, 
14:164; 18: 216; 40: 306. arvensis 6: 117; 11: 
130; 12: 16; 17: 30, 35; 18:216; 21:170; 24: 
36; 29: 176, 213; 33: 121; 34: 52: 40: 306-308 ; 
var. Schkuhriana 24: 36; 40: 308. campes- 
tris 1:47; 4:92; 6:117; 18: ai, 216; 21:170; 
22:137; 42:326. Erucastrum var. ochroleuca 
13:11. geniculata 40:308, 309. hirta 40: 
306. incana 40:309. japonica 1:81; 18:216. 



juncea 1:47, 220; 4:92; 6:84, 117; 10:152; 
11:130; 13: 10, 89; 18: 216; 22: 137; 26:225; 
32:253; 33: 121; 50:296. '"Kaber 40: 306, 
308; 43: 80; var. pinnatifida 40:308; 50: 
296; var. Schkuhriana 40:308. Napus 9: 
39; 17:35. nigra 3:16, 17; 15:165; 18:37, 
216; 29:176, 214; 32: 253; 40: 306; 45: 271; 
50: 302. obtusangula, var. Pollichii 13: 11. 
ochroleuca 13:11. oleracea 1:81; 18:216; 
43:160. orientalis 40:307. pe- -tsui 49:80. 
polymorpha 40:307. Rapa 18:216; 41:512, 
520. Sinapistrum 4:92; 6:117; 10: 125; 40: 
308. villosa 40:308 

Brathys denticulata 50:208. linoides 50:208 

Brauneria 26:82; 38:197. atrorubens 38:197, 
198. laevigata 46:71, 141; 47:397. pallida 
2:85-87; 26:82; 36: 222, 295. paradoxa 36: 
225, 232: 38: 197-199; 47:398. tennesseensis 

Braunia 36:60 

Braxilia 34:26. media 34:26. parvifolia 34: 


Braya 6:117; 20:202, 203; 28:77, 106, 107; 40: 
296. alpina 20: 202, 203; 28: 96; 36: 338; 50: 
1, 6, 7; B. americana 98: 96, 203, 204; 50: 13. 
americana 28:203, 213; 50: 13, 14. Fer- 
naldii 50:2, 12, 14, pl. 1090. glabella 50: 
1, 6—9, pl. 1089. 'glabella-humilis 50:7. hirta 
36:338. humilis 6:94, 117; 9:161; 20:201- 
203; 22:49; 36:281; 37: 207 ; 39: 95; 41:239; 
50: 9.4, 6, 7, pls. 1088, 1089; var. leiocarpa 
39: 276; 50: 5; var. novae-angliae 20:201; 
32:18; 39: 276. linearis 50: 2, 6, 7,9. Longii 
28: 202, 203; 50:2, 12-14. pectinata 40:304. 
purpurascens 20: 202; 28:94, 202, 203; 41: 
239; 50:2, 6, 7, 9, pls. 1089, 1090; f. leiocarpa 
50: 12; f. ‘longisiliquosa 50: 12; f. pilosa 50: 
12; var. dubia 50:9, 12; var. '"Jongisiliquosa 
50: :12. Richardsonii 20: 203; 28:107, 204. 
rosea 28:203. siliquosa 28:96, "204. Thorid- 
Wulffi 50:9, 11 

Brazoria scutellarioides 45:275 

Bread moulds 5:97 

Brebissonia Boeckii 9:135 

Brefeldia maxima 1:128 

Breidleria arcuata 30:11; 39:45 

Brenthis myrina 42:354 

Breutelia jamaicensis 36:56 

Breweria 33:76. aquatica 42:299. humi- 
strata 39:333, 339, 444, 466, 480; 42:476. 
minima 33:76, 77. patens 42:298, 299, pl. 
624. trichosanthes 42:298, pl. 624 

Brickellia 18:225, 228-230. albicaulis 12:15. 
cordifolia 44:253. grandiflora 35:290. hu- 
milis 12:15. scaber 12:15. umbellatus 12: 

Brier(s) 44:351. Cat 23:109. 

Britton's Agrimony 15:224 

Briza 15:144; 49:262. canadensis 39:154. 
Eragrostis 18:235. maxima 15: 144; 49:262. 
media 15:144; 19:119; 48:18; 49: 262. minor 
48:18; 49: 262. oblonga 18:235. spicata 27: 

Brizopyrum americanum 27:68. 
68; var. strictum 46:203 

Broad-leaved Epipactis 50:236 

Green 23:109 

spicatum 27: 

Brodiaea 42:92; 46:314 

Broklempe 4:191 

Broklympe 4:191 

Brome-Grass 49:257; 50:177. Hungarian 43: 
76. Smooth 48: 76 

Bromeliaceae 9:37; 42:159; 49:288. 
Bromeliinae 9:37 

Bromelica 21:77, 215, 216. aristata 21:77. 
Geyeri 21:78; var. Howellii 21:78. Har- 
fordii 21:78; var. minor 21:78. Smithii 
21:77; 37:67, 70, 205. striata 21:77. sub- 
ulata 21:78 

Bromus 6:106; 7:160; 13:88; 15:147; 21:76, 
77, 215, 216; 22:181; 24:19, 89; 34: 246; 35: 
181; 43: 509; 44:844; 46: 400; 48: 21° 49: 257. 
$ Zerna 43:530. altissimus 12: 111, 135, 185; 
14:55; 15:147; 16:13; 24:91; 32: 66 ; 35: 316; 
43: 530; 49: 258; f. incanus 24:91; 35: 316. 
arcticus 41: 182. arvensis 15:147; 19:120; 
35:361; 40:275; 44:344, 379; 48: 18. asper 
32:70, 71, pl. 196. barbatoides 30:243; var. 
sulcatus 30:243. brachyphyllus 4:146. 
breviaristatus 6:83. brizaeformis 1:98; 15: 
147; 38:298; 48:18; 49:258. canadensis 24: 
91; '29: 149, 207 ; 32: 67, 68, 70. carinatus 6: 
83. catharticus 43: 492, 493, 529; 49:257. 
ciliatus 5:48; 6:106; 12:185; 15: 144, 147; 
17:150; 22: 136; 24: 90, 91; 28: 20; 32: 63-70: 
34:51; 35:316; 36: 307 ; 37: 371; 41: 182; 48: 
18, 23, 25; 49: :258; f. denudatus 24:90, 91; 
28:20; 32: 64, 66, 68-70; f. laeviglumis 24: 
90, 91; var. denudatus 28:20; 29:131, 149, 
207 ; 32: 66, 68-70; 49:258; var. genuinus 
32: 70, 71, pl. 196; var. incanus 35:316; var. 
intonsus 32: 70, 71, pl. 196; 34:32; 37: 83; 
47:42; 48:18, 23; 49: 258; var. latiglumis 8: 
211; var. Porteri 24: 91; var. purgans 24:92. 
commutatus 15:147; 19: 120; 23:232; 24:89, 
90; 31:83; 35:200, 317; 37: :83; 44: 70; 48: 
18; 49: 258; 50:293. Dudleyi 32: 63-68, 71, 
pl. 196; 34: 32; 44:138; 48:18, 25; 49:258. 
erectus 36: 347; 48:8. hordeaceus 1: 68; 3: 
88; 15:147; 17: 30, 38; 19:120; 24:89, "90: 
29: :207; 31: 83; 32: 160, 237; 35: 200, 317; 37: 
83; 49: 258 ; 50: 301; x secalinus 24: 90; p. 
leptostachys 24:90; f. leptostachys 24: 89, 
90; 35:316; var. leptostachys 15:147; 19: 
190; 35:316, 317; 49:258. incanus 8: 212; 
14: 55; 19:121; 24: 91; 35:316; 37:371. in- 
ermis 11: 83, 121; 13: 88; 15: 147; 19:121; 23: 
232; 37:83; 43: 76; 46: 490 ; 48: 18; 49: 257; 
f. aristatus 35: 316; 48:18; 49: 257; f. bulbi- 
ferus 43:76; f. villosus 35: 316; var. ari- 
status 19: 191; 35:316. japonicus 15:148; 
19:121; 35: 361; 43:529; 44:70; 48:18; 49: 
258; var. porrectus 43: 529, 530; 47: 42: 49: 
258; var. typicus 43:529. Kalmii 12: 185; 
15: 148; 17:71; 32:67, 71, pl. 196; 37:299; 
40: 462; 48: 18, 24; 49: 258. laevipes 4: 147. 
latiglumis 8: 211; 24:91; 35:316; 37:371; 
43:510, 530—532, pl. 670; 48: 18, 25, 26; 49: 
258; f. incanus 35: 316; 48:18. Macounii 
36: 347. madritensis 16: 166. marginatus 6: 
83, 84; 19:121; 35: 182; 48:18; var. seminu- 
dus 48: 18. maximus 16: 166. mollis 6:83; 
24:90; 35:316, 317; 48:18; 49:258; b. lio- 


INDEX TO VoLuMEs 1—50 39 

stachys 24:90; 8. leiostachys 35:316; B. 
leptostachys 24:90; 35:317; f. leiostachys 
35:316; 48:18; 49:258; f. leptostachys 35: 
316; var. glabrescens 24:90. mollis-lejo- 
stachys 24:90. mutabilis, 8. hirtus 24:89. 
nottowayanus 43:530, 531, pl. 670. Or- 
cuttianus 37:372. pacificus41:182. Porteri 
32:67, 71, pl. 196. pratensis 35:317; 49: 
258. Pumpellianus 32:200, 202, map 19; 
37:372; 41:150, 152, 182; 42:317; var. arcti- 
cus 41:182; var. Tweedyi 41:182. purgans 
12:185; 15:148; 24:90-92; 32:66, 70; 35: 
316; 37:83, 371; 39:381; 40:382, 385; 43: 
509, 510, 529—531, pl. 670; 44:70, 379; 48: 
18, 24; 49:258; f. glabriflorus 24:91, 92; 
37 :371; 43:531; 48:18; f. laevivaginatus 24: 
91, 92; 40:250; 48:18; 49:258; racemosus 6: 
83; 15:148; 24:89, 90; 31:83; 35:317, 361; 
41:183; 44:344, 379; 48:18; 49:258; var. 
commutatus 6:83. ramosus 32:07, 71, pl. 
196. Richardsoni 32:66, 67; 41:182. rigidus 
49:258; var. Gussonei 48:18; 49:259. ru- 
bens 15:148; 16:166; 48:18; 49:259. secali- 
nus 4:90; 6:78, 83, 106; 15:148; 23:232; 24: 
89, 90; 26:222; 31:83; 32:160, 237; 35:361; 
38:298; 48:18; 49:258; 50:301; I. vulgaris 
a. typicus, 2. hirtus, 24:89; f. hirtus 24:89; 
var. velutinus 24:89. squarrosus 13:88; 48: 
18. sterilis 15:148; 43:493, 532; 48:18; 49: 
259. subulatus 21:78. Suksdorfii 37:372. 
tectorum 3:88; 6:83; 10:153; 11:130; 13: 
88; 15:148; 16:166; 17:38; 28:38; 31:83; 
40:275; 48:18; 49:259; 50:176, 177. Trinii 
30:243; var. a. pallidiflora 30:243; var. 8. 
micranthera 30:243; var. «y. manicata 30: 
243; var. 8. effusa 30:243; var. stricta 30:243. 
unioloides 15:148; 34:6; 49:257. villosus 
15:148; 16:166; 49:258; var. Gussonei 15: 
148; 16:166 

Brooklime 4:81, 191, 192 

Broom Crowberry 12:181. Scotch 32:129, 155; 
47 :335 

Brooms, Witches' 9:75 

Brothera 40:359 

Brotherella 35:146. delicatula 30:11 

Broussonetia 31:91, 94. papyrifera 19:128; 
31:92; 46:82. tinctoria 9:91 

Browallia 31:95 

Brown Algae 8:124; 50:263 

Bruchia Drummondii 3:216 

Brunella, (see: Prunella) 

Brunnichia cirrhosa 14:81; 17:130 

Bryaceae 30:6; 38:240; 39:41; 43:95 

Bryales 11:16 

Bryanthus 2:189; 3:156; 36:421. taxifolius 1: 
93; 3:164, 165, 175 

Bryhnia graminicolor 4:183. Hultenii 48:2 

Bryoniae similis floridana 47:301 

Bryophyta 41:142 

Bryophytes 4:29; 5:120; 23:69, 70; 44:129; 
48:1; 50:288, 290—292 

Bryopsis 8:125. arbuscula 21:207. hypnoides 
8:124; 23:253, 254, fig. 2. pennata 21:203, 
205. plumosa 1:70; 2:43; 7:226; 8:124, 125; 
21:207; 50:258 

Jryothamnion Seaforthii 6:182 

Bryoxiphium norvegicum 39:9 

Bryum 6:72; 43:95. affine 4:181; 30:7. ar- 
genteum 4:30; 26:219; 30:8; 50:292. bi- 
mum 4:30; 30:8. caespiticium 1:34; 2:62; 
4:30; 30:8. calophyllum 30:6. capillare 1: 
54; 6:73; 15:13; 30:7; var. obconicum 30: 
8. compactum 3:183. globosum 30:7. in- 
clinatum 30:6. intermedium 6:73. Knowl- 
toni 30:6. Longii 30:1, 2, 6, pl. 158. 
pallens 30:7. pallescens 3:180. pendulum 
30:6. pseudotriquetrum 3:180; 4:181; 6: 
73. roseum 4:30; 19:68. ventricosum 30: 
8. vino-viride 36:132 

Buchloé dactyloides 50:94 

Buchnera 41:469. americana 39:329, 447, 473, 
484, 488; 41:469, 569 

Buckeye 39:352; 45:383 

Buckhorn 18:31 

Bucklandia propulnea 33:81 

Buckleya 33:29, 30, map 4; 41:480. disticho- 
phylla 33:30, map 4; 37:309, 315; 46:83 

Buckthorn 20:205; 28:71. Carolina 38:440; 
46 :307 

Buckwheat 11:28; 48:97 

Buda 9:54; 21:8; 42:57, 58. borealis 2:208; 
12:161; 42:113. campestris 42:107, 175, 176, 
184. diandra 42:83. grandis 42:185, 187, 
189, 192, 193, 204, 206. macrotheca 42:71. 
marina 5:131, 133; 29:106; 42:120, 125, 185, 
189; var. leiosperma 42:126; var. minor 5: 
236; 12:163; 42:126. media 42:119, 125, 
189. platensis 42:181. rubra 42:106, 176. 
rupestris 42:208 

Buddleia 21:5; 48:175. Davidii 44:431 

Buellia colludens 29:104. coniops 36:140. 
conspirans 29:104. disciformis, var. saxicola 
29:104. geographica 28:161. myriocarpa 
28:161; 29:104. parasema 28:160 

Buffalo Bur 4:151 

Buffaloes 43:484 

Bugbane 23:202 

Bugula odorata lusitanica 42:263 

Buis 31:20 

Bulbochaete 18:92; 24:103; 26:211; 29:163; 
38:68; 50:69. Brebissonii 20:143; 38:68, 70. 
elatior 20:143; 38:71. Furberae 20:142, 
143, 145, pl. 124; 38:68, 71. gigantea 38:71. 
intermedia 7:240; 38:71; var. depressa 38: 
71; var. supramediana 20:143. mirabilis 38: 
71. Nordstedtii 38:70—72. praereticulata 
38:71, 73, pl. 407. pygmaea 38:72; var. 
erecta 38:72, 73, pl. 407. repanda 38:72. 
varians 24:108 

Bulbostylis 39:212; 40:391-395; 49:124. an- 
tillanus 40:392. barbata 40:394. capil- 
laris 40:394, 395, 482, pl. 510; 47:116; 50:129; 
var. erebra 40:395, 482, pl. 510; var. iso- 
poda 40:395, 482, pl. 510. ciliatifolius 
40:391; 42:362, 379, 420; 43:506, 514, 538; 
44:260; 45:369, 390. coarctatus 40:392; 
43:518, 538; 44:200. floridanus 40:392. 
nesioticus 40:392. nesiotis 40:392. ovata 
31:212. portoricensis 40:392. stenophyl- 
lus 40:391; 44:260. striatella 39:212 

Bulgaria polymorpha 44:171 


Bulrush(es) 6:231; 23:134. Giant 4:102. 
Great 6:65 

Bumblebees 44:189 

Bumelia 7:160; 38:379; 42:552, 554. angusti- 
folia 37:77. lanuginosa 36:224; 37:189, 194; 
42:500. lycioides 38:439, 440; var. virgin- 
iana 38:439, 440; 39:475; 41:478, 554; 43: 
523, 629; 44:346, 431 

Bunchberry 18:29; 22:40, 130 

Bunias edentula 24:23 

Bunium falcaria 25:12 

Bupleurum 24:92. americanum 41:160, 163, 
265; 42:334. angulosum 47:378. Odontites 
1:159. ranunculoides 41:265. rotundifolium 
1:159; 24:92; 46:138. triradiatum 41:265 

Bur, Buffalo 4:151 

Burdock(s) 12:43; 28:72 

Bureaua 9:38 

Burgrass 45:387 

Burlingtonia 2:31. decora 2:63 

Burmannia 41:472, 481, 485, 539. biflora 39: 
473, 480; 40:383; 41:471, 472, 488, 491, 502, 
538, 552, map 7; 42:384, 446; 44:241, 341, 

Burmanniaceae 25:158; 33:36, 42, 45, 53, 58, 
map 18; 35:106 

Burr Balls 7:43 

Bur-reed(s) 7:60; 44:214. Family 44:214 

Bursa 9:54; 26:230. Bursa-pastoris 28:70 

Bursa-pastoris 26:230, 231; 28:70 

Bursera Simaruba 48:105 

Burshia humilis 10:52 

Bush Honeysuckle 12:184 

Bushy Goldenrod 28:72 

Butomaceae 6:24; 25:221; 32:19 

Butomus 25:221; 32:15; 47:385. 
25:220; 32:18-20; 34:39; 50:179 

Butter-and-eggs 23:131 

Buttercup(s) 4:32; 5:260; 6:192; 7:107; 34: 
238; 42:326. Water 26:187 

Butter Dock 23:107 

Butterflies 41:186 

Butterfly-weed 43:498 

Butternut 25:204; 44:409-411, 413; 46:149, 

Butterwort 28:75 

Button-bush 4:131, 243, 244; 10:203 

Buttonwood 4:132 

Buxaceae 36:237 

Buxbaumia 5:258; 22:181; 41:112. aphylla 4: 
239; 5:258; 8:131; 40:372; 42:277. indu- 
siata 4:239; 5:258; 8:131; 10:71. sub- 
cylindrica 41:112 

Buxbaumiaceae 8:131; 11:16; 41:112 

Buxella 36:237 

Buxus sempervirens 41:516, 520 


Cabbage 41:157. Savoy 44:160. Skunk 11: 
63, 64; 18:30 
Cabomba 7:158. caroliniana 39:187, 481; 45: 
368, 400 

Cacalia 26:83; 40:356. atriplicifolia 26:83; 
37:451; 39:474; 40:357; var. angulata 44: 
254. Muhlenbergii 40:356. reniformis 40: 
356, 357. rotundifolia 40:356, 357. suaveo- 

lens 19:252; 26:83. tuberosa 36:225; 37: 
64, 71 

Cactaceae 42:159 

Cacti 45:26 

Cactus Opuntia 16:101 

Caenotus canadensis 15:208. pusillus 15:208 

Caeomurus pluriannulatus 10:13 

Caesalpiniaceae 21:190 

Cail renard 1: 167 

Cakile 18:217; 26:187. americana 2:208; 5: 
131; 24:21, 23; 26:225; 29:44, 64. califor- 
nica 24:22, 23. edentula 17:35, 146; 18:37, 
97, 217; 24:21-23, 87; 26:184, 225; 38:63; 
29:62, 89, 111, 122, 123, 131, 176, 213; 30: 
204; 32:147, 253; 33:111, 121; 50:296; var. 
californica 24:23; var. lacustris 24:23, 
87; 25:210; var. typica 24:23. lanceolata, 
subsp. edentula 24:23. maritima 24:22, 23; 
29:42, 176, 213; 30:204; var. americana 24: 
23; 29:176 

Calamagrostis 6:105; 7:160; 9:157; 14:175; 
15:127; 16:89; 22:132; 24:142; 30:202, 203; 
32:35; 33:22, 60, fig. 1; 35:125; 36:421; 38: 
267; 39:32; 46:285, 287, 289, 292-296, 299, 
300; 49:270. 8 Epigeios 30:202; subgen. 
Eucalamagrostis 32:36. divis. Quinque- 
nerviae 32:36; $ Calamagris 32:36-38, 56; 
$ Deyeuxia 32:36-38. sub-§ Ancylatherae 
32:36, 39, 56; 46:285, 296, 297, 304, 305; 
sub-$ Orthoatherae 32:36-38, 56 ; 46:285, 293, 
296, 298. acuminata 2:99. agrostoides 32: 
40. alaskana 32:43. aleutica 41:179. amer- 
icana 32:50. anomala 32:46. arenaria 26: 
222; 29:44; 32:157. arenicola 30:203—205; 
35:64; 49:270. blanda 24:143; 32:46. bore- 
alis 32:55. breviseta 46:294, 297, 299; var. 
lacustris 46:287, 297, 298. californica 32:53. 
canadensis 2:99, 209; 3:169; 5:46; 6:97, 105; 
11:88; 14:182; 15:127; 17:150; 18:33; 22: 
135; 24:142, 143; 29:40; 32:37-44, 46, 48, 57, 
235, 260, pl. 195; 33:60, 112, 116; 34:63; 35: 
213, 251; 36:406; 37:203; 38:264. 268; 41: 
146; 46:285; 49:270; var. acuminata 11:88; 
24:143; 32:42, 260; 34:51; var. arcta 32:40, 
45, 56, 57, pl. 195; var. Langsdorfi 24:143; 
25:6; 32:40, 43—45, 55, 57, pl. 195; 35:120; 36: 
406; 41:179; 42:317; var. Macouniana 32: 
39, 41; 38:264; 42:307 ; 49:270; var. pallida 
32:40, 45; var. robusta 24:143; 29:129, 148, 
207 ; 32:39, 42-44, 47, 57, 61, pl. 195; 36:277, 
406; 38:140, 264, 268; var. scabra 38:264, 
267, 269; var. typica 32:39, 40. cinnoides 
9:121; 14:20; 15:127; 30:203; 32:38, 47, 235; 
37:389; 38:265, 270; 39:476; 42:88, 91; 46: 
296; 49:270. coarctata 32:47, 53. colum- 
biensis 24:143; 32:43. confinis 1:165; 32: 
48; 46:287, 298. crassiglumis 32:38, 52. 
Cumingii 30:212. Cusickii 46:300. des- 
champsioides 41:179. dubia 24:144; 32:46. 
elongata 32:50. epigejos 30:202, 203; 35: 
65; 39:31; var. georgica 35:64, 65; 38:265, 
267; 39:31; 49:270. fasciculata 46:300. 
Fernaldii 46:290, 304, 305. georgica 35:65. 
glauca 32:47. groenlandica 32:55. Haller- 
iana 32:46. hirtigluma 24:143; 32:43, 55. 
hyperborea 6:105; 9:158; 11:88; 13:136; 

INDEX TO VoLuMEs 1-50 41 

32:18, 39, 48, 49, 52, 56, 57, pl. 195; 35:213, 
214; 46:297; var. americana 6:105; var. 
elongata 6:105, 138. inexpansa 6:105; 14: 
175; 32:38, 45, 48, 49, 52, 54, pl. 195; 35: 
55, 214; 41:152, 153; 46:287, 297; var. amer- 
icana 36:277; var. barbulata 32:48, 49; var. 
brevior 32:48-50, 51, 57, pl. 195; 35:214; 
38:265, 269; var. novae-angliae 32:48, 51, 
pl. 195; 38:265, 268; var. robusta 32:48, 
49, 52; 35:213, 214; 49:240; var. typica 32: 
48. insperata 46:289, 304. labradorica 13: 
119; 32:39, 53, 57, pl. 195. lactea 32:45. 
lacustris 42:307; 46:293, 294, 298, 299, 302, 
304, 305. Langsdorfi 1:192; 3:169; 5:38, 46; 
6:105; 9:158, 166; 24:143; 32:37, 43-45; 33: 
60; 41:159, 167; 42:317; var. lactea 32:45; 
var. Scribneri 24:144; 32:46. lapponica 13: 
123; 32:39, 45, 53, 56; 46:298; var. bre- 
vipilis 32:56, 57, pl. 195; 46:139; var. 
groenlandica 32:45, 56. laxiflora 32:45. 
Lechleri 30:212. Lepageana 46:285, 290, 
293-295, 299-303-305, pl. 837. lucida 32: 
38, 47. Macouniana 24:143; 32:37, 41, 42; 
49:270. mexicana 32:40. Michauxii 32:40. 
micrantha 32:37, 55; var. sierrae 32:55. 
montanensis 32:49, 56; 46:305. neglecta 5: 
248; 6:193; 12:110, 112; 13:123; 18:142; 
23:131, 230; 25:6; 32:37, 39, 45, 48, 51-53, 
55-57, pl. 195; 35:120, 214; 36:277; 38:140, 
265, 268, 269; 41:179; 46:295, 297, 298, 302 s 
var. borealis 32:51, 55; 35:214; 38:140; var. 
candidula 32:56; var. confinis 46:287; var. 
crassiglumis 32:52; var. hyperborea 32:82; 
var. inexpansa 32:48; var. micrantha 32:53, 
55; var. Wrightii 32:53. nemoralis 24 :144; 
46:290, 291. nubila 46:292-294, 296, 297, 
302, 304, 305, pl. 836. nutkaensis 32:45, 
92; 41:179. Nuttalliana 10:165; 32:47. 
oregonensis 24:143; 32:43. pallida 24:143; 
32:45, 46. perplexa 24:143; 35:212, 213; 38: 
265, 270; 46:286-294, 297, 298, 300-302, 304, 
305. Pickeringii 9:156, 158; 11:88; 13:116, 
131, 247; 15:127, 135, 136; 23:161, 230; 24: 
161; 28:162; 33:116; 35:212, map 20; 38: 
265, 270, 271; 46:286, 287, 290—298, 300-302, 
304, 305; 49:270; f. vivipara 46:296; var. 
debilis 15:135, 136; 23:99, 148, 230; 24: 
161; 28:162; 29:128, 148, 207; 35:212; 38: 
265; 46:286. 291, 293-295, 297, 305; 49:270; 
var. lacustris 8:210; 38:265; 46:291, 292, 
294, 298. Porteri 24:143, 144; 35:212; 46: 
286-291, 293, 294, 297, 298, 300, 301, 304, 
305; 47:42. Pseudophragmites 30:202; var. 
pallida 24:143. purpurascens 9:158; 13:219; 
30:219; 35:213; 41:179; 44:104 ; 46:280, 293— 
295. 300—305; 47:225; var. macrantha 35: 
213; var. parvigluma 35:213. purpurea 32: 
44, 45. robusta 32:50. rubescens 46 :295, 
299-301, 304, 305. scabra 24:143; 32:43. 
scopulorum 32:38, 47; var. Bakeri 32:47; 
var. lucidula 32:47. Scribneri 7:249; 24: 
143, 144; 32:36, 38, 46, 57, pl. 195; var. im- 
berbis 32:46. ‘stricta 6:105; 32:50, 53: 46: 
295, 207, 298; var. borealis 32:55; var. 
brevior 32:50; var. robusta 32:48. subflex- 
uosa 46:300. Suksdorfi 32:49; 46:300, 301, 

305. sylvatica 46:294, 295, 300; var. brevi- 
seta 46:294. Trinii 32:43. urelytra, a. ma- 
crantha 35:213; 8. parvigluma 35:213. varia 
46:300. villosa 32:44. wyomingensis 32:50 

Calamaria 47:385 

Calamariae 47:385, pl. 991 

Calamintha 6:128; 10:85. Acinos 1:24; 4: 
246; 6:142. Clinopodium 1:171, 221; 4: 
246; 6:128, 209. glabella, var. Nuttallii 10: 
85; 42:8. Nuttallii 10:85; 42:7 

Calamovilfa 50:64. brevipilis 41 :471, 472, 502, 
map 9, pl. 573; var. calvipes 41:501, 502, 
pl. 573; 44:349; var. heterolepis 41:502, 
pl. 573; var. typica 41:502. gigantea 50: 

Calamus 37:368 

Calandrinia 41:67. polyandra 41:67 

Calceolus parviflorus 48:4 

Calcitrapa 30:59 

Calcitrapoides 30:59 

California Heronbill 39:235. Poppy 18:214 

Calistachya 23:6. alba 23:6. virginica 23:7 

Calla 6:109; 12:5; 19:30; 31:9; 44:27. palus- 
tris 1:183; 4:74, 106; 5:133; 6:109; 12:5; 
13:78, 220; 23:145, 238; 34:51; 41:156, 209. 
sagittifolia 50:58, 59. virginica 12:49 

Caladium bicolor 50:59. glaucum 50:59, 125, 
126. sagittaefolium 12:48; 50:59. sagitti- 
folium 50:59. virginicum 12:48, 49; 50:59 

Callicarpa 11:55; 46:46, 307, 314. americana 
38:377; 39:235 

Calliopsis andreniformis 41:186 

Calliergon cordifolium 15:12. giganteum 30: 
10. sarmentosum 30:10. stramineum 15: 
12; 24:123; 30:10. trifarium 13:44, 45; 40: 
156, 167. turgescens 30:10 

Callionia canadensis 33:186. pumila 33:186 

Callirhoe 40:460. alcaeoides 40:461; 47:217. 
Bushii 11:51; 36:231; 40:460. digitata 36: 
231; 40:461. involucrata 40:460, 461; f. in- 
cisa 45:271; var. Bushii 40:460, 461. leio- 
carpa 40:461. Papaver 11:51; 35:287; 40: 
461. pedata 40:461. scabriuscula 40:461. 
triangulata 40:461 

Callistachys 23:6 

Callistephus 46:313. chinensis 19:250; 39: 
369, 375; 46:313. hortensis 34:61 

Callithamnion 2:131; 5:15; 9:91; 26:191. 
americanum 50:264. Baileyi 2:48; 3:135; 
7:283; 8:112; 26:191; 35:149; 43:214; 50: 
264; var. boreale 2:48; 3:135; var. laxum 2: 
48; var. Rochei 2:48. Borreri 50:264. 
byssoideum 2:49; 7:233; 50:264; var. uni- 
laterale 2:49. corymbosum 2:49, 1835 7 
233; 8:112; 26:214; 35:148; 50:265; var. 
secundatum 2:49. Daviesii 8:194; 50:265; 
var. secundatum 8:194. Halliae 8:111. 
Lenormandi 13:186, 187. luxurians 8:194; 
50:265. plumula 50:265. roseum 2:49; 7: 
234; 35:148; 50:265. seirospermum 50:265. 
tetragonum 2:49; 3:134, 135; 7:234; 43: 
214. Turneri 50:265. variabile 3:292. vir- 
gatulum 8:191—193 

Callitrichaceae 6:121; 21:125; 25:9; 26:226; 
29:216; 31:42; 32:258; 49:255; 50:297 

Callitriche 6:121; 21:125; 23:273; 32:15; 35: 


124, 185; 41:376; 43:209. anceps 10:51; 
13:133; 29:164; 35:185; 44:123, 143. Aus- 
tini 3:89; 4:99; 35:200; 39:481. autumnalis 
25:211; 28:216; 36:307; 41:167, 254. de- 
flexa 43:589; var. Austini 32:15; 35:200; 41: 
490, 548; 43:491, 589. hermaphroditica 25: 
211; 28:127, 216; 36:93; 41:254, 506. hetero- 
phylla 1:164; 5:134; 7:107; 10:52; 16:89; 
21:125; 23:273; 26:226; 28:39, 120, 216; 32: 
148, 160, 216, 258; 34:38; 35:185, 200; 37: 
193, 350; 43:589; 48:114; 49:250; 50:297. 
palustris 6:121; 21:125; 22:138; 23:273; 25: 
9; 29:132, 216; 32:148, 177, 258; 34:53; 36: 
47, 307; 41:254, 506. stagnalis 34:37—39; 
36:181. terrestris 43:589. verna 6:121; 7: 
107; 41:148, 159, 254; 43:589; f. caespitosa 

Calluna 9:47; 10:173, 175-179; 15:189, 191, 
192; 16:158; 24:152; 28:51-53, 87; 33:162, 
163; 36:27; 49:254. atlantica 15:191; 28: 
52, 55. ciliaris 15:191. vulgaris 1:93, 107; 
2:53, 160; 4:200; 10:173, 176; 15:189, 190; 
19:245; 24:152; 27:214; 28:51, 52, 55, 82, 
83; 29:127; 30:204, 205; 33:162; 35:294; 38: 
15; 49:250; b. pubescens 15:191; var. pube- 
scens 15:190 

Callymenia reniformis 2:49 

Calobryaceae 19:268; 25:194 

Calobryum 19:268 

Calocarpum Sapota 49:291 

Calochortus albus 9:51; 41:312. Greenei 33: 
204; var. calvus 33:204. Nuttallii 9:51; 

Calostoma 1:230; 3:144; 11:197. cinnabari- 

num 1:30, 31, 33; 3:40, 144. lutescens 1: 
31-33. Ravenelii 1:31, 33; 11:197, 198 

Calothrix 5:208, 209; 10:126, 127, 162; 13:185; 

26:189; 28:3; 40:229; 50:263. adscendens 
15:90. aeruginea 2:41; 7:223; 10:160. 
Braunii 7:237; 13:185. confervicola 2:41; 
7:223; 10:160; 26:190, 212; 50:256. Con- 
tarenii 2:13. crustacea 2:41; 7:223; 8:105; 
13:185; 26:212; 40:75; 50:256; f. prolifera 
8:105. epiphytica 26:211. fasciculata 2: 
41; f. inerustans 2:13, 41. fusca 6:230; 7: 
237, 239. fuscoviolacea 2:41; 26:190, 212; 
50:256. juliana 50:67. Kawraiskyi 13:185. 
linearis 28:3. parasitica 2:41; 7:223; 26: 
212; 50:256. parietina 7:237; 15:90; 24: 
105; 26:162; 28:3; 29:161, 162; 50:68. pro- 
lifera 8:105. pulvinata 2:41; 4:178; 5:208; 
7:223. scopulorum 2:41; 3:289; 7:223, 243; 
10:160, 162; 26:212; 50:256. stagnalis 8: 
123; 14:114. vivipara 2:41; 50:256 

Calotropis procera 47:369 
Caltha 6:116; 18:166; 42:324. arctica 41:226. 

biflora 34:239. leptosepala 41:225. Ma- 
counii 41:225. natans 41:159, 226; 42:313, 
324; 45:53, 54, 214. palustris 3:130; 5:132; 
6:116; 11:94; 12:128; 13:123; 18:166; 19: 
220; 20:183, 196; 21:65, 170; 22:42, 49; 28: 
53, 63; 33:60; 34:52; 35:277; 36:281; 37: 
316, 426; 40:382, 421; 43:486, 492, 552; 46: 
84; f. radicans 41:226; var. asarifolia 41: 
226; 42:324 


Calocylindrus 5:292. connatus 5:255; 7:254. 
curtus 9:232. DeBaryi 7:258. diplospora 7: 
113. minutus 7:114; 9:233. pseudoconna- 

Calvatia gigantea 39:369 

Calycanthaceae 47:385, pl. 991 
Calycanthemae 47:385 

Calycanthus 37:358; 44:34. fertilis 46:85. 

tus 7:254. Thwaitesii 7:255 

Calodon alboniger 44:168. velutinum 44: 


Caloglossa Leprieurii 2:49; 7:232 

Calogyne 50:124 

Caloneis Wardii 9:131, 134 

Calophanes humistrata 47:82 

Caloplaca aurantiaca 29:104; var. erythrella 
29:104. cerina, var. siderites 29:104. 
pyracea 29:104 

Caloplacae 36:166 

Calopogon 3:86, 87; 5:259; 7:49, 158; 9:53; 
11:76; 19:32; 23:79; 27:195, 196; 31:10, 15; 
33:39; 39:485; 43:502, 504. barbatus 36: 
42; 44:245; 48:11; var. multiflorus 48:11. 
graminifolius 36:42. multiflorus 48:11. 
pallidus 42:378, 380, 446, map 13; 43:502, 
508, 549; 44:241, 350; 45:369, 398; 48:11. 
parviflorus 48:11. pulchellus 2:114, 172; 3: 
86; 4:18; 5:82, 133; 11:76, 92; 13:128, 139, 
220, pl. 89 (map 7) ; 15:163; 17:149; 19:32; 
22:137; 23:132; 26:177; 27:193, 195, 196; 
29:129, 211; 32:150, 210, 246; 33:119; 35: 
5, 85, 241; 36:420; 40:180; 42:87, 88, 90, 92; 
43:502; 46:494; 48:189; f. albiflorus 23: 
245; 43:502, 549; f. latifolius 48:188; var. 
graminifolius 44:254; var. latifolius 48:188, 
189. tuberosus 27:196; f. albiflorus 23:245 

Calorhabdos 23:4 

Calosmon 8:197, 198 

inodorus 44:254. nanus 44:254 

Calymperaceae 40:359, 360 . 
Calymperes 40:359. Donnellii 36:55. 

hawaiiense 36:132. lonchophyllum 36:55. 
nicaraguense 36:55 

Calypogeia 9:56; 11:16; 26:232. arguta 9:67, 

69. bifurca 9:67. fissa 9:70; 11:194; 19: 
264, 271, 272; 23:384; 25:196, 198; 26:6, 10. 
Francisci 19:272. integristipula 11:194. 
Neesiana 11:193, 194; 14:17, 18; 15:23, 26; 
25:196; 26:10. paludosa 17:107, 119, 120; 
25:196, 199; f. subaquatica 17:120. sphagni- 
cola 9:65, 66, 70, 71; 14:224; 15:23, 27; 
17:119; 18:119; 21:169; 25:196; 26:6, 10. 
suecica 9:66, 70, 71; 10:192; 15:23, 27; 16: 
76; 25:196; 26:10. Sullivantii 9:67—69, 73, 
pl. 73; 15:23, 27; 16:75; 23:284; 25:196; 
26:6, 10. tenuis 9:69—71, 73, pl. 73; 10: 
192; 11:195; 14:18, 224; 15:23, 27; 17:119; 
25:199. Trichomanis 9:65-67, 69-71; 11: 
194; 15:23, 27; 17:119, 120; 19:271; 25:196; 
26:10; var. Neesiana 11:193; var. tenuis 9: 
69; 17:119 

Calypso 6:112; 7:157; 13:221; 31:15, 91, 94; 

35:61. borealis 4:18, 22; 6:112; 13:221; 
16:198; 18:71; 32:205. bulbosa 6:112; 13: 
115, 161, 221; 21:65; 22:42, 47; 24:187; 28: 
125, 177; 31:91; 35:60; 36:279; 41:215; 42: 

Calyptospora columnaris 34:61 

INDEX TO VoLUMEsS 1—50 43 

Calystegia 9:46, 55; 41:416. americana 41: 
420. Catesbeiana 37:439; 41:417. inflata 
41:420. Maximillianea 41:419. riparia 41: 
420. sagittata 41:420. sepium 10:55; 26: 
227; 41:419; var. pubescens 10:55; 41:421; 
var. repens 41:421. spithamaea 41:410. 
tomentosa 41:417. villosa 41:421 

Camarosporium metableticum 41:512 

Camassia 37:349. esculenta 10:31. 
cinthina 40:131. quamash 10:31. 
loides 38:405; f. Petersenii 40:178 

Camelina 6:78; 18:217; 42:274; 45:277. bar- 
bareaefolia 41:232; 42:270, 274. microcarpa 
6:23, 83, 84; 11:22; 12:169; 13:89; 17:30; 
18:217; 19:225; 23:265; 31:84; 46:85; 48:99. 
sativa 2:122; 6:78; 16:191; 18:217; 31:84. 
sylvestris 1:106 

Camellia sinensis 47:143 

Campanaceae 47:384, 385, pl. 991 

Campanopsis 9:48 

Campanula 6:130, 146; 9:157; 21:107; 26:18; 
28:145; 29:189; 36:189; 42:156; 44:362; 47: 
392; 48:209, 212; 50:39-46. 8 Campanop- 
sis 9:48. americana 41:193, 466, 475, 570; 
43:503, 520, 652, map 7; 44:240, 362, 458; 
50:44; f. tubuliflora 44:458. amplexicaulis 
7:48. aparinoides 4:15; 6:142; 9:122; 12: 
192; 25:213, 214; 26:18; 43:507, 652. di- 
varicata 39:198, 200, fig. 15 (map). dubia 
29:189. exigua 41:311. fastigiata 50:40. 
Giesekiana 29:189; 36:189. glomerata 4:15, 
20; 26:18; 42:525; 46:28. intercedens 36: 
190. lactescens 47:384. lasiocarpa 41:148, 
163, 290; 42:339. patula 6:146. perfoliata 
7:48. persicifolia 26:18. pusilla 29:189, 
220. rapunculoides 4:17; 6:130; 10:153; 
17:36; 26:18; 47:404; var. ucranica 47:404. 
rotundifolia 3:177; 4:15; 5:289; 6:97, 130, 
192; 17:148; 19:63; 21:201; 22:49; 23:131; 
26:18; 28:60; 29:189, 190, 220; 32:18; 33: 
125; 34:55; 35:56; 36:188—190, 224, 227, 284; 
38:120, 159; 40:251; 41:290; var. alaskana 
13:127; 33:111, 125; 35:57, 310; var. arctica 
4:19; 36:189; var. intercedens f. cleistoco- 
dona 47:391. Trachelium 26:18. uliginosa 
6:142; 10:172; 12:192; 15:167; 29:249; 25: 
213, 214; 26:18; 35:252; 43:034. uniflora 
9:163; 14:88; 19:142; 25:114; 30:327; 38: 
158; 41:165, 290; 42:312, 339; 44:124 

Campanulaceae 4:15; 6:130; 26:18; 29:220; 
31:42; 32:276; 36:237, 284; 38:243; 43:92; 
49:255; 50:39-42, 44, 49, 300. subfam. 
Cyphioideae 50:48. subfam. Lobelioideae 
38:243, 244; 50:42, 48 

Campanulastrum 44:362, 458 

Campe Barbarea 11:139, 140. stricta 11:139 

Camponotus 45:440. herculeanus pennsyl- 
vanicus 43:207; 45:445 

Campsis radicans 39:482 

Camptosorus 1:169; 3:42, 192, 248; 4:63; 5: 
272; 8:13; 9:83, 187; 19:171; 22:87, 88; 
30:15, 42. ebenoides 50:118. pinnatifidus 
50:118. rhizophyllus 1:171, 181; 2:14; 3: 
236, 248; 4:55, 63; 8:08, 113, 114, 230; 9: 
83, 187; 15:225; 22:80, 87; 30:14, 15; 34: 


172, 173; 35:249; 36:223, 225; 50:117; f. 
auriculatus 30:15 

Camptothecium 6:43. nitens 6:43; 10:38; 13: 
46; 15:12; var. falcifolium 15:12 

Campulosus 9:53 

Campylaephora hypneoides 21:203, 206 

Campylium 50:52. chrysophyllum 24:123; 
90:52. Halleri 50:52. hispidulum 50:52; 
var. Sommerfeltii 50:52. polygamum 50: 
52. radicale 50:52. stellatum 24:123; 30: 
10; 50:52 

Campylocentrum 7:119 

Campylocera 50:47, 48. leptocarpa 50:47 

Campylodiscus hibernicus 9:137. echineis 9: 
128, 137. Thuretii 26:193, 216 

Campylophyllum Halleri 30:10 

Campylopus 40:359 

Campylostelium 36:60 

Campynema 25:156, 158. linearis 25:156 

Canada Blue Grass 49:262. Thistle 11:130 

Canadian Goldenrod 23:151. Waterleaf 7:99, 

Canary Grass 49:276. Reed 49:277 

Candelariella crenulata 36:140. vitellina 28: 
231; 29:103, 105; var. aurella 28:931 

Candle Berry 37:423 

Cane 42:278. à sucre 24:55, 56 

Cana angustifolia 47:293. flaccida 39:402; 42: 
446. glauca 47:293. indica 47:293; 49:134 

erano 17:169; 44:27. sativa 17:169; 26: 

Cannoides 38:441 

Canoe Birch 12:37; 15:168; 21:48; 23:91 

Cantharellus 3:142. aurantiacus 2:193; 44: 
169. cibarius 3:38; 44:169. cinnabarinus 
44:169. dichotomus 13:63. minor 92:194 

Capellia 9:47 

Capillaire 12:183; 35:129 

Capitatae 47:386 

Capitularia decorticata 34:158 

— 9:54. flavulum 48:326. Halei 48: 

Capnorchis 9:54 

Capparidaceae 18:248; 19:217; 31:42; 49:288 

Capparis 47:385. lasiantha 9:45 

Capraria 23:1. gratioloides 10:67 

Caprifoliaceae 6:54, 129; 7:27, 28; 12:184; 18: 
43; 25:11; 26:15, 228; 29:220; 31:42; 32: 
276; 36:284; 49:255; 50:300 

Caprifolium proliferum 12:166, 167. Sulli- 
vantii 12:167 

Capriola 9:53. Dactylon 30:51 

Capsella 2:84; 6:118; 7:16; 9:54; 18:217; 26: 
230; 36:364; 44:346. Bursa-pastoris 3:187; 
5:135; 6:118; 12:128; 13:91; 17:35, 216; 
18:37, 217; 19:220; 21:170; 22:137; 25:9; 
26:186, 225; 29:213; 32:253; 33:121; 34:52; 
36:281; 39:84; 41:235; 42:327; 50:17, 302; 
var. bifida 38:423. elliptica 13:137. gra- 
cilis 44:346, 400. rubella 41:545 2250: 17 

Capsicum 3:282 

Capsosiphon aureolus 5:30 

Carara 31:92 

Caraway 11:178 

Carbenia 9:55 


Cardamine 3:185; 6:118; 7:159; 9:47; 17:156, 
233; 18:217; 35:16, 125; 39:84; 40:373; 42: 
357; 43:220, 291, 292, 294. arenicola 29: 
192; 39:81. bellidifolia 1:186; 3:160, 174, 
185; 36:148; 37:419; 38:112-114, 116, 119, 
122, 125, 152; 41:234 ; 42:312, 327; var. berin- 
gensis 41:234; 42:327; var. laxa 9:161; 38: 
152. Blaisdellii 41:163, 164, 234, 235. 
bracteata 20:198, 199. bulbosa 18:217; 36: 
31, 44, 226; 37:350; 40:422; 41:489; 45:359. 
Clematitis 23:71. cordifolia 36:411, 412. 
digitata, f. oxyphylla 41:234. Douglassii 31: 
14, 17, pl. 177; 36:411, 412; 41:489, 545; 45: 
360. flexuosa 19:91; 35:16, 267, 277. fonti- 
nalis 22:13, 14. glacialis 9:48; var. subcar- 
nosa 9:48. grandiflora 22:14. hirsuta 19: 
91; 24:99; 40:372; 5. virginica 29:192; subsp. 
oligosperma 17:157; var. subcarnosa 9:148; 
var. sylvatica 1:81; 4:92; 29:192; var. vir- 
ginica 39:89. hyperborea 41:234. laciniata, 
var. integra 10:84. Longii 19:91, 92; 42: 
401, 514, map 25; 44:346, 347, 356, 400. 
lucens 20:198, 199. ludoviciana 39:81. 
Lyallii 36:411. neglecta 29:35. oligosperma 
17:156, 157; 20:197, 198; var. bracteata 17: 
157; 20:198; var. lucens 17:157; 20:198; 
var. unijuga 17:158; 20:198, 199. palu- 
dosa 22:13, 14. palustris 22:13, 14. parvi- 
flora 1:81, 104; 2:208; 5:128; 6:84; 17:233; 
18:217; 19:91; 23:71; 25:45; 29:101, 192; 
37:192; 38:454; 42:41; subsp. virginica 29: 
192; var. arenicola 29:192; 32:178; 37:192, 
261; 39:82, 83. Pattersoni 32:25. pensyl- 
vanica 4:92; 5:131, 132; 6:118; 18:37, 217; 
19:91; 21:201; 23:172; 24:99; 29:131, 176, 
214; 35:16, 267; 36:44; 37:59; 38:192; 41: 
234; 42:94; var. Brittoniana 39:475; 4l: 
545. polemonioides22:14. pratensis 1:233; 
18:217; 22:12-14; 24:116; 40:275; 41:234; 
42:327; 49:248; f. plena 22:13, 14; var. an- 
gustifolia 22:13, 14; 28:91, 201; 35:120; 41: 
234; 42:327; var. dentata 22:13, 14; var. 
fodinarum pendula 22:14; var. fossicola 22: 
13, 14; var. oblongifolia 22:14; var. palus- 
tris 22:12-14; 35:15, 267. propinqua 9:48. 
pulcherrima 48:12. purpurea 41:146, 147, 
163, 234; 42:312, 327; 45:311. rotundifolia 
36:230. spathulata 50:120. sylvatica 29: 
192. uintahensis 36:410, 411, pl. 322. 
umbellata 41:235. unijuga 17:156, 158; 20: 
198. virginiana 40:290. virginica 29:192; 
39:81-83; 43:481 

Cardaminopsis 43:292. kamtschatica 43:362 
Cardaria 42: 303, 304, 306. Draba 42:304; 
var. repens 42:304, 305; f. macrocarpa 42: 
305. fenestrata 42:306. macrocarpa 42: 
i pubescens 42:305; var. elongata 


carolinianus 50:228, 229, pl. 1115. crispus 
28:47. discolor 4:203. flaccidus 50:229, pl. 
1115. Helleri 38:408. Hillii 10:95; 19:63, 
67. lanceolatus 6:133. leiocephalus 13:240. 
muticus 6:133; var. subpinnatifidus 10:95; 
45:353. nutans 1:47; 19:252; 29:191, 221; 
44:248. pinetorum 45:353; 50:228. plat- 
tensis 13:240. revolutus 45:509. spinosissi- 
mus 13:239; 50:228, pl. 1115. undulatus, 
var. megacephalus 10:94. virginianus 50: 
228. vittatus 45:353 

Carelia 9:50, 55 
Carex 2:216; 3:69, 208, 220, 221, 241, 244, 283; 

4:167; 5:248, 249, 251; 6:108; 7:5, 107, 141; 
8:73, 114, 165; 9:40, 120; 10:207, 208; 11: 
131; 12:115, 124-126; 13:130, 233, 247, 248; 
14:21, 29, 76, 107; 17:204; 18:34; 19:59, 62, 
98; 22:181; 23:138, 172; 24:189; 26:144; 
28:61, 102, 108; 29:9, 29, 118, 123, 153; 30: 
199; 31:12, 13, 16, 125; 32:199, 258; 33:60, 
fig. 1; 34:21, 246; 35:55, 84, 139, 235; 36:34, 
235; 38:109; 39:491; 40:77, 154, 155, 158, 
249, 325-327, 330; 41:157, 158, 170, 203, 208, 
288, 289, 492; 42:150, 357; 43:220, 334, 413, 
415, 486, 487, 489, 501, 510, 525; 44:20, 87, 
981, 282, 287, 320; 45:241; 47:96, 206, 209, 
260, 385; 48:70, 82, 145, 146; 49:82, 91; 50: 
103, 126. 8 Acutae, sub-8 Vulgares 41:207. 
§ Atratae 35:220; 39:492, 494; 44:300. 
$ Cryptocarpae 44:293, 294. $ Divisae 43: 
413, 415. 8 Extensae 44:318. § Firmi- 
culmes 41:31. § Frigidae 17:158. § Indo- 
carex 36:39; 43:542. § Laxiflorae 44:311- 
313, 315. § Montanae 33:233. $ Oligo- 
carpae 3:171. 8 Ovales 3:43; 36:246; 40: 
327, 328; 43:494; 44:71. 8 Physocarpae 
sub-8 Vesicariae 3:43, 56; 41:209. 8 Pseu- 
docypereae 3:56. 8 Rigidae 3:43. $ Vesi- 
cariae 43:418, 419; 44:281. § Vignea 31:12. 
grex Dactylostachyae 31:13. grex Lejoch- 
laenae 31:13. abdita 40:399; 44:289, 290, 
321, pl. 710. abscondita 36:40; 37:406; 38: 
376; 39:429, 473; 44:348, 387, 388; var. 
glauca 37:406; 44:386; var. rostellata 44: 
386, 387. xabsconditiformis 44:387. 
acuta 44:300-302; a. 44:301; a. nigra 44: 
300, 301; B. 44:301; B. ruffa 44:300, 301. 
acutiformis 4:218; 12:188; 13:233. adusta 
4:918; 15:98; 17:153, 154; 24:97, 99, 163. 
aenea 4:218, 227; 6:138, 203; 12:103, 186; 
13:178; 23:132, 142, 236; 24:97; 34:51; 37: 
203; 44:437; 47:44. aestivalis 4:218, 227; 
6:138; 7:100; 12:187; 13:30, 233; 24:144. 
aggregata 44:284. alata 4:218; 8:29; 13: 
233; 22:15; 32:177, 210, 211, 240; 39:476; 
40:251, 330; 43:334. alba 30:29; var. seti- 
fera 7:142. albicans 4:218, 223, 224; 6:108; 
7:109; 24:99; 35:249; 40:330, 331. albolu- 

Cardinal-flower 41:482 
Cardinalis Rivini 38:276 
Cardiolepis 42:303 

tescens 1:184, 202; 4:218, 227; 8:29; 12: 
108; 13:233; 14:29; 19:123; 26:223; 32:150, 
240; 40:327, 330; 50:294; var. cumulata 13: 
Cardiospermum 21 :127 ; 47:217. Halicacabum 233; 24:185; 33:132, 138, 150, 235; x sco- 
1:214; 21:127; 47:209, 217 paria 23:235. albo-nigra 21:84; 39:494; 41: 
Carduus 9:48, 55; 10:94; 13:238; 47:290; 50: 207. albursina 24:190, 192, 193; 35:249; 40: 
998. 8 Alfredia 9:48. acanthoides 12:217; 80, 81. allegheniensis 44:308-310; 45:107. 
19:952; 23:140; 47:46. arvensis 6:133. alopecoidea 4:218; 6:194; 19:123; 24:184. 

INDEX TO VoLuMEs 1-50 45 

alpina 4:228; 9:159; 28:165; 35:120, 220— 
223, 398, 400, map 21, pl. 248; 38:144; 41: 
204, 205; 44:129, 304; f. inferalpina 35:223, 
398; var. inferalpina 35:222, 223, 398, map 
21, pl. 248; 41:204, 205; var. Stevenii 35: 
222, 223, 398, map 21, pl. 248; 44:303; var. 
typica 35:222, map 21. alta 24:87. alto- 
caulis 6:108. ambusta 43:419, 420. amphi- 
bola 36:40; 39:481; 41:492, 534; 48:486, 487, 
545, 546, pl. 671; 44:311—315; var. globosa 
44:311; var. rigida 44:311, 314, 315; var. 
turgida 44:311—315. ampullacea 3:43, 45, 
51; 44:325, 327-329; 48:146; a. altissima 44: 
330; var. maxima 44:330; var. robusta 44: 
330; var. utriculata 3:51; 44:330. anceps 
16:213; 24:99, 163, 190—194, 198-201; 44: 
316-318; var. angustifolia 24:195; var. pa- 
tulifolia 24:198; var. striatula 24:194. an- 
drogyna 37:253. angarae 35:223, 398; 41: 
146, 155, 203, 205; 42:318; 44:106, 303; var. 
Stevenii 41:204; 44:303. anguillata 32: 
258; 36:91, 92; 44:298, 299. angustior 35: 
219; 36:278; 37:84; 41:30; 49:243; var. gra- 
cilenta 41:30. annectens 23:173; 24:73, 74, 
87; 32:177, 212; 37:84; var. xanthocarpa 
24:74. anthericoides 32:9-11. aperta 4: 
226; 29:125, 151, 208. aquatilis 4:218; 5: 
33; 12:187; 13:233; 19:124; 29:132, 151, 208; 
33:22, fig. 1; 35:230; 36:278, 307; 38:145; 
41:159, 166, 207; 42:318; 44:295-298, pl. 
712; 45:308; x salina, var. pseudofilipen- 
dula 28:122, 166; var. altior 44:295, 298, 
pl. 712; var. cuspidata 12:136; var. elatior 
4:218; 44:295, 208; var. stans 41:207; 44: 
295, 298, 299; 50:121; var. substricta 44: 
295-298. arapahoensis 21:83. arcta 3: 
151; 4:218; 10:146; 12:136; 22:132, 1957 
29:150; 32:201, 203, map 34. arctata 1:183; 
2:121, 170, 171; 3:170; 4:218; 6:108; 11:91; 
13:233; 23:238; 32:164-166; 33:118; 34:63; 
37:203; 44:232; 49:244; x castanea 4:218; 
X flexilis 32:164; x formosa 32:164; var. 
Faxoni 3:170; 4:218. arenaria 36:412; 38: 
381, 399, 444; 42:520. argyrantha 40:327, 
328; 47:44; 50:120. artitecta, var. subtili- 
rostris 40:79, Asa-Grayi 28:244. assini- 
boinensis 45:167. atherodes 50:120. athro- 
stachya 38:299. atlantica 4:229; 8:29; 13: 
135; 23:96, 99, 104, 138, 236; 24:184; 36: 
38; 49:243. atrata 28:165; 39:491, 495; var. 
ovata 3:160, 170; 4:218; 9:159, 190. atrati- 
formis 28:75, 104, 165; x Halleri 28:121, 
164. atrofusca 41:151, 203, 206; f. flavescens 
36:91. atrosquama 41:146, 207; 42:318. 
aurea 3:190; 4:168, 218; 6:108; 11:00; 12: 
115; 13:233; 20:101; 22:92; 23:133, 165, 170, 
199, 237; 28:5; 36:278; 37:253, 255, 339, pl. 
360; 41:149, 202; 46:26; var. androgyna 37: 
253, 254. austrina 36:231. Backii 4:218; 
9:159, 208; 44:104. Baileyi 3:56; 6:108; 7: 
109. Banksii, f. ochrostachya 36:91. Bar- 
rattii 23:175; 39:349, 353, 394, 467, 475, map 
25; 40:381, 401, 402; 41:476; 49:93. Bay- 
ardi 44:71, 348; 45:367, 393. Bebbii 4:218, 
228; 6:109, 203; 7:109; 10:172; 19:123; 23: 
165, 236; 24:163; 33:63; 38:366; 49:243. 

Bellardi 43:418. Bella-villa 23:87. Bey- 
richiana 3:55. Bicknellii 4:219, 228; 13: 
233; 14:55; 19:97, 123. bicolor 9:159:513: 
127; 28:7, 76, 91, 105, 118, 164; 35:57, 
120, 125; 37:253, 255; 43:418; 44:304. 
Bigelowii 44:115, 298, 299; 50:120; f. an- 
guillata 44:298. bina 44:300. binervis 
13:243, 244. bipartita 28:121, 124, 163; 
29:55; 35:120; 38:124, 144; 43:418; 44:115; 
var. amphigena 44:139. blanda 24 :190—192, 
194, 195, 197, 198, 201; 40:80; 44:312, 317. 
Bolanderi 15:92, 93. brevior 37:84. bro- 
moides 4:219; 6:109; 13:233; 21:200; 26: 
38; 40:326, 386, 399; 41:533. brunnea 13: 
233. brunnescens 3:172; 4:219; 5:37; 6: 
109; 9:63, 156, 159, 169; 11:90; 13:233; 17: 
152; 19:123; 21:192; 22:133; 25:7; 28:163; 
32:61; 33:51; 35:59; 36:278, 410; 37:206; 
39:492; 41:201; 42:42, 318; 45:167; 49:243; 
var. gracilior 21:201; var. sphaerostachya 
28:163; 29:150, 208; 32:153, 240; 33:118; 
34:51; 36:278; 49:243. bulbosa 24:192. 
bulbostylis 44:311. bullata 1:202; 2:69, 
170; 3:46, 47, 51, 52, 198; 4:219; 8:28, 202; 
13:234; 32:178; 39:334, 381, 395, 476; 40: 
381, 401, 402; x utriculata 1:202; 3:52; 8: 
202; var. Greenei 8:202; 13:234; 14:21; 
19:125; 23:97, 99, 104, 150, 238; 24:164; 32: 
212; x lupulina 13:234; x vesicaria 13: 
234; X vesicaria var. monile, 13:234; var. 
Olneyi 3:52; 4:219; 8:202. Bushii 19:124; 
40:460. Buxbaumii 29:132, 151, 209; 33: 
118; 35:84, 220; 40:381, 401; 41:476; 43: 
492; 45:278; f. dilutior 35:84, 220. Can- 
driani 28:165. canescens 2:209; 3:172; 4: 
219, 228; 6:138; 9:159, 169; 12:136; 16:190; 
22:185; 25:7; 28:38; 29:150, 208; 34:51; 
35:59; 36:278; 37:206; 38:144; 41:201; x 
norvegica 12:136; var. alpicola 1:197 3: 
172; 6:109; var. disjuncta 4:219; 6:138; 7: 
109; 12:136; 13:234; 17:148; 29:125, 150, 
208; 32:150, 153, 172, 213, 240; 34:51; 43: 
497, 543; var. sphaerostachya 28:163; var. 
subloliacea 4:219; 6:109, 138; 7:109; 8:168; 
9:159; 13:234; 34:51; 36:278; 37:84; var. 
vulgaris 3:190; 13:234; 28:164. capillaris 3: 
165; 4:219; 9:159; 35:120, 277; 37:64, 73, 
206, 259, 299; 38:118, 144; 41:202, 203; 42: 
318; 44:115, 125; 49:244; var. elongata 4: 
219, 228; 9:159, 190; 13:125; 15:133; var. 
nana 41:155, 202. capitata 3:165; 4:150, 
219, 228; 9:155, 159; 27:97; 28:98, 99, 163; 
35:120, 275, 336; 36:278; 38:143; 41:200; 
42:318. Careyana 4:227. caroliniana 36: 
39; 40:377, 401; 41:534. caryophyllea 13: 
234; 37:84; 44:286, 287. castanea 4:219, 
228; 6:108, 192; 11:90; 13:115, 138; 17:65, 
66, 68; 21:87; 32:165, 166; 34:231; 42:143; 
44:254. cephalantha 32:150, 240; 35:219. 
cephaloidea 4:219; 10:146, 218; 13:69, 234; 
15:98; 16:13; 49:199, 200; 50:120. cephalo- 
phora 4:219; 5:249; 13:234; 32:152, 216, 
241. Chapmanii 24:200. cherokeensis 37: 
314. chordorrhiza 1:183; 4:219, 228; 41110; 
12:108, 117; 21:65; 36:278; 41:167, 200, 209; 
44:108; 49:244; var. sphagnophila 28:108, 


163. circinata 36:10. clivicola 33:233, 
234, 240; 44:139. Collinsii 1:184; 21:118; 
36:41; 39:327, 336, 394, 476, map 12; 40: 
380, 401; 41:473; 44:353, 389; 45:366, 367, 
393; 49:89. communis 1:42; 3:164, 172; 6: 
108; 12:128; 13:234; 15:98; 17:152; 21:200; 
26:2; 32:216, 241; 40:252; var. Wheeleri 3: 
172. comosa 13:234; 24:99; 32:242; 36:41; 
40:251; 44:321; 45:278. compacta 3:43, 45, 
48; 25:112; 43:419. complanata 40:401. 
concinna 4:228; 9:159; 16:132; 27:90; 38: 
101, 102, 164, 213; 31:54; 33:233; 35:220; 
36:278; 37:203, 256, 259, 299; 41:149, 202; 
42:318; 44:102; 46:303, 304; 47:225. con- 
color 35:59, 120, 125; 36:91, 92; 38:118, 122, 
144; 41:207; 44:298, 299; 50:120, 121. con- 
juncta 43:492, 495, 542; 49:179. conoidea 3: 
171, 177, 190, pl. 32; 4:219; 13:234; 17:150; 
23:237; 29:152, 209; 46:25, 27. consimilis 
41:208. conspecta 44:88. contigua 32:160, 
241. Cooleyi 26:2. copulata 44:348. 
x copulata 44:388. corrugata 44:76. cos- 
tellata 8:182, 183. Crawei 4:219, 227, 228; 
12:112; 13:30; 14:72; 21:87; 24:97, 99; 36: 
224; 37:204, 299; 46:26; 50:215. Crawfordii 
4:219; 6:109, 138; 7:109; 8:168; 13:234; 15: 
98; 17:150; 22:136; 23:235; 24:99; 28:127; 
36:278; 37:203, 215; 49:243; var. vigens 4: 
219; 6:138; 11:14; 17:150; 42:42; 49:243. 
crebriflora 24:190, 193, 197; 39:332, 394, 
480; 43:544. crinita 2:170; 3:190; 4:219; 
5:36, 131, 249; 13:234; 17:152, 227; 22:135; 
23:936; 25:18, 19, 115; 29:151, 208; 30:199; 
32:216, 241; 34:63; 35:230; 40:170; 44:294 ; 
48:55; x torta 4:219; B. paleacea 44:294; 
var. brevicrinis 48:54—56; 49:127; var. 
gynandra 4:219; 11:179; 13:235; 17:150, 
152; 23:236; 25:17-20, 115; 27 :108; 33:118; 
37:84; 48:55, 56; var. minor 2:170; 4:219; 
11:179; 13:235; 44:232; var. Porteri 17:227; 
25:19; var. simulans 2:170; 4:219; 12:187; 
33:110, 118. cristata 4:219; 6:109; 13:235; 
19:122; 23:235. cristatella 6:109; 47:38; 
f. catelliformis 44:284; var. catelliformis 
44:984. crus-corvi 39:327, 331, 393, 482, 
488, 489, pl. 476; 42:35; 43:542; 49:201; 
var. virginiana 39:327, 393, 394, 475, 482, 
489, map 9, pl. 476; 40:376, 377; 42:359, 
429; 43:542; 44:71. cryptolepis 23:237; 24: 
163; 35:231; 46:26. cumulata 40:79; 44: 
285; f. soluta 44:285. cylindrica 3:52. 
Davisii 4:219; 24:184. xDeamii 40:81. 
debilis 24:99; 33:118; 34:63; 36:39, 40; 39: 
481; 44:308—310, 348, pl. 713; x virescens 
4:219; var. intercursa 44:307, 308, 310, 311, 
348, 386, pl. 713; var. interjecta 19:125; 
44:310, 311, pl. 713; var. prolixa 44:310; 
var. pubera 42:88, 93; 44:307-311, pl. 713; 
45:167; var. Rudgei 3:171, 190; 4:219; 6: 
108; 12:125; 13:69, 117, 248; 17:150; 22: 
133; 24:99; 29:152, 209; 32:216, 241; 33: 
118; 36:40; 37:84; 43:546; 44:310, 311, pl. 
713; 45:167 ; 49:127; x virescens 13:69, 248; 
19:125; var. strictior 4:219; 7:109; 44:310, 
311, pl. 713; var. typica 44:307, 310, 311, 
pl. 713. decomposita 39:482; 40:251; 43: 


525, 526, 542, 543, 658; 44:344; 45:373, 393; 
49:127. deflexa 1:183; 3:171; 4:219; 6:108; 
9:159, 190; 10:146; 11:90; 12:126; 13:117, 
248; 29:151, 209; 35:219; 37:206; 43:155; 
var. Deanei 4:219; 6:148; 13:248. Deinbol- 
leana 35:218. Despreauxii3:48. Deweyana 
1:183; 2:127; 4:219; 6:109; 13:125, 126, 
248; 15:92, 93; 18:187; 19:123; 23:136, 236; 
24:114; 28:100, 163; 32:14, 204, 205; 34:66; 
35:219, 249; var. collectanea 15:93; 44:139. 
diandra 10:48; 12:118; 13:248; 17:65; 19: 
193; 23:131, 236; 33:19, 22, fig. 1; 41:34; 
49:243; var. ramosa 10:48; 13:248; 19: 
193; 21:202. digitalis 4:219; 8:183, 184; 
12:188; 13:249; 21:23, 24, 200; 32:216, 241; 
37:314, 406; 38:378; 40:374, 375, 400, 401, 
482, pl. 511; 41:31; 43:489, 544; 44:314, 
348, 388, 389; f. podostachys 40:400; var. 
asymmetrica 43:544; var. copulata 8:183; 
21:23; 44:388; var. glauca 37:406; var. 
macropoda 40:400, 401, 482, pl. 511; 43: 
544. dioica 35:218. disperma 36:278; 41: 
149, 200; 42:318; 49:243. disticha 40:326; 
44:982, 283, pl. 710; var. Sartwellii 44:282. 
divisa 8:201; 36:412. divulsa 4:225. 
Drummondiana 39:492; 43:417, 418. dubi- 
tata 50:120. durifolia 9:208. duriuscula 
35:217-219. Dutillyi 43:413, 415, 416, pl. 
669. eburnea 1:221; 4:219, 228; 5:33; 6: 
97, 108; 9:63, 159, 166, 172, 187; 12:114; 13: 
117, 138, 249; 23:136, 164, 170, 237; 24:184; 
28:164; 30:29; 32:18; 34:66; 35:240; 36: 
224. 225, 278; 37:204, 299, 314; 46:303, 304. 
echinata 4:222, 225; 19:154; 44:385; var. 
angustata 6:109; 25:7; var. cephalantha 4: 
922; var. ormantha 4:222. elachycarpa 4: 
227; 5:248-251; 44:103. Eleocharis 43:415; 
48:115. Elliottii 44:254. elynoides 21:84; 
26:410. Emmonsii 2:84; 4:223; 40:79; var. 
elliptica 4:223, 224; 24:99. Emoryi 43:546. 
Engelmanni 34:245. exilis 3:34; 4:219, 229; 
5:289; 8:168; 11:90; 12:118, 119; 13:249; 
23:96, 161, 236; 24:82, 87; 25:99; 29:123, 
150, 208, 222; 32:62, 172; 33:118; 35:5, 85; 
36:278; 37:253; 44:244; var. squamosa 13: 
249. extensa 23:238. festiva 15:187. fest- 
ucacea 4:219; 13:249; 19:123; 32:240; 37: 
84; 40:326, 327; 44:385; 47:43; var. brevior 
4:219; 13:249; 37:84. filifolia 38:123, 126, 
131; 49:299. filiformis 1:98; 3:198; 4:219, 
224; 6:108; 13:250; 17:150; 19:32, 98, 163; 
44:305, pl. 712; var. latifolia 4:219. flacca 
11:40. flaccosperma 38:378, 399; 39:481; 
40:380, 401, 440; 41:492; 47:162; 50:121. 
flava 3:164, 171, 190; 4:219, 224; 5:249; 6: 
108; 8:200; 12:126; 13:130, 250; 16:89; 19: 
125; 22:135; 23:237, 238; 35:90, 91, 231, 251; 
37:203; 46:26; 49:82, 244; x Hostiana 35: 
230; x Hostiana, var. laurentiana 35:230; 
x lepidocarpa 35:231; X Oederi, f. sub- 
viridula 35:231; x Oederi, var. pumila 35: 
231; subsp. Oederi, y. cyperoides 8:201; var. 
elatior 8:201; 13:250; var. gaspensis 8: 
200; 12:115, 116, 136; 13:132, 138; 21:40; 
44:107, 139; var. graminis 8:201; var. lepi- 
docarpa 8:201; var. Oederi 4:219, 224; 8: 

INDEX TO VoLuMEs 1-50 47 

201; var. pumila 3:171, 190; 8:201; 35:231; 
var. rectirostra 8:201; 13: 250; 15: 160; 19: 
125; var. viridula 2: 209 ; 6: 108; 8:201; 35: 
231. flexilis 32:164-166. flexuosa 29: :152; 
43:546; 44:310; 45:167. floridana 13:240; 
36:39; 44:385, "386. foenea 1:202; 3:190; 
4: 219; 6:138; 13: 250; 15:98; 24:97; ” 40 :325— 
328; 47: 44; 50: 120; var. perplexa 4: 219; 7: 
109; 10: 146; 13: 250; 23:138, 236; 24: :97; 
37: 84: 40:328. folliculata 1: 106; 2: 124; 3: 
190; 4: 219; 13:148, 250; 23:238; 29: 125, 152, 
209: 36: 4l; 37:314; var. australis 36: 4l; 
38: 378, 399; 39:480. formosa 4:220; 5: 34; 
24: 184; 32:165, 166. Frankii 39: 330, 395, 
470, 482; 40: 382, 402; 41:33; 42:371, 429; 
44: 88; 49:180. Franklinii 44:112. Fraseri 
39 :200. Friesii 3:54. frigida, f. flavescens 
36:91. fuliginosa, f. ochrostachys 36:91. 
fulva 4:227; 13: 130, 131, 243—246; 26:122; 
35:230; 44: 318. fulvescens 13: 245 : 26: 122: 
29:222; 44:318, 319. fusca 2: 121; 4:990. 
fusiformis 24: 200. Garberi 37: 204, 253- 
255, 339, map 13, pl. 360; 41:155, 202; var. 
bifaria 37: 255, 259, map 13, pl. 360; 44: 
106, 139. geophila 44:88. Geyeri 4l: al 
47 :44. gigantea 3:55; 23:86, 87; 36:41; 39: 
330, 481; f. minor 23: 87; var. grandis 23: 
87; var. lupulina 23:87; f. Bella-villa 23: 
87; f. pedunculata 23: 87. glacialis 27:90; 
28: 62, 79, 103, 121, 164, 213; 32:200, 202, 
map 12; 35: 55, 120; 4l: 148, 202; 44 :290— 
293, pl. "711. glareosa 8: 45-47 ; 10: 95; 28: 
121, 163; 29:55; 35:120, 125; 38: 134, 144; 
41: 41, 166, 201; var. amphigena 8: 47; 25: 
7; 34: 51, 70, 74, 76, map 9; 36:278; 41: 201; 
44:139. ‘glauca 11:40; 24: 163. glaucescens 
36:40; 39:480; 41: 111; 44:254. glaucodea 
4:60, 220; 13:250; 19:125; 21:116. Gmelini 
41:161, 166, 207. Goodenowii 1:183; 4:220, 
224, 225; 13:250; 23:157, 169, 237; 29:208; 
33:118; 36:91; 44:300, 302; var. strictiformis 
23:157, 237; 29:151, 208; 44:299. graci- 
lescens 24: 195; 40: 252; 44: 315, 318. gracilis 
44 :301. gracillima 4: 220; 6: 108; 11:90; 12: 
126, 187; 13:250; 15: 133; 21: 200; 23: 237; 
29: 151, 209; 32: 164; 37: 203; 41: :534 ; 43: 
546; 45: 167; x castanea 6: 139; var. humilis 
ibis 90; 13: 250; 15:133; 35:220; var. macer- 
rima 15:133. Grahami 3: 44-46, 49, 54, 165, 
170; 4:220; 9:155, 160. grandis 23: 86, 87. 
granularis 2: 127; 4: 220; 5:33; 19:125; 35: 
251; var. Haleana 1: 102; 4: 220; 8: 166; 23: 
199. gravida 44:284, 342; var. Lunelliana 
40:78. Grayana 28:5-8. Grayii 4:220, 229; 
8:79; 13:250; 19:30, 36; 39:342, 343, 395, 
470, 482, map 19; 40: 382, 402; 44: 240, 322- 
324, map; var. hispidula 40: 402; 44: 322—324, 
map. Greeniana 13:130, 243245. Greenii 
3:52; 8:202. grisea 4:220; 6:194; 13:250; 
43:486, 487, 545, pl. 671; 44:311-315; var. 
angustifolia 4:220; 44:311, 313; var. globosa 
44:311; var. rigida 44:311, 313. gynandra 
6:108; 25:115, 116; 29:151, 208; 30:199; 48: 
330; var. caroliniana 25:19. gynocrates 4: 
220, 227, 229; 12:118; 13:115; 19:110; 21: 
65; 32:01; 33:112, 118; 35:218; 37:64, 73; 

41:201; 49:243. Halleri 28:121, 123, 165; 
29:55; 35: 220, 221; 41:204; 44: 304. Haller- 
iana 9:39. Harperi 8: 181, 182. Hartii 3: 
55; var. Bradleyi 3:55; 23:87. Hassei 37: 
253, 255, 339, pl. 360; 41:202. Haydeni 4: 
296: 29: 151, 208; 36: 278. heliophila 38:299. 
Helleri 39:494. helodes 13:243-246, 250. 
helvola 12:136. Hepburnii 41:200. hetero- 
sperma 24:192; 44:316. Hindsii 41:207. 
hirsutella 36:219; 47:96, 117, 127. hirta 4: 
220; 12:188; 13:250; 14:111; 24:163. hirti- 
folia 37:128; 44:336; x pallescens 37:128. 
Hitchcockiana 4:220; 19:124; 35:285; 46: 
78. holostoma 41: :204, 205. Hookerana 37: 
253. hormathodes 8: 165, 166; 13:135, 140, 
250; 14:29; 17:150, 214, 921; 23:935; 29: 
128; 32:148, 158, 161, 169, 213, 240; 33:110, 
118: 85:19, 90, 219; 40: 329; 44 :285, 344, 385; 
49: 95, 127, 243; 50: 301 ; f. invisa 44: 285, 
286; var. invisa 3:166; 11:90; 13:128, 250; 
17:214, 221; 44:285; var. Richii 8:166; 11: 
83; 13:251; 40:329. Hornschuchiana 13:130, 
131, 243-245; 26:122; 44:318; var. lauren- 
tiana 13:130, 138, 245—247, 251; 26:122; 
29:222; 44:318. Hostiana 26:122; 35:231; 
44: 318, 319; 49:244; x lepidocarpa 35:231; 
var. laurentiana 26: 122; 28:79, 166; 29: 
152, 209, 222; 32:18; 34: 118; 35: 91, 230, 231; 
44:318, 319; 49: 244; X lepidocarpa 35:231. 
Houghtonii 4:220; 6: 194; 12:103; 25:99; 
36:278. Howei 23: 96, 97, 104, 236, 300; pl. 
130 (map 1); 32:150, 153, 210, 240; 33: 112, 
118; 38:399. hyalinolepis 38:400; 41:467, 
535; 43:658, 659; 44:344. hystricina 4:220; 
6: 108; 13: 251; 26: 2, 3; 35:251; 38:366; 47: 
44; f. Dudleyi 26:2; var. Cooleyi 13: :951; 
26: 2: var. Dudleyi 4: 220; 6:108, 138; 26: 2. 
ignota 24:190, 191, 193, 198. illota 39: 491, 
402. impressa X lanuginosa 21:84. incom- 
perta 19:97; 32:240; 36:38; 44:437. in- 
curva 27:97; 38:61, 108, 163; 30:77; 34:245; 
35:60, 120, 216-218, 336, 395, 396; 38:134, 
143; 41:41, 166, 200; var. inflata 35: 396; var. 
melanocystis 35: 397; var. misera 35: 397 ; 
var. setina 35:55, 56, 216, 218, 395-397, 400, 
map 4, pl. 247. inflata 44: 281, 325-329, pl. 
715; 48: 145, 146; var. ambigens 44:328, 
330, pl. 715; 48: 146; var. anticostensis 44: 
328, 329; pl. 715; 48: 146; var. utriculata 
44:328, 329, pl. 716: 48:146. interior 4:220; 
5:33, 248; 6:109; 8:114, 115; 10:48; 23:25, 
96; 28: 244; 33: 118; 36: 38; 41: 30; 42:42; 
49:243; f. 'keweenawensis 44 284; var. 
capillacea 4:220; 7:109; 10:47; var. Jos- 
selynii 8:115, 166; 10: 48; var. keweena- 
wensis 44:284. intermedia 40:78, 326; 44: 
282, 283. intumescens 1:192; 3:190; 4:37, 
220; 5:48; 6:108; 12:126; 13:117, 149, 251; 
29:128, 209; 32:212, 260; 33:118; 34:63; 36: 
41; 42:429; 44:321, 322, 437, pl. 713; x louis- 
ianica 42:429; var. Fernaldii 4:220; 6:138, 
203; 7:109; 10:145; 12:188; 13:251; 22:133; 
23:238; 32:260; 44:322, 437, pl. 713; f. ven- 
triosa 44:321, 322, pl. 713. irrigua 8:73- 
76. Jamesii 41: 534; 43:334, 488, 520, 543; 
50:121. Jonesii 39: 495; 44:437. Joorii 39: 


348, 353, 394, 481. Josselynii 44:103. ju- 
cunda 35: 396. katahdinensis 3:165, 171, 
177, pl. 32; 4:128, 220; 9:155; 44: 102. 
Kelloggii 36 :307. Knieskernii 32:162-165. 
Kobomugi 44:342. kokrinensis 41:206, pl. 
551. Lachenalii 28:121, 163; 38:144; 41: 
155, 200. lacustris 5: 249; 38: :399, 400; 44: 
319-321. laevigata 4:997; 13:243-245, 250; 
48:145, 146. laevivaginata 17:231, 232; 19: 
97, 123; 31:83; 32:177, 241; 36: 38; 38: 399; 
49:201. lagopina 9: 159, 167 ; 13: 219; 41: 
200. lagopodioides 40: 326. Langeana 35: 
217-219, 400, pl. 247; 43:416. lanuginosa 
12:126; 14: 76; 15:160; 32:172, 213, 242; 41: 
31, 32; 43: 491, 492, 546, 658, 659; 49:244. 
lasiocarpa 82: 178; 35: 230; 41: 782, 33; 44: 
305, pl. 712; subsp. lanuginosa 41: 31, 32; 
subsp. typica 41:32, 33; var. americana 44: 
304, 305, pl. 712; 49: 244 ; var. lanuginosa 
41: 31; var. occultans 44: 305, pl. 712; var. 
typica 44:304. laxa 8:75. laxiculmis 1: 42, 
204; 4:220; 8:183, 184; 14:76; 21:23, 24; 
24:185; 26:177; 37:314; 41:31; 44:348, 387— 
389; 50:121; var. copulata 8:183, 184; 14: 
76; 21:23; 41:31; 44:388. laxiflora 1:192; 
4: 220; 6: 108; 8: 184; 14:76; 16:214; 24: 190— 
192, 195-197, 199, 201; 28: 244 ; 40: 80; 44: 
312, 315-318, pl. 714; B. styloflexa 24:200; 
y. plantaginea 24:198; 8. intermedia 24:191, 
195, 196, 198, 200; e. blanda, a. major 24: 
194; b. minor 24:194; c. gracillima 24:195; 
C. latifolia 24: 194; var. angustifolia 24:195; 
var. blanda 14:76; 21:200; 24:194, 195; var. 
divaricata 24: 191, 199; var. gracillima 14: 
77; 19:124; 24: 195; var. intermedia 24:191, 
195, 196, 199, 201; 44: 316, 317, pl. 714; var. 
latifolia 4:220; 14: 77; 24: 194; var. lepto- 
nervia 8:184; 12:188; 13:125; 14:77; 16: 
213, 214; 19: 124; 24:200; 44:139; var. 
Michauxii 24:191, 199; 44: 317; var. patuli- 
folia 1:203; 4: 220; 6: 108; 14: 77, 107; 16: 
214; 23: 237 ; 24: 99, 163, 191, 194, 198, 199; 
var. plantaginea 24: 99, 199; var. serrulata 
40:80; var. striatula 4:220; 94: 194; 44:317; 
var. varians 3: 171; 4:220; 6: 108; 14: 71; 24: 
194, 195, 200, 201. 'Leavenworthii 21:85; 39: 
429; 43:488, 493, 541. Leersii 19:154. lenti- 
cularis 3:170; 4:220; 6:108; 7:110; 8:76, 
168; 9:158; 11:90; 14:77; 15:134, 204; 16: 
12; 22:135; 23:102, 237; 25:7; 27:212; 35: 
59; 49:244; var. albi-montana 28:124, 165; 
44:123; var. Blakei 24:163; 44:232; var. 
eucycla 15:134; var. paullifructus 15:134. 
lepidocarpa 8:201; 28:118, 166; 29:152, 209; 
35:277 ; 44:319; 49:244. leporina 4: 220, 229; 
7:96; 10: 146; 11: 90; 14:77; 23:95, 236; 28: 
85; 29: 126; 37:84. leptalea 3: 164, 172, 190; 
4: 220; 6: 109; 8:181, 182; 11:90; 14: 7 17: 
148; 29:128, 151, 209; 32: 6l; 36: 278; 41: 
149, 201, 478; var. Harperi 36: 39; 39:476. 
leptonervia 16: 213, 214; 19:124; 21:200; 
23:237; 24:163, 190, 191, 193, 196, 198, 200, 
201 ; 28: 121; 32: 260; 37: 203; 44: 139; 49: 
244. leucoglochin 50:121. x Leutzii 35: 
231. limosa 1:183; 2:70; 4:220, 224; 8:75; 
9:159, 189; 10:141; 11:90; 13:116, 247, 251; 


14:77; 15:204; 17:148-150; 19:33, 124; 21: 
202; 23:131; 24:114; 29:152, 209, 222; 31: 
83; 32:150, 172, 178, 213, 241; 33:113, 118; 
36:278; 41:203; 44:123, 244; X rariflora 35: 
220; B. irrigua 8:73, 76; y. irrigata 8:76; 
5. C. livida 28: 6, 8. littoralis 4:99, 220. 
livida 4:220; 7: 141, 142, 154; 12:116, 117, 
187; 14:77; 98: 5-8, 102, 108, ’ 164; 32:172; 
39: 467 ; 49: 82; var. Grayana 28:8; 29:151, 
152, 209 ; 32: 62; 34:237; 35:5, 85; 36:278; 
37: 73; 44: 108; var. radicalis 28: 7, 8; var. 
rufinaeformis 28:8, 108, 164; var. typica 
28:8. loliacea 30:29; 41:200. lonchocarpa 
38:399. Longii 26: 293; 32:158, 210, 240; 
39:481; 40:330; 42:88, 93; 50:294. 'longi- 
rostris 1: 183; 4: 220; 7: 142; 10:146; 16:13; 
25:208. louisianica 39: 330, 395, 470, 481; 
42:359, 430. lucorum 50: 121. lugens 41: 
158, 208. Lunelliana 40:79. lupuliformis 
14:176; 23:86, 87; 41:535. lupulina 2:170; 
3:52, 56; 4: 220; 12: 126; 14:77; 23:86, 238; 
24: 163; 32: 153, 215, 216, 242; 37: 406; 46: 
78; X bullata 2: 170; 3: 52; 4:220; x lurida 
14:77; X retrorsa 3: 55: var. gigantoides 3: 
55; 23: 87; var. pedunculata 1:106; 4:220; 
14:77; 23: 87; 37:84; var. polystachya 4: 
220; 23:87. lurida 3: “47, 48, 55, 56, 190; 4: 
220; 6:108; 13:141, 148; 14: 29, 78; 18: :34; 
32: 149, 242; 84:04; 43: 501, 547; uS lupulina 
3:56; 4: 291; x retrorsa 3: 55; X squarrosa 
43: 547; var. exudans 3:55; 4: 220; var. flac- 
cida 3: :56; 4:220; var. gracilis 8: 56; 4:220, 
229; 6: 108; 10: 172; 36:374; var. parvula a: 
56; 4:220. Lyngbyei 32: 62; 41:157, 208; 
43: :335; 44:294. Mackenziei 41: 41; 44 :304. 
macloviana 15: 187; 25:7; 27:97; 30: 77; 35: 
335; 41:154, 155, 301; 44: 71, 72, 125; var. 
pachystachya 41:201. Macounii 3:55. ma- 
crocephala 32:9-11. magellanica 1:183; 2: 
209; 4:150, 221, 229; 5:37; 8:73-76; 41: 203. 

magnifolia 37: 406; 44: 386. x mainensis 44: 
388. marcida 37:252. maritima 2:209; 3: 
190; 4:221; 5:133; 14:78; 16:213; 17: 147; 
25: 7, 18; 29: 63, 123, 150, 208; 88: 110, 118; 
34: 70, 73, 74, map 5; 35:167, 396, 397; 36: 
278; 38: 143; 41:41; 43:415; 44:293, 294; 
49: 244; var. brunnescens 35: 398; var. erec- 
tiuscula 2: 170; 4:221; 12:136; 35: 398; 44: 
203; var. melanoeystis 35: 397; var. misera 
35: 397; var. setina 35:397, 400, pl. 24^. 
Meadii "40: 80; 47:205. media 44: 106, 304; 
var. Stevenii 44:303. melanocephala 44: 
300. melanocystis 35:397; var. misera 35: 
397. melozitnensis 41: 209, pl.551. mem- 
branacea 3:48; 32:200, 202, map 9; 41:208; 
42:318; 43: 419. membranopacta 3: 48; 38: 
145; 41: 208; 42:318. Merritt-Fernaldii 37: 
84. mesochorea 36: 230; 40:78; 49:126. 
Michauxiana 4:221; 7:110; 9:156, 160; 11: 
91, 179; 13:138; 15: 204; '24: 164; 27: :212; 
28:232; 29:129, 152, 209; 37: 455; 49:82. 
michigansis 50:121. microdonta 43:658. 
microglochin 27:97; 28:53, 61, 79, 108, 118, 
166; 35:57, 120, 125, 139, 232, 336; 36:278; 
38: 145; 41:39, 208. miliaris 3: 43-45, 49, 50; 
25:7; 43: 418, 419, 422; var. aurea 3:44, 49: 


var. major 3:50; var. obtusa 3:50. mirabilis 
4:37, 221; 6:109; 14:78; 15:186, 187; 21: 
201; 28:74; 40:330; var. perlonga 4:90, 221; 
6:188; 7:107; 14:78; 15:187; 44:285; var. 
tincta 4:221; 6:109, 138; 8:168; 15:186, 187. 
mirata 50:121. misandra 17:159; 36:91, 
409; 38:113, 118, 144; 39:492; 41:203; f. 
flavida 36:91. misandroides 17:158, 159; 
27:90; 28:50; 33:232; 44:112. misera 35: 
397. Mitchelliana 25:17-20, 115; 30:198, 
199; 32:177, 210, 211, 241; 39:476; 42:88, 
91; 43:540; 44:344; 48:55, 56; 49:95, 127. 
molesta 40:252; 44:437. monile 3:33, 43, 
46, 47, 49, 51—54; 8:202; var. minor 3:53; 
var. Raeana 3:54. montanensis 41:205. 
Muhlenbergii 4:221; 14:78; 15:153; 32:150, 
241; 37:405; 44:343; 50:294; var. enervis 4: 
37, 39, 221; 14:78; 32:179. muricata 2:69; 
4:991; 11:179; 14:78; 19:193; 24:163; 26: 
223; 28:74, 85; 32:241; 49:243; 50:294; var. 
cephalantha 29:150, 208. muskingumensis 
21:85. nana 41:202. nardina 36:188; 44: 
129; 47:224. nebraskensis 43:335. Nelsonii 
39:402, 494. nematostachya 24:102. nerv- 
osa 44:437. nesophila 41:163, 207. neuro- 
phora 93:495. nigra 43:418; 44:300-302; 
var. strictiformis 44:299, 302. nigritella 
44:302, 303. nigromarginata 4:27, 221; 
36:33, 39; 40:331; var. floridana 36:39, 
422; 44:385, 386. nivalis, f. cinnamomea 
36:91. normalis 40:330; 43:495, 543; 44: 
285, 385; 49:179; f. perlonga 44:285; 
var.perlonga 44:285. norvegica 4:221; 
10:95, 144; 11:164; 12:107, 136; 23:20, 
103, 236; 34:70, 71, 74, map 1; 36:278; 
41:41, 201; 44:129, 304. nova 38:299; 39: 
494. novae-angliae 2:83, 84; 3:171; 4:221, 
22937-1045) 10-146") 13:30: 14:785. 17:065; 
152; 19:96-110, 124; 22:93; 24:99; 28:85, 
164; 29:151, 209; 33:118, 233, 234; 35:219. 
nubicola 36:411. oblita 37:406; 41:534. 
obtusata 9:159; 32:200, 202, map 21; 36: 
409; 39:492; 41:151, 201. Oederi 4:224; 5: 
249; 8:200, 201; 14:107; 22:135; 23:198, 
237; 28:85; 20:132, 152, 209; 35:231, 222; 
f. elatior 23:237; var. pumila 8:201; 14: 
107; 17:150, 151; 18:34; 23:238; 33:112, 
118; 35:91, 231; 36:307; var. subglobosa 28: 
118, 119, 166; var. viridula 35:231. Okesi- 
ana 3:48. oligocarpa 3:171, 177, pl. 32; 4: 
221; 5:34, 249; 41:31; 43:545; 44:313. oligo- 
sperma 1:183; 3:43, 48; 4:221, 229; 7:110; 
8:80, 168; 9:160; 13:217, 218; 14:107; 15: 
160; 17:148; 19:98; 23:99, 148, 167, 169, 238; 
24:103; 29:152, 209; 32:178; 37:455; 44: 
123. Olneyi 2:216; 3:33, 46, 47, 52; 8:202. 
ormostachya 24:189-191, 193, 196, 201; 44: 
139, 317. oronensis 4:221; 15:187. ortho- 
caula 35:396. ovalis 40:328. oxylepis 24: 
149; 36:40; 39:394, 481; 41:492, 534; 43: 
499; 47:97, 162. paleacea 35:397, 398; 44: 
293, 294; f. erectiuscula 44:293, 294; 49: 
244; var. brunnescens 35:398; var. trans- 
atlantica 35:397; 36:278; 44:293. pal- 
lescens 1:183; 3:190; 4:221; 6:108; 14:107; 
17:150, 153; 29:132, 152, 209; 37:128; 44: 

306, 307, pl. 712; var. neogaea 44:306, 307, 
pl. 712; var. undulata 44:307. panicea 4: 
221; 13:243; 14:107; 23:95, 155, 237; 24: 
114; 29:152, 209; 42:42; 49:244; var. micro- 
carpa 24:163. Parryana 38:299. parviflora 
44:300. pauciflora 1:183; 4:221; 5:48; 6: 
204; 7:110; 8:168; 9:160, 189, 207; 10:141; 
11:90; 12:106; 13:95; 17:148, 149; 23:96, 
98, 99, 237; 29:208; 33:118; 36:278; 42:155; 
50:121. paupercula 8:73, 76; 9:159; 11:90; 
20:152; 23:96, 98, 109; 29:152, 209; 33:109, 
112, 118; 34:51; 30:278; 38:144; 41:107, 
203; 44:114; var. brevisquama 20:152; 
var. irrigua 8:76; 9:159, 189; 10:146; 11: 
90; 17:148; 18:34; 19:31; 23:96; 32:200; 
37:84; var. pallens 8:77; 21:192; 23:96. 
Peckii 7:109; 40:331; 43:155. pedata 13: 
129, 137; 17:159; 41:202; 44:291, 292. pedi- 
cellata 6:108. pedunculata 1:43; 3:171; 4: 
84, 221, 229; 6:108; 14:107; 21:200; 28:164; 
29:152, 209; 34:232; 35:249. pelocarpa 39: 
492-494. pensylvanica 4:221; 5:130; 12: 
128; 14:107; 15:190; 19:219; 21:107: 32: 
241; 37:68; 40:374, 399; 42:94; 45:167; 46: 
78; var. distans 37:84; var. lucorum 4:221; 
6:138; 12:108, 186; 14:107; 21:200; 23:130, 
237; 32:241; 37:85; var. separans 32:216, 
241. physocarpa 39:491, 495; 41:153, 208; 
42:318; 43:418-424. physorhyncha 44:385. 
xPieperiana 35:231. pilulifera 4:221; var. 
longibracteata 4:221. plantaginea 4:221; 6: 
108; 10:146; 12:188; 14:75; 17:204; 24:99, 
198; 39:429, 431. platyphylla 1:203; 4:221; 
6:108; 14:107; 34:231; 35:249; 37:314; 38: 
454. podocarpa 39:492; 41:154, 163, 205, 
206; 42:318. podostachys 40:401. poly- 
gama 11:90; 13:116; 14:108; 19:124; 23: 
101, 135, 237. polymorpha 4:221, 229; 6: 
194; 24:114; 31:192. polytrichoides 1:202; 
3:172, 190; 6:109. Porteri 4:221. praecox 
4:221. praegracilis 36:412; 37:252; 39:150. 
prairea 10:48; 41:30; 47:44; 50:121. pra- 
sina 4:221; 10:146; 13:178; 14:108; 24:182; 
43:488, 521, 546. pratensis 4:221, 224; 23: 
236; 41:201. praticola 4:224; 39:492, 495; 
41:201; 44:105. projecta 15:187; 19:97; 23: 
235; 28:127; 37:84, 315; 44:321; 47:40; var. 
reducta 25:7. Pseudo-Cyperus 4:221; 10: 
146; 12:188; 14:108; 15:160; 23:238; 24:99; 
32:178; 38:306; 48:55; x hystricina 26:2. 
var. americana 4:221. Xpseudo-fulva 35: 
231. pseudo-scirpoidea 36:307. psychro- 
luta 35:397. ptychocarpa 3:64; 4:221; 13: 
151; 14:108; 19:124; 37:406; 39:429; var. 
macrophylla 37:406. pubescens 4:221; 5: 
249; 12:126; 32:164. pulla 3:43, 44, 49, 170; 
43:419, 420; var. miliaris 3:50. Purshii 3: 
55. xquirponensis 28:164, 165. Raeana 
3:47, 49, 54. rariflora 3:148, 170; 4:221; 5: 
46; 8:75; 9:159, 166, 180, 181; 10:141; 11: 
00:-13:122, 136; 18:185; 25:7; 28:56; 29: 
132, 152, 209; 34:51; 35:5, 120, 125; 36:278; 
38:144; 41:146, 157, 166, 203; 44:123; 47: 
224. Redowskyana 19:110. remota 28:51, 
87; 29:125, 208. reniformis 43:494, 503, 543, 
map 2; 49:127. retrocurva 8:183; 21:24; 


44:388; 50:121; var. copulata 8:183; 44:388. 
retroflexa B: 166; 14:108; var. texensis 8: 
166. retrorsa 1: 183; 2: 127, 170; 3:47, 48, 
51, 52, 54, 55; 4:221; 6:108; 8: 201; 13:141, 
148, 161; 14:78; 16: 14; 23: 136, 164, 238, 
302; 40: 81; x rostrata 4: 221; x utriculata 
2: 170; 3: 55; 4:221; var. Bradleyi 23:87; 
var. gigantoides 23: 87; var. Hartii 3:55; 
4:221; 8:201; 16:14; 23: 287: var. Macounii 
3:52, 55; 8: 201; 23: 87 ; var. Robinsonii 8: 
201;11: 13. reversa 3: 55. Richardsonii 32: 
201, 203, map 29; 34:229-232; 35:253; 37: 
64, '67, 68, 70, 256, 422; 44: 290; 45: 508; f. 
exserta 44: 290. Richii 40 :329; "44: 244 ; 47: 
43. rigida 4:224, 225; 9:159; 11: 90; 25: 7; 
28:56, 165; 35: 59; 36: 91; 38: 122, 144; 44: 
115, 298, 299; f. anguillata 36:91; var. Bige- 
lovii 1: 192; 3: 170; 4:221, 225; 5: 37, 45; 9: 
156, 159, 169; 11: 90; var. concolor, f. anguil- 
lata 44: 298; var. Goodenovii 1: 183; 2:209; 
4:224; var. ’ strictiformis 44:299. riparia 1: 
98; 4:221; 14:108; 26:177; 38:400; 44:319, 
320; var. impressa 36:41; 38:400; 41:535; 
var. lacustris 23:137, 238; 38: 399; 44: 320. 
rosea 1:102; 4:221; 8: 166; 14: 108; 23:136, 
170, 236; 24: 163; 35: 249; var. minor 4:222; 
6: 109; 8: 166; 14: 108; 24: 184; var. radiata 
be 106: 4: 222. 227 ; 6: 109; 8: :166; 14:108; 
15: 160; 22: 133; 23: 236 ; 32: 216, 240; var. 
retroflexa 4:222; var. texensis 8:166. Rossii 
32:200, 202, map 20; 33:233; 37:213, 217, 
218. rostrata 3:45-47, 51, 55, 56, 190; 4: 
222; 5:33; 6:108; 7:69, 110; 14:108, 112; 
22 135; 25: 7; 29: 152, 209; 33: 22, 101, 118; 
34:51; "36: 278; 37:85, 314; 41: 149, 153, 157, 
159, 209; 42: 318; 44:281, 325-328; 48:145, 
146; X saxatilis, var. miliaris 10:48; 44:140; 
var. ambigens 3:51; 4:222; 37:85; 44: 327, 
330; 48:146; var. anticostensis 48: 146; var. 
borealis 44: 397: var. Cliftoni 44:330; var. 
latifolia 44:330; var. utriculata 3:46, 51, 53, 
55; 4:222; 14: 108; 17:150; 22:135; 29: 153, 
209; 32: 172; 33: 112, 113, 118; 34: 51; 44: 
326, 330; 48: 146; f. minor 44:330. rotun- 
data 3: 43, 45, 49; 4: 222; 41:208, 209; 42:318. 
rufina 28:7, 108. rugata 43: 545, "546, pl. 
671; 44: 76. rugosperma 44:289, 290, pl. 
710. rupestris 13:129; 14:88; 19: 142; 28: 
62, 164; 35:51, 89, 120: 36: 148, 409 ; 38: 275; 
41:202; 43: 417, 418: ‘44: 111; Bellardi 43: 
417, 418. Ruthii 37: 314; 44: 385. salina 12: 
107, 136; 28:165; 43: 419; 44:204, 295; 49: 
244; var. ambusta 43: 419; var. cuspidata 4: 
222. 11:90, 179; 12:107; 14:108; var. fuli- 
ginea 12: 107 ; var. kattegatensis 14: 108; 16: 
190; 25:7; 29: 123, 151, 208; 31:83; 32: 13; 
35: 398; 36: 278; 44: 294; 49: :244; x stricta 
14:108; var. pseudofilipendula 28: 166; 35: 
230. saltuensis 6: 108; 41:202. Sartwellii 
32:201, 203, map 32; 40: 78; 44:282-284, pl. 
710; 50: 121; var. stenorrhyncha 40:78; 
44: 283, 284, vl. 710. saxatilis 3:43—45, 48— 
50, 155, 165, 170; 4:222; 9:155, 160; 41: 
146; 43: 418-424; var. compacta 3:48; var. 
Grahami 3:49; var. major 43:424, 425; var. 
miliaris 3:50, 54; 4:222; 9:160, 166; 10: 48 ; 


11:91; 36:278; 43:424, 425; 44:123; 49:244; 
var. rhomalea 3:50; 4: 222; 11:91; 36: 278: 
38:145; 49:245. saximontana 37: 417. sca- 
brata 1: 202; 3:170; 4:222; 6:108; 14:109; 
21:200; 23: 136, 140, 238, 300, pl. 130 (map 
9); 24:63; 32: 176; 34: 63; X crinita 4:222; 
6: 139. scabrior 8: "167, 181. Schweinitzii 1: 
183, 221; 3:56; 4:222. 225; 5:33; 6:3, 8; 
41: 33; 47 :44. 'scirpiformis 43: 416, 417. 
scirpoidea 1:222; 3:171; 4:222, 229, 250; 6: 
97, 108; 9:159, 169; 10: 48; 11: 90; 12: 112; 
13:117, 9238; 39: 132, 151, 209; 32: 18; 34: 231, 
232; 35:5, 81, 91, 120, 388; '37: 64, "73, 206 ; 
38: 116, 124, 144; 41: 155, 201; 42: 318; 43: 
416; 49: 246; var. convoluta 37:255, 259, 
299; 42:318; var. scirpiformis 43:417. 
scirpoides 10: 47; 14:109; 23:96; var. capil- 
lacea 10:47; 14: 109; 23: 96, 236; 32:240; 
var. Josselynii 10:48. scoparia 4: 222; 6: 
109; 12:126, 135; 14:109, 115; 17:151, 213; 
19: 122; 23: 107, 138, 235; 32: 240; 33: 109, 
118; 34: 63; 35: 219; 40: 327; 45: 167; 40:243; 
50: 301; f. condensa 49: 243; f. moniliformis 
49:243; f. peracuta 23:234; f. subturbinata 
44: 284; var. condensa 4: 222; 6:109, 139; 
7:107; 10: 172; 14:109; 17: 151; 37: 84; var. 
minor 6:138; 24:99; var. moniliformis 4: 
222; 6:139; 14:109, 116; 17:151; 37:84; 
var. subturbinata 14: 116; 19: 122; 23:235; 
32:240; 44:284; var. tessellata 12: 135; 28: 
235. Scouleri 43: 334, 335. semicrinita 36: 
39. seorsa 4:222; 11: 83; 14:109; 24:185; 
32:240; 36:8, 38; 37: 84; 38 :399. setacea 4: 
222; 6: 139; 8: 167, 181; 38:304; var. am- 
bigua 8: 167, 181; 14: 109; 23: 173; 24:74; 
37:84; 42:42. setifolia 6:108. setina 35: 
396. Shortiana 4: 227; 40:81; x typhina 
40:81. siccata 4:222; 6: 42; 14: 109; 37:84; 
40:325-328. silicea 4: 33, 222: 13: 128, 135, 
140; 14:109; 23:141, 150, 158, 236; 29: 128; 
32: 150, 158, 161, 169, 172, 213, 240; 33: 110, 
117, 118; 44: 285; 50:294. Smalliana 36:41, 
52; 38: 378, 399. sparganioides 2: 127; 4:222; 
12:170; 14: 109; 35:249. sphaerostachya 28: 
163. spicata 50:294. Sprengelii 47:44, 272. 
squarrosa 4:222, 225; 11:40; 14:109; 19: 
125; 23:173; 39: :330, 342, 395, 470, 482; 40: 
402; 43: 501, 547. stans 44: 295. stellulata 
4: 299. 225; 9: 159, 190; 11:200; 14:110; 17: 
150; 19: 154; 22: 133; 27: 212; 98: 85; 35: 90; 
var. angustata 4: 222; 6:109; 7:109; 8:166; 
14:110; 16:190; 17: 150; 37: 84; var. 'cephal- 
antha 4: 222; 7:109; 14: 110; 17:150; 32: 
240; 33:109, 118; var. excelsior 4: 222; 7: 
109; 14:110; 18: 34; var. ormantha 4: 222. 
stenophylla '35: 217; 43:415. sterilis 2:209; 
4:222, 229; 6:100; 7: 142; 8:29; 13:135, 140; 
14: 110; 17: 148, 150: 28: 96, 236 ; 28: 79, 163, 
244; 37: 299: 42: 88, 91; 50: 212: var. ex- 
celsior 3: 190; 4:922. Steudelii 50:121. 
Stevenii 41:204. stipata 3:190; 4:222; 6: 
109; 11:200; 14:110; 17:214, 231, 232; 19: 
124; 25:7; 29: 128, 150, 208; 33: 118; 34: 51; 
35: 277; 36: 39; 38: 399 ; 40: :79; 41: 3; var. 
laevivaginata 17: 231; var. maxima 39: 481; 
40:79; var. uberior i7: 232; 36:38; 38:399; 


43:542. straminea 4:222; 8:165, 166; 14: 
110; 15:187; 19:97; 23:235; 24:103; 26:2; 
32:158, 177, 210, 211, 240; 34:63; 40:320, 
327, 329, 330; 44:385; 47:43; var. aperta 2: 
209; 3:190; 8:165, 166; 40:329; var. echi- 
nodes 6:139; 19:123; 26:2; var. festucacea 
23:235; var. foenea 40:330; var. invisa 8: 
166; 13:250; 44:285; var. mirabilis, f. per- 
longa 44:285; var. tenera 8:165; f. invisa 
44:285. striata 4:227; var. brevis 4:222, 
230; 25:48. striatula 24:190-194, 198, 199; 
36:40; 39:342, 394; 41:534; 42:303; 44:317, 
318, pl. 714. stricta 1:203; 3:198; 4:222, 
225, 226; 5:132; 6:108; 10:166; 12:127, 
132; 13:141; 14:109, 110; 22:132, 135; 26: 
177; 34:6; 35:59; 36:39; 38:399; 40:401; 
44:71; x salina 4:222; X torta 4:222; var. 
angustata 1:203; 4:222, 226; 14:110; var. 
curtissima 4:222, 226; 14:110; 19:124; 24: 
114; var. decora 4:222, 226; 14:110; 19:124; 
37:84; var. strictior 1:203; 2:69. strictior 
42:91; 50:121. stygia 34:237. styloflexa 1: 
68; 4:222; 24:190, 193, 198-200; 36:40; 38: 
376; 39:480; 40:80; var. fusiformis 24:193, 
200; var. remotiflora 24:191, 193, 200, 242. 
stylosa 13:122; 28:56, 110, 116, 121, 165; 35: 
58, 59, 230; 41:160, 205; 42:318; 44:302, 303; 
var. nigritella 44:302, 303. suberecta 40: 
252, 254. xsubimpressa 21:84; 43:658. 
subspathacea 38:145. substricta 40:252; 44: 
295-298, pl. 712. subulata 1:184; 4:223, 
230; 13:78, 79, 151; 19:125; 23:172. xsub- 
viridula 35:231. Sullivantii 32:163, 164. 
supina 32:200, 202, map 13; 34:244; 41:201; 
42:318. Swanii 24:163; 32:151, 241; 39:429; 
43:659. sychnocephala 37:417. sylvatica 
32:164. tenella 1:183, 202; 4:223; 6:109; 
14:110; 19:123; 23:236; 41:200; 42:318. 
tenera 4:223; 8:165, 166; 23:235; 26:2; 40: 
329; 43:495, 543; 49:179; var. echinodes 
26:23 var. invisa 4:223; 8:166; 44:285; var. 
Richii 4:223; 8:166. tentaculata 3:55, 56; 
var. altior 3:56; var. gracilis 3:56; var. par- 
vula 3:56; var. rostrata 3:55, 56. tenuiflora 
4:923, 226, 230; 28:121, 122, 245; 32:201, 
203, map 35; 41:167, 200; X trisperma 35: 
219. tenuis 6:108; 44:310; var. erectior 44: 
310; var. interjecta 44:310. teretiuscula 3: 
34; 4:223, 230; 6:109; 7:142; 10:48; var. 
prairea 10:48; var. ramosa 4:167, 223; 5: 
33; 6:3, 8; 10:48. terrae-novae 44:290, 
292, 293, pl. 711. tetanica 3:64; 4:168, 
223; 6:3, 8; 24:185; 40:80; 43:501, 503, 543, 
map 4; var. Meadii 4:223, 227; var. Woodii 
4:167, 223; 5:33; 14:110. texensis 8:166; 
50:17. tincta 15:186, 187; 44:320. Tol- 
miei 41:205; 42:318. tonsa 40:374, 399; 44: 
289, 290; 46:78. torta 1:202; 2:127; 3:151, 
170, 186; 4:223; 12:187; 16:12; 21:201; 22: 
135; 44:437. transmarina 35:396. tribu- 
loides 1:203; 3:151; 4:223; 14:110, 115, 116; 
17:214; 21:85; 32:105, 106, 176; 36:38; 40: 
326; 47:39, 40; var. Bebbii 1:221; var. cris- 
tata 6:109; var. moniliformis 6:109; var. 
reducta 3:151; 4:223; 6:109; 7:109; 8:79; 
[350105 15508) 187; 21:85: 22:1367"23: 230, 

37:84; var. sangamonensis 21:84, 85; var. 
turbata 3:151; 4:223; 14:110, 115; 21:85. 
triceps 12:126; 36:39; var. hirsuta 4:223; 
41:35; var. Smithii 36:39. »trichina 35: 
219. trichocarpa 4:223, 227, 230; 7:100; 
14:110, 111; 15:06; 19:125; 23:172; 24:114; 
32:172; var. aristata 23:199; 32:201, 203, 
map 30; 33:19. trigona 43:418. trisperma 
2:209; 3:172, 190; 4:223, 226; 6:109; 8:185; 
11:90; 13:54; 14:111; 15:92; 17:148, 132; 
19:31; 21:201; 23:109, 236; 29:55, 150, 208; 
30:29; 33:110, 118; 36:278; x tenuiflora 4: 
223, 226; var. Billingsii 8:185; 11:83; 12: 
186; 13:116, 135; 14:21, 111; 17:148, 149; 
19:123; 23:99, 236; 25:208; 28:84, 163; 35: 
5; 37:84. truncata 24:192. tuberosa 31: 
159. Tuckermani 3:47, 52; 4:223; 6:108; 
10:207, 208; 14:111, 112; 16:14; 17:57, 58, 
fig.; 24:184; 35:251; niagarensis 17:57—59, 
figs. turgescens 43:334. typhina 11:40; 19: 
195; 23:173; 39:330, 342, 395, 470, 482; 40: 
81; 44:20. typhinoides 4:223, 225; 11:40. 
uberior 38:399; 39:481; 40:79; 43:542. um- 
bellata 4:223; 12:128; 13:69; 14:112; 15: 
95; 19:124, 219; 26:2; 27:54; 28:84, 85, 164; 
40:374, 399; 44:288-290, 321, pl. 710; f. 
vicina 26:2; var. brevirostris 4:223; 6:139; 
13:68, 69; 14:112; 15:94, 95; 19:124; 24: 
114; 44:288, 289, pl. 710; var. tonsa 4:223; 
12:108; 14:112; 19:124; 23:130, 237; 44: 
288, 289; var. vicina 26:2; 44:290. undulata 
44:307, pl. 712. ursina 35:55; 36:139. ustu- 
lata 41:203. utriculata 1:202; 2:170; 3:33, 
43, 45-47, 51, 52, 55; 8:202; 12:126, 127; 19: 
98; 44:325, 327, 328, 330; 48:146; var. minor 
3:46, 47, 51; 6:108; 44:325, 327, 330; 48: 
146. vaginata 4:223; 6:108, 148; 7:154; 9: 
159, 189; 11:90; 12:107, 116—118, 136; 13: 
115, 125; 21:65; 32:61; 36:278; 37:299; 41: 
167, 202; 50:212. Vahlii 35:222, 398, 400, 
pl. 248; 37:206; 38:144, 275; 41:203-205; 
44:304; 49:82; B. inferalpina 41:204; var. 
inferalpina 35:398, 400, pl. 248; 41:203- 
205; 42:318; var. Stevenii 35:398, 400, pl. 
248; 41:204; 44:303. vallicola 39:492. 
varia 2:84; 4:223, 224, 227; 6:139; 12:128; 
14:112; 19:258; 23:237; 24:99; 32:151, 241; 
36:219; 40:331; var. colorata 4:223; 14:112. 
variabilis 44:297; var. altior 44:295, 298; 
var. elatior 44:295, 297, 298, pl. 712. Vaseyi 
3:47, 52, 53. venusta 41:491, 534; 44:308; 
45:367, 393; var. B. 44:308; var. minor 37: 
379, 406; 39:480; 41:491, 534. verna 44: 
286, 287. verrucosa 36:40, 41; 38:376; 41: 
535. vesicaria 3:43, 47, 51—54; 4:223; 14: 
111, 112; 22:132, 185; 25:7; 33:60; 35:59, 
232, 251; 37:85; 43:418, 419, 658, 659; 44: 
281, 327; 48:145; subsp. saxatilis, var. physo- 
carpa 43:418; var. cylindrica 3:53; var. dis- 
tenta 3:47, 54; 4:223; 6:139; 22:135; 36: 
307; var. Grahami 32:13; 49:245; var. 
jejuna 3:53; 4:223; 6:139; 7:107; 14:112; 
22:135; 23:173, 238; 35:59, 232; var. lati- 
folia 3:53; var. laurentiana 35:232, 233, 
400, pl. 248; 44:140; 49:245; var. monile 
3:58, 545; 4:223; 10:172; 14:112; 35:232; 


var. Raeana 3:51, 54; 6:193; 8:166; 28:122, 
166. vestita 2:170; 3:198; 4:223, 227; 6: 
194; 13:179; 14:112; 24:185; 37:415; 39: 
328, 394, 475; var. Kennedyi 2:170; 4:223; 
14:112; 21:35. virescens 2:171; 4:223; 8: 
182, 183; 13:69; 14:112; 32:150, 216, 241; 
37:437; 39:429; 43:659; x arctata 2:170; 
4:228; var. costata 4:223; 8:182, 183; var. 
Swanii 8:183; 10:146; 12:187; 14:112; 23: 
173, 237; 24:163; 32:241; 41:35; 43:659. 
virginiana 43:542; 44:71; 45:393. viridula 
3:171; 5:249; 6:108; 7:110; 8:201; 35:231, 
232. vitilis 28:163; b. sylvatica 28:164. 
vulgaris 4:224; 14:109; 14:300; var. hyper- 
borea 1:192; var. strictiformis 44:299. vul- 
pinoidea 4:223; 6:109; 13:139, 146; 14:112; 
16:16; 17:214; 23:173, 236; 24:73; 29:128, 
208; 31:83; 32:241; 35:251; 38:363; 40:376, 
399; 44:232; var. ambigua 8:167, 181; 23: 
173, 176; 24:74; var. glomerata 23:173, 176; 
var. pyenocephala 38:363; var. setacea 38: 
364; var. xanthocarpa 24:74. Walteriana 
32:213; 36:40; var. brevis 37:406; 39:475; 
41:490, 534; 44:343. Wiegandii 35:84, 219. 
Willdenowii 2:127; 4:223; 12:187; 14:112. 
Williamsii 41:156, 160, 163, 167, 202, 203. 
Woodi 40:80; 41:31; 42:98. Xxanthina 
35:230, 231. xanthocarpa 4:223; 8:167, 
181; 23:173; 24:74; var. annectans 4:223. 
xxanthocarpae 35:230. yukonensis 41:208. 
zanthosperma 50:121 

Carica 9:40. Papaya 32:99 

Carices 3:69, 206, 282, 283, 286; 4:227; 6:94; 
7:141; 12:132; 35:54, 55, 59; 36:139, 188; 
39:326, 331; 40:277. 328, 376; 42:311; 43: 
413, 487, 493; 44:241, 348; 47:38, 39; 48: 
145; 49:254 

Carnation 7:25 

Carolina Ash 50:186. Buckthorn 38:440. 
Canary Grass 41:82. Laurel 17:50. Pop- 
lar 16:207, 209 

Carpet weed 17:226 

Carphalea 9:43 

Carphephorus 41:488; 46:148. bellidifolius 
39:354, 355, 357, 454, 466, 476; 40:306, 448, 
458; 41:571; 42:362, 365, 399, 481; 43:492; 
44:464; 46:148; 48:410. corymbosus 48:410. 
junceus 40:321. Pseudo-Liatris 48:411. to- 
mentosus 39:355, 361, 454, 466, 476; 40:367, 
370, 458; 41:472, 502; 42:362, 384, 481; 46: 
148; 48: 411; var. Walteri 42: 481; 43:519; 
44:256; 48:411; 49:98, 187 

Carpinus 1:45; 16:111; 21:190; 31:88. Betu- 
lus virginiana 37:424, 425. caroliniana 4: 
132; 5:134; 12:128; 16:111; 37:424, 453, pl. 
394; 38:376; 39:473, 481; 40:146; var. vir- 
giniana 37:425, 453, pl. 395. virginiana 

Carrion-flower 46:158 

Carrot(s) 41:157. Wild 11:128; 18:95 

Carteria 23:252. subcordiformis 23:249-251 

Carum 6:124; 24:92; 49:250. bulbocastanum 
49:250. Carvi 1:47, 159, 164, 168; 2:70; 3: 
17, 131, 188; 6:124; 10:13; 11:178; 12:104; 
22:136; 24:92; 33:122; 36:282; 49:250; f. 

rhodochranthum 11:178; 44:337; var. 
atrorubens 11:178 

Carval 4:81 

Carvell 4:81 

Carvi 1:168 

Carya 2:241; 9:53; 13:91, 217; 16:109; 21: 
189; 32:152, 215, 247; 34:243, 246; 42:152, 
292, 512; 44:34, 409, 411, fig. 1; 45:107, 108; 
46:149-155. subgen. Apocarya 34:246. 
subgen. Eucarya 34:246. alba 3:233; 4: 
132; 5:129; 6:194; 7:140; 15:163; 16:109, 
110; 29:245; 36:220; 38:376; 39:471; 44 
240; 47:47. amara 3:233; 4:132. aquatica 
39:331, 481; 44:240. arkansana 47:214. 
Buckleyi var. arkansana 36:220; 47:214. 
cordiformis 16:109; 35:249; 36:43; 44:409, 
410, 412; 45:107; 48:206; 49:195; 50:60—62. 
xDemareei 50:60,61. glabra 16:109; 32:99; 
38:376; 43:80; 47:46; var. megacarpa 47: 
214; var. villosa 10:32. illinoensis 49:194, 
195. laciniosa 24:99. »Laneyi 50:62; var. 
chateaugayensis 50:60, 62. megacarpa 47: 
214. microcarpa 16:109, 110; 29:245; 42: 
43. ovalis 42:43; 48: 206 ; 50: 60-62; var. 
hirsuta 47:46; 49:138; var. mollis 25: 180; 
var. obcordata 16: 110; var. obovalis 36:220; 
var. odorata 29:245. ovata 16:110; 35:249: 
37 :352, fig. 1 (map) ; 44:410; 47:47; 48:206; 
49:195; 50:60-62; var. ellipsoidalis 49:195; 
var. Nuttallii 16:110; var. pubescens 42: 
361, 446. pallida 42:361; 47:47. Pecan 47: 
209; 49:194, 195. porcina 5:129. sulcata 
24:99. tomentosa 47:47 

Caryophyll 41:489 

Caryophyllaceae 5:188, 235; 6:115; 9:37; 10: 
206; 17:37; 18:30, 86, 97, 240; 21:170; 25:8; 
26:224; 28:70; 29:212; 31:42 32:250; 35: 
261; 36:58, 280; 37:306; 40:212, 213; 42: 
152, 170, 255, 417; 43:80; 45:310; 49:255; 
50:296, 302. tribe Alsineae 16:145 

Caryophyllales 38:416 

Caryophylleae 47:385, pl. 991 

Cascadia 36:267. Nuttallii 36:267 

Cassandra 7:157; 11:174; 44:29. calyculata 
1:93, 183; 2:38; 3:176; 5:45, 133; 6:125 

Cassia 20:165; 37:439; 41:462, 463; 42:394, 
400. 512; 44:405, 532; 49:288. acuminata 
39:413. bicapsularis 47:300. Candolleana 
47:300. Chamaecrista 2:89, 218; 4:37; 10: 
154; 13:8; 14:91; 20:165; 32:212; 42:393, 
456; 45:302. fasciculata 41:462; 42:393, 
456, pl. 635; 44:404, 405; f. Jenseni 42:455; 
f. mutata 44:405, pl. 724; f. transmutata 
44:404, pl. 724; var. macrosperma 42: 
455, 510, 514, pl. 635; var. robusta 42:450, 
pl.635; 47:142. Fisheri 38:404. hebe- 
carpa 39:413, 414, 490, pl. 481; var. longi- 
pila 42:49, littoralis 38:406. marilandica 
2:89, 218; 5:203; 13:34; 20:166; 29:232; 
39 :410-414, 490, pl. 480; 41:462, 463. Meds- 
geri 39:411, 412, 414. nictitans 2:89, 168, 
218; 5:203; 10:143; 14:28; 20:166; 38:381, 
423, 451, pl. 448; 44:343; var. hebecarpa 
38:423, 444, 451, pl. 448; 39:475; 49:101, 
149; var. leiocarpa 38:423, 451, pl. 448; 

INDEX TO VoLuMwEs 1-50 53 

var. Mohrii 38:423. reflexa 39:413. ro- 
strata 38:404. Tora 44:360, 404 

Cassine 50:169, 170. capensis 50:170. caro- 
liniana 41: 425, 426. Peragua 50:169-171 

Cassiope 2:189, 190; 3:156; 18: 101; 31:138; 
44 :29. hypnoides” 1:035 2: 200; 3: 165, 176: 
9:163, 166; 11:97; 22: 37, 44; 27: 52; 28: 124, 
223; 38: 115, 116, 120-122, 157; 44: 29, 115. 
tetragona 9: 182; 13:223; 21: 53: 25: 114; 34: 
245; 36:136; 38: 116, 157; 41: 147, 241, 275; 
42: 312, 335 

Castagnea virescens 2:45; 7:228; 8:108; 26: 
213; 50:261. Zosterae 2: 45; 26: 213; 50: 261 

Castalia 10:49; 14:31; 15: 20; 18: 90, 161, 
164; 21:184; 99: Zoi "39: 407; 44:175; 45: 
443. lekophylla 38:406. magnifica 18:190. 
odorata 6:116; 11:129; 13:149, 191; 14:26; 
18:37, 90; 22: 136; 32 1252: 39: 369, 375; f. 
rosea 23: 162; 24: 99; var. 'gigantea 10: 49. 
tuberosa 15: 164 

Castanea 7:160; 13:90, 217; 16:111; 29:166. 
dentata 13: 219, 220; 16: 111; 21:44, 199; 31: 
222; 41:540; 42: 292; 47: 97, 131. Marga- 
retta, var. arcuata 42: 447. neglecta 41:539, 
540; 47:97, 131. ozarkensis 36:231. pumila 
13: 90; 16:112; 36:43; 39:482; 41:540; 42: 
398; 47: 97, 131; var. Ashei 42: :398, 447; var. 
Margaretta 42: 398, 446. sativa, var. ameri- 
cana 3:233; 4:133; 5:130; 8: 65 

Castilla 49:58 

Castilleja 11:56; 25:63; 41:66, 285, 382; 42: 
338. acuminata 9: 154; 36:186. brachy- 
antha var. subinflata 37:227. coccinea 1: 
179; 2:218; 5:204; 7:33, 35; 25:63; 33: 179; 
34: 240: 37:189, 204; 42:46; d. lutescens 33: 
169. elegans 36: 186, 187; 41:285. flavo- 
viridis 38:300. hyperborea 41:284; 42:338. 
occidentalis 39:495; 41:285. pallida 36:186, 
187; 41:285, 286; subsp. caudata 41:285; 42: 
338; subsp. elegans 41:285, 286; 45: 315: 
subsp. Mexiae 41:285, 286; subsp. typica 
41:285, 286; var. occidentalis 41:285; var. 
septentrionalis 3:160, 176; 6:94, 192; 7:33, 
35; 9:24, 154, 163, 169, 190; 11:98; 12: 112; 
22: :39; 25: 11; 36: 186, 187, 283; 38: 157; var. 
unalaschkensis 36:187 ; 41:985. pulchella 
37:227 ; var. acutina 37:227. rhexifolia 39: 
495. septentrionalis 41:285. sessiliflora 34: 
6. unalaschkensis 36:186, 187. viscida 

Castor Bean 45:439, 440 

Casuarina 47:386 

Cat Brier(s) 23:109; 39:357. Spruce 9:76; 
12.177; 18:327 35: 358 

Catabrosa 8: 138; 18:2; 21:216; 28:150; 35: 
139; 49:254. aquatica 10:95, 201; 13: 122; 
27: 97; 28:152; 35:138-140, 399, pl. 9042; var. 
laurentiana 35: 137, 139, 140, 399, pl. 242; 
44:139; 49:240; var. subtilis 35:140; var. 
uniflora 35: 139, 140, 399, pl. 242. vilfoidea 

Catalpa 7:125; 25:186; 44:32, 414, 416; 50: 
287. bignonioides 25: 186; 32: 152; 275; 39: 
372, 375; 42:406. Catalpa 21:189. speciosa 
14: 81: 39: 347, 449; 44:415 

Catch-fly Grass 39:348 

Catchfly, Sleepy 12:129; 18:144 

Catharinaea 9:99; 23: 70; 39:42. angustata 3: 
180, 181; 8:131; 9:64, 99; 26:219. crispa 8: 
131719; 74; 10:71. Macmillani 9:98, 99, pl. 
74; 10: 71. undulata 2: 62; 8:131 

Cathartolinum medium 37:428 

Cathea 9:53. pulchella, f. latifolia 48:188 

Catmint 46:315 

Catnip 11:127; 37:422 

Catoscopiaceae 30:8 

Catoscopium 5:200. nigritum 5:200; 30:8 

Cat’s-ear 46:206 

Cat-tail(s) 18:94; 23:199; 40:183; 43:85, 90, 
91; 44:32, 33; 46: 315; 49:202. Common 44: 
213. Family 44:218. Flag 4:93 

Cattleya 2:31 

Caucalis 7:159. Anthriscus 40:291. 
cus 40:291 

Caulanthus simulans 43:398 

Caulerpa 3:91. clavifera 3:91. ericifolia 3: 
91. falcifolia 14:59. Pickeringii 14:59. 
plumaris 3:91. prolifera 6:182 

Cauliflower 44:160 

Caulinia guadalupensis 49:235 

Caulophyllum 6:117, 236; 7:158; 17:204, 224; 
18:213. thalictroides 1: 170; 6: 95, 117; 10: 
146; 12:187; 14:75; 18:213; 21: 200; 34: wal ; 
29: 285; 43: 340; 50:136 

Cavanilla florida 41: 198 

Cavendishia platyphylla 18:83. Porella 18:79 

Cayaponia grandiflora 35:289 

Ceanothus 21:128; 32:161. americanus 2:216; 
3:235; 4:76, 130; 5:129, 203; 8:99; 17:229; 
PA lee 128, 199; 26: :197; 82: 162; 97: 432; 42: 
292; 46:22, 233; 47: 217; var. intermedius SpA 
162, rint 212; 42:462; var. Pitcheri 47:217. 
Greggi, var. orbicularis 39:151. inter- 
medius 32:162; 42:462. ovalis 43:82; p. ? 
43:83; var. pubescens 43:82, 83. ovatus 
12:187; 21:128: 30:24. 37: 70, 301; 43:82, 
REST. pubescens 43:83; var. pubescens 2 
128; 29:232; 37:70, 301; 43:82, 83. pube- 
scens 43:83. sanguineus 17:229, 230; 34: 
244; 37:205, 209, 210, 213, 214, 217, 218, 
301, map 6; 46: 254: 49:207 

Cecropia peltata 32:99 

Cedar(s) 6:93; 7:122; 13:57; 21:60; 23:101, 
102; 40:426, 429; 44:351; 46:306, 307; 49: 
1583. Alaska 49:228. Bogs 11:223. Ground 
18:32. Incense 49:228. of Lebanon 21:29. 
Port Orford 49:228. Red 4:133; 31:193; 
35:359; 49:172-174. Running 18:32. 
Southern White 42:279. Western Red 49: 
228. White 11:175; 21:44, 58; 23:100; 31: 
150; 35:358, 359 

Cedronella pallida 38:407 

Cedroxylon 11:168, 169, 171. 

Cedrus 11:168; 21:67 

Celandine 18:39; 25:172; 45:441, 442 

Celastraceae 6:121; 11:50; 21:126; 31:42; 45: 

Celastrus 6:121; 16:16; 21:126; 44:28. orbi- 
culatus 40:365, 440; 43:603. scandens 6: 
121, 208; 16:13; 21:126; 32:18, 108, 176; 
35:249; 43:520, 603; 44:426 

Celosia cristata 19:129 


transiens 11:169 


Celtis 17:169; 31:88; 34:6; 41:478, 552; 42: 
152; 44:27; 50:158, 162. crassifolia 50:158, 
pl. 1097. georgiana 50:160. ilicifolia 47: 
362. integrifolia 50:161, 162. laevigata 36: 
43; 38:192, 415; 34:481; 50:156, 157, 159, 
161, 162; var. Smallii 38:415; 50:156—158, 
161, 162; var. texana 36:231; 38:192. longi- 
folia 50:162. mississippiensis 38:415; 50: 
161. occidentalis 4:132; 5:204; 9:12; 17: 
169; 26:128; 37:425; 49:24; 50:155-161, pl. 
1097; 8. 50:161; Q. integrifolia 50:162; f. 
pumila 50:160; B. ? tenuifolia 50:161; var. 
canina 37:425; 50:156. var. crassifolia 26: 
128; 46:82; 50:156. var. integrifolia 50:161; 
var. pumila 34:6; 50:158, 160. var. sub- 
membranacea 37:425; 38:415. pumila 19: 
68; 21:190; 46:82; 50:158-160, pl. 1098; 
var. georgiana 36:230; 50:160. tenuifolia 
50:160; var. georgiana 50:160 

Cenchrus 15:123, 223; 39:358, 474; 45:388; 
47:353. carolinianus 15:123, 159; 24:58; 
27:201; 32:234; 45:387. echinatus 31:111, 
113; 45:387, 388; f. longispinus 45:388. in- 
certus 40:390; 45:387, 388. longispinus 45: 
388. myosuroides 44:257. pauciflorus 31: 
111, 113, 115, 116; 32:177, 210, 211, 234; 45: 
387, 388; 50:16. tribuloides 2:205; 6:82; 
32:234; 41:529; 45:387 

Cenomyce callosa 37:46. caroliniana 34:134. 
cornuto-radiata 40:21. fimbriata, 8. conista 
32:92; B. C. conista 33:138; y. C. carneo- 
pallida 33:157. gonorega, f. lepidota 31:101. 
lacunosa, y. cribrosa 34:142. novangliae 28: 
206. rangiferina, var. tenuior 34:122. sil- 
vatica, var. condensata 33:153. squamosa 
40:14; uncialis, y. turgescens 34:133 

Centaurea 26:83; 30:59; 37:306. subdiv. 
Calcitrapae 30:59. subdiv. Crocodiloidea 
30:59. subdiv. Cyani 30:59. subdiv. Jacea 
30:59. subdiv. Rhapontiea 30:59. subdiv. 
Stoebae 30:59. adulterina 26:83. amara 
19:253. americana 24:97, 98, 100; 36:232. 
arenaria 32:280. calcitrapa 49:84. Cyanus 
1:75, 168; 3:89; 24:209; 26:83; 27:214; 28: 
242; 34:63; 49:84. diffusa 4:249; 13:100; 
26:83. Jacea 1:24, 75, 104; 9:46; 19:252; 
26:83; 45:331; 49:84; var. lacera 19:252; 
26:83; var. nigra 45:332. maculosa 15:172; 
19:253; 26:83; 29:233; 31:86; 37:195, 323; 
38:66; 46:142; 48:98, 391; 49:84. melitensis 
26:83; 31:243. montana 50:176, 179. nerv- 
osa 45:331, 332. nigra 1:24, 75, 203; 4:189; 
6:235; 11:99; 19:252; 23:299; 24:97, 100; 
26:83; 29:191, 221; 31:86; 33:109, 126; 45: 
331; 49:84; var. radiata 11:99; 19:252; 26: 
83; 31:86. nigrescens 23:299; 45:331. 
Seabiosa 1:75. solstitialis 5:256; 26:83; 49: 
84. vochinensis 6:23; 19:253; 24:120; 26: 
83; 37:195; 46:142; 49:84. vulgaris 9:46 

Centaureas 49:84 

Centaurella 34:165-167. autumnalis 48:328. 
Moseri 2:55, 56; 10:35. paniculata 10:35; 
34:164, 165; 48:328. verna 34:164; 48:327, 
328. vernalis 48:327, 328; 8. uniflora 48: 

Centaurium 10:54; 34:165-167. Beyrichii, f. 

albiflorum 50:98. calycosum 10:54; 36: 
232. spicatum 10:54; 42:21. texense 10: 
54; 36:224, 232. umbellatum 23:286; 24: 
234; 29:128; var. ellipticum 29:128 

Centella 42:296, 298. asiatica 42:295, 296; 
var. floridana 42:296, 297. erecta 42:295, 
297. floridana 42:295, 297. repanda 38: 
377; 39:467, 480; 42:295, 297 

Centipeda minima 40:219, 220. 

Centritractus belenophorus 44:66 

Centrogenium setaceum 23:84 

Centropogon 50:48 

Centrosema virginianum 38:377; 39:473, 480; 
43:519, 587, 588; 44:343; var. angustifolium 
43:588; var. ellipticum 43:587; 45:278 

Centrospermae 9:37 

Centunculus alpinus 22:171. 

Century-plant 44:342 

Cephalanthera grandiflora 24:45. Royleana 
27 :106 

Cephalanthus 4:182; 24:204; 26:13; 29:243; 
36:373; 40:76, 252, 389, 414, 447; 41:500; 
45:371, 380; 47:364; 49:86. angustifolius 
49:182. occidentalis 2:214; 4:131, 243; 5: 
132; 9:122; 12:108; 14:21; 24:204; 26:13; 
28:39; 32:133, 150, 216, 276; 35:251; 36:374; 
37:351; 38:98; 44:235; 47:191; 48:58; 49: 
102, 181, 182; f. lanceolatus 49:181, 182; 
var. angustifolius 49:182; var. pubescens 38: 
444; 39:482; 40:458; 47:191; var. salicifolius 
49:181. salicifolius 49:181 

Cephaloschoenus 46:91 

Cephalosporium 50:287 

Cephalozia 6:173; 7:55; 10:189; 11:16; 14: 
223; 29:162. subgen. Cephaloziella 10:189. 
subgen. Eucephalozia 10:189. subgen. Pri- 
onolobus 14:223. asperifolia 14:222, 223. 
asprella 14:222. bicuspidata 5:51, 171; 11: 
117; 15:23; 25:196; 26:10. bifida 14:220. 
byssacea 14:221. catenulata 5:171; 6:173, 
174; 15:27; 17:107, 112-116; 25:196, 199; 
26:11; var. pallida 16:70. connivens 5:171; 
7:58; 8:44; 12:204; 14:17; 15:23; 16:70; 
21:168; 25:196; 26:11. curvifolia 4:242; 
5:171; 15:23; 19:263; 25:196, 198; 26:11. 
divaricata 4:242; 5:171; 6:173; 7:55; 11:193; 
14:221; 15:27; 17:118; Q. Starkii 14:221; 
var. scabra 14:222. elachista 11:191. erosa 
11:192. fluitans 5:171; 7:58; 12:204; 14: 
224; 15:23; 17:120; 25:196; 26:11. Fran- 
cisci 5:171; 15:23; 16:75; 25:196. Helleri 
6:172. Jackii 5:171; 6:173; 7:55; 15:27. 
Loitlesbergeri 21:149, 168; 25:196, 198. lu- 
nulaefolia 5:51, 171; 9:66; 14:18; 15:27; 
16:70, 71. Macounii 5:171; 15:23; 25:196. 
macrostachya 17:107, 113-117; 18:119; 19: 
263, 272; 25:196, 198; 26:11; var. propaguli- 
fera 17:117. media 15:23, 27; 16:62, 70, 
71; 17:114-116; 25:196; 26:11. multiflora 
4:242; 16:70, 71; 26:11; var. elata 17:114. 
myriantha 7:55. pallida 16:70, 71. pleni- 
ceps 5:171; 10:192; 11:195; 12:204; 15:23; 
25:196. reclusa 6:173, 174; 17:112. serri- 
flora 6:173, 174; 10:192; 14:18; 15:23, 27; 
16:71; 17:112, 113; 25:199. Starkii 14:221. 


minimus 29:128 

INDEX TO VoLuMEs 1—50 55 

striatula 12:203. Sullivantii 7:52, 55; 10: 
189. symbolica 16:70, 71; var. pallida 16: 
70. virginiana 6:173, 174; 17:112, 113; 26: 

Cephaloziaceae 25:196; 26:10 

Cephaloziella 6:173; 10:189; 11:185, 192; 14: 
220, 221; 17:117. bifida 11:192; 14:220— 
222; 15:23, 27; 19:263; 23:284; 25:195; 26: 
10. byssacea 11:192; 14:221, 222; 15:23, 
27; 16:76; 19:263; 25:195; 26:10; var. 
asperifolia 14:222. divaricata 10:190; 11: 
192, 193; 14:221, 222; 26:10. Douinii 14: 
222. elachista 11:191, 193; 12:203, 204; 14: 
18, 224; 15:23, 27; 25:195; 26:10. erosa 11: 
192. Hampeana 11:192, 193; 14:17, 18, 221, 
222; 15:23, 27; 17:117; 25:98, 195; 26:10; 
f. typica 17:117; var. spinicaulis 17:117. 
Jackii 6:173. myriantha 10:190, 192; 11: 
195; 14:18; 15:23, 27; 25:195. papillosa 14: 
222, 223; 15:23, 27; 17:118; 25:195; var. 
scabra 14:223. spinicaulis 17:107, 117, 118; 
25:195, 198. Starkii 14:221; 19:263. Sulli- 
vantii 10:189; 14:224; 15:23, 27; 10:75; 
25:195. trivialis 11:192, 193 
Cephaloziellaceae 25:195; 26:10 
Cerambycidae 36:28 

Ceramium 50:263. arachnoideum 35:148; 50: 
265. arborescens 2:49. botryocarpum 7: 
234. Boydenii 21:203, 206. Capri-Cornu 1: 
126; 2:49; 7:234. circinatum 2:49; 7:234. 
clavulatum 17:96. diaphanum 8:112; 35: 
148; 43:214; 50:265. fastigiatum 2:49; 7: 
234; 26:214; 35:148; 50:265. Hooperi 2: 
49. japonicum 21:203, 206. miniatum 17: 
96. pedicellatum 1:126; 2:49. roseolum 8: 
195. rubriforme 43:214. rubrum 2:49; 4: 
177; 7:234; 8:125, 196; 16:4; 17:94, 95; 26: 
214; 33:130; 35:148; 50:263, 265; var. 
corymbosum 2:49; var. decurrens 2:49; var. 
proliferum 2:49; 7:234; var. secundatum 2: 
49; 7:234. squarrosum 2:49. strictum 1: 
70; 2:49; 7:234; 26:214; 50:265, 266; f. 
proliferum 8:112. tenuissimum 2:49; 7: 
234; 50:265; var. arachnoideum 2:49; 7: 
235; var. patentissimum 2:49 

fuegianum 4:150; var. oblongifolium 10: 
175; 22:179; 36:220; var. viscidulum 50: 
214. atratum 22:172. beeringianum 9:161; 
22:170, 172, 174, 175; 28:00; 38:123, 124, 
126, 131, 149, 274; 41:146, 221; 42:323; 44: 
72, 104; 45:310; 47:225; var. capillare 22: 
173; var. grandiflorum 42:323; 44:108. bi- 
florum 21:13. brachypetalum 41:490, 541; 
43:551; 45:358, 359, 400. brachypodum 41: 
489, 541; 47:214. Buffumae 22:173. cae- 
spitosum 22:178; 8. glandulosum 22:178; 
var. hirsutum 22:178. cerastioides 9:155, 
161; 28:124, 200; 36:422; 38:124, 149; 44: 
124. Earlei 22:170, 175; 35:11; 41:155, 221. 
Edmondstonii 22:174. eriophorum 22:172. 
Fischerianum 22:170, 174; 27:206; 35:265; 
38:274; 41:222. glandulosum 22:178. lana- 
tum 22:172. lanuginosum 22:172. lati- 
folium 22:176; 35:11; 8. Edmondstonii 22: 
174. maximum 41:222. mutabile 22:171, 
172. nigrescens 22:174, 175. nutans 5:189; 
21:201; 24:184; 37:259. oblongifolium 22: 
179. pilosum 22:173. Regelii 22:175; 28: 
106, 109, 200; 35:275; 36:164. semidecan- 
drum 3:65; 5:189; 12:217; 19:220. squali- 
dum 22:172. terrae-novae 22:170, 176; 35: 
10, 11, 83, 265, 401, pl. 257; f. Waghornei 22: 
177. tetrandrum 40:373, 415; 45:359. to- 
mentosum 37:86. trigynum 36:148. triviale 
22:178; œ. hirsutum 22:178; y. glandulosum 
22:178; var. genuina 22:178; var. viscosum 
22:178. unalaschkense 22:170,171,177. va- 
riabile 22:173. velutinum 22:179. villosum 
22:172, 178; B. glandulosum 22:178. visco- 
sum 5:189, 235; 26:188; 28:70, 200; 29:213; 
32:157; 35:266; 36:220; 40:372, 373; 41:489; 
42:323. vulgare, subsp. triviale, f. glandu- 
losum 22:178. vulgatum 3:188; 5:135, 189, 
235; 6:115; 12:128; 17:35, 209, 216; 18:37, 
86; 19:220; 21:170; 22:137, 169—171, 177, 
178; 26:188, 224; 29:213; 32:151, 157, 251, 
260; 33:120; 35:266; 36:280; 41:79; 50:291, 
296; a. typicum 22:178; 5. Beeringianum 22: 
173; 8. grandiflorum 22:174; ¢. glandulosum 
22:178; var. hirsutum 22:178; f. glandulo- 

Ceramiums 26:189 sum 22:178; var. holosteoides 41:490, 541; 
Cerania vermicularis 28:231 var. macrocarpum 22:177 

Cerastium 6:62, 115; 13:216; 18:86; 22:169; Cerasus 45:451. canadensis 25:72. carolin- 

28:106; 40:213, 373; 41:222, 490; 45:358. 
$ Orthodon 22:169. alpinum 13:124; 14: 
87; 22:169-171; 25:112; 28:106, 200; 35: 
120; 36:148, 280; 38:117, 121, 134, 149; 41: 
221, 222; d. C. villosum 22:172; æ. Beering- 
ianum 22:173; f. Fischerianum lusus C. 
macrocarpum 22:177; y. Fischerianum 22: 
174; 8. atratum 22:172; var. beeringianum 
7:31; var. glanduliferum 22:172; 28:200; 
38:114, 119, 149; var. glutinoso-lanatum 22: 
172; var. hirsutum 22:171; var. lanatum 22: 
172; 25:8; 28:54, 98, 104, 200; 38:119, 149; 
var. legitimum 22:171, 172; f. pulvinatum 
22:171. arcticum 22:170, 174, 175. arenari- 
oides 21:5. arvense 2:124, 208; 3:188, 190; 
5:189; 9:161, 174, 175; 10:113; 15:139; 18: 
86; 22:169, 171, 178, 179; 25:8; 33:60, 111, 
120; 35:83; 36:280; 38:149; 49:247; var. 

iana 47:301. glauca 25:72. pumila 25:69, 
71-73. sylvestris 18:141 

Cerataulus levis 9:139. polymorphus 9:139 

Ceratiola 23:92, 167, 168; 32:170; 36:32. eri- 
coides 23:92; 36:46 

Ceratiomyxa 29:166. fruticulosa 29:166, 172; 
44:169; var. porioides 29:166 

Ceratites capitata 40:1 

Ceratium 29:163. hirundella 44:68. pori- 
oides 29:166 

Cerothamnus inodorus 46:390 

Ceratodon purpureus 3:180; 4:30; 17:210; 26: 
219; 30:3; 50:290, 292 

Ceratophyllaceae 18:89; 31:42 

Ceratophyllum 7:45; 13:79; 16:158; 18:89; 
38:334; 43:508. demersum 7:45, 99; 15: 
164; 16:159; 18:89; 21:121, 122; 29:245; 32: 


107; 37:357; 38:421; 43:561, 552; 48:330. 
echinatum 43:508, 551, 552 

Ceratoschoenus 43:333, 334; 46: 91. longi- 
rostris 43:334. macrostachys 43:334; 8. in- 
undatus 8:165; 20:138, 149; var. patulus 8: 
165; 20:139, 140 

Cercis 28:35; 33:31, map 7; 40:372; 44:27. 
arizonica 44:197, 199, 209. californica 44: 
196. canadensis 25:203; 31:256; 33:32, map 
7; 34:175; 38:234; 39:473; 41:580; 44:193- 
195, 198, 200, 202, 205-207, 210, 211; B. 
pubescens 38:235; 44:201; f. glabrifolia 38: 
234; 44:193, 195, 203; var. mexicana 44: 
195, 197, 208, 209, 211, maps III, IV; var. 
texensis 44:193, 195, 197, 198, 203, 205, 
208-211, maps II, IV; var. typica 44 :195, 
197, 200, 211, map IV. dilatata 44:201. 
ellipsoidea 44:201, 202. georgiana 44:203. 
latissima 44:196, 200. mexicana 44:208. 
nephrophylla 44:196. nitida 44:204. occi- 
dentalis 44:194, 195, 197—200, 202, 204, 205, 
207, 208, 210, 211, maps I, IV; var. orbi- 
culata 44:196; var. texensis 44:204. orbi- 
culata 44:196, 197, 199, 200. reniformis 44: 
193, 198, 202, 204, 205, 207, 208. siliquas- 
trum 33:32, map 7. texensis 44:193, 204, 
206, 207 

Cercocarpus 43:225 

Cercospora beticola 39:369. clavata 39:369. 
Lathyri 41:513. nymphaeacea 39:369. 
rhoina 41:513 

Ceresia fluitans 39:382, 383, 385 

Cereus 36:69 

Ceriferae 16:201 

Cerise de sable 25:69 

Cerisier à grappe 1:168 

Ceropteris triangularis 22:116. viscosa 22:117 

Cerothamnus pumilus 40:409 

Cesia coralloides 4:207 

Cespedezia 36:131, 390, 392; (see also: Les- 

Cestichis 7:119 

Cetraria 23:184. ciliaris 28:230. crispa 36: 
143, 153. cucullata 28:230; 36:143, 153. 
Delisei 36:143, 153. Fahlunensis 28:230. 
fastigiata 28:229. glauca 28:230. hepatizon 
36:143, 153. hiascens 28:230. islandica 2: 
155; 28:229; 36:143, 153; var. crispa 28:229; 
var. tenuifolia 28:229. juniperina, var. pin- 
astri 28:230; var. terrestris 28:230. nivalis 
11:100; 28:230; 36:143, 153; 41:267. Oakes- 
iana 29:103. pinastri 28:230. saepincola 
28:230. tenuifolia 20:40 

Chaenactis 26:83. Douglasii, var. alpina 39: 
495. glabriuscula 26:83. scaposa 12:16 

Chaenolobus 17:135. undulatus 17:135, 137 

Chaenorrhinum minus 23:132; 38:453; 41: 
473, 558 

Chaerophyllum Anthriscus 40:291. procum- 
bens 11:52, 53; 34:8; 40:448. Tainturieri 
11:52, 53; 34:8; 36:220; 40:448; 41:552; 
43:488, 618; var. floridanum 43:493, 618. 
texanum 11:52, 53; 36:232 

Chaetoceros coarctatum 26:193, 216. decip- 
iens 26:193, 216. didymum 26:193, 216 

Chaetochloa 13:174-176; 26:222; 27:29. 

glauca 18:232. lutescens 18:232; 31:109. 
occidentalis 13:175. versicolor 8:210; 13: 
175. viridis, var. minor 43:633; var. Wein- 
manni 43:633 

Chaetococcus varians, f. furcata 26:193, 216 
Chaetocyperus 31:124. acicularis 31:184. 

albibracteatus 31:178, 179. Baldwini 39: 
240, 241. bonariensis 39:239; 41:16. costu- 
latus 31:205; 41:15. (Elaeocharis) mem- 
branaceus 36:387, 388. emarginatus 39:268; 
41:77. Jamesoni 39:215. Limnocharis 39: 
251. membranaceus 36:387, 388. niveus 
39:236, 238; 41:109. obtusatus 39:238; 41: 
16. polymorphus 31:206; 39:215, 217, 218; 
41:109; a. depauperatus 39:236; 8. capil- 
laceus 36:388; 39:238; y. natans 39:218. 
punctatus 39:220, 221. pygmaea 31:169. 
radicans 41:17. rugulosus 39:236; 41:109. 
setaceus 39:251. stoloniferus 41:68. sub- 
articulatus 41:105. tenuiculus 39:268. 
urceolatus 39:220. viviparus 39:217, 236, 

Chaetomorpha 8:106, 193; 9:199, 200; 10:164; 

11:196, 197; 41:19, 20, 22, 24. aerea 2:43; 
7:925; 9:199; 10:163; 41:20; 43:213; 50: 
258. californica 8:106. Callithrix 41:23. 
capillaris 41:23, 24. Chelonum 9:198; 11: 
196. Henningsii 9:199. Herbipolensis 9: 
199; 11:196. Linum 1:70; 2:43; 7:225; 10: 
163; 17:91; 26:191, 213; 41:20, 21; 50:258. 
mediterranea 41:23. melagonium 1:70; 2: 
43; 10:163; 11:25; 26:213; 33:129; 50:258; 
f. rupincola 2:43; 33:130; f. typica 2:43. 
Olneyi 50:258. Picquotiana 10:163. tortu- 
osa 41:20—26 

Chaetonema irregulare 24:51 

Chaetopappa asteroides 36:232 

Chaetophora 10:122, 127. Cornu Damae, 8. 
draparnaldioides 7:240. elegans 15:91; 24: 
108; 26:164; 50:68. incrassata 7:240; 15: 
91; f. draparnaldioides 7:240. maritima 
5:210; 10:126. pellicula 5:210. pisiformis 

Chaetophoraceae 5:210. subfam. Chaeto- 
phoreae 5:210 

Chaetopteris 7:97. plumosa 10:116; 35:151, 

Chaetosphaeridium globosum 14:115; 15:91; 
26:164. Pringsheimii 23:67 

Chaetospora capillacea 25:52. capillaris 25:52 

Chain Fern(s) 11:28; 23:109, 145, 147; 30:14; 

Chamaecistus 9:54. procumbens 50:126 

Chamaecrista littoralis 38:406. rostrata 38: 

Chamaecyparis 7:126; 8:28; 9:74; 10:63; 11: 
222, 223, 225, 228, 234, 235; 14:21, 22; 21: 
68; 23:96, 101, 102, 115; 26:180; 29:169; 31: 
97, 98; 35:358; 41:488; 42:279, 343, 385. 
471, 472; 44:351; 49:153. Lawsoniana 49: 
228. nootkatensis 49:228. sphaeroides 1: 
104; 4:106; 5:134, 204; 50:248. thyoides 7: 
71; 9:74; 10:63; 11:225, 231; 14:19; 15:6; 
16:205; 23:92; 24:112; 28:43, 46, 245; 31: 
96-98; 32:152, 210, 229; 35:358; 38:98, 452 

INDEX TO VoLuMEs 1-50 57 

453; 39:476; 41:123, 469, 500, 560; 42:343, 
344, 380; 49:83; 50:248 

pope inus Bogs 11:222, 223, 225, 226, 228, 
pl. 82 

Chamaedaphne 6:125; 12:183; 13:215; 16: 
163; 24:152; 37:157; 40:149-151, 414; 41: 
127, 153; 44:29. calyculata 6:125; 9:163, 
189; 11:97; 12:129, 183; 17:148; 22:40, 43, 
44; 24:152; 25:10; 29:218, 222; 32:150, 214, 
269; 33:123; 34:54, 63; 36:283; 37:157, 158, 
fig. 1; 39:471; 40:145, 148, 154—150, 158, 160, 
163, 169, 170; 41:149, 275, 288; 42:279, 335; 
44:169, 174; 47:390; var. angustifolia 47: 
390, 391; var. latifolia 47:390, 391; var. 
nana 47:391 

Chamaedrys canadensis 35:394 

Chamaelirion 7:160; 31:12; 42:254. caro- 
linianum 6:204. luteum 41:485, 536; 42: 
363; 43:489; 47:213 

Chamaenerion 20:1. angustifolium 6:123; 9: 
121; 20:4; 42:334; 8. intermedium 20:3, 5; 
var. spectabile 20:4. latifolium 34:244; 42: 
334; var. albiflorum 41:264; 46:252 

Chamaepericlymenum 34:29, 30; 44:20. cana- 
dense 22:48; f. purpurascens 44:20, 144 

Chamaeraphis 13:174 

Chamaerhodos erecta 8. Nuttallii 37:284. 
Nuttallii 37:205, 213, 214, 217, 284, 285, 340, 
map 10, pl. 366; var. keweenawensis 37: 
214, 284, 340, map 10, pl. 366 

Chamaerops humilis 21:29 

Chamaesiphon 18:92; 28:1. fuscum 26:162. 
incrustans 18:92. polonicus 50:68 

Chamaesyce 43:97-99, 110, 111, 168, 171. 
acuta 43:176. aequata 43:230; var. claudi- 
cans 43:230; var. erecta 43:231. albicaulis 
43:230. albomarginata 43:202. ammani- 
oides 43:128. angusta 43:178. arenicola 
43:126. arizonica 43:243. astyla 43:227. 
aureola 43:188. brasiliensis 43:141. capi- 
tellata 43:174. chaetocalyx 43:225. cinera- 
scens 48:185. conjuncta 43:183. consan- 
guinea 43:230. cordifolia 43:196. erecta 
43:231. exstipulata 43:272. Fendleri 43: 
224. flagelliformis 43:127. florida 43:138. 
gemella 43:172. Geyeri 43:131. glomeri- 
fera 43:168. glyptosperma 43:235; var. in- 
tegrata 43:235. Gooddingii 43:224. gracil- 
lima 43:136. Greenei 43:224, 235. Hart- 
wegiana 43:199. hirta 43:170, 171. hirtula 
43:234. humistrata 28:245; 43:201. hys- 
sopifolia 43:141. indivisa 43:251. Ingallsii 
38:406; 41:548; 43:128. involuta 43:183. 
Jonesii 43:141. Lansingii 43:144. laredana 
43:271. lata 43:180. longeramosa 43:127. 
maculata 43:144. malaca 43:266, 268, 269. 
maritima 43:110. Mathewsii 43:255. mel- 
anadenia 43:187. micromera 43:194. neo- 
mexicana 43:230. nutans 43:144. Nuttallii 
43:133. occidentalis 43:230. ocellata 43: 
124. oregonensis 43:272. Parishii 43:192. 
Parryi 43:127. pediculifera 43:183. Peplis 
43:272. petaloidea 43:134. pilulifera var. 
procumbens 43:172. polycarpa 43:191; var. 
hirtella 43:191. polyclada 43:131. poly- 
gonifolia 43:117, 123. portulana 43:243. 

Preslii 43:144. prostrata 43:266, 268, 269. 
pseudoserpyllifolia 43:194. purisimana 43: 
243. pycnanthema 43:174. radicans 43: 
199. Rafinesquii 43:150. Rattanii 43:126. 
revoluta 43:137. Rosei 43:171. Rothrockii 
43:150. rugulosa 43:230. Rusbyi 43:174. 
saltonensis 43:240. serpens 43:199. serpyl- 
lifolia 39:150; 43:229. serrula 43:248. seti- 
loba 43:245. Stanfieldii 38:406; 43:247. 
strictospora 43:263; var. texensis 43:206. 
sulfurea 43:124. supina 43:254. thymifolia 
43:252. tonsita 43:191. trachysperma 43: 
140. Tracyi 43:254. vallis-mortae 43:186. 
vermiculata 43:150. versicolor 43:243. 
villifera 43:247. zygophylloides 43:133 

Chamberlainia 31:39 

Chamitea 48:42; 49:38 

Chamomilla 36:193. Hookeri 36:192, 193 

Champia 50:263. Kotschyana 21:207. par- 
vula 2:49; 7:232; 21:206; 26:214; 50:265 

Chantransia 8:110, 190, 195; 13:186; 10:4. 
Aliariae 8:192. barbadensis 8:195. corym- 
bifera 8:189, 195, 196. Dasyae 13:186. 
Daviesii 2:49; 8:194. Dictyotae 13:186. 
Dufourii 13:187. efflorescens 8:195; var. 
Thuretii 8:196. flexuosa 13:186. Hoytii 
13:186. macrospora 8:110, 195. minima 
13:186. roseola 8:195. secundata 2:49; 
8:192, 194. Thuretii 2:49. virgatula 2:49; 
7:172, 281; 8:192, 194; f. tenuissima 8:194 

Chaptalia 20:151. semifloscularis 17:136, 137; 
36:51. tomentosa 17:135-137 

Chara 16:158; 24:214; 30:195; 42:95; 44:8; 
48:330; 50:67, 70, 270. Braunii 48:329; 50: 
273. fragilis 5:134; 48:330 

Characeae 38:334 

Characiaceae 41:136 

Characiopsis crassiapex 30:194. pileata 30: 
194; figs. 1, 2 

Characium 11:65. ambiguum 26:111. ceylin- 
dricum 11:66, 69, 70, 72-74, pl. 79. ensi- 
forme 11:66, 67. falcatum 29:164. graci- 
lipes 11:65-67, 69, 70, 73, 74, pl. 79. 
Naegelii 14:114 

Charas 7:45 

Chasea 13:173-175. prolifera 13:175. pube- 
scens 13:175. violacea 13:175 

Checkerberry 12:183; 23:98; 24:153 

Cheeses 28:71 

Cheilanthes 3:220; 23:69; 40:182; 41:138; 48: 
383, 386, 388. alabamensis 36:227, 230; 41: 
137, 138. californica 35:261. Cooperae 35: 
261. Covillei 26:53. Eatonii 50:93. Feei 
36:223; 48:386, 387. Fendleri 26:53. fibril- 
losa 26:49, 50. gracilis 48:386. intertexta 
26:54. lanosa 22:81, 84, 86; 26:52; 36:219; 
42:383, 404; 46:55; 48:387, 388. lanuginosa 
35:261; 48:386-388. myriophylla 26:54. 
Parishii 26:49, 50. Pringlei 26:49. siliquosa 
48:272. tomentosa 40:249; 46:73; 48:383, 
384, 388. vestita 35:261; 48:384—388. vill- 
osa 26:49, 53. viscida 26:49. Wootoni 36: 

Cheiranthus Allionii 37:86. Pallasii 27:171. 
pygmaeus 27:171. tristis 9:45 

Cheironia chloroides 18:148 


Chelidonium 18:214; 44:25; 47:385. majus 
10:145; 12:104; 17:35; 18:214; 23:264; 45: 
441, 444 

Chelone 6:128; 14:225; 25:63; 41:469. Cuth- 
bertii 25:22; 39:327, 328, 446, 475. 486, 487, 
map 3; 41:469, 473, 478; 42:384, 479; 44: 
434. glabra 6:128; 7:33; 11:98; 13:146; 
14:225, 226; 17:151; 18:43, 72; 22:137; 23: 
157; 25:22, 03; 29:129, 219; 36:220, 374; 
37:354; 38:98; 50:169; f. rosea 18:72; f. 
tomentosa 42:103; var. dilatata 14:226; 
var. elatior 42:479; var. elongata 37:322; 
var. lanceolata 14:226. Grimesii 25:21, 22; 
41:469. Lyoni 18:72; 25:22; 42:46; 44:334. 
montana, var. elatior 37:322. obliqua 14: 
226; 18:72; 25:21, 22; 37:322; 42:363, 399, 
479; 49:96, 180. purpurea 25:21 

Chenopodiaceae 6:114; 9:143; 11:120; 16: 
198; 17:176; 18:36, 95, 96; 25:8; 26:224; 
28:73; 29:212, 224; 31:42; 32:250; 36:280; 
39:209; 43:80; 45:310; 49:255; 50:295, 302 

Chenopodina linearis 9:146. maritima 9:145, 
146; var. vulgaris 9:142, 145. Moquini 12: 

Chenopodium 6:83, 114; 7:160; 13:22; 14: 
206; 17:176, 233; 27:54; 41:82; 48:100. al- 
bum 3:130, 189; 5:135; 6:114; 11:121; 12: 
109; 17:176, 215, 216; 18:36, 95, 96; 22:137 ; 
25:8; 26:184, 186, 224; 27:54; 28:73; 29: 
173, 211; 32:250; 33:120; 36:280, 318, 374; 
39:372, 375; 42:322; 48:100; 50:296; var. 
viride 6:82, 140; 17:176; 22:137; 44:393. 
ambrosioides 1:47; 2:205; 17:176; 44:362, 
394; subsp. chilense, var. eu-chilense, f. an- 
gustatum 44:394; var. anthelminticum 2: 
205; 10:154; 17:176; var. chilense 44:362, 
394. anthelminticum 3:88. Berlandieri 44: 
393; 48:100. Bonus-Henricus 1:47; 17:176; 
24:174. Boscianum 10:154; 17:176; 19:129; 
24:184; 40:275; 43:519, 551. Botrys 10: 
154; 13:22; 15:220; 17:177; 30:158; 36:376; 
44:393. capitatum 1:221; 6:114; 17:177; 
41:220; 42:322; 44:104; 45:310. carinatum 
13:22; 15:220; 17:34; 30:158. chilense 44: 
394; B. angustifolium 44:394. foetidum 6: 
83. glaucum 10:150; 11:30; 13:31; 15:164; 
17:177; 19:129; 29:139. graveolens 17:177. 
humile 13:180. hybridum 17:177; 28:73; 
31:84. leptophyllum 6:82; 11:179; 17:177; 
19:129; 24:62; 29:64; 32:177; 37:86, 425; 
43:551; var. oblongifolium 17:233. mari- 
timum 9:142-146. multifidum 17:177. 
murale 17:177; 34:174; 35:362. olidum 6: 
82. opulifolium 29:173, 212. paganum 44: 
393. polyspermum $8:99; 17:177. rubrum 
5:131; 17:177; 20:104; 22:15; 25:107; 29: 
92, 106, 112, 123, 173, 212; 32:173. urbicum 
2:126; 13:89; 17:177; 34:174. vagans 44: 
394. virgatum 17:177 

Cherleria dicranoides 41:163, 164, 224. 
dra 21:11. stellata 21:6 

Cherokee Gentian 41:487; 42:375. Plum 17: 


Cherries, Sand 25:69 

Cherry 4:81; 12:32; 22:130; 41:514; 45:325, 
326, 451. Birch 10:165; 13:206. Bird 4: 


83; 12:181; 25:169, 172-176. Black 18:140; 
25:170, 172, 173, 176. Choke 12:181; 18: 
140, 141; 25:170; 31:99. Cut-leaved 4:83. 
Fire 28:82. Red 22:131. Sand 4:130; 18: 
70; 25:70. Sour 25:175. Sweet 12:181; 25: 
174; 41:515. Wild 15:32; Black 12:180; 
Red 12:181 

Chervil 4:81 

Chestnut(s) 4:133; 10:165; 13:57; 23:195; 32: 
145, 146; 43:07, 71; 47:287. Horse 12:32. 
rows din ; 47:365. Spanish 17:49. Water 

Chickasaw Plum 14:198 

Chicken-toes 12:132 

Chickweed 28:70; 46:313. Mouse-ear 28:70 

Chicory 32:14 

Chili Nettle 8:226 

Chilian Empetrum 4:147 

Chiloscyphus 12:201; 14:209, 214, 217; 19:270. 
ascendens 5:171; 7:54; 14:209, 210, 212-216, 
220; 15:27. fragilis 14:209, 217—220; 15:28, 
27; 23:67; 25:194; 26:8; var. calcareus 14: 
218; var. subterrestris 14:218. labiatus 7: 
54. lophocoleoides 7:54; 14:213, 216. 
Nordstedtii 14:209. pallescens 7:53, 54; 8: 
44; 11:195; 12:201; 14:209, 210, 213-218, 
220; 15:23, 27; 17:120; 25:194, 198; 26:8. 
polyanthus 2:62; 4:30; 5:171; 7:54, 58; 12: 
201; 14:209, 213, 214, 216-220; 15:23; 25: 
194; 26:8; B. pallescens 7:54; B. rivularis 
14:219; B. viticulosus 7:54; var. erectus 14: 
217; var. fragilis 14:217; var. grandicalyx 
14:214; var. rivularis 14:217; 26:8; var. sub- 
mersus 14:218; var. Sullivantii 14:217, 218. 
rivularis 14:209, 219, 220; 15:23, 27; 16:75; 
25:194; 26:8; f. subterrestris 14:219, 220; 
var. subteres 14:220. viticulosus 7:54, 55 

Chilosia leucoparea 38:91 

Chimaphila 7:125; 19:238, 244; 24:153; 29:1- 
5, 48. acuta 29:238, 239, 241, 244. corym- 
bosa 29:237-241. domingensis 19:237-239. 
maculata 1:93; 4:75; 5:204; 9:122; 13:21; 
24:153; 29:1, 3-5, pl. 156; 32:269; 37:350, 
354, 358, fig. 4 (map). mexicana 19:238, 
239, 241, 242. occidentalis 19:238, 239, 241, 
243; 37:324. umbellata 1:93; 3:132, 175; 
6:125; 9:122; 10:20; 13:21, 147; 18:41; 19: 
237—241, 244; 20:106; 22:39, 43, 44, 123, 134; 
29:1-5, pl. 156; 46:158; var. acuta 19:241, 
243; var. cisatlantica 19:240, 241; 20:106; 
23:278; 24:153; var. genuina 19:240, 241; 
var. mexicana 19:240, 242; var. occidentalis 
19:240, 242; 37:205, 324, 325. uniflora 29:1 

China Berry 38:426. Radix 46:32 

Chinese Pear 49:231. Sumac 50:37 

Chinquapin 42:398 

Chiococca alba 16:118; 17:51 

Chiogenes 3:198; 6:126; 12:183; 13:141; 18: 
30; 24:153. hispidula 1:97, 183; 2:38; 6: 
196; 11:97; 12:183; 13:125; 18:41; 19:31, 
246; 22:37, 40, 41, 43, 44; 24:153; 25:10; 
27:108; 29:218; 32:206; 33:109, 123; 34: 
54; 35:130; 36:283; 39:231; 40:145. ser- 
pyllifolia 1:93, 183, 192; 3:176; 5:36, 45, 50, 
133; 6:126; 9:14; 17:152 

Chionanthus 6:89; 44:373. chinensis 6:20. 

INDEX TO VoLuMEs 1-50 59 

retusa 6:19, 20, 89. virginica 6:18, 20, 89, 
figs.; 21: 119; 98: 244; 36:50; 39:481 

Chionaster nivalis 24: 104, 108, 110 

Chironia 17:129. amoena 34:26-28; 43:629. 
campanulata 17:52; 34:27; 39: 443. dode- 
candra 18:147. gracilis 17: 52; 34:27; 39: 
444. lanceolata 17:50, 51. linoides 43: 629 

Chives 19:127 

Chlamydobotrys gracilis 44:66 

Chlamydomonas 24:51; 20:211; 50:272, 270. 
communis 14:114. nivalis 24:104, 108; 26: 

Chlora 17:55; 18:147. dodecandra 17:55; 18: 
148. serotina 7:99 

Chlorella vulgaris 26:211, 215 

Chloris 15:130; 35:182; 45: 257; 49:276. cu- 
cullata 6:82; 40:430; 48:17, 27. curtipen- 
dula 47:208. elegans 6:82; 15:130; 48:27; 
49:276. floridana 50:121, 122. glauca 50: 
121, 122. verticillata 35: 361. virgata 48: 
17; 49:276 

Chlorocharis capitata 31:225; 41:51. genicu- 
lata 39:260. tuberculosa 39: 248. vivipara 

Chlorochytrium 7:97, 98. Cohnii 7:97. der- 
matocolax 7:97. inclusum 7:97. Knya- 
num 7:99. Lemnae 7:97, 98. Schmitzii 2: 
il 45: 7:97 

Chlorococcales 41:136; 44:67 

ama 24:51. "humicola 23:66; 50:68, 

Chlorocyperus Franchetii 42:197. inflexus 44: 

Chlorocystis Cohnii 2:104; 7:97 

Chlorodesmis 14:58-60. comosa 14:59 

Chlorogonium euchlorum 50:277 

Chlorophyceae 4:178; 8:106; 9:78; 10: 116; 
14:114, 236; 15:91; 294: 51, 107; 26: 164, 190, 
211, 213; 40: 323; 41: 136; 44: 66; 50:271-273, 
275, 276 

Chlorophyta 50:257 

Chlorotylium cataractarum 50:68 

Choanephora 5:97-99, 102. americana 5: 97, 
101, 102. cucurbitarum 5: 99, 101, 102, 108, 
pl. 46. infundibulifera 5:97, 100. Simsonii 
5:97, 100, 101, 292 

Choke Cherry 12: 181; 25:170; 
31:99; 47:301 

Chokeberries 4:55 

Chokeberry 23:156. Black 4:55, 56; 12:179; 
18:67. Red 4:55, 131; 12:179 

Chondria 26:189. Baileyana 7:232; 10:43; 
26:191; 35:148; 50:265. dasyphylla 2:49; 
f. floridana 8:111. sedifolia 2:49; 50: 265. 
tenuissima 2:49; 7:232; 24:2; 50: 265; f. 
californica 8: 111; var. Baileyana 2: 49; 
26:214; 50:265 

Chondrilla juncea 38:367; 41:474, 574; 42: 
369. nudicaulis 50:176 

Chondrioderma globosum 1:128. spumari- 
oides 1:128 

Chondriopsis tenuissima 35:148; 50:265 

Chondrocarpus erectus 42:295. repandus 42: 

Chondrosea 46:61 

Chondrus 1:124; 7:137, 229, 233; 

18:140, 141; 

10:11, 164; 

26:189; 30:198; 41:527; 50:264. canalicu- 
latus 17:92. crispus 2: :49; 3:183; 7:231: 
10:160; 26:214; 30:196; 33: 130; 50: :263, 265. 
Torreyi 7:137. uncialis 14: 59 

Chorda 2:112; 3:218; 11:151; 16:105; 26:189, 
190; 50: 261. Filum 2:45: 4: 175; 7: 229; 8: 
124; 10:116; 26:191, 213; 33: 130; 50:261. 
tomentosa 2: 45; 4: 175; 7: 242 

Chordaria 11:151; 26: 189; 33:129. attenuata 
50:262. Cladosiphon 21: :208, 205. divari- 
cata 50:261, 263. firma 21:205. flagelli- 
formis 2:45, 164; 7:229, 242, 243; 10:110; 
21:208, 205; 26: 213; 33: 130; 50: 261 ; 
densa 2: 45; 43:214 

Choreocolax Polysiphoniae 2:49: 6:182; 20: 
214; 50:265 

Chorispora tenella 17:32 

Chorizanthe pungens 17:175 

Christmas Fern 4:10, 53; 8:13; 23:71; 30:16; 
31:249; 40:247 

Christophorina americana 42:265, fig. 2 

Chromastrum virgatulum 50: 264-266 

Chromulina ovalis 50:276 

Chroococcales 39:280 

Chroococcus 10:162; 24:103. cohaerens 7: 
235; 24:105. limneticus 20:141. macro- 
coccus 24:105, 242; 26:162. membraninus 
50:68. minutus 24: 105; 26:162; 29:163, 164; 
30:195; 50:275. rufescens 50: 68, 69. turgi- 
dus 2: 41; 15:89; 24:103, 105; 26: 162; 29: 
163; 50: 275 

Chroolepideae 5:208, 210 

Chroomonas baltica 50:272, 276. setoniensis 

Chrysa borealis 31:141 

Chrysanthemum 6:133; 25:15, 16; 26:84; 36: 
373; 37:307; 45:485; 47: 389. arcticum 36: 
284; 41:161, 166, 296. atratum 25:16. Bal- 
samita 3: 65; var. tanacetoides 6:133; 26: 
84; 43:663. carinatum 26 :84. carolinianum 
42: :482, 483, 487, 488; 50:227. coronarium 
25:15. grandiflorum 36:192, 193; 41:296. 
indicum 25:16. integrifolium 25: 114; 41: 
296. Leucanthemum 1:57; 3:189; 5: 135, 
177-181, fig.; 7:102; 12:15; '24: 207; 25:16; 
26:84, 186, 298 ; 28: 72; 29: 221; 33: 109; 38: 
193; var. pinnatifidum 17:36, 225; 18: 44; 
22: 137; 24:208; 25:11; 26:84; 32: 151, 280; 
33:126; 34:55; 38: 193; "47: 389; 50: 300; var. 
subpinnatifidum 5: 181, fig.; 6: 133; 7: 102, 
122. Parthenium 25:15; 26: 84. segetum 
1:57; 19:252; 25:15; 31: 86. sinense 50:104. 
uliginosum 47 :389 

Chrysemys 9:199. marginata 9:199 

Chrysobalanus pallidus 48:136 

Chrysocalyx 41:320. Schimperi 41:351 

Chrysococcus 50:272 

Chrysocoma acaulis 17:135. affinis 48:255. 
graminifolia 46:330. uniligulata 49:296 

Chrysogonum 47:364. virginianum 36:51; 40: 
375, 472; 49:180 

Chrysohypnum polygamum 15:13. proten- 


sum 13:4 
Chrysomyxa 10:13. albida 10:13. 
Chrysophyceae 41:134; 44:66; 50:272, 276 




Chrysopogon 47:108. Elliottii 45:255 

Chrysopsis 9:55; 39:366; 40:379, 380, 468; 44: 
371, 464. adenolepis 44:467, 468, 471, 472, 
475, map 4, pl. 742. argentea 44:465, 467, 
471, pls. 743, 744. aspera 24:152; 44:465, 
467, 469. Berlandieri 35:290. camporum 
36:221. Correllii 44:467, 468, 470—472, 475, 
map 3, pl. 741. falcata 2:125; 5:128; 9: 
192; 11:128; 14:28; 17:36; 18:70; 19:249; 
27:57, 63; 32:151, 177, 277. flexuosa 44:464, 
467. floridana 39:455. gossypina 39:325; 
40:366, 379, 467—469, 484, pl. 531. gramini- 
folia 38:377; 39:454, 480; 44:464, 465, 467, 
468, 470—472, 475, map 1, pl. 742; var. aspera 
39:455, 480; 44:465, 469. latifolia 44:464, 
467. Longii 40:467, 468, 475, 484, pl. 531; 
42:397. mariana 39:455, 474, 482, 491, pl. 
486; f. efulgens 48:60; 49:187; var. flori- 
dana 39:455 ; var. macradenia 39:455, 475, 
491, pl. 486. microcephala 44:464, 467, 468, 
470, 472, 475, map 2, pl. 741. nervosa 44: 
465, 467—469, 471, 472, 475, map 5, pls. 
743, 744; 46:325; var. stenolepis 44:468, 
472, 474, 475, map 6, pl. 743; 49:187; var. 
virgata 44:468, 474, 475, pl. 744. Nuttallii 
13:239; 40:468. oligantha 44:464, 467. pil- 
osa 13:239; 39:325; 40:467-469. Ruthii 44: 
464, 467. Tracyi 44:464, 467, 475 

Chrysosphaerella longispina 44:66 

Chrysosplenium 4:250; 6:119; 18:250; 19:91; 
23:70; 50:199, 200. alternifolium 49:25, 27, 
28, 31-34; var. tetrandrum 25:113. ameri- 
canum 4:76; 6:119; 12:128; 13:141; 18:245, 
250; 21:201; 23:71; 31:80; 32:176; 44:116; 
50:199. beringianum 41:164, 243; 45:311. 
iowense 49:25-31, 33-36, pls. 1053, 1054. 
oppositifolium 50:199, 200. tetrandrum 41: 
147, 243; 49:25—34, 36, pls. 1053, 1054 

Chrysothamnus 12:16; 48: pl. 1026. Bloomeri, 
var. pubescens 32:27 

Chrysymenia Orcadensis 3:135. 
var. Orcadensis 3:135 

Chryza borealis 31:141 

Chytridiaceae 10:12; 24:111 

Cicer 20:166. arietinum 6:144; 20:166 

Cichoriaceae 6:61; 33:92 

Cichorium 5:135; 17:227; 26:84. Intybus 17: 
38, 220; 26:84; 29:191, 221; 32:280 

Cicuta 6:194; 24:93. bulbifera 1:159; 5:132; 
6:124; 9:122; 13:128, 139, 149; 16:15, 40; 
17:217; 19:65; 24:93; 28:221; 32:177; 35: 
251; 43:81. Curtissii 37:433; 41:439-441. 
Douglasii 41:266. mackenzieana 41:159, 
167, 265, 266. maculata 1:159; 3:188; 5: 
132; 9:122; 16:16; 17:221; 18:40; 24:93; 
32:216, 268; 35:251; 36:282, 374; 41:439—441, 
pl. 561; var. angustifolia 41:440; var. Cur- 
tissii 41:439. occidentalis 41:440. pur- 
purea 41:266. venenata 45:300. venenosa 
45:300-302. Victorinii 41:441, pl. 561; 
42:514; 48:272. virosa 41:266 

Cilissa americana 36:28 

Cimicifuga americana 23:71; 50:199. race- 
mosa 2:157; 18:166; 20:183, 196; 23:201, 
202, pl. 132; 28:17; 36:6, 374; 37:416; 40: 

rosea 3:135; 

375, 383, 421; 41:193, 194; 44:346; f. dis- 
secta 42:266; var. dissecta 21:104; 42:266 

Cinchona 39:270; 43:3; 49:208 

Cincinalis 43:11. aquilina 43:16. arachnoidea 
43:58. caudata 43:54. lanuginosa 43:17. 
latiuscula 43:43. villosa 43:22 

Cincinnulus suecicus 9:66. Trichomanis, var. 
Neesiana 11:193; var. sphagnicola 9:65; var. 
suecicus 9:66 

Cinclidium 43:95. stygium 30:8 

Cineraria atropurpurea 41:298; 42:342. con- 
gesta 47:257. frigida 42:342; f. tomentosa 
41:299; 42:342. lyrata 26:113, 115. palus- 
iris 47:256 

Cinna 6:105; 15:128; 45:227, 234; 49:271. 
arundinacea 13:9, 207, 208, pl. 85; 15:128; 
32:176; 37:135, 186, pl. 334; 38:265, 269; 
44:70; 49:271; var. inexpansa 37:135, 186, 
pl. 334; var. pendula 15:128. filiformis 45: 
236. glomerata 37:142; 45:237. lateriflora 
45:226, 227. latifolia 1:183; 6:105; 13:125; 
15:128; 19:119; 21:130; 22:138; 25:6; 29: 
148, 207; 32:205; 33:60, 116; 34:63; 35:288; 
37:135, 186, pl. 334; 38:265, 268; 49:271. 
pendula 1:183; 3:169; 5:36; 6:105. Purshii 
32:40. racemosa 45:237 

Cinnamon Fern(s) 6:227; 15:154; 35:352; 42: 
278; 46:158. Rose 12:180. Vine 18:43 

Cinquefoil 13:238; 44:333; 46:315. Three- 
toothed 12:180. White 28:82 

Circaea 6:123; 17:223; 19:85-87; 23:115; 47: 
97, 101. alpina 1:221; 2:125, 201, 215; 5: 
132; 6:97, 123; 10:165; 13:138; 17:152, 223; 
19:85-88; 21:200; 22:137; 23:115; 24:118; 
29:217; 31:140; 32:179, 206, 261; 33:122; 
34:54, 63; 35:250; 36:282; 37:206; 39:188, 
201; 41:263; 42:333. canadensis 19:85-87; 
23:137, 170, 216; 24:118; 39:188; 47:97, 98, 
162, 163, pl. 896; var. virginiana 47:161- 
163, pl. 896. intermedia 1:102, 221; 4:137; 
16:13; 17:204; 19:85-87; 23:276; 24:118; 
47:97. latifolia 17:223; 19:85-87; 23:115, 
137, 170, 276; 24:118; 32:176; 35:250; 39: 
188; 41:387; 43:81. lutetiana 1:102, 221; 
4:89; 5:132; 6:123; 9:39; 16:15, 17; 17:222, 
223; 19:85-87; 23:276; 41:386, 387; 42:244; 
B. canadensis 17:223; 19:87 ; 41:387; 42:244; 
43:160; f. quadrisulcata 41:386; subsp. quad- 
risuleata 41:386; var. canadensis 19:87; var. 
quadrisuleata 17:224; 19:87; 41:386. mari- 
tima 17:223. Maximowiezii 41:387. mollis, 
var. Maximowiezii 41:386. quadrisulcata 
17:224; 19:87; 41:386; var. canadensis 41: 
387; 42:244 

Cirsium 6:133; 9:55; 10:94; 13:238, 239; 26: 
84, 218; 37:307; 45:353, 354; 50:229. altis- 
simum 26:84; 41:585; 45:356; f. Moorei 
41:585; var. discolor 4:203. americanum 
13:239; 38:299. arvense 6:133; 11:130; 
17:36, 220; 18:44; 22:137; 26:84, 186, 228; 
29:921; 31:10; 32:280; 33:109, 126; 34:64; 
36:984; 44:172, 174; 50:300; var. integri- 
folium 19:252; var. vestitum 33:167. canum 
26:84. carolinianum 50:229, pl. 1115. 
discolor 11:130; 17:36, 37; 26:84; 32:210, 
280; 34:19; f. albiflorum 34:19. Drum- 


mondii 13:240. Eatoni 13:240. eriocepha- 
lum var. leiocephalum 13:240. flaccidum 45: 
509, 510; 50:229, pl. 1115. Flodmani 45: 
356; 46:87, 88. foliosum 13:240. Helleri 
38:408. Hillii 10:95; 12:211—213; 24:88, 
184. Hookerianum 38:299. horridulum 4: 
93; 13:239; 26:84; 32:280; 39:480; 45:353; 
50:228; f. Elliottii 45:353; var. Elliottii 36: 
52, 231; 45:353. iowense 10:94. lanceo- 
latum 6:97, 133; 11:130; 17:220; 18:44; 26: 
84, 186, 228; 32:280; 40:443; 49:253; 50: 
300. minganense 29:141; 48:271. muticum 
6:133; 11:99; 12:111; 13:111; 23:157; 25: 
11; 26:84; 29:129, 221; 31:86; 33:126; 35: 
15; 40:252; 42:200; f. lactiflorum 35:369; 
f. subpinnatifidum 45:353; var. monticola 
9:28, 164, 167, 191; 13:111; 44:114, 146; 
var. subpinnatifidum 10:95; 11:99; 26:84; 
45:354. Nuttallii 39:344, 459, 477; 41:574. 
odoratum 45:354. palustre 4:217; 13:116; 
26:84; 35:15, 277, 300; 37:337; 49:253. 
pinetorum 45:353; 50:228. Pitcheri 12:212; 
37:72. plattense 13:240. pumilum 11: 
130; 12:211-213; 13:111, 183; 24:88, 181, 
184; 26:84; 32:280; 45:354; f. candidum 
45:354; f. fultius 45:354. repandum 40: 
380, 477. revolutum 45:509. Smallii 45: 
353; 50:228, pl. 1115. spinosisimum 13: 
238, 239; 32:280; 50:228, pl. 1115. super- 
canum X rivulare 9:42. undulatum 45:356; 
46:87; var. megacephalum 10:94. vir- 
ginianum 36:231; 39:352, 482; 44:373, 478; 
45:365, 509, 510; 47:103, 197; 50:229; f. 
revolutum 45:509; 47:103, 197. vittatum 
45:353. vulgare 50:300 

Cissampelos 47:301. Pareira 47:301 

Cissus 10:25; 22:72. Ampelopsis 22:72. 
hederacea 10:25; 8. hirsuta 10:26; 41:429. 
incisa 36:224, 231. indica 11:51. quinque- 
folia 10:27 

Cistaceae 1:212; 2:22; 4:28; 11:131, 132; 22: 
123; 29:216; 31:42; 32:265; 40:40, 41, 47; 

Cisticapnos 9:54 

Cistus 23:92; 40:38. canadensis 20:49, 50; 
21:36. globulariaefolius 43:611 

Citharexylum 44:31 

Citronnier 50:18 

Citrullus 26:17. vulgaris 26:17 

Citrus 50:103 

Cladium 2:123; 6:108; 7:160; 13:105; 19:38; 
25:49, 50; 33:44, 145, 148; 39:232; 44:44; 
46:90; 47:206. aromaticum 25:51. bonin- 
simae 25:51. borneense 25:52. californi- 
cum 44:89. capillaceum 25:52. chinense 
25:52. colpodes 25:53. complanatum 25: 
53. cyperoides 25:53. Deplanchei 25:53. 
distichum 25:53. Drummondii 25:54. ef- 
fusum 25:51, 52; 44:44. ensigerum 25:53. 
faleatum 25:53. ficticium 25:53. filiforme 
25:53. Gaudichaudii 25:53. germanicum 
25:50, 51. giganteum 25:54. globiceps 25: 
53. hirtum 25:53. Huttoni 25:53. jamai- 
cense 25:50, 51; 37:405, 437; 38:377, 396; 
39:480; 42:510, 513; 44:241, 370; 45:461; 
49:90. japonicum 25:52. latifolium 25:54. 

leptostachyum 25:50. Maingayi 25:53. 
mariscoides 1:43, 98, 204; 2:123, 202; 5:133; 
6:108; 7:72; 10:149; 18:105; 14:31; 17:151; 
19:32; 23:101; 25:53; 32:239; 39:232; 44: 
369, 385; 49:100, 126; f. congestum 23: 
234; 24:163; 25:53. Mariscus 25:50-52; 
var. californicum 25:52; 44:89. Martii 25: 
54. Melleri 25:54. micranthes 25:54. 
Milnei 25:54. Muelleri 25:54. occidentale 
25:50, 51. palustre 25:51. pantopodum 25: 
54. philippinense 25:53. pulchrum 25:54. 
restioides var. effusum 25:54. riparium, var. 
crassum 25:54. samoense 25:54. Vauth- 
lera 25:54 

Cladonia 2:155: 10:0: 11:123, 212; 217; 21:19; 

119; 23:148, 170, 183, 186; 25:46; 33:145; 
35:141-143, 237; 37:305; 30:152; 40:5, 6, 
25:45:417, 418. § Clausae 29:138. subgen. 
Cenomyce 33:149; 34:123; 37:38; 40:9; 45: 
426. § Cocciferae 40:9, 10. sub-§ Stra- 
mineo-flavidae 34:127; 37:40; 40:11. sub-$ 
Subglaucescentes 34:124; 37:38; 40:9. 
$ Ochrophaeae 31:102; 40:12. sub-8 Chas- 
mariae 40:12. group Megaphylla 34:153; 
37:48; 40:15. group Microphylla 34:156; 
37:43; 40:12. sub-8 Clausae 40:15. group 
Podostelides 40:15. subgroup Helopodium 
34:156; 37:48. subgroup Macropus 34:156; 
37:48. group Foliosae 34:162; 37:56; 40: 
24. group Ochroleucae 34:163; 37:57; 40: 
25. group Thallostelides 34:159; 37:49; 40: 
11, 16. sub-§ Unciales 34:130; 37:42; 40: 
12. ser. Cocciferae 33:149, pl. 210. a. Sub- 
glaucescentes 33:149. b. Stramineo-flavidae 
33:150. ser. Ochrophaeae 33:150. a. 
Unciales 33:150, pl. 211. b. Chasmariae 33: 
150, pl. 211. c. Clausae 33:151, pls. 211, 212. 
subgen. Cladina 33:148; 34:122; 37:35; 40: 
6, 7; 45:417-420, 426, 437. subgen. Pycno- 
thelia 33:149, pl. 210; 34:123; 37:37; 40:9. 
acuminata 32:92—94, pl. 199; 36:142, 154. 
alcicornis 11:217; 26:148. alpestris 11:213, 
215, 217, 231; 28:205; 32:60; 36:154; 37:34; 
40:26; 45:418-421, 427-431, 433, 434, 437, 
figs. 1, 2, 6; f. aberrans 45:419, 429-432; 
f. inturgescens 45:429. alpicola 33:148, 152; 
34:157; 37:35, 48, 49; 40:26; a. foliosa, f. 
minor 37:49; f. minor 37:35, 49; var. foliosa 
37:49; var. karelica 11:218, 219; 26:145, 146; 
33:147, 157, 159, pl. 212; 34:157, 158, 103; 
37:48, 49. amaurocraea 11:214, 215; 32:92; 
f. oxycera 32:92. apodocarpa 27:210, 211; 
28:225; 33:150, 156, 159, pl. 211; 34:150, 
162; 37:48; 40:15. bacillaris 11:212, 215, 
217; 32:91, 92; 33:150, 156, 159; 34:124, 126, 
127; 37:38, 39; 40:9, 25; f. abbreviata 34: 
124, 125; 37:40; 40:10; f. clavata 29:99; 33: 
154, 159, pl. 210; 34:124; 37:38; 40:9; f. 
monstrosa 37:38; f. peritheta 34:124; 37: 
38; 40:9; f. pityropoda 37:38, 39; 40:10; 
f. reagens 24:124; 40:9; f. sorediata 34:125; 
37:40; f. styracella 37:40; f. subscyphifera 
33:136; f. subtomentosula 37:38; 40:9; f 
tenuistipitata 37:39, 40; 40:10; m. abbre- 
viata 34:124; var. abbreviata 34:124; var. 
elegantior 28:205. bacilliformis 28:225. 


Balfourii 33:136, 138; f. subradiata 33:138. 
Beaumontii 25:46; 27:49; 29:133-137; 31: 
56; 33:155; f. elegans 27:51; 29:137; f. 
pallida 27:51; 29:137. bellidiflora 11:213, 
218, 219. Blakei 33:138, 139, pl. 209. 
borboniea 32:93, 94; f. cylindrica 34:161; 
37:56; 40:24; f. squamulosa 34:161; 37:56; 
40:24. Boryi 10:9; 11:218; 33:148, 150, 155; 
34:130, 131, 138, 140; f. cribrosa 34:142; 
f. lacunosa 34:138, 141; 37:43; 40:12; f. 
prolifera 33:155; 34:138, 140, 141; 37:43; 
f. reticulata 18:94; 29:99; 34:141; 37:43. 
botrytes 28:225. brevis 34:156-158; 37:48, 
49. caespiticia 11:213, 215; 29:99; 32:93; 
33:150, 156, 159, pl. 211; 34:156; 37:47; 40: 
14. callosa 37:46. carassensis 26:146; 37: 
47; 40:26; f. digressa 26:146; f. irregularis 
26:146; f. obliqua 26:147; f. regularis 26: 
146; f. subregularis 26:146; 37:47; m. di- 
gressa 26:146; m. regularis 26:146; m. spec- 
tabilis 26:147. cariosa 11:213, 215; 26:148; 
28:206; 32:93; 33:137, 147; 34:158; 36:142, 
153; 37:35; f. corticata 32:92; f. cribrosa 
32:92; f. squamulosa 37:49; var. corticata 
11:213, 215, 217, 218; 26:145, 146. carneola 
11:215; 33:138, 139; f. prolifera 33:138; f. 
simplex 33:138. caroliniana 34:130, 131, 
133-138, 140, 141; 40:12; f. dilatata 34:137, 
138-140; 37:42; f. dimorphoclada 34:137, 
138; f. fibrillosa 34:137, 139; 37:43; 40:12; 
f. prolifera 34:137, 139, 141; 37:43; 40:12; 
f. tenuiramea 34:137, 139; 37:43; 40:12. 
cenotea 41:214, 215; 34:154-156; 36:142, 
154; 40:26; f. crossota 33:137; f. exaltata 
34:155; 37:47; var. crossota 28:206; 32:92; 
34:155; var. furcellata 11:218. cerasophora 
28:207. cerina 34:127. cervicornis 36:142, 
154; var. verticillata, f. aggregata 37:50. 
chlorophaea 27:210; 32:92; 33:147, 151, 152, 
157, 159, pl. 212; 34:159, 160; 37:51—53; 40: 
6, 16-20, 23, 25; f. carneopallida 33:157; f. 
carpophora 33:157; 37:53; 40:17, 20; f. 
centralis 33:147, 157; f. conistea 40:18; f. 
costata 33:137, 157; 37:51, 52; 40:17; f. 
homodactyla 33:157; 40:17; f. intermedia 
37:52; 40:17; f. lepidophora 33:157; 34: 
160; 37:52; 40:17, 20; f. pachyphyllina 37: 
52; 40:17; f. peritheta 40:17; f. prolifera 
33:138, 157; 40:17, 19; f. pseudotrachyna 
37:51, 52; 40:20; f. pterygota 33:157; 37: 
52; 40:17, 20; f. simplex 33:157; 37:51-53; 
40:16, 19; 50:291; f. sorediosa 33:138; var. 
pachyphyllina 34:159; 37:52; f. costata 34: 
159. clavulifera 26:145, 146; 31:103; 33: 
152, 157, 159, pl. 212; 34:157; 37:49, 57; 40: 
5, 15; f. epiphylla 34:156; f. nudicaulis 34: 
156; 37:48; 40:15; f. pleurocarpa 34:156; 
f. subfastigiata 34:156; f. subvestita 33:157, 
159, pl. 212; 34:156; 37:48; 40:15; m. sub- 
vestita 26:146. coccifera 11:212, 215, 217; 
28:205; 32:92; 33:148, 150, 154; 36:142, 153, 
155; e. cerina 34:128; f. stemmatina 32:92; 
var. coronata 28:205; var. ochrocarpia 11: 
215; var. phyllocoma 33:154; var. pleurota 
11:215; 28:205; 29:99; var. stemmatina 28: 
205; 33:154, 159, pl. 210. coniocraea 32:93; 


33:138, 151, 157; 35:150; 37:55, 56; 40:23, 
25; f. ceratodes 32:93; 33:138, 157, 159, pl. 
212; 34:160, 161; 37:55; f. expansa 34:160, 
161; 37:55; 40:23; f. phyllostrata 33:138, 
157; 40:23; f. pycnotheliza 32:93; 34:161; 
37:55; 40:23; f. robustior 34:161; 37:55; 
f. stenoscypha 40:24; f. truncata 32:93; 
33:138, 157, 159, pl. 212; 34:160; 37:55; 40: 
23. conista 32:92, 94; 33:138; 37:53; 40: 
18, 21; f. simplex 34:160; 37:53. corallifera 
var. transcendens 28:205. cornucopioides 
11:217; 28:205. cornuta 11:213, 215; 32: 
92; 36:142, 154; B. Rei 40:22; f. phyllotoca 
28:207. cornutoradiata 32:93; 40:21, 22, 
26; f. radiata 40:21, 22; f. subulata 32:93; 
40:21. crispata 11:214, 215, 217; 26:147; 
29:135; 32:92; 37:47; f. dilacerata 32:92; 
f. elegans 34:154; f. Kairamoi 32:92; f. 
virgata 32:92; var. schistopoda 28:206; var. 
subcrispata 28:206; var. virgata 28:206. 
cristatella 2:67; 11:212, 215, 219; 15:93; 27: 
51; 28:206; 29:98, 99, 105; 31:101, 102; 32: 
93; 33:145, 150; 34:126, 128; 35:141, 143; 
37:40, 41; 40:25; 50:292; f. abbreviata 29: 
100; 50:292; f. aurantiaca 37:41; 40:12; 
f. Beauvoisii 32:91; 33:154, 159, pl. 210; 
34:128; 37:40; 40:11; f. lepidifera 31:101- 
103; f. ochrocarpa 32:91; 33:154; 37:41, 42; 
40:12; f. pleurocarpa 34:129; 37:41; 40:11; 
f. scyphulifera 37:41; 40:11; f. squamos- 
issima 34:129; 37:41, 42; 40:11; 50:292; 
f. squamulosa 33:154; 34:129; f. vestita 32: 
91; 33:147, 154, 155, 159, pl. 210; 34:129; 
37: 41; 40:11; var. Beauvoisii 28:206; var. 
ochrocarpia 11:215, 219; 31:102-105; var. 
paludicola 11:212, 215; 34:129; var. ramosa 
11:212, 215; 28:206; var. vestita 11:212, 
215; 28:206; 29:100. cyanipes 36:142, 154; 
var. Despreauxii 28:225. Daytoniana 29: 
136, 137. decorticata 11:213, 215; 33:147; 
34:158, 159; 40:26. deformis 11:100, 213, 
215; 28:205; 32:91; f. crenulata 32:91; 33: 
136; f. extensa 32:91; f. gonechus 28:206; 
m. extensa 33:136; var. elephantiasica 28: 
206. degenerans 11:214, 215; 27:50; 28: 
207; 32:92; 33:147; f. cladomorpha 33: 
137; f. euphorea 33:137; f. phyllophora 
32:92; 33:137. delicata 11:213, 215; 28: 
206; 29:100, 136; 33:151, 155, 158; 40:6; 
f. quercina 33:155, 159, pl. 211; 34:156; 37: 
47; 40:14. destricta 34:136, 137; f. scypho- 
sula 34:137. didyma 11:212, 219; 33:154; 
34:125-127; f. squamulosa 34:127; f. sub- 
ulata 34:127; 40:11; var. muscigena 29:100; 
34:127; var. vulcanica 34:127. digitata 11: 
212, 215; 28:205; 32:92; 33:138; 40:6, 10, 
11, 26; var. glabrata 32:92-94, pl. 199. di- 
morphoclada 34:137, 138. elongata 36:142, 
153; f. eemocyna 33:137; f. intermedia 33: 
137, 139. pl. 209; f. laontera 33:137. Evansi 
45:418-420, 427, 437. fallax 40:437. fibula 
40:22. fimbriata 11:214, 215, 217; 29:100; 
33:136, 138; 34:160; 36:142, 154; 37:53-56; 
40:5, 21; æ. simplex g. major 37:54; 8. och- 
rochlora 37:55; e. pyenotheliza 34:161; C. 
chondroidea 33:138; ¢?. subradiata 33:138; 


C. Balfourii 33:138; f. conista 32:92; 37:53; 
f. cornuto-radiata 40: 21; f. exilis 37: 54; f. 
fibula 29:100; f. simplex 14:89; 32:93; f. 
stenoscypha 37: 53; 40:24; var. adspersa 11: 
218; var. apolepta f. stenoscypha 37:54; 40: 
24; var. coniocraea 11:213, 215, 217; 28: 
207 ; var. nemoxyne 11: 215; var. ochroch- 
lora 37: 55; f. robustior 34: 161; var. radiata 
11:214, 215, 217; 28:207; var. simplex 11: 
217: f. exilis 37: 54; f. major 37:54; m. 
major 28:207; m. minor 28:207; var. subu- 
lata 11:213, 215; var. tubaeformis 11:217. 
flabelliformis 11:219. Floerkeana 33:147- 
149, 154; 34:126, 127; 37:39; var. carcata 
34:124; 37:38, 39; 40:9; f. squamosissima 
34: 124: 40:9; var. intermedia 33: 154, 159, 
pl. 210; 34: 124; 37:38, 39; 40:9. floridana 
29:136, 137, pl. 157; 31:56; 33:148, 151, 155, 
159, pl. 211; f. brachiata 29: 137, 138, pl. 
157; 33: 155; f. elegans 29:137, 138, pl. 
157; 33:155, 159, pl. 211; f. esquamosa 29: 
137, 138, pl. 157; 31: 56: 33:155; f. pallida 
29: 137; f. typica 29: 137, 138, pl. 157; 33: 
155, 159, pl. 211. foliacea 27 :210; 33: 148, 
1583; 34: 122: 162; var. alcicornis 11: :214, 216, 
217; 27:211; 98: 225; 29:100; 33:158, 159, 
pl. 212; 34: 156, 162, 163; E squamulosa 34: 
163. furcata 2: 675 TI 213, 216-218; 25:47; 
29:100, 105; 32:92; 33:148, 151; 35: 150; 87: 
43; 40:12, 95; 45: 498; 50: 292; C. recurva 
37: 44: £ fissa 34: 153; *¢, fissa subvar. race- 
mosella 40: 13; f. conspersa 33:137; m. subu- 
lata 26:147; var. crispata 11:217; var. pal- 
amaea 11: 213, 216, 218; 34:154; 37: 44; 40: 
TE fa implexa 37:44; f. rigidula RY i 44; f. 
subulata 37:44; 50: 292; var. pinnata 11: 
213, 216, 218; 34: 154; 37: 44; 40:13; f. folio- 
losa 33: 155, 159, pl. 211; 34: 154; 40: ET 
recurva 37:44, 45; 40: 13; f. truncata 33: 
196, 1387: f. turgida 87: 45; var. pungens 
11:218; var. racemosa 11: 218; 14:89; 26: 
147; 32: 92; 33:155, 159, pl. 211; 34: 153, 
154; 37:43; 40:12; f. arbuscula 37: 43, 44; 
f. corymbosa 83: 155; 34:153; 37:43, 44; 40: 
13; f. fissa 34:153; 37: 43; 40: EPSA furcato- 
subulata 33: 155; 34: 153; 37: 43; 40:13; f. 
racemosella 40: 13; f: squamulifera 34: 153, 
154; 37:44; 40:13; f. subclausa 33:155; 37: 
44; f. surrecta 33: 137; m. pinnata 29: 100; 
m. subclausa 26: 147; var. scabriuscula 11: 
213, 216, 218; 28:206; var. subulata 11:218. 
glauca 11:213, 216, '218; 29:100; 34:155, 
156; 40:26; f. capreolata 34 :156. Gorgonina 
27 :50. gracilis 11:214, 216—218; 33:147; f. 
anthocephala 32:92; f. dilacerata 27: 50; 33: 
137; f. mesotheta 32: 92; var. chordalis 11: 
100, 213, 216, 218; 28: 207: 32:902; m. aspera 
28:207; m. leucochlora 928: 207; var. chor- 
dalis-aspera 32:02; var. dilacerata 11: 216, 
LG 28 200 37: 49; var. dilatata 11:214, 
218: 28:206; 32:92; 40:16; f. squamulosa 
40: 16; m. anthocephala 28: 206; var. elongata 
11:213, 216, 218; 28:206, 207: f. chordalis 
11:218; f. macroceras 11:218; var. hybrida 
11:218; var. verticillata 11: :218; f. symphy- 
carpla BIE 218; Grayi 34:159. 160; 37:52; 

40:6, 18, 20, 23, 25; f. carpophora 40:20; 
LL cyathiformis 37: 53; 40:19; f. prolifera 
40:19; f. simplex 40: 19, 20; 1. squamulosa 
34: 160; 40:19, 20. impexa 33: 149, 153, 159, 
pl. 210; 37: 34: 40:6, 8, 9; 45: 417-420, 427, 
432, 437; f. condensata 33:1585; f. 'exal- 
bescens 45: 418; f. laxiuscula 33: 153, 159, 
pl. 210; 34:123; 40:7, 9; var. laxiuscula 28: 
205; 32: 91. impexa- spumosa 45:432. in- 
crassata 34:126, 129; 40:12; f. squamulosa 
34:129; 37:42; m. phyllocephala 34:129. 
invisa 32:92, 93; 44:138. Krempelhuberi 
33:137. lepidifera 31:105. lepidota 11:219; 
31:101-103, 105; 36:142, 153, 154. leporina 
33:147. leptophylla 11:219. leucophaea 
45:437. macilenta 11:212, 216, 217, 219; 
29:100; 33:147, 149, 154; 34:126, 127; 37: 
40; 40:6, 11; 8. squamigera 34:125; f. corti- 
cata 33:136; f. granulosa 34:125; 37:40; 
40:10; f. squamigera 34:125; f. styracella 
33:136, 154, 159, pl. 210; 34:125; 40:10; var. 
styracella 28:205; 29:100. macrophylliza 
29:135. macrophyllodes33:137. magyarica, 
var. pocilliformis 37:51. major 33:138; 37: 
53-55. mateocyatha 27:49, 50; 33:151, 159, 
pl. 212; 34:157; 37:50; f. leioscypha 34:159; 
37 :50; 40:16; f. squamulata 27:50; 33:158, 
159, pl. 212; 34:159; 37:50; 40:16. mitis 
33:147-149, 153, 159, pl. 210; 34:123; 36: 
142, 153, 155; 37:34, 36, 37; 40:5, 7, 8; 45: 
420, 426, 427, 431, 432, 434-437, fig. 5; f. 
divaricata 37:36; 45:432, 436; f. laevigata 
45:434; f. prolifera 34:123; 37:36; 40:8; 
45:437; f. prostrata 32:91; 45:432; f. sora- 
lifera 37:37; 45:437; f. tenuis 45:434; f. 
vesciculosa 45:432; m. divaricata 45:430; 
m. prolifera 45:436; m. prostrata 45:435. 
mitis-divaricata 45:436. mitrula 11:213, 
216, 219; 26:145; 29:100; 31:103; 33:152, 
156, 157; 40:15; f. epiphylloma 40:15; f. 
imbricatula 33:156, 159, pl. 211; 34:156; 37: 
48; 40:15; f. microcarpa 40:15; f. pallida 
34:156; 40:15. multiformis 11:219; 32:92; 
f. Finkii 33:137; 34:154; 37:45; 40:13; f. 
simulata 37:45; 40:13; f. subascypha 33: 
137; 37:45; 40:13; f. subtestacea 37:45. 
nemoxyna 32:93; 33:138; 34:158, 160; 37: 
55; 40:22, 23; 50:292; f. fibula 34:160; 37: 
55; 40:22, 23; f. Rei 40:22, 23. Norrlini 
34:159; 40:26. novae-angliae 28:206. 
Oakesii 31:105. ochrochlora 37:55, 56; 40: 
24, 26; f. ceratodes subf. robustior 34:161; 
m. ceratodes 29:100; m. truncata 29:101. 
paludicola 33:150, 155, 159, pl. 210; 34:129; 
f. squamulosa 34:129. papillaria 11:212, 
216; 33:149, 153; f. epistelis 34:123; 40:9; 
f. molariformis 33:153, 159, pl. 210; 34:123; 
37:37; 40:9; f. papillosa 33:153, 159, pl. 
210; 34:123; 37:37; 40:9; f. prolifera 34: 
124; 37:38; f. stipata 33:153; 34:123; 37: 
37. persquamulosa 29:136. piedmontensis 
31:103, 105, 106, pl. 187; 33:153, 158, pl. 212; 
50:292; f. epiphylla 31:104; 37:57; 40:25; 
f. intermedia 31:104—106, pl. 187; 40:25; 
f. lepidifera 31:104—106, pl. 187; 33:158, 
159; pi 212: 34:1604: 37:57; 40:25. f. ob: 


conica 31:104-106, pl. 187; 33:158, 159, 
pl. 212; 34:163; 37:57; 40:25; f. phyllo- 
coma 31:104—106, pl. 187; 33:158; 40:25; 
f. squamosissima 31:104—106, pl. 187; 34: 
164; 37:57; f. squamulosa 31:104—106, pl. 
187; 33:158; 34:163; 37:57. pityrea 1l: 
213, 214, 216, 218; 31:105; 33:148, 151, 152, 
157, 159, pl. 212; f. scyphifera 29:101; var. 
Zwackhii, f. epiphylla 34:161; f. hololepis 
33:158; f. squamulifera 34:162; 37:56; 40: 
24; f. subacuta 26:148; 33:138, 158; 34:162; 
37:56; 40:15, 24; m. cladomorpha 28:207; 
m. hololepis 26:148. pleurota 32:92, 94, pl. 
199; 33:150, 154; 34:127; 37:40; 40:11, 25; 
f. albida 34:128; 37:40; f. cerina 34:127, 
128; 37:40; f. decorata 33:154, 159, pl. 210; 
34:127; 37:40; 40:11; f. frondescens 37:40; 
f. pallescens 34:128; m. decorata 32:92; 
var. cerina 33:154; var. decorata 33:154, 
159; var. frondescens 34:128.  polycarpia 11: 
219; 33:148, 152, 156, 159, pl. 211. pseudo- 
evansi 45:418, 419, 427, 437. pulchella 11: 
219; 33:147; 34:125. pycnoclada 37:34. 
pyenotheliza 34:161. pyxidata 2:67; 11: 
214, 216; 27:51, 210; 29:101; 33:148, 151, 
157; 36:142, 153, 154; 37:46, 51; 2) callosa 
37:46; *C. exilis 37:54; ð. expansa 34:160; 
var. chlorophaea 11:216; 28:207; 29:101; 
37:52; f. carneopallida 33:157; f. conistea 
37 :53; f. prolifera 28:207; f. pseudotrachyna 
37:51, 52; m. costata 28:207; var. neglecta 
28:207; 29:101; 33:157; 34:159; 37:50, 52; 
40:16; f. lophyra 33:157; 37:50; f. macro- 
phylla 28:207; f. prolifera 28:207; f. sim- 
plex 33:157, 159, pl. 212; 34:159; 37:50; 40: 
16; var. pocillum 11:219; 34:159; 37:50, 
51; f. caesio-cinerea 37:50. radiata 40:22. 
rangiferina 2:67; 5:45; 7:122; 11:213, 216, 
231; 14:89; 23:148; 28:205; 29:101, 105; 
32:91; 33:148, 153; 34:122, 123; 36:155; 37: 
34, 35; 40:7; 45:417, 437; c. alpestris 45: 
430; f. crispata 33:153, 159, pl. 210; 34:122; 
37:35; f. humilis 37:35; f. incrassata 40:7; 
f. leucitica 40:7; f. patula 37:36; f. prolifera 
34:122; 40:7; f. setigera 37:36; f. tenuior 
34:122; 37:35; 40:7; f. umbellata 37:35; 
40:7; var. alpestris 5:45; 11:217; 45:430; 
var. sylvatica 11:218. rangiformis 11:213. 
216, 218; 45:426; var. pungens 28:206. Rei 
40:22, 23. reticulata 11:214, 216, 218; 13: 
91; 14:89; 33:155; f. cribrosa 34:142. Sand- 
stedei 45:437. Santensis 29:133-137; 33: 
139, 147; b. Beaumontii 25:46; 27:50; f. 
Beaumontii 29:133-135, 137; 31:56. sca- 
briuscula, f. conspersa 33:137; f. farinacea 
34:154; 37:45; 40:13; f. subnuda 33:137, 
139, pl. 209; f. surrecta 32:92; 33:137. 
simulata 31:105. squamosa 11:214, 216, 
218; 15:93; 26:147, 148; 29:134-137; 31: 
105; 32:92; 33:148, 150, 156; 34:154; 36: 
142, 154; 37:45-47 ; 40:13; ò. muricella 40: 
14; f. botryoides 26:148; f. callosa 37:45, 
46; 40:14; f. carneopallida 40:14; f. clavari- 
ella 37:46; 40:14; f. denticollis 32:92; 33: 
156; 34:154; 37:45; 40:6, 13; f. frondosa 
40:14; f. levicorticata 33:156; 34:154; 40: 


6; m. pseudo-crispata 34:154; 40:14; m. 
rigida 34:154; 37:47; 40:14; f. mucronata 
34:154; f. multibracteata 29:134; f. muri- 
cella 40:14; f. murina 37:45; 40:14; f. phyl- 
locoma 33:156; 37:46; 40:14; f. phyllopoda 
37:46; 40:14; f. sessilis 33:156; f. squa- 
mosissima 29:101; 33:156, 159, pl. 211; 37: 
45; 40:14; f. turfacea 33:156; m. phyllo- 
coma 29:101; m. pseudocrispata 33:156; m. 
rigida 33:156, 159, pl. 211; var. denticollis 
f. callosa 37:46; var. multibrachiata 11:216, 
218; var. muricella 11:214, 216, 218; 28: 
206; 40:14; f. phyllopoda 37:46; var. phyl- 
locoma 11:216, 218; var. polycraea 34:133. 
stenophyllia 29:138. stenophylliza 29:138. 
strepsilis 26:148; 27:210; 33:148, 152, 158; 
34:157, 162; 37:56; 40:24; f. compacta 34: 
163; 40:24; f. coralloidea 33:158, 159, pl. 
212; 34:163; 37:56; 40:24; f. glabrata 26: 
148; 29:135; 33:158; 34:163; 37:49, 56; 40: 
24; f. megaphyllina 34:163; 37:57; f. sub- 
aleicornis 34:163; f. subsessilis 33:147, 158; 
37:56; 40:24; var. coralloidea 26:148; var. 
glabrata 34:157. subcariosa 11:213, 216, 
218; 26:145, 147; 27:210; 29:101; 31:103; 
33:148, 152, 156, 157; 37:48, 57; 40:5, 15, 25; 
f. epiphylla 33:156; 50:292; f. evoluta 33: 
156, 159, pl. 211; 34:156; 37:48; 40:15; 50: 
292; f. pallida 33:156; f. pleurocarpa 37: 
48; 40:16; f. squamulosa 33:156; 34:156; 
37:48; 40:16; m. squamulosa 26:147. sub- 
impexa 45:418. submitis 45:424, 435-437, 
fig. 3; f. divaricata 45:436; f. prolifera 
45:424, 436, fig. 4; f. soralifera 45:437. 
subsquamosa 26:147; 29:136; 33:137; 37: 
47; f. denudata 33:137; f. pulverulenta 33: 
137; var. luxurians 28:206; var. pulverulenta 
28:206. substraminea 31:101, 103. sulphu- 
rina 28:206. sylvatica 11:213, 216, 218; 14: 
89; 25:47; 26:148; 29:105; 33:136, 149, 153; 
34:123; 36:155; 37:34, 36; 40:5-8; 41:161; 
45:417, 420, 432, 437; f. laxiuscula 18:94; 
29:101; f. morbida 45:433; f. prolifera 34: 
123; 40:8; f. pygmaea 33:153; 34:123; 37: 
36; 40:7; f. scabrosa 37:36; f. setigera 40:7, 
8; f. sphagnoides 33:153, 159, pl. 210; 37: 
36; 40:7; m. sorediata 26:148; var. eusyl- 
vatica 37:34; var. impexa 37:34; var. laxius- 
cula 33:153; var. mitis 37:34; var. sylvestris 
28:205; var. tenuis 37:34. sylvatica-sub- 
spumosa 45:432. symphycarpa 11:217-219; 
26:146; 28:206; 33:147; 34:158; 35:150. 
tenuis 33:136, 149, 153, 159, pl. 210; 34:123; 
37:34, 37; 40:6, 8, 25; 45:420, 432, 437; f. 
flavicans 40:8; f. prolifera 34:123; 37:37; 
f. setigera 34:123; 37:36, 37; 40:8; subsp. 
subtenuis 45:437. turgida 11:100, 214, 216; 
25:47; 27:211; 28:206; 37:48; 40:15; f. 
corniculata 37:48; f. scyphifera 37:48; var. 
scyphifera 28:206; var. stricta 28:206. un- 
cialis 11:213, 216; 15:94; 25:47; 26:147; 29: 
105; 32:92; 33:150, 155; 34:130-136, 138- 
140; 36:142, 153; 37:42; 40:12; f. biuncialis 
34:133; f. caroliniana 34:134; f. dicraea 29: 
101; 33:155, 159, pl. 211; 34:133, 139, 140; 
37:42; f. integerrima 34:132-134; f. obtu- 


sata 38:155, 159, pl. 211; 34:138; 37:42; 40: 
12; f. polycraea 34:133; f. setigera 34:133, 
134, 139; 37:42; 40:12; f. soraligera 37:42; 
40:12; f. spinosa 34:133, 140; 37:42; 40:12; 
f. subobtusata 33:155; 34:133, 138, 139; f. 
turgescens 34:133; m. dicraea 28:206; m. 
integerrima 28:206; m. soraligera 26:147; 
var. reticulata 34:141; var. turgescens 34: 
130, 133. verticillata 11:214, 216, 218; 14: 
89; 32:92; 33:147, 151, 158; 37:49; f. aggre- 
gata 37:50; f. apoticta 28:207; 33:137, 158; 
34:159; 37:50; 40:16; f. cervicornis 33:137; 
f. evoluta 33:137, 158, 159, pl. 212; 34:159; 
37:50; 40:16; f. phyllocephala 33:137, 158; 
37:50; f. phyllophora 32:92; var. cervicornis 
15:94; 33:158; var. evoluta 32:92; f. aggre- 
gata 37:50. verticillata-cervicornis f. brevis 
34:157. vulcanica 33:148-150; 34:127; f. 
minor 33:147, 154, 159, pl. 210 

Cladoniaceae 14:89; 15:93; 23:183; 28:158, 

Cladoniae 32:91; 34:121, 153; 36:152, 154, 155; 
37:33; 40:4, 5, 25; 41-100 

Cladophora 1:99; 2:210; 3:290, 291; 4:111- 
113, 115, 124, 125; 5:234; 7:46, 226, 238, 243; 
10:162; 11:18, 19; 18:92; 21:203; 26:161, 
189, 190; 29:38; 40:235; 50:257. 8 Aegagro- 
pila 9:200. group Acrosiphonia 2:210. 
subgen. Aegagropila 4:113. subgen. Eucla- 
dophora 4:113-115, 119. subgen. Spongo- 
morpha 4:113-115. albida 2:43; 4:114, 119- 
121, 125, 127, pl. 36; 7:225; 26:213; 50:258; 
var. refracta 2:43; 4:119; 7:225; 26:213; 
50:258. amphibia 9:200. arcta 2:43; 4: 
114-118, 127, pl. 36; 5:18; 7:226; 50:258; 
var. centralis 2:43; 4:117. Bertolonii, var. 
hamosa 8:106. callicoma 7:240. cartila- 
ginea 11:19. constricta 11:19, 20, pl. 78. 
crispata 50:68; f. subsimplex 8:107. dif- 
fusa 4:126. expansa 2:43; 4:114, 122-124, 
127, 128, pl. 36; 5:27; 7:226; 9:197; 10:160, 
162; 12:9; 20:213; 50:258; f. glomerata 7: 
226; var. glomerata 4:123. fascicularis 17: 
91. flavescens 4:124; 27:112; 50:258. flex- 
uosa 2:43; 4:114, 119, 121, 122, 125, 127, pl. 
36; 33:130; 50:258; f. densa 4:121 ; f. flori- 
dana 8:106. fracta 2:43; 4:114, 124, 127, 
pl. 36; 14:115, 287; 15:92; 50:258; f. flave- 
scens 4:124; f. marina 4:124; f. reflexa 8: 
107. glaucescens 2:43; 4:114, 120, 121, 127, 
pl 36; 5:28; 50:258. glomerata 7:240; 50: 
68. gracilis 2:43; 4:114, 120-123, 126, 127, 
DL oO 57:226 3301720: 20+ ol op tao OO: 
258; f. elongata 4:122; var. expansa 2:43; 
4:122; var. tenuis 2:43; 4:122, 123; var. 
vadorum 4:122. graminea 11:19, 20, pl. 
78. hamosa, var. refracta 4:125. Hario- 
Bana 17:01. hirta 2:483;. 4:114, 121-193, 
126, 127, pl. 36. Howei 11:18, 20, pl. 78. 
Hutchinsiae 2:43; 4:114, 126, 127, pl. 36; 
var. diffusa 2:43; var. distans 4:126. Hy- 
Bi 4:014: 31160250175 512/20 0101305. 242. 
laetevirens 2:43; 4:114, 121, 122, 125, 127, 
pl. 36; var. glomerata 4:126. lanosa 2:43; 
4:114, 118, 119; 7:226; 50:258; var. uncialis 
2:43; 4:118; 7:226, 243. Magdalenae 2:43; 

4:114, 124; 7:226. microcladioides 11:17, 
20, pl. 78. pellucida 11:19. polyacantha 
8:106. refracta 2:43; 3:290; 4:114, 119, 
120, 124, 125, 127, pl. 36; 50:258, 260. Ru- 
dolphiana 2:44; 4:114, 120, 127, pl. 36; 7: 
168, 226. rupestris 2:44; 4:114, 125, 127, pl. 
36; 11:20; 33:130. Sagraeana 8:192. Son- 
deri 4:116, 117. spinescens 4:114, 116-119, 
127, pl. 36. uncialis 4:118. utriculosa, var. 
laetevirens 4:126 

Cladophoras 5:2 

Cladorhiza 11:103. maculata 11:103 

Cladosiphon baltieus 8:157. Zosterae 50:261 

Cladosporium 41:512. Lysimachiae 41:513 

Cladostephus spongiosus 2:45. verticillatus 2: 

Cladothrix lanuginosa var. carnosa 38:405 

Cladrastis 20:166; 46:20; 50:122. lutea 20: 
166; 33:30; 36:224, 230; 39:195, fig. 4 (map) ; 
42:44; f. tomentosa 40:487. platycarpa 

Clairvillea 21:185; 48:208. lutea 21:186 

Clammy Locust 12:181 

Clarkia 23:115. pulchella 3:92; 19:231; 23: 
115. rhomboidea 23:115 

Clathrocystis aeruginosa 23:252 

Clathrus 4:134. cancellatus 4:135. 
tus 4:134, 135 

Clava leptostyla 2:207 

Clavaria 1:59; 16:50. amethystina 41:513. 
cristata 44:169. flava 3:141. formosa 3: 
144. fusiformis 41:513. inaequalis 41:513. 
Kromholzii 16:50. ligula 13:64. muscoides 
13:60. obtusissima 16:50. pallescens 13: 
64, 65; 16:50. pulchra 39:369. similis 16: 

Claviceps purpurea 41:513; 44:173 

Clavula acicularis 31:184; 8. longicaulis 31: 
187. Baeothryon 31:172. comosa 31:184, 
187. ovata 31:212. uniglumis 31:71 

Clavulium 41:320 

Claytonia 1:169; 6:115; 15:20; 31:9, 10; 41: 
221; 42:313, 322; 45:310; 47:364. acuti- 
folia 41:220. arctica 31:141. caroliniana 1: 
39- 52188 2135 Gol. 12-1285 oe bit os 
192, 307; 39:200, 202, fig. 26 (map); 44:72; 
47:214. Chamissonis, var. tenerrima 12:138. 
chrysantha 29:36. Eschscholtzii 41:151, 
220. Halli 12:138. missouriensis 40:132. 
multicaulis var. robusta 40:132. robusta 35: 
362; 37:192; 40:132. sarmentosa 41:147, 
220; 42:312, 322; 45:310. Scammaniana 42: 
322. tuberosa 41:221; 42:312, 322. virgin- 
ica 1:170; 5:188; Oreos 15:66: 18:39; 21: 
202; 31:141; 37:59, 166, 192; 39:52; 40:415, 
483, pl. 516; 42:279; f. micropetala 40:415, 
483, pl. 516; f. robusta 40:132 

Claytonias 42:322 

Cleavers 46:315 

Cleistes 33:39; 39:198, 203, 485, 486; 46:81; 
50:191. divaricata 33:40; 39:326, 327, 379, 
402, 467, 471, 472, 477, 485—487, map 2; 40: 
367, 407; 42:380, 384, 446; 43:519, 549; 46: 
81; 48:186-188, 215, map 1, pl. 1047; var. 
bifaria 48:186-188, 215, map 2, pl. 1048; 
var. typica 48:187 



Clematis 6:116; 7:160, 161, 190; 9:151; 18: 
166; 45:410; 46:23, 84. § Viorna 45:405; 
sub-§ Integrifoliae 45:366, 401, 410. Addi- 
sonii 46:72, 84, 85. albicoma 45:402-409, 
pl. 779; var. coactilis 45:406, 407, 409, 410, 
412, pl. 780; 46:71, 83, 85, 142. canadensis 
50:186. crispa 39:481; 45:359; var. Walteri 
36:44. florida 19:224; 20:184. Fremontii 
36:224, 281; 45:410—412, pls. 781, 782; var. 
Riehlu 45:411, 412, pl. 782. glaucophylla 
45:277. holosericea 41:537; 50:192. integri- 
folia 45:410, 412, pl. 778. missouriensis 39: 
309, 310. occidentalis, var. albiflora 35:347. 
ochroleuca 39:342, 409, 471, 474; 40:374, 421, 
441; 43:489; 45:366, 401—410, 412, pls. 776, 
777; 49:180; var. ovata 45:408; var. sericea 
45:406—409. ovata 25:168; 45:408, 409, 412, 
pl. 776. paniculata 15:226; 41:545; var. 
dioscoreaefolia 41:545. Pitcheri 19:66. 
sericea 45:406, 409, 410, 412, pl. 777. versi- 
color 35:285; 36:231; 40:71; f. pubescens 
40:71. verticillaris 1:222; 5:192; 6:116, 
192, 208; 9:63; 10:166; 12:169; 13:31, 148; 
14:75; 18:166; 19:224; 20:183, 194; 21:201; 
25:184; 28:68; 32:18; 34:66, 231; 42:41; 
44:105; 46:22, 23; 49:220; var. cacuminis 
49:219. Viorna 20:194; 43:402; 45:405. 
virginiana 6:97, 116; 9:151; 13:141, 148; 16: 
13; 18:166; 19:66; 20:183, 185; 34:63; 36: 
374; 39:310; 50:186; f. missouriensis 39: 
309; var. missouriensis 39:309, 410; 40: 
132. viticaulis 45:402—409, 412, pl. 778 

Cleome 11:45; 18:248; 43:92. serrulata 6: 
79; 18:248; 19:217. spinosa 1:81; 18:248; 

Clerodendron 34:167 

Clethra 4:108; 9:196; 11:53; 24:153, 154; 31: 
18; 47:177, 364. acuminata 39:198, 200, fig. 
17 (map). alnifolia 1:93; 2:70; 7:75; 8: 
28; 9:122, 196; 11:231; 14:21; 16:90; 20: 
115; 24:153, 185; 32:150, 151, 210, 269; 47: 
177; 49:22 

Clevea 16:63, 64. hyalina 16:62—64; 25:193, 
198; var. californica 16:63. Rousseliana 16: 

Cliff-Brake 30:14. Oregon 48:272. Purple 4: 

Climaciaceae 30:9; 31:38 

Climacium americanum 4:239; 14:51, 52; var. 
Kindbergii 4:239. dendroides 14:51, 52; 
24:123; 30:9 

Climbing Fern 4:51, 83; 35:352 

Clinopodium 49:251. Acinos 1:24. glabrum 
10:85; 42:8. vulgare 6:128; var. diminu- 
tum 25:213 

Clinton Fern 6:177 

Clintonia 6:110; 10:130; 13:220; 18:185; 22: 
130; 33:109; 36:236; 46:20; 50:107. bore- 
alis 1:184; 3:198; 4:74, 76, 106; 5:36, 133; 
6:97, 110; 10:130; 11:91; 13:78, 125. 220; 
16:89; 21:199; 22:38, 42, 48, 133; 25:7; 29: 
210; 32:205; 33:119; 34:51, 64; 35:322; 36: 
279; 39:231; 40:145, 163; 46:20. elegans 
50:107, 124. uniflora 37:362 

Clitocybe 3:142; 4:7. amara 16:49. cyathi- 
formis 3:38. gigantea 41:513. illudens 1: 

45, 186. parasitica 16:79. subnigricans 16: 


Clitopilus leptonia 16:58. 
vilis 16:48 

Clitoria 33:53; 46:390. mariana 36:220; 37: 
427; 38:377; 39:479, 482, map 55; 46:135. 
virginiana 43:587; «œ. angustifolia 43:588; 
B. elliptica 43:519, 587; y. ovata 43:587; 
var. elliptica 43:587 

Closterioldes spinosus 44:180 

Closterium 7:114; 24:214, 216, 241; 26:204, 
205, 211; 44:180; 50:271. abruptum 24:216; 
26:205. acerosum 5:80, 222; 7:115; 24:216. 
acuminatum 5:80, 254; 7:115; 24:210. 
acutum 24:216. angustatum 7:114; var. 
clavatum 7:114; 24:216. Archerianum 26: 
205. areolatum 7:116; 24:217. attenuatum 
7:116. Braunii 7:116; 24:217. Brebissonii 
5:80; 24:217. calosporum 7:115. Ceratium 
24:217. cornu 24:217. costatum 7:114; 24: 
217; 26:205; f. 7:114; var. Westii 7:114. 
cucumis 5:222; 24:217. curtum 9:232. 
Cynthia 7:114; 24:217; 26:205. decorum 
7:116; 24:217. Delpontii 24:217. Dianae 
5:80; 7:115; 24:217; 26:205. didymotocum 
7:114, 116; 24:217; 26:205. dilatatum 24: 
217. Ehrenbergii 7:115; 24:217; 26:205, 
211; var. immane 24:217. Ensis 5:255. 
gracile, var. elongatum 26:205. incurvum 
7:115; 24:217; 26:205. intermedium 24: 
217; 26:205. intervalicola 7:115, 119, pl. 
61. Jenneri 5:252; 24:217; 26:205; var. 
robustum 24:217. Johnsonii 7:116; 24:217. 
juncidum 5:255; 7:115; 24:217; 50:273; var. 
brevior 50:273. Kuetzingii 7:116; 24:218; 
26:205. lanceolatum 24:218. Leibleinii 24: 
218; 26:205; var. curtum 24:218. Libellula 
9:228; 24:218; 26:205. lineatum 5:222, 252; 
24:218; 26:205; var.costatum 7:116; 24:218. 
littorale 24:218. Lunula 5:252; 7:116; 24: 
218; 26:205; f. minor 7:116; var. coloratum 
24:218; 50:273. macilentum 5:80; 7:114; 
24:218; var. intermedium 7:114. macula- 
tum 7:116; 24:217. margaritaceum 9:229. 
moniliferum 24:218; 26:205. moniliforme 
7:115. obtusum 7:114. ovale 5:80. par- 
vulum 7:115; 24:218; 26:206; 50:273; var. 
angustatum 26:206. polymorphum 9:231. 
praelongum 24:218. Pritchardianum 24:218. 
pronum 7:116; 24:218; 26:206. pseudo- 
dianae 24:218; 26:205. Ralfsii, var. hy- 
bridum 7:116; 24:218; 26:206; 50:273. 
regulare 7:115; 24:218. robustum 5:80; 7: 
115. rostratum 5:80; 11:67; 24:218; 26: 
206; var. brevirostratum 24:218. setaceum 
5:80; 7:116; 24:219; 26:206. strigosum 24: 
219; 50:273. striolatum 5:80; 7:115; 24: 
219; 50:273; var. elongatum 7:115; var. 
erectum 7:115; var. intermedium 5:255; 7: 
115. subcostatum 24:219. subtile 5:252. 
toxon 24:219; 26:206. Trabecula 9:103. 
truncatum 9:103. tumidum 7:116; 24:219. 
turgidum 7:116; 24:219; f. intermedium 7: 
116. ulna 24:219; 26:206. Venus 5:255; 
7:115; 24:219; 26:206; var. incurvum 50: 
273. verrucosum 9:105 

subvilis 16:48. 

INDEX TO VoLUMEs 1-50 67 

Clotbur 46:315 

Cloudberry 23:169; 42:330; 45:314 

Clover 5:260; 7:110; 18:144; 25:168; 43:501. 
Buffalo 43:501. Hop 11:199. Japanese 50: 
22, ne Red 5:290; 28:71; 45:331. White 

Club, Golden 16:18, 19 

Club-Moss(es) 4:55; 7:96; 8:135; 35:355; 41: 
505; 42:278; 48:267. Family 35:355 

Clusia 49:58 

Cnicus 6:133; 9:28, 55; 10:94; 13:238; 26:84; 
47:320. americanus 13:239. arvensis 3:132, 
189. benedictus 9:28, 55; 10:94; 19:253; 26: 
84; 40:477; 46:158. carlinoides, var. amer- 
icanus 13:239. Hillii 10:95; 19:67. horri- 
dulus 1:223; 4:93; 5:204; 45:353. iowensis 
10:94. lanceolatus 3:189; 4:92. muticus 5: 
36; var. monticola 9:28; 44:146. odoratus 
45:854. pumilus 45:354. spinosissimus 13: 
239; 50:228. undulatus, var. megacephalus 

Cnidoscolus stimulosus 36:32, 47; 37:431; 39: 
333, 467, 480; 45:270, 271. texanus 45:270, 

Coadunatae 47:386, pl. 991 

Coccomyxa dispar 39:366 

Cocconeis dirupta 9:136. placentula 10:183; 
var. lineata 10:183. scutellum 9:136; 26: 
193, 216 

Coccophacidium cembrae 41:513. Pini 41:513 

Cocculus carolinus 39:473, 481 

Cochlearia 25:9; 28:98, 100, 118, 145; 29:176; 
36:166; 42:303. anglica 13:119, 137, 223; 
16:135; 29:176, 213. aquatica 10:32; 27: 
186; 40:132. Armoracia 10:32. cyclocarpa 
10:135, 180; 29:122, 130, 175, 213; 35:9, 
207. danica 29:176, 213; 49:248. fenestrata 
36:286. groenlandica 35:120, 267; 38:151; 
var. oblongifolia 29:56. officinalis 11:94; 
13:124, 216; 29:176, 213; 41:166, 232; var. 
maritima 29:176. tridactylites 13:223; 28: 
53, 63; 29:176; 35:267 

Cocklebur 41:482 

Cockspur Grass 49:200 

Codiolum 5:233; 50:263. gregarium 2:12, 44; 
50:258. longipes 2:44; 3:290; 7:242, 243. 
petrocelidis 2:12, 44; 23:66. pusillum 5: 
232; f. americanum 3:290, 292; 5:232 

Codium fragile 21:203, 205. tomentosum 6: 

Coelanthus 25:156, 157 

Coelastrum cambricum 50:273. microporum 
14:115, 237; 15:91; 24:51; 29:164. probosci- 
deum 24:51; 26:165 

Coelebogyne ilicifolia 3:61 

Coeloglossum bracteatum 6:111; 28:169, 172, 
174. viride 28:170; var. bracteatum 28:170, 

Coelopleurum 3:209; 18:29; 21:146; 24:93. 
actaeifolium 3:188, 209; 12:105; 17:146; 18: 
41; 21:145, 146; 24:93; 28:222; 32:109, 268; 
43:77, 81. Gmelini 1:159; 3:188, 209; 21: 
145, 146; 41:159, 160, 267, 270. lucidum 
21:146, 147; 23:99, 278; 24:93; 25:10; 29: 
123, 129, 182, 217; 32:109, 159, 214, 268; 42: 

116; 43:81; 50:303; f. frondosum 21:147; 
24: 03; 27:55 

Coelosphaerium 1: 100. Kuetzingianum 7:235; 
14:236; 15:89; 26:163. Naegelianum 26: 
163; 30:195 

Cogswellia utriculata, var. papillata 33:204 

Cohosh, Black 23: 202 

Coilonema 2:162. Chordaria 8:125 

Coix 29:115 

Colacium calvum 50:277 

Colchicum 31:11; 47:385. autumnale 12:188 

a hispidissima 47:331. Nuttallii 40: 

Coleanthus 18:2; 28:150. subtilis 26:159 

Coleochaete 5:107; 18:92. irregularis 15:92. 
orbicularis 14:237; 15:92; 26:165. scutata 
18:92. soluta 14:237 

Coleochila Taylori 14:224 

Coleoptera 36:28; 38:91 

Coleosporium delicatulum 34:61. Solidaginis 
34:61; 39:370; 40:514. Vernoniae 38:98 

Coleus 26:133-135, pl. 145. Blumei 26:133 

Colias philodice 36:28; 41:186 

Colinil 9:54 

Collaea 9:38 

Collea calcarata 23:84 

Collema arcticum 36:142, 154. flaccidum 28: 
226. nigrescens 28:226. plicatile 11:101, 
102; 28:226. polycarpum 36:142, 154. pul- 
posum 11:102; 28:226; 30: 142, 154. ru- 
pestre 28:226; 36: 142 

Collemaceae 28:226 

Colletes mesocomus 36:28 

Collinsia parviflora 37:205, 213, 214, 216, 331, 
422; 40:45; 45:508. violacea 36:232 

Collinsonia 10:165; 25:37; 31:16. canadensis 
4:89; 5:204, 236; 10: 165; 12:192; 21:200; 
25: 37; 40: 382, 450 ; var. punctata 50:223. 
punctata 50:293. serotina 50:228. verti- 
cillata 44:254; var. purpurascens 44:254 

Collomia linearis 23: 288; 44:105; 48:99 

Collybia 16:47, 48. dryophila 44:169. lace- 
rata 44:169. radicata 2:127. strictipes 13: 
60, 65. subdecumbens 16:48. truncata 16: 
48. velutipes 37:224 

Colobanthus 8:138, 142 

Cololejeunea Biddlecomiae 5:171; 7:58; 11: 
195; 14:224; 15:23; 25:107 

Colpodium 8:85. fulvum 41:181. junceum 

4:48. WrLrightii 41:181 

Colpomenia sinuosa 21:203-205 

Colpophyllus 42:34 

Coltsfoot, Sweet 4:128 

Columbine 7:27; 12:168; 42:279 

Columnea, § Pterygoloma 39:276. Hunne- 
wellii 39:275, 276, fig. jamaicensis 39:276 

Columniferae 47:384, 386, pl. 991 

Colutea 20:166. arborescens 1:89; 10:167; 19: 
229; 20:166 

Comandra 7:47, 48; 17:171; 30:21, 22; 33:31, 
32, map 8; 34:6; 44:102. californica 30:21. 
elegans 30:21; 33:31, 32, map 8. livida 1: 
192; 3:159, 164, 165, 173; 4:18, 98; 5:37; 
9:154, 156, 160, 189, 190, "219; 11: :93, 164; 
12:106, 107, 137; 13:95; i4: "E E 149; 25: 
8; 30:21-24; 34:52; 36:280; 41:218; 42:321. 


pallida 7:47, 48; 30:21. Richardsiana 7: 
48; 15:222; 28:79, 91, 199; 30:21; 35:55; 
37:191, 204; 44:102, 141. umbellata 4:18; 
7:47-49; 12:128; 15:163; 17:171; 19:64; 
30:21; 32:177, 212; 33:31, map 8; 37:191; 
42:88, 92 

Comarum 16:5. angustifolium 16:6, 7, 10, 11, 
pl. 106; var. parvifolium 16:6, 7,10. digita- 
tum 16:6, 10. palustre 16:6, 7, 10; 34:239; 
42:331; B. villosum 16:6, 8, 11. tomento- 
sum 16:6, 9, 11 

Comatricha 2:79. caespitosa 2:80, 81, pl. 16. 
elegans 29:169, 172. irregularis 29:169. 
nigra 29:169. typhoides 1:128; 29:169 

Combretaceae 27:107; 40:35 

Commelina, 12:7; 21:50; 42:150, 386, 388, 435; 
44:30; 47:117. angustifolia 42:435, 436, 438, 
439, 441, pl. 630. communis 3:64; 10:164; 
12:7; 37:407. crispa 40:131; 42:403, 435- 
437, 440, pl. 629; 47:213. diffusa 42:388, 
391, 434; 45:377, 393; 47:213. erecta 42: 
435—438, 441, pl. 629; var. angustifolia 42: 
435—439, 441, pl. 630; 47:213; f. albina 42: 
439; f. crispa 42:440, pl. 629; var. crispa 
40:131; 42:435-437, 440; var. Deamiana 
42:438, 440, pl. 631; 47:213; var. hamipila 
42:438, 440, pl. 629; var. typica 42:438; 
f. intercursa 42:439, 441, pl. 629. hami- 
pila 42:438, 440. hirtella 37:407; 39:481; 
47:117; 48:330. longicaulis 42:434. Nashii 
42:435, 437, 439; 47:213. nudiflora 42:434; 
47:913. saxicola 42:435. Swingleana 42: 
435, 437, 439. virginica 1:47; 2:200; 21:49; 
38:376; 39:481; 42:436; 47:117, 213; 8. an- 
gustifolia 42:439 

Commelinaceae 12:7; 25:157; 31:42; 39:18; 
42:150, 386 

Common Alder 47:341. Dandelion 5:32. 
Elder 12:184. Horsetail 35:354. Juniper 
35:359. Lespedeza 50:24, 25, 27. Lilac 12: 
184. Locust 12:181. Marsh Andromeda 18: 
100. Polypody 24:132. Spruce 18:32. 
Syringa 17:121 

Compass Plant 19:67 

Compositae 3:69, 244, 283, 285; 4:33; 5:178; 
6:61, 62, 130; 7:89; 9:26, 37; 10:193, 195; 
13:93; 15:19, 206; 16:63; 17:1, 37, 222; 18: 
44, 95, 99, 225, 229; 20:151; 21:170; 22:9, 
140; 23:174; 24:44; 25:11, 16; 26:34, 55, 82, 
107, 130, 149, 166, 228; 27:56, 57; 28:72; 29: 
124, 220; 31:42; 32:276; 33:92, 218, 219; 
34:12; 36:172, 284; 37:61; 38:244, 379; 39: 
18, 281; 40:149-153, 162, 167, 169-171, 173, 
293, 356; 41:141, 147; 42:156, 345, 417; 43: 
82, 92, 558; 44:28, 166, 252, 340; 45:27, 308, 
316; 46:324; 47:101, 182, 222, 384—386; 48: 
170: 49:69, 90, 142, 254, 255, 288; 50:35, 300, 
303. ser. Labiataeflorae 20:151; 33:92. ser. 
Liguliflorae 20:151. trib. Cichorieae 6:62; 
50:28. ser. Tubuliflorae 20:151; 33:92. 
trib. Anthemidae 20:151; 37:306, 307. trib. 
Astereae 27:57; 37:307; 46:324; 50:28. 
trib. Cynareae 5:256; 37:306, 307. trib. 
Elephantopeae 50:280. trib. Eupatorieae 
6:62; 27:57; 37:307; 50:28. trib. Helenieae 
11:57; 37:307; 47:396. trib. Heliantheae 

37:306, 307; 47:396. subtrib. Ambrosiinae 
47:403; 48:73. subtrib. Madiinae 9:37. 
trib. Helianthoideae 3:60. trib. Inuleae 37: 
306, 307; 48:116. trib Mutisieae 20:151. 
trib. Senecioneae 35:369; 37:306, 307; 48: 
116. trib. Vernonieae 12:171; 27:57 

Composite(s) 39:52; 40:146; 41:491; 42:156, 
279; 44:124; 45:351; 49:299 

Compressicarpidium 46:360 

Compsopogon 18:92. coeruleus 18:92 

Comptonia 9:194, 195; 40:379, 380, 410 
asplenifolia 16:89; 40:379. Ceterach 40: 
412. peregrina 9:194; 40:412, 482, pl. 514; 
var. asplenifolia 40:410, 412, 482, pl. 514; 
43:80; var. tomentosa 40:412 

Conami brasiliensis 36:268 

Conchidium Knightii 46:303 

Conchocelis rosea 8:159 

Concord Nephrodium, Purdie's 6:33 

Condalia obovata 37:77 

Conferva 1:99; 4:112; 5:72, 73. albida 4:119. 
arcta 4:116. bombycina 7:239; f. minor 7: 
239. capillaris 41:21. cartilaginea 11:19. 
Daviesii 8:194. diffusa 4:126. distans 4: 
126. expansa 4:123. flexuosa 4:121. foeni- 
culacea 2:162, 165. glaucescens 4:120. gra- 
cilis4:121. Hutchinsiae 4:126. implexa 41: 
20-26. laetevirens 4:126. lanosa 4:118. 
refracta 4:119, 120, 125. Rudolphiana 4: 
120. rupestris 4:125. tortuosa 41:19-24. 
uncialis 4:118. vadorum 4:122 

Coniferae 3:242; 5:246; 9:36; 15:101; 47:384, 

Conifers 11:170; 49:228, 229 

Conioselinum 5:292; 17:151; 23:302; 24:93; 
41:268, 269; 44:31. Benthami 28:221 ; 41: 
268. canadense 1:26, 159, 180; 5:33, 35; 6: 
208. chinense 11:96; 13:125; 16:12, 13; 17: 
151; 23:159, 278; 24:93, 118; 28:221; 29: 
217; 32:206; 33:123; 34:54; 36:24; 37:156; 
44:31. cnidiifolium 41:267, 268; 42:334. 
Dawsoni 41:267; 42:334. Fischeri 41:267- 
269. Gmelini 9:224; 28:117, 221; 41:268, 
269. pumilum 28:221; 35:10, 83, 279 

Coniothyrium concentricum 39:370. Fuckellii 

Coniphora olivascens 50:287 

Conium 24:93. maculatum 1:159, 221; 3:209; 
23:277; 24:93; 28:72; 36:312 

Conjugales 24:102 

Conjugata 44:34 

Conocarpus 38:440 

Conocephalum 16:63. conicum 4:30; 5:170; 
15:22; 25:193; 26:7 

Conopholis 4:169; 25:186. americana 1:165; 
3:205; 4:75, 76, 169; 5:136; 6:152; 24:203; 
25:185, 186; 26:128; 36:50; 40:382, 456, 464; 
43 :488 

Conophora 40:356 

Conostomum boreale 3:180, 181 

Conostylis americana 45:415, 512; 50:125 

Conrad's Crowberry 12:181 

Conradina 37:310. canescens 26:81. montana 
37:321; 39:196. verticillata 37:309, 321; 39: 

Conringia 11:45; 18:217; 48:99. orientalis 17: 

INDEX TO VoLUMEs 1—50 69 

30; 18:217; 19:225; 23:265; 31:84; 35:301. 
perfoliata 2:205; 8:66 

Contortae 9:37; 47:384, 385 

Convallaria 10:130; 28:21, 57; 31:9; 40:405; 
49:137. bifolia 16:89, 210. bracteata 35: 
404. globosa 46:18, 14. Keiskei 30:184. 
majalis 1:171; 6:139; 10:130; 23:95, 242; 
30:183, 184; 37:85; 39:347; 42:43; 46:12- 
14. majuscula 30:184; 39:347; 46:13, 14, 
80. montana 46:13, 14. multiflora y. brac- 
teata 35:404; y. ramosa 35:404, 405. parvi- 
flora 46:13, 14. Polygonatum 31:7. pseudo- 
majalis 46:13, 14. pubescens 16:89. race- 
mosa 16:89; 40:405—407, 482, pl. 512. um- 
bellulata 16:89 

Convolvulaceae 6:127; 18:42, 98; 25:26; 26: 
227; 20:219; 31:42; 32:202; 42:155; 43:81; 
49:58, 255; 50:298, 303 

Convolvulus 6:127; 9:37, 46, 47; 20:65; 25: 
26; 26:187; 33:76; 41:416; 42:155; 43:495; 
47:332, 384. americanus 41:420. arvensis 
8:72; 13:89; 15:167; 17:226; 25:26; 26:227; 
29:245; 32:160, 272; 34:6; 44:172, 174; 50: 
303. camporum 41:416, 417. Catesbei 41: 
417. Catesbeianus 41:417. fraterniflorus 
41:422. inflatus 41:420. japonicus 1:221; 
19:246. lactescens 41:421. minimus 33:70. 
Nashii 41:421. panduratus 20:65. patens 
42:298, pl. 624. pentapetaloides 33:76, 77. 
Purshianus 41:417, 418. repens 10:55; 41: 
421. sepium 1:222; 2:216; 3:189; 6:127; 
18:149; 16:13; 17:151; 18:95, 98; 25:26; 
26:186; 32:272; 36:374; 41:415, 417-419, 
422, pl. 558; 47:332; 50:298; var. americanus 
29:185, 219; 37:439; 41:419—423, pl. 558; 43: 
636; 50:299; var. Catesbeianus 37:439; 41: 
417, 421; var. communis 41:419, 421, 423, 
pl. 558; 50:298; var. fraterniflorus 41:419, 
422, 423, pl. 558; 43:495, 636; var. incarna- 
tus 41:420; var. pubescens 10:55; 17:146, 
148; 18:42; 24:88; 25:26; 26:227; 29:122, 
127, 185, 210, 233; 32:147, 2/2; 33:124; 37: 
439; 41:420—422; 50:299; var. repens 10:55; 
41:419, 421—423, 475, pl. 558; f. Nashii 41: 
419, 421, pl. 558; var. rosea 41:420, 421. 
simulans 33:76. soldanella 49:80. specio- 
sus 17:131. spithamaeus 8:222; 9:124; 15: 
67; 19:246; 20:98; 24:118; 37:74; 41:415- 
418, 422, pl. 557; var. Catesbeianus 41:416, 
417, 418, 422, pl. 557; var. stans 41:416. 
stans 37:74; 41:416-418. sylvaticus 41:420. 
trichosanthes 42:298, 299, pl. 624. Walli- 
chianus 47:332 

Conyza 16:60; 28:209. asteroides 28:209. 
bifoliata 28:209, 210. canadensis 46:324. 
linifolia 28:209. marilandica 41:461; 44: 
228. tortuosa 28:209 

Conyzella canadensis 15:208 

Conyzopsis 16:60 

Copaifera 33:92 

Coprinus 3:144; 37:224. atramentarius 4:199. 
comatus 1:227; 3:37; 4:199. fimetarius 1: 
84. micaceus 37:223; 39:370 

Copromonas subtilis 50:278 

Coptis 6:116; 18:166; 31:137, 141; 33:109; 46: 
347. groenlandica 31:142; 32:61, 124, 206, 

216, 252; 33:57, 121; 36:281; 37:200, 307; 
41:39; 44:408. trifolia 3:130, 173, 187; 6: 
116; 9:171; IL. E828; 17:152; 18:37, 
166; 19:224; 20:183, 185; 22:38, 48, 134; 25: 
8; 27:108; 29:213; 31:136-142; 32:252; 34: 
52; 39:231; 40:145, 290 

Coral-root(s) 28:92; 32:62; 33:133; 48:193; 

Coral-tree 47:381 

Corallina 2:210; 26:189; 50:262-264. gracilis 
8:112; f. densa 8:112. officinalis 2:49; 3: 
134; 7:235, 243; 21:204, 206; 26:214; 33: 
130; 50:263, 266; var. profunda 2:49; var. 
spathulaeformis 2:49 

Corallorhiza 5:291; 6:112; 7:120; 11:76, 103, 
104, 106; 15:20; 19:57; 24:146; 28:125; 31: 
8, 9, 11, 15; 36:421; 42:147, 151; 48:193, 194, 
197. Corallorhiza 11:106; subsp. coloraden- 
sis 33:133, 135; 48:194, 196. ericetorum 28: 
93, 176; 48:196. Halleri 28:92. innata 1: 
199; 2:121, 126, 180; 4:18, 74; 5:82, 291, 
292; 6:112; 11:106; 24:145; 28:93; 48:193, 
195; var. ericetorum 28:93; var. virescens 
33:135; 48:196. Macraei 39:434. maculata 
11:76, 102-106; 13:105, 238; 19:31, 57; 21: 
202; 22:40, 47; 23:140; 24:145-147; 25:31, 
45; 27:11-13; 29:156, 211; 31:53; 33:108; 
43:154, 155; 44:233; 48:197; f. flavida 36: 
59; var. flavida 24:147; 25:31; 27:12, 13; 
43:154; var. fusca 24:147; 25:32; 37:11- 
14; var. intermedia 25:32; 27:11-14; var. 
punicea 24:147; 25:31; 27:12, 13; 48:197. 
montana 48:12. multiflora 1:199; 2:180; 
3:34, 203, 205, pl. 33; 4:18, 75; 5:82, 291; 
6:112; 10:165; 11:102-106; 24:145, 146; var. 
flavida 7:95; 8:168; 24:145, 147. occiden- 
talis 28:93. odontorhiza 2:124, 219; 3:34; 
4:18; 5:204, 291; 11:76, 104; 12:132; 25: 
45; 31:15; 35:39; 42:279; 48:12, 197; 49: 
201; 8. verna 48:196; f. flavida 33:108. 
striata, 4:22; 11:104: 13:115: 32:205- 87: 
64, 68, 70, 205, 218; 44:111; 48:197; f. 
fulva 48:197. trifida 11:77, 104, 106; 13: 
78; 19:57; 21:202; 22:40, 43, 47; 24:115; 
26:176; 28:92, 93, 176; 29:182, 156, 211: 30: 
198; 31:15; 32:62, 205; 33:51, 133-135; 37: 
206; 38:146; 41:149, 150, 156, 215; 48:193- 
196; var. verna 48:196; var. virescens 48: 
196. vancouveriana 33:135. verna 48:194— 
196. Wisteriana 11:102-106; 35:362; 41: 
489, 539; 47:209. wyomingensis 33:133- 
135; 38:299 

Cordaea Flotowiana 6:165 

Cordgrass 49:275 

Cordia macrophylla 49:152 

Cordula 23:75; 27:105. Esquirolei 27:105. 
insignis, var. Sanderae 23:75. Parishii 27: 
105. purpurata 27:105 

Cordyceps militaris 44:169 

Corema 12:181; 13:181; 14:95; 23:137, 138, 
142, 302; 28:87; 44:230. alba 30:204. Con- 
radii 5:128; 11:128; 12:181; 13:135, 140, 149, 
161, 181, pl. 90 (map 10); 14:94; 15:142; 
16:191; 18:39; 21:68; 23:92, 137, 148, 150, 
273; 80:204; 32:109, 170, 173, 179, 212; 35: 
348; 37:10; 43:431 


Coreopsis 5:91; 6:82; 15:77, 78; 26:85; 40: 
370, 379, 383; 41:491; 42:375, 497; 44:368, 
371; 47:396. § Eucoreopsis 40:475. an- 
gustifolia 47:396. aristosa 2:34; 15:77; var. 
mutica 15:78. auriculata 39:194, 431; 40: 
374, 382, 441, 476, 477, 485, pl. 535; 43:489. 
bidentoides 5:91; 15:75, 78; x Bidens 
frondosa 15:78. callosa 40:473; 42:497. 
cardaminefolia 1:47. corninsularis 40:470. 
coronata 40:349. crassifolia 39:431. debilis 
40:476. delphinifolia 39:477. discoidea 15: 
76; 23:92. falcata 40:474, 484, pl. 534; 47: 
396. gladiata 39:360, 363, 459, 467, 477 ; 40: 
370, 473, 474, 484, pl. 534; 47:396; var. gladi- 
ata 47:396, 397; var. linifolia 47:396, 397. 
grandiflora 19:251; 36:231; 40:383, 475, 476, 
485, pl. 535. heterogyna 40:475, 476, 484, 
pl. 535. heterolepis 40:476. intermedia 
40:476. involucrata 2:34. lanceolata 3:89; 
19:251; 26:85, 228; 32:159, 279; 36:54; 37: 
66, 71, 204, 333; 39:431; 40:383, 476, 485, pl. 
535; 47:397; 50:300; var. lanceolata 47: 
397; var. villosa 37:71, 333; 40:475. lini- 
folia 40:473, 474; 42:496, 497, pl. 649; 44: 
477; 47:396. longifolia 40:474, 484, pl. 
534; 47:390. major 47:397; var. major 
47:397; var. Oemleri 10:68; 44:254; var. 
stellata 10:68. mitis 40:351. Oemleri 
10:68; 44:254. oniscicarpa 40:472-474, 
484, pls. 533, 534; 41:491; 42:399, 490, 
497, 44:368, 477; 47:396; 49:99; var. sim- 
ulans 44:476, 477; 47:396. palmata 33: 
226. pubescens 36:221, 231; 40:475, 476; 
var. robusta 18:239; 19:251. rosea 2:215; 
3:33; 5:130; 10:43, 143; 11:129; 13:8, 152; 
14:29; 18:70; 21:171; 23:160, 298; 24:205; 
26:85; 32:149, 211, 279; 41:111; f. leucantha 
21:171. senifolia, var. stellata 10:68. stel- 
lata 10:68. tinctoria 26:85; f. atropurpu- 
rea 44:477; var. atropurpurea 44:477. tri- 
chosperma 1:171; 2:34; 4:76; 5:204; 40:350, 
351; var. tenuiloba 40:350, 358, pl. 506. 
tripteris 19:164; 26:85; 32:32, 34; 37:350; 
41:475, 573; var. Deamii 32:33, 34; 37:195; 
var. intercedens 32:34. verticillata 39: 
347, 476 

Coriander 6:23 

Coriandrum 24:93. 

Corinth Tree 12:23 

Corion 42:58. atheniense 42:111. marinum 
42:126; var. leiosperma 42:126. medium 42: 
119. rubrum 42:107. rupestre 42:207 

Coriophyllum 40:27 

Coriophyllus 40:27 

Corispermum hyssopifolium 34:174; 36:375, 
376; 40:220. nitidum 34:174 

Corn 6:83; 12:28; 42:381. Indian 12:17, 25, 26, 
37, 38; 28:74. Pipes 42:339 

Cornaceae 6:54, 124; 11:130, 132; 12:182; 18: 
41; 21:170; 24:95; 25:10; 29:217; 31:42; 32: 
269; 33:92; 36:283; 49:255 

Cornel, Dwarf 18:185; 34:29. Silky 25:204; 
33:70, 72 

Cornella 34:29, 30 

Cornicularia aculeata 36:143, 153. divergens 
36:143. racemosa 36:143, 154 

sativum 3:209; 6:23; 24:93 

Cornucopiae altissima 49:109-111, 113. hye- 
malis 35:12, 207-209; 37:371; 49:113. per- 
ennans 49:109, 110, 113 

Cornus 4:89; 6:124; 7:157; 12:14, 121, 122, 182; 
24:95; 33:68; 34:29, 30; 36:270, 272; 38:99, 
100; 40:146, 273; 42:155; 44:20, 27; 47:144. 
$ Benthamidia 34:30. subgen. Cynoxylon 
34:29, 30. subgen. Eukrania 34:29, 30. sub- 
gen. Kraniopsis 34:29. subgen. Meso- 
mera 34:29. X acadiensis 43:411. alba 
34:29; 36:270, 271; 38:99. alternifolia 1: 
191; 6:54, 124; 12:182; 13:149; 21:189, 190; 
22:03; 23:278; 24:95; 29:183, 217; 34:29; 35: 
251; 43:411; X stolonifera 43:411. Amo- 
mum 6:54—56; 9:122; 12:108, 122; 16:13; 23: 
164, 278; 24:95; 29:243, 244; 33:68-71; 35: 
251; 36:269-272, 274; 37:222; 38:51; 43:411; 
44:237, 248; var. Schuetzeana 36:274; 37: 
223; 38:51. arborea 36:269, 273. Arnold- 
iana 6:56; 12:122. asperifolia 38:99, 100; var. 
Drummondii 38:99. Baileyi 19:65; 25: 
212; 37:222, 365. caerulea 33:72; 36:271, 
274. canadensis 1:192, 193; 2:37, 189; 3:159, 
175, 188, 198; 4:74, 75; 5:132; 6:54, 124; 9: 
63; 11:175, 176; 13:107, 108, 138; 17:146, 
152, 154; 18:41; 21:170; 22:38-40, 42, 43, 48, 
134; 23:109; 24:95; 25:10; 27:202; 29:1, 182, 
217; 31:243; 32:61, 179, 206; 33:51, 109, 123, 
178; 34:30, 54; 36:283, 308; 37:206, 307; 40: 
148, 163; 41:149, 151, 270; 42:334; 44:20; 47: 
46; 48:163; 50:304; X suecica 41:270; 42: 
334; f. florulenta 50:306; f. infraverticillata 
50:305; f. medeoloides 50:305; f. purpuras- 
cens 44:20, 144; f. ramosa, 50:304, 300; f. 
rosea 43:156; 44:20, 144; var. intermedia 13: 
107; 16:192; 29:183; 33:123; 40:273, 274; 41: 
270; 42:334.  candidissima 6:62; 12:122; 33: 
69, 71, 72; 36:270, 272, 273; 37:194, 223; 38: 
51, 100. circinata 2:201; 4:131; 6:54, 124; 
12:122; 13:146; 16:90; 21:201; 23:278; 24:95; 
35:250. comosa 34:29. cyananthes 34:30. 
cyanocarpa 33:70, 72; 36:271, 274; var. al- 
bescens 33:70, 72; 36:274; 37:223. dicho- 
toma 34:29. Drummondii 38:99, 100.  ex- 
celsa 38:99. fastigiata 33:72. florida 2: 
157, 171; 6:54; 12:129; 14:83; 21:190, 199; 
24:05; 31:256; 32:125, 152, 215, 269; 33:71; 
34:29, 30; 36:49; 37:223, 422; 40:372, 463; 
41:560; 44:170, 174; 46:22; f. rubra 40:133; 
var. rubra 40:133. foemina 33:69, 71, 72; 
35:288; 36:269, 270, 273; 37:223; 47:101, 
168.  fragifera 34:29. herbacea 39:462. 
lanuginosa 33:70, 72. mas 47:141. mas- 
cula 34:29. Nuttallii 50:141. obliqua 12: 
122; 24:95; 33:72; 36:272; 37:222, 223, 320. 
paniculata 4:89, 131; 6:54, 56; 12:122; 
24:95; 33:71, 72; 34:29; 35:363; 36:272, 273; 
37:194; 38:100; 49:23; X Purpusi 6:54, 56. 
polygama 33:72.  Purpusi 6:54, 55; 12:122; 
24:05; 33:72; 36:272, 274; 37:223; 38:51. 
racemosa 12:122; 33:72; 35:303; 36:272, 273; 
37:190, 194, 350; 38:99, 100; 46:138; 49:23, 
24. rubiginosa 33:72; 36:271, 272, 274. ru- 
gosa 12:122, 123; 21:130; 23:278; 24:95; 33: 
234; 46:303; 49:216; X stolonifera 12:122; f. 
eucycla 49:216. sanguinea 34:29; 36:271. 


sericea 5:131; 6:55; 33:68-70, 72; 36:271. 
272, 274; 38: 51; y. Schuetzeana 36: 272, 274; 

37: 223. x Slavinii 12:122. stolonifera 
3:175; 6:54, 56, 124; 11:96; 12:121- 123; 
18: 216; 16: 13; 19: 245; (un 132, 134, 135; 

23: 278; 24:95, 179; 25: 10, 213; 26: 139, 144; 
28:244; 29: 183, 217; 33: 68-70, 72; 34: 
54; 35: 251; 36: 270-272, 283; 37: 222, 365; 
40: 161; 41: 151; 43:411; var. Baileyi 37: 365; 
41 270: 42:334. stricta 33:71, 72; 35:288; 
36 :272-274; 37:223, 434; 38: 100, 377; 39: 474, 
482; 47: 101, 168. suecica 13: 107, 108; 25: 
10; 29: 132, 217; 33:111, 123; 34: 29: 35:9; 39: 
462; 40: 276; 41 :270, 271; "44: 104; 50:305. 
unalaschkensis 41 270; 42:334 

Coronariae 47:385, pl. 991 

Coronilla 20:166. scorpioides 20:166. varia 
1:75, 106, 164; 2:89; 6:235; 10:151; 16:185; 
20: 166; 23: 199; 32: 256; 33: 163, 164: 34: 175; 

Coronopus 18:217; 31:92, 94; 49:254. didy- 
mus 11:83, 179; 18: 217; 19: 225; 23:140, 265; 
36:44; 49: 248. Ruellii 31:92 

Corrigiola littoralis 5:190 

Corsinia 17:109 

Corticium 10:10, 12. anceps 43:2. confluens 
50:287. reticulatum 10:10, 11. tremelli- 
num 10:10-12; var. reticulatum 10: 10-12 

Corticularia 39:51 

Cortinarius 3:141. alboviolaceus 3:141; 27: 
154. collinitus 2:32. cyanites 27: 153- 155, 
pls. 151, 152. duracinus 16:49. pholideus 
16:49.  torvus 44:169. violaceus 11:124 

Cortusa americana 43:479 

Corycarpus arundinaceus 34:204, 205 

Corydales 47:385 

Corydalis 9:54; 18:215; 31:14. 
44:104; var. australis 48:207; var. occi- 
dentalis 34:5. crystallina 36: 231. flavula 
28:68; 43:486, 488, 552; 45:358, 383, 412; 
48: 326, 327; 49:179. glauca 5: 128; 7:108. 
Halei 48:207. micrantha 36:44; 48: 207; 
var. diffusa 48:207; var. pachysiliquosa 48: 
207. pauciflora 41 :232; 42:326. semper- 
virens 13:56; 17:35, 154; 18:215; 22:16; 24: 
116, 174; 28: 68; 30: 36; 34:52; 38: 454; 39: 
199, 201, "fig. 25 (map); "41: 149, 232; 42: 326; 

Corylaceae 47:333 

Corylus 1:167; 6:113; 16:111; 31:222; 43:69; 
44:33; 45: 29; 41:339. americana 2: 189; 4: 
132; 5:130; 9:194; 11:107; 12:128; 16: 111; 
19: 220; 29: 1157; 34: 96, 240; 40: 145; 41 :515, 
520; 43: 68, 509; B. missouriensis 34: 96; f. 
missouriensis 34 :96; var. missouriensis 43: 
509, 550. Avellana 45: 29. cornuta 32: 
247; 35:90, 265; 38:76; 40:145; f. inermis 
38:76. rostrata 3: 173; "4: 132; 5: 130; 6:113; 
7:125; 11:107; 12: 128; 13: 149; 15: 118; 16: 
13, 111; 19: 220; 21: 199; 29: 211; 32: 247; 35: 
90; 38: 76; 45:29-31 

Corymbium 47:288 

Corynephorus 41:314; 49:269. 
81; 38:266, 267; 41:314; 49:269 

Coryphantha Runyonii 35: 224; 37:78; 38:407 

Coscinodiscus 9:130. apiculatus 9:139. as- 

aurea 21:87; 

canescens 16: 

teromphalus 9:139. concinnus 9:139. ex- 
centricus 9:139; 26:193, 195, 216. gigas 9: 
139. marginatus 9: 139. nitidus 9:139. 
nodulifer 26:195, 216. oculus-iridis 9:139; 
var. Morsiana 26: 193, 216. radiatus 9: 139; 
26:195, 216. subtilis 9:139. symbolophor- 
us 9: 139 

Cosmarium 6:234; 7:254; 24:221; 26:204, 207, 
211; 44:178; 50: 271. amoenum 5:223; 24: 
221; var. tumidum OGL: 4:251. Baileyi Mis 
255. bioculatum 24:921. biretum 24:221. 
Blyttii 7:258. Boeckii 5:253; 7:256; 24:221. 
Botrytis 5:80, 253; 24:221; 26: 207. Bre- 
bissonii 26:207. Broomei 5:222, 255; 24: 
221; 26:207. caelatum 5:223; 24: :221; var. 
abnormale 7:258, 266, pl. 64. capense 5: 
255; 7:256. circulare 24:221, claviferum 
7:255, 266, pl. 64. connatum 7:254. con- 
spersum 24:221. contractum 7:255; 24: 221; 
26:207; var. papillatum 44:178, 186, fig. 3. 
Corbula 24:221. cosmetum 7:256. crena- 
tum 24:221. cruciferum 9:232. Cucumis 
7:258; 24:222; 20:207. Cucurbita 24:222. 
curtum 9:232. cyclicum 7:257; 20:207. 
dentatum 7:256; 24:222; 26: 207. denti- 
culatum 44:67. depressum 24:222; var. ach- 
ondrum 26: 207. dispersum 7: 258. ele- 
gantissimum 7:258. Eloiseanum 7:258; 44: 
178; var. depressum 7:258; 26:208. exi- 
guum, f. major 7:255; var. subrectangulum 
24:222. Fayum 7:256. galeritum 24:222; 
26:207. globosum, var. subarctoum 7: 255. 
granatum 24:222; 26:207; f. minor 50:273. 
grandiforme, var. americanum 7: 251, 266, 
pl. 64. Hammeri 24:222; 26:208. homa- 
lodermum 7:257. impressulum 4:258; 50: 
273; f. 50:273, 278, pl. 1118; f. minor 50: 278; 
lig suborthogona 50:278. intermedium 5: 
253; 7:256; 24:222. isthmochondrum 7:257. 
laeve 24: :222; var. septentrionale 5:223, 253, 
255. latifrons 24:222. latum 7:257. mar- 
garitatum 7:256; 26:208; 44:178. mar- 
garitiferum 5:80. Meneghinii 24:222; 26: 
208. modestum 24:222. moniliforme 5: 80; 
24:222; 26:208; f. elongata 7:255; var. 
panduriformis 24:229. Naegelianum 24: 
222. nitidulum 5:255; 7:255. obliquum, 
var. trigonum 7:255, 256, pl. 64. obso- 
letum 26:208. octhodes 5: 223; 7:257; 24: 
222. orbiculatum 24:292. ornatum 5:81; 
7:257; 24:222; 26:208; var. minor 5:253. 
orthostichum 24: 222. ‘ovale 7: 258; 24:222; 
26:208; 44:178. pachydermum 24: :222; f. 
minor 7:256. perforatum 7:256; 24: 222. 
phaseolus, var. elevatum 7:257. olygonum 
50:273, 279, pl. 1118. polymorphum 7:256. 
Portianum 5: 255; 24:222; 26:208. protrac- 
tum 5:253; 24: :222. pseudobroomei 5:223; 
24:222; 26:208. pseudoconnatum 7:254; 
24:222; 26:208. pseudonitidulum var. vali- 
dum, 26:208. pseudoorbiculare 7:256. pseu- 
dopectinoides 7:258. pseudopyramidatum 7: 
255; 24:223; 26:208. punctulatum 5:253; 
24:223 - 26:208; var. subpunctulatum 50:273. 
pygmaeum 24:223; 26:208; var. Schliep- 
hackeanum 7:257; 24:223. pyramidatum 5: 


80, 223; 7:255; 24:223; 26:208. quadratum, 
f. Willei 24:223. quadrum 24:223; 26:208; 
f. 7:257; f. Johnsoni 7:257. Quasillus 5: 
253. quinarium 7:256; 44:178.  Raciborskii 
7:256. rectangulare 7:257. Regnesii 7:255; 
26:208. reniforme 5:80; 24:223; 50:273; 
var. compressum 7:257. repandum, f. minor 
24:223. Scenedesmus 5:222. Schliephack- 
eanum 5:81; 7:257. Sinostegos 24:223; var. 
obtusius 7:257. speciosum 5:222; 24:223. 
sphalerostichum 24:223. suberenatum 5: 
223. subcucumis 24:223. subdepressum 
24:223. subnudiceps 7:256. suborbiculare 
5:81; 7:257; 24:223. subtumidum 24:223. 
suleatum 24:223. taxichondrum 5:80; f. 
bidentulum 7:256.  tetraophthalmum 5:223; 
7:256; 24:223. Thwaitesii 7:255; 24:223. 
trilobulatum 24:223. triplicatum 7:256; 24: 
223. truncatum 10:102. tumidum 6:80, 
223; 24:223; 20:208. Turpinii 24:223; 26: 


231; 12:23, 25, 34, 35, 183. Small 4:235; 12: 
183. Woods 18:41 

Cranefly Orchid 39:470 

Cranichis multiflora 39:356 

Crantzia 26:93; 42:506. attenuata 26:94; 39: 
408. lineata 1:159; 2:168, 217; 3:210; 26: 
93, 94 

Crapaud vert 16:104 

Crassina 28:40-42 

Crassulaceae 6:118; 18:249; 19:217, 218; 25:9; 

29:35, 214; 31:42; 45:311; 49:255 

Crataegi 36:237 
Crataegus 1:168; 3:221; 4:64; 5:52, 114; 6: 120, 

214; 7:139, 219; 8:10; 10:73-75, 77, 83, 84, 
195; 11:130, 181; 12:94, 103, 110, 114, 180; 
13:18; 14:81, 83, 86, 163; 15:224; 16:50; 17: 
153, 154; 19:62, 63, 227; 20:16; 21:189, 190; 
23:158, 180; 32:12, 14, 254; 33:62, 140; 34: 
62; 35:49, 359; 36:422; 37:72, 307; 39:18, 
331, 360, 361, 410; 40:372; 41:55, 312; 42: 

208; var. podolicum 50:274. undulatum - A7-900- AR: - AQ: 

24:223; 26:208; var. crenulatum 5:221; var. re Eri 18 tice hens 3:26 nom Ts 
minutum 24:223; var. Wollei 24:223. vir- 7:182, 209, 213: 10:75. $ Crus-galli 3:19, 
ide 7:255; 24:224 71; 5:52. § Dilatatae 3:26, 76. $ Flabel- 

Cosmocladium 24:240. saxonicum 24:240; 44: latae 3:22, 75; 5:114; 7:208. $ Intricatae 3: 

67 cet Intricate 
Cosmos 18:149; 21:171; 36:85. bipinnatus20: 294902: 7229. § Lope ag 11:183. 

85; 44:478. parviflorus 6:82. sulphureus § Pruinosae 3:26; 5:54; 7:193. § Punctatae 
IE 3:20, 72; 7:192. § Rotundifoliae 10:75. 
Cotinus & " 36:224. 230 § Tenuifoliae 3:23, 71, 76; 5:137; 7:199. 

en gradi inet $ Tomentosae 3:26, 77; 5:182; 7:162, 182, 
Cotton-grass 7:81; 13:113, 123; 23:131; 28:61, 209. aboriginum 5:163. acutiloba 3:23, 
oaa Sa, 8d s) 16:206: 44:351 76; 5:117, 139, 141, 144; 7:184; 10:80. aes- 

OPIOIWOOTIA I AM) Palate n tivalis 47:151. alnorum 5:153; 20:16. amo- 
Cotula 26:85. australis 6:82. coronopifolia ena 14:130, 150; 43:562. ampla 7:208 

:130, ; 43:562. :208. 

4:32, 33; 26:85 
Cotyledon glandulifera 32:26 
Couch Grass 17:226; 49:265 
Cofidre 45:29 
Coudrier 1:167 
Couldre 45:29, 31 

angulata 40:133. anomala 3:74, 75; 5:110; 
6:140. apiifolia 10:79; 39:331. apposita 10: 
79; 20:16; var. Bissellii 10:76. aquilonaris 
5:185. arborea 40:132. arborescens 11; 
181. Arnoldiana 20:16. ascendens 5:141; 

vr — MEC EUM: 
Geyeri 4101. Newberryi 41: 403. ore- ata 10: 75, 76. baccata 7:176. Barretti- 
pana x ana 40:132. Baxteri 7:219. beata, var. 
Couma 49:58 

compta 10:81. Beckwithae 10:81. bellica 
40:132. bellula 7:195, 196. berberifolia, 
var. Engelmanni, 10:76. Bissellii 5:65: 
10:76. Blanchardi 7:218; 10:79. blandita 
5:147, 148. brachypoda 40:133.  bracteate 
40:133. Brainerdi 3:27, 28; 6:140; 7:209 
210; 31:84; var. asperifolia 10: 82; var 
Egglestoni 10:82; 19:227; 20:16; var 
scabrida 10:82. bristolensis 7:175. Bru- 
netiana 5:164; 10: 79. Calpodendron 21 
90; var. hispidula 40:133; var. obesa 40 
133. canadensis 3:73. Canbyi 10: 83 
champlainensis 3:20, 74; 6:140. Chap 
mani, var. Plukenetii 10:83. chrysocarp: 
10:79. coccinea 3:27, 28, 79; 5:159, 168 
6:140; 7:214; 10:76-79; 11:182, 183; 12:93 
13:36; 20:16; 21:190; var. oligandra 21:190 
var. rotundifolia 3:26, 27, 79; 11:183; var 

Courts 1:167 

Covillea 12:14; 31:93 

Cowberry 4:232; 12: 23, 25 

Cow-lilies 21:183, 184 

Cow-lily 4:93; 10:49; 18:161, 163, 164; 39:333. 
Parsnip 28:84 

Cowslip 28:63. English 22:143 

Crab-apples 18:153; 44:221, 224; 45:360 

Crab Grass 17:225 

Cracea 9:54; 42:456. hispidula 42:457. leu- 
cosericea 38:406. texana 38:406 

Crackebesien 12:23 

Crack Willow 25:174 

Cranberries 42:379 

Cranberry 11:129; 12:35; 13:217; 44:370, 371; 
46:249, 250. American 12:183. Bog 12:35; 

18:41. High 4:131. Highland 18:41. viridis 10:78. coccinioides 36:231; var 
Hog 18:41. Large 4:234; 12:183. Marsh dilatata 10:81. cognata 5:58. collina 
18:41. Mountain 4:231, 232; 11:177; 12:23, var. Lettermani 10:76; var. secta 40:132 

25, 34, 35, 37, 183; 13:136; 42:311. Rock 4: 

var. sordida 10:76; 40:132; var. succinct: 


40:132. coloradensis 10:82. colorado 10:82. 
columbiana var. Brunetiana, 10:79; 12:139; 
31:84; var. Piperi, 10:79. compta 10:81. 
conjuncta 5:57; 7:184; 10:81. contigua 
5:115; 6:140. cordata 10:82; 11:183. cru- 
delis 5:143.  Crus-galli, 3:19, 71; 5:53; 10: 
76, 83; 11:181, 182; 20:16; 37: 427; 39:371, 
375; X macracantha 10:76; f. truncata 40: 
132; var. Barrettiana 40:132; var. bellica 
40:132; var. exigua 10:75; var. leptophylla 
40:132; var. macra 40:132; var. pachy- 
phylla 40:132; var. prunifolia 10:75, 76. 
culta 7:199. cuneiformis 21:190. cyclo- 
phylla 7:210. Damei 7:200. deltoides 
19:227; 21:190. delucida 5:139; 6:140. 
demissa 5:139; 6:140; 10:80. densiflora 
3:75. dilatata 3:26, 76; 6:140. disjuncta 
var. magnifolia, 40:133. dissimilis 5: 
149. dissona 5:60; 6:140; 10:81. Dodgei 
7:213. Douglassii 37:205, 272; 40:254. 
dumetosa 40:133. dumicola 5:183. Ed- 
soni 7:205, 206. Egglestoni 3:30; 6:140; 
7:209, 211; 10:82. Ellwangeriana 10:82. 
Emersoniana 7:181. Engelmanni 10:76. es- 
culenta 10:82. exclusa 5:108, 109; 6:141; 
10:82. exigua 5:52; 10:75. Faxoni 5:161; 
7:214; 10:79. ferentaria 7:184. Fernaldi 
5:166, 167. fertilis 5:182; 7:176. festiva 
5:54. flabellata 3:75; 5:114, 116; 6:120, 141; 
7:184. flava 47:151, 152. florea 5:145. 
fluviatilis 5:117. foetida 7:219; 19:226. 
Forbesae 5:151; 7:206. fretalis 5:112. 
fucosa 5:137; 7:184. fulgens 7:182. fus- 
ca 7:193. Gattingeri 21:190. genialis 5: 
148; 6:141. glandulosa 3:27; 10:78; 47:152. 
glaucophylla 5:140; 6:141. Gravesii 5:159; 
6:141; 7:213. Grayana 10:80. Handyae 7: 
177. Hargeri 5:66. Helenae 7:162, 184. 
Hillii 19:63. hispidula 40: 133. Holme- 
siana 3:22,23,76; 5:112; 6:141; 7:209; 19:227. 
Ideae 7:211. incisa 7:196; 19: 227. in- 
solens 7:217; 10:79. integriloba 3:78. 
intricata 3:28, 29; 6:141; 7:184; 10:78; 20:16. 
irrasa 5:116; var. Blanchardi 10:79. 
Jackii 5:162. Jesupi 5:61, 191; 6:141; 19: 
227. Jonesae, 12:139; 16:191; 23:159, 267. 
Keepii 5:165. lanceolata 40:132. lanu- 
ginosa 36:231. latisepala 10:81. lauren- 
tiana 3:77; 35:49, 272. lauta, 7:206. leio- 
phylla var. maineana, 10:81. leming- 
tonensis 7:216. leptophylla 40:132. Let- 
termani, 10:76. leucophleos 10:83. levis 
7:198. littoralis 5:59. lobulata 3:22; 4: 
167; 5:110, 111; 6:141; 10:82. lucorum, var. 
insolens 10:79. lutensis 40:133. Mac- 
kenzii var. bracteata 40:133. macra 40: 
132. macracantha 3:26, 78; 6:208; 12:180; 
15:165; 20:17; 31:84; var. neofluvialis 10: 
83; 19:227; var. occidentalis 10:82; var. 
rhombifolia 10:82; var. succulenta 10:82; 
21:190. macrosperma 10:82; 19:226; 20:16; 
22:137; var. acutiloba 10:80; 20:16; var. 
demissa 10:80; var. matura 10:80; 19:227; 
var. pastorum 10:80; 19:227; 20:16; var. 
pentandra 10:80; var. viridimontana 19: 
227. magnifolia 40:133. maineana 10:81. 

Margaretta 10:83. Marshallii 10:79; 14: 
81; 39: 331, 481; 42:408. matura 3:24; 5: 
144, 145; 6:141; 7:205; 10:80. media 5:150; 
6:120, 141. membranacea 5:186; 6:141. 
modesta 3:28; 5:62; 6:141; 10:78; 11:183. 
mollis 3:20, 22, 73; 21:67; f. dumetosa 40: 
133; var. sera 10:82. monogyna 11:47; 20:17, 
105; 23:95. monstrata 5:146. Napaea 7: 
203; 19:227.  neo-fluvialis 10:83; 21:190. 
obesa 40:133. occidentalis 10:82. ovata 40: 
132. Oxyacantha 5:167; 11:47; 20:17; 39:371, 
375. pachyphylla 40:132. Paddockeae 7:202. 
paradoxa 40:132. parvifolia 10:78. pas- 
torum 3:24, 76; 5:147, 148; 10:80. pausi- 
aca 21:190. Peckietta 7:174. Peckii 5: 
63; 7:219. pedicellata 10:77; 21:190; var. 
Ellwangeriana 10:82. pellucidula 7:179. 
Pennypackeri 10:83. pentandra 3:25; 6: 
141; 10:80. Pequotorum 5:55. persimi- 
lis 10:76. pertomentosa 40:133. Phaeno- 
pyrum 10:77, 82; 20:17; 39:333, 481. phila- 
delphiea 10:81. pilosa 5:56.  Piperi 10:79. 
pisifera 7:163. polita 5:111; 6:141; 10:77; 
19:227; var. Tatnalliana 10:82; 19:227. 
Porteri 10:81. praecoqua 5:167; 60:141. 
praecox 3:27, 79; 5:167, 168.  praemora 10: 
78. praetermissa 7:213, 214. Pringlei 
3:21; 4:167; 5:108-110; 6:141; 19:227; var. 
exclusa 10:82; var. lobulata 10:82. pro- 
pria 7:214. pruinosa 3:26; 5:54; 20:17; 32: 
254; f. angulata 40:133; f. dissona 10:81; 
20:17; var. brachypoda 40:133; var. con- 
juncta 10:81; 20:17; var. incisa 19:227; var. 
latisepala 10:81; var. philadelphica 10: 
81; var. Porteri 10:81. prunifolia 10:76. 
punctata 3:20, 72; 15:165; 35:249; var. 
aurea 6:141. pyracanthoides, var. arborea 
40:132. pyrifolia 29:177. quinebaugen- 
sis 7:194. racemosa 14:130, 150; 42:562; 
48:127, 128. Randiana 5:142. regalis, 
var. paradoxa 40:132. rhombifolia 5: 
183; 7:174; 10:82. roanensis 19:226. Rob- 
binsiana 7:197. Robesoniana 5:110. 
Robinsoni 5:184. rotundifolia 11:183; 20: 
17, 105; 24:50; 31:84; 32:177; 48:128, 131; 
var. Bicknellii 10:79; var. chrysocarpa 10: 
79; var. Faxoni 10:78, 79; 19:226; 20:17; 
var. pubera 11:183. rugosa 21:190. sca- 
brida 3:29, 76; 4:166; 5:114; 6:141; 7:209; 
10:82. Searsi 7:183. secta 40:132. See- 
lyana 7:209. sera 10:82. serena 7:201. 
silvicola, var. Beckwithae, 10:81. Smithii 
10:79. sorbifolia 49:232. sordida 10:76; 
40:182. spatiosa 7:180, 182. spicata 14: 
123; 48:125-129, 131, 132, pl. 1027. Stonei 
5:62. stratfordensis 7:178. submollis 3: 
74; 6:141; 20:17. suborbiculata 3:72. 
succincta 40:132. succulenta 3:26, 78; 5: 
183; 6:141; 20:17; var. pertomentosa 40: 
133. Tatnalliana 10:82. tenella 5:137. 
Thayeri 5:113; 7:184. tomentosa 3:21, 79; 
10:78, 79, 83; 11:182; var. Smithii 10:79. 
truncata 40:132. umbratilis 7:192. uni- 
flora 10: 78. viridimontana 7:204, 205; 
19:227. viridis 10:83; 11:181; 12:93, 94; 14: 
81-86; var. atrorubens 40:133; var. lance- 


olata 40:132; var. lutensis 40:133; var. 
ovata 40:132. Websteri 7:215. Youngii 
37:426; 38:377 

Craterellus Cantharellus 2:194. 
oides 41:514 

Craterium leucocephalum 29: 167, 173. min- 
utum 2:81, pl. 16; 29:168 

Cratoneurum filicinum 30:9. glaucum, var. 
falcatum 30:9 

Crawley Root 12:132 

Creeping Eragrostis 21:191. 
183. Wintergreen 12:183 

Crepis 4:249; 6:78, 146; 21:209-211, 214; 26:85; 
27:48; 38:367; 48:117; 49:207, 298. acu- 
minata 48:117. barbigera 22:102. biennis 
21:209-214; 22:191-193; 32:4. capillaris 
17:30; 21:209, 210, 212; 22:191, 192; 26:85; 
37:323; 46:142. elegans 41:148, 301; 42: 
311, 343. foetida 26:85. monticola 22:192. 
nana 26:199, 200; 28:103, 104, 213, 241; 35: 
121, 275; 38:120, 126, 161; 41:155, 301; 42: 
311, 343; 45:316; 49:299. nicaeensis 21:212, 
213; 22:192; Q. integrifolia 21:212. occi- 
dentalis 22:192. pulchra 21:209. rigida 4: 
250. setosa 60:144; 22:192. taraxacifolia 
4:250. tectorum 19:253; 21:209, 210, 214; 
26:85. virens 4:197; 6:78, 146; 21:209, 213; 
var. agrestis 6:144; 8:73; var. runcinata 6: 
144. vulgaris 26:85 

Cress, Arctic 28:91. Belle Isle 11:140. Early 
winter 11:140. Garden 4:32. Hoary 42: 
302. Water 4:81; 27:186. Yellow 27:186 

Cribraria 2:81. aurantiaca 2:81, pl. 16. 
macrocarpa 1:128. microcarpa 29:169. piri- 
formis 29:169. rufa 29:169. tenella 29:169; 
var. concinna 29:169. violacea 29:169, 172. 
vulgaris 29:170 

Crinodendron 14:185 

Cristatella 11:45, 46. Jamesii 11:46 

Critamus agrestis 25:12 

Crithmum umbelliferum 25:12 

Crithopyrum trachycaulum 35:170 

Crocanthemum 19:58-60; 43:609-614, pl. 689. 
brasiliense 43:615, pl. 690. canadense 43: 
615, pl. 690. capitatum 43: pl. 690. caro- 
linianum 19:58, 59; 43: pl. 689. dumosum 
19:58, 60. glomeratum 43:615, pl. 690. 
majus 19:59; 43:612. propinquum 43:615, 
pl. 690. rosmarinifolium 43:615, pl. 690. 
scoparium 43:615, pl. 690 

Crocodilium 30:59 

Crocodiloidea 30:59 

Crocus 25:155; 21:11; 47:385. Wild 42:325 

Crocynia lanuginosa 29:98 

Cronartium 9:194. Comptoniae 9:194; 34: 61. 
Querci 9:194.  ribicola 34:61 

Croomia pauciflora 44:12 

Cross-leaved Heath 15:189 

Crotalaria 14:30, 32; 20:166; 40:361, 362; 41: 
317-320, 366; 44:360; 46:493, 494; 49:99. 
§ Eucrotalaria 41:318, 322, 348, 349; sub-§ 
Oliganthae 41:318, 349. § Farctae 41:356. 
§ Simplicifoliae 41:318, 320, 324. subgen. 
Iocaulon 41:320, 330. acapulcensis 41:364. 
acuminata 41:325. affinis 41:350.  alatipes 
41:326. alba 41:366. altissima 41:366. ana- 


Snowberry 12: 

gyroides 41:319, 324, 365; var. pauciflora 
41:364. angulata 40:436; 41:318, 322, 341, 
343, 344, 347; 44:417; 50:202. angulosa 
41:325. anisophylla 41:348. asarifolia 41: 
341. benghalensis 41:329. Berteriana 41: 
318, 320, 324. bialata 41:366. bracteata 
41:329. brasila 41:362. Brownei 41:359. 
bupleurifolia 41:319, 321, 332. caerulea 
41:325. cajanifolia 41:362. Carmioli 41: 
362, 363. chiapensis 41:358, 360. cubensis 
41:350. cuneifolia 40:363; 41:326, 344. 
dichotoma 41:358. diffusa 41:350. Dom- 
beyana 41:365. elliptica 41:358, 360; var. 
multiflora 41:360. eriocarpa 41:319, 322, 
353-355, 364; var. gloriosa 41:353, 354; var. 
typica 41:353. eriocaula 41:351.  Espadil- 
la 41:332. fenestrata 41:329. filifolia 41: 
319, 323, 361, 362. flexuosa 41:325, 3660. 
fruticosa 41:340. fulva 41:324. Galeotti 41: 
358, 360. genistella 41:330. gloriosa 41: 
354. gracilenta 41:361. Grahami 41:358. 
grandis 41:324. guatemalensis 41:362, 363. 
hastata 41:325. havanensis 41:366. Hel- 
diana 41:332. herbacea 41:351, 353. hex- 
aptera 41:366. hirta 41:350. Hookeri 41: 
355. Hookeriana 41:341, 344. Hostmanni 
41:327. incana 41:318, 322, 350, 352, 353, 
355; var. Q. 41:365; var. nicaraguensis 41: 
322, 353. juncea 41:318, 321, 329, 330. 
laburnifolia 41:366. laevigata 41:344; 49: 
149. latifolia 41:349. leptoclona 41:341. 
leptophylla 41:364. Leschenaultii 41:326, 
327. Linaria 41:347; 50:203. linearis 41: 
344. litoralis 41:358. longipes 41:344. 
longirostrata 41:319, 323, 357. lotifolia 41: 
318, 322, 349, 350, 362; var. Eggersii 41:350. 
lunulata 41:336. lupulina 41:358. macro- 
phylla 40:363; 41:326. maritima 41:318, 
322, 345, 346; 50:202, 203, pl. 1107; var. 
Linaria 41:347, 348; 50:203; var. typica 41: 
348. maypurensis 41:319, 324, 364. molli- 
cula 41:319, 322, 352, 354, 355; var. 
Schaffneri 41:354, 355; var. typica 41: 
355. montana 41:351.  monticola 41:354. 
mucronata 41:318, 328, 355-357. nana 
41:318, 320, 324. nitens 41:319, 321, 329. 
nitidula 41:329. ovalis 41:341; 44:417; 
50:202. parviflora 41:336. pendula 41: 
358,366. perfoliata 41:366. pilosa 41: 
318, 321, 330, 331, 334, 336, 366; var. 
robusta 41:331; var. Skutchii 41:331; 
var. typica 41:331. pisiformis — 41:355. 
platycarpa 41:336. Poeppigii 41:362. 

ohliana 41:334. polyphylla 41:346. por- 
recta 41:329. Pringlei 41:340. procum- 
bens 41:341, 344. pterocaula 41:330, 366. 
puberula 41:358. pubescens 41:350. pum- 
ila 41:318, 323, 341, 358; var. obcordata 
41:361. Purdiana 41:318, 322, 349, 350. 
purpurascens 41:350. Purshii 39:415, 466, 
480; 40:378, 436; 41:318, 322, 339, 344, 347; 
49:149, 193, pl. 1075; var. bracteolifera 49: 
149, 193, pl. 1075; var. polyphylla, 41:346; 
var. typica 41:346. quercetorum 41:346. 
quinquefolia 41:318, 322, 348. radiata 41: 
351. retusa 40:361, 362; 41:318, 321, 

INDEX TO VoLuMEs 1-50 75 

927-329. retusifolia 41:327. Retzii 40:363; 
41:326. rotundifolia 34:206; 36:45; 39:351, 
354, 415, 466, 471, 480; 40:436; 41:341, 343; 
44:417; 50:202, 203, pl. 1107; var. brachytri- 
cha 41:346; var. Linaria 50:203. sagitta- 
lis 1:179; 2:89; 5:129; 10:43, 143; 13:8; 14:29; 
20:166; 32:212; 37:193; 38:424; 39:415; 41: 
318, 321, 332, 334, 335, 345, 346, 366; 44:410, 
417; 46:493; var. a. linearis 44:417; var. B. 
41:335, 344; var. 6. oblonga, 44:417; var. 
y. ovalis 41:335, 341; 44:417; var. Blumeri- 
ana 41:336, 339; var. Espadilla 41:332; var. 
fruticosa 41:336, 340, 341; var. linearis 44: 
417; var. oblonga 44:360, 416, 417; var. ova- 
lis 44:417; var. typica 41:336, 339, 341. 
Sagittatas 41:336. Saltiana 41:356, 357. 
scariosa 41:340. Schiedeana 41:329. Schimp- 
eri 41:351. sericea 40:362, 363; 41:320, 
327. setifera 41:350, 352, 353. spectabilis 
40:361-363, 372, 436, pl. 508; 41:318, 320, 
326-328; 44:417; 49:149. stipularia 41:318, 
319, 321, 332, 366; var. grandifolia 41:333, 
334; var. oblongata 41:334; var. sericea 41: 
334; var. serpyllifolia 41:333; var. typica 41: 
333, 334. stipulata 41:365. striata 41: 
355-357. tenuifolia 41:330. tenuissima 41: 
361, 362.  tepicana 41:358. tetragona 41: 
318, 321, 330. tetragonoloba 41:330. tinc- 
toria 41:355. topicauca 41:358. triantha 
41:358. Tuerckheimii 41:318, 321, 
334, 344; var. macrantha 41:321, 335; 
var. typica 41:335. undulata 41:366. 
Urbaniana 41:322, 348. usaramoensis 41: 
318, 323, 357. verrucosa 41:318, 320, 325; 
var. acuminata 41:326; var. obtusa 41: 325, 
326. viminalis 41:353, 354. viminea 41: 
329. vitellina 41:319, 323, 362, 364, 366; 
var. Orcuttiana 41:362, 364; var. Schippii 
41:362, 364; var. typica 41:362. Zuccarini- 

ana 41:355, 357 

Croton 7:160; 21:82. alabamensis 44:12. 
capitatus 6:86; 21:82; 36:224; 47:209. 
Engelmanni 35:287; 30:375. glandulosus 
23:221, 223; var. septentrionalis 23:221; 37: 
431; 46:136. monanthogynos 39:195; 43: 
514,588. texensis 6:86; 21:82; 47:216 

Crotonopsis 7:158. elliptica 36:220, 223; 39: 
481; 41:474, 547. linearis 10:36 

Crowberries 15:31 

Crowberry 4:34, 147; 9:149, 177; 15:211; 23: 
98, 169; 32:60; 42:333. Black 12:181. 
Broom 12:181. Conrad’s 12:181 

Crowfoot 11:130. Water 12:108. White 
Water 21:191 

Crucibulum vulgare 41:514 

Crucifer(s) 9:40; 23:132; 39:208; 42:201, 302; 

Crucifera 43:202. nemorosa 36:366 

Cruciferae 6:9, 117; 9:37; 10:207; 13:89; 17:37; 
18:37, 97, 215; 21:170; 25:9; 26:225, 230; 27: 
31, 186; 28:70; 29:213; 31:42, 92; 32:253; 36: 
248, 281, 364; 39:18, 63, 67, 68, 71; 40: 
294; 41:392-394, 397; 42:315; 43:80, 92, 289, 
291, 292, 298-300, 398; 44:28; 45:311; 49: 
255, 288; 50:296, 302 

Crucigenia rectangularis 14:115 

Cruoria pellita 2:11 

Crustacea 41:135, 148 

Cryphaeaceae 37:228 

Cryphiacanthus acaulis 47:10,11. angustifo- 
lius 47:8-12. barbadensis 47:24, 27. Twee- 
dianus 47:9, 10 

Crypta 43:210. minima 19:10, 11, 13; 43: 
210; 44: 252 

Cryptantha 25:29. crassisepala 34:6. 
media 25:29. Thompsonii 36:12 

Cryptogams 45:515, 516 

Cryptoglaena americana 2:41 

Cryptogramma 11:35; 30:14; 36:421; 37:238, 
239, 241, 242. acrostichoides 37:238-244, 
246, 338, pl. 356; 39:495; f. foveolata 37:246. 
Brunoniana 37:238-248, 246, 338, pl. 357. 
crispa 37:238-242, 244-246, map 12; 6. C. 
Brunoniana 37:242, 246; vy. C. acrostichoi- 
des 37:242, 246; f. americana 37:241, 246; 
f. europaea 37:240; f. indica 37:241, 246; 
subsp. C. acrostichoides 37:246; subsp. C. 
Brunoniana 37:246; var. acrostichoides 37: 
243, 244, 246, 356, pl. 356; var. Brunoniana 
37:244, 246, 338, pl. 357; var. typica 37:244, 
245. densa 9:158, 167; 34:246; 37:67, 70. 
Stelleri 9:154, 158, 166, 172, 173; 10:35; 11: 
64; 13:137; 14:75; 15:98; 16:198; 17:65; 22: 
39, 49, 81, 86, 87; 28:117, 125, 148; 30:14; 
32:18; 34:66; 35:47; 37:66, 222; 49:53; 50: 

Cryptomonas 50:272. 

erosa 44:68; 50:272, 
276. ovata44:68 

Cryptophyceae 44:65, 68; 50:272, 276 

Cryptoporus volvatus 44:169 

Cryptotaenia 4:88; 9:54; 24:93. canadensis 
1:159; 5:203, 204; 24:93; 27:202; 36:374; 
40:382, 448 

Ctenium 9:53. americanum 8:210. aroma- 
ticum 8:210; 39:327, 335, 379, 381, 382, 
467, 477, map 11; 40:367, 387; 41:472, 502, 
503; 44:241; 49:99, 121 

Cubelium concolor 32:140; f. subglabrum 32: 

Cuckoo Flower 22:11 

Cucubalus polypetalus 50:197, 198, pl. 1105 

Cucullaria 44:33 

Cucumber 43:92. Bur 32:110 

Cucumis 26:18; 50:200. 
Melo 26:18; 36:373, 374. 
36:373, 374; 39:370, 375 

Cucurbita 26:18. maxima 26:18, 228; 32: 
276; 36:373, 374; 50:303. Pepo 3:131; 26: 
18; 36:373, 374; 41:82 

Cucurbitaceae 6:130; 26:17, 228; 31:43; 32: 
276; 47:386; 49:58; 50:179, 303 

Cucurbitae 3:282 

Cudonia circinans 1:64 

Cunila glabella 42:6, 7. mariana 47:374. 
origanoides 36:220, 231; 37:189, 194; 42: 
363, 478; 43:521, 638 

Cunninghamella africana 5:98. 

Cuphea 4:247; 9:63; 23:114; 36:255. ignea 45: 
26. petiolata 15:67; 44:362, 430. platy- 
centra 45:26. procumbens 4:248; 23:114. 
viscosissima 2:125; 4:106; 9:63 


Anguria 26:18. 
sativus 26:18; 



Cupressineae 11:168 

Cupressinoxylon 11:168, 169 

Cupressoxylon 11:168 

Cupressus 21:67; 47:386. sabinoides 43:346, 
347. thyoides 6:97; 23:92 

Cupuliferae 6:113 

Cur Wheat 12:27 

Curculigo 25:156-161, 163. aquas-anensis 25: 
163. gracilis 25:163. orchioides 25:156, 
157, 161. recurvata 25:163. scorzonerae- 
folia 25:132, 159, 160, figs. 14, 15 

Curlew-berry 9:149, 177; 13:123 

Curly Grass 23:91; 24:159. Family 35:352 

Currant(s) 12:20-22, 25, 32, 35-37; 15:29, 
30; 42:153; 49:219. Black 12:21, 22, 25, 
32, 34, 179. European Black 49:219. 
Red 9:1; 12:21, 22, 25, 32, 33; 25:176. 
Skunk 12:33, 179; 13:138; 18:37. Wild 

Cuscuta 5:291; 9:50; 11:54; 21:29; 25:26; 36: 
372, 373; 42:155; 45:368, 416. arvensis 2: 
126; 10:43; 13:8, 151; 15:67; 24:185; 25:26. 
Cephalanthi 24:202; 25:26; 36:372. chloro- 
carpa 36:372. compacta 8:80; 9:11; 10: 
43; 11:83; 13:8; 19:247; 20:115; 24:154; 
25:26; 32:177, 212; 45:416. Coryli 21: 
202; 36:372; 37:439; 44:431, 432. cuspi- 
data 40:276. Epilinum 25:26. Epithymum 
1:221; 5:291; 6:78, 146. glomerata 37:194. 
Gronovii 4:92; 5:136; 15:66; 16:15; 17:151, 
217; 24:201, 202; 25:26; 32:272; 33:80; 35: 
251; 36:372-374; 44:235; a. vulgivaga 24: 
201; var. latiflora 24:202; var. vulgivaga 24: 
202. incurva 36:372. indecora 44:431. 
lepidachne 50:106. obtusiflora 15:66; 19: 
247; 35: 363. paradoxa 37:194. pentagona 
25:26; 32:177; 43:81. polygonorum 33:80; 
35:363; 36:372; 37:439; 44:432; 50:290, 299. 
reflexa 36:373. Saururi 24:202; 36:372. 
tenuiflora 36:372. trifolia 5:291; 25:26. um- 
brosa 36:372. vulgivaga 24:201 

Cusickia 25:104 

Custard Apple 43:92 

Cutgrass, Rice 49:277 

Cuthbertia graminea 36:42, 53; 40:181, 366 

Cyamus 36:24. flavicomus 36:23. luteus 36: 
23; 46:156. pentapetalus 36:23 

Cyanococcus 45:451 

Cyanophyceae 1:70, 99, 100; 4:178; 7:236; 8: 
106; 14:114, 236; 15:89; 24:51 

Cyanotris scillioides 38:405 

Cyanus 30:59 

Cyatheaceae 21:175 

Cyathomonas truncata 50:276 

Cyathus 2:99. Lesueurii 2:99-101, pl. 17; f. 
major 2:100, pl. 17; f. minor 2:100, pl. 17. 
stercoreus 2:100, 101, pl. 17. striatus 2: 
101. vernicosus 2:99, 101, pl. 17 

Cycadaceae 33:49 

Cycas 38:440; 47:386 

Cyclachaena pedicellata 38:407 

Cyclamen 31:14; 39:319. orientale 42:263 

Cycloloma 3:18; 17:64. atriplicifolium 35: 
254; 36:375, 376. platyphyllum 3:18 

Cyclomyces Greenii 2:194 

Cyclonexis 41:133, 135. 
137, figs. 1-4 

annularis 41:134, 

Cyclopogon 23:73, 83.  cranichoides 23:84 
Cyclotella antiqua 9:125, 140. comta 26:194, 
216. Kuetzingiana 9:140. striata 9:140 
Cydonia japoniea 19:226; 37:86. oblonga 39: 
370, 371, 375 

Cylindrocapsa geminella 14:115 

Cylindroeystis 7:113; 24:216; 26:204. ameri- 
canus 7:113; var. minor 7:113.  Brebissonii 
7:113; 24:216; var. minor 7:113. crassa 7: 
113; 26:204. diplospora 7:113 

Cylindrospermum 28:3. catenatum 1:9, ll. 
licheniforme 50:68. majus 7:236; 24:103, 
105; 26:211; 50:68. minutissimum 3:289. 
minutum 15:90. muscicola 15:90; 50:68. 
stagnale 3:289, 202 

Cylindrothecium cladorhizans 4:240. 
rix 4:240 

Cymatopleura elliptica 9:137. hibernica 9: 
137. marina 9:137. solea 9:137 

Cymbalaria muralis 42:479 

Cymbella 9:131. affinis 9:135. americana 
9:135. amphicephala 10:180. cistula var. 
maculata 9:135. cuspidata 9:135; 10:183. 
cymbiformis var. parva 9:135.  Ehrenbergii 
9:135; 10:180; var. minor 10:183. gastroides 
9:135; 10:180, 181, 183. heteropleura 9: 
135; 10:183. naviculaeformis 10:180. pro- 

ducta 10:183 

Cymbidium 2:31; 11:103; 27:195. corallo- 
rhizon 11:103. odontorhizon 11:103; 48:12. 
pulchellum 27:195 

Cymbopogon 47:108 

Cymophyllus Fraseri 39:200 

Cymopolia 3:91 

Cymopterus montanus 34:6 

Cynanchum 24:236; 50:128. carolinense 40: 
285. nigrum 13:70, 91; 24:236; 32:28. 
nivale 9:43; 39:309. obliquum 40:287. 
scoparium 50:130. suberosum 40:284. 
Vincetoxicum 29:88 

Cynarocephale 48:411 

Cynoctonum Mitreola 23:40; 39:339, 345, 346, 
362, 442, 473, 480; 44:257, 366, 431. sessili- 
folium 45:374-376, 457; 47:95, 127 

Cynodon 9:53; 15:130; 29:115; 31:16; 49:275. 
Dactylon 15:130; 24:242; 29:115, 207; 36: 
376, 415; 44:70; 46: 336; 48:17; 49:275 

Cynodontium polycarpum 30:3. strumiferum 
3:180, 182 

Cynoglossopsis 44:28 

Cynoglossum 7:249; 25:29. amabile 35:66. 
boreale 7:250; 12:113; 19:247; 24:118; 25: 
29; 40:274; 44:144. microglochin 25:29. 
officinale 3:214; 7:249; 13:89; 19:247; 25:29; 
35:248. virginicum 1:186; 3:214; 6:193; 7: 
249, 250; 19:247 

Cynosciadium pinnatum 36:220, 232 

Cynosurus 15:144; 35:137; 47:385; 48:26; 49: 
264. cristatus 11:89; 15:144; 16:87; 19:119; 
29:207; 35:137; 44:336; 48:18; 49:264; 50: 
176, 177 

Cynoxylon 21:190; 34:29, 30. florida 33:71 

Cynthia 15:67; 26:126, 127. falcata 37:337 
338. virginica 21:213; 37:337, 338. viridis 

Cyperaceae 2:115; 3:69, 70, 219, 241, 250, 283 
4:82, 225; 6:71, 107; 7:81; 8:126, 186; 10:135 


INDEX TO VoLUMEs 1-50 "ví 

11:84; 12:62, 155; 13:5, 6, 27, 72, 83, 104, 
233, 248; 14: 36, 76, 107; 15: 100; 17: 222, 225: 
18: 34, 96; 20: 139, 189, i90; 23: 42, 490; 25: ds 
26: 223; 28: 74; 29: 118, 208; 31:8, 14, 16, 43, 
57, 121, 123-126, 187, 191; 32: 31, 237; 34: 
247; 36: 246, 278; 37: 403; 38: :379; 39: 221, '295, 
226; 40: 153, 169, 170, 327; 41: 141, 313; 42: 
41, 150, 417; 43: 79, 333; 44: :48, 480; 45: 105, 
308; 46: 91, 92, 95, 97, 246, 282; 47: 206, 379, 
380; 49: 51, 254, 255; 50: 107, 110, 11H: 122, 
294, 301. subfam. "Rhynehosporideae 46: 
246. trib. Cariceae 4:227; 5:249. trib. 
Cypereae 37:386. trib. Rhynehosporeae 37: 
386; 46:94, 102. trib. Sclerieae 5:249 
Cyperella campestris, var. multiflora 15:42 
Cyperus 3:283; 5: 192; 11:29, 131; 13:22, 27; 14: 
22; 20:189, 190; 25: 50; 31: 124, 125; 37: 153, 
154; 41: 131; 42: :505; 44: :44-46, 49, 51, 82, 85, 
87, 384; 45: 451; 47:111- 113; 50:16. '$ Ama- 
biles 44: :49, 5i. § Aristati 44: ‘47, 49. § 
Compressi 44: 49, 51. $ Laxiglumi 44:47. 
subgen. Eucyperus 44:44-51. subgen. Jun- 
cellus 44:44, 46. subgen. Kyllinga 44:44. 
subgen. Mariscus 44: 43, 47, 49, 50. subgen. 
Pyereus 44:44, 46, 83. subgen. 'Torulinum 
44:44. acicularis 31:184. acuminatus 40: 
28; 46:77; 48:330. alternifolius 50:155. 
amentaceus 20:25. amuricus 37:148, 392; 
42:196, 197; var. japonicus 37:148; 42: 197: 
var. subirioides 42:197. argentinus 44:86. 
aristatus 1:102; 2:61; 5:130; 10:135; 11:39, 
220; 12:39; 13: 27, 53; 34: 33; 44: :47-52, 54-56; 
f. alpinus 44: 53. 54: f. inflexus 44: 56; var. 
Boeckeleri 44: 55, 56; var. inflexus 44: 52, 55, 
56; f. faleiculosus 44: :56; var. Runyoni 44: 
56; var. versicolor 44:53. asper 44:46. 
Baldwinii 37:153; 44:63. bipartitus 44:85. 
Blodgettii 44:46, 77, 79. brevifolius 42:395, 
396, 419, 505, 510-512, map 21. Brownei 
44:50. brunneus 44:50. Bushii 37: 153, 
154, 187, pl. 343; 44:57. caespitosus 44:85; 
47:113. capitatus 15:200. cephalanthus 44: 
46. Cleaveri 44:85. compressus 37:391; 
44:49, 51. cuspidatus 44:49. cylindricus 
10: 139; 37:152, 187, pl. 342; 44:78, 79, 256. 
cylindrostachys 37:152. Deamii 44: :46, 81. 
Deeringianus 37:152; 44:77-79. densicae- 
spitosus 39:359, 389; "44: 343; 45:377; 46:77, 
136; 47:113. densus 44:83. dentatus 5: 
130; 8:126, 127; 10:135; 13:28, 53; 14:31; 16: 
39; '20: 190, 191, pl. 125; 21: 73; 23: 142, 232; 
24:162; 25: 185; 26:37; '82: 149, 237; 35: 68; 
36: 194: 44:342; X Rhynchospora capitellata 
20: 190; E ctenostachys 44:151; var. 
ctenostachys 8: 126; 10:135, 139; 13: 28; 44: 
151. depauperatus 39: 218, 236. diandrus 
10:135, 139, 140; 13:28; 14: 28; 15:160; 16: 
39; 23: 175; 32: 216, 237; 41 :423; 44: :85, 87, 
342; f. elongatus 41 :423; var. capitatus 44: 
86; var. castaneus 44:86; var. elongatus 41: 
493. difformis 37:391. dipsaciformis 8: 
127; 37:313; 39:339, 481; 44:46. distans 44: 
88. distinctus 41: 131, 132, fig. dulcis 31: 
159. echinatus 37: 153; 39:389; 44:63; var. 
multiflorus 44:63. elongatus 47: 113. 
Engelmanni 10:135, 139; 13:28; 33:132; 38: 

381, 395, 400, 444; 39:482. Eragrostis 41: 
132, 133, fig. erythrorhizos 10:135, 139; 13: 
28; '98: 67; 32:124, 210, 238; 37:83, 150; 42: 
369; 44: 49, 51, 82; var. pumilus 10:138. 
esculentus 10: 135; il: 121; 13:28, 218; 41: 
517, 520; 44:50, 151, 254, 342; 48: 330; L 
angustispicatus 44: 151; t macrostachyus 
44:151; var. angustispicatus 44:151; var. 
Hermanii 44:151; var. leptostachys 10: 135; 
44:151; var. macrostachyus 44:151. falcicu- 
losus 44: 55, 56. Fendlerianus 44:46, 61, 62; 
var. debilis 44: :62; var. leucolepis 44: 61; var. 
major 44:61, 62. ferax 10:135, 138; 13: 28; 
17:213; 29: 65, 68; 32:105, 147, 210, 238; 37: 
148- 150; 44: 81; 47:113. ferruginescens 37: 
150. festivus 35:260. filicinus 19:153; 32: 
237; 38:454; 41:531; 42:84; 44:84, 85; f. 
splendens 41: :531; 44: 84; var. microdontus 
19:153; 32:178, 210; 41:530. filieulmis 5: 
128, 129; 8:128, 129; "10: 135, 138; 11:83; 13: 
28; 31: 15; 32: 238; 37: 153, 154, 187, pl. 343; 
41: :531; 43: 531; 44 :46, 50, 57, 58, 254; 47: 
198; var. macilentus 8:128; 10:135, 138; 
13: 28; 15: 161; 32:150, 238; 36: 219; 37: 153, 
187, pl. 343; 43: 79; 50: :294; var. oblitus 37: 
153, 154, 187, pl. 343; 39: 354, 388, 476; 40: 
366; 41 531; 43: 537. flavescens 5: 130; 10: 
139; 24:98; 35: 285; 41:529, 530, pl. 574; var. 
castaneus, subvar. capitatus 44:86; var. 
piceus 41:529, 530, pl. 574; var. poaeformis 
41:529, 530, pl. 574. flavus 44:45, 46, 50, 58, 
59. fugax 41: 530; 42:85; 44:87. fuligineus 
44:46. fuscus 10: 135; 13:28. Gatesii 41:530. 
giganteus 44:87. globulosus 37:158, 154; 39: 
362, 389; 40:391; 42:419; 44:46, 60, 62, 
63; var. 'pseudofiliculmis 44: 63. granito- 
philus 44:47-50. Grayii 3:296; 5:128; 10: 
135; 13:22, 27; 14:22; 15:100; 27: 202; 32: 211; 
37: 154; 39: 475; 43: 537; 44: :46, 342. Halei 
37: 392; 39:482.  hamulosus 44:48-50. Han- 
senii 37: 151, 187, pl. 341; 44:79. Haspan 
37:380, 392; '38: 377; 42: :420, 511; var. ameri- 
canus 39: 477; 42: :376, 386, 419, 420, 441, 505, 
506, 508, 509, 511, map 9. helvus 44:83. 
Hermannii 44:151. holosericeus 41:530. 
Houghtonii 5:191, 192; 10:136; 14:40; 15: 
153, 160; 31:191; 36:406; 37:153, 154; 41:30; 
42:42; 44:46, 58; var. uberior 44:58. hys- 
tricinus 8:127, 128; 39:339, 477; 44:46; 47: 
111, 113, pl. 878. inaequalis 35:260. incon- 
spicuus 41:530. inflexus 1:201; 36:219; 44: 
47, 48, 51, 52, 54-56. inundatus 37:147. 
Iria 37:147, 148, 392; 38:395; 42:196, 197; 44: 
50; B. microiria 42: 197; var. 42: 197; VAT. 
acutiglumis 37:148; 42: 197; var. microiria 37: 
147; 42:197; var. paniciformis 37:147; var. 
Santonici 37:147, 148; 38:395. japonicus 
42:197. lagunetto 44:86. lancastriensis 37: 
392; 38:376; 44:46. lanceolatus 44:83; var. 
compositus 44:83. lentiginosus 44:46, 81, 
88. Liebmanni 41:530. ligularis 44: 46. 
Louisianae 44:84. manimae 44:46. mari- 
scoides 44:254. Martindalei 44:46. mega- 
potamicus 44:87. X mesochorus 44:57, 58. 
Michauxianus 37:148-151; 8. ? elongatus 37: 
150. microdontus 3:36; 19: 153; 41:530, 


531; 42:84; Q. texensis 41:530, 531. mi- 
croiria 37:147; 42:196, 197. multiflorus 44: 
81. Mutisii 44:46.  Nashii 37:152, 187, pl. 
342; 44:46, 63, 604. niger 44:87; var. 
capitatus 44:86; var. castaneus 44:86. 
Nuttallii 10:136, 139; 11:230; 12:120; 13:29, 
178; 19:153; 32:237; 41:531; 44:85. odor- 
atus 44:81; 47:113; 48:330. Ottonis 44: 
50. ovatus 31:212. ovularis 10:136, 138, 
139; 13:29; 36:230; 38:376; 43:538; 44:46; 48: 
330; var. robustus 44:62; var. sphaericus 43: 
537, 538; 44:383; 46:77. oxylepis 40:358; 
41:131; 44:88. panamensis 37:154. panici- 
formis 37:147. paniculatus 39:481. Parishii 
44:46. parviflorus 8:126. parvulus 31: 169. 
parvus 37:154. pauciflorus 31:172. phy- 
matodes 31:14. piceus 41:529, 530. pilosus 
40:74; 44:87. planifolius 44:46, 50.  Plankii 
44:62, 63. Plukenetii 47:110—113, pl. 877. 
poaeformis 41:529, 530.  Pollardi 44:46, 77, 
78. polystachyos 41:531; 42:84, 85; 44:46, 
83; 47:113; B. leptostachyus 41:530, 531; var. 
filicinus 42:84; var. leptostachyus 3:36; 42: 
84, 85; 44:84; f. fugax 42:84; f. splendens 42: 
85; var. texensis 41:530, 531; 42:84, 85; 44: 
83-85, 87; var. typicus 44:84. Pringlei 44: 
46. prolixus 44:88. pseudovegetus 38: 376; 
41:181-133, fig.; 44:50; 46:77; 47:110, 113, 
213, pl. 876. pubescens 47:112. pumilus 
37:154; 47:113. Purshii 44:56. pygmaeus 
44:56. refractus 36:230; 43:536; 44:46; 46: 
77. regiomontanus 44:46. repens 44:254. 
retroflexus 44:60. retrofractus 8:127, 128; 
36:219; 37:392; 39:198, 203; 44:46; 47:111- 
113, pl. 878. retrorsus 37:152; 43:538; 44: 
46, 62, 63, 78; var. Curtisii 44:78; var. 
cylindricus 37:152, 187, pl. 342; 43:538; 44: 
256; var. Deeringianus 37:152, 187, 379, pl. 
342; 39:477; var. multiflorens 44:78, 79; 
var. Nashii 37:152, 187, pl. 342; 39:339, 388, 
476; 42:369; var. robustus 44:62; var. 
typicus 37:152, 153, 187, pl. 342. retro- 
versus 37:152. rigidulus 47:113. rivularis 
10:136, 139; 13:29; 32:216, 237; 34:39; 
37:83, 366, 391; 42:304; 44:83, 85-87; 
f. elongatus 44:85; f. elutus 42:394, 419; 
49:124; subsp. lagunetto, f. subacaulis 
44:86; subvar. Mohrii 44:85; var. acu- 
tata 44:85; var. depauperata 44:85; var. 
elutus 42:419; 44:85; var. lagunetto 44:86, 
87. robustus 47:110, 113, pl. 876. rotundus 
10:139; 44:49. Rusbyi 44:62. sabulosus 
37:391; 38:380, 395; 39:477. Santonici 37: 
147. Schweinitzii 5:192; 37:153, 154; 44: 46, 
57, 58. serotinus 44:87. setaceus 39:251. 
setifolius 7:142. setigerus 44:60. speciosus 
10:138, 153; 37:148-150; var. parvus 37:150; 
var. squarrosus 37:150. spectabilis 44:46. 
sphaerolepis 44:62. stenolepis 37:151, 187, 
pl. 341; 44:79, 81. strigosus 5:131; 10:136; 
13:29; 16:16; 17:225; 32:147; 35:251; 37: 
149—151, 153, 187, pl. 341; 44:46, 50, 59, 79, 
80; 48:330; X esculentus 44:83; X rotundus 
44:83; f. capitatus 15:200; 16:39; 44:80; f. 
compositus 44:80; f. robustior 44:80; var. 
capitatus 10:136; 13:29; 15:200; 37:83, 150; 


var. compositus 10:136, 139; 13:29; 15:161; 
16:39; 32:238; 37:83, 150; 44:81; var. elon- 
gatus 37:150; 44:80; var. gracilis 44:81; var. 
multiflorus 44:81; var. robustior 10:136; 13: 
29; 32:288; 37:151; 41:531; 44:80; var. 
stenolepis 37:151; 44:59. subambiguus 44: 
58; var. pallidicolor 44:58. subuniflorus 37: 
154; 44:59, 60. Swartzii 44:88. tenuifolius 
47:113. tenuis 44:85. tetragonus 44:46, 
254.  texensis 41:530. Textori 42:197. 
thyrsiflorus 44:46. Torreyanus 44:85. Tor- 
reyi 37:152; 44:256. tristachyus 44:87. 
uncinatus 44:56. uniflorus 34:151, 187, pl. 
341; 44:46, 59, 60; var. floribundus 44:60; 
var. pseudothyrsiflorus 44:60; var. pumilus 
37:154; 44:59. vegetus 41:131, 133. versi- 
color 44:55. virens 41:131; 47:109, 110, 
112, 113, 213, pl. 876. X Weatherbianus 
20:190, 191, pl. 125; 45:451. Winkleri 44: 
78, 79. Wolfii 50:111. Wrightii 44:46 

Cyphella villosa 44:169 

Cyphorima 46:496, 497. decumbens 46:497. 
latifolia 46:496, 497. longiflora 46:497. 
lutea 46:496, 497 

Cypress 23:96, 101; 31:20; 35:358. Spurge 12: 
58; 38:161-163 

Cypripedium 2:31; 3:68, 203; 4:22, 95, 97; 6: 
111; 7:160; 11:77; 16:158; 19:56; 22:32; 23: 
75; 34:97, 239. acaule 1:200; 2:115, 171, 
180, 214, 219; 3:85, 86, 130; 4:18, 106; 5:83, 
129; 6:111; 9:121; 11:77, 92; 13:97, 139; 15: 
73, 190; 17:152; 19:81, 56, 57; 21:202; 22:42, 
47, 121, 137; 25:44; 29:155, 210; 32:204, 205; 
34:7; 35:88, 237, 263, 264, fig. 1; 38:303; 49: 
246, 254; 50:231; f. albiflorum 37:85; 38:303. 
album 50:230, 231. X Andrewsii 34:100, 
101, 240, 242, 243, figs. 2-4. arietinum 1: 
172; 4:18, 20, 62; 6:111; 8:65; 11:7; 22:42, 
47; 24:187; 31:223; 37:259. bulbosum, var. 
parviflorum 48:4. Calceolus 28:95, 96, 169; 
30:47; 50:231; Q. 48:4. var. parviflorum 
48:4. var. pubescens 47:97, 131; 48:4. 
candidum 19:164; 34:97—100, 239—243, fig. 5; 
44:73; X parviflorum 34:97, 100, 101; X 
parviflorum, var. pubescens 34:242. X 
Favillianum 34:242, 243. flavescens B. C. 
parviflorum 48:4. guttatum 32:200, 202, 
map 14; 41:214; 42:319. hirsutum 6:111; 
10:172; 11:77; 12:116, 117; 13:114, 115, 132; 
18:71; 19:31; 21:65; 22:40, 42, 43, 47; 27: 
107; 29:155, 210; 49:253; var. parviflorum 
48:4. Hookerae 9:39. luteum, var. parvi- 
florum 48:4. parviflorum 1:26, 147, 172; 2: 
171; 3:85, 86; 4:18, 21; 6:111; 8:93, 94; 9: 
160; 10:146; 11:77; 12:117, 118; 15:67; 19:56, 
131; 21:65; 22:42; 28:95, 96, 168, 169; 30:47; 
31:83; 32:205; 33:179, 207; 34:97-101, 239— 
243, fig. 1; 35:360; 36:9, 279; 48:4; 49:246; 
var. planipetalum 28:168, 169; 30:47; 33: 
207; 35:57, 237, 401, pl. 250; var. pubescens 
8:93; 11:77; 18:71; 21:202; 22:43, 47; 28: 168, 
169; 31:83; 34:239-243. passerinum 29: 
141; 41:214; 42:314, 319; 45:308; var. min- 
anense 32:13. planipetalum 35:237. pu- 
escens 1:26, 147, 170, 200; 2:114, 171; 3:85, 
86; 4:18, 96; 5:83; 6:111; 8:93, 94; 10:145; 


25:45. reginae 6:111; 27:107; 32:205; 34: 
239; 35:8, map 2; 50:191, 231; f. albolabium 
50:230; f. album 50:230. spectabile 1:26, 
172; 2:114, 171; 3:86; 4:18, 94-97; 6:8, 111; 
9:124; 10:146; 15:73; 19:63; 29:155; 49:246, 
253; 50:231; a. incarnatum 50:230; 8. album 

Cypripedium(s) 8:93. Yellow 31:55 

Cypris 6:234 

Cyprus 17:50 

Cyrilla 44:374, 426. parviflora 46:47. poly- 
stachya 46:47. racemiflora 39:359, 360, 
435, 480; 42:379; 44:240, 374; 46:46, 47, pl. 
813; var. subglobosa 46:46, 47, pl. 813; 47: 

Cyrtanthera carnea 50:122. magnifica 50:122 

Cyrtolobum 41:320 

Cyrtopodium 7:120 

Cyrtorhyncha 39:51, 52. neglecta 39:51 

Cystoclonium 26:189. armatum 21:206. pur- 
urascens 2:49; 8:125, 196; 26:214; 50:266; 
. stellatum 8:111; var. cirrhosum 2:49; 26: 
214; 50:266; var. stellatum 26:214; 50:266. 
purpureum 50:266; var. cirrhosum 50:266 

Cystophyllum fusiforme 21:206. Swartzii 21: 
206. Thunbergii 21:206 

Cystopteris 1:219; 6:100; 9:84; 19:172, 176; 30: 
18; 31:25, 91, 93, 94; 42:149; 50:118. bulbi- 
fera 1:48, 171, 221; 2:127; 3:42; 4:247; 5:273; 
6:100, 207; 9:124; 12:170; 13:124, 132; 21: 
198; 22:49, 81, 87; 23:136, 164, 170, 186, 300, 
pl. 130 (map 6); 28:127, 130, 146; 30:18; 
31:93; 32:136; 35:249, 277; 36:223, 225; 37: 
376, 422; 41:34; 42:51.  Filix-fragilis 28:130; 
var. tenuis 37:377. fragilis 2:184, 229; 3:41, 
236; 4:150, 247; 6:100; 9:84, 158; 10:20; 11: 
86; 17:78; 22:81-83; 23:165, 215; 25:112; 28: 
129-131; 30:18; 31:91; 32:136; 33:51, 75; 37: 
206, 244, 374-376, 378, pl. 383; 38:124, 139; 
39:495; 41:148, 151, 155, 159, 171; 42:315; 
44:192; 48:390; f. angustata 37:376; f. 
dentata 37:376; f. magnasora 37:378; f. 
simulans 37:376, 378, pl. 383; var. canari- 
ensis 28:130; var. genuina 44:192; var. laci- 
niata 26:49; var. laurentiana 28:129, 130; 
37:375, 377; 44:104, 138; var. Mackayii 23: 
186; 24:159; 37:374—378, pl. 383; var. pro- 
trusa 37:373-378, pl. 383; 49:199; var. 
sempervirens 28:130; var. tenuis 37:377. 
languida 19:202. montana 9:158, 170; 13: 
124, 219; 28:75, 146; 37:362; 41:150, 155, 
163, 164, 171; 44:102. tenuis 37:374, 377 

Cystopus candidus 26:218 

Cystoseira 19:84. crinita 19:84. Myrica 19: 


Cytherea 31:91, 94 

Cytire 17:50 

Cytisus 9:51; 20:166; 32:179. biflorus 9:51. 
Fontanesii 9:51. scoparius 2:89; 3:88; 20: 
166; 24:176; 32:129, 155, 256; 37:416; 39: 
372, 375; 44:173, 174 

Cytospora 44:94. ambiens 41:514 


Daboecia 21:31 
Dacryomyces aurantius 41:514 

Dactilon 9:53 

Dactylina 36:160, 167, 170, 171. arctica 39: 
152. madreporiformis 36:167, 169, 171, 
map 3; 39:152. ramulosa 36:135, 143, 146, 
167, 168, 171, map 2 

Dactylis 6:106; 15:144; 18:179; 29:115; 30:50, 
51; 48:21; 49:264. cynosuroides 18:179, 
180; 35:258; 49:113. glomerata 4:90; 6: 
106; 14:92, 180; 15:144; 26:185, 186, 222; 
29:207; 32:160, 236; 34:65; 35:137; 39:154; 
40:74; 44:70; 48:18; 49:264; 50:293; var. 
ciliata 35:137; 40:386; 48:18; 49:264; var. 
detonsa 35:187; 48:18; 49:108, 264; var. 
multiflora 49:108; var. vivipara 48:18 
maritima 18:178-180. patens 49:114. 
stricta 18:179, 180 

Dactylicapnos 9:54 

sr ase DeBaryanus 11:72, 73. Hookeri 

Dactyloctenium 15:131; 49:275. aegyptium 
15:131; 48:17; 49:275 
Dactylogramma 45:234.  cinnoides 45:232, 

234, 239, pl. 757; 48:64 

Daedalea 3:39. confragosa 41:514. quercina 
26:218. unicolor 44:169 

Dahlia 18:149; 33:88. coccinea 3:89 

Daisies 5:260; 6:192 

Daisy 25:16; 32:14; 47:389. Fleabane 38:72. 
Ox-eye 5:177; 17:225; 47:389. White 5:177 

Dalbergia 33:32 

Dalea 31:92, 93, 95, 96; 41:463; 49:163, 164. 
alopecuroides 20:171; 31:92; 49:164. fru- 
tescens 38:239, 240. laxa 38:406. leporina 
49:164. longipila 38:406. mollis, var. longi- 
pila 38:406; var. neomexicana 38:406. neo- 
mexicana 38:406. oreophila 49:164. par- 
viflora 38:405 

Dalibarda 6:119, 227; 20:17; 23:109. fragarioi- 
des 37:285. repens 1:171, 184; 2:122; 6:119, 
227; 7:110; 8:80; 13:141, 161, 229; 17:152; 
20:17; 22:43; 32:173; 35:74; 47:45 

Daltonia pseudostenophylla 36:132 

Damasonium 30:55. californicum 32:21; var. 
Biddlei 32:21 

Dandelion(s) 4:155; 27:47-49; 28:60, 72; 32: 
14; 46:314. Common 5:32. Fall 4:39; 6: 
28; 46:314.  Red-seeded 5:32 

Danthonia 6:106; 8:81-83; 13:134; 15:130; 23: 
95, 231; 28:81; 30:245; 45:239, 254; 48:212; 
49:269; 50:46. Alleni 45:240-242, 244, 245; 
49:269. compressa 6:106; 7:109; 15:130, 
159; 16:16; 23:230, 231; 24:98; 38:266, 269; 
45:239-242, 245, 376, 385; 49:269, 270. 
Faxoni 45:241, 244, 245. glumosa 45:242. 
intermedia 9:28, 159, 167, 190; 13:118, 137; 
32:61; 35:10, 83; 38:126; 44:114; 45:240. 
pinetorum 45:243. sericea 24:98; 32: 235; 
36:32, 37, 52; 38:266, 376; 39:477; 45:240, 
245; 46:75. spicata 2:209; 3:164, 170; 5: 
129; 6:97, 106; 11:89; 14:92, 182, 184, pl. 99; 
15:130; 17:153; 18: 34; 22:136; 26:185, 186, 
222; 28:82; 29:149, 207; 32:161, 235; 33:112, 
117; 36:219; 37:66; 38:266, 268; 44:70; 45: 
239-243; 46:75; 49:269; 50:293; var. com- 
pressa 45:245; var. longipila 38:266, 267, 271; 
45:240, 242, 244, 385; 49:269; var. pinetorum 


45:240, 242, 243; var. typica 45:242; var. 

villosa 45:240, 243. thermalis 45:243 

Daphne 23:113; 44:29. Mezereum 2:142; 6: 
86; 15:203; 16:96; 19:231; 23:113; 24:177; 

25:45; 49:80 
Daphnia 6:234; 24:51 
Daphnidostaphylis Fendleriana 16:211 
Darbya 30:22 
Darlington Oak 48:144; 49:102 
Darluca filum 41:514 
Darwinia exaltata 38:406 
Dasiola 47:106.  Elliotea 47:106, 107 

Dasya 1:125; 2:131; 7:169; 8:192; 9:91; 50:263. 
elegans 2:49; 7:137, 233; 8:192; 9:90; 24: 
2; 26:191; 50:266. pedicellata 21:204, 206; 

50:266. plumosa 14:58 
Dasycypha Ellisiana 41:514 
Dasystephana 15:224. 

uifolia 41:557; 42:198 
Dasystephana, Elliott’s, 15:224 

Dasystoma 20:68-70; 50:122. bignoniiflora 
38:407. Drummondi, var. serrata 10:35; 20: 
71. flava 20:66; 50:122. grandiflora 50: 

laevigata 35:202. 

macrophylla 50:92. pectinata 11:56; 50: 

122. pedicularia 50:122. pubescens 50: 

122. quercifolia 50:122; var. ? Q. integri- 

122. integrifolia 50:122. 

folia 50:122. serrata 10:35 
Date-palm 29:51, 52 
Datisca hirta 9:15 

Datura 1:223; 8:99; 10:153; 25:60; 42:156; 46: 
inermis 25: 
Metel 1:47; 25:60; 36:375; 46: 
quinquecuspida 46:320. 
meteloides 25:60; 46:318-321, 323, pl. 838. 
Stramonium 3:131; 8:99; 10:153; 25:60; 26: 
184, 227; 32:273; 40:184; 43:81; 47:119; 50: 
299; var. B. chalybea 40:184; var. Q. Tatula 
40:184; var. inermis 40:184; var. tatuloides 
40:184. Tatula 1:222; 10:153; 17:30; 25: 
60; 32:273; 40:184. Wrightii 46:318, 321- 

317, 318, 320, 321; 47:384, 385. 
60; 40:184. 
318, 322; var. 

Datura, Sacred 46:317 
Daubentonia Drummondii 38:406. 

Daucus 24:93. Carota 1:159; 3:131; 11:128; 

cherokeensis 41:486, 
487. Grayi 37:326. parvifolia 49:176. ten- 


Deerberry 12:168 

Delesseria 5:204, 206; 8:111. alata 2:50; 4: 
176; 5:204, 207; 8:111; 6. angustifolia 5:207; 
var. denticulata 5:205, 206. angustissima 
2:50; 5:207. Baerii, e. spinulos a 5:207. 
Beeringiana, var. spinulosa 5:205. denti- 
culata 5:205-207; f. rostrata 10:116; var. 
angustifolia 5:207. Holmiana 5:207. 
Hypoglossum 17:94. Leprieurii 7:233. 
Montagneana 5:206, 207. Montagnei 5: 
204, 206, 207; «. typica 5:207; Q. angusti- 
folia 5:207; f. rostrata 10:116; var. angusti- 
folia 5:206. quercifolia, var. linearis 8:111. 
revoluta 5:206. sinuosa 2:50; 10:116; 26: 
214; 50:266. spinulosa 5:205, 207 

Delostylis cernuum 36:127 

Delphinium 18:166, 175; 28:70; 36:309, 310; 
37:349; 41:193, 194, 196, 197; 42:310. 
Ajacis 1:47; 6:144; 18:166, 169-176; 20:183; 
27:139-142; 37:192; f. alba 27:142. albe- 
scens 39:21. azureum 39:20; var. Nortoni- 
anum 39:20; 40:132. Barbeyi 36:310. 
Blaisdellii 41:226. Brownii 41:226; 42:329. 
carolinianum 17:130; 39:20, 21, 430; var. 
crispum 39:20, 21; var. Nortonianum 39: 
20. Consolida 17:35, 38; 18:169-172, 174- 
177; 20:184; 27:139, 140. divaricatum 18: 
171. grandiflorum 27:141; var. album 
42:43. Hanseni 44:156; var. arcuatum 
44:156; var. kernense 44:156. Menziesii 
41:163, 226; 42:325. Middendorffi 41: 
226. Newtonianum 41:194-196, map, pls. 
548, 549. Nortonianum 36:224, 231; 39: 
20; 40:132. Parryi 41:312. patens, subsp. 
montanum 44:156. Penardi 39:21. scopu- 
lorum 41:163; var. glaucum 41:226; 42:325; 
45:310. Treleasei 36:224, 231. tricorne 
31:256; 41:194, 195. vimineum 39:20, 22. 
virescens 39:20-22, 430; 48:115; var. Pe- 
nardi 39:20, 21. viridescens 37:419 

Dendrium 29:225-227 

Dendrobium 2:31, 64, 65; 7:120. 
63, 64 

Dendroidaceae 11:16 

Dendrophylax 7:120 

Dennstaedtia 1:219; 21:175; 30:18. puncti- 
lobula 2:246; 21:178; 22:81-83; 26:186, 219; 

nobile 2: 

12:104; 17:35; 18:41, 98; 21:70, 71, 147; 24: 
93; 26:186, 227; 32:151, 160, 269; 36:374; 
50:208; f. roseus 11:178; 42:45. pusillus 

30:18; 32:150, 157, 228; 36:100, 219, 221, 
227; 40:383, 385; 41:34, 494; 50:292; var. 
cristata 2:220 

11:53; 36:220 
Day Flower 21:49. Lily 25:175 
Deanea 35:79 
Death-Camass 44:110 

Dens-Leonis 27:48, 59; 35:382. vulgaris 35: 

Denslovia 34:246 

Dentaria 5:169; 6:118; 9:47; 10:207; 13:229; 


Decamerium 33:197. brachycerum 33:197. 
hirtellum 33:198; f. minimum 33:198; var. 
griseum 33:198. nanum 33:198. tomen- 
tosum 33:198. ursinum 33:198 

10:166; 23:114; 25:26; 45:380. 
verticillatus 2:123; 5:132; 7:74; 11:230, 
231; 12:156; 14:26; 23:114; 32:149, 153, 
210, 230, 266; 46:137; var. laevigatus 16: 
192; 19:154, 155; 23:114, 150, 276; 24:177; 
46:137; 47:272; var. pubescens 19:154 
Decumaria 43:524; 44:351. barbara 24:150; 
37:426; 38:377; 39:480 

18:217; 42:152; 43:204. anomala 5:217. 
bulbifera 31:10. diphylla 2:122; 5:168, 169, 
213-217; 6:118; 10:164; 14:75; 16:15; 17: 
204; 18:215, 217; 21:200; 23:137, 140, 170, 
265; 31:12-14; 35:249; 37:307. grandiflora 
48:12. heterophylla 5:169, 215, 218. inci- 
sa 5:216. laciniata 5:168, 169, 215, 217, 
218; 14:75; 31:14, 17, pl. 178; 36:218; 37: 
59, 165, 166; 38:378, 423; 39:399; 40:375, 
421, 422; 42:279; 43:486; 50:104; var. 
coalescens 40:421, 422, 483, pl. 520; var. 
integra 10:84; var. latifolia 40:253. macro- 


carpa 48:12; var. pulcherrima 48:12. maxi- 
ma 5:168, 169, 214-217; 15:08; 18:218; 
19:225. tenella, var. pulcherrima 48:12. 
uniflora 36:11 

Denticella mobiliensis 9:138. rhombus 9:138 

Dentidia nankinensis 25:40 

Derbesia 14:59. vaucheriaeformis 1:126; 2:44 

Deringa 9:54 

Dermatocarpaceae 28:159 

Dermatocarpon aquaticum 29:98, 105. cine- 
reum 36:142, 153. daedaleum '36: 142, 154. 
hepaticum 29: 98; 36:142, 153. miniatum 
36:142, 154; var. complicatum 28:159; 29: 
98. sphaerosporum 36:142, 145, 154 

Dermatophyton 11:196. radians 11:196 

Dermestes 40:1 

Dermini 16:50 

Dermocarpa 3:137; 13:185. 
6:182. Vickersiae 13:184. violacea 2:41 

Deschampsia 8:81, 83; 15:129; 28:63, 143, 
144; 36:90; 38: 267; 45: 414; 49: 208. alpicola 
28:155. alpina 29: 55; 36: 148; 38:140; 41: 
38. arctica 4:143, 144; 36:90. atropurpu- 
rea 3:170; 9:24, 156, 158, 166, 190; 28:116, 
181; 35: 203; 38: 141, 266, 269; 47:224. 
beringensis 41:38. brachyphylla 4: 143, 144. 
brevifolia 4:143, 144; 36:90. cespitosa 3: 
169; 4:144; 7:106; 8:86; 13:131; 15:129, 
203; 16:16; 22:92; 23: 110; 28:51, 152, 153; 
29: 127, 207; 41: :38, 152, 153, 179; 42: 317; 43: 
633; 49: 268; var. alpina 4:144; 9:158, 167, 
191; 28:155; var. arctica 4:144; var. brevi- 
folia 4: 144; var. genuina 29: 229; 28:153; 
var. glauca’ 28:153-155; 29:229; 36: 277; 38: 
266, 268; 43:634; 49: 268; var. littoralis 28: 
158, 155; 36: 277; 41:38; var. maritima 36: 
347; var. parviflora 28: 153; 37:82; 38: 266; 
49: 268; var. setifolia 4:144. congesti- 
formis 45:414.  curtifolia 4: 143,144. elon- 
gata 6:82; 38:266, 267; 45: 414; 49:268. 
flexuosa 3: 169; 5: 129; 6: 208; Hr 88; 14:182; 
15:129; 17: 148; 21 66; 22: 93; 29: 207; 32: 
235; 33: 51, 110, 116; 34:51; 37:203, 206, 
422; 38: 140, 266, 268; 40: 279, 382, 387; 43: 
219: 49:268; var. montana 25: 6; 83:111, 117; 
38:141. glauca 28:154. holciformis 45:414. 
lasiantha 30:228. Mackenzieana 41:38. 
setifolia 4:144 

Descurainia 42:245. andrenarum 38:406. 
canescens 37:192. glandulifera 39:71. 
Hartwegiana 33:232; 39:208. intermedia 
36:224; 37:192, 261; 42:266. millefolia 38: 
404. multifoliata 38:404. pinnata bra- 
chycarpa 42:266; subsp. brachycarpa 42: 
266; var. brachycarpa 42:266. Richard- 
sonii 42:266; 44:127; 45:311. Sophia 41: 
237; 47:214; 48:99. sophioides 41:233, 238; 

Desmarestia 10:133, 134; 11:151. aculeata 
EID 245-5215 722528; 10:110; 16:8; 
26:191, 213; 50:261; var. attenuata 50:261. 
denticulata, var. rostrata 10:115. viridis 
n; 7:228; 10:133, 134; 26:213; 33:130; 50: 

Desmatodon cernuus 30:5. systylius 30:1, 5 

Desmid(s) 5:79, 81, 135, 221, 252; 6:234; 7: 

prasina 2:41; 

111, 266; 9:227; 10:97; 24:213, 236; 41: 
135; 44:176; 50:67, 271 

Desmidium 7:265; 24:240; 26:210. aptogoni- 
um 5:80, 254; 7:265; 24:240; 26:210.  Baileyi 
peal 254; 7:265; 24:240; 26:210. coarcta- 
tum 7:265. cylindricum 5:80, 254; 7:265; 
24:241; 26:210. gracilipes 7:265. quadra- 
tum 7: :265. Swartzii 5:80, 254; 7:265; 24: 
241; 26:210 

Desmodium 7:28; 8:146; 9:54; 10:207; 11:130; 
13:18, 19, 21, 33; 19:30; 20:167; 23:172; 35: 
38; 36: 373; 39: 339; 40: 366; 42: 154, 399; 
44: :23, 24, 362, 419; 47:101; 49:89, 96, 97, 
299, 300; 50: 21, 122, 153, 203. acuminatum 
2:89; 4:89; 16: 15; 38: 189, 190; 39:98; 41: 
462; 43: 340; 44: 279; 50:122, 203; f. Chandon- 
netii 38: 189, 190; t unifoliolatum 39: 
98. bracteosum 20: 167; 21:201; 35:39; 38: 
96, 97; 43:520, 572; 50: 203; var. longifolium 
10:34. canadense 1:86; 5: 89; 4:37; 9:121; 
10:151; 16:15; 20:167; 43: 340; var. hirsutum 
10:33; var. longifolium 10:34. canescens 
2:89, "91, 125, 157; 4:37; 12:190, 215; 13: 
BER 20: 167; 35: 39; "36: 374; D Ed 44: 
417; var. fdreutuss 10: 33; var. villosissi- 
mum 10:33. ciliare 2:89; 9:121; 40:437; 
var. lancifolium 40:437, 475, 483, pl. 523. 
euspidatum 2:89; 4:37, 90; 5: 203, 236; 9: 
13; 50:123, 203. Dillenii 2:89; 6:232; 12: 
215; 20: 167; 37:427; 44:343. glabellum 20: 
167; 35:39; 42:399, 457, 504. glutinosum 
38: 97; 44: 279, 280; 50: 103, 122, 123, 203. 
grandiflorum 14: 73; 20: 167; 38: 96, 97; 43: 
572; 44:279; 50: 123, 203. humifusum 2: 
89; 4:27; 42: 399, 457. illinoense 19:164; 
35:361. laevigatum 37:427; 39:482. line- 
atum 38:377, 425; 39: 473, 481; 47:101, 
156; 49:96. marilandicum 2:89; 5:203; 12: 
215; 20:107; 32:210, 212; 37:427; 42: 100. 
nudiflorum 2: 89; 20: 167; 21:202; 37:427; 
38:189, 190, 377; 41 :462; 49: 96, 300; 
d Dudleyi 38: 190; 49:300; f. foliola- 
tum 38:189, 190; f. personatum 38: 
189, 190. obtusum 13:19; 20:167; 32:210, 
256; 36:220; 37:427; 39: 374, 375; 41: 
437; 42:100; X marilandicum 42:100. 
ochroleucum 36:230; 39:481; 41:474, 546; 
44:362, 417. paniculatum 2:89; 3: 185; 4: 
(OVO: 130; 9:121; 12:215; 20:167; 21 :202; 35: 
39: 37: 427; 49: 96; var. angustifolium 38: 
425; var. Chapmani 38:425; var. pubens 38: 
425. pauciflorum 6:177; 38: 189, 190, 424; 
40:422, 436; 49:97. rhombifolium 39: 415, 
477; 40: 367; 41:546. rigidum 2:89; 9:121; 
12: 215; 20: 167; 32:256; 35:39; '36: 220. 
rotundifolium 2: :89; 4:75; 5:203; 6: 141; 12: 
215; 20:107; 32: 212, 263; 35: 363; 36: 
220; 38: 424: 47:101. sessilifolium 2:89; 
9:13; 25:48; 36:220; 39:187; 42:88, 92. 
strictum 2: 89; 9T: 427; 44:343. tenuifolium 
39:354, 415, 466, 480; 40:436; 49:97, 99. 
viridiflorum '38: 377; 49: :06 

Desmodiums 6:177 

Desmotrichum 2:111, 206; 3:218; 7:228; 16: 
105. balticum 2:46, 111; 7:227. undula- 
tum 2:46; 7:227; 26:213; 50:261, 262 


Deutzia 18:246. gracilis 18:246. scabra 18: 
245; 41:546; var. plena, 42:43 

Devil’s—claw 34:215 

Devil’s—club 43:92 

Devil's Paint-brush 4:62; 47:242 

Dewberries 47:153; 50:75 

Dewberry 8:147, 149, 150; 13:123; 44:345; 

Dewey's Sedge 18:185 

Dewya 5:249 

Dexiidae 41:186, 187 

Deyeuxia 8:83; 30:244; 32:36-38, 56; 46:285. 
borealis 32:55. crassiglumis 32:52. dubia 
24:144; 32:46. gracilis 30:244.  Langsdorfii 
24:143; 32:483. Macouniana 24:143; 32: 
41; 49:270. neglecta 32:53; var. americana 
32:50; var. brevifolia 32:53; var. gracilis 
32:47; var. robusta 32:50. Nuttalliana 
32:47. Pickeringii 46:204. Porteri 24:143, 
144; 46:288. strigosa 36:347. vancouver- 
ensis 32:55; 36:347. varia 46:300 

Diachaea 2:79. bulbillosa 29:168. 
29:168. subsessilis 29:168, 172 

Diachroa maritima 18:7 

Diadelphia 47:275 

Diandria 30:54 

Dianthera 11:56; 36:373; 43:403. americana 
6:152, 160, 161; 19:30; 36:374; 42:46; 50: 
123. humilis 43:641. ovata 43:494, 641; 
47:209; 50:224 

Dianthus 6:115; 18:86; 44:287; 47:379; 50:199. 
Armeria 1:81; 5:189; 17:35; 18:86; 23:264; 
32:251; 35:362; 38:64. barbatus 3:88; 5: 
189; 6:115; 18:86; 26:224; 32:159, 251; 50: 
302. carolinianus 50:198. Caryophyllus 9: 
37; 37:86. deltoides 1:25, 81; 5:189; 18: 
86; 47:214. monspessulanus 9:39. plu- 
marius 6:144; 11:131; 14:20; 15:203. repens 
41:160, 163, 225 

Diapedium 11:57 

Diapensia 2:189, 190; 3:156; 9:154; 13:123; 
22:38; 41:276. lapponica 1:192; 2:187, 
200; 3:164, 165, 176; 4:15; 5:37; 9:163, 
169; 11:97; 13:117, 136; 21:192; 22:38, 44; 
25:10; 27:52; 28:56; 29:132, 181, 218; 35: 
5, 121, 125; 42:336; var. obovata 42:335. 
obovata 41:147, 148, 163, 276; 42:335, 336 

Diapensiaceae 4:15; 22:44; 24:231; 25:10; 29: 
218; 31:43; 49:255 

Diaporthe 37:121-123, 127 

Diarina 34:204-206; 35:40. festucoides 34: 
204-206; 35:39, 40. sylvatica 34:204 

Diarrhena 21:216; 34:204, 205; 35:39, 40. 
americana 34:204. diandra 34:204; 50:106. 
festucoides 34:204; 35:39, 40 

Diastatea 50:48 

Diatoma anceps 9:137; var. capitata 10:181; 
var. linearis 10:182. elongatum, var. tenue 
9:137. hyemale 9:137; f. curta 10:182; var. 
Macon 10:182. tenue 9:137. vulgare 9: 

Diatomaceae 1:100; 31:166 

Diatoms 5:135; 6:234; 9:125-129; 10:179; 41: 
135; 50:67, 271, 273, 275 

Diatrypella eutypoides 44:169 

Diblepharis 5:103, 104 


Dicentra 6:117; 9:54; 18:215; 37:349; 44:22, 
33, 34; 46:158. canadensis 1:26; 5:168; 6: 
117; 14:75; 18:215; 24:116; 35:249. Cucul- 
laria 1:170; 5:168; 6:117; 14:75; 18:215; 
28:68; 31:8, 9; 32:206; 35:249; 36:218; 38: 
303; f. purpuritincta 33:169. eximia 18: 
215; 48:272. formosa 33:204; var. brevi- 
flora 33:204. spectabilis 42:43; 45:442, 444 

Dichelyma capillacea 2:96; 4:182. pallescens 
2:96. Swartzii 2:96 

Dichismus 31:228 

Dichodontium 40:359. pellucidum 39:40 

Dichondra carolinensis 46:250. evolvulacea 
45:275. repens 46:250; var. caroliniensis 
37:439; 38:378; 39:480; 45:275 

Dichostylis 31:124. aristata 44:56 

Dichothrix 3:289, 292, 293; 24:105; 26:161; 
40:235. Baueriana 50:68. compacta 3:290. 
gypsophila 7:238; 26:161, 163; 50:68. 
Hosfordii 7:238; 14:236. Orsiniana 7:238; 
26:163. rupicola 3:290, 292 

Dichrocephala Schmidii 40:220 

Dichroma caespitosa 40:391 

Dichromena 46:94, 102; 47:291. alba 46:121. 
colorata 37:380, 396; 39:477; 42:370, 371, 
420; 49:90. cymosa 46:245. distans 46: 
191. glauca 46:276. latifolia 44:254; 49: 
86, 88, 124. Marisculus 46:274 

Dichrophyllum 43:110 

Dickiea crucigera 9:135 

Dieksonia 2:182; 6:100; 7:99; 9:27, 85; 13: 
102; 21:175; 30:18. pilosiuscula 1:219; 2: 
181, 229; 6:100; 9:85; 18:31; f. schizophylla 
7:99; var. cristata 2:220. punctilobula 6: 
100; 9:85; 13:101; 17:153; 21:178; 22:90, 
133; 26:219; 32:157, 228, 259; f. cristata 
15:44, 204 

Dicliptera 11:56; 47:100; 50:224. americana 
50:106, 123. brachiata 11:57; 41:486, 570; 
43:287; 47:100, 181; var. glandulosa 43: 
287, 288; var. Ruthii 43:288. glandulosa 
43:287. ovata 50:225. peruviana 50:224 

Diclytra 9:54 

Dicodon 22:181 

Dieotyledoneae 9:36; 42:320 

Dicotyledons 7:30 

Dicranaceae 30:3; 39:39, 100; 40:359 

Dicranella cerviculata 2:62; 30:1, 3. Grevil- 
leana 39:39. hawaiica, var. tomentella 
36:132. heteromalla 1:35, 3:179, 180; 4:30; 
30:3. rigidula 36:132. secunda 30:3. stich- 
inensis 39:100. varia 4:30 

Dicranocarpus parviflorus 47:331 

Dicranodontium 40:359 

Dicranoweisia 40:359. crispula 3:180, 182; 
21:207; 39:13, 40 

Dicranum 3:178; 6:43; 13:41, 42; 40:359. 
Bergeri 2:96; 9:65; 30:4. Bonjeani 2:62; 
3:180; 6:43; 15:11; 30:4; var. juniperifolium 
30:4. condensatum 13:40, 41. congestum 
3:180. Drummondii 2:96; 13:42; 15:11, 
13. elongatum 3:180; 30:1, 4. flagellare 
4:240; 26:219. fulvellum 3:180, 182. ful- 
vum 4:240; 13:42; 14:52; 24:122; 48:1. 
fuscescens 1:34; 3:180; 4:30, 242; 24:122; 
30:4; 48:2; var. congestum 30:4; var. falci- 

INDEX ro VoLuMEs 1-50 83 

folium 30:4. groenlandicum 30:1, 4. hetero- 
malla 1:35. longifolium 1:34, 53; 2:02; 
3:180; 4:30; 24:122. majus 30:1, 4. mon- 
tanum 1:34; 2:96; 4:182; 0:73; 14:52; 
15:13; 24:122. Muhlenbeckii 13:41. pal- 
lidum 13:40, 41. palustre 2:96; 15:11. 
sabuletorum 13:40, 41; 15:18. scoparium 
1:34; 2:96; 4:30, 240; 13:41; 30:4; var. 
orthophyllum 48:2; var. pallidum 2:96; 
4:240. spurium 13:40, 41; 15:13; 24:122; 
var. condensatum 13:40. strictum 13:43. 
undulatum 1:34; 2:62, 96; 3:180; 6:73; 
13:42; 15:11. viride 1:53; 2:96; 6:73; 
13:42; 15:13; 24:122 

Dictydiaethalium plumbeum 29:170, 173 

Dictydium 2:79. cancellatum 29:170, 173; 

Dictyophora 4:134. duplicata 3:38; 39:370 

Dictyopteris delicatula 13:184 

Dictyosiphon 8:157; 11:151; 26:189, 190. 
subgen. Coilonema 2:162, 163. subgen. 
Eu-Dictyosiphon 2:162. Chordaria 1:126. 
corymbosus 2:165, 166. Ekmani 1:126; 
2:46, 162, 165, 166. flaccidus 2:165. foeni- 
culaceus 2:46, 163-165; 7:242; 26:213; 50: 
261; f. flaccidus 6:182; subsp. hispidus 2: 
165; var. americanus 2:46, 163; 7:228; 33: 
130; var. flaccidus 2:165; var. hispidus 43: 
214. fragilis 2:166. hippuroides 2:46, 163- 
165; 7:242, 243; 35:149; 50:261; var. fragilis 
2:46, 163, 164. hispidus 2:46, 163-165; 33: 
130. Macounii 2:46, 162, 164, 166 

Dictyosphaeria 3:91 

Dictyosphaerium Ehrenbergianum 24:108. 
pulchellum 23:67 

Dictyostelium mucoroides 50:286 

Dictyota 10:135. bidentata 14:59. Bingham- 
iana 8:109, 193. dichotoma 10:134; 21: 
206. indica 21:203, 206. Kunthii 8:109. 
liturata 8:109. Pappeana 8:109 

Diderma 2:78. effusum 29:168. floriforme 
2:79. globosum 29:168. hemisphericum 
29:168, 172. simplex 29:168, 172. testa- 
ceum 29:168, 173 

Didiplis 43:50ł; 46:20. diandra 41:377; 43: 
500, 617; f. aquatica 41:376; f. terrestris 

Didymella Iridis 41:514 

Didymia 2:78 

Didymium clavus 29:168. farinaceum 1:128. 
nigripes 29:168; var. xanthopus 29:168, 173. 
squamulosum 29:168 

Didymodon 41:112. recurvirostris 39:41. 
rigidulus 11:117. rubellus 15:13; 30:5; 

Dielytra 9:54. 

Diemisa 5:249 

Diervilla 6:130; 9:147; 11:176; 12:184; 26:15. 
$ Weigela 9:147. Diervilla 6:130. florida 
26:15. Lonicera 6:54; 9:147; 11:175; 12: 
184; 13:117, 146; 17:152, 153; 21:199; 26: 
15; 29:220; 34:55; 42:144; var. hypomalaca 
42:144. rivularis 9:147. sessilifolia 9:147. 
splendens 9:147. trifida 3:164, 177; 4:75; 
5:36, 46; 6:130; 9:147; 31:222 

Digitalis 7:16; 23:1; 25:63; 42:416, 417; 49: 

spectabilis 45:442 

254. ambigua 19:248; 24:119. lanata 20: 
203; 25:63. lutea X purpurea 9:41. pur- 
purea 13:132; 17:228; 25:63; 26:227; 32: 159, 
274; 49:251; 50:214, 303 

Digitaria 3:94; 15:55; 22:101-103; 29:114-116; 
30:49-52; 47:108. argillacea 22:104. ar- 
gyrostachya 22:103. badia 22:104. 
Bakeri 22:102. curvinervis 22:103. dac- 
tylon 29:115. distans 22:103. filiformis 
3:98; 15:55; 18:232; 22:101, 102; 24:185, 
241; 31:111, 115, 117; 36:20; 46:76; var. 
villosa 36:19, 20; 38:386. glabra 18:231. 
gracillima 22:101, 102. humifusa 3:100; 
14:180, 183, pl. 98; 15:55; 17:225; 18:231, 
232; 20:102; 42:42. Ischaemum 18:231, 
232; 20:102; 31:82, 111, 113; 40:309; 
42:42; var. mississippiensis 22:103; 40:250, 
369, 387. laeviglumis 22:102; 31: 
111, 113, 118. leucocoma 22:104. line- 
aris 18:231. marginata 22:103. panicea 
22:103. sanguinalis 3:99; 12:104; 14:168, 
180, 183, pl. 98; 15:55; 17:212, 225, 226; 
18:231, 232; 29:115; 31:108, 111; 32:232; 
44:70; 50:301; var. marginata 22:103. 
serotina 40:370, 387; 45:371, 385. Simp- 
soni 22:103. villosa 36:19, 20, 219 

Dilepyrum 29:158-160, 246, 247. aristosum 
29:158-160, 246, 247; 45:260. erectum 45: 
260. minutiflorum 29:158-160 

Dilly, Wild 48:164; 49:289, 290, 292, 293 

Dilophus 8:109. flabellatus 8:108, 109. mar- 
ginatus 8:109 

Dimerogramma minus 9:188. Surirella 9:138 

Dimorphococcus cordatus 26:165 

Dinemasporium gramineum 44:169 

Dinobryon 29:163; 41:134. bavaricum 44:66. 
divergens 44:66. sertularia 44:66 

Dinomonas vorax 50:278 

Dinophyceae 44:68; 50:272, 276 

Diodia 7:160; 39:358; 43:508, 514; 44:367; 47: 
364. Harperi 39:308. hirsuta 39:308; 44: 
457. teres 29:233; 36:221; 39:204, 306—308, 
482, pl. 469; 43:646; var. hirsutior 39: 
307, 308, pl. 469; 42:389, 480; var. hystri- 
cina 39:307, 308, 475, pl. 469; 40:372, 
458; 42:402, 481; 43:523, 646; 49:101, 
181; var. oblongifolia 43:646; var. setifera 
39:307, 308, pl. 469; var. typica 39:307, 
pl. 469; 43:646. tetragona 39:308. vir- 
giniana 6:176; 39:308, 482; 44:307, 457, 458; 
y. hirsuta 44:457; f. hirsuta 44:457; var. 
attenuata 44:457; var. hirsuta 39:308; var. 
latifolia 39:308; var. Linnaei 39:308. vir- 
ginica 39:308 

Diodonta 15: 77. coronata 40:349 

Dionaea 5:267; 33:55. muscipula 33:56, map 
29; 36:30, 45; 39:348 

Dioscorea 13:34, 35; 20:48; 31:12; 36:344, 345; 
42:151; 47:301. Batatas 41:538; 43:510, 
549; 46:81; 47:131. floridana 13:35; 39: 
401. glauca 13:35; 19:97; 36:345; 39:399, 
400. hirticaulis 13:35; 39:400, 401, 476, 
478, map 34; 40:367. opposita 46:81. 
paniculata 13:35; 19:127; 20:48, 49, 72; 36: 
345, 346; 37:409, 410; 39:400; var. glabri- 
folia 13:35; 19:127; 20:49, 72; 36:346; 39: 


401. quaternata 13:35; 24:149; 36:345, 346; 
39:399, 400, 402, 481; 42:151; var. glauca 
39:399, 402, 481; 46:81. sativa 13:35, 36; 
47:274. villosa 13:35, 36; 19:127; 20:48, 
49, 72; 36:344-346; 37:409; 42:151; 39:400, 
401, 482; 47:301; f. glabrifolia 39:401, 402; 
var. glabra 36:345; var. glabrifolia 20:49, 
72; 36:346; 39:401 

Dioscoreaceae 33:44 

Dioscorideae 25:158 

Diospyros 21:190; 24:233; 33:41, 42, 53, map 
14; 35:106; 42:363; 46:44, 189. virginiana 
4:16, 19; 14:83; 19:246; 24:233; 36:224; 38: 
377; 39:474; 42:101; 46:83; var. platycarpa 
36:224; f. atra 42:101 

Diphryllum 9:53 

Diphylleia 33:29, map 5. 
map 5. Grayi 33:30 

Diphyscium 41:112. 
sessile 8:131 

Diplachne 49:262. maritima 25:107; 29:43, 
44, 92; 32:210, 211, 236; 42:370, 387, 409; 
43:522, 532; 44:354, 379; 48:18, 25; 49:263, 
275. uninervia 48:18; 40:262 

Diplarinus 31:228 

Diplazia 19:206 

Diplazium 19:171, 172, 174-178, fig. 1; 21: 
175. acrostichoides 19:175, 178, fig. 4; 44: 
484. angustifolium 19:178. grandifolium 
19:172, fig. 1. plantaginifolium 19:172, 175, 
figs. 1, 4. pyenocarpon 44:484. semihas- 
tatum 19:178. thelypteroides 19:178 

Diplemium 46:325. carolinianum 46:325. 
nervosum 46:325 

Diplocarpon roseum 39:370 

Diplocyathium 43:110 

Diplodia Smilacina 41:514, 519 

Diplogon 9:55 

Diplolaena Lyellii, var. Flotowiana 6:165 

Diploma tenuifolia 41:557; 42:198 

Diplomorpha 9:49 

Diplonaema 5:3 

Diploneis didyma, var. obliqua 9:134 

Diplopappus cornifolius 42:494. graminifolius 

Diplophylleia 16:73, 74. albicans 5:171; 15: 
23; 25:199. apiculata 5:171; 12:203; 15:23; 
25:199. gymnostomophila 16:72. Helleri- 
ana 6:172. taxifolia 3:181; 5:51, 171; 11: 
118; 15:23; 25:199 

Diplophyllum 16:72-75; 25:199; 38:77, 78, 80, 
89. albicans 16:73-75; 25:196; 26:6, 1l. 
apiculatum 16:74, 75; 17:120; 25:196. 
Dicksonii 26:10. exsectiforme 6:171. ex- 
sectum 6:171. gymnostomophilum 16:62, 
71-75; 19:272; 25:196, 198; 38:80. Hel- 
lerianum 6:172. incurvum 16:75. taxi- 
folium 16:74; 25:196; 26:12 

Diploschistes scruposus 29:99 

Diplotaxis 11:44, 45; 13:11; 18:218. bracteata 
13:11. muralis 13:11; 18:218; 36:312; 40: 
276. tenuifolia 13:11; 18:218; 36:312 

Dipsacaceae 26:17, 232; 31:43 

Dipsacus 26:17; 47:386. laciniatus 36:407. 
sylvestris 1:47; 15:67; 26:17; 35:364; 37: 
195; 44:458; 46:140 

cymosa 33:30, 

foliosum 1:34; 4:30. 

Diptera 37:159, 161; 38:91; 39:62; 41:186 

Dipteracanthus 47:32. ciliosus 47:32, 34, 36, 
38, 50, 52, 74; B. dentatus 47:82; 6. hybridus 
47:71; y. parviflorus 17:134; 47:2, 86; var. 
parviflorus 47:27, 31, 32, 75. Drummondii 
47:56, 57. hybridus 47:81. micranthus 47: 
17-19. Mitchellianus 47:71, 72, 86. nocti- 
florus 47:49, 50; 8. humilis 47:51. specta- 
bilis 47:11. strepens 47:14, 52, 58, 60, 82; 
y. Dillenii 47:71; var. calycinus 47:14; var. 
pedunculatus 47:14, 17; var. strictus 47:14, 
17. strictus 47:14 

Dipterocarpeae 32:95; 33:91 

Dirca 6:123; 23:114; 25:45; 40:383; 41:477; 
44:29; 45:118, 119; 47:282. palustris 1: 
171; 3:235; 4:132; 6:86, 123; 14:75; 15:203; 
17:204; 21:199; 22:92; 23:114; 35:288; 36: 
24; 40:73, 145, 383, 447; 41:477, 550; 44:29; 

Disceliaceae 38:240 

Discomycetes 3:70 

Discopleura capillacea 1:159 

Discosia faginea 41:514, 516 

Discovium gracile 36:364, 365. 
364, 365. 

Disella sagittaefolia 38:407 

Disperma 47:1, 261, 262. kilimandscharicum 
47:262. trachyphyllum 47:261-263 

Disporum trachycarpum 32:208; var. sub- 
glabrum 39:150 

Dissacanthus validus 38:406 

Dissarrenum 9:53 

Distichium 3:179. capillaceum 6:145; 30:3; 
39:39. Hagenii 30:1, 3. inclinatum 30:3 

Distichlis 11:38; 15:144; 27:67, 70, 71; 31:16; 
42:22, 138; 46:203; 47:148; 49:264. dentata 
27:67-69. distichophylla 27:71, 72; 47: 
148. maritima 5:133; 27:68, 71; 29:106; var. 
airoides 29:108; var. stricta 27:69. nodosa 
27:08. Palmeri 27:70. spicata 11:229; 14: 
184, pl. 99; 15:144, 203; 17:79, 213, 221; 23: 
164, 231; 24:161; 27:67-69, 71, 72; 29:91, 
93; 32:147, 161, 236; 39:54; 42:22-24, map; 
43:522, 532; 44:231; 47:148; 48:18, 25; 49: 
264; 50:301; var. distichophylla 47:148; 
var. stricta 27:69; 46:203. stricta 27:67-69; 
42: 22, 23; 50:94 

Distreptus spicatus 50:280 

Disynanthus 47:240. plantagineus 47:240 

Ditch Grass 44:217 

Ditiola radieata 41:514 

Ditremexa marilandica 39:413 

Ditrichaceae 30:3; 39:39, 100 

Ditrichum lineare 24:122. pallidum 26:219; 
48:2. tortile 4:240. vaginans 2:62; 4: 
181, 240 

Ditylium Brightwellii 9:130, 139. inaequale 
9:139. intrieatum 9:139. tetragonum 9: 
139. trigonum 9:139 

Dizygandra noctiflora 47:49. tubiflora 47:49 

Dizygotheca 18:153 

Docidium 5:252; 7:116; 24:219; 26:206. Ar- 
cheri 9:104. baculum 5:80; 24:219; 26:206. 
clavatum 9:104. constrictum 7:117; 9:105. 
coronatum 5:80; 7:117; 9:102. crenulatum 
5:80. dilatatum 7:116, 117. Ehrenbergii 

ohiotense 36: 


9:103. indicum 9:104. maximum 9:104. 
minutum 7:114; 9:232. nodosum 5:80; 9: 
105. nodulosum 9:102. rectum 7:117. re- 
pandum 5:80. Trabecula 5:80, 255; 9:103. 
truncatum 5:80; 9:103. undulatum 7:116, 
117; 24:219; f. perundulatum 7:116, 119, 
pl. 61. verrucosum 9:105 

Dock 12:104; 28:63. Bitter 28:73. Butter 
23:107. Water 47:133 

Dodartia 47:288 

Dodder 5:290 

Dodecatheon 1:169; 39:319; 42:310; 46:158. 
acuminatum 37:365. amethystinum 33: 
224-226; 42:101, 102. cylindrocarpum 31: 
52. frigidum 41:147, 154, 278; 42:312, 336. 
integrifolium 41:278. Meadia 1:170; 31: 
51, 52; 33:224-226; 39:319, 320; 42:102; 
50:199; f. Stricklerae 39:320, pl. 473; 
var. amethystinum 31:52; 33:224; var. 
Frenchii 29:233. pauciflorum 31:52. 
poeticum 32:27. radiatum 31:52. tet- 
randrum 36:409 

Doellingeria amygdalina 42:494. umbellata 
6:132; var. flexicaulis 42:493 

Dog Berry 18:39. Wheat 12:27 

Dog-fennel 47:102 

Dog's-tail grass 50:177 

Dog's-tooth-violet 44:27; 46:314; 48:266 

Dogtail 49:264 

Dogwood(s) 22:132; 41:193; 44:27; 47:91. 
Alternate-l ea v e d 12:182. Female 33:71. 
Flowering 23:195; 33:71; 34:29, 30. Poison 
4:106. Poisonous 13:57. Red Osier 33: 
70, 71. Round-leaved 4:131. Swamp 33: 
71, 72. Tree 33:71. Virginia 33:71, 72. 
White 33:72 

Dolicholus 7:28; 11:50. mollissimus 44:255 

Dolichos luteolus 50:130. polystachios 44: 
419. pubescens 44:422 

Dolicothele sphaerica 37:78 

Dondia 9:54, 140; 43:228. americana 9:141, 
144, 146. linearis 40:182. maritima 9:141, 
145. Moquina 12:16 

Doronicum ramosum 44:340 

Dortmanna 38:257 

Douglas Pine 21:31 

Douglasia 42:310. arctica 41:277; 42:330. 
Gormanii 42:336 

Douinia 38:77. ovata 38:77 

Downingia 50:41, 48. elegans 40:311; 50:124 

Downy False Foxglove 48:205, 206. Green 
Alder 12:178. Mildew 41:516 

Draba 6:118; 10:148; 13:216; 18:218; 27: 
186; 28:100, 118; 29:139; 30:77; 35:55, 89, 
390; 36:137, 139, 162, 164, 241, 244-246, 
248, 250, 254, 256, 286, 288, 325, 343, 344, 
421; 37:32; 38:101, 109; 39:72; 41:144, 164, 
235; 42:32, 33, 303; 43:489; 49:254. § Hete- 
rodraba 9:37. § Leucodraba 36:244, 361; 
sub-$ Holarges 36:244. § Phyllodraba 36: 
242-244, 361. Adamsii 36:286. albertina 36: 
294, 295. algida 41:237. Allenii 36:258, 
289-292, 327, 393-395, 401, map 3, pl 
292; 44:124, 128, 142. alpina 25:113; 36: 
243, 257, 285, 286, 397, 398, 400, map 1, 
pl. 290; 41:237; 42:310, 327; 45:311; var. 

Adamsii 36:286; var. Bellii 36:285, 286; 
var. corymbosa 36:286; var. glacialis 36:286; 
41:236; var. hebecarpa 41:236; var. nana 36: 
285, 286, 288, 397, 400, pl. 290; 45:311; var. 
pilosa 36:286; var. Pohlii 36:286. ameri- 
cana 36:371. ammophila 36:367. androsa- 
cea 36:287, 289. aprica 36:261, 361-363, 
365, 397, 404, map 24, pl. 319; 42:32, 33. 
Arabis 7:66. arabisans 1:171; 6:97; 7: 
61, 62, 65, 67, pl. 60; 9:161; 11:14; 13:117; 
28:117, 201; 31:54; 32:18; 34:66; 35:48; 
36:244, 245, 250, 254, 261, 300, 323, 328, 
329, 331, 334, 337-339, 342-344, 353, 354, 
356, 357, 360, 361, 367, 393—400, 403, 404, 
map 21, pls. 314, 315; 37:261, 422; 43:340; 
44:126; 46:204, 303; 6. 36:342, 356; var. 
canadensis 7:67, pl. 60; 36:329, 332, 356, 
359, 393, 395, 398, 404, pl. 315; 37:261; 
var. orthocarpa 7:66, 67, pl. 60; 9:161; 35: 
270; 36:335-337, 343, 344, 354, 356, 357, 
403, pl. 309; 44:142. arctica 36:360. aurea 
9:161; 10:148; 13:219; 36:243, 250-254, 
259, 299-303, 305, 342, 357, 361, 396-398, 
400, 401, map 8, pl. 296; 41:146, 148, 154, 
235, 236; X daurica 36:250-252; var. aurei- 
formis 36:300; f. uber 36:300. aureiformis 
36:300, 301. aureola 36:361; 37:419; var. 
paniculata 33:204; 37:419. Bakeri 36:300. 
Bellii 36:285, 286, 400, pl. 290. bidentata 
36:365. Boerhavii 36:370, 371. borealis 
7:63, 65, 267; 10:148; 36:303; 41:237; 42: 
327. brachycarpa 35:363; 36:230, 245, 261, 
263, 365, 367, 404, pl. 319; 40:364, 421; 42: 
32, 33; 43:489, 552; var. apetala 36:365; 
var. fastigiata 36:363, 365, 404, pl. 319; 42: 
32, 33; var. grandiflora 36:365. cana 35: 
390; 36:358, 359, 404, pl. 318; 37:73, 261. 
canadensis 7:62, 67; 36:331, 332, 356, 357, 
404, pl. 315; var. pyenosperma 36:330, 331, 
356. caroliniana 4:85; 5:203; 13:8; 18:218; 
19:225; 23:172; 36:245, 364, 368, 369; 40: 
181; 6. umbellata 36:368; var. dolichocarpa 
36:368; var. micrantha 36:368. chrysantha 
36:243. cinerea 36:249, 359.  clivicola 36: 
260, 326, 327, 393-397, 402, map 14, pl. 
303; 44:128, 142. coloradoensis 36:368, 
369. confusa 7:61, 62, 64; 36:316, 339, 
358. contorta 7:63; 36:314. corrugata 36: 
243. corymbosa 9:161; 36:286, 289. crassa 
36:243. crassifolia 36:256, 258, 293-290, 
321, 339, 392, 396, 397, 401, map 5, pl. 
204; 38:152; 41:40, 155, 235; var. albertina 
36:204; var. Parryi 36:294, 296, 320, 321, 
402, pl. 300. cuneifolia 36:224, 245, 261, 
367, 369; 44:75; var. Helleri 36:367; var. 
leiocarpa 36:367, 369. dahurica 36:334. 
dasycarpa 36:342. daurica 36:244, 245, 
249-254, 333, 338-343, 357, 403, pl. 308; 
41:326; X aurea 41:236. densifolia 41:147, 
162, 163, 235. dentata 36:360. dictyota 
36:366. exalata 41:142, 163, 164, 236. 
fastigiata 36:363. filicaulis 36:367.  fladni- 
zensis 25:113; 29:16; 34:245; 30:148, 242, 
243, 287-291; 38:117; 41:236; X lactea 41: 
236; *lactea 36:287; *lapponica 36:287; 
var. heterotricha 36:242, 258, 286, 287, 290, 


392, 393, 397, 398, 400, map 2, pl. 291; 38: 
116, 119, 125, 152; var. laxior 36:290, 201. 
glabella 7:62, 66, 67; 36:245, 249, 250, 253, 
254, 256, 260, 322, 324, 325, 329, 336, 338- 
344, 359, 361, 392-400, 403, map 17, pls. 
307, 308; 38:153; 41:146, 236; 42:327; 44: 
117, 126; 45:311; var. brachycarpa 36: 
336-338, 343, 344, 397, 403, map 19, pL 
310; var. megasperma 30:329, 335, 337, 
344, 392-400, 403, map 20, pls. 311, 312; 
44:117, 142; var. orthocarpa 36:336, 343, 
344, 857, 393-399, 403, map 18, pl. 309; 44: 
117, 142; var. typica 36:253, 333, 334, 
336, 337, 343, pls. 307, 308. gracilis 36: 
365, 366. Helleri 36:367. Helleriana 36: 
302. Henneana 7:62, 64; 36:244, 245, 249, 
256, 333, 334, 340-343, 403, pls 307, 308; 
var. McCallae 36:341, 342. hirta 16:132; 
28:90, 201; 35:120; 36:244, 245, 249, 293, 
324, 325, 333, 337-343; 6. alpicola 36:322; 
B. hebecarpa 36:324; y. rupestris 36:293; 
8. incisa 36:322; *trichella 36:324; var. 
arctica 36:293; var. brachycarpa 36:336; 
var. lejocarpa 36:336; var. norvegica 36: 
322. hispidula 36:368, 369. hyperborea 
41:235, 236. incana 4:150; 6:118, 208; 7: 
61-64, 67, 267, pl. 60; 9:154, 161; 10:201; 
13:119; 20:104, 105; 25:9; 28:60, 79, 80, 
201; 31:54; 35:120, 127, pl. 239; 36:243, 
244, 252, 259, 281, 304, 314, 315, 317-319, 
337, 339, 358, 359, 361, 393-395, 397—400, 
map 10, pl. 299; 37:207; 44: 108; 49:248; 
B. contorta 36:314; ß. hebecarpa 36:315; 
subsp. confusa 36:315; var. arabisans 6:118; 
7:66; 36:333, 354; var. confusa 7:61, 64; 
9:161; 13:119; 20:105; 28:201; 35:399, pl. 
239; 36:315, 318, 392-401, pl. 299; 38:153; 
44:108; var. conica 36:318, 401, pl. 299; 44: 
142; var. diffusa 7:63; var. glabriuscula 7: 
66; 36:354, 356; var. hebecarpa 7:61, 64; 
var. legitima 7:63; var. luxurians 36:317, 
318; var. nana 36:318, 401, 402, pl. 299; 
var. robusta 36:317, 319; var. stricta 36: 
318, 402, pl. 299. incerta 36:299; 41:236. 
lactea 36:242, 243, 287-291; 41:236. lanceo- 
lata 36:261, 357-360, 393-395, 397, 398, 
404, map 22, pls. 316-318; 37:65, 73, 199, 
261; 41:147, 236; 44:112; 46:204. lapilutea 
36:252. lapponica 36:287, 288. laurenti- 
ana 36:260, 325, 328, 329, 332, 344, 394- 
400, 402, map 15, pls. 304, 305. laxa 36: 
326. Liljebladii 36:297. laxa, «. legitima 
36:322, 326. Longii 7:62; 36:334, 342, 354, 
356. longipes 41:236, 237. lutea 36:366, 
369. luteola 36:281, 301, 303-305, 401, pl. 
297; var. minganensis 32:13; 36:302, 303, 
401, pl. 297. MacCallae 41:236. magellan- 
ica 35:336; 36:249, 338; subsp. borea 36: 
249, 334, 339; subsp. cinerea 36:249; var. 
dovrensis 36:249. McCallae 36:307, 334, 


nensis 36:250, 251, 302-305, 393, 396, 399, 
map 19, pls. 297, 298; 44:104, 126. mogollon- 
ica 36:243. mongolica 36:244. muralis, Q. 
36:366. muricella 36:297. nemoralis 36:366; 
g. genuina 36:366; 6. glabra 36:366; 8. 
lejocarpa 36:366; var. hebecarpa 36:366. 
nemorosa 36:254, 261, 365; «. typica 36: 
366; Q.hebecarpa 36:366; f. brevisiliqua 
36:366; f. macroloba 36:366; var. brevisiliqua 
36:366; var. genuina 36:366; var. glabra 
36:366; var. lejocarpa 36:366, 369, 397; 
var. lutea 36:366. neomexicana 36:302. 
nivalis 28:104, 121, 123, 201; 34:245; 35: 
120, 275, 298; 36:242, 243, 258, 289, 296, 
207, 327, 392-398, 400, 401, map 6, pl. 
295; 38:113, 119, 125, 134, 152, 275; 41: 
147, 237; 42:327; 44:129; 45:311. norvegica 
36:245, 248, 260, 293, 321, 323, 325-327, 
335, 392-397, 400, 402, map 12, pl. 301; 
var. hebecarpa 36:324, 326, 394-396; var. 
laxa 36:326; var. pleiophylla 36:324, 325, 
394-397, 402, map 18, pl. 302; 44:142. 
oligosperma 31:55; 36:298, 299. Parryi 
36:294-296, 320, 321. Peasei 36:258, 298, 
299, 397, 401, map 7, pl. 295; 44:142. 
pilosa 36:286; 41:237. pinetorum 36:302. 
praealta | 36:252, 254; 42:327. pycno- 
sperma 7:61, pl. 60; 9:161; 28:125, 201; 32: 
13; 36:260, 330—332, 357, 393, 394, 397- 
400, 402, map 16, pl. 306; 44:108, 127, 
142. pyrenaica 36:322, 326. ramosissima 
36:261, 360, 361, map 23; 41:138; 42:49; 
var. glabrifolia 42:49. reptans 36:261, 
368, 369, fig. l; var. micrantha 36:368. 
ruaxes 37:32. rupestris 28:60, 90, 125, 
146, 201; 35:7, 120, 270; 36:242, 243, 245, 
240, 248, 258, 281, 289, 292, 293, 322, 
324, 325, 327, 392, 393, 396, 401, map 4, 
pl. 293; 38:119, 152; *trichella 36:324; 
Q. stricta, a.lejocarpa 36:322; b. hebecarpa 
36:324; var. leiocarpa 36:292, 203.  sachali- 
nensis 36:244. Sakuraii 36:243. saximon- 
tana 22:195. scandinavica, «. legitima 36: 
322; G. hebecarpa 36:324. sclerophylla, var. 
laxior 36:290. Sornborgeri 36:259, 319- 
321, 398, 402, map 11, pl. 300; 38:123, 126. 
spectabilis 36:302. stellata, a. nivalis 36: 
297. stenoloba 36:320, 321; 38:123; 41: 
155, 237. stylaris 7:62, 64, 67, pl. 60; 9: 
154, 161, 166; 20:96; 33:234; 35:233; 36: 
334, 341, 342, 358, 359; 41:236. subamplexi- 
caulis 36:244. surculifera 36:302. Tho- 
masii 7:64; X cinerea 41:236.  trichella 36: 
324. uber 36:300. umbellata 36:368. vali- 
da 36:358, 359, 404, pl. 317. verna 2:156; 
5:203; 12:128; 18:218; 19:220; 26:199; 35: 
261; 36:254, 261, 370, 371; 46:85; Q. ameri- 
cana 36:371; 6. Boerhavii 36:371; var. aesti- 
valis 36:370, 371. Wahlenbergii 36:287, 
288, 290; 41:236; B. heterotricha 36:287 

341, 342, 403, pl. 313. megasperma 7: 
65, 67, 267, pl. 60; 9:161; 20:105; 28:53, 90, 
201; 35:270; 36:323, 329, 335, 337, 338,  Dracocephalum 25:37. denticulatum 17:134; 
340, 344, 403, pl. 312; 44:142; var. leiocarpa 45:461. Nuttallii 41:525. obovatum 44: 
36:337, 344, 404, pl. 315. micrantha 36: 254. parviflorum 13:219; 19:247; 25:37; 
368, 369. micropetala 36:286. minga- 44:104. thymiflorum 13:212; 14:56; 25:38 

Drabae 41:235 
Drabas 42:310; 44:127 

INDEX TO VoLuMEs 1-50 87 

Dracontium 44:25 

Dragon flies 41:156 

Dragon's Claws 12:132 

Draparnaldia glomerata 7:240; 23:607. plumosa 
7:240; 50:68 

Drepanocladus 12:154; 24:214; 40:155. 
aduncus 12:153, 154; 14 49; 15:12, 13; var. 
capillifolius 48:3; var. Kneiffi 48:2. flui- 
tans 30:10; var. faleatus 30: 10. gracilescens 
14:49. Kneiffii 14: :49, 50. pseudofluitans 
14:49, 50. revolvens 15: 12; 30:10; 40:155, 
167. scorpioides 13:45; 14:51. Sendtneri 
14:50; var. Wilsoni 14: 50. subaduncus 12: 
153, 154; 14:49, 50. uncinatus 30:10; var. 
plumulosus 30:10. vernicosus 14:51; 30:10. 
Wilsoni 14:50; 40:155, 167 

Drepanophyllum agreste 25:12. sioides 25:12 

Drop-seed 49:273. Grass 28:74 

Drosera 1:207; 5:265- 207, 269, 271; 6:118; 
7:18, 21-23; 8:27; 18: 249; 33: 36, 53, 54, 56, 
map 28; 35: 106; 41 :487; 45:372. $ Indicae 
40:61. '$ Rossolis 33: 56; 35:106. anglica 
122006 109 103201; 12^ 117; 13:127, 133; 28: 
Dl: 29: 176; 34: 53; 35:85, '87, 270, 271; 44: 
108; B. obovata 35: 87. binata 1 bb 172, 206- 
208, TE 8, 10; 5:265, 266, 268, 270, 271. 
brevi olia 36: 45; 39: 325, 467, 480; 40: 378, 
423; 41:487, 489, 545. capillaris 5:270; 38: 
393; 39:325, 326, 336, 409, 480; 40:423; 41: 
474; 45: 372, 413; 49: 86. cistiflora 5:268. 
dichotoma 1: :206. filiformis 1:172, 206-208, 
pls. 8, 10; 5:130, 265-268, 270; 7:74; 14:29, 
30; 19: 217, 218; 32:212; 33: 53, 55, map 29; 
44: :241; var. Tracyi 33: map 29. flagellifera 
5:206, '268. foliosa 44: 254. intermedia 4: 
42; 5:49, 267-271, fig.; 7:15, 94, 187; 9:121; 
23:90, 265; 29: 176, "14: 32: 149, 150, 210, 
253; 35: 85, 87, 271; 37: 249, 332; 38: 365, 
377; 42: :452; 44: :245, 254, 342; Q. corymbosa 
40: 333; f. corymbosa 40: 333; f. natans 44: 
254; subvar. Vil nra 40:333; var. ameri- 
cana 1: 172, pl. 8; 2:70, 71, 217, pl. 15; 3: 
188; 5:130, 133. ‘linearis 3: :284; 5:206; 7: 8; 
9:189; TE 14; 12:116, 117, 119; 13: 132; 19: 
217, 218; 29: 110; 33: 53; 35: 57, Pals 37: 64, 
74, 199; 44:108. longifolia 2:217; 3:34; 5: 
266; 7:8; 11:94; 14:29; 17:149, 150; 18: 249; 
19: 217; 23: 155, 265; 24: 57, 87; 25: :213; 29: 
222; 34: 53; 35: 85; '36: 281; x rotundifolia 
23:265. lunata 5: 268. oblongifolia 29:176. 
obovata 35:87, 270, 271. rotundifolia 1: 
172, 206-208, pl. 10; '3: 174, 188; 4:42; 5:133, 
265—267, 270; 6:118; 7:8, 9, 14, 15, 21, 27, 
94; 8:28; 9:121; 11 :200, 231; 13: 138; 14: :29; 
17: 149; 18: 30, 249; 19: 217; 21: 119; 23: 155; 
29: 176, 214; 32: 61, 149, 150, 214, 253, 201; 
33:121, 144; 35: 85, 87, 271; 37: 206, 316: 
39:471; 41: 156, 167, 239; 42: 452; 43: 80, 
492; 45: 371, 412; var. comosa 7:9, 27, 93; 
31: 84; 33: 144; 36: 281; 44:108, 142 
)roseraceae 5: 266, 267; 6:118; 7:21; 18:249; 
19:217; 29:214; 31: 43; 32: 253; 33:42, 56; 
36:281; 37:306; 43: 80; 49:255 

)roseras 7: 8, 78; 9:120; 42:358 

rosophyllum 33:54, map 28. lusitanicum 

Drouetia 40:27. coalescens 40:27 
Drummondia clavellata 4:30; 13:46 
Dryas 5:281-283; 35:54; 36: 164; 41:245; 49: 

154. Drummondii 5: 154, 281; 7:5, 249; 9: 
151, 152, 162, 167, 179, 188, "191; 13: 141, 
148, 223; 26: 125; 29: 50; 31: 55; 37: 197, 295; 
41: 155, '248; 42: 314, 331; 44: 106, 120. 
integrifolia 5:281, 282; 9:162, 167, 183; 13: 
127, 129, 136, 219, 223; 14: 88, 230; 17: :159; 
18: 101; 25:9, 113; 28: 62; 34: 245; 35: 51, 56, 
81, 121, 274; 36: 178: 38: 120, 155; 41: 245, 
248; 42:331; 44:111, 123, 124; 45: 312; f. 
canescens 35 Md. 274; f. intermedia 36: 
178; var. canescens 13: 129; 27:90; 35:50, 
273; var. sylvatica 41 :248, 249; 42: 332. 
octopetala 4:98; 5:281; 13: 223; 31: 138; 34: 
245; 36:178; 41: 147, 151, 155, 160, 249; 
42: 312, 331; var. argentea 41 :249. tenella 
5:281- 283; 14: 230; 49:153 

Dryases 42:310 
Drymaria 42:210, 211. molluginea 42:179, 180 
Dryopteris 4:10, 163, 164, 166; 9:27; 10:30; 

19:106, 172-174, 176, 177; 21: 10, 174, 177; 
22:01, 180; 26: 230; 31 :21, 23-26, 93; 38: 
164; 42: 278; 48: 216, 218, 219; 50:16. $ 
Goniopteris 19: YA subgen. Ctenitis 43: 218. 
subgen. Goniopteris 43:218. subgen. Lastrea 
43:218. subgen. Meniscium 43:218. sub- 
gen. Stigmatopteris 43:218.  acrostichoides 
6:100; 9:27; var. Schweinitzii 6:101. aus- 
tralis 42:07. austriaca 28:147; 41:150, 155, 
171; 42:316.  Boottii 6:101; 22: 48; 43:338. 
Braunii 1:183; 6:101. campyloptera 38: 
164. celsa 39: :363, 380, 475; 40:375, 382- 
384; 41:494; 42:97; 44: :354, 363, 376; 49: 95, 
104. Clintoniana 42: 98; var. australis 42: 
97. cristata 6:101; 13: 116, 139, 146; 22: 
90, 91; 39:363; 40: 248; 42: 278; 43: 76, 492, 
528; 47: 101, 106; X Goldiana 19: 106; x 
marginalis 19: 106; X spinulosa 19:106; var. 
Clintoniana 49: 104; X Goldiana 19: 106; x 
marginalis 19:106; X spinulosa 19:106; X 
spinulosa var. intermedia, 19:106. dilatata 
17:44, 45; 41:171. disjuncta 43:217-219. 
Dryopteris 21:129; 43:216, 217. Filix-mas 
4:164; 9:27; 13: 116, 137; 22: 89-91; 49:104. 
fragrans 9:154; 13:111, 218, 219; 34:244; 
41:148, 163, 171; 42: 311, 315, 324; 49: 53; 
var. Hookeriana 44: 188; var. 'remotiuscula 
43:337; 44:104, 138, 162, pl. 697; 46:204; 
49:53. ' Goldiana 6:101; 9:27; 17:46; 19: 
106; 39:363; 43:76; 44: 192; 49: 104; X mar- 
ginalis 19: 106; x spinulosa 19: 106; subsp. 
celsum 10:30. intermedia 17:44; 22: :48; 50: 
16. Linnaeana 41:150, 155, 171; 42: :316; 
48:216, 217; f. glandulosa 42: 316; 43: 217; 
var. disjuncta 43:217. marginalis 6: 75-77, 
101, fig.; 9:27; 13:141, 147; 22:90, 91, 123, 
figs. 1, 2; 42: 278; X spinulosa 19: 106; X 
spinulosa, var. intermedia 19:106. montana 
19:173. nevadensis 43:218. noveboracensis 
6:101; 9:27, 121; 22:90, 91; 43:218. ova- 
mensis 43:218. patens 17:64. Phegopteris 
41:30, 163, 171; 42:316; 43:218, 219. x 
pittsfordensis 6: TI. TE 138, 212, fig. pul- 
chella 43:217. Robertiana 41: 172; 43:218; 


44:107. Schaffneri 19:177. simulata 1:183; 
4:64; 9:121; 24:111; 43:218. spinulosa 6: 
75-77, 101; 9:27, 121; 17:44, 48; 22:48, 
89-91, 93; 28:147; 40:248; 42:149, 316; 44: 
164, 354, 366; 50:16; subsp. dilatata 28: 
147; var. americana 17:48; 38:164; 42:316; 
var. concordiana 6:212; var. dilatata 6:75; 
17:44-46; 42:316; var. glandulosa 17:45; 
var. intermedia 6:77, 101, fig.; 17:44; 44: 
354. Thelypteris 6:101; 9:121; 19:173, 176; 
22:90, 91; 31:22, 27, 33; 43:218; f. Rogaetz- 
iana 31:30; var. 8. squamuligera 31:34; 
var. kamtschatica 31:31, 32, 34; var. pu- 
bescens 46:73; 50:292; f. suaveolens 49:103. 
triangularis 43:217 

Duchesnea indica 40:443 

Dulichium 6:107; 8:27, 28; 9:121; 10:136; 13: 
29; 31:12; 49:254. arundinaceum 6:107; 
7:72; 13:29; 14:31; 17:150, 151; 22:135; 32: 
12, 149, 238; 49:242. spathaceum 6:107 

Dumble d'Or 28:60, 63 

Dumontia 35:315. filiformis 25:34-36; 30: 
195; 35:150, 315; 50:266; var. tenuis 21: 
207. incrassata 43:214; 50:266 

Dumortiera 23:70 

Dumosae 47:386, pl. 991 

Dunaliella 50:272.  salina 50:277 

Duosperma 47:262, 263. kilimandschari- 
cum 47:262. trachyphyllum 47:263 

Dupontia 8:85; 18:2; 28:150; 41:38. Cooleyi 
8:85, 87. Fischeri 41:180. micrantha 29: 
55; 32:60. psilosantha 29:55; 38:142; 41: 
157, 166, 180 

Duranta 42:34 

Durvillea 9:38, 52 

Dutchman’s-breeches 5:168; 46:158 

Dwarf Birch 47:303. Cornell 18:185. Mis- 
tletoe 2:1, 221; 4:35; 5:202; 7:108; 8:168; 
9:75, 208; 17:65; 23:97; 33:101; 37:208. 
Raspberry 16:151. Shadbush 50:49. Solo- 
mon Seal 18:185. Sumach 4:130. Tansy 

Dyschoriste 33:53; 47:262. 
477; 47:60, 63 

Dysmicodon 50:47, 48 

Dyssodia 11:60; 26:85. chrysanthemoides 6: 
82, 144. gracilis 38:408. Hartwegii 49: 
162. tenuiloba 26:85. texana 49:162. 
'Treculii 49:162 

oblongifolia 39: 


Early Sweet Blueberry 12:183. Winter Cress 

Eatonia 6:106; 8:83, 84, 86, 137-142; 9:11. 
aristata 8:140, 141, 144; 42:357. densiflora 
8:140, 141, 144. Dudleyi 1:68, 181; 7:68; 
8:140, 141, 144; 9:11. filiformis 8:139-141, 
144. glabra 8:140, 141, 143, 145; 10:65. 
hybrida 8:140, 141, 144. intermedia 8:139, 
141, 145. longiflora 8:140, 141, 145. nitida 
1:68; 8:138-141, 144. obtusata 7:138; 8: 
84, 139-141, 144; 15:128; 43:533; var. 
purpurascens 50:93, 94; var. robusta 8:140. 
pallens 8:140, 141, 145. pennsylvanica 1: 
181; 6:106; 7:68; 8:84, 139-141, 144, 145; 
var. filiformis 8:140, 144; var. longiflora 

8:140, 145; var. major 8:139, 140. pubescens 
7:138; 8:140, 141, 143, 144; 10:65; 43:533. 
purpurascens 8:138. robusta 8:140, 141, 144 
Ebenaceae 4:16; 24:233; 31:43 
Ebony Spleenwort 3:1; 4:54; 8:113; 10:165; 


Eccilia 16:47. flavida 16:47. rhodocylix 44: 

Echenais carlinoides, var. nutans 13:239 

Echeveria 29:35 

Echinacea 2:85; 38:197; 44:150; 47:398; 48: 
99. angustifolia 2:85-87; 48:99. atroru- 
bens 47:397, 398; var. atrorubens 47:398; 
var. paradoxa 47:398. laevigata 46:141; 
47:397. pallida 2:85, 86; 10:146; 44:150; 
f. albida 44:150. paradoxa 47:397, 398. 
Porteri 50:111. purpurea 1:223; 2:85, 86; 
26:82; 40:71; 44:150; 47:397; f. Liggettii 
44:150; var. arkansana 40:71; var. laevi- 
gata 47:397; var. purpurea 47:397. san- 
guinea 2:86. serotina 2:86 

Echinella rotata 10:106 

Echinocactus Muehlenpfordtii 38:405 

Echinocereus angusticeps 37:77-79, 80, pl. 
327. enneacanthus 35:224. papillosus 37: 
77-80, pl. 327. pentalophus 35:224. per- 
bellus 35:224 

Echinochloa 3:95, 126; 14:167; 15:122; 23:49, 
50, 56, 61, 63, 64; 30:26; 31:113; 32:58; 
38:192; 43:527; 47:108, 212; 49:123. co- 
lonum 15:122; 23:51, 53, 54; 30:51; 42: 
385, 413; 48:330; f. zonalis 23:51, 53. 
Crusgalli 3:126; 14:167, 180, 183, pl. 98; 
15:122; 17:105, 106, 209, 212, 225; 22:137; 
23:49, 54, 55, 57, 60; 29:148, 207; 31:111; 
32:157, 233; 38:192; 44:70; 47:212; 49:129, 
200; 50:301; f. longiseta 23:55; 31:111; f. 
vittata 18:232; 23:57; 31:111; var. aristata 
23:55, 57; var. longiseta 49:200; var. mitis 
44:257; var. muricata 23:57. crus-pavonis 
43:527, 535, 536. echinata 23:52, 60, 61, 
63; 49:123; var. decipiens 23:52, 60. 
frumentacea 15:122; 23:51, 54; 31:111. 
gracilis 23:51; f. longiseta 23:51. guade- 
loupensis 23:53, 63, 64. holciformis 23: 
53, 62. longearistata 23:62; 42:383, 413. 
microstachya 37:137; 47:212. muricata 
17:106, 209, 212; 19:96, 108; 23:49, 50, 52, 
57, 59, 60; 25:207; 31:111, 115; 37:137; 
38:192; 42:413; 47:212; var. ludoviciana 
23:52, 58-60; 37:137; var. microstachya 
23:52, 58-60; 25:207; 31:111, 118; 37: 137; 
38:192; 47:212; var. multiflora 23:52, 59, 
60; 37:137; var. occidentalis 23:52, 58- 
60; 31:111, 118; 37:137; 38:192; 47:212 
occidentalis 37:137; 47:212. oplismenoides 
23:50, 52, 61, 62. paludigena 23:53,64; 
var. soluta 23:53, 64, 65. polystachya 
23:53, 63-65; 42:21. pungens 37:137; 42 
413; 47:212; 48:330; var. coarctata 37 
136, 137, 186, pl. 336; 42:510, 514; var. 
ludoviciana 37:137, 186, pl. 336; 49:123 
var. microstachya 37:137; 47:212; var 
multiflora 37:137; var. occidentalis 37 
137; 47:212. pyramidalis 23:63, 64. sabu: 
licola 23:60. setigera 49:123. spectabili: 


23:63, 64. stagnina 49:101, 122, 123. 
Walteri 13: 21; 15:122; 17: 105; 23: 49, 50, 
52, 56, 61; 24: 86; 27: 201; 29: 70; 31: 111, 
117; 32: 57, 58, 147, 233; 35:252; 37: 137: 
40: 146, 275; 43: 536; 44: :243; 49: 200; f. 
breviseta 37: 137; 43: :536; f. laevigata 23: 
52, 62; 31:111; 32: 58; 42: 383, 413; 44:382. 
zelayensis 23: 50, Di 54; var. macera 23: 

51, 545 var. subaristata 23:51, 54. zonalis 
Echinocystis 6:130; 9:55; 26:18. lobata 6: 

130; 10:154; 16: 13; 26: 18; 35:364 

Echinodorus 5: 84-88; 12:3; 33:44; 44:219. 
cordifolius 5:88; 49: 107, 108; f lanceolatus 
38:73; 49:108; var. lanceolatus 38:73; 49: 
108. parvulus 5:83, 85-89, pl. 45; 7: rit 
47:210. radicans 5:86, 88, 89, pl. 45; 39: 
332, 341, 343, 381, 481, map 16; 43: 508, 
525, 529; 49: 107, 108. rostratus 5:88, 89, 
pl. 45; 49: 108; f. lanceolatus 49:108; var. 
lanceolatus 38: 73; 49:108. subulatus 5:84, 
85; 42:408. tenellus 5:86, 87; 10:43; 12: 
3; 13:151, 155; 29:248, 259, 253; 38: 452; 
39: 481; 40: 27; 44: 219, 355, 378, 438; 47:210 

Echinomitrium pubescens 10:185 

Echinomyia decisa 41:186 

Echinopanax 26:124. horridum 26:123; 36:308 

Echinops 26:86; 47:386. sphaerocephalus 10: 
152; 26:86 

Echinospermum 40:341. deflexum 18:138,139; 
40:341; var. americanum 18:139; 26:124; 
40:341. Lappula 1:82; 2:205; 3: 214; 6: 82; 
8:72; 9:14; 10:172. Redowskii, var. occi- 
dentale 3: 214; 6:82, 84. virginicum 3:214; 
18:139; 40: 341 

Echium 25:99; 44:33. australe 25:29. planta- 
gineum 35:145. vulgare 3:214; 6:83, 146; 
25:25, 20; 28:47; 35:248; 38:65 

Eclipta 7: 174; 26: 86; 47: 398, 399. alba 7: 
173; 26:86; 35: 145; 47: 196, 398, 399. erecta 
47: 196, 398. prostrata 47: 196, 398, 399 

Ectocarpi 39:51 

Ectocarpus 1:70; 2:206, 207; 10:125; 11:151; 
23:255; 26: 189, 190. aecidioides '2:46; 7: 
226. affinis 39:149. amphibius 7:226. con- 
fervoides 2:46; 7:226, 243; 16:4; 20:191, 
213; 35:347; 50: 259, 261; Í. brumalis 2: 
13, 46; T: 227; H Halliae 8: 107; f. irregularis 
8: 107; var. brumalis 2:46; var. hiemalis 2: 
46; 26: 213; 50:261; var. subulatus 2:46; 
var. tenuis '2:46; var. typica 8:107. dasy- 
carpus 2:46. elegans 1:126; 2:46. fascicu- 
latus 2:46; 26:191, 213; 50: 261; var. ab- 
breviatus 3: 133, 137. granulosoides 39:50. 
granulosus 2:46; 39:50. hamulosus 14:58, 
59. littoralis 21 :207; 50:261. lutosus 1:126; 
2:46. Mitchellae 2: 46; 17:91, 92; 23: 255; 
var. parva 23:254, 256, "pl. 133. namulosus 
14:58. ovatus 1: 126; 2: 46; 39:148; 50:261. 
paradoxus 35:107. parasiticus 8:125. peni- 
cillatus 2:46; 43:214. reptans 7:227. sili- 
culosus 2:46; 7:227; 16:105; 21:205; 26:213; 
35:347; 50: 261; var. hiemalis 50:261. sub- 
corymbosus 1: 198; 2:46; 7:227. terminalis 
2:46. tomentosoides 2:46. tomentosus 2: 
46; 4:118; 26:213; 50:261. virescens 17: 
92; 23:255 

Ectropothecium 35:146. 

Ectrosia 21:216 

Edraianthus 50:47 

Edwinia 31:93 

Eel-grass 13:215; 18:94; 20:108; 21:53; 26:184, 
190; 32:147; '36: 261; 37: 269; 41 257-262; 
44: :217, 220; 50: 286, 299 

Egeria 9: 44; 34:152. densa 34:152 

Eglantine 18:43 

Ehrhartia clandestina 30:81 

Eichornia crassipes 38:400 

Elachistea 7:243; 26:189, 190. Chondri 3: 
133, 137. fasciculata, var. major 2:46. 
fucicola 2: 46; 3:133; 7:228; 26:213; 33:130; 
50:261. lubrica 2:46; 7:242; 10: 116; 43: 
214. stellaris, var. Chordae 1: 126; 2:46 

Elaeagnaceae 6:86; 36:282; 45:313 

Ejaeagnus angustifolia 42: 45. argentea 9: 
162, 179; 30:122; 33:234; 30:282; 41:203. 
commutata 41: 150, 263 

Elaeocarpaceae 14: 185; 49:202 

Elakatothrix americana 1:150; 14:115. gela- 
tinosa 1:150; 26:211 

Elatinaceae 1:212; 22:75; 31:43; 32:265; 49: 
254, 255 

Elatine 7:159; 22:75; 36:350, 351; 41:367, 
368, 371, 372, 382; 48: 210, 662; 49:254. 
subgen. Crypta 43:210. americana 1: 103, 
203, 212, 214; 2:69; 7:95; 13:135, 140; 19: 
10-12, 91; 21: 191; 24: 82; 26:221, 222; 33: 
72, 73; 34: 39; 41 :369; 42: :378, 386, 401, ' 466, 
510, 513, map 18; 43: 208-211. brachy- 
sperma 4l :974; 43: 211. californica 41 :368, 
371, 372, 375, 376, map 6, fig. 4; var. Willi- 
amsii 41 :368, 372, 315, map 6. ’Clintoniana 
19:13. minima 19: 13; "21 :78; 22:75; 23:274; 
24:88, 177, 185; 26: 37; 28: 86; 29: 164; 32: 
148, 265; 35: 13, 278, 387; 36: 351, 407; 38: 
340; 41 368, 371, 372, map 1, fig. 1; 43: 208- 
211, figs. 2, 4; 49:250. rubella 41 :370, 373. 
triandra 19:11- 13; 33:73, 74, 227; 36: 351; 
41:367-370, 374; 43: 208-210, figs. 1, 3; 48: 
114: f£. callitrichoides 33:78; 36: 351; 43: :209; 
f. intermedia 41:368, 370; 48: 114; f. sub- 
mersa 41:368, 370; f. terrestris 41 :368, 370; 
48:116; var. americana 33:72-74; 41 :368, 
372-375, map 3; 43:209, 262; var. andina 
41:374; var. brachysperma 41:368, 371, 
372, 374, 375, map 4, fig. 3; var. genuina 
41 :368, 369, 371, 372, 374, 375, map 2, fig. 
2; var. obovata 41 368, 372, 375, map 5. 
Williamsii 41 375 

Elatinoides 11:56 

Elder 4:108; 43:94. Box 4:130. Common 12: 
184. Red-berried 13:184. Stinking 18:43 

Elderberry 43:92 

Eleocharis 3:221, 228; 5:251; 6:107; 8:130; 11: 
29; 13:72; 21: 10, 75; 22: 180; 27: ‘37, 40; 31: 
121- 127, 171; 34: 193, 215, 244; 36: 378, 382- 
384, 386, 421; 37: 401; 39: 381; 40: 86, 249, 
378; 41:1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 43, 47, 50, 82, 56, 63, 67, 
70, 76, 77, 102, 105, 107, 110, 255, 256; 42: 
508; 46: 119; 47: 208; 49: 100, 101. $ Chaeto- 
cyperus 39: 239. $ Limnochloa 31:127. ser. 
Aciculares 31:128, 183, 206; 36:389; 39:245; 
41:2, 3, 14, 16, 19, map 1. ser. Intermediae 
81: 129; 4l:l. ser. Maculosae 31:127, 128, 

viridifolium 36:132 


224, 241; 41:3, 43, 65; subser. Ocreatae 31: 
128, 131, 224, 231, 242; 41:54; subser. 
Rigidae 31:128, 224, 225, 241. ser. Melano- 
carpae 31:129; 41:1. ser. Multieaules 41: 
1, 4, 95, 104, pl. 546. ser. Mutatae 31: 
125, 127, 129, 162; 36:383; 41:3, 4, 12. 
ser. Ovatae 31:128, 207, 218; 41:3, 43, 
pl. 540. ser. Palustriformes 31:128; 34: 
pls. 219-221; 41:3; subser. Palustres 31: 
58, 128; 34:193; 36:385; 39:259; 41:1-3, 
55, 57, 59, 60, map 2, pls. 542, 547; Biglumes 
41:59; Uniglumes 41:60; subser. Trun- 
catae 31:128; 34:193, 226; 39:259, 265; 
41:3, 65, 67, 73. ser. Pauciflorae 31: 
125, 127, 167, 181; 36:382, 385, 386; 4l: 
3, 13, 14, 69. ser. Sulcatae 31:129; 
39:211; 41:4, 73. ser. Tenuissimae 31:129, 
241; 39:210-213, 245, 268, map 1, pls. 460- 
462; 41:3, 73; subser. Chaetariae 31:129; 
subser. Leiocarpeae 31:129; 39:210, 211, 213; 
ser. Tuberculosae 31:129; 41:1. subgen. 
Limnochloa 31:127. subgen. Eleogenus 31: 
128; b. Capitatae 31:128; c. Palustres 31: 
128. subgen. Eu-Eleocharis, $ Aciculares 31: 
128; $ Chaetarieae 31:129; $ Leiocarpeae 
31:129; b. Sulcatae 31:129; c. Montanae 31: 
128. aciculariformis 31:183, 202, 204, 207, 
pl. 190; 41:16, 17, 106. acicularis 2:208; 
3:228; 5:131; 10:136; 13:72; 14:31; 15:91; 
17:142, 151; 22:135, 136; 25:7; 31:128, 170, 
171, 183, 184, 187-191, 199-202, 205-207; 
32:149, 183, 238; 37:366; 38:299; 39:218, 
219, 228, 229, 238, 359, 389; 41:3, 12, 14, 
16-19, 54, 92-95, 103, 104, 106, 109, 110, 167, 
199, map 55, pl. 539; 49:82, 242; 50:301; 
a.fluitans 31:186; b.fluitans 31:186; f. 
longicaulis 31:183, 187; f. submersa 31:186, 
188; subsp. bonariensis 41:16; var. bella 31: 
201; var. gracilescens 31:184, 191; 41:19, 
109, 110, pl. 539; var. liliputiana 41:16; var. 
Lindheimeri 31:199; var. longicaulis 31:187; 
var. longiseta 31:184, 189; var. minima 31: 
201; var. nana 31:199; var. occidentalis 
31:184, 190; 41:19, 109, pl. 539; var. radicans 
31:199; var. submersa 31:171, 188; 35: 
90, 216; 41:199; var. triangularis 31:187; 
var. typica 31:183, 184; f. fluitans 31:183, 
186, 187; f. inundata 31:183, 186; f. 
rigidula 31:184, 187; f. triangularis 31: 
184, 187. acuminata 10:140; 31:72; 32: 
30-32; 34:216, 217; 41:64, 98, 106, map 68. 
acuta 41:4, 95, 102, 104, 106, 108, 109, pl. 
538; var. pallens 41:95, 103, 109, pl. 538; 
var. platylepis 41:103. acutangula 41:106. 
acutisquamata 34:193, 194, 198, 218, 219, 
226, 227, pls. 219, 221; 41:3, 66, 106. affinis 
31:71; 41:106. afflata 31:129; 41:101, 102, 
104, 106. albibracteata 31:128, 168, 178- 
180, 182, 234, pl. 189; 36:386; 39:244; 41: 
3, 53, 67, 70, 71, 106-108, map 40. albida 
31:129; 34:226; 37:380, 393; 39:241, 247, 
271-273, 477, map 23, pl. 464; 41:4, 104, 
106, 109, 467, 471, 532, map 3; 42:370, 508, 
510; 44:354, 383; var. Berlandieri 39:271. 
albivaginata 31:235, 237; 41:106; a. tenuis 
31:237; @. flaccida 31:237; y. stricta 31:237; 


3. macrostachya 31:237; 41:45; e. humilis 31: 
237; var. ß. flaccida 41:47; var. y. stricta 
41:47; var. e. humilis 41:47; var. flaccida 31: 
235; var. stricta 41:47. alta 31:162; 41:106. 
alveolata 31:235, 241; 39: 213, 239, 240, 
245, 272, map 10, pl. 460; 41:3, 106.  amazo- 
niea 39:214, 222, 273, map 4, pl. 461; 41: 
3, 106. ambigens 37:394, 395, 452, pl. 
387; 38:394; 39:475, 478, map 39; 41:3, 64, 
106, 108; 49:66. ambigua 41:106. amphi- 
bia 31:203, 207; 41:106. anceps 39:214, 
226, 252, 253, 268, 273, pl. 462; 41:4, 106. 
andesica 41:72, 106. andina 41:61, 106. 
annua 31:212. appendiculata 41:60, 61, 
106. arcuata 31:237, 239; 41:44, 106. 
Arechavaletae 41:45, 106. arenaria 31:129; 
39:239; 41:106. arenicola 24:24-26; 31: 
128; 34:194, 219, 221, 222, 224, 226, 227, 
pls. 220, 221; 39:265; 41:71, 106; 49:66. 
argyrolepidioides 41:59. argyrolepis 41:62, 
106. articulata 31:131; 41:106. ataca- 
mensis 31:172, 173, 181; 36:381, 382, 389, pls. 
320, 321; 41:14, 106. atricha 31:206; 41: 
95, 106. atropurpurea 31:128, 219, 224, 
227—230, 241, 242, pl. 191; 39:225, 251, 253; 
41:3, 45, 48, 49, 52, 54, 106-109; a. typica 
31:229; 8. Zanardinii 31:229; var. y., 39: 
224; var. setiformis 31:229. aurea 39:220; 
41:106. austro-caledonica 31:159, 161; 41: 
9, 11. Baeothryon 31:171, 172; 41:63, 106. 
bahamensis 31:224, 229, 230, 241, 242, pl. 
191; 39:217; 41:3, 45, 106. Balansaiana 
39:267; 41:106. Baldwinii 31:129, 241; 39: 
214, 240-242, 271, 272, map 11, pl. 460; 
41:3, 106. Baroni 41:4, 95, 97, 99, 104, 
106, 110, pl. 539. Barrosii 39:214, 220, 
273, pl. 462; 41:3, 106. Bartoliana 41:99, 
106. bella 31:183, 200, 201, 207, pl. 190; 
41:3, 14, 17, 93, 106, map 53. benedicta 
41:57, 106. Berlandieri 39:271, 272; 41: 
106. bermudiana 31:129; 34:226; 39:271, 
272; 41:106. bicolor 39:219, 225, 273, pl. 
462; 41:106. binocrenata 31:235.  biocre- 
ata 41:106. biseptata 31:160; 41:106. 
bivaginata 41:68, 106. Bolanderi 31:128; 
34:194, 224, 226, pl. 220; 41:3, 53, 66, 106, 
559, map 35. boliviana 31:168, 179, 182, 
pl. 189; 36:386; 41:69. bonariensis 31:183, 
202, 203, 207, pl. 190; 41:3, 14, 16, 17, 
93, 95, 106, 108, 109, map 59. brachy- 
carpa 31:183, 200, 207, pl. 190; 41:3, 14, 
17, 106. Brainii 39:214, 251, 273, pl. 
461; 41:4, 106. brasiliensis 31:162; 41: 
12, 106. Brassii 41:pl. 538. Brehmeriana 
31:128, 168, 180, 182, pl. 189; 41:69, 106. 
Brittonii 39:230; 41:106. brizantha 41: 
106. caduca 41:51, 52, 106. caespitosis- 
sima 39:214, 252, 273, pl. 461; 41:4, 106, 
109. calocarpa 41:3, 5, 6, 9, 106, 109, 
map 16, pl. 537; var. nuda 41:9. calva 
31:58, 59, 63, 65, 68, 70, 71, 75, 77, pl. 
182; 36:278; 41:3, 59, 61, 63, 98, 106, 107, 
110, map 65, pl. 547; 42:144; 49:61, 64, 
67. calyptrata 39:266, 268, 273, pl. 465; 
41:106. camptotricha 31:230; 39:221, 246; 
41:106; var. Schweinitzii 31:230; 39:217. 

INDEX ro VOLUMEs 1-50 91 

cancellata 31:128, 183, 200, 201, 207, pl. 
190; 41:3, 14, 17, 106. capensis 41:61. 
capillacea 31:224, 234, 235, 241, 242, pl. 
191; 39:240, 241, 254; 41:3, 10, 45, 100, 
map 19. capitata 8:129; 20:24, 72; 23: 
106; 24:24, 83, 86; 31:126, 128, 225, 235; 
32:180-185; 34:194, 195, 197-199, 218, 224, 
226; 39:247, 272; 40:378; 41:46, 48, 50-52, 
65, 70, 106; 49:66; var. borealis 34:198- 
200, 203, 225-227, pls. 219, 221; 41:65; 
49:242; var. dispar 8:129; 20:24, 72; 24: 
61; 31:227; var. pseudoptera 34:197-199, 
202, 227, pl. 221; 39:475; 41:65; var. typica 
34:198, 199, 226, 227, pls. 219, 221; 36: 
389; 39:254, 475; 41:52, 65; var. verrucosa 
34:198, 200, 202, 227, pl. 221; 40:378; 41: 
66. capitatus 32:180, 181. caribaea 20: 
24, 72; 24:83; 31:126, 128, 219, 224, 225, 
227, 229, 231, 241, 242, pl. 191; 32:181, 182, 
184, 185; 39:254, 255, 262; 41:44, 45, 48-52, 
106; 48:37; var. dispar 20:24, 72; 24:61, 
83, 86; 31:227; 37:365, 366; 41:52; var. 
Stokesii 41:52. carniolica 31:129; 41:4, 
95, 99, 104, 106, pl. 546. carolina 39:224, 
225; 41:106. cellulosa 31:127, 130, 135, 
152, 163, pl. 188; 36:383; 41:3, 5, 7, 9, 
106, map 6. Chaetaria 39:214, 236, 241, 
250-252, 273, pl. 461; 41:4, 54, 69, 106, 
108; var. vivipara 41:101. chlorocarpa 
41:101, 106. chrysocarpa 41:71, 106, 110, 
pl. 545. cognata 41:11, 106. comosa 41: 
18, 106. compacta 31:162; 41:9, 11, 62, 
106. complanata 39:224-226; 41:100. 
compressa 31:66, 128; 32:31; 34:193, 198, 
201, 215, 217-219, 226, 227, pls. 219, 221; 
37:204, 299; 41:3, 53, 64-66, 106, map 31; 
49:66; var. atrata 34:193, 218, 227, pl. 
221. confervoides 41:106. congesta 41: 
4, 95, 102, 104, 106, 108, 110, pl. 546. 
conica 41:106. consanguinea 39:256; 41: 
106. constricta 39:259; 41:106. contracta 
39:258; 41:72, 106. costaricensis 39:267; 
41:106. costata 31:184; 41:106. costulata 
31:180, 183, 203-207, pl. 190; 41:15, 106. 
crassa 31:61; 41:59, 106. crassiculmis 39: 
259, 262; 41:106. crinalis 41:3, 53, 67, 
69, 77, 106, 110, map 41, pl. 544; f. humilis 
31:180. crispovaginata 41:45, 106. cub- 
ensis 39:228, 273, pl. 462; 41:106. Cunning- 
hamii 41:4, 95, 103, 104, 106, 107. Curt- 
isii 39: 242, 243; 41:106. cylindrica 34: 
226; 39:265, 266, 273, pl. 464; 41:3, 60, 73, 
106, 109. cylindrostachys 31:215; 41:4, 
95, 102, 104, 106, 109, pl. 537. debilis 
31:128, 225, 240-242, pl. 191; 41:3, 44, 49, 
106, 107, 110, pl. 543; f. macra 31:240; 
41:49. decumbens 34:193, 224, 226, pl. 
219; 41:3, 66, 106. densa 31:128; 34:193; 
39:262, 273, pl. 463; 41:3, 73, 106. dense- 
squamata 41:106. depauperata 39:236; 41: 
106. diandra 1:137; 2:60, 61; 3:63; 4:2; 8: 
130; 10:136, 204; 13:178; 15:222; 19:91; 26: 
37, 222;29:71, 72, 107; 31:128, 207, 210, 
211, 217, 219; 41:43, 106, 110, pl. 540; var. 
depressa 2:60; 10:138; 31:210.  Dietrichi- 
ana 41:4, 95, 103, 104, 106, 109, pl. 538. 

disciformis 34:222; 39:215; 41:106. dispar 
8:129; 19:64; 20:24; 31:227; 41:52, 106. 
Dombeyana 24:25, 26; 31:181; 34:219, 
220, 223; 41:3, 44, 53, 67, 68, 73, 106, 
108, map 39. Dregeana 41:3, 60, 61, 97, 
106, 110, pl. 543. dubia 41:94, 106. dulcis 
31:127, 129, 158, 162, 163, pl. 188; 36:381; 
41:3, 11, 107-109, pl. 537. dunensis 41: 
4, 74, 75, 91, 104, 107, 110, map 49, pl. 
544. Durandii 39:215, 216, 272, pl. 460; 
41:107. Dusenii 39:221. Dussiana 41:47, 
107. ecarinata 41:59. Ekmanii 31:230, 
242, pl. 191; 41:49, 107. elassocarpa 39: 
267. elata 31:156, 158; 41:12, 13, 107. 
elegans 39:259; 41:3, 50-52, 73, 106-109. 
Elliottii 31:132; 41:107. elliptica 34:200; 
41:3, 53, 65, 107, map 29; 49:242. elongata 
31:125, 130, 155, 163, pl. 188; 41:3, 5, 
12, 106, 107, 109, map 14, pl. 537. emargi- 
nata 41:77, 107. Engelmanni 1:137; 3: 
250; 8:130, 223; 10:136, 140; 11:83; 13: 
72; 31:126, 128, 207-210, 217, 219; 40: 
391; 41:3, 4, 75, 107, 108, map 45, pl. 
540; f. detonsa 31:208; 41:pl. 540; var. 
detonsa 1:137; 3:250; 8:130; 10:136, 140, 
143; 12:155; 13:72; 23:42; 29:230; 31:208, 
210; 41:110, pl. 540; var. monticola 31: 
209; f. leviseta 31:210; var. robusta 3l: 
209. equisetiformis 41:59. equisetina 31: 
130, 161, 163, pl. 188; 41:11, 107. equiset- 
oides 31:130-132, 163, pl. 188; 40:251; 41: 
3, 5, 11, 107, map 5; 44:260. erratica 31: 
228; 41:107. erythrochlamys 41:100, 107. 
erythropoda 34:218; 41:63, 107. esculenta 
31:160, 161. eupalustris 31:60. eu-uni- 
glumis 41:60. exigua 31:206; 39:217; 41:3, 
14, 93, 107, 108, 110, map 54, pl. 539. 
exilis 31:233; 41:107. fallax 24:23, 25, 
26; 31:128; 34:194, 225, 226, pl. 220; 41: 
64, 107; 49:61, 66. fenniea 41:60, 107; 
var. sareptana 41:60. filiculmis 39:266- 
269, 273, map 20, pl. 465; 41:4, 74, 76, 
77, 91, 106-109. filiformis 34:197, 200; 41: 
107. fistulosa 27:39, 40, pl. 149; 31:127, 
130, 133, 135, 152, 153, 162, 163, pl. 188; 
36:389; 41:3, 4, 6, 10, 106-108, map 28; var. 
micrantha 41:6; var. robusta 31:154, 163, 
pl. 188; 41:4, 6. flaccida 31:128, 224, 
233, 235, 236, 238, 239, 241, 242, pl. 191; 
375155, 156, 393; 39:247; 41:45, 47, 107; 
var. Arechavaletae 41:46; var. fuscescens 
31:288; 41:48; var. humilis 41:54; var. 
olivacea 37:155, 156; 38:396; 41:46. flaves- 
cens 31:236; 41:3, 10, 45-48, 52, 54, 55, 
106-109, map 22, pl. 541; 44:342; 49:100, 
124; var. fuscescens 41:48. floridana 
39:247. funebris 41:61, 107. fuscopurp- 
urea 41:3, 10, 44, 106, 107, 109, map 20. 
fusco-sanguinea 41:94, 107. galapagensis 
31:224, 233; 41:45, 107. Gambleana 41: 
101, 107. geniculata 23:106; 31:128, 132; 
34:103; 39:258-262, 273, map 18, pl. 463; 
41:3, 50-52, 65, 73, 106-108; 48:37; var. 
6.41:51; var. densa 39:262, pl. 463; var. 
minor 41:51. glauca 31:68; 39:231, 238, 
239, 273, map 9, pl. 461; 41:3, 106, 107. 


glaucescens 31:70, 74; 32:31; 34:201, 217; 
41:107. glaucovirens 41:4, 74, 77, 107, 110, 
pl. 545. Glazioviana 41:107, 110, pl. 545. 
Glehni 41:65, 107. globularis 41:59. grac- 
ilis 41:96, 107; var. gracillima 41:103; var. 
radicans 41:103. gracillima 41:103, 107. 
Graeffeana 41:8, 107. grandis 39:211, 269; 
41:74, 107. grisea 39:213, 244, 245, 273, 
map 14, pl. 465; 41:3, 107. haematolepis 
41:72, 107. halmaturina 41:107. halo- 
phila 37:395, 396, 452, pl. 387; 41:3, 64, 
107; 42:370, 508; 44:139; 49:61, 64, 67, 
242; 50:204. Haumaniana 41:3, 73, 107. 
Helenae 39:252; 41:107. heteromorpha 41: 
61. Hildebrandtii 39:224—226, 273, pl. 462; 
41:107. homonyma 31:234; 41:107. Hook- 
eri 41:103, 107. hyalinovaginata 41:44, 
107. hyalovaginata 31:239. intermedia 2: 
61; 6:107, 203; 10:136, 140; 11:84; 15:161; 
31:129; 39:262, 265; 41:3, 4, 35, 67, 92, 
105, 107, 108; var. Habereri 8:130; 10:140; 
12:155; 39:265. intersita 41:59. inter- 
stineta 7:72; 10:136, 140; 11:29, 83; 13:72, 
151; 21:75, 143; 24:86, 113; 29:230; 3l: 
127, 130-132, 163, pl. 188; 41:3, 5, 11, 50, 
106, 107, map 13. intricata 31:225, 239- 
241; 41:3, 10, 54, 55, 107, map 27, pl. 541. 
Jamesonii 39:215, 216, 272, pl. 460; 41:107. 
japonica 31:76; 41:101, 107. Jelskiana 31: 
162; 41:3, 5, 12, 13, 107, 108, map 7. kamt- 
schatica 31:58, 59, 75-77, pl. 184; 41:3, 
65, 107, 108; 49:61, 66. kasakstanica 41: 
59. Kirkii 39:254; 41:107. Klingei 41: 
60. Komarovii 41:60. Korshinskyana 41: 
60. Kuntzei 41:101. laetevirens 31:228; 
41:47, 48, 107. laeviseta 41:4, 95, 100, 
104, 107, 110, pl. 546. lanceolata 31:128, 
207, 219; 41:3, 43, 107, 110, pl. 540. laxi- 
flora 31:156; 41:3, 5, 6, 8, 107-109, map 15, 
pl 537. Lechleri 31:181; 41:3, 70, 71, 73, 
107. Lehmanni 41:107. Lehmanniana 31: 
241: 41:43, 44, 107. lepida 41:94, 107. 
lepta 36:387, 388; 39:254; 41:107. leptocau- 
lis 41:94, 107. leptos 31:167, 176, 177, 
182, pl. 189; 36:387; var. coloradoensis 
31:177; 36:387; var. Johnstonii 31:169, 
177, 182, pl. 189; 36:387, 388. leptostachys 
41:91, 107. leptostylopodiata 41:59. Le- 
reschii 31:228; 41:107. leucocarpa 41:73, 
107, 110, pl. 545. Liebmanniana 39:220; 
41:107. limosa 41:4, 61, 93, 95, 97, 99, 
104, 107, 108, 110, map 63, pls. 539, 543. 
Lindheimeri 31:169, 183, 186, 199, 207, 
pl. 190; 37: 380, 393; 39:456, 471, 474, 
482, 483, 488; 41:14, 15, 107, 481; 42: 
370, 508. liocarpa 41:94, 107. litoralis 
41:60, 61, 107. liukiensis 41:100, 107. 
Loefgreniana 41:4, 74, 75, 77, 90, 107, map 
51, pl. 545. Macounii 15:222; 31:129; 39: 
265; 41:3, 67, 107. macra 31:241; 41:44, 
107. macrantha 31:167, 177, 182, pl. 
189; 36:384; 41:3, 107. macrorhiza 36:385; 
41:60, 107. macrostachya 31:58, 66, 67, 
77, pl. 184; 41:3, 56-61, 98, 107-110, maps 
67-69, pl. 547; 49:61, 63-65, 67. maculosa 
31:128, 177, 224, 238, 239, 242, pl. 191; 


41:3, 10, 43, 44, 49, 107, 108, map 25; f. 
humilis 31:237. madagascariensis 31:231; 
41:54, 55, 107, pl. 541. Maidenii 31:240; 
41:54, 110, pl. 541; var. subaquatica 31:240. 
mamillata 31:58, 59, 65-67, 71, 75, 77, 128, 
pl. 184; 41:3, 56-59, 110, pls. 542, 547; 49: 
62, 63. margaritacea 36:386, 389, pl. 
320; 41:3, 107. marginulata 41:4, 98, 
95-97, 102, 104, 107, 109, 110, map 62, pl. 
543. Maximowiezii 41:101. media 41:107. 
megalostachys 41:60. melanocarpa 5:130; 
7:72; 10:136, 140; 14:29; 19:67; 24:59, 60, 
69, 86, fig. 1 (map); 31:129, 239; 32:211; 39: 
211, 269, 270, 273, map 22, pl. 464; 40: 
371, 391; 41:4, 60, 104, 107; 42:88, 91; 44: 
241; 48:37. melanocephala 31:178, 179; 
41:70, 73, 107. melanomphala 31:181; 36: 
383; 41:3, 13, 14, 107, 110, pl. 539. melano- 
sperma 41:107. melanostachys 36:385; 41: 
3, 60, 106-109. Mendoncae 41:107. mend- 
ocina 41:3, 73, 107. mesopotamica 41:107. 
mexicana 39:216, 260; 41:107. microcarpa 
31:129; 37: 393, 394; 38:396; 39:211, 214, 
226, 227, 229-231, 241, 252, 272, 273, 473, 
480, 481, map 7, pls. 460, 462; 41:3, 106, 
107, 109; 44:342; 45:372; Q. ? filiculmis 
37:394; var. Brittonii 39:230, 241, 242, 
272, pl. 460; var. filiculmis 37:393, 394; 
39:214, 228, 229, 230, 272, 480, pl. 460. 
microformis 31:224, 230, 241, 242, pl. 191; 
41:51, 52, 107. minarum 41:4, 91, 104, 
107, 110, pl. 545. minima 31:129; 39:211, 
214-219, 221, 223, 227, 244, 272, 273, map 
2, pls. 460, 461, 465; 41:3, 106-109; var. 
ambigua 39:218, 219, 272, pl. 460; var. 
bicolor 39:211, 213, 218, 219, 273, pl. 462; 
41:109; var. mexicensis 39:216. minor 41: 
107. minuta 31:238; 41:3, 10, 54, 107, 110, 
map 26, pl. 541. minutiflora 39:226; 41: 
108. minutissima 39:213, 245, 273, pl. 
462; 41:3, 108. mitracarpa 41:3, 61, 108. 
mitrata 31:162; 41:3, 5, 12, 108, 109, map 
8, pl. 537; var. africana 41:6. monandra 
31:228; 41:108. montana 24:25, 26; 3l: 
128; 34:104, 219, 222-224, 226, 227, pls. 
220, 221; 39:258; 41:07, 68, 71, 72, 108; 
subsp. montevidensis 41:71. montevidensis 
41:3, 53, 67, 71, 76, 106, 108, map 38. 
monticola 31:209, 210; 41:108; var. leviseta 
3:250; 31:210; var. pallida 31:209. mucro- 
nulata 41:102, 108. Muhlenbergiana 41: 
63, 108. multicaulis 31:212; 39:265; 41: 
4, 57, 95, 96, 103, 104, 107, 108, 110, 559, 
pl. 546. multiflora 31:228; 41:108. multi- 
seta 41:60. mutata 7:72; 27:37—40, pl. 149; 
31:127, 130, 133-135, 153, 163, pl. 188; 36: 
383; 37:392; 41:3, 5-7, 108, map 4; var. 
obtusetrigona 31:161. nana 31:129, 170; 
39:214, 218, 220-222, 244, 273, map 3, pl. 
462; 41:3, 106, 108. Naumanniana 39: 
214, 253, 254, 273, pl. 461; 41:4, 108, 109. 
nebrodensis 41:108. neozeylandica 41:3, 
60, 108. nervata 31:183, 204, 207, pl. 
190; 41:3, 17, 93, 108, map 60. nervosa 
41:64, 108; 49:66.  Niederleinii 39:211; 41: 
92, 108. nigrescens 31:129; 39:211, 214, 


220, 223, 225-228, 244, 252, 273, map 6, pls. 
461, 462; 41:3, 106-109; var. minutiflora 39: 
226, 273, pl. 462. nipponica 41:101, 108. 
nitida 8:129, 130, 13:134, 138; 15:222; 24: 
162; 31:128; 34:194, 203, 226, pl. 219; 35: 
85; 41:3, 66, 108; 49:81, 82; 50:20. nodulosa 
31:128; 34:193, 223; 39:220, 255-259, 273, 
map 17, pl. 463; 41:3, 71, 72, 106-109; var. 
angulata 39:258; 41:53, 71, 72, 105, map 
36; var. subnodulosa 39:258; 41:72; var. 
tenuis 39:257, 258. nubigena 31:168, 179- 
182, 205, pl. 189; 41:70, 108. nuda 31: 
156, 162; 41:3, 5, 8, 108, 109, map 12, pl. 
538. nudipes 41:4, 73-75, 107, 108, 110, 
map 52, pl. 544. nupeensis 41:3, 6, 108. 
obsoleta 41:11, 108. obtusa 1:137; 6:107; 
10:136, 140; 13:72, 141; 18:34; 20:24; 23: 
233; 26:223; 30:237; 31:128, 207, 208, 211, 
213, 214, 216-219; 32:181-184, 238; 34: 
195; 41:3, 35, 43, 75, 108, 110, map 43, pl. 
540; 44:82, 232; 46:145; 48:330; 50:301; 
var. ellipsoidalis 31:218; 39:389, 475; 49: 
91; var. gigantea 31:215, 217; 41:57, 110, 
pl. 540; var. jejuna 1:137, 203; 31:212, 213, 
215, 216, 218; 37:156; 39:389; 41:110, pl. 
540; 46:77; var. Peasei 31:217, 218. obtus- 
angula 41:108. obtusetrigona 31:158, 161; 
41:108. ochrostachys 31:157, 158; 41:8, 
101, 102, 108. ocreata 31:235-239; 41: 
45, 108; 44:342; var. flaccida 31:238; var. 
humilis 31:238. oligantha 31:129; 39:213, 
222, 223, 272, map 5, pl. 460; 41:3, 108. 
olivacea 1:184; 5:130; 9:74; 10:136; 12: 
120; 13:72, 178; 21:75; 23:162, 232; 24:114, 
162; 25:208, 213; 29:65, 69; 31:128, 224, 
231, 232, 236, 240, 242, pl. 191; 35:68; 37: 
155, 366; 40:275; 41:3, 10, 46, 47, 108, 110, 
map 18, pl. 541; 49:100. oropuchensis 
39:215, 216, 273, pl. 461; 41:108. ovata 5: 
131; 10:136, 140; 13:72; 29:230; 31:128, 
207, 210-214, 217, 218; 32:238; 34:195; 41: 
3, 43, 106, 108, 110, map 44, pl. 540; 
46:145; a.normalis 31:214; ß. italica 31: 
214; f. sessistensis 31:214; var. humifusa 
31:214; 6. minima 31:214; var. Engelmanni 
31:208, 209; var. gigantea 31:216; var. 
Heuseri 1:137; 2:60; 31:213-215; 40:275; 
var. minima 31:214; var. obtusa 31:214. 
oxylepis 41:60. oxyneura 31:203; 41:108. 
pachycarpa 31:129; 39:211, 269; 41:4, 74, 
75, 92, 95, 106-108, 110, map 50, pl. 544. 
pachystyla 31:129; 39:211, 268, 269, 273, 
map 21, pl. 465; 41:4, 74, 76, 108; var. 
angustostachya 39:269; 41:74; var. macro- 
stachya 39:269; 41:74. pallida 41:108. 
Palmeri 34:194, 223, 226, 227, pls. 220, 
221; 41:3, 66, 108. palustris 1:98; 3:250; 
6:107; 10:136; 11:230; 13:72; 17:150, 151; 
22:136; 24:24; 25:7; 26:223; 29:63, 70, 208; 
31:57-59, 65-67, 70, 74—76, 123, 128, 212; 
32:19, 30; 34:6, 194, 225; 36:383; 37:395; 
39:265; 41:3, 55-61, 73, 98, 106-108, 110, 
map 64, pls. 542, 547; 46:206; 49:61-66; 
50:294; «. aquatilis 31:61; Q. australis 41: 
57; subvar. glaucescens 31:61; var. e. 
humilis 41:62; var. arenaria 31:61; var. 

calva 3:250; 8:130; 10:136, 140; 12:155; 15: 
161; 31:68; var. glaucescens 1:98; 2:208; 3: 
185; 10:136, 140; 13:72; 23:233; 29: 70; 31: 
68, 70, 74; var. major 11:39; 15:161; 31: 
60, 61, 63, 77, pl. 181; 33:117; 35:251; 38: 
298; 49:66, 242; var. minor 31:61; var. 
typica 31:60, 71, 77, pl. 181; 36:278; var. 
vigens 4:27; 10:136, 140; 11:39; 15:161; 17: 
150; 31:61; var. Watsoni 49:66. paraci- 
cularis 41:108. Parishii 34:194, 221, 222, 
226, 227, pls. 220, 221; 39:259, 2066; 41: 
3, 53, 66, 67, 106, 108, map 34. Parodii 
39:262; 41:3, 72, 108. parvula 31:123, 128, 
167, 168, 170, 171, 176, 177, 182, 188, 189, 
pl. 189; 32:147, 238; 35:90, 215; 36:385, 
387—389, map 3, pl. 320; 41:3, 108, 109; 
42:387; 43:79, 522; 44:383; 50:204; f. 
spongiosa 39:273; var. anachaeta 36: 
386-389, map 3, pl. 320; 39:236; 41:17; 
var. typica 42:24. paucidentata 41:60. 
pauciflora 6:107; 13:221; 31:123, 124, 128, 
167, 171-175, 178, 181, 182, pl. 189; 33:23; 
35:388; 36:278, 377-386, 388, 389, map 1, 
pls. 320, 321; 39:471; 41:3, 14, 106, 108, 
109; 44:243; var. bernardina 31:167, 174, 
175; 36:389, pls. 320, 321; var. Fernaldii 
36:380, 389, pls. 320, 321; 37:299; 44:243; 
45:280; 47:207; var. Suksdorfiana 31:167, 
174; 36:381, 389, pl. 321. pellucida 41: 
4, 95, 100-102, 104, 106-109, 559. perlonga 
31:59, 70, 71, 77, pl. 182; 41:59, 60, 98, 108, 
maps 69, 72, 73. Perrieri 39:224, 252, 273, 
pl. 461; 41:108. peruviana 31:162; 41: 
12. philippinensis 31:130, 153, 155, 156, 
158, 162, 163, pl. 188; 41:8, 108. pileata 
31:75, 76; 41:62, 108. Pittieri 41:45, 46, 
108. pityrea 31:241. plana 41:109, pl. 
538. planieulmis 31:153, 157; 41:4, 6, 
108. plantaginea 31:127, 131, 159-161; 
41:11, 108. plantaginoidea 31:159. plant- 
aginoides 41:11, 108. platypus 31:181; 36: 
384; 41:108. plicarhachis 31:125, 130, 
156, 158, 162, 163, pl. 188; 36:383; 41:3, 
5, 12, 13, 107-109, map 9, pl. 537. polycaula 
41:108. polymorpha 39:222. praticola 31: 
124, 224, 229, 231, 236, 241, 242, pl. 191; 
41:48, 49, 108. prolifera 31:230; 38:395; 
39:217, 222, 223, 230, 240—243; 41:92, 108; 
44:342; 49:124. punctata 39:221; 41:108. 
purpurascens 41:102, 108. purpureo-vag- 
inata 39:267; 41:108. pusilla 31:170, 206; 
41:3, 19, 95, 108, 109, pl. 539. pygmaea 
6:107; 11:84; 31:169, 199; 36:388; 41:108; 
var. 6. ? anachaeta 31:176, 177; 36:387. 
quadrangulata 10:136; 11:29, 83; 13:72, 
151; 24:86; 27:37-40, pl. 149; 29:230; 31: 
190, 132-134, 153, 163, pl. 188; 37:392, 
393; 38:377; 39:476; 41:3, 5, 6, 19, 108, 
map 10; 42:393; var. crassior 37:393; 41: 
7; var. typica 37:393. quinquangularis 
41:4, 74-76, 107, 108, map 47. Rabenii 
41:3, 67, 69, 70, 108, 110, pl. 545. radicans 
31:199; 41:3, 14-17, 47, 54, 93, 106-108, 
110, map 61, pl. 539; 49:90. Ravenelii 
39:258; 41:108. reclinata 39:262-265, 273, 
map 19, pl. 465; 41:67, 108; f. Habereri 


39:265; var. Habereri 39:265. recurvata 
41:108. retroflexa 31:129, 207, 241; 36: 
388; 39:211, 213, 217, 218, 226, 236-239, 
251, 273, map 8, pl. 461; 41:3, 16, 69, 106, 
108, 109. Reverchonii 31:183, 203, 207, 
pl. 190; 41:3, 18, 93, 108, map 57. riparia 
41:51, 108. rivularis 31:205, 206; 41:15, 
108. Robbinsii 1:43, 204; 7:72; 10:136, 
140; 13:72, 73; 14:31; 19:97; 21:75; 23:99, 
149, 162, 232; 24:113, 162; 31:125, 127, 
130, 154-156, 163, 205, pl. 188; 32:211; 36: 
351; 37:249, 332; 39:467; 41:3, 5, 11, 12, 
108, 254-256, map 3. rostellata 10:136, 
141; 12:120, 135; 13:73, 178; 15:76; 19:32, 
36; 23:103, 105, 110, 149, 233; 29:92, 106, 
107, 111; 31:67, 123, 128, 167, 172-176, 182, 
pl. 189; 32:147, 177, 210, 211, 238; 34:217; 
36:381, 384, 385, 389, map 2, pl. 320; 37: 
393; 41:3, 73, 108, 44:243; var. Congdoni 
31:175, 176; var. occidentalis 31:175, 176. 
Rothiana 39:266, 268; 41:77, 108.  Sagotii 
31:162; 41:12, 13, 108; var. glochidiata 41: 
13. Salzmanniana 41:108. savannarum 
31:129; 39:219, 273, pl. 462; 41:108. Savat- 
ieri 31:75, 76; 41:3, 62, 108, 110, pl. 543. 
scariosa 31:134; 41:7, 108. Schaffneri 31: 
224, 233, 241, 242, pl. 191; 41:3, 10, 46, 48, 
107, 108, map 23. Schlechteri 39:255; 41: 
108. Schottiana 31:239; 41:44, 108. Schwein- 
furthiana 39:214, 252, 273, pl. 461; 41: 
4, 107, 108. scythica 41:60. Sellowiana 
31:128, 224, 233, 234, 240, 242, pl. 191; 
41:3, 10, 45, 106-109, map 21; var. hom- 
onyma 31:234. septata 31:131; 41:108. 
septentrionalis 41:60. setacea 31:225; 41: 
51, 52, 54, 108. Shaferi 31:231; 41:49, 
108, 110, pl. 541. Shimadai 41:101, 108. 
Sieberi 31:156, 157; 41:108. simplex 3l: 
129; 37:396; 38:376; 39:246-248, 271, 272; 
41:108. simulans 31:181; 36:385; 41:61, 
108. singularis 41:108. Sintenisii 41:3, 10, 
45, 49, 107-110, map 24, pl. 541. Smallii 
15:222; 31:58, 59, 64, 65, 71, 74, 75, 71, pl. 
182; 32:238; 34:217; 37:395; 41:3, 63, 
64, 98, 108, 110, map 66, pl. 547; 49:61-67; 
50:294. sororia 41:97, 108. spadicea 39: 
244; 41:108. Spegazinii 39:266; 41:3, 73, 
108. sphacelata 31:126, 129, 160-163, pl. 
188; 41:3, 11, 106, 108, 109. spiralis 31: 
130, 134, 135, 152, 153, 163, pl. 188; 41:3, 
5, 9, 106, 108, map 17. squamata 41:16, 
108. squamigera 36:389, pl. 320; 41:4, 
16, 105, 108. stenocarpa 31:183, 205- 
207, pl. 190; 41:3, 17, 93, 109, map 560. 
stolonifera 41:68, 109. striata 41:96, 109. 
striatula 31:203, 206; 41:16, 109. stylosa 
41:109. subarticulata 41:4, 53, 72, 105, 
109, map 37. subcancellata 39:213, 215, 
227, 273, pl. 461; 41:3, 109. subfoliata 
39:213, 227, 243, 244, 273, map 13, pl. 
461; 41:3, 107-109. submersa 41:109. sub- 
nodulosa 39:258; 41:72, 109. subprolifera 
41:101, 109. subsphacelata 31:160; 41: 
109. subtilis 39:218, 219; 41:109. sub- 
ulata 31:157; 41:109. subvivipara 39:253; 
41:101, 109. Suksdorfiana 31:174. sulcata 


31:129; 39:211, 227, 266, 268, 269; 41:74, 
76, 77, 91, 109; var. grandirostris 41:92. 
sulciculmis 31:237; 41:109. tenuis 2:208; 
6:107; 8:130; 10:136; 11:200; 13:73; 17:151; 
18:34; 20:24, 72; 22:135; 23:106; 24:24; 
29:243; 30:237; 31:12, 72, 126, 128, 225; 32: 
180-182, 184; 34:194, 197, 199, 226; 36: 
389; 39:230; 40:378; 41:3, 16, 50, 52, 65, 
70, 92, 107, 109, 532; 49: 66; var. 6. 39:230, 
231, 242; var. pseudoptera 41:53, 65, 
492, map 30; var. typica 41:53, map 33; 
var. verrucosa 41:53, 66, map 32; 42:300, 
420. tenuissima 39:215, 217, 218, 238; 41: 
109. Testui 39:254; 41:109. tetraquetra 
31:129, 162; 41:4, 75, 95, 99, 104, 107, map 
46; var. Wichurai 41:100. texana 39:266; 
41:109. thermalis 31:235; 41:45, 46, 109. 
Thompsoni 41:101, 102, 109. Torreyana 
10:136, 141; 13:151; 21:143; 31:129; 34: 
200; 37:393, 394; 39:220, 228, 229, 480; 41: 
109. tortilis 39:211, 213, 243, 245, 246, 
273, 477, map 15, pl. 464; 41:3, 109; 44: 
241, 353, 383. transcaucasica 41:60. tri- 
angularis 31:187, 188. trichoides 31:206; 
41: 109. tricostata 10:141; 13:151; 3l: 
128; 32:213; 34:193, 197, 219, 226, pl. 220; 
36:38; 39:266; 40:371, 391; 41:3, 53, 66, 
108, 468, 471, maps 4, 42; 44:241; 49:101, 
124. triflora 31:76, 177; 39:236; 41:17, 
109. trilophus 39:214, 253, 273, pl. 462; 
41:4, 109. truncata 24:25, 26; 34:222, 223, 
226; 41:68, 109. tuberculosa 5:130; 7: 
72; 8:27; 10:136; 13:73; 19:122; 21:73; 23: 
167, 169, 233, 300, pl. 130 (map 14); 24: 
162; 25:48; 26:37; 31:129; 34:217; 36:38; 
37:267, 396; 38:376; 39:211, 213, 247-250, 
273, 480, map 16, pl. 464; 41:3, 63, 108, 
109; 44:260; 46:92; f. pubnicoensis 39: 
250, 273, pl. 464; f. retrorsa 39:250, 273, 
pl. 464; var. B. 39:247, 248, 250; var. pubni- 
coensis 23:233; 39:250. tuberosa 31:159; 
41:109. Tuerkheimii 41:109. tumida 31: 
158; 41:109. turcomanica 41:59. uncialis 
39:219, 273, pl. 462; 41:109. uniglumis 
23:233; 31:58, 59, 61, 70-72, 74, 75, 77, 
128, pl. 184; 32:61, 213, 238; 36:278; 37: 
395, 452, pl. 387; 41:3, 56, 59, 65, 106, 107, 
109, 110, pl. 542; 49:62, 63, 65, 66; var. 
halophila 31:72, 75, 77, pl. 183; 32:147, 
238; 34:225; 35:215; 37:395; 41:64; 44:139; 
var. typica 31:72, 75. univaginata 41:44, 
109. Urbani 41:47, 110, pl. 545. urceo- 
lata 39:213, 219, 221, 272, pl. 460; 41:3, 
107, 109. ussuriensis 41:59. Usterii 41: 
105. valdiviana 39:259; 41:60, 61, 109. 
valida 41:109. variegata 31:135, 154, 156- 
158, 162; 41:3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 13, 108, 109, map 
11, pl. 537; var. laxiflora 31:130, 153, 155- 
158, 163, pl. 188; 41:8. Vierhapperi 36: 
379, 382, 383; 41:109. villaricensis 41:109. 
Vincentina 31:239; 41:44, 109; var. arcuata 
31:239; 41:44. viridans 41:4, 74, 75, 77, 
91, 92, 104, 108-110, map 48, pl. 544. 
viridis 41:109. vivipara 39:213, 217, 230, 
241—243, 273, 376, map 12, pl. 461; 41:3, 
92, 106, 109; 44:241; 49:96, 100, 124. 

Eleogenus 31:124, 128. 

Eleogiton 49:51. 

Eleusine 15:131; 49:275. 

Ellisia 9:55; 25:27; 42:33, 34, 38. 

Elm 11: :32; 

Elodes 19:153; 22: 17; 34: 114. 

INDEX ro VOLUMES 1-50 95 

Vulcani 34:223; 41:109. Watsoni 31:71; 
41:109. Wichurai 31:129; 41:100, 109. 
Widgrenii 31:129; 41:72, 105, 109. Wolfi 
31:128, 183, 201, 203, 207, pl. 190; 40:86, 
251; 41:3, 18, 76, 93, 109, map 58; 47:205. 
Wrightiana 39: 215, 216, 219, 244, 272, 
pl. 460; 41:109. xyridiformis 31: 59, a, 
etos mat "pl. 184; 41:58, 98, 109, 110, maps 
70, al pl. 547. yunnanensis 41:559. 
yunquensis 31:241; 41:49, 109.  Zanardinii 
31:288; 41:109 

atropurpureus 31:227. 
capitatus 31:225; 41:51. laetevirens 31:228. 
nodulosus 39:256. ocreatus 31:234, 235, 
237, 238; var. a. 1. minor 41:47; var. a. 2. 
flaccidus 41 :47; var. albo-ater 31: :239; var. 
binocreatus 31. :239; var. flaccidus 31:235. 
ovatus 31:212. Schottianus 31:239. Sel- 
lovianus 31:234 

atropurpurea 31:227. fili- 
formis 34:200. parvula 31:168, 169. radi- 

cans 41:15 

Elephantopus 12:171; 44:367; 50:280, 281. 
carolinianus 12:171; 38: 445; 39: 482; 44: 
367, 458; f. vestitus 44 4585 47:100, 191. 
mollis 50: 282. nudatus 12: Tb 38: 371; 
39:474, 480; 44:307. nudicaulis 44:254. 
spicatus 50:280-282. tomentosus 12:171; 
38:377, 445, 446; 39:194, 474, 482; 44: :254, 
367; f. rotundatus 38: 445, 446; 44: :367 
indica’ 8:226; 15: 
131; 44:70; 48: ‘17, 26; 49:275 

Elliott's Dasystephana 15:224. Gentian 15: 


42:35, 36, 38. chrysanthemifolia 42:34, 39. 
Fremontii 42:39. membranacea 42:34, 39; 
var. hastifolia 42:39. micrantha 42: 34, 39. 
microcalyx 42:39. Nyctelea 4:170; 6: 151, 
155; 24:17; 25:27; 42:33-35, 37, 38, map 1; 
var. coloradensis” 42:35, 38. ranunculacea 
42:39. "Torreyi 42:34, 39; var. bipinnatifida 
42:39; var. Orcuttii 42: 39° 
13:57; 22:131; 44:413; 46:154. 
American 8:125; 12:179; '21 :42; 23: 91; 28: 
73. Red 47:204. Slippery 14: :80; 25: 172; 
43:521; 44:351; 47:132, 204. White 48: 
61. Winged 46:307. Wych 8:185 

Elodea 12:4; 13:54, 79; 19:80, 153; 21:114, 

115; 22:17, 20, 23; 29:249, 252; 31:122; 
34:114-116; 36:350; 38:334; 42:150. cana- 
densis 2: 216; 5: 134; 7:99; 10: 38; 12:4; 15: 
91; 19:107; 21: 114; 22: 17-22, 24-27, 29; 
24: 181; 29: 249, 251, 252; 30: 39; 34: 115; 
39: 432: 44:219, 220; var. ‘gigantea 34: 151. 
Drummondii 38: 434, 436; 39:358. Fraseri 
38:434. guyannensis 34:115. iowensis 22: 
26,29. latifolia 22:27. minor 22:28. Nut- 
tallii 22:21, 25, 26, 29; 20:240, 252. occi- 
dentalis 22: 21, 23-27; 20:249, 252; 32:105. 
Planchonii 22: 21, 25-27, 29; 29: 249, 252 
1:212; 5:131; 6:123; 8:29. petiolata 47:217 
Elodium 11: 16. Blandowii 14: 49; 15:13. palu- 
dosum 14:49 

Elsholtzia Patrini 12:117, 142; 46:316 

Eltroplectris acuminata 23:84 
Elvella fuliginosa 1:62 
Elymus 6:107; 14:187; 15:150, 219; 20:81, 82; 

31:45; 35: 187; 39: 127; 48: 22; 49: 266; 50:80. 
§ Gymnostichum 14:187. ampliculmis ib 
99. arenarius 10:144; 11:164; 12:26-30, 
36, 38; 13:117, 122; ‘15: 29, 32, 33, 218; 
16: 184; 17: 98-103, 146, 147; 20: 82; 29: 88; 
34: 108; 38:143; 41: :207; 49: 266; f. compositus 
17:102; 41: 183; subsp. mollis 41: 183; var. 
compositus 17: 102, 103; var. mollis 41: 
166; var. villosus 17: 99-103; 23:09, 232; 
25:7, 112; 29:122, 131, 148, 185, 208; 32: 
178, 201, ' 203, map 36; 34: 51; 36: 278; 48: 
20, 25; 49: 266. aristatus 4:147. arkan- 
sanus '8:212; 20:87; 35:194, 195; 50:85. 
s 14: 55; 15: 150, 159; 16: 82; 19:122; 

2, 84, 86; 35: 196-198; var. glabriflorus 
20:82, 84, 86; 35:197, 198. brachystachys 
18: 89: 15: 150; 20:98; 49: 266; 50:86. cana- 
densis 6: 107; 12: 26; 14:179; '15: 150; 16:13; 
20:82, 83, 86-89; 24: :98, 186; 35: 187-193, 
196; 36: 415; 48: 20, 24; 49: 266; "50: 82, 86-90; 
x Hystrix patula 50: 82, 87-89; f. crescendus 
20:90; 50:86; f. glaucifolius 35:191, 196; 
36: 415; 48: 20; 49:266; var. glabriflorus 20: 
84; 35: :196, 198; var. glaucifolius 20:87; 35: 
192; 36: 415; var. pendulus 50:86; var. 
philadelphicus 35:191; var. robustus 35: 
192; var. villosus 20: 90. caninus 12:63, 70. 
capitatus 17:99, 100. caput-medusae 48: 
20. carolinianus 20:83. cinereus 50:81, 
90. condensatus 50:90. crescendus 20:90. 
curvatus 20:84; 35:196, 198. diversiglumis 
20:83, 87; 50: 88, 89. dives 17:99. euro- 
pou 22:181. giganteus 17:98, 103. glabri- 
orus 20:84; 35:196-198; 36:415. glabri- 
folius 36:415. glaucifolius 20:87, 89; 24: 
186; 35:189-191, 193; 50:86; var. robustus 
35:192. glaucus 20:82. halophilus 19:122; 
20:83, 84; 27:202; 35:196, 198; 50: 83. 
hirsutiglumis 4:27; 10: 65; 20: 83; 35:196-198. 
hirsutus 35:192. Hystrix 14: 187; 34:229, 
230. innovatus 32:200, 202, map 18; 41: 
147, 150, 183; 42:317. intermedius 20: 83; 
35: 196, 198. interruptus 20:87; 50:88, 89. 
jejunus 20:83; 35:196, 198. Macounii 50: 
82, 90. mexicanus 17:98. mollis 9:218; 
12: 26; 17:99-101; 25:99, 112; 29:208; 49: 266. 
nitidus 20:83. philadelphicus 20: ‘87, 89; 
35:188-191; 50:86; var. hirsutus 35: 192: 
var. robustus 35:192. riparius 20:82, 84, 
86, 89; 21:116; 24:98; 39:416; 40:250, "386; 
43: 509; 44:70, ' 379; 48: 20, 23, 24; 49:266. 
robustus 4: 27; 8: 223; 20: 82, 83, 86, 88, 89; 
35:187, 188, 191, 192, 362; 36: 415; 49: 266; 
50:86; var. vestitus 20: 83, 89, 90; 25: 208: 
35: 187, 189-191; 49:266; 50:86. sabulosus 
17:98. sibiricus 35:188. Sitanion 6:83. 
spicatus 50:293. striatus 15:150; 20:83, 
86; 35:193-195, 198; 38:385; 47: 122; 49: 
266; 50:82, 84; var. arkansanus 8: 212; 20: 
83, $87; 35: 195, 196; var. Ballii 20:86; var. 
villosus 20:86; 35: 195. strigatus 17: 102, 
103. triticoides 4:147. villosissimus 17: 
100. villosus 20:86; 35:194-196; 38:379, 


385; 40:382, 386; 48:20, 24; 49:266; 50:81, 
84, 90; f. arkansanus 35:195; 40:382, 
386; 48:20; 49:266; 50:81, 85. virginicus 
12:26; 13:139; 14:179, 183, pl. 97; 15:150; 
18:34; 20:82-84; 23:151; 26:222; 27:202; 
32:216, 237; 35:193-198, 251; 36:374; 39: 
416; 44:345, 357, 379; 48:20, 22; 49:206; 
50:81-84, 90; f. jejunus 20:83; 35:198; 49: 
266; 50:83; f. monanthos 34:32; var. 
glabriflorus 35:198; 36:416; 48:21; 49:266; 
f. australis 35:198; 36:416; 48:21; 49:266; 
var. halophilus 20:82, 83; 27:202; 32:237; 
35:197, 198; 39: 416, 417; 43:512, 532; 48: 
21, 25; 49:266; 50:81, 83, 84; f. lasiolepis 
35:198; var. hirsutiglumis 10:65; 15:151; 
16:189; 20:82, 83; 23:151, 232; 24:162; 35: 
196-198; 36:415; var. jejunus 35:197, 198; 
44:357, 379; 48:21; 49:300; var. micromeris 
39:416; var. minor 20:83; var. submuticus 
12:186, 192; 15:151; 20:82, 84; 35:198; 48: 
21; 49:266; 50:81, 83; var. typicus 35:197, 
198; 36:415; f. hirsutiglumis 35:197, 198; 
36:415; 48:21; 49:266. Wiegandii 35:192, 
193, 196; 48:21; 49:266; 50:87; f. calvescens 
35:192, 196; 48:21; 49:266; 50:87 

Elyna 5:250. Bellardi 36:188 

Elynanthus capillaceus 35:52 

Elytraria acuminata 38:407. caroliniensis 
17:131, 137; 34:206; var. angustifolia 17: 
131, 137. virgata 17:131, 137; var. angusti- 
folia 17:131, 137 

Elytrophorus articulatus 31:109 

Elytrospermum californicum 6:71 

Embelia Sarasinorum 9:39 

Embloch 28:63 

Emex 17:171. spinosa 17:171 

Empetraceae 12:181; 18:39; 22:44; 23:02; 25: 
9; 29:216; 36:282; 37:306; 49:255 

Empetrum 4:34, 147, 196; 9:178, 193; 12: 
106, 181; 18:39; 23:98, 148; 30:77; 35:54, 
237; 36:180; 38:121; 41:158; 49:251. atro- 
purpureum 15:211, 214, 215; 22:37, 44; 
26:93; 36:179, 180; 44:143. Eamesii 15: 
211, 215, 217; 26:93; 28:121; 29:130, 180, 
181, 216; 35:12, 89; 44:143, 337. her- 
maphroditum 36:180-182. nigrum 1:192; 
2:97, 98; 3:174; 4:24, 147, 148, 150, 189, 196; 
5:35, 45, 49, 50; 9:149-152, 156, 162, 169; 
170, 174, 177, 178, 180-182, 189, 218; 
11:164; 12:105, 106, 181; 13:95, 99, 123, 
136, 216; 15:31, 141, 211, 213-217; 16:191; 
17:148, 149; 18:31, 39; 22:37, 44; 23:96, 
98, 99, 105, 148, 169, 300, pl. 130 (map 2); 
25:9, 83; 26:93; 27:214; 28:76, 82, 83, 243; 
29:181, 216; 31:138; 32:60; 33:109, 110, 
122; 34:53, 244; 35:80, 121, 125, 238, 239; 
36:136, 179-182, 282; 38:156; 40:463; 41: 
146, 148, 157, 165, 254; 42:311, 333; 44: 
115, 230, 337; f. purpureum 25:83; 35: 
89, 278; var. andinum 4:148-150, 196; 5: 
35; 9:162, 219; 11:95; 15:214-217; 22:37, 
44; var. purpureum 13:117, 123; 15:211, 
212, 216; 25:83. purpureum 4:148, 149; 
15:212, 213, 216, 217; 25:83. rubrum 4: 
148, 149; 15:212, 213, 216, 217; 25:83; 26: 
93; 29:181, 216; 35:335 

Empress Tree 25:172, 173 

Empusa 8:67, 68; 26:218 

Enantioblastae 9:37 

Encalypta 6:145; 41:112. ciliata 6:145; 14: 
52; 39:13, 40. Macounii 6:145. procera 
19:68. rhabdocarpa 30:4. scabrata 36:132 

Encalyptaceae 30:4; 39:40; 41:112 

Encelia nutans 12:16 

Enchanter's Nightshade 31:140 

Encyonema caespitosum 9:135. lunatum 10: 
180. prostratum 9:135. ventricosum 10: 
182, 183 

Enditria 5:249 

Endocarpon miniatum, var. complicatum 28: 
159. pulvinatum 36:142, 154 

Endoderma 8:123. strangulans 17:01. viridis 
8:123. Wittrockii 8:123, 124; 26:213; 50:258 

Endosphaera biennis 7:99 

Englera 9:38 

Englerastrum 9:38 

Englerella 9:38 

English Ash 25:174. Blackberry 28:80, 84. 
Cowslip 22:143. Hawthorn 11:47. Ivy 41: 
478, 552. Oak 7:124, 126; 14:20, 90. 
White Oak 7:125 

Ensatae 47:385 

Enslenia albida 40:282 

Enteridium Rozeanum 1:128; 29:170, 173. 
splendens 2:79, 81, pl. 16 

Enteromophthoraceae 8:67 

Enteromorpha 2:104; 4:123, 175; 5:2, 3, 7, 
8, 18, 27, 28; 7:97, 172, 223, 227, 238; 10: 
162; 11:23; 12:9; 24:109; 26:190; 32:106; 
40:268; 50:257, 269, 270, 275.  acanthophora 
5:19, 29, 31, pl. 43. arctica 5:22. aureola 
5:30. clathrata 2:44; 5:20, 22, 26, 28, 31, 
pl. 43; 7:224; 26:191; 35:149; 50:258, 259; 
f. prostrata 5:29; var. crinita 5:26; var. 
erecta 5:28; var. prostrata 5:26; var. ramu- 
losa 5:29; var. Rothiana 2:44. compressa 
2:44; 5:19, 21-25, 31, pl. 42; 21:207; 26: 
213; 50:258; f. subsimplex 5:25. crinita 2: 
44; 5:19, 26, 28, 31, pls. 42, 43; 7:224; 10: 
115, 116, 160, 162; 24:50, 52, 53. cruciata 
1:126; 2:44; 5:19, 27, 31. erecta 2:44; 5: 
20, 28, 31, pl. 43; 7:224; 50:258. fascia 
5:19, 20. flexuosa 5:19, 21, 23, 31, pl. 42. 
Grevillei 11:23. Hopkirkii 2:44; 5:20, 26- 
28, 31, pl. 43; 7:224; 10:160, 162; 50:258. 
intestinalis 2:44; 4:175; 5:14, 18, 19, 21, 
23, 24, 31, pl. 42; 7:224; 10:160, 162; 17:91; 
21:203, 205; 26:213, 215; 29:139; 33:129, 
130; 50:257, 258; f. bullosa 8:106; f. clavata 
5:23; 10:116; f. cylindracea 2:44; 5:23; T: 
224; 10:116; f. maxima 2:44; 5:23; f. tenuis 
5:23; 50:274; var. compressa 5:25; var. 
micrococca 5:20; var. minima 5:24. lingu- 
lata 5:21, 22. Linza 2:44; 5:3, 10, 14, 18, 
19, 23, 24, 31, pl. 42; 7:224; 11:24; 26:191, 
213; 50:257, 258; f. crispata 5:24; f. lan- 
ceolata 5:24; var. crispata 7:224; var. oblan- 
ceolata 50:258. marginata 2:44; 5:19, 25, 
31, pl. 42; 50:259. micrococca 2:44; 5:19, 
20, 25, 31, pl. 42; 8:106; 43:213; f. bullosa 
8:106; var. subsalsa 2:44; 5:19, 20. minima 
2:44; 5:19, 20, 24, 31, pl. 42; 7:224, 242; 


26:213; 50:257-259; f. glacialis 5:25; f. 
rivularis 5:24. percursa 2:44; 5:2, 19, 26, 
27, 31, pl. 42; 7:225; var. ramosa 5:26; 
var. simpliciuscula 5:26. plumosa 5:27; 
21:203, 205; 26:213; 50:259. prolifera 2: 
44; 5:19, 21, 22, 26, 31, pl. 42; 7:225; 17: 
91; 21:203, 205; 43:213; 50:259; var. arctica 
5:22; var. flexuosa 50:259; var. trabeculata 

5:22; var. tubulosa 5:19, 22; 50:259. ramu- 
losa 2:44; 5:19, 29, 31, pl. 43. salina 5: 
19, 22; var. polyclados 5:19, 22. torta 
1:126; 2:44; 5:19, 26, 31, pl. 42. tubulosa 

Entocladia viridis 8:124. Wittrockii 50:258, 

Entoderma Wittrockii 2:44 

Entodon 35:146. repens 4:183 

Entodontaceae 30:11 

Entoloma 13:58; 16:48, 50. clypeatum 13: 
58, 59. cuspidatum 2:193. flavifolium 16: 
50. fumosonigrum 16:50. grande 13:59, 
65. lineatum 44:170. | mirabile 16:50. 
modestum 13:59, 65. nidorosum 13:63. 
Peckianum 16:50. rhodopolium 13:63. sal- 
moneum 16:50. sinuatum 13:59. strictius 
13:58, 65; 44:170 

Entomophtora 8:67, 68. 
eospora 8:68 

Entomophthoraceae 8:67; 23:183 

Entomosporium maculatum 39:370 

Entophysalis 10:162. granulosa 2:41; 7:172; 
10:162; 50:256. Magnoliae 2:41 

Entosiphon sulcatus 50:277 

Entomostraca 6:234 

Entosthodon Bartramii 38:240 

Epeolidae 41:186 

Epeolus 41:186. pectoralis 41:186 

Eperna 33:92 

Ephedra 40:215, 216. antisyphilitica 40: 
215-217; var. brachycarpa 40:218. neva- 
densis 40:215-217. Reedii 40:216, 217. 
texana 40:215, 216 

Ephemeraceae 12:146, 147, 149; 38:240 

Ephemerum 12:147, 148, 150. cohaerens 12: 
147, 149, 150; 15:13. crassinervium 12: 
149, 150. hystrix 12:149. megalosporum 
12:149, 150. papillosum 12:149, 150. ser- 
ratum 12:148-150. sessile 12:149. spinu- 
losum 12:147-150 

Epicampes 18:233 

Epicladia Flustrae 2:44; 7:225 

Epidendrum 2:31; 7:120; 30:54. 

Epifagus 6:129; 9:55; 25:186; 36:353. vir- 
giniana 1:82; 2:219; 3:295; 4:93; 5:136; 6: 
129, 152; 25:186; 32;152, 215, 216, 274; 
33:140; 36:352, 353; 38:444; f. pallida 36:59 

Epigaea 6:125; 13:193; 14:235; 16:88; 21:86; 
24:153; 29:1; 36:233. repens 1:93, 200, 
216; 2:214; 5:219; 6:125; 7:110; 11 :97; 12: 
129; 18: 97, 139, 193, 216; 15: 190; 19: :220; 
22: 40, 41, 43, 44, 122; 24:153; 26: 175; 
28: 60; 29: 131, 183, 218; "32: 206, 216, 269; 
36: 233; 37: 320; 40: 148, 449; 4l :444—446, 
516, 520, pl. 562; 44: 121; 50: 250; f. plena 

americana 8:67. glo- 


38:408; 50:250, 251; var. glabrifolia 41: 
446, pl. 562; 50:250 

Epilobium 3: 164; 6:123; 7:160, 161; 9:157; 
11:143; 13: 123; 20:1, 9, 30, 32; ' 23: 115; 
26:48; '28: 60, 126; 30: 137; 31:9; 33:60; 35: 
124; 37: 65; 40: 433; 41: 144, 263, 479: 46: 
250; 50: 178. § Chamaenerion 20:1; 35: 
124. $ Lysimachion 20:29. ser. Palustri- 
formes 27:33; 46:378, 382, 383. ser. Tetra- 
gonoideae 46:383. adenocaulon 6:123; 7: 
109; 11:96, 129; 17:151, 217; 18:40; 20: 
32-35; 22:136; 32:261, 267; 36: :374; 46: :388, 
384, 386; var. occidentale 20:33, 35; var. 
perplexans 16:192; 17:154; 20: 33, 35; 46: 
383, 384, 380. alpinum 9:154, 162, 191; 
11:141— 147; 20:36-38; 28:103, 219; 29: 
217; 34: 244; 85:121; 38: 156; 44: 101, 115; 
f. lactiflorum 11: 147; var. fontanum 11: 
146, 147; var. Hornemanni 11:145; var. 
majus 11:146, 147; var. nutans 11: 146, 147. 
alsinefolium 11: 144, 146; 20:36. ameri- 
canum 46:383-386. anagallidifolium 3:164, 
175; 9:162; 11:144-146; 20:36, 37; 28:103, 
219; 44:101, 115. angustifolium 3:175, 
188; 6:123; 11: 129; 13:138; 17:154, 217; 18: 
40; 20:1— 4, 6-10; 22: 136; 23: 115; 25: 10; 33: 
5L DZ: 34: 54, 64; 35: 58; 36: 282; 37: :206, 
364, 365; 41: 154, 165, 263; 42:312, "334; 44: 
106; 45:313: 50: 19; B. canescens 20:4; f. 
albiflorum 20:3, 4; "23: 115; 42:334; 50: 19; 
f. macrophyllum 20:2, 4; f. spectabile 20: 
4; 42:334; var. intermedium 20:3-5; 28: 
217; 36: 282; 38:156; 41:263; var. macro- 
phyllum 20:4; 29: 127, 129, 182, 216; 35: 
58, 278; var. platyphyllum 20:4, 5; 37: 
364. Behringianum 28:109, 219. Bongardi 
20:38. boreale 20:33; 28: 5215 219; 
35:278; 44:128; 46:386. brevistylum 28: 123, 
218, 219. ciliatum 46: 383, 385, 386. cine- 
rascens 46:386. coloratum 3:188; 5:131; 
6:128; 11:129; 17:217; 20:33; 23: 115; 24: 
17: 32: 266; 40: 431, 433; 4T :550; 43: 524, 
617; 46: 137, 383; 47:199. davuricum 28: 
100, 118, 121, 217; 35:57, 278; 36:282; 41: 
147, 263; 46: 379. ' densum 13: 220; 15:201; 
17:151; 20:29-31; 21:116; 23:115; 27:32, 
108; 32: 266; 41 :518, 520; 46:377, 378, 381- 
383; var. nesophilum 2): 29, 31; 27: 32; 44: 
143. Drummondii 28:99, 108, ' 218, 219; 
38:126, 131; 44:124. ecomosum 34:39, 
40, 116; 44:143. exaltatum 46:386.  fran- 
ciscanum 34:40. glandulosum 20:31-34; 28: 
79; 29:129, 182, 217; 34:40; 41:264; 42: 
334; 44: 127; 46: 383, 384, 386; var. adeno- 
m rum 20: 34, 353 23: 115; 34: EEF: 25:0: 
26:48; 32:267; 33:122; 34: 39, 40; 35:251; 
46: 383, 384; var. brionense 20: 34, 35; 44: 
143; var. cardiophyllum 20:34, 35; 44: 
143; var. ecomosum 26:48; 34: 39; 44: 143; 
var. occidentale 20:34, 35; 23: 276; 24: 
177; 34:54; 46:384; var. perplexans 20: 
34, "353 33: "75; 46: 383, 384; var. typicum 
20:34, 35. hirsutum 6:204; 10:152, 167; 
23:115; 26:48; 34:64; 50:176, 178. Horne- 
manni 3:164, 175; 11:96, 141-143, 145-147; 
20:36-39; 28:109, 116; 29:15; 34:54; 35:58, 


121; 38:299; 41:154, 264; 50:214. intermed- 
ium 20:5. jucundum 37:324. khasianum 
11:142. lactiflorum 11:141-144, 146, 147; 
20:36-38; 28:117, 122, 219; 29:15; 35:58, 
89, 121, 125, 279; 36:282; 44:115. latifo- 
lium 7:5; 13:111, 132; 20:6-10; 25:10, 113; 
28:76, 104; 35:121; 37:364, 365, 418; 38: 
156; 41:147, 155, 165, 264; 42:314, 334; 
44:106, 120, pl. 698; 45:313; 46:251; f. 
albiflorum 46:251, 252; f. leucanthum 46: 
252; subsp. leucanthum 41:264; 46:252; 
var. albiflorum 41:264; 46:252; var. kamt- 
schaticum 42:334. leptocarpum, var. Mac- 
ounii 28:109, 218, 219; 37:65, 68, 74, 199. 
leptophyllum 46:378, 381, 382, 385; 49: 
250; f. umbrosum 46:383. lineare 5: 133; 
6:123; 7:110; 13:220; 32:266; 46:377-383; 
f. umbrosum 46:383; var. oliganthum 1:82; 
6:205; 46:379, 380. micranthum 37:324. 
minutum 37:324. molle 3:34; 13:148; 15: 
166, 201; 19:231; 20:30; 21:116; 23:115; 
24:118; 32:177; 35:251; 46:377, 378, 382, 
383; var. sabulonense 20:31; 46:383. 
montanum 20:34, 35. nesophilum 27:32, 
33; 28:85, 127, 217; 35:59; 44:143; 46:378; 
var. sabulonense 46:383. nutans 11:146, 
147; 27:34. occidentale 20:35; 46:384, 386. 
oliganthum 46:378-381. origanifolium, var. 
intermedium 11:146, 147. ovatifolium 38: 
299. palustre 2:125; 11:96, 231; 13:188; 
14:55; 20:29-31; 23:115, 276; 25:10; 27: 
32, 33; 29:132, 217; 35:12; 36:282; 37: 
206, 324; 41:159, 264; 42:334; 46:379; var. 
altaicum 27:33; var. labradoricum 27:33; 
28:217; 31:142; var. lapponicum 28:116, 
217; var. longirameum 13:188; 25:10; 
34:54; 44:143; var. mandjuricum 27:33; 
28:80, 217; var. monticola 11:96; 23:115, 
276; 29:182, 217; 32:150, 214, 266; 33:109, 
112, 122; 46:379, 380; var. oliganthum 46: 
319. paniculatum 11:52; 35:390; 37:68, 
199, 204, 216, 259, 324; 43:335; f. subulatum 
37:324; var. subulatum 37:324; 43:335. 
pauciflorum 20:2, 5. perplexans 20:35; 
46:384. Pylaieanum 27:33, 34; 28:84, 
217; 35:12, 278, 402, pl. 259; 46:379. ros- 
marinifolium 46:378, 380, 381; 49:250. rubes- 
cens 36:411. saximontanum 22:194; 28: 
126, 219. scalare 28:218, 219. spicatum 
20:4; 29:182, 216; Q.albiflorum 20:4; 8. 
leucanthemum 20:4. squamatum 46:378, 
380. Steckerianum 20:38. strictum 1: 
25; 60:123; 9:63; 46:377, 378, 381-383. 
subulatum 37:324; 43:335. tenellum 46: 
378, 381, 382, 385. tetragonum 29:182, 
217. Tracyi 37:324. wyomingense 28:60, 
217, 219; 35:278 
Epine 1:168 

Epinette blanche 31:20. 

Epipactis 7:158; 11:77; 19:38, 57; 27:105; 
44:457; 50:238. chinensis 27:106. deci- 
piens 15:98; 32:205; 33:226; 37:68, 70. 
discolor 27:105. gigantea 45:267. Helle- 
borine 1:52; 4:22; 48:88; 49:60; 50:236, 
237, map. labiata 27:106. latifolia 42: 

noire 31:20. rouge 


521; 44:456; 48:88. Lessonii 44:72. Maire 
27:105, 106. melinostele 27:106. monti 
cola 27:105. palustris 3:202. pauciflor: 
27:106. pubera 50:126. pubescens 11:77 
19:38, 57; 37:315. repens 1:5; 19:38; 24 
99; 29:211; 41:215; var. ophioides 11:92 
18:35; 19:38, 57, 127; 22:40, 47; 29:155 
211; 32:205; 34:52. Royleana 27:106 
schensiana 27:106. secundiflora 27:106 
setschuanica 27:106. squamellosa 27:106 
tangutica 27:106. Tenii 27:106.  tesselat; 
11:77; 15:08; 19:38, 57, 128; 22:40, 42 
47, 137; 32:205. Wilsoni 27:106. xantho 
phaea 27:106. yunnanensis 27:106, 107 

Epipactis, Broad-leaved 50:236 

Epithemia argus 9:138; var. amphicephal: 
10:180. gibba 9:138, 10:180; var. ventri 
cosa 9:138; 10:180. musculus 9:138. tur 
gida 9:138; 10:183. zebra 9:138; 10:183 
var. proboscida 10:180 

Epixiphium 44:437 

Equiseta 6:148 

Equisetaceae 6:102; 10:60; 18:31; 23:211; 25 
6; 29:205; 31:43; 32:229; 35:354; 36:276 
43:78; 45:308; 49:255 

Equisetum 1:167; 3:221; 5:203; 6:92, 102 
10:60, 195, 207; 12:170; 16:16; 30:79; 31 
163; 33:21, 110, fig. 1; 35:354; 36:372; 39 
261; 44:33; 47:384. arvense 3:190; 6:92 
102; 10:60; 16:14; 17:150; 18:30, 31; 22 
135; 23:211, 214; 29:205; 30:79; 32:208 
229; 33:109, 115; 34:50; 35:354; 36:276 
37:206; 39:186; 41:146, 159, 167, 172; 42 
316, 363, 404; 43:521; 49:203; f. campestr 
48:82; 49:284; f. decumbens 33:112, 115 
43:78; f. nemorosum 43:78; f. pseudo 
sylvatieum 6:102; 43:521, 528; var. boreal 
30:79; var. nemorosum 6:102. Braun 
49:206. corymbosum 49:280, 284; var 
casuarinaeforme 49:284; var. polystachiun 
49:284. fluviatile 6:102; 10:60; 23:43, 44 
46, 209; 35:251, 354; 42:316; 49:203; a 
praecox 23:45; 8. limosum 23:45; f. limosun 
11:87; var. polystachyum 23:47; var. uligin 
osum 23:46; var. verticillatum 23:46. Hele 
ocharis 23:44, 45; A. fluviatile 23:46; í 
olystachyum 23:47; B.limosum 23:45 
f. uliginosum 23:46; f.limosum 23:45; f 
pores 23:47; f. uliginosum 23:46 
yemale 4:55; 6:102; 24:98; 30:79; 33:51 
var. affine 10:60; 16:15; 23:187, 211, 215 
216; 24:98; 30:80; 35:354; 39:380; 40:385 
42:363; 43:523, 528; f.intermedium 30:80 
f. polystachyum 15:156; f. pumilum 30:80 
var. intermedium 23:211, 219, 220; 27:28 
30:80; 39:186; var. Jesupi 30:80; var 
pumilum 30:80. laevigatum 46:74. limo 
sum 5:132; 6:102; 10:60; 23:43-45, 20€ 
211, 214; 29:205; 30:79; 33:22; 34:50; 35 
354; 36:276; 41:149, 153, 172; a. genuinur 
23:45; a. Linnaeanum subvar. minus, 22 
46; B. aphyllum 23:45; 6. Candelabrum 23 
47; Q.minus 23:45; 8. ramosum 23:46; 4 
polystachyum 23:47; f. brachycladon 24 
46; f. fluviatile 23:46; subf. attenuatum 23:4€ 
subf. brachycladum 23:46; subf. leptocladur 


23:46; subf. polystachyum 23:47; f. lepto- 
cladon 23:46; f. Linnaeanum 23:45; subf. 
minor 23:46; f. minus 23:45; 35:354; f. 
natans 30:79; f. polystachium 23:45, 47, 
V, ING T s cre recie 23:45-47; 35:354; 
var. attenuatum 23:46; var. E. fluviatile 
23:46; var. Linnaeanum 23:45; var. simplex 
23:45; var. uliginosum 23:45; var. vertic- 
illatum 23:46. litorale 7:106; 10:60; 16: 
16; 22:136; 23:187, 211, 219; 29:127, 145, 
205; 30:79; 35:354. majus 49:203. max- 
imum 24:134; 49:203, 204. palustre 1:67; 
6:192; 15:156; 21:65; 23:211, 219; 25:6; 30: 
79; 31:82; 35:354; 36:276, 305; 38:366; 39: 
186; 41:149, 172; 42:316; 45:308; 49:278- 
285; (B) polystachion 49:280, 284; 4. arcua- 
tum 49:283; 5. ramulosum 49:285; 7. poly- 
stachyum 49:284; f. corymbosum 49:284; f. 
racemosum 49:284; 6. Equisetum palustre 
minus polystachyon 49:279, 284; f. arcuatum 
49:282-284; f. filiforme 49:282, 285; f. 
fluitans 49:282, 284; f. nanum 49:286; f. 
nigridens 49:282, 283; f. polystachion 49: 
281, 282, 284; f. ramulosum 49:282, 284, 
285; f. simplex 49:282, 285; f. simplicissimum 
49:285; f. tenue 49:285; f. verticillatum 49: 
282-284; a. breviramosum 49:282, 283; b. 
longiramosum 49:283; var. americanum 30: 
79, 80; 49:281, 282, 284, 285; f. fluitans 49: 
284; f. luxurians 49:281, 283, 284; f. nigri- 
dens 49:283; f. ramosissimum 49:285; f. 
tenue 49:281, 285; var. arcuatum 49:283; 
var. nanum 49:286; var. nigridens 44:138; 
49:283; var. polystachium 49:280; f. corym- 
bosum 49:280; f. racemosum 49:280; var. ra- 
mosissimum 49:281, 284, 285; var. ramulosum 
49: 285; var. simplicissimum 49:285; var. 
tenue 49:281, 285. polystachium 23:47. 
prealtum 46:74. pratense 5:203; 6:92, 138, 
148, 193; 8:168; 12:113; 13:115; 14:75; 15: 
98; 16:96; 19:107; 23:211, 219; 24:112; 28: 
125, 149; 29:32; 35:14, 130, 354; 39:180; 
41:172, 505; 42:316. scirpoides 3:253; 6: 
102; 10:60; 12:170; 13:125; 17:64; 19:68; 
21:65; 23:133, 139, 170, 187, 211, 216; 25: 
185; 29:121, 145, 205; 30:80; 32:205; 33: 
227; 35:355; 36:276; 41:172. sylvaticum 
3:190; 5:134; 6:92, 102; 10:60; 11:87; 17: 
152; 20:129-131; 22:137, 165; 29:205; 32: 
205, 259; 33:51; 35:354; 36:305, 421; 37: 
206; 41:505; 42:316; 49:282; var. capillare 
20:131; var. pauciramosum 20:130, 131; 23: 
211, 215; 25:6; 29:132, 145, 205; 33:115; 
34:50; 35:354; 38:139; 41:173; f. multi- 
ramosum 20:131; 23:211, 215; 35:354; var. 
praecox 20:131; var. pyramidale 20:131; var. 
robustum 20:131; var. squarrosum 20:130, 
131; 41:172, 173. Telmateia 23:44; 24: 
134; 49:203, 204, 206, 207; var. Braunii 
49:206, 207. uliginosum 23:45, 46. varie- 
gatum 1:221; 3:253; 6:192; 12:112; 13:130; 
18:101, 142; 23:25, 211, 218, 219; 24:112, 
184; 28:62; 29:132, 205; 30:80; 35:355; 30: 
276; 37:204; 40:248; 41:173; 42:316; var. 
anceps 30:80; var. Jesupi 0:193; 15:154, 
156; 23:211, 218, 219; 24:112; 30:80; f. 

geminatum 15:156; f. multirameum 

15:156; var. Nelsonii 7:106 

Erable 1:168 
Eragrostis 7:160; 12:40; 15:132; 20:173, 175, 

178; 21:128, 216; 28:113; 29:10; 35:214; 36: 
420; 47:108; 49:263. campestris 4:144. 
capillaris 2:157; 10:146; 12:40; 15:132; 17: 
227; 29:12, 13; 42:42; 44:258; 48:18, 24; 
49:263. capitata 28:114, 115. caroliniana 
21:137; 29:19, 21-26; 47:198. cilianensis 
18:235; 44:70, 335; 49:263. condensata 
19:95. Damiensiana 30:155-157; 47:108. 
Elliottii 44:258. Frankii 1:230, 2:87, 127; 
17:227; 21:136; 29:23; 34:32, 95; 48:18, 
24; 49:263; var. brevipes 34:95. glomerata 
44:258. hirsuta 36:420; 37:134; 38:384; 
39:474, 481; 41:500, 501; 42:390, 410; 49: 
263; var. laevivaginata 41:500, 501; 42: 
391. hypnoides 21:191; 28:113-115; 39: 
341, 366; 40:369; 41:477, 500; 42:410; 48:18, 
24, 330; 49:263. inconspicua 30:156. inter- 
media 48:18; 49:268. major 4:39; 60:82; 
18:235; 49:263. megastachya 13:18, 88, 
178; 15:132; 18:235; 31:82; 48:18; 49:263. 
minor 9:12; 15:132; 49:263. multicaulis 47: 
108; 48:18, 21; 49:263. multiflora 18:235. 
neo-mexicanus 6:82. nitida 4:144. pec- 
tinacea 15:132, 159; 32:236; 37:83; 46:75; 
47:198, 199; 48:18, 24; 49:263, 264; var. 
spectabilis 15:132; 19:119; 32:236; 49:263. 
peregrina 19:95; 20:173-179; 21:133-140. 
25:207; 29:19, 21-26; 30:155, 157; 37:83; 
40:386; 42:410; 46:58; 47:108; 49:263; 
pilifera 40:331. pilosa 13:177; 15:132; 19: 
93-95; 20:173, 174; 21:133-140; 28:74; 
29:19, 22-26; 30:156; 48:18; 49:263; subsp. 
Damiensiana 30:156, 157; var. condensata 
19:94-96; 21:133; 47:108; var. Damiensiana 
30:156; 47:108. poaeoides 41:474, 500; 47: 
42; 48:18; 49:268. Purshii 1:165; 2:127; 
4:39; 10:153; 19:94; 20:173, 174; 21:133- 
140; 49:263. refracta 39:423, 477. reptans 
4:39; 28:113-115. spectabilis 47:264; 48: 
18, 24; 49:263; var. sparsihirsuta 48:19, 24; 
49:264. trichodes, var. pilifera 40:331. 
Weigeltiana 28:114 

Eragrostis, Creeping 21:191. Tufted 28:74 
Eranthemum laxiflorum 18:159 

Eranthis 31:14; 33:88. hyemalis 18:177 
Erechtites 6:133; 19:25, 26; 26:86; 37:300. 

hieracifolia 6:133; 17:209, 218, 219, 225; 
18:99; 19:24-27; 26:80, 228; 28:72; 32:153, 
280; 37:195; 39:372, 375; 48:122; 50:300; 
var. intermedia 19:27; 26:86; 37:195; 42: 
47; var. megalocarpa 48:122; var. praealta 
19:27; 26:86; 32:280; 42:47; var. typica 
19:27. megalocarpa 19:24, 27; 28:111; 
32:280; 41:256; 43:82; 48:122. praealta 
6:133; 19:25-27 

Eremocarpus setigerus 43:272 
Erianthus 39:203; 45:249, 250, 255; 47:100. 

alopecuroides 14:166; 39:196, 481; 45:249, 
251, 252, 254, 255, pl. 761; 47:100, 109; var. 
brevibarbis 45:246. brevibarbis 40:390, 391; 
44:255, 367, 383; 45:246-250, 255, pls. 759, 
760; 47:209, 212. coarctatus 45:246-249, 


255, pl. 758; var. Elliottianus 45:246, 248. 
compactus 40:367, 390; 41:529; 45:249, 251, 
252. contortus 39:477; 44:255. divaricatus 
14:166; 36:219; 39:196; 45:252, 255, pl. 761. 
giganteus 14:166; 39:481; 40:390; 45: 249- 
251; 50:16. saccharoides 14:166; 45:249- 
252; subsp. brevibarbis 45:248; var. com- 
pactus 45:252. strictus 40:371, 390; 41: 
529; 44:255; 45:249 

Erica 9:47; 10:173, 175, 176; 16:158; 36:27; 
47:290, 291. ciliaris 15:191. cinerea 1:93; 
10:173, 179; 15:189. Gnaphalodes 47:377. 
hiemalis 36:234. Plukenetii 47:291. spu- 
mosa 47:377. Tetralix 1:93; 10:173, 176, 
178, 179; 15:189, 191; 30:204, 205. vulgaris 

Ericaceae 1:93, 183; 3:193, 264; 4:200; 6:125; 

12:182; 13:221; 18:41, 98; 22:34-38, 40-43, 
47; 24:152; 25:10, 116; 29:123, 217, 238; 
31:43, 92, 95; 32:269; 36:283; 37:157, 306; 
38:90; 40:149-153, 162, 167, 169, 170, 174; 
42:352; 43:81; 44:187; 45:314; 49:255, 288; 
50:298. subfam. Ericoideae 22:44—46; trib. 
Andromedeae 42:385; trib. Rhododendreae 
11:53. subfam.  Monotropoideae 11:153. 
subfam. Pyroloideae 22:44—46; trib. Pyro- 
lineae 29:2. subfam. Vaccinoideae 22:44—46 
Erigenia 7:159; 31:9, 10; 37:349. bulbosa 

Erigeron 6:131; 13:124; 15:59, 205; 26:86; 
31:16; 37:307; 38:235; 42:157; 43:524; 44: 
120, 345; 45:263, 361; 46:327; 47:291; 50: 
43. $ Trimorphaea 40:344, 346. acris 9: 
164, 189; 12:225, 227; 40:344—340, 358, pl. 
505; 41:388-390; 6. glabratus 41:389; t. 
elongatus 41:390; subsp. angulosus 41:389; 
var. arcuans 28:236; 40:345, 347; 41:291; 
42:340; var. asteroides 12:225, 227; 13:148; 
25:11; 36:13; 40:344, 346; 41:201; 42:340; 
var. debilis 9:164; 12:226; 28:236; 39:495; 
var. droebachensis 9:164; 12:225; 40:344, 
346; var. hirsutum 41:390; var. kamtscha- 
ticus 41:389; forme I 41:389; var. man- 
shurieus 41:390; var. oligocephalus 12: 
226, 227; 13:124; 28:236, 237; 40:344, 345, 
347; 44:145. Aliceae 34:239. alpinus 12: 
226; 40:345, 347; Q. 28:236, 237; y. elata 
28:236, 237; 40:345; var. 6. 40:345; var. y. 
elatus 40:345-347; var. elatus 12:226; 40: 
345. amplifolius 34:239. angulosus 41: 
389; var. kamtschaticus 41:389; 42:340. 
annuus 6:131; 15:59, 60; 26:86; 29:124; 36: 
374; 46:324. armeriaefolius 12:227; 40: 
344, 347. asteroides 12:225; 40:344, 346. 
bellidifolius 6:131. bonariensis 38:449; 42: 
389, 495; 43:513. borealis 28:54, 123, 237; 
40:345, 347, 358, pl. 505. caespitosus 42: 
340. callianthemus 45:263, 264. camphor- 
atus 41:459—461, pl. 569; 44:228.  canaden- 
sis 6:131; 15:205-208; 17:36, 218, 225; 21: 
170; 22:137; 26:86, 186, 228; 29:125, 190, 
221; 32:278; 33:185; 36:374; 40:324, 327; 
49:68, pl. 1055; 50:300; f. coloratus 31:53; 
var. glabratus 15:207, 209; var. pusillus 
15:208. carolinianus 45:413; 46:323-325, 
327-329. commixtus 34:6. compositus 30: 


122; 39:495; 41:291; var. discoideus 50: 
238, 239; f. trifidus 50:238; var. glabratus 
50:239; var. incertus 39:495; var. multifidus 
30:122; var. trifidus 30:122; 31:55; 33:233, 
234; 42:340; 44:112; 50:238, 239; var. 
typieus 30:122. Coulteri 36:10. divari- 
catus 36:221. droebachensis 12:225; 40 
344, 346; 41:388; b. angulosus 41:389. 
elatus 12:226; 28:236, 237; 40:345-347, 358, 
pl. 505; 41:149, 291; 42:340; 44:120; 45 
316; var. oligocephalus 40:344, 346, 347. 
358, pl. 505; 44:145. elongatus 40:344- 
346, 358, pl. 505; 41:388, 389; 42:340 
eriocephalus 36:164, 171, 190-192, pl. 284 
41:292. glabellus 48:102; var. asper 48 
102; var. pubescens 41:156, 292. glabratus 
40:346. glandulosus 44:469. Gormani 29 
36; 50:239. grandiflorus 41:292. hyssopi- 
folius 1:48; 6:131, 193; 9:154, 164, 167, 172 
191; 11:99; 12:114; 13:117; 16:193; 17:18 
18:101; 23:136, 164, 170, 295, 300, pl. 13€ 
(map 7); 36:284; 46:324, 325; var. villi- 
caulis 17:17; 35:314, 315, 331. integri 
folius 15:60. kamtschaticus 41:389; var 
hirsuta 41:390; var. manshuricus 41:390 
lanatus 37:365. lapiluteus 40:344, 346 
linifolius 38:449. lonchophyllus 12:227; 29 
106; 36:13; 40:344-347; 42:340; var. lauren 
tianus 32:13; 40:346, 347. multifidus 30 
122. nanus 41:292. nervosus 44:466, 467 
471; 46:325. paniculatus 15:207, 208. pe 
datus 50:239. peregrinus 45:264; subsp 
callianthemus 45:264. philadephieus 6 
131; 13:141, 148; 21:170, 200; 22:136; 23 
295; 26:86; 34:8; 36:284; 38:449; 40:471 
43:655, pl. 695; 45:361; 49:189; var. seaturi- 
cola 49:189. pilosus 40:468. pulchellu: 
6:131; 22:92; 26:86; 36:221; 38:235, 449 
454; 39:399; 40:422, 471; 42:279; 44:476 
B. unalaschkensis 36:191; var. Braunia« 
38:235. purpuratus 29:35. pusillus 15 
206-208; 19:250; 24:120; 26:86; 32:278 
35:39; 37:449; 50:300. quercifolius 36:51 
43:516, 654; 46:325. racemosus 12:227 
40:347. radicatus 41:148, 292; 42:340; 45 
316. ramosus 6:131; 15:59, 60; 17:36; 22 
136; 26:86; 28:72; 29:124; 32:278; 38:449 
44:340; f. discoideus 40:347; 42:104; 44 
340; var. Beyrichii 38:449; 39:482; var 
discoideus 26:86; 40:347; 44:340; var 
septentrionalis 15:60; 19:250; 24:120; 26 
87; 44:145, 340. salsuginosus 34:239; 42 
340; 45:263; var. unalascheensis 11:141 
scaturicola 43:654, 655, pl. 695; 44:345 
45:361; 49:189. strictus 15:207, 208. stri 
gosus 3:189; 6:131; 15:60; 44:340; 46:324 
325; 48:116; 50:239, 300; f. discoideus 44 
340; 45:478; var. Beyrichii 44:340; 46:140 
var. discoideus 40:347; 44:340; 50:239, 240 
var. eligulatus 50:240; var. septentrionali: 
44:340. tenuis 36:232. Thompsoni 34 
238; 36:8. trifidus 30:122; 34:244; 38:299 
50:238, 239. unalaschkensis 36:190-192 
38:159; 41:163, 292; 45:316. uniflorus 25 
114; 36:148, 191. vernus 36:51; 38:378 
394; 39:473, 480; 40:379, 471; 42:360. 495 
yellowstonensis 40:344, 346 

Eriochloa 36:420. 


Erigerons 45:264 

Eriocaulaceae 5:188; 6:109; 11:40; 12:6; 29: 
209; 31:43; 32:242; 33:53; 49:255 
Eriocaulon 6:109; 7:48, 44, 73; 8:27; 12:6; 
13:93; 33:36, 39, 42, 44, 73; 36:350; 42:515; 
43:209; 44:438; 49:255. articulatum 11: 
40, 41, 240; 22:136; 24:61; 32:242; 37:164. 
compressum 24:186; 36:41, 52, 422; 39: 
480; 44:241. decangulare 7:73; 11:41; 21: 
119; 23:92; 39:363, 395, 467, 472, 480; 44: 
241, 370, 389; 48:58; 49:87, 127. flavidulum 
49:128, 129. gnaphalodes 24:186. Parkeri 
5:175, 176; 19:91, 126; 21:116; 24:149; 33: 
73; 34:39; 42:378, 386, 391, 399, 401, 432, 
510, 513, map 17; 43:209, 211, 547; 44:372, 
389, 438; 49:128, 129. Raveneli 5:176. 
septangulare 1:155, 184; 3:79, 81, 82; 4:103; 
5:130, 134, 176, 188; 6:109; 7:73, 110, 187; 
9:121; 11:40, 41, 91, 129; 12:6; 13:117, 135; 
14:31; 15:162; 16:39; 17:68; 19:126; 23: 
102; 24:61, 186; 29:131, 163, 209; 32:149, 
150, 172, 213, 242; 33:39, 73, 113, 118; 
35:5, 387; 36:94; 37:164, 249, 308, 332; 38: 
340, 364; 40:146; 42:87, 90; 43:209, 211; 
44:244, 245; 47:208. villosum 39:395 
contracta 36:416, 420. 
punetata 36:416 

Eriogonum 43:212; 46:282. annuum, f. 
roseum 35:347.  deflexum 46:282; subsp. 
Watsonii 46:282; var. brachypodum 46:282. 
depressum 37:364. flavum 48:101. hemip- 
terum 47:92. hieracifolium, var. hemipterum 
47:92. multiceps 48:101, pl. 1026. pauci- 
florum 48:101. tomentosum 42:449; 50: 
199, 200 

Eriolytrum 13:174 
Eriophora 41:153, 157 
Eriophoropsis 7:133. virginica 7:92, 133 

Eriophorum 4:82; 6:107; 7:81, 129-133; 8: 
98, 161; 13:104, 113, 114; 15:20, 202; 28: 
98; 31:124; 33:60; 42:311; 44:28, 33; 49:50. 
§ Multivacuae 27:206. § Paucivacuae 27: 
206. $ Phyllanthela 7:86. $ Trichophorum 
49:51. $ Vaginata 7:81; 27:203, 204, 206; 
sub-§ Multivacua 27:206; sub-$ Pauci- 
vacua 27:206. subgen. Trichophorum 49: 
50. alpinum 2:121; 3:164, 170; 6:107; 7: 
107, 129, 131-133; 8:161; 10:20; 22:181; 
20:208; 31:124; 49:50, 51. altaicum 27: 
210. angustifolium 7:87, 88; 10:136, 138, 
139, 141; 11:89; 12:103; 13:123; 17:149, 
151; 21:87; 23:98, 234; 24:97, 99; 25:7; 29: 
208; 33:109, 118; 37:206; 38:143; 41:149, 
157, 158, 199; 42:318; var. alpinum 7:89; 
var. brevifolium 7:87, 88; var. elatius 7:89; 
var. genuinum 7:89; var. laxum 7:89; var. 
majus 7:89; 10:136, 141; 11:90; 22:111; 
23:234; 29:150, 208; var. minus 7:89; 
var. vulgare 7:89. aquatile 27:207. 
brachyantherum 7:85, 136; 27:210. 
caespitosum 7:84, 85; 24:186, 187; 
27:204, 208. callitrix 7:82, 85, 86, 134- 
136; 9:159, 180, 181, 189, 218; 10:136, 141; 
11:89; 12:119, 127; 13:104, 123; 16:87; 17: 
149; 19:31; 23:99; 24:186; 25:7, 112; 27: 
203-208; 28:98, 105, 162; 33:101; 34:51; 

41:151, 199; 42:318; var. erubescens 7: 
85; 11:89; 13:118, 116, 123; 27:204, 209. 
capitatum 7:82, 83, 85, 134; 27:207. Chamis- 
soi 7:83. Chamissonis 7:83, 85, 133-136; 
9:159, 224; 10:141; 18:123, 147; 25:7; 27: 
204, 206, 207, 210; 36:278; 41:199, 505; 44: 
114, 123; f. albidum 23:131; 27:207; 45: 
308; subsp. aquatile 27:208; var. albidum 
7:84; 9:159; 10:47, 141; 23:131; 27:207; 
41:199; 42:318; var. aquatile 27:204, 207; 
28:120, 162. cyperinum 1:137, 203; 7:130, 
131, 133; 47:124; 49:50. fulvellum 7:83. 
gracile 2:121; 5:48, 133; 6:108; 7:86-89; 
10:136; 12:127; 13:104, 123, 138; 25:7; 32: 
172, 239; 33:60; 41:505; 49:243; var. cauri- 
anum 7:87; var. paucinervium 1:203; 2: 
69; 7:88. hudsonianum 8:161. humile 7: 
134. intermedium 7:83, 133, 134; 27:207. 
japonicum 7:130. latifolium 7:90, 91, 133; 
10:139; 29:150, 208; var. viridi-carinatum 
7:90. leucocephalum 7:82; 27:207. lin- 
eatum 7:130. medium 7:83; 27:207; 41: 
199; 42:318; 45:308. minus 7:89. ocre- 
atum 7:89. opacum 7:85, 136; 8:31; 
10:136, 141; 11:18, 164; 27:204, 205, 207, 
208; 28:53, 62, 98, 162; 35:216; 36:278; 
41:146, 153, 199; 42:318. paucinervium 3: 
198; 7:88; 10:47. polystachyon 4:82; 6: 
107; 7:88-91, 129; 8:98; 10:138, 139; 24: 
97; var. alpinum 7:89; var. angustifolium 
7:89; var. elatius 7:89; 8:98; var. elegans 7: 
89; var. latifolium 6:108; 7:90; var. majus 
7:89; var. minus 7:89; var. tenellum 7:87; 
var. Vaillantii 4:82; 6:203; 7:91. pseudo- 
triquetrum 7:89. rufescens 7:88; 27:207. 
russeolum 7:83, 133, 135; 27:207; 29:150, 
208; 41:157, 158, 199; var. albidum 7:84; 
27:207; var. aquatile 27:207; var. candidum 
7:84; 23:131; 27:207; var. rufescens 7:83; 
27:207. Scheuchzeri 7:82, 134; 25:7; 27: 
204, 206, 207; 28:61, 109, 162; 35:120, 125; 
38:134, 143; 41:146, 166, 199; 42:318; 49: 
242; var. Chamissonis 7:83; 27:207. spis- 
sum 27:207, 208-210; 29:208; 32:178; 33: 
99, 101; 34:51; 36:278; 38:143; 44:139; var. 
erubescens 27:209, 210; 29:150, 208; 35: 
123. strictum 7:88. tenellum 7:87, 109; 
10:47, 136; 11:89; 13:104, 123; 17:149; 27: 
53; 32:172, 213, 239; 35:5; 44:123; 49:243; 
var. monticola 10:47, 141; 44:139. tri- 
quetrum 7:87. vaginatum 1:183; 2:121, 
127, 208; 3:165; 5:36, 133; 6:149; 7:83-86, 
129, 131, 134-136; 10:141; 13:217; 24:186; 
27:204, 206-208; 29:208; 32:183; 41:158, 
166, 199, 230, 286; 42:318; 45:308; &. medium 
27:207; var. humile 7:85, 134; var. medium 
7:83; var. opacum 7:86, 136; 27:208. vir- 
ginianum 40:290. virginicum 2:208; 4:82; 
6:108; 7:72, 91, 129, 133; 8:27; 9:121; 10: 
136, 141; 11:90, 231; 13:104; 14:31; 16:90; 
17:149; 18:34; 19:32; 27:53; 28:82; 29:128, 
208; 32:150, 183, 216, 239; 33:109, 118; 34: 
51; 35:5; 40:290; 42:390, 421; 44:364, 371, 
384; 45:405; f. album 26:2; var. album 7: 
92; 10:136; 13:104; 26:2. viridi-carinatum 
7:89; 10:136; 13:104; 19:31; 21:65; 24:97; 


33:112, 118; 36:278; 41:505; 49:242; var. 
Fellowsii 7:91; 8:98; 10:136, 141; 23:234 

Eriophyces 43:345. ramosus 43:346 

Eristalis bastardii 34:214. flavipes 37:161. 
tenax 41:186, 187. transversus 41:186 

Eritrichium aretioides 41:161, 163, 164, 282; 
42:312, 337. oxycaryum 3:215. villosum 

Erodium 3:35, 92; 4:248; 15:172; 21:79; 39: 
233. Botrys 3:35; 6:82, 144; 21:79; 3l: 
243; 39:234, 235. fig. 1. californicum 39: 
233. ciconium 15:172; 18:143; 21:79; var. 
tenuisectum 18:143; 21:79. cicutarium 3: 
35; 6:81, 82, 84; 9:124; 15:172; 17:35, 37; 
21:80; 35:363; 39:234, 235, fig. 1; 45:270; 
46:135. laciniatum, var. Bovei 20:20; 21: 
80. macrophyllum 39:233-235, fig. 1. 
malacoides 5:39; 21:80. moschatum 1:223; 
4:248; 6:81, 82, 84; 19:132; 21:80; 39:234, 
235, fig. 1. Stephanianum 19:132; 21:80. 
texanum 39:234, 235, fig. 1 

Erodiums 39:233 

Erophila 9:54; 36:421. americana 36:371. 
Boerhaavii 36:370, 371. verna 36:370; var. 
americana 36:371; var. Charbonnelii 36: 
370; var. cochleata 36:370; var. oedocarpa 
36:370. vulgaris 36:370; var. americana 

Erpodiaceae 38:240 

Eruca 11:44, 45; 27:31. sativa 11:28, 45, 
240; 24:116 

Erucastrum 13:11; 18:218; 41:78. bracteatum 
13:11. gallicum 33:165; 41:78; 47:45. in- 
odorum 13:11. Pollichii 13:10, 11; 16:40; 
18:218; 26:22; 28:88; 30:108; 34:174; 41:78 

Erxlebenia 34:26 

Eryngium 17:132; 24:93; 45:373-375, 381; 47: 
104, 105, 384. amethystinum 3:210; 24: 
93; 37:87. aquaticum 1:159; 3:210; 38: 
377, 438; 39:480; 40:447; 42:386, 441, 467, 
510, 513. Baldwini 47:164-168, pl. 899. 
integrifolium 47:166, 167. Plukenetii 44: 
255. prostratum 45:373, 454; 47:103, 104, 
163-168, pls. 897, 898; var. disjunctum 
47:163, 164, 168, pls. 897, 898; 49:92. 
virgatum 47:167.  virginianum 3:210. yuc- 
cifolium 1:159; 3:210; 36:224; 40:379, 447; 
43:509, 617 

Erysimum 6:62; 11:139; 18:218; 27:31, 65-67; 
28:143. Alliaria 27:66. asperum 29:141, 
142; 36:224. Barbarea 11:138, 139; 27:66. 
blepharophyllum 43:348. cheiranthoides 1: 
81, 220; 6:84, 208; 10:72; 11:22; 16:191; 
18:218; 27:66; 31:84; 34:53; 35:248; 41:239; 
42:328; 45:277; 46:85. coarctatum 29: 
141, 142; 35:11. Drummondi 43:370. glas- 
tifolium 39:107.  hieraciifolium, subsp. pan- 
nonicum, var. longisiliquum 9:41; subsp. 
strictum, var. longisiliquum 9:41. Holboel- 
lii 43:440. inconspicuum 41:239; 45:311. 
lyratum 11:138, 139. officinale 7:102, 181; 
27:66, 67. Pallasii 27:171. pannonicum 
18:218. parviflorum 10:146; 23:132, 265. 
petiolare 43:478. platyspermum 43:472. 
praecox 11:140. puberulum 43:451. pyg- 
maeum 27:171. repandum 18:218; 31:243. 
vernum 11:140 

Erysiphe cichoracearum 26:218; 39:370, 371; 
41:514, 515. communis 26:218; 41:515. 
polygoni 39:371 

Erysipheae 3:281 

Erythraea 10:54. calycosa 10:54. Centau- 
rium 1:224; 7:99; 24:234. spicata 10:54. 
texensis 10:54 

Erythrina 9:43. micropterix 9:43. Poeppigi- 
ana 9:43 

Erythrocoma 30:207. brevifolia 30:207. cili- 
ata, var. ornata 30:207. flavula 30:207 

Erythronium 4:127, 128; 6:110; 10:129; 37: 
349; 41:537; 42:151, 244; 44:27; 46:314, 
315; 47:385; 49:137. albidum 39:101-105, 
fig.; 42:151; var. mesochoreum 39:104, 
105, fig. americanum 4:88; 5:132; 6:110; 
10:129; 12:128; 16:15; 18:30; 19:219; 3l: 
36; 37:59, 189; 39:102, 103, 105; 42:151; 
43:156, 549; 46:314; f. castaneum 31:36; 
var. Bachii 29:280. Dens-canis 44:27. 
mesochoreum 39:101—105. propullans 37:72 

Erythronium, Yellow 4:128 

Erythrotrichia 7:230; 20:141. Bertholdii 20: 
144. carnea 50:266. ceramicola 2:50; 7: 
231; 10:134; 13:187; 26:214; 50:266. ciliaris 
20:144. discigera 20:144. obscura 20:144. 
rhizoidea 20:144, 145, pl. 124; 50:266 

Eschscholtzia 6:144; 18:214. californica 18: 

Escobaria Runyonii 35:224; 38:405. Sneedii 

Esnils 1:168 

Éspine 1:168 

Euastrum 5:255; 6:234; 7:251; 10:100, 102, 
108; 24:219; 26:204, 206; 37:22-24, 29; 44: 
187. abruptum 37:29. affine 5:81; 24:219; 
37:29. americanum 10:108. ampullaceum 
7:252; 24:220; f. scrobiculatum — 7:252. 
ansatum 5:81; 7:251; 24:220; 26:206; 37: 
29. apiculatum 10:103. bidentatum 24: 
220; 26:206. binale 24:220; 26:206; 37:29; 
f. Gutwinskii 24:220; 26:206; f. minor 37: 
29; var. elobatum 7:252; var. insulare 7: 
252; 24:220; var. retusum 26:206. Ciastonii 
7:258. circulare 7:252; var. Ralfsii 
7:252. compactum var. major 37: 
29. crassicolle 37:29. «crassum 7:251; 
26:206; var. ornatum 7:251; var. pulchrum 
7:251, 266, pl. 64; var. scrobiculatum 7:251. 
crux-melitensis 10:108; 37:29. cuneatum 
7:251; var. granulatum 7:251. denticu- 
latum 7:252. didelta 7:252; 24:220; 37: 
24, 30, pl. 325. elegans 5:81, 221, 223; 7: 
252; 24:220; 37:29. everettense 37:29. evo- 
lutum 37:24, 30, pl. 325; var. Glaziovii 37: 
24, 30, pl. 325; var. integrius 7:252; 24:220; 
26:207. fissum 37:29; var. americanum 
7:253, 266, pl. 64. gemmatum 5:81; 7:252; 
24:220; 26:207; 37:29. Glaziovii 37:24; 
44:68. Hastingsii 7:252. humerosum 37: 
24, 25, 30, pl. 325; f., 37: pl. 325; f. scrobicu- 
lata 37:25. inerme 7:252; 37:29. informe 
37:25, 30, pl. 325. insigne 37:25, 30, pl. 
325. insulare 24:220; 26:207. integrum 5: 
81; 24:220; 37:29. intermedium 37:28. 
magnificum 5:81; 37:29; var. crassioides 7: 
251. margaritiferum 37:29. multilobatum 

INDEX ro VoLuMEs 1-50 103 

7:251. muricatum 10:110. Nordstedti- 
anum 24:220. oblongum 9:79; 24:220; 26: 
207; var. cephalophorum 37:26, 30, pl. 325. 
occidentale 37:29. ornatum 7:251. papilio 
7:252. pecten 37:29. pictum 24:220; 26: 
207. pingue 37:26, 30, pl. 325. pinnati- 
fidum 10:100. pinnatum 7:251; 24:220; 37: 
24, 29. pulchellum 24:220; 37:26; var. 
retusum 37:26, 27, 30, pl. 325; var. subab- 
ruptum 37:27. pyramidatum 7:252. Ralf- 
sii 7:251. rota 37:29. sibirieum 24:220. 
sinuosum, var. reductum 26:207; 37:27, 30, 
pl. 325. sol 10:105. spinosum 7:252. tud- 
dalense 37:24. validum 37:27, 28, 30, pl. 
325. ventricosum 37:29. verrucosum 5: 
81, 253; 24:220; 26:207; 37:29; var. alatum 
37:29; var. reductum 7:252. Wollei 7:251; 
37:28, 30, pl. 325; var. quadrigibberum 37:28 

Hubotrys 41:554. elongata 41:554. racemosa 
21:119; 41:554 

Hucalyx hyalina 21:150. obovatus 21:162 

Hucephalus glaucescens 30:228. glaucophyllus 
30:228. glaucus 30:228. Gormani 29:36; 

30:228. vialis 30:228 

Juceridae 41:186 

Sucheuma isiforme 6:182 

?ucladium 41:112 

Zuclidium 18:219. syriacum 10:72; 18:219 

fucrypta 42:34. chrysanthemifolia 42:39; 
var. bipinnatifida 42:39. micrantha 42:39. 
Torreyi, var. paniculata 42:39 

Judesme virescens 50:261 

;udorina elegans 50:277 

juglena 50:277. agilis 50:277. fusca 50:277. 
gracilis 50:277. mutabilis 50:277.  oxyuris 
44:08. pisciformis 50:277. spirogyra 44: 
68; 50:277. viridis 50:277 

;uglenophyceae 44:68; 50:272, 277 

;uglenopsis 2:111 

;uklisia valida 41:189 

;ukrania 34:29, 30. canadensis 34:29. cya- 
nanthes 34:29. mascula 34:29. suecica 34: 

j;ulalia 36:420; 43:536; 45:389. aurea 45: 
389. viminea 36:420; 43:518, 536; 45:389; 
var. variabilis 45:389 

;ulophus americanus 36:230 

;uloxus spinosus 50:123 

jumycetes 16:79 

iunotia arcus 10:183; var. minor 10:182; var. 
plicata 10:183; var. tenella 10:182. Di- 
adema 9:138. diodon 10:183; f. minor 10: 
180, 183. elongata 9:138. flexuosa 9:138. 
formica 10:183. gracilis 9:138; var. nodosa 
10:183. impressa 10:180. incisa 10:183. 
lunaris 9:138; 10:181, 183. major 9:138; 
10:181; var. ventricosa 10:181. minor 10: 
182. monodon 10:181, 183. pectinalis 10: 
181; var. stricta 10:182; var. ventricosa 10: 
181, 183. praerupta 9:138; 10:183; var. 
bidens 9:138; 10:181. robusta 9:138; var. 
tetraodon 10:183. ternaria 10:181 
unotogramma laeve 9:138 
uonymus 11:50; 21:126. alatus 19:230. 
americanus 14:81; 23:71; 38:377. atropur- 
pureus 1:107; 7:142; 19:230; 21:126, 189; 

Euosmus 8:197, 198; 15:14, 16-18. 

27:214; 40:382, 440; 43:520; 44:240, 346. 
europaeus 37:87; 42:44. radicans, var. 
acutus 42:101 

15:14. albida 8:199; 15:14-17; 38:179. 
Sassafras 15:14, 15, 17; 38:179 

Eupatoria 47:195 
Eupatorium 3:83; 6:130; 9:49; 22:159; 26:87; 

29:6, 31; 36:372, 373; 37:61, 307; 40:86, 159; 
41:194; 42:157; 44:3, 366, 385; 45:371; 47: 
226; 49:101, 254; 50:227. group Urticae- 
folia 42:51. ser. Rotundifoliae 37:179. 
ageratoides 1:171; 3:83, 84; 6:97, 130; 10: 
165; 40:293; 43:557; var. angustatum 43: 
957. album 21:107; 39:451, 477; var. 
glandulosum 39:451, 452, 480, 490, map 
36, pl. 484; var. monardifolium 39:451, 
452, 490, map 37, pl. 484; var. subvenosum 
39:451—453, 490, map 38, pl 484; var. 
typicum 39:451, 452, 490, map 35, pl. 484. 
altissimum 40:293; 43:525, 653; 44:460; 47: 
46; 50:190. americanum 22:67. amoenum 
22:68, 69; 39:306. angustatum 43:557. 
anomalum 44:460, 461, pl. 738. aromaticum 
3:33; 4:76; 13:8; 19:249; 26:87; 27:57, 62; 
39:480; 47:193, 194; var. lacerum 47:194. 
atromontanum 22:64, 65; 39:305.  ballotae- 
folium 43:558. boreale 3:83, 84; 6:130. 
Bruneri 22:64, 65, 165; 23:147, 292; 39:298, 
303, 305; var. foliosum 39:305.  bulliferum 
43:558. capillifolium 39:474; 41:111; 47: 
102; 50:227. chrysocephalum 37:62. coe- 
lestinum 35:46; 37:88, 195; 38:377; 39: 
474; f. illinoense 35:46. compositum 50: 
227. cordatum 50:227. cordigerum 47: 
192, 193, pl. 908; 49:89; 50:28. cuneatum 
37:182. cuneifolium 37:179, 446; 39:477; 
45:461; var. semiserratum 37:179, 446; 
39:482. Dalea 31:95. deltoides 42:50, 
51; 44:3, 463.  deltoideum 44:463. dubium 
22:63; 39:304, 305; 47:193; f. elutum 47: 
195. falcatum 22:62, 68, 69; 26:87; 27: 
57, 62; 35:24; 39:298, 303, 306; 40:458. 
fistulosum 22:67, 162; 23:173, 176; 39:298, 
303, 306; 40:458; 47:193. foeniculoides 50: 
227. Fraseri 3:84. fusco-rubrum 22:03; 
39:304, 306; 50:191, 227. glandulosum 39: 
451, 452. glaucescens Q. leucolepis, 39:453. 
hyssopifolium 2:215; 3:33; 11:129; 27:57, 
63; 32:151, 177, 211, 277; 37:179; 44:366, 
458-461, pl. 737; 47:103, 191; 50:226; var. 
calearatum 50:227; var. laciniatum 44: 
459—461, pl. 737; var. linearifolium 44: 
460, 461, pl. 737; 50:226, 227. incarnatum 
39:482; 43:520, 653; 47:209; 50:227. ivae- 
folium 48:410. laevigatum 39:306. lance- 
eolatum 37:181; 47:192, pl. 910; 50:29. 
leucolepis 13:152; 14:175; 25:48; 27:57, 63; 
28:88; 39:344, 345, 360, 453, 454, 467, 480, 
490, pl. 485; 40:368; 44:460; 49:101; var. 
novae-angliae 39:453, 454, 490, pl. 485; 
44:127. linearifolium 44:459, 460; 50:220, 
227. Luciae-Braunae 44:463, pl. 740. 
maculatum 6:130; 22:58-60, 62-64, 66, 161, 
162, 165; 23:147, 174, 292; 24:182; 27:51, 
61; 29:7-9, 124; 32:276; 35:252; 36:284; 


39:297-306, pl. 468; 47:193; 49:252; f. 
Faxoni 47:195; var. Q. urticifolium 39:305; 
var. foliosum 22:62, 66; 27:57, 61; 28:124, 
236; 34:55; 39:305. Marrubium 37:181; 50: 
227. ovatum 37:181. pauciflorum 43:558. 
perfoliatum 3:131, 188; 5:131; 6:130, 179; 11: 
129; 13:148; 17:151; 18:30; 26:87; 27:56, 
57, 60; 32:132, 133, 277; 36:374; 37:182; 
38:366; 42:144, 244; f. laciniatum 32:133; 
f. purpureum 6:143; 26:87; 27:57; 32:33; 
37:182; f. trifolium 27:55, 56; f. trunca- 
tum 27:55, 57; 32:133; var. colpophilum 
37:182; 44:145; var. cuneatum 37:182; 
47:195; var. truncatum 15:168; 26: 
87; 27:55; 37:182. pilosum 37:181; 50: 
225, 226, pl. 1114. pinnatifidum 44:255. 
pubescens 26:87; 27:57, 62; 37:179-181; 39: 
481; 45:478; 47:192-194, pl. 911; 50:28. 
punetatum 22:63; 39:304, 305. purpureum 
3:131; 4:88; 5:131; 6:97, 177; 13:01; 15: 
168, 201; 22:57-62, 67-69, 157, 158, 160- 
162, 164, 165; 23:147, 172-174, 202; 26:87; 
27:57, 62; 29:8, 9, 236; 32:33; 36:374; 39: 
297-306, pls. 466, 467; 40:382, 458; 42:157, 
244; 44:164; 47:193; B., 39:299, 301, 305; 
42:244; 44:159; B. angustifolium 39:306; y. 
angustifolium 22:67; var. @. album 39:306; 
var. amoenum 1:102; 22:68; 39:305, 306; 
var. Bruneri 22:64, 66; 39:305; var. faleatum 
22:68; var. foliosum 10:86; 13:132; 14: 
226; 15:168; 22:66, 134; 39:305; var. macu- 
latum 10:86; 11:98; 13:139; 14:206; 17:151, 
218; 19:164; 22:63; 39:305. ramosum 50: 
190. recurvans 44:366, 461, 462; 45:461; 
49:101, 186. resinosum 37:182; 47:195; 
var. kentuckiense 47:195. roanense 44: 
385, 462. rotundifolium 13:8; 26:87; 27: 
57, 62; 37:179-181; 39:474; 45:379, 478; 
47:192, 193, pl. 909; 50:28; var. cordigerum 
45:411, 478; 47:192; var. lanceolatum 37: 
181; 39:480; 50:28, 29; var. ovatum 37: 
181; 39:481; 45:478; 46:140; var. Sandersii 
50:29; var. scabridum 37:181; var. typicum 
37:181. rubrum 50:227. rugosum 40:293; 
43:557, 558; 44:363, 371, 462, 463, pl. 740; 
47:193; f. villicaule 44:463, pl. 740; var. 
angustatum 43:557; 44:463, pl. 740; var. 
chlorolepis 44:462, 463, pl. 739; var. 
roanense 44:462, 463, pl. 740; var. tomen- 
tellum 43:557; var. villicaule 43:558; 44: 
463. Rydbergi 22:64; 39:305. saltuense 
44:461, pl. 738. salviaefolium 27:55. 
scabridum 37:179, 181; 44:255; 50:28. 
semiserratum 37:179. serotinum 38:65, 378; 
40:86; 44:343; 50:227; var. polyneuron 
40:86.  sessilifolium 5:204; 19:249; 26: 
87; 27:57, 62; 35:39, 290; 36:231; 37:179, 
180; 43:521, 653; 47:194; var. Brittonianum 
47:194, 195; var. Vaseyi 37:180; 41:471, 
476, 571, map 11; 43:521, 653; 44:462; 46: 
140; 47:194, 195. speciosum 48:340. stig- 
matosum 39:451, 452. ternifolium 22:63; 
23:174; 39:298, 305; var. Q. vesiculosum 39: 
305. teucrifolium 5:204; 37:179, 181; 50: 
226, pl. 1114. Torreyanum 44:459. torti- 
folium 42:384, 399, 481; 44:350, 462; 50: 


226, 227. trifoliatum 22:61, 67, 163-165; 
29:6, 7; 39:297, 298, 303-306; 40:382, 458; 
var. amoenum 39:306; var. Bruneri 39:305; 
var. foliosum 39:305; var. maculatum 39: 
305. truncatum 27:55; 37:182. urticae- 
folium 13:141, 148; 14:241; 16:13, 15; 21: 
202; 26:87; 27:57, 60; 32:18; 36:374; 40: 
293; 43:557, 558; 44:363, 462; 47:193; f. 
verticillatum 43:558; var. angustatum 43: 
557; var. tomentellum 43:557; var. trifolium 
43:558; var. villicaule 10:87; 35:290; 43: 
558; 44:463. "Valverdianum 37:62. Vaseyi 
37:180. verbenaefolium 7:76; 26:87; 27: 
57, 62; 32:212, 277; 37:179-181, 323; 39: 
480; 42:87, 90; 47:192, 193, pl. 910; 50:28, 
29, 226, pl. 1114; var. Saundersii 50:28, 29. 
verticillatum 22:61, 62; 23:147, 292; 26: 
87; 27:57, 62; 29:9; 32:150, 276; 39:298, 
299, 304-306; 47:193. virginianum folio, 
etc. 44:458 

Eupatoriums 22:57, 157 
Euphorbia 6:84, 87, 121; 12:14, 58; 13:93; 

14:195; 21:82; 40:135, 180; 42:154; 43:97, 
98, 102, 104, 109-111, 144, 168, 171, 172, 
233, 240, 261, 272, 273, 515; 44:12; 47:290, 
368; 50:63. $ Anisophyllum 43:98, 110, 
111, 273. $ Acutae 43:111. $ Chamaesyce 
43:111; 44:15. $ Hypericifoliae 43:111. $ 
Tithymalus 39:496; 43:99, 110. subgen. 
Agaloma 43:100-102, 109, 110, 272, 278, 
284, pl. 655; § Tithymalopsis 43:273; $ 
Zygophyllidium 43:272. subgen. Anisophyl- 
lum 43:110, 111. subgen. Chamaesyce 43: 
97-104, 107, 109, 110, 112; 50:63. subgen. 
Esula 43:99-102, 109, 110, 284, pl. 655. 
subgen. Poinsettia 43:109, 272. Abramsi- 
ana 43:115, 118, 240, 285, map 1, pl. 660. 
acuta 34:6; 43:111, 112, 176, 226, 284, map 
35, pl. 659; var. stenophylla 43:176, 178. 
adenoptera 43:252; var. indivisa 43:251. 
albicaulis 43:229, 230. albomarginata 43: 
114, 173, 202, 205, 285, map 23, pl. 661. 
ammannioides 41:548; 43:116, 128-130, 226, 
284, 286, 517, 518, 522, 523, 588, map 39, 
pl. 654. angusta 43:112, 173, 178, 284, 
map 33, pl. 659. arenaria 43:133. areni- 
cola 43:126. arizonica 43:101, 113, 243, 
245, 249, 285, map 43, pl. 661. arundelana 
13:163, 164, 165, fig. astyla 43:114, 173, 
227, 286, map 33, pl. 666. baja californica 
43:196. bombensis 43:129. brasiliensis 43: 
141, 143; var. hyssopifolia 43:141. calli- 
trichoides 43:266. capitata 43:170. capi- 
tellata 43:112, 115, 174, 249, 284, map 495, 
pl. 657; var. laxiflora 43:174; var. lineari- 
folia 43:176; var. typica 43:174. carun- 
culata 50:63, 64. chaetocalyx 43:225. 
Chamaesyce 43:110, 111, 114, 249, 2065, 
268-272, 285, 286, map 44, pls. 660, 668; 
A. Chamaesyce 43:111; A. eu-chamaesyce 
43:265. Chamberlinii 43:174. cinerascens 
43:112, 173, 185, 242, 285, map 27, pl. 663; 
var. appendieulata 43:188. collina 43:243. 
conjuncta 43:183. consanguinea 43:230. 
cordifolia 43:117, 173, 196, 198, 284, map 
30, pl. 658; 44:255. corollata 1:89; 3:253; 

INDEX TO VoLUMEs 1-50 105 

4:85; 6:85; 13:164; 21:82; 24:150; 34:25; 
39:325; 40:253, 463; 43:101; 45:370; var. 
angustifolia 43:661; var. mollis 40:253; var. 
paniculata 45:453. crenulata 39:496. cu- 
phosperma 50:148. Curtissii 36:53. cus- 
pidata 43:126. Cyparissias 6:85, 121; 11: 
131; 12:57, 60; 14:93, 193, 194, 196; 15:43; 
16:167; 21:82; 33:166; 34:62; 38:161, 162. 
Darlingtonii 23:175; 34:25. dentata 16: 
89; 40:135, 136; 42:461; 43:589; 46:130; 
50:148; f. cuphosperma 50:148; var. 
cuphosperma 50:148. depressa 43:254. dic- 
tyosperma 36:224; 37:193. dilatata 43:180. 
dioeca 43:252; var. ? indivisa 43:250. 
discolor 43:171. eremica 43:122. Esula 
6:85; 10:154; 12:59; 19:230; 21:82; 32: 
100—102, fig. 1 (map); 39:49, 50; 43:153, 154. 
exigua 11:50. falcata 41:473, 548. Fend- 
leri 34:6; 43:117, 205, 223; var. chaetocalyx 
43:178, 223-225, 286, map 31, pl. 666; var. 
dissimilis 43:224; var. triligulata 43:173, 
223, 227, 286, map 29, pl. 666; var. typica 
43:173, 223-225, 286, map 29, pl. 666. 
flagelliformis 43:127.  flexicaulis 43:199. floc- 
cosiuscula 43:245. florida 43:114, 118, 138, 
286, map 17, pl. 667. forbuserpens 43:199. 
fruticulosa 43:181. gemella 43:172. gem- 
iniloba 43:174. Geyeri 43:116, 130, 
178, 284, map 20, pl. 654; 44:407; var. 
microsperma 43:131. gladiosa 43:174. glo- 
bulifera 43:170. glomerifera 43:103, 115, 
118, 168, 284, map 2, pl. 656. glyptosperma 
6:84-86; 12:140; 16:40; 35:287; 39:490; 43: 
80, 115, 173, 235, 240, 241, 285, map 24, 
pl. 660; 44:15; 48:100; var. pubescens 43: 
235; var. tenerrima 43:185, 235. Golondrina 
43:117, 181, 226, 285, map 37, pl. 664. 
gracilis 36:53; 43:273; 50:148. gracillima 
43:99, 100, 114, 118, 136, 284, 286, map 10, 
pls. 655, 657. Greenii 43:235. grisea 43: 
272. Helioscopia 1:221; 6:85; 11:30; 13: 
181; 21:82; 29:180, 216; 35:248.  herniar- 
oides 43:199; var. imbricata 43:199. hetero- 
phylla 42:390, 461. hirsuta 6:85, 87, 195; 
10:164; 11:30; 12:140; 16:89; 17:30; 21:83; 
23:273; 43:150, 153, 154. hirta 38:332; 
43:101, 103, 104, 113, 169, 170, 172; var. 
procumbens 43:170-173, map 18; var. 
typica 49:170, 171, 173, 284, map 24, pl. 
657. hirtula 43:234. Hooveri 43:114, 173, 
228, 285, map 32, pl. 664. humifusa 43:272. 
humistrata 17:30, 227; 41:35; 43:113, 220, 
235, 261, 263, 269, 272, 285, 515, 588, map 
40, pl. 662; 49:150. hypericifolia 38:332; 
43:111, 144, 150, 168; 47:368; 48:200; B. E. 
maculata 43:143; 6. ? hirsuta 43:150; B. 
hyssopifolia 43:141; var. communis 43:144; 
var. maculata 43:143; var. multiflora 43: 
272; var. prostrata 43:272; var. simplex 
43:272. hyssopifolia 43:103, 115, 140, 141, 
143, 226, 284, map 38, pl. 656. inaequilatera 
43:229. incerta 43:286, pl. 665. indivisa 
43:113, 118, 250, 252, 285, map 11, pl. 663. 
Ingallsii 38:406; 43:128. inopina 43:226, 
map 34. involuta 43:183. Ipecacuanhae 
6:85, 87; 13:163, 164, fig.; 21:107; 24:150; 

36:47; 39:355, 466, 481; 40:448; 45:370; 
90:148; f. linearis 50:148.  Jonesii 43:141. 
laredana 43:113, 173, 271, 285, map 30, pl. 
662. lata 43:112, 180, 226, map 36, pl. 
659. Lathyris 10:36. longeramosa 43:127. 
litoralis 43:254. littoralis 43:254. ludovi- 
ciana 43:198, 272. maculata 6:85; 9:121; 
10:164; 12:140; 13:18; 17:227; 21:83; 31: 
84; 32:151, 158, 258; 41:35; 43:100, 103, 
115, 118, 143, 144, 149, 150, 153, 235, 254, 
260, 272, 273, 284, 286, 515, map 10, pls. 
655, 656, 668; 44:16; 47:367, 368, pl. 990; 
48:197-200, figs. 1-4; 8. detonsa 43:260; 8. 
43:252; var. thymifolia 43:252. malaca 43: 
266. manca 39:496. marginata 10:152; 
21:83; 37:87; 43:100, 101, 514, 589; 46:130. 
marilandica 24:150; 36:47; 45:370. mari- 
tima 43:117, 128. meganaesos 43:254. mel- 
anadenia 43:112, 118, 184, 187-190, 285, 
map 12, pl. 663; var. subinappendiculata 
43:185.  mercurialina 39:430. ^ micromera 
43:113, 114, 173, 194, 284, map 20, pl. 658. 
minuta 43:233. missouriensis 37:193. mis- 
surica 43:116, 132, 134; var. intermedia 43: 
118, 133, 134, map 13: var. typica 43:118, 
133, 134, 286, map 13, pl. 666. nemoralis 34: 
25. neomexicana 43:230. nodiflora 43:170. 
notata 43:230. novomexicana 43:229. nut- 
ans 43:144, 149, 150; 47:368; 48:197. Nut- 
tallii 43:133. obliterata 43:172. obtusata 37: 
193; 38:426; 40:377; 43:488. occidentalis 43: 
230. ocellata 43:114, 123, 125; var. arenicola 
43:124, 126, 173, 285, map 22, pl. 665; var. 
Rattanii 43:112, 124—126, 173, 285, map 24, 
pl. 665; var. sulphurea 43:124, 125; var. 
typica 43:124, 126, 173, 285, map 22, pl. 
665. opthalmica 43:172. oregonensis 43: 
272. paniculata 44:255. Parishii 43:115, 
173, 192, 245, 284, map 25, pl. 658. Parryi 
43:116, 118, 127, map 9, pl. 654. parviflora 
38:332. patellifera 43:193.  pediculifera 43: 
112, 176, 182, pl. 664; var. Ábramsiana 43: 
240; var. inornata 43:183; var. involuta 43: 
183; var. linearifolia 43:183-185, 285, pl. 
664; var. typica 43:118, 183, 184, 285, map 
6, pl. 664. Peplis 43:110, 111, 272. Peplus 
6:86; 13:181; 21:83; 29:180, 216; 31:85; 41: 
303; 43:100. petaloidea 40:276; 43:134; a. 
Nicolletii 43:134; 6. intermedia 43:134; y. 
Nuttalli 43:133; 3. flagelliformis 43:127. 
pilulifera 38:331, 332; 43:171, 172; 1. dis- 
color 43:171; I. hirta 43:170; Q. discolor 
43:170; f. humifusa 43:171; f. rubromaculata 
43:171; f. viridis 43:171; var. guaranitica 
43:171; var. obliterata 43:172; var. pro- 
cumbens 43:172. platyphylla 6:86, 87; 21: 
83. platysperma 43:114, 118, 121, 122, 
285, map 8, pl. 665. podagrica 43:194. 
polycarpa 43:115, 117, 188, 190, 205; var. 
appendiculata 43:188; var. hirtella 43:112, 
118, 189, 191, maps 3, 5; var. micromera 
43:194; var. Parishii 43:192; var. simulans 
43:117, 118, 191, 192, map 5; var. typica 
43:118, 191, 284, maps 4, 5, pl. 657; var. 
vestita 43:187, 189. polyclada 43:131. 
polygonifolia 5:131; 6:86; 13:181; 15:141; 


18:31; 19:230; 20:102, 105; 21:83; 23:158; 
24:59, 60, 69, 88, fig. 2 (map); 26:176; 
29:42, 44, 58, 64, 111; 32:147, 158, 210, 
258; 39:496; 40:44; 41:548; 42:400, 461; 
43:103, 114, 117, 130, 249, 284, 286, 517, 
588, map 42, pl. 654; 50:297. portulana 
43:243. Preslii 6:86, 87; 10:36; 21:83; 42: 
41; 43:144, 149, 150, 515; 48:197. pro- 
cumbens 43:172. prostrata 6:87; 21:83; 
24:150; 42:369, 461; 43:111, 265, 266, 269, 
270, 272; Q. vestita 43:266. pseudonutans 
48:144.  pseudoserpyllifolia 43:194; f. typica 
43:194; f. villosa 43:194. purisimana 43:243. 
purpurea 34:25. pycnanthema 43:174; f. 
serrata 43:174. radicans 43:199. Rafines- 
quii 43:150. Rattanii 43:126. revoluta 43: 
99, 100, 114, 118, 137, 284, 286, map 8, 
pls. 655, 657. rinconis 43:180. rugulosa 
43:230. rupicola 43:224.  Rusbyi 43:174. 
sanguinea 43:230. serpens 6:87; 43:114, 
198, 226, 285, map 37, pl. 661; A. genuina 43: 
199; II. imbricata 43:199; III. flexicaulis 
43:199; b. psilocyathia 43:199; var. flexi- 
caulis 43:199; var. imbricata 43:199; var. 
radicans 43:199.  serpillacea 43:265. serpyl- 
lifolia 12:140; 43:104, 117, 229, 233, 240; 
Q. consanguinea 43:230; var. genuina 43: 
118, 229, 233, 284, map 15, pl. 657; var. 
hirtula 43:113, 116, 118, 229, 234, map 14; 
var. neo-mexicana 43:230; var. occidentalis 
43:230; var. rugulosa 43:230. serrula 43: 
115, 118, 248, 284, map 7, pl. 658. setigerus 
43:272. setiloba 43:101, 113, 173, 245, 285, 
map 19, pl. 661; var. nodulosa 43:194. 
Stanfieldii 38:407; 43:247.  stenomeres 43: 
141. stictospora 43:113, 173, 263, 285, 
map 28, pl. 662; var. texensis 43:266. 
stipulacea 43:202. subserrata 43:230. su- 
pina 43:100, 103, 110, 111, 113, 150, 226, 
235, 253, 254, 260, 261, 263, 284, 285, 515, 
map 34, pls. 655, 662; 44:342; 47:368; 48: 
198-200, fig. 2; 50:297. tenella 43:266. 
theriaca 43:114, 118, 242, 285, map 7, 
pl. 660. thymifolia 43:118, 252-254, 260, 
261, 284, pl. 655; B. disticha 43:260. trachy- 
sperma 43:114, 140, 173, 286, map 21, pl. 
667. trinervis 43:144. vallis-mortae 43: 
112, 173, 186, 189, 285, map 32, pl. 663. 
vermiculata 43:116, 150, 153, 249, 284, map 
41, pl 656. vermiformis 43:183. versi- 
color 43:243. verticillata 43:170.  villifera 
43:115, 246, 247; var. nuda 43:116, 247, 
248; var. typica 43:118, 247, 284, map 16, 
pl. 659. virgata 39:49, 50; f. esulifolia 
39:50. Wrightii 43:205. zygophylloides 36: 
224, 231; 43:133; var. cymulosa 43:134; 
var. flagelliformis 43:127 

Euphorbiaceae 6:85, 121; 10:36; 21:82; 24: 
43, 44; 29:216; 31:43; 32:257; 36:237; 37: 
306; 43:80; 45:444; 49:255; 50:297. trib. 
Phyllantheae 9:37 

Euphorbiae 43:178, 189, 260 

Euphorbias 38:413; 39:52; 42:369 

Euphrasia 2:138; 3:270, 271; 4:108; 7:160; 
12:105; 13:110, 116, 128; 17:181-183, 194; 
28:49, 50, 96, 118, 145, 234; 29:89; 30:77; 


33:110; 35:6, 94-96, 127, 298, 302-304, 373; 
41:286; 44:109, 127. albimontana 17:185. 
americana 3:270, 271, 275; 4:26, 189; 7: 
33; 11:13; 12:103, 143; 15:134; 17:148, 154, 
182, 183, 185, 196-198, 200, 201; 23:290; 
25:99; 28:80; 29:186, 219; 33:108, 124; 35: 
306, 307; 44:109; var. canadensis 3:276; 
7:33; 17:183, 195. arctica 10:201; 17:182- 
184, 190, 192, 194, 196; 25:11; 28:54, 60; 
31:54; 34:244; 35:96, 121, 301, 302, 304— 
306; 36:87, 88; 38:157; 41:40; 44:109. 
borealis 9:163; 10:201. bottnica 17:187. 
brevipila 35:307. canadensis 3:270, 271, 
276; 17:181-184, 195-198, 201; 23:149, 290; 
25:84; 33:108, 124; 35:303, 305; 47:39. 
disjuncta 17:182, 184, 190, 192, 194; 28: 
60; 35:301-304, 306; 41:286; 44:144. frigida 
35:306. hirtella 3:271, 275; 17:183, 190, 
193. hudsoniana 17:184, 194, 197; 36: 
87; 38:158. latifolia 3:270-272, 274; 7: 
33; 9:163, 190; 17:181-183, 190, 192-194; 
35:302-306; 41:41. micrantha 3:274. mol- 
lis 3:271; 17:182-184, 190; 41:158, 230, 
286; 42:338. nemorosa 17:196, 197, 201. 
Oakesii 3:176, 270-274; 4:108; 7:33; 10: 
163; 17:181-183, 185, 186; 28:60, 131; 35: 
298-301, 303; 44:129; f. lilacina 17:185; 
35:299; 44:144. officinalis 3:270; 17:181, 
182, 185, 188, 190, 195, 199, 200; 29:186, 
219; 35:302, 303; 41:40; 6. 35:302, 304, 305; 
B. latifolia 17:193; y. alpestris b. arctica, 
17:193; var. hyperborea 17:193; var. latifolia 
3:274; 35:302, 304; var. mollis 3:271; 17: 
190; var. rotundifolia 35:304—306; var. 
tatarica 3:272, 274; 17:182, 185, 193, 198. 
orbicularis 17:185. purpurea 17:182, 184, 
186, 189, 190; 29:128; 35:9, 299, 303-306; 
44:127; 45:112; f. candida 17:187; 35:299; 
44:144; 45:112; var. Farlowii 17:184, 189, 
190; 33:124; 35:96, 127, 301, 303; f. iodantha 
17:189; 18:31; 35:301; 45:112; var. Randii 
17:184, 188-190; 23:99, 139, 290; 29:14; 
31:143; 33:124; 35:300, 303, 304; f. albi- 
flora 17:188; 23:99, 290; 31:143; 33:124; 
35:300; 44:144; 45:112. pusilla 17:182, 185. 
Randii 3:273, 274; 4:26; 7:33; 11:13, 98; 
12:105, 143; 13:110; 17:148, 183, 188; 25: 
89; 49:251; f. albiflora 45:112; var. Farlowii 
3:274; 7:33; 11:98; 12:105, 107, 143; 15: 
203; 17:183, 189; f. iodantha 45:112; var. 
Reeksii 45:112; f. candida 45:112. rigidula 
35:399; 44:109. Rostkoviana 3:275; 17: 
183. salisburgensis 17:195. stricta 17:182, 
184, 196-198, 201; 23:290; 31:167; 35:96, 
306, 399; var. tatarica 17:184, 194, 197, 
198. subarctica 36:87, 88, pl. 278; 42: 
338. tatarica 17:193, 198; 44:109. Wil- 
liamsii 3:272, 274; 7:33; 9:155, 163; 17: 
183-185; 28:122; 35:96, 298, 299, 303, 306; 
36:327; var. vestita 17:184, 186; 35:6, 88, 
299, 303, 304 

Euphrasias 7:35 
Eupodiscus 9:130. Argus 9:139; 26:193, 195, 

216. Rodgersii 9:139 

Eupteris 43:12 


Eurhynchium Boscii 6:73.  graminicolor 6:73. 
hians 48:3. strigosum 2:62; 4:240; var. 
robustum 4:183; 48:3. Swartzii 48:3 

European Black Currant 49:219. Corn Cockle 
41:302. Hawkweed 41:130. Larch 28:44. 
Parsley 41:129. Primrose 22:143. Spruce 
20:187. White Alder 47:335. Willow-herb 

Eurotium herbariorum 44:170 

Eurytaenia 21:182 

Euryptera 21:182 

Euscaphis staphyleoides 7:28 

Euschistus fissilis 41:186, 187 

Eusideroxylon 9:38 

Eustachya 23:6. alba 23:6. oppositifolia 23: 
6, 7 

Eustachys 23:6. floridana 50:122. glauca 

Eustoma 35:44. exaltatum 35:44; f. albi- 
florum 35:44. Russellianum, f. albiflorum 
35:110; f. Fisheri 34:176; 35:110; f. flavi- 
florum 35:110 

Euthamia 23:99, 143. bracteata 46:330. cam- 
porum 17:12; var. tricostata 45:413; 46: 
329, 330. caroliniana 46:325-329. flori- 
bunda 10:93; 13:106, 107; 17:12. galetorum 
45:418; 50:215. graminifolia 6:131; 28:72. 
gymnospermoides 10:93. media 45:413. 
microcephala 46:327, 329. microphylla 46: 
327, 329. minor 10:93; 46:326, 327, 329. 
Nuttallii 10:92. pulverulenta 45:413. re- 
mota 45:418. tenuifolia 26:228; 40:325, 
326; 50:300 

Euthora cristata 1:125; 2:50; 3:135; 10:115, 
116; 17:04. fruticulosa 10:115 

Eutrema arenicola 39:76-78. Edwardsii 25: 
113; 41:146, 147, 151, 232; 42:312, 326 

Evactoma 43:661. stellata var. scabrella, 42: 
99; 43:661 

Evax nivea 38:407 

Evening Primrose 11:199 

Evergreen 18:32 

Everlasting(s) 4:34; 39:340. Life 7:156. Pea 
25:176; 42:100 

Evernia mesomorpha 36:143, 154. prunastri 

Evolvulus 37:63. argenteus 30:224; 37:03. 
Nuttallianus 37:63. pilosus 37:03; 40:181. 
sericeus 42:299 

Exidia glandulosa 44:170.  recisa 41:515 

Exoascus communis 39:371. deformans 41: 
515. Pruni 26:218. varius 39:371 

Exobasidium mycetophilum 3:65. 
39:368. vaccinii 39:371 

Exochorda 20:17. grandiflora 20:17 

Exuviaella lima 50:276 

Eyebright 13:128; 17:181, 183 



Fabrica 25:156 

Fabronia Degeneri 36:132 

Fabroniaceae 37:228 

Facchinia 21:11 

Fagaceae 12:178; 16:111; 26:224; 31:43; 43: 
80; 50:295 

Fagopyrum 6:114; 9:54; 17:172. esculentum 


4:203, 206; 6:114; 17:172; 30:373, 374; 
38:97. tataricum 4:203, 206; 6:114; 17:172 

Fagus 6:113; 12:178; 16:112; 25:165; 38:44; 
40:383, 447; 45:109. alba 9:114. ameri- 
cana 6:113; 9:112, 114; var. latifolia 9:113. 
atropunicea 9:112, 113. ferruginea 5:130; 
6:113; 9:112-115; 50:230; var. caroliniana 
9:113, 114; var. latifolia 9:113, 114. grandi- 
folia 9:112; 10:113; 12:178; 16:112; 21:199; 
32:151, 215, 248; 37:352, fig. 1 (map); 
38:376; 41:514, 516, 520; 47:214; f. pube- 
scens 9:111, 114, 115; 16:112; 32:248; var. 
caroliniana 9:114; 32:177; 36:352, 353; 40: 
412; 47:214; f. mollis 9:114, 115; 40:253; 
50:230. heterophylla 9:114. latifolia 9: 
112, 113. nigra 9:114. rotundifolia 9: 
114. sylvatica 6:45; 9:113, 114; Q. ameri- 
cana 9:114; c. americana latifolia 9:114; 
var. asplenifolia 6:45-47, figs. a-c; var. 
atropunicea 9:113; var. cristata 6:45; var. 
pendula 6:45. sylvestris 9:113, 114 

Fairy Flax 5:119; 13:116. Lily 21:75 

Falcaria Rivini 25:12. soioides 44:248. 
vulgaris 25:12; 44:248 

Faleata 9:54. comosa 35:276; 38:95. Pitcheri 

Fall Dandelion 3:293; 4:39; 6:23 

False Acacia 12:181. Foxglove, Downy 48: 
pie 206. Maiden-hair 4:54. Tobacco 50: 

Family, Adder’s Tongue, 35:352. Club Moss 
35:355. Curly Grass 35:352. Fern 35: 

351. Flowering Fern 35:352. Horsetail 
35:354. Pine 35:357. Quillwort 35:356. 
Yew 35:357 

Fasciculus ruber 42:107 

Fatsia 26:124. horrida 26:123; 39:7 

Faux-tabac 50:282. des Marquises 50:282 

Favolus alveolaris 3:144 

Faxonanthus 20:120 

Feather Grass 49:274 

Fedia 9:55; 40:187, 188. amarella 40:190. 
canaliculata 40:199.  chenopodifolia 40:195, 
196. Fagopyrum 40:195, 196. longiflora 
40:211, 212. Nuttallii 40:208. olitaria 40: 
191. patellaria 40:188, 193, 194. radiata 
40:188, 204; 8. ? leiocarpa 40:206. steno- 
carpa 40:199. triquetra 40:195, 196. um- 
2E 40:188, 194, 195. Woodsiana 40: 

Fegatella 23:70, 71 

Felicia angustifolia 32:138; a. hyssopifolia 32: 

Felix Foemina 31:174 

Fern(s) 4:10; 5:120, 197, 245, 260, 272; 6: 
23, 77, 95, 97, 148, 236; 7:26, 77, 99, 100, 
103, 170; 8:12, 13, 23, 135; 11:27, 28, 128, 
132, 176; 23:70; 41:138, 155; 44:333; 50: 
135. Beech 30:16; 43:219. Bladder 30: 
18. Broad Beech 30:16. Chain 11:28; 
23:109, 145, 147; 30:14. Christmas 4:10, 
53; 8:113; 23:71; 30:14; 31:249. Cinnamon 
6:227; 15:154; 28:82; 35:352; 46:158. Climb- 
ing 4:51, 83; 35:352. Clinton 6:177. Fami- 
ly 35:351. Filmy 44:3. Gold 22:113. 
Galde 7:100; 13:238. Hay-scented 30:18; 


49:104. Holly 9:27. Interrupted 35:352; 
44:345. Lady 19:170, 171, 181, 187-189; 21: 
175; 30:15. Licorice-root 24:129. Maid- 
enhair 46:158. Marsh 23:164; 30:16; 31: 
27, 28. Massachusetts 30:16. New York 
30:16. Oak 30:16; 43:216. Ostrich 5: 
196; 17:161; 23:151; 30:18; 46:158. Royal 
22:132; 35:352; 45:396. Sensitive 30:18; 
45:396. Shield 30:16. Silver 22:113. 
Snake 30:13. Sweet 12:178; 17:67. Venus- 
hair 45:268. Walking 5:196, 272; 46: 
158. Wood 8:113; 30:16 

Ferraria pulchella 48:158 

Ferula villosa 45:298-301 
Fescue Grass 49:250 

Festuea 6:106; 9:174; 14:92; 15:146; 16:90; 
18:1; 21:72, 76, 77, 215, 216; 33:60; 34: 
246; 35:81-83; 44:117; 47:107; 48:21, 70; 
49:259. § Ovinae, sub-§ Intravaginales 35: 
134. subgen. Vulpia 47:107, 108. altaica 
9:155, 159, 167, 174, 188, 224; 13:118; 41: 
161, 181; 42:317. arundinacea 31:83. 
Borreri 10:65; 18:10. brachyphylla 35:47, 
120, 134, 135; 37:250, 251, 339, pl. 359; 
38:116, 118, 124, 134, 142, 143; 41:146, 
147, 155, 164, 181. brevifolia 37:251; 38: 
142; 41:181. capillata 18:235; 23:232; 28: 
50, 56, 152; 29:126; 31:83; 35:12, 132, 134, 
135, 273; 37:251, 339, pl. 359; 48:19; 49: 
260. delawarica 18:9. dertonensis 43:220. 
diandra 34:204, 205. distans 18:12. dis- 
tichophylla 27:68, 71. duriuscula 37:251. 
elatior 6:106; 14:179, 183, pl. 97; 15:146; 
17:213; 26:185, 186, 222; 29:207; 32:237; 
48:19; 49:259; 50:301; var. pratensis 6: 
106. fluitans 16:90; 24:186, 187. inermis 
Q. villosa — 35:316. Kingii 38:298. longi- 
folia 33:207. monandra 47:106, 107. muti- 
ca 18:236. myuros 6:83; 15:146; 32:237; 
37:267; 40:459; 46:75; 47:106. nutans 12: 
63, 70; 14:168; 15:146; 23:136, 170, 232; 
31:80; 35:249; 47:199; 49:259. Nuttalliana 
18:16. obtusa 14:168; 47:199; 48:19, 23, 
24; 49:259. occidentalis 34:244; 37:64, 
67, 70, 199, 203, 205, 216, 251, 252. octo- 
flora 15:146, 187; 32:237; 34:209-211; 
36:38, 219, 416; 37:266; 41:501; 42:42; 
43:493; 44:70, 255; subsp. hirtella 34:211; 
var. aristulata 34:210; var. glauca 34: 
209; 47:107; var. tenella 34:209, 210; 36: 
416; 38:192; 41:501; 47:107, 210. ovina 
4:33; 7:106; 14:92; 15:146; 17:213; 18: 
236; 26:188; 28:151; 31:83; 32:237; 35: 
134, 135; 37:250, 251, 338, pl. 359; 44: 
237; 48:19; 49:260; 50:293; Q. vivipara 37: 
251; f. hispidula 35:165; 37:251; 48:19; 
49:260, f. laeviflora 35:165; subsp. eu-ovina 
var. capillata 18:236; var. brachyphylla 
39:495; var. brevifolia 9:159; 13:117; 21: 
192; 37:251; var. capillata 15:146; 37:83, 
252; 49:260; var. duriuseula 14:92, 93; 
19:120; 35:165; 37:250, 251, 338, pl. 359; 
48:19; 49:260; subvar. trachyphylla 14: 
93; var. glauca 14:93; var. hispidula 15: 
146; 21: 72; 24:113; 37:83; 49:260; var. poly- 
phylla 37:252; var. pseudovina 37:251; var. 


supina, subvar. pubiflora 13:128; var. 
vivipara 35:134, 165; var. vulgaris, subvar. 
hispidula 37:251. paludosa 18: 235. para- 
doxa 39:327, 331, 381, 482, map 6; 41: 
481; 42:35; 47:97, 106, 199; 49:180.  par- 
viflora 44:255. procumbens 18:11. pro- 
lifera 35:133-136, map 14; 36:327; 44: 
113; 48:19, 23; 49:260; var. lasiolepis 
35:135, 136, 399, pl. 241. pseudovina 37: 
251. pusilla 34:211.  quadriflora 47:106. 
rubra 3:170; 14:92; 15:146, 147; 17:147, 
148; 18:95, 96; 22:93; 25:6; 26:185, 188, 
223; 32:150, 237; 33:60, 111, 117; 34: 
51; 35:82, 132-135; 36:277; 37:89, 250; 
38:142; 40:250; 41:182; 42:317; 44:117, 
379; 48:19, 25; 49:259; 50:293; f. glaucescens 
35:132, 165; f. megastachys 35:132, 133; 
48:19; 49:259; f. planifolia 35:165; f. squar- 
rosa 35:132; 48:19; 40:259; subsp. prolifera 
10:65; var. arenaria 33:117; 35:51, 120, 
132, 133; 36:277; 41:166, 181; 44:117; 
var. commutata 35:132, 133, 165; 48:19; 
49:259; var. fallax 35:133; var. glaucescens 
23:232; var. heterophylla 46:25; var. juncea 
33:117; 35:132, 133, 167; 49:259; var. 
lanuginosa 40:250; var. megastachys 15: 
147; 36:277; var. multiflora 15:147; 24: 
162; 35:132, 133; 48:19; 49:259; var. mutica 
35:132, 133; 44:117; var. oelandica 35: 
165; var. oraria 29:122, 149, 207; var. 
prolifera 9:159; 10:65; 11:89; 15:147; 35: 
82; var. subvillosa 11:89; 13:70; 15:95; 
19:120; 21:72; 35:132; 49:259; f. vivipara 
11:89; var. trichophylla 48:19; var. vivipara 
49:259. saximontana 37:250, 251, 339, pl. 
359; 44:117; 47:225; 48:19, 23. scabrella 
13:118, 137; 37:247; 44:114. sciurea 37: 
266; 39:481; 47:106. Shortii 39:327, 331, 
381, map 6; 44:70; 47:97, 199. subulata 
21:78. supina 28:102, 151, 213; 37:251, 
339, pl. 359; 38:142. tenella 2:157; 4:39; 
5:129; 6:83; 15:187; 34:209, 210; 36:416; 
47:107; Q.glauca 34:209, 211; 47:107. 
tenuifolia 18:235; 37:251. triticoides 27: 
68. varia, var. flavescens 15:146.  versuta 
30:423. vivipara 28:53, 59, 151; 35:7, 
120, 134, 135; 36:148; 37:250, 251, 339, 
pl. 359; 38:143; 41:182 

Festucaceae 8:85, 138 

Festucas 48:26 

Fibichia 9:53 

Ficus 33:88; 49:58. Carica 2:234; 28:73; 35: 
40. indica 9:39. officinalis, 50:132. per- 
forata 50:132 

Fiddle-wood 44:31 

Field Sorrel 28:73 

Fig 28:73 

Filago 26:88. arvensis 33:219, 221, fig. 4; 
47:258. galliea 33:221. germanica 33:221. 
minima 26:88. nivea 38:407 

Filaree 39:233 

Filbert 38:76 

Filices 3:69, 219, 283; 6:23; 23:90; 47:384-386 

Filipendula 8:203, 204; 20:18. hexapetala 
23:267. lobata 8:203, 204. rubra 8:202, 
204; 10:144; 24:175; 42:44. Ulmaria 8: 


72; 11:94; 20:18; 23:208; 42:44; 46:27; 
var. denudata 11:48; 19:227; 46:27 

Filix 21:10, 174; 31:24, 25, 91, 93, 94; 43: 
1l. aquilina 43:17. baccifera 31:93. bulb- 
ifera 22:49. foemina 26:230, 231; 43: 
19. mas 21:10, 174; 26:230, 231. pumila 
43:216, 217 

Filix-femina 28:131 

Filix-foemina 43:12. aquilina 43:17; var. 
arachnoidea 43:58; var. caudata 43:54; var. 
lanuginosa 37:247; 43:26; var. pseudocau- 
data 43:49 

Filix Mas 21:174 

Filix-mas 28:131 

Fimbriaria tenella 4:30 

Fimbristylis 9:53; 11:39; 13:73; 31:124, 202; 
33:44; 41:1; 46:144; 47:95, 206; 49:124. 
annua 46:144, 145; var. diphylla 46:144. 
anomala 47:116. argentea 31:170. au- 
tumnalis 1:98; 2:123; 5:130; 10:139; 20:25, 
72; 24:86; 32:210, 238; 35:68; 37:398; f. 
brachyactis 20:25, 72; var. mucronulata 
37:398. Baldwiniana 37:397, 398, 452, 
pl. 389; 38:377; 39:474; 46:144, 145; 47: 
213. capillaris 9:121; 10:139; 14:176; 40: 
395. caroliniana 42:246; 44:354, 383; 
46:145; 47:114, 115; f. eucycla 42:247; f. 
pyenostachya 42:247. castanea 10:142; 
37:397; 42:247; 44:354, 383; 46:145; 47: 
114-116. complanata 20:25. Darlington- 
iana 37:397, 398, 452, pl. 389; 46:144, 
145. diphylla 44:261; 46:144, 145. Drum- 
mondii 47:95, 113-116, 127; «. minor 47: 
115; &. major 47:115. Frankii 10:136, 139, 
140; 11:180; 13:73; 14:29; 20:25, 72; 32: 
238; 37:83, 398; var. brachyactis 11:180; 
20:25, 72. geminata 20:25; 37:398. in- 
terior 37:396, 397; 47:115, 116. laxa 44: 
261; 46:145; 47:213. melanostachys 41:60. 
miliacea 44:89. mucronulata 20:25, 72; 
37:398. puberula 19:97; 37:396, 397, 452, 
pl. 388; 38:377; 42:247; 47:114; f. eucycla 
37:396, 452, pl. 388; 42:247; f. pycno- 
stachya 37:396, 452, pl. 388; 42:247. 
spadicea 37:397; 47:114, 116. sulcata 39: 
268. Vahlii 11:180; 36:219 

Finetia 27:107. falcata 27:107 

Finger Grass 17:225; 28:74 

Fir(s) 5:45; 11:175, 201, 202; 18:188; 21: 
50; 22:129, 130; 23:91; 35:358; 39:200; 
42:522; 44:94, 230, 413; 48:163; 49:228. 
Balm-of-Gilead 35:358. Balsam 5:52; 9: 
76; 11:201; 12:177; 17:165-168; 20:186; 
21:109; 35:358; 44:413; Silver 17:165. 
Black Spruce 34:188. Newfoundland White 
Spruce 34:188. Scotch 35:357 

Fire Cherry 28:82 

Fire-weed 20:1; 28:72; 42:334 

Fischera 29:226 

Fischerella 15:194, 197-199; 40:224. 

Fissidens adiantoides 2:62; 4:30. bryoides, 
f. inconstans 14:52. cristatus 23:67. de- 
cipiens 4:30. exiguus 14:45. Garberi 36: 
55. grandifrons 19:68. hawaiicus 30:132. 
hookeriaceus 36:55. incurvus 4:181, 182; 



insularis 36:132. minutulus 4: 
182; 11:117; 14:45. obtusifolius 14:46. 
orcutti 39:100. osmundoides 3:180; 15: 
13; 30:2; 39:39. sublimbatus 39:100. taxi- 
folius 4:240. viridulus 14:45, 46; var. 
Lylei 14:45, 46 

Fissidentaceae 30:2; 39:39, 100 

Flag, Blue 46:315. Cat-tail 4:93; 46:314 

Flagellaria hyalina 26:193, 216 

Flagellatae 24:110; 26:166 

Flagellates 50:273, 275, 276 

Flame Azalea 43:32, 33 

Flammula betulina 13:64. penetrans 44: 
170. rhodoxantha 3:40 

Flaveria 26:107. bidentis 26:107 

Flax 4:81; 20:69; 43:341. Fairy 5:119; 13: 
116. Purging 43:634 

Fleabane, Daisy 28:72 

Fleshy Fungi 4:171 

Fleur de lis 21:180. de Louis 21:180. de 
lys 21:180, 181 

Flies 41:186 

Floating Heart 10:54. Knotweed 48:52 

Floerkea 15:66. proserpinacoides 15:66; 47: 
272; 50:283, 284 

Florideae 24:3; 26:189 

Flos Cardinalis 38:276 

Flourensia 45:353 

Flower de luce 21:180. Star 18:185 

Flowering Dogwood 23:195. Fern Family 
35:352. Raspberry 9:5 

Flowers of tan 41:515 

Fluminea 31:92, 96. festucacea 32:200, 201, 
203, map 26; 33:19 

Fly Honeysuckle, American 12:184 

Fly-poison 45:374 

Foeniculum Foeniculum 3:88. officinale 1: 
47. vulgare 1:159; 3:88, 210; 6:144; 50: 

Fomes 50:287. annosus 44:15. applanatus 
26:218; 41:515. connatus 41:515.  Palliseri 
25:216, 217. roseus 25:214, 218, 219 

Fontinalaceae 30:9; 37:228 

Fontinalis 7:237; 15:6, 8, 10; 18:92. Allenii 
15:8, 10, 11. antipyretica 15:7, 10; 30: 
9; var. gigantea 2:62; 15:7, 10. Cardoti 
4:182; 15:8. dalecarlica 15:9-11; 30:9. 
disticha 15:10. Duriaei 15:9, 10. flaccida 
15:8-10. hypnoides 15:10. Lescurii 2:96; 
4:182; 15:10; var. gracilescens 15:8. neo- 
mexicana 15:7. nitida 15:8-10. novae- 
angliae 15:8, 10, 11; var. heterophylla 
15:9, 10; var. latifolia 15:9; var. Lorenziae 
15:9, 11. squamosa 15:10. Sullivantii 15: 
8, 10. Umbachii 19:69 

Foramifera 10:44 

Forbesia 25:157 

Forestiera 21:190. ligustrina 46:307 

Forget-me-not 42:337 

Formica 43:206, 207; 45:440. 
43:207; 45:445. neogagates 
48:206, 207; 45:445 

Forsythia 42:44.  viridissima 44:431 

Fosliella Lejolisii 50:266 

Fossombronia 3:7, 8; 17:108, 109; 23:282; 
25:76. angulosa 3:8-10; 14:224; 25:75, 

14:45, 46. 

fusca subsericea 
44:15; var. 


76. brasiliensis 25:75, 76, 193, 199. caes- 
spitiformis 17:110. crispula 19:69. 
cristata 3:10. cristula 17:107, 109-111; 
25:194, 198. Dumortieri 3:10; 26:8. echi- 
nata 17:110. foveolata 3:10; 5:170; 15: 
22; 17:109, 110; 23:67, 284; 25:194; 26: 
8. Luetzelburgiana 17:109. salina 3:8-10, 
fig.; 5:170; 14:224; 15:22; 25:75, 76, 199. 
Wondraezekii 3:10; 5:170; 6:190; 7:58; 15: 
22; 25:194 

Fothergilla 33:29, map 2; 49:92. Gardeni 
36:45. parvifolia 36:45; 49:22, 92 

Fougère måle 4:158, 162 

Fowl Meadow Grass 49:261 

Fox Grape 4:130; 42:390 

Foxtail 49:271. Grass 28:74. Green 17:226. 
Meadow 46:386; 49:271 

Fragaria 5:32; 6:119; 20:18; 24:56; 28:71; 
31:16; 33:60; 41:245; 50:42. americana 6: 
119; 15:222. canadensis 13:106; 15:222; 
29:179. glauca 45:312. grandiflora 12:217; 
15:165; 19:227; 20:18. monophylla 2:198; 
33:238. multicipita 10:49; 31:47; 44: 
120, 143. sterilis 45:111. terrae-novae 13: 
106. vesca 2:198; 5:32; 6:119; 20:18; 
32:254; 33:182, 238; 50:302; var. americana 
13:106; 20:18; 21:170, 200; 23:136, 170, 
267; 35:240; 44:336. virginiana 2:208; 3: 
174, 188; 6:97, 119; 10:50; 12:128; 13: 
106; 18:38, 97; 20:18; 21:170; 22:136; 26: 
225; 27:108; 29:179, 214; 32:254; 33:182; 
35:272; 36:281; 39:373, 375; 50:297; f. 
maliflora 31:244; var. terrae-novae 13: 
106; 15:203; 27:108; 29:179, 214; 32:214, 
s 33:121; 34:53; 36:281. yukonensis 42: 

Fragillaria aequalis, var. producta 10:182. 
capucina 9:137. construens 9:137. Harri- 
sonii 9:131, 137; 10:183. virescens 9: 
137; 10:181, 183 

Fragrant fungus 6:125 

Fraisier 24:56 

Frankenia pulverulenta 49:248 

Frangula caroliniana 46:307 

Franseria tomentosa 45:116 

Frasera 17:130; 40:356; 45:26; 50:198, 199. 
caroliniensis 86:100, 220 

Fraxinus 6:126; 12:184; 15:15; 24:56, 233; 
29:48; 37:121; 40:381, 452; 42:155; 44: 
412; 45:108; 46:150; 48: pl. 1026. § Fraxi- 
naster 9:37. americana 4:17; 5:132; 6: 
126; 12:184; 14:83, 192; 21:199; 24:233; 
32:12, 176, 271; 33:140; 38:98; 40:375, 
382, 449—451; 42:475; 45:274; 49:158, 159; 
50:60, 168, 169, 186, 188; f. iodocarpa 
14:192; 24:233; var. biltmoreana 49:159; 
var. caroliniana 50:188; var. microcarpa 
42:361, 475; var. triptera 50:188. anomala 
19:283. biltmoreana 40:380, 450; 47:209; 
49:159. campestris 40:453.  caroliniana 38: 
377; 39:330, 331, 442, 474, 481; 44:240; 
49:22, 91, 102, 159; 50:168, 186-188; g. F. 
latifolia 49:159; f. pubescens 50:188; var. 
B. cubensis 50:189; var. cubensis 50:189, 
190; f. lasiophylla 50:189, 190; var. 
oblanceolata 50:188; f. hypomalaca 50: 

189; var. platicarpa 50:188; var. pubescens 
39:442, 476; 47:171; 50:188; var. Rehder- 
iana 39:442; 50:188. cinerea40:375. cuben- 
sis 50:189. Darlingtoniana 40:450, 453. 
epiptera 40:451. excelsior 50:188, 214. 
expansa 49:159. fusca 40:452. hybrida 
50:188, 189. juglandifolia 49:159; Q. sub- 
integerrima 49:159. lanceolata 23:180; 40: 
453; 49:159. longifolia 40:452. Michauxii 
21:189, 190; 40:450, 451. nigra 3:235; 6: 
126; 12:184; 22:134; 24:233; 35:90, 280; 
37:20-22, pl. 324; subsp. caroliniana 50: 
188. Nuttallii 50:188. pauciflora 50:188, 
189. pennsylvanica 3:235; 4:17; 12:108, 
110, 141; 13:218; 15:15; 16:16; 24:233; 32: 
271; 35:251, 293; 38:441; 39:442; 40:450- 
454, 484, pl. 529; 42:94, 95; 50:187; var. 
Austini 40:452, 453, pl. 529; 42:475; 45: 
273; var. lanceolata 3:235; 4:17, 19; 15: 
15, 167; 40:154, 161, 453; 42:475; 49:159; 
var. subintegerrima 49:159; var. typica 
40:452, 453, pl. 529; 45:273. platicarpa 
50:187, 188; Q. pubescens 39:442; 50:188; 
y. oblanceolata 50:188; var. floridana 50: 
188. profunda 14:81; 21:190; 35:293; 37: 
351, 361; 39:331, 442, 482; 40:450, 452, 
484, pl. 528; var. Ashei 40:450. pubescens 
3:235; 4:17; 40:452; 50:187; *subpubescens 
49:159; 8. subpubescens 49:159. quadrang- 
ulata 19:23; 35:289. Rehderiana 39:442; 
50:188. rubicunda 40:452. rufa 40:452. 
sambucifolia 1:40; 2:37; 4:17; 6:126. texen- 
sis 45:274. tomentosa 40:450-452, 484, 
pl. 528. triptera 50:188. viridis 3:235; 4: 
17, 19; 49:159; var. Berlandierana 50:189 

Fremyella crassa 44:186. grisea 40:75 

French Sorrel 28:84 

Fréne 24:56 

Fringe-tree 6:20 

Fringed Gentian 1:11, 89; 5:75; 7:14; 25: 

85; 28:60. Blue 9:28. Polygala 1:173 

Fringed-orchid 48:185 
Fritillaria alba 9:51. camtschatcensis 36:8; 


Froelichia 31:146. campestris 43:336. flori- 

dana 36:220; 43:336; var. campestris 43: 
336. gracilis 31:146; 36:220; 42:374, 450; 
48:510, 515 

Frog's Bit Family 44:219 

Frogs 41:148, 156 

Frommea obtusa 34:61 

Frostweed 49:144 

Frullania 8:44; 9:72; 12:193, 202; 19:270; 

25:77, 92. subgen. Diastoloba 12:203. 
subgen. Trachycolea 12:202. aeolotis 4: 
242. Asagrayana 4:30; 5:171; 9:72, 73; 10: 
191; 15:23; 25:197; 26:12; 39:38.  Bolanderi 
39:3, 4, 7, 9-11, 37, 38, fig. 5 (map). Brit- 
toniae 5:171; 6:74, 190; 7:58; 9:73; 15: 
23; 25:197; 26:13. cleistostoma 12:203. 
dilatata 6:74. eboracensis 4:30; 5:171; 8: 
34, 44; 12:202; 15:23, 27; 25:197; 26:12, 
13; 39:38. Hutchinsiae 7:55; var. 7:56; 
var. @. 7:56; var. Q.integrifolia 7:56, 57. 
inflata 12:201-203; 15:28, 27; 25:197. 
Kunzei 12:203. Oakesiana 5:52, 171; 15: 

INDEX TO VOLUMEs 1-50 111 

23; 25:107; 39:38. pennsylvanica 7:56. 
plana 5:171; 15:23; 25:197. riparia 4:242; 
5:171; 6:190; 15:23; 25:197. saxicola 12: 
202, 203; 15:24, 27; 25:197. Selwyniana 
10:191; 15:24, 27; 16:70; 19:272; 25:197. 
squarrosa 5:171; 15:24; 25:197. Sullivantiae 
10:191. Sullivantii 10:191. Tamarisci 5: 
171; 9:72, 73; 10:192; 15:24; 25:197.  virgin- 
ica 5:171; 8:44; 12:202; 15:27 

Frullaniaceae 39:37 
Frustulia Lewisiana 9:135. rhomboides 9:135; 

var. saxonica 9:135.  viridula 9:135 

Fucaceae 5:135 
Fuchsia 46:250 
Fuci 4:125 

Fucus 2:11, 210; 5:24; 7:224-228, 231, 233, 
234, 242, 243; 9:78; 16:3; 19:83; 24:8; 26: 
189, 190; 33:129; 35:64; 40:268; 44:34; 50: 
257, 260, 263, 264. Areschougii 2:46; 
7:229; 41:26. axillaris, var. spiralis 41: 
28. bacciferus 19:78. ceranoides 2:46; 7: 
230. edentatus 2:46; 10:116. evanescens 
2:46; 7:229; 10:116, 161; 50:261. filiformis 
2:46; 33:130. lutarius 41:27, 28. natans 
19:78. nodosus 50:262. platycarpus 2:46; 
7:220; 35:151; f. 7:229. spiralis 41:26, 27; 
43:214; 50:257, 260, 262; var. lutarius 41: 
27, 28; var. nana 41:27; var. volubilis 41: 
27, 28. vermicularis 14:58. vesiculosus 2: 
46, 47; 7:229, 230; 10:161; 16:3; 26:213; 
33:130; 35:151; 41:26, 27; 50:260, 262, 
265; f. 7:230; f. gracillimus 2:14, 47; f. 
limicola 8:109; var. laterifructus 7:230; 33: 
130; var. sphaerocarpus 2:47; 7:230; 33: 
130; var. spiralis 2:47; 7:229, 230; 41: 
26-28; 50:262; var. volubilis 41:28. volub- 
ilis 41:28 

Fuirena 3:33; 13:104; 33:44; 40:396, 397; 
47:206. breviseta 42:390, 421, 442. hispida 
38:378, 396; 39:482; 40:307, 398; 44:255; 
47:103, 117. pumila 40:397, 398; 42:369; 
44:241. scirpoidea 31:12. simplex 40:254; 
42:144; var. pumila 40:397, 398. squarrosa 
7:72; 10:43, 136, 142; 13:104, 247; 14:29, 
32; 24:86; 26:180; 31:14; 32:177, 211; 33: 
57, 58, map 32; 38:377, 396; 39:476, 488; 
40:396-398; 44:255; 47:103, 117; 6. pumila 
40:398; var. hispida 7:72 

Fuligo 2:78. ochracea 1:128, 129. septica 
1:128, 129; 26:218; 29:167, 173; 41:515; 
Lh wr 29:167; f. ovata 29:167; var. candida 

Fumana 9:46; 28:143 

Fumaria 18:215; 47:385. Gussonei 9:39. 
officinalis 18:215; 29:175, 213; 45:117 
Fumariaceae 11:44; 18:215; 29:213; 31:43; 
45:444; 49:255 

Fumarineae 47:385 

Funaria flavicans 13:43. hygrometrica 4:30; 
13:43; 30:5. microstoma 30:5 

Funariaceae 12:146; 30:5; 38:240. subfam. 
Ephemereae 12:146 

Fungi 3:69, 79, 242, 257, 281, 282, 285; 4: 
77, 171; 5:97, 99, 103, 107, 120, 136; 7: 
170; 8:232; 9:36; 10:9; 11:129, 132; 13: 
57; 16:45, 79; 18:240; 24:110; 42:417; 47: 

281, 386; 50:285, 286. Imperfecti 50:287. 
Oomycetous 5:102. Zygomycetous 5:102 
dro 5:95, 98; 11:28; 25:215. Fragrant 

Funkia ovata 1:47; 10:113 
Furcellaria fastigiata 3:133; 25:36; 50:266 
Furera 9:55 
Fusarium 43:2; 50:288 


Gabera hypnorum 44:170 

Gaillardia aristata 24:120. lutea 36:232. 
multiceps 47:331.  pulchella 42:498 

Galactia 7:28; 33:36; 39:434; 42:218; 43: 
512,514. angustifolia 39:434. Macreei 39: 
433, 434, 480. mollis 39:433. parvifolia 
39:434. pilosa, $8. Macraei 39:433, 434; 
var. angustifolia 39:434. regularis 39:481. 
volubilis 36:220; 39:194, 433, 434, 482; 
42:214; var. intermedia 39:434; var. missis- 
sippiensis 39:434 

Galardia bicolor 40:355 

Ebrei Res floridanum 40:479. sanguineum 

Galax 7:160; 11:54; 21:24; 34:231; 43:568. 
aphylla 21:24; 24:281; 38:378, 439; 39: 
198, 200, 438, 475, 486, fig. 14 (map); 
43:486, 629 

Galaxaura 3:91; 50:135 

Galaxaurata obtusata 8:110 

Gale 16:167. palustris 16:167; var. subglabra 

Gale, Sweet 12:178; 16:167; 22:132; 28:82 

Galega spicata 42:456, 457 

Galeopsis 6:128; 25:38; 38:100. bifida 12: 
142. Ladanum 2:157; 5:204; 8:72; 25: 
38; 29:219; var. latifolia 19:247. Tetrahit 
2:205, 208; 5:50; 6:128; 11:98; 12:141, 142; 
18:42; 20:107; 21:170; 22:137; 25:11, 38; 
28:72; 29:219; 36:283; var. bifida 12:141, 
142; 15:167; 20:107; 25:38; 33:109, 124 

Galera 5:198, 199. sphagnorum 16:46 

Galinsoga 5:258; 24:35; 26:107; 32:14; 37: 
307. aristulata 22:97, 98, 100; 24:35; 26: 
107. bicolorata 22:98, 99; 26:107. cara- 
casana 12:192; 22:98-100; 24:35; 20:107. 
ciliata 24:35; 26:107; 43:344. hispida 
22:97, 100; 24:35. parviflora 1:47; 11:84; 
17:30; 22:97, 98, 100; 24:35, 36; 26:107; 
y. hispida 22:100; 24:35; var. hispida 2: 
205; 5:258; 6:91; 10:150; 22:97; 24:35; 
26:107; 36:374; var. semicalva 22:101. 
purpurea 22:98. semicalva 22:98, 100 

Galionella nummuloides 9:140 

Galium 6:21, 22, 129; 7:160; 12:116, 229; 
14:199, 200; 18:191, 193; 26:13; 30:106; 
42:156, 339, 366; 49:89, 100, 155.  Aparine 
4:195; 15:167; 17:146, 147; 26:13; 32:275; 
36:284, 374; 38:299. arkansanum 36:221, 
232. asprellum 6:129; 9:122; 11:98; 26:13; 34: 
64; 36:284, 374; 37:446. bermudense 18: 
191-194. bermudianum 18:192-194. bor- 
eale 1:25, 40, 75; 5:236; 6:142, 195; 9:14; 
12:144; 26:14; 30:106; 36:284; 39:450; 
41:289; 42:339; 45:315; var. hyssopifolium 
30:107; 36:227; 40:251; var. intermedium 


30:107; 43:343; var. scabrum 30:107; var. 
typieum 30:107; 32:59. Brandegeei 12: 
77, 78, 229; 28:123, 236; 39:320; 41:156, 
161, 289; 44:128. brevipes 12:78, 116; 
14:175, 176; 44:104, 144. circaeoides 39: 
450. cireaezans 3:185; 18:192, 193; 26: 
14; 32:275; 35:250; 39:449, 450, 490, pl. 
483; 47:140; var. glabellum 39:450; var. 
glabrum 24:119; 39:449, 450; var. hypoma- 
lacum 39:450, 490, pl. 483; 43:645; var. 
montanum 35:309; var. typicum 39:450, 
pl. 483. Claytoni 6:129; 7:110; 11:229; 
12:217, 229, 230; 14:200; 17:151; 18:43; 
22:135; 26:14; 27:108; 29:131, 187, 220; 
32:161, 276; 33:125; 35:252; 37:443—445, 
454, pl. 403; 39:320; 40:181, 254; 41:388; 
42:144, 200; 49:100, 180; 50:299; var. 
subbiflorum 12:229; 39:320; 41:388. co- 
lumbianum 41:388. erectum 4:91; 5:173, 
174; 18:244; 19:248; 26:14. fiifolium 37: 
443. glaucum 11:57. hispidulum 18:193; 
38:378; 39:480; 49:101. kamtschaticum 3: 
160, 176; 9:163; 11:13, 98; 13:116, 138; 
28:124; 32:206; 35:89, 309, 310, map 25. 
labradoricum 6:21, 206; 7:109; 11:98; 
12:77, 144; 13:115, 119, 138; 14:199, 200; 
15:203; 22:92; 25:11; 29:187, 220; 36:284; 
49:180; 50:212. lanceolatum 1:222; 6:129; 
10:165; 26:14. latifolium 42:346.  Littellii 
35:309. Mollugo 1:25, 47; 4:91; 5:173, 
174; 8:99; 15:68; 19:248; 26:14; 33:170; 
43:343; f. ochroleucum 33:170. obtusum 
37:448—445, 454, pl. 403; 39:320; 42:360; 
49:180; var. filifolium 37:443; 39:474, 476; 
49:180, 181. X ochroleucum 33:170. ore- 
ganum 35:310. palustre 1:69, 220; 21:65; 
23:291; 24:119; 26:14; 29:187, 220; 35: 
252; 36:93; 47:390.  parisiense 43:408, 645; 
46:140. pilosum 5:204; 14:21; 18:190-193; 
26:14; 32:152, 276; 36:221; 45:276; var. 
laevicaule 18:192, 194; var. puncticulosum 
18:191, 193, 194. praecox 6:22. proli- 
ferum 45:276. punctatum 18:194. puncti- 
culosum 18:192-194; 6. pilosum 18:194. 
purpureum 18:192, 194. rotundifolium 8. 
bermudense 18:194; f. pilosum 18:194. 
saxatile 21:66; 28:83, 236; 29:126; 
49:252. subbiflorum 39:320; 41:388. 
sylvaticum 6:142; 26:14; 42:46. texense 
45:276; 50:93, 98. tinctorium 6:21, 22; 
14:200; 23:104, 106, 146, 291; 26:14; 32: 
177; 37:350, 443—445, 454, pl. 403; 39:320; 
40:181, 254; 41:388; 42:144, 200; 49:87, 
100, 180, 181; 50:299; var. filifolium 49: 
180; var. floridanum 37:178; 49:100, 180, 
181; var. labradoricum 5:33; 6:21; 49:180; 
var. subbiflorum 39:320; 41:157, 289, 
388, 506. tricorne 1:47. trifidum 1:107, 221; 
3:188; 4:26; 6:21, 129, 206; 12:77, 78, 228- 
230; 14:205, 206; 17:151; 22:135; 23:104, 
291; 24:119; 25:11; 26:14, 187, 228; 28:245; 
29:187, 220; 32:165, 275; 37:443; 38:299; 39: 
320; 41:289, 387, 388; 42:339; 49:87, 155, 
181, 252; 50:299; Q.tinetorium 41:388; 
subsp. columbianum 41:387, 388; subsp. 
tinctorium 41:388; var. brevipeduncula- 


tum 41:388; var. halophilum 12:78, 107; 
20:107; 23:105, 291; 32:179; 34:55; 44:144; 
var. pacificum 41:387, 388; var. subbiflorum 
12:78, 228, 229; 39:320; 41:387, 388. tri- 
florum 3:176, 188; 5:50; 6:129; 11:98; 13: 
125; 22:93, 137; 25:11; 26:14; 29:220; 32: 
206, 276; 33: 125; 36:93, 284; 37: 206, 446, 454, 
pl. 404; 41 :289; var. asprelliforme 37: :445, 
446, 454, pl. 404. uliginosum 29:187, 220. 
uniflorum 37:381, 446; 38:381, 444; 39:355, 
480; 40:371, 457; 41:468. verum 6:22; 8: 
222; 13:89, 237; 15:07; 26:14; 33:170; 49: 
252; f. albidum, 33:170. virgatum 36:224, 
231; 45:276. Wirtgeni 6:22 

Gallberry, Bitter 44:365. Sweet 44:365 

Gall-fly 41:217 

Galpinsia 15:223. interior 15:223 

Gansblum 9:54 

Garberia fruticosa 48:410 

Garden Cress 4:32. Larkspur 28:70. Rasp- 
berry 28:71 

Garlic 46:315. Field 43:504. Keeled 46: 
59. Wild 46:59 

Gastridium 15:127; 49:272. australe 15:127; 
38:265, 267; 49:272. ventricosum 49:272 

Gastroclonium uvarium 21:207 

Gastromycetes 3:70 

Gastropoda 24:51 

Gaultheria 6:126; 12:183; 23:98; 24:153; 46: 
158; 47:282. procumbens 1 93; 3: 132; 5: 
129: 6:126; 7:39; 12:183; 13: :97, 139; 17: 
152; 18: 41: 22: 41, 43, 44, 122, 156; 23: 
98; 24: 153; 27: 108; 29: 218; 32: 216, 270; 
33: 112, 123; 36:129; 40:148; f. accrescens 
36: 129, pl. 283; f. elongata 25:184; f. 
suborbiculata 22:155; 24:153 

Gaura 23:115; 40:99. biennis 2:125; 6:205; 
19:231; 23: 115; 42:467; 44:362, 430.  coccin- 
ea 34: :6; 36: 224; var. parviflora 42:267. 
filiformis, var. Munzii 39 :420; var. typica 
42:500. glabra 27:15. induta 27:15. parvi- 
flora 27:15; 34:175; 37:193; var. lachno- 
carpa 27: 14, 15; var. typica, f. glabra 42: 

Gaylussacia 3:266; 9:54; 12:107, 183; 13:96; 
22:167; 24:154; 32: 127; 83: 197; '36: 236; 
43:69. baccata 10: 53, 84; 11:97, 231; 12: 
183; 13:128, 139, 149; 17: 148; 18: 41; 23: 
135; 24: 154; 29: 218; 32: 151, '210; 34: :64; 
38: 98; 40: 145; 42: 352, 354, fig. ; 43: 68; f. 
glaucocarpa 15: 167; 24: 154; f. leucocarpa 
10:53, 84; 13:182. brachycera 22:167; 33: 
197; 37: 320; 39:196. dumosa 1:93; 2: :168; 
3:103, 197; 5:276; 7:75; 8:27; 9: 119; 11: 
97; 12: 106, 156; 13: 54, 96-99; 21: 119; 22: 
122; 23: 285; 25: 99; 33: 123; 39: 368, '437, 
471, 480; var. Bigeloviana 13 :99, 128, 
135, 140, 149; 17:148, 149; 22:192; 23:99, 
132, 148, 284, 285; 24:99, 154; 28:84; 29: 
129, 183, 218; 32:270; 39:437, 475; 42:87, 
88, 91, 92; var. hirtella 1 93; 3: 194; 24: 
99; 29: 184, 218. frondosa i :93; 5: 204, 
276; 11:281; 24:154; 32:151, 270; 36: :49; 43: 
81; var. nana 33: 198; var. tomentosa 33: 
198. hirtella 13:97. nana 33:198. resino- 
sa 1:93; 2:6, 81, 83, 188; 3:194, 263, 266; 

INDEX TO VoLUMEs 1-50 113 

4:14, 131; 5:129; f. leucocarpa 3:195, 264; 
var. glaucocarpa 2:83, 168; 3:194, 235; 
4:14, 131; 6:142; var. leucocarpa 10:53. 
ursina 33:198; 43:626 

Geaster hygrometricus 41:515 

Gelidium 7:172; 21:204. australe 20:203, 
204, 206. cartilagineum 21:207. corneum 
35:148; 50:266; var. sericeum 21:207. 
crinale 2:50; 7:231; f. luxurians 8:111. 
unilaterale 14:59 

Gelinaria dentata 8:112 

Gelsemium 18:227. sempervirens 36:50; 38: 
377; 39:474, 480 

Gemmingia 9:53 

Genista 20:168. Boissieri 9:47. horrida 9: 

41:487, 555-557; 44:152, 237, 238; 49:99; 
f. albescens 44:152; f. albocaerulea 44: 
152; f. Stoneana 44:152. procera 11:54; 
19:164; 25:86, 88; 32:221; 41:153, 279, 
280; 45:314; f. laevicalyx 32:221. pro- 
pinqua 19:150; 28:54, 60, 79, 80, 125, 224; 
29:185; 35:95, 96; 41:164, 279, 280; 42: 
336, 337; 45:314. prostrata 41:280; 42: 
337; 45:314. puberula 35:361; 36:224; 41: 
556. purpurea 41:487, 556, 557; 44:152, 
237. quinqueflora 1:221; 16:90. quinque- 
folia 21:202; 35:289; 36:24, 100; 46:139; 
47:143; f. lutescens 19:151. Romanzovii 
39:494. rotata 21:193, 194. rubricaulis 
7:109; 37:325-327. Saponaria 16:89; 19: 

47. tinctoria 1:81; 2:89, 168; 3:88; 10: 
152; 20:168; 31:84; 32:156, 250; 39:187. 
Webbei 9:47 

Gentian 7:22, 23; 17:56; 41:486, 487, 557; 
42:337, 350; 47:143. Blue Fringed 9:28. 
Cherokee 41:487. Elliott’s 15:224. Fringed 
1:11, 89; 5:75; 7:14; 25:85; 28:60. Plym- 
outh 23:160 

Gentiana 1:36; 6:127; 7:23; 10:54; 17:56; 

21:193, 194, 201; 24:234; 29:185; 41:556; 
42:155; 47:290, 378; 49:175. $ Crossope- 
talae 25:88; 41:280. acuta 9:154; 19: 
149-151; 29:185; 49:251. aleutica 41:150, 
279. algida 41:163, 164, 278. Amarella 
19:149-151; 25:10; 29:185; 35:94-96; f. 
Michauxiana 19:151; var. acuta 6:94; 9: 
154, 163, 167; 11:7, 97; 19:150.  Andrewsii 
4:03; 16:89; 19:147-149, 152; 21:201; 22: 
104-110; 24:185, 234; 34:33; 36:224; 38: 
366; 42:350; 46:139; f. albiflora 19:152. 
angustifolia 41:555, 556. arctophila 41: 
279; var. (Q.41:279. carinthiaca 21:193, 
194. Catesbaei 41:555, 556; 49:86, 175, 
176, 193, pls. 1078, 1079; var. nummulari- 
aefolia 49:175, 193, pl. 1078. cherokeen- 
sis 41:471, 487, 555, map 14; 42:375; 44: 
373, 431; 45:365, 366. ciliata 25:85, 87. 
clausa 19:148, 149; 21:201; 22:105, 106, 
108, 109; 24:234. crinita 1:11, 89; 2:217; 
3:189, 190; 7:14, 22; 14:21; 17:35; 24:234; 
25:85, 86, 88; 26:175; f. albina 19:152. 
decora 39:200. detonsa 29:218. elegans 
41:280. Elliottea 39:362; 41:555. Elliottii 
39:362; 41:555, 556; 49:176; var. parvifolia 
49:176. faleata 45:314. flavida 42:350. 
frigida 41:278. glauca 41:148, 154, 163- 
165, 279; 42:312, 337. Grayi 37:320. 
linearis 1:184; 6:127; 7:110; 13:182; 24: 
183; 32:143, 144; 37:325-327; 41:486; 42: 
362; f. Blanchardii 19:152; 32:143, 144; 
var. lanceolata 37:325, 326; var. latifolia 
26:40; 37:325, 326. Macounii 25:86, 89. 
monantha 39:495. nana 45:314. nesophila 
13:119, 130, 138; 25:86, 89; 28:60, 79, 118; 
29:130, 185, 218; 32:13; 35:60, 94-96; 36: 
332. nigricans 42:299, pl. 625. nivalis 
38:157. ochroleuca 37:326; 42:350. par- 
vifolia 37:438; 38:304, 441; 39:362, 474, 
477; 41:555; 49:176. Pennelliana 42:198. 
plebeja 19:149, 151. Pneumonanthe 37: 
326. Porphyrio 39:364, 444, 467, 472, 474; 

147-149; 22:105-110; 23:129; 35:255; 37: 
350; 39:361, 362, 482; 41:486, 555, 556; 49: 
175, 176. serrata 25:85, 86. spicata 10: 
54. Stelleriana 21:193, 197. Stoneana 
41:555-557, pl. 579; 42:198, 362; 43:502; 
44:152, 237. sulcata 21:194. tenella 41: 
280. tenuifolia 41:557; 42:198. unalac- 
censis 41:279. verna 21:66. Victorinii 
25:87-89, pl. 139; 32:221; 33:73; 34:39; 
41:377; 42:401, 514, map 26; 48:272. vil- 
losa 31:13, 17, pl. 178; 38:441; 39:362, 399, 
480; 41:555, 556; 49:176 

Gentianaceae 6:127; 21:194; 24:234; 25:10; 
29:218; 31:43; 32:271; 34:167; 36:283; 40: 
356; 42:155; 45:314; 49:255 

Gentians 41:279, 488, 555 

Geobalanus pallidus 48:136 

Geocalyx 11:16; 19:270. graveolens 2:63; 
5:171; 6:74; 9:73; 15:24; 25:194; 26:8 

Geocarpon minimum 36:220, 231 

Geocaulon 30:21, 23. lividum 30:23, 24; 
32:206; 33:120; 34:52; 36:280; 41:149, 
218; 42:311, 321 

Geoglossum 1:59-61. Farlowi 1:63, 66, pl. 4. 
glabrum 1:63. hirsutum 1:63; form G. 
Farlowi 1:63. luteum 1:65-67. olivaceum 
1:65. ophioglossoides 1:63. Peckianum 1: 
63, 66, pl. 4. pistillaris 1:65. rufum 1: 
65-67. simile 1:63 

Geoprumnon 46:216. mexicanum 39:317. tri- 
chocalyx 39:317 

Georgia geniculata 8:131. pellucida 2:62; 
8:131; var. curvata 8:131, 132 

Georgia Pine 50:182 

Georgiaceae 8:131; 11:16 

Geraniaceae 15:172; 18:39; 21:79; 25:9, 25; 
26:226; 28:71; 29:215; 31:43; 32:257; 49: 
255; 50:302 

Geranium 3:149; 7:160; 8:113, 226; 11:130; 
13:18; 21:80; 37:295; 45:5-7, 16; 46:28; 
47:219. § Caespitosa 45:6, 8, 52. § Mexi- 
cana 45:6, 8, 52. §Sylvatica 45:6, 8. 
albiflorum 45:5, 33, 35; Q.incisum 45:15, 
25. atropurpureum 45:48, 50, 51; var. 
fureatum 45:45. atrum 37:300. attenui- 
lobum 45:8, 9, 26, 40, 41. Bicknellii 
15:141; 17:233; 19:230; 21:80; 24:176; 37: 
295-298, 340, pl. 371; 43:35; 44:91, 92; 
var. longipes 37:297, 340, pl. 371; 43:35. 
caespitosum 45:8, 10, 38, 39, 41, 45-47, 
40, 50; f. albiflorum 45:48. californicum 


45:8, 10, 38, 41. canum 45:23. carolini- 
anum 5:203; 15:141; 21:80; 24:176; 26:226; 
32:257; 37:205, 296, 298-300, 341, pls. 
373, 374; 42:458; 43:35; 50:302; var. con- 
fertiflorum 37:300, 301, 341, pl. 374; 
38:454; var. longipes 37:297. columbinum 
37:296, 310, 318. concinnum 45:8, 10, 
36, 38. Cowenii 45:8, 9, 41, 42. dissectum 
21:80; 37:296-299, 340, pl. 371; 42:458. 
divaricatum 34:207. eremophilum 45:8-10, 
38, 46, 47. erianthum 41:154, 248, 254; 
42:333; 45:5, 6, 8, 9, 13, 16, 17, 22. Fre- 
montii 45:8, 9, 23, 41, 42, 44, 46, 47, 50; var. 
Parryi 45:43. furcatum 45:45, 46. gracile 
45:47, 51. gracilentum 45:33, 35, 36. 
Hookerianum 45:33; Q. incisum 45:22.  iberi- 
cum 37:296. incisum 45:15, 16, 20, 23, 
25, 39. Langloisii 37:300, 341, pl. 374. 
lanuginosum 37:300. laxum 37:297, 298, 
340, pl. 371. lentum 45:6, 8, 10, 51-53. 
leucanthum 45:39. lobatum 30:56. lolo- 
ense 45:33, 36. longipes 37:297. maculatum 
3:149; 4:88; 5:130, 132, 256; 12:128; 15: 
79; 21:80; 32:216, 257; 37:166, 296; 45:5, 
6, 8, 10, 13, 14, 17, 19, 22; 6. 45:15, 16; 
f. albiflorum 45:11; var. albiflorum 45:11; 
var. album 45:11; var. plenum 45:11. 
marginale 45:8, 9, 41, 42. mexicanum 
45:53. molle 21:80; 34:207; 37:296, 301. 
nemorale 37:207, 340, pl. 371; 43:35; 44: 
91, 92; var. Bicknellii 43:35; 44:91. nepal- 
ense 47:220; var. Thunbergii 47:219, 220. 
nervosum 45:23, 24, 36; 46:28. oreganum 
45:8, 9, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 25. Parryi 
45:8, 9, 42, 44, 46, 52. Pattersonii 45:43, 
44. pentagynum 45:33. pratense 3:149; 
5:256; 21:80; 23:273; 25:9; 37:87, 296; 
45:6, 8, 9, 13, 19. pusillum 1:81; 2:125; 
17:30; 19:230; 21:80; 37:296, 301. pyrenai- 
cum 37:296, 301. Richardsonii 45:8, 10, 
16, 17, 22, 25, 32, 35, 36, 38-40; var. inter- 
media 45:43. Robertianum 2:208; 3:188; 
4:74; 5:132; 6:208; 9:39; 17:35, 233; 18: 
39; 21:80; 23:140, 170; 27:202; 28:71; 
29:121, 215; 32:173; 35:83, 250, 390; 37: 
295; 38:454; 45:49. sanguineum 37:296. 
sibiricum 21:80; 24:17; 37:296; 47:216. 
sphaerospermum 37:296, 298, 299, 341, 
pl. 372. strigosius 45:8, 9, 16, 17, 21, 22, 
25, 26, 36, 38, 39, 41; 46:28. strigosum 45: 
23-25. sylvaticum 36:421; 45:8. texanum 
37:299, 341, pl. 372. triste 30:56. visco- 
sissimum 45:8, 9, 17, 19, 21-23, 25, 38; 
f. album 45:20; var. album 45:20. Wislizeni 
45:6, 8-10, 51, 53 

Gerardia 9:38; 15:224; 20:67-70, 73, 133, 
136, 137; 23:138; 28:143; 34:215; 35:74; 
39:362; 41:382; 42:156, 416, 417; 48:200. 
$ Dasystoma 20:68, 70, 73. $ Eugerardia 
20:68, 70, 73. S Otophylla 20:68, 70, 73. 
§ Pedicularioides 20:70. auriculata 20:71, 
73. cassioides 17:184. decemloba 8:221; 
38:443; 39:475. densiflora 20:71, 73. 
droseroides 20:68. fasciculata 44:255. 
flava 2:157; 5:129; 7:33; 10:165; 20:66-68, 
71, 73, 133; 21:202; 25:63; 37:350; 39:474; 


50:122; var. reticulata 38:407; 44:446. 
Gattingeri 38:366. glauca 20:67, 71. glu- 
tinosa 20:68. grandiflora 20:69, 70, 73, 
135; 50:122; var. cinerea 38:407; var. 
integriuscula 10:35; var. serrata 10:35; 
20:71, 73. Greggii 20:135. hispidula 20: 
136. integrifolia 50:122. laevigata 20:71, 
73; 35:202; 44:446. maritima 2:219; 5: 
133; 7:33; 11:229; 17:208, 221; 24:203; 
32:274. neoscotica 23:138, 139. obtusi- 
folia 39:476. parvifolia 8:221; 13:151; 25: 
62. paupercula 7:75; 9:122; 10:165; 1l: 
130; 13:19; 16:40; 19:30, 53; 23:290; 31: 
167; 35:251; 44:246. pectinata 50:122. 
pedieularia 7:33; 10:86, 165; 13:19; 20: 
68-70, 73, fig. 6; 35:202; 50:122; var. 
ambigens 10:86; 20:70, 73; 35:202; var. 
pectinata 10:86; 11:56; 20:70, 73. peduncu- 
laris 20:69, 135. fig. 7. Plukenetii 44:255. 
purpurea 1:205; 7:33, 35; 9:122; 13:19; 
14:29; 20:68, 69; 23:200; 24:88; 32:274; 
35:74; 39:474; 42:480; f. albiflora 44:446; 
var. paupercula 1:43, 205; 5:131; 7:33. 
quercifolia 3:185; 4:88; 5:129; 7:33; 10: 
165; 20:66, 67, 133; 50:122. racemulosa 
39:476; 42:480. scabrosa 20:68. serrata 
10:35; 20:71. setacea 34:206; 39:476; 44: 
255. Skinneriana 7:33, 35, 75; 8:221; 47: 
404; 50:106, 123. tenuifolia 2:219; 5:129; 
7:33; 10:165; 16:40; 20:69; 24:119; 42: 
416; var. macrophylla 20:71, 73; var. typica 
46:139. tuberosa 20:68; 41:382. virginica 
13:182; 20:66—69, 71, 73, fig. 8; 21:199, 
200; 25:63; 35:202; 39:474; 48:205. 
Wrightii 20:137 

Gerardia, Purple 25:62. Yellow 25:63 

Gerbera 17:136; 20:151 

Gesnera Donklarii 9:45 

Gesneria 30:54 

Gesneriaceae 39:275 

Geum 6:120; 8:11, 203; 13:221; 20:18; 30: 
207; 31:9; 33:172; 39:344, 358; 41:248; 
42:153. § Cariophyllata 8:11. § Sieversia 
39:78. agrimonioides 24:47, 48, 50. album 
5:130; 60:208; 24:48. aleppicum 37:293, 
294, 340, pls. 369, 370; var. strictum 37: 
294, 340, pl. 370. calthifolium 33:59. 
camporum 24:47, 49. canadense 17:35; 
20:18; 23:137, 268; 24:47, 48, 50; 32:216, 
255; f. glandulosum 24:48, 50; var. 
brevipes 39:410, 475, 490, pl. 479; 40: 
417; 47:97, 152; var. camporum 24:48, 
49, 50; 25:210; 39:410; f. adenophorum 
24:48, 49, 50; var. Grimesii 24:48, 49, 
50; 37:427; 39:344, 410, 490, pl. 479; var. 
texanum 24:47-49, 50. ciliatum 30:206, 
207; 44:405. flavum 1:68; 35:39; 37:292, 
427; 40:181. geniculatum 8:11. glaciale 
41:163, 164, 248. hispidum 8:11. inter- 
medium 8:11. laciniatum 25:98, 99; 37: 
292, 293; var. trichocarpum 37:293. 
macrophyllum 6:193; 8:11; 13:115, 125, 
138; 25:9; 29:131, 179, 215; 32:200; 33: 
172-174, 176, fig. 1 (map); 36:281; 37: 
204, 205; 44:104; var. perincisum 33:176, 
fig. 2 (map); 37:205; 41:248; 42:331. 


Meyerianum 24:47, 48, 50. oregonense 33: 
173, 174. Peckii $8: 103; 9:154, 155, 162; 
22: :38, 48; 33:59. perincisum 33: 173, 174, 
176; 37: 295. X pulchrum 8:11; 44: 104, 
143. radiatum 8:103; 9:154; var. Peckii 
3:165; 50:240. rivale 3: 130; 4:76; 5:133; 
6:120; 8:11; 11:94; 20:18; 21 :65, 199; 29: 
215; 33: 179; 36: 11, 281; "44: 104, 115; 47: 
215. Rossii 36: 12; 41: 163, 164, 248; 42: 
331. strictum 1 :220; 6: 120; 11 52:20: 
18; 23:137, 268; 32: 173; 33: 172, 174, 176; 
36: :281; 37: 293, '294. triflorum 1171; 30: 
206, 207; 33: 172, 170, 227; 34: 97; 35: 
388; 37: 203, 295, 299; 39: 78; 44: :405; f. 
allidum 30 :207; var. ciliatum 30 :207; 
P flavulum 30: 207; f. ornatum 30: 207. 
urbanum 12:189; 20:18; 33:173. virgin- 
ianum 6:208; 7:154; 20: 18; 21:199; 23: 
137, 170, 268; 24 48; 25: 98; 37:292, 293, 
340, 427, pl. 368; 40: 181; var. Murrayanum 
25: :99; 37: 292, 293 

Giant Bulrush 4:102. Coral-root 39:342. 
Horsetail 49:208. Rag-weed 41:82 

Gigartina 17:96. canaliculata f. laxa 8:111. 

hamissoi 17:92. exasperata 14:58. Les- 

sonii 17:93. mamillosa 2:50. mollis 14:58 

Gilia 6:153; 18:229; 25:27; 45:27. acerosa 
34:60. androsacea 3: 92; 6: 153; 25:27. cor- 
onopifolia 6:151, 152. inconspicua 6:151; 
25:27. leucocephala 6:151; 25:27. linearis 
6:84, 144, 151, 153; 12:111; 23:288. multi- 
caulis 25:27. rubra 18:299. tricolor 6: 
153; E var. longipedicellata 60:151, 154; 

Gilibertia 18:234; 47:289 

Gillena 19:153 

Gillenia 19:153. stipulata 36:230; 39:482. 
trifoliata 39:482; 42:453; 45:215; f. multipe- 
tala 45:216 

Ginannia 18:233, 234. 
cens 18:234 

Gingko biloba 32:13 

Ginseng 46:250 

Giraudia sphacelarioides 2:206 

Githopsis 41:301, 302, 306, 309, 312, 313. 
calycina 41 :303, 308, 309; var. hirsuta 41: 
308, 309. diffusa 41 303, 310, 311. filicau- 
lis 41:304, 311, 312. gilioides 41:303, 
311. latifolia 41 :303, 304. pulchella 41: 
303-306, 309, pl. 555. specularioides 41: 
302, 303, 305, 306, 311, 312; subsp. candida 
41 :308; var. glabra 41:305 

Glabraria geniculata 43:492; 47:140, 142, 


pl. 88 

Gladiolus 31:11; 47:385. 

Glastonbury Thorn 5:167 

Glaucium flavum 26:127; 27:202; 32:180, 
253. luteum 26:127 

Glaucocystis nostochinearum 26:212; 50:274 

Glaucous Alder 47:350. Willow 12:177 

Glaux 4:213-215; 18:30; 24:232; 49:254. 
maritima 4:16, 33, 214, 215; 5:131; 13: 
105; 22:110; 24: :232; 29: 88, 106; 32: 173; 
34: 108; var. obtusifolia 4 :215; 10: 144: 
IET 17: 147; 18:42; 24:232; 33: 123; 34: 

lanata 18:234. pubes- 

X gandavensis 42: 


55, 70, 72, 74, 81, map 4; 36:283; 42:116; 

Glazioua 9:38 

Glechoma hederacea 6:127; 29:185, 219; 
50:299; f. acutiloba 47:176 

Gleditsia 11 :49; 20:168; 46:313; 47:207. 
aquatica 14: 81. triacanthos 2: 91; 4:103; 
20:168; 32:152, 256; 38:97; 41 :515, 517, 
519, 520; 44: 171, 174; 47: 207; Q. inermis 
38: 97; f. inermis 38 97; 47:207 

Glenodinium cinctum 50:276 

Glinus lotoides 42:98 

Globeflower 5:34 

Globularia 47:386. cordifolia 9:45 

Gloeocapsa 5:30; 24:105, 106. 
24:105. alpicola 50:68. 
163. ambigua 15:89. crepidinum 2: 41; fh 
172; 10:162. fusco-lutea 15:89. Magma 
6: 229; 24:103, 105, 106; 26:162, 163. mem- 

alpina 24:106; 26: 

branina 50:68. montana 26:163. rupes- 
tris 15:89. sanguinea 26:162. turgida 50: 
69. violacea 7:235 

Gloeocystis 10:155. ampla 50:274. confluens 
90:69. rupestris 6:230; 7:239. scopulorum 
Td 163. vesiculosa 6:230.  zostericola 

Gloeosporium decolorans 39:371. nervise- 

HET 41:515. polygoni 44:170. profusum 

Gloeotaenium Loitlesbergianum 14:115 

Gloeothece fusco-lutea 26:163 

Gloiococcus mucosus 14:115, 237; 15:92 

Gloiosiphonia capillaris 1:70, 124; 2:50, 210; 
7:285; 8:125; 43:73 

Gloiotrichia Pisum 7:238 

Gloriosa 1:96; 9:37; 47:288 

Glossadelphus acutifolius 36:132. 

Glossopetalum spinescens 34:6 

Glossy Rose 12:180 

Glottidium vesicarium 36:118; 40:180 

Glumiflorae 9:37 

Glyceria 6:106; 7:160; 9:53; 15:145; 16:14; 
18:1; 28: 150; 31: 16; 33: 60; 34: 243; 35: 
321; 36:266, 348; 37: 262; 40: 380; 44: :34; 
48:21; 49:961. $Atropis 36: 346, 347. 
acutiflora 2: 120; 13:92; 14:181, 184, pl. 
99; 15:145; 10: 90; 27: 302; 31 :49; 32: 105, 
148, 176, 236; 38: 363; 40: 28; 43: *658; 48: 
19, 24; 49: 261. airoides 18: 16; 47: 108. 
alnasteretum 36:265. angustata 18:21. 
aquatica 14:180. arctica 18:4. arkansana 
31:49; 35:294; 40:380, 385, 386, 441; 42: 
360, 410; 47: 210. arundinacea 36: 265. 
borealis 2: 158; 8:211; 11:89; 13:92; 14: 
45, 181; 15:98, 145; 16: 14; 17: 150; 22: 135; 
24: 98, 186; 25: 6; 27: 197; 29: 149, 207; 31: 
49; 37: 83; 39: 150; 43: :339; 47: 42, 45; 48: 
19, 23; 49:261. Borreri 18:10. canadensis 
5:131; 6:106; 9:121; 11:231; 12:135; 13: 
139; 14: 181, 184, pl. 99; 15: 145; 17: 72, 
150; 18:34; 29: 207; 32: 172, 213, 236; 33: 
109, 117; 39: 334, 381; 48: 19, 22; 49:261. 
distans 18: 10, 12, 16; 49: 260; f. tenuis 
18:13; 49: 260; var. angustifolia 49:260; 
var. tenuis 18:13; 49:260. elongata 



1:42, 204; 4:39, 146; 6:106; 8:211; 14:186. 
Fernaldii 19:75, 76, 119; 23:231; 24:113; 
28:150; 32:177; 35:220; 47:42, 45; 48:19, 
22; 49:261. fluitans 5:132; 8:211; 10:201; 
14:180; 15:98; 24:98, 186; 27:197, 201; 
28:50, 83, 85, 150; 29:126; 31:49; 35: 
273, 294; 38:15; 43:339; 48:19; 49: 115, 
241, 261. grandis 6:106; 11:89; 14: 181, 
184, pl. 99; 15:145; 17:150; 32:105, 106, 
172, 176, 201, 203, map 37; 35:321, 322, 
fig. A; 36:264, 265, 307; 37:83; 4l: 157, 
181; 42:317; 48:19, 22; 49:241, 261; f. 
pallescens 23:231; 48:19; var. Komarovii 
36:265, 266. kashmiriensis 37:262. laxa 
1:183; 12:110, 135; 15:145, 203; 17:150; 
23:231; 24:162; 32:177; 48:19, 25, 26; 49: 
261. leptolepis 36:265, 266. leptostachya 
30:215; 31:49. lithuanica 36:265; f. violacea 
36:265. maritima 18:7; 32:159; var. reptans 
18:9. maxima 36:265. melicaria 14:186; 
15:145; 19:30, 36; 37:455; 43:339; 48: 
19, 23; 49:261. microtheca 30:215. mon- 
tana 18:16; 30:215. natans 36:265. nemo- 
ralis 37:262, 263. neogaea 35:226; 49: 
261. nervata 3:170; 6:106; 15:145; 17: 
150; 19:76; 29:131, 149, 207; 31:47, 48; 
32:236, 260; 41:157; 49:261; var. stricta 
9:208; 25:6; 28:121; 41:181. nubigena 
35:321, fig. B. obtusa 2:157; 9:121; 15: 
145; 23:231; 24:161; 28:38; 32:149, 150, 
172, 2183, 236; 42:88, 92; 47:237; 48:19, 
25, 26; 49:261. pallida 1:42, 204; 6:106; 
14:181, 182, 184, pl. 99; 15:145; 17:150; 
19:75; 23:166, 231; 32:149, 216, 236; 36: 
266; 48:19, 24; 49:261; var. Fernaldii 
8:211; 11:83; 15:145; 19:75, 76, 119; 35: 
226; 47:42. paludificans 36:265. pauci- 
flora 36:266. paupercula 18:18, 21; 36: 
346. procumbens 18:11. pulchella 36:265. 
pumila 36:347. repanda 42:295. reptans 
18:9. septentrionalis 8:211; 15:98, 146; 
17:213; 24:98, 186; 27:201; 31:49; 35:294; 
37:389; 48:19, 24; 49:115, 261. striata 
31:47, 48; 32:153, 216, 236, 260; 37:203; 
43:79; 44:70; 48:19, 22; 49:261; var. mexi- 
cana 37:263; var. stricta 31:47, 48; 32: 
260; 36:265, 277; 37:263; 38:298; 41:181; 
47:210; 48:19, 23; 49:261. tonglensis 37: 
263; var. honshuana 37:263. Torreyana 
8:211; 14:186, 187; 15:121, 145, 226; 17: 
150; 49:261. vaginata 18:14. vilfoidea 18: 
8. viridis 36:266 

Glycerieto-Distichlidetum 39:56 

Glycerietum 39:54, 55. maritimae 39:56 

Glycine 36:89; 44:423. Apios 36:88, 89; 
41:547. bracteata 35:276. comosa 35:276; 
38:95; 39:318. mollissima 44:255. mon- 
oica 35:276. reniformis 44:423. Soja 36: 
374. tomentosa 44:422-425; var. a. erecta 
44:422; var. Q. volubilis 44:422, 423; var. 
y. monophylla 44:423; var. monophylla 44: 

Glycyrrhiza 20:168. lepidota 1:46; 6:82; 20: 
168; var. glutinosa 45:378, 453 

Glyphomitrium 36:60. canadense 36:60 

Gnaphalium 6:132; 7:160; 20:71; 26:108; 

33:220, 221; 37:306; 47:241, 258. § Gam- 
ochaeta 37:449, 450. alpinum 26:98; 36: 
102. americanum 45:479. arenarium 33: 
220. calviceps 37:449, 450, 454, pl. 405; 
38:52; 39:456, 475; 40:471; 44:343; 46: 
307, 308. carpathicum, var. Laestadiana 
22:142. decurrens 1:74; 6:132; 13:55; 26: 
108; 50:215. dioicum 3:13; @. plantagini- 
folium 47:240, 241. falcatum 36:50; 37: 
450, 454, pl. 405. Helleri 10:94; 20:71, 
72. luteoalbum 33:220. Macounii 50:215. 
margaritaceum 40:219; 41:390, 391; a. 
americanum 41:390; «. genuinum 41:390; 
B. intermedium 41:391; @. kamtschaticum 
41:391. monocephalum 47:241. norvegi- 
cum 9:24, 164, 191; 28:116, 122, 239; 33: 
219, 220, fig. 4; 35:121; 44:115. obtusi- 
folium 6:132; 20:71-73; 23:157; 25:23; 
26:108; 29:128; 32:151, 160, 279; 33:75; 
36:221; 38:232, 233, 238, pl. 434; 39:340; 
44:237; 48:121; 50:300; var. Helleri 20: 
12, 73; 25:22, 23; 38:232, 233, 239, pl. 
494; 39:476; 43:211; 45:380, 480; var. 
micradenium 25:22, 23; 32:178; 35:201; 
36:221; 38:232, 233, 239, pl. 434; 39:475; 
40:369, 471; 43:211; 45:380, 480; var. 
praecox 38:231-233, 239, pl. 434; 39: 
340, 456, 477; 40:471; var. saxicola 48: 
121. pedunculosum 37:450, 454, pl. 405. 
peregrinum 45:479, pl. 795. plantagineum 
15:120; 47:240. plantaginifolium 3:11, 12; 
37:449; 47:183, 240, 241, 247, pl. 957. 
platense 45:479. polycephalum 6:132; 10: 
94; 13:148; 17:36, 219; 18:99; 20:71-73; 
21:170; 26:108, 228; 32:279; 39:373, 375; 
41:517, 520; 50:300; var. Helleri 10:94; 
20:72, 73. purpureum 13:33, 152; 19: 
251; 23:172; 26:108; 32:211, 279; 36:51, 
221; 37:450; 39:474, 482; 45:479; 48:121; 
var. purpureum 48:121. saxicola, 33: 
15; 48:121. spathulatum 36:51; 39:456; 
43:511, 656; 45:478, 479. spatulatum 495: 
478. supinum 3:165, 177; 9:154, 164; 
33:219-221, fig. 4; 36:148; 38:125, 160; 
44:125. sylvaticum 2:137; 4:34; 6:193; 11: 
30, 99; 23:164, 208; 33:220; 49:252.  uligino- 
sum 6:132; 9:154; 17:227; 18:44; 21:170; 
22:137; 26:108; 29:221; 32:279; 33:75, 
126, 220; 50:303; var. nudum 22:140. 
undulatum 17:135 

Gobia baltiea 6:182; 8:157 

Gold Fern 22:113 

Golden Cap 7:144, 146. Club 16:18, 19. 
Crest 23:02. Saxifrage 49:26. Wonder 
Millet 18:232 

Goldenrod(s) 2:57; 5:260; 6:49, 182; 13:123; 
18:71, 204; 23:143; 25:16; 28:72; 32:160; 
33:159; 41:130; 43:484; 44:1, 2, 114, 120, 
124; 45:377; 47:91; 49:93. Bushy 28:72. 
Canadian 23:151. Seaside 4:89 

Goldie's Fern 7:100; 13:238 

Goldthread 22:130 

Goienkinia paucispina 44:67. radiata 44:67 

Gomontia Holdeni 5:220. polyrhiza 2:44; 
7:226; 8:159; 26:213; 50:259 

Gomphidius 13:57. gracilis 13:683. macu- 


latus 13:63. roseus 13:60. vinicolor 13: 
63, 65 

Gomphonema acuminatum 9:136; 10:181, 
183. angustatum 10:182, 183; var. elongata 
10:182; var. producta 10:182. augur 9: 
136; 10:183. capitatum 9:136. commuta- 
tum 10:183. constrictum 9:136; var. capi- 
tata 10:183; var. subeapitata 10:183.  crista- 
tum 9:136. dichotomum 10:181, 182. 
geminatum 9:136. Herculaneum 10:183. 
intrieatum 10:181. micropus 10:182, 183. 
montanum 10:181; var. suecica 10:181. 
tenellum 10:182 

Gomphosphaeria aponina 10:160; 24:100. 
lacustris 44:65 

Gomphrena 11:44; 17:180. globosa 17:180 

Gonatherus 4: 153; 15:17 

Gonatozygon 7: 112; 24:215. aculeatum 47: 
112. asperum 7:112. Brebissonii 7:112; 
24:215. monotaenium 7:112. pilosum 24: 
215. Ralfsii 7:112 

Gongrosira 10:122, 124. Debaryana 30:194. 
fastigiata 50:274 

Goniolimon collinum 18:158. tataricum, var. 
angustifolium 18:159 

Goniophlebium californicum 24:136 

Goniotrichum 7:230. elegans 2:50; 7:230; 
13:187; 21:203, 204, 206. ramosum 2: 
50; 7:230 

Gonium pectorale 14:114 

Gonolobus 39:358; 40:281-283, 285, pl. 494. 
Baldwynianus 40:284, 286, pl. 494. caro- 
linensis 40:284-287, pl. 494. decipiens 
40:284, 286, 287, pl. 494. gonocarpos 
40:283, 284, pl. 494. hirsutus 40:282, 
285, 286. laevis 40:282-285; 41:557; var. 
macrophyllus 40:284, 285. macrophyllus 
40:282-285. obliquus 40:284, 287, pl. 494; 
var. Shortii 40:287. Shortii 40:284, 287, 
pl. 494. suberosus 40:284, pl. 494 

Good-bye-Summer 28:84 

Goodyera 3:203; 6:112; 22:32; 23:81; 27: 
105; 29:1; 31:8, 9, 12. chinensis 27:106. 
decipiens 34:244; 37:199, 216; 44:104; 48: 
11. discolor 3:202. labiata 27:106. Mai- 
rei 27:106. melinostele 27:106. Menziesii 
IU pL 1 4:8 DUE. 4511, 192. 
oblongifolia 48:11, 12. pauciflora 27:106. 
pubescens 1:3, 5, 7, 193; 2:172; 3:202, 
203, 205, pl. 33; 4:18, 75; 5:82; 9:121; 
13:216, 218, 219; 24:39, 41, 42, 44, 46, 
pls. 135, 136; 36:100, 220, 221, 227; 37: 
381, 413; var. minor 1:3, 7. repens 1: 
2-7, 26, 192, pl. 1; 2:22, 121; 4:21; 7:96; 
24:99; 29:155; 41:149, 215; var. ophioides 
1:6, 40, 199; 2:22, 121, 172, 180; 3:85; 
4:18, 21; 5:37, 82; 6:112; 7:96; 25:8. secund- 
iflora 27:106. tesselata 1:3, 6, 7, 193, 
199, pl. 1; 2:180; 3:85, 86, 172, 202, 203, 
205, pl. 33; 4:18; 5:82; 6:112; 7:96; 10: 
145; 13:216; 24:99. yunnanensis 27:107 

Gooseberries 12:19 

Gooseberry 7:153. Smooth 12:179 

Goosefoot 12:109. Maple-leaved 28:73 

Goosegrass 49:275 

Goose-tongue 12:109; 18:43; 27:94; 28:63 


Gordonia 49:86, 151-154. Lasianthus 39: 
476; 44:364; 49:151, 152 

Gormania 29:35 

Gorse 21:29 

Gossypium 22:73; 39:325. herbaceum 22:73 

Goutweed 25:172 

Gracilaria 5:231, 232; 17:96. compressa 8: 
125. confervoides 5:231, 232; 17:93; 21: 
203, 204, 200. filiformis 14 59. foliifera 
43:214. multipartita 1:128; 2:50; 5:231, 
232; 7:137, 231; 10:43; 21 :203, 206; var. 
angustissima 2:50; 5:231, 232; 7:231 

Graderia 9:38; 20:136 

Grama 49:276 

Gramen caninum 26:230, 231. nemorosum 
26:230, 231 

Gramineae 3:69, 219, 221, 241, 283, 285; 6: 
104; 9:37, 50; 10:195; 12: 62; 13: 66; 14: 
20, '36, 165, 184; 152 54, 122, 144; 17: Ti, 
222; 18:33, 95, 231; 21: 129, 170; 23:90; 
25:6; 26: 222; 28: 74; 29: 207, 241; 31:8, 
10, 16, 43, 92, 106, 145; 32:231; 33: 111; 
34:247; 30: 277, 278; 38: 109, 263, 379; 39: 
383; 40: 148-153, 161, 162, 166, 167, 169- 
171; 41:141; 42:41, 150, "417; 43:79; 45: 
222. 248, 277, 308, 309; 47: 108, 206, ' 385; 
48:205; 49:115, 123, 254, 255, 257; 50: 
16, 107, 110, 111, 122, 293, 301. subfam. 
Panicoideae 14: 180. subfam. Poacoideae 
14:180. trib. Agrostideae 29:10, 13, 14; 
35:214; 38:263-265. trib. Andropogoneae 
30:215; 31:106, 110; 36:312; 42:240; 45: 
248, 254, 256. trib. Aveneae 8:81, 86, 
138, 141; 21:76; 30:242; 38:263, 266. trib. 
Arundinelleae 9:50. trib. Chlorideae 48: 
17. trib. Festuceae 21:76, 77; 29:10, 13, 
14; 30:242; 35:214; 48:17. trib. Hordeae 
48:17; 50:89. trib. Maydeae 29:14; 31: 
106, 110. trib. Oryzeae 38:263, 264. ' trib. 
Paniceae 29:14; 30:215; 31: 106, LO Ge Li 
37:370; 38: 268. trib. Phalarideae 38: 263, 
264. trib. Tristegineae 9:50. trib. Zoys- 
ieae 31:107, 111 

Grammatophora macilenta 26:193, 195, 216. 
marina 26:193, 194, 216. oceanica, var. 
macilenta 9:138. serpentina 26:193, 216 

Grape(s) 12:17-21, 23-25, 35-38; 15:29-32; 
25:204; 27:71; 41:510; 43:154. Bear's 16: 
26. Chicken 41:434. Concord 44:352. 
Fox 4:130; 41:432, 435; 42:390. Frost 41: 
432. Muscadine 41:432. Pigeon 38:428. 
Rusty Winter 38:428. Summer 4:130. 
Wild 12:17; Fox 41:435. Winter 41:432, 
434, 435 

Graphephorum 8:81, 83-86. altijugum 8: 
89. Brandegei 30:241. melicoides 1:48; 
6:192; 8:84-86; var. Cooleyi 8:87; var. 
major 8:87; 10:65. Shearii 8:89; 30 :213. 
Wolfii 8:86, 87 

Graphidaceae 28:159 

Graphis scripta, f. recta 29:98; f. varia 29: 
98; var. limitata 28:159; var. recta 28: 

Grass(es) 5:245, 289; 6:90, 148, 177; 7:138; 
8:205; 11:27, 132, 177; 12:132; 22:38; 39: 
52; 40:146, 180, 243; 41:111, 129, 134, 


152, 155, 160; 43:219; 44:70, 127, 221, 44:440, 441, pl. 730; f. acutidens 44: 
351; 47:206; 49:257; 50:288. Alkali 49: 440, 441, pl. 730; var. aestuariorum 44: 
264. Arrow 44:218. Barnyard 17:225; 47: 356, 439-441, pl. 730; 45:380, 476.  viscidula 
212. Beach 22:70; 44:169, Bent 49:270. 39:327, 332, 476, map 10.  viscosa 9:123 
Bermuda 41:482; 49:275.  Billion-dollar 46: Gray Birch 4:132; 12:178; 13:207; 25:172. 
314. Black 7:46; 17:214, 218, 219. Black Oak 18:46, 47. Pine 23:247; 35:357 

Oat 49:274. Blue-eyed 48:153. Brome 49: Great Bulrush 6:65. Laurel 18:73 

257. Canada Blue 49:262. Canary 44: Great-spurred Violet 18:185 

333; 49:276. Cockspur 49:200. Cotton 7: Green Alder(s) 6:162; 47:337; Downy 12: 
81; 13:123; 23:131; 28:61, 62, 98. Couch 178. Algae 5:2; 8:124; 11:196; 50:257, 
17:226; 49:265. Crab 17:225. Curly 23: 271. Ash 15:15. Brier 23:109. Dragon 
91; 24:159. Ditch 44:217. Dog’s-tail 50: 44:25. Foxtail 17:226. Spleenwort 4:54 
177. Dropseed 28:74. Eel 20:108; 21:53; Greenwaya 45:303 

32:147; 44:220. Family 49:257. Feather Greniera 21:11, 12. Douglasii 21:12. tenella 
49:274. Fescue 49:259. Finger 17:225; 28: 21:12 

74. Fowl Meadow 49:261. Green Foxtail  Griffithsia Bornetiana 2:50, 131; 7:233; 35: 
28:74. Hair 49:273. Heath 23:95; 28: 148; 50:266. corallina 21:207; 26:191; 35: 
81. Herd's 18:33; 49:272. Indian 18: 148; 50:266. globulifera 35:148; 50:266. 
33. June 49:262. Kentucky Blue 49:262. tenuis 1:126; 2:50 

Low Spear 28:74; 43:630. Manna 28:  Grimaldia 16:63; 25:75, 199. fragrans 5:170; 
85; 49:261. Marram 22:70. Mat 21:23; 9:73; 14:6; 15:22; 18:119; 25:193. pilosa 
28:81. Meadow 49:262. Oat 21:76; 49: 25:75, 193. rupestris 25:75, 193, 198 

269. Old Witch 28:74. Orchard 49:264. Grimmia 14:52; 36:60; 39:13. alpicola 30: 
Psamma 22:70. Quaking 49:262. Quitch 5; 48:2; var. latifolia 30:5; var. rivularis 
49:265. Rattlesnake 49:261. Reed Canary 39:13; f. papillosa 36:60. apocarpa 4: 
49:277. Reed Meadow 49:261. Ribbon 240; 14:52; 30:5; 48:2. atricha 36:60. 
49:277. Rusty Cotton 28:82. Sand 49: caespiticia 1:149. coloradensis 36:60. con- 
265. Saw 37:405; 44:370, 371. Scurvy ferta 1:53; 14:52. Doniana 3:180, 182. 
11:140; 13:119, 124; 28:62. Sea 12:30. Dupreti 37:166. Evansi 1:148, 149, pl. 

Spear 49:262. Spike 49:264. Sweet 18: 7. hamulosa 36:60. Hartmani var. anom- 
33. Sword 12:132. Tape 20:108; 44:220. ala 39:4. heterophylla 36:60. maritima 
Timothy 28:74. Vanilla 23:164; 32:61; 4:24; 24:122. Moxleyi 36:60. Olneyi 24: 
49:276. Velvet 49:269. Wild Pepper 18: 122. patens 39:4. sulcata 1:149 

37. Wire-bent 21:23. Witch 17:225. Grimmiaceae 30:5; 36:60; 37:228; 39:4, 41 
Wool 7:130, 131. Wrack 44:217. Yellow- Grindelia 26:108; 40:181. lanceolata 19:249; 

eyed 47:206 27:57, 59; 35:290; 36:222, 224, 227, 231. 
Grass-leaved Bermudiana 48:154 robusta 26:108; 27:57, 59. serrulata 37: 
Grateloupia affinis 21:203, 206. filicina 21: 195. squarrosa 1:46; 13:89; 19:249; 27: 

208, 206. ramosissima 21:204, 206 51, 59; 36:224; 38:65; var. serrulata 47: 
Gratiola 7:160; 14:30; 20:65; 25:63; 34: 46 

148; 37:440; 39:203; 41:382. § Gratiolaria Grinnellia 1:125; 2:131; 7:169. americana 
9:123. §Sophronanthe 9:123. acuminata 2:50; 7:232; 26:214; 50:266 . 
10:66; 44:255. anagallidea 10:67. attenu- Grossularia 46:282. hirtella 13:73, 75. iner- 
ata 10:67. aurea 4:76; 7:33; 9:122, 123,  , mis 13:74. klamathensis 13:74 

195; 11:129, 152; 14:28; 19:116, 118; 21;  Grossulariaceae 46:282 

73; 23:102, 157, 290; 24:203; 25:63; 26: Ground Birch 41:154. Cedar 18:32. Hem- 
37; 28:86, 225; 31:167; 32:149, 210, 274; lock 35:357. Hurts 28:80 

35:251; 36:194; 45:215; f. helveola 9: Groundsel 28:72 

123; 11:152; 26:37; f. leucantha 9:123;  Gruinales 47:385 

44:235. Drummondii 9:123. dubia 10:67; Grypocarpa 20:120 

44:441, 443, 444, 446, pls. 731,733. ebracte- Guaycuru 18:56 — " 

ata 9:123. floribunda 9:123. gracilis 9: Guignardia aesculi 39:371. Bidwellii 41:516 
123. lutea 34:147, 148; 41:376; f. pusilla  Guinea-Pepper 41:302 

41:376; var. glaberrima 34: 149; 44:144. Guizotia abyssinica 33:170 

macrantha 9:123. megalocarpa 44:  Gums 42:88 

255. Monnieria 37:440, 441. neglecta 16; Gunnera 20:143 . 
88; 20:65, 66, 73; 25:64; 34:147, 148; 48: Gutierrezia 45:353; 48:pl. 1026. dracunculoi- 
115. officinalis 20:66; 31:7; 34:148; 41: des 36:224, 232 

382; B. carolinensis 20:66; 34:148. pilosa Guttiferae 9:37; 43:81 

37:442; 38:377; 39:197, 198, 480, fig. 9 Gymnadenia 3:203. conopsea 19:127. in- 
(map) pusilla 9:122. ramosa 9:123. tegra 50:123 

sphaerocarpa 9:123; 20:65, 73; 34:147, Gymnadeniopsis integra 50:123 

148; 35:364; 36:50; 39:474. Torreyi 9: Gymnocarpium 43:218, 219. Dryopteris 43: 
123. trifida 20:65. virginiana 1:82, 222; 217; var. disjunctum 43:217 

2:202; 7:33; 9:123; 16:88; 20:65, 73; 25: Gymnocladus 46:313. dioica 19:228; 44:372, 
64; 34:147, 148; 35:364; 36:50; 39:474; 404 

INDEX TO VOLUMEs 1-50 119 

Gymnoconia  interstitialis 34:61. Peckiana 
39:371; 44:170 

Gymnodinium alustre 50:276. punctatum 
50:276. VEA em 50:276 

Gymnogongrus 7:137. dendroides 14:59. 
Griffithsiae 1:126; 2:50; 3:133, 134; 5:232. 
japonicus 21:200. norvegicus 2:50; 5:232. 
Torreyi 7:136-138. vermicularis 14: ‘58 

Gymnogramme Brunoniana 37:246. oregana 
22:116, 117. pyramidalis 22:117, 118. tri- 
angularis 22:116; var. viscosa 22:117, 
118. viscosa 22: 117, 118 

Gymnomitrium 4:208. adustum 4:208. con- 
cinnatum 3:181; 4:207; 5:171; 15:24; 25: 
194. corallioides 4: 207, 208; 5:171; 15: 
24; 19:263; 25:194. Hookeri 19:266 

Gymnopodinae 8:78 

Gymnopogon ambiguus 36:219; 38:378; 39: 
204, 481. brevifolius 37:380, 390 

Gymnopteris triangularis 22: 116 

Gymnospermae 6:102; 9:36; 41:142; 42:317 

Gymnosperms 40: 145; 47: 207; 48: 267; 50:135 

Gymnosporangium clavipes '89:371.' cornu- 
tum 34:61. Ellisii 38:98. germinale 34: 
62. globosum 34:62. juniperi-virginianae 
34:62; 41:516. nidus-avis 39:371 

Gymnostichum 14:187. Hystrix 14:188 

Gymnostomum 3:179; 14:46; 41:112. rupestre 
14:46, 47; 24:123; 30: 4 

Gymnozyga 7:206; 24:241. 
266; 24:241 

Gynophoraria falcata 42:332 

Gypsophila 9:48; 18:86; 44:333. § Vaccaria 
9:48. elegans '3:8. muralis 1:47; 5:189; 
11:199; 18: 86; 19:130; 44:333. paniculata 
26: 224: 32: 159, 251; 37: 86; 50:302 

Gyromitra 1 :60-62. 'esculenta 1 :61, 66, pl. 
4; 16:45. gigas 1:61. sphaerospora 1:61 

Gyrophora 36:140, 155. arctica 28:226; 36: 
143, 1653. cylindrica 36:143, 154. decus- 
sata 36:143, 154. deusta 36:143, 154, 
155. Dillenii 29: 101. erosa 28: 226; 36: 
143, 153. fuliginosa 36:161. hyperborea 
28:220; 36:143, 153. Muhlenbergii 29: 
101, 105. polaris 36:143, 145, 149, 154. 
polyphylla 28:220. proboscidea 28: 226; 36: 
143, 145, 153, 162. rigida 36:61. torre- 
facta 36: 143, 153. vellea 28:226; 36: 
143, 154, 161. virginis 36:143, 154 

Gyrophoraceae 28:226 

Gyrophoreae 36:162 

Gyrosigma Temperii 9:135 

Gyrostachys 8:16; 9:53. Beckii 14:96; 48: 
6. cernua 6:112. constricta 23:74. gra- 
cilis 6:112; 7:106. Grayi 48:6. latifolia 
23:83. ochroleuca 23:74. parviflora 8:16; 
23:83; 48:5. plantaginea 7:106; 23: 83. 
Reverchonii 38:405. Romanzoffiana 6:112. 
simplex 48:6 

px 9:53. 


moniliformis 7: 

capitata 1:68. tinctoria 7: 

Haageocactus 44:28 
Habenaria 2:172; 4:74, 79; 5:263; 6:111; 7: 

49, 120; 10:195; 11:77; 12:137; 16:90; 
19:56; 22:32, 42; 23: 147; 28:102, 105; 

34:246; 35:54, 57, 239; 42:147, 151, 319; 
43: 632: 44: 456; 49:203. albida 28: 102, 
106, 174, 175; 35: 238, 401, pl. 251; var. 
straminea 35:297. X Andrewsii 11 31; 19: 
56; 28:21; 34:98; 42:521; 48:184, 185. 
blephariglottis i 184; 2: 124, 126, 172, 219; 
3:204, 205, pl. 33; ' 4:18, 74; 5:83; 7:39, 
73; 9:119, 121, 124; 10:71; 11 H 92; 12: 
118; 13:77, 128, 135; 14: 204; 16: 90; 19: 
31, 49, 118, 127, 131, 236; 22: 137; 23: 90, 
110, 142, 148, 157, 245; 28:21, 84; 29: 
128, 210; 32: 124, 245, "246; 35:5, 238, 
239; 42 40, 151, 381, 446; 44: :230; X cristata 
34: 98; var. conspicua 10: 70; 39: 349, 356, 
402, 477, map 27; var. holopetala 11:92. 
bracteata 1:97, 104; 2:180; 4:18; 6:111, 
208; 8:168; 10:146, 165; 11:7, 30; 15:163; 
19:31, 49, "56; 22:39, 40, 43, 47: 23: 136, 
244; 28:91, 169-172, 174; 32:124, 216, 
245, 246. X Canbyi 10: 70; 34:98; 42: 381, 
446. X Chapmanii 34:98. ciliaris 1: 147, 
148; 4:18, 21; 7:39, 73; 8:27, 80; 9:119; 
11 78; 16: 158; 25: 48; 32: :213; 35: 238; 38: 
378; 42: :88, 91, 151, 521; X cristata 34: 
98. clavellata 3:88; 6:111; CDD Hu 
78, 92; 15:103; 17: 151; 18:35; '19: 81, 56; 23: 
127, pl. 131; 28: 92, 176; 29: 128, 210; 32: 
150, 216, 245; 33: 109, 119; 34: 246; 35:5, 
85; 42: 521; 48: 10, 161, 162, 215, pl. 1045; 
var. ophioglossoides 48: 161, 162, 215, 
pl. 1046. conspicua 10:70. cristata 10: 
71; 21:118; 25:48; 30:190, 191; 37:413; 
38: :376; 39: 473, 480; 42: 381, 446; 44:241; 
48:64; 'X blephariglottis 10: 70, 71. dilatata 
1:172, 193, 200, 230; 2:115, 124, 180; 3: 
86, 172; 4:18, 80; 5:46, 83; 6:111; 9:160, 
189, 190; 10: 70; 11 :92, 179, 180; 12: 114; 
13: 115, 138, 179; 19:56, 131; 22:39, 40, 
43, 47; 25:7; 28:75; 29: 131, 210; 31 :80; 
32: 61, 176; 33: 109, 119; 34: 52; 35: 238, 
277; 38: 146; 42: 320; var. media 10: 703 
19: 236; 22 43, 47; 36:279. elegans 8:3; 
var. maritima’ 48:10. fimbriata 1:200; 2: 
172, 219; 3:34, 245; 4:18, 106; 5:83; 6: 
111; 9:154; 11: HJ78: b2: 118, 137; 13: 77; 
15: 204; 19: 30, 56; 22: :32, 39, 47, 135; 23: 
68; 29: 155, 211; 33: 109, 119; 35: 238; 48: 
184- 186; f. albiflora 48; 185; f. mentotonsa 
48:184, 185. flava 11 :78; 15:203; 16: 
16; 18:71; 19:30, 31; 23: 147, 148, 160, 
168, 244; '24: 167; 26: 177; 32: 170; 35: 251; 
44: 233, 257; var. virescens 23: 148, 244. 
grandiflora 3: 34; 7:95. Hookeri 1:104, 147, 
200, 222; 2:172, 180; 3:151; 4:18; 5:83; 
6:111; 8:2, 3; 10:165; 11:78; 18:73; 19: 
30, 56; 22 :42, 43, 47; 23: 245; 29:119, 155, 
210; 35: 57, 215, 239, 240, 401, pl. 252; 44: 
72; 50: 125; var. abbreviata 35:239, 240, 
401, pl. 252; var. oblongifolia 3:237; 4: 
18, 21. hyperborea 1:104, 184, 200; 2: 
114, 172, 180; 3:86; 4:18, 79, 80; 5:83, 264; 
6:111; 9:124; 11 92; 12: 117, 170; 13:115, 
138; 19:31, 56; 21:202; 22:40, 42, 48, 47; 
23:244; 25:7, 44; 29:210; 35:238; 30:279, 
422; 37:200; 41:149, 150, 155, 215; 42: 
314, 320. intacta 21:66. integra 44:241; 


45: 55; 50:123. lacera 2:114, 179, 180, 
219; 3:34, 245-248; 4:18, 74; 5:89, 133, 
263, 264; 11:78; 13:220; 19:30, 56; 23:68; 
26:177; 28:21; 29:155, 211; 32:149, 150, 
245, 246; 35:362; 37:315; 42:88, 91, 521; 
48:184-186; X psycodes 3:246; 34:98; var. 
terrae-novae 28:21, 22, 57, 176; 29:155, 
211; 35:241; 48:184, 185. leucophaea 12: 
118, 119; 28:22; 29:110. macrophylla 8: 
1-5, 188, fig.; 9:124; 13:179; 19:127, 131, 
236; 22:43, 47; 23:136, 245; 24:167; 31: 
83; 35:238-240, 398. maritima 48:10, 1l. 
nivea 44:241; 45:55; 50:125. obtusata 1: 
17, 193; 2:124; 4:18, 22; 5:48, 83; 6:111; 
11:92; 13:138; 17:152; 18:71; 22:39, 43, 
47; 23:245; 24:167; 28:91, 92, 97, 176; 
29:131, 155, 210; 32:88, 89, fig. 1; 33:109, 
119; 34:52; 36:279; 37:64; 41:149-151, 
155, 215, 506; 42:314, 320; var. collectanea 
28:175, 176; 38:146; 44:140. orbieulata 
1:147, 200; 2:172, 180; 3:85; 4:18, 22; 5: 
83; 6:111; 8:1-5, 188, fig.; 9:74; 11:78, 
92; 19:56; 22:40, 43, 47; 29:210; 32:125, 
205, 216, 245; 35:8, 57, 87, 88, 215, 238- 
240, 398, 399, map 9. peramoena 36: 
220, 230; 37:350, 356, 358, fig. 4 (map). 
psycodes 2:114, 172, 219; 3:34, 86, 245- 
248; 4:18, 74; 5:83, 263, 264; 6:111; 9: 
121; 11:78, 92; 19:56; 22:31, 32, 43, 47; 
23:68, 151, 157; 25:44; 28:21; 29:155, 211; 
35:85, 238, 241; 42:521; 48:184-186; 50: 
125; X lacera 5:264; 6:139, 48:185; f. 
ecalcarata 48:184; f. varians 48:184; var. 
ecalcarata 22:31, 32; 48:184; var. grandi- 
flora 42:521; var. varians 48:184. quin- 
queseta 50:125. repens 24:149; 49:202. 
straminea 28:174, 175, 218; 35:52, 53, 
57, 120, 121, 125, 237, 238, 401, pl. 251. 
tridentata 1:200; 2:179; 3:88, 204, 205, 
pl. 33; 4:18, 74; 5:82; 6:111. unalascensis 
37:66, 68, 70, 199, 203, 259. virescens 
2:114, 124, 172; 4:18; 5:82. viridis 28: 
54, 76, 91, 105, 169-172; 30:47; 41:164, 
215; var. bracteata 23:244; 25:44; 28:124, 
169, 170, 172, 174; 30:47; 35:89; 36:279; 
var. interjecta 28:173; 30:47; 36:279; 
41:163; var. Vaillanti 28:172 

Hackberry 4:132; 44:413; 46:307 

Hackelia 26:124; 36:12; 40:342, 343. ameri- 
cana 40:341-348, 357, pl. 503; 44:105. 
deflexa 40:341-348, 357, pl 504; var. 
americana 26:124, 125; 33:232; 37:328; 
40:341, 342. venusta 36:12. virginiana 
40:343, 358, pl. 504 

Hackmatack 19:22; 31:20; 35:358 

senetosa 50:272. pluvialis 7:235; 50: 

Haemodoraceae 23:162; 25:157; 33:33, 34, 
53, map 10; 35:106 

Haemotomma elatinum 28:229; var. ochro- 
phaea 28:229. ventosum 28:229 

Hair Grass 49:273 

Hair-grass, Water 35:139 

Hairgrass 49:268 

Halenia 9:55; 31:141; 35:96. corniculata 31: 
141. deflexa 1:36; 3:284; 6:192; 11:14; 


13:138; 29:129, 218; 31:141; 32:17; 33: 
124; 35:94, 95; 40:274; f. heterantha 
40:340, 341; var. Brentoniana 11:97; var. 
heterantha 1:37, 103; 40:340.  heterantha 
1:36, 37; 40:340 

Halesia 37:358 

Half-high Blueberry 4:131 

Halianthus peploides 11:113; var. diffusa 
11:114; var. oblongifolia 11:114 

Halictidae 41:186 

Halictine bees 38:92 

Halictus 41:186. coriaceus 41:186. lerouxii 

41:186. pectoralis 41:186. pilosus 34:214; 
38:93. planatus 38:93. provancheri 41: 
186. viridatus 38:93 

Halimeda 3:91 

Halimium 19:59; 43:609-611, 613, 614. $ 
Euhalimium 43:610. $Spartioides 43:610. 
rosmarinifolium 19:59 

Halimolobos 43:293, 294, 480. mollis 43: 
zu virgatus 43:479, 480. Whitedii 43: 

Haliseris polypodioides 21:207 

Halodule 42:20. Wrightii 42:20 

Halohelophytes 5:133 

Halohydrophytes 5:135 

Halohygrophytes 5:131 

Halophila Engelmannii 42:20 

Haloragidaceae 6:123; 23:117; 25:10; 26: 
227; 29:217; 31:43; 32:267; 33:42, 43; 
36:282; 41:584; 49:255; 50:298. tribe Halor- 
rhageae 23:165; 33:42, 43, map 15; 35: 

Halosaccion 7:242; 16:4; 35:315. micro- 
sporum 21:207. ramentaceum 2:50; 7:242; 
16:4; 25:35; 33:130; var. gladiatum 2:50. 
Scopula 2:50 

Halothrix 7:227, 228. lumbricalis 2:47; 7: 

Halymenia floridana, f. dentata 8:112 

Hamamelidaceae 18:246, 252; 21:170; 31: 
43; 32:254; 37:306 

Hamamelideae 32:95; 33:81, 91 

Hamamelis 18:252; 21:42; 33:29, 83, 88, 91; 
36:98-100; 42:380; 47:363. vernalis 35: 
286; 36:97-100, 231. virginiana 2:216; 4: 
96; 11:231; 17:35; 18:246, 252; 21:42, 
170, 189, 199; 31:222; 32:152, 215, 254; 
33:81, 90, 92, pls. 206, 207; 36:97—100; 
45:450; B. parvifolia 38:234; y. parvifolia 
38:234; f. parvifolia 38:233; var. parvifolia 
23:265; 32:254; 42:380, 453; 45:450 

Hamatocactus setispinus 35:224; 37:78 

Hamosa 39:420. Emoryana 38:406. lepto- 
carpoides 38:406. macilenta 38:406. 
manca 40:136 

Hancornia 49:58 

Hantzschia amphioxys 9:136; 10:181, 182; 
26:194, 216; f. major 10:182. elongata 
10:181. marina 26:193, 216. segmentalis 
9:136. vivax, var. granulata 10:182 

Hapalosiphon 15:194-199; 40:224. delicatu- 
lum 26:163. filiformis 21:207. hibernicus 
20:142. luteolus 29:163. pumilus 20:142 

Haplohymenium triste 15:13 

Haplomitrium Cordae 19:266. Hookeri 19: 


Haplopappus 9:55; 12:14; 45:351. annuus 
38:407; 45:352. ciliatus 30:224. divari- 

catus 47:195. gracilis 6:82. Havardii 45: 
352. phyllocephalus 45:351. validus 38: 

Haplospora globosa 1:126; 2:47 

Harbin Lespedeza 50:25 

Hard Maple 28:233 

Hardhack 12:179 

Harebell(s) 8:113; 21:107; 23:131; 28:60 

Haricot 31:20 

Harpachne 21:216 

Harpalium rigidum 48:79 

Harpanthus 19:269, 270. Flotowianus 19: 
264, 268-271; 25: 194, 198; f. typica 19: 
271; var. uliginosus 19: 271. scutatus 5: 

171; 6:190; 7:58; 11:118; 15:24; 19:203, 

270, 271; 25: 194, 198 
Harperella’ vivipara 49:157 
Harpidium 12:154 
Harrimanella 22:44; 44:29 

air ibn 10: 115. mirabilis 2:50; 10:115, 

Hauerbesien 12:23 
Havgraes 12:27 

Hawkweed 32:62, 110; 50:15. Mouse-ear 

4:151. Orange 4: 62, 151; 12:104; 32:14 
Hawthorn 12:180. English 11:47 
Hay 6:83; 41:152 
Hay-scented Fern 30:18; 49:104 

Hazel 38:76; 44:221, 224. Beaked 4:132; 

Hazel-Alder 47:339, 340 
Hazelnut 4:132; 45:30, 31 
Heart's Ease 18:36 
Heart-leaved Willow 12:177 
Heath(s), 7:119; 10:173, 176; 18:39; 21:192; 

40:145, 163; 41: 148, 149. Cross-leaved 

15: 189. Family 41: 147; 44:187. Grass 23: 
Heather 2:53; 6:24; 10:175, 179; 15:189; 
28:52, 82, 83; 31: 106; 33:162. 'Bell 15: 

Hebe 23:2-5, 38. blanda 23:39. elliptica 
23:39. magellanica 23:38, 40. salicifolia 


Hebeloma crustuliniforme 3:39. discomorbi- 

dum 16:51 

Hecatonema maculans 2:47; f. solutum 


Hedeoma 25:38. acinoides 45:275. arkan- 

sana 10:85; 42:7. camporum 38:240; 40: 
180. ciliata 38:405. glabra 10:85; 42: 
7. hispida 6:142; 10:208; 13:31; 15: 167; 
23:27; 25:38; 28: 46-48; 36: 220; 37: 194, 
331; 39:431. pulegioides 5:129; 18: :42; 25: 
38; 38 :443. texana 38:405 

Hedera 10:24. carnosa (fol. quinatis, etc.) 
46:389. Helix 10:24; 41:478, 551. quinqu- 

efolia 10:24, 25; 41 :430 
Hederaceae 47: 386 
Hedge-mustard 7:101, 103 
Hedwigia 36:60. albicans 30:9. ciliata 4:30 
Hedwigiaceae 30:9 

Hedypnois 9:55; 27:49. paludosa 35:381, 

Hedysarum 6:121; 9:37, 154, 193; 32:262; 
42:217-220, 236, 237; 44 :419. § Echinolo- 
bium 42:218. TLeiolobium 42:218. $ 
Multicaulia 42:219. § Obscura 42:219 
subtrib. Eleutherotion 42:218. subtrib 
Gemotion 42:218. acuminatum 38: 97; 44: 
279, 280; 50:123. albiflorum 42: 226, '227. 
alpinum 13:119, 129; 17:159; 28:76, 104, 
216; 35:50, 81, 94, 275; 41: 158, 253; 42: 
219, 221- 295, 229, 235, 236; subsp. ameri- 
canum 42: 222; var. americanum 13:119; 
28:125, 216; 31 :54; 41:147, 253; 42:222, 
223, 225, 238, 311, 333; 45: 313; f. albi- 
florum 35: 275; 42: 222; var. grandiflorum 
42:222, 223, 225; var. japonicum 42:227; 
var. philoscia 42: 222, 224, 225. ameri- 
canum 6:121; 9:154; 13: 119; 42:222, 224, 
238; f. albiflorum 35: 275. ’ boreale 1:86; 
2:89; 6:97, 121, 192; 9:154, 162, 167, 172, 
178 colle 14; 12: 118; 13: 119, 218; 41 :253; 
42: 219, 221, 222, 224, 225, 931, 232, 235- 
238; 48: 102; var. albiflorum 42: 226; var. 
cinerascens 42:219, 220, 231, 232, 234; 
var. flavescens 42: 226; var. "leucanthum 
42:226; var. obovatum 42:232, 235, 236; 
var. typicum 42:232, 236; var. utahense 
42:232, 235. bracteosum 38: 97. canescens 
42: 234, 236. carnosulum 42:232, 236. cili- 
are 40 :437. cinerascens 42:231, 233, 234, 
236. conglomeratum 43:574, 576. cuspida- 
tum 4:90. flavescens 42: 226. frutescens 
26:29, 31. glutinosum 44:279, 280; 50: 
128. grandiflorum 38:96; 50: 203. gremi- 
ale 42:219, 221, 230-232, 289, pl. 597. 
hirtum 43: :583. junceum 26: 30. lancifo- 
lium 42:228, 229. Mackenzii 98:179; 27: 
90; 29:141; 41: 150, 155, 253; 42:219, 221, 
232, 235- 238, 333; 45: 313; f. canescens 
42: 234; var. albiflorum 41 :253; var. cane- 
scens "42: :284; var. leucanthum 42:226; 
var. pabulare 42:233. marginatum 42: 228, 
229. obscurum 36:164; 42:227. obtusum 
40:437. occidentale 42: :219, 221, 227, 229, 
230. pabulare 42:233, 236; var. rivulare 
42:233. pedunculatum 38: 406; 39:425, 426. 
philoscia 42:224. Roezlianum 42: 232, 237. 
rotundifolium 32:262, 263. striatum 50: 
21. sulphurescens 42: :219, 221, 225, 227, 
229. trifolium scandens 39: 433. uintahense 
42:228, 229. utahense 42:231, 233, 235, 236. 
violaceum 47:301. volubile 39: 433 

Heimia longipes 38:407 

Hekorima candida 37:93. dichotoma 8:71 

Helenia 45:485. autumnalis 45:490. decurr- 
ens 45:490 

Heleniastrum 45:485 

Helenium 6:82; 7:160; 26:108; 37:307; 39: 363; 
45:109, 110, 379, 485, 490. altissimum 
35: 360, 364; 45 :490. autumnale 1:171; 
26: 108; 34: 172, 173; 38:65; 45: 109-111, 
485-492, 495, pl. 796; 47 :403; var. 8.45: 
489; var. atitumnale 47:403; var. canali- 
culatum 45: 488, 490, 492, 495, pl. 797; 
var. grandiflorum 45 489, 491; var. monta- 
num 45:491, 492; var. parviflorum 45: 
490, 492, 495, pl. 798; var. pubescens 


45:491. brevifolium 41:401, 574. canali- 
culatum 45:487, 488, 490, 491, 495, pl. 
797. edwardsianum 45:110, 111. flori- 
danum 45:494, 495, pl. 799. Godfreyi 
45:494, 495, pl. 799. grandiflorum 45: 
491. huronense 45:491. latifolium 45:110, 
111, 486, 488, 490. longifolium 45:488, 
491, 492. montanum 45:110, 111, 491. 
nudiflorum 4:198; 6:79, 81, 82; 19:252; 
20:98; 26:108; 34:173; 38:65, 367; 40:477; 
41:574; 45:493-495, pl. 799; 48:82.  Nuttal- 
lii 36:51. parviflorum 45:489, 492, 493, 
495, pl. 798. polyphyllum 45:493, 494. 
pubescens 45:490, 492. pumilum 45:490. 
quadridentatum 45:487. tenuifolium 8:226; 
26:108; 36:221; 37:451; 30:194, 474. virgini- 
cum 42:87, 88, 91, 92 

Heleniums 45:109 

Heleochloa 11:37; 15:125; 49:273. juncea 
4:48. schoenoides 15:125; 38:265, 207; 

Heleogiton 31:123 

Heleophila 31:123 

Heleophylax 31:123 

Helianthemum 9:46; 19:58-60; 21:37; 22: 
123; 28:143; 40:29, 30, 35, 41, 57; 43: 
609-614. $ Eriocarpum 43:612. $ 
Euhelianthemum 9:46; 28:143. $ Lecheo- 
ides 43:609, 610. subgen. Lecheoides 43: 
609. aegyptiacum 43:610, 615, pl. 690. 
Bicknellii 21:36, 37; 22:123; 32:151, 177, 
210, 265; 36:220; 38:192. brasiliense 43: 
611, 615, pl. 690. canadense 1:212; 5: 
129; 6:97; 11:131; 13:181; 19:58, 60; 20: 
49, 50; 21:36; 22:123; 32:151, 210, 265; 
38:377; 39:325; 40:274; 43:611, 615, pls. 
690, 691; 44:234, 237; 49:144; var. sabu- 
lonum 43:615, 616, pl. 691. capitatum 
43:611, 615, pl. 690. carolinianum 19: 
59; 36:47; 43:610, 612, 613, pl. 689. corymbo- 
sum 39:325; 43:611, 616. dumosum 19: 
60; 32:151, 177, 265. georgianum 19: 
59; 20:50; 21:37; 43:612. globularifolium 
43:615, pl. 689. glomeratum 43:611, 615, 
pl. 690. Greenei 43:610, 613. guttatum 
43:610, 614, 615, pls. 689, 690. italicum, 
var. micranthum 9:48. majus 1:212; 3: 
187, 190; 4:91; 11:131; 13:181; 19:58, 60; 
20:49, 50, 73; 21:36, 37; 22:123; 32:265; 
38:192. occidentale 43:610. penicillatum 
9:48; var. micranthum 9:48. propinquum 
20:50, 73; 21:36, 37; 24:117; 32:177, 265; 
43:611, 615, pl. 690. rosmarinifolium 43: 
611, 615, pl. 690. Schweinfurthii 43: 
610. scoparium 43:610, 613, 615, pl. 
690. spartioides 43:610, 613.  Strickeri 43: 
610. tripetalum 40:66 

Helianthium parvulum 15:223; 47:210. tenel- 
lum 47:210 

Helianthus 60:132; 26:108; 35:359; 37:307; 
38:192, 193; 42:157; 48:112; 49:116, 191. 
angustifolius 21:119; 35:291; 37:323; 38: 
380, 449; 39:352, 466, 482; 44:373, 476; 
45:365; 47:103, 196; 49:190, 191, 193, pl. 
1084; var. planifolius 49:190, 194, pl. 
1083. annuus 1:47; 60:132; 14:206; 26: 

108, 228; 32:159, 279; 34:63; 36:373, 374; 38: 
194; 41:82; 43:82; 48:79; 50:303; var. bicolor 
42:47. atrorubens 34:1-4; 38:377; 39:474, 
482; 47:399; 48:75-79; var. alsodes 48: 
74-76, 81, pl. 1020; 49:191; var. atrorubens 
47:399; var. normalis 34:2; 48:75, 76; var. 
ubescens 34:1-4; 48:77, 78. cucumeri- 
olius 41:573. debilis, var. cucumerifolius 
26:108. decapetalus 16:13; 26:108; 34: 
63; 40:290; 42:382; 43:657; 50:190. divari- 
catus 3:185; 4:88; 13:18; 21:201; 25:26; 
26:108; 35:291; var. angustifolius 49:191. 
dodecapetalus 40:290. floridanus 49:190, 
191, 194, pl. 1085. formosus 38:194, 195. 
giganteus 26:108; 49:21; var. subtuberosus 
35:346; 49:21; f. verticillatus 49:21. gra- 
cilis 34:2; 48:76, 77. grosseserratus 2: 
125; 3:60; 17:225; 19:164, 251; 26:108; 
38:194; 41:130; 49:116; f. pleniflorus 34: 
19. heterophyllus 48:77; 49:191. hirsutus 
38:194; var. leoninus 40:133. kentuckien- 
sis 34:1-4, fig. A; 48:77, 78. laetiflorus 
17:219; 26:109; 31:86; 43:635; 48:79, 80, 
112; var. rigidus 48:79, 80, 112; var. 
subrhomboideus 48:79. laevigatus 42: 
350. leoninus 38:194, 195; 40:134. lepto- 
caulis 38:194. Maximiliani 12:192; 13:89; 
20:109; 33:167; var. asperrimus 6:147. 
membranaceus 38:194. mollis 6:88, 89; 
8:219; 26:128; 38:194; 39:459; 43:657; 49: 
191; var. cordatus 49:191. occidentalis 47: 
399; var. occidentalis 47:399. petiolaris 
1:47; 3:89; 13:89; 23:198; 26:109. ramo- 
sissimus 50:190. rigidus 2:125; 3:60; 10: 
153; 37:190; 38:194; 48:79, 80; f. flavus 48: 
79, 112. scaberrimus 23:198; 26:109; 38: 
65, 194; 48:78, 79; var. subrhomboideus 
48:79, 80. Schweinitzii 24:152; 39:477; 49: 
190. severus 38:194. silphioides 34:2, 3, 
fig. B; 48:77-79. sparsifolius 34:2; 48:76. 
strumosus 4:88; 10:153; 26:109; 38:194, 
195. subrhomboideus 13:103; 26:110; 48: 
79, 80. tomentosus 38:194. trachelifolius 
19:251; 49:192; 50:190. tuberosus 6:132; 
10:153; 26:109; 34:63; 38:194; 39:370, 
375; 41:517, 520; 47:399; var. subcanescens 
38:194; var. tuberosus 47:399 

Helichrysum 20:71, 72; 44:35. arenarium 33: 

221. crispum 45:479. italicum 33:221. 
spatulatum 45:479 

Helictonia 21:10; 22:180 
Heliopsis 6:83; 26:109; 37:307; 42:156, 375. 

gracilis 39:457.  helianthoides 39:456, 457; 
40:382, 472; 44:340; var. minor 39:457; 
var. scabra 44:340; var. solidaginoides 
39:456, 457, 475; 40:422; 44:340. laevis 
4:100; y.scabra 44:340; var. minor 39: 
457. minor 39:457. scabra 2:125; 3:60; 
6:83; 19:164; 26:109; 28:245; 31:86; 44: 

Heliotrope, Dwarf 46:306. Wild 46:158 
Heliotropium 7:160; 11:54; 25:29. amplexi- 

caule 47:143, 171, 172. anchusaefolium 
25:29; 47:171. convolvulaceum 50:64. 
curassavicum 3:215; 6:84; 29:106; 37: 
489; 42:369, 387, 477. europaeum 3:215; 

INDEX TO VoLuMwrs 1-50 

25:30; 39:445; 42:46; 43:493, 636; 47:171, 
172. ‘indicum 3:215; 25:30; 39: 366, 445: 
44:482; 47:172; 48: 330. tenellum 36: 224, 
227, 230; 46: 306 

Helix hortensis 28:117 

Hellebore 1:167 

Helleborus pumilus 31:141. 
290. trifolius 31:136-138, 
bus 31:141 

Helminthocladia purpurea 8:108, 195 

Helonias 33:39; 39:485; 41:470; 47:282. 
angustifolia 42: 254, pl. '601. bullata 33: 
40; 39:475, 478, map 40; 41:478, 536; 42: 
88, 93; 43 :497. graminea 40 :354; 48: 148, 
149, 151 

Helophytes 5:126, 127, 132, 133 

Helotium scutula 44:170 

Heltrope 28:63 

Helvella 1:60-63. crispa 1:62. elastica 1: 
62, 63, 66; var. fusca 1:62. Ephippium 
1:60, 63. esculenta 1 :66, pl. 4. infula 1: 
61. lacunosa 1:60, 62. macropus 1:63. 
sulcata 1:62 

Helvelleae 1:59, 91. subfam. Geoglosseae 1: 
60. subfam Morchelleae 1:60 

Helxine 9:54 

Hemaris diffinis 36:28. thysbe 38:91 

Hemerocallis 6:110; 10:129; 37:386; 49:137. 
flava 15:217; 19:127; 42:42. fulva 6:110; 
10:129; 41:538; var. Kwanso 41:538; 44: 
390. Lilio-Asphodelus var. Q. (fulvus), 42: 

Hemestheum Thelypteris 31:33 

Hemianthus micranthemoides 42:514 

Hemiaulus affinis 9:138. tubulosus 9:138 

Hemicarex 5:249, 250 

Hemicarpha 3:33; 4:82; 13:53, 104; 14:30. 
micrantha 8:28; 10: 136; 11 :40, 220; 12: 
39; 13:30, 104; 14:29; 24: 86; 25: 185; 26: 
37; 32: 177, 211; 36: 219; 39: 359, 389; 40: 
462; 44: 244. subsquarrosa 1 :98, 202; 2: 
61; 4:82; 5:130 

Hemigenia, $ Hemigenia 9:47 

Hemiptera 41:186, 187 

Hemitrichia clavata 1:128, 130; 29:171, 173. 
rubiformis 1:128. Serpula 1:128; 29:171. 
vesparium 2:79; 29:171, 173 

Hemizonia 26:109. fasciculata 26:109 

Hemlock(s) 4:93, 169; 5:196; 12:177; 13: 
57; 17:165, 167, 168; 19:273; 20:186; 21: 
50, 51, 109; 26:195; 28:34; 34:188, 189; 
35:358; 39:201; 43:67; 44:230, 410, 413; 
46:154; 49:161. Ground 35:357; 40:313. 
Pines 17:50. Poison 28:72. Spruce 17: 
59-61, 164-168; 20:187; 21:109 

Hemp 4:81. Nettle 28:72 

Henbane 18:144 

Henbit 45:382 

Hendersonia 50:287, 288 

Hepatica 4:127, 128; 6:116; 8:48; 13:91; 16: 
128; 18:166; 21 :86; 29: 58, 54; 37: 349. 
acuta 6:116. acutiloba 1: 170; "5: 00; 0: 
116; 14:75; 19:46, 224; 20: 183, 194, 195; 
35: 66, 249, fig. 1; 36 :224; 38: :301-304, 
fig. 1; i plena 49:216. americana 19: 
45, 46, 220; 20:183, 193, 194; 21:200; 25: 

trifoliatus 40: 
140-142. trilo- 


45; 27:131; 30:29; 40:375, 420; 43:485; 
46 405; f. candida 19:46, 224: 27:131; 
43: 552; f. rhodantha 19 463 27: 131; 43: 
552. Falconeri 29:53, 54. Henryi 29: 
53, 54. nobilis 19:45, 46; 30:29. transsil- 
vanica 29:53, 54. triloba 1 :216; 3:130; 
8:48; 12:128; 13:91; 14:235; 18: 166; 19: 
45, 220; 27: 131; a. obtusa 19 :45; B. ameri- 
cana 19: :45; var. americana 31:13 

Hepaticae 3: 257, 260; 4:30, 207, 242; 5:50, 
51, 170; 6: 74, 165, 189; T: 26, 52; 8:34; 
9: 56, 63, 65; 10: 185; 11: 117, 185; 12: 193; 
15: 21; 16: 62; 14: 107; 18:74, 103; 19: 263; 
21: 149; 23: 70, 281; 25: 74, 89, 192; 38: 77; 

Hepaticas 4:127 

Hepatics 4:29; 10:37; 27:35 

Heracleum 6: 124; 17:151; 21:182; 24:93. 
lanatum 1:159; '3: 175, 188; 6: 124; 13:123, 
138; 16:13; 17: 151; 18: 41; 24: 93; 28: 63, 
84, 110; 29: 217; 32: 216, 268; 33: 122; 34: 
54; 36: 282; 41: :154, 248, 267, 270; 42: 334; 
44: 116; 46: 50, 51, 389. maximum 46: 
50, 390. Sphondylium 6:144; 8:99; 19: 
245; 24:03; 28:84, 221; 43: 349. villosum 

Herb Robert 28:71 

Hercules’ Club 44:1 

Herd’s Grass 18:33; 49:272 

Heritieria 9:53 

Hermannia, § Euhermannia 9:37 

Hermodactylus 30:55 

Herniaria cinerea 46:25. diandra 9:40. gla- 
bra 46:24, 25; var. scabrescens 46:24; var. 
setulosa 46: 24: var. subciliata 46:24. hirsu- 
ta, var. diandra 9: :40 

Herniary 46:24 

Heron's-bill 6:81 

Heronbill 39:233. Big 39:235. California 39: 
235. "Texas 39:235 

Herpestis 37:441; 44:436, 437. § Bramia 37: 
441. amplexicaulis 10:66. chamaedryoides, 
var. peduncularis 37:442. nigrescens 10: 
66. peduncularis 37:442. procumbens, 
var. peduncularis 37:442. rotundifolia 41: 
446, 447; 42:402, 479; 44:435, 437 

Herpetium deflexum 10:190; 25:77; «. tri- 
crenatum 25:77, 79; 1. commune 25:78; 
1*5 fuseum 25: 778; '2. elongatum 25:78; 
E implexum 25:77, 82; laxius 25:82; 1*. 
axius 25:78; 2. innovans 25:78; 2*. julaceum 
25:78; 3. gemmiparum 25: 78; y. devexum 
n 778; 8. flaccidum 25:78; e. pygmaeum 25: 

Herpophyllon 40:27. 

Herpophyllum 40:27 

Herposteiron confervicola 26:212. vermiculo- 
ides 23:67; 27:165 

Herpothamnus 36:236; 42:474 

Hesperideae 47:384, 385, pl. 991 

Hesperis 18:219; 27:66. Hookeri 27: 171. 
matronalis 1 :39, 97; 10:145; 18:219. mini- 
x 27:171. Pallasii 27:171. pygmaea 27: 

Hesperocallis 37:386 

Heterachne 21:216 

coalescens 40:27 


Heteranthera 9:53; 12:7. dubia 12:7; 16: 
198. graminea 9:63. limosa 34:9; 47: 
209, 213; 48:114; f. albiflora 34:9. reni- 
formis 37:407; 39:481 

Heterococcus viridis 24:51 

Heterocodon 48:209, 211, 212; 50:43 

Heterodoxia denticulata 5:206, 207 

Heterokontae 14:114; 26:165, 211; 44:66 

Heteromastix angulata 50:277 

Heteromeris 19:58, 59; 43:612 

Heteronema acus 50:277 

Heteropogon 47:108 

Heteroscyphus 14:214; 19:270 

Heterophyllum 35:146 

Heterospermum pinnatum 6:82 

Heterosporium gracile 39:372 

Heterotheca 30:201. subaxillaris 30:201; 41: 
469, 571; var. petiolaris 30:201 

Heterothecium grossum 28:160. sanguina- 
rium 28:160 

Heterothrix quadrata 50:274 

Heterotoma 50:48 

Heuchera 35:111, 119; 42:152; 43:495, 496, 
499; 44:39, 345, 349. § Americanae 43: 
497. § Villosae 43:497. americana 18:245; 
20:196; 21:87; 35:111, 117; 40:375, 423; 
43:495, 496; 44:39, 40, 345, 401; var. brevi- 
petala 43:499; 44:401; var. heteradenia 
44:400, 402, pl 721; var. hirsuticaulis 
44:402, pl. 721; var. interior 44:402, pl. 
721; 47:214; var. subtruncata 44:401, 
pl 721; var. typica 44:401. arkansana 
35:286. ciliata 35:116. Curtisii 35:115. 
hispida 35:111-119, 363; 42:351; 44:40; 
47:215. parviflora 35:286; 36:224, 230; 
var. Rugelii 42:59, 99; 44:2. puberula 
35:286; 36:224, 230; X americana var. 
hirsuticaulis, 40:253; 42:99. pubescens 35: 
114, 119; 42:351. Richardsonii 35:113- 
117; var. Grayana 35:117, 118, 363; 37: 
261; 47:215; var. hispidior 35:116-118; 
var. typica 35:116, 117. scabra 35:114. 
villosa 35:119; 43:497; 44:40; 45:448 

Hevea 49:58 

Hexalectris 31:11, 15; 43:518; 46:20; 49: 
96. aphylla 17:136; 42:446; 46:20. spicata 
17:136; 24:150; 39:342, 343, 404, 470, 
471, 474, 482, map 18; 43:507, 550; 44: 
240; 46:81; 49:138, 180 

Hexamitus inflatus 50:278 

Hexastylis 45:374, 399. virginica 27:214 

Hexorima dichotoma 8:71 

Heydelbéeren 12:23 

Hibiscus 5:99; 13:21; 22:73; 33:44; 44:266, 
274-276; 47:290. borealis 16:40. esculent- 
us 15:15. incanus 44:277. lasiocarpos 44: 
272. militaris 37:193; 39:340, 435; 42: 
466. Moscheutos 5:203; 11:131; 13:21, 
163; 15:68; 19:66; 22:15, 73; 26:88, 176; 
29:44, 61, 65, 70, 108, 111; 32:148, 210, 
265; 38:377; 39:337, 372, 375; 41:112; 42: 
92; 44:267-278, fig. 2 (map); 46:137; 6. 
purpurascens 44:268, 278; f. Peckii 44: 
278. oculiroseus 26:88; 41:112; 44:267- 
269, 272, 273, 275, 277, 278. opulifolius 
44:278. palustris 41:112; 42:88, 92; 44: 

268-270, 272-278, fig. 1 (map); 46:71, 
137; f. oculiroseus 41:112; 44:273, 276, 
278; f. Peckii 44:278; var. albiflorus 44: 
268, 278. pinetorum 44:278. syriacus 41: 
516, 520. Trionum 2:205; 14:206; 16:40; 
22:73. virginicus 43:607, 608 

Hibiscus, Crimson-eyed 44:267 

Hickories 43:71; 49:195 

Hickory 7:123, 125, 126; 13:57; 43:70; 44: 
409-411, 413, 414; 45:377; 46:149, 151, 
154; 48:206; 49:172. Bitternut 44:413; 50: 
61. Illinois 49:194. Pale 47:47. Pig-nut 
49:194-196. Shagbark 47:47. White 49: 

Hicoria 9:53; 21:189; 31:88. aquatica 14: 
81. floridana 31:80. glabra, var. villosa 
10:32. ovata 7:140; 21:189. Pecan 49: 
194; 50:248. villosa 10:32; 14:83 

Hieracia 49:253 

Hieracium 4:25, 60, 197; 5:289; 6:134; 10: 
148; 11:130; 12:146; 13:20; 21:29, 212; 
26:109; 28:99, 122; 36:422; 38:100; 45: 
325; 47:183, 242-244; 50:213. $ Archie- 
racium 9:37. $ Vulgata 45:317-319. aura- 
tum 45:321. aurantiacum 1:164; 3:189; 
4:62. 151; 0:134; 7:108; 12:104; 14:91; 
17:154; 18:45; 22:137; 26:109; 29:233; 
32:113; 34:7; 49:253; 50:19. Auricula 50: 
213. canadense 1:184; 13:20; 14:21; 17: 
20; 18:45; 26:109; 28:246; 29:221; 32:281; 
34:55; 45:320-322; subsp. columbianum 45; 
321; var. columbianum 45:320, 321; var. 
fasciculatum 45:320-322; var. hirtira- 
meum 17:19; 28:241, 246; 34:168; 44: 
147, 337; 45:321, 322; var. latifolium 45: 
321; var. macrophyllum 45:321. colum- 
bianum 45:320, 321. cynoglossoides, var. 
ursinum 32:27. fasciculatum 45:320. 
Flahaultianum 9:43; 39:309. florentinum 
13:219; 15:116; 19:253; 26:109, 129; 28 
46; 40:482; 41:130. floribundum 4:25; 5 
289; 9:63; 12:103, 146; 13:219; 17:154 
31:86; 41:130; 49:253. Greenii 13:20 
groenlandicum 28:121, 241; 29:141; 32 
62; 45:318, 319. Gronovii 9:122; 10:165 
11:130; 13:20; 14:21; 26:109; 32:151, 211 
281; 35:201; 36:221; 37:185, 186; 45:323 
325; 47:243; var. œ. nudicaule 45:323 
325; var. @. foliosum 45:325; var. foliosum 
37:185; 45:325; var. hirsutissimum 37 
185; var. nudicaule 37:185; var. subnudun 
37:185. Kalmii 45:322. laevigatum, subsp 
canadense 45:321. macrophyllum 45:320 
321. marianum 6:143; 11:84, 130; 13 
20; 19:253; 26:109; 32:179, 281; 35:201 
37:350; 45:325. molle 45:318. murorun 
7:80; 31:86; 44:337; 45:319. paniculatun 
19:37; 23:300; 24:208; 26:109; 32:281 
x seabrum 24:208; f. glandulosum 19 
37; 26:109. pensilvanicum 37:186. Pilo 
sella 4:151; 6:143; 19:253; 23:300; 26:110 
31:86; 32:110; 46:142; 48:243; 49:253 
var. niveum 50:15; var. viride 26:110 
praealtum 2:226; 4:61, 62, 151, 197; 5 
289; 6:144; 7:108; 13:218, 219; var. decipien 
26:110. pratense 3:36; 10:148; 13:219 


15:67; 18:45; 19:253; 23:300; 31:86; 46:142. 
Robinsonii 45: 317-319. sabaudum 45:322. 
scabrum 5:130; 6:134; 9:122; 13:20; 16: 
181; 22:137; 24: :208; 26: 109, 110; 32: 281; 
35: 201; 36: 221; 45: 325; 47: 243; var. inton- 
sum 16: 183; var. leucocaule 16:182; 
var. tonsum 16:182; 44:147. smolandicum 
45:317; subsp. Robinsonii 45:317. triste 
11:141. venosum 5:129; 11:130; 13:20; 
14:21; 26:110; 36:55; 37: 185; 44 343; 45: 
823- 325, 511; "47: 243; var. B. subcaulescens 
45:323; var. Blombergii 37:451; 45:323- 
325; var. nudicaule 45:323, 511; var. sub- 
caulescens 26: 110. virgatum 45: 321, 322. 
vulgatum 2:135, 136, 141; 3:36; 4:60; 
Pea 31:86; 45: 317-319; "var. irriguum 

Hierochloe 6:104; 9:53; 15:124; 19:153; 35: 
474; 87:955; 38: 121, 267; 49:276. alpina 
3:169; 9:156, 158, 166; 21: 192; 25:6; 28: 
110; 29: 132, 148, 207; 35:5, 120, 125; 38: 
112, 116, 118, 134, 139, 264, 269; 41: 146, 
160, 177; 42: 317; 44:115. borealis 2:216; 
6: 104; 9:11. fragrans 19:152. Nashii 19: 
153. odorata 14: :20; 15:124; 17:146, 147, 
212, 221; 18:33; 19: 33, 35, 109, 152, 153; 
21: 116; 23: 164; 28: 162; 29: :65, 68, 71, 132, 
148, 207; 32: 172; 36: 271; '87: 354, 358, 
fig. 4 (map); 38: 139, 264, 271; 41: 148, 
177; 42:42, 317; 49: 276; f. Eamesii 38: 
264; var. fragrans 19: 153; 28:162; 32:61, 
105; 34:50; f. Eamesii 19:152. pauciflora 
41 38, 157, 177 

High Blueberry 12:183. Cranberry 4:131 

High-bush Blueberry 23:97, 98, 109. Cran- 
berry 42:339 

Highland Cranberry 18:41 

Hildenbrandia 26:189; 50:263. Prototy- 
pus 2:50; 7:235; 10: 158; 26:214; 35:151; 

Hills of Snow 11:46 

Himanthalia lorea 16:4 

Himantoglossum viride 28:172 

Hindberries 12:19 

Hippochaete 30:79 

Hippopodium 22:181 

Hippuris 6:123; 44:33; 50:210. indica 31: 
159. maritima 38:413. montana 41:264. 
tetraphylla 34:245; 41:264. vulgaris 6:123; 
8:168; 14:24; 23: 277; 29:217; 31:97; 33: 
166; 36: 282, 307; 37: 206; 41: 153, 159, 264; 
50: 210; f. fluviatilis 41 :264; var. maritima 
25:10; 36: 282; 44:117 

Hirschfeldia adpressa 40:309. incana 40: 
309; var. hirta 40:309 
Hoary Alder 12:178. Cress 42:302. Pea 

4:249. Plantain 40:457. 
Hobble, Witch 12:184 
Hobble-bush 5:260; 12:184; 23:134 
Hoffmanseggia 31:92, 94-96. densiflora 34: 

6. falcaria 31:92 
Hog Blackberry 9:5. Cranberry 18:41 
Holeus 8:138; 15:128; 18:231, 233; 28:143, 

144; 49: 269. &venaceus, var. nodosus 18: 

235. bulbosus 13:208; 18:234. fragrans 

19:152. halepensis 18: 231. lanatus 11:88; 

Willow 28:82 


15: 128; 18:231, 234; 26:185, 186, 223; 
29:207; '31 :82; 32: 150, 235; 38 266; 41: 
518, 520; 44: 172. 174; 49: 269; 50: 287, 
293. odoratus 16: 186; 19:152. ’ Sorghum 
18:231. striatus 8:138; ' 44:381 

Hollies 34:16, 233 

Holly 4: 140, 142; 14:91; 23:118; 44:351; 
50: 65. Fern 9: 27. Mountain 12: 182 

Hollyhock 7:27. Fungi 18:240 

Holmgrenia 35:146 

Holomitrium squarrifolium 36:132 

Holoschoenus 31:124; 49:52 

Holosteum 11:112. succulentum 11: 112, 114, 
115. umbellatum 26:199; 33:211; 35: 261; 
40:372, 373, 415; 45:359, 400; 47: 45 

Homalachna 18: 233 

Homalia 6:145. Jamesii 4:183; 11:117; 39: 
13, 43. trichomanoides 1:55; var. Jamesii 
6:236. trichomitrion, var. Jamesii 6:145 

Homalocenchrus 9:53; 14:187; 30:82. ory- 
zoides 31:146 

Homalosorus 38:164 

Homoeanthus 20:150 

Homoetricha 32:36 

Homomallium 35:146 

Homothalictrum 46:350 

Honey Locust 17:49; 46:307 

Honeysuckle 43:31; 44:334. American Fly 
12:184. Bush 12:184. Fly 28:76. Jap- 
anese 25:173; 37:380; 49: 150: 50:66. Trum- 
pet 4:40; 12: 184 

Honkenya 11:113; 21:1, 2. oblongifolia 11: 
IIb WIE peploides 11: 113, 115; 29:175; 
subsp. major 41:223; var. diffusa 11: 114; 
var. latifolia 11:113; var. oblongifolia 11: 

Hookeriaceae 37:228 

Hoorebeckia 9:55 

Hop Clover 11:199. "Tree 21:49 
Hop-hornbeam 4:93; 7:123, 126; 23:91; 43: 

521; 44:351 
Hordeum 6:107; 15:150; 47:280; 49:254, 
267; 50:90. aegiceras 48:21. boreale 13: 

125, 127, 137; 28:121, 152. Caput-Medusae 
19:121. distichon 1:107; 15:150; 49:267. 
jubatum 1:105, 107; 6:83; 12:26; 13:89; 
15:150; 17:147, 221; 25:6; 29:44, 45, 64, 
106; 36:278; 41:152, 183; 42:317; 44:70; 
46:206; 48:21, 26, 116; 49:242, 267; 50: 
90. marinum 48:21; 49:267. maritimum 
15:150; 49:267. murinum 14:163; 15:150; 
19:121; 48:21; 49:207. nodosum 15: 150; 
48:21; 49: 267. pratense 6:83. pusillum 
36: 38, 237; 44:70; 48:21, 27, 115. tri- 
furcatum 19:121. vulgare 6:107; 15:150; 
44:70; 48:21; 49:267; var. Aegiceras 6: 
107; var. trifureatum 31 :83; 48:21 

Hormidium 40:76 

Hormiscia 5:73.  penicilliformis 7:225, 243 

Hormogoneales 40:235 

Hormospora purpurea 18:26 

Hormothamnion 44:184 

Hormotila mucigera 26:165 

Hormotrichum Younganum 50:259 

Hornbeam 26:182. Hop 7:123, 126; 23:91 

Horned Pondweed 44:217 


Horse-chestnut 12:32; 25:173 

Horsenettle 4:13 

Horse-radish 26:198; 27:186 

Horsetail(s) 35:354; 41:505; 48:267. Common 
35:354. Family 35:354. Giant 49:203 

Horseweed 17:225; 28:72 

Hosackia 20:168. americana 20:168. mic- 
rantha 8:233. prostrata 8:233 

Hosta caerulea 37:85. japonica 19:127 

Hottonia 24:232; 50:210, 211. inflata 1: 
82, 179; 2:125; 3:216; 4:16, 20, 76, 85; 
5:134; 9:14, 63; 13:108; 24:88, 232; 27: 
203; 38:439; 39:482; 40:449; 42:45, 409; 
44:430; 46:143, 144; 50:210 

Houstonia 4:75; 21:69; 26:14; 34:177; 42: 
299, 362; 46:306-308; 47:291, 364. an- 
gustifolia 36:224, 231; 37:195; 42:299, 300, 
l. 625. caerulea 3:165, 188; 4:75; 5: 
119, 131; 9:209, 210; 12:129; 17:154; 19: 
220; 26:14; 29:187, 188; 34:65; 36:221; 
37:356; 44:174; f. albiflora 9:210; var. 
Faxonorum 9:210; 29:187. canadensis 46: 
309. ciliolata 36:221; 37:64, 70; 46:309. 
Faxonorum 29:127, 129, 133, 187, 188, 
220. lanceolata 26:14; 34:177; 39:450; 42: 
362; f. albiflora 34:177. longifolia 24: 
100; 26:14; 36:55; 40:382, 458; 41:466, 
570. minima 36:221, 231, 364. nigricans 
42:299, pl. 625. parviflora 34:177. patens 
21:69; 36:51, 221, 227, 231; 40:458; 46: 
306. purpurea 36:231; 38:444; f. pube- 
scens 38:444; var. calycosa 6:195; var. 
longifolia 4:75; 5:128, 202; var. pubescens 
38:444. pusilla 21:69; 34:177; f. albiflora 
34:177; f. rosea 41:585. serpyllifolia 9: 
210; 29:187; 39:198, 200, 205, fig. 20 (map). 
setiscaphia 46:309. tenuifolia 7:142; 24: 
100; 39:342, 450, 471, 474, 475, 486; 40: 
372; 42:362; 49:180; f. leucantha 34:177 

Howellia 50:48 

Huckleberries 39:60 

Huckleberry 4:131; 10:53; 13:86; 15:225; 18: 
29; 37:325; 39:368; 44:230. Black 4:14; 12: 
183; 18:67; 23:135; 42:352. Blue-black 4: 
14. Blue-fruited 2:81. Bog 23:99. Box 
22:167, 168. Squaw 12:168 

Hudsonia 11:128; 18:70; 22:123; 23:92; 33: 
39; 35:348; 40:35, 41; 47:207. ericoides 
1:212-214; 2:22; 4:61; 5:128; 11:128, 131; 
13:135, 140, 161, 181; 19:231; 22:123; 24: 
177; 28:87; 29:44, 111, 181, 216; 32:169, 
212; 35:348; 37:207; f. leucantha 19: 
16. montana 29:181. tomentosa 1:212, 
213; 4:34, 61; 5:128; 11:128, 131; 13:181; 
14:20; 18:26; 20:102, 106; 22:124; 29:42, 
44, 45, 181, 216; 32:151, 265; 35:348; 
"7 var. intermedia 15:154; 32:179; 35: 

Humulus 6:114; 17:169. japonicus 6:139; 17: 
169; 42:390, 447. Lupulus 6:114; 17:169. 
scandens 42:390, 447 

Hundahveiti 12:27 

Hunde Hvede 12:27 

Hurts, Ground 28:80. Sweet 28:80 

Hutchinsia calycina 40:298; 8. americana 40: 
298; var. $.40:300, 301; var. y. 40:300; 
var. integrifolia 40:300, 301 

Hvede 12:27. Hunde 12:27. Vild 12:27, 28 

Hvedegraes 12:27 

Hveiti 12:25, 26, 30, 37, 38; 15:33 

Hveti 12:32 

Hyacinth(s) 28:75; 47:379. Water 38:401. 
Wild 28:90 

Hyacinthus 24:210 

Hyalodaphnia 24:51 

Hyalodiscus stelliger 9:140; 26:193-195, 216. 
subtilis 9:140 

Hyalotheea 7:265; 24:240; 26:204, 210. dissi- 
liens 5:79, 254; 7:240, 265; 24:240; 26: 
210; 29:163; var. hians 5:254; var. minor 
7:265. mucosa 5:254; 26:210. undulata 

Hybanthus concolor 21:87; 40:375, 382, 447; 
43:520; 44:240, 363.  verticillatus 34:6 

Hydnum albonigrum 44:168. auriscalpium 
44:168. Caput-Medusae 1:108, 109; 3: 
37. Caput-Ursi 1:108, 109; 3:37. chry- 
sorhizum 48:202, 203. coralloides 1: 
108, 109; 3:37. erinaceus 1:108, 109; 3: 
37. Medusa 1:108. putidum 3:40. velu- 
tinum 44:169 

Hydnum, Bear's-head 1:108, 109. Coral 1: 
108. Hedgehog 1:108 

Hydrangea 18:250; 21:103; 23:203, 204; 31: 
18, 120, 254; 47:364. arborescens 20:15; 
21:102, 103; 23:203-206, 208; 36:374; 40: 
374, 375, 423; 43:523, 559; 44:240, 351; 
y. oblonga 23:204; è. sterilis 23:208; f. 
grandiflora 23:206, 207; 43:559; f. oblonga 
23:206; f. typica 23:206; f. vulgaris 23: 
206; var. cordata 23:206; var. Deamii 
23:204, 206, 208; f. acarpa 23:206, 208; 
var. oblonga 23:204-208; 43:559; f. sterilis 
23:206, 208; var. sterilis 11:46; var. typica 
23:206; var. vulgaris 23:206. cinerea 18: 
245, 246, 250; 23:204, 205, 207, 208. cor- 
data 23:206. paniculata 18:246; 19:226; 
31:18, 19, 120, 254; 42:43. quercifolia 18: 
245, 246; 19:226; 46:389-391. radiata 23: 
204. vulgaris 23:206, 208; 8. cordata 23:206 

Hydrangea, Climbing 44:351 

Hydranthelium 44:436, 438. crenatum 50: 
124. egense 50:124. obovatum 44:438. 
rotundifolia 48:116 

Hydrastis 49:199. canadensis 1:157, 200; 20: 
183, 196; 23:219; 49:199 

Hydrocaryaceae 23:116; 31:43 

Hydrocharideae 25:158 

Hydrocharis 47:385. Spongia 44:378 

Hydrocharitaceae 12:4; 29:249; 31:43; 32: 
231; 44:219 

Hydrochloa carolinensis 26:159. fluitans 26: 

Hydrocoleum 1:197, 198; 7:223; 39:278; 40: 
224, 227. glutinosum 2:42; 7:223; 40: 
228-230, 268, 273, fig. 2; 50:256. Holdeni 
3:254; 5:220; 7:169, 223; 40:228-230, 268, 
273, fig. 3. homotrichum 50:69. lyngbya- 
ceum 2:42; 40:228; 50:256; var. rupestre 
2:42. majus 1:197, 198, pl. 9; 2:42; 3: 
254; 40:229, 230 

Hydrocoleus 40:227 

Hydrocotyle 6:124; 24:93; 42:297; 43:81. 
alchemilloides 41:438. ambigua 41:437. 

Hygrocybe 29:239. 


americana 1:159; 3:188; 6:124; 17:151; 23: 
277; 24:03, 179; 32:4; 38:306; 42:298; 
47:218. asiatica 42:295, 298; var. flori- 
dana 42:295. australis 41:437. bona- 
riensis, var. tribotrys 41:437, 438. Canbyi 
32:124, 125, 148, 209-211, 267, 268; 37: 
433; 38:304; 39:437, 480; 41:437, 438. 
chinensis 26:93. cordata 42:297, 298. 
erecta 42:295. ficarioides 42:295. inter- 
rupta 32:268. natans 41:437. polystachya, 
var. a. triradiata 41:437; var. triradiata 
41:438. prolifera 41:437, 438. racemosa 
41:437. ranunculoides 37:380, 433; 39: 
437, 480; 46:138. reniformis 42:295, 296, 
298. repanda 42:295, 296, 298. tribo- 
trys 41:437, 438. umbellata 1:159; 2: 
125, 217; 3:210; 4:103; 5:204; 7:75; 9:13; 
11:129; 13:8; 21:73; 24:88, 94, 179; 32: 
148, 210, 267; 39:474, 481; 42:298; 44: 
173, 174; var. ambigua 32:207; 41:437. 
verticillata 1:159; 25:48; 32:148, 209, 210, 
207, 268; 39:480; 40:253; 41:437; var. 
longipedunculata 41:437; var. pluriradiata 
41:437; var. tenella 41:437; var. 13-nervis 
41:437; var. triradiata 41:437, 438 

mc td 29:238, 239. constans 29:238, 

Hydrodictyon reticulatum 14:237 

Hydrolea affinis 46:56. quadrivalvis 38:393; 
39:332, 338, 444, 477; 41:477, 558; 42:477; 
44:432; 45:377, 459; 46:56. uniflora 46:56 
Hydroleucum glutinosum 40:75 

Hydrophila 21:10; 22:180 

Hydrophyllaceae 6:151; 24:98; 25:27; 31:48; 
42:34. trib. Hydrophylleae 42:33 
Hydrophyllum 6:156-158; 25:28; 37:349; 47: 
288. americanum 21:200. appendiculatum 
6:151, 156; 7:142. canadense 2:157; 6: 
151, 155-158, 160, 184, 185, 203, 205; 
7:99; 31:14, 17, pl. 178; 37:87. macro- 
phyllum 39:431. virginianum 1:171, 222; 
6:151, 156-158, 185; 7:99; 9:75; 24:118; 
25:28; 27:212; 35:250; 37:64; 40:341; f. 
simplicifolium 40:341, pl. 502 
Hydrophytes 5:126, 127, 134, 135 

Hydropyrum esculentum 26:156, 157. lati- 

folium 26:158 
Hydrurus 26:161. 
162, 166 

foetidus 24:103, 110; 26: 

Hyella caespitosa 2:42; 7:172; 26:212; 50:256 

Hygroamblystegium fluviatile 39:44. irri- 
guum 48:3; f. marianopolitanum 39:44; 
var. spinifolium 39:44. orthocladon 39:44 
constans 29:238, 239. 
obrussea 29:239 

Hygrohypnum dilatatum 30:10; 39:44, 45. 
eugyrium 39:45. molle 39:3, 4, 44, 45. 
ochraceum 39:45. palustre 39:45; 50:52 
Hygrophila 47:262. illinoiensis 47:17, 18 
Hygrophorus 2:72; 13:57, 59, 66; 16:51; 29: 
238, 239. § Limacium 1:16. chlorophanus 
3:143. coloratus 13:64, 65. conicus 2: 
128; 3:143; 29:238. constans 29:238, 239. 
flavo-discus 1:16, 17; 13:63, 65. fuligineus 
1:16, 17; 2:32; 13:63, 65. hypothejus 13: 
63, 64. laetus 13:59. Langei 29:239. 


laurae 13:63, 65. luridus 13:59. margin- 
atus 39:372. miniatus 3:143; 39:372. 
Morrisii 16:49. nitratus 16:49. obrusseus 
20:238, 239. Peckianus 16:49. pratensis 
11:124. psittacinus 16:48. puniceus 3:143. 
pustulatus 16:49 

Hygrophytes 5:126, 127, 130, 131 

Hygroryza aristata 26:159 

Hylocomiaceae 30:11; 39:45 

Hylocomium 35:146. brevirostrum 4:181; 6: 
73; 24:123; 48:3. proliferum 30:11. pyre- 
naicum 1:54; 4:182; 39:45. splendens 3: 
178, 180; 4:30. squarrosum 2:95; 4:181. 
triquetrum 4:30. umbratum 2:62; 3:180; 
4:240; 8:168 

Hymenatherum aureum 6:81, 82; 35:182 

Hymenocallis caroliniana 50:194. coronaria 
50:194. crassifolia 50:194 
Hymenochaeta corrugata 44:170. tabacina 

Hymenogastraceae 26:195 
Hymenolobus procumbens 28:54, 106 
Hymenomycetes 3:70; 13:63 
Hymenopappus 34:6 

Hymenophysa 42:304. 

fenestrata 42:306. 
macrocarpa 42:306. pubescens 39:191, 281; 
42:302, 304, 305 

Hymenoptera 41:185; 42:354; 44:189 
Hymenostylium 14:47. 

curvirostre 14:46, 47; 

Hyophila 41:112. Tortula 36:55 
Hyoscyamus 7:160; 12:191; 25:60. 

niger 11: 
179; 12:191, 215; 18:144; 25:60; 34:238 

Hyoseris biflora 17:135. minima 11:61 
Hypaelytrum iridifolium 35:260. 


Hyparrhenia 47:108 
Hypericaceae 1:212; 6:122; 18:40, 98; 22:75; 

20:226; 20:216; 31:43; 32:265; 38:432; 49: 
255; 50:168, 208 

Hypericum 4:135; 6:122; 7:160, 161, 189; 22: 

17, 75; 36:373; 37:72; 38:64; 41:376; 42: 
8, 10, 11, 17, 19, 154; 49:87, 89, 100, 152. 
$ Brathys 49:87. § Elodea 38:433. acuti- 
folium 17:134; 50:206, 208, pl. 1111. ad- 
pressum 1:212; 4:135-137, pl. 37; 32:212; 
40:442; 41:469, 471, map 5; 42:8, 18, 19; 44: 
174; var. fastigiatum 42:19; var. spongio- 
sum 4:136, 137, pl. 37; 42:18, 19. angu- 
losum 17:134; 50:205-208, pl. 1109. apo- 
cynifolium 42:8, 15, 16. Ascyron 1:212; 
15:154, 166; 24:184; 32:173. aspalathoides 
42:12. aureum 12:55; 22:75; 24:117; 42: 
15, 16; 46:389-391. axillare 42:13-15. 
Bissellii 4:136, 137, pl. 37; 42:8. boreale 
1:184, 212, 221; 6:122; 7:109; 9:121; 11: 
96; 13:146; 15:166; 17:221; 22:75, 135; 
23:274; 25:212; 32:149, 173, 214, 265; 35: 
251; 41:376; 42:45; 47:217; 49:87, 100, 
101, 154, 250; f. callitrichoides 41:376. 
Buckleyi 42:8, 19. calycinum 50:167. 
campanulatum 38:435, 436. canadense 1: 
212; 3:188; 5:130; 6:123; 9:121; 14:28; 
15:166; 17:151; 18:40; 22:75; 29:181, 216; 
30:188-190, fig. 1; 32:265; 33:122; 48:58; 
49:87, 115; 50:205, 208; var. galiiforme 


49:154, 155, 193, pl. 1076; var. magninsul- 
are 30:188-190, fig. 1; var. majus 1:212. 
cistifolium 35:255; 42:8, 17, 18. cistoides 
47:379. Coris 42:12. densiflorum 38:64; 
42:8-12, 14, 15, 17, 88, 92; 50:168; var. 
lobocarpum 42:8, 11. denticulatum 17: 
134, 137; 39:473; 42:17; 43:500, 609; 44: 
373, 430; 50:205—208, pl. 1109; var. acuti- 
folium 17:134, 137; 50:206-208, map 3, 
pl. 1111; var. ovalifolium 17:135, 137; 38: 
393; 39:337, 435, 467, 481; 40:371, 442; 
48:500; 45:373, 453; 50:206, 208; var. 
recognitum 50:207, 208, map 2, pl. 1110; 
var. typicum 50:207, map 1, pl. 1109. 
dissimulatum 23:149, 274; 24:117, 177; 32: 
177; 39:353, 435, 475; 49:87, 155.  dolabri- 
forme 39:195; 42:8, 16, 17. Drummondii 35: 
288; 36:220; 41:485, 549; 42:466; 50:207. el- 
liptieum 1:212; 4:103; 5:131; 7:110; 17: 
151; 22:75, 135; 32:173; 33:207; 34:65; 35: 
251; 37:319; 38:364; 47:217; f. submersum 
41:376. fasciculatum 42:12-14; var. Q. 42: 
14; var. aspalathoides 42:12, 14. fastig- 
iatum 42:18, 19. foliosum 42:10. frond- 
osum 42:8, 15. galioides 42:9, 11-15, pl. 
587; 50:112; var. ambiguum 42:14; var. 
axillare 42:14; var. cubense 42:14, 19, pl. 
687; var. fasciculatum 42: 12, 14, 19, 
pl. 587; var. Lloydii 42:pl. 587; var. pallidum 
42:9, 14, 19, pl. 587; var. reductum 42: 
14, 19, pl. 587; var. typicum 42:19, pl. 
587. gentianoides 9:121; 21:19; 22:75; 32: 
265; 35:287; 36:220; 42:466. glaucum 42: 
19. glomeratum 42:10, 11. graveolens 37: 
319. gymnanthum 24:88; 37:432; 39:482; 
47:45. Harperi 50:207, 208, pl. 1111. 
hedyotifolium 50:208. interior 42:10, 11. 
Kalmianum 19:64, 67; 35:388; 37:204; 42: 
8, 9; 46:493.  Lasianthus 49:151. lobocar- 
pum 42:11, 12, 16. maculatum 1:212; 6: 
122; 9:121; var. subpetiolatum 7:109. 
majus 15:166; 18:40; 19:230; 22:75; 49: 
87. Michauxii 42:12. micranthum 37:432. 
Mitchellianum 37:319. mutilum 1:212; 5: 
131; 6:122; 22:75; 32:158, 265; 33:75; 35: 
287; 38:372, 431; 41:549; 49:87; 50:124, 
205, 298; var. gymnanthum 38:372; var. 
latisepalum 38:372; 42:402, 466, 510; 43: 
609; 44:368; var. parviflorum 41:549; 43: 
81. myrtifolium 42:8, 19. nitidum 42:12, 
13, 19, pl. 587. nudicaule 1:212; 5:128. 
nudiflorum 37:432; 39:480; 40:442; 42:8, 
17, 18; var. B. 42:16. oklahomense 42:11, 
12. opacum 42:17. parviflorum 41:549. 
perforatum 1:212; 3:188; 5:135; 6:122; 7: 
122; 22:75; 26:185, 226; 32:151, 160, 265; 
39:374, 375; 40:443; 41:506; 50:298.  petiol- 
atum 35:288; 36:220, 226, 227; 37:432; 38: 
377, 433-430; 39:358, 473, 481; 42:87, 
88, 90, 92; 47:217; var. tubulosum 38: 
436; 39:358, 435, 481. pilosum 50:205. 
procumbens 42:16. prolificum 22:75; 24: 
117; 37:353; 38:64; 40:382, 442; 42:9-11, 
45; 44:372, 429; 50:167, 168, pl. 1101; var. 
B. 42:9; var. densiflorum 42:10. pseudoma- 
culatum 37:432; f. flavidum 41:585. 


punctatum 16:16; 19:116; 21:200; 22:75; 
37:432; 44:359, 429; f. subpetiolatum 
44:429; var. pseudomaculatum 37:432. 
quinquenervium 50:205. rosmarini- 
folium 42:12-14, 17, 18.  rostratum 42: 
11. Scouleri 37:364. setosum 24:151; 39: 
324, 335, 364, 435, 467, 477; 40:366, 442; 
45:374-376, 453; 47:95, 127; 49:99, 154; 
50:205. spathulatum — 50:168, pl. 1101. 
sphaerocarpum 42:8, 17, 18; var. turgidum 
42:17. splendens 42:9, 15. subpetiolatum 
44:359, 429. tenuifolium 42:14. tubulo- 
sum 38:434-436; 39:358; var. Walteri 47: 
217. turgidum 42:17. virgatum 17:134, 
137; 50:206, 208, pl. 1111; var. acutifolium 
17:134, 137; 50:208; var. ovalifolium 17: 
135, 137; 50:208. virginieum 1:212; 3: 
188; 6:123; 9:121; 11:96, 230; 13:128, 146; 
14:28, 30; 17:151; 18:98; 22:75, 135; 29: 
131, 216; 32:149, 210, 265; 35:251; 37: 
319, 366; 38:433-436; 44:174; var. Fraseri 
38:434, 435 

Hypericums 46:306 

yp eatnels 40:225. calcicola 24:106; 26: 

Hypholoma candolleanum 44:170. delinea- 
tum 16:46. rugocephalum 3:40; 16:46. 
sublateritium 39:372 

Hypnaceae 11:16; 30:11; 31:38; 37:228; 39: 
451. subfam. Amblystegieae 37:228. sub- 
fam. Brachytecieae 31:38; 37:228. subfam. 
Climacieae 31:38; 37:228. subfam. Ento- 
donteae 37:228. subfam. Hylocomieae 37: 
228. subfam. Hypneae 37:228. subfam. 
Plagiothecieae 37:228. subfam. Porotrich- 
eae 31:38; 37:228. subfam. Stereophyl- 
leae 37:228 

Hypnea Coulteri 14:59. musciformis 2:50; 
8:111. nigrescens 21:207 

Hypnum 4:238; 12:136; 13:221; 33:19; 35: 
146; 47:386. aduncum 12:154. arcuatum 
39:13. Bambergeri 30:11. chrysophyllum 
4:238. cordifolium 1:54; 4:182; 5:199, 200. 
crista-castrensis 1:34; 2:62; 3:178, 180; 4:30, 
181; 6:97; 42:277. cupressiforme 4:240; 6:97; 
30:11. curvifolium 4:181, 241; 48:3. cuspi- 
datum 6:43, 73. dilatatum 4:241. eu- 
gyrium 4:241. fastigiatum 50:52. fertile 
4:181; 39:45. fluitans 2:96; var. atlanticum 
4:181. Haldianum 2:63; 4:241. hispidu- 
lum 4:239. imponens 3:180; 4:181, 241; 
30:1. Kneiffii 12:154. molle 39:44. 
molluseum 4:182. montanum 3:180, 182; 
11:117. ochraceum 2:63; 4:182. pallescens 
4:181, 241; 30:11. Patientiae 4:181. pra- 
tense 4:30, 181. reptile 4:181, 241. Rich- 
ardsonii 5:200. Schreberi 1:34; 3:178, 180; 
4:30. scorpioides 10:38. Sendtneri 12:154. 
splendens 6:97. stellatum 10:37; 11:117. 
Sullivantii 6:73. trifarium 10:38. umbra- 
tum 6:97. uncinatum 3:180; 4:30; 12: 
154; 15:12, 13; f. plumosa 4:182. Vaucheri 
30:11. vernicosum 6:43 

Hypochaeris 26:110. glabra 26:110; 46:206. 
radicata 3:88; 6:23; 12:217; 29:191, 221; 
48:344, 663; 46:142 


Hypoglossum denticulatum 5:205-207 

Hypopithys 29:2. 

Hypopitys 6:125. lanuginosa 15:190 

Hyporhodii 16:50 

Hypoxidaceae 25:157; 37:411 

Hypoxideae 25:156, 158 

Hypoxis 7:158; 11:75; 25:120, 121, 123, 125, 
151, 155-160; 33:36; 37:380; 47:206. sub- 
gen. Euhypoxis 25:121; 37:412. subgen. 
Ianthe 25:121; 37:413; 42:374. breviscapa 
25:122, 137, 138, 144, 151, fig. 9.  caricifolia 
25:129. carolinensis 25:126, 127. cata- 
marcensis 25:123, 146, 153, fig. 13. Curt- 
issii 25:127. decumbens 25:120, 122, 128- 
130, 132, 134, 140-142, 144-147, 151-155, 
161, fig. 4; 37:410; var. major 25:122, 131, 
132, 151, 152, 154, 155, fig. 5; var. mexicana 
25:129. erecta 2:157; 5:204; 9:121; 25: 
120, 126; Q.aestivalis 25:134, 136; var. 
leptocarpa 25:127. fibrata 25:123, 143, 
151-155, fig. 12. filifolia 25:123, 124, 
126; 44:255. glabella 37:411. gracilis 25: 
129. graminea 25:126. grandis 25:126, 
127. hirsuta 11:75; 24:185; 25:120, 122, 
126, 127, 134, 151-155, fig. 2; 32:245; 34: 
97, 99, 240; 36:220; 37:410; 38:402; 39: 
324; 40:462; 42:445; f. villosissima 42: 
445; var. leptocarpa 25:122, 127, 128, 
151-155, 161, fig. 3; 36:42. humilis 25: 
123, 143-145, 151-155, fig. 12. juncea 
25:120, 122-126, 134, 139, 142, 151-155, 
fig. 1; 44:255; var. Wrightii 25:140, 142. 
leptocarpa 25:127; 39:327, 331, 341, 402, 
481, map 7; 40:407; 42:397, 445; 44:241, 
391. Longii 37:410—413, 450, 453, pl. 
393; 38:394; 39:471, 474, 475; 42:372-374. 
mexicana 25:123, 145, 146, 151, 153, 154, 
fig. 13. micrantha 25:123, 137, 139, 151- 
155, fig. 10; 36:42; 38:378, 402; 39:329, 
402, 467, 480; 41:481; 49:99, 133. pallida 
25:126. potosina 25:123, 139, 154, 155, 
fig. 10. pusilla 25:145; 37:411. racemosa 
25:132. rigida 25:122, 132, 133, 151, 153- 
155, fig. 6. rugosperma 25:123, 141, 
142, 153, 154, fig. ll. scorzoneraefolia 
25:161. sessilis 25:120-122, 134-137, 153, 
154, fig. 8; 37:412, 418; 38:394; 39:467, 
471, 480; 42:374. stellata 37:411. tepi- 
censis 25:122, 134, 135, 154, fig. 7. Wrightii 
25:123, 140, 141, 151, 154, 155, fig. 11 

Hypoxylon 26:218. rubiginosum 50:288 

Hypriea Coulteri 14:59 

cy mutabilis 42:400; var. spicata 42:400, 

Hyssopus 25:38. officinalis 25:38 

Hysterium pulicare 44:170 

Hysterographium Mori 50:287. praelongum 
44:170. vulvatum 44:170 

Hystrix 14:187; 48:24; 49:267. Hystrix 14: 
188. patula 14:188; 15:151; 16:15; 21: 
201; 23:232; 24:229; 40:375, 387; 44:70; 
48:21, 23, 24; 49:267; 50:88-90; var. Bige- 
loviana 48:21-23; 49:267 


Iberis 18:219. amara 18:219; 23:140 
Ibidium 9:53; 21:10; 22:180; 23:74. Beckii 


48:6. cernuum 23:74, 127. floridanum 38: 
405. lucayanum 23:84. ovale 48:5. parvi- 
florum 48:6. plantagineum 23:83. praecox 

Icamadophilus ericetorum 28:229 

Ichnanthus 17:72 

Icosandria 41:383; 47:275 

llea 5:7, 30. fascia 50:262; var. caespitosa 
50:262. fulvescens 2:44; 4:175; 5:3, 20, 
30, 31, pl. 41; 7:225; 10:160, 162 

Ilex 6:121; 9:151; 12:181; 14:205; 15:15, 63; 
16:28; 21:125; 23:97; 26:281; 20:243; 36: 
32; 41:424, 426; 46:313; 47:332; 49:204. 
ambigua 41:425, 428. Amelanchier 41: 
427, 428, pl. 559; Q.monticola 41:428. 
Aquifolium 23:118, 119; var. laurifolia 
23:119. arenicola 34:16, 17, 233-235; f. 
oblanceolata 34:234, pl. 225; f. sebring- 
ensis 34:17, 18, 233, pl. 224; f. typica 
34:234; var. obovata 34:234, pl. 226; 
var. paucidens 34:233-235, pl. 227; var. 
transiens 34:233, 235, pl. 228. Beadlei 
41:428. bronxensis 15:222. caroliniana 34: 
233; 41:425; var. jejuna 34:234, 236, 
pl. 231. Cassine 26:231. coccifera 47: 
297. coriacea 39:477; 42:368, 400, 461; 
44:365; 45:361. cumulicola 34:233. de- 
cidua 21:189; 36:47, 224; 39:331, 353, 472, 
481. dubia 41:424-428, pl. 559; var. 
Beadlei 41:428; var. hupehensis 41:428; var. 
macropoda 41:428; var. mollis 41:428; f. 
Beadlei 41:428; f. Grayana 41:428; var. 
monticola 41:428. fastigiata 23:109, 274. 
glabra 3:198; 5:128, 204; 7:74; 10:43; 11: 
232; 13:8, 150, 159, 161; 14:19, 21; 15: 
76; 16:163-165; 21:125; 23:91, 92, 97, 98, 
105, 109, 110, 142, 148, 158, 159, 161, 274, 
300, pl. 130 (map 3). 25:147, 148; 26:231; 
30:198; 32:210, 264; 38:377; 42:368; 43: 
507; 44:365. Krugiana 26:231. laevigata 
3:65, 198; 5:134, 204; 11:232; 13:54; 14: 
21; 19:230; 21:119, 126; 26:231; 32:177, 
264; f. Harveyi 10:34; 21:126; 26:231. 
lucida 26:231; 36:47. macropoda 41:428. 
mollis 14:205; 41:424—426, 428. montana 
41:424-428, pl. 559; var. Beadlei 41:428; 
var. hupehensis 41:428; var. macropoda 
41:428; var. mollis 41:424, 426, 428. monti- 
cola 9:151; 15:15; 21:130; 41:424—420, 
428; var. mollis 6:204; 15:15; 19:230. 
myrtifolia 26:231; f. Lowei 26:231. opaca 
3:58, 59; 5:204; 9:13; 10:43; 13:151; 14: 
19, 21, 81, 91; 16:168-165; 21:126; 23:92, 
118, 119, 167; 26:129, 175, 231; 28:35; 
30:198; 32:152, 210, 263; 34:16, 233, 234; 
36:220; 39:482; 41:518, 520; 47:217; f. 
subintegra 23:119; 32:263; 34:233, 234; 
36:47; f. xanthocarpa 10:34; 26:231. 
pygmaea 34:17, 233, 234, 236, pl. 229; 
var. subedentata 34:234, 235, 236, pl. 
230. verticillata 2:105, 106, 241, 242; 3:58; 
5:131, 134; 6:121; 11:281; 12:181; 13:117, 
139, 146, 149; 14:21; 17:150, 152; 18:39; 
21:126; 22:93, 132, 134, 135; 23:109, 159, 
273; 26:231; 32:151, 216, 264; 33:122; 
35:287; 37:350, 352, 355, fig. 3 (map); 
39:373, 375; 42:88, 93; 46:313; f. chryso- 


carpa 2:106, 242; 21:126; 25:148; 26:231; 
var. cyclophylla 2:105; 7:108; 31:85; var. 
fastigiata 23:274; 24:176; 32:179, 214, 
264; var. padifolia 2:105, 106; 16:191; 
21:126; 23:159, 274; 31:85; 35:287; 36:100, 
220; var. tenuifolia 2:105; 3:188; 4:92; 
12:181; 19:230; 21:126; 23:274; 24:176; 
29:181, 216; 31:85; 43:81; vomitaria 36: 
31, 47; 37:432; 38:377, 426; 39:467, 480; 
44:240; 45:461 

Tliamna 34:143; 48:89, 91, 92, 94. lati- 
bracteata 48:95. remota 10:52; 34:143, 
145; 48:89-93, pls. 1021, 1022; var. Corei 
48:96, pl. 1024; var. typica 48:93-95, 
pls. 1021-1023 

Tlicioides 9:54. mucronata 6:121 

Illecebraceae 5:190; 17:202; 31:43 
eum 17:208. verticillatum 14:207; 17: 

Illicium 28:35. floridanum 44:12 

Illinois Hickery 49:194 

Ilysanthes 7:35; 10:66; 14:24; 16:88; 25:64; 
44:441; 46:20. anagallidea 10:67, 205; 
19:248; 25:64; 32:274; 42:46. attenuata 7: 
35, 36; 9:122; 10:67; 44:443. dubia 10: 
67, 205; 21:191; 22:138; 25:64; 32:274; 44: 
442, 444, 446, pl. 733; var. inundata 44: 
442, 444—446, pl. 733. gratioloides 7:35; 
9:122; 10:67, 218; 32:274; var. curtipedi- 
cellata 10:67. inaequalis 25:64; 26:227; 
32:149, 160, 210, 274; 50:299. riparia 7: 
38, 35; 10:67; 44:444 

Impatiens 2:235; 6:122; 7:160; 9:37; 21:99, 
128; 25:26; 36:372, 373; 42:147, 154; 48: 
412. aurea 60:122. biflora 2:234; 3:188; 
6:122; 14:26; 17:151, 217; 18:39; 19:115, 
117; 21:99, 100, 128, figs. 4-6; 27:199; 
29:131, 181, 216; 32:149, 216, 264; 34:7; 
36:374; 41:254; 42:147; 43:523; 46:139; 
50:203, 204, pl. 1108; f. albiflora 19:115- 
118; 21:99, 128; 50:205; f. citrina 19:115— 
118; 21:99; 24:117; 42:44; 50:205; f. imma- 
culata 19:117; 24:117; 37:87; 43:604; 50: 
205; f. Peasei 19:116, 117; 21:98, 99; 24:117; 
42:44; 43:604; 44:428; 50:205; f. platymeris 
21:99, 100, figs. 1-3; 24:117; 50:205. candida 
48:414. capensis 19:118; 50:203-205, pl. 
1108; f. albiflora 50:205; f. citrina 50: 
205; f. immaculata 50:205; f. Peasei 50: 
205; f. platymeris 50:205..Dalzellii 19: 
118. diversifolia 19:118. fulva 2:234; 3: 
130; 5:132; 6:122; 50:204; f. albiflora 19: 
115; 50:205. glandulifera 48:412, 413; f. 
allidiflora 48:414. glanduligera 48:413. 
aevigata 19:118. longipes 19:118. mo- 
desta 19:118.  Noli-tangere 50:204. pallida 
6:122; 19:116; 24:184; 32:4; 34:7; 36:374; 
40:179; f. dichroma 40:179; f. speciosa 
40:179; 46:136; var. alba 40:179. porrecta 
19:118. racemosa 19:118. repens 19:118. 
Roylei 48:412, 413; f. albida 48:414; var. 
candida 48:414; var. pallidiflora 48:413, 

sor eal lucida 21:146: Ostruthium 29: 

Inactis 40:225 


Incense Cedar 49:228 

Incisalia niphon 42:354 

Indian Apple 46:317. Corn 12:17, 25, 26, 
37, 38; 28:74; 41:82. Grass 18:33. Jug 
zt Tea 28:82. Pipe(s) 11:153; 24: 

Indian-wheat 39:233 

Indigo, False 46:306 

Indigofera 32:263. echinata 32:263. pro- 
strata 32:263. rotundifolia 32:262 

Inga, $ Pseudinga 9:37 

Inkberry 23:91, 98, 105, 109, 145, 169 

Inocybe 13:57, 62; 16:51. agglutinata 16: 
48, 51. asterospora 16:51. calospora 16: 
51. castaneoides 16:51. commixta 13:62, 
65. diminuta 16:51. echinata 13:60, 62. 
euthelella 16:51. eutheloides 16:51. geo- 
phylla 13:62. hiulca 16:51. infelix 16: 
51. intricata 13:62, 65. longispora 16: 
51. minima 16:51. rimosoides 16:51. 
subochracea 16:51. trechispora 16:51. 
umboninota 16:51 

Inodes exul 18:155 

Interrupted Fern 35:352 

Inula 6:132; 26:110; 37:307. subgen. Chry- 
sopsis 44:460. argentea 44:466, 471, 473. 
gossypina 40:468. graminifolia 44:465, 466, 
469. Helenium 6:132; 10:153; 26:110. sali- 
cina 26:110 

Inundatae 47:385, pl. 991 

Iodanthus dentatus 39:168; 48:208. pinnati- 
fidus 40:430 

Ionopsis 7:119 

Ionoxalis 40:180. monticola 38:405 

Ioxylon 9:54; 21:190. pomiferum 9:91 

Ipomoea 5:101; 11:54; 25:26; 31:147; 42:33, 
155; 46:390. coccinea 1:47; 25:26; 35: 
289; 36:376; 37:194; var. hederifolia 25: 
26. hederacea 6:233; 10:153; 25:26; var. 
integriuscula 37:178; 42:476. heptaphylla 
38:164. lacunosa 25:26; 31:147; 37:194; 
38:441; f. purpurata 40:454. leptotoma 
var. Wootoni 39:151. Nyctelea 42:35. 
orbicularis 44:255. pandurata 20:65; 36: 
374; 38:377; var. rubescens 20:65. pes- 
caprae 44:255. purpurea 1:47, 222; 6: 
233; 25:26; 31:147. sagittata 17:131, 137. 
speciosa 17:131, 137 

Ipomopsis 18:229 

Iresine celosia 42:499. celosioides 47:214. 
paniculata 42:499. rhizomatosa 38:379, 
416; 39:482, 483; 42:370, 371, 450, 499; 

Iria 9:52, 53 

Tridaceae 6:111; 11:75, 131; 18:35; 25:7; 26: 
223; 29:210; 31:43; 32:245; 36:279; 49: 
255, 288; 50:295, 301 

Irideae 25:158; 31:7 

Iriha 9:53 

Iris 4:89; 5:157, 158; 6:111; 9:52; 11:75; 13: 
110, 227; 15:138; 21:180; 29:9, 29; 30: 
55; 31:7, 9, 11; 36:34, 237; 38:199; 42: 
151, 319; 44:27, 118; 45:360; 47:385. $ 
Apogon, sub-§ Californicae, 38:199, 200. 
arizonica 45:26. bracteata 32:24. cali- 
fornica 32:24. canadensis 49:213. cristata 


1:171; 36:230, 237; 37:72. Douglasiana 
32:24. ensata 5:158. foliosa 35:360, 362. 
germanica 1:165; 50:295. Hookeri 4:24, 
179, 180, pl. 39; 5:157; 10:145, 146; 12: 
105; 17:155; 29:154; 49:210-214; f. pallidi- 
flora 49:210; f. zonalis 49:210. innom- 
inata 32:23, 24; 38:200. lacustris 37: 
72. laevigata 24:115. macrosiphon 38:200. 
prismatica 2:215; 4:89; 5:133; 10:112; 11: 
75; 15:76, 138, 139; 29:61, 62, 65, 70, 71; 
32:210, 245; 37:415; 39:347, 402, 476; 49: 
92, 133, 134; var. austrina 49:133, 134. 
Pseudacorus 5:158; 6:143; 11:75; 21:180; 
23:95, 244; 24:115; 30:55; 40:279; 43: 
549. Purdyi 32:23. purpurisatta 39:347. 
regifulva 39:347. setosa 5:157-159; 9:219; 
41:149, 214; 42:319; 49:211-213; var. 
canadensis 5:158; 11:164; 12:105; 13:110; 
15:138, 139; 17:148; 23:139, 244; 25:7, 
99; 28:75, 104; 29:89, 123, 130, 154, 210; 
31:143; 33:110, 119; 34:52; 40:274; 44: 
118; 49:211, 213; f. pallidiflora 28:168; 
49:210; f. zonalis 11:91; 49:210. subfulva 
39:347. Thompsonii 38:199-201. tri- 
dentata 5:157; 49:213. tripetala 5:157; 49: 
213. variegata 37:85. verna 36:237; 38: 
378; 45:360, 362, 363, pl. 770; 49:214, 
215; var. Smalliana 49:214. versicolor 
3:172, 189; 4:24, 179, 180, pl. 39; 5:131, 
132, 158, 159; 6:111; 8:29; 9:219; 10:145; 
11:75, 131, 176; 17:151; 18:35; 22:135; 
26:186, 223; 28:38; 29:56, 128, 154, 210; 
31:12; 32:149, 245; 33:109, 119; 34:52; 
35:154-160, figs. 1-3 (maps); 36:279; 37: 
64, 203; 38:52; 39:372, 375; 41:514, 517, 
520; 46:315; 49:212; 50:295; f. Murrayana 
38:52. virginica 35:154-160, 362, figs. 1-3 
(maps); 36:42; 37:64, 70, 162; 38:52, 376, 
402;48:15. viridivinea 39:347 

Iris, Beachflag 49:213. Blue 18:42 

Irpex 26:218. cinnamomeus 41:516 

Isachne miliacea 14:170 

Isactis centrifuga 3:136, 237. plana 2: 
42; 3:136; 7:224; 26:190, 212; 50:256 

Isanthus 16:89. brachiatus 16:88; 27:189, 
190; 35:388; 36:220; var. linearis 35: 
388. caeruleus 1:25 

Isatis tinctoria 18:221 

Ischaemum 45:389 

Isnardia 37:175. ascendens 37:176. inter- 
media 37:175. media 37:175. natans 37: 
175. palustris 26:226; 37:176; 50:298; 8. 
americana 37:176; f. submersa 35:229; 41: 
Sr repens 37:175; var. rotundata 37: 


Isoetaceae 6:102; 10:59, 61; 23:209; 31:43; 
32:229; 35:356; 49:254, 255 

Isoetes 1:155; 3:221, 237; 4:2; 5:277; 6: 
102; 10:01, 195, 210; 11:87; 15:223; 23: 
102, 104, 146; 28:18; 34:39; 35:124, 356; 
36:350; 37:342; 38:164; 39:331, 341, 344; 
40:247; 42:149, 358, 364; 49:254. Braunii 
5:279; 32:172; 35:356; 38:340; 41:505; 
49:239; f. robusta 35:356. Butleri 36: 
223, 227, 230.  canadensis 5:279; 10: 
42; var. Robbinsii 5:279; 10:42, 61. 

Dodgei 10:42; 35:356; 41:29; var. Robbinsii 
10:42, 61; 35:356. Eatoni 5:280; 10:61; 
35:356. echinospora 4:2; var. Braunii 1: 
185; 2:120; 3:169; 5:48; 10:61; 11:87; 
16:17; 24:160; 35:356; var. muricata 5: 
277; 10:61; 35:356; var. robusta 5:277. 
Engelmanni 5:279; 10:61; 24:86; 32:210, 
229; 35:357; 41:29; 46:74; var. caroliniana 
42:358, 367, 375, 406, map 2; 44:377; var. 
gracilis 2:157; 35:357; var. valida 37: 
312. foveolata 5:280; var. plenospora 5: 
280; 10:61; 35:357. Gravesii 5:280; 10: 
61; 15:223; 35:356. heterospora 5:44, 48; 
10:42. hieroglyphica 15:223. lacustris 3: 
165; 5:279; 10:62; var. maxima 5:279. 
macrospora 6:102, 138; 10:42, 52; 24:160; 
28:149; 31:82; 33:113, 115; 35:357; 44:121, 
123; 49:238; var. heterospora 10:42; 35: 
357. melanopoda 36:219; 48:114, 115. ri- 
paria 5:277-280; 10:62; 24:82; 35:356; var. 
canadensis 10:42; 35:356; 41:29; var. major 
5:279. saccharata 5:277, 278; 41:111; 42: 
364, 391, 393, 405, 406, 510, 514; 44:372, 
377; var. Amesii 5:278; 10:61; 35:350. 
Tuckermani 5:277-280; 10:61; 18:26; 23: 
188; 26:37; 28:85, 120, 149; 31:80; 35: 
357; 41:377; var. borealis 6:138; 23:188; 
var. Harveyi 10:61; 23:188; 35:357. vir- 
ginica 42:88, 92 

Isoglossa 50:225. ciliata 50:225. ovata 50: 


Isolepis 31:124, 126; 40:392, 393; 44:483; 47: 

116; 49:51; 50:129. $ Bulbostylis 40:395. 
acicularis 31:184. allochroa 31:228. am- 
bigua 39:218; 41:109. aphylla 41:109. 
atropurpurea 31:227. capillaris 40:395; 47: 
116. carinata 44:479. ciliatifolia 40:391. 
coarctata 40:392. dichroa 31:228. Drum- 
mondii 47:116.  echinulata 44:56. fili- 
formis 34:197. fuscopurpurea 31:239; 41: 
44. heteromorpha 39:259; 41:60. koilo- 
lepis 44:479. Langsdorffii 40:395. leptalea 
50:129. leptocaulis 46:145. leptos 31:176, 
177; 36:387. longifolia 41:19, 109. Martii 
25:54. monandra 41:109. nigrescens 39: 
224. nudipes 39:269; 41:74. oligantha 45: 
280. pygmaea, var. californica 46:145. 
setifolia 31:228. stenophylla 40:391, 393. 
uninodis 44:483, 484 

Isopappus divaricatus 47:195. validus 38: 

Isoptera regularis 21:204, 206 
Isopterygium elegans 15:13. Muellerianum 

15:13; 39:13, 45. pulchellum 30:11. tur- 
faceum 15:13. vineale 36:132 

Isopyrum 37:349; 50:199. biternatum 1:171; 

50:199. Hallii 36:9 

Isotachis 21:156 
Isotria 28:34; 42:98. affinis 49:135, 136. 

medeoloides 49:134, 136. verticillata 23: 
76; 42:98, 279; 49:185, 136 

Isthmia nervosa 9:131, 138 

Isthmoplea sphaerophora 1:126; 2:47; 35:293 
Isymenia angusta 8:110 

Itea 7:157, 159, 160; 39:203, 204; 49:22. 

virginica 14:81; 18:141; 21:119; 30:235; 38: 


377; 39:196, 198, 204, 359, 481, 486, fig. 
8 (map); 47:301; 49:22, 92; f. abbreviata 
49:22, 23, 92, 142 

Iva 26:110; 41:81, 82, 84. axillaris 46:206. 
caudata 41:85, 86. ciliata 8:98; 41:81, 
82, 84-86, fig. 1; var. 41:82; var. macro- 
carpa 41:84, 85, fig. 1. frutescens 4:89, 

- 94; 5:133, 204; 8:25, 26; 32:159; 37:184; 
41:573; var. oraria 37:184; 46:22, 23. 
imbricata 44:342. oraria 8:26; 20:110; 
32:159, 279; 37:184; 40:274; 50:303. pedi- 
cellata 38:407. xanthifolia 6:144; 12: 
117, 144; 13:89; 26:110; 33:167; 41:83; 
48:100, 101 

Ivesia Jaegeri 40:136 

Ivy 42:54. Boston 10:29. English 41:478, 
552. Japanese 45:416. Poison 4:43; 12: 
181; 18:94. Poisonous 13:57 

Ixia 47:385. minuta 25:161 

Ixophorus 13:174, 175. glaucus 6:104. itali- 
cus 6:104. viridis 6:104; 28:74 


Jabotapita 30:56 

Jacea 30:59 

Jack Pine(s) 21:46, 52; 22:130, 132; 23:188, 
200; 40:165, 242; 46:153 

Jack-in-the-Pulpit 6:163; 18:222; 44:19; 46: 
158; 47:363 

Jacobaea virginiana 45:495 

Jacobinia carnea 50:122. magnifica 50:122 

Jacquemontia tamnifolia 43:636 

Jamesia 31:93, 96. americana 31:93 

Jamesianthus alabamensis 44:280, fig. 1 

Jamesoniella 21:152. autumnalis 5:51, 171; 
8:45; 15:24; 19:263; 25:194; 26:8.  Schraderi 

Japanese Barberry 15:225; 25:176. Beetle 
50:66. Clover 50:22, 24. Honeysuckle 25: 
173; 37:380; 49:150; 50:66. Ivy 45:416. 
Knotweed 25:172. Rose 18:97 

Jasione 6:146; 21:106; 26:19. montana 3: 
15, 20, 199; 6:146; 21:105-107; 26:19 

Jasmine, Yellow 18:226 

Jatropha Manihot 49:80. spathulata 37:78. 
texana 45:271 

Jeffersonia 18:226; 37:349; 49:198, 199. di- 
phylla 49:198 

Joe Pye Weed 23:147 

Johannisbeeren 12:22 

Johnny-Jump-up 45:444 

Jubula 7:52, 56. Hutchinsiae 5:171; 7:55- 
57; 15:27; var. Sullivantii 7:56; 26:13. 
japonica 7:56. pennsylvanica 7:55, 57, 
58; 10:192; 15:24, 27; 25:197; 26:13. pili- 
gera 7:56 

Juglandaceae 6:112; 7:27; 16:109; 31:43; 32: 
247; 43:80 

Juglans 6:112; 13:217; 16:110; 33:88; 44:25, 
33, 409, 411, fig. 1; 45:107, 108; 46:149- 
151. alba minima 49:195. amara 40:452. 
cinerea 3:233; 6:112; 16:16, 110; 21:44; 
32:247; 35:249; 37:207; 40:146, 375, 412; 
48:523; 44:240, 409, 410, 412; 45:107. 
illinoensis 49:194, 195. nigra 21:87; 24: 
185; 36:224; 37:85; 39:333; 44:410; f. 

oblonga 39:334; 50:147; var. Stabler 50: 
147. Pecan 49:194, 195. squamosa 40:452 

Juncaceae 3:219, 283; 5:193; 6:34, 38, 109, 

174, 211; 12:95; 14:55; 18:34, 96; 25:7; 
26:223; 28:74, 133; 29:209; 31:43; 32:242; 
36:279; 40:77; 43:79; 44:251; 47:206, 207, 
268; 49:254, 255; 50:294, 301 

Juncaginaceae 10:169; 11:208; 18:33; 25:6; 

29:206, 245; 31:43; 32:231; 36:277; 44: 
218; 49:255 

Juncetum baltici 39:54, 56. Gerardii 39:54, 

Junci 3:220; 11:164; 46:5 
Juncoides 9:3; 26:230. bulbosum 15:42. 

campestre 15:41, 43; var. comosum 195: 
41; var. multiflorum 15:42. carolinae 17: 
63; 28:244; 46:5. comosum 15:41; var. 
congestum 15:42; var. macrantherum 15: 
41; var. macranthum 15:41; var. subsessile 
15:41. echinatum 15:42; 17:64; 40:84. inter- 
medium 47:271. multiflorum var., 47:265. 
parviflorum 6:110. pilosum 5:193, 195; 
17:63; 28:244; var. michiganense 40:404; 
var. saltuense 40:404; 46:4. saltuense 17:63 

Juncus 3:228; 4:60, 170; 6:109; 10:142; 11: 

131; 12:81, 95; 15:42; 17:214; 18:35, 142; 
21:75; 23:302; 26:186; 29:153; 31:12; 33: 
60; 35:84; 36:93; 38:379; 39:387; 40:40, 
459; 41:505; 42:150, 319, 429; 43:79; 44: 
43; 47:119, 126, 185, 187, 206, 207, 260, 
268, 269, 385; 48:82; 49:82, 100, 120. $ 
Ensifolii 41:464. § Genuini 38:401; 47: 
126. § Graminifolii 39:397. § Nodosi 32: 
21. § Poiophylli 7:50. group Ensifolii 40: 
71. group Poiophylli 6:36. ser. Prophyl- 
lati 47:206. subgen. Junci thalassii 19: 
18, 19. abortivus 39:349, 356, 396, 466, 
477, map 28; 41:481, 488; 42:379, 442; 
43:519, 548; 44:241, 349. acuminatus 6: 
34; 11:230; 12:95; 13:179; 17:214; 23:105, 
142, 242; 24:166, 182; 26:187, 223; 32: 
83-87, 149, 161, 244; 34:117, 118; 50:294; 
var. debilis 1:68; 8:220. acutiflorus 28: 
51, 87; 46:311, 312; 47:270; 49:246. acutus 
19:18, 19; 47:269; var. Leopoldii 19:19. 
aemulans 12:89. albescens 26:202, 203; 
28:62, 118, 166; 35:57, 120, 125, 236, 401, 
pl. 249; 38:134, 146; 41:210, 211. X 
alpiniformis 35:235. alpino-articulatus 
35:47, 234, 235. alpinus 5:248; 6:34, 35, 
110, 139; 7:94; 9:160; 10:48; 11:164; 12: 
111, 112; 18:142; 32:88; 35:47, 84, 234- 
236; 36:279, 410; 37:204; 42:319; X articu- 
latus 35:235; X nodosus 35:235; var. 
alpestris 35:84; var. fuscescens 10:48; 
35:254; 37:360; var. insignis 1:102; 6:34, 
35, 40; 10:48; 13:138; 17:204; 20:103; 25: 
7; 35:84, 234, 454; X brevicaudatus 20: 
103; 49:120; var. Marshallii 35:284; var. 
mucroniflorus 32:88, pl. 198; var. rariflorus 
35:84, 233, 234; 37:299; 49:120; var. uni- 
biceps 28:166. anceps 35:286. arcticus 32: 
62; 42:244. aristulatus 60:174, 175; 18: 
151; 17:66; 24:87; 32:177, 212, 213; 36: 
219; 37:156, 157. articulatus 5:48; 6:34, 
35, 110; 11:91, 164; 12:95, 98; 15:162; 18: 

INDEX TO VoLUMEsS 1-50 133 

30, 35; 23:152, 242; 24:87; 32:86, 161, 172, 
244; 33: 119; 35: 47, 235, 236; 37: 85; 40: 
460; 44:244, 245; 50: 301; X brevicaudatus 
12: 137; 28: 242; 35: 230; X canadensis 23: 
242; X nodosus 23: 242; var. nigritellus 
iB :164; var. obtusatus 6:34, 35, 139; 12: 
95; 19: 17; 23:142, 242; 29: 127, 153, '210; 
32: 148, 178, 244; 33: 119; 35: 91, 236; 49: 
246; var. stolonifer 49:246. aseptus 47: 
189-191. asper 24:149; 39:324; 40:460; 
41:535; 42:389. austerus 19:18. balticus 
4:33; 5:248; 6:34, 40; 14:35; 19:18; 29: 
153, 209; 41: 166; 43: 634; 44: 245; var. 
Haenkei 41 :210; 42: :319; var. littoralis 12: 
95, 113; 17: 147, 151; 18: 34; 24:87; 25: 7, 
208; 27: 53; 29: 42, 60, 63, 70, 89, 91, 109, 
111, 122, 153, 209, 230; 32: 106; 33: 110, 
118; 34: 51, 70; 35: 252, 253; 36:279; 37: 
204: 39:54; 44: :245; 4T: 44; f. dissitiflorus 
25: 208; 29: :230; 35: 254; var. melanogenus 
14:35; 44:140; var. montanus 14:36; var. 
stenocarpus 44: 106, 140. bicornis 47:193. 
biflorus 37:156, 157; 39:398, 481, 490, 
pl 477; 41 485; 42: 429; f. 'adinus 37: 
157. biglumis 26: 203; 29: 56, 154, 210; 
38:146; 41:210; 47: 269. bogotensis, var. 
compactus 43:634. brachycarpus 4:27, 60; 
0:94, 41; 12:96, 112; 13:151, 152; 14:55, 
56; 18: 142, 143; 39: 339, 343, 346, 354, 
397, 482, 488, map 21; 40: 378, 403; 42: 
516. brachycephalus 6:34, a0 103 15: 
98, 162; 18:142, 143; 19: 126; 21 56; 32: 
85, 86, 88; 37: 366; 40: 460; 47: 127; f. hex- 
andrus 40: 460. brachyphyllus Tit 155, 156. 
brevicaudatus 6:34, 35, 36, 110; 7:106, 
109; 9:121; 12:96; 15: 162; 17: 151; 18:35; 
20: 103; 22: 135; 23: 152, 166; 29:56; 32: 
83-88, 106, pl. 198; 33: 119: 34:51; 35: 
236; 47: 127, 213; 49:245. brunnescens 
40:71. bufonius 1 :43, 205; 6:34, 38-40, 
109; 12:96; 17:147, 151; 18:34; 22:136; 
28: 150; 29: 209; 32: 148, 242; 33: PIS: oor 
252, 273; 37: 206, 350; 39: 150; 41 :210; 42: 
318; 43: :512, 548; 47: 120; 50:291, '294; 
var. congestus 6:34, 39; 12:96; 23: 198; 
var. halophilus 6:34, 39, 40; 11 iD: 12: 
96, 107; 15:169; 17: 147; 23: 158, 239; 29: 
91-93; 44:140. bulbosus 3:230; 6:41; 28: 
50, 81, 83, 166; 29:43, 127, 132, 153, ' 210; 
34: 117, 118; 36:92, 93, map 1; 37: 157; 
47: 118, 120; var. fluitans 49: 245. caesar- 
jensis 24: 149; 39:324, 327, 475, map 1; 40: 
460; 41:111, '470, 473, 478, 481, 535, 536; 
42: 389, 442; 44: 241, 890. campestris 15: 
41—43; 47: 269. canadensis 6:34—36; 9:121; 
11 :230; 12:96; 13:139; 14:31; 18:94, 90; 
23: 142, 166, 241; 28: 38; 29: 154, 210; 32: 
83-88, 149, 243, "pl. 198; 38: 112, 119; 35: 
233; 42 :429; 45:295; 47: 127-130; A. coar- 
ctatus 32: 84, 86; B. patulus 32: :84, 86; f. 
coarctatus 32:87; f. conglobatus 49:131; 
var. brachycephalus 32:84, 86; var. brevi- 
caudatus 6:35; 32:83-88; var. coarctatus 
2:121; 6:35; 32:84, 86-88; 47:213; var. 
euroauster 47:127-129, 131, pl. 881; 49: 
101, 132; var. longicaudatus 32:84; 47: 

129; var. sparsiflorus 23:241; 35:5, 233; 
47: 128, 129, 131, pl. 881; 49: 245; var. sub- 
caudatus 4:99; 6:34; 19 :30, 48, 126; 32: 
83, 84; var. typicus 47: 128, 129, 131, pl. 
882; f. apertus 47:128, 129, 131, pl. 882; 
f. conglobatus 47: 198, 129-131, pl. 882. 
capensis 47:268-270. castaneus 6:41; 9: 
24, 160, 190; 34:245; 38:146; 41:210; 42: 
319; 44: 124; 47: 224. coarctatus 32: 84, 
86. columbianus 47:185. communis, var. 
effusus 12:84. compressus 8:233; 11:41; 
13:138; 35:391; 47:118, 120. Congdoni 6: 
39. congestus” 15:41; 47: 268. conglomer- 
atus 6:36, 41; 12:84, 86; 17:64; 28:50; 
29:153, 209; 35: 233; 47:269. Coop eri 19: 
18. debilis 6:34; 8:220, 221; 26: 223: 32: 
244; 37:407; 38: 376; 39: 481; 42:88, 92; 
47: :213; 50:301. dichotomus 1:89; 5: 
130; 6:34, 37, 41; 7:61; 15:151; 19: 126; 
20: 97; 32: 161, 243; 47: 96, 118, 119, 121- 
123, 125, 126, pl. 879; 50: 204; var. 'platy- 
phyllus 12: 96, 108, 137, 216; 18:34; 
19:126; 24:87, 115; 32: 243; 38: 405; 42: 88, 
91; 47: 96, 124. diffusissimus 35: 285; 36: 
231; 39: 328, 397, 478, 482, 488, map 33; 
42: 442. 43: 500, 548; 48:330. Dudleyi 6: 
34, 109; 7:109; 8:220; 11:155; 23:140, 170, 
239; 24: DI 184; 35: 91, 233, 252; 36: 279; 

38: 366; 41 :35; 48:115. Duranii 47: 185, 
186-188, 190, map. effusus 5:31; 6: 34, 
109, 211; 12:81- 85; 13:70; 16:90; 19:18; 

22: 135; 23: 145, 240; 26: 223; 29: 153; 33: 
60; 38: 379, 401, 402; 42: 244; 47:126, 269; 
48: :330; var. a. 42: 244; var. aemulans 12: 
89; var. atratus 12: :82; var. brunneus 12: 
84-86, 88-90; var. compactus 6:34, 36, 41, 
Ze 12: 82-86, 89, 92, 96; 13: 70; 18: 34; 
20: 103; 23: 239; 32: 177; 33: 119; 35: 233; 38: 
365; var. conglomeratus 6: 36; 12: :83-86; 
13: 31, 70, 140; 14:95; 19:126; 23: 245; 24: 
165; 98: 50; 29: 127, 153, 209; 34: 118; 35: 
233; 49: 245; var. costulatus 23:239, '240; 
32: 149, 150, 161, 210, 243; 37: 407; 38: 
401, 451, pl. 445; 48 548; 44: 342; 50: 294; 
var. decipiens 12: 82, 83, 85, 87, 93, 96; 
13:179; 14:55, 56; 19: 126; 24: 115; 38: 365; 
var. exiguus 12: 83, 87, 90; var. fistulosus 
12:82; var. gracilis 12: 84, 85, 88, 89; var. 
hesperius 12:88; var. pacificus 12: 84, 89; 
var. Pylaei 12: :84— 87, 92, 96; 13:139; 15: 
162; 17:151; 20:103; 23: 145, 240, 241; 24: 
165; 28: 127, 166; 29: 154, 210; 32: 178, '260; 
38: 365; 46: 78; 49: 245; var. solutus 12: 
82, 84, 85, 87, 90, 92, 03, 97; 15:162, 201; 
16:39, 90; 20: 103; 23: 240; ' 29: 128, 153, 
209; 32: 153, 216, 243; 33: 119; 37: 407; 43: 
79; 46:78; 47: 208; 49:245. Elliottii 36: 
42: 37: 380, 407; 38 1394; 39:396, 480; 40: 
381, 403; 41 476; 44:241. ensifolius 40: 
71. erectus 47:208. filiformis 1: 184; 3: 
172; 4:2; 6:34; 7:106, 110; 9:150, 160, 
189; 11 :200; 12: 97; 15:162; 16:12; 17:151; 
22:135; 23:169; 25:7; 20:209; 32:61; 33: 
109, 119; 35:251; 36:279; 37:206; 38:146; 
41:505; 42:313, 319; 47:269. floridanus 46: 
5. fluitans 3:229, 230; 36:92; var. fluitans 


3:230; var. subtilis 3:229, 230. X fulve- 
scens 35:236. fuscatus 46:5. Gerardi 5: 
133; 6:34, 40, 143; 7:46; 8:233; 11:41, 
225, 226, 229; 12:07; 17:147, 208, 209, 
212-216, 218, 220, 221; 22:76, 111; 25: 
107; 29:48, 87, 88, 92, 111, 138, 139; 32: 
148, 243; 34:70, 74, 75, 108, map 7; 35: 
90, 233, 292; 36:279; 39:55; 40:81; 46:5; 
47:118, 120; 49:245, 276; 50:294; var. 
pedicellatus 22:76. germanorum 47:118. 
glaucus 29:153, 154, 209; 38:401; 43:634; 
47:270. X gracilescens 49:120. Greenei 
1:202; 2:69; 4:85; 5:130; 6:34; 12:97; 16: 
190; 17:153, 154; 22:93; 23:150, 239; 24: 
87; 26:223; 32:58, 151, 161, 243; 35:253; 
44:245; 50:301. Griscomi 38:401, 402, 
450, pl. 445; 39:475; 47:126. gymnocarpus 
37:313; 38:379, 401, 451, pl. 445; 47:120. 
heteranthos 37:156. inflexus 38:401; 43: 
634. interior 11:155; 40:459; 48:330. inter- 
medius 47:268, 271. inventus32:21. kan- 
sanus 43:660. Kraussii 19:18. lampocar- 
pus 11:164; 29:153; 32:87, 88; 35:235; 
y. 32: pl. 198; var. macrocephalus 32:87, 
88, pl. 198; var. nigritellus 11:164.  Leersii 
6:36, 41; 12:86. liniger 47:268. longi- 
caudatus 32:85. Longii 39:397, 398, 475, 
489, pl. 477; 41:474; 44:241; 47:96, 127. 
longistylis 11:41, 42, 91; 33:207. macer 
35:301; 37:156, 308; 40:82; 41:35; 43:79; 
47:119, 120, 122, 125, pl. 879; f. anthelatus 
40:81-83; f. discretiflorus 40:82; 47:123; 
f. Williamsii 40:82; var. anthelatus 37: 
85; var. Williamsii 37:85; 43:162. mar- 
ginatus 1:106; 6:34, 175; 9:121; 12:97; 14:31; 
15:62; 23:02, 142, 149, 242; 24:167; 28: 
138; 32:149, 244; 37:156, 157; 38:376; 
39:328, 397, 398, 473, 489, pl. 477; 43:79, 
634; 6. ? odoratus 37:156; var. Q. biflorus 37: 
156. maritimus 19:18-20. Marshallii 35: 
233. maximus 47:269. megacephalus 37: 
380, 407; 39:471, 474, 476; 42:367, 370, 
371, 442, 505, 506, 508, 516, map 5; 49: 
90. melanocarpus 46:5. Mertensianus 47: 
185-191, map. militaris 1:155, 184; 2: 
69; 6:34; 8:29, 80; 9:119; 12:97; 13:247; 
14:30; 19:18; 21:75; 23:242; 24:115, 165, 
166, 184; 28:81, 82; 32:149, 213, 244; 33: 
113, 119; 35:228; 38:304, 365; 41:111; 
49:246; f. bifrons 24:166; f. subnudus 24: 
166; 38:364. monostichus 7:50, 51; 15: 
62. multiflorus 15:42; 47:268-271. neva- 
densis 40:71; 47:185, 187-191, map.  nigri- 
tellus 11:164. X nodosiformis 35:235, 
236. nodosus 2:126; 4:60; 6:34, 109; 12: 
98; 16:12; 23:242; 24:166; 28:138; 32:21; 
35:233, 236, 252; 36:307; 50:155; var. 
genuinus 41:210; var. megacephalus 4: 
170. nodulosus 35:84, 234; 6. biceps et 
uniceps 35:84; @. rariflorus 35:234. notatus 
48:330. obtusiflorus 47:270. odoratus 37: 
156. oronensis 6:34, 36, 38, 41, 235. 
pallescens 15:42. paradoxus 32:84, 86. 
parviflorus 47:269. pelocarpus 1:184; 3: 
229, 230; 4:129; 5:130; 6:34; 7:110; 9: 
121; 11:91, 230; 12:98; 13:128, 135; 14: 


31; 15:163; 21:73; 22:135; 23:242; 24: 
82, 87; 25:209; 29:242-245; 32:86, 149, 
158, 172, 213, 243; 35:5, 68, 85, 251, 387; 
36:194; 38:364; 39:356; 44:244; 49:245; 
50:301; var. crassicaudex 39:356, 396; 
var. fluitans 36:92; var. subtilis 36:92. 
pervetus 19:17-20; 30:204, 205; 32:177. 
pilosus 44:315; 46:4; 47:269, 378; var. 
? 5:193. platyphyllus 47:124-126, pl. 
880. polycephalus 36:219; 39:480; 49:86, 
130, 131; var. schizocephalus 49:131. 
Pylaei 12:92. ranarius 6:39, 40.  rariflorus 
35:234. repens 38:402; 39:354, 480; 40: 
368; 47:101, 127. Roemerianus 19:17-20; 
38:402; 42:505; 43:522, 548. saximontanus 
22:195; 40:71. scirpoides 4:60; 6:41; 7: 
73; 24:87, 99; 28:87; 31:12; 37:407; 38: 
376; 39:482; 40:378, 403; 42:88, 91, 516; 
47:96, 127; 49:131; 50:155; var. meridionalis 
49:130, 131; var. polycephalus 49:131. 
secundus 1:106; 3:59; 6:34, 139; 7:51; 12: 
98; 15:224; 21:19; 29:244; 32:176; 37:85; 
40:83; 41:490, 535. setaceus 29:154; 38: 
376; 39:473, 481. setiflorus 47:270. Smithii 
38:401; 39:235; 47:126. sphaerocarpus 6: 
38, 40. spicatus 47:269. stygius 13:124; 
21:65; 22:181; var. americanus 6:34, 41; 7: 
8, 94, 154; 11:86, 91; 12:116, 177; 28: 
120, 166; 29:153, 210; 35:59; 44:108. sub- 
caudatus 23:142, 143, 149, 156, 158; 32: 
85, 177, 212; 44:353, 390; 47:127; var. 
planisepalus 23:241; 24:165. subtilis 3: 
228-230; 4:129; 6:34, 41; 11:42; 13:128; 
22:135; 36:92, map 1. sudeticus 15:43. 
Suksdorfii 47:185. supinus 3:230; 28:50; 
29:153; 34:117, 118; 36:92, 93. Tenageia 
29:153, 210. tenuis 1:106; 3:59, 60, pl. 23; 6: 
35; 11:155, 156; 12:82, 98; 13:146; 15: 
62, 223, 224; 17:151, 214; 22:136; 26:223; 
28:74; 31:222; 32:151, 243; 33:118; 395: 
251, 391; 37:308; 41:35; 47:117-123, 125, 
pl. 879; 49:245; 50:294; f. discretiflorus 
47:123; var. anthelatus 3:59, 60, pl. 23; 
4:27; 6:35, 37; 7:109; 12:98; 19:126; 37: 
85; 40:81; var. platyphyllus 38:405; 47: 
124, 125; var. Williamsii 3:60, pl. 23; 
4:99; 6:35, 109, 139, 196; 9:121; 11:14; 
12:98; 23:239; 32:243, 260; 37:85; 40:82, 
83. Thalassii 19:18, 19. Torreyi 4:170; 
6:35, 38; 15:201; 19:30, 48; 32:21; 37: 
415. Tracyi 41:464. trifidus 1:192; 2:97, 
98; 3:172; 5:37; 6:35; 9:156, 160, 169; 11: 
31; 13:117, 136, 238; 17:65; 25:7; 28:110; 
29:154, 209; 35:5, 93, 120, 125; 38:122, 
146; 44:115; 47:269; 49:245; var. monanthus 
6:41; 11:31; 17:65. triglumis 13:124, 127, 
130, 137; 18:101; 26:201-203; 35:57, 236, 
400, pl. 249; 41:210, 211; 46:5; 47:269; 
var. albescens 26:202; var. fuscatus 26:202; 
var. nigricans 26:202.  trigonocarpus 47:127, 
128. uliginosus 34:117, 118; Q. subtilis 36: 
92; var. subtilis 3:230. ustulatus 32:87, 
88, pl 198. utahensis 40:69, 71, fig.; 
41:464. validus 49:131. Vaseyi 6:35, 37, 
38, 41; 11:155; 12:108, 137; 15:224; 37: 
256. vernalis 5:193; 47:269. verticillatus 
3:230. xiphioides 40:71 

INDEX TO VoLuMEs 1-50 
June Grass 49:262 

Jungermannia 11:16; 21:149, 152, 163; 47: 
386. acuta 8:35; 12:197. alpestris 3: 181; 
10:187. amplexicaulis 21:163. aquatica 6: 
167. ascendens 7:54; 14:212. asperifolia 
14:223. attenuata 10: 187, 188. badensis 
12:197. bantriensis, var. acuta 8:35; var. 
Muelleri 8:35. barbata 1:35; 6:30; 16: 
67; 26:8; var. attenuata 4:210; 10: 187; 
var. Floerkii 4 :210; var. lycopodioides 4: 
210; var. pusilla 10: 188; var. quinque- 
dentata 4:210. bicrenata 4:209. bifida 14: 
220, 221. biformis 21:149. byssacea 14: 
221, 222. calycina 11:189. capitata 4: 
209; 8:34. catenulata 6:173; 17:112, 113. 
clypeata 10:190. colpodes 7:52. connivens 
16:71; f. symbolica 16:70, 71. convoluta 
19:268. Cordeana 18:106. cordifolia 6: 
170, 171; 10:192; 15:24, 27; 16:75; 21: 
162, 165; 25:98, 194. crenuliformis 10: 
186. crocata 8:37. curta 38:83. deflexa 
10:190; 25:78, 79. denudata 25:89, 90. 
distans 18:79. divaricata 11:193; 14: :221, 
222. dovrensis 9:58. elachista 11: :191, 192. 
emarginata, var. aquatica 6:167; 10: 186; 
var. grandis 6:167. endiviaefolia 11:190. 
excisa 4:209; 8:34; var. crispata 4:209; 
8:34. exsecta 6:171. exsectaeformis 6:171. 
ferruginea 16:173. flaccida 21:162, 168; 
25:78. Floerkii 4:210; var. aculeata 10: 
188. Flotowiana 19:268. fossombronioides 
23:281. fragilis 14:217. furcata 11:185. 
glaucocephala 11:194. gracilis 10:187, 188. 
grandiretis 16:65. haematosticta 9: 57, 58. 
Hampeana 11:192. Hatcheri 10:188; 14: 
210. Helleriana 6:172; 14:224; 16:72. 
heterophylla 8:37. Hookeri 19:266. Horn- 
schuchiana, var. Muelleri 8:35. Hutch- 
insiae 7:56. hyalina 21:149, 150. incisa 
4:242; 26:8. inflata 26:8. intermedia 4: 
209; 8:34; var. capitata 8:34. interrupta 
12:200. Kaurini 12: 198. Kunzeana 7:52. 
Kunzei, ß. plicata 7:52. lacinulata 16:70. 
lanceolata 5:171; 6:190; 15:24; 25:194; 
26:8. laurentiana 8:35. laxa 12:199. 
Libertae 8:35. longidens 9:59. longiflora 
10:189. lunulaefolia 16:70, 71. lycopo- 
dioides 4:210. Lyoni 4: 210; 16:67. mar- 
chica 12:199; 26:9. Michauxii 1:35. mi- 
crorhyncha 18:82. Mildeana 4:212; 12: 
199. minuta 1:35. Muelleri 8:35. multi- 
fida 14:17. multiflora 16:70. Naumanni 
4:210. nemorosa 25:95; var. purpurascens 
8:41. novae-caesareae 4:212; 12:199. obo- 
vata 21:162. obtusa 14:212. ovata 16: 
72, 73. pallescens 7:54; 6. rivularis 14: 
219. pauciflora 6:185. platyphylla 18:82. 
platrphrlloidea 18:84, 109, 111, 113, figs. 
14-25. plicata 7:52; var. Kunzeana 7: 
52. polyanthos » pallescens 7:54. Porella 
18:79. porphyroleuca 8:36; var. attenuata 
9:59. pubescens 10:185. pulcherrima 8: 
42. pumila 5:171; 6:190; 8:45; 10:192; 
15:24; 16:76; 25:194; 26:8. quinquedentata 
1:34, 35; 4:210, 211; 16:67, 68; var. attenuata 
10:187; var. gracilis 10:187. reclusa 6: 


riparia 6:171; var. 
potamophila 6:171. rosacea 38:83. sca- 
laris 14:11; Q. minor 9:57; Q.repanda 9: 
57. Schifineri 39:3, 10, 11, 33, fig. 4 (map). 
Schmideliana 21:149. Schraderi 4:242. 
Schultzii 6:185. scitula 6:172. sertu- 
larioides 6:185. setacea 6:185. Silvrettae 
9:57. sphaerocarpa 5:171; 14:12; 15:24; 
21:163, 167, 168; 25:194; 39:3, 34.' Starkii 
14:221, 222. Sullivantii 7:55; 10:189. to- 
mentosa 10:185. triangularis 10:190; 25: 
78, 79, 81. tricrenata 10:190; 25:76, 78, 79, 
8l. ustulata 4: :208. ventricosa 4: :242; 26: 
9; var. porphyroleuca 8:36. verruculosa 
6:172; var. Helleri 6:172. viticulosa 7:53, 
55. vogesiaca 19:268 

Jungermanniaceae 5:171; 15:23 

Jungermanniales 11:16; 25: 192 

Juniper 3:254; 4:34; 7: 122; 11:22; 18:29; 19: 
22; 23:101; 35: 359; 40: 425, 420, 429; 43: 
439; 44: 351; 49:153. Common 35:359. 
Low 12: 177. Pasture 28:82. Western 49: 

Juniperus 10:63; 12:177; 19:23; 21:68; 25: 
164; 35:54, 359; 40:180; '43: 225, "344-347; 47: 
144. arborescens 37:133. Ashei 40: 426; 
50:92. barbadensis 37:133. californica 43: 
347; var. siskiyouensis 33:203; var. uta- 
hensis 33:204. caroliniana 37:133. 
communis 3:146, 169, 232; 10:63; 13:215; 
15:118; 19:107; '21 :68; 24: 185; 28:43, 46; 
29: 147, 206; 31: 193; 32:13; 35 :359; 41: 
175; 42 :314, '317; 43: 345, 341; lusus thyio- 
carpos 43: 345; var. alpina 3: 146; 5:128; 
var. canadensis 3: 146, 169, 189, 232, 
254; 4:34, 133; var. depressa 10: 
63; AT :22; 12: 177; 17:153, 154; 18:32; 23: 
188; 28: 43, 45; 29: 244; 32: 180, 229; 33: 
139; 34:7; 35: 359; 36: 277; 38: 269; var. 
erecta 3: 146; var. megistocarpa 33: 110, 116; 
44:138; var. montana 9:158; 11 :87; 12: 
177; 13: 132, 215; 25:6; 28:82; 29: 147, 206; 
33: 110, 116; 34: 50; 35:5, 239; 36: 271; 38: 
139; 41: 175; var. nana 3:146, 160, 164, 
169: lusus gymnosperma 43:345. Deppeana 
43: 346, 347. erythrocarpa 38:185, 186; 
43: 347. flaccida 38:185; 43:345, 347. fra- 
grans 37:133. gymnocarpa 38: 184, 185, 
187; 43:344, 346. horizontalis 9: 202; 10: 
63; Eg :87; 12: 105, 177, 218; 13:117, ' 216; 
15: 138; 16: 189; 17: 148; 18: 32; 23: 189; 24: 
98; 27: 54; 28: 43, 46; 29: 129, 147, ' 206, 
227; 33: 110, 116; 34: 231; 36: 277; 39: 107, 
130; 40: :274; 41: 1175; 43: 347; 48: 102; f. 
lobata 9:202. isophyllos 43:345. megalo- 
carpa 43:347. mexicana 38:183; 40:425- 
427, map 1; 48:345-347; 45: 275; 50:92; 
var. monosperma 38: 183; 43:347. mono- 
sperma 38:183-185; 43: 345-347; 45:117; 
f. gymnocarpa 88: 239; 43:845. oblonga 
43:345; var. monstrosa 43: 345. occiden- 
talis 33: 204; 38:183; 43:347; 49:228; Q. 
monosperma 38:183, 185; var. conjugens 
38:188; 43:347; var. gymnocarpa 38:183, 
184; 43:344. pachyphlaea 38:185; 43:340, 
347. phoenicea 43:345. Pinchotii 38:185; 

178; TT 118. 


43:347. procera 43:345. Sabina 13:216; 
19:68; 29:147, 206; 43:345; var. procumbens 
1:221; 3:189; 4:34, 37; 10:63; 13:216; 23: 
189; 24:98. sabinoides 43:346, 347. saxi- 
cola 43:345. scopulorum 43:347. sibirica 
42:317. tetragona 43:345-347; var. oligo- 
sperma 43:346, 347. utahensis 43:347. 
virginiana 3:233; 4:133; 5:128; 7:122, 127; 
10:63, 146; 12:9, 218; 13:91, 216, 219, 
220; 16:186; 21:202; 25:165; 28:43, 46; 
29:147, 206; 31:20, 193; 32:152, 229; 34: 
62; 35:350; 36:223; 37:130, 132, 133, 186, 
pl. 332; 39:371, 375, 473; 40:427; 41:516, 
520; 43:347; 44:171, 174; 49:83; A. vulgaris 
37:133; B. australis 37:133; Q. J. caroliniana 
37:133; f. Bremerae 31:193; var. crebra 
37:133, 186, pl. 333; 43:79; 49:172; var. 
humilis 13:216; var. montana 37:133; var. 
scopulorum 43:348 

Jupica ? albiflora 46:4 
Jussiaea 36:373; 46:197; 47:237, 239. de- 

currens 24:83; 39:194, 195, 473, fig. 2 (map); 
46:197. diffusa 41:111. grandiflora 46:197, 
198; 47:238. Michauxiana 46:197, 198; 
47:238. repens 47:238; subsp. hirsuta, var. 
grandiflora 47:238; var. glabrescens 46: 
197, 198; 47:239. uruguayensis 46:197, 
198; 47:238, 239; var. genuina 47:238 

Justicia 40:376; 43:641; 44:346; 50:224. ameri- 

cana 6:161; 43:493, 639-641, pl. 693; 44: 
346; 49:24; 50:123, 178; var. subcoriacea 
43:641. brachiata 43:287. carnea 50:122. 
humilis 43:493, 639-641, pl. 693; 47:209; 
50:224, 225. mortuifluminis 44:92. ovata 
39:480; 43:639, 641; 50:224, 225. pedun- 
culata 6:161. pedunculosa 50:123. um- 
bratilis 43:639—642, pl. 693; 44:92 


Kallstroemia 11:50 
Kallymenia reniformis 1:126 
Kalmia 6:125; 9:187; 11:199, 200; 12:183; 

24:154; 29:183, 238; 33:99; 36:25; 40: 
278; 42:54; 47:282, 385. angustifolia 1: 
93, 192; 2:6; 3:164, 175; 5:37, 45; 6:125; 
7:110; 9:163, 169, 189; 11:97, 175, 223, 
232; 12:183; 13:54; 15:151; 17:148; 18: 
41; 20:106; 21:119; 22:37, 40, 41, 44, 134; 
23:248; 24:154; 28:82; 29:218; 32:259, 
269; 33:123; 34:54; 36:25, 26, 28, fig. 1; 
39:354, 437, 466; 43:81; 44:115; 50:298; 
f. candida 15:151; 24:154; 25:10; var. 
caroliniana 39:437, 476, 498; 40:449; 
41:490, 553. caroliniana 37:320; 39:437, 
476, 498. glauca 1:40, 93, 183, 192; 2: 
6, 38, 123, 125; 3:175, 195; 4:106, 189; 
5:35, 45, 133; 6:125, 149; 9:182; 13:217; 
40:278. hirsuta 49:86, 158. latifolia 1: 
93, 136; 3:195, 235; 4:131, 151; 5:289; 9: 
122, 187; 11:199; 12:1; 13:182; 14:91; 15: 
142; 21:189, 199; 24:154; 26:175; 31:222; 
33:108; 36:25, 374; 37:4, 10, 12, 416; 
40:278; 42:54, 471; 44:115; 45:382, 510; 
f. alba 12:2; f. fuscata 12:2; f. minor 12: 
2; f. myrtifolia 12:2; f. obtusata 12:2; 
f. polypetala 12:1; f. rubra 12:2; var. 


alba 12:2; var. fuscata 12:2; var. laevipes 
42:53, 54, 471; var. myrtifolia 12:2; var. 
monstruosa 12:1; var. nana 12:2; var. 
obtusata 12:3; var. Pavartii 12:2; var. 
polypetala 12:1; var. rubra 12:2. myrti- 
folia 12:2. polifolia 9:163, 169, 182, 189; 
11:97; 15:68; 17:148; 22:37, 40, 41, 44; 
23:98; 24:154; 25:10; 29:218, 222; 32:143, 
261; 33:92, 98-101, 109, 123; 34:54, 239; 
36:283; 40:145 

Kalmiopsis 40:278. Leachiana 40:278, fig. 

Kantia 9:56; 11:16. Neesiana 11:194.  sphag- 
nicola 9:65. suecica 9:66. Sullivantii 4: 
207, 212; 5:171; 8:44; 9:67, 73; 15:27. 
Trichomanis 4:211; 5:51, 171; 6:74; 9: 
66; 15:27; 26:10; var. Neesiana 11:193; 
var. tenuis 9:69; 17:119 

Karwinskia Humboldtiana 35:225; 37:78 

Keeled Garlic 46:59 

Kempfera 30:54, 55 

Kentrosphaera facciolaae 50:274 

Kentucky Blue Grass 49:262. Coffee Tree 

Keratococcus caudatus 26:212 

Kernera 9:38 

Kerria 33:29, 200, map 3. japonica 19:227; 
24:116; 33:29, 199 

Ketmia africana 44:271. americana etc., 

Kiaeria Blyttii 30:4. Starkei 30:4 

Kibera 27:31 

Kickxia 11:56. Elatine 42:479 

Kidney Vetch 13:240 

King Devil 7:106; 47:242. Weed 4:61, 151; 
12:103; 13:219 

Kinnikinick 42:335 

Kirchneriella contorta 23:66 

Kjarrheveiti 12:27 

Kjellmannia sorifera 16:152 

Knapweed, Spotted 49:84 

Knautia 26:17. arvensis 19:249; 26:17 

Kneiffia 15:223; 20:52; 24:178; 25:47. areni- 
cola 36:48; 41:550. fruticosa 24:178. longi- 
pedicellata 10:34. perennis 25:47. pra- 
tensis 10:34. pumila 1:173, 174; 6:123 
9:122. subglobosa 36:48. tetragona 24 

Knotgrass 28:73. Bird’s 4:65 

Knotweed, Creeping 27:128. Floating 48 
52. Japanese 25:172. Mud 27:128 
Swimming 27:128; 48:52 

Kobe Lespedeza 50:24, 27 

Kobresia 5:249-251. § Pseudokobresia 5:250 
Bellardi 29:55; 34:245; 36:410; 38:143; 39 
495; 41:160, 163, 200. bipartita 41:151 
200. caricina 13:124, 127, 130, 137; 17 
159; 18:101; 41:200. elachycarpa 5:251 
10:136; 12:112; 13:218; 18:142.  macranth: 
5:250. simpliciuscula 27:90; 28:62; 35 
51, 81, 120 

Kochia 17:177. scoparia 17:177; 36:376 

Koeberlinia spinosa 35:225 

Koeleria 8:83, 84, 137-139; 21:216; 30:241 
242. §Lophochloa 8:83. cristata 36:222 
416; 38:266, 267; 48:115. orthostachya 7 
142. paniculata 8:144. pennsylvanica 8 

INDEX TO VoLuMEs 1-50 

138,139, 144. phleoides 8: 83, 84. truncata 
8: 139, 144, 145; var. major 8:140, 143, 
145; 10:65. villosa 8:83, 84 

Koellia 9: 55; 10:86. Beadlei 39 :446. cap- 
itata 50:222. flexuosa 50:220-223. pycnan- 
themodes 10:86. virginiana 9:122 

Koenigia islandica 32:60; 36:139; 38:148, 
150; 41:161, 166, 219, 220 

Korean lespedeza 50: 22, 25 

Korycarpus 34:204, 205. arundinaceus 34: 
204, 205. diandrus 34:204 

Kosteletzkya  altheaefolia 43:513. virginica 
39:477; 43:513, 525, 607, 608; 44:357; var. 
altheaefolia 43: 513, 608, 609, pl. 688; 44: 
271; var. aquilonia 43: 607-609, pl. '688; 
var. typica 43:607, 608, pl. 688 

Kraniopsis 34:29. comosa 34:29. panicu- 
lata 34:29 

Krigia 9:55; 26:111, 126; 31:10. amplexi- 
caulis 1:97; 15:67; 17:135, 137; 19:253; 
26:111; 32: 280. biflora 17: 135, 137; 32: 
280; 37: 337, 338; f. glandulifera’ 37: 
337. Dandelion 27: 48; 36:221; 38:450; 
39:473, 482. occidentalis 36:232. virginica 
5:128; 21:19; 26:111; 32:151, 211, 280; 
36: 52, 221; 37: :414, 415 

Kruhsea 37:91. Tilingiana 37:111. 
37:110, 111 

Krummholz 11:163 

Krynitzkia californica 3:215 

Kudzu-vine 44:352; 49:150 

Kuehneola Uredinis 34:62 

Kuhnia 18:227. eupatorioides 37:195; 39: 
454, 484; 41:571; 42:398, 481; 45: :376; 50: 
227; var. corymbulosa 37: 195. suaveolens 
35: 364; 37:195 

Kuhnistera candida occidentalis 39:28. occi- 
dentalis 39:28. oligophylla 39:28. pinnata 

Kumlienia 36:11 

Kummerowia 50:22. striata 50:22 

Kunkelia nitens 44:171 

Kylinia compacta 50:266 

Kyllinga 37:386; 44:44; 47:113. brevifolia 
42:396, 419. caespitosa 47:113. elongata 
47:113. granularis 35:260. polyphylla 35: 
260. pumila 37:392; 39:359, 389; 46: 
77; 47:113; 48:330. rigidula 47:113. scirpina 
46:146. tenuifolia 47:113 

Kyrstenia angustata 43:557 



Labiatae 2:224; 3:69, 70, 283; 6:127; 9:37, 
50; 10:207; 11:132; 13:98; 18: 42, 99; 
21: :170; 25: 11, dé; 20: 64, 227; 98: 42; 29: 219; 
31:16, 43; 32: 272; 36: 283; 38: 373; 39:18; 
40:292; 42:400; 43:81; 49:255; 50:54, 299, 
3083. trib. Seutellarioideae 26:62. trib. 
Stachydeae 26:62; subtrib. Scutellarieae 26: 
62. trib. Stachyoideae 26:62 

Lablab 44:32 

Labois 1:167 

Labrador Pine 18:241, 242. Pea 4:131; 12: 
182; 17:149; 42:335 

Labyrinthula 41: 257, 258, 260, 262. macrocys- 
tis 50:286 


Labyrinthulales 50:286 

Laccaria laccata 2:32; 16:49; 44:171. 
sata 39:372 

Lachenalia 25:157 

Lachnanthes 9:53; 40:61; 43:36; 44:229, 230, 
232, 365, 390. capitata. 9:119. tinctoria 1: 
68; 14: 29; 17:68; 30:35; 32:177, 212; 34: 
206 ; 42: 88, 92, 279; 43: 36; 44:232, 354, 
390; 45:55 

Lachnobolus congestus 29:172. globosus 29: 

Lachnocaulon 41:472, 491. anceps 39:328, 
338, 347, 395, 467, 480; 40:402; 41:472, 502, 
538; 42: 381, 432; 47: 103, 360; 49: 99, 128 

Lachnocladium’ 3:143 

Laciniaria 9:55; 48:167, 309. acidota 48:232, 
23b. angustifolia 48 :368-370. arenicola 48: 
363. aspera 48:302. brachyphylla 48:232. 
carinata 48:277, 278. Chapmanii 48:280; 
var. longifolia 48:280. chlorolepis 48: 236, 
237. cylindracea 48:376; X scariosa var. 
sphaeroidea 48:381; f. solitaria 48 :376, 381; 
var. solitaria 48: 376, 381. cymosa 48: 373. 
Deamiae 48:280, 281. Deamii 48:312, 313; 
f. albina 48:312. densispicata 48:363. Earlei 
48 :336, 338. elegans 48:341. elegantula 48: 
254, 255, 259. elongata 48:220, 224. falla- 
cior 48:362; var. celosioides 48: 362, 303. 
flabellata 48: 345. formosa 48:318, 322. 
Garber 48:236. Gladewitzii 48:381, 382. 
gracilis 48:273. graminifolia pilosa 37:183. 
Halei 48:232, 233, 235. Helleri 48:260. in- 
decidua 48:302, 304. kansana 48:228, 229. 
laevigata 48:289. lancifolia 48:228, 229. 
Langlois 38:407; 48:238, 244. laxa 48: 
273, 270: 920 leptostachya 48:364. ligu- 
listylis 48:318, 322, 323. macilenta 48:238. 
microcephala 48:230, 231. Nashii 48:236, 
237. nervata 48:376, 378. Ohlingerae 48: 
374. pauciflora 48:281, 284. platylepis 48: 
411. polyphylla 48:230. punctata 48:347; 
f. albiflora 48:347; f. corymbosa 48:347; var. 
turgida 48:347. regimontis 48:277. Ruthii 
48 :336-338, 370. scabra 48:316, 317. scari- 
osa 48:309, 311, 323; f. corymbulosa 48:318; 
f. globosa 48:319; f. uniflora 48:318, 319; 
var. angustata 48:318, 320; var. annuens 48: 
318, 320; var. basilaris 48:318, 320; var. 
borealis 48:296, 300; var. brachiata 48:323; 
var. Chandonnetii 48:323; var. composita 
48:318, 320; var. corymbulosa 48:318, 323; 
var. crista-galli 48:318, 320; var. exuberans 
48:318, 320; var. immanis 48:318, 320; var. 
inconcinna 48:319, 320; var. insolens 48: 
318, 320; var. intermedia 48:305, 306, 309, 
310; var. media 48:305, 309; var. multiplex 
48:818, 320; var. nictitans 48:323; var. 
Nieuwlandi 48:324, 326, 331; f. borealis 
48:325, 331; f. gracillima 48:325, 331; f. sep- 
tentrionalis 48:325, 331; f. versicolor 48: 
325, 331; var. novae-angliae 48:333, 334, 336; 
var. obesa 48:302, 303; var. opima 48:318, 
320; var. perusta 48:318, 319; var. petiolata 
48:305, 306, 309; var. porrecta 48:302, 303; 
var. praecellens 48:323; var. praeceps 48: 
318, 320; var. praesignis 48:325, 326, 332; 



var. praestans 48:318, 320; var. propinqua 
48:323; var. ramea 48:323; var. salutans 48: 
302, 305; var. scalaris 48:318, 320; var. sin- 
gularis 48:318, 320; var. squarrulosa 48:296; 
var. strictissima 48:302, 303; var. subcorym- 
bosa 48:318, 320; var. superans 48:323; var. 
supereminens 48:318, 320; var. superscan- 
dens 48:323; var. trilisioides 48:175, 412; 
var. uniflora 48:318, 320; var. virgata 48: 
302, 303; var. virginiana 48:296, 300. secun- 
da 48:278, 282. serotina 48:225, 226, 412. 
Shortii 48:316. Smallii 37:182; 48:253, 258, 
259. spicata, f. albiflora 48:179; var. albi- 
flora 48:179; var. foliacea 48:179, 180, 227; 
var. pumila 48:411. squarrosa 48:394; var. 
intermedia 48:376. stratiotes 48:302, 304. 
tenuifolia 48:287. Tracyi 48:336-338. vit- 
tata 48:217, 220, 223 

Lactarius 1:187; 3:141. chrysorheus 2:193. 
corrugis 1:15; 2:192. deliciosus 13:131. 
fuliginosus 16:49. griseus 2:193. hygro- 
phoroides 1:15. lignyotus 16:50. luteolus 
1:14, 58; 2:194. subdulcis 2:193. theioga- 
lus 44:171. volemus 1:15; 2:192 

Lactuca 60:134; 7:10; 12:145; 14:191; 26: 
111; 28:124, 241; 36:373; 40:479, 481; 42: 
157, 243, 300, 301; 44:18; 49:254; 50:30—32. 
$ Scariola 38:367. biennis 42:300, 302; f. 
aurea 42:302; f. integrifolia 42:302. cam- 
pestris 40:481. canadensis 1:12, 13, pl. 2; 
6:134; 12:145; 17:220; 18:99; 22:9, 10, 137; 
26:111; 32:281; 37:195; 40:480, 481; 42: 
302; 50:30; f. angustipes 26:111; var. elon- 
gata 40:481; var. integrifolia 6:134; 22:9— 
11; 26:111; 37:195; 40:481; f. angustata 22: 
10, 11; 26:111; 32:281; var. latifolia 22:9, 
10; 26:111; 37:195; 43:82; f. exauriculata 
22:10, 11; 26:111; f. villicaulis 41:574; 
var. longifolia 40:481; 42:368, 498; var. 
montana 15:168; 22:11; var. obovata 22: 
10, 11; 26:111; 37:195; 40:481; f. Steelei 
40:481; 44: 478; f. stenopoda 22:10, 11; 
26:111; var. typica 22:9, 10; 37:195; 40: 
481; f. angustipes 22:10. elongata 22:9, 
10; 40:481; a. longifolia 22:10; 40:481; 8. 
integrifolia 22:11; y. sanguinea 40:478, 481. 
floridana 16:78; 32:212; 35:203; 50:30, 31; 
f. leucantha 42:498; var. floridana 50:31; 
var. villosa 50:31. hirsuta 1:12; 4:37; 6: 
134; 12:145; 22:156; 23:300; 24:208; 26: 
111; 32:211, 281; 40:477-481; f. calvifolia 
22:156; 40:478, 481; var. genuina 40:481 ; 
var. sanguinea 40:481, 482; 44:236; f. in- 
divisa 43:657. hortensis 26:230. integrata 
12:15. integrifolia 1:12; 19:253; 22:9, 11; 
37:195; 40:481. leucophaea 1:12, 13, pl. 2; 
3:278; 6:134; 42:300—302. longifolia 40: 
481. ludoviciana 35:203; 40:481; 48:102; 
f. campestris 40:481. Morssii 1:12, 13, 
193, pl. 2; 3:278; 4:138; 11:131; 22:10; 26: 
111; 32:179. pulchella 36:284; 42:343; 48: 
100; 50:30. racemosa 42:300. sagittifolia 
6:134; 22:11; 37:195. saligna 35:291; 36: 
374; 38:307. sanguinea 40:478-481. Scari- 
ola 1:47; 2:125, 205, 215; 6:49; 7:10-12, 


102; 13:10, 89; 19:64, 253; 20:180, 181; 24: 
19; 26:111; 34:5; 36:374; 42:343; 48:100, 
102; var. integrata 4:92; 6:49; 7:11, 12, 
102; 13:89; 17:209, 218, 220; 20:180, 181; 
26:111. Serriola 50:30. spicata 6:134; 22: 
10; 25:12; 26:111; 28:124, 241; 42:300, 302; 
49:253; 50:30; f. integrifolia 42:302; var. 
aurea 42:302; var. integrifolia 42:302. 
Steelei 22:10; 40:481; 44:478. stolonifera 
44:18. terrae-novae 28:240, 241. villosa 
35:203; 40:481; 50:30, 31. virosa 7:10-12. 
vulgaris 26:230 

Lactucas 5:256; 44:18 

Ladies’ Mantle 13:124; 23:94. Slipper 13:114. 
Tresses 14:91; 23:129 

Lady-fern(s) 19:170, 171, 181, 187-189; 21: 
175; 45:396; 48:389, 391 

Lady's Mantle 45:27. Slipper(s) 4:94, 96, 
106; 5:259; 18:71; Showy 11:28; White 
50:231; Yellow 28:95; 43:488. Thumb 17: 

Laelia 2:31 

Lagenaria 26:18. vulgaris 26:18; 42:47 

Lagerstroemia indica 41:500 

Lagopoda 30:59 

Lagopus 30:59 

Lagotis glauca 41:284; 45:315; var. lanceo- 
lata 42:338; 45:315. Stelleri 41:160, 163, 
283, 284 

Lagrosiphon 38:334 

Lambkill 12:183; 28:82 

Lambsquarters 41:82 

Laminaria 1:69, 124; 2:116, 118; 4:175, 177; 
8:108, 158, 160; 16:3, 4; 19:80; 24:8; 26: 
189; 33:129; 39:51; 40:26; 50:261. 8 Digi- 
tatae 2:116, 143. 8 Simplices 2:116, 143, 
146. Agardhii 2:117, 143, 146, 147; 7:168, 
226, 229; 16:3; 26:189, 213; 50:260, 262; f. 
angustissima 8:108; f. normalis 2:143, 
147; f. vittata 2:143, 147; 7:229; f. zosteri- 
cola 8:108. ascia 50:262. caperata 2:47. 
digitata 2:12, 117, 118, 143-145; 26:189, 213; 
33:130; 43:214; 50:261, 262, 264; f. com- 
planata 2:143, 144; f. ensifolia 2:143, 144; 
f. typica 2:143, 144; var. complanata 2:47; 
var. ensifolia 2:47; 43:214; var. typica 2: 
47; 4:177. Gunneri 2:144. intermedia 2: 
118, 143, 145, 146; f. cucullata 2:143, 144; 
f. longipes 2:143, 144; f. ovata 2:143, 144; 
var. cucullata 2:47; var. longipes 2:47; 43: 
214; var. ovata 2:47. longicornis 50:262 
longicruris 1:124; 2:12, 47, 117, 118, 143, 146, 
148; 4:177; 8:159; 16:3, 4; 50:262. longipes 
8:108. Phyllitis2:47. platymeris 2:47, 118. 
143, 210; 4:176; 26:189, 214; 30:195; 50: 
262. saccharina 1:70; 2:47, 117, 118, 143. 
146-148; 7:229; 21:207; 33:130; 50:262; f 
caperata 2:143, 146; f. normalis 2:143 
146; f. Phyllitis 2:143, 147. stenophylla 2: 
47, 118, 143, 145, 146; 4:175 

Laminariaceae 2:115, 117, 131, 210; 16:4 

Laminariae 2:11, 115 

Laminarias 8:123 

Lamium 4:218; 6:127; 25:38; 45:382. album 
4:218; 6:127; 25:38. amplexicaule 13:91; 


19:220; 21:170; 25:38; 29:219; 36:50; 40: 
445; 42: 46; f. clandestinum 43: 486, 638; 44: 
337. hybridum 11:55; 19:248; 25:38; 29: 
219. maculatum 6: 127; 25:38. purpureum 
28:112, 225; 29:219; 42:268 

Lamotris hyacinthina. 38:405 

Lamourouxia serratifolia 20:66 

Lamprocystis roseo-persicina 26:215 

Lamproderma arcyrionema 29:169. 
num 29:169. physaroides 1:128 

Lannaea nudicaulis 50:176 

Lantana pedunculata 46:157, 158 

Lapeyrousea 9:38 

Lapithea 17:55, 56. Boykinii 17:54 

Laplacea 9:49 

Lapland, Rosebay 28:62 

Laportea 6:114; 9:54; 17:169; 36:373; 43:492. 
canadensis 6: 114; 16: 13; 17: 169; 21:200; 
23:137, 170, 257; 99: 121, 127, 157, 212; 32: 
205; 35: 249; 36: 374; 37: 130, 167 ; 40: 280, 
382, 413; 43: 492 

Lappa intermedia 12: 45; 26:5. major 12:44; 
subvar. purpurascens 12:45. minor 12:47. 
officinalis 12:44. tomentosa 12:45. vul- 
garis 26:5 

Lappula 25:30; 40:343; 43:037. 
18:189; 26:124; 37:328; 40:341. brachy- 
styla 40: 344. deflexa 9: 163; 10:201; 18: 
138, 139; 26:125; 37:328; 40:341, 342; var. 
americana 18: 139; 26:124; 40:341. echinata 
23:288; 25:30. Redowskii 40:344; var. 
occidentalis 35: 182; 41:282. texana 34:6. 
venusta 36:12. virginiana 14:235; 25:30. 
virginica 35:248 

Lapsana 26:130. communis 4:92; 12:145; 20: 
98; 24:121; 26:130; 31:86; 42: 104, 498; 48: 
344, 498; 44: 334; 46: 142 

Larch(es) ’ 4:35; 7: 126; 12:177; 13:114; 17: 
65; 19:22; 23: 91, 109; 35: 358; 38: 112: 41: 
152, 174. American 12: 177; 35: 358; 50: 118. 
Black 35:358. European 28:44; 45:107. 
Scotch 7:124 

Lardizabalaceae 32:107 _ 

Large Cranberry 4:234; 12:183 

Large-toothed Aspen 12:178; 28:73 

Larix 6:103; 7:160, 250; 10:62; 11:37; 12:177; 
21:43; 23:248; 33:22, fig. 1; 35:358; 40:149, 
152; 47:207; 50:37. alaskensis 41:174. 
americana 1:183; 2:9, 10, 36, pl. 14; 3:164, 
169, 232; 4:106, 189; 5:134; 6:103; 50:106, 
118. decidua 10:62; 28:43, 44; 32:152, 229. 
Johnseni 11:169. laricina 1:183; 6:103; 9: 
158, 169; 10:62; 12:103, 177; 13:137; 17: 
148, 152; 18:30; 19:110; 21: 191; 28: 43, 45; 
29: 206 ; '31: 20; '32: 196; 33:19, 93, 98; 34: 
50, 62; '35: 122, '358; 36: 276; 40:145, 154, 160, 
169, 170; 41:174; '42:317; 45:106; 50:118. 
Lyalli 36:305; 37:363. occidentalis 37:363 

Larkspur, Garden 28:70 

Larrea 31:92-96; 45:353. nitida 31:93 

Lasiacis divaricata 14:170 

Lasinia cinerea 50:201. fulva 50:201, 202 

Lasiococca 36:237 

Lasiococcus 36:237 

Lasius americanus 44:15; 45:440, 445. 
var. americanus 43:207; 45:445 





Lastrea 4:10, 53, 161, 162; 31:27; 37:248. 
dilatata, var. glandulosa 17:45, 47; var. 
lepidota 28:147; var. tanacetifolia 4:53. 
Fairbanksii 31:34. Filix-mas 4:159. palus- 
tris 31:33. patens 4:162. squamulosa 31: 
34. tetragona 4:162. Thelypteris 31:27, 33; 
B. glabra 31:34; y. intermedia 31:34; var. 
pubescens 31: 31, 32, 34 

Laternea 4:135 

Lathesia tuberiformis 50:262 

Lathyrus 11:49; 20:168, 204; 26:187; 33:60; 
36:311; 44: 334; 47: 207; 49: 196; 50: 138. 
altaicus 13252; Aphaca 20: 168; 24: 75. cali- 
fornicus 34:181, 184, 186. decaphyllus 19: 
158-160, 162; 36: 310, 311; var. minor 13:52. 
eucosmus 19: 160. hirsutus 24:75; 39:433; 
40:438; 41:546. incanus 19:153; 37: 227; f. 
albidus 37: 227. japonicus 34: 177, 178, 180, 
184-187; 35:167, 391; 41:161, 253; 46:284; 
var. aleuticus 34: 178, 179, 180, 184, 187 ; 
35:276; 36:282; 38: 156; 41:253; f. albinus 
42: 157; var. glaber 34: 178-181-187; 35: 
204 50: 297; f. acutifolius 34:178, "182, 
184: 35:277; var. parviflorus 35: 390; var. 
pellitus 34: 178, 180, 183, 184, 187; 35: 271, 
391; 43:80; f. candidus 42: 157; var. typi- 
cus 34: 178, 182, 187. latifolius 24:75; 42: 
44, 100. maritimus 2:89, 208; 3:188; 5: :131; 
7: 127; 11:95; 14:22; 16: 39; 17: 146 ; 18: 29, 
39, 98; 20: 168; 29: 9: 26: 184, 226; 29: 42-44, 
58, 60, 64, 65, 89, 111, 122, 215; 32: 147, 173, 
214, 257; 33: 111, 122: 34:53, 70, lc 178, 
180-186; 35:391; 39: 371, 375; 4l: 253, 513, 
517, 520; 46: 284; 49: 196; 50: 297; B. acuti- 
folius 34: 182; f. velutinus 34: 180; var. 
aleuticus 28: 120, 216; 34:179, 180, 187; var. 
glaber 11:95; 20: 168; 24: 87; 34: [SI Var. 
Thunbergianus 34: 178, 187; var. velutinus 
34:180, 187. multiflorus 19:158. myrti- 
folius 13: 47, 48, 50, 52; 19:162; 36:311; var. 
macranthus 11: 108; 13: 48-50. Nissolia 23: 
246; 24:75. ochroleucus 2: 89; 36:373; 37: 
203. ornatus 19:162, 163; 36: 311; var. in- 
canus 19:162, 163. ‘palustris 2 89; 5:132; 
13:47-51; 23:273; 29:65, 70, 180, 215; 35: 
363; var. genuinus 13:47; var. latifolius 13: 
47; var. linearifolius 13:47-49, 51; 19:229; 
36: :982; var. macranthus 13:50; 23:273; 
oo: 122: var. myrtifolius 2:89; 13: 47, 48, 52: 
19:325 "99: 180; 36:311; var. pilosus 11: 95, 
108; 13: 48-51; 16:191; 17:154; 18:39; 19: 
229; 20:168; 23: 273; 29: 131, 180, 215: 32: 
257; 34:53; 41: 253; var. retusus 29: 128, 180, 
215. pauciflorus 44 :38. pilosus 13: 48, 49, 
51. pisiformis 34:178. polymorphus 19: 
159, 160, 162, 163; 36:310, 311. polyphyllus 
44:38. pratensis 1:223; 2:89; 20:168, 204; 
23:132, 273; 35:15, 277, 278; 87:410; 44: 
334. pusillus 44:256. rotundifolius 3:231. 
Sandbergii 23:246. sativus 2:92; 20:169. 
sphaericus 24:75. stipulaceus 13:52; 19: 
162, 163; 36:310, 311; var. incanus 19:163. 
tuberosus 3:230, 231; 6:141; 34:175. veno- 
sus 19:156, 157, 159, 160, 162; 23:203; 39: 
377, 433, 484; 45:270; 47:207; 49:180; var. 
B. 19:158; var. y. 19:158; var. arkansanus 


39:377; var. intonsus 19:158, 160; 47:207; 
var. meridionalis 19:158; 45:269. viciae- 
formis 13:47, 51 

Lauraceae 6:85; 8:197; 9:38; 18:213; 31:43; 

Laurel 42:54; 44:364; 46:313; 49:161. Caro- 
lina 17:50. Great 18:73. Magnolia 21:49. 
Mountain 4:131, 140, 142, 151; 6:227; 10: 
165; 14:91; 18:41; 33:198. Oak 48:138, 
145. Sheep 12:183. Swamp 18:206. White 

Laurencia botryoides 21:204. obtusa 21:203, 
204, 206. thuyoides 21:204 

Laurocerasus caroliniana 36:45 

Laurus 8:197; 15:14, 16, 17; 20:99; 38:178; 
49:204. subgen. Euosmus 8:197; 38:179. 
aestivalis 8:198; 47:140—142, 150, pl. 888. 
albida 8:199; 15:14-16; 20:99; 38:179. axil- 
laris 47:149, 150. Benzoin 8:198; 15:14; 
47:140—142, pl. 889. Borbonia 47:149, 150. 
caroliniana 47:149. caroliniensis 47:149; «. 
glabra 47:149; B. pubescens 47:149. Dio- 
spyros 15:14. diversifolia 38:178, 179. fra- 
grans 8:198. geniculata 15:14; 47:140, 142, 
150. Pseudo-Benzoin 8:198. Sassafras 8: 
199; 15:14-16; 20:98, 99; 38:178, 179. varii- 
folia 8:199; 20:98; 38:178, 179 

Lavender, Sea 18:53, 55; 32:270 

Layia 26:130. platyglossa 26:130 

Leafy Spurge 39:49 

Leak 4:81 

Leather Leaf 12:183 

Leatherwood 44:29 

Leathesia 26:189. difformis 1:70; 2:47; 7: 
228; 21:205; 26:214; 33:130; 50:262 

Leavenworthia torulosa 46:308. uniflora 36: 
224, 230 

Leavenworthias 46:306 

Lecanora 29:98. allophana 35:150. Bockii 
29:101. cinerea 28:228; 29:101. dimera 28: 
228. dubitans 28:228. elatina 28:229; var. 
ochrophaea 28:229. frutulosa 28:228. gib- 
bosa 29:101. Hageni 28:228; 35:150. in- 
tricata 28:229. muralis, var. saxicola 28: 
228. pallescens 28:228. pallida 29:101, 103. 
polytropa 28:228. privigna 28:226. riparia 
29:102. sordida 28:228. subfusca 15:94; 
28:228; 29:102; var. campestris 29:102; var. 
chlarona 29:102; var. distans 15:94. sub- 
pallida 29:102. symmicta 28:229. tar- 
tarea 28:228. varia 18:94; 20:40; 29:103; 
50:292; var. intricata 28:229; var. polytropa 
28:228; var. symmicta 28:229. ventosa 28: 

Lecanoraceae 15:94; 28:228 

Lechea 1:230; 7:122, 127; 20:50; 22:124; 37: 
415; 39:352, 364, 436; 40:29, 30, 33-35, 38- 
42, 44, 47, 51, 57, 63, 64, 66, 68, 92, 97, 99, 
100, 102, 111, 112, 115, 121, 129, 130; 42: 
154; 45:457; 47:282. § Brevisepalae 40:33, 
34. § Cernuae 40:34, 102. $ Divaricatae 
40:34. § Eulechea 40:47. $8 Lechidium 40: 
33, 47. § Longisepalae 40:33, 34. § Myrio- 
phyllae 40:34. subgen. Eudiexa 40:30, 63, 
90. subgen. Lechea 40:30. subgen. Lechi- 
dium 40:32, 37, 40. subgen. Menandra 40: 

30, 90, 106. brevifolia 40:60. cernua 40: 
33, 36-39, 42, 49, 93, 100-103, 130, map 14, 
pl. 490. chinensis 40:29. cinerea 40:32, 
104—106; var. Torreyi 40:32, 104, 106. cu- 
bensis 40:31, 32, 34, 42, 49, 93, 101, 103, 104, 
130, map 15, pl. 490. Deckerti 40:33, 34, 
38, 42, 48, 93-96, 98, 101, 130, map 11, pl. 
489. depressa 40:66. divaricata 40:32, 34, 
38, 39, 42, 48, 93, 96-98, 101, 103, 130, map 
12, pl. 490. Drummondii 40:31, 33, 50—52, 
54, 66. exserta 40:33, 34, 62, 65. inter- 
media 1:212, 214; 2:124; 3:187; 10:34; 12: 
108; 13:81; 15:153; 17:154; 20:102, 106; 
22:124, 182; 23:130, 138, 274; 25:212; 40: 
32, 33, 36, 39, 40, 42, 49, 60, 61, 93, 110, 
112, 115, 121-123, 125, 127-129; var. depau- 
perata 40:35, 36, 49, 120, 124, 127, 131, map 
28, pl. 491; var. juniperina 10:34; 40:120, 
124—126, 128, 129, 131, map 20, pl. 491; var. 
laurentiana 40:120, 124, 127, 129, 131, map 
27, pl. 491; var. typica 40:120, 124, 125, 
129, 131, map 25, pl. 491. juncifolia 40:90. 
juniperina 1:212; 10:34; 40:32, 33, 123, 126, 
128. Leggettu 1:69, 212; 11:83; 19:231; 
20:97; 22:124; 32:213, 266; 38:366, 380; 39: 
477; 40:32, 33, 40, 41, 43, 49, 60, 107, 110, 
115-117, 121-123, 128; var. intermedia 40: 
125; var. moniliformis 40:36, 43, 95, 117, 
118, 120, 122, 123, 131, map 23, pl 491; 
var. ramosissima 40:36, 37, 107, 117, 119, 
120, 123, 131, map 24, pl. 491; var. typica 
40:36, 93, 111, 115-117, 120, 122, 123, 131, 
map 22, pl. 491. major 1:212, 214; 4:28; 
20:49, 50; 21:36; 40:29, 30, 32, 33, 53, 56, 
57, 97; 47:282; var. «. villosa 40:33, 54; var. 
8. divarieata 40:33, 97; var. divaricata 40: 
97; var. villosa 40:54. maritima 1:212; 2: 
205; 10:34; 11:131; 14:20; 22:124; 24:88; 
32:151, 210, 266; 40:30—33, 35, 36, 39, 40, 
49, 60, 61, 93, 107, 109—113, 128; var. interior 
10:34; 13:31; 19:231; 22:124, 182; 40:33, 
109, 111; var. subcylindrica 40:49, 101, 108, 
109, 112, map 20; var. typica 40:91, 101, 
108, 109, 112, 131, map 18, pl. 490; var. 
virginica 40:93, 101, 108, 109, 111—113, 131, 
map 19, pl. 490; 49:101, 155. mensalis 40: 
37, 42, 48, 67, 92, 93, 101, 130, map 10, 
pl. 489. minor 1:107, 212, 213; 4:130; 6: 
141; 20:106; 22:124; 24:88; 39:352, 480, 
481; 40:29—32, 38, 39, 41-44, 48, 54—61, 88, 
93, 99, 100, 117, 121, 125, 128, map 5; 41: 
549; a. 40:99; f. stricta 40:114; var. æ. 40: 
31, 91; var. B. 40:31, 88, 91; var. y. 40:88, 
91; var. dumosa 40:31, 88; var. gracilis 
40:31, 91, 99; var. maritima 5:128; 40:32, 
109; var. racemulosa 1:214. moniliformis 
40:33, 119, 122, 123. mucronata 40:54, 56. 
myriophylla 40:33, 94—96, pl. 489. novae- 
caesareae 40:31, 59-61. patula 40:31, 33- 
35, 38, 39, 41, 48, 55, 61, 63-65, 93-95, 98, 
107, 113, map 6. pauciflora 40:60. prisma- 
tica 40:33, 34, 62-65. racemulosa 1:212; 
37:433; 39:475; 40:29—32, 41-44, 48, 60, 61, 
91, 93, 98-102, 107, 128, 130, map 18, pl. 
488; 41:549. san-sabeana 40:33, 37, 38, 40, 
42, 47, 49, 52, 55, 67, 90, 93, 102, 103, 130, 


map 1, pl. 488. secundiflora 40:60, 88, 90. 
sessilifolia 40:63. Skinneri 40:66. stellata 
40:61. stricta 40:32, 36, 45, 49, 113-115, 
120, map 21. tenuifolia 1:212; 5:128; 22: 
124, 182; 36:220; 40:29-32, 35, 37-41, 43, 
48, 51, 60, 67, 87, 90-93, 101, 103, 110, 115, 
128, 130, map 8, pl. 489; var. occidentalis 
40:67, 88, 89, 92, 93, 101, 130, map 9, pl. 
489. thesioides 40:31, 88, 90. thymifolia 
5:128; 40:29—32, 59-61, 109, 110, 128. Tor- 
reyi 40:32, 37, 41, 49, 93, 101, 103-107, 113, 
123, 130, map 16, pl. 490; var. congesta 40: 
37, 45, 101, 103, 105, 106, 131, map 17, pl. 
490; var. typica 40:42. tripetala 40:32, 34, 
37, 40, 46-48, 51, 55, 65-69, 93, 130, map 7, 
pl. 489. uniflora 40:60, 61. verna 40:90. 
verticillata 40:29, 30. villosa 20:50; 22:124, 
182; 32:210, 265; 35:288; 36:220; 40:30-34, 
36-40, 48, 51-53, 56-58, 61, 90, 93, 97, 98, 
110, 111, 128; 44:237, 256; 48:200; var. 
macrotheca 40:48, 53, 54, 55, 58, 130, map 
4, pl. 488; var. Schaffneri 40:36, 41, 53, 
54, 55, 57, 58, 66, 93, map 3; var. typica 
40:34-36, 41, 43, 53-55, 57, 58, 130, map 2, 
pl. 488 

Lecheas 40:93, 123 

Lechidium 40:31, 51. Drummondii 40:31, 50, 

Lecidea 36:140, 158. albocaerulescens 29:99, 
105; var. flavocaerulescens 28:160. atro- 
brunnea 28:160. atrocaesia 36:158. Beren- 
geriana 28:159. cinerascens 28:160. coeru- 
leonigricans 11:100. contigua 28:160. cyr- 
tidea 29:99. eupetroides 36:158. enclitica 
28:160. enteroleuca 28:160. excentrica 36: 
158. geographica 28:161. granulosa 28: 
159; 29:99. gregaria 29:99. grossa 28:100. 
hypnophila 28:160. infernula 36:158. mel- 
ancheima 28:160. panaeola 28:160. para- 
sema 28:160; var. elaeochroma 28:160; var. 
enteroleuca 28:160. peliaspis 28:159. 
platycarpa 29:99. rubiformis 36:139. 
speirea 28:160. sphaeroides 28:160. verna- 
lis 28:159; 29:99; subsp. minor 28:159. vesi- 
eularis 11:100 

Lecideaceae 28:159 

Lecidiae 36:162 

Leciophysma finmarkicum 36:142, 154 

Lecythidaceae 49:58 

Ledum 6:125; 12:182; 17:66, 88, 146; 23:159; 
24:154; 29:226, 238; 31:142; 33:97-100; 38: 
90; 41:166. decumbens 34:245; 41:147, 157, 
158, 160, 274; 42:335. glandulosum 37:365. 
groenlandicum 1:93, 183; 3:131, 175; 4:131; 
5:35; 6:125; 7:12; 9:156, 162, 169, 170, 174, 
189; 12:118, 182; 17:65, 148, 149; 19:246; 
22:37, 40-44, 137; 23:159, 168, 248; 24:118, 
154; 25:10; 27:214; 28:82; 29:217; 31:137, 
142, 143; 33:19, 92, 96, 98, 123, map 4; 34: 
54, 63; 36:283; 37:206; 38:90, fig. 1; 39:471; 
40:145, 148, 154, 156, 160, 163; 41:146, 149, 
153, 274; 42:335; 43:507; 45:314. latifolium 
1:93, 183, 192, 193; 3:131; 4:131; 5:45, 133; 
02125: 19:211; palūstrek i212, 13, 9:182; 
25:10; 38:90; 42:10; var. decumbens 25: 
114; 38:156; 42:335; var. dilatatum 7:12, 
13; 31:142, 143 


Leersia 5:118; 9:53; 14:187; 15:123; 29:159; 
38:207; 39:302; 49:277. hexandra 20:159, 
232; 30:82; 38:393; 39:338, 339, 382, 477. 
imbricata 38:386, pl. 440. lenticularis 35: 
284; 36:376; 38:386; 39:348, 349, 353, 382, 
482, map 22; 41:111; 42:35, 397, 400, 411; 
44:240; 49:201. monandra 30:82. ory- 
zoides 5:118; 13:148; 15:123; 17:212; 30: 
81, 82, 84; 31:146; 35:251; 38:203, 268, 385; 
39:348; 48:330; 49:277; f. clandestina 18: 
239; 19:109; 23:229; 30:84; f. glabra 5: 
118; 15:123; 23:229; 26:48; 34:39; 38:263; 
49:277; f. inclusa 30:84, 85; 38:204; 49: 
277. ovata 38:386. virginica 1:42; 4:93; 
15:123; 16:16; 35:251; 38:264, 269, 270, 385, 
386, 450, pl. 440; 49:277; var. ovata 38:386, 
pl. 440; 49:277 

Legume(s) 39:52; 40:146; 41:461; 44:352 

Leguminosae 2:89; 3:283, 285; 4:13; 5:246; 
6:120; 7:28; 9:37; 10:195; 11:132; 12:181; 
13:33, 119; 14:24; 16:157 17:37; 18:88; 98; 
20:165; 21:29, 170, 190; 23:246; 24:43, 44; 
25:9, 25; 26:226; 28:71; 29:215; 31:16, 43, 
92, 93, 95; 32:256; 36:6, 282; 37:306; 41: 
147, 461—463; 42:218; 43:80, 92; 45:313; 49: 
58, 255, 288; 50:297, 302. subfam. Caesal- 
pinoideae 12:16; 33:192; 41:463. subfam. 
Mimosoideae 31:96. subfam. Papilionoideae 
41:463. trib. Astragalinae 40:180. trib. 
Caesalpinieae 12:16; 33:92. trib. Mimoseae 

Leibleinia 40:235 

Leiocolea 14:211. Gillmanni 39:13, 34, 36, 41. 
heterocolpa 39:13, 34 

Leiophyllum 29:225-227; 33:39. buxifolium 
1:185; 14:95; 33:40. Hugeri 33:40. pros- 
tratum 33:40 

Leitneria 50:125. floridana 14:81; 50:125 

Leitneriaceae 50:125 

Lejeunea 25:75. cavifolia 5:171; 11:118; 14: 
17, 224; 15:24; 25:97, 197; 26:13. clypeata 
10:190, 191. echinata 14:224. Hookeri 19: 
266. patens 25:97, 197, 198; 26:6, 13. 
serpyllifolia 14:224. unciloba 10:190, 191 

Lejeuneaceae 25:197; 26:12 

Lejica 28:42 

Lemairea 9:50 

Lemanea 8:190; 24:103. fucina 26:166; var. 
rigida 7:241 

Lemna 5:287; 7:73; 9:96; 12:5; 15:20; 20: 
143; 29:61, 62; 40:76; 49:165—167, 169—171. 
abbreviata 48:146, 147. angolensis 48:147. 
arhiza 48:147. cyclostasa 36:41; 37:75, 76; 
48:146, 147. gibba 7:99; 48:147. minima 
42:98; 48:147. minor 5:135; 7:99; 9:96, 
150; 12:5: 17:214; 23:131, 238: 29:65, 69, 
71, 132, 209; 32:148; 37:76, 357; 38:452; 
48:147; 49:165, 166, 169—171; var. ? cyclo- 
stasa 37:76; 48:146, 147. perpusilla 1:68; 
14:22; 37:190, 406; 39:481; 42:370. poly- 
rrhiza 48:147. Torreyi 48:146. trisulca 5: 
185; 7:97, 98; 12:5; 23:181, 199, 238; 29: 
65, 69, 71; 30:121; 42:26; 48:147. valdi- 
viana 1:106; 12:5; 37:75, 406; 38:377; 39: 
481 ; 48:146, 147, 205; 49:127 ; var. abbreviata 
48:147; 49:127; var. ? platyclados 48:147 

Lemnaceae 5:287; 12:5; 21:87; 29:61, 209; 

31:43; 34:119, 120; 36:240; 41:42; 49:171, 

Lemotris hyacinthina 40:131 

Lens ervilea 5:72. esculenta 5:72; 19:229 

Lentibulariaceae 6:129, 152; 25:11, 185; 29: 
219; 31:43; 32:274; 36:284; 49:255 

Lentinus 3:142. suavissimus 6:126 

Lenzites 3:39 

Leocarpus fragilis 29:168, 173. vernicosus 1: 

Leontodon 4:249; 13:18; 17:146, 227; 21:211; 
26:130; 27:47-49; 28:143. autumnalis 1: 
165; 3:132, 189, 293, 294; 4:39, 40, 189, 249; 
5:135; 6:23; 9:122; 11:99; 17:36, 220; 18: 
44; 25:11; 26:130; 27:48; 28:221; 32:151, 
280; 33:167; 46:314; var. pratensis 3:293, 
294; 4:189; 11:99; 17:146; 18:44; 26:130, 
228; 32:280; 33:109, 126; 50:303. bulbosum 
27:48. ceratophorus 35:373. Dandelion 27: 
48. erythrospermum 35:379. hastilis 4:250. 
hirtus 3:293, 294. hispidus 3:293, 294; 21: 
211; 27:48, 49. laevigatus 35:379. latilo- 
bum 35:377. officinalis 35:380. palustre 4: 
157; 35:380-382. Raji 35:380. Taraxacum 
27:48; 35:380; 50:216; 8. palustre 35:380, 
381; 8. vulgare 35:380; var. palustre 35:381. 
tuberosum 27:48. vulgare 35:380, 382; 50: 

Leontopodium 37:211. 
fig. 4 

Leonurus 6:128; 25:38. Cardiaca 2:223, fig.; 
4:91; 6:128; 11:127; 17:35; 18:42; 25:38; 
26:227; 32:273; 50:299 

Leotia 1:60, 61, 66. chlorocephala 41:510. 
circinans 1:64, 91. lubrica 1:66, 67, pl. 4. 
viridis 1:65 

Lepachys 26:130; 40:353. columnaris 25:68; 
26:130; var. pulcherrima 40:353. pinnata 
3:60; 26:130 

Lepadena 43:110 

Lepargyrea 9:54 

Lepechinia 18:25 

Lepia 28:42. multiflora 28:42. pauciflora 28: 

Lepidagathis alopecuroides 33:88 

Lepidanche Compositarum 36:372. 

Lepidium 6:117; 18:219; 24:19; 27:186; 32: 
28; 36:364, 413; 39:64, 191; 42:152, 302-304. 
apetalum 3:18; 10:72; 13:89; 18:219; 22: 
137; 28:39; 31:84; 32:28, 29; 40:182; 42: 
327. calycinum 40:298. campestre 18:219; 
23:264; 31:84; 32:28; 37:418; 38:04; 40: 
432. chitungense 32:29. densiflorum 40: 
182; 48:116; var. Bourgeauanum 39:281. 
Draba 19:225; 23:140, 264; 37:162; 39:64, 
190, 191; 42:302-304; var. repens 42:303. 
latifolium 26:197; 37:161. macranthum 32: 
29. montanum, var. alyssoides 39:280; var. 
Eastwoodiae 39:280. perfoliatum 18:219; 
19:225; 38:366; 39:280. ruderale 5:133; 
18:219; 32:29. sativum 4:32. spathula- 
tum 9:40. virginicum 5:135; 6:117; 17: 
35, 216; 18:97, 219; 21:170; 22:137; 26:185, 
186, 225; 32:253; 36:44; 39:280; 45:382; 
50:296. vulgatum 32:151 

alpinum 33:219, 221, 



Lepidiums 39:280 

Lepidoptera 36:28; 38:91; 41:186; 42:354; 

Lepidospartum 40:320. squamatum 40:320- 
323, fig. 1; var. obtectum 40:322; var. 
Palmeri 40:321, 322, 323, fig. 2 

Lepidozia 6:165, 185. reptans 1:34; 4:30; 5: 
51, 172; 15:24; 25:196; 26:11. setacea 5: 
172; 6:185-189; 10:192; 14:224; 15:24, 27; 
19:69; 25:196; 26:11. sphagnicola 5:172; 
6:185; 15:27. sylvatica 6:186-190, pl. 57; 
11:195; 14:18; 15:24, 27; 25:196. tricho- 
clados 6:189 

Lepigonum 42:58, 106, 192, 204. arenarium 
42:173, 174, 176, 185, 186, 203, 208; var. de- 
pressum 42:174—176. campestre 42:83, 111. 
canadense 42:112, 125. chilense 42:210. 
depauperatum 42:161, 162. diandrum 42: 
82, 110. floribundum 42:170. glandulosum 
42:173. gracile 42:181, 183. grande 42:185, 
203, 204. grandiflorum 42:161, 162. laeve 
42:192, 193. leiospermum 12:158, 163; 42: 
125, 131. Liebmannianum 42:173. macro- 
rhizum 42:174, 176. macrothecum 42:70. 
marginatum 42:119. marinum 12:161; 42: 
118, 119, 121, 124, 139, 186, 189; subsp. du- 
bium 42:119, 121. medium 29:174; 42:112, 
118, 124, 126; var. macrocarpa 42:119. mol- 
lugineum 42:210. murale 42:174,208. neg- 
lectum 42:79, 125, 129, 133, 139, 140; var. 
tenue 42:139. paradoxum 42:210. purpu- 
reum, var. firmum 42:169. rubrum 42:106, 
111; y. perennans 42:106. rupestre 42:125, 
129, 130, 174, 207. salinum 12:159, 162; 29: 
174; 42:79, 125, 126, 129. salsugineum 42: 
83. tenue42:126,138,139. trachyspermum 
42:173, 174, 176, 185, 186, 207, 208; *subsp. 
murale 42:208. villosum 42:173, 176, 186, 

Lepiota 1:227; 13:62; 17:31, 32. americana 
4:199; 17:31. asperula 3:40. cepaestipes 
4:199. clypeolaria 13:60. cristata 2:32. 
cristatella 16:46. haematosperma 13:62. 
lutea 44:171. metulispora 13:60. Morgani 
3:143; 17:32. naucina 2:32; 4:199; 17:31. 
procera 1:224—226; 3:143; 13:61; 17:30, 31. 
rhacodes 1:224—227, pl. 11; 3:40; 17:31. 
umbonata 44:171 

Lepocinclis fusiformis 50:277. ovum 44:68; 

Leptamnium 9:55. 

Leptandra 23:2, 6. alba 23:6. purpurea 23: 
6. villosa 23:6. virginica 23:6 

Leptanthus ovalis 47:209, 213 

Leptasea Hirculus 34:245 

Leptilon canadense 6:131; 15:206, 209; 26: 
228; 28:72; 50:300. pusillum 26:228; 50:300 

Leptobarbula berica 39:5 

Leptobasaceae 44:185 

Leptobasis 44:183, 185, 1806. 
crassa 44:185, 186 

Leptobryum pyriforme 4:30, 182; 24:123; 30: 

virginianum 6:129 

caucasica 44:186. 

Leptocaulis patens 10:34 
Leptochloa 15:131; 49:262, 275. attenuata 
47:211, 212. dubia 50:93. fascicularis 13: 


151; 15:131; 22:15; 29:43, 44; 42:390; 44: 
379; 49:263, 275. filiformis 15:131; 36:237; 
37:390; 39:481; 41:503; 44:379; 47:211; 48: 
17; 49:275. imbricata 15:131; 49:262 

Leptoclinium brasiliense 48:410. trichoto- 
mum 48:411 

Leptodictyum riparium 30:10; 48:3; f. longi- 
folium 48:3. trichopodium, var. Kochii 50: 

Leptodontium 41:112. brevicaule 36:132 

Leptogium 29:98. lacerum 28:226. liche- 
noides 28:226; 36:142. plicatile 28:226. 
pulvinatum 36:142, 154. saturninum 36: 
142. tremelloides 28:226; 29:99 

Leptoglossum luteum 1:66. olivaceum 1:65 

Leptoloma 36:68; 47:263. cognatum 14:55; 
31:111, 118; 38:363; 39:303, 382; 41:111, 
503; 47:263, 264 

Leptonia 16:48, 51. flavobrunnea 16:51. 
cilipes 16:51. validipes 16:51 

Leptophyllum 21:10, 11; 22:180 

Leptopoda brachypoda 4:198 

Leptorchis Loeselu 6:112; 32:124 

Leptorkis 9:53 

Leptoscyphus 12:201 

Leptostachys 9:51 

Leptothrix 9:131 

Leptotrichum pallidum 3:179 

Leptura chrysocoma 36:28 

Lepturus paniculatus 48:114 

Lerchea 9:54 

Leskea 12:153; 13:43. gracilescens 13:43. 
nervosa 2:62, 63; 4:182; 11:117. obscura 
rini 44. polycarpa 2:63; 4:239; 13:43, 

Leskeaceae 30:9; 37:228; 39:43. subfam. 
Anomodonteae 37:228. subfam. Leskeae 
37:228. subfam. Thelieae 37:228. subfam. 
Thuidieae 37:228 

Leskeella nervosa 30:9 

Lespedeza 2:186; 8:146; 13:33; 14:91; 20:169; 
21:8; 23:172; 26:25; 35:38; 30:130, 131, 
390—392; 37:264, 310; 39:352; 40:367; 42: 
154; 43:518, 572, 574; 47:45. § Eu-Lespe- 
deza 26:33. § Lespedezaria 26:33. acuti- 
carpa 26:27; 37:167; 39:484; 40:437. an- 
gustifolia 2:89; 14:72, 91; 26:26, 29, 32, 33; 
32:212; 42:458; 43:573, 575, 581, 585, 587, 
pl. 681; X capitata 42:458; f. subvelutina 
42:457; var. brevifolia 26:32. Bicknellii 
10:51; 43:579. Brittonii 20:169; 32:177. 
capitata 2:90, 186; 5:128, 129; 9:121; 10:51, 
153; 13:19; 14:22, 91, 92; 15:153; 20:169; 
24:58; 26:26, 31—33; 32:210, 256; 37:190; 
40:367, 437; 42:100; 43:572-576, 578, 581, 
pl. 673; B. sericea 43:574; B. vulgaris 43: 
574; var. angustifolia 26:25; var. calycina 
43:576, 578, 579, 586, pl. 675; var. hirti- 
formis 40:437, 475, 483, pl. 524; 43:578; 
var. longifolia 14:91; 40:437; 43:575, 579, 
585; var. sericea 43:574, 576, 586, pl. 673; 
var. stenophylla 14:92; 19:229; 20:169; 43: 
575, 576, 579, 581, 586, pl. 676; f. argentea 
43:579; var. typica 43:576, 578, 586, pl. 
673; var. velutina 10:51; 13:33; 20:169; 
43:576, 579, 581, 582, 586, pl. 677; var. vul- 



garis 43:574, 576, 577, 580, 581, 586, pl. 674. 
cuneata 40:437; 42:100; 46:76, 135; 47:45. 
frutescens 3:185; 9:120, 121; 20:169; 21: 
202; 26:26, 29-31. hirta 2:186; 14:22; 20: 
169; 26:25, 26, 32-34; 32:250; 34:65; 36: 
220; 40:367, 437; 42:100; 43:572, 573, 575, 
578-584, pl. 678; var. B. calycina 43:578; 
var. angustifolia 43:573; var. appressipilis 
26:32; 43:580—582, 584, 586, pl. 679; var. 
dissimulans 43:583, 585, 587, pl. 682; var. 
intercursa 43:582, 585, 587, pl. 681; var. 
longifolia 43:582, 585, 586, pl. 680; var. 
oblongifolia 13:31; 19:229; 43:575, 581, 585; 
var. sparsiflora 43:583; var. typica 43:582— 
584, 586, pl. 678. intermedia 2:90; 26:26, 
27, 29, 31, 32; 37:264-266, 427; f. Hahnii 
37:265, 266; 40:432, 433; var. Hahnii 26: 
32; 37:265. juncea 26:31. leptostachya 
26:26, 33, 34; 40:115. longifolia 14:91; 43: 
575, 579, 581, 585. Manniana 26:33. neg- 
lecta 26:29; 37:265. Nuttallii 2:90; 6:141; 
14:22; 20:169; 24:117; 37:265; 46:135. ob- 
longifolia 42:458; 43:575, 585. polystachya 
2:90, 168; 5:130; 43:583. prairea 26:27, 28. 
procumbens 1:180; 2:90, 168; 13:19; 20: 
169; 21:8; 26:26, 27; fig, 2: 32:212, 256: 35: 
39; 36:220; var. elliptica 26:26, 27, fig. 1; 
39:415. repens 2:157, 186; 7:68; 26:25; 36: 
220; 37:427; 42:154. reticulata 1:106; 2: 
90, 168; 26:25, 31. Schindleri 43:579. seri- 
cea 37:318; 47:45. sessiliflora 26:30, 31. 
simulata 19:229; 26:33; 36:230. stipulacea 
37:318; 38:425; 44:343; 46:135; 47:45; 48: 
391; 50:21—27, pls. 1091, 1092. striata 31: 
146; 36:220; 38:425; 46:135; 50:21-27, pls. 
1091, 1092. Stuevei 2:90; 6:141; 13:19; 20: 
169; 26:28, 29; 32:212; 37:264—206, 427; 39: 
473; 44:343; 50:124; f. angustifolia 37:265, 
206; var. angustifolia 26:29; 37:264, 265; 
var. intermedia 26:29, 31. velutina 10:51; 
43:579. violacea 2:90; 5:203; 20:169; 26: 
25, 28, 30, 31; 32:250; 42:154; 47:301; var. 
prairea 26:27, 28. virginica 20:169; 26:25. 
29-31 ; 32:213; 35:39; 37:204, 265; f. Deamii 
37:265, 266; var. sessiliflora 26:30; var. 
typica 26:30, 41 

Lespedeza(s) 50:21-23. Common 50:24, 25, 
27. Harbin 50:25. Kobe 50:24, 27. Kor- 
ean 50:22, 25 

Lesquerella 13:129; 32:110; 35:55, 81, 127, 
269, 373; 41:393, 394; 50:95. 8 Eu-Lesquer- 
ella 41:394. angustifolia 36:231. arctica 
13:223; 27:90; 28:100, 103, 107, 118, 201, 
213; 35:55, 267—270, 401, pl. 258; 41:163, 
164; 42:311, 327; var. Purshii 13:127, 129%- 
131, 188, 223; 18:101; 28:201: 35:55, 267, 
270, pl. 240; 41:235; var. Scammanae 42: 
327. condensata 41:408. globosa 45:278. 
gracilis 34:5; 36:224, 231. Kingii 36:409; 
41:393. lata 32:110. lepidota 32:110. 
montana 32:110. montevidensis 35:270. 
ovalifolia 34:6; var. alba 38:239; 50:95. 
Purshii 35:267—270, 338, 399, 401, pls. 240, 
258; 36:329. rectipes 32:110 

Lessonia 8:111 

Letharia thamnodes 14:89 


Lettuce 41:157. Prickly 7:9; 12:15; 20:180. 
Wild 1:12 

Leucanium 24:51 

Leucanthemum 25:16. vulgare 5:178; 25:16; 
26 :228 

Leucobryaceae 30:4; 40:359 

Leucobryum 2:65, 66; 40:359. glaucum 1:34; 
3:180; 30:4. gracile, var. hamatum 36:132. 
vulgare 4:30 

Leucocoma 22:181; 46:346, 347, 469. albens 
46:480. canadensis 46:375. dasycarpa 46: 
480. dioica 46:435. Lunellii 46:439. thyr- 
soidea 46:439. vegeta 46:480 

Leucocrinum montanum, var. fibrosum 35: 

Leucodon brachypus 1:55; 14:49; 24:123. 
julaceus 14:49. sciuroides 1:55; 3:178; 4: 
30, 31, 183; 14:48, 49; 24:123 

Leucodontaceae 37:228 

Leucojum aestivum 13:179; 23:242, 244; 24: 
144; 44:344, 390; 45:359 

Leucolejeunea clypeata 10:190; 14:17; 15:24, 
27;25:197. unciloba 10:190; 15:24, 27; 25: 

Leucoloma Crugerianum 36:55 

Leuconymphaea 29:235, 237; 30:54, 57, 58 

Leucophyllum texanum 35:225; 37:77 

Leucophysalis grandiflora 4:190; 44:104, pl. 

Leucothoe 11:223; 23:109; 24:154; 41:554; 
44:29. § Eubotrys 41:554. acuminata 17: 
132, 137. axillaris 36:49; 39:477; 42:379; 
44:240; 47:169-171, pl. 900; 50:218; var. 
ambigens 47:168-171, pl. 901. Catesbaei 
47:169-171, pl. 902; 50:218. editorum 50: 
218. elongata 36:49; 41:554. platyphylla 
47:170, 171, pl. 900. populifolia 17:132, 137. 
racemosa 1:93; 2:125, 214; 5:204; 7:75; 8: 
28; 9:14; 14:19, 21; 20:115; 24:154; 32:151, 
210, 269; 36:33, 49; 39:474; 41:553, 554, pl. 
578; 49:23; var. elongata 41:554, pl. 578; 
var. projecta 41:553, 554, pl. 578. recurva 
46:138 ‘ 

Leveillea bidentata 21:206 

Levisticum 3:210; 6:124; 24:94. officinale 1: 
159; 6:124; 21:199; 23:277; 24:94. scoti- 
cum 1:159 

Lewisia pygmaea 37:363 

Liagora 50:135. hirta 14:59 

Liatris 7:158; 9:55; 12:14; 26:130; 31:37; 39: 
354; 40:156, 158; 44:34, 248; 46:148; 49:186. 
$ Suprago 48:167, 176, 235, 363, 409; ser. 
Graminifoliae 48:172, 177, 226, 232, 237, 246, 
260, 279, 285, 286; ser. Pauciflorae 48:177, 
279, 285, 286; ser. Pycnostachyae 48:169, 
173, 177, 237, 244, 246, 409; ser. Scariosae 
48:171, 177, 228, 259, 293, 311, 323, 331, 362, 
374, 380, 409; ser. Spicatae 48:168-170, 173, 
177, 225, 229, 232, 236, 237, 244, 246, 312; 
ser. Tenuifoliae 48:174, 177, 286. § Eulia- 
tris 48:167, 176, 177, 235, 312, 363; ser. 
Cylindraceae 48:177, 318, 373, 375; ser. 
Elegantes 48:177, 340; ser. Punctatae 48: 
169-171, 177, 235, 237, 346, 372; ser. Squar- 
rosae 48:173, 174, 177, 380, 393. acidota 48: 
178, 232-236, 366, 369, 373, 411; var. mucro- 

nata 48:364; var. vernalis 48:232, 234. alata 
48:411. amplexicaulis 48:410. angustifolia 
48:170, 235, 346, 357, 363, 365, 366, 368, 
370-372. aspera 48:168, 170, 173-175, 246, 
293, 301, 302, 310-312, 315-317, 323, 324, 
332, 382; X cylindracea 48:381; X punctata 
48:314; x pycnostachya 48:245; var. glabra 
48:300; var. intermedia 48:305, 311, 339; 
var. typica 48:302, 315. baicalensis 48:410. 
Bebbiana 48:238, 239, 243, 244. bellidifolia 
42:481; 48:410. borealis 48:168, 173, 294, 
331, 332, 334—336. botrys 48:411. x Boy- 
kinii 48:292. brachystachya 48:238, 243. 
bracteata 48:346, 367, 371. brasiliensis 48: 
410. carinata 48:277, 285. Chapmanii 48: 
279, 281. compacta 48:401. cordata 48: 
410. corymbosa 48:410. X creditonensis 
48:409. cylindracea 35:388; 48:168, 171, 
172, 174, 175, 312, 361, 373—375, 379, 380, 
382, 404, 405, 408, 409; x sphaeroidea 48: 
381; var. solitaria 48:376. cylindrica 48: 
347, 350, 361, 362. cymosa 48:171, 373, 375. 
x Deamii 48:313. densispicata 48:170, 
237, 346, 363. dubia 37:183; 48:250, 255, 
258. Earlei 48:294, 336, 339, 340. elegans 
35:361; 48:169, 173, 174, 292, 293, 340, 341, 
343, 345; 49:187; X tenuifolia 48:292; f. 
Fisheri 48:174, 340, 344; var. earizzana 48: 
169, 341, 344, 345; var. flabellata 48:341, 
345; var. typica 48:341, 344, 345. x fal- 
lacior 48:325, 362. flabellata 48:345. flex- 
uosa 48:376, 380. X Frostii 48:245, 246. 
fruticosa 48:410. Garberi 48:169, 178, 225, 
236, 237. glabrata 48:401, 404. X Glade- 
witzii 48:312, 381, 382. gracilis 48:176, 247, 
259, 273, 276, 277, 284. graminifolia 37:182, 
183; 39:477; 48:176, 221, 226, 232, 247, 248, 
255, 258-261, 263, 301; var. dubia 37:183; 
48:247, 250, 253, 256-262, 278; 49:187; var. 
elegantula 48:248, 254, 259, 277; var. lasia 
37:183; 39:476; 48:248, 258, 258; var. 
Smallii 37:182; 39:475; 45:478; 48:248, 
253, 259, 261, 263; 49:187; var. typica 48: 
247, 248, 255, 256, 261, 278; 49:187. Hay- 
wardii 48:318, 320, 324. Helleri 48:176, 247, 
259, 260, 263. Herrickii 48:318, 319, 324. 
heterophylla 48:301, 411, 412. hirsuta 48: 
399, 404. hirsutiflora 48:395. hirsutissima 
48:411. intermedia 48:376, 380, 404, 405, 
409. kansana 48:228, 229.  laevigata 48: 
170, 286, 288, 290—292. lanata 48:410. lan- 
ceolata 48:273, 276, 277. lancifolia 48:177, 
228-230, 243, 244. Langloisii 38:407; 48: 
238, 240, 244. latifolia 48:410. laxa 48:273. 
ligulistylis 48:168, 171-174, 176, 177, 246, 
293, 311, 318, 324, 325, 331, 332, 361—363, 374, 
380, 409, 410; X squarrosa, var. glabrata 48: 
409; f. leucantha 48:319. linaria 48:411. 
lobelioides 48:410. macrostachya 48:178. 
221, 222, 242. magnifica 48:178. marginata 
48:376. microcephala 48:168, 172, 178, 230. 
232, 236, 279. monocephala 48:376. mu- 
cronata 48:170, 232-235, 346, 357—360, 364- 
368, 370, 372; var. interrupta 48:361, 365. 
372; var. typica 48:364. X Nieuwlandii 
48:311, 312, 325. novae-angliae 48:333; f. 


albiflora 48:333; var. Nieuwlandii 48:325; 
f. alba 48:325; f. trilisioides 48:412. odora- 
tissima 48:410. Ohlingerae 48:373-375. 
oppositifolia 48:410. paniculata 46:148; 48: 
410. pauciflora 48:279, 281, 284—286. pauci- 
flosculosa 42:496; 48:273, 276. picta 48:411. 
pilosa 48:250, 253, 257-259, 263. propinqua 
48:250. pumila 48:411. punctata 38:360; 
48:168, 170, 172, 175, 176, 233, 237, 285, 314, 
315, 325, 346, 347, 350, 352, 354, 355, 357- 
362, 366, 367, 372, 404; var. B. 48:353, 356, 
357; var. y. 48:347, 348, 356; var. mexicana 
48:347, 354, 360, 361, 367; var. nebraskana 
48:314, 347, 353, 356—358, 363, 370, 371; var. 
turgida 48:172; var. typica 48:347, 356—358, 
360, 361, 363; f. coloradensis 48:351, 357, 
358, 360, 367. pycnostachya 26:130; 27:57, 
59; 31:38; 44:248; 48:170, 171, 173, 226, 229, 
230, 232, 242—246, 409, 411, 412; X squarrosa 
31:37; 48:245; a. 48:238; B. 48:238, 243; f. 
Hubrichti 48:238. radians 48:340. regio- 
montis 48:227, 247, 277, 278, 285, 286; 49: 
IS resinosa 45721758222: 2235353. X 
Ridgwayi 31:37, 38; 48:245, 409. rigida 
48:411. Rosendahlii 48:318, 319, 322-324. 
scabra 48:293, 316, 332, 340. scariosa 10: 
167; 26:130; 27:57, 62; 34:19; 36:222, 224; 
44:248, 256; 48:166, 173, 258, 293, 294, 298, 
300—302, 304, 308, 309, 311, 317, 318, 322, 
323, 332, 335, 338, 339, 375, 382, 404; Q. in- 
termedia 48:332; f. Benkei 34:19; 48:302; 
var. Deamii 48:313; var. sphaeroidea 48: 
382; var. squarrulosa 48:294, 296, 301; var. 
typica 48:294, 296, 300, 312, 336; 49:187; 
var. virginiana 48:293, 294, 296, 300, 311; 
49:187. secunda 48:279, 282, 284—286, 292. 
sessiliflora 48:217, 219, 223, 225. sphaeroidea 
48:302, 305, 309, 313, 315, 382; x cylindracea 
48:381; f. asperifolia 48:302; f. Benkii 48: 
302; var. salutans 48:302. X sphaeroidea 
48:168, 228, 311, 312, 382. spicata 1:171; 
10:164; 26:130; 27:57, 50; 85:301; 37:88; 
40:366, 459; 42:41; 48:168, 171, 174, 175, 
177, 178, 220—222, 224-226, 228, 229, 232, 
236, 242-245, 256, 261-263, 286, 312, 411, 
412; x sphaeroidea 48:227; B. macrostachya 
48:178; y. racemosa 48:250; f. albiflora 48: 
179, 227; f. montana 49:186; var. B. 48:217, 
222; var. macrostachya 48:222; var. mon- 
tana 48:216, 222; var. resinosa 48:216, 223- 
225, 227, 286; 49:98, 186; var. typica 48: 
178, 216, 217, 223—225, 227—229; 49:186; f. 
montana 48:216, 223, 229. squamosa 42: 
496; 48:411. squarrosa 31:38; 35:290; 36: 
221; 39:454, 482; 48:171—174, 220, 245, 333, 
361, 376, 379, 380, 393, 395, 401, 403—406, 408, 
409; B. 48:406; B. floribunda 48:395; 8. in- 
termedia 48:376; var. 6. 48:394; var. alaba- 
mensis 48:394, 398; var. compacta 48:394, 
401, 406-408; var. floribunda 48:403; var. 
glabrata 48:380, 394, 398, 401, 406-410; 
var. gracilenta 48:394, 397, 398, 403, 405— 
408, 412; var. hirsuta 48:380, 394, 399, 401, 
407, 408; var. intermedia 48:394, 402, 404, 
405, 407; var. typica 48:394, 401, 404, 405, 
407, 408; 49:187. squarrulosa 48:296, 300, 


312, 336, 338, 339. X Steelei 48:227, 312. 
stricta 48:376, 380. tenuifolia 48:175, 286, 
288, 290—293, 345; B. 48:289; var. laevigata 
48:289; var. quadriflora 48:289, 290. to- 
mentosa 42:481; 46:148; 48:411. tricho- 
toma 48:411. turbinata 48:412. turgida 
48:168, 247, 258, 259, 261; 49:187. umbel- 
lata 48:411. uniflora 48:412. varia 48:301, 
412. virgata 48:250, 253. Walteri 42:384, 
481; 44:256; 48:411. x Weaveri 48:314, 

Libellus rhombicus 9:134 

Libinia canaliculata 10:125, 158 

Libocedrus decurrens 49:228 

Licea minima 29:170 

Lichen digitatus 40:10. fibula 40:22. pyxida- 
tus B. major 37:54. radiatus 40:21, 22 

Lichenes 9:36 

Lichens 3:257, 282, 285, 287; 4:172; 5:234; 
7:77; 11:100, 128, 132; 13:15, 91; 14:88; 
15:98; 18:94; 20:40; 22:181; 23:69, 183, 
184; 28:157, 205, 225; 29:97; 32:60; 35:149; 
36:183; 320900; 38 DEZ 116133; 41:142; 
42:417; 50:288, 290, 291 

Licmophora flabellata 9:138; 26:193, 216. 
Juergensii 9:138. Lyngbyei 26:193, 216. 
tincta 9:138; 26:193, 216 

Licorice 45:378 

Licorice-root Fern 24:129 

Life Everlasting 7:156 

Lignum 9:51 

Ligusticum 18:29; 24:94. actaeifolium 3:209; 
21:145, 146. apiifolium 10:13. canadense 
35:288; 36:24, 230; 43:490, 618; 45:378; 47: 
162; 50:217. Gmelini 28:221; 41:268, 269. 
Hultenii 32:7-9, pl. 194; 41:161, 266. 
Macounii 41:160, 163, 266. mutelloides, 
subsp. alpinum 41:267. scothicum 3:210; 
7:197: 8:80; 13:215. 216: 017: 14850182407 
24:94; 26:188, 227; 28:63; 29:123, 183, 217; 
32:7-9, 161, 214, 268, pl. 193; 33:122; 34: 
54; 36:282; 41:266, 519, 520; 50:298. vul- 
gare 26:227; 50:298 

Ligustrum 24:233; 47:281. sinense 39:353, 
442; 47:171. vulgare 4:17, 74; 24:233; 32: 
159, 271; 40:443; 42:45 

Lilae 11:32, 127. Common 12:184 

Lilaea 46:205, 206. scilloides 46:205, 206. 
subulata 44:8; 46:205 

Lilaeopsis 23:111; 24:94; 26:93, 94; 33:36; 
39:408, 409; 42:371, 373, 506, 515, map 7. 
attenuata 26:94. carolinensis 26:94; 36: 
48; 39:408; 42:367, 371, 470, 506, 508, map 
6; 49:90. chinensis 26:93; 32:177, 212; 36: 
24; 38:438; 39:365, 472; 42:391, 470, 506, 
510, 513. lineata 14:170; 15:76; 23:110, 
277; 24:94, 151; 26:93, 94; 40:463. occi- 
dentalis 26:94. Schaffneriana 26:94 

Lilia 49:137 

Liliaceae 5:246; 6:110; 10:128; 11:131; 25:7, 
157; 26:223; 28:73; 29:210; 31:11, 43; 32: 
244; 36:279; 37:386; 43:79, 83; 44:454; 45: 
308, 443; 46:1, 2, 11; 47:206; 48:266; 49: 
255, 288; 50:294, 301. subfam. Asphode- 
loideae 9:37 


Lilies 42:381, 444; 44:221, 454; 48:102. Cow 
21:183, 184. Water 21:183 

Liliiflorae 48:267 

Lilium 6:110; 7:160, 161, 190; 10:129; 13:227; 
21:180; 42:403; 44:220, 221; 47:385; 49:137. 
canadense 2:217; 3:129; 4:89; 10:129; 12: 
111; 13:141, 161; 15:217; 16:13; 23:130, 300, 
pl. 130 (map 10); 37:356; 40:274; 44:225, 
407, 453-455, fig. 1; 45:394, 395, 512-515, 
pl. 771; 46:86, 87; f. rubrum 44:454 ; 45:304; 
var. editorum 45:393-395, pl. 771. caro- 
linianum 41:471, 485, 538, map 13; 46:80. 
Catesbaei 42:381, 443, 444, pl. 632; var. 
Longii 42:443, 444, pl. 632; 44:349. 
Michauxii 42:382; 46:80; 49:133. michi- 
ganense 35:362; 44:220, 222—220, 453-455, 
fig. 1; 45:394, 395, 512, 514; 46:86, 87. phil- 
adelphicum 2:217; 4:89; 10:129; 11:131; 
15:217; 19:164; 32:216, 244; f. flaviflorum 
15:218; var. andinum 36:279. superbum 
2:217; 13:8; 19:127; 24:84; 32:117, 212; 
35:362; 38:98; 39:470; 44:220, 221, 223-227, 
453-455; 45:395, 512-515; 46:21-23, 86, 87. 
tigrinum 6:110; 7:39; 8:65; 10:129; 16:39; 
26:223; 31:83; 32:159, 244; 50:301 

Lily 21:180; 45:512, 513; 46:21, 22. Adder's- 
tongue 46:314. Cow 4:93; 10:49. Day 25: 
175. Fairy 21:75. Water 10:49; 13:191; 
29:235-237, 239. White Pond 10:49. Yel- 
low Pond 16:137, 139. Water 29:235-237 

Lily-of-the-Valley 25:174; 28:57; 46:12 

Limnanthemum 10:55; 22:89. aquaticum 10: 
55. lacunosum 1:184; 2:201; 4:76; 5:134; 
7:75, 110; 10:54; 40:338, 340; a 40:338, 339; 
8. australe 40:339. trachyspermum 10:55; 

Limnetis cynosuroides 49:115. juncea 49:114, 
115; var. monogyna 49:114, 115 

Limnobium 38:401; 44:379. Bosci 44:379. 
Spongia 38:377, 384; 39:481; 42:512, 529; 
44:365, 370, 378, 379; 45:461 

Limnocharis albibracteata 31 :179. 
3:202, 205, pl. 33 

Limnochloa 31:124, 127, 179. 
153. articulata 31:131. 
calyptrata 39:266. capensis 41:61, 97. cau- 
duciflora 26:158. constricta 39:261. crassi- 
culmis 39:259. fistulosa 31:153. geniculata 
41:51. media 31:153. montevidensis 41: 
71. mutata 31:184. obsoleta 41:11. ob- 
tusetrigona 31:161; 41:4. parvula 31:169. 


acutangula 31: 
Baeothryon 31:172. 

spiralis 31:135. tetraquetra 41:100. trun- 
cata 41:68 

Limnoecia phragmitella 43:91 

Limnorchis 4:79. dilatata 4:80; 6:111. fra- 

grans 4:80, 81; 6:111. huronensis 4:79, 81. 
hyperborea 4:80, 81; 6:111. major 4:79, 81. 
media 4:79-81; 7:106; 10:70 

Limodorum 27:193-196. altum 23:132. fal- 
catum 27:107. praecox 48:190, 191. pul- 
chellum 27:195. Royleanum 27:106. tube- 
rosum 8:29; 13:220; 21:119; 23:132; 27:193- 
196; 28:139; f. latifolium 48:188; var. nanum 

Limonietum 39:54. trichogonum 39:56 


Limonium 11:54; 18:54-56, 94, 156; 19:1; 24: 
232; 25:55; 29:1. angustatum 18:54, 57-60, 
65, pl. 118; 25:55-57. brasiliense 18:54, 58. 
californicum 18:54, 57, 60, 61, 64, 66, pl. 
119; 25:56, 58, 60. carolinianum 11:229; 
17:35, 147, 217, 221; 18:53, 54, 57-59, 61-65, 
98, pl. 118; 24:232; 25:55-59; 32:159, 270; 
39:53, 374, 375; var. angustatum 25:56-59; 
38:439. collinum 18:158. commune, var. 
californieum 18:64. Endlichianum 18:57, 
60; 25:59. eximium, var. album 18:158; 
var. superbum 18:158. imbricatum 18: 
158. latifolium, var. album 18:158; var. 
roseum 18:158. Lefroyi 18:54. limbatum 
18:54, 57, 64-66, pl. 119; 25:59, 60. mexi- 
canum 18:54, 57, 59, 65, pl. 118; 25:56, 57, 
59. Nashii 18:54, 57, 58, 61, 63-65, pl. 118; 
25:55, 57-59; var. trichogonum 25:58; 32: 
270; 38:439. obtusilobum 18:57, 63, 66, 
pl. 119; 25:60. Perezii 18:158. profu- 
sum 18:158. purpuratum 18:158; var. 
longifolium 18:158. sinuatum, var. candi- 
dissimum 18:159. superbum 18:159; 
var. flore-albo 18:159. Suworowii, var. 
album 18:159. tataricum, var. angusti- 
folium 18:159; var. coccineum 18:159; 
var. nanum 18:159. trichogonum 18:53, 
57, 61, 63, 66, pl. 119; 20:106; 24:232; 25: 
60; 25:55, 58; 29:89; 39:53, 54. vulgare, 
159 album 18:159; var. macrocladum 18: 

Limosella 12:143; 20:162; 25:64. aquatica 
10:20; 20:160—163; 23:110; 28:87, 225; 33: 
74; 36:308; 43:209; 48:115, 116; var. tenui- 
folia 4:33; 7:33, 36; 12:120, 143; 13:182; 
15:76; 19:248; 20:160, 161, 164; 25:64; 32: 
274. maritima 20:162, 164. subulata 20: 
162-164; 23:110, 150, 290; 24:182; 25:64; 
26:222; 27:203; 32:149, 173, 177, 214, 274; 
33:73, 74; 37:380, 416, 440; 43:209; 50:299. 
tenuifolia 20:160, 162, 164 

Linaceae 6:121; 21:78; 31:43; 32:257; 36:282; 

Linagrostis 7:129, 130. alpina 8:161. 
culata 7:87. polystachia 7:88 

Linanthus Harknessii 41:506 

Linaria 6:128; 11:56; 25:64; 41:382; 49:254. 
bipartita 24:119. canadensis 2:168, 169; 5: 
129; 7:33; 17:36, 209, 218, 220; 18:43; 23: 
290; 24:88; 25:64; 26:186, 227; 32:151, 273; 
36:43, 49, 54; 37:322; 38:443; 41:558; 44: 
343; 50:299; f. albina 45:476; f. cleisto- 
gama 38:443; var. texana 36:220; 41:490, 
558. Cymbalaria 7:33, 36; 25:64. dalma- 
tica 50:214. Elatine 7:33, 36; 25:64. geni- 
staefolia 9:14; 14:234; 25:64; 43:556. Lin- 
aria 6:128; 9:51. minor 12:142; 14:204; 
16:40; 18:71; 20:107; 23:132, 290; 25: 
64; 34:176; 41:473, 558. odorata 46:324. 
perenne 45:329. repens 25:04; 31:85; 49: 
251. reticulata 24:119. Spartea 24:119. 
supina 25:64. vulgaris 6:128; 7:27, 33; 11: 
130; 14:235; 17:36, 217; 23:131; 25:64; 26: 
227; 32:160, 274; 36:220; 39:319; 40:443; 
42:338; 49:251; 50:303; f. leucantha 23:290 

Lindera 8:197, 198; 47:140. Benzoin 4:132; 


INDEX ro VoLuMEs 1—50 147 

5:134; 6:85; 8:196, 198; 47:141, 142, pl. 889. 
triloba 20:99. umbellata 20:99 

Lindernia 16:88; 44:162, 441. anagallidea 46: 
139; 48:330; 50:299. attenuata 7:35; 10:67. 
dubia 44 :441—446, pls. 731, 732; subsp. major 
44:442 446, pls. 731, 733; subsp. typica 44: 
442; var. inundata 44:356, 445, 446, pl. 733; 
var. riparia 44:444—446, pl. 732. pyxi- 
daria 10:67. refracta 44:256 

Ling 10:175; 15:189; 28:52. Scotch 10:178 

Ling-berry 12:23 

Lingon 12:23 

Lingonris 4:232 

Linnaea 3:34, 149; 6:125, 130; 13:217; 18:185; 
21:31; 22:181; 23:109; 26:15; 33:109; 41: 
290; 44:30. americana 6:56, 130; 24:210- 
212; 29:220. borealis 1:184, 192, 200; 2:201, 
218; 3:176, 188; 5:50; 6:54, 56, 130; 7:110; 
22:134, 181; 24:210-212; 27:13, 14; 28:81; 
29:189, 220; 33:178; 41:146; 42:311, 339; 
f. curticalyx 24:212; f. integerrima 24:212; 
f. minutifolia 24:212; var. americana 6:56; 
13:78, 125; 17:152; 18:483, 71; 19:249; 22: 
40, 43, 48; 24:210-212; 25:11; 26:15; 29: 
189; 32:179, 206; 33:51, 125; 34:55; 36:284; 
37:206; 38:158; 41:290; 42:339; var. longi- 
flora 24:210-212; f. angustissima 24:212; f. 
insularis 24:212; f. orientalis 24:212. longi- 
flora 24:212. serpyllifolia 24:210, 211 

Linosyris squamata 40:320, 321; var. Breweri 
40:320, 321; var. Palmeri 40:320, 322 

Linum 6:121; 14:56; 21:78; 47:385. Ber- 
landieri 34:6. catharticum 5:119; 13:116; 
14:56; 15:203; 22:111; 23:68; 32:17; 35: 
15, 277, 278; 48:634; 47:68, 362. floridanum 
12:190; 13:151; 18:224; 37:428-430, 453, pl. 
396; 39:435, 467, 481; 47:216; 50:17; var. 
intercursum 18:224; 19:229; 32:177, 212. 
intercursum 18:224 ; 37 :429, 430, 453, pl. 396; 
39:475, 481, 487; 50:17. Lewisii 36:282; 41: 
254; 42:333; 45:313. medium 3:64; 6:141; 
19:229; 21:78; 24:117; 35:363; 37:427-430, 
453, pl. 396; var. texanum 37:428-430, 453, 
pl. 396; 38:377; var. typicum 37:428, 429, 
pl. 396. perenne 41:254. rigidum 34:6. 
San-Sabeanum 40:50, 51. striatum 11:83; 
21:78; 24:88; 32:177, 257; 36:220; 37:350, 
429-431; var. multijugum 37:431. sulca- 
LUIS b: P415 10:45. 15:07: 21:78:135:388; 
36:220; 38:192; 48:115. usitatissimum 6: 
78, 121; 9:119; 21:78. virginianum 1:43, 
205; 2:157; 3:65; 14:28; 21:78; 24:185; 32: 
257; 37:428, 429; y. angustifolium 37:428; 
var. a. microcarpum 37:428; var. 8. medium 
37:428; var. B. oppositifolium 37:431; var. 
8. ? texanum 37:428, 429 

Liochlaena lanceolata 4:30 

Dip28riS 2:172: 0.11255 wie eo 50-1 T 78 19: 
57; 31:8, 15; 40:249; 48:189; 49:137. lili- 
folia 1:26, 103; 2:180; 4:18, 20, 21, 74; 11: 
78; 12:168; 23:197; 34:19; 37:381, 413, 437; 
38:378; 40:252; 42:40; 49:137; f. viridiflora 
34:18. Loeselu 1:181; 3:189; 4:19, 62; 5: 
82; 6:112; 11:78, 200; 19:30, 57, 131; 22:43, 
47; 23:141, 245; 25:45; 32:124, 125, 178, 213, 

246; 34:18, 191, 192; 40:251, 252; 42:200; 

Lipocarpha maculata 39:353, 359, 389, 476 

Lippia 7:159; 30:54. cuneifolia 34:6. lanceo- 
lata 37:181, 178, 188, pl. 350; 38:378; 39: 
477; 40:372; var. recognita 37:178, 188, 
pl.350. ligustrina 37:78. nodiflora 37 :439; 
38:378; 39:482; 42:370, 389, 478, 510 

Liquidambar 1:130; 9:37; 21:50, 190; 28:35; 
32:95, 98, 99; 33:30, 91; 38:440; 39:330; 41: 
484; 45:108. peregrina 40:379, 411, 412. 
Styraciflua 1:130; 2:37; 14:81; 18:246, 247; 
20:196; 21:49; 32:95, 98, 100, pls. 200, 201; 
37 :351—354, 361, figs. 1, 2A, 2B (maps); 38: 
377; 40:452 

Liquidambareae 32:95; 33:81 

Liriodendron 18:217; 17:224; 21:190; 32:98, 
99; 37:308; 41:484; 42:512; 49:83; 50:36. 
Tulipifera 2:122; 13:217; 21:189; 32:12; 33: 
32; 37:437; 39:473 

Listera 1:111; 6:112; 7:159; 9:53; 11:78; 18: 
71; 19:57; 24:187; 35:61; 42:151. auricu- 
lata 1:111; 3:152; 4:19; 6:139, 193; 13:116, 
138; 24:187; 44:120; 48:82. australis 19: 
31, 51; 22:15; 23:126; 24:87, 187, 188; 25: 
47; 37:308; 38:402. Banksiana 50:231, 232, 
pl. 1116. borealis 29:141; 35:60, 61, 241; 
36:329; 41:149, 215. caurina 50:232, 233, 
pl. 1116. convallarioides 1:111, 193; 3:172; 
4:19; 6:112; 10:140; 11:92: 13:188: 18:71: 
21:192; 22:40, 47; 23:137, 170; 24:187; 28: 
75; 29:121, 129, 150, 211; 32:205; 35:277; 
50:232, 233, pl. 1117. cordata 1:111, 184; 3: 
17254:1921; 5:82; 0 H13; 11:78, 02: 13: 
138; 17:154; 19:57, 131; 22:40, 43, 47; 24: 
187; 25:8; 29:132, 156, 211; 32:205; 33:119; 
34:52; 36:279; 37:64, 206. Eschscholziana 
50:232, pl. 1117. ovata 3:202. Smallii 37: 

Listeras 1:111 

Lithoderma fatiscens 8:158 

Lithodesmium undulatum 9:139 

Lithophyllum macrocarpum 50:206. pustula- 
tum 50:266, 267 

Lithosiphon 40:26. pusillus 1:126; 40:26, 27 

Lithospermum 25:30; 46:497. angustifolium 
3:215; 34:6; 46:496, 497. arvense 1:82; 2: 
205; 3:214; 13:89; 25:30; 40:445; 50:124. 
bejariense 37:330. callosum 46:496, 497. 
canescens 36:224. carolinianum 37:330. 
caroliniense 17:131, 137; 34:206; 36:54; 37: 
329-331, 341, pl. 376; 43:498, 506, 637. cilia- 
tum 46:496. croceum 37:329, 331, 341, pl. 
376. digynum 46:496. Gmelini 17:131, 
137; 37:70, 329, 330. heliotropioides 46 :496. 
hirtum 37:329, 330. hispidum 46:496. lati- 
folium 25:30; 46:496, 497; 50:124. lutescens 
46:496; 50:124. luteum 46:496, 497. offici- 
nale 3:214; 12:170; 35:248; 47:390. strigo- 
sum 37:330 

Lithothamnion 2:210; 10:156; 26:189. cir- 
cumscriptum 2:50. colliculosum 2:50. 
compactum 2:50; 23:67. evanescens 2:50. 
flabellatum 2:50. foecundum 2:50. glaciale 
7:243; 23:67. laeve 2:50. laevigatum 2: 
50; 7:235. Lenormandi 2:50; 26:214; 50: 


266. norvegicum 2:50. polymorphum 2: 
50; 23:67; 50:266. Ungeri 2:50; var. fasti- 
giatum 2:50 

Litsea 15:18; 33:53; 47:150; 49:86. aestivalis 
47:140, 142, pl. 888. geniculata 42:362, 
397; 43:492; 47:140, 142, 150, pl. 888 

Littorella 7:158; 24:203; 36:350. americana 
20:62; 23:135; 24:203; 28:86; 33:79; 36: 
194, 350; 37:31; 49:251. lacustris 4:129; 
23:135; 37:31. uniflora 20:61, 62; 21:191; 
22:16; 33:79; 36:194; 41:56 

Littorina 50:260 

Live Oak 46:44 

Liverwort(s) 4:81; 5:50; 13:221; 23:70; 27: 

Lloydia 36:10. serotina 34:245; 36:10; 41: 
147, 160, 214; 42:319 

Loasaceae 34:166, 167; 43:92 

Loaseae 8:226 

Lobaria 29:98. amplissima 29:99. laciniata 
28:227. pulmonaria 28:227. scrobiculata 

Lobelia 6:130; 26:19; 33:39; 38:241-263, fig. 
1; 39:203, 345; 40:175; 46:306, 307; 47:102, 
385; 50:48, 192. $ Eulobelia 38:244, 245. 
$ Hemipogon 38:244, 245. amaena 38:284. 
amoena 38:248, 251, 254, 256, 260, 283, 285, 
297, 359, fig. 2, 7 (map), pl. 435; 40:175-177 ; 
var. glandulifera 38:286, 292; var. obtusata 
38:286. antisiphilitica 38:279. aphylla 38: 
354. appendiculata 38:248—250, 253, 255, 
256, 262, 313, 321, 327-329, figs. 2, 19 
(map), 23 (map). Berlandieri 38:258. 
Bolhi 38:282. Boykinii 38:248, 249, 255, 
261, 326, 351, fig. 2, 22 (map); 45:55. brac- 
teata 38:305. brevifolia 38:248, 251, 252, 
255, 256, 259, 286, 288, 290, 291, figs. 2, 11 
(map); X puberula 38:291. Canbyi 38: 
248, 249, 252, 255, 261, 324, 325, 359, figs. 2, 
21 (map), pl. 435; 45:55. Cardinalis 3:296— 
298; 4:15; 5:284-286, pl. 49; 6:142; 9:120, 
122; 21:217; 26:19; 27:200; 31:147; 32:210, 
276; 35:252, 360, 364; 37:195, 350, 354; 38: 
243, 246, 248, 250, 254, 255, 257, 259, 276, 
359, figs. 2, 3 (map), pl. 435; 40:175, 176; 
42:104; B. alba 21:218; y. candida 21:218; 
f. alba 21:218; 24:120; 26:19; 42:47, 104; 
f. rosea 21:217; 42:47; var. alba 21:218. 
Claytoniana 38:308; 40:175-177. Cliffor- 
tiana 38:245, 258, 322, 323, 355, 359, pl. 435; 
var. brachypoda 38:258; var. xalapensis 38: 
355. crassiuscula 38:288. Dortmanna 1: 
155, 184; 2:125; 4:15, 76; 5:50, 130, 134; 6: 
130; 7:110; 9:119; 11:98, 129; 13:139; 14: 
26, 30; 15:204; 22:136; 23:102; 26:19; 29: 
131, 220; 33:39, 113, 125; 35:85, 87, 311, 
map 8; 36:128, 350; 38:243, 247, 253-255, 
257, 261, 340, 357-359, figs. 2, 30 (map), 
pl. 435; 41:56. Douglassii 50:107, 124. 
elongata 38:248, 251, 254, 255, 260, 283-2806. 
292, 378, 445, figs. 2, 8 (map); 39:476, 497; 
40:175-177, 181; 42:279, 511, 513; 44:241, 
369, 458; 45:461; 49:90, 185, 186. Erynus 
50:107. faleata 38:356. Feayana 38:248, 
255, 256, 261, 354, 359, figs. 2, 28 (map), pl. 
435. fenestralis 38:245, 252, 258. flaccidi- 

folia 38:248, 250, 255, 256, 262, 347, figs. 2, 
24 (map). floridana 38:248, 250, 253, 255, 
256, 261, 349-351, 359, figs. 2, 25 (map), pl. 
435. fulgens 38:243, 250, 259, 362. Gat- 
tingeri 38:248—250, 255, 256, 262, 327, 328, 
346, 359, figs. 2, 23 (map), pl. 435; 42:6; 46: 
307. georgiana 49:89. glandulifera 38:248, 
251, 254, 255, 260, 286, figs. 2, 9 (map); 39: 
339, 343, 345, 363, 450, 477, 486, map 20; 41: 
478; 42:362; 43:492; 45:377, 477; 47:102; 
49:89. glandulosa 38:248, 251, 255, 256, 260, 
288, 291, 292, 359, figs. 2, 10 (map), pl. 435; 
39:476, 497; 40:175-177; 41:537; 49:185, 
186; 50:192, 193; B. glabra 49:186; y. ob- 
tusifolia 49:184; var. glabra 38:284; 49:186; 
var. laevicalyx 49:186. goodenioides 38: 
308. gracilis 38:352; 40:176. gruina 38: 
245, 258. Halei 38:248, 250, 253, 255, 250, 
262, 347—349, figs. 2, 24 (map). hirtella 38: 
313. inflata 3:296, 297; 4:15; 5:129; 6:130; 
9:122; 18:43; 21:170; 26:19; 32:176; 38: 
248, 249, 255, 257, 261, 322, 359, figs. 2, 20 
(map), pl. 435; 40:176; 46:27; x Cardinalis 
3:296. Kalmi 1:40, 48; 4:15; 6:130; 9:164, 
189, 190; 12:112, 114, 117; 13:138; 14:199; 
15:121; 18:101; 19:64; 26:19; 32:18; 35: 
91; 37:204, 366; 38:247, 252-255, 257, 261, 
352, 355, 359, figs. 2, 29 (map), pl. 435; 40: 
176; 44:457; var. caroliniana 38:352; var. 
gracilis 38:352; var. strictiflora 38:356. lep- 
tostachvs 36:231; 38:249, 305, 346; 40:177. 
ludoviciana 38:290, 348. Michauxii 38:322. 
microphylla 38:354. nivea 38:308. nudi- 
caulis 38:350. Nuttalli 37:380, 413, 446; 
38:248, 252, 255, 256, 261, 324, 352, 355, 359, 
figs. 2, 27 (map), pl. 435; 39:198, 477; 40: 
176. pallida 38:308, 318, 350; 40:175-177. 
paludosa 38:248, 250, 253, 255, 256, 261, 350, 
figs. 2, 26 (map) ; 40:176, 177; var. floridana 
38:349. paniculata 38:319. puberula 37: 
350, 356; 38:248, 251—253, 255, 256, 260, 278, 
284, 291, 292, 297, 308, 317, 359, 377, figs. 2, 
18 (map), pl. 435; 39:497; 40:175-177; 49: 
182-186; 8. glabella 49:184; f. candida 41: 
570; form a 38:293, 294, 296, fig. 12 (map); 
form b 38:295, 296; form c 38:296; form d 
38:296; var. glabella 38:284, 292, 294, 296; 
40:175, 177; 49:184, 185; var. laeviuscula 
49:184; var. mineolana 38:297; 49:186; 
var. obtusifolia 49:184; var. pauciflora 38: 
207; var. simulans 49:184.  sessilifolia 38: 
245. siphilitica 1:171; 4:15, 20; 5:284—280, 
pl. 49; 13:218; 24:184; 26:19; 34:64; 35: 
360; 38:246, 248, 251, 254, 255, 257, 259, 278, 
282, 284, 359, 366, figs. 2, 5 (map), pl. 435; 
39:497; 40:175, 176; 41:475, 570; 43:520, 
652; 44:240; 45:477; x Cardinalis 5:284— 
286, pl. 49; f. laevicalyx 45:476; var. ludo- 
viciana 38:251, 255, 259, 281, 282, figs. 2, 6 
(map). spicata 4:15, 75; 5:131; 26:19; 38: 
246, 248—256, 305, 308, 317, 319, 321, 322, 324, 
329, pl. 436; 40:177; 43:343; 49:184; var. 
campanulata 38:249, 255, 263, 316, 317, 
359, figs. 2, 17 (map), pl. 435; var. hirtella 
38:249, 250, 255, 256, 262, 306, 310, 313—316, 
318, 321, 329, figs. 2, 16 (map), 19 (map); 


var. leptostachys 38:248, 249, 251, 253, 255, 
256, 262, 305, 306, 310, 312, 313, 319, figs. 2, 
14 (map), 19 (map); 40: 175, 177; var. 
originalis 38:249, 253, 255, 250, 263, 306, 

308-310, 313, 316-319, 321, 359, figs. 2, 15 

(map), 19 (map), pl. 435; 40: WO: var. 
parv iflora 38: 308, 312; var. scaposa 38: 249, 
255, 262, 317, 318, 320, figs. 2, 18 (map); 
40:176, 177. splendens 38: 243, 250, 258, 259, 
277, 362, fig. 4 (map). strictiflora 38:356. 
x 'syphilitico- cardinalis 5:284—286, pl. 49. 
urens 38:243. xalapensis 38:258, 355, 359 
Lobelia, Water 36:128 

Lobeliaceae 4:15; 6:180; 18:43; 21:170; 26: 

19; 29:220; 31: 43; 32: :276; 49: 255, 288 
Lobeliae 38:244 
Lobelias 38:243, 245, 257 ; 40:175 
Lobelioideae 38:243, 244 

Loblolly Bay 44:364; 49:151, 152. Pine 23: 

195; 47:102; 50:183, 184. Tree 49:152 
Lobomonas rostrata 50:277 
Lobularia 18:219. maritima 18:219 

Locust 7:125; 11:128. Black 25:173. Clammy 

12:181. Common 12: 181. Honey 17:49 

Loeflingia texana 45:268 

Loiseleuria 3:156; 9:54; 13:123; 29:227; 40: 
278. procumbens 1:93; 2: 97; 3:165, 175, 
195; 9:154, 162, 169, 177; bb: 97; 12:107; 13: 
117; 22:37, 44, 46; 27: 52; 28:56; 29: 218; 
35: 5, IDS 1257283: 41: 148, 163, 275; 42:335; 

Lolium 6:106; 7:160, 161; 15:148; 47:280; 48: 
26; 49:267. Boucheanum 19:121. multi- 
florum 15:148; 19:121; 37:83; 44:70; 48: 

21; 49:267; f. submuticum 43: 532; var. 

diminutum 19: 121; 48:21; 49:267. perenne 

6:97, 106; 15: 148; 16: 87; 19:121; 23:123; 
29:207; 31: 83; 40: 373; 44: 70; 48: 21; 49: 

267. temulentum 1: 105; 6: 138; 12: 185; 15: 
148; 48:21; 49:267; var. leptochaeton 12: 

185: 15: 148; 19: 121; 48:21; 49:207 
Lomaria re 161 

Lomatium 21:182; 34:6; 40:180. daucifolium 

36:224, 232. Gormani 29:35 

Lomatogonium 21:193, 194, 197. brachyan- 
therum 21:197.  carinthiacum 21:194, 197; 
var. Stellerianum 21:197. diffusum 21: 
198. Forresti 21:197. Lubahnianum 21: 
198. macranthum 21:197. minus 21: 
198. rotatum 21:194, 196, 197; 28:53, 54, 
60; 31:143; 41:161, 280; 49:154; f. ameri- 
canum 21:197 i f. ovalifolium 21:197; 44: 
144; f. tenuifolium 21:197; 42:337; f. 
typicum 21:197. spathulatum 21:198. 

suleatum 21:195. Thomsoni 21:197 
Lombardy Poplar 16:206 
Lomentaceae 47:385 

Lomentaria Baileyana 50:266. orcadensis 43: 
74. rosea 2:50; 3:135; 35:151. uncinata 2: 
50; 7:232; 35:148; 50:266; var. filiformis 2: 

Lonchocarpus 47:289, 290 
Long Blackberry 10:121 
Long-leaf Pine 41:488; 42:365; 43:487; 45: 
369, 374—376; 50: 182-186, 241—247 
Long-tongued Bees 41:185 

Lonicera 4:40; 6:23, 130; 11:211; 12:166, 167, 
184; 10:118; 23:110; 26:15; 27:1, 2; 29: 
188; 33:110; 40:145. § Chlamydocarpi 11: 
210. 8 Vesicariae 11:210. sub-8 Coeruleae 
27:1. subgen. Chamaecerasus 11:211. sub- 
gen. Periclymenum 11:211; 27:7. alba 16: 
118, 119. bella 24:120; 41:35. caerulea 1: 
97, 180, 183; 2:123, 208; 3:65, 177, 198; 4: 
24; 6:54, 56, 130; 10:167; 11:209-211; 12: 
209; 27:1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 11; 29:188, 220; var. 
angustifolia 11:210; var. calvescens 12:210, 
211; 26:15; 27:3, 8, 9; 38:158; var. cana- 
densis 12:210; var. villosa 6:56; 9:163, 190; 
11:98; 12:109, 117, 129, 209-211; 17:150; 
22:38; 26:15; 27:1-3, 5-8; 34:55. canaden- 
sis 6:24, 54, 56, 130; 12:129, 184; 13:141, 
161; 14:75; 15:121; 16:118; 17:152; 19:249; 
21:130, 199; 22:134; 24:120; 26:15; 32:206; 
33:110, 125. cauriana 27:10. ciliata 5:36; 
6:24, 56, 97, 130; 16:118. conjugialis 11: 
211. dioica 1:222; 3:235; 6:24, 54; 13:182; 
15:118; 42:103, 104, 292. emphyllocalyx 11: 
210. Ferdinandi 11:210. flava 12:167; 36: 
231. flavescens 12:167. flavida 12:167. 
glauca 3:235; 4:131; 6:24. glaucescens 25: 
213. Griffithii 11:211. hirsuta 6:54, 56; 26: 
15; 48:202, 203. involucrata 7:5; 10:20; 
11:211; 13:115; 23:248; 26:125; 36:284; 44: 
106, 120. japonica 6:54, 57; 26:15, 228; 32: 
159, 276; 35:364; 37:380; 40:443; 50:65, 
300. Morrowi 6:54, 57; 10:151; 19:248; 
24:181; 26:15; 28:39; 20:245; 44:334. ob- 
longifolia 6:54, 57, 130; 9:189; 11:211; 12: 
117-119; 13:111, 217, 221; 19:32; 21:65; 24: 
100; 29:110; 41:35. parviflora, var. Sulli- 
vantii 12:167. Periclymenum 23:291. pro- 
lifera 12:166, 167; 26:16. reticulata 12: 
166. rupestris 12:166. sempervirens 4:40; 
6:54, 57; 12:176, 184; 26:16; 36:51; var. 
flava 26:16; var. Sullivantii 12:167. Solonis 
27:2, 6. Sullivantii 12:166, 167; 26:16. ta- 
tarica 6:54, 57; 16:40; 19:249; 26:16; 28: 
39; 42:46. velutina 27:2, 5; 29:188, 220. 
venulosa 27:4. vesicaria 11:210. villosa 
27 :2, 4—8, 10, 11; 28:59, 76; 29:130, 188, 220; 
34:55; 35:122; var. calvescens 27:5, 8; 29: 
130, 189, 220; 38:158; var. Fulleri 27:5, 10; 
var. Solonis 27:5, 6, 8, 9; 33: 112, 125; 37: 
332; var. tonsa 27:5, 9, 10; 38:207; 47:45; 
var. typica 27:5; 29:188; 36:284. Xylos- 
teum 6:54, 57; 26:16 

Loosestrife(s) 1:131; 43:342. Purple 32:14. 
Spiked 32:109 

Lophanthus4:88. anisatusl:171. nepetoides 
8:223. scrophulariaefolius 1:220; 2:126; 4: 
89, 94; var. mollis 1:220 

Lophatherum 21:216 

Lophiocarpus calycinus 24:73 

Lophiola 21:68; 23:92, 160-163, 168, 300, 
pl. 130 (map 17); 32:170; 40:273; 43:36. 
americana 23:163, 243, 244; 24:167; 40:274; 
44:233; 45:55, 415; 50:125. aurea 21:68; 
23:162, 163, 243; 40:355; 45:415, 512; 50: 
125. septentrionalis 23:243, 244; 24:107; 

Lophocolea 19:270. alata 17:107, 111, 112; 


21:169; 25:194, 198. Austini 5:172; 8:37, 
39, 41; 15:28. bidentata 5:172; 7:58; 15: 
24; 17:112; 25:194; 26:8. crocata 8:37, 40. 
cuspidata 17:111, 112; var. alata 17:111. 
Halli 8:40. heterophylla 4:30; 5:172; 8: 
37, 39-41; 15:24, 28; 25:194; 26:8, 219. 
Macounii 8:37, 40, 41. minor 5:172; 7:58; 
8:37, 39; 10:192; 14:215, 224; 15:24; 25: 
194. profunda 8:40. vogesiaca 19:268 
Lophodermium juniperinum 44:171. pinastri 
39:372; 41:516 
Lophophora Williamsii 35:224, 225; 37:78 
Lophotocarpus 12:3; 24:71, 73; 29:249, 251; 
33:36, 42; 37:386; 44:219. calycinus 24:71- 
73, pl. 137; 37:350, 356, 358, fig. 4 (map); 
48:330; f. depauperatus 38:73; f. fluitans 
40:177; f. maximus 38:73; var. maximus 
10:31; 24:72; 38:73; var. spongiosus 24: 
73, pl. 137; 29:248, 251; 40:462. depau- 
peratus 38:73. fluitans 40:178. spatulatus 
24:72, 73. spongiosus 12:3, 120, 143; 13: 
177; 15:76; 20:102; 21:115; 24:71-73, 182; 
44:219; f. laminatus 38:73; 44:219 
Lophozia 5:51; 9:56; 12:193; 14:211; 19:263. 
acuta 8:35. alpestris 3:181; 5:172; 9:59; 
12:204; 14:18; 15:24; 18:119; 25:194; 26:8. 
attenuata 3:181; 10:187, 188, 190; 14:211; 
15:24, 28; 18:119; 25:194; 26:8; 39:14, 34. 
badensis 12:197, 198; 14:211; 15:24, 27; 19: 
272; 25:194. barbata 3:181, 299; 4:210, 
211; 5:172; 7:58; 14:212; 15:24; 25:194; 
26:8. Baueriana 10:188, 189; 14:210, 211. 
bicrenata 4:209; 5:172; 8:35, 44; 10:192; 
15:24; 25:194; 26:8. capitata 8:34. con- 
fertifolia 9:59; 11:195; 15:24, 27; 16:75; 
25:194; 26:8. excisa 8:34-36; 9:73; 14:17, 
18; 15:24, 27; 25:194; 26:8. exsecta 6:171. 
Floerkii 4:210, 211; 5:172; 6:168, 190; 7:53; 
10:188; 15:24; 25:194; var. Baueriana 10: 
188. gracilis 4:210; 5:172; 7:58; 10:187; 
15:28. grandiretis 16:62, 65, 66; 25:194, 
198; var. humilis 16:65. harpanthoides 14: 
211. Hatcheri 10:188; 14:210, 211; 15:24, 
27; 17:120; 25:194; 39:14, 34. heterocolpa 
8:36; 14:211, 212; 15:24, 27; 19:203, 272; 
25:82, 194. incisa 3:181; 5:172; 7:58; 15: 
24; 16:66, 67; 25:194; 26:8; 39:14. inflata 
3:181; 5:51, 172; 7:53; 10:114; 14:13; 15: 
24; 19:272; 25:194; 26:8, 9. Kaurini 12: 
193, 198, 199; 14:211; 15:24, 27; 16:75; 25: 
194; 39:13, 34. Kunzeana 7:52, 53; 15: 
24, 27; 19:263; 25:194; 26:9; 39:14, 35. 
Libertae 8:35. longidens 9:59, 60; 15:24, 
27; 17:120; 19:263; 25:195; 26:9; 39:14, 35. 
longiflora 10:189; 11:195; 15:24, 27; 25: 
195; 26:9. lycopodioides 3:181; 4:210, 211; 
5:172; 6:168; 10:188; 15:24; 25:195; var. 
Floerkii 4:210. Lyoni 4:210, 211; 5:172; 
15:28; 16:67, 68. marchica 4:211, 212; 5: 
172; 6:190; 10:192; 11:118; 12:199, 200; 
14:224, 225; 15:24; 16:67; 25:195; 26:9. 
Michauxii 5:51. Mildeana 12:199, 200; 15: 
24, 27; 16:66, 67; 25:98, 195. Muelleri 8: 
35, 36; 12:197, 198; 14:211, 212; 25:82. 
novae-caesariae 12:199. obtusa 14:212; 15: 
24, 27; 25:195; 39:3, 14, 35. porphyroleuca 


8:36, 37; 9:66, 73; 10:189; 14:18; 15:24, 27; 
19:263; 25:195; 26:9. quinquedentata 4: 
210, 211; 15:25, 28; 16:62, 67, 68; 25:195; 
39:36. Rutheana 12:198, 199. ventricosa 
3:181; 5:51, 172; 8:35-37; 9:59; 10:189, 
192; 15:25; 25:195; 26:9; var. longiflora 10: 
189. Wenzelii 9:59 

Lophoziaceae 25:194, 195; 26:8; 39:33 

Lophura floccosa 21:207 

Loranthaceae 2:1; 6:85; 10:36; 17:171; 31: 
43; 49:58 

Loranthus 44:35 

Lotoidea 30:59 

Lotononis 41:317 

Lotus 18:163; 20:169; 38:272; 49:254. arabi- 
cus 6:84. corniculatus 2:92; 8:72; 20:169; 
24:150; 32:4; 49:250. siliquosus 9:48. 
tenuis 7:167 

Lotus, American 36:23 

Lousewort 4:88 

Love Lies Bleeding 17:179 

Low Black Blueberry 12:183. Blueberry 18: 
67; 23:135. Juniper 12:177. Rose 12:180. 
Sweet Blueberry 12:183 

Lucilia cornicina 38:91 

Ludwigia 11:52; 23:116; 47:105; 49:99. 8 Is- 
nardia 37:175, 188, pl. 349. alata 38:438; 
39:480; 42:510, 513; 44:370, 430; 45:461; 
49:90, 156. alternifolia 5:203; 23:116; 26: 
176; 32:213; 38:377; 39:472, 473; 48:330. 
apetala 37:176. brevipes 35:228; 37:380, 
433; 38:377, 438; 39:472, 473, 475; 40:447; 
42:508; 44:343; 49:92, 100, 156. cylindrica 
44:256. fluitans 37:175. glandulosa 37 :433; 
38:377, 438; 39:335, 482; 44:256; 47:101, 
161. hirtella 6:176; 39:335, 436, 480; 49:99. 
lacustris 35:228; f. aquatilis 35:229. 
lanceolata 44:256. linearis 37:379, 433; 39: 
335, 436, 480. microcarpa 42:144. natans 
37:175, 176; 44:256; var. rotundata 37:175, 
188, pl. 349; 50:97; var. stipitata 37:175, 
188, pl. 349; var. typica 37:175, 188, pl. 
3849. nitida 37:176. palustris 5:132; 14:26; 
23:116; 26:226; 32:148, 216, 266; 35:227; 
37:175-177; 47:218; f. submersa 35:229; 
41:377; var. americana 37:176, 188, pl. 
349; 43:81, 662; 47:218; 50:298; f. elon- 
gata 41:377; var. Liebmanni 37:176; var. 
nana 37:176, 177, 188, pl. 349; 38:381, 
438; var. pacifica 37:176, 188, pl. 349; 
var. typica 37:176, 188, pl. 349. pilosa 37: 
379, 433; 38:377; 39:480; 44:368, 430; 45: 
461; 49:99, 156. polycarpa 14:176; 23:116; 
37:193. repens 37:175, 176; var. rotundata 
37:175. spathulata 37:175. sphaerocarpa 
7:75; 10:43; 13:8; 23:116; 24:88; 35:227; 
37:173, 174; 44:256; var. Deamii 37:173, 
174, 188, pl. 348; var. jungens 37:173, 
174, 188, pl. 348; 39:475; 40:371, 447; var. 
macrocarpa 37:173, 174, 188, pl. 348; var. 
typica 37:173, 174, 188, pl. 348. virgata 
49:99, 155 

Ludwigiantha arcuata 35:227. brevipes 35: 
227, 228: 37:433 

Luetkea cinerascens 36:11. pectinata 41:245 

Luina hypoleuca, var. dentata 32:28 


Lunaria 26:230. annua 3:88 

Lunatia 5:209; 10:124. heros 5:209; 10:123 

Lungwort, Sea 23:102 

Lunularia 16:63. cruciata 5:170; 10:192; 15: 
22; 23:284; 25:193; 26:6, 7 

Lupinaster 30:59 

Lupine 11:128; 16:92, 93, 128; 23:105; 41: 
482, 563, 564 ; 42:310 

Lupinus 20:169; 46:282. albicaulis 16:93. 
arcticus 41: 146, 149, 155, 249, 250; 42:332; 
45:313. cochinchinensis 41: 327. diffusus 
36:45, 53. Havardi 41:563, 564. nootka- 
tensis 16:94; 23:105, 273; 41 :250; var. Kjell- 
manii 41:249, 250. perennis 2:90; 4:76; 5: 
12052038559: 124; 14:79, 91, 237; 15: TOS oly 
71; 20: 169; 24: Bi 02: 212; 34: 97; 36: 45; 
41:249; 45: 356; 47: 215; f. albiracemus 16: 
129; f. leucanthus 45: 356; f. roseus 14: 
237; 16:128; 33:169; 45:356; var. occiden- 
talis 47: 215; 49:249; ' f. albiracemus 45:356; 
f. bicolor 45:356. polyphyllus 16:94; 23: 
105, 273. villosus 36:45. yukonensis 41: 

Lupulina 30:59 

Lupulinum 30:59 

Luridae 47:384—386, pl. 991 

Luzula 6:110; 9:53; 12:14, 98; 15:186; 26: 
230; 34: 243; 40: 83; 41: 144; 47:207, 269. 
$ Anthelaea 28:138. $ Gymnodes 28:138. 
$ Pterodes 28:138. subgen. Pterodes 5:194. 
acuminata 46:4, 5; var. carolinae 46:5. 
arcuata 3:172; 8:31; 41:211, 212; 47:207. 
bulbosa 40:372, 403. campestris 6:38; 15: 
38-41; 20:97; 28:133-135; 29:210; 40: 83; 
47: 267, 208; var. acadiensis 19: 38, 39; 25: 
16; 29: 130, 154, 210; 33:207; 35:144, '237 ; 
47 :267, 271, pl. 962; var. alpina 15:39, 40, 
43; 29:56; 35:93, 120, 237; 47:265; var. bul- 
bosa 15:40, 42; 20:97; 24:115, 149; 28:133, 
134; 36: 220, 230; 37: 350; 40:83, 84; var. 
calabra 15: 39; var. comosa 15: 40, 41, 42; 
28:133, 166; 33: 119; 47:268; var. congesta 
15:3943; 28:56, 133, 167 ; 29:197, 154, 210; 
var. echinata 15:40, 42; 17:64; 19:39; 32: 
177, 210, 211, 244; 40:83; var. frigida 6:35, 
38; 11:91; 15:39, 40, 42, 186; 38:124, 146; 
42:319; 47:265-268; var. macrantha 15:40, 
41, 42; 28:133; var. Mannii 28:133; var. 
migrata 28:133; var. multiflora 6:35, 38, 
110; 7:154; 12:98, 128; 15:39, 40, 42, 43, 
118, 186; 19:39; 20:97; 28:133; 29:154, 210; 
32:244; 33:109, 119; 40:83, 84; 42:319; 47: 
267; var. pallescens 15:39, 40, 42, 43; var. 
sudetica 15:43; var. vulgaris 15:41. cari- 
cina 28:135. carolinae 5:194, 195; 17:63; 
40:408; 46:4, 5; var. saltuensis 40:404; 
46:4. comosa 15:38, 39, 41; 28:135; var. 
congesta 15:41; 28:135; var. laxa 15:41; 
var. macrantha 15:41; 28:135; var. subsessi- 
lis 15:41; 28:135. confusa 6:35; 9:160; 25: 
112; 36:148; 38:112, 114. 116-118, 121, 122, 
134, 145; 41:146, 151, 211; 42:319; 44:115; 
47:224. echinata 40:83, 84, 85, 403, map 
3; var. mesochorea 40:84, 85, map 4. frig- 
ida 47:265. glabrata 8:31. hyperborea 41: 
211. intermedia 47:271. japonica 41:211; 


42:319. labradorica 46:5. luzuloides 50: 
213. multiflora 6:38; 28:133-135, 137; 40: 
83-85, map 1; 41:146, 211, 212; 42:319; 47: 
266—268, 271, pl. 962; f. bulbosa 28:130, figs. 
1-3; var. acadiensis 47: 267, pl. 962; var. 
bulbosa 40: 84, 85, map 2; var. congesta 
47 :268, 271, pl. 961; var. frigida 41:212; 42: 
319; var. fusconigra 47 :266, 267, 271, pl. 962. 
nemorosa 41:78; 48:82. nivalis 41: I 
var. latifolia 41: 160, 212. nodulosa 28:138. 
pallescens 15:42; 28:134. parviflora 6:35, 
110, 193; 9:156, 160, 169; 10:206; 36:279; 
38:145; 4l: 154, 212; 42: 319; 44: 336; 46:5; 
Var. melanocarpa 29: 210; 46:5. pilosa 5: 
193-195; 17:63; 29:154, 210; 30:29; 41:211; 
46:4; B. 5:193, 195. plumosa 5: 194, 195. 
saltuensis 5:195; 6:35; 12:99, 128, 170; 
14:75; 15:118; 17: 63, 152; 21: :200; 24: 149; 
29:197, 154, 210; 30: 29; 33: 119; 39: 201; 40: 
404; 41:211; 46:4. spadicea 8:31; "var. 
melanocarpa 3:172; 5:37; 6:110; var. "Wahl- 
enbergii 41:212. spicata 2: 97; 3: 172; 6:35; 
9:160; 13:123; 25:7; 28:110, "146, 166; 35: 
7, 81, 120, 298; 36:148; 38:110, 118, 121, 122, 
124, 145; 41:212; 44:115; 49:246; var. tenella 
9:160, 167. subsessilis 15: 41; 98: 133, 135. 
sudetica 15: 43; 35:94, 237; 44: 129; 47:265, 
266, 271, pl. 961; var. frigida 47: 265, 266, 
271, pl. 961. vernalis 2 2:121; 5:193-195. 
Wahlenbergii 41:167, 212 

Lycaeidae 41:186 

Lycaena pseudagiolus 37:159 

Lycaenidae 42:354 

Lychnis 5:236; 6:115; 13:134; 18:86; 36:421; 
42:152; 47:385. 8 Melandrium 34:22. af- 
finis 34:22-25, figs. 3-5; 38:148. alba 5:189, 
235, 236; 9:121; 18:86; 26:180, 224; 32:28, 
251; 34:25; 35:362; 42:152; 46:84; 50:290. 
alpina 9:160, 167, 174, 186, 191; 13:118, 136; 
35:83, 120; 38:124, 148, 412; 42:259, 260; 
var. americana 42:259, 260; 44:114; f. 
albiflora 42:259; var. typica 42:259, 200. 
apetala 25:112; 34:22; 42:324; 45:310. 
brachypetala 34:22. chalcedonica 4:85; 5: 
189; 6:115; 7:108; 18:86. coeli-rosea 18: 
87. Coronaria 5:189; 11:44; 18:87. dioica 
1:223; 5:189, 236; 17:216; 18:87. diurna 
5:189. Dorothea 34:23. Flos-cuculi 1:47; 
5:189, 235; 6:140; 8:66; 18:71, 87; 23:204; 
24:116; 33:165. furcata 34:22-25, figs. 1, 
2, 6; 38:119, 124, 148; 41:224. Githago 6: 
115. Kingii 39:495. pauciflora 34:22. 
Tayloriae 42:324. vespertina 5:189; 34:25 

Lycioides 38:439-441 

Lycium 25:60. chinense 25:60; 42:479. hali- 
mifolium 25:60. vulgare 7:167 

Lycogala epidendrum 2:78; 29:170, 171, 173. 
flavo-fuscum 29:170. miniatum 1:128, 130 

Lycopersicum 11:56; 25:60. esculentum 25: 
60; 26:133; 28:72; 41:512, 520 

Lycopodes 38:374 

Lycopodia 42:359, 405 

Lycopodiaceae 6:102; 10:60; 18:32; 23:90, 
211, 2123 25:6; 20:205; 31:43; 32:229; 33: 
53; 85:355; 30:270; 43:78; 49:255 

Lycopodiales 28:18 


Lycopodioides 44:34 
Lycopodium 4:55; 5:290; 6:102, 227; 7:71, 

221, 227; 39:337, 380; 42:149; 49:105; f 
brachypodum 49: 105; var. sharonense 20 

160; 10:60; 14:30; 18:26; 19:31; 24:39; 28: 
18; 35:106, 355; 36:13-17; 37:342; 38:139; 
41:144; 42:149, 358; 46:282; 49:88; 50:17. 
§ Clavata 28:19. § Complanata 28:19. ad- 
pressum 17:66; 21:119; 23:99, 100, 169; 28: 
56; 38:382; 48:135, 136; f. polyclavatum 42: 
405; 48:136. alopecuroides 6:176; 10:60; 
13:151; 17:66; 23:100; 33:168, 201—203; 35: 
355; 36:14, 15, 18, 19, pl. 276; 38:380, 382, 
383; 39:334, 479, 480, map 49; 41:111; 42: 
358, 359; 48:134, 135; f. adpressum 48:136; 
subsp. adpressum 48:136; var. adpressum 
48:136; f. polyclavatum 42:405; 48:136. al- 
pinum 3:280; 9:158; 20:60; 25:6; 29:129, 
146, 206; 34:244, 245; 36:15-17; 38:139; 41: 
163, 164, 173; 44:115; 47:224. annotinum 5: 
47; 6:102; 8:80; 9:63, 74; 10:60; 13:170; 
15:157; 17: 123, 124, 152; 19: 107; 22:48, 133; 
23:187, 211, 216; 24: 186; 25:6; 26: 177; 29: 
205; 30: 198; 32: 205; 34:50, 244 ; 35: :355; 
36:14-16, 19, 276, pl. 275; 37 :206, 244; 40: 
149-153, 162, 163, 169, 170; 41:146, 149, 155, 
173; 42:316; 46:282; var. acrifolium 17: 
124, 125; 19:107; 23:187, 211, 216; 24:112; 
25:6; 31:82; 35:355; 44:188; var. alpestre 
17:124, 125; 23:211, 246; var. pungens 1: 
192; 2:99; 3:169; 5:38, 47; 9:158; 11:13, 
87; 12:107, 133; 17:123-125; 22:38, 48; 23: 
211, 216, 217; 25:6; 29:132, 146, 205; 34: 
50; 35:5; 36:276; 41:173; 42:316. apodum 
17:68; 50:17. Bigelovii 48:134. carolinia- 
num 14:95; 21:119; 33:45, 46, map 17; 35: 
106; 36:14, 15, 18, 19, pl. 276; 42:358, 359, 
405; 44:374; 48:134-136; y. alopecuroides 
23:100. cernuum 36:14-16, 18, 19, pl. 275. 
Chamaecyparissus 4:59. Chapmani 23:100; 
48:135, 136. clavatum 3:164, 169, 237; 4: 
57, 101, 102; 5:39, 40; 6:102; 10:60; 12:50- 
54; 13:54, 169, 170; 17:152, 153; 18:32; 22: 
133; 23:211, 215; 29:205; 30:135, 198; 32: 
104, 176; 33:115; 34:50, 244; 35:130, 355; 
36:15, 16, 19, pl. 277; 37:206; 40:149-153, 
162, 167, 169, 170; 41:146, 149, 155, 164; 42: 
278, 316; 47:386; var. brevispicatum 7:96; 
12:54, 55; 29:146, 205; var. integerrimum 
12:54, 55; var. megastachyon 12:53, 55; 
13:54, 103, 116; 15:157; 19:107; 22:92; 23: 
187, 211, 215; 29:243; 34:50; 35:355; 36: 
276; var. monostachyon 3:169, 237, 238; 4: 
57, 58, 100, 101; 5:40; 6:102, 138; 7:96; 10: 
145, 206; 12: 50—53, 55; 19:107; 22:92; 23: 
211, 216; 31:142; 35:355; 41:173; 42:316; 
var. tristachyum 34:50. complanatum 3: 
278-281; 4:57, 59, 154; 6:193, 212; 9:121; 
13:116, 137, 169—171, 211, 212; 15:98; 23:188, 
211, 216, 217; 24:98; 25:6; 28:19; 29:146, 
206; 32:205; 34:50, 244; 36:15-17, 19, 276, 
pl. 277; 37:206; 41:146, 149, 155, 173; 42: 
316; 46:282; var. canadense 35:130; 41:173; 
49:238; var. Chamaecyparissus 4:59, 98; 6: 
102; 10:60; 13:169; var. flabelliforme 3: 
280; 4:59; 6:102, 212; 10:60; 13:128, 139, 
168; 15:98, 122; 20:60; 22: 133; 23: 188, 211, 
214; 24:98; 29: 146, 206; 35: 356; 36:100, 219, 

60; var. Wibbei 6: 102, 138; 23:212. den 
droideum 6:102. drepanoides 33:46 
Drummondii 33:46. flabelliforme 13:168- 
171; 28:19; 36:17; 38:164. goyazense 33 
46. inundatum 1:28-30, 104, 105, 184; 2 
120; 3:253; 5:45, 47; 6:102; 7:71, 96; 10 
60; 11:200; 13:79, 128; 23:100, 187, 212 
217; 25:213; 26:177; 27:212; 29:205; 32 
133, 172; 33:112, 115, 168, 201-203; 34:244 
35:355; 36:14, 15, 18, 19, pl. 276; 38:382 
39:337; 40:149, 166, 167; 44:242, 244; 46 
282; 48:134-136; 8. Bigelovii 48:134, 135 
y. alopecuroides 48:134; var. adpressum 38 
382; 41:474; 42:358, 359, 405; 44:375; 48 
135, 136; f. polyclavatum 42:405; 44:375 
377; 48:136; var. alopecuroides 23:100, 212 
218; 35:355; var. Bigelovii 5:134; 10:60 
14:28; 15:76; 23:99, 100, 161, 169, 187, 212 
218; 24:112, 159; 28:56, 84, 149; 29:146 
32:150, 210, 229; 33:168, 201, 203; 35:355 
37:385; 38:382, 383; 42:358, 359; 44:343 
375, 377; 48:135, 136; 49:88, 130; f. furca 
tum 44:377; 48:136; f. polyclavatum 48 
136; var. robustum 33:202, 203; 35:355 
48:135, 136; f. furcatum 48:136. lucidu 
lum 3:168; 4:58; 5:47; 6:102; 9:121; 10 
60; 15:225; 17:152; 22:133; 23:212-214 
29:146, 205; 30:136, 198; 32:104, 176, 205 
33:110, 115; 34:169-172, 244; 36:14-18, 1€ 
219, 221, 296, 276, pl. 275; 40: 153, 375, 385 
42:278; 44: 374, 377; f. occidentale 34:16€ 
170; var. occidentale 34:170, 172; vai 
porophilum 23:212, 220; 34:169, 170; 36 
221, 226, 227; 37: 312. meridionale 33 :4€ 
obseurum 4: 57; 9:121; 10:60; 13:169, 170 
15:157; 22:133; 23: 187, 188, 212, 214; 25 
6, 166; 29:131, 205; 32:205; 33:115; 34:244 
35:130, 356; 36:14-16, 19, pl. 277; 40:14 
163; 41:149; 43:78; var. dendroideum 3 
168; 10:60; 11:87; 13:54; 17:152; 23:188 
212, 214; 25:166, 167; 34:50; 35:356; 36 
276; 41:173. paradoxum 33:46. pinnatur 
7:71. porophilum 19:69; 34:169-171, 244 
36:15. sabinaefolium 3:278; 6:102, 193; 12 
110, 133, 207; 13:147; 15:98; 20:60; 22:123 
23:212, 216, 217; 25:166, 167, 185; 36:15-17 
var. sharonense 20:60; 25:167; var. sitch 
ense 25:166, 167; 28:19; 29:129, 146, 205 
34:50; 35:130; 43:338. sarcocaulon 33:4¢ 
Selago 2:98, 99; 3:168, 253; 4:58, 150; 5:4. 
290; 6:94; 7:20; 8:102; 13:136, 147; 23 
212, 216; 25:112; 29:132, 205; 33:112, 115 
34:169, 171, 172, 244; 35:5, 121, 355; 36:1: 
15, 18, 19, 276, pl. 275; 37:206, 248; 38:122 
41:148, 173, 505; 42:316; 49:53; var. appre: 
sum 9:156, 158, 169; 11:87; 12:54; 22:3! 
48; 23:212, 216; 34:169, 172; 38:116, 11! 
139; var. lucidulum 7:268; var. patens 9 
158; 23:212, 216; 34:169-172; 37:248. sitcl 
ense 3:156, 169, 278; 4:98; 5:44, 47; 6:193 
9:158; 11:87; 14:72; 23:212, 216; 25:16 
167; 34:244. tristachyum 4:98; 6:102; 1C 
60; 12:207; 13:169, 170; 15:98, 157; 16:38 
19:30, 34, 68; 20:60, 101, 102; 23:130, 18: 

INDEX TO VonuMrs 1-50 153 

212, 214; 28:18; 32:14; 34:244; 35:94, 130, 

356; 36:17; 39:337, 380; 40:385; 42:149; 43: 
519; var. sharonense 20:60. tuberosum 33: 

Lycopsis 18:50; 25:30. arvensis 3:214; 10: 
154; 18:50; 25:30. virginica 43:630, 637 
Lycopus 6: 128, 1367. 25:39.) 98: 373-375; 42: 
156. americanus 6: 128; 9: 122: 75 217; 22: 
135; 25:39; 26:188, 227; 32: 273; 36: :983; 
37: 366 ; 38: 373, 374, pl. 439; 44: 256; 50:303; 
var. Longii 39: 329, 446, 475; 47: 103, 180: 
var. scabrifolius 47:180. amplectens 46: 
56, 57, 451, 452; 48:37; var. pubens 46:452. 
angustifolius 44:256. arkansanus 38:374. 
asper 38:375, pl. 439. communis 6:134-137, 
142. europaeus 12:191; 25:39; 26:188; 39: 
446; 43:638; 44:256; 49:177; var. mollis 49: 
177, 178; var. sessilifolius 46:56. lucidus, 
var. americanus 24:100. macrophyllus 6: 
136, 137. membranaceus 6:134-137, 142. 
pubens 46:451, 452. pumilus 6:135, 136. 
rubellus 6:128; 13:8; 14:30; 25:39; 38:375, 
pl. 439; 42:19; 48:330. sessilifolius 1:69; 
2:126; 8:80; 14:29; 24:100; 25:39; 32:212; 
38:375; 46:56, 451, 452; 48:37. sinuatus 3: 
189; 5:131; 6:128; 44:256. uniflorus 6:128, 
135, 136, 142; 7:109; 11:98; 13:139; 17:151; 
18:42; 22:135; 23:156; 25:39; 26:186, 187, 
227; 27:108; 32:149, 153, 273; 33:124; 34: 
62; 35:282; 30:24; 38:374, pl. 439; 41:515, 
520; 50:299; f. flagellaris 23:289; var. 
ovatus 23:156, 290; 29:186, 219. virginicus 
4:91; 5:131; 6:128, 134-136; 9:120, 122; 16: 
16; 22:134; 24:185; 25:39; 29:180, 219; 32: 
177, 273; 38:375, pl. 439; 46:452; var. 8. 
pauciflorus 6:135, 136; var. macrophyllus 6: 

236. subtilis 2:42; 7:222; 8:113; 10:162. 
tenerrima 40:238 

Lyngbyas 40:236 

Lyonia 10:53; 24:154; 31:92, 95; 36:236; 50: 
128. calyculata 13:215. capreaefolia 43: 
514, 627. ferruginea 31:92. frondosa 43: 
628, 629. ligustrina 11:232; 14:135, 149; 21: 
199; 24:88, 154, 182; 32: 151, 269; 39: 373, 
375; 43: 514, 624, 625; 49: 100, 158; f. nanella 
49: 158, 193, pl. 1077; var. capreaefolia 43: 
625, 627 ; var. foliosiflora 10:53; 24:154; 
39:477; 43: 625, 626, 628; 44:370, 430; var. 
pubescens 43: 625, 627, 628 ; var. salicifolia 
43 :624-626, 628 ; 44: 370; 49: 158; var. typica 
43:624, 625. lucida 17: 132, 137; 39:359, 
360, 437, 467, 477; 42:379; 44:240. mariana 
38:378; 39:482. multiflora 43:625-627. 
nitida 10:53; 17:132, 137; 36:32. panicu- 
lata 43:625, 627. salicifolia 43:625-627 

Lysias 9:53. Hookeriana 6:111. orbiculata 
6:111; 8:5 

Lysiella obtusata 6:111 

Lysigonium moniliforme 9:139. varians 9: 

Lysimachia 6:126; 12:141; 22:193, 194; 24: 
232; 37:440. 8 Steironema 42:474. angusti- 
folia 39:439—441. asperulaefolia 44:256; 50: 
125. ciliata 40:449; 44:234; var. 39: 439. 
clethroides 24:118. decipiens 39:439. 
Hemsleyana 9:39. Hemsleyi 9:39. Herbe- 
monti 44:256. heterophylla 39:439-442. 
hybrida 39:439-441, 490, pl. 482; 46:78, 138; 
47:209; 50:112. lanceolata 38:175; 39:438, 
439, 441, 442, 490, pl. 482; 47:171; var. hy- 
brida 39: 438, 439. Linum-stellatum 28:131. 
longifolia 50:17. Nummularia 1:164; 4:16; 
7:99; 18:42; 24:232; 31:85; 35:289; 44 :367. 

Lycurus phleoides 6:82 

Lyellia 40:359 

Lygodesmia rostrata 50:64 

Lygodium 3:34; 4:83; 9:85; 22:85; 33:39, 42; 
35:352. palmatum 1:182, 184; 2:220; 3:43; 
4:36, 51, 64, 83; 5:204; 9:85; 13:78; 17:68; 
22:82, 84, 86; 28:179; 33:39; 35:352; 39:195, 
196, fig. 6 (map); 42:87, 91 

Lyme-grass 15:32. Sea 12:27 

Lyngbya 5:27; 7:223; 39:278; 40:224, 232, 
262. aerugineo-caerulea 15:89. aestuarii 2: 
Be A eos Dai a la aaa 200 8123: 0: 
197; 10:160, 162; 12:9; 15:89; 26:212, 215; 
39:280; 40:75, 224, 229, 233, 235, 236; 50: 
256, 275; f. aeruginosa 40:236; f. ferruginea 
40:236; f. limicola 40:228, 236; f. natans 40: 
236; f. symplocoidea 40:224, 236. Allorgei 
50:275. confervoides 2:42; 7:172; 10:160; 
40:234, 237, 238; 50:275. Digueti 40:234, 
235. epiphytica 28:2; 40:233, 235; 50:275. 
ferruginea 40:236. gigantea 40:267. gra- 
cilis 2:42. hahatonkensis 40:76, 262. infixa 

polyantha 1: 134, 135, pl. 6. Sd producta 
1:134, 135, pl. 6; 4:16, 92, 137; 8:80; 9:14; 
12: 217; 19:246; 24: 118, 232; 31: 85; 35: 39; 
42:304, 474; 43:81. punctata 3: 201; 4: 16, 
92; 23:95, 286 ; 24:232; 37:87. quadriflora 
39:439; 50:17. quadrifolia 1:131-133, 135; 
4:16; 5:130; 9:122; 21:200; 24:232; 26:176; 
32:216, 270; 37:437; 38:98; 40:290; 42:304. 
racemosa 1:132, 1834. radicans 39:341, 438, 
482; 42:88, 92, 366, 367, 397, 474, map 3. 
stricta 1:131—134; 3:189; 4:16; 5:131; 6:126; 
42:364; var. ovata 24:76; var. producta 1: 
132-134. terrestris 6:126; 11:231; 12:141; 
13:139; 14:29, 30; 16:15; 17:151; 18:42; 
22:135; 24:180, 232; 29:218; 32:150, 216, 
270; 33:113, 123; 34:205; 35:280; x thrysi- 
flora 12:141; var. ovata 24:76. thyrsiflora 
1:40, 184; 4:10; 5:204: 6:126; 9:207; 12: 
141; 22:193, 194, figs. 1-4; 24:232; 33:60; 
36:283; 41:156, 157, 277; 43:343. vulgaris 
4:16, 107; 7:106; 10:152; 16:185; 19:246; 
24:232; 41:513, 520 

40:233, 234, 273, fig. 4. Lagerheimii 2:42; 
20:223 1235 2739 fip. TUWA- 2:42: 7:222. 
40:234, 238; 50:256, 260. luteofusca 40:237. 
majuscula 2:42; 40:234, 236, 237. nigres- 
cens, var. major 40:228. ochracea 7:236; 
40:234, 238; 50:69. semiplena 2:42; 8:123; 
10:162; 40:234, 237-240, 262. stagnina 40: 

Lysipomia 50:48 

Lythraceae 6:24; 23:114; 28:199; 31:43; 32: 
266; 36:237; 42:507 

Lythrum 23:114. alatum 1:89; 9:75; 10:153; 
23:114; 24:117; 25:212; 48:40. hyssopi- 
folium 4:89; 7:142; 9:39; 23:114; 32:177. 
intermedium 9:48. lanceolatum 39:342, 


436, 480; 43:504, 617; 44:256. lineare 39: 
480; 42:370; 43:522, 617; 45:272. Salicaria 
1:82; 2:201; 9:49; 19:231; 23:114, 276; 32: 
109; 34:238; 43:342; var. gracilius 9:49; 11: 
52, 240; var. intermedium 9:49; var. tomen- 
tosum 23:114. virgatum 23:114 


Macbridea caroliniana 17:132, 137. pulchra 
17:132, 137 

Machaeranthera linearis 38:407 

Machaerina hirta 25:53. restioides, var. ef- 
fusa 25:54 

Macleaya cordata 45:444 

Maclura 9:54, 91; 17:169. aurantiaca 6:49; 
9:91. pomifera 9:91, 148; 17:169 

Macrocalyx 9:55; 42:34. Nyctelea 42:35 

Macrophoma Candollei 41:516 

Macropis ciliata 37:159 

Macropodia macropus 1:63 

Macrosporium saponariae 39:372 

Macuillamia 41:447; 44:436, 437, 439. obo- 
vata 39:475; 41:447; 44:355, 438, 439. ro- 
tundifolia 41:447; 42:22 

Madia 9:37; 37:307. glomerata 6:81, 82; 43: 
156. sativa 30:36; 33:167; var. congesta 33: 
167; 37:88 

Madotheca 18:74, 75, 82, 85. Baueri 18:85, 
118, 119. Cordeana 18:106-109. involuta 
18:79. Jackii 18:85, 110, 112, 115, figs. 28- 
30, 32. laevigata 18:85. microrhyncha 18: 
79-82, figs. 9-11. platyphylla 18:83, 85, 111, 
112, 118, 120, pl. 120; 8. major 18:84; var. 
subsquarrosa 18:118, 120, pl. 120. platy- 
phylloidea 18:83-85, 110, 112, 118. Porella 
18:79, 82. rivularis 18:83. Sullivantii 18: 
79, 81. Thuja 18:81, 85 

Magnolia 18:205, 206, 209-213; 19:256; 33: 
29; 41:478, 536; 46:313; 47:284; 50:139. 
acuminata 19:256; 36:230; 42:244. Ashei 
28:35, 36. cordata 28:36. foetida 9:48. 
Fraseri 39:198, 200, fig. 19 (map). glauca 
4:140; 5:203; 15:63; 18:205-207, 209—212; 
47:259; 50:248. grandiflora 9:48. macro- 
phylla 28:35, 36; 39:194. pyramidata 28: 
36; 46:390, 391. tripetala 15:63; 39:482; 
42:944. virginiana 10:43; 13:150, 155; 18: 
205, 213; 21:49; 30:207; 36:32, 44; 38:376; 
39:473; 42:88, 92, 244; 47:151, 259; 49:153; 
50:248; «. glauca 42:244; B. foetida 42:244; 
y. grisea 42:244; 8. tripetala 42:244; c. acu- 
minata 42:244; var. australis 47:151; var. 
foetida 9:48 

Magnolia, Laurel 21:49. Swamp 21:119 

Magnoliaceae 18:213; 31:43 

Magnolias 39:193 ` 

Magnusia 9:38 

Mahogany 38:426 

Mahonia amplectans 39:376 

Maianthemum 6:110; 9:53; 10:130; 28:111; 
33:109; 34:243. canadense 1:192, 193; 3: 
172, 189; 5:132; 6:110; 10:130; 11:91; 16: 
89, 210; 17:152; 21:200; 22:38, 133; 25:7; 
28:9, 10; 29:210, 230; 32:153, 205, 215, 216, 
244; 33:119; 35:155; var. interius 16:211; 
25:209; 28:9-11; 29:230, 231; 37:258-260 


Maidencane 39:338 

Maidenhair 30:13. Berry 35:129. False 4:54. 
Fern 46:158. Spleenwort 8:113 

Mairania 16:26-29, 32. alpina 16:22, 27, 28, 
33. Arctostaphylos 16:27. Uva-Ursi 16: 
27, 28 

Malaceae 21:190 

Malachodendron 38:429. 
pentagynum 41:198 

Malapoenna 15:18. geniculata 47:140 

Malaxis 38:378, 382. Bayardi 38:402-404, 
451, fig. 1, pl. 446; 39:475; 41:469, 539; 
49:94. brachypoda 28:176, 177; 35:61, 
241, 242, 401, pl. 253; 38:404; 47:213. di- 
phyllos 28:177. floridana 39:375, 403, 471, 
476; 43:520, 525, 550. Grisebachiana 38: 
403. lilifolia 49:137, 138. monophyllos 28: 
92, 176, 177; 35:61, 242, 401, pl. 253; var. 
brachypoda 35:242. spicata 39:357, 408. 
unifolia 29:211; 30:199; 32:176; 33:109, 119; 
36:42; 37:413; 38:402-404, 451, fig. 2, pl. 
446; 41:539; 42:40 

Mallow, Common 28:71. Marsh 41:468 

Malpighiaceae 36:247 l 

Malus 18:153, 154; 21:190; 45:450, 451; 48: 
132; 49:229-232. 8 Docyniopsis 49:231. 
$ Eriolobus 49:231. angustifolia 47:215; 
var. puberula 18:154; 45:450. baccata 49: 
230; x pumila 42:43. bracteata 18:154. 
coronaria 36:224; 49:232; var. dasycalyx 
49:232; var. elongata 18:154; var. puberula 
18:154. floribunda, var. Arnoldiana 18:155; 
var. Parkmanii 18:154. fragrans, var. elon- 
gata 18:154. glabrata 18:154. glaucescens 
18:154. Halliana 45:451; 49:231; f. Park- 
manii 18:155. ioensis, var. Bushii 18:154; 
var. creniserrata 18:154; var. Palmeri 18: 
154; 37:193; var. spinosa 18:154; var. tex- 
ana 18:154. lancifolia 18:154; 49:232. 
microcarpa 14:131. micromalus 18:155. 
platycarpa 18:154; var. Hoopesii 18:154. 
prunifolia, var. Rinki 18:155. robusta 42: 
43. Scheideckeri 18:155. Sieboldii, var. 
arborescens 18:155; var. calocarpa 18:155. 
theifera 18:155; var. rosea 18:155. transi- 
toria, var. toringoides 18:155 

Malva 6:122; 22:73; 43:342. Alcea 1:81; 6: 
192; 22:73; 25:212; 32:109; 37:87; var. 
fastigiata 14:204. borealis 22:74; 39:98, 99; 
40:442. crispa 22:73. moschata 1:81; 6: 
122; 11:96; 22:73; 37:310, 319; var. alba 
37:87. neglecta 39:99; 43:341; 50:303. ni- 
caeensis 39:98, 99. parviflora 22:73; 39:99. 
pusilla 22:74; 39:98, 99; 40:442. rotundi- 
folia 3:188; 11:127; 17:35; 18:39; 21:170; 
22:74; 26:226; 28:71; 32:204; 34:64; 39: 
99; 40:442; 41:518, 520; 50:308. sylvestris 
1:293; 12:140, 141; 22:74; var. mauretiana 
12:140; 22:74; 46:137. Tournefortiana 9: 
39; 44:72. verticillata, 8. crispa 43:159. 
vulgaris 39:99 

Malvaceae 6:122; 9:37; 18:39; 21:170; 22: 
72; 26:220; 28:71; 31:43; 32:264; 49:288; 

Malvastrum 22:74; 41:436; 44:450. angus- 
tum 41:435, 436. coccineum 41:436; 42:45. 

ovatum 41:198. 


coromandelianum 19:132; 22:74. tricuspi- 
datum 19:132 

Malveae 40:460 

Malvineae 9:37 

Mammillaria 12:14. Engelmannii 38:405. 
Escobaria 38:405. Muehlenpfordtii 38: 
405. Runyonii 38:407. Scheeri, var. va- 
lida 38:405. Sneedii 38:407. valida 38: 

Mandragora 44:24 

Mandrake 44:24 

Manihot 9:37 

Manilkara 48:164; 49:289, 290, 292. baha- 
mensis 48:164; 49:290, 293. emarginata 
48:164; 49:293; subsp. typica 49:293. Jai- 
miqui 48:164; subsp. emarginata 49:293. 
parvifolia 48:164; 49:293. Zapodilla 49:290 

Manisuris 42:279, 382. rugosa 41:476, 529; 
42:278; 44:241 

Manna Grass 49:261 

Maple(s) 6:219; 7:125; 12:30, 32, 37, 38; 13: 
OW S62 155335 ISen oE Col; 22- 
130; 39:319; 41:135; 44:413; 46:154; 48:61. 
American Sugar 28:233, 234. Ash-leaved 
25:176. Bigtooth 46:445, 448. Bird's Eye 
15:34. Florida 44:351. Hard 28:233; 44: 
410. Mountain 12:37, 182; 22:131. Nor- 
way 7:125; 25:173, 174. Red 12:182; 22: 
181, 132; 28:71; 44:230; 49:172. River 4: 
130; (2125, 103 ROOK 12:182; 18:31 
Silver 4:130; 25:175. Soft 28:234. Striped 
12:182. Sugar 10:165; 12:182; 23:91; 28: 
179, 233; 36:238; 43:340; 46:445, 448; 49: 
172; 50:248. Swamp 12:182; 13:86. Syca- 
more 7:125, 126; 25:174 

Maple-leaved Goosefoot 28:73 

Marantaceae 27:77; 33:53 

Marasmius 3:141; 11:123; 16:46. androsaceus 
44:171. cohaerens 11:123. oreades 14:53; 
39:372. varicosus 16:46 

Marchantia 16:63; 47:386. hyalina 16:62. 
polymorpha 4:30; 5:170; 15:22; 23:282; 25: 
193; 26:7; 39:9, 37 

Marchantiaceae 5:170; 15:22; 16:62; 25:193; 
26:7. group Astroporae 16:63. group Com- 
positae 16:63. group Operculatae 16:63 

Marchantiales 11:16; 25:192 

Mare’s Tail 14:24; 18:31 

Marginal Shield-fern 4:51 

Marginaria californica 24:136 

Margined Sumach 4:130 

Margot berry 34:53 

Margrüs 12:30 

Marguerite 5:177; 25:16 

Maria-Antonia 41:320 

Mariana 9:55 

Marigold, Marsh 13:123 

Marine Algae 2:41; 5:135; 8:124; 21:203; 35: 
151; 40:323; 43:72, 213; 47:03, 04; 50:253 

Marisci 44:49, 50 

Mariscus 25:49, 50, 53; 33:54; 37:158, 154; 44: 
43-47, 89; 47:112. acicularis 31:184. aro- 
maticus 25:51. australis 25:54. bonin- 
simae 25:51. borneensis 25:52. califor- 
nicus 25:52; 44:89. capillaceus 25:52. 
chinensis 25:52. Cladium 25:50, 51. col- 


complanatus 25:53. Cur- 
tisii 44:78, 79. cylindricus 37:152; 44:78, 
256. cyperoides 25:53. delicatulus 25:53. 
Deplanchei 25:53. dissitiflorus 44:60. 
distichus 25:53. Drummondii 25:54. en- 
siger 25:53. falcatus 25:53. fallax 25: 
53. ficticius 25:53. filiformis 25:53. 
Gaudichaudii 25:53. geniculatus 25:53. 
globiceps 25:53. hirtus 25:53. Huttoni 
25:53. jamaicensis 25:50, 51. latifolius 25: 
54. leptostachyus 25:50. litoreus 44:78, 79. 
Maingayi 25:53. mariscoides 32:149, 239; 
37:366; f. congestus 25:53. Martii 25:54. 
Melleri 25:54. mexicanus 35:260. mi- 
cranthes 25:54. Milnei 25:54. Muelleri 
25:54. ovularis, y. cylindricus 37:152. 
panamensis 37:154. pantopodus 25:54. 
philippensis 25:53. platyphyllus 25:54. 
praelongatus 44:81. pubescens 47:112. 
pulcher 25:54. restioides, var. effusus 25: 
54. riparius, var. crassus 25:54. samoen- 
sis 25:54. serratus 25:50-52; 32:183. Vau- 
thiera 25:54. xiphioides 25:54 

Marram Grass 22:70 

Marrubium 25:39. vulgare 6:82, 84; 11:127; 
25:905 02:712 

Marsh Andromeda 5:68; Common 18:100. 
Cranberry 18:41. Elder 41:82. Fern 23: 
164; 30:16; 41:478. Marigold 13:123. 
Muhly 45:222, 223, 231. Pine 50:184. St. 
Johnsworts 38:433 

Marshallia caespitosa 36:225, 232. 
36:54. trinervia 39:473, 477 

Marsilea 10:59; 13:221; 35:354; 40:182. 
quadrifolia 3:237 ; 5:134; 10:59; 13:79, 221; 
16:85; 22:156; 23:210, 212, 213; 35:354. 
vestita 48:115 

Marsileaceae 10:59; 23:210; 31:43; 35:354; 

Marsupella 4:208; 6:167; 9:57; 21:161. 
adusta 4:208; 26:9. aquatica 6:167-169; 
10:186; 15:25,27; 25:195; 26:9. emarginata 
1:85; 3:181; 4:208, 200, 242; 5:51, 172; 6: 
107—170; 7:53; 15:25, 27; 25:195; 26:9; var. 
aquatica 6:167. erythrorhiza 6:167, 168; 9: 
57. media 6:167-170; 7:52; 8:41; 9:57. 
robusta 10:186; 15:27. Silvrettae 9:57. 
sparsifolia 7:52; 15:25, 27; 25:195. sphace- 
lata 4:208; 5:172; 6:167-170; 8:41; 15:25; 
25:195; var. erythrorhiza 6:167. Sprucei 4: 
208. Sullivantii 6:168; 9:57; 15:25, 27; 
19:272; 25:195; 26:9. ustulata 4:208; 5: 
172; 7:52; 10:192; 15:25; 25:195 

Marsupials 41:488 

Marsypocarpus 9:54 

Martagon 47:385 

Martia 9:38 

Martinellia 38:89. apiculata 9:71. curta 38: 
84,85. gracilis 8:42. gymnostomophila 16: 
171. hyperborea 23:282. lingulata 38:88. 
mucronata 38:85, 86, 88. rosacea 38:84 

Martiusia 9:38 

Martynia 25:186; 34:215; 47:386. fragrans 
42:46. louisiana 6:152, 160; 25:186; 37:194 

Martyniaceae 6:152; 25:186; 31:43 

Maruta Cotula 26:228; 32:157 

podes 25:53. 



Maryland Polygala 41:383 

Masbjórk 12:30 

Masdevallia 2:31 

Maser 15:33 

Maser-birke 12:30 

Maskou 1:167 

Masku 1:167 

Massachusetts Fern 30:16 

Mastigobryum 25:78, 91. ambiguum 10:190; 
25:89, 94. deflexum 10:190; 25:77, 78, 90, 
91; B. implexum 25:80; B. implexum laxius 
25:81; var. flaccidum 25:80. denulatum 10: 
190; 25:89-91. triangulare 25:81, 91; f. im- 
plexum 25:81 

Mastigocoleus testarum 2:42; 7:223; 8:159; 
26:212; 50:256 

Mastigamoeba longifilum 50:278 

Mastixia 33:92 

Mastogloia exigua 26:193, 216. gibbosa 9:135. 
Smithit 10:183. undulata 9:135 

Masur 12:31, 32; 15:33 

Masurbiórk 12:31 

Mat Grass 21:23 

Mathers 28:124 

Matricaria 5:288; 6:78; 11:239; 26:130; 36: 
193; 37:307. ambigua 41:296. asteroides 
49:482, 485, 486. Chamomilla 13:90; 26: 
130; var. coronata 12:104, 144. discoidea 1: 
18, 25; 4:33, 107, 189; 5:288; 9:14. glasti- 
folia 42:486. grandiflora 25:114; 36:192. 
inodora 4:189; 6:78; 11:239; 12:104; 13: 
90; 26:130; 29:221; 36:192, 193; subsp. 
maritima 36:193; var. borealis 36:193; var. 
grandiflora 36:192, 193; var. maritima 36: 
193; var. nana 36:192; var. salina 11:239; 
26:130. maritima 11:239. matricarioides 
42:341. suaveolens 12:144; 13:90; 17:146; 
18:44; 19:252; 23:298; 26:131; 31:86; 33: 
126; 42:341; 49:252 

Matrimony Vine 7:167 

Matteuccia 17:161, 162; 21:175. nodulosa 
17:164; 47:124. pubéscens 37:219; 47:124. 
Struthiopteris 17:161, 162, 164; 21:179; f. 
pubescens 37:219; 47:124; var. pubescens 
37:219; 47:124 

Matthiola 9:45. tristis 9:45 

Maturea nigrescens 10:66 

Maurandya Wislizeni 44:437 

Mausurr 12:30 

Maxillaria 2:31 

Mayaca 7:158; 44:32; 49:88, 130. Aubleti 37: 
379; 49:86, 130. fluviatilis 49:88, 130 

May-apple 43:93 

Mayweed, Stinking, 18:44 

Mazer 12:30 

Meadow Foxtail 46:386; 49:271. 
262. Rue 11:199 

Meadow-sweet 5:260; 12:179 

Meal-grass 12:27, 29. Sand 12:27 

Mecardonia 37:442. acuminata 35:289. 
peduncularis 37:442. procumbens 37:442. 
tenuis 37:442 

Medeola 6:111; 8:20, 100; 10:130; 13:217; 
28:34; 31:243; 45:396; 47:364. virginiana 
2:217; 3:130, 189; 5:132; 6:111; 9:121; 10: 

Grass 49: 


130; 23:197; 31:14, 17, pl. 177; 32:124, 153, 
215, 216, 244; 37:354; 40:290 

Medicago 2:91; 20:170; 43:505; 49:354. acu- 
leata 2:92; 20:170. agrestis 2:92; 20:170. 
arabica 2:90, 168; 6:82; 20:170. denticulata 
2:90; 6:82; 9:124. falcata 20:170. hispida 
2:90, 92; 6:82; 20:170; var. apiculata 20: 
170. intertexta 20:170. laciniata 2:90; 6: 
82; 20:170. lappacea 2:92; 20:170. lupu- 
lina 2:90, 168; 5:135; 6:81, 82; 17:35; 20: 
170; 28:71; 42:332; 49:250; var. glandulosa 
42:456. maculata 2:90; 6:82; 43:571. min- 
ima 20:170; 45:115; var. compacta 43:506, 
571; var. longiseta 20:170; 43:571. orbi- 
cularis 9:45. polymorpha, var. orbicularis 
9:45. praecox 20:170. sativa 2:90; 6:83; 
9:121; 14:194; 20:170; 31:84; 36:374. vir- 
ginica 26:30 

Medick(s) 6:81; 15:172. Black 28:71 

Mediterranean Fruit Fly 40:1 

Meehania cordata 39:195 

Meesea 6:43. trichodes 30:8; 39:41; var. an- 
gustifolia 30:8. triquetra 33:77, 78, pl. 205. 
tristicha 6:43; 33:77, 78 

Meeseaceae 30:8; 38:240; 39:41 

Megadenus 31:228 

Megalondonta 17:63; 26:59, 131. Becki 24: 
207; 25:107; 26:131 

Megalospora sanguinaria 28:160 

Megastachya hypnoides 28:114. reptans 28: 


Meibomia 9:54; 44:23, 24. 
arenicola 38:425. canadensis 43:340. ca- 
nescens, var. hirsuta 10:33. longifolia 10: 
34. nudiflora, f. Dudleyi 38:190; f. foliolata 

Melampsora 13:14. Bigelovii 34:62. Eu- 
phorbiae 34:62. Humboldtiana 34:62. 
Medusae 34:62 

Melampsorella elatina 34:62 

Melampsoridium Betulae 34:62 

Melampsoropsis abietina 34:62. Cassandrae 
34:62. ledicola 34:62 

Melampyrum 23:148; 25:65; 44:450. ameri- 
canum 5:130; 7:33; 44:448, 450, 451, pl. 
735; var. latifolium 44:245, 448-450, 452. 
brachiatum 44:450. lanceolatum 44:451. 
latifolium 44:447, 452. lineare 3:176; 11: 
97, 98; 13:117, 149; 17:149, 152; 25:65; 29: 
186, 219; 32:274; 34:55; 44:448-451, pl. 734; 
subsp. latifolium 44:448, 452; var. «. lati- 
folium 44:448; var. 8. latifolium 44:448, 449; 
var. americanum 44:449, 451, 452, pl. 735; 
var. latifolium 44: 446, 448—450, 452, pl. 736; 
var. lineare 44:449-451, pl. 734; f. brachia- 
tum 44:450; var. pectinatum 44:449, 452, 
pl. 736. pratense 44:448; 8. americanum 

Melanconium typhae 44:171 

Melandrium 36:421; 41:162. affine 34:22, 23; 
41:224. apetalum 41:155, 224; 42:324. 
macrospermum 41:163, 225, pl. 552. pau- 
ciflorum 34:22; 41:224 

Melanopus 13:64 

Melanthium 44:451; 50:193. angustifolium 
21:119. densum 42:254, pl. 601. glaucum 

acuminata 44:279. 

INDEX TO VoLUMES 1-50 157 

37:257. hybridum 50:193. latifolium 50: 
193. parviflorum 46:80. virginicum 42: 
381, 443; 46:80 

Melargyra canadensis 42:112. media 42:119. 
purpurea 42:210. rosea 42:210. rubra 42: 

Melastoma 44:451 

Melastomaceae 23:114; 31:43; 32:266; 49:58, 

Melgras 12:27 

Melia Azedarach 38:426 

Melica 21:76, 77, 215, 216. subgen. Bromelica 
21:77. acuminata 21:78. aristata 21:77, 
215. bromoides 21:78; var. Howellii 21:78. 
caerulea 35:137. diffusa 41:501; 49:200. 
Geyeri 21:78, 215. glabra 41:501. Har- 
fordii 21:78, 215; subsp. tenuior 21:78; var. 
minor 21:78. mutica 36:32, 38, 223; 38: 
384; 40:386; 41:501; 44:70; f. diffusa 41: 
501; var. diffusa 41:501; var. glabra 41: 
501. nitens 46:75; 49:200. Smithii 10:205; 
21:77, 215; 37:199, 205, 208, 216—218, 250, 
map 11. striata 8:211; 15:144; 19:119; 
21:76, 77, 215; 24:113; 31:82; 35:249; 49: 
264; f. albicans 10:47; 44:139. subulata 
21:78, 215. triflora 30:238 

Meliloti 30:59 

Melilotus 2:149; 6:120; 11:49; 20:170; 23:26; 
24:19; 30:59; 39:427; 41:463; 42:154; 43: 
525. $ Micromelilotus 9:37. alba 2:90; 6: 
63, 83, 120; 12:16; 13:89; 14:90; 17:35, 217; 
20:170; 23:26; 35:248; 36:374; 42:154; 49: 
250. indica 12:190; 20:170; 50:214. offici- 
nalis 2:90; 6:83; 13:89; 20:170; 36:374; 38: 
64; 42:54. parviflora 20:170; 50:214. psora- 
lioides 39:426, 427 

Melinis 9:50. 8 Tristegis 9:50 

Melinum palustre 26:157 

Meliosa 50:66 

Melissa 25:39. officinalis 25:39; 46:139 

Melissodes agilis, var. aurigenia 41:186. illata 

Melitaea nycteis 36:28 

Melobesia 21:204; 26:190. Corallinae 2:50; 
3:134, 137. farinosa 2:50. Lejolisii 2:50; 
7:285; 26:190, 214; 50:266. macrocarpa 2: 
50. membranacea 2:51. pustulata 2:51; 
26:214; 50:267 

Melosira Borreri 9:128, 139; 26:193, 216. coro- 
nata 9:140. nummuloides 9:140. octogena 
9:140. sculpta 9:140. sulcata 26:193, 195, 
216; f. coronata 26:194, 216. undulata 9: 
140. varians 9:139 

Melothria 47:364. pendula 37:446; 39:482 

Melr 12:27-30; 15:33 

Meltrema 5:249 

Melur 12:27 

Memaecylum 41:446 

Meniscium 44:450 

Menispermaceae 43:92, 524 

Menispermum 44:351, 450. canadense 4:129; 
21:191; 33:30; 36:374; 37:307; 38:422; 39: 
399, 409; 40:375, 382, 421, 422; 44:240; 47: 
140; 49:24. dauricum 33:30 

Menoidium gracile 50:272, 277. incurvum 50: 
277. tortuosum 50:277 

Mentha 6:128; 9:49; 25:39; 27:31; 29:186; 
44:450. alopecuroides 26:173. aquatica 4: 
106; 24:119. arvensis 1:47; 6:128; 9:122; 
10:86; 17:217; 22:136; 24:119; 25:39; 29: 
186, 219; 39:373, 375; 46:331, 335; 50:299; 
a. villosa 46:333; 8. glabra 46:332; var. 
canadensis 6:128; 25:39; 29:186, 219; 41: 
35; 46:331, 333, 334; var. glabrata 10:86; 
11:14; 22:185; 25:11; 30:283; 37:104; 40: 
331, 333; var. lanata 46:331, 332, 335; var. 
occidentalis 46:335; var. Pavonia 46:335; 
var. Penardi 10:86; 46:333; var. Schmitzii 
46:335; var. typica 46:331, 334, 335; f. 
glabra 46:331; f. lanata 46:331, 332, 335; 
f. puberula 46:331, 332, 335; f. typica 46: 
331, 332; var. villosa 46:331, 333-335; f. 
brevipilosa 46:333, 334, 335; f. glabrata 
46:333; f. lanigera 46:333, 335; f. typica 
46:333.  borealis46:333. bracteolata 9:44. 
canadensis 4:34; 6:128; 10:86; 41:283; 46: 
333; 48:330; 8. glabrata 46:333; var. gla- 
brata 2:157; 10:86; 29:186, 219; 42:338. 
Cardiaca 4:100; 25:39; 32:273. citrata 46: 
139. crispa 1:69; 32:273. foliicoma 9:44. 
gentilis 21:201; 25:39; 50:214. longifolia 
1:69; 26:20, 22, 171—175; 43:638; x rotundi- 
folia 9:42. occidentalis 46:335. piperita 
4:192; 6:128; 25:39. Pulegium 42:46. ro- 
tundifolia 24:119; 26:21, 172-175. rubella 
46:334. rubra 4:34. spicata 6:128; 9:48; 
25:39; 26:19-22, 171—175; 32:273; «œ. viridis 
26:20-22, 172-174; 8. longifolia 26:20—22, 
172, 174, 175; y. rotundifolia 26:20, 22, 172, 
174, 175; var. viridis 9:48. stachyoides 24: 
119. sylvestris 26:20-22, 172, 173, 175. 
verticillata, var. pilosa 24:119. villosa, Q. 
Lamarckii 9:42. viridis 6:128; 9:48; 26: 
19-22, 171-174 

Mentzelia 23:113; 34:166, 167; 44:450. hu- 
milis 47:331. oligosperma 36:224; 47:217 

Menyanthes 2:216; 6:127; 17:150; 24:234; 
41:281. punctata 40:339. trachysperma 40: 
339, 340. trifoliata 1:184; 2:216; 3:189, 
190; 4:106; 5:133; 6:127; 9:157, 163, 189, 
190; 11:98; 12:11; 17:149, 150; 22:43; 24: 
234; 28:62; 29:218, 242; 31:195, 197, 198; 
33:51, 60; 35:251; 87:206; 40:251; 41:281; 
var. minor 31:195-198; 32:61, 150, 173, 214, 
271; 33:124; 36:283; 40:254; 41:281; 42: 
200; 47:208. verna 31:197, 198 

Menziesia globularis 42:346 

Merathrepta compressa 45:245. pinetorum 
45:243. spicata 45:242. thermalis 45:243; 
var. pinetorum 45:243 

Merckia 21:1-5. peploides 11:113. physodes 
21:4; 41:223; 42:323 

Mercurialis 21:83. annua 6:86, 87, 91; 21:83; 

Mercury 18:39 

Meridion circulare 9:137. constrictum 10:181, 
183; f. elongata 10:182; var. Zinkenii 10: 
182. intermedium 9:137 

Meringosphaera Henseni, var. brevispina 50: 
274, 279, pl. 1118 

Merismopedia elegans 20:141; 30:195. glauca 


15:89; 24:106; 26:162, 163; 28:1; 29:103. 
punctata 26:163. tenuissima 30:195; 50:275 

Mertensia 2:77; 9:55; 16:158; 20:155; 37:349; 
42:310. alaskana 41:282, 283. Bakeri 39: 
495. Eastwoodae 41:163, 282. incongruens 
36:409. maritima 3:214; 4:189; 15:143; 16: 
192; 17:146, 147; 18:29, 42; 23:102; 25:11, 
99, 114; 27:55; 29:89, 122, 219; 33:111, 124; 
34:55, 70; 41:161, 282; 47:259; f. albiflora 
23:288; 24:202; 41:282. paniculata 36:283; 
41:164, 282; 42:337; 45:315; 48:163; var. 
alaskana 41:283; var. subcordata 37:328, 
329. virginica 1:171; 3:215; 31:256 

Merulius americanus 41:516. bellus 25:165 

Mesadenia 40:356. Muhlenbergii 40:356. ro- 
tundifolia 40:356, 357 

Mesadenus lucayanus 23:84 

Mesembryanthemum loreum 30:56. 
30:55. tortuosum 30:56 

Mesogloia 26:189, 190. divaricata 1:70; 2:47; 
4:178; 6:182; 7:229; 26:214; 50:262 

Mesophylla hyalina 21:150. minor 9:58. 
obovata 21:162. scalaris 14:12 

Mesophytes 5:126, 127, 129 

Mesosphaerum 36:373 

Mesotaenium 7:112; 24:216; 26:204. Braunii 
6:230; 7:112. Endlicherianum 7:113; var. 
grande 24:216. macrococcum 7:112; 26: 
204. micrococcum 24:216 

Mespilus 10:76. Amelanchier 43:562; 48:128, 
131, 132. apnufola 10:79. arborea 14:127, 
131, 147, 150, 152; 43:563, 565. arbutifolia 
43:562. canadensis 14:121, 122, 130, 131, 
150; 22:151; 43:560—563,. 566; 48:128; var. 
a. obovalis 14:130, 147; 43:563-566; var. 8. 
cordata 14:125, 130, 150; 43:563, 565; var. 
y. rotundifolia 14:124, 125, 138; 43:563; var. 
ò. oligocarpa 14:125, 128, 158; 43:563. cor- 
data 10:78, 82. nivea 14:130, 150; 43:562. 
Phaenopyrum 10:82. prunifolia 10:75, 76. 
sorbifolia 49:232 

Metachlamydeae 41:142; 47:209 

Metastelma 9:37 

Meteoriaceae 37:228 

Meteoriopsis remotifolia 36:56 

Metzgeria 9:68; 11:188. conjugata 4:30; 5: 
170; 8:44; 10:185; 11:186-189; 15:22; 25: 
193. crassipilis 11:188, 189; 12:204; 15: 
22, 26; 25:193. dichotoma 11:189. furcata 
11:185-189; 12:204; 15:22, 26; 25:193; 26: 
7; 39:13, 33; subsp. M. crassipilis 11:188. 
glabra 11:185. hamata 11:186. myriopoda 
11:186. pubescens 10:185; 11:185; 14:18; 
15:22, 26; 16:75; 25:193 

Metzgeriaceae 5:170; 15:22 

Mexican Cedar 40:427 

Mibora 17:97; 49:271. minima 17:97; 38: 
265, 267; 49:271. verna 17:97 

Michauxia 50:41 

Michelia 27:78 

Micheliella verticillata 44:254 

Micrampelis 9:55. lobata 6:130 

Micranthemum emarginatum 44:256. mi- 
cranthemoides 41:111; 42:514; 44:350, 368, 
446. Nuttallii 7:38. orbiculatum 17:131, 
137. umbrosum 17:131, 137; 34:206; 39: 



327, 331, 362, 446, 480, map 8; 44:241, 256, 
367, 375, 446; 45:367 

Micranthes spicata 41:243. tenuis 19:142 

Micrasterias 6:234; 7:253; 10:97, 98; 24:220; 
26 :204, 207, 212; 37:117; 44:177, 189. amer- 
icana 5:81, 223, 253; 7:254; 10:99, 108, 110; 
24:220; 26:207; f. genuina 5:253; var. 5: 
253; var. Boldtii 24:220; 26:207; var. Her- 
manniana 10:110; var. Lewisiana 24:220; 
var. recta 5:81; 7:254; 10:109. angulosa 
10:104. apiculata 10:99, 103; 24:220; 26: 
207; subsp. fimbriata 10:103; var. fimbriata 
26:207. arcuata 10:98, 101; 29:163; 37:117; 
var. expansa 10:101; var. gracilis 37:117, 
121, pl. 330. conferta 10:98; 37:118, 119; 
var. hamata 10:99, 103. crenata 7:254; 10: 
102; 24:221. crux-melitensis 10:99, 108; 24: 
221; 26:207. decemdentata 37:117; var. 
turgida 37:117, 121, pl. 329. denticulata 7: 
258; 10:99, 104; 24:221; 26:207; var. angu- 
losa 10:104. depauperata 37:117, 120, pl. 
329; var. Kitcheli 10:101; var. Wollei 7: 
254; 10:101. dichotoma 10:108. disputata 
10:99. expansa 10:101; 29:163; 37:117, 118, 
120, pl. 329. fimbriata 7:253; 10:103; f. 
apiculata 10:103; f. simplex 10:104; var. 
elephanta 10:104; var. nuda 10:103. foli- 
acea 7:254; 10:97, 99, 111; 44:177; var. 
granulifera 10:111. furcata 5:81; 7:253; 
10:103, 107; 24:221; var. simplex 7:253. 
incisa 10:99. Jenneri 10:98, 102; 37:118, 
120, pl. 329. Johnsonii 44:177; var. bipapil- 
lata 44:177; var. novae-angliae 44:177, 
178, 186, fig. 5; var. ranoides 44:177. 
Kitchelii 10:101. laticeps 5:81; 10:98, 99; 
24:221; 26:207; f. major 7:254. mahabu- 
leshwarensis 5:81; 7:254; 10:99, 109, 110; 
26:207; 37:118, 121, pl. 330. melitensis 10: 
107. morsa 10:108. muricata 5:81; 7:254; 
10:97, 99, 100; 24:221; 26:207; f. minor 7: 
254; 10:111; var. tumida 10:110. Nord- 
stedtiana 7:254; 10:97, 99, 110. oscitans 
10:98, 99. papillifera 6:234, fig.; 10:99, 105; 
24:221; var. glabra 24:221. pinnatifida 7: 
254; 10:100; 26:207; var. divisa 10:100; var. 
inflata 10:100; var. trigona 10:100. pseudo- 
furcata 10:107. pseudotorreyi 10:107. 
radiata 10:99, 107, 108; 24:221; 26:207; var. 
dichotoma 10:108; var. simplex 10:107, 
108. radiosa 5:81; 7:253; 10:105; 37:118; 
var. ornata 10:105; 37:118, 121, pl. 330; var. 
punctata 10:104; var. Swainei 7:253; 10: 
105; var. Wollei 10:105. ranoides 44:177. 
ringens, var. serrulata 7:254; 10:109. ro- 
tata 7:253; 10:99, 106; 24:221; 26:207. sol 
10:99, 105; 24:221; 26:207; var. ornata 10: 
105; var. Swainii 10:105. speciosa 24:221; 
37 :118—120, pl. 329; var. novae-terrae 37 :118. 
subfimbriata 10:104. Swainii 10:105. Tor- 
reyi 7:253; 10:99, 106, 107. triangularis 37: 
119, 121, pl. 330. truncata 7:254; 10:98, 
102; 24:221; 26:207; 29:163; var. crenata 

Microchaetaceae 44:184, 185 

Microchaete 20:142; 44:183-186. 
oides 44:185. 

crassa 44:185, 186, fig. 6. 


grisea 2:42; 7:223; 10:126; 40:75. nausho- 
nensis 20:141. uberrima 44:185; f. minor 

Microcladia borealis 11:17 

Microcodon 50:41 

Microcoleus 40:224, 230. acutissimus 50:69. 
chthonoplastes 2:42; 5:233, 234; 7:223; 39: 
278; 40:231. lacustris 40:230, 231. paludo- 
sus 24:108, 106; 40:230, 231; 50:69. tener- 
rimus 5:233, 234; 40:231, 232. vaginatus 
24:106; 40:231; 50:69; var. Vaucheri 40: 
231, 232 

Microcystis 26:211; 40:259. aeruginosa 40: 
259. flos-aquae 50:275. marginata 14:236; 
15:89. parasitica 50:275 

Microdon 31:93, 95, 96. ovatus 31:93 

Microglossum fumosum 41:516 

Micromeria glabella 42:7; var. angustifolia 
42:7. Nuttallii 42:7 

Micromitrium 12:146 

Micropetalon 16:146. lanceolatum 16:151 

Microphacos parviflorus 38:405 

Micropterix Poeppigiana 9:43 

Microseris 26:131; 50:33-35. § Nothocalais 
50:34. cuspidata 50:34, 35. Douglasii 26: 
131. Forsteri 50:34. nigrescens 50:33, 34. 
troximoides 50:33, 34 

Microspermae 9:37 

Microsphaera alni 39:372; var. vaccinii 39:372 

Microspongium gelatinosum 2:47 

Microspora 9:78; 12:9; 24:108; 30:194. ab- 
breviata 7:239. amoena 7:239; f. crassior 
1:149. crassior 7:239. quadrata 29:162; 
50:274. stagnorum 7:239; 50:69. Willeana 
26:212; 50:274. Wittrockii 50:69, 274 

Microstylis 3:85; 4:75; 6:112; 7:49, 97, 160; 
11:78; 19:57; 22:43; 23:197; 31:8, 10, 15. 
brachypoda 28:92, 176. floridana 39:403. 
monophyllos 1:184, 221; 2:114, 172, 180; 4: 
19; 6:112, 193, 204; 9:160; 13:117, 125; 21: 
65: 22:43, 47; 28:196; 28:31, 02, 170: 47: 
218. ophioglossoides 2:180, 208; 4:19, 75; 5: 
82; 6:79, 112; 7:39, 95; 38:403. unifolia 
11:78; 83; 02; 13:78; 17:149; 19:31, 52, M7, 
13155925431 475223:197 

Microthamnion Kuetzingianum 26:212; 50: 
274. laxulum 36:58 

Microtus 37:165 

Mielichhoferia compacta 3:183; nitida 3:180, 

Mikania 9:55; 26:131; 36:373; 46:142-144. 
scandens 5:204; 24:82, 83, 88; 20:131; 27: 
57, 62, 203; 32:177, 212; 35:290; 37:447; 46: 
142, 143; var. pubescens 37:446, 447 

Mikrosyphar 20:143. Porphyrae 20:143 

Mildew, Downy 41:516 

Milhania 41:416 

Milium 4:142, 143; 6:105; 13:173; 49:274. 
effusum 1:183; 6:105, 208; 10:206; 13:125; 
16:14; 19:30, 109; 23:136, 170, 229; 28:111, 
162; 32:14; 33:116; 38:265, 270; 40:74, 380, 
386; 43:338; 48:81, 82; 49:199, 274. Muh- 
lenbergianum 4:142, 143. paniceum 22:103. 
pungens 4:142, 143; 16:90. racemosum 8: 

Milk Vetch 14:56 


Milkweed 20:206; 23:135; 34:65; 44:31; 46: 

Millegrana 11:50. Radiola 11:50; 27:215 

Millet, Golden Wonder 18:232 

Millspaugh's Blackberry 15:224 

Mimosa 41:478. pallida 35:225 

Mimulus 7:160; 13:18; 25:65; 49:254. alatus 
7:33; 19:248; 37:440; 38:377; 39:474; f. 
albiflorus 42:102. brevipes 7:38; 25:65. 
glabratus, subsp. michiganensis 41:524; var. 
Fremontii 41:525; var. michiganensis 41: 
524, 525; var. oklahomensis 41:525. gut- 
tatus 41:283. Jamesii 7:38. Langsdorfii 7: 
33; 14:55. luteus 7:33. moschatus 6:227, 
228; 7:80) 945. 9:005 21:08; 13: LI5; (17:230; 
25:65; 35:282; 37:331; 47:180; 49:251. 
ringens 5:131; 7:33; 13:141; 16:15; 25:65; 
34:118, 119; x alatus 40:254; var. colpo- 
philus 34:119; 44:144; var. congestus 34: 
119; var. minthodes 34:119. "Tilingii 36:411 

Mimusops 49:289, 292. bahamensis 48:164; 
49:293. depressa 49:293. emarginata 48: 
164; 49:289, 293. floridana 48:164; 49:293. 
Jaimiqui 48:164. parviflora 48:164; 49:293. 
parvifolia 48:164; 49:289, 293. Sieberi 48: 
164; 49:292, 293 

Mint 4:34; 44:334 

Minthe 9:49 

Minuartia 21:1-5, 10. arctica 42:323. biflora 

36:148. campestris 21:6. dichotoma 21:5. 
macrocarpa 42:323. montana 21:6. verna 

Mirabilis Jalapa 41:540; subsp. Lindheimeri 
38:405; var. Lindheimeri 38:405 
Miscanthus sinensis 31:110, 113; 39:388; 44: 


Miscellaneae 47:386, pl. 991 

Mistletoe 4:35; 21:49; 39:353; 43:92. Dwarf 
2:1, 221; 4:28, 35: 5:202; 7:108; 8:165; 9: 
75, 208; 17:65; 23:97; 33:101; 37:268, 414 

Mitchella 6:129; 13:216; 26:14; 43:494. re- 
pens 6:129; 13:32, 216; 17:152; 21:200; 26: 
14; 28:56, 236; 29:127, 220; 32:276; 33:125; 
36:221, 226; 37:350, 354; 43:82, 494; 47: 
262; f. leucocarpa 13:32; 19:248 

Mitella 6:119; 8:90-92; 18:250. americana 
43:497. caulescens 8:92. diphylla 1:171; 
8:91, 92; 12:170; 14:75; 18:245—247, 250; 
19:132; 21:200; 23:71; 33:179; 34:231; 35: 
249; f. intermedia 8:91. intermedia 8:91. 
nuda 1:184; 3:149; 5:197; 6:119; 7:79, 90- 
92; 11:94; 13:125, 217; 18:245, 250; 19:30, 
226; 29:131, 176, 214; 32:206; 33:110, 121; 
34:53; 36:281; 40:145. prostrata 8:90-92; 
18:245, 247; 35:249 

Miterwort 18:185 

Mitremyces 11:197, 198. 
197. Ravenelii 11:197 

Mitreola 7:160; 39:346 

Mitrophora 1:156; 9:55 

Mitrula 1:60, 61, 65. crispata 1:66. cucullata 
1:60, 66. laricina 1:65. lutea 1:65. lutes- 
cens 1:65, 66. olivacea 1:65, 67, pl. 4. 
paludosa 1:65. phalloides 1:65. rufa 1:65, 
67; f. Geoglossum luteum 1:66, 67, pl. 4; 

lutescens 1:31; 11: 


f. Geoglossum rufum 1:66, 67, pl. 4. viridis 
1:65. vitellina, var. irregularis 1:65 

Mittenothamnium 35:146 

Mniaceae 30:8; 39:41; 43:95 

Mniomalia Bernoulli 36:56. viridis 36:55 

Mniopsis acutifolia 19:266. Hookeri 19:266 

Mnium 23:70; 43:95. affine 3:180; 4:30; 23: 
68. ciliare 23:68. cinclidioides 1:54; 5:200. 
cuspidatum 1:34, 54; 4:30; 39:41. Drum- 
mondii 1:54; 39:41. hornum 24:123; 30:2, 
8. orthorrhynchum 4:182. punctatum 3: 
180; 4:30; 26:219; var. elatum 4:30; 23:68; 
30:8. rostratum 30:8. serratum 4:30. 
spinulosum 3:180; 11:117. stellare 1:54; 
4:30. subglobosum 30:8. sylvaticum 2:63 

Moccasin-flower 5:259 

Moccoet 1:167 

Mock Orange 17:121; 42:99 

Mockernut 47:47 

Modiola 7:160. caroliniana 46:336 

Moehringia 21:1-5. ciliata, var. obtusa 21:7. 
dasyphylla 21:6. glaucovirens 21:7. Grise- 
bachii 21:6. Jankae 21:6. lateriflora 16: 
56; 19:259; 21:2, 5; 41:222; 42:323; y. gla- 
brescens 19:261; 85. angustifolia 19:262; var. 
typica 19:260. macrophylla 16:55; 34:244. 
muscosa, 8. sedoides 21:7. papulosa 21:7. 
platysperma 21:7. stellarioides 21:7. Tom- 
masinii 21:7. trinervia 21:3 

Moerckia 6:166. Flotowiana 6:75, 165. hi- 
bernica 6:75; var. Wilsoniana 6:165 

Molineria 25:156-159, 163. plicata 25:156, 
163. recurvata 25:160—162, fig. 17 

Molinia 35:137; 49:254, 264. caerulea 6:90; 
14:55; 24:113; 35:137; 44:335; 48:19; 49: 
240, 264. distans, var. reptans 18:8 

Mollugo 11:127; 17:203, 226. verticillata 5: 
188; 17:35, 203, 226, 227; 26:224; 32:250; 

Monanthium 21:10; 22:180 

Monarda 6:128; 25:39; 39:353; 44:450; 46: 
491; 50:54. aristata 44:252. Bradburiana 
36:230; 46:491, 492. ciliata 50:53, 54; var. 
7:142. citriodora 25:39. clinopodia 19:248. 
coccinea 7:48. didyma 1:30, 171; 6:128; 
7:48; 15:67; 21:202; 25:39; 35:320; 43:81. 
fistulosa 3:13-15; 4:91; 8:223; 15:66; 21: 
202; 25:39; 41:129; 46:494—496; var. men- 
thaefolia 46:495; var. media 3:13, 15; var. 
mollis 1:221; 3:13, 15; 46:494, 495; var. 
rubra 3:13, 15; 25:39; 37:87; 41:129; var. 
typica, f. albescens 48:97. hirsuta 50:54, 
55. media 3:13,15. menthaefolia 3:14, 15; 
46:495, 496. mollis 3:13-15; 4:89, 91; 25: 
39; 36:373, 374; 38:65; 43:638; 46:494; var. 
menthaefolia 3:15; 46:495. punctata 25: 
40; 35:363; 38:377 ; var. Stanfieldii 38:407. 
purpurea 3:13. Russeliana 46:491, 492. 
scabra 3:13, 15. Stanfieldii 38:407. stricta 
3:15. virgata 46:492 

Monardella lanceolata, var. sanguinea 41:312 

Monas 24:51; 50:278. amoebina 50:278 

Monchia 22:181 

Moneses 6:125; 17:28; 21:10; 22:180; 24:155; 
29:1-3, 5; 33:109. grandiflora 1:93, 165, 
193; 2:122, 218; 3:175, 189; 6:125; 17:28; 


24:118. reticulata 17:28, 29. uniflora 6: 
125; 17:28, 29, 152; 18:41, 71; 22:40, 42-44; 
24:155; 25:10; 29:217; 32:206; 33:123, 227; 
34:54; 36:283; 40:145; 41:161, 271; 42:334; 
var. reticulata 17:28, 29; 41:271; 42:334 

Monk's Rhubarb 23:107 

Monniera 37:441. acuminata 10:66. amplexi- 
caulis 10:66. caroliniana 10:66. cuneifolia 
37:440. rotundifolia 41:447 

Monoblepharis 5:103-105, 107, 108, pl. 46. 
brachyandra 5:103-106, 108, pl. 46. fasci- 
culata 5:103, 105. insignis 5:103, 105. ma- 
crandra 5:106. ovigera 5:106. polymorpha 
5:103-106, 108, pl. 46. regnigens 5:106. 
sphaerica 5:103, 105 

Monochaete 9:52 

Monochaetum 9:52 

Monochoria 27:76, 77, 79 

Monocotyledonae 42:317 

Monocotyledoneae 9:36; 36:61; 41:142; 47: 

Monocotyledons 40:182; 47:384 

Monolepis chenopodioides 6:82; 35:182. tri- 
fida 6:82 

Monosiga ovata 50:278 

Monostroma 5:2, 7, 10, 13, 15, 17, 18; 8:106; 
11:23-25; 16:4; 18:91. angicavum 5:13, 14. 
arcticum 5:11, 13, 14, 31, pl. 41; 11:24, 25; 
var. intestiniformis 5:11, 14; 11:24. Blyttii 
5:10-12, 31. Collinsii 5:18. crassiusculum 
5:12. crepidinum 2:44; 5:11, 16, 31, pl. 41; 
7:224. cylindraceum 5:13, 14. fuscum 2: 
44; 5:11, 12, 15; 11:24, 25; 16:4; f. Blyttii 
5:12, 31, pl. 41; f. splendens 5:12. Grevillei 
2:44; 5:11-14, 31, pl. 41; 7:224; 11:23-25; 
f. lactuea 5:15; var. arctica 5:18, 14; var. 
Vahlii 5:13, 14; 11:24. groenlandicum 1: 
126; 2:44; 5:10, 11, 18, 31, pl. 41; 7:242. 
Lactuca 5:15; 11:23-25. latissimum 2:44; 
3:134; 4:175; 5:10, 11, 16, 17, 31, pl. 41; 
7:224, 238; 11:26. leptodermum 2:44; 5: 
11, 15, 16, 31, pl. 41. lubricum 5:12. orbi- 
culatum 11:25, 26; f. varians 11:26.  pulch- 
rum 1:124; 2:44; 5:11, 14-16, 31, pl. 41; 
7:224; 11:25. quaternarium 4:175; 5:11, 
17, 31, pl. 41. saccodeum 5:13, 14. splen- 
dens 5:12. undulatum 5:11, 14, 15, 31, pl. 
41; 11:25; var. Farlowii 2:44; 5:11, 14, 15; 
7:242; 23:67. Vahlii 1:126; 2:44; 5:13. 
zostericolum 5:16 

Monotropa 6:125; 13:17; 24:155, 225; 29:2- 
5; 33:109; 44:450. Hypopitys 1:93; 3:175; 
5:49, 136; 6:125; 10:166; 11:96, 154; 13:18; 
24:155; 28:125; 31:166; 33:216, 269; 34:54; 
36:220; 49:250; var. rubra 32:269. uniflora 
1:93; 2:218; 5:49, 136; 6:125; 11:96; 13: 
18; 15:190; 17:152; 18:30; 22:134; 24:155; 
29:131, 183, 217; 32:152, 206, 216, 269; 33: 
32, 123; 34:54; 36:220 

Monotropsis 11:154; 45:364. 
39:200, 477; 44:256; 45:363 

Montia 18:240; 23:131. Chamissoi 33:228. 
fontana 2:208; 4:150; 5:188; 9:219; 11:164; 
12:138, 146, pl. 84; 28:117; 29:175, 213; var. 
tenerrima 12:138.  Hallii 12:138. lampro- 
sperma 12:106, 138, 146, pl. 84; 13:122; 14: 

odorata 11:153; 


72; 17:154; 22:111; 27:97; 28:117; 29:14, 
123, 132; 175, 213; 34:66; 35:2925 31:307; 
38:150; 41:161, 220. minor 12:188. parvi- 
folia 32:24. rivularis 12:138, 146, pl. 84; 
18:140; 20:104; 23:131; 28:50; 35:273; 50: 
212. sarmentosa 42:322. sibirica 18:240. 
Sweetseri 32:24 

Moonseed 4:129; 21:191; 44:351 

Moonwort 35:353 

Moose-tongue 18:40 

Moosewood 12:182, 184; 44:29 

Moraceae 21:190; 31:91 

Morchella 1:60, 61. angusticeps 1:61. bi- 
spora 1:156, 157. conica 1:61, 66, pl. 4; 14: 
53, 54. esculenta 1:61; 13:58. hybrida 1: 
61, 156, 157. semilibera 1:61, 156, 157 

Morchelleae 1:60 

Morella inodora 46:390 

Mormon Weed 9:26 

Morongia 31:93, 96 

Morus 17:170; 21:191; 44:27. alba 1:106; 
17:170; 50:295; var. tatarica 46:82. rubra 
17:170; 21:87; 24:184; 36:43; 37:437; 38: 
376; 39:473 

Mosku 1:167 

Mosquitoes 41:156 

Moss(es) 4:29; 6:43, 95, 97, 145; 7:77; 8:135, 
130: 9:08; 10:37; 11:176; 177; 18:204; 23: 
70, 183; 38:112, 116; 41:142, 151; 42:268, 
277, 417; 44:124, 130; 47:281; 48:1. Club 
7:96; 8:135. Peat 10:113 

Mosurr 12:31, 32 

Mosurr 12:30, 37, 38; 15:29, 33, 34. Wood 
12:18, 25, 30, 32 

Mougeotia 24:103, 108; 26:161, 162; 29:161- 
163; 50:67. calcarea 24:104, 108. genuflexa 
7:239; 23:66. parvula 23:253; 24:108. ro- 
busta 7:239. sphaerocarpa 14:114. tenuis 
23 :253 

Moulds, Bread 5:97 

Mountain Ash 13:238; 22:131; 28:72; 49:231; 
American- 12:179; Spiraea 12:179. Black- 
berry 12:180. Bluet 50:179. Cinquefoils 
37:4. Cranberry 4:231, 232; 11:177; 12: 
23, 25, 34, 35, 37, 183; 13:136; 15:29, 30, 
32; 42:311; 44:118. Holly 12:182; 41:426. 
Laurel 4:131, 140, 142, 151; 6:227; 10:165; 
14:91; 18:41; 33:198. Maple 12:37, 182; 
22:131. Pink 4:131. Spleenwort 4:54 

Mouse-ear Chickweed 28:70. Hawkweed 4: 

Moxie Plum 12:183. Vine 18:41 

Mucilago 2:79. spongiosa 29:168, 173 

Mucor 5:99; 44:450; 50:286 

Mucorales 8:67 

Mucors 5:97 

Muhlenbergia 6:105; 9:17, 23; 12:40; 15:125; 
18:233; 19:109; 29:10, 13, 160; 31:16; 35: 
181, 214; 38:207; 44:373, 375; 45:221, 223, 
226, 229, 235, 255, 379; 47:209; 48:63; 49: 
254, 272; 50:16. 8 Acroxis 9:18. 8 Muh- 
lenbergia 9:17. § Stenocladium 9:17. am- 
bigua 9:20; 26:1; 29:13; 45:236; var. fili- 
formis 45:236. aspericaulis 4:46; 18:233. 
brachyphylla 44:373, 380; 45:365, 366, 380. 
brevifolia 18:233. calycina 45:237. capil- 


laris 4:143; 15:125; 19:109; 36:219; 38:265, 
270; 39:364, 381, 481; 40:387; 44:375; 49: 
273. commutata 45:235. curtisetosa 47: 
211. cuspidata 18:233; 35:284; 36:223; 39: 
150. depauperata 18:233. diffusa 2:120; 9: 
17. dumosa 4:46. erecta 29:158; 45:260, 
261. expansa 4:143; 44:253, 375, 380. fili- 
formis, var. fortis 38:298. foliosa 9:19- 
21; 14:55; 15:125, 160; 16:13; 19:96, 109; 
38:265, 268; 44:335, 380; 45:221, 222, 224, 
226, 228, 229, 235, 236, pls. 749, 750; 49:273; 
f. ambigua 26:1; 38:265; 45:236; subsp. 
ambigua 9:20, 21; 15:160; 26:1; subsp. 
setiglumis 9:20; var. setiglumis 38:265, 
268; 44:335. frondosa 45:235, 379, pls. 
149, 750; 49:273; f. commutata 45:235; 
49:273. glabriflora 9:22; 45:227, 379, 385; 
47:99, 109. glomerata 1:104; 6:105; 9:22; 
10:165; 45:231, 232, 234, 237, 239, pl. 756; 
47:211; 48:64; 49:272; var. cinnoides 48: 
64; 49:239, 272; var. ramosa 9:22; 45:231, 
232, 237. gracilis 9:20. lateriflora 45:226, 
227. mexicana 6:105; 9:18, 19, 21, 23; 15: 
125, 160; 16:89; 19:109, 164; 24:113; 28:74; 
32:178; 38:265, 268; 45:221, 223, 224, 226- 
230, 235, 236, 238, pls. 751, 752; 47:213; 49: 
273; 50:16; f. ambigua 45:236; 49:273; 
f. commutata 26:1; 38:265; 45:236; f. seti- 
glumis 45:236; subsp. commutata 9:18, 
21; 26:1; var. commutata 26:1; 45:235. 
microsperma 48:64. palustris 9:17. poly- 
stachya 9:18. racemosa 60:105; 9:20, 22; 
12:40; 15:125; 19:30; 22:134; 23:229; 28: 
127, 162, 245; 32:18; 36:407, 416; 38:265, 
268; 45:221, 222, 224, 231, 232, 237, 238, pls. 
758, 754; 47:211; 48:63: 40:272; subsp. 
violacea 9:22; var. ramosa 9:22; 45:237. 
Richardsonis 18:233; 29:10, 229; 32:201, 203, 
map 31; 38:265, 268, 269. Schreberi 9:17, 
22. 15:125; 20:158, 159, 247; 38:205, 270; 
49:273; subsp. curtisetosa 9:17; subsp. 
palustris 9:17; 10:65; var. palustris 10:65. 
setiglumis 45:236. setosa 45:222, 231-233, 
235, 237—239, map 1, pls. 755, 756; 47:198, 
211; 48:063, 64; 49:272; var. cinnoides 45: 
233, 238, 239, map 2, pl. 757; 47:211; 48: 
64. simplex 38:298. sobolifera 9:17, 18, 22; 
12:40; 15:125; 16:90; 38:265, 270; 49:272; 
f. setigera 38:265; subsp. setigera 9:18. 
squarrosa 18:233. sylvatica 6:97; 9:18, 20, 
21, 23; 15:125; 19:109; 32:118; 36:416; 38: 
265, 269; 45:221, 222, 224, 230, 231, 235, 237; 
49:273; f. attenuata 38:363; 49:273; var. 
gracilis 9:20; var. robusta 45:236, 237; 49: 
273; var. setiglumis 9:20; 45:236. tenui- 
flora 9:18, 21, 22; 15:125; 16:89; 21:201; 28: 
74; 34:32; 36:219, 416; 38:265; 44:380; 49: 
272; subsp. variabilis 9:18. trichopodes 4: 
143; 44:380. umbrosa 9:20-22; 32:118; 
36:416; subsp. attenuata 9:21. uniflora 
29:10—13; 35:215; 38:265, 268, 365; 43:339; 
44:242; 49:272; var. terrae-novae 29:11; 
35:5, 85, 214, 215, 399, pl. 241; 49:239, 245. 
Willdenowii 2:120; 9:18 

Muhly 45:223. Marsh 45:222, 223, 231. 
Wire-stem 45:223 


Mulberry 9:5. White 25:176 

Muley 45:222 

Mulgedium 42:301. acuminatum 50:31. flori- 
danum 40:479; 50:30; var. y. 50:30. leuco- 
phaeum 42:300, 301; 8. integrifolium 42:302 

Mullein 18:95; 49:67 

Multisiliquae 47:385, pl. 991 

Munroa 7:159 

Muscadina 46:49 

Muscadine 46:48, 49 

Muscae 47:386 

Muscari 10:129; 24:17, 18, 209, 210. botry- 
oides 10:129; 21:106; 24:17, 18, 209. como- 
sum 24:17-19, 208, 210; f. monstrosum 24: 
18, 19. racemosum 1:68; 24:17, 18; 41:490 

Musei 3:242, 257, 285; 4:30, 238; 6:72; 11: 
117; 39:39; 42:345; 47:380, pl. 991 

Museum beetles 40:1 

Mushroom (s) 7:153; 23:87 ; 44:171 

Musk filaree 39:235. Plant 6:227 

Mustard(s) 38:243; 40:306. Hedge 7:101, 
103. White 14:164 

Mutinus bovinus 44:171. caninus 4:134 

Mutisia pinchichensis 35:257. Rimbachii 35: 
257, 258 

Myagrum rugosum 31:96 

Mycena 3:42; 16:47. alcalina 44:171. calo- 
rhiza 3:40. cyaneobasis 3:40. cyanothrix 
3:40. Iris 3:40. sanguinolenta 44:171 

Mycetozoa 16:79 

Mycetozoan 41:257 

Mycocalicium subtile 36:142, 154 

Mycosphaerella 50:287, 288. punctiformis 41: 
514, 516 

Mylia 12:201. $ Leptoscyphus 12:201. ano- 
mala 5:172; 6:190; 7:58; 14:225; 15:25; 17: 
120; 25:195; 26:9. Taylori 5:51, 172; 14: 
224; 15:25; 25:195; 26:9 

Myogalum Boucheanum 9:43 

Myosotis 6:127; 9:45, 46; 25:30; 41:492; 42: 
244; 43:637; 47:378. alpestris 36:164, 171, 
pl. 284; 41:163; 42:337; 45:315; var. asiatica 
41:154, 164, 282. arvensis 2:124; 3:214; 4: 
91; 6:142; 19:247; 25:30; 29:125, 185, 219. 
collina 1:11, 76; 3:214, 215. deflexa 40:341. 
hispida 3:215. laxa 2:69; 3:214; 6:192; 21: 
170; 25:30; 35:90; 43:555. macrosperma 
10:55; 41:493, 558; 43:488, 503, 637, map 1. 
micrantha 25:30; 38:366. palustris 1:222; 
3:214; 6:127; 10:145. scorpioides 11:98; 
23:95; 25:30; 35:90; 49:251. sylvatica 25:30. 
verna 1:104; 3:214, 215; 6:84; 43:488, 636, 
637; 45:459; var. macrosperma 10:55. versi- 
color 40:455; 44:337. virginica 12:129; 25: 
30; 41:558; 43:488, 636; var. macrosperma 
10:55; 37:350; 41:558 

Myosurus minimus 35:362; 36:364; 40:372, 
373, 420; 44:75; 48:115. Shortii 40:45 

Myriactis pulvinata, var. minor 2:47; 7:228 

Myriandra spathulata 50:168 

Myrica 6:113; 7:74, 157, 159; 9:50; 12:178; 
16:89, 109; 37:423; 40:408, 409; 42:95; 43: 
220; 44:27. asplenifolia 3:130; 5:129, 130; 
9:121; 12:128, 178; 15:153; 16:38, 109; 17: 
153, 154; 18:35; 20:101; 21:199; 32:177, 212; 
34:61; 39:200; 40:145, 156, 379, 410—412, 482, 


pl. 514. carolinensis 7:74, 123, 125, 127; 11: 
231; 12:119, 178; 16:109; 18:35, 96; 20:101, 
103; 21:119; 23:105, 257; 24:87; 26:185, 
224; 28:39; 29:129, 156, 211; 32:127, 151, 
161, 210, 247; 33:120; 37:423; 38:98; 44: 
172-174; 50:295. cerifera 1:194; 3:130, 189; 
5:128; 7:74, 123; 9:194; 13:243; 19:32; 20: 
103; 28:244; 29:156, 211; 36:31, 43; 37:423; 
38:376; 39:473, 480; 40:408, 409; 44:342; 
B. media 40:409, 410; y. pumila 40:408, 409. 
Comptonia 40:412. Curtissi 37:423, 424; 
39:477; 40:409, 410; var. media 37:423; 40: 
409, 410. floridana 50:125. Gale 1:183; 5: 
132; 6:118; 7:110; 11:93; 12:117, 128, 178; 
16:109, 167; 17:150; 18:35; 19:32; 22:40, 
132, 184, 135; 25:8; 28:82; 29:156, 211, 222; 
32:151, 247; 33:179; 34:52, 239; 35:238, 251; 
36:280; 37:307; 38:148; 40:145; 42:321; 44: 
364; var. subglabra 16:167; 19:128; 27: 
212. heterophylla 40:409, 410; 49:22; var. 
Curtissi 40:410. inodora 46:389-391. pen- 
silvanica 37:423; 38:377; 40:410; 42:94, 95. 
peregrina 40:412. pumila 7:74; 40:408, 409. 
pusilla 40:408, 409, 448. sessilifolia 40:409, 
410; var. latifolia 40:409, 410 

Myricaceae 6:113; 12:178; 16:109; 18:35, 96; 
25:8; 26:224; 29:211; 31:43; 32:247; 36: 
280; 43:80; 49:255; 50:125, 295 

Myrioblepharis 5:107 

M yriocladia 8:196 

Myrionema balticum 2:47; 50:262. Corunnae 
8:158; var. filamentosa 8:158. foecundum 
2:47. globosum 2:47; 50:262. Leclancheri 
26:214; 50:262. vulgare 2:47; 7:158 

Myriophyllum 2:215; 4:105; 7:142; 10:167; 
21:122, 123; 23:117; 24:214; 33: fig. 1; 
35:124; 41:524, 528; 42:524. § Tessaronia 
33:40, 42, 53, 59. subgen. Eumyriophyllum 
33:40. alterniflorum 1:103; 12:190, 191; 19: 
232; 21:191; 22:136; 23:117, 133, 277; 24: 
182; 28:127, 219; 29:217; 41:167, 264, 265; 
43:555. ambiguum 3:34; 4:105; 5:134; 10: 
52; 27:152; f. capillaceum 12:190; var. capil- 
laceum 10:52, 166; var. limosum 4:105; 10: 
52; 27:152; var. natans 10:52. brasiliense 
41:551, 565. capillaceum 10:52. elatinoides 
21:124; 26:93, 94. exalbescens 21:120, 
122, 123; 23:117, 277; 24:117; 28:127, 220; 
29:65, 70, 109; 33:19; 34:70; 36:282, 307; 
41:157, 158, 265; 44:143; 47:218; 49:250. 
Farwellii 22:136; 23:163, 277; 33:59, 166; 
36:407; 43:555; 44:123. heterophyllum 7: 
107, 142; 36:48; 41:551. hippuroides 41: 
524. humile 13:18; 14:26; 23:105, 117, 277; 
24:179; 32:148, 267 ; 50:304; f. capillaceum 
10:52; 23:117; 32:267; 42:45; f. natans 10: 
525; 23:117, 277; 32:267. magdalenense 21: 
122, 123; 26:198; 32:13; 44:143; 50:212. 
pinnatum 3:88; 26:227; 32:124; 38:438; 39: 
482; 41:551; 50:290, 298. procumbens 2: 
219; 3:34. proserpinacoides 41:551, 565. 
quitense 21:124. scabratum 3:88; 25:48; 
26:227; 32:148, 210, 267; 50:298. spicatum 
5:134; 13:182; 15:91, 166; 19:232; 21:122- 
124, 191; 23:117; 24:117; 29:217; 36:307; 
41:265; 47:218; 49:250; var. exalbescens 

INDEX TO VonuMEs 1-50 

47:218. tenellum 1:184; 5:130, 134; 11:129; 
13:135, 140; 14:31, 202; 16:40; 22:16; 23: 
105, 117, 141-143, 163, 277; 24:179; 26:37, 
38; 29:217; 31:85; 32:148, 169, 173, 214, 
267 ; 43:555. titikakense 21:124. verticilla- 
tum 21:123; 41:524; var. Cheneyi 41:524; 
var. intermedium 21:123; var. pectinatum 
22:136; 23:131, 277; 29:217; 38:299 

Myriophyllums 41:126 

Myriopteris gracilis 48:386, 387 

Myriotrichia 35:256. clavaeformis 2:47; 35: 
149, 256; 50:262. densa 35:256. filiformis 
2:47; 35:256 

Myrmica emeryana 44:15; 45:445. fracticor- 
nis 43:207; 45:445 

Myrrhis 15:17. longistylis 25:110 

Myrtillum 12:23 

Myrtillus uliginosa, var. microphylla 25:25; 
36:183; var. pubescens 25:25 

Myrtle 18:42. Wax 37:423 

Myrtle-tree 12:23 

Mystery Tree 36:239 

Myurella 6:146. apiculata 6:146. Careyana 
6:73, 145. gracilis 15:13; 39:43. julacea 6: 
146; 14:52; 30:9; 39:43 

Myxobacteriales 50:286 

Myxococcus 50:286 

Myxogastrales 50:286 

RD ES 12128: 136207129: 165), 100... baz, 

Myxonema 5:72; 26:212 

Myxophyceae 24:102-104; 26:162, 190, 211, 
212; 28:1; 39:424; 40:74, 232, 236, 240; 43: 
74; 44:65; 50:272, 275 

Myxothallophytes 50:286 


Nabalus 3:217, 219; 31:9, 10. altissimus 6: 
134. Bootti 9:154; 12:6. crepidineus 38: 
300. Fraseri 44:478; var. integrifolius 44: 
478. integrifolius 44:478. nanus 3:177; 6: 
134. serpentarius 29:191, 221 

Naiad 41:187; 44:217. Family 44:217 

Najadaceae 3:283; 6:103; 10:168; 11:205; 12: 
12; 16:120; 18:33, 95; 25:6; 26:219; 29:206, 
247; 31:43; 32:230:130:277; 38:333;-40: 183; 
42:149; 43:79; 44:217; 49:255; 50:293 

Najas 2:217; 6:104; 7:45; 11:37, 205; 25:105, 
109; 38:333, 334; 40:28, 183; 41:188; 43: 
527, 658; 44:8, 217, 356; 49:105, 233-235. 
$ Americanae 37:348; 39:59. conferta 38: 
334, 337. flexilis 5:134; 6:104, 176; 10:168; 
11:205; 17:211; 21:75; 22:136; 23:146, 192; 
25:107, 108, 206; 33:207; 35:14; 37:308, 345, 
346, 348, 414; 38:334—339, 341, 342, pl. 438; 
39:57, 58, pl. 455; 41:188; 42:95; 44:7, 8, 
217; 49:105, 106, 233-236; subsp. caespitosa 
44:7; var. robusta 10:168, 170; 11:205; 25: 
206; 44:217. gracillima 10:168; 11:205; 24: 
86, 182; 25:109; 36:249, 405; 37:346, 414; 
38:334, 335, 337—341, map 3, pl. 438; 39:58, 
432; 40:28; 41:189, 474, 500; 44:217; 47: 
210; 49:106, 233-236. guadalupensis 10:170; 
13-151. 160; 24-112; 25:107; 108; 2065. 30- 
136; 32:104; 37:345, 348; 38:334, 335, 337, 
342, 344, 381, 383, map 4, pl. 438; 39:57, 58, 


60, pl. 455; 41:188, 189; 42:370; 44:8, 217; 
48:329; 49:106, 233—236. indica 49:236; 
var. gracillima 5:134; 25:109; 49:230. 
major 25:106; 29:43, 44. marina 22:15; 25: 
106; 29:43, 92, 111; 37:345, 346; 38:334, 335, 
338, map 1, pl. 438; 41:188; 44:8; var. 
gracilis 38:336. microdon 38:334; 49:235. 
minor 38:334—338, map 2, pls. 437, 438; 39: 
57, 58. Muenscheri 39:59, 60, pl. 455; 49: 
233-236. olivacea 37:347, 348, pl. 382; 
38:334, 344; 41:187, 188. tenuissima 38:339 

Nama 41:562; 44:35. Havardii 41:562, 563; 
var. album 41:562. torynophyllum 41:563 

Nanomitrium 12:146-148, 150. Austini 12: 
147, 148; 13:46; 15:13. synoicum 12:148 

Napaea dioica 43:94 

Narcissus 6:83; 25:176; 44:344; 47:332. x 
Barrii 40:407. biflorus 45:398. Daffodil 50: 
112, 125. incomparabilis 40:407. Jonquilla 
30:69. poeticus 4:84; 6:83; 32:27; 37:85. 
Pseudo-Narcissus 38:85; 50:125 

Nardia 21:149, 152, 155, 156, 163, 167; 23:281. 
subgen. Eucalyx 21:149, 154. subgen. Eu- 
nardia 21:149. adusta 4:208. biformis 21: 
150, 158, 159. crenulata 5:172; 6:75; 7:58; 
10:186, 187; 14:12; 15:25; 21:149, 154; 25: 
195; 26:9. crenuliformis 10:186, 187; 15: 
25, 27; 19:272; 21:149, 154, 160; 25:196. 
emarginata, var. aquatica 6:167; var. major 
6:167. fossombronioides 23:281; 25:195, 
198. Geoscyphus 9:57, 58; 14:12; 15:25, 
28; 16:76; 19:363; 21:149; 25:195; 26:9. 
haematosticta 4:209; 5:172; 9:57, 58; 15: 
28. hyalina 4:209; 5:172; 10:187, 192; 11: 
118; 15:25; 21:149-156, 158-167, figs. 1-9; 
25:195; var. heteromorpha 21:156, 158; var. 
ovalifolia 21:158; var. subaquatica 21:158. 
insecta 9:58, 59. minor 9:58. obovata 3: 
181; 5:172; 6:170; 7:58; 10:187; 15:25; 21: 
149, 155, 160, 162-167, figs. 10-14; 23:284; 
25:195; 8. bogotensis 21:163; var. bipartita 
21:168; var. elongata 21:168; f. flaccida 
21:168; var. rivularis 21:168. obscura 21: 
159-162, 164, 166, 167, 169, pl. 126; 23:284; 
25:195, 198; 26:9. paroica 21:156, 167. re- 
panda 9:57. robusta 6:167; 10:186; 15:27. 
scalaris 9:58; 14:1, 11-13; 15:25, 27; 21: 
149; 25:195; var. insecta 14:13. Silvrettae 
9:58. sparsifolia 7:52. sphacelata, var. 
erythrorhiza 6:167; var. media 6:167. sub- 
elliptica 21:164, 167. subtilissima 21:162 

Nardosmia 48:123. corymbosa 48:124. frigida 
48:124; var. corymbosa 48:124; var. genuina 
48:123; var. palmata 48:124. Hookeriana 
48:124. palmata 48:124. speciosa 48:124 

Nardus 40:134, 135. stricta 2:137; 21:22; 28: 
81; 29:126; 35:203, 273; 38:15; 40:134; 44: 
336; 48:21 

Narketis 21:194. hyperborea 21:195. 

Narrow Spleenwort 7:100 

Narrow-leaved wintergreen oak 48:143 

Narthecium 33:52. americanum 33:52; 39:29 

Nasmythia articulata 11:41 

Nasturtium 6:118; 10:32; 18:220; 19:115; 27: 
186; 42:271, 303; 43:201. Armoracia 6:118; 



10:32. hispidum 10:32; 30:133; 42:29, 270; 
f. Tetrapoma 42:27. indicum 18:155. la- 
custre 10:32; 27:186. natans 7:142; var. 
americanum 27:186. officinale 1:81; 3:17; 
6:118; 48:330. palustre 6:118; 30:132, 133; 
42:267; var. brevisiliquum 42:270; var. 
genuinum 42:29; var. hispidum 10:32; 30: 
133; 42:26; var. majus 42:272; var. micro- 
carpum 42:27, 29, 270, 271, pl. 605; 50:100; 
var. minus 42:272. sphaerocarpum 10:32; 
38:406. sylvestre 9:12. terrestre 6:118; 30: 
132, 133; var. hispidum 42:273; var. occi- 
dentale 42:27 

Naucoria 13:57; 26:218. Christinae 2:127- 
129. festiva 2:128. firma 13:64. hilaris 2: 
128. Jennyae 2:129. lugubris 2:128. 
sphagnophila 16:48 

Naumburgia 22:193, 194. 

Navarretia mitracarpa 33:206. Savagei 33: 

Navicula 9:131; 10:184; 26:217. acrosphaeria 
10:181, 183; var. dilatata 10:183; var. minor 
10:182. advena 9:132. affinis 10:181; f. 
maxima 10:184; var. amphirynchus 10:184. 
ambigua 26:194, 216. americana 9:133; 
var. bacillaris 10:184. amphigomphus 9: 
133; 10:184. amphipleuroides 9:133. am- 
phirynchus 9:126, 133; 10:181. appendicu- 
lata 10:182. approximata 9:132. arabica 
9:133. aspera 9:133; 26:193, 216. bacillum 
9:133. Bartleyana 9:133. bicapitata, var. 
hybrida 10:181. bisulcata 10:182, 184. 
Boeckii 9:135. bogotensis 10:184; var. in- 
terrupta 10:182; var. undulata 10:182. 
Bombus 9:132; 26:193, 216. borealis 9:132; 
26:194, 216. brasiliensis9:132.  Braunii 10: 
181; 26:194, 216; var. interrupta 10:181. 
Brebissonii 9:132; 10:181. brevicostata 10: 
184. californiea, var. campeachiana 9:133. 
cancellata 9:132. cardinalis 9:132. Cari, 
var. angusta 10:182. caribaea 9:132. cir- 
cumsecta 9:133. clavata 9:132; var. cari- 
baea 26:193, 216. columnaris 9:133. com- 
mutata 10:184. crabro 10:132. crassinervia 
9:135. crucicola 9:133. cryptocephala 10: 
181. cuspidata 9:133; 10:181. dactylus 9: 
132; f. curta 10:184. Dariana 10:184. de- 
currens 10:182. delawarensis 9:133. dice- 
phala 10:182; 26:194, 216; var. lata 10:182. 
didyma 9:132; 26:193, 216. digito-radiata 
9:132. dilatata 9:133. diploneis, var. obli- 
quus 9:133. directa 9:132. distans 9:132; 
26:193, 217. divergens 9:132; 10:182, 184; 
var. bacillaris 10:184; var. constricta 10:184. 
dubia 10:181. elegans 9:133; 26:192, 194, 
217. elegantissima 10:182, 184. elliptica 9: 
126, 132; 10:182; var. oblongella 9:132. 
esox 9:133. exempta 26:193, 217. fasciata 
10:182, 184. firma 9:133. Fischeri 9:133. 
forcipata 9:132; var. densistriata 26:193, 
217. formosa 9:133; 26:192, 195, 217. for- 
tis 9:132. fusca 9:132; 26:194, 217. gen- 
tilis 10:184. gibba 9:132; 10:182, 184. 
gigas 9:132; 10:181. gracilis 26:194, 217. 
Gregorii 26:195, 217. Hantzschiana 26:194, 

thyrsiflora 1:184; 


217. hemiptera 10:182. Hennedeyi 9:132; 
26:194, 217. heronia 10:182. hibernica 9: 
132. Hitchcockii 9:133; 10:184. humerosa 
9:133; 26:194, 217. hungarica 26:192. in- 
terposita 9:133. interrupta 9:132; 26:194, 
217. iridis 9:133; 10:181, 184; var. amphi- 
gomphus 9:133; var. amphirhynchus 9:133; 
var. producta 9:133. irrorata 9:132. ka- 
morthensis 9:133. lata 9:128, 132. latis- 
sima 9:133. Legumen 9:132; 10:184. Lewis- 
iana 9:130, 135. liber 9:133. limosa 9:133; 
10:181, 184; var. subundulata 10:181. line- 
aris 10:184. longa 9:132. Lyra 9:130, 132; 
26:194, 217; var. dilatata 26:194, 217; var. 
elliptica 26:194, 217. maculata 9:129, 133. 
major 9:132; 10:181, 182, 184; 26:194, 217. 
marina 9:133. maxima 26:194, 217. meso- 
gongyla, var. interrupta 10:181. mesolep- 
ta, var. stauroneiformis 10:181, 184. meso- 
tyla 10:181, 184. nanmella 26:192, 193, 217, 
fig. l. nobilis 9:131; 10:181, 184; var. dac- 
tylus 9:132. nodosa, var. curta 10:181. no- 
tabilis, var. expleta 26:194, 217. oblongella 
9:132. palpebralis 9:133; var. angulosa 26: 
194, 217. parallela 9:133. parva 10:182. 
peregrina 9:132; 26:192, 194, 195, 217. peri- 
punctata 9:131, 133; 10:180. permagna 9: 
129, 130, 133. polyonca 9:132. polysticta 
9:132. Powelli 9:133. praetexta 9:132. 
producta 9:133; var. acuta 10:184. pupula 
10:181; var. lineare 10:181. pusilla 9:133. 
pygmaea 9:132. quadratarea 26:194, 217. 
rhombica 9:134. rhomboides 9:135. rhyn- 
chocephala 9:132; 10:184; 26:194, 217. ru- 
pestris 10:184. Semen 9:128, 132. serians 
9:133. Sillimanorum 9:133. Smithii 9:132; 
27:194, 217; var. dilatata 10:182. sphaero- 
phora 9:133. stomatophora 10:182. sub- 
capitata, var. stauroneiformis 10:182. sub- 
orbieularis 26:194, 217. Tabellaria 9:132. 

theta 9:134. transversa 10:184. trinodis 9: 
134; 10:181. tubulosa 9:134. tumescens 9: 
133. tuscula 9:133. viridis 9:132; 10:181, 

183, 184; 26:194, 217; var. commutata 10: 
181, 183; var. fallax 10:183. viridula 26: 
194, 217. yarrensis 9:132; 26:194, 217. 
zostereti 9:132 

Nazia 9:53 

Neckera complanata 24:124. pennata 1:54; 
3:178; 4:30; 24:124; 39:43 

Neckeraceae 37:228; 39:43 

Neckeropsis undulata 36:56 

Neckeria 9:54 

Necklace Poplar 4:133 

Nectria cinnabarina 39:372; 41:516; 50:288 

Needhamia 9:54 

Neeragrostis 28:113. hypnoides 28:114, 115. 
Weigeltiana 28:114, 115 

Neesiella 16:63; 25:74. carnica 16:65. pilosa 
14:210; 15:22, 26; 16:62, 65; 25:74, 199. 
rupestris 16:62, 64, 65; 25:75, 198, 199 

Negundo 15:222. aceroides 1:40; 32:99 

Nelumbium 18:164. luteum 36:23, 24. pen- 
tapetalum 36:23 

Nelumbo 18:90, 162, 164; 29:235, 236; 30:54, 
56—58; 36:24; 42:369. lutea 8:29; 18:90; 


24:87; 33:230; 36:23; 37:192. pentapetala 
36:23, 24; 37:192; 38:272; 43:062; 48:330 

Nemalion 50:256. multifidum 2:51; 7:223, 
231; 8:190; 26:191, 214; 50:267 

Nemastoma Bairdii 2:51; 43:72 

Nemastylis 7:160. acuta 36:224, 227, 230 

Nematosporangium 29:38 

Nemexia 15:222; 46:36. elliptica 46:35, 36. 
Hugeri 46:36. lasioneuron 39:399 

Nemocharis 49:150 

Nemopanthus 6:121; 9:54; 11:50; 12:182; 18: 
30; 21:126; 46:20. canadensis 1:183. fasci- 
cularis 1:183, 191; 2:38; 3:174, 198; 5: 
385, 184; 6:121; 7:154; 14:21. mucronata 
11:96; 12:182; 13:78; 17:51, 148, 152; 18: 
30:121:120; 22-1384 135: 28:124. 216;. 29: 
181, 216; 32:176; 33:122; 34:53; 40:161; f. 
chrysocarpa 47:144; var. chrysocarpa 42: 
307; 47:144 

Nemophila 42:34. Fremontii 42:39. micro- 
calyx 40:375, 454; 41:489; 42:39; 43:485; 
45:383, 459. pulchella, var. Fremontii 42: 

Nemorosa quinquefolia 30:186 

Nenuphar 18:163; 21:185. advena 21:186. 
album 30:57. luteum 21:186; 30:57. mini- 
mum 21:186. pumilum 21:186 

Neobeckia aquatica 27:186; 40:132 

Neofinetia 27:107. falcata 27:107 

Neomammillaria hemisphaerica 35:224, 406; 
37:78. multiceps 35:224 

Neopieris mariana 18:68 

Neottia 7:50; 11:106. calcarata 23:84. gland- 
ulosa 17:136. gracilis 48:6, 7, 190, 191; var. 
8. secunda 48:5, 7, 9. lacera 48:5-7. lucida 
23:83. plantaginea 23:83; 48:6. pubescens 
1:5. repens 1:6; 8.1:6. tortilis 48:190, 191 

Neottia, Slender 48:6 

Nepeta 6:127; 13:18; 25:40. Cataria 3:131; 
25:40; 26:227; 32:272; 35:248; 50:299. flex- 
uosa 50:221. Glechoma 60:127. hederacea 
18:42; 23:289; 25:40; 35:364; var. parvi- 
flora 23:289; 25:40. Sieheana 9:43. vir- 
ginica 47:178 

Nephrocytium Agardhianum 14:114, 236; 15: 


Nephrodium 3:269; 4:9, 10, 158-166; 7:99; 
19:181; 31:26; 48:384, 385. $8 Eunephro- 
dium 4:162. acrostichoides 4:159, 162. as- 
plenioides 19:185, 189; 21:178. Boottii 4: 
10, 52. Clintonianum 4:10-12. cristatum 
4:10, 52, 53, 165; x marginale 4:10, 11, 51; 
6:32; var. Clintonianum 4:52; var. Slos- 
sonae 4:52. dilatatum 4:53. Filix-foemina 
19:185, 186. Filix-mas 4:158, 159, 162, 163, 
165; 8:22, 23. fragrans 4:10; 25:2, 3; var. 
remotiusculum 44:138. Goldieanum 4:10, 
52. lanosum 48:383-388. marginale 4:9-12, 
51, 165, 245; 6:77; 7:103; 30:17; f. Daven- 
portii 4:245; 6:212; 30:17. molle 4:161. 
noveboracense 4:10, 165; 7:103. pittsfor- 
dense 6:76, 211, 212. simulatum 4:10, 84. 
spinulosum 4:9, 10, 12, 53; 6:31, 77; 7:99, 
103—105; var. concordianum 6:33, 211, 212; 
21:178; var. dilatatum 4:53; 6:31, 32; 7: 
104, 105; var. fructuosum 7:103, 104; 9:84; 


var. intermedium 4:53; 6:31, 32; 7:103, 104. 
squamulosum 31:34. tenue 37:374, 377, 378. 
Thelypteris 4:10; 31:33; 8. squamulosum 
31:34; f. Pufferae 9:83; 30:16; f. suaveolens 
23:165; var. squamuligerum 31:34. unitum 

Nephrodium, Purdie's Concord 6:33 

Nephroma arcticum 11:100; 28:227. helveti- 
cum 28:227. laevigatum 28:227; 36:142 

Nephromopsis ciliaris 20:40; 29:103 

Nesaea longipes 38:407 

Neskiza 5:249 

Neslia 18:219. paniculata 10:167; 11:179; 18: 
219; 19:225; 23:265; 42:327 

Nestronia 30:22, 28. umbellula 30:22 

Netrium 7:113; 24:216; 26:205. Digitus 7: 
113; 24:216; 26:205; var. constrictum 24: 
216; 26:205; var. cylindricum 7:113. inter- 
ruptum 7:113; 24:216. oblongum 7:113; f. 
major 7:113 

mod 8:226; 28:63, 117. Chili 8:226. Hemp 

Neumayera 21:11. austriaca 21:11. Villarsii 
Neurolaena 37:61, 62. lobata 37:61. macro- 

cephala 37:62. Schippii 37:62, 63 
Neves-Armondia 9:51 
Neviusia 33:29, map 3. 
New York Fern 30:16 
New Jersey Tea 4:130; 32:161 
Nicandra 9:55; 25:61. physalodes 11:56; 25: 

Nicotiana 25:61; 42:156. Bigelovii 25:61. 

longiflora 25:61; 36:375. rustica 14:206; 25: 

61; 29:52; 41:82. Tabacum 26:133; 42:400 
Nidularia stercorea 2:101. striata 2:101 
Nigella Damascena 18:177; 20:184 
Niggerheads 12:132 
Night Bloomers 1:222 
Nightshade 28:72. Mountain Enchanter's 31: 

Nigrella 7:25 
Nigritella 9:48. 


alabamensis 44:12 

angustifolia 9:48. nigra 9: 

Nimble Will 49:273 

Ninsi 47:386 

Niobea pratensis 25:144 

Nipa 47:385 

Nitella 41:127. flexilis 5:134; 44:175. 
sima 23:67 

Nitellas 7:45 

Nitophyllum eryptoneuron 17:95 

Nitschkia Fuckelii 50:287 

Nitzschia 9:131. acuminata 9:136. angularis 
9:136. circumsuta 9:136. Closterium 9: 
136; 26:193, 217. curvirostris, var. Closter- 
ium 9:136. curvula 9:131, 136. fasciculata 
9:136. fonticola 26:194, 217. frustulum, 
var. perminuta 26:194, 217. granulata 9: 
136. linearis, var. tenuis 9:136. longissima 
26:193, 194, 217. Lorenziana 9:136. mar- 
ginata 9:136. obtusa 9:136. plana 9:136. 
scalaris 9:130, 136; 26:194, 217. Shafferi 9: 
131, 136. Sigma 9:136; 26:193, 194, 217. 
sigmoidea 9:136; 10:181. spectabilis 10:184. 



tenuis 9:136. 
ima 9:136 

Noble Fir 42:522 

Nodding Pogonia 22:55 

Nodularia Harveyana 2:42; 10:162; 26:163. 
paludosa 26:211. spumigena 2:42; 10:162; 
var. genuina 40:75; var. litorea 2:42; var. 
major 2:42; 7:223 

Nolanea 16:47. delicatula 16:47 

Nolina 11:80, 81. atopocarpa 11:81, 82; 36: 
52. Brittoniana 11:81, 82. georgiana 1l: 
80-82; 36:52 

Nomada bella 37:159. 
354. florilegus 36:28. 

Nomadidae 41:186 

Nonnea rosea 5:72 

Norta 27:31 

Northern Scrub Pine 35:357 

Norway Maple 7:125; 25:173, 174. Pine 4: 
133; 13:139; 22:137. Spruce(s) 7:124, 126; 
21:106; 28:44; 35:358 

Nostoc 3:188; 20:143; 24:103, 106; 26:161, 
211; 28:3; 29:161, 162. caeruleum 26:163. 
commune 7:236; 15:89; 24:103, 106; 26:162, 
163; 50:69. expansum 14:58, 59. macro- 
sporum 24:106; 26:163. microscopicum 7: 
236; 24:103, 106; 26:163; 50:69. muscorum 
6:230; 7:242; 40:75; 50:69. parmelioides 7: 
236. planctonicum 44:183. pruniforme 7: 
237; 15:89. punctiforme 20:143; 26:163. 
rivulare 50:275. rupestre 6:230. sphaeri- 
cum 10:160; 14:114. verrucosum 15:89 

Nostochaceae 1:10 

Nostochopsis lobatus 7:237 

Notch’d-leaved Alder Tree 47:342 

Notheia 14:59, 60. anomala 14:59 

Nothocalais 50:33, 34 

Notholaena dealbata 35:361; 36:223, 231. 
Grayi 26:49. Schaffneri, var. mexicana 26: 
49. sinuata 47:394, 395, pl. 992; var. cochi- 
sensis 47:393—395, pl. 992; var. crenata 47: 

Notholeus 18:233. lanatus 18:234 

Nothopanax fruticosum, var. plumatum 18: 
153; var. Victoriae 18:153. Guilfoylei 18: 

Nothoscordum 7:160. bivalve 36:42; 38:381, 
402; 39:52; 45:360, 364, 393 

Notosolenus apocamptus 50:277. 

Notothylas 9:219. orbicularis 5:173; 6:190; 
7:58; 9:219; 15:26; 21:169; 23:183; 25:197; 


Nowellia 11:16 

Nullipora polyphyllamea 50:267 

Nummularia microplaca 44:171 

Nuphar 6:116; 8:29; 10:49; 16:139; 18:120, 
161, 164; 19:92; 21:184, 185; 31:37; 39:407, 
408; 42:152; 44:357, 358, 368. advena 2: 
215; 5:134; 6:116; 9:121; 16:139—141; 19: 
91, 130; 21:186; 31:37; 44:356—358, 394, 395, 
397, 398, pl. 717; 50:17; x sagittifolium 44: 
397; B. tomentosa 21:186; var. brevifolium 
31:37; var. hybrida 6:116; 21:187; var. 
minor 1:184; 6:116; 21:187, 188; var. varie- 
gatum 10:49; 21:187. affine 21:188. amer- 

tryblionella 9:136; var. max- 

cuneata 41:186; 42: 
subrutila 37:159 



icana 16:138-141; 21:186, 187; a. tomentosa 
16:139. centricavatum 21:188. fluviatile 
39:333, 340, 407, 477; 40:368; 42:451. x 
interfluitans 44:397, 398, pl. 719. inter- 
medium 21:187. japonicum 21:187; var. 
subintegerrimum 21:187. juranum 21:188. 
Kalmianum 5:44, 49, 134; 16:141; 19:111; 
21:186, 187. luteum 21:185, 186; 29:175, 
213; 8. Kalmianum 21:186. microphyllum 
19:111, 130; 21:186; 43:339; 44:357, 395, 
396. minimum 1:184; 2:125; 6:116; 21:186 
polysepalum 21:187. pumilum 21:186. ru- 
brodiscum 19:111; 21:187; 44:357, 395. 
sagittifolium 44:357, 395—398, pl. 718. seri- 
ceum 21:187. subintegerrimum 21:187. 
systylum 21:186. tomentosa 21:186. varie- 
gatum 16:140; 19:92, 130; 21:187; 41:150, 
157, 225; 42:324; 44:123, 357, 395; 47:214 
Nuttallia 34:166, 167. pedata 40:461 
Nyachia 38:417, 418. pulvinata 38:417, 418 
Nyctaginaceae 17:202; 31:43 
Nyctalis asterophora 44:171 
Nyctelea 42:34, 38. ambigua 42:35, 38. 
americana 42:36, 38. Nyctelea 42:35, 38 
Nymphaea 6:116; 8:29; 10:49; 13:21; 16: 
138; 18:90, 120, 161-164; 21:183-185; 29: 
234—237, 239; 30:53, 54, 56-58; 31:7, 9, 12; 
38:375; 39:407; 47:385; 49:171. advena 6: 
116; 8:29; 13:20; 14:26, 31; 15:90-92; 16: 
137, 139, 140; 18:90; 19:92; 21:186; 29:175, 
213; 42:88, 92; var. variegata 10:49; 11: 
93; 16:137; 17:150; 21:187; 22:136; 32:251. 
affinis 21:188. alba 18:162, 164; 21:183, 
184; 30:54, 56-58; f. rosea 40:368, 415. 
americana 16:138, 139, 141; 21:187, 188. ari- 
folia 21:186. bombycina 21:188. caerulea 
29:239. Fletcheri 21:187. flava 50:111. 
fluviatilis 21:188; 39:333. hybrida 7:109; 
21:187. japonica 21:187. Kalmiana 1:184; 
6:116; 21:186. lekophylla 38:406. lutea 
18:162; 21:183-187; 30:53, 54, 56, 57; B. 
Kalmiana 19:111; 21:186, 187; 8. N. minima 
21:186; 8. pumila 21:186; var. affinis 21: 
188. macrophylla 21:186. maculata 29: 
239. magnifica 18:120, 144. microphylla 
16:17; 18:90; 19:111; 21:186, 187; 22:138; 
44:395. minima 21:186. minor 23:162. 
Nelumbo 36:23. odorata 2:215; 5:134; 6: 
116; 9:121; 16:141; 32:148, 252; 49:141, 142, 
171; f. rubra 45:400; var. gigantea 10:49; 
49:141, 142; var. minor 4:76, 103; 5:44, 49; 
23:162; 24:99; 49:141; var. parviflora 23: 
162; var. rosea 23:161, 162, 264; 33:120; var. 
stenopetala 49:141, 142, 193, pls. 1061- 
1063. orbiculata 21:188. ozarkana 36:231. 
pentapetala 36:23, 24. polysepala 21:187. 
pumila 21:186; 38:35. reniformis 4:27. 
rosea 23:162. rubra 18:120. rubrodisca 1: 
184; 18:90; 21:187, 188; 24:99; 32:260; 44: 
395. sagittifolia 21:186; 44:395, 396. tetra- 
gona 38:375; 43:74. tuberosa 4:27; 19:130; 
29:239. ulvacea 44:396. umbilicaulis 21: 
185. variegata 10:49; 16:137, 138, 141; 18: 
90; 19:92; 21:187; 33:19, fig. 1; 44:395 
Nymphaeaceae 6:116; 7:78; 18:37, 89; 22:89; 


29:213; 31:43; 32:251; 36:280; 40:149, 166, 
167, 169; 45:443; 49:255 

Nymphalidae 41:186; 42:354 

Nymphanthus 21:185. europaeus 21:185, 186 

Nymphoides 10:54; 21:75; 23:169, 171; 24: 
234; 40:338; 42:298. aquaticum 10:55; 
24:234; 34:206; 40:339; 42:298, 475. cor- 
datum 40:338, 339; 42:298; 44:262. lacu- 
nosum 10:54; 11:129; 14:26, 30; 24:88, 
234; 32:148, 210, 271; 40:338, 339. peltatum 

Nymphona 21:185. lutea 21:186 

Nymphozanthus 21:184, 185; 31:37; 36:250; 
39:407, 408; 40:148, 155; 42:152. advena 
21:186; var. macrophyllus 21:186. af- 
finis 21:188. bombycinus 21:188. cen- 
tricavatus 21:188. europaeus 21:186. flu- 
viatilis 21:188; 39:333. intermedius 21: 
187. japonicus21:187. juranus 21:188. 
luteus 21:185. microphyllus 21:186, 187; 
38:375. orbiculatus 21:188. polysepalus 
21:187. pumilus 21:186. rubrodiscus 
21:187, 188; 23:137, 264. sagittifolius 21: 
186; 36:33, 43. sericeus 21:187. subin- 
tegerrimus 21:187. variegatus 21:187, 
188; 29:104, 175, 213; 32:148, 173, 251; 33: 
19, 113, 120; 34:52; 35:5; 36:280; 42:324. 
vulgaris 21:184, 185 

Nyssa 15:103; 21:190; 24:95; 33:42, 43, map 
16; 35:106; 37:434; 41:484; 47:97, 364. 
aquatica 14:81; 35:200; 36:49, 220; 37:434; 
38:377; 39:330, 474, 482; 40:251, 385, 452; 
44:240; 50:248. biflora 36:48; 37:434, 435. 
canadensis 37:437. caroliniana 37:434, 436, 
437. multiflora 37:434; var. sylvatica 37: 
434. sylvatica 3:235; 4:91, 131; 6:54, 164, 
195; 14:80; 21:119; 24:95; 25:185; 26:129; 
32:127, 152, 215, 269; 35:200; 36:48, 220; 
37:352, 434—430, fig. 1 (map); 44:20; var. 
biflora 35:200; 37:435-437, 453, map 2, pl. 
398; 38:445; 39:330, 480; 47:168; var. caro- 
liniana 37:436, 437, 454, map 4, pl. 400; 
39:482; 47:168; var. dilatata 37:436, 454, 
map 3, pl. 399; 39:480; 42:362; var. typica 
37:434, 435, 437, 453, map 1, pl. 397. uni- 
flora 50:248 

Oak(s) 4:93; 7:122, 123, 125, 127, 129; 9:60; 
13:57 280- 16379: 19:2223; 21:3149 1077 
31:79; 38:53; 42:88, 152; 43:71; 44:262, 263, 
369, 413; 45:377; 46:151, 154; 47:281, 287, 
297, 299; 50:38. Bartram 44:265. Bear 36: 
239, 240. Black 4:132; 9:61; 38:58, 59; 41: 
523; 44:262; 49:172. Black-jack 21:49; 44: 
262. Catesby’s 43:487; 44:349, 351. Chest- 
nut 16:142; 41:523; 44:351; 47:365. Cow 
37:351. Darlington 48:144; 49:102. Eng- 
lish 7:124, 126; 14:20, 90; White 7:125. 
Fern 30:16; 43:216. Gray 18:46, 47. Laurel 
28:35; 48:138, 145. Live 43:513, 514. Nar- 
row-leaved wintergreen 48:143. Northern 
Red 41:521-524. Pin 42:361, 477; 44:262. 
Poison 12:181. Post 46:307. Red 10:165; 
12:179; 16:142, 143; 17:30; 18:45-48; 23: 
91; 34:246; 36:239; 41:523; 44:230, 262, 264, 


351, 410; 47:297, 364, 366; 49:172. Saul’s 
44:262. Scarlet 41:523; 44:262. Scrub 9: 
60; 12:8; 18:67; Black 4:133. Shingle 46: 
307. Southern Red 41:521. Spanish 41: 
521, 522; 44:262. Swamp Chestnut 47:365. 
Water 48:143. White 4:132; 9:61; 16:142; 
34:246; 38:55; 41:523; 44:391; 48:206; 49: 
172. Willow 21:49; 44:262. Yellow 4:132 

Oakesia 6:110; 10:128; 23:92; 31:12. Con- 
radii 37:10. sessilifolia 5:132; 6:110; 10: 
128; 12:128; 27:108; 32:153, 215, 216, 244; 
var. nitida 37:407, 409; 41:536 

Oat, Sand 12:27, 29. Strand 12:28 

Oat-grass 12:27; 21:76; 49:269. Black 49:274 

Oats 6:78; 14:179; 15:33; 28:74; 41:157; 49: 
269. Wild 18:34 

Obeliscaria pulcherrima 40:353 

Obelisteca 40:353 

Obolaria 40:375; 43:486. caroliniana 10:66. 
virginica 39:482; 40:364, 454; 42:279 

Obularia 47:364 

Ochlochaete ferox 10:157. 

Ochna Jabotapita 30:56 

Ochra 15:15 

Ochraceae 36:131, 390, 392 

Ochrolechia tartarea 29:203 

Ochromonadaceae 41:134 

Ochromonas 50:276 

Ocimum 9:44; 25:40. 8 Gymnocimum 9:37. 
Basilicum 25:40 

Oconee Bells 49:160 

Octoblepharum 40:359. albidum 36:55 

Octodiceras 11:16. Julianum 15:13 

Odontella aurita 9:138. turgida 9:138 

Odonthalia dentata, f. angusta 10:116 

Odontia spathulata 50:287 

Odontidium Harrisonii 9:137. hiemale 9:137. 
mutabile 9:137 

Odontites rubra 13:182; 33:166 

Odontoglossum 2:31 

Odontoschisma 14:1, 14; 21:152. denudatum 
2:211: 5:172: 06:178; 9:73; 14:1, 13, 15, 16; 
15:25; 25:190; 26:11; var. elongatum 14: 
13, 14. elongatum 14:13-16; 15:25, 27; 
25:196; 26:11. Macounii 14:13, 15,16. pro- 
stratum 5:172; 8:44; 15:25; 25:196 

Odontostephana Baldwiniana 40:286. 
linensis 40:285. decipiens 40:286. 
40:287. Shortii 40:287 

Oeceoclades faleata 27:107. Lindleyana 27: 
107. Lindleyi 27:107 

Oedocephalum 5:97, 98, 102. echinulatum 5: 

Oedogonia 38:67 

Oedogonium 5:107; 7:171; 9:78; 10:57, 58; 
15:88: -20:142; 23:67; 24:103; 26:212; 29: 
163, 164; 30:193; 36:197; 38:68; 41:135; 
50:67, 270, 271. acmandrium 36:198. acro- 
sporum 36:198; var. bathmidosporum 36: 
198. Areschougil, var. americanum 36:198; 
var. contortifilum 36:199, 213, pl. 287. 
autumnale 36:199. boreale 36:200, 207; 
var. americanum 36:199, 213, pl. 287. 
Borisianum 20:142; 36:200. Boscii 36:201; 
var. occidentale 36:201. ciliatum 36:201. 
concatenatum 36:201; 38:68. costatum 36: 

lentiformis 50:259 



207. crassiusculum, var. idioandrosporum 
36:201; 50:274. crenulatocostatum 7:240; f. 
cylindrieum 36:202; 38:68; var. longiarticu- 
latum 36:202. crispum, var. gracilescens 36: 
202; 38:68; var. uruguayense 36:202; 38:68. 
Croasdaleae 36:202, 214, pl. 288; 38:68. 
eryptosporum 36:203; 38:68; var. vulgare 
36:203; 38:68. cymatosporum 36:204; var. 
areoliferum 36:203, 213, pl. 286. dictyo- 
spermum 36:204; f. Westii 36:204. echino- 
spermum 36:204; 38:68. elegans 36:205; 
var. americanum 36:204, 213, pl. 288. 
globosum 36:205. grande 36:205; var. an- 
gustum 36:205. hians 38:69; var. mega- 
sporum 38:68, 69, 73, pl. 407. Hunti 10: 
57, 58. hystricinum 36:206; var. excentri- 
porum 36:205, 213, pl. 286. illinoisense 
36:210. intermedium 36:206. inversum 36: 
206. longatum 26:165. macrandrium, var. 
propinquum 36:206. mammiferum 36:206. 
megaporum 36:200, 207. michiganense 36: 
203, 211. minus 36:206. mitratum 36:206. 
monile 36:209. nobile, var. minus 36:206. 
oelandieum 36:200, 207; f. minus 36:207; 
var. novae-angliae 36:207, 213, pl. 287; 
38:69. platygynum 36:207; 38:69; var. am- 
biceps 36:208, 213, pl. 287. pratense 36: 
208; 38:69. pungens 36:208. pusillum 36: 
208. Ravenellii 7:171. Reinschii 30:193, 
figs. 3, 4; 36:208. reticulocostatum 36: 
208, 213, pl. 287; 38:69. rugulosum 36: 
209. Sancti-Thomae 36:209. scrobiculatum 
38:70. sexangulare 36:209; var. majus 36: 
210. spiralidens 36:210. spiripennatum 
36:210, 212, pl. 286. suborbiculare 38: 


576; var. subglobosa 41:550, 551, pl. 576; 
var. unguiculata 41:551, pl. 577; var. vera 
41:551, pl. 577; 42:88, 93. gigas 37:110. 
grandiflora 13:210; 15:45; 23:116; 26:3, 226; 
32:159, 267; 50:303. Greggii, var. typica 
42:500. Hookeri 16:33. humifusa 49:101. 
hybrida 20:51, 73; 24:177-179; var. am- 
bigua 20:52, 73; 23:116. laciniata 20:51; 
23:116; 31:85; 34:6; 36:48; var. grandiflora 
10:34; var. grandis 10:34. Lamarckiana 15: 
45, 46, 49; 16:37; 17:235, 237; 18:199-201; 
19:69; 26:3; x nanella 18:200, 201; X ru- 
brinervis 18:199; f. brevistylis 17:235; f. 
laevifolia 17:235. latifolia 50:64. linearis 
20:51, 73; 32:177, 212; var. Eamesii 10:34; 
20:51, 73. linifolia 36:220. longipedicel- 
lata 10:34; 32:177, 212. missouriensis 34: 
7; 36:224, 232; 40:354; var. incana 42:500. 
mollissima 20:51. muricata 11:130; 15:45, 
47, 166; 16:15; 17:35, 146, 147, 217; 18:29, 
40, 48; 19:231; 23:116; 26:3, 4; 29:131, 182, 
217; 32:207; 34:54; 36:282; var. canescens 
10:34. nanella 18:199-201 ; xx Lamarckiana 
18:199. nutans 15:81-83-85; 26:3. Oakes- 
iana 13:218; 17:41; 23:116; 42:45. ob- 
longa 18:199. parviflora 26:4; 31:85; 42: 
45; var. angustissima 26:3. perennis 25: 
47; 33:122; 35:279; var. rectipilis 25:47. 
pratensis 10:34; 12:109; 14:55; 20:51; 22: 
116; 31:85. pumila 1:173; 3:188; 5:129; 
6:123; 12:108; 13:139; 17:35, 154; 18:40; 
19:111; 20:51, 106; 22:136; 23:116; 25:47; 
29:182, 217; 32:261; var. rectipilis 19:110, 
111; 20:106; 25:47. pyenocarpa 15:81-83- 
85; 26:3. Robinsonii 17:41, 42-44, pl. 111. 
rubrinervis 18:199-201; X nanella 18:200, 

69, 70, 73, pl. 407. suecicum 36:211. tape- 

inosporum 36:211. Taylorii 36:211, 213, 201. serrulata 11:199; 36:224. sinuata, var. 

pl. 286. Tiffanii 38:70. undulatum, f. grandiflora 10:34. Spachiana 50:97. speci- 

senegalense 36:212; 38:70. verrucosum 38: osa 41:551. stenomeres 17:41, 42. steno- 

70 petala 17:41. subglobosa 36:48; var. 
arenicola 36:48. subrobusta 18:199. 
tetragona 20:51; 24:178, 179; var. riparia 
45:366, 454. tetraptera 24:178. Tracyi 13: 
210, 211, pl. 93. venosa 17:41-44, pl. 111. 
venusta 16:34-36; var. grisea 16:35, 36, 
37, pls. 107, 108 

Oenotheras 16:34, 37 

Oicomonas socialis 50:278. termo 50:278 

Oidium candicans 50:288 

Olacaceae 21:69 

Oldenlandia 45:372; 47:291. Boscii 39:359, 
450, 480; 40:369, 458; 41:477, 570; 43:501, 
617; 45:371, 372, 476. uniflora 38:377; 39: 
482; 44:343 

Old-field Pine 50:183, 185 

Oleaceae 4:17; 6:89, 126; 12:184; 24:233; 26: 
227; 31:43; 32:271; 50:298 

Oleoides 38:441 

Oleraceae 47:385, pl. 991 

Oligonema flavidum 29:171 

Oligotrichum 40:359 

Olisthodiscus luteus 50:272, 276 

Olotrema 5:249 

Ombrophila clava 16:46 

Omphalia 3:142; 16:47. maura 16:47. pyxi- 
data 13:58 

Oenanthe 50:126. ambigua 10:35 
Oenothera 6:123; 10:195; 11:130; 12:14; 13: 
209; 15:45, 50, 223; 17:235-237; 18:198; 23: 
116; 24:178; 33:179; 34:246; 40:180; 45: 
366; 46:390. subgen. Kneiffia 41:550. am- 
mophila 15:47. angustifolia 15:46. an- 
gustissima 15:46, 48, 81, 82, 84, 85, pls. 
100, 101; 26:3. argillicola 15:46. atro- 
virens 17:41, 42. biennis 3:18; 6:123; 9: 
122; 13:209; 15:45, 46, 48, 50-53, 81, 85, pls. 
102, 103; 16:15, 34; 17:217, 225; 23:116; 26: 
3, 4, 185, 186, 226; 29:182, 217; 32:161, 267; 
35:94; 36:374; 39:373, 375; 50:298; var. 
canescens 10:34; var. grandiflora 1:82; var. 
nutans 26:3; var. pyenocarpa 26:3; var. 
sulphurea 15:53. bistorta 23:116. caespi- 
tosa 40:354. chrysantha 20:51. cleistantha 
17:41-43, 44, pl. 111. cruciata 12:108, 109, 
141; 17:41; 23:116; 29:128. florida 20:51. 
franciscana 16:33-35, 37. fruticosa 1:97, 
173; 6:97; 12:108; 20:50, 51, 73; 23:116; 
24:177, 178; 36:24; 39:325; 41:550, 551; 8. 
ambigua 20:51; var. Eamesii 20:51, 73; 
39:347, 436, 475; var. hirsuta 12:108, 109, 
141; 20:51, 73; 24:177; var. humifusa 39: 
347, 436, 475; var. microcarpa 41:550, pl. 


Omphalodes Luciliae 9:39 

Onagra 13:209; 15:223. angustifolia 20:51. 
biennis 6: 123: 15:51 

Onagraceae 6: 123; 18:40, 98; 23:115; 25:10; 
26:226; 29:216; '31: 43; 32: 206; 36: 282; 43: 
81; 45: 313; 46: 198; 49: 255, 288; 50: 298, 303. 
trib. Epilobieae 26:48 

Oncidium 2:31, 64. sphacelatum 2:30. 
cosum 2:63, 64 

Oncophorus 40:359. virens 30:4; 39:13, 40. 
Wahlenbergii 1:53; 30:3; 39: 40 

Oncostylis 40:395 

Onion(s) 4:81; 25:102; 43:504; 46:315 

Oniscus 40:474 

Onobrychis 20:171. eubrychidea 9:43; 39: 
309. viciaefolia 20:171 

Onoclea 6:100; 9:85; 17:161; 21:175; 30:18. 
crispa 37: 245. nodulosa 17: 161, 162, 164; 
21:175, 179; 42:315; 47:123, 124. sensibilis 
15219582 184, 229; $a 190; 4715/; 5:134, 
274; 6: 100; 9: 85; Dg 176, 282; 13:120, 
139; 16:13, 14; 18: 31, 187; 21: 175; 22:81, 
82, 90, 185; 23: 185; 2512/5 '99: 131, 145, 166, 
205; 30: 18; 32: 136. 225, 298; 34: 65, 244; 35: 
360 ; 38:98; 50:19; f. obtusilobata 4: 36; 30: 
18; var. obtusilobata 1:219; 6:100; 16:14. 
Struthiopteris 1:219; 2:184, 229 ; 4: 157; 6: 
100; 9:85; 11:86; 12: 111, 170; 15: 44; 16: 13, 
14; 17: 161, 162; 21: 178, 179; 23: 186; 30:18; 
f. obtusilobata 37: 219; 47: 124 ; var. pubes- 
cens 47:124 

Onopordum 11:60; 26:131. 


Acanthium 1:164, 

171; 19:252; 26: 131; 27:203 
Onosmodium 7: 160; 14:163; 16:158. hispi- 
dissimum 36:224. molle 37:194. occiden- 

tale 19:247. subsetosum 36:224, 232; 37: 
194. virginianum 2:125; 3:214, 215; 16: 
159; 24:88; 32:212; 39: 445, 482; 42: 362, 477 

Onychonema 1:265; 24: 240; 26: 210. filiforme 
24:240; 26:210. laeve 24: 240; 26:210; var. 
micranthum 7: 265. Nordstedtiana 7: 265 

Oocystis 24:103; 26:212. lacustris 24:108. 
solitaria 24: 108; 26:165; 50:69 

Oomycetous Fungi 5:102 

Opegrapha varia 28:159 

Ophelia minor 21:198 

Ophiocytium cochleare 14:114; 50:275. 
50:275. parvulum 14:114; 26:165. 
latum 50:275, 279, pl. 1118 

Ophioglossaceae 2:185; 6:23, 100; 9:85; 18: 
26; 23:209, 210; 31: 43; B2: 298; 35: 352; 36: 
276 ; 40: 182; 49: 254, 255 

Ophioglossum 6:100; 9:85; 23:141; 35:352; 
41:492, 497 ; 46: 313-315. alaskanum 41:498. 
arenarium 15: 86-88, 222; 23:187; 41:497, 
498. Engelmanni 15:86; 36:222, 293. 227, 
230; 46:307. Grayi 15: 88; 41:496-498. lusi- 
tanicum 44 :162. microstichum 15:88. nudi- 
caule 44:162. Prantlii 41:497. Pringlei 41: 
499. pubescens 41:496. pusillum 41:496- 
498. reticulatum 41:498. vulgatum 1:219; 
2:185; 3:42; 6:100, 235; 9:85; 13:79; 15: 
86, 87, 156; 18: DOS 2d: 141, 142, 187, 210, 217; 
32: 216, 298 ; 34: 244; 35:352; 36: 22. 23; 38: 
369; 40: 462 ; 41: :495-499, pl. 571; 46: 313, 
314; f. arenarium 15:88; 4l: :498 ; f. lanceo- 



latum 15:87; 41:498, 499; f. pseudopodum 
15:87, fig.; 19: 106 ; 35: 352; 41:498, pl. 572; 
f. pusillum 41:499; var. alaskanum 41: 495, 
498; var lanceolatum 15: 87; 41:497-499; 
var. microstichum 15:88; var. minus 15: 86, 
88; 23:187, 210, 217; 41: :499; var. pseudopo- 
dum 4l: 498, pl. 572: 50: 19; var. pyeno- 
stichum 41: 494, 495, 498, pl. 570; 42:278 

Ophiorrhiza lanceolata 44: 257. Mitreola 44: 

Ophrydium 23:66 

Ophrys 22:181; 34:98. aestivalis 48:191. 
banksiana 50:232. barbata 48:11. Coral- 
lorhiza 11:106; 48:193. lilifolia 49:137, 138. 
pubera 50:126. spiralis 21:10; 22:180 

Oplismenus 45:389. crus- -pavonis 23:60, 61. 
hispidus 50:106. holeiformis 23:62. jamai- 
censis 23:63. polystachyus 23:03. zelayen- 
sis 23:54 

Oplopanax 26:124. horridum 26:123, 124; 43: 

Opossum 41:483 

Opulaster 9:54. intermedius 10:32 

Opuntia 7:160; 11:52; 16:102-104; 40:380, 
486; 41:469; 42: 155; 46:82; 48: pl. 1026. 
calcicola 46: 307. glomerata 16:104. humi- 
fusa 35:348; 36:48; 40:448, 486. leptocaulis 
35:225. Lindheimeri 35:225. macrarthra 
36:48. macrorhiza 36:232. missouriensis 
16:104. Rafinesquii 1:128; 29:232; 44:75. 
vulgaris 1:127; 13:151; 16: 101, 103, 104 ; 19: 
231; 23:113; 32: 178, 212; 85: 348; 39: 89; 41: 

Orange 44:372; 50:38. Hawkweed 4:62, 151; 
12:104. Mock 17:121. Osage 9:91, 148; 25: 
174. Trifoliate 41:547 

Orbexilum 39:427. gracile 39:427. 
latum 39:425, 427 

Orbilia 50:287. curvatispora 50:287 

Orchard Grass 49:264 

Orchid(s) 5:82, 259, 260, 264; 6:27, 28, 63, 94, 
177; 7:49, 50, 95, 96, 110, 119, 120; 8:19, 100; 
ri; 28; 13: 217; 19: 56, 131, 235; 21: 192; 22: 
40, 42; 23:73, 90, 196, 197 ; 24: 37; 25: 47; 27: 
105; 4l: 129, 138, 149, 477; 42: 55, 151, 979, 
314, 359, 363, 380, 381, 521; 43: 502 ; 44: 104, 
456; 45: 267, 268; 46: 81; 48: 7; 49: 58 

Orchidaceae 2: 114; 4:18; 5: 204; 6:28, 111; 7: 
120; 9:52; 10: 195, 207, 210; 11: 76, 102, 105, 
179; 18: 35; 19: 56; 22:34, 47, 53; 24: 43-45, 
188; 2h 29:123, 210; 31:8, 10, 14, 15, 43, 
91; 32: 245; 36:279; 37: 306 ; 39: 485; 42: 147, 
151; 45: 308; 48:9, 193; 49: 255, 288; 50:152. 
trib. Ophrydeae 23:77. trib. Spirantheae 
23:73, 82, 84; subtrib. Sarcanthinae 24:45. 
subtrib. Spiranthinae 41:138 

Orchideae 25:158; 31:7; 47:385 

Orchioides decipiens 48:11. Menziesii 1:7; 


48:11. pubescens 1:5. repens 1:6. secun- 
diflora 27:107 
Orchis 3:203; 6:111; 8:1; 11:79; 18:71; 34: 

98; 35:239. bidentata 44:257. bifolia 8:4. 
bractealis 28:174. bracteata 28:170-172, 174. 
ciliaris 16:90. clavellata 48:10, 161, 162, 215, 
pl. 1045. dilatata 10:70. falcata 27:107. 
flava 23:148; 50:123; var. virescens 23:148. 


Hookeri 50:125. integra 50:123. lilifolius 
34:192. maculata 24:45. Michauxii 50:125. 
nigra 50:123, 125. nivea 50:123, 125. orbi- 
culata 8:1, 4, 5; 35:398. psycodes 16:90; 
35:241; 50:125. repens1:6. rotundifolia 4: 
19, 21, 22; 13:115, 221; 21:65; 28:97, 100, 
103, 169; 33:88; 37:207; 41:150, 214; 44: 
108. spectabilis 1:26, 147, 171; 2:180; 3: 
86; 4:19, 22, 93; 6:111; 10:146; 11:79; 17: 
204; 19:131, 236; 25:45; 34:231; 35:360; 40: 
375, 407. tridentata 48:162. virescens 23: 
148. viridis 28:172; 8. Vaillanti 28:171, 172; 
var. Vaillantii 28:171 

Orchis, Ragged 28:21, 57. White-fringed 23: 

Oregon cliff-brake 48:272 

Oreobroma pygmaea 37:363 

Oreoweisia 40:359. serrulata 30:3 

Origanum 25:40. flexuosum 50:220-222, pl. 
1112. marjorana 25:40. vulgare 1:25; 25: 

Ornithogalum 6:83; 9:43; 10:129; 25:155. 
Boucheanum 9:43. hirsutum 25:126. um- 
bellatum 6:83, 143; 7:40; 10:129; 23:242, 
244. undulatum 9:43 

Ornithopteris 43:12. aquilina 43:17. 
43:54. esculenta 43:61 

Orobanchaceae 6:129, 152; 25:186; 29:220; 31: 
43; 32:274; 49:255 

Orobanche 6:129; 25:186; 26:133; 28:125; 35: 
308. 8 Aphyllon 28:235, 236. artemisiae 9: 
49. artemisiepiphyta 9:49. Columbriae 9: 
49. columbarihaerens 9:49. minor 3:295. 
minuta 28:236. purpurea 28:236. ramosa 
3:295; 26:133-135, pl. 145. Rapum 9:49. 
sarothamnophyta 9:49. Schultzii 43:4. 
Sedi 28:236; 35:308; 37:365. terrae-novae 
28:235; 29:187, 220; 32:13; 35:48, 95, 308, 
fig. 2. trichocalyx 43:4. uniflora 6:129, 
152; 11:98; 21:202; 25:186; 28:235, 236; 
29:245; 32:206; 35:95, 308, fig. 3; 37:305; 
43:488, 645; var. terrae-novae 35:308 

ne 34:181, 184. Mühlenbergii 

Orontium 16:18, 19, 77; 23:171; 24:186; 
33:39; 36:34; 37:310; 39:204; 42:40, 393. 
aquaticum 1:184, 202; 3:186; 5:134; 7:73; 
9:119; 13:151; 16:18, 77; 24:87, 185; 26: 
180; 32:178, 212; 33:39; 36:41; 39:197, 198, 
477, 487, fig. 11 (map); 42:40, 87, 90 

Orthilia 34:26. dentata 34:26. parvifolia 34: 
26. procumbens 34:26 

Orthocarpus 25:65. purpurascens 7:38; 25:65 

Orthodicranum flagellare 30:4. montanum 30: 



Orthostachys 22:181 

Orthotrichaceae 30:9; 37:240; 39:42 

Orthotrichum 3:178. anomalum 30:9; 39:42. 
Blyttii 30:9. Braunii 1:54. elegans 48:3. 
Garrettii 38:240. Macounii 39:7. obtusi- 
folium 1:54; 39:43. pumilum 13:46.  sordi- 
dum 4:181; 23:68; 48:3. speciosum 1:54; 
39:43; 48:3. splachnoides 5:201. strangu- 
latum 4:30; 39:13, 43 

Oryza 30:81, 82. clandestina 30:82, 83; f. in- 
clusa 30:83, 84; f. patens 30:83. oryzoides 


Oryzopsis 6:105; 15:124; 16:90; 49:274. as- 
perifolia 2:120, 121; 5:197; 6:105; 11:88; 
13:139; 15:124; 21:200; 23:229; 28:162; 33: 
116; 35:215; 38:265, 268, 298; 43:339; 49: 
274. canadensis 1:67, 183; 4:142, 143; 18: 
233; 23:132, 229; 35:13, 215; 36:277; 87: 
249; 38:205, 268, 269; 43:339; 49:274. jun- 
cea 1:67, 183; 4:142, 143. melanocarpa 1: 
185; 2:120; 6:97, 105, 208; 8:210; 10:160. 
parviflora 4:142, 143. pungens 15:124; 19: 
109; 24:161; 31:82; 32:176; 35:215; 36:277; 
37:203; 38:265, 269; 44:231; 49:274. race- 
mosa 8:210; 15:118, 124; 16:15; 17:233; 
35:249; 38:265, 269, 270; 49:274 

Osage Orange 9:91, 148; 25:174; 50:38 

Oscillaria 40:263 

Oscillatoria 1:100; 7:238; 24:51; 26:211, 215; 
40:225, 230, 255, 263, 270. § Oscillaria 40: 
263. acutissima 50:275. Agardhii 40:264. 
amoena 24:106; 26:163; 39:279. amphibia 
2:42; 7:235; 26:215; 28:1; 39:278; 40:232, 
265, 269; 50:275, 276. anguina 39:279; 40: 
264, 265, 267. angustissima 40:264. animalis 
40:264. articulata 50:276. Bonnemaisonii 
40:229. brevis 40:76, 266, 269, 270; 50:275; 
var. neapolitana 39:278; 40:264, 266, 270. 
chalybea 7:172; 26:164; 28:1; 40:264. chlo- 
rina 40:265, 269, 273, figs. 8, 9. Corallinae 
2:42; 7:172; 40:268. curviceps 40:264. 
formosa 7:172; 14:114; 26:164; 39:277, 278; 
40:267, 271; 50:69. geminata 50:276. 
granulata 39:278, 280, fig. 2; 40:266, 270. 
Grunowiana 40:264. irrigua 28:1; 29:164. 
laetevirens 2:42; 7:172; 28:1; 39:277. 278; 
40:259, 266, 268, 270. limosa 2:42; 7:235; 
14:114; 40:264, 268; var. chalybea 40:76. 
luteola 39:277, 278, 280, fig. 1; 40:266, 270. 
margaritifera 2:42; 26:190, 212, 215; 39: 
278; 40:228, 229, 265, 267, 268; 50:256, 276. 
maritima 50:276. nigra 40:264. nigro- 
viridis 2:42; 40:75, 76, 265, 268; 50:276. 
Okeni 40:264. ornata 40:264, 267, 269; 50: 
275. princeps 2:42; 7:223, 235, 238; 26: 
164; 28:1; 40:264, 267, 269. proboscidea 40: 
264, 267. prolifica 1:100; 40:264; 50:275. 
pseudogeminata 50:275. quadripunctulata 
28:2. rubescens 40:264. salinarum 8:105. 
sancta 40:264; var. caldiorum 28:1. splen- 
dida 7:236; 26:164, 211; 39:279; 40:266, 269. 
subtilissima, var. litoralis 28:2. subtorulosa 
40:231, 263. subuliformis 26:215; 40:264, 
270. tenuis 2:42; 7:235, 236; 10:162; 15: 
89; 26:211; 40:265, 268; 50:69, 275, 276; 
var. natans 7:236; 40:269; 50:69; var. ter- 
gestina 28:1; 39:278; 40:269. terebriformis 

Oscillatoriaceae 39:277; 40:221, 232, 266; 50: 
272. trib. Lyngbyeae 40:224, 232. trib. 
Vaginarieae 40:224, 225, 232 

Deeniiie americanus 36:30, 50; 39:477; 42: 

Osmaronia 34:167; 43:92 

Osmia atriventris 38:91 

Osmorhiza 4:88, 153, 154; 5:49; 6:124; 11:53; 
13:18; 15:17, 18; 24:94; 25:110; 37:455; 46: 
20. brevistylis 1:159; 4:153; 6:124. Clay- 
toni 10:53; 16:15; 21:200; 23:170, 277; 24: 


94; 25:110; 32:204, 206; 33:178; 34:64; 35: 
250; 37:64. divaricata 6:193; 13:148; 14: 
72; 23:140, 170, 277; 28:125, 221; 32:206; 
33:227; 35:387; 37:64, 68, 70, 216. longi- 
stylis 1:159; 4:81, 153; 10:53; 12:113; 24: 
94; 25:110; 31:85; 33:140; 35:250; 43:342; 
var. brachycoma 25:110; 43:342, 662; var. 
villicaulis 10:52; 19:245; 25:110, 111; 40: 
383, 448; 43:662. obtusa 4:154; 13:115, 
126, 138; 18:187; 28:78; 32:206; 37:455; 44: 

Osmunda 3:223, 224; 4:83; 6:100; 9:85; 10: 
196; 13:134; 21:176; 32:71; 35:352; 40:182. 
bipinnata 32:75. caroliniana 17:162. cicu- 
taria 19:214. cinnamomea 1:219; 2:184, 
209; 3:129, 190, 224; 5:47, 132, 134, 196; 6: 
100; 8:219; 9:85; 11:28, 87, 176, 231, 232; 
13:139; 15:63, 154, 155; 17:150; 18:31; 21: 
119; 22:82, 133; 23:185; 26:108; 28:82, 124, 
148; 29:131, 205; 32:74-76, 136, 215, 228; 
33:115; 34:65, 244; 35:59, 352; 36:219, 226, 
376; 44:353; f. angusta 15:155; f. bipinnati- 
fida 15:155; 35:352; f. cornucopiaefolia 15: 
156; f. frondosa 15:156; 35:352, 405; 42:41; 
f. glandulosa 15:155; f. incisa 15:155, 200; 
16:38; 35:352; f. latipinnula 15:155; 16: 
38; 35:352; f. trifolia 15:155; var. asiatica 
32:75; var. auriculata 15:155; var. frondosa 
3:42; 9:85; 15:156; 35:352; var. glandulosa 
8:219; 15:155; 22:82, 86; 44:353, 376; var. 
imbricata 32:75; var. incisa 10:196; 11:28; 
35:352; var. typica 32:75. Claytoniana 1: 
219; 2:184; 3:164, 168, 190, 224; 5:45, 47; 
6:100; 9:85; 17:150; 22:82, 133; 25:6; 26: 
108; 28:124, 148; 29:131, 205; 32:73-76, 136, 
176, 205; 33:115; 34: 50, 65, 244; 35:59, 352; 
37:190, 203; 42:278; 44:345, 376; var. dubia 
6:138; var. lanosa 32:74; var. vestita 32: 
73—75. crispa 37:245. imbricata 32:75. 
interrupta 32:74. monticola 32:73, 74; var. 
vestita 32:73, 74. pilosa 32:73-75. regalis 
1:219; 2:184; 3:168, 190, 224; 4:83; 5:134; 
6:100; 9:85; 13:132; 16:90; 18:31; 21:179; 
22:132, 134, 135; 23:134; 29:205; 32:72, 73, 
75, 76, 228; 34:244; 40:161; 47:386; 49:238; 
f. interrupta 16:38; var. interrupta 16:38; 
var. pumila 13:133; 32:72; var. spectabilis 
21:176, 179; 22:82; 32:72, 73, 75, 136, 150; 
83:115; 35:352; 36:219, 226; 43:78; 40:238: 
f. anomala 35:352; subvar. anomala 35: 
352. spectabilis 16:90; 21:179; 32:72, 73. 
Struthiopteris 21:179. virginiana 47:374. 
virginica 40:290 

Osmundaceae 6:100; 11:36; 18:31; 21:173; 
22:80, 82; 25:6; 29:205; 31:43; 32:228; 35: 
352; 40:182; 43:78; 49:255 

Osmundastrum cinnamomeum 32:75 

Osteospermum Uvedalia 19:47 

Ostreobium Quekettii 2:42; 8:159 

Ostrich Fern 5:196; 17:161; 23:151; 30:18; 
46:158; var. pubescens 47:124 

Ostrya 6:113; 16:111; 21:191; 40:150, 157, 
172; 44:351. virginiana 12:128; 16:111; 21: 
190; 23:137, 170, 257; 24:107; 31:84; 32: 
152, 215, 247; 38:414; 40:170, 382, 412; 41: 
31; 43:523; f. glandulosa 38:414; var. lasia 


38:414. virginica 5:130; 60:113; 13:141, 
148; 21:190; 35:249; 36:100; «. glandulosa 
38:414; B. eglandulosa 38:414 

Othake 48:85. macrolepis 38:408; 48:84—80. 
Reverchonii 48:86. robustum 38:408; 48: 
86. roseum 48:86. texanum 48:86 

Otophylla 20:68, 134, 136, 137 

Over-cup Oak 39:331 

Ovularia obliqua 26:218 

Oxalidaceae 6:121; 21:79, 170; 26:226; 29: 
215; 31:43; 32:257; 45:27; 49:255; 50:297 

Oxalis 6:121, 233; 11:119, 131; 12:14; 19:44; 
21:79; 31:140; 39:231; 40:180; 50:191. Ace- 
tosella 1:170, 184, 192; 3:174; 5:35; 6:121; 
9:207; 17:152; 20:76, 77; 21:79; 22:134, 143, 
144; 31:140; 36:3; 39:200; var. subpurpur- 
ascens 9:207; 20:78. albicans 27:119, 120. 
ambigua 27:113, 134. americana 20:76, 78; 
21:79, 199, 200; 22:143, 144; f. rhodantha 
20:78; 22:144. Brittoniae 11:50; 27:133. 
Bushii 27:135. californica 27:116, 118, 120; 
var. subglabra 27:116, 119.  colorea 27:133. 
corniculata 6:121; 9:121; 11:131; 17:154, 
226; 21:79, 170; 22:136; 27:113, 114, 117, 
120, 122-124, 134; 28:67; 31:149; 35:200; 
36:374; 41:35; var. Dillenii 27:114, 122; 
var. Langloisii 27:117, 121, 122; var. mi- 
crantha 27:120, 138, 139; var. stricta 27:134; 
var. viscidula 27:117, 121, 122. cymosa 3: 
188; 5:34; 6:121; 27:114, 115, 135.  Dillenii 
27 :113, 122, 123, 134; B. florida 27:133, 134. 
enneaphylla 27:137. europaea 21:79; 27: 
113-115, 118, 123, 124, 134—136; 35:200; 41: 
35; 44:345, 425; 46:27; f. cymosa 27:118, 
135; f. pallidiflora 44:425; f. pilosella 
27:118, 135; f. villicaulis 27:118, 135; 30: 
158; var. Bushii 27:118, 135, 136; 31:149; 
f. subglabrata 27:118, 136; 44:425; f. 
vestita 27:118, 136; 31:149; 40:253; var. 
lanulosa 31:149. filipes 5:33, 34; 6:204, 
233; 11:119; 15:98; 21:79; 27:110, 117, 122, 
124, 133; 35:200; 36:46; 37:431. florida 27: 
113, 116, 117, 124, 133, 134; 46:135; var. 
strigosifolia 27:117, 134. furcata 27:122. 
glauca 27:133, 134. grandis 27:118, 136, 139. 
herpestica 27:121. hirsuticaulis 27:138, 139. 
interior 27:135. Langloisii 27:121. Lyoni 
27:122, 137. macrantha 27:135, 139. mon- 
tana 22:143, 144; 29:180, 215; 32:206; 33: 
110, 122; 34:53; 35:77, 321, 322; 39:200, 202, 
fig. 27 (map); f. rhodantha 22:144; 39: 
231; 42:44. monticola 38:405. Navieri 27: 
122. oreophila 38:405. pilosa 27:122; 28: 
67; var. subpilosa 28:67; var. Wrightii 
28:67. Priceae 27:138, 139. pumila 27: 
120, 137. pusilla 27:113, 120. recurva 27: 
118, 136-139; 44:257; var. floridana 27:118, 
138; var. macrantha 27:118, 138; f. sericea 
27:118, 138; var. texana 27:118, 138. re- 
pens 21:79; 27:114, 120; 41:35. rufa 27: 
135. stricta 5:34; 6:121, 233; 11:118, 119, 
131, 179; 19:41, 44, pl. 122; 21:79; 26:180, 
226; 27:113-115, 117, 122, 124, 134; 28:71; 
32:257; 35:200; 36:46; 38:425; 50:290, 297; 
f. viridiflora 38:425; var. piletocarpa 27: 
117, 123; var. viridiflora 11:118, 119; 19:41, 


44. Suksdorfii 27:118, 137. texana 27:138. 
verticillata 27:120. violacea 1:81, 171; 5: 
208; 8:24; 21:79; 36:54, 362; 38:378; 39: 
52; 50:224, pl. 1113; f. albida 42:101; var. 
trichophora 39:378; 46:135. Wrightii 27: 
117, 119, 120; 28:67; var. pilosa 27:117, 119, 
120, 139; 28:67; var. subpilosa 27:117. 
119; 28:67 

Oxalis, Yellow-flowered 5:33, 34 

Ox-eye Daisy 5:177; 17:225; 47:389 

Oxybaphus 17:202. albidus 36:224. angusti- 
folius 10:31. floribundus 16:40; 17:202. 
glaber 27:15; var. recedens 27:15. hirsutus 
19:129; 35:199. linearis 10:31; 37:191. 
nyctagineus 13:89; 14:20, 90; 17:202; 19: 
129; 34:5; 46:84 

Oxycaryum 49:49, 50. 

Oxycoccus 11:61; 29:49. macrocarpus 8:29. 
microcarpus 41:147, 151, 275. Oxycoccus 6: 
126. palustris 7:39 

Oxydendrum arboreum 23:180; 37:130, 437; 
38:377; 39:474; 44:240 

Oxygraphis 39:52. glacialis 41:163, 228 

Oxypolis21:182. ^ Canbyi 41:139 ; 49:157, 158. 
filiformis 41:139; 49:86, 88, 156, 157; var. 
Canbyi 49:157. rigidior 19:164; 21:119; 39: 
437; 40:367, 449; 44:261; 50:126; var. am- 
bigua 10:35. rigidus, var. longifolius 10: 
35. ternata 41:471, 472, 481, 485, 491, 502, 
552, map 8; 44:349; 49:157 

Oxyria 18:196; 38:121; 45:510. digyna 3:165; 
4:203; 9:154, 160; 25:112; 28:124, 199; 34: 
245; 35:93, 120, 265, map 11; 36:48; 38:114, 
119, 124, 134, 148; 41:151, 219; 42:312, 321; 
44:116; 47:224 

Oxytria crocea 50:128 

Oxytrope 45:1 

Oxytropis 1:85, 86; 9:54; 27:90; 28:76; 30: 
121—123, 137, 138, 145, 150, 151; 33:108; 34: 
243; 38:101; 42:310; 44:90; 45:313. § Di- 
phragma 30:147. arctica 30:139, 143-145, 
150, 152, 155, pl. 172; 33:122; 42:332; «. sub- 
umbellata 30:144; 8. minor 30:125; 8. in- 
flata 30:154, 155; var. uniflora 30:152. 
arctobia 25:113, 222; 30:139, 145, 152, 153. 
Belli 30:139, 145, 150—152; 36:179. borealis 
30:144. campestris 1:85-88; 2:92; 13:218; 
30:141—144, 146—150, 155; var. caerulea 1:86, 
87; 13:119, 129, 216; 25:9; 30:142, 146, 148, 
149; var. johannensis 1:88; 2:90; 3:284; 
6:193; 9:162; 13:119; 28:104, 125, 216; 30: 
146; var. melanocephala 25:113; 30:142-144, 
155; 41:252; 42:332; var. sericea 1:87; var. 
sordida 30:143, 152. chartacea 38:95. 
coronaminis 30:151, 152, pl. 175. deflexa 
30:140, 141; 42:314, 333; 46:283; Q. sericea 
30:140. foliolosa 28:103, 105, 106, 213, 216; 
30:138—140; 34:245; 35:50, 274, map 3; 38: 
155; 41:251. foliosa 30:140. gaspensis 30: 
123, 138, 141, pl. 171; 33:232, 234, 240; 38: 
95; 44:112, 143; 45:3, 4. gracilis 30:123, 
124, 141; 42:333; 45:313. Hallii 30:154, 155. 
hudsonica 30:138, 142, 145, pl. 172; 41: 
155, 251; 42:333; 45:1-4. ixodes 45:2-4, pl. 
745; 49:20; f. ecaudata 45:4, pl. 745. 

Schomburgkianum 49: 


johannensis 30:139, 145-147, 149, 150, pl. 
173; 33:111, 122; 35:89, 275; 36:282; 38: 
95; 44:127. kokrinensis 41:251, 252, pl. 
553. Lamberti 1:85, 87; 30:146, 149; 38: 
95; a. 1:85, 88; 85. 1:85, 88; var. sericea 1: 
87, 88; 30:146. lapponica 30:140, 141. leu- 
cantha 30:142-144. Maydelliana 30:139, 
142-145; 41:252; 42:332. Mertensiana 41: 
163, 164, 252; 42:312, 332. nigrescens 30:153; 
41:252, 253; var. arctobia 30:152. platten- 
sis 35:287; 36:224. podocarpa 30:139, 150, 
154, 155; 41:151, 252. pygmaea 30:153; 
41:151, 163, 252, 253; 42:333; 45:313. re- 
trorsa 30:140, 141; 41:253; 42:333; 46:283; 
var. sericea 30:140, 141. revoluta 41:252. 
Roaldi 30:152. rubricaudex 41:252. sor- 
dida 30:148, 149, 152. splendens 36:179. 
terrae-novae 30:139, 147, 149, pl. 174; 35: 
275, map 22; 38:155. uralensis 1:85, 88; 
30:146; B. 1:88; y. minor 30:148; var. b. 1: 
85; var. pumila 30:144; 33:122. viscida 30: 
122-124, 141; 33:232; 44:112; 45:3. visci- 
dula 30:141; 45:3, 4 
Oyster 10:44, 45 
Oyster-plant 23:102 


Pabina 1:168 

Pachypleurum alpinum 41:267 

Pachysandra procumbens 27:214; 37:318; 39: 
195, 196, fig. 5 (map) 

Pachystima 33:29; 50:111. 

Padina Pavonia 21:207 

Padus 21:190. caroliniana 46:45. 
140. virginiana 18:140 

Paederota 23:3 

Paeonia 6:116; 33:88. Moutan, var. Banksii 
18:156; var. Humei 18:156; var. papaver- 
acea 18:156; var. rosea 18:156; var. rosea- 
superba 18:156; var. rubro-plena 18:156; 
var. vittata 18:156. officinalis 6:116; 39: 
369, 375. papaveracea 18:156. suffruticosa, 
var. Banksii 18:156; var. Humei 18:156; 
var. papaveracea 18:156; var. rosea 18: 
156; var. roseo-superba 18:156; var. 
rubro-plena 18:156; var. vittata 18:156 

Paesia 43:12. aquilina 43:17. coriifolia 43:17 

Pagesia 37:442; 44:162 

Paint-brush, Devil's 4:62 

Painted Trillium 10:21, 22, 214; 12:163 

Palafoxia 26:131; 48:85. callosa 36:225, 422. 
linearis 48:84, 85. macrolepis 48:86. 
Reverchonii 48:86. riograndensis 48:84, 
85. rosea 48:86; var. robusta 48:86. 
sphacelata 48:86. texana 26:131 

Paliurus 17:49 

Pallavicinia 6:166. Flotowiana 6:165, 166; 
14:224; 15:22, 26; 16:76; 17:120; 19:272; 
25:193; 26:7. hibernica 6:75, 165, 166; var. 
leptodesma 6:165, 166; var. Wilsoniana 6: 
165. Lyelli 5:170; 6:75, 166; 7:58; 15:22; 
25:193; 26:7 

Palmae 9:37; 47:384—386 

Palmafilix 44:34 

Palmella 10:155. mucosa 50:274 

Canbyi 31:256 

nana 18: 


Palmellococcus 9:197. marinus 10:160. 
miniatus 9:198 

Palmodictyon varium 26:212 

Palovea 18:234 

Panaeolus 3:143; 5:199. fimicola 3:38 

Panax 6:124; 23:118; 33:29; 46:250; 47:380. 
Balfouri 18:153. filicifolium 18:153. horri- 
dum 26:124. laciniatum 18:153. monstro- 
sum 18:153. nossibiense 9:43. plumatum 
18:158. quinquefolium 6:124; 13:218; 31: 
18; 46:250. repens 46:250. trifoliatum 40: 
290. trifolium 12:129; 23:118, 31:13; 40: 
246, 247, 290. "Victoriae 18:153 

Pancovia 16:6. angustifolia 16:10. digitata 
16:10. palustris 16:10 

Pancratium carolinianum 50:193, 194. coro- 
narium 50:193, 194. maritimum 50:194 

Panctenis 20:68, 70, 136 

Pandorina 8:78. Morum 14:114; 15:91; 26: 

Pandorinae 8:78 

Panicularia 9:53. americana 6:106; 49:261. 
borealis 1:105; 2:158; 4:146. brachyphylla 
8:211. canadensis 6:106. Davyi 4:145. 
distans 18:12, 16. elongata 6:106; 14:187. 
fluitans 4:146; 31:49. laxa1:183. maritima 
18:7. melicaria 14:187.  nervata 6:106; 26: 
139; 31:48; 49:261; f. stricta 31:47. pallida 
6:106. rigida 31:47, 48; 47:210. Torrey- 
ana 4:146 

Panicum 3:94, 119; 6:43, 104; 8:138; 11:27; 
12:108, 218-220; 13:66, 173-175; 14:36, 175, 
182; 15:36, 54, 56, 64, 66, 223; 16:82; 17: 
115 /24233::20:1095:222153,.182:-23:04; 141, 
156, 224; 27:29; 29:114; 30:229; 31:107, 
108; 33:62, 131; 36:21, 22, 61-65, 422; 37: 
207, 370, 372; 39:324, 365; 40:367, 370, 372, 
388; 41:86, 475; 44:227, 348; 45:277, 369, 
372, 381; 47:108, 210; 48:212; 49:91, 99, 123, 
254; 50:46. $ Capillaria 21:110, 111. $ 
Dichotoma 38:394. § Echinochloa 3:95, 
126. § Eupanicum 3:95, 100; A. Homo- 
phylla 3:95, 96, 101; B. Heterophylla 3:95, 
96, 107. § Excelsa 3:95. § Lanuginosa 23: 
225. § Spreta 23:224. § Syntherisma 3: 
94, 98. group Agrostoidia 13:67. group 
Bicknelliana 13:67. group Capillaria 13:67. 
group Commutata 13:68. group Dichotoma 
13:67. group Eu-dichotoma 13:67. group 
Fasciculata 13:67. group Lanuginosa 13:86. 
group Oligosanthia 13:68. group Scoparia 
13:68. group Spreta 13:67. sub-§ Lanu- 
ginosa 49:122. subgen. Dichanthelium 12: 
219; 36:61, 67, 68; 38:394; 48:212; sub-§ 
Scoparia 38:392—394; 40:331, 333. aciculare 
36:61; 37:390; 39:477; 44:241, 343; 45:370, 
386. aculeatum 8:209; 19:108; 31:111, 
118; 38:393, 450, pl. 443; 40:333. Addisonii 
3:63, 128; 15:56; 30:230; 36:63; 37:391. 
adspersum 13:67. agrostidiforme 3:145. 
agrostoides 3:95, 96, 101, 102, 128; 14:40, 
182; 15:56; 19:95; 25:207; 31:111, 114, 116; 
36:74, 75; 37:267 ; 38:390, 391, 450, pl. 442; 
40:369, 389; 42:386, 412; var. condensum 
36:74; 37:390; 40:390; 42:391, 412; var. 
ramosius 38:390—392, 450, pl. 442; 39:340, 

353; 42:144; 47:109. albemarlense 13:67; 
19:108; 22:182, 183; 24:86, 98; 26:180; 30: 
230; 31:107. TI. Lite 82:177, 210, 233; 36: 
63, 64, 66, 76, 79. albomarginatum 13:68; 
39:387, 424, 467, 477; 41:504; 42:364. alo- 
pecuroideum 38:389; A. cynosuroides 31: 
110. amaroides 3:95, 96, 102; 13:67. ama- 
rulum 13:67; 17:72; 38:390. amarum 3: 
102; 13:67; 30:230; 31:111, 113, 118; 40: 
389; 42:390; 44:257, 342. anceps 36:63, 73- 
75; 39:481; 44:70; var. 40:390; var. pubes- 
cens 36:69; var. rhizomatum 36:73; 37: 
390; 38:381, 392; 39:477. angustifolium 36: 
61; 37:390; 44:257. annulum 30:230; 31: 
111, 117; 32:177, 211; 36:62; 39:481. areni- 
cola 36:62. argyrostachyum 22:103. ari- 
statum 23:63. Ashei 3:116, 117; 14:39, 40, 
178; 15:38, 56, 59, 132; 17:71; 31:111, 115, 
117; 32:177, 211; 36:62-64, 83-86. atlanti- 
cum 1:98; 3:63, 95, 98, 121; 36:62. auburne 
13:67; 30:230; 31:111, 117; 32:177, 211; 39: 
481; 45:386; 48:37. autumnale 7:68. ba- 
dium 22:104. barbipulvinatum 13:67; 16: 
82; 21:110, 111; 30:230; 36:63, 65. barbu- 
latum 1:39, 67, 76, 105; 3:95, 97, 113, 145; 
15:56; 17:71; 30:230; 36:63, 64, 81; 37:370. 
bartowense 38:387. Benneri 46:2, 3, pl. 
807. Bicknellii 3:63, 95, 98, 115, 116, 118; 
7:68; 13:67; 15:169; 30:230; 31:111, 117; 
32:176, 211; 33:132; 44:70. boreale 1:98, 
185; 3:95, 97, 117, 129; 4:89; 13:139; 15: 
56; 17:153; 22:133, 134; 23:195, 228; 3l: 
111, 114; 33:112, 116; 35:201, 202; 36:62, 63; 
40:332; 42:42; 49:239; var. michiganense 
42:306. Boscianum 38:387. Boscii 13:76; 
14:107; 15:56; 30:230; 31:111, 115-117; 36: 
63; 37:381; var. molle 10:64; 30:230; 31: 
111, 115, 117; 35:39; 37:391; 39:342; 44:70. 
brevifolium 38:389. brizoides 30:26. bul- 
bosum 13:9, 10. caerulescens 13:67; 36: 
363; 39:476; 41:476, 504; 42:412; 43:512; 
44:380. Cahoonianum 36:62. calliphyllum 
3:108; 13:67; 15:56, 99; 30:230; 31:111, 118; 
33:131; 36:62; 40:250. capillare 3:18, 95, 
96, 105, 106; 6:104; 13:173; 14:39, 182, 184, 
pl. 99; 15:56; 17:212, 225; 18:95; 21:110- 
112; 22:164; 28:74: 30:230; 31:111, 114; 32: 
232; 36:63; 38:388, 389; 41:86; 42:412; 47: 
264; B. sylvaticum 21:112; var. agreste 21: 
111; var. minimum 3:105; 21:112; var. occi- 
dentale 21:112; 23:192; 30:230; 31:111, 113, 
114; 36:65; var. vulgaris 21:111. cenchroides 
44:257. chamaelonche 36:35, 61,63. chloro- 
ticum, var. agreste 38:390. chrysopsidifo- 
lium 40:378, 389. ciliatum 36:61; 44:257. 
clandestinum 3:95, 97, 109; 13:76; 14:40; 
15:56; 16:13; 24:161; 31:111, 114; 32:233; 
33:132; 36:63, 312, 374; 40:333. Clutei 3: 
95, 97, 117, 119; 13:67; 15:56; 30:230; 31: 
107; 36:62-64; 37:370; 39:356, 386; 40:333. 
colonum 23:53; 30:51; var. zonale 23:53. 
columbianum 1:98, 105; 3:95, 98, 125, 128; 
8:209; 14:38, 40, 171, 172; 15:38, 56, 57; 22: 
183; 24:98; 30:230; 31:107, 111, 115, 116; 
32:211; 36:62—64, 77, 79, 80; 37:249, 370, 
391; var. oricola 36:79; 39:475; var. thin- 


ium 10:64; 14:172; 15:37, 57; 30:230; 31: 
107, 111, 117; 36:64, 77. Combsii 36:63, 69, 
71-73. Commonsianum 6:42, 195; 17:71; 
19:108; 30:230; 31:111, 117; 32:118, 177, 
210, 211, 233; 36:63; 39:354, 387, 476; 40:366, 
389; var. Addisonii 14:96; 31:111, 113, 
117; 37:391; 39:476. commutatum 3:95, 
97, 116; 14:175; 15:56, 57; 30:230; 31: 
111, 118; 36:35, 61-64, 66, 83-87; 39:342; 
44:70; var. Ashei 36:83; var. Joorii 39: 
388. condensum 36:74, 75; 37:390; 42: 
386, 412. consanguineum 36:35, 61, 63; 
37:313; 39:326, 386, 467, 477, 478, map 47; 
40:381, 401; 44:258. corrugatum 44:257. 
eruscorvi 49:123. crusgalli 3:80, 95, 96, 
126, 127; 6:104; 23:55-57, 61, 302; 32:157; 
49:123; «. aristatum 23:57; a. brevisetum 
23:55; B. mite 23:60; y. purpureum 23: 
60; var. hispidum 3:127; 23:62; var. 
longisetum 23:55, 57; var. muticum 3:126; 
17:106; 44:257. crus-pavonis 23:61. cryp- 
tanthum 13:68; 38:393, 450, pl. 443; 40:333; 
42:364, 383, 412. Curtisii 14:168. curvi- 
nerve 22:103. cynosuroides 31:110. dacty- 
lon 29:115. Deamii 32:118; 36:81. de- 
bile 3:103; 14:168; 20:115; 24:86; 31:108. 
decoloratum 3:109. deminutivum 16:167. 
depauperatum 3:95-97, 107, 108; 6:97; 14: 
40, 169, 170; 15:58; 17:71; 22:183; 23:138, 
194; 31:111, 115; 32:150; 36:54, 61, 81, 219; 
var. psilophyllum 23:193, 194; 24:161; 30: 
231; 31:112-114; 32:232; 37:249; f. erypto- 
stachys 23:194; 24:161. dichotomiflorum 
12:220; 13:175; 14:39, 172; 15:56; 17:212; 
22:153, 154, fig. 5; 23:166, 192; 24:160; 30: 
231; 31: 112, 113, 115, 116; 32: 032; 38: '387— 
390, 450, pl. 441; 44:375, 381; var. barto- 
wense 38:387; 44:381; var. geniculatum 
38:387, 390, 450, pl. 441; 44:381; var. im- 
periorum 44:380, 381; var. puritanorum 
22:154, 155, figs. 1—4;30:231; 31:112, 117; 
35:68; 38:387; 44:375, 381. dichotomum 3: 
93, 95, 97, 114; 4:38; 8:206; 12:216; 13:173, 
176; 14:40, 173; 15:57, 160; 30:231; 31:112, 
114, 116; 32:152, 158, 232; 36:61, 63, 64, 81, 
219; 37:370; 38:394; B. fasciculatum 23:228; 
36:77; var. barbulatum 3:113; 31:112, 
113, 115, 116; var. fasciculatum 14:171; 
var. nitidum 3:113. dilatatum 38:386. 
dimidiatum 14:167; 38:389. discolor 3: 
113; 47:198; var. major 3:114. dissectum 
14:167; 29:114; 30:51. divaricatum 14: 
168, 170. dumus 14:169. Eatoni 3:63, 
119. echinatum 23:57, 60, 61; 49:123. 
Elliottianum 44:381. elongatum 3:128; 
14:168; 31:108, 112, 115, 117; 32:118; 38: 
391; var. ramosius 38:391. ensifolium 
36:61, 63; 37:380, 391, 412; 39:326, 387, 
388, 477; 41:472, 504; 44:241, 257; 45: 
386. equilaterale 36:62. fasciculatum 14: 
171. fiheulme 3:123. filiforme 1:201; 2: 
202; 3:94, 96,98. filirameum 36:62. firmum 
4:142, 143. flavescens 31:110. flexile 25: 
207; 36:63; 37:366; 45:378, 386; 47:97. fru- 
mentaceum 23:54. Funstoni 15:36; 23:227. 
fusiforme 36:63; 41:469, 504. Gattingeri 


21:110, 114; 22:153, 154; 25:207; 36:63; 39: 
424; 41:86, 90. geniculatum 3:104; 38:387- 
389. gibbum 44:257, 355, 381, 382. glabris- 
simum 36:62. glabrum 3: 100; 6:104; 18: 
231; var. mississipplense 22: 103. glaucum 
18: 232; 31:109; 44:257. glutinoscabrum 
49:122, 192, pl. 1059. gracillimum 22:101. 
gravius 8:205, 206. gymnocarpon 44:257. 
haemacarpon 3:121. Hallii 50:92, 93. 
Helleri 13:68; 36:63, 80-83; 37:370. Helo- 
pus 13:174. hemitomon 13:68; 14:167; 38: 
393; 39:338, 339, 343, 379, 388, 480, map 14; 
40:371, 390; 42:87, 90; 44:241, 258, 369, 381. 
heterophyllum 3:113; 14:171, 172; 15:38, 
57; 36:63; var. thinium 14:172; 15:37, 38, 
57. hians 13:67; 39:332, 358, 388, 481; 40: 
390; 44:257. hirtellum 3:127; 38:389. his- 
pidum 3:127; 23:62. huachucae 8:208; 15: 
57; 18:33; 22:183; 23:141, 223-226, 228; 31: 
107; 32:117, 232, 233; 36:62-66, 77, 78, 416; 
37:370; 45:277; var. fasciculatum 14:171; 
15:37, 57; 23:228; 36:77; 44:70; var. silvi- 
cola 10:64; 14:40, 171; 15:37, 57; 23:224- 
226, 228; 32:232, 233; 36:65, 77, 78, 418. 
humifusum 3:94, 96, 100. implicatum 1: 
105, 185; 3:123; 12:110; 13:116, 135; 14:40; 
15:57; 17:153; 22:182, 183; 23:223, 224, 226, 
228; 32:233; 36:63, 65, 77, 78; 37:370; 46: 
3; 50:293. indicum 31:194. involutum 3: 
107. Ischaemum 18:231. italicum 13:173; 
14:168; 28:143; 31:108; 38:389. Joorii 13: 
68; 36:35, 63, 66, 83-87; 39:388. lancearium 
36:35, 61-63, 66, 80; 39:354, 466, 477; var. 
patulum 36:80. lanceolatum 49:123. 
languidum 13:68; 14:37, 40; 15:37, 57; 23: 
141, 224, 225, 228; 36:63, 65, 66, 77, 78. 
lanuginosum 3:95, 98, 124, 125, 128; 4:38, 
90; 8:207; 10:65; 30:231; 31:112, 117; 36: 
61—63, 78; 37:391; 44:257; 46:3; var. fasci- 
culatum 36:77, 416; 37:82; 46:3; var. 
huachucae 8:208; 23:228; 36:77; var. im- 
plicatum 36:77; var. Lindheimeri 36:77; 
37:239; var. septentrionale 36:77, 79, 416; 
37:391; 46:3; var. siccanum 8:207; 15:56; 
22:183, 196. latifolium 1:98; 3:95, 97, 111, 
117; 14:169, 182, 184; 15:38, 57, 100; 17: 
233; 21:201; 31:108, 112, 114, 115; 32:105, 
176; 36:63; 38:389; 46:76; var. molle 10:64. 
laxiflorum 3:117, 129; 24:98; 36:35, 61, 63, 
65, 75, 76; 37:370; 39:481; 42:383; 47:211; 
var. strictirameum 36:75; 39:428. laxum 
3:108. Leibergii 36:63; 47:43. leucocomum 
22:104. leucothrix 14:170; 36:62; 44:241; 
45:55. Lindheimeri 12:216; 15:36, 38, 57; 
23:141, 170, 223-225, 227; 24:98; 31:107, 112, 
113, 115, 116; 36:63-66, 77; 37:249; 45:277; 
var. fasciculatum 23:226-228; 26:223; 31: 
112, 114; 32:150, 158, 232, 233; 36:77; var. 
implicatum 23:226, 228; 31:112, 114; 36: 
77; var. septentrionale 23:226, 227; 24: 
161; 31:112, 114; 35:284; 36:77; var. typi- 
cum 23:226, 227; 36:77. lineare 3:100; 18: 
231; var. mississippiense 22:103. lineari- 
folium 3:95, 97, 108, 118; 14:40; 15:57, 100; 
17:65; 22:183; 23:194; 30:231; 31:112, 114; 
36:62, 63, 65, 219; 37:203, 249, 370; 42:42; 

INDEX TO VoLuUMEs 1-50 175 

44:70; 47:211; var. Werneri 23:194; 30: 
231; 31:82, 112-115; 37:82, 249. longifolium 
1:67; 3:95, 96, 101; 4:38; 19:108; 21:143; 
23:160, 168, 193, 300, pl. 130 (map 16); 30: 
190, 191, 231; 31:39, 40, 112, 117; 32:150, 
209-211, 232; 36:63, 69-73, 75; 37:267, 313; 
39:196, 387; 42:88, 93; 44:231; var. Combsii 
36:69, 70, 72; 37:136; 39:477; var. pubes- 
cens 36:69, 70, 73; 45:381, 386; var. tuske- 
tense 23:192, 300, pl. 130 (map 16); 30: 
191; 32:209; 36:69, 70, 72, 73. longiligula- 
tum 39:467, 477. longisetum 23:62. luci- 
dum 14:36, 40; 15:57; 21:119; 24:86; 30: 
230; 31:107; 36:62, 64, 81; 37:379, 391; 39: 
326, 358, 386, 387, 481; 44:241; 45:376; 47: 
103; var. opacum 39:386, 475. lutescens 
18:232; 31:109. luteum 31:110. macrocar- 
pon 1:98, 185; 3:95, 97, 111, 145, 185; 4:38, 
89; 14:184; 15:57, 64; 31:108. maculatum 
14:169, 170. malacophyllum 13:68; 36:62, 
63, 231. marginatum 23:194; var. strictum 
14:169. mattamuskeetense 3:95, 97, 114; 
1356/75:115:50; Dis 30:291 9 9B LOO DA T1: 
32:177, 211; 36:62—64; 37:370; 39:364, 386, 
476, 478, map 31; 44:241; var. Clutei 32: 
177; 39:386, 475; 41:504. melicarium 14: 
186. meridionale 3:123; 11:82; 15:36, 38, 
57; 24:86, 98, 161; 31:107, 112, 117; 32:150, 
158, 210, 233; 36:62-66, 76, 77, 79; 39:475, 
478, map 46; 42:35; 46:3, 76; 50:301; var. 
albemarlense 36:76; 38:365; 39:475, 478, 
map 43; 42:35; 43:79; 44:348. microcarpon 
3:113; 4:39; 14:172; 15:58; 31:112, 115, 117; 
32:177, 211; 36:61, 81; 38:394; 43:79; 44: 
70. miliaceum 3:95, 96, 106; 6:138; 10: 
153; 13:173-175; 15:58; 30:231; 31:82, 112; 
38 :387-389. miliare 13:175. minimum 3: 
95, 96, 105; 21:112, 114. minus 3:105; 6: 
138; 8:220; 24:98. minutulum 14:170, 171; 
30:35, 230. multiflorum 12:220; 14:172; 36: 
416; 44:257. mundum 38:392-394, 450. pl. 
443; 39:338, 475; 40:332, 333; 45:380. 
muricatum 17:105, 106; 23:57, 61; 37:137. 
mutabile 39:339, 343, 388, 467, 477, map 15; 
40:389; 42:379; 44:380. Nashianum 36:80. 
nervosum 3:116. nitidum 1:105; 3:95, 97, 
118; 6:97; 13:67; 38:392, 394; 39:386, 467, 
481; 41:504; o. ciliatum 23:228; 36:77; 8. 
pilosum 23:228; 36:77; f. densiflorum 3:119; 
var. majus 3:114. obtusum 13:68; 36:231. 
occidentale 13:175. oligosanthes 15:58, 64; 
24:86, 98; 30:231; 31:107; 35:284; 36:35, 52, 
63, 64, 80-83; 37:370; 40:250; 44:258, 342; 
var. Helleri 36:80; var. Scribnerianum 36: 
79, 80, 416; 37:82. orangense 36:62. ori- 
cola 8:208; 13:67; 14:39, 40, 72; 15:58; 
19:108; 20:97, 116; 24:98; 26:223; 31:107, 
112, 117; 32:150, 158, 210, 233; 36:64, 65, 79; 
50:293. ovale 13:68; 36:61; 44:258. ovi- 
num 36:62. Owenae 31:107, 112, 113, 117; 
36:64. pacificum 23:226, 228; 29:36. par- 
vipaniculatum 36:62. patulum 8:209; 36: 
62, 63, 66, 80. pauciflorum 3:112; 24:98; 
44:258, 342. paucipilum 3:119; 36:62. pe- 
dunculatum 3:109. pensylvanicum 47:198. 
perlongum 36:62, 219. phaeothrix 22:104. 

philadelphicum 13:54; 15:58; 21:110-112, 
114; 24:98; 30:231; 31:112, 115, 117; 38: 
390; 41:79, 86-90; var. Tuckermani 41:90. 
pilosum 14:171,172. plicatum 23:64. poly- 
anthes 12:220; 14:172; 24:113; 31:112, 117; 
32:177, 211; 36:61, 63, 230, 416; 37:391; 43: 
500; 44:70, 257. porphyrium 21:112. Por- 
terianum 3:112. praecocius 8:206; 36:63. 
procumbens 14:173. proliferum 1:42, 204; 
2:202; 3:95, 96, 104; 13:175; 14:39; B. geni- 
culatum 38:387, 389. prostratum 14:173. 
psammophilum 3:125; 8:209. pseudopubes- 
cens 13:68; 15:66; 30:230; 31:112, 118; 36: 
63, 66, 79; 43:220. pubescens 1:98; 3:121, 
122, 128; 6:104; 13:175. pubifolium 3:112. 
pumilum 31:110. pungens 17:106; 37:137. 
pyramidale 23:63, 64. pyriforme 36:76. 
ramulosum viride 3:114. Ravenelii 3:128; 
39:479, 482, map 52; 44:380. recognitum 
40:331-333, 357, pls. 497, 498; 44:227. 
reptans 14:173. retrofractum 38:387, 389. 
rhizomatum 13:67; 36:63, 73, 74; 37:390; 
40:390; 44:343. roanokense 13:67; 36:35, 
62; 37:390; 39:332, 477; 47:109. sabuli- 
cola 23:60, 61. sanguinale 3:94, 96, 99; 
22:103; 29:114-116; var. longiglume 22: 
103; var. Simpsoni 22:103. scabriusculum 
8:209; 36:63; 38:393; 39:388, 477; 40: 
332, 381, 401; 44:258. scoparioides 15: 
66; 19:108; 30:231; 31:112, 118; 36:63, 66, 
79, 219. scoparium 3:112, 128, 129; 13: 
151, 175; 46:82: 090: 2315 3121012; 11720182: 
211; 36:63, 83; 38:393; 39:473; 44:70, 258, 
343. Scribnerianum 3:95, 97, 112, 128; 14: 
40, 184; 15:57, 64; 24:98; 31:107, 108, 112, 
115, 116; 36:63, 64, 80-83, 219, 416; 37:370. 
setigerum 49:123. setosum 49:123. shalotte 
36:62. Simpsoni 22:103. soboliferum 3: 
106; 21:114. spectabile 23:63, 64; var. gua- 
deloupense 23:63. sphaerocarpon 1:98; 3: 
95, 97, 120, 144, 145; 4:39; 6:138; 13:68; 
14:40, 172; 15:58; 22:183; 24:98; 29:242; 
31:112, 115, 117; 32:150, 233; 35:284; 36:61, 
63, 219; 40:333; 44:70, 258; var. inflatum 
13:68; 37:391; 45:386. spicatum 31:194; 
32:262. spretum 3:119; 14:40; 15:58; 19: 
108; 21:73; 23:99, 101, 102, 141, 195; 24:86, 
98, 161, 182; 26:37; 31:112, 115; 32:177, 
211; 35:202; 36:62; 39:482; 40:371, 389; 42: 
42; 45:372. stagninum 49:123. stipitatum 
3:128; 4:26; 14:108, 169; 17:160; 30:230; 
31:108; 32:118; 38:391, 450, pl. 442; 39:353; 
46:76, 78. strictum 3:107; 14:169, 170; 15: 
58; 17:71; 23:194, 195. strigosum 36:61; 
30:326, 338, 386, 467, 477; 41:472, 588; 42: 
358; 44:258. subvillosum 14:40; 15:58; 20: 
102; 23:103, 224, 228; 30:231; 31:107, 112, 
118; 32:176; 36:62, 64; 46:3. syzigachne 
30:26, 27. tennesseense 3:124; 9:208; 12: 
110, 133; 14:37, 40; 15:37, 57, 58, 160; 16: 
12; 22:182; 23:141, 223, 225, 226, 228; 32: 
117, 232; 36:62-66, 77, 78, 416; 42:42; 45: 
277; 46:3. tenue 13:66, 68; 36:61; 45:380. 
texanum 3:128; 15:58; 31:112, 113. ther- 
male 36:63. Thurowii 36:62. Torreyi 21: 
112. trifolium 37:313; 39:387, 477; 41:504. 


tsugetorum 1:185; 3:128; 14:38, 40; 15:37, 
56, 58; 22:183; 24:98; 31:107, 112, 114-116; 

Rhoeas 6:144; 9:39; 18:214; 50:112, 125. 
somniferum 1:47; 18:214. Walpolei 41:163, 

32:211; 36:62-64, 79; 37:249, 370. Tucker- 
mani 21:111, 112, 114; 22:153; 24:98; 25: 
185, 207; 31:112-114; 37:82; 41:86-90. um- 
brosum 14:173; 15:38, 59, 132; 17:71; 24: 
185. unciphyllum 3:93, 95, 98, 121—123, 125; 
4:38, 90; 6:104; 7:109; 8:209; 36:78; f. 
pilosum 3:124; f. prostratum 3:124; 23: 
228; 36:77; var. thinium 8:209; 10:64; 14: 
172. verrucosum 3:95, 96, 103; 5:130; 13: 
151; 14:168; 20:115; 24:86; 26:180; 31:108, 
112, 117; 32:176, 211; 36:63, 81; 39:479, 481, 
map 50; 44:241; 48:58. versicolor 13:175. 
villosissimum 15:59, 68; 22:183; 30:232; 
31:112, 115, 117; 36:62, 63, 66, 79; 37:391; 
46:2, 3; var. pseudopubescens 36:79; 38: 
392; 40:251; var. scoparioides 36:79. vil- 
losum 14:173; 44:258. violaceum 13:175. 
virgatum 1:201; 2:202; 3:95, 97, 103; 5: 
130; 6:233; 13:88, 175; 14:139, 182; 15:59; 
19:108; 21:115; 23:200; 24:11-13, figs. 1, 3; 
25:207; 31;12, 112, 113, 118; 34:32, 149; 36: 
63; 41:516, 520; 42:87, 91; 44:70, 257; 49: 
24; 50:92, 287, 288, 294; var. breviramosum 

231, pl. 552 

Papaveraceae 6:117; 18:214; 31:43; 32:253; 
45:311, 444 

Papaverales 37:386 

Paper Birch 12:178; 13:207; 21:50; 22:131; 
41:149, 152, 218 

Paphiopedilum 27:105. Esquirolei 27:105 

Papilionaceae 7:28, 29; 47:385 

Papillaria Deppei 36:56 

Pappophorum mucronulatum 48:19 

Papyrius 31:91, 94 

Paracedroxylon 11:172. scituatense 11:171, 
pls. 80, 81 

Paractaenum 13:174 

Paraleucobryum 40:359. longifolium 30:3; 

Paralia sulcata 9:140 

Paramoecium 24:51 

Parasites 5:136 

Parentucellia 17:194; 35:303, 305. latifolia 

Parietales 9:37 

Parietaria 17:170; 43:230. debilis 2:158. 

24:13; var. confertum 24:12; var. cubense 
13:67; 15:59; 19:108; 20:116; 21:115; 23: 
156, 192, 200; 24:11, 13, fig. 5; 34:149; 35: 
158; 39:477; var. obtusum 13:67; 15:59; 
24:11; 34:149; var. scorteum 24:13, 14, fig. 
6; var. spissum 24:13, 15, 161, figs. 2, 4; 
25:207 ; 31:112, 115; 32:150, 161, 232; 34:32; 
43:79; var. thyrsiforme 24:13, 14. viride, 
var. brevisetum 8:210; 12:134. viscidum 3: 
128, 129; 44:258. Walteri 3:95, 96, 112, 127; 
10:153; 14:167; 23:61; 44:258. Werneri 3: 
95, 97, 98, 118; 9:208; 11:179; 15:59; 23: 
194; 36:63, 65; 37:249, 370; 44:70; 47:211. 
Wilcoxianum 28:245; 36:63, 81. Wrightia- 
num 13:67; 14:29, 170, 171, 175; 16:167; 
30:230; 31:112, 117; 32:177, 211; 36:62; 38: 
393; 39:327, 337, 347, 387, 476, map 13; 40: 
389; 41:476; 44:241; 45:371, 372, 386. xala- 
pense 24:98; 35:362; 36:35, 03, 65, 230; 37: 
370; 39:481; 47:211. xanthophysum 1:98, 
183; 2:120, 121, 124; 3:95, 97, 108, 109, 145; 
6:43; 15:59, 100; 19:108; 30:230; 31:112, 
118; 36:63, 75, 76, 81, 82; f. amplifolium 3: 
109. yadkinense 14:169, 170; 36:35, 62. 
zonale 23:53 

Pannaria brunnea 28:227. hypnorum 28:220. 
leucosticta 28:227. microphylla 28:227. 
nigra 28:227. pezizoides 28:227. rubiginosa 
28:226. triptophylla 28:227 

Pannariaceae 28:226 

Panoxis 23:39 

Pansy 5:155; 45:444 

Panurgidae 41:186 

Panus stipticus 44:171 

Papaver 18:214; 41:164; 42:310, 312; 47:385. 
alaskanum 41:230, 231; 42:326; 45:311. 
dubium 1:47. intermedium 6:144. Ma- 
counii 41:162, 231. microcarpum 41:164, 
231; 42:326. nudicaule 38:117; 41:230. 
pygmaeum 37:363. radicatum 25:113; 38: 
113, 114, 116, 119, 121, 151; 41:230, 231. 

pensylvanica 1:171; 8:222; 15:67, 163, 201; 
17:170; 29:199; 35:249; 42:94 

Parkinsonia 46:313 
Parmelia 36:140. alpicola 36:143, 153. auru- 

lenta 29:103. austerodes 36:146. Borreri, 
var. reducta 14:89. caperata 2:67; 10:36; 
14:89; 29:103, 105; 35:150; 50:292. centri- 
fuga 28:229. cetrarioides, var. typica 45: 
418, 427. conspersa 28:229; 29:103; f. isi- 
diata 29:103. granulosa 36:143, 153. groen- 
landica 36:143, 145, 154. infumata 36:143, 
154. intestiniformis 36:143, 154. lophyrea 
23:183. minuscula 36:143, 153. olivacea 
28:229. olivaria 29:103. omphalodes 36: 
143, 153. perforata 29:103; var. hypotropa 
14:89. perlata 14:89, 90; 28:229. physodes 
28:229; 29:103; var. obscurata 28:229. 
pubescens 36:143, 153. rudecta 29:103, 105. 
saxatilis 28:229; 29:103; 36:143, 153; var. 
furfuracea 28:229; var. laevis 28:229; var. 
sulcata 15:94; 28:229. sorediata 36:143, 
153. stygia 36:143, 154. subaurifera 29: 
103. subobscura 36:143, 146, 154. sulcata 
18:94; 28:229; 29:103; 35:150; 36:143, 153; 
50:292. tiliacea 28:229; var. subquercifolia 
29:103; var. vicinior 29:103 

Parmeliaceae 14:89; 15:94; 28:229 
Parmeliella corallinoides 28:227. microphylla 


Parmeliopsis 28:184. aleurites 20:40; 29:103. 

ambigua 36:143 

Parnassia 6:119; 18:250; 23:111; 29:1; 41:469, 

478, 481; 44:106. asarifolia 24:150; 37:162; 
39:475, 478, 486, map 41; 41:469, 478, 480, 
536. caroliniana 1:222; 2:217; 6:119; 8: 
220; 10:164; 12:112, 114, 117, 118, 187; 14: 
241; 18:245, 247, 250; 19:33, 164; 20:97, 
101; 22:39, 42, 49; 35:59, 61, 91, 271; 44:457. 
glauca 44:457. grandifolia 11:46, 240; 36: 
224, 227, 230; 37:317; 40:254; 42:144. 
Kotzebuei 9:162, 167; 13:124; 28:122, 123, 


125, 210; 35:275; 38:125. 154; 41:147, 164, 
243; 42:311, 329; 44:106, pl. 698; 45:311. 
montanensis 44:106; 45:311. multiseta 28: 
211; 36:281; 39:310, 311. palustris 25:9; 
28:53, 60, 211; 37:364; 39:310—312, pl. 470; 
41:243, 244; B. multiseta 28:211, 212; 39: 
310; var. neogaea 39:311, 312, pls. 470, 
471; 41:243, 244; 42:311, 329; 45:311; var. 
tenuis 39:310-312, pl. 471. parviflora 7:5; 
9:162, 189; 11:94; 12:117; 13:119, 138; 28: 
79, 211; 35:51, 59 

Parnassiaceae 46:282 

Paronychia 6:51; 8:101, 102; 17:203; 38:416, 
417, 421; 44:25; 46:278—280; 47:90. 8 Any- 
chia 38:416—418, pl. 447. $ Nyachia 38:417, 
418. .arbuscula 42:141. 143. argyrocoma 4: 
61; 5:190; 8:101-103; 31:222; var. albi- 
montana 8:103; 17:203; 18:25; 21:19; 47: 
90. Baldwinii 39:333, 339, 406, 480; 42:450. 
canadensis 6:53; 38:418, 420, 451, pl. 447; 
40:414; 45:400; 49:201; 8. pumila 38:420. 
chartacea 38:418. chorizanthoides 46:278, 
279. fastigiata 38:421; var. Nuttalli 38: 
421, 451, pl. 447; var. paleacea 38:421, 
451, pl. 447; 42:361, 450; var. pumila 38: 
421, 451, pl. 447; var. typica 38:421, 451, 
pl.447. Jamesi 34:7; 46:278. Lindheimeri 
46:278, 279. montana 38:421. monticola 
46:279. Myosotis virginiana 36:369. 
Parksii 46:280. polygonoides 38:421. pul- 
vinata 38:417, 418. riparia 42:450; 43:514, 
551; 45:370, 400. scoparia 46:280. setacea 
46:278. virginica 46:280; var. scoparia 46: 

Parosela 12:14; 20:171; 31:92, 95; 49:164. 
Dalea 20:171. formosa 34:6. laxa 38:406. 
leporina, var. alba 36:376. longipila 38:406. 
neomexicana 38:406 

Parrya 39:78; 42:310. arctica 38:410. areni- 
cola 39:76. macrocarpa 41:239; 42:328. 
Menziesii, var. lanuginosa 43:480. nudi- 
caulis 41:148, 163—165, 239; 42:312, 328; var. 
aspera 41:239 

Parsleys 41:129 

Parsnip 4:188. Cow 28:84. Wild 4:188; 18: 
41; 28:84 

Parthenium 24:35; 26:131; 47:400. auricula- 
tum 28:208; 31:256; 46:141; 47:399. hispi- 
dum 46:141. Hysterophorus 19:251; 26: 
131. integrifolium 31:256; 36:224; 38:378; 
42:308; 47:399; var. auriculatum 47:399; 
var. integrifolium 47:399, repens 31:256; 
36:224, 232 

Parthenocissus 10:24, 25; 12:14; 42:154. hir- 
suta 10:26, 28; 41:429, 430; var. dubia 41: 
430. inserta, f. macrophylla 43:604. laci- 
niata 10:27. quinquefolia 6:122; 10:25; 32: 
161, 264; 41:430; 42:154; 50:298; f. hirsuta 
41:429, 430, 548; 44:429; var. B. hirsuta 41: 
429; var. hirsuta 19:230; var. laciniata 10: 
28; var. Saint-Paulii 35:287. radicantis- 
sima, var. minor 10:27. Saint-Paulii 10:27. 
tricuspidata 10:29; 32:264; 33:169; 45:416; 
50:298. vitacea 32:177; 41:430; 42:154; f. 
dubia 41:430; var. dubia 10:28; 41:430 

Partridge-berry 13:123, 216; 28:56; 47:262 


Partridge, Pea 14:91 

Paspalum 3:94; 14:174; 15:55, 223; 16:136; 
30:52, 133; 31:107; 36:21; 37:370, 372; 39: 
341; 40:307, 372, 388; 41:468; 44:237; 45: 
277; 46:57; 47:210. ambiguum 3:100. aus- 
trale 8:205. bifidum 40:372, 388, 389; var. 
projectum 40:388, 482, pl. 509. bistipu- 
latum 39:384. Boscianum 39:360, 477. 
Bushii 47:212. ciliatifolium 30:134; 36:20- 
22; 37:390; 39:481; 40:429; var. Muhlen- 
bergii 36:20, 21; 46:76; 50:294; var. stra- 
mineum 36:20, 21. circulare 16:136; 21: 
115; 30:134, 135; 31:112, 115, 117; 36:22, 
230, 417; 37:390; 45:277. dasyphyllum 44: 
258. dilatatum 44:70; 46:76. dissectum 29: 
116; 39:341, 382, 383, 481; 40:369, 370, 387; 
41:111, 477, 503; 44:258; 45:372, 386. dis- 
tichum 39:477. Elliottii 8:205. floridanum 
35:283; 36:22; 30:481; 44:70; var. glabra- 
tum 36:22. fluitans 39:341, 343, 359, 382- 
385, 482, 489, map 17, pl. 474; 41:477, 503; 
44:367, 380; 45:377, 386; 50:16. Frankii 39: 
382, 385. furcatum 8:205. gracile 39:384. 
laeve 24:98; 36:22; 39:481; 44:70; 45:277; 
46:76; 47:212; var. australe 8:205; var. 
circulare 36:22; 37:390; var. pilosum 36:22; 
37:390; 46:76. laeviglume 36:22. lenti- 
ferum 40:367; 41:485, 502, 504; 49:121. 
longepedunculatum 37:390; 47:212; 49:122. 
longipilum 37:390; 39:424; 44:70. mucro- 
natum 39:341, 382, 383, 385. Muhlenbergii 
2:26; 14:20, 174; 15:55; 24:98; 30:134; 32: 
232; 36:20. natans 39:382, 385. panicu- 
latum 39:385. plenipilum 30:134, 135; 36: 
22. praecox, var. Curtisianum 40:367, 388; 
41:485, 502, 504; 49:99, 121. prostratum 8: 
205. psammophilum 8:205; 13:22; 14: 
174; 15:55; 16:136; 21:115; 24:98; 30:135; 
31:112, 117; 32:176, 211. pubescens 19:108; 
24:98; 30:134, 135; 31:112, 115, 116; 32:150, 
210, 232; 36:20-22; 37:82; 44:70; var. Muh- 
lenbergii 36:20. pubiflorum 36:22; var. gla- 
brum 36:22; 44:70. pyramidale 39:384. 
repens 39:341, 382—385, 489, pl. 474; 50:16. 
sanguinale 3:99. setaceum 14:20; 30:133- 
135; 31:112, 115, 117; 32:209-211, 232; 37: 
390; 39:354, 481; 47:212; 49:99, 121, 122, 
192, pl. 1058; var. calvescens 49:121, 122, 
192, pl. 1057; var. longepedunculatum 37: 
390; 47:212; 49:122, 192, pl. 1058; var. supi- 
num 37:390; 38:381, 386; 39:477; 41:503. 
stramineum 36:20-22, 219. supinum 37 :390; 
38:386; 41:503; 44:258, 343. Urvillei 41: 
469, 503; 42:411. vaginatum 44:258. virga- 
tum 29:114; 30:51, 52 

Passiflora coerulea 7:25. foetida 47:275. in- 
carnata 31:146; 38:377; 39:482. Jamesonii 
18:156. lutea 36:230; 39:482; 47:217; var. 
glabriflora 41:436; 47:217. mollissima 
18:156. Parritae 18:156 

Passifloraceae 49:58 

Pastinaca 6:124; 24:94; 26:23; 50:126. sativa 
1:159; 4:188; 6:124; 11:127; 24:94; 29:217; 
end 46:51; 47:390. triquinata 45:290, 


TAS Juniper 28:82. Rosel2:180. Thistles 


Patellaria coccinea, b. molariformis, 8. pro- 
lifera 34:124. fusca, f. pyxioides, e. m. peri- 
thetum 40:18 

Patoie 1:168 

Patte d'oie 1:168 

Pattersonia caroliniensis 47:71 

Patulix 34:167 

Paulownia tomentosa 27:214; 28:242; 37:162 

Pauridia 25:157-159. hypoxidioides 25:101. 
minuta 25:160, 161, fig. 16 

Pawpaw 18:211; 39:333 

Paxillus corrugatus 3:40. paradoxus 2:194 

Pea(s) 41:157. Beach 29:58; 42:157. Ever- 
lasting 25:176. Hoary 4:249. Partridge 14: 

Peanut(s) 20:165; 42:383, 391, 396; 44:352 

Pear(s) 45:450, 451; 49:229, 231. Chinese 49: 
231. Sugar 12:109. Wild 18:38 

Peat-Moss 10:113 

Pecan 49:194—196; 50:248 

Pectis angustifolia 39:422. papposa 39:422. 
tenella 39:422. texana 39:421 

Pedalium 47:385 

Pediastrum 5:81; 24:102, 103; 50:271. Borya- 
num 5:81; 14:115, 237; 15:91; 24:108; 26: 
165; 50:274; var. longicorne 24:108; 26: 
165; 29:164. duplex 14:237. Ehrenbergii 
5:81. pertusum 5:81. Tetras 14:115, 237; 
15:91; 29:164; 50:274. tricornutum alpinum 
24:108; 26:162, 165 

Pedicularis 20:134; 25:65; 40:392; 41:382; 42: 
312, 338. canadensis 4:88, 93; 7:34; 12:108; 
16:14, 128; 21:199; 25:65; 32:176, 274; 36: 
32; 37:354; 40:456; 48:59, 60, 80, pl. 1009; 
f. praeclara 10:128; 19:248; 36:50; var. 
Dobbsii 48:59, 60, 80, pls. 1009, 1010; var. 
fluviatilis 48:60. capitata 25:114; 30:188; 
41:147, 151, 286; 42:338; 45:315. euphrasi- 
oides 25:11; 33:193; 34:245; 40:292; 41: 
287; B. labradorica 33:193. flammea 9:163; 
14:88; 19:142; 25:11, 114; 28:96, 98, 234; 
35:121; 38:158; 41:287; 44:124. Furbishiae 
6:192; 7:34; 13:218. groenlandica 25:11; 
36:283; 38:123,126; 41:287. hirsuta 25:114; 
36:188; 41:287. labradorica 33:193; 38: 
158; 40:292, 293, pl. 495; 41:147, 166, 287; 
42:311, 321, 324, 338; 45:315. lanata 25: 
114; 36:188; 41:287; 42:338. lanceolata 7: 
34, 36; 12:186, 192; 20:98; 25:65; 29:243; 
36:100; 37:322; 38:365; 39:448; 40:252, 
254; 42:41; 45:520, 639. Langsdorffi 41: 
147, 148, 287; 42:338. lapponica 34:245; 38: 
158. Oederi 41:287; 42:338. palustris 28: 
81, 235; 29:126; 34:66; 41:287; 44:104. 
Pennellii 41:287. sudetica 34:245; 41:147, 
287; 42:338; 45:315. sylvatica 28:51, 81, 
235; 29:126; 35:273; 38:15; 41:382; 47:267. 
verticilata 41:161, 287; 42:338; 45:315 

Pedinophyllum 12:200, 201. interruptum 12: 
193, 200, 201; 15:25, 27; 25:195. pyrenai- 
cum, var. interrupta 12:200 

Pediocactus Simpsoni 38:299 

Pediomelum caudatum 38:406. humile 38: 


Pelargonium 36:373; 50:103. zonale 9:41 

Pelexia cranichoides 23:84. setacea 23:84 

Pellaea 6:101; 22:88; 30:14; 37:65; 43:524; 
50:138. atropurpurea 1:104, 105; 2:14, 127; 
3:41; 4:54; 6:101; 8:13; 9:187; 15:67, 154; 
16:198; 19:68; 22:81, 87, 88; 24:184; 30: 
14; 36:223; 37:65, 71, 222; 42:40; 43:524, 
528; 44:240; 46:73; 49:200; 50:154; var. 
Bushii 11:35. densa 21:124; 37:247; 44: 
121. glabella 11:35; 22:81, 87, 88; 36:223; 
37:65, 71, 222; 41:138; 46:73; 50:154. gra- 
cilis 3:41; 6:101; 7:110; 9:74, 154; 10:35; 
19:67, 68; 22:49. Stelleri 6:101. Wright- 
iana 50:93; var. compacta 26:49 

Pellia 5:51; 11:190, 191; 19:266. calycina 11: 
189. endiviaefolia 11:190. epiphylla 5:170; 
6:75; 10:192; 11:190, 191; 15:22; 23:282; 
25:194; 26:8; f. Neesiana 11:190. Fabron- 
iana 11:189-191; 12:204; 15:22, 26; 19:272; 
25:194; 39:33. Neesiana 11:190, 191; 12: 
203; 14:224; 15:22, 26; 19:266; 21:169; 25: 
194, 198; 39:33 

Pelliaceae 25:193, 194; 26:7; 39:33 

Pellicularia pruinata 50:287, 288 

Peloria 47:291 

Pelotes marines 11:149 

Peltandra 4:169; 10:166; 12:5; 13:179; 14: 
95, 102; 21:73, 192; 23:129; 42:360; 46:20; 
50:56, 58, 59. subgen. Leucospatha 14:102, 
103. alba 14:102, 103; 46:20; 50:58, 59, 125. 
angustifolia 12:50; 14:103, 106. canadensis 
14:104. glauca 50:58, 59, 101, 125, 126. 
hastata 14:103, 105; 50:57. heterophylla 12: 
49; 14:103, 106. latifolia 14:104; 50:57. 
luteospadix 50:58, 59. sagittaefolia 50:58, 
59. sagittifolia 12:47; 14:102, 103; 50:58, 
59, 125. Tharpii 50:56. undulata 1:184; 5: 
132; 12:48; 14:104; 46:20; 50:59. virginica 
1:184; 4:106, 168; 12:5, 48, 50, pl. 83; 13: 
179; 14:104; 21:192; 24:87; 32:177, 212; 
42:360, 430, pls. 627, 628; 50:56-59; f. an- 
gustifolia 14:106; f. brachyota 14:105, 
106, pl. 94; f. hastifolia 14:105, 106, pl. 
94; 50:56; f. heterophylla 14:106; f. lati- 
folia 14:104, 106, pl. 94; f. rotundata 
14:104, 106, pl. 94; var. angustifolia 12: 
50, pl. 83; 14:103, 104; var. heterophylla 
12:49, 50, pl. 83; 14:103, 106. Walteri 50: 

Peltidea ulorrhiza, var. praetexta 50:252 

Peltigera 29:98; 36:140. aphthosa 28:228; 
29:99. canina 29:99; var. rufescens, f. in- 
novans 50:252; var. spongiosa 28:228. 
erumpens 36:142, 153. horizontalis 28:227. 
leptoderma 36:142, 154. malacea 28:228; 
36:142, 153, 154. polydactyla 28:228; 29: 
99; 36:142, 153, 154. polydactyloides 36: 
142, 145, 154. rufescens 29:99; 36:142, 149, 
153; f. innovans 50:252. scabrosa 36:142, 
153. spuria 36:150. Suomensis 36:142, 149, 
154. variolosa 36:142, 154. venosa 28:228; 
36:142, 151 

Peltigeraceae 28:227 

Peltigerae 36:155 

Peltolepis 16:63, 64 

Penicillium 50:288. glaucum 13:86 


Penicillus capitatus 3:91 

Peniophora cinerea 50:287. Sambuci 50:287. 
tenuis 50:287 

Penium 5:252; 7:113; 9:227; 24:213, 216; 26: 
204, 205; 44:181. annulare 9:228, 233; var. 
obesum 9:233. Brebissonii 7:113. Clevei 
9:228, 230; var. crassum 9:230.  closterioides 
5:80; 7:113; 9:228; 24:218; f. interrupta 9: 
229. crassa 7:113. cruciferum 9:228, 232; 
26:205. cucurbitinum 26:205. curtum 9: 
228, 232. cuticulare 9:228, 230. Digitus 5: 
222, 254; 7:113. interruptus 7:113. lamel- 
losum 7:118. Libellula 7:113; 9:228; var. 
intermedium 9:229; var. interruptum 7:114; 
9:229. margaritaceum 5:254; 7:114; 9:228— 
230; 24:216; 26:205; 44:181; var. papilli- 
ferum 44:183, 186, fig. 1; var. punctatum 
9:231. minutum 7:114; 9:228, 232, 233; 
var. elongatum 7:114; 9:233. Navicula 9: 
228, 229; 24:216; 26:205. oblongum 7:113. 
phymatosporum 9:228, 281. polymorphum 
7:114; 9:228, 231; 24:216. rufescens 44:181. 
spirostriolatum 9:228, 231; 24:216; 44:181; 
var. apiculatum 9:231 

Pennisetum 13:175; 31:100. americanum 18: 
282; 31:109. glaucum 18:232 

Pennyroyal 38:240 

Penstemon 7:36; 25:65; 32:89; 41:283; 42: 
105, 156, 416; 44:485. § Graciles 37:420, 
421. albidus 34:6; 48:99. arkansanus 36: 
232. attenuatus 37:420, 421. australis 39: 
339, 447, 466, 477; 49:179. brevisepalus 37: 
322; 39:431. calycosus 37:350; 39:431; 46: 
307, 308. canescens 46:72; 49:179, 180. 
Cobaea 42:103; 46:156; var. purpureus 36: 
224, 232; 42:103. deustus 33:206; var. 
Savagei 33:206; var. suffrutescens 33:206. 
Digitalis 37:350; 38:64; 40:463; f. Baueri 
43:663. dissectus 44:258. Gormani 29: 
35; 45:315. gracilis 18:244; 49:256; subsp. 
wisconsinensis 49:293; var. wisconsinensis 
49:293. grandiflorus 7:34, 36; 35:255. 
guadelupensis, subsp. Ernesti 38:407; var. 
Ernesti 38:407. hirsutus 8:222; 24:185; 
25:65; f. albiflorus 33:169. laevigatus 1:40; 
2:126; 7:34, 36; 11:22; 25:65; 44:485; var. 
Digitalis 1:82; 7:34, 36; 25:65; 32:109; 42: 
307; 44:485. Nelsonae 37:419-421. okla- 
homensis 40:181. pallidus 8:222; 38:453; 
40:463. procerus 37:421; 41:163, 283. 
pubescens 1:164; 5:204; 7:34, 36; 24:185. 
secundiflorus 22:195. Smallii 7:34, 36. 
Tolmiei 37:421. triflorus, subsp. integri- 
folius 38:407 ; var. integrifolius 38:407. tu- 
biflorus 7:34, 36, 37; 35:364; 36:232. uinta- 
hensis 36:410; 39:495. wisconsinensis 49: 

Pentaglottis sempervirens 31:85 

Pentagonia 9:55 

Pentameris compressa 45:245. 
thermalis 45:243 

Pentatomidae 41:186, 187 

Pentaphylloides canadense 37:287, 289 

Pentaphyllum palustre 16:6 

Penthorum 18:249; 47:364. sedoides 13:141; 
18:249; 19:65, 217; 35:251, 360 

splcata 45:243. 


Peperomia reflexa, f. capensis 43:163 

Peplis 43:500, 501. americana 19:11, 12; 33: 
72. diandra 41:376, 377; 43:500—503, 617, 
map 3; 44:356; f. aquatica 41:376; 43:617; 
f. terrestris 41:376; 43:617 

Peponia 9:52 

Peponium 9:52 

Peppergrass 4:32; 45:382. Wild 18:37 

Pepperidge 4:131; 7:123 

Peppermint 43:92 

Pepper-root 5:168 

Peramium decipiens 48:11. Menziesii 1:7; 
48:11. ophioides 28:245. pubescens 1:5. 
repens 1:6; 6:112 

Peranema trichophorum 50:277 

Percursaria 5:3. percursa 5:26 

Perdicium semiflosculare 17:135 

Perezia 20:151. aletes 20:151; 30:20; 47:47. 
sonchifolia 47:47 

Perichaena chrysosperma 29:172. depressa 
29:172. populina 1:128 

Pericome 39:209. caudata 39:209, 210, pl. 459. 
glandulosa 39:209, 210, pl. 459. macro- 
cephala 39:209 

Peridermium 2:223; 9:194, 195. abietinum 4: 
35. Cerebrum 9:194. pyriforme 9:194 

Peridinium bipes 50:276 

Perilla 25:40. frutescens 36:374; var. crispa 
11:55; 24:119; 25:40; var. nankinensis 11: 
55. nankinensis 25:40. ocymoides, B. crispa 
25:40; var. nankinensis 25:40 

Perilomia 26:61—63. ocymoides 26:63 

Periploca graeca 1:171 

Periptera tetracladia 9:139 

Peristeria 2:31 

Peristylus bracteatus 28:174. viridis 28:172; 
a. gracillima 28:172; b. macrobracteata 28: 
171, 172; var. macrobracteata 28:171 

Peromyscus 37:165 

Peronospora effusa 39:372. halstedii 39:372. 
Viciae 41:516 

Peronosporeae 5:101 

Persea 42:368, 380, 382; 44:366; 49:152, 153. 
Borbonia 39:473, 480; 42:368; 44:366, 399; 
47:149, 150; 49:152; f. pubescens 47:149. 
caroliniensis 47:149; œ. 47:149; a. glabrius- 
cula 47:149; 8. pubescens 47:149; var. pa- 
lustris 47:149. palustris 38:377, 422; 39: 
480; 40:421; 42:368; 44:240, 366, 399, 400; 
47:149, 150; f. laevifolia 44:399; 47:149. 
pubescens 38:422; 47:149, 150. Sassafras 8: 
199; 38:179 

Persicaria 25:20; 27:147, 150, 151, 175; 28:16; 
29:84; 43:612. $ Potamocallis 27:150; sub- 
$ Emersae 27:150; sub-§ Hartwrightianae 
27:150; sub-§ Hydrophileae 27:151. abori- 
ginum 27:166. abscissa 27:161. alismae- 
folia 27:165. ammophila 27:151, 161. 
amphibia 27:150; var. terrestris 27:158. 
Andrewsii 27:148. asclepiadea 27:161. 
canadensis 27:151. carictorum 27:151, 161. 
chelanica 27:161. coccinea 27:148, 150, 164; 
var. asprella 27:150. emersa 27:164. flui- 
tans 27:148, 151, 159; 48:49, 52. grandifolia 
27:150. Hartwrightii 27:148, 151, 101. 
homalostachya 27:161. Hydropiper 29:80. 


hydropiperoides 28:16, 25, 27. insignis 27: 
149, 162. laetevirens 27:159. lonchophylla 
27:150. longistyla 27:182. maculata 23: 
258. major23:258,259. mesochora 27:151; 
48:52; var. arenicola 27:151. mexicana 27: 
182. Muhlenbergii 27:164. muriculata 27: 
161. nebrascensis 27:151, 161. nodosa 23: 
258. novae-angliae 27:164. omissa 27:183. 
opelousana 28:28. oregana 27:159; 48:52. 
pennsylvanica 19:71; 27:179. persicari- 
oides 28:27. plattensis 27:159, 165. porto- 
ricensis 25:20. pratincola 27:149, 150, 166. 
punctata 29:87. purpurata 48:52. rigidula 
27:148, 150, 165. robustior 23:147. salici- 
folia 23:259. segeta 27:181. spectabilis 27: 
166. tanaeophylla 27:150. tomentosa 23: 
259. vestita 27:150. villosula 27:161 

Persimmon 18:211; 21:49; 42:88, 101; 43:92 

Personatae 47:384—380, pl. 991 

Pertusaria amara 29:101. centhocarpa 29:101. 
communis 28:228. globularis 28:228. glo- 
merata 28:228. leioplaca 28:228. multi- 
puncta 28:228; 29:101. pustulata 28:228; 
29:101, 105. velata 28:228 

Pertusariaceae 28:228 

Perularia flava 44:257 

Pestalotia adusta 39:372. 

Petalomonas carinata 50:277. mediocanellata 

Petalonia fascia 26:214; 50:262; var. caespi- 
tosa 26:214; 50:262 

Petalostemum 41:561; 49:163. candidum 33: 
226; 36:223, 224; var. occidentale 39:28. 
corymbosum 17:181, 137. decumbens 44: 
252. emarginatum 41:562. foliosum 19:64; 
46:308. Gattingeri 42:6; 46:308. gracile, 
var. oligophyllum 39:28. occidentale 39: 
28. oligophyllum 39:28. oreophilum 41: 
561; 49:163. pinnatum 17:131, 137. 
pubescens 38:96. pulcherrimum 38:96. 
purpureum 33:226; 36:223, 224; 38:96; f. 
pubescens 38:96; var. molle 38:96. vio- 
laceum 1:171; var. pubescens 38:96. virga- 
tum 38:96 

Petasites 6:133; 17:66, 88; 26:131; 37:306; 
40:163; 48:123. alaskanus 48:123. corym- 
bosus48:124. dentatus48:123. frigidus 41: 
147, 297; 42:341; 48:122-124; var. corym- 
bosus 48:123, 125; var. genuinus 48:123, 
125; var. hyperboreoides 48:124; var. palm- 
atus 48:124, 125. gracilis 41:297; 48:123. 
Hookerianus 48:124. hyperboreus 48:124. 
nivalis 48:124. palmatus 4:128; 5:44, 50; 
6:133; 10:146; 13:125; 17:66; 18:132, 298; 
24:208; 25:11; 26:131; 32:206; 36:284; 48: 
122, 125; var. frigidus 48:124. sagittatus 
36:11, 284; 38:123, 126, 299; 48:122, 123. 
speciosus 48:124, 125; var. frigidus 48:124. 
trigonophyllus 9:155, 164, 191; 29:57; 48: 
124. vitifolius 9:155, 164; 44:123; 48:122, 
124. vulgaris 10:151; 12:129; 19:220; 26: 
131. Warrenii 48:123 

Petrocelis 10:158, 159; 23:66. cruenta 2:12, 
51; 10:158, 159. Hennedyi 10:159. Mid- 
dendorffii 10:158, 159 

hysteriformis 41: 


Petromarula 50:40 

Petrophytum cinerascens 36:11 

Petunia 1:47; 25:61; 28:72; 42:156. axillaris 
25:61. hybrida 15:167. nyctaginiflora 10: 
153; 15:167; 28:72. parviflora 37:440. vio- 
lacea 25:61 

Peucedanum rigidum 50:126 

Peuplier de la Virginie 1:167 

Peutalis nodosa 23:258 

Peyrousea 9:38 

Peysonnellia Rosenvingi 2:51 

Pezicula australis 44:171 

Peziza 1:84; 47:386. rapulum 2:106. 
losa 1:83 

Pezizeae 1:63 

Phaca aboriginorum 33:240. alpina 39:314. 
astragalina 36:179. elegans 10:33. frigida 
39:314; var. littoralis 41:250; var. parviflora 
41:250. neglecta, f. Limonia 39:318. parvi- 
flora 10:33. polaris 41:251. Robbinsii 6: 
97. Tracyi 38:406 

Phacelia 7:160; 11:54; 25:28; 40:374; 42:39. 
Bicknellii 39:431; 46:308. bipinnatifida 36: 
230; var. brevistylis 11:54. brachyloba 6: 
151; 25:28. brevistylis 11:54. circinata 6: 
151. congesta 6:151; 25:28; 38:240; 40:180. 
Covillei 42:39. dubia 36:230; 40:374, 441, 
455; 41:489, 557; 45:383, 459; 46:53-56, pl. 
816; var. dubia 46:54, 55; var. georgiana 46: 
54, 55; var. interior 46:54-56, pl. 816; 47: 
171. fallax 46:51-53, 55, 56, pl. 814; 47: 
171; 49:177. gilioides 46:53, 56, pl. 815. 
hirsuta 46:51—54, 56, pl. 815. linearis 19: 
247. maculata 49:177. magellanica 25:28. 
minor, var. Whitlavia 25:28. parviflora 46: 
54, 56. Purshii 6:151; 44:75. pusilla 46:55. 
ranunculacea 42:39. tanacetifolia 6:151; 
25:28. viscida 6:151. Whitlavia 6:151 

Phacelias 46:306 

Phacotus lenticularis 44:67 

Phacus acuminatus 44:68. brevicauda 50:277. 
longicauda 44:68; 50:277. parvula 50:277. 
pleuronectes 50:277. pyrum 50:277. tri- 
queter 50:277 

Phaeobulgaria inquinans 44:171 

Phaeocephalum 9:51; 21:10; 22:180, 181; 46: 
101, 102. album 46:121; var. macrum 46: 
124. axillare 46:108. Baldwinii 46:181. 
brachychaetum 46:164. caducum 46:261. 
capillaceum 46:126; var. levisetum 37:252; 
46:128. Chapmanii 46:168. ciliatum 46: 
160. compressum 46:237. Curtissi 46:172. 
cymosum 46:245. decurrens 46:264. dis- 
tans 46:191. dodecandrum 46:228. Earlei 
46:233. fasciculare 46:189. filifolium 46: 
174. fuscum 46:170. glomeratum 46:113; 
var. minus 46:115. gracilentum 46:183. 
Grayi 46:231. inexpansum 46:257. inter- 
medium 46:130. Knieskernii 46:126. lepto- 
rhynchum 46:179. microcarpum 46:266. 
miliaceum 46:257. mixtum 46:262. palli- 
dum 46:166. patulum 46:266. perplexum 
46:270. Planki 46:233. plumosum 46:131. 
proliferum 46:262. punctatum 46:238. 
rariflorum 46:208. schoenoides 46:265. soli- 


INDEX ro VOLUMEs 1-50 

tare 46:161. 
anum 46:269 
Phaeophyceae 10:116; 26:189, 190, 213; 40: 
Phaeophyta 50:260 
Phaeosaccion 3:111, 131. 

stipitatum 46:259. Torrey- 

Collinsii 1:126; 2: 

Phaeosporaceae 24:3 

Phalacroloma 46:324. obtusifolia 46:324, 325 

Phalaenopsis grandiflora 3:204, 205, pl. 33 

Phalangium croceum 50:128. quamash 10:31. 
virgatum 11:80 

Phalaris 6:104; 14:178; 15:123; 49:276. amer- 
icana 32:47. arundinacea 0:104: -15:123; 
17:212; 26:144; 31:82; 32:47, 172; 38: 264, 
268 ; 49: PAE feat picta 24: 195; f. variegata 24: 
185; 38:264, 267; 49:277; var. picta 1:165; 
6: 104 ; 15:123; 49: 277; var. variegata 49: 277. 
canariensis 10: 153; 15: 123; 32:234; 38:264; 
42:317 ; 44:333, 334; 49:276. caroliniana 36: 
36; 38:379, 385; 39:481; 41:82; 42:370; 49: 
90. erucaeformis 30:24, 25, 51. maritima 
22:71. oryzoides 30:81, 82 

Phalleae 1:59 

Phallus duplicatus 26:196 

Phanerogamae 40:281 

Phanerogams 45:515 

Phanerotaenia 21:181, 182. 

Phanopyrum 13:174 

Pharbitis barbigera 37:178 

Pharmacosycea perforata 50:132 

Phascum cuspidatum 48:3, 4; var. 
canum 48:3 

Phaseolus 4:13; 7:16, 28, 160. Bulai 41:325. 
coccineus 45:169, 170. diversifolius 24:99. 
helvolus 47:216. multiflorus 37:87. mungo 
49:80. paniculatus 44:419. perennis 2:90, 
92; 4:13, 99; 5:291; 6:89; 7:37; 8:223; 9: 
10: 44:419. polystachios 24: 99, 117; 40: 380, 
438; 44:367, 418, 419; 45:169, 170; 49: 180; 
var. aquilonius 44: 418, 419. "vulgaris 1: 47; 
2:92; 34:65; 45:109, 170; var. humilis 39: 
374, 375 

Phegopteris 3:269; 6:101; 9:82; 21:176; 22: 
91; 30:16, 48; 43:219. alpestris 8: Biles 9: 155, 
158; 19: 203; 30: 44, 48, 49; 44:125. connec- 
tilis 43:219. Dryopteris 1: 219752:197 18d: 
229; 3:42, 168; 6:101; 9:63, 82: 11:86; 13: 
124125. 131: 2T: 179, 200; 22: 133; 30: 16; 
37: 362; 42 316; subsp. disjuncta 43: 217. 
hexagonoptera 1: 0/:219702:1835:3:42 0190: 
6:207: ° 9:82, 208: 10: 166; 14: 240; 15:154; 
17: 204; 21:179; 30:16; 35: 360, 361; 37:190. 
Phegopteris 6: 101 ; 11:35. polypodioides 1: 
192, 219; 2:183, 229; 3:42, 168, 190; 6:101; 
9:82; 11: :86; 13: 125; ioe: 2E 179, 200; 
22: 38, 133; 29: 245; 30: 16; 37: 311, 362; 42: 
316; 43: :219. Robertiana 9: 158; 13: 131, 219; 
21: 179; 37 :219 

Phellodon alboniger 44:168 

Philadelphus 18:247, 251. acuminatus 17:122. 
coronarius 1:106; 17:122, 123; 18:245, 247, 
251; 19:226; 37:86; var. acuminatus 17: 
122; var. satsumi 17:121; var. tomentosus 
17:122, 123; 18:245, 251. Gordonianus 17: 
122. grandiflorus 17:122. hirsutus 39:430. 

texana 21:182 



inodorus 18:245; 19:226; 45:358, 450; var. 
grandiflorus 39: 430. intectus 17: 128. lati- 
folius 17:122, 123; 39:430. Lewisii 16:77; 
17:122; 37:364; 41: :506; var. platyphyllus 
Itta platyphyllus 16:77. pubescens 17: 
122; 18:245; 42:99; var. intectus 17:123. 
satsumanus 17:121, 122. satsumi 17:121, 
122. tomentosus 17:122. Yokohamae 17: 

Philerea latifolio 17:50 

Phillyrea angustifolia 30:55, 56. media 30:55 

Philohela minor 49:82 

Philonotis 12:152, 154; 13:45. caespitosa 12: 
152, 1535: tee 46; var. cempacta 13:46; var. 
heterophylla 13: 46; var. laxa 13:46. fon- 
tana 4:30; 6:73; 12: 152, 153; 30:9. march- 
ica 12:152. Muhlenbergii 12:152 

Philotria 22:17; 34:114-116. angustifolia 19: 
108; 21:115, 218; 22:25, 29. canadensis 21: 
114. iowensis 22:26, 29. linearis 22:25. 
minor 22:22, 28. Nuttallii 22: 24,29. Plan- 
chonii 22:29 

Phippsia 8:138; 18:2; 28:150. 
121, 140; 41: 178 

Phleum 6: 105; 7:160; 11:38; 14:178; 15:125; 
33:108; 44: 33; 49:272. alpinum 3: 169; 4: 
150; 9: 24, 154, 158, 190; 13:136; 17:78; "18: 
197; 25:6; 28:54; 29: 207 ; 35: 215; 37: :206; 
38: 265, 269 ; 41: 155, a ifs 49 :240. pratense 
5:36; 6:105; 13:208; 14: 92; 15:125; 17:212; 
18: 33; 21: 170; 22: 136; 25: 6; 26: 186, 223: 
28: 74: 29: 207; 32:150, 234; 33: TIO; Ja: 50, 
63; 36: 277, 374; 38:265; 39: 3/3, 375; 41: 
152, TG: 44 :237, 380; 49:272; 50:294 ; var. 
nodosum 44:344, 380; 47:109; 49:272 

Phloeospora tortilis 16:105 

Phlomis 7:160 

Phlox 6:154; 25:27; 42:155; 43:510; 44:221. 
alyssifolia 48:100. amoena 36:54. bifida 
36:220; 37:321. carolina 37:321; var. tri- 
flora 40: 381, 454; 41:490; 45:305, '459. cor- 
data 44:958. divaricata 6: 155; 15: 4293.41: 
194; 50:126; var. Laphamii 50: 126. Drum- 
mondii, var. littoralis 39:421. Hentzii 42: 
399, 476, 477; 43:71; 45:383, 459. Laphamii 
50: 112, 126. Lighthipei 36 :55. longifolia 
34:5. maculata 6:151, 154; 36:100; 43:510, 
636; 44:258; var. candida 6: 151; var. odorata 
37 :350, 356. nivalis 36:54; 40:364, 366, 441, 
448, 454; 42:476, 477; 43:71; 45:383, 459. 
ovata 37:321; 41:33; var. latifolia 46:139. 
paniculata 1:107; 6:151, 154; 7:108; 25:27; 
38:441; 39:370, 375. pilosa 1:76; 6:151; 8: 
222; 15:66, 67; 19:164, 247; 34: 97, 176, 240; 
50: 250; L albiflora 34:176; '50: 250; var. ful- 
gida 34: 176; 50:250; f. albiflora 34: 176; 
var. ozarkana 41:194. reptans 6:151; 37: 
321. Richardsonii 45:314. sibirica 41:160, 
163, 281. Stellaria 37:321; 46:307. stoloni- 
fera 37:321. subulata 1:224; 6:142, 151, 154, 
155; 12:129; 25:27; 37:321; 40:570; var. 
australis 37 :321 

Phoenicaulis cheiranthoides 43:480; var. lan- 
uginosa 43:480, 481 

Phoenix dactylifera 29:51 

algida 38:118, 

182 / 

Pholidota yunnanensis 27:107. yunpeensis 

Pholiota 3:143; 16:46. 
cenoides 16:46 

Pholistoma 42:34. membranaceum 42:39 

Phoradendron 21:50. flavescens 2:1; 14:81; 
17:64; 21:49; 39:358, 473, 482; 46:83 

Phormidium 40:225, 255, 259, 263. ambiguum 
2:42; 40:224, 237, 258, 262, 267. angustissi- 
mum 28:2; 40:260, 261. autumnale 2:42; 
40:75, 232, 255, 258, 262; 24:104, 105; 50:69. 
bigranulatum 28:2. cabennense 28:2. 
calidum 28:2. Corium 2:42; 7:236; 28:2; 
40:240, 257, 261. Ectocarpi 40:260. favo- 
sum 2:42; 7:236; 40:255, 262; 50:69. foveo- 
latum 28:2. fragile 1:42; 40:256, 260. in- 
crustatum 50:70. inundatum 40:255, 261. 
laminosum 24:103; 28:2; 40:255; 50:275. 
luridum 40:75, 256, 260. majus 1:198. 
molle 40:256, 260, 273, fig. 7. mucicola 40: 
255, 259. orientale, var. breviarticulata 28: 
2. papyraceum 26:212; 40:240, 257, 261; 
50:70, 256. penicillatum 40:255. persici- 
num 2:11, 42; 40:256, 259, 260, 270, 273, fig. 
6. pulvinatum 40:240. purpurascens 40: 
255. quadripunctulata 28:2. Retzii 6: 
230; 7:236, 243; 8:122; 24:103, 107; 40:241, 
258, 262; f. fasciculatum 8:122. Setchel- 
lianum 40:255; 50:70. subfuscum 40:255. 
submembranaceum 40:240, 258, 262, 263. 
subtorulosum 40:263. tenue 26:211; 40:257, 
260, 261; 50:70, 275. tinctorium 40:250, 260. 
Treleasei 40:255. uncinatum 7:236; 40: 
255; 50:70. Valderianum 2:42; 40:257, 261. 
Woronichinii 40:240 

Phorobolus Brunonianus 37:246. 

Phragmidium 10:13, 14. americanum 34:62; 
39:372. gracile 10:14. speciosum 44:172 

Phragmites 4:93; 10:153; 15:131; 24:55, 56; 
30:202; 34:212; 48:21; 49:264. Berlandieri 
34:211. communis 4:93; 5:131; 10:146, 153; 
12:117-119; 14:20; 15:131; 18:96; 19:119, 
164; 22:15; 24:161; 26:154, 156, 159, 175; 
29:60, 65, 68, 71, 107, 110; 32:149, 236; 33: 
170; 34:212; 43:286, 287; var. Berlandieri 
34:211, 212; 48:19, 25, 26, 205; 49:264; var. 
stolonifera 49:264. maximus 43:286, 287 

Phragmopedilum caudatum 9:50 

Phryma 55:187; 33:29; 42:512. Leptostachya 
1:220; 4:90; 5:204; 7:34; 11:7; 13:218; 16: 
17; 25:187; 31:16, 17, pl. 178; 33:32; 35: 
250; 37:442, 443, 454, pl. 402; 40:431; 45: 
115, 274; var. confertifolia 37:442, 454, 
pl. 402; 45:115 

Phrymaceae 25:187; 31:43 

Phrynium 9:53; 27:77 

Phycodrys rubens 43:74; 50:266, 267 

Phycomycetes 5:107; 8:67, 68; 50:286 

Phyllachora graminis 41:516; 44:171, 
var. Panici 41:516. trifolii 44:172 

Phyllanthus 9:37, 45; 11:50; 37:310. acum- 
inatus 36:268. brasiliensis 36:268. caro- 
liniensis 37:318, 432; 39:482; 43:272; 46: 
136. Conami 36:268 

Phyllis 47:386 

aurivella 3:39. my- 

crispus 37: 



Phyllitis 2:131; 7:228; 19:171; 21:177, 179. 
fascia 2:47, 163; 7:228, 243; var. caespitosa 
7:228. Lindeni 37:221. Scolopendrium 21: 
177, 179; 37:199-202, 221, 244, 309, 312, 
338, map 2, pl. 355; var. americana 37: 
220, 338, pl. 355; var. Lindeni 37:221. 
zosteraefolia 1:127; 2:47; 7:242 

Phyllobium dimorphum 7:99 

Phyllocalyx 41:320 

Phyllodoce 36:421; 44:29. caerulea 9:163, 
169, 190; 13:133, 136; 15:216; 22:37, 44; 
25:10; 27:52; 28:116, 223; 35:58, 59, 279; 
36:24, 223; 44:115. empetriformis 37:369. 
glandulifera 37:365. hybrida 37:365 

Phyllophora 26:189. Brodiaei 2:51; 3:134; 
5:232; 7:231; 26:214; 35:148; 50:264, 267; 
f. pygmaea 10:116; var. interrupta 10: 
116. membranifolia 2:51; 7:231; 26:191, 
215; 30:196; 35:148; 50:264, 267. rubens 
1:127. Trailii 2:51; 7:231 

Phyllosticta amicta 39:372. Epigaeae 41: 
516. hibiscina 39:372. illinoensis 41:517. 
labruscae 26:218.  orobella 41:517 

Phyllostictina pallidior 44:172 

Phymatolithon 33:131. compactum 23:67; 33: 
130. polymorphum 50:266, 267 

Phymosia 34:142, 143. acerifolia 34:143. 
remota 34:142, 144-146, 207, fig. 1; 48: 
89-91, 94 

Physalacria 3:143 

Physalis 6:128; 16:198; 25:61; 40:380; 42: 
156; 49:102. Alkekengi 35:201, 406; 42: 
46. angulata 25:61; 35:201; 42:371, 478; 
44:434. barbadensis 35:201; 44:361, 434. 
grandiflora 13:219. heterophylla 1:221; 3: 
131; 6: 128; 25:61; 49:178, 179, 193, pl. 1081; 
var. ambigua 1:221; 24:184; 25:61; 49: 
178, 179, 193, pl. 1082; var. clavipes 49: 
178, 179, 193, pls. 1080, 108l; var. nycta- 
ginea 7:106; 49:178, 179, 193, pl. 1082. 
ixocarpa 25:61. longifolia 25:61. maritima 
37:178; 39:480; 44:342. missouriensis 36: 
232. monticola 40:380, 456; 41:558; 45: 
370, 476. pendula 35:201. philadelphica 
1:47. pruinosa 13:19; 25:61; 35:201. pubes- 
cens 37:87, 440; 42:479; 44:434; 49:178. 
subglabrata 25:61; 37:194. virginiana 1: 
224; 6:128; 15:67; 25:61. viscosa 24:100; 
37:178; 44:342 

Physaloides 9:55 

Physaria 33:142; 41:392-394, 396-398, 411. 
acutifolia 41:393, 394, 396, 399, 400, 413- 
415, fig. 2, pl. 556. alpestris 41:395, 399, 
401, 402, 415, pl. 556. australis 4l: 
394, 396, 399, 405, 407, 408, 410, 415, pl. 
556. brassicoides 41:396, 399, 410, 411, 
415, pl. 556. Chambersii 41:395, 399, 
402, 403-405, 415, pl. 556; var. mem- 
branacea 41:405, 415, pl. 556. condensata 
41:395, 396, 399, 407, 408, 415, pl. 556. didy- 
mocarpa 37:364; 41:395, 398, 399, 402, 404- 
412, 415, pl. 556; 6. contractoreplum 41: 
412; var. australis 41:409; var. integrifolia 
41:406, 407; var. lanata 41:395, 397, 406, 
407, 411; var. Newberryi 41:403; var. 
normalis 41:406, 407. floribunda 41:393, 

INDEX TO VOLUMEs 1-50 183 

394, 396, 400, 412-415, fig. 1, pl. 556. 
Geyeri 41:393, 395, 399-401, 410, 415, pl. 
556; var. purpurea 41:399, 401; var. 
typica 41:401. Grahamii 41:396, 397, 399, 
410. lanata 41:407. macrantha 41:406. 
Newberryi 41:395, 399, 402—405, 415, pl. 
556. oregana 41:395, 399, 400-402, 404, 
415, pl. 556. Osterhoutii 41:396, 399, 412, 

Phytolacca 17:180; 36:373; 45:378. americana 
17:180; 32:216, 250; 35:254; 42:244; 45: 
378; 50:296; var. B. 42:244. decandra 5: 
188; 17:34, 180; 32:250; 36:374; 42:244; 
45:378. octandra 42:244 

Phytolaccaceae 5:188; 17:180; 31:43; 32: 250; 

Picea 6:103; 7:160, 189; 10:63; 12:177; 15: 

413, 415, pl. 556. vitulifera 41:396, 399, 
411-413, 415, pl. 556 

Physarium 41:398 

Physarum bivalve 1:128. cinereum 1:128, 
129; 29:166. compressum 29:166. con- 
fertum 29:166. connatum 29:167. con- 
textum 1:128. didermoides 1:128. globuli- 
ferum 1:129; 29:167. lateritium 29:167, 
172. leucopus 1:128, 129; 29:167, 172. 
murinum 1:128. nutans 1:128, 129; 29: 
167. serpula 29:167, 172. sinuosum 29: 
167, 168, 172. virescens 1:128; 29:167; 
var. nitens 29:167. viride 1:128; 29:167, 
172; var. aurantium 29:167; var. incanum 

Physcia aquila 29:105; var. detonsa 29: 
104. caesia 36:143, 153. ciliaris 28:231; 
var. crinalis 11:101; 28:281. constipata 
36:135, 143, 149, 154. hispida 14:90; 28: 
232. intermedia 36:148, 154. leucomela 
11:101. millegrana 50:292. muscigena 36: 
143, 153. obscura 29:105; var. endococcina 
29:104; var. virella 29:104. parietina 14: 
89. pulverulenta 29:105; var. leucoleiptes 
28:232; 29:104. sciastra 36:143, 153. stel- 
laris 20:40; 28:232; 29:104, 105; 35:150; 
var. aipolia 29:104. tenella 29:104; 36: 
143, 154. tribacea 14:90; 29:104, 105; 36: 
143, 153 

Physciaceae 28:231 

Physeomitrium 3:179. immersum 12:151. 
turbinatum 4:30 

Physocarpa 46:346 

Physocarpon 46:346. vespertinum 34:25 

Physoearpum 46:346, 360. clavatum 46:363. 
podocarpum 46:421 

Physocarpus 9:54; 20:18; 46:346. opulifolius 
1:106; 8:99; 19:226; 20:18; 24:116; 36: 
281; 40:382, 423; var. intermedius 10: 
32; var. luteus 42:43 

Physolepidion 42:303. repens 42:305 

Physospermum 9:42 

Physostegia 7:160; 11:55; 25:40; 40:455; 45: 
275, 368. aboriginorum 45:459-461, 464, 
pl 783. angustifolia 45:462, 464, pl. 
785. denticulata 17:134, 137; 39:340, 445, 
482; 40:455; 45:368, 460-464, pls. 784, 
785. granulosa 41:377; 45:463, 464, pl. 
786. intermedia 45:462, pl. 784. lepto- 
phylla 45:460. NNuttallii 41:525. obovata 
44:254. purpurea 17:134, 137; 45:461. 

105; 25:164; 33:97-99, fig. 1; 34:191; 35: 
358; 37:267, 415; 40:149-153, 157, 161- 
163, 165, 168, 169, 171-173; 41:290; 42: 
149, 314; 43:297; 45:108, 309; 49:83; 50:36, 
37. Abies 10:63; 28:43, 44; 32:152, 229; 
35:358; 36:150; f. virgata 9:110. alba 
2:3, 5, 10, 222, pl. 12; 3:189; 4:24, 189; 
6:103; 9:75; 13:217, 219; 21:41. balsamea 
11:203. brevifolia 6:103; 9:109; var. semi- 
prostrata 9:110; 15:200. canadensis 2: 
3, 5, 222, pl. 12; 6:103; 9:158, 169; 11: 
201; 12:103, 177; 13:137, 217, 219; 15: 
138; 17:152; 18:32, 242; 20:186, 188; 21: 
41, 44, 109; 22:133; 24:98, 112; 25:205; 
27:54; 28:43-45, 235; 29:146, 206; 31:20; 
32:196, 198, 199, 201, 205, 229; 33:19, 
93, 97, 99, 110, 116; 34:188; 35:358; 37: 
16-19, 268, pl. 323; 40:73; 41:174; f. parva 
31:19; 34:187. Engelmanni 37:363. ex- 
celsa 10:63; 32:229; 36:150; var. virgata 
9:110. Fraseri, var. hudsonia 34:190. 
glauca 17:62; 21:109; 32:152, 229; 34: 
188; 35:122, 358; 36:238, 276; 37:64; 40: 
143, 145, 154, 167, 169-171; 41:145, 174, 
211, 288; 42:317; 44:412, fig. 1; 45:308; 
f. parva 34:187. mariana 1:183; 2:2, 6, 
222; 6:103; 7:108; 9:110, 158, 169, 174; 
10:63; 11:201; 12:177; 13:54, 138; 14:80; 
15:223; 17:148, 149, 171; 19:110; 21:43, 
44; 27:108; 28:43, 45; 29:146, 206; 31:20, 
82; 32:60, 196, 201; 33:19, 22, 92, 93, 96- 
99, map 3; 34:50, 62, 188; 35:90, 122, 
358; 36:276; 40:145, 148, 154-156, 160, 
163, 167, 169-171; 41:149, 175, 207; 42: 
149, 317; 43:507; 44:412, fig. 1; 45:106; 
49:83; f. semiprostrata 15:200; 28:43; 31: 
20; var. brevifolia 9:109, 110. nigra 1: 
183; 2:2, 6, 10, 36, 126, 222; 3:169; 5: 
36, 49; 6:41, 86, 103, 204; 7:108, 154; 9: 
75, 218; 12:175; 21:43; var. brevifolia 9: 
109; var. virgata 9:110; 34:211. nobilis 
42:522, 523. pungens 16:95; 18:242; 32; 
152, 229; 34:62. rubens 9:110; 15:223; 
34:188, 211; 35:358; 47:144; f. virgata 
34:211; 35:358. rubra 1:191; 2:10; 3: 189, 
232; 4:28; 5:36; 6:103; 9:110; 10:63; 12: 
175; 144 15:157, 223; 17:148, 152; 18: 
32; 22:183; 28:43, 45; 29:146, 206; 31: 
20, 97; 33:903; 34:211; 35:322, 358; 37: 
309, 313; 39:231; 42:149; 47:144; f. virgata 
9:110, 111; 28:43, 44; 34:211 

Pickerel Weed 16:18, 19; 27:76, 78, 79; 39:274 

speciosa 41:377; 45:462; var. glabriflora 
41:377. veroniciformis 45:460.  virginiana 
4:190; 17:134; 25:40; 41:377; 45:462, 463; 
var. alba 42:46; 50:112; var. granulosa 
45:464, pl. 786; var. speciosa 45:463 
Phyteuma 50:40, 47. Halleri 9:39 

Picris 26:132. echioides 1:104; 19:253. hiera- 
cioides 26:132. Sprengeriana 36:375 

Pied coq 1:167 

Pieris 29:49; 44:29. mariana 7:75; 8:27. 
nitida 10:53 

Pigeon Berry 18:39. Grape 38:428 


Pig-nut 4:132; 47:46, 47; 49:194-196; 50:60, 

Pr eol Hickory 49:194-196. Sweet 47 :46, 47; 
0, 62 

Pigweed 17:226; 28:73; 41:82. Amarantha 

Pila 11:63 

Pilea 9:54; 17:170; 38:169; 47:100. fontana 
38:170, 236, 365, pl. 413. opaca 38:170. 
pumila 5:132; 17:170; 21:170; 35:249; 38: 
169, 170, 236, 365, pl. 413; 50:212; var. 
Deamii 38:169, 170, 236, pl. 413 

Pileolaria Toxicodendri 39:372 

Pilinia 5:208-210; 10:122, 124, 127, 156. 
diluta 5:210. endophytica 10:156. Lun- 
atiae 10:122, 123, 125, 127, pl. 77. mari- 
tima 2:44; 5:210; 10:122, 126. minor 10: 
122, 124, 156. Morsei 10:122, 126, 127, 
pl 77. Reinschii 10:122, 125, 1206. ri- 
mosa 5:207, 208, 210; 10:122, 126 

Pilobolus 50:287 

Pilophorus Cereolus, var. Fibula 11:216 

Pilosella 20:201, 202. novae-angliae 20:201- 
203; 39:276. Richardsonii 20:202, 203 

Pilotrichella pulchella 36:56 

Pilotrichum cryphaeoides 36:56, 58. mexi- 
canum 36:58. spiculiferum 36:56, 57, 
g. 1 

Pilularia 22:89 

Pimbina 1:168 

Pimpernel, Water 21:191 

Pimpinella 3:211. Anisum 1:159, 168; 3: 
210. integerrima 1:159; 3:211. Saxifraga 
11:53; 26:230; 41:129 

Pin Oak 42:361, 447 

Pinaceae 6:102; 9:157; 10:62; 12:103, 176; 
18:32; 25:6; 26:219; 28:43; 29:206, 247; 
31:43; 32:229; 35:357; 36:276, 277; 43: 
79; 45:308; 49:255; 50:37, 293 

Pinckneya pubens 39:270 

Pine(s) 4:74; 5:196; 7:122, 125; 13:57; 21: 
107; 30:129; 35:357; 41:488; 42:88, 308; 
43:67; 44:413; 46:152, 154; 47: 281; 49:228; 
50:37, 181. Austrian 7:124-126; 33:140. 
Banksian 21:44-49, 52, 65. Douglas 21:31. 
Family 35:357. Georgia 50:182. Gray 23: 
247; 35:357. Hemlock 17:50. Jack 21: 
52; 22:130, 132; 23:200; 30:129; 43:341; 
46: 153. Labrador 18: 241, 242. Loblolly 
23:195; 50:183, 184. Long-leaf 41:488; 
43:487; 44:349, 351; 45:369; 50:182-186, 
241-247. Marsh 50:184. Northern Scrub 
35:357. Norway 4:133; 13:139; 22:137. 
Old-field 50:183, 185. Pitch 7:124-126; 
11:21, 22; 12:99, 176; 21:46, 50; 30:129- 
181; 35:357; 47:334, 335; 50:184. Pond 
37:379; 50:183, 185. Red 11:21; 12:176; 
13:139, 161; 22:130; 23:91; 30:129, 130; 
35:357; 44:230. Savanna 50:183. Scotch 
7:124-127, 129; 28:44; 32:229; 33:162, 163; 
35:357; 47:335. Scrub 21:50, 51; 27:27, 28. 
Short-leaf 21:49. Slash 50:183, 184, 247. 
Swamp 50:182, 183, 185, 243. Three- 
leaved Marsh American 50:181. White 
4:93; 7:124-126; 11:21; 12:176; 19:67; 21: 
50; 22:130; 23:01; 27:27, 28; 30:129; 33: 
139, 163; 35:357; 37:268; 39:193; 44:410; 
49:161, 172, 173 

Pineapple 50:38. Weed 1:18; 5:288 

Pinella 42:248 

Pinellia ternata 44:16-19, fig. tripartita 44:16 

Pinguicula 7:76; 9:153; 23:111; 24:103; 36: 
34; 50:191, 224. arctica 41:288. caerulea 
50:223, 224, pl. 1113. elatior 36:51; 50: 
224. lutea 50:224, pl. 1113. villosa 25: 
11; 38:158; 41:151, 288. vulgaris 6:152; 
7:8, 154; 9:154, 163, 167, 172, 188, 190; 
11 :98; 12: 117; 13: 115, 124, 136; 25: 11; 28: 
75; 29:132, 290; 33:112, 125; 36:10, '284; 
37:64, 207, 365; 38:158; 41:150, 288; 42: 
339; 44:120 

Pinguiculas 7:78 

Pink 11:131. Mountain 4:131. Swamp 4: 

Pink-spored Agarics 4:6 

Pinnularia 9:131 

Pinus 6:102; 10:62; 11:170; 12:176; 15:101; 
17:166, 167; 25:164; 35:357; 36:69; 40:68, 
166, 169, 172, 173; 42: 149; 44: 154, 169, 170, 
174, fig. 1; 45: 108, 459; 47: 144; 50:37. 
Abies 17:62; 20:187; 34: 311. alba 17:62. 
albicaulis 37:363. australis 50:182, 186, 
241-243, 246, 247. austriaca 7:127. bal- 
samea 17:59, 60, 165-168; 20:186, 187; 
21:109. Banksiana 1:135, 136; 11:13; 13: 
217, 219; 14:79; 15:137; 16:184; 17:155; 
18:241; 19:64; 20:101; 21:42-54, 60-65, 
map; 22:33, 130, 133, 134; 23:130, 188, 
247—249; 24: 160; 25: 99; 28:43- 45; 30: 129, 
130; 31 20; 32: 196, 198, 201; 33: 100, 227; 
34: 50; 35 :357; 36: 276; 37: 66, ' 203, 259; 40: 
145, 147, 149-153, 155- 160, 162, 165, 167, 
169-171, 173, 241, 242; 43 338; 44 :412; 
46:152, 153, 493; 48:37; 50:248. canadensis 
17:59-62, 166-168; 20:186-188; 21:51, 108, 
109; 34: 188. Cembra 41:174. 'contorta 47: 
186. cubensis 50:183-186. divaricata 13:217; 
21:53; 23:188; 50:248. echinata 15:102; 21: 
49; 35: 291; 36 :219; 38:378, 403; 39:466, 481; 
44: :240; 45: :272; 50:181. edulis 45:117. Elli- 
ottii 50: 183, 184. flexilis 34:240. glauca 17: 
62; 21:109. heterophylla 50:183, 184. hud- 
sonica 34:190. inops 1:104. Larix 19:22. 
laxa 17:62. lutea 46:44; 50:247. Mas- 
soniana 18:242. microcarpa 50:118. mon- 
tezumae 50:244. Murrayana 39:132; 41: 
506. nigra 33:140. nobilis 42:522, 523; 
f. glauca 42:523; f. robusta 42:524. occi- 
dentalis 50:244. palustris 15:105; 36:34; 
39:477; 41:488; 42:365; 44:240; 45:375; 46: 
44, 45; '50:181— 186, 241-247, 249. Parryana 
13:299. patula 50:245. pendula 50:118. 
Picea 17:60. ponderosa 37:418; 45:117. 
pumila 41:174. pungens 15:102, 104; 46: 
44. resinosa 1:183; 2:124; 3:232; 4:133; 
10:62; 11:21; 12: 103, 176, 217; 13: 116, 139, 
146, 161, pl. 89 (map 8); 14:79; 16:186; 
133; 23: 131, 188, 247; 24:112; 28:43-45; 
30: 129; 31 98; 34:7, 61, 66; 35 357; 37:66, 
203; 40: 145, 147- 153, 155- 162, 167, 169- 
171, 173; 44: 412. rigida 1:130, 135; 2:124; 
3:138, 232; 5:128, 129; 7:123, 127; 9:194, 
195; 10: 62; 11:21; 12: 99, 176; 13: 103, 253; 
14:79, 89; ' 15:102, 104; 16:189; 18:32; 21: 
50; 25:184; 28:43, 46; 30:129, 130; 31:98; 


32:152, 229; 35:357; 39:370, 372, 375; 40: 
72, 241; 41 "514, 515, 519, 520; 42: 88: 44: 
168-170, 174; 47: 334; 50: 181, 182; f. globosa 
42:308. serotina 15: 104; 36 34; Oir bil, 
379, 385, 389—391, 399, 406, "407, 413, 423, 425, 
426, 433, 438, 446; 38: 377; 39: 249, 476; 
42: 462; 43: 548, 569; 44: 240; 45 461; 50: 
183, 185. Strobus 5:132, 134; 6:102; 10: 
62; 11:21, 87; 12:176; 13: 77, 139, 219, 253; 
15: 102, 104; 18: 32; 22: 133; 23: 185; 24: 160; 
27:27; 28: 43, 45; 29: 146, 169, 206; 30: 129: 
32: 229, 259; 33: 139, 163; 34:7, 246; 35: ii, 
130, 154, 314, 357; 37: 268, 312; 39: 195; 
40: 73, 145-154, 157, 160-163, 167, 169, 
170; 41: 512-514, 520; 44:169, 412; f. pro- 
strata 34:168; 35: 11, 130; var. prostrata 
34:168. sylvestris 7:123, 125, 127; 10:62; 
11:163; 14:79; 18:242; 26: 219; 28:43, 44; 
32; 152, 160, '229; 33: 162; 35: :357; 36: 150; 
41 :516, 520; 42: 42: 50:293. Taeda 15: 
101- 104; 36: 35; 38 376, 445; 39:355, 466, 
473, 477; 40: 74: 41:482; 46: 44; 50:181- 186, 
242) 245, 246; var. heterophylla 50:183. 
virginiana 9:195; 15:101, 102, 104; 27:27, 
28; 37:320; 38: 383; 41 :89, 474, 540, 546; 
42: :308; 44: 240, 362' 
Piperia mar itima 48:10. 
Piperitae 47: 385, pl. 991 
Pipewort 5:175 
Pipsissewa 19:237; 46:158 
Piptocephalis 8:67 
Pireella cymbifolia 36:56 
Pissenlit 1:168 
Pistatia 17:50 
Pisum 20:171; 45:169. dasigynum 34:181, 
184, 186, 187. maritimum 11:95; 19:160; 

unalaschensis 34:244 

34: 179, 181, 184—187; 46:284; 49: 196; 8. 
glabrum 11 :95; 34: 181, 187. sativum 2: :02; 

Pitch Pine(s) 7:124-126; 11:21, 22; 12:99, 
176; 21:46, 50; 26:182; 35: 357; 42: :308; 47: 
334, 335; 50:184 

Pitcher Plant 23: 148; 42:279 

Pitnagen 28:124 

Pityopsis 44:464. ser. Aspereae 44:464. ser. 
Graminifoliae 44:464. argentea 44:471. 
aspera 44:464, 469. graminifolia 44:469. 
microcephala 44 :470 

Pityoxylon 11:168 

Pityrogramma 22:114. triangularis 22:114— 
120; var. Maxoni 22:116, 118, 119, 120; 
var. pallida 22:116, 119; var. viscosa 
22:115, 117, 119. viscosa 22:117 

Placodiaceae 28:231 

Placodium elegans 28:231; var. granulosa 
11:101; var. trachyphyllum 11:101. fer- 
rugineum, var. discolor 28:231. rupestre 
28:231. vitellinum 28:231 

Placynthium nigrum 28:227 

Plagidia montana 38:421 

Plagiobothrys cognatus 42:337. Cusickii 42: 
337. leptocladus 40:311. scopulorum 48: 

Plagiochasma erythrospermum 16:62 

Plagiochila 12:200, 201; 16:62, 68, 69; 21: 
161. allegheniensis 16:69. asplenioides 2: 


63; 5:172; 6:75; 15:25; 25:105; 26:9. 
Austini 10: 68, 69; 23: 284; 25: 195, 199. 
interrupta 12: 200. lobata 12: 200. macro- 
stoma 12:200. pyrenaica 12:200; var. in- 
terrupta 12:200. spinulosa 16: 68, 69. 
Sullivantii 5:172; 15:25; 16:68, 69; 25: 199 

Plagiogramma Gregorianum 9:138. stauro- 
phorum 9:138. validum 9:138 

Plagiopus Oederi 30:8; 39:42 

Plagiotheciaceae 30: li 

Plagiothecium 35:146. denticulatum 1:35; 2: 
63; 4:30, 241; 30:11. laetum 48:3. late- 
bricola 2:96; "15:18. Muellerianum 1 754; 
4:182. silvaticum 4 :241; 30:11. striatellum 
30:11. turfaceum 2:63; 4 :30, 182, 241 

Plagiotropis vitrea 9:135 

Plane tree 41:515 

Planera aquatica 14:81 

Planodes virginica 39:81 

Plantaginaceae 3:258; 6:129; 18:48; 20:61; 
21:170; 25:11, 187; 26: 228: 28:73; 29: 220; 
31:43; 32: 275; 36: 284; 37: :31; 43: 82; 49: 
255; 50: 299, 303 

Plantago 6:129; 12:109; 21:28; 25:187; 31: 
94; 39:233; 40:373. '$ Neoplantago 9:37. 
alpina 27: 95, 96. altissima 24:204; 36: 
389, 390. arenaria 33:171; 35:262; 40: :276; 
41 ‘570; 43:515. aristata 9: 122; 13: 19; 25: 
187; 32: 275; 35:255; 36:221; var. Nuttallii 
11 :57, 131; 13:19. asiatica 38: 209; 47: 
204. barbata 27:94. borealis 4: :24, 25; 
27:95, 96, 98, 101; f. pygmaea 27:101. 
Coronopus 25:187. decipiens 4:25, 89; 
11:229; 12:109; 13:216; 17:63, 147, 148, 
218, 221; 18:43; 25:11, 187; 27:93, 95-98, 
100, 102; 29:89; 35:127. elongata 2:156, 
194; 6:211; 36: 51, 221; 37:104; 43:82; 48: 
116. erecta 34:6. eriophora 24:904. eri- 
opoda 29:106; 44:117. gibbosa 27:94, 95. 
gnaphaloides '6:84. halophila 32:275; 50: 
215. heterophylla 40:364, 372, 373, 457. 
hungarica 24:204. indica "41 :474, 570; 43: 
515. juncoides 27:93, 97-99, 104, pl. 150; 
30:77; 33:125; 35: 127, 336; 41:161; 49: 
247; var. californica 27: 99, 100, 104, pl. 
150; var. decipiens 27:99, 100, 104, pl. 
150; 29:123, 161, 187, 220; 32:214, 215; 
33:111, 125; 34:70, 74, 75, map 8; 36: 
284; var. glauca 27: 99, 101, 104, pl. 150; 
29: 14; 33:125; 34:55; 35: 399, pl. 240; 
38: 155; 41:41; var. laurentiana 27:99, 
102, 104, pl. 150; 33:125; 35:9; 44:144; 
var. typica 27:99; 41:289. lanata 24: 
204. lanceolata 5:135; 6:129; 13:199-203, 
205, 206, figs.; 15:173, 177, 178; 18:43; 
24: 203, 204; 25: 187; 26: 185, 228; 29: 220; 
32: 275; 36: 374; 44: 173, 174; 50: 288, 299; 
Q. capitellata 24: 204; y. pumila 24: 204; x 
capitata 24:204; 8.lanuginosa 24:204; var. 
alopecuroides 13:204; var. androxantha 15: 
178; var. sphaerostachya 13:204; 15:174, 
175; 24:203; 204; 25:187; 32:275; f. eriophora 
24:203, 204; 25:187; 32:275; f. vernalis 
35:309. major 2:208; 5:50, 135; 6:129; 10: 
207; 17:218; 18:43; 21:170; 22:136; 25: 
187; 26:185, 228; 28:73; 29:220; 31:7; 32: 


275; 33:109, 125; 35:309; 36:284; 39:370, 
375; 46:140; 47: 293; 50: :299; var. asiatica 
31 85; 35: 92, 308; 41:289; 42:339; var. 
intermedia 31 :85; 32 :275; 36: 284; 50: 303; 
var. minima 3: 189; 6: 129; var. scopulorum 
50:215. maritima 2: 188; 3:189; 4:25; 13: 
215; 17:63; 27:93-100, 102; 29: 187, ' 220; 
32 275; 41 :41; var. ‘glauca 27:96, 101; 
var. juncoides 27:97, 99. media 1 4T; 6: 
206; 11:83; 13:200; 25:187; 47:294; var. 
Monnieri 24:119. 'mierocephala 24:904. 
oliganthos 27:94, 95, 97-99, 101-104, pl. 
150; 28:63; 29: 106; 32: 147, 173, 275; var. 
fallax 27: 102, 103, 104, pl. 150; 29: 14; 
36:284; 44: 144; var. typica 27: 102, 104. 
patagonica gnaphalioides 1: 165; var. aristata 
1:82. pauciflora 27:94, 98, 102, 104. pur- 
purascens 40:457. Purshii 6: 84; 35:255; 
37:332. pusila 2:156, 194; 36: :364; 37: 
194. rhodosperma 40 :457. "Rugelii 6: 129; 
10:145, 207; 17:227; 25:187; 31:85; 36: 
374. sphaerostachya 24:204. virginica 2: 
214; 32:210, 275; 36:51, 221; 40:373, 374, 
424, 451, 484, pl. 530; 41: :130, 559, 560; 
43: :493; 47: 294; var. longifolia 40 :457; var. 
progressa 40:457; var. viridescens 40: 
456, 457, 484, pl. 530 

Plantain(s) 27:93; 28:73; 40:424; 41:560. 
Rattlesnake 24:39. Seaside 27:93 
Plasmopara pygmaea 41:517. viburni 39: 
372. viticola 26:218 

Platanaceae 18:246, 252; 31:43; 32:95 

Platanthera 9:53. bifolia 35:54. bracteata 
28:174. convallariaefolia 4:79. dilatata 4: 
79. hyperborea 4:79. integra 50:123. 
leucostachys 4:79. Menziesii 8:3-5.  orbic- 
ulata 8:5. viridis 28:170, 172; var. brac- 
teata 28:172, 174 

Platanus 18:252; 31:88; 33:31, map 6. occi- 
dentalis 1:221; 3:233; 4:132; 5:132, 134; 
18:246, 248, 252; 21:189; 32:99; 33:32, 
map 6; 41:515, 520. orientalis 33:30, 

map 6. ' Wrightii 19:23 

Platoma 43:73. Bairdii 43:72 

Platycodon 50:41 

Platygyrium 35:146 

Platymonas 23:249, 251, 252. subcordi- 
formis 23:249, 251, 252, 256, pl. 133; 
26:190, 212; 50:259. tetrathele 23:250, 252 

Platypetalum dubium 50:9. purpurascens 50: 
9, 10 

Plectonema 8:113; 10:162; 40:222, 224, 232. 
Battersii 4: 177: 5:233; 10: 162. calothri- 
choides 2:13, 42; 10: 162; 50:256. Golen- 
kinianum 2: 13, 42; 5: 233. norvegicum 
50:256, 257. Nostocorum 3:133; 60:230; 
50:70. purpureum 50:70. terebrans 2:42: 
7:223; 50:256, 257. Wollei 7:236; 50:236 

Plectritis 50:187 

Plegorhiza 18:56 

Pleienta 17:55-57. capitata 17:54, 55. fasci- 
culata 17:55. flexuosa 17:55. gentianoides 
17:55. leucantha 17:55. rigida 17:55 

Pleiotaenia 21:181 

Pleocnemia 4:162 

Pleodorina californica 44:67 


Pleonectria denigrata 41:519 

Pleonosporium Borreri 2:51; 7:234; 50:264, 
267; var. fasciculatum 21:203, 204, 206. 
venustissimun 17:95 

Pleuranthe olivacea 19:268, 269 

Pleuridium californicum 39:100. 

Pleuripetalum 9:52 

Pleurisy-root 14:91 

Pleurocapsa 3:137; 7:222. amethystea 3: 
136. crepidinum 3:136, 137. fuliginosa 
2:42; 7:172; 10:160; 28:1 

Pleurochaete 41:112 

Pleurococcus marinus 9:197, 198. membran- 
inus 50:68. miniatus 9:198. rufescens 50: 
68. vulgaris 26:212 

Pleurogyne 21:193, 194. brachyanthera 21: 
197. carinthiaca, var. pusilla 21:195. diffusa 
21:198. fontana 21:195-197.  Forresti 21: 
197. himalayensis 21:197. Lubahniana 21: 
198. macrantha 21:197. Purshii 21:195. 
rotata 10:201; 14:230; 21:195, 196; 34:245; 
49:154; Q. tenuifolia 21:197; 42:337; y. ameri- 
cana 21: 197; var. americana 21:195; var. 
tenuifolia 21:195. spathulata 21:198. sul- 
cata 21:195. "Thomsoni 21:197 

Pleurolobus 9:54 

Pleuromonas jaculans 50:278 

Pleuropetalum 9:52 

Pleuropterus 40:289-291. cuspidatus 40:290, 
291. Zuccarinii 40:290, 291 

Pleuroschisma  deflexum 10:190. flaccidum 
25:78, 82, 83. parvulum 25:78. tricre- 
natum 10:190; 25:81; var. implexum 25: 
81-83, 94 

Pleurosigma |.9:128-130. 
aestuarii 26:194, 217. affine 9:130, 134; 
26:194, 217. americanum 9:129, 134. an- 
gulatum 9:130, 134; var. aestuarii 9:134. 
attenuatum 9:184; 10:183. balticum 9: 
128-130, 134. Brebissonii 9:134. decorum 
9:129, 134. elongatum 9:129, 134; 26: 
193, 194, 217; var. gracile 9:134. eximium 
9:134. fasciola 9:134. formosum 9:134. 
hypocampus 9:134. intermedium 9:130, 
134. latum 9:134. littorale 9:134. navi- 
culaceum 9:134. nubecula 9:134. para- 
doxum 9:129, 134. scalproides 9:134. 
simile 9:134; 10:180. Spencerii 9:134; var. 
curvulum 9:184. strigile 9:129, 134, 234. 
strigosum 9:134. subsalinum 9:135; 10: 
180. Terryanum 9:134. Wansbeckii 9:134 

Pleurostachys 46:102. gracilis 50:132 

Pleurostauron acutum 9:134 

Pleurotaeniopsis 7:258. Cucumis 7:258. De- 
baryi 7:258. elegantissimum, var. sim- 
plicius 7:258. ovale, var. Westii 7:258 

Pleurotaenium 7:117; 9:101; 24:219; 26:206 
acutum 9:126. constrictum 7:117, 119 
pl. 61; 9:101, 102, 105, 106, pl. 75. corona- 
tum 7:117; 9:102, 106, pl. 75; 24:219; 26:206. 
var. fluctuatum 7:117; 9:102; 24:219; var 
nodulosum 9:102. crenulatum 24:219 
Ehrenbergii 7:117; 9:102, 103, 106, pl 
75; var. elongatum 7:117; 9:103; var 
undulatum 7:117; 9:103. excelsum 7:117 


acuminatum 9:134. 

INDEX TO VoLuMEs 1—50 187 

Georgicum 7:117. indicum 9:104. maxi- 
nodosum 7:118; 9: 

mum 9:102, 104. 
101, 102, 105, 106, pl. 75; 24: :219; 20: 
206. rectum 9:104. subgeorgicum 7: 117, 

119, pl. 61; 9:102, 104, 106, pl. 75. tes- 

selatum th 118. Trabecula 7: 117; 9:102, 

103, 106, pl. 75; 24:219; 26:206; f. clavatum 

9:104; f. granulatum 2015 9:104; var. 
rectum 7:117; 9:104. trochiseum 7:118. 

truncatum 9:102, 103, 106, pl. 75; 24: 
219. verrucosum 7:118; 9:101, 102, 105, 

106, pl. 75. verticillatum 7: 119, pl. 61 
Pleurotus olearius 1:45. sulphuroides 3:38 
Pleurozium Schreberi 30:11 
Plocamium 17:94, 96. coccineum 17:93-95; 

f. compactum 17:93, 94; var. flexuosum 
17:95. leptophyllum 17: 95; var. flexuosum 


Pluchea 26:132; 41:459; 42:389. bifrons 6: 
176. camphorata 5: 133, 204; 10:153; 11: 
229; 17:219; 18:243, 244; 19: 250; 26: 132; 
29: 92, 108, 111; 32: 148, 211, 278; 41 :256, 

459-461, 519, 590, pl. 569; 44 7228; a. 

pubescens 44: :228; 6. glabrescens 44: 298; 
var. glabrescens 44:928. foetida 38: 377; 
39:474, 482; 41:459. marilandica 41 460, 
461; 42: 495; 44:228. petiolata 6:177; 37: 

350, 356, 449; 38:380; 39:482; 41 459— 

461, pl. 569; 44:228. purpurascens 42: 
389, 495; 43: 513; 44:228; 47:184; 49:90. 

var. purpurascens 47:184; var. succulenta 

44:221, 228, 476; f. obovate 44:476. 
38: 380; 39: 482; 4l :459, 460 
Plum 4: 81. 

198. Moxie 12:183. Wild 15:32 
Plumaria elegans 2:51; 

215; 50:267. sericea 43: 74; 50: 267, 268 
Plumbaginaceae 4:16; 

10; 31:43; 32:270 
Plumboy 13: 123; 28:60, 79 
Plume, Soldier's 7: 95 
Pluteolus 5:197, 198. 

Pluteus 5:198. 
sulus 3:39 

Plymouth Gentian 23:160 

Pneumaria 9:55 

Poa 4:25; 6:106; 7:123, 127, 160; 9:157; 14: 
178; 15: 144; 17:2, 29; 20: 122; 23: 133; 
28:98, 116, ^145, 150, 151; 29: 10; 31:16; 
35:81; 37: 73; 40: 393; 41 :383; 47: 383; 49: 
262. ' 8 Oreinos 49: 17, 18. $ vel subgen. 
Arctophila 18:2. $ vel subgen. 

vel subgen. Dupontia 18:2. $ vel subgen. 
Phippsia 18:2. abbreviata 25:112; 38:412. 
adspersa 18:235. airoides 18:2, 16; 28: 
150. algida 18:2; 28:150. alpigena 31: 

46; 38:124, 141; 41:180; 42:317; 48:19, 
alpina 4 :25; 5: 48; 9:159; 10:201; 
11:89; 13:119, 136; 14: :87; 18:2, 101; 28: 

22, 23. 
79, 146; 31 46; 34: 244; 35: 120, 127, pl. 

240; 36: 148, 277; 37: 66, 73, 206, 418; 38: 

118, 141; 41: :154, 155, 180; 42:317; 43: 

Beach HES 127, 132; 18:94; 25: 
69; 29:58. Cherokee 17: 49. Chickasaw 14: 

4:176; 8:112; 20: 
18: 98; 24: 232; 25: 

callistus 13:65; 16: 
46. coprophilus 5:198. expansus 5:198; 

cervicus 44:172. tomento- 

18:2. $ vel subgen. Catabrosa 18:2. $ 

76; 44:115; f. vivipara 43:70; var. Bivonae 
28: 152; var. brevifolia 28: 102, 152, 213; 
35: 399, pl. 240; 36:277; 38:141; var. frigida 
28:79, '97, 152. alsodes 1: 165; 6:106, 2^8; 
10: 146; 15: 98, 144; 20:122; 37: :83; 48: 
19: 49: 241, 262. ambigua 44:258. ampla 
4:145. angustata 18:19, 21, 22; 19:120. 
angustifolia 18:235; 48: 19, 22; 49:262; 
var. costata 23:133. annua 5: 135; 6: 106; 
12:127; 14:177, 178, 181, 183, pl. '97; 15: 
145; 17:213, 227; 18:34; 19:219; 21: 170; 
22: 136; 28: 74; 29: 149, 207; 32: 158, 236: 
36: 277: 43: 630, 631; 48: 19; 49:2, 4, 262: 
50: 301; var. aquatica 43: 631; var. reptans 
42: 3307; 43:631; 49:241. aquatica 16:186. 
arachnifera, var. glabrata 4:144. arctica 
18:2; 38:116, 121, 141; 41:38, 166, 180; 
42:317; 45 308. arida '82: 200, 202, map 
24. aspera, var. laxiuscula 49: 12. autumn- 
alis 4:145; 20:122, 126, 127; 36:38.  Borreri 
18:9. brachyphylla 4:145. bracteosa 31: 
46, 47. brevifolia 4:145. bulbosa 29:88; 
49:532. caesia 49:12; var. strictior 49: 
T; bl, 12: canadensis 39:154. Canbyi 44: 
105. capillaris 29:12. capillata 18:236. 
capitata 28:114. caroliniana 47:198, 199. 
Chaixii 40:73, 74, 279; 48:82. Chap- 
maniana 35:261; 40:372, 373, 386; 43: 
491; 48:19; 49:262. cilianensis 18:235. 
coerulescens 14:185. compressa 1:201; 2: 
209; 12:214; 15:145; 17:221; 40:448; 48: 
19; 49:2, 5, 241, 262. conferta 44:258; 
49:12. costata 23:133, 139, 164, 231, 300, 
pl. 130 (map 5); 44:247, fig. 3. crocata 
49:9-11. cuspidata 4:145; 40:386; 44:253; 
46:75. debilis 1:183; 4:39; 5:34, 197; 20: 
122, 125; 49:262. deflexa 18:2. delawarica 
18:9. distans 18:2, 12; 28:150, 151. dis- 
tichophylla 27:71. 'effusa 18:235. elongata 
4:146; 8:211; 14:186. eminens 10:95; 11: 
7; 13:119, 123; 25:6; 28:54; 31:44, 45, 
78; 84:51, 70, 72, 74, map 3; 36 277; 41: 
161, 166, 180, '207. Eragrostis 18:235. 
evagans 36:90. fasciculata 18:9, 10. Fer- 
naldiana 44:139; 49:17. fertilis 18:235. 
flava 6:106; 8:210; 14:185, 186. flexuosa 
49:17, 18. gaspensis 31:46, 47, fig. 1; 
41: 144, 180; 44:113, 139. glauca 6:193; 
31:55; 35: 83; 36:277; 37:73; 38:114, 116, 
118, 121, 124, 141; 41: 180; 48: 19, 23; 49: 
1, 3, 6, 11, 12, 14, 17 X nemoralis 49: 
14; subsp. conferta 49:3, 12; var. laxiuscula 
49:12, 13; subsp. glaucantha 49:3, 4, 13- 
16, pl. 1052. glomerata 44:258. glumaris 
4:33. hirsuta 41:500. hydrophila 18:235. 
hypnoides 28:113, 114. interior 37:417; 
49:6-10, 21, pl. 1052. labradorica 31: 
44—46, "78, fig. 2; 38:126. languida 48: 
19, 24; 40:262. laxa 3:170; 9:156, 159, 
166; 22:38; 28:124, 152; 29:207; 35:58, 
136; 36:148; 41:38; 48:19, 23; 49:17, 18, 
253. Leckenbyi 4:145. leptocoma 41:144, 
180. macrocalyx 31:45, 46. malabarica 43: 
270. maritima 18:7. megastachya 18:235. 
Michauxii 27:68. modesta 29:10, 12, 13. 
multiflora 18:235. nemoralis 1:192; 3:170; 


6:106; 15:145; 22:133; 35:317; 36:277; 
37:83; 40:74; 48:19, 23, 82; 49:1, 3, 6-12, 
14, 262; f. micrantha 49:8; f. Reichenbachii 
49:8; f. vulgaris 49:6; var. glaucantha 
48:19; var. interior 49:3, 6, 8-10, 14-16, 
20, 21, pl. 1052; var. montana 49:3, 9-11; 
var. strictior 49:11. nervata 16:187; 31: 
47. nevadensis 4:145. nitida 4:144; 44: 
258. nootkaensis 18:22. nutkaensis 18: 
22. Nuttalliana 18:16. Nyaradyana 49: 
17. paludigena 20:126, 127. palustris 
18:235; 20:127; 26:139; 32:236; 34:51; 
36:277; 48:19, 21, 22; 49:3, 5, 11, 241, 
262. paradoxa 27:71. Pattersoni 49:17. 
paucispicula 31:46, 47; 36:306. pelligera 
18:2; 28:150. perennans 22:135. phryga- 
nodes 18:8. pratensis 2:209; 3:170; 4:25; 6: 
106, 208; 12:214; 15:145; 17:153, 213; 
18:2, 34, 95, 96; 22:136; 23:133; 25:6; 
20:186, 223; 29:207; 32:150, 236; 33:60, 
117, 139; 34:51; 36:277, 374; 40:445; 44: 
70, 246, 247, figs. 1, 2; 48:19, 22; 49:2, 
4, 5, 262; 50:294; f. humilis 49:4; subsp. 
costata 23:133; var. angustifolia 6:106; 
49:4, 5; var. costata 23:133; var. depauperata 
23:133; var. domestica 4:25. procumbens 
18:11. psilosantha 18:2; 28:151. pungens 
4:145. quinquefida 14:185, 186. reflexa 
20:126, 127; 38:298. reptans 28:113, 114. 
rigens 38:141; 41:180; 42:317. riparia 18: 
235. rupestris 18:11. saltuensis 20:122, 
125; 21:201; 23:231; 31:83; 32:205; 37: 
74; 44:189; 47:45; 48:19, 21, 23; 49:2, 
5, 262; var. microlepis 20:124, 125; 24: 
161; 31:83; 35:136; 44:139; 48:19, 23; 49: 
5. Sandbergii 9:159; 13:141; 31:55. scopu- 
lorum 49:4, 16-20, pl. 1051. serotina 6: 
106, 177, 178; 18:235; 32:236; 40:5. sesler- 
ioides 14:185, 186. spectabilis 39:154. 
stenantha 36:10, 307. striata 31: 47. 
subtrivialis 49:8. sylvestris 20:122, 127; 
37:250; 48:20, 81; 49:199; var. palustris 
20:127. tenuifolia 6:83; 30:215. tenuis 44: 
258. thalassinae 28:115. X tormentuosa 
49:4, 14-16, 21, pl. 1052. "Torreyana 4: 
146; 8:211; 14:186. triflora 15:145; 16: 
90; 17:153, 213; 18:235; 22:136; 32:236; 
49:5, 11, 262. Trinii 31:45; 41:180. tri- 
vialis 11:89; 15:145; 16:90; 23:231; 28: 
78; 29:207; 33:117; 35:83, 136; 37:83; 48: 
20, 81, 82; 49:241, 262. uniflora 29:10, 

12. Weigeltiana 28:115. Wolfii 47:205; 
49:201. Wrightii 41:180, 181 

Poaceae 34:247 

Podalyria 50:200. villosa 50:200 

Podanthum 50:47 

Podocarpus 44:34 

Podocystis adriatica 9:137; 26:194, 218. 

americana 9:137; 26:194, 218 

Podophyllum 11:44; 17:224; 18:213; 31:12; 
40:374; 47:385. Emodi 33:30; 50:18. pel- 
tatum 1:171; 18:213; 24:184; 31:17, pl. 
178; 33:30, 228, 229; 35:76; 36:44; 37: 
416; 50:18; f. aphyllum 33:228, 229, 
fig. 1; f. Deamii 50:18; f. polycarpum 


Podosaemum glomeratum 45:237. setosum 

Podospermum heterophyllum 36:418. Jac- 
quinianum 36:418 

Podosira dubia 9:140 

Podostemaceae 18:249; 19:217; 31:43; 33:36 

Podostemum 11:46; 18:249; 41:525-528; 50: 
209, 210. abrotanoides 41:526-528. cera- 
tophyllum 1:186; 2:157; 5:134; 7:107; 9: 
220; 13:221; 15:134; 17:68; 18:249; 19: 
217, 225; 33:166, 167, pl. 213; 39:274; 
41:527, 528; 47:214; 50:209; f. abrotanoides 
41:526-528; f. chondroides 41:527, 528 

Pogogyne zizyphoroides 40:311 

Pogonatum 11:16; 40:359. aloides 8:132. 
alpinum 1:34, 35; 2:63, 96; 3:180; 4:30, 
31; 8:132; 40:360; var. arcticum 8:131- 
133; 10:72. arcticum 8:132. brachy- 
phyllum 12:153; 40:360. brevicaule 6: 
73; 8:131, 132. capillare 1:35; 3:180; 4: 
83, 240, 241; 8:131; 30:2, 12; 40:360. pensil- 
vanieum 50:292. tenue 2:62; 3:179; 12: 
153. urnigerum 3:180, 183; 4:30, 31; 8: 
131; 30:12 

Pogonia 3:86, 87; 5:259; 6:112; 7:49; 8:19, 
20, 100; 11:79; 17:150; 19:32, 56; 23:141, 
195-197. §Isotria 8:19. affinis 1:165; 4: 
19, 22, 216; 6:139; 19:127, 235; 23:195- 
197; 24:149, pl. 138; 28:31, 34; 31:242, 
243; 37:162; 49:135, 136. divaricata 33: 
40; 39:29, 196, 197, 485-487, fig. 10 (map). 
ophioglossoides 1:200; 2:114, 172, 208, 
219; 3:86, 87, 189; 4:19, 42; 5:82, 133; 6: 
112: 7:49, 187; 8:29, 100; 11:79, 92; 13: 
139, 220; 17:149; 18:26; 19:31, 32, 56, 
131; 21:119; 22:41, 47; 23:101, 102, 129, 
132, 140; 29:128, 211; 32:133, 150, 210, 
246; 33:112, 119; 35:5, 85, 241; 37:413; 
39:487; 42:279; f. albiflora’ 37:85; 42:43; 
f. biflora 34:167; var. brachypogon 23: 
245. pendula 2:211, 212; 4:2, 19, 21, 22, 
61; 12:206; 18:25; 24:185. trianthophora 
12:206; 18:25, 26; 19:31, 50, 57, 131; 22: 
53, fig. 1; 24:185; 31:10; 37:190. verti- 
cillata 1:82, 165; 2:219; 3:87; 4:19, 74, 
217; 7:49; 8:19, 100, fig., pl. 65; 11:79; 
18:252, 253; 19:31, 50; 23:76, 196, 197; 
27:202; 28:32-34; 29:241, 246; 42:279; 49: 

Pogonia, Nodding 22:55. Whorled 23:197 

Pogoteiehunt 40:27. filiforme 2:206, 207; 40: 

Pohlia 43:95. Lescuriana 1:54. proligera 39: 


— 43:109; 46:313. cuphosperma 50: 

Poison Ivy 4:43; 12:181; 18:04. Oak 12: 
181; 43:598. Sumach 4:43, 130 

Poisonous Dogwood 13:57. Ivy, 13:57 

Poke 45:378, 379 

Polanisia 11:45. graveolens 15:153, 165; 19: 
217, 218; 31:167; 32:173; 44:252. tra- 
chysperma 9:75; 19:217, 218 

Polemoniaceae 60:151; 24:98; 25:27; 31:43; 
42:155; 45:314 

Polemonium 2:77; 25:27; 42:33, 310; 49: 

INDEX TO VoLUMEs 1-50 189 

119. acutiflorum 41:151, 163, 281, 282; 
42:337; 45:314. boreale 36:164; 45:315. 
caeruleum 49:119. dubium 46:54. elegans 
37:419. humile 41:282. micranthum 30: 
36. occidentale 25:27; 40:280; 49:119; 
subsp. lacustre 49:119; var. lacustre 49: 
119. pulcherrimum 41:282; 42:337; 45: 
315. reptans 6:151, 155; 19:247; 34:240; 
49:118; var. villosum 42:50. . Richardsonii 
45:315. Van Bruntiae 6:151, 155; 9:75; 
21:88. viscosum 39:495 

Polianthes tuberosa 28:57 

Pollinia 45:389. imberbis, var. genuina 45: 
389; var. Willdenowiana 45:389. scoparia 

Polyanthemum 18:56 

Polycarpon uniflorum 50:194 

Polycodium 45:451, 456. interius 45:456. 
Langloisii 38:407. neglectum 10:53 

Polyctenium 40:294-296, 303, pl. 496. bi- 
sulcatum 40:304, 305. Fremontii 40:303- 
305; var. bisulcatum 40:303, 304, 305, 
pl. 496; var. typicum 40:303, 304, 305, 
pl. 496. glabellum 40:304, 305 

Polycystis 10:162. elabens 2:42; 7:172; 10: 
162. pallida 2:43 

Polygala 10:174; 21:81; 36:236; 40:377; 41: 
383; 42:460; 43:341; 50:166. subgen. Sexilia 
50:166. ambigua 40:439; 41:378-380; 42: 
460, 461. brevifolia 1:213, 214. cruciata 
1:213; 2:168; 7:74; 8:27; 11:230; 14:29; 
21:81, 119; 24:57, 88; 32:149, 150, 210, 
257; 38:420; 39:479, 481, map 51; 40: 
366; 50:163-166, pl. 1099; b. alba 50: 
167; var. aquilonia 50:163-166, pl. 1110; 
f. alba 50:167; var. cuspidata 39:479, 481, 
map 51; 40:366, 439; 50:164; var. ramosior 
40:439; 50:164. Curtissii 38:378, 426; 39: 
195, 346, 481. cuspidata 50:163, 164. 
Harperi 39:346, 347, 435, 467, 477; 40: 
439. incarnata 37:431; 38:377; 39:473, 
483, 484; 46:136. lutea 60:176; 21:118, 
119; 36:46; 38:381; 39:466, 477, 478, map 
45. mariana 37:431. missurica 50:166. 
Nuttalii 1:104, 213, 214, 230; 4:85; 9: 
121; 13:8; 19:230; 21:81; 32:212; 39:477. 
paucifolia 1:173, 213, 223; 4:74, 76; 5: 
130; 21:81, 199; 22:32; f. alba 42:41; f. 
albiflora 8:66; f. vestita 22:32; var. alba 
21:81. polygama 1:213; 2:189, 242; 4:74, 
75, 249; 5:129, 204; 9:121; 14:28, 79; 15: 
153; 17:201; 21:81; 32:151, 257; 42:302, 
363, 458, 459; 43:489; 49:97; f. obovata 
17:201; 46:136; f. pallida 21:82; var. abortiva 
1:213, 214; 2:242, 243; 17:202; var. obtusata 
42:363, 459. Pretzii 40:335-337, 439; 41: 
378-380. ramosa 39:339, 435, 480; 40: 
378, 435; 44:258. ramosior 39:481; 40: 
366, 439; 50:164. sanguinea 1:213, 214; 
5:130; 21:82; 32:257; 42:341; 45:360, 453; 
47:99; f. albiflora 21:82; 47:156. Senega 
1:40, 213; 4:133; 12:118; 15:119; 21:202; 
24:184; 25:185, 211; 34:97, 240; 36:282; 
37:204; 47:374; var. latifolia 35:255; 45: 
378, 453; 47:97. verticilata 1:213; 21: 
82; 36:220; 37:431; 40:334-338, 357, 377, 

439, 440, pl. 501; 41:378-380, 382-384; 
42:459-461; 50:166; var. ambigua 1:104, 
213; 21:82; 28:47; 35:361; 40:377, 439, 
440, 483, pl. 525; 42:460; var. dolichoptera 
40:439, 440, 483, pl. 525; var. isocycla 
40:334—336, 338, 357, pl. 501; 41:378; 42: 
459; var. sphenostachya 40:338, 357, pl. 
501; 41:379; 50:166. vulgaris 44:9, 10 

Polygalaceae 1:213; 21:81; 31:43; 32:257; 
36:282; 45:444 

Polygonaceae 4:203; 6:114; 9:37; 13:89; 16: 
199; 17:171, 222; 18:36, 96; 21:170; 25: 
8; 26:224; 28:73; 29:212; 31:43, 125; 32: 
248; 36:280; 39:18, 361; 40:290; 43:80; 
45:310; 49:255; 50:295, 302. subfam. Rumi- 
coideae 9:37 

Polygonales 9:37 

Polygonastrum 9:53 

Polygonatum 6:111; 7:160, 161, 189; 10: 
130; 31:10, 12; 36:59; 46:9, 14. biflorum 
6:111; 10:130; 12:128; 15:118; 16:89; 21: 
200; 23:242; 31:17, pl 177; 46:9-12; f. 
ramosum 46:12. canaliculatum 46:9-12. 
commutatum 46:9; f. ramosum 36:59, 60; 
46:12. giganteum 1:170, 230; 2:171; 10: 
130; 12:189; 46:9. latifolium 12:189. 
multiflorum 35:404; 36:59, 60; y. bracteatum 
35:404; f. bracteatum 35:404; f. ramosum 
35:404; var. ramosum 35:404. pubescens 
35:403-405; 36:59; 46:9, 10, 12; f. fultius 
35:404—406, fig. 1; 36:59, 60; 37:61. race- 
mosum 40:405. ramosum 40:405, 406 

Polygonella 17:172; 18:70; 31:95; 36:236; 
39:361, 405, 418; 42:403, 450. americana 
36:220. articulata 1:179; 2:121, 202; 4: 
61, 204; 5:131; 6:140; 11:30; 13:180; 14: 
21, 79; 17:34, 172; 24:87; 31:106; 32:212; 
42:379, 401, 403, 449, map 23; 43:502; 
f. atrorubens 31:106. brachystachya 39: 
406, 490, pl. 478; var. laminigera 39: 
406, 490, pl. 478. ciliata 39:418. Croomii 
39:406. Parksii 39:417. parvifolia 39:405. 
polygama 39:362, 405, 466, 476, 490, pl. 
478; 41:488; var. Croomii 39:406, 490, 
pl. 478; var. typica 39:406 

Polygonum 4:65; 6:114; 12:14; 15:68; 16: 
187; 17:172, 233; 19:133; 21:140; 23:165, 
168; 26:144; 27:125, 126; 31:125; 32:223; 
36:373; 38:121; 39:363; 40:291, 310, 313; 
41:78; 43:93, 154, 220, 612; 45:215; 47:105; 
48:49-54; 50:64-66, 207, 213, 290. 
Avicularia 4:65, 66; 15:70; 28:145; 40:309; 
44:328. $ Echinocaulon 32:224. group 
Echinocaulon 50:65. subgen. Persicaria 27: 
41, 81, 87, 109, 125, 146, 156. subgen. 
Tovara 27:88. acadiense 16:188; 23:134, 
165, 260; 32:13; 50:212. achoreum 19: 
232; 37:250; 44:141. acre 4:204; 5:131; 
9:119; 17:172; 19:134; 23:146, 260; 25: 
20; 26:188, 224; 27:86; 28:29; 29:77, 78, 
80, 82, 83; 32:240; 33:80; 44:259; 50:295; 
var. leptostachyum 1:203; 2:69; 4:204; 
17:172, 215; 18:96; 19:129; 23:260; 28: 
28. acuminatum 32:224. allocarpum 19: 
234, 235; 23:151, 163, 262; 35:13, 265. 
alpinum, var. alaskanum 41:233; var. 


lapathifolium 41:159, 167, 219; 42:312, 
322. amphibium 4:104, 105, 204; 15: 
163; 17:172; 22:137; 26:3; 27:44-46, 82, 
83, 85, 86, 89, 109-112, 125-129, 146, 
147, 150-152, 157-160, 162, 163, 165, 187; 
48:49-51; 6. aquaticum 27:129; e. Muhlen- 
bergii 27:130; f. Hartwrightii 15:163, 
164, 166, 201; 17:172; 26:3; 27:161; f. 
natans 27:156, 157; f. terrestre 15:164; 
16:39; 17:172; 26:3; 27:152, 157, 158, 
161; 48:51; var. a. natans 48:49, 50; var. 
aquaticum 27:128, 129, 159; 48:49, 50; 
var. coccineum 27:163; var. emersum 27: 
129, 163; var. Hartwrightii 4:105, 204; 
15:164; 27:152, 161; 48:51; var. longispi- 
catum 15:163; 27:163; var. marginatum 
27:161; f. Hartwrightii 27:161; f. hirtuosum 
27:161; 48:49; var. maritimum 27:109-111, 
147; var. Muhlenbergii 27:127, 146, 163; 
var. natans 27:109, 110, 126-130, 147, 
158, 159; 29:158, 212; 48:50, 52; var. 
stipulaceum 48:50, 51; f. fluitans 48:49; 
f. hirtuosum 48:49; f. simile 48:49, 51; 
var. terrestre 15:164; 27:109-111, 128-130, 
146, 147, 152, 158, 163; 48:51. arenarium 
4:60, 70, 205; 10:152; 17:172. arifolium 
4:204; 9:121; 11:7; 14:21; 17:172; 37: 
167, 350, 354; 48:53, 54; 49:90; var. lenti- 
forme 37:167; 43:339; 48:53, 54; var. 
pubescens 48:53. articulatum 29:44; 42: 
449, 450. aviculare 3:189; 4:65, 66, 69, 
72, 73, 204, 205, pl. 35; 5:135; 6:84, 114; 
15:69; 17:34, 172, 227; 19:232, 235; 21: 
170; 22:137; 23:261; 25:8; 26:224; 27: 
110; 28:73; 29:212; 32:249; 33:120; 34: 
65; 36:280; 42:322; 46:24; 50:302; 6. glaucum 
15:70; Q.latifolium 23:261, 262; e. buxi- 
folium 23:260, 262; var. angustifolium 17: 
172; var. angustissimum 4:70, 73, pl. 35; 
var. erectum 4:71; var. latifolium 19:234; 
var. laxum 4:70; var. littorale 4:69, 73, 
91, 204, 205, pl. 35; 15:70; 17:173; 18: 
36; 27:110; 29:44; 37:86; var. neglectum 
4:70; var. vegetum 4:70, 73, pl. 35; 6: 
140; 17:146, 173; 22:137; 49:140. barbatum 
28:12, 25. Bellardi 4:69, 72, 73, 205, pl. 
35; 17:173. bicorne 27:46, 175-177. Bi- 
storta 17:173; 24:173; 27:45, 126; 31:7; 
41:147, 158, 160, 219; 42:311, 322; 45: 
310. buxifolium 23:260-262. buxiforme 
35:302. caespitosum, var. longisetum 34: 
146, 147; 37:392. calophylla 12:15. camp- 
orum 4:72. Careyi 1:43, 184; 4:204; 9: 
119; 14:28; 17:173; 27:146, 173; 28:13; 
29:85; 32:177; 43:154. chinense 25:20. 
cilinode 1:184; 4:204; 6:114; 13:141, 148; 
16:165, 166; 17:152, 153, 173; f. erectum 
48:54; var. breve 48:54; var. erectum 48: 
54; var. laevigatum 16:166. coarctatum, 
var. minus 40:313. coccineum 27:45, 85- 
89, 125-130, 146, 147, 149, 152, 159, 162, 
163; 28:11; 46:83; 48:330; f. natans 27: 
156, 164; f. terrestre 27:157, 162, 165; 
46:284; var. aquaticum 27:127, 152, 164; 
var. pratincola 27:157, 165; var. rigi- 
dulum 27:156, 165; 43:554; var. terrestre 


27:163. confertiflorum 40:310-316, map 
5. Convolvulus 4:204; 6:114; 16:13; 17: 
173; 22:137; 26:185, 186, 224; 29:212; 32: 
160, 249; 34:147; 36:280; 42:322; 43:80; 
49:80; 50:302. corymbosum e. densiflorum, 
25:20; 32:224. cristatum | 8:221; 10:31, 
32; 38:415. cuspidatum 1:185; 4:204, 205; 
10:152; 17:173; 23:262; 32:223-225; 40: 
289-291. Davisiae 40:359. densiflorum 25: 
20, 21; 27:177; 32:224, 225; 38:415; 39: 
365, 481; a. imberbe 25:20; Q.ciliatum 25: 
20. Douglasii 4:73, 204, 205, pl. 35; 17: 
233; 25:210; 37:208, 216, 259; 43:154. 
dubio-Persicaria 27:82. dubium 27:82. 
dumetorum 4:204; 10:32; 12:189; 17:173; 
19:129; 32:249; 50:112; f. cristatum 10: 
31; 17:173; var. scandens 9:119.  eciliatum 
25:20. emersum 27:125, 127, 147, 148, 
164, 165. erectum 4:71-73, 204, pl. 35; 
15:164; 17:173; 19:232-234; 23:261; 37: 
259. esotericum  40:310-312, 316, 317, 
fig. 1, map 2. exsertum 4:68, 73, 204, 
pl. 35; 5:289; 7:140; 10:154; 11:121; 16: 
189; 17:173, 215, 221; 50:213. fimbriatum 
44:259. fluitans 27:128, 129, 159; 48: 
49-52, 202. foliosum 27:84. Fowleri 4: 
67, 68, 73, 204, pl. 35; 10:144; 11:13; 12: 
107; 13:180; 15:68-70, 72, 73; 16:187, 
188; 17:147; 18:29, 36; 19:232, 235; 23: 
198, 260-262; 42:116; 46:283. glabrum 
25:21. glaucum 4:67; 15:69-72; 16:187; 
17:63, 173; 30:204; 32:147, 210, 249; 37: 
425; 39:472; 50:213. Hartwrightii 4:104, 
105; 10:146; 15:164; 27:89, 146, 147, 151, 
161, 162; 48:51. hirsutum 28:12. Hydro- 
piper 2:208; 4:204; 5:131; 6:114; 17:173, 
215; 18:36; 19:133; 21:142; 26:188; 28: 
16; 29:78-87, 158, 212; 32:158; 36:374; 
37:191; 44:259; X mite 27:84, 88; var. 
projectum 29:85, 86; 32:249; 37:191; 
43:80; 44:141. hydropiperoides 1:43, 205; 
2:124; 4:204; 9:119; 11:230; 16:128; 17: 
173; 23:168, 260; 24:173, 174; 27:43, 48, 
85-88; 28:11-17, 22-25, 27-29; 29:80, 82, 
87; 32:249; 37:191; 42:322, 448; 44:259; 
47:105, 138, pl. 885; X robustius 24:173; 
27:84, 88; 28:16; Macounii 28:26; opelous- 
anum 28:23, 28; f. leucochranthum 16: 
129; 28:17; f. strigosum 28:24, 26; var. 
asperifolium 28:24, 27; 42:448; var. 
breviciliatum 42:448, 449; 47:138, pl. 
886; var. Bushianum 28:24, 27; 42: 
448, 449; 47:138, pl. 885; var. digitatum 
23:260; 24:173; 28:16, 17, 24, 26; var. 
euronotorum 47:137, 138, pl. 884; 49: 
92; var. macerum 28:24-26; 42:448; var. 
Macounii 28:15, 16; var. opelousanum 28: 
28; var. persicarioides 28:24, 27; var. 
psilostachyum 28:16, 24, 26; 42:448; var. 
sanibelense 28:24, 27; 42:448; var. stri- 
gosum 4:204; 17:173; 19:129; 28:15, 16, 
26; var. virgatum 28:15. imbricatum 40: 
312-314; var. Watsoni 40:314. incanum 
23:259. incarnatum 2:208. islandicum 15: 
73. japonicum 40:290. Kelloggii 40:309- 
317, map 4. lapathifolium 1:82, 97; 4: 

INDEX TO VoLUMES 1-50 191 

204; 10:153; 17:174, 215; 22:137; 23:258, 
259; 27:83, 84, 87; 28:16; 29:212; 41:540; 
X Persicaria 27:88; subsp. maculatum 23: 
258; var. incanum 4:204; 17:174; 23:259; 
var. maculatum 23:258; var. nodosum 17: 
174; 19:129; 23:258; var. pecticale 23: 
258; var. prostratum 28:16; var. salicifolium 
23:259. laxiflorum 19:133, 134. lilacina 
12:15. littorale 4:70; 19:233; 35:362; ß. 
buxifolium 15:72; 23:260, 261. longisetum 
34:146. longistylum 27:46, 147, 174, 175, 
177, 178; var. omissum 27:178, 183. 
ludovicianum 27:174. maculatum 23:258. 
marinum, ĝ. roseum 15:69; var. roseum 
4:67. maritimum 4:66-68, 73, 91, 204, 
pl. 35; 15:68-72; 16:187; 17:63, 173; 23: 
260; 30:204; 32:249; 50:213; var. littorale 
4:70. mexicanum 27:47, 174, 175, 177, 
178, 181, 182, 184. minimum 40:317; 41: 
220. minor-Persicaria 27:82, 88. minus 
19:133, 134; 21:142; X Hydropiper 27: 
83, 88; X Persicaria 27:82, 83, 88; var. 
subcontiguum 19:134; var. subcontinuum 
19:134; 47:137. minutissimum 40:313. 
mississippiense 27:178, 182, 183; var. 
interius 27:178, 184. mite 19:133; 27: 
82, 83, 181; 28: 13-15, 25; 29:80; 49:141; 
X Persicaria 27:82-84, 88; "strictum, b. 
pusillum 19:134; var. ambiguum 27:84. 
Muhlenbergii 2:69, 202; 4:204; 13:18; 15: 
164; 17:174; 23:166, 259; 24:173; 26:3; 
27:44, 85, 125, 146-148, 163, 165; 44: 
234; f. natans 26:3; 27:152, 164, 187. 
natans 27:45, 85, 86, 88, 89, 110, 125-129, 
147, 149, 158, 159; 28:11; 29:158, 212; 41: 
220; 43:74; 48:49, 50, 52, 202, 203; f. genu- 
inum 27:156, 158; 48:51; f. Hartwrightii 
27:89, 157, 158, 160; 29:158, 212; 48:51; 
49:247; var. insigne 27:156, 162. ne- 
glectum 4:70. Newberryi 40:359; var. gla- 
brum 40:359. nodosum 23:258, 259; ß. 
incanum 23:259; f. salicifolium 23:259. 
omissum 27:177. opelousanum 27:88; 28: 
11, 22-24, 27, 28; 37:316, 425; 39:473, 
481; 47:105, 138; var. adenocalyx 28: 
24, 28; 32:249. orientale 4:204, 205; 10: 
153; 17:174; 46:83; 48:51. oxyspermum 
50:212. pallidum 23:259. pensylvanicum 
4:204; 9:121; 10:153; 15:164; 17:174, 215; 
19:70-72; 23:259; 24:87; 27:43, 47, 87, 
173-175, 177, 179-181, 183; 29:85; 32: 
249; 42:94; 47:100, 137; f. albinum 47: 
137; var. 23:258; var. durum 27:178, 
180; 41:469, 540; var. genuinum 19: 
72; 24:173; 27:174, 178, 179; var. laevi- 
gatum 19: 73; 24:173; 27:173, 175, 178, 
180; 32:249; 43:80; f. pallescens 27: 
178, 180; var. nesophilum 19:73; 27: 
178, 180. perfoliatum 50:65, 66. Per- 
sicaria 3:189; 4:204; 6:114; 9:121; 10:153; 
15:164; 16:128; 17:34, 174, 215, 225; 18: 
36; 21:140, 142; 22:137; 26:224; 27:83, 
84, 86, 173; 28:14, 16; 29:81, 83, 212; 32: 
249; 33:120; 34:147; 39:373, 375; 44:170, 
174; 45:215; 48:330; 50:302; *tomentosum 
23:259; f. albiflora 16:128, 129; var. angusti- 

folium 49:140; var. ruderale 49:141. per- 
sicarioides 28:12, 14, 15, 27. phytolaccae- 
folium | 41:219. pictum 32:224; 40:290. 
plumosum 42:322. polygaloides 40:310, 
311, 315, map 1. polygamum 39:405; 
42:449. polymorphum, var. lapathifolium 
41:219. polystachyum 23:262. portoricense 
25:20; 32:224; 38:415. prolificum 4:68, 
69, 72, 73, 91, 204, pl 35; 10:154; 
17:173, 174, 215, 221; 37:425; 42:389. 
punctatum 9:121; 23:146; 27:86, 88; 28: 
12, 23, 26, 28; 29:77-83, 86; 32:158, 210, 
249; 44:259; 48:330; 50:290, 295, 299; var. 
leptostachyum 19:134; 29:83; var. robustior 
23:146, 302. puritanorum 21:141, 143; 
24:173; 26:220; 32:177; 45:215. Raii 4: 
33, 67, 68, 88; 15:70, 72; 16:187, 188; 19: 
235; 20:104; 23:150, 158, 2060; 29:122, 
127, 158, 212; 33:111, 120; 34:118; 35: 
167; 46:283; 50:212, 213. ramosissimum 
1:220; 4:69, 71, 73, 204, pl. 35; 60:140; 
13:89; 17:174; 25:210; 38:192; 50:213; f. 
atlanticum 4:72, 204; 17:174, 215, 221; 
var. prolifieum 4:68. Reynoutria 40:290, 
291. rigidulum 27:147, 150, 165; 43: 
554. Roberti 4:67, 68, 73, pl. 35; 11:93; 
13:138; 15:70, 72. robustius 23:147, 149, 
155, 166, 168, 260, 300, pl. 130 (map 13); 
24:173, 174; 25:210, 212; 27:85, 87; 32: 
213; 41:540; 44:234. rurivagum 4:69; 17: 
174. sagittatum 3:189; 4:204; 60:114; 9: 
121; 11:7; 13:18, 139; 17:151, 174, 215; 
19:134; 22:93; 29:131, 158, 212; 33:32; 
35:360, 362; 36:220, 374; 37:191, 350, 
354; 44:353, 393; 48:53, 54; f. chloranthum 
19:134; var. americanum 44:393; var. 
gracilentum 44:393; 49:90, 141; var. 
pubescens 48:53, 54. scabrum 23:258, 259; 
27:180; 28:16; 33:120. scandens 4:204; 
11:7; 17:174, 233; 32:216, 249. segetum 
27:173-175, 177, 178, 180, 181; y. Lindenii 
27:174; var. genuinum 27:174, 181; var. 
stamineum 27:174, 181; var. verrucosum 
27:178, 181. setaceum 25:210; 28:13, 15; 
32:177, 212; 37:425; 39:473, 482; 40:413, 
pl. 515; 44:259; var. interjectum 40: 
413, 414, 483, pl. 515; 46:83; var. tonsum 
40:413, 414, 483, pl. 515; var. typicum 
40:413, 482, pl. 515. shastense 40:317. 
Sieboldii 32:223, 224; 40:290. strictum, 
var. subcontinuum 19:134. tenue 4:73, 
204, pl. 35; 5:128; 6:233; 17:174; 24:185; 
36:220; 37:191; 38:192; 39:404; 41:540; 
46:83; var. protrusum 44:393. terrestre 
27:164. tomentosum 14:55; 17:174; 23: 
259; var. incanum 23:259. unifolium 40: 
313, 315. virgatum 28:15. virginianum 
1:82; 4:199, 204; 17:174, 224; 26:129; 27: 
88, 126; 32:76, 104, 135, 176; 34:64; 35: 
39; 39:341. viviparum 3:173; 4:204; 9:154, 
156; 11:93; 25:8, 112; 29:212; 34:237; 
35:120; 36:148, 171, 280, pl. 284; 37:207; 
38:148; 41:158, 220; 42:311, 322; 45:310; 
47:226. Watsonii 40:310-314, 317, map 
3; 41:506. Zuccarinii 1:185; 8:66; 32: 
224; 40:290, 291 


Polyides 13:187. 
149; 50:266, 267 

Polymnia 9:62, 63; 19:46; 47:282. canadensis 
2:70; 9:62; 35:255; 41:138; f. radiata 34: 
96; var. radiata 34:96. laevigata 44:12. 
Uvedalia 19:46, 47; 41:138; var. densipilis 
19:48; 47:101, 162, 196, 400; var. floridana 
19:48; 37:450, 451; 39:477; 47:196, 400; 
var. genuina 19:47; 37:196, 451; 47:400 

Polymniastrum Uvedalia 19:47 

Polypodiaceae 6:100; 9:82; 18:31, 95; 19: 
172, 177; 21:173, 175; 22:80-82; 25:6; 29: 
205; 30:13; 31:48, 91; 32:227; 35:351; 36: 
276; 40:149, 151-153, 162, 169-171, 182; 
41:144, 171; 42:149; 49:255. subfam. Pte- 
ridoidea 43:5. trib. Aspidieae 4:7, 9; 
19:171. trib. Asplenieae 19:171 

Polypodium 1:219; 4:165, 247; 60:76, 101; 
7:160; 9:82; 19:181; 23:69, 149; 24:133; 
25:2; 28:131; 30:13, 48; 31:24; 36:373; 37: 
383; 46:314; 48:384, 385. aculeatum 19: 
181; 21:10; 22:180. alpestre 31:165. aust- 
rale 24:141. austriacum 2$8:147. cali- 
fornieum 24:127-131, 134, 136, 140; var. 
intermedium 24:128, 129, 134, 136, 140; 
var. Kaulfussii 24:136, 140. cambricum 
24:141. connectile 43:219. crispum 37: 
245. cristatum 19:181. dentatum 37:376. 
dilatatum 28:147. disjunctum 43:217. 
Dryopteris 43:216, 217; y. P. disjunctum 
43:217; var. disjunctum 43:217. falcatum 
24:127-132, 134, 136, 139. Fauriei 24: 
135. Filix-femina 19:179. Filix-mas 19: 
181; 21:10. fontanum 48:383. fragile 37: 
375. fragrans 25:2; 48:385. Glycyrrhiza 
24:127, 129, 136, 139. hesperium 24: 
127, 129-131, 134, 136-138; 29:35. hex- 
agonopterum 21:179. incanum 24:133. in- 
termedium 21:178; 24:136, 139. japonicum 
24:135. lanosum 48:384-3806.  Leseblii 21: 
178. noveboracense 19:181. occidentale 
24:127, 132, 136, 139. officinarum 37: 
383. palustre 31:33. Phegopteris 21:179. 
polypodioides 6:76; 17:64; 36:226, 227; 
37:383, 384; 38:378; 39:481; var. Mich- 
auxianum 46:74. pulchellum 43:217. Quer- 
cinum 24:131. rhaeticum 19:181, 198, 203; 
30:48; 31:166. spinulosum 28:147. 
Thelypteris 31:33. triangulare 43:217. vir- 
ginianum 24:125-128, 130-133, 135, 136, 
141; 28:148; 29:145, 205; 30:13, 136; 32: 
227; 33:110, 115; 34:50; 36:217, 219; 37: 
383, 384; 40:486; 50:16; f. acuminatum 
24:141; 30:13; f. alato-multifidum 24: 
142; f. bipinnatifidum 24:141, 227; 30: 
13; f. brachypteron 24:141; f. chondroides 
24:142; f. Churchiae 24:142; f. deltoideum 
24:141; 30:13; f. elongatum 24:141; 37: 
80; f. subsimplex 24:141. vulgare 2: 
183, 184, 229; 3:190, 225, 236; 4:51, 245; 
5:128, 257; 6:101; 9:82; 13:105; 15:225; 
17:152; 18:31; 21:201; 22:81, 82, 90, 130, 
133; 23:147, 185; 24:125-137, 140, 141; 
29:145, 205, 245; 30:13; 31:222; 32:76, 
227; 50:16; ß. americanum 24:126, 141; 
y. occidentale 24:126, 136; f. auritum 24: 

rotundus 2:51; 13:187; 35: 


185; f. brachypteron 24:141; f. deltoideum 
24:141; f. elongatum 24:141; f. hastatum 
24:141; f. pumilum 24:138; f. rotundatum 
24:137, 138, 141; f. variegata 24:130; var. 
Acutum-Stansfieldii 24:128, 139; var. alato- 
multifidum 24:142; var. angustatum 24: 
141; var. attenuatum 24:111, 139, 141; 
30:13; var. auritum 4:247; 24:141; 30:13; 
var. bifido-multifidum 24:142; var. cam- 
brieum 3:225; 4:51, 197, 247; 24:136, 
141, 142, 227; 30:13; var. Churchiae 24: 
142; var. columbianum 24:137, 138; var. 
commune 24:137, 139; var. faleatum 24: 
139; var. hesperium 24:137; var. hibernicum 
24:141; var. intermedium 24:139; f. 
projectum 24:140; var. japonicum 24: 
135; var. Kaulfussii 24:140; var. occi- 
dentale 24:127, 134, 139; var. perpusillum 
24:138; var. pygmaeum 24:138; var. ro- 
tundatum 24:184, 137, 138; var. semi- 
lacerum 24:142; var. serratum 24:128, 
134, 140, 141; var. sinuatum 24:142; var. 
transsilvanicum 24:134, 139; var. vir- 
ginianum 24:126, 141 

Polypody 24:125, 133; 30:13; 42:382. 
Common 4:51; 24:132 

Polypogon 15:127; 49:272. glomeratus 45: 
232, 234, 237, 239, pl. 756. monspeliensis 
6:82; 15:127; 37:389; 38:265; 43:524, 534; 
40:272. racemosus 45:237. setosus 45:234, 
235, 237, 238, pl. 755; 47:198 

Polyporaceae 13:64 

Polyporites Bowmanii 3:141 

Polyporus 2:210; 13:63; 50:287. admirabilis 
13:63-65. arcticus 25:217. argentatus 25: 
217. atypus 25:216. brachypus 25:216. 
carneus 25:215-217. confundens 25:216. 
farinellus 25:164. fatiscens 25:163, 165. 
Feei 25:215. hirsutus 29:167; 44:172. 
modestus 25:216. Palliseri 25:216, 217. 
perennis 41:517. pergamenus 1:136. ro- 
seus 25:215. rubidus 25:215-217. semi- 
supinus 41:517. semitinctus 25:163, 165. 
squamosus 13:64. sulphureus 41:517. 
tenellus 25:163-165. varius 13:64. versi- 
color 39:373. volvatus 44:169 

Polypremum 45:457. procumbens 23:40; 35: 
252; 36:220; 37:437; 39:474; 44:343; 45: 

Polypteris 48:85. callosa 36:232. macro- 
lepis 38:408. robusta 38:408 

Polyscias 18:153. Balfouriana 18:153. fili- 
cifolia 18:153. fruticosa var. plumata 
18:153. Guilfoylei 18:153; var. laciniata 
18:153. var. monstrosa 18:153; var. 
Victoriae 18:153 

Polysiphonia 1:124; 3:291-293; 5:28, 212; 7: 
227; 10:134; 17:95; 26:189, 191; 33:131. 
affinis 35:148; 50:267. americana 7:232. 
atrorubens 2:51; 35:148. atrorubescens 50: 
267. elongata 2:51; 7:232; 26:215; 43:214; 
50:267. fastigiata 2:51; 5:212; 7:232; 16: 
4; 26:189, 190, 215; 50:267. ferulacea 21: 
204, 206. fibrillosa 2:51; 26:191, 215; 35: 
391; 50:267. flexicaulis 50:267. formosa 
50:267. Harveyi 2:51; 7:232; 10:43; 50: 


267; var. airetina 7:232. japonica 21:206. 
lanosa 50:260, 267. nigra 50:267. nigres- 
cens 2:51; 7:232; 10:116; 26:190, 215; 35: 
148; 50:267; var. affinis 2:51; 7:232; var. 
Durkeei 2:51; 7:232; 26:215; 50:267; var. 
fucoides 2:51; 7:232; 26:215; 50:267. novae- 
angliae 50:263, 267. Olneyi 1:70; 2:51; 
3:292; 4:178; 7:232; 10:43; 50:267. Schue- 
belerii 3:291, 292. spinescens, var. sinensis 
21:207. subtilissima 2:51; 50:267.  urceo- 
lata 2:51, 210; 7:233, 242; 21:206; 33:130, 
131; 35:148; 50:267; var. formosa 2:51; 7: 
233; 26:190, 215; 50:267; var. patens 2:51; 
26:215; 50:267; var. roseola 50:267.  varie- 
gata 2:51; 7:233; 26:191; 50:267. vestita 
1:127; 2:51. violacea 2:51; 3:291, 292; 4: 
177; 7:233; 26:215; 33:130, 131; 35:148; 
50:267; var. flexicaulis 2:51; 26:216; 50:267 
Polystichum 4:8, 9, 54, 159, 162-164; 9:83, 
174; 21:10; 22:83, 180; 26:89; 31:24, 26, 93. 
$ Mohrioides 26:91. acrostichoides 4: 10, 
53; 7:103; 9:83; 21:200; 22:81, 83, 90; 23: 
185; 30:16, 136; 31:249; 32:104, 136, 176; 
35:252; 44:230; f. crispum 30:16; f. incisum 
30:16; 37:82; f. orbiculatum 33:168; var. 
incisum 9:83; 11:35, 36; var. Schweinitzii 
9:83; 11:35, 36; 30:16. aculeatum 6:32; 
26:91; var. angulare 6:32; var. Braunii 
4:10, 54; 30:30. alaskense 30:28. Ander- 
soni 36:10. andinum 26:90. angulare 6: 
31. Braunii 9:154; 11:86; 13:116, 218, 238; 
22:81, 83, 84; 23:136, 185; 28:110; 30:16, 
28-30; 32:76; 34:244; 37:244; var. japonicum 
30:28; var. kamtschaticum 30:28; var. 
Purshii 30:30, pl. 159; 32:76, 136; 37:220; 
46:303. elegans 26:90. haleakalense 30: 
28. Hillebrandii 30:28. Lemmoni 21:124; 
26:90-92. Lonchitis 4:8; 9:158, 190; 13: 
116, 117; 26:89; 28:102, 125, 147; 34:244; 
35:47, 81, 390; 37:73, 199, 205-207, 220, 
244, 333, map 3; 38:139; 44:105, 111; 46: 
303; var. scopulinum 26:89. mohrioides 
21:124; 26:89-94; 35:330; var. elegans 26: 
90-92; var. Lemmoni 26:92; var. plicatum 
26:90-92; var. scopulinum 20:89, 92, 93, 
125; 44:116, 121, pl. 697; 47:319; var. 
typicum 26:91. Plaschnickianum 5:272. 
scopulinum 9:158, 167, 174, 188; 21:124; 
26:89-91; 34:246. spinulosum 29:145. 
Thelypteris 31:33 

Polystictus 25:217. pergamenus 3:40; 39: 
373. Bieten 26:218; 39:373. zonatus 


mune 3:180; 4:30; 7:122; 8:131, 133, 134; 
17:210; 26:219; 50:292; var. perigoniale 8: 
131, 133; 10:72; 30:12; 44:237; var. uligino- 
sum $8:131, 134. formosum 8:131, 134; 
48:3. gracile 1:53; 8:131, 134; 9:64; 10: 
72; 30:12; 40:360. Jensenii 8:131, 135. 
juniperinum 1:34; 3:180; 4:30; 8:131; 26: 
219; 30:12; 50:292; var. alpestre 48:3. 
ohioense 1:53; 3:180; 4:30; 8:131, 134; 
30:12. piliferum 1:34, 35; 3:180; 4:30; 
8:131; 14:47; 26:219; 30:12; 50:292. Smithiae 
8:131. strictum 3:180; 6:43; 8:131; 13:46; 
15:13; 19:69; 30:12; 40:156, 158 

Pomaceae 33:88; 47:386 

Pomme de terre 12:34, 35 

Poncirus trifoliata 41:547; 44:372, 425; 45:358 

Pond Lily, White 10:49; Yellow 16:137, 139. 
Pine 37:379; 50:183, 185 

Pond-spice 47:142 

Ponderosa Pines 39:462 

Pondweed 6:176; 18:71; 34:244; 38:165; 43: 
508; 44:214, 333; 45:329; 49:255. Family 
44:214. Horned 44:217 

Pongelion 9:54 

Pontederia 3:221; 8:27; 12:7; 14:31; 16:18, 
19; 23:142; 27:76-79; 47:364. angustifolia 
27:80. cordata 1:184; 4:168; 5:132; 7:73, 
108; 9:121; 11:129; 12:7; 14:26; 17:214; 
19:30; 27:76-80; 32:133, 242; f. angustifolia 
27:80, 81; f. brasiliensis 27:80,81; f. latifolia 
27:80; f. taenia 39:274; 41:376; var. angusti- 
folia 19:126; 21:75; 24:114; 27:80; var. 
lanceolata 27:81; var. lancifolia 9:121. 
hastata 27:76, 77, 79. lanceolata 27:79-81; 
39:480; 40:379; f. brasiliensis 27:80, 81; 
40:379, 403; f. trullifolia 27:80, 81. lanci- 
folia 27:80. ovata 27:76, 77 

Pontederiaceae 12:7; 31:48; 32:242; 33:36 

Ponthieva 39:356, 357; 41:477; 50:191. glan- 
dulosa 17:136; 50:126. racemosa 17:136; 
24:149; 39:356, 362, 403, 472, 477; 40:388, 
408; 41:477, 539; 42:363, 446; 43:520 

Poplar(s) 21:48; 22:131, 132; 39:43; 41:150. 
Balsam 12:178; 48:103-109. Birch 26:182. 
Black 13:195; 16:206; 48:106. Carolina 
16:207, 209. Lombardy 16:206. Necklace 
4:133. Silver-leaved 12:178. Virginian 
Black 13:198. White 12:178; 32:152 

Popple 18:35 

Poppy 42:326; 44:25. California 18:214 

Populus 6:113; 12:178; 13:197; 16:106; 21: 
190; 29:167-171; 31:88, fig. 1; 45:309; 47: 

$ Aegirus 50:235. 

362; 48:42, 43; 50:230. 
$ Aigeiros 16:208; 48:106. $ Tacamahaca 
48:104, 107; 50:235. $ Turanga 47:362. 
alba 12:9, 175, 178; 14:20; 16:106, 201, 202; 
20:224; 31:84; 32:152, 160, 247; 43:79; 
50:295; var. Bolleana 13:197; 16:202. 
angulata 13:12, 13; 16:207-209, fig.; 21: 
101. aurea 16:206. balsamifera 1:39, 167; 
2:35; 3:132, 189, 233; 5:49; 6:113; 12:178; 

Polytaenia 21:181; 40:180. Nuttallii 21:181; 
36:224; var. texana 21:181, 182 

Polytaenium 21:181 

Polytoma uvella 50:277 

Polytrichaceae 8:131; 
40:359, 360 

Polytrichadelphus 40:359 

Polytrichum 6:43; 9:64; 11:16; 13:91; 23:110, 

11:16; 30:12; 39:45; 

138, 142, 150, 235, 236, 244, 278, 286; 
30:204; 31:222; 39:42; 40:148, 158, 359; 
44:122; 45:435. alpinum 8:132; 13:46; 14: 
52; 30:12; var. silvatieum 30:12; 39:45. 
Antilarum 36:58. arcticum 8:132. com- 

13:188, 147; 15:163; 16:13, 106; 21:43, 101; 
22:134; 32:196, 198, 201, 247; 41:215; 42:320; 
46:28; 48:103-105, 107-109; 50:233-235; 
x deltoides, var. missouriensis 50:235; var. 
candicans 3:283; 6:113, 139; 21:101; 50: 


234, 236; var. Fernaldiana 50:234, 235; 
var. lanceolata 21: 101; var. Michauxii 
21:101; 50:233, 234; var. pilosa 43:660. 
canadensis 13:13, 196, 199. candicans 12: 

175, 178; 13:237; 16:106; 21:101; 28:38; 

48:104; 50:233-235. canescens 16:201, 202. 

deltoides 4:133; 13:12-14, 195-197, 199; 

16:106, 207-209, fig.; 21: 101; 26: 224; 32: 

247; 35: 250; 40: 383, 408; 44: :351; 48: 103, 

104, 106, 107; 50: 295; f. pilosa 43:660; 

var. missouriensis 50: 235; f. pilosa 50: 235. 

Denhardtiorum 47:362. dilatata 8: 65; 16: 

201, 206. euphratica, subsp. Denhardtio- 

rum 47:362; var. Denhardtiorum 47:362. 

x gileadensis 50:235, 236. grandidentata 

6:113; 12:128, 178; 13:141, 148; 15:122; 

16:15, 106, 201-203; 17:214; 19:220; 22: 

184; 28: 73; 32:173; 40: 160, 242; 43: 79; 44: 

240; a. coelestina 16: 204, 205, fig.; e. 

meridionalis 16:203-205, fig.; Y septen- 

trionalis 16:203, 205, fig. heterophylla 

2:126; 14:81; 15:67; 16:201, 205; 21:101; 

38:376; 48:106, 107. ilicifolia 47:362. 

italica 16:206. marilandica 13:196, 199. 

Michauxi 50:233, 234. monilifera 1:39, 

103; 2:35, 1206; 13: 12, 197, 198; 16:206. 

nigra 16: 207, 208; B. virginiana 13: 198; var. 

italica 13: 197; 16: 106; 28:38. ontariensis 

21:101; 50: 236. suaveolens 48:107. Taca- 

mahacca 21: :101; 24:184; 29:156, 211; 32: 

247; 35:122; 36:279; 37: 64; 41:146, ' 149, 

151, 215, 216; 42: 314, 320; 45: 309; 48: 103, 

104, 107-109; 50: 236; var. candicans 50: 

233, 234, 236: var. lanceolata 21:101; 48: 

104; var. Michauxii 21:101; 36:279; 50: 

233, 234. tremula 12:32; 16:203, 205; 40: 

. tremuloides 1:168; 3:172, 189; 5:129, 
258; 6:113; 12:128, 178; 13:117; 16:16, 106, 
201, 205, 206; 17:152, 214; 18:35; 19:220; 
22:134; 25:8; 28:73; 29:156, 211; 32:172, 
196, 201; 34:52, 62; 36:11, 279; 37:203; 
40:146, 148, 156, 158, 161, 163, 242; 4l: 
149, 151, 216; 42: 314, 320; 43: 79; 44: 237; 
B. Davisiana 16: 206; v reniformis 16: 206; 
var. intermedia 43:339. trepida 16: 203. 
viminea 21:101. virginiana 13:12-14, 195- 
198, fig.; 15:222; 16:206-208, fig. 

Porella 11:16; 18:74, 75, 80, 84, 106, 108, 
109, 112. Jackii 18:110. laevigata 18: 
107. Notarisii 18:83. pinnata 5:172; 7: 
58; 10:192; 12:204; 15:25; 18:75, 79-82, 
106-108, figs. 1-13; 25:197. platyphylla 
4:30; 5:172; 15:25; 18:75, 82, 84, 103, 
105-112, 114, 116-119, pl. 120; 25:197, 
199; 26:12; var. subsquarrosa 18:103. 
platyphylloidea 18:75, 84, 106, 109, 111- 
119, figs. 14—40; 25:197, 198; 26:12. rivu- 
laris 5:172; 14:18; 15:25; 18:75, 106, 119; 
25:199. Sullivantii 18:79. Thuja 18:84 

Porellaceae 25:197; 26:12 

Poria 50:287. farinella 25:165. fatiscens 25: 
163. incerta 25:165. semitincta 25:163. 
subviolacea 25:163, 165. tenella 25:163. 
vesiculosa 25:163 

Porotrichum alleghaniense 4:183. 



Porphyra 5:1, 210, 211; 8:195; 26:190. abys- 
sicola 5:212. amplissima 4:177; 5:211, 212. 
coccinea 1:127; 2:51; 5:211. laciniata 2: 
51; 5:210-212; 7:231, 243; 26:215; 50: 
267; f. epiphytica 5: 212; f. umbilicalis 5: 

211; var. umbilicalis 5:212. leucosticta 
2:51; 5:210-212; 7:231; 50:268. linearis 
5:212; 7:243. miniata 2:51; 4:177; 5: 

211, 212; 7:242, 243. tenuissima 5:211, 
212. umbilicalis 20:143, 144; 50:267, 268. 
vulgaris 50:268 

Porphyropsis coccinea 43:214, 215 

Port Orford Cedar 49:228 

Porterella 3:193 

Porthretria 24:51 

Portulaca 6:115; 9:50; 11:44; 18:89. 
flora 5:190; 44:354, 394. oleracea 5:188; 
6:115; 17:226; 18:89; 26:225; 28:71; 32: 
251; 47:139; 50:302. parvula 42:499. pilosa 
5:190; 36:220; 42:499. retusa 36:220 

Portulacaceae 5:188; 6:115; 9:50; 18:89; 26: 
225; 28:71; 29:213; 31:43; 32:251; 39:18; 
45:310; 49:255; 50:302 

Posidonia 11:150. Caulini 11:150 

Post Oak 39:470 

Potamogeton 2:102, 217; 3:69, 220, 221; 
6:103; 7:45, 71, 73; 8:27, 28; 10:170; 11: 
129, 206; 12:204; 14:26; 15:171, 203; 16: 
17; 17:66, 211; 18:121; 19:62, 80; 20:192; 
21:191; 29:110; 35:124; 36:350; 38:165, 
334, 375; 40:368; 41:144, 175; 42:87, 90, 
91, 150; 43:220, 508; 44:175, 213, 214, 
406; 45:329, 330, pl. 748; 46:282; 48:70; 
50:304. subgen. Coleogeton 33:44; 38: 
166, 167; 45:71, 192. $ Coleophylli 18: 
121, 122. $ Connati 45:70. sub-$ Fili- 
formes 45:70. § Convoluti 45:71. sub-$ 
Pectinati 45:71. sub-§ Vaginati 45:71. 
subgen. Eupotamogeton 33:44, 59; 465: 
71, 192. § Adnati 45:71. sub-$ Serrulati 
45:71. § Axillares 38:167; 43:033; 45:71. 
sub-§ Alpini 45:63, 68, 69, 71, 72, 76.  sub-$ 
Amplifolii 45:68, 68, 69, 71, 72, 76, 182, 


192. sub-§ Colorati 45:60, 63, 68, 69, 
71, 72, 76. sub-$ Compressi 45:71. sub-$ 
Crispi 45:60, 61, 68, 69, 71, 72, 76. sub-$ 

Hybridi 38:166-168; 45:71. ser. Euhybridi 
45:71. sub-$ Javanici 33:40, 42, 58, map 
18; 45:71. sub-$ Lucentes 45:60, 61, 63, 
64, 68, 69, 71, 73, 76, 133, 158, 159.  sub-$ 
Monticoli 33:44; 45:71. sub-$ Natantes 
45:60, 63, 68, 69, 71, 74, 76. sub-$ Nodosi 
45:61, 63, 68, 69, 71, 73, 76, 134. sub-$ 
Nuttalliani 38:166-168; 45:71. sub-$ Oxy- 
phylli 45:71. sub-§ Perfoliati 45:60, 61, 
63, 64, 68, 69, 71, 74, 76. sub-§ Praelongi 
45:60, 61, 63, 68, 69, 71, 74, 76. sub-$ 
Pusili 45:71. ser. Pusili connati 45:71; 
subser. Foliosi 45:71; subser. Panormitani 
45:71. ser. Pusilli convoluti 45:71; subser. 
Acuti 45:71; subser. Obtusi 45:71. alpinus 
6:103; 10:168; 17:150; 23:164, 189; 24: 
184; 28:245; 32:76-82, pl. 197; 33:209- 
211; 36:306; 44:7, 216; 45:58, 61, 62, 71, 
72, 76, 89, 90, 94-97, 138, 184, 191; X 
americanus 45:183, 185; X Claytonii 45: 

INDEX TO VOLUMEs 1-50 195 

185; X gramineus 45:183, 190; X nodosus 
45: 183; X pensylvanicus 45: 185; f. ovati- 
folius 32: 79; subsp. tenuifolius 45: 92; var. 
angustifolius 32:79; var. Faxoni 45: 183, 
185; var. subellipticus 45:90-94, 97, 98, 
195, map 3, pl. 746; var. tenuifolius 
45 :90, 91, 95, 97, 157, 183, 195, map 2, 
pl. 746; 50:196. americanus 10:168; 11: 
206; 24: 112; 44:4, 6, 216; 45:123, 186; 
X alpinus 45: 186; X pensylvanicus 45: 
185, 186; var. novaeboracensis 10:168; 
15:203; 45:194. amplifolius 6:103; 10:168; 
11:206; 14:236, 237; 16:17; 17: 142; 22: 
136; 23: 189; 24: 160; 32:78; 44:216; 45: 
59-62, 69, 71, 72, 75, 95, '99, 100, 104, 
122, 193, 127, 128, 137, 184, 195, 196, map 
5, "pls. 746, 748; X illinoensis 45: 184; 
x praelongus 45: 184; X Richardsonii 45: 
ra f. amphibius 45: 100, 105, 120, 123; 

homophyllus 45:100; var. amphibius 
is: 100, 120; var. ovalifolius 45:100, 104, 
120, 123. angustifolius 8:224; 10: 168, 170; 
11:206; 19:107; 23:191; 44: :216; 45: 157, 
158, 187; var. connecticutensis 10:168, 
170; 45: 154; var. methyensis 45:191. X 
argutulus 45:185. Berchtoldi 42:246; 44: 
6, 215; 45:71, 192, 194, 195; X perfoliatus, 
var. bupleuroides 45: 68, 193; var. acumi- 
natus 45:215; var. colpophilus 42:246; 
44:188; var. ' lacunatus 42:246; 44:216; 
var. polyphyllus 42:246; 44: :215; var. 
tenuissimus 42:246; 43: :508, 528; 44: 
6, 7, 215; 45:195; 48: 329; X perfoliatus, 
var. bupleuroides ' 45:196, pl. 748. bi- 
cupulatus 38:165-168; 45: 71; 50:304. bo- 
realis 18:134, 136; 33:210. bupleuroides 
10:46, 168, 170; 11 :88, 206; 15:158, 222; 
16:17; 17:210; 22: 136; 23: 103, 191; 24: 
86, 98; 25: 185; 27:201; 29:65, 66, 128 
148, 206, 228, '230; 32:4, 106, 131, 148, 
230; 35: 131; 42: 387; 44: 217; 45: 177, 178, 
180, 194; X gramineus 44; 217; d pusillus 
45:194. 'capillaceus 38:166, 167, 340; 39: 
336, 380, 381; 40:367, 385; 4l :500; 43: 
508, 633; 44: 216; 45: TD 192; var. atripes 
39:380, 475. X champlainii- 45:185, 180. 
Claytoni 38:166; X Zizii 45:188. clysto- 
carpus 45:71. coloratus 29:147; var. jamai- 
censis 45:124. Columbianus 18: 124, 129. 
compressus 36:306. confervoides 5:44, 48; 
6:203; 10:168, 170; 17:66; 19:107; 23: 145, 
149, 191; 24: 160, 186; 28:50, 149; 33: 
44, 40, 57, 59, map 33, pl. 204; 35: 85, 
131; 36: 249; 39:467; 44: 1215, 244; 45:71; 
49:239. crispus 5:134, 135; 10: 168; TUE 
206; 13:221; 15:171; 17: 210, '211, 221; 25: 
206; 29: 108, 111; 40:385; 41 565; 44:4, 
214: 45:58, 60— 62, '64, DL 72, 75, 76, ' 86- 88, 
E 177, map im 'X deminutus 45:187. 
dimorphus 10:168; 11:206; 16:17; 17:211; 
21:191; 22:136; 23:191; 24:160; 40:181; 
44:216. diversifolius 6:104; 18:136; 32: 
148, 230; 33:210; 38:168; 39:432; 40:28, 
181; 43:633; 45:71, 192; 49:105. epihydrus 
10:168, 170; 11:206; 16:17; 17:150, 210; 
18:30, 33, 136; 22:136; 29:147, 164, 206; 

32:79; 33:59, 112, 116, 210; 34:50; 36: 
306; 38: 10, 166-168; 42 :409; 43: 482: 44: 
216, 406; 45: TA 133; 49: 256; X angusti- 
folius 45: 188; X nodosus 45: 186; X pulcher 
45:184; var. cayugensis 10: 108, 1/01 15: 
158; 44: :216; var. Nuttallii 36 :306; 38: 
166; 42:400, 407; 48:508, 529; 44: 123; 216, 
406; 45: 138, 142, 385; var. typicus 44: 
406. fasciculatus 18:133. X Faxoni 10: 
168; 45:183, 185. fibrillosus 45:71. fili- 
formis 10:168, 171; 13:138; 18:122, 132- 
184, 136; 22:15; 29:65, 67, 109; 33:44, 
60; 34: 70; 36: 306; 37: 206; 38: 167; 39: 
471; 41: 159, 175; 444, 5; 45: 70; var. alpinus 
18: 133; var. borealis '18: 122, 134, 136; 
23:191; 29:67; 36:277, 306; 41: 159, 175, 
176; 44:5; var. Macounii 18: 122, 136; 33: 
227; 36: 277; 44:5; 50:212; var. occidentalis 
18: 132, 134. flabellatus 18: 124, 128, 129. 
floridanus 45:192. fluitans 32: 778; 45: 66, 
90, 97, 100, 120, 124, 129, 130, 132; subsp. 
americanus 45:124. foliosus 10: 168; 11: 
206; 18:136; 25:108; 33:210; 43 482; 44: 
215; 45:66, 71; var. genuinus 44:5; 48: 
330; var. macellus 44:5, 215; 45:192; var. 
niagarensis 10:168. Friesii 10: 168; 23: 191; 
24:184; 25:206; 28:127, 149; 29: 65, 67, 
109; 33: 19; 36: 306; 44: :5, 215; 45:71. gemmi- 
parus 2:68; 10: 108, 171; ii :206; 44:215; 
45:71. gramineus 23: 189-191; 32:4; 33: 
59, 209; 37:206; 44:4, 6; 45: rg HE 75, 
97, 132, 142, 143, 145, 147, 150-152, 183, 
184, 187, 189, 191, 195, map 10, pl. 746; 
X illinoensis 45: 145, 149, 151, 158, 187, 
190; xlucens 45: 187; X lucens 45:158, 
187; X natans 45: 186; X nodosus 45: 
185; X perfoliatus 45: 151; X perfoliatus, 
var. bupleuroides 45:61, 183, 189; Xx Rich- 
ardsonii 45:152, 188, 191, 192; X Zizii 45: 
187; Xsp. 45: 191; a. graminifolius 23: 
189; Q. gramineus 23: 189; f. heterophyllus 
45: 150; f. jemtlandicus 45: 148; f. longi- 
edunculatus 45: 144; f. terrestris 45:144; 
. Wolfgangii 45: 148; var. graminifolius 
23:189-191; 36:306; 41: 162, 176; 44:6, 
217; 45:143; var. ‘lacustris 45: 144; var. 
longipedunculatus 45:144; var. maximus 
45:132, 143-146, 148, 151- 153, 174, 1960, 
map 1l, pl. 748; var. minimus 45: 150; var. 
myriophyllus 23: 189; 45:148, 145, 147, 
150, 1517 map 12: var. spathulaeformis 
23:190, 191; 35:131; 44:217; 45:151, 187, 
189; var. typicus 45:143, 149, 151, 196, 
pl. 748. graminifolius 23:189, 190. Hag- 
strómii 45:188, 189. heterophyllus 6:103; 
8:224; 10:168, 171; 11:206; 15:91, 158; 
21: :191; 22:136; 23:189, 190; 29:147, 206; 
36:306; 41:176; 44:6, 217; 45:132, 143, 
148, 150, 157; f. graminifolius 10:168; 11: 
206; 45:143; f. longipedunculatus 10:168; 
11:14; 45:143; f. maximus 45:150; f. minimus 
45:150; f. myriophyllus 10:169; 11:206; 
45:150; f. terrestris 10:169; 45:144; var. 
graminifolius 6:103; 23:189; 25:6. Hillii 
10:169; 19:63; 28:127, 149; 42:95; 44:215, 
333; 45:71. hybridus 10:169; 11:207; 12: 


204; 24:86; 32:230; 44:216; var. multi- 
denticulatus 10:169; 12:204; 44:216.  illino- 
ensis 44:216; 45:71, 73, 75, 93, 94, 150, 
152-154, 156-159, 185, 188, 191, 192, 195, 
map 13, pl. 746; X lucens 45:187; X nodosus 
45:185; X perfoliatus 45:191; X perfoliatus, 
var. bupleuroides 45:191; X Richardsonii 
45:191; X sp. 45:192; f. homophyllus 45: 
154; f. rosulatus 45:154. insulanus 45: 
124, 183. interior 18:132, 134; 44:4. in- 
terruptus 10:171; 18:124, 128, 129. junci- 
folius 18:138. lacunatus 42:246. lateralis 
10:169, 171; 11:207; 33:40; 44:216; 45: 
71. latifolius 18:122, 130; 44:406; 45: 
70. lonchites 38:383; 45:124, 125, 131, 
132, 148; X rufescens 45:185; var. novae- 
boracensis 45:124, 131. longiligulatus 45: 
71. lucens 7:99; 10:169; 11:207; 15:92; 
17:142; 32:78; 33:210; 36:306; 44:7, 216; 
45:90, 92, 97, 154, 157, 158; X natans 45: 
129; X nodosus 45:185; var. connecti- 
cutensis 9:74; 10:170; 45:154, 155, 158; 
var. floridanus 45:154, 155; var. fluitans 
45:90, 97, 100, 120, 124. marinus 6:176; 
18:132, 133, 136; 20:192; var. Macounii 
18:136, 138; var. occidentalis 18:132. meth- 
yensis 45:191. mexicanus 45:124, 133. 
microstachys 32:76-80, 83, pl. 197; 33: 
209, 210; 41:176; 45:90, 94; var. subel- 
lipticus 32:82, 83, pl. 197; 33:168, 210, 
211; 44:138; 45:94; var. typicus 32:80, 
83, pl. 197; 33:211; 45:92. moniliformis 
18:122, 130, 132; 20:192; 23:191; 41:176; 
44:138. montanense 45:92, 93, 97. mon- 
tanus 45:124. X mysticus 6:176; 10:169; 
11:207; 44:217; 45:194, 196, pl. 748. natans 
5:134; 10:169; 11:207; 17:150; 21:75; 22: 
136; 23:189; 24:112; 29:147, 206, 245; 32: 
178; 42:95; 43:74; 44:216; 45:60-63, 71, 
74, 75, 102, 103, 120, 127, 134, 135, 138- 
140, 142, 192, 193, 195, 196, map 8, pls. 
746, 747; 47:41; 48:330; X gramineus 45: 
186; x nodosus 45:185; f. submersus 45: 
139; var. fluitans 45:124; var. prolixus 45: 
135, 139, 140; var. terrestris 45:139; var. 
typicus 45:139; var. vulgaris 45:139. X 
nericius 45:183. nerviger 32:79. niaga- 
rensis 19:63. X nitens 10:169; 11:207; 44: 
217; 45:188, 189; var. subgramineus, f. 
restrictus 45:189. nodosus 45:59-62, 66, 
71, 73, 75, 104, 123, 127, 131-134, 186, 
195, 196, map 7, pls. 746, 748; 48:330; 
X epihydrus 45:125; X natans 45:185; X 
Nuttallii 45:186; X HRichardsonii 45:186. 
Nuttallii 2:102; 10:170; 11:37; 45:133; var. 
cayugensis 2:102; 10:170; var. portoricensis 
45:124, 133. Oakesianus 1:183; 10:169; 
11:207; 13:134, 135, 140, 148, 160; 18:30, 
33; 23:146, 148, 163, 189; 24:62, 160; 28: 
120, 149; 32:148, 172, 210, 230; 33:59, 
113, 116; 34:50; 35:5, 85; 36:249; 37:249, 
332; 38:166; 44:216; 45:60-63, 71, 74, 75, 
127, 140, 142, 193, 195, map 9, pl. 746; 
47:41; 49:239. obrutus 32:77-81; 33:210, 
211; 45:90, 93; 50:106, 126. obtusifolius 
10:169, 171; 11:207; 28:149; 29:245; 33: 


60; 36:306; 44:215; 45:71. occidentalis 
45:123, 134. panormitanus 36:312; 40: 
181; 42:246; 43:513, 528; 45:192; var. 
major 36:312; 44:215; 50:154; var. minor 
36:306; 44:215; 50:154. pectinatus 10: 
169, 171; 11:88; 13:177; 18:121, 122, 124, 
128-130, 133, 134; 23:141, 192; 29:60, 63, 
65, 66, 71, 72, 109; 32:148, 176, 230; 33: 
44, 166, pl. 204; 38:340, 383; 44:214; 45: 
71, 192; 49:239; var. latifolius 18:130. 
pensylvanicus 6:176; 10:170; 42:94; 45:133; 
var. portoricensis 45:124.  perfoliatus 1:201; 
10:47, 169, 170; 11:14; 15:91; 21:191; 23: 
191; 24:98; 27:201; 29:148, 206; 41:157; 
45:58-61, 66, 71, 75, 76, 163, 174—178, 
180, 181, 193, 194, map 16; X Richardsonii 
45:193; subsp. Hichardsonii 45:163; var. 
bupleuroides 45:171, 174, 175, 177, 178, 
181, 182, 189, 190, 193-196, map 17, pls. 
746, 748; var. gracilis 41:176; 45:163, 177, 
180; var. lanceolatus 45:163; var. Rich- 
ardsonii 45:163; var. typicus 45:177, 
180, 181. X perplexus 45:155, 157, 185. 
plantagineus 29:147, 206; var. jamaicensis 
45:124, 134. polygonifolius 10:171; 28: 
50, 83; 29:127, 132, 147, 206; 34:118; 35: 
273; 38:15; 45:58, 59, 71, 72, 75, 91, 98, 
195, map 4, pl. 746. Porsildiorum 41: 
142, 148, 167, 175, 176; 45:71. Porteri 
45:71. praelongus 2:127; 9:63; 10:169; 
11:207; 28:149; 32:81; 33:19, 60, fig. 1; 
35:14, 131; 36:306; 42:20; 44:6, 217; 45: 
58, 60, 61, 63, 71, 74, 75, 122, 159, 160, 
162, 174-176, 195, map 14, pl. 746; X 
Richardsonii 45:193; f. elegans 13:117; 
45:162; var. angustifolius 24:112. X pseudo- 
lucens 45:154, 187. X pseudo-Zizii 45:187. 
puleher 2:157; 10:140, 169, 171; 11:207; 
19:107; 23:164, 189, 300, pl. 130 (map 15); 
24:86, 160; 25:148; 32:78, 148, 210, 230; 
36:351; 38:383; 44:216; 45:59, 61, 62, 71, 
73, 75, 103, 104, 119, 120, 122, 123, 127, 
192, 195, map 6, pl. 746; f. amphibius 45: 
121. X pulcher 45:385. Purshii 37:313; 
38:166; 45:140. pusillus 6:104, 176; 10: 
169, 171; 11:207; 15:158; 18:33; 20:192; 
22:136; 32:230; 33:19, 59; 37:206; 38: 
10; 41:148, 175; 42:246; 43:513, 528; 
44:6, 215; 45:71, 192, 194; 50:154; var. 
48:528; var. capitatus 44:215; var. col- 
pophilus 42:246; 44:138; var. minor 50: 
154; var. mucronatus 36:306; 44:6, 215; 
var. polyphyllus 10:169, 171; 11:207; 36: 
106; 42:246; var. Sturrockii 10:169, 171; 
11:207; var. tenuissimus 10:169; 11:208; 
41:176; 42:246; 44:6. X rectifolius 45: 
183, 186. Richardsonii 10:169, 170; 15: 
158; 21:191; 33:19, 166; 41:158, 176; 44: 
217; 45:58-61, 71, 75, 76, 87, 149, 162, 
163, 174-176, 191, 193, 195, map 15, pl. 
746. Robbinsii 10:169; 11:208; 14:26; 15: 
158; 18:122, 123; 19:67; 22:136; 25:107; 
31:80; 32:176; 35:388; 44:7, 214; 45:71; 
f. cultellatus 35:389. rotundatus 45:124, 
131-133. rufescens 32:76-79, 81; 33:210; 
45:90, 92; f. angustifolia 45:90. rutilus 

INDEX TO VoLUMEs 1—50 197 

10:169, 171. X scoliophyllus 45:184; f. 
barensis 45:184. setaceus 18:134; 20:192. 
X sparganifolius 45:186. X spathaeformis 
8:224; 10:169; 11:208; 23:190, 191; 45: 
187. spathulaeformis 23:190; 45:157, 187. 
Spirillus 5:134; 6:103; 33:59; 38:168; 42: 
393, 400, 407; 43:529; 44:216, 356, 377; 
45:71, 329, 330. strictifolius 10:169; 11: 
208; 25:206; 38:9; 44:215; 45:71. Stur- 
rockii 44:215. X subdentatus, a. sessilis 
45:191; 8. petiolatus 45:188, 189, 191. 
X subnitens 32:4; 44:217; 45:189, 190. 
X subobtusus 45:183. X subrufus 45:185, 
186. X subsessilis 45:186.  subsibiricus 41: 
176. tennesseensis 38:167, 168, 236, pl. 
412; 45:71; 49:255, 256. tenuifolius 33: 
209, 210; 36:306; 41:148, 162, 176; 44: 
7, 216; 45:90, 92, 97; 50:126; var. subel- 
lipticus 33:211; 44:138; 45:94, 97. Tepperi 
45:192. Tuckermani 6:203; 10:170; 24: 
186. vaginatus 18:131, 132; 20:191, 192; 
23:164, 191; 28:127, 149; 36:306; 41:158, 
176; 44:5, 138; 45:71. varians 23:190, 191; 
45:187. Vaseyi 10:169, 171; 11:208; 12: 
133; 13:71; 25:206; 33:40; 44:216; 45:71, 
330. Zizii 32:81; 33:209; 45:97, 154, 158, 
187; X gramineus 23:191; f. pulcherrimus 
45:187; var. connecticutensis 45:154; var. 
gracilis 45:154, 187; var. methyensis 45: 
191; var. porrectifolius 45:154, 187. zoster- 
aceus 20:192. zosterifolius 10:169; 11: 
208; 12:116; 21:191; 33:19; 44:215. zosteri- 
formis 36:306; 44:7, 215; 45:71. 

Potamogetonaceae 44:214. 

Potamogetons 5:238; 38:10; 42:95. 

Potato(es) 6:83; 28:72; 41:157. 

Potentilla 6:119; 10:17, 195; 11:1, 127, 152, 
153; 12:180; 16:5, 6, 8; 17:150; 20:55; 23: 
98; 27:90; 30:104; 33:60; 36:164, 174, 176; 
40:135; 41:433; 42:313, 330, 331; 43:220; 
46:282; 47:144; 50:42. acaulis 33:181. 
alpestris 28:91, 98, 118, 214; 35:121; 36: 
148, 173; 38:155. angustifolia 16:10. 
Anserina 2:134; 3:188; 4:33, 89; 5:133; 11: 
1-3, 5, 6, 8, 47, 48; 12:112; 13:180; 15: 
153; 16:40; 18:38; 20:55; 22:92; 29:65, 70, 
122, 215; 32:19, 255; 34:70; 35:250, 251, 
273; 36:281; 37:204; a.argentea 35:273; 
a. discolor 11:8; «a. unicolor 35:273; a. 
vulgaris 11:8; 6. concolor 11:8; 35:273; 6. 
grandis 11:9; 41:40; 6. holosericea 11:8; 
35:273; Q.sericea 11:5; 8$. Egedii 11:9; f. 
sericea 35:273, 274; var. anserinoides 11: 
5; var. argentea 35:273; var. concolor 11: 
5, 9, 48; var. Egedii 11:2, 6, 9; var. grandis 
WZ de koh. VAL: groenlandica 11:2. 7, 
var. hirsuta 11:2, 5; var. maoria 11:2, 5; 
var. nuda 11:2, 5; var. sericea 11:2, 5, 8, 
48; 15:154, 165; 16 :40; 23:267; 35: 273; var. 
vulgaris 11 :2, 3, 5; 35:273. anserinoides 
11:5. argentea 1:184; 3:188; 17:35; 20: 
55; 21:106, 170; 26:186, 225; 30:107; 32: 
151, 254; 37:164; 40:443; 41:506; 49:249; 
50:297. Argentina 11:8. arguta 5:204; 12: 
118; 20:55; 34:66. biflora 41:163, 245; 
42:313, 330; 45:312. Blaschkeana 37:164, 

205, 217. canadensis 4:91; 6:119, 141; 
7:122; 11:153; 17:35; 20:55; 28:39; 33:180- 
185, 188, 191; 34:61; 36:54; 37:193, 289; 
40:245, 246; 44:336; 50:302; 6. sarmentosa 
33:186; var. pumila 33:185, 186; var. 
simplex 12:128; 13:106; 17:154; 20:55; 
23:08; 32:255; 33:109, 121, 182, 188, 
191, pl. 214; 37:193; var. typica 33:186; 
43:80; f. ochroleuca 33:187; var. villo- 
sissima 33:186, 187; 36:230. canescens 11: 
47. caroliniana 33:180, 183, 184, 187, 
188. chinensis 37:291. Comarum 16:10. 
concolor 11:8; 35:273. confertiflora 7:142. 
Crantzii 36:173; var. hirta 36:173; var. 
vulgaris 36:173. digitata 16:10. diversi- 
folia 45:312. Egedii 11:6, 9; 41:40; var. 
groenlandica 41:40; 42: :331. elegans 33: 
56; 41:163, 246; 42: 313, 330. emarginata 
25: 113; 36: 173-177, 327; 38:121, 125, 155, 
274; 41:246; 44:129; 45:111, 112; c. elatior 
45:111; var. elatior 36:176, 177; var. typica 
36:176, 177; erecta 35:273. floribunda 16: 
90. Fragariastrum 35:272. fragarioides 
10:16. fragiformis 25:113; 36:175-177, 327; 
b. parviflora 36:175; var. villosa 41:247. 
frigida 2:109; 3:165, 272. fruticosa 2:37, 
124; 3:160, 164, 174; 6:119; 9:12; 12:112, 
187; 14:235, 240, 241; 15:185, 141; 16: 
90; 19:32, 164; 20:55; 23:101, 267; 29: 
215; 32:18; 33:112, 121; 35:122, 126, 399, 
pl. 240; 36:281; 37:204, 292, 308; 41:146, 
147, 160, 246; 42:312, 331; 45:312; f. villo- 
sissima 37:292, 340, pl. 367; var. tenuifolia 
13:129. glaucophylla 41:154, 246. gracilis 
40:280; 42:213, 330; var. pulcherrima 
42:213; var. rigida 42:213. Hippiana 40: 
135; 41:246. Hookeriana 41:246. hyp- 
arctica 36:177, 178; 45:112; var. elatior 
45:111, 112. inclinata 11:47. intermedia 
18:89; 19:227; 20:55; 30:107; 42:377, 453; 
44:333. Jaegeri 40:136. labradorica 10: 
50; 28:218. Langeana 36:173. litoralis 2: 
188, 208; 3:188; 11:7; 37:287, 288. ma- 
culata 13:127, 137; 36:173; a. vulgaris 36: 
173; Q.hirta 36:173. millegrana 43:510, 
567; 47:215.  missourica 37:289-292. mon- 
speliensis 6:119; 10:50; 17:154, 216; 18: 
38; 20:55; 22:187; 25:9; 20:225; 28:214; 
32:254, 261; 34:53; var. labradorica 10: 
50; 28:213; var. norvegica 15:165; 16:40; 
20:55; 22:137. nana 36:176, 177. niponica 
37:291. nivea 9:162; 13:127; 16:132; 17: 
159; 18:101; 28:117, 212; 35:51, 81, 121, 
126, 298, pl. 240; 36:172; 38:125, 155; 41: 
246; 42:310, 330; 44:104; 45:312; 47:225; 
var. macrophylla 28:125, 212; 31:55; 35: 
399, pl. 240; 36:172; var. pallidior 36:172. 
norvegica 6:119; 28:214; 41:246; 42:330; 
var. hirsuta 29:215; 32:254; 33:121; 36: 
281; 50:302; f. labradorica 28:218; var. 
labradorica 28:213; 35:89, 272; 37:74; 38: 
155. Nuttallii 11:47; 42:213, 330. opaca 
36:173. pacifica 11:7, 8, 47, 48; 17:147, 
208, 216, 221; 20:55; 22:92, 110; 25:9; 
29:63, 70, 90; 32:149, 214, 255; 33:121; 
34:53; 41:40, 229, 246; 42:331; 43:80; 50: 


297. palustris 1:184; 2:122; 4:189; 9:162, 
189; 10:141; 16:5, 6, 9-11, pl. 106; 19: 
30; 20:55; 22:135; 25:9; 29:215, 244; 33: 
51; 34:53; 35:251; 36:281, 307; 37:200; 
41:158, 159, 247; 42:331; 44:234; f. sub- 
sericea 15:165; 16:9, 10; 20:55, 105; 35: 
273, 274; var. parvifolia 16:10, 11, pl. 
106; var. subsericea 12:111, 140; 15:165; 
16:10; var. villosa 11:48; 12:39, 111, 140; 
16:5, 6, 8-11, pl. 106; 17:150; 20:55. pect- 
inata 28:125, 212; 31:143; 35:9, 233, 272; 
37:288; 45:312.  Pedersenii 36:172, 173; 41: 
247. pensylvanica 15:140; 18:38; 37:213, 
286-292; 41:247, 433; 42:95, 330; 44:31; 
B. strigosa 37:290-292; var. strigosa 48: 
115. procumbens 23:155, 167; 28:50, 81; 
29:126; 34:118; 35:273. pulchella 28:103, 
213; var. Sommerfeltii 28:213. pulcherrima 
30:105; 42:213. pumila 11:152, 153; 12: 
128; 19:116, 220; 20:55; 24:175, 185; 26: 
225; 28:81, 244; 32:151, 160, 255; 33:180, 
181, 184—186, 188-190; 36:54; 46:284; 50: 
302; f. leucantha 11:152; f. ochroleuca 
11:153; 20:56; 33:187. Ranunculus 41: 
154. recta 1:43, 75, 81; 11:179; 13:89; 
16:185; 17:80; 19:66, 227; 20:56; 21:106; 
23:267; 32:254; 37:287, 288, 310, 317, 318; 
41:546; 42:369; 46:85. reptans 12:189; 20: 
56; 33:183; 43:525, 567; 44:337. retusa 
16:195. Robbinsiana 9:162; 28:244; 33: 
59; 42:331. rubra 16:10. rubricaulis, var. 
arctica 36:172. sarmentosa 33:180, 183- 
186, 188, 191, pl. 215. saximontana 22: 
195. sericea 11:8; 35:273. simplex 3:188; 
6:119; 33:180-185, 187, 188, 191, pl. 215; 
37:292; 40:245; var. argyrisma 33:188, 
191; var. calvescens 33:188, 189, 191; 
40:246; 43:80; var. typica 33:188; 37: 
193. Sommerfeltii 28:213. sterilis 35:272, 
273. strigosa 37:289-292. subquinata, 
var. Pedersenii 36:172; 41:247. Tor- 
mentila 35:273. tridentata 1:90, 174, 184; 
2:97, 136, 188; 3:174, 188; 4:38; 5:36, 
256; 8:102; 9:156, 162, 169; 10:16, 17; 
12:180; 13:238; 15:170; 16:194, 195; 17: 
148, 154; 18:38; 19:227; 20:56, 105; 22: 
38, 48, 137; 23:138; 25:9; 27:214; 28:82; 
29:215; 31:221, 222; 32:176, 178; 33:109, 
121, 211; 34:53, 64; 35:125; 36:281; 37: 
4, 206, 422; 41:40; f. aurora 33:211; 34: 
12; f. hirsutifolia 16:195; 23:27. uniflora 
41:147, 151, 163, 247; 42:330; 45:312. 
usticapensis 28:212, 213; 35:275. 
Vahliana 36:172, 173; 41:247. verna 11: 
153. villosa 41:247; var. uniflora 41: 
247. virgatula 41:247 

Potentillas 42:310 

Poteriodendron petiolatum 50:278 

Poterium canadense 1:81; 2:122; 5:289. 
Sanguisorba 1:47; 6:195.  sitchense 48:12 

Pottia Heimii 30:5. littoralis 1:80. Randii 
1:78, 80, pl. 5; 21:35. truncata 17:210; 

Pottiaceae 30:4; 39:40; 41:112. 

Powdery mildew 41:515. 

Prairie Willow 12:178. Queen of the 8:202 

Prasinocladus 2:111; 23:250, 251. subsalsa 2 
45; 23:250 

Prasiola 5:16; 8:106. fluviatilis 24:104, 109 
26:162. Gardneri 8:106. stipitata 18:90 
91, figs. 1, 2; 26:190, 213; 50:257, 259 

Prasiolaceae 18:91 

Prasium 17:134. incarnatum 17:134. pur 
pureum 17:134; 45:461, 462, pl. 785 

Preceae 47:385, pl. 991 

Preciae 47:384 

Preisselbeere 4:232; 12:23 

Preissia 16:63. commutata 4:30; 8:168 
quadrata 5:170; 12:204; 15:22; 25:193; 39 

Préle 1:167 

Prenanthes 4:89; 6:134; 12:6; 23:300; 26:132 
50:29, 32. alba 1:220; 2:208; 4:89; 5:132 
204; 17:135; 26:132; 29:191, 221; 47:374 
var. nana 3:177. altissima 3:189; 6:134 
18:141, 148; 18:45; 26:132; 32:206; 34:64 
41:477, 574; 42:363, 498; 44:478; f. hispi 
dula 23:300; 26:132; var. cinnamome: 
10:95; 35:291; var. hispidula 19:253; 23 
300. aspera 35:361. autumnalis 17:135 
187; 39:360, 364, 459, 473, 477; 42:279 
300; X serpentaria 41:574. Boottii 3:177 
9:154, 156, 164, 166; 12:6; 44:99. crepi 
dinea 37:196; 38:300; 49:202. mainensis 13 
218. nana 11:99; 17:154; 24:208; 29:124 
racemosa 12:112; 13:148; 16:41; 34:55 
36:284; 50:29, 30; subsp. multiflora 50 
30; subsp. racemosa 50:30. Serpentari 
2:208; 3:296; 5:129, 204; 24:185; 26:132 
32:178, 281; 44:478; f. simplicifolia 44 
478; var. nana 3:177. trifoliolata 2:98 
3:189, 296; 4:37, 89, 92; 5:46; 7:154; 11 
99; 15:168; 17:152; 18:45; 23:157; 26:132 
29:191, 221; 32:281; 33:109, 126; 44:478 
var. nana 3:177; 6:134; 9:164, 169, 171 
191; 33:126. virgata 17:135, 137 

Prenolopis imparis 45:440, 441, 445 

Prepinus 11:170 

Prickly Ash 4:130; 25:175. Lettuce 7:9; 12 
15; 20:180. Pear(s) 16:101, 104; 41:155 

Pride of China Plants 17:50 

Primrose(s) 28:75; 43:348. Evening 11:199 

Primrose-Willow 47:237 

Primula 6:126; 7:160, 161; 22:143; 23:302 
24:233; 28:98; 30:59; 47:259, 290, 37€ 
384. § Farinosae 30:59, 60, 62-64, 74, 77 
85, 86, 92, 96; 35:335; 36:117. $ Minutis 
simae 30:62. § Nivales 30:63. ajanensi 
30:65, 88, 102. americana 9:16; 30:7: 
86. arctica 30:63. borealis 30:65, 67, 86 
94—99, 102; 41:276; var. Loczii 30:95, 9€ 
var. parvifolia 30:94, 95. Chamissonis 3C 
94. cuneifolia, subsp. saxifragifolia 41 
276. dealbata 30:73, 74. decipiens 30 
60, 61, 65, 74-77, 102; 35:335.  denticulat 
9:47. egaliksensis 28:54, 60, 75, 108, 118 
224; 30:65-68, 96-102; 34:245; 35:280 
36:283; 38:157; 41:150, 151, 276; f. violace. 
30:98, 99, 102. erosa 9:47. eximia 30 
63; 41:277. farinosa 4:16, 150; 9:15; 1€ 
92; 25:10; 28:60, 75, 224; 30:60-62, 66-77 


85-87, 99; 6. americana 30:60, 86, 87; B. 
stricta 30:66; subsp. eufarinosa, var. genuina 
9:15; 30:61, 69, 73; subsp. groenlandica 
30:99; subsp. mistassinica 30:89; var. 
americana 9:15; 28:224; 30:61, 69, 71; var. 
denudata 30:72; var. genuina 30:69, 73; 
var. groenlandica 30:66—68, 98; var. incana 
9:16; 28:54, 224; 30:73; 34:55; var. ma- 
cropoda 9:16, 163, 167, 217; 11:97; 13: 
138, 216; 15:142; 17:154, 155; 23:139, 286; 
24:179; 25:10; 28:224; 30:61, 62, 66, 69, 
70, 73; 34:55; 44:144; var. magellanica 30: 
74-76; var. mistassinica 30:66, 89. fin- 
marchica 30:100. glabrescens 30:66. 
groenlandica 30:99. Hornemanniana 30: 
66, 89. Hunnewellii 36:117, 118, pl. 
282. incana 9:16; 30:60-62, 64, 71, 72, 
74, 76, 77, 87, 102; 41:277. integrifolia 
30:101, 102. intercedens 30:65, 77, 86, 
87, 102; 35:388; 37:64, 72. intermedia 30: 
101. laurentiana 30:64, 68, 70-72, 77, 
87, 102, pl. 169; 31:54; 34:55; 35:51, 233; 
36:332; 38:157; 44:126, 144; 47:259; f. 
chlorophylla 30:72, 102. Loczyi 30:94- 
97. Maccalliana 30:89, 92, 93. Macounii 30: 
63. macropoda 30:69, 70. magellanica 30:61, 
74-76; 35:335.  mistassinica 2:136; 4:16; 6: 
97, 126, 192; 9:163, 167, 172; 11:97; 12:112- 
115; 19:68; 21:148; 22:39, 49; 23:25; 28:75; 30: 
60-62, 65-67, 71, 72, 87-95, 98, 99, 102; 
33:112, 123, 227; 35:51; 36:283; 37:72; 
43:342; 44:120; f. leucantha 21:148; 30: 
60, 88, 89, 91, 102; var. noveboracensis 
30:88, 89, 91-93, 102; var. typica 30:89. 
nivalis 30: 603; v. pumila 30:63. norvegica 
30:100, 101. officinalis 22:143; 24:118. 
parvifolia 30:65, 93, 94, 102. pumila 30: 
63; var. arctica 30: :63; var. Ledebouriana 
30:63. pusilla 30:60, 69, 86, 89. rotundi- 
folia 30:101, 102. Rusbyi 30:86. scotica 
30:67, 69. sibirica 27:206; 30:65-67, 97, 
98, 100-102; 41:161, 277; y. minor 30:97; 
var. Q. integrifolia 30:101, 102; var. arctica 
28:98, 99, 105, 224; 30:99; var. borealis 
30:95; var. kashmiriana 30:102; var. mistas- 
sinica 30:89; var. rotundifolia 30:102. 
specuicola 30:60, 65, 85, 86, 102; 36:117, 
118, pl. 282. stricta 30:61, 64, 66-68, 72, 
74, 77, 87, 88, 95, 98, 99, 102; 34:245; 38: 
157; 41:277; var. groenlandica 30:66-68, 
98, 99, 101; var. jacutensis 30:66, 607. 
tenuis 30:94. Tschuktschorum 30:63; var. 
arctica 30:63; var. pumila 30:63. veris 
22:143; 24:233; 29:125, 184, 218. 

Primulaceae 4:16, 213; 6:126; 18:42; 24:232; 
25:10; 26:227; 29:218; 30:94; 31:43; 32: 
270; 34:206; 36:283; 43:81; 49:255; 50:298 

Primularia cashmiriana 9:47 

Pringsheimia 5:1; 10:157. 

Prinos 41:427; 47:364. 
429. corymbosus 41:428. dubius 41:425, 
420, 428. laevigatus 41:427. montanus 
41:424. padifolius 2:105, 106. sider- 
oxyloides 41:424. verticillatus 2:105, 106; 
29:181, 216; 41:425, 426 

scutata 2:45; 10: 
ambiguus 41:425- 

Priva 30:54 
Privet 39:353 
Proboscidea 34:215. fragrans 34:215. louis- 

ianica 34:215. violacea 34:215 

Proserpinaca 23:117; 41:468. amblyogona 37: 
177; 47:218. intermedia 23: 117, 166, 277; 
32: 177, 212; 41:468, 551, 584, fig. 3; 45: 
378, 454. palustris. 1: 184; 5:132; 11: 120; 
14: 3l; 29:117, 165, 277; 24: 179; 32: 19, 
148, 210, 267; 37: 177; 39 :332, 354, 477; 41: 
468, 551, 584, fig. 1; 44: 173, 174; 47: 218; 
var. amblyogona 11: 120; 37: 177; 47: 218; 
var. crebra 37:177; 47: 218; var. latifolia 
37:177. pectinata 5:134; 7:15; 13:8; 14: 
31; 23:117, 165, 168, 271; 24: 179; 32: 212; 
39: :354, 436, 466; 40: :371, 447; 41 :468, 551, 
584, fig. 2; 44:934. platycarpa 37: 177; 39: 
477; 47:218 

Prosopididae 41:186 

Arono juliflora 35:225; 37:77. modesta 41: 

Protococcus membraninus 50:68. miniatus 
9:198. ovalis 10:155. rufescens 50:68. viridis 
50:70, 274 

Protoderma 5:1; 26:189. marinum 2:45; 3: 
132, 137; 7:225; 26:213; 43:213; 50: :259. 
viride 50:274 

Protosiphon botryoides 26:212; 50:70 

Protozoa 39:280; 50:278 

Pruche 31:20 

Prunella 6:128; 15:179, 181-183; 
109; 42:244; 50:190. canadensis 50:190. 
caroliniana 50:190. cinerea 15:182, 183. 
cordata 15:182. heterophylla 15:182. 
hirsuta 15:182. hispida 15:183. micro- 
phylla 15:182. nova-anglia 50:190.  obtusi- 
folia 15:182. pensylvanica 15:180, 183; 
a. ovata 15:180; 6. lanceolata 15: 180, 181; 
var. lanceolata’ 15:182. petiolaris 15:182. 
reticulata 15:182. rosea 15:182. sessili- 
folia 15:182. vulgaris 3:189; 5:50; 6:128; 
9:122; 15:179-182; 17:36; 18 :12; 22: 136; 
25 :40; 29:185, 219; 32: 272; 36: :374; 40: 
134; 50: 190; a. hispida 15: 182; B. lanceolata 
15: 183; B. major 15:181, 183; 8. pennsyl- 
vanica 15:180, 183; 6. vulgaris 15:181; v. 
elongata 15: 180, 183; f. albiflora 15:182, 
183; 25:40; 42: 41; var. albiflora 15:183; 
40:134; var. aleutica 15:182, 185; var. 
atropurpurea 15:182, 186; var. calvescens 
15:182, 185, 186; var. elongata 15:182; 
var. hispida 15: 182, 183; 36:55; var. lanceo- 
lata 15:182, 183; 17: 154; 25: :41; 29:185, 
219; 32: 272; 33: 124; 35: 282; 37: 87; 43: 
81; '50: 190; f. candida 15: 182, 184; 25: LIE 
44: 144, 337; f. iodocalyx 15: 182, 184, 186; 
25:41; 42 338; f. rhodantha 15: 182, 185; 
var. scaberrima 15: 182, 183 

Prunus 3:241; 6:120; 12:180; 14:196, 198; 
15:32; 18: 67, 69, 302, 203; 19:62; 20: 56; 
21: 190; 30: 235; 39 371, 373, 375; "41 514, 
515, 520; 43: 220; 44: 237; 45: 451: 47:144. 
alleghaniensis 3:64. americana 1 339; 3: 
234; 14:196, 197; 18:202; 20:56; var. mollis 
13:31; 19:228. ‘angustifolia 14:197, 198; 
18:202; 36:32, 45; var. Watsoni 14:196. 

25:40; 33: 


Avium 1:220; 12:128, 176, 181; 20:56. 
Besseyi 18:202. caroliniana 18:202; 30: 
235; 46:45. Cerasus 12:32; 20:56; 37: 
86; 43:159; 47:378. cuneata 3:160; 5:128; 
12:128; 14:135; 15:98, 153; 16:90; 18:26, 
67-69, 201; 20:56; 24:99; 25:69, 71-73; 
42:88, 92. demissa 45:355. depressa 16: 
90; 25:69-71, 73; 31:84; 33:234. domestica 
43:160; 47:378; subsp. insititia 18:155; 
var. insititia 18:155. eximia 45:327. gen- 
ieulata 18:202. Gravesii 8:80; 11:49. 
hortulana 23:180; 36:231. insititia 3:234; 
18:155; 19:228; 20:56. Mahaleb 1:69; 11: 
49; 20:56. maritima 5:131; 11:127; 13: 
91; 14:20; 16:91, 92; 18:97, 202; 20:56; 
29:58; 32:151, 210, 211, 255; 39:89, 374, 
375; f. flava 16:92; 24:111. melanocarpa 
45:355; f. Rydbergii 45:355. Munsoniana 
47:215. nana 30:235. nemoralis 46:45. 
nigra 3:234; 6:120; 12:128; 13:31; 19:228; 
20:56; 31:84. Padus 25:169-171, 177. 
Parksii 45:326. pensylvanica 3:130, 164, 
174; 5:128; 6:120; 12:128, 181; 17:152; 18: 
38, 202; 20:57; 21:130, 199; 22:134; 25: 
9; 28:82; 29:180, 215; 32:179; 33:122; 34: 
53; 36:281; 40:161; 42:05; 44:259; 46:86. 
Persica 13:91; 20:57; 41:515, 520. pumila 
3:160, 234; 4:130; 5:204; 12:113; 13:141; 
15:203; 16:12; 18:70, 202; 19:63; 24:99; 
25:69-73, 211; var. cuneata 25:73. salicina, 
var. pubipes 18:155. serotina 2:187; 3: 
130, 188; 5:129; 6:120; 7:125; 12:180; 18: 
140, 141, 202; 20:57; 21:199; 23:272; 25: 
170, 171; 26:225; 29:180, 215; 30:235; 32: 
151, 152, 161, 255; 39:371, 372, 374, 375; 
43:340; 45:327; 47:301; 50:297. sphaero- 
carpa 18:202. spinosa 12:128. susque- 
hanae 25:69, 71-73. triflora, var. pubipes 
18:155. umbellata 18:202; 36:32, 45; 44: 
259. virens 45:325. virginiana 1:168; 3: 
130, 164, 174; 5:128; 6:120; 12:181; 16: 
13, 16; 18:140, 141; 20:57; 21:199; 25: 
169-171; 29:180, 215; 30:234-236; 32:179; 
35:274; 40:146; 43:348; 44:72; 45:354, 
355; 47:207, 301; f. Deamii 45:355; 47: 
207; f. leucocarpa 31:99; 36:89; var. 
demissa 45:355; var. leucocarpa 15:135; 
19228; 24:117; 31:99; 36:89. Watsoni 14: 

Prymnesium parvum 50:272, 276 

Psalliota 13:62. arvensis 50:287. campestris 

Psamma Grass 22:70 

Psathyra fibrillosa 44:172 

Psedera 10:24-26; 12:182; 22:72. hepta- 
hylla 10:28. hirsuta 10:26; 41:429. 
aciniata 10:28. quinquefolia 10:25, 28; 12: 
182; 14:21; 22:72; 26:226; 32:264; 39: 
374, 375; 50:298; var. hirsuta 10:26, 28; 
19:230; 22:72; 31:146; 41:429; var. minor 
10:27; var. murorum 10:27; var. Saint- 
Paulii 10:27; 35:287. texana 10:29. tri- 
cuspidata 10:29. vitacea 10:27-29; 16: 
13; 22:72; f. macrophylla 10:28; var. 
ae 10:28; 41:431; var. laciniata 10: 

Pseudathyrium 30:48. alpestre 30:48 

Pseuderanthemum laxiflorum 18:159 

Pseudoauliscus radiatus 9:139 

Pseudo-Elephantopus 50:280. spicatus 50: 

Pseudoéspostoa 44:28 

Pseudoeunotia bicapitata 9:138. doliolus 26: 
194, 218. flexuosa 9:138. lunaris 9:138 

Pseudofumaria 9:54 

Pseudohedera 10:24 

Pseudoleskea oligoclada 39:3, 4, 10, 11, 13, 
48, fig. 3 (map) 

Pseudotaenidia 26:23, 24. montana 25:168; 

Pseudotsuga mucronata 16:95. nobilis 42 

Psilocarphus globiferus 40:311 

Psilocarya 3:33; 33:53; 42:515; 49:88. § ii. 
Pauci-Nucigerae 46:134. corymbifera 24: 
148; 37:155, 187, pl. 344. nitens 10:142; 
24:86; 28:88; 37:155, 187, pl. 344; 44:241; 
48:37, 58; 49:87, 125. scirpoides 5:130; 
10:137, 142; 24:86; 26:180; 29:241; 32: 
177, 211; 37:155, 187, pl. 344; 41:111; 44: 
241; var. Grimesii 37:154, 155, 187, pl. 
344; 39:475; 42:384, 420; 44:343, 364; 49: 

Psilocybe elongata 44:172 

Psilosanthus 9:55; 48:167 

Psithyrus ashtoni 36:28. laboriosus 37:161; 

Psoralea 31:96; 45:366; 46:306. argophylla 
36:224. canescens 43:503, 506, 518, 571, 
map 6. caudata 38:406. Dalea 3l: 
92. digitata 35:361. eglandulosa 39:420, 
427; 44:259. esculenta 36:223, 224; 48: 
99. floribunda 44:252; 47:215. gracilis 39: 
427. humilis 38:405. Jamesii 31:96. 
melilotoides 39:425, 427; 6. gracilis 39: 
427. Melilotus 39:425. multijuga 44:259. 
Onobrychis 36:230; 49:80. pedunculata 36: 
54, 230; 38:378, 406, 424; 39:325, 425, 
427; 44:259. psoralioides 38:406, 424; 
39:325, 425, 427, 428, 484; 47:207; var. 
eglandulosa 39:426, 428; 44:259; 45:366, 
452; 47:95, 127, 156, 207, 215; var. gracilis 
39:427, 428; var. typica 39:425, 426. Ryd- 
bergii 38:405. sericea 39:425. subacaulis 
46:306, 308. tenuiflora 47:215; f. alba 
215985; var. floribunda 36:223, 224; 47: 

Psoralidium floribundum 47:215 

Psoroma hypnorum 28:226 

Ptarmica sibirica 31:219 

Ptelea 7:157, 159, 160; 13:81; 21:49, 50, 81. 
mollis 13:80-82; var. eryptoneura 13:81, 
82. trifoliata 1:39, 104; 10:151; 13:80; 
21:49, 81; 41:138, 466, 478, 547; 44:240, 
346, 425; 46:307; Q.pubescens 38:233; f. 
pubescens 38:233; var. mollis 13:80, 81 

Pteretis 21:175; 30:18. nodulosa 21:175, 178; 
22:81, 83; 23:136, 164, 170, 186; 28:124; 
30:18; 32:136; 34:244; 30:270; 40:280; 42: 
315; 47:124; f. foliacea 47:124; f. obtusi- 
lobata 37:219; 47:124; f. pubescens 37: 
219; 47:124. pensylvanica 47:123; f. fo- 

INDEX TO VOLUMEs 1-50 201 

liacea 47:124; f. obtusilobata 47:124; 
f. pubescens 47:124. Struthiopteris, var. 
pensylvanica 47:124; subvar. foliacea 47: 
124; subvar. obtusilobata 47:124; subvar. 
pubescens 47:124. 

Pteridium 21:176, 179; 26:230; 28:143, 144; 
30:13; 37:205; 43:1, 5, 7, 9-12, 37, 44, pls. 
650-653; 44:163, 164. aquilinum 21:179; 
37:247; 43:1, 2, 4, 7, 12, 43, 58; 44:103; 
f. glabrum 43:43; subsp. capense 43:17; 
subsp. caudatum 43:6-8, 18, 14, 52, 64, 
map 1, pl. 650; var. arachnoideum 43:7, 
9, 15, 53, 56-59, 62, 66, 67, map 12, pls. 650, 
653; var. caudatum 43:3, 9, 15, 53-56, 
58, 59, 62, 64, 66, 67, map 11, pls. 650, 
653; var. esculentum 43:7, 15, 42, 56, 
59, 61-64, 66, 67, map 9, pls. 650, 653; 
var. yarrabense 43:6, 7, 9, 15, 42, 62-64, 
66, 67, map 2, pls. 650, 653; subsp. escu- 
lentum 43:61; subsp. typicum 43:6, 7, 
9, 12, 14, 15, 64, map 1; var. africanum 43: 
9, 18, 39, 50—52, 66, 67, map 6, pls. 650, 
652; var. decompositum 43:13, 29, 38, 
40, 41, 66, pls. 650, 651; var. Feei 43:9, 
13, 20, 29, 37-39, 41, 65, 66, map 7, pls. 
650, 651; var. latiusculum 43:1, 4, 6, 9, 
13, 18-20, 23, 25, 27-29, 37, 41, 42, 44, 
45, 49, 50, 65-67, map 8, pls. 650, 652; 
var. pseudocaudatum 43:1, 6, 13, 39, 45, 
48-50, 52, 55, 61, 66, 67, map 5, pls. 650, 
652; var. pubescens 43:9, 13, 20, 24, 26-29, 
37, 38, 41, 43-45, 65-67, map 3, pls. 650, 
652; var. typicum 43:9, 13, 15, 19, 20, 
23, 29, 38, 39, 45, 52, 66, map 4, pls. 650, 
651; var. Wightianum 43:6, 9, 13, 18, 
20, 22-25, 44, 45, 64, 66, map 2, pls. 650, 
651; var. aequipinnulum 43:61; var. afri- 
canum 43:39, 50-52, 66, 67, map 6, pls. 
650, 652; var. arachnoideum 43:7, 9, 15, 
53, 56-59, 62, 66, 67, map 12, pls. 650, 
653; var. brevipes 43:17; var. capense 43: 
17; var. caudatum 43:3, 9, 15, 53-56, 58, 
59, 62, 64, 66, 67, map 11, pls. 650, 653; 
f. africanum 43:51; f. glabratum 43:54; f. 
pubescens 43:54; var. crispulatum 43:17; 
var. decipiens 43:65; var. decompositum 
43:13, 29, 38, 40, 41, 66, pls. 650, 651; 
var. esculentum 43:7, 15, 42, 56, 59, 61- 
64, 66, 76, map 9, pls. 650, 653; f. arach- 
noideum 43:58; var. Feei 43:9, 13, 20, 29, 
37-39, 41, 65, 66, map 7, pls. 650, 651; 
var. glabrum 43:66; var. japonicum 43: 
43; var. lanuginosum 37:247, 248; 43: 
17, 26; f. decipiens 37:248, 338, pl. 358; 
43:65; var. latiusculum 32:152, 227; 43: 
1, 4, 6, 9, 13, 18-20, 23, 25, 27-29, 37, 
41, 42, 44, 45, 49, 50, 65-67, map 8, pls. 
650, 652; var. osmundaceum 43:17; var. 
osmundoides 43:23; var. pseudocaudatum 
32:176, 211; 43:1, 6, 13, 39, 45, 48-50, 52, 
55, 61, 66, 67, map 5, pls. 650, 652; var. 
pubescens 37:247; 43:9, 13, 20, 24, 26-29, 
37, 38, 41, 43-45, 65-67, map 3, pls. 650, 
652; var. typicum 43:9, 13, 15, 19, 20, 
23, 29, 38, 39, 45, 52, 66, map 4, pls. 650, 
651; var. umbrosum 43:17; var. Wighti- 
anum 43:6, 9, 13, 18, 20, 22-25, 44, 45, 

64, 66, map 2, pls. 650, 651; var. yarrabense 
43:6, 7, 9, 15, 42, 62-64, 66, 67, map 10, 
pls. 650, 653; 44:163. arachnoideum 43: 
58. capense 43:17; var. decompositum 43: 
40; var. densa 43:23. caudatum 43:54. 
ceheginense 43:17, 20. centrali-africanum 
43:51. esculentum 43:61. Feei 43:37. 
japonicum 43:43. lanuginosum 43:17, 26. 
latiusculum 21:177, 179; 22:81, 82; 29: 
145, 205; 30:13; 32:135; 33:115; 37:203; 
43:43; var. pseudocaudatum 21:179; 22: 
81, 86; 30:13; 36:219; var. pubescens 43: 
26; var. verum 43:43. psittacinum 43: 
ud revolutum 43:23. spinulosum 5:206, 

Pteridophyta 6:100; 9:36, 152, 157, 187; 34: 
247; 40:182, 281; 41:142; 42:315; 44:484; 
48:384; 49:206; 50:16, 117 

Pteridophytes 44:332; 50:288, 291, 292, 301 

Pterigynandrum filiforme 1:54; 12:153; 13: 
46; 15:13; 24:123; var. minus 1:54 

Pteris 6:101; 7:95, 160; 9:82; 21:176, 177, 
179; 28:143; 31:21, 98; 43:6, 7, 11, 12, 
16. $Ornithopteris 43:6. abbreviata 43: 
17. aquilina 1:219; 2:183, 229; 3:129, 
132, 164, 168, 190; 5:47; 6:101; 9:82; 17: 
153; 18:31; 21:176, 179; 22:133; 29:145, 
205; 30:13; 31:21; 32:227; 34:240; 37:248; 
43:6, 7, 16, 18, 19, 27, 49, 65, 66; 
y. decipiens 37:247, 248; f. caudata 43:61; 
f. esculenta 43:61; f. lanuginosa 43:17; 
var. Q.43:6; var. abbreviata 43:17, 20; 
var. arachnoidea 43:58; var. caudata 43: 
7, 54; var. ciliata 43:16; var. crispa 43: 
17; var. decipiens 43:65; var. esculenta 43: 
7, 61; var. glabra 43:7, 66; var. integerrima 
43:16, 18; var. lanuginosa 37:247; 43:7, 
17, 26, 29, 65; var. mexicana 43:54, 64; 
var. multifida 43:17; var. normalis 43:17, 
18; var. pseudocaudata 6:138; 21:179; 
30:13; 43:48, 50; var. psittacina 43:58; 
var. pubescens 43:17, 26, 27, 37, 41, 43; 
var. sinuata 43:16; var. transsilvanica 43: 
17; var. vera 43:16-18. arachnoidea 43: 
6, 58. atropurpurea 6:97; 50:154. attenta 
43:16. auriculata 43:61. borealis 43:16. 
brevipes 43:16. campestris 43:58. capensis 
43:6, 16. caudata 43:6, 41, 48, 49, 54, 55, 
66; var. mexicana 43:54, 64. ciliata 43: 
41. coriifolia 43:7, 16. cretica 2:88. 
crispa 37:238, 240, 245. decomposita 43: 
6, 40. densa 43:22, 23, 25. esculenta 43: 
6, 61. excelsa 43:22, 66. Feei 43:37. 
firma 43:22, 66. foemina 43:16. Gardneri 
43:58. gracilis 43:17, 20. Heredia 43: 
17. lanigera 43:22. lanuginosa 37:247; 43: 
6, 16, 17, 26, 37, 41, 43; var. capensis 43: 
16. latiuscula 6:138; 21:179; 43:41, 43, 
66; var. pseudocaudata 43:49. longifolia 
21:176. lorigera 43:63, 64. novae-angliae 
43:48. nudicaulis 43:16. oreodoxa 43:16. 
plebia 43:16. polystichoides 43:16. pseudo- 
caudata 43:49. psittacina 43:7, 58. re- 
curvata 43:6, 22, 25, 66; var. Wightiana 
43:22. revoluta 43:22. semihastata 43: 
6, 63. Sprengeli 43:41. terminalis 43: 


22. tremula 17:64. 
iana 43:22 

villosa 43:22. Wight- 

Pterobryaceae 37:228 
Pterocarpus 33:32 

Pterocaulon 17:135. pycnostachyum 17:135, 


Puccinellias 39:127 

Puccinia 12:124, 125; 26:218. 
98. andropogonis 
Anemones-virginianae 34:62. angustata 34: 
62; 41:517. antirrhini 39:373. ari-triphylli 

agropyrina 38: 
38:98; 41:517. 

Pterolepis 49:52 
Pteronia caroliniana 48:394 
Pteropsiella 9:68 
Pterosiphonia dendroidea 17:95 
Pterospora 29:5; 
93; 33:139; 50:212 
Ptilidiaceae 25:196; 26:11; 39:36 

Ptilidium ciliare 1:34, 35; 3:181; 4:30; 5: 
51, 172; 8:43, 44; 15:25; 25:196; 26:11; 

var. pulcherrimum 8:42. 
Ptilimnium 49:157. 

48:162. costatum 44:253; 47:218. 
parum 49:157 

Ptilina aquatica 41:377 

Ptilium crista-castrensis 30:11 

Ptiloria neomexicana 38:408 

Ptilota elegans 50:268. pectinata 2:51; 7: 
243; 8:112; 10:116; 33:131; f. tenuis 8: 

112. serrata 24:3 

Ptychomitrium 36:60. Drummondii 42:277. 

Gardneri 36:60 

Puccinellia 18:216; 15:146; 18:1-5, 181; 19: 
120; 24:100; 28:150, 151; 30:77; 36:347, 

348; 40:393; 48:22; 49:254, 260. 

33:140. Andromedea 1: 

capillaceum 7:75; 11: 
226, 229; 29:71; 32:148, 210, 268; 39:482; 

44:174. Asparagi 34:62. Asteris 34:62; 41: 
517. Asterum 34:63. bardanae 34:63; 39: 
373. Bolleyana 44:172. canaliculata 41: 
517. caricis 44:172. Circaeae 34:63. 
Clematidis 34:63. convolvuli 44:172. co- 
ronata 34:63; 41:517, 518; 43:341; 44:172; 
50:287. Cyani 34:63. dispersa 34:63. 
Eriophori 34:63. extensicola 38:98. gra- 
minis 34:63; 39:373; 41:517. Grossulariae 
34:63. Helianthi 34:63; 41:517. Heu- 
cherae 34:63. Hieracii 34:63; 41:517. in- 
vestita 39:373; 41:517. Iridis 41:517. li- 
mosae 38: 98. Lobeliae 34:64. malva- 
cearum 26:218; 34:64; 41:518. menthae 
39:373; 41:514. mesomajalis 34:64. obte- 
gens 44:172. Orbicula 34:64. peridermio- 
spora 38:08; 44:172. Phlei-pratensis 26: 
218. Pimpinellae 34:64. Polygoni-amphibii 
34:64. proserpinacae 44:173. punctata 34: 
64. recedens 34:04. rubigo-vera 38:98; 
var. Agropyri 41:518; var. Secalis 41: 
518. Sambuci 34:64. Seymouriana 34:64; 
38:98; 41:518. Sorghi 41:518. suaveolens 
34:04. triticina 26:218. Violae 34:64; 44: 
173. Waldsteiniae 34:64. xanthii 38:98 

Pucciniastrum 10:15-17. Agrimoniae 34:64. 

6:83; 18:6, 16, 17, 23, 181, pl. 115; 29: 
106. alaskana 18:18; 36:347. angustata 
4:27; 17:147; 18:4, 19, 21, 23, pl. 116; 19: 
120. arctica 18:4; 41:181. Borreri 10: 
65; 18:9; 19:120; 49:260. coarctata 18: 
5, 13, 15, 22; 28:118, 150, pl. 115; 44: 
138. Cusickii 18:181, 182; 29:106. dis- 
tans 15:146; 18:2, 5, 11, 22, 181, pl. 114; 
19:120; 24:113; 25:208; 28:151; 29:92; 
39:150; 40:393; 41:181; 48:20; 49:241, 260; 
var. angustifolia 48:20; 49:260; var. tenuis 
18:5, 12; 25:208; 49:260. fasciculata 18: 
5, 9, 22, pl. 114; 19:120; 24:100; 29:92; 
31:83; 32:177; 37:389; 48:20, 25; 49:260. 
laurentiana 18:6, 14, 17, 23, pl. 115; 44: 
104, 138. Lemmoni 18:183. lucida 18: 
6, 16, 17, 23, 181, 182, pl. 116; 44:104, 
139. macra 18:6, 15, 17, 22, 23, pl. 115; 
44:127, 138. maritima 5:133; 15:146; 17: 
208, 213, 221; 18:2-6, 8, 22, pl. 114; 23: 
94, 102, 231; 27:54; 28:151; 32:159, 237; 
34:118; 35:167; 39:53, 54; 48:20, 25; 49: 
260; var. minor 18:18, 21, 23. nutkaensis 
18:15, 22, 23, pl 115. Nuttalliana 18: 
16, 181; 35:182; 48:20. paupercula 18: 
6, 9, 18, 21, 23, pl. 117; 36:347, 348; var. 
alaskana 18:6, 9, 17, 18, 21-23, pl. 117; 
19:120; 20:97, 116; 23:231; 29:91, 93, 248; 
32:148, 159, 213, 237; 33:111, 117; 34:51; 
36:347; 41:166, 181; 48:20, 25; 49:260; 
var. longiglumis 18:6, 20, 21, 23, pl. 117; 
20:97. phryganodes 18:3-5, 8, 9, 18, 19, 
22, pl. 114; 38:142; 41:166, 181. pumila 
36:348; 40:260. rupestris 18:6, 10, 22, 
pl. 114. tenella 32:60, 61. vaginata 18: 
14, 15. Vahliana 18:4; 41:38, 39 

americanum 34:64. arcticum 10:13, 15, 
16, 218; 34:64; var. americanum 10: 
16. Myrtilli 34:64; 38:98; 39:373. Po- 
tentillae 10:16; 34:64. pustulatum 34: 
64; 41:518 

Pueraria Thunbergiana 44:352, 421; 49:150 

Pulmonaria 33:88 

Pulsatilla 41:228.  hirsutissima 12:16. ludo- 
viciana 41:228; 42:325. multiceps 41:163, 
227, 228 

Pumpkin Ash 39:331 

Punctaria 2:181, 206; 26:189, 190; 50:256. 
latifolia 2:47; 7:227; 26:191, 214; 43:214; 
50:262. plantaginea 2:47; 7:228; 50:262. 
tenuissima 50:262 

Purdie's Concord Fern 6:33 

Purnals 1:167 

Purple Agalinis 15:224. Cliff-brake 4:54. 
Flowering Raspberry 28:71. Gerardia 25: 
62. Raspberry 9:5. Saxifrage 28:62. Tril- 
lium 46:158. Vervain 41:184—186 

Purshia tridentata 36:12 

Purslane 17:226; 28:71. Sea 28:63, 100 

Pussy Willow 28:73, 95 

Putamineae 47:385, pl. 991 

Pyenanthemum 3:221; 9:55; 10:86; 25:41; 
39:353; 42:390; 47:178, 179. § Brachy- 
stemum 50:221, 222. § Tullia 50:220, 221. 
albescens 36:220, 231; 37:440; 39:482. 
aristatum 16:89; 39:474, 477; 47:176, 178, 
179; 50:221; var. hyssopifolium 39:477; 
50:222. Beadlei 39:446. clinopodioides 
25:41; 39:445; 47:176, 179, 180, pl. 907. 
flexuosum 25:41; 32:216, 273; 37:416; 50: 
221-223, pl. 1112. hyssopifolium 47:176- 
178, 180, pl. 905; 50:220-222, pl. 1112. 


incanum 10:165; 21:201; 25:41; 36:220; 
37:440; 41:35; 47:100; var. Loomisii 37: 
440; 47:100; var. puberulum 47:180. 
lanceolatum 1:82; 10:154, 165; 50:222. 
leptodon 50:223. linifolium 4:75; 10:164; 
50:220-223. Loomisii 37:440. mono- 
trichum 47:176-178, 180, pl. 903. muticum 
1:104; 5:204; 10:165; 16:89; 25:41; 32: 
216, 273; 37:416; 41:514, 520. pilosum 
38:65; @. leptodon 50:223. puberulum 47: 
100, 180. pycnanthemoides 10:86; 39: 
353, 440; 47:176-178; var. viridifolium 
39:445, 446, 475; 45:476; 47:177, 180, pl. 
904. setosum 47:177, 180, pl. 905; 50: 
221. tenuifolium 50:222, 223. Torrei 13: 
32; 43:508, 638; var. leptodon 50:223. 
Tullia 10:86; 47:176, 177. umbratile 47: 
179, pl. 906. verticillatum 25:41; 32:213; 
42:390, 478; 45:475. virginianum 15:135, 
201; 25:41; 39:446. viridifolium 47:177 

Pycreus 44:44, 46. lagunetto 44:86. poly- 
stachyus, var. ß. laxiflora 41:530; 42:85 

Pylaiella 35:63. fulvescens 35:63, 64. lit- 
toralis 2:47; 7:226, 242; 10:116; 16:4; 
26:214; 33:130; 35:64; 50:261, 262; var. 
fluviatilis 2:47; var. robusta 2:47; var. 
varia 2:47. 

Pylaisella intricata 1:55. 

Pylaisia 35:146. intricata 4:30. polyantha 
3:180. velutina 4:183; 6:73 

Pyrameis atalanta 38:91 

Pyramidomonas 50:277 

Pyrenomycetes 50:285 

Pyrenothrix nigra 23:184 

Pyrenula nitida 29:98 

Pyrethrum 25:16; 47:389. inodorum, Q. 
nanum 36:192, 193; var. salinum 11:239 

Pyrola 6:125; 7:160; 18:71, 185; 22:39, 50, 
123; 24:155; 29:1-4; 33:60, 109; 38:92; 
39:319; 42:243; 44:35. subgen. Actinocyclus 
29:1. subgen. Amelia 29:1. subgen. The- 
laia 29:1. americana 60:200, 201; 11:96; 
13:97, 139, 146; 15:122; 17:152; 22:40, 43, 
44, 52, 53, 121, 122, 137; 24:155; 32:269; 
37:92, 94. aphylla 29:5. asarifolia 1:93, 
193; 3:151; 6:125, 142, 179, 193, 198, 199; 12: 
113; 13:115, 141, 148; 16:15; 20:101; 22:39, 
44, 45; 32:206; 33:178; 41:272; 50:212, 213; 
var. incarnata 0:178; 12:117; 13:138, 
141; 19:31, 52; 22:40, 42, 44, 45, 121; 28: 
75; 36:283; 41:271-273; 42:335; 50:212, 
213. borealis 41:272, 273. bracteata 6: 
198, 199. canadensis 41:272, 273. chlo- 
rantha 1:93; 3:151; 6:125; 11:96; 22:39, 
43, 44, 49-53, 194; 23:278; 24:179; 25: 
10; 29:217; 32:206; 33:123; 34:54; 36:283; 
41:149, 271, 272; 43:167; 48:163; 49:250; 
f. paucifolia 43:167; var. convoluta 22: 
51, 52, 53; 24:155; 43:167; var. occidentalis 
22:50; var. paucifolia 22:51-53; 23: 
278; 24:179; 43:155, 167; var. saximontana 
22:51; 43:167. convoluta 22:49, 50, 52; 
43:167. cordata 22:52, 53. dentata 38: 
200. elliptica 1:93; 6:125; 13:147; 17: 
152; 22:39, 41, 43, 44, 123, 134; 24:155; 
32:206; 38:92-94, fig. 2. frutescens 19: 
241. Gormanii 41:272, 273. grandiflora 

velutina 1:55 


6:197-202; 9:24, 162, 190; 19:142; 25:114; 
29:3; 36:182, 283; 38:156, 411; 41:146, 
158, 271, 272; 42:334; 44:124; 45:313; 
var. canadensis 41:149, 272. 273: 42:335; 
var. Gormanii 41:272, 273; 42:335; var. 
typica 41:273. groenlandica 6:197, 202; 
41:271. incarnata 6:178, 179. intermedia 
22:122. japonica 6:199. maculata 29:1. 
maritima 22:122. media 6:197, 198. minor 
1:98; 3:155, 175; 6:193, 197, 198; 8:168; 
9:154; 11:18, 96; 13:188; 25:10; 29:1, 3, 
119, 183, 217; 32:205, 206; 33:60; 34:26; 
35:277; 36:283; 41:151, 156, 274. novebo- 
racensis 6:200. occidentalis 22:50; 41:271, 
272. oxypetala 39:319. paucifolia 43:167. 
picta 22:50. pumila 6:197, 202. rotundi- 
folia 1:93; 6:179, 197-202; 15:190; 22:53, 
121, 122; 29:1, 3; 35:84; 30:182; 38:93; 
41:272; 44:124; var. americana 22:121, 
122, 123; 23:278; 24:155; 32:269; 45:377, 
455; var. arenaria 6:201; 22:121, 122; 23: 
97, 138, 278; 24:179; 29:127, 183, 217; 
36:182; var. grandiflora 6:202; var. incarnata 
6:178; var. pumila 6:197, 202; 41:271; 
var. uliginosa 1:94; 3:195; 60:125, 179. 
secunda 1:94; 3:175; 6:125; 10:20; 13:126; 
18:41, 187; 22:39, 42-44, 130, 134; 24: 
155; 28:223; 29:1, 2, 5, 217; 32:206; 33: 
51, 128, 178; 34:26; 37:206; 41:274; 42: 
334; 48:163; f. eucycla 28:223; var. obtusata 
10:145; 11:96; 22:40, 42-44; 23:146, 278; 
25:10; 28:223; 34:54; 36:283; 38:156; 41:146, 
274; 42:384; var. pumila 1:94; 6:125, 205; 
var. typica 41:274; var. vulgaris 28:223. 
uliginosa 6:125, 179; 13:221; 22:42; 41:272. 
umbellata 19:238, 241; 29:1. uniflora 17:28; 
21:10; 22:180. virens 43:167; f. paucifolia 
48:167; var. convoluta 43:167; var. saxi- 
montana 43:167 

Pyrolaceae 17:28; 29:1, 2, 4, 5; 45:313 

Pyrrhopappus carolinianus 36:52; 38:377. 
scaposus 34:6 

Pyrularia pubera 46:83 

Pyrus 6:120: 7:100; 0:202; 10:195: 12:179: 
18:158; 20:57; 21:190; 33:110; 38:204; 44: 
85; 45:450, 451; 47:144, 378; 48:132; 49: 
230—232. 8 Malus 40:372. $ Sorbus 35:122. 
subgen. Aronia 42:153; 47:103. americana 
1:167, 183, 191; 3:174; 5:35; 6:120; 8:102; 
9:03, 203; 11:94; 12:170; 13:288; 15:121; 
17:152, 153; 18:38; 20:57; 21:201; 22:131, 
134; 23:100; 27:212; 29:177, 178, 214; 33: 
227; 34:53, 61; 35:322; 30:281; 49:248, 249; 
x arbutifolia 9:202; x arbutifolia, var. 
atropurpurea 49:249; var. decora 23:266; 
45:28. angustifolia 36:45; 47:215; var. pu- 
berula 18:154. arbutifolia 1:106; 4:55, 56, 
dole 5:40. 49; 131; 70-141; 11:475 12:179; 
20:57; 23:156, 266; 24:174; 29:177, 214; 32: 
151, 210, 254; 36:32, 45; 39:374, 375; 40: 
274; 42:153; 49:231; var. atropurpurea 10: 
33; 11:94, 231, 232; 13:117, 135, 149; 17: 
152; 18:38, 154; 20:57, 105; 23:156, 266; 29: 
177, 178, 214; 32:254; 33:121; 42:153; 49: 
249; x dumosa 33:121; var. erythrocarpa 
4:91; var. melanocarpa 2:69; 3:188; 4:38, 


91; 6:120; 20:105; 29:177. X Arsenii 29: 
177, 214; 33:121; 49:248, 249. atropur- 
purea 18:154. Aucuparia 20:57; 23:206; 
28:72; 29:178; X melanocarpa 20:57. bac- 
cata 20:57; 49:229. Bartramiana 14:128, 
129, 158. betulaefolia 15:451. Botryapium 
14:122, 150, 153, 154; 43:561, 562. bracteata 
18:154. communis 6:141; 18:38; 20:57; 
45:451; X pyrifolia 45:450. coronaria 19: 
67; var. dasycalyx 49:232; var. elongata 
18:154; var. lancifolia 49:232. decora 
45:28; var. groenlandica 49:233. do- 
mestica 49:231. dumosa 23:266; 25:9; 29: 
177, 178, 214; 33:112, 121, 227; 49:248, 249. 
X fallax 49:233. fennica 29:178. flori- 
bunda 49:231. glabrata 18:154. glauces- 
cens 18:154.  Halliana, var. Parkmanii 18: 
154. intermedia 29:178. ioensis 37:193; 
var. Bushii 18:154; var. creniserrata 18: 
154; var. Palmeri 18:154; var. spinosa 
18:154; var. texana 18:154.  Jackii 
49:232. japonica 37:86. lancifolia 18: 
154; 49:232. x Lecontei 45:450. Malus 
6:120; 12:179; 18:38; 20:57; 22:130; 28: 
39, 71; 29:214; 34:62; 39:374, 375; 43:160; 
44:174; var. Parkmanii 18:154. melano- 
carpa 11:94; 12:117, 179; 13:139; 17:150; 
20:57; 22:48; 23:266; 29:177, 178, 214; 32: 
178; 37:350, 352, 355, 422, fig. 3 (map); 39: 
200, 203. micromalus 18:155. X mixta 
49:232. Miyabei 49:229, 230. Neumann- 
iana 14:128, 131, 132. nigra 2:69. occiden- 
talis 23:266. ovalis 14:123, 127, 144, 147. 
platycarpa 18:154; var. Hoopesii 18:154. 
prunifolia 37:86; var. Rinki 18:154. pul- 
cherrima, var. Arnoldiana 18:155; var. 
Scheideckeri 18:155. pyrifolia 49:231. 
sambucifolia 1:167; 2:98; 3:174; 6:120; 23: 
266. sanguinea 14:125, 138. Sargenti 49: 
233. Scheideckeri 18:155. serotina 40:424; 
41:546; 45:451. Sieboldii, var. arborescens 
18:155; var. ealocarpa 18:155. sitchensis 
3:174, 299; 6:120; 11:94; 13:138, 238; 17: 
152, 153; 22:130, 131, 134; 23:206. sorbi- 
folia 49:232. spuria 29:178. theifera 18: 
155; var. rosea 18:155. transitoria, var. 
toringoides 18:155. Wangenheimiana 14: 
128, 131 

Pythiaceae 29:37 

Pythium 29:37. subgen. Aphragmium 29:38. 
gracile 29:37, 38. reptans 29:38. tenue 29: 

Pyxidanthera 40:374; 41:481, 488; 42:379; 43: 
487, 488. barbulata 39:355, 437, 466, 476; 
42:474; 44:350 

Pyxilla baltica 9:139 

Pyxine sorediata 29:104 

Quadrigula Chodata 44:67 
Quahog 10:44, 45 
Quaking Grass 49:262 
Quamassia esculenta 10:31. hyacinthina 10: 
31; 38:405 
Quaternella 22:181 
Queen of the Prairie 8:202 

Quercus 2:241; 6:113; 12:179; 13:229; 15: 

101; 16:43, 79, 112; 19:62; 20:134; 21:189, 
190; 25:164, 165; 31:88; 34:234; 40:68, 149— 
153, 157, 162, 166, 167, 169, 170, 172; 42:152; 
43:212; 44:154, 171, 174, 412, fig. 1; 45:108, 
109, 452; 46:150; 47:298, 374, 379. acumi- 
nata 4:167. alba 3:137, 233; 4:132; 5:129; 
7:125; 12:8; 13:217, 219; 15:102; 16:41, 112, 
142; 21:199; 31:222; 32:152, 215, 248; 37: 
12, 352, fig. 1 (map) ; 38:54, 58, 63, 376; 39: 
473; 41:482, 512; 44:237, 391; 46:44; 47: 
298, 367 ; 48:206; 49:138, 139; X bicolor 16: 
113; x Michauxii 49:139; x Prinus 16:113; 
X stellata 44:391; f. latiloba 40:132; 49: 
138, 139; f. repanda 49:138, 139; var. lati- 
loba 40:132; 49:138; var. repanda 49:138. 
ambigua 10:49; 18:46, 47. aquatica 24:79; 
48:142; 8. laurifolia 48:141; B. nana 48:144; 
var. 48:214, pl. 1035; var. hybrida 48:142; 
var. laurifolia 24:78; var. nana 48:144. 
arenicola 24:77; var. integra 24:78. ari- 
zonica 29:23. arkansana 25:180; var. 
caput-rivuli 31:80. austrina 38:55. x 
Beadlei 49:139. bicolor 15:122; 16:112; 37: 
12; 38:56, 57, 61; 46:82; var. mollis 38:61. 
borealis 10:49; 18:47, 48; 24:173; 35:391; 
37:12; 38:60, 62; 40:145, 146; 44:230; var. 
maxima 18:48; 24:173; 38:60, 63, fig. 8; 
40:382, 412; 44:262, 351; 46:365. Boyntoni 
39:342. x Brittoni 36:240. X Bushii 42: 
383, 447. X caduca 43:509, 550. X caput- 
rivuli 25:179. X carolinensis 43:508, 550. 
Catesbael 31:80; 38:59; 39:355, 466; 41: 
522; 42:447. Chapmani 31:80; 38:55. 
chinquapina 37:12. cinerea 38:58, 62, 63, 
377, 414, fig. 6; 39:467, 480; 40:366, 412; 41: 
540; 42:362, 365, 403; 43:498, 507—509; 44: 
240, 349; 46:44, 45; x falcata 42:403, 447; 
43:507; x marylandica 43:550; X nigra 43: 
509, 550. Coccifera 47:297. coccinea 3:137- 
139; 5:132; 10:49; 13:219; 15:122; 16:112; 
17:39; 18:45, 46; 21:201; 24:185; 25:184; 
28:244; 30:235; 36:100, 220, 240; 37:12; 38: 
61, 63; 41:523; 44:262, 265; x ilicifolia 3: 
139, 140, pl. 24; var. ambigua 10:49; var. 
tinctoria 5:129. dentata 48:142, 143. de- 
pressa 35:296. digitata 17:39; 41:522. dis- 
color 40:452; 41:523; 47:366. Durandii 38: 
55, 61; 44:12. ellipsoidalis 19:67; 28:244; 
35:295; 38:61, 63; 40:147, 148, 158-161, 169, 
173. falcata 17:39; 18:45, 46; 24:99; 38: 
63, 376; 39:481; 41:521—524; 44:262, 265; 
46:44; 47:366; X nigra 49:140; X Phellos 
43:513, 550; 49:140; f. triloba 40:132; var. 
leucophylla 40:132. x Fernowi 44:301. 
x garlandensis 49:140. Garryana 16:142. 
geminata 46:44. georgiana 38:60. x Gif- 
fordi 36:240. hemisphaerica 48:138-140, 
142-144, 214, pls. 1035, 1036; 49:102, 140; 
var. nana 48:144. heterophylla 44:264, 265; 
47:366. hybrida 24:77, 78; 48:141, 142. 
ilicifolia 2:36; 3:137-139, 233; 4:38, 133; 5: 
128; 9:60, 61; 12:8; 15:139; 16:112; 21:199; 
24:58; 30:19; 32:212; 36:239, 240; 37:12; 
38:58; 39:374, 375; 42:292; 46:135, 139, 141; 
47:366; x velutina 3:138, 140, pl. 24; 16: 


113. imbricaria 14:34; 16:112; 38:58, 62, 
63, fig. 5; 49:140. incana 46:44, 45. ino- 
pina 31:79, 80. laevis 39:355, 466, 477; 40: 
366, 412, 448; 42:362, 365, 447; 43:492; 44: 
240,349. lanata 46:45. laurifolia 24:77, 78; 
36:43; 38:58, 59; 48:137, 139-144, 214, pls. 
1031-1036; 49:140; œ. acuta 48:141; 8. ob- 
tusa 48:140, 141, pl. 1031; var. hybrida 48: 
139, 141, 142, 214, pl. 1031; var. rhombica 
38:59. laurina 48:141. Leana 19:66; 38: 
63. lobata 46:44. x Lowelli 36:240. x 
ludoviciana 43:513, 550; 49:140. lyrata 14: 
81; 15:103; 36:376; 38:54, 57, 61; 39:331, 
481; 44:392; f. viridis 38:57; 44:391, 392. 
macrocarpa 1:102; 2:36; 15:203; 16:141; 
24:184; 35:249, 295-297; 36:224; 38:56, 57; 
X bicolor 40:253; var. depressa 35:295-297 ; 
var. olivaeformis 35:296; 38:57. manda- 
nensis 35:296, 207. Margaretta 32:177. 
marilandica 14:83; 21:49; 32:248; 36:43, 
220, 240; 38:59; 39:482; 40:427; 42:383; 
43:508; 44:262-264, pl. 709; x Phellos 49: 
140; x velutina 42:447. maritima 46:45. 
maxima 44:264. megacarpa 25:180. 
Michauxii 14:81; 17:40; 37:351; 38:61; 39: 
481; 47:365. microcarpa 38:53. montana 
17:40; 37:12; 38:56, 61, 62, fig. 3; 40:382, 
412; 41:560; 43:523; 44:351; 47:305, 366. 
moultonensis 24:78. Muhlenbergii 2:36; 
4:190; 17:40; 19:128; 21:44; 38:56, 62, fig. 
2; 41:138; 42:152; 46:82. myrtifolia 31: 
80; 38:59. nana 3:138; 48:144. nigra 15: 
103; 24:77; 38:59, 376; 39:473, 481; 43:513; 
44:369, 392; 46:44; 47:297, 298, 366, 367; 
48:141-144; x Phellos 44:392; 8. 47:298; 
var. tridentifera 38:59; 44:369, 392. Nut- 
tallii 38:60. obtusa 24:77, 78; 48:140-142, 
214, pls. 1031, 1032; var. obovatifolia 24: 
78; 48:140, pl. 1034. obtusiloba 35:295; 8. 
depressa 35:295, 296. pagodaefolia 21:49; 
32:213. palustris 2:36; 3:139; 16:112, 141, 
144; 18:45; 21:190; 32:98; 37:352, fig. 1l 
(map); 38:60; 41:523; 42:361, 447; 44: 
240, 262, 265, 349, 392; 47:360; x ilici- 
folia 3:139. Phellos 14:81; 21:49; 24:79; 
28:244; 30:240; 38:59, 376; 39:196, 204, 
473, 481, 486, fig. 7 (map); 43:513, 514; 
44 :262-265, 369, 392, pl. 709; 47:96, 297; 
48:138, 144, 214, pl. 1036; 49:140; x mari- 
landica 44:262, 265, pl. 709; x maxima 
44:265; x Shumardii 24:178; f. intonsa 
44:392; 47:96, 131; var. laurifolia 48: 
141; 49:140. prinoides 3:137, 233; 4:133; 
5:128; 9:60, 61; 12:8; 18:219; 10:112; 24: 
87; 32:212; 37:12; 38:56; 39:404; 42:152, 
292; var. rufescens 9:61; 12:8; 32:177; 
38:56. Prinus 9:12; 16:41, 112, 141, figs.; 
17:40; 21:44, 199; 37:351; 38:56, 61; 39: 
481; 40:412; 47:297, 298, 364, 365, 307; 
48:206; 49:139. pumila 38:58. Xx Rehderi 
36:240. rhombica 24:78; 39:404, 480; 48: 
138-141, 214, pl. 1031-1033; var. acuta 48: 
139; var. obovatifolia 24:178; 48:138, 140, 
214, pl. 1034. x Robbinsii 36:240. Robur 
7 :125; 14:20, 90; 16:42, 112, 141; 38:54, 57; 
47:298; subsp. pedunculata, œ. vulgaris 43: 

160. rubra 3:137, 138, 233; 5:129; 6:113; 
10:49; 12:179; 13:141; 16:15; 16, 112, 141, 
142; 17:39, 40; 18:45, 46, 48; 20:103; 21: 
199; 24:99, 173; 26:185, 224; 28:141; 30: 
235; 32:98, 248; 35:391; 36:239, 240; 37:12; 
38:58, 63; 41:486, 521—524; 46:44, 83; 47: 
297, 298, 364—307; 50:295; B. 47:298; f. tri- 
loba 38:58; var. B. 47:298; var. ambigua 10: 
49; 16:190; 19:128; 24:173; 36:240; var. 
latifolia 18:48; var. leucophylla 40:132; var. 
maxima 18:47, 48; var. pagodaefolia 38:58; 
var. runcinata 24:99; var. triloba 36:43. X 
Rudkini 44:264, pl. 709; 49:140. Sadleriana 
12:56. saulii 44:262, 263, 265. Schuettei 
40:253. Shumardii 24:79; 38:60, 61, 63; 
var. Schneckii 38:60, 61, 63. stellata 2:36; 
12:8; 32:177, 212; 35:295, 296; 36:220; 38: 
57, 62, 63, 376, fig. 4; 39:470, 471; 40:427; 
41:482; 44:391; 47:307; y. depressa 35:295; 
var. arinosa 38:58; var. Boyntonii 38:55; 
39:342, 404, 476; var. Margaretta 38:58, 63; 
39:404, 477; var. paludosa 38:57. stellipila 
38:405. X subintegra 42:403, 447; 43:507. 
succulenta 38:53. texana, var. stellipila 38: 
405. tinctoria 3:233; 7:125; 14:89, 90; 37: 
12; 46:44. triloba 40:132; 47:366. velu- 
tina 3:137, 138, 233; 4:132; 12:8; 13:217; 
16:112; 17:39; 28:244; 32:127, 152, 215, 248; 
36:220, 240; 37:12; 38:58, 60, 62, 63, figs. 
7, 9; 39:364; 41:515—517, 520, 522; 42:383; 
43:67, 80; 44:170, 174, 237, 262, 265; 47:366; 
49:139; f. dilaniata 49:139; f. macrophylla 
49:139; f. pagodaeformis 49:139, 140; var. 
missouriensis 36:231; 39:364, 404, 482. vir- 
giniana 36:43; 38:57, 62, 63, 377, 381, 414, 
fig. 1; 39:480; 43:513, 550; 44:240; 46:44; 
49:139; f. macrophylla 43:513, 550; var. 
dentata 38:57, 61; var. geminata 36:43; 38: 
57, 58, 61; var. maritima 49:139 

Queria 6:51. canadensis 6:50—53; 7:48; 38: 
418; var. capillacea 6:52; var. capillaris 6: 
52. capillacea 6:52. dichotoma 6:52 

Quick-grass 12:27 

Quillwort 35:356; 42:357. Family 35:356 

Quiniaria 10:25. hederacea 10:25. hirsuta 
10:26; 41:429. quinquefolia 10:27 

Quirosia 41:320. anceps 41:325 

Quisqualis 9:51 

Quitch Grass 49:265 


Radicula 10:32; 18:220; 27:30, 31, 186; 30: 
132; 31:119. aquatica 10:32; 13:229; 27: 
186; 40:132. Armoracia 10:32. clavata 
41:233. hispida 30:133; 41:234. Nastur- 
tium-aquaticum 32:253. obtusa 41:78; var. 
sphaerocarpa 10:32, 218. palustris 15:165; 
17:210; 22:135; 30:132, 133; 42:267; 46: 
283; var. hispida 10:32; 17:216; 30:133; 
var. microcarpa 42:271. sylvestris 29:231; 

Radiofilum conjunctivum 44:67 

Radiola 11:50. linoides 11:50; 43:341 

Radiosphaera Nemiahi 50:275, 279, pl. 1118. 
sol 50:279 

Radix 9:51. Senega 41:383 


Radula 11:16; 18:74. complanata 4:242; 5: 
172; 15:25; 25:197; 26:12. dentata 8:41. 
Lindbergiana 18:74, 75. obconica 4:207, 
213; 5:172; 14:18; 15:25; 19:272; 23:284; 
25:197; 26:6, 12. tenax 5:172; 6:190; 14: 
17, 224; 15:25; 19:263; 25:197 

Radulaceae 25:197; 26:12 

Raeda Winbaer 12:21 

Rafflesia 2:1 

Ragged Orchis 28:21, 57. Robin 18:71 

Ragweed 17:225; 41:482 

Ragwort, Tansy 4:34 

Raimannia 15:223. laciniata 15:223 

Raisin de mare 12:21. Wild 12:184 

Rajania 17:130. ovata 17:130 

Ralfsia 5:209; 8:158; 10:156, 157, 161, 164; 
26:189; 50:263. Borneti 2:12, 47; 3:134; 7: 
229; 10:156; 43:214. clavata 2:47; 7:229. 
deusta 2:47, 209; 7:243. pusilla 2:48. ver- 
rucosa 2:12, 48; 7:229; 8:158; 10:161; 26: 
191, 214; 50:260, 262 

Ramalina calicaris 18:94; 35:150. dilacerata 
14:89. farinacea 15:93; 28:230. fasciata 
20:40. Montagnei 12:7. pollinariella 28: 
230. polymorpha 28:230. pusilla, var. geni- 
culata 28:230. rigida 14:89 

Ramischia 34:26 

Ramnus Tree 17:50 

Ramondia 9:38 

Ramularia lanceolata 44:173. Taraxaci 41: 
518. Tulasnei 39:373 

Ranapalus 37:441 

Ranunculaceae 3:262; 6:116; 11:130, 132; 18: 
37, 165; 20:182—184; 21:104, 170; 22:80; 25: 
8; 26:225; 27:56; 28:70; 29:53, 213; 31:43; 
32:252; 36:280, 281; 37:306; 38:2, 15, 39, 
45; 44:25; 45:310; 49:255; 50:296, 302 

Ranunculi 5:238; 38:1-5, 31, 36, 45, 46 

Ranunculus 4:105; 5:86; 6:117; 12:94; 18: 
167; 21:208; 23:131; 30:200; 36:11, 164; 
38:1 11, 17, 274; 39:52; 41:461; 42:152, 499, 
500; 43:220; 46:282; 47:284, 290. 8 Ba- 
trachium 38:1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 11, 17, 28, 31, 36, 
45, 47, pl. 406. $ Euranunculus 38:177. § 
Marsypadenium 38:11. sub-§ Batrachium 
38:11. abortivus 1:51, 52; 2:171; 4:88; 5: 
132; 6:117; 7:220; 12:128; 13:125; 18:167; 
20:183, 185; 21:200; 23:133, 264; 26:128; 
30:200; 36:280; 40:374, 416—418; 44:408; 
49:247; f. coptidifolius 44:408; var. acro- 
lasius 40:417, 418-420, 483, pl. 519; 44: 
141; var. eucyclus 1:52; 2:171; 4:152; 5: 
33; 6:208; 15:164; 18:167; 20:183, 193; 21: 
200; 40:417, 420, 483, pl. 519; var. Harveyi 
7:222; 40:417; var. indivisus 40:417, 418, 
483, pl. 518; 45:358, 401; var. micranthus 
40:416; var. typicus 40:417-420. acris 1: 
167, 227-229; 3:149, 173, 187; 4:32; 5:135; 
6:117; 17:35; 18:37, 167; 20:183, 184; 21: 
170, 208; 22:136; 25:8; 26:225; 29:213; 32: 
151, 160, 252; 33:108, 120; 34:52, 238; 40: 
146; 41:515, 520; 47:390; 50:296; subsp. 
Friesianus 9:40; var. Steveni 1:227, 229; 4: 
32; 18:167; 22:136. affinis 7:221; 13:223; 
19:138; 28:104, 200; 36:93-97, pl. 280; 38: 
151; 41:229; var. leiocarpus 7:221, 222; 19: 

138; 36:93, 97. alismaefolius 38:174. alle- 
gheniensis 3:296; 4:88, 92; 5:34, 203; 6:140; 
12:128; 18:167; 19:224; 20:183, 194, 195; 
21:198; 24:116; 26:128; 30:201; 37:310, 
422; 40:416, 483, pl. 517. Allenii 7:220— 
222; 9:161, 167; 13:146, 223; 19:138; 31:47; 
36:290; 38:151; 40:416, 483, pl. 517; 44:115, 
141. ambigens 6:194; 38:173-175; 39:409; 
40:415; 41:542. amoenus 36:95. apricus 
38:178. aquatilis 8:31; 38:2, 23-31, 35, 45; 
42:208; a. 38:24, 25, 35; a. capillaceus 38: 
26; 8. capillaceus 38:26; y. caespitosus 38: 
25, 26; y. saganensis 38:34, 38; 5. stagnalis 
38:42, 45; f. heterophyllus 38:29; var. B. 38: 
18, 24, 25; var. y. 38:18, 22, 23; var. 6. 38: 
18; var. arcticus 38:13, 15; var. Bakeri 38: 
18; var. brachypus 38:18, 27; var. caespito- 
sus 38:26; var. capillaceus 18:167; 20:183, 
185; 22:136; 31:84; 36:280; 37:363; 41:230; 
var. confervoides 38:34, 39; var. Drouetii 
38:18, 27; var. eradicatus 38:33, 37; var. 
flaccidus 38:25; var. hederaceus 38:15; var. | 
heterophyllus 38:29; var. hispidulus 38:29; 
var. Lobbii 38:16; var. longirostris 38:42, 
45; var. peduncularis 38:18; var. tricho- 
phyllus 4:76; 5:134; 6:117; 10:166; 38:42. 
arcuans 18:190. arvensis 16:161. Ascher- 
sonii 38:31. auricomus 41:229. Baudotii 
38:27. Boreanus 21:208. Boreauanus 9:39. 
brachyrhynchus 18:189. brevicaulis 38: 
176. bulbosus 2:171; 3:187, 190; 5:135; 12: 
104, 128; 18:167; 20:183, 184; 32:252; 40: 
443; 42:451; var. dissectus 42:451, 452; var. 
typicus 42:451; var. valdepubens 42:451, 
452. capillaceus 38:18, 25, 26. caricetorum 
38:177, 178. carolinianus 41:543, 544; 43: 
488, 552. cespitosus 38:25, 26. Chamissonis 
41:163, 228. circinatus 20:183; 21:87, 191; 
24:184; 34:6; 38:4, 5, 9, 22-27, 41, 42, 44, 
45. confervoides 38:2, 5, 33, 35-39. Coo- 
leyae 36:9, 10. Cymbalaria 2:218; 4:33; 
5:130; 10:20; 16:160-162, 187; 17:79, 147, 
208, 216; 18:167; 20:183, 193; 22:15; 25: 
107; 26:225; 28:200; 29:43, 44, 68, 89, 91- 
93, 106, 108, 111—113, 123, 131, 213, fig. 1 
(map); 32:149, 173, 214, 252; 33:51, 120; 
34:6, 52; 36:280; 41:161, 228; 50:296; f. 
hebecaulis 16:162; var. alpinus 16:162; 
var. major 16:161, 162; var. saximontanus 
16:162. cymbalistes 41:543. delitescens 
41:543. delphinifolius 12:108, 109, 139; 18: 
167; 20:183, 196, 197; 24:182; 26:225; 32: 
124, 148, 160, 216, 252; 38:171, 173; 40:181; 
50:302; f. terrestris 15:164; 38:171, 172; 
var. terrestris 15:164; 18:167; 38:173. di- 
varicatus 38:18, 23, 24, 32, 39, 44, 45; var. 
eradicatus 38:34, 38, 39. diversifolius 38: 
27. Drouetii 38:2, 23, 25, 27, 38, 39. Esch- 
scholtzii 41:228. fascicularis 2:171; 5:128, 
203; 12:128; 15:67; 18:167; 20:183, 194, ` 
195; 36:364; 37:260, 299; 38:178; var. apri- 
cus 38:178. Fauriei 41:386. Ficaria 18: 
167; 20:183, 184. filiformis, var. ovalis 19: 
137. flabellaris 38:171, 173, 236, pl. 414; 50: 
302; f. riparius 38:171, 236, pl. 414; 42: 
451. flabellifolius 36:419; var. b. partitus 


36:419. flaccidus 38:18, 24, 25, 39; var. con- 
fervoides 38:34, 39. Flammula 16:89, 161; 
19:135-137; 23:157, 264; 28:50, 81; 29:127, 
175, 213; 34:118; 35:273; 38:174; 41:542; 
a. major 19:137; 8. laxicaulis 38:175; y. fili- 
formis 19:137; var. intermedius 19:136, 137; 
var. reptans 3:173, 228; 4:129; 16:12; 18: 
167; 19:136; 22:135; 31:167; 32:133, 252; 
50:240; var. unalaschcensis 19:136, 137. flui- 
tans 38:25. fluviatilis 38:171. foenicu- 
laceus 38:18, 23. glacialis 36:148; 38:121. 
Gmelini 33:208; 41:385, 386; var. limosus 
41:386; var. prolificus 41:386; 44:141; 
var. Purshii 41:386. Godronii 38:31. Gor- 
mani 29:35. Grayanus 38:29,31. Grayi 19: 
138. Harveyi 13:146; 30:200; 36:220, 231; 
40:416, 417, 483, pl. 517; var. pilosus 30: 
200. hederaceus 2:137; 28:50, 81, 200; 29: 
126; 35:273; 37:380, 426; 38:2-8, 11-17, 25, 
29, 377; 42:508, 520; var. hederaefolius 38: 
13; var. Lobbii 38:16. Hederaefolius 38: 
13. heterophyllus 38:4, 29-31; var. sub- 
mersus 38:27. hispidus 2:171; 20:183, 193; 
22:30; 38:192; 41:543, 544; 44:260; 45:359; 
var. falsus 22:30; 37:350, 356. hydrocharis 
38:1, 2, 17; B. Homoiophyllus, 8. Hedera- 
ceus 38:13; f. confervoides 38:34; f. Drouetii 
38:37; f. hederaefolius 38:13; f. Lobbii 38: 
16; f. longirostris 38:42; f. trichophyllus 
38:18, 29, 31. hyperboreus 13:122; 25:8; 
28:61, 127, 200; 35:120, 125; 38:13, 16; 41: 
228; 42:326. kamtschaticus 41:228. lacus- 
tris, var. terrestris 15:164; 38:173. Langs- 
dorfi 41:386. lapponicus 25:8; 31:138; 37: 
207; 41:151, 228, 461. laxicaulis 10:143; 15: 
139; 16:89, 191; 18:167; 19:137; 20:183, 193; 
32:213; 37:316, 350; 38:175; 41:541, 542; 
49:499. limosus38:173; 41:386. Lobbii 38: 
1-4, 8, 9, 11, 12, 16, 17, 47, pl. 406. longi- 
rostris 20:183, 196, 197; 38:2, 3, 5, 9, 12, 39, 
41-47, pl. 406; 42:499. lutulentus 38:33, 37, 
38. Macounii 7:5; 13:138; 28:127, 200; 35: 
59; 41:149, 228. marinus 38:27. mexicanus 
38:46. micranthus 6:84; 18:167; 20:183, 
194, 195; 40:416, 419, 483, pl. 517; 41:488, 
542, 543; 43:488; 49:180; var. cymbalistes 
41:543; var. delitescens 41:543. missour- 
iensis 15:164. multifidus 4:105; 5:134, 
204; 20:104; 27:152; 41:386; var. limosus 
41:386; var. terrestris 4:105; 15:164; 27: 
152; 38:172, 173, 236, pl. 415; 41:386. neg- 
lectus 39:51. nitidus 40:417. nivalis 38: 
124, 150; 41:148, 154, 229; 42:312, 326. Nut- 
tallii 39:51. oblongifolius 38:175; 39:332, 
481; 41:541, 542; 42:499; 44:259. obtusius- 
25; var. dissectus 32:25.  orthorhynchus 32: 
25; var. dissectus 32:25. orthorynchus 32: 
25. ovalis 38:175, 176.  Pallasii 41:158, 159, 
229. palmatus 36:31, 44; 38:422; 39:482; 
41:543, 544; 44:260. pantothrix 38:18; a. 
capillaceus 38:26; B. caespitosus 38:25. par- 
viflorus 40:373; 44:260; 45:360. parvulus 
40:420. paucistamineus 38:18, 26, 27, 31, 
37; var. borealis 38:33, 37. pedatifidus 7: 
220, 221; 13:223; 19:138; 36:94-97, pls. 279, 
280; var. cardiophyllus 19:138; 36:96; var. 

leiocarpus 19:138; 25:113; 28:104, 123, 129, 
200, pl. 153; 35:120, 275; 36:93, pl. 280; 38: 
151, 275; 41:229. peltatus 38:29-31. pen- 
sylvanicus 1:171; 2:122; 13:180; 15:139; 17: 
51; 18:167, 189, 190; 20:183, 193; 25:8; 28: 
200; 34:52; 35:251; 42:95. Petiveri 38:31. 
Porteri 38:11, 18, 28. Pseudo-Villarsii 36: 
419. pueblensis 38:5, 12, 46, 47, pl. 406. 
Purshii 7:5; 12:116, 139; 19:135; 20:101, 
104, 183, 196, 197; 22:183; 23:131, 133, 164, 
170, 264; 36:280; 38:173, 236, pl. 415; 40: 
248; 41:157, 229, 385, 386; f. terrestris 38: 
173, 236, pl. 415; subsp. yukonensis 41:148, 
229; 42:313, 324, 326; var. prolificus 19: 
135; 38:173, 236, pl. 415; 41:386; 44:141; 
var. terrestris 38:173. pusillus 36:44; 37: 
350, 356; 38:174, 377, 422; 39:481; 41:386, 
541, 542; 44:259. pygmaeus 7:220, 221; 9: 
161, 167; 19:138; 25:113; 36:148; 38:114, 
119, 150; 41:229; 42:312, 326; 44:115; var. 
Langeana 44:141; var. petiolulatus 19:137, 
138; 44:141. radians 38:30. radicans 41: 
386. ranunculinus 39:51. recurvatus 4:76, 
88; 6:117; 18:168; 20:183, 185; 21:200; 23: 
136, 164, 170, 264; 31:163, 164; 32:176, 206; 
36:374; f. laevicaulis 31:164; var. adpressi- 
pilis 31:164. repens 2:201; 3:187; 4:92; 
6:117; 11:93, 130; 13:19; 16:17; 17:35; 18: 
168, 240; 19:139; 20:183, 184; 21:169; 29: 
175, 213; 41:229; var. erectus 20:183; 21: 
169; var. flore-pleno 19:139; var. glabratus 
20:183; 21:169; var. linearilobus 20:183; 21: 
169; var. pleniflorus 19:138, 139; 20:183; 
21:169; 24:116; var. villosus 20:183; 21:169. 
reptans 19:135-137; 20:183, 193; 24:116; 
25:8; 28:83; 29:175; 32:124, 252; 33:51, 108, 
120; 35:251; 37:206; 38:150; 41:56, 153, 
230; 45:311; var. filiformis 29:175, 213; var. 
ovalis 19:137 ; 20:183, 196, 197; 32:252; var. 
strigulosus 19:137. rhomboideus 38:175-177. 
rigidus 38:24, 25. Rionii 38:28, 29. Sar- 
dous 40:420; 41:544; 45:401. sceleratus 2: 
157; 6:140; 10:150; 13:19; 17:209, 216; 18: 
168; 19:135; 20:184, 193; 23:71; 29:213; 32: 
178; 37:74; 41:230; 42:326. septentrionalis 
3:149; 5:131; 6:117; 16:17; 20:184, 193; 22: 
31; 23:71; 38:177, 178, 192; 41:543; var. 
caricetorum 38:177. sibiricus 41:386. 
sicaefolius 38:177. sicaeformis 38:177. 
Steveni 1:228, 229. subrigidus 38:2—5, 9, 
12, 19, 39-42, 44, 45, pl. 406; 44:141. sul- 
phureus 41:230. sylvaticus 1:229. trachy- 
sperma 44:260. trichophyllus 37:206; 38:3, 
4, 8-11, 17-19, 21-31, 33, 36, 37, 39, 44-46; 
var. calvescens 38:3, 11, 12, 19, 25, 26, 32, 
33, pl. 406; var. demersus 38:34, 38; var. 
eradicatus 38:5, 10, 12, 27, 33-39, 150. pl. 
406; 41:230; 43:555; var. hispidulus 38:4, 
9, 12, 19-21, 29-32; var. mexicanus 38:46; 
var. typicus 38:12, 18-29, 32-34, pl. 406; 
41:157, 230. tridentatus 16:161; var. major 
16:161, 162; var. minor 16:160, 161. tripar- 
titus 38:8, 17, 25, 35. unalaschcensis 19:137. 
vicinalis 29:35. yukonensis 41:229, 386; 42: 

Raphanistrum Raphanistrum 9:51 


Raphanus 6:117; 11:45; 18:220; 45:277. al- 
bus 40:306. arvensis 40:307. incanus 40: 
309. orientalis 40:307. Raphanistrum 6: 
117; 17:35; 18:95, 97, 220; 26:225; 29:176, 
213; 32: 253; 36: 407 ; 40: 307, 421; 50: 296; f. 
sulphureus 40:421. rusticanus 26: 230, 231. 
sativus 6:144; 18:220; 26:225; 32:253; 50: 

Raphidostegium recurvans 2:63; 4:241 

Raphoneis amphiceros 9:137. belgica 9:137; 
var. intermedia 9:137. gemmifera 9: 137. 
Surirella 9:138 

Rapistrum 18:220; 31:96; 42:201, 202. his- 
panicum 42:202. perenne 42: 202. rugosum 
42:201, 202; subsp. Linnaeanum 18:220; 
subsp. orientale 18:220 

Rapunculus 38:243 

Rapuntium 38:243, 257 

Raspberries 12:119 

Raspberry 11:28, 236; 22:112; 28:60, 79; 42: 
330. American Black 7: 143. 144. Black 6: 
224; 8:146, 147; 9:4; 31:99; American 7: 
143. Dwarf 16: 151. ’ Flowering 9:5. Gar- 
den 28:71. Purple 9:5; Flowering 28:71. 
Red 9:4; 21:89. Sow-teat 9:5. White 
American 7: 143, 146. Wild Red 12:180 

Ratibida 12:14; 40:353-355. columnaris, f. 
pulcherrima 40:353; var. pulcherrima 40: 
353. columnifera 40:353; f. pulcherrima 
e :353; var. pulcherrima 40:353. sulcata 


Rattlesnake Grass 49:261. 

Razoumofskya 9:54. pusila 1:184; 7:108; 
50:120. robusta 2:4 

Reboulea 8:137-139, 142. gracilis 8:137, 139, 
142, 144, 145. obtusata 8: 140, 144. pennsyl- 
vanica 8:139, 145; var. major 8:145 

Reboulia 16:63. hemisphaerica 5:170; 7:58; 
9:73; 15:22; 25:193 

Rebouliaceae 25: 193; 26:7; 39:5 

Red Algae 5:1; 8: 232; 9: 90; 11:17; 50:263. 
Ash 15:15; 25: 176 ; 48:61. Azalea 43:31- 
33. Baneberry 5: 77; 18:185. Bay 42:382; 
46:313; 47:149; 49: 152, 153. Berry 13: 123. 
Birch 37: 414. Cedar 4:133; 26:182; 35: 
359; 40:427; 43:70; 49: 172-174, figs. T, II. 
Cherry, Wild 12: 181; 22:131. Chokeberry 
4:55, 131; 12:179. Clover 5: 290; 28:71; 45: 
331. Currant 9: 1; 12:21, 22, 25, 32, 33; 25: 
176. Elm 47:204. Maple(s) 7:123; 12: 182; 
22:131, 132; 26:182, 183; 41:193; 43: 67, 70; 
49: 172. Oak (s) 10:165; 12: 179; 16: 142, 143; 
17:39; 18:45—48; 23:91; 36:239; 41:193, 486; 
47: 297, 301, 364, 366; 49: 172. Pine 11:21; 
12:176; 13: 139, 161; 22: 130; 23:91; 35: 357. 
Raspberry 9:4; 21:89; Wild 12:180. Sassa- 
fras 15:14, 15. Spruce 9:109; 12:177; 35: 
358; 37:309, 313. Top, Tall 49:264. 
Whortleberry 12:23, 34, 35 

Red-berried Elder 12:184 

Redbud(s) 25:204; 34:248; 44:193, 198, 200, 
202, 206 

Red-root 42:279 

Red-seeded Dandelion 5:32 

Red-top 28:74 

Plantain(s) 1:2; 


Redwood 49:228 

Reed 49:264. Canary Grass 49:277. Meadow 
Grass 49:261. Sand 12:28, 30, 36; 22:70. 
Sea-sand 4:33 

Reedgrass 49:270 

Rehmiellopsis 44:94 

Reigeri 49:50 

Reinschia 11:63 

Relbunium 18:191. bermudense 18:192. hy- 
pocarpum 18:192, 193 

Reseda 18:248; 19:218; 47:207. alba 7:25; 
18:248; 19: 217; 24: 209; 29:245; 31:84; 47: 
214. lutea 1: 47, 81; 10: 112; 18: 248; 19:217. 
Luteola 18:248; 19:217. odorata 18:248; 
19:217, 218 

Resedaceae 18: 248; 19:217; 31:43; 37:386 

Resinocaulon perfoliatum 39:285 

Resp 15:32 

Reticularia lycoperdon 29:170, 173 

Reverchonia arenaria 50: 64 

Reynoutria 40:289-291. japonica 40:290, 291 

Rhabdoderma lineare 29:163 

Rhabdonema adriaticum 9:138; 26:193-195, 
218. arcuatum 9:138 

Rhabdonia tenera 10:43; 24:2 

Rhabdoweisia 14:46; 40:359 

Rhacomitrium 11:16; 36:60. 
4:30, 31; 13:43; 24:122. canescens 1:54; 
30:5; 32:93; 39:12, 41. fasciculare 3:180; 
13: 43; 14: 48; 30:5. heterostichum 24:123; 
var. gracilescens 24:122; 30:5. hypnoides 
30:5. lanuginosum 30: 180; 9:173. micro- 
carpum 24:122, 123; 39: 41. patens 39:4. 
sudeticum 3:180; 4:241; 14:48; 15:13; 24: 

Rhadinocladia 2:111; 3:218. cylindrica 3: 
218. Farlowii 2:112, pl. 18; 3:218 

Rhamnaceae 6:122; 21:128; 28:71; 31:43; 36: 

Rhamnus 6:122; 21:128. alnifolia 5:33, 196; 
6:122; 9:162, 189; 11:90; 12:103, 117, 140; 
19:230; 21:65; 23:274; 36:282; 43:341; 47: 
45; 48:163, 205. betulaefolia 38:407. caro- 
liniana 12:79; 36:224; 46:307; var. mollis 
12:79; 36:230. cathartica 3:65; 21:128; 
28:71; 31:146; 35:363; 40:443. 'davurica, 
var. nipponica 42:44. Frangula 12:79; 14: 
227; 19:230; 20:205; 21:128; 42:44; 43: 341. 
lanceolata 36:224 ; 42 :349. parvifolia 35: 
112; 42:349, 351. Purshiana, var. betulae- 
folia 38:407 

Rhamphidium 41:112 

Rhaphidium falcatum 15:91. 
114; 15:91 

Rhaphis 47:108 

Rhapontica 30:59 

Rhaponticoides 30:59 

Rhaponticum 9:48; 30:59. subgen. Alfredia 

Rheum 6:114; 17:174. Rhaponticum 6:114, 
236; 17: 174; 50:295 

Rhexia 7: 160; 10:166; 13:166; 14:24; 23:114; 
33:39; 37: 169, 170; 42:91, 146, 154; 47: 364, 
385. Alifanus 17: 132, 137. angustifolia 44: 
260. aristosa 37: 169—171, 188, pl. 347; 45: 
55. ciliosa 37:170; 39:335, 358, 364, 381, 

aciculare 3:180; 

&ciculare 14: 


436, 466, 480; 41:472, 550; 42:379; 49:98, 
155. glabella 17:132, 137. interior 36:220; 
37:169, 171—173, 188, pls. 346, 347. lanceo- 
lata 44:260. latifolia 13:167; 37:172. 
mariana 13:166-168; 32:177, 212; 36:220; 
37:169-173, 188, pl. 347; 39:476; 42:87, 88, 
91, 92; var. B. rubella 37:171; var. leio- 
sperma 37:171, 172, 188, pl. 346; 47:218; 
var. purpurea 37:171, 173, 188, pl. 348; 39: 
436, 477 ; 40:368, 447; 49:98; var. typica 37: 
171, 173, pl. 346. Nashii 37:171, 173; 39: 
477; 40:368; 49:98. stricta 37:171. ventri- 
cosa 37:171, 172, 173, 188, pl. 346; 39:344, 
436, 475; 45:366, 454. virginica 1:184; 5: 
130; 7:74, 187; 8:27, 219; 9:120; 10:140; 
13:107, 168; 14:28; 20:115; 21:74, 119; 23: 
114, 149, 167, 168, 276; 24:177; 29:233; 32: 
149, 210, 266; 33:39; 37:169-173, 188, 350, 
356, 358, fig. 4 (map), pls. 347, 348; 42:87, 
88, 91, 92; 47:161; var. septemnervia 47:161 
Rhexophyllum 41:112 
Rhinanthus 2:138; 7:37; 9:24, 26; 13:116; 20: 
66; 25:65; 41:382. Crista-galli 3:165, 189; 
4:108; 5:50; 7:34, 37; 9:23-26; 12:143, 144; 
18:43; 25:11, 65; 29:219; 41:382; var. fallax 
12:143; 17:148; 25:65; 33:108, 124; var. 
major 7:37. groenlandicus 33:111, 124; 41: 
286. major 7:34, 37. minor 9:23. ob- 
longifolius 9:24, 25, 163, 166, 190; 12:144; 

44:144. stenophyllus 10:201. virginicus 
20:66, 67, 71, 133 

Rhizina undulata 1:60 

Rhizocarpon 36:140, 156-158. albidum 36: 

157. albopunctatum 36:157. 
157. Anseris 36:157. atroalbens 36:157. 
atroalbum 36:157. atrocaesium 36:158. 
atroflavescens 36:157. badioatrum 36:157. 
chioneum 36:157. chionophiloides 36:157. 
chionophilum 36:157. cinereoflavescens 36: 
157. cinereonigrum 36:157. confervoides 
29:99. Copelandii 36:157. crystalligenum 
36:157. decinerascens 36:157. detinens 36: 
158. disporum 36:140, 157. distinctum 36: 
157. eupetraeoides 36:158. eupetraeum 29: 
99. excentricum 36:158. expallescens 36: 
157. geminatum 36:140. geographicum 28: 
161; 36:140, 157. grande 29:99; 36:157. 
groenlandicum 36:157. Hochstetteri 36:157. 
infernulum 36:158. jemtlandicum 36:157. 
lavatum 36:157. leucopsephum 36:158. 
melaneimum 36:158. obscuratum 28:160; 
36:157. occidentale 36:157. ochrodelum 
36:158. petraeum 36:157. phalerosporum 
36:157. polycarpum 36:157. postumum 36: 
158. praebadium 36:158. pseudospeireum 
36:157. Rittokense 36:157. roridulum 36: 
157. semotulum 36:158. subalpicolum 36: 
158. superficiale 36:158. verrucosum 36: 
157. viridiatrum 36:157 

Rhizoclonium 3:291-293; 5:27; 6:230; 9:200; 
26:190; 41:19-21, 24. capillare 41:23. 
erectum 3:291, 292. hieroglyphicum 41: 
22; var. macromeres 7:240; var. tortuosum 
41:21. implexum 41:20-23, 25, 26, fig. 1. 
Kerneri 2:45; 26:213; 41:26; 50:260. la- 
custre, f. americanum 1:149; 7:240. pachy- 

alpicola 36: 


dermum 3:291. rigidum 41:21, 23, 25, 26. 
riparium 6:230; 7:225; 10:160; 33:129, 130; 
41:20, 22, 26; f. implexum 6:230; f. polyrhi- 
zum 6:230; var. implexum 2:45; 41:25; var. 
polyrhizum 2:45; var. validum 41:21, 23. 
Selkirkii 24:109, figs. a-h. tortuosum 3: 
290; 6:230; 7:225; 33:129, 130; 41:20—24, 
26; f. polyrhizum 7:225; var. polyrhizum 2: 

Rhizoctonia repens 24:41 

Rhizogoniaceae 43:95 

Rhizogonium 43:95 

Rhizophora 22:89 

Rhizopogon 26:195. occidentalis 26:195—197, 
pl.148. truncatus 26:196, 197, pl. 148 

Rhizopus 50:287 

Rhizosolenia hebetata, f. semispina 26:218; 
var. semispina 26:193. setigera 26:193, 218. 
styliformis 9:138 

Rhodia radix 49:79 

Rhodiola 41:240; 49:80. alaskana 41:239. 
integrifolia 41:146, 158, 166, 239, 240; 42: 
328. intermedia 41:156. Rosea 41:239, 240; 

Rhodobryum 43:95. Beyrichianum 36:56 

Rhodochorton membranaceum 2:51; 8:160. 
parasiticum 2:12, 51. penicilliforme 8:160. 
Rothii 2:12, 51, 131; 7:172, 234; 16:4 

Rhododendron 2:216; 3:156; 4:141; 6:125; 8: 
79; 9:187; 12:182; 13:86; 14:97, 98, 101; 
18:74; 20:54; 24:155; 40:278; 42:155, 310; 
45:451; 46:157, 158, 250. § Azalea 40:372. 
albiflorum 36:234. arborescens 41:552; 43: 
623. atlanticum 23:179; 36:32, 49; 38:439; 
39:476; 43:491, 619—622; 44:240; f. con- 
fusum 43:620, 622; f. luteo-album 43:620, 
622; f. neglectum 43:620, 621; f. tomolo- 
bum 43:620, 622, pl. 692; var. luteo-album 
43:622. calendulaceum 20:53, 54; 43:31-35. 
canadense 9:162, 187, 189; 11:96; 12:129, 
182; 13:79; 15:167; 17:148; 19:246; 22:37, 
44, 134; 24:155; 26:176; 27:108; 28:223; 29: 
218; 32:176; 34:54, 64, 213, pl. 222; 36:26; 
f. viridifolium 23:145, 278. canescens 1:222; 
3:196, 197, 235; 4:100, 131; 20:53; 21:199; 
24:155; 36:49; 42:361, 363, 470; 47:108. 
carolinianum 14:99-101; 23:178; 49:116; 
var. margarettae 23:177. catawbiense 12: 
3; 14:97, 98; 39:198, 200, fig. 16 (map) ; 46: 
138. Chapmanii 14:102. cumberlandense 
43:33-35. Cuthberti 14:99-101. ferrugi- 
neum 14:97. kamtchaticum, subsp. glandu- 
losum 41:163, 274, 275; var. glandulosum 
41:164. lapponicum 1:94; 3:165, 175; 9: 
162, 169, 174, 182; 11:97; 13:136; 22:38, 44— 
46; 25:114; 28:62; 29:162; 33:205, 227; 35: 
10, 51, 81, 121; 38:157; 40:278; 41:146, 275; 
42:335; 44:115; 45:314; 46:250. Leachia- 
num 33:205; 40:278. luteum 20:54. maxi- 
mum 1:94; 2:218; 8:79; 9:120, 187; 14:95, 
97, 98, 101; 15:142; 16:163; 18:25, 73; 23: 
167; 24:118, 155; 28:244; 31:222; 37:4, 12, 
416; 40:461; 44:364; 8. album 43:336; w. 
purpureum 43:336; f. album 43:336; f. 
purpureum 43:336. minus 14:98-101; 23: 
178; f. Harbisonii 14:102. neglectum 23: 


179. nudiflorum 1:94; 3:196, 197; 4:100; 
5:204; 9:122; 20:53, 54; 24:155, 185; 25:116; 
26:4; 36:32; 38:439; 43:619; f. glandiferum 
43:619; var. glandiferum 40:449; 43:619; 
var. roseum 26:4; 27:212. Polifolium 5: 
71. procumbens 50:103, 126. punctatum 
14:97-101. Rhodora 1:94; 2:214; 3:175, 
189, 235; 5:35, 133; 6:125; 8:24; 9:187; 13: 
220, 221. roseum 26:4; 34:64; 36:100, 220; 
37:422; 42:292; 46:138. serrulatum 43:507, 
622, 623. Vaseyi 24:155. viscosum 1:94; 2: 
214; 11:231; 14:21; 23:179; 24:155; 31:18; 
32:150, 151, 269; 39:371, 375; 42:87, 90; 43: 
81, 620, 623, 624; f. glaucum 43:623; var. 
glaucum 1:94; 2:122, 201; 24:155; 32:210, 
211, 269; 43:623; var. nitidum 1:94; 3:197; 

Rhododermis 8:160, 161. elegans 8:160. 
Georgii 8:160, 161; 26:190, 215; 50:268. 
parasitica 8:160. Van Huerckii 8:161 

Rhodoleia 33:91 

Rhodomela 7:169, 242; 33:131. floccosa 10: 
115. lycopodioides 8:159, 160; f. flagellaris 
10:116; f. tenuissima 8:160; 10:116; f. 
typica, subf. tenera 8:160. Rochei 2:51; 7: 
169. subfusca 2:51; 8:159, 160; 21:206; 26: 
215; 33:131; 50:268; f. gracilior 7:233; var. 
gracilior 33:131; var. gracilis 2:51. virgata 

Rhodomonas lens 50:276 

Rhodophyceae 10:116; 24:110; 26:166, 190, 
214; 35:315; 40:323; 43:73 

Rhodophyllis dichotoma 2:52; 4:176 

Rhodophyseuma Georgii 8:160 

Rhodophyta 50:263 

Rhodora 1:183; 2:218; 11:173-177; 12:182; 
13:221; 22:44, 131; 23:145; 34:213, 214. 
canadensis 3:198; 6:125 

Rhodoraceae 29:4 

Rhodospermeae 5:1 

Rhodotypos kerrioides 37:86 

Rhodymenia 16:4. corallina 17:93. flabelli- 
folia 17:93. palmata 2:11, 52, 210; 7:231, 
243; 8:108, 194; 10:116; 16:3; 26:215; 33: 
131; 43:214; 50:264, 268; var. latifolia 2:52; 
var. sarniensis 2:52; var. sinensis 21:207. 
Palmetta 17:94. pertusa 14:59. Wilkesii 
14:58, 59 

Rhoedeae 47:385, pl. 991 

Rhoiconeis trinodis 9:134 

Rhoicosphaenia curvata 9:136 

Rhopalomyces 5:97, 98, 100—102. 
rum 5:98. elegans 5:102; var. cucurbitarum 
5:102. strangulatus 5:99 

Rhubarb, Monk's 23:107 

Rhus 4:97; 6:121; 7:161, 190; 11:163; 12:181; 
14:21; 18:39; 21:125; 30:55; 31:120; 36: 
373; 40:180; 43:599, 600; 47:144. § Toxi- 
codendron 43:590. aromatica 43:527, 599— 
603, pls. 686, 687; 46:307; var. arenaria 43: 
599, 602, pl. 686; var. serotina 43:601—603, 
pl. 687. Blodgettii 43:591, 592. canadensis 
1:213, 214; 35:388; 37:204; 41:138; 43:600; 
var. illinoensis 10:52; var. serotina 40: 
133; 43:600, 602; var. trilobata 35:363. 
copallina 1:213; 3:188, 190, 234; 4:130; 5: 



129; 7:123, 125, 127; 9:121; 12:120; 14:21; 
21:125; 32:151, 263; 37:168; 38:377; 39: 
476; 41:513, 520; 46:136; f. frondosa 44: 
425; var. angustifolia 37:168; var. lanceo- 
lata 37:168; var. latifolia 37:168; 43:81; 46: 
136; 50:297; var. leucantha 37:168; var. ob- 
tusifolia 37:168. Cotinus 1:214; 21:125. 
divaricata 43:596. glabra 1:213; 3:234; 4: 
130; 5:130; 14:21; 21:125; 28:39; 32:263; 
33:179; f. laciniata 10:35; 21:125; var. bore- 
alis 32:214, 263; var. laciniata 9:115; 10:35. 
Greenei 43:596. hirta 6:121; 9:115; 28:71; 
var. laciniata 9:115. leucantha 37:168. lit- 
toralis 43:592. obtusifolia 37:168. pubes- 
cens 43:597. quercifolia 36:47; 39:482. 
radicans 6:121; 43:524, 527, 589—593, 596, 
599, pl. 683; 46:250; 50:289, 297; f. hypo- 
malaca 43:590, 592; f. malacotrichocarpa 
43:590, 592, 593; var. divaricata 43:596; 
var. laetevirens 43:596; var. microcarpa 43: 
591; var. pubens 43:596; var. Rydbergii 
43:590, 594, 596, 599, pl. 683; var. verrucosa 
43:596, 597; var. vulgaris 43:590, 592, 593, 
599, pl. 684; f. intercursa 43:590, 593; f. 
Negundo 43:590, 594. Rydbergii 43:594. 
Toxicodendron 1:213; 3:130, 188; 4:43, 95; 
5:128, 132, 134, 274; 6:121; 7:125; 11:162, 
163, 226, 230—232; 12:181; 13:57; 14:21; 16: 
14; 18:98; 21:125, 201; 23:135; 32:18, 159, 
216, 263; 35:249; 36:374; 39:357, 372, 375, 
482; 43:527, 589, 593, 597—599, pl. 685; 46: 
250, 314; f. elobata 43:598, 599, pl. 685; 
f. leiocarpa 43:599; f. malacotrichocarpa 
11:163; 43:592; f. radicans 43:591; var. «a. 
vulgaris 43:593; var. y. microcarpa 43:591, 
592; var. ? pubens 43:596, 597; var. querci- 
folia 43:589, 597; var. radicans 21:125; 43: 
591; var. Rydbergii 43:594, 595; var. vul- 
garis 43:593, 599. trilobata 40:427; 43:599— 
602, pl. 686; var. arenaria 43:599; var. sero- 
tina 43:600, 601. typhina 1:213; 5:128, 130; 
6:121; 9:115; 12:181; 14:21; 17:217; 18: 
39; 21:125, 199; 22:137; 23:105; 26:185, 
226; 32:161, 216, 263; 33:140; 35:249; 40: 
146; 44:240; 50:297; f. dissecta 9:115; f. 
laciniata 9:115; var. laciniata 9:115. vene- 
nata 1:213; 2:123, 168; 4:43, 95, 105, 130; 
5:132, 134; 50:248. Vernix 11:231; 13:57; 
14:21; 18:39, 43; 21:119, 125; 32:152, 216, 
263; 36:240; 44:240; 46:404; 48:205; 49:24; 
50:248. verrucosa 43:596 

Rhynchosia 39:339; 44:421, 423, 424. dif- 
formis 44:424, 425. erecta 38:378, 425; 39: 
480; 44:422, 425. latifolia 36:220, 231. 
mollissima 44:255. reniformis 11:50; 44: 
423. simplicifolia 44:422, 423. tomentosa 
38:378; 39:467, 481; 44:421, 422, 424, 425; 
var. erecta 44:424; var. monophylla 44:424; 
var. volubilis 44:424 

Rhynchospora 6:108; 8:130; 9:53; 10:142; 
11:40; 13:104; 20:139, 189—191; 21:10; 22: 
180; 23:175; 31:38, 97, 122; 38:393; 39:250, 
324, 326, 337; 41:474; 42:307, 512; 43:333, 
334; 44:35; 45:297, 451; 46:89—96, 101, 102; 
47:103, 291; 49:01, 98. 8 Eriochaeta 46:128. 
$ Microchaeta 46:93, 217. A. Haplostyleae 


46:94. ii. Dichostyleae 46:94, 102. ii. Sub- 
gen. Eurhynchospora 46:102. III. Pusillae 
46:134. V. Glomeratae 46:104, 169, 177, 
207, 227, 236, 255. group Capitatae 46:92, 
94. group Communes 46:92, 102. group 
Corymbosae 46:94. group Longirostres 46: 
92. ser. B. Diplostyleae 46:95, 102; 8 2. 
Plumosae 46:95, 128; $ 3. Albae 46:95, 104; 
§ 4. Fuscae 46:95, 169, 178, 207; § 5. Glaucae 
46:95, 211, 224, 236, 255, 272. Divisio 4. 
Psilocarya, 8 ii. Pauci-nucigerae 46:134. 
Divisio 5. Eurhynchospora 46:102; $8 iii. 
Fuseae 46:227. subgen. Diplostylis 46:92, 
102. subgen. Distylis 46:102; $ Eurhyncho- 
spora 46:89, 91—93, 95, 101, 102, 168, 195; 
ser. Albae 46:117-119; ser. Caducae 46:97, 
100, 104, 255; ser. Cernuae 46:93, 96, 98, 
100, 103, 211, 220; ser. Chapmaniae 46:95, 
99, 100, 103, 134, 159; ser. Cubenses 46: 
100, 103, 224; ser. Fasciculares 46:103, 177, 
178; ser. Fuscae 46:99, 100, 103, 169; ser. 
Glaucae 46:100, 104, 272, 273; ser. Globu- 
lares 46:100, 104, 236; ser. Glomeratae 42: 
427 ; 46:95, 99, 100, 103, 104; ser. Harveyae 
46:99, 100, 104, 227; ser. Plumosae 46:99, 
100, 103, 128; ser. Rariflorae 46:100, 103, 
207. subgen. Eurhynchospora 46:95. alba 
lcd 200s 2 202 ee lon Ol oo 5162108557427 
10:137; 11:90, 231; 13:104; 14:31;-17:148, 
151; 18:34; 19:32; 24:159; 28:127, 163; 29: 
208; 31:38; 32:149, 239; 33:109, 118; 34: 
51; 35:5, 85; 44:244, 371, 384; 46:89, 94, 95, 
98, 104, 105, 120, 121, 123-125, 128, map 9, 
pl. 819; X capitellata 31:38; B. fusca 46:89, 
170; f. laeviseta 46:123; var. macra 10: 
187; 12:186; 18:104; 46:95, 121, 124, 125; 
var. meridiana 46:128. axillaris 10:142; 
20:26; 37:402—404, 452, pl. 391; 41: 
111; 42:422-425, 427, 428; 46:106, 108; var. 
microcephala 37:404; 46:95, 106. bahamen- 
sis 46:223. Baldwinii 46:91, 132, 178, 181, 
map 33, pl. 825. Berteri 46:214. biceps 
42:425. Blauneri 46:164, 165. borinquensis 
46:274. brachychaeta 46:94, 95, 103, 132, 
159, 164, 165, 168, 185, 187, 188, map 20, pl. 
822. brevirostris 46:216. Brittonii 46:237, 
239, 241, map 67, pl. 831. cacuminicola 
46:239, 272, 275, map 62, pl. 835. caduca 
37:380, 405; 38:393; 39:338, 342, 391, 480; 
41:467, 530; 42:363; 44:260, 370, 384; 46: 
90—92, 94, 100, 239, 256, 259, 260, map 76, 
pl. 833. californica 46:239, 272, map 60, 
pl. 834. capillacea 6:94, 108; 7:72, 154; 8: 
130, 186; 9:159, 189; 10:137, 142; 12:114; 
13:30; 19:122: 213/7 29:20, 39:216, 208; 
37 :252, 314, 366 ; 40:254 ; 46:98, 105, 119, 126- 
128, 132, 219, map 10, pl. 818; f. leviseta 37: 
252; 46:119, 127, 128; var. leviseta 1:102, 
103; 3:250; 8:130, 186; 10:137, 142; 17:204; 
19:68; 23:42; 35:216, 388; 37:252, 402; 46: 
119, 128. capitellata 20:27, 72, 190, 191, pl. 
125; 23:134, 934; 24:162; 31:38, 83; 32:149, 
210, 239; 36:219; 37:399-403; 40:146; 42: 
427, 428; 46:89, 91, 95, 105, 115, 117-121, 
map 1, pl. 819; f. controversa 46:119, 121; 
f. discutiens 46:99, 116, 117, 119, 121, 127; 

var. controversa 20:28, fig. 3; 37:402; 46: 
119; var. discutiens 20:28, fig. 4; 23:42, 
149, 160, 234; 24:162; 32:177, 211; 37:402; 
46:119; var. leptocarpa 20:28, fig. 5; 37: 
402; 46:115; var. minor 20:28, fig. 2; 37: 
402; 46:115. Careyana 20:140. cepha- 
lantha 37:402-405, 452, pl. 391; 42:366, 422, 
423, 425, 427, 428; 44:374, 384; 46:91, 105, 
107-109, 111, 119, 120; var. attenuata 46: 
108, 110, 111, 120, map 6, pl. 820; var. mi- 
crocephala 46:111; var. pleiocephala 42:423, 
424, 495; 46:108, 109, 111, 120, map 5, pl. 
820; f. controversa 46:110, 121; var. typica 
42:423, 425; 46:98, 108, 111, 120, map 7, 
pl. 818; f. antrorsa 46:109, 121. cephalotes 
46:93. cephalotoides 46:93. cernua: 46:93, 
186, 212, 214, 216, 217, map 46, pl. 826. 
chalarocephala 42:426—429, figs. 1, 2; 44: 
354, 305, 384; 46:105, 111, 120, map 8, pl. 
818. Chapmanii 20:139; 46:99, 102, 132, 
159, 164, 165, 167, 168, map 19, pl. 821. 
ciliaris 46:89, 92, 97, 98, 132, 134, 159, 161, 
map 17, pl.822. ciliata 46:89, 92, 160. com- 
pressa 46:95, 99, 100, 236, 237, 239, map 64, 
pl.830. conferta 46:168. corniculata 8:165; 
20:138-140; 24:82; 35:202; 37:399; 38:370, 
380, 396; 39:330, 353, 481; 41:475, 533; 44: 
241; 46:91; 47:100, 117; var. interior 20: 
140; 24:82; var. patula 8:165; 20:140. 
crinipes 46:132, 170, 173, 174, map 28, pl. 
823. crispa 46:97, 186, 212, 213-215, map 
43, pl. 827. cubensis 46:93, 96, 186, 224— 
227, map 56, pl. 828; var. stenophylloides 
46:226. culixa 46:104, 186, 228, 235, 236, 
map 55, pl. 828. Curtissii 46:93, 132, 166, 
170-172, map 26, pl. 823. cymosa 24:87; 
37:405; 38:376, 380, 396; 39:328, 481; 40: 
308; 42:424; 44:342; 46:77, 95, 113, 242, 
245—248 ; 47:117 ; var. compressa 46:237; var. 
globularis 37:380, 405, 413; 39:391, 480; 40: 
368, 398; 46:244, 248. debilis 46:103, 178, 
186, 188, 194—196, map 38, pl. 826. decur- 
rens 46:256, 259, 264, map 78, pl. 882. deflexa 
46:93, 162, 163, 190, 225. depressa 46:180, 
212, 217, 218, map 48, pl. 826. distans 37: 
403; 39:356, 390, 391, 466, 476; 42:379, 429; 
44:349; 46:89, 95, 162, 177, 191—193, 196, 230, 
232, 247; var. B. 46:185; var. B. fascicularis 
46:188; var. y. gracillima 46:187; var. fasci- 
cularis 46:192; var. microcarpa 46:176, 177; 
var.tenuis46:187. divergens 46:165. dode- 
candra 39:328, 381, 389, 476; 42:429; 46:91, 
228-230. dommucensis 46:191, 192. Drum- 
mondiana 46:183, 184. Earlei 46:233-235. 
Edisoniana 46:234, 266, 267. Elliottii 20: 
26, 27; 46:91, 92, 117, 231, 232, 265. etuber- 
culata 8:162; 46:92. fascicularis 20:27; 37: 
405; 38:377, 394; 39:467, 480; 40:398; 42: 
425; 44:343; 46:89, 95, 118, 162, 163, 165, 
178, 188, 190, 192, 193, 195; var. distans 46: 
89, 176, 177, 182, 183, 186, 187, 191, 193, 195, 
196, map 40, pl. 825; var. stenophylla 46: 
164, 165; var. trichoides 46:194, 196; var. 
typica 46:103, 162, 186, 188, 191, 193, 196, 
225, map 39, pl. 825. Fernaldii 46:103, 132, 
178, 182, map 34, pl. 825. fibrillosa 46: 


216. filifolia 39:390, 489, pl. 475; 43:334; 
45:372, 393; 46:91, 99, 132, 170, 172-174, 176, 
177, map 35, pl. 822; 48:58; 49:87; var. plei- 
antha 46:171. foliata 46:92. fusca 2:127; 
7:72, 106; 9:119; 10:137; 13:105, 136, 139; 
16:86; 19:97, 122; 21:73; 23:234; 24:87, 162; 
32:150, 213, 239; 35:5, 85; 37:308; 44:244; 
46:89, 96, 132, 169-172, 176, 183, map 24, 
pl. 824; 49:243. fuscoides 39:390, 489, pl. 
475; 46:95, 132, 169, 170, 175-177, map 29, 
pl. 822. Gageri 46:132, 177, 178, 180, map 
31, pl. 824. glauca 20:27; 46:89, 93, 117, 
118, 273, 275-278; var. altior 46:276. globu- 
laris 46:98, 237, 240, 243, 244, 248, 249; var. 
pinetorum 46:236, 239, 243, 248, map 71, 
pl. 831; var. recognita 46:93, 95, 235, 230, 
239, 242, 243, 245, 248, 249, map 72, pl. 831; 
47:103, 117; var. typica 46:239, 240, 243, 
244, 245, 248, map 70, pl. 831. glomerata 
2:215; 7:106; 8:219; 10:137; 13:105; 14:28; 
16:16; 20:25-28, 72, 190, fig. 1; 23:134; 32: 
239; 37:399—403; 42:427, 428; 46:89, 91, 105, 
112, 113, 115, 116, 119, 247; 49:86; B. ro- 
bustior 37:403; 46:113; var. 42:427; var. 
angusta 46:113, 114, 120, map 3, pl. 820; 
var. discutiens 20:27, 28; 37:402; 46:95, 
119; var. leptocarpa 20:27, 28; 37:401, 402; 
46:115; var. minor 20:27, 28; 37:401-403; 
42:426, 427; 46:78, 95, 115, 119; f. contro- 
versa 37 :401, 402; 46:119; f. discutiens 37: 
401, 402; 46:119; var. paniculata 20:25, 26, 
72; 37:399-401; 46:113; var. robustior 20: 
26; 37:400, 401; var. typica 37:401; 46: 
113-115, 120, map 2, pl. 819. gracilenta 
37:379, 399, 452, pl. 390; 39:389, 390, 477; 
42:88, 91; 46:91, 95, 177-179, 183-186, 269, 
map 36, pl. 826; var. diversifolia 37:399, 
452, pl. 390; 39:389, 390; 46: 183, 185. gra- 
cilis 46:93, 179, 245, 266, 276; 50:132.  gracil- 
lima 46:164, 185, 187. Grayana 46:125, 126, 
128. Grayii 43:539; 46:91, 92, 117, 118, 126, 
186, 228, 230, 232, map 54, pl. 829. Harperi 
46:99, 132, 170, 173, map 27, pl. 823. Harvey- 
ana 46:245. Harveyi 39:328, 391, 482; 40: 
398; 44:384; 46:186, 228, 232-236, 245, map 
59, pl. 829. Hunnewellii 50:132.  inexpan- 
sa 37:405; 38:376, 381, 396; 39:480; 46:89, 
96, 239, 255, 256, map 75, pl. 833. inter- 
media 46:128, 130-132, map 13, pl. 820. in- 
undata 20:139, 140; 25:148; 30:136; 32: 
211. involuta 46:266. joveroensis 46:132, 
178, 180, map 32, pl. 824. jubata 46:259, 
274. Knieskernii 46:100, 105, 125, 132, map 
11, pl. 819. leptocarpa 37:401, 402; 46:115. 
leptorhyncha 46:94, 95, 98, 132, 173, 177-179, 
map 30, pl. 824; var. laevirostris 46:179. 
Lindeniana 46:93, 95, 212, 217—219, 222, 223; 
var. bahamensis 46:186, 218, 222, 223, 224, 
map 53, pl. 827; var. depressa 46:217; var. 
typica 46:186, 218, 222-224, map 52, pl. 827. 
lingulata 46:215. longifrons 46:181; var. 8. 
reducta 46:180; var. reducta 46:180. longi- 
seta 46:92. lunata 46:95. luquillensis 46: 
121, 123. macra 46:98, 105, 121, 124, 125, 
132, map 12, pl. 820. macrostachya 2:127; 
8:165; 9:119; 10:137, 142; 13:105; 14:29, 


30; 15:19; 18:72; 20:138-140; 24:57, 87, 
114; 32:211; 35:202; 39:482, 483; 41:475, 
533; 42:276, 386, 393, 401, 422, 429; 44:364, 
384; 46:91; var. colpophila 42:421, 422, 
441, 510, 514; 44:369, 372, 384; var. inun- 
data 8:164; 10:137, 142; 13:105; 18:72; 20: 
115, 138, 139; var. patula 8:165; 20:140. 
Marisculus 46:239, 259, 272-275, map 61, pl. 
835. megalocarpa 46:91, 92, 96, 100, 186, 
227—230, 235, map 58, pl. 829. micrantha 46: 
269. microcarpa 46:91, 104, 234, 241, 255, 
256, 259, 266, 268, 271, map 82, pl. 832; var. 
achaeta 46:270, 271. microcephala 37:379, 
405, 452, pl. 391; 38:396; 39:326, 391, 480; 
42:366, 422, 423, 426—428, figs. 3, 4; 44:384; 
46:95, 105, 111, 115, 120, map 4, pl. 818. 
microseta 46:92. miliacea 44:385; 46:89, 
91, 93, 96, 97, 104, 239, 255, 257, 263, map 74, 
pl. 833. mixta 46:256, 259, 262-264, map 77, 
pl. 832. monostachya 39:248; 41:109; 46: 
92. multiflora 46:91, 265. nipensis 46:180, 
211, 212, 215, map 45, pl. 826. nuda 46:99, 
100, 102, 132, 159, 167, 168, map 23, pl. 821. 
obliterata 46:237, 239, 242, 243, map 08, pl. 
830. odorata 46:93, 98, 179, 239, 255, 258, 
274, 275, map 73, pl. 833. oligantha 39:29; 
46:91, 128, 130; var. breviseta 46:129, 132, 
map 14, pl. 821; var. typica 46:129, 132, 
map 15, pl. 821. pallida 42:378, 381, 429, 
map 14; 44:241, 349; 46:93, 95-98, 132, 159, 
161, 162, 164—166, 187, 188, map 18, pl. 821. 
paniculata 20:26, 28; 37:401; 46:91, 113. 
patula 20:139; 46:91, 261, 262, 266. pen- 
niseta 46:93, 131. perplexa 40:381, 398, 399; 
41:533; 42:382, 429; 45:372; 46:99, 255, 256, 
259, 266, 270, 272, map 81, pl. 832; 49:98, 
101, 126, 193, pl. 1060; var. virginiana 49: 
125, 193, pl. 1060. pineticola 46:130. 
pinetorum 46:248, 249. Plankii 46:233. 
pleiantha 46:132, 170, 171, 172, map 25, pl. 
823. plumosa 44:260; 46:90, 91, 93-95, 97, 
128, 131, 132, map 16, pl. 820; var. inter- 
media 46:130. prolifera 46:262, 263. prui- 
nosa 46:93, 97, 186, 211, 212, 221, map 42, 
pl. 826. punctata 46:90, 236, 238, 239, map 
65, pl. 830. pungens 46:276—278. pusilla 
46:214, 215. pycnocarpa 46:91, 92, 228-230. 
Randii 46:220, 221. Rappiana 46:160, 161. 
rariflora 37:380, 405, 412; 39:326, 390, 391, 
480; 46:90, 93, 103, 186, 207, 210, 211, map 
49, pl. 828; 49:98, 125. rugosa 46:93, 239, 
272, 273, 275, 277, map 63, pl. 835. saxi- 
cola 46:236, 238-240, map 66, pl. 830. sca- 
brata 46:93, 97, 186, 212, 213, 220, 221, map 
50, pl. 827; var. laevifolia 46:186, 221, 222, 
map 51; var. typica 46:220, 222, pl. 827. 
schoenoides 20:26; 44:260; 46:90, 99, 256, 
259, 265, 268, map 79, pl. 834. semiplumosa 
46:91, 131, 184. setacea 45:297; 46:93, 126, 
208, 219. Shaferi 46:186, 212, 215, map 44, 
pl. 827. Smallii 19:97; 37:402; 46:119. 
sola 46:132, 159, 162-164, map 21, pl. 820. 
solitaria 46:96, 132, 134, 159, 161—164, map 
22, pl. 822. sparsa 46:89, 91, 96, 257. steno- 
phylla 46:165, 186, 207, 210, 211, 219, 220, 
map 41, pl. 828; var. albescens 46:219. 


stenophylloidea 46:96, 186, 224-226, map 
57, pl. 828. stipitata 46:259. sulcata 46: 
100, 236, 239, 240-242, map 69, pl. 831. 
tenuifolia 46:93, 99, 100, 186, 210, 212, 218- 
220, map 47, pl. 827. tenuis 46:185. tenui- 
seta 46:274. tetrandra 46:179. Torreyana 
10:137, 142, 143; 13:151; 22:103; 31:97; 32: 
177, 211; 34:112, 113; 39:326, 391, 467, 476, 
478, map 32; 40:399; 41:533; 42:278; 44: 
127, 241; 46:91, 234, 245, 256, 259, 268, 269, 
map 80, pl. 884; var. 46:268; var. micro- 
rhyncha 46:266, 268. trichodes 46:194, 196. 
trichophylla 39:389—391, 475, 489, pl. 475; 
46:183, 185. Wrightiana 37:380, 405, 413; 
38:394; 39: 344, 390, 391, 467, 476, 489, pl. 
475; 40:398; 46:163, 165, 178, 185-188, 195, 
196, map 37, pl. 825 

Rhynchosporae 43:333 

Rhynchosporas 39:334; 41:474; 42:382 

Rhynchostegium rusciforme 2:63; 4:241. 
rulatum 4:183, 6:73 

Rhyncodexia rufipennis 41:186 

Rhytidiaceae 30:11 

Rhytidiadelphus 35:146. loreus 30:11. 
squarrosus 13:46; 15:13; 30:11. triquetrus 

Rhytidiopsis 35:146 

Rhytidium 35:146. 
39:13, 45 

Rhytiglossa ciliata 50:225. ovata 50:225 

Rhytisma andromedae-ligustrinae 39:373. 
concavum 39:373. Curtisii 41:518. vaccinii 

Ribbon Grass 49:277 

Ribes 6:119; 12:20, 21, 179; 15:29, 32; 18:251; 
37:72; 42:153; 46:282; 47:144, 363; 49:217, 
219. subgen. Ribesium 42:153. albinervium 
6:119; 9:3, 4; 49:217. alpinum 12:21. 
americanum 11:46; 12:34; 14:241; 18:245, 
251; 49:217. aureum 11:46, 47; 18:251. 
curvatum 37:317. Cynosbati 1:171; 3:233; 
6:119, 208; 7:155; 8:168; 18:245; 21:199; 
34:61; 35:240; 37:202, 339, pl. 362; var. 
atrox 37:261, 262, 339, pl. 362; var. gla- 
bratum 7:156. floridum 6:119; 11:46, 47; 
12:34; 18:251. glandulosum 32:61; 33:109, 
121; 35:122; 36:281; 49:217, 218. gracile 
18:245, 247; 39:377. Grossularia 18:245, 
29:214. hirtellum 13:73-76; 18:245; 29:176, 
214; 32:254; 33:121; 34:53; 36:281; var. 
calcicola 13:76; 18:37, 245, 247; 23:200; 
36:281; 44:142; var. saxosum 13:76, 138; 
35:272. hudsonianum 49:217-219. inerme 
13:74-76. lacustre 1:184, 193; 3:174; 6: 
119; 9:63; 10:205; 11:94; 12:33, 38; 13:138; 
15:140; 18:245; 23:260; 32:206; 34:53, 61; 
36:281; 37:317; 41:244; 49:218. missouri- 
ense 39:377; var. ozarkanum 39:377. ni- 
prm 12:22:32. 170. 179; 18:245. 251: 19: 
226; 29:214; 49:219. odoratum 11:46, 47; 
18:245, 251; 36:224. oxyacanthoides 1:221; 
3:188, 233; 6:119; 7:153-155; 9:63, 181; 11: 
94, 130, 231; 12:128, 179; 13:74, 75; 17:152; 
18:251; 29:176, 214; 44:172: 174; 49:217; 
var. calcicola 7:155; 9:2; 13:74-76; 44:142; 
var. saxosum 13:75, 76. prostratum 1:184, 


rugosum 15:13; 30:11; 


191, 193; 3:174, 188; 6:119; 10:205; 11:94; 
12:33, 38, 128, 179; 13:138, 216, pl. 88 (map 
6); 17:152; 18:245; 22:129, 130, 134; 25:9; 
20:214; 32:206; 34:53, 61, 63. recurvatum 
49:217. rigens 49:217-219, pl. 1087. rotun- 
difolium 18:245, 247; 21:87. rubrum 6: 
119; 9:1, 3; 12:21—33; 28:244; 29:214; 41: 
244; var. sativum 9:3; var. subglandulosum 
1:106, 221; 3:174; 6:119; 9:3. saximon- 
tanum 22:195. saxosum 13:75,76. trifidum 
49:217, 218. triste 9:3; 10:205; 11:94; 12: 
33, 38; 13:125, 138; 18:245; 28:244; 32:206; 
34:61; 41:244; 42:329; 49:217; var. albi- 
nervium 9:4; 10:205; 18:245; 19:226; 23: 
266; 24:116, 184; 36:281. vulgare 9:1, 3; 
12:21, 32, 33; 18:245, 251 

Ribs 12:21; 15:32 

Riccardia 19:266. latifrons 5:170; 9:66; 15: 
22; 23:67; 25:193, 198; 26:7. multifida 5: 
170; 7:58; 14:17; 15:22; 16:76; 25:193, 198; 
26:7. palmata 5:170; 7:58; 9:73; 14:18; 
15:22; 16:76; 25:193; 26:7. pinguis 5:170; 
10:37, 192; 14:18; 15:22; 21:169; 23:67: 
25:193; 26:7. sinuata 5:170; 9:73; 11:118; 
15:22; 259103 

Riccardiaceae 25:193; 26:7; 39:33 

Riccia 9:56; 14:1, 6; 19:265; 25:74, 199. 
americana 14:4—6. arvensis 5:170; 14:1-4, 
8, 9, 11; 15:22; 17:120; 19:263; 25:98, 193; 
var. hirta 14:8. Austini 14:1, 4-7, 10. 
224; 15:22, 26; 25:193. Beckeriana 19:204. 
Beyrichiana 19:264; 25:193. bifurca 14:3, 
4. Bischoffii 19:265. canaliculata 9:50. 
crystallina 4:207; 5:170; 15:27; 25:74, 193. 
dictyospora 14:1, 6, 7; 15:22, 26; 25:193. 
epicarpa 12:193. fluitans 5:135, 170; 7:58; 
9:56; 15:27; 24:214; 25:74, 193; var. Sulli- 
vantii9:56.  Frostii 19:263—265 ; 25:193, 198. 
glauca 14:4. glaucescens 14:10. hirta 14: 
1, 8, 9; 15:22, 26; 25:193. Huebeneriana 9: 
56. lamellosa 14:4—6, 224; var. americana 
14:4. lanigera 12:196. Lescuriana 14:1, 4, 
8, 10, 11; 15:22, 26; 18:119; 19:204; var. 
cruciata 14:10; var. trichotoma 14:10. Lin- 
denbergiana 12:193. membranacea 12:196, 
197; 25:74, 193. Micheli 14:11. minima 
12:193, 195, 196. natans 2:161; 5:135. ni- 
grella 12:195, 196; 14:7. Raddiana 12:193. 
sorocarpa 12:193—196; 14:1, 4, 6, 7, 10; 15: 
22, 26; 18:119; 25:193. Sullivantii 5:170; 
6:190; 9:56; 15:27; 25:74, 193; 26:7. tenuis 
12:196. trichocarpa 14:8, 9. Watsoni 19: 

Ricciaceae 5:170; 12:193; 15:22; 25:193; 26:7 

Ricciella 9:56, 57; 11:16; 12:197; 15:27; 19: 
265; 25:74. crystallina 9:57; 12:197; 15:22; 
17:120; 19:263; 25:199. fluitans 9:57; 10: 
192; 12:204; 15:22; 25:199. membranacea 
12:196; 15:22, 26; 25:199. Sullivantii 9: 
56, 57; 10:192; 15:22; 25:199 

Ricciocarpus natans 5:170; 15:22; 25:193 

Rice, American Wild 12:25. Wild 12:17, 20, 
37, 38; 15:29, 32; 33:230; 49:277; Cutgrass 

Richardia 42:383; 43:511. brasiliensis 43:511, 


515, 645, 646. 
511, 645 

Richweed 43:557 

Ricinophyllum 26:124. horridum 26:124 

Ricinus 21:83; 45:439, 444, 445. communis 2: 
205; 6:86, 88; 21:83; 29:38; 45:444 

Ridan 47:402 

Riella 17:109 

Rinodina 36:140. confragosa 29:104. oreina 
29:104, 105. sophodes 29:104; var. confra- 
gosa 29:104. turfacea 28:231 

River Beauty 42:334. Birch 39:331. Maple 

atra 2:43; 7:224; 21:205; 

scabra 42:382, 383, 481; 43: 

4:130; 16:13; 47:158. Rose 4:130 
Rivularia 15:91. 

26:212; 50:256,257. Beccarianal:11. Bia- 
solettiana 2:43. Bornetiana 2:43. com- 
pacta 1:10, 11. incrustata 14:236. indica 

28:2, 4. laurentiana 15:90. minutula 1: 
10, 11. natans 14:114. nitida 2:43; 7:224. 
pisum 14:114, 236. Polyotis 3:136 

Robert's Plantain 38:235 

Robin, Ragged 18:71 

Robinia 6:120; 7:28; 12:181; 20:171; 21:190; 
25:180; 31:120. albicans 36:46. Boyntonii 
25:183; 36:46; 39:430. Elliottii 39:430. 
fertilis 25:182. grandiflora 25:180-182. 
hispida 2:90; 4:198; 20:171; 25:180, 183. 
longiloba 25:183. nana 36:32, 46. pallida 
25:182. pedunculata 25:183. Pseudo- 
Acacia 2:90; 7:125; 11:128; 12:181; 14:80; 
20:171; 28:39; 30:203; 31:222; 32:152, 256; 
36:46, 230; 46:313. speciosa 25:181, 182. 
unakae 25:180. viscosa 2:90; 6:120; 7:28; 
12:181; 20:171; 46:494 

Robinsonella 20:120 

Rock Brake 30:14. Cranberry 4:231; 12:23, 
25, 34, 35, 188. Maple 12:182; 18:31 

Rockberry 35:12 

Rocket, Sea 28:63 

Rockweeds 26:190 

Röda Vínbàr 12:21, 32 

Roestelia 9:195 

Roman Wormwood 28:72 

Romanzoffia sitchensis 37:419 

Rophalon 21:185 

Rorippa 12:14; 18:220; 27:31, 186; 30:132; 31: 
119; 47:217; 50:132. americana 10:32; 27: 
186. amphibia 33:192, 193; 35:262; 39:332, 
353, 409. aquatica 40:132. Armoracia 6: 
118; 10:32; 18:220. barbareaefolia 41:167, 
232, 233, 238, 300; 42:270, 273, 274, 327, pl. 
605. curvisiliqua 42:327. globosa 18:220. 
hispida 10:32; 30:131, 133; 42:26, 272, 274; 
var. glabrata 30:133; 32:62; 42:25, 26, 28, 
268, 272, pl. 588. indica 18:155. islandica 
30:131, 132; 31:17, 18, 119; 42:25, 27, 29, 31, 
32, 267, 268, 270, 272, 274, pl. 605; 46:283; 
47:217; 50:100; f. microcarpa 42:271; 50: 
100; var. Fernaldiana 42:28—31, 268, 270— 
272, 274, pl. 605; 50:100; f. reptabunda 50: 
132; var. glabrata 42:28, 30-32, 270, 272- 
274, pl. 605; var. hispida 42:26, 27, 29-31, 
268, 270, 272-274, pl. 605; 46:217; var. 
microcarpa 42:271, 272, 274, pl. 605; 50: 
100; f. reptabunda 50:35, 100, 132; var. 
occidentalis 42:27, 30, 274. Nasturtium 6: 


118. Nasturtium-aquaticum 18:220; 32:253. 
obtusa 47:214; var. sphaerocarpa 38:406. 
occidentalis 42:27, 267, 271. pacifica 42:27. 
palustris 6:118; 18:221; 30:131-133; 31:17, 
18; 36:281; 41:234; 42:25, 26; 46:283; 47: 
217; B. microcarpa 42:271; 50:100; var. gla- 
brata 41:234; 42:25, 28, 268; var. hispida 
18:221; 30:131—133; 41:234; f. inundata 42: 
272; var. pacifica 42:27. sessiliflora 42:452; 
49:201. sphaerocarpa 10:32. sylvestris 18: 
221; 30:131. tanacetifolia 39:82. Walteri 
44:261. Williamsii 41:234 

Rosa 6:120; 7:157, 161, 190; 9:37; 12:180; 20: 
57, 91; 29:180; 30:109; 33:60; 37:72; 40: 
156; 42:153, 312, 332; 47:275; 50:145. $ 
Carolinae-Cinnamomeae 30:111. acicularis 
1:222; 20:94, 96; 24:99, 181; 36:281; 41:165, 
249; 45:312; var. Bourgeauiana 11:14; 12: 
120; 13:180; 34:231. arkansana 30:116; 48: 
100, 116. Beatricis 9:39. blanda 1:48; 2: 
124; 3:234; 4:130; 6:97, 120, 148; 8:79; 10: 
112; 20:91-96; 21:201; 22:134; 30:110—112, 
114, 117; 32:18; 33:234; 41:249; 48:100; 50: 
147; f. alba 50:146; var. alba 50:146; var. 
Hermanni 30:113; var. nuda 30:110; var. 
subgeminata 30:110. Bushii 30:110, 117. 
canina 1:106, 223; 13:31; 19:228; 20:57. 
carolina 2:112, 113; 3:188, 234; 4:131; 7:74; 
8:27; 20:57, 91; 26:225; 28:39; 29:129, 
180, 215, 236; 30:110, 111, 113, 117, 119, 
121; 32:255; 36:374; 37:350; 40:436; 50: 
145, 146; x humilis 30:113; X nitida 2:113; 
24:176; x palustris 30:113; f. glandulosa 
50:145; var. aculeata 30:110; var. glandu- 
losa, 40:380, 436, 441; var. litoralis 30:119; 
var. Lyonii 40:133; var. sabulosa 30:118; 
var. sepalorelevata 30:110; var. setigera 2: 
113; 6:120; 24:176. cinnamomea 6:148; 12: 
180; 15:166; 20:57. conjuncta 30:110. da- 
sistema 40:133. Deamii 30:120. gallica 6: 
141; 20:57. glutinosa, var. leioclada 9:40. 
Housei 30:111, 117. humilis 1:106; 2:112; 
3:934; 12:180; 18:38, 94, 97; 20:58, 91; 29: 
215; 32:255; 34:62; 40:436; 50:146. johan- 
nensis 20:94, 96; 50:147; f. albina 20:95. 
Jundzillii, var. leioclada 9:40. lucida 3:188, 
234; 4:189; 5:132; 20:92; var. 4:34. Lu- 
nellii 37:164, 205. Lyoni 30:121; 40:133. 
michiganensis 30:111; 46:254. multiflora 
43:571; 47:156. nanella 32:255; 50:145. 
nitida 2:113; 3:234; 6:196; 13:31; 17:150; 
19:228; 20:58, 91; 21:73; 28:57; 29:180, 
215; 33:112, 122; x palustris 24:176; X vir- 
giniana 24:176. obovata 24:176; 30:121. 
palustriformis 30:110. palustris 20:91; 23: 
104, 145, 147; 28:39; 30:110-114; 32:149, 
161, 210, 255; 37:350; 38:377; 50:302; var. 
aculeata 30:110; var. dasistema 40:133; 
var. sepalorelevata 30:110. parviflora, 
var. B. glandulosa 50:145; var. glandulosa 
50:146. pimpinellifolia 29:179, 180, 215. 
polyanthema 30:110. pratincola 30:116. 
ratonensis 30:115, 116. relicta 30:116, 
117. Rousseauiorum 50:146. rubifolia 34: 
175. rubiginosa 12:180; 20:58; 32:255; var. 
micrantha 20:58. rudiuscula 30:110. ru- 


gosa 13:71; 17:216; 18:97; 20:58; 23:272; 
26:225; 31:84; 32:159, 255; 50:297. Schuet- 
teana 30:112. serrulata 50:146; var. ro- 
tundifolia 50:146. setigera 8:222; 15:226; 
37 :86, 353, 361; f. inermis 50:45; var. serena 
50:145; var. tomentosa 50:145; f. inermis 
35:286; f. serena 50:145. Solandri 20:92, 
93. spinosissima 12:176, 180; 16:40; 19:228. 
spithamaea, var. solitaria 33:204; var. 
sonomensis 33:205. suffulta 30:110, 111, 
115-118; 37:86; f. alba 42:100; var. valida 
30:114, 116. villosa 9:50. virginiana 11: 
95; 12:180; 13:139, 146, 149; 17:35, 37, 146- 
148, 150, 153, 221; 18:97; 20:58, 91—96; 29: 
128; 32:151, 173, 255; 84:02; 39:370, 372, 
375; 44:172, 174; 50:145; f. nanella 50:145. 
Williamsii 20:95, 96; 44:143; 50:147. 
Woodsii 30:16; 48:100 

Rosaceae 3:283; 6:119; 8:204; 9:37, 38; 10: 
195; 12:179; 13:106, 2290; 17:37; 18:38. 95, 
97; 20:15; 21:170, 190; 25:9; 26:225; 28:71; 
29:214; 31:48; 32:254; 30:172, 281; 39:19; 
41:428; 43:80; 44:37; 45:312; 48:129; 49: 
255; 50:297, 302. subfam. Pomoideae 48: 

Rose(s) 5:93-95; 42:332; 48:100. Cinnamon 
12:180. Family 45:27. Glossy 12:180. 
Japanese 18:97. Low 12:180. Mallow 39: 
337. Pasture 12:180. River 4:130. Scotch 
12:180. Smooth 4:130. Swamp 4:131. 
Wild 5:260 

Rose-Root 28:63 

Rosea 49:79, 80. radix 49:79 

Rosebay 49:152. Lapland 28:62 

Rosellinia subiculata 50:287 

Rosemary, Bog 5:67. Wild 5:68; 18:100 

Roseroot 49:79 

Rotaceae 47:385, pl. 991 

Rotala 23:114; 33:53. ramosior 5:204; 10: 
143; 11:83; 13:8; 23:114; 24:88; 37:108, 
169, 187; 39:432; 46:50; var. interior 37: 
169, 188, pl. 345; 43:662; 46:50; var. 
typica 37:169, 43:662 

Rotantha 36:237 

Round-leaved Dogwood 4:131. Sida 50:99 

Roundwood 18:38. Tree 18:38 

Roya 7:114; 24:216. obtusa 7:114; 24:216 

Royal Fern 22:132; 35:352; 42:278; 45:396 

Rubacer 15:222; 37:59, 273. carolinianum 47: 
217. parviflorum 37:277; 42:275. tomento- 
SUm 34:219, 20: 42:270. velutinus 97:204 

Rubi 8:146, 169, 212; 9:4 

Rubia 9:52 

Rubiaceae 6:129; 18:43; 21:69; 24:43, 44; 25: 
115220715:2228:.20:220: 31:45; 32:240; 134: 
152; 36:284; 39:359; 43:82; 45:315; 49: 
255; 50:16, 299 

Rubus 3:221, 295; 4:64, 91, 97; 6:119; 7:157, 
219; 8:10, 95, 216; 9:52; 10:14 117, 119; 
11:27; 12:110, 180; 13:2160; 14:120, 121, 133, 
191; 15:222; 16:28; 17:86, 153; 18:38; 20: 
58; 21:89, 90; 22:112, 186, 188, 189, 191; 23: 
B7 10L 167 -270731-181120 2733:60; 62; 102. 
145; 35:359; 36:254, 255, 373, 422; 37:190, 
273; 30:204; 40:145, 156, 161, 378, 435; 41: 
55, 89, 197; 42:153; 44:104, 170, 171, 174, 

345, 346; 45:374, 384; 47:93, 96, 98, 144, 209; 
48:129; 49:92, 95, 144; 50:65, 73. $ Abbrevi- 
antes 42:289. § Alleghenienses 42:293. $ 
Anoplobatus 37:59. $ Arguti 40:435; 42: 
294, 454; 49:147; sub-§ Anormi 44:340, 403, 
404; sub-8 Frondosi 44:402. $ Cuneifolii 
40:435; 47:94; 49:147. $ Eubatus 37:274. 
$ Flagellares 49:145, 146; 50:75, 77-79. $ 
Hispidi 42:292; 43:569; ser. Jacentes 42: 
282. 8 Jacentes 42:282. § Persistentes 42: 
276. $ Procumbentes 42:454; 43:507, 568. 
8 Setosi 42:282; 50:77. $ Tholiformes 42: 
282—284, 287—290, 292, 293, 454; 47:98; 49: 
146. 8 Triviales 42:276. subgen. Batidaea 
21:89. subgen. Eubatus 42:153; 50:73. 
abactus 35:363. abbrevians 22:187-189; 23: 
271; 24:176; 33:208; 42:287-289. acaly- 
phaceus 21:98. acaulis 28:60, 79; 29:129, 
131, 215; 35:238; 36:281; 38:154; 40:276; 
41:146, 147, 165, 245; 42:330; 44:108. acu- 
liferus 42:284, 287, 288, pls. 610, 611. 
adenocaulis 42:284, 288—290, pls. 612-615. 
adjacens 42:282, 290—292, pls. 616—618. 
Akermani 47:152, 153, 155, pls. 890, 891; 
49:146. alius 50:80. allegheniensis 2:25, 
28; 8:146, 217, 218; 9:5, 6; 10:51, 118, 119, 
121; 12:180; 20:58; 21:199; 22:185, 191; 23: 
268, 269; 24:175; 29:246; 32:108, 176; 34: 
61, 62; 37:193; 41:198, pl. 550; x setosus 
22:186; f. albinus 10:50; var. calycosus 
10:51; 11:179; 46:86; var. Gravesii 10:51. 
alter 50:77. alumnus 50:214. amabilis 8: 
173; 10:120; 13:56. ambigens 43:569, 
570. americanus 6:119; 11:236. amicalis 
13:56; 22:186; 50:214. amnicolus 8:170; 
23:269; 24:175; 32:178. Andrewsianus 8: 
17, 218; 9:6, 10; 20:58; 22:185; 23:101, 
269; 24:181; 27:55; 32:151, 210, 255.  arcti- 
cus 9:24, 162, 169, 189, 190; 10:15; 13:123; 
28:79: 29:182, 215; 31:188; 36:281; 41:506; 
42:380. arcuans 23:272; 24:176; 25:147; 
32:179; 42:289, 290. arenicola 8:151, 216; 
22:186; 23:138, 270; 27:202; 50:214. argu- 
tus 2:26, 28; 3:188; 4:01; 6:224; 10:152; 
22:191; 23:269; 42:294; var. Randii 2:26; 
6:144. arizonicus 21:98. Arundelanus 8: 
176, 178, 216. ascendens 9:9. audax 40: 
435. Baileyanus 9:6; 22:186; 43:567; 50: 
77, 79; x frondosus 22:186. Bartonianus 
36:267, 268. biformispinus 8:178; 23: 
270, 272; 24:175; 42:289. Boyntoni 42:293. 
bracteoliferus 42:293, pls. 619, 620. 
Brainerdii 22:190. caesius 42:276. cana- 
densis 1:223; 2:26-28; 3:174, 188; 5:130; 6: 
119, 196; 8:98, 146, 148, 174, 218; 9:6, 10; 
10:117—120, 206; 12:103, 180; 13:55, 194; 15: 
224; 17:153; 19:228; 22:185, 187, 180; 23: 
269, 270; 24:99; 28:80; 29:179, 215; 34:61; 
36:374; 42:286; x procumbens 23:270; x 
setosus 42:285, 286; var. pergratus 50:302; 
var. roribaccus 50:76; var. septemfoliolatus 
13:193. carolinianus 21:94, 97.  castoris 9: 
162. cathartium 47:153-155, pls. 892, 
893. celer 49:95, 145, 146. centralis 42: 
455; 43:493, 568. Chamaemorus 3:165; 4: 
97, 189; 5:36; 9:150-152, 157, 162, 166, 177, 


180, 181, 218, 219; 10:141; 11:94, 164; 12: 
106, 109; 13:95, 99, 114, 123; 15:141; 16: 
184; 17: 149; 22: ‘48, 189; 23:99. 148, 165, 169, 
268; 25:9, 99; 29: 132, 215; 33: 121; 34: 53; 
35: 5; 36: 281; 38:154; 41: 146, 147, 157, 158, 
166, 245; 42:311, 330; 44:193; 45:313. con- 
nixus 47:152. cordifrons 50:79; f. pleni- 
florus 50:80. cubitans 42:282. cuneatus 
39:469. cuneifolius 2:27, 28; 6:49; 9:5; 22: 
185, 189; 40:378, 435; 43:570; 49:95; var. 
subellipticus 43:570. cupressorum 49: 
147, 148, 193, pls. 1072-1074. defectionis 
44: 402, 403, pl. 722. deliciosus 36:268; 37: 
60. depavitus 50:80. dissitiflorus 44:403, 
404, pl. 723.  eflagellaris 50:75. Egglestonii 
21:95, 97; 33:238. elegantulus 8:95; 22: 
187-189; 23: 269, 270; 25:211; 33:102, 103. 
Enslenii 2: 27, 29; 24: 185; 32: 177; 37: 193; 
39:475; 42: 454, 455; 46: 86; 50: 77, 79. ex- 
sularis 47:154. felix 50:75. flagellaris 22: 
187; 23:271; 32:255; 39:371, 373, 375; 43: 
568; 47:154; 49:92, 145; 50:74, 75, 297; x 
setosus 23:271. floricomus 9:6. floridus 43: 
490, 491, 571; 44:402. frondisentis 22:186- 
189, 191; 42:283. frondosus 8:217; 9:6; 20: 
58; 22:185—188, 190, 191; 25:211; 26: 295 : 
37: 193; 40:435; 50: 297; x setosus 22: 188. 
fruticosus 2: 23; 15:222. geniculatus 42:453. 
geophilus 8: 148, 157, 216. glandicaulis 
8:172, 174; 10:118; 22:186, 191; 23:208; 
24:175; 25:210; 42:293; 50:214; var. neo- 
scoticus 23:268. Grimesii 42:453; 43:512, 
568; 50:75, 79. Groutianus 33:102-104. 
harmonicus 50:77. heterophyllus 44:402. 
hispidus 2:25, 27-29; 5:131; 8:146, 148, 212, 
215, 216; 9: 10; 12: 180; 17:150; 20: 58; 22: 
185, 187; 23: 272; 28: 39; 32: 150, 255; 37: 
350, 352, '355, fig. 3 (map); 39:199, 200, 203, 
fig. 23 (map); 42:281, 282, 292; 50:77, 214; 
x biformispinus 8: 216; x procumbens 23: 
270; X semierectus 8: 216; X setosus 8:216; 
23: 272: 42:291, 292; var. major 8: 213; 23: 
272; 25: 211; 42: 281, 291; var. obovalis 42: 
281, 282, 292: 50:77. Humei 49: 95, 147. 
hypolasius 49:145, 146, 193, pls. 1064— 
1066. idaeus 2:195-200; 7:143; 11:179, 
236; 21:89-92, 94-97; 23:208; 25:9; 28:39, 
71; 29: 179, 215; 33: 60, 238; 37: 274; B. cana- 
densis 21: 93; f. inermis 21: 91, 96; subsp. 
melanolasius 21: 92, 96; subsp. melano- 
trachys 21:97; subsp. sachalinensis 21:93, 
97; subsp. strigosus 21:96; subsp. vulgaris 
21: ‘91; subsp. vulgatus 21: :97; var. 39:370, 
373, 375; var. acalyphaceus 21:98; var. 
aculeatissimus 11:236; 12:180; 17:153; 18: 
38; 20:58; 21:92, 95, 96, 170; 22:136; 34: 
64, 168; f. albus 10:50; 21:96; var. angusti- 
folius 21:95; var. anomalus 2:195, 197—200, 
pl. 20; 14:205; 21:95, 97; 33:237, 238; var. 
arizonicus 21:98; var. canadensis 11:236; 
21:93-97; 22:112; 23:268; 29:131, 179, 215; 
33:121, 237; 34:53; 36:281; 41:245; 42:312, 
330; f. caudatus 21: 97; f. Warei 22: 112; 
var. denudatus 21:90; var. Egglestonii 21: 
95-97; 33:238; var. eucyclus 33:237, 238; 
44: 143; var. heterolasius 21:96, 97, 98; 


167, 168; var. melanotrachys 21:90, 97; 
var. peramoenus 21:98; var. strigosus 2: 
198; 3:174, 188; 6:119; 21: 93, 95, 96; 23: 
268: 29:179; 32:178; 33:238; 36:281; 1. al- 
bus 21:96; 22:112; f. tonsus 21:96; 44:143. 
illecebrosus 24:175. immanis 49:147. im- 
periorum 50:75, 78, 79, pls. 1095, 1096. 
inferior 40:435. invisus 2:23, 27, 29; 9:6; 
43:568. jacens 23:272; 24: 176; 25: 211; 27: 
55; 42:282, 291, 292. jactus 50:74. Jans- 
sonil 42:361, 454 ; 43:560; 44:402. Jecky- 
lanus 8:177, 217; 22:191. jugosus 49:148. 
junceus 8:215; 23:270 .Kennedyanus 33: 
208, 209, pl. 216. laciniatus 26:225; 32: 
159, 255; 50:297. laevior 42:295. lauda- 
tus 37:193. Leersii 2:195, 196; 33:237. leu- 
codermis 7:145. leviculus 50:77, 78. Longii 
40:434, 435, 483, pls. 521, 522; 43:512, 570. 
longipes 50:77, 78, pls. 1093, 1094. luci- 
dus 44:404. maniseesensis 50:75. Matsu- 
muranus 21:93, 96. melanolasius 21:92, 96. 
melanotrachys 21:97.  Millspaughii 2:26; 3: 
174; 6:119; 10:120; 15:224. multiformis 
8: 179; 22: 186; 23: 269 ; 24:175; 42:285, 286; 
50: 214; var. delicatior 8: 180. multispinus 
25: 147; 32:177; 40:435. neglectus 1:184; 
3:233; 9:5; 10:14; 19:227; 20:58; 24: 116. 
nigric ans 6: 141; 7: 109; 8: 146, 213; 9: 8; 17: 
152, 153; 23: 271. nigrobaccus 2: 24-90, 28; 
3:295; 4:91; 6:223, 225; 8:96-98, 146, 169— 
171, 173, 217, 218; 9:5; 10:51, 121; 22:190; 
37:193; x villosus 2:27, 28; var. albinus 1: 
205, 206; 2:25; 10:51; var. ealycosus 3: 
234; 10:51; var. Gravesii 3:295; 9:6; 10: 
51; var. sativus 2:26; 22:190. novanglicus 
42:282. nutkanus 37:273, 275, 276; 42:275; 
f. lacerus 37:281; var. bifarius 42:275; var. 
heteradenius 42:275; var. hypomalacus 
42:275; var. Nuttallii 37:277; 42:275; var. 
parviflorus 37:277; 42:275; var. parvifolius 
37:284; 42:276; var. scopulorum 37:283; 
42:276; var. velutinus 37:277; 42:275. obo- 
valis 8:212; 42:281. obovatus 8:212. ob- 
tusifolius 33:237. obvius 50:76. occiden- 
talis 3:233; 5:130; 6:97, 119, 141; 7:143, 
144; 9:4, 5; 10:13; 20:58; 21:90; 32:255; 
35:250; 40:434; 41:194, 219; x strigosus 9: 
5; f. pallidus 11:48; 31:99; var. flavobaccus 
7:146; var. leucodermis 7:145; var. palli- 
dus 7:144, 146; 11:48. odoratus 2:122; 6: 
97, 119; 9:5; 20:58; 21:200; 24:175; 28:71, 
224; 32:18; 35:249; 37:59, 60, 273, 275; var. 
malachophyllus 24:175. oklahomus 44: 
404. orarius 8:169, 171; 23:268; 25:147; 
32:178. ostryifolius 35:363; 37:193; 43:80. 
paludivagus 42:293, 294, pls. 621, 622. 
particeps 50:75, 80. particularis 50: 77, 78. 
parviflorus 33:226; 37:59-61, 199, 213, 216, 
218, 272—277, 281, 339. map 14, pls. 326, 363; 
42:275, 981; f. pedatifidus 37:61, 281, pl. 
326; var. bifarius 37:276, 280, 281, 339, 
340, map 19; 42:275; f. Fraserianus 47: 
281; f. lacerus 37:281; f. pedatifidus 37: 
281; var. Fraserianus 37:281; var. genuinus 
37:275-277, 339, map 15, pl. 364; 42:275; 
var. grandiflorus 37:276, 281, 282, 340, map 


20, pl. 365; 42:275; subvar. velutinus 37: 
277; var. heteradenius 37:276, 279, 339, 
map 18, pl. 364; 42:275; var. hypomalacus 
37:276, 277-279, 339, map 17, pl. 364; 42: 
275; var. parvifolius 37:274, 276, 284, 340, 
map 22, pl. 365; 42:276; var. scopulorum 
37 :274, 276, 283, 340, map 21, pl. 365; var. 
velutinus 37:274-277, 279, 339, map 106, pl. 
364; 42:275. parvifolius 42:281. pauxillus 
42:454; 44:348, 403. peculiaris 8:174; 23: 
271. pensilvanicus 21:96. peracaulis 44: 
108. peramoenus 21:91, 98. pergratus 8: 
96, 98, 218; 9:10; 10:121; 18:38; 20:58; 22: 
188, 190, 191; 23:271; 25:211; 32:161, 255; 
33:209; 50:302; X procumbens 23:270; x 
setosus 22:180, 188; var. terrae-novae 33: 
208, 209, pl. 217. permixtus 22:187; 42: 
282, 292, 295; var. laevior 42:295. perna- 
gaeus 42:454, 455, pls. 633, 634; 43:570. 
philadelphicus 22:188. phoenicolasius 19: 
228; 40:434; 41:546; 46:85. plexus 43:567, 
568. plicatifolius 8:149, 157, 216; 23:270. 
probabilis 40:435; 43:571. procerus 43:567. 
procumbens 8:146, 147; 9:6, 8; 18:38, 94, 
97; 20:59; 22:185, 187; 23:270; 26:185, 225; 
32:255; 50:297. pubescens 11:230, 237; 16: 
151; 20:58; 29:215; 32:206; 33:121; 48:163; 
var. pilosifolius 16:152, 191; 20:58. pu- 
dens 50:76, 214. Randii 6:224; 19:228; 23: 
270. recurvans 6:224; 8:146, 152, 155, 157; 
9:6, 8; 13:104; 20:58; 22:185, 186, 188; 23: 
270; 24:175; 25:211; 33:103; 44:348, 402; 
var. subrecurvans 8:152. recurvicaulis 8: 
153, 216; 22:168, 186; 23:270; 24:176; 28: 
84; 29:129, 179, 215; 32:178; 33:112, 121; 
50:214; var. armatus 22:168; var. inarma- 
tus 8:155. redundans 50:80. rhodinsu- 
lanus 27:202. roribaccus 2:23; 50:76. rosae- 
folius 19:228. Rossbergianus 9:7. sacha- 
linensis 21:93, 97. sativus 2:23, 26, 28; 22: 
189-191. saxatilis 10:15; var. canadensis 11: 
237. scambens 50:77, 78. sejunctus 47:94, 
152. semierectus 8:156,216. semisetosus 
9:8, 10; 22:185. sempervirens 8:212. seto- 
sus 2:27—29, 201; 6:119; 8:146, 213-216; 9: 
8, 9; 10:117; 18:38; 20:58; 22:185-189, 191; 
23:271, 272; 42:286, 287. severus 33:102- 
104; 42:282; 43:568. Sewardianus 47:154— 
156, pls. 894, 895. spiculosus 42:284— 
286, pls. 608, 609. stellatus 10:15; 41:245. 
strigosus 1:184; 2:197, 198, 200; 6:97, 119; 
9:4, 5; 10:14, 119; 11:236; 21:89, 91—94, 96; 
28:71; 29:179, 215; var. albus 10:50; 21:96; 
var. borealis 21:96; var. caudatus 21:95, 97. 
subarcticus 21:94, 97. subinnoxius 49:146, 
193, pls. 1067-1069. subuniflorus 9:6. 
suus 49:147. tallahasseanus 44:404. tarda- 
tus 8:214; 17:152, 153; 22:168, 187; 23:156, 
271; 24:176; 32:177; 42:282, 292; 50:214. 
tennesseanus 37:309, 318. tholiformis 42: 
283-286, pls. 606, 607. triflorus 1:184; 2: 
87, 208; 3:188; 6:97, 119; 9:5, 162, 169, 190; 
10:15, 120; 11:236; 12:128; 16:151; 17:152; 
20:58; 21:201; 22:134; 25:9; 29:215; 33: 
191; 34:64; 36:281. trifrons 42:292; 50: 
76, 77, 214; var. pudens 50:76, 77, 214. tri- 

phyllus 10:152; 20:58. trivialis 8:148; 22: 
185; 36:375; 39:481; 43:493, 567. uligino- 
sus 49:147, 193, pls. 1070, 1071. univocus 
50:214. velutinus37:273,377; 42:275. ver- 
montanus 22:185, 187-189; 23:271; 24:176; 
25:211; 33:208; 50:214; var. viridifolius 33: 
102, 104. vigil 42:282; 43:569, 570; 50:70. 
villosus 1:205; 2:25, 29; 3:188; 6:224; 7: 
123, 125; 8:146, 148, 217, 218; 12:120; 20: 
59; 26:225; 32:255; 34:61; 39:375; var. 
albinus 1:205; 10:51; var. frondosus 2:26; 
var. humifusus 2:27; 10:152; 11:130. vix- 
argutus 49:147, 148 

Rudbeckia 6:132; 11:130; 13:18; 14:164; 26: 

149; 27:131; 36:373; 37:307; 40:353; 42: 
156, 375; 47:398; 48:79. alismaefolia 47: 
401. ampla 50:171. atrorubens 38:197, 199. 
Beadlei 39:458. columnaris 40:354—350 ; 45: 
512. columnifera 40:354—356. Deamii 19: 
113; 47:400. digitata 50:171. digitatis 50: 
171. flava 50:174, 175. fulgida 35:364; 36: 
225, 231; 37:196; 41:475, 573; 43:656, 657; 
46:141; 47:400; 48:75; var. fulgida 47:400; 
var. missouriensis 47:401; var. Sullivantii 
47:400; var. umbrosa 47:400. grandiflora 
47:401; var. alismaefolia 47:401; var. 
grandiflora 47:401. Heliopsidis 42:375, 
378, 382, 496, map 10; «. 42:496; f. villipes 
42:496; var. a. 42:375; var. B. 42:375, 496. 
heterophylla 50:172. hirta 2:84; 6:132; 14: 
23; 17:36; 18:212; 19:116; 21:170; 26:149, 
186, 228; 27:131; 32:151, 160, 279; 37:196; 
39:371, 375, 457, 458, 491, pl. 487; 43:663; 
44:236; 50:172-176, 303, pl. 1102; f. flaves- 
cens 43:663; f. homochroma 40:179; 50: 
176; f. pleniflora 50:176; f. viridiflora 33: 
170; 37:88; 50:176; var. annulata 50:176; 
var. Brittonii 39:457, 458; 40:472; var. 
corymbifera 39:457, 458, 475, 491, pl. 487; 
50:175; var. monticola 39:457, 458; 40: 
472; 46:141; 50:173; var. pulcherrima 50: 
175; var. rubra 50:175; var. sericea 39:457, 
458, 491, pl. 487; 44:236; 46:141; 50:175; 
var. tubuliformis 26:149, 232; 50:175. laci- 
niata 23:298; 24:205; 26:149; 35:320; 47: 
401; 50:171; var. digitata 50:171; var. gas- 
pereauensis 24:205; 43:343; var. hetero- 
phylla 50:172; var. humilis 24:152; 39: 
482; 50:171, 172; var. laciniata 47:401. 
lanceolata 50:175. missouriensis 47:400, 
401. monticola 50:173. pallida 2:85, 86. 
palustris 47:400. pinnata 40:353. purpurea 
2:85. sericea 50:175. serotina 50:173-175, 
pl. 1103; f. annulata 50:176; f. homo- 
chroma 50:176; f. pleniflora 50:176; f. 
pulcherrima 50:175; f. rubra 50:175; f. 
tubuliformis 50:175; f. viridiflora 50:176; 
var. corymbifera 50:175; var. lanceolata 
50:175; var. sericea 50:175. spathulata 
43:656, 657; 47:400. speciosa 19:113, 115; 
26:149; 47:400; var. Sullivantii 10:68; 19: 
113; 47:400. subtomentosa 14:164; 35:300, 
364; 37:196; f. Craigii 39:458; var. Craigii 
14:164; 39:458. Sullivantii 10:68; 47:400. 
triloba 41:188, 573; 43:657; 47:401; var. 


Beadlei 39:458; var. triloba 47:401. um- 
brosa 43:656, 657; 47:400 

Rudbeckias 47:400 

Rue, Meadow 11:199 

Ruellia 40:376; 44:349; 45:370; 47:302. acau- 
lis 47:10. angustifolia 47:8, 10, 11. biflora 
47:14. Brittoniana 47:5, 7-9, 11-13, 87, pl. 
839. caroliniensis 17:134, 137; 34:206; 47: 
2-4, 7, 28, 30-33, 35, 52-57, 59, 61, 69, 75, 
84—86, 181; f. alba 41:585; 47:54; var. che- 
loniformis 47:25, 70, 74, 80, 84-86, 90, 182, 
map 18, pls. 871, 872; f. candida 47:182; 
var. dentata 47:25, 69, 71, 73, 74, 82, 84-86, 
90, 182, map 20, pls. 874, 875; var. mem- 
branacea 47:25, 70, 74, 75, 78-81, 84—86, 89, 
181, map 16, pls. 865, 866; f. breviberbis 
47 :70, 78, 89, pl. 867; f. hypopsila 47:70, 
78, 89, 181, pl. 867; f. laevior 47:70, 79, 
80, 89, 181, pl. 868; var. nanella 47:25, 70, 
74, 77, 19, 80, 84, 89, 181, map 17, pls. 869, 
870; f. eciliata 47:70, 79, 89, 182, pl. 870; 
var. parviflora 17:134, 137; 47:28, 29, 71, 
86; var. salicina 47:25, 70, 74, 81, 84, 85, 
90, map 19, pl. 873; var. semicalva 47:25, 
69, 73, 82, 84, 85, 89, 181, map 16, pl. 864; 
f. detonsa 47:69, 74; var. typica 47:25, 69, 
71, 73, 84-86, 89, map 14, pls. 861-863. 
ciliosa 17:134, 137; 47:3, 6, 23, 25, 28, 29, 
31-388, 47, 51-54, 56, 58-62, 71-75, 79, 81- 
83, 85, 88, 181, map 6, pls. 849, 850; var. 
47:32; var. ambigua 17:134; 47:16, 28-30, 
72, 74, 82; var. cinerascens 47:78; var. 
humilis 47:51, 53; var. hybrida 47:27, 29, 
52, 71, 72, 82; var. longiflora 47:36, 51, 
56-60; var. parviflora 17:134, 137; 47:52. 
Drummondiana 47:2, 30. foliosa 47:14. 
geminiflora 47:9; var. humilis 47:10. 
heteromorpha 47:6, 25, 32-35, 87, map 5, 
pls. 847, 848. hirsuta 47:51, 59, 62. humi- 
lis 47:2, 3, 7, 28, 31, 33-38, 48, 50—54, 56, 58, 
60—62, 72, 77, 80, 82, 85, 181, pl. 854; var. 
calvescens 47:25, 51, 52, 60, 63, 89, 181, 
map 13, pl. 860; var. expansa 47:25, 51, 
58, 62, 89, map 12, pl. 859; var. frondosa 
47:25, 51, 54, 82, 88, 181, map 10, pl. 857; 
var. longiflora 47:25, 37, 51, 56, 60, 62, 63, 
88, map 11, pl. 858; var. typica 47:25, 51, 
54, 88, map 9, pls. 854, 855; f. alba 47:54; 
f. grisea 47:51, 54, 88, pl. 856. hybrida 
47:2, 28, 31-34, 36, 71, 72, 77, 86. longi- 
flora 47:26, 49. malacosperma 47:8, 9, 13. 
Morongii 47:10, 11. noctiflora 47:3, 7, 25, 
49, 50, 57, 62, 63, 88, map 8, pls. 852, 853. 
nudiflora 47:2. oblongifolia 47:14, 55. 
Parryi 47:2. parviflora 47:2, 26-29, 31-33, 
35, 37, 49, 52-54, 60, 61, 72—75, 80-82, 86, 
181. pedunculata 36:232; 47:3, 5, 21, 22, 
24—28, 30, 31, 82, 85, 87, map 2, pl. 843. 
pinetorum 47:5, 24—27, 87, map 3, pl. 844. 
Purshiana 47:5, 25, 27, 29-32, 75, 85, 87, 
181, map 4, pls. 845, 846; f. claustroflora 
47:7, 29, 87, 181, pl. 846. scabrosa 20:68. 
spectabilis 47:8, 10-12. strepens 41:570; 
47:2, 3, 5, 13, 15, 19-22, 25-30, 32, 36, 52. 
55, 58, 60, 61, 71—83, 85. 87, map 1, pl. 841; 
19:180; f. cleistantha 42:480; 47:6, 17, 20, 

21, 87, pl. 842; var. 47:52; var. cleistantha 
47:17, 20, 29. succulenta 47:3, 6, 25, 48, 40 
88, map 7, pl. 851. tubiflora 47:49, 50, 88, 
pl. 853. 'Tweediana 47:8-13, 87, pl. 840. 
Tweedyi 47:11. vincaeflora 47:14 

Rumex 3:132; 6:114; 7:161; 9:37; 10:17, 207; 

12:138; 14:204; 17:73, 75, 79, 175, 226; 26: 
187; 45:105, 510; 47:134. Acetosa 4:204; 
17:175; 23:95, 107, 258; 24:115; 28:84; 29: 
212; 33:165; 37:85; 41:219; 42:321. Aceto- 
sella 1:192; 3:17, 130, 132, 173, 189; 4:204; 
6:114; 17:175, 215, 226; 18:36, 96; 21:66; 
22:137; 25:8; 26:185, 186, 224; 28:73; 29: 
132, 212; 31:10; 32:151, 249; 33:108, 120; 
34:52; 36:220, 280; 50:290, 295; var. integri- 
folius 42:377, 448; var. pyrenaeus 49:140. 
alpinus 23:107, 257. altissimus 1:47; 3:64; 
4:204; 13:89; 17:175; 19:128; 43:493, 551; 
47:135-137; 50:106, 127. aquaticus 47:194. 
arcticus 41:219, 245; 42:321. Britannica 1: 
205; 4:204; 5:132; 12:104, 138; 17:151, 175; 
32:248; 47:134—136, pl. 883; 49:247. Clay- 
tonii 47:135-137. conglomeratus 4:205. 
erispatulus 17:77. crispus 3:189; 4:204; 5: 
135; 6:114; 17:175, 215; 18:36; 21:170; 26: 
184, 186, 224; 29:212; 32:248; 33:120; 36: 
374; 44:342; 50:295. fenestratus 41:219; 
49:246. fueginus 17:76, 81; 46:283. grami- 
nifolius 41:219. hastatulus 4:204, 205; 13: 
151; 17:175; 36:43, 220. Hydrolapathum 
47:133, 136; var. americanum 47:137. h- 
mosus 17:80. maritimus 4:205; 5:119; 17: 
73, 75-77, 80, 83, pl. 113; 29:44, 106; 46:283; 
50:290; var. athrix 17:79, 80, 82; 47:283; 
var. fueginus 17:76, 77, 79-81, 83, 175, pl. 
113; 23:158, 258; 24:62; 26:224; 29:64, 106; 
30:108; 32:105, 107, 148, 161, 214, 249; 46: 
283; 50:295. mexicanus 10:17, 20; 11:179; 
13:89; 15:164; 16:39, 96; 17:30, 175; 19: 
128; 24:182; 29:106, 123, 129, 157, 212; 36: 
280; 42:321. montanus 6:144. obtusifolius 
4:204; 6:114; 17:77, 175; 22:137; 28:73; 29: 
212; 32:248; 33:120; 36:374; 47:134—136, pl. 
883; 50:302; var. sylvestris 23:258. occi- 
dentalis 10:95; 11:164; 12:107; 13:123; 25: 
8; 28:54, 63, 118, 199; 34:52; 36:280; 49: 
246. orbicularis 47:135. orbiculatus 47: 
134—137; 49:247. pallidus 10:19, 154; 11: 
13; 17:146, 175; 18:36; 23:155, 257; 29:89; 
41:219. Patientia 1:221; 3:64; 4:204; 10: 
112; 12:104, 138; 17:146, 151, 175; 28:63; 
29:212; 35:251; 44:342. Persicaria 44:342. 
persicarioides 4:205; 10:20; 13:179; 17:73- 
77, 80, 81, 83, 175, pl. 113; 19:258; 20:103; 
24:62; 32:249; 37:85; 44:342; 46:283; 50: 
213. salicifolius 4:205; 6:140; 10:17-19; 
17:79; 29:106, 157, 212. sanguineus 1:165; 
4:205. verticillatus 1:43, 205; 4:205; 17: 
175; 32:124, 209-211, 249; 35:251; 36:43; 
47 :134—137 

Running Cedar 18:32. Swamp Blackberry 


Ruppia 7:172, 223, 224, 226, 227, 230, 231; 8: 

190; 11:208; 12:12; 16:119, 124, 125; 25: 
107; 29:112; 41:177, 257; 44:217. brachy- 
pa 16:120, 121, 124; 50:212. curvicarpa 


16:124. drepanensis 16:120. intermedia 
16:124; var. curvicarpa 16:127. maritima 
1:198; 5:135; 10:169; 11:208; 16:119-125, 
127, pl. 110; 22:15; 29:43, 44, 63, 92, 106, 111, 
139; 32:158, 230; 35:91; 42:20; 50:212, 291, 
293; subsp. brachypus 16:124; subsp. brevi- 
rostris 16:124; subsp. rostellata 16:125; 
subsp. spiralis 16:121, 123; var. brachypus 
16:124; var. brevirostris 16:123, 124, 127, pl. 
110; 35:91, 131; 50:212; var. eurvicarpa 16: 
123, 124, pl. 110; var. exigua 16:123, 127, 
pl. 110; var. intermedia 16:123, 124, 127, 
pl. 110; 35:91, 131; 44:104; var. longipes 16: 
122—127, pl. 110; 23:141, 192; 27:54; 32:131, 
148, 230; 38:383; 44:217; f. aculeata 16:125; 
f. pectinata 16:125; var. minor 16:125; var. 
obliqua 16:123-125, 127, pl. 110; 24:182; 29: 
123, 148, 206; 35:91, 131; var. onondagensis 
16:123, 126, 127, pl. 110; 29:111, 112; var. 
recta 16:124; var. rostrata 16:121-127, pl. 
110; 19:107; 23:192; 32:231; 35:131; 44: 
217; var. spiralis 16:123; var. subcapitata 
16:123, 126, 127, pl. 110; 19:107; 23:199; 
20:112; 32:148, 213, 231; 44:217. obliqua 
16:123. occidentalis 16:121. pectinata 16: 
123, 124. rostellata 16:120—122, 125, 127, pl. 
110; 29:148, 206. spiralis 16:120, 122, 123, 
125; 41:176. transsilvanica 16:123 

Ruprechtia 46:346, 375 

Rush(es) 8:233; 11:132; 26:187; 40:180; 42: 
148, 150, 151; 44:43; 47:206, 207. Bog 18: 
74. Flowering 32:19. Scouring 47:200. 
Small 28:74 

Russian Thistle 12:15 

Russula 1:187; 3:142; 13:57, 62. abietina 13: 
62, 65. aeruginea 44:173. delica 44:171, 
173, 174. S emetica 2 715.725.314 D.143: 41^ 
518. foetans 2:103; 44:173. fragilis 2:72; 
44:173. furcata 2:193. Mairei 44:173. ob- 
scura 13:59, 60. palustris 13:59, 60, 65. 
parazurea 44:173 

Rusts 38:97 

Rusty Cinerea 38:428. Winter Grape 38:428 

Rutaceae 7:28; 21:81; 31:43 

Rye 49:265 

Ryegrass 49:267 

Rynchobodo nasuta 50:278 

Rytiphloea capensis 21:207. 

Sabal exul 18:155. Palmetto 36:30, 41, fig. 1 
Sabatia 1:169; 11:54; 14:30; 17:54-56, 129; 
18:145, 149; 23:158, 160, 165; 24:100, 234; 
42:22, 91, 155; 44:352, 360; 45:105; 49:159. 
$ Eusabatia 17:55, 56. 8 Pseudochironia 17: 
56, 57. subgen. Eusabatia 17:56; 8 Penta- 
petala 17:56; sub-8 Angulares 17:56; 
sub-§ Campanulatae 17:56; sub-§ Cam- 
pestres 17:56. $8 Pleienta 17:56; 41:312. 
subgen. Plurimaria 17:56, 57. subgen. Pseu- 
dochironia 17:56. amoena 34:26, 27; 42: 
389, 474; 43:629; f. albiflora 34:26. angu- 
laris 17:56; 18:147; 24:284; 37:438; 38:377; 
50:98; f. cleistantha 42:474. arenicola 17: 
56. Boykinii 17:54, 55. brachiata 17:56; 
37:381, 437; 39:339, 443, 467, 481; 44:200, 

sinensis 21:206 


343; 50:127; f. candida 39:443. calycina 
17:56; 39:340, 443, 480; 43:525, 630. caly- 
cosa 40:355. campanulata 17:52, 56, 57, pl. 
112; 18:145—147, 151, 254; 24:235; 32:177, 
212; 34:27; 37:438; 38:393; 39:337, 443, 444, 
475, 487; 44:300, 431; f. albina 18:151 ; var. 
gracilis 39:444; 44:360, 431; var. grandi- 
flora 17:52, 56. campestris 9:207; 17:56; 
18:147; 36:232; 47:209; 50:98, 127; f. albi- 
flora 50:98. capitata 17:54, 55, 57. car- 
nosa 17:56. chloroides 1:170; 4:103, 107; 
7:38; 9:14; 1190; 13:150: 18:145, 147; 23: 
286. concinna 50:106, 127. corymbosa 17: 
50; 44:260. decandra 17:56; 18:150, 152, pl. 
121; 22:102; 23:160, 300, pl. 130 (map 12). 
difformis 17:50, 51, 56, 57, pl. 112; 30:477; 
40:365; 44:260; 48:58; 49:86, 95, 159. do- 
decandra 7:75; 11:129: 13:150, 159, 181; 
14:29, 32; 17:54-56; 18:70, 145, 147-150, 152, 
pl. 121; 24:100, 235; 39:473, 477; 44:352, 
370,431. Elliottii 17:51, 56; 39:477. foliosa 
17:53, 54, 56. gentianoides 17:55, 57; 44: 
260. gracilis 1:224; 14:30, 32; 17:52: 18: 
145; 24:235; 34:27; 37:380, 438; 38:378; 39: 
443, 444; 42:87, 91; 44:431; var. grandiflora 
17:52. grandiflora 17:52. Harperi 17:53, 
54. Kennedyana 18:150, 152, pl. 121; 20: 
110; 21:350; 22:102; 23:158, 160, 165, 167, 
286, 300, pl. 130 (map 12); 24:100, 180, 235; 
32:177; 44:230; f. candida 18:151; 24:180, 
235; f. eucycla 24:180. lanceolata 17:50, 
51; 39:477; 40:365. macrophylla 17:56. 
maculata 17:56. maritima 34:26, 28. ob- 
tusata 17:54, 56, 57, pl. 112. Palmeri 17: 
56. paniculata 17:51, 56; 39:339, 442, 443, 
477; a. latifolia 17:51; B. angustifolia 17:51. 
Purpusii 17:56. simulata 17:56. stellaris 4: 
107 ; 8:80; 10:43; 17:52, 56; 18:145—147, 152; 
24:284, 2835; 25:48; 34:27, 28; 42:389; 43: 
522, 629, 630; 44:343, 354; f. albiflora 18: 
152; 34:26; 43:630; 44:431 

Sabina 43:346. Grisebachii 43:345. multiova 
43:347. silicicola 43:347 

Sabulina 21:11, 12; 50:196. biflora 21:11, 13; 
50:196. laricifolia 21:11. patula 43:328. 
sphagnoides 21:6. striata 21:16. stricta 21: 
11. tenuifolia 21:11. texana 37:101. uni- 
flora 50:195, 197. verna 21:11 

Saccaron 24:55, 56 

Saccharodendron floridanum 40:380 

Saccharum 24:55, 56; 45:248 

Sacchoriza dermatodea 2:48; 33:130 

Sacciolepis 44:355. gibba 44:355, 381, 382. 
striata 38:377, 394; 39:472, 477 ; 40:390; 41: 
467; 42:393; 44:241, 257, 355, 381, 382; f. 
gibba 44:381, 382 

Saccogyna 11:16. viticulosa 7:55 

Sacred Datura 46:317 

Saelania glaucescens 39:13, 39 

Sage Brush 38:66; 43:439, 456 

Sagenia 4:162 

Sagina 18:87; 27:130; 34:165. apetala 5:190. 
caespitosa 41:222. crassicaulis 41:391, 392; 
var. littorea 41:392. decumbens 5:189, 190; 
13:8, 151; 18:87; 19:130; 36:43; 39:474; 
40:372; 41:490. fontinalis 45:277. inter- 


media 41:161, 222. japonica 41:391. Lin- 
naei, œ. micrantha 27:130; var. maxima 41: 
392. litoralis 41:391, 392. maxima 41:391, 
392; f. littorea 41:392; var. erassicaulis 41: 
392. micrantha 27:130; 41:222. nivalis 
38:113, 119, 150. nodosa 2:188; 4:24; 5: 
189; 11:13, 93; 12:106, 107; 23:150, 158, 198; 
29:122, 132, 161, 174, 212; 31:143; 34:52, 
244; 37:207; var. glandulosa 11:13; 17:154; 
18:37, 87; var. pubescens 4:24, 26; 5:189, 
236; 23:204. occidentalis 13:219. procum- 
bens 1:103; 3:188; 4:150; 5:189, 190; 11: 
93; 17:148; 18:87; 21:201; 26:225; 29:212; 
32:214, 251; 33:111, 120; 41:79, 391; 50:296; 
var. compacta 44:127. saginoides 9:161, 
167; 27:130; 36:411, 422; 44:113; var. hes- 
peria 27:131. sinensis 41:391. virginica 
34:165; 48:328 

Sagittaria 2:153-155, 215; 4:2, 168; 5:86; 6: 
104; 10:207; 11:37; 12:4, 116; 39:29, 274; 
42:387, 524; 44:212, 218, 365, 369; 45:53; 
47:385; 49:107. ambigua 37:387, 388, 451, 
pl. 386; 48:330. arifolia 6:104; 12:116; 13: 
141; 14:158, 200; 16:15, 38; 21:191; 22:137; 
23:131, 137, 192; 39:186; 44:218. australis 
39:353; 46:75. calycina 24:71; var. depau- 
perata 38:73; var. fluitans 40:177; var. 
grandis 38:73; var. maxima 10:31; 38:73; 
var. spongiosa 20:102; 24:71, 73. cristata 
37:199. cuneata 12:116; 23:131, 137, 192; 
24:184; 29:248-250; 36:277; 39:186; 44:8, 
218; f. equiloba 38:74; f. hemicycla 38: 
74; 44:188. cycloptera 37:387, 388, 451, pl. 
386. Eatoni 44:356, 368,378. Edwardsiana 
39:30, 31, pl. 454. Engelmanniana 1:97, 
105; 3:64; 9:121; 10:43; 12:4; 13:247; 14: 
30; 19:107; 21:73; 26:180; 29:248-251; 32: 
176, 211; 43:79; 44:218, 365, 378; f. dilatata 
38:74; 44:218, 365, 378. falcata 37:387—389, 
451, pl. 836; 38:377; 39:477; 41:475, 533; 
42:391, 509. gracilis 10:31. graminea 1:82; 
2:120; 6:104; 7:71, 110; 8:27; 12:4; 14:44; 
21:191; 23:146, 192; 25:185; 28:86; 29:248, 
250; 31:169; 32:211; 36:194, 389; 37:387, 
388, 451, pl. 386; 39:30, 274, pl. 454; 40:371, 
385; 44:219; 47:343; 48:330. hastata 10:64. 
heterophylla 2:126; 3:64; 5:132; 12:4; 15: 
158; 19:91; 29:65, 67, 71, 72, 109, 248, 249, 
252; 35:361; f. elliptica 15:159; 29:248, 
252; f. fluitans 15:159; 16:38; 29:248, 252; 
44:218; f. rigida 15:159; 29:248, 252; var. 
angustifolia 15:159; 24:98; 44:218; var. el- 
liptica 15:159; 38:74; 44:219; var. fluitans 
15:159; 38:73; var. rigida 12:4; 15:159; 44: 
218. isoetifolia 22:102. Kurziana 44:211- 
213, figs. 1, 2. lancifolia 6:176; 36:35; 37: 
387, 388, 451, pl. 386. latifolia 6:104; 9:121; 
12:4; 13:18, 141; 14:26, 31, 103; 16:15; 17: 
209, 211; 24:98, 186; 27:186; 29:248-250; 32: 
149, 153, 216, 231; 39:52; 44:218; 46:75; 
48:330; 49:106, 107; f. diversifolia 10:31; 
22:136; 29:248; 44:218; f. gracilis 10:31; 
15:159; 17:211; 29:248; 32:133; 44:218; f. 
hastata 10:64; 17:211; 29:248; 32:231; 44: 
218; f. obtusa 10:31; 17:211; 27:186; 29: 
248; 44:218; var. obtusa 27:186; 49:106, 


107, 192, pl. 1056; var. pubescens 38:384; 
39:476; 46:75. longirostra 8:80; 29:249; 
46:75. lorata 42:409; 44:212, fig. 3. mon- 
tevidensis 2:154, 155, pl. 19. natans 7:72; 
42:408; 44:212; var. gracillima 1:224; 42: 
408; var. lorata 42:408, 409. obtusa 10:31; 
27:186. planipes 49:106, 107, 192, pl. 
1056. pusilla 5:84, 85; 42:408. radicans 
49:107. rigida 4:39; 15:159; 28:244; 40: 
28; 44:218; 48:330; f. elliptica 38:74; 44: 
219; f. fluitans 38:73; 44:218; var. Engel- 
manni 15:159. sagittifolia 24:186, 187. 
stagnorum 44:211, 212, fig. 4. subulata 3: 
64; 29:248, 251; 39:30, 472; 42:386, 399, 
407—409, 510, 513; 44:212, 219, 378, 438, fig. 
5; 47:343; var. gracillima 11:82; 12:4; 29: 
248, 250; 42:408; 44:219; var. lorata 42: 
409; var. natans 42:387, 407, 408; var. 
typica 42:408. teres 1:224; 5:134; 12:4; 
14:31; 17:142; 18:147; 22:102; 23:135; 29: 
243, 248, 250; 32:176, 211; 39:30, pl. 454; 
44:219. variabilis 5:132; var. angustifolia 
24:98; var. diversifolia 10:31; var. gracilis 
1:105; 10:31; var. obtusa 10:31; 27:186. 
virginiana 49:108. Weatherbiana 37:387- 
389, 451, pls. 385, 386; 39:327, 331, 381, 476, 
map 5; 42:359, 400, 409, 498; 44:241, 377; 
45 :367 

St. Johnsworts, Marsh 38:433 

Saintpauliopsis 44:28 

Salacia 31:94 

Salazaria 26:62 

Salicaceae 6:113; 9:37; 12:177; 13:196; 16: 
106, 198, 199, 201; 18:35; 25:8; 26:224; 28: 
73; 29:211; 31:43; 32:246; 36:279; 43:79; 
45:309; 49:255; 50:295, 301 

Salices 36:250; 42:312, 315; 47:281; 48:42 

Salicineae 32:95 

Salicornia 7:233; 9:200, 204; 16:199; 17:178; 
29:174; 41:256; 49:254. ambigua 2:126; 5: 
131, 204; 11:127, 229; 14:19; 17:178; 18:94, 
97; 26:175; 32:148, 250; 38:415; 41:560; 50: 
162, 168. annua 9:204. europaea 9:204— 
206; 11:127, 229; 14:19; 17:147, 178, 215, 
221; 18:94, 97, 243, 244; 25:107; 29:89, 90, 
92, 93, 108, 112, 139; 32:148, 158, 250; 38: 
415; 39:54; 49:23; 50:302; var. fruticosa 9: 
204; var. herbacea 9:204; var. pachystachya 
9:206; 17:178; 18:243, 244; 49:23; var. 
prostrata 9:206; 11:93; 18:243, 244; 28: 
86, 199; 49:247; var. simplex 49:23. fruti- 
cosa 9:205. gracillima 16:200. herbacea 5: 
133; 9:204—206; 29:43, 44, 106; 32:158; 39: 
54; 50:163; 8. pachystachya 9:205, 206; 49: 
23; B. simplex 49:23; 8. virginica 50:162, 
163; var. pachystachya 49:23; var. prostrata 
9:206. mucronata 11:127, 229; 14:19; 15: 
76; 17:178; 18:94, 96; 32:250; 38:415. pro- 
strata 9:205, 206. pusilla 16:199, 200. rubra 
9:206; 15:222. sempervirens 9:204. virgin- 
ica 50:162, 163 

Salicornieto-Suaedetum 39:56 

Salicornietum 39:53, 54 

Salix 1:167; 3:219, 220; 6:7, 113; 7:142, 161, 
185; 9:37, 157; 11:158; 12:177; 13:147; 14: 
79, 163; 16:106, 109, 169; 19:62, 220; 21: 


190; 23:172; 28:94, 98; 29:156; 30:137; 32: 
111, 199; 33:22, 60, 62, 145, fig. 1; 34:247; 
35:52, 122; 36:250, 254, 373; 38:109; 40:145, 
148—153, 155, 156, 159, 160, 162, 163, 167, 169— 
171; 41:144, 514, 520; 42:151; 43:212; 44: 
173, 174; 45:109; 47:259, 320; 48:13, 16; 50: 
287, 288. 8 Adenophyllae 48:15, 34, 37, 38. 
$Argenteae 49:4547. § Argyrocarpae 48: 
44; 49:37, 44. 8 Bonplandianae 48:43. $ 
Capreae 49:45, 47. $ Chrysanthae 35:243, 
244. 8 Cordatae 48:15, 34, 37, 38; 49:41. 
$ Diandrae 9:221; 49:43, 44. § Glaucae 32: 
112. § Griseae 49:47. § Herbaceae 48:44; 
49:38, 39, 44. 8 Lanatae 35:244. § Lucidae 
49:41. $Myrtosalix 49:38. § Nigrae 48:43. 
$ Ovalifoliae 49:38. 8 Pentandrae 6:6; 48: 
43. $8 Phylicifoliae 49:45-47. $ Repentes 
49:45. $ Retusae 49:38. § Reticulatae 48: 
41-43; 49:38. $ Roseae 32:112. $ Sitch- 
enses 40:43, 45. 8 Uva-ursi 48:44; 49:37- 
39, 42-44. $ Virentes 49:45. adenophylla 
9:225, 226; 25:209; 30:279; 37:72; 48:14, 
28, 31—38, 48, pls. 997-1001. alaxensis 32: 
200, 202, map 15; 33:244; 35:245; 41:146, 
151, 162, 216; 45:309; var. longistylis 42: 
321. alba 12:104; 15:163; 16:106; 32:152, 
160, 246; x fragilis 16:108; 26:224; 32:240; 
50:295; x lucida 48:38; var. caerulea 6: 
139; 16:106; var. pameachiana 48:38; var. 
vitellina 12:128, 175, 177; 14:79; 15:67; 16: 
13, 106; x fragilis 48:38. alpina 17:136, 
137. amoena 28:189; 35:247. amplifolia 
9:222; 35:245. amygdaloides 1:229; 6:3—5, 
7; 24:00; 25:200; 26:137; 32:246; 40:276. 
anamesa 28:186. ancorifera 35:245-247, 
fig. 1. anglorum 7:185; 25:8, 112; 28:100, 
177, 178, 186; 38:119, 147; 44:114; var. anti- 
plasta 44:140; 48:44; var. araioclada 38:124, 
147; 44:140; var. kophophylla 28:178; 29: 
56; 35:10, 83; 38:147, 274; 44:140. angu- 
stata 48:38. arbuscula 49:46; a. erecta, f. 
angustifolia 17:136. arbusculoides 34:245; 
41:151; 42:321; 45:309; 49:46, 47. arbuti- 
folia 41:216. arctica 7:185; 34:237 ; 42:320; 
45:309; X cuneata 41:216; y. groenlandica, 
var. lejocarpa 28:178; var. antiplasta 48: 
445; var. subeordata 34:237. arctophila 28: 
53, 62, 118, 178, 188, 189; 32:260; 35:55, 120; 
38:147; 44:123; x glauca 38:121; f. lejo- 
carpa 28:178; var. lejocarpa 28:178. argy- 
rocarpa 3:172; 8:21, 22; 9:24, 154, 160, 166, 
169; 34:245; 38:148; 44:123; 48:44; 49:44— 
48. athabascensis 32:111-113, pl. 202. 
atra 28:182, 184. aurita 16:106; X caprea 
9:41; x cinerea x repens 9:42. babylonica 
16:106; 17:214; 24:209. balsamifera 3:155, 
173, 277; 5:37; 6:113; 9:156, 160, 189; 12: 
103; 13:138; 14:69, 70, 79; 16:116; 17:152, 
153; 22:134; 23:176, 245; 47:144; var. lan- 
ceolata 16:116. Barclayi 9:160, 190, 221; 
13:138; 16:175; 35:48, 246; 41:216; 42:321; 
* S. latiuscula 28:126, 127; 35:246; f. latiu- 
scula 35:246; subsp. latiuscula 35:48. Bar- 
rattiana 9:226; 41:216; 45:309. Bebbiana 
6:113: 16177262122 elon 19/5 1435/28: 
190; 32:173; 36:279; 41:149, 216; 42:321; 

47:144; 48:43; f. luxurians 26:122; var. 
capreifolia 26:123; 44:111, 140; var. luxu- 
rians 26:122, 123; 44:140; var. perrostrata 
26:123; 28:95, 189, 190; 29:56; var. projecta 
35:12. bella 49:45, 47. Bonplandiana 48: 
43. brachycarpa 26:125; 33:243, 244; 37: 
417, 418; 38:299; 42:321; 44:114; var. alti- 
cola 36:195; var. antimima 33:243; 44: 
140. brachypoda 36:279. calcicola 13: 
251-253; 16:169; 25:112; 28:62, 93, 99, 146, 
178, 190; 35:55, 244; 38:148; 44:124. cali- 
fornica 16:173. callicarpaea 28:181, 182, 
184. candida 5:32; 6:3, 8, 191; 7:107, 154; 
9:179; 12:117, 187; 13:114, 123, 138; 14:77, 
199; 16:106, 173; 19:32, 52; 20:101; 21:88, 
202; 26:135, 142, 143; 28:75, 95; 29:162; 32: 
111; 33:168; 35:55; 36:279; 48:28; 49:246; 
var. denudata 26:142; 33:168; 36:279. ca- 
prea 16:178; 49:45; X daphnoides, var. 
pulchra 9:42. X capreola 9:41. caroliniana 
48:28-31; 49:22. cascadensis 36:196; 49: 
38-41, 43, 44. caudata 49:41. Chamissonis 
41:164, 216. chlorolepis 7:186; 9:160, 167; 
16:169; 31:47; 33:243; 35:247; 44:114, 140; 
47:320; var. antimima 33:243; 44:140. 
chlorophylla 49:46. cinerea 49:45; X cor- 
data 16:108. coactilis 8:22; 9:203, 204; 12: 
110; 15:222; 23:26; 49:47; x cordata 9: 
203. commutata, var. denudata 36:307; 37: 
363. conifera 48:14. cordata 6:113; 9:203, 
204, 224, 226; 11:9, 10; 12:177; 16:12, 13, 
106; 19:219; 20:132; 22:134; 23:245; 26: 
135, 137, 139, 140; 28:126; 34:62; 35:91, 242, 
251; 36:279; 48:14, 27, 28, 30-38, 48, pls. 
996-1000; 49:41; x lucida 16:108; X pedi- 
cellaris, var. hypoglauca 16:108; x petio- 
laris 16:108; X rostrata 16:108; X sericea 
16:108; x subsericea 16:108; B. angustata 
48:38; f. mollis 48:38; var. abrasa 48:34; 
var. angustata 16:106; var. myricoides 16: 
107; var. parvifolia 34:237. cordifolia 13: 
193; 18:52; 28:59, 99, 181-184, 186, 189; 32: 
112; 35:55; 44:115; f. atra 28:184; f. hypo- 
prionata 28:182, 184, 185; var. callicarpaea 
28:182, 184, 188; 33:111, 119, 120; 35:89, 
242; 36:279; 38:147; 49:246; var. eucycla 
28:182, 187; 44:140. var. intonsa 28:182, 
185, 186; 38:147; 44:140. var. Macounii 
28:182, 186, 187; 35:10, 83; 38:148. var. 
tonsa 28:182, 187; 44:140. var. typica 28: 
182, 185; 38:147; Coulteri 49:43. crassa 
23:176. crassijulis 41:216; 42:320. crypto- 
donta 16:172; 28:95, 119, 190. cuneata 41: 
161, 163, 216. curtiflora 16:170, 171. Cut- 
leri 49:38-40, 42, 43. decipiens 48:38. de- 
sertorum 7:185, 186; 9:155, 160, 167; 16: 
169; 33:242—244, pl. 218; var. stricta 9:160. 
discolor 8:277; 5:131; 6:118; 12:128, 177; 
13:139; 14:79; 16:107, 108; 17:64, 152; 18: 
35; 19:219; 20:132; 22:131, 134; 23:180; 26: 
135, 136, 138; 27:108; 28:78, 95, 188—190; 
32:159, 247; 34:62; 35:48, 245—247, 251; 36: 
279; 37:350, 352, 355, fig. 3 (map); 43:79; 
44:240; 48:27, 43; 49:45; 50:301; x humilis 
16:108; x rostrata 16:108; var. eriocephala 
15:163; 16:107; 17:152; 48:27; var. overi 


26:137; var. prinoides 16:107. Dodgeana 
34:28; 36:196; 49:38-40, 44; f. subrariflora 
34:28. Drummondiana 23:176; 49:45-47. 
eriocephala 48:27, 28, 31. Farrae 49:41. 
fluviatilis 26:135. fragilis 12:104, 128; 16: 
107; 28:38; 48:38. fulcrata 49: 45. fusca 
17: 136; 34 :245. fuscescens 9:221, 224; 11: 
159; 16: 169; 26:123; 32:113; 41:161; var. 
hebecarpa 9: 224; 26: 123; 32: 113; 44:140. 
Geyeriana 38:299; 49:40. ' glacialis 41:216; 
49:38. glauca 7: 185, 186; 9:160, 172, 190; 
28:181, 184, 185; 32: 112; 33: 60, 241—244, pl. 
218; 42:391; var. 45:309; var. acutifolia 33: 
242, 244; 42:321; 45:309; var. glabrescens 
93: 249. 'glaucophylla 6: 193; 9:222, 224 ; 12: 
111; 13:138; 16:175; 48:45; var. albovestita 
48:45. glaucophylloides 16: 173, 175; 35: 
91, 243; 36:279; 44:141; 47:259; 48: 45; f. 
lasioclada 48: 45; var. albovestita 48: 45; 
var. glaucophylla 48: 45. glaucops 34:67; x 
petrophila 34:67. gracilis 48:46—48; 49:45, 
46; var. textoris 48:46, 47. groenlandica. 
f. lejocarpa 28:178. hebecarpa 26:123; 31: 
47; 32:111, 113; 44:115, 140; 47:320. ‘her- 
bacea 3: 156, 173; 7:185; 9: 160, 166; 19:221, 
222; 28: 194, 177; 29: 156; 31: 138; 35:58. 
242: 36:148; 38: 113, 118, 121, 122, 147; 44: 
115; 47:224; 48:44; 49: 37-44. Hookeriana 
23: 176; 35: 245; 44:119. Humboldtiana 48: 
43. humilis 6: 113; 12:128, 178; 13:117, 139, 
146; 15:153; 16: 107, 108; 17: 152; 19:219; 20: 
101: 22: 134; 28:82; 31: 222; 34: :52; 37: 203; 
46: 303; 48: 43; 40: 4547; x ‘discolor 22:134; 
x petiolaris 16: 108; X rostrata 16:108; x 
sericea 16:108; x tristis 16:109; var. hypo- 
rhysa 48:45; var. keweenawensis 23:257; 
36:279; var. longifolia, f. rigidiuscula 48:45; 
var. microphylla 48: 46; f. curtifolia 48: 
46; f. festiva 48:46; f. tortifolia 48:46; 
var. rigidiuscula 48: 45; var. tristis 48: 46. 
humillima 49:46. incana 10:56; 24:182; 48: 
28. interior 26:135, 137; 48:39; f. Wheeleri 
48:39; var. exterior 48: 38, 39. jejuna 28: 
177, 178; 48:41, 43, 49, pl. 1006. x Jesupi 
48: 38. labradorica 28: 182, 183, 185, 186. 
lanata 13:127, 252, 253; 17: 136; 35:54, 55, 
243, 245; var. Macouniana 13: 251, 252. lap- 
ponica 31:138. lasiandra 5:34; 6:2, 4, 5; 
32:200, 203, map 22; 49:41. latiuscula 16: 
169, 175; 28:190; 35: 246, 247. laurentiana 
9: 22], 222: 16: 169: 33:232; 35:244, 245; 44: 
119, 140. leiolepis 16: 178; 17:159; 28: 50; 
35: 247; 48:41, 43, 49, pl. 1005. ligulifolia 
49:41. longifolia 3:233; 4:99; 6:48; 15: 
153; 24:99; 29:156; 36: 279; 48:39. longipes 
48: 29-31; var. venulosa 39: 404; 41:539; 
var. Wardi 36: 43, 230; 39:481; 47: 213; 48: 
29. longirostris 48: 28. lucida’ 3:277; 5: 33, 
34; 6:1—7, 44, 113; 12:177; 14:79, 80; 16: 12, 
13, 107; 17: 150; 22:134, 135; 25:8; 26:144; 
28:196, 177; 29:156, 211; 32:173, 178; 34: 
53; 35:91, 251; 46:81, 82; 48:43; 49:41; var. 
6:5-7; var. angustifolia 15:163; 36:279; var. 
intonsa 6:2; 9:222; 12:110; 13:116; 25:8; 
35:91, 242; var. macrophylla 3:277; 6:2; 
var. serissima 6:6, 7. lutea 26:137, 140; 32: 


200-203, map 28; 36:279; 49:41; var. 
desolata 36:196; var. ligulifolia 36:196. 
mackenziana 49:41. Macounii 13:252; 28: 
186. macrocarpa 49:46. missouriensis 26: 
135, 137-141; 47:214; 48:27, 28. mono- 
chroma 36:307; 49:41. monticola, var. neo- 
mexicana 39:151. myrsinites 16:170, 171; 
17:136; 28:183; 49:38; 8. jacquiniana 17: 
136. myrtillifolia 16:170-172; 28:95, 190; 
33:19; 36:279; 41:149, 216; 44:108; 49:41; 
var. brachypoda 16:172; 28:50, 122, 190; 
49:41. myrtilloides 1:97; 5:289; 9:224; 11: 
157-159, 161; 31:138; 32:112; 8. pedicellaris 
11:160-162; subsp. S. pedicellaris 11:161; 
var. pedicellaris 1:97; 11:158, 160. nigra 8: 
72; 12:110, 175, 177; 14:79; 15:163; 16:107; 
35:250; 36:42, 374; 42:99; 48:28-31, 43; 
var. faleata 6:113; 15:163; 16:107; 35:252; 
var. Wardi 48:30. nigricans 16:107.  nipho- 
elada 41:216; 42:320, 321; 45:309. nivalis 
34:237, 245; 36:196; 48:43; x Dodgeana 
36:196. novae-angliae 16:170, 171; «. 
pseudo-myrsinites 16:171; 8. pseudocordata 
16:171; y. myrtillifolia 16:171. obovata 28: 
184. obtusata 9:223; 16:169; 31:47; 35: 
247; 44:120, 141. occidentalis 48:30. ovali- 
folia 41:216; 49:38, 40. pameachiana 23: 
176; 48:38. paraleuca 16:175, 176; 34: 
120; 44:107, 140. Peasei 19:223. pedicel- 
laris 9:160, 189, 224; 11:157-162; 15:163; 
26:123; 29:156, 211; 32:111, 113; 44:233, 
var. hypoglauca 11:161; 13:116; 15:163; 
16:107; 36:279; 44:233; 49:41; var. tenues- 
cens 11:162; 16:107. pedunculata 28:188, 
189; 35:55, 243, 247. pellita 6:191, 193; 9: 
222, 224; 11:14; 12:110, 111; 13:179; 22: 
132, 135; 26:143, 144; 28:190; 34:52, 53; 35: 
91; 46:254; 49:45-48, 246. pennata 28:189. 
pensylvanica 11:160. pentandra 3:277; 6: 
5, 49; 14:79; 16:107; 19:128; 23:68; 24:181; 
26:224; 32:100, 246; 48:28, 29, 43; 50:295. 
perrostrata 16:177. petiolaris 6:113; 11:10, 
11; 13:111; 16:107; 18:35; 22:135; 26:135, 
141, 143, 144; 28:244; 32:201, 203, map 33; 
33:168; 35:252; 48:46-48; 49:458; x ro- 
strata 16:109; X sericea 16:109; X sub- 
sericea 16:109; Xx tristis 16:109; «. sub- 
sericea 11:11, 12; e. subsericea 11:11, 12; 
var. angustifolia 12:137; 48:46; var. ros- 
marinoides 48:46; var. sericea 11:11; var. 
subsericea 11:11, 12. petrophila 34:67; f. 
graminifolia 39:150; var. cespitosa 34:237. 
phlebophylla 36:196; 41:148, 160, 163, 164, 
217, 276; 42:313, 320; 49:38-40, 42-44; f. 
nana 41:917. phylicifolia 3:155, 172; 9: 153, 
154, 156, 160, 166, 190; 16:176, 177; 82:95, 
189; 35: 48, 246; 49:45. phylicoides 49:46. 
Piperi 35:245. Pitcheriana 48:31. plani- 
folia 25:8; 28:95, 184, 188-190; 33:19; 36: 
279; 38:148; 44:115; 49:45, 246. polaris 
49 :38-44; var. selwynensis 45:309. pseudo- 
cordata 16:171; 49:41. pseudolapponum, 
var. subincurva 36:195; 38:300. pseudo- 
myrsinites 9:160, 189, 190, 221; 12:117; 13: 
119, 123; 16:170, 171. pseudopolaris 41:147, 
217; 42:320. pulchra 41:217; 42:321; 49: 


46. purpurea 6:113; 16:107; 20:132; 23: 
95, 173, 199, 257; 29:156; 31:84; 46:82; 49: 
43. pyrifolia 16:116; 23:245; 47:144; var. 
lanceolata 16:116. pyrolaefolia 9:223, 224. 
repens 26:122; 29:156; 49:45. reticulata 13: 
110, 127; 16:169, 179; 25:112; 28:53, 59, 62, 
79, 118, 177; 32:200, 202, map 10; 35:55, 
120; 38:146; 41:147, 217, 288; 42:320; 45: 
309; 48:39, 41-43, 49, pls. 1003, 1004; 49:38, 
42; var. orbicularis 41:217; 42:320; var. 
semicalva 48:39, 41—43, 49, pls. 1003, 
1004. retusa 7:186; 49:38, 42. Richard- 
sonii 13:252; 28:62; 35:244, 245; 41:217; 45: 
309; var. Macouniana 9:221; 13:251, 252. 
rigida 48:32-34, 38, 43, 48, pls. 995, 996; f. 
mollis 48:38; var. angustata 48:38. ro- 
Erata 0: 1425 019150 6911950 222; DE: 231: ; 
12128:1785 1479 5095 1 08]00/7 1420148: 17: 
152; 19:219; 20:132; 22:131, 134; 23:257; 
20:122; 34:62; 35:251; 42:321; 47:144; f. 
latifolia 16:177; var. capreifolia 16:177, 
178; 19:128; 26:123; 44:140; var. luxurians 
9:223; 16:177; 26:122; 44:140; var. perro- 
strata 16:177; var. projecta 16:178. ro- 
tundifolia 41:164, 217; 42:320; 49:38—40, 43, 
44. Rydbergii 28:186. saximontana 22: 
195; 39:495. Scouleriana 23:176; 49:45. 
Seemannii 41:161, 216, 217; 42:321. sericea 
8:21, 22; 11:9-12; 15:201; 16:13, 107, 176; 
19522051:202132:3 1222194: 291 30599289 20(2. 24: 
108; 32:177; 36:374; 37:423; 49:45-48; x 
petiolaris 11:11, 12; 22:185. serissima 6: 
6-8, 205; 14:72, 80; 19:128; 21:143, 202; 24: 
184; 25:67; 29:32; 33:168; 37:203; 49:41. 
Setchelliana 49:37. simulans 32:112, 113, 
pl. 203; 34:120. sitchensis 41:217; 49:43, 
45, 46. Smithiana 12:104, 137; 23:257. x 
Solheimii 36:196. speciosa 9:226; 38:413. 
squamata 17:64. stenocarpa 16:176; 44: 
141. stolonifera 42:320. X Straehleri 9:42. 
subcaerulea 6:191; 49:45—47. subsericea 11: 
9, 11, 12, 43; 16:107; 19:128; 49:45-47. 
syrticola 9:225, 226; 25:209; 37:72; 48:14, 
31, 34—37, 48, pls. 1001, 1002. tenera 49:38, 
43. Torreyana 23:176. triandra 48:29, 30. 
tristis 5:204; 16:107; 17:136, 137; 19:219; 
36:195; 48:14, 28, 46; 49:45-47; f. curti- 
folia 36:195; 48:46; f. festiva 36:195 ; 48: 
46; var. monadelphia 23:173, 176. Tweedyi 
35:245. Uva-ursi 3:173; 9:154, 156, 160, 
166; 11:93; 13:123, 136; 18:52; 19:222; 22: 
38, 48; 29:156, 211; 33:111, 119; 35:5, 55, 
125; 38:113, 118, 147; 48:44; 49:37-44, 246; 
f. lasiophylla 18:52; f. phyllolepis 35:242. 
vacciniformis 28:186. vagans 16:177. ves- 
tita 9:24, 160, 172, 190; 11:92; 13:117, 123, 
129; 14:87; 16:169, 179; 18:101; 28:75, 79, 
117, 146, 177; 35:50, 55, 81, 89, 238; 38:118, 
146; 44:111, 128, pl. 699; 48:40-43; f. men- 
salis 48:42; var. psilophylla 44:140; 48:41. 
viminalis 12:104; 14:79; 16:107; 24:167; 35: 
48,247. vitellina 48:38. Waghornei 28:184, 
186, 188. Wardi 48:29-31. Wiegandii 35: 
243-245, 247, 401, pl. 254 
Salmon Berry 37:60, 273 
Salpingoeca minuta 50:278 


Salsola 17:178; 18:29; 40:135. collina 40:135, 
136. Kali 2:204; 4:33; 5:131; 11:93, 121; 
14:20; 17:178; 18:36, 97; 19:66; 29:45, 106, 
122, 174, 212; 32:147, 158, 250; 43:551; 50: 
296; var. caroliniana 17:178; 32:250; 35: 
265; 43:80; var. tenuifolia 11:30; 13:89; 
14:20; 15:164; 16:39; 17:178; 30:158; 3l: 
243; var. Tragus 2:204; 10:152. linearis 9: 
142, 143, 145, 146; 44:260. maritima 9:144, 
146. pestifer 12:15. salsa 9:142, 143, 146; 
var. americana 9:143, 144, 146. Tragus 1: 
47; 3:18 

Saltwort 9:204 

Salvia 14:163; 25:41. Claytoni 44:260. 
ceifolia 38:366. lanceolata 40:276. lyrata 
36:50; 39:474, 482. officinalis 19:248. oxyo- 
don 9:42. patens 42:46. Sclarea 24:119; 
25:41; 50:127. sylvestris 19:39. texana, 
var. canescens 38:407. tiliaefolia 25:41. 
verbenacea 44:260. verticillata 14:163; 19: 
248; 95:41 

Salviastrum 32:89. dolichanthum 32:90. 
texanum 32:90; var. canescens 38:407 

Salvinia rotundifolia 43:556 

Salviniaceae 23:210; 35:354 

Samarpses triptera 50:188 

Sambucus 6:129; 12:184; 26:16; 33:110; 43: 
94. canadensis 3:131, 188; 6:54, 129; 7:28, 
29; 12:184; 13:141; 14:206; 17:218; 18:43; 
26:16, 185, 228; 32:161, 216, 276; 36:374; 
37:354; 44:172, 174; 50:65, 290, 300; f. 
chloroearpa 42:46. nigra 33:170; 43:511, 
652. pubens 6:57, 129; 35:310; 42:101, 102; 
47:144; B. leucocarpa 35:310; f. calva 35: 
310; 44:145; f. dissecta 35:310; f. leuco- 
carpa 35:310; f. xanthocarpa 35:310. 
racemosa 1:171, 191, 193: 2:37; 3:170; 6: 
54, 57, 129; 7:28; 11:98; 12:184; 17:152; 
21:130, 199; 22:134; 26:16; 27:212; 33:125; 
34:55; 35:310; 36:374; 47:144; f. chryso- 
carpa 18:239; 19:249; 35:310; f. leucocarpa 
35:310; f. xanthocarpa 35:310; var. pubens 
6:57; var. xanthocarpa 35:310 

Samolus 18:227; 24:233. ebracteatus 37:407. 
floribundus 12:120, 143; 13:182; 15:76; 19: 
30, 391; 20:102, 106; 23:105, 142, 286; 24: 
179, 283; 27:203; 20:65, 70, 108; 111; 32: 
149, 210, 270; 37:410; 38:453. parviflorus 
36:50; 44:234. Valerandi, var. americanus 
4:16; 20:106 

Samphire 9:204 

Sand Cherries 25:69. Cherry 4:130; 18:70; 
25:70. Grass 49:265. Meal-grass 12:27. 
Oat 12:27, 29. Plum 14:196. Reed 12:28, 
30, 36; 22:70. Roir 12:30. Wheat 12:36 

Sandhavre 12:27, 28 

Sandmelgras 12:27 

Sandweizen 12:36 

Sandwort 43:325 

Sanguinaria 6:117; 18:214; 31:12; 37:349; 40: 
374; 47:385. canadensis 5:132; 6:117; 10: 
165; 12:128; 16:15; 18:214; 19:220; 35:249, 
250; 38:422; 42:196, 279; 44:14; 45:444, 445; 
f. Colbyorum 35:45; var. rotundifolia 36: 
44; 38:422, 423; 39:430, 482; 40:421. ro- 
tundifolia 36:44 



Sanguisorba 20:59. annua 37:86. canadensis 
14:241; 15:203; 20:59; 25:9; 27:212; 28:62; 
29:215; 34:53; 35:238; 41:248; 46:50; 47: 
45; B. latifolia 48:12; var. latifolia 33:109, 
121. latifolia 48:12. Menziesii 42:331. 
microcephala 41:248; 42:331. minor 20:59; 
37:310, 318; 42:390, 455. officinalis 41:167, 
248; 42:331; 48:12. sitchensis 41:154, 248; 
42:331; 48:12. stipulata 48:12 

Sanicle 21:191 

Sanicula 6:124; 13:18; 24:94; 29:182; 40:366. 
arctopoides 10:13. bipinnatifida 10:13. 
canadensis 1:8, 9, 159; 2:168; 3:210; 10:13; 
32:152, 210, 211, 267; 36:218; 42:467-470; 
47:374; var. floridana 39:354, 437, 480; 41: 
552; 42:468; var. genuina 42:467; var. 
grandis 42:467; var. typica 42:467. euro- 
paea 42:469. floridana 39:354; 42:468. gre- 
garia 1:8, 9, 26, 159; 3:211; 4:89, 91; 5:204; 
10:18; 12:192; 13:218; 19:245; 23:137, 170, 
277; 24:94; 31:147; 39:437 ; 40:382, 448; 50: 
92. marilandica 1:8, 26, 159; 4:88; 6:124; 
10:12, 13; 13:149; 21:200; 23:277; 24:94; 
28:107, 220; 40:448; 42:468-470; 43:507, 
518, 617; var. borealis 28:220; 29:182, 
217; 36:282; 44:143; var. petiolulata 40: 
448, 475, 484, pl. 527. Menziesii 10:12, 13. 
Smallii 40:365, 378, 448; 41:552; 43:489; 47: 
97, 162, 163; 49:96, 156. trifoliata 1:8, 9, 
26, 159, 222; 3:211; 15:166, 201; 19:245; 21: 
191; 24:118, 184; 34:33 


48; 7:230; var. Montagnei 50:262. fluitans 
19:78, 79, 81, 84; 43:73. Hystrix 19:81, 84; 
var. buxifolium 43:73; var. fluitans 19:78. 
lendigerum 19:80-82. linifolium 19:81, 82. 
Montagnei 50:262. natans 19:78, 79, 81, 82, 
84; 43:73. vulgare 13:187; 19:78, 79; 24:2; 

Sarmentaceae 47:385 
Sarothra 47:282 
Sarracenia 8:27; 13:114, 221; 18:26, 248; 33: 

39; 37:310, 316; 41:472; 42:279, 379, 389; 
44:358; 47:385. alata 50:112, 127. x Ca- 
tesbaei 39:338, 409; 41:472, 545; 44:200. 
Drummondii 50:127. flava 27:214; 36:34, 
45; 39:325, 326, 328, 334, 335, 338, 361, 363, 
387, 398, 409, 472, 477; 40:367, 368, 423; 42: 
359, 362, 374, 389; 47:103, 360; 49:94; 50: 
127; x purpurea 44:260. Gronovii 50:127; 
var. alata 50:127; var. Drummondii 50:127; 
var. flava 50:127; var. rubra 50:127. hetero- 
phylla 24:174; 48:202, 208. purpurea 1:229; 
2:172; 4:106; 5:49, 133, 190; 6:3; 7:74; 9: 
120; 13:78, 220; 17:65; 18:248; 19:164, 217, 
218; 22:41, 48; 23:148; 25:9; 26:175; 28: 
62; 29:131, 214; 32:133; 33:121; 34:53; 35: 
5; 36:45; 37:307, 316; 38:233; 39:471; 40: 
145; 42:279; 44:115, 358; 50:127; f. hetero- 
phylla 24:174; 35:90, 271; subsp. venosa 
39:409; var. heterophylla 18:248; 19:217, 
218; 24:174; var. venosa 38:233; 39:335, 
338, 356, 409, 477; 40:367, 423. rubra 36: 

Saniculas 1:7 

Santalaceae 4:18; 17:171; 25:8; 30:21, 23; 21: 
43; 36:280 

Santolina 26:149. Chamaecyparissias 26:149 

Sapin 31:20 

Sapindaceae 1:213; 21:127; 28:71; 31:43; 32: 

Sapindus 7:161, 189. Drummondii 36:224, 231 

Sapium 49:58 
Sapodilla 49:289—-292 

Saponaria 6:115; 8:99; 18:87; 43:525; 50:198. 

45; 50:127. Sledgei 50:127 

Sarraceniaceae 5:190; 18:248; 19:217; 25:9; 
29:214; 31:43; 37:306; 43:92; 49:255 

Sarraceniales 37:306 

Sarracenias 7:78; 38:256 

Sartwellia Flaveriae 47:331 

Sassafras 7:122; 12:165; 15:14-18; 18:214; 
20:99; 31:120; 33:30; 38:178; 41:484; 42: 
292; 44:32. albidum 8:199; 15:16; 38:179; 
42: 292, 452; var. glaucum 38:179; var. 
molle38:179. Laurus38:179. officinale 3: 

$ Vaccaria 9:48. officinalis 5:189; 6:115; 
11:127; 17:35; 18:87; 39:372, 375; 50:198, 
pl. 1105. Vaccaria 1:47; 5:189; 6:84, 115, 

235; 8:99; 18:87 

Sapota 49:290. Achras 49:290; y. depressa 


Sapotaceae 11:54; 43:92; 48:163; 49:289, 292 

Sapote 49:290—292 
Saprophytes 5:136 
Sapsuckbush 37:309 
Sarazina venosa 38:233 

Sarcoscyphus adustus 4:208. aquaticus 6:167; 
10:186. Ehrharti 4:207; 6:167; var. aquati- 
cus 6:167; 10:186; var. erythrorhizus 6:167; 
9:57; var. robustus 6:167; 10:186; 15:27. 
pygmaeus 4:208. sparsiflorus 7:52. sphace- 
latus, var. erythrorhizus 6:167; var. medius 
6:167; 9:57. Sprucei 4:208. Sullivantii 6: 
167; 9:57. ustulatus 4:208 

Sargassum 6:181; 7:228; 13:187; 19:78-80, 
82-84; 21:204, 205; 50:261. bacciferum 2: 
48; 19:78, 81, 83; f. angustatum 19:81; f. 
angustum 8:110. Filipendula 2:48; 7:230; 
19:78; 26:191; 50:262; f. subedentatum 2: 

233; 4:132; 5:129; 6:85; 8:198, 199; 15:15; 
20:99; 32:12, 152, 215, 253; 38:178, 179; var. 
albidum 20:99; 32:253; 38:179. officina- 
rum 8:199; 38:179. rubrum 15:16; 38:179. 
Sassafras 8:198, 199; 20:99; 21:189; 38:179. 
Thunbergii 20:99. triloba 38:179; var. 
mollis 38:179. variifolium 8:199; 12:165; 
14:83; 15:14; 18:214; 19:224; 20:99; 32: 
253; 37:416; 38:179; 41:517, 520; 44:170, 
171, 174; var. albidum 15:16; 18:214; 19: 
224; 20:99; 38:179 

Sassafras, Nuttall’s White 15:14. Red 15:14, 

15. Swamp 18:206. Tree8:198. White 15: 
14, 15 

Satureja 10:85; 25:41; 26:80. § Calomelissa 

26:81. sub-8 Coccineae 26:81. Acinos 25: 
41; 33:169. arkansana 10:85; 42:8. Ashei 
26:80, 81. Calamintha 44:361; var. nepe- 
toides 44:361, 434. caroliniana 26:81. 
Clinopodium, y. diminuta 25:213. coccinea 
26:81. dentata 26:81. glabella 36:224, 231; 
42:6-8, 525, pl. 586; 46:307; var. angusti- 
folia 42:7, 8, pl. 586. glabra 10:85; 37: 
204; 42:7. hortensis25:41; 29:219. Nepeta 


44:361. Thymus Virginicus 50:221. virgin- 
iana 50:220, 221, 223. vulgaris 21:200; 23: 
165, 170; 25:41; 32:18; 46:388; 49:251; var. 
diminuta 25:213; var. neogaea 46:388 

Satyrium 9:48; 30:54. bracteale 28:174. 
bracteatum 28:174. repens 1:5, 6; B. 1:6. 
viride 28:170-172 

Sauce-alone 46:315 

Saule 1:167 

Sauroglossum 7:120. 

Saururaceae 6:85 

Saururus 36:373. cernuus 6:77, 78, 85, 86; 13: 
151; 19:30; 34:35; 38:376; 39:473 

Saussurea alpina 36:148; 42:343. angustifolia 
41:166, 300; 42:342, 343. densa 42:312, 343; 
45:316. monticola 42:342. remotiflora 42: 
343. subsinuata 41:160, 163, 300 

Sauteria 16:63, 64. hyalina 16:62 

Sauteriaceae 25:193 

Savanna Pine 50:183 

Savastana 9:53; 19:153. Nashii 19:153. 
odorata 49:276 

Savastania 19:153 

Savia 9:54 

Savin 35:359 

Saw-grass 42:513; 44:370, 371; 49:90 

Saxifraga 3:219; 0:118; 7:23; 13:18; 18:247, 
251; 23:70; 29:139; 30:77; 36:139; 42:329; 
43:220; 44:25, 124; 46:282. 8 Euaizoonia 
46:61. adscendens 35:271; 37:419; 42:328. 
aestivalis 41:242. aizoides 6:97, 118; 9:154, 
161, 167, 172; 11:94; 13:117; 18:245, 247; 
21:192; 22:39, 49; 28:62, 90; 35:7, 121; 37: 
207; 38:125, 154; 44:107; 46:62. Aizoon 6: 
118; 9:154, 161, 166, 172; 12:111; 13:117, 
238; 18:245, 247; 21:192; 22:39, 49; 24:227; 
26:168; 28:90, 117; 29:15, 139, 161; 31:54; 
35:121, 233; 36:201, 202; 37:207; 38:154; 
44:117, 118, 336; 46:61, 62, 67; B. recta 46: 
63; subsp. cartilaginea 46:61; [subsp.] * 
Laestadii 46:61; subsp. Laestadii 46:65; var. 
montana 46:65, 68, pl. 817; subvar. recta 46: 
63; subvar. subaffinis 46:63, 64; var. neo- 
gaea 46:65-67, 69, pl. 817; f. frigida 46: 
66, 67, 69, pl. 817; var. recta 46:64, 65, 68. 
pl. 817; var. typica, subvar. brevifolia 46: 
64. aspera, subsp. aspera 9:47. autumnalis 
9:154. bracteata 41:240. bronchialis 31: 
138; subsp. Funstonii 41:163, 240; 42:312, 
820: 45:311. cernua 25:113; 31:138; 33: 
235; 34:245; 35:298; 36:148, 162, 166; 38: 
116, 120, 125, 153; 41:155, 240; 44:125, 128; 
47:226; f. bulbillosa 33:235; var. latibrac- 
teata 33:234, 235; 44:142. cespitosa 7:31; 
9:162, 183; 13:119, 216; 14:87; 25:113; 28: 
60, 90, 146; 35:121, 126, 399, pl. 239; 38: 
117, 120, 125, 153; 41:240; 44:104; 45:312; 
47:225. Cotyledon 46:61. densa 18:160. 
diversifolia, f. foliata 18:160; var. foliata 
18:160. Eschscholtzii 41:163, 240; 42:311, 
329. exilis 41:242. Fergusonii 18:160. fla- 
gellaris 36:139; 41:160, 163, 240; 42:329; 
45:312. foliolosa 41:240; 42:312, 328. 
Forbesii 49:202. galacifolia 41:243. gas- 
pensis 19:141, 142; 29:56; 31:47; 36:327; 
44:124, 198, 142. Geum 13:140; 28:51, 53, 

cranichoides 23:84 


55; 29:127. Gormani 29:36. granulata 7: 
16; 44:25. groenlandica 36:148. hieraci- 
folia 41:147, 160, 240; 42:328. Hirculus 25: 
113; 41:147, 158, 241; 42:312, 329; 45:312; 
var. alpina 41:151, 241; var. propinqua 41: 
241. incompta 36:267. integrifolia 41: 
241. leucanthemifolia 39:198, 200, 205, fig. 
21 (map). Lyallii 37:418; 41:243. micran- 
thidifolia 23:71. moschata, var. densa 18: 
160; var. Fergusonii 18:160. muscoides, 
var. densa 18:160. nivalis 9:161; 14:88; 
19:141-143; 25:113; 31:138; 36:148; 38:117, 
120, 125, 153; 41:165, 241, 242; 44:124; f. 
tenuis 19:142; var. labradorica 19:142, 143. 
nudicaulis 41:241. Nuttallii 36:267. op- 
positifolia 6:97, 118; 9:154, 161, 166, 172, 
183, 185; 13:117; 18:101, 245, 247; 21:192; 
22:39, 49; 25:113; 28:62, 90, 146; 29:161; 
32:18; 35:78, 81, 93, 121, 126, 399, map 1, 
pl. 239; 36:148; 38:120, 121, 125, 134, 154, 
410; 41:151, 155, 163, 165, 241; 42:329; 44: 
109; 45:312; 46:62; f. albiflora 38:233; 
subsp. euoppositifolia, var. typica, subvar. 
albiflora 38:233; var. albiflora 38:154, 233; 
var. Smalliana 41:241. pensylvanica 5:131; 
18:246, 251; 19:144; 35:286; 36:225; 42:95; 
f. fultior 19:144; var. Forbesii 35:286; 36: 
220, 221, 225, 227. petraea 35:271. pulvi- 
nata 41:241. punctata 41:147, 242; 42:312, 
329; subsp. insularis 41:242; 42:329. radi- 
ata 41:163, 242. radulina 41:242. Reevesii 
39:418. reflexa 41:161, 163, 241, 242; 42: 
398. rivularis 3:165; 9:154, 155, 161; 18: 
246, 247; 28:116, 121, 210; 31:138; 36:148; 
38:114, 116, 117, 120, 121, 125, 153; 41:242; 
42:312, 328; 44:128; 45:312; 46:62. ro- 
busta 46:68, pl. 817. saximontana 22:195. 
Schmidtii 18:160. serpyllifolia 41:163, 242; 
45:312. spicata 28:51; 41:160, 243. stel- 
laris 38:153; 41:243; var. comosa 3:148, 159, 
164, 165, 167, 174; 5:46; 7:8; 9:155, 161; 
18:246, 247; 26:168; 28:117, 210; 38:125, 
153; 41:240; 42:328; 44:101. Stracheyi, var. 
Schmidtii 18:160. texana 36:231; 39:419. 
thysanodes 18:160. tricuspidata 25:113; 35: 
271; 37:207; 38:125, 154; 41:146, 243; 42: 
311, 329; 45:312. unalaschkensis 41:243. 
virginiensis 5:128; 6:118, 208; 7:15, 16, 23; 
12:128; 18:246, 251; 19:143; 21:200; 23: 
71; 36:220; 39:419; 40:375, 423; 41:546; 
f. chlorantha 19:143; f. glomerulata 19: 
143; f. pentadecandra 19:144; f. plena 
33:169; var. chlorantha 19:143; var. penta- 
decandra 7:16; 19:144. yukonensis 41:242; 

Saxifragaceae 6:118; 8:91; 11:130, 132; 12: 
179; 18:37, 245, 246, 250; 25:9; 29:214; 31: 
43, 93; 32:254; 36:281; 38:182; 41:423; 44: 
37, 39; 45:26, 311; 49:25, 28, 255 

Saxifragae 7:16; 36:164, 166 

Saxifragas 42:310 

Saxifrage(s) 7:27; 9:153, 154; 28:51, 116; 41: 
147, 156; 42:329. Golden 49:26. Purple 

Scabiosa 26:17. australis 1:230; 4:106, 107. 
Columbaris 26:17; 45:220, 221. Olgae 9:39 


Seabious 18:40 

Scabridae 47:386, pl. 991 

Scaevola 38:243, 257 

Scalia 19:267, 268. Hookeri 19:264, 266, 267; 
25:194, 198 

Scandalida 9:54 

Scandix 11:53. Anthriscus 40:291. 
39. Pecten-veneris 1:47; 9:39 

Scapania 4:212; 8:41; 16:72, 73; 18:74, 76, 77; 
19:263; 23:281, 282, 284; 25:95; 38:77, 80, 
81, 83, 90. group Plicaticalyx 16:73. sub- 
gen. Euscapania 38:78-81; $ Apiculatae 38: 
79, 83, 84; 8 Curtae 38:79, 81, 84, 88; sub- 
§ Immarginatae 38:84, 87, 88; sub-§ Mar- 
ginatae 38:84. subgen. Kaalaasia 38:78-81. 
apiculata 9:71; 11:194; 14:224; 15:25, 27; 
25:196; 38:77, 79, 82. Austinii 25:95, 96. 
Bolanderi 8:42. convexula 5:172; 6:165, 
189, 190; 15:25; 25:196. crassiretis 23:283. 
curta 4:212, 213; 5:172; 6:190; 10:192; 14: 
224; 15:25; 16:75; 23:282; 25:96, 196; 26: 
12; 38:77, 79, 80, 82-86, 88; mod. lepto- 
derma 38:85-88; mod. mesoderma 38:85; 
mod. pachyderma 38:85; mod. parvifolia- 
laxifolia 38:88; mod. parvifolia-leptoderma- 
laxifolia 38:85. cuspiduligera 39:3, 13, 36, 
37. dentata 8:41, 42; 10:192; 12:204; 15: 
25, 27; 18:74, 76, 77, 219; 19:263, 272; 25: 
98, 197; 26:12; se. Oakesii 18:75; var. am- 
bigua 13:42. exsecta 6:171, 172. ferruginea 
16:73. glaucocephala 6:173; 9:72; 11:194; 
15:25, 27; 19:263; 25:98, 197. gracilis 8:42; 
11:195; 15:25, 27; 18:75, 119; 25:199. gym- 
nostomophila 16:71; 38:77-83. hyperborea 
23:281-284; 25:197, 198. irrigua 5:172; 6: 
190; 10:192; 15:12, 25; 18:74, 78; 23:283; 
25:197; 26:12; 38:85; var. alpina 23:282, 
283. Joergensenii 25:95, 96. lingulata 38: 
77, 79, 84, 85, 88, 89. mucronata 38:77, 79, 
84-89; mod. leptoderma 38:87; mod. meso- 
derma 38:86; mod. pachyderma 38:86. ne- 
morosa 1:34, 35; 2:63; 4:242; 5:172; 8:41, 
42; 15:25; 18:75, 76; 25:75, 95-97, 197, 199; 
26:12; f. purpureolimbata 25:97. Oakesii 8: 
41; 18:74—77; 25:197, 198. paludicola 18: 
74, 77, 78; 23:283; 25:197, 198; 26:12; var. 
Kaalaai 23:283. paludosa 5:172; 6:189, 
190; 15:25; 18:78; 23:284; 25:197; 26:6, 12. 
Peckii 11:194. purpurascens 8:41. recurvi- 
folia 25:95—97. remota 23:283. resupinata 
8:42. rosacea 38:83. scandica 38:87, 88. 
spitzbergensis 25:97. subalpina 5:172; 14: 
224; 15:25; 18:77; 25:197. umbrosa 3:181; 
5:173; 9:71; 15:25; 25:197; 26:12. undu- 
lata 3:181; 4:30, 31; 5:52, 173; 6:190; 8:41, 
42; 15:25; 18:76—78; 25:197; 26:12; 38:79; 
mod. leptoderma 38:79; var. paludosa 6: 
189; var. purpurea 4:31; 18:76 

Scapaniaceae 25:196, 197; 26:11; 38:77; 39:36 

Scapaniae 38:78, 82 

Seapaniella 38:77, 83. glaucocephala 38:77, 
83. vexata 38:83 

Scaphosphora Kingii 1:127; 2:48 

Scarlet Runner 45:169, 170 

Seasacralb 1:168 
Scenedesmus 50:271. abundans 26:165; 50: 

Pecten 9: 


274; var. asymmetrica 50:274; var. brevi- 
cauda 23:66; 50:274; var. longicauda 50: 
274. acuminatus 44:67. acutiformis 50:274. 
acutus 24:51. arcuatus 26:165; var. capi- 
tatus 50:274. armatus 50:70. bijuga 14: 
115, 237; 15:91; 24:110; 26:165; 50:274. 
brasiliensis 26:212; 50:274. denticulatus 29: 
164. dimorphus 23:66; 50:70, 274. longus 
50:274. obliquus 15:91; 24:110. quadri- 
cauda 14:237; 15:91; 26:165; 50:274. ser- 
ratus 50:274 

Scent Bottle 28:75 

Schedonnardus 48:114. paniculatus 48:114. 
texanus 48:114 

Schedonorus ciliatus 41:182 

Scheuchzeria 2:70; 5:49; 11:208; 12:156; 17: 
149; 44:218. americana 47:207. palustris 
1:183, 222; 2:126; 4:189; 5:48; 7:110; 9: 
207; 10:141, 169; 11:82, 208; 12:156; 13: 
116; 15:158; 17:148; 19:31, 34, 107; 25:177 
179; 33:60; 47:207, 218; var. americana 25 
178; 32:172; 34:50; 35:90, 132; 44:138, 218 

Scheuchzeriaceae 6:24 

Schiedeella 23:73 

Schisandra coccinea 18:227 

Schistotega 4:182. osmundacea 1:54; 4:182 

Schistotegaceae 38:240 

Schizachne 49:264. purpurascens 44:336; 48: 
20; 49:264; f. albicans 44:139; 48:20 

Schizachyrium littorale 19:103; 37:145, 146. 
neo-mexicanum 37:145. scoparium 19:101; 
37:144. villosissimum 19:101; 37:144 

Schizaea 14:95; 17:67; 23:91, 97, 134, 135, 
149, 153, 161; 33:33, 34, 39, 42, 53, map 9; 
35:13, 106; 40:273; 44:230. australis 17:68. 
filifolia 13:110; 17:68. pusilla 11:86; 13: 
110, 133-135, 140, 148, 159, 161, pl. 90 (map 
8); 14:94; 15:76; 17:67, 68; 21:68; 22:82; 
23:91, 92, 99, 103, 135, 148, 158, 168, 170, 
186, 300, pl. 130 (map 11); 24:159; 28:56, 
84, 148; 29:128, 162, 184, 205; 32:169, 170. 
172; 33:33, 34, 39, 44, 46, map 9; 35:6, 85, 
86, 105, map 7; 38:7; 39:467; 40:274; 43: 
507; 44:244 

Schizaeaceae 21:173; 22:80, 82; 29:205; 31: 
43; 33:42; 35:106, 352; 49:255 

Schizochlamys delicatula 26:165 

Schizocodon 45:334, 335. ilicifolius 45:334. 
soldanelloides 45:334 

Schizogonium laetevirens 2:45 

Schizonema 7:97. crucigerum 9:135. 
lum 9:135 

Schizoneura quercifolia, f. linearis 8:111 

Schizonotus 9:54 

Schizophyceae 1:99 

Schizophyllum 3:142 

Schizophyta 1:99; 50:255 

Schizothrix 26:161, 164; 40:224, 225. subgen. 
Chromosiphon 40:226. subgen. Hypheo- 
thrix 40:225. subgen. Symplocastrum 40: 
225. arenaria 40:225, 226, 273, fig. 1. cori- 
acea 7:236. Friesii 1:10, 11; 40:226; 50:70. 
Heufleri 50:70. lacustris 50:70; var. caespi- 
tosa 1:11. lardacea 7:236. Muelleri 6:230. 
Purcellii 40:226. purpurascens 40:226, 227; 



var. cruenta 1:10, 11; 40:227. Simmonsiae 
8:105. Stricklandii 50:70. tinctoria 8:105 

Schkuhria Wrightii 31:243 

Schmaltzia 11:163; 43:602. arenaria 43:599, 
600. illinoensis 10:52. lasiocarpa 43:600, 
601. obtusifolia 37:168. pulchella 43:602. 
quercifolia 43:602. serotina 40:133; 43:600, 
601. tridophylloides 43:602. trilobata 43: 
599, 600; var. arenaria 43:599 

Schoberia maritima 9:144 

Schoenocaulon 50:128 

Schoenolirion croceum 50:128 

Schoenoliriums 46:306 

Schoenoplectus 31:124 

Schoenoxiphium 5:249 

Schoenus 20:27; 25:49; 46:89, 90, 240, 247, 
257; 47:385. albus 46:121. axillaris 37 :402— 
404, 452, pl. 391; 42:422, 423; 46:108. capil- 
laris 25:52. capitatus 46:90. capitellatus 
20:26, 27; 37:402, 403; 46:115-119. capi- 
tulatus 20:27. ciliaris 46:90, 131, 160. Cla- 
dium 25:50, 51. cymosus 46:90, 92, 113, 
245-248. distans 20:27; 46:191-193, 231, 
232. effusus 25:50, 51. fascicularis 20:27; 
46:118, 188, 192, 193. fuscus 21:10; 22:180, 
181; 46:170, 231, 232. glomeratus 20:25, 27; 
37:401; 46:113. inexpansus 46:256. jamai- 
censis 25:50. Mariscus 25:49-51; 32:183; 
44:43, 44; B. effusus 25:51. miliaceus 46:91, 
257,258. mucronatus 32:183. rariflorus 46: 
90, 208. rugosus 46:89, 276, 277. setaceus 
45:297; 46:90, 126. sparsus 46:257, 258. 
tenuis 25:52. umbellatus 46:248 

Schoepfia 21:69 

Schrankia 31:93, 96. aculeata 31:93. micro- 
phylla 39:473, 480. quadrivalvis 31:93 

Schrebera 9:50 

Schwalbea 25:66; 39:203; 40:379; 41:485. 
americana 5:40; 7:34; 25:66; 32:213; 37: 
323; 39:349, 352, 356, 447, 448, 467, 473, 480, 
486, map 23; 40:378; 456; 41:469; 47:364. 
australis 39:197; 349, 448, 486, map 23 

Schweinitzia 41:480, 481 

Schwetschkeopsis denticulata 14:52 

Sciadophyllum heterotrichum 9:43 

Scilla 10:129. § Adenoscilla 9:37. bifolia 31: 
137. esculenta 10:31. sibirica 10:129 

Scinaia furcellata 2:52; 3:135; 8:110; 35:149; 
43:74; 50:268; f. complanata 8:110 

Seirpidium 31:124; 39:222, 239. aciculare 31: 
184. grande 41:74. nigrescens 39:224. sul- 
catum 39:266; 41:77 

Scirpus 2:19, 21; 3:221; 6:71, 107; 7:81, 130- 
133; 8:130, 161; 9:220; 11:200; 13:4, 5, 7, 8, 
21, 82, 83, 183; 15:99, 222; 23:24, 42; 26: 
186; 27:38; 29:110; 31:123-125, 127, 131, 
173, 174, 227; 33:19, 21, 22, fig. 1; 36:382; 
37:401; 39:212; 40:376, 377, 381; 41:1, 57, 
63, 255; 44:33, 479; 46:90, 119; 47:385; 49: 
82; 50:129. 8 Actaeogeton 44:479; 49:52. 
§ Androcoma 49:50. $8 Baeothryon 45:279; 
49:51. § Eleogiton 49:51. $ Eu-Scirpus 49: 
52; sub-§ Lacustres 49:52; sub-§ Littorales 
49:52; sub-§ Mucronatae 49:52. $ Holo- 
schoenus 49:52. § Isolepis 49:51, 52. $8 La- 
custres 45:283, 285. 8 Monocephales 49:49, 

50. 8 Monostachyae 49:50. § Nemocharis 
49:50. $ Oxycaryum 49:49. $ Phylloscir- 
pus 49:50. $8 Phyllothryon 49:50. § Ptero- 
lepis 49:52. § Reigera 49:50. § Schoeno- 
plectus 45:390; 49:52; sub-8 Actaeogeton 
49:52. 8 Trichophorum 49:50, 51. subgen. 
Euscirpus 49:50; § Cladanthei 49:50; $ 
Phyllantheli 49:50. subgen. Isolepis 49:51. 
subgen. Nemocharis 49:50. ablepharus 46: 
146. acicularis 21:10; 22:180; 31:184, 188; 
32:183; 8. comosus 31:187; 8. longicaulis 
31:187; 8. submersus 31:188; y. natans 31: 
187; f. filiformis 31:186; f. fluitans 31:186; 
f. rigidulus 31:187; f. submersus 31:186, 188; 
f. triangularis 31:187; var. natans 31:187; 
var. rigidulus 31:187; var. submersus 31:186. 
acuminatus 32:32; 34:216, 217. acutangulus 
31:133, 153. acutus 22:55, 56; 23:101, 110, 
131, 234; 29:65, 69, 91, 106; 32:20, 57: 33: 
118, 117; 35:216; 38:304; 42:21; 43:553; 45: 
284, 285; 50:215; f. congestus 23:131. af- 
flatus 41:101. albibracteatus 31:178. albo- 
ater 31:237. albomarginatus 31:133; 37: 
393. alpinus 7:131, 1832; 8:161; 29:141; 31: 
124; 32:13; 33:23; 45:279, 280. americanus 
10:137, 204, 205; 11:229, 230; 13:83; 14:26, 
30, 236; 15:153; 10:301 07117, 213; 221; 20: 
223; 29:63, 65.69 42 91 123. 149;208;321: 
12, 124; 32:149, 157, 239; 34:70; 35:90, 216, 
251; 36:278, 374; 42:318; 43:658; 45:392; 
47:148; 49:52; 50:294. andinus 31:172, 181; 
41:61. angulatus 41:4. anisochaetus 31: 
235, 236. annuus 31:212; 46:144. atratus 
2:18; 3:31-33: atrocinctus 1:188, 203; 2: 
17, 21 69: 3582; 33r 0 MU Os 10: 1945 
11:89; 13:4—7, 83, 188; 15:99, 221, 222; 16: 
14; 17:151; 22:135; 24:807 32:178; 33:109, 
117; 34:62; 45:55; 49:242; f. brachypodus 
15:161, 200; var. brachypodus 1:138; 2:17, 
21; 6:107; 7:100: 10:107 11:895 13:83: 15: 
99, 161; 25:7; 43:162; var. grandis 2:17, 
21; 13:7. atropurpureus 31:199, 227, 228; 
39:251. atrovirens 2:10; 5:181; 6:107; 7: 
130; 8:163; 10:137; 13:83; 15:221; 10:122: 
23:134; 29:150, 208; 35:251, 252; 38:300; 
40:396; 46:336; f. proliferus 40:77; f. 
sychnocephalus 15:161; 16:39; 29:230; 
var. flaccidifolius 40:396; 42:359, 420; var. 
georgianus 23:134, 234; 29:230; 32:211, 
260; 35:252: 40:77, 370, 396; 49:242; f. 
angustispicatus 45:296; f. cephalanthus 
45:296; f. viviparus 47:390; var. pallidus 
8:163; var. pycnocephalus 8:163; 10:137; 
15:161. attenuatus 41:101, 102. autumnalis 
20:24; 37:398. Baeothryon 31:171, 172; a. 
major 31:171; 8. minor 31:171. bahiensis 
41:47,109. Baldwinianus 46:144. bernardi- 
nus 31:174; 36:381. bracteatus 23:24; 31: 
227, 228. Brownii 41:51. caducus 41:51. 
californieus 6:66, 71; 22:55; 42:21. cam- 
pestris 2:240, 241; 8:162; 29:106, 110; 31: 
171, 172; 45:291; var. Fernaldi 8:163; 10: 
137: 13:83; 20:102; 28:934; 45:290; var. 
novae-angliae 8:163; 10:137; 13:83, 178; 
20:103; 24:114, 162, 182; 25:107; 32:177, 
239; 45:288, 290; var. paludosus 8:162; 


10:137; 11:229; 13:83; 17:208, 213, 221; 20: 
102; 29:43, 92, 106, 111; 32:148, 157, 172, 
213, 239; 42:24, 98. camptotrichus 39:221. 
Canbyi 8:162. capillaceus 31:168, 170, 206, 
235; 39:218, 240. capillaris 32:183; 40:394, 
395, 482, pl. 510. capitatus 20:23, 24; 23: 
106; 30:237; 31:212, 214, 225, 228; 32:180- 
184; 34:195-197, 199; 41:50—52; 47:301. 
caribaeus 20:24; 31:225; 39:262; 41:51; 47: 
300. caricis 31:124. carinatus 31:124; 35: 
285; 36:219; 44:479. carniolicus 41:99. 
carolinianus 42:246, 247. cernuus 41:104; 
46:145, 146; 47:148; 50:129; var. californi- 
cus 46:145; var. durus 31:180, 181; var. 
pygmaeus 46:146. cespitosus 2:98; 3:170; 
4:45, 46; 7:131, 132; 9:156, 159, 189, 190; 
10:137, 143; 12:106, 118, 119; 13:95, 133, 
136, 160; 23:22—24; 25:99; 29:110, 208; 31: 
124; 33:39; 36:379, 381; 41:1, 108, 158, 200; 
B. nemorosus 23:23; B. austriacus 23:23, 24; 
B. germanicus 23:23; var. austriacus 23:24; 
var. callosus 23:24, 25, 99, 148, 199, 233; 24: 
181; 25:7; 29:149, 208; 31:227; 33:109, 112, 
117; 34:51; 35:5, 8, 87, 88, 121, 240, map 10; 
36:278; 38:143; 41:200; 47:208; var. deli- 
catulus 23:25; 35:216; var. nemorosus 23: 
23. Chaeta 31:184. Chaetarius 39:251. 
chilensis 45:391, 392. ciliatifolius 40:391; 
44:260. Clintoni 1:48; 7:132; 10:137, 143; 
12:112; 23:25; 29:230; 31:124; 37:252; 40: 
275. coaretatus 40:392; 44:260. colorado- 
ensis 31:177; 36:387, 388. comosus 31:187. 
compactus 41:9. complanatus 20:25. com- 
pressus 31:212; 50:284. confervoides 41:106, 
109. Congdoni, var. minor 32:21. con- 
strictus 39:260. costulatus 31:205. crassus 
31:61. crinalis 41:69. cubensis 46:146; 49: 
49; var. gracilis 46:146. cylindricus 8:162. 
cyperinus 2:15, 16; 3:33; 7:130, 131; 8:164; 
10:137; 13:7, 21, 83; 14:21; 15:221, 222; 
16:190; 18:34, 94, 96; 22:132, 136; 23:234; 
24:99; 26:144; 31:124; 32:149, 216, 239; 41: 
517, 520; 45:168; 46:146; 47:124; 49:51; f. 
cephaloideus 46:146; var. Andrewsii 2:16, 
21; 10:137; 13:84; 14:21; 38:454; var. con- 
densatus 2:16, 21; 10:137; 13:84; 15:162; 
43:162; var. pelius 8:164; 10:137; 12:110; 
13:84; 15:162; 16:15; 22:135; 23:234; 24: 
114; 29:230; 32:239; 35:251; f. condensa- 
tus 15:162; 16:39. debilis 1:201; 2:127; 3: 
249-252; 8:130; 10:137, 144, 204; 11:220; 
12:155; 13:84; 16:14; 17:63; 20:43-47; 32: 
106, 176; 42:390, 420, 442; 44:479-482; var. 
Williamsii 3:252; 8:130; 10:137; 11:220; 
13:84; 28:88; 38:363; 44:479. depressus 39: 
259. Desvauxi 31:239. dictyospermus 3l: 
152. distichus 50:284. divaricatus 36:38; 
39:327, 330, 353, 389, 482, map 4; 40:376; 
41:533; 42:400, 420; 44:241, 260; 47:101, 
116. elegans 39:259. elegantulus 31:214, 
215. Elliottii 46:144. ellipticus 34:197, 199; 
41:65. emergens 45:281, 283, pl. 763. 
equisetoides 31:132; 44:260. Eriophorum 
1:137, 203; 2:15-18; 3:32; 10:137; 13:7; 15: 
202, 222; 24:86, 99; 32:177, 211; 44:384; 47: 
124, 213; 49:202; f. praelongus 44:383, 


384; 47:124; var. Andrewsi 1:138; 2:16, 21 
var. condensatus 1:138, 203; 2:16, 21; 15 
162; var. cyperinus 1:138, 203; 2:16, 21. er 
raticus 31:228. etuberculatus 8:162; 45 
392; 49:90. eupaluster 31:60; 49:62. exi 
guus 31:206; 39:219; 41:15. expansus 45 
293-295, pl. 767; f. Bissellii 45:294, 295 
f. globulosus 45:294.  Fernaldi 8:163; 15 
222; 45:289, 290. filiculmis 39:266, 268; 41 
76, 92. fihformis 31:187; 34:196, 197, 199 
41:50. fistulosus 31:153; 41:4; 44:480. flac 
cidus 31:235, 237; 41:48. flavescens 31:235 
237; 41:47. floridanus 39:247. fluitans 31 
168, 170; 32:183. fluviatilis 10:137; 12:111 
120, 135, 186; 13:84, 178; 15:153; 19:91; 25 
208; 29:65, 69, 71, 107. fontinalis 40:37€ 
381, 382, 396; 41:471, 492, 493, 532, 533, may 
15; var. virginianus 41:532; 42:386, 421 
Gaudichaudianus 31:237; 41:47, 109. geni 
culatus 23:106; 31:131, 132; 32:32; 39:25% 
261, 262; 41:50-52; 47:274, 300; var. mino 
41:51. georgianus 8:163; 10:137; 13:84 
139; 15:221; 16:15; 17:151; 23:134; 32:133 
40:396. glaucescens 31:61, 68, 70, 74; 32 
30,31; 41:57. glaucus 31:68. Glehni 41:62 
gracilis 41:99. hakonensis 41:100, 10€ 
Halleri 31:171. Hallii 3:250, 251; 7:72; 10 
43, 137, 143; 11:220; 13:84, 151, 155; 22 
102; 44:483, 484; 47:208, 218. heterocarpu 
39:212. heterochaetus 6:66, 70, 71, 13€ 
231, 232, pl. 53; 10:137, 143; 12:186; 13:84 
15:153, 200; 21:191; 22:55; 25:208; 29:65 
69; 32:57; 43:553, 658; 45:286, 287, pl. 766 
47:213. heteromorphus 39:259; 41:61 
hexatrichus 31:178. Holoschoenus 31:124 
hudsonianus 8:161; 10:20, 137, 146; 11 
89; 12:118; 13:84, 138; 19:31, 36; 21:65 
23:131, 233; 29:132, 208; 31:124; 33:112 
117; 36:278; 41:505; 44:72. humilis 31:16€ 
170. interceptus 31:159. intermedius 39 
262, 264; 41:67. interstinctus 31:131. in 
tricatus 44:56. japonicus 7:130; 41:101 
var. thermalis 41:101. kamtschaticus 31 
75,76. koilolepis 44:479. lacustris 4:102 
6:65-67, 69, 71, 107, pl. 52; 22:55, 56; 32 
239; 41:56; 49:50, 52; var. condensatus 45 
285; var. occidentalis 6:68, 69; 22:56. lap 
paceus 44:56. lateralis 44:483. laxifloru 
31:157, 158. lenticularis 2:18, 19. lepto 
lepis 8:162; 46:92. leptos31:176. Lereschi 
21:228. limosus 41:97. lineatus 2:18; 6 
139, 203; 7:131; 10:137; 11:200; 24:184; 38 
452; 43:504, 538; 47:213; 49:50; f. elonga 
tus 33:168. Longii 13:6-8, 84, 151; 15 
202, 221, 222; 18:147; 19:122; 44:232, 233 
45:55, 56. lupulinus 47:198. maculosus 31 
229. malheurensis 32:20. mamillatus 31 
58, 66; 49:62. margaritaceus 36:386. mar 
ginatus 31:133; 37:393. maritimus 2:239 
241; 5:133; 26:223; 29:43, 44, 106; 45:289. 
291; 49:50; var. cylindricus 8:162; var. digy 
nus 45:291; var. Fernaldi 45:289-292, 393 
f. agonus 45:288, 289, 291, 393; var. macro 
stachyus 2:239, 241. Martii 25:54. mediu 
31:153. melanocarpus 39:269. melanoce 
phalus 31:178. melanostachys 41:60, 61 


microcarpus 2:18-21, 106; 45:295; var. Bis- 
sellii 45:294. microlepis 39:224, 225; 41: 
109. mitratus 31:75, 162; 41:12, 63. mon- 
tanus 34:223; 41:72, 73. mucronatus 20:41— 
48; 49:52. mucronulatus 20:25; 37:398. 
multicaulis 31:212; 41:96. mutatus 27:37; 
31:133, 184. nanus 10:137, 143; 11:84, 89; 
13:84; 23:283; 29:90, 92, 111; 31:128, 168- 
170, 188, 199; 35:90, 215; 37:308; var. ana- 
chaetus 31:176; 36:387. natans 39:237; 41: 
54. nigrescens 39:225. nodulosus 39:256. 
novae-angliae 8:163; 15:222; 41:467, 471, 
532, map 2; 45:289-291, 393. nudipes 41: 
74. nudissimus 41:57, 109. nutans 31:212. 
obtusus 23:24; 31:132, 214; 34:195, 196, 199. 
occidentalis 6:66, 68, 69, 71, 231, 232, pl. 
Dor 5:165; TU mMot 1148 DIE 895 13:85; 15: 
160222037 102190205 S72 4182300845 102122: 21: 
191; 22:55, 56, 92; 23:234; 31:167; var. con- 
gestus 23:131. ocreatus 31:229, 235. oliva- 
ceus 31:231. Olneyi 3:34, 88; 9:220; 10: 
137; 13:85; 23:108, 110, 142, 233: 24:102; 
20:45; 32:106, 147, 210, 239; 37:399; 45: 
390—392; 49:52, 95, 127, 185; f. australis 45: 
392; var. contortus 9:220; 10:137; 11:39. 
Onaei 41:100, 109. orgyalis 45:285. ovatus 
31:212, 214; 34:195, 196; var. Heuseri 31: 
214. pachystylus 39:269. pallidus 8:163; 
48:330. palmaris 41:51. paludosus 2:240, 
2415 8:162; 20:187, 223; 40:275; 45:201, 
292; var. atlanticus 45:291, 292; 50:294. 
palustris 24:160; 31:58, 60, 67, 74, 228; 32: 
31; 41:57; a. typicus 31:00; f. Casparyi 
31:61; subsp. uniglumis 31:71; var. major 
31:61; var. uniglumis 31:71. paracicularis 
39:226, 227. parvulus 31:168-170, 176; f. 
submersus 31:171. pauciflorus 6:94, 107; 7: 
1325507159: 189; -10-10/:91435* 12:114; 13: 
138, 221; 21:65; 23:164, 233; 29:208; 31: 
124 171. 1749175..197:293:28:-30:370 : 45: 
280, Peck 2:21:.3:31, 825. 6:107; 7:130; 
10:137; 14:204; 15:98, 99; 17:64; 19:122; 
24:184; 32:133; 45:168, 518. pedicellatus 
2:16, 17; 6:194; 7:109; 10:138; 12:110; 13: 
7, 85; 15:162, 222; 16:14, 190; 17:154; 22: 
135; 23:234; 29:230; 35:251, 262; 45:56; 
var. pullus 2:17, 21; 10:138; 13:85; 19:122. 
pileatus 41:63. planifolius 1:201; 10:138, 
143; 12:112; 13:85; 14:176; 21:199, 200; 31: 
124; 41:1, 48; 45:279; 50:284. plantagineus 
31:131, 159. plantaginoides 31:159. plica- 
rhachis 31:158. pollicaris 31:168, 169. poly- 
gamus 31:131. polyphyllus 2:157; 3:32; 7: 
130; 10:138; 44:353, 383; 46:246-248; 47: 
116; f. macrostachys 45:296; var. macro- 
stachys 2:21; 3:31; 10:138; 45:296. poly- 
trichoides 31:227. puberulus 42:246, 247. 
pumilio 41:19. pumilus 33:23; 41:1; 45: 
279—282, pl. 762. punctatus 39:238. pun- 
gens. 1:202; 4:33; 5:183; 26:223; 32:157; 
37:407. Purshianus 44:479, 481-483; f. 
Williamsii 44:479, 483. pusillus 31:168, 
170; 39:247. pygmaeus 39:251. quadrang- 
ulatus 27:37, 38; 31:133, 152; 34:197, 199; 
37:392, 393. quinqueflorus 31:171. radi- 
cans 31:199; 41:15, 54, 55. repens 31:237; 

41:54. retroflexus 39:222, 236. retrofractus 
8:128; 47:111-113, pl. 878. riparius 46:145; 
49:52. robustus 2:240, 241; 8:162; 10:138; 
18:85; 17:213, 221; 31:14; 32:210, 239; 42: 
370, 504; 45:290, 392, 393; f. protrusus 45: 
392; var. campestris 2:241; 8:162; var. 
novae-angliae 45:290; var. paludosus 2: 
241; 8:162. Rollandii 45:282, pl. 764; 
48:271. rostellatus 31:175. rubricosus 47: 
124, 213; 49:202; f. praelongus 47:124. 
rubrotinctus 2:20, 21, 106; 3:33, 185; 6: 
107 ; 7:106; 10:138; 11:89; 13:85; 16:14; 17: 
151; 25:7; 29:149, 208; 83:109, 117; 34:51; 
36:278; 45:295; f. radiosus 45:295; var. 
confertus 2:21; 5:289; 10:138; 13:55; 17: 
151; 19:122; 29:230. rufus 10:95, 143, 144, 
201; 11:89; 23:108, 233; 29:106; 31:124; 34: 
70, 73, 74, map 6; 35:55; 36:278; 45:283, 
287, 288, pl. 763; 50:215; var. neogaeus 45: 
283, 287, 288, pl. 763. sachalinensis 31: 
75,76; 41:65. saximontanus 3:251. schoen- 
oides 44:260; 46:91, 265. Sellowianus 31: 
234. sepium 31:171. setaceus 46:145. sim- 
plex 31:236; 39:246, 247; 44:260. Smithii 
3:249, 250, 252; 10:138, 144, 205; 11:220; 
12:155, 156; 13:30, 85; 15:102; 17:63; 20: 
45; 23:41, 42; 24:86; 26:38, 223; 44:480- 
482; 50:178; f. levisetus 44:479, 483; f. 
setosus 44:479; var. levisetus 23:42; 34: 
39; 44:479; var. setosus 3:252; 10:138, 144; 
12:155; 18:30 5178; 14:55-15:76. 19-01, 
122; 23:41, 42; 32:17; 38:363; 44:479; var. 
Williamsii 44:479, 480. soloniensis 31:212. 
sphacelatus 31:160. spiralis 31:135; 39:246; 
41:109. Steinmetzii 45:286, 287, pl. 766. 
stenophyllus 40:391, 393; 44:260. submer- 
sus 31:205; 39:223, 254. subterminalis 1: 
184; 7:106; 10:138; 11:89; 13:85, 128, 135: 
21:75; 22:136; 23:148, 233; 24:114; 25:208, 
213; 29:149, 208; 32: Wa; 30:113. 117: 39: 
29; 40:251; 41:255, 505; 42:87, 90; 43:554; 
44:244; 45:390; f. terrestris 45:288; var. 
terrestris 2:202; 7:106; 45:288. sulcatus 39: 
266, 268; 41:77; 44:261; 46:144, 145. su- 
pinus 3:249-252; 20:47; 44:483, 484; 49:52; 
B. 3:252; y. digynus 44:483; var. Hallii 3: 
251; 44:483; var. uninodis 44:483. sylvati- 
cus 2:18-21, 106, 121; 6:233; 7:130; 10:138, 
144; 13:85; 15:202; 28:245; 29:150; 45:293- 
295, pl. 767; 49:50; f. Bisselli 45:294; f. 
cephaloideus 46:146; var. atrovirens 15:161 ; 
var. Bissellii 2:21; 10:138; 36:7; 37:83, 
84; 45:294; var. digynus 1:165; 2:18, 19, 21; 
var. sychnocephalus 15:161. "Tabernaemon- 
tani 6:65. tener 41:96. tenuiculus 39:268. 
tenuis 31:74; 34:195—197, 199, 218; 39:242; 
41:50, 65. tetraquetrus 31:162. thyrsiflorus 
47:124. Torreyi 1:184; 3:64; 6:40; 10:138, 
140; 13:85; 15:162; 16:14; 19:122; 20:47; 
43:658. tortilis 39:246. translucens 31: 
169. trichodes 31:184, 206. Trichophorum 
7:132; 8:161. tuberculatus 31:228; 39:247, 
248. tuberculosus 31:172; 39:247, 248; var. 
B. 39:247. tuberosus 31:159. tumidus 31: 
159. turgidus 31:212. uniglumis 31:58, 71, 
72, 74; 49:62. uninodis 44:483, 484; var. 


Hallii 44:484. validus 6:65—69, 71, 107, 231, 
pl. 52; 10:138; 13:21, 85; 14:26; 16:20, 87; 
17:150; 21:191; 22:55, 56; 23:131, 233; 26: 
223; 29:65, 69; 31:123; 32:57, 148, 149, 161, 
239; 33:19, 22; 36:278; 38:366; 40:28; 43: 
553; 45:284-287, pl. 765; 50:215, 294; var. 
creber 45:283, 284, 287, pl. 765; 49:242; 
f. megastachyus 45:283, 285, 287, 392, pl. 
165. variegatus 31:156. verecundus 50: 
284. Wolfii 31:202. yokoscensis 41:18, 109 

Scitamineae 25:158; 47:385 

Scleranthus 17:203. annuus 1:216; 5:190; 17: 

35, 203; 42:135 

Scleria 10:144; 13:105; 39:326, 337; 41:474; 
42:146; 43:511; 45:296, 297. Brittonii 45: 
297. ciliata 36:219; 39:392, 480; 44:261; 
var. Elliottii 39:392, 466, 481. elata 26: 
159, 160; var. decolorans 26: 160; var. latior 
26: 160. 'Elliottii 38: 393; 39: 392. flaccida 
38:397; 43:512, 539—541 ; 45:461. georgiana 

45:297. gracilis 38: 398; 44:261. hirtella, 

var. strigosa 44:261. laxa 45:290. minor 

38:397, 398, 450, pl. 444; 39:387, 475; 41: 

533; 42:381; 43:512, 539. 540; 49:94, 126. 
Muhlenbergii 45:296, 297; 49:87. nitida 
38:397, 398, 450, pl. 444; 39:477; 42:365; 43: 
512, 539—541. oligantha 39:479, 482, map 

53; 40:399, 440; 43:489; 45:300; 46:307. 
pauciflora 3:144; 8:165; 3l: 15; 35:202; 36: 

219; 38:378; 39: 392; 47: 96, 117; ò. Elliottii 
219: 38: 378; 30:392; 47: 96, 117; 5. Elhottii 

39: 392; var. caroliniana 8: 165; 10: 138; 35: 

202; 39: 392, 476; var. kansana 8: 165. reti- 

cularis 10: 43, 138, 143; 13:105, 151; 14:29, 
32; 24:87; 26: 180; 29: 241; 32: 212; 45: 296 ; 
49: 87; var. pubescens 10: 138; 24: 87; 42: 8s, 
93. setacea 37: 405; 38:377, 399; 39:303, 

393, 482; 41:533; 43: 512, 539; 45:297. ter- 

restris 26: 159; var. decolorans 26:160; 

var. latior 26:160. Torreyana 45:296. tri- 

glomerata 2:157; 10:138; 13:105; 32:213; 
38:397, 398, 450, pl. 444; 43:512, ' 539—541 : 
46:78; var. gracilis 37: 156; 38:398; var. 

minor 38:398. verticillata 7:73; 10:138; 

13:30; 37:71 
Sclerochloa 18:1. arenaria, var. fasciculata 18: 

10; var. maritima 18:7. Borreri 18:10. dis- 
tans 18:12. procumbens 18:11. rupestris 


Scleroderma lycoperdoides 44:173. vulgare 


Sclerolepis 14:23, 24; 31:98. uniflora 10:143; 
12:13; 13:152; 14: 23, 175; 21:143; 22:103; 
27: 57, 64, 65. verticillata 1: 186, 187 ; 8:29; 
31:97; 34:112 

Scleropoa 15:147; 49:260. rigida 15:147; 48: 

20; 49:260 

Sclerotinia fruticola 39:374. sclerotiorum 1: 

Scodellina leporina 41:518 

Scoliopleura 9:126, 128, 130. latestriata 9: 

135; 26:194, 218; var. Amphora 9:135. tu- 

mida 9:135 

Scolochloa 8:85; 31:92, 96. festucacea 31:92 
Scolopendrium 2:11; 19:171; 21:177, 179. 

Lindeni 37:221. pinnatifidum 50:117. vul- 
gare 12:115; 21:179; 37:73, 201, 312 

Scoparia 23:1 

Scoria 9:53 

Scorpidium scorpioides 30:10 

Scorpiurus 20:171. subvillosus 2:92; 20:171 

Scorzonera 26:126, 127 

Scotch Broom 32:129, 155; 47:835. Fir 35: 
357. Larches 7:124. Ling 10:178. Pine(s) 
7:124-127, 129; 28:44; 32:229; 35:357; 47: 
335. Rose 12:180 

Scouleria 36:60 

Scouring Rush 47:206 

Scrophularia 13:115; 25:66. lanceolata 25:66; 
32:176; 39:235; 40:182, 381, 456; 43:506, 
518. leporella 7:34, 119; 8:73; 9:14; 12: 
113, 217; 13:218; 25:66; 40:182. marilan- 
dica 4:89, 94; 7:34; 9:14; 12:192; 25:66; 
39:342, 447; 44:303, 434; 49:180. nodosa 
11:98; 13:115; 25:66; 31:10; 35:16, 277, 282 

Scrophulariaceae 3:283; 6:128; 7:33; 8:221; 
18:43, 99; 23:1-3; 25:11, 62; 26:227; 29: 
219; 31:43, 93; 32:273; 36:6, 283; 39:18, 
19; 40:292; 41:381, 382, 448; 42:156; 44: 
355, 378; 45:315; 49:255; 50:299, 303. trib. 
Agalineae 20:67. trib. Buchnereae 23:3. 
trib. Digitaleae 23:1. trib. Gerardieae 20: 
67. trib. Gratioleae 23:1, 3 

Scrub Black Oak 4:133. Oak(s) 9:60; 12:8; 
18:07. Pine 21:50, 51 

Scuppernong 46:48, 49 

Seurvy Grass 11:140; 13:119, 124; 28:63 

Scutellaria 4:137; 6:127; 25:42; 26:61-63; 36: 
6; 38:373; 39:379; 47:201; 49:99; 50:299. 
$ Scutellariopsis 96:64. trib. Scutellario- 
ideae 26:62. trib. Stachyoideae 26:62; sub- 
trib. Scutellarieae 26:62. altamaha 26:74. 
altissima 25:42. ambigua 3:199, 201; 26: 
69; 37:194; 47:172, 173, 175. angustifolia 
26:64, 70, 79, diagr. 1, pl. 140; var. canescens 
26:71. antirrhinoides 26:65, 68, 71, 79, diagr. 
1, pl. 140. arenicola 26: 75. arguta 26:79. 
Austinae 26:70. Bolanderi 26: 66, 68, diagr. 
1; var. californica 26:68. brevifolia 26: 
72, 73. Brittonii 26:66, 71, diagr. 1. Bushii 
26:66, 76, 79, diagr. 1, pl. 141; 36:224, 232. 
californica 26:68. campestris 3:200, 201; 
26:69; 37:194. canescens 26:66, 76, 79, 
diagr. 1, pl. 141; var. punctata 26:77. car- 
diophylla 26: 66, 73, diagr. 1. caroliniana 
17:132, 133; 26: 74; 44:432. Churchilliana 
4: 138, pl. 38; 8: 73; 12:113; 26:67, diagr. 
1; 36:6. cordifolia 26: 78; var. pilosissima 
26:78. Drummondii 26:66. 73, 79, diagr. 1, 
pl. 141. elliptica 47:174, 200-202; var. hir- 
suta 47:201; 49:179. epilobiifolia 23:85, 
86; 25:42; 26: 64-67, 79, 186, 187, 227, diagr. 
1, pl. 140; 28:79; 29:185, 219; 32:157, 272; 
35:252; 36:983, 308; 41:156, 283; 42:338; 
47:172; 50:299; f. albiflora 23: 86; 26:67 ; 
f. rosea 23: 86; 26:67. floridana 26:76. 
Footeana 26:72. galericulata 4:137, 138, pl. 
38; 6:127; 11:98; 13:146; 17:151; 18:42; 
22: :135; 23:85, 86; 25:42; 36:61, 64-66, 227; 
20:185, 219; 32: 149, 157, 216, 272; 36:308; 
41:283; 47:172; 50:299; f. albiflora 23: 86; 


26:67; f. rosea 23:86; 26:67. glabriuscula 
26:76. gracilis 26:70; 47:174. Helleri 26: 
73. hirsuta 26:74; 44:349, 433; 47:201. 
hyssopifolia 26:75, 76; 47:202, 203. incana 
26:76; 47:199, 200. integrifolia 17:133; 25: 
48; 26:66, 78, 75, 79, diagr. 1, pl. 141; 39: 
482; 47:174, 201-203; 49:177; 8. hyssopi- 
folia 47:203; f. rhodantha 40:455; subsp. 
hispida 49:177; var. brevifolia 26:72; var. 
floridana 26:76; var. glabriuscula 26:76; 
var. hispida 26:73, 75, 76; 49:94, 177; var. 
major 26:75; var. multiglandulosa 26:76; 
49:99, 101,177. laevigata 26:77. lateriflora 
Otol, 4 lov, oo; PINS 0:127; 9:122; 11: 
98; 22:134, 135; 23:86; 25:42; 26:63-67, 79, 
diagr. 1, pl. 140; 31:147; 32:272; 35:252; f. 
albiflora 23:86; 26:68; f. rhodantha 23: 
86; 26:68; 44:144; var. albiflora 23:86; 26: 
68. Leonardi 46:139; 47:172. linearifolia 
26:70. Mellichampii 26:77. minor 3:199. 
Mociniana 26:62. montana 26:77. multi- 
glandulosa 49:99, 177. nana 26:65, 72, 79, 
diagr. 1, pl. 140. nemorosa 47:201. ner- 
vosa 26:61, 64, 65, 69—71, 73, 79, diagr. 1, 
pl. 140; 35:289; 39:431; 43:490, 638; 46: 
306; 47:172-174, 404; f. ternata 26:170; 
var. ambigua 47:175; var. calvifolia 47: 
174; var. typica 47:174, 175. nevadensis 
26:71. ovalifolia 17:183; 26:74; 37:439; 
38:377; 44:349; 47:200, 201; subsp. hirsuta 
47:202; subsp. mollis 47:200, 201; var. hir- 
suta 44:433; 47:202. ovata 17:132, 133, 
137; 39:431; 44:432, 433; subsp. rugosa 47: 
144; var. bracteata 17:134, 137; 44:432, 
483; var. rugosa 47:144; var. versicolor 
44:432; 46:139. parviflora 47:174. par- 
vula 3:199-201; 9:75; 26:61, 64, 65, 69, 71, 
73, 79, diagr. 1, pl. 140; 36:55; 37:194; 39: 
9í(55942:6: 41172: Meee 49 110: var. 
ambigua 3:201 ; 19:247; 26:69; 37:194; 39: 
378, 379; 43:507, 638; 46:139; 47:172, 175; 
var. australis 39:378, 379; var. Leonardi 
47:172; var. mollis 3:199-201; 26:69; 39: 
DASS diD epos 45132: 133; 20500, 14. 
diagr. 1; 37:439; 47:200, 201; var. hirsuta 
26:74; 44:433; 47:201; var. ovalifolia 47: 
201. polymorpha 26:75. pubescens 47:200. 
punctata 44:434. resinosa 26:66, 72, 73, 79, 
pl. 140; 34:6; 42:500; var. brevifolia 26: 
4142, 73. rugosa 26:78, 79; 47:144; 50:106, 
128. sanhedrensis 26:71. saxatilis 26:66, 
78, 79, diagr. 1; 46:139; var. arguta 26:79. 
serrata 26:66, 74, 76, 77, 79, diagr. 1, pl. 141; 
45:380, 459; var. montana 26:77. serru- 
lata 44:434. siphocampyloides 26:71. teu- 
crifolia 47:174, 201, 202. tuberosa 26:66, 68, 
79, diagr. 1, pl. 141. versicolor 17:132, 133, 
137; 26:66, 78, 79, diagr. 1, pl. 140; 40:382, 
383, 455; 44:432, 433; 50:128; B. bracteata 
44:432; var. bracteata 17:134, 137; 26:78; 
44:483; var. minor 26:78; 35:289. viarum 
26:68. Wrightii 26:72; f. alba 50:98 

Scuticaria 2:31 

Scyphophorus didymus 34:125 

Scytonema 26:161; 40:224, 235. cincinnatum 
40:75. crispum 7:237; 14:114; 40:75. fig- 


uratum 7:237; 50:70. guyanense 50:70. 
Hofmanni 7:237; 50:70. mirabile 24:107; 
26:162. Myochrous 7:237; 15:90; 24:103, 
107; 26:162, 164; 29:161-163; 50:70. ocel- 
latum 6:230; 7:237; 50:70 

Scytosiphon 7:228; 26:189; 33:129; 35:257. 
attenuatus 50:262. hippuroides 2:166. lo- 
mentarius 2:48, 163, 165; 7:228; 26:191, 
214; 33:130; 50:262; f. complanatus 7:228; 
var. complanatus 2:48 

Sea Grass 12:30. Lavender 18:53, 55; 32:270. 
Lungwort 23:102. Lyme-grass 12:27. Purs- 
lane 28:63, 100. Rocket 28:63. Sand Reed 

Seaside Alder 47:341. Goldenrod 4:89. 
Spurge 29:58 

Seaweed(s) 1:12, 69; 2:130; 3:90; 5:135; 9: 
91; 47:63, 64 

Sebacina 37:121, 126. cinerella 37:126. glo- 
bospora 37:121, 126, 127, pl. 331 

Sebastiania fruticosa 46:45. ligustrina 46: 
45, 46 

Sebastiano-Schaueria 9:51 

Secale 6:107; 15:149; 49:265. cereale 1:107; 
6:107; 15:149; 17:221; 34:63; 41:518, 520; 
48:21; 49:265 

Sedge(s) 5:245, 247, 248; 6:194; 7:100; 8:168; 
11:132; 12:132; 21:191, 192; 26:186; 28:74; 
40:159, 180; 41:129, 134, 155, 159, 160, 491; 
42:91, 93, 143, 148, 150, 381, 383; 43:518; 44: 
370; 45:167; 47:206; 49:299. Dewey's 18: 

Sedum 6:118; 8:99; 14:227, 228; 18:249; 38: 
117; 41:408; 44:10-13, 75; 47:385; 49:80, 
197, 198. acre 4:199; 6:118; 7:40; 8:99; 
14:228; 18:249; 19:217; 23:265; 49:248. al- 
boroseum 42:453; var. variegatum 18:160. 
anophyllum 14:228; 19:217, 218. Beyrich- 
lanum 46:450, 451. erythrostictum, var. 
variegatum 18:160. Fabaria 11:46. frigi- 
dum 41:239. integrifolium 45:311. japon- 
icum, var. variegatum 18:160. Nevii 36: 
230; 40:364, 423; 41:138; 44:10-13, 74, figs. 
1—7; 46:450, 451. Nuttallianum 36:220, 231. 
pulchellum 36:230; 44:10, 73-76; 46:306, 
450. purpureum 11:46; 18:249; 19:218; 37: 
192. reflexum 18:249; 19:217, 218. Rhod- 
iola 3:193; 4:189; 41:239. Rosea 11:13; 
12:106; 13:216, 23/; 15:110; 17:154; 19: 
218, 219; 23:103, 205; 25:0; 28:03; 29:122, 
132, 214; 31:143; 33:111, 121; 34:53; 35:121, 
127 ; 36:148; 37:317; 49:53, 79, 80, 197; var. 
integrifolium 42:328; var. Leedyi 49:198, 
pl. 1086. stoloniferum 6:195; 19:218, 219; 
23:94, 265. telephioides 11:199; 19:219; 25: 
210. Telephium 6:118; 11:46; 37:192; 41: 
79; var. purpureum 11:46. ternatum 18: 
250; 19:218; 40:375, 382, 493; 43:553; 44: 
12; 45:360; 46:450, 451; 49:180. triphyl- 
lum 11:46; 18:249; 19:218, 219; 37:192. 
villosum 34:120 

Seigle de mer 12:36 

Seirospora Griffithsiana 2:52; 7:234; 8:123; 
26:215; 30:195; 50:265, 268 

Selaginella 4:55; 6:32; 10:61; 17:68; 28:18; 
35:356; 37:342; 44:34; 49:254. apoda 17: 


68; 23:212, 218; 25:188; 35:356; 37:343, 
344, pls. 380, 381; 38:383; 41:34; 50:17. 
apus 10:61, 140; 17:68; 35:188; 50:17. 
densa 37:343—345, pls. 380, 381. rupestris 1: 
192; 3:186; 5:128; 10:61; 23:212, 220; 24: 
160; 31:222; 35:356; 36:219; 37:342-345, 
pls. 380, 381; 41:174; 46:74. Schmidti 41: 
174. selaginoides 9:158, 170, 174, 189, 190; 
11:87; 12:116; 13:115; 21:65; 23:212, 218; 
25:184; 28:75; 33:112, 115; 36:276, 422; 37: 
64, 73, 206, 244, 248, 343, pls. 380, 381; 38: 
139; 40:153, 168, 169, 171; 41:150, 163, 164, 
174; 49:288. sibirica 41:150, 163, 174; 42: 
316. Standleyi 41:174 

Selaginellaceae 10:61; 23:212; 25:188; 31:43; 
35:356; 36:276; 49:254, 255 

Selaginoides 44:34 

Selenia 33:142, 143. aurea 33:142; 36:220, 
231. dissecta 33:142; 40:184, 459; 41:189. 
grandis 40:183. Jonesii 33:142 

Selenipedium 2:31 

Selenophomopsis juncea 44:173 

Self-heal 44:337 

Seligeria 3:179. Doniana 30:3; 39:39 

Seligeriaceae 30:3; 39:39, 100 

Selinocarpus lanceolatus 47:331 

Selinum 24:94; 41:267, 268. Benthami 28: 
221, 222; 41:268, 269. Carvifolia 24:94, 
enidiifolium 41:165, 269. Gmelini 28:221; 

Sematophyllaceae 30:11 

Sematophyllum 35:146. tenuirostre 15:13 

Sempervivum 18:250. tectorum 18:250; 19: 

Senebiera pinnatifida 6:82 

Seneca Snakeroot 4:133 

Senecio 6:133; 7:152, 161; 10:68, 195; 13:116, 
131; 19:155; 21:117, 118; 26:149; 30:224; 
36:284; 37:306, 349; 42:157; 44:124; 45: 
164; 46:142. 8 Aurei 47:302. alabamensis 
48:330. anonymus 50:128. antennariifolius 
37:233; 46:71, 141. atropurpureus 41:298; 
42:342. aureus 3:3-5; 10:68, 69; 11:99; 21: 
118, 199; 23:97; 24:208; 26:117-119, 149; 
30:225; 38:450; 39:399; 40:374, 422; 43: 
521; 44:337; 45:361, 495—500, 506, 508, pls. 
800, 801; 49:253; x Balsamitae 10:69; 44: 
146; 45:500; X tomentosus 45:497; y. bore- 
alis 26:119; 5. discoideus 26:117-120; e. 
Balsamitae 23:299; var. aquilonius 45:497, 
500—502, 509, pl. 803; f. ecoronatus 45: 
502; var. Ashei 45:497-499; var. aurantia- 
cus 45:499; var. Balsamitae 1:186; 3:5, 6; 
var. gracilis 45:496, 498, 500; var. inter- 
cursus 45:496, 498, 499, 502, 508, pl. 802; 
var. lanceolatus 3:5; 6:96; var. obovatus 
3:5; var. Robbinsii 3:5; var. semicordatus 
45:496, 500, 502. Balsamitae 1:186; 3:3, 5, 
6, 177; 9:164; 10:68, 69; 11:99; 12:112; 15: 
154; 21:117; 23:299; 26:149; 32:18; 45:504, 
pl. 805; var. Crawfordii 10:69; var. firmi- 
folius 7:244; 9:164; 44:146; 45:504, 505; 
var. pauperculus 3:6; 11:99; 26:149; var. 
praelongus 3:6; 6:143; 15:67; 26:149. 
Burkei 26:118, 120, 121; 30:225. canus, var. 
Purshianus 38:299. ciliatus 15:207, 208. 

congestus 47:256, 257, pls. 959, 960; var 
laceratus 47:256, 257; var. palustris 47: 
256, 257, pl. 959; var. tonsus 47:256, 257. 
pl. 960. conterminus 41:299; 42:342 
Crawfordii 10:69; 21:117-119; 43:521, 657; 
45:361, 497, 498, 505, 506.  discoideus 7:154; 
9:164, 191; 13:115; 26:117-121. Elliottii 
45:507. Elmeri 37:418. elongatus 30:225. 
Fernaldii 19:155; 26:114, 115, 122, pl. 144; 
30:225; f. lingulatus 19:155. flavovirens 
23:299. Fremontii 39:495. frigidus 41:166, 
299; 42:342. gaspensis 23:299; 44:146; 45: 
502, 504, 505; f. verecundus 45:505; var. 
firmifolius 45:505. glabellus 36:51. gra- 
cilis 45:500. hieracifolius 19:25, 27. hyper- 
borealis, var. columbiensis 30:225. idahoen- 
sis 26:118, 120, 121. indecorus 26:116-122, 
pl. 144; 44:104; f. Burkei 30:225.  integri- 
folius 41:298; 42:342; var. Lindstroemii 41: 
298. Jacobaea 4:34; 6:235; 7:152; 26:149; 
49:253. Kjellmanii 41:299; 42:312, 342. 
lanceolatus 3:5. Lemberti 26:119. longi- 
lobus 45:165. lugens 41:153, 299; 42:312, 
342; 45:316. lyratus 26:113. MacDougalii 
26:149. Millefolium 46:307, 308. Muhlen- 
bergii 40:356. obovatus 3:3, 5; 5:33; 12: 
187 ; 14:73; 21:198; 26:117, 149; 27:212; 34: 
231; 37:64, 66, 71; 41:31, 36, 466, 574; 44: 
345, 478; 45:506, 507; f. elongatus 30:225; 
34:231; var. diversifolius 45:507; var. 
Elliottii 45:507; var. elongatus 24:226; 30: 
225; var. rotundus 45:507; var. umbratilis 
23:299; 45:506. palustris 25:11; 36:284; 38: 
160; 41:158, 159, 166, 233, 300; 42:342; 47: 
256, 257; y. laceratus 47:256; var. congestus 
41:300; 47:257. pauciflorus 9:164, 191; 13: 
124; 19:142; 26:116—119, 121, 122, pl. 144; 
28:121, 123, 125, 240; 38:126, 131, 160; 44: 
124; f. fallax 30:225; var. fallax 30:225. 
pauperculus 3:6; 21:117; 23:299; 20:117, 
118, 149; 30:226; 32:12; 35:120, pl. 239; 36: 
284; 37:74; 42:342; 45:503—505, 509, pl. 804 ; 
f. inornatus 45:502; f. verecundus 30:225; 
32:12; 45:502, 505; var. Balsamitae 23: 
299; 31:55; 37:74; 45:502—505, 509, pl. 805; 
f. inchoatus 30:226; 31:55; var. firmifolius 
28:118; 35:399, pl. 239; 44:109, 146; 45:504, 
505; var. neoscoticus 45:502, 503, 509, pl. 
806; var. praelongus 45:503.  plattensis 36: 
221; 45:503, 505, 507, 508. pseudaureus 30: 
225; 45:496, 500; f. ecoronatus 30:225; 44: 
146; 45:502. Pseudo-Arnica 3:3; 13:123; 
25:11; 29:89, 123, 129, 221; 32:12; 34:55; 
35:233; 41:162, 300; 42:116; 44:117, 337; 
47:257; f. Rollandii 47:257; var. Rollandii 
47:257. pseudo-tomentosus 45:507, 508. 
pyroglossus 42:342. resedifolius 26:113-118, 
122, pl. 144; 27:206; 36:327; 41:160, 163, 
164, 299, 300; 42:342; 44:128; 45:310; f. 
columbiensis 30:225 ; var. columbiensis 26: 
115, 116; 30:225; 41:300; var. lyratus 26: 
115; var. multicaulis 26:116. Riddellii 45: 
165, 166; var. Parksii 45:164. Robbinsii 
3:4; 4:189; 6:96, 133, 235; 10:145; 12:103; 
13:183, 221; 17:154; 22:137; 23:97; 26:117; 
34:63, 64; 44:337; f. invenustus 30:225. 

INDEX TO VoLuMEs 1—50 233 

Rollandii 32:12; 47:257. Rugelia 35:320. 
saxosus 38:299. semicordatus 45:500. 
Smallii 3:6; 21:117, 118; 36:54; 41:489; 45: 
503—505; f. tristis 47:302. sylvaticus 3:7; 
4:34; 12:106; 13:183; 17:148; 18:44; 23: 
299. tomentosus 39:474, 480; 41:299; 45: 
361, 497—499, 506—508, pl. 800; 48:331; 50: 
128; f. alabamensis 48:330. tubicaulis 47: 
256, 257. viscosus 3:6; 10:145, 153; 24:120; 
25:140; vulgari n 1221038 3.75. 1051523. 1T: 
99; 12:106; 16:86; 17:36, 37; 20:149; 28: 
12; 29:221; 41:300; 42:342 

Senellier 1:168 

Senna riparia 39:413 

Sensitive Fern 30:18; 45:396 

Senticosae 47:386, pl. 991 

Sepedonium chrysospermum 44:173 

Sepiariae 47:386, pl. 991 

Septoria 41:519. atropurpurea 39:373. Li- 
gustici 41:519. oenotherae 26:219; 39:373. 
Plucheae 41:518. polygonorum 39:373; 
44:170. rubi 39:373 i 

Sequoia 5:271; 37:207, 212; 44:32, 34. gi- 
gantea 37:211. sempervirens 38:200; 49:228 

Sequoias 21:31 

Serapias 22:181; 43:632. Helleborine 19:30, 
31, 51; 33:140; 41:129; 43:632; 44:456. re- 
pens 1:5, 6 

Serapis 47:385 

Serenoa serrulata 36:31 

Sericea Lespedeza 50:27 

Sericocarpus 7:158; 26:150; 28:209. asteroides 
26:150; 30:136; 32:151, 278; f. roseus 30: 
136. bifoliatus 28:209, 210; 46:316; var. 
Collinsi 28:210. Collinsii 28:210. cony- 
zoides 5:129. linifolius 26:150; 29:244; 32: 
177,278; 39:474. solidagineus 5:204. torti- 
folius 28:209, 210; 46:316; var. Collinsii 28: 

Serinia oppositifolia 39:432; 40:377, 477; 42: 
498; 44:953 

Serpicula occidentalis 22:21, 22, 27. verticil- 
lata, B. angustifolia 22:22, 28 

Serratula 48:242, 284. glauca 43:653. pilosa 
37:183; 48:250, 257. scariosa 48:294, 298, 
300, 312. speciosa 48:340. spicata 48:178, 
220, 221, 250, 256. squarrosa 48:298, 394 

Sertularia 8: 160; 35:293; 47:281. pumila 2: 

Service-berries 12:180 

Service-berry 12:180; 48:127 

Sesban exaltatus 38:406 

Sesbania Drummondii 38:406. exaltata 38: 
406. macrocarpa 35:286 

Seseli falcaria 25:12 

Sesleria 21:66 

Sesuvium maritimum 37:426; 42:369, 387, 
450; 44:261. pentandrum 44:261 

Setaria 6:104; 13:174-176; 15:122; 26:222; 28: 
143; 31:109, 110; 34:243; 44:35; 48:392. 
corrugata 44:257. Faberi 46:57, 58; 47: 
109; 48:391. geniculata 31:110, 112, 113, 
118; 32:210, 234. glauca 6:104; 12:134; 14: 
180; 15:122; 17:212; 18:33, 232; 22:137; 
31:109, 110, 112; 32:234; 46:57, 58. imber- 
bis 19:108; var. perennis 8:210. italica 

6:104; 13:176; 14:168; 15:122; 18:232; 22: 
137; 31: 113; 46: 57, 58; subsp. stramineo- 
fructa 18: 232; 31: 112; f. breviseta 18:232; 
subvar. germanica 18: :233; 81:112; f. mitis 
18:233; var. brunneoseta, subvar. densior 
18:233; var. Hostii 18: 233; 31:113; subvar. 
Metzgeri 18:233; 31:113; var. germanica D 
104; 18:232. lutescens 18:232; 29:148, 
207; 44:70. magna 38:394; 40:372, 390; 44: 
382; 46:57, 58. perennis 8: 210. pilosa 14: 
171. versicolor 8:223. verticillata 10: 150; 
13:88; 14:180, 183, pl. 98; 15:122; 31:113; 
45:387. viridis 6: 104 ; 12: 133, 134: 15:122; 
17:226; 18:232; 22: 137; 31: 113; 32: 234 ; 44: 
70; 46: 67, 087 50: 301; var. breviseta 8: 
210; 12: 134; 18: 232; var. Weinmanni 12: 
133, 134; 20: 102; 18: 232; 23:229; 31:113; 
42:413. "Weinmanni 12:134 

Setiscapella cleistogama 23:108, 291. subulata 

Seutera 31:95; 36:236; 50:128 

Seymeria 17: 134; 20: 68, 136. cassioides 17: 
134, 137; 39: 349, 352, 355, 447, 466, 480, 
map 24; 4l: 485, 569; 42: 379, 445. macro- 
phylla 20:68. tenuifolia L6 134, 137 

Shadbush 11:27; 12:180; 22:131, 132; 23:130, 
198; 26:182; 46:157. "Dwarf 50:49 

Shagbark 4: 132; 26:182; 50:62. Hickory 43: 
67; 47:47 

Shamrock 18:38 

Sheep Laurel 12:183; 39:354 

Sheep-teat Blackberry 10:121 

Shepherdia 9:54, 179; 48: pl. 1026. argentea 
6:88; 48: pl. 1025. canadensis 6:86, 88; 9: 
162, 167, 172, 179; 11:96; 13:138; 19:63; '23: 
164, 170, 276; 24:177; 98: 59, 76; 34:66; 35: 
n 36: 282; 37: 204 ; 41: 150, 263 ; 42:833; 45: 

Shepherd’s Purse 28:70 

Sherardia 26:15; 30:54. arvensis 6: 144; 19: 
248; 24:119, 152; 26:15; 37:323; 41: :570 

Sherwoodia 45:333. sinensis 45: 335 

Shield-Fern 30:16. Marginal 4:51 

Shining Willow 12:177 

Shinleaf 38:92, 94 

Shooting Star 42: 336; 46:158 

Shore Berry 18:38 

Shortia 33:29; 45:333-335; 49:160, 161. 8 Ex- 
appendiculata 45:334. Davidi 45:335. den- 
tata 48:208. exappendiculata 45:334. ga- 
lacifolia 45:333, 334; 49:159, 160; 50:111. 
ilicifolia 45: 334. ritoensis 45: 334. sinen- 
sis 45:333-335. soldanelloides 45:334; 8. 
ilicifolia 45:334. subcordata 45:334. thi- 
betica 45:335. transalpina 45:334. uniflora 

Shortiopsis 45:334 

Short-leaf Pine 21:49 

Short-tongued Bees 41:186 

Showy Lady's Slipper 27:107—-109 

Sibara 43:291-293, 297, 479. filifolia 43:479. 
mexicana 43:480. pectinata 43:480. run- 
cinata 43:481. Viereckii 43:481; var. 
Endlichii 43:479. virginica 43:481, 491 

Sibbaldia 4:98; 41:40. erecta, 8. Nuttallii of: 
284. procumbens 3:165; 9:154, 162, 177, 


178; 28:124, 212; 34:245; 36:148; 41:40, 
247 ; 44:115 

Sibbaldiopsis tridentata 27:214; 31:221 

Sibthorpia 23:41. europaea 28:51 

Sicyos 26:18. angulatus 26:18; 32:109 

Sida 22:74; 49:97, 98; 50:97, 99. Elliottii 42: 
382, 383, 464, 465, pl. 639; 44:261; B. texana 
42:465. gracilis 42:464; 44:261. herma- 
phrodita 22:74. hastata 50:99. hederacea 
50:99. hispida 41:436. inflexa 42:463- 
465, pls. 638, 639; 43:489; 44:367, 429; 49: 
97, 98. lepidota, var. sagittaefolia 38:407. 
Lindheimeri 42:465, pl. 639. Napaea 10: 
152. neo-mexicana 42:465, pl. 639. physo- 
calyx 50:99. procumbens 50:93, 97, 99. 
rhombifolia 41:469, 548; 43:607. rubro- 
marginata 42:464, 465, pl. 639.  sagittaefolia 
38:407. spinosa 19:132; 22:74; 36:374; 
50:97, 99 

Sida, Round-leaved 50:99 

Sideranthus annuus 38:407 

Sideritis montana 13:89 

Sideroxylon laeve 38:440. lycioides 38:439, 

Sidopsis 41:436. hispida 41:436 

Siebera 21:11. cherlerioides 21:11 

Siegesbeckia orientalis 19:74, 75 

Sieglingia 23:151; 49:254. Chapmani 37:133. 
decumbens 23:95, 143, 231; 28:50, 81, 85; 
29:126; 34:118; 38:15; 47:267; 49:240. ses- 
lerioides 1:67; var. intermedia 37:134 

Sieversia 30:207. ciliata 30:207. Peckii 22: 
48. Rossi 36:12; 42:331. turbinata 39:494 

Silene 6:115; 18:87; 23:119; 40:213, 214; 42: 
152, 310, 357; 43:220, 661; 44:2; 50:197. 8 
Viscago 34:25. acaulis 3:165; 5:189; 9:161, 
169; 23:119, 120; 29:175, 213; 35:8; 36:148, 
164; 38:121, 122; 41:155, 160; 3. parviflora 
23:120; f. subacaulescens 23:120; var. ex- 
scapa 23:119, 120; 25:8, 112; 27:52; 28:59; 
29:132, 175, 181, 213; 33:111, 120; 35:7, 81, 
93, 94, 120, 266; 38:119, 134, 148; 41:224; 42: 
312, 324; 45:310; f. caulescens 35:94, 266; 
var. subacaulescens 23:120; 42:324. antir- 
rhina 5:189; 6:84; 12:129, 130; 17:96, 97; 
18:87, 144; 31:84; 36:44; 37:71; f. Deane- 
ana 17:96; 18:87; 19:130; 43:551; var. con- 
finis 17:97; var. depauperata 17:97; var. 
divaricata 5:189, 235; 17:97; 18:87, 88; 31: 
84; 42:43; var. laevigata 12:130; 17:97; var. 
vaccarifolia 17:97. apetala 5:235; 18:87. 
Armeria 1:47, 81; 4:85; 5:189; 18:88. Bald- 
wynii 44:261; 50:198, pl. 1105. caroliniana 
36:53; 38:421; 40:415; 41:575, 576, 578- 
580, 583, 584, pl. 584; subsp. pensylvanica 
41:577, 578, 580, 582, 583, map 1, pl. 584; 
42:260; subsp. typica 41:577, 578, 580, map 
1; subsp. Wherryi 41:577, 578, 582, 583, 
map 1, pl. 584; 42:260; var. pensylvanica 
42:260; var. Wherryi 42:260. conica 7: 
110. Cserei 36:351, 352; 43:555. Cucubalus 
2:133; 5:189; 6:83, 115, 146; 37:307; 43: 
505, 551; 46:84. dichotoma 1:97, 104; 3: 
65; 5:189; 6:88, 144, 146; 18:88; 35:254; 
46:84. exscapa 23:120. fimbriata 44:201. 
furcata 34:22, 25. gallica 5:189; 18:88; 23: 


94, 264; 35:285; var. quinquevulnera 19:130. 
Hallii 32:25. insectivora 32:24. latifolia 
13:21; 18:88; 32:28; 36:352; 40:214; 43: 
505; 46:84. Menziesii 40:212-215. mon- 
tana 32:25; var. viscida 32:25. nivea 5: 
189, 235. noctiflora 1:97; 5:189; 6:83, 115; 
14:204; 18:88; 42:152, 451. nutans 5:189 
obovata 40:214. ovata 50:198. pendula 
5:189. pensylvanica 1:76; 5:128, 189, 203; 
18:88; 21:199, 200; 24:185; 36:53; 41:575. 
576, 580; 42:95, 260. polypetala 50:198, 
pl.1105. polytrichoides 23:120. regia 46: 
45. repens 41:224; 42:311, 324. rotundi- 
folia 44:2. scabra 46:45. Scouleri 32:25 
stellata 5:189; 6:140; 40:415; 42:99; var 
scabrella 42:99; 43:661. virginica 40:380 
415, 441; 41:576, 579, 580, 583; 43:489; 47: 
142. vulgaris 6:115. Wherryi 41:575, 576 
579, 582; 42:260. Williamsii 40:214; 41: 
224; 42:324 

Siliquastrum occidentale 44:196 

Siliquosae 47:384, 386, pl. 991 

Silkgrass 46:8 

Silky Cornel 25:204 

Silphium 26:150; 39:281. albiflorum 39:285 
296. angustum 39:293. asperrimum 39: 
282, 286, 288. Asteriscus 35:291; 36:231; 
39:284, 292, 293; var. angustatum 39:293 
atropurpureum 38:449; 39:284, 290, 399, 475. 
478, 487, map 42; 40:382, 422, 472; f. hirti- 
caule 41:573. brachiatum 39:196, 283, 289 
chicamaugense 39:294. collinum 39:294 
compositum 39:284, 294, 295, 329, 330, 456 
477; 42:512; 43:656; a. Michauxii 39:294; 
y. ovatifolium 39:296; f. orae 39:284, 295; 
var. ovatifolium 39:296; var. reniforme 39: 
285, 295; 40:369, 472; 46:141. conferti- 
folium 39:284, 291. connatum 39:282, 285 
dentatum 39:284, 292, 293; f. nodum 39: 
284, 293; var. angustatum 39:284, 293. 
Elliottii 39:293. Gatesii 39:283, 288, 289 
292; f. truncatum 39:283, 289. glabrum 
39:291. gracile 39:283, 288. helianthoides 
39:292. incisum 39:293. integrifolium 36: 
222, 224; 39:282, 283, 286, 287; 47:401; B 
laeve 39:286; var. Deamii 39:283, 287; 
var. Gattingeri 39:283, 287; var. integri- 
folium 47:401; var. mesochorum 34:10: 
39:286; var. ternatum 39:286. laciniatum 
1:171; 36:222, 224; 39:285, 294, 296; var 
Robinsonii 39:285, 297. laevigatum 39: 
291; var. laeve 34:11. lanceolatum 39:293 
lapsuum 39:294, 295; 43:656. Mohr 39: 
283, 289. nodum 39:293. nudicaulis 39: 
294. orae 39:295. ovatifolium 39:285, 296 
perfoliatum 6:143; 10:153; 24:120; 26:150; 
39:282, 285. pinnatifidum 39:294. radula 
39:286. reniforme 39:295; 40:369. Rever- 
choni 39:283, 288. rumicifolium 39:284 
294. scaberrimum 39:292, 293. scabrum 
39:285, 292. Simpsonii 39:283, 288; var 
Wrightii 39:283, 288. sinuatum 39:294 
solidaginoides 39:456. speciosum 34:11; 
39:282, 286. terebinthinaceum 1:171; 19: 
164; 36:224; 39:284, 294, 295; var. pinnati- 
fidum 39:284, 294; var. sinuatum 39:294 


329. ternatum 39:290. ternifolium 39:290. 
trifoliatum 37:451; 39:284, 290; 47:401; f. 
praecisum 39:284, 291; var. latifolium 39: 
284, 291; var. trifoliatum 47:401. veno- 
sum 39:285, 296 

Silver Bell 25:175. Birch 13:207. Fern 22: 
113. Fir 17:165. Maple 4:130; 25:175 

Silver-king Artemisia 47:255 

Silver-leaved Alder 47:340. Poplar 12:178 

Silverweeds 11:1, 48 

Silvery Spleenwort 30:15 

Silvia 20:136 

Silybum 9:55; 26:150; 37:306. marianum 1: 
81; 19:252; 26:150 

Simaruba 9:45. amara, var. opaca 9:45. 
laevis 9:45 

Simarubaceae 9:45; 21:81, 191; 31:43; 32:257 

Simarubeae 32:95; 33:91 

Sinapis 40:306, 307, 309. alba 40:306. arven- 
sis 40:306-308; 41:232; æ. integrifolia 40: 
308; B. pinnatifida 40:308; B. Schkuhriana 
24:36; 40:308; var. brevirostris 40:308. 
flexuosa 40:307. geniculata 40:309. hispida 
40:307. incana 40:308, 309. kaber 40:306. 
laevigata 40:307. nigra 40:306, 307, 309. 
orientalis 40:307. polymorpha 40:307. re- 
trohirsuta 40:308. Schkuhriana 24:36; 40: 
308. taurica 40:308. torosa 40:307. vil- 
losa 40:308 

Siphonella longiflora 40:211. 

Siphonocladus 9:200 

Siphoptychium Casparyi 1:128 

Sirobasidium 37:127 

Sison trifoliatum 42:298, pl. 623 

Sisymbrium 6:117; 7:25; 13:11; 17:138; 18: 
221; 20:202; 27:28-32, 66; 28:88, 143; 42: 
244; 43:291, 292, 204. § Arabidopsis 20:202. 
altissimum 1:81; 2:205; 6:83, 146; 8:72; 
0229755310 314625159 53515225130: tae lO 17: 
30, 35; 18:221; 24:19; 26:225; 27:29, 30; 
31:84; 32:160, 253; 36:44; 50:296. amphi- 
bium 30:132; «. palustre 27:29; 30:132; B. 
aquaticum 27:29; 8. sylvestre 27:29; 8. ter- 
restre 30:132. aquaticum 27:31. arabid- 
oides 39:98, 94. arenosum 27:29. asperum 
27:29; 39:83. auriculatum 39:418. Bar- 
barea 11:138. brachycarpon 17:138-140; 
37:74, 192, 261; 42:266; var. filipes 17:140, 
141; var. intermedium 17:140, 141. cane- 
scens 6:84, 140; 17:138-140; 37:192; var. 
brachycarpon 17:138, 140; 37:192; 42:266. 
dentatum 39:168; 48:208. Erucastrum 13: 
11. gallicum 13:11. hirtum 13:11. hispi- 
dum 30:133. hortense 27:31. humifusum 
39:76, 77, 79. humile 6:117; 20:201; 41: 
239; 50:3. incisum 15:139; 17:30, 139, 140; 
18:221; var. filipes 17:139, 141; var. Hart- 
wegianum 19:225. indieum 18:155. inte- 
grifolium 27:29. Ino 27:29, 31, 60. islandi- 
cum 30:182; 31:17, 18; 42:25, 267; 46:283. 
leiocarpum 7:102. Loeselii 13:89; 18:221. 
ludovicianum 39:81. monense 27:29, 31. 
murale 27:29, 31. Nasturtium 27:29. 
Nasturtium-aquaticum 27:29. niagarense 
3:16, 17. officinale 3:16, 17, 187; 6:117; 7: 
101, 102; 12:189; 14:190-192; 15:165; 16: 

Nuttallii 40:208 


191; 18:37, 221; 19:225; 20:105; 23:140, 265; 
26:225; 29:176, 214; 50:286; var. leiocar- 
pum 7:102, 103; 11:131; 14:190, 191; 17: 
35; 18:221; 23:140, 265; 32:253; 50:296. 
orientale 35:145. palustre 30:132; 42:25. 
pannonicum 18:221. pauciflorum 43:441. 
pinnatum 17:140; var. brachycarpum 42: 
266. polyceratium 27:29, 66. pygmaeum 
27:171. Richardsoni 42:266. Richardson- 
ianum 42:266. simplicissimum 39:107. 
Sophia 6:84, 235; 13:89; 14:56; 16:86; 17: 
140; 18:221; 19:225; 27:29, 31, 66; 35:145. 
strictissimum 27:29, 31. supinum 27:29. 
sylvestre 27:29, 31; 42:25. tanacetifolium 
27:29; 44:261. terrestre 30:132. texanum 
39:418. Thalianum 1:47; 2:125; 18:221; 
26:199, 232; 39:169. vimineum 27:29. 
Walteri 44:261 

Sisyrinchia 36:237 

Sisyrinchium 6:111; 11:76; 23:95; 30:55; 37: 
72; 40:294, 381; 42:151; 46:26, 42; 48:152, 
153, 156. albidum 6:48; 46:43. anceps 29: 
155, 210; 48:152, 153, 157, 158, 215, pl. 1042. 
angustifolium 1:106; 3:189; 4:91; 6:111; 7: 
123; 10:118; 11:76, 92, 131; 17:153; 18:85; 
22:180; 23:95, 96. 14/5 25:1; 20:223;- 29: 
154, 210; 32:151, 157, 172, 218, 245. 33:109, 
119, 179; 37:75, 308; 48:152-158, 215, pls. 
1042, 1043; 50:295, 301. apiculatum 24:87. 
arenicola 23:96, 138, 244; 39:340, 402, 477; 
46:43. atlanticum 11:76, 131; 12:216; 15: 
204; 23:95—97, 99, 244; 24:87, 115, 167, 182; 
32:245; 40:252; 42:88, 93; 44:174; 50:301. 
Bermudiana 4:91; 26:223; 29:155, 210; 32: 
157; 48:152-154, 156, 158; var. æ. 48:155, 
156; var. anceps 48:152; var. mucronatum 
48:152. Bicknellianum 46:43. campestre, 
f. flaviflorum 43:660; f. kansanum 43: 
660; var. kansanum 43:660. capillare 40: 
381, 407; 48:156; 49:94, 134. carolinianum 
39:340. Farwellii 24:87. fibrosum 39:340, 
402; 46:43. flaviflorum 36:231; 43:660. 
flexuosum 46:42, 43. floridanum 46:42, 43. 
gramineum 11:76, 179; 12:216; 23:95, 96, 
134, 147, 244; 24:184; 31:83; 32:245; 48: 
152, 153, 155, 156, 158, 215, pl. 1042. grami- 
noides 32:161, 210, 245; 46:26; 48:155, 157, 
158, 215, pl. 1043. hastile 37:72. inter- 
medium 6:48; 24:167. Langloisii 46:43. 
littorale 29:35. minus 46:42, 43; 48:157. 
montanum 7:249; 25:388; 44:102, 106; 48: 
152, 157, 158, 215, pl. 1044; 50:301; var. ere- 
brum 48:159, 215, pls. 1043, 1044. mu- 
cronatum 6:204; 14:55; 24:115; 37:71, 75; 
40:407, 462; 42:445; 48:152, 155, 156, 215, 
pl. 1042. Nashii 46:43. niveum 46:42, 43. 
septentrionale 48:158. tenuifolium 46:42, 


Sium 7:161; 24:94; 31:9; 45:307; 47:386; 50: 
119. angustifolium 44:189, 190; 50:119. 
Berula 17:131. Carsonii 1:159; 2:69; 3: 
211; 10:166; 18:239; 23:113. cicutaefolium 
1:160; 3:211; 5:132; 9:122; 13:146; 14:31; 
16:12; 17:131, 137, 150, 217; 22:135; 24:94; 
32:268; 45:367, 455; var. Carsonii 18:239; 
19:245; 23:113. erectum 44:189, 190. fal- 


caria 25:12. floridanum 45:308, 454, 455; 
50:217. incisum 44:189. lineare, 8. inter- 
medium 50:217. longifolium 10:35. novae- 
mexicae 44:189. pusillum 44:189, 190. rigi- 
dius 50:126. suave 17:131, 132, 137; 23: 
112, 113; 24:94; 28:86; 32:149, 153, 210, 
268; 35:251; 36:282; 43:81; 45:307, 454, 
455; 46:188; 50:217; f. Carsonii 23:113; 
24:94; 45:455; f. fasciculatum 23:111, 112, 
figs. 1, 2; 26:48; 45:455. tricuspidatum 44: 

Skeleton Geranium 8:226 

Skullcap 4:137; 23:85. Purple 46:306 

Skunk Cabbage 5:197; 11:63, 64; 18:30; 47: 
363. Currant 12:33, 179; 13:138; 18:37. 
Spruce 9:76; 18:32 

Slash Pine 50:183, 184, 247 

Sleepy Catchfly 12:129; 18:144 

Slender Neottia 48:6 

Slime Moulds 2:75 

Slink Weed 18:32 

Slippery Elm 14:80; 25:172; 47:132, 204 

Sloanea 49:292. emarginata 48:164; 49:292, 

Small Cranberry 4:235; 12:183. Rush 28:74 

Smell Bottle 28:105 

Smelowskia 40:294—297, 303, pl. 496. ameri- 
cana 37:364; 40:298, 299. calycina 39:495; 
40 :295-297, 299-303; 41:163; prol. ameri- 
cana 40:297; f. integrifolia 40:300; var. in- 
tegrifolia 40:297, 300, 303; 41:161, 164, 
237; var. typica 40:297, 303, pl. 496; 41: 
237. Fremonti 40:295, 304; var. bisulcata 
40:304; var. glabella 40:304. lineariloba 
40:298-300; f. virescens 40:298, 300. lobata 
37:363; 40:298, 300. ovalis 37:418, 419; 40: 
297, 301—303; var. congesta 40:297, 302, 
E 496; var. typica 40:297, 301—303, pl. 

Smilaceae 33:49 

Smilacina 6:110; 9:53; 10:130; 12:14; 16:89; 
31:12. bifolia 16:210. borealis 29:210. 
canadensis 16:210. ciliata 40:406. race- 
mosa 1:167; 3:164, 172; 6:110; 10:130; 16: 
15; 21:200; 23:242; 33:179; 40:404—407, 482, 
pl. 512; f. foliosa 40:407; var. cylindrata 
40:406, pl. 513; 46:80; var. typica 40:407, 
pl. 512; 46:80. stellata 4:34, 76; 6:110; 10: 
130; 11:91, 131; 13:216; 16:14; 22:42, 49; 
23:159; 33:110, 119; 34:51; 36:279; 44:172, 
175; var. crassa 50:213. steptopoides 37: 
110. trifolia 1:181, 184; 5:37, 48, 133; 6: 
110, 148; 9:218; 10:130; 11:91; 13:78; 16: 
164; 17:149; 19:31, 49; 21:74; 22:41, 48: 
23:96; 24:115; 25:7; 28:75, 90; 29:210; 34: 
52; 36:279; 38:146; 47:213; 50:128 

Smilax 10:131; 23:97, 144, 145; 33:44; 36:32, 
34, 247; 37:380, 426; 40:180, 365; 42:151; 
43:510, 511, 513; 44:12; 46:33, 34, 36, 40, 
158. aspera 46:32, 33. auriculata 50:128. 
Beyrichii 50:128. Bona-nox 11:42; 17:04; 
36:42, 375; 37:350; 38:376; 39:481; 43: 
510; 46:32, 36-38, 41; B. 46:37; var. exauri- 
culata 46:16, 36, 37, pl. 811; 47:131; var. 
hastata 46:37; var. hederaefolia 46:36-38. 
celastroides 46:34. China 46:32. cinna- 


momifolia 46:42. elliptica 46:36. glauca 
10:131; 14:21; 20:78, 79; 36:220; 37:352, 
358, fig. 4 (map); 39:473, 482; 46:32, 37; 
var. genuina 20:79; 46:81; var. leurophylla 
20:80; 32:245; 43:79; 46:81. hastata 46: 
37; var. lanceolata 46:37. hederaefolia 46: 
36, 37. herbacea 10:131; 17:63; 18:240; 
21:199; 22:184, 135; 27:202; 31:12; 32:170, 
245; 46:34-86; var. lasioneuron 39:399, 482; 
40:422. hispida 39:365, 399; 40:382; 43:510, 
524, 549; 46:39. Hugeri 46:36. inermis 46: 
35. lanceolata 39:473; 46:32, 37, 39-42. 
laurifolia 36:34, 42; 37:437; 39:480; 42: 
379; 44:240, 371; 46:40, 41; 49:90; var. 
bupleurifolia 36:42. maritima 50:128. 
ovata 46:41; 50:128. pandurata 46:39. 
pedunculata 46:35. Pseudo-China 46:32- 
35, 38, 40, 389, pl. 812. pulverulenta 17: 
63; 40:382, 407; 42:445; 46:35. rotundifolia 
2:157; 5:128; 10:131; 11:131; 13:179; 14: 
21; 23:97, 109, 144, 145, 147, 242; 24:185; 26: 
228; 28:38; 32:161, 210, 244; 36:42; 38: 
376; 39:473; 41:514, 519, 520; 43:507; 44: 
232; 46:32, 33; 50:301; var. quadrangularis 
11:43; 23:144, 147, 243. Smallii 46:41, 42. 
tamnifolia 31:12; 37:409; 39:365, 477; 46: 
32—35, 38, 39. tamnoides 46:33, 34, 38, 39; 
var. hispida 46:39. Walteri 36:33, 42; 38: 
376; 39:480; 44:240, 371; 46:33, 40 

Smooth Gooseberry 12:179. Lipfern 41:137. 
Rose 4:130. Sumach 4:130 

Smyrnium atropurpurum 20:52; 41:442. au- 
reum 20:52. cordatum 36:24; 41:442; 43: 

Snake Fern 30:13. Spruce 9:110; 28:44 

Snakeroot 4:88. Seneca 4:133. White 43: 

Sneezeweed 14:164 

Snowberry 7:164; 16:117; 18:41, 185; 39:461, 
462; 46:254. Creeping 12:183 

Snowdrop 18:41 

Snowflake 4:218. Summer 45:359 

Soap-berry 28:76; 42:333 

Soft Maple 28:234 

Soild 1:167 

Solanaceae 6:128; 18:42; 25:60; 26:227; 28: 
72; 31:43; 32:273; 42:156; 43:81; 46:320; 
49:58, 288; 50:299, 303 

Solanum 4:13; 12:40; 25:62; 30:373. caro- 
linense 4:13; 6:142; 13:89; 25:62; 34:176; 
43:556. citrullifolium 25:62. Dulcamara 
4:91; 17:217; 25:62; 28:72; 32:273; 40:443; 
B. tomentosum 24:202; y. marinum 24:202; 
f. albiflorum 31:147; var. villosissimum 12: 
40; 24:202; 25:62. elaeagnifolium 34:176; 
f. albiflorum 35:110; f. Benkei 34:176; 35: 
110. littorale 24:202. Lycopersicum 4:28. 
nigrum 1:82; 2:124; 18:42; 25:62; 26:180, 
227; 32:147, 273; 44:201, 342; 50:299; var. 
Dillenii 25:62; var. villosum 35:145; var 
virginicum 44:261. Pseudo-Capsicum 25: 
62. pycnanthemum 50:128. rostratum 2: 
205; 3:276; 4:14, 151; 5:119; 6:142, 146; 
8:226; 17:30; 22:137; 25:62; 32:273; 40: 
459; 50:303. sisymbriifolium 25:62. Tor- 
reyl 36:375. triflorum 24:119; 32:180, 273. 


tuberosum 25:62; 28:72; 41:512, 520. ver- 
bascifolium 50:111. virginianum 44:261 

Soldier's Plume 7:95 
Solenostoma cordifolium 6:170. crenuliforme 

10:186. hyalinum 21:149 

Solidago 1:187; 2:57; 3:131, 221, 241; 4:89, 
02: 6:131, 182; 9:157; 10:194; 11:130; 12: 
126; 13:19, 106; 16:15, 52; 18:26; 21:69, 
70; 23:99, 172; 26:150, 187; 27:56; 29:9, 19, 
29; 33:140, 159; 36:372, 373; 37:72, 307; 
38:164, 201—229, 235; 40:148, 156, 158, 159, 
276, 370, 470; 41:191, 192; 42:157, 339; 43: 
484; 44:1-3, 235, 464; 45:369, 377; 47:102, 
249; 49:70, 71, 89. § Argutae 38:210, 212. 
$ Euthamia 13:106; 45:413; 46:329; 48:65. 
$ Vernae 38:211, 212. $ Virgaurea 29:143; 
38:204, 208. group Flexicaules 44:1. ser. 
Uliginosae 40:470. aestivalis 38:219-222. 
albopilosa 44:2, 3. alleghaniensis 38:204. 
alpestris 10:87. alpina 10:87. altissima 2: 
57; 4:92; 10:91, 92; 12:114; 17:10, 12, 218; 
23:174; 26:150; 27:57, 62; 29:72-75; 32: 
277; 35:252; 37:196; 38:216-219, 222; 39: 
474; 41:515, 520; a. vulgaris 38:222; f. re- 
curvata 38:222; y. virginiana 38:222; var. 
a. 38:218; var. B. 38:218, 219; var. y. 38: 
218; var. 6. 38:218; var. e. 38:218, 219, 223; 
var. procera 10:92; 11:57; var. rugosa 38: 
222; 49:78; var. villosa 38:222. ambigua 9: 
164. amplexicaulis 38:224. angustifolia 17: 
27; 37:448; 44:261. anticostensis 29:142, 
143. arguta 4:89; 26:150; 27:57, 60; 35: 
202; 38:209-211; 40:366, 469; 41:459; 44: 
345, 475; 49:71; y. scabrella 38:208; f. tomo- 
phylla 38:208, 209; var. Boottii 40:133; 
var. caroliniana 49:79. aspera 17:7; 27:56; 
32:277; 38:216, 219, 220, 223; 49:78; var. 
axillaris 38:223. aspericaulis 16:53, 54, 55. 
x asperula 2:58, 59; 4:89, 92; 6:235; 10: 
154; 19:249; 26:150, 176; 27:57, 64; 33:160; 
39:22-27, figs. 3, 4, pl. 453; 49:295. auri- 
culata 38:224. austrina 38:206, 237, pl. 419; 
39:476; 40:469, 470, 484, pl. 532. azorica 
17:27. Bartramiana 17:10, 11. bicolor 5: 
129; 6:131; 13:19; 16:15; 17:36; 18:44; 19: 
20; 23:292; 24:204; 20:150; 27:57, 62, 64; 
29:75; 32:277; 33:110, 125, 160; 34:33, 61; 
49:205; x nemoralis 34:33; var. concolor 
6:131; 7:68; 9:164; var. lanata 10:87; var. 
ovalis 41:571; 44:475. Bigelovii 10:87. 
Boottii 24:97, 98, 100; 38:209-211, 446; 40: 
133; 49:79; var. e. 38:209, 210; var. Boottii 
49:79; var. caroliniana 49:79; var. ludo- 
vieiana 38:209, 210. bracteata 38:228; 46: 
330. caesia 17:36; 21:200; 26:150; 27:58, 
62; 30:223; 35:250, 290; 36:221; 41:458; 
49:295; var. axillaris 26:150; 34:61; var. 
paniculata 26:150. calcicola 10:87; 14:54, 
55; 27:58, 63; 30:105, 157; 35:88, 311. cali- 
fornica, var. aperta 32:28. camporum, var. 
tricostata 46:330. canadensis 2:57, 59; 5: 
130; 6:49; 10:90-92; 12:144; 13:32; 16:15; 
17:8-12, 36, 218; 19:249; 21:170; 22:78, 
136; 23:143, 151, 172, 293; 26:150, 228; 27: 
58, 60; 28:72; 29:72, 74, 75, 190, 221; 32:160, 
216, 277; 33:160; 34:61; 35:94, 311; 38:216, 

217; 41:459; 44:237; 47:390; 49:295; 50: 
303; x uniligulata 24:205; var. gilvocane- 
scens 17:9, 12; 25:16; 27:58; 37:196; var. 
glabrata 6:49, 131; 10:91; var. Hargeri 17: 
11; 19:249; 26:150; 27:58, 63; 36:408; var. 
procera 1:220; 4:92; 10:92; var. scabra 10: 
92. caroliniana 39:477 ; 45:413; 46:326, 328, 
329. celtidifolia 38:219, 220, 223, 238, pl. 
430. Chandonnetii 49:77. Chapmani 16: 
52-55. chlorolepis 17:3; 29:144; 31:47; 
44:114, 145; 47:320. chrysolepis 44:145; 
49 :294-297. cinerascens 38:227. conferta 
29:17-19; 38:207, 208, 237, pl. 420. conferti- 
flora 49:75, 76. confinis 17:27. corymbosa 
6:97; 38:229. Curtisii, 8. ? monticola 38: 
204. Cutleri 10:87, 88; 13:238; 18:71; 27: 
52, 58, 61; 29:143; 38:209. Deamii 38:204, 
205, 237, pl. 418. decemflora 38:224—220. 
decumbens 9:155, 164, 167; 17:4; 24:100; 
38:202, 203; 42:312; 49:73-76; var. oreo- 
phila 38:202, 203; 42:339; 45:316; 49:74— 
76. diffusa 38:224-226. dilatata 36:308. 
discolor 29:75. Drummondii 29:203; 36: 
224, 232. Edisoniana 38:215, 216. Elliottii 
1:191; 2:59; 4:38; 6:184; 10:166; 13:78; 
14:19, 21; 17:7; 23:144, 151, 157, 169, 292, 
302; 26:150, 176; 27:58, 63; 32:177, 211, 
277; 38:213-215, 221; 41:473, 478, 572; 42: 
482; 44:476; x rugosa 24:204; var. ascen- 
dens 38:215, 237, pl. 424; var. divaricata 
17:7; 27:58, 63; 38:215; var. Edisoniana 
38:216; var. pedicellata 38:215, 216, 238, 
447, pl. 425; 39:475; var. typica 38:215, 
237, pl. 423. elliptica 38:213-215. elongata 
17:8, 9. erecta 17:2; 21:202; 27:58, 62, 63; 
92:177, 219; 37:447; 89:482; 44:343. X 
Farwellii 49:296. Fisheri 49:77. fistulosa 
16:52, 53, 55; 39:455, 467, 477; 42:482; 44: 
476; 49:98, 189; f. epilis 49:189. flavo- 
virens 40:469, 470. flexicaulis 6:131; 30: 
223, 224; 35:301; 44:235; 49:295. flori- 
bunda 10:93; 13:107; 17:12. fragrans 41: 
458. galetorum 45:413; 50:215. Gattingeri 
35:290; 36:224, 227, 231. gigantea 41:458; 
43:509; var. leiophylla 41:457, 458; 43: 
509, 653. glaberrima 37:196; var. moritura 
40:133. glabra 41:458. glutinosa 49:76; 
subsp. glutinosa 49:76; var. glutinosa 49: 
16; var. nana 49:76; subsp. Randii 49:76, 
77; var. Gillmani 49:76, 77; var. racemosa 
49:76, 77; var. Randii 49:76, 77. gramini- 
folia 10:92; 16:15; 17:12, 151, 218; 18:26; 
23:157, 293; 26:150; 27:58, 64, 65; 29:124; 
32:151, 277; 34:55, 61, 63; 36:284; 39:370, 
375; 46:329, 330; var. camporum 17:12; 
var. major 46:330; var. media 45:413; 
var. Nuttallii 10:92, 93; 13:107; 17:13; 23: 
293; 26:150; 27:58, 60, 65; 28:236; 33:161; 
38:364; 41:572; 48:66, 81, pl. 1012; 49:189; 
50:300; x microcephala 48:65; var. poly- 
cephala 17:12; 39:361, 455, 475; 40:308, 
471; 42:87, 91; var. remota 45:413; var. 
septentrionalis 17:12; 44:106, 145; 45:413; 
46:330; var. tricostata 45:413; 46:329, 330. 
Guiradonis 17:5. gymnospermoides 10: 
93; 37:196; 39:456, 484, 488; var. callosa 


45:413. Harrisii 38:210, 211. hirsutissima 
29:75. hirtella 38:364, 365. X hirtipes 48: 
65, 66, 81, pl. 1011; 49:89, 189. hispida 6: 
131; 11: 98; 12:114; 16:15; 17:1; 21:202; 
24: 184; 27: 58, 63, 64; 36: 221; 38: 209 ; var. 
arnoglossa 17: 2, 3; 35:7, 311; var. dis- 
juncta 17:2; 35:311; 44: 145; var. fallax 17: 
3; var. lanata 10: 87; 17:1; 35:311; var. 
tonsa 17:2; 29:144; 35: 83; 43: 633, 635. 
humilis 1: 103; 6:131; 10: 88-91; 17: 6: 23: 
292; 26:150; 97: 56, 58, 63, 64; 28: 208 : 29: 
143; 38:203, 204; 49: 73, 75, 204; var. Gill- 
mani 10:91; 49: 77; var. nana 38: 203; 49: 
76; var. peracuta 17:6; 49:73, 296. hu- 
milior 10: 90; 17:6; 28: 208; 49: 294. Jack- 
sonii 38: 229, jejunifolia 49: 77. juncea 2: 
57; 6:184; 13:148; 16:15; 17:36; 21:170; 
23:292; 26: 151, 298; 27: 58, 60; 32: 160, 216, 
277; 33: 160; 34:61; 37: 448, 449; 38:208—210, 
212, 213, 221, 237, pl. 422; 41: 571; 49:93, 
188; 50:304 ; f. ramosa 38: 208; f. scabrella 
38: 208; var. neobohemica 49: 188; var. 
ramosa 38: 208; var. scabrella 6:143; 27:56; 
38:208, 213. Klughii 17:5. laeta 38: 298, 
238, pl. 432. lanata 10:87. lanceolata 5: 
181; 6:97, 131; 16:52, 53; 28:72; 40:330; 
a. major 46: 330; B. minor 46: 326, 399, 330; 
var. minor 10:93. lateriflora 30:172, 176, 
224. latifolia 5:132; 6:131; 13:148; 16:15; 
21:200; 23:104, 170, 292; 24: 204; 26:151; 
27:58, 00; 30:223, 224; 33: 160; 34: 61, 63; 
35: 250, 391; 44:3. leiocarpa 8:998. lepida 
17: 8-11; 25: 11; 28:124, 236; 36:284; var. 
elongata 17:9, 10; 34:55; 35: 91, 311; 41: 
291; 42:339; 44: 120; var. fallax 17: 9, 11; 
22: 78; 27: 58, 61, 62; 44:145; var. molina 
17:9; 95: 16; 27: 58, 61; 44: 109, 145. lepto- 
cephala 10: 94; 36:221. linearia 49: 69, 70. 
Lindheimeriana 36:232. linoides 49:72, 296. 
longipetiolata 38:224—226, 238, pl. 431; 40: 
133. ludoviciana 38: 209—213, 237, 381, 446, 
pl. 422; 39:330, 481. macrophylla 1:191, 
192; 2:98: 3:177; 5:36, 46; 6:131, 209; 7: 
108; 8:997, 228; 9:218; 10: 87; 11: 98; 12: 
105, 107; 13: 125, 138; 14:55, 73; 17: 152, 
153; 22: 138; 25: 11; 97:58, 61; 29:190; 30: 
105, 157; 32: 14, 206 ; 33:109, 126, 160; 34: 
55; 35: 126, pl. 239; 36: 284; var. thyrsoidea 
8: 228; 9: 164; 10: 87; 11: :99; 13:71; 25:11; 
27:58, 61; 32: 61; 34: 55; 35: 399, pl. 239; 38: 
159. 'mensalis 17:45 30: 157; 31:47; 44: 
124, 145. mexicana 37: 447, 448. Michauxii 
46:329. microcephala 46:330; 48:65, 66, 81, 
pl. 1012; 49:189. mierophylla 46 :329. 
Milleriana 38: 201, 202. minor 10:93; 27: 
58, 63; 32:209, 211, 278; 45:413; 46:326- 
330. missouriensis 37:196, 448, 449; 38: 
212; 47:249; 49:71. mollis 38:225; 49:71. 
monticola 36:408; 38:204. moritura 40:133. 
Moseleyi 10:93; 24:88; 45:413. multira- 
diata 9:28, 164, 191; 13:119; 17:4, 5; 28: 
125; 33:111, 126; 35:51, 81, 89; 38:125, 126, 
159, 202, 209, 237, 275, pl. 417; 41:291; 42: 
312, 339; 44:114; 45:316; var. arctica 17:4; 
41:291; 45:316; var. neo-mexicana 49:76; 
var. parviceps 38:202, 237, pl. 417; 44:145. 


neglecta 6:184; 12:9; 23:292; 27:56; 47: 
249; 49:70—72, '294, 295, 297; var. linoides 
49: 70, 73, 296; var. simulans 49:296; var. 
uniligulata 49 :296. nemoralis 3:188; 5: 129; 
6:131; 11:130; 16:15; 17:36; 18:44; 21: 170: 
23: 292; 24: 97, 100; 96: 151, 229; 27: 58, 62: 
28: 208; 29:74; 32: 151, 160, 977; 33: 160; 34: 
33, 61; 36:24, 991; 38: 224—228, "938, pl. 431; 
44: 237; 50:304 ; y. 38:227; f. pallens 34: 
12; var. arenicola 27:58; var. decemflora 
38:226, 238, pl. 431; var. Haleana 38:227, 
238, 446, pl. 431; 39:482; 49:98, 188; var. 
longipetiolata 40: 133. neomexicana 49: 
76. neurolepis 38:212, 213, 237, pls. 421, 
422. notabilis 38:224. obtusifolia 49: 69. 
70. odora 2:157; 5:129; 6:143, 184; 9:122; 
11:130; 14:21; 16:52-55; 21:70; 23:92; 26: 
151; 27:56; 29:74, 75; 32:277; 34:61; 38: 
221, 446; 39:474; 49:70. ohiensis 19:164. 
oreophila 38: 202-204 ; 49:76. patula 1:220; 
27:58, 64; 28:30, 31, 138, 139; 29:31, 244; 
35:202; 38:196; 45:377, 478. perglabra 45: 
413. perlonga 40:469, 470, 475, 484, pl. 
532; 44:373, 476; 45:365, 366. petiolaris 
10:87; 36:231; 38:201, 202; 50:129; var. 
squarrulosa 50:129; var. Wardii 10:87; 36: 
221; 37:189, 196. petiolata 37:448; 44:261; 
49:69, 70. pilosa 16:53; 38:219, 221; 49:98, 
189. pinetorum 37:448, 449; 38:377, 380, 
446; 39:467, 476; 41:467, 474, 571. Pitcheri 
41:458, 459. polycephala 10:93; 13:106, 
107; 17:12; 39:361. procera 10: 92. pube- 
rula 9: 122; 12:9; 13:19; 16:15; 23:157; 26: 
151; 27: 58, 62, 64; 32: 14, 177, '212; 33: 126, 
160: 37:447; 38:209; var. monticola 10:88; 
var. pulverulenta 37:447; 38:446; 39:470. 
pulcherrima 38 :224-226, 238, pl. 431. pul- 
verulenta 37:447; 45:413. puncticulata 21: 
70. Purshii 6:131; 10:88, 90, 91. racemosa 
10:90, 91; 12:114; 13:183; 17:6, 204; 23: 
292; 24:100; 27:58, 63, 64; 29:143; 39:200; 
49:73-75, 77; f. leucantha 20:172; 27:58; 
44:235; var. Gillmani 10:91; 24:100; 38: 
205, 237, pl. 418. radula 36:221, 232; 38: 
220, 228, 238, pl. 432; var. laeta 38:228, 
238, pl. 432; var. stenolepis 38:228, 229, 
238, pl. 432. Randi 10:88; 13:238; 17: 
148; 27:58, 61; 29:143, 144; 36:407; 38:204, 
205, 209, 237, pl. 418; 49:73—75; var. monti- 
cola 10:88; 27:56. recurvata 38:222. re- 
mota 37:196. resinosa 13:146. retrorsa 16: 
52, 53; 21:70. Riddelli 40:254. rigida 1: 
97; 6:206; 8:223; 26:151; 27:58, 64; 28:29— 
31. 138—141, 144; 29:30, 31; 33:226; 36:223, 
224, 236; 37:196; 38:195, 196; 44:3; var. 
glabrata 44:3. roanensis 38:204; var. 
monticola 38:204. rugosa 2:57, 59; 5: 
130; 6:131, 183, 184; 10:91, 154; 12:126; 13: | 
139, 183; 17:7, 12, 36, 152, 154; 18:44; 19: 
249; 23:157; 26:151, 186, 229; 27:56, 58, 
60; 29:72—75, 129; 32:160, 277; 33:160; 34: 
33, 61; 35:8; 36:374, 375; 37:350, 354; 38: 
215—221; 39:22-28, 370, 375, figs. 1, 4 (maps), 
pl. 453; 44:237; 47:390; 49:78, 79, 295; 50: 
300; x sempervirens 39:370, 375; subsp. 
aspera 49:78; subsp. rugosa 49:78; var. 

INDEX TO VoLuMEs 1-50 

rugosa 49:78; var. aspera 17:7, 218; 26: 
151; 27:56, 58, 62; 32:277; 35:290; 38:222, 
223, 238, pl. 429; 39:28; 40:254; var. celtidi- 
folia 38:223, 238, pl. 430; 39:28, 482; 47: 
103, 195; var. glabrata 38:222; var. laevi- 
caulis 38:222; var. sphagnophila 6:183; 
23:151, 293; 26:151, 176; 27:58, 63; 33:126; 
38:215, 219—222, 238, pl. 428; var. typica 38: 
215, 221—223, 238, pl. 426; 49:78; var. vil- 
losa 1091S 13:131; 14-22; 117505 8, 72; 
18:44; 23:292; 26:151; 27:58, 61; 29:190, 
221; 33:160; 38:219, 222, 238, pl. 427. Bali- 
cina 45:377, 478; 47:102. scopulorum 36: 
308. sempervirens 1:107, 216; 2:57, 59; 3: 
[88S 4:89:02: 32131395 9:15; 107154; 11: 
127, 130; 17:26, 27, 36, 147, 208, 218, 221; 
18:44, 94, 99; 19:20, 249; 23:157; 20:151, 
185, 186, 229; 27:58, 64; 28:37; 29:89, 124; 
32:147, 160, 277; 33:111, 126, 160; 34:61; 
97:447, 448; 38:98; 39:22-28, 370, 375, figs. 
2, 4 (maps), pl. 453; 47:249; 49:295; 50: 
300; f. ochroleuca 44:235 ; var. azorica 17: 
27; var. mexicana 37:447, 448; 39:28; 
var. typica 37:448. serotina 5:132; 6:184; 
16:15: :17:8—10:-23:170; 293; 20:151; 27:58, 
60; 29:75; 33:161; 37:350; 41:457—459; 43: 
509; var. gigantea 23:203; 24:205; 26:151; 
27:59, 62, 63; var. salebrosa 17:9. Shortii 
43:484. simulans 38:205, 206, 237, pl. 
419; 49:296. speciosa 5:204; 24:185; 26: 
151, 176; 27:59, 62; 29:19; 35:364; 38:205, 
207, 208, 237, pl. 420; 41:571; 49:77; var. 
jejunifolia 49:77, 78; var. pallida 49:77; 
var. rigidiuscula 49:77, 78. squarrosa 1: 
171; 8:222: 13:141, 148, 161; 16:15; 19:249; 
21:202; 26:151; 27:50, 61; 29:100, 220; 41: 
574; 50:129. stricta 10:89; 17:26; 24:100; 
37:448; 38:203, 204; 49:69—71; var. angusti- 
folia 17:26. strigosa 38:210, 212, 213. sua- 
veolens 21:70; 26:151, 176; 27:56, 59, 62; 
32:151, 277; x rugosa 26:152. tarda 38:211, 
212) "teniniola blo ie 181: 2:296 * 5: 
130, 204; 10:93; 11:130; 14:19, 21, 29; 18: 
26; 23:99, 144, 160, 169, 170, 293, 294; 24: 
88, 205; 26:37, 38, 151; 27:59, 63; 32:151, 
160521]15927/:739:970113/757 47/4; 42:87, 91; 
46:325—329; 50:215, 300; var. pyenocephala 
23:293, 294; 37:207; 44:235; 45:413; 50: 
215. terrae-novae 23:292; 29:190, 221; 49: 
297. thyrsoidea 8:227, 228. tortifolia 16: 
52—55; 24:100; 37:448; 38:381, 446; 39:480. 
trinervata 45:116. uliginosa 4:38; 6:131; 9: 
122; 10:89, 90; 11:99; 17:6; 23:292; 26:150; 
27:56, 64; 28:208; 29:124, 221; 32:277; 36: 
284; 38:205, 206, 208, 237, pl. 419; 49:70—73, 
294—296; var. levipes 49:295, 296, 297; var. 
linoides 49:295-297; var. peracuta 49:73, 
296; var. terrae-novae 49:295, 297; var. 
uliginosa 49:73, 295—297. ulmifolia 2:59; 
5:132; 6:183, 184; 11:130; 13:183; 26:151; 
27:59, 62; 32:176; 35:39; 42:482; 49:78, 79; 
var. Palmeri 49:78; var. ulmifolia 49:78. 
uniligulata 10:90, 91; 11:99; 13:135; 17:6, 
7, 149; 19:32; 23:157, 202; 26:151; 27:56, 
59, 64, 65; 28:82; 29:190; 31:114; 32:173; 
33:160; 35:5; 47:249; 49:71-73, 294—297; 


var. levipes 17:7; 49:296, 297; var. neg- 
lecta 23:292; 24:204; 26:151; 27:56, 59, 
62, 64; 33:110, 112, 126; 49:295; var. terrae- 
novae 23:292; 49:297. verna 38:211; 49: 
93. Victorinii 29:143, 144; 48:271. vil- 
losa 10:91; 38:219, 222; 49:98, 189. Virga- 
aurea 1:187, 191; 3:177; 6:131; 9:154; 10: 
87, 88; 29:143; 38:208; 41:291; 50:45; y. 
arctica 17:4; var. alpina 2:97; 3:177; 9:156, 
164, 166; 10:87; 29:143; var. calcicola 1: 
190; 10:87; var. Deanei 10:88; var. Gill- 
mani 10:91; var. monticola 6:131; 10:88; 
49:77; var. Randii 6:131; 49:77; var. Red- 
fieldii 6:131. virginiana 38:221. Wardii 10: 
87. yadkinensis 38:210—212, 378, 446; 39: 
330, 476; 40:469; 49:79 

Solomon's Seal 22:130. Dwarf 18:185 

Solorina 36:140. bispora 36:142, 153. crocea 
11:101; 28:227; 36:142. octospora 36:142. 
saccata 28:227; 36:142, 153; var. spongiosa 
28:227. spongiosa 28:227; 36:142 

Somerauera 21:11. quadrifaria 21:11 

Sonchus 6:134; 20:166; 27:55; 42:301; 50:32. 
acuminatus 50:31. alpinus 42:302. arven- 
sis 2:135; 6:134; 17:220= 19:253; 20:98; 21: 
211; 22:193; 26:166, 186, 229; 29:101, 221; 
30:19; 31:86; 32:160, 280; 44:108, 175; 50: 
304; var. glabrescens 12:145; 20:107; 26: 
166; 30:19; 33:170; var. laevipes 30:19. 
asper 4:92; 6:184; 17:36; 18:45; 26:166, 
229; 29:191, 221; 32:160, 281; 44:478; 50: 
300; f. inermis 44:478; var. pungens 24:121. 
biennis 42:300—302. floridanus 40:479; 50: 
31. leucophaeus 42:300. multiflorus 42:301. 
oleraceus 17:36, 220; 26:166, 184, 229; 27: 
54; 29:191, 221; 32:147, 160, 281; 50:300; 
f. lacerus 26:166; 44:478. pallidus 22:10; 
42:301. racemosus 42:300, 301. spicatus 
42:300, 301. uliginosus 47:210 

Sophia 27:31. andrenarum 38:406. brachy- 
carpa 6:140; 17:138. canescens 17:138. in- 
termedia 17:139-141; 37:261. magna 17:138. 
millefolia 38:404. ochroleuca 41:189. pin- 
nata 17:138; 37:261 

Sophora 31:94. biflora 47:381. sericea 34:6. 
tetraptera 46:250. tinctoria 39:414. villosa 
50:200, 201, pl. 1106 

Sopubia 20:136 

Sorastrum spinulosum 14:115 

Sorbaria 9:54; 12:179; 20:59. 
176, 179; 20:59; 31:84: 40:27 

x Sorbaronia 45:451; 49:232. fallax 49:233. 
Jackii 49:232, 249. sorbifolia 49:232 

Sorbier des oiseaux 1:167 

x Sorbopyrus 45:451; 49:232 

Sorbus 23:266; 33:60; 44:35; 45:451; 49:229— 
232. § Aria 49:230. alaskana 47:220. alni- 
folia 49:230, 231. americana 60:120; var. 
groenlandica 49:233. Andersoni 47:220. 
Aria 45:451; 49:230. Arsenii 29:178. Aucu- 
paria 49:213; 8. 23:266. decora 23:266; 
29:177; 45:28; var. groenlandica 49:233. 
domestica 49:231. dumosa 23:266. pumila 
23:266. sambucifolia 6:120. Sargenti 49: 
233. scopulina 23:266. sitchensis 23:206. 
sorbifolia 49:232. subvestita 23:266 

sorbifolia 12: 


Sorghastrum 15:55; 47:108. Elliottii 39:477; 
40:391, 429; 45:253-255, 376, 390, pl. 761. 
Linnaeanum 45:252, 253. nutans 15:55; 19: 
164; 31:110, 114-116; 36:219; 39:195; 44: 
253; 45:252-255; 50:92 

Sorghum 15:55; 18:231; 28:143; 31:113; 47: 
108. caffrorum 31:11. halepense 15:55; 18: 
231; 31:111; 37:82; 44:70. longiberbe 37: 
142. nutans 45:253; subsp. Linnaeanum 45: 
253. scoparium 37:144. vulgare 15:55; 44: 

Sorocarpus 35:347. uvaeformis 1:127; 2:48; 
35:347; var. balticus 35:347 

Sorrel 4:81; 9:154; 17:226. Field 28:73. 
French 28:84. Wood 20:76, 78; 22:130, 143; 
31:140. Yellow Wood 28:71 

Sour Cherry 25:175 

Sour-top Blueberry 12:183 

Southbya biformis 21:150. hyalina 21:150. 
obovata 21:162 

Sow-teat Blackberry 10:121. 

Soy Bean 42:396 

Spadiciflores 34:119 

Spanish Chestnuts 17:49. Moss 43:526 

Sparassis 1:59 

Sparganiaceae 6:103; 9:86; 10:56; 11:204; 18: 
32; 25:6; 29:206, 247; 31:43; 32:230; 36: 
277; 44:214; 49:255 

Sparganium 2:215; 6:103; 7:161; 10:56, 167; 
11:204; 23:145; 24:26, 27, 29-31; 33:19, 60; 
35: 124; 38: 375; 41:376; 44: 214: 47:343. 
acaule 24: 29, 33. affine 9: 89; 24: 29, 30, 33; 
27:190, 191; 43:84; x minimum 24:99. 
americanum 9:86, 87, 121; 10:166; 11:204; 
15:157, 203; 16:15, 38; 18:32; 19:107; 23: 
142, 189; 24:27, 28, 32, 33, 98; 28:86; 29: 
206; 32:149, 153, 216, 230; 33:141; 38:383; 
39:188, 189; 44:214; 49:239; var. andro- 
cladum 9:86, 87; 10:113; 11:204; 14:20, 
31; 15:157; 23:189; 24:27, 33; 32:230; 44: 
214; var. Nuttallii 9:87; var. rigidum 39: 
189; 44:214; var. typicum 39:189. andro- 
cladum 1:105; 9:87; 24:27, 28, 31-33; 29:61, 
228; 32:230; 33:141; 38:383; 44:214; var. 
fluctuans 7:60. angustifolium 7:110; 9:80, 
87, 89; 11:88, 204; 15:138; 17:154; 18:30- 
32; 24:30—33; 25:6; 27:190-192; 29:147, 162, 
206; 32:259; 33:112, 116; 34:50; 36:277; 37: 
206; 43:84; 44:214; 47:210, 343. chloro- 
carpum 24:29, 32, 33; 27:191, 192; 39:188, 
189; 44:214; var. acaule 24:29, 33; 33:116; 
39:189, 190; 42:42; 44:214; 49:239; var. 
typicum 39:189, 190. diversifolium 9:86- 
89; 11:205; 13:148; 15:157; 16:38; 23:189; 
24:29, 33; 44:214; var. acaule 9:86-88, 89; 
10:56; 11:205; 15:157; 16:15; 22:135; 23: 
189; 24:29, 33. eurycarpum 5:132; 9:86; 
10:95, 96; 11:205; 12:108, 110; 24:30-32; 
27:201; 29:61, 62, 65, 66; 32:153, 210, 230; 
33:141; 44:214. fluctuans 7:60; 9:86, 87, 
90; 11:205; 17:150; 22:136; 23:145, 189; 24: 
30, 32, 33, 184; 43:83, 84; 44:214. fluitans 
7:68, 109; 43:83, 84. glomeratum 24:29; 
34:120; 43:83, 84. hyperboreum 11:88; 13: 
134, 160; 24:32, 34; 28:120; 34:245; 35:85; 
38:139; 41:156, 158, 159, 175; 43:507; 49: 

Raspberry 9:5 


239. lucidum 9:86, 87, 90; 10:43; 11:205, 
220; 14:30; 15:157; 18:147; 19:107; 24:27, 
28,32; 29:61; 32:230; 33:141; 38:383; 44: 
214. minimum 9:86, 90; 11:205; 17:65; 23: 
189; 24:29-32, 34; 25:185; 33:60; 36:305; 
41:157, 175; 44:214; 47:343. multipeduncu- 
latum 9:89; 27:190-192; 35:131; 41:157, 
175; 49:239. nanum 9:88. natans 29:147, 
206; 47:343. Nuttallii 9:87. ramosum 9: 
87; 24:28. simplex 5:132; 6:103; 9:86-90; 
11:13, 88; 24:28, 29, 33, 98; 27: 190-192; 28: 
244; 4l: 175; 44: 214; x minimum 24: 29; 
var. acaule 9: 88; 24: 29; var. americanum 
9:87; var. androcladum 1:105; 24:27, 28, 
33; Var. angustifolium 6:103; 9:89; var. 
fluitans 7:60; 43:84; var. multipeduncula- 
tum 9:89; 27: 190—192; var. Nuttalli 9:87; 
24:27, 28 

Spartina 1:197; 5:24, 25; 7:223-228, 233; 8: 
110; 13:21; 14:178; 15:130; 17:212; 18:30, 
177; 26:187, 190; 31:100; 37:135, 372; 39: 
365; 40: 299, 230, 236, 268; 41:256; 48: 21; 
49:275. alterniflora 18: 178, 180; 23: 110; 26: 
187, 223; 29:43, 89; 39: 53-55; 41:27, 28; 
48:17, 25; 49: 276; var. glabra 18: 178; 19: 
27; 41: 503; 43: 522, 535; 44:172, 175; var. 
pilosa 18: 179; 23: 231 ; 24: 161; 29: 92. 111; 
32:147, 157, 210, 235; 41: :513, 520; 42: 411: 
44: 173, 175; 48:17, 25; 49: 276; 50:294. 
caespitosa 4: 27; 8: 210; 48: 17, 25; 49:276. 
cynosuroides 1: 201 ; 13: 21, 22; 18: 179; 29: 
149, 207; 31:99, 100; 32: 177, '211; 35:258; 
37:390; 42: 370, 411, 504; 48:17, 25; 49: 90, 
113, 275; var. polystachya 49: 113, 275. 
Duriaei 18:180. essexiana 18:180. glabra 
11:225, 226; 18:177, 178; var. alterniflora 
11:89, 237; 13:128; 14:176; 15:130; 17:147, 
209, 212, 221; 18: 177, 178; 39:53; 49:276; 
var. pilosa 11: 229; 15: 130; 17:212, 221; 18: 
94, 95, 177, 179; 32:235. gracilis 32: 200, 
203, map 25. juncea 4:27; 5:133; 8:210; 
18:180; 26:223; 39:54; 49:114, 115. mari- 
tima 18:180. Michauxiana 11:89, 230; 15: 
130, 153; 17:146, 212; 18:33, 180; 19:119; 
29:63, 65, 68, 90, 149, 207; 32:17, 149, 213, 
235; 33:117; 34:64; 35:251, 258, 259; 36: 
223; 41:518, 520; 49:275; var. Suttiei 35: 
260. patens 11:225, 226, 229; 15:130; 17: 
38, 147, 212, 214, 221; 18:34, 94, 96, 97; 26: 
186, 223; 29:138, 139; 32:147, 235, 236; 35: 
202: 37:407; 39:53-56; 48:17, 25; 49:114, 
115, 276; 50:294; var. caespitosa 8:210; 
15:130; 32:236; 49:276; var. juncea 8:210; 
15:130; 17:213, 221; 18:180; 32:235; 37: 
134; 42:396, 411; 48:17, 25; 49:114, 276; 
var. monogyna 49:114, 276. pectinata 35: 
215, 258-260; 44:168, 175; 48:18, 25, 26; 49: 
275; var. Suttiei 35:260; 48:18; 49:275. 
polystachya 35:258. stricta 18:177-180; 29: 
43; 32:157; var. alterniflora 18:178; 26:223; 
var. glabra 5:133; 18:179; 39:53. versicolor 

Spartinetum 39:53, 54. 
56. patentis 39:55, 56 

Spartium biflorum 9:51 

Spathaceae 47:385, pl. 991 

alterniflorae 39:54, 


Spathularia 1:60, 61, 64. clavata 1:64, 67, pl. 
4. flavida 1:64. rugosa 1:64. velutipes 1: 
64, 67, pl. 4 

Spathyema 9:53 

Spatter Docks 39:407; 42:152 

Spear-grass 49:262. Low 28:74 

Spearmint 26:19, 171 

Speckled Alder 12:178; 47:349, 350 

Specularia 17:233; 26:19, 230; 41:302; 48: 
209-214; 50:38-41, 43-48. 8 Dysmicodon 
50:47. § Triodallus 50:48. biflora 41:490, 
570. coloradoensis 48:216, pl. 1050. falcata 
48:211; 50:45. Holzingeri 48:214. hy- 
brida 48:210, 212, 213, 216, pl. 1049; 50:39. 
lamprosperma 48:214. leptocarpa 35:364. 
perfoliata 4:15; 6:84, 233; 16:185; 17:30, 
233; 26:19; 32:276; 36:51; 50:300. Specu- 
lum 48:210; B. libanensis 48:213; var. race- 
mosa 48:211; 50:45. Speculum-Veneris 48: 
210, 211, 213, 215, pl. 1049; 50:39, 45. tex- 
ana 48:214 

Speculum-Veneris 26:230, 231 

Speedwell 4:107; 13:124 

Spergella japonica 41:391 

Spergula 6:115; 7:151; 11:132; 12:159, 160; 
18:88; 42:119. arvensis 5:189; 6:78, 115; 
7-151, 152: 11:035, 17:35; 18:3% 88; 29:174, 
212, 231, 233; 32:251; 42:210; 46:88: 50: 
302; var. sativa 40:373, 414; 46:88. cam- 
pestris 42:107. canadensis 42:112. Cervi- 
ana 42:169. grandis 42:175, 184-186, 191, 
192, 203, 204. japonica 41:391. laevis 42: 
192. leiosperma 12:162; 42:126. marina 
42:124. maxima 42:106. media 42:119. 
micrantha 27:130. pentandra 46:88. race- 
mosa 42:174, 185. ramosa 42:185. rubra 
42:106, 125; œ. 42:106; B. 42:106, 125; y. 42: 
106, 119. rupestris 42:207. salina 42:125. 
sativa 7:151, 152. semidecandra 27:130. 
stricta 21:11. villosa 42:173, 174, 177, 186. 
vulgaris 7:151, 152 

Spergularia 9:54; 12:14, 157-160, 162; 18:88; 
21:8; 29:106; 42:57, 58, 63, 65, 135, 159, 184, 
193, 210; 47:214. aberrans 42:59, 60, 67, 
164—166, 212, map 18, pl. 594. alata 22:15; 
29:92, 108; 42:120, 123. andina 42:59, 60, 
65, 81, 160, 212, map 14, pl. 593. angolensis 
42:181, 182. aprica 42:175. araucana 42: 
210. arbuscula 42:59-61, 65, 81, 141, 211, 
map 12, pl. 590. arvensis 9:121; 42:210. 
atheniensis 42:83, 111. atrosperma 42:59, 
63, 80-82, 140, 211, map 5, pl. 589. Boc- 
coni 42:59, 64, 69, 83, 107, 110, 111, 211, pl. 
589. bonariensis 42:192. Borchersi 42:167. 
borealis 4:33; 5:189; 12:161; 42:113. brac- 
teata 42:83. campestris 42:106, 107, 111, 
174; 2. forma 42:172. canadensis 10:144; 
11:229; 12:157, 160, 161; 17:147; 18:88; 19: 
1997.20:0975:94- H8: 29:174, 212; 82:177; 42: 
59-61; 64, 81, 106, 112, 113, 115, 117, 119, 
124-126, 133, 166, 211, map 6, pl. 589; 49: 
247; var. occidentalis 42:64, 81, 116, 117, 
123, 126, map 6. cerastiodes 42:210. Cervi- 
ana 42:60, 67, 69, 164, 169, 212, map 21, pl. 
594. Clevelandi 42:175, 177. collina 42: 
59-61, 68, 81, 179, 213, map 11, pl. 595. 

colombiana 42:68, 118, 180, 213, map 27, 
pl. 596. confertiflora 42:61, 69, 164, 171, 
172, 212, map 24, pl. 594; var. polyphylla 42: 
172. congestifolia 42:60, 61, 65, 81, 140, 211, 
map 11, pl. 590. coquimbensis 42:170. 
cremnophila 42:59, 66, 67, 163, 164, 166, 212, 
map 17, pl. 593. denticulata 42:59, 66, 164, 
166—168, 212, map 20, pl. 594. depauperata 
42:60, 66, 81, 161, 162, 166, 212, map 15, pl. 
593; var. tenella 42:161. diandra 42:59, 64, 
80, 82, 83, 133, 140, 211, pl. 589. Dillenii 42: 
209. echinosperma 42:64, 80—82, 139, 140, 
211, map 10, pl. 590. fasciculata 42:59—61, 
65, 67, 81, 118, 133, 158, 159, 166, 212, map 
13, pl. 593. fimbriata 42:209. firma 42: 
169. floribunda 42:59, 60, 67, 164, 166, 169, 
170, 212, map 22, pl. 594. fruticosa 42:142, 
143. gracilis 42:181. grandiflora 42:161, 
162. grandis 42:59, 60, 66, 164, 174, 185, 190, 
192, 193, 203-205, 213, map 32, pl. 596. 
heterosperma 42:126. laciniata 42:158—160. 
Larrafiagae 42:166, 167. leiosperma 12:160- 
163; 18:88, 94, 97; 19:129; 20:97, 116; 22: 
15, 16; 23:264; 32:148, 157, 251; 33:120; 
42:127, 134; 50:302. leptophylla 42:210. 
levis 42:59, 60, 67, 164, 186, 190—192, 204, 
205, 213, map 31, pl. 596. Liebmanniana 
42:174. lignosa 42:142. macrocarpa 42:119, 
124, 185, 189, 203, 204. macrotheca 42:59— 
61, 63, 70—72, 74—76, 79, 81, 105, 119, 122, 211, 
map 1, pl. 589; var. glabra 42:76, 78; var. 
leucantha 42:63, 73, 76, 79, 81, 211, map 2, 
pl. 589; var. longistyla 42:63, 78, 79, 81, 
211, map 3, pl. 589; var. scariosa 42:71, 72, 
74; var. Talinum 42:71. marginata 12:160, 
161; 22:15, 16; 29:92, 108, 111; 42:119, 123, 
136. marina 12:157, 159, 162; 26:185, 225; 
32:251; 42:59, 65, 68, 69, 79, 81, 83, 105, 
106, 110, 112, 113, 115, 117-119, 122-126, 
129, 133, 136-139, 166, 174, 176, 177, 207, 
209-212, 389, maps 7, 8, pls. 590—592; 47: 
214; 50:289; var. tenuis 42:65, 81, 126, 137, 
138, 139, map 9. maritima 42:120. media 
12:158-161; 29:174, 212; 42:59, 64, 66, 68, 
70, 73, 105, 106, 113, 115, 117-126, 136, 158, 
173, 174, 210, 211, pl. 590; 49:247; 2, 42:174, 
185; 3, 42:174; B. marginata 42:119; var. 
macrocarpa 42:119. mexicana 42:63, 79, 81, 
211, map 4, pl. 589. miquelonensis 42:126. 
neglecta 42:79, 80, 126. oligantha 42:210. 
pazensis 42:59, 60, 66, 67, 164, 173, 175, 189, 
205—207, 213, map 33, pl. 596. Pissisi 42: 
60, 66, 162, 164, 166, 212, map 16, pl. 593. 
platensis 42:59—61, 64, 67, 133, 164, 166, 181, 
183, 213, map 28, pl. 595; var. Balansae 42: 
69, 181, 183, 213, pl. 595; var. septentri- 
onalis 42:182. platycaulis 42:204. polyan- 
tha 42:169. polyphylla 42:172. pycnantha 
42:59, 60, 70, 133, 164, 170, 212, map 23, pl. 
594. racemosa 42:185. ramosa 42:59, 60, 
66, 118, 119, 125, 133, 164, 173, 174, 185, 186, 
187, 189, 190, 192, 193, 203—208, 212, map 
29, pl. 595; var. diffusa 42:60, 66, 164, 175, 
186, 190, 191, 204, 213, map 30, pl. 595. 
remotiflora 42:173, 174, 176. Rengifoli 42: 
161, 162. rubra 3:188; 5:189; 11:93; 12: 


157; 13:135, 140; 17:35, 227; 18:36, 88; 26: 
225; 32:151, 210, 250; 42:59, 61, 64, 68, 70, 
73, 74, 105-109, 111, 112, 119, 125, 126, 172, 
174, 175, 211, 323, pl. 589; 43:555; 49:247; 
50:296; a. campestris 42:107; 8. atheniensis 
42:111; var. campestris 42:107; var. echino- 
sperma 42:140; var. marina 42:125; var. 
perennans 18:36; 42:107—109. rupestris 42: 
59, 60, 68, 119, 124, 125, 164, 166, 173-175, 
177, 185, 192, 207, 208, 218, map 34, pl. 596. 
rupicola 42:125, 207, 208, 210. salina 5:189, 
236; 6:84; 12:159-163; 17:215, 221; 18:88; 
19:129; 20:116; 22:15, 16; 23:264; 26:225; 
29:91-93, 122, 174, 212; 32:157, 251; 42:113, 
124, 125, 129, 177; 49:247; var. involucrata 
42:188; var. leiosperma 12:163; 42:127; 
var. minor 12:163; 42:127; var. sordida 42: 
111, 127; var. tenuis 42:138. salsuginea 42: 
82; var. bracteata 42:83, 127, 140. segetalis 
21:9; 42:57. sparsiflora 42:127. Spruceana 
42:69, 164, 180, 213, map 26, pl. 595. 
squarrosa 42:211. stenocarpa 42:59, 60, 66, 
164, 166—168, 212, map 19, pl. 594. Stuebelii 
42:158, 160. tenella 42:161, 162. tenuis 42: 
132, 138; var. involucrata 42:138. tereti- 
folia 42:142. texana 42:182. villosa 42:59— 
61, 63, 68, 69, 107, 118, 125, 133, 164, 172— 
175, 185, 186, 191, 203-205, 207-209, 212, map 
25, pl. 594; var. a. genuina 42:185, 189, 208; 
var. a. rupestris 42:208; var. B. Berteroana 
42:174, 177 

Spergulastrum lanceolatum 16:146, 148, 151; 
42:257. lanuginosum 50:194 

Spermacoce diodina 39:306, 307 

Spermatochnus australis 21:207 

Spermatophyta 9:152, 157, 187; 11:82; 42: 
317; 50:118 

Spermatophytes 44:332; 50:288, 291, 293, 301 

Spermolepis divaricata 36:48. echinata 36: 
220. patens 10:34. 

Spermothamnion roseolum 30:196. Turneri 
2:52; 3:292; 26:215; 30:197; 35:150; 50: 
265, 268; var. variabile 3:292 

Sphacelaria 2:207; 7:97; 26:190; 50:266. cali- 
forniea 35:152. cirrhosa 2:48; 6:182; 7:227, 
230; 10:157, 158; 26:214; 50:263; f. meridi- 
onalis 43:214. fusca 10:157, 158. plumi- 
gera 35:151—153, pl. 274. plumosa 35:151, 
152. racemosa, var. arctica 2:48. radicans 
2:48; 7:172, 225, 227, 230 

Sphaeralcea 22:74; 34:142, 143; 41:436. ace- 
rifolia 10:52; 34:143, 145; 48:89. angusta 
41:435, 436. coccinea 48:99. Fendleri 20: 
20; 22:74. Munroana 18:143; 22:74. re- 
mota 10:52; 19:62; 34:145, 208; 48:90 

Sphaeranthus 47:386 

Sphaerella 50:271. lacustris 26:212; 50:71 

Sphaerocarpos 17:109 

Sphaerococcus Torreyi 7:136, 137 

Sphaerophoraceae 28:159 

Sphaerophoria cylindrica 41:186 

Sphaerophorus coralloides 28:159. fragilis 11: 
101; 28:159; 36:142, 154. globiferus 28:159. 
globosus 28:159; 36:142, 153 

Sphaeropsis 44:04. Ellisii 41:519. malorum 


39:374. quercina 39:374. Smilacis 41:514, 
519. viscosa 39:374 

Sphaerotrichia 50:258, 263. divaricata 50:261- 

Sphaerozosma 5:252; 7:264; 24:240; 26:204, 
210. excavatum, f. granulata 7:264; f. lae- 
vis 7:204; var. subquadratum 26:210. fili- 
forme 5:80. moniliforme 7:265. pulchrum 
5:80; 24:240; var. inflatum 7:265; var. pla- 
num 5:80. spinulosum 7:264; 24:240; var. 

Sphagna 43:83 

Sphagnaceae 8:62; 30:2 

Sphagnales 11:16 

Sphagnoecetis communis 14:13 

Sphagnum 2:65, 66, 110; 4:42, 74, 75, 212, 238; 
5:36, 133, 134, 274; 6:44; 7:77; 8:20, 64, 
136; 9:120, 183; 10:37, 189; 11:225, 230, 
234; 12:106, 136; 13:96, 220, 221; 14:13, 29, 
30; 15:3-6, 12; 18:94; 20:43, 142, 143; 23: 
129; 29:243; 37:114; 39:335, 354; 40:148— 
156, 158, 160—163, 167, 169-172; 41:127, 133, 
155, 157, 288, 289, 478; 46:71, 78, 151, 494; 
49:87, 89, 99, 155. acutifolium 2:63; 3:180; 
4:30, 242; 6:44; 8:62; var. purpureum 2: 
63; var. rubrum 2:63; 11:231; var. subtile 
15:4. amblyphyllum 15:4; var. parvi- 
folium, f. tenue, subf. capitatum 11:231. 
Angstroemii 8:64. angustilimbatum 10:42. 
annulatum 8:65. auriculatum 8:62. balti- 
cum 8:65. bavaricum 15:5. capillaceum 
30:2. centrale 8:64. compactum 8:62; 15: 
4, 13; var. squarrosum 8:62. contortum 8: 
62; 15:5. crassicladum 8:65. cuspidatum 
4:241; 8:62, 64; 10:42, 113; 15:4, 5; var. 
faleatum 8:62; 10:114; f. mollis 15:4; var. 
miquelonense 8:62; var. plumosum 8:62; 
10:41, 114; var. submersum 10:114; 15:4; 
var. Torreyanum 8:62. cymbifolium 4:30; 
6:44; 8:62, 64; 15:5; var. squarrulosum 8: 
62; var. virescens 11:231. dasyphyllum 8: 
62; 11:230. Dusenii 8:62. fallax 8:65. 
Faxoni 10:41, 113, 114. fimbriatum 8:62; 
var. squarrulosum 8:62. flavicomans 11: 
232; 15:4. Franconiae 15:4; var. robustum 
15:4. fuscum 8:62. Garberi 8:62; 15:4. 
Girgensohnii 8:62; var. coryphaeum 8:62; 
var. molle 8:62. hypnoides 8:65. imbrica- 
tum 8:62, 64; 30:2; var. affine 8:62; 11:232; 
var. cristatum 8:64; f. fuscescens 11:231, 
232; var. sublaeve 8:62. intermedium 4: 
242; 8:64. inundatum 8:62; 15:5. Lind- 
bergii 8:63; 30:2. macrophyllum 8:63; 15: 
5, 6; 24:121. magellanicum 15:5. medium 
4:242; 8:63; 15:5; var. purpurascens 11:232. 
molle 8:63. molluseum 8:63. monocladon 
8:65. Nicholsii 15:5. obesum 8:63; 11: 
230; 15:13. obtusum 8:65. palustre 15:5; 
30:2. papillosum 30:180; 8:63, 64; var. in- 
termedium 15:5. parvifolium 8:64. platy- 
phyllum 8:63; 15:5. plicatum 8:63. pseu- 
dosquarrosum 15:5; var. bicolor 15:5; var. 
heterophyllum 15:5. pulchricomum, var. 
puleherrimum, f. sphaerocephalum 11:232. 
pulchrum 8:63; 30:2. Pylaesii 8:63; 24: 
121, 122; 29:163; 30:2. quinquefarium 8: 


63. recurvum 4:242; 8:63, 64; 15:4; var. 
amblyphyllum 8:63; 15:4; var. mucrona- 
tum 8:64; var. parvifolium 8:63; 10:113. 
rigidum 3:180; 4:242. riparium 8:63. 
rubellum 8:63; 15:4. rufescens 8:63; 15: 
4, 5. ruppinense 15:4. Russowii 8:63; 26: 
9. Schultzii 8:65. squarrosum 3:180; 4: 
30; 8:63. subbicolor 8:64; 15:5. subnitens 
8:63; 15:4; var. flavicomans 8:63; 15:4. 
subsecundum 8:63; 15:5; 30:2; var. macro- 
phyllum 15:5. subtile 8:65; 15:4. tenel- 
lum 30:2. tenerum 4:242; 8:63. teres 8: 
63; 10:37; var. squarrulosum 8:63. Torrey- 
anum 8:64; 15:6; var. miquelonense 8:64. 
trinitense 8:65. turgidulum 8:65; 15:5. 
virginianum 15:4. Warnstorfii 8:63; 30:2. 
Wulfianum 8:63 

Sphecoidea 41:186 

Sphenolobus 7:53; 11:16; 16:72, 73; 19:263. 
ascendens 19:263. exsectaeformis 5:173; 6: 
171, 172; 15:25; 19:272; 25:195; 26:9. ex- 
sectus 5:173; 06:171, 172; 7:58; 9:71; 11: 
118; 14:17; 15:25; 25:195; 26:9. gymnos- 
tomophilus 16:72. Hellerianus 6:172, 173; 
10:192; 11:195; 14:18, 224; 15:26, 27; 16: 
72; 18:119; 25:195; 26:10; 39:36. Kunzea- 
nus 7:52. Michauxii 5:173; 7:53, 58; 11: 
118, 195; 15:26; 25:195; 26:10. minutus 5: 
173; 9:73; 15:26; 18:119; 25:105; 26:10. 
ovatus 16:72. Peckii 11:195. scitulus6:172 
Sphenopholis 8:141, 142; 15:128; 21:216; 
36:36, 37; 49:207. aristata 30:30. fili- 
formis 8:141, 143, 144; 39:429; 43:220, 490, 
534; 44:349. Hallii 8:141, 143, 146. inter- 
media 36:36, 37; 42:357; 43:494; 44:335; 
49:268. interrupta 8:141, 143, 145; subsp. 
californica 8:141, 143, 146. nitida 8:141, 
143, 144; 11:83; 15:128; 36:36; 38:200, 270; 
44:70; 47:198; 49:268; subsp. glabra 8:141, 
143, 145; 10:65; var. glabra 10:65. ob- 
tusata 8:141-144; 15:128; 24:113; 36:36, 
37; 38:200, 270; 43:493, 532, 533; 44:70; 
49:267; 50:94; subsp. lobata 8:141, 143, 
144; 10:65; subsp. pubescens 8:141, 143, 
144; 10:65; var. lobata 10:65; 38:266; 43: 
533, 534; 49:268; 50:93, 94; f. purpurascens 
50:93; var. pubescens 10:65; 38:266; 43: 
493, 533; 50:94. pallens 8:141, 143, 145; 
15:128; 23:136, 164, 170, 230; 24:161; 32: 
18; 35:81, 203, 250; 36:36, 37; 38:266, 268; 
42:356, 357; 43:494, 534; 44:335; 47:198; 
49:97, 268; subsp. longiflora 8:141, 145; 
subsp. major 8:141, 143, 145; 10:65; var. 
major 10:65; 15:128; 38:266; 49:268. pa- 
lustris 8:143, 145; 15:128; 18:234; 49:268; 
subsp. flexuosa 8:141, 143, 145; 10:65; var. 
flexuosa 10:65; 18:234; pensylvanica 18: 
234; 38:206, 270; var. flexuosa 18:234 

Spilanthes americana 47:209 

Spina 9:51 

Spinacia 17:64, 178. oleracea 1:47; 17:178; 

Spinach 19:129. Wild 28:63 

Spindle Tree 25:177 

Spinoclosterium 44:180, 181, 187. curvatum 
44:180, 186, fig. 2; var. spinosum 44:180 

Spiraea 6:119; 8:203; 12:179; 13:18; 20:59; 
28:71; 33:109; 39:204; 41:244. acuminata 
38:181. alba 2:103; 35:251; 37:350, 352, 
355, fig.3 (map). americana 38:182. Arun- 
cus 33:88; 38:180—182; 41:423, 424; 46:283; 
B. americana 38:182; B. hermaphrodita 38: 
182; var. americana 38:182; var. hermaphro- 
dita 38:182. Beauverdiana 41:149, 158, 160, 
244; 42:330. betulifolia 41:244; 42:330; 
46:250. cinerascens 36:11. corymbosa 29: 
177, 214; 46:250. ferruginea 14:189. Fili- 
pendula 8:204. glomerata 14:189. Hender- 
soni 36:11. hypericifolia 33:169. japonica 
4:28; 37:86; 44:37. latifolia 6:119; 7:109; 
11:129, 175, 176; 12:179; 13:18, 139, 146; 
16:96; 17:150, 153; 18:38; 19:254, 255; 20: 
59; 22:132, 134, 135; 37:350; 48:112; var. 
septentrionalis 19:255; 29:177, 214; 34: 
53; 48:112; var. typica 19:255. lobata 6: 
49; 8:203, 204. lucida 41:244. obovata 44: 
252. palmata 8:204. parvifolia 14:189. 
pectinata 41:245. prunifolia 4:28; 19:226; 
20:59; 37:86. rosea 14:189, 190. salicifolia 
1:182; 2:103; 3:188; 5:131; 6:119; 14:189; 
16:40, 96; 29:177, 214; 35:251; 41:244; w. 
latifolia 19:255; var. latifolia 2:103; 3:174; 
29:177. sorbifolia 7:40. Stevenii 41:244; 
42:330. Thunbergii 42:43. tomentosa 1: 
223; 5:131; 6:119; 7:110; 11:129; 12:179; 
14:188-190; 17:143, 153; 18:38, 94, 97; 20: 
59; 32:149, 216, 254; 37:350, 352, 355, 358, 
426, figs. 3, 4 (maps); 39:199, 200, 203, fig. 
24 (map); 44:237; f. albiflora 17:143; 20: 
59; var. rosea 14:190; 24:87; 33:227; 37: 
426; 39:199, fig. 24 (map). trifoliata 17: 
130. Ulmaria 8:204. ulmifolia 3:65. Van- 
houttei 28:71; 42:43. virginiana 46:250 

Spiraea, Mountain Ash 12:179 

Spiranthes 5:262; 6:112; 7:120; 8:15, 16; 9: 
53; 11:79; 12:14; 19:57; 20:111, 114; 23: 
73, 75-77, 81-83; 42:147, 151; 44:34; 48:6. 
aestivalis 23:83; 48:191. Amesiana 23:82, 
83. autumnalis 23:81. Beckii 11:79; 13: 
8; 23:77; 32:246; 42:87, 91; 48:6, 9, 10, 
189-191; 49:136; x gracilis 18:239; 19:127. 
cernua 1:110, 199; 2:172, 179, 227; 3:61, 63, 
86, 189, 202, figs.; 4:19, 76; 5:82, 131; 6: 
28, 30, 112; 7:50, 120, fig.; 8:16; 11:79, 200; 
14:01; 17:34; 18:30, 35; 19:57; 23:74—82, 
84, 127-129, 157, 167, 245, figs. 1-4, pl. 127; 

Sphenosciadium 21:182 

Spice Bush 4:132; 8:196, 198; 25:170, 172 

Spiderwort 14:163. Virginia 21:49 

Spiesia 9:54. arctica 30:144. Belli 30:150. 
campestris 1:86, 88; 30:146, 148. inflata 
30:154. podocarpa 30:154 

Spigelia marilandica 24:83 

Spike Grass 49:264 

24:44; 25:44; 29:155, 211; 32:246; 37:300; 
42:394; 48:91; x gracilis 23:80, 81, 84, pl. 
128; 34:98; var. latifolia 23:83; var. ochro- 
leuca 6:28, 30; 11:79; 19:57; 23:74, 77-79, 
81, 84, 128, 129, 167, 245, fig. 4, pl. 127; 24: 
167; var. odorata 42:359, 394, 401, 446, 498; 
44:391; var. parviflora 8:16; 23:83; 48:5. 
cranichoides 23:73. decipiens 1:7; 48:11. 


eriophora 23:73. floridana 38:405. gra- 
cilis 1:199; 2:179; 4:19; 5:82, 129, 261-264, 
pl. 47; 6:28, 30, 112; 7:106, 110; 9:121; 11: 
79; 14:91; 19:57; 20:112-114; 23:75, 76, 79— 
81, 85, pl. 129; 24:44; 25:44; 32:151, 246; 
36:42, 220; 37:191; 44:343; 48:6-9, 13, 190, 
191, pl. 994; 49:136; X praecox 5:261; var. 
secunda 48: pl. 993. graminea 1:97; 37: 
407; var. Walteri 1:97; 6:28; 11:80. Grayi 
6:44; 48:6, 189, 192. X intermedia 5: 
262-264, 285, pl. 47; 11:79; 20:113, 114; 
23:81. lacera 48:5-9, 13, 190, 191, pl. 993; 
49:136. latifolia 1:26; 2:126, 179; 4:19; 5: 
197, 204; 8:16; 23:83; 47:213. lucayana 23: 
84. lucida 11:79; 12:170, 187; 14:240; 19: 
30, 127; 23:83; 47:213. michuacana 41:138. 
montana 48:5, 9. neglecta 6:27—30, 31, fig., 
pl. 51; 20:112, 114. odorata 23:74, 128, 129; 
42:359, 446. ovalis 8:15, 16; 23:83; 35:285; 
*89:379, 403, 482; 40:366, 377, 408; 41:481, 
486, 492, 539; 44:374, 391; 48:5, 9. parvi- 
flora 8:16; 23:83; 48:5. plantaginea 7:106; 
23:83; 48:0. praecox 1:97; 4:19, 20; 5: 
261-264, pl. 47; 6:27-29, 31, fig.; 20:112, 
113; 48:190, 191. Reverchonii 38:405. 
Romanzoffiana 1:199; 2:115, 172; 3:86; 4: 
19, 22; 6:112; 8:16; 9:207; 10:146; 11:92; 
12:117; 13:138; 15:98; 17:153, 154; 19:57; 
20:101; 22:137; 23:74; 24:99; 25:8; 29:155, 
211; 34:52; 37:85; 41:149, 215; 42:314, 320. 
simplex 4:19; 5:128; 6:44; 14:91; 48:6, 10, 
189, 192. Smallii 23:83; 48:6. Storeri 23: 
84. tortilis 23:82, 83. tuberosa 48:6, 10, 
189, 191, 192; 49:136; var. Grayi 48:189, 
192; 49:136. vernalis 11:80; 20:111-114; 
23:74, 79—81; 34:98; 36:42; 48:191 
Spirillus amplifolius 45:100. heterophyllus 
45:144. lonchites 45:124. lucens 45:154. 
perfoliatus 45:177; var. Richardsonii 45:163. 
pulcher 45:121. Zizii 45:154, 187 
Spirodela 12:5. polyrhiza 1:42, 204; 5:135; 
12:5; 32:106, 107; 37:357, 406; 43:339; 46: 

Spirogyra 1:99; 5:233; 7:171, 238; 12:9; 15: 
88; 24:103, 110; 26:212; 29:161, 163; 44:34; 
50:70, 271. bellis 7:238. crassa 2:33; 14: 
114; 29:37, 38. decimina 5:233; var. trip- 
licata 5:233. heeriana 29:38. majuseula 
5:274. nitida 7:238; 29:38. porticalis 29: 
39; 50:71; f. minor 8:105. varians 7:238; 
29:161; 50:71. Weberi 14:236 
Spirotaenia 7:112; 24:215; 26:204. 
sata 5:80; 7:112; 24:215; 26:204 
Spirulina 7:172; 9:131; 10:162; 40:225, 271. 
densa 40:272. Gomontiana 40:271. laxa 
39:280. laxissima 39:280. major 28:1; 39: 
278; 40:271, 272; 50:276. Meneghiniana 2: 
43; 3:289, 292; 10:162; 40:271. Nordstedtii 
2:43. stagnicola 39:279, 280, fig. 3; 40: 
271, 272. subsalsa 2:43; 3:289; 7:172; 10: 
162; 40:76, 271, 272; 50:276; f. genuina 40: 
272; f. oceanica 40:272. subtilissima, var. 
brevis 50:275, 279, pl. 1118. tenerrima 
40:271; 50:275. tenuissima 26:215; 40:70, 
272. Thuretii 40:272. versicolor 2:43 
Splachnaceae 30:6; 38:240 



Splachnum ampullaceum 5:169; 8:168; 30:6. 
pedunculatum 30:6. roseum 5:44, 169 

Spleenwort 8:114; 30:14, 15; 35:351. Ebony 
3:1; 4:54; 8:113; 10:165; 30:14. Green 4: 
54. Maiden-hair 8:113. Mountain 4:54. 
Narrow 7:100. Silvery 30:15 

Spogopsis 18:229 

Sponcopsis 18:229 

Spondiaceae 11:163 

Spondylosium 7:265; 24:240; 26:210. monili- 
forme 7:265. papillosum 24:240; 26:210. 
planum 24:240. pulchrum, var. inflatum 7: 
265. pygmaeum 24:240; 26:210 

Spongomorpha 4:113-115, 119; 11:19; 33:131; 
50:260. arcta 33:130, 131; 50:258, 260. 
Hystrix 4:116, 117. lanosa 50:258, 260; var. 
uncialis 26:213; 43:214; 50:260. Sonderi 4: 
116, 117. spinescens 4:117; 43:214 

Spongopsis mediterranea 41:23 

Sporobolus 6:105; 9:23; 15:126; 18:233; 29: 
10, 13; 35:108, 182; 38:267; 47:272; 49:273. 
aristatus 4:48. asper 8:23; 14:20; 15:126; 
26:175; 35:109, 362; 36:417; 38:265, 270, 
363; 42:400, 411; 47:272; 49:273; var. pilo- 
sus 36:231. aspericaulis 4:46. asperifolius 
14:227; 17:160; 29:13. brevifolius 4:46, 47, 
49; 18:233. canovirens 35:284; 36:230; 47: 
211. clandestinus 38:265, 271; 47:198, 211. 
compressus 29:13. confusus 29:13. crypt- 
andrus 6:82; 15:126; 36:375, 417; 38:205, 
270; 39:150; 49:273; var. strictus 6:82. 
cuspidatus 4:47; 18:233. depauperatus 4: 
45, 46; 18:233; var. filiformis 4:46. Drum- 
mondii 36:219, 231. ejuncidus 4:48, 49. 
filiformis 4:47, 48. gracilis 4:48, 49. gra- 
cilimus 4:47. heterolepis 19:164; 38:265. 
indicus 8:89. interruptus 6:82; 38:265, 267. 
junceus 4:48, 49. longifolius 1:105. Neal- 
leyi 36:347; 47:331. neglectus 8:23; 19: 
110; 35:109; 36:417; 37:82; 38:265, 271; 49: 
273. ozarkanus 35:109. pilosus 35:109. 
Poiretii 37:389; 44:70. pyramidatus 50:94. 
Richardsonii 4:45, 46, 47; 12:112; 17:204; 
18:233; 29:10. serotinus 1:42, 104; 7:110; 
29:10, 13. simplex 4:47, 48; 38:298; var. 
thermale 4:48. Torreyanus 29:13. uni- 
florus 15:126; 19:97, 110; 23:229; 24:82; 
29:10; 40:274; 49:272. vaginiflorus 6:105; 
15:126; 35:108, 109; 38:265, 270; 49:273; 
var. inaequalis 35:109; 38:265, 271; 49: 
273. virginicus 39:477 

Sporodinia 8:67 

Spotted Knotweed 49:84 

Spragueola americana 1:66 

Sprangletop 49:275 

Spring-beauty 42:279 

Spring-cress 45:515 

Spruce(s) 4:93; 5:45, 202; 7:125; 12:117; 13: 
57; 17:65; 18:188; 21:31, 108, 109; 22:130; 
23:91; 35:358; 37:414; 38:112; 39:206; 40: 
143, 165, 276; 41:129, 146, 147, 150, 151, 167, 
174; 42:339; 44:230; 49:228. American 
Red 34:211. Bastard 21:46. Black 4:35; 6: 
41, 42, 149; 9:26, 208; 11:175, 201; 12:177; 
13:114; 18:188; 21:50, 51; 31:19; 32:60; 
33:101; 34:189; 35:358; 44:410, 413; 45: 


106; 49:83. Blue 18:32. Bog 35:358; 45: 
106. Cat 9:76; 12:177; 18:32; 34:188; 35: 
358. Common 18:32. European 20:187. 
Hemlock 17:59-61, 164—168; 20:187; 21:109. 
Norway 7:124, 126; 21:106; 28:44; 33:163; 
35:358. Red 9:109; 12:177; 35:358; 37:309, 
313. Skunk 9:76; 18:32; 34:188. Snake 9: 
110; 28:44. Swamp 9:75. White 4:35; 9: 
75, 76, 208; 11:201; 12:177; 13:114; 17:61, 
167, 168; 18:32; 20:186; 21:41, 50, 108, 109; 
23:109; 31:19; 34:188, 189; 35:358; 44:410, 
413; 46:154; Newfoundland 20:187. Yellow 

Spumaria alba 1:128 

Spurge, Cypress 12:58. Leafy 32:100-102; 39: 
49. Seaside 29:58 

Spyridia filamentosa 2:52; 7:235; 26:215; 50: 
268; var. refracta 50:268 

Squamaria hypnorum 28:226 

Square Blackberry 10:121 

Squash 41:82. Berry 43:483 

Squaw, Buckleberry 12:168 

Squirrel corn 5:168 

Stachydeoma ciliata 38:405 

Stachys 6:128; 7:161; 25:42; 44:349, 360; 45: 
369, 473. 8 Stachyotypus 9:37, 41. agraria 
35:45; f. albiflora 35:45. ambigua 11:83; 
12:191; 13:151; 25:42; 45:407, 469, 471—473, 
475, pls. 791, 793. annua 1:48; 8:72. areni- 
cola 45:471, 474, 475, pl. 793. arvensis 25: 
42. aspera 10:85; 45:469, 470; var. glabra 
10:85; 45:466. Betonica 25:42. cincinna- 
tensis 45:466. Clingmanii 45:464. cordata 
24:100; 35:200. germanica 1:48; 22:128. 
glabra 45:466. Grayana 45:471. hispida 
45:465, 466, 469—473. homotricha 45:474. 
hyssopifolia 5:130; 14:29, 32; 24:88; 25:42; 
32:177, 212; 38:380, 443; 39:475; 42:88, 92; 
45:467, 471—473, 475, map 6, pl. 788; 48:37; 
var. ambigua 45:471. italica 1:48. lanata 
22:128. Nuttallii 40:382, 455; 43:520, 521, 
638; 45:465. palustris 2:205; 4:85, 103; 6: 
128; 8:73; 10:85; 12:110; 23:289; 25:42; 
45:466, 471—473, 475, pl. 792; subsp. pilosa 
42:337; 45:473; var. arenicola 45:474; var. 
homotricha 10:85; 23:289; 24:184; 25:42; 
41:283; 45:467, 471, 472, 474, 475, map 5, pl. 
793; var. macrocalyx 45:474; var. nipigon- 
ensis 45:474; var. phaneropoda 45:474, 
475, pl. 794; var. pilosa 45:474. pilosa 
45:474; subsp. pilosa 45:474. pustulosa 45: 
474. Schweinitzii 45:474. scopulorum 42: 
337; 45:474. sylvatica 45:472. tenuifolia 
10:85; 38:443; 45:465—407, 470, 473, 475, pl. 
787; var. aspera 10:85; 12:142; 25:42; 35: 
201, 252; 36:374; 45:400, map 1, pl. 787; 
var. hispida 45:466, 467, 469-472, 475, map 
4, pl. 790; var. perlonga 45:466, 467, 475, 
map 2, pl. 788; var. platyphylla 45:466- 
468, 470—472, 475, map 3, pl. 789. velutina 
45:471, 474 

Stachytarpheta 30:54 

Staehelina elegans 48:340 

Staghorn Sumach 12:181; 23:105; 28:71 

Staphylea 7:28; 9:49; 20:127, 128; 21:127; 
41:552; 43:492. Brighamii 20:129. Bu- 


malda 7:28. pinnata 7:28. trifolia 1:180, 
213; 4:130; 7:28; 20:129; 21:127; 40:382, 
440; 41:478; 43:603 

Staphyleaceae 7:28; 21:127; 31:43 

Staphylis 9:49 

Star-flower 11:236; 18:185; 22:130; 42:279 

Star of Bethlehem 25:173 

Statice 13:134, 216; 18:54-56, 156; 19:1-3; 
28:76; 36:184; 47:320. § Barbatae Trun- 
catae 19:2. $ Calvae 19:2. 8 Macrocentron 
19:2. $ Mastrucatae 19:2; Rostellatae 19: 
2; Truncatae 19:2. § Plagiobasis 19:2; § 
1. Holotrichae 19:2; § 2. Pleurotrichae 19: 
2; sub-§ Holotrichae 19:3; sub-§ Pleuro- 
trichae 19:3. § Pleurotrichae 19:3. andina 
19:5. angustata 18:55, 59; 25:56. aretica 
19:6, 8; var. californica 19:6, 8, 9, fig. 3; 
var. genuina 19: 6,9. Armeria 19:1, 3, 6, 
9; var. alba 18:156; var. grandiflora 18: 
157; var. Laucheana 18:157; var. pur- 
purea 18:157; var. rubra 18:157; var. 
splendens 18:157; var. variegata 18:157. 
Besseriana 18:158, 159. brasiliensis 18:53- 
55, 58, 59; var. angustata 18:54, 59; 25:56. 
californica 18:54, 55, 60, 64, 65. caroliniana 
18:53-55, 58, 59, 61—63; 25:56; 39:54. chil- 
ensis18:56. collina 18:158. Endlichiana 
18:55, 61. eximia, var. alba 18:158; var. 
flore-alba 18:158; var. superba 18:158. im- 
bricata 18:158. incana 18:159; var. coccinea 
18:159; var. hybrida 18:159. juncea 18: 
157. labradorica 19:6, 9; 25:10, 114; 28: 
54, 74; 29:162; 35:83; 38:157; var. genuina 
19:6, 8, fig. 2; 28:54; 36:185; var. sub- 
mutica 19: 6, 7; 28:224; 35:121; 36:185; 
44:114, 144; f. glabriscapa 19:6, 7, 8, fig. 
1; 36:185, 186; f. pubiscapa 19:6, 7; 36: 
185. latifolia, var. alba 18:158; var. rosea 
18:158. Lefroyi 18:54. leucocephala 18: 
157. limbata 18:55, 65. Limonium 3:18; 
18:53, 54, 62, 64; 32:159; var. alba 18:159; 
var. californica 18:54, 64, 65; var. carolin- 
iana 4:16; 5:131, 133; 18:54, 58, 61, 62; 20: 
106; var. macroclada 18:159. longifolia 18: 
159. majellensis 18:157. maritima 19:7; 
var. sibirica 36:184. mauritanica 18:157. 
montana, var. alba 18:157. Nashii 18:55, 
58, 61. Perezii 18:158. plantaginea, var. 
alba 18:157; var. gigantea 18:157; var. 
grandiflora 18:157; var. leucantha 18: 
157; var. rosea 18:158; var. rubra 18: 
158; var. splendens 18:158. profusa 18: 
158. pseudoarmeria, var. alba 18:158; var. 
grandiflora 18:158; var. rubra 18:158; 
var. splendens 18:158. puberulum X mac- 
rophylla 18:158. purpurata 18:158; var. 
longifolia 18:159. sibirica 9:155, 163, 167, 
174, 186; 13:118. sinuata, var. candidissima 
18:159. superba 18:159; var. flore-albo 18: 
159. Suworowii, var. alba 18:159; x lepto- 
stachya 18:159. tatarica, var. angustifolia 
18:159; var. nana 18:159. Tracyi 25:57. 
Welwitschii 18:158 

Staticetum 39:53, 54 

Staurastrum 5:221; 7:261; 24:236; 26:204, 
209, 212; 37:115; 44:176, 187. aciculiferum 


24:236; 26:209. alternans 26:209. anati- 
num 5:81. anchora 7:261. Arachne 7:261. 
Arctiscon 7:261; 24:236; 26:209; 44:176; 
var. glabrum 44:68; var. truncatum 44:176, 
186, fig. 4. arcuatum, f. aciculifera 7:261. 
aristiferum, var. parallelum 7:263. aspino- 
sum 24:237. avicula 24:237; 20:209. bi- 
cornatum 26:237. bidentatum 7:263. Bi- 
ennianum, var. ellipticum 24:237. botro- 
philum 7:262. brasiliense 7:262. Brebis- 
soni 24:237. brevispinum 24:237; f. majus 
26:209. Cerastes 7:262; 26:209. claviferum 
7:262. concinnum 7:262; 34:287; 37:115, 
121, pl. 330. cornigerum 7:262. coronula- 
tum 24:237; 26:209. crenulatum 5:81; 24: 
237; 26:209. crescentum 7:202. cuspida- 
tum 24:287; 26:209. cyrtocerum 24:237; 
26:209. dejectum 5:222; 24:237; 20:209; 
var. convergens 24:287 ; var. mucronatum 5: 
253. Dickiei 24:237; var. circulare 26:209. 
dilatatum 24:237; 26:209. echinatum 5: 
224, 253; 7:202. elegantissimum 24:237. 
elongatum 37:115, 121, pl. 330. erasum 24: 
237. eustephanum 24:238; 26:209. forficu- 
latum 7:262; var. enoplon 7:262. furcatum 
37:115, 121, pl. 330. furcigerum 24:238; 26: 
209. glabrum 37:116, 120, pl. 329. gladio- 
sum 26:209. gracile 7:262; 24:238; 26:209; 
var. bilbosum 26:209; var. cyathiforme 26: 
209. grande 7:262; 24:238; 26:209; var. 
parvum 24:238. granulosum 24:238. hexa- 
cerum 50:274; var. aversum 24:238. hir- 
sutum 5:222, 224; 24:238. incisum 24:238. 
inflexum 24:238. iotanum 24:238. irregu- 
lare 24:238. Johnsonii7:262. laconiense 7: 
262; 26:209. lacustre 44:68. leptacanthum 
7:262. leptocladum 5:81; 7:263; 24:238; 
26:209; var. cornutum 24:288. Lewisu 7: 
263. longiradiatum, f. major 7:263. longi- 
spinum 44:177; var. bidentatum 7:263, 
266, pl. 64. lunatum 7:263. maamense 26: 
209. macrocerum 5:81; 7:263. margari- 
taceum 24:238. megacanthum 7:263; 24: 
238. megalonotum 7:263; f. obtusum 7: 
263. Meriani 24:238. minutissimum, f. 
constrictum 7:263. minutum 7:261. mon- 
ticulosum 26:239. mucronatum 5:224; 50: 
274. muricatum 24:239. muticum 5:81; 7: 
263; 24:239; 26:209; var. minor 5:224, 254, 
255. odontatum 24:239. Ophiura 24:239; 
26:209; var. tetracerum 7:204. orbiculare 
5:81, 223; 26:209; var. Ralfsii 24:239. orni- 
thopodium 37:115. paradoxum 7:264; 24: 
239. pentacladum 7:264. pilosum 26:209. 
polymorphum 5:81; 24:239. polytrichum 
24:239. proboscideum 24:239. pseudose- 
baldi 5:224. pseudotetracerum 26:209. 
pulcherrimum 7:264, 266, pl. 64. punc- 
tulatum 5:81, 254; 24:239; 26:209; var. 
pygmaeum 50:274. pygmaeum 5:222; 24: 
239. Raveneli 24:239. saltans, var. forci- 
pigerum 7:264, 266, pl. 64. saxonieum 5: 
222. Sebaldi 24:239; 26:209. setigerum 24: 
239; 44:68. spongiosum 7:264; 24:239; 26: 
210; var. depauperatum 7:264. striolatum 
7:264; 37:116, 121, pl. 330; f. brasiliense 7: 


264. subarcuatum 5:222, 254. sublaevi- 
spinum 7:264. tetracerum 24:239; 26:210. 
tumidum 24:239; 26:210. vestitum 37:115, 
116, 121, pl. 330; var. subanatinum 37:116; 
var. tortum 24:239 

Stauroneis 9:125, 126, 131. acuta 9:126, 128, 
134; 10:184; var. gracilis 10:184. anceps 10: 
181, 183; var. amphicephala 10:183; var. 
capitata 10:183; var. linearis 10:181, 183. 
gracilis 9:134; 10:181, 184. Gregoryi 9:134. 
lanceolata 10:184. legumen 10:181. nova, 
var. britannica 9:126, 134. Phoenicentron 
9:134; 10:184. Pteroidea 10:184. salina 9: 
134. spicula 9:134. Stodderi9:134. Terryi 
9:126, 134 

Staurothele fusco-cuprea 36:139 

Steeple-bush 5:260 

Stegania onocleoides 37:245 

Steganosporium acerinum 41:519. piriforme 

Stegonia latifolia 30:1, 5 

Steinbeere 12:23 

Steinchisma 13:174. hians 13:67 

Steinhauera 44:34 

Steironema 6:126; 24:233; 39:341, 438; 46: 
20. ciliatum 4:16, 88; 5:131; 6:126; 13: 
141, 148; 16:15; 21:201; 23:286; 24:233; 
35:251; 36:308; 39:442; 44:234. floridum 
39:439. heterophyllum 39:439. hybridum 
38:192. lanceolatum 2:190; 4:16; 19:246; 
24:233; 38:192; 39:438-440; var. angustifo- 
lium 39:439, 440; var. hybridum 38:192; 39: 
439-441. pumilum 39:442. quadriflorum 
36:220; 50:17. radicans 2:190; 38:192; 39: 
438, 441; 42:366 

Stellandria glabra 18:227 

Stellaria 6:62, 115; 12:14; 16:146; 18:88; 21: 
8; 22:38; 26:169, 171; 34:247; 40:213; 42: 
120; 44:124; 50:195. alpestris 16:148-151; 
var. aliflora 16:148; var. paniculata 16:148. 
alpina 22:171. apetala 18:88. aquatica 5: 
189, 190; 10:206; 18:89; 19:130; 24:116; 
29:213; 37:12; 40:280; 43:554; 46:84. Are- 
naria 21:5. biflora 21:11, 13. borealis 1: 
81, 184, 185; 2:125, 208; 3:173; 5:189; 6: 
115; 9:63; 11:93; 13:78; 16:144-151; 17: 
151; 18:37; 22:38, 48; 25:8; 29:213; 33:51; 
34:247; 36:280; 37:206; 42:254—258, pl. 602; 
a. apetala 16:149; 8. corollina 16:148, 149; 
var. alpestris 16:144, 151; var. Bongardiana 
16:150, 151; 42:254, 255; var. calycantha 
16:146, 148, 150; var. corollina 16:144, 148, 
149, 151; var. floribunda 16:150, 151; 18: 
89; 19:130; 33:120; 42:255; var. isophylla 
16:150; 18:89; 19:130; 21:119; 24:116; 42: 
255; var. Simcoei 16:150; 42:255; var. 
sitchana 16:150, 151; 42:255. brachypetala 
16:149, 151. calyeantha 16:145-147, 150; 
41:221; 42:254—259, pl. 602; 45:310; var. 
Bongardiana 42:255, 256, 258, pl. 602; 
var. floribunda 42:254, 255, 257, 258, 322, 
pl. 603; 47:44; var. isophylla 42:254, 255, 
256, 258, 322, pls. 602, 603; 47:44; var. 
laurentiana 42:254, 257, 258, pl. 602; 44: 
141; var. Simcoei 42:255, 258; var. sitch- 
ana 42:255-258, pls. 602, 603. cerasti- 


oides 6:62. crassifolia 13:122; 25:8; 28:54; 
34:247 ; 35:265; 36:280; 38:149; 41:167, 221; 
42:322; 44:106; 47:214. dicranoides 41:224. 
florida 28:123, 199. fontinalis 39:460, 461; 
45:277. Friesiana 16:148. glauca 6:90, 91. 
graminea 1:202; 5:189, 190, 235; 6:83, 90, 
115; 17:151; 18:89; 23:204; 26:185, 225; 29: 
175, 213, 231, 233; 32:151, 160, 251; 33:108, 
120; 34:52; 50:296; var. lanceolata 5:190; 
var. latifolia 19:130. groenlandica 21:20. 
Holostea 5:189. humifusa 5:189; 11:13, 93, 
110, 164; 12:107; 17:147; 25:8; 29:04; 35: 
121; 38:149; 41:161, 166, 221; 49:247. laeta 
34:247. lanceolata 16:146, 151. laricifolia 
21:16. longifolia 1:202; 5:189; 6:90; 16:16, 
149-151; 18:89; 23:204; 29:213; 36:280, 
307; 37:350; 42:323; 46:84. longipes 5:190, 
235; 6:90; 28:59; 34:247; 37:207; 38:149, 
299; 41:146, 158, 166, 221; 42:323; var. Ed- 
wardsii 25:112; var. laeta 25:8; 36:280; 42: 
323. macropetala 43:333. media 1:216; 5: 
135, 190; 6:115; 11:112; 12:128; 13:91; 17: 
35; 18:37, 89, 240; 19:220; 21:8, 170; 22: 
137; 25:8; 26:225; 29:213; 32:251; 33:120; 
34:247; 36:280; 42:57, 240, 323; 50:296; 
subsp. eumedia 42:240; subsp. neglecta 42: 
240; var. macropetala 42:240; var. pube- 
scens 42:240; subsp. pallida 42:240; var. 
glaberrima 42:451; 45:360, 400; var. procera 
11:44. muscorum 39:460, 461. paludi- 
cola 50:197, pl. 1104. prostrata 41:489, 
540; 42:451. pubera 23:71; 24:99; 26:169- 
171; 33:88; 39:187; 40:375, 414; 43:489; 
45:358; 49:180; subsp. homotricha 26:171; 
subsp. silvatica 26:170, 171; var. silvatica 
26:171. sitchana 16:149, 151; 42:256—259; 
var. Bongardiana 42:255, 256. stricta 34: 
247. uliginosa 1:81; 5:190; 12:128; 13:237; 
14:149; 16:148; 18:89; 23:264; 28:83; 29: 
213; 37:12. uniflora 36:31, 43; 50:195—197, 
pl. 1103 
tellatae 47:384, 386, pl. 991 
temonitis 2:79, 81. ferruginea 1:128; 29: 
168. fusca 1:128, 130; 29:169; var. nigre- 
scens 29:169; var. rufescens 29:167, 169. 
herbatiea 29:169. hyperopta 29:169. max- 
ima 2:79. Smithii 1:128. splendens 1:128; 
29:169; var. flaccida 29:169 
stenandrium 20:68. droseroides 20:68. 
punctatum 20:68. rupestre 20:68. scabro- 
sum 20:68 
‘tenanthium 48:148. angustifolium 48:149, 
151. gramineum 43:499, 548; 47:206; 48: 
148-151, 214, pls. 1037, 1038; f. robustum 
40:131; var. micranthum 48:148, 150-152, 
215, pl. 1041; 49:132; var. robustum 48: 
148, 151, 152, 214, 215, pls. 1039, 1040; 
var. typicum 48:151, pls. 1037, 1038. ro- 
bustum 36:230; 40:131; 48:148-150, 152, 214, 
pl. 1039 
tenophragma 20:202. Thaliana 39:118; 40: 
tenophyllus 13:73; 33:39; 40:391-393. an- 
tillanus 40:392. caespitosus 40:391, 393. 
capillaris 10:138, 139; 13:73; 19:153, 154; 
32:183; 40:395; 50:129; var. eryptostachys 

19:154; 40:395, 482, pl. 510. ciliatifolius 
40:366, 391. coarctatus 40:392. floridanus 
40:392. nesioticus 40:392. portoricensis 
40:392. stenophyllus 40:392 

Stenorrhynchus 23:84 

Stenosiphon 7:160. linifolius 34:7; 36:224 
Stenostachys 14:187 

Stenotaphrum dimidiatum 14:167 
Stephanina 11:16 

Stephanodiscus astraea 10:184. niagarae 9: 

139 m 

Stephanomeria neomexicana 38:408 
Stephanopyxis appendiculata, var. intermedia 

9:139. corona 9:139. ferox 9:139. turris 
9:139; var. intermedia 9:139 

Stereocaulon 23:183; 36:155; 39:152. alpi- 

num 11:216; 36:142, 153. condensatum 11: 
216; 28:225. coralloides 11:216. denuda- 
tum 11:216; 28:225; 36:143, 153; var. cae- 
spitosulum 29:101. fastigiatum 36:143. 
nanodes 11:216. paschale 11:216; 28:225; 
41:164; var. conglomeratum 29:101. pilea- 
tum 11:216. rivulorum 36:142, 154. to- 
mentosum 11:216; 28:225; 32:93 

Stereodon fertilis 15:13. Richardsonii 5:200 
Stereophyllum 35:146 
Stereum fasciatum 50:287. ochraceo-flavum 


Sterrocolax decipiens 2:52; 3:134; 7:231 
Steuartia 38:429, 430 

Stevia sphacelata 48:86 

Stewartia 11:51; 33:29; 38:429, 430; 41:198, 

481; 46:46; 49:151. Malachodendron 38: 
428, 429; 39:472, 477; 42:372, 466; 45:461; 
49:151. montana 46:50, 390. ovata 41: 
198; var. grandiflora 41:198. pentagyna 
24:150; 39:198, 200, 476, 486, fig. 18 (map); 
41:198, 480; var. grandiflora 41:198 

Stichococcus bacillaris 26:212. flaccidus 7: 

239; 26:212. marinus 7:225. subtilis 50:71 

Sticta amplissima 28:227. crocata 28:227. 

pulmonaria 2:67; 14:90; 28:227. scrobicu- 
lata 28:227 

Stictaceae 28:227 
Stictyosiphon 1:198. Griffithsianus 2:48. 

subsimplex 1:198, pl. 9; 2:48; 7:169, 228. 
tortilis 16:105 

Stigeoclonium 5:73, 210; 6:181; 24:51. fasci- 

culare 7:239. flagelliferum 7:239. lubricum 
7:239; 50:71. nanum 50:274. tenue 7:239 

Stigonema 6:230; 15:194-199. subgen. Fisch- 

erella 15:197, 199. subgen. Hapalosiphon 
15:197, 199. subgen. Sirosiphon 15:197, 
199. anomalum 15:194, 195, 197, 199, pl. 
105. hormoides 6:230. informe 24:103, 
107; 26:164. m mamillosum 6:230; 7:237, 243; 
24:103, 107, 110. medium 15:196, 199, 200, 
pl. 105. minutum 6:230; 7:237. ocella- 
tum 6:230; 15:194, 195; 24:103, 107; 26: 
164; 29:161-163. panniforme 7:237; 24: 
107; 29:161 

Stigonemaceae 15:192 
Stillingia 42:362; 50:95. angustifolia 50:95. 

fruticosa 46:45, 46. ligustrina 46:45, 46. 
linearifolia 50:95. sylvatica 39:357, 435, 
481; 40:366, 380, 440, 448; 42:362; 43:498, 


588; 50:96; var. linearifolia 50:95, 96; var. 
salicifolia 50:96. texana 50:95, 96; var. 
latifolia 50:95, 96; var. typica 50:96 

Cx c rhizodes 2:48; 7:229; f. contorta 


Stinking Clover 43:92. Elder 18:43. May- 
weed 18:44. Willie 4:34; 46:158 

Stipa 9:44; 15:124; 49:274. avenacea 15:124; 
32:210, 234; 36:32, 36; 38:265, 270; 44:70, 
243; 46:75; 47:211; 49:274. canadensis 4: 
142, 143; 13:133; 18:233; 23:132, 229; 35: 
215; 36:223; 37:249; 49:274. columbiana 
36:306; 38:208. comata 1:105; 32:200, 202, 
map 17; 38:265, 267. expansa 4:143. 
juncea 4:142, 143. leucotricha 50:94. spar- 
tea 29:253; 37:250; 48:116 

Stipularia marina 42:124. media 42:118. ru- 
bra 42:106 

Stipulicida setacea 36:52; 42:449 

Stobaea membranifolia 18:159. Radula 18: 

Stock 7:27 

Stoebae 30:59 

Stomoisia 33:39. 

Stonecrop 46:306 

Strand Oat 12:28. Wheat 12:27, 29, 36, 37; 
13:122, 123; 15:33 

Strandhvede 12:27, 28 

Strawberries 12:19; 44:120 

Strawberry 4:81, 128; 28:71; 42:330. Wild 

Streblocladia camptoclada 17:95. 

virgatula 39:449; 48:60 

spicata 17: 


Streblonema Chordariae 2:48. fasciculatum 
2:48. oligosporum 8:125; 10:134. parasiti- 
cum 8:125. reptans 2:48 

Strepsithalia investiens 8:107 

Streptanthella longirostris 43:480 

Streptanthus 45:258. angustifolius 5:230; 39: 
137; 43:370, 371. arcuatus 43:402. bra- 
zoensis 43:478. Cutleri 45:259. hetero- 
phyllus 9:45. petiolaris 43:478. platycar- 
pus 45:260. validus 38:406. virgatus 43: 
441, 443, 450 

Streptopus 6:110; 8:70; 9:106; 10:130; 33:109; 
36:236; 37:88-113; 42:146, 151. ajanensis 
37:110; var. japonicus 37:111; var. Koreanus 
37:111. amplexicaulis 8:70. amplexifolius 
1:172, 184; 3:172; 5:34, 36; 6:110; 8:69, 70; 
9:106, 107; 11:91; 13:125, 237; 17:154; 22: 
48; 23:242; 24:115; 25:7; 27:212; 28:168; 
29:76, 132, 210; 32:14, 61, 205; 33:51, 119; 
35:277; 36:279; 37:89, 90, 92, 94, 95, 99, 
101—103, 108, 112, fig. 3; 41:155; var. ameri- 
canus 8:70; 37:92, 97—102, 111—113, map 1, 
pl. 328; 41:214; var. chalazatus 37:92, 97, 
99, 112, 113, map 1, pl. 328; var. denticula- 
tus 37:92, 98, 99, 101, 102, 112, 113, maps 
2, 4, pl. 328; var. genuinus 37:92, 97, 101, 
map 4; var. grandiflorus 37:92, 98, 99, 112, 
map 2; var. oreopolus 37:92, 98, 99, 101— 
103, 111, 113, maps 2, 4, pl. 328; 44:115, 
140; var. papillatus 37:92, 98, 99, 101, 112, 
map 4. brevipes 8:69-71; 37:110, 111. 
candida 37:93. ciliatus 37:109. curvipes 8: 
69; 37:95, 103—106, 108, 110. distortus 8:70. 


japonicus 37:111; var. atrocarpus 37:111. 
koreanus 37:93, 111. longipes 8:71; 13: 
237; 37:72, 91, 103-108, 110. Mairei 37:94. 
obtusatus 37:92, 102, 113, pl. 328. oreo- 
polus 8:70; 9:106, 107; 28:104, 116, 124, 
167; 29:76; 31:142; 32:13; 35:58, 237; 37: 
89, 95, 99-102; 44:140. paniculatus 37:91. 
parviflorus 37:89-92, 94, fig. 2. roseus 1: 
39, 184; 2:126; 3:172, 189; 6:110; 8:69-71; 
9:106, 107; 10:130; 11:91; 13:237; 17:152; 
19:127; 22:38, 48, 137; 24:115; 28:168; 29: 
76, 210; 32:205; 33:119; 34:52; 35:322; 36: 
279; 37:72, 91, 93, 94, 101—110, 113; 42:151; 
50:251; f. simplex 50:251; var. curvipes 37: 
93, 100, 110-113, map 3, pl. 328; var. 
longipes 37:93, 100, 110-113, map 3, pl. 
328; var. perspectus 37:93, 100, 109, 112, 
113, map 3, pl. 328; 39:201; 50:251; f. 
giganteus 37:93, 110, 112; var. typicus 
37:93, 100, 101, 109, 112, 113, map 3, pl. 
328. simplex 37:89-94, fig. 1. streptopoides 
37:93, 110, 111; var. atrocarpus 37:93, 111; 
var. brevipes 37:93, 111-113, pl. 328; var. 
japonicus 37:93, 111; var. verus 37:93, 

Striaria attenuata 2:48, 163 

Striatella unipunctata 26:193, 218 

Striped Maple 12:182 

Strobilomyces strobilaceus 3:227; 41:519; 44: 
173, 175 

Strobus Weymouthiana 34:246 

Strophostyles 2:168; 20:171; 42:213-215; 43: 
513; 44:368. angulosa 2:90; 5:203; 26:176. 
helvola 20:171; 24:58, 99; 27:202; 32:212; 
35:287; 40:276; 44:372, 421; 47:216; var. 
missouriensis 44:372, 421; 47:216. missouri- 
ensis 47:216. peduncularis 47:216. umbel- 
lata 39:481; 44:368, 420; 47:209, 216; f. 
ochroleuca 42:458; var. paludigena 44: 

Struthiopteris 3:223; 17:161; 19:197; 21:175. 
cinnamomea 32:75. crispa 37:245. ger- 
manica 3:224; 7:103; 17:161, 162; f. obtusi- 
lobata 37:219; 47:124; f. pubescens 37:219; 
47:124; var. pensylvanica 17:162-164; 47: 
123; var. pubescens 37:219. nodulosa 17: 
162, 164; 47:123. pensylvanica 17:162, 164; 
47:123, 124; f. pubescens 37:219; 47:124. 
pubescens 37:219; 47:124. Struthiopteris, 
var. pensylvanica 47:124 

Stygiaria 22:181 

Stylidium 50:124 

Stylisma tenellus 50:106 

Stylophorum 37:349. diphyllum 46:307, 308 

Stylosanthes biflora 37:427; 39:350; 46:135; 
var. hispidissima 39:350, 433, 482; 40:438; 
47:216; 49:150. hispida, var. a. nudiuscula 
39:350; var. B. hispidissima 39:350. riparia 
37:427; 40:438; 46:135; 47:216; 49:150; f. 
ochroleuca 40:438; var. setifera 40:438 

Styrax 37:358; 46:46. americana 14:81; 24: 
83; 36:33, 50, 53; 39:481; 41:478, 554; 42: 
377, 397; 44:357, 431; 45:372, 457; f. glabra 
36:50; f. typica 36:50. grandifolia 39:431, 

Suaeda 4:33; 7:158; 9:54, 140, 143, 144, 146; 


11:120, 121; 12:14; 13:18; 17:178; 20:104; 
29:174. americana 9:146; 20:104; 23:155; 
40:182. Fernaldii 50:211. linearis 5:133; 
9:141-146; 13:18, 180; 14:19; 15:203; 17: 
178, 215, 221; 18:94, 97; 20:116; 28:37; 32: 
148, 250; 40:182; 44:260; var. ramosa 9: 
143, 144, 146. maritima 9:140-145; 13:18; 
14:19; 17:84, 146, 147, 178; 20:104; 28:38; 
32:158, 173, 250; 35:167; 39:54; 50:302; 
var. vulgaris 9:144. microsperma 9:145. 
Moquini 12:16. Richii 9:145, 219; 17: 
178; 28:86, 199 

Subularia 1:155, 156; 5:84; 10:204; 17:155; 
50:72. aquatica 1:155; 2:88; 4:129; 6:228; 
9:161; 10:52, 204; 23:142, 143, 151, 156, 265; 
24:174; 25:185; 26:38; 31:98; 33:165, 207; 
36:93, 194; 37:7; 41:153, 167, 232; 44:121, 
123; 50:72 

Succisa 26:17. pratensis 14:174; 26:17; 43: 

Succulentae 47:385, pl. 991 

Sucrier 24:55, 56 

Sugar Maple 10:165; 12:182; 23:91; 28:179, 
233; 36:238; 40:431, 433; 43:67; 46:445, 
448; 47:156, 158, 159; 49:172; 50:248; Black 
47:156; Northern 47:158; Southern 47:156, 
159. Pear 12:109. Plum 18:41 

Sugartree(s) 44:360; 47:156 

Sullivantia renifolia 33:227; 35:286; 36:220, 
221, 227 

Sumach 9:109; 26:182. Dwarf 4:130. Fra- 
grant 46:307. Margined 4:130. Poison 4: 
43, 130. Smooth 4:130. Staghorn 12:181; 
23:105; 28:71. Swamp 46:314 

Summer Farewell 18:44. Grape 4:130. Snow- 
flake 45:359 

Summit 7:146 

Sumnera 46:346, 347, 360. 

Sundews 5:265, 267; 7:14 

Sunflower(s) 6:147; 23:198; 28:120; 41:82, 
130; 42:157. Bastard 45:486 

Suprago 48:167. sphaerocephala 48:313 

Surirella 9:127, 131; 10:179. angusta 9:137. 
biseriata 9:136. cardinalis 9:127, 137; 10: 
184. constricta 9:137. elegans 9:127, 131, 
136; var. norvegica 9:136. fastuosa 9:127, 
137; var. lata 9:137. Febigeri 9:128, 137. 
gemma 9:137. gracilis 9:127, 137. guate- 
malensis 10:184. Kittoni, var. elliptica 10: 
184. linearis 9:136; 10:184; var. constricta 
10:184. Moelleriana 9:137; 26:194, 218. 
nobilis 9:131. ovalis 9:137; var. angusta 9: 
137; 10:179. pseudo-cruciata 10:184. re- 
cedens 9:137; 26:194, 218. robusta 9:136. 
saxonica 9:127; 10:181. splendida 9:127, 
136; 10:181, 184. striatula 9:127—130, 137; 
var. triplicata 9:137. tenera 9:127, 136; 10: 
184; var. nervosa 10:184; var. splendidula 
10:181, 184. Terryi 9:127, 137; 10:179-181. 
valida 10:184 

Svarte Vinbaer 12:21, 22 

Svarte Vínbür 12:32. Wünbaer 12:21 

Svida 34:29 

Swallow-wort 34:66; 44:25 

Swamp Alder 47:103, 333, 334, 337. Birch 48: 
61. Blackberry, Running 12:180. Blueberry 

clavata 46:363 


12:183; 36:233. Chestnut Oak 47:365. 
Laurel 18:206. Magnolia 21:119. Maple 
12:182; 13:86. Pine 50:182, 183, 185, 243. 
Pink 4:131. Rose 4:131. Sassafras 18:206. 
Spruce 9:75 

Swartzia montana 8:168 

Sweet Bay 18:205, 213. Birch 13:206. Blue- 
berry, Early 12:183; Low 12:183. Cherry 
12:181; 25:174. Cicely 25:110. Clover 23: 
25. Coltsfoot 4:128. Fern 4:40; 12:178; 
18:67. Flag 40:183. Gale 12:178; 16:167; 
22:132; 28:82. Grass 18:33. Gum 21:49. 
Hurts 28:80. Pignut 47:47. Vernalgrass 

Sweetbrier 12:180 

Sweet-gum Tree 8:223 

Sweet-scented Bedstraw 18:185 

Swertia 21:193; 41:248, 281; 45:26. carin- 
thiaca 21:193, 197. difformis 17:50, 51. 
perennis 41:154, 281; var. obtusa 41:281; 
42:337. pusilla 14:230; 21:195; 49:154. ro- 
tata 21:193—195, 197. sulcata 21:194 

Swimming Knotweed 48:52 

Sword Grass 12:132 

ilicis 7:124. Maple 7:125, 126; 25: 

Syena fluviatilis 49:130 

Symblepharis 40:359 

Sympetalae 42:155 

Symphoria albus 16:118, 119. elongata 16: 
118. glomerata 39:450. heterophylla 16: 
118. leucocarpa 16:118. racemosa 7:165, 
167; 16:118 

Symphoricarpos 6:130; 26:16. albus 16:118, 
119; 39:461; 46:254; 48:133; var. laevigatus 
16:119; 26:16; var. pauciflorus 16:119. 
mollis 7:167. orbiculatus 6:55, 57; 26:106; 
39:450, 484. pauciflorus 7:166, 167; 16:119. 
racemosus 1:47; 6:55, 130; 7:164-167; 16: 
117-119; 34:66; 36:373; 39:461; var. laevi- 
gatus 7:167; 16:119; 26:16; 28:39; var. 
pauciflorus 6:55, 206; 7:165-167; 16:119. 
vulgaris 4:106; 6:57 

Symphyandra 50:40—42 

Symphyocladia gracilis 21:203, 204, 206 

Symphytum 11:55; 18:23; 25:31. asperrimum 
1:82; 3:214; 4:84; 6:142; 18:28; 19:247; 
23:288. asperum 18:28; 19:247; 23:288; 
25:31. officinale 1:171; 3:214; 25:31; 46: 

Symploca 40:224, 238. atlantica 40:238-240. 
fasciculata 40:240. funicularis 40:239. hyd- 
noldes 2:43; 7:222; 40:239, 240; var. fasci- 
culata 40:239, 240; var. genuina 40:239, 240. 
muralis 40:239, 240, 261. Muscorum 40:224, 
239, 240; 50:71; f. genuina 40:241; f. in- 
undata 40:241 

Symplocarpus 9:53; 12:5; 33:29; 34:119; 50: 
128. foetidus 1:210; 2:218; 51184: 12:6, 
128; 16:88; 18:34; 19:219; 23:238; 31:13; 
32:218, 242; 33:32; 37:369; 40:382, 402; 
43:79, 486, 547; 45:358 

Symplocastrum 40:225. Brittoniae 40:226 

Symplocos tinctoria 36:50; 38:377; 39:474, 
480; 43:519, 635; var. Ashei 43:635; var. 
pygmaea 43:635; 49:158 


Synandra 7:158 

Syncephalis nodosa 8:67 

Synchytrium 10:12, 13. 
pluriannulatum 10:12 

Syndendrium diadema 9:139 

Synechoblastus nigrescens 28:226. 

Synechococcus aeruginosus 6:230; 24:107; 26: 
162, 164 

Synedra affinis 9:137. capitata 10:181. da- 
nica 9:137. Gaillonij, var. macilenta 26: 
194, 218. Hennedeyana 26:193, 218. pul- 
chella 9:137; var. Smithii 9:137. splendens 
10:184. superba 9:137. ulna 10:181, 183, 
184; var. danica 9:137; var. lanceolata, f. 
brevis 10:184; var. vitraea 10:183. undu- 
lata 10:184 

Syngenesia 41:383; 47:275 

Syngonanthus flavidulus 37:379; 49:86, 128, 

Syntherisma 3:94; 17:130; 29:114. argillacea 
22:104. argyrostachya 22:103. badia 22: 
104. Bakeri 22:102. curvinervis 22:103. 
distans 22:103. filiformis 3:98; 22:101. 
glabra 3:100. gracillima 22:101. humifusa 
3:100; 18:231. Ischaemum 18:231. leuco- 
coma 22:104. linearis 3:100; 6:104; 18:231. 
marginatum 22:103. paniceum 22:103. 
praecox 3:99. sanguinale 3:99; 28:74; 30: 
50, 51. Simpsoni 22:103. villosa 17:130; 

Synthyris 23:40. major 23:41. reniformis 
major 23:41. rotundifolia, var. Sweetseri 
32:27. schizantha 36:10 

Syntrichia intermedia 39:4. montana 39:4 

Syringa 6:126; 12:184; 24:234. alba 50:112, 
129. persica 24:234. vulgaris 4:17, 20; 6: 
126; 12:184; 24:234; 39:372, 375; var. alba 

Syringa, Common 17:121 

Syrphidae 41:186 

Syrphus 41:186 

Syrrhopodon 40:359 

aureum 44:173. 



Tabellaria fenestrata 9:138; 10:183, 184; 26: 
194, 218. flocculosa 9:138; 10:183, 184; var. 
ventricosa 10:183, 184 

Tacamahaca foliis crenatis 48:107 

Taccaceae 25:158 

Tachinidae 41:186, 187 

Tacsonia Jamesonii 18:156. mollissima 18: 
156. Parritae 18:156 

Taenia 47:281 

Taenidia 26:23. integerrima 3:211; 19:245; 
21:88; 26:23; 36:224; 44:359, 480; 50:92 

Tagetes minuta 35:145; 39:362, 366, 459; 44: 
362. patula 40:355 

Tai Tan Hoa 33:199 

Talinum calycinum 35:285; 36:220, 223, 231; 
47:209. parviflorum 36:220. polyandrum 
41:67. rugospermum 30:205, 206; 33:227; 
35:202; 40:116. teretifolium 30:205, 206; 
33:227; 35:205; 40:181; 46:306 

Tall Red Top 49:264 


Tamala Borbonia 47:149. palustris 44:400; 
47:149. pubescens 47:149 

Tamarack 5:202; 12:177; 13:57; 21:46; 35: 
358; 45:106; 48:61. American 45:107 

Tamaricaceae 22:75; 31:43 

Tamarix 22:75; 36:375. gallica 22:75; 35: 
288; 36:46, 375. parviflora 22:75. pentan- 
dra 37:162 

Tamonea 30:54 

Tamus 9:49 

Tan Bay 49:151 

Tanacetum 6:133; 25:15, 16; 26:166; 37:306; 
40:220. atratum 25:16. Balsamita 25:15. 
bipinnatum 25:14, 15; 41:296. huronense 2: 
134; 6:192; 12:110, 113; 13:127, 138, 218; 
25:14, 15; 36:284; 37:333, 334; var. bifar- 
ium 37:334, 341, pl. 377; var. johannense 
37:334, 341, pl. 378; var. terrae-novae 25: 
14; 28:54, 80, 100, 239; 35:55; 37:333, 334, 
341, pl. 378; var. typicum 37:333, 334, 341, 
pl.377. indicum 25:16. Leucanthemum 5: 
178. Parthenium 25:15. vulgare 3:131; 4: 
92; 6:133; 11:127; 17:36, 219; 21:170; 26: 
166; 39:221; 32:160, 280; 38:235; 50:304; 
8. crispum 38:235; 43:159; f. erispum 38: 
235; var. crispum 6:133; 7:40; 11:127; 15: 
168; 26:166 

Tanoak 50:38 

Tansy 4:32; 11:127; 25:13; 38:235, 236. 
Dwarf 4:32. Ragwort 4:34. Wild 28:60 

Tape Grass 20:108; 44:220 

Tapeianthus 9:43, 50 

Taphrina deformans 41:515 

Taraxaca 42:315 

Taraxaconoides 27:48, 49 

Taraxacum 3:282; 6:134; 9:55; 17:227; 19: 
111, 221; 26:166, 218; 27:48; 28:63, 04, 96, 
100, 103-105, 119, 143, 145, 213, 240; 30:77, 
137; 33:233; 35:13, 50-53, 60, 121, 274, 369- 
386; 36:171, pl. 284; 38:109, 126, 160; 41: 
144, 147, 301; 44:124; 45:337; 47:242, 244; 
50:32. 8 Taraxaca antartica 35:373. group 
Ceratophora 42:343; 45:342, 343. group 
Erythrosperma 45:340. group Glabra 42: 
343. group Vulgaria 42:343. alaskanum 
45:338, 339. ambigens 35:372, 376, 377, 
403, pl. 271; 44:146; var. fultius 35:376, 
403, 406, pl.:271; 44:146. ammophilum 28: 
119. antarcticum 35:373. arctogenum 35: 
378. ceratophorum 9:164, 191; 13:117; 19: 
112, 221; 25:11; 28:76, 240; 35:370, 371, 373- 
379, 384-386, 403, pl. 271; 41:41, 42; 47:243. 
cochleatum 36:148. cornutum 36:148. cro- 
ceum 35:122, 383; 36:148; 45:343. cyg- 
norum 35:373. Dens-leonis 4:155; 26:229; 
35:380, 382; var. officinale 35:380. denti- 
folium 45:339, 343. dumetorum 28:240; 
35 :374-376, 379, 403, pl. 272; 47:243. ery- 
throspermum 2:171, 208; 3:189, 190; 4:92, 
155-157; 5:32, 292; 7:39; 10:145; 12:129; 
13:18; 19:220; 26:167; 35:379. groenlandi- 
cum 35:374, 378, 384; 45:339. Hjeltii 35: 
375. hyparcticum 35:373; 45:338, 339. 
hyperboreum 45:339. kamtchaticum 42: 
343. Kjellmanii 42:343. lacerum 28:60, 
240; 35:370, 378, 379; 38:120, 125, 126, 160; 


41:41; 45:338, 339. laevigatum 26:167; 35: 
372, 379. lapponicum 28:60, 240; 35:122, 
370, 372, 377, 383, 386, 403, pl. 271; 38:125, 
160; 44:115; 45:339, 343. lateritium 41:166, 
301. latilobum 28:80, 240; 35:372, 376—378, 
403, pl. 273. laurentianum 35:371, 375, 
403, pl. 272; 36:329; 47:243. Longii 35: 
372, 379, 403, pl. 273; 44:102, 146; 47:243. 
lyratum 25:114; 35:370, 372, 373, 403, pl. 
272. macroceras 35:379. magellanicum 35: 
373. Malteanum 45:339. melanocarpum 
35:373. mutilum 35:378; 42:343. norvegi- 
cum 35:379; 45:341, 343. officinale 1:168, 
216; 3:132, 189, 190; 4:155-157; 5:32, 135; 
6:134; 7:39; 12:129; 17:36, 209, 220; 18:45; 
10:22205:2121705222:10/21820:12:: 207107, 229; 
20:221::32:280:038:51207 84:557 63:7 35:077, 
380, 382; 40:146; 41:517, 518, 520; 47:243; 
50:216, 304; 8. palustre 35:380; var. palustre 
4:155, 157; 5:32; 0:143; 12:129; 26:167. 
offieinarum 8. palustre 35:380. palustre 4: 
155-157; 35:372, 380—383; 47:243; var. vul- 
gare 35:377, 380, 383. paludosum 35:381, 
382. phymatocarpum 25:114; 35:121, 122, 
370—372, 403, map 12, pl. 272; 45:338, 339; 
47:243. pseudonorvegicum 45:339, 340. 
pumilum 35:373; 45:339. russeolum 45: 
339, 341. Taraxacum 28:72; 35:380. torn- 
gatense 35:373, 385, 386, 403, pl. 273; 38: 
126. umbrinum 45:339, 341, 342. vul- 
gare 26:167; 35:377, 380—383; 50:216; var. 
ceratophorum 35:373 

Taxaceae 6:24, 103; 10:62; 12:176; 28:43; 29: 
206; 31:43; 35:357; 49:255 

Taxanthema 18:56 

Taxithelium 35:146 

Taxodineae 11:168 

Taxodium 38:392; 41:484; 42:406, 498; 47: 
207; 49:95. ascendens 39:476; 42:406. dis- 
tichum 14:81; 15:103, 106; 24:83; 36:35; 
38:376; 39:330, 470, 481; 44:240; var. im- 
bricarium 42:406, 407 

Taxoxylon 11:168 

Taxus 6:103; 10:62; 11:168; 12:176; 25:164; 
35:357. baccata 25:165; var. canadensis 46: 
313. brevifolia 46:313. canadensis 1:104, 
191; 2:202; 3:129, 169; 5:196; 6:103; 10: 
09:91 1:875 12:076: 01352155017 clos: 21:100: 
22:130, 133; 23:185; 28:43, 45; 29:206; 31: 
20; 32:205; 33:110, 116; 35:277, 357; 39: 
200; 40:73, 170; 46:313. minor 6:103 

Tayloria serrata 3:183; var. tenuis 3:183. 
splachnoides 30:6. tenuis 3:180, 183 

Tea, Labrador 4:131; 12:182; 17:149. New 
Jersey 4:130; 32:161 

Tea-berry 12:183; 18:43 

Tea-plant 21:70 

Tear-thumb 44:353 

Tecoma 7:158; 36:373; 39:482 

Tectaria 4:164 

Teesdalia 36:418. Lepidium 36:413. nudi- 
caulis 36:412, 413; 37:418; 40:373, 421; 45: 

Telamonia 3:141 

Tellamia contorta 50:260 

Tellima grandiflora 37:364 

Telochistes chrysophthalmus 14:89. flavicans 

Temnoma 5:292. setiforme 5:51, 173; 15:26; 

Tephrosia 9:54; 20:208; 42:456; 45:369. gra- 
cilis 50:129. hispidula 42:457; 50:129. 
holosericea 45:452; 47:215. leucosericea 
38:406. spicata 37:427; 38:377; 39:325, 
480; 42:398, 456, 457; var. semitonsa 42: 
456, 457; 43:514. texana 38:406. virgin- 
jana 1:81; 2:90; 5:129; 20:208; 24:58; 32: 
212; 45:369, 452; 47:216; var. glabra 45: 
369, 452; 47:102, 156; var. holosericea 45: 
452; 47:215, 216 

Terebinth 21:67 

Terellia canadensis 35:191. 

Terena tremellina 10:11 

Terpsinoe americana 9:138. musica 9:138 

Tetmemorus 7:118; 24:219; 26:206. Brebis- 
sonil 5:81; 7:118; 24:219; 26:206. granu- 
latus 7:118. laevis 24:219 

Tetradymia squamata 40:321; var. Breweri 
40:321; var. Palmeri 40:322 

Tetraedriella acuta 50:275 

Tetraedron enorme 14:115. hastatum 44:67. 
minimum 14:114, 237; 24:110; 50:274. 
regulare 14:115, 237; 15:91 

Tetragona expansa 3:88; 5:235 

Tetragonanthus 9:55 

Tetragonolobus 9:48, 54. Scandalida 9:48. 
siliquosus 9:48 

Tetragonotheca 42:362; 49:97. helianthoides 
39:473, 477; 42:356, 367, 495, map 1; 43: 
489; 49:97 

Tetranema 5:3. percursum 5:26 

Tetraneuris herbacea 10:68 

Tetranthera albida 8:199; 15:15, 16; 38:179. 
geniculata 47:140 

Tetraphidaceae 39:100 

Tetraphis ovata 3:184. pellucida 3:180; 4:30 

Tetraplodon angustatus 3:180, 183; 30:6. 
australis 12:156. bryoides 30:6; var. cavi- 
folius 30:6; var. paradoxus 30:6 

Tetrapoma 42:27. barbareaefolium 41:232, 
233. Crusianum 41:233. Kruhsianum 41: 
232, 233. pyriforme 41:233; 42:273 

'Tetraspora 4:175. bullosa 7:239; f. cylindrica 
7:239. gelatinosa 50:71; f. uniformis 8: 
105. lubrica 23:66; 24:110; var. lacunosa 

Tetrodontium Brownianum 1:53; 21:207; var. 
repandum 3:184; var. rigidum 3:180, 184; 
8:131. repandum 1:53; 3:184 

Teucrium 11:148; 25:42. boreale 8:66; 10: 
85. Botrys 11:55; 15:98; 33:169. cana- 
dense 4:89; 10:84; 20:107; 25:42; 29:128; 
35 :392-395; 36:374; 39:476; 42:46; 50:299; 
var. littorale 10:84; 15:143; 18:31, 99; 20: 
102, 106; 23:142, 289; 24:202; 25:42; 26: 
227; 32:210, 272; 35:200, 393, 395; 50:299; 
var. virginicum 35:395; 40:382, 455.  littor- 
ale 10:84; 35:393-395; 39:476. occidentale 
10:85; 25:42; 35:200; var. boreale 10:85; 
11:148; 25:42; var. viscidum 10:85. sibiri- 
cum 35:394. virginicum 35:395 

Thalassia testudium 42:21 

glaucifolia 35:192 


Thalesia minuta 28:236. purpurea 28:236. 
uniflora 6:129 

Thalictraceae 46:347 

Thalictrum 2:230, 232; 6:117; 11:130; 13:18; 
15:95; 18:168; 42:152; 46:337—339, 341, 342, 
346, 347. Clavata 46:360. Compressicar- 
pum 46:360. $ Camptogastrum 46:348, 399; 
b. Macrocarpa 46:391; c. Platycarpa 46:485; 
d. Podocarpa 46:411; e. Dioica 46:435; f. 
Flexuosa 46:350. 8 Camptonotum 46:485; 
c. Petaloidea 46:485. § Euthalictrum 46: 
349. 8 Omalophysa 46:368. $ Physocarpum 
46:360. § Thalictrum 46:349; sub-§ Gen- 
uina 46:360; 1. Heterogama 46:432. $ Tri- 
petrium 46:375; subgen. Lecoyerium 46: 
341, 348, 391. § Camptogastrum 46:348, 
399; sub-§ Gibbosa 46:348, 411; sub-$ 
Simplicia 46:348, 404; sub-$ Venturiana 
46:348, 422. § Cincinneria 46:341, 348, 
391, 395, 397. $ Heterogamia 46:341, 349, 
432; sub-§ Clavocarpa 46:349, 443; sub- 
§ Compressa 46:349, 453; sub-§ Debilia 
46:349, 432, 484; sub-§ Dioica 46:349, 
435; sub-§ Incurvata 46:349, 439, 454; 
sub-§ Laminaria 46:349, 354, 457; sub-§ 
Sinuosa 46:349, 433. $ Leucocoma 46: 
342, 349, 469. $ Pelteria 46:348, 423; 
sub-§ Eupeltata 46:348, 426, 427; sub-§ 
Subpeltata 46:348, 423. subgen. vel $ Leu- 
cocoma 46:469. subgen. Physocarpidium 46: 
360. subgen. Thalictrum 46:348, 349. $ 
Erythrandra 46:348, 360. § Genuina 46: 
348, 349, 360. $8 Homothalictrum 46:348, 
350. § Leptostigma 46:348, 360. § Oma- 
lophysa 46:348, 349, 368. $ Physocarpum 
46:342, 348, 360, 361. § Tripetrium 46:348, 
375. subgen. Tripetrium 46:375. acaule 46: 
358. acteaefolium 46:367. acutifolium 46: 
362, 364, 485, fig. 14. aduncum 46:392, 
393, 486, fig. 30. albens 46:480. alpinum 
7:5; 9:161; 10:201; 13:117, 129, 136, 223; 
28:60; 35:120, 125, 266; 41:154, 158, 230; 
44:111; 46:337, 341, 350, 352, 353, 375, 376; 
var. elatum 46:358, 359; var. gaspense 46: 
358, 354; var. hebetum 46:356; var. mi- 
crophyllum 46:358; var. microspermum 46: 
353, 355; var. nesioticum 46:353, 354; var. 
pallidum 46:353, 355; var. pudicum 46:353, 
355; var. stipitatum 46:358, 485, fig. 5; var. 
typicum 46:353, 485, fig. 3. altissimum 
46:475, 479. amabile 46:471, 473. ame- 
trum 40:319, 320; 46:463, 464. amphibolum 
46:482. anemonoides 24:185. angusti- 
folium 46:350. aquilegifolium 46:347, 375— 
377, 486, fig. 29; var. typicum, f. Cornuti 
46:375. aristatum 46:471. arkansanum 
46:432, 433, 487, fig. 86. Arsenii 46:420, 
430, 487, fig. 80. baicalense 46:361, 362, 
485, fig. 8; var. megalostigma 46:361, 363, 
485, fig. 9. bernardinum 46:463. Bissellii 
46:475, 476. bracteifilum 46:358. caesium 
46:463, 464. calabricum 46:360. campestre 
46:439. campylopodum 46:463, 464. cana- 
dense 46:337, 375-377, 469; var. hebecarpum 
46:478. carolinianum 46:484; var. subpube- 
scens 46:484. caulophylloides 46:444, 445. 


Chapinii 46:392, 395, 486, fig. 33. cheil- 
anthoides 46:356, 357. Chiaonis 46:362, 
368, 485, fig. 21. chymocarpum 46:393, 
394. cincinnatum 46:391, 392, 398, 486, 
fig. 38. clavatum 23:71; 35:266; 42:51; 
46:342, 361-365, 369, 370, 372, 485, fig. 12; 
var. acutifolium 46:364. columbianum 46: 
442, 443. confertum 46:375, 377. confine 
2:232, 233, pl. 21; 11:199; 12:110, 113; 
13:147; 20:184, 194; 35:250; 36:280; 37: 
260; 46:341, 375, 376, 439—441, 454, 487, fig. 
93; var. columbianum 46:439, 442, 485; 
var. Greeneanum 46:439, 442. contortum 
46:369. Conzattii 46:402, 417, 486, fig. 61. 
cordifolium 46:421. coreanum 46:361, 368. 
coreospermum 46:463, 464. coriaceum 46: 
442-444, 487, fig. 97. Cornuti 46:337, 375- 
377; var. B. 46:480; var. brevifolium 46:471, 
473, 474; var. macrostylum 46:471, 473; var. 
monostyla 46:485; var. stipitum 46:475, 477. 
corynellum 46:376, 475, 478. crenatum 46: 
359. cuernavacanum 46:426, 431, 487, fig. 
82; var. supraglabrescens 46:426, 432. 
Dalzelli 46:360. dasycarpum 15:95; 18:168; 
19:224; 20:184, 196, 197; 31:42; 35:360, 
362; 40:178; 46:375, 376, 408, 470, 480, 484, 
487, fig. 113; f. hypoglaucum 40:178; 46: 
482; var. hypoglaucum 46:470, 471, 482, 
483, 487, fig. 114. Deamii 46:401, 408, 
486, fig. 47. debile 46:341, 432, 433, 462, 
487, fig. 85; var. texanum 46:432. decipiens 
46:401, 403, 405, 486, fig. 43. declinatum 
46:362, 364, 485, fig. 13. densiflorum 46: 
359, 360. dioicum 2:230-232; 12:128; 13: 
111, 146, 147, 218; 18:168; 20:184, 193; 21: 
200; 23:71; 29:127, 175, 213; 33:179; 35: 
249; 46:337, 340, 375, 376, 391, 432, 435, 436, 
442, 465, 466, 476; 49:247; x polygamum 
46:442; X purpurascens 2:233; 46:440-442, 
445; B. stipitatum 46:444, 454; var. a. pur- 
purascens 46:484; var. adiantinum 46:435, 
438; var. coriaceum 46:444; var. genuinum 
46:435; var. huronense 46:435; var. Lang- 
fordii 46:435; var. oxycarpum 46:454; var. 
stipltatum 46:377, 444, 454. divergens 46: 
475, 478. domingense 46:483. duriusculum 
46:356, 357. elegantulum 46:356, 357. Es- 
quirolii 46:350, 359. Falconeri 46:360. 
Fendleri 2:232; 40:318, 319; 46:340, 454, 
457, 459, 461, 462, 465, 466, 484, 485, 487, fig. 
102; var. hesperium 46:458; var. platycar- 
pum 46:457-461; var. ? polycarpum 40:318, 
319; 46:459, 463-466, 468, 469; var. quadri- 
nervatum 46:457, 463, 487, fig. 105; var. 
sinuosum 46:457, 462, 487, fig. 104; var. 
Wrightii 46:457, 461, 466, 487, fig. 103. fila- 
mentosum 46:362, 363, 485, fig. 11. filipes 
46:363. fissum 46:442, 443, 459. flavum 46: 
350; B. speciosum 46:359. foetidum 46:347, 
350, 360, 375. Fortunei 46:360. Galeottii 
46:400, 404, 486, fig. 41. galioides 46:350. 
gibbosum 46:399, 402, 403, 410, 411, 418, 
419, 486, fig. 65. glaucodeum 46:456, 475, 
476. glaucum 46:338, 359, 360. grandi- 
florum 46:408, 418, 419. grandifolium 46: 
341, 401, 408, 418, 419, 486, fig. 48. graveo- 


lens 46:471. guatemalense 46:423-426, 486, 
fig. 744. Gueguenii 46:362, 366, 485, fig. 17. 
Hayatanum 46:368. hepaticum 46:475. 
Hernandezii 46:401, 403, 405, 410, 416, 486, 
fig. 49. hesperium 46:457. heterophyllum 
46:455, 456. Hintonii 46:401, 405, 456, fig. 
42. hirsutum 46:475. hondurense 46:424, 
426. Hultenii 46:340, 352, 485, fig. 2. hy- 
poglaucum 40:178; 46:342, 482. ichangense 
46:361, 368, 485, fig. 23. impexum 46:391, 
392, 395, 486, fig. 34. innitens 46:391, 392, 
394, 395, 397, 486, fig. 32. integrilobum 
46:362, 368. inuncans 46:339, 400, 404, 
422, 486, fig. 40. isopyroides 46:350. jala- 
pense 46:414. jaliscanum 46:426, 431, 487, 
fig. 81. javanicum 46:360. Johnstonii 46: 
348, 401, 412, 486, fig. 52. kemense 46:350, 
352. labradoricum 46:478. laeteviride 46: 
402, 415, 486, fig. 57. laevigatum 46:338, 
435, 436. lanatum 46:402, 412, 413, 415, 
486, fig. 53. Lankesteri 46:423, 486, fig. 72. 
lasiostylum 46:403, 415, 416, 486, fig. 58. 
latiuseulum 46:463. leiocarpum 46:463. 
leiophyllum 46:356. lentiginosum 46:403. 
leucocrinum 46:478, 479. leucostemon 46: 
360. leucostylum 46:475. longepeduncula- 
tum 46:393, 394. longistylum 46:403, 419. 
Lunellii 46:439, 440. Macbrideanum 46: 
401, 407, 486, fig. 46. macrocarpum 46: 
392, 393, 399, 486, fig. 39. macrostigma 46: 
482. macrostylum 41:470, 545; 46:470, 473, 
474, 487, fig. 108. madrense 46:341, 433, 
434, 487, fig. 88. magarum 46:463, 464. 
majus 46:352, 399. Mannii 46:391, 393, 394, 
399. marginatum 46:358. megacarpum 37: 
365; 46:484. mendocinum 46:463. micro- 
gynum 46:362, 365, 485, fig. 15. microphyl- 
lum 46:358. minus 46:350, 351; var. ela- 
tum 46:358; var. kemense 46:352. mirabile 
46:362, 365, 366, 485, fig. 18. monoense 46: 
356, 357. Mortoni 46:456, 475, 477. Mose- 
leyi 46:480, 481. multiflorum 40:319; 46: 
464, 465. Nelsonii 46:403, 410, 421, 480, 
fig. 69. nigromontanum 46:453. nip- 
pono-alpinum 46:358. Nortoni 46:480, 481. 
nudicaule 46:363, 364. obliquum 46:418, 
419. occidentale 2:232, 233; 12:113; 46: 
453, 454; var. columbianum 46:442; var. 
Macounii 46:453, 454; var. megacarpum 
46:485; var. palousense (as var. palouense) 
46:341, 453, 455, 456, 485, 487, fig. 101; var. 
typicum 46:453, 454, 485, 487, fig. 99. 
omissum 46:458. pachucense 46:400, 411, 
486, fig. 50. panamense 46:402, 407, 486, fig. 
45. papillosum 46:414. papyraceum 46: 
463, 464. parvifructum 46:400, 401, 403, 
413, 486, fig. 55. pauciflorum 46:435, 438. 
peltatum 46:338, 423, 426, 427, 430, 486, fig. 
76; var. B. hirsutum 46:424, 425. peninsu- 
lare 46:402, 418, 486, fig. 64. Pennellii 46: 
402, 413, 486, fig. 54. perelegans 46:475, 
478, 479. perpensum 46:475, 477. petaloi- 
deum 46:360. philippinense 46:361, 363, 
485, fig. 10. pinnatum 46:341, 433, 434, 
487, fig. 89; var. subternatum 46:433, 435. 
platycarpum 46:457. podocarpum 46:401, 

402, 421, 486, fig. 70. podolicum 46:360. 
polycarpum 40:318, 319; 46:342, 454, 457, 
463—466, 468, 469, 487, fig. 106; var. caesium 
46:463; var. hesperium 46:458. polygamum 
2:282; 43 vii Ins OE TES 12:50; 1d LE; 
17:151; 18:37, 168; 20:184, 185; 22:134; 25: 
8; 20:181, 213; 31:42; 33:112, 120; 34:52, 
63; 36:280; 38:98; 41:545; 46:338, 375-377, 
408, 442, 469-472, 475, 477, 478, 484, 487, 
fig. 110; var. hebecarpum 10:49; 11:93, 
179; 17:151; 18:168; 44:142; 46:341, 470, 
471, 478, 487, fig. 111; var. intermedium 46: 
470, 471, 479, 480, 487, fig. 112; var. macro- 
stylum 46:473; var. pubescens 46:484. 
praealtum 46:475. Pringlei 46:426—428, 486, 
fig. 77; var. reticulatum 46:426, 428. pro- 
pinquum 46:455, 456. Przewalskii 46:369. 
puberulum 46:410. pubescens 46:473, 475, 
477, 478, 484. pubigerum 46:403, 416, 417, 
486, fig. 60. pudicum 46:433, 434, 487, fig. 
87. pulchellum 46:435. punduanum 46: 
350. purpurascens 2:281, 232; 5:203; 13: 
146, 147; 32:252; 46:337, 440, 442, 473, 478, 
484, 485; B. monoicum 46:440; var. ceri- 
ferum 46:471, 472; 50:240; var. dasycarpum 
46:480; var. rugosum 46:359. purpureum 
46:485. rainierense 46:455,456. refractum 
46:401, 417, 486, fig. 63. revolutum 18: 
168; 20:184, 193; 32:107, 176, 252; 40:382, 
420; 41:66, 544; 45:365; 46:375, 376, 408, 
469—471, 473, 474, 484, 487, fig. 107; f. glab- 
rum 46:471, 472; var. 8. subglabrum 46:471. 
rhynchocarpum 46:339, 392-394, 396, 397, 
399, 486, fig. 31. Richardsonii 46:370, 372. 
Rochebrunianum 46:360. Roseanum 46: 
426, 427, 430, 487, fig. 79. rotundifolium 
46:360. rufum 46:360. rugosum 46:338, 
350, 359, 360; B. umbelliferum 46:359. ruti- 
docarpum 46:403, 420, 486, fig. 67. sachali- 
nense 46:360. Sandbergii 46:480, 481. sani- 
culaeforme 46:360. scopulorum 46:356. 
sessilifolium 46:403, 417, 486, fig. 62. 
setulosum 46:475. simplex 46:350. sparsi- 
florum 41:157, 230; 42:326; 46:340, 341, 369, 
372; var. nevadense 46:373, 486, fig. 28; 
var. Richardsonii 46:369, 486, fig. 26; var. 
saximontanum 46:372, 486, fig. 27; var. 
typicum 46:369, 485, fig. 25. speciosum 
46:359, 360. squarrosum 46:350. Standleyi 
46:339, 400, 411, 486, fig. 51. Steeleanum 
46:443, 487, fig. 96. Steinbachii 46:391, 
392, 397, 399, 486, fig. 36. Steyermarkii 
46:392, 397, 486, fig. 37. stipitatum 46:418, 
419, 458. Stolzii 46:392, 396, 397. strigillo- 
sum 46:403, 410, 414, 415, 486, fig. 56. sub- 
pubescens 46:402, 416, 486, fig. 59. subro- 
tundum 46:470, 474, 487, fig. 109. suspen- 
sum 46:356, 357. tenerum 46:365. terrae- 
novae 46:478. texanum 46:341, 432, 487, 
fig. 84. thibeticum 46:360. thyrsoideum 
46:439, 440. tomentellum 46:416. Torresii 
46:423, 424, 486, fig. 73. tortuosum 46: 
456, 475, 476. Treleasii 46:426, 427, 486, 
fig. 75. tuberiferum 46:362, 367, 485, fig. 
19. tuberosum 46:360. unguiculatum 46: 
362, 365, 485, fig. 16. utahense 46:372, 


vegetum 46:480, 481. Venturii 46:400, 404, 
422, 486, fig. 71. venulosum 36:280; 37: 
260; 46:341, 439, 440, 442, 454, 460, 487, fig. 
92. vesiculosum 46: 402, 420, 486, fig. 68; 
var. peninsulare 46:418. virgatum 46 :360. 
virginicum 46:480. viride 46:479, 480. 
viridulum 46:401, 406, 486, fig. 44. Wa- 
tanabei 46:362, 367, 368, 485, fig. 20. Wight- 
ianum 46:480. Wrightii 46: 461, 462, 484. 
zibellinum 46:478, 479 

Thalassochelys caretta 23:225 

Thamnolia 2:155. vermicularis 2:155; 11: 
216; 36:143, 153; var. subuliformis 2:155 

Thamnos 9:49 

Thapsia trifoliata 20:52; 42:442; 48:162 

Thaspium 3:212; 20:52; 41:442, 443; 42:298. 
atropurpureum 1:160; 3:212. aureum 3: 
211, 212; 16:89; 19:67, 164; 20:52, 73; var. 
atropurpureum 3:212; 20:52, 73. barbinode 
1:160; 40:375, 382, 449; 43:520, 619; 44: 
240. pinnatifidum 47:218. trifoliatum 20: 
52, 73; 28:244; 40:253; 41:442, 443, 552; 
42:208; 43:490, 507, 618; 48:162; var. ap- 
terum 41:441, 442, 444; var. atropurpureum 
41:442; var. flavum 20:53, 73; 41:443; 43: 
490, 618 

Thatch 18:33 

Thea sinensis 47:143 

'Theaceae 41:198; 49:151 

Thelaia 6:200; 29:1. grandiflora 6:202. in- 
termedia 22:122. rotundifolia 6:201 

Thelephoraceae 50:285 

Thelephorae 5:120 

Thelesperma gracile 36:225. 

Thelia asprella 4:182 

Theliaceae 30:9; 39:43 

Thelocactus bicolor 35:225 

Theloschistaceae 28 :231 

Theloschistes parietinus 28:231. 
28:231. vermicularis 28:231 

Thelypodium 7:160; 43:294. 
micranthum 39:181; 43:463 

Thelypteris 21:174—177; 22:91; 25:1; 26:230; 
31:21—26, 29, 93, pl. 179. $8 Lastrea 37:248. 
Boottii 21:177; 22:81, 89; 23:104, 186; 24: 
159; 26:177; 30:17, 18. cristata 21:177; 22: 
81, 82, 89; 29:205; 30:17; 35:59, 128; 37: 
311; x marginalis 26:50; var. Clintoniana 
21:177; 22:81, 84, 85; 30:17; 32:135. Dry- 
opteris 21:179; 22:81, 83; 25:6; 30:16; 32: 
135, 204, 205; 35:277; 36:276; 37:206; 42: 
316. Filix-mas 21:177; 22:81, 86, 88; 23: 
165, 170, 186; 28:110, 147; 37:73, 206. fra- 
grans 21:176, 177; 22:81, 86-88; 25:1, 2, 
112; 37:206, 244; 42:315; var. Hookeriana 
25:3; 32:134, 135; 33:75; 34:06; 37:219; 
44:138. Goldiana 21:177; 22:81, 87, 88; 30: 
17. hexagonoptera 21:179; 22:81, 84, 85; 
25:184; 29:145. 205; 30:16; 35:361; 37:190, 
381, 382, 415, 437. marginalis 21:178; 22: 
81-83; 23:186; 29:244; 30:17; 32:135; 36: 
219; 37:248; f. Davenportii 30:17; f. ele- 
gans 30:17. noveboracensis 21:176, 178; 22: 
81, 82; 29:205; 30:16; 32:135, 152, 228; 33: 
115; 35:84, 128; 37:382. palustris 21:178; 
22:81-83; 23:164; 28:85; 30:16; 31:27, 29, 

trifidum 36:225 


elegans 39:108. 


30, 32, 33, 36, pl. 180; f. Pufferae 30:16: 
f. suaveolens 23:165, 186; var. Halean: 
31:34—36, pl. 180; var. pubescens 31:34- 
36, pl. 180; 32:135, 149, 150, 161, 228; 35 
200 ; 36: 219, 221, 227; 37: 311, 382; 49:238 
var. squamigera 31: 33-36, pl. 180; 35:277 
var. typica 31:33, 35, 36, pl. 180. Phegop 
teris 21:179; 22: 81, 83; 25: 6; 29:145, 205 
245; 30:16, 136; 32: 104, 135, 176, 205; 33 
109, 115; 34:50; 35:277; 37:206, 244, 311. 
42:316. '"Robertiana 21: 179; 35: 47, 51, 81 
128; 37:219. simulata 21: 178; 22: 81, 84, 85 
23: 104, 154, 156, 158, 186; 24: 111, 159; 26 
50, 177; 30:16; 31:29; 32: :176, 210, 211, 228 
spinulosa 21: 178; 22: :82, 83; 25:6; 28:146 
147; 30:17; 32: 205, 228 ; 33: 109; 36: 227, 276 
var. americana 21: 178; 22: 82-84; 28 : 147 
29:145, 205; 30:17, 29; 32:76, 135; 33:115 
160; 34:50; 35:320, 322; 36:276; var. con 
cordiana 21:178; 22:82, 89; 28:147; 30:17; 
var. dilatata 28: 147: 30: 29; 32: 76; var 
fructuosa 28:146; 30: 17; var. intermedia 
21:178; 22:82, 89: 28: 146; 30:17; 32:135; 
33:115; 36: 100, 219, 227; 37 :164. Thelyp- 
teris 31: 33; 38:164 

Thermopsis caroliniana 50:201, pl. 1106. gra- 
cilis 32:26. mollis 39:430; 47:91. rhombi- 
folia 48:102. subglabra 32:26. villosa 50: 
201, pl. 1106 

Therorhodion 45:451. 

Thesium 46:490. 
phyllon 46:490. 

Thibaudia 33:197 

Thimbleberry 37:60, 61, 273 

Thismia americana 33:58 

Thistle(s) 12:211; 13:116. Blessed 9:28; 46: 
158. Canada 11:130. Russian 12:15 

Thladiantha dubia 50:176, 179, 180 

Thlaspi 18:221; 42:244. arvense 6:83, 193 
235; 13:89; 14:56; 17:30; 18:221; 24:19 
150; 25:9; 29:213; 32:28; 33:121; 35:303; 
36:414; 42:327. glaucum, var. peduncula- 
tum 36:10. perfoliatum 32:28; 35:285; 36: 
414; 46:85 

Thoracomonas phacotoides 50:277 

Thorea 8:78 

Thorn(s) 5:137; 12:119. Glastonbury 5:167 
Washington 25:173 

'Three-leaved, Marsh, American Pine 50:181 

Three-toothed Cinquefoil 12:180 

Thrift 28:74 

Thrips 42:354 

'Thuiaecarpus 43:345. 

Thuidiaceae 30:9 

Thuidium 35:146. abietinum 14:49, 52; 23: 
68. delicatulum 2:63; 4:30; 30:9. micro- 
phyllum 4:181. paludosum 4:182; 6:74 
plicatum, var. brevifolium 36:132. recogni- 
tum 1:34; 2:68. scitum 4:242 

'Thuja 6:103; 10:63, 201; 11:37; 12:177; 13: 
221; 21:54, 55, 57—64; 22:41; 23:101, 102 
247—249; 24:160; 26:12, 13; 35:250, 359; 37: 
258; 39:35, 38, 41. gigantea 47:317. occi- 
dentalis 1:171; 3:169, 232; 4:37; 6:93, 97, 
103; 10:63, 191; 12:177; 13:115, 142, 161, 
237, pl. 91 (map 12); 15:121; 16:38; 17: 

glandulosum 41:274 
corymbulosum 7:48. Lino- 
umbellatum 7:48 

juniperinus 43:345 


152; 21:43-45, 51, 54, 55, 58-60, 62-64, 189, 
map; 22:33, 40, 41, 49, 133, 134; 23:100, 102, 
188, 247; 34:98, 160; 27:214; 28:43-45, 244, 
245; 31:97, 150; 33:140; 34:7; 35:249, 359; 
36:277; 37:64, 259, 313; 40:145, 161; 46:75; 

48:197; 49:143. plicata 49:228 
Thunberg’s Barberry 15:225 
Thuspeinanta 9:43, 50 
Thuya (see: Thuja) 

Thylax 11:63 

Thymbra caroliniana 17:132 

Thyme, Creeping 32:109 
Thymelaeaceae 6:86, 123; 23:113; 31:43 
Thymophylla gracilis 38:408 

Thymus 7:161, 190; 25:43. ovatus 25:43. 
Serpyllum 1:25; 6:146; 10:167; 25:43; 32: 
17, 109; 40:443; 43:155, 343; var. angusti- 
folius 9:40; var. prostratus 38:412. virgin- 
icus 50:222, 223. vulgaris, var. verticillatus 

Thyronectria denigrata 41:519 
Thyrsanthema semiflosculare 17:136 
Thysanella fimbriata 44:259 
Thysanoptera 42:354 
Thysbe 38:91 

Tiarella 5:197; 6:118; 8:90, 91; 13:193; 18: 
251; 21:201; 42:153; 45:379, 380. biternata 
38:182. cordifolia 1:39, 170, 219; 6:118; 8: 
90, 91; 12:170; 13:141, 192; 15:121; 18:246, 
247, 251; 19:132, 226; 21:130, 200; 24:116; 
32:206; 33:179; 34:63; 43:840; 45:380, 446- 
449; f. parviflora 19:132; 45:448; subsp. 
collina 45:445; var. austrina 45:446; var. 
collina 45:445-448; var. typica 45:446-448. 
unifoliata 37:362. Wherryi 45:445-449; 46: 

'Tick-trefoils 44:22 

Tidestromia lanuginosa, var. carnosa 38:405 
Tiedemannia rigida, var. ambigua 10:35. tere- 

tifolia 49:156 

Tilia 6:122; 16:16; 21:190; 22:72; 40:73, 149- 
151, 157, 172; 43:604; 44:412, fig. 1; 45:108; 
46:150; 47:281. americana 5:132; 6:122; 
14:80; 16:13, 15; 21:199; 22:72; 37:207; 
40:146, 154, 156; 43:605—607; 44:412. cor- 
data 13:181. floridana 43:604, 605; 47:209. 
glabra 43:606. heterophylla 40:375, 382, 
441; 43:523. 605, 607; 44:346, 351; var. 
Michauxii 36:230; 43:605. Michauxi 40: 
375, 441; 43:604, 606. monticola 43:605. 

neglecta 43:605—607. pubescens 6:196 
Tiliaceae 6:122; 22:72; 31:43 

Tillaea 4:35; 9:49; 14:201, 202; 16:158; 18: 
250. aquatica 4:35; 14:201; 18:250; 19:91, 
218, 219; 20:105; 21:10; 22:180; 23:150, 265; 
23:80. 210: 29128; 33:13: 34:30: 37-301; 
416; 48:116. simplex 4:35, 36; 14:201, 202. 

Vaillantii 4:35, 36; 14:201; 19:219 
Tillaeastrum 21:10; 22:180 

Tillandsia 43:526; 44:30. Bartramii 44:261. 
tenuifolia 44:261. usneoides 2:65; 38:400; 

39:480; 41:548; 42:369; 43:526, 548 
Tillia 9:49 

Tilmadoche polycephala 2:76. viridis 2:81, 

pl. 16 
Tilopteridaceae 35:151 

Tilopteris 43:73. Mertensii 35:151, 153, pl. 

274; 43:73 

Timmia austriaca 39:2, 3, 11, 14, 42, fig. 1 

(map). megapolitana 39:42 

'Timmiaceae 38:240; 39:42 

Timmiella 41:112 

Timothy 44:344; 46:386; 49:272. Grass 28: 

Tiniaria 43:612 
Tipularia 31:15. discolor 2:172; 4:19, 21, 22; 

6:177; 32:114-117, 124, 209-211, 246; 37: 
350, 356, 358, fig. 4 (map); 38:376. uni- 
flora 32:114. unifolia 32:114, 116; 39:470 

Tissa 9:54; 21:8; 42:57, 58. alsinella 42:210. 

argillosa 42:175, 178. Borchersi 42:167. 
bracteata 42:83, 140. campestris 42:107. 
canadensis 12:161; 42:113. Clevelandi 42: 
107, 175, 177, 178. denticulata 42:168. de- 
pauperata 42: 161; var. tenella 42:161. di- 
andra 42:80, 83, 126, 140. fasciculata 42: 
158. floribunda 42:170. glandulosa 42:175. 
gracilis 42:181, 183. grandis 42:175, 177, 
191, 204. leiosperma 42:127. leucantha 42: 
76, 77; var. glabra 42:76, 77. lignosa 42: 
142. luteola 42:111. macrotheca 42:71; 
var. leucantha 42:76; var. scariosa 42:71- 
73. marginata 42:120. marina 12:157, 162; 
42:119, 126. media, var. Berteroana 42:175. 
mexicana 42:80. pallida 42:71, 73, 75. pa- 
zensis 42:205. Pissisi 42:163. platensis 42: 
181; subsp. septentrionalis 42:181; var. sep- 
tentrionalis 42:181. polyphylla 42:172: 
rubra 42:107, 175; var. perennans 42:107. 
salina 12:161; 42:113, 126; var. involucrata 
42:138; var. Sanfordii 42: 127, 137; var. sor- 
dida 42: 126, 136; var. tenuis 42:138. San- 
fordii 42:199. sordida 42:129. sparsiflora 
42:197, 131, 137. Stuebelii 42:158-160. 
Talinum 42:71, 75, 76. tenuis 42:126, 132, 
138. teretifolia 42:142. valida 42:71, 72, 
75. villosa 42:174, 177, 205, 206 

Tithymalopsis 13:164; 34:25; 43:110. Ipeca- 

cuanhae, f. linearis 50:148 

Tithymalus 13:164; 43:110, 171. 8 Aniso- 

phyllon 43:111. Chamaesyce 43:265. luci- 
dus 39:150. maculatus 43:143. mancus 39: 
496. Peplis 43:272. prostratus 43:266 

'Toadflax 18:71 
Toadstools 2:191; 4:78 
Tobacco 41:82. Leaf 28:62. Wild 14:206; 

29 :52 

Tofieldia 7:73; 8:27; 47:206; 50:193. coc- 

cinea 41:151, 160, 212, 213; 42:319. gluti- 
nosa 1:103; 6:40, 192; 7: 142, 154; 9:160, 
172, 189; 11:91; 12:112, 115, 117-119, 206; 
13:115, 138; 17:204; 18:71; 19:164; 23:25; 
28:75; 29:110, 210; 35:91; 36:276; 37:204, 
299; 44:336. minima 28:75; 35:89, 120; 37: 
206; 38:124, 146; 42:319. nutans 41:148, 
163, 213. palustris 9:160; 11:91; 13:117, 
199, 136; 18:101; 36:307; 38:146; 41:151, 
213; 42:319; 44:124. racemosa 21:119; 39: 
326, 347, 398, 467, 472, 480; 42:381, 442; 43: 
548; 44:241; 49:93 

Tolguacha 46:317, 320, 322 
Toloachi 46:320 


Tolyposporium 3:81. 
cauli 3:82, fig. 

Tolypothrix 40:224. byssoidea 24:107. 
Chungii 28:4. distorta 15:90. lanata 7: 
237; 24:103, 107; 26:162, 164; 28:4. peni- 
cilata 15:90; 26:164; 29:161. tenella 28: 
4. tenuis 14:114; 15:90 

Tomato 3:295; 28:72 

Tomenthypnum nitens 30:10 

'Tomostima caroliniana 36:368. 

Tordylium 40:291. Anthriscus 40:291 

Torilis 24:95; 40:291. Anthriscus 40:291. ja- 
ponica 40:291; 42:470; 44:344, 430. lepto- 
phylla 24:95 

Torresia 9:53 

Torreya 34:166, 167 

Tortella 41:112. caespitosa 19:69. 

Tortipes 37:91. amplexifolius 37:91 

Tortula 14:47, 52. fragilis 39:40. intermedia 
39:4. montana 14:47, 52; 39:4. mucroni- 
folia 14:47. muralis 14:47, 52; 39:12, 41. 
norvegica 30:5. papillosa 14:47; 24:123. 
ruralis 14:47, 48; 30:5 

Torularia humilis 41:239; 50:3, 7 

Torulinium 44:44 

Toumeya fluviatilis 7:241 

Tovara virginiana 33:32; 39:341, 405; 49:202; 
var. glaberrima 39:404, 475 

Tovaria 9:53; 47:289 

Townsendia grandiflora 34:6 

Toxicodendron 30:55; 43:590, 598. aborigi- 
num 43:592. arizonicum 43:596. Blodgettii 
43:591. compactum 43:598. coriaceum 43: 
594, 595. divaricatum 43:596. glabrum 43: 
591. laetevirens 43:596. macrocarpum 43: 
594, 595. Negundo 43:594. phaseoloides 
43:596. pubescens 43:591, 597. pumilum 
43 :594-596. punctatum 43:594, 595. querci- 
folium 43:597, 598. radicans 43:591; var. 
divaricata 43:596; var. littoralis 43:592; 
var. microcarpum 43:591; var. verrucosa 
43:596. Rydbergii 43:594. verrucosum 43: 
596. volubile 43:591. vulgare 43:591, 593 

Toxylon 9:54. aurantiacum 9:91. Maclura 
9:91. pomiferum 9:91; 21:190 

Tracaulon 43:612 

Trachelium, Americanum flore ruberrimo 38: 

Trachelomonas crebea 44:69. hispida 50:278. 
horrida 44:69. obovata 50:278. punctata 
50:278. rugosa 50:278. urceolata 44:69; 
var. serrato-glabra 44:69. volvocina 44:69; 

Trachylospermum difforme 39:444, 482 

Trachynotia juncea 8:210; 49:114, 115. poly- 
stachya 49:113 

Tracyanthus 41 :470. 
254; 49:132 

Tradescantia 12:7; 21:49, 50; 34:57; 36:32; 40: 
180; 42:150, 386; 43:495, 497, 659; 46:310. 
canaliculata 42:98; 43:499, 547, 649; 46:310, 
311; x ozarkana 42:98. discolor 46:311. 
Edwardsiana 34:57, 58, fig. 1. Ernestiana 
40:180. hirsutiflora 46:311. humilis 34:57. 

bullatum 3:80. Erio- 

hispidula 36: 


angustifolius 41:536; 42: 


occidentalis, var. typica 37:455. ohiensis 
46:310, 311. ozarkana 39:46-48; 40:180; 
42:98. pinetorum 37:455. reflexa 14:163; 
19:126; 34:57; f. Lesteri 32:32; f. Mariae 
32:32. rosea 36:41, 52; 40:181; var. gra- 
minea 40:366, 380, 403, 448; 42:379, 397, 
442; 44:349. subaspera 39:46; 40:354. 
Tharpii 40:180; 43:659; x canaliculata 43: 
659. virginiana 12:7; 15:66; 21:49; 39:46; 
43:497, 547; 46:310, 311; var. villosa 19:66. 
Wrightii 37:454 

Tragia cordata 36:220; 47:216. macrocarpa 
47:216, 217. nepetaefolia 35:287. urens, 
var. lanceolata 39:476. urticaefolia 35:287 

Tragopogon 6:134; 26:126, 127. Dandelion 
26:126. dubius 45:413, 414. lanatum 26: 
126. majus 45:117, 414. porrifolius 8:66; 
23:198; 26:167; 45:117. pratense 6:134; 8: 
66; 11:179; 26:167; 38:299; 42:501; 45:117, 
413, 414. virginicum 26:126 

Tragus 9:53; 15:55; 49:275. Berteronianus 
49:275. racemosus 6:82; 15:55; 31:111, 113 

Trailiella intricata 30:196, 197, fig. 5; 35:149, 
150; 43:73; 50:268 

Trailing Arbutus 4:140; 50:251. Yew 18:32 

Tramella lutescens 44:173 

Trametes 3:39, 143; 25:217. arcticus 25:217. 
carnea 25:214. cingulata 25:216, 217. Feei 
25:219. picta 25:216. Sagreeana 25:219. 
suaveolens 44:173. subrosea 25:217-219 

Tranzschelia pruni-spinosae 39:374 

Trapa 23:116; 38:440; 49:171. natans 1:81; 
23:116; 49:170 

Trautvetteria 46:347. 
227, 230; 39:195 

Trebouxia Cladoniae 50:71 

Tree of Heaven 32:156. Spindle 25:177 

Tréfle 1:168 

Tremble 1:168 

Tremella 47:386. fuciformis 10:10-12. myce- 
tophila 3:65. reticulata 10:9, 12 

'Tremellinaceae 10:10, 11 

Trentepohlia aurea 6:230; 7:240; 24:106; 26: 
165; 50:71. Daviesii 8:194. TIolithus 7:240. 
virgatula 8:193; var. secundata 8:194 

Trepomonas agilis 50:278 

Treubaria triappendiculata 44:67 

Triadenum 31:17. longifolium 38:434-436; 
39:358, 436. petiolatum 38:436; 47:217. 
virginicum 6:123; 8:29; 21:119 

Tribonema 5:72; 29:161; 30:194. bombyci- 
num 26:211; 29:162-164; 41:135; 50:71; 
var. tenue 26:166; 29:164. Gayanum 50: 
275. minus 50:275. utriculosum 26:211 

Tribulus terrestris 35:363 

Triceratium 9:130. alternans 9:139. flavum 

Trichachne 47:108 

Trichelostylis capillaris 50:129. 

Trichia 29:172. affinis 29:170, 171. contorta 
1:128; 29:170; var. inconspicua 29:170. de- 
ciplens 2:79; 29:170. fallax 1:128, 130. 
favoginea 1:128; 29:171. floriformis 29:171. 
persimilis 1:128; 29:167, 170, 171, 173. 

caroliniensis 36:224, 

leptalea 50: 


scabra 1:128; 29:171. varia 1:128; 2:79; 

Trichilia alata 9:50. pterophylla 9:50 

Trichochloa 9:17, 18. § Acroxis 9:17, 18. 
§ Stenocladium 9:17. calycina 45:237. ex- 
pansa 4:143. foliosa 9:19. glomerata 9:22; 
45:237. longiseta 9:18. mexicana 9:18. 
sobolifera 9:18 

Trichocolea tomentella 2:63; 4:243; 5:173; 7: 
58; 15:26; 25:196; 26:11 

Trichoderma lignorum 50:288 

Trichodesmium erythraeum 1:100 

Trichodium altissimum 49:109. concinnum 
35:204, 205. elatum 23:229; 49:109, 110, 
113. laxiflorum 35:209. montanum 35:209 

Trichoglossum Farlowi 41:519 

Tricholoma 3:142; 4:77; 13:63; 16:50. 8 
Limacina 1:58. albobrunneum 16:50. au- 
rantium 3:40. equestre 1:57; 2:244; 16:50. 
flavobrunneum 16:50. fumidellum 16:50. 
nudum 44:173. personatum 4:199; 14:53; 
41:519. portentosum 2:243-246; 4:77; 16: 
50. rutilans 41:519. sordidum 1:83. ter- 
raeolens 16:50. terreum 2:245, 246; 16:50. 
ustale 13:63, 65, 66 

Trichomanes Boschianum 44:3. Petersii 37: 
311. ramosum 35:47 

Trichoon 24:55, 56 

Trichophorum 7:131-133; 49:50, 51. alpinum 
7:132; 8:161; 49:50. atrichum 7:132. aus- 
triacum 23:23, 24. cespitosum 7:182. cy- 
perinum 49: 50, 51. emergens 45:281. ger- 
manicum 23:23. lineatum 49:50. pauci- 
florum 7:132 

Trichophyllum 21:10; 22:180; 31:124, 171; 
47:373. arenicola 34:220. atropurpureum 
31:228. Engelmannii 31:208. lanceolatum 
31:208. maculosum 31:239. monticola 
31:209. ochreatum 31:236. olivaceum 31: 
231. ovatum 31:212. palustre 31:60; var. 
calvum 31:68; var. vigens 31:61. pauci- 
florum 31:124. tenue 34:200. thermale 31: 

Trichostema 25:43; 47:304. dichotomum 25: 
43; 32:151, 272; 36:220; 37:350; 39:445; 40: 
366; var. puberulum 39:445, 476; 40:366, 
455. lineare 39:357, 445, 466, 476; 40:292; 
42:397, 478. setaceum 40:292; 42:397, 478 

Trichostomum 41:112. oblongifolium 36:132. 
spirale 41:112 

Tricoccae 9:37; 47:384, 386, pl. 991 

Tricuspis 14:185, 186; 15:131. elongatus 36: 
219. flava 14:186; 15:131. novaeboracen- 
sis 14:185, 186. seslerioldes 14:185, 186; 
var. pallida 37:134. stricta 14:186; 35:284 

Tricyrtis hirta, var. nigra 42:43 

Tridens 14:185, 186; 17:72. flavus 8:210; 
12:205; 14: 185, 186; 15:131; 16:82; 26:220; 
82:211; 49: 264. quinquefida 14:180. stric- 
tus 14:186; 35:284 

Trientalis 3:216, 217; 6:126; 24:233; 29:1; 31: 
243; 33:109. americana 1:192, 193; 3:170, 
2106, pl. 34; 4:16; 6:126; 11:97, 236; 12:129; 
15:190; 17:152; 21:200; 22:38, 48, 134; 24: 
223:529:218* 32:208; 2711710321785. 36:283; 
42:279. arctica 32:200, 203, map 23. bore- 


alis 11:236; 24:181, 186, 233; 25:10; 29:218; 
32:61, 125, 153, 204, 206, 215, 216, 271; 33: 
123; 34:55; 46:82, 139. europaea 11:236; 
24:186; 41:150; subsp. arctica 41:277; var. 
americana 11:236; var. arctica 42:396 

'Triepeolus donatus 41:186 

Trifoliastrum 30:59 

Trifolium 1:168; 2:149, 150; 6:120; 15:172; 
17:32; 20:208; 30:59; 33: 109; 42:154; 45: 
2445 47 :275. $ Trifoliastrum 9:37. subdiv. 
Lagopoda 30:59. subdiv. Lotoidea 30:59. 
subdiv. Lupulina 30:59. subdiv. Meliloti 
30:59. subdiv. Vesicaria 30:59. agrarium 
2:90; 6:120; 12:104; 20:208; 22:136; 25: 
Gi 26: 186, 226: 245 108; 32: 256; 34: 53; 49: 
249 ; 50:302. arvense 9: 90s: 127; 17: 38; 
20: 208; 26:186, 226; 32: 151, 256; 50: 302. 
biflorum 39:350. carolinianum 36:46. dal- 
maticum 20:208. dubium 2:90; 8:72; 11: 
131; 13:34; 19:228; 20:208; 23: 101, 273; 24: 
W623 te 193; 45: 277. echinatum 17: 32; 20: 
208. erectum 44:422. fistulosum 45:331. 
hybridum 2:70, 90; 5:36; 6:120; 9:121; 17: 
35, 216; 20:208; 22:136; 28:71; 29:180, 
215; 32: 256; 34: 65; 41:153, 250; 42:154, 332; 
44; 172, 175; 45: 331; 50:207; var. elegans 
45:331; 50: 214. incarnatum 1:106; 2:90; 
6:120; 7:110; 20:208. Macraei 20: 208. 
medium 2:90; 12:189; 20:208. nivale 23: 
95. pratense 2: 90; 3: 188; 5:290; 6:120; 7: 
122; 11:49; 17:35, 216; 18: 88; 20: 208; '21: 
170; 22: 136; 23: 95; 25: 9; 20: 186, 220; 28: 
ae 99: 215; 32: 160, 256; 33: 122; 34: 65; 36: 
282, 374; 39: 371, 374, 375; 42: 332; 45: :331; 
50: 214, 297 ; y. nivale 23: :95; f. leucochra- 
ceum 42: 44; 43:571; 45:331; 1. pilosum 42: 
456; 45: 331; var. frigidum 23: 95; var. sati- 

vum 45: 331; 50:214; f. flavicans 45:331. 
procumbens 2:90; 3:18; 11:199; 12:104; 
13:34; 18:38; 20:208; var. minus 2: 90. 

psoralioides 38: 406; 39: 425-427. purpureum 
15:172; 20:208. reflexum 25: 168; 43:501- 
503, 571, map 5; 44:240; 45:277; var. glab- 
rum 43:501. repens 2: 90; 3: 188; 5:49; 6: 
120; 17:35; 18:38; 20: 908; 21: 170; 22: 136; 
25: 9; 26: 186, 226; 28:71; 29:132, 215; 82: 
256; 33: 122; 34: 53, 65; 36: 282; 39:374, 375; 
42:154; 50:997. resupinatum 20:208; 47: 
215. simplicifolium 44:422, 423. stoloni- 
ferum 2:92; 45:277. tomentosum 20:209. 
virginicum 25:168; 37:233 

Triglochin 11:209; 18:30; 44:218; 46:206. 
maritima 4:89; 5:133, 174, 175, 248; 10:112, 
144, 169, 172; 11:209, 226, 229; 12:113, 117- 
119; 17:147, 208, 211, 221; 18:33; 19:32, 35; 
2L: 65; 23: 101; 25: 6, 107; 27:97; 29:43, 44, 
65, 67, 87-89, 106-112, 123, 206 ; 32: 172, 213, 
231; 33: 60, 116; 34: 70, 108; 36: :277 ; 44: 218; 
46 :206. palustris 5:174, 248; 10: 169, 172; 
12:107, 112; 13:138; 17:64; 18:142; 19:31, 
33, 35; 21:65, 87; 22:110; 23:26, 192; 24: 
98; 27: 54, 97; 29: 44, 60, 63, 65, 67, 111, 112, 
247; al 82; 33: 60, 112, 116; 34: 70; 35: 292; 
36: 277; 37: 206 ; 38: 139; 41: 177; 42: 317: 49: 
239. striata 38: 377, 384; 42: 387, 388, 407, 
506-508, map 19 


Trigonanthus dentatus 14:223 

Trigonella 20:209. Cassia 2:92. laciniata 20: 
209. Nocana 2:92; 20:209. ramosa 20:209 

Trigonium alternans 26:194, 218 

Trihalatae 47:385, pl. 991 

'Trilisa 7:158; 46:148; 48:176. odoratissima 
46:148; 48:410. paniculata 46:148; 48:410 

Trillium 2:218; 4:128; 6:111; 10:21, 23, 24, 
131, 215, 216; 12:165; 13:189-191; 22:78, 
152; 33:177; 36:8, 119-126; 37:349; 40:485; 
42:194-196; 43:206, 207; 44:14, 15, 333; 45: 
364, 365, 396, 439, 440, 445, 517; 49:254. $ 
Erecta 40:485. subgen. Anthopium 46:17. 
subgen. Delostylium 36:127. subgen. Sessi- 
lium 46:17, 18. acuminatum 36:126. Bald- 
uinianum 46:17. camtschaticum 31:41. 
Catesbaei 25:190; 34:22; 36:121, 127, 128; 
44:261; 46:14—16, pl. 810. cernuum 5:132; 
9:121; 10:131, 165; 12:128; 13:139; 23:242; 
25:189-191; 32:176, 205; 35:90, 237; 36:121, 
127; 43:340; 46:14, 15; 49:246; var. declina- 
tum 25:190; f. Billingtonii 25:191; f. Wal- 
polei 25:191; 46:17; var. macranthum 25: 
190, 191; 32:204, 205; 36:128. Cleavelandi- 
cum 45:517. cuneatum 46:18, 19. declina- 
tum 34:21, 22; 36:128; 38:192; 46:16, 17. 
decumbens 36:121. discolor 36:121, 122, 
126. erectum 6:111; 10:131; 12:128, 165; 
13:141; 21:200; 22:134; 23:71, 140, 242; 
25:190; 28:132; 31:141; 36:121, 126, 127; 
38:192; 40:486; 46:19, 158; 47:369; f. albi- 
florum 37:85; var. album 36:120, 121, 126; 
40:485, 486, pl. 536; 46:81; var. blandum 
40:485, 486, pl. 536; var. declinatum 25: 
190; 34:21; 36:128; 46:16. erythrocarpum 
1:184; 3:172; 4:106; 6:111; 7:40; 10:21, 
23; 36:128; 8. Cleavelandicum 45:517; var. 
Cleavelandicum 45:517. flavum 36:126. 
flexipes 46:16, 17, 19; f. Walpolei 46:17. 
glaucum 36:127. Gleasoni 34:21; 36:121, 
128; 38:192; 46:16, 17, 19. grandiflorum 1: 
171; 4:198; 10:128; 13:191; 23:71; 27:214; 
28:244; 29:15, 223; 30:105; 33:178; 35:249; 
36:121, 127, 376; 42:194, 196; 43:206, 207; 
44:13-15, 333, 408; 45:443, 445, 517; 47:369; 
var. lirioides 36:127. hamosum 36:127. 
Hugeri 36:120, 121, 123-125; 46:18-20; f. 
flavum 36:124. isanthum 36:122. lanceola- 
tum 22:78, 79; 36:121, 123, 126; 42:375, 378, 
445, map 11; 45:364, 396-398, pl. 773; 46: 
17-19; var. rectistamineum 22:78, 79; 30: 
122. lancifolium 46:17-19. latifolium 36: 
127. longiflorum 36:122. ludovicianum 36: 
120, 121. luteum 36:120-122, 124; var. lati- 
petalum 36:124. maculatum 36:121-124; 
46:18, 19. medium 36:127. membranaceum 
36:122. nervosum 36:127; 44:261; 46:14- 
17, pls. 810, 811. nivale 1:171; 36:121. nu- 
tans 36:126. ovatum 13:189, 191, pl. 92. 
petiolatum 36:8. pusillum 36:121; 39:470, 
486; 45:364, 396, 397, pl. 772; var. virgin- 
ianum 45:397, 398, pl. 773. rectistami- 
neum 22:79; 36:122. recurvatum 13:191, 
216; 35:362; 36:121, 125, 126; 39:429; 46: 
17; f. luteum 36:125; var. lanceolatum 36: 
126; 46:17. rhomboideum 36:126; B. album 


36:126; y. grandiflorum 36:127. rotundi- 
folium 36:122; 46:19; var. flexicaule 46:19; 
var. maculatum 46:19; var. orbiculatum 46: 
19; var. pallidum 46:19; var. rubricaule 46: 
19; var. undulatum 46:19. Rugelii 36:128; 
46:16. sessile 1:172; 10:22; 13:191; 29:223; 
36:121-123; 45:384, 396; 46:15, 20; var. dis- 
color 36:125; var. luteum 36:122, 124; var. 
Nuttallii 36:125; var. praecox 36:122; var. 
viridiflorum 36:122. stamineum 36:121, 
126. stylosum 36:127; 46:15, 16. tinctor- 
ium 36:122. Underwoodii 22:79; 36:122, 
124; 46:18-20; var. luteum 36:124. undu- 
latum 1:184; 3:172; 6:111; 9:121; 10:21, 
23, 24, 131, 214, 216; 12:163; 13:141; 17: 
152; 22:134; 23:242; 29:15, 223; 32:205; 
36:121, 128; 39:200, 202, fig. 30 (map); 45: 
517; f. Cleavelandicum 45:517; f. poly- 
merum 45:517. unguiculatum 36:125. 
Vaseyi 36:121, 126; f. album 36:127. viride 
22:79; 36:120, 121, 124, 125, 230. viride- 
scens 36:120, 125 

Trillium, Large White 45:438. Painted 10:21, 
22, 214; 12:163; 45:517. Purple 46:158 

Trilliums 42:375 

Trimorpha angulosa 41:389. elongata 41:390 

Triodanis 48 :209-213; 50:38, 39, 41-44, 46, 47, 
49. biflora 48:212. coloradoensis 48:209- 
213, 216, pl. 1050; 50:44, 46. falcata 48:213. 
Holzingeri 48 :212-214; 50:48. lamprosperma 
48 :212-214. perfoliata 48:209, 213; 50:300. 
scabra 50:47. texana 48:212, 214 

Triodia 8:85; 14:185, 186; 36:347; 49:264. 
ambigua 44:258. avenacea 36:347. Chap- 
mani 37:133; 42:378, 383, 410, 411, map 15; 
44:343. cuprea 1:67; 2:127; 8:211; 14:185, 
186; var. intermedia 37:134. decumbens 2: 
137. elongata 50:92, 93, 95. flava 37:134; 
38:04; 39:473; 40:243, 244; 41:34; 42:384, 
410, 411; 44:70; 48:20, 24; 49:264; var. aris- 
tata 37:134; var. Chapmani 37:133, 134; 
38:385; 39:360, 476; 42:410. Langloisii 44: 
258. Nealleyi 36:347. oklahomensis 40: 
243. pilosa 50:92, 93, 95. purpurea 5:131. 
repens 36:347. seslerioides 8:210; var. aris- 
tata 37:134; var. Chapmani 37:133. stricta 
14:186; 39:481; 44:71 

Triodon 9:53; 46:101. albus 46:121; var. 
macer 46:124. capillaceus 46:126. glome- 
ratus 46:113 

Triorchis Beckii 48:6. Grayi 48:6. 

Triosteum 20:116; 25:199; 26:16; 33:29. an- 
gustifolium 6:55; 8:80; 25:201-203; 36:231; 
39:482; var. Eamesii 25:201, 202. auran- 
tiacum 4:88, 92; 6:55, 57, 179, 180; 12:113; 
13:218; 20:116; 25:199, 200, 202; 26:16; 35: 
364; var. glaucescens 20:116; 25:202; var. 
illinoense 40:133. illinoense 40:133. 
majus 25:201. minus 25:202. perfoliatum 
4:75, 92, 195; 6:55, 57, 179, 180; 25:199- 
201, 203; 26:16, 176; 32:176, 211, 216, 276; 
44:259; var. aurantiacum 25:201, 202, 203; 
35:364; 43:343; var. glaucescens 25:199- 
202; var. illinoense 25:201, 202; 40:133 

Tripetaloideae 47:385 


INDEX TO VonuMwrs 1—50 259 

Triphora 42:55. surinamense 42:55. trian- 
thophora 42:55, 56; 43:520, 549; var. Schaff- 
neri 42:55, 56 

Triphylloides 30:59 

Triplasis 14:186; 15:132; 49:265. purpurea 
15:132; 32:147, 236; 36:375; 37:372, 389; 
40:366, 386; 48:20, 25; 49:101, 108, 265 

Triploceras 7:118; 24:219; 26:206. gracile 7: 
118; 24:219; 26:206; var. bidentatum 44:68; 
var. montana 7:118, 119, pl. 6l. verticil- 
latum 7:118; 24:219; var. turgidum 7:118 

Tripsacum 29:115; 31:16; 47:99. dactyloides 
2:127; 30:51; 31:12, 17, 110, 118, pl. 177; 
32:185; 37:391; 38:376; 39:473; 44:71; var. 
occidentale 47:99, 109 

Tripterocladium 35:146 

Triquetrella 41:112 

Trisetum 5:289; 6:106; 8:81-84, 86, 89, 137- 
139, 141; 142; 15:120; 21:76, 130; 30:209, 
210, 237, 241, 242; 38:207; 42:94; 43:220; 
49:254, 268. $8 Scolobanthus 8:137, 139, 142. 
$ Koeleria 8:83. subgen. Heterolytrum 30: 
211, 212; $ Anaulacoa 30:211, 212; sub-§ 
Deschampsioidea 30:211, 242, 243; sub-§ 
Eutriseta 30:211, 212; sub-§ Graphe- 
phorum 30:211, 240; sub-§ Koeleriformia 
30:211, 241; sub-§ Sphenopholidea 30: 
211, 240; $ Aulacoa 30:211, 243. sub- 
gen. Isolytrum 30:211, 244; 46:285. air- 
oides 30:238. alaskanum 30:221, 239. al- 
pestre 8:89. altijugum 8:89; 30:241. an- 
dicola 30:244. andinum 30:238, 239. an- 
tarcticum 30:240. araeanthum 30:242. ar- 
genteum 30:213. bambusiforme 30:212. 
barbatum 30:243; var. majus 30:243. bar- 
binode 30:240; var. hirtiflorum 30:240. 
biflorum 30:239. Bongardii 30:220. 
brachyatherum 30:242. Brandegei 30:241. 
brasiliense 30:242. Brittonii 30:239. 
Buchtienii 30:238. californicum 8:143, 146; 
30:240. canescens 30:214-216, 218; f. ton- 
sum 30:216; f. velutinum 30:216. caudu- 
latum 30:240. cernuum 30:213-217, 219; 
var. luxurians 30:213; f. pubescens 30: 
213; var. Sandbergii 30:214. chromo- 
stachyum 30:240. chiloénse 30:240. Cong- 
doni 30:219, 239, 240. depauperatum 30: 
242. deyeuxioides 30:244. disjunctum 30: 
218. elatum 30:215-217. elongatum 8: 
145. erectum 30:240. evolutum 30:245. 
filifolium 8:86; 30:217; var. aristatum 30: 
217. flavescens 8:89; 30:212, 216; 38:266, 
267; 41:179; 44:335; 49:268. floribundum 
30:243; var. Weberbaueri 30:244. Four- 
nieranum 30:239. fraudulentum 30:212. 
groenlandicum 30:238. Hallii 8:141, 146; 30: 
240. heteronymum 30:217. hirsutum 30: 
239. hirtiflorum 30:240. hirtum 30:217. 
humile 30:244. interruptum $8:141, 145; 
30:218, 240; var. californicum 30:240. 
irazuense 30:212. Jungensii 30:243. labra- 
doricum 30:238. lasiolepis 30:238. laxi- 
florum 30:242. laxum 30:242. litorale 30: 
243. lobatum 8:139, 143, 144; 10:65; 43: 
534. longiglume 30:244. ludovicianum 8: 
145; 18:234. Macbridei 30:245. Maidenii 

18:196. malacophyllum 30:212, 218. meli- 
coides 8:86, 89; 9:159; 12:113; 13:132, 138; 
23:25; 28:152; 30:240; 38:206, 268; var. 
majus 10:65; 38:266. micrantherum 8:83; 
30:242. minutiflorum 8:83. mollifolium 
30:218. montanum 8:86, 89; 30:212; var. 
pilosum 30:212; var. Shearii 30:213. 
monticola 30:240. muticum 8:86, 88; 30: 
241. nemorosum 30:242. nitidum 8:82. 
nivosum 30:239. ochrostachyum 30:240. 
oreophilum 30:221, 223; var. Johnstonii 
30:237. Palmeri 30:242. palustre 1:104, 
181; 5:289; 8:82, 84, 140, 141, 145; 18:234. 
paniculatum 30:212. paradoxum 30:240. 
pensylvanicum 8:139, 144; 18:234; 30:240; 
36:35; 49:268. Preslii 30:238; var. Buch- 
tienii 30:238; var. lasiantha 30:238. 
Pringlei 30:241. projectum 30:217. pur- 
purascens 7:244; 21:76, 77. Rosei 30:223, 
239; f. tenerum 30:239; var. tenerum 30: 
239. Sandbergu 30:214. sesquiflorum 30: 
219, 220, 239, 240. Shearii 8:89; 30:213. 
sibiricum 41:160, 163, 179. spicatum 13: 
177; 15:129; 16:16; 17:65; 18:196, 197; 21: 
128-131; 29:55; 30:219, 223, 238, 239; 31: 
194, 195, 255; 32:261, 262; 35:250; 36:148; 
37:206; 38:141; 42:317 ; 49:268; var. alaska- 
num 30:239; var. andinum 30:239; var. 
Brittonii 30:239; var. dianthemum 30: 
239; var. fuegianum 30:239; var. hirsu- 
tum 30:239; var. laxius 30:239; var. 
Maidenii 18:196, 197; 29:55; 30:239; 38: 
118, 124, 141; 41:179; var. majus 30:239; 
var. molle 8:88; 18:196, 197; 21:131, 132; 
30:239; 34:51; 37:66; 38:266, 268; 41:180; 
44:335; 49:268; var. nivosum 30:239; var. 
phleoides 30:239; var. pilosiglume 18:195, 
197; 20:55; 30:239; 38:124, 141, 260, 269; 
44:139, 335; 49:240; var. villosissimum 30: 
239. splendidulum 30:212. subaristatum 
8:83. subspicatum 3:170; 4:150; 8:82; 30: 
238; 31:194; f. Maidenii 18:196; var. brevi- 
glume 30:238; var. compactum 30:239; var. 
fuegianum 30:239; var. glabrifolium 30:238; 
var. laxius 30:239; var. molle 1:181; 5:35, 
289; 6:106; var. muticum 8:88; 30:241; var. 
villosissimum 30:239. tolucense 30:238. 
Trinii 30:243; var. effusum 30:243; var. 
litorale 30:243; var. majus 30:243; var. 
manicatum 30:243; var. micrantherum 
30:243; var. pallidiflorum 30:243; var. 
strictum 30:243. variabile 30:240; var. 
chiloense 30:240; var. flavescens 30:240; 
var. intonsum 30:240; var. Vidali 30:240; 
var. virescens 30:240. Vidali 30:240. viride 
30:244. Virletii 30:212. Weberbaueri 30: 
244. Williamsii 30:221. Wolfii 8:83, 87, 
88; 30:240; var. Brandegei 30:241; f. 
muticum 30:241; var. muticum 8:88; 30: 

Tristegis 9:50 
Triticum 12:26, 27, 61, 66; 15:149; 30:421; 

47:280; 49:265. aestivum 15:149; 44:71; 
48:21; 49:265. biflorum 12:62, 65, 66, 74; 
B. Hornemanni 12:64, 66, 74; 35:164, 171, 
174. caninum 12:26, 27, 62, 63, 70, 205; var. 


Gmelini 12:61, 66, 75; var. pauciflorum 36: 
419; var. typicum 12:70. junceum X re- 
pens 35:167. pauciflorum 35:163, 168, 169, 
171; 36:417, 418. pungens 12:26. repens 
12:62, 74; 26:222; 32:157; 35:184; A. vire- 
scens 12:65; B. Hornemanni 12:65; var. 8. 
pubescens 35:184; var. aristatum 35:184. 
Richardsoni 12:67, 76. sativum 1:107; 18: 
95, 96; 37:83; var. muticum 1:107; var. vul- 
gare 1:107. sepium 12:63, 70. subsecun- 
dum 35:162, 180. subulatum 35:184. tene- 
rum 12:26. trachycaulum 35:162, 169; 36: 
417, 418, 420. Vaillantianum 35:184. vio- 
laceum 12:26, 27, 64, 67, 74; 35:164. vul- 
gare 12:26, 27 

Tritomaria exsectiformis 39:35. quinqueden- 
tata 39:13, 14, 36 

Trochilidae 41:185 

Trochilus colubris 41:185 

Trochisia reticularis 50:274 

Trollius 5:35; 47:385. laxus 1:184; 5:34; 13: 
31; 20:184, 196; 21:87; 23:219 

Tropaeolum Lobbianum, var. fimbriatum 18: 
160; var. hederifolium 18:160; var. minia- 
tum 18:160; var. Reginae 18:160. majus 
1:47; 19:115. peltophorum, var. fimbria- 
tum 18:160; var. hederifolium 18:160; 
yn miniatum 18:160; var. Reginae 18: 

Tropidocarpum gracile 18:221 

Tropidoneis Lepidoptera 26:193, 195, 218. 
seriata 9:135. zebra 9:135 

Tepo phos 50:272, 278. octocostatus 50: 

Troximon 7:161; 26:126, 127; 50:33. auran- 
tiacum 50:33; var. purpureum 50:32, 33. 
ciliatum 26:127. cuspidatum 50:33, 34. 
Dandelion 26:126. glaucum 26:126, 127. 
gracilens 26:125; 50:31. lanatum 26:126, 
197. virginicum 26:126, 127 

Truffles 8:232 

Trumpet Honeysuckle 4:40; 12:184 

Trypethelium virens 29:98 

Tryphane 21:11, 12. verna 21:11 

Tsuga 6:103; 10:63; 11:167, 168; 12:177; 21: 
41; 25:164; 29:169; 33:30; 35:358; 37:207; 
44: fig. 1; 45:108; 47:207; 49:83; 50:36, 37. 
americana 17:59, 168; 20:185, 187; 21:108. 
canadensis 5:130; 6:103; 10:63; 12:177; 15: 
105; 17:59, 60; 19:273; 20:185, 186, 188; 21: 
41, 108, 199; 28:43, 45; 29:147; 31:20; 32: 
12; 34:188; 35:358; 37:307; 44:412; 46:83. 
caroliniana 17:165; 46:74. mertensiana 45: 
108; 46:152 

Tuber 9:51; 50:135. cibarium 9:51; 31:119 

Tuberaria 9:46; 28:143; 40:38; 43:609-611, 
614. globularifolia 43:611, 615, pl. 689. 
guttata 43:610, 614, pls. 689, 690 

Tubercularia 50:288 

Tuberose 28:57 

Tubifera ferruginosa 29:170 

'Tubiflora acuminata 38:407. 
gustifolia 17:131 

Tubiflorae 9:37; 20:151 

Tubulina fragiformis 1:128, 129 

Tulip(s) 23:195; 47:379 

caroliniensis an- 


Tulipa 47:385. Gesneriana 42:43 

Tulip-tree 18:211; 49:83 

Tu 47:178. pycnanthemoides 10:86; 39: 

Tumble-weed(s) 3:18, 34 

Tundra Rose 42:331 

Tunica Saxifraga 37:86; 43:155 

Tupelo 7:126; 20:205; 23:109; 37:435 

Turanga ilicifolia 47:362 

Turkey-buzzards 47:98 

Turkey-Oak 44:349, 351 

Turnera 44:271 

Turpinia occidentalis 7:28 

Turraea 18:234 

Turritella 5:209; 10:125 

Turritis 27:66; 39:64—66; 43:306, 316. brachy- 
carpa 5:226, 228, 230, 231; 39:130; 43:375. 
Drummondi 39:137; 43:370. glabra 5:226; 
39:64, 107, 109, 111, 138; 43:293, 315; B. 5: 
230; var. B. 5:226; 39:137; var. lilacina 43: 
316. Grahamii 43:480. hirsuta 39:119, 120. 
hispidula 43:480. laevigata 13:38; 39:65, 
161, 164. lyrata 39:161, 165. macrocarpa 
39:107, 111; 43:316. mollis 39:127, 128; 
43:480. oblongata 39:120; 43:318. ovata 
39:119, 120, 178; 43:318, 324. patula 5:229; 
39:131, 134; 43:479, 480; var. 8. 39:171. 
perfoliata 39:107. retrofracta 5:228; 39: 
132, 180, 181; 43:441. spathulata 43:319. 
stricta 5:226, 228-230; 39:137-139, 141, 146, 
148; 43:370. verna 39:85 

'Turtlehead 42:103 

Tussaca oblongifolia 48:11. 
secunda 1:6 

Tussilago 6:133; 19:220; 21:201; 26:167; 37: 
307. corymbosa 48:123, 124. Farfara 2: 
137; 6:133; 12:129; 14:75; 15:154; 18:44; 
26:107; 31:86. frigida 48:124. palmata 48: 


Twayblade 18:71 

Twin-flower 18:71; 22:130; 24:210 

Twisted Stalks 8:69 

Typha 6:103; 11:204; 13:242; 26:186; 33:21, 
22, fig. 1; 35:90, 155; 40:152, 183; 42:374; 
43:90, 91; 44:33; 45:113; 46:314; 49:89. 
angustifolia 1:221; 5:133; 11:179, 204; 12: 
120; 13:241-243; 14:26; 15:76, 138, 157; 16: 
186; 21:148; 23:199; 26:1; 29:60-62, 65, 66, 
71, 106, 107, 111, 248, 249, 251; 32:147, 230; 
35:252, 391; 37:385-387; 42:24; 43:85, 86, 
88-91, 338, 513, 553, fig. 1; 44:213; 45:113, 
114; 49:116; subsp. australis 37:386; var. 
elongata 26:1; 37:385; var. longispicata 
25:906, 208; 26:1; var. virginica 13:242; 
25:206; 26:1; 37:385. capensis 37:380. 
domingensis 37:385, 386. gigantea 37:385. 
glauca 13:243. latifolia 3:129, 189; 5:132; 
6:103; 7:154; 11:175, 204, 230; 13:241—243; 
14:26, 206; 17:150, 209, 210; 18:32, 95; 21: 
148; 26:187, 219; 29:63, 66, 248-250; 32: 
149, 161, 229; 33:19, 22; 35:90, 131, 252; 
36:277; 37:357, 380; 43:85-87, 91, 338, 553, 
fig. 1; 44:171, 175, 213; 48:330; 50:293; * 
domingensis 37:385; f. ambigua 29:248, 249, 
251; 44:213; proles Hildebrandtii 37:386; 
var. elongata 26:1. maxima 37:385. truxil- 

reticulata 1:5. 


lensis 37:385, 386; 38:377; 39:477; 42:374, 
376, 407, 505, map 8; 44:370, 377 ; 45:113, 114 

Typhaceae 5:246; 6:103; 11:204; 18:32, 95; 
26:219; 29:248; 31:43; 32:229; 30:277; 37: 
306; 40:183; 44:213; 50:293 

Tytebaer 12:23 

Tyteling 12:23 

Tyttebaer 4:232 

Ubochea 9:38 

Udora canadensis 22:18, 24, 29. verticillata 
minor 22:22, 28 

Udotea 3:91 

Ulex europaeus 32:256 

Ulmaceae 21:190 

Ulmaria 8:203, 204. lobata 8:204. rubra 8: 
203, 204 

Ulmus 6:114; 12:179; 17:170; 21:42; 29:171; 
31:88; 44:27; 45:109; 46:150. alata 36:230; 
38:378; 39:330, 479, 482, map 54; 46:82. 
americana 3:233; 5:132; 6:114; 12:128, 179; 
17:170; 19:220; 21:42; 22:184; 28:73; 32: 
248; 35:249; 37:352, 437, fig. 1 (map); 39: 
473; 40:146, 154; 41:514, 520; 44:169, 170, 
175, 412; 47:132, 208, 204, 272; «. glabra 47: 
133; B. alba 47:133; 8. scabra 47:133; y. 
pendula 47:133; f. alba 47:133; f. inter- 
cedens 47:133; f. laevior 47:133; f. pen- 
dula 47:133; var. alba 47:133; var. pendula 
47:133. campestris 12:128; 17:170. fulva 
3:233; 6:114; 14:80, 83; 17:170; 21:199; 35: 
249; 36:374; 37:11; 40:375, 413; 41:31; 43: 
550; 44:239, 351; 47:132, 204. mollifolia 
47:203. montana 21:42. procera 45:358, 
398. racemosa 7:140. rubra 47:132, 203, 
204. scabra 17:170. serotina 47:124. 
'Thomasi 7:140 

Ulota americana 24:123; 30:9. crispa 3:179, 
180; 4:30; 24:123. crispula 3:179, 180; 4: 
30; 30:9. Funstoni 38:240. Hutchinsiae 4: 
30. Ludwigii 1:34; 3:179, 180; 4:30; 24: 
123; 30:2, 9. phyllantha 4:24; 30:2, 9 

Ulothrichaceae 5:72, 210; 24:53 

Ulothrix 6:182; 10:155, 163; 24:51, 103, 110. 
collabens 1:127; 2:45. flacca 2:45; 7:225; 
50:257, 260. implexa 2:45; 7:225; 43:214. 
variabilis 29:162; var. marina 2:12, 45; 7: 
225. zonata 7:239; 15:91; 50:71 

Ulotrichales 44:67 

Ulva 5:3, 7, 18, 24; 11:23; 17:91; 23:70; 26: 
190; 44:397. aureola 5:30. californica 5: 
8, 9. clathrata 5:29, 30; var. erecta 5:28; 
var. prostrata 5:29; var. ramulosa 5:29; var. 
Rothiana, f. prostrata 5:29; var. uncinata 
5:29. compressa 5:30; var. racemosa 5:25. 
enteromorpha, var. compressa 5:25, 30; var. 
intestinalis 5:23, 30; var. lanceolata 5:24. 
fasciata 5:8, 10; 6:182; 11:24; f. caespitosa 
5:10; f. lobata 5:10; f. taeniata 5:10. Gre- 
villei 11:23. Hopkirkii 5:28, 31. intesti- 
nalis 5:31. Lactuca 2:45; 5:3, 8, 10, 13, 15, 
31; 10:116; 11:23; 21:205; 26:213; 50:257, 
260; var. Lactuca 5:8, 31; var. latissima 5: 
9, 31; 43:214; 50:257, 260; var. mesenteri- 
formis 2:45; 5:9; 7:224; var. rigida 2:45; 
5:8, 31, pl. 41; 7:224. latissima 5:8, 9, 31; 


50:260; var. Linza 5:24. Linza 5:24. mar- 
ginata 5:25. merismopedioides 5:17. mes- 
aD 5:9. percursa 5:26. rigida 5: 

Ulvaceae 5:1, 2, 4, 7; 11:23, 25; 18:91; 24:53 

Ulvella 50:259 

Umbellatae 47:384, 386, pl. 991 

Umbelliferae 3:69, 209, 220; 6:9, 124; 9:37; 
10:207; 18:40, 98; 21:170, 181; 23:110; 24: 
92; 25:10, 104; 26:93, 227; 28:72; 29:217; 
31:43; 32:267; 35:79; 36:282; 40:180, 291; 
42:371; 43:81; 45:300; 47:283, 386; 48:162; 
F: Ka ; 50:298, 303. trib. Peucedaneae 21: 

Umbellifers 41:472 

Umbilicaria erosa 28:226. hyperborea 28:226. 
Muhlenbergii 10:36. polyphylla 28:226. 
proboscidea 28:226; var. arctica 28:226. 
pustulata, var. papillosa 29:101. vellea 28: 

Umbilicus 31:14, 222 

Umbrella-weed 14:90 

Uncinia 5:249; 28:61; 35:139; 45:366 

Uncinula necator 39:374 

Unifolium 9:53. canadense 6:110; 16:210 

Uniola 7:161; 27:70, 71; 31:148; 39:203. dis- 
tichophylla 27:68, 71; 47:148. flexuosa 27: 
69. gracilis 31:12, 148. latifolia 38:378; 
44:71. laxa 31:148, 149; 38:376; 39:196; 
44:71. longifolia 24:148; 31:148, 149; 38: 
384. multiflora 27:69. Palmeri 27:70, 71. 
paniculata 36:31; 38:377, 381, 384; 44:342. 
sessiliflora 38:384; 39:361, 477; 40:422; 44: 
71. spicata 27:68, 69. stricta 27:69; 46: 
203. uniflora 31:148, 149 

Unisema 27:76, 77. acutifolia 27:81. cordata 
27:76, 80; f. latifolia 27:80. heterophylla 
27:81. Purshiana 27:80 

Urachne brevicaudata 4:142, 143. 

Uralepis cuprea 14:185 

Uraspermum aristatum, 8. longistyle 25:110 

Uredinaceae 10:12, 218 

Uredinales 12:125; 38:97 

Uredineae 3:262, 281 


Uredinopsis mirabilis 34:65; 38:98. Osmun- 
dae 34:65 

Uredo Agrimoniae 10:17 

Uria lomvia 36:171, pl. 285 

Urochloa 13:174. panicoides 13:174. uniseta 


Urococcus Foslieanus 10:162. Hookerianus 
50:71. insignis 50:71 

Uroglena 1:101 

Uromyces 10:13; 12:124-126. acuminatus 41: 
513; 44:173. appendiculatus 34:65. ari- 
triphylli 44:174. Caladii 34:65; 44:174. 
caricina 12:126. Dactylidis 34:65. Fabae 
9:39; 34:05; 44:174. fallens 39:374. 
hedysari-paniculati 39:374. Holwayi 38:98. 
houstoniatus 34:65; 44:174. hybridi 34:65. 
hyperici 39:374; 44:174. Hyperici-frondosi 
34:65. Lespedezae 2:186. Lespedezae-pro- 
cumbentis 34:65. Limonii 39:374. minutus 
12:126. perigynius 12:126. phaseoli, var. 
typica 39:374. pluriannulatus 10:12. Poly- 


goni 34:65. solidaginis-caricis 12:126, 127. 
trifolii 26:219; 34:65; 39:374. Trifolii-re- 
pentis 34:65. uniporulus 12:125, 126, fig. 
valens 12:125, 126, fig. 

Uropedium 9:50 

Urophlyetis 10:13. Kriegeriana 10:12, 13. 
pluriannulatus 10:13 

Urospora 5:73; 10:155. penicilliformis 2:45; 
5:18; 7:225; 50:259, 260 

Urtica 13: 18, 123; 17: 171; 28:63, 117; 36:373. 
angustifolia 98: 197, 199. aquatica. 28:199. 
Brewer 28:191, 192, 197, 198. californica 
28:192, 198. cardiophylla 28:193. chamae- 
dryoides 39:429. dioica 2:157; 8:72; 10: 
154; 17:171; 23:257; 28:191, 197; 29: 212; 
B. angustifolia 28: 199; t. procera 28:195; 
var. occidentalis 28: 199. gracilenta 28: 198. 
gracilis 2:208; 3:189; 17:171; 28:191—193, 
195, 196; 36: 280; 37: 191; 41:218. holoseri- 
cea 28:192. longifolia 28:195. Lyalli 17: 
64, 171; 18:36; 28:191-193, 197, 198. mexi- 
cana 28:199. procera 28: 193, 195, 198; 37: 
191. pumila 38:169. serra 28: 199. urens 
17:171; 29:212; 32:248. viridis 28:193, 196, 

Urticaceae 6:114; 9:37; 12:179; 17:169; 18: 
36; 21:170, 190; 28:73; 29:212; 31:43; 32: 
248; 36:280; 49:255; 50:295 

Urticales 9:37 

Urticastrum 9:54. divaricatum 6:114 

Urvillea 9:38, 52 

Usnea 2:66. 8 Neuropogon 36:146. barbata 
2:66, 67; 28:230; f. hirtella 28:230; var. fili- 
pendula’ 28:230; var. stricta 28: 230. caver- 
nosa 28:230. florida 14: 89; 18:94. longis- 
sima 28:230. melaxantha 36:146. plicata 
20:40; 28:230. sulphurea 36:143, 145, 146, 
151, 154, 160. trichodea 13:91; 28:230 

Usneaceae 14:89; 15:93; 28:230 

Ustilagineae 3:281 

Ustilago 3:81; 40:214. antherarum 1:90. 
avenae 39: 374. Eriocauli 3: 82, fig. 

Utricularia 2:70; 4:42, 102, 103; 5: 197; 6:129; 
7:111, 236; 8: 97; 15: 135; 19: 38; 21: :68; 23: 
143; 25: 185; 30: 35; 33: 39; 35: 124; 36: :350; 
41: 116, 117; 42:52, 384; 44: 175; 45:381; 47: 
104; 48: 211, 212; 50: 46, 191. § Stomoisa 
33: 39. biflora 4: 27; 6: 152, 158; 8:80; 9: 
119; 14:31; 25:185; 32: 177, 274; 35: 289: 
41: i14, 115, 120, 124-127, fig. 2; 42:387, 480; 
45:373; 48:330. Bremii 41: 117, 120. clan- 
destina 6:129, 142, 152, 160; 9:119; 13:78, 
116, 135, 140; 19: 248; 28: 142, 290; 24:88; 
25: 185; 98: 56; 20: 242: 32: 274; 35: :85; 37: 
332; 41: 122; 42: 87, 90. cleistogama 6: 152, 
160; 23: 108, 291; 42:384. cornuta 1:184; 
2: 126; 4:76, 102; '5: 130, 133; 6:129, 152; 7: 
76, 107, 187; 9: 119; 11:98; 12: 117; 13: 290; 
14:30, 204 ; 16: 90; 23: 132, 144, 148; 24:203; 
25: 185; 29: 163, 220; 32:133, 274; 33: 39; 34: 
55; 35:5; 38: 365; 4l: 126, 472; 45:915. fi- 
brosa 6: 159; 19: 38, fig. 1; 41: 114, 115, 120, 
124—126, 128, fig. 4; 42: :88, 91, 408, 480. 
geminiscapa 23:142, 161, 290; 24: 203; 25: 
185; 28:56, 235; 29: 163, 242, 243; 30: 121; 
32: 148, 169, 274; 33:113, 124; 35: 85, map 6; 


37:249, 332, 442; 40:456; 41:113, 115, 120, 
122, 123, 127, 128, fig. 5; 42:87, 90; 43:645. 
gibba 1:82, 224; 6:152, 158, 159; 9:119; 15: 
135; 21:73; 23:143, 291; 24:57, 88, 203; 25: 
186, 213; 32: 210, 274; 36: 350; 39: 336; 41: 
114, 115, 120, 123-127, fig. 3; 42: 52, 53, 87, 
90; 50: 224. 304, pl. 1113. inflata 4: 76, 102; 
5:135; 6:152; 7:16; 9:119; 25:186; 32:212; 
36:54; 41:113, 115, 120—122, 128, fig. 7; 44: 
235; 45: 476; 47: 235; var. minor 41: 113, 115, 
120-122, 128, fig. 8; 43: 642; 44:235; 45:371, 
372, 476; 47 :235. ‘intermedia 1: 82: 2:126; 
6:129, 152, 160, 192; 7:107; 9:119; 11:98; 
19:32; 23: 141, 291; 25: 186; 99: 220; 32:173; 
33: 51, 124, 125; 36: 93; 37: 206, 308; 41: 114, 
115, 117, 119, 120, 127, 128, 167, 288, fig. 10; 
13:644; B. Robbinsii 50:130. juncea 23: 
144; 39: 477; 41:472, 485, 502, 569, 570; 42: 
384, 480; 48: 60; f. minima 48: 60; f. virga- 
tula 48:60. macrorhiza 41: 988; 43 :642- 
644; 50:129, 130. minor 4:2, 42, 102, 103; 
5: 197; 6: 152, 160; 7:107; 23: 141, 291; 24: 
184, 203; 25:186; 29: 187, 220; 33: 19, 112, 
124; 36: 350; 41: 114, 115, 117-120, 126-128, 
fig. '9; 42: 52, 53; 43: 644; f. platyloba 33: 
110, 124. myriocysta 41:121. neglecta 41: 
117, 118. occidentalis 41:117-119. ochro- 
leuca 33: 113, 124, 125; 41:114, 117, 119, 120, 
128, fig. 11. oligosperma 41:125. purpurea 
1:184; 2:123, 126, 215; 3:33; 4:76, 102; 5: 
135; 6: 152, 159, 160; 7: 76; 1: 31; 15: 135; 
21: 75; 23: 145, 161, 291; 24: 88, 119, 121, 203; 
25: 186; 36: 351; 38: 340, 453 ; 41: 113-115, 120, 
121, 123, 127, fig. 1; 42: 24, 52; 45:371, 476. 
quinqueradiata 41:192. radiata 41: 121; 42: 
87, 90, 91; 43:642. resupinata 1:224; 2: 
123; 4:27; 5:130; 6:152; 7:76, 107; 9: 119; 
13: 947; 18: 26, 147; 19: 248; 23:163, 991; 24: 
82, 88, 119; 25: 186; 26: 180; 32: 133, 477; 
41: 196. Robbinsii 50: 129. stellaris 41: 122. 
striata 6:159. subulata 6:152, 160; 7:76; 9: 
119; 21:119; 23:100, 108, 142, 143, 169, 291, 
300, pl. 130 (map 4); 30: 35; 32:177, 212; 
36: 51; 37:442; 39: 480; 42: 88, 93, 384; 44: 
235, 343; 48: 60; f. cleistogama 23: 291; 
30: 35; 42: 384; 48: 60; var. cleistogama 23: 
291. virgatula 38: 381, 444; 39:449, 477; 41: 
471, 485, 502, 570, map 12; 42:384, 480; 45: 
371, 476 ; 48:60. vulgaris 4: 76, 102; 5: :135; 
6: 152; 7: 107; 15:135; 24:100; 29: 187, 219; 
83: 19; 36: 350; 41: 113, 115, 117-120, 126, 
128, fig. 6; 43: 642-644, pl. 694; 50:129; var. 
americana 11:98; 14: 31; 21: 75; 22: 136; 24: 
100; 25:186; 29:187, 219; 36: 984; 38: :299; 
41: 117, 118, 156, 157, 159, 288, 289; 43: 642, 
644 ; 50: 130; var. neglecta 41: 118 

Utricularias 7: 78; 41:120, 123, 125-127 

Uva Ursi 16:25, 26, 28; 26:231 

Uvedalia 47: 196 

Uvularia 10:128; 12:127; 39:319; 41:537. am- 
plexifolia 8: 70; 37:97. floridana 47:142. 
grandiflora 1: 96, 172, 221; 19:127; 33:179; 
36:218; 37:58, 64, map. nitida 37: 408, 409 ; 
41:536. perfoliata 4: 88; 5:204; 10:128, 165; 
12:128; 21:199; 31:13; 32: 124, 244 ; 37: 58, 
350, map; 47: 374. puberula 37: 408, 409, 


452, pl. 392; 38:378; 41:536, 537; var. nitida 
37 :407-409, 453, pl. 392; 41:537. pudica 
41:536, 537; var. nitida 41:536, 537; 44: 
390. rosea 8:71. sessilifolia 4:88; 60:110; 
16:90; 37:408, 409; 43:340 


Vaccaria Vaccaria 6:115 

Vaccinia 12:24 

Vacciniaceae 33:193; 36:237 

Vaccinium 1:168; 3:266; 4:14, 232; 6:126; 7: 
161; 9:187; 11:157; 12:108, 183; 13:210, 
235; 14:135; 16:25, 28; 27:8; 29:49; 31:18; 
32:127; 34:246; 36:236; 38:121; 39:149, 161; 
40:148, 154; 41:166; 42:95, 155, 379; 43:69, 
220; 45:451; 49:22. $ Cyanococcus 27:8; 
29:49; 33:62, 193. subgen. Euvaccinium 29: 
49. album 16:117-119; 39:461. alto-mon- 
tanum 33:196. augustifolium 10:147; var. 
laevifolium 46:138; var. myrtilloides 36:283. 
arboreum 1:95; 36:32, 49, 230; 39:331, 481; 
42:363; 44:430; 47:260; var. glaucescens 35: 
288; 36:100, 220. arkansanum 33:195. 
atrococcum 9:119; 12:129; 16:192; 21:119; 
23:285;. 24:150; 32:151, 152, 270; 33:195, 
196; 36:50; 50:298; f. leucococcum 24:156, 
228; var. Longianum 33:196. brachyce- 
rum 33:197. buxifolium 4:233, 234. cae- 
sium 36:54; 45:456. canadense 1:94, 183; 
2:189; 3:176, 265, 266; 5:45; 6:120; 9:75, 
156, 163, 169, 189; 10:147; 12:183; 15:167; 
16:117; 17:153; 20:101; 21:199; 22:37, 40, 
41, 43, 44, 130, 134; 27:108; 34:61; 36:283; 
f. chiococcum 3:266; 31:85. cespitosum 1: 
94, 186, 192; 2:88, 98, 137, 187—190; 3:156, 
176; 5:36; 6:192; 9:154, 156, 163, 190; 10: 
54; 13:218; 21:192; 22:37, 44, 46; 27:212; 
35:280, 402, pl. 260; 36:283; 41:276; 42:19; 
44:115, 187, 188, fig. corymbosum 1:94; 2: 
82; 3:197, 235, 263—265; 5:131; 11:232; 12: 
129, 183; 13:54; 14:21; 21:119; 23:97; 24: 
156, 179; 29:184, 218, 243, 244; 32:151, 152, 
270; 33:195, 196; 36:233, 234, pl. 289; 39: 
60, 371, 375; 43:68; var. amoenum 1:94; 18: 
41; 23:285; 24:156, 179; var. atrococcum 1: 
94; 3:197, 235, 263-265; f. leucococcum 3: 
265; 24:156, 228; var. pallidum 1:94; 19: 
246; 23:286; 24:156, 179. crassifolium 36: 
49, 236; 42:378, 379, 474, map 12: 43:488; 
44:240, 350. dialypetalum 36:233. dumo- 
sum 13:96-98; 33:197. Elliottii 36:50; 39: 
331, 437, 467, 480; 45:370, 456. erythrocar- 
pum 46:138. formosum 2:224; 33:197. 
frondosum 13:96, 99; 33:197. fuscatum 33: 
197; var. pullum 33:196. gaultherioides 
25:24. globulare 37:210, 325, map 7. hir- 
tellum 13:96, 97; 33:197. Langloisii 38: 
407. ligustrinum 43:625. macrocarpon 1: 
94; 4:42, 234-237, pl. 40; 5:82, 133; 11:97, 
230, 231; 12:183; 13:54, 117, 135, 139, 149, 
217, 220; 17:148; 18:41, 94, 98; 22:135; 23: 
166; 24:156; 27:53; 29:218; 32:150, 214, 
270; 37:320, 437; 38:378; 39:368; 40:146; 
44:370; 46:315, 494. macrophyllum 37:325. 
Margaretta 33:193, 194, 196. marianum 33: 
195; 44:342. melanocarpum 36:230. mem- 
branaceum 10:54; 37:205, 210, 211, 216, 218, 

325, map 7; 49:207; var. rigidum 37:325. 
missouriense 33:193. myrtilloides 10:147, 
148; 29:184; 37:325; 8. macrophyllum 37: 
325; y. rigidum 37:3. Myrtillus 21:66; 29: 
184, 218; 44:188. neglectum 10:53; 36:49, 
230. nubigenum 10:53; 28:116, 124, 224; 
31:47; 35:58, 279, 280, 402, map 293, pl. 260; 
36:327; 44:115, 144. occidentale 25:24. 
ovalifolium 9:163, 177, 178, 188, 190, 191; 
10:54; 11:97; 13:116; 28:107, 116, 124, 224; 
32:206; 34:244; 35:58, 280, 402, pl. 260; 37: 
205, 216; 38:274; 44:115. Oxycoccus 1:94, 
183, 192; 2:208; 3:176, 189, 197; 4:106, 235- 
237, pl. 40; 5:36, 133; 9:163, 190, 218; 11:97, 
240; 12:35, 183; 13:220; 17:148; 18:30, 41; 
22:37, 41, 43, 44; 23:96, 98; 24:150, 159; 25: 
10; 20:71, 218, 222; 32:143, 179, 261; 33:51, 
96, 99, map 4; 34:55; 36:283; 37:206; 44: 
115; 46:250; var. intermedium 4:236, 237, 
pl. 40; 6:126, 142; 7:109; 8:29; 11:54; 22: 
41, 44; 33:123; var. ovalifolium 11:54. pal- 
lidum 9:119; 33:196; 45:457. pensilvani- 
cum 1:94, 192; 2:82, 224, 225; 3:65, 176, 
189, 263, 264; 5:128; 9:181, 187; 10:147, 
148; 11:97; 12:129, 176, 183; 15:190; 17: 
153; 18:41; 20:101; 22:134; 23:105, 135, 138, 
247, 285; 24:156; 28:80; 29:184, 218, 237; 
82:178; 33:123; 84:54, 64; 30:233; 37:422; 
39:60, 61, 63, 373, 375, fig. 1, pl. 456; 40: 
145; 42:95; f. leucocarpum 3:264; var. an- 
gustifolium 1:94; 3:65, 176, 197; 5:36; 7: 
108; 9:156, 163; 10:54, 145, 147, 148; 11:97; 
12:106, 141; 13:96; 18:41; 21:192; 22:37, 
43, 44; 25:10; 29:184, 218, 237; var. myrtil- 
loides 10:148; 11:54; 13:235; 15:167; 18: 
41; 22:137; 24:156; 25:10; 32:179; var. ni- 
grum 1:94; 3:198, 263; 10:145; 12:176, 183; 
17:153: 20:101; 22:137; 23:138, 24/5 24: 
156; 39:63. pubescens 25:24, 25; 36:184. 
resinosum 10:53; 33:197. salicinum 25:24. 
serum 33:194; var. pubifolium 33:195. 
stamineum 1:94; 4:246; 12:168, 169; 16: 
117; 19:246; 21:199; 24:185; 32:177; 36: 
220; 37:350, 352, 358, fig. 4 (map); 38:377; 
39:474; 43:68; 45:456; var. interius 45:456; 
var. neglectum 45:456. tenellum 47:171, 
209. tomentosum 33:198. Torreyanum 45: 
457. uliginosum 1:94, 172, 192; 2:88, 97, 
98, 138, 187, 189, 190; 3:156, 176; 5:36, 45, 
49; 9:154, 156, 163, 169, 174, 177, 182, 190; 
10:54; 11:97, 157; 13:123; 15:201; 21:192; 
22:37, 44; 25:10, 23, 24; 28:80; 29:184, 218; 
30:71; 32:250; 34:54, 244; 36:183, 184, 233, 
283; 41:146, 148, 157; 42:311, 335; 44:187, 
188; 8. pubescens 25:24; y. mucronatum 
25:24; subsp. microphyllum 25:25; 36:184; 
var. alpinum 25:24, 114; 29:184, 218; 33: 
110, 123; 34:54; 35:5, 121, 239; 36:183, 184; 
41:158, 160, 164, 276; 42:335; var. Langea- 
num 36:184; var. pubescens 15:201; 36: 
184; var. typicum 36:184. ursinum 33: 
198. vacillans 1:94; 3:235, 265, 266; 4:131; 
5:129, 130; 10:146; 13:235; 16:117; 18:68; 
19:66; 21:199; 23:166, 285; 24:156; 25:116; 
33:193, 194; 35:363; 37:350, 352; 39:373, 
375; 45:457; var. columbianum 33:195; f. 


mollifolium 33:195; var. crinitum 13: 
236; 19:246; 25:116; 35:363; 36:220; 45: 
456; var. missouriense '33: 193. virgatum 36: 
32, 50; 45:456; var. tenellum 36:32, 50, 220; 
38: 378; 39:481. Vitis-Idaea 1:94, 171, 192; 
2:97, 98, 138; 3:156, 176; 4:34, 189, 232-234, 
237, pl. 40; 5: 37, 49; 9: :154, 181; 12: 23—25, 
30-36, 38; 15: 29; 27: 214; 928: 131; 29:184, 
218; 34:64; 41:146, 147, 158, 276; 42:352; 
var. 4:233, 234; var. major 4:233, 237; var. 
microphyllum 4: 234; var. minus 4: 233, 234, 
237, pl. 40; 6:126; 9: 156, 163, 169, 170, 177, 
189, 191; 11: 177; 12:34, 183; 13:123, 136, 
182, 216, ‘pl. 88 (map 5); 17: 148; 18: 4l; 21: 
92; 22: 37, 44; 24:156; '25: 10, 114; 29: 131, 
184, 218; 32:259; 33:109, 123; 34:54; 36: 
283; 38:113, 116, 120, 157; 40:163; 42:311, 
335; 44:118, 188, 230; var. pumilum 4:234; 

Vachellia densiflora 38:406 

Vagnera 9:53; 22:49. racemosa 6:110. stel- 
lata 6:110. trifolia 1:184; 6:110; 22:48 

Valantia hypocarpa 18:192 

Valentinia 9:53 

Valerian 6:91 

Valeriana 6:8; 17:66; 19:33; 26:17; 40:187. 
capitata 41:164, 290; 42:339; 45:316. edulis 
34:97, 99. Locusta a. olitoria 40: 190, 191; 
€. radiata 40: 204, 206. officinalis 1: 81; 23: 
292; 26:17; 41: 79. septentrionalis 13:221; 
44:102. sylvatica 6:8; 9:163, 190; 13:116. 
uliginosa 9:163; 10: 172; 12: 116-118; 13: 
115, 116; 16: 198; 17:66; 19:31, 33, 53; 20: 
101; 21:65, 88; 23 :248 

Valerianaceae 26:17; 31:43; 43:92; 45:316 

Valerianella 4:195, 196; 7:158; 40:186-189, 
192, 196, 199, 212, 466; 41:80; 42:156. § 
Platycoelae 40:188. § Siphonella 40:186- 
188, 209, 211. amarella 40:185, 186, 189, 
196, 204, 212, 466, pls. 492, 493. Bushii 40: 
186, 188, 190, 204, 208-210-212, pl. 494. 
capitata 40:192. carinata 40:190, 199, 212, 
466, 467, pl. 493. chenopodifolia 40:186, 189, 
195, 203, 204, 212, pl. 493; 48:96. costata 
40:192. gibbosa 40:192. intermedia 40:180, 
190, 202, 203, 212, pls. 492, 494. Locusta 
40:190, 191, 199. longiflora 35:289; 36:221, 
232; 40:186, 190, 204, 208, 211, 212, pl. 494; 
var. stenocarpa 36:232. Nuttallii 40:180, 
190, 204, 208, 212, pls. 492, 494. olitoria 6: 
92; 40:187, 189, 190, 192, 212, 467, pl. 493; 
41:80. ozarkana 40: 185, 186, 190, 192, 204, 
208, 212, pls. 492, 494. Palmeri 40: 190, 
201, 202, 212, pl. '494. patellaria 40: 189, 
193-195, 212, pl. 493. praecox 40:199. ra- 
diata 4:195, 196; 40:186—188, 190, 193-195, 
200—204, 212, pls. 492-494; var. Fernaldii 
40:190, 207, 212, pls. 492, 494; var. leio- 
carpa 4:196; var. missouriensis 40:190, 206, 
212, pl. 494; var. patellaria 40:193; var. 
umbilicata 40:194. stenocarpa 40:188, 190, 
199, 200, 202, 212, pl. 493; var. parviflora 
40:186, 190, 201, 204, 212, pl. 493. texana 
40:185, 189, 198, 212, 465, 466, pl. 493. 
umbilicata 40:189, 193-195, 212, pl. 493. 
Woodsiana 40:187-189, 192-195, 200, 204, 


212, pl. 493; var. patellaria 40:193, 194; var. 
umbilicata 40:194 

Valerianellas 40:186, 188, 465 

Vallaris Ipecacuanha, var. linearifolia 50:148 

Vallisneria 6:104; 12:4; 13:215; 16:120; 29: 
249; 44:175, 220. americana 20:108-110; 
24:112; 27:201; 29:249, 250; 32:148, 231; 
33: 166; 38: 384; 42: 387, 409, 507; 44: 220. 
spiralis 5:134; 6: 104; 12: 4; 13: 111, 215; 
15:91; 20: 108-110; 21: 53; 24: 112; 32:231; 
44: 220; 8. americana 20: 108; var. americana 

Vallisneriaceae 6:104 

Valoniaceae 11:20 

Valota 36:68 

Vanda 2:31. faleata 27:107 

VanHuerckia rhomboides 10:184; var. amphi- 
pleuroides 10:181, 184. vulgaris 10:183, 184 

Vanilla 40:458. Grass 23:164; 49:276 

Vargasia caracasana 22:99; 24:35 

Vaucheria 5:107; 9:200; 29:38; 40:229; 44: 
34; 50:260. aversa 7:240; 29:38. Gardneri 
9:201, 202, pl. 76; f. tenuis 9:201. gemi- 
nata 7:240; 9:201, 202; 50:71; var. racemosa 
7:240. intermedia 5:107. litorea 2:45; 7: 
226. longipes 9:201, 202, pl. 76; 26:165. 
murina 50:260. piloboloides 2:13, 45; 7: 
226; var. compacta 2:13, 45. pusilla 3: 
290. sessilis 7:241; 26:212; 50:71. terres- 
tris 50:71. Thuretii 2:13, 45; 40:273 

Vauthiera australis 25:54 

Veined-birch 12:30 

Velvet Bells 28:105. Grass 49:269 

Velvet-leaf Blueberry 12:183 

Ventenata 8:81-83 

Venturia inaequalis 44:174 

Venus-hair Fern 45:268 

Venus's Fly Trap 33:56 

Veratrum 6:110; 10:128. 
sepalum 41:163, 164, 214. angustifolium 48: 
149, 151. luteum 42:254; 47:374. viride 1: 
167; 4:74, 76; 5:132, 134; 6:110; 10:128, 
145; 13:141, 148; 16:13; 34:51; 36:376; 42: 
278. Woodii 35:285; 50:106 

Verbascum 6:128; 25:66. Blattaria 7:34; 15: 
201; 25:66. Lychnitis 7:34, 36; 25:66; 43: 
505, 639. nigrum 7:38; 25:66. Phlomoides 
7:34, 36, 37; 25:66; 26:39; 31:85; 48:97; 49: 
67, 68, pl. 1055. thapsiforme 26:39; 49:68. 
Thapsus 3:189; 6:128; 7:34; 18:99; 25:66; 
26:39, 186, 227; 32:273; 48:97; 49:08, pl. 
1055; 50:299 

Verbena 4:246; 6:88; 7:158; 23:172; 25:31; 
30:54. angustifolia 6:142, 205; 7:34; 15:67; 
19:247; 40:182. bracteata 38:272. bracte- 
osa 2:205; 5:119; 7:34, 36; 25:31; 38:271, 
272; 42:46. brasiliensis 40:371, 455. cana- 
densis 38:443; 39:482. Halei 40:181. ha- 
stata 4:93, 246; 6:88; 7:34; 9:122; 11:130; 
17:217; 23:289; 25:31; 31:85; 32:216, 272; 
37:350; 41:184, 514, 520, fig. 1; X urtici- 
folia 6:142; f. rosea 4:245; 37:87. hispida 
25:31. lasiostachys 38:272. officinalis 7:38; 
25:31; 30:54; 35:44; 41:185; 42:478; 45: 
476; f. roseiflora 35:45. prostrata 38:271, 
272. scabra 38:442, 443; 39:365, 445, 480; 

album, subsp. oxy- 


42:371, 478; 43:513, 523; 49:90. simplex 
40:182; 47:272; 48:115, 116; 49:24. stricta 
6:88; 7:34; 13:89; 25:31; 28:47; 34:10; 38: 
65; 40:244, 245; f. albiflora 34:19; 40:244; 
f. roseiflora 34:10; 40:245. urticifolia 7: 
34; 25:31; 28:73; 38:442, 451, pl. 450; 40: 
Een var. leiocarpa 38:441-443, 451, pl. 

Verbenaceae 7:34; 25:31; 28:73; 31:43; 32: 
272; 36:6; 42:34 

Verbenas 46:306 

Verbesina 7:158; 26:167; 47:398, 401, 402. 
alata 47:401. alba 47:196, 197, 398. alter- 
nifolia 47:402. encelioides 6:82; var. exauri- 
culata 26:167; 35:145. nana 34:6. occiden- 
talis 36:374; 38:377. prostrata 47:196, 197, 
398. virginica 36:231 

Vernalgrass, Sweet 49:276 

Vernix 30:55 

Vernonia 9:55; 12:171; 26:167; 35:201, 359; 
36:373; 38:102; 40:220, 357; 44:12, 34. 
acaulis 17:135, 137. altissima 19:168; 35: 
202; 38:193; var. pubescens 19:168; var. 
taeniotricha 19:167. angustifolia 12:171; 
48:411. Baldwini 8:226; 35:201, 290; 38: 
370, 371; x crinita 35:290; interior 38:371; 
var. interior 38:370—372. chrysopappa 38: 
193. corymbosa 40:220. crinita 35:290; 36: 
232. fasciculata 26:167; 35:201, 202; 38: 
65, 193; 40:220; var. corymbosa 40:220. 
georgiana 12:171, 172. gigantea pubescens 
19:168. glauca 19:168; 35:201; 37:381, 446; 
39:476; 43:652, 653; 46:140; f. longiaristata 
43:652, 653. hirsutiflora 48:395. illinoen- 
sis 34:8; 35:201. interior 38:370, 371; var. 
Baldwini 38:371. missurica 34:8; 35:201, 
202; f. carnea 32:33. noveboracensis 9: 
12277107167. 12:171: 26:107; 2475047, 62; 85: 
199, 201; 37:350; 38:98, 370; 42:41; 43:653; 
var. latifolia 35:201. oligophylla 12:171, 
172; 17:135, 137. pulchella 38:369, 370. 
DE 38:369, 370; var. pulchella 38: 

Veronica 4:108, 192, 193; 6:129; 7:159; 13:18; 
16:73; 23:1-3, 5, 7, 29, 41; 25:66; 28:81; 
34:149—151; 41:382, 565, 566. subgen. Eu- 
veronica 23:3—5, 29. subgen. Veronicella 
23:3-5, 7. acinifolia 23:18. acutifolia 41: 
568. agrestis 7:38; 23:10, 19, 20; 24:203; 
25:66; 29:186, 219; 40:464. Allenii 23:13. 
alpina 3:176; 4:194; 7:34; 9:25, 154; 23: 
4, 8, 13-15; 31:138; 34:150; 41:447, 448, 
450—456 ; «. lapponica 41:449; var. alterni- 
flora 41:449, 455, pl. 567; var. australis 
41:451, 452, pl. 563; var. eascadensis 41: 
449, 455, 456, 457, pl. 568; var. gemini- 
flora 41:449, 454—456, pl. 566; var. lasio- 
carpa 23:14; 41:451-453, pl. 563; var. terrae- 
novae 41:449, 453, 454, pl. 565; var. typica 
41:448, 449, 450, pl. 563; var. unalaschcen- 
sis 9:24, 163, 166, 190; 28:124, 234; 38:157; 
41:283, 448—453, 455, pl. 564; 42:338; 44:115; 
var. villosa 41:448, 450, 451; var. Worm- 
skioldii 41:450. amabilis 23:39. americana 
4-19225:103-176 2120: 1-092 9851410720: 16: 
89; 18:43; 21:65, 202; 23:30, 34, 35; 25: 

66; 36:283; 41:283. Anagallis 4:192; 6: 
205; 7:34, 38; 9:39; 41:564, 567; var. ana- 
galloides 41:567; var. glandulifera 41:568; 
var. glandulosa 41:567. Anagallis-aquatica 
9:39; 12:187; 18:82; 19:60, 248; 23:5, 31, 
35-37; 25:67; 41:564—569, pl. 581; f. ana- 
galliformis 41:564, 565, 569, pls. 580, 581; 
var. glandulosa 41:566, 568. anagalloides 
23:37. aphylla 23:33. aquatica 41:566- 
569, pl. 583; f. glandulifera 41:568; f. 
laevipes 41:568, 569, pl. 582. arvensis 2: 
137, 156; 6:84; 7:34; 12:129; 16:90; 23:5, 
9, 19, 22; 25:66; 29:186, 219; 32:274; 40: 
443, 445; 41:565. Beccabunga 4:81, 191- 
193; 16:89; 23:30, 34, 35; 41:567. biloba 
23:10, 21, 22. Brittoni 23:36. Buxbaumii 
2:126; 7:34, 38; 21:101, 102; 23:21. byzan- 
tina 21:102; 23:21. campylopoda 23:21, 22. 
carnulosa 23:18. caroliniana 23:18, 40. 
catenata 23:31, 37; 41:564, 566, 568, 569, 
pl. 582; subsp. glandulosa 41:569, pl. 583. 
Chamaedrys 4:107, 108, 152; 60:142, 235; 
7:94, 30; 16:96; 23:29, 32; 24:182; 25:66; 
41:130. chillensis 23:19. cinerea 23:40. 
connata 23:38; 41:564, 566, 568; subsp. gla- 
berrima 41:525; var. glaberrima 41:525. 
Copelandii 23:4, 8, 12. crenatifolia 23:35. 
crenulata 23:20, 21. Cusickii 23:8, 12, 13, 
17; f. Allenii 23:13. decussata 23:40. di- 
dyma 23:20; 41:569; 44:248; 50:17. diffusa 
23:21. elliptica 23:39. filiformis 21:102; 
23:21. fluminensis 23:40. Fonkii 23:39. 
fontana 23:17. frutescens 23:14. fruticans 
23:8, 13. frutieulosa 23:13. funesta 23:17. 
glandifera 23:31, 36, 37; 25:67; 34:151; 41: 
564, 565, 569, pls. 580, 581. grandiflora 23: 
30, 33. hederaefolia 7:38; 23:7, 10, 22; 43: 
486, 639; 46:139. humifusa 4:194; 13:124; 
23:16; 28:234; 35:58; 36:283; 41:456; 44: 
115. intermedia 4:192. javanica 23:30, 33. 
kamtchatica 23:33. latifolia 23:4, 29, 32; 
25:67. lepida 23:35. litoralis 23:40. longi- 
folia 6:129; 7:34; 23:10, 11, 95, 290: 25:67. 
marilandica 23:40. maritima 23:4, 7, 10- 
12; 25:67. mexicana 23:4, 7, 12. micro- 
mera 23:36. missurica 23:40. mollis 23:15. 
neglecta 23:16. nutans 23:15; 41:450. 
officinalis 7:34; 17:152; 21:200; 23:5, 19, . 
29, 30, 33; 25:67; 28:81. 85: 29:127, 180, 
219; 35:282; 41:382; var. Tournefortii 35: 
282, 283. oxycarpa 23:37. oxylobula 23: 
34. peregrina 6:82, 84; 7:34; 17:218; 23:5, 
9, 18, 19; 25:07;..82:274: 84-150, 151; 37: 
308; 40:445; 42:338; var. xalapensis 23:5, 
18; 25:67; 32:274. perfoliata 23:36. per- 
sica 21:101, 102; 23:5, 10, 20, 21; 25:67; 40: 
372. polita 23:10, 20; 50:17. praecox 23: 
20, 21. pumila 23:13, 14; 41:447, 448, 451- 
453, pl. 563. Purshii 23:40. quinquefolia 
23:6; f. alba 23:6; f. incarnata 23:6. reni- 
formis 23:22, 40, 41. romana 23:18. rotun- 
difolia 23:21, 41. ruderalis 23:17. salici- 
folia 23:39. salina 23:37; 41:568, 569, pl. 
583; f. laevipes 41:568, 569, pls. 582, 583. 
saxatilis 23:13, 14. scutellata 5:132; 7:34; 
16:90; 22:135; 23:31, 38; 25:11, 67; 29:132, 


186, 219; 32:62; 36:283; 37:331; 41:566; f. 
villosa 23:38; 37:331; var. pubescens 37: 
332; var. villosa 37:331, 332. serpyllifolia 
4:193,. 194; 7:34; 12:129; 16:90; 22:130; 
23:5, 9, 16, 17; 25:67; 29:132, 186, 219; 32: 
274; 33:124; 38:299; 40:443; 41:456; var. 
alpina 4:194; var. borealis 4:194; 6:129, 
142, 193; 7:34; var. humifusa 4:194, 195. 
Simpsonii 23:40. sparsiflora 23:41. spicata 
7:38; 23:7, 12; 25:67. spuria 23:11, 12. 
Stelleri 23:8, 14, 15. tenerrima 41:567, 568. 
Teucrium 7:34, 36; 19:248; 23:32; 25:67. 
Tournefortii 19:248; 21:102; 23:21; 25:67; 
41:130. uliginosa 23:38. undulata 23:31, 
37. urticaefolia 23:32. versicolor 23:20. 
villosa 23:15; 41:450. virginica 6:205; 7: 
34; 23:6; 24:184; 42:46. Wormskioldii 23: 
4, 9, 15, 16; 34:244; 38:157; 41:154, 163, 
283, 447, 448, 450—453, pl. 564; 42:338. xala- 
pensis 23:19 

Veronicastrum 23:2, 3,5, 6. album 23:6. vir- 
ginicum 23:6, 7; 41:569; f. villosum 23:6, 7 

Verrucaria epigaea 28:159. muralis 28:159. 
mutabilis 28:159 

Verrucariaceae 28:159 

Verticillatae 47:386, pl. 991 

Vervain, White 28:73 

Vesicaria 30:59. 8 Physaria 41:397, 398. 
arctica 13:223; 35:269. didymocarpa 41: 
397, 406. Geyeri 41:397, 401. monteviden- 
sis 35:270. Shortii 45:278 

Vesicularia 35:146. amphibola 36:56 

Vetch, Kidney 13:240. Milk 14:56 

Vetiveria 47:108 

Vibrissea 1:60, 61, 64. circinans 1:04, 67, pl. 
4. lutea 1:64, 91. truncorum 1:60, 64 

Viburnum 4:89, 108; 6:61, 130; 12:184; 19: 
22; 20:11, 14; 21:108, 191; 24:77; 26:16; 
33:110; 42:1; 50:170, 171. 8 Opulus 43:481. 
acerifolium 6:55, 58; 13:111, 216; 21:199; 
26:16; 32:109, 176, 276; 40:382, 458; f. 
Collinsii 47:264. affine 20:13-15; 24:184; 
37:332; 42:2; var. affine 20:14; var. hypo- 
malacum 20:14; 37:332; 41:474, 570; 46: 
140. alnifolium 6:55, 57, 130; 12:129, 184; 
13:141, 161; 14:75; 21:199; 23:134, 136, 291; 
24:204; 26:16; 46:82, 140. americanum 6: 
57; 20:14; 21:102, 103; 49:252. Ashei 42: 
5. asiaticum 6:60. bracteatum 6:59. 
Bushii 35:364. carolinianum 42:5. cassi- 
noides 1:191; 2:37, 125; 3:176; 5:36; 6:55, 
57, 130; 9:122; 11:98, 232; 12:184; 13:111, 
139, 146, 216; 17:152; 18:30, 43; 21:119; 22: 
134, 135; 26:16; 28:51; 29:189, 220; 33:125; 
44:230; 50:169, 170. Demetrionis 6:58, 59; 
20:13. densiflorum 24:77. dentatum 2: 
187; 4:89; 5:131; 6:55, 58, 60, 61; 7:125; 9: 
122; 12:108; 15:167; 20:11, 12; 22:95, 132, 
134, 135; 26:16; 32:151, 276; 36:51; 42:1-6, 
pl. 585; 43:647, 648, 651, 652; 47:367; a. 
glabellum 43:651; æ. lucidum 20:11, 12; 42: 
2; 43:647, 651; 8. pubescens 20:11, 12; 42: 
2; 43:648-650, fig.; 8. ? scabrellum 6:59; 
42:4; 43:648; 8. semitomentosum 6:59; 43: 
647; y. sessile 20:12; 42:2; var. a. glabellum 
42:4; var. B. semitomentosum 42:4; var. 


Deamii 43:649; var. longifolium 6:61; 20: 
15; 43:648; var. lucidum 42:5, 6; var. pube- 
scens 20:11; 42:46; 43:648-650, fig.; var. 
semitomentosum 6:58, 60; 42:5, 6; var. ses- 
sile 42:2. edule 43:481-483; 49:252. era- 
diatum 43:481, 483. glabratum 43:651. 
glabrum 43:651. Hanceanum 6:60. laevi- 
gatum 6:61; 50:169. Lantana 19:249. lan- 
tanoides 1:183; 2:37; 6:130. Lentago 6:55; 
13:111, 216; 17:152; 26:17; 37:350, 352, 355, 
fig. 3 (map); var. sphaerocarpum 10:86. 
longifolium 6:61; 20:15; 43:647. lucidum 
43:647, 651. molle 6:58-60; 20:13; var. ? 
tomentosum 6:59; 42:4, 6. nepalense 6:60. 
nudum 6:55, 57; 21:119; 29:189; 38:377; 
39:474, 482; 42:87, 90; 43:652; var. angusti- 
folium 43:652; 49:93, 182. obovatum 50: 
169, 170. Opulus 1:168; 2:37; 3:131; 4:131; 
6:8, 55, 57, 58, 130; 19:249; 20:14; 26:17; 
43:481, 482; B. roseum 43:159; var. æ. euro- 
paeum 43:482; var. 8. Pimina 43:482; var. 
y. edule 43:481, 482; var. americanum 6:57; 
20:14, 15; 21:102, 199; 23:137, 291; 26:17; 
var. edule 43:482; var. eradiatum 43:481. 
pauciflorum 3:155, 176; 6:55; 9:154, 163, 
169, 190; 11:98; 13:138, 216; 25:11; 32:61, 
206; 34:55; 35:122; 36:284, 308; 41:151, 
290; 42:339; 43:481—483; 49:252. pruni- 
folium 6:55, 57; 38:445; var. globosum 6: 
58. pubescens 4:190; 6:55, 58, 60; 20:11- 
15; 32:212, 276; 39:372, 375; 42:2, 4, 6; 
43 :647-650, fig.; var. affine 20:14; var. Can- 
byi 20:15; 42:2, 5; 43:648; var. Deamii 
42:5; 43:049; var. indianense 37:350, 353, 
360; 42:5; 43:648, 649; var. longifolium 
20:15; 43:648; var. petiolum 20:13. Ra- 
finesquianum 20:12, 13; 44:373, 458; 45: 
365; 46:140. recognitum 43:647, 648, 651, 
652. rufidulum 14:83; 36:51, 224, 231; 39: 
331, 482; 40:448; 42:363; 46:307. scabrel- 
lum 6:58, 59; 20:13; 37:446; 39:480; 42:3, 
6; 43:647, 648, 651. semitomentosum 6: 
59; 42:5, 6; 43:647. trilobum 43:481, 482; 
49:252; y. edule 43:482. venosum 6:55, 58- 
61; 13:151; 20:11-13, 15; 32:276; 39:372, 
375; 42:2, 3, 6; 43:647—649, 651; var. Can- 
byi 6:60; 20:15; 42:3, 5; 43:647, 649; var. 

longifolium 6:61; 20:15; 43:648, 649. vil- 
losum 20:12, 13 . 
Vicia 13:18; 20:209; 43:208; 44:262. ameri- 

cana 36:282. angustifolia 11:49; 20:209; 23: 
273; 40:443; 50:297; var. segetalis 17:148; 
20:209; 23:68; 24:186; 29:180, 215; 33:122; 
36:46; var. uncinata 12:140; 20:209; 23:95. 
caroliniana 2:90; 36:54; 40:438; 45:365, 453. 
Cracca 2:90; 3:188, 231; 6:192; 11:95, 178; 
13:34, 89; 16:14; 20:209; 22:137; 25:9; 26: 
226; 32:256; 34:53, 65; 35:248, 363; 36:282; 
38:187-189, fig. 1; 49:250; 50:302; f. albida 
38:189; f. sericea 38:189; var. sericea 35: 
276. dasycarpa 38:188, 189; 42:100. exigua 
34:6. Faba 6:144. grandiflora 43:490, 518, 
587. hirsuta 1:48; 2:90; 13:34; 19:229; 20: 
209; 29:180, 215; 31:84; 43:340. lathyroides 
43:207, 208. sativa 1:47; 2:90, 225; 20:209; 
24:186, 187; 41:516, 520; 44:174, 175; var. 


angustifolia 2:90; var. linearis 49:150. se- 
pium 2:225; 24:176; 49:288; 50:144. spar- 
sifolia 34:6. stipulacea 19:159—163; 36:310, 
311. tenuifolia 38:189. tetrasperma 1:81; 
2:90; 6:195; 8:72; 10:172; 13:33; 19:229; 
20:209; 26:226; 29:180, 215; 32:256; 43: 
340; 45:480; 47:143; 50:297; var. tenuis- 
sima 45:480. villosa 13:34; 19:229; 20:209; 
31:84; 32:257; 35:303; 37:87; 38:188, 189, 
fig. 1; f. albiflora 38:189 

Victoria regia 49:58 

Vigna 7:28. glabra 50:130. hirsuta 50:130. 
luteola 50:130. repens 50:130 

Vunbaer 12:21 

Vild Hvede 12:27, 28 

Vilfa 4:49; 29:10; 45:227. arundinacea 41: 
178. cuspidata 4:47. depauperata 4:45, 46; 
18:233; var. filiformis 4:47, 48. gracilis 4: 
47-49. gracilima 4:47. juncea4:49. Rich- 
ardsonis 4:46; 18:233. serotina 29:10. 
squarrosa 4:45, 46; 18:233. subsetacea 4: 
48, 49. tenera 29:10 

Villarsia 40:340. aquatica 40:339, 340. cor- 
data 40:338, 340; 42:298. lacunosa 10:54; 
40 :338-340. trachysperma 40:340 

Vínbaer 12:21, 24, 32, 36; 15:31. Svarte 12: 

21, 22 

Vínbür 12:32; 15:29. Röda 12:21, 32. Svarte 

Vínber 12:18, 20, 25, 32, 34-38; 15:29-32 

Vinca 6:127; 24:235. major 44:372, 431; 45: 
358. minor 4:17; 6:127; 7:40; 24:235; 46: 

Vincetoxicum 9:49; 17:130; 40:281-283. acan- 
thocarpos 40:282, 285. Baldwinianum 36: 
230; 40:286. carolinense 36:230; 40:285, 
286. gonocarpos 40:282-284. nigrum 4:17, 
84. nivale 9:43; 39:309. obliquum 40:287. 
scoparium 50:130. Shortii 40:287. subero- 
sum 40:284 

Vindrue 15:32 

Vindrufva 12:20; 15:32 

Viola 2:235; 4:64; 6:9, 10, 14, 123, 213, 214, 
BUS 750: 1107: LOL an 8:0210:75. 9:953; LoL: 
10:73, 195; 13:110, 182; 15:106, 108-110; 
17:71, 202; 22:124, 186; 31:12, 13; 34:64, 
247; 36:69; 37:307; 38:100; 39:203; 40:375, 
443—445; 42:154, 199; 43:573, 612; 44:27, 
103; 45:440, 442, 443, 445; 48:212; 50:40. 
achyrophora 41:268. adunca 13:147; 15: 
108—111, 153, pl. 104; 16:95; 17:71; 22:124; 
34:231; var. glabra 15:109; 31:55; 33:227; 
44:143; var. longipes 15:110. affinis 6:123, 
142, 214, 215, 210-222: 226; 7:3. 4 77 8:49, 
50, 55, 61, 118, 119; 9:93, 94; 12:39; 15:112, 
166; 22:124; 25:212; 36:47; 37:433; 38:48, 
49; 39:341; x cucullata 8:49; X nephro- 
phylla 8:50; X papilionacea 8:119; X sagit- 
tata 8:55, 119; X septentrionalis 6:215, 219; 
8:8, 49; X sororia 6:221; 8:8, 49; X villosa 
8:56, 119; var. chalcosperma 38:49; 39: 
341, 436, 482; 40:442; var. Langloisii 38: 
49, 437. alpestris 4:230. alsophila 7:248. 
amoena 6:123; 7:245, 246, 248. arenaria 9: 
13; 10:146; 13:147; 15:106-108; 22:124. 
arvensis 5:155, 156; 6:78, 83; 22:124; 29: 

216; 32:28; 37:87; 40:444-446; 43:480; 45: 
444. asarifolia 9: 95, 96. atlantica 8: 56. 
Bernardi 8:59. bicolor 40: 443, 444. biflora 
16:95; 41:154, 163, 262, 263; 42:310, 333. 
blanda 2: 208; 3: 175, 188; 5: 45, 131, 132; 6: 
14, 12850 wE 245-248 ; 8: 118; 9: 93; 10: 165; 
16: 94; 21: 200; 22: 124, 134; 28: 244 ; 29: 181, 
216; 32: 266 ; 39: 431; 44: 173, 175; 45:444; 
var. palustriformis 6: 123; T: 248; var. reni- 
folia 31:85. Brainerdii 7: 248; 8: 168; 14: 
87. Brittoniana 6:16; 8:118; 11: 14, 15, 107, 
116; 13:182; 16:76; 22: 124, 125; 37: 433; 39: 
475; X cucullata 8: :52, 119; x emarginata 8: 
120, 122, pl. 71; x fimbriatula 22:126; x 
lanceolata DE 15, ATE 22:126; X pectinata 
22:120; x sagittata '8: 120; 22: 127. cana- 
densis 1:171; 6:95, 123; 15: DPA BERE vic 
200; 22:126; 23: 276; 33: 179; 35:950. ca- 
nina 3: 175; 4: 183; 10: 39; 15: 108, 110, 111; 
20:182, 216; var. ' Muhlenbergii 2: 223; 3: 
175; 6: 123; 9:151, 162; 15:108; var. pube- 
rula 15: 108, 109. carolina 9: 96, 97. chal- 
cosperma 38: 48, 49. chinensis 10: 38-40; 22: 
125. clandestina 6:14. cognata 7: 4, 6. 
conjugens 8:61, 121. conspersa 6:123; 8: 
119; 9:151, 162; 12:129; 15:110, 112; 22: 
125: 23: 276; 24: 177; 35: 250; 39: 188; 41: 35; 
f. Masonii 39:187. cordifolia 9: 98. cornuta 
1:81, 171; 22:126. crenulata 8:55. cucul- 
lata 5:132, 134; 6:11-13, 15, 17, 123, 141, 
214, 215, 217, 218, 220—222, pl. 50; 7:3, 4, 8; 
8:49—53, 56, 59, 61, 118; 9:93, 94; 10:40; 11: 
96, 115; 12:128; 13:149; 15: 112, Be br Ine 
70, 151; 18:40; 22: 125; 29: 216; 33: 109; 37: 
350, 354, 358, fig. 4 (map) ; 42: 199, 200: 45: 
358, 440, 444, 445, 453; X emarginata 8:59, 
120; x fimbriatula 8:8, 49; 15:166; 22:127; 
X nephrophylla 8:50; x palmata 8: 56; 15: 
115; x papilionacea 8: 560: 22:120; X prim- 
ulifolia 11: E eX sagittata 8: 52; X sep- 
temloba 8:52, 59, 119; x septentrionalis 
8:49; 22:127; X sororia 8:49, 56; 22:127; 
X triloba 15:115; 22:127; f. albiflora 17: 
180; 42:45; f. prionosepala 15:112; 23: 
274; 33:122; var. microtitis 15:112; 23: 
274; 44:143; var. palmata 15:114. cuneata 
15:111. cuspidata 6:15; 9:96; 17:70. Dens- 
canis 44:27. dentata 6:218. Dicksonii 6: 
15; 9:96. digitata 36:53. domestica 6:10, 
15. drepanophora 15:110. Egglestonii 15: 
113. emarginata 6:226; 7:1, 6, 7; 8:51-53, 
58, 61, 118, 120, 122; 11:115; 16:76; 19:231; 
32:177, 212; 36:230; 39:480; x fimbriatula 
8:57, 120; X papilionacea 8:120; x sagit- 
tata 8:58, 120; X septemloba 8:53, 120; x 
villosa 8:120; var. acutiloba 40:442; 42:466; 
var. simulata 8:119. epipsila 41:163, 263; 
42:333. eriocarpa 21:200; 22:125; 23:275, 
276; 35:250; 43:509, 616, 617; 49:199; var. 
leiocarpa 23:275, 276; 43:342, 617. escu- 
lenta 38:436; 39:476; 40:375, 442; 42:400, 
466; 44:262. falcata 15:114. filicetorum 8: 
118; var. parthenica 8:119. filipes 15:111. 
fimbriatula 6:12, 16, 17, 214—218, pls. 50, 58; 
7:2, 3, 7; 8:9, 51, 52, 54, 57, 58, 60, 61, 118, 
120, pls. 67, 70; 9:96; 11:131; 12:129; 15: 


114; 16:76; 19:220; 22:125; 23:138, 275; 
26:226; 29:246; 32:151, 157, 266; 45:444; 
50:303; x cucullata 6:217; X palmata 8: 
53, 60, pl. 70; 15:114; x papilionacea 8:54, 
120, 122; 22:127; x sagittata 8:57, 60, 120, 
pl. 68; 22:127; X septemloba 8:51, 60, pl. 
67; X septentrionalis 6:218, pl. 58; 8:49; 
22:127; X sororia 8:49; 22:127; x triloba 
15:114; 22:127; x villosa 8:121; f. albe- 
scens 42:45; var. aberrans 6:218; 8:120. 
fontana 8:119. hirsutula 9:98, 211—213, 
215, fig.; 40:364; x papilionacea 9:98, 211, 
213, 214, figs. hirta 9:41; 10:39; X odorata 
x collina 8:60. Howelli 15:110, 111. in- 
cognita 7:248; 10:145; 11:96; 15:112; 17: 
151, 152, 154; 22:137; 23:275; 31:85; 32: 
206 ; 33:110, 122; 34:53; 45:444; var. Forbes 
15:112; 22:125, 134; 23:275; 32:177. in- 
divisa 8:59. inornata 8:118. insignis 36: 
47. Kitaibeliana 40:445, 446, 483, pl. 526; 
var. Rafinesquii 40:443, 446, 483, pl. 526. 
labradorica 3:175; 6:193; 8:119; 9:162; 11: 
14, 96; 12:114; 13:147; 15:112; 17;154; 24: 
177; 25:9; 28:90, 244; 29:182, 216; 35:5; 
36:282; 38:156. laetecaerulea 8:58, 119; 9: 
96. lanceolata 2:208; 3:188; 5:130, 131; 7: 
74, 108, 245, 247; 8:27, 118; 11:14, 15, 116; 
12:129; 17:151, 217; 22:125; 32:149, 150, 
266; 35:288; 36:47, 48; 37:350, 354; 38:304; 
40:443; 45:444, 454; 49:250; x primulifolia 
42:45; var. vittata 36:48; 39:337, 436, 480; 
40:443; 41:490, 549; 45:373, 454. lancifolia 
10:39. Langloisii 38:48, 49; var. pedatiloba 
38:48; 40:375, 442. Langsdorffii 15:111; 41: 
154, 263. latiuscula 6:11, 14, 15, 141, pl. 50; 
7:7; 24:184; 43:499, 616. lavandulacea 8: 
52, 61; 11:115, 116. LeConteana 7:245, 246, 
248; 8:118. leptosepala 6:13. longipes 15: 
110. Lovelliana 36:231. macrotis 6:13; 8: 
118. maculata 15:108, 110. mamillata 15: 
110. melissaefolia 6:215, 220; 8:61. mira- 
bilis 15:111. missouriensis 35:363. Muhlen- 
bergii 8:119; 29:182, 216. Mulfordae 8:51, 
61, pl. 67. nephrophylla 7:4, 5, 7; 8:49, 50, 
61; 9:162, 189, 216; 12:112, 115; 13:138; 15: 
111, 112; 16:95; 17:71; 18:101; 23:25; 24: 
184; 28:90, 216; 31:85; 36:282; 37:04, 204. 
nodosa 6:15; 9:96. notabilis 8:52, 61, 119. 
novae-angliae 6:226, pl. 59; 7:1-3, 6, 7; 
8:115; 11:14; 15:113; 37:301; 43:156; 44: 
103. Nuttallii 16:95. obliqua 6:214; 8:118; 
9:93, 94. odontophora 10:39; 15:110. 
odorata 8:118; 22:125; 28:108; 45:444. or- 
nithodes 8:118. ovata 1:107; 4:39; 5:128, 
129. oxyceras 15:110. pallens 7:247; 8: 
168; 11:96, 164; 12:129; 15:112; 17:151, 
152; 18:40; 22:125; 29:181, 216; 32:61, 206, 
216, 266; 33:122; 34:53, 64; 35:288; 36:100, 
220, 221, 225, 227, 282; 37:350, 354; 38:156; 
41:79; 43:81; 45:444; 46:82; f. alba 11:164. 
palmata 6:8, 12, 13, 15; 7:7; 8:10, 53—56, 
58-61, 118, pl. 70; 11:107; 15:114, 115; 19: 
66; 22:125; 45:444; x sagittata 8:54, 59; 
15:115; x septemloba 8:55; x villosa 8:56, 
121; var. cucullata 3:188; 6:8; var. dilatata 
6:13; 8:54, 56, 58; 9:96; sagittata 15:115. 


palustris 2:98; 3:156, 175; 9:162; 16:95; 17: 
71; 28:108, 217; 29:182, 216; 35:58, 278; 38: 
156; 42:333; 44:115. papilionacea 6:12, 14, 
15, 142, 218, 221, 222; 7:7; 8:54, 55, 58, 60, 
61, 118, 119, 121; 9:93, 94, 96, 98, 211—213, 
215, fig.; 12:128; 22:125; 31:12, 13; 32:210, 
266; 36:374; 37:59; 42:199, 200; x sagit- 
tata 8:54, 121; x villosa 8:121; 9:98; var. 
aberrans 8:54, 61. pectinata 8:59, 60, 80, 
118, pl. 69; 22:125; 37:433; 38:377, 394; 39: 
475. pedata 2:157, 216; 5:128, 129, 203; 6: 
11; 7:7; 8:118; 9:121; 13:172; 15:19; 17: 
35, 37; 24:151; 27:51; 31:13; 36:53, 220; 
38:303; 45:444; f. alba 13:172; 17:180; 22: 
125; f. rosea 13:172; 14:22; 19:117; 22: 
125; 27:131; var. bicolor 2:206; 46:306; var. 
concolor 24:151; var. inornata 8:118; var. 
lineariloba 8:118; 12:128; 13:172; 15:18; 
19:220; 22:125; 38:303; var. ranunculifolia 
36:53; var. velutina 2:216. pedatifida 7:8; 
8:59; 16:95. pensylvanica 43:509, 616, 617; 
45:359; var. leiocarpa 43:617. perpensa 
8:234. Porteriana 6:215, 217; 8:61. prim- 
ulifolia 7:245, 247; 8:58, 118; 11:115, 116; 
13:218; 17:151, 154; 18:40; 19:231; 22:126; 
23:150, 275; 28:132; 31:13; 32:212; 38:49, 
50; 39:197, 198, fig. 13 (map); 44:234; f. 
subcordata 38:50; var. australis 38:50; var. 
villosa 38:49, 50; 41:550. prionosepala 6: 
12; 15:112. pubescens 4:76, 88; 5:132; 6: 
123; 8:119; 15:112; 20:200; 22:126; 43:616; 
45:444. punctata 15:110. Rafinesquii 5: 
155, 156; 8:119; 36:362; 37:87; 39:52; 40: 
443-446. ranunculifolia 36:53. renifolia 6: 
14, 123; 7:245, 247, 248; 13:125; 14:86, 87; 
17:71; 22:137; 28:120, 217; 32:206; 37:309, 
319; 45:444; var. Brainerdii 14:88; 15:112; 
16:95; 23:275; 28:217; 31:85. reptabunda 
38:50. rostrata 1:171; 13:146, 147; 15:110; 
17:180; 19:231; 21:198; 22:126; 34:231; 35: 
250; 46:137; f. Phelpsiae 17:180. rotundi- 
folia 1:170; 2:122; 4:183, 184, 230; 5:236; 
6:14, 123; 9:93; 12:129; 15:112; 22:92, 126; 
37:421; 39:200, 202, fig. 29 (map); 46:82; 
B. pallens 7:246, 247. rubella 15:108. ru- 
gosa 38:49, 50. rugulosa 15:113; 16:95; 43: 
156. rupestris 15:106, 107, 109; var. are- 
naria 15:107, 109, 111, pl. 104. Rydbergii 
15:113. sagittata 1:107; 6:12, 17; 7:7; 8: 
9, 51, 52, 54, 55, 57, 59-61, 80, 118, 121, pl. 
66; 9:13; 10:40; 12:129; 15:114; 16:76; 22: 
126; 26:226; 32:157, 266; 35:363; 36:220; 
37:350; 38:437; X septemloba 8:51, 60, 120, 
pl. 66; x triloba 15:115; var. ovata 29:246. 
scabriuscula 5:168; 6:123; 8:119; 12:129; 
15:66; 16:15; 22:125; 23:275; 27:51; 31:13. 
Selkirkii 1:184; 2:124; 3:151, 164, 175; 6: 
123; 11:96; 12:113; 13:125, 126; 15:225; 16: 
94, 95; 17:71; 18:187; 19:231; 24:184; 28: 
217; 29:232; 32:14; 33:51; 37:206; 43:342. 
senecionis 38:50. septemloba 6:12, 16; 7:8; 
8:52, 55, 56, 59—61, 80, 118, pls. 66, 67, 69; 
15:114; 36:32, 47; 43:489, 616. septentrio- 
nalis 6:12, 15-17, 142, 214—217, 219—221, pls. 
50, 58; 7:2, 3, 7; 8:61; 9:95; 12:129; 13: 
141; 15:112; 17:70, 154; 18:40; 22:126, 134; 


23:275; 37:301; x cucullata 6:220; x fim- 
briatula 6:215; 7:2; X sororia 8:49; 22:127; 
var. grisea 37:301, 341, pl. 375. Sheldoni 
36:12. sororia 5:236; 6:12, 14—17, 142, 214, 
215, 218, 221—223, pl. 50; 7:7; 8:54, 58, 60, 
61, 118; 9:94, 95, 98; 12:129; 15:112; 17:70; 
22:126; 35:250; 37:165, 433; x cucullata 6: 
222; x fimbriatula 6:218; X septentrionalis 
6:221; f. Beckwithii 33:169. Stoneana 8: 
118, 121; 38:436; 39:475; 41:549; 47:160; 
x villosa 8:121, 122, pl. 72. striata 1:171; 
8:119; 15:110; 22:126; 31:13; 37:87; 39: 
187 ; 41:35; 42:382, 467 ; 43:488; 45:272, 383, 
454. subviscosa 6:16. tenella 5:155; 40: 
443. tricolor 5:156; 6:123; 17:35, 38; 22: 
126; 29:216; 45:444; var. arvensis 5:155; 
40:444; var. hirta 9:41. triloba 15:114; 22: 
126; 36:47; var. dilatata 42:363, 466. tri- 
partita 44:262. uncinulata 15:110. ungui- 
culata 15:110. vagula 7:4-6. venustula 6: 
11, 13, 15, 17, 123, 142, 214, pl. 50; 7:6. ves- 
pertilionis 8:118. viarum 15:114. vicinalis 
36:47. villosa 7:6, 7; 8:56, 61, 118, 120, 
121; 9:95-98; 24:151; 39:484; var. cordata 
9:98; var. cordifolia 8:57, 61; 9:95, 98. vit- 
tata 36:48; 39:337 

Violaceae 6:123; 18:40; 22:124; 25:9; 26:226; 
29:216; 31:43; 32:266; 36:282; 37:306; 39: 
18, 19; 43:81; 45:444; 49:255; 50:303 

Violales 37:306, 386 

Violas 42:333 

Violet(s) 4:230; 5:120; 6:8, 9, 11-13, 15, 213, 
220, 221, 226; 7:1, 245; 8:10, 117; 9:93; 11: 
14, 115, 131; 15:112; 18:204; 22:130; 23: 
135; 27:51; 38:48; 42:154, 200; 44:27; 45: 
272, 440; 46 :306. Dog's- tooth 46:314. 
Great- spurred 18:185. White4:128. Yellow 
4:88; 43:342 

Violon 31:20 

Viorne 1:168 

Virea 27:49 

Virginia Creeper 3:239; 4:141; 12:182. Pine 
42:308. Spiderwort 21:49 

Virginian Black Poplar 13:198 

Virsoides 44:34 

Viscaria 36:421. alpina, f. 8. albiflora 42:259 

Viscum album 2:1. terrestre 34:206 

Vitaceae 6:122; 12:182; 22:72; 20:226; 28: 
71; 31:43; 32: 264 ; 43: 81; 50:298 

Vitis 3: 220; 6:122; 11: 51; '12:19-21, 23, 25; 
Peat pa 28: 71; 37: 190; 40: 180; 41:434; 42: 
154; 43: 524; 45:374. aestivalis 3: 235; 4: 
92; 12:19; 22: 72; 24:185; 32:216, 264; 37: 
193; 38: 426-428 ; 41: 432-434 ; 43:524; 49: 
151; var. argentifolia 38:428; 43 :524, 604 ; 
var. bicolor 38:428. araneosa 41:434, 435; 
49:150. argentifolia 38:428. austrina 38: 
426. Baileyana 37:318; 43:524, 604; 44:348, 
366, 498. bicolor 4:130; 7:19; 19:230; 22: 
72; 38:428; 43:524. campestris 46:48, 49. 
cinerea 35: 202; 37:193; 38:427, 428; 40:377, 
441; 43:004; 47:101, 160; var. floridana 38: 
426498; 39:473, 480; 40:377, 441; 44:429. 
Coignetiae 46:250. cordifolia 6:97; 15:98; 
24:99; 32:212; 36:374; 41:432—424, 548; 43: 
524; 44:307, 428; var. riparia 41:431. he- 


deracea, var. texana 10:28. Labrusca 2:124; 
3:235; 4:130; 11:129; 12:17, 19, 120; 14:21; 
19:67, 144, 145, 147; 22:72, 183; 32:216, 264; 
35:202; 37:350, 352, 355, fig. 3 (map); 41: 
36, 432, 434; 42:390, 463, pl. 636; 43:81; 46: 
250; x vinifera 24:177; X vulpina 19:144; 
f. alba 41:431; var. alba 22:184; 41:431; 
var. subedentata 42:462, 463, pl. 637. 
labruscana 43:604. Linsecumii 37:193. 
novae-angliae 19:146, 147; 22:72, 92. 
palmata 36:376; 37:193. quinquefolia 10: 
25; var. macrophylla 10:28. riparia 1:48; 
3:235; 41:431-434; var. syrticola 41:431. 
rotundifolia 36:220; 38:377; 39:473; 41:431, 
432, 548; 46:48, 49; 49:22. rufotomentosa 
41: 435; 49: 150, 151. rupestris 36:230; f. 
dissecta 41:431; var. dissecta 41: 431. 
Simpsoni 38:426-428; 40:377, 481. Tre- 
leasei 19:146. vinifera 41:431, 432, 516, 520; 
49:150. vulpina 1:48; 3:235; 6: 122; 12: 19, 
114; 15:98; 16:13, 15; 19: 144-147; 22:72; 
35: 250; 40: 375, 441; 41: :431—434, 548, pl. 560; 
43:524, 525; 44: 367, 428; var. syrticola 25: 
212; 41: 431 

Vitis-idaea 12:23; 16:25; 26:231; 29:49. Vitis- 
Idaea 4:234; 28: 243 

Volvaria 4:3, 5-7. bombycina 4:6. Loveiana 
4:7. speciosa 4:6. volvacea 4:4, 5, 7 

Volvocales 44:66 

Volvulus 9:55. inflatus 41:420. sepium 41: 
419; var. americanus 41:420, 421; var. bi- 
angulo-sagittata 41:421, 422; var. pubescens 
41:421. spithamaeus 4l: 416, 418; var. stans 
41:416. spithamineus 41 :416 

Vorticella 24:51 

Vorticellas 7:45 

Vulpia 34:246; 47:107, 108; 48:21; 49:259. 
dertonensis 49:259. Elliotea 47: 106. me- 
galura 48:20. myurus 48:20; 49:259. octo- 
flora 47:210; var. glauca 47:107; var. 
tenella 47: 107, 210; 48:20, 24; 49:259. 
sciurea 47:106 

Wafer-ash 13:80 

Wahlenbergella affinis 34:22 

Wahlenbergia 9:48. § Edraiantha 50:47 

Wake Robin, Smiling 29:15 

Waldsteinia 12: 170; 37:422. Doniana 37:285. 
fragarioides 12: 170; 13:218; 14:75; 15:98; 
20:59; 24:124, 184; 27:28; 34:64; 35:322; 
94: 285, 286, 317; var. parviflora 37: 285. 
parviflora 37:285, 286 

Walking-fern 2:14; 5:196, 272; 46:158 

Walking-leaf 4:55; 8:113; 30: 15 

Wall Barley 19:121 

Wallrothiella Arceuthobii 33:101 

Walnut 7:122; 44:25. Black 24:185. Black 
oblong fruited 50:147 

Washington Thorn 25:173 

Washingtonia 4:153; 12:14; 15:17, 18. Clay- 
toni 6:124. longistylis 25:110. obtusa 4: 
153, 154 

Water Ash 39:330, 331; 49:91; 50:168. Beetles 
41:148. Carpet 49:96. Chestnut 49:171. 
Cress 4:81, 191; 27:29-32; 41:565; European 
41:565. Crowfoot 12: 108. Dock 47:133. 


Hair-grass 35:139. Hickory 39:331. Hya- 
cinth 38:401; 49:202. Lobelia 36:128. Oak 
48:143. Pimpernel 21:191. Plantain 44: 
219. Weed 44:219 

Waterberry 12:109 

Waterleaf 7:100. Canadian 7:99, 100 

Waterlilies 21:183; 39:407; 42:360 

Waterlily 13:191; 18:161, 163, 164; 49:94, 171. 
White 10:49; 21:75; 29:235-237, 239. Yel- 
low 21:71; 29:235-237 

Waterwort 21:191 

Webera 6:72. annotina 6:74. commutata 
30:6. cruda 6:74; 30:6. elongata 3:180; 
4:30. gracilescens 36:132. nutans 1:34, 35; 
3:180; 4:30; 30:6. proligera 3:91, 92; 6:74; 
30:6. sessilis 2:63, 96 

Weberaceae 11:16 

Wedgegrass 49:267 

Weeds 41:152. Horse 28:72. King Devil 4: 
61, 151. Mormon 9:26. Pickerel 16:18, 19. 
Pine Apple 5:288. White 5:177 

Weigela 10:132. rosea 10:131 

Weigelas 9:147 

Weinbeere 15:30, 32 

Weintraube 15:32 

Weisia 41:112. microstoma 48:3, 4. 

Weldenia 25:157 

Welwitschia 44:34 

Western Juniper 49:228. Red Cedar 49:228 

Wheat 12:18, 25-28, 36; 15:29, 33; 49:265. 
Blue 12:27. Cur 12:27. Dog 12:27. Grass 
12:27, 29; 15:33. Strand 12:27, 29, 36, 37; 
13:122, 123. Wild 12:27, 29; 15:33 

White Adder’s Mouth 35:242. Alder 18:39; 
47:337, 349. American Raspberry 7:143, 
146. Ash 12:184; 23:01; 45:274; 49:172; 
50:168, 169. Aster 28:72. Birch 4:83; 12: 
37, 178; 15:29, 33, 34; 21:199; 22:129, 132; 
28:73; 47:303, 405. Blackberry 1:205. Cap 
7:146; American 7:144. Cedar 11:175; 21: 
44, 58; 23:100, 188; 31:150; 35:358, 359; 40: 
276. Cinquefoil 28:82. Clover 28:71. 
Daisy 5:177. Elm 48:61. Fox 22:184. 
Hickery 49:195. Lady'sSlipper 50:231. 
Laurel 18:206. Mulberry 25:176. Mustard 
14:164. Newfoundland Spruce 20:187. 
Oak(s) 4:132; 9:61; 16:142; 23:195; 38:55; 
41:193; 43:67, 69, 70; 46:44; 48:206; 49: 
172. Pine 4:93; 7:124—126; 11:21; 12:176; 
19:67; 21:50; 22:130; 23:91; 27:27; 35:357; 
39:193; 43:70; 44:230; 49:161, 172, 173. 
Pond Lily 10:49. Poplar 12:178. Sassafras 
15:14, 15. Spruce 4:35; 9:75, 76, 208; 11: 
201; 12:177; 13:114; 17:61, 167, 168; 18: 
32; 20:186; 21:41, 50, 108, 109; 23:109; 31: 
19; 35:358; 41:148-150, 152, 154, 161, 174, 
216; 46:154. Top 28:82. Vervain 28:73. 
Violet 4:128. Water Crowfoot 21:191. 
Waterlily 10:49; 21:75. Weed 5:177; 25: 
16; 28:72; American 5:177; 12:15. Willow 

White-fringed Orchis 23:90, 110 

Whitlow-wort 44:25 

Whorled Pogonia 23:197 

Whortes 12:28 



Whortle Berries 12:23 

Whortle-berry 13:98, 123. Red 12:23, 34, 35 

Wickopy 4:152 

Wickstroemia 9:49 

Wicopy 44:29 

Widdy 35:126 

Wierzbickia 21:11. striata 21:16 

Wilcoxia Poselgeri 35:225 

Wild Azalea 41:482. Black Cherry 12:180. 
Carrot 11:128; 18:95. Celery 42:507. 
Cherry 15:32. Crocus 42:325. Currants 
15:29. Dilly 48:164; 49:289, 290, 292. Gar- 
lic 46:59. Grape 12:17. Hyacinth 28:90. 
Oats 18:34. Parsnip 4:188; 18:41; 28:84. 
Pear 18:38. Pepper Grass 18:37. Pink(s) 
41:575-577, 583. Plum 15:32. Raisin 12: 
184. Red Cherry 12:181; Raspberry 12: 
180. Rhubarb 42:322. Rice 12:17, 26, 37, 
38; 15:29, 32; 49:277; American 12:25. 
Rosemary 5:68; 18:100. Roses 5:260. 
Spinach 28:63. Stock 42:328. Strawberry 
41:245. Tansy 28:60. Tobacco 14:206; 26: 
39; 20:52. Wheat 12:27, 29; 15:33 

Wild-rye 49:266 

Willow(s) 6:1, 3, 4, 6, 126; 9:221; 10:56; 11: 
9; 13:86; 19:23, 24; 22:131; 23:199; 26:187; 
41:146, 147, 149, 154, 164, 167, 216, 217; 42: 
151, 311, 320, 321; 44:114, 116, 119, 120, 124; 
45:307, 309; 46:314; 48:14, 29, 42, 47; 49: 
38, 39, 44, 4648; 50:285, 290. Basket 49: 
43. Black 12:177. Crack 25:174. Felt-leaf 
42:321. Glaucous 12:177. Heart-leaved 
12:177. Hoary 28:82. Oak 21:49; 47:96. 
Prairie 12:178. Pussy 28:73, 95. Shining 
12:177. White 12:177 

Willow-herb 11:141. European 50:178 

Willugbaeya 9:55 

Wiinbaer, Svarte 12:21 

Wina-maria 12:21 

Winbaer, Raeda 12:21 

Winberi 15:30 

Winberie 15:30 

Windsoria 14:186. poaeformis 14:185. 

Wineberries 12:19, 23 

Wine-berry 12:18, 20—25, 32, 34—36 

Winter Cress, Early 11:140. Grape, Rusty 

Winterberry 12:181 

Wintergreen 19:237; 46:158. Creeping 12:183 

Wire-bent Grass 21:23 

Wire-stem Muhly 45:223 

Wisanck 34:66 

Wissadula 22:74. 
20; 22:74 

Wisteria 11:49; 36:89; 40:372; 44:34. flori- 
bunda 40:436. frutescens 33:169; 36:34, 46; 
38:424; 39:477, 478, map 44; 45:461. sinen- 
sis 40:436 

Witch-grass 12:27; 17:225; 28:74; 48:22. 
Hobble 12:184 

Witch Hazel 21:42; 44:230 

Withe-rod 12:184 

Woad Waxen 32:156 

Wolffia 5:287; 8:79; 41:42. columbiana 5: 
287, 288; 15:68; 21:87; 36:240; 41:42. pa- 


callimorpha, var. Friesii 20: 


pulifera 36:231. punctata 38:381, 395, 400, 
444; 39:365, 482; 43:547 

Wolffiella floridana 38:395, 400; 39:365, 481; 
40:76; 41:43. lingulata 35:226 

Wood Anemone 5:155. Mosurr 12:18, 25, 30, 
32. Sorrel 20:76, 78; 22:130, 143; 31:140; 
Yellow 28:71 

Woodbine 12:182 

Wood-fern(s) 8:113; 30:16; 41:146 

Woodreed 49:271 

Woods Cranberry 18:41 

Woodsia 1:219; 6:100; 8:113; 9:85; 22:38, 
90; 30:18; 35:390. alpina 6:100; 9:154, 158, 
166, 172; 12:114, 206; 21:192; 22:49, 82, 87; 
28:124, 125, 145; 30:18; 32:135, 136; 34: 
244; 35:89, 128; 37:219; 41:163, 171; 42:311, 
315; 44:101, 104; 46:303; 47:145—148. Belli 
47:147, 148. Cathcartiana 10:30; 35:389; 
37:72. glabella 5:286; 6:97, 100; 9:154, 158, 
166, 172; 12:206; 13:129, 218, 238; 21:192; 
22:39, 49, 82, 87; 28:124, 146; 32:18, 135, 
136; 34:244; 35:47, 81, 120, 128; 38:124, 134, 
139; 41:160, 163, 171; 42:315; 46:205; 47: 
147, 225; 49:53; B. Belli 47:147. hyperborea 
6:100; 13:218, 219; 22:49; 41:171; 47:145- 
147. ilvensis 2:184, 211; 3:42, 186, 236; 4: 
247 ; 5:128, 257; 6:100; 7:103; 9:85; 12:168; 
21:129, 201; 22:82-84; 24:159; 30:18; 32: 
135, 136, 259; 33:51; 34:50, 244; 35:88, 89; 
37:206, 312; 38:124, 138; 41:163, 171; 42: 
315; 43:338; 47:145-147. laetevirens, var. 
47:147. mexicana 35:389. obtusa 2:184; 
3:42, 236; 4:157; 5:204; 9:85; 10:165; 11: 
86; 13:101; 22:82, 84, 85; 30:18; 40:247, 381, 
384; 42:383. oregana 7:31; 9:158; 20:96; 
34:244; 35:389; 37:72, 205, 213, 218, 219; 
44:104. scopulina 9:158; 10:30, 31; 13:219; 
33:232; 34:244; 37:312; 40:247; 44:117 

Woodwardia 9:82; 10:196; 23:149; 30:14. 
angustifolia 2:127; 3:48; 4:36; 5:204; 6: 
176; 8:80, 219; 9:82. areolata 8:219; 9:82, 
83; 14:19; 17:162; 22:82, 86; 23:149, 166, 
170, 185; 24:111, 159; 26:177; 30:14; 32: 
150, 228; 33:55, 56, map 30; 37:311; 39:473, 
480, 481, 488; 44:230. virginica 1:42, 102, 
184::2:124::902:13:431 2005 1: 70:5 83:2195* 9: 
82:5194 810510605: 11:287 128:014: 795 15-70; 
19:32; 22:82, 86; 23:92, 109, 147, 150, 166, 
170, 185; 24:86, 159; 25:185, 213; 26:177; 
30:14; 32:210, 228; 37:311; 42:87, 90 

Wool Grasses 7:130, 131 

Wormia 9:47 

Wormwood 12:191. Roman 28:72 

Wych Elm 8:135 

Wyneberry 12:24, 36 


Xamesike 43:11. subgen. Aplarina 43:111. 
subgen. Xamesike 43:111. subgen. Xamo- 
bala 43:111. deltifolia 43:272. depressa 
43:254. glauca 43:272. gracilis 43:273. 
hypericifolia, var. parviflora 43:273; var. 
sanguinolenta 43:273. littoralis 43:254. 
maculata 43:144. micranthes 43:273. mi- 
erophylla 43:273. polygonifolia 43:117. 
prostrata 43:273. supina 43:111, 254. ver- 
miculata 43:150 


Xanthidium 7:259; 24:224; 26:208; 37:114; 
44:187. antilopaeum 7:259; 24:224; 26:208; 
f. callosum 7:260, 266, pl. 64; f. curvispi- 
num 7:260, 266, pl. 64; var. hebridarium 
24:224; var. Johnsoni 7:259; var. minneapo- 
liense 7:259; 24:224; 26:208; var. polyma- 
zum 5:81; 7:259, 260; 24:224; 26:208; var. 
truncatum 7:260. armatum 7:259; var. cer- 
vicornis 7:259. aseptum 24:224. bengali- 
cum 7:260, 266, pl. 64. controversum 7:260. 
cristatum 7:259; 24:224; 26:208; f. angu- 
latum 7:259; var. uncinatum 7:259; 24:224; 
37:114, 120, pl. 329. fasciculatum 24:224. 
Johnsonii 24:224. subhastiferum, var. Mur- 
rayl 24:224. tetracentrotum 7:260, 266, pl. 
64. Tylerianum 7:260; 24:224 

Xanthium 14:239; 26:167, 229; 47:402, 403. 
$ Acanthoxanthium 48:73. § Euxanthium 
48:73. ambrosioides 26:167; 48:74. cana- 
dense 2:204, 205; 5:135; 6:82; 8:226; 11: 
220; 15:98, 154; 26:167; 32:279; 36:374; 37: 
196; 38:98; 47:403; 48:72; var. echinatum 
5:131. Chasei 48:66—70, 72, 73, 81, pls. 
1013, 1014. chinense 26:167; 37:196; 47: 
402; 48:67, 68, 70, 72, 81, pl. 1015. com- 
mune 6:143; 24:120; 26:167; 32:173. curve- 
scens 48:68, 69, 81, pl. 1016. echinatum 14: 
19; 17:219; 18:99; 26:167; 32:147, 279; 47: 
402, 403; 48:67, 69, 71, 73, 81, pl. 1018; 50: 
304. globosum 48:66, 67, 72, 81, pl. 1015. 
inaequilaterum 48:73. indicum 48:73. in- 
flexum 48:68, 81, pl. 1015. italicum 26:167; 
43:82; 47:402; 48:67, 70, 81, pl. 1015. lepto- 
carpum 48:68, 69, 81, pl. 1016. longirostre 
28:66. macrocarpum 48:81, pl. 1017; var. 
glabratum 47:403. orientale 48:68-70, 81, 
pl. 1017. oviforme 48:67. pensylvanicum 
6:143; 26:167; 37:196; 47:402; 48:70, 72. 
Roxburghii 48:73. speciosum 6:143; 48:70, 
73. spinosum 2:205; 6:82; 8:226; 13:89; 
26:168; 28:66; 47:402; 48:71—74. strumar- 
ium 2:204; 6:82; 14:239; 26:168; 47:402, 
403; 48:66, 67, 70, 71, 73, 74, 81, pl. 1013; 
var. canadense 47:403; var. glabratum 47: 
403. varians 48:69, 81, pl. 1019. Wootoni 
26:168; 48:70 

Xanthophyceae 50:271, 274 

Xanthorhiza 18:168; 43:508. apifolia 1:170; 
18:168; 20:184; 39:194, 195, fig. 3 (map); 
43:495. simplicissima 43:495, 552; 47:140; 

Xanthoria candelaria 36:143, 153. lychnea 
29:104. parietina 28:231; 29:104; 35:150; 
50:292. polycarpa 28:231 

Xanthosiphonia Halliae 8:107 

Xanthosoma 50:59. sagittaefolium 12:48; 50: 
58. sagittifolium 50:59, 125 

Xanthoxalis 11:119; 40:180. Brittoniae 27: 
133. Bushii 15:222; 27:135. californica 27: 
118. colorea 27:133. corniculata 27:120. 
cymosa 27:135. filipes 27:124. grandis 27: 
136; 28:245. hirsuticaulis 27:138. interior 
27:135. Langloisii 27:121. macrantha 27: 
138. pilosa 27:120. Priceae 27:138. re- 
curva 27:137. rufa 15:222. stricta 27:122. 
Suksdorfii 27:137. texana 27:138 


Xanthoxylum (see: Zanthoxylum) 

Xenococcus Kerneri 5:234. Schousboei 2:43; 
5:234; 7:172 

Xeralsine 21:12 

Xerophyllum 33:39; 36:34; 39:485. aspho- 
deloides 1:185; 33:39; 46:78. gramineum 

Ximenia americana 50:110 

Xiphium 30:55 

Xolisma 29:49; 31:92, 95. 
625; var. pubescens 43:628. 

Xylaria 1:56, 60 

Xylariaceae 50:135 

Xylographa opegraphella 28:159 

Xylosteum canadense 27:7. ciliatum, 8. al- 
bum 16:118. Solonis 12:210; 27:2, 6, 7; 
48:202, 203. villosum 12:210; 27:1, 2, 5, 6; 

Xyridaceae 12:6; 31:43; 32:242; 33:33, 35, 53, 
map 12; 35:106; 37:386; 38:7; 49:254, 255 

Xyris 4:76; 7:73, 161; 8:27; 12:6; 23:99, 149; 
33:39, 42, 53; 35:5, 13; 37:135, 386; 39:335, 
345, 354, 355, 396; 41:470, 473; 44:343; 45: 
371; 47:364; 48:58; 49:88, 129, 254. $ Brevi- 
foliae 48:56, 57; 49:88, 129. albiflora 46:4. 
ambigua 39:335, 354, 387, 396, 398, 467, 480; 
40:368, 403; 42:432; 44:241; 48:58; 49:86. 
arenicola 39:356, 396, 466, 480; 40:181; 41: 
472, 535; 42:379, 434; 44:241; 49:99, 129. 
Bayardi 48:56-58, 80, pl. 1007; 49:88, 129. 
Baldwiniana 46:4. brevifolia 48:56, 57, 80, 
pl. 1008. bulbosa 7:95; 23:92, 239. carolin- 
lana 4:76; 6:176; 7:94, 187; 9:119, 120; 10: 
140; 11:129; 12:6, 108; 13:54; 14:28; 16: 
90; 21:119; 23:99, 104, 134, 157, 161, 239; 
24:87; 26:37; 29:222; 31:83; 32:149, 150, 
210, 242; 36:194; 38:364, 376; 39:459, 460; 
42:88, 91, 396, 399, 433, 434; 44:364, 390; 
48:58; 49:86; f. flaccida 42:433, 434; 44: 
389; f. phyllolepis 36:194. Congdoni 39: 
396. Curtissii 39:336, 379, 396, 467, 477; 
41:470, 473, 481, 502, 535; 44:241; 49:88. 
cylindriea 46:4. difformis 38:376; 39:354, 
396, 480; 42:369, 433, 434; 44:364, 390. 
Drummondii 48:57. elata 39:396. fimbri- 
ata 44:241, 364, 389; 46:4. fistulosa 46:4. 
flabelliformis 48:57, 80, pl. 1008. flexuosa 
7:73, 95; 9:120, 121; 10:166; 12:6; 14:29; 
19:126; 23:239; 24:87, 99; 26:180; 32:242; 
37:315; 39:345, 356, 396, 466, 480; 40:181; 
41:472, 502, 535; 42:87, 90, 92, 379, 434; 44: 
241; 46:4; 49:99, 129; var. pusilla 1:183. 
juncea 46:4. Jupicai 12:6; 16:90. montana 
1:183; 7:73, 94, 95; 11:86, 91; 13:159; 17: 
65; 23:99, 148—150, 161, 199, 239; 24:99, 164 ; 
29:222; 33:39, 101; 35:5; 38:453; 39:336, 
460; 49:239, 245; f. bracteosa 7:94. neg- 
lecta 39:336, 396. pallescens 46:4. papil- 
losa 39:459, 460; var. exserta 39:459, 460. 
platylepis 39:324, 396, 480; 41:470, 473, 478, 
502, 535; 44:241, 374. retusa 46:4. Smal- 
liana 12:6; 13:247; 14:31; 19:126; 30:35; 
32:212; 35:227; 38:453; 39:396. spiralis 46: 
4. torta 23:92; 24:87, 99; 32:242; 33:30, 
56, 57, map 31; 37:315; 39:345, 395, 396, 459, 

foliosiflora 10:53; 
ligustrina 37:159, 160, fig. 2; 43: 
lucida 36:49 


460, 482, 488; 40:146, 181; 42:87, 88, 90, 92, 
93; 46:4; var. macropoda 39:395, 396, 475; 
40:368, 402 


Yae-yamabuki 33:199 

Yam 43:510 

Yarrow 4:81; 10:127 

Yellow Birch 13:206, 207; .18:31; 21:42; 22: 
131; 24:169, 170; 43:67. Cap 7:144-146. 
Erythronium 4:128. Gerardia 25:63. 
Honeysuckle 43:31. Jasmine 18:226. Lady's 
Slipper 28:95. Oak 4:132. Pond Lily 16: 
137, 139. Rattles 7:37. Rocket 13:123. 
Spruce 18:32. Violet 4:88. Waterlily 21: 
75: 41:225. Wood 40:487. Wood-Sorrel 

Yellow-root 18:37 

Yew 35:357. American 12:176; 35:357; 46: 
313. Family 35:357. Pacific 46:313. Trail- 
ing 18:32. Tree 12:23 

Ygramela 20:162. maritima 20:162, 164 

Youngia 38:367. elegans 41:301. nana 41: 
301; 42:343. pygmaea 41:301 

Yucca 7:16, 158; 35:225; 44:342; 45:105. an- 
gustifolia 46:8. arkansana 36:231. con- 
cava 46:5-8. filamentosa 39:370, 375; 46: 
5—9, pl. 808; f. genuina 46:5, 6; subf. an- 
gustifolia 46:5, 6, 8; subf. latifolia 46:5, 6; 
var. concava 46:6; var. Y. concava 46:6. 
flaccida 46:9. glauca 36:224. Smalliana 
46:8, 9, pl. 809 

Zamia 44:34; 47:386 

Zannichellia 2:217; 7:45; 11:208; 12:12; 25: 
107; 34:90, 94; 38:334; 44:8, 217. inter- 
media 23:110. major 23:110. palustris 5: 
135; 10:169; 11:208; 12:12; 23:110; 29:60, 
65, 71, 106; 34:94; 41:167, 176; race Z. den- 
tata, 8. major 23:110; var. major 23:110, 
192; 28:127, 150; 34:70, 71, 74, 81, map 2; 
35:91; 36:277; 42:24; 44:217, 361, 377; var. 
peduneulata 10:169; 11:208; 18:71 

Zannichelliaceae 40:183 

Zanthoxylum 21:81; 38:440. americanum 2: 
201; 3:234; 4:130; 7:28; 21:81; 25:175; 40: 
463; 41:138; 42:292; 49:24. carolinianum 
7:28. Clava-Herculis 36:31; 38:377, 381, 
425; 39:472, 480; 43:523, 588; 44:240 

Zatarhendi 9:44 

Zea 15:54; 47:383. Mays 1:107; 15:54; 28: 
74; 31:110, 113; 41:82, 518, 520; 49:80 

Zeia pseudorepens 35:171. tenera 35:170 

Zenobia 42:385, 397, 403, 472. cassinefolia 42: 
403, 471, 473. pulverulenta 42:378, 385, 397, 
471. 473, map 16; 43:502; 44:240, 350; f. 
nitida 42:471; f. nuda 42:471; var. nuda 

Zephyranthes 31:91, 94; 36:32. Atamasco 31: 
91; 36:42; 39:477; 44:241 

Zerna 34:246 

Zigadenus 1:230; 9:193; 11:42; 37:257; 41: 
470; 42:381; 46:79, 80; 47:206. angusti- 
folius 41:470, 471, 491, 502, 536, map 6; 
42:254. chloranthus 6:40; 9:160, 170; 13: 
138; 35:285; 36:224, 227; 37:250, 257; 41: 
213; 46:78. densus 42:254, pl. 601; 44: 


349; 49:93, 132. elegans 37:256—258, 339, pl. 
361; 40:251; 41:147, 160, 163, 213; 42:319; 
45:308; 46:79. glaberrimus 39:347, 356, 361, 
399, 466, 477; 41:536; 42:374, 381, 442; 44: 
241; 49:93. glaucus 37:257, 258, 339, pl. 
361; 44:104, 109; 46:78—80; 49:199. leiman- 
thoides 1:185; 33:39. venenosus 24:209 

Zingiber officinale 29:38 

Zingiberaceae 49:288 

Zinnia 28:40-42; 44:34. elegans 39:371, 375. 
pauciflora 28:42. peruviana 28:42 

Zizania 5:48; 12:12, 17, 25, 26, 134; 15:29, 33, 
123; 19:65; 23:129; 26:153—155; 36:240; 37: 
302—304; 38:267; 49:277. aquatica 2:219; 
5:132; 8:28; 12:110, 134; 15:123; 16:14; 
26:153-159; 29:67, 68, 228, 229; 32:58; 33: 
230; 35:251; 37:302; 38:204, 271; 44:170, 
175, 357; 49:277; var. angustifolia 8:210; 
26:156, 157; 29:228, 229; 35:251; 38:264, 
271; 43:338; 49:277; var. brevis 26:156, 
157; 44:139; 49:277; var. interior 26:150, 
158; 29:228, 229; var. latifolia 26:159. aris- 
tata 26:159. bonariensis 26:159. ciliata 26: 
159. clavulosa 26:156. dahurica 26:158. 
effusa 26:156. fluitans 26:159. latifolia 26: 
156, 158, 159. lenticularis 26:159. micro- 
stachya 26:159. miliacea 26:159. natans 
26:159. nutans 26:159. palustris 15:123; 
17:212; 19:108; 26:153—150; 29:229; 49:277. 
Retzii 26:159. subtilis 26:159. terrestris 

Zizaniopsis 42:363, 513; 43:495. bonariensis 
26:159. microstachya 26:159. miliacea 26: 
159; 36:34, 36; 42:510; 43:535 

Zizia 3:212; 6:124; 16:89; 20:52; 24:95; 41: 
442, 443; 42:298. aptera 41:441-444; 43: 
490, 499, 618; 45:273; var. occidentalis 41: 


444. aurea 1:160; 2:225; 3:212; 5:204; 6: 
124; 19:67; 20:52; 21:170, 199; 24:95; 35: 
46; 36:224; 41:552; 44:345, 430; 50:92; f. 
obtusifolia 41:444; 44:345, 430; var. Bebbii 
42:208; var. obtusifolia 2:225; 3:213; 4: 
37; 41:444. Bebbii 35:46; 41:443; 42:298, 
pl. 623; 45:378, 454; 47:162. cordata 1:160; 
21:88; 35:45, 46; 36:24; 41:441—443 ; 43:490; 
45:273. sylvatica 35:45, 46; 41:443. tri- 
foliata 42:298, pl. 623; 45:378, 454; 47: 
97, 162 

Zizyphus obtusifolia 37:78 

Zoochlorella parasitica 23:66 

Zornia bracteata 39:354, 433, 466, 480; 43:510, 

Zostera 2:206, 217; 3:218, 291; 7:224, 226-232, 
234, 235; 8:161, 190, 194; 11:150, 208, 225; 
24:207 ; 34:90; 35:153, 186, 257, 392; 37:270, 
271; 40:26, 229, 236, 238; 41:260; 42:20; 44: 
217; 50:264, 268. marina 2:208; 3:291; 5: 
135; 8:108, 194; 10:169; 11:121, 208; 13: 
111, 215; 17:147; 18:38, 95; 21:53; 26:219; 
20:132; 32:147, 231; 33:116; 34:70, 74, 77, 
90-92, 94, map 10; 35:92, 152; 36:261; 41: 
41, 176, 259, 260; 42:20; 43:79; 50:286, 293; 
var. angustifolia 29:123, 148, 206; 34:50; 
var. pacifica 35:92; var. stenophylla 23:192; 
35:92, 186; 44:217. pacifica 35:92. steno- 
phylla 35:92 

Zygnema 1:99; 6:230; 15:88; 24:103, 110; 26: 
161, 212; 29:161, 162; 35:63. cylindricum 
24:104, 110. pectinatum 14:114; var. ano- 
malum 7:238 

Zygnematales 44:67 

Zygomycetes 5:102 

Zygophyllaceae 31:93, 95 

Zygophyllidium 43:110 


ABBE, Ernst C. 

Botanical results of the Grenfell-Forbes 
northern Labrador expedition, 1931, 38: 
102-161, pls. 408-411. (Contrib. Gray 
Herb. no. CXI) 

(BurrERS, F. K. and —), The American 
varieties of Rorippa islandica, 42:25-32, 
pl. 588. 

(Burrers, F. K. and —), A new Oxytrope 
of the Minnesota-Ontario border, 45: 
1-4, pl. 745. 

(BurrERS, F. K. and —), The genus Poa 
in Cook County, Minnesota, 49:1-21, 
pls. 1051, 1052. 

Braya in boreal eastern America, 50:1-15, 
pls. 1088-1090. 

Frederic King Butters, 1878-1945 (with 
portrait), [obituary], 50:133-144. 

Abies balsamea, A new variety of, 11:201. 

Abies nobilis Lindl, Abies procera, a new 
name for, 42:522. 

Abies procera, a new name for A. nobilis 
Lindl., 42:522. 


[Illustrated Flora of the Pacific States], 
Review of, 46:282—284. 

Acadians, Some plant-names of the Mada- 
waska 1:166. 

Acalypha virginica in eastern North America, 
The group of, 29:193. 

Acalypha virginica L., The typification of, 

Acalypha virginica, Rafinesque types in the 
group of, 42:96. 

Acanthaceae, An untenable generic name in, 
47 :261. 

Acanthospermum australe at Lawrence, Mass- 
achusetts, 9:26. 

Accentual marks in Gray's Manual, The use 
of, 7:189. 

Accentuation of certain generic names, Notes 
on the, 7:157. 

Acer barbatum, The identity of Michaux's, 
47 :156. 

Acer grandidentatum in Oklahoma, 46:445. 

Acer saccharum Marsh., 28:111. 

Acerates floridana? Why, 46:488. 

Achillea sibirica in eastern America, 31:219. 

Achillea tomentosa at Westford, Massachu- 
setts, 10:127. 

Acnida altissima, Varieties of, 43:288. 

Acorns of Quercus Prinus, Plurality of seeds 
in, 16:41. 

Acorns, Plural seeds in, 16:141. 

Acorus Calamus in America, 37:367. 

Acrochaetium and Chantransia in North 
America, 8:189. 

Acrochaetium, Two new species of, 10:133. 

Actaea alba versus Actaea pachypoda, 46: 

Actaea alba? What is, 42:260. 

Actaea pachypoda, Actaea alba versus, 46: 

Actidesmium, Notes on New England Algae, 
—]. Cyclonexis and, 41:133. 

Actinella odorata in Maine, 7:80. 


A double-flowered form of Gillenia tri- 
foliata, 45:215. 

Adiantum, An alpine, 7:190. 

Adventina Raf., The identity of the genus, 

Adventitious flora of Quebec, Six additions to 
the, 50:176. 

Adventitious plants in Concord, Massachu- 
setts, Some, 38:64. 

Adventitious plants of Drosera, 1:206. 

Agalinis, a correction, The flower of, 20:199. 

Agarics, Unusual variations of two common, 

Agaricus illudens, Poisoning by, 1:43. 

Agaricus (Psalliota) of the Champlain Valley, 
Notes on the species of, 1:161. 

Agrimonia mollis in Berkshire County, Mass- 
achusetts, Lygodium palmatum and, 28:179. 

Agrimonies, The nomenclature of the New 
England, 2:235. 

Agropyron caninum and its North American 
allies, 12:61. 

Agropyron from Cape Breton, A new, 19:15. 

Agropyron $ Goularda in eastern North Amer- 
1ca, 35:161. 

Agropyron, Notes on, 12:205. 

Agropyron repens, The American variations 
of, 35:182. 

Agropyron trachycaulum versus A. pauci- 
florum, 36:417. 

Agrostis borealis, The variations of, 35:203. 

Aira spicata L., 31:194. 

Aira spicata Linn. and the application of the 
International Rules, 32:261. 

Ajuga genevensis in New England, 5:154. 

Alabama, Carex corrugata from, 44:76. 

Alaska, A list of plants from interior, 42:309. 

Alaska, A new Arenaria from, 37:225. 

Alaska, Contributions to the flora of, 41:141, 
199, 262. 

Alaska, Western Canada and the northwestern 
States, Lady Ferns of, 19:197. 

Alaskan Mountain-Ash, Sorbus Andersoni, a 
new name for an, 47:220. 

Alberta, Lilaea scilloides in southeastern, 46: 

Alberta, The formation of peat ridges on the 
shores of muskeg lakes in northern, 33:18. 

Albino forms of Echinacea from Missouri, 
Two, 44:150. 

Albino forms of the Beach Pea, 42:157. 

Albino fruit of Vacciniums in New England, 

Albino Iris versicolor, 38:52. 

Albino Kalmia angustifolia, An, 15:151. 


INDEX ro VoLUMEs 1-50 

Albino Lupine, Our, 45:356. 

Albino of Epilobium latifolium, The, 46:251. 

Albino Raspberry, A new, 22:112. 

Albino Viola rostrata, An, 17:180. 

Alchemilla pratensis in Erie County, New 
York, 45:27. 

Alchemilla alpina and A. vulgaris in North 
America, 14:229. 

Alchemilla pratensis found at Westford, Mass- 
achusetts, 9:92. 

Alchemilla vulgaris in North America, Alche- 
milla alpina and, 14:229. 

Alcohol in plant collecting, The use of, 49:207. 

ArLcorr, W. P —[Herbarium of], 23:47. 

Alder, A cut-leaved, 16:56. 

Alders of New England, The green, 5:162. 

ALEXANDER, E. J.—Two plants newly adven- 
tive in North America, 44:18-19. 

Alfileria (Filaree) “Seed,” 39:233. 

Alga, Stictyosiphon tortilis, The discovery of 
the long-sought, 16:105. 

Algae, A sailor’s collection of, 6:181. 

Algae, Causes of variation in color of some 
red, 9:90. 

Algae, Chinese marine, 21:203. 

Algae, Drifting, 16:1. 

Algae from Bridgeport, Connecticut, Two new 
species of marine, 1:197. 

Algae from British Columbia, Notes on some, 

Algae from Hudson Bay, Some, 10:114. 

Algae from New Brunswick, A list of fresh- 
water, 50:67. 

Algae from New England, Notes on some 
fresh-water, 44:64. 

Algae from New Hampshire, Additional rec- 
ord of marine, 43:213. 

Algae from Newfoundland, Notes on some 
freshwater, 29:160. 

Algae from Penikese Island, The David Starr 
Jordan, 35:147. 

Algae from the Chincha Islands, Some, 17:89. 

Algae, Further notes on British Columbia, 

Algae, New forms of green, 1:149 

Algae, New records of marine, 35:151. 

Algae, Notes on, —I, 1:9; —II, 2:11; —III, 
3:132; —IV, 3:280; —V, 5:204; —VI, 5: 
231; —VII, 8:122; —VIII, 8:157; —IX, 10: 
155; —X, 13:184. 

Algae, Notes on New England, —I. Cyclon- 
exis and Actidesmium, 41:133; —II. Some 
interesting New Hampshire Algae, 44:175. 

Algae of a marshy pond, The, 14:113. 

Algae of Georgian Bay, Notes on the, 15:88. 

Algae of Penikese, Fresh and brackish, 26: 
211, 215; 50:269. 

Algae of Penikese, Marine, 26:189, 212; 50: 

Algae of St. Paul Island, Nova Scotia, The, 
33:127. 1 

Algae of the Flume, 6:229. 

Algae of the Monterey Peninsula, Marine, 
[Review], 47:63. 

Algae of the Rideau, Ontario, Notes on the, 


Algae of Vineyard Sound, Notes on two rare, 

Algae, Reappearance of rare New England 
marine, 43:72. 

Algae, Rhadinocladia, a new genus of brown, 
2: H1. 

Algae, Some interesting New Hampshire, 44: 

Algae, Some new green, 9:197. 

Algae, Taylor’s Marine, [Review], 40:323. 

Algae, The basis of nomenclature for, 9:77. 

Algae, The pollution of water-supplies by, 1: 

Algal complexities, Some, 41:19. 

Algal or boghead coals, On the nature of so- 
called, 11:61. 

Algal vegetation, Changes in the Woods Hole, 

Algological prophecy fulfilled, An, 11:196. 

Algologist's vacation in eastern Maine, An, 

Alisma cordifolia, The identity of the Linn- 
aean, 49:107. 

Alisma Plantago, Extreme variations of, 3: 

Alisma Plantago-aquatica, The North Ameri- 
can representatives of, 48:86. 

Alismaceae, Some forms in the, 38:73. 


A supposed hybrid. between the Oak 
species Quercus rubra and ilicifolia, 36: 

A globose form of Pitch Pine (Pinus 
rigida) in Virginia, 42:308. 

The hybrid Oak, X Quercus Rudkini, at 
Arlington, Virginia, 44:262-266, pl. 709. 

The probable relationship of Phaseolus 
polystachios to other species, 45:169- 

ALLEN, ARTHUR F.—Some Cladonieae from 
the valley of the Cap Chat River and 
vicinity, Gaspé Peninsula, Quebec, 32:91- 
94, pl. 199. 
ALLEN, CHARLES E.—(— and Girsznr, E. M .), 
[Textbook of Botany], Review of, 20:100. 
ALLEN, JOHN ÁrLPHEUS—[ Herbarium of] 3:219 
ALLEN, Marion E.—The supposed generic 
character of Naumbergia, 22:193-194, 4 
ALLEN, Oscar D.—[Herbarium of], 3:219. 
Allium tricoccum in Kalamazoo County, 
Michigan, Some Observations on two eco- 
logical races of, 48:61. 

Alnus crispa (Ait.) Pursh, var. mollis (Fer- 
nald), n. comb., 15:44. 

Alnus glutinosa in eastern Massachusetts, A 
colony of, 2:157. 

Alnus incana, Eastern North American repre- 
sentatives of, 47:333. 

Alopecurus aequalis, The arctic variety of, 
27 :196. 

Alopecurus aequalis, The identity of, 32:221. 

Alopecurus new to North America, An, 46:386. 

Alopecurus, Remarks on several North Amer- 

ican species of, 19:165. 

Alpine Adiantum, An, 7:190. 


Alpine and subalpine plants, The soil prefer- 
ences of certain, 9:149. 

Alpine Bearberries and the generic status of 
Arctous, The, 16:21. 

Alpine Rhinanthus of Quebec and New Hamp- 
shire, The, 9:23. 

Alpine station for Hieracium aurantiacum, 
An, 32:113. 

Alpine variety of Houstonia caerulea, An, 9: 

Alpine variety of Solidago macrophylla, An, 


Alpine Willow, An anomalous, 7:185. 

Alpine Willow from the White Mountains, 
A new, 19:221. 

Alsine, The type of the genus, 21:7. 

Alsinopsis, The earlier names for, 21:9. 

Alstead, New Hampshire, Boleti collected at, 
2:173; —Additional notes, 3:226. 

Alstead, New Hampshire, The Ferns of, 2:181. 

Alstead School of Natural History, [Herbar- 
ium of], 3:68. 

Amaranthus Powellii and Digitalis lanata in 
New England, 20:203. 

Ambrosia artemisiaefolia and its variations 
in temperate eastern North America, 37: 

Amelanchier, A monograph of, [Review], 48: 

Amelanchier, Additional notes on, 22:146. 

Amelanchier amabilis, a new name, 23:48. 

ur md amabilis, An extended range for, 

Amelanchier Bartramiana, Flowering dates 
for, 26:178. 

Amelanchier in eastern North America, The 
genus, 14:117. 

Amelanchier in southeastern Virginia, 43:559. 

Amelanchier, Notes on, 14:239. 

Amelanchier spicata, not an American species, 

Amelanchier, Staminody of the petals in, 18: 

America, Acorus Calamus in, 37:367. 

America, Arrhenatherum elatius B. tuberosum 
in, 13:207. 

America, Calamagrostis epigejos var. georgica 
in, 35:64. 

America, Centaurea nervosa in, 45:331. 

America, Chlorochytrium Lemnae in, 7:97. 

America, Early records of Leontodon in, 4:39. 

America, Erucastrum Pollichii adventive in, 

America, Galium erectum and Asperula gali- 
oides in, 5:173. 

America, Juncus acutiflorus rediscovered in, 

America, Naturalized occurrence of Prunus 
Padus in, 25:169. 

America, Peculiarities of Botrychium lanceo- 
latum in, 8:229. 

America, Primula § Farinosae in, 30:59, 85. 

America, Rubus idaeus and its variety ano- 
malus in, 2:195. 

America, Some belated corrections to my re- 
vision of Veronica in, 34:149. 


America, Some variations of Cardamine pra- 
tensis in, 22:11. 

America, Spergula pentandra in, 46:88. 

America, Taraxacum palustre in, 4:155. 

America, The genus Trisetum in, 30:209, 237. 

America, The occurrence of Botrychium vir- 
ginianum var. europaeum in, 17:233. 

Americi, The occurrence of Poa Chaixii in, 

America, The representatives of Scirpus mari- 
timus in, 2:239. 

America, The representatives of Trisetum spi- 
catum in, 18:195. 

America, The variations of Arenaria peploides 
in, 11:109. 

America, The variations of Glaux in, 4:213. 

America, The variations of Luzula campes- 
tris in, 15:38. 

America, Two varieties of Sisymbrium offici- 
nale in, 7:101. 

America, Vicia tetrasperma var. tenuissima in, 
45 :480. 

America with a consideration of the status of 
Delphinium Ajacis, Delphinium Consolida 
1n, 18:169. 

American! allies, Bidens connata and some of 
its, 10:197. 
1See also entries under North American. 

American Ammophila, The, 22:70. 

American amphibious Persicarias, The, 27: 
125, 146, 156. 

American and eastern Asiatic Beckmannia, 
'The, 30:24. 

American Anemones, Some color forms of, 

American Cardamine parviflora, The, 29:191. 

American Cranberries, The variations and dis- 
tribution of, 4:231. 

American Crataegi in the Species Plantarum 
of Linnaeus, 11:181. 

American Diervillas, Flower color of the, 9: 

American Epilobiums of the section Lysima- 
chion, Some, 20:29. 

“American Fern Book” or “Our Ferns in their 
Haunts," [Review], 3:238. 

American forms of the Lady-fern, Some 
trivial, 48:389. 

American Gentians, Some forms of, 19:149. 

American Horticulture, Cyclopedia of, [Re- 
view], 4:108. 

American Lespedezas, Notes on, 26:25. 

American Lotus at West Peabody, Massachu- 
setts, The, 33:230. 

American Lotus, The name of the, 36:23. 

American occurrence of Crepis biennis, Notes 
on the, 21:209. 

American occurrence of the European Cen- 
taurea diffusa, 4:249. 

American Oscillatoriaceae, Three, 39:277. 

American Ostrich Fern, The, 17:161. 

American Pacific coast, The Eelgrass situation 
on the, 41:257. 

American Parnassia palustris, 39:310. 

American plants, Reprint of a rare book on 
[Review], 18:203. 


American range of Botrychium lanceolatum, 
The, 20:19. 

American record of Scirpus mucronatus, His- 
tory of the, 20:41. 

American representative, Elymus arenarius 
and its, 17:98. 

American representative, Juncus triglumis 
and its, 26:201. 

American representative of Calamagrostis 
epigejos, An, 30:202. 

American representative of Scirpus pumilus, 
The, 45:279. 

American representative, True Lycopodium 
complanatum and its common, 3:278. 

American representatives of Arenaria sajanen- 
sis, The, 21:12. 

American representatives of Arenaria verna, 
Some, 8:31. 

American representatives of Asplenium Ruta- 
muraria, The, 30:37. 

American representatives of Equisetum syl- 
vaticum, The, 20:129. 

American representatives of Lonicera caeru- 
lea, The, 27:1. 

American representatives of Luzula vernalis, 
The, 5:193. 

American representatives of Pyrola rotundi- 
folia, The, 6:197. 

American species, Amelanchier spicata, not 
an, 48:125. 

American species and varieties of Rosa, Ten 
new, 30:109. 
American species and varieties of Scirpus, 
Some, 45:287. 
American species? 
a valid, 46:323. 
American species of Elymus, Types of some, 

American species of Hypoxis, Revision of the, 
25:120, 151. 

American station for Illecebrum verticillatum, 
An, 14:207. 

American Thalictra and their Old World 
allies, 46:337, 391, 453. 

American types in British herbaria, Studies 
of, 50:149, 181, 217. 

American variations of Agropyron repens, 
The, 35:182. 

American variations of Arenaria verna, The, 

American variations of Epilobium, section 
Chamaenerion, 20:1. 

American variations of Linnaea borealis, The, 

American variations of Lycopodium annoti- 
num, Lhe, 17:123. 

American variations of Potentilla palustris, 
The, 16:5. 

American variations of Silene acaulis, The, 

American variations of Stellaria borealis, The, 

American varieties, Botrychium virginianum 
and its, 19:207. 

American varieties of Pyrola chlorantha, The, 

Is Erigeron carolinianus, 


American varieties of Rorippa islandica, The, 
American variety, Athyrium alpestre and its, 
American variety of Saxifraga Aizoon, The, 
46 :61. 
American variety of Scheuchzeria palustris, 
The, 25:177. 
American variety of Vaccinium Vitis-Idaea, 
The, 4:231. 
American White Weed, Chrysanthemum Leu- 
canthemum and the, 5:177. 
An easy method of propagating Drosera 
filiformis, 1:172, pl, 8 
[Herbarium of], 3:68. 
Lobelia inflata X cardinalis, 3:296—-298. 
Natural hybrids in Spiranthes and Haben- 
aria, 5:261—204, pl. 47. 
Lobelia X syphilitico-cardinalis, 5:284— 
286, pl. 49. 
Spiranthes neglecta, 6:27-31, pl. 51. 
Spiranthes Grayi, 6:44. 
[Illustrations and studies of the family 
Orchidaceae], Review of, 7:119-120. 
Habenaria orbiculata and H. macrophylla, 
8:1-4, 2 figs. 
Spiranthes ovalis, 8:15-16. 
Notes on Habenaria, 10:70-71. 
Recent nomenclatorial changes in the 
genus Corallorrhiza, 11:102-106. 
Notes on New England Orchids,—Spi- 
ranthes, 23:73-85, pls. 127-129; —II. 
The mycorrhiza of Goodyera pubescens, 
24:37-46, pls. 135, 136. 
Amesbury, Massachusetts, does it occur far- 
ther north? Hottonia inflata in, 3:216. 
Amesbury, Massachusetts, Webera proligera 
in, 3:05 
Amherst College Herbarium, Notes from the, 
Amherst College, [Herbarium of], 3:68. 
Amherst, Massachusetts, Additions to the 
flora of, 1:164. 
Amherst region, Further additions to the 
flora of the, 2:68. 
Amherst, Weeds growing in, 17:29. 
AMMIDOWN, Lucius E. 
Saleratus as a protection against Rhus- 
poisoning, 4:105—106. 
Blumenbachia insignis, a casual plant at 
Southbridge, Massachusetts, 8:225—220. 
Ammophila, The American, 22:70. 
Among the Mushrooms, [Review], 3:140. 
Amphicarpa, Strophostyles, Galactia and 
Apios by vegetative characters, Determina- 
tion of, 42:213. 
Amphicarpaea Pitcheri in New England, 1: 

Amsinckia in New England, 21:38. 

Amsinckia in the northeastern United States, 

Amsonia from the Ozarks of Arkansas, A new, 

Anabaena spiroides, var. crassa, 13:252. 

Anacharis densa on Long Island, 34:151. 


Anagallis arvensis and caerulea in Vermont, 

Anaphalis margaritacea again, 40:218. 

Anaphalis margaritacea and its var. occiden- 
talis, 13:25. 

Anaphalis margaritacea var. occidentalis in 
eastern America, 7:156. 

Anaphalis, Some boreal species and varieties 
of Antennaria and, 13:23. 

Anchusa in New England, 18:50. 

Andean plants in the northern Hemisphere, 
Polystichum mohrioides and some other 
subantartic or, 26:89. 

ANDERSON, C. L.—[Algae of], 3:242. 


Color variation in a Missouri colony of 
Hepatica acutiloba, 35:66-67, 1 fig. 

The distribution of Iris versicolor in re- 
lation to the post-glacial Great Lakes, 
35 :154-160, 3 figs. 

(Paumer, E. J. and ——), Uvularia per- 
foliata in Louisiana, 37:58—59. 

Color variation in eastern North Ameri- 
can flowers as exemplified by Hepatica 
acutiloba, 38 :301-304. 


Holosteum umbellatum in Rhode Island, 

A neglected variety of Helianthus atro- 
rubens L., 34:1-4. 

A new species of Glyceria from the Great 
Smoky Mountains, 35:320—321, 2 figs. 

Notes on the flora of Tennessee: the 
genus Trillium, 36:119—128 ; —Dioscorea, 
36 :344-346. 

A little-known collection from Missouri, 

Verbascum phlomoides in Iowa, 49:67-68, 
pl. 1055. 

Andover, Massachusetts, Cuphea procumbens 
at, 4:247. 

Andover, Massachusetts, Hieracium praealtum 
at, 4:197. 

Andover, Massachusetts, The genus Trisetum 
in, 5:289. 

Andover, New Hampshire, Subularia at East, 


On some variations of Spiranthes cernua, 

The Orchidaceae of a series of swamps in 
southern Vermont, 2:114—115. 

Orchids of Mt. Greylock, Massachusetts, 

Ferns of a deep ravine in Thetford, Ver- 
mont, 2:229-230. 

Some observations on orchid fragrance, 

A natural hybrid between Habenaria la- 
cera and H. psychodes, 3:245—248. 

Several uncommon fern-allies from north- 
western Massachusetts, 3:252-253. 

A list of Bryophytes from the Mt. Grey- 
lock region, 4:29-31. 

A note upon recent treatment of Haben- 
aria hyperborea and its allies, 4:79-81. 


Bryophytes of the Mt. Greylock region, 
— IL, 4:238-243. 
Some interesting mosses from a southern 
Vermont peat-bog, 6:43-44. 
Bryophytes of the Mt. Greylock region, 
—II., 6:72-75. 
Preliminary lists of New England plants, 
—XVIII. Sphagnaceae, 8:62-65. 
Bryophytes of the Mt. Greylock region 
—IV., 11:116-118. 
Philological aspects of the “Plants oi 
Wineland the Good," 15:28-35. 
Dicranoweisia crispula in the White 
Mountains, 21:207—208. 
ANDREWS, FLorENcE M.—Notes on a species 
of Cyathus common in lawns at Mid- 
dlebury, Vermont, 2:99-101, pl. 17. 
Soil-preferences of some less usual vascu- 
lar plants in central Connecticut, 1: 
[List of Flowering Plants and Higher 
Cryptogams growing upon the summit 
of Meriden Mountain, Connecticut]. 
Review of, 2:132. 
Aster concinnus in New England, 2:166- 
[Herbarium of], 3:68. 
Gleditschia triacanthos established in 
Connecticut, 4:103-104. 
(Bissett, C. H. and —), [Flora of the 
Town of Southington, Connecticut and 
its Vicinity], Review of, 4:200—201. 
(Graves, C. B, Eames, E. H., BISSELL 
C. H., —, HanazR, E. B. and WEATHERBY, 
C. A), [Catalogue of the Flowering 
Plants and Ferns of Connecticut grow- 
ing without cultivation], Review of, 12: 
(Harcer, E. B., Graves, C. B., EAMES 
E. H., BısseLL, C. H., — and WEATHER- 
BY, C. AJ), Additions to the flora of 
Connecticut, 19:105-110, 119—130, 224- 
232, 245-253. 
[Catalogue of the Flowering Plants and 
Ferns of Springfield, Massachusetts] 
Review of, 26:179-180. 
Andromeda glaucophylla, A calciphile variety 
of, 18:100. 

Andromeda glaucophylla, Andromeda Poli- 
folia and, 5:67. 

Andromeda Polifolia and Andromeda glauco- 
phylla, 5:67. 

Andropogon Gerardi? Why not, 45:255. 

Andropogon glomeratus, A review of Andro- 
pogon virginicus and, 37:139. 

Andropogon glomeratus in Rhode Island, 31: 

Andropogon provincialis, Variations of, 37: 
Andropogon scoparius in the United States 
and Canada, 19:100. 0. 
Andropogon scoparius, The variations of, 37: 

Andropogon virginicus and A. glomeratus, A 
review of, 37:139. 


Anemone, Etymology of, 1:41. 

Anemone $ Anemonanthea, The North Amer- 
ican species of, 30:180. 

Anemone riparia, Red-flowered, 5:154. 

Anemonella thalictroides, Chloranthy in, 3: 

Anemones, Some color forms of American, 

Angelica lucida, The identity of, 21:144. 

Angelica triquinata? What is, 45:298. 

Androscoggin County, Maine, Roripa amphi- 
bia in, 35:202. 

Annotated Catalog of Spermatophytes of 
Kentucky, An, [Review], 45:277. 

Annotations on herbarium sheets, 35:41. 

Antennaria, A note on species differentiation 
in, 38:307. 

Antennaria alpina and A. carpathica, 22:138. 

Antennaria alpina from Newfoundland and 
the Labrador Peninsula, Some allies of, 18: 

Antennaria and Anaphalis, Some boreal 
species and varieties of, 13:23. 

Antennaria canadensis in Pennsylvania, 17: 

Antennaria carpathica, Antennaria alpina and, 

Antennaria from the Appalachian region, A 
new species of, 37:229. 

Antennaria in Newfoundland, The genus, 13: 
28; 35:327. 

Antennaria, Memoranda on, 38:229. 

Antennaria of arctic America, 36:101. 

Antennaria of the “Manual Range," Key to, 
47:221, 239. 

Antennaria, On the papillose achenes in the 
genus, 33:213. 

Antennaria Parlinii, The staminate plant of, 
1:156; 4:152. 

Antennaria, Parthenogenesis in, 7:105. 

Antennaria plantaginifolia with rosy invo- 
lucres, 36:376. 

Antennaria, Southerly range extensions in, 

Antennarias from Greenland, Three, 33:222. 

Antennarias, Further notes on New England, 

Antennarias of northeastern America, Some, 

Antennarias of northeastern America, The 
dwarf, 26:95. 

br c um of northern New England, Some, 

Antennarias, Two Newfoundland, 16:196. 

Anthyllis Vulneraria at Cromwell, Connecti- 
cut, 13:240. 

Anulocaulis from southwestern Texas and ad- 
jacent New Mexico, A new species of, 47: 

Anychia canadensis in Hampshire County, 
Massachusetts, 36:58. 

Anychia dichotoma, The identity of, 6:50. 

Apetalous form of Arenaria groenlandica, An, 

Apetalous form of Arenaria groenlandica on 
Mt. Mansfield, The, 8:114. 


APGAR, Austin Craic—[Ornamental Shrubs 
ae United States], Review of, 12: 

Aphanocapsa, A new species of, 29:39. 

Apios americana Med., 36:88. 

Apios by vegetative characters, Determina- 
tion of Amphicarpa, Strophostyles, Galactia 
and, 42:213. 

Apocynum androsaemifolium L., The identity 
and nomenclature of, 34:30. 

Apocynum sibiricum var. cordigerum in New 
England, 44:331. 

Appalachian plants, A new station for three 
local, 25:168. 

Appalachian region, A new species of Anten- 
naria from the, 37:229. 

Application of old botanical names, On Soli- 
dago rigida L. and the, 28:138. 

Application of the international rules, Aira 
spicata Linn. and the, 32:261. 

Application of the name Euphorbia maculata 
L., 48:197. 

Application of the term “Rhizome,” The, 31:6. 

Aquatic and marsh vegetation, A handy guide 
to, [Review], 47:395. 

Aquatic and prairie vegetation in southwest- 
ern Minnesota, Notes on, 48:113. 

Aquatic plants, Extensions of ranges of, 36: 

Aquatic plants, Range extensions of marsh 
and, 42:20. 

Aquatic Utricularias, 41:113. 

Aquatic Utricularias in Quebec, Distribu- 
tional notes on certain, 42:52. 

Aquatic varieties of Poa annua, 43:630. 

Aquatics from southern Maine, Three, 39:273. 

Aquatics, Notes from the Herbarium of the 
University of Wisconsin—XVII. Elatine 
and, 41:367. 

Aquilegia canadensis f. Phippenii in Worces- 
ter County, Massachusetts, 31:36. 

Aquilegia canadensis var. flaviflora in Maine, 

Arabis, A new, 13:37. 

Arabis canadensis in Oklahoma, 45:114. 

Arabis Drummondi and its eastern relatives, 

Arabis from Rimouski County, Quebec, A 
new, 7:31. 

Arabis glabra (L.) Bernh.—a correction, 40: 

Arabis in eastern and central North America, 
39:63, 106, 155. 

Arabis in western North America, A mono- 
graphic study of, 43:289, 348, 425. 

Arabis laevigata and Asplenium Trichomanes 
in Maine, Further notes on, 7:13. 

Arabis viridis, an invalid name, 45:269. 

Arabis viridis in Oklahoma and Wisconsin, 

Arabis viridis var. heterophylla, 41 :80. 

Aralia hispida, A teratological specimen of, 

Araucarian wood, Paracedroxylon, a new type 
of, 11:165. 

Arbor-Vitae, Gray Pine and, 23:247. 


Arceuthobium at Concord, Massachusetts, The 
waning of, 37:413. 

Arceuthobium in the Rangeley region, 9:28. 

Arceuthobium pusillum at Mt. Desert, 9:75. 

Arceuthobium pusillum, Further notes upon 
the distribution and host plants of, 2:9. 

Arceuthobium pusillum in Massachusetts, 2:6. 

Arceuthobium pusillum in the St. John and 
St. Lawrence valleys, 2:10. 

Arceuthobium pusillum, Notes on, 2:2. 

Arceuthobium pusillum on a new host in Ver- 
mont, 2:8. 

Arceuthobium pusillum, The peculiar aspects 
of the New England distribution of, 33:92. 

Arceuthobium pusillum, The Pennsylvania 
stations of, 33:191. 

Arceuthobium, Two new stations for, 4:249. 

Arctic America, Antennaria of, 36:101. 

Arctic America, Critical notes on plants of, 

Arctic by Dr. Potter in 1937, Notes on some 
plants collected in the Canadian eastern, 

Arctic Canada, A new species of Carex and 
some notes on this genus in, 43:413. 

Arctic Canada (east of 100° W.), Taraxacum 
in, 45:337. 

Arctic Canada, Vascular plants of eastern, 
[Review], 42:417. 

Arctic Lichens, Some general results of re- 
cent Norwegian research work on, 36:133. 

Arctic North America, Notes on the occur- 
rence of Zostera and Zannichellia in, 34:90. 

Arctic variety of Alopecurus aequalis, The, 
27 :196. 

Arctium in North America, A synopsis of the 
species of, 12:43. 

Arctostaphylos from the Rocky Mountains, 
Two new species of, 39:462. 

Arctostaphylos Uva-ursi, The North Ameri- 
can variations of, 16:211. 

Arctostaphylos Uva-ursi var. coactilis, Hete- 
rochromism in, 35:348. 

Arctous, The alpine Bearberries and the gene- 
ric status of, 16:21. 

Arenaria caroliniana in Rhode Island, 15:115. 

Arenaria ciliata, The North American repre- 
sentative of, 16:43. 

Arenaria from Alaska, A new, 37:225. 

Arenaria glabra, The specific identity of 
Arenaria groenlandica and, 21:17. 

Arenaria groenlandica, An apetalous form of, 

Arenaria groenlandica and A. glabra, The spe- 
cific identity of, 21:17. 

Arenaria groenlandica on Mt. Mansfield, The 
apetalous form of, 8:114. 

Arenaria lateriflora and its varieties in North 
America, 19:259. 

Arenaria lateriflora dioecious? Is, 16:55. 

Arenaria lateriflora, Forms of, 16:179. 

Arenaria lateriflora, On variation in, 15:209. 

Arenaria macrophylla, A second Vermont sta- 
tion for, 7:156. 

Arenaria macrophylla in Connecticut, 7:20. 

Arenaria patula, A study of, 43:325. 


Arenaria peploides in America, The varia- 
tions of, 11:109. 
Arenaria sajanensis, The American represen- 
tatives of, 21:12. 
Arenaria stricta in New Hampshire, The sta- 
tus of, 11:184. 
arenaria stricta in the White Mountains, 17: 
Arenaria verna, Some American representa- 
tives or, 8:31. 
Arenaria verna, The American variations of, 
Arenaria, The Unity of the genus, 21:1. 
Arisaema triphyllum, A notable monstrosity 
of, 18:222. 
Arisaema triphyllum, An interesting speci- 
men of, 6:163. 
Arisaema triphyllum? What is, 42:247. 
Aristida basiramea in Maine, 31:78. 
Aristida longespica in Connecticut, 35:386. 
Aristolochia Sipho, Foliar outgrowths from 
the surface of the leaf of, 5:38. 
Aristolochia Sipho, Regeneration in the leaf 
of, 8:223. 
Arizona, A flora of, [Review], 45:26. 
Arizona, Spiranthes michuacana in, 41:138. 
Arkansas, A new Amsonia from the Ozarks 
of, 45:328. 
Arkansas and vicinity, Grasses of Hot Springs 
National Park, 44:70. 
Arkansas Flora, The publication-date of Nut- 
tall's, 46:156. 
Arkansas, Grass Studies,—IV. Additional 
species new to, 43:219. 
Arkansas, Grass Studies, —II. 
the flora of, 39:423. 
Arkansas Ozarks, Delphinium newtonianum, 
a new species from the, 41:193. 
Arkansas, 'Two  undescribed plants 
Arkansas, Vegetation of artificial lakes in 
northwestern, 48:329. 
Arnica alpina, .The eastern American repre- 
sentatives of, 26:103. 
Arnica from Newfoundland, Another, 27:90. 
mE northeastern America, The genus, 
Arnold Arboretum, 
Aroostook County, 
manna in, 36:128. 
Aroostook County, Maine, Ranunculus lap- 
ponicus in, 41:461. 
Aroostook County, 
from, 10:37. 
MEME valley, A new Kobresia in the, 
Arrhenatherum elatius 8. tuberosum in Amer- 
ica, 13:207. 
ARSENE, Bro. Louis 
Contribution to the flora of the islands 
of St. Pierre et Miquelon, 29:117-133, 
144-158, 173-191, 204—221. 
Plants new to the flora of the islands of 
Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, 49:237-255. 
Artemisia borealis, Some varieties of, 29:93. 

Additions to 


[Herbarium of thel, 
Maine, Lobelia Dort- 

Maine, Some mosses 


Artemisia Stelleriana a native of New Eng- 
land? Is, 2:38. 

Artemisia, Transfers in and animadversions 
on, 47:247. 

Arthraxon hispidus, var. cryptatherus (Hack.) 
Honda in Pennsylvania, 39:100. 

Arthraxon hispidus, var. cryptatherus in New 
York, 42:199. 


New station for the Dwarf Mistletoe, 

Peridermium pyriforme and its probable 
alternate host, 9:194—195. 

Artz, LENA—A  white-flowered Desmodium 
from Virginia, 49:299-300. 

Aruncus, Memoranda on, 38:179. 

Asclepias syriaca, A smooth-fruited form of, 
20 :206. 

Asclepias syriaca, White-flowered form of, 

Ascyrum Hypericoides, The varieties of, 38: 

Ash, A purple-fruited, 14:192. 

AsHE, W. W. 

Notes on Betula, 20:63—64. 

Notes on Rhododendron, 23:177-179. 

Notes on trees and shrubs of southeast- 
ern North America, 24:77—79. 

Notes on trees and shrubs of the south- 
eastern United States, 25:179-183. 

A new Oak from Florida, 31:79-80. 

Notes on Vacciniaceae, 33:193-198. 

Asia, Some notes on the botanical relation 
between North America and eastern, 41: 

Asia, The Hepatica transsilvanica group of 
eastern Europe and, 29:53. 

Asiatic allies of Ranunculus pensylvanicus, 
Two, 18:189. 

Asiatic Beckmannia, The American and east- 
ern, 30:24. 

Asiatic Circaea quadrisulcata, The identity 
of Circaea latifolia and the, 17:222. 

Asparagopsis hamifera (Hariot) Okam, 30: 

Asperella Hystrix, The northern variety of, 
24 :229. 

Asperula galioides in America, Galium erec- 
tum and, 5:173. i 

Aspideae, Subdivision of the New England, 

Aspidium simulatum in New Hampshire, 

Asplenium ebeneum proliferum, 5:272; 6:210. 

Asplenium ebeneum Hortonae, A new station 
for 9:257. 

Asplenium ebeneum var. Hortonae, New sta- 
tions for, 3:224. 

Asplenium ebenoides, A new station for, 

Asplenium ebenoides, A third New England 
station for, 3:248. 

Asplenium ebenoides in Massachusetts, A sta- 
tion for, 8:113. 

Asplenium new to the flora of Vermont, A 
hybrid, 8:12. 


Asplenium montanum in south-central Mas- 
sachusetts, 50:20. 

Asplenium pinnatifidum, A new station for, 

Asplenium platyneuron (L.) Oakes, var. bac- 
culum-rubrum (Featherman) comb. nov. 

Asplenium Ruta-muraria, The American rep- 
resentatives of, 30:37. 

Asplenium Trichomanes in Maine, Further 
notes on Arabis laevigata and, 7:13. 

Asquam Lake, Further notes on the Orchids 
of the region of, 19:131. 

Asquam Lake, Orchids found in the region 
of, 19:56. 

Asquam region, Further notes on the Orchids 
of the, 29:235. 

Aster, A study of the Rocky Mountain spe- 
cies of the Multiflori section of, 35:323. 

Aster acadiensis, nom. nov., 46:31. 

Aster amethystinus, A new form of, 32:3. 

uc css A white-flowered form of, 


Aster amethystinus, an obvious hybrid, 32:1. 

Aster amethystinus, Aster multiflorus com- 
plex, The Aster novae-angliae, 41:190. 

Aster amethystinus, Note on, 32:185. 

Aster and Solidago, Some undescribed and 
little known varieties of, 1:187. 

Aster concinnus in New England, 2:166. 

Aster concolor, A glabrous variety of, 32:144. 

Aster dumosus, A pubescent variety of, 11:31. 

Aster ericoides and A. multiflorus, 'The names, 

Aster ericoides L., 28:65. 

Aster ericoides var. platyphyllus in Mary- 
land, 30:106. 

Aster foliaceus in New England, The varia- 
tions of, 34:13. 

Aster Herveyi, Variants of, 18:183. 

Aster in Nova Scotia, The genus, 45:344. 

Aster in Washington County, Maine, Soli- 
dago and, 33:159. 

Aster Kumlieni, a correction, 42:197. 

Aster lateriflorus and some of its relatives, 

Aster linariifolius, A northern variety of, 

Aster longulus Sheldon, The status of, 44:338. 

Aster multiflorus complex, The Aster novae- 
angliae, Aster amethystinus, 41:190. 

Aster multiflorus, Rayless, 29:95. 

Aster multiflorus, Some Illinois Asters and a 
new variety of, 30:77. 

Aster multiflorus, The names Aster ericoides 
and, 32:136. 

Aster, Notes on, 30:226. 

Aster novae-angliae, Aster amethystinus, As- 
ter multiflorus complex, 'The, 41:190. 

Aster novi-belgii, Rayless, 28:112. 

Aster paniculatus and some of its relatives, 

Aster patens Ait., forma rosea, f. nova, 37:203. 

Aster ptarmicoides in Connecticut, Scirpus 
occidentalis and, 16:19. 


Aster puniceus L., var. firmus (Nees) T. & G., 
forma rufescens, n.f., 27:187. 

Aster salsuginosus Richardson, The identity 
of, 45:262. 

Aster tardiflorus a hybrid? Is, 19:88. 

Aster Tradescanti, The identity of, 35:312. 

Aster undulatus X novi-belgii, 4:186. 

Asterococcus | superbus (Cienk.) Scherf, 

Astereae, Notes on the Compositae of the 
northeastern United States, VI. Cichorieae, 
Eupatorieae and, 50:28. 

Asters and a new variety of Aster multiflorus, 
Some Illinois, 30:77. 

Asters of the Maritime Provinces, Some an- 
nual halophytic, 16:57. 

Astragalus caryocarpus fruits, Size, shape and 
number in, 48:111. 

Astragalus contortuplicatus on wool-waste, 

Astrophytum asterias in Texas, The habitat 
of, 35:224. 

Astrophytum asterias in the United States, 

Athabasca-Great Slave Lake region, Salix 
glauca and its allies in the, 33:241. 

Athabasca-Great Slave Lake region, The dis- 
tribution and affinities of the vegetation of 
the, 32:187. 

Athabasca-Great Slave Lake The 
genus Geum in the, 33:172. 

Athyrium alpestre and its American variety, 

Athyrium alpestre, The author of, 31:165. 

Athyrium alpestre, The eastern American oc- 
currence of, 30:44. 

Athyrium and the North American ferns 
allied to Athyrium Filix-femina, The genus, 

Athyrium Filix-femina (L.) Roth, 19:179. 

Athyrium Filix-femina, The genus Athyrium 
and the North American ferns allied to, 

Athyrium Filix-foemina, The indusium of, 

Athyrium, The genus, 19:170. 

ATKINSON, GEoncE Francis — [Studies of 
American Fungi], Review of, 3:37-40. 

Atmospheric moisture, The relation of cer- 
tain plants to, 2:29, 63. 

Attean Pond, Flora of Birch Island in, 22:129. 

Atriplex new to North America, An, 17:83. 

ATwoOD, ALICE C.—(Brakz, S. F., and ——), 
[Geographical guide to the floras of the 
World], Review of, 45:56. 

ATwoop, C. E —Prunus virginiana forma leu- 
cocarpa in New Brunswick, 36:89. 

Aulacomnium heterostichum in Maine, 4:169. 

Aureolaria, A plea for, 20:133. 

Austin collection from the Labrador coast, 
The, 32:59. 

Author-citations, Some inconvenient upheav- 
als of familiar names and, 47:197. 

Avena fatua in eastern Massachusetts, 16:183. 

Avena striata, A pale form of, 7:244. 



Stations for some of the rarer plants of 
Connecticut, 1:39—40. 
The distribution of certain trees and 
shrubs in western Connecticut, 2:34-38. 
uae amarantoides in eastern America, 
Azalea of the Cumberlands, The red, 43:31. 

Bascock, Ernest BROWN 
On citing Richardson’s Botanical Appen- 
dix to Franklin’s First Journey, 26: 
[The Genus Crepis], Review of, 49: 
The variations of Brachyelytrum erec- 
tum, 45:260-262. 
Baccharis glomeruliflora, presumably not Vir- 
ginian, 49:189. 
Back Numbers needed, [Notice], 46:317. 

Bacon, ALICE E. 
Some Orchids of eastern Vermont, 
The Dwarf Mistletoe at Bradford, Ver- 
mont, 4:28. 

Some cases of poisoning by Cypripedium 
spectabile in Vermont, 4:94—97. 
Anagallis arvensis and caerulea in Ver- 
mont, 4:185-186. 
An experiment with the fruit of Red 
Baneberry, 5:77-79. 
Bacon, WALTER L.—The discovery of Crypto- 
gramma Stelleri in Maine, 10:35. 
BagHNr, CHartes—Ipomoea heptaphylla in 
Georgia and Mexico, 38:164. 
Baffin Land plants collected by the MacMil- 
lan expedition, 1922, 25:111. 
Barley, L 
[Cyclopedia of American Horticulture], 
Review of, 4:108. 
Nomenclatorial transfers, 18:152—160. 
George Lincoln Goodale, 25:117-120 
(with portrait). 
A strange Rubus, 41:197-198, pl. 550. 
Commelina virginica established in New 
England, 2:200. 
The old-time 
Solidago tenuifolia, a weed in Rhode 
Island, 2:226. 
The Fig as a hardy plant in New Eng- 

flora of Providence, 

land, 2:234. 
Notes on the flora of Rhode Island, 

[Herbarium of], 3:69, 207. 

Some notable plant stations in Rhode 
Island, 4:198—199. 

[Biographical sketch of], 16:97-101. 

Baxrr, L. H.—Noteworthy plants at Exeter, 
Maine, 1:75. 

BAKEWELL, ANDERSON — Botanical collections 
of the Wood Yukon expedition of 1939- 
1941, 45: 305-316. 

Barc, W. E.—(Wircox, A. W., HowE, I. A., 


SurEgLps, W. E. and ——), The field meet- 
ing of the Vermont Botanical and Bird 
Clubs, 17:143-144. 
BALDWIN, J. T., Jr. 
es of Kalmiopsis, 40:278-279, 
1 fig. 
Chromosomes of Proserpinaca, 41:584, 3 


Cytological basis for specific segregation 
in hn Sedum Nevii complex, 44:10-13, 
7 figs. 

Affinities of Sedum Nevii, 46:450—451. 

Spiraea latifolia var. septentrionalis in 
Virginia, 48:112. 


Extensions of range and a new variety 
in Salix, 26:135—144. 

Studying willows or making new sections 
in the genus Salix, 49:37-49. 

Barranp, S. J. 

A second Vermont station for Arenaria 
macrophylla, 7:150. 

Balls of vegetable matter from sandy shores, 
On, 7:41; 11:149. 

Baneberry, An experiment with the fruit of 
Red, 5:77. 

Bangor, Maine, Notes on some plants of, 

Baptisia, A new species of, 46:29. 

Baptisia australis in Vermont, 2:172. 

Baptisia bracteata (Muhl.) Ell., 23:255. 

Baptisia tinctoria as a tumble-weed, 3:34. 

Baptisia tinctoria, The type of, 39:414. 

Baptisia tinctoria var. projecta, A note on, 
46 :281. 

Barbarea praecox, 

Barbarea, The North American species of, 

Barbarea vulgaris, Our varieties of, 45:304. 

Barberry found at Sherborn, Massachusetts, 
A seedless, 14:207. 

Barnes, C. R.—(Coutter, J. R, — and 
Cowes, H. C), [A Textbook of Botany 
for Colleges and Universities], Review of, 

BARNHART, JOHN HENpLEYy—The so-called 
generic names of Ehrhart’s Phytophyla- 
cium, 22:180-182. 

Barnstable County, Massachusetts, Orontium 
in, 16:18. 

Barnstable, Massachusetts, Cynanchum ni- 
grum in, 13:70. 

[Herbarium of], 3:286. 
[Biographical sketch 


Barratt, Torrey and Schweinitz; a correction 
and a discrepancy, 23:300. 


Goodyera pubescens 
Hampshire, 1:193. 
Habenaria Hookeriana oblongifolia in 
West Campton, New Hampshire, 3:237. 
BARTLETT, Georce H. 

A correction regarding, 

of], 13:121-125, 

in central New 


Arenaria macrophylla in Connecticut, 
Senecio obovatus var. elongatus in Con- 
necticut, 24:226. 

A new Juncus of the group Poiophylli, 


Polygonum exsertum in Massachusetts, 

The salt-marsh Iva of New England, 

Juncus compressus in the Province of 
Quebec, 8:233. 

The retrograde color varieties of Gratiola 
aurea, 9:122—124. 

Flower color of the American Diervillas, 

The type locality of Sphagnum Faxonii, 

Nolina in the south Atlantic States, 11: 

Note on Oxalis stricta var. viridiflora, 

The geographic ranges of certain Junci 
Poiophylli, 11:155-157. 

Rupture of the exoperidium in Calo- 
stoma Ravenelii, 11:197-198. 

The submarine Chamaecyparis bog at 
Woods Hole, Massachusetts, 11:221- 
235, pl. 82. 

Vernonia georgiana, a new species related 
to V. oligophylla, 12:171-172. 

The North American species of Panicum, 
[Review], 12:218-220. 

Populus virginiana and P. angulata, 13: 

[The source of the drug Dioscorea, with 
a consideration of the Dioscoreae of 
the United States], Review of, 13: 

Ptelea mollis, var. cryptoneura, a wafer- 
ash of the Georgia Sand Hills, 13:80. 

Euphorbia arundelana, an ally of Eu- 
phorbia Ipecacuanhae, 13:163-165, 2 

On gynodioecism in Plantago lanceolata, 
13:199-206, 3 figs. 

Systematic studies on  Oenothera,—I. 
Oenothera Tracyi, sp. nov., 13:209-211, 
pl. 93; —II. The delimitation of Oeno- 
thera biennis L., 15:48-53, pls. 102, 
103; —III. New Species from Ithaca, 
New York, 15:81-85; —IV. Oe. fran- 
ciscana and Oe. venusta, spp. nov. 
16:33-37, pls. 107, 108; —V. Oe. Robin- 
sonii and Oe. cleistantha, spp. nov., 
17 :41-44, pl. 111. 

A flora of the New Jersey Pine Barrens, 
[Review], 14:94—96. 

Inheritance of sex forms in Plantago lan- 
ceolata, 15:173-178. 

A second edition of Britton & Brown's 
Illustrated Flora, [Review], 15:220- 

Color types of Corallorrhiza maculata 
Raf., 24:145-148. 


The varieties of Corallorrhiza maculata, 
27 :11-14. 
Bartonia, a comedy of errors, 34:164. 
Bartonia iodandra, a species new to the 
United States, 2:55. 
Bartonia verna grow in Virginia? 
BartraM, EDWIN B. 
An interesting addition to the flora of 
New Jersey, 11:121. 
A Teucrium new to 
Some Nova Scotia Mosses, 24:121-124. 
Newfoundland mosses collected by Mr. 
Bayard Long in 1924-26, 30:1-12, pl. 
Mosses of southern British Honduras and 
Guatemala, 36:55-58, 1 fig. 
[Manual of Hawaian Mosses], Review 
of, 36:132. 
Bartram’s “Travels,” Legitimacy of names in, 
Bash-Bish Falls, An excursion to Mt. Wash- 
ington, Massachusets and, 21:198. 
new to New Hampshire, 14:175. 
[A Flora of Manchester, New Hamp- 
shire], Review of, 2:157-158. 
Notes from Manchester, New Hampshire, 
10 :204—205. 
Scirpus lineatus 
[Biographical sketch of], 14:41-45. 
Bates College, [Herbarium of], 3:69. 
Bayberry wax, A method of obtaining, 1:193. 
Beach Pea, Albino forms of the, 42:157. 
Beau, W. J. 
[Seed Dispersal], Review of, 1:30. 
Tumble-weeds, 3:18. 
Seed-throwing of Viola, 4:230. 
Weeds growing in Amherst, 17:29-30. 
Beats, A. T.—Extension of range of Cala- 
magrostis epigejos, 39:31-32. 
Bean, RALPH C. 
Some Maine plants, 15:134-135. 
(FERNALD, M. L., —— and KNOWLTON, 
C. H.), Plans for 1919 Spring field trip 
of the New England Botanical Club, 
21:86-88; Field trips of the New Eng- 
land Botanical Club, 1919, 21:143. 
(WEATHERBY, C. A, KwowrvroN, C. H. 
and ), Fifth report of Committee 
on Floral Areas, 28:43-46; —Sixth re- 
port of the Comittee on Floral Areas, 
29 :247-253; —Seventh report of the 
Committee on Floral Areas, 31:106- 
118. —Eighth report of the Committee 
on Plant Distribution, 38:263-271. 
Two rare weeds, 39:208-209. 
Carex typhina in Maine, 44:20. 
Arthur Herbert Norton, [obituary], 45: 
Gentiana quinquefolia in Maine, 47:143. 
Betula papyrifera, var. commutata in 
western Maine, 47:405. 



in New Hampshire, 


(——, Know trton, C. H. and Hi, A. F.), 
Ninth report of the Committee on 
Plant Distribution, 48:17-27. 

, Goopare, A. S., Gnica, F. W., HAR- 

RIS, S. K., KNowrroN, C. H., POTTER, 
D., Sanrorp, S. N. F., Seymour, F. C. 
and SwrrH, L. B), Reports on the 
Flora of Massachusetts,—IV., 49:257- 

John Crawford Parlin [obituary], 50: 

Bearberries and the generic status of Arctous, 
The alpine, 16:21. 


Remarks on Rhode Island plants, 7: 

Bebb Herbarium of the University of Okla- 
homa,—II., Notes from the, 45:263. 


The —— —— Herbarium], 45:265-267. 

Beckmannia, The American and eastern 
Asiatic, 30:24. 

Beech, Partial reversion in leaves of the Fern- 
leaved, 6:45. 


Three neglected names in Scirpus, 46: 

The authorship of Scirpus atrovirens, 
46 :336. 

Distichlis spicata in Australia, 47:148. 

Bemis, EarL W. 

Aquilegia canadensis forma Phippenii in 
Worcester County, Massachusetts, 

A new form of Aster amethystinus, 32:3. 

A white-flowered form of Aster amethyst- 
inus, 33:63. 

New records for Worcester County, Mas- 
sachusetts, 36:7-8. 


Some [Illinois Asters and a new variety of 
Aster multiflorus, 30:77-79. 

Two new varieties of early Spring plants 
—a Ranunculus from Missouri and a 
Heterotheca from Texas, 30:200-201. 

Notes on fall-flowering plants of the cen- 
tral Mississippi valley, 31:145—151. 

Aster amethystinus, an obvious hybrid, 
32:1-3, pl. 192. 

Some field notes: a new variety and some 
forms of plants from the Middle West, 
also two forms from Massachusetts, 

New species and forms from the central 
and southern United States, 35:4446. 

[Obituary of], 49:142-143. 


[Herbarium of], 3:207. 

[Notice of death], 6:146-147. 

Berberis amplectans (Eastw.) comb. nov., 

Berberis and Sagittaria, Reversions 1n, 2:149. 

Berberis Thunbergii naturalized in New 
Hampshire, 15:225. 

Bercen, J. Y. 

[The Teaching 


Botanist], Review of, 


[The Foundations of Botany], Review 
of, 3:66. 

(—— and Davis, B. M.), [Principles of 
Botany], Review of, 8:230—232. 

Weed growth and unusual rainfall, 17: 

BeraMan, H. F. 

Abnormal flower structure 
stricta L., 19:41—44, pl. 122. 

Double flowers in the wild Swamp Blue- 
berry, Vaccinium corymbosum, 36: 
233-235, pl. 289. 

Berkshire County, Massachusetts, Equisetum 
pratense in, 29:32. 

Berkshire County, Massachusetts, Hoffmann’s 
Flora of, [Review], 24:183. 

Berkshire County, Massachusetts, Lygodium 
palmatum and Agrimonia mollis in, 28:179. 

Berkshire County, Massachusetts, Notes on 
the flora of, 6:202. 

Berkshire County, Massachusetts, Potamoge- 
ton Hillii in, 42:95. 

Berkshire County, Massachusetts, Some re- 
cent additions to the flora of, 41:128. 

Berkshire County, Massachusetts, Three 
plants of, 1:229. 

Berkshire County, Massachusetts, Viola pri- 
mulifolia in, 28:132. 

Berkshire plants, More, 44:332. 

Berneuxia, On the Sino-Himalayan species of 
Shortia and, 45:333. 

Berula pusilla (Nutt.) comb. nov., 44:189. 

Bessey, Cuartes E.—Baptisia tinctoria as a 
tumble-weed, 3:34—35. 

Betula glandulosa at a low altitude in New 
Hampshire, 48:183. 

Betula in eastern North America, Notes on, 
47 :303. 

Betula glandulosa Michx., 
(Ledeb.) n. comb., 17:87. 

Betula, Notes on, 20:63. 

Betula papyrifera var. commutata in western 
Maine, 47:405. 

Betula populifolia in Virginia and its variety 
laciniata in Massachusetts, 44:236. 

Betula Sandbergi, Evidence of the hybrid na- 
ture of, 30:125. 

(Betulaceae), Some North American Coryla- 
ceae, —I. Notes on Betula in eastern North 
America, 47:303; —II. Eastern North 
American representativ es of Alnus incana, 
47 :333. 

Bibliography of Canadian botany, A, [Re- 
view], 47:236. 


Juncus aristulatus 

The Heather, Calluna vulgaris, on Mar- 
tha's Vineyard, 15:189-192. 

Viola emarginata in Massachusetts, 

Some grasses noteworthy in Massachu- 
setts, 16:81-83. 

Pinus Banksiana on Nantucket, 18: 

in Oxalis 

var. sibirica 

in New England, 


Bidens, A key to the northeastern American 
species of, 27:184. 
Bidens colpophila, 'The EUST identity of 
Bidens hyperborea and, 20:146. 
Bidens connata and its varieties in Wiscon- 
sin, 30:31. 
Bidens connata and some of its American 
allies, 10:197. 
Bidens connata Muhl., var. gracilipes, n. var., 
Bidens connata petiolata, 17:234. 
Bidens coronata, The varieties of, 40:348. 
Bidens Eatoni, A new variety of, 31:100. 
Bidens Eatoni and its varieties, 27:142. 
Bidens from Chesapeake Bay, A new estua- 
rine, 31:87. 
Bidens from the Merrimac Valley, A new, 
Bidens frondosa var. anomala, Records of, 
27 :34. 
Bidens heterodoxa, A new variety of, 26:177. 
Bidens heterodoxa, Another localized variety 
of, 34:116. 
Bidens hyperborea and B. colpophila, The 
specific identity of, 20:146. 
Bidens hyperborea and its varieties, 27:166. 
Bidens hyperborea var. typica, 48:82. 
Bidens in Connecticut, A remarkable colony 
of, 19:257. 
Bidens in eastern North America, Some anom- 
alous species and varieties of, 17:20. 
Bidens of the Miramichi, The estuarine, 
Bidens, Some noteworthy varieties of. 15:74. 
BIGELOW, MAURICE A. (Lroyp F. E. and 
——), [The "Teaching of Biology in the 
Secondary School], Review of, 7:187-188. 
Bilberries in New England, The distribution 
of the. 2:187. 
Buu, J. Penteapo—Carex Knieskernii Dewey, 
32: 162-166. 
Coronilla varia in Michigan, 33 : 163-164. 
[The Vegetation of Cranbrook Lake Re- 
gion], Review of, 40:324. 
[Shrubs of Michigan], Review of, 46:254. 
BrncuaM, Manzonrg T.—[The Flora of Oak- 
land County, Michigan], Review of, 47:260. 
Biology of Wood's Hole, An important pub- 
lication on the, [Review], 15:152. 
Birch, A eut-leaved Cherry, 4:83. 
Birch, A peculiar variety of the Canoe, 
Birch Island in Attean Pond, Flora of, 22:129. 
Birch to be restricted, The range of the Black, 
Birrett, WinuiaM — Thermopsis mollis in 
eastern Massachusetts, 47:91. 
BisHop, Hartow—The Austin collection from 
the Labrador coast, 32:59-62. 
BisHop, James NarHANIEL—[Herbarium of], 
BrissELL, C. H. 
Goodyera repens var. ophioides in Con- 
necticut, 1:40. 


Hydrastis canadensis L., a New England 
plant, 1:157. 

Eragrostis Frankii in Connecticut, 2:87. 

Plantago elongata in New England, 


Abnormal flowers in Leonurus Cardiaca, 

A new variety of Zizia aurea, 2:225. 

[Herbarium of], 3:70. 

Rediscovery of Phaseolus perennis in 
New England, 4:13. 

Some noteworthy plants of Connecticut, 

Biological relation of Polygonum Hart- 
wrightii to P. amphibium, 4:104-105. 

(—— and AwpnnEWws, L.), [Flora of the 
town of Southington, Connecticut and 
vicinity], Review of, 4:202-203. 

Newly introduced species of Crepis and 
Leontodon, 4:249-250. 

A botanical trip to Salisbury, Connecti- 
cut, 5:32-35. 

Lycopodium clavatum and its variety, 

! 0. 

Ajuga genevensis in New England, 5:154. 

A new station for Dentaria maxima, 

Galium erectum and Asperula galioides 
in America, 5:173-174. 

A new station for Asplenium pinnatifi- 
dum, 8:230. 

(FERNALD, M. L. and ——), The North 
American variations of Lycopodium 
clavatum, 12:50-55. 

(Graves, C. B., Eames, E. H., ——, An- 
ERBY, C. A), [Catalogue of the Flow- 
ering Plants and Ferns of Connecticut 
growing without cultivation], Review 
of, 12:131-132. 

Notes on Connecticut plants, 13:30-33. 

A day at Congamond Lakes, 13:53-55. 

(—— and Fernaup, M. L.), A new va- 
rlety of Lespedeza capitata, 14:91-92. 

(Harcer, E. B., Graves, C. B., EAMES, 
E. H., ——, ANDREWS, L. and. WEATH- 
ERBY, C. A), Additions to the flora of 
Connecticut, 19:105—110, 119-130, 224- 
232, 245—253. 

(Harcer, E. B., Graves, C. B., Eames, 
E. H. and WEATHERBY, C. A), 

Additions to the flora of Connecticut, 
Series 2, 24:111-121. 

Blackberries, A small gathering of, 50:73. 

Blackberries of New England, Brainerd & 
Peitersen's, [Review], 22:185. 

Blackberries of New England, The, 2:23. 

Blackberries of the Kennebunks and Wells, 
Some Maine Rubi. — The, 8:146; II, 
8:169; IIT., 8:212. 

Blackberry, A new species of, 6:223. 

Blackberry, An unarmed Connecticut, 3:295. 

Blackberry from New Hampshire, A new, 

Blackberry, The white, 1:205. 

Bladdernut, A new species of, 20:127. 

BLAKE, CHartes H.—Wolffiella floridana in 
Massachusetts, 40:76. 

BLAKE, JosepH—[Herbarium of], 3:285. 


Botrychium obliquum var. oneidense in 
eastern Massachusetts, 12:80. 

Note on Juniperus horizontalis and J. vir- 
giniana, 12:218. 

A Scirpus new to New Hampshire, 13:55. 

Pteridophyte notes from eastern Mas- 
sachusetts, 13:101—103. 

The forms of Peltandra virginica, 14: 
102—106, pl. 94. 

(Know ton, C. H., ——, CusHMAN, J. A. 
and Deane, W.), Reports on the flora 
of the Boston district, —XV. 14: 

Sisymbrium officinale in three States, 14: 

A second local record for Rynchospora 
macrostachya Torr., 15:19. 

(Know ton, C. H., ——, Cusuman, J. A. 
and Deane, W.), Reports on the flora 
of the Boston district —XVI., 15:54-59. 

Forms of Ophioglossum vulgatum in 
eastern North America, 15:86-88, 1 fig. 

Two records of Panicum calliphyllum, 
15 :99-100. 

(Know ton, C. H., —— and Drang, W.), 
Reports on the flora of the Boston dis- 
trict,— XVII.  15:122-132; —XVIII., 

Six weeks’ botanizing in Vermont,—I., 
15:153-168; —II, 15:200-201; —III., 
16 :38-41. 

The earliest name of the Snowberry, 16: 

A new Cochlearia from Newfoundland, 

Moneses uniflora var. reticulata, 17: 

Notes on the genus Sabatia, 17:50-57. 

An Atriplex new to North America, 
17 :83-86. 

Betula glandulosa Michx. var. sibirica 
(Ledeb.), n. comb., 17:87. 

Some neglected names in Walter's Flora 
Caroliniana, 17:129-137. 

A new form of Polygala polygama, 17: 

Limonium in North America and Mexico, 
18:53-66, pls. 118, 119. 

(WEATHERBY, C. A. and ——), Galium 
pilosum and its varieties, 18:190—195. 

Statice in North America, 19:1—9, 3 figs. 

Utricularia fibrosa in Massachusetts, 19: 
38, 1 fig. 

Polymnia Uvedalia and its varieties, 
19: 46-48. 

Oenothera pumila L., var. rectipilis, var. 
nov., 19:110-111. 

A new Rudbeckia from Indiana, 19: 

Vernonia altissima Nutt., var. taenio- 
tricha, var. nov., 19:167-168. 


Two new Polygonums from New Eng- 
land, 19:232-235. 

The varieties of Chimaphila umbellata, 
19 :237-244. 

On the names of some species of Vibur- 
num, 20:11-15. 

Notes on the Clayton herbarium, 20: 
21-28, 48—54, 65-73, 8 figs. 

Lycopodium sabinaefolium Willd., var. 
sharonense (Blake) comb. nov., 20:60. 

A variety of Smilax glauca, 20:78-80. 

Note on the proper name for Sassafras, 
20 :98—99. 

Notes on the flora of New Brunswick, 

The identity of the genus Adventina 
Raf., 24:34-36. 

Oenothera perennis L., var. rectipilis 
(Blake) comb. nov., 25:47. 

Notes on the North American species of 
Limonium, 25:55—60. 

The forms of Osmorhiza longistylis, 
25 :110-111. 

Notes on two Ericaceae of the Boston 
district flora, 25:116. 

Erucastrum Pollichii in West Virginia, 
26 :22—23. 

dbi on American Lespedezas, 26:25-34, 
2 figs. 

The name of the Spearmint, 26:171-175. 

A yellow-fruited form of Ilex myrtifolia, 

Records of Bidens frondosa var. anomala 
Porter, 27 :34—35. 

Zinnia vs. Crassina, 28:40-42. 

Sericocarpus bifoliatus, an invalid name, 

Aster ericoides var. platyphyllus in 
Maryland, 30:106. 

Potentilla intermedia in the Boston dis- 
trict, 30:107—108. 

Notes on Aster, 30:226—228. 

Cladonia floridana in New Jersey, 31:56. 

A new estuarine Bidens from Chesapeake 
Bay, 31:87-90, 1 fig. 

A new variety of Bidens Eatoni, 31:100. 

Two Cyperaceae new to the Boston dis- 
trict, 31:191—192. 

The names Aster ericoides and A. multi- 
florus, 32:136-140. 

A glabrous variety of Aster concolor, 

The typification of Scirpus capitatus L., 
32 :182-185. 

Carex Bebbii in eastern Massachusetts, 
33 :63-64. 

[Cladonias collected by in the west- 
ern United States], 33:135-139, pl. 209. 

(RonBBINs, C. A. and ), Cladonia in 
the District of Columbia and vicinity, 
33:145—159, pls. 210-212. 

Polygonum caespitosum var. longisetum 
in the United States, 34:146-147. 

Charles Albert Robbins, 1874-1930, 35: 

Wolffiella lingulata in Louisiana, 35:226. 

Carex divisa, Teesdalia nudicaulis and 
Thlaspi perfoliatum in Maryland, 36: 

Two introduced grasses new to Virginia, 
36 :420. 

Better herbarium specimens, 37:19. 

(WEATHERBY, C. A. and ), On cer- 
tain plant records from Hillsboro, New 
Hampshire, 41:34—36. 

A new varlety of Iva ciliata from the 
Indian rock-shelters in south-central 
United States, 41:81-86, 1 fig. 

Note on the name Eupatorium rugosum, 
43 :557-558. 

( and Atwoop, A. C.), [Geographical 

guide to the floras of the world], Re- 
view of, 45:56. 

Cotype, syntype and other terms refer- 
ring to type material, 45:481—485. 

Pseudo-elephantopus spicatus, a weed of 
potential importance in Florida, 50: 

BLAKESLEE, A. F.—( and Jarvis, C. D.), 
[New England Trees in Winter], Review 
of, 14:79-80. 

Blane Sablon, The old stumps at, 18:185. 

Buancuarp, A.—[ Herbarium of], 3:222. 

BLANCHARD, Frank N.—Two new species of 
Stigonema, 15:192-200, pl. 105. 

BLANCHARD, FrrepA CopB— The plant contents 
of two mouse store-houses, 37:165—-166. 

BraANcHanRD, WM. H. 

The elusive character of Pogonia pen- 
dula, 4:2-3. 

Our Chokeberries, 4:55-57. 

Some Vermont and New Hampshire 
plants in the middle Connecticut val- 
ley,—I, 4:129-133. 

A new species of Blackberry, 6:223—225. 

The yellow-fruited variety of the Black 
Raspberry, 7:143-146. 

A new Rubus from Connecticut, 8:17-18. 

Two new species of Rubus from Vermont 
and New Hampshire, 8:95-98. 

Some Maine Rubi.—The Blackberries of 
the Kennebunks and Wells, —I.,. 8:146- 
157; —IL, 8:169-180; —III., 8:212-218. 

Connecticut Rubi. 9:4-10. 

On the identity of Rubus canadensis, 10: 

Some points of nomenclature in Trienta- 
lis and Rubus, 11:236-237. 

A necessary change of name, 13:55-56. 

Lycopodium flabelliforme, 13:168-171. 

A new variety of Rubus canadensis, 13: 

The range of the Black Birch to be re- 
stricted, 13:206—207. 

Lycopodium complanatum near Hart- 
land, Vermont, 13:211-212. 

BLANKINSHIP, J. W.—The plant-formations 

of eastern Massachusetts, 5:124-137. 

Blephilia ciliata (L.) Benth., 50:53. 


Some introduced plants of Connecticut. 


Introduced plants new to Connecticut, 

Notes on Euphorbia Cyparissias L., 

Scirpus Peckii in Connecticut, 15:98-99. 

[Flora of Waterbury, Connecticut], Re- 
view of, 29:240. 

Notes on the flora of Swanton, Vermont, 

Edgar Burton Harger, 48:263-264. 


[Herbarium of], 3:288. 

Some plants recently found in and 
around North Easton, Massachusetts, 

Utricularia minor in Vinnicunnet, Mas- 
sachusetts, 4:102-103. 

Bloodroot, Sanguinaria canadensis, The dis- 
semination by ants of the seeds of, 44:13. 

Blue Hills, Carex aestivalis in the, 24:144. 

Blue Hills Reservation, A few plants of the, 


Blue Hills, Two additions to the lichen flora 
of the, 10:35. 

Blue Ridge, The Great Smokies and the, 
[Review], 46:157. 

Blueberry, Vaccinium corymbosum, Double 
flowers in the wild Swamp, 36:233. 

Blumenbachia insignis, a casual plant at 
Southbridge, Massachusetts, 8:225. 

Boeckeler's Cyperaceae, Dates of, 41:313. 

Boehmeria cylindrica var. Drummondiana, 
Note on, 12:10. 

Bog at Woods Hole, Massachusetts, The sub- 
marine Chamaecyparis, 11:221. 

Boghead coals, On the nature of so-called 
algal or, 11:61. 

Bogs of Augusta County, Virginia, Further 
notes on coastal plain elements in the, 

Bogs, Some interesting Rhode Island, 6:149. 

Borviv, BERNARD 

The *Coüdres" of the “Ysles es Coul- 
dres," 45:29-31. 

American Thalictra and their Old World 
allies, 46:337-377, 391-445, 453-487. 114 
figs. (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. CLIT). 

Boleti collected at Alstead, New Hampshire, 
2:173; —Additional notes, 3:220. 

Boletus, A form of the Bitter, 4:187. 

Boletus poisoning. A case of, 1:21. 

Boletus Russelii Frost.. 1:16. 

Borres. Wirpiaw P.—[Herbarium of], 3:257. 

Boltonia, A synopsis of, 42:482. 

Booner, L. E —( and Tryon, R. M). A 
study of Elymus in Minnesota, 50:80-91. 

Boorg, W. E.—A new species of Deschamp- 
sia, 45:414. 

Boothbay, Maine, Notes on the 
27:53; —IT., 29:14; —III., 34:167. 

Boorr. WirtiaM—[ Herbarium of]. 3:244. 

Boreal America, Some willows of. 16:169. 

Boreal American Cerastiums of the section 
Orthodon. Studies of some, 22:169. 

Boreal and subalpine variety of Spiraea lati- 
folia, The, 19:254. 

flora of, 


Boreal eastern America, Braya in, 50:1. 

Boreal plants in southeastern Minnesota, 
Relict, 48:163. 

Boreal species and varieties of Antennaria 
and Anaphalis, Some, 13:23. 

Boreal variety of Fragaria virginiana, A, 

Boreal variety of Galium, The affinities of a 
certain, 12:228. 

Borcesen, F.—Regarding an unauthorized 
publication on the vegetation of the Virgin 
Islands, 28:66-67. 

Boston, Dalibarda repens near, 6:227. 

Boston district flora, Notes on two Ericaceae 
of the, 25:116. 

Boston district, Index to the flora of the, 

Boston district, Potentilla intermedia in the, 

Boston district, Reports on the flora of the, 
(see: Flora of the Boston district, Reports 
on the). 

Boston district, Rynchospora macrostachya 
within the, 18:72. 

Boston district, Two Cyperaceae new to the, 

Boston Lactarius, A, 1:14. 

Boston Mycological Club, The, 1:19; 2:93. 
[Herbarium of], 3:70. 

Boston, Notes on fleshy Fungi found near, 

Boston Society of Natural History, [Herbar- 
lum of], 3:70. 

Botanical Congress, Consideration of nomen- 
clature at the fifth International, 31:90. 
Botanical Congress, Fifth International, 30: 


Botanical Congress, 

Botanical exhibition at the meeting of the 
Natural History Societies of New England, 

Botanical illustrating, Amateur, 13:93. 

Botanical journals, Two new, [Review], 37: 

Botanical lectures at the Lowell Institute, 

Botanical names, On Solidago rigida L. and 
the application of old, 28:138. 

Botanical Nomenclature adopted by the 
Vienna Congress. On the rules of, 9:29. 

Botanical Nomenclature, Necessary changes 
in the, 21:101. 

Botanical Nomenclature, Proposed amend- 
ments to the International Rules of. 31:91. 

Seventh International, 

Botanical Nomenclature. The proposed 
changes in Article 58. International Rules 
of. 50:249. 

Botanical notes. 36:309. 

Botanical scrapbook. A. 38:409. 

Botanical specimens. The use of DDT in the 
preparation of. 49:286. 

Botanical Symposium. Annual. 8:115: 10:95. 
Botany. A new textbook of. Review. 13:16. 
Botrychium angustiseementum (Pease & 

Moore), n. comb.. 17:87. 


Botrychium from Tennessee, Notes on, 13:14. 

Botrychium lanceolatum, 20:19. 

Botrychium lanceolatum in America, Pecu- 
liarities of, 8:229. 

Botrychium lanceolatum in the Yellowstone, 

Botrychium  lanceolatum, The 
range of, 20:19. 

Botrychium matricariaefolium in Connecti- 
cut, 3:30. 

Botrychium matricariaefolium in Connecti- 
cut, Further stations for, 6:80. 

Botrychium matricariaefolium on Mt. Toby, 
Massachusetts, 3:144. 

Botrychium obliquum var. oneidense in east- 
ern Massachusetts, 12:80. 

Eorum tenebrosum, Additional notes on, 

Botrychium virginianum, An extreme form 
of, 8:47. 

Botrychium virginianum and its American 
varieties, 19:207. 

Botrychium virginianum, var. europaeum in 
America, The occurrence of, 17:233. 

Bowdoin College, [Herbarium of], 3:71. 

Bowman, Isaiau — [Forest Physiographyl, 
Review of, 14:70. 

Bowman, PauL W.—Notes on the flora of the 
Matamek River District, North Shore, 
Quebec, Canada, 34:48-55. 


[Herbarium of], 3:287. 

[Biographical sketch of], 16:83-90. 

Brachyelytrum erectum, The variations of, 
45 :260. 


Revision of the American species of Hy- 
poxis, 25:120-147, 151-155, figs. 1-13. 
(Contrib. Gray Herb. no. LXIX-I). 

Some genera closely related to Hypoxis, 
25:155-103, figs. 14-17. (Contrib. Gray 
Herb. no. LXIX-II). 

[Obituary notice], 31:57. 

(FERNALD, M. L. and ), The repre- 
sentatives of Eleocharis palustris in 
North America, 31:57—77, pls. 181—184. 
C ALME Gray Herb. no. LXXXIII- 

M odes Vermont, The Dwarf Mistletoe at, 

BnRapLEY, Lrowamgp J.—Rorippa amphibia in 
Fairfield County, Connecticut, 33:192-193. 


'The Saniculas of western Vermont, 1:7-9. 

Hydrastis canadensis L. in Vermont, 



Typical Goodyera repens in New Eng- 
land. 2:22. 

The Blackberries of New England, 2: 

Scirpus atratus, a synonym of Scirpus 
Peckii, 3:31-33. 

——, Jones, L. R. and EGGLESTON, 
W. W. [Flora of Vermont], Review of, 

[Herbarium of], 3:206. 


Two more rare plants from Lake St. 
John, Quebec, 4:128-129. 

Notes on New England Violets, 6:8-17, 
pl. 50; 

(Eccteston, W. W. revised by ——), 
Addenda to the flora of Vermont, 6: 

(——, CurrrENDEN, M. D. and OnMSBEE, 
C. W.), Notice of annual field meeting 
of the Vermont Botanical Club, 6:164. 

Hybridism in the genus Viola, 6:213-223, 

l. 58. 

Scirpus validus and allies in the Cham- 
plain Valley, 6:231-232. 

Notes on New England Violets,—II, 7: 

The use of accentual marks in Gray’s 
Manual, 7:189-190. 

Notes on New England Violets,—III, 7: 


Hybridism in the genus Viola,—II, 8: 

Nephrodium Filix-mas in Vermont, 8: 

Hybridism in the genus Viola,—III, 8: 
49-61, pls. 66—70. 

The older types of North American Vio- 
lets —I, 9: 93-98. 

Mendel’s law of dominance in the hy- 

brids of Viola, 9:211—216, 2 figs. 
Viola chinensis in the eastern United 
States, 10: 38-40. 

Another hybrid between a white and a 
blue Violet, 11:115-116. 

Cyrus Guernsey Pringle, [obituary], 13: 
225-232. (With portrait.) 

Is Viola arenaria DC. indigenous to 
North America?  15:106-111, pl. 104. 

Notes on new or rare Violets of north- 
eastern America, 15:112-115. 

Viola septentrionalis in British Columbia, 

( and Perrrersen, A. K.), [Blackber- 
ries of New England], Review of, 22: 

Brassica arvensis (L.) Kuntze, var. Schkuhri- 

ana (Reichenb.), n. comb., 24:36. 
Brassica, The names of three species of, 40: 
Braun, E. Lucy 

Affinities of the Illinoian Till Plain of 
southwestern Ohio, 37:349-361, 5 figs. 

Some relationships of the flora of the 
Cumberland Plateau and Cumberland 
Mons in Kentucky, 39:193-208, 30 

New plants from Kentucky, 42:47-51. 

Satureja glabella in Kentucky, 42:525. 

The Red Azalea of the Cumberlands, 43: 

A new locality for Solidago Shortii, 43: 

A new species and a new variety of Soli- 
dago from Kentucky, 44:1-4. 

[An annotated catalog of Spermato- 
phytes of Kentuckyl, Review of, 45: 


Brauneria atrorubens and B. paradoxa, 38:197. 
Braya humilis (C. A. Meyer) Robinson, var. 
leiocarpa (Trautv.) comb. nov., 39:276. 
Braya humilis, Some North American repre- 

sentatives of, 20:201. 

Braya in boreal eastern America, 50:1. 

Brazilian species, New names for two, 50:132. 

Brewer, WILLIAM HreNRY—[Herbarium of], 


Euphorbia corollata at Concord, Massa- 
chusetts, 3:253. 

Occurrence of the Skunk Cabbage in an 
unusual place, 11:63—64. 

Viola Brittoniana at Concord, Massa- 
chusetts, 11:107-108. 

Exotic plants established in Middlesex 
County, Massachusetts, 20:204—205. 

BnuickktLL, JonN—[The Doctors —— ——], 

Bridgeport, Connecticut, Two new species of 
marine Algae from, 1:197. 

Bridgewater, Massachusetts, List of Desmids 
found in Carver's Pond, 5:79. 

BnreRLY, WiLLIAM B.— The relation of Pinus 
rigida to physiographie features and soil 
types in central Massachusetts, 40:72-73. 

British Columbia Algae, Further notes on, 
26 :160. 

British Columbia, Notes on some Algae from, 

Ws Columbia, Viola septentrionalis in, 

British Herbaria, Studies of American types 
in, 50:149, 181, 217. 

British Honduras, A new species of Neuro- 
laena from, 37:61. 

British Honduras and Guatemala, Mosses of 
southern, 36:55. 

British Museum, Three of Clayton's Oaks in 
the, 17:39. 

British Seaweeds, A handbook of the, [Re- 
view], 34:113. 

Brirron, B. MADELINE—A New England sta- 
tion for Buxbaumia indusiata Bridel, 5: 

Britton, E. G—A new Grimmia from Mt. 
Washington, 1:148-149, pl. 7. 

Britton, NATHANIEL Lorp — (—— and 
Brown, A.), [An illustrated flora of the 
northern United States, Canada and the 
British possessions], Review of, 15:220—224. 

Bromelica (Thurber): a new genus of 
Grasses, 21:76. 

Bromelica (Thurber) Farwell, The new genus, 

Bromus ciliatus L., var. denudatus (Wiegand) 
n. comb., 28:20. 

Bromus ciliatus, The complex, 32:63. 

Bromus inermis, A new form of. 43:76. 

Bromus. Notes on some East-American spe- 
cies of, 24:89. 

Brooklin, Maine, Woody plants of, 12:173. 

Brooklvn, New York, Pinellia ternata in, 

Brooks, F. T —Consideration of nomencla- 


ture at the Fifth International Botanical 
Congress, 31:90-91. 

Brooxs, H. (—— and Dame, L. L.) [Hand- 
book of the Trees of New England], Re- 
view of, 4:40. 

Broom-rape upon Tomato, Branched, 3:295. 

Brown, Appison—(Britton, N. L. and ——), 
[An illustrated flora of the northern United 
States, Canada and the British possessions], 
Review of, 15:220—224. 

Brown Algae, Rhadinocladia, a new genus of, 

Brown, C. A. — ( and ConnELL, D. S.), 
[The Ferns and Fern Allies of Louisiana], 
Review of, 44:484-485. 

Brown, J. P—Napaea dioica in New Eng- 
land, 43:94—95. 

Brown University, [Herbarium of], 3:207. 

Brown, WALTER V.—A note on Sagittaria 
Kurziana, 44:211—213, 5 figs. 

BnowwELL, Dn —[Herbarium of], 3:207. 

Bruce Peninsula, Ontario, Some observations 
on the flora of the, 37:63. 

Brunswick, Maine, The occurrence of Eleo- 
charis diandra at, 4:1. 

Brunswick region, Some notable plants of the, 

Bryophyta of Penikese, 26:219. 

Bryophyte flora of Maine, Notes on the, 1:33. 

Bryophytes of Connecticut, The [Review], 

Bryophytes from the Keweenaw Peninsula, 
Michigan, Critieal, 39:1, 33. 

Bryophytes from the Mt. Greylock region, 
A list of, 4:29. 

Bryophytes, Mt. Kineo, 1:34. 

Bryophytes, Mt. Saddleback, 1:35. 

Bryophytes of Maine —II. Katahdin Mosses, 
Notes on the, 3:181. 

Bryophytes of Mount Katahdin, 3:177. 

Bryophytes of the Mt. Greylock region,—II, 
4:238; —IIT, 6:72; —IV, 11:116. 

Bryopsis hypnoides Lamx., 23:253. 

BvELL, Murray F—Acorus Calamus in 
America, 37:367-369. 

Buu, Cart A.—The nomenclature of some 
species of Cornus, 37:222-223. 

Bulbochaete in the vicinity of Woods Hole, 
Massachusetts, Notes on Oedogonium and, 

Bulbostylis capillaris, The varieties of, 40:394. 

BumsteaD, F. H —[Herbarium of], 3:287. 

Burain, CAROLINE A. — (—— and Daras, 
E. L.), [Among the Mushrooms], Review 
of, 3:140-142. 

Burgrass, The common northern, 45:387. 

Burlington, Additional notes on plants near, 

Burlington region, Notes on the plants of the, 

BunNHaAM, Stewart H. — A Ribes new to 
Massachusetts, 10:205-206. 

Burns, Gro. P.—The annual field meeting of 
the Vermont Botanical and Bird Clubs, 


Burser’s Herbarium, The French apothecary’s 
plants in, 33:177. 

Burt, E. A. 

A list of Vermont Helvelleae, with de- 
scriptive notes, 1:59-67, pl. 4. 

[Dr. Burts note on Russula emetica], 

Correction in regard to Vibrissea circi- 
nans (Pers.) Massee, 1:91. 

Russula emetica in Vermont, 2:71-72. 

[Herbarium of], 3:207. 

BOSH, B. F. 

The Missouri Rhexias, 13:166-168. 

The geographic origin of Crataegus viri- 
dis L., 14:81-86. 

Butomus umbellatus at Lake Champlain, 

Butomus umbellatus in the Lake Champlain 
Basin, 32:19. 

Butomus umbellatus on the St. Lawrence 
River, 25:220. 

Butternut and Hickory in Wisconsin, Fossil 
evidence of wider post-Pleistocene range 
of, 44:409; —A note on, 45:107; —A reply, 


(—— and Sr. Jonn, H.), Studies in cer- 
tain North American species of Lathy- 
rus, 19:156-163. 

Taxonomic and geographic studies in 
North American Ferns,—I. 'The genus 
Athyrium and the North American 
Ferns allied to Athyrium Filix-femina, 
19:169—207, pl. 123. (Contrib. Gray 
Herb. no. LI-I). 

Taxonomic and geographic studies in 
North American Ferns—II. Botry- 
chium virginianum and its American 
varieties, 19:207-216. (Contrib. Gray 
Herb. no. LI-II.) 

Notes on the range of Maianthemum 
canadense and its variety interius, 28: 


(RosENDAHL, C. O., —— and Laxeta, O.), 
Identity of Heuchera hispida Pursh, 

(RosenDAHL, C. O. and ——), The genus 
Najas in Minnesota, 37:345-348, pl. 
(—— and Asm, E. C), The American 
varieties of Rorippa islandica, 42:25- 
32, pl. 588. 
(—— and Asm, E. C.), A new Oxytrope 
of the Minnesota-Ontario border, 45: 
1—4, pl. 745. 
The American variety of Saxifraga 
Aizoon, 46:61-69, pl. 817. 
(—— and Asr, E. C.), The genus Poa in 
Cook County, Minnesota, 49:1-21, pls. 
1051, 1052. 
[Obituary of], 50:133-144 (with por- 
Button-bush, Further notes on the, 10:203. 
Button-bush, Remarkable persistence of the, 


Buxbaumia indusiata Bridel, A New England 
station for, 5:257. 

Byincton, E. H.—Epigaea repens forma 
plena in Connecticut, 38:408. 

Cain, STANLEY A.—A note on “Fossil evi- 
dence of wider post-Pleistocene range for 
Butternut and Hickory in Wisconsin,” 45: 

Cakile edentula, Some variations of, 24:21. 

Calamagrostis, A revision of some North 
American species of, 32:35. 

Calamagrostis canadensis and some related 
species, 24:142. 

Calamagrostis epigejos, An American repre- 
sentative of, 30:202. 
Calamagrostis epigejos, 

range of, 39:31. 

Calamagrostis epigejos var. georgica in Amer- 
ica, 35:64. 

Calamagrostis of eastern North America, The 
Ancylatheran, 46:285. 

Calamagrostis Pickeringii Gray, var. debilis 
(Kearney) n. comb., 15:135. 

California, A new Iris from, 38:199. 
California, the Basin region and the southern 
Rocky Mountains, Lady Fern of, 19:201. 

California Shrubs, [Review], 43:212. 

ie rum Convolvulus, Concerning a, 
33 :76. 

Callitriche anceps in New England, 35:185. 

Callitriche Austini in southwestern Connecti- 
cut, 3:89. 

Callitriche new to Massachusetts, A, 32:15. 

Callitriche stagnalis in eastern United States, 
34 :37. 

Callitriche stagnalis on the lower St. Law- 
rence, 34:39. 

Calluna, A new station for, 33:162. 

Calluna vulgaris, Another Massachusetts sta- 
tion for, 35:294. 

Calluna vulgaris in southern New Hampshire, 

Calluna vulgaris on Martha’s Vineyard, The 
Heather, 15:189. 

Calopogon pulchellus from Oklahoma, 36:420. 

Calostoma, Notes on, 1:30. 

Calostoma Ravenelii, Rupture of the exoperi- 
dium in, 11:197. 

Caltha natans in Canada, 45:214. 

Caltha natans in Minnesota, Rediscovery of, 

Cambridge British Flora, The, [Review], 16: 

Extension of the 

Cambridge, Massachusets, Four introduced 
plants at, 10:167. 

Camp, W. H—A new variety of Triphora, 

Campanula from Minnesota, A new form of, 
47 :301. 

Campanula rapunculoides in Indiana, 47:404. 

Camptosorus rhizophyllus and Helenium au- 
tumnale, Status of two introductions by 
Minot Pratt at Concord, Massachusetts:, 

Campylium Halleri in New Brunswick, 50:52. 


Canada, A Grass new to eastern, 10:205. 

Canada, A new Luzula from eastern, 19:38. 

Canada, A new species of Carex and some 
notes on this genus in arctic, 43:413. 

Canada, A new species of Euphrasia from 
northwestern, 36:87. 

Canada, A revision of the perennial species of 
Geranium of the United States and, 45:5, 


Canada and New England, Recently recog- 
nized species of Crataegus in eastern, —I, 
5:52; —II, 5:108; —III, 5:137; —IV, 5: 
159; —V, 5:182; —VI, 7:162, 174, 192. 

Canada and Newfoundland, Three Lupines 
naturalized in eastern, 16:92. 

Canada and the northwestern States, Lady 
Ferns of Alaska, Western, 19:197. 

Canada and the United States exclusive of 
southern Florida, Euphorbia subgenus 
Chamaesyce in, 43:95, 168, 223. 

Canada, Andropogon scoparius in the United 
States and, 19:100. 

Canada, Caltha natans in, 45:214. 

Canada? Did Symphoricarpos albus origi- 
nally come from, 39:461. 

Canada (east of 100° W.), Taraxacum in 
arctic, 45:337. 

Canada, Notes on the flora of the Matamek 
River District, North Shore, Quebec, 34:48. 

Canada, Rosa blanda and its allies of north- 
ern Maine and adjacent, 20:90. 

Canada, Scirpus Peckii in, 45:168. 

Canada, Silene Menziesii and allies in west- 
ern, 40:212. 

Canada, The Lady Ferns of the eastern 
United States and, 19:181. 

Canada, The Crataegi of the northeastern 
United States and adjacent, 10:73. 

Canada, The spores of the genus Lycopodium 
in the United States and, 36:13. 

Canada, the United States and the West In- 
dies, Rhynchospora, section Eurhyncho- 
spora in, 46:89, 159, 207, 255. 

Canada, Utricularia inflata var. minor in, 47: 

Canada, Vascular plants of eastern arctic, 
[Review], 42:417. 

Canada, Vicia sepium L. in, 50:144. 

Canadian Botany, A Bibliography of, [Re- 
view], 47:236. 

Canadian Eastern Arctic by Dr. Potter in 
set, Notes on some plants collected in the, 

Cansy, Wm. M.—Coreopsis involucrata on 
the Atlantic coast, 2:34. 

Ganos Birch, A peculiar variety of the, 15: 


Cap Chat River and vicinity, Gaspé Penin- 
sula, Quebec, Some Cladoniae from the val- 
ley of the, 32:91. 

Cape Ann, Some historical data regarding the 
Sweet Bay and its station on, 18:205. 

Cape Breton, A hybrid Cornus from, 43:411. 

Cape Breton, A new Agropyron from, 19:15. 

Cape Breton, Linum catharticum on, 5:119. 


Cape Breton, Nichols's Vegetation of north- 
ern, [Review], 21:171. 

Cape Cod, A new Juncus from, 19:17. 

Cape Cod, Additions to the flora of, 30:135. 

Cape Cod and the Elizabeth Islands, Desmids 
from, 37:113. 

Cape Cod Ceanothus, The, 32:161. 

Cape Cod, Chenopodium carinatum on, 15: 

Cape Cod, Cycloloma on, 3:18. 

Cape Cod, Flora of lower, —Notes on the, 
11:125; —Supplementary note, 12:8; 
—Third note, 13:17. 

Cape Cod, Habenaria dilatata on, 31:80. 

Cape Cod in its relation to the marine flora 
of New England, 24:1. 

Cape Cod, Opuntia vulgaris on, 16:101. 

Cape Cod, The pond flora of, 14:25. 

Cape Cod, Two species new to, 16:78. 

Capsella in January, 2:84. 

Cardamine bellidifolia in Cumberland Coun- 
ty, Maine, 3:185. 

Cardamine from southern Maine, A new, 

Cardamine from the Uinta Mountains, Utah, 
A new, 36:409. 

Cardamine oligosperma and its near allies, 

Cardamine oligosperma, The varieties of, 

Cardamine parviflora, The American, 29:191. 

Cardamine pratensis in America, Some varia- 
tions of, 22:11. 

Carex aestivalis in the Blue Hills, 24:144. 
Carex albicans in Willdenow’s Herbarium, 
Carex foenea, C. straminea and, 40:325. 

Carex alpina in North America, 35:220. 

Carex and some notes on this genus in arctic 
Canada, A new species of, 43:413. 

Carex annectens, Variations of, 24:73. 

Carex anthericoides, Carex macrocephala and, 

Carex aurea in Connecticut, 4:168. 

Carex Bayardi, nom. nov., 44:71. 

Carex Bebbii in eastern Massachusetts, 33:63. 

Carex caryophyllea, a valid name, 44:286. 

Carex corrugata from Alabama, 44:76. 

Carex, Critical notes on, 44:281. 

Carex cristatella in New Hampshire, 47:38. 

Carex Deveyana, A northeastern variety of, 

Carex disticha in North America, 44:282. 
Carex divisa, Teesdalia nudicaulis and 
Thlaspi perfoliatum in Maryland, 36:412. 
Carex Dutillyi O'Neill and Duman, sp. nov., 

43 :413. 

ri Drummondiana Dewey, Status of, 43: 

Carex, Extensions of range and a new species 
in, 39:491. 

Carex, Extensions of range and other species 
of Cyperus and, 44:87. 

Carex flava var. gaspensis in Vermont, 21:40. 

Carex flexuosa in Minnesota, 45:167. 

Carex foenea, C. straminea and C. albicans in 
Willdenow's Herbarium, 40:325. 

INDEX TO VonuMwEs 1—50 

Yarex from Newfoundland, A new, 17:158. 
Yarex glareosa, Two variations of, 8:45. 
/arex Grayana, Carex livida and, 28:5. 
Yarex Grayii var. hispidula, 44:322. 
]arex gynandra Schwein, The identity of, 
arex gynocrates in Pennsylvania, 19:110. 
;arex Hostiana in North America, 44:318. 
Yarex hybrid, A new, 37:128. 
Yarex inflata, The North American variations 
of, 44:324. 
/arex interior, A new variety of, 8:114. 
/arex Knieskernii Dewey, 32:162. 
/arex lacustris west of the Rocky Mountains, 
/arex laevivaginata, The 
range of, 17:231. 
/arex laxiflora and its relatives, 24:189. 
Jarex laxiflora, The identity of, 44:315. 
^arex leptonervia, a valid species, 16:213. 
zarex livida and C. Grayana, 28:5. 
/arex macrocephala and C. anthericoides, 
/arex maritima in Marshfield, Massachusetts, 
/arex miliaris Michx., The status of Carex 
physocarpa Presl and, 43:418. 
;arex Mitchelliana and other rare plants 
near Cohasset, Massachusetts, 30:198. 
/arex new to New England, A, 32:258. 
Yarex notes, 21:83. 
/arex novae-angliae extended into Pennsyl- 
vania, Range of, 19:96. 
/arex novae-angliae in eastern Massachu- 
setts, 2:83. 
/arex paupercula Michx., var. brevisquama, 
D: VAr 202152: 
/arex paupercula, The variations of, 8:73. 
Jarex physocarpa Presl and Carex miliaris 
Michx., The status of, 43:418. 
/arex projecta, Vegetative reproduction in 
Carex tribuloides and, 47:39. 
'arex Richardsonii in New England, 34:229. 
Yarex rostrata, Back to, 48:145. 
/arex scirpiformis Mackenzie and extension 
of its range, Status of, 43:416. 
Jarex scoparia, A blunt-spiked variety of, 
/arex, Some undescribed varieties and hy- 
brids of, 2:170. 
/arex straminea and C. albicans in Willde- 
now's Herbarium, Carex foenea, 40:325. 
Jarex tincta, a valid species, 15:186. 
"arex tribuloides and C. projecta, Vegetative 
reproduction in, 47:39. 
Yarex trisperma, A new variety of, 8:185. 
/arex Tuckermani niagarensis, a neglected 
sedge, 17:57. 
Yarex, Two new species of Uromyces on, 12: 
/arex typhina in Maine, 44:20. 
/arex umbellata, The type of, 44:288. 
[Herbarium of], 3:207. 
[Letter of ——- —— to Tuckerman], 40: 

characters and 


Carices, A distinction between two, 21:23. 

Carices at Sudbury, Massachusetts, Two 
noteworthy, 4:167. 

Carices from Newfoundland, Two new, 15: 

Carices of eastern Massachusetts, Two lost, 

Carices of the subsection Vesicariae, The 
northeastern, 3:43. 

CARLETON, Mark ALFRED—[Notice of death], 

Carolinas, Chrysopsis graminifolia and allies 
in Virginia and the, 44:464 

CARPENTER, ANNA E.—Further cases of incon- 
stancy in color-forms, 27:199—200. 

CanPENTER, D. S. — Thirteenth annual field 
meeting of the Vermont Botanical and Bird 
Clubs, 9:108. 

Carr, LLoYD G. 

Further notes on coastal plain elements 
in the bogs of Augusta County, Vir- 
ginia, 42:86-93. 

A new species of Houstonia from the 
Cedar Barrens of Lee County, Virginia, 
46 :306-310. 

Carum Carvi, A color form of, 11:178. 

Carya Pecan, The inadequate basis of the 
name, 49:194. à 

Cassia marilandica, The type of, 39:410. 

Castanea pumila in eastern Massachusetts, 

Castine, Maine, Salix incana at, 10:56. 

Catalogue of the Flowering Plants of Mis- 
souri, Validation of combinations in Pal- 
mer and Steyermark’s Annotated, 40:131. 

Catalogue of the vascular plants of Kentucky, 
A, [Review], 45:278. 

Catalpa, The phyllotaxy of, 44:414. 

Catharinaea crispa in Maine, An occurrence 
of, 9:74. 

Catharinaea Macmillani, 9:98. 

Catskill Plants, Some noteworthy, 49:53. 

Ceanothus ovatus, The pubescent form of, 
43 :82. 

Ceanothus sanguineus, Range extension of, 

Ceanothus, The Cape Cod, 32:161. 

Cedar from Indiana, A new form of Red, 31: 

Cedar in eastern Massachusetts, The distribu- 
tion of Red, 49:172. 

Celtis occidentalis, The type of, 50:155. 

Centaurea diffusa, An American occurrence 
of the European, 4:249. 

Centaurea diffusa, Another station for, 13: 

Centaurea maculosa in Illinois, 49:84. 

Centaurea maculosa in Indiana, 48:391. 

Centaurea nervosa in America, 45:331. 

Centipeda minima in Wellesley, Massachu- 
setts, The occurrence of, 40:219. . 

Centreville, Massachusetts, Rare plants in, 

Cerastiums of the section Orthodon, Studies 
of some boreal American, 22:169. 

Cercis canadensis in Connecticut, 25:203. 


Cercis in North America, 44:193. 
CnuHabBOURNE, PauL AnseL—[ Herbarium of], 
3:69, 208. 
Chaetomorpha tortuosa Kütz, Rhizoclonium 
tortuosum (Dillw.) Kütz and, 41:19. 
Chaetophoraceae of the United States, The 
Ulothricaceae and, [Review], 5:72. 
Chamaecyparis bog at Woods Hole, Massa- 
chusetts, The submarine, 11:221. 
Chamaecyparis on Long Island, New York, 
New stations for, 9:74. 
Chamaecyparis thyoides in Maine, The status 
of, 42:343. 
Chamaecyparis thyoides in New Hampshire, 
Chamaedaphne and Xolisma, Pollination of 
the Ericaceae, 37:157. 
Chamaedaphne calyculata (L.) Moench, var. 
latifolia (Ait.), comb. nov. 47:390. 
Chamaesiphon incrustans Grun., 18:92. 
[Herbarium of], 3:208. 
Preliminary lists of New England plants, 
—VIII. Boraginaceae, 3:214-215. 
Aulacomnium heterostichum in Maine, 
Western plants at Cumberland, Maine, 
New stations for Maine plants, 5:289; 6: 
194—195; —II, 6:232-233. 
Plantago elongata in Massachusetts, 6: 

Meeting of the Josselyn Botanical So- 
ciety, 8:167—168. 

Catharinaea Macmillani, 9:98-100, pl. 74. 

The thirteenth annual meeting of the 
Josselyn Botanical Society, 9:107. 

Meeting of the Josselyn Botanical So- 
ciety, 9:124; 10:172; 11:179; 12:99. 

A Sedum new to North America, 14: 

[Biographical sketch of], 27:73-76. 

CHAMBERLAIN, G. D.—Ranunculus lapponicus 
in Aroostook County, Maine, 41:461. 

Champlain Valley, Notes on Crataegus in 
the, 3:19. 

Champlain Valley, Notes on the species of 
Agaricus (Psalliota) of the, 1:161. 

Champlain Valley, Scirpus validus and allies 
in the, 6:231. 

Chantransia in North America, Acrochaetium 
and, 8:189. 

Cuapin, Waiter H.—[Herbarium of], 3:258. 


A note on the salt marshes of Nova 
Scotia, 39:53-57. 
Some algal complexities, 41:19-28. 
Characiopsis pileata Copeland, n. sp., 30:194. 
Characium, Two new species of, 11:65. 
The North American allies of Scirpus 
lacustris, 6:65—71, pls. 52, 53. 

The text-figures in Gray's New Manual 
of Botany, 10:207-208. 

(Hircxcocx, A. S. and ——), [The North 
American species of Panicum], Review 
of, 12:210—220. 


The subterranean organs of Cinna arun 
dinacea, 13:9-10, pl. 85. 

Ornithological observations on cleistog 
amy, 13:76. 

Amateur botanical illustrating, 13:93-98 

Arrhenatherum elatius 8. tuberosum ii 
America, 13:207-208. 

An unwelcome invader, 16:166. 

Panicum Wrightianum in Long Island 

A teratological specimen of Panicun 
amarulum Hitche. & Chase, 17:72. 
Rev. E. J. Hill (with portrait), 19:61-6¢ 
The case of the grass genus Dilepyrum 

29 : 158-160. 
Arthraxon  hispidus var. cryptatheru 
nk) Honda in Pennsylvania, 39 

CHasE, Varnius H.—Francis Eugene M’ 
Donald (with portrait), 22:145-146. 

Cheilanthes alabamensis in Giles County, Vir 
ginia, A station for, 41:137. 

Cheilanthes lanosa, The presumable identit; 
of, 48:383. 

Chelone glabra, A northeastern variety of 

Chelone glabra L., forma rosea, n.f., 18:72. 

CHENEY, CLARA IMoacENE— Rare plants in Cen 
treville, Massachusetts, 4:245-246. 

Cueney, R. H.—A white form of Delphiniur 
Ajacis, 27:139-142. 

Chenopodium carinatum and other unusua 
weeds, 30:158. 

Chenopodium carinatum on Cape Cod, 15: 

Cherries of eastern America, The identities o: 
the Sand, 25:69. 

CHERRINGTON, M. EpNa— Botanical exhibitior 
at the meeting of the Natural History So- 
cieties of New England, 8:135—136. 

Cherry Birch, A cut-leaved, 4:83. 

Cherry of the Carrizo Sands of Texas, The 
Wild, 45:325. 

Cherry, Prunus virginiana, the correct name 
of the Choke, 18:140. 

Cherryfield, Maine, Mountain Laurel (Kalmia 
latifolia) at, 33:198. 

Chesapeake Bay, A new estuarine Bidens 
from, 31:87. 

Cheshire County, New Hampshire, Notes on 
some trees and shrubs of western, 3:232. 
Chesterville, Maine, Additional notes on the 

plants of, 11:30. 

esteri, Maine, Notes on Plants of, 9: 

Chesterville, Maine, On the flora of, 2:123. 

Chesterville, Maine, Orchids of, 5:82. 

Chicago region, Records of United States 
plants, chiefly from the, 34:174. 

Chicago region, Two new plant records for 
the, 31:99. 

Cunen, S. S.—Two Asiatic allies of Ranuncu- 
lus pensylvanieus, 18:189-190. 

Cam, H. W. 

Some traits of Epipactis in Vermont, 19: 


A New England occurence of Listera aus- 
tralis, 24:187-188. 

Jhimaphila, The flower of, 29:1. 

uc umbellata, The varieties of, 19: 

Jhina, A new Lepidium from, 32:28. 

‘hina, Notes on a collection of fresh-water 
Myxophyceae from Amoy, 28:1. 

‘hinese Eleocharis, A new, 41:559. 

lhinese Marine Algae, 21:203. 

Jhinese Orchids, Nomenclatorial changes for 
some, 27:105. 

‘hionanthus, Note on the polygamy of, 6:89. 

"hionanthus, The pseudo-monoclinism of, 6: 

,HITTENDON, M. D.—(BraINeErD, E., and 
OrmsseEE, C. W.), Notice of annual field 
meeting of the Vermont Botanical Club, 

'"hlorochytrium Lemnae in America, 7:97. 
‘hlorocystis Cohnii on the Massachusetts 
coast, 2:104. 

‘hoanephora, A New England, 5:97. 

“hoke Cherry, Prunus virginiana the correct 
name of the, 18:140. 

‘hokeberries, Our, 4:55. 

‘hromosomes of Jamesianthus, 44:280. 
‘hromosomes of Kalmiopsis, 40:278. 
‘hromosomes of Proserpinaca, 41:584. 
‘hrysanthemum Leucanthemum and the 
American White Weed, 5:177. 
'"hrysanthemum segetum L. at Marion, 
Massachusetts, 1:57. 

‘hrysanthemum uliginosum Pers. adventive 
in Quebec, 47:389. 

SHRYSLER, MINTIN AsBuRY—Reforestation at 
Woods Hole, Massachusetts, —A study in 
succession, 7:121—129, pls. 62, 63. 
‘hrysobalanus, New combination in, 48:136. 
‘hrysopsis graminifolia and allies in Virginia 
and the Carolinas, 44:404. 

‘hrysosplenium iowense, Studies in Chryso- 
splenium, with special reference to the taxo- 
nomic status and distribution of, 49:25. 
‘hrysosplenium with special reference to the 
taxonomic status and distribution of C. 
iowense, Studies in, 49:25. 

/]HURCHILL, JoHN A.—New station of Oxalis 
montana forma rhodantha, 39:231. 

Some plants about Williamstown, 1:24-26. 

An unusual form of Drosera intermedia, 
var. amerlcana, 2:70—71, pl. 15. 

Preliminary lists of New England plants, 
—VI. Leguminosae, 2:89-92. 

A botanical excursion to Mount Katah- 
din, 3:147-165. 

[Herbarium of], 3:208. 

Some plants from Prince Edward Island, 

Preliminary lists of New England plants, 
—XVII. Scrophulariaceae, Verbenaceae, 

Three plants new to the flora of Vermont, 
7 :99—100. 

Lappula deflexa in Vermont, 18:138—140. 


A smooth-fruited form of Asclepias 
syriaca, 20:206-207. 

Cimicifuga racemosa in Massachusetts, 
23 :201-203. 

A further note on Cimicifuga racemosa in 
Massachusetts, 28:17-18. 

( , DEANE, W., Grice, F. W., KNowr- 

TON, C. H., Prase, A. S., SANFORD, 

S. N. F. and Smiru, L. B.), Reports on 

the flora of Massachusetts, —I, 30:12-19. 

, GooparE, A. S, Goopwin, R. H, 

Gricc, F. W., Harris, S. K., Porter, D., 
Rosssacu, G. B., Sanrorp, S. N. F. and 
SmirH, L. B), Reports on the flora of 
Massachusetts,—II, 35 :351-359. 

[Biographical sketch of, with photo- 
graphs], 36:1-7. 

Cichorieae, Eupatorieae and Astereae, Notes 
on the Compositae of the northeastern 
United States,—VI, 50:28. 

Cimicifuga racemosa in Massachusetts, 23: 
201; — A further note on, 28:17. 

Cinna arundinacea, The subterranean organs 
of. e 19:07 

Circaea canadensis and C. intermedia, The 
identity of, 19:85. 

Circaea intermedia, The identity of Circaea 
canadensis and, 19:85. 

Cireaea latifolia and the Asiatic C. quadrisul- 
cata, 'The identity of, 17:222. 

Circaea quadrisuleata, The identity of Circaea 
latifolia and the Asiatic, 17:222. 

Cirsium Flodmani, Eastern extension of, 45: 

Cirsium Flodmani in New Hampshire, 46:87. 

Cirsium, Minor transfers and forms in, 45:353. 

Cirsium muticum, var. monticola, Note on, 

Cirsium, Notes on the genus, 13:238. 

Cirsium palustre, a native of New Hamp- 
shire? Is, 4:217. 

City botanizing, 10:149. 

Cladium mariscoides in Saskatchewan, 39:232. 

Cladonia apodocarpa, a new species, 27:210. 

Cladonia Beaumontii, Cladonia mateocyatha, 
a new species and some variations in, 27:49. 

Cladonia Beaumontii in Massachusetts, 25:46. 

Cladonia Beaumontii, The identity of, 29:133. 

Cladonia floridana in New Jersey, 31:56. 

Cladonia in the District of Columbia and vi- 
cinity, 33:145. 

Cladonia lepidota Fries, The identity of, 31: 

Cladonia mateocyatha, a new species and 
some variations in C. Beaumontii, 27:49. 

Cladonia occurring in New England, A key to 
the species and principal varieties of, 11:212. 

Cladonia, subgenus Cladina, Microchemical 
studies on the genus, 45:417. 

Cladoniae of Connecticut, Notes on the, 34: 
121, 153; —II, 37:33; —III, 40:4. 

Cladonias collected by S. F. Blake in the 
western United States, 33:135. 

Cladonias, Some new, 26:145. 

Cladonieae from the valley of the Cap Chat 
River and vicinity, Gaspé Peninsula, Que- 
bec, 32:91. 



Cladophora, New species of, 11:17. 

Cladophoras of New England, The marine, 

Cladrastis lutea, A tomentose form of, 40:487. 

48 :208. 


Utricularia minor in Holbrook, Massa- 
chusetts, 4:42. 

An interesting specimen of Arisaema tri- 
phyllum, 6:163. 

Triosteum perfoliatum in Massachusetts, 

Dalibarda repens near Boston, 6:227. 

White form of Sabatia chloroides, 7: 


Lysimachia punctata in eastern Massa- 
chusetts, 3:201. 

A few plants of the Blue Hills Reserva- 
tion, 4:74-76. 


Additions to the flora of Amherst, Massa- 
chusetts, 1:164—165. 

Notes on the flora of Woods Hole, Massa- 
chusetts, 3:87—89. 

Notes on Maryland plants, 6:176-177. 


Some noteworthy specimens of Fringed 
Gentian, 1:89-90. 

Erodium moschatum in Connecticut, 4: 

Corydalis flavula in Connecticut, 28:68. 

CLARK, JOSEPHINE F.—Ferns of the Red River 
Country, Maine, 32:133-136. 

Cark, R. A.—Another station for Cypripe- 
dium arietinum in Massachusetts, 31:223. 
CLARKE, Cora H.—A suggestion for summer 

observations, 14:177-184, pls. 97-99. 
Clathrus columnatus in Lawrence, Massachu- 
setts, 4:184. 
CLAUSEN, Rosert T. 

(Mvenscuer, W. C. and ——), Notes on 
the flora of northern New York, 36: 

Studies in the genus Najas in the north- 
ern United States, 38:333—345, pls. 437, 

Sagittaria Edwardsiana, a new species 
from the New Jersey Pine Barrens, 39: 
29-31, pl. 454. 

A new species of Najas from the Hudson 
River, 39:57—60, pl. 455. 

A new variety of Sparganium ameri- 
canum, 39:188-190. 

Najas gracillima in Indiana and Michi- 
gan, 39:432. 

( and Wanur, H. A.), Plants of cen- 
tral Pennsylvania, 41:28—34. 

On the status of Eleocharis Robbinsii in 
New York, 41:254-256. 

Silene caroliniana, 41:575—584, pl. 584. 

Rapistrum in northern North America, 
42 :201-202. 

On the use of the terms “Subspecies” and 
“Variety,” 43 :157-167. 


Scabiosa Columbaria in central Ne 
York, 45:220-221. 
A note on Baptistia tinctoria, var. pr 
jecta, 46:281. 
Najas Muenscheri and other species « 
Najas in eastern Virginia, 49:233-23 
Clayton, Concerning the proper identificatio 
of Linnaean species especially those base 
on material collected by, 30:232. 
Clayton Herbarium, Notes on the, 20:21, 4 

Claytonia, [Notice of], 37:162. 

Clayton’s Oaks in the British Museum, Thre 
of, 17:39. 

CrLELAND, RatpH E.—A new Erythrotrichi 
from Woods Hole, 20:144—145, pl. 124. 
Clematis from the Peaks of Otter, A nev 


Clematis ochroleuca and allies, Morphologic: 
differentiation of, 45:401. 

Clematis verticilaris in the Middlesex Fell 

CLEMENT, Ian D.—Sida in Oklahoma, 50:9 

Clemson College, South Carolina, Plants i 
flower, February 8, 1911, at, 13:91. 

Cleome serrulata in Maine, 6:79. 

Clethra alnifolia, A pink-petaled form o 

Climbing Fern in New Hampshire, The, 4:8 

CLINTON, G. P.—Two new smuts on Eriocat 
lon septangulare, 3:79-82, 2 figs. 

Clitocybe illudens, On the edibility of, 1:18 

CrLokEv, Ira W.—Carex notes, 21:83-85. 

Clover, A freak Sweet, 23:25. 

Crover, Evzapa U. 

Astrophytum asterias in the Unite 
States, ?4:227—228, pl. 223. 

The habitat of Astrophytum asterias i 
Texas, 35:224—225. 

Echinocereus angusticeps, a new specie 
from the lower Rio Grande Valley 
Texas, 37:77-80, pl. 327. 

Cluster-cup Fungus on Lespedeza in Ne 
England, A, 2:180. 


[^American Fern Book" or *Our Ferns i 
their Haunts"], Review of, 3:238-23 

[The Fern-allies of North America], Ri 
view of, 7:267-268. 

[Laboratory Botany for the High School 
Review of, 12:56. 

Cnicus benedictus persist in our flora? Doe 

Cnidoscolus stimulosus, their status in tk 
Oklahoma flora, Cnidoscolus texanus an 

Cnidoscolus texanus and C. stimulosus, the 
status in the Oklahoma flora, 45:270. 

Coals, On the nature of so-called algal or boy 
head, 11:61. 

Coastal dunes of Texas, The Senecio on th 

Coastal plain element in the flora of tk 
Great Lakes, The Atlantic, 24:57, 80. 

Coastal plain elements in the bogs of August 
County, Virginia, Further notes on, 42:8 


Coastal plain of Maryland, Some plants re- 
cently found in the, 42:277. 

Coastal plain of Maryland and Delaware, 
Some noteworthy plants recently found in 
the, 41:111. 

Coastal plain of New Jersey, Regarding Gen- 
tiana Andrewsii in the, 22:104. 

Coastal plain of South Carolina north of 
Georgetown, Notes on the Spring flora of 
the, 36:28. 

Coastal plain of southeastern Virginia, Local 
plants of the inner, 39:321, 379, 433, 465. 
Coastal plain of Virginia, Plants from the 

outer, 37:376, 414. 

Coastal plain plants in New England, 7:69. 

Coastal plain plants of New England, their 
history and distribution, Further remarks 
on the, 8:27. 

Coastal plain, Some heretofore unnoticed 
plants of the South Carolina, 47:142. 

Coastal plain, Some interesting plants of the 
Virginia, 24:148. 

Coastal plain species, Misinterpretation of At- 
lantic, 44:238. 

Cosurn, LovisE HELEN 

Lactuca Morssii in Maine, 1:193. 

Flora of Birch Island in Attean Pond, 22: 

Marsilea quadrifolia in Maine, 22:156. 

Gentiana linearis var. latifolia in Maine, 
26 :40. 

[Kate Furbish, botanist; an apprecia- 
tion], Review of, 28:30. 

Coccomyxa in the United States, 39:366. 

CockEnELL, T. D. A. 

Lamium purpureum in Colorado, 28:112. 
Some synonymy, 35:110. 

Cochlearia from Newfoundland, A new, 16: 

Cor, M. A—Autumnal flowering of Vaccinium 
pennsylvanicum, 2:224—225. 

Cohasset, Massachusetts, Carex Mitchelliana 
and other rare plants near, 30:198. 

Coldenia Nuttallii in Missouri, 40:487. 

Coleus, Orobanche ramosa on a, 26:133. 

Corey, WILLIAM S. —An early flowering Rud- 
beckia hirta, 18:212. 

Collectors, Suggestions for, 42:145. 

Collectors, To Fern, 2:212. 

Collectors, To seaweed, 1:121. 

Correy, R. H. 

(Lewis, I. F. and ——), Chamaesiphon 
incrustans Grun., 18:92. 

Compsopogon coeruleus (Balbis) Mont., 


Notes on Algae,—I, 1:9-11. 

A case of Boletus poisoning, 1:21-23. 

A seaweed colony, 1:69-71. 

To seaweed collectors, 1:121-127. 

[Editorial note by], 1:149. 

Notes on Algae,—II, 2:11-14. 

Preliminary lists of New England plants, 
—V. Marine Algae, 2:41-52. 

Seaweeds in Winter, 2:130—132. 

The New England species of Dictyo- 
siphon, 2:162-166. 

The marine flora of Great Duck Island, 
Maine, 2:209-211. 

Collecting seaweeds in the Tropics, 3:90- 

Notes on Algae, pe 3:132-137. 

[Herbarium of], 3:2 

Notes on Fide 3 :289-293. 

The marine Cladophoras of New Eng- 
land, 4:111-127, pl. 36. 

An algologist’s vacation in eastern Maine, 

Ulvaceae of North America, 5:1-31, pls. 

The Ulothricaceae and Chaetophoraceae 
of the United States, [Review of], 5: 

Lorin Low Dame, 5:121-123 (with por- 

Notes on Algae,—V, 5:204-212. 

Isaac Holden, 5:219—220. 

Notes on Algae,—VI, 5:231—234. 

A sailor's collection of Algae, 6:181-182. 

Algae of the Flume, 6:229-231. 

Chlorochytrium Lemnae in America, 7: 

Phycological notes of the late Isaac 
Holden,—I, 7:168-172; —II, 7:222-243. 

Intuition as a substitute for reference, 8: 

New species, etc., issued in the Phy- 
cotheca Boreali-Americana, 8:104-113. 
Notes on Algae,—VII, 8:122-126; —VIII, 


Acrochaetium and Chantransia in North 
America, 8:189-196. 

Is Rhinanthus Crista-galli an introduced 
plant? 9:26. 

The basis of nomenclature for Algae, 9: 

Some new Green Algae, 9:197-202, pl. 76. 

George Edward Davenport, 10:1-9 (with 

Oedogonium Huntii rediscovered? 10:57- 

(SercHELL, W. A. and ——), Some Algae 
from Hudson Bay, 10:114-116. 

The genus Pilinia, 10:122-127, pl. 77. 

Two new species of Acrochaetium, 10: 

Notes on Algae,—IX, 10:155—164. 

New species of Cladophora, 11:17-20, pl. 

Notes on Monostroma, 11:23-26. 

Notes on the flora of lower Cape Cod, 

An algological prophecy fulfilled, 11:196— 

Flora of lower Cape Cod; supplementary 
note, 12:8-10. 

A variety of Solanum new to America, 

Flora of lower Cape Cod; third note, 13: 

Notes on Algae,—X, 13:184-187. 

The botanical and other papers of the 
Wilkes Exploring Expedition, 14:57-68. 


An important publication on the biology 
of Woods Hole, [Review], 15:152. 

Three plants with extension of range, 15: 

Drifting Algae, 16:1-5. 

Two species new to Cape Cod, 16:78. 

Opuntia vulgaris on Cape Cod, 16:101- 

November flowers, 17:33-38. 

Some Algae from the Chincha Islands, 
17 :89-96. 

( , editor), Notes from the Woods 
Hole Labratory,—1915, 18:90-92. 

The Sargasso Sea, 19:77-84. 

Notes from the Woods Hole Laboratory, 
—1917,—I. Species new to science or to 
the region, 20:141-143, pl. 124. 

Chinese Marine Algae, 21:203-207. 

[Notice of death], 22:96. 


Notes on the Bryophyte flora of Maine, 
—I,, 1:33-36. 

Rhode Island plant notes,—I, 1:46-48; 
—II., 1:105-107. 

(Krennepy, G. G. and ——), Bryophytes 
of Mount Katahdin, 3:177-181. 

Notes on the Bryophytes of Maine,—II. 
Katahdin Mosses, 3:181-184. 

[Herbarium of], 3:219. 

An extension of range for the typical 
Lycopodium complanatum, 4:154. 

The distinctive features of Iris Hookeri, 
4:179-180, pl. 39. 

Some notes on Mosses, with extensions of 
range, 5:199-201. 

Woodsia glabella in Maine, 5:286. 

Corallorhiza innata and Taraxacum ery- 
throspermum in Rhode Island, 5:291- 

The Black Spruce in Rhode Island, 6: 

Some Maine Mosses, 6:145-146. 

Some interesting Rhode Island bogs, 6: 

Preliminary lists of New England plants, 
—XIX, 8:131-135. 

Some Mosses from Aroostook County, 
Maine, 10:37-38. 

Preliminary lists of New England plants, 
—XIX. Addenda, 10:71-72. 

The Bryophytes of Connecticut, [Re- 
view], 11:15-16. 

The weight of ice-covered twigs, 11:32. 

Sclerolepis uniflora in Rhode Island, 12: 

The use of corrugated paper boards in 
drying plants, 12:221—224. 

(—— and Preston, H. W.), [Illustrated 
key to the wild and commonly culti- 
vated trees of the northeastern United 
States and Canada based primarily up- 
on leaf characters], Review of, 14:163. 

Three plants new to Rhode Island, 23:27. 

Two additions to the flora of Rhode Is- 
land, 26:220. 

Notes on certain specles of Panicum oc- 


curring in or near Rhode Island, 30: 

Moss Flora of North America, [Review] 

On changing the direction of sap-conduct. 
ing tissues, 32:145-1406. 

Moss Flora of North America, [Review] 

Better herbarium specimens, 34:247—249 

Moss Flora of North America, [Review] 
35:146; 36:60. 

Hawaiian Mosses, [Review], 36:132. 

[The resignation of ], 38:101. 

[Biographical sketch], 44:98-97 (witk 

[Incidents of field-work with—], 44:98- 
147, pls. 696-707. (Contrib. Gray Herb 
no. CXL). 

CoLLINS, JoHN A., JR.—Two wool-waste plants 
at Lawrence, Massachusetts, 3:92. 

Collinsia parviflora in New England, 37:422 

Color form of a wild Strawberry, A new, 31: 

Color form of Carum Carvi, A, 11:178. 

Color form of Potentilla pumila, A, 11:152. 

Color form of Viola pedata, A striking, 13:172 

Color-forms, Further cases of inconstancy in. 
27 :199. 

Color forms of American Anemones, Some. 

Color forms of Impatiens biflora, 19:115. 

Color-forms of Gentiana Porphyrio, Some, 
44 :151. 

Color-forms of Hepatica americana, Incon- 
stancy in, 27:131. 

Color forms of Lobelia cardinalis L., Two, 

Color forms, Some interesting, 16:128. 

Color guide, A new, [Review], 15:96. 

Color in bud and in leaf, Similarity of, 13: 

Color in some Red Algae, Causes of variation 
in, 9:90. 

Color of the American Diervillas, Flower, 9: 

Color of the flowers of Nelumbo pentapetala, 
The, 38:272. 

Color types of Corallorrhiza maculata Raf., 
24 :145. 

Color variation in a Missouri colony of Hepat- 
ica acutiloba, 35:66. 

Color variation in eastern North American 
flowers as exemplified by Hepatica acuti- 
loba, 38:301. 

Color variation in Gentiana linearis, 32:143. 

Color variation in Potentilla tridentata, A, 

Color varieties of Gratiola aurea, The retro- 
grade, 9:122. 

Color varieties of Gratiola at Westfield, a 
clerical error, The record of, 9:195. 

Colorado, A new Primula from the Grand 
Canyon of the, 36:117. 

Colorado, Lamium purpureum in, 28:112. 

Colorado, Viola Selkirkii in, 16:94. 


Columbine from the Edwards Plateau of 
Texas, A new, 38:75. 

Solumnea from Jamaica, A new, 39:275. 

Comandra livida and Lycopodium sitchense 
on Mt. Washington, The discovery of, 4:97. 

Comandra, An undescribed northern, 7:47. 

Somital Flora, Druce's [Review], 34:191. 

Commelina erecta, The varieties of, 42:435. 

Commelina virginica established in New Eng- 
land, 2:200. 

Committee on floral areas, Report of the, 20: 
181, 193; Second, 22:80; Third, 23:209; 
Fourth, 27:56; Fifth, 28:43; Sixth, 29:247; 
Seventh, 31:106. 

committee on plant distribution, Report of 
the, Eighth, 38:263; Ninth, 48:17. 

compositae chiefly of northeastern America, 
Some new or unrecorded, 17:1. 

compositae of the northeastern United States, 
Notes on the, —I, Inuleae, 47:182; —II. 
Heliantheae and Helenieae, 47:396; —III. 
Inuleae and Senecioneae, 48:116; —IV. Soli- 
dago, 49:69: —VI. Cichoreae, Eupatorieae 
and Astereae, 50:28. 

compositae, Three transfers in the, 44:340. 

compsopogon coeruleus (Balbis) Mont., 18: 

CONANT, JENNIE F.—The Boston Mycological 
Club, 2:93-95. 

CONANT, WoopBuny P.—[Herbarium of], 3: 


Nymphaea magnifica, 18:120, 144. 
Nymphaea and Nuphar again, 18:161-164. 

Concord, Massachusetts: Camptosorus rhizo- 
phyllus and Helenium autumnale, Status of 
two introductions by Minot Pratt at, 34:172. 

Concord, Massachusetts, Euphorbia corollata 
at, 3:253. 

Concord, Massachusetts, On the plants intro- 
duced by Minot Pratt at, 1:168. 

Concord, Massachusetts, Some adventitious 
plants in, 38:64. 

Concord, Massachusetts, The persistence of 
Opuntia humifusa in, 40:486. 

Concord, Massachusetts, The waning of Arceu- 
thobium at, 37:413. 

Concord, Massachusetts, Viola Brittoniana at, 

Concord, Massachusetts, Wolffia columbiana 
in, 41:42. 

Congamond Lakes, A day at, 13:53. 

Conapon, J. W —Plantago elongata in Rhode 
Island, 2:194. 

Concer, PauL S.—Flora of Penikese fifty years 
after (Desmids), 26:191—195, 215. 

Congress, Consideration of nomenclature at 
the fifth International Botanical, 31:90. 

Congress, Fifth International Botanical, 30: 

Congress, On the rules of Botanical Nomen- 
clature adopted by the Vienna, 9:29. 

Congress, Nomenclature at the next Interna- 
tional, 40:464. 

Congress, Seventh International Botanical, 


Connecticut, a correction, Altitudinal limits 
in, 17:88. 

Connecticut, A new Rubus from, 8:17. 

Connecticut, A preliminary report on the 
Desmids of, 24:213, 236. 

Connecticut, A remarkable colony of Bidens 
in, 19:257. 

Connecticut, A second station for Corydalis 
flavula in, 48:326. 

Connecticut, Additions to the flora of, 19: 
105, 119, 224, 245; —Series 2, 24:111. 

Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, 
[Herbarium of], 3:219. 

Connecticut, Arenaria macrophylla in, 7:20. 

Connecticut, Aristida longespica in, 35:386. 

Connecticut Blackberry, An unarmed, 3:295. 

Connecticut Botanical Society, 5:74; 5:120. 

Connecticut Botanical Society, Records of, 
—I. 8:79; —II. 8:222. 

Connecticut botanists and their herbaria, Old- 
time, —I. 16:83; —II. 23:121, 171. 

Connecticut, Botanizing in central, 13:77. 

Connecticut, Botrychium matricariaefolium 
in, 3:36. 

Connecticut, Callitriche Austini in southwest- 
ern, 3:89. 

Connecticut, Carex aurea in, 4:168. 

Connecticut, Cercis canadensis in, 25:203. 

Connecticut, Corydalis flavula in, 28:68. 

Connecticut, Desmodium glabellum in north- 
eastern, 35:38. 

Connecticut Diatoms, Additional lists of, 10: 

Connecticut Diatoms with some account of 
their distribution in certain parts of the 
State, A partial list of, 9:125. 

Connecticut, Drosera rotundifolia, var. com- 
osa in, 33:144. 

Connecticut, Epigaea repens, forma plena in, 

Connecticut, Eragrostis Frankii in, 2:87. 

Connecticut, Erodium moschatum in, 4:248. 

Connecticut flora at the St. Louis Exposition, 
'The, 6:180. 

Connecticut flora, Further additions to the, 

Connecticut, Flowering Plants and Ferns of, 
[Review], 12:131. 

Connecticut, Fossombronia salina in, 3:7. 

Connecticut, Further stations for Botrychium 
matricariaefolium in, 6:80. 

Connecticut, Gleditschia triacanthos estab- 
lished in, 4:103. 

Connecticut, Goodyera repens, var. ophioides 
in, 1:40. 

Connecticut Grasses, Notes on two, 6:177. 

Connecticut, Hedeoma hispida in, 10:208; 28: 

Connecticut, Holosteum umbellatum in, 26: 

Connecticut, Introduced plants new to, 14: 

Connecticut, Late-blooming Violets in, 27:51. 

Connecticut, Lepidium latifolium in, 37:161. 

Connecticut Lichens, Notes on, 29:97. 


Connecticut Mosses, Notes on, 12:146; —II. 
13:40; —III. 14:45; —IV. 15:3. 

Connecticut, Notes on the Cladoniae of, 34: 
121, 153; —II. 37:33; —III. 40:4. 

Connecticut, Notes on the flora of, 4:36. 

Connecticut, Noteworthy Panicums in, 3:146. 

Connecticut, Noteworthy plants of, 4:84. 

Connecticut, Noteworthy plants of southeast- 
ern, 1:67; —II. 3:63; —III. 4:26; —IV. 

Connecticut, Observations on some plants of 
eastern, 13:68. 

Connecticut, Other Mosses new to, 15:11. 

Connecticut, Panicum albemarlense in, 22: 

Connecticut, Panicum Commonsianum in, 6: 

Connecticut, Paspalum in eastern, 16:136. 

Connecticut, Phlox pilosa in, 1:76. 

Connecticut plants, Extended ranges of some, 

Connecticut plants, Notes on, 9:10; 13:30. 

Connecticut plants, Some, 20:97; 21:114. 

Connecticut plants, Some unusual, 6:195. 

Connecticut plants, Some varieties and forms 
of, 18:239. 

Connecticut Rubi, 9:4. 

Connecticut, Salix serissima in southern, 14: 

Connecticut, Schwalbea americana in, 5:40. 

Connecticut, Scirpus occidentalis and Aster 
ptarmicoides in, 16:19. 

Connecticut, Scirpus Peckii in, 15:98. 

Connecticut, Senecio obovatus var. elongatus 
in, 24:226. 

Connecticut, Soil-preferences of some less 
usual vascular plants in central, 1:103. 

Connecticut, Some introduced plants of, 6: 
78; 13:88. 

Connecticut, Some introduced weeds of, 6:146. 

Connecticut, Some noteworthy plants of, 4:98. 

Connecticut, Some noteworthy plants of 
southeastern, 1 :67. 

Connecticut, Some plants rare or hitherto un- 
recorded in, 7:68. 

Connecticut, Species of Fontinalis new to, 

Connecticut, Species of Sphagnum new to, 

Connecticut, Spergula sativa in, 7:151. 

Connecticut station for Ilex mollis, A, 14:205. 

Vonnscrout station for Lycopodium Selago, 

, 7:20. 

Connecticut, Stations for some of the rarer 
plants of, 1:39. 

Connecticut, Stations for some of the less 
usual plants of, 2:125. 

Connecticut, Supplementary report on the 
Desmids of, 26:203. 

Connecticut swamp, An hour in a, 5:196. 

Connecticut, The Bryophytes of, [Review], 

Connecticut, The Dentarias of, 5:213. 

Connecticut, The distribution of certain trees 
and shrubs in western, 2:34. 

Connecticut, The Dwarf Mistletoe in, 5:202. 


Connecticut, The restoration of Isanthus 
brachiatus to the flora of, 27:189. 

Connecticut, Two additions to the flora of 

Connecticut Valley Botanical Society, The 

Connecticut Valley in Massachusetts, A flor: 
of the, [Review], 15:97. 
Connecticut Valley in Massachusetts, New 
records for the, 39:186. 
Connecticut Valley, Some Vermont and New 
Hampshire plants in the middle, 4:129. 
Connecticut, Viola Selkirkii in, 15:225. 
Conopholis americana in Maine, New station: 
for Peltandra virginica and, 4:168. 
The genus Ellisia, 42:33-39. 
The genus Crepis, [Review], 49:297—299 
Continental drift and plant distribution, [Re 
view], 46:249. 
Convallaria, The indigenous Alleghenian, 46: 
Convolvulus, Concerning a Californian, 33:76 
Convolvulus sepium, The varieties of Convol. 
vulus spithamaeus and of, 41:415. 
Convolvulus spithamaeus and of C. sepium 
The varieties of, 41:415, 
Convolvulus Wallichianus at Swarthmore 
Pennsylvania, 47:332. 
Some additions to the “Flora of Middle- 
sex County, Massachusetts," 1:80—82. 
A list of plants seen on the Island o! 
Monhegan, Maine, June 20-25, 1900 
Cook, S. F.—Flora of Penikese fifty year: 
after (Bryophytes), 26:219. 
Cook County, Minnesota, The genus Poa in 
Coos County, New Hampshire, A fourth Pinu: 
rigida for, 12:99. 
Coos County, New Hampshire, Plants new to 
CoprELAND, Josera J.—Characiopsis pileats 
Copeland, n. sp., 30:194, figs. 1, 2. 
Coprinus micaceus, Note on the periodic fruit. 
ing of, 37:223. 
Coptis trifolia and its eastern American rep- 
resentative, 31:136. 
Coral-berry (Symphoricarpos orbiculatus) 
Notes on the, 49:117. 
Corallorhiza innata and Taraxacum erythro 
spermum in Rhode Island, 5:291. 
Corallorhiza, not Corallorrhiza, 48:193. 
Corallorrhiza maculata, A teratological flowe: 
of, 31:53. 
Corallorrhiza maculata Raf., 25:31. 
Corallorrhiza maculata Raf., Color types of 
24 :145. 
Corallorrhiza maculata, The varieties of, 27 
Corallorrhiza, Corallorhiza, not, 48:193. 
Corallorrhiza, Recent nomenclatorial change: 
in the genus, 11:102. 
Coral-root from the Rocky Mountains, Ar 
overlooked species of, 33:133. 


Cong, E. L. 
(SrRAvusBAUGH, P. D. and ——), Phymosia 
remota, 34:142-146. 
Travels of Asa Gray in Western Virginia, 
1843, 42:344—351. 
Coreopsis involucrata on the Atlantic coast, 
nd c rosea Nutt., forma leucantha, n. f., 
Cornucopiae altissima, The identity of, 49: 

Cornus Amomum and Cornus candidissima, 
36 :269. 

Cornus canadensis, A purple-flowered form of, 
44 :20. 

Cornus canadensis in Minnesota, Forms of, 

Cornus canadensis L., forma rosea, f. nov., 

Cornus canadensis var. intermedia in eastern 
America, 13:107. 

Cornus candidissima, Cornus Amomum and, 

Cornus Drummondii, 38:99. 

Cornus from Cape Breton, A hybrid, 43:411. 

Cornus of Philip Miller, Concerning some 
species of, 33:68. 

Cornus, On ‘nomenclature i in, 38:51. 

Cornus racemosa in Quebec, 49:23. 

Cornus rugosa X stolonifera, A new hybrid 
Cornus, 12:121. 

Cornus, The nomenclature of some species of, 

Coronilla varia in Michigan, 33:163. 

ConRELL, Donovan S. 

Betula populifolia in Virginia and its 
variety laciniata in Massachusetts, 44: 
236-237, pl. 708. 

(Brown, C. A. and ——), [The Ferns and 
Fern Allies of Louisiana], Review of, 
44 :484—485. 

Corrugated paper boards in drying plants, 
The use of, 12:221. 

Corrugated paper boards, Pressing plants with 
double-faced, 20:153. 

Cortinarius cyanites in the United States, 27: 

Cory, V. L. 

A new Loco from the Edwards Plateau 
of Texas, 32:4-7. 

A new Salviastrum from the Edwards Pla- 
teau of Texas, 32:89—90. 

A new Lesquerella from western Texas, 

A new Selenia from the Edwards Plateau 
of Texas, 33:142-144. 

A new Columbine from the Edwards Pla- 
teau of Texas, 38:75—76. 

T Junipers of western Texas, 38:182- 

New names and new combinations for 
Texas plants, 38:404—408. 

Some new plants from Texas, 39:417-423. 

Notes on Ephedra in Texas, 40:215—218. 

Notes on Texas plants, 41:561-564. 

The perennial Helenium of the Edwards 
Plateau of Texas, 45:109-111. 


The Senecio on the costal dunes of Texas, 

A new Streptanthus from the Big Bend 
of Texas, 45:258—260. 

The wild Cherry of the Carrizo Sands of 
Texas, 45:325—327. 

Paronychia in central and western Texas, 
46 :278-281. 

The genus Palafoxia in Texas, 48:84-86. 

A new Dyssodia from Texas, 49:161—163. 

Petalostemum oreophilum a species of 
Dalea, 49:163—164. 

Corydalis flavula in Connecticut, 28:68; — A 
second station for, 48:326. 

Corydalis sempervirens, Exceptional dimen- 
sions in, 30:36. 

Corylaceae, (Betulaceae), Some North Amer- 
ican, —I. Notes on Betula in eastern North 
America, 47 :303; —II. Eastern North Amer- 
ican representatives of Alnus incana, 47: 

Corylus americana, forma missouriensis, 34: 

Corylus americana, Recognition of Corylus 
rostrata and, 11:107. 

Corylus rostrata and C. americana, Recogni- 
tion of, 11:107. 

Corynephorus canescens on western Long Is- 
land, 41:314. 


Past periods of Eelgrass scarcity, 36:261- 

Further notes on past periods of eelgrass 
scarcity, 37 :269—271. 

The Eelgrass situation on the American 
Pacific coast, 41:257—260. 

Cotton-grass new to North America, A, 4:82. 

Cotype, syntype and other terms referring to 
type material, 45:481. 

“Coûdres” of the “Ysles es Couldres,” 

CourrEn, J. M. 

[Plant Relations], Review of, 2:40. 

(—— and Ne son, A.), [New Manual of 
Botany of the central Rocky Moun- 
tains], Review of, 12:13-16. 

(—, BARNES, C. R. and Cow gs, H. C.), 
[A Textbook of Botany for Colleges 
and Universities], Review of, 13:16. 

Coventry, B. O.—[Wild Flowers of "Cashmir], 
Review of, 33:212. 

Cow Lilies, Nymphozanthus, the correct name 
for the, 21:183. 

Cowan, F. H.—Rhododendron maximum in 
Somerset County, Maine, 1:55. 

Cowes, H. C.—(CourrEgRg, J. M., BARNES, 
C. R. and ——), [A Textbook of Botany 
for Colleges and Universities], Review of, 

Craigie, WiLLIAM A—(—— and HurszERT, 
J. R. ), [A Dictionary of American English 
on historical principles], Review of, 46:312- 

Cranberries, The variations and distribution 
of American, 4:231. 

Crassina, Zinnia vs., 28:40. 



Crataegi in the Species Plantarum of Lin- 
naeus, American, 11:181. 

Crataegi of the northeastern United States 
and adjacent Canada, The, 10:73. 

Crataegus in eastern Canada and New Eng- 
land, Recently recognized species of, —I, 
5:52; —II, 5:108; —III, 5:137; —IV, 5: 
159; —V, 5:182; —VI, 7:162, 174, 192. 

Crataegus in the Champlain Valley, Notes 
on, 3:19. 

Crataegus made in the Province of Quebec 
near Montreal, Notes on a collection of, 

Crataegus viridis L. in Virginia, 12:93. 

Crataegus viridis, The geographic origin of, 

Cratry, R. I.—Ranunculus Purshii in Iowa, 

CnÉPIN, FRANCOIS—Note upon a probable hy- 
brid of Rosa carolina L. and R. nitida 
Willd., 2:112-113. l 

Crepis and Leontodon, New introduced species 
of, 4:249. 

Crepis biennis, A further note on, 22:192. 

Crepis biennis, Notes on the American occur- 
rence of, 21:209. 

Crepis nana not yet known from Gaspé, 49: 

Crepis setosa in Oregon, 22:191. 

Crepis, The genus, [Review], 49:297. 

Crepis virens in eastern Massachusetts, 4:197. 

CrISWELL, Ev1sAH Harry—[Lewis and Clark: 
Linguistic Pioneers], Review of, 43:92-94. 


Additional records of marine Algae from 
New Hampshire, 43:213. 

Fresh and brackish water Algae of Peni- 
kese Island, 50:269. 

Crocanthemum, has it really stable generic 
characters, 43:609. 

CROCKETT, ALICE L—An occurrence of Cath- 
arinaea crispa in Maine, 9:74. 

Cromwell, Connecticut, Anthyllis Vulneraria 
at, 13:240. 


The identity of Aster salsuginosus Rich- 
ardson, 45:262-264. 

Notes on the Compositae of the north- 
eastern United States, —I. Inuleae, 47: 
182-184; —II. Heliantheae and Helen- 
ieae, 47:396—403; —III. Inuleae and 
Senecioneae, 48:116-125; —IV. Soli- 
dago, 49:69-79; —VI. Cichorieae, Eu- 
patorieae and Astereae, 50:28-35. 

Crosspy, W. O.—(—— in Prasg, A. S.), [Vascu- 
lar Flora of Coos County, New Hampshire], 
Review of, 27:52. 

Cross, E. R. —Viola Selkirkii in Colorado, 

Crotalaria sagittalis in Indiana, 46:493. 

Crotalaria spectabilis in southeastern Mis- 
souri, On the occurrence of, 40:361. 

Crotalaria, The North American species of, 

Croton glandulosus in New Jersey, A station 
for, 23:221. 


Crowfoot family, Two plants of the, 1:48. 

Crucifers, On two weedy, 42:302. 

Cryptogramma acrostichoides, Cryptogramma 
crispa and, 37:238. 

Cryptogramma crispa and C. acrostichoides, 
37 :238. 

Cryptogramma Stelleri in Maine, The dis- 
covery of, 10:35. 

Cry ptogramma Stelleri in New Hampshire, 

Cubelium concolor, 32:140. 

Cumberland County, Maine, Cardamine bel- 
lidifolia in, 3:185. 

Cumberland, Maine, Western plants at, 5:119. 

CUMMINGS, Ciara EMMa—l[Herbarium of], 


Cuphea procumbens at Andover, Massachu- 
setts, 4:247. 

Curtis, J. T.—A new Cypripedium hybrid, 
34 : 239-243. 

Curtis, M. A —[Herbarium of], 3:242. 

Cuscuta compacta, An unusual habitat for, 

Cuscuta Gronovii, Host plants of, 36:372. 

Cuscuta Polygonorum in New England, 33: 

Cuscuta trifolia in Massachusetts, 5:290. 

List of Desmids found in Carver’s Pond, 
Bridgewater, Massachusetts, 5:79-81. 
Notes on New England Desmids, —I, 5: 

221-225; —II, 5:252-255. 

Division in Desmids under pathologic 
conditions, 6:234. 

A contribution to the Desmid flora of 
New Hampshire, 7:111-119, 251-266, 
pls. 61, 64. 

A synopsis of the New England species 
of Pleurotaenium, 9:101-106, pl. 75. 
Primula farinosa, var. macropoda on the 

Maine coast, 9:217-218. 

New England species of Penium, 9:227- 

(Know ton, C. H, , DEANE, W. and 
Harrison, A. K.), Reports on the flora 
of the Boston district, —II, 10:59-64. 

A synopsis of the New England species 
of Micrasterias, 10:97-111. 

(Know ton, C. H., ——, Drane, W. and 
Harrison, A. K.), Reports on the flora 
of the Boston district, —III, 10:128-131. 

Some interesting Maine plants, 11:12-14. 

(Know.ton, C. H., ——, Drane, W. and 
Harrison, A. K.), Reports on the flora 
of the Boston district, —IV, 11:75-80; 
—V, 11:204-209; —VI, 12:3-7; —VII, 
12:95-99; —VIII, 13:27-29; —IX, 13: 
72-73; —X, 13:82-85; —XI, 13:104— 

Three additional plants from Nantucket, 
(KNowrroN, C. H., ——, Deane, W. and 

Harrison, A. K.), Reports on the flora 
of the Boston district, —XII, 13:232- 
235; —XIII, 13:248-251. 

INDEX TO VoLuMrs 1-50 

(Know ton, C. H., — and Drang, W.), 
Reports on the flora of the Boston dis- 
trict, —XIV, 14:76-78. 
(Know ton, C. H., BLAKE, S. F, and 
Deane, W.), Reports on the flora of 
the Boston district, —XV, 14:107-113; 
—XVI, 15:54-59. 
Cusick, Witam ConKiiIn—[Biographical 
sketch, with portrait], 25:101-105. 
Cutler, The Maine coast at, 4:23. 

CUTLER, MawassEH—[Herbarium of], 3:219. 
Cyathus common in lawns at Middlebury, 
Vermont, Notes on a species of, 2:99. 

Cycloloma on Cape Cod, 3:18. 

Cyclonexis and Actidesmium, Notes on New 
England Algae, —I, 41:133. 

Cyclopedia of American Horticulture, [Re- 
view], 4:108. 

Cynanchum nigrum in Barnstable, Massachu- 
setts, 13:70. 

Cynoglossum, A northern, 7:249. 

Cynoglossum amabile in Massachusetts, 35: 

Cynoxylon, not genera of Rafinesque, Eu- 
krania and, 34:29. 

Cyperaceae, À note on the authorship of cer- 
tain species of, 43:333. 

Cyperaceae, An intergeneric hybrid in the, 

Cyperaceae, Dates of Boeckeler's, 41:313. 
Cyperaceae in North and South America, 
Status and distribution of some, 44:43. 
Cyperaceae new to the Boston district, Two, 


Cyperaceae of eastern North America, Some 
new or little known, 8:126, 161, 181, 200. 
Cyperus and Carex, Extensions of range of 

other species of, 44:87. 

Cyperus and Hieracium, Extended ranges in, 

Cyperus bipartitus Torr., 44:85. 

Cyperus Blodgettii Britton, Cyperus Pollardi 
Britton (— C. Deeringianus Britton and 
Small), and, 44:77. 

Cyperus Bushii Britton, 44:57. 

Cyperus Deamii, nom. nov., 44:81. 

Cyperus Deeringianus Britton and Small) and 
C. Blodgettii Britton, Cyperus Pollardi Brit- 
ton (=, 44:77. 

Cyperus distinctus Steud., The status and dis- 
tribution of, 41:131. 

Cyperus erythrorhizos, A new station for, 28: 

Cyperus ferax and C. ferruginescens, 37:148. 

Cyperus Fendlerianus var. leucolepis (Boeck.) 
Kiikenth., 44:61. 

Cyperus ferruginescens, Cyperus ferax and, 
37 :148. 

Cyperus filicinus and C. polystachyos, 44:83. 

Cyperus, Formal transfers in, 44:151. 

Cyperus granitophilus McVaugh, The status 
of, 44:47. 

Cyperus Grayii in Essex County, Massachu- 
setts, A second station for, 14:22. 

Cyperus Grayii in Rhode Island, 15:100. 

Cyperus Houghtonii, A third station in Ver- 
mont for, 14:40. 


Cyperus Houghtonii in Vermont, A second 
station for, 5:191. 

Cyperus Houghtonii var. uberior Kiikenthal, 
Cyperus mesochorus Geise and, 44:58. 

Cyperus inflexus Muhl., Status of, 44:51. 

Cyperus lanceolatus Poir., 44:83. 

Cyperus mesochorus Geise and C. Houghtonii 
var. uberior Kiikenthal, 44:58. 

Cyperus microiria on Long Island, 42:196. 

Cyperus Nashii Britton, 44:63. 

Cyperus oxylepis in the United States and 
Mexico, 40:358. 

“ae pilosus Vahl in the United States, 

Cyperus Plankii Britton, 44:62. 

Cyperus Pollardi Britton (= C. Deeringianus 
Britton and Small) and C. Blodgettii Brit- 
ton, 44:77. 

Cyperus polystachyos, Cyperus filicinus and, 

Cyperus polystachyos var. filicinus, 42:84. 

Cyperus retrorsus and its variations, 37:152. 

Vee retrorsus var. multiflorus Kiikenth., 

Cyperus rivularis, Forms of, 44:85. 

Cyperus strigosus L. and varieties, 44:79. 

Cyperus strigosus, The variations of, 37:150. 

Cyperus subambiguus Kiikenthal, 44:58. 

Cyperus subgenus Mariscus, 44:43. 

Cyperus subuniflorus Britton), Cyperus uni- 
florus T. and H. (=, 44:59. 

Cyperus uniflorus T. and H. (= C. subuni- 
florus Britton), 44:59. 

Cyperus virens Michx., The identity of, 47: 

Cypripedium acaule, A teratological specimen 
of, 15:73; 35:203. 

Cypripedium arietinum in Massachusetts, An- 
other station for, 31:223. 

Cypripedium arietinum on Mt. Toby, Massa- 
chusetts, 4:62. 

Cypripedium Calceolus L., var. parviflorum 
(Salisb.) comb. nov., 48:4. 

Cypripedium hybrid, A new, 34:239. 

Cypripedium hybrid from Wisconsin, A natu- 
ral, 34:97. 

Cypripedium reginae in New Hampshire, 27: 

Cypripedium spectabile in Vermont, Some 
cases of poisoning by, 4:94 

Cypripediums, Some notes on our Yellow, 

Cystopteris fragilis, A new North American 
variety of, 28:129. 

Cystopteris fragilis and some old ones, A new 
variety of, 37:373. 

Cytological basis for specific segregation in 
the Sedum Nevii complex, 44:10. 

Cytology of Sebacina globospora n. sp., Ob- 
servations on the, 37:121. 

Cytology of the Entomophthoraceae; Prelimi- 
nary communication, Contributions to the, 

Dactylina arctica in the United States, 39: 

Dalea, Petalostemum oreophilum, a species 
of, 49:163. 


Dalibarda repens near Boston, 6:227. 

Dartas, EMMA L.—( and Bunaiw, C. A.), 
[Among the Mushrooms], Review of, 3: 

Dame, Lorin Low 

[Herbarium of], 3:220 

[Handbook of the Trees of New Eng- 
land], Review of, 4:40-41. 

[Notice of death], 5:76. 

[Biographical notice of], 5:121-123 (with 

DanrortH, C. H—A dimorphism in Tiarella 
cordifolia, 13:192-193. 

Danthonia, Notes on, 45:239. 

Daphne, A new station for, 25:45. 

Daphne Mezereum in Vermont, 2:142. 

the Wild and Cultivated Plants], Review 
of, 15:19-20. 

Dartmouth College, [Herbarium of], 3:220. 

Date-palm as a ruderal plant in Massachu- 
setts, The, 29:51. 

Datura meteloides, Taxonomic history of 
perennial southwestern, 46:317. 

Datura Stramonium L., var. inermis (Juss.) 
comb. nov., 40:184. 

Daucus Carota, An unusual, 21:70. 

Daucus Carota, Another exceptional speci- 
men of, 21:147. 


Recollections of Charles Christopher 
Frost, 6:25-27 (with portrait). 

The apetalous form of Arenaria groen- 
landica on Mt. Mansfield, 8:114. 


Ferns of Maranacook, Maine, 1:218-220. 

To Fern collectors, 2:212. 

Dicksonia pilosiuscula, var. cristata, 2: 

A plumose variety of the Ebony Spleen- 
wort, 3:1-3, pl. 22. 

[Herbarium of], 3:220. 

Miscellaneous notes on New England 
Ferns and allies, 3:223-225; —II, 3: 

The *American Fern Book" or *Our 
Ferns in their Haunts," [Review], 3: 

Miscellaneous notes on New England 
Ferns, —III, 4:7-13; —IV, 4:49-55; 
—V, 4:157-166; —VI, 6:31-33. 

The death of William Wendte, 6:209-210. 

A hybrid Asplenium new to the flora of 
Vermont, 8:12-15. 

[Life and writings of], 10:1-9 (with por- 

[Another Fern herbarium], 26:49-55. 

Davis, AMY M.—A white-leaved Hemlock in 
Vermont, 19:273. 

Davis, Braptey M—(Bercen, J. Y. and 
——), [Principles of Botany], Review of, 

Davis, Cuartes A.—The occurrence of Eleo- 
charis diandra at Brunswick, Maine, 4:1-2. 

Davis, Heren Burns—[Life and work of 
Cyrus Guernsey Pringle], Review of, 38: 


Davis, Ray J.—Geum triflorum Pursh, 44: 
Davis, Simon—Some fleshy Fungi of Stow, 
Massachusetts, 13:57-66; —II, 16:45-52. 
Day, Mary ANNA 
The local floras of New England, 1:111- 
120, 138—142, 158, 174-178, 194-196, 208— 
Plants from the eastern slope of Mt. 
Equinox, 1:220-222. 
The local floras of New England (ad- 
denda), 2:73-74 
The herbaria of New England, 3:67-71, 
260—208, 219-222, 240—244, 255-262, 281- 
283, 285-288. 
Juncus effusus, var. compactus in New 
Hampshire, 6:211. 
[Check-list of Gray's Manual], Review 
of, 10:196. 
Botanical writings of the late Alvah Au- 
gustus Eaton, 10:211-214. 
Reprint of a rare old book on American 
plants, [Review], 18:203-204. 
Dates of Eaton's Ferns of North Amer- 
ica, 20:74—75. 
[Obituary notice of], 26:41-47 (with por- 
Day Mountain, Franklin County, Maine, 
Notes on the flora of, 6:206. 
Dayton, WILLIAM A. 
M dn (Filaree) “Seed,” 39:233-235, 1 

Selenia dissecta in New Mexico, 41:189- 
Aster Kumlieni; a correction, 42:197-198. 
An untenable generic name in Acantha- 
ceae, 47:261—263. 
Juglans nigra oblonga in Missouri, 50:147. 
DDT in the preparation of botanical speci- 
mens, The use of, 49:286. 
Dream, CHARLES C. 
[The Trees of Indiana], Review of, 21: 
188-191; 23:179-180. ` 
[Shrubs of Indiana], Review of, 27:15-16. 
[Grasses of Indiana], Review of, 32:117- 

[Flora of Indiana], Review of, 43:75-76. 
Dean, H. L.—Host plants of Cuscuta Gro- 
novii, 36:372. 
A prolific Fringed Gentian, 1:11. 
The herbarium of the New England Bo- 
tanical Club, 1:56-57. 
Preliminary lists of New England plants, 
—]. Ericaceae, 1:93-94. 
Kalmia latifolia in Vermont, 1:136. 
Preliminary lists of New England plants, 
—II. Umbelliferae, 1:159—160. 
Notes on the Ericaceae of New England, 
Notes on the Umbelliferae of New Eng- 
land, 3:209-213. 
[Herbarium of], 3:220. 
Albino fruit of Vaccinium in New Eng- 
land, 3:263-266. 
The Cyclopedia of American Horticul- 
ture, [Review], 4:108-110. 


Calluna vulgaris in southern New Hamp- 
shire, 4:200. 

Remarkable persistence of the Button- 
bush, 4:243—244. 

Gaylussacia dumosa and frondosa in New 
Hampshire :—a correction, 5:276-277. 
Preliminary lists of New England plants, 

—XVI, 6:151-161. 
N pd on Hydrophyllum canadense, 6:184- 

Some teratological forms of Trillium un- 
dulatum, 10:21-24. 

(KNowrroN, C. H., CusuMaNw, J. A., — 
and Harrison, A. K.), Reports on the 
flora of the Boston district, —II, 10:59— 
64; —III, 10:128-131. 

Further notes on the Button-bush, 10: 

More teratological forms of Trillium un- 
dulatum, 10:214—216. 

Notes from Shelburne, New Hampshire, 

(KNowrrow, C. H., Cusuman, J. A., —— 
and Harrison, A. K.), Reports on the 
flora of the Boston district, —IV, 11: 
75-80; —V, 11:204—209. 

Matricaria inodora, var. salina in Massa- 
chusetts, 11:239—240. 

(KNowrrow, C. H. CusuMaw, J. A., —— 
and Harrison, A. K.), Reports on the 
or. of the Boston district, —VI, 12: 

Zannichellia palustris, an additional rec- 
ord, 12:12. 

Euphorbia Cyparissias in fruit, 12:57—66. 

(KNowrrowN, C. H., CusuMaw, J. A., —— 
and Harrison, A. K.), Reports on the 
flora of the Boston district, —VII, 12: 

A fourth Pinus rigida for Coos County, 
New Hampshire, 12:99. 

Some facts relating to Silene antirrhina, 

Teratology in Trillium, 12:163-166. 

Pogonia trianthophora in Holderness, 
New Hampshire, 12:206. 

Note on Desmodium canescens and Hyo- 
scyamus niger, 12:214-215. 

Davis Pearce Penhallow, 13:1-4. 

(Know tron, C. H., CUSHMAN, J. A., —— 
and Harrison, A. K.), Reports on the 
flora of the Boston district, —VIII, 13: 

A correction regarding Professor Pen- 
hallow, 13:56. 

The recent treatment of Panicum com- 
pared with that in Gray’s Manual, 

(Know tton, C. H., Cusuman, J. A., — 
and Harrison, A. K.), Reports on the 
flora of the Boston district, —IX, 13: 
72-73; —X, 13:82-85; —XI, 13:104-105. 

Teratology in Trillium ovatum Pursh, 
13:189-191, pl. 92. 

(Knowtton, C. H., CUSHMAN, J. A., — 
and Harrison, A. K.), Reports on the 

flora of the Boston district, —XII, 13: 
232-235; —XIII, 13:248-251. 

Linum catharticum in Maine, 14:56. 

(Know.ton, C. H., CUSHMAN, J. A. and 
—), Reports on the flora of the Bos- 
ton district,— XIV, 14:76-78. 

Festuca ovina L., var. duriuscula (L.) 
Koch in Shelburne, New Hampshire, 

(Know ton, C. H., Brage, S. F., Cusn- 
MAN, J. A. and ——), Reports on the 
flora of the Boston district, —XV, 14: 

A further note on Euphorbia Cyparissias 
in fruit, 14:193-196. 

The pink-flowered form of Lupinus per- 
ennis, 14:237-238. 

(KNowrroN, C. H., Blare, S. F., CusH- 
MAN, J. A. and ——), Reports on the 
flora of the Boston district. —XVI, 15: 

(KNowrroN, C. H. Brage, S. F. and 
———), Reports on the flora of the Bos- 
ton district, —XVII, 15:122-132; 
—XVIII, 15:144-151. 

William Whitman Bailey, 16:97-101. 

(Know tton, C. H. and ——), Reports on 
the flora of the Boston district, —XIX, 

Maria L. Owen, 16:153-160 (with por- 

A correction concerning Sagittaria teres 
Watson and Potamogeton lucens L., 

(Know ton, C. H. and ——), Reports on 
the flora of the Boston district, —XX, 
17:169-180; —XXI, 17:202-203. 

Floral changes in a salt marsh during 
reclamation, 17 :205—222. 

(KNowrrox, C. H. and ——), Reports on 
the flora of the Boston district, —X XII, 
18:86-90; — XXIII, 18:165-168; 
—XXIV, 18:213-221; —XXV, 18:248- 
252; —XXVI, 20:15-18; —X XVII, 20: 
55-59; —XXVIII, 20:164-171; 
—XXIX, 20:208—209. 

Amsinckia in New England, 21:38-40. 

(KNowrrox, C. H. and ——), Reports on 
the flora of the Boston district, —X X X, 
21:78-83; —XXXI, 21:125-128; 
—XXXII, 22:72-75. 

(—— and Frrnatp, M. L.), A new albino 
Raspberry, 22:112. 

(Know ton, C. H. and ——), Reports on 
the flora of the Boston district, 
—XXXIII, 22:123-127; —XXXIV, 23: 
113-118; —XXXV, 24:902-95; 
—XXXVI, 24:152-156. 

Vaccinium atrococcum, forma leucoccum, 
a correction, 24:228. 

(Know ton, C. H. and ——), Reports on 
the flora of the Boston district, 
—XXXVII, 24:231-236; —XXXVIII, 
25:25-31; —XX XIX, 25:37-43; —XL, 
25:60-67; —XLI, 25:185-187; —XLII, 
26:13-19; —XLIII, 26:34—36; —XLIV, 


26: 55-60; —XLV, 26:82-88; —XLVI, 
26:107-111; —XLVII, 26:130-132; 
—XLVIII, 26:149-152; —XLIX, 26: 

Further notes on changes in a salt marsh 
during reclamation, 28:37-40. 

Suaeda maritima, a correction, 28:156. 

(CnuvungcnuiLL, J. R., , Grice, F. W. 
Know.ton, C. H., PzasE, A. S., SAN- 
rorp, S. N. F. and Smirn, L. B.), Re- 
ports on the flora of Massachusetts, 

—], 30:12-19. 
[Biographical sketch], 35:69-80 (with 

DzgAnpEN, ELizBETH R.—Penikese Island 

Fungi, 50:285. 

Delaware and the Eastern Shore, Flora of, 
[Review], 49:164. 

Delaware, Leucojum aestivum in, 24:144. 

Delaware, Some noteworthy plants recently 
found in the coastal plain of Maryland 
and, 41:111. 

Delphinium Ajacis, A white form of, 27:139. 

Delphinium Ajacis, Delphinium Consolida in 
America with a consideration of the status 
of, 18:169. 

Delphinium Consolida in America with a con- 
sideration of the status of D. Ajacis, 18: 

Delphinium newtonianum, a new species from 
the Arkansas Ozarks, 41:193. 

Delphinium, Variants in two species of, 39:20. 


Anychia canadensis in Hampshire Coun- 
ty, Massachusetts, 36:58-59. 

(WrrMonE, R. H. and ), The Aster 
novae-angliae, Aster amethystinus, As- 
ter multiflorus complex, 41:190—192. 

Dendrium, Leiophyllum versus, 29:225. 

Denstow, W. W.—[Herbarium of], 3:257. 

Dentaria maxima, A new station for, 5:168. 

Dentarias of Connecticut, The, 5:213. 

Deschampsia, A new species of, 45:414. 

Desmid flora of New England, Notes on the, 
—I, 37:22; —II, 37:113. 

Desmid flora of New Hampshire, A contri- 
bution to the, 7:111, 251. 

Desmids found in Carver's Pond, Bridgewater, 
Massachusetts, List of, 5:79. 

Desmids from Cape Cod and the Elizabeth 
Islands, 37:113. 

Desmids, Notes on New England, —I, 5:221; 
II, 5:252. 

Desmids of Connecticut, A preliminary report 
on the, 24:213, 236. 

Desmids of Connecticut, Supplementary re- 
port on, 26:203. 

Desmids under pathologic conditions, Di- 
vision in, 6:234. 

Desmodium, A singular variation in, 39:98. 

Desmodium canescens and Hyoscyamus niger, 
Note on, 12:214. 

Desmodium from Virginia, A white-flowered, 
49 :299. 

Desmodium glabellum in northeastern Con- 
necticut, 35:38. 


Desmodium glutinosum, 44:279. 

Desmodium, Some forms of, 38:189. 


A note on phycological nomenclature, 
40 :27. 

[Diagnoses algarum novarum post Syl- 
loges editionem descripta, —I. Myxo- 
phyceae], Review of, 39:474. 

Dewey, Cuester—[ Herbarium of], 3:69, 221. 

Dewey, Lyster H.—Identity of Prickly Let- 
tuce, 7:9-12. 

Diarrhena festucoides, 34:204. 

Diarrhena festucoides again, 35:39. 

Diatoms, Additional lists of Connecticut, 10: 

Diatoms, The flora of Penikese fifty years 
after, —, 26:191, 215. 

Diatoms with some account of their distribu- 
tion in certain parts of the state, A partial 
list of Connecticut, 9:125. 

Dicentra eximia in Vermont, 48:272. 

Dichromena latifolia in Virginia? Is, 49:124. 

Dicksonia pilosiuscula forma schizophylla in 
Vermont, 7:99. 

Dicksonia punctilobula forma cristata, A cor- 
rection concerning, 15:204. 

Dicliptera brachiata, Two varieties of, 43 :287. 

Dicranoweisia crispula in the White Moun- 
tains, 21:207. 

Dictyosiphon, The New England species of, 

Diervilla Lonicera, A pilose variety of, 42:144. 

Disi Flower color of the American, 

Digitalis lanata in New England, Amaranth- 
us Powellii and, 20:203. 

Digitaria and Paspalum, Some transfers in, 
36 :19. 

Digitaria from New Hampshire, A new, 22: 

Digitaria, The grass genus, 30:49. 

Digitaria, The validity of the grass genus, 

Dilepyrum, Concerning, 29:246. 

Dilepyrum, The case of the grass genus, 29: 

Diodia, Notes on, 39:306. 

Diodia teres, The varieties of, 39:306. 

Diodia virginiana, The varieties of, 39:308. 

Dioscorea, Notes on the flora of Tennessee, 
—, 86:344. 

Dioscoreae of the United States, Bartlett’s, 
[Review], 13:34. 

Dirca palustris, The fruit of, 45:117. 

Disease of Eelgrass, Environmental factors 
and the wasting, 41:260. 

Dissemination by ants, Carunculate seed, 45: 

Dissemination by ants of the seeds of Blood- 
root, Sanguinaria canadensis, The, 44:13. 
Dissemination by ants of the seeds of Trillium 
grandiflorum, 42:194; -——Observations in 
1940 on the, 43:206. 

Distichlis, Notes on, 27:67. 

Distichlis spicata in Australia, 47:148. 


Distichlis spicata in the central interior of 
the United States, The first recorded oc- 
currence of, 42:22. 

Distribution and affinities of the vegetation 
of the Athabasca-Great Slave region, The, 

Distribution and host plants of Arceuthobium 
pusillum, Further notes upon the, 2:9. 

Distribution and hybrid origin of xSolidago 
asperula, Notes on the, 39:22. 

Distribution, Continental drift and plant, 
[Review], 46:249. 

Distribution notes concerning certain plants 
of Glacier National Park, Montana, 36: 
305; —II, 41:504. 

Distribution of American Cranberries, The 
variations and, 4:231. 

Distribution of Arceuthobium pusillum, The 
peculiar aspects of the New England, 33:92. 

Distribution of certain trees and shrubs in 
western Connecticut, The, 2:34. 

Distribution of Chrysosplenium iowense, Stud- 
ies in Chrysosplenium, with special refer- 
ence to the taxonomic status and, 49:25. 

Distribution of Cyperus distinctus Steud., The 
status and, 41:131. 

Distribution of Ilex opaca and Ilex glabra, 
New England, 16:163. 

Distribution of Iris versicolor in relation to 
the post-glacial Great Lakes, The, 35:154. 

Distribution of maritime plants, —I. Effects 
of post-Pleistocene marine submergence in 
eastern North America, Studies on interior, 
29:41, 57, 87, 105. 

Distribution of Najas in northeastern Amer- 
ica, Notes on the, 25:105. 

Distribution of Red Cedar in eastern Massa- 
chusetts, The, 49:172. 

Distribution of some Cyperaceae in North 
and South America, Status and, 44:43, 77. 

Distribution of some of the rarer plants of 
central Massachusetts, Notes on the, 2:119. 

Distribution of Sorocarpus, On the, 35:347. 

Distribution of the Bilberries in New Eng- 
land, The, 2:187. 

Distribution of the eastern North American 
species of Lobelia, Studies in the taxonomy 
and, 38:241, 276, 305, 346. 

Distributional notes and some minor forms 
from Oklahoma, 50:91. 

Distributional notes on certain aquatic Utri- 
cularias in Quebec, 42:52. 

District of Columbia and vicinity, Cladonia 
in the, 33:145. 

District of Columbia and vicinity, The Vio- 
lets and Violet hybrids of the, 8:117. 


Rediscovery of Podostemon ceratophyllus 
in Vermont, 9:220. 

Tetraplodon australis in Massachusetts, 

Dodecatheon, An aberrant, 39:319. 

Doper, CangRoLL W. 

The third edition of Grout’s Mosses with 
a Hand-lens, [Review], 27:35-36. 


Lichens of the Gaspé Peninsula, Quebec, 
28:157—161, 205-207, 225-232. 
Hygrophorus constans of central Europe, 
29 : 238-239. 
Dong, W. G. 
pb. infection in Poa, 44:246-247, 
3 figs. 
(Rouanp, A. E. and ), Notes on the 
flora of Nova Scotia, —III, 44: 334. 
White-flowered form of Asclepias syriaca, 
46: 387—388. 
Dormancy of Seeds, [Review], 40:324. 
Dorv, MaxwkrrL S.—Penikese Island Marine 
Algae, 50:253—269. 
Double flowers in the wild Swamp Blueberry, 
Vaccinium corymbosum, 36:233. 
Double-flowered form of Gillenia trifoliata, 
A, 45:215. 
Double-headed generic names, 26:229. 
Dover, Massachusetts, Spiranthes in, 20:111. 
Draba aprica in the Ozarks of southeastern 
Missouri, 42:32. 
Draba aurea in Rimouski County, Quebec, 
Draba borealis in eastern America, 7:207. 
Draba incana and its allies in northeastern 
America, 7:61. 
Draba in temperate northeastern America, 
36:241, 285, 314, 353, 392. 
Draba ruaxes, A range extension of, 37:32. 
Dracocephalum thymiflorum, a casual plant 
at Westford, Massachusetts, 13:212. 
Drew, K. M. 
Notes from the Woods Hole Laboratory, 
1938, 30:194—196. 
(—— and Hor, A. C.), Trailiella intricata 
Batters, 30: 196—197, fig. 5. 
A range extension of Draba ruaxes, 37:32. 
A new Arenaria from Alaska, 37: 225-226. 
The North American representatives of 
Ranunculus § Batrachium, 37:1-47, pl. 
406. (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. CX). 
Spring Flora of Missouri, [Review], 42: 
Some new records of Spermatophytes 
from. Missouri, 44:248. 
Dniacs, A. W. 
[Notes on the Flora of Hartford, Litch- 
field and Tolland Counties, Connecti- 
cut], Review of, 2:226. 
Botrychium matricariaefolium in Con- 
necticut, 3:36. 
Noteworthy Panicums in Connecticut, 
A luxuriant growth of Juniper, 3:254. 
Notes on the flora of Connecticut, 4: 
The Connecticut flora at the St. Louis 
Exposition, 6:180. 
Drosera, Adventitious plants of, 1:206. 
Drosera filiformis, An easy method of propa- 
gating, 1:172. 
Drosera intermedia, Reversionary stages ex- 
perimentally induced in, 5:265. 


Drosera intermedia, var. americana, An un- 
usual form of, 2:70. 

at rotundifolia, A peculiar variety of, 


Drosera rotundifolia var. comosa in Con- 
necticut, 33:144. 

Drovet, FRANCIS 

Notes on the flora of Columbia, Missouri, 
35 :359-364. 

(JEFFREY, L. and ), The Grass flora 
of Columbia, Missouri, 36:415-417. 

Additional notes on the flora of Colum- 
bia, Missouri, 37:189-196. 

Notes on the flora of Columbia, Missouri, 
—III, 38: 191-195. 

Three American Oscillatoriaceae, 39:277- 
280, 3 figs. 

Coccomyxa in the United States, 39:366. 

A supplement to De Toni's Sylloge, [Re- 
view], 39:424. 

Some Myxophyceae from Nantucket 
Island, Massachusetts, 40:74-76. 

The Oscillatoriaceae of southern Massa- 
chusetts, 40:221-241, 255-273. 

Taylor’s Marine Algae, [Review], 40: 

(Hasees, H. and ——), A list of fresh- 
water Algae from New Brunswick, 

Druce, GrorcE CranmaoE— The Comital Flora 
of the British Isles, [Review of], 34: 191- 

Dryas from New Hampshire, Pursh's report 
of, 5:281. 

Drying plants, Notes on, 49:220. 

Dryopteris Filix-mas in Vermont, Further in- 
formation regarding the occurrence of, 9:27. 

Dryopteris, Internal glandular hairs in, 22:89. 

Dryopteris spinulosa var. dilatata, The North 
American representatives of, 17:44. 

Duck Island, Maine, The maritime flora of 
the Great, 2:209. 

Duck Islands, Maine, Plants from the, 2:207. 

Dukes County, Massachusetts, Tipularia dis- 
color in, 32:114. 

Duman, MaxiMILIAN—(O'N giLL, H. and 
——), A new species of Carex and notes 
on this genus in arctic America, 43: 413- 
425, pl. 669. 

Dumontia filiformis on the New England 
coast, 25:33. 

Dumontia in Maine, 35:315. 

Duncan, Witspur H.—A new species of Bap- 
tisia, 46:29-31, 5 figs. 


Polytrichum gracile Dicks. in Maine, 9:64. 

[How to know the Mosses], Review of, 

Durrer, H.—[Etudes sur les mousses de la 
région de Montréal], Review of, 37:166—167. 

Durham, New Hampshire, Lilium superbum 
and other isolated species in, 46:21. 

DumiL.LY, ARTHEME—(HaGLUND, G., —Intro- 
duction by ——), Taraxacum in arctic Can- 
ada (east of 1009 W.), 45:337—343. 


Duxbury, Massachusetts, Further notes on the 
flora of, 14:90. 

Duxbury, Massachusetts, Notes on the flora 
of, 14:18. 

Dwarf Antennarias of northeastern America, 
The, 26:95. 

Dwarf Mistletoe and other plants new to New 
Jersey, 33:101. 

Dwarf Mistletoe at Bradford, Vermont, The, 

Dwarf Mistletoe in Connecticut, 5:202. 

Dwarf Mistletoe in New England, The, 2:1. 

Dwarf Mistletoe, New station for the, 2:221. 

Dwarf Mistletoe on the southeastern coast of 
Maine, The, 9:208. 

Dwarf Mistletoe on White Pine, 37:268. 

Dwarf Raspberry, A pubescent variety of the, 

Dwarf Shadbush, A Nova Scotian, 50:49. 

Dwarf Trillium of southeastern Virginia, The, 
45 :396. 

Dvar, SARAH C. 

A key to the species of Oaks of eastern 
North America based on foliage and 
twig characters, 38 :53-63. 

Valerianella in North America, 40:185- 
212, pls. 492-494. 

Additional notes on the Valerianellas of 
North America, 40 :465—-467. 

Valerianella, a correction, 41:80. 

Dyssodia from Texas, A new, 49:161. 

(FERNALD, M. L. and ——), Preliminary 
lists of New England plants, —XX. 
Sparganiaceae, 9:86—90. 

Sparganium diversifolium var. acaule in 
Massachusetts, 10:56. 

Two plants new to Massachusetts, 12: 

Stump-healing in Pinus Strobus, 13:253. 

Regarding Viola pedata, forma rosea, 14: 

(—— and Wircanp, K. M.), Variations 
in Trillium cernuum, 25:189-191. 

Eames, Epwarp A.—An unusual form of 
Habenaria clavellata, 23:126-127, pl. 131. 
Eames, EpwiN H. 

Callitriche Austini in southwestern Con- 
necticut, 3:89-90. 

[Herbarium of], 3:221. 

Organization of the Connecticut Botani- 
cal Society, 5:74—75. 

The Dwarf Mistletoe in Connecticut, 5: 

The Dentarias of Connecticut, 5:213—219. 

A new variety of Scirpus Olneyi, 9:220. 

Notes upon the flora of Newfoundland, 

(Graves, C. B, ——, Bissett, C. H, 
AwpREWS, L., Harcer, E. B. and 
WeatHersy, C. A.), [Catalogue of the 
Flowering Plants and Ferns of Con- 
necticut growing without cultivation], 
Review of, 12:131-132. 

Scirpus occidentalis and Aster ptarmi- 
coides in Connecticut, 16:19—20. 


Some varieties and forms of Connecticut 
plants, 18:239—240. 

(Harcer, E. B., Graves, C. B., — BrissELL, 
C. H., Anprews, L., and WEATHERBY, 
C. A.), Additions to the flora of Con- 
necticut, 19:105—110, 119—130, 224—232, 

Another exceptional specimen of Daucus 
Carota, 21:147—148. 

(HanaER, E. B., Graves, C. B., ——, Bis- 
SELL, C. H. and WeatHersy, C. A.), Ad- 
ditions to the flora of Connecticut, Se- 
ries 2, 24:111-121. 

Pogonia affinis in Maine, 28:31-34. 

xr niega hispida in Connecticut, 28:46- 

edd concolor, 32:140—142. 

Further additions to the Connecticut 
flora, 33:167-170. 

A new Ludvigia from New England, 35: 

Lepidium latifolium in Connecticut, 37: 

East Andover, New Hampshire, Subularia at, 

Easr, E. M.—The mutation factor in evolu- 
tion with particular reference to Oenothera, 
[Review], 17:235-237. 

Eastern America, Achillea sibirica in, 31:219. 

Eastern America, An Osmorrhiza new to, 4: 

Eastern America, Anaphalis margaritacea var. 
occidentalis in, 7:156. 

Eastern America, Axyris amarantoides in, 29: 

Eastern America, Braya in boreal, 50:1. 

Eastern America, Cornus canadensis var. in- 
termedia in, 13:107. 

Eastern America, Draba borealis in, 7: 267. 

Eastern America, Four Grasses of, 31:44. 

Eastern America, Hemicarpha in, 4:82. 

Eastern America, New or recently restudied 
plants of, 26:122. 

Eastern America, Plants new to, 4:60. 

Eastern America, Salicornia europaea and its 
representatives in, 9:204. 

Eastern America, Setaria Faberi in, 46:57. 

Eastern America, Some new Willows of, 9:221. 

Eastern America, Sparganium multipeduncu- 
latum in, 27:190. 

Eastern America, Symphoricarpos racemosus 
and its varieties in, 7:164. 

Eastern America, Taraxacum in, 35:369. 

Eastern America, The allies of Festuca ovina 
in, 37:250. 

Eastern America, The genus Streptopus in, 

Eastern America, The identities of the Sand 
Cherries of, 15:69. 

Eastern America, The representatives of Po- 
tentilla Anserina in, 11:1. 

Eastern America, The representatives of Ru- 
mex salicifolius in, 10:17. 

Eastern America, The representatives of 
Trisetum spicatum in, 18:195. 


Eastern America, The variations of Lathyrus 
palustris in, 13:47. 

Eastern America, The variations of Lonicera 
caerulea in, 12:209. 

Eee America, Two new Epilobiums of, 

Eastern American allies, Ranunculus aborti- 
vus and its, 40:416. 

Eastern American forms of Senecio, Some, 
30 :224. 

Eastern American Luzula, Notes on, 47:265. 

Eastern American occurrence of Athyrium 
alpestre, The, 30:44. 

Eastern American representative, Coptis tri- 
folia and its, 31:136. 

Eastern American representatives of Arnica 
alpina, The, 26:103. 

Eastern American segregate of Eleocharis 
pauciflora, The, 36:377. 

Eastern American species of Bromus, Notes 
on some, 24:89. 

Eastern American species of Iris, Two, 49:210. 

Eastern American varieties of Rorippa island- 
ica, 42:267. 

Eastern American variety of Polystichum 
Braunii, The, 30:28. 

Eastern North America and the Old World, 
Specific segregations and identities in some 
floras of, 33:25 

Eastern North America based on foliage and 
twig characters, A key to the species of 
Oaks of, 38:53. 

Eastern North America, Agropyron § Gou- 
larda in, 35:161. 

Eastern North America, Forms of Ophioglos- 
sum vulgatum in, 15:86. 

Eastern North America, Notes on Betula in, 
47 :303. 

Eastern North America, On Houttyn's over- 
looked binomials for native or introduced 
plants in, 40:288. 

Eastern North America, Overlooked species, 
transfers and novelties in the flora of, 46: 
1, 32. 

Eastern North America, Pilea in, 38:169. 

Eastern North America, Ribes vulgare and 
its indigenous representatives in, 9:1. 

Eastern North America, Senecio aureus and 
its geographic varieties and allies in, 45:495. 

Eastern North America, Some anomalous spe- 
cies and varieties of Bidens in, 17:20. 

Eastern North America, Some little known 
Cyperaceae of, 8:126, 161, 181, 200. 

Eastern North America, Some new or critical 
plants of, 19:152. 

Eastern North America, Some new species 
and varieties of Poa from, 20:122. 

Eastern North America, Some species and va- 
rieties of Elymus in, 20:81. 

Eastern North America, Some spermato- 
phytes of, 42:239, 281. 

Eastern North America, Studies on interior 
distribution of maritime plants, —I. Effects 
of post-Pleistocene marine submergence in, 
29:41, 57, 87, 105. 

Eastern North America, Taraxacum in, 35:369. 


Eastern North America, The Ancylatheran 
Calamagrostis of, 46:285. 

Eastern North America, The genus Amel- 
anchier in, 14:117. 

Eastern North America, The genus Elatine 
in, 19:10. 

Eastern North America, The genus Puccinel- 
lia in, 18:1. 

Eastern North America, The genus Ruppia in, 

Eastern North America, The group of Aca- 
lypha virginica in, 29:193. 

Eastern North American flowers as exempli- 
fied by Hepatica acutiloba, Color variation 
in, 38:301. 

Eastern North American representatives of 
Alnus incana, 47:333. 

Eastern North American species of Lobelia, 
Studies in the taxonomy and distribution 
of the, 38:241, 276, 305, 346. 

Eastern Shore, Flora of Delaware and the, 
[Review], 49:164. 

EasrMAN's—[New England Ferns and their 
common Allies], Review of, 6:211—212. 


Parietaria debilis in New Hampshire, 

A few additions to the New Hampshire 
flora, 2:167—168. 

[Herbarium of], 3:221. 

An interesting form of Leersia oryzoides, 

Additional notes on Botrychium tene- 
brosum, 5:274—276, pl. 48. 

Three new varieties of Isoetes, 5:277-280. 

Note on Equisetum pratense, 6:92. 

Nomenclatorial changes in Isoetes, 10:42. 

Notes on Isoetaceae, 10:61. 

[In Memoriam], 10:209-211. 

[Botanical writings of the late], 10: 

[Herbarium of], 3:287. 
[Note on], 26:52. 

he herbarium], 48:201—205. 
[A note on herbarium], 39: 

Eaton, LILLIAN O. 
Orchids of Chesterville, Maine, 5:82-83. 
Notes on plants of Chesterville, Maine, 9: 
Additional notes on the plants of Chester- 
ville, Maine, 11:30-31. 
Eaton, Ricuarp J. 
Exceptionally large Quercus ilicifolia, 30: 

Exceptional dimensions in Corydalis sem- 
pervirens, 30:36. 

The present status of Magnolia virginiana 
in Massachusetts, 30:207—208. 

Hydrangea paniculata naturalized in 
Massachusetts, 31:18-19. 

Propagation by seed in Hydrangea, 31: 

Color variation in Gentiana linearis, 32: 


Tripsacum dactyloides in Massachusetts, 
Cuscuta Polygonorum in New England, 

The peculiar aspects of the New England 
distribution of Arceuthobium pusillum, 
33:92—101, 4 maps. 

Notes on Lycopodium inundatum and its 
allies in the Western Hemisphere, —I. A 
new variety of Lycopodium inundatum, 

33 : 201-203. 

(Griscom, L. and ——), The variations of 
Aster foliaceus in New England, 34:13- 

(—— and Griscom, L.), A few noteworthy 
plants from southern Vermont, 34:31- 

Panicum virgatum L., var. cubense 
Griseb. (or var. obtusum Wood?) in 
Plymouth County, Massachusetts, 34: 

The status of two introductions by Minot 
Pratt at Concord, Massachusetts: 
Camptosorus rhizophyllus and Helen- 
ium autumnale, 34:172-173. 

Another Massachusetts station for Cal- 
luna vulgaris, 35:294. 

(—— GniscoM, L.), Potamogeton panor- 
mitanus in the Sudbury River, 36: 

The waning of Arceuthobium at Concord, 
Massachusetts, 37 :413-414. 

Some adventitious plants in Concord, 
Massachusetts, 38:64—67. 

Another New Hampshire station for Rho- 
dodendron maximum, 40:461. 

The persistence of Opuntia humifusa in 
Concord, Massachusetts, 40:486—487. 

Wolffia columbiana in Concord, Massa- 
chusetts, 41:42—43. 

Dicentra eximia in Vermont, 48: 272-273. 

Lemna minor as an aggressive weed in 
the Sudbury River, 49:165-171. 

Eaton's Ferns of North America, A suppressed 
plate in, 35: 260. 

Eaton's Ferns of North America, Dates of, 20: 

Eatonia pubescens. An extension of range of, 

Ebony Spleenwort, A plumose variety of the, 

Echinacea, Notes on, 2:84. 

Echinacea from Missouri, Two albino forms 
of, 44:150. 

Echinocereus angusticeps, a new species from 
the lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas, 37:77. 

Echinochloa in North America, The genus, 

Echinodorus parvulus, The generic position of, 

Echinodorus parvulus, Observations on, 5:83. 

Echinodorus tenellus, a correction, 40:27. 

Eclipta alba in Massachusetts, 7:173. 

Economic Botany, Walker Prize in, [Notice], 

Economic botany, The romance of, [Review], 


Economic Plants, [Review], 37:31. 

Ectocarpus granulosus, On, 39:50. 

Ectocarpus Mitchellae Harv., var. parvus, n. 
var., 23:254. 

Ectocarpus ovatus, On, 39:148. 

eee paradoxus in New England, 35: 

Edible Plants, [Review], 45:515. 

Edible Wild Plants of Eastern North America, 
[Review], 45:515. 

Editorial, 3:283-284; 14:193. 

Editorial announcement, 1:1; 31:1; 33:65. 

EpMoNpsToN, T. W.—Solidago calcicola in 
Matane County, Quebec, 30:157. 

Eelgrass, Environmental factors and the wast- 
ing disease of, 41:260. 

Eelgrass scarcity, Past periods of, 36:261. 

Eelgrass scarcity, Further notes on past 
periods of, 37 :269. 

Eelgrass situation on the American Pacific 
coast, The, 41:257. 


Further notes upon the distribution and 
host plants of Arceuthobium pusillum, 

Hudsonia ericoides in New Hampshire, 2: 

Polymnia canadensis in Vermont, 2:70. 

Flora of Mt. Moosilauke, 2: 97-99. 

New or rare plants from Pownal, Ver- 
mont, 2:171. 

(BRAINERD, E. Jones, L. R. and ——), 
[Flora of Vermont], Review of, 3:40. 

[Herbarium of], 3:221. 

The discovery of Comandra livida and 
Lycopodium sitchense on Mt. Wash- 
ington, 4:97-98. 

The stature attained by Euphrasia Oak- 
esii, 4:108. 

Addenda to the flora of Vermont, 6:137- 

The Crataegi of the northeastern United 
States and Canada, 10:73-84. 

Crataegus viridis L. in Virginia, 12:93-94. 


The orthography of “pensylvanicus,” 43: 

The Seashore State Park, a part of Cape 
Henry, Virginia, 45:105—106. 

Enurzns, J. H. 

Panicum virgatum var. cubense in Mich- 
igan, 23:200. 

Ehrhart's Phytophylacium, The so-called gen- 
eric names of, 22: 180 

Elatine americana and E. triandra, 43:208. 

Elatine and other aquaties, Notes from the 
Herbarium of the University of Wisconsin, 
—XVII, 41:367. 

Elatine in eastern North America, The genus, 

Elatine triandra, Elatine americana and, 43: 

Elatine triandra in Wisconsin, 36: 351. 

Eleocharis, A new Chinese, 41: 559. 

Eleocharis caribaea var. dispar in Michigan, 
37 :366. 


Br mi caribaea var. dispar in Ontario, 37: 


Eleocharis diandra at Brunswick, Maine, The 
occurence of, 4:1. 

Eleocharis diandra in central New York, 2:61. 

Eleocharis diandra, The rediscovery of, 2:60. 

Eleocharis from Brazil, A new, 36:389. 

Eleocharis from Massachusetts, A new species 
of, 24:23. 

Eleocharis interstincta and E. quadrangulata, 
Tubers on the roots of, 11:29. 

Eleocharis, Monographic studies in the genus, 
31:121, 152, 167, 199, 219, 224; —II. 34:193, 
215; —III, 36:377; —IV, 39:210, 236; —V, 
41:1, 43, 90. 

Eleocharis nitida in the Lake Superior region, 
The occurrence of, 49:81. 

Eleocharis palustris in North America, The 
group of, 49:61. 

Eleocharis palustris in North America, The 
representatives of, 31:57. 

Eleocharis pauciflora, The eastern American 
segregate of, 36:377. 

ur Min quadrangulata, The validity of, 27: 

Eleocharis quadrangulata, Tubers on the roots 
of Eleocharis interstincta and 11:29. 

Eleocharis Robbinsii in New York, On the 
status of, 41:254. 

Eleocharis tuberculosa in New Hampshire, 

Elizabeth Islands, Desmids from Cape Cod 
and the, 37:113. 

Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts, The flora of 
the, 32:119, 147, 167, 208, 226, 263. 

Elliott, Notes on the Lobelias in the herbar- 
ium of Stephen, 40:175. 

Elliott's herbarium, A list of type specimens 
in, 44:249. 

Ellisia Nyctelea in Massachusetts, Juncus 
Torreyi and, 4:170. 

Ellisia, The genus, 42:33. 

Elodea in New England, The genus, 22:17. 

Elodea, On the nomenclature of, 34:114. 

ErwkELL, Levi Harry 

[Herbarium of], 3:288. 
Cypripedium arietinum on Mt. Toby, 
Massachusetts, 4:62. 

Elymus arenarius and its American represent- 
atives, 17:98. 

Elymus arenarius at Provincetown—native or 
introduced? 15:218. 

Elymus in eastern North America, Some spe- 
cies and varieties of, 20:81. 

Elymus in Minnesota, A study of, 50:80. 

Elymus, Types of some American species of, 

Elymus virginicus L., A new variety of, 39: 

Emendations to the seventh edition of Gray’s 
Manual, —I, 11:33. 

Emerton, J. H.—New England Federation of 
Natural History Societies, 13:187-188; 14: 

Empetrum in Franklin County, Maine, The 
occurrence of, 4:196. 

rm in New England, The Chilean, 4: 

Empetrum in North America, The genus, 15: 

Empetrum nigrum L., forma purpureum 
(Raf.) n. comb., 25:83. 

Entomophthoraceae, preliminary communica- 
tion, Contribution to the cytology of, 8: 

Enteromorpha crinita, Ecological polymor- 
phism in, 24:50. 

Ephedra in Texas, Notes on, 40:215. 

Epifagus virginiana in Missouri, 36:352. 

Epifagus virginiana (L.) Bart., forma pallida, 
n. f., 36:59. 

Epigaea repens forma plena in Connecticut, 

Epilobium adenocaulon, Epilobium glandu- 
losum and, 20:31. 

Epilobium alpinum and E. Hornemanni, Sta- 
tus of, 11:141. 

Epilobium alpinum and its allies in north- 
eastern America, 20:36. 

Epilobium angustifolium and E. latifolium, 
The assumed hybridization of, 20:6. 

Epilobium angustifolium and its variations, 

Epilobium ciliatum, The identities of Epilo- 
bium lineare, E. densum and, 46:377. 

Epilobium densum, An insular variety of, 20: 

Epilobium densum and E. ciliatum, The iden- 
tities of Epilobium lineare, 46:377. 

Epilobium glandulosum and E. adenocaulon, 

Epilobium Hornemanni, Status of Epilobium 
alpinum and, 11:141. 

Epilobium latifolium, The albino of, 46:251. 

Epilobium latifolium, The assumed hybridiza- 
tion of Epilobium angustifolium and, 20:6. 

Epilobium lineare, E. densum and E. ciliatum, 
The identities of, 46: 377. 

Epilobium palustre, var. longirameum, n. var., 

Epilobium paniculatum var. subulatum in 
Wisconsin, 43:335. 

Epilobium sect. Chamaenerion, American var- 
iations of, 20:1. 

Epilobium, The Sable Island, 20:30. 

Epilobium under estuarine conditions, An, 26: 

Epilobiums of eastern America, Two new, 27: 


Epilobiums of the section Lysimachion, Some 
American, 20:29. 

Epipactis Helleborine, at Stockbridge, Massa- 
chusetts, 1:52. 

Epipactis Helleborine in New Hampshire, A 
new station for, 49:60. 

Epipactis Helleborine, Notes on the flora of, 
Ontario, —I., 50:236. 

Epipactis Helleborine, The sporadic appear- 
ance of, 48:88. 

Epipactis in Vermont, Some traits of, 19:38. 

Epipactis latifolia in New Hampshire, 44:456. 

Equisetum fluviatile or E. limosum? 23:43. 


potum limosum? Equisetum fluviatile or, 

Equisetum palustre, example of careless bib- 
liography and phytography, 49:278. 

Equisetum pratense in Berkshire County, 
Massachusetts, 29:32. 

Equisetum pratense, Note on, 6:92. 

Equisetum sylvaticum, Light correlated var- 
lations of the sterile stem of, 22:165. 

Equisetum sylvaticum, The American repre- 
sentative of, 20:129. 

Equisetum Telmateia, The North American 
variety of, 49:203. 

Eragrostis Damiensiana, Eragrostis peregrina 
versus, 30:155. 

Eragrostis Frankii in Connecticut, 2:87. 

Eragrostis hypnoides and E. reptans, 28:113. 

Eragrostis of the Old World and North 
America, A new species of, 19:93. 

Eragrostis peregrina, a frequent plant about 
Philadelphia, 20:173. 

Eragrostis peregrina and its relatives, On, 

Eragrostis peregrina and its two allies, The 
specific characters of, 21:133. 

Eragrostis peregrina versus E. Damiensiana, 

Eragrostis reptans, Eragrostis hypnoides and, 

Erechtites in temperate North America, The 
genus, 19:24. 

Erechtites megalocarpa in Rhode Island, 28: 

Erechtites megalocarpa on Long Island, 41: 

Erianthus brevibarbis and other species, 45: 

Ericaceae and other reaction-sensitive fam- 
ilies in northern Vermont and New Hamp- 
shire, Soil tests of, 22:33. 

Ericaceae of New England, Notes on the, 3: 

Ericaceae of the Boston district flora, Notes 
on two, 25: 116. 

Ericaceae, Pollination of the, —Chamae- 
daphne and Xolisma, 37:157; —IV. Ledum 
and Pyrola, 38:90; —V. Gaylussacia bac- 
cata, 42:352; —VI. Vaccinium caespitosum 
on Mount Katahdin, 44:187. 

Erigeron acris in northeastern America, The 
representatives of, 12:225. 

Erigeron carolinianus a valid American spe- 
cies? Is, 46:323. 

Erigeron compositus Pursh, var. discoideus 
Gray, forma trifidus (Hook.) stat. nov., 50: 

Erigeron pusillus, a valid species, 15:205. 

Erigeron ramosus, A northern variety of, 15: 

Eriocaulon septangulare, Two new Smuts on, 

Eriogonum hemipterum, Author citation for, 
47 :92. 

Eriophorum callitrix, The identity of, 27:203. 

Eriophorum, The North American species of, 
7 :81, 129. 


American species and varieties of Rosa, 30: 

Erodium malacoides at Lawrence, Massachu- 
setts, 5:39. 

Erodium moschatum in Connecticut, 4:248. 

Erodiums at Tewksbury, Massachusetts, Two, 

EnskiNE, Davin—(—— and ScHoFIELD, W.), 
Floerkea proserpinacoides in Nova Scotia, 
50 : 283-284. 

Erucastrum Pollichii adventive in America, 

Erucastrum Pollichii in Maine, 28:88. 

Erucastrum Pollichii in West Virginia, 26: 

Erythronium americanum, A new form of, 31: 

Erythrotrichia from Woods Hole, A new, 20: 

Erysimum Pallasii (Pursh), n. comb., 27:171. 

Erysimum, The genus, 27:65. 

Erythronium mesochoreum, 39:101. 

Essex County, Massachusetts, A second sta- 
tion for Cyperus Grayii in, 14:22. 

Essex County, Massachusetts, A southern flora 
and fauna of post-Pleistocene age in, 10:42. 

Essex County, Massachusetts, Further notes 
on the Panicums of, 15:36. 

Essex County, Massachusetts, Some Panicums 
of, 14:36. 

Essex County, Massachusetts, Some uncom- 
mon Mosses in northern, 2: 95. 

Essex County Natural History Society, [Her- 
barium of], 3:260. 

Essex Institute, [Herbarium of], 3:260; Ex- 
hibition and study of Fungi at the, 7:153. 

Estuarian variety of Scirpus Smithii, An, 23: 

Estuaries, Lophotocarpus on the north-eastern 
river-, 24:71. 

Estuaries, Najas in the Virginian, 49:105. 

Estuarine Bidens from Chesapeake Bay, A 
new, 31:87. 

Estuarine Bidens of the Miramichi, The, 25: 

Estuarine conditions, An Epilobium under, 
26 :48. 

Estuarine variety of Gratiola lutea, An, 34: 

Estuarine variety of Mimulus ringens, An, 34: 

Euastrum in Massachusetts, The genus, 37: 

Euclidium syriacum in Massachusetts, 10:72. 

Eukrania and Cynoxylon, not genera of 
Rafinesque, 34: 29. 

Eupatoria, The nomenclature of the verticil- 
late, 39:297. 

Eupatorieae and Astereae, Nates on the Com- 
positae of the northeastern United States, 
— VI. Cichoreae, 50:28. 

Eupatorium, A new northern, 3:83. 

Eupatorium album, The varieties of, 39:451. 

Eupatorium hyssopifolium, Notes on, 44:458. 

Eupatorium perfoliatum, An interesting form 
of, 32:132. 


Eupatorium purpureum and its allies, 22:57. 

Eupatorium rotundifolium and allies, 37:179. 

Eupatorium rugosum, Note on the name, 43: 

Eupatoriums, Further light on our purple- 
flowered, 29:6. 

Eupatoriums, Scientific names applicable to 
our purple-flowered, 22:157. 

Euphorbia arundelana, an ally of Euphorbia 
Ipecacuanhae, 13:163. 

Euphorbia corollata at Concord, Massachu- 
setts, 3:253. 

Euphorbia Cyparissias in fruit, 12:57; A fur- 
ther note on, 14:193. 

Euphorbia Cyparissias L., Notes on, 15:43. 

Be rie Cyparissias, Station for fruiting, 

Euphorbia Cyparissias, The production of 
seed by, 38:161. 

Euphorbia dentata and Salsola collina in Min- 
nesota, 40:135. 

Euphorbia Esula as a weed in New York 
State, 32:100. 

Euphorbia from Oklahoma, À new species of, 

Euphorbia Geyeri in Indiana, 44:407. 

Euphorbia glyptosperma in Massachusetts, 

Euphorbia Ipecacuanhae, Euphorbia arundel- 
ana, an ally of, 13:163. 

Euphorbia maculata L., Application of the 
name, 48:197. 

Euphorbia, Notes on, 39:496. 

Euphorbia pilulifera in Michigan, 38:331. 

Euphorbia subgenus Chamaesyce in Canada 
and the United States exclusive of southern 
Florida, 43:97, 168, 223. 

Euphorbia, Two forms in, 50:148. 

Euphrasia canadensis in Massachusetts, 47: 

Euphraisa canadensis in Vermont, 25:84. 

Euphrasia from northwestern Canada, A new 
species of, 36:87. 

Euphrasia in North America, The genus, 17: 

Euphrasia Oakesii in Hamilton Inlet, Labra- 
dor, 28:131. 

Euphrasia Oakesi, The stature attained by, 

Euphrasias, The North American, 3:270. 


duos salina in Connecticut, 3: 

Notes on New England Hepaticae, 4:207- 

Preliminary lists of New England plants, 
—XI. Hepaticae, 5:170-173. 

Notes on New England Hepaticae, —II, 
6:165—174, 185-191, pl. 57; —III, 7:52- 
58; —IV, 8:3445; —V, 9:56-60, 65- 
73, pl. 73; —VI, 10:185-193. : 

(—— and Nicnots, G. E), [The Bryo- . 
phytes of Connecticut], Review of, 11: 

Notes on New England Hepaticae, —VII, 
11:185-195; —VIII, 12:193-204; —IX, 
14:1-18; —X, 14:209-225. 


Revised list of New England Hepaticae, 

Notes on New England Hepaticae, —XI, 
16:62-76; —XII, 17:107-120; —XIII, 
18:74-85, 103-120, 40 figs, pl. 120; 
—XIV, 19:263-272; —XV, 21:149-169, 
pl. 126; —XVI, 23:281-284; —XVII, 
25 :74—83, 89-98. 

Second revised list of New England He- 
paticae, 25:192—199. 

Notes on Connecticut Lichens, 29:95—105. 

Notes on the Cladoniae of Connecticut, 
34:121-142, 153-164; —II, 37:33-57. 

A study of five New England species of 
Scapania, 38:77-90. 

Notes on the Cladoniae of Connecticut, 
—II, 40:4-26. 

Microchemical studies on the genus Clad- 
onia, subgenus Cladina, 45:417—438. 

Evolvulus pilosus, an invalid name, 37:63. 

A review of the genus Githopsis, 41:302- 
313, pl. 555. 

Sherborn’s Guide to Natural History Col- 
lections, [Review], 46:199. 

Taxonomic history of perennial south- 
western Datura meteloides, 46:317—323, 
pl. 838. 

Juneus Mertensianus and its austrolimit- 
al segregate, J. Duranii, 47:185-191. 

Ewer, S. JUDSON 

A teratological flower of Corallorrhiza 
maculata, 31:53. 

Notes on Katahdin plants, 32:259-261. 

Exeter, Maine, Noteworthy plant at, 1:75. 

Faeroes, Flora of Iceland and the, [Review], 

Fairbanks Museum of Natural Science, [ Her- 
barium of], 3:222. 

Fairfield County, Connecticut, Rorippa am- 
phibia in, 33:192. 

Fairy-rings formed by Lycopodium inunda- 
tum, 1:28. 
Falearia Rivini, 
States, 25:12. 
Fall Dandelions of North America, The, 3:293. 
Falmouth, Massachusetts, A few noteworthy 

plants from, 32:103. 
Farrow, W. G. 
Poisoning by Agaricus illudens, 1:43-45. 
Notes on Fungi,—I, 10:9-17. 
Jane Loring Gray, 12:41—42. 
Rhododendron maximum in New Hamp- 
shire, 18:25—26. 
Montia sibirica in Massachusetts, 18:240. 
[Biographical sketch], 22:1-8 (with por- 
The Hemlock Spruce, 17:164—168. 
Range extension of Ceanothus sanguineus, 
17 :229-230. 
New ranges for old plants, 18:243—244. 
Bromelica (Thurber): a new genus of 
Grasses, 21:76-78. 

a plant new to the United 


Necessary changes in botanical nomen- 
clature, 21:101—103. 

Tsuga americana (Mill. Farwell, a final 
word, 21:108—109. 

Corrections in nomenclature, 23:86-87. 

Corallorrhiza maculata Raf., 25:31-32. 

The correct name for the Spearmint, 26: 


What is Scirpus glaucescens Willd.? 32: 

What is Scirpus capitatus Linn.? 32:180- 

Aira spicata Linn. and the application of 
the International rules, 32:261-263. 
Concerning some species of Cornus of 
Philip Miller, 33:68-72. 

Eukrania and Cynoxylon, not genera of 
Rafinesque, 34:29-30. 

Two western plants on the Keweenaw 
Peninsula, 37:164. 

The color of the flowers of Nelumbo 
pentapetala, 38:272. 

Euphorbia pililufera in Michigan, 38: 

Some western Lepidiums in Michigan, 
39 : 280-281. 

Rare plants in Michigan, 40:134-135. 

Arabis viridis var. heterophylla, 41:80. 

Contributions to the Botany of Michi- 
gan, No. 17, 42:306-308; —No. 18, 43: 

Fasciation in Lilium canadense, 44:407. 
Fassett, NORMAN C. 

An estuarian variety of Scirpus Smithii, 
28 :41-43. 

Sium suave: a new and an old form, 
23:111-113, 2 figs. 

Lophotocarpus on the north-eastern river- 
estuaries, 24:71—73, pl. 137. 

An Epilobium under estuarine conditions, 
26 :48-49. 

A study of the genus Zizania, 26:153-160. 

A new variety of Bidens heterodoxa, 26: 

Notes on the flora of Boothbay, Maine, 
27 :53—50. 

Notes on Distichlis, 27:67-72. 

Bidens Eatoni and its varieties, 27:142- 

Bidens hyperborea and its varieties, 27: 

A key to the northeastern American spe- 
cies of Bidens, 27:184—185. 
Aster puniceus L., var. firmus (Nees) T. 
f. rufescens, n. f., 27:187. 
Hioractum canadense var. ' hirtirameum i in 
northern Michigan, 28:246. 

Notes on the flora of Boothbay, Maine, 
—J]I, 29:14. 

Notes from the Herbarium of the Uni- 
versity of Wisconsin,—I, 29:227-234. 

A plant new to Mt. Desert, 29:253. 

Notes from the Herbarium of the Uni- 
versity of Wisconsin,—II, Bidens con- 
nata and its varieties in Wisconsin, 30: 
31-35, pl. 160; —III, 30:205-207; —IV, 


31:49—53; —V, 32:57-59; —VI, 33:72- 
75; —VII, 33:224—228. 

Potentilla tridentata, forma aurora in the 
White Mountains, 34:12-13. 

Notes from the Herbarium of the Uni- 
versity of Wisconsin, —VIII, 34:95-96. 

Notes on the flora of Boothbay, Maine, 
—III, 34:167-168. 

Notes from the Herbarium of the Uni- 
versity of Wisconsin,—IX, 35:199-203; 
—X, 35:387-391; —XI, 36:349-352; 
—XII. A study of Streptopus, 37:88- 
113, pl. 328; —XIII, 38:94-97; —XIV, 
38: 187-191. 

Three aquatics from southern Maine, 39: 

Notes from the Herbarium of the Uni- 
versity of Wisconsin, —XV, 39:377-379; 
—XVI, 39:459-461; —XVII. Elatine 
and other aquatics, 41:367—377, 4 figs. 

[The Leguminous Plants of Wisconsin], 
Review of, 41:461—463. 

Notes from the Herbarium of the Uni- 
versity of Wisconsin,—XVIII, 41:524- 

Bidens hyperborea var. typica, 48:82-83. 

Penstemon gracilis Nutt., var. wisconsin- 
ensis (Pennell) n. comb., 49:293. 

The proposed changes in Article 58, In- 
ternational Rules of Botanical Nomen- 
clature, 50:249-252. 


[Herbarium of], 3:222. 

[Biographical sketch], 20:117-122 (with 

Faxon, EDWIN 

[Biographical sketch], 2:107-111 (with 

[Herbarium of], 3:222. 

FEATHERLY, H. I—A new Triodia from Okla- 
homa, 40:243—244. 

Federation of Natural History Societies, New 
England, 11:148; 13:187; 14:76. 

FELLows, Dana W. 

Some noteworthy plants of Maine, 6:235. 

Josselyn Botanical Society, 14:162-163. 

The nineteenth annual meeting of the 
Josselyn Botanical Society, 15:116. 

The Josselyn Botanical Society, 15:202- 

The twentieth annual field meeting of 
the Josselyn Botanical Society, 16:90. 

The Josselyn Botanical Society of Maine, 

The twenty-first annual meeting of the 
Josselyn Botanical Society of Maine, 
17 :203-204. 

Field meeting of the Josselyn Botanical 
Society of Maine, 18:144; 19:92. 

Fern allies from northwestern Massachusetts, 
Several uncommon, 3:252. 

Fern Allies of Louisiana, The Ferns and, 
[Review], 44:484. 

Fern, An anomalous, 4:10. 

Fern collectors, To, 2:212. 

Fern flora of Vermont, An addition to the, 


Fern from Vermont, A new hybrid, 6:75. 
Fern herbarium, Another Davenport, 26:49. 
Fern in New Hampshire, The Climbing, 4:83. 
Fern of California, the Basin region and the 
southern Rocky Mountains, Lady, 19:201. 
Fern, On the name of the Oak, 43:210. 
Fern, The American Ostrich, 17:161. 
Vol. 1:—The Rattlesnake-plantains of New 
England, 2-7; A spurless Halenia from 
Maine, 36-37; Two plants of the Crowfoot 
family, 48-52; Some Antennarias of north- 
ern New England, 71-75; Oxytropis camp- 
estris in northeastern America, 85-89; Ex- 
cursions of the Josselyn Society, 102-103; 
The Listeras of New England, [Review], 
111; Two ambiguous Loosestrifes from the 
northern States, 131-135; [Eleocharis ovata 
and its American allies; Scirpus Eriophor- 
um and some related forms], Review of, 
137-138; Further notes on New England 
Antennarias, 150-155; Preliminary lists of 
New England plants, —III. Antennaria, 160; 
Some plant-names of the Madawaska Aca- 
dians, 166—168; Pubescent capsules of Oeno- 
thera pumila, 173-174; Some undescribed 
and little-known varieties of Aster and 
Solidago, 187-191; Ranunculus acris, var. 
Steveni, in New England, 227-229. 

Vol. 2:—Arceuthobium pusillum in the St. 
John and St. Lawrence valleys, 10-11; Some 
northeastern species of Scirpus, 15-21; Is 
Artemisia Stelleriana a native of New Eng- 
land? 38-40; The re-discovery of Eleocharis 
diandra, 60; Notes on Echinacea, 84-87; 
Scirpus sylvaticus: a correction, 106; Some 
Jesuit influences upon our northeastern 
flora, 133-142; Some undescribed varieties 
and hybrids of Carex, 170-171; The distri- 
bution of the Bilberries in New England, 
187-190; Rubus idaeus and its variety 
anomalus in America, 195-200; Two north- 
eastern Thalictrums, 230-233; The repre- 
sentatives of Scirpus maritimus in America, 

Vol. 3:—Monarda fistulosa and its allies, 
13-16; The northeastern Carices of the sub- 
section Vesicariae, 43-56; A new variety of 
Juncus tenuis, 59-60; The vascular plants 
of Mount Katahdin, 166-177; Scutellaria 
parvula and S. ambigua, 198-201; Extreme 
variations of Alisma Plantago, 206; [Herba- 
rium of], 222; New stations for Juncus sub- 
tilis, 228-230; Notes on some trees and 
shrubs of western Cheshire County, New 
Hampshire, 232-236; Scirpus supinus and 
its North American allies, 249-252; The true 
Lycopodium complanatum and its common 
American representative, 278-281; The “Fall 
Dandelions” of North America, 293-294; 
An unarmed Connecticut Blackberry, 295- 

Vol. 4:—Early records of Leontodon in 
America, 39-40; A Cotton-grass new to 
North America, 82; The Seneca Snakeroot 


in Maine, 133-134; An anomalous Skulleap, 
137-138; The Chilan Empetrum in New 
England, 147-151; An Osmorhiza new to 
eastern. America, 153-154; Taraxacum pa- 
lustre in America, 155-157; Aster undulatus 
x novi-belgii, 186-187; Two northeastern 
Veronicas, 191-195; Variations of Glaux in 
America, 213-216; Preliminary lists of New 
England plants, —X. Carex, 218-230; The 
variations and distribution of American 
Cranberries, 231—239. 

Vol. 5:—Andromeda Polifolia and A. 
glaucophylla, 69-71; A new Bidens from 
the Merrimac Valley, 90-92; Linum cathar- 
ticum on Cape Breton, 119; Red-flowered 
Anemone riparia, 154—155; Some variations 
of Triglochin maritima, 174-175; Chrysan- 
themum Leucanthemum and the American 
White Weed, 177-181; The American rep- 
resentatives of Luzula vernalis, 193-196; 
Arabis Drummondi and its eastern rela- 
tives, 225-231; A new Kobresia in the 
Aroostook Valley, 247-251; Pursh’s report 
of Dryas from New Hampshire, 281-283. 

Vol. 6:—Two northeastern allies of Salix 
lucida, 1-8; Preliminary lists of New Eng- 
land plants, —XIII. Juncaceae, 34-41; The 
identity of Michaux’s Lycopus uniflorus, 
134-137; The Green Alders of New Eng- 
land, 162-163; Pyrola asarifolia Michx., var. 
incarnata, n. comb., 178-179; The identity 
of Andersson’s Salix pellita, 191; The Amer- 
ican representatives of Pyrola rotundifolia, 

Vol. 7:—A peculiar variety of Drosera ro- 
tundifolia, 8-9; Ledum palustre, var, di- 
latatum on Mt. Katahdin, 12-13; A new 
Arabis from Rimouski County, Quebec, 31- 
32; An undescribed northern Comandra, 
47-49; ( and KNowrrow, C. H.), Draba 
incana and its allies in northeastern Amer- 
ica, 61-67; The North American species of 
Eriophorum, 81-92, 129-136; The genus 
Arnica in northeastern America, 146—150; 
Spergula sativa in Connecticut, 151-152; 
Some lithological variations in Ribes, 153— 
156; Anaphalis margaritacea, var. occiden- 
talis in eastern America, 156; Symphoricar- 
pos racemosus and its varieties in eastern 
America, 164—167; An anomalous alpine 
Willow, 185-186; An alpine Adiantum, 190— 
192; A pale form of Avena striata, 244; A 
northern Cynoglossum, 249-250; Draba 
borealis in eastern America, 267. 

Vol. 8:—A new Geum from Vermont and 
Quebec, 11-12; A handsome Willow of the 
Penobscot Valley, 21-22; Some American 
representatives of Arenaria verna, 31-34; 
Two variations of Carex glareosa, 45-47; 
The genus Streptopus in eastern America, 
69-71; The variations of Carex paupercula, 
73-77; Some anomalous plants of Tiarella 
and Mitella, 90-92; Paronychia argyrocoma 


and its New England representative, 101- 
104; A new variety of Carex interior, 114— 
115; Some new or little known Cyperaceae 
of eastern North America, 126-130, 161-167, 
181-184, 200—202; Twelve additions to the 
flora of Rhode Island, 219-222; Potamoge- 
ton spathaeformis a probable hybrid in 
Mystic Pond, 224; An alpine variety of 
Solidago macrophylla, 227—228. 

Vol. 9:—Ribes vulgare and its indigenous 
representatives in North America, 14; The 
variations of Primula farinosa in northeast- 
ern America, 15-16; The alpine Rhinanthus 
of Quebec and New Hampshire, 23-25; Note 
on Cirsium muticum, var. monticola, 28; 
(—— and Eames, A. J.), Preliminary lists 
of New England plants, —XX ; Spargania- 
ceae, 86-90; Streptopus oreopolus a possi- 
ble hybrid, 106-107; The genus Suaeda in 
northeastern America, 140-146; The soil 
preferences of certain alpine and subalpine 
plants, 149-193 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 
XXXV); Salicornia europaea and its rep- 
resentatives in eastern America, 204-207; 
Some new Willows of eastern America, 221— 

Vol. 10:—The representatives of Rumex 
salicifolius in eastern America, 17-20; Notes 
on some plants of northeastern America, 46— 
55, 84-95; Lemna minor and Sparganium 
eurycarpum in Rimouski County, Quebec, 
95-96; Preliminary lists of New England 
plants—X XI. Cyperaceae, 135-144; Note 
on Michaux’s Vaccinium myrtilloides, 147- 
148; Draba aurea in Rimouski County, 
Quebec, 148; (RoBINsoN, B. L. and ——), 
[Gray’s New Manual of Botany, seventh 
edition], Review of, 193-196; Preliminary 
lists of New England plants,—XXII. Naj- 
adaceae, Juncaginaceae, 168-172; Bidens 
connata and some of its American allies, 

Vol. 11:—The representatives of Poten- 
tilla Anserina in eastern America, 1-9; A 
pubescent variety of Aster dumosus, 31; 
(RoniNsoN, B. L. and ——), Emendations 
of the seventh edition of Gray's Manual, 
—1, 33-61; Notes on the report of Scirpus 
nanus from Vermont, 84; 'The variations of 
Arenaria peploides in America, 109-115; 
An inland variety of Proserpinaca palustris, 
120; The North American species of Bar- 
barea, 134-141; Salix pedicellaris and its 
variations, 157-162; Juncus articulatus, var. 
nigritellus in Maine, 164; Fimbristylis 
Frankii, var. brachyactis, n. var., 180; The 
status of Arenaria stricta in New Hamp- 
shire, 184-185; A new variety of Abies bal- 
samea, 201-203; Scirpus Smithii in Massa- 
chusetts, 220. 

Vol 12:—Note on Boehmeria cylindrica, 
var. Drummondiana, 10-11; Notes on the 
plants of Wine'and the Good, 17-38; (—— 


and Wiecanp, K. M.), A synopsis of the 
species of Arctium in North America, 43-47 ; 
( and BrissEerLL, C. H.), The North 
American variations of Lycopodium clava- 
tum, 50-55; ( and Wiecanpb, K. M.), 
Two new Galiums from northeastern Ameri- 
ca, 77-79; A new variety of Rhamnus caro- 
liniana, 79; (—— and Wean, K. M.), The 
North American variations of Juncus effus- 
us, 81-93; ( and WIEGAND, K. M.), 
A summer’s botanizing in eastern Maine 
and western New Brunswick, 101—121, 133- 
146; Flowering Plants and Ferns of Connect- 
icut, [Review], 131-132; (—— and W- 
GAND, K. M.), Notes on some northeastern 
species of Spergularia, 157-163; Notes from 
the phaenogamic herbarium of the New 
England Botanical Club, —I, 185-192; (—— 
and Wiecanp, K. M.); The variations of 
Lonicera caerulea in eastern America, 209— 
211; Some additions to the Rhode Island 
flora, 216-217; (—— and Wieaanp, K. M.), 
The representatives of Erigeron acris in 
northeastern America, 225-227. 

Vol. 13:—A new species of Scirpus from 
Massachusetts and New Jersey, 4-8; ( 
and Wiecanp, K. M.), Some boreal species 
and varieties of Antennaria and Anaphalis, 
23-27; The variations of Lathyrus palustris 
in eastern America, 47-52; The varieties of 
Ribes hirtellum, 73-76; The northern vari- 
ety of Gaylussacia dumosa, 95-99; (—— 
and Wiecanp, K. M.), A boreal variety of 
Fragaria virginiana, 106; ( and Wir- 
GAND, K. M.), Cornus canadensis, var. inter- 
media in eastern America, 107-108; A bo- 
tanical expedition to Newfoundland and 
southern Labrador, 109-162, pls, 86-91. 
(Contrib. Gray Herb. no. XL); Notes from 
the phaenogamie herbarium of the New 
England Botanical Club,—II, 177-183; 
( and Wiecanp, K. M.), Epilobium pal- 
ustre L., var. longirameum, n. var. 188; 
Harshberger’s Phytogeographic Survey of 
North America, [Review], 213-214; A pu- 
bescent variety of Vaccinium vacillans, 235- 
236; Two lost Carices of eastern Massachu- 
setts, 243-248; ( and WikcAND, K.M.), 
Salix calcicola, a little known northern Wil- 
low, 251-253. 

Vol. 14:—A second station for Cyperus 
Grayii in Essex County, Massachusetts, 22; 
Sclerolepis uniflora in Massachusetts, 23-24 ; 
( and WiEeGAND, K. M.), A new variety 
of Juncus balticus, 35-36; Two rare Junci of 
eastern Massachusetts, 55-56; An early col- 
lection of Salix balsamifera, 69-70; Bow- 
man’s Forest Physiography, [Review], 70; 
(Know ton, C. H, and Foyn, F. G.), 
Field excursions of the New England Botan- 
ical Club, 71-76; Two local floras, [Review], 
78-79; New England Trees in Winter, [Re- 
view], 79-80; Salix serissima in southern 
Connecticut, 80; Viola renifolia and V. 

Brainerdii, 86-88; (Bissett, C. H. and ——), 
A new variety of Lespedeza capitata, 91-92; 
(—— and Wiecanp, K. M.), A blunt-spiked 
variety of Carex scoparia, 115-116; An illus- 
trated key to the trees, [Review], 163; Gal- 
ium brevipes in Minnesota, 175-176; The 
inland variety of Spiraea tomentosa, 188- 
190; A purple-fruited Ash, 192; ( and 
Wiecanp, K. M.), A northeastern variety of 
Chelone glabra, 225-226; (—— and W- 
GAND, K. M.), Alchemilla alpina and A. 
vulgaris in North America, 229-234; Xan- 
thium strumarium in Massachusetts, 239. 

Vol. 15:—Nuttall’s White Sassafras, 14- 
18; (—— and Wieaanp, K. M.), The varia- 
tions of Luzula campestris in North Amer- 
ica, 38-43; Alnus crispa (Ait.) Pursh, var. 
mollis (Fernald), n. comb., 44; ( and 
WiEGAND, K. M.), A northern variety of 
Erigeron ramosus, 59-61; Some North 
American relatives of Polygonum mariti- 
mum, 68-73; Some noteworthy varieties of 
Bidens, 74-78; A northeastern variety of 
Carex Deweyana, 92-93; A Flora of the 
Connecticut Valley in Massachusetts, [ Re- 
view], 97-98; (—— and WiEaaNp, K. M., 
Two new Carices from Newfoundland, 133- 
134; ( and WikegAND, K. M.), Calama- 
grostis Pickeringii Gray, var. debilis (Kear- 
ney), n. comb., 135-136; An albino Kalmia 
angustifolia, 151-152; A peculiar variety of 
the Canoe Birch, 168-169; The indigenous 
varieties of Prunella vulgaris in North 
America, 179-186; Carex tincta a valid 
species, 186-187; A new station for Scirpus 
Longii, 202; ( and Wircanp, K. M.), 
The ponus Empetrum in North America, 

Vol. 16:—(—— and Loxa, B), The 
American variations of Potentilla palustris, 
5-11; The alpine Bearberries and the gen- 
eric status of Arctous, 21-33; The North 
American representative of Arenaria ciliata, 
43-44; A cut-leaved Alder, 56; Some annual 
halophytic Asters of the Maritime Provinc- 
es, 57-61; Three Lupines naturalized in 
eastern Canada and Newfoundland, 92-94; 
The narrow-leaved variety of Salix pyrifolia, 
116; ( and Wiecanp, K. M.), The genus 
Ruppia in eastern North America, 119-127; 
Some Antennarias of northeastern America, 
129-134; ( and Sr. Joun, H.), Nym- 
phaea variegata or N. americana? 137-141; 
'The American variations of Stellaria borea- 
lis, 144-151; The variations of Ranunculus 
Cymbalaria, 160-163; The West Virginian 
variety of Polygonum cilinode. 165-166; 
The glabrous-leaved Sweet Gale, 167; 
Some Willows of boreal America, 169-179; 
( and St. Joun, H.), The varieties of 
Hieracium scabrum, 181-183; A new mari- 
time Polygonum from Nova Scotia, 187- 
189; A northern variety of Aster linarii- 
folius, 192-194; Two Newfoundland Anten- 


narias, 196-197; The Cambridge British 
Flora, [Review], 198-200; The western va- 
riety of Maianthemum canadense, 210-211; 
(—— and MacsnipE, J. F), The North 
American variations of Arctostaphylos Uva- 
Ursi, 211-213; Carex leptonervia a valid 
species, 213-214. 

Vol. 17:—Some new or unrecorded Com- 
positae chiefly of northeastern America, 1- 
20 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. XLIII); ( 
and Sr. Jonn, H.), Some anomalous species 
and varieties of Bidens in eastern North 
America, 20-25 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 
XLIII); The North American representa- 
tives of Dryopteris spinulosa, var. dilatata, 
44-48; Flora of the Vicinity of New York, a 
Contribution to Plant geography, [Review], 
62-70; Botrychium angustisegmentum 
(Pease & Moore), n. comb., 87-88; Altitu- 
dinal limits in Connecticut, a correction, 88; 
Two variations of Silene antirrhina, 96—97 ; 
A Handy Book on Trees and Shrubs, [Re- 
view], 103-104; Michaux's Panicum murica- 
tum, 105-107; The American variations of 
Lycopodium annotinum, 123-125; A new 
Carex from Newfoundland, 158-159; The 
American Ostrich Fern, 161-164; An albino 
Viola rostrata, 180; ( and Wieaanp, K. 
M.), The genus Euphrasia in North Amer- 
ica, 181-201 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 
XLIV); The identity of Circaea latifolia 
and the Asiatic C. quadrisulcata, 222-224; 
The characters and range of Carex laeviva- 
ginata, 231-232; (—— and Sr. Jouw, H.), 
The occurrence of Botrychium virginianum, 
var. europaeum in America, 233-234. 

Vol. 18:—(—— and WzaTHERBY, C. A.), 
The genus Puccinelia in eastern North 
America, 1-23 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 
XLVD; A pubescent form of Salix Uva- 
ursi, 52; Chelone glabra L., forma rosea, n. 
f, 72; A calciphile variety of Andromeda 
glaucophylla, 100-102; Prunus virginiana 
the correct name of the Choke Cherry, 140— 
141; The genus Sabatia in New England, 
145-152; Some notes on Spartina, 177-180; 
The representatives of Trisetum spicatum 
in eastern America, 195-198; Some allies of 
Antennaria alpina from Newfoundland and 
the Labrador Peninsula, 236-238. 

Vol. 19:—The genus Elatine in eastern 
North America, 10-15; A new Juncus from 
Cape Cod, 17-20; The genus Erechtites in 
temperate North America, 24-27; A new 
Luzula from eastern Canada, 38-39; The 
specifie characters of Hepatica americana, 
45-46; Helianthemum dumosum on the 
mainland of New England, 58-60; The var- 
iations of Polygonum pensylvanicum, 70- 
73; Two new maritime plants of northeast- 
ern North America, 76; The identity of 
Circaea canadensis and C. intermedia, 85- 
88; A new Cardamine from southern Maine, 


91-92; Carex gynocrates in Pennsylvania, 
110; A diagnostic character of Nuphar mi- 
crophyllum, 111; Tiarella cordifolia L., for- 
ma parviflora, n. f., 132; Some Polygonums 
new to North America, 133-135 (Contrib. 
Gray Herb. no. L); New or critical species 
or varieties of Ranunculus, 135-139 (Con- 
trib. Gray Herb. no. L); Some color forms 
of American Anemones, 139-141 (Contrib. 
Gray Herb. no. L); New species, varieties 
and forms of Saxifraga, 141-144 (Contrib. 
Gray Herb. no. L); A new Vitis from New 
England, 144-147 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 
L); Gentiana clausa a valid species, 147- 
149 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. L); Some 
forms of American Gentians, 149-152 (Con- 
trib. Gray Herb. no. L); Some new or crit- 
ical plants of eastern North America, 152- 
155 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. L) ; The tardy 
flowering of plants in eastern Massachu- 
setts in the spring of 1917, 219-220; A new 
alpine Willow from the White Mountains, 
221-223; The boreal and subalpine variety 
of Spiraea latifolia, 254-255; A remarkable 
colony of Bidens in Connecticut, 257. 

Vol. 20:—American variations of Epilo- 
bium, section Chamaenerion, 1-10; Botry- 
chium lanceolatum, 19-20; Some American 
Epilobiums of the section Lysimachion, 29— 
39; The North American Littorella, 61-62; 
The validity of Oxalis americana, 76-78; 
Rosa blanda and its allies of northern Maine 
and adjacent Canada, 90-96; 'The diagnos- 
tic character of Vallisneria americana, 108- 
110; (—— and Wriraanp, K. M.), Some new 
species and varieties of Poa from eastern 
North America, 122-127; The American 
representatives of Equisetum sylvaticum, 
129-131; Some allies of Rynchospora ma- 
crostachya, 138-140; The specific identity of 
Bidens hyperborea and B. colpophila, 146— 
150; Carex paupercula Michx., var. brevi- 
squama, n. var., 152; The specific validity of 
Limosella subulata, 160-164; Solidago race- 
mosa Greene, forma leucantha, n. f., 172; 
An intergeneric hybrid in the Cyperaceae, 
189-191; Some North American representa- 
tives of Braya humilis, 201-203. 

Vol. 21:—The unity of the genus Aren- 
aria, 1-7 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. LVII); 
The type of the genus Alsine, 7-9 (Con- 
trib. Gray Herb. no. LVII); The earlier 
name for Alsinopsis, 9-12 (Contrib. Gray 
Herb. no. LVII); The American represen- 
tatives of Arenaria sajanensis, 12-17 (Con- 
trib. Gray Herb. no. LVII); The specific 
identity of Arenaria groenlandica and A. 
glabra, 17-21 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 
LVII); The American variations of Arenar- 
ia verna, 21-22 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 
LVID; Helianthemum Bicknellii and 
H. propinquum, 36-37; Carex flava, var. 
gaspensis in Vermont, 40; Lithological fac- 
tors limiting the ranges of Pinus Banksiana 

INDEX ro VoLuMEs 1-50 319 

and Thuja occidentalis, 41-67 (Contrib. 
Gray Herb. no. LVIII) ; (——, Bran, R. C. 
and KNowrrToN, C. H.), Plans for 1919 
Spring field trip of the New England Bot- 
anical Club, 86-88; Rubus idaeus and some 
of its variations in North America, 89-98; 
Bidens connata Muhl., var. gracilipes, n. 
var., 103-104; Panicum $ Capillaria in New 
England, 110-114; Two new Myriophyllums 
and a species new to the United States, 120— 
124; A new Polygonum from southeastern 
Massachusetts, 140—142; ( , Bran, R. C. 
and KNowrrow, C. H.), Field trips of the 
New England Botanical Club, 1919, 143; 
The identity of Angelica lucida, 144-147; 
The white-flowered Bird’s Eye Primrose, 
148; The variations of Ranunculus repens, 
169; Coreopsis rosea Nutt., forma leucantha, 
n. f., 171; A flora of northeastern Pennsyl- 
vania, [Review], 172; Nymphozanthus the 
correct name for the Cow Lilies, 183-188; 
Lomatogonium the correct name for Pleur- 
ogyne, 193-198. 

Vol. 22:—Some variations of Cardamine 
pratensis in America, 11-14; The northern 
variety of Ranunculus hispidus, 30-31; 
Polygala paucifolia Willd., forma vestita, n 
f, 32; The American varieties of Pio. 
chlorantha, 49-53; Scirpus acutus Muhl., 55— 
56; The American Ammophila, 70—71; Jun- 
cus Gerardi Loisel., var. pedicellatus, n. var., 
76; A Flora of the Penobscot Bay Region, 
[Review], 91-96; A new Digitaria from New 
Hampshire, 101- 104; (Drane, W. and J, 
A new albino Raspberry, 112; Pyrola rotun- 
difola and P. americana, 121- 123; Oxalis 
montana, 143-144; Gaultheria procumbens 
1 forma suborbiculata, n. f., 155-156; Lac- 
tuca hirsuta Muhl., forma calvifolia, no 
156; Rubus recurvicaulis Blanchard, var. 
armatus, n var 1608: and WIEGAND, 
K. M.), Studies of some boreal American 
Cerastiums of the section Orthodon, 169- 
179; Brainerd & Peitersen's Blackberries of 
New England, [Review], 185-191. 

Vol. 23:—The North American repre- 
sentatives of Scirpus cespitosus, 22-25; 
( and WEATHERBY, C. A.), Equisetum 
fluviatile or E. limosum? 43-47 ; Scutellaria 
epilobiifolia, 85-86; The Gray Herbarium 
expedition to Nova Scotia, 1920, 89-111, 
130-152, 153-171, 184-195, 223-245, 257-278, 
284-300 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. LXIII); 
(—— and Sr. Jonn, H.), The American var- 
lations of Silene acaulis, 119-120. 

Vol. 24:—Some variations of Cakile ed- 
entula, 21-23; Notes on Sparganium, 26-34; 
( and WEATHERBY, C. A.), Varieties of 
Geum canadense, 47-50; The generic name 
Phragmites, 55-56; Lysimachia terrestris 
(L.) BSP., var. ovata (Rand & Redfield), 
n. comb. 76; A misleading addition to the 
State Floras of New England, [Review], 96— 

100; Polypodium virginianum and P. vul- 
gare, 125-142 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 
LXVI); Notes on the flora of western Nova 
Scotia, 1921, 157—164, 165—180, 201-208 (Con- 
trib. Gray Herb. no. LXVII); Hoffmann's 
Flora of Berkshire County, Massachusetts, 
[Review], 183-187; The American varia- 
tions of Linnaea borealis, 210-212; The 
northern variety of Asperella Hystrix, 229— 

Vol. 25:—The southern variety of Thel- 
ypteris fragrans, 1-4; The native Tansy of 
Newfoundland, 13-16; Vaccinium uliginos- 
um and its var. alpinum, 23-25; The estuar- 
ine Bidens of the Miramichi, 43-44; An- 
other Orchid new to New England, 47-48; 
Nomenclatorial transfers in Mariscus, 49- 
54; The identities of the Sand Cherries of 
eastern America, 69-74; Empetrum nigrum 
L., forma purpureum (Raf.) n. comb., 83; 
The Gentian of the tidal shores of the St. 
Lawrence, 85-89; The northern variety of 
Geum virginianum, 98-99; Notes on the 
distribution of Najas in northeastern Amer- 
ica, 105-109; Baffin Land plants collected 
by the MaeMillan Expedition, 1922, 111- 
114; Lycopodium sabinaefolium and L. sit- 
chense, 166-167; The American variety of 
Scheuchzeria palustris, 177-179; ( and 
WIEGAND, K. M.), Notes on some plants of 
the Ontario and St. Lawrence basins, New 
York, 205-214. 

Vol. 26:—Polystichum  mohrioides and 
some other subantartic or andean plants in 
the Northern Hemisphere, 89-95 (Contrib. 
Gray Herb, no. LX XII); The dwarf Anten- 
narias of northeastern America, 95-102 
(Contrib. Gray Herb. no. LXXII); The 
eastern American representatives of Arnica 
alpina, 103-107 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 
LX XII); Some Senecios of eastern Quebec 
and Newfoundland, 113-122 (Contrib. Gray 
Herb. no. LX XII) ; New or recently restud- 
ied plants of eastern America, 122-127 (Con- 
trib. Gray Herb. no. LXXII); A Flora of 
Springfield, Massachusetts, [Review], 179- 
180; Myriophyllum magdalenense: a cor- 
rection, 198; Juncus triglumis and its Amer- 
ican representatives. 201—203. 

Vol. 27:—The American representatives 
of Lonicera caerulea, 1-11; Two new 
Epilobiums of eastern America, 32-34; The 
validity of Eleocharis quadrangulata, 37-40; 
A White Mountain Flora, [Review], 52; 
Pontederia versus Unisema, 76-81; Another 
Arnica from Newfoundland, 90-92; The 
maritime Plantains of North America, 93- 
104; Notes on Sagina, 130-131; Erysimum 
Pallasii (Pursh), n. comb., 171; The New 
England-Acadian Shore line, [Review], 187- 
188; Sparganium multipedunculatum in 
eastern America, 190—193; The arctic variety 
of Alopecurus aequalis, 196-199; The iden- 
tity of Eriophorum callitrix, 203-210. 


Vol. 28:—Carex livida and Carex Gray- 
ana, 5-8; Bromus ciliatus L., var. denudatus 
(Wiegand), n. comb., 20; The Ragged Or- 
chis of Newfoundland, 21-22; Kate Furbish, 
Botanist, [Review], 36; Two summers of 
botanizing in Newfoundland, 49-63, 74-87, 
89-111, 115-129, 145-155, 161—178, 181—204, 
210-225, 234—241 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 

Vol. 29:—Muhlenbergia uniflora, 10-14; 
Rehders Manual of Cultivated Trees and 
Shrubs, [Review], 48-51; Streptopus ore- 
opolus in the White Mountains, 76; Some 
varieties of Artemisia borealis, 93-95; 'The 
romance of economic botany, [Review], 
95-96; Three new plants from the lower 
St. Lawrence, 141-144; The American Car- 
damine parviflora, 191-192; Xyris montana 
in eastern Massachusetts, 222-223; Axyris 
amarantoides in eastern America, 223—224; 
Leiophyllum versus Dendrium, 225-227. 

Vol. 30:—The authors of Sonchus arven- 
sis, var, glabrescens, 19; Geocaulon, a new 
genus of the Santalaceae, 21-24 (Contrib. 
Gray Herb. no. LXXIX); The American 
and eastern Asiatic Beckmannia, 24-27 
(Contrib. Gray Herb. no. LXXIX); The 
eastern American variety of Polystichum 
Brauniu, 28-30 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 
LXXIX); The American representatives of 
Asplenium Ruta-muraria, 37-43 (Contrib. 
Gray Herb. no. LXXIX); The eastern 
American occurrence of Athyrium alpestre, 
44-49 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. LX XIX); 
Primula $ Farinosae in America, 59-77, 85- 
104 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. LXXIX); 
Victorin's Les Equisétinées du Quebec, [ Re- 
view], 79-80; The varieties of Galium bore- 
ale, 106-107; ( and Kersey, S. L), A 
new Oxytropis from the Gaspé coast, 121— 
124; Roripa islandica and R. hispida, 131- 
133; The genus Oxytropis in northeastern 
America, 135-155 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 
LXXII); Eragrostis peregrina versus E. 
Damiensiana, 155-157; 'The North American 
species of Anemone § Anemonanthea, 180— 
188 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. LX XII); Pan- 
icum longifolium in Massachusetts, 190—191 ; 
An American representative of Calamagros- 
tis epigejos, 202-205; Some eastern Amer- 
ican forms of Senecio, 224—226. 

Vol. 31:—Roripa islandica an invalid 
name, 17-18; ( and WEATHERBY, C. A.), 
Schmidel’s publication of Thelypteris, 21-26 
(Contrib. Gray Herb. no. LXXXIII); A 
study of Thelypteris palustris, 27-36 (Con- 
trib. Gray Herb. no. LXXXIII); A hybrid 
Rynchospora, 38; Four Grasses of eastern 
America, 44—49 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 
LXXXIID; ( and Brackett, A. E.) 
The representatives of Eleocharis palustris 
in North America, 57-77 (Contrib. Gray 
Herb. no. LX XXIII); A note on Poa lab- 


radorica, 78 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 
LXXXIII); ( and WrEaTuHERBY, C. A.), 
Proposed amendments to the International 
Rules of Botanical Nomenclature, 91-96; 
Polygonella articulata (L.) Meisn., forma 
atrorubens, n. f., 106; Coptis trifolia and its 
eastern American representatives, 136-142; 
The author of Athyrium alpestre, 165-166; 
Menyanthes trifoliata, var. minor, 195-198; 
Achillea sibirica in eastern America, 219—220. 

Vol. 32:—Ligusticum scothicum of the 
North Atlantic and of the North Pacific, 7— 
9 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. LXXXVII); 
Carex macrocephala and C. anthericoides, 
9-11 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. LX XXVII); 
Willdenow's type of Scirpus glaucescens, 31— 
32; The complex Bromus ciliatus, 63-71 
(Contrib. Gray Herb. no. LXXXVII); 
Some varieties of the amphigean species of 
Osmunda, 71-76 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 
LXXXVII); Potamogeton alpinus and P. 
microstachys, 76-83 (Contrib, Gray Herb. 
no. LXXXVII); The identities of Juncus 
canadensis and of J. brevicaudatus, 83-88 
(Contrib. Gray Herb. no. LXXXVII); A 
new Willow from the Cóte Nord, Quebec, 
112-113; The Cape Cod Ceanothus, 161- 
162; Gentiana procera Holm, forma laevi- 
calyx, n. f., 221; 'The identity of Alopecurus 
aequalis, 221—222. 

Vol. 33:—Scirpus pumilus in the Rocky 
Mountains, 23-24; Specific segregations and 
identities in some floras of eastern North 
America and the Old World, 25-63 (Con- 
trib. Gray Herb. no. XCIII); A new Black- 
berry from New Hampshire, 102-104; Po- 
tentilla canadensns and P. simplex, 180-191; 
Pedicularis labradorica, 193; The home of 
Kerria japonica, 199-200; Potamogeton ten- 
uifolius Raf., 209-211; Wild Flowers of 
Kashmir, [Review], 212; A condensation of 
Gerard’s Herbal, [Review], 212; Three An- 
tennarias from Greenland, 222-224; ( 
and WEATHERBY, C. A), Some new plants 
from the Gaspé Peninsu!a, 231—240. 

Vol. 34:—An illustrated flora of Quebec, 
[Review], 19-20; Some genera and species 
of Rafinesque, 21-28; Callitriche stagnalis 
on the lower St. Lawrence, 39-40; Two con- 
temporary evaluations of the colonization 
by Sir Walter Raleigh, 65-66; International 
Address Book of Botanists, [Review], 68; 
Corylus americana forma missouriensis, 96; 
The New Hampshire record for Ryncho- 
spora Torreyana, 112-113; British Seaweeds, 
[Review], 113-114; Another localized vari- 
ety of Bidens heterodoxa, 116-117; Does 
Juneus bulbosus occur in Massachusetts? 
117-118; An estuarine variety of Mimulus 
ringens, 118-119; Flora of the North Shore 
of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, [Review], 120; 
An estuarine variety of Gratiola lutea, 147— 
149; (—— and Weartuersy, C. A), Bar- 


tonia: a comedy of errors, 164-167; (—— 
and WratTHersy, C. A), Pinus Strobus L., 
forma prostrata (Mast.) comb. nov., 168; 
Lathyrus japonicus versus L. maritimus, 
177-187; (—— and WearTuHersy, C. A.), Pi- 
cea glauca forma parva, 187-189; (—— and 
WEATHERBY, C. A.), Abies balsamea (L.) 
Mill, forma hudsonia (Bosc) comb. nov., 
190-191; Druce's Comital Flora, [Review], 
191-192; Diarrhena festucoides, 204—206; 
Notes on Festuca octoflora, 209-211; (—— 
and WEATHERBY, C. A.), Picea rubens Sar- 
gent, forma virgata (Rehder), comb. nov., 
211; Phragmites communis Trin., var. Ber- 
landieri (Fournier), comb. nov., 211-212; 
Carex Richardsonii in New England, 229— 
232; Rydberg's Flora of the Prairies and 
Plains, [Review], 243-247. 

Vol. 35:—Recent discoveries in the New- 
foundland flora, 1-16, 47-63, 80-107, 120- 
140, 161-185, 203—223, 230-247, 265—283, 
298—315, 327—346, 364-386, 395-403 (Con- 
trib. Gray Herb. no. CI); Diarrhena festu- 
coides again, 39-40; Calamagrostis epigejos, 
var. georgica in America, 64-65; Two segre- 
gates in Sporobolus, 108-110; Hawaiian 
Weeds, [Review], 146; Callitriche anceps 
in New England, 185-186; Types of some 
American species of Elymus, 187-198; The 
slender-spiked Spartina pectinata, 258—260; 
The New York record of Fraxinus profunda, 
293; Glyceria arkansana in western New 
York, 294; Some forms of Grasses, 316-319; 
Heterochromism in Arctostaphylos Uva-ursi, 
var. coactilis, 348-350; The type of Teu- 
crium canadense, 392-395; ( and Har- 
ris, S. K.), Branching Polygonatum pubes- 
cens, 403-4006: 

Vol. 36:—Some transfers in Digitaria and 
Paspalum, 19-22; The name of the Amer- 
ican Lotus, 28-24; (—— and Hannis, S. K.), 
An additional note on the branching ten- 
dency in Polygonatum, 59-60; Realign- 
ments in the genus Panicum, 61-87 (Con- 
trib. Gray Herb. no. CIII); Some critical 
plants of Greenland, 89-97; A new Primula 
from the Grand Canyon of the Colorado, 
117-118; ( and Hopapon, A. R.), Gaul- 
theria procumbens L., forma accrescens, f. 
nov., 129; Four forms of Massachusetts 
plants, 194-195; A conical Sugar Maple, 
238-239; Draba in temperate northeastern 
America, 241—261, 285-305, 314—344, 353-371, 
392-404 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. CV); 
(—— and WeartHersy, C. A.), Some inad- 
equately characterized species of George 
Vasy, 346-348; Agropyron trachycaulum 
versus A. pauciflorum, 417-420; Flora of 
Iceland and the Faeroes, [Review], 421—422. 

Vol. 37:—Economie Plants, [Review], 
31-32; Lemna cyclostasa an invalid name, 
75-76; ( and Griscom, L.), Three days 
of botanizing in southeastern Virginia, 129— 

157, 167-189 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 
CVII); Two new botanical journals, [No- 
tice], 162-163; Critical plants of the Upper 
Great Lakes region of Ontario and Mich- 
igan, 197—222, 238—202, 272—301, 324—341 
(Contrib. Gray Herb. no. CVIII); Victor- 
in's Flore Laurentienne, [Review], 305—307 ; 
Praeger's Botanist in Ireland, [Review], 
308; Hitchcock’s Manual of the Grasses, 
[Reviewl, 369-372; Midsummer vascular 
plants of southeastern Virginia, 378—413, 
423-454 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. CIX). 

Vol. 38:—Gnaphalium calviceps, a cor- 
rection, 52; Albino Iris versicolor, 52; Some 
forms in the Alismaceae, 73-74; A smooth- 
husked Hazel, 76; A new Pondweed from 
Tennessee, 165-169 (Contrib. Gray Herb no. 
CXIII); Pilea in eastern North America, 
169-170 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. CXIII); 
Memoranda on Ranunculus, 171-178 (Con- 
trib. Gray Herb. no. CXIII); The nomen- 
clature of Sassafras, 178-179 (Contrib. Gray 
Herb. no. CXIII); Memoranda on Arun- 
cus, 179-182 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 
CXIII); Studies in Solidago, 201-229 (Con- 
trib. Gray Herb. no. CXIII); Memoranda 
on Antennaria, 229-231 (Contrib. Gray 
Herb. no. CXIII) ; Varieties of Gnaphalium 
obtusifolium, 231-233 (Contrib. Gray Herb. 
no. CXIII); Minor forms and transfers, 
233-239 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. CXIII); 
Prenanthes crepidinea 1n western New York, 
300; Asplenium platyneuron (L.) Oakes, 
var. bacculum-rubrum (Featherman) comb. 
nov., 304; Dates of publication of Rydberg's 
Flora of the Rocky Mountains and adja- 
cent Plains, 329-331; Hypericum mutilum 
L., var. latisepalum, var. nov., 372; Plants 
from the Outer Coastal Plain of Virginia, 
376—404, 414—452 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 

Vol. 39:—Petalostemum occidentale 
(Gray) comb. nov., 28; Braya humilis (C. 
A. Meyers) Robinson, var. leiocarpa 
(Trautv.) comb. nov., 276; (—— and Gris- 
com, L.), Notes on Diodia, 306—308 (Con- 
trib. Gray Herb. no. CXVIII); Nomencla- 
tural transfers and new varieties and forms, 
309-320 (Contrib, Gray Herb. no. CXVIII); 
Local plants of the Inner Coastal Plain of 
southeastern Virginia, 321—366, 379—415, 433- 
459, 465-491 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 
CXX Ya and Griscom, L.), The iden- 
tity of Lobelia glandulosa, 497. 

Vol. 40:—A Flora of Oklahoma, [Re- 
view], 179-183; Datura Stramonium L., var. 
inermis (Juss.) comb. nov., 184. Anaphalis 
margaritacea again, 218-219; Dormancy of 
Seeds, [Review], 324; New species, varie- 
ties and transfers, 331-358 (Contrib. Gray 
Herb. no. CXXID; Noteworthy plants 
of southeastern Virginia, 364—424 434—459, 
467-485 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. CXXIII). 


Vol. 41:—Hibiscus palustris L., forma 
oculiroseus (Britton) comb. nov., 112; Oxy- 
polis Canbyi (Coult, & Rose) comb. nov., 
139; New species, varieties and transfers, 
423-461 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. CX XVI); 
Last survivors in the flora of Tidewater Vir- 
ginia, 465-504, 529-559, 564-574 (Contrib. 
Gray Herb. no. CX XVIII). 

Vol. 42:—A new southern Kalmia, 53-54; 
Pensylvanicus or pennsylvanicus? 94-95; A 
pilose variety of Diervilla Lonicera, 144; 
Albino forms of the Beach Pea, 157; Gen- 
tiana Pennelliana, nom. nov., 198; Poten- 
tilla gracilis Dougl, var. pulcherrima 
(Lehm.) comb. nov., 213; Some spermato- 
phytes of eastern North America, 239-276, 
281-302 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. CXXXI); 
A century of additions to the flora of Vir- 
ginia, 355-416, 419-498, 503-521 (Contrib. 
Gray Herb. no. CX XXIII); Rehder’s Man- 
ual, [Review], 502. 

Vol. 43:—Geranium nemorale Suksd., 
var. Bicknellii (Britton) comb. nov., 35-36; 
Cornus canadensis L., forma rosea, f. nov., 
156; Transfers in Pyrola, 167; Elatine amer- 
icana and E. triandra, 208-210; Phragmites 
communis versus P. maximus, 286-287 ; Two 
varieties of Dicliptera brachiata, 287-288; 
Varieties of Acnida altissima, 288; The cam- 
pestrian variety of Froelichia floridana, 336; 
Two forms of Rhododendron maximum, 
336; A hybrid Cornus from Cape Breton, 
411-412; Viburnum edule and its nomencla- 
ture, 481-483; Another century of additions 
to the flora of Virginia, 485—553, 559-630, 
635-657 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 

Vol. 44:—Some historical aspects of plant 
taxonomy, 21-43; Carex Bayardi, nom. nov., 
71; Macloviana as a specific name, 71-72; 
Carex corrugata from Alabama, 76; Justicia 
mortuifluminis, nom. nov., 92; Incidents of 
field-work with J. Franklin Collins, 98-147 
(Contrib. Gray Herb. no. CLX); Formal 
transfers in Cyperus, 151; Some color-forms 
of Gentiana Porphyrio, 151-152; Berula 
pusilla (Nutt.) comb. nov., 181-191; Plu- 
chea purpurascens (Sw.) DC., var. succulen- 
ta, var. nov., 227-228; The scarcity of pink- 
flowered Gentiana Porphyrio, 237-238; Mis- 
interpretation of Atlantic Coastal Plain 
species, 238-246; Hibiscus Moscheutos and 
H. palustris, 266-278; Critical notes on Ca- 
rex, 281-331 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 
CXLIV); Three transfers in the Composi- 
tae, 340; Seventh century of additions to 
the flora of Virginia, 341—405, 416—452, 457— 
478 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. CXLV); Ra- 
nunculus abortivus L., forma coptidifolius, 
forma nova, 408; Transfers in Scirpus § 
Actaeogeton, 479-484. 

Vol. 45:—An important biography, [Re- 
view], 28; Scirpus Longii in North Carolina, 


55-56; An invaluable reference work, Re- 
view, 56; [Note following an article by 
EcrER, F. E.]. 106; Two later homonyms, 
111-112; The fruit of Dirca palustris, 117- 
119; Scirpus Peckii in Canada, 168; Five 
common rhizomatous species of Muhlen- 
bergia, 221-239 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 
CXLVIII); Notes on Danthonia, 239—246 
(Contrib. Gray Herb. no. CXLVIII); Eri- 
anthus brevibarbis and other species, 246- 
255 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. CXLVIII); 
Why not Andropogon Gerardi? 255—258 
(Contrib. Gray Herb. no. CXLVIII); A 
Flora of Kentucky, [Review], 277-278; 
Studies in North American species of Scirp- 
us, 279-296 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 
CXLVIII); The identity of Scleria seta- 
cea of Poiret, 296-297 (Contrib. Gray Herb. 
no. CXLVIII); What is Angelica triquina- 
ta? 298-301 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 
CXLVIII); Memorandum regarding James 
Greenway, 301-303; Our varieties of Bar- 
barea vulgaris, 304; Notes on Hieracium, 
317-325 (Contrib, Gray Herb. no. 
CXLVIII); Our varieties of Trifolium pra- 
tense, 331; Trifolium hybridum and its var. 
elegans, 331; Centaurea nervosa in America, 
331—332; Minor transfers and forms in Cir- 
sium, 353-354; Our albino Lupine, 356; 
Eastern extension of Cirsium Flodmani, 
356; Virginian botanizing under restrictions, 
357—413, 445-480, 485-511 (Contrib. Gray 
Herb. no. CXLIX) ; Vicia tetrasperma, var. 
tenuissima in America, 480; (—— and K1n- 
sry, A. C.), [Edible Wild Plants of Eastern 
North America], Review of, 515-517; Tril- 
lium undulatum Willd., forma Cleavelandi- 
cum (Wood) comb. nov., 517-518; The Que- 
bec stations for Scirpus Peckii, 518. 

Vol. 46:—Overlooked species, transfers 
and novelties in the flora of eastern North 
America, 1-21, 32-57 (Contrib. Gray Herb. 
no. CL) ; Setaria Faberi in eastern America, 
57-58; The so-called Keeled Garlic of east- 
ern Pennsylvania, 59-60; A further item 
on Lilium michiganense, 86-87; Spergula 
pentandra in America, 88; Fimbristylis 
Baldwiniana not the same as F. annua, 144- 
145; Does Trilisa occur in Virginia? 148; 
Does Cnicus benedictus persist in our flora? 
158; Jussiaea Michauxiana, nom. nov., 197- 
198; Is Hypochaeris glabra established in 
our flora? 206; Continental Drift and Plant 
Distribution, [Review], 249-251; The al- 
bino of Epilobium latifolium, 251-252; 
Shrubs of Michigan, [Review], 254; Abrams' 
Illustrated Flora of the Pacific States, [Re- 
view], 282-284; Two of Rafinesque’s species 
of Tradescantia, 310-311; Imagined wisdom 
without understanding, [Critique], 312-315; 
Is there any evidence of Sericocarpus bifo- 
liatus in the Manual range? 316; Is Eriger- 
on carolinianus a valid American species? 
323-330; The identities of Epilobium line- 
are, E. densum and E. ciliatum, 377-386 ; Sa- 


tureja vulgaris (L.) Fritsch, var. neogaea, 
var. nov., 388; Lycopus amplectens, var. 
pubens in New England, 451-452; Why Ace- 
rates floridana? 488-489; The confused pub- 
lication of Monarda Russeliana, 491-493; 
The geographic segregation of Monarda 
fistulosa and its var. mollis, 494—496; The 
validity of Lithospermum latifolium, 496- 

Vol. 47:—Ruellia in the eastern United 
States, 1—38, 47-63, 69-90 (Contrib. Gray 
Herb. no. CLIII); Perezia aletes, an Argen- 
tinian species, 47; Botanical specialties of 
the Seward Forest and adjacent areas of 
southeastern Virginia, 93-142, 149-182, 191— 
204 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. CLVI); 
Woody Plants of Maine, [Review], 143- 
144; Minor forms and transfers, 144; An in- 
complete flora of Illinois, [Critique], 204— 
219; Key to Antennaria of the "Manual 
Range", 221-235, 239-247 (Contrib. Gray 
Herb. no. CLVII); Transfers in and ani- 
madversions on Artemisia, 247-256 (Con- 
trib. Gray Herb. no. CLVII); Senecio con- 
gestus, 256-257 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 
CLVII); Injury to herbarium-specimens by 
extreme heat, 258—260; Notes on eastern 
American Luzula, 265-271 (Contrib. Gray 
Herb. no. CLVII); Senecio Smallii Britton, 
forma tristis, f. nov. 302; Some North 
American Corylaceae (Betulaceae), I. 
Notes on Betula in eastern North America, 
303—329 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. CLIX); 
Some North American Corylaceae (Betul- 
aceae). II. Eastern North American repre- 
sentatives of Alnus incana, 333-361 (Con- 
trib. Gray Herb. no. CLIX) ; Chamaedaph- 
ne calyculata (L.) Moench, var. latifolia 
(Ait.) comb. nov. 390-391; A Handy Guide 
to Aquatic and Marsh Vegetation, [Re- 
view], 395; “Ia.” sometimes stands for In- 
diana, 404—405. 

Vol. 48:— Cypripedium Calceolus L., var. 
parviflorum (Salisb.) comb. nov., 4; Tech- 
nical studies on North American plants. I. 
Some species in Rafinesque’s “Herbarium 
Rafinesquianum,” 5-13 (Contrib. Gray 
Herb. no. CLX); Technical studies on 
North American plants. II; Difficulties in 
North American Salix, 13-16, 27-40, 41-49 
(Contrib. Gray Herb. no. CLX); Technical 
Studies on North American plants. III. 
Nomenclatural transfers in Polygonum, 49— 
54 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. CLX); Tech- 
nical Studies on North American plants. IV. 
Novelties in our flora, 5460, 65-81 
(Contrib, Gray Herb. no. CLX); Does 
Habenaria cristata still grow in New 
England? 64; The North American rep- 
resentatives of Alisma Plantago-aquatica, 
86-88; The sporadic appearance of Epipac- 
tis Helleborine, 88; Helianthus—a correc- 
tion, 112; Amelanchier spicata not an Amer- 
ican species, 125-129; A Monograph of Am- 
elanchier, [Review]. 129-134; The varieties 


of Lycopodium inundatum, 134-136; Iden- 
tifications and reidentifications of North 
American plants, 137-162, 184-197, 207-216 
(Contrib. Gray Herb. no. CLXID; Does 
Bartonia verna grow in Virginia? 327-328; 
Senecio tomentosus Michx., forma alaba- 
mensis (Britton) stat. nov., 330-331; The 
presumable identity of Cheilanthes lanosa, 
383-388; Some trivial American forms of 
the Lady-fern, 389-391. 

Vol. 49:— Itea virginica L., forma abbre- 
e f. nov. 22-23; Salicornia europaea 

, Var. simplex (Pursh) comb. nov., 23; 
Unverified bibliography of Scirpus, 49-53; 
Sedum Rosea, not S. roseum, 79-81; Fruits 
of Trees, [Review], 83; Additions to and 
subtractions from the flora of Virginia, 85— 
115, 121-142, 145-159, 175-194 (Contrib. 
Gray Herb. no. CLXIII); A Flora of Kala- 
mazoo County, [Review], 143-144; Flora of 
Delaware and theEastern Shore, [Review], 
164; The inadequate basis of the name 
Carya Pecan, 194-196; The North American 
variety of Equisetum Telmateia, 203-207; 
Two eastern American species of Iris, 210- 
215; Two new forms, 216; A new Clematis 
from the Peaks of Otter, 219-220; Minor 
transfers in Pyrus, 229-233; Equisetum pal- 
ustre, example of careless bibliography and 
phytography, 278—286 ; The varieties of Soli- 
dago uliginosa, 294—297 ; Crepis nana not 
yet known from Gaspé, 299. 

Vol. 50:— Another aggressive Hawkweed, 
15; The new Washington-Baltimore Check- 
list, [Review], 15-17; A prostrate Rorippa, 
35; A Nova Scotian Dwarf Shadbush, 49- 
51; A Virginian Peltandra, 56-59; A small 
gathering of Blackberries, 73-80; "Rorippa: 
a correction, 100; Some minor forms of 
Rosa, 145-147; Two forms in Euphorbia, 
148; (—— and Scuusert, B. G.), Studies of 
American types in British herbaria, 149-176, 
181-208, 217-233 (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 
CLXVII); A model flora of Nova Scotia, 
[Review], 211-215; The name Taraxacum 
officinale, 216; Erigeron compositus Pursh, 
var. discoideus Gray, forma trifidus (Hook. ), 
stat. nov. 238-240; The confused bases of the 
name Pinus palustris, 241—249; Scirpus ver- 
ecundus, nom. nov., 284. 

Ferns allied to Athyrium Filix-femina, The 
genus Athyrium and the North American, 

Ferns and Fern Allies of Louisiana, [Review], 

Ferns and their common Allies, Miss East- 
man's New England, [Review], 6:211. 

Ferns, Changes in the nomenclature of the 
Gray's Manual, 21:173. 

Ferns in Vermont, New stations for, 10:196. 

Ferns, Miscellaneous notes on New England, 
3:223; —II, 3:266; —III, 4:7; —IV, 4:49; 
—V, 4:157; —VI, 6:31. 

Ferns new to the flora of Vermont, Two, 


Ferns new to Virginia, Two, 44:191. 

Ferns of a deep ravine in Theford, Vermont, 

Ferns of Alaska, Western Canada and the 
northwestern States, Lady, 19:197. 

Ferns of Alstead, New Hampshire, The, 2:181. 

Ferns of Connecticut, Flowering Plants and, 
[Review], 12:131. 

Ferns of Franklin County, Maine, Notes on 
some, 4:247. 

Ferns of Maranacook, Maine, 1:218; —Notes 
on the, 3:236. 

Ferns of Mount Toby, Massachusetts, 3:41. 

Ferns of New England, The Evergreen, 4:49. 

Ferns of North America, A suppressed plate 
in Eaton's, 35:260. 

Ferns of North America, Dates of Eaton's, 

Ferns of northeastern United States, Wiley's, 
[Review], 38:345. 

Ferns of the eastern United States and 
Canada, The Lady, 19:181. 

Ferns of the Red River Country, Maine, 

Ferns of the Vicinity of New York, Small's, 
[Review], 38:163. 

Ferns, Wherry's Guide to, [Review], 40:247. 

Ferns, Taxonomic and geographic studies in 
North American, 19:169. 

Festuca octoflora in Vermont, 15:187. 

Festuca octoflora, Notes on, 34: 209. 

Festuca ovina in eastern America, The allies 
of, 37:250. 

Festuca ovina L., var. duriuscula (L.) Koch in 
Shelburne, New Hampshire, 14:92. 

Festuca sciurea in New Jersey, 37:200. 

Festuca varieties, T'wo, 21:72. 

Ficus Carica in Massachusetts, 35:40. 

Field Book, A new Popular, [Review], 4:201. 

Fifth International Botanical Congress, Cam- 
bridge, 1930, 30:158. 

Fig as a hardy plant in New England, The, 

Filago arvensis in North America, 47:258. 
(Filaree) *Seeds," Alfileria, 39:233. 
Filipendula rubra, a new binomial, 8:202. 
Filipendula rubra in Maine, 10:144. 
Fimbristylis annua, Fimbristylis Baldwiniana 
not the same as, 46:144. 
Fimbristylis Baldwiniana not the same as F. 
annua, 46:144. 
Fimbristylis Frankii Steud., var. brachyactis, 
n. var., 11:180. 
Fink, Bruce 
[The Lichens of Minnesota], Review of, 

[The Lichen Flora of the United States], 
Review of, 37:105. 
Fishers Island, New York, Additions to the 
flora of, 43:77 
Fleshy fungi found near Boston, Notes on 
some, 1:13. 
Fleshy fungi of Stow, Massachusetts, Some, 
13:57; —II, 16:45. 
Lonicera sempervirens established in 


Westford, Massachusetts, 4:40. 

Alchemilla pratensis found at Westford, 
Massachusetts, 9:92. 

Achillea tomentosa at Westford, Massa- 
chusetts, 10:127. 

Hypericum aureum a casual plant in 
eastern Massachusetts, 12:55. 

Dracocephalum thymiflorum a casual 
plant at Westford, Massachusetts, 13: 

Astragalus contortuplicatus on wool-waste, 

Further wool-waste plants at Westford, 
Massachusetts, 15:172. 

Two more foreign plants found on wool- 
waste at Westford, 17:32. 

Wool-waste plants at Westford, Massa- 
chusetts, 18:143-144. 

Some further plants found on wool-waste 
at Westford, Massachusetts, 19:132. 

[Biographical sketch], 25:149—150. 

*Fleur de lis" of the Iris, The history of the 
popular name “Flower de luce" or, 21:180. 

FurNT, JoANNE—(—— and Hopapon, A. K.), 
Another New Hampshire station for Subu- 
laria, 50:72. 

Floerkea proserpinacoides in Nova Scotia, 

Flora, A few additions to the New Hamp- 
shire, 2:167. 

Flora, A further note on the date of Pursh's, 

Flora, A new local, [Review], 2:132; 4:202. 

Flora, a plea for information, Destruction of 
our native, 4:200. 

Flora, A White Mountain, [Review], 27:52. 

Flora Americae Septentrionalis, Date of pub- 
lieation of Pursh's, 45:415. 

Flora and fauna of post-Pleistocene age in 
Essex County, Massachusetts, A southern, 

Flora around Missisquoi Bay, Quebec, The, 

Flora at the St. Louis Exposition, The Con- 
necticut, 6:180. 

Flora Boreali-Americana: Dates of publica- 
tion, Willdenow's Species Plantarum and 
Michaux's, 44:147. 

Flora Caroliniana, Some neglected names in 
Walter's, 17:129. 

Flora, Cnidoscolus texanus and C. stimulosus, 
their status in the Oklahoma, 15:270. 

Flora? Does Cnicus benedictus persist in 
our, 46:158. 

Flora, Extensions of ranges and additions to 
the Minnesota, 43:553. 

Flora, ier urther additions to the Connecticut, 

Flora, Further additions to the Mt. Desert, 

Flora? Is Hypochaeris glabra established in 
our, 46:206. 

Flora, Northeastward extensions in the Maine, 
38:453; —II, 40:245. 

Flora, Notes on two Ericaceae of the Boston 
district, 25:116. 


Flora, Novelties in our, 48:54, 65. 

Flora, Oak Island and its, 4:87. 

Flora of Alaska, Contributions to the, 42:141, 
199, 262. 

Flora of Amherst, Massachusetts, Additions 
to the, 1:164. 

Flora of Arizona, A, [Review], 45:26. 

Flora of Arkansas, Grass studies, —II. Addi- 
tions to the, 39:423. 

Flora of Berkshire County, Massachusetts, 
Hoffmann's, [Review], 24:183. 

Flora of Berkshire County, Massachusetts, 
Notes on the, 6:202. 

Flora of Berkshire County, Massachusetts, 
Some recent additions to the, 41:128. 

Flora of Birch Island in Attean Pond, 22:129. 

Flora of Boothbay, Maine, Notes on the, 
27: 53; —II, 29:14; —III, 34:107. 

Flora of Cape Cod, Additions to the, 30:135. 

Flora of Cape Cod, The pond, 14:25. 

Flora of Chesterville, Maine, On the, 2:123. 

Flora of Columbia, Missouri, Notes on the, 
36:359; —II, 37:189; —III, 38:191. 

Flora of Columbia, Missouri, The 
36 :415. 

Flora of Connecticut, Additions to the, 19: 
105, 119, 224, 245; —Series 2, 24:111. 

Flora of Connecticut, Notes on the, 4:36. 

Flora of Connecticut, Restoration of Isanthus 
brachiatus to the, 27:189. 

Flora of Connecticut, Two additions to the, 

Flora of Day Mountain, Franklin County, 
Maine, Notes on the, 6:206. 

Flora of Delaware and the Eastern Shore, 
[Review], 49:164. 

Flora of Duxbury, Massachusetts, Further 
notes on the, 14:90. 

Flora of Duxbury, Massachusetts, Notes on 
the, 14:18. 

Flora of eastern Massachusetts, An addition 
to the wool-waste, 34:214. 

Flora of eastern North America, Overlooked 
species, transfers and novelties in the, 46:1, 



Flora of Fishers Island, New York, Additions 
to the, 43:277. 

Flora of Franklin County, 
Notes on the, 12:168. 

Flora of Glacier National Park, Montana, 
Notes on the, 37:362. 

Flora of Great Duck Island, Maine, The 
marine, 2:209. 

Flora of Haverhill, Massachusetts, Notes on 
the, 35:201. 

Flora of Iceland and the Faeroes, [Review], 

Flora of Illinois, An incomplete, [Critique], 
47 :204. 

Flora of Indiana, Deam's, [Review], 43:75. 

Flora of Isle au Haut, Additions to the, 23:26. 

Flora of Kalamazoo County, A, [Review], 

Flora of Kentucky, A, [Review], 45:277. 

Flora of Knox County, Maine, Notable addi- 
tions to the, 24:181. 



T of Long Island, Grier’s notes on the, 

2i o2 lcd 

Flora of lower Cape Cod, Notes on the, 11: 
125; —Supplementary note, 12:8; —Third 
note, 13:17. 

Flora of Lynn, Massachusetts, Two plants 
new to the, 5:256. 

Flora of Maine, Notes on the bryophyte, 1:33. 

Flora of Maine, Some plants new to the, 6:91. 

Flora of Manchester, New Hampshire, [Re- 
view], 2:157. 

Flora of Maryland and Virginia, Notes on 
the, —I, 15:101; —II, 16:201. 

Flora of Massachusetts, Reports on the, —I, 
30:12; —II, 35:351; —III, 44:213; —IV, 

Flora of Massachusetts, Some additions to 
the, 4:166. 

Flora of Massachusetts, Two additions to 
the, 28:232. 

Flora of Michigan, Notes on the, 38:362. 

Flora of Middlesex County, Massachusetts, 
Further additions to the, 1:97; 2:223. 

Flora of Middlesex County, Massachusetts, 
Some additions to the, 1:80. 

Flora of Minnesota with new records and ex- 
tensions of ranges, Notes on the, 43:154. 

Flora of Missouri, Spring, [Review], 42.215. 

Flora of Mt. Abraham Township, Franklin 
County, Maine, On the, 1:191. 

Flora of Mount Desert, Maine, Additions to 
the, 23:65. 

Flora of Mt. Katahdin, Additions to the 
vascular, 5:146. 

Flora of Mt. Moosilauke, 2:97. 

Flora of Mt. Saddleback, Franklin County, 
Maine, 5:35. 

Flora of Muskeget Island, Massachusetts, The 
winter, 18:93. 

Flora of New Bedford, Plants new to the, 
6:22, 144. 

Flora of New Brunswick, Notes on the, 20:101. 

Flora of New England, Cape Cod in its rela- 
tion to the marine, 24:1. 

Flora of New England, Notes on the Desmid, 
—I, 37:22; —II, 37:113. 

Flora of New England, Sphagnum Faxoni; 
an addition to the, 10:40. 

Flora of New Hampshire, A contribution to 
the Desmid, 7:111, 251. 

Flora of New Jersey, An interesting addition 
to the, 11:121. 

Flora of Newfoundland, Notes upon the, 

Flora of North America, Moss, [Review], 
31:38; 33:229; 35:146; 36:60; 37:227; 38: 
240; 39:100; 40:359; 41:112; 43:95. 

Flora of North America, Two editions of 
Torrey & Gray's, 8:232. 

Flora of Northeastern Pennsylvania, A, [Re- 
view] 21:172. 

Flora of northern New York, Notes on the, 
36 :405. 

Flora of Nova Scotia, A model, [Review], 


Flora of Nova Scotia, Notes on the, 40:273; 
—]I, 43:337; —III, 44:334. 

Flora of Oakland County, Michigan, Bing- 
ham's, [Review], 47:260. 

Flora of Oklahoma, A, [Review], 40:179. 

Flora of Ontario—I. Epipactis Helleborine, 
Notes on the, 50:236. 

Flora of Penikese, fifty years after, The, 26: 
181, 211, 222. 

Flora of Penikese, seventy-four years after, 
'The, 50:253, 285. 

Flora of Providence, The old-time, 2:213. 

Flora of Quebec, An illustrated, [Review], 

Flora of Quebec, Six additions to the adven- 
titious, 50:176. 

Flora of Rhode Island, Notes on the, 3:33. 

Flora of Rhode Island, Twelve additions to 
the, 8:219. 

Flora of Rhode Island, Two additions to the, 
26 :220. 

Flora of Roanoke County, Virginia, Notes 
on the, 46:69, 135. 

Flora of Springfield, Massachusetts, A, [Re- 
view], 26:179. 

Flora of Springfield, Massachusetts, Additions 
to the, 29:241. 

Flora of St. Louis County, Missouri, Recent 
additions to the, 36:375. 

Flora of St. Paul Island, Nova Scotia, The 
vascular, 33:105. 

Flora of Swanton, Vermont, Notes on the, 

Flora of Tennessee, Notes on the, —The genus 
Trillium, 36:119; —Dioscorea, 36:344. 

Flora of the Amherst region, Further addi- 
tions to the, 2:68. 

Flora of the Blue Hills, Two additions to the 
Lichen, 10:35. 

Flora of the Boston district, Index to the, 31: 

Flora of the Boston district, Reports on the, 
—I, 9:81; —II, 10:59; —III, 10:128; —IV, 
11:75; —V, 11:204; —VI, 12:3; —VII, 12: 
95; —VIII, 13:27; —IX, 13:72; —X, 13: 
82; —XI, 13:104; —XII, 13:232; —XIII, 
13:248; —XIV, 14:76; —XV, 14:107; 
— XVI, 15:54; —XVII, 15:122; —X VIII, 15: 
144; —XIX, 16:106; —XX, 17:169; —XXI, 
17:202; —XXII, 18:86; —XXIII, 18:165; 
—XXIV, 18:213; —XXV, 18:248; —XXVI, 
20:15; —XXVII, 20:55; —XXVIII, 20:164; 
—XXIX, 20:208; —XXX, 21:78; —XXXI, 
21:125; —XXXII, 22:72; —XXXIII, 22: 
123; —XXXIV, 23:113; —XXXV, 24:92; 
—XXXVI, 24:152; —XXXVII, 24:231; 
—XXXVIII, 25:25; —XXXIX, 25:37; 
—XL, 25:60; —XLI, 25:185; —XLII, 26: 
13; —XLIII, 26:34; —XLIV, 26:55; 
—XLV, 26:82; —XLVI, 26:107; —XLVII, 
26:130; —XLVIII, 26:149; —XLIX, 26: 

Flora of the Bruce Peninsula, Ontario, Some 
observations on the, 37:63. 

Flora of the Coastal Plain of South Carolina 
north of Georgetown, Notes on the Spring, 


Flora of the Connecticut Valley in Massachu- 
setts, A, [Review], 15:97. 

Flora of the Cumberland Plateau and Cum- 
berland Mountains in Kentucky, Some re- 
lationships of the, 39:193. 

Flora of the Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts, 
'The, 32:119, 147, 167, 208, 226, 263. 

Flora of the Great Lakes, The Atlantic Coast- 
al Plain elements in the, 24:57, 80. 

Flora of the Great Swamp of Rhode Island, 
The, 9:117. 

Flora of the Illinoian Till Plain of southwest- 
ern Ohio, Affinities of the, 37:349. 

Flora of the Islands of St. Pierre et Miquelon, 
Contribution to the, 29:117, 144, 173, 204. 

Flora of the Islands of Saint-Pierre et Mique- 
lon, Plants new to the, 49:237. 

Flora of the Matamek River district, North 
Shore, Quebec, Canada, 34:48. 

Flora of the New Jersey Pine Barrens, A, [ Re- 
view], 14:94. 

Flora of the Niagara Frontier, A, [Review], 
37 :163. 

Flora of the North Shore of the Gulf of St. 
Lawrence, [Review], 34:120. 

Flora of the Old Colony, The original, 16: 

Flora of the Ozark region in Missouri, Some 
features of the, 36:214. 

Flora of the Pacific States, Abrams's Illustrat- 
ed, [Review], 46:282. 

Flora of the Penobscot Bay region, A, [Re- 
view], 22:91. 

Flora of the Penobscot Bay region, Maine, 
Notes on the, 16:189. 

Flora of the Pocono Plateau, 1:182. 

Flora of the Prairies and Plains, [Review], 34: 

Flora of the region, A new variety of Sedum 
Rosea from southeastern Minnesota and 
additional notes on the, 49:197. 

Flora of the Rocky Mountains and Adjacent 
Plains, Dates of Publication of Rydberg’s, 

Flora of the Sandy River Valley in Maine, 16: 

Flora of the State of Washington, Notes on 
the, 34:236; —II, 36:8; —III, 37:417. 

Flora of the United States, Lichen, [Review], 
37 :305. 

Flora of the Vicinity of New York, a contri- 
bution to plant geography, [Review], 17: 

Flora of tidewater Virginia, Last survivors in 
the, 41:465, 529, 564. 

Flora of Vermont, [Review], 3:40. 

Flora of Vermont, A hybrid Asplenium new 
to the, 8:12. 

Flora of Vermont, Addenda to the, 6:137. 

Flora of Vermont, Information desired con- 
cerning plants doubtfully ascribed to the, 2: 

Flora of Vermont, Three plants new to the 

Flora of Vermont, Two ferns new to the, 7: 


Flora of Virginia, A century of additions to 
the, 42:355, 419, 503. 

Flora of Virginia, Additions to and subtrac- 
tions from the, 49:85, 121, 145, 175. 

Flora of Virginia, Another century of addi- 
tions to the, 43:485, 559, 635. 

Flora of Virginia, The seventh century of 
additions to the, 44:341, 416, 457. 

Flora of Waterbury, Connecticut, Blewitt’s, 
[Review], 29:240. 

Flora of western Maine, Some casual elements 
in the, 6:81. 

Flora of western Massachusetts, An unexpect- 
ed addition to the, 40: 424. 

Flora of western Nova Scotia, 1921, Notes on 
the, 24:157, 165, 201. 

Flora of Willoughby, Vermont, 6:93. 

Flora of Wisconsin, Recent contributions to 
the, 33:139. 

Flora of Woods Hole, Massachusetts, Notes 
on the, 3:87. 

Flora of Woodstock, Vermont, [Review], 34: 

Flora of Worcester County, Massachusetts, 
Additions to the, —I, 1:42; —II, 1:201; 
—III, 3:185. 

Flora of Worcester County, Massachusetts, 
Additions to the, [Review], 30:20. 

Flora of Worcester County, Massachusetts, 
Further notes on the, 2:201. 

Flora of Worcester County, Massachusetts, 
Notes on the, 37 :80;—II. 42:40. 

Flora, Polygala vulgaris new to the North 
America, 44:9. 

Flora, Recent discoveries in the Newfound- 
land, 35:1, 47, 80, 120, 161, 203, 230, 265, 298, 
327, 364, 395. 

Flora, Some additions to the Newfoundland, 

Flora, Some additions to the Rhode Island, 

Flora, Some Jesuit influences upon our north- 
eastern, 2:133. 

Flora, The protection of our native, 4:139. 

Flora with a biographical sketch of the author, 
A new Moss, [Review], 37:166. 

Floral Areas, Report of the Committee on, 20: 
181, 193; —Second, 22:80; —Third, 23:209; 
—Fourth, 27:56; —Fifth, 28:43; —Sixth, 
29:247; —Seventh, 31:106. 

Floral changes in a salt marsh during reclama- 
tion, 17:205. 

Floral conditions in central Massachusetts, 
Past and present, 1:143. 

Floras of eastern North America and the Old 
World, Specific segregations and identiti- 
ties in some, 33:25. 

Floras of Mt. Washington and Mt. Katahdin, 
A comparison of the, 3:160. 

Floras of New England, A misleading addi- 
tion to the State, [Review], 24:96. 

Floras of New England, The local, 1:111, 138, 
158, 174, 194, 208; 2:73. 

Floras, Two local, 14:78. 

Flore Laurentienne, Victorin’s, 
37 :305. 



Florida, A new Magnolia from west, 28:35. 

Florida, A new Oak from, 31:79. 

Florida, A new Satureja from, 26:80. 

Florida, Hollies from central, 34:233. 

Florida, Notes from northwestern, 38:48. 

Florida, Pseudo-clephantopus spicatus, a weed 
of potential importance in, 50:280. 

Florida, The name of the Wild Dilly of, 49: 

Florida, Two new evergreen Hollies from cen- 
tral, 34:16. 

Flower de luce, or “Fleur de lis" of the Iris, 
The history of the popular name, 21:180. 
Flowering Plants and Ferns of Arizona, [Re- 

view], 45:26. 

Flowering Plants and Ferns of Connecticut, 
[Review], 12:131. 

Flowering Plants of Missouri, Validation of 
combinations in Palmer and Steyermark's 
Annotated Catalogue of the, 40:131. 

Frovp, F. G. F 

Aspidium simulatum in New Hampshire, 

Ranunculus abortivus, var. eucyclus in 
Hyde Park, Massachusetts, 4:152. 

A cristate form of Nephrodium margin- 
ale, 4:244—245. 

(Knowuton, C. H., FeRNALD, M. L. and 
— —), Field excursions of the New Eng- 
land Botanical Club, 14:71-76. 

The rediscovery of an historic collection 
of Massachusetts plants, 16:185—187. 


A second station for Cyperus Houghtonii 
in Vermont, 5:191-192. 

The ninth annual field meeting of the 
Vermont Botanical Club, 5:236. 

The thirteenth annual winter meeting of 
the Vermont Botanical Club, 10:55-56. 

The winter meeting of the Vermont Bo- 
tanical Club, 11:27—29. 

Plants new to Vermont, 11:198-199. 

The winter meeting of the Vermont Bo- 
tanieal Club, 12:100. 

The sixteenth annual field meeting of the 
Vermont Botanical Club, 12:206-207. 
The winter meeting of the Vermont Bo- 

tanical Club, 13:87-88. 

The sixteenth annual meeting of the Ver- 
mont Botanical Club, 13:237-238. 

A third station in Vermont for Cyperus 
Houghtonii, 14:40. 

[Flora of Burlington and vicinity], Re- 
view of, 14:78-79. 

The seventeenth annual winter meeting 
of the Vermont Botanical Club, 14:161- 

The seventeenth annual field meeting of 
the Vermont Botanical Club, 14:204. 
The eighteenth annual winter meeting of 
the Vermont Botanical Club, 15:79. 
The nineteenth annual field meeting of 

the Vermont Botanical Club, 15:203- 

The nineteenth annual winter meeting of 

the Vermont Botanical Club, 16:78-79. 


The twentieth annual field meeting of the 
Vermont Botanical Club, 16:198. 

The twentieth annual winter meeting of 
the Vermont Botanical Club, 17:86. 

Meetings of the Vermont Botanical Club, 

Field meeting of the Vermont Botanical 
Club, 21:191-192. 

A correction, 22:16. 

The winter meeting of the Vermont Bo- 
tanical Club, 22: 184. 

The annual field meeting of the Vermont 
Botanical Club, 24:226-227. 

Another plant from Nantucket, 24:241- 

Foco, Jonn M, Jr. 

Flora of Penikese fifty years after (Sper- 
matophyta), 26:219, 222-229. 

(Tavron, W. R. and ——), Notes on some 
freshwater Algae from Newfoundland, 
29 : 160-164. 

The clandestine form of Leersia oryzoi- 
des, 30:81-85. 

A second station for Panicum longifolium 
in Massachusetts, 31:39-40. 

A few noteworthy plants from Falmouth, 
Massachusetts, 32:103-110. 

Tipularia discolor in Dukes County, 
Massachusetts, 32:114-117. 

The flora of the Elizabeth Islands, Massa- 
chusetts, 32:119-132, 147-161, 167-180, 
208—221, 226—258, 263-281. 

A station for Hymenophysa pubescens in 
the eastern United States, 39:190—192. 

A station for Cheilanthes alabamensis in 
Giles County, Virginia, 41:137-138. 

Suggestions for collectors, 42: 145—157. 

Fomes roseus (A. & S.) Cke. and Trametes 
subrosea nom. novum, 25:214. 
Fontinalis new to Connecticut, Species of, 15: 

Forres, F. F. 
(Harrison, A. K., ——, Know tron, C. 
H. and Ware, R. A.), Reports on the 
flora of the Boston district, —I, 9:81-86. 
Salix subsericea, a distinct species, 11: 

A new hybrid Violet, 11:14-15. 

Forest Physiography, Bowman’s, [Review], 

Forest succession, climate and chronology in 
the Pacifie Northwest, Postglacial, [Re- 
view], 49:227. 

Forest 'Trees of New England, Leavitt's, [Re- 
view], 35:108. 

Formaldehyde in plant collecting, The use of, 

Forms, Two new, 49:216. 

Fort Kent, Maine, Tree Willows at, 3:277. 


Subspecies and variety, 44:153-157. 
Application of the name Euphorbia ma- 
culata L., 48:197—200, 4 figs. 

Fossil evidence of wider post-Pleistocene range 
of Butternut and Hickory in Wisconsin, 44: 
409; —A note on, 45:107; —A reply, 46:149. 


Fossombronia salina in Connecticut, 3:7. 
Foster, H. Lincoun— Rhododendron carolin. 
ianum naturalized in New England, 49:116 
Foster, M.— The identity of Iris Hookeri anc 
the Asian I. setosa, 5:157-159. 
Foster, Rosert C. 
A new Iris from California, 38:199-201. 
A Flora of Arizona, [Review], 45:26-27 
The publication-date of Nuttall’s “Arkan- 
sas Flora,” 46:156-157. 
Foundations of Botany, [Review], 3:66. 
Fragaria virginiana, A boreal variety of, 13: 

Fragrance, Some observations of Orchid, 3: 

Franklin County, Maine, Flora of Mt. Saddle- 
back, 5:35; Notes on some Ferns of, 4:247; 
Notes on the flora of Day Mountain, 6:206; 
On the flora of Mt. Abraham Township, 1: 
191; The occurrence of Empetrum in, 4:196. 

Franklin County, Massachusetts, Notes on 
the flora of, 12:168. 

Franklin's First Journey, On citing Richard- 
son's Botanical Appendix to, 26: 199. 

Fraxinus nigra, A post-Wisconsin record of, 
37 :20. 

Fraxinus pennsylvanica var. Austini in Okla- 
homa, 45:273. 

Fraxinus profunda, The New York record of. 

FREEMAN, FLonENCE L.—The variations of 
Psoralea psoralioides, 39:425—428. 

FREEMAN, GEoRGE F.—Lycopodium Selago 
on Mt. Holyoke, Massachusetts, 5:290. 


Viola primulifolia in Berkshire County, 
Massachusetts, 28:132. 

Parthenium auriculatum in Burke Coun- 
ty, North Caralina, 28:208. 

French Apothecary's plants in Burser's her- 
barium, The, 33:177. 

Frére Marie-Victorin, 48:265. 

Fringed Gentian, A, 1:11. 

Fringed Gentian, Some noteworthy specimens 
of the, 1:89. 

Fringed Polygala, A violet-flowered form of 
the, 1:173. 

Froelichia floridana, The campestrian variety 
of, 43:330. 


[Herbarium of], 3:240. 

[Herbarium at the University of Ver- 
mont], 4: 171-174. 

[Recollections ofl, 6:25-27 (with por- 

Fruit key to Northeastern Trees, [Reply], 50: 

Fruits of Trees, [Review], 49:83. 

Fucus spiralis and Fucus vesiculosus, Marsh 
forms of, 41:26. 

Fucus vesiculosus, Marsh forms of Fucus 
spiralis and, 41:26. 

Fuirena squarrosa, The type of, 40:396. 

Futter, A. M — A natural Cypripedium hy- 
brid from Wisconsin, 34:97-101, 5 figs. 


Futter, T. O. 

Some rare plants of Needham, Massachu- 
setts, 1:179-182. 

Botrychium matricariaefolium on Mt. To- 
by, Massachusetts, 3:144—145. 

[Herbarium of], 3:240. 

Fungi, Exhibition and study of, 8:153. 

Fungi found near Boston, Notes on some 
fleshy, 1:13. 

Fungi in greenhouses, 1: 83. 

Fungi, Notes on, 10:9. 

Fungi of Nantucket, The, —Century I, 39: 
367; —List of Second hundred, 41:508; 
— Third list of, 44:167. 

Fungi of Penikese, 26:218. 

Fungi of Stow, Massachusetts, Some fleshy, 
IBS pras te 

Fungi, Penikese Island, 50:285. 

Fungi, Studies of American, [Review], 3:37. 

Fungi which cause Plant-disease, The, [Re- 
view], 16:79. 

Fungus notes, 1:57. 

Fungus on Lespedeza in New England, A 
cluster-cup, 2:186. 


Myosotis collina in Maine, 1:76. 

Cardamine bellidifolia in Cumberland 
County, Maine, 3:185. 

[Herbarium of], 3:241. 

[Biographical sketch], 28:36. 

Gaiser, L. O.—The genus Liatris, 48:165—183, 
216-263, 273-326, 331—382, 393-412. 

Galactia and Apios by vegetative characters, 
Determination of Amphicarpa, Stropho- 
styles, 42:213. 

Galax aphylla introduced in Massachusetts, 

Gare, SuigLEY— Rhynchospora, section Eu- 
rhynchospora, in Canada, the United States 
and the West Indies, 46:89-134, 159-197, 
207—249, 255—278, pls. 818-835. 

Galinsoga in Maine, 5:258. 

Galinsoga in North America, The genus, 22: 

Galium, A newly introduced, 6:22. 

Galium boreale, The varieties of, 20:106. 

Galium brevipes in Minnesota, 14:175. 

Galium circaezans, The type of, 39:449. 

Galium erectum and Asperula galioides in 
America, 5:173. 

Galium labradoricum in Pennsylvania, 14: 

Galium pilosum and its varieties, 18:190. 

Galium, Some notes on, 6:21. 

Galium texense in Oklahoma, 45:276. 

Galium, The affinities of a certain boreal va- 
riety of, 12:228. 

Galium trifidum at Wellesley, Massachusetts, 
14:205, 206. 

Galiums from northeastern America, Two new, 
DIB ee 

Ganong, W.F. 

[On halophytic colonies in the interior of 
New Brunswick], Notice of, 1:20. 

Polyembryony in Opuntia vulgaris, 1: 

[The Teaching Botanist], Review of, 2: 

[On the present confusion in the names of 
American plants], Notice of, 6:63. 
On balls of vegetable matter from sandy 
shores, 7:41-47; 11:149-152. 
Nichols’s Vegetation of northern Cape 
Breton, [Review], 21:171-172. 
Garden, Notes of a wild, 2:159. 
Garden, Some weeds in an old, 35:145. 
GarpNer, N. L.— Notes on a collection of 
fresh-water Myxophyceae from Amoy, Chi- 
na, 28:1-4. 
Garlie of eastern Pennsylvania, The so-called 
Keeled, 46:59. 
GasHwILer, J. S.— Nymphaea tetragona in 
Somerset County, Maine, 43:74-75. 
Gaspé, A day in, 31:54. 
Gaspé coast, A new Oxytropis from the, 30: 
Gaspé, Crepis nana not yet known from, 49: 

Gaspé Peninsula, Notes on some Lichens from 
the, 41:100. 

Gaspé Peninsula, Quebec, Lichens of the, 28: 
157, 205, 225. 

Gaspé Peninsula, Quebec, Some Cladonieae 
from the valley of the Cap Chat River and 
vicinity, 32: 91. 

Gaspé Peninsula, Range extensions of certain 
plants on the, 38:273. 

Gaspé Peninsula, Some new plants from the, 

Gaspesian National Park, Regulations con- 
cerning the, 40:244. 

Gates, Burton N. 

Dissemination by ants of the seeds of 
Trillium grandiflorum, 42:194—196. 

Observations in 1940 on the dissemination 
by ants of the seeds of Trillium grandi- 
florum, 43:206-207. 

The dissemination by ants of the seeds 
of Bloodroot, Sanguinaria canadensis, 

Carunculate seed dissemination by ants, 
45 :488-445. 

Gates, Frank C.—AÀn addition to the de- 
scription of Streptopus longipes Fernald, 


A new Oenothera, 15:45—48, pls. 100, 101. 

[The Mutation Factor in Evolution: with 
particular Reference to Oenotheral, 
Review of, 17:235-237. 

On the Mendelian interpretation of Oeno- 
thera crosses, 18:198—201. 

Gaultheria procumbens L., forma accrescens, 
f. nov., 36:129; forma suborbiculata, n. f., 

Gaura parviflora Dougl., var. lachnocarpa, n. 
vaty 27 Des 

Gaylussacia brachycera, A new station for, 22: 

Gaylussacia dumosa, The northern variety of, 


Gaylussacia dumosa and frondosa in New 
Hampshire,—a correction, 5:276. 

Gaylussacia baccata, Pollination of the Eri- 
caceae, V., 42:352. 

Genesee Valley of western New York, Spar- 
tina patens and other saline plants of the, 

Gentian, A prolifie Fringed, 1:11. 

Gentian of the tidal shores of the St. Law- 
rence, The, 25:85. 

Gentian, Some noteworthy specimens of the 
Fringed, 1:89. 

Gentiana Andrewsii in the Coastal Plain of 
New Jersey, Regarding, 22:104. 

Gentiana clausa, a valid species, 19:147. 

Gentiana linearis, Color variation in, 32:143. 

Gentiana linearis, var. latifolia in Maine, 26: 

Gentiana Pennelliana, nom. nov., 42:198. 

Gentiana Porphyrio, Some color-forms of, 44: 

Gentiana Porphyrio, The scarcity of pink- 
flowered, 44:237. 

Gentiana procera Holm, forma laevicalyx, n. 
f., 32:221. 

Gentiana quinquefolia in Maine, 47:143. 

Gentians, Some forms of American, 19:149. 

Geocaulon, a new genus of the Santalaceae, 

Geographical Guide to the Floras of the 
World, [Review], 45:56. 

Georgia Sand-hills, Ptelea mollis, var. crypto- 
neura, a Wafer-ash of the, 13:80. 

Georgian Bay, Notes on the Algae of, 15:88. 

Geranium Bicknellii earlier than G. nemor- 
ale, 44:91. 

Geranium carolinianum and allies of north- 
eastern North America, 37:295. 

Geranium divaricatum in the United States, 

Geranium nemorale, Geranium Bicknellii 
earlier than, 44:91. 

Geranium nemorale Suksd., var. Bicknellii 
(Britton), comb. nov., 43:35. 

Geranium nepalese var. Thunbergii in Massa- 
chusetts, 47:219. 

Geranium nervosum, 46:28. 

Geranium of the United States and Canada, 
A revision of the perennial species of, 45: 
5, 32. 

Gerardia tenuifolia, A peloric flower in, 42: 

Geum canadense, Varieties of, 24:47. 

Geum ciliatum. Geum triflorum and, 30:206. 

Geum from Vermont and Quebec, A new, 8: 

Geum in the Athabasca-Great Slave Lake re- 
gion, The genus, 33:172. 

Geum triflorum and G. ciliatum, 30:206. 

Geum triflorum Pursh, 44:405. 

Geum virginianum, The northern variety of, 

GiLBERT, Epwarp M.— (Arren, C. E. and 
—! [Textbook of Botanyl, Review of. 


GILBERT, Frank A.— Notes on Myxomycete 
from eastern Massachusetts, 29:165-173. 
Gillenia trifoliata, A double-flowered form of 


A note on the authorship of certain spe 
cies of Cyperaceae, 43:333-335. 
Another later homonym, 48:163-164. 
GILMAN, CLARABEL—Two Ferns new to thi 

flora of Vermont, 7:103-105. 
Githopsis, A review of the genus, 41:302. 
Glacier National Park, Montana, Distribu 
tion notes concerning certain plants of, 36 
305; —II, 41:504; Notes on the flora of, 37 
Glaux in America, Variations of, 4:213. 

A prairie near Ann Arbor, Michigan 

Annotations on herbarium sheets, 35 

Scirpus koilolepis, comb. nov., 44:479. 

Actaea alba versus Actaea pachypoda 
46 :146—148. 

Blephilia ciliata (L.) Benth., 50:53-55. 

Gleditschia triacanthos established in Con: 
necticut, 4:103. 

Glottidium vesicarium in Oklahoma, 36:118 

Glyceria, A new species and two new varie- 
ties of, 37:262. 

Glyceria acutiflora in Vermont, 13:92. 

Glyceria arkansana in western New York 

Glyceria Fernaldii, The status of, 19:75. 

Glyceria from the Great Smoky Mountains 
A new species of, 35:320. 

Glyceria grandis, and a key to its allied spe. 
cies, A new variety of, 36:264. 

Glyceria neogaea Steudel, A note on, 35:225 

Gnaphalium calviceps, a correction, 38:52. 

Gnaphalium obtusifolium, var. micradenium 
in New Hampshire and South Carolina 

Gnaphalium obtusifolium, Varieties of, 38:231 

Gnaphalium plantaginifolium, The identity 
of the Linnaean, 3:11. 

Gnaphalium spathulatum, a later homonym 

Goldenrod, A little-known New England, 2:57 

Goldenrod, An undescribed variety of, 6:182 

GOLDSMITH, WILLIAM GLeason— [Biographical] 
sketch], 12:227—228. 

Gonolobus within the Gray’s Manual range 


Notes from the Amherst College Herbari- 
um, 34:34—37. 

(CuHuRCHILL, J. R, ——, GoopwiN, R.H. 
Grice, F. W., Harris, S. K., Porter, D. 
RossmAcH, G. B. Sanrorp, S. N. F. 
and Situ, L. B.), Reports on the flora 
of Massachusetts, —II, 35:351-359. 

(——, Gric, F. W., Gustarson, A. H. 
Harris, S. K, KwNowrroN, C. H. 
Porter, D., Sanrorp, S. N. F., SEYMOUR 
F. C. and Smırta, L. BJ), Reports on 


the flora of Massachusetts,—III, 44: 

(Bran, R. C., ——, Griaa, F. W., HARRIS, 
S. K., KnowLrton, C. H., Porr, D., 
SanFoRD, S. N. F., Seymour, F. C. and 
SMirH, L. B.), Reports on the flora of 
Massachusetts, —IV, 49:257-271. 

GOODALE, GEORGE Linco.n—[Biographical 
sketch], 25:117-120 (with portrait). 
Glottidium vesicarium in Oklahoma, 36: 
Calopogon pulchellus from Oklahoma, 36: 
Further notes on Oklahoma plants, 38: 
A new species of Pericome, 39:209—210, 
pl. 459. 
Author citation for Eriogonum hemipter- 
um, 47:92. 
GOODWIN, RicHamp H. 

(CHURCHILL, J. R., Gooparg, A. S, —, 
Griae, F. W., HARRIS, S. K POTTER, D, 
SmirtH, L. B.), Reports on the flora of 
Massachusetts,—II, 35:351—359. 

Notes on the distribution and hybrid 
origin of x Solidago asperula, 39:22-28, 
4 figs, pl. 453. 

Goodyera pubescens in central New Hamp- 
shire, 1:193. 

Goodyera pubescens, 

Goodyera repens in New England, Typical, 

Goodyera repens, 
necticut, 1:40. 

Gordonia grow in Virginia? Does, 49:151. 

GoRMAN, M. W.—[Obituary notice], 29:33- 
36 (with portrait). 

Gramineae, Notes on, 18:231. 

aramineae of the seventh edition of Gray's 
Manual, Nomenclatorial changes required 
by some, 14:165, 184. 

aramineae, T'wo extensions of range in, 17:71. 

Grand Canyon of the Colorado, A new 
Primula from the, 36:117. 

Graphephorum, Notes on Trisetum and, 8:81. 

Grass flora of Columbia, Missouri, The, 36: 

Grass new to eastern Canada, A, 10:205. 

Grass new to Missouri, A, 36:312. 

Grass Studies, —II. Additions to the flora of 
Arkansas, 39:423; —IV. Additional species 
new to Arkansas, 43:219. 

Grasses and Sedges of Woodstock, Vermont, 
[Review], 42:143. 

Grasses, Bromelica (Thurber) : 
of, 21:76 

Grasses new to New Hampshire, Two, 14:175. 

Grasses new to Virginia, Two introduced, 
36 :420. 

Grasses, Notes on, 8:205. 

Grasses, Notes on North American, 4:142. 

Grasses, Notes on two Connecticut, 6:177. 

The mycorrhiza of, 

var. ophioides in Con- 

a new genus 


ree noteworthy in Massachusetts, Some, 
Grasses of eastern America, Four, 31:44. 
Grasses of Hot Springs National Park, Arkan- 
sas and vicinity, 44:70. 
Grasses of Illinois, A Manual of the, [Re- 
view], 20:188. 
Grasses of Indiana, Deam’s, [Review], 32:117. 
Grasses, Range extensions of two, 17: 159. 
Grasses. rediscovered, Two Vermont, 12:40. 
Grasses, Some forms of, 35:316. 
Grasses, Some Rhode Island, 20:116. 
Gratiola at Westfield, a clerical error, The 
record of color varieties of, 9:195. 
Gratiola aurea, The retrograde color varie- 
ties of, 9:122. 
Gratiola lutea, An estuarine variety of, 34:147. 
A color variation in Potentilla tridentata, 
Pentstemon laevigatus, a misnomer, 44: 
Graves, ARTHUR H.—Woody plants of Brook- 
lin, Maine, 12:173-184. 
Graves, C. B. 
Some noteworthy plants of southeastern 
Connecticut, 1:67-69. 
A little-known New England Goldenrod, 
Some observations upon the early growth 
of Impatiens biflora, 2:234—235. 
Noteworthy plants of southeastern Con- 
necticut, —II, 3:63-65. 
A correction regarding Barbarea praecox, 
(Herbarium of], 3:241. 
Noteworthy plants of southeastern Con- 
necticut, —III, 4:26-28. 
Valerianella in New England, 4:195-196. 
Noteworthy plants of southeastern Con- 
necticut, —IV, 6:48—49. 
An undescribed variety of Goldenrod, 6: 
aor unusual Connecticut plants, 6:195- 
(——, Eames, E. H., Bisset, C. H., An- 
By, C. A. Y [Catalogue of the Flowering 
Plants and Ferns of Connecticut grow- 

ing without cultivation], Review of, 
(Harcer, E. B, ——, Eames, E. H., Bis- 

SELL, C. H., ANpnEWS, L. and WEATH- 
BY, C. AJ), Additions to the flora of 
Connecticut, 19:105-110, 119-130, 224— 

232, 245—253. 
(HanaER, E. B, ——, Eames, E. H., Bis- 
SELL, Or H: 'and WEATHERBY, C. A, 

Additions to the flora of Connecticut, 
Series 2, 24:111-121. 
Schwalbea americana in Connecticut, 5:40. 
Helenium nudiflorum in Groton, Con- 
necticut, 6:79-80. 
Gray, ASA 
[Herbarium of], 3:243. 

[Letter of —— to Lewis D. de Schwein- Greene, Epwarp L.—A new northern Eupa- 
itz], 7:141-143. . torium, 3:83-84. 
[The travels of —— in West Virginia], Greenland, Some critical plants of, 36:89. 
42:344—351. Greenland, Three Antennarias from, 33:222. 

Gray Herbarium of Harvard University, Con- 
tributions from the, — (The following num- 
bers have been extracted from Rhodora: 
35, 40, 43, 44, 46, 50, 51, 57, 58, 63, 66, 
67, 69, 71, 72, 76, 79, 82, 83, 86, 91, 93, 
94, 99, 101, 103, 105, 107-111, 113, 115, 116, 
118, 120—123, 125, 126, 128, 130—134, 136, 138- 
140, 143-145, 147, 156, 157, 159, 160, 162, 163, 
167; under each title caption, they have 
been indicated as follows: Contrib. Gray 
Herb. no. ——). 

Gray Herbarium expedition to Nova Scotia, 
1920, The, 23:89, 130, 153, 184, 223, 257, 284. 

Gray Herbarium, Insecticides used at the, 

Gray, JANE Lorinc—[Biographical sketch], 

Gray Pine and Arbor-Vitae, 23:247. 

Gray's Flora of North America, Two editions 
of Torrey and, 8:232. 

Gray's Manual, Emendations of the seventh 
edition of, —I, 11:33. 

Gray's Manual Ferns, Changes in the nomen- 
clature of the, 21:173. 

Gray's Manual, Nomenclatural changes re- 
quired by some Gramineae of the seventh 
edition of, 14:165, 184. 

Gray's Manual of Botany, seventh edition; 
Notice of, 10:167; —Review, 10:193; — 
Check-list of, 10:196; —Text-figures in, 10: 

Gray's Manual range, Notes on certain plants 
in the, 47:89. 

Gray's Revision of North American Oxytropis 
and Saxifraga, Bibliographic note upon, 44: 

Great Basin Plants, —V. Aquatics, 44:4. 

Great Duck Island, Maine, The marine flora 
of, 2:209. 

Great Lakes region of Ontario and Michigan, 
Critical plants of the Upper, 37:197, 238, 
272, 324. 

Great Lakes, The Atlantic Coastal Plain ele- 
ment in the flora of the, 24:57, 80. 

Great Lakes, The distribution of Iris versi- 
color in relation to the postglacial, 35:154. 

Great Slave Lake region, The distribution and 
affinities of the vegetation of the Atha- 
basca—, 32:187. 

Great Slave Lake region, The genus Geum 
in the Athabasca—, 33:172. 

Great Smokies and the Blue Ridge, The, 
[Review], 46:157. 

Great Smoky Mountains, A new species of 
Glyceria from the, 35:320. 

Green Alders of New England, The, 6:162. 

Green Algae, New forms of, 1:149. 

Green Algae, Some new, 9:197. 

GREEN, AnNoLD—[Herbarium of], 3:241. 

Green, Ivan J.—An Alopecurus new to North 
America, 46:386—387. 

GREENE, BENJAMIN D.—[Herbarium of], 3:70. 

The genus Senecio in New England, 
Senecio Balsamitae Muhl., var. firmifolius 
Greenman, n. var., 7:244. 
Notes on the genus Senecio, 10:68-69. 
GREENWAY, JAMES—[Memorandum regard- 
ing], 45:301-303. 
Greenwich, Connecticut, Liquidambar at, 1: 
Grenfell-Forbes northern Labrador expedi- 
tion, 1931, Botanical results of the, 38:102. 
Gnzss, E. M. 
Falcaria Rivini, a plant new to the United 
States, 25:12-13. 
Stipa spartea found in Pennsylvania, 29: 

Groylonk, Massachusetts, Orchids of Mt., 2: 


Greylock, Pogonatum capillare on Mt., 4:83. 

Greylock region, A list of Bryophytes from 
the Mt., 4:29. 

Greylock region, Bryophytes of the Mt., —II, 
4:238; —III, 6:72; —IV, 11:116. 

Grirr, N. M. 

Note on the fruit of Mountain Magnolia, 

Light correlated variations of the sterile 
stem of Equisetum sylvaticum, 22: 

Preserving Indian Pipes without discol- 
oration, 24:225-226. 

[Griers notes on the Flora of Long 
Island], 27:213-215. 

Mr. Taylor vs. Grier's notes on the flora 
of Long Island, 28:242-245. 

GnirFIN, Dera I.—(UNprRwoop, J. G., PEREK- 
INS, G. H. and ——), Vermont Botanical 
Club, Summer Meeting, 14:162. 

Griaca, F. W. 

(CuurcHiLL, J. R., Deane, W., ——, 

KNowrroN, C. H., PEAsE, A. S., SANFORD, 
S. N. F. and Smiru, L. B.), Reports on 
the flora of Massachusetts, —I, 30: 

(CHurcHILL, J. R., Gooparg, A. S., Goon- 
win, R. H, ——, Hannis, S. K., POTTER, 

D., RosssacH, G. B., Sanrorp, S. N. F. 
and Smiru, L. B.), Reports on the flora 
of Massachusetts, —II, 35:351-359. 

(GoopALE, A. S., , Gustarson, A. H, 
Harris, S. K., KNowrrox, C. H., Por- 
TER, D., Sanrorp, S. N. F., SEYMOUR, 
F. C. and Smirn, L. B), Reports on 
the flora of Massachusetts, —III, 44: 

(Bean, R. C., Gooparg, A. S., ——, Har- 
ris, S. K., Kwowrrow, C. H., Porrer, 
D., Sanrorp, S. N. F., Seymour, F. C. 
and SMITH, L. B.), Reports on the flora 
of Massachusetts, —IV, 49:257-277. 



A new station for Pogonia affinis, 23: 

Some interesting plants of the Virginia 
Coastal Plain, 24:148-152. 

Grimmia from Mt. Washington, A new, 1:148. 
GRINNELL, ALICE L.—A remarkable develop- 
ment of Steironema lanceolatum, 3:190. 

Griscom, LupLow 

(Mertcatr, F. P. and ——), Notes on rare 
New York State plants, 19:28-37, 48-55. 

( and Svenson, H. K.), Carex Mitch- 
elliana and other rare plants near Co- 
hasset, Massachusetts, 30:198—199. 

Dwarf Mistletoe and other plants new to 
New Jersey, 33:101. 

Another station for Panicum calliphyllum 
Ashe, 33:131-132. 

(—— and Eaton, R. J.), The variations 
of Aster foliaceus in New England, 

(Eaton, R. J. and ——), A few note- 
worthy plants from southern Vermont, 

(WEATHERBY, C. A. and ——), Notes on 
the Spring flora of the Coastal Plain 
of South Carolina north of George- 
town, 36:28—55, 1 fig. 

(Eaton, R. J. and ——), Potamogeton 
panormitanus in the Sudbury River, 
36 :312-313. 

Plantago altissima in Massachusetts, 36: 

A new Carex hybrid, 37:128. 

(FERNALp, M. L. and ——), Three days 
of botanizing in southeastern Virginia, 
37:129-157, 167-189, pls. 332-351. 

Notes from northwestern Florida, 38: 

(FERNALD, M. L. and ——), Notes on 
Diodia, 39:306—308, pl. 469. 

(FERNALD, M. L. and ——), The identity 
of Lobelia glandulosa, 39:497. 


Linum catharticum in Ontario, 47: 362- 

Vicia sepium L. in Canada, 50:144. 
GrONTVED, Jous.—(OsrENFELD, C. H. and 
), [The Flora of Iceland and the Fa- 

roes], Review of, 36:421—422. 
Groton, Connecticut, Helenium nudiflorum in, 
Groton, Massachusetts, Rare plants in, 14:234. 
Grout, A. J. 

An annotated list of rare or otherwise 
interesting Mosses occurring in or near 
Plymouth, New Hampshire, 1:53—55. 

Notes on Vermont Plants, 2:88. 

[Herbarium of], 3:241. 

Notes on Vermont Mosses, 4:180—183. 

[Mosses with a hand-lens], Review of, 
27 :35—360. 

[Moss Flora of North America, north of 
Mexico], Notices and review of, 3l: 
38-39; 33:229; 35:146; 36:60; 37:227- 
228; 38:240; 39:100; 40:359-360; 41: 
112; 43:95. 


Extensions of range, 17:227—228. 
The phyllotaxy of Catalpa, 44:414—416. 
Guatemala, Mosses of southern British Hon- 
duras and, 36:55. 
Gusa, E. F. 
The Fungi of Nantucket, Century I, 39: 
List of second hundred Fungi of Nan- 
tucket, 41:508—520. 
(—— and SkELER, E. V.), Third list of 
Fungi of Nantucket, 44:167-175. 
Guide to Aquatic and Marsh Vegetation, A 
handy, [Review], 47:395. 
Guide to Ferns, Wherry’s, [Review], 40:247. 
Guide to Natural History Collections, Sher- 
born’s, [Review], 46:199. 
Gulf of St. Lawrence, Flora of the North 
Shore of the, [Review], 34:120. 
Gustarson, A. H 
A teratological specimen of Cypripedium 
acaule, 35:263—204, 1 fig. 
A note on Amos Eaton’s herbarium, 39: 
Notes on some fresh-water Algae from 
New England, 44:64—69. 
(GoobaLE, A. S., Gricc, F. W., ——, Har- 
ris, S. K., KNowrroN, C. H., POTTER, 
D., Sanrorp, S. N. F., Seymour, F. C. 
and Smiru, L. B.), Reports on the flora 
of Massachusetts, —III, 44:213—220. 
GurrERSON, M. E.—Cuphea procumbens at 
Andover, Massachusetts, 4:247—248. 
Gymnogongrus Torreyi (Ag.) J. Ag., 7:136. 
Gymnospermes du Québec, Victorin's, [Re- 
view], 31:19. 
Gymnosperms for the herbarium, An im- 
provement in the method of preparing cer- 
tain, 37:207. 


Some Mosses from Windsor, Nova Sco- 
tia, 48:1-4. 

Vicia sepium in New Brunswick, 49:288. 

Campylium Halleri in New Brunswick, 

( and Dnovurr, F.), A list of fresh- 
water Algae from New Brunswick, 50: 

Habenaria clavellata, An unusual form of, 

Habenaria cristata still grow in New Eng- 
land? Does, 48:64. 

Habenaria dilatata, an omitted record, 11:179. 

Habenaria dilatata on Cape Cod, 31:80. 

Habenaria Hookeriana oblongifolia in West 
Campton, New Hampshire, 3:237. 

Habenaria hyperborea and its allies, A note 
upon recent treatment of, 4:79. 

Habenaria hyperborea in Rhode Island, 25:44. 

Habenaria lacera and H. psychodes, A nat- 
ural hybrid between, 3:245. 

Habenaria macrophylla, Habenaria orbiculata 
and, 8:1. 

Habenaria macrophylla in Maine, 8:188. 

Habenaria, Natural hybrids in Spiranthes and, 


Habenaria, Notes on, 10:70. 

Habenaria obtusata, The pollinization of, 

Habenaria orbiculata and H. macrophylla, 8:1. 

Habenaria psychodes, A natural hybrid be- 
tween Habenaria lacera and, 3:245. 

Habenaria psychodes var. ecalcarata in Ver- 
mont, 22:31. 

Habenaria viridis, The variations of, 28:109. 

Haserer, JosgePH V. 

Eleocharis diandra in central New York, 

Plants of Oneida County, New York and 
Vicinity, —I, 7:92-97, 106-110. 

HaceLuNp, Gustar—(——, introduction by 
ARTHEME DoutiLiy), Taraxacum in arctic 
Canada (east of 100° W.), 45:337-343. 

Halenia from Maine, A spurless, 1:36. 


Vegetative reproduction of Spiranthes 
cernua, 7:49—50. 

(—— and Massey, A. B), Plants in 
flower February 8, 1911, at Clemson 
College, South Carolina, 13:91-92. 

HarLowELL, A. I—Notes on the northern 
range of Zizania in Manitoba, 37:302-304. 

Halophytic plants in New Brunswick, 1:20. 

Hatstep, Byron D.—Branched Broom-rape 
upon Tomato, 3:295. 

Hamamelis virginiana in Missouri, 36:97. 

Hamamelis virginiana, The seedling of, 33:81. 

Hampshire County, Massachusetts, Anychia 
canadensis in, 36:58. 

Handbook of British Seaweeds, [Notice], 

Handbook of Trees of New England, [No- 
tice], 4:40. 

Handbook to the Mosses, A popular, [Re- 
view], 18:204. 

Handbook of the wild and cultivated plants, 
Dr. C. A. Darling's, [Review], 15:19. 

Handy Book on Trees and Shrubs, A, [Re- 

view], 17:103. 

Handy Guide to Aquatic and Marsh Vegeta- 
tion, A, [Review], 47:395. 

Hanpy, Loursz Hor wEs—A pink-petaled form 
of Clethra alnifolia, 9:195-196. 


(—— and Ownsey, M.), Some observa- 
tions on two ecological races of Allium 
tricoccum in Kalamazoo County, Mich- 
igan, 48 :61-63. 

and Hanes, F. N.), [Flora of Kala- 

mazoo County, Michigan], Review of, 
49 :143-144. 

Hanes, FLonENcE N.—(Hanes, C. R. and 
—), [Flora of Kalamazoo County, Mich- 
igan], Review of, 49:143-144. 

Hansen, Erne, B.—A pre-Kansan record of 
Picea canadensis from Missouri, 37:16-19, 
pl. 323 

Hansen, Henry P.—[Postglacial forest suc- 
cession, climate and chronology in the Pa- 
cific Northwest], Review of, 49:227—229. 

Hanson, H. H.—Leucojum aestivum in Dela- 
ware, 24:144. 



Haplopappus from southwestern Texas, A new 
species of, 45:351. 
Hana, Hinosur 
Some notes on the botanical relation be- 
tween North America and eastern Asia, 
41 :385-392. 
Cyperus microiria on Long Island, 42: 
A purple-flowered form of Cornus cana- 
densis, 44:20. 
Harp, M. E —[The Mushroom, Edible and 
otherwise], Review of, 11:121—124. 
Harpy, GkongGE A. 
Polygala vulgaris new to the North Amer- 
ican flora, 44:9-10. 
Filago arvensis in North America, 47 :258. 
Harcer, Evcar Burton 
Phlox pilosa in Connecticut, 1:76. 
Liquidambar at Greenwich, Connecticut, 
Stations for some of the less usual plants 
of Connecticut, 2:125-127. 
A colony of waifs of the Helianthoideae, 
[Herbarium of], 3:241. 
Noteworthy plants of Connecticut, 4:84- 

A new station for Phaseolus perennis, 5: 
291. ` 
Some introduced plants of Connecticut, 

Records of the Connecticut Botanical So- 
ciety,—I, 8:79-80; —II, 8:222-223. 
An interesting locality, 9:62-64. 
Hedeoma hispida in Connecticut, 10:208. 
(Graves, C. B., Eames, E. H., Bissett, 
C. H., ANprews, L. —— and WEATHER- 
BY, C. A.), [Catalogue of the Flowering 
Plants and Ferns of Connecticut grow- 
ing without cultivation], Review of, 
A new Arabis, 13:37-39. 
Some plants of the Southbury Triassic 
area, 15:65-68. 
( , Graves, C. B., Eames, E. H., Bis- 
SELL, C. H., ANprews L. and WEATHER- 
BY, C. AJ), Additions to the flora of 
Connecticut, 19:105—110, 119-130, 224— 
232, 245—253. 

(——, Graves, C. B., Eames, E. H., Bis- 
SELL, C. H. and WEaATHERBY, C. A.), Ad- 
ditions to the flora of Connecticut, Se- 
ries 2, 24:111-121. 

Some noteworthy plants of Tennessee, 39: 

[Biographical notice], 48:263—264. 

Hartow, Wm. M — [Fruit Key to Northeast- 
ern Trees], Review of, 49:83; —A reply to 
a review by M. L. Fernald, 50:36-38. 

Harper, Rotanp M. 

Additions to the flora of Worcester 
County, Massachusetts,—I, 1:42-43; — 
II, 1:201-205. 

A new station for Potentilla tridentata, 1: 


Further additions to the flora of the Am- 
herst region, 2:68-70. 

Notes on the distribution of some of the 
rarer plants of central Massachusetts, 

Additions to the flora of Worcester 
County, Massachusetts,—III, 3:185-186. 

Notes on Lycopodium clavatum and its 
Variety monostachyon, 4:100-102. 

Coastal Plain plants in New England, 7: 

Further remarks on the Coastal Plain 
plants of New England, their history 
and distribution, 8:27—30. 

An overlooked environmental factor for 
species of Prunus, 18:201-203. 

A southern outpost for Potentilla triden- 
tata, 31:221—223. 

Harris, Stuart K. 
An alpine station for Hieracium auran- 
tiacum, 32-113. 

An undescribed Mutisia from Ecuador, 

Notes on the flora of Haverhill, Massa- 
chusetts, 35:261—202. 

(CHURCHILL, J. R., Gooparg, A. S., Goop- 
WIN, R. H., Griccs, F. W., ——, POTTER, 
D., Rosssacu, G. B., Sanrorp, S. N. F. 
and SmirH, L. B), Reports on the flora 
of Massachusetts, —II, 35:351-359. 

FERNALpD, M. L. and ——), Branching 
Polygonatum pubescens, 35:403. 

(FERNALD, M. L. and——), An additional 
note on the branching tendency in 
Polygonatum, 36:59. 

Lichen Flora of the United States, [Re- 
view], 37:305. 

California Shrubs, [Review], 43:212. 

(GoopaLE, A. S., Gniaa, F. W., GUSTAF- 
son, A. H., ——, Knowtron, C. H, 
Porter, D., Sanfor, S. N. F., Seymour, 
F. C. and SurrH, L. B.), Reports on the 
flora of Massachusetts, —III, 44 :213-220. 

Notes on Solidago, section Euthamia, 45: 

(Bean, R. C., Gooparg, A. S., Grice, F. 
W., ——, Know ron, C. H., Portsr, D., 
SanForD, S. N. F., Seymour, F. C., and 
SMITH, L. BJ), Reports on the flora of 
Massachusetts, —IV, 49:257-277. 


(——, Forss, F. F., Knowtton, C. H. 
and Ware, R. A.), Reports on the flora 
of the Boston district, —I, 9:81-86. 

(KĒnowLrtoN, C. H., CUSHMAN, J. A, 
Drane, W. and ), Reports on the 
flora of the Boston district, —IT, 10:59- 
64; —III, 10:128-131; —IV, 11:75-80; 
—V, 11:204-209; —VI, 12:3-7; —VII, 
12:95-99; —VIII, 13:27-29; —IX, 13: 
72-73; —X, 13:82-85; —XI, 13:104— 
105; —XII, 13:232-235; —XIII, 13: 

Another Massachusetts station for Sera- 
pias Helleborine, 43:632. 


Euphrasia canadensis in Massachusetts, 
[Phytogeographic Survey of North Amer- 
ica], Review of, 13:213-224. 
Pinus Banksiana on Nantucket, 16:184. 

Hartland, Vermont, Lycopodium complana- 
tum near, 13:211. 

Harvard University, Arnold Arboretum of, 
[Herbarium of], 3:241. 

Harvard University, Botanical Museum of, 
[Herbarium of], 3:242. 

Harvard University, Contributions from the 
Cryptogamie Laboratory of, —No. 46, 3:79; 
—No. 55. Mycological Notes, 5:97. 

Harvard University, Contributions from the 
Laboratories of Cryptogamic Botany and 
the Farlow Herbarium, 44:175. 

Harvard University, [Cryptogamic Herbar- 
ium], 3:242. 

Harvard University, [Gray Herbarium], 3: 

Harvey, LeRoy Harris 

Pogonia pendula in Maine, 2:211-212. 
Further notes on Solanum rostratum and 
Hieracium praealtum in Maine, 4:151- 


Ecological excursion to Mount Ktaadn, 
5:41-52, pl. 44. 

Splachnum ampullaceum, a correction, 5: 

Haverhill, Massachusetts, Notes on the flora 
of, 35:261. 
Hawaiian Mosses, [Review], 36:132. 
Hawaiian Weeds, [Review], 35:146. 
Hawkweed, Another aggressive, 50:15. 
Hav, G. U.—Notes of a wild garden, 2:159- 
Haynie, NELLIE V. 
Two new plant records for the Chicago re- 

gion, 31:99. 
A new color form of a wild Strawberry, 
Hazel, A smooth-husked, 38:76. 
Hazen, T. E. 

Seventh annual winter meeting of the 
Vermont Botanical Club, 4:64. 

[The Ulothricaceae and Chaetophoraceae 
of the United States], Review of, 5:72— 

Platymonas subcordiformis (Wille) Haz- 
en, comb. nov., 23:251-252, pl. 133. 

Flora of Penikese, fifty years after (Algae 
of fresh and of brackish water), 25:211— 
212, 215. 

Heat as an insecticide in the herbarium, 40: 

Heat, Injury to herbarium-specimens by ex- 
treme, 47:258. 

Heather, Calluna vulgaris on Martha's Vine- 
yard, The, 45:189. 

Heather in New England, The, 2:53. 

Heaths of Nantucket, Massachusetts, The 
three adventive, 10:173. 

Hedeoma hispida in Connecticut, 10:208; 28: 


Hedysarum in North America, Studies in the 
genus, 42:217. 

Helenieae, Notes on the Compositae of the 
northeastern United States,—I. Heliantheae 
and, 47:396. 

Helenium autumnale, Status of two introduc- 
tions by Minot Pratt at Concord, Massa- 
chusetts: Camptosorus rhizophyllus and, 
34 :172. 

Helenium nudiflorum in Groton, Connecticut, 

Helenium of the Edwards Plateau of Texas, 
'The perennial, 45:109. 

Helenium, Some varieties and species of, 45: 

Heliantheae and Helenieae, Notes on the 
Compositae of the northeastern United 
States, —II, 47:390. 

Helianthemum Bicknellii and H. propinquum, 

Helianthemum dumosum on the mainland of 
New England, 19:58. 

Helianthemum propinquum, Helianthemum 
Bicknellii and, 21:36. 

Helianthoideae, A colony of waifs of the, 3:60. 

Helianthus, a correction, 48:112. 

"UN atrorubens L., A neglected variety 
of, 34:1. 

Helianthus from Minnesota, A new form of, 

Helianthus grosseserratus in New England, 

Helianthus mollis in Massachusetts, The 
occurrence of Verbena stricta and, 6:88. 
Helianthus subrhomboideus in New Hamp- 

shire, 18:103. 

Heitumayr, C. E— ( and HELLMAYR, K. 
J.), An overlooked species of Coral-root 
from the Rocky Mountains, 33:133-135. 

Hetitmayr, K. J—(HELLMAYR, C. E. and 

), An overlooked species of Coral-root 
from the Rocky Mountains, 33:133-135. 

Helvelleae with descriptive notes, A list of 
Vermont, 1:59. 

Hemicarpha in eastern Massachusetts, 4:82. 

Hemlock in Vermont, A white-leaved, 19:273. 

Hemlock Spruce, The, 17:164; The name of 
the, 17:59. 


Some new species and varieties from Ore- 
gon, 32:20-28. 
New plants from Oregon, 33:203-206. 

Hepatic list, A revision of the Mt. Desert, 26: 

Hepatica acutiloba, Color variations in east- 
ern North American flowers as exemplified 
by, 38:301. 

Hepatica acutiloba, Color variation in a Mis- 
souri colony of, 35:66. 

Hepatica americana, Inconstancy in color- 
forms of, 27:131. 

Hepatica americana, The specific charactere 
of, 19:45. 

Hepatica transsilvanica group of eastern Eu- 
rope and Asia, The, 29:53. 

Hepatica triloba, Early flowering of, 8:48. 


Hepaticae, Notes on New England, 4:207; 
—II, 6:165, 185; —III, 7:52; —IV, 8:34; 
—V, 9:56, 65; —VI, 10:185; —VII, 11:185; 
—VIII, 12:193; —IX, 14:1; —X, 14:209; 
—XI, 16:62; —XII, 17:107; —XIII, 18:74, 
103; —XIV, 19:263; —XV, 21:149; —XVI, 
23:281; —XXVII, 25:74, 89. 

Hepaticae of Mt. Ktaadn, Further notes on 
the, 5:50. 

Hepaticae, Revised list of New England, 15: 

Hepaticae, Second revised list of New Eng- 
land, 25:192. 
Hepaticas, The blooming of, 4:127. 
Heptinc, GEoncE H.— A list of New England 
Rusts collected in 1931, 34:60—65. 
Herbaria of New England, The, 3:67, 206, 219, 
240, 255, 281, 285. 
Herbaria, Old-time Connecticut botanists and 
their, —I, 16:83; —II, 23:121, 171. 
Herbarium, A list of type specimens in Elli- 
ott's, 44:249. 
Herbarium, A note on Amos Eaton's, 39:253. 
Herbarium, An improvement in the method 
of preparing certain Gymnosperms for the, 
Herbarium, Another Davenport Fern, 26:49. 
Herbarium, Heat as an insecticide in the, 40:1. 
Herbarium, Notes from my, 13:71. 
Herbarium, Notes on the Clayton, 20:21, 48, 
Herbarium of the New England Botanical 
Club, The, 1:56. 
Herbarium of Rev. W. P. Alcott, 23:47. 
Herbarium of Stephen Elliott, Notes on the 
Lobelias in the, 40:175. 
Herbarium, Notes from the University of 
Minnesota, —I, 40:275; —II, 43:553. 
Herbarium of the University of Wis- 
consin, Notes from the, —I, 29:227; —II, 
30:31; —III, 30:205; —IV, 31:49; —V, 32: 
57; —VI, 33:72; —VII, 33:224; —VIII, 34: 
95; —IX, 35:199; —X, 35:387; —XI, 36: 
349; —XII, 37:88; —XIII, 38: 94; —XIV, 
38:187; —XV, 39:377; —XVI, 39:459; 
—XVII, 41:367; —XVIII, 41:524. 
Herbarium of the University of Oklahoma, 
Notes from, —I, 40:425. 
Herbarium of the University of Oklahoma, 
Notes from the Bebb, —II, 45:265. 
"Herbarium Rafinesquianum," Some species 
in Rafinesque's, 48:5. 
Herbarium sheets, Annotations on, 35:41. 
Herbarium specimens, Better, 34:247; 37:19. 
Herbarium-specimens by extreme heat, In- 
jury to, 47:258. 
Herbarium, The Amos Eaton, 48:201. 
Herbarium, The French apothecary's plants 
in Burser's, 33:177. 
Herbarium, The Robert Bebb, 45:265. 
A new Cardamine from the Uinta Moun- 
tains, Utah, 36:409-412, pl. 322. 
A mutation in Rubus parviflorus, 37:59- 
61, pl. 326. 


Festuca sciurea in New Jersey, 37:266- 

Eleocharis caribaea var. dispar in Michi- 
gan, 37:366—367. 

Notes on the flora of Michigan, —I, 38: 

Diagnostic characteristics in Lycopus, 38: 
373-375, pl. 439. 

Cladium mariscoides in Saskatchewan, 39: 

Extension of range and a new species in 
Carex, 39:491—495. 

New or otherwise interesting plants from 
Indiana, 40:77-86. 

Muhlenbergia setosa, an untenable name, 
48 :63—64. 

[A checklist of plants in the Washington- 
Baltimore area], Review of, 50:15-17. 

Herniaria glabra var. subciliata in New York, 
46 :23. 
Hervey, E. WILLIAMS 

Honey-guides of Night Bloomers, 1:222- 

Yellow-fruited Ilex verticillata, 2:242. 

The yellow-fruited form of Ilex opaca at 
New Bedford, Massachusetts, 3:58—59. 

[Herbarium of], 3:255. 

Rare plants about New Bedford, 4:106- 

Plants new to the flora of New Bedford, 
6:22—23, 144. 

Silene conica in New England, 7:110. 

[Flora of New Bedford and the shores of 
Buzzards Bay with a Procession of the 
Flowers], Review of, 14:79. 

Variants of Aster Herveyi, 18:183—-184. 

A rare variety of Vitis labrusca, 22:183- 

Heterotheca from Texas, Two new varieties 
of early spring plants, a Ranunculus from 
Missouri and a, 30:200. 

Heuchera hispida Pursh, Identity of, 35:111. 

Heuchera hispida Pursh rediscovered, 35:118. 

Hibiscus Moscheutos and H. palustris, 44: 

Hibiscus oculiroseus in Rhode Island, 26:88. 

Hibiscus palustris, Hibiscus Moscheutos and, 
44 : 266. 

Hibiscus palustris L., forma oculiroseus (Brit- 
ton) comb. nov., 42:112. 

Hickory in southeastern Vermont, A hybrid 
between Shagbark and Bitternut, 50:60. 

Hickory in Wisconsin, Fossil evidence of wid- 
er post-Pleistocene range of Butternut and, 
44:409; —A note on, 45:107; —A reply, 46: 

Hieracium aurantiacum, An alpine station for, 

Hieracium canadense var. 
northern Michigan, 28:246. 

Hieracium, Extended ranges in Cyperus and, 

Hieracium florentinum at Wellesley Hills, 
Massachusetts, 15:116. 

Hieracium murorum in Massachusetts, 7:80. 

Hieracium, Notes on, 45:317. 

hirtirameum in 


um paniculatum, A glandular form of, 


Hieracium praealtum at Andover, Massachu- 
setts, 4:197. 

Hieracium praealtum in Maine, Further notes 
on Solanum rostratum and, 4:151. 

Hieracium pratense, A new station for, 10:148. 

Hieracium scabrum, The varieties of, 16:181. 

Hitz, ALBERT F. 

A pubescent variety of the Dwarf Rasp- 
berry, 16:151-152. 

Notes on the flora of the Penobscot Bay 
region, Maine, 16:189-192. 

[The Vascular Flora of the eastern Pen- 
obscot Bay region, Maine], Review of, 

A bibliography of Canadian botany, [Re- 
view], 47:230. 

(Bean, R. C, KwowrroN, C. H. and 
——), Ninth report of the Committee 
on Plant Distribution, 48:17-27. 

Hinr, E. J. 
alic on the polygamy of Chionanthus, 

The perianth of Rynchospora capillacea, 
var. leviseta, 8:186—187. 

The Pasture-thistles, east and west, 12: 

Bartlett's Dioscoreae of the United States, 
[Review], 13:34—36. 

The Sand Plum in Indiana, 14:196-198. 

[Biographical sketch], 19:61-69 (with 

Hillsboro, New Hampshire, On certain plant 
records from, 41:36; — a correction, 41:138. 

Hingham, Massachusetts, Notes on the plants 
of, 26:175. 
Hippuris and Hottonia in New Hampshire, 
Podostemum, 50:209. 
Hircucock, A. S. 
Notes on Grasses, 8 :205-212. 
(——and Cuas, A.), [The North Ameri- 
can species of Panicum], Review of, 
12 :218—220. 
Type of the genus Panicum. 13:173-176. 
A Manual of the Grasses of Illinois, [Re- 
view], 20:188. 
Eragrostis hypnoides and E. reptans, 28: 
The validity of the Grass genus Digitaria, 
29 :114-116. 
Note on Trisetum spicatum, 31:255. 
[Field Work for the local Botanist], Re- 
view of, 33:244—245. 
[Manual of the Grasses of the United 
States], Review of, 37:369-372. 
HirHcock, CHartes Henry—[Herbarium 
of], 3:220. 
Hitcucock, Epwarp—[Herbarium of], 3:68. 
Hitcuines, E. H.—[Herbarium of], 3:255, 
HocurevTiner, P. B. G—Validity of the 
name Lespedeza, 36:390—392. 
Hopapon, ALBION R. 
(FEeRNALD. M. L. and ——), Gaultheria 
procumbens L. forma accrescens, f. 
nov., 36:129, pl. 283. 


Trillium grandiflorum in New Hampshire, 

Two range extensions, 37 :414-415. 

A taxonomic study of Lechea, 40:26-69, 
87-131, pls. 488-491. (Contrib. Gray 
Herb. no. CXXI). 

Lilium superbum and other isolated spe- 
cies in Durham, New Hampshire, 46: 

Mikania scandens in southern New Hamp- 
shire, 46:142-144. 

Carex cristatella in New Hampshire, 47: 

Notes on New Hampshire plants, 48:205- 

(FriNT, J. and ), Another New Hamp- 
shire station for Subularia, 50:72. 

(—— and Krocumat, S. B), Podostem- 
um, Hippuris and Hottonia in New 
Hampshire, 50:209-211. 

Hovor, W. H.—The use of alcohol in plant 
collecting, 49:207—210. 

Horr, A. C.—Trailiella intricata, 30:196. 

HorrMan, RALPH 

Epipactis Helleborine at Stockbridge, 
Massachusetts, 1:52-53. 

Three plants of Berkshire County, Massa- 
chusetts, 1:229—230. 

Virulence of the Wild Parsnip, 4:188. 

Notes on the flora of Berkshire County, 
Massachusetts, 6:202-206. 

A glandular form of Hieracium panicula- 
tum L., 19:37. 

Glandularity on Veronica Anagallis-aqua- 
tica L., 19:60. 

[Flora of Berkshire County, Massachu- 
setts], Review of, 24:183-187. 

Lygodium palmatum and Agrimonia 
mollis in Berkshire County, Massachu- 
setts, 28:179-180. 

Holbrook, Massachusetts, Utricularia minor 
in, 4:42. 
Howpen, Isaac 

Two new species of marine Algae from 
Bridgeport, Connecticut, 1:197-198, pl. 

[Herbarium of], 3:68. 

[Notice of death], 5:219—220. 

[Phycological notes of the late ——], —I, 
7:168-172; —II, 7:222-243. 

Holderness, New Hampshire, Pogonia trian- 
thophora in, 12:206. 

Hollies from central Florida, 34:233; —Two 
new evergreen, 34:16. 

Horm, THEO 

[Biological notes on the Canadian species 
of Viola], Review of, 6:24. 

Remarks upon Mr. House's paper on Po- 
gonia verticillata, 8:100. 

The history of the popular name “Flower 
de luce" or *Fleur de lis" of the Iris, 

Internal glandular hairs in Dryopteris, 22: 
89—91, 2 figs. 

Antennaria alpina and A. carpathica, 22: 


Mark Alfred Carleton, 27:172. 

The bulbiferous form of Luzula multiflora, 
28:133-138, 3 figs. 

The flower of Chimaphila, 29:1—6, pl. 156. 

The application of the term “Rhizome,” 
31:6—7, pls. 177, 178. 

Vegetative reproduction in Hydrangea, 

Leaf-variation in Liquidambar Styraci- 
flua L., 32:95-100, pls. 200, 201. 

The seedling of Hamamelis virginiana L., 
33:81-92, pls. 206, 207. 

Holosteum umbellatum in Connecticut, 26: 

Holosteum umbellatum in Rhode Island, 

Horr, Grorce W. 

Is Cirsium palustre a natlve of New 
Hampshire? 4:217. 

Subularia at East Andover, New Hamp- 
shire, 6:228. 

Homonym, Another later, 48:163. 

Homonym, Gnaphalium spathulatum, a later, 
45 :478. 

Homonyms, Two later, 45:111. 

Honey-guides of Night Bloomers, 1:222. 

Horxins, MILTON 

Notes on Lespedeza, 37 :264—266. 

Spring flowers in Autumn, 39:52. 

Arabis in eastern and central North Amer- 
ica, 39:63-98, 106—148, 155-186, pls. 457, 
458. (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. CXVI). 

Notes from the Herbarium of the Univer- 
sity of Oklahoma,—I, 40:425—434. 

Cercis in North America, 44:193-211. 

( and WATERFALL, U. T), Notes on 
Oklahoma plants, 45:113-117. 

Notes from the Bebb Herbarium of the 
University of Oklahoma,—II, 45:265- 

Edible Plants, [Review], 45:515—517. 

Honsronp, FnEpERICK HinspaLe— [Herbarium 
of], 3:255. 

Horticulture, Cyclopedia of American, [Re- 
view], 4:108. 

Hosaka, Epwarp YaATARO—(—— and Sr. 

Joun, H.), [Weeds of the Pineapple fields 

of the Hawaiian Islands], Review of, 35: 


Hosmer, ALFRED W. 

On the plants introduced by Minot Pratt 
at Concord, Massachusetts, 1:168-170. 

A violet-flowered form of the Fringed 
Polygala, 1:173. 

Further additions to the flora of Middle- 
sex County, Massachusetts, 1:223-224. 

Horcukiss, NEIL 

Range extensions of marsh and aquatic 
plants, 42:20—22. 

(Moye, J. B. and ——), [Aquatic and 
Marsh Vegetation of Minnesota and 
its value to Waterfowl], Review of, 
47 :395. 

Hottonia in New Hampshire, Podostemum, 
Hippuris and, 50:209. 
Hottonia inflata, a winter annual, 13:108. 


Hottonia inflata in Amesbury, Massachusetts, 
does it occur farther north? 3:216. 

Houser, Homer DOLIVER 

A new Violet from New England, 6:226— 
227, pl. 59. 

Observations upon Pogonia (Isotria) ver- 
ticillata, 8:19-20, 1 fig., pl. 65. 

[Remarks upon Mr. House’s paper on 
Pogonia verticillata], 8:100. 

The Violets and Violet hybrids of the Dis- 
trict of Columbia and vicinity, 8:117- 
122, pls. 71, 72. 

Dwarf Mistletoe on White Pine, 37:368. 

Houstonia caerulea, An alpine variety of, 9: 

Houstonia from the Cedar Barrens of Lee 
County, Virginia, A new species of, 46:306. 

Houttuyn’s overlooked binomials for native 
or introduced plants in eastern North Amer- 
ica, On, 40:288. 

Howard, F. W.—(PorrER, D., Woopwarp, N. 
P., Prie, G. H. and ——), Notes on the 
flora of Worcester County, Massachusetts, 
—Il, 42:40-47. 

Howard, RicHagD A—The use of DDT in 
the preparation of botanical specimens, 49: 

Howe, C. D. 

The fifth annual winter meeting of the 
Vermont Botanical Club (1900), 2:88. 

The sixth annual winter meeting of the 
Vermont Botanical Club, 3:65—66. 


(WiLcox, A. W., ——, Sus, M. A. and 
Barca, W. E.), The field meeting of the 
Vermont Botanical and Bird Clubs, 

November flowers in northern Vermont, 
2D. L0 

Hower, M. A.—[Moss Flora of North America, 
Liverworts], Review of, 27:35—36. 

Howe, Recinatp Heser, Jr. 

Lotus tenuis as a waif in Rhode Island, 
7 :167-168. 

Two additions to the Lichen flora of the 
Blue Hills, 10:35—36. 

Ramalina Montagnaei De Not. on Long 
Island, 12:7. 

Some Lichens from Nantucket Island, 
Massachusetts, 14:88-90. 

An additional note on Nantucket Li- 
chens, 15:93—94. 

A further note on the Lichens of Nan- 
tucket, 20: 40. 

Hv, H. H.— Nomenclatorial changes for some 
Chinese Orchids, 27:105—107. 

Hussard, FrLonRENCE C.—Anthyllis Vulner- 
aria at Cromwell, Connecticut, 13:240. 

Hussard, F. Tracy 

Some Panicums of Essex County, Massa- 
chusetts, 14:36—40. 

Nomenclatorial changes required by some 
Gramineae of the seventh edition of 
Gray's Manual, 14:165-173, 184-188. 

Further notes on the Panicums of Essex 
County, Massachusetts, 15:36-38. 


A Panicum unreported in New England, 

Mibora minima (L.) Desv. at Plymouth, 
Massachusetts, 17:97. 

Notes on Gramineae,—I, 18:231-236. 

A new Agropyron from Cape Breton, 19: 

A variety of Spartina new to New Eng- 
land, 19:27. 

Andropogon scoparius in the United 
States and Canada, 19:100—105. 
Husnicur, LrsuigE—(W oopsoN, R. E. and 

——), Tradescantia Wrightii in New Mex- 
ico, 37 :454-—455. 
Huckleberry, A blue-fruited, 2:81. 
Huckleberry, Notes on the blue-berried, 4:14. 
Hudson Bay and the St. Lawrence Basin, Bo- 
tanical evidence of a post-Pleistocene mar- 
ine connection between, 34:69, 101. 
Hudson Bay, Some Algae from, 10:114. 
Hudson River, A new species of Najas from 
the, 39:57. 
Hudsonia ericoides in New Hampshire, 2:22. 
HursERT, JAMES R.—(Cnargrm, W. A. and 
— —), [A dictionary of American English 
on historical principles], Review of, 46:312- 
Hutu, Epwin D. 
Extended range of Viola pedata L., 15: 


Advance of Potamogeton crispus L., 15: 

Lilium superbum and L. michiganense, 
44 :220—227. 

Euphorbia Geyeri in Indiana, 44:407-408. 
Tragopogon dubius in Indiana, 45:413- 

Lilium michiganense, L. canadense and L. 
superbum, 45:512-515. 
Crotalaria sagittalis in Indiana, 46:493— 
Campanula rapunculoides in Indiana, 47: 
Centaurea maculosa in Indiana, 48:391. 
Notes on the Coral-berry (Symphoricar- 
pos orbiculatus), 49:117-118. 
Penstemon gracilis in Indiana, 49:250. 
HuUNNEWELL, Frances WELLES, 2d. 
Galium trifidum at Wellesley, Massachu- 
setts, 14 :206-207. 
Botrychium lanceolatum in the Yellow- 
stone, 17:143. 
An extended range for Amelanchier ama- 
bilis, 23:71-72. 
Salix serissima on Long’s Peak, 25:67-68. 
A new station for three local Appalachian 
plants, 25:168. 
Holosteum umbellatum in Connecticut, 
Some local plants of Virginia, 31 :256-257. 
Range extensions in North Carolina, 39: 
Geranium nepalense, var. Thunbergii in 
Massachusetts, 47 :219—220. 
HunnewELL, J. Mrarvi.LE—Chrysanthemum 
segetum L., at Marion, Massachusetts, 1:57. 


Hunt, Epwin—[Herbarium of], 3:255. 
Hunt, Kenneth W.—Some heretofore un- 
noticed plants of the South Carolina Coast- 
al Plain, 47:142-143. 
Hunt, Wus R.—New Rust species and 
hosts from Rhode Island, 38:97-98. 
Huntineton, J. W. 
Some uncommon Mosses in northern Es- 
sex County, Massachusetts, 2:95—97. 
Webera proligera in Amesbury, Massa- 
chusetts, 3:91-92. 
Hottonia inflata in Amesbury, Massachu- 
setts, does it occur farther north? 3:216. 
Hyannis, Massachusetts, Orontium at, 16:77. 
Hybrid, A new Carex, 37:128. 
Hybrid, A new Cypripedium, 34:239. 
Hybrid, A new Salix, 34:67. 
Hybrid? A Salix rostrata, 20:132. 
Hybrid Asplenium new to the flora of Ver- 
mont, A, 8:12. 
Hybrid, Aster amethystinus, an obvious, 32:1. 
Hybrid between a white and a blue Violet, 
Another, 11:115. 
Hybrid between Habenaria lacera and H. psy- 
chodes, A natural, 3:245. 
Hybrid between Shagbark and Bitternut Hick- 
ory in southeastern Vermont, A, 50:60. 
Hybrid between the Oak species Quercus ru- 
bra and ilicifolia, A supposed, 36:239. 
Hybrid Cornus (C. rugosa x stolonifera), A 
new, 12:121. 
Hybrid Cornus from Cape Breton, A, 43:411. 
Hybrid fern from Vermont, A new, 6:75. 
Hybrid from Wisconsin, A natural Cypripe- 
dium, 34:97. 
Hybrid in Mystic Pond, Potamogeton spath- 
aeformis a probable, 8:224. 
Hybrid in the Cyperaceae, An intergeneric, 
Hybrid? Is Aster tardiflorus a, 19:88. 
Hybrid nature of Betula Sandbergi, Evidence 
of, 30:125. 
Hybrid Oak, x Quercus Rudkini at Arlington, 
Virginia, 'l'he, 44:262. 
Hybrid of Rosa carolina L. and R. nitida 
Willd., Note upon a probable, 2:112. 
Hybrid origin of xSolidago asperula, Notes 
on the distribution and, 39:222. 
Hybrid Rynchospora, A, 31:38. 
Hybrid, Streptopus oreopolus, a possible, 9: 
Hybrid Violet, A new, 11:14. 
Hybridism as a cause of variation in Poly- 
gonum, Possibilities of, 27:81. 
Hybridism in the genus Viola, 6:213; —II, 8: 
6; —III, 8:49. 
Hybridization of Epilobium angustifolium 
and E. latifolium, The assumed, 20:6. 
Hybrids in Spiranthes and Habenaria, Natu- 
ral, 5:261. 
Hybrids of Carex, Some undescribed varieties 
and, 2:170. 
Hybrids of Quercus ilicifolia, Notes on, 3:137. 
Hybrids of Viola, Mendel's law of dominance 
in the, 9:211. 
Hyde Park, Massachusetts, Ranunculus abor- 
tivus, var. eucyclus in, 4:152. 


Hydnum Caput-medusae, 1:108. 
Hydrangea arborescens, A critical revision of, 
Hydrangea paniculata naturalized in Massa- 
chusetts, 31:18. 
Hydrangea, Propagation by seed in, 31:254. 
Hydrangea, Vegetative reproduction in, 31: 
Hydrastis canadensis L., a New England plant, 
Hydrastis canadensis L. in Vermont, 1:200. 
Hydrocoleum Holdeni, nom. nov., 3:254. 
Hydrophyllum canadense, Note on, 6:184. 
Hygrophori, Two edible, 1:16. 
Hygrophorus constans of central Europe, 29: 
Hy anp, Fay 
New combination in Pyrus, 45:28. 
(—— and Steinmerz, F. H.), [The 
Woody Plants of Maine], Review of, 
47 :143—144. 
A preliminary report on the Desmids of 
Connecticut, 24:213-224, 236-241. 
Supplementary report on the Desmids of 
Connecticut, 26:203—210. 
Hymenophysa pubescens in the eastern Unit- 
ed States, A station for, 39:190. 
Hyoscyamus niger, Note on Demodium can- 
escens and, 12:214. 
Hypericum aureum, a casual plant in eastern 
Massachusetts, 12:55. 
Hypericum canadense, A variety of, 30:188. 
Hypericum $ Elodea, The varieties of, 38:433. 
Hypericum mutilum L., var. latisepalum, 
var. nov., 38:372. 
Hypericum, Woody species of, 42:8. 
Hypericums of the Adpressum group, Two 
new, 4:135. 
Hypochaeris glabra established in our flora? 
Is, 46:206. 
Hypoxis, Revision of the American species of, 
25:120, 151. 
Hypoxis, Some genera closely related to, 25: 

Iceland and the Faeroes, Flora of, [Review], 

Ilex glabra, New England distribution of Ilex 
opaca and, 16:163. 

Ilex mollis, A Connecticut station for, 14:205. 

Ilex myrtifolia, A yellow-fruited form of, 26: 

Ilex opaca, A form of, 23:118. 

Ilex opaca and Ilex glabra, New England dis- 
tribution of, 16:163. 

Ilex opaca at New Bedford, Massachusetts, 
The yellow-fruited form of, 3:58. 

Ilex verticillata, Variations of, 2:104. 

Ilex verticillata forma chrysocarpa, A station 
in Maine for, 15:148. 

Ilex verticillata, Yellow-fruited, 2:242. 

Illecebrum verticillatum, An American station 
for, 14:207. 

Illinois, A Manual of the Grasses of, [Re- 
view], 20:188. 

INDEX TO VoLuMEs 1-50 

Illinois, A new form of Prunus virginiana 
from Indiana and, 45:354. 

Ilinois, An incomplete flora of, [Critique], 
47 :204. 

Illinois Asters and a new variety of Aster 
multiflorus, Some, 30:77. 

Illinois, Centaurea maculosa in, 49:84. 

Illinois, Siegesbeckia orientalis in, 19:74. 

Illinois, Two new plants from, 31:36. 

Illinois, Two new plant records for the Chica- 
go region, 31:99. 

Illustrated Flora, A second edition of Britton 
and Brown's, [Review], 15:220. 

Illustrated flora of Quebec, An, [Review], 34: 

Illustrated Flora of the Pacific States, Ab- 
rams's, [Review], 46:282. 

Illustrated Key to the Trees, An, [Review], 

Illustrations and Studies of the family Orchi- 
daceae, [Review], 7:119. 

Imagined wisdom without understanding, 
[Critique], 46:312. 

Impatiens biflora, Color forms of, 19:115. 

Impatiens biflora, Further notes on, 21:98. 

Impatiens biflora, Some observations upon 
the early growth of, 2:234. 

Impatiens glandulifera, Impatiens Roylei ver- 
sus, 48:412. 

rrr Roylei versus I. glandulifera, 48: 

Index to Rhodora, An indispensible, [An- 
nouncement], 46:200. 

Index to the flora of the Boston district, 31: 

Indian Pipes without discoloration, Preserv- 
ing, 24:225. 

Indiana, A new form of Red Cedar from, 

Indiana, A new Rudbeckia from, 19:113. 

Indiana and Illinois, A new form of Prunus 
virginiana from, 45:354. 

Indiana and Michigan, Najas gracillima in, 

Indiana, Campanula rapunculoides in, 47 :404. 

Indiana, Centaurea maculosa in, 48:391. 

Indiana, Crotalaria sagittalis in, 46:493. 

Indiana, Deam’s Flora of, [Review], 43:75. 

Indiana, Deam’s Grasses of, [Review], 32: 

Indiana, Deam’s Trees of, [Review], 21:188; 

Indiana, Euphorbia Geyeri in, 44:407. 

Indiana, *Ia." sometimes stands for, 47:404. 

Indiana, New or otherwise interesting plants 
from, 40:77. 

Indiana, Penstemon gracilis in, 49:256. 

Indiana plants, New forms and varieties of, 

Indiana, Shrubs of, [Review], 27:15. 

Indiana, The Sand Plum in, 14:196. 

Indiana, Tragopogon dubius in, 45:413. 

Injury to herbarium-specimens by extreme 
heat, 47 :258. 

Inman, O. L.—Calamagrostis canadensis and 
some related species, 24:142-144. 


a in the herbarium, Heat as an, 40: 

M used at the Gray Herbarium, 5: 


International Address Book of Botanists, [Re- 
view], 33:24; 34:68. 

International Botanical Congress, Considera- 
tion of nomenclature at the fifth, 31:90. 
International Botanical Congress, Fifth, 30: 


International Botanical Congress, Seventh, 

International Congress of plant societies to be 
held at Ithaca, 28:64. 

International Congress, Nomenclature at the 
next, 40:464. 

International rules, Aira spicata Linn. and the 
application of the, 32:261. 

International rules for Botanical Nomencla- 
ture chiefly of vascular plants, 9:33. 

International rules of botanieal nomencla- 
ture, Proposed amendments to the, 31:91. 

International rules of botanical nomencla- 
ture, The proposed changes in Article 58, 

Intervale, New Hampshire, Some plants of, 

Introduced by Minot Pratt at Concord, Mass- 
achusetts, On the plants, 1:168. 

Introduced? Elymus arenarius at Province- 
town, native or, 15:218. 

Introduced Galium, A newly, 6:22. 

Introduced in eastern Massachusetts, Two 
plants newly, 46:315. 

Introduced Grasses new to Virginia, Two, 36: 

Introduced in Massachusetts, Galax aphylla, 

Introduced plant? Is Rhinanthus Crista-galli 
an, 9:26. 

Introduced plants at Cambridge, Massachu- 
setts, Four, 10:167. 

Introduced plants in eastern North America, 
On Houttuyn's overlooked binomials for 
native or, 40:288. 

Introduced plants new to Connecticut, 14:163. 

Introduced plants of Connecticut, Some, 6: 
78; 13:88. 

Introduced plants, Two, 11:120; 42:524. 

Introduced species of Crepis and Leontodon, 
Newly, 4:249. 

Introduced species of Lathyrus in the North- 
west, 24:75. 

Introduced Symphytum, The correct name of 
an, 18:23. 

Introduced weeds of Connecticut, Some, 6: 

Introduction found in Philadelphia, Muscari 
comosum, a new, 24:16. 

Introduction in the state of Washington, La- 
thyrus Nissolia, a recent, 23:246. 

Introductions by Minot Pratt at Concord, 
Massachusetts: Camptosorus rhizophyllus 
and Helenium autumnale, 34:172. 

Introductions near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 
Some rare, 32:28. 


Intuition as a substitute for reference, 8:77. 

Inuleae and Senecioneae, Notes on the Com- 
positae of the northeastern United States, 
—III, 48:116. 

Invader, An unwelcome, 16:166. 

Invalid name, Arabis viridis, an, 45:269. 

Invalid name, Evolvulus pilosus, an, 37:63. 

Invalid name, Lemna cyclostasa, an, 37:75. 

Invalid name, Roripa islandica, an, 31:17. 

Invalid name, Sericocarpus bifoliatus, an, 28: 

Invalid name, Verbena prostrata, an, 38:271. 

Iowa, Ranunculus Purshii in, 22:183. 

Iowa, Verbascum phlomoides in, 49:67. 

Ipomoea heptaphylla in Georgia and Mexico, 

Iris from California, A new, 38:199. 

Iris Hookeri and the Asian I. setosa, The iden- 
tity of, 5:157. 

Iris Hookeri in Maine, A new station for, 10: 

Iris Hookeri, 

Iris setosa, The identity of Iris Hookeri and 
the Asian, 5:157. 

Iris, The history of the popular name *Flower 
de luce” or “Fleur de lis" of the, 21:180. 
Iris, Two eastern American Species of, 49: 


Íris versicolor, Albino, 38:52. 

Iris versicolor in relation to the post-glacial 
Great Lakes, The distribution of, 35:154. 
Isanthus brachiatus to the flora of Connecti- 

cut, 'The restoration of, 27:189. 

IseLy, DvANE—Lespedeza striata and L. stip- 
ulacea, 50:21-27, pls. 1091, 1092. 

Isle au Haut, Additions to the flora of, 23:26. 

Isle au Haut, Further notes on the plants of, 

Isle au Haut, Maine, Lemna trisulea at, 30: 

Isle au Haut plants, 25:16. 

Isnardia, Notes on Ludwigia$, 37:175. 

Isoetes, 'Nomenclatorial changes in, 10:42. 

Isoetes, Three new varieties of, 5: 277. 

Isotria medeoloides, The identity of, 49:134. 

Isthmoplea in North America, A second sta- 
tion for, 35:293. 

Itea virginica L., forma abbreviata, f. nov., 

Iva ciliata from Indian Rock-Shelters in 
south-central United States, A new variety 
of, 41:81. 

Iva of New England, The salt-marsh, 8:25. 

Ivy-poisoning, 4:105. 

Ivy-poisoning and its treatment, 4:43. 

The distinctive feature of, 4: 

Jack, JoHN G. 
Arceuthobium pusillum in Massachusetts, 
2:6-8, pl. 13. 
Plural seeds in acorns, 16:141-144. 
Jackson, JosepH—[Additions to the flora of 
Worcester County, Massachusetts], Re- 
view of, 30:20. 
Jackson, Rosert Tracy—An_ exceptionally 
large Onoclea sensibilis, 32:225. 


Jacot, ARTHUR Paut— A new Lepidium from 
North China, 32:28-30. 

James Bay, Plants collected in the southern 
region of, 36:274. 

JAMES, Tomas Porrs—[Herbarium of], 3:242. 

Jamesianthus, Chromosomes of, 44: 280. 

Jansson, K. P. 

Rayless Aster novi-belgii, 28:112. 

Rayless Aster multiflorus, 29:95. 


Oedogonium in the vicinity of Woods 
Hole, Massachusetts, 36:197-214, pls. 

Notes on Oedegonium and Bulbochaete in 
the vicinity of Woods Hole, Massachu- 
setts, 38:67—73, pl. 407. 

Jarvis, C. D.—(BLAKESLEE, A. F. and ——), 
[New England Trees in Winter], Review 
of, 14:79-80. 

Jasione montana, a conspicuous weed near 
Lakewood, New Jersey, 21:105. 

Jasione montana in Massachusetts, 4:199. 

Jeffersonia and some other local plants of 
southeastern Minnesota, 49:198. 

JEFFREY, Epwarp C.—On the nature of so- 
called algal or boghead coals, 11:61-63. 

JEFFREY, LisLe—(—— and Drover, F.), The 
Grass flora of Columbia, Missouri, 36:415- 


[Herbarium of], 3:256. 
Lepachys columnaris in eastern Massa- 
chusetts, 25:68. 

JeNNIsoN, H. M. 

Notes on some plants of Tennessee, 37: 

Trillium erectum, var. blandum, var. nov., 
40 :485-486, pl. 536. 

JENSEN, G. Hortrn—(Macuire, B. and ——), 
Great Basin plant,—V. Aquatics, 44:4-9. 
Jepson, Wirus Linn—[A Flora of Califor- 

nia], Review of, 12:56. 

Jesuit influences upon our northeastern flora, 
Some, 2:133. 


[Herbarium of], 3:220. 
[Notice of death], 5:191. 


Vaccinium uliginosum at a low altitude, 

A pink-flowered form of Rubus triflorus, 

Notes on some Ferns of Franklin County, 
Maine, 4:247. 

Jounson, DogorHy A—Chromosomes of 
Jamesianthus, 44:280, 1 fig. 

Jounson, DoucLas—[The New England- 
Acadian Shore-line], Review of, 27:187-188. 

Jones, FLonENcE FmREEMAN—(JowEs, G. N. 
and ——), A revision of the perennial spe- 
cies of Geranium of the United States and 
Canada, 45:5-26, 32-53. 


Suksdorf’s “Untersuchungen in der Gat- 
tung Amsinckia,” [Review], 34:189-190. 


[Moss Flora of North America, Grimmi- 
aceae], Review of, 36:60. 

A new variety of Polygonum from Wash- 
ington, 40:359. 

Lewis and Clark: Linguistic Pioneers, 
[Review], 43:92-94. 

( and Jones, F. F.), A revision of the 
perennial species of Geranium of the 
United States and Canada, 45:5-26, 32- 

A new form of Prunus virginiana from 
Indiana and Illinois, 45:354—355. 

Geranium nervosum, 46:28. 

Sorbus Andersoni, a new name for an 
Alaskan Mountain-Ash, 47 :220. 

[Flora of Illinois], Review of, 47 :204—219. 

[American species of Amelanchier], Re- 
view of, 48:129-134. 

Centaurea maculosa in Illinois, 49:84. 

Jones, L. R. 

The Vermont Botanical Club, 1:77-78. 

Arceuthobium pusillum on a new host in 
Vermont, 2:8-9, pl. 14. 

Daphne Mezereum in Vermont, 2:142. 

(BrarneRD, E. — and EccLEsTON, W. 
W.), [Flora of Vermont], Review of, 

Lathyrus tuberosus in Vermont, 3:230- 

The Pringle and Frost herbaria at the 
University of Vermont, 4:171—174. 

Field meeting of the Vermont Botanical 
Club, 4:189-190. 

Pogonia affinis in Vermont, 4:216-217. 

The eighth annual winter meeting of the 
Vermont Botanical Club, 5:120. 

The Vermont Botanical Club, 8:28-24. 

JoRDAN, Davi Starr—[The —— Algae from 
Penikese Island], 35:147-149. 

Josselyn Botanical Society of Maine, (Meet- 
ings of the), 1:19, 102; 4:62, 110, 188; 5:175, 
202; 6:147, 192; 8:116, 167; 9:107, 124, 196; 
10:95, 172; 11:179; 12:99; 13:90; 14:162; 
15:116, 202; 16:90; 17:128, 203; 18:144; 19: 
92; 20:110; 25:99; 26:112; 29:116; 30:124; 

Journals, Two new botanical, [Review], 37: 

JuEL, H. O.—The French apothecary's plants 
in Burser's herbarium, 33:177-179. 

Juglans nigra oblonga in Missouri, 50:147. 

Junci in eastern Massachusetts, T'wo rare, 14: 


Junci Poiophylli, The geographic ranges of 
certain, 11:155. 

Juncus, A new binomial in, 49:120. 

Juncus acutiflorus rediscovered in America, 

Juncus aristulatus in New England, 6:174. 

Juncus articulatus var. nigritellus in Maine, 

Juncus balticus, A new variety of, 14:35. 

Juncus brevicaudatus, The identity of Juncus 
canadensis and of, 32:83. 

Juncus bulbosus occur in Massachusetts? 
Does, 34:117. 


Juncus canadensis, Some varieties and forms 
of, 47:127. 

Juncus canadensis and of J. brevicaudatus, 
The identity of, 32:83. 

Juncus compressus in the province of Que- 
bec, 8:233. 

Juncus dichotomus in Rhode Island. 15:151. 

Juncus Duranii, Juncus Mertensianus and its 
austrolimital segregate, 47:185. 

Juncus effusus, The North American varia- 
tions of, 12:81. 

Juncus effusus var. compactus in New Hamp- 
shire, 6:211. 

Juncus from Cape Cod, A new, 19:17. 

Juncus from Utah, A new, 40:69. 

Juncus Gerardi Loisel, var. pedicellatus, n. 
var., 22:76. 

Juncus Griscomi, A second station for, 47:126. 

Juncus Mertensianus and its austrolimital seg- 
regate, J. Duranii, 47:185. 

Juncus monostichus in Ohio, 45:62. 

Juncus new to New England, A, 11:31. 

Juncus of the group Poiophylli, A new, 7:50. 

Juncus polycephalus not known from Virginia, 

Juncus subtilis, New stations for, 3:228. 

Juncus tenuis, A new variety of, 3:59. 

Juncus tenuis, The identity of, 47:117. 

Juncus Torreyi and Ellisia Nyctelea in Mas- 
sachusetts, 4:170. 

Juncus triglumis and its American representa- 
tive, 26:201. 

Juncus utahensis, Reduction of, 41:464. 

Juniper, A luxuriant growth of, 3:254. 

Junipers of western Texas, Three, 38:182. 

Juniperus communis var. erecta in Massachu- 
setts, 3:146. 

Juniperus horizontalis and J. virginiana, Note 
on, 12:218. 

Juniperus mexicana, The geographic range of, 

Juniperus, Notes on, 43:344. 

dress virginiana and its northern variety, 

Juniperus virginiana, Note on Juniperus hori- 
zontalis and, 12:218.. 

Jussiaea Michauxiana nom. nov., 46:197. 

Jussiaea uruguayensis in Staten Island, New 
York, 47:237. 

Justicia mortuifluminis, nom. nov., 44:92. 

Kalamazoo County, A flora of, [Review], 49: 

Kalamazoo County, Michigan, Some observa- 
tions on two ecological races of Allium tri- 
coccum in, 48:61. 

Kalmia, A new southern, 42:53. 

Kalmia angustifolia, An albino, 15:151. 

Kalmia angustifolia, The pollination of, 36: 

Kalmia hirsuta doubted, Virginian occurrence 
of, 49:158. 

Kalmia latifolia, A remarkable form of, 11: 

Kalmia latifolia at Cherryfield, Maine, 33: 
198. J 

Kalmia latifolia in Vermont, 1:136. 


Kalmia latifolia, Note on the forms of, 12:1. 

Kalmiopsis, Chromosomes of, 40:278. 

Katahdin* Iron Works, Maine, A list of Moss- 
es collected at, 2:61. 

Katahdin Mosses, Notes on the Bryophytes of 
Maine,—II., 3:181. 

Katahdin plants, Notes on, 32:259. 

Kearney, T. H.—(—— and Przsres, R. H.), 
[Flowering Plants and Ferns of Arizona], 
Review of, 45:26-27. 

KEEFE, ANSELM Maynard — A new species of 
Aphanocapsa, 29:39-41. 

Keeled Garlie of eastern Pennsylvania, The 
so-called, 46:59. 

Kersey, S. L.—(FreRNALD, M. L. and ——), 
A new Oxytropis from the Gaspé coast, 30: 

Krzrso, EsrELLE Henperson—Notes on 
Rocky Mountain plants, 35:347-348; 36: 
195-196; 37:226-227; 38:298-300; 39:149- 


A note on Salix Dodgeana, 34:28-29. 

A new Salix hybrid, 34:67. 

A note on Glyceria neogaea Steudel, 35: 
225-226. l 

A new variety of Glyceria grandis and a 
key to its allied species, 36:264—266. 

A new species and two new varieties of 
Glyceria, 37 :262-263. 

Kennebunks and Wells, Some Maine Rubi, 
The Blackberries of the, —I, 8:146; —II, 8: 
169; —III, 8:212. 


Panicum barbulatum in Massachusetts, 1: 

A new Moss from Mt. Desert Island, 1: 
78-80, pl. 5. 

Carex novae-angliae in eastern Massa- 
chusetts, 2:83-84. 

Edwin Faxon, 2:107-111 (with portrait). 

(—— and Corus, J. F.), Bryophytes of 
Mount Katahdin, 3:177-181. 

[Herbarium of], 3:256. 

The Maine coast at Cutler, 4: :23-26. 

Plants new to eastern Massachusetts, 4: 

Flora of Willoughby, Vermont, 6:93—134, 
pls. 54—56. 

Additional notes from Willoughby, 6:148. 

Quercus imbricaria Michx. in Massachu- 
setts, 14:34—35. 

Some historical data regarding the Sweet 
Bay and its station on Cape Ann, 18: 

[Biography of], 21:25-35 (with portrait). 

Kenney, R. B. (Mrs. Sinclair) 

Some additions to the Newfoundland 
flora, 32:3-4. 

Further notes from southwestern New- 
foundland, 33:207-209, pls. 216, 217. 

Kentucky, A Flora of, [Review], 45:277. 

Kentucky, A new species and a new variety 
of Solidago from, 44:1. 

*See entries under: Mount Katahdin 


Kentucky, New plants from, 42:47. 
Kentucky plants, A Check-list of, [Review], 
Kentucky, Satureja glabella in, 42:525. 
Kentucky, Some relationships of the flora of 
the Cumberland Plateau and Cumberland 
Mountains in, 39:193. 
Kern, Frank D.—Two new species of Uro- 
myces on Carex, 12:124—127, 2 figs. 
Kerria japonica, The home of, 33:199. 
Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan, Critical Bry- 
ophytes from the, 39:1, 33. 
Keweenaw Peninsula, Two western plants on 
the, 37:164. 
Key to Antennaria of the Manual Range, 47: 
221, 239. 
Key to its allied species, A new variety of 
Glyceria grandis and a, 36:264. 
Key to Northeastern Trees (A reply to a re- 
view by M. L. Fernald), Fruit, 50:36. 
Key to the species and principal varieties of 
Cladonia occurring in New England, A, 11: 
Key to the species of Oaks of eastern North 
America based on foliage and twig charac- 
ters, A, 38:53. 
Key to the northeastern American species of 
Bidens, A, 27:184. 
Key B the trees, An illustrated, [Review], 14: 
Keys, FLonENcE J.—Trillium grandiflorum in 
Maine, 29:15. 
[Herbarium of], 3:256. 
A form of Solidago sempervirens with 
white rays, 19:20. 
Solidago lepida, var. fallax in Knox Coun- 
ty, Maine, 22:77-78. 
Additions to the flora of Isle au Haut, 23: 

Carex aestivalis in the Blue Hills, 24:144. 
Isle au Haut plants, 25:16. 
Further notes on the plants of Isle au 
Haut, 25:147-148. 
Erucastrum Pollichii in Maine, 28:88. 
Two weeds new to Milton, Massachusetts, 
Lemna trisulea at Isle au Haut, Maine, 
Chenopodium carinatum and other un- 
usual weeds, 30:158. 
Unusual weeds in Milton, Massachusetts, 
Some weeds in an old garden, 35:145. 
KILBOURNE, FREDERICK W.—A second station 
for Corydalis flavula in Connecticut, 48: 
Killingly, Connecticut, A trip to, 10:164. 
King-Devil Weed in the Penobscot Valley, 
The, 4:61. 
Kineman, C. C.— An American station for 
Illecebrum verticillatum, 14:207—208. 
and ——), [Edible Wild Plants of eastern 
North America], Review of, 45:515-517. 


Kirk, Grorce L. 
New stations for Ferns in Vermont, 10: 
Two Vermont Grasses rediscovered, 12: 

Glyceria acutiflora in Vermont, 13:92. 
Solidago calcicola in Vermont, 14:54—55. 
Kittrepce, E. M.—[Ferns and Flowering 
Plants of Woodstock, Vermont], Review of, 
Kjellmannia sorifera found on the Rhode Is- 
land coast, 16:152. 
Krarr, F. W —[Herbarium of], 3:244. 
A Grass new to eastern Canada, 10:205. 
Excretion of Sodium chloride by Spartina 
glabra alterniflora, 11:237—238. 
The Algae of a marshy pond, 14:113-115. 
Notes on the Algae of the Rideau, On- 
tario, 14:236—237. 
Notes on the Algae of Georgian Bay, 15: 
Ecological polymorphism in Enteromor- 
pha crinita, 24:50-55. 
Kwnicut, Ora W. 
Solanum rostratum in central Maine, 3: 
The “King-devil Weed” in the Penobscot 
Valley, 4:61—62. 
E of some plants new to Maine, 5: 
Cleome serrulata in Maine, 6:79. 
Some plants new to the flora of Maine, 6: 
A new Sunflower for Maine, 6:147. 
Some noteworthy plants of the Penob- 
scot Valley, 8:65—60. 
Notes on some plants of Bangor, Maine, 
Some notes on our yellow Cypripediums, 
Some new records of Maine plants, 8: 
Viola novae-angliae in the Penobscot Val- 
ley, 8:115. 
A new varlety of Carex trisperma, 8:185. 
Habenaria macrophylla in Maine, 8:188. 
Three plants from Maine, 9:202—204. 
Newly-observed plant stations in east- 
ern Massachusetts, 1:89. 
On the flora of Mt. Abraham Township, 
Franklin County, Maine, 1:191—193. 
On the flora of Chesterville, Maine, 2: 
Further notes on the flora of Worcester 
County, Massachusetts, 2:201-202. 
The occurrence of Empetrum in Franklin 
County, Maine, 4:196—-197. 
Flora of Mount Saddleback, Franklin 
County, Maine, 5:35-38. 
Notes on the flora of Day Mountain, 
Franklin County, Maine, 6:206—209. 
(FERNALD, M. L. and ——), Draba incana 
and its allies in northeastern America, 
7:61-67, pl. 60. 

Newly observed stations for Massachu- 
setts plants, 9:11—15. 

(Harrison, A. K., Forses, F. F., — and 
Ware, R. AJ), Reports on the flora of 
the Boston district,—I, 9:81-86. 

Noteworthy plants collected at Roque 
Bluffs, Maine, in 1907, 9:218-219. 

(——, Cusuman, J. A, Deane, W. and 
Harrison, A. K.), Reports on the flora 
of the Boston district, —IT, 10:59-64. 

adu syriacum in Massachusetts, 10: 


(——, Cusuman, J. A, Deane, W. and 
Harrison, A. K.), Reports on the flora 
of the Boston district, —III, 10:128-131. 

A 2 to Killingly, Connecticut, 10:164— 

(——, Cusuman, J. A., Deane, W. and 
Harrison, A. K.), Reports on the flora 
of the Boston district,—IV, 11:75-80, 

Two introduced plants, 11:120—121. 

(——, Cusuman, J. A., DEANE, W. and 
Harrison, A. K.), Reports on the flora 
of the Boston district,—V, 11:204—209. 
[12:12, 156]; —VI, 12:3-7;.—VII, 12: 

Note on Scheuchzeria palustris L., 12:156. 

Pinus resinosa in Norwood, Massachu- 
setts, 12:217—218. 

(——, CusuMaN, J. A, Deane, W. and 
Harrison, A. K.), Reports on the flora 
of the Boston district, —VTII, 13:27-29. 

Notes on certain Leguminosae, 13:33-34. 

Cynanchum nigrum in Barnstable, Massa- 
chusetts, 13:70. 

(——, CusuMan, J. A., Deane, W. and 
Harrison, A. K.), Reports on the flora 
of the Boston district—IX, 13:72-73; 
—X, 13:82-85. 

Winter meeting, Josselyn Botanical So- 
ciety of Maine, 13:90-91. 

( , CusHMAN, J. A., Deane, W. and 
Harrison, A. K.), Reports on the flora 
of the Boston district,—XI, 13:104—105. 

Hottonia inflata, a winter annual, 13:108. 

( , CusuMaN, J. A, Drane, W. and 
Harrison, A. K.), Reports on the flora 
of the Boston district —XII, 13:232- 
235; —XIII, 13:248-251. 

Notes on the flora of Duxbury, Massa- 
chusetts, 14:18-22. 

(——, FERNALD, M. L. and Frov, F. G.), 
Field excursions of the New England 
Botanical Club, 14:71-76. 

, CUSHMAN, J. A. and Deane, W.), 

Reports on the flora of the Boston dis- 

trict, XIV, 14:76-78. 

, BLAKE, S. F., CusHMAN, J. A. and 
Deane W.), Reports on the flora of the 
Boston district—XV, 14:107-113. 

New stations for Paspalum psammophil- 
um, 14:174-175. 

Rare plants in Groton, Massachusetts, 14: 





(——, Barer, S. F., CusuMaw, J. A. and 
Deane W.), Reports on the flora of the 
Boston district, —X VI, 15:54-59. 

(—, Buakg, S. F. and Deane, W.), Re- 
ports on the flora of the Boston district, 
—XVII, 15:122-132; —XVIII, 15:144- 

Festuca octoflora in Vermont, 15:187-188. 

Flora of the Sandy River Valley in Maine, 

Orontium at Hyannis, Massachusetts, 16: 

Spiraea salicifolia in Alburg, Vermont, 16: 

(—— and Deane, W.), Reports on the 
flora of the Boston district,—XIX, 16: 

The original flora of the Old Colony, 16: 

New England distribution of Ilex opaca 
and Ilex glabra, 16:163—165. 

Carex maritima in Marshfield, Massachu- 
setts, 16:213. 

Plants and plant societies at Roque Bluffs, 
Maine, 17:145-155. 

( and Deane, W.), Reports on the 
flora of the Boston district, ——X X, 17: 
169-180; —XXI, 17:202-203; —XXII, 
18:86-90; —XXIII, 18:165-168. 

Autumn excursion of the New England 
Botanical Club, 18:184. 

(—— and Drane, W.), Reports on the 
flora of the Boston district, —X XIV, 

Preliminary lists of New England plants, 
—X XIV, 18:245—248. 

( and Drange, W.), Reports on the 
flora of the Boston district, —X XV, 18: 

Note on Nuphar, 19:92. 

Preliminary lists of New England plants, 
—XXV, 19:217-219. 

( and Drang, W.), Reports on the 
flora of the Boston district, —X XVI, 20: 
15-18; —XXVII, 20:55—59. 

A new botanical textbook for high schools, 
[Review], 20:100. 

Plants from South Weymouth, Massa- 
chusetts, 20:115. 

( and Deane, W.), Reports on the 
flora of the Boston district, —X XVIII, 

(——, Rrey, W. S. and WEATHERBY, C. 
A.), Report of the Committee on floral 
areas, 20:181-185, 193—197. 

Preliminary lists of New England plants, 
—XXVI, 20:182. 

( and Drang, W.), Reports on the 
flora of the Boston district, —X XIX, 
20 :208-209; —X XX, 21:78-83. 

(FERNALD, M. L., Bean, R. C. and ——), 
Plans for 1919 Spring field trip of the 
New England Botanical Club, 21:86-88. 

and Drange, W.), Reports on the 

flora of the Boston district, — X XI, 



(FERNALD, M. L., Bean, R. C. and ——), 
Field trips of the New England Botani- 
cal Club, 1919, 21:143. 

An excursion to Mt. Washington, Massa- 
chusetts, and Bash-Bish Falls, 21:198- 

(—— and Deane, W.), Reports on the 
flora of the Boston district, —X X XII, 

(——, Rietey, W. S. and WeatHersy, C. 
A.), Second report of the Committee on 
flora] areas, 22:80—89. 

and Deane, W.), Reports on the 
flora of the Boston district, —X XXIII, 
22 : 123-127. 

Herbarium of Rev. W. P. Alcott, 23:47. 

( and Deane, W.), Reports on the 
flora of the Boston district, ——X X XIV, 
23 :113-118. 

(——, RienEv, W. S. and WEATHERBY, C. 
A.), Third report of the Committee on 
floral areas, 23 :209-220. 

(—— and Deane, W.), Reports on the 
flora of the Boston district—XXXV, 
24:92-95; —XXXVI, 24:152-156; — 
XXXVII, 24:231-236; —X XXVIII, 25: 
25-31; —XX XIX, 25:37-43; —XL, 25: 
60-67; —XLI, 25:185-187. 

Butomus umbellatus on the St. Lawrence 
River, 25:220-221. 

( and Drang, W.), Reports on the 
flora of the Boston district, —X LII, 26: 
13-19; —XLIII, 26:34-36; —XLIV, 26: 
55-60; —XLV, 26:82-88; —XLVI, 26: 
107-111; —XLVII, 26: 130-132; — 
XLVIII, 26:149-152; —XLIX, 26:166- 

Notes on the plants of Hingham, Massa- 
chusetts, 26:175—177. 

Flowering dates for Amelanchier Bartra- 
miana, 26:178-179. 

(——, RiPLEYv, W. S. and WearHersy, C. 
A.), Fourth report of the Committee on 
floral areas, 27:56—65. 

Edward Blanchard Chamberlain, 27:73- 


Excursion to southern Vermont, 27:211- 

Victorin’s treatment of the Lycopodiales 
of Quebec, [Review], 28:18-19. 

(WEATHERBY, C. A, —— and Bran, R. 
C.), Fifth report of the Committee on 
floral areas, 28:43-46. 

Two additions to the flora of Massachu- 
setts, 28:232. 

(WEATHERBY, C. A., and Beran, R. 
C.), Sixth report of the Committee on 
floral areas, 29:247-253. 

(CuuncHiL.L, J. R., Deane, W., Grica, F. 

—, PEASE, A. S., SANFORD, S. N. F. 
and SMITH, L. B. ), Reports on the flora 
of Massachusetts, I, 30:12-19. 

Tetramerism in Trillium grandiflorum, 

Victorin’s Les Gymnospermes du Québec, 
[Review], 31:19-20. 



Index to the flora of the Boston district, 

(WraTrHERBY, C. A., — and Bran, R. 
C.), Seventh report of the Committee 
on floral areas, 31:106—118. 

Dynamie forces in the flora of Quebec, 
[Review], 32:11-15. ; 

Butomus umbellatus at Lake Champlain, 

Note on Aster amethystinus, 32:185—186. 

Solidago and Aster in Washington Coun- 
ty, Maine, 33:159-162. 

Fred Dayton Lambert, 34:41-48 (with 

Victorin’s Les Spadiciflores du Québec, 
[Review], 34:119-120. 

The flora around Missisquoi Bay, Quebec, 

Joseph Richmond Churchill, 36:1-7 (with 

A new Moss flora, with a biographical 
sketch of the author, [Review], 37: 

(WEATHERBY, C. A, —— and Bran, R. 
C.), Eighth report of the Committee on 
plant distribution, 38:263-271. 

Two introduced plants, 42:524-525. 

(GoopaLe, A. S., Grice, F. W., GUSTAFSON, 
A. H., Harris, S. K., ——, Porrer, D., 
Sanrorp, S. N. F., Seymour, F. C. 
and Swirg, L. B), Reports on the flora 
of Massachusetts, —III, 44 :213—220. 

Fasciation in Lilium canadense, 44:407. 

Two plants newly introduced in eastern 
Massachusetts, 46:315—316. 

(Bean, R. C, and Huu, A. F., 
Ninth report of the Committee on plant 
distribution, 48:17-27. 

(Bean, R. C., Gooparg, A. S., Grice, F. 
W., Harris, S. K, ——, Porter, D., 
Sanrorp, S. N. F., Seymour, F. C. and 
SmiruH, L. B.), Reports on the flora of 
Massachusetts,—IV, 49:257-277. 

Knox County Maine, Notable additions to the 
flora of, 24:181; Solidago lepida var. fallax 
in, 22:77; Some rare plants from, 23:198. 

Kobresia in the Aroostook Valley, A new, 5: 

Koruier, Hans J.—Two additions to the 
flora of Connecticut, 3:144. 

Kraircer, L. C. C. 

[Field key to the genera of the Gilled 
Mushrooms], Review of, 23:87-88. 

Cortinarius cyanites in the United States, 
27:153—1506, pls. 151, 152. 

KrocHMAL, STANLEY B— (HopapoN, A. R. 
and ), Podostemum, Hippuris and Hot- 
tonia in New Hampshire, 50:209-211. 

Krumpuaar, G. Douatas — Euphrasia Oak- 
esii in Hamilton Inlet, Labrador, 28:131- 


Chrysanthemum uliginosum Pers. adven- 
tive in Quebec, 47:389—390. 

Frére Marie-Victorin, 48:265-272. 


(RAYMoNp, M. and ——), Cornus race- 
mosa in Quebec, 49:23-24. 

(RAvMoNp, M. and ——), Six additions 
to the adventitious flora of Quebec, 

Labrador, A botanical expedition to New- 
foundland and southern, 13:109. 
Labrador coast, The Austin collection from, 


Labrador, Euphrasia Oakesii in Hamilton In- 
let, 28:131. 

Labrador expedition, 1931, Botanical results of 
the Grenfell-Forbes northern, 38:102. 

Labrador in natural history, A comment on 
the use of the term, 13:236. 

Labrador, Interesting plants of northern, 29: 

Labrador Peninsula, Some allies of Anten- 
naria alpina from Newfoundland and the, 

Labrador, Plants of the Hamilton Inlet and 
Lake Melville region, 25:4. 

Lachnanthes in Nova Scotia, 43:30. 

Lackey, J. B— Bryopsis hypnoides Lamx., 
23:253—254, fig. 2. 

Lactarius, A Boston, 1:14. 

Lactuca canadensis, Variations in, 22:9. 

Lactuca hirsuta Muhl., forma calvifolia, n. f., 

Lactuca Morssii, A new station for, 3:278. 

Lactuea Morssii in Maine, 1:193. 

Lady Fern of California, the Basin region and 
the southern Rocky Mountains, 19:201. 

Lady-fern, Some trivial American forms of 
the, 48:389. 

Lady Ferns of Alaska, Western Canada and 
the northwestern States, 19:197. 

Lady Ferns of the eastern United States and 
Canada, The, 19:181. 

Lake Champlain Basin, Butomus umbellatus 
in the, 32:19. 

Lake Champlain, Butomus umbellatus at, 32: 

Lake Melville region, Labrador, Plants of the 
Hamilton Inlet and, 25:4. 

Lake St. John, Quebec, Two more rare plants 
from, 4:128. 

Lake Superior region, The occurrence of Eleo- 
charis nitida in the, 49:81. 


(RosevpAnr, C. O., Burrers, F. K. and 

), Identity of Heuchera hispida 
Pursh, 35:111-118. 

The occurrence of Poa Chaixii in Ameri- 

ca, 40:73-74. 

Plants new to Minnesota, 40:279-280; 41: 

Sparganium glomeratum in Minnesota, 
43 :83-85. 

Notes on the flora of Minnesota with new 
records and extensions of ranges, 43: 

Rediscovery of Caltha natans in Minne- 
sota, 45:53—55. 

Notes on Minnesota plant life, 46:25-28. 


A new form of Campanula from Minne- 
sota, 47 :391-392. 
Previously unreported plants from Min- 
nesota, 48:81—82. 
A new form of Helianthus from Minne- 
sota, 49:21. 
The occurrence of Eleocharis nitida in the 
Lake Superior region, 49:81-82. 
A variety of western Polemonium in Min- 
nesota, 49:118-119. 
Notes on Minnesota plant-life, 50:19-20. 
A prostrate Rorippa in the Interior, 50: 
Forms of Cornus canadensis in Minne- 
sota, 50:304—306. 
Two 5 species of Characium, 11:65-74, 
pl. 79. 
[Obituary], 34:41-48 (with portrait). 
Laminaria, Critical notes on the New England 
specles of, 2:115, 142. 
Lamium album in Maine, 4:218. 
Lamium purpureum in Colorado, 28:112. 
LAMSON-ScRIBNER, F. (see: Scribner, F. Lam- 


Lappula deflexa in Vermont, 18:138. 

Larisey, Mary MaxiME—On the occurrence 
of Crotalaria spectabilis in southeastern 
Missouri, 40:361—363, pl. 508. 

Lathyrus in the Northwest, Introduced species 
of, 24:75. 

Lathyrus japonicus versus L. maritimus, 34: 

Lathyrus maritimus, Lathyrus japonicus ver- 
sus, 34:177. 

Lathyrus Nissolia, a recent introduction in the 
State of Washington, 23:240. 

Lathyrus palustris var. pilosus (Cham.) Ledeb. 
in Massachusetts, 12:108. 

Lathyrus palustris in eastern America, The 
variations of, 13:47. 

Lathyrus, Studies in certain North American 
species of, 19:156. 

Lathyrus tuberosus in Vermont, 3:230. 

Lauraceae, The nomenclature of the New 
England, 8:196. 

Laurel (Kalmia latifolia), at Cherryfield, 
Maine, Mountain, 33:198. 

Lawrence, Massachusetts, Acanthospermum 
australe at, 9:26; Clathrus columnatus in, 
4:134; Erodium malacoides at, 5:39; Two 
wool-waste plants at, 3:92; Volvaria vol- 
vacea in, 4:3. 

Lr Hors, M. 

Juncus acutiflorus rediscovered in Amer- 
ica, 46:311-312. 

Leafy Spurge, The correct name of the, 39: 



Adventitious plants of Drosera, 1:206- 
208, pl. 10. 

The relation of certain plants to atmos- 
pherie moisture, 2:29-32, 63-68. 

Reversions in Berberis and Sagittaria, 2: 
149-155, pl. 19. 

Polyembryony in Spiranthes cernua, 2: 


Notes on the embryology of some New 
England Orchids, 3:61—63, 202-205, figs. 
1-2, pl. 33. 

Notes on Lycopodium, 4:57-60. 

[Outlines of Botany], Review of, 4:85— 

Seed dispersal of Viola rotundifolia, 4: 

Foliar outgrowths from the surface of the 
leaf of Aristolochia Sipho, 5:38-39. 

Reversionary stages experimentally in- 
duced in Drosera intermedia, 5:265- 
272, 1 fig. 

Partial reversion in leaves of the Fern- 
leaved Beech, 6:45-48, figs. a-d. 

On translocation of characters in plants, 
7:13-19, 21-31. 

( and SPALDING, L. J.), Parthenogen- 
esis in Antennaria, 7:105. 

A work for teachers of biology, [Review], 
7 :187-188. 

Regeneration in the leaf of Aristolochia 
Sipho, 8:223. 

In Memoriam: Alvah Augustus Eaton, 

[Forest Trees of New England], Review 
of, 35:108. 

Lechea, A taxonomic study of, 40:29, 87. 

Lechea major in New Hampshire, 4:28. 

Ledum and Pyrola, Pollination of the Erica- 
ceae: IV., 38:90. 

Ledum palustre var. dilatatum on Mt. Katah- 
din, 7:12. 

Lee, Lesur A.—Aquilegia canadensis var. 
flaviflora in Maine, 4:169. 

LrE»s, ArtHurR N.—The Pennsylvania sta- 
tions of Arceuthobium pusillum, 33:191- 

Leersia oryzoides, An interesting form of, 5: 

Lenan oryzoides, The clandestine form of, 

Leersia virginica, The varieties of, 38:385. 

Legumes of Wisconsin, The, [Review], 41: 

Leguminosae, Notes on certain, 13:33. 

Leiophyllum versus Dendrium, 29:225. 

Lemna cyclostasa, an invalid name, 37:75. 

Lemna cyclostasa, Lemna valdiviana, not, 48: 

Lemna minor and Sparganium eurycarpum in 
Rimouski County, Quebec, 10:95. 

Lemna minor as an aggressive weed in the 
Sudbury River, 49:165. 

Lemna trisulca at Isle au Haut, Maine, 30: 

Lemna valdiviana, not L. cyclostasa, 48:146. 

Lemon, PauL C.—Carex flexuosa in Minne- 
sota, 45:167. 

Leontodon in America, Early records of, 4:39. 

Leontodon, Newly introduced species of Cre- 
pis and, 4:249. 

Leontodon, Proper use of the name, 27:47. 

Leonurus Cardiaca, Abnormal flowers in, 2: 

LroPorp, A. C.— The distribution of Red Ce- 
dar in eastern Massachusetts, 49:172-175. 


Lepachys columnaris in eastern Massachu- 
setts, 25:68. 

Lepidium from North China, A new, 32:28. 

Lepidium latifolium in Connecticut, 37:161; 
in New England, 26:197. 

peau in Michigan, Some western, 39: 


a ciones The type of the genus, 40: 

Lepiota rhacodes, 1:224. 

Leptoloma in New England, 47:263. 

Lespedeza capitata, A new variety of, 14:91. 

Lespedeza capitata and L. hirta, Some varie- 
ties of, 43:572. 

Lespedeza in New England, A Cluster-cup 
Fungus on, 2:186. 

Lespedeza hirta, Some varieties of Lespedeza 
capitata and, 43:572. 

Lespedeza, Notes on, 37:204. 

Lespedeza stipulacea, Lespedeza striata and, 

Lespedeza striata and L. stipulacea, 50:21. 

Lespedeza, The origin of the name, 36:130. 

Lespedeza, Validity of the name, 36:390. 

Lespedezas, Notes on American, 26:25. 

Lesquerella from western Texas, A new, 32: 

Lettuce from eastern Massachusetts, À new 
wild, 1:12. 

Lettuce, Identity of Prickly, 7:9. 

Lettuce, Prickly, 20:180. 

Leucojum aestivum in Delaware, 24:144. 

Lewis and Clark: Linguistic Pioneers, [Re- 
view], 43:92. 

Lewis, FREDERICK T.—Sclerolepis in New 
Hampshire, 7:186-187. 

Lewis, Harrison F.—[An annotated List of 
Vascular Plants collected on the North 
Shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence], Review 
of, 34:120. 

Lewis, I. F. 

Prasiola stipitata Suhr, 18:90-92, 2 figs. 

and Correy, R. H.), Chamaesiphon 

incrustans Grun., 18:92. 

(—— and Taytor, W.), Notes from the 
Woods Hole Laboratory,—1921, Platy- 
monas subcordiformis (Wille) Hazen, 
23 : 249-251, pl. 133. 

Asterococcus superbus (Cienk.) Scherf., 
23:252, pl. 138. 

(——, editor), The flora of Penikese, fifty 
years after, 26:181—195, 211-219, 222- 
229, pls. 146, 147. 

(—— and Taytor, W. R., editors), Notes 
from the Woods Hole Laboratory, 1928, 
30:193-198, pl. 176; —1932, 35:147-154, 
pl. 274. 

Lr, Hui-LiN— On the Sino-Himalayan species 
of Shortia and Berneuxia, 45:333-337. 

Liatris, The genus, 48:165, 216, 273, 331, 393. 

Liatris elegans, not a Virginian, 49:187. 

Lichen flora of the Blue Hills, Two additions 
to the, 10:35. 

Lichen Flora of the United States, [Review], 
37 :305. 


Lichens, An additional note on Nantucket, 15: 

Lichens, An important publication on, [Re- 
view], 13:15. 

Lichens from Nantucket Island, Massachu- 
setts, Some, 14:88. 

Lichens from the Gaspé Peninsula, Notes on 
some, 11:100. 

Lichens, Notes on Connecticut, 29:97. 

Lichens of Nantucket, A further note on the, 

Lichens of the Gaspé Peninsula, Quebec, 28: 
157, 205, 225. 
Lichens of the 1924 Survey, Penikese, 35:149. 
Lichens, Some general results of recent Nor- 
wegian research work on arctic, 36:133. 
Ligusticum scothicum of the North Atlantic 
and of the North Pacific, 32:7. 

Lilaea scilloides in southeastern Alberta, 46: 

Lilies, Nymphozanthus the correct name for 
the Cow, 21:183. 

Lilium canadense and L. superbum, Lilium 
michiganense, 45:512. 

Lilium canadense, Fasciation in, 44:407. 

Lilium michiganense, A further item on, 46: 

Lilium michiganense, L. canadense and L. 
superbum, 45:512. 

Lilium michiganense, Lilium superbum and, 
44 :220. 

Lilium michiganense, The relationship of, 44: 
453. s 

Lilium philadelphicum, A new form of, 15: 

Lilium superbum and L. michiganense, 44:220. 

Lilium superbum and other isolated species in 
Durham, New Hampshire, 46:21. 

Lilium superbum, Lilium michiganense, L. 
canadense and, 45:512. 

Limodorum tuberosum L., 27:193. 

Limonium in North America and Mexico, 18: 

Limonium, Notes on the North American 
species of, 25:55. 

Limosella subulata, The specific validity of, 

Linaria canadensis, Cleistogamy in, 2:168. 

Linper, Davi» H. 

Some varieties of Panicum virgatum, 24: 
11-16, 6 figs. 

A new species of Rhizopogon from New 
Hampshire, 26:195-197, pl. 148. 
Lindernia dubia, Another interpretation of, 


Linnaea borealis, The American variations of, 

Linnaean Alisma cordifolia, The identity of 
the, 49:107. 

Linnaean Gnaphalium plantaginifolium, The 
identity of the, 3:11. 

Linnaean species especially those based on ma- 
terial collected by Clayton, Concerning the 
proper identification of, 30:232. 

Linnaean species, Some, 50:154. 


Linnaeus, American Crataegi in the Species 
Plantarum of, 11:181. 

Linnaeus not a nomen ambiguum, Populus 
balsamifera of, 48:103. 

Linnaeus, On the descriptive method of, 47: 
273, 363. 

Linnaeus's Species Plantarum, The asterisk in, 

Linnean species as illustrated by Polygala ver- 
ticillata, On the typification of, 41:378. 
Linum catharticum in Maine, 14:56; in New 
Brunswick, 47:68; in Ontario, 47:362; on 

Cape Breton, 5:119. 

Linum, Some geographic varieties of, 37:427. 

Linum intercursum Bicknell, Concerning, 18: 

Liparis lilifolia, not L. liliifolia, 49:137. 

Liparis liliifolia, Liparis lilifolia, not, 49:137. 

Liparis Loeselii in Massachusetts, 4:62. 

Liquidambar at Greenwich, Connecticut, 1: 

Liquidambar Styraciflua, Leaf-variation in, 

Listera australis, A New England occurrence 
of, 24:187. 

Listera australis on Long Island, 37:308. 

Listeras of New England, The, [Review], 1: 

Lithospermum latifolium, The validity of, 46: 

Lirtie, ErnEnT L., Jr. 

Acer grandidentatum in Oklahoma, 46: 

The name of the Wild Dilly of Florida, 
49 :289—293. 


An uncommon association of Pines in 
northern New York, 30:129-131. 

A new station for Calluna, 33:162-163. 

(PnaTT, W. F. and ), Western exten- 
sion of the range of Pinus Banksiana 
in New York, 40:241-242. 

Littorella americana, A new station for, 33: 
79; in Washington County, Maine, 33:79; 
in New York, The occurrence of, 36:194; 
in Quebec, 37:31. 

Littorella, The North American, 20:61. 

Lioyp, Francis E.—( and Bicetow, M. 
A.), [The Teaching of Biology in the Sec- 
ondary School], Review of, 7:187-188. 

Lobelia cardinalis L., Two color forms of, 21: 

Lobelia Dortmanna in Aroostook County, 
Maine, 36:128. 

Lobelia glandulosa Walt., The identity of, 39: 

Lobelia inflata X cardinalis, 3:296. 

Lobelia puberula, The geographic varieties of, 

xLobelia syphilitico-cardinalis, 5:284. 

Lobelia, Studies in the taxonomy and distri- 
bution of the eastern North American spe- 
cies of, 38:241, 276, 305, 346. 

Lobelias in the herbarium of Stephen Elliott, 
Notes on the, 40:175. 

Local flora, A new, [Review], 2:132; 4:202. 


Local Floras of New England, The, 1:111, 138, 
158, 174, 194, 208; —Addenda, 2:73. 

Local floras, Two, [Reviews], 14:78. 

Loco from the Edwards Plateau of Texas, A 
new, 32:4. 

Lomatogonium rotatum (L.) Fries in Maine, 
31:143. , 

Lomatogonium, the correct name for Pleu- 
rogyne, 21:193. 


Range extension of Scirpus Smithii, var. 
setosus, 12:155-156. 

Galium labradoricum in Pennsylvania, 

Southerly range extensions in Antennar- 
ia, 15:117-122. 

(FERNALD, M. L. and ——), The Ameri- 
can variations of Potentilla palustris, 
16:5-11, pl. 106. 

Discovery of Prunus cuneata in southern 
New Jersey, 18:66—70. 

A belated correction, 18:142-143. 

Delphinium Consolida in America with a 
consideration of the status of Delphin- 
ium Ajacis, 18:169-177. 

Range of Carex novae-angliae extended 
into Pennsylvania, 19:96—100. 

History of the American record of Scirpus 
mucronatus, 20:41-48. 

Eragrostis peregrina a frequent plant 
about Philadelphia, 20:173. 

Jasione montana a conspicuous weed near 
Lakewood, New Jersey, 21:105—108. 

The specific characters of Eragrostis pere- 
grina and its two allies, 21:133-140. 

Notes on the American occurrence of Cre- 
pis biennis, 21:209—214. 

Regarding Gentiana Andrewsii in the 
Coastal Plain of New Jersey, 22:104- 

A further note on Crepis biennis, 22:192- 

A station for Croton glandulosus in New 
Jersey, 23:221-223. 

Muscari comosum, a new introduction 
found in Philadelphia, 24:16-20. 

Naturalized occurrence of Prunus Padus 
in America, 25:169-177. 

[Newfoundland Mosses collected by —— 
in 1924-26], 30:1-12, pl. 158. 

Lona, C. A. E. 

Notes from Matinicus, 21:148. 

Some noteworthy Matinicus plants, 22: 

Some rare plants from Knox County, 
Maine, 23:198-199. 

Notable additions to the flora of Knox 
County, Maine, 24:181-183. 

Long Island, Anacharis densa on, 34:151. 

Long Island, Corynephorus canescens on west- 
ern, 41:314. 

Long Island, Cyperus microiria on, 42:196. 

Long Island, Erechtites megalocarpa on, 41: 

Long Island, Flora of, [Review], 27:213. 


Long Island, Grier's notes on the flora of, 27: 
213; 28:242. 
Long Island, Listera australis on, 37:308. 
Long Island, New York, New stations for 
Chamaecyparis on, 9:74. 
Long Island, Panicum Wrightianum in, 16: 
Long Island, Ramalina Montagnaei De Not. 
on, 12:7. 
Long Island, Tillaea aquatica on, 37:301. 
Long Island, Viola rotundifolia on, 37:421. 
Long Pond, 21:73. 
Long's Peak, Salix serissima on, 25:67. 
Lonicera caerulea in eastern America, The 
variations of, 12:209. 
Lonicera caerulea, Notes on the morphology 
of the fruit of, 11:209. 
Lonicera caerulea, The American representa- 
tives of, 27:1. 
Lonicera flavida, Lonicera prolifera and, 
Lonicera prolifera and L. flavida, 12:166. 
Lonicera sempervirens established in West- 
ford, Massachusetts, 4:40. 
Loomis, MARTHA Louise 
A seedless Barberry found at Sherborn, 
Massachusetts, 14:207. 
Some extensions of local ranges, 15:44. 
A correction concerning Dicksonia pun- 
tilobula, forma cristata, 15:204. 
Avena fatua in eastern Massachusetts, 16: 
Loosestrifes from the Northern States, Two 
ambiguous, 1:131. 
Lophiola aurea in Nova Scotia, 21:68. 
Lophotocarpus on the north-eastern river-es- 
tuaries, 24:71. 
Nardus stricta in the White Mountains, 
21 : 22-23. 
A revision of the Mt. Desert Hepatic list, 
26 :6—13. 
Lotus at West Peabody, Massachusetts, The 
American, 33:230. 
Lotus tenuis as a waif in Rhode Island, 7:167. 
Lotus, The name of the American, 36:23. 
Lovuis-ManiE, FATHER 
The genus Trisetum in America, 30:209— 
223, 281—245. 
[Flore-Manuel de la Province de Qué- 
bec], Review of, 34:19-20. 
The Ancylatheran Calamagrostis of east- 
ern North America, 46:285—305, pls. 836, 
Louisiana, The Ferns and Fern Allies of, [Re- 
view], 44:484. 
Louisiana, Uvularia perfoliata in, 37:58. 
Louisiana, Wolffiella lingulata in, 35:220. 
Lovett, Harvey B. 
(Lovett, J. H. and ——), The pollination 
of Rhodora, 34:213-214, pl. 222. 
(Lovett, J. H. and ——), The pollination 
of Kalmia angustifolia, 36:25-28, 1 fig. 
(Lovett, J. H. and ), Pollination of 
the Ericaceae: Chamaedaphne and Xo- 
lisma, 37:157-161, 2 figs. 


(—— and Lovet, J. H.), Pollination of 
the Ericaceae: Ledum and Pyrola, 38: 
90-94, 2 figs. 

(—— and Lovett, J. H.), Pollination of 
egi pennsylvanicum, 39:60—63, 1 

( and LovEgLL, J. H.), Pollination of 
Verbena hastata, 41:184—187, 1 fig. 
Pollination of the Ericaceae, V. Gaylus- 
sacia baccata, 42:352-354, figs. A-G. 
Pollination of the Ericaceae, VI. Vaccin- 
ium caespitosum on Mt. Katahdin, 44: 
187-189, figs. A-D. 
LovELL, Joun H. 
(— and Lovett, H. B.), The pollination 
of Rhodora, 34:213-214, pl. 222. 
( and Lovet, H. B.), The pollination 

of Kalmia augustifolia, 36:25-28, 1 fig. 
and LovELL, H. B.), Pollination of 
the Ericaceae: Chamaedaphne and Xol- 
isma, 37:157-161, 2 figs. 
(LovELL, H. B. and ), Pollination of 
the Ericaceae: Ledum and Pyrola, 38: 
90-94, 2 figs. 
(LovELL, H. B. and ——), Pollination of 
I pennsylvanicum, 39:60-63, 
1 fig. 

(Lovett, H. B. and ——), Pollination of 
Verbena hastata, 41:184—187, 1 fig. 
Lowr, RacnuEnL L.—Saxifraga Aizoon on Mt. 

Ktaadn, 26:168. 
Lowell Institute, Botanical lectures at the, 13: 
LowELL, Jonn AmMory—[Herbarium of], 3:71. 
LoweLL, PercivaL— [Botanical activities of], 
LOWENSTEIN, ALBERT EpaaAn—Orchids found 
in the region of Asquam Lake, 19:56—57. 
Further notes on the Orchids of the As- 
quam region, 19:235-236. 
Notes on Pogonia trianthophora, 22:53- 
55, figs. 1. 
Habenaria hyperborea in Rhode Island, 
25 :44—45. 
Andropogon glomeratus in Rhode Island, 

Ludvigia from New England, A new, 35:227. 

Ludwigia $ Isnardia, Notes on, 37:175. 

Ludwigia microcarpa in Missouri, 42:144. 

Ludwigi sphaerocarpa, The variations of, 37: 

Lunt, J. RicHarp—Succisa pratensis in Mas- 
sachusetts, 14:174. 

Lupine, Our albino, 45:356. 

Lupines naturalized in eastern Canada and 
Newfoundland, Three, 16:92. 

E perennis, The pink-flowered form of, 

Lurvey, Sam A.— A new station for Hieracium 
pratense, 10:148. 

Luzula campestris in North America, The var- 
lations of, 15:38. 

Luzula campestris var. frigida in New Hamp- 
shire, 15:186. 


Luzula campestris var. multiflora and its allies, 

Luzula from eastern Canada, A new, 19:38. 

Luzula multiflora, The bulbiferous form of, 

Luzula, Notes on eastern American, 47:265. 

Luzula vernalis, The American representatives 
of, 5:193. 

Lycopodiales of Quebec, Victorin's treat- 
ment of the, 28:18. 

Lycopodium annotinum, The American var- 
jiations of, 17:123. 

Lycopodium clavatum and its variety, 5:39. 

Lyeopodium clavatum and its Variety mono- 
stachyon, Notes on, 4:100. 

Lycopodium clavatum, The North American 
variations of, 12:50. 

Lycopodium clavatum var. monostachyon in 
northern Maine, 3:237. 

Lycopodium clavatum var. monostachyon on 
Mt. Monadnock, 4:57. 

Lycopodium complanatum, An extension of 
range for the typical, 4:154. 

Lycopodium complanatum and its common 
American representative, True, 3:278. 

Lycopodium complanatum near Hartland, 
Vermont, 13:211. 

Lycopodium complanatum var. flabelliforme, 

Lycopodium flabelliforme, 13:168. 

Lycopodium in the United States and Canada, 
The spores of the genus, 36:13. 

Lycopodium inundatum, A new variety of, 

Lycopodium inundatum and its allies in the 
Western Hemisphere,—I., Notes on, 33:201. 

Lycopodium inundatum, Fairy-rings formed 
by, 1:28. 

Lycopodium inundatum, The varieties of, 48: 

Lycopodium lucidulum, The gemmae of, 4: 

Lycopodium, Notes on, 4:57. 

Lycopodium porophilum, The identity of, 34: 

Lycopodium sabinaefolium and L. sitchense, 

Lycopodium sabinaefolium Willd., var. sharo- 
nense (Blake) comb. nov., 20:60. 

Lycopodium Selago, A Connecticut station 
for, 7:20. 

Lycopodium Selago on Mount Holyoke, 
Massachusetts, 5:290. 

Lycopodium sitchense, Lycopodium sabinae- 
folium and, 25:166. 

Lycopodium sitchense on Mt. Washington, 
The discovery of Comandra livida and, 4: 

Lycopus amplectens var. pubens in New Eng- 
land, 46:451. 

Lycopus, Diagnostic characteristics in, 38:373. 

Lycopus uniflorus, The identity of Michaux's, 

Lygodium palmatum and Agrimonia mollis 
in Berkshire County, Massachusetts, 28: 


Lynar. B.—Some general results of recent 
Norwegian research work on arctic Lichens, 
36:133-171, pls. 284, 285. 

Lynn, Massachusetts, Two plants new to the 
flora of, 5:256. 

Lyonia ligustrina, The varieties of, 43:624. 

Lysimachia lanceolata, The identity of, 39: 

Lysimachia punctata in eastern Massachu- 
setts, 3:201. 

Lysimachia terrestris (L.) BSP., var. ovata 
(Rand & Redfield), n. comb., 24:76. 

Lythrum alatum in Maine, 48:40. 

(Fernan, M. L. and ——), The North 
American variations of Arctostaphylos 
Uva-ursi, 16:211-213. 
Sisymbrium brachycarpon and allies, 17: 


A white-flowered Spiraea tomentosa, 17: 

Range extensions of two grasses, 17:159- 

The correct name of an introduced Sym- 
phytum, 18:23-25. 

Amsinckia in the northeastern United 
States, 18:27—28. 

Anchusa in New England, 18:50-51. 

A new species of Bladdernut, 20:127-129. 

A new Perezia adventive in Massachu- 
setts, 20:150—152. 

(SrANpLEY, P. C. and ——), A new form 
of Red Cedar from Indiana, 31:193-194. 

Macsrive, Tuomas H.— The Slime Moulds, 
2:75-81, pl. 16. 

McAter, W. L. 

Plants collected on Matinicus Island, 
Maine, in late Fall, 1915, 18:29-45. 

The Winter flora of Muskeget Island, 
Massachusetts, 18:93-99. 

M'DowaLp, Francis EucENE—[Biographical 
sketch], 13:145-146 (with portrait). 

McFanLAND, Frank T —[AÀ Catalogue of the 
Vascular Plants of Kentucky], Review of, 
45:278., JAMES B. 

Two new evergreen Hollies from central 
Florida, 34:16-18. 

Hollies from central Florida, 34:233-236, 
pls. 224-231. 

McGrecor, Frank J.—hRediscovery of Paro- 
nychia argyrocoma, var. albimontana at 
Newburyport, Massachusetts, 47 :90—91. 

McLavuGHLIN, WinLARD T.—Notes on the 
flora of Glacier National Park, Montana, 
37 :362—365. 

McMinn, Howard E.— [An illustrated man- 
ual of California shrubs], Review of, 43:212. 

McVavan, ROGERS 

Studies in the taxonomy and distribution 
of the eastern North American species 
of Lobelia, 38:241-263, 276—298, 305- 
329, 346—362, pls. 435, 436. 

Notes on the Lobelias in the herbarium 
of Stephen Elliott, 40:175-177. 


Generic status of Triodanis and Specu- 
laria, 50:38—49. 

Mackenzie Basin, A new species of Salix from 
the, 32:111. 

Scientific names applicable to our purple- 
flowered Eupatoriums, 22:157-165. 

Double-headed generic names, 26:229- 

The name Sisymbrium, 27:28-32. 

Proper use of the name Leontodon, 27: 

The genus Erysimum, 27:65-67. 

Limodorum tuberosum L., 27 :193-196. 

Solidago rigida L., 28:29-31. 

Aster ericoides L., 28:65. 

“Acer saccharum Marsh.,” 28:111-112. 

Concerning Solidago humilis, 28:208. 

Technical name of Sugar Maple, 28:233- 

Further light on our purple-flowered Eu- 
patoriums, 29:6-9. 

Solidago conferta Miller, 29:17-19. 

Usage, 29:26-32. 

Solidago altissima L., 29:72-75. 

Proper use of the name Nymphaea, 29: 

Nymphaea maculata Raf., 29:239. 

Concerning Dilepyrum, 29:246-247. 

The Grass genus Digitaria, 30:49—52. 

Solidago flexicaulis and Solidago latifolia, 

Concerning the proper identification of 
Linnean species, especially those based 
on material collected by Clayton, 30: 

The generic name Radicula, 31:119. 

Aira spicata L., 31:194—195. 

Macloviana as a specific name, 44:71. 

Maclura pomifera (Raf.) Schneider, 9:148. 

MacMitian, Conway—[Minnesota Plant 
Life]. Review of, 2:87. 

MacMillan expedition 1922, Baffin Land 
plants collected by the, 25:111. 

Magnolia from West Florida, A new, 28:35. 

Magnolia, Note on the fruit of Mountain, 19: 

Magnolia tripetala in Springfield, Massachu- 
setts, 15:63. 

Magnolia virginiana in Massachusetts, The 
present status of, 30:207. 


(Muenscue_r, W. C. and ——), Notes on 
some New York plants, 33:165-167, pl. 

Distribution notes concerning certain 
plants of Glacier National Park, Mon- 
tana, 36:305—308. 

Distribution notes concerning plants of 
Glacier National Park, Montana,—II, 

(—— and JENSEN, G. H.), Great Basin 
plants,—V. Aquatics, 44:4-9. 

Maianthemum canadense and its Variety in- 
terius, Notes on the range of, 28:9; The 
western variety of, 16:210. 


Maine, A botanical expedition to Mt. Katah- 
din, 3:147. 

Maine, A list of Mosses collected at Katah- 
din Iron Works, 2:61. 

Maine, A new Cardamine from southern, 19: 

Maine, A new Kobresia in the Aroostook Val- 
ley, 5:247. 

Maine, A new station for Iris Hookeri in, 10: 

Maine, A new station for Nyssa sylvatica in, 

Maine, A new Sunflower for, 6:147. 

Maine, A spurless Halenia from, 1:36. 

Maine, A third station for Waldsteina fragari- 
oides in, 35:322. 

Maine, Actinella odorata in, 7:80. 

Maine, addenda, Some, 10:146. 

Maine, Additional notes on the plants of 
Chesterville, 11:30. 

Maine, Additions to the flora of Mount Des- 
ert, 23:65. 

Maine, An algologist’s vacation in eastern, 4: 

Maine, An occurrence of Catharinaea crispa 
in, 9:74. 

Maine and adjacent Canada, Rosa blanda and 
its allies of northern, 20:90. 
Maine and western New Brunswick, A sum- 
mer's botanizing in eastern, 12:101, 133. 
Maine, Aquilegia canadensis var. flaviflora in, 

Maine, Aristida basiramea in, 31:78. 

Maine, Aulacomnium heterostichum in, 4: 

Maine, Betula papyrifera, var. commutata in 
western, 47:406. 

Maine, Bryophytes of Mount Katahdin, 3: 

Maine, Bulletin of the Josselyn Botanical So- 
clety of, 9:196. 

Maine, Cardamine bellidifolia in Cumberland 
County, 3:185. 

Maine, Carex typhina in, 44:20. 

Maine catalogue, Plants apparently new to 
the, 14:176. 

Maine, Cleome serrulata in, 6:79. 

Maine coast at Cutler, The, 4:23. 

Maine coast, Primula farinosa var. macropoda 
on the, 9:217. 

Maine, Dr. Aaron Young, Jr. and the botani- 
cal survey of, 37:1. 

Maine, Dumontia in, 35:315. 

Maine, Erucastrum Pollichii in, 28:88. 

Maine, Ferns of Maranacook, 1:218. 

Maine, Ferns of the Red River Country, 32: 

Maine, Filipendula rubra in, 10:144. 

Maine flora, Northeastward extensions in the, 
38:453; —II, 40:245. 

Maine, Flora of Mount Saddleback, Franklin 
County, 5:35. 

Maine, Flora of the Sandy River Valley in, 

Maine for Ilex verticillata forma chrysocarpa, 
A station in, 25:148. 


Maine, Further additions to the Mt. Desert 
flora, 31:81. 

Mgi ine, Further notes on Arabis laevigata and 

splenium Trichomanes in, 7:13. 

Maine, Further notes on Solanum rostratum 
and Hieracium praealtum in, 4:151. 

Maine, Galinsoga in, 5:258. 

Maine, Gentiana linearis, var. latifolia in, 26: 

Maine, Gentiana quinquefolia in, 47:143. 

Maine, Habenaria macrophylla in, 8:188. 

Maine in late Fall, 1915, Plants collected on 
Matinicus Island, 18: 29, 

Maine in 1907, Noteworthy plants collected 
at Roque Bluffs, 9:218. 

Maine, Josselyn Botanical Society of (see: 
Josselyn Botanical Society of Maine). 

Maine, Juncus articulatus var. nigritellus in, 

Maine, June 20-25, 1900, A list of plants seen 
on the Island of Monhegan, 3:187. 

Maine, Lactuca Morssii in, 1:193. 

Maine, Lamium album in, 4:218. 

Maine, Lemna trisulca at Isle au Haut, 30:121. 

Maine, Linum catharticum in, 14:56. 

Maine, Littorella americana in Washington 
County, 33:79. 

Maine, Lobelia Dortmanna 
County, 36:128. 

Maine, Lomatogonium rotatum (L.) Fries in, 

Maine, Lycopodium clavatum var. monosta- 
chyon in northern, 3:237. 

Maine, Lythrum alatum in, 48:40. 

Maine, Marsilea quadrifolia in, 22:156. 

Maine Mosses, Some, 6:145. 

Maine, Mountain Laurel (Kalmia latifolia) 
at Cherryfield, 33:198. 

Maine, Myosotis collina in, 1:76. 

Maine, New stations for Peltandra virginica 
and Conopholis americana in, 4:168. 

Maine, Notable additions to the flora of Knox 
County, 24:181. 

Maine, Notes on the Bryophyte flora of, 1:33; 
—JI, 3:181. 

Maine, Notes on the Ferns of Maranacook, 

Maine, Notes on plants of Chesterville, 9:207. 

Maine, Notes on some Ferns of Franklin 
County, 4:247. 

Maine, Notes on some plants of Bangor, 8:72. 

Maine. Notes on some rare plants of York 
County, 37:415. 

Maine, Notes on the flora of Boothbay, 27: 
53; —II, 29:14; —III, 34:167. 

Maine, Notes on the flora of Day Mountain, 
Franklin County, 6:206. 

Maine, Notes on the flora of the Penobscot 
Bay region, 16:189. 

Maine, Notes on Triglochin palustris and 
Montia lamprosperma in, 35:291. 

Maine, Noteworthy plants at Exeter, 1:75. 

Maine, Noteworthy plants collected at Roque 
Bluffs, 9:218. 

Maine, Nymphaea tetragona in, 38:375. 

Maine, Nymphaea tetragona in Somerset 
County, 43:74. 

in Aroostook 

HHopoRA “& 

Maine, On the flora of Chesterville, 2:123. 

Maine, On the flora of Mt. Abraham Town- 
ship, Franklin County, 1:191. 

Maine, Orchids of Chesterville, 5:82. 

Maine, Plantago arenaria W. & K. at Port- 
land, 33:171. 

Maine, Plantago virginica in, 41:559. 

Maine, Plants and plant societies at Roque 
Bluffs, 17:145. 

Maine Plants and their uses, 
wise," Some, 3:129. 

Maine, Plants apparently new to Mount Ka- 
tahdin, 37:455. 

Maine, Plants from the Duck Islands, 2:207. 

Maine plants, New stations for, 5:289; 6:194; 
—II, 6:232. 

Maine plants, Notes on, 1:185. 

Maine plants, Notes on northern, 46:204. 

Maine plants, Notes on some, 40:462. 

Maine plants, Some, 15:134. 

Maine plants, Some interesting, 11:12. 

Maine plants, Some new records of, 8:98. 

Maine, Pogonia affinis in, 28:31. 

Maine, Pogonia pendula in, 2:211. 

Maine, Polygonum puritanorum in, 45:215. 

Maine, Polytrichum gracile Dicks. in, 9:64. 

Maine, Ranunculus lapponicus in Aroostook 
County, 41:461. 

Maine, Records of some plants new to, 5:71. 

Maine, Rhododendron maximum in Somerset 
County, 1:55. 

Maine, Rorippa amphibia in Androscoggin 
County, 35:262. 

Maine Rubi, —I. The Blackberries of the 
Kennebunks and Wells, 8:146; —II, 8:169; 
—1II, 8:212. 

Maine, Salix incana at Castine, 10:56. 

Maine, Scirpus Peckii in, 32: 133. 

Maine, Selaginella apoda i in, 25:188. 

Maine, Sisyrinchium mucronatum in Penob- 
scot "County, 37:75. 

Maine, Solanum rostratum in central, 3:276. 

Maine, Solidago and Aster in Washington 
County, 33:159. 

Maine, Solidago lepida var. fallax in Knox 
County, 22:77. 

Maine, Some casual elements in the flora of 
western, 6:81. 

Maine, Some Mosses from Aroostook County, 

Maine, Some noteworthy plants from the is- 
lands and coast of, 15:137. 

Maine, Some noteworthy plants of, 6:235. 

Maine, Some noteworthy plants of York 
County, 38:452. 

Maine, Some plants new to the flora of, 6:91. 

Maine, Some rare plants from Knox County, 

Maine, The discovery of Cryptogramma Stel- 
leri in, 10:35. 

Maine, The dwarf Mistletoe on the southeast- 
ern coast of, 9:208. 

Maine, The marine flora of Great Duck Is- 
land, 2:209. 

Maine, The occurrence of Eleocharis diandra 
at Brunswick, 4:1. 

“wise and other- 


Long Island, Grier’s notes on the flora of, 27: 
213; 28:242. 
Long Island, Listera australis on, 37:308. 
Long Island, New York, New stations for 
Chamaecyparis on, 9:74. 
Long Island, Panicum Wrightianum in, 16: 
Long Island, Ramalina Montagnaei De Not. 
on, 12:7. 
Long Island, Tillaea aquatica on, 37:301. 
Long Island, Viola rotundifolia on, 37:421. 
Long Pond, 21:73. 
Long’s Peak, Salix serissima on, 25:67. 
Lonicera caerulea in eastern America, The 
variations of, 12:209. 
Lonicera caerulea, Notes on the morphology 
of the fruit of, 11:209. 
Lonicera caerulea, The American representa- 
tives of, 27:1. 
Lonicera flavida, Lonicera prolifera and, 
Lonicera prolifera and L. flavida, 12:166. 
Lonicera sempervirens established in West- 
ford, Massachusetts, 4:40. 
A seedless Barberry found at Sherborn, 
Massachusetts, 14:207. 
Some extensions of local ranges, 15:44. 
A correction concerning Dicksonia pun- 
tilobula, forma cristata, 15:204. 
Avena fatua in eastern Massachusetts, 16: 
Loosestrifes from the Northern States, Two 
ambiguous, 1:131. 
Lophiola aurea in Nova Scotia, 21:68. 
Lophotocarpus on the north-eastern river-es- 
tuarles, 24:71. 
Lorenz, ANNIE 
Nardus stricta in the White Mountains, 
21 :22—23. 
A revision of the Mt. Desert Hepatic list, 
26 :6—13. 
Lotus at West Peabody, Massachusetts, The 
American, 33:230. 
Lotus tenuis as a waif in Rhode Island, 7:167. 
Lotus, The name of the American, 36:23. 
Louis-ManiE, FATHER 
The genus Trisetum in America, 30:209— 
223, 237—245. 
[Flore-Manuel de la Province de Qué- 
bec], Review of, 34:19-20. 
The Ancylatheran Calamagrostis of east- 
ern North America, 46:285—305, pls. 836, 
Louisiana, The Ferns and Fern Allies of, [Re- 
view], 44:484. 
Louisiana, Uvularia perfoliata in, 37:58. 
Louisiana, Wolffiella lingulata in, 35:226. 
LovELL, Harvey B. 
(Lovett, J. H. and ——), The pollination 
of Rhodora, 34:213-214, pl. 222. 
(LovELL, J. H. and ——), The pollination 
of Kalmia angustifolia, 36:25-28, 1 fig. 
(LovELL, J. H. and ——), Pollination of 
the Ericaceae: Chamaedaphne and Xo- 
lisma, 37:157-161, 2 figs. 


(—— and Lovett, J. H.), Pollination of 
the Ericaceae: Ledum and Pyrola, 38: 
90-94, 2 figs. 

(—— and Lovett, J. H.), Pollination of 
Sc rae pennsylvanicum, 39:60—63, 1 


(—— and Lovett, J. H.), Pollination of 
Verbena hastata, 41:184—187, 1 fig. 

Pollination of the Ericaceae, V. Gaylus- 
sacia baccata, 42:352-354, figs. A-G. 

Pollination of the Ericaceae, VI. Vaccin- 
ium caespitosum on Mt. Katahdin, 44: 
187-189, figs. A-D. 

LovELL, Jonn H. 
(—— and Lovett, H. B.), The pollination 
of Rhodora, 34:213-214, pl. 222. 
( and Lovet, H. B.), The pollination 
of Kalmia augustifolia, 36:25-28, 1 fig. 
(—— and Lovett, H. B.), Pollination of 
the Ericaceae: Chamaedaphne and Xol- 
isma, 37:157-161, 2 figs. 
(Lovett, H. B. and ——), Pollination of 
the Ericaceae: Ledum and Pyrola, 38: 
90-94, 2 figs. 
(Lovett, H. B. and ——), Pollination of 
bi oco pennsylvanicum, 39:60-63, 
1 fig. 
(Lovett, H. B. and ——), Pollination of 
Verbena hastata, 41:184—187, 1 fig. 
Lowe, RacnHEL L —Saxifraga Aizoon on Mt. 
Ktaadn, 26:168. 

Lowell Institute, Botanical lectures at the, 13: 

LowELL, Jonn AMony—[Herbarium of], 3:71. 

LoweLL, PrRcrvaL—[Botanical activities of], 

LOWENSTEIN, ALBERT Epgar—Orchids found 
in the region of Asquam Lake, 19:56—57. 


Further notes on the Orchids of the As- 
quam region, 19:235-236. 

Notes on Pogonia trianthophora, 22:53- 
55, figs. 1. 

Habenaria hyperborea in Rhode Island, 

Andropogon glomeratus in Rhode Island, 

Ludvigia from New England, A new, 35:227. 

Ludwigia § Isnardia, Notes on, 37:175. 

Ludwigia microcarpa in Missouri, 42:144. 

Ludwigia sphaerocarpa, The variations of, 37: 

Lunt, J. RicHARD—Succisa pratensis in Mas- 
sachusetts, 14:174. 

Lupine, Our albino, 45:356. 

Lupines naturalized in eastern Canada and 
Newfoundland, Three, 16:92. 

a perennis, The pink-flowered form of, 


Lurvey, Sam A.— A new station for Hieracium 
pratense, 10:148. 

Luzula campestris in North America, The var- 
lations of, 15:38. 

Luzula campestris var. frigida in New Hamp- 
shire, 15:186. 


Luzula campestris var. multiflora and its allies, 

Luzula from eastern Canada, A new, 19:38. 

Losi multiflora, The bulbiferous form of, 

Luzula, Notes on eastern American, 47:265. 

Luzula vernalis, The American representatives 
of, 5:193. 

Lycopodiales of Quebec, Victorin’s treat- 
ment of the, 28:18. 

Lycopodium annotinum, The American var- 
iations of, 17:123. 

Lycopodium clavatum and its variety, 5:39. 

Lycopodium clavatum and its Variety mono- 
stachyon, Notes on, 4:100. 

Lycopodium clavatum, The North American 
variations of, 12:50. 

Lycopodium clavatum var. monostachyon in 
northern Maine, 3:237. 

Lycopodium clavatum var. monostachyon on 
Mt. Monadnock, 4:57. 

Lycopodium complanatum, An extension of 
range for the typical, 4:154. 

Lycopodium complanatum and its common 
American representative, True, 3:278. 

Lycopodium complanatum near Hartland, 
Vermont, 13:211. 

Lycopodium complanatum var. flabelliforme, 

Lycopodium flabelliforme, 13:168. 

Lycopodium in the United States and Canada, 
The spores of the genus, 36:13. 

Lycopodium inundatum, A new variety of, 

Lycopodium inundatum and its allies in the 
Western Hemisphere, —I., Notes on, 33:201. 

Lycopodium inundatum, Fairy-rings formed 
by, 1:28. 

Lycopodium inundatum, The varieties of, 48: 

Lycopodium lucidulum, The gemmae of, 4: 

Lycopodium, Notes on, 4:57. 

Lycopodium porophilum, The identity of, 34: 

Lycopodium sabinaefolium and L. sitchense, 

Lycopodium sabinaefolium Willd., var. sharo- 
nense (Blake) comb. nov., 20:60. 

Lycopodium Selago, A Connecticut station 
for, 7:20. 

Lycopodium Selago on Mount Holyoke, 
Massachusetts, 5:290. 

Lycopodium sitchense, Lycopodium sabinae- 
folium and, 25:166. 

Lycopodium sitchense on Mt. Washington, 
The discovery of Comandra livida and, 4: 

Lycopus amplectens var. pubens in New Eng- 
land, 46:451. 

Lycopus, Diagnostic characteristics in, 38:373. 

Lycopus uniflorus, The identity of Michaux’s, 

Lygodium palmatum and Agrimonia mollis 
in Berkshire County, Massachusetts, 28: 


Lynar. B.—Some general results of recent 
Norwegian research work on arctic Lichens, 
36 :133-171, pls. 284, 285. 

Lynn, Massachusetts, Two plants new to the 
flora of, 5:256. 

Lyonia ligustrina, The varieties of, 43:624. 

Lysimachia lanceolata, The identity of, 39: 

Lysimachia punctata in eastern Massachu- 
setts, 3:201. 

Lysimachia terrestris (L.) BSP., var. ovata 
(Rand & Redfield), n. comb., 24:76. 

Lythrum alatum in Maine, 48:40. 

MacanIDE, J. Francis 
(Fernan, M. L. and ——), The North 
American variations of Arctostaphylos 
Uva-ursi, 16:211—213. 
Sisymbrium brachycarpon and allies, 17: 


A white-flowered Spiraea tomentosa, 17: 

Range extensions of two grasses, 17:159- 

The correct name of an introduced Sym- 
phytum, 18:23-26. 

Amsinckia in the northeastern United 
States, 18:27—28. 

Anchusa in New England, 18:50—51. 

A new species of Bladdernut, 20:127-129. 

A new Perezia adventive in Massachu- 
setts, 20:150—152. 

(SrANDpLEY, P. C. and ——), A new form 
of Red Cedar from Indiana, 31:193-194. 

MacnBnipE, Tuomas H.— The Slime Moulds, 
2:75—81, pl. 16. 

McAteer, W. L. 

Plants collected on Matinicus Island, 
Maine, in late Fall, 1915, 18:29-45. 

The Winter flora of Muskeget Island, 
Massachusetts, 18:93-99. 

M’DonaLp, Francis Euceene—[Biographical 
sketch], 13:145-146 (with portrait). 

McFanLAND, FRANK T.—[A Catalogue of the 
Vascular Plants of Kentuckyl, Review of, 


Two new evergreen Hollies from central 
Florida, 34:16-18. 

Hollies from central Florida, 34:233—236, 
pls. 224—231. 

McGrecor, Frank J.—Rediscovery of Paro- 
nychia argyrocoma, var. albimontana at 
Newburyport, Massachusetts, 47:90-91. 

McLavuGHLIn, Wuar T.—Notes on the 
flora of Glacier National Park, Montana, 
37 :362—365. 

McMinn, Howard E.— [An illustrated man- 
ual of California shrubs], Review of, 43:212. 

McVauau, ROGERS 

Studies in the taxonomy and distribution 
of the eastern North American species 
of Lobelia, 38:241-263, 276—298, 305- 
329, 346-362, pls. 435, 436. 

Notes on the Lobelias in the herbarium 
of Stephen Elliott, 40:175-177. 


Generic status of Triodanis and Specu- 
laria, 50:38-49. 

Mackenzie Basin, A new species of Salix from 
the, 32:111. 

Scientific names applicable to our purple- 
flowered Eupatoriums, 22:157-165. 

Double-headed generic names, 26:229- 

The name Sisymbrium, 27:28-32. 

Proper use of the name Leontodon, 27: 

The genus Erysimum, 27:65-67. 

Limodorum tuberosum L., 27:193-196. 

Solidago rigida L., 28:29—31. 

Aster ericoides L., 28:65. 

“Acer saccharum Marsh." 28:111-112. 

Concerning Solidago humilis, 28:208. 

Technical name of Sugar Maple, 28:233- 

Further light on our purple-flowered Eu- 
patoriums, 29:6-9. 

Solidago conferta Miller, 29:17-19. 

Usage, 29:26-32. 

Solidago altissima L., 29:72-75. 

Proper use of the name Nymphaea, 29: 

Nymphaea maculata Raf., 29:239. 

Concerning Dilepyrum, 29:246—247. 

The Grass genus Digitaria, 30:49—52. 

Solidago flexicaulis and Solidago latifolia, 
30 : 223-224. 

Concerning the proper identification of 
Linnean species, especially those based 
on material collected by Clayton, 30: 

The generic name Radicula, 31:119. 

Aira spicata L., 31:194—195. 

Macloviana as a specific name, 44:71. 

Maclura pomifera (Raf.) Schneider, 9:148. 

MacMiniAN, Conway—[Minnesota Plant 
Life]. Review of, 2:87. 

MacMillan expedition 1922, Baffin Land 
plants collected by the, 25:111. 

Magnolia from West Florida, A new, 28:35. 

Magnolia, Note on the fruit of Mountain, 19: 

Magnolia tripetala in Springfield, Massachu- 
setts, 15:63. 

Magnolia virginiana in Massachusetts, The 
present status of, 30:207. 


(Muenscue_r, W. C. and ——), Notes on 
some New York plants, 33:165-167, pl. 

Distribution notes concerning certain 
plants of Glacier National Park, Mon- 
tana, 36:305—308. 

Distribution notes concerning plants of 
Glacier National Park, Montana,—II, 

(—— and Jensen, G. H.), Great Basin 
plants,—V. Aquatics, 44:4-9. 

Maianthemum canadense and its Variety in- 
terius, Notes on the range of, 28:9; The 
western variety of, 16:210. 


Maine, A botanical expedition to Mt. Katah- 
din, 3:147. 

Maine, A list of Mosses collected at Katah- 
din Iron Works, 2:61. 

Maine, A new Cardamine from southern, 19: 

Maine, A new Kobresia in the Aroostook Val- 
ley, 5:247. 

Maine, A new station for Iris Hookeri in, 10: 

Maine, A new station for Nyssa sylvatica in, 

Maine, A new Sunflower for, 6:147. 

Maine, A spurless Halenia from, 1:36. 

Maine, A third station for Waldsteina fragari- 
oides In, 35:322. 

Maine, Actinella odorata in, 7:80. 

Maine, addenda, Some, 10:146. 

Maine, Additional notes on the plants of 
Chesterville, 11:30. 

Maine, Additions to the flora of Mount Des- 
ert, 23 :65. 

i wi An algologist's vacation in eastern, 4: 

Maine, An occurrence of Catharinaea crispa 
in, 9:74. 

Maine and adjacent Canada, Rosa blanda and 
its allies of northern, 20:90. 
Maine and western New Brunswick, A sum- 
mer’s botanizing in eastern, 12:101, 133. 
Maine, Aquilegia canadensis var. flaviflora in, 

Maine, Aristida basiramea in, 31:78. 

Maine, Aulacomnium heterostichum in, 4: 

Maine, Betula papyrifera, var. commutata in 
western, 47:405. 

Maine, Bryophytes of Mount Katahdin, 3: 

Maine, Bulletin of the Josselyn Botanical So- 
clety of, 9:196. 

Maine, Cardamine bellidifolia in Cumberland 
County, 3:185. 

Maine, Carex typhina in, 44:20. 

Maine catalogue, Plants apparently new to 
the, 14:176. 

Maine, Cleome serrulata in, 6:79. 

Maine coast at Cutler, The, 4:23. 

Maine coast, Primula farinosa var. macropoda 
on the, 9:217. 

Maine, Dr. Aaron Young, Jr. and the botani- 
cal survey of, 37:1. 

Maine, Dumontia in, 35:315. 

Maine, Erucastrum Pollichii in, 28:88. 

Maine, Ferns of Maranacook, 1:218. 

Maine, Ferns of the Red River Country, 32: 

Maine, Filipendula rubra in, 10:144. 

Maine flora, Northeastward extensions in the, 
38:453; —II, 40:245. 

Maine, Flora of Mount Saddleback, Franklin 
County, 5:35. 

Maine, Flora of the Sandy River Valley in, 

Maine for Ilex verticillata forma chrysocarpa, 
A station in, 25:148. 


Maine, Further additions to the Mt. Desert 
flora, 31:81. 

Maine, Further notes on Arabis laevigata and 

splenium Trichomanes in, 7:13. 

Maine, Further notes on Solanum rostratum 
and Hieracium praealtum in, 4:151. 

Maine, Galinsoga in, 5:258. 

Maine, Gentiana linearis, var. latifolia in, 26: 

Maine, Gentiana quinquefolia in, 47:143. 

Maine, Habenaria macrophylla in, 8:188. 

Maine in late Fall, 1915, Plants collected on 
Matinicus Island, 18:29. 

Maine in 1907, Noteworthy plants collected 
at Roque Bluffs, 9:218. 

Maine, Josselyn Botanical Society of (see: 
Josselyn Botanical Society of Maine). 

Maine, Juncus articulatus var. nigritellus in, 

Maine, June 20-25, 1900, A list of plants seen 
on the Island of Monhegan, 3:187. 

Maine, Lactuca Morssii in, 1:193. 

Maine, Lamium album in, 4:218. 

Maine, Lemna trisulca at Isle au Haut, 30:121. 

Maine, Linum catharticum in, 14:56. 

Maine, Littorella americana in Washington 
County, 33:79. 

Maine, Lobelia Dortmanna 
County, 36:128. 

Maine, Lomatogonium rotatum (L.) Fries in, 

Maine, Lycopodium clavatum var. monosta- 
chyon in northern, 3:237. 

Maine, Lythrum alatum in, 48:40. 

Maine, Marsilea quadrifolia in, 22:156. 

Maine Mosses, Some, 6:145. 

Maine, Mountain Laurel (Kalmia latifolia) 
at Cherryfield, 33:198. 

Maine, Myosotis collina in, 1:76. 

Maine, New stations for Peltandra virginica 
and Conopholis americana in, 4:168. 

Maine, Notable additions to the flora of Knox 
County, 24:181. 

Maine, Notes on the Bryophyte flora of, 1:33; 
—IT, 3:181. 

Maine, Notes on the Ferns of Maranacook, 

Maine, Notes on plants of Chesterville, 9:207. 

Maine, Notes on some Ferns of Franklin 
County, 4:247. 

Maine, Notes on some plants of Bangor, 8:72. 

Maine. Notes on some rare plants of York 
County, 37:415. 

Maine, Notes on the flora of Boothbay, 27: 
53; —II, 29:14; —III, 34:167. 

Maine, Notes on the flora of Day Mountain, 
Franklin County, 6:206. 

Maine, Notes on the flora of the Penobscot 
Bay region, 16:189. 

Maine, Notes on Triglochin palustris and 
Montia lamprosperma in, 35:291. 

Maine, Noteworthy plants at Exeter, 1:75. 

Maine, Noteworthy plants collected at Roque 
Bluffs, 9:218. 

Maine, Nymphaea tetragona in, 38:375. 

Maine, Nymphaea tetragona in Somerset 
County, 43:74. 

in Aroostook 


Maine, On the flora of Chesterville, 2:123. 

Maine, On the flora of Mt. Abraham Town- 
ship, Franklin County, 1:191. 

Maine, Orchids of Chesterville, 5:82. 

Maine, Plantago arenaria W. & K. at Port- 
land, 33:171. 

Maine, Plantago virginica in, 41:559. 

Maine, Plants and plant societies at Roque 
Bluffs, 17:145. 

Maine Plants and their uses, “wise and other- 
wise," Some, 3:129. 

Maine, Plants apparently new to Mount Ka- 
tahdin, 37:455. 

Maine, Plants from the Duck Islands, 2:207. 

Maine plants, New stations for, 5:289; 6:194; 
—JII, 6:232. 

Maine plants, Notes on, 1:185. 

Maine plants, Notes on northern, 46:204. 

Maine plants, Notes on some, 40:462. 

Maine plants, Some, 15:134. 

Maine plants, Some interesting, 11:12. 

Maine plants, Some new records of, 8:98. 

Maine, Pogonia affinis in, 28:31. 

Maine, Pogonia pendula in, 2:211. 

Maine, Polygonum puritanorum in, 45:215. 

Maine, Polytrichum gracile Dicks. in, 9:64. 

Maine, Ranunculus lapponicus in Aroostook 
County, 41:461. 

Maine, Records of some plants new to, 5:71. 

Maine, Rhododendron maximum in Somerset 
County, 1:55. 

Maine, Rorippa amphibia in Androscoggin 
County, 35:262. 

Maine Rubi,—I. The Blackberries of the 
Kennebunks and Wells, 8:146; —II, 8:169; 
—ITI, 8:212. 

Maine, Salix incana at Castine, 10:56. 

Maine, Scirpus Peckii in, 32:133. 

Maine, Selaginella apoda in, 25:188. 

Maine, Sisyrinchium mucronatum in Penob- 
scot County, 37:75. 

Maine, Solanum rostratum in central, 3:276. 

Maine, Solidago and Aster in Washington 
County, 33:159. 

Maine, Solidago lepida var. fallax in Knox 
County, 22:77. 

Maine, Some casual elements in the flora of 
western, 6:81. 

Maine, Some Mosses from Aroostook County, 

Maine, Some noteworthy plants from the is- 
lands and coast of, 15:137. 

Maine, Some noteworthy plants of, 6:235. 

Maine, Some noteworthy plants of York 
County, 38:452. 

Maine, Some plants new to the flora of, 6:91. 

Maine, Some rare plants from Knox County, 

Maine, The discovery of Cryptogramma Stel- 
leri in, 10:35. 

Maine, The dwarf Mistletoe on the southeast- 
ern coast of, 9:208. 

Maine, The marine flora of Great Duck Is- 
land, 2:209. 

Maine, The occurrence of Eleocharis diandra 
at Brunswick, 4:1. 


Maine, The occurrence of Empetrum in Frank- 
lin County, 4:196. 
Maine, The occurrence of Thamnolia in, 2: 
Maine, The Seneca Snakeroot in, 4:133. 
Maine, The status of Chamaecyparis thyoides 
in, 42:343. 
Maine, The vascular plants of Mount Katah- 
din, 3:166. 
Maine, Three aquaties from southern, 39:273. 
Maine, Three plants from, 9:202. 
Maine, Tree Willows at Fort Kent, 3:277. 
Maine, Trillium grandiflorum in, 29:15. 
Maine, University, [Herbarium of], 3:285. 
Maine, Waldsteinia in, 24:124. 
Maine, Western plants at Cumberland, 5:119. 
Maine, Woodsia glabella in, 5:286. 
Maine, Woody Plants of, [Review], 47:143. 
Maine, Woody plants of Brooklin, 12:173. 
Mallows, The correct names of the small- 
flowered, 39:98. 
Matte, M. O. 
Antennaria of arctic America, 36:101-117, 
pl. 281. 
Critical notes on plants of arctic America, 
36: 172-193. 
Manchester, New Hampshire, A Flora of, [Re- 
view], 2:157; Notes from, 10:204. 
Manitoba, Notes on the northern range of 
Zizania in, 37:302. 
Mann, Horace, Jr.—[Herbarium of], 3:256, 
257, 288. 
Mann, R. L.—An American occurrence of 
the European Centaurea diffusa, 4:249. 
Matricaria discoidea in eastern Massachu- 
setts, 1:18. 
[Herbarium of], 3:257. 
Berberis Thunbergii naturalized in New 
Hampshire, 15:225—226. 
MANNING, Wayne E. 
Wolffia in Massachusetts, 36:240. 
Nymphaea tetragona in Maine, 38:375. 
New records for the Connecticut Valley 
in Massachusetts, 39:186. 
Hairy variety of Sweet Pignut in New 
England, 47:46. 
A hybrid between Shagbark and Bitternut 
Hickory in southeastern Vermont, 50: 

Manual, "Emendations of the seventh edition 
of Gray' s,—I, 11:33. 

Manual of Botany, Check-list of Gray’s, 10: 

Manual of Botany, Seventh Edition, Gray’s, 
[Notice], 10:167; [Review], 10:193. 

Manual of Botany, Text-figures in Gray’s, 10: 

Manual of the Grasses, Hitchcock’s, [Review], 
37 :369. 

Manual of the Grasses of Illinois, A, [Review], 

Manual of the Trees of North America, Sar- 
gent’s, [Review], 7:139. 

Manual range, Gonolobus within the Gray’s, 


Manual range? Is Mayaca in the, 49:130. 
Manual range? Is there evidence of Sericocar- 
pus bifoliatus in the, 46:316. 
Manual-range and southeastern plants, A 
Mexican station for three, 49:202. 
Manual range, Key to Antennaria of the, 47: 
221, 239. 
Manual range, Notes on certain plants in the 
Gray's, 48:89. 
Manual range, Potamogeton tennesseensis 
new to the, 49:255. 
Manual range, Some Orchids of the, 48:161, 
Manual range, The variations of Rhus aroma- 
tica in the Gray's, 43:599. 
Manual, Rehder's, [Review], 29:48; 42:502. 
MET The use of accentual marks in Gray's, 
Maple, A conical Sugar, 36:238. 
Maple, Technical name of Sugar, 28:179, 233. 
Maranacook, Maine, Ferns of, 1:218; Notes 
on the Ferns of, 3:236. 
ManiE-VicToRIN, Frère (see: 
Marion, Massachusetts, Chrysanthemum se- 
getum L. at, 1:57. 
Mariscus, Nomenclatorial transfers in, 25:49. 
Maritime plants, Studies on interior distribu- 
tion of, 29:41, 57, 87, 105. 
Maritime plants of northeastern North Ameri- 
ca, Two new, 19:76. 
Marsh and aquatic plants, Range extensions 
of, 42:20. 
Marsh vegetation, A handy guide to aquatic 
and, [Review], 47:395. 
MansuHar, Mina L.—[The Mushroom Book], 
Review of, 3:142-144. 
Marshfield, Massachusetts, Carex maritima in, 
Marsilea quadrifolia in Maine, 22:156. 
Martha's Vineyard, The Heather, Calluna vul- 
garis on, 15:189. 
Martin, Rosert F. 
A new Juncus from Utah, 40:69—71, figs. 
A new Selenia from Texas, 40:183-184. 
Miscellaneous notes on United States 
plants, 40:459—461. 
Reduction of Juncus utahensis, 41 :464. 
Maryland and Delaware, Some noteworthy 
plants recently found in the Coastal Plain 
of, 41:111. 
Maryland and Virginia, Notes on the flora of, 
—I, 15:101; —II, 16:201. 
Maryland and Virginia, The Typhae of, 13: 
Maryland, Aster ericoides, var. platyphyllus 
in, 30:106. 
Maryland, Carex divisa, Teesdalia nudicaulis 
and Thlaspi perfoliatum in, 36:412. 
Maryland plants, Notes on, 6:176. 
Maryland plants, Notes on Virginia and, 36: 
Maryland, Pseudotaenidia in, 26:23. 
Maryland, Solidago polycephala in, 13:106. 
Maryland, Some plants recently found in the 
Coastal Plain of, 42:277. 

Victorin, Bro. 


Massachusetts, A Callitriche new to, 32:15. 

Massachusetts, A colony of Alnus glutinosa in 
eastern, 2:157. 

Massachusetts, A few noteworthy plants from 
Falmouth, 32:103. 

Massachusetts, A flora of Springfield, [Re- 
view], 26:179. 

Massachusetts, A flora of the Connecticut 
Valley in, [Review], 15:97. 

Massachusetts, A further note on Cimicifuga 
racemosa in, 28:17. 

Massachusetts, A list of Bryophytes from the 
Mt. Greylock region, 4:29. 

Massachusetts, A new Perezia adventive in, 

Massachusetts, A new Polygonum from south- 
eastern, 21:140. 

Massachusetts, A new species of Eleocharis 
from, 24:23. 

Massachusetts, A new Wild Lettuce from east- 
ern, 1:12. 

Massachusetts, A Ribes new to, 10:205. 

Massachusetts, A second station for Cyperus 
Grayii in Essex County, 14:22. 

Massachusetts, A second station for Panicum 
longifolium in, 31:39. 

Massachusetts, A seedless Burberry found at 
Sherborn, 14:207. 

Massachusetts, A southern flora and fauna of 
post-Pleistocene age in Essex County, 10:42. 

Massachusetts, A station for Asplenium ebe- 
noides in, 8:113. 

Massachusetts, & study in succession, Refor- 
estation at Woods Hole, 7:121. 

Massachusetts, A Teucrium new to, 11:148. 

Massachusetts, Acanthospermum australe at 
Lawrence, 9:26. 

Massachusetts, Achillea tomentosa at West- 
ford, 10:127. 

Massachusetts, Additions to the flora of Am- 
herst, 1:164. 

Massachusetts, Additions to the flora of 
Springfield, 29:241. 

Massachusetts, Additions to the flora of Wor- 
cester County, —I, 1:42; —II, 1:201; —III, 
3:185; 30:20 [Review]. 

Massachusetts Agricultural College and Ex- 
periment Station, Herbarium of, 3:257. 

Massachusetts, Alchemilla pratensis found at 
Westford, 9:92. 

Massachusetts, An addition to the wool-waste 
flora of eastern, 34:214. 

Massachusetts, An occurrence of Nicotiana 
rustica in, 14:206. 

Massachusetts, An unexpected addition to the 
flora of western, 40:424. 

Massachusetts and Bash-Bish Falls, An excur- 
sion to Mt. Washington, 21:198. 

Massachusetts and Mt. Katahdin, A compar- 
ison of the flora of Mt. Washington, 3:160. 

Massachusetts and New Jersey, À new species 
of Scirpus from, 13:4. 

Massachusetts, Another station for Cypripe- 
dium arietinum in, 31:223. 

Massachusetts, Anychia canadensis in Hamp- 
shire County, 36:58. 


Massachusetts, Aquilegia canadensis f. Phip- 
penii in Worcester County, 31:36. 

Massachusetts, Arceuthobium pusillum in, 2: 

Massachusetts, Asplenium montanum in 
south-central, 50:20. 

Massachusetts, Avena fatua in eastern, 16: 


Massachusetts, Betula populifolia in Virginia 
and its Variety laciniata in, 44:236. 

Massachusetts, Blumenbachia insignis a casual 
plant at Southbridge, 8:225. 

Massachusetts, Botrychium matricariaefolium 
on Mt. Toby, 3:144. 

Massachusetts, Botrychium obliquum var. on- 
eidense in eastern, 12:80. 

Massachusetts: Camptosorus rhizophyllus and 
Helenium autumnale, Status of two intro- 
ductions by Minot Pratt at Concord, 34:172. 

Massachusetts, Carex Bebbii in eastern, 33: 

MET Cd Carex maritima in Marshfield, 


Massachusetts, Carex Mitchelliana and other 
rare plants near Cohasset, 30:198. 

Massachusetts, Carex novae-angliae in east- 
ern, 2:83. 

Massachusetts, Castanea pumila in eastern, 

Massachusetts, Chrysanthemum segetum L. 
at Marion, 1:57. 

Massachusetts, Cimicifuga racemosa in, 23: 

Massachusetts, Cladonia Beaumontii in, 25: 

Massachusetts, Clathrus columnatus in Law- 
rence, 4:184. 

Massachusetts coast, Chlorocystis Cohnii on 
the, 2:104. 

Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, [Herbar- 
ium of], 3:257. 

Massachusetts, Crepis virens in eastern, 4:197. 

Massachusetts, Cuphea procumbens at Ando- 
ver, 4:247. 

Massachusetts, Cuscuta trifolia in, 5:290. 

Massachusetts, Cynanchum nigrum in Barn- 
stable, 13:70. 

Massachusetts, Cynoglossum amabile in, 35: 

Massachusetts, Cypripedium arietinum on Mt. 
Toby, 4:62. 

Massachusetts, does it occur farther north? 
Hottonia inflata in Amesbury, 3:216. 

Massachusetts? Does Juncus bulbosus occur 
in, 34:117. 

Massachusetts, Dracocephalum thymiflorum 
a casual plant at Westford, 13:212. 

Massachusetts, Eclipta alba in, 7:173. 

Massachusetts, Epipactis Helleborine at 
Stockbridge, 1:52. 

Massachusetts, Equisetum pratense in Berk- 
shire County, 29:32. 

Massachusetts, Erodium malacoides at Law- 
rence, 5:39. 

Massachusetts, Euclidium syriacum in, 10:72. 


Massachusetts, Euphorbia corollata at Con- 
cord, 3:253. 

Massachusetts, Euphorbia glyptosperma in, 

Massachusetts, Euphrasia canadensis in, 47:39. 

Massachusetts, Exotic plants established in 
Middlesex County, 20:204. 

Massachusetts, Ferns of Mt. Toby, 3:41. 

Massachusetts, Ficus Carica in, 35:40. 

Massachusetts flowering in April 1910, Plants 
of eastern, 12:127. 

Massachusetts, Four introduced plants at 
Cambridge, 10:167. 

Massachusetts, Further additions to the flora 
of Middlesex County, 1:97, 223. 

Massachusetts, Further notes on the flora of 
Worcester County, 2:201. 

Massachusetts, Further notes on the flora of 
Duxbury, 14:90. 

Massachusetts, Further notes on the Panicums 
of Essex County, 15:36. 

Massachusetts, Further wool-waste plants at 
Westford, 15:172. 

Massachusetts, Galax aphylla introduced in, 

Massachusetts, Galium trifidum at Wellesley, 

Massachusetts, Geranium nepalense, var. 
'Thunbergii in, 47:219. 

Massachusetts, Hemicarpha in eastern, 4:82. 

Massachusetts, Hieracium florentinum at 
Wellesley Hills, 15:116. 

Massachusetts, Hieracium murorum in, 7:80. 

Massachusetts, Hieracium praealtum at Ando- 
ver, 4:197. 

Massachusetts, Hoffmann's Flora of Berkshire 
County, [Review], 24:183. 

Massachusetts Horticultural Society, [Herbar- 
ium of], 3:257. 

Massachusetts, Hydrangea paniculata natural- 
ized in, 31:18. 

Massachusetts, Hypericum aureum a casual 
plant in eastern, 12:55. 

Massachusetts, Index to the flora of the Bos- 
ton district, 31:41. 

Massachusetts in the Spring of 1917, The tar- 
dy flowering of plants in eastern, 19:219. 

Massachusetts, John Robinson, botanist, of 
Salem, 31:245. 

Massachusetts, Jasione montana in, 4:199. 

Massachusetts, Juncus Torreyi and Ellisia 
Nyctelea in, 4:170. 

Massachusetts, Juniperus communis, var. erec- 
ta in. 3:146. 

Massachusetts, Lathyrus palustris, var. pilos- 
us (Cham.) Ledeb. in, 11:108. 

Massachusetts, Lepachys columnaris in east- 
ern, 25:68. 

Massachusetts, Liparis Loeselii in, 4:62. 

Massachusetts, List of Desmids found in Car- 
ver’s Pond, Bridgewater, 5:79. 

Massachusetts, Lonicera sempervirens estab- 
lished in Westford, 4:40. 

Massachusetts, Lycopodium Selago on Mount 
Holyoke, 5:290. 


Massachusetts, Lygodium palmatum and Ag- 
rimonia mollis in Berkshire County, 28:179. 

Massachusetts, Lysimachia punctata in east- 
ern, 3:201. 

Massachusetts, Magnolia tripetala in Spring- 
field, 15:63. 

Massachusetts, Matricaria discoidea in east- 
ern, 1:18. 

Massachusetts, Matricaria inodora var. salina 
in, 11:239. 

Massachusetts, Mibora minima (L.) Desv. at 
Plymouth, 17:97. 

Massachusetts, Mimulus moschatus in, 6:227. 

Massachusetts, Modiola caroliniana in, 46:326. 

Massachusetts, Montia sibirica in, 18:240. 

Massachusetts, Morels in October in, 14:53. 

Massachusetts, New records for the Connecti- 
cut Valley in, 39:186. 

Massachusetts, New records for Worcester 
County, 36:7. 

Massachusetts, Newly-observed plant stations 
in eastern, 1:89. 

Massachusetts, Notes on Oedogonium and 
Men in the vicinity of Woods Hole, 

Massachusetts, Notes on Myxomycetes from 
eastern, 29:165. 

Massachusetts, Notes on the distribution of 
some of the rarer plants of central, 2:119. 
Massachusetts, Notes on the flora of Berk- 

shire County, 6:202. 

Massachusetts, Notes on the flora of Duxbury, 

Massachusetts, Notes on the flora of Frank- 
lin County, 12:168. 

Massachusetts, Notes on the flora of Haver- 
hill, 35:261. 

Massachusetts, Notes on the flora of Woods 
Hole, 3:87. 

Massachusetts, Notes on the flora of Worces- 
ter County, 37:80; —II, 42:40. 

Massachusetts, Notes on the plants of Hing- 
ham, 26:175. 

Massachusetts, Notothylas orbicularis in, 9: 

Massachusetts, Oedogonium in the vicinity 
of Woods Hole, 36:197. 

Massachusetts, On the plants introduced by 
Minot Pratt at Concord, 1:168. 

Massachusetts, Orchids of Mt. Greylock, 2: 

Massachusetts, Orontium at Hyannis, 16:77. 

Massachusetts, Orontium in Barnstable Coun- 
ty, 16:18. 

Massachusetts, Panicum barbulatum in, 1:76. 

Massachusetts, Panicum longifolium in, 30: 

Massachusetts, Panicum virgatum var. cu- 
bense Griseb. (or var. obtusum Wood) in 
Plymouth County, 36:149. 

Massachusetts, Past and present floral condi- 
tions in central, 1:143. 

Massachusetts, Pinus resinosa in Norwood, 12: 

Massachusetts, Plantago altissima in, 36:389. 

Massachusetts, Plantago elongata in, 6:211. 


Massachusetts plants, Four forms of, 36:194. 

Massachusetts, Plants from South Weymouth, 

Massachusetts plants, Newly observed sta- 
tions for, 9:11. 

Massachusetts, Plants new to eastern, 4:60. 

Massachusetts plants, Notes on some Rhode 
Island and southeastern, 26:127. 

Massachusetts, Polygonum exsertum 1n, 7:140. 

Massachusetts, Potamogeton bicupulatus in, 

Massachusetts, Potamogeton Hilli in Berk- 
shire County, 42:95. 

Massachusetts, Pteridophyte notes from east- 
ern, 13:101. 

Massachusetts, Quercus imbricaria Michx. in, 

Massachusetts, Ranunculus abortivus, var. eu- 
cyclus in Hyde Park, 4:152. 

Massachusetts, Rare plants in Centreville, 4: 

Massachusetts, Rare plants in Groton, 14:234. 

Massachusetts, Records of Wolffia columbi- 
ana in, 5:287. 

Massachusetts, Rediscovery of Paronychia ar- 
gyrocoma, var. albimontana at Newbury- 
port, 47:90. 

Massachusetts, Reports on the flora of, —I, 
30:12; —II, 35:351; —III, 44:213; —IV, 

Massachusetts, Salvinia rotundifolia in, 43: 

Massachusetts, Scirpus Smithii in, 11:220. 

Massachusetts, Sclerolepis uniflora in, 14:23. 

Massachusetts, Several uncommon Fern-allies 
from northwestern, 3:252. 

Massachusetts, Some additions to the flora of, 

Massachusetts, Some additions to the flora of 
Middlesex County, 1:80. 

Massachusetts, Some fleshy Fungi of Stow, 13: 
57; —II, 16:45. 

Massachusetts, Some adventitious plants in 
Concord, 38:64. 

Massachusetts, Some field notes: a new var- 
iety and some forms of plants from the 
Middle West; also two forms from, 34:4. 

Massachusetts, Some further plants found on 
woolwaste at Westford, 19:132. 

Massachusetts, Some Grasses noteworthy in, 

Massachusetts, Some Lichens from Nantucket 
Island, 14:88. 

Massachusetts, Some local plants of eastern 
and central, 12:185. 

Massachusetts, Some Myxophyceae from Nan- 
tucket Island, 40:74. 

Massachusetts, Some Panicums of Essex 
County, 14:36. 

Massachusetts, Some plants recently found in 
and around North Easton, 4:13. 

Massachusetts, Some rare plants from the vi- 
cinity of Wellesley, 11:82. 

Massachusetts, Some rare plants of Needham, 

Massachusetts, Some recent additions to the 
flora of Berkshire County, 41:128. 


Massachusetts, Some uncommon Mosses in 
northern Essex County, 2:95. 

Massachusetts, Sparganium diversifolium, var. 
acaule in, 10:56. 

Massachusetts, Spiranthes in Dover, 20:111. 

Massachusetts station for Calluna vulgaris, 
Another, 35:294. 

Massachusetts station for Serapias Hellebor- 
ine, Another, 43:632. 

Massachusetts, Succisa pratensis in, 14:174. 

Massachusetts, Tetraplodon australis in, 12: 

Massachusetts, The American Lotus at West 
Peabody, 33:230. 

Massachusetts, The Date-palm as a ruderal 
plant in, 29:51. 

Massachusetts, 'The distribution of Red Cedar 
in eastern, 49:172. 

Massachusetts, The extension of some ranges 
in eastern, 12:38. 

Massachusetts, 'The flora of the Elizabeth Is- 
lands, 32:119, 147, 167, 208, 226, 263. 

Massachusetts, The genus Euastrum in, 37: 

Massachusetts, The genus Trisetum in Ando- 
ver, 5:289. 

Massachusetts, The occurrence of Centipeda 
minima in Wellesley, 40:219. 

Massachusetts, The occurrence of Verbena 
stricta and Helianthus mollis in, 6:88. 

Massachusetts, The Oscillatoriaceae of south- 
ern, 40:221, 255. 

Massachusetts, The persistence of Opuntia 
humifusa in Concord, 40:486. 

Massachusetts, The plant-formations of east- 
ern, 5:124. 

Massachusetts, The present status of Mag- 
nolia virginiana in, 30:207. 

Massachusetts plants, The rediscovery of an 
historic collection of, 16:185. 

Massachusetts, The relation of Pinus rigida to 
physiographic features and soil types in cen- 
tral, 40:72. 

Massachusetts, The submarine Chamaecyparis 
bog at Woods Hole, 11:221. 

Massachusetts, The three adventive Heaths 
of Nantucket, 10:173. 

Massachusetts, The Walking-fern in Worcester 
County, 2:14. 

Massachusetts, The Winter flora of Muskeget 
Island, 18:93. 

Massachusetts, The yellow-fruited form of 
Ilex opaca at New Bedford, 3:58. 

Massachusetts, The waning of Arceuthobium 
at Concord, 37:413. 

Massacinaetis, Thermopsis mollis in eastern, 

Massachusetts, Three plants of Berkshire 
County, 1:229. 

Massachusetts, Three plants of Plymouth, 28: 

Massachusetts, Tipularia discolor in Dukes 
County, 32:114. 

Massachusetts, Triosteum perfoliatum in, 6: 

Massachusetts, Tripsacum dactyloides in, 32: 


Massachusetts, Two additions to the flora of, 
28 :232. 

Massachusetts, Two Cyperaceae new to the 
Boston district, 31:191. 

Massachusetts, Two Erodiums at Tewksbury, 

Massachusetts, Two lost Carices from eastern, 

Massachusetts, Two more wool-waste plants 
from Westford, 26:38. 

Massachusetts, Two new forms from, 34:4. 

Massachusetts, Two noteworthy Carices at 
Sudbury, 4:167. 

Massachusetts, Two plants new to, 12:204. 

Massachusetts, Two plants new to the flora of 
Lynn, 5:256. 

Massachusetts, Two plants newly introduced 
in eastern, 46:315. 

Massachusetts, Two rare Junci of eastern, 14: 

Massachusetts, Two weeds new to Milton, 30: 

Massachusetts, Two wool-waste plants at 
Lawrence, 3:92. 

Massachusetts, Unusual weeds in Milton, 31: 

Massachusetts, Utricularia fibrosa in, 19:38. 

Massachusetts, Utricularia minor in Holbrook, 

Massachusetts, Utricularia minor in Vinnicun- 
net, 4:102. 

Massachusetts, Utricularia subulata in Plym- 
outh, 30:35. 

TRI india Viola Brittoniana at Concord, 

Massachusetts, Viola emarginata in, 16:76. 

Massachusetts, Viola primulifolia in Berk- 
shire County, 28:132. 

Massachusetts, Volvaria volvacea in Law- 
rence, 4:3. 

Massachusetts, Webera proligera in Amesbury, 

Massachusetts, Wolffia columbiana in Con- 
cord, 41:42. 

Massachusetts, Wolffia in, 36:240. 

Massachusetts, Wolffiella floridana in, 40:76. 

Massachusetts, Wool-waste plants at West- 
ford, 18:143. 

Massachusetts, Xanthium strumarium 1n, 14: 

Massachusetts, Xyris montana in eastern, 29: 

Massey, A. B. 

(Har, J. G. and ), Plants in flower, 
February 8, 1911, at Clemson College, 
South Carolina, 13:91-92. 

Vicia lathyroides in eastern Virginia and 
new to North America, 43 :207-208. 
Matane County, Quebec, Solidago calciola in, 


TATHEWS, FRANK P.—A comparison of the 
toxicity of Notholaena sinuata and N. sin- 
uata var. cochisensis, 47:393—395, pl. 992. 


[Field Book of American Wild Flowers], 
Review of, 4:201—202. 


[Field Book of American Trees and 
Shrubs], Review of, 17:103-104. 
Matinicus Island, Maine, in late Fall, 1915, 

Plants collected on, 18:29. 

Matinicus, Notes from, 21:148. 

Matinicus plants, Some noteworthy, 22:110. 

Matricaria discoidea in eastern Massachusetts, 

Matricaria discoidea in New Hampshire, 5: 

Matricaria inodora var. salina in Massachu- 
setts, 11:239. 

Maxon, WiturAmM R.— The American range 
of Botrychium lanceolatum, 20:19. 

May. Joun B. 

Further notes on the flora of Duxbury, 
Massachusetts, 14:90-91. 

A teratological specimen of Cypripedium 
acaule, 15:73-74. 

Further notes on the Orchids of the region 
of Asquam Lake, 19:131. 

Mayaca in the Manual range? Is, 49:130. 

Meaper, A. R.—Actinella odorata in Maine, 
7 :80. 

MEEHAN, THoMAs—Thomas Conrad Porter, 

Meesea triquetra, 33:77. 

Melampyrum lineare, var. latifolium, The au- 
thorship of, 44:446. 

Mentha arvensis and some of its North Ameri- 
can variations, 46:331. 

Menyanthes trifoliata in West Virginia, 12:11. 

Menyanthes trifoliata, var. minor, 31:195. 

MERRILL. Eimer D. 

Notes on Maine plants, 1:185—186. 

A list of Mosses collected at Katahdin 
Iron Works, Maine, 2:61—63. 

The occurrence of Thamnolia in Maine, 

(Scripner, F. L. and——), The New Eng- 
land species of the genus Panicum, 3: 

Notes on Sporobolus, 4:45-49. 

Notes on North American Grasses, 4:142- 

On Houttuyn’s overlooked binomials for 
native or introduced plants in eastern 
North America, 40:288—293, pl. 495. 
(Contrib. Gray Herb. no. CXXII). 

The Amos Eaton herbarium, 48:201-205. 

Unlisted new names in Alphonso Wood’s 
botanical publications, 50:101—130. 

Merrimac Valley, A new Bidens from the, 5: 

Mzrcarr, F. P.—( and Griscom, L.) 
Notes on rare New York plants, 19:28-37, 

Metcatr, Haven—Notes on the Ferns of 
Maranacook, Maine, 3:236-237. 

Metcatr, R. E., Mrs—The Climbing Fern in 
New Hampshire, 4:83. 

Metropolitan Park Commission (Boston), 
Herbarium of, 3:259. 

Mexican station for three manual-range and 
southeastern plants, A, 49:202. 


Mexico, Cyperus oxylepis in the United States 
and, 40:358. 

Mexico, Ipomoea heptaphylla in Georgia and, 

Mexico, Limonium in North America and, 18: 

Mibora minima (L. Desv. at Plymouth, 
Massachusetts, 17:97. 

Michaux, Muhlenberg's Nordamerikanischen 
Weiden antedated by, 48:13, 27. 

Michaux, Washington and, 17:49. 

Michaux’s Acer barbatum, The identity of, 
47 :156. 

Michaux's Flora Boreali-Americana: dates of 
publication, Willdenow's Species Plantarum 
and, 44:147. 

Michaux's Lycopus uniflorus, The identity of, 

Michaux’s Panicum muricatum, 17:105. 

Michaux's Vaccinium myrtilloides, Note on, 

Michigan, A prairie near Ann Arbor, 19:163. 

Michigan, Bingham's Flora of Oakland Coun- 
ty, [Review], 47:260. 

Michigan, Contributions to the Botany of, 
—No. 17, 42:306; —No. 18, 43:633. 

Michigan, Coronilla varia in, 33:163. 

Michigan, Critical Bryophytes from the Ke- 
weenaw Peninsula, 39:1, 33. 

Michigan, Critical plants of the upper Great 
Lakes region of Ontario and, 37:197, 238, 
272, 324. 

Michigan, Eleocharis caribaea var. dispar in, 
37 :366. 

Michigan, Euphorbia pilulifera in, 38:331. 

Michigan, Hieracium canadense, var. hirtira- 
meum in northern, 28:246. 

Michigan, Najas gracillima in Indiana and, 
39 :432. 

Michigan, Notes on the flora of, —I, 38:362. 

Michigan, Panicum virgatum var. cubense in, 
23 :200. 

Michigan, Rare plants in, 40:134. 

Michigan, Salix pellita Andersson in, 26:143. 

Michigan, Shrubs of, [Review], 46:254. 

Michigan, Some observations on two ecolo- 

gical races of Allium tricoccum in Kalama- 
zoo County, 48:61. 

Michigan, Some western Lepidiums in, 39: 

Micrasterias, A synopsis of the New England 
species of, 10:97. 

Microstylis ophioglossoides, Bulblets of, 6:79. 

Middlebury College, Herbarium of, 3:258. 

Middlebury, Vermont, Notes on a species of 
Cyathus common in lawns at, 2:99. 

Middlesex County, Massachusetts, Further 
additions to the flora of, 1:97, 223. 

Middlesex County, Massachusetts, Exotic 
plants established in, 20:204. 

Middlesex County, Massachusetts, Some ad- 
ditions to the flora of, 1:80. 

Middlesex Fells, Clematis verticillaris in the, 

Middlesex Institute, Herbarium of, 3:259. 


Mikania scandens in southern New Hamp 
shire, 46:142. 


[Concerning some species of Cornus of] 

[A few of species], 50:181 (Contrib 
Gray Herb. no. CLXVII). 

Miuitrr, W. DeW.—A distinction betwee! 
two Carices, 21:23—24. 

Milton, Massachusetts, Two weeds new to, 30 
36; Unusual weeds in, 38:243. 

Mimulus moschatus in ‘Massachusetts, 6:227 

Mimulus ringens, An estuarine variety of, 34 

Minnesota, A new form of Campanula from 
47 :391. 

Minnesota, A new form of Helianthus from 

Minnesota, A study of Elymus in, 50:80. 

Minnesota, A variety of a western Polemo 
nium in, 49:118. 

Minnesota, Additional notes on Najas in, 41 

Minnesota and additional notes on the flor: 
of the region, A new variety of Sedun 
Rosea from southeastern, 49:197. 

Minnesota, Carex flexuosa in, 45:167. 

Minnesota, Euphorbia dentata and Salsol 
collina in, 40:135. 

Minnesota flora, Extensions of ranges and ad 
ditions to the, 40:275; 43:553. 

Minnesota, Forms of Cornus canadensis ir 

Minnesota, Galium brevipes in, 14:175. 

Minnesota Herbarium, Notes from the Uni 
versity of, —I, 40:275; —II, 43:553. 

Minnesota-Ontario border, A new Oxytrope o 
the, 45:1. 

Minnesota, Jeffersonia and some other loca 
plants of southeastern, 49:198. 

Minnesota, Notes on aquatic and prairie veg 
etation in southwestern, 48:113. 

Minnesota plant life, Notes on, 46:25; 50:1€ 

Minnesota Plant Life, Conway's, [Review] 

Minnesota, Plants new to, 40:279; 41:78. 

Minnesota, Previously unreported plants from 

Minnesota, Rediscovery of Caltha natans ir 

Minnesota, Relict boreal plants in southeast 
ern, 48:163. 

Minnesota, Sparganium glomeratum in, 43 

Minnesota, The genus Najas in, 37:345. 

Minnesota, The genus Poa in Cook County 

Minnesota with new records and extension 
of ranges, Notes on the flora of, 43:154. 

Miworr, Aspire F.—Josselyn Botanical Sc 
ciety of Maine, 29:116; 30:124; 31:143-14 

Miquelon, Contribution to the flora of St. P: 
erre et, 29:117, 144, 173, 204. 

Miquelon, Plants new to the flora of the is 
lands of St. Pierre et, 49:237. 


Miramichi, The estuarine Bidens of the, 25: 

Missisquoi Bay, Quebec, The flora around, 35: 

Mississippi River valley, Fall-flowering plants 
of the central, 31:145. 

Missouri, A Grass new to, 36:312. 

Missouri, A little-known collection from, 42: 

Missouri, A new Ranunculus from, 30:200. 

Missouri, A pre-Kansan record of Picea cana- 
densis from, 37:16. 

Missouri, Additional notes on the flora of Co- 
lumbia, 37:189. 

Missouri and a Heterotheca from Texas, Two 
new varieties of early Spring plants, a Ran- 
unculus from, 30:200. 

Missouri, Coldenia Nuttallii in, 40:487. 

Missouri colony of Hepatica acutiloba, Color 
variation in a, 35:66. 

Missouri, Draba aprica in the Ozarks of south- 
eastern, 42:32. 

Missouri, Epifagus virginiana in, 36:352. 

Missouri for Ophioglossum vulgatum, Range 
extension in, 36:22. 

Missouri, Hamamelis virginiana in, 36:97. 

Missouri, Juglans nigra oblonga in, 50:147. 

Missouri, Ludwigia microcarpa in, 42:144. 

Missouri, Najas gracillima in, 40:28. 

Missouri, New combinations and undescribed 
forms from, 40:177. 

Missouri, Notes on the flora of Columbia, 35: 
359; —II, 37:189; —III, 38:191. 

Missouri, On the occurrence of Crotalaria 
spectabilis in southeastern, 40:361. 

Missouri, Plants new to, 40:249. 

Missouri, Plants new to or previously unre- 
ported from, 42:97. 

Missouri plants, Notes on, 35:283-291; 43: 

Missouri, Recent additions to the flora of St. 
Louis County, 36:375. 

Missouri Rhexias, The, 13:166. 

Missouri, Some features of the flora of the 
Ozark region in, 36:214. 

Missouri, Some new records of Spermato- 
phytes from, 44:248. 

Missouri, Some newly described forms from, 

Missouri, Spring Flora of, [Review], 42:215. 

Missouri, The Grass flora of Columbia, 36: 

Missouri, Two albino forms of Echinacea 
from, 44:150. 

Missouri, Validation of combinations in Pal- 
mer and Steyermark's Annotated Catalogue 
of the Flowering Plants of, 40:131. 

Missouri, Viola cucullata in, 42:199. 

Mistletoe and other plants new to New Jersey, 
Dwarf, 33:101. 

Mistletoe at Bradford, Vermont, The Dwarf, 

Mistletoe in Connecticut, Dwarf, 5:202. 

Mistletoe in New England, The Dwarf, 2:1. 

Mistletoe, New station for the Dwarf, 2:221. 


Mistletoe on the southeastern coast of Maine, 
The Dwarf, 9:208. 

Mistletoe on White Pine, Dwarf, 37:268. 

MITCHELL, ANN Marta—The White Black- 
berry, 1:205—206. 

Mitella, Some anomalous plants of Tiarella 
and, 8:90. 

Modiola caroliniana in Massachusetts, 46:336. 

Moisture, The relation of certain plants to 
atmospheric, 2:29, 63. 

MownacuHiNo, JOSEPH 

Arthraxon hispidus var. cryptatherus in 
New York, 42:199—200. 

Herniaria glabra, var. subciliata in New 
York, 46:23-25. 

Jussiaea uruguayensis in Staten Island, 
New York, 47:237-239. 

Monarda fistulosa and its allies, 3:13. 

Monarda fistulosa and its Var. mollis, The 
geographic segregation of, 46:494. 

Monarda Russeliana, The confused publica- 
tion of, 44:491. 

Moneses uniflora, var. reticulata, 17:28. 

Monhegan, Maine, June 20-25, 1900, A list 
of plants seen on the Island of, 3:187. 

Monoblepharis, Notes on, 5:103. 

Monostroma, Notes on, 11:23. 

Monotropsis odorata, Notes on, 11:153. 

Montana, Distribution notes concerning cer- 
tain plants of Glacier National Park, 36: 
305; —II, 41:504. 

Montana, Notes on the flora of Glacier Na- 
tional Park, 37:362. 

Monterey Peninsula, Marine Algae of the, 
[ Review], 47 :63. 

Montcomery, F. H.—Notes on the flora of 
Ontario. I. Epipactis Helleborine, 50:236- 

Montia lamprosperma in Maine, Notes on 
Triglochin palustris and, 35:291. 

Montia sibirica in Massachusetts, 18:240. 

Montreal, Notes on a collection of Crataegus 
made in the Province of Quebec near, 3:71. 

Moopy, ExizasetH Mraps—Filipendula rubra 
in Maine, 10:144. 


(PEASE, A. S. and ——), Peculiarities of 
Botrychium lanceolatum in America, 8: 

(Pease, A. S. and ), Àn alpine variety 
of Houstonia caerulea, 9:209—210. 
Status of Epilobium alpinum and Epilo- 
bium Hornemanni, 11:141-147. 
Hairy-fruited variations of Rhus Toxico- 
dendron, 11:162-163. 
A color form of Carum Carvi, 11:178-179. 
(Pease, A. S. and ——), Agropyron can- 
Ta~: and its North American allies, 12: 
Notes on Agropyron, 12:205-206. 
William Gleason Goldsmith, 12:227-228. 
Solidago polycephala in Maryland, 13: 
Allies of Solidago aurea, 16:52-55. 
Concerning Philadelphus platyphyllus 
Rydb., 16:77. 


Some interesting color forms, 16:128-129. 
Two Philadelphus combinations, 17:121- 

Moore, DwiasuT M.— Delphinium newtonia- 
num, a new species from the Arkansas 
Ozarks, 41: 193-197, pls. 548, 549. 

Moore, GEoRG T. 

The pollution of water-supplies by Algae, 

Chlorocystis Cohnii on the Massachusetts 
coast, 2:104. 

Roses vs. railroads, 5:93-97. 

Moore, H. E. Jr— A Mexican station for 
three manual-range and southeastern plants, 
49 : 202-203. 

Moore, Joun W. 

Euphorbia dentata and Salsola collina in 
Minnesota, 40:136-137. 

A new form of Bromus inermis, 43:76. 

(Tryon, R. M. and ), Notes on aqua- 
tic and prairie vegetation in southwest- 
ern Minnesota, 48:113-116. 

(RosENDAHL, C. O. and ——), A new vari- 
ety of Sedum Rosea from southeastern 
Minnesota and additional notes on the 
flora of the region, 49:197—202, pl. 1086. 

Morchella bispora, 1:156. 

Morels in October in Massachusetts, 14:53. 

Morona, TuoMas—[Herbarium of], 3:258. 

MonnELL, H. K.—[Note about Hieracium 
praealtum], Notice of a, 2:226. 


Some Maine plants and their uses, ‘‘wise 
and otherwise," 3:129-132. 
Lamium album in Maine, 4:218. 

Morris, Epwarp LyMaAN—[Herbarium of], 3: 

Morse, Abert P. 

Amaranthus Powellii and Digitalis lanata 
in New England, 20:203. 

Lepidium latifolium in New England, 26: 

John Robinson, botanist, of Salem, Mas- 
sachusetts, 31:245—254 (with portrait). 

The American Lotus at West Peabody, 
Massachusetts, 33:230. 

Morse, W. J.— Meeting of the Vermont Bo- 
tanical Club, 7:59. 

Morss, C. H.— A colony of Alnus glutinosa 
in eastern Massachusetts, 2:157. 
[Herbarium of], 3:258. 

Morss, Rosert DittincHamM—Clematis ver- 

ticillaris in the Middlesex Fells, 5:192. 

Morton, C. V. 

The correct name of the Leafy Spurge, 
39 :49—50. 

The correct names of the small-flowered 
Mallows, 39:98-99. 

On the name of the Oak Fern, 43:216-219. 

Notes on Juniperus, 43:344—348. 

MosER, Epna—[The Grasses of Illinois], 
Review of, 20:188. 

Moss, C. E.—[The Cambridge British Flora], 
Review of, 16:198—200. 

Moss, E. H —Lilaea scilloides in southeast- 
ern Alberta, 46:205-206. 


Moss from Mt. Desert Island, New, 1:78. 

Moss Flora of North America, [Notices and 
Reviews], 31:38; 35:146; 36:60; 37:227; 38: 
240; 39:100; 40:359; 41:112; 43:95. 

Moss flora with biographical sketch of the au- 
thor, A new, [Notice], 37:166. 

Mosses, A popular handbook to the, [Review], 

Mosses collected at Katahdin Iron Works, 
Maine, A list of, 2:61. 

Mosses collected by Mr. Bayard Long in 1924- 
26, Newfoundland, 30:1. 

Mosses from a southern Vermont peat-bog, 
Some interesting, 6:43. 

Mosses from Aroostook County, Maine, Some, 

Mosses from Windsor, Nova Scotia, Some, 48: 

Mosses in northern Essex County, Massachu- 
setts, Some uncommon, 2:95. 

Mosses, Katahdin, 3:181. 

Mosses new to Connecticut, Other, 15:11. 

Mosses, Notes on Connecticut, 12:146; —II, 
13:40; —III, 14:45; —IV, 15:3. 

Mosses, Notes on the Bryophytes of Maine, 
—Katahdin, 3:181. 

Mosses, Notes on Vermont, 4:180. 

Mosses occurring in or near Plymouth, New 
Hampshire, An annotated list of rare or 
otherwise interesting, 1:53. 

Mosses of southern British Honduras and 
Guatemala, 36:55. 

Mosses, Some Maine, 6:145. 

Mosses, Some Nova Scotia, 24:121. 

Mosses with a hand-lens, 3rd ed., [Review of], 

Mosses with extensions of range, Some notes 
on, 5:199. 

Mout, Epwin T. 

A dangerous weedy Polygonum in Penn- 
sylvania, 50:64—66. 

Flora of Penikese Island, 50:288-304. 

Moulds, The Slime, 2:75. 

Mourrow, Dora H. 

Josselyn Botanical Society of Maine, 
Mid-winter Meeting, 4:62—63. 

Josselyn Botanical Society of Maine, An- 
nouncement of meeting, 4:110. 

Annual meeting of the Josselyn Society, 

Meeting of the Josselyn Society, 5:202- 

Tenth annual meeting of the Josselyn Bo- 
tanical Society of Maine (Announce- 
ment), 6:147-148; (Report), 6:192-193. 

Mt. Abraham Township, Franklin County, 
Maine, On the flora of, 1:191. 

Mt. Desert, A plant new to, 29:253. 

Mount Desert, Arceuthobium pusillum at, 9: 


Mount Desert flora, Further additions to the, 

Mt. Desert Hepatic list, A revision of, 26:6. 

Mount Desert Island, Additions to the plants 
of, 10:145. 

Mount Desert Island, A new moss from, 1:78. 


Mount Desert Island, Note on, 3:190. 

Mt. Desert Island, Pinus Banksiana on, 1:135. 

Mt. Desert Island, Subularia aquatica on, 1: 

Mount Desert, Maine, Additions to the flora 
of, 23:65. 

Mt. Equinox, Plants from the eastern slope of, 

Mt. Greylock, Massachusetts, Orchids of, 2: 

Mount Greylock, Pogonatum capillare on, 4: 

Mount Greylock region, Bryophytes of the, 
4:29; —II, 4:238; —III, 6:72; —IV, 11:116. 

Mount Greylock region, À list of Bryophytes 
from the, 4:29. 

Mount Holyoke College, Herbarium of, 3: 

Aount Holyoke, Massachusetts, Lycopodium 
Selago on, 5:290. 

fount Katahdin, A botanical excursion to, 3: 

Mount Katahdin, Bryophytes of, 3:177. 
Aount Katahdin, Comparison of the floras of 
Mt. Washington and, 3:160. 

fount Katahdin, Ledum palustre, var. dilata- 
tum on, 7:12. 

fount Katahdin, Maine, Plants apparently 
new to, 37:455. 

fount Katahdin, Pollination of the Erica- 
ceae: VI. Vaccinium caespitosum on, 44: 

fount Katahdin, Soil reaction of Saxifraga 
Aizoon on, 29:139. 

[t. Katahdin, Some interesting plants from, 

It. Katahdin, The vascular plants of, 3:166. 
[t. Katahdin, Two plants new to, 29:15. 

[t. Kineo Bryophytes, 1:34. 

[ount Ktaadn, Additions to the vascular flora 
of, 5:46. 

fount Ktaadn, An ecological excursion to, 5: 

[ount Ktaadn, Further notes on the Hepa- 
ticae of, 5:50. 

[t. Ktaadn, Saxifraga Aizoon on, 26:168. 
[ount Mansfield, Apetalous form of Arenar- 
ia groenlandica on, 8:114. 

[ount Monadnock, Lycopodium clavatum, 
var. monostachyon on, 4:57. 

t. Moosilauke, Flora of, 2:97. 

[t. Saddleback Bryophytes, 1:35. 

[ount Saddleback, Franklin County, Maine, 
Flora of, 5:35. 

fount Toby, Massachusetts, Botrychium ma- 
tricariaefolium on, 3:144. 

ount Toby, Massachusetts, Cypripedium 
arietinum on, 4:62. 

fount Toby, Massachusetts, Ferns of, 3:41. 
t. Washington, A new Grimmia from, 1:148. 
ount Washington and Mount Katahdin, A 
comparison of the floras of, 3:160. 

ount Washington, Massachusetts and Bash- 
Bish Falls, An excursion to, 21:198. 

ount Washington, The discovery of Coman- 
dra livida and Lycopodium sitchense on, 4: 

Mountain Ash, Sorbus Andersoni, a new name 
for an Alaskan, 46:220. 

Mountain Laurel (Kalmia latifolia) at Cher- 
ryfield, Maine, 33:198. 

Mountain Magnolia, Note on the fruit of, 19: 

Mounterey Peninsula, Marine Algae of the, 
[Review], 47:63. 

Mouse storehouses, The plant contents of two, 

Moyte, Jonn B. 

Notes from the University of Minnesota 
Herbarium, 40:275-276; —II, 43:553- 

(—— and Horcnkiss, N.), [Aquatic and 
Marsh Vegetation of Minnesota and its 
value to Waterfowl], Review of, 47:395. 

Relict boreal plants in southeastern Min- 
nesota, 48:163. 

( , NIELSEN, E. L. and Younæ, O. R.), 
Vegetation of artificial lakes in north- 
western Arkansas, 48:329-330. 


Orobanche ramosa on a Coleus, 26:133- 
135, pl. 145. 

Spartina patens and other saline plants in 
the Genesee Valley of western New 
York, 29:138-139. 

Butomus umbellatus in the Lake Cham- 
plain Basin, 32:19-20. 

Euphorbia Esula as a weed in New York 
State, 32:100-102, 1 fig. 

( and Macue, B.), Notes on some 
New York plants, 33:165—107, pl. 213. 

The occurrence of Littorella americana in 
New York, 36:194. 

(— and Crausen, R. T.), Notes on the 
rte of northern New York, 36:405- 

The production of seed by Euphorbia 
Cyparissias, 38:161-163. 

Potamogeton Spirillus may grow as an 
annual, 45:329-330. 

Muhlenbergia, Five common rhizomatous 
species of, 45:221. 

Muhlenbergia, Notes on, 9:17. 

M dcs setosa, an untenable name, 48: 

Muhlenbergia uniflora, 29:10. 

Muhlenberg’s Nordamerikanischen Weiden 
antedated by Michaux, 48:13, 27. 

Murpocu, JOHN, JR. 

Capsella in January, 2:84. 

Cycloloma on Cape Cod, 3:18. 

A new station for Lactuca Morssii, 3:278. 

AR in the Rangeley region, 9: 

Elymus arenarius at Provincetown—na- 
tive or introduced? 15:218-219. 

Orontium in Barnstable County, Massa- 
chusetts, 16:18-19. 

Muscari comosum, a new introduction found 
in Philadelphia, 24:16. 

Muscari comosum in Oregon, 24:208. 

Muskeget Island, Massachusetts, The winter 
flora of, 18:93. 

Mushroom book, Another, [Review], 11:121. 


Mushroom Book, The, [Review], 3:142. 

Mushroom books, Two, [Review], 3:140. 

Mushroom for the market, A new, 4:199. 

Mushrooms, Among the, [Review], 3:140. 

Mushrooms, Certain esters of, 4:77. 

Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc., [Review], 

Mushrooms in a cellar, Raising, 3:57. 

Mushrooms, Two recent publications about, 
[Review], 23:87. 

Mutisia from Ecuador, An undescribed, 35: 

Mycological Notes 1-2, Contributions from 
the Cryptogamie Laboratory of Harvard 
University,—LV, 5:97. 

Mycophagist, A rash, 17:30. 

Myers, W. SmANLEY—(STEMEN, T. R. and 
——), [Oklahoma Flora], Review of, 40: 

Myosotis collina in Maine, 1:76. 

Myosotis collina in New England, 1:11. 

Myriophyllum magdalenense; a correction, 

Myriophyllums and a species new to the Unit- 
ed States, Two new, 21:120. 

Myriotrichia densa in New England, 35:256. 

Mystic Pond, Potamogeton spathaeformis, a 
probable hybrid in, 8:224. 

Myxomycetes from eastern Massachusetts, 
Notes on, 29:165. 

Myxomycetes with notes, List of Vermont, 1: 

Myxophyceae from Amoy, China, Notes on 
a collection of fresh-water, 28:1. 

Myxophyceae from Nantucket Island, Massa- 
chusetts, Some, 40:74. 

Najas from the Hudson River, A new species 
of, 39:57. 

Najas gracillima, Another New Jersey station 
for, 37:414. 

Najas gracillima in Indiana and Michigan, 39: 

Najas gracillima in Missouri, 40:28. 

Najas in eastern Virginia, Najas Muenscheri 
and other species of, 49:233. 

Najas in Minnesota, Additional notes on, 41: 

Najas in Minnesota, The genus, 37:345. 

Najas in northeastern America, Notes on the 
distribution of, 25:105. 

Najas in the northern United States, Studies 
in the genus, 38:333. 

Najas in the Virginian estuaries, 49:105. 

Najas Muenscheri and other species of Najas 
in eastern Virginia, 49:233. 

NANNFELDT, J. A— Nomenclature at the next 
International Congress, [Notice], 40:464. 
Nantucket, A further note on the lichens of, 

Nantucket, Another plant from, 24:241. 
Nantucket, Century I, The Fungi of, 39:367. 
Nantucket Island, Massachusetts, Some Lich- 
ens from, 14:88. 
Nantucket Island, Massachusetts, Some My- 
xophyceae from, 40:74. 


Nee Lichens, An additional note on, 


Nantucket, List of second hundred Fungi of, 

Nantucket, Massachusetts, The three adven- 
tive Heaths of, 10:173. 

Nantucket, Pinus Banksiana on, 16:184; 18: 

Nantucket, Third list of Fungi of, 44:167. 

Nantucket, 'Three additional plants from, 13: 

Nantucket, Tillaea in, 14:201. 

Napaea dioica in New England, 43:94. 

Nardus strictus in the White Mountains, 21:22. 

Native flora, a plea for information, Destruc- 
tion of our, 4:200. 

Native flora, The protection of our, 4:139. 

Native or introduced plants in eastern North 
America, On Houttuyn's overlooked bino- 
mials for, 40:288. 

Native plants, A society for the protection of, 

Natural colors, Preservation of plant material 
in, 39:16. 

Natural History Collections, Sherborn's Guide 
to, [Review], 46:199. 

Natural History Societies of New England, 
Botanical exhibition at the meeting of the, 

Naucoria Christinae, 2:127. 

Naumburgia, The supposed generic character 
of, 22:193. 

Near, Ouiver M, Jr. 

An extension of range of Rynchospora 
macrostachya, 42:270. 

The status of Chamaecyparis thyoides in 
Maine, 42:343-344. 

Needpsm, Massachusetts, Some rare plants of, 

NELSON, A.—(Couttrr, J. M. and ——), [New 
Manual of Botany of the central Rocky 
Mountains], 12:13-16. 


Deam's Trees of Indiana, [Review], 21: 

The new genus Bromelica (Thurb.) Far- 
well, 21:215-216. 

Crepis setosa in Oregon, 22:191—192. 

Does saximontanus mean “Rocky Moun- 
tain?" 22:194-195. 

Deam's Trees of Indiana, [Review], 23: 

Introduced species of Lathyrus in the 
Northwest, 24:75-76. 

Muscari comosum in Oregon, 24:208-210. 

M. W. Gorman (obituary), 29:33-36 
(with portrait). 

[Biographical sketch], 47:65—68 (with 

NrLsoN, Rura AsHTON—AÀ study of the 
Rocky Mountain species of the Multiflori 
section of Aster, 35:323-327. 

Nelumbo pentapetala, 'The color of the flow- 
ers of, 38:272. 

Nematode infection in Poa, 44:246. 

Nephrodium Filix-mas in Vermont, 8:22. 


Nephrodium marginale, A cristate form of, 4: 

Nephrodium, Some further observations on, 

Nephrodium spinulosum, A new form of, 6:31. 

Neurolaena from British Honduras, A new 
species of, 37:61. 
New Bedford, Massachusetts, 
fruited Ilex opaca at, 3:58. 
New Bedford, Plants new to the flora of, 6: 
22, 144. 

New Bedford, Rare plants about, 4:106. 

New Brunswick, A list of freshwater Algae 
from, 50:67. 

New Brunswick, A summer's botanizing in 
eastern Maine and western, 12:101, 133. 

New Brunswick, Campylium Halleri i in, 50:52. 

New Brunswick, Halophytie plants in, (Re- 
view], 1:20. 

New Brunswick, Linum catharticum in, 47: 

The yellow- 

New Brunswick, Notes on the flora of, 20:101. 

New Brunswick, Prunus virginiana, forma leu- 
cocarpa in, 36: 89. 

New Brunswick, Vicia sepium in, 49:288. 

New, England, A European Primrose in, 22: 

New England, A Carex new to, 32:258. 

New England, A Cluster-cup Fungus on Les- 
pedeza in, 2:186. 

New England, A Juncus new to, 11:31. 

New England, A key to the species and prin- 
cipal varieties of Cladonia occurring in, 11: 

New England, A misleading addition to the 
State floras of, [Review], 24:96. 

New England, A new Ludvigia from, 35:227. 

New England, A new Vicia for, 2:225. 

New England, A new Violet from, 6:226. 

New England, A new Vitis from, 19:144. 

New England, A note on the genus Paspalum 
in 30: 133: 

New England, A Panicum unreported in, 15: 

New England, A variety of Spartina new to, 

New England Acadian Shoreline, The, [Re- 
view], 27:187 

New England Agrimonies, The nomenclature 
of the, 2:235. 

New England, Ajuga genevensis in, 5:154. 

New England, Albino fruit of Vacciniums in, 


New England Algae, Notes on, —I, 41:133; 
—II, 44:175. 

New England, Amaranthus Powellii and Dig- 
italis lanata in, 20:208. 

New England, Amphicarpaea Pitcheri in, 1: 

New England, Amsinckia in, 21:38. 

New England, Anchusa in, 18:50. 

New England, Another Orchid new to, 25:47. 

New England Antennarias, Further notes on, 

New England, Apocynum sibiricum, var. cor- 
digerum in, 44:331 

ai England Aspidieae, Subdivision of the, 

New England, Aster concinnus in, 2:166. 

New England Botanical Club, (Meetings, ex- 
cursions, etc.), 1:18, 37; 2:22: 7:268; 10: 
217; 14:71; 15:1; 18:184; 21:86, 143; 23:27. 

New England Botanical Club, Notes from the 
phaenogamic herbarium of the, —I, 12:185; 
—II, 13:177. 

New England Botanical Club, The herbarium 
of the, 1:56; 3:259. 

New England, Botanical exhibition at the 
meeting of the Natural History Societies of, 


New England, Brainerd & Peitersen's Black- 
berries of, [Review], 22:185. 

New England, Callitriche anceps in, 35:185. 

New England, Cape Cod in its relation to the 
marine flora of, 24:1. 

New England, Carex Richardsonii in, 34:229. 

New England Choanephora, A, 5:97. 

New England, Cirsium Flodmani in, 46:87. 

New England coast, Dumontia filiformis on 
the, 25:33. 

New England, Coastal Plain plants in, 7:69. 

New England, Collinsia parviflora in, 37:422. 

New England, Commelina virginica estab- 
lished in, 2:200. 

New England, Cuscuta Polygonorum in, 33: 


New England Desmids, Notes on, —I, 5:221; 
—IT, 5:252. 

New England distribution of Arceuthobium 
pusillum, The peculiar aspects of the, 33: 

New England distribution of Ilex opaca and 
Ilex glabra, 16:163. 

New England? Does Habenaria cristata still 
grow in, 48:64. 

New England, Ectocarpus paradoxus in, 35: 

New England Federation of Natural History 
Societies, 11:148; 13:187; 14:76. 

New England Ferns (and allies), Miscellane- 
ous notes on, 3:223; —II, 3:266; —III, 4: 
7; —IV, 4:49; —V, 4:157; —VI, 6:31. 

New England Ferns and their common Allies, 
Miss Eastman's, [ Review], 6:211. 

New England, Further remarks on the Coast- 
al Plain plants of, 8:27. 

New England Goldenrod, A little-known, 2: 

New England, Hairy variety of Sweet Pignut 
in, 47 :46. 

New England, Handbook of the Trees of, 
[Review], 4:40. 

New England, Helianthemum dumosum on 
the mainland of, 19:58. 

New England, Helianthus grosseserratus in, 

New England Hepaticae, Notes on, 4:207; 

II, 6:165, 185; —III, 7:52; —IV, 8: 34; 
an j 9:56, 65; zavi 10:185; EV 11: 185; 
—VIII, 12:193; —IX, 14:1; us y 14:209; 
—XI, 16:62; —XII, 17:107; —XIII, 18:74, 

108; —XIV, 19:263; —XV, 21:149; —XVI, 
23:281; —X VII, 25:74, 89. 

New England Hepaticae, Revised list of, 15: 

New England Hepaticae, Second revised list 
of, 25:192. 

New England? Is Artemisia Stelleriana a na- 
tive of, 2:38. 

New England, Juncus aristulatus in, 6:174. 

New England Lauraceae, The nomenclature 
of the, 8:196. 

New England, Leavitt's Forest Trees of, [Re- 
view], 35:108. 

New England, Lepidium latifolium in, 26:197. 

New England, Leptoloma in, 47:263. 

New England, Lycopus amplectens, var. pu- 
bens in, 46:451. 

New England marine Algae, Reappearance of 
rare, 42:72. 

New England, Myosotis collina in, 1:11. 

New England, Myriotrichia densa in, 35:256. 

New England, Napaea dioica in, 43:94. 

New England, On Polysiphonia fibrillosa in, 

New England, Notes on some fresh-water 
Algae from, 44:64. 

New England, Notes on the Ericaceae of, 3: 

New England, Notes on the Desmid flora of, 
—I, 37:22; —II, 37:113. 

New England, Notes on the Umbelliferae of, 

New England occurrence of Listera australis, 
A, 24:187. 

New England Orchids, Notes on, —I, 23:73; 
—1l, 24:37. 

New England Orchids, Notes on the embry- 
ology of some, 3:61, 202 

a^ England, Panicum $ Capillaria in, 21: 

New England plant, Hydrastis canadensis, a, 

New England plants, Further notes on the 
twelfth preliminary list of, 5:235. 

New England, Plantago elongata in, 2:156. 

New England plants, Preliminary lists of, —I, 
1:93; —II, 1:159; —III, 1:160; —IV, 1:212; 

—V, 2:41; —VI, 2:89; —VII, 2:214; — VIII, 
4:15; —IX, 4:203; —X, 4:218; —XI, 5: 
170; —XII, 5:188, 235; —XIII, 6:34; 
—XIV, 6:54; —XV, 6:85 (10:36); —XVI, 
6:151; —XVII, 7:33; —XVIII, 8:62; 
—XIX, 8:61 (10:71); —XX, 9:86; —XXI, 
10:135; —XXII, 10:168; —X XIII, 11:215; 

—XXIV, 18:245; —X XV, 19:217; —XXVI, 
20:182; —XXVII, 22:80; —XXVIII, 23: 
200; —X XIX, 27:57; —XXX, 28:43; 
—XXXI, 29:247; —XX XII, 31:110; 
—XXXIII, 38:263; —XXXIV, 48:17. 

Ei England plants, A projected check-list 
of, 1:91. 

New England Polygonums of the section 
Avicularia, The, 4: 

New England Ranunculaceae, An omission in 
the preliminary list of, 21:104. 

New England, Ranunculus acris, var. Steveni 
in, 1:227. 


New England, Recently recognized species of 
Crataegus in eastern Canada and, —I, 5: 
52; —II, 5:108; —III, 5:137; —IV, 5:159; 
—V, 5:182; —VI, 7:162, 174, 192. 

New England, Rediscovery of Phaseolus per- 
ennis in, 4:13. 

New England representative, Paronychia argy- 
rocoma and its, 8:101. 

New England, Rhododendron carolinianum 
naturalized in, 49:116. 

New England Rusts collected in 1931, A list 
of, 34:60. 

New England, Silene conica in, 7:110. 

New England, Some Antennarias of northern, 

New England species of Dictyosiphon, The, 2: 

New England species of Laminaria, Critical 
notes on the, 2:115, 142. 

New England species of Micrasterias, A syn- 
opsis of the, 10:97. 

New England species of Penium, 9:227. 

New England species of Pleurotaenium, A 
synopsis of the, 9:101. 

New England species of Psedera, The, 10:24. 

New England species of Scapania, A study of 
five, 38:77. 

New England species of the genus Panicum, 
The, 3:93. 

New England, Sphagnum Faxonii; 
tion to the flora of, 10:40. 

New England station for Asplenium ebenoid- 
es, A third, 3:248. 

New England station for Buxbaumia indusi- 
ata Bridel, A, 5:257. 

New England, Taraxacum ceratophorum in, 

New England, The Blackberries of, 2:23. 

Her England; The Chilian Empetrum in, 4: 

New England, The distribution of the Bilber- 
ries in, 2:187. 

New England, The Dwarf Mistletoe in, 2:1. 

New England, The evergreen Ferns of, 4:49. 

New England, The Fig as a hardy plant in, 

New England, The genus Elodea in, 22:17. 

New England, The genus Sabatia in, 18:145. 

New England, The genus Senecio in, 3:3. 

New England, The green Alders of, 6:162. 

New England, The Heather in, 2:53. 

New England, The herbaria of, 3:67, 206, 219, 
240, 255, 281, 285. 

New England, The Listeras of, [Review], 1: 


an addi- 

New England, The local floras of, 1:111, 138 
158, 174, 194, 208; 2:73. 

New England, The marine Cladophoras of, 4: 

New, England, The Rattlesnake-plantains of, 

New England, The salt-marsh Iva of, 8:25. 

New England, The variations of Aster folia- 
ceus in, 34:13. 

nd England Trees in Winter, [Review], 14: 


New England trees, Some new or little known 
forms of, 9:109. 

New England, Two new Polygonums from, 

New England, Typical Goodyera repens in, 2: 


New England, Valerianella in, 4:195. 

Ds England, Veronica Chamaedrys in, 4: 

New England, Viola arvensis in, 5:155. 

New England Violets, Notes on, 6:8; —II, 7: 
1; —III, 7:245. 

New forms, Two, 49:216. 

New Hampshire, A contribution to the Des- 
mid flora of, 7:111, 251. 

New Hampshire, A flora of Manchester, [Re- 

^ view], 2:157. 

New Hampshire, A fourth Pinus rigida for 
Coos County, 12:90. 

New Hampshire, A new Blackberry from, 32: 

New Hampshire, A new Digitaria from, 22: 

New Hampshire, A new species of Rhizopo- 
gon from, 26:195. 

New Hampshire, A new station for Epipactis 
Helleborine in, 49:60. 

New Hampshire, A Scirpus new to, 13:55. 

New Hampshire, Additional notes on Rhodo- 
dendron maximum in, 18:73. 

New Hampshire, Additional records of marine 
Algae from, 43:213. 

uii Hampshire Algae, Some interesting, 44: 

New Hampshire, An annotated list of rare or 
otherwise interesting Mosses occurring in or 
near Plymouth, 1:53. 

New Hampshire and South Carolina, Gnaph- 
alium obtusifolium, var. micradenium in, 

New Hampshire, Aspidium simulatum in, 2: 

New Hampshire, Berberis Thunbergii natural- 
ized in, 15:225. 

New Hampshire, Betula glandulosa at a low 
altitude 1n, 48:183. 

New Hampshire, Boleti collected at Alstead, 
2:173; —Additional notes, 3:226. 

New Hampshire, Calluna vulgaris in southern, 

New Hampshire, Carex cristatella in, 47:38. 

New Hampshire, Certain railroad weeds of 
northern, 11:30. 

New Hampshire, Chamaecyparis thyoides in, 
31: 96. 

New Hampshire, Cirsium Flodmani in, 46:87. 

New Hampshire, Cryptogramma Stelleri in, 

New Hampshire, Cypripedium reginae in, 27: 

New Hampshire, Eleocharis tuberculosa in, 

New Hampshire, Epipactis latifolia in, 44:456. 

New Hampshire, Festuca ovina L., var. duri- 
uscula (L.) Koch in Shelburne, 14:92. 

Ne oo flora, A few additions to the, 

New Hampshire, a correction, Gaylussacia du- 
mosa and frondosa in ,5:276. 

New Hampshire, Goodyera pubescens in cen- 
tral, 1:193. 

New Hampshire, Habenaria Hookeriana ob- 
longifolia in West Campton, 3:237. 

New Hampshire, Helianthus subrhomboideus 
in, 13:103. 

New Hampshire, Hudsonia ericoides in, 2:22. 

New Hampshire? Is Circium palustre a native 
of, 4:217. 

New Hampshire, Juncus effusus var. compac- 
tus in, 6:211. 

New Hampshire, Lechea major in, 4:28. 

New Hampshire, Lilium superbum and other 
isolated species in Durham, 46:21. 

New Hampshire, Luzula campestris var. fri- 
gida in, 15:186. 

New Hampshire, Matricaria discoidea in, 5: 

New Hampshire, Mikania scandens in south- 
ern, 46:142. 

New Hampshire, Notes from Manchester, 10: 

New Hampshire, Notes from Shelburne, 11:21. 

New Hampshire, Notes on some trees and 
shrubs of western Cheshire County, 3:232. 

New Hampshire, On certain plant records 
from Hillsboro, 41:34; —a correction, 41: 

New Hampshire, Panicum dichotomiflorum 
var. puritanorum in, 35:68. 

Now EAE Panicum longifolium in, 37: 

New Hampshire, Parietaria debilis in, 2:158. 

New Hampshire, Plant notes from Squam 
Lake, 25:183. 

New Hampshire plants in the Middle Con- 
necticut Valley, Some Vermont and, —I, 4: 

New Hampshire, Plants new to Coos County, 

New Hampshire plants, Notes on, 48:205. 

New Hampshire, Podostemum, Hippuris and 
Hottonia 1n, 50:209. 

New Hampshire, Pogonia affinis in the vicin- 
ity of Wolfeboro, 31:242. 

New Hampshire, Pogonia trianthophora in 
Holderness, 12:206. 

New Hampshire, Pursh’s report of Dryas 
from, 5:281. 

New Hampshire record for Rynchospora Tor- 
reyana, The, 34:112. 

New Hampshire, Rhododendron maximum in, 

New Hampshire, Scirpus lineatus in, 11:200. 

New Hampshire, Sclerolepis in, 7:186. 

New Hampshire, Soil tests of Ericaceae and 
other reaction-sensitive families in north- 
ern Vermont and, 22:33. 

New Hampshire, Some plants of Intervale, 4: 

New Hampshire station for Rhododendron 
maximum, Another, 40:461. 


New Hampshire station for Subularia, An- 
other, 50:72. 

New Hampshire, Subularia at East Andover, 

New Hampshire, The alpine Rhinanthus of 
Quebec and, 9:23. 

New Hampshire, The Climbing Fern in, 4:83. 

New Hampshire, The Ferns of Alstead, 2:181. 

New Hampshire, The status of Arenaria stric- 
ta 1n, 11:184. 

New Hampshire, Trilium grandiflorum in, 

New Hampshire, Two Grasses new to, 14:175. 

New Hampshire, Two new species of Rubus 
from Vermont and, 8:95. 

New Hampshire, Vascular Flora of Coos 
County, [Review], 27:52. 

New Haven, Connecticut, Two noteworthy 
plants of, 6:89. 

New Jersey, A new species of Scirpus from 
Massachusetts and, 13:4. 

New Jersey, A station for Croton glandulosus 
in, 23:221. 

New Jersey, A hitherto undescribed Pipewort 
from, 5:175. 

New Jersey, An interesting addition to the 
flora of, 11:121. 

New Jersey, Cladonia floridana in, 31:56. 

New Jersey, Discovery of Prunus cuneata in 
southern, 18:66. 

New Jersey, Dwarf Mistletoe and other plants 
new to, 33:101. 

New Jersey, Festuca sciurea in, 37:266. 

New Jersey, Jasione montana a conspicuous 
weed near Lakewood, 21:105. 

New Jersey Pine Barrens, A flora of the, [Re- 
view], 14:94. 

New Jersey Pine Barrens, Sagittaria Edward- 
siana, a new species from the, 39:29. 

New Jersey, Regarding Gentiana Andrewsii 
in the Coastal Plain of, 22:104. 

New Jersey station for Najas gracillima, An- 
other, 37:414. 

New Mexico, A new species of Anulocaulis 
from southwestern Texas and adjacent, 47: 

New Mexico, Selenia dissecta in, 41:189. 

New Mexico, Tradescantia Wrightii in, 37: 
New York, a contribution to plant geography, 
Flora of the vicinity of, [Review], 17:62. 
New York, Additions to the flora of Fishers 
Island, 43:77. 

New York, Alchemilla pratensis in Erie Coun- 
ty, 45:27. 

New York and vicinity, Plants of Oneida 
County, —I, 7:92, 106. 

New York, An uncommon association of Pines 
in northern, 30:129. 

New York, Arthraxon hispidus var. crypta- 
therus in, 42:199. 

New York Botanical Garden, The twentieth 
anniversary of the, 17:144. 

New York, Eleocharis diandra in central, 2: 


New York, Glyceria arkansana in western, 35: 

New York, Herniaria glabra, var. subciliata 
in, 46:23. 

New York, Jussiaea uruguayensis in Staten 
Island, 47 :237. 

New York, New Stations for Chamaecyparis 
on Long Island, 9:74. 

New York, Notes on some plants of eastern, 

New York, Notes on some plants of the On- 
tario and St. Lawrence Basins, 25:205. 

New York, Notes on the flora of northern, 

New York, On the status of Eleocharis Rob- 
binsii in, 41:254. 

ae York, Pinellia ternata in Brooklyn, 44: 

New York plants, Notes on some, 33:165. 

New York, Prenanthes crepidinea in western, 

New York, Ranunculus Boreanus in eastern, 

New York record of Fraxinus profunda, The, 

New York, Scabiosa Columbaria in central, 

New York, Smalls Ferns of the Vicinity of, 
[Review], 38:163. 

New York, Spartina patens and other saline 
plants in the Genesee Valley, 29:138. 

New York State, Euphorbia Esula as a weed 
in, 32:100. 

New York State plants, Notes on rare, 19: 
28, 48. 

New York, Systematic studies on Oenothera, 
—III. New species from Ithaca, 15:81. 

New York, The occurrence of Littorella amer- 
icana in, 36:194. 

New York, Western extension of the range of 
Pinus Banksiana in, 40:241. 

Newburyport, Massachusetts, Rediscovery of 
Paronychia argyrocoma, var. albimontana 
at, 47:90. 

Newfoundland, A new Cochlearia from, 16: 

Newfoundland, A new Carex from, 17:158. 

Newfoundland and southern Labrador, A bo- 
tanical expedition to, 13:109. 

Newfoundland and the Labrador Peninsula, 
Some allies of Antennaria alpina from, 18: 

Newfoundland, Another Arnica from, 27:90. 

Newfoundland Antennarias, Two, 16:196. 

Newfoundland flora, Recent discoveries in 
the, 35:1, 47, 80, 120, 161, 203, 230, 265, 298, 
327, 364, 395. 

Newfoundland flora, Some additions to the, 

Newfoundland, Further notes from southwest- 
ern, 33:207. 

Newfoundland Mosses collected by Mr. Bay- 
ard Long in 1924—26, 30:1. 

Newfoundland, Notes on some freshwater 
Algae from, 29:160. 


Newfoundland, Notes upon the flora of, 11: 


Newfoundland, Some Senecios of eastern Que- 
bec and, 26:113. 

Newfoundland, The genus Antennaria in, 13: 
23; 35:327. 

Newfoundland, The native Tansy of, 25:13. 

Newfoundland, The Ragged Orchis of, 28:21. 

Newfoundland, Three Lupines naturalized in 
eastern Canada and, 16:92. 

Newfoundland, Two new Carices from, 15: 

Newfoundland, Two summers of botanizing 
in, 28:49, 74, 89, 115, 145, 161, 181, 210, 234, 

Niagara Frontier, A Flora of the, [Review], 
37 : 168. 


(Evans, A. W. and ——), [The Bryo- 
phytes of Connecticut], Review of, 11: 

Notes on Connecticut Mosses, 12:146- 
155; —II, 13:40-46; —III, 14:45—52; 
—IV, 15:3-13. 

(—— and Sr. Joan, H.), Pressing plants 
with double-faced corrugated paper 
boards, 20:153-160. 

Lophiola aurea in Nova Scotia, 21:68. 

[The Vegetation of northern Cape Breton 
Island], Review of, 21:171-172. 

Cercis canadensis in Connecticut, 25:203- 

Moss Flora of North America, [Notices 
and Reviews], 37:227—228; 38:240; 39: 
100; 40:359-360; 41:112. 

NicHoLs, Jonn TREADWELL—New stations for 
Chamaecyparis on Long Island, New York, 

Nicotiana rustica in Massachusetts, An occur- 
rence of, 14:206. 


Grass studies, —II. Additions to the flora 
of Arkansas, 39:423—424. 

Grass studies——IV. Additional species 
new to Arkansas, 43:219—220. 

(Movrz, J. B., and Younes, O. R.), 
Vegetation of artificial lakes in north- 
western Arkansas, 48 :329-330. 

Night Bloomers, Honey-guides of, 1:222. 

Nolina in the South Atlantic States, 11:80. 

Nomenclatorial changes for some Chinese Or- 
chids, 27:105. 

Nomenclatorial changes in Isoetes, 10:42. 

Nomenclatorial changes in the genus Coral- 
lorrhiza, Recent, 11:102. 

Nomenclatorial changes required by some 
Gramineae of the seventh edition of Gray’s 
Manual, 14:165, 184. 

Nomenclatorial transfers, 18:152. 

Nomenclatorial transfers in Mariscus, 25:49. 

Nomenclatural changes, A plea for the elimi- 
nation of unnecessary, 46:201. 

Nomenclatural transfers and new varieties 
and forms, 39:309. 

Nomenclatural transfers in Polygonum, 48: 

Nomenclature, A note on phycological, 40: 

Nomenclature adopted by the Vienna Con- 
gress, On the Rules of Botanical, 9:29. 

Nomenclature at the Fifth International Bo- 
tanical Congress, Consideration of, 31:90. 

Nomenclature at the next International Con- 
gress, [Notice], 40:464. 

Nomenclature chiefly of vascular plants, In- 
ternational Rules for Botanical, 9:33. 

Nomenclature, Corrections in, 23:86. 

Nomenclature for Algae, The basis of, 9:77. 

Nomenclature in Cornus, On, 38:51. 

Nomenclature in Trientalis and Rubus, Some 
points of, 11:236. 

Nomenclature, Necessary changes in botan- 
ical, 21:101. 

Nomenclature of Apocynum androsaemifo- 
lium L., The identity and, 34:30. 

Nomenclature of Elodea, On the, 34:114. 

Nomenclature of Sassafras, The, 38:178. 

Nomenclature of some species of Cornus, The, 
37 :222. 

Nomenclature of the Gray's Manual Ferns, 
Changes in, 21:173. 

Nomenclature of the New England Agrimo- 
nies, The, 2:235. 

Nomenclature of the New England Lauraceae, 
The, 8:196. 

Nomenclature of the verticillate Eupatoria, 
The, 39:297. 

Nomenclature, Proposed amendments to the 
International Rules of Botanical, 31:91. 
Nomenclature, Some changes in, 26:1; 27:186. 
Nomenclature, The proposed changes in Arti- 

a 58, International Rules of Botanical, 50: 
oe Viburnum edule and its, 43: 
Nordamerikanischen Weiden antedated by 

Michaux, 48:13, 27. 

North America, A Cotton-grass new to, 4:82. 
North America, A new species of Eragrostis of 

the Old World and, 19:93. 

North America, A second station for Isthmo- 

plea in, 35:293. 

North America, A Sedum new to, 14:227. 
North America, A suppressed plate in Eaton’s 

Ferns of, 35:260. 

North America, A synopsis of the species of 

Arctium in, 12:48. 

North America, A monographic study of Ara- 

bis in western, 43:289, 348, 425. 

North America, Acrochaetium and Chantran- 

sia in, 8:189. 

North America, Additional notes on the Val- 

erianellas of, 40:465. 

North America, Agropyron § Goularda in 

eastern, 35:161. 

North America, Alchemilla alpina and A. 

vulgaris in, 14:229. 

North America, Ambrosia artemisiaefolia and 

its variations in temperate eastern, 37:184. 
North America, An Alopecurus new to, 46: 


North America, An Atriplex new to, 17:83. 


North America and eastern Asia, Some notes 
on the botanical relation between, 41:385. 
ne and Mexico, Limonium in, 


North America and the Old World, Specific 
segregations and identities in some floras of 
eastern, 33:25. 

North America and the West Indies, Miscel- 
laneous species of, (Eleocharis), 39:255. 
North America, Arabis in eastern and central, 

39:63, 106, 155. 

North America, Arenaria lateriflora and its 
varieties in, 19:259. 

North America based on foliage and twig 
characters, A key to the species of Oaks of 
eastern, 38:53. 

North America, Carex alpina in, 35:220. 

North America, Carex disticha in, 44:282. 

North America, Carex Hostiana in, 44:318. 

North America, Cercis in, 44:193. 

North America, Dates of Eaton’s Ferns of, 

North America, Effects of post-Pleistocene 
marine submergence in eastern, 29:41, 57, 
87, 105. 

North America, Filago arvensis in, 47:258. 

North America, Forms of Ophioglossum vul- 
gatum in eastern, 15:86. 

North America, Geranium carolinianum and 
allies of northeastern, 37:295. 

North America, Harshberger’s Phytogeograph- 
ic Survey of, [Review], 13:213. 

North America? Is Viola arenaria DC. indi- 
genous to, 15:106. 

North America, Moss Flora of, [Notices and 
Reviews], 31:38; 36:60; 38:240; 39:100; 40: 
359; 41:112; 43:95. 

North America north of Mexico, The broad- 
leaved species of Potamogeton of, 45:57, 
119, 171. 

North America, Notes on Betula in eastern, 
47 :303. 

North America, Notes on the occurrence of 
Zostera and Zannichellia in arctic, 34:90. 
North America, Notes on trees and shrubs of 

southeastern, 24:77. 

North America, On Houttuyn’s overlooked bi- 
nomials for native or introduced plants in 
eastern, 40:288. 

North America, Overlooked species, transfers 
and novelties in the flora of eastern, 46:1, 


North America, Oxalis corniculata and its rel- 
atives in, 27:113, 133. 

North America, Oxytropis campestris in 
northeastern, 1:85. 

North America, Pilea in eastern, 38:169. 

North America, Polygonum Hydropiper in 
Europe and, 29:77. 

North America, Ranunculus Flammula and 
R. reptans in, 19:135. 

North America, Rapistrum in northern, 42: 

North America, Ribes vulgare and its indigen- 
ous representatives in eastern, 9:1. 

North America, Rubus idaeus and some of its 
variations in, 21:89. 


North America, Rumex persicarioides and its 
allies in, 17:73. 

North America, Sargent's Manual of the 
Trees of, [Review], 7:139. 

North America, Some anomalous species and 
varieties of Bidens in eastern, 17:20. 

North America, Some critical plants of Atlan- 
tic, 25:17. 

North America, Some new or critical plants 
of eastern, 19:152. 

North America, Some new or little known 
Cyperaceae of eastern, 8:126, 161, 181, 200. 

North America, Some new species and varie- 
ties of Poa from eastern, 20:122. 

North America, Some Polygonums new to, 

North America, Some species and varieties 
of Elymus in eastern, 20:81. 

North America, Some Spermatophytes of 
eastern, 42:239, 281. 

North America, Statice in, 19:1. 

North America, Studies in the genus Hedy- 
sarum in, 42:217. 

North America, Taraxacum in eastern, 35: 

North America, The Ancylatheran Calama- 

grostis of eastern, 46:285. 

North America, The “Fall Dandelions” of, 3: 

North America, The genus Amelanchier in 
eastern, 14:117. 

North America, The genus Echinochloa in, 
23 :49. 

North America, The genus Elatine in eastern, 

North America, The genus Empetrum in, 15: 

North America, The genus Erechtites in tem- 
perate, 19:24. 

North America, The genus Euphrasia in, 17: 

North America, The genus Galinsoga in, 22: 

North America, The genus Puccinellia in east- 
ern, 18:1. 

North America, The genus Ruppia in eastern, 

North America, The group of Acalypha vir- 
ginica in eastern, 29:193. 

North America, The group of Eleocharis pa- 
lustris in, 49:61. 

North America, The indigenous varieties of 
Prunella vulgaris in, 15:179. 

nbi America, The maritime Plantains of, 


North America, The representatives of Eleo- 
charis palustris in, 31:57. 

North America, The so-called Woodsia alpina 
in, 47:145. 

North America, The Ulvaceae of, 5:1. 

North America, The variations of Luzula 
campestris in, 15:38. 

North America, Thesium Linophyllon, a first 
record for, 46:490. 

North America, Two new maritime plants of 
northeastern, 19:76. 


North America, Two editions of Torrey and 
Gray’s Flora of, 8:232. 

North America, Two plants newly adventive 
in, 44:18. 

North America, Valerianella in, 40:185. 

North America, Vicia Cracca and its relatives 
in, 38:187. 

North America, Vicia lathyroides in eastern 
Virginia and new to, 43:207. 

North American allies, Agropyron caninum 
and its, 12:61. 

North American allies of Scirpus lacustris, 
The, 6:65. 

North American allies, Scirpus supinus and 
its, 3:249. 

North American Corylaceae (Betulaceae), 
Some, —I. Notes on Betula in eastern 
North America, 47:303; —II. Eastern North 
American representatives of Alnus incana, 
47 :333. 

North American Euphrasias, The, 3:270. 

North American Ferns allied to Athyrium 
hor pm: The genus Athyrium and the, 


North American Ferns, Taxonomic and geo- 
graphic studies in, 19:169. 

North American flora, Polygala vulgaris new 
to the, 44:9. 

North American flowers as exemplified by 
Hepatica acutiloba, Color variation in east- 
ern, 38:301. 

North American Grasses, Notes on, 4:142. 

North American Littorella, The, 20:61. 

North American members of Scirpus $ Lacus- 
tres, Some, 45:283. 

North American Orchids, Notes with exten- 
sions of range of several, 42:521. 

North American Oxytropis and Saxifraga, 
Bibliographie note upon Gray's Revision of, 
44 :90. 

North American plants, Identifications and 
reidentifications of, 48:137, 164, 207. 

North American plants, Technical studies on, 
48:5, 27, 41, 65. 

North American relatives of Polygonum mar- 
itimum, Some, 15:68. 

North American representative of Arenaria 
ciliata, The, 16:43. 

North American representatives of Alisma 
Plantago-aquatica, The, 48:86. 

North American representatives of Alnus in- 
cana, Eastern, 47:333. 

North American representatives of Braya 
humilis, Some, 20:201. 

North American representatives of Dryopteris 
spinulosa var. dilatata, The, 17:44. 

North American representatives of Ranuncu- 
lus § Batrachium, The, 38:1. 

North American representatives of Scirpus 
caespitosus, The, 23:22. 

North American Salix, Difficulties in, 48:13, 
27, 4l. 

North American Scutellarias, Notes on, 26: 

North American species of Alopecurus, Re- 
marks on several, 19:165. 


North American species of Anemone $ Ane- 
monanthea, The, 30:180. 

North American species of Barbarea, The, 11: 

North American species of Calamagrostis, A 
revision of some, 32:35. 

North MI specles of Crotalaria, The, 

North American species of Eriophorum, The, 
7 :81, 129. 

North American species of Lathyrus, Studies 
in certain, 19:156. 

North American species of Limonium, Notes 
on the, 25:55. 

North American species of Lobelia, Studies in 
the taxonomy and distribution of the east- 
ern, 38:241, 276, 305, 346. 

North American species of Panicum, The, 
[Review], 12:218. 

North American species of Potamogeton of 
the section Coleophylli, A revision of the, 

North American species of Scirpus, Studies in, 

North American species, Urtica gracilis and 
some related, 28:191. 

North American variations, Mentha arvensis 
and some of its, 46:331. 

North American variations of Arctostaphylos 
Uva-ursi, The, 16:211. 

North American variations of Carex inflata, 
The, 44:324. 

North American variations of Juncus effusus, 
The, 12:81. 

North American variations of Lycopodium 
clavatum, The, 12:50. 

North American varieties of Veronica alpina, 
The, 41:447. 

North American variety of Cystopteris fragil- 
is, A new, 28:129. 

North American variety of Equisetum Tel- 
mateia, The, 49:203. 

Roda American Violets, The older types of, 
—I, 9:93. 

North and South America, Spergularia in, 42: 
57, 105, 158, 203. 

North and South America, Status and distri- 
bution of some Cyperaceae in, 44:43, 77. 
North and South America, Veronica in, 23: 

1, 29. 

North Carolina, Parthenium auriculatum in 
Burke County, 28:208. 

North Carolina, Range extensions in, 39:235. 

North Carolina, Rhododendron carolinianum, 
a new Rhododendron from, 14:97. 

North Carolina, Scirpus Longii in, 45:55. 

North Carolina, Setaria Faberi in, 48:391. 

North Dakota, Botanical visits to Forts Clark, 
Mandan and Union in, 48:98. 

North Dakota, a first record for North Ameri- 
ca, Thesium Linophyllon in, 46:490. 

North Easton, Massachusetts, Some plants 
recently found in and around, 4:13. 

Northeastern America, A new Ranunculus 
from, 7:219. 


Northeastern America, Draba in temperate, 
36:241, 285, 314, 353, 392. 

Northeastern America, Draba incana and its 
allies in, 7:61. 

Northeastern America, Epilobium alpinum 
and its allies in, 20:30. 

Northeastern America, Notes on new or rare 
Violets of, 15:112. 

Northeastern America, Notes on some plants 
of, 10:46, 84. 

Northeastern America, Notes on the distribu- 
tion of Najas in, 25:105. 

Northeastern America, Oxytropis campestris 
in, 1:85. 

Penn datem America, Some Antennarias of, 


Northeastern America, Some new or unre- 
corded Compositae of, 17:1. 

Northeastern Ameriea, The dwarf Anten- 
narias of, 26:95. 

yeaa America, The genus Arnica in, 


Northeastern America, The genus Oxytropis 
in, 30:137. 

Northeastern America, The representatives 
of Erigeron acris in, 12:225. 

N eastern America, The genus Suaeda in, 

Northeastern America, Two new Galiums 
from, 12:77. 

Northeastern America, The variations of Pri- 
mula farinosa in, 9:15. 

Northeastern American species of Bidens, A 
key to the, 27:184. 

Northeastern Carices of the subsection Vesi- 
cariae, The, 3:43. 

Northeastern flora, Some Jesuit influences 
upon our, 2:133. 

Northeastern North America, Geranium car- 
olinianum and allies of, 37:295. 

Northeastern North America, Two new mari- 
time plants of, 19:76. 

Northern Hemisphere, Polystichum mohri- 
oides and some other subantarctic or An- 
dean plants in the, 26:89. 


New stations for Peltandra virginica and 
Conopholis americana in Maine, 4:168- 

The Dwarf Mistletoe on the southeastern 
coast of Maine, 9:208. 

Plants apparently new to the Maine cata- 
logue, 14:176. 

Some noteworthy plants from the islands 
and coast of Maine, 15:137-143. 

Littorella americana in Washington Coun- 
ty, Maine, 33:79. 

Plantago arenaria W. & K. at Portland, 
Maine, 33:171-172. 

Mountain Laurel (Kalmia latifolia) at 
Cherryfield, Maine, 33:198-199. 

Rorippa amphibia in Androscoggin Coun- 
ty, Maine, 35:262. 

Notes on Triglochin palustris and Mon- 
tia lamprosperma in Maine, 35:291-292. 


A third station for Waldsteinia fragarioi- 
des in Maine, 35:322. 

Dr. Aaron Young, Jr. and the botanical 
survey of Maine, 37:1-16 (with por- 

Sisyrinchium mucronatum in Penobscot 
County, Maine, 37:75. 

Plants apparently new to Mount Katah- 
din, Maine, 37:455. 

Plantago virginica in Maine, 41:559—560. 

[Biographical sketch], 45:217—220. 

Norton, Leroy F.—Notes on northern Maine 
plants, 46:204—205. 

Norwich Free Academy, Herbarium of, 3:259. 

Norwood, Massachusetts, Pinus resinosa in, 

Notholaena sinuata and N. sinuata var. coch- 
isensis, A comparison of the toxicity of, 47: 

Notholaena sinuata var. cochisensis, A com- 
parison of the toxicity of Notholaena sin- 
uata and, 47:393. 

Notothylas orbicularis in Massachusetts, 9: 

Nova Scotia, A model flora of, [Review], 50: 

Nova Scotia, A new maritime Polygonum 
from, 16:187. 

Nova Scotia, A note on the salt marshes of, 

Nova Scotia greens, 18:43. 

Nova Scotia, Floerkea proserpinacoides in, 

Nova Scotia, Lachnanthes in, 43:36. 

Nova Scotia, Lophiola aurea in, 21:68. 

Nova Scotia Mosses, Some, 24:121. 

Nova Scotia, Notes on the flora of western, 
24 :157, 165, 201. 

Nova Scotia, Notes on the flora of, 40:273; 
—]I, 43:337; —III, 44:334. 

Nova Scotia, Some Mosses from Windsor, 48: 


Nova Scotia, The Algae of St. Paul Island, 

Nova Scotia, The genus Aster in, 45:344. 

Nova Scotia, The Gray Herbarium expedition 
to, 1920, 23:89, 130, 153, 184, 223, 257, 284. 

Nova Scotia, The vascular flora of St. Paul 
Island, 33:105. 

Nova Scotia, Two weeks in southwestern, 44: 

Nova Scotian Dwarf Shadbush, A, 50:49. 

November flowers, 17:33. 

November flowers in northern Vermont, 21: 

Noyes, Heten M.—The Ferns of Alstead, 
New Hampshire, 2:181-185. 

Nuphar advena, Submersed leaves of, 44:394. 

Nuphar again, Nymphaea and, 18:161. 

Nuphar microphyllum, A diagnostic character 
of, 19:111. 

Nuphar, Note on, 19:92. 

Nuphar sagittifolium in Virginia, 44:396. 

Nuttall and Pickering in the White Moun- 
tains, 20:39. 


Nuttall’s “Arkansas Flora,” Publication-date 
of, 46:156. 
Nuttall’s White Sassafras, 15:14. 
Nye, Harriet A 
The blooming of Hepaticas, 4:127-128. 
so of Microstylis ophioglossoides, 
A new station for Daphne, 25 :45—-46. 
A station in Maine for Ilex verticillata 
forma chrysocarpa, 25:148. 
Nymphaea americana, Nymphaea variegata 
or, 16:137. 
Nymphaea and Nuphar again, 18:161. 
Nymphaea maculata Raf., 29:239. 
Nymphaea magnifica, 18:120; —The author- 
ity for the binomial, 18:144. 
Nymphaea, Proper use of the name, 29:234. 
Nymphaea tetragona in Maine, 38:375. 
Nymphaea tetragona in Somerset County, 
Maine, 43:74. 
Nymphaea, The standard-species of, 30:53. 
Nymphaea variegata, Nymphaea americana 
or, 16:137. 
Nymphozanthus, the correct name for the 
Cow Lilies, 21:183. 
Nyssa sylvatica in Maine, A new station for, 
Nyssa sylvatica, The varieties of, 37:433. 

Oak Fern, On the name of the, 43:216. 

Oak from Florida, A new, 31:79. 

Oak Island and its flora, 4:87. 

Oak xQuereus Rudkini, at Arlington, Vir- 
ginia, The hybrid, 44:262. 

Oak species Quercus rubra and ilicifolia, A 
supposed hybrid between the, 36:239. 

Oak, The name of the Red, 18:45. 

Oakes, Witt1AM—[ Herbarium of], 3:259. 

Oaks in the British Museum, Three of Clay- 
ton’s, 17:39. 

Oaks of eastern North America based on 
foliage and twig characters, A key to the 
species of, 38:53. 

Oedogonium and Bulbochaete in the vicinity 
of Woods Hole, Massachusetts, Notes on, 
38 :67. 

Oedogonium Huntii rediscovered? 10:57. 

Oedogonium in the vicinity of Woods Hole, 
Massachusetts, 36:197. 

Oedogonium Reinschii Roy sec. Hirn., 30:193. 

Oenothera, A new, 15:45. 

Oenothera crosses, On the Mendelian inter- 
pretation of, 18:198. 

Oenothera perennis L., var. rectipilis (Blake) 
comb. nov., 25:47. 

Oenothera pumila L., var. rectipilis, var. nov., 

Oenothera pumila, Pubescent capsules of, 1: 

Oenothera, Systematic studies on, —I. Oeno- 
thera Tracyi, sp nov., 13:209; —II. The 
delimitation of Oenothera biennis L., 15: 
48; —III. New species from Ithaca, New 
York, 15:81; —IV. Oe. franciscana and Oe. 
venusta, spp. novv., 16:33; —V. Oe. Robin- 
sonii and Oe. cleistantha, spp. novv., 17:41. 


Oenothera, The mutation factor in evolution 
with particular reference to [Review], 17: 

OapEN, E. C. 

New range-records for linear-leaved spe- 
cies of Potamogeton, 44:406—407. 

The broad-leaved species of Potamogeton 
of North America north of Mexico, 45: 
57-105, 119-163, 171—214, pls. 746—748. 
(Contrib, Gray Herb. no. CXLVII). 

Potamogeton tennesseensis new to the 
Manual range, 49:255—250. 

Ohio, Affinities of the flora of the Illinoian 
Till Plain of southwestern, 37 :349. 

Ohio, Juncus monostichus in, 15:62. 

Oklahoma, A Flora of, [Review], 40:179. 

Oklahoma, A new species of Euphorbia from, 

Oklahoma, A new Triodia from, 40:243. 

Oklahoma, Acer grandidentatum in, 46:445. 

Oklahoma and Wisconsin, Arabis viridis in, 

Oklahoma, Arabis canadensis in, 45:114. 

Oklahoma, Calopogon pulchellus from, 36: 

Oklahoma, Distributional notes and some 
minor forms from, 50:91. 

Oklahoma flora, Cnidoscolus texanus and C. 
stimulosus, their status in the, 45:270. 

Oklahoma, Fraxinus pennsylvanica var. Aus- 
tini in, 45:278. 

Oklahoma, Galium texense in, 45:276. 

Oklahoma, Glottidium vesicarium in, 36:118. 

Oklahoma, Interesting plants of, 42:499. 

Oklahoma, Notes from the (Bebb) Herbarium 
of the University of, —I, 40:425; —II, 45: 

Oklahoma plants, Further notes on, 38:239. 

Oklahoma plants, Notes on, 45:113. 

Oklahoma, Sida in, 50:99. 

Old World allies, American Thalictra and 
their, 46:337, 391, 453. 

Old World and North America, A new species 
of Eragrostis of the, 19:93. 

Old World, Specific segregations and identi- 
ties in some floras of eastern North America 
and the, 33:25. 

OLNEY, STEPHEN THAyeR—[Herbarium of], 

O'NriLL, HvaH 

Heat as an insecticide in the herbarium, 

ie pilosus Vahl in the United States, 

Cyperus oxylepis in the United States 
and Mexico, 40:358—359. 

The status and distribution of Cyperus 
distinctus Steud., 41:131-133, figs. 

Cyperus polystachyos var. filicinus, 42: 

(—— and Duman, M.), A new species of 
Carex and notes on this genus in arctic 
America, 43:413-425, pl. 669. 

'The status and distribution of some Cy- 
peraceae in North and South America, 
44 :43—64, 77-89. 


Onoclea sensibilis, An exceptionally large, 32: 

Ontario and Michigan, Critical plants of the 
Upper Great Lakes region of, 37:197, 238, 
272, 324. 

Ontario and St. Lawrence basins, New York, 
Notes on some plants of the, 25:205. 

Ontario border, A new Oxytrope of the Min- 
nesota, 45:1. 

Ontario, Eleocharis caribaea var. dispar in, 37: 

Ontario, I. Epipactis Helleborine, Notes on 
the flora of, 50:236. 

Ontario, Linum catharticum in, 47:362. 

Ontario Natural Science Bulletin, [Review], 

Ontario, Notes on the Algae of the Rideau, 

Ontario, Salvia sylvestris in County Peel, 19: 


Ontario, Some observations on the flora of 
the Bruce Peninsula, 37:63. 

Ontario, Stachys lanata in, 22:128. 

Ophioglossum vulgatum in eastern North 
America, Forms of, 15:86. 

Ophioglossum vulgatum, Range extension in 
Missouri for, 36:22. 

Opuntia humifusa in Concord, Massachusetts, 
The persistence of, 40:486. 

Opuntia vulgaris on Cape Cod, 16:101. 

Opuntia vulgaris, Polyembryony in, 1:127. 

Orchid fragrance, Some observations on, 3: 

Orchid new to New England, Another, 25:47. 

Orchidaceae, Illustrations and Studies of the 
Family, [Review], 7:119. 

Orchidaceae of a series of swamps in southern 
Vermont, The, 2:114. 

Orchids found in the region of Asquam Lake, 

Orchids, Nomenclatorial changes for some 
Chinese, 27:105. 

Orchids, Notes on New England, —I, 23:73; 
—II, 24:37. 

Orchids, Notes on the embryology of some 
New England, 3:61, 202. 

Orchids, Notes with extensions of range of 
several North American, 42:521. 

Orchids of Chesterville, Maine, 5:82. 

Orchids of eastern Vermont, Some, 2:171. 

Orchids of Mt. Greylock, Massachusetts, 2: 

Orchids of the Asquam region, Further notes 
on the, 19:235. 

Orchids of the Manual range, Some, 48:161, 

Orchids of the region of Asquam Lake, Fur- 
ther notes on the, 19:131. 

Orchids of the upper Pemigewasset Valley, 
Some, 1:199. 

Orchis of Newfoundland, The Ragged, 28:21. 

Orpway, D. L.—Moss Flora of North America, 
[Review], 43:95. 

Oregon, Crepis setosa in, 22:191. 

Oregon, Muscari comosum in, 24:208. 

Oregon, New plants from, 33:203. 


Oregon, Some new species and varieties from, 

Oregon, The occurrence of Phragmites com- 
munis in western Washington and, 33:170. 

Oregon, Three interesting new plants from 
Wallowa County, 36:260. 

M. D. and ——), Notice of annual field 
meeting of the Vermont Botanical Club, 6: 

Ornamental Shrubs of the United States, [Re- 
view], 12:207. 

Orobanche ramosa on a Coleus, 26:133. 

Orontium at Hyannis, Massachusetts, 16:77. 

Orontium in Barnstable County, Massachu- 
setts, 16:18. 

Osage Orange, The scientific name of the, 9: 

Oscillatoriaceae of southern Massachusetts, 
The, 40:221, 255. 

Oscillatoriaceae, Three American, 39:277. 
Osmorhiza longistylis, The forms of, 25:110. 
Osmorhiza new to eastern America, An, 4:153. 

Cuscuta trifolia in Massachusetts, 5:290— 


Further stations for Botrychium matri- 
cariaefolium in Connecticut, 6:80. 
Osmunda and Struthiopteris, Development of 

the sporophyll in, 3:223. 
Osmunda cinnamomea and its geographic va- 
rleties, 32:75. 
Osmunda cinnamomea, Forms of, 15:154. 
Osmunda Claytoniana and its var. vestita, 32: 

Osmunda regalis and its var. spectabilis, 32: 

Osmunda, Some varieties of the Amphigean 
species of, 32:71. 

OsTENFELD, C. H.—(—— and Gronrven, J.), 
The Flora of Iceland and the Faroés, [Re- 
view of], 36. 

OsrEnHoUT, W. J. V—A new textbook of bo- 
tany, [Review], 13:16. 

Ostrich Fern, The American, 17:161. 

OTTLEY, ALICE M.—The occurrence of Centi- 
peda minima in Wellesley, Massachusetts, 
40 :219-220. 

Outlines of Botany, [Review], 4:85. 

Owen, Marta L. 

The Connecticut Valley Botanical So- 
ciety, 1:95—96. 
Ferns of Mt. Toby, Massachusetts, 3:41- 

[Herbarium of], 3:259. 
The three adventive Heaths of Nantuck- 
et, Massachusetts, 10:173-179. 
Frederick William Batchelder, 14:41—45. 
Tillaea in Nantucket, 14:201-204. 
[Biographical sketch], 16: 153-160. 
Ownsey, Marion—(Hanes, C. R. and ——), 
Some observations on two ecological races 
of Allium tricoccum in Kalamazoo County, 
Michigan, 48:61. 
Oxalis,—a correction, 28:67. 
Oxalis americana, The validity of, 20:76. 

INDEX ro VoLUMEs 1—50 

Oxalis corniculata and its relatives in North 
America, 27:113, 133. 

Oxalis montana, 22:143. 

Oxalis montana forma rhodantha, New sta- 
tion of, 39:231. 

Oxalis stricta L., Abnormal flower structure 
in, 19:41. 

Oxalis stricta var. viridiflora, Note on, 11:118. 

Oxypolis Canbyi (Coult. & Rose) comb. nov., 

Oxypolis filiformis, The Virginian record of, 

Oxytrope of the Minnesota-Ontario border, 
A new, 45:1. 

Oxytropis and Saxifraga, Bibliographie note 
upon Gray's Revision of North American, 

Oxytropis campestris in northeastern America, 

Oxytropis from the Gaspé coast, A new, 30: 

Oxytropis in northeastern America, The ge- 
nus, 30:137. 

Ozark region in Missouri, Some features of 
the flora of the, 36:214. 

Ozarks, Delphinium newtonianum, a new spe- 
cies from the Arkansas, 41:193. 

Ozarks of Arkansas, A new Amsonia from the, 
45 :328. 

Ozarks of southeastern Missouri, Draba aprica 
in the, 42:32. 

Pacific coast, The Eelgrass situation on the 
American, 41:257. 

Pacific, Ligusticum scothicum of the North 
Atlantic and of the North, 32:7. 

Pacific Northwest, Postglacial forest succes- 
sion, climate and chronology in the, [Re- 
view], 49:227. 

Pacific States, Abrams’s Illustrated Flora of 
the, [Review], 46:282. 


A method of obtaining Bayberry wax, 1: 

Palafoxia in Texas, The genus, 48:84. 

Palmer and Steyermark's Annotated Cata- 
logue of Flowering Plants of Missouri, 
Validation of combinations in, 40:131. 


and ANDERSON, E.), Uvularia per- 

foliata in Louisiana, 37:58—59. 

Brauneria atrorubens and B. paradoxa, 
38 :197-199. 

Some woody plants of Rhode Island, 41: 

Panicum recognitum in Rhode Island, 44: 

PALMER, SAMUEL C.—Convolvulus Wallichi- 
anus at Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, 47:332. 


Prickly Lettuce, 20:180—181. 

Panicum, A northeastern variety of, 22:153. 

Panicum albemarlense in Connecticut, 22:182. 

Panicum amarulum Hitche. & Chase, A tera- 
tological specimen of, 17:72. 

Panicum barbulatum in Massachusetts, 1:76. 


Panicum calliphyllum Ashe, Another station 
for, 33:131. 

rios calliphyllum Ashe, Two records of, 

erri $ Capillaria in New England, 21: 

Panieum Clutei compared with that of Gray's 
Manual, Recent treatment of, 13:00. 

Panicum compared with that of Gray's Man- 
ual, The recent treatment of, 13:66. 

Panicum Commonsianum in Connecticut, 

Panicum dichotomiflorum var. puritanorum in 
New Hampshire, 35:08. 

Panicum ensifolium and allies in southeastern 
Virginia, 39:387. 

Panicum longifolium in Massachusetts, 30: 
190; —A second station for, 31:39. 

E longifolium in New Hampshire, 37: 

Panicum muricatum, Michaux's, 17:105. 

Panicum occurring in or near Rhode Island, 
Notes on certain species of, 30:229. 

Panicum philadelphicum, Panicum Tucker- 
mani, a variety of, 41:86. 

Panicum, Realignments in the genus, 36:61. 

Panicum recognitum in Rhode Island, 44:227. 

Panicum, The New England species of the 
genus, 3:93. 

Panicum, The North American species of, 
[Review], 12:218. 

Panicum Tuckermani, a variety of Panicum 
philadelphicum, 41:86. 

Panicum, Type of the genus, 13:173. 

Panicum unreported in New England, A, 15: 

Panicum virgatum, Some varieties of, 24:11. 

Panicum virgatum var. cubense in Michigan, 

Panicum virgatum var. cubense Griseb. (or 
var. obtusum Wood) in Plymouth County, 
Massachusetts, 34:149. 

Panicum Wrightianum on Long Island, 16: 

Panicums in Connecticut, Noteworthy, 3:145. 

Panicums of Essex County, Massachusetts, 
Further notes on, 15:36. 

Panicums of Essex County, Massachusetts, 
Some, 14:36 : 

Paracedroxylon, a new type of Araucarian 
wood, 11:165. 

Parietaria debilis in New Hampshire, 2:158. 

ParisH, S. B—The vegetation of Plymouth 
three hundred years ago, 3:17. 

Parker, CHARLES S.—Lathyrus Nissolia, a 
recent introduction in the State of Wash- 
ington, 23:246. 


The staminate plant of Antennaria Par- 
linii, 1:156. 
[Herbarium of], 3:259. 

Some casual elements in the flora of west- 
ern Maine, 6:81-84. : 
A new station for Nyssa sylvatica in 

Maine, 6:164. 


Further notes on Arabis laevigata and 
Asplenium Trichomanes in Maine, 7: 

Some Maine addenda, 10:146. 
Waldsteinia in Maine, 24:124. 
Selaginella apoda in Maine, 25:188. 
Lythrum alatum in Maine, 48:40. 
[Obituary], 50:130—131. 

Parnassia palustris, American, 39:310. 

Paronychia § Anychia, Notes on, 38:416. 

Paronychia argyrocoma and its New England 
representative, 8:101. 

Paronychia argyrocoma var. albimontana at 
Newburyport, Massachusetts, Rediscovery 
of, 47:90 

Paronychia in central and western Texas, 46: 

Parthenium auriculatum in Burke County, 
North Carolina, 28:208. 

Paspalum in eastern Connecticut, 16:136. 

Paspalum in New England, A note on the ge- 
nus, 30:133. 

Paspalum psammophilum, New stations for, 

Paspalum, Some transfers in Digitaria and, 

Pasture-Thistles, east and west, The, 12:211. 

Peabody Academy of Science, Herbarium of, 

PEABODY, Francis Howanp—[Notice of death], 


Prasopy, RvuTH—Antennaria plantaginifolia 
with rosy involucres, 36:376. 

Peaks of Otter, A new Clematis from the, 49: 


Hieracium praealtum at Andover, Massa- 
chusetts, 4:197. 

Two new stations for Arceuthobium, 4: 

Erodium malacoides at Lawrence, Massa- 
chusetts, 5:39. 

The genus Trisetum in Andover, Massa- 
chusetts, 5:289—290. 

Preliminary lists of New England plants, 
—XV, 6:85-88. 

Notes on the accentuation of certain gen- 
eric names, 7:157—161. 

(—— and Moor, A. H.), Peculiarities of 
Botrychium lanceolatum in America, 8: 

(—— and Moors, A. H.), An alpine vari- 
ety of Houstonia caerulea, 9:209-210. 
Preliminary lists of New England plants, 

—XV. Addenda, 10:36. 

Four introduced plants at Cambridge, 
Massachusetts, 10:167. 

Certain railroad weeds of northern New 
Hampshire, 11:30. 

A Juncus new to New England, 11:31. 

Cryptogramma Stelleri in New Hamp- 
shire, 11:64. 

(—— and Moonz, A. H.), Agropyron cani- 
num and its North American allies, 12: 


Helianthus subrhomboideus in New 
Hampshire, 13:103. 

A form of Potentilla tridentata, 16:194— 

A northern Solidago in the White Moun- 
tains, 17:72. 

Arenaria stricta in the White Mountains, 
17 : 232-233. 

Is Aster tardiflorus a hybrid? 19:88-90. 

Taraxacum ceratophorum in New Eng- 
land, 19:111-112. 

Nuttall and Pickering in the White Moun- 
tains, 20:39. 

Gray Pine and Arbor-Vitae, 23:247-249. 

Eleocharis tuberculosa in New Hamp- 
shire, 26:37-38. 

[Vascular Flora of Coos County, New 
Hampshire], Review of, 27:52. 

(CuvuncuiLL, J. R., Deane, W., Griaa, F. 
W., Knowtton, C. H., ——, SANFORD, 
S. N. F. and Sir, L. B.), Reports on 
the flora of Massachusetts, —I, 30:12- 

Plants new to Coos County, New Hamp- 
shire, 30:104—105. 

A day in Gaspé, 31:54-56. 

Botanical notes from northern Vermont, 

A Carex new to New England, 32:258. 

Panicum longifolium in New Hampshire, 
37 :267. 

Polygonum puritanorum in Maine, 45: 

Cirsium Flodmani in New Hampshire, 
46 :87-88. 

Prase, C. E—Collecting seaweeds in the 
Tropics, 3:90—91. 


An interesting habitat, 23:69-71. 

The Atlantic Coastal Plain element in 
the flora of the Great Lakes, 24:57-70, 
80-88, 5 figs. 

[Cargoes and Harvests], Review of, 29: 

PrATTIE, RopERICK—( . editor) ['The Great 
Smokies and the Blue Ridge], Review of, 
46 :157—158. 

Peck, M. E. 

Three interesting new plants from Wal- 
lowa County, Oregon, 36 :266—268. 

James C. Nelson, 47:65-68 (with por- 

Peck Testimonial Exhibit, Installation of the, 

Pedicularis labradorica, 33:193. 

PrEBLEs, R. H.—(Kearney, T. H. and ), 
[Flowering Plants and Ferns of Arizona], 
Review of, 45:26-27. 

PxincE, Many F.— Note on Weigela rosea, 10: 

PETERSEN, A. K — (BnarNEnp, E. and ——), 
[The Blackberries of New England], Re- 
view of, 22:185-191. 

Peltandra, A Virginian, 50:50. 

Peltandra Rafinesque, Notes on, 12:47. 


Peltandra virginica and Conopholis americana 
in Maine, New stations for, 4:168. 
Peltandra virginica, The forms of, 14:102. 
Pemigewasset Valley, Some Orchids of the 
Upper, 1:199. 
An account of certain noteworthy fea- 
i in the habitat of Rhodora, 11:173- 
[Biographical sketch], 13:1-4. 
[A correction regarding], 13:56. 
Penikese, The flora of, —Fifty years after, 26: 
181, 211, 222; —Seventy-four years after, 
50:253, 285. 
Penikese Island, The David Starr Jordan Al- 
gae from, 35:147. 
Penikese Lichens of the 1924 survey, 35:149. 
Penium, New England species of, 9:227. 
PENLAND, C. WiLLIAM—Notes on North Amer- 
ican Scutellarias, 26:61—79, pls. 140, 141. 
(Contrib. Gray Herb. no. LXXI). 
PENNELL, Francis W. 
A plea for Aureolaria, 20:133-137. 
The flower of Agalinis—a correction, 20: 
Veronica in North and South America, 
23 :1-22, 29-41. 
Some belated corrections to my revision 
of Veronica in America, 34:149-151. 
On the typification of Linnean species as 
illustrated by Polygala verticillata, 41: 
Pennsylvania, A dangerous weedy Polygonum 
in, 50:64. 
Pennslyvania, A Flora of northeastern, [Re- 
view], 21:172. 
Pennsylvania, Antennaria canadensis in, 17: 

Pennsylvania, Arthraxon hispidus var. crypta- 
therus (Hack.) Honda in, 39:100. 

Pennsylvania, Carex gynocrates in, 19:110. 

Pennsylvania, Convolvulus Wallichianus at 
Swarthmore, 47:332. 

Pennsylvania, Discovery of Trisetum spica- 
tum in, 21:128. 

Pennsylvania, Galium labradoricum in, 14: 

Pennsylvania, Notes on plants of central, 47: 

Pennsylvania, Plants of central, 41:28. 

Pennsylvania, Range of Carex novae-angliae 
extended into, 19:96. 

Pennsylvania, Some rare introductions near 
Harrisburg, 32:28. 

Pennsylvania stations of Arceuthobium pusil- 
lum, The, 33:191. 

Pennsylvania, Stipa spartea found in, 29:253. 

Pennsylvania, The so-called Keeled Garlic of 
eastern, 46:59. 

Pennsylvanicus? Pensylvanicus or, 43:94. 

Penobscot Bay region, A flora of the, [Re- 
view], 22:91. 

Penobscot Bay region, Maine, Notes on the 
flora of the, 16:189. 

Penobscot County, Maine, Sisyrinchium mu- 
cronatum in, 37:75. 


Penobscot Valley, A handsome Willow of the, 
Penobscot Valley, Some noteworthy plants 
of the, 8:65. 
Penobscot Valley, The “King-devil Weed” in 
the, 4:61. 
Penobscot Valley, Viola novae-angliae in the, 
Penstemon gracilis in Indiana, 49:256. 
Penstemon gracilis Nutt., var. wisconsinensis 
(Pennell) n. comb., 49:293. 
"Pensylvanica" again, The spelling, 43:556. 
Pensylvanicus or pennsylvanicus? 42:94. 
“Pensylvanicus,” The orthography of, 43:220. 
Pentstemon laevigatus, a misnomer, 44:485. 
Perezia adventive in Massachusetts, A new, 
Perezia aletes, an Argentinian species, 47:47. 
Pericome, A new species of, 39:209. 
Peridermium pyriforme and its probable alter- 
nate host, 9:194. 
Notes on some rare plants of York 
County, Maine, 37:415—416. 
Some noteworthy plants of York County, 
Maine, 38:452—453. 
Echinodorus tenellus, a correction, 40:27. 
Notes on some Maine plants, 40 :462—464. 
[Herbarium of], 3:286. 
(Unperwoop, J. G., — and GRIFFIN, 
D. L.), Vermont Botanical Club, Sum- 
mer meeting, 14:162. 
PERKINS, LLEWELLYN R.—Viola pallens with 
pure white petals, 11:164. 
Perry, Liu y M. 
Concerning a Californian Convolvulus, 
The vascular flora of St. Paul Island, 
Nova Scotia, 33:105-126. (Contrib. 
Gray Herb. no. XCIV). 
Evolvulus pilosus, an invalid name, 37: 

Verbena prostrata, an invalid name, 38: 
Variants in two species of Delphinium, 
39 : 20-22. 
Notes on Silphium, 39:281-297. (Contrib. 
Gray Herb. no. CXVIII). 
Gonolobus within the Gray’s 
range, 40:281—287, pl. 494. 
Gray Herb. no. CXXII). 
Persicarias, The American amphibious, 27:125, 
146, 156. 
Petalostemum occidentale (Gray) comb. nov., 
Petalostemum oreophilum, a species of Dalea, 
Peziza rapulum, Note on, 2:106. 
Prarr, F.—Ivy poisoning and its treatment, 
Phacelia hirsuta, 'The plants passing as, 46:51. 
Phanerotaenia, a new genus of Umbelliferae, 
Phaseolus perennis in New England, Redis- 
covery of, 4:13. 



Phaseolus perennis, À new station for, 5:291. 
Phaseolus polystachios to other species, The 
probable relationship of, 45:169. 
An hour in a Connecticut swamp, 5:196- 
Noteworthy plants of Salisbury, Connecti- 
cut, 9:74-75. 
Viola Selkirkii in Connecticut, 15:225. 
Unusual plants found in Salisbury, Con- 
necticut, 16:96. 
Ranunculus Boreanus in eastern New 
York, 21:208. 
Philadelphia, Eragrostis peregrina a frequent 
plant about, 20:173. 
Philadelphia, Muscari comosum, a new intro- 
duction found in, 24:16. 
Philadelphus combinations, Two, 17:121. 
Philadelphus platyphyllus Rydb., Concerning, 
Philotria, Further notes on, 21:218. 
Phlox divaricata in Vermont, 15:79. 
Phlox nivalis, Remarks on the name, 43:71. 
Phlox pilosa in Connecticut, 1:76. 
Phragmites communis in western Washington 
and Oregon, The occurrence of, 33:170. 
Phragmites communis Trin., var. Berlandieri 
(Fournier) comb. nov., 34:211. 
Phragmites communis versus P. maximus, 43: 
Phragmites maximus, Phragmites communis 
versus, 43:280. 
Phragmites, The generic name, 24:55. 
Phycological nomenclature, A note on, 40:27. 
Phycological notes of the late Isaac Holden, 
—I, 7:168; —II, 7:222. 
Phycotheca Boreali-Americana, New species, 
etc., issued in the, 8:104. 
Phyllanthus brasiliensis, The synonymy of, 
36 :268. 
Phyllary, Note on the term, 45:502. 
Phymosia remota, 34:142; —in captivity, 34: 
Physaria, The Cruciferous genus, 41:392. 
Phytogeographic Survey of North America, 
Harshberger’s, [Review], 13:213. 
Phytologia, [Notice], 37:162. 
Phytophylacium, The so-called generic names 
of Ehrhart’s, 22:180. 
Picea canadensis from Missouri, A pre-Kansan 
record of, 37:16. 
Picea glauca forma parva, 34:187. 
Picea rubens Sarg., forma virgata (Rehder) 
comb. nov., 34:211. 
Pickering in the White Mountains, Nuttall 
and, 20:39. 
Pierce, Jonn H.—Range extensions of certain 
plants on the Gaspé Peninsula, 38:273-275. 
Prerce, Mary EuiaBETH—Pinellia ternata in 
Brooklyn, New York, 44:16-18, 1 fig. 
Pignut in New England, Hairy variety of 
Sweet, 47:46. 
Pilea in eastern North America, 38:169. 
Pilinia, The genus, 10:122. 
Pine, Arbor-Vitae and Gray, 23:247. 
Pine Barrens, A flora of the New Jersey, [Re- 
view], 14:94. 


Pine Barrens, Sagittaria Edwardsiana, a nev 
species from the New Jersey, 39:29. 

Pine, Dwarf Mistletoe on White, 37:268. 

Pine in Middle Tennessee, The White, 27:27 

Pinellia ternata in Brooklyn, New York, 46 

Pines in northern New York, An uncommot 
association of, 30:129. 

Pinus Banksiana and Thuja occidentalis 
Lithological factors limiting the ranges of 

Pinus Banksiana in New York, Western ex 
tension of the range of, 40:241. 

Pinus Banksiana on Mt. Desert Island, 1:135 

Pinus Banksiana on Nantucket, 16:184; 18 

Pinus palustris, The confused bases of th 
name, 50:241. 

Pinus jesinosa in Norwood, Massachusetts 

Pinus rigida for Coos County, New Hamp 
shire, A fourth, 12:99. 

Pinus rigida in Virginia, A globose form o 
Pitch Pine, 42:308. 

Pinus rigida to physiographic features anc 
soil types in Central Massachusetts, The re 
lation of, 40:72. 

Pinus Strobus L., forma prostrata (Mast. 
comb. nov., 34:168. 

Pinus Strobus, Stump-healing in, 13:253. 

Pipewort from New Jersey, A hitherto un 
described, 5:175. 

Pitch Pine (Pinus rigida) in Virginia, A glo 
bose form of, 42:308. 

Fitgrograrmm triangularis, Varieties of, 22 


PrapEcK, Muitprep—Notes on Virginia an 
Maryland plants, 36:407—408. 

Plant collecting, The use of alcohol in, 49:20; 

Plant collecting, The use of Formaldehyd 
in, 49:54. 

Plant disease, The Fungi which cause, [Re 
view], 16:79. 

Plant Distribution, Continental Drift anc 
[Review], 46:249. 

Plant distribution, Report of the Committe 
on, —Eighth, 38:263; —Ninth, 48:17. 

Plant-names of the Madawaska Acadians 
Some, 1:166. 

Plant societies at Roque Bluffs, Maine, Plant 
and, 17:145. 

Plant taxonomy, Some historical aspects o 

Plantago altissima in Massachusetts, 36:38! 

Plantago arenaria W. & K. at Portland 
Maine, 33:171. 

Plantago elongata in Massachusetts, 6:211 
in New England, 2:156; in Rhode Islanc 

Plantago lanceolata, Inheritance of sex form 
in, 15:173; On gynodioecism in, 13:199. 

Plantago virginica in Maine, 41:559. 

E of North America, The maritim 

Platymonas subcordiformis (Wille) Hazel 
23 :249. 


Pleurogyne, Lomatogonium the correct name 
for, 21:193. 

Pleurotaenium, A synopsis of the New Eng- 
land species of, 9:101. 

Puirt, CHARLES C. 

Notes on Monotropsis odorata, 11:153- 

Two abnormalities of Podophyllum pel- 
tatum, 33:228-229, 1 fig. 

Pluchea camphorata, The identity of, 41:459. 

Pluchea purpurascens (Sw.) DC., var. succu- 
lenta, var. nov., 44:227. 

Pluteolus, A beautiful, 5:197. 

Plymouth County, Massachusetts, Panicum 
virgatum var. cubense Griseb. (or var. ob- 
tusum Wood) in, 34:149. 

Plymouth, Massachusetts, Mibora minima 
(L.) Desv. at, 17:97; Three plants of, 28: 
88; Utricularia subulata in, 30:35. 

Plymouth, New Hampshire, An annotated list 
of rare or otherwise interesting Mosses oc- 
curring in or near, 1:53. 

Plymouth three hundred years ago, The vege- 
tation of, 3:17. 

Poa annua, Aquatic varieties of, 43:630. 

Poa PR in America, The occurrence of, 

Poa from eastern North America, Some new 
species and varieties of, 20:122. 

Poa in Cook County, Minnesota, The genus, 

Poa labradorica, A note on, 31:78 

Poa, Nematode infection in, 44:246. 

Pocono Plateau, Flora of the, 1:182. 
Podophyllum peltatum, A red-fruited form 
of, 50:18; Two abnormalities of, 33:228. 
Podostemon ceratophyllus in Vermont, Re- 

discovery of, 9:220. 

Podostemum, Hippuris and Hottonia in New 
Hampshire, 50:209. 

Pogonatum capillare on Mt. Greylock, 4:83. 

Pogonia affinis, A new station for, 23:195; in 
Maine, 28:31; in the vicinity of Wolfeboro, 
New Hampshire, 31:242; in Vermont, 4:216. 

Pogonia (Isotria) verticillata, Observations 
upon, 8:19. 

Pogonia pendula in Maine, 2:211. 

Pogonia pendula, The elusive character of, 

Pogonia trianthophora in Holderness, New 
Hampshire, 12:206. 

Pogonia trianthophora, Notes on, 22:53. 

Pogonia verticillata, Anomalous flowers of, 
18:252; Remarks upon Mr. House’s paper 
on, 8:100. 

Pogotrichum filiforme, On, 40:26. 

Poisoning, A case of Boletus, 1:21. 

Poisoning and its treatment, Ivy, 4:43. 

Poisoning by Agaricus illudens, 1:43. 

Poisoning by Cypripedium spectabile in Ver- 
mont, Some cases of. 4:94. 

Polemonium in Minnesota, A variety of a 
western, 49:118. 

Pollination of Kalmia angustifolia, The, 36:25. 

Pollination of Rhodora, The, 34:213. 


Pollination of the Ericaceae, Chamaedaphne 
and Xolisma, 37:157; —IV. Ledum and Py- 
rola, 38:90; —V. Gaylussacia baccata, 42: 
352; —VI. Vaccinium caespitosum on Mt. 
Katahdin, 44:187. 

Pollination of Vaccinium pennsylvanicum, 

Pollination of Verbena hastata, 41:184. 

Pollinization of Habenaria obtusata, The, 32: 

Pollution of water-supplies by Algae, The, 1: 
Potunin, NICHOLAS 
A botanical scrapbook, 38:409-413. 
Notes on some plants collected in the 
Canadian Eastern Arctic by Dr. Potter 
in 1937, 41:37-42. 
[Botany of Canadian Eastern Arctic], Re- 
view of, 42:417-418. 
Polyctenium, Smelowskia and, 40:294. 
Polygala, A violet-flowered form of the 
Fringed, 1:173. 
Polygala paucifolia Willd., forma vestita, n. 
f., 22:32. 
Polygala polygama, A new form of, 17:201. 
Polygala polygama var. abortiva merely an 
autumnal state, 2:242. 
Polygala verticillata, On the typification of 
Linnean species as illustrated by, 41:378. 
Polygala vulgaris new to the North American 
flora, 44:9. 

Polygonatum, An additional note on the 
branching tendency in, 36:59. 

Polygonatum biflorum and P. canaliculatum, 
Specific distinctions between, 46:9. 

Polygonatum canaliculatum, Specific distinc- 
tions between Polygonatum biflorum and, 

Polygonatum pubescens, Branching, 35:403. 

Polygonella articulata (L.) Meisn., forma 
atrorubens, n. f., 31:106. 

Polygonum amphibium, Adaptation in, 27: 
Polygonum amphibium, Biological relations 
of Polygonum Hartwrightii to, 4:104. 
Polygonum caespitosum var. longisetum in 
the United States, 34:146. 

Polygonoum cilinode, The West Virginian 
variety of, 16:165. 

Polygonum cuspidatum Sieb. & Zucc., The 
case for, 32:223. 

Polygonum from southeastern Massachusetts, 
A new, 21:140. 

Polygonum exsertum in Massachusetts, 7: 

Polygonum from Nova Scotia, A new mari- 
time, 16:187. 

Polygonum from Washington, A new variety 
of, 40:359. 

Polygonum Hartwrightii to Polygonum am- 
phibium, Biological relation of, 4:104. 

Polygonum Hydropiper in Europe and North 
America, 29:77. 

Polygonum hydropiperoides and P. opelousa- 
num, 28:11, 22. 


Polygonum in Pennsylvania, A dangerous 
weedy, 50:64. 

Polygonum Kelloggii and its allies, 40:309. 

Polygonum maritimum, Some North Amer- 
ican relatives of, 15:68. 

Polygonum, Nomenclatural transfers in, 48:49. 

Polygonum opelousanum, Polygonum hydro- 
piperoides and, 28:11, 22. 

es pensylvanicum and related species, 

Polygonum pensylvanicum, The variations of, 

Polygonum, Possibilities of hybridism as a 
cause of variation in, 27:81. 

Polygonum puritanorum in Maine, 45:215. 

Polygonum setaceum, The geographic varieties 
of, 40:414. 

Polygonum, subgenus Persicaria, The amphib- 
ious group of, 27:109, 125, 146, 156. 

Polygonum, subgenus Persicaria, The inflor- 
escence and flower-form in, 27:41. 

Polygonums from New England, Two new, 

Polygonums new to North America, Some, 

Polygonums of the section Avicularia, The 
New England, 5:65. 

Polymnia canadensis in Vermont, 2:70. 

Polymnia Uvedalia and its varieties, 19:46. 

Polypodium virginianum and P. vulgare, 24: 

Polypodium vulgare, 
num and, 24:125. 
Polypodium vulgare var. cambricum, A new 

station for, 4:197. 
Polyporus pergamenus, A peculiar state of, 

Polypodium virginia- 

Polysiphonia fibrillosa in New England, On, 

Polystichum Braunii, The eastern American 
variety of, 30:28. 

Polystichum mohrioides and some other sub- 
antartic or Andean plants in the Northern 
Hemisphere, 26:89. 

Polytrichum gracile Dicks. in Maine, 9:64. 

Pond flora of Cape Cod, The, 14:25. 

Pondweed from Tennessee, A new, 38:165. 

Pontederia versus Unisema, 27:76. 

Poorer, James P.—Oedogonium Reinschii Roy 
sec. Hirn., 30:193-194, 2 figs. 

Populus angulata, Populus virginiana and, 13: 

Populus balsamifera of Linnaeus not a nomen 
ambiguum, 48:103. 

Populus, Two new names in, 50:233. 

Populus $ Turanga, A necessary transfer in, 
47 :362. 

Populus virginiana and P. angulata, 13:12. 

Populus virginiana Fouger., 13:195. 

Poria fatiscens, Note on, 25: 163. 

Ponsirp, A. E. 

Notes on the occurrence of Zostera and 
Zannichellia in arctic North America, 

Silene Menziesii and allies in Western 
Canada, 40:212-215. 


Contributions to the flora of Alaska, 41: 
141-183, 199-254, 262-301, pls. 551—554. 

The so-called Woodsia alpina in North 
America, 47:145-148. 

Ponsi, Morten P.—On the ''papillose" 
achenes in the genus Antennaria, 33:213- 
222, 4 figs. 


Flora of the Pocono Plateau, 1:182-185. 

[Biographical sketch], 3:191—193. 

[Flora of Pennsylvania], Review of, 6: 

Portland, Maine, Plantago arenaria W. & K. 
at, 33:171. 

Portland Society of Natural History, Her- 
barium of, 3:260. 

Postglacial Forest Succession, Climate and 
Chronology in the Pacific Northwest, [Re- 
view], 49:227. 

Postglacial history of vegetation in northwest- 
ern Wisconsin, The, 40:137. 

Post-Pleistocene age in Essex County, Massa- 
chusetts, A southern flora and fauna of, 

Post-Pleistocene marine connection between 
Hudson Bay and the St. Lawrence basins, 
Botanical evidence of a, 34:69, 101. 

Post-Pleistocene marine submergence in east- 
ern North America, Effects of, 29:41, 57, 
87, 105. 

Post-Pleistocene range of Butternut and Hick- 
ory in Wisconsin, Fossil evidence of wider, 
44:409; — A note on, 45:107; — A reply, 

PONE nons record of Fraxinus nigra, A, 

Potamogeton alpinus and P. microstachys, 

Potamogeton and Spiraea, Some varieties of, 

Potamogeton bicupulatus in Massachusetts, 

Potamogeton crispus L., Advance of, 15:171. 

Potamogeton filiformis, Further notes on, 20: 

Potamogeton, Further notes on, 20:191. 

Potamogeton Hillii in Berkshire County, 
Massachusetts, 42:95. 

Potamogeton lucens L., A correction concern- 
ing Sagittaria teres Watson and, 17:142. 
Potamogeton microstachys, Potamogeton al- 

pinus and, 32:76. 

Potamogeton, New range-records for linear- 
leaved species of, 44:406. 

Potamogeton of North America north of 
Mexico, The broad-leaved species of, 45:57, 
119, 171. 

Potamogeton of the section Coleophylli, A 
revision of the North American species of, 

Potamogeton panormitanus ‘in the Sudbury 
River, 36:312. 

Potamogeton spathaeformis, a probable hy- 
brid in Mystic Pond, 8:224. 

Potamogeton Spirillus may grow as an an- 
nual, 45:329. 


Potamogeton tennesseensis new to the Manual 
range, 49:255. 

Potamogeton tenuifolius Raf., 33:209. 

Potentilla Anserina in eastern America, The 
representatives of, 11:1. 

Potentilla canadensis and P. simplex, 33:180. 

Potentilla gracilis Dougl., var. pulcherrima 
(Lehm.) comb. nov., 42:213. 

Potentilla intermedia in the Boston district, 

ELS palustris, The American variations 
of, 16:5. 

Potentilla pumila, A color form of, 11:152. 

Potentilla simplex, Potentilla canadensis and, 
33 :180. 

Potentilla tridentata, A color variation in, 33: 

Potentilla tridentata, A form of, 16:194, 195. 

Potentilla tridentata, A southern outpost for, 

Potentilla tridentata f. aurora in the White 
Mountains, 34:12. 

Potentilla tridentata, A new station for, 1:90. 

Porter, Davip 

Botanical evidence of a post-Pleistocene 
marine connection between Hudson 
Bay and the St. Lawrence Basin, 34: 
69-89, 101-112, 11 maps. (Contrib. 
Gray Herb. no. XCIX). 

(CuuRcHILL, J. R., Gooparg, A. S., Goop- 
win, R. H., GRIGG, F.W, HARRIS, S.K, 
——, Rosssacu, G. B., SANFORD, S. N.F. 
and SwrrH, L. B.), Reports on the flora 
of Massachusetts, —II, 35:351-359. 

Plants collected in the southern region of 
James Bay, 36:274—284. 

( and Woopwarp, N. P), Notes on 
the flora of Worcester County, Massa- 
chusetts, 37 :80—88. 

(—, Woopwarp, N. P., Prive, G. H. and 
HowaRD, F. H.), Notes on the flora of 
Worcester County, Massachusetts,—II, 

(GoobDALE, A. S., Griaa, F. W., GUSTAFSON, 
A. H., Harris, S. K., KNowLrTon, C. H., 
——, Sanrom, S. N. F., Seymour, F. C. 
and Smıra, L. B.), Reports on the flora 
of Massachusetts, —III, 44 :213-220. 

(Brean, R. C., Goopare, A. S., Griaa, F. W., 
HARRIS, S. 'K, KNOWLTON, C. H., -——,. 
SMITH, L. LH. Reports on the flora of 
Massachusetts, —IV, 49:257-271. 

[Notes on some plants collected in the 
Canadian Eastern Arctic by], 41:37-42. 

Pownal, Vermont, New or rare plants from, 

PnaEGER, RoBERT LLoyp—[The Botanist in Ire- 
land], Review of, 37:308. 

Prasiola stipitata Suhr., 18:90. 

Pnarr, MINOT 

[On the plants introduced by —— at 
Concord, Massachusetts], 1:168-172. 

[The status of two introductions by —— 
at Concord, Massachusetts: Campto- 
sorus rhizophyllus and Helenium au- 
tumnale], 34:172-173. 


Pratt, W. F.—(—— and LrrrLEriELD, E. W.), 
Western extension of the range of Pinus 
Banksiana in New York, 40:241—242. 

Prenanthes crepidinea in Western New York, 
38 :300. 

Preparation of botanical specimens, The use 
of DDT in the, 49:286. 

Preparing certain Gymnosperms for the her- 
barium, An improvement in the method of, 

PnEscorr, GERALD W.—Notes on the Desmid 
flora of New England, —I. The genus Eu- 
astrum in Massachusetts, 37:22-30, pl. 325; 
—II. Desmids from Cape Cod and the Eliza- 
beth Islands, 37:113—121, pls. 329, 330. 

Preservation of plant material in natural 
colors, 39:16. 

Preserving Indian Pipes without discolora- 
tion, 24:225. 

Pressing plants with double-faced corrugated 
paper boards, 20:153. 

Preston, Howarp WILLIS 

[Herbarium of], 3:261. 

Two editions of Torrey and Gray’s Flora 
of North America, 8:232-233. 

(CoruiNs, J. F. and ——), [Illustrated key 
to the wild and commonly cultivated 
trees of the northeastern United States 
and Canada based primarily upon leaf 
characters], Review of, 14:163. 

Pretz, Harotp W. 

Antennaria canadensis in Pennsylvania, 

Discovery of Trisetum spicatum in Penn- 
sylvania, 21:128—132. 

On Eragrostis peregrina and its relatives, 

Prickly Lettuce, 20:180; —Identity of, 7:9. 

Prive, G. H.—(Porrer, D. WooDWARD, N. P 
—— and Howanp, F. H. E Notes on the flora 
of Worcester County, Massachusetts,—II, 

Primrose in New England, A European, 22: 

Primrose, The white-flowered Bird's Eye, 21: 

Primula farinosa in northeastern America, The 
variations of, 9:15. 
Primula farinosa var. 
Maine coast, 9:217. 

Primula $ Farinosae in America, 30:59, 85. 

Primula from the Grand Canyon of the 
Colorado, A new, 36:117. 

Prince, ALTON E —Shortia galacifolia in its 
type locality, 49:159—161. 

Prince Edward Island, Some plants from, 4:31. 

Prince, Frances C.—Some plants of Inter- 
vale, New Hampshire, 4:61. 

Principles of Botany, [Review], 8:230. 


[Herbarium of], 3:261. 

[The —— and Frost herbaria at the Uni- 
versity of Vermont], 4:171-174. 

[Biographical sketch], 13:225-232 (with 

[Note on], 26:52. 

[A memorial volume to], 38:455. 

macropoda on the 


Prize Essay, [Notice], 14:116. 

Procror, Grorce B.—Some noteworthy Cats- 
kill plants, 49:53-54. 

Proserpinaca, Chromosomes of, 41:584. 

Proserpinaca palustris, An inland variety of, 
11:120; and its varieties, 37:177. 

Protection against Rhus-poisoning, Saleratus 
as a, 4:105. 

Protection of native plants, A society for the, 

Protection of our native flora, 'The, 4:139. 

Providence, The old-time flora of, 2:213. 

Provincetown, native or introduced? Elymus 
arenarius at, 15:218. 

Prunella vulgaris in North America, The in- 
digenous varieties of, 15:179. 

Prunus, An overlooked environmental factor 
for species of, 18:201. 

Prunus cuneata 1n southern New Jersey, Dis- 
covery of, 18:66. 

Prunus Padus in America, Naturalized occur- 
rence of, 25:169. 

Prunus virginiana forma leucocarpa in New 
Brunswick, 36:89. 

Prunus virginiana from Indiana and Illinois, 
A new form of, 45:354; the correct name 
of the Choke Cherry, 18:140. 

Psedera, The New England species of, 10:24. 

Pseudo-Elephantopus spicatus, a weed of po- 
tential importance in Florida, 50:280. 

Pseudotaenidia in Maryland, 26:23. 

Psoralea psoralioides, The variations of, 39: 

Ptelea mollis var. cryptoneura, a Wafer-Ash 
of the Georgia Sand-Hills, 13:80. 

Pteridium, A revision of the genus, 43:1, 37. 

Pteridophyta of Penikese, 26:219. 

Pteridophyte notes from eastern Massachu- 
setts, 13:101. 

Publications recently received, Notes on, [Re- 
views], 6:23, 61. 

Puccinellia in eastern North America, The 
genus, 18:1. 

Puccinellia, Some western species of, 18:181. 

Pursh’s Flora, A further note on the date of, 

Pursh's Flora Americae Septentrionalis, The 
date of publication of, 45:415. 

Pursh's report of Dryas from New Hampshire, 

Pylaiella fulvescens (Schousb.) Bornet, 35:63. 

Pyrola americana, Pyrola rotundifolia and, 

Pyrola asarifolia Michx., 
comb., 6:178. 

Pyrola chlorantha, The American varieties 
of, 22:49. 

Pyrola, Pollination of the Ericaceae: IV. Le- 
dum and, 38:90. 

Pyrola rotundifolia and P. americana, 22:121. 

Pyrola rotundifolia, The American represen- 
tatives of, 6:197. 

Pyrola, Transfers in, 43:167. 

Pyrus americana and P. Arsenii, Note on, 49: 

var. incarnata n. 


Pyrus Arsenii, Note on Pyrus americana and, 
49 :248. 

Pyrus, Minor transfers in, 49:229. 

Pyrus, New combination in, 45:28. 

Pythium gracile in the United States, Occur- 
rence of, 29:37. 

Quebec, A new Arabis from Rimouski County, 

Quebec, A new Geum from Vermont and, 8: 

Quebec, A new Willow from the Cóte Nord, 
Quebec, An illustrated flora of, [Review], 34: 

Quebec and New Hampshire, 
Rhinanthus of, 9:23. 

Quebec and Newfoundland, Some Senecios of 
eastern, 26:113. 

Quebec, Canada, Notes on the flora of the 
Matamek River district, North Shore, 34: 

The alpine 


Quebec, Chrysanthemum uliginosum Pers. ad- 
ventive in, 47:389. 

Quebec, Cornus racemosa in, 49:23. 

Quebec, Distributional notes on certain aqua- 
tic Utricularias in, 42:52. 

Quebec, Draba aurea in Rimouski County, 10: 

Quebec, Juncus compressus in the Province of, 

Quebec, Dynamic forces in the flora of, [Re- 
view], 32:11. 

Quebec, Lemna minor and Sparganium eury- 
carpum in Rimouski County, 10:95. 

Quebec, Lichens of the Gaspé Peninsula, 28: 
157, 205, 225. 

Quebec, Littorella americana in, 37:31. 

Quebec near Montreal, Notes on a collection 
zi Crataegus made in the Province of, 3: 


Quebec, Six additions to the adventitious flora 
of, 50:176. 

Quebec, Solidago calcicola in Matane County, 

Quebec, Some Cladonieae from the valley of 
the Cap Chat River and vicinity, Gaspé 
Peninsula, 32:91. 

Quebec, Sporobolus asper in, 47:272. 

Quebec stations for Scirpus Peckii, The, 45: 

Quebec, Stellaria glauca established in the 
Province of, 6:90. 

Quebec, The flora around Missisquoi Bay, 35: 

Quebec, Two more rare plants from Lake St. 
John, 4:128. 

Québec, Victorin's Les Equisétinées du, [Re- 
view], 30:79. 

Québec, Victorin's Les Gymnospermes du, 
[Review], 31:19. 

Québec, Victorin’s Les Spadiciflores du, [Re- 
view], 34:119. 

Quebec, Victorin's treatment of the Lycopo- 
diales of, [Review], 28:18. 

Quercus alba, Basal sprouts of, 44:391. 


Quercus ilicifolia, An exceptionally large, 30: 
19; A supposed hybrid between the Oak 
species Quercus rubra and, 36:239; Notes 
on hybrids of, 3:137. 

Quercus imbricaria Michx. in Massachusetts, 

Quercus laurifolia, The identity of, 48:137. 

Quercus macrocarpa var. depressa (Nutt.) 
Engelm., 35:295. 

Quercus prinoides Willd., var. rufescens, var. 
nov., 9:60. 

Quercus Prinus, Plurality of seeds in acorns 
of, 16:41. 

Quercus rubra and ilicifolia, A supposed hy- 
brid between the Oak species, 36:239. 

Quercus rubra once more, 41:521. 

Quercus’ Rudkini, at Arlington, Virginia, 
The hybrid Oak, 44:262. 

QuimBy, Maynard W. 

Lobelia Dortmanna in Aroostook County, 
Maine, 36:128—129. 

Extension of the range of Ranunculus 
Purshii, 40:248. 

Radicula, The generic name, 31:119. 

Rafinesque, Eukrania and Cynoxylon, not gen- 
era of, 34:29. 

Rafinesque, Some genera and species of, 34: 

Rafinesque types in the group of Acalypha 
virginica, 42:96. 

Rafinesque’s “Herbarium Rafinesquianum,” 
Some species in, 48:5. 

Rafinesque species of Sisyrinchium, Four of, 

Rafinesque's species of Tradescantia, Two of, 
46 :310. 

Ragged Orchis of Newfoundland, The, 28:21. 

Rainfall, Weed growth and unusual, 17:224. 

RarEgirgH, WALTER, Sir—[Two contemporary 
evaluations of the colonization by ——], 34: 

Ramalina Montagnaei De Not. on Long Is- 
land, 12:7. 


Pinus Banksiana on Mt. Desert Island, 


Subularia aquatica on Mt. Desert Island, 

Plants from the Duck Islands, Maine, 2: 

Note on Mt. Desert Island, 3:190. 

[Herbarium of], 3:261. 

Hemicarpha in eastern Massachusetts, 4: 

The staminate plant of Antennaria Par- 
linii, 4:152. 

Observations on Echinodorus parvulus, 5: 
83—85, pl. 45. 

Galinsoga in Maine, 5:258. 

Matricaria discoidea in New Hampshire, 

Arceuthobium pusillum at Mt. Desert, 9: 

Additions to the plants of Mount Desert 
Island, 10:145. 


[Obituary notice], 26:198—199. 
[Biographical sketch], 27:17-27. 
[Memorial to], 31:81. 

Rangeley region, Arceuthobium in the, 9:28. 

Ranunculaceae, An omission in the prelimi- 
nary list of New England, 21:104. 

Ranunculus abortivus and its eastern Ameri- 
can allies, 40:416. 

Ranunculus abortivus L., forma coptidifolius, 
forma nova, 44:408. 

Ranunculus abortivus var. eucyclus in Hyde 
Park, Massachusetts, 4:152. 

Ranunculus acris var. Steveni in New Eng- 
land, 1:227. 

Ranunculus § Batrachium, The North Ameri- 
can representatives of, 38:1. 

Ranunculus Boraeanus in eastern New York, 

Ranunculus bulbosus, Our varieties of, 42: 

Ranunculus Cymbalaria, The variations of, 

Ranuneulus Flammula and R. reptans in 
North America, 19:135. 

Ranunculus from Missouri and a Heterotheca 
from Texas, Two new varieties of early 
Spring plants, a, 30:200. 

Ranunculus from northeastern America, A 
new, 7:219. 

Ranunculus hispidus, The northern variety of, 

Ranunculus lapponieus in Aroostook County, 
Maine, 41:461. 

Ranunculus, Memoranda on, 38:171. 

Ranunculus neglectus (Greene) comb. nov., 

Ranunculus, New or critical species or varie- 
ties of, 19:135. 

Ranunculus ovalis, Ranunculus rhomboideus 
versus, 38:175. 

Ranunculus pensylvanicus, Two Asiatic allies 
of, 18:189. 

Ranunculus Purshii, Extension of the range 
of, 40:248. 

Ranunculus Purshii in Iowa, 22:183. 

Ranunculus recurvatus, Two variants of, 31: 

Ranunculus repens, The variations of, 21:169. 

Ranunculus reptans in North America, Ran- 
unculus Flammula and, 19:135. 

Ranunculus rhomboideus versus R. ovalis, 38: 

Rapistrum in northern North America, 42: 

Raspberry, A new albino, 22:112. 

Raspberry, A pubescent variety of the Dwarf, 

Raspberry, The yellow-fruited variety of the 
Black, 7:143. 

Rattlesnake-Plantains of New England, The, 

Ravup, Hvau M. 

The pollinization of Habenaria obtusata, 
32:88-89, 1 fig. 

A new species of Salix from the Macken- 
zie Basin, 32:111-112, pl. 202. 

384 \ 

The distribution and affinities of the veg- 
etation of the Athabasca-Great Slave 
Lake region, 32:187-208. 

The formation of peat ridges on the 
shores of muskeg lakes in northern Al- 
berta, 33:18—23, 2 figs. 

'The genus Geum in the Athabasca-Great 
Slave Lake region, 33:172-176, 2 figs. 

Salix glauca L. and its allies in the Atha- 
basca-Great Slave Lake region, 33:241- 
244, pl. 218. 

A new species of Euphrasia from north- 
western Canada, 36:87-88, pl. 278. 

Vascular Plants of Eastern Arctic Canada, 
[Review], 42:417-418. 

An old forest in Stonington, Connecticut, 

Postglacial Forest Succession, Climate 
and Chronology in the Pacifie North- 
west, [Review], 49:227—229. 


Littorella americana in Quebec, 37:31. 

( and KUCYNIAK, J.), Cornus race- 
mosa in Quebec, 49:23-24. 

A red-fruited form of Podophyllum pelta- 
tum, 50:18. 

( and Kucyniak, J.), Six additions 
to the adventitious flora of Quebec, 50: 

Red Algae, Causes of variation in color in 
some, 9:90. 

Red Azalea of the Cumberlands, The, 43:31. 

in Baneberry, An experiment with the fruit 
of, 5:77. 

Red Cedar from Indiana, A new form of, 31: 

Red Cedar in eastern Massachusetts, The dis- 
tribution of, 49:172. 

Red Oak, The name of the, 18:45. 

Reeve, R. M.—The spores of the genus Sela- 
ginella in North-Central and Northeastern 
United States, 37 :342—345, pls. 380, 381. 

Reforestation at Woods Hole, Massachusetts 
—a study in succession, 7:121. 


Notes on hybrids of Quercus ilicifolia, 3: 
137-140, pl. 24. 

The pseudo-monoclinism of Chionan- 
thus virginica, 6:18—20, 4 figs. 

Preliminary lists of New England plants, 
—XIV, 6:54-61. 

Quercus prinoides Willd., var. rufescens, 
n. var., 9:60. 

Some new or little known forms of New 
England trees, 9:109-117. 

The New England species of Psedera, 10: 

Note on the morphology of the fruit of 
Lonicera caerulea, 11:209-211. 

Note on the forms of Kalmia latifolia, 12: 

A new hybrid Cornus (Cornus rugosa X 
stolonifera), 12:121—124. 

Lonicera prolifera and L. flavida, 12:166— 


Rhododendron carolinianum, a new Rho- 
dodendron from North Carolina, 14: 

The name of the Hemlock Spruce, 17: 

[Manual of Cultivated Trees and Shrubs], 
Review of, 29:48-51. 

Apios americana Med., 36:88-89. 

[Manual of Cultivated Trees and Shrubs], 
Review of, 42:502. 

Abies procera, a new name for A. nobilis 
Lindl., 42:522—524. 


The flora of the Great Swamp of Rhode 
Island, 9:117-122. 

Scirpus hudsonianus in Rhode Island, 10: 

Notes on Botrychium from Tennessee, 

Rhadinocladia, a new genus of Brown Algae, 

Rhadinocladia, Further notes on, 3:218. 

Rhamnus carolinana, A new variety of, 12:79. 

Rhamnus Frangula and Sporobolus asperi- 
folius, Range extensions of, 14:227. 

Rhexia in northeastern America, 37:169. 

Rhexias, The Missouri, 13:160. 

Rhinanthus Crista-galli an introduced plant? 
Is, 9:26. 

Rhinanthus of Quebec and New Hampshire, 
The alpine, 9:23. 

Rhizoclonium tortuosum (Dillw.) Kütz and 
Chaetomorpha tortuosa Kütz, 41:19. 

Rhizomatous species of Muhlenbergia, Five 
common, 45:221. 

Rhizome, The application of the term, 31:6 

Rhizopogon from New Hampshire, A new 
species of, 26:195. 

Rhode Island, Andropogon glomeratus in, 31: 


Rhode Island and southeastern Massachusetts 
plants, Notes on some, 26:127. 

Rhode Island, Arenaria caroliniana in, 15: 

Rhode Island bogs, Some interesting, 6:149. 

Rhode Island coast, Kjellmannia sorifera 
found on the, 16:152. 

Rhode Island College of Agriculture and 
Mechanie Arts, Herbarium of, 3:262. 

Rhode Island, Corallorhiza innata and Tar- 
axacum erythrospermum in, 5:291. 

Rhode Island, Cyperus Grayii in, 15:100. 

Rhode Island, Erechtites megalocarpa in, 28: 

Rhode Island flora, Some additions to the, 12: 

Rhode Island Grasses, Some, 20:116. 

Rhode Island, Habenaria hyperborea in, 25: 

Rhode Island, Hibiscus oculiroseus in, 26:88. 

Rhode Island, Holosteum umbellatum in, 33: 

Rhode Island, Juncus dichotomus in, 15:151. 

Rhode Island, Lotus tenuis as a waif in, 7: 


Rhode Island, New rust species and hosts 
from, 38:97. 

Rhode Island, Notes on certain species of 
Panicum occurring in or near, 30:229. 

Rhode Island, Notes on the flora of, 3:33. 

Rhode Island, Panicum recognitum in, 44:227. 

He Island plant-notes, —I, 1:46; —II, 1: 

Rhode Island plants, Noteworthy, 27:201. 

Rhode Island, Plantago elongata in, 2:194. 

Rhode Island plants, Remarks on, 7:39. 

Rhode Island, Scirpus hudsonianus in, 10:20. 

Rhode Island, Sclerolepis uniflora in, 12:13. 

Rhode Island, Solidago tenuifolia, a weed in, 

Rhode Island, Some notable plant stations in, 


EUN Island, Some plants of Tiverton, 10: 


Rhode Island, Some woody plants of, 41:314. 

Rhode Island, The Black Spruce in, 6:41. 

Rhode Island, The Ferns, Fern Allies and 
Flowering Plants of, [Review], 24:96. 

Rhode Island, The flora of the Great Swamp 
of, 9:117. 

Rhode Island, The range of Saururus cernuus 
extended into, 6:77. 

Rhode Island, Three plants new to, 23:27. 

Rhode Island, Twelve additions to the flora 
of, 8:219. 

Rhode Island, Two additions to the flora of, 
26 :220. 

Rhododendron atlanticum, Some forms of, 
43 :619. 

Rhododendron carolinianum, a new Rhodo- 
dendron from North Carolina, 14:97. 

Rhododendron carolinianum naturalized in 
New England, 49:116. 

Rhododendron from North Carolina, Rhodo- 
dendron carolinianum, a new, 14:97. 

Rhododendron maximum, Another New 
Hampshire station for, 40:461. 

Rhododendron maximum in New Hampshire, 
18:25; —Additional notes on, 18:73. 

Rhododendron maximum in Somerset Coun- 
ty, Maine, 1:55. 

Rhododendron maximum, Two forms of, 43: 


Rhododendron, Notes on, 23:177. 

Rhodora, An Account of certain noteworthy 
features in the habitat of, 11:173. 

Rhodora, An indispensible index to, [Notice], 
46 :200. 

Rhodora, The pollination of, 34:213. 

Rhodora, Increase in subscription-price of, 46: 

Rhus aromatica in the Gray’s Manual range, 
The variations of, 43:599. 

Rhus copallina, Variations of, 37:167. 

Rhus-poisoning, Saleratus as a protection 
against, 4:105. 

Rhus radicans and R. Toxicodendron, Some 
varieties and forms of, 43:589. 

Rhus Toxicodendron, Hairy-fruited variations 
of, 11:162. 


Rhus Toxicodendron, Some varieties and 
forms of Rhus radicans and, 43:589. 

Rhynchosia in eastern Virginia, 44:421. 

Rhynchospora* cephalantha, The varieties of, 

Rhynchospora, section Eurhynchospora in 
Canada, the United States and the West 
Indies, 46:89, 159, 207, 255. 

Ribes hirtellum, The varieties of, 13:73. 

Ribes hudsonianum versus Ribes rigens, 49: 

Ribes new to Massachusetts, A, 10:205. 

Ribes rigens, Ribes hudsonianum versus, 49: 

Ribes, Some lithological variations of, 7:153. 

Ribes vulgare and its indigenous representa- 
tives in eastern North America, 9:1. 

Riccia natans, The fruiting of, 2:161. 

RicH, WinuiAM P. 

Amphicarpaea Pitcheri in New England, 

Winter botanizing, 1:215-217. 

The Heather in New England, 2:53-54. 

Some new acquaintances, 2:203—205. 

[Herbarium of], 3:262. 

Oak Island and its flora, 4:87-94. 

Juneus Torreyi and Ellisia Nyctelea in 
Massachusetts, 4:170. 

Preliminary lists of New England plants, 
—IX. Polygonaceae, 4:203-206. 

City botanizing, 10:149-155. 

Chenopodium carinatum on Cape Cod, 

Richardson's Botanical Appendix to Frank- 
lin's First Journey, On citing, 26:199. 

Ricker, P. L. 

A new color guide, [Review], 15:96-97. 
The origin of the name Lespedeza, 36: 

RickETT, H. W. 

Cornus Amomum and Cornus candidis- 
sima, 36:269-274. 

On nomenclature in Cornus, 38:51. 

Cornus Drummondii, 38:99-100. 

Erythronium mesochoreum, 39:101-105, 

Legitimacy of names in Bartram’s “Trav- 
els," 46:389-391. 


Contributions to the cytology of the En- 
tomophtharaceae: preliminary commu- 
nication, 8:67—68. 

Notothylas orbicularis in Massachusetts, 

Notes on some Lichens from the Gaspé 
Peninsula, 11:100-102. 

A key to the species and principal varie- 
ties of Cladonia occurring in New Eng- 
land, 11:212-214. 

Preliminary lists of New England plants, 
—XXIII. Cladoniaceae, 11:215—219. 
An important publication on Lichens, 

[Review], 13:15. 

*See entries under Rynchospora. 


A popular handbook to the Mosses, [Re- 
view], 18:204. 
William Gilson Farlow, 22:1-8 (with por- 
[Obituary notices], 23:28, 181-184. 
Riweway, Rosert—[Color Standards and 
Color Nomenclature], Review of, 15:96-97. 
Rice, Grorce B.—The occurrence of Phrag- 
mites communis in western Washington and 
Oregon, 33:170-171. 
Rimouski County, Quebec, A new Arabis 
from, 7:31. 
Rimouski County, Quebec, Draba aurea in, 
Rimouski County, Quebec, Lemna minor and 
Sparganium eurycarpum in, 10:95. 
Riptey, W. S. Jr. 
Preliminary lists of New England plants, 
—XXVI, 20:182-185. 
(KNow ton, C. H., —— and WEATHERBY, 
C. A.), Report of the Committee on 
floral areas, 20:181—185, 193-197 ; —Sec- 
ond, 22:80-89; —Third, 23:209-220; 
—Fourth, 27 :56—65. 
Cladonia Beaumontii in Massachusetts, 
25 :46-47, 
Some new Cladonias, 26:145-148. 
Cladonia mateocyatha, a new species, and 
some variations in C. Beaumontii, 27: 

Cladonia apodocarpa, a new species, 27: 


The identity of Cladonia Beaumontii, 29: 
133-138, pl. 157. 

The identity of Cladonia lepidota Fries, 
31:101-106, pl. 187. 

Cladonias collected by S. F. Blake in the 
western United States, 33:135-139, pl. 

(—— and Brakz, S. F.), Cladonia in the 
District of Columbia and vicinity, 33: 
145-159, pls. 210—212. 

[Biographical sketch], 35:140—145. 
RosBiNs, James W —[Herbarium of], 3:262. 
Rosrnson, B. L. 

A new Wild Lettuce from eastern Massa- 

chusetts, 1:12-13, pl. 2. 

Fairy-rings formed by Lycopodium inun- 
datum, 1:28-30. 

An apetalous form of Arenaria groenland- 
ica, 1:90. 

Preliminary lists of New England plants, 
—IV, 1:212-214. 

A blue-fruited Huckleberry, 2:81-83. 

Variations of Ilex verticillata, 2:104—106. 

The nomenclature of the New England 
Agrimonies, 2:235-238. 

Polygala polygama, var. abortiva merely 
an autumnal state, 2:242-243. 

The identity of the Linnaean Gnapha- 
lium plantaginifolium, 3:11-13. 

The correct disposition of Sisymbrium 
niagarense, 3:16-17. 

Chloranthy in Anemonella thalictroides, 

Lycopodium clavatum var. monostachyon 
in northern Maine, 3:237-238. 

Self-strangulation in the Virginia Creeper, 

The North American Euphrasias, 3:270- 

Lechea major in New Hampshire, 4:28. 

The New England Polygonums of the 
section Avicularia, 4:65—73, pl. 35. 

Veronica Chamaedrys in New England, 

Two new Hypericums of the Adpressum 
group, 4:135-137, pl. 37. 

The protection of our native flora, 4:139- 

Further stations for Veronica Chamae- 
drys, 4:152. 

The generic position of Echinodorus par- 
vulus, 5:85-89, pl. 45. 

Viola arvensis in New England, 5:155- 

A hitherto undescribed Pipewort from 
New Jersey, 5:175-176. 

Preliminary lists of New England plants, 
—XII, 5:188-191. 

Further notes on the twelfth preliminary 
list of New England plants, 5:235-236. 

Insecticides used at the Gray Herbarium, 

Records of Wolffia columbiana in Massa- 
chusetts, 5:287-288. 

The identity of Anychia dichotoma, 6: 

Notes on publications recently received, 

Stellaria glauca established in the Prov- 
ince of Quebec, 6:90-91. 

James Lawrence Bennett, 6:146—147. 

Miss Eastman's New England Ferns and 
their Common Allies, [Review], 6:211- 

A Connecticut station for Lycopodium 
Selago, 7:20. 

A well marked species of Sparganium, 7: 

Two varieties of Sisymbrium officinale in 
America, 7:101—103. 

new Ranunculus from northeastern 

America, 7:219-222. 

The Fern Allies, [Review], 7:267-268. 

The nomenclature of the New England 
Lauraceae, 8:196-199. 

Filipendula rubra, a new binomial, 8:202— 
204. ` 
The scientific name of the Osage Orange, 

Maclura pomifera (Raf.) Schneider, 9: 

Notes on the vascular plants of the north- 
eastern United States, 10:29-35. 

Further notes on the vascular plants of 
the northeastern United States, 10:64- 


and FerxarD, M. LJ), [Gray's New 
Manual of Botany], Notice, 10:167; 
Review of, 10:193-196. 



(—— and FERNALDp, M. L.), Emendations 
of the seventh edition of Gray's Man- 
ual,—I, 11:33-61. 

Bartonia, [Review], 11:74. 

Coulter and Nelson's Botany of the Cen- 
tral Rocky Mountains, [Review], 12: 

Notes on recent publications, [Review], 

Onamental Shrubs of the United States, 
[Review], 12:207-208. 

Erucastrum Pollichii adventive in Ameri- 
ca, 13:10-12. 

Notes on the genus Cirsium, 13:238—240. 

Dr. C. A. Darling’s Handbook of Wild 
and Cultivated Plants, [Review], 15: 

Erigeron pusillus a valid species, 15:205— 

A notable monstrosity of Arisaema tri- 
hyllum, 18:222-223, 1 fig. 

The doctors John Brickell, 18:225—231. 

An unusual Daucus Carota, 21:70-71. 

Emily Frances Fletcher, 25:149-150. 

Miss Day, 26:41-47 (with portrait). 

Shrubs of Indiana, [Review], 27:15-16. 

Edward Lothrop Rand, 27:17-27 (with 

Emile Francis Williams, 33:1-18 (with 

Leavitt’s Forest Trees of New England, 
[Review], 35:108. 

A new species of Neurolaena from British 
Honduras, 37 :61-63. 


Concerning the plants mentioned in 
Young's Chronicles, 4:81-82. 

Plants growing the first season in an un- 
covered cellar, 28:69-74. 

[Notice of death], 26:52. 

[—, botanist, of Salem, Massachusetts], 
31:245-254 (with portrait). 

Rocky Mountain? Does saximontanus mean, 

Rocky Mountain plants, Notes on, 35:347; 
36:195; 37:226; 38:298; 39:149. 

Rocky Mountain species of the Multiflori sec- 
tion of Aster, A study of the, 35:323. 

Rocky Mountains, An overlooked species of 
Coral-root from the, 33:133. 

Rocky Mountains and adjacent Plains, Dates 
of publication of Rydberg's Flora of the, 

Rocky Mountains, Lady Fern of California, 
the Basin region and the southern, 19:201. 

Rocky Mountains, Scirpus pumilus in the, 33: 

Rocky Mountains, Two new species of Arcto- 
staphylos from the, 39:462. 

RopcERs, ANDREW Denny, III—[John Torrey, 
a Story of North American Botany], Re- 
view of, 45:28. 

RopmMan, Rura S.—Hieracium florentinum at 
Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts, 15:116. 
Rocers, Warrer E.—[Tree Flowers of Forest, 

Park and Street], Review of, 38:74—75. 


Rouanp, A. E. 

Notes on the flora of Nova Scotia, 40:273- 
274; —II, 43:337-344. 

(—— and Dors, W. G.), Notes on the 
flora of Nova Scotia, —III, 44:334-338. 

[The Flora of Nova Scotia], Review of, 
50 :211-215. 

RoruiNs, Reep C. 

Two new species of Arctostaphylos from 
the Rocky Mountains, 39:462-464. 

Smelowskia and Polyctenium, 40:294— 
305, pl. 496. (Contrib, Gray Herb. no. 

The cruciferous genus Physaria, 41:392- 
415, pl. 556. (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 

Studies in the genus Hedysarum in North 
America, 42:217—239, pl. 596. (Contrib. 
Gray Herb. no. CXXXI). 

On two weedy Crucifers, 42:302-306. 
(Contrib. Gray Herb. no. CXXXI). 

A monographie study of Arabis in west- 
ern North America, 43:289-325, 348- 
411, 425-481. (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 

Ee yog of Economic Botany, The, Review, 

Roop, ALMon N.—Juncus monostichus in 
Ohio, 15:62. 

Roque Bluffs, Maine, in 1907, Noteworthy 
plants collected at, 9:218. 

Roque Bluffs, Maine, Plants and plant socie- 
ties at, 17:145. 

Roripa hispida, Roripa islandica and, 30:131. 

Roripa islandica, an invalid name, 31:17. 

Roripa islandica and R. hispida, 30:131. 

Rorippa, a correction, 50:100. 

Rorippa, A prostrate, 50:35. 

Rorippa amphibia in Androscoggin County, 
Maine, 35:262. 

Rorippa amphibia in Fairfield County, Con- 
necticut, 33:192. 

Rorippa in the Interior, A prostrate, 50:132. 

Rorippa islandica, The American varieties of, 

Rorippa islandica, The eastern American va- 
rieties of, 42:267. 

Rosa blanda and its allies of northern Maine 
and adjacent Canada, 20:90. 

Rosa carolina L. and Rosa nitida Willd., Note 
upon a probable hybrid of, 2:112. 

Rosa nitida Willd, Note upon a probable 
hybrid of Rosa carolina L. and, 2:112. 

Rosa, Some minor forms of, 50:145. 

Rosa, Ten new American species and varieties 
of, 30:109. 

Roscoe, Murmut V.—The Algae of St. Paul 
Island, 33:127—131, pl. 208. 

RosENnDAHL, C. O. 

Evidence of the hybrid nature of Betula 
Sandbergi, 30:125—129, pl. 170. 

(——, BumrERS, F. K. and Larra, O.), 
Identity of Heuchera hispida Pursh, 

(—— and Burrers, F. K.), The genus 
Najas in Minnesota, 37 :345-348, pl. 382. 


Additional notes on Najas in Minnesota, 

Studies in Chrysosplenium, with special 
reference to the taxonomic status and 
distribution of C. iowense, 49:25-36, pls. 
1053, 1054. 

(—— and Moor, J. W.), A new variety 
of Sedum Rosea from southeastern 
Minnesota and additional notes on the 
flora of the region, 49:197—202, pl. 1086. 

Roses vs. railroads, 5:93. 

RossBACH, GEonGE B. 

(CHURCHILL, J. R., GoopaLE, A. S., Goop- 
WIN, R. H., Griaa, F. W., Harris, S. K., 
Porter, D., ——, Sanrom, S. N. F. and 
SMrTH, L. B), Reports on the flora of 
Massachusetts, —II, 35:351-359. 

Northeastward extensions in the Maine 
flora, 38:453—455; —II, 40:245-247. 

Aquatic Utricularias, 41:113-128, 16 figs. 

Distributional notes on certain aquatic 
Utricularias in Quebec, 42:52-53. 

Development of a leafy axis upon the 
cones of a Tamarack, 45:106-107. 

RosssBAcH, RutH P.—Spergularia in North 
and South America, 42:57—83, 105-143, 158- 
193, 203-213, pls. 589-596. (Contrib. Gray 
Herb. no. CX XX). ` 

Rotala ramosior, The variations of, 37:168. 


[Bibliographie des travaux concernant la 
flore canadienne parus dans Rhodora 
de 1899 à 1943 inclusivement, etc.], No- 
tice of, 46:200; Review of, 47: 236. 

Viburnum acerifolium L., forma Collinsii, 
f. nov., 47:264. 

Sporobolus asper in Quebec, 47:272. 

A necessary transfer in Populus $ Tu- 
ranga, 47:302. 

Populus balsamifera of Linnaeus, not a 
nomen ambiguum, 48:103-110. 

Ribes hudsonianum versus Ribes rigens, 
49 :217-219, pl. 1087. 

Two new names in Populus, 50:233-230. 

Rubi, Connecticut, 9:4. 

Rubi, the Blackberries of the Kennebunks 
and Wells, Some Maine, —I, 8:146; —II, 
8:169; —III, 8:212. 

Rubus, A strange, 41:197. 

Rubus canadensis, A new variety of, 13:193. 

Rubus canadensis, On the identity of, 10:117. 

Rubus from Connecticut, A new, 8:17. 

Rubus from Vermont and New Hampshire, 
Two new species of, 8:95. 

Rubus idaeus and its variety anomalus in 
America, 2:195. 

Rubus idaeus and some of its variations in 
North America, 21:89. 

Rubus idaeus, var. anomalus, A new station 
for, 14:205. 

Rubus nutkanus, Varieties of, 42:275. 

Rubus parviflorus, A mutation of, 37:59. 

Rubus parviflorus and its varieties, 37:273. 

Rubus parviflorus Nutt., a confession, 42:281. 

Rubus recurvicaulis Blanchard, var. armatus, 
n. var., 22:168. 


Rubus, Some points of nomenclature in Tri- 
entalis and, 11:236. 

Rubus triflorus, A pink-flowered form of, 2:87. 

Rudbeckia from Indiana, A new, 19:113. 

Rudbeckia hirta, An early flowering of, 18:212. 

Rudbeckia hirta, The type of, 50:172. 

Rudbeckia subtomentosa, A new variety of, 

Ruellia in the eastern United States, 47:1, 47, 

Ruca, Hagor» G.—(UNpEÉnRwoop, J. G., 
WHEELER, L. A. and ——), The joint sum- 
mer meeting of the Vermont Botanical and 
Bird Clubs, 15:79-80. 

Rules, Aira spicata Linn. and the application 
of the International, 32:261. 

Rules of Botanical Nomenclature adopted by 
the Vienna Congress, On the, 9:29. 

Rules of Botanical Nomenclature, Proposed 
amendments to the International, 31:91. 
Rules of Botanical Nomenclature, The pro- 
posed changes in Article 58, International, 


Rumex Britannica, not a Virginian, So-called, 
47 :133. 

Rumex persicarioides and its allies in North 
America, 17:73. 

Rumex salicifolius in eastern America, The 
representatives of, 10:17. 

Ruppia in eastern North America, The genus, 


Russet, W. S. C.— Some Orchids of the up- 
per Pemigewasset Valley, 1:199—200. 
Russula emetica, Dr. Burt’s note on, 2:72. 
Russula emetica in Vermont, 2:71. 
Rust species and hosts from Rhode Island, 
New, 38:97. 
Rusts collected in New England in 1931, A 
list of, 34:60. 
[Flora of the Prairies and Plains of Cen- 
tral North America], Review of, 34: 
[Flora of the Rocky Mountains and Ad- 
jacent Plains], Dates of publication, 
Rynchospora,* A hybrid, 31:38. 
Rynchospora capillacea var. leviseta, The 
perianth of, 8:186. 
Rynchospora macrostachya, An extension of 
the range of, 42:276. 
Rynchospora macrostachya, Some allies of, 
Rynchospora macrostachya Torr., A second 
local record for, 15:19. 
Rynchospora macrostachya within the Boston 
district, 18:72. 
Rynchospora Torreyana, The New Hampshire 
record for, 34:112. 

Sabatia in New England, The genus, 18:145. 
Sabatia, Notes on the genus, 17:50. 

Sabbatia chloroides, White form of, 7:38. 
Sable Island Epilobium, The, 20:30. 

*See entries under Rhynchospora 


Sac, Joon H.—Arenaria caroliniana in Rhode 
Island, 15:115. 

Sagina, Notes on, 27:130. 

Sagittaria Edwardsiana, a new species from 
the New Jersey Pine Barrens, 39:29. 

Sagittaria heterophylla, Forms of, 15:158. 

Sagittaria Kurziana, A note on, 44:211. 

Sagittaria, Reversions in Berberis and, 2:149. 

Sagittaria teres Watson and Potamogeton lu- 
cens L., A correction concerning, 17:142. 

St. John and St. Lawrence Valleys, Arceutho- 
bium pusillum in the, 2:10. 


(FERNALD, M. L. and ——), Nymphaea 
variegata or N. americana? 16:137--141. 

(FERNALD, M. L. and ——), The varieties 
of Hieracium scabrum, 16:181—183. 

(FERNALD, M. L. and ), Some anoma- 
lous species and varieties of Bidens in 
eastern North America, 17:20-25. (Con- 
trib. Gray Herb. no. XLIII). 

An insular variety of Solidago sempervir- 
ens, 17:26-27. (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 

Rumex persicarioides and its allies in 
North America, 17:73-83, pl. 113. 

Elymus arenarius and its American rep- 
resentatives, 17:98—103. 

(FERNALD, M. L. and ——), The occur- 
rence of Botrychium virginianum var. 
europaeum in America, 17:233-234. 

Additional notes on Rhododendron max- 
imum in New Hampshire, 18:73-74. 

A revision of the North American species 
of Potamogeton of the section Coleo- 
phylli, 18:121—138. 

The status of Glyceria Fernaldii, 19:75— 

(Butters, F. K. and ), Studies in cer- 
tain North American species of Lathy- 
rus, 19:156—163. 

Remarks on several North American spe- 
cies of Alopecurus, 19:165-167. 

Arenaria lateriflora and its varieties in 
North America, 19:259—262. 

Additional wool waste plants, 20:20. 

Spiranthes in Dover, Massachusetts, 20: 

(Nicnors, G. E. and ——), Pressing plants 
with double-faced corrugated paper 
boards, 20:153-160. 

Further notes on Potamogeton, 20:191— 

Phanerotaenia, a new genus of Umbelli- 
ferae, 21:181—183. 

Two color forms of Lobelia cardinalis L., 

The genus Elodea in New England, 22: 

Trillium rectistamineum, a valid species 
in the southeastern States, 22:78—79. 

(—— and Wur, D.), The genus Galin- 
soga in North America, 22:97—101. 

A teratological specimen of Aralia hispida, 

A freak Sweet Clover, 23:25-26. 


(FERNALD, M. L. and ——), The American 
variations of Silene acaulis, 23:119-120. 

A critical revision of Hydrangea arbor- 
escens, 23:203-208. 

William Conklin Cusick, 25:101-105 (with 

(—— and Hosaka, E. Y.), [Weeds of the 
Pineapple fields of the Hawaiian Is- 
lands], Review of, 35:146. 

Additions to the flora of Fishers Island, 
New York, 43:77-82. 

Teratologic Typha, 43:85-91, 1 fig. 

Bibliographic note upon Gray’s Revision 
of North American Oxytropis and Saxi- 
fraga, 44:90—91. 

St. John, Quebec, Two more rare plants from 
Lake, 4:128. 

St. Lawrence Basin, Botanical evidence of a 
post-Pleistocene marine connection between 
Hudson Bay and the, 34:69, 101. 

St. Lawrence basins, New York, Notes on 
some plants of the Ontario and, 25:205. 

St. Lawrence, Callitriche stagnalis on the 
lower, 34: 39. 

St. Lawrence, Flora of the North Shore of the 
Gulf of, [Review], 34:120. 

St. Lawrence River, Butomus umbellatus on 
the, 25:220. 

St. Lawrence, Some interesting plants from 
the North Shore of the, 34:66. 

St. Lawrence, The Gentian of the tidal shores 
of the, 25:85. 

St. Lawrence, Three new plants from the low- 
er, 29:141. 

St. Lawrence Valleys, Arceuthobium pusillum 
in the St. John and, 2:10. 

St. Paul Island, Nova Scotia, The vascular 
flora of, 33:105. 

St. Paul Island, The Algae of, 33:127. 

St. Pierre et Miquelon, Contribution to the 
flora of, 29:117, 144, 173, 204. 

Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, Plants new to the 
flora of the islands of, 49:237. 

Salicornia europaea and its representatives in 
eastern America, 9:204. 

Salicornia europaea L., var. simplex (Pursh) 
comb. nov., 49:23. 

Salisbury, Connecticut, A botanical trip to, 

ID Connecticut, Noteworthy plants of, 

Salisbury, Connecticut, Unusual plants found 
at, 16:96. 

Salix, Additional names and transfers in, 49: 
38, 41. 

Salix balsamifera, An early collection of, 14: 

Salix calcicola, a little-known northern Wil- 
low, 13:251. 

Salix candida denudata, 26:142. 

Salix candida new to South Dakota, 26:142. 

o Difficulties in North American, 48:13, 
27, 41. 

Salix discolor from South Dakota, A new va- 
riety of, 26:136. 

Salix Dodgeana, A note on, 34:28. 


Salix, Extensions of range and a new variety 
in, 26:135. 

Salix from the Mackenzie Basin, A new spe- 
cies of, 32:111. 

Salix glauca L. and its allies in the Athabasca- 
Great Slave Lake region, 33:241. 

Salix hybrid, A new, 34:67. 

Salix incana at Castine, Maine, 10:56. 

Salix lucida, Two northeastern allies of, 6:1. 

Salix missouriensis in South Dakota, 26:139. 

Salix pedicellaris and its variations, 11:157. 

Salix pellita Andersson in Michigan, 26:143; 
The identity of Andersson’s, 6:191. 

Salix petiolaris in the Dakotas, 26:141. 

Salix pyrifolia, The narrow-leaved variety of, 

Salix rostrata hybrid? A, 20:132. 

Salix serissima in southern Connecticut, 14: 
80; on Long’s Peak, 25:67. 

Salix, Studying Willows or making new sec- 
tions in the genus, 49:37. 

Salix subsericea, a distinct species, 11:9. 

Salix Uva-ursi, A pubescent form of, 18:52. 

Salsola collina in Minnesota, Euphorbia den- 
tata and, 40:135. 

Salt marsh during reclamation, Floral changes 
in a, 17:205. 

Salt marsh during reclamation, Further notes 
on changes in a, 28:37. 

Salt-marsh Iva of New England, The, 8:25. 

Salt marshes of Nova Scotia, A note on the, 

m x sylvestris in County Peel, Ontario, 19: 

Salviastrum from the Edwards Plateau of 
Texas, A new, 32:89. 

Salvinia rotundifolia in Massachusetts, 43: 

Samprson, Myra M.—Some plants of Tiver- 
ton, Rhode Island, 10:112-113. 

Sand Cherries of eastern America, The iden- 
tities of the, 25:69. 

Sand Plum of Indiana, The, 14:196. 

Sanvers, A. LouisA—A striking color form 
of Viola pedata, 13:172. 

SANDERSON, CHARLES Henry Krerroac—[Her- 
barium of], 3:262. 

SaNDERSON, Rura D.—A suppressed plate in 
Eaton’s Ferns of North America, 35:260— 

Sanrorp, J. R., Mrs—A station for Asple- 
nium ebenoides in Massachusetts, 8:113- 


A cut-leaved Cherry Birch, 4:83-84. 

The range of Saururus cernuus extended 
into Rhode Island, 6:77-78. 

The occurrence of Verbena stricta and 
Helianthus mollis in Massachusetts, 6: 

Eclipta alba in Massachusetts, 7:173-174. 

Hibiscus oculiroseus in Rhode Island, 26: 

Notes on some Rhode Island and south- 
eastern Massaachusetts plants, 26:127— 


Noteworthy Rhode Island plants, 27:201- 

A new station for Cyperus erythrorhizos, 
28 :67. 

Erechtites megalocarpa in Rhode Island, 

(Cnuncui.L, J. R., Deane, W., GRIGG, 
F. W., KNowrroN, C. H., PEAsE, A. S., 

and SMITH, L. B), Reports on the 

flora of Massachusetts, —I, 30:12-19. 

Ficus Carica in Massachusetts, 35:40. 

Cynoglossum amabile in Massachusetts, 

(CHURCHILL, J. R., GoopaLe, A. S., Goop- 
win, R. H. Grice, F. W. Harris, S. K., 
Porreg, D., RosssacH, G. B., —— and 
SuirH, L. B.), Reports on the flora of 
Massachusetts,—II, 35:351-359. 

(GoopaLE, A. S., Griaa, F. W., GUSTAFSON, 
A. H., Harris, S. K., KNowtton, C. H., 
Porter, D., ——, Seymour, F. C. and 
Smiru, L. B.), Reports on the flora of 
Massachusetts,—III, 44 :213—220. 

(Bean, R. C., Gooparg, A. S., Grice, F. 
W., Harris, S. K., KNowrroN, C. H, 
Porter, D., ——, Seymour, F. C. and 
SuirH, L. B.), Reports on the flora of 
Massachusetts,—IV, 49:257-277. 

Sanguinaria canadensis, The dissemination by 
ants of the seeds of Bloodroot, 44:13. 

Saniculas of western Vermont, The, 1:7. 

Santalaceae, Geocaulon, a new genus of the, 

Sap conducting tissues, On changing the direc- 
tion of, 32:145. 

Sargasso Sea, The, 19:77. 


Note on Crataegus in the Champlain Val- 
ley, 3:19-31. 

Notes on a collection of Crataegus made 
in the Province of Quebec near Mont- 
real, 3:71-79. 

Some additions to the flora of Massachu- 
setts, 4:166—1067. 

Recently recognized species of Crataegus 
in eastern Canada and New England, 
—I, 5:52-66; —II, 5:108-118; —III, 5: 
Hou —IV, 5:159-168; —V, 5:182- 


[Manual of the Trees of North Americal], 
Review of, 7:139-140. 

Recently recognized species of Crataegus 
in eastern Canada and New England, 
—VI, 7:162-164, 174—185, 192-219. 

American Crataegi in the Species Plantar- 
um of Linnaeus, 11:181—183. 

A Connecticut station for Ilex mollis, 14: 

Three of Clayton's Oaks in the British 
Museum, 17:39-40. 

Washington and Michaux, 17:49—50. 

The name of the Red Oak, 18:45-48. 

Botanical activities of Percival Lowell, 

Charles Edward Faxon, 20:117-122 (with 


SanaENT, Francis H.—Euphrasia canadensis in 
Vermont, 25:84. 


A new Vicia for New England, 2:225. 

Luzula campestris var. frigida in New 
Hampshire, 15:186. 

Pogonia affinis in the vicinity of Wolfe- 
boro, New Hampshire, 31:242-243. 

Saskatchewan, Cladium mariscoides in, 39: 

Sassafras, Note on the proper name for the, 

Sassafras, Nuttall’s White, 15:14. 

Sassafras, The nomenclature of, 38:178. 

Satureja from Florida, A new, 26:80. 

Satureja glabella in Kentucky, 42:525. 

Satureja glabella (Michx.) Briquet, 42:6. 

Satureja vulgaris (L.) Fritsch, var. neogaea, 
var. nov., 46:388. 

Saururus cernuus extended into Rhode Island, 
The range of, 6:77. 

Saxifraga Aizoon on Mt. Katahdin, Soil re- 
action of, 29:139. 

Saxifraga Aizoon on Mt. Ktaadn, 26:168. 

Saxifraga Aizoon, The American variety of, 

Saxifraga, Bibliographic note upon Gray’s Re- 
vision of North American Oxytropis and, 

Saxifraga, New species, varieties and forms of, 

Saximontanus mean “Rocky Mountain"? 
Does, 22:194. 

Scabiosa Columbaria in central New York, 
45 :220. 

ScamMan, EpirH— A list of plants from in- 
terior Alaska, 42:309-343. (Contrib. Gray 
Herb. no. CX XXII). 

Scapania, A study of five New England spe- 
cies of, 38:77. 

Scheuchzeria palustris L., Note on, 12:156. 

Scheuchzeria palustris, The American va- 
riety of, 25:177. 

Schmidel's publication of Thelypteris, 31:21. 

ScHMOLL, Hazgn M. 

A new variety of Elymus virginicus L., 

(STEYERMARK, J. A. and ——), Panicum 
Tuckermani a variety of Panicum phil- 
adelphicum, 41:86-90. 

ScuwEImER, E. S.—Acanthospermum australe 
at Lawrence, Massachusetts, 9:26. 

Floerkea proserpinacoides in Nova Scotia, 
50 : 283-284. 

ScunENK, HERMANN von—Notes on Arceu- 
thobium pusillum, 2:2-5, pl. 12. 


Notes on Vernonia, 38:369-372. 

A singular variation in Desmodium, 39: 

Vernonia fasciculata Michx., var. corym- 
bosa (Schwein.) comb. nov., 40:220. 

The Legumes of Wisconsin, [Review], 


Willdenow’s Species Plantarum and Mi- 
chaux’s Flora Boreali-Americana: dates 
of publication, 44:147-149. 
Desmodium glutinosum, 44:279-280. 
(FERNALbD, M. L. and ——), Studies of 
American types in British herbaria, 50: 
149-176, 181—208, 217—233, pls. 1097-1117. 
(Contrib. Gray Herb. no. CLXVII). 
ScuuH, R. E. 
Rhadinocladia, a new genus of Brown Al- 
gae, 2:111-112, pl. 18. 
Notes on two rare Algae of Vineyard 
Sound, 2:206-207. 
Further notes on Rhadinocladia, 3:218. 
The discovery of the long-sought Alga, 
Stictyosiphon tortilis, 16:105. 
Kjellmannia sorifera found on the Rhode 
Island coast, 16:152. 
Pylaiella fulvescens (Schousb.) Bornet, 
35 :63—64. 
Ectocarpus paradoxus in New England, 
Myriotrichia densa in New England, 35: 
A second station for Isthmoplea in North 
America, 35:293. 
Dumontia in Maine, 35:315-316. 
On the distribution of Sorocarpus, 35:347. 
On Polysiphonia fibrillosa in New Eng- 
land, 35:391-392. 
On Ectocarpus granulosus, 39:50—51. 
On Ectocarpus ovatus, 39:148-149. 
On Pogotrichum filiforme, 40:26-27. 
Scuu.tes, Ricuarp Evans—The use of form- 
aldehyde in plant collecting, 49:54—60. 
Schwalbea americana in Connecticut, 5:40. 
Rynchospora macrostachya within the 
Boston district, 18:72. 
Cypripedium reginae in New Hampshire, 
27 :107—109. 
Notes with extensions of range of several 
North American Orchids, 42:521—522. 
Schweinitz, a correction and a discrepancy, 
Barratt, Torrey and, 23:300. 
Schweinitz, Letter of Dr. Asa Gray to Lewis 
D. de, 7:141. 
Scirpus § Actaeogeton, Transfers in, 44:479. 
Scirpus acutus Muhl., 22:55. 
Scirpus atratus, à synonym of Scirpus Peckii, 
Scirpus atrovirens, The authorship of, 46:330. 
Scirpus capitatus L., The typification of, 32: 
Scirpus capitatus Linn.? What is, 32:180. 
Scirpus cespitosus, The North American rep- 
resentatives of, 23:22. 
Scirpus from Massachusetts and New Jersey, 
A new species of, 13:4. 
Scirpus glaucescens Willd.? What is, 32:30. 
Scirpus glaucescens, Willdenow’s type of, 32: 

Scirpus hudsonianus in Rhode Island, 10:20. 

Scirpus koilolepis, comb. nov., 44:479. 

Scirpus § Lacustres, Some North American 
members of, 45:283. 


Scirpus lacustris, The North American allies 
of, 6:65. 

Scirpus lineatus in New Hampshire, 11:200. 

Scirpus Longii, A new station for, 15:202. 

Scirpus Longii in North Carolina, 45:55. 

Scirpus maritimus in America, The represen- 
tatives of, 2:239. 

Scirpus mucronatus, History of the American 
record of, 20:41. 

Scirpus nanus from Vermont, Note on the re- 
port of, 11:84. 

Scirpus new to New Hampshire, A, 13:55. 

Scirpus occidentalis and Aster ptarmicoides in 
Connecticut, 16:19: 

Scirpus Olneyi, A new variety of, 9:220. 

Scirpus Olneyi, The specific characters of, 45: 

Scirpus Peckii in Canada, 45:168. 

Scirpus Peckii in Connecticut, 15:98. 

Scirpus Peckii in Maine, 32:133. 

Scirpus Peckii, Scirpus atratus, a synonym 
of, 3:31. 

Scirpus Peckii, The Quebec stations for, 45: 

Scirpus pumilus in the Rocky Mountains, 33: 

Scirpus pumilus, The American representa- 
tive of, 45:279. 
Scirpus Smithii, An estuarian variety of, 23: 
Scirpus Smithii in Massachusetts, 11 :220. 
Scirpus Smithii var. setosus, Range extension 
of, 12:155. 
Scirpus, Some American species and varieties 
of, 45:287. 
Scirpus, Some northeastern species of, 2:15. 
Scirpus supinus and its North American allies, 
Scirpus, Studies in North American species 
of, 45:279. 
Scirpus sylvaticus: a correction, 2:106. 
Scirpus, Three neglected names in, 44:145. 
Scirpus, Unverified bibliography of, 49:49. 
Scirpus validus and allies in the Champlain 
Valley, 6:231. 
Scirpus verecundus, nom. nov., 50:284. 
Scleria setacea of Poiret, The identity of, 45: 
Scleria triglomerata and its allies, 38:397. 
Sclerolepis in New Hampshire, 7:186. 
Sclerolepis uniflora in Massachusetts, 14:23. 
Sclerolepis uniflora in Rhode Island, 12:13. 
ScorciE, ANNA M.— Jasione montana in 
Massachusetts, 4:139. 
Scrisner, F. LAMSON 
and MerRnIL, E. D.), The New Eng- 
land species of the genus Panicum, 3: 
Notes on Trisetum and Graphephorum, 
The genus Sphenopholis, 8:137-146. 
Notes on Muhlenbergia, 9:17—23. 
Scrophularia leporella at Willoughby, 7:119. 
Scupper, Hrywarp—Similarity of color in 
bud and in leaf, 13:86-87. 


ScuLLEY, Francis J. 

Preservation of plant material in natural 
colors, 39:16-19. 

Grasses of Hot Springs National Park, 
Arkansas, and vicinity, 44:70-71. 
Scutellaria ambigua, Scutellaria parvula and, 


Scutellaria epilobiifolia, 23:85. 

Scutellaria parvula and S. ambigua, 3:198. 

Scutellarias, Notes on North American, 26:61. 

Seal Harbor Village Improvement Society, 
Leaflet of, 5:259. 


[Herbarium of], 3:262. 

A southern flora and fauna of post-Pleis- 
tocene age in Essex County, Massachu- 
setts, 10:42. 

Seaweed collectors, To, 1:121. 

Seaweed colony, A, 1:69. 

Seaweeds in the Tropics, Collecting, 3:90. 

Seaweeds in Winter, 2:130. 

Sebacina globospora, n. sp., Observations on 
the cytology of, 37:121. 

Sedge, Carex Tuckermani niagarensis, a ne- 
glected, 17:57. 

Sedges of Woodstock, Vermont, Grasses and, 
[Review], 42:143. 

Sedum Nevii, Affinities of, 46:450. 

Sedum Nevii complex, Cytological basis for 
specific segregation in the, 44:10. 

Sedum new to North America, A, 14:227. 

Sedum pulchellum at its northeastern limit, 
Rediscovering, 44:73. 

Sedum Rosea from southeastern Minnesota 
and additional notes on the flora of the re- 
gion, A new variety of, 49:197. 

Sedum Rosea, not S. roseum, 49:79. 

Sedum roseum, Sedum Rosea not, 49:79. 

Seeds, Dormancy of, [Notice], 40:324. 

SEELER, E. V., Ja.—(GunA4, E. F. and ——), 
e list of Fungi of Nantucket, 44:167- 

Selaginella apoda in Maine, 25:188. 

Selaginella in North-Central and Northeast- 
ern United States, The spores of the genus, 
37 :342. 

Selenia dissecta in New Mexico, 41:189. 

Selenia from Texas, A new, 40:183. 

Selenia from the Edwards Plateau of Texas, 
A new, 33:142. 

Seneca Snakeroot in Maine, The, 4:133. 

Senecio aureus and its geographic varieties 
and allies in eastern North America, 45:495. 

Senecio Balsamitae Muhl. var. firmifolius, 
Greenman, n. var., 7:244. 

Senecio congestus, 47 :256. 

Senecio Crawfordii, A new locality for, 21:117. 

Senecio in New England, The genus, 3:3. 

Senecio, Notes on the genus, 10:68. 

Senecio obovatus var. elongatus in Connecti- 
cut, 24:226. 

Senecio on the Coastal Dunes of Texas, The, 

Senecio Smallii Britton, forma tristis, f. nov., 
47 :302. 

INDEX TO VoLuwrs 1-50 

Senecio, Some eastern American forms of, 30: 

Senecio tomentosus Michx., 
(Britton) stat. nov., 48:330. 

Senecioneae, Notes on the Compositae of the 
northeastern United States,—III. Inuleae 
and, 48:116. 

Senecios of eastern Quebec and Newfound- 
land, Some, 26:113. 

Senn, Hanorp A. 

The North American species of Crotalar- 
ia, 41:317—367. (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 

Caltha natans in Canada, 45:214-215. 
Serapias Helleborine, Another Massachusetts 
station for, 43:632. 
Sericocarpus bifoliatus, an invalid name, 28: 
Sericocarpus bifoliatus in the Manual range? 
Is there any evidence of, 46:316. 
Setaria Faberi in eastern America, 46:57. 
Setaria Faberi in North Carolina, 48:391. 

Critical notes on the New England spe- 
cles of Laminaria, 2:115-119, 142—149. 

Gymnogongrus Torreyi (Ag) J. Ag., 7: 

( and Couuins, F. S), Some Algae 
from Hudson Bay, 10:114-116. 

Cape Cod in its relation to the marine 
flora of New England, 24:1-11, pl. 134. 

Dumontia filiformis on the New England 
coast, 25:33-37. 


The fruiting of Riccia natans, 2:161. 

A Cluster-cup Fungus on Lespedeza in 
New England, 2:186. 

[Herbarium of], 3:281. 

Seymour, FRANK C. 

Additions to the flora of Springfield, Mas- 
sachusetts, 29:241—246. 

A Callitriche new to Massachusetts, 32: 

Leptoloma in New England, 47 :263-264. 

Helianthus grosseserratus in New Eng- 
land, 49:115-116. 

(Goopae, A. S., Griaa, F. W., GUSTAFSON, 
A. H., Harris, S. K., KNowtron, C. H., 
Porter, D., Sanrorp, S. N. F., — and 
Smiru, L. B), Reports on the flora of 
Massachusetts, —III, 44:213—220. 

(Bean, R. C., Gooparg, A. S., Gnrca, F. 
W., Harris, S. K., KuowrroN, C. H, 
Porter, D., SaNronp, S. N. F, and 
SMrrH, L. BJ), Reports on the flora of 
Massachusetts, —IV, 49:257-277. 

Seymour, Mary C. 

A newly introduced Galium, 6:22. 
Shadbush, A Nova Scotian Dwarf, 50:49. 
Shagbark and Bitternut Hickory in southeast- 

ern Vermont, A hybrid between, 50:60. 
Suarp, A. J.— An improvement in the method 
of preparing certain Gymnosperms for the 
herbarium, 37 :267-268. 
Suaw, ErsrE L. 
Carex aurea in Connecticut, 4:168. 

f. alabamensis 


A new station for Polypodium vulgare, 
var. cambricum, 4;197-198. 
A new station for Iris Hookeri in Maine, 
SHaw, Maraarer F.—Flora of Penikese fifty 
years after (Ecology), 26:184—189. 
Suzan, C. L —Letter of Dr. Asa Gray to Lew- 
is D. de Schweinitz, 7:141-143. 
Shelburne, New Hampshire, Festuca ovina L., 
var. duriuscula (L.) Koch in, 14:92. 
Shelburne, New Hampshire, Notes from, 11: 
Notes on the blue-berried Huckleberry, 


Some introduced weeds of Connecticut, 

Menyanthes trifoliata in West Virginia, 


[Where is the —— collection?], Review 

of, 46:199. 

Sherborn, Massachusetts, A seedless Barberry 
found at, 14:207. 
A new variety of Rudbeckia subtomen- 
tosa, 14:164. 
Range extensions of Rhamnus Frangula 
and Sporobolus asperifolius, 14:227. 
RE. cde eu orientalis in Illinois, 19:74— 

Notes on certain plants in the Gray's 

Manual range, 48:89-98, pls. 1021-1024. 

ber in Massachusetts, 14:53-54. 

Suretps, Mase, A—(Witcox, A. W., Howe, 
E re — and BarcH, W. E), The field 
meeting of the Vermont Botanical and Bird 
Clubs, 17:143-144. 

SHIMEK, B.—Quercus macrocarpa, var. de- 
pressa (Nutt.) Engelm., 35:295-297. 


Epilobium paniculatum, var. subulatum 
in Wisconsin, 43:335. 

The status of Aster longulus Sheldon, 44: 

Er ni Aster in Nova Scotia, 45:344— 

Aster acadiensis, nom. nov., 46:31. 

Smoor, Cora—Irregularities in the floral parts 
of Tradescantia ozarkana, 39:46-49. 

Shortia and Berneuxia, On the Sino-Hima- 
layan species of, 45:333. 

Shortia galacifolia in its type locality, 49:159. 

Shrubs, A handy book on trees and, [Review], 

Shrubs, California, [Review], 43:212. 

Shrubs in western Connecticut, The distribu- 
tion of certain trees and, 2:34. 

Shrubs of Indiana, [Review], 27:15. 

Shrubs of Michigan, [Review], 46:254. 

Shrubs of southeastern North America, Notes 
on trees and, 24:77. 

Shrubs of the southeastern United States, 
Notes on trees and, 25:179. 

304  - 

Shrubs of the United States, Ornamental, 
[Review], 12:207. 

Shrubs of western Cheshire County, New 
Hampshire, Notes on some trees and, 3: 

Shrubs, Two yellow-fruited, 16:91. 

SuunrLErr, Dr. [Herbarium of], 3:286. 

Sida in Oklahoma, 50:99. 

Siegesbeckia orientalis in Illinois, 19:74. 

Silene acaulis, The American variations of, 

Silene antirrhina, Some facts relating to, 12: 

Silene antirrhina, Two variations of, 17:96. 

Silene caroliniana, 41:575. 

Silene conica in New England, 7:110. 

Silene Cserei in the Middle West, 36:351. 

Silene Menziesii and allies in western Canada, 

Silphium, Notes on, 39:281. 

Siuspez, Francis H.—Volvaria volvacea in 
Lawrence, Massachusetts, 4:3-5. 

Sinnor, EDMUND W. 

Paracedroxylon, a new type of Araucarian 
wood, 11:165-173, pls. 80, 81. 

The pond flora of Cape Cod, 14:25-34. 
Sisymbrium brachycarpon and allies, 17:138. 
Sisymbrium niagarense, The correct disposi- 

tion of, 3:16. 

Sisymbrium officinale in America, Two va- 
rieties of, 7:101; in three States, 14:190. 

Sisymbrium, The name, 27:28. 

Sisyrinchium angustifolium, The identity of, 
Sisyrinchium, Four of Rafinesque's species of, 


Sisyrinchium mucronatum in Penobscot 
County, Maine, 37:75. 

Sium suave, a new and an old form, 23:111. 

Skulleap, An anomalous, 4:137. 

Skunk Cabbage in an unusual place, Occur- 
rence of the, 11:63. 

Slime Moulds, The, 2:75. 

Stosson, Marcaret—A new hybrid Fern from 
Vermont, 6:75-77, 3 figs. 


[Manual of the Southeastern Flora], Re- 
view of, 36:235-237. 

[Ferns of the Vicinity of New York], Re- 
view of, 38:163-164. 

Smelowskia and Polyctenium, 40:294. 

Smilacina racemosa, The southern variety of, 

Smilax glauca, A variety of, 20:78. 

Smilax lanceolata, Note on, 46:39. 

SMITH, ANNA W.—A new station for Asple- 
nium ebenoides, 8:68. 

SMITH, ANNIE Morritt—Pogonatum capil- 
lare on Mt. Greylock, 4:83. 

SMirH, A. V. 

Some noteworthy plants recently found in 
the Coastal Plain of Maryland and Del- 
aware, 41:111. 

Some plants recently found in the Coast- 
al Plain of Maryland, 42:277-280. 


Smiru, C. EARLE, Jg.—Potamogeton bicupu- 
latus in Massachusetts, 50:304. 

Plurality of seeds in acorns of Quercus 
Prinus, 16:41-43, 3 figs. 

Carex Tuckermani niagarensis, a neglect- 
ed Sedge, 17:57-59. 

Pseudotaenidia in Maryland, 26:23-24. 

SmirH, CLayron O.— Notes on the species of 
Agaricus (Psalliota) of the Champlain Val- 
ley, 1:161-164. 

Smith College, Herbarium of, 3:281. 

SuirH, Ernest C.—Further additions to the 
flora of Middlesex County, Massachusetts, 

Smiru, Gipert M.—[Marine Algae of the 
Monterey Peninsula], Review of, 47:63-64. 


Late-blooming Violets in Connecticut, 27: 

'The restoration of Isanthus brachiatus to 
the flora of Connecticut, 27 :189-190. 


Three plants of Plymouth, Massachusetts, 

(CuvuncnuinL, J. R., Deane, W., Grice, F. 
W., KNowLroN, C. H. PEASE, A. S, 
Sanrorp, S. N. F. and ——), Reports on 
the flora of Massachusetts,—I, 30:12- 

Utricularia subulata in Plymouth, Massa- 
chusetts, 30:35. 

A new form of Erythronium americanum, 

(CuurcHILL, J. R., Goopaue, A. S., Goop- 
WIN, R. H., Griaa, F. W., Harris, S. K., 
Porter, D., Rosspacu, G. B., SANFORD, 
S. N. F. and ——), Reports on the flora 
of Massachusetts, —II, 35:351—359. 

zm synonymy of Phyllanthus brasiliensis, 

A new Columnea from Jamaica, 39:275- 
276, 2 figs. 

Salvinia rotundifolia in Massachusetts, 
43 :556. 

(GoopaLe, A. S., Grice, F. W., GUSTAFSON, 
A. H., Harris, S.. K., KNowLrton, C. 
H., Porter, D., Sanrorb, S. N. F., SEY- 
MOUR, F. C. and ——), Reports on the 
flora of Massachusetts,—III, 44:213- 

Ber combination in Chrysobalanus, 48: 

(Bean, R. C., GooparE, A. S., GRIGG, F. 
W. Harris, S. K., KNowrroN, C. H, 
Potter, D., SaNronp, S. N. F., SEYMOUR, 
F. C. and ——), Reports on the flora 
of Massachusetts,—IV, 49:257-277. 

New names for two Brazilian species, 50: 

SMITH, Rosina SimLsBEE—Aerial runners in 
Trientalis americana, 3:216—217, pl. 34. 

Smuts on Eriocaulon septangulare, Two new, 

Snakeroot in Maine, The Seneca, 4:133. 


SNELL, Waiter H.—J. Franklin Collins, 44: 
93-97 (with portrait). 

Snowberry, The earliest name of the, 16:117. 

Society for the Protection of Native Plants, 
3:213; 4:139. 

Soil preferences of certain alpine and subal- 
pine plants, The, 9:149. 

Soil preferences of less usual vascular plants 
in central Connecticut, 1:103. 

Soil reaction of Saxifraga Aizoon on Mt. Ka- 
tahdin, 29:139. 

Soil reactions of Spiranthes cernua and its rel- 
atives, The, 23:127. 

Soil tests of Ericaceae and other reaction-sen- 
sitive families in northern Vermont and 
New Hampshire, 22:33. 

Soil types in central Massachusetts, The rela- 
tion of Pinus rigida to physiographic fea- 
tures and, 40:72. 

Solanum new to America, A variety of, 12:40. 

Solanum rostratum and Hieracium praealtum 
in Maine, Notes on, 4:151. 

Solanum rostratum in Central Maine, 3:276. 

Solidago altissima L., 29:72. 

Solidago and Aster in Washington County, 
Maine, 33:159. 

Solidago asperula, Notes on the distribu- 
tion and hybrid origin of, 39:22. 

Solidago calcicola in Matane County, Quebec, 
30:157; in Vermont, 14:54. 

Solidago conferta Miller, 29:17. 

Solidago flexicaulis and Solidago latifolia, 30: 

Solidago from Kentucky, A new species and 
a new variety of, 44:1. 

Solidago humilis, Concerning, 28:208. 

LEY in the White Mountains, A northern, 

Solidago latifolia, Solidago flexicaulis and, 30: 

Solidago lepida, var. fallax in Knox County, 
Maine, 22: 77. 

Solidago macrophylla, An alpine variety of, 

Solidago name, A neglected, 21:69. 

Solidago, Notes on the Compositae of the 
northeastern United States,—IV., 49:69. 

Solidago odora, Allies of, 16:52. 

Solidago polycephala in Maryland, 13:106. 

Solidago racemosa Greene, forma leucantha, 
n. f., 20:172. 

Solidago rigida, A further note on, 38:195. 

Solidago rigida L., 28:29; and the application 
of old botanical names, On, 28:138. 

Solidago sect. Euthamia, Notes on, 45:413. 

Solidago sempervirens, An insular variety of, 

Solidago sempervirens with white rays, A form 
of, 19:20. 

Solidago Shortii, A new locality for, 43:484. 

Solidago, Some undescribed and little-known 
varieties of Aster and, 1:187. 

Solidago, Studies in, 38:201. 

Solidago tenuifolia, a weed in Rhode Island, 

Solidago uliginosa, The varieties of, 49:294. 


Somerset County, Maine, Nymphaea tetra- 
gona in, 43:74. 

Somerset County, Maine, Rhododendron max- 
imum in, 1:55. 

Sonchus arvensis var. glabrescens, The authors 
of, 30:19. 

Soper, J. H.— The pubescent form of Ceano- 
thus ovatus, 43:82-83. 

Sophora villosa, The type of, 50:200. 

Sorbus Andersoni, a new name for an Alaskan 
Mountain-Ash, 47:220. 

Sorocarpus, On the distribution of, 35:347. 

South America, Spergularia in North and, 42: 
57, 105, 158, 203. 

South America, Status and distribution of 
some Cyperaceae in North and, 44:43, 77. 

South America, Veronica in North and, 23:1, 


South Atlantic States, Nolina in the, 11:80. 

South Carolina Costal Plain, Some hereto- 
fore unnoticed plants of the, 47:142. 

South Carolina, Gnaphalium obtusifolium, 
var. micradenium in New Hampshire and, 

South Carolina, north of Georgetown, Notes 
on the Spring flora of the Coastal Plain of, 

South Carolina, Plants in flower, February 8, 
1911, at Clemson College, 13:91. 

South Carolina, Plants of the outer border of 
the Piedmont, Saluda County, 36:54. 

South Carolina, Plants of the sand-hills of 
Orangeburg and Lexington Counties south 
and west of Columbia, 36:52. 

South Dakota, A new variety of Salix discolor 
from, 26:136. 

South Dakota, Salix candida new to, 26:142. 

South Dakota, Salix missouriensis in, 26:139. 

Southbridge, Massachusetts, Blumenbachia in- 
signis, a casual plant at, 8:225. 

Southbury Triassic area, Some plants of the, 

South Natick Historical, Natural History and 
Library Society, Herbarium of, 3:282. 

South Weymouth, Massachusetts, Plants 
from, 20:115. 

Spadiciflores du Québec, Les, [Review], 34: 

Spautpine, L. J—(Leavitt, R. G. and ——), 
Parthenogenesis in Antennaria, 7:105. 

Sparganium, A well marked species of, 7:60. 

Sparganium americanum, À new variety of, 

Sparganium americanum and 8$. androcladum, 
Pollen of, 33:141. 

Sparganium androcladum, Pollen of Sparga- 
nium americanum and, 33:141. 

Sparganium diversifolium var. acaule in Mas- 
sachusetts, 10:56. 

Sparganium eurycarpum in Rimouski County, 
Quebec, Lemna minor and, 10:95. 

Sparganium glomeratum in Minnesota, 43:83. 

Sparganium multipedunculatum in eastern 
America, 27:190. 

Sparganium, Notes on, 24:26. 


Sparrow, F. K. Jr—Occurrence of Pythium 
gracile in the United States, 29:37-39. 

Spartina cynosuroides, Anthesis in, 31:99. 

Spartina cynosuroides, The two varieties of, 

Spartina glabra alterniflora, Excretion of so- 
dium chloride by, 11:237. 

Spartina new to New England, A variety of, 

Spartina patens and other saline plants in the 
Genesee Valley of western New York, 29: 

Spartina pectinata, The slender-spiked, 35: 

Spartina, Some notes on, 18:177. 

Spearmint, The correct name for the, 26:19, 

Specularia, Generic status of Triodanis and, 

Specularia, Triodanis versus, 48:209. 

Spergula pentandra in America, 46:88. 

Spergula sativa in Connecticut, 7:151. 

Spergularia, A new species of, 22:15. 

Spergularia in North and South America, 42: 
57, 105, 158, 203. 

Spergularia, Notes on some northeastern spe- 
cies of, 12:157. 

Sphagnum Faxonii, an addition to the flora of 
New England, 10:40. 

Sphagnum Faxonii, The type locality of, 10: 

Sphagnum new to Connecticut, Species of, 15: 

Sphenopholis, The genus, 8:137. 

Spiraea latifolia, The boreal and subalpine 
variety of, 19:254. 

Spiraea latifolia var. septentrionalis in Vir- 
ginia, 48:112. 

Spiraea salicifolia in Alburg, Vermont, 16:96. 

Spiraea, Some varieties of Potamogeton and, 

Spiraea tomentosa, A white-flowered, 17:142. 

Spiraea tomentosa, The inland variety of, 14: 

Spiranthes and Habenaria, Natural hybrids 
in, 5:261. 

Spiranthes cernua and its relatives, The soil 
reactions of, 23:127; Polyembryony in, 2: 
227; On some variations of, 1:110; Vegeta- 
tive reproduction of, 7:49. 

Spiranthes Grayi, 6:44. 

Spiranthes in Dover, Massachusetts, 20:111. 

Spiranthes michuacana in Arizona, 41:138. 

Spiranthes neglecta, 6:27. 

Spiranthes, Notes on New England Orchids, 
—I, 23:73. 

Spiranthes ovalis, 8:15. 

Spirogyra crassa in refilled ponds, Luxuriant 
development of, 2:33. 

Splachnum ampullaceum, a correction, 5:169. 

Spleenwort, A plumose variety of the Ebony, 

Sporobolus asper in Quebec, 47 :272. 
Sporobolus asperifolius, Range extensions of 

Rhamnus Frangula and, 14:227. 
Sporobolus, Notes on, 4:45. 


Sporobolus, Notes on two species of, 8:23. 

Sporobolus, Two segregates in, 35: 108. 

SPRAGUE, CHARLES JaMes—[Notice of death], 

SpPRAGUE, T. A.— The standard-species of Nym- 
phaea L., 30:53—59. 

Spring flowers in Autumn, 39:52. 

Springfield Botanical Society, [Herbarium of], 

Springfield, Massachusetts, A Flora of, [Re- 
view], 26:179. 

Springfield, Massachusetts, Additions to the 
flora of, 29:241. 

Springfield, Massachusetts, 
tala in, 15:63. 

Spruce in Rhode Island, The Black, 6:41. 

Spruce, The Hemlock, 17:164. 

Spruce, The name of the Hemlock, 17:59. 

Spurge, The correct name of the Leafy, 39: 

Magnolia tripe- 

Squam Lake, New Hampshire, Plant notes 
from, 25:183. 
Stachys lanata in Ontario, 22:128. 
Stachys palustris, Our varieties of, 45:473. 
A neglected Solidago name, 21:69—70. 
A new locality for Senecio Crawfordii, 
Stachys lanata in Ontario, 22:128. 
Two new plants from Illinois, 31:36-38. 
(—— and Maceme, J. F.), A new form 
of Red Cedar from Indiana, 31:193-194. 
New forms and varieties of Indiana 
plants, 32:32-34. 
Records of United States plants, chiefly 
from the Chicago region, 34:174-177. 
Some synonymy, 35:110. 
STANFORD, Ernest ELwoop 
The inflorescence and flower-form in Poly- 
gonum, subgenus Persicaria, 27:41-47. 
Possibilities of hybridism as a cause of 
variation in Polygonum, 27:81-89. 
The amphibious group of Polygonum, 
subgenus Persicaria, 27:109-112, 125- 
130, 146—152, 156—166. 
Polygonum pensylvanicum and related 
species, 27 :173-184. 
Polygonum hydropiperoides and P. ope- 
lousanum, 28:11-17, 22-29. 
Polygonum Hydroniner in Europe and 
North America, 29:77-87. 
[Economic Plants], Review of, 37:31-32. 
Statice in North America, 19:1. 
SrEARN, W. T. 
The date of publication of Pursh's Flora 
Americae Septentrionalis, 45:415-416. 
A further note on the date of Pursh's 
Flora, 45:511—512. 
EH ‘plants new to Mt. Katahdin, 29:15- 

Further additions to the Mt. Desert flora, 
31:81-87, pls. 185, 186. 

Some interesting plants from Mt. Katah- 
din, 31:142-143. 

INDEX TO VonuMwrs 1-50 

Lomatogonium rotatum (L.) Fries in 
Maine, 31:143. 

A revision of some North American spe- 
cies of Calamagrostis, 32:35-57, pl. 195. 
(Contrib. Gray Herb. no. LXXXVII). 

An interesting form of Eupatorium per- 
foliatum, 32:132-133. 

Some interesting plants from the North 
Shore of the St. Lawrence, 34:66-67. 

Some observations on the flora of the 
Bruce Peninsula, Ontario, 37:63-74. 

A new species of Antennaria from the 
Appalachian region, 37:229-237, 4 figs. 

A note on species differentiation in An- 
tennaria, 38:367—369. 


Meesea triquetra, 33:77—78, pl. 205. 

Critical Bryophytes from the Keweenaw 
pneu: Michigan, 39:1-14, 33-46, 6 


A new station for Littorella americana, 
33 :79-80. 

(Hytanp, F. and ——), [The Woody 
iras of Maine], Review of, 47:143- 

Steironema lanceolatum, A remarkable de- 
velopment of, 2:190. 

Stellaria aquatica in Vermont, 10:200. 

Stellaria borealis, The American variations of, 

Stellaria glauca established in the Province 
of Quebec, 6:90. 

Stellaria pubera, A note on, 26:169. 

SrEMEN, Tuomas R.—(—— and Myers, W. 
2 [Oklahoma Flora], Review of, 40:179- 

Duis in the eastern United States, 48: 

Stevens, F. L.—[The Fungi which cause 
Plant-disease], Review of, 16:79-80. 

Stevens, New E.—Environmental factors and 
ine wasting disease of Eel Grass, 41:260- 

Stevens, O. A. 

Thesium Linophyllon in North Dakota, a 
first record for North America, 46:490. 

Botanical visits to Forts Clark, Mansion 
and Union in North Dakota, 48 :98-103, 
pls. 1025, 1026. 

Size, shape and number in Astragalus 
caryocarpus fruits, 48:111. 


The Hepatica transsilvanica group of 
eastern Europe and Asia, 29:53-57. 
The case for Polygonum cuspidatum Sieb. 

& Zucc., 32:223-225. 

Stewart, Sara R. (Hinckley, G. M., Mrs.)— 
Mentha arvensis and some of its North 
American variations, 46:331-335. 

Stewartia, Two new combinations in, 41:198. 


Notes on Missouri plants, 35:283-291. 
Range extension in Missouri for Ophio- 
glossum vulgatum, 36:22-23. 


Hamamelis virginiana in Missouri, 36: 

Some features of the flora of the Ozark 
region in Missouri, 36:214—233. 

A Grass new to Missouri, 36:312. 

Epifagus virginiana in Missouri, 36:352- 

Recent additions to the flora of St. Louis 
County, Missouri, 36:375-376. 

Najas gracillima in Missouri, 40:28. 

Two undescribed plants from Arkansas, 

[Validation of combination in Palmer and 
Steyermark’s Annotated Catalogue of 
the Flowering Plants of Missouri], 40: 

New combinations and undescribed forms 
from Missouri, 40:177-179. 

Plants new to Missouri, 40:249—255. 

A tomentose form of Cladrastis lutea, 40: 

Coldenia Nuttallii in Missouri, 40:487. 

(—— and ScumoLL, H. M.), Panicum 
Tuckermani, a variety of Panicum 
philadelphicum, 41 :86—90. 

Some newly described forms from Mis- 
souri, 41:585. 

'The first recorded occurrence of Distich- 
lis spicata in the Central Interior of the 
United States, 42:22-24. 

Draba aprica in the Ozarks of southeast- 
ern Missouri, 42:32-33. 

Plants new to or previously unreported 
from Misssouri, 42:97-105. 

Ludwigia microcarpa in Missouri, 42:144. 

Viola cucullata in Missouri, 42:199—200. 

Determination of Amphicarpa, Stropho- 
styles, Galactia and Apios by vegeta- 
tive characters, 42:213-215. 

[Spring Flora of Missouri], Review of, 

A study of Arenaria patula, 43:325-333. 

Aquatic varieties of Poa annua, 43:630- 

Notes on Missouri plants, 43:658-663. 
Rediscovering Sedum pulchellum at its 
northeastern limit, 44:73-76. 
Two albino forms of Echinacea from Mis- 
souri, 44:150—151. 
Herman C. Benke, 49:142-143. 
Notes on drying plants, 49:220—227. 
Stictyosiphon tortilis, The discovery of the 
long-sought Alga, 16:105. 
Stigonema, Two new species of, 15:192. 
Stipa spartea found in Pennsylvania, 29:253. 
Stockbridge, Massachusetts, Epipactis Helle- 
borine at, 1:52. 
SrokEY, ALMA G.—Flora of Penikese fifty 
years after (Pteridophyta), 26:219. 
Stone, Gronck E. 
Past and present floral conditions in cen- 
tral Massachusetts, 1:143-148. 
The Walking-fern in Worcester County, 
Massachusetts, 2:14. 
Luxuriant development of Spirogyra cras- 
sa in refilled ponds, 2:33-34. 


A remarkable form of Kalmia latifolia, 

Magnolia tripetala in Springfield, Massa- 
chusetts, 15:63. 

[A list of plants growing without cultiva- 
tion in Franklin, Hampshire and Hamp- 
den Counties, Massachusetts], Review 
of, 15:97—98. 

Strone, Marsor W.—(WeratuHersy, C. A. and 
——), A plea for the elimination of unnec- 
essary nomenclatural changes, 46:201—204. 

Stone, Wirmer—[The Plants of southern 
New Jersey], Review of, 14:94—96. 

neem, Connecticut, An old forest in, 43: 

Srout, Witu1am—[Notice of], 26:50, 52-55. 

Stow, Massachusetts, Some fleshy Fungi of, 
13:57; —II, 16:45. 

SrRAUsBAUGH, P. D.—(—— and Core, E. L.), 
Phymosia remota, 34:142-146. 

Strawberry, A new color form of a Wild, 31: 

Streptanthus from the Big Bend of Texas, A 
new, 45:258. 

Streptopus, A study of, 37:88. 

Streptopus in eastern America, The genus, 8: 

Streptopus longipes, Àn addition to the de- 
scription of, 13:237. 
Streptopus oreopolus, a possible hybrid, 9: 
Streptopus oreopolus in the White Mountains, 

Srronc, Mase, A.—Further information re- 
garding the occurrence of Dryopteris Filix- 
mas in Vermont, 9:27-28. 

Strophostyles, Galactia and Apios by vegeta- 
tive characters, Determination of Amphi- 
carpa, 42:213. 

Struthiopteris, Development of the sporophyll 
in Osmunda and, 3:223. 

SrunTEvANT, Epwarp Lewis—[Herbarium of], 

Suaeda in northeastern America, The genus, 

Suaeda maritima, a correction, 28:156. 

Subalpine plants, The soil preferences of cer- 
tain alpine and, 9:149. 2. 

Subalpine variety of Spiraea latifolia, The 
boreal and, 19:254. 

Subantarctic or Andean plants in the North- 
ern Hemisphere, Polystichum mohrioides 
and some other, 26:89. 

Subspecies, 44:157. 

Subspecies and variety, 44:153. 

Subspecies and variety, On the use of the 
terms, 43:157. 

Subularia, Another New Hampshire station 
for, 50:72. 

Subularia at East Andover, New Hampshire, 

Subularia aquatica on Mt. Desert Island, 1: 

Succisa pratensis in Massachusetts, 14:174. 

Sudbury, Massachusetts, Two noteworthy 
Carices at, 4:167. 


Sudbury River, Lemna minor as an aggres- 
sive weed in the, 49:165. 

Sudbury River, Potamogeton panormitanus 
in the, 36:312. 

SupwortH, Gro. B.— Technical name of Sug- 
ar Maple, 28:179. 

Sugar Maple, A conical, 36:238. 

Sugar Maple, Technical name of, 28:179, 233. 

Suggestion for summer observations, A, 14: 

Suggestions for collectors, 42:145. 

SuxsporF, WILHELM N. 

Is Arenaria lateriflora dioecious? 16:55- 

Cardamine oligosperma and its near allies, 

[Untersuchungen in der Gattung Am- 
sinckia], Review of, 34:189-190. 
Suutuivant, WiLLIAM SmARLING—[Herbarium 

of], 3:242. 
Summer course on the flowering plants, 15: 
Sunflower for Maine, A new, 6:147. 
Svenson, H. K. 

A northeastern variety of Panicum, 22: 
153-155, 5 figs. 

Plant notes from Squam Lake, New 
Hampshire, 25:183-185. 

Notes on some plants of eastern New 
York, 26 :221—222. 

The White Pine in Middle Tennessee, 27: 

Studies on interior distribution of mari- 
time plants,—I. Effects of post-Pleisto- 
cene marine submergence in eastern 
North America, 29:41—48, 57-72, 87-93, 
105-114, 1 fig. 

Additions to the flora of Cape Cod, 30: 

(Griscom, L. and——), Carex Mitchel- 
liana and other rare plants near Cohas- 
set, Massachusetts, 30:198-199. 

Habenaria dilatata on Cape Cod, 31:80. 

Chamaecyparis thyoides in New Hamp- 
shire, 31:96—98. 

Anthesis in Spartina cynosuroides, 31: 

Monographie studies in the genus Eleo- 
charis, 31:121-135, 152-163, 167-191, 

199-219, 224—242, pls. 188-191. (Contrib. 
Gray Herb. no. LXXXVI). 

Callitriche stagnalis in the eastern United 
States, 34:37-39. 

Monographie studies in the genus Eleo- 
charis, —II, 34:193-203, 215—227, pls. 
219-221; —III, 36:377—389, pls. 320, 321. 

Aster patens Ait. forma rosea, f. nova, 
37: 263. 

Tillaea aquatica on Long Island, 37:301- 


Listera australis on Long Island, 37:308. 

Another New Jersey station for Najas 
gracillima, 37:414. 

Viola rotundifolia on Long Island, 37: 


Monographic studies in the genus Eleo- 
charis,—IV, 39:210-231, 236-273, pls. 

Did Symphoricarpos albus come origi- 
nally from Canada? 39:461-462. 

Carex foenea, C. straminea and C. albi- 
B in Willdenow's herbarium, 40:325- 

Monographic studies in the genus Eleo- 

charis,—V, 41:1-19, 43-77, 90-110, pls. 

The asterisk in Linnaeus’s Species Plant- 
arum, 41:139-140. 
Erechtites megalocarpa on Long Island, 
Dates of Boeckeler’s Cyperaceae, 41:313. 
Corynephorus canescens on western Long 
Island, 41:314. 
Quercus rubra once more, 41:521—524. 
A new Chinese Eleocharis, 41:559. 
Plants of southern United States, 42:1- 
19, pls. 585—587. 
The Great Smokies and the Blue Ridge, 
[Review], 46:157-158. 
On the descriptive method of Linnaeus, 
47:273—302, 363—388, pls. 990, 991. 
The group of Eleocharis palustris in North 
America, 49:61—67. 
Swamp Blueberry, Vaccinium corymbosum, 
Double flowers in the Wild, 36:233. 
Swan, CuarLes WaLTrER—[ Herbarium of], 3: 
Swanton and vicinity, Notes on the flora of, 
Swanton, Vermont, Notes on the flora of, 31: 
Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, Convolvulus Wal- 
lichianus at, 47:332. 
Sweet Bay and its station on Cape Ann, Some 
historical data regarding the, 18:204. 
Sweet Clover, A freak, 23:25. 
Sweet Gale, The glabrous-leaved, 16:167. 
Sweet Pignut in New England, Hairy Variety 
of, 47:46. 
Symphoricarpos albus come originally from 
Canada? Did, 39:461. 
Symphoricarpos orbiculatus, Notes on the 
Coral-berry, 49:117. 
Symphoricarpos racemosus and its varieties in 
eastern America, 7:164. 
Symphytum, The correct name of an intro- 
duced, 18:23. 
Symposium, Annual botanical, 8:115; 10:95. 
Syngonanthus flavidulus, Exit, 49:128. 
Synonymy, Some, 35:110. 
Syntype and other terms referring to type 
material, Cotype, 45:481. 

Talinum rugospermum, Talinum teretifolium 
and, 30:205. 

Talinum teretifolium and T. rugospermum, 

Tamarack, Development of a leafy axis upon 
the cones of a, 45:106. 

Tanacetum huronense, The varieties of, 37: 


Tansy of Newfoundland, The native, 25:13. 

Taraxacum ceratophorum in New England, 

Taraxacum erythrospermum in Rhode Island, 
Corallorhiza innata and, 5:291. 

Taraxacum in arctic Canada (east of 100° 
W.), 45:337. 

Taraxacum in eastern North America, 35:369. 

Taraxacum officinale, The name, 50:216. 

Taraxacum palustre in America, 4:155. 

TaTNALL, Ropert R.—[Flora of Delaware and 
the Eastern Shore], Review of, 49:164. 

Taxonomy, Some historical aspects of plant, 


[Flora of the Vicinity of New York, a 
contribution to Plant Geography], Re- 
view of, 17:62-70. 

Grier's notes on the flora of Long Island, 
27 :213-215. 

[Mr. Taylor vs. Grier's notes on the flora 
of Long Island], 28:242—245. 

Taytor, T. M. C.—Eleocharis caribaea var. 
dispar in Ontario, 37 :365—366. 

Tavron, THomas—IHerbarium of], 3:242. 


Additions to the flora of Mount Desert, 
Maine, 23:65-68. 

(Lewis, I. F. and ——, editors), Notes 
from the Woods Hole Laboratory,— 
1921, 23 :249-256. 

Anabaena spiroides, var. crassa, 23:252- 
253, 1 fig. 

Ectocarpus Mitchellae Harv., var. parva 
n. var., 23:254—255. 

Baptisia tinctoria, 23 :255-256. 

Notes on some Algae from British Co- 
lumbia, 24:101-111, figs. A-G. 

Further notes on British Columbia Algae, 
26 : 160-166. 

Flora of Penikese fifty years after, (Ma- 
rine Algae), 26:212-215. 

(—— and Foca, J. M), Notes on some 
freshwater Algae from Newfoundland, 

(Lewis, I. F. and ——, editors), Notes 
from the Woods Hole Laboratory,— 
1928, 30:193-198, pl. 176. 

Asparagopsis hamifera (Hariot) Okam, 

(Lewis, I. F. and ), Notes from the 
Woods Hole Laboratory,—1932, 35:147- 
154, pl. 274. 

New records of marine Algae, 35:151-152, 
pl. 274. 

Disappearence of Zostera in 1932, 35:152- 

Epidemic among Zostera colonies, 35:186. 

[Marine Algae of the Northeastern Coast 
of North America], Review of, 40:323- 

Reappearance of rare New England ma- 
rine Algae, 43:72-74. 

oe of biology, A work for, [Review], 7: 
Teaching Botanist, [Notice], 2:52. 


Teesdalia nudicaulis and Thlaspi perfoliatum 
in Maryland, Carex divisa, 36:412. 
Tennessee, A new Pondweed from, 38:165. 
Tennessee, Notes on Botrychium from, 13:14. 
Tennessee, Notes on some plants of, 37:309. 
Tennessee, Notes on the flora of,—The genus 
Trillium, 36:119; —Dioscorea, 36:344. 
Tennessee, Some noteworthy plants of, 39: 
Tennessee, The White Pine in Middle, 27:27. 
Teratologic Typha, 43:85. 
Teratological flower of Corallorrhiza macu- 
lata, A, 31:53. 
Teratological form of Vaccinium pennsylvan- 
icum, À, 29:237. 
Teratological forms of Trillium undulatum, 
More, 10:214. 
Teratological forms of Trillium undulatum, 
Some, 10:21. 
Teratological specimen of Aralia hispida, A, 
Teratological specimen of Cypripedium ac- 
aule, A, 15:73; 35:203. 
Teratological specimen of Panicum amarulum 
Hitche. & Chase, A, 17:72. 
Teratology in Trillium, 12:163. 
Teratology in Trillium ovatum Pursh, 13:189. 
Terry, Emity Hircucock 
Juniperus communis var. erecta in Massa- 
chusetts, 3:140. 
[ Herbarium of], 3:283. 
Hieracium murorum in Massachusetts, 7: 
Dicksonia pilosiuscula forma schizophylla 
in Vermont, 7:99. 
Terry, WILLIAM A. 
Causes of variation in color of some Red 
Algae, 9:90-91. 
A partial list of Connecticut Diatoms 
with some account of their distribution 
in certain parts of the State, 9:125-140. 
Additional lists of Connecticut Diatoms, 
Tetramerism in Trillium grandiflorum, 30: 
Tetramerism in Trillium undulatum, 29:203. 
Tetraplodon australis in Massachusetts, 12: 
Teucrium canadense, The type of, 35:392. 
Teucrium new to Massachusetts, A, 11:148. 
Textbook for High Schools, A new botanical, 
Tewksbury, Massachusetts, Two Erodiums at, 
Texas, A Heterotheca from, 30:200. 
Texas, A new Columbine from the Edwards 
Plateau of, 38:75. 
Texas, A new Dyssodia from, 49:101. 
Texas, A new Lesquerella from western, 32: 
Texas, A new Loco from the Edwards Plateau 
of, 32:4 
Texas, A new Salviastrum from the Edwards 
Plateau of, 32:89. 
Texas, A new Selenia from, 40:183. 


Texas, A new Selenia from the Edwards Pla- 
teau of, 33:142. 

Texas, A new species of Haplopappus from 
southwestern, 45:351. 

Texas, A new Streptanthus from the Big 
Bend of, 45:258. 

Texas and adjacent New Mexico, A new spe- 
cies of Anulocaulis from southwestern, 47: 

Texas, Echinocereus angusticeps, a new spe- 
^. from the lower Rio Grande Valley, 37: 

Texas, Notes on Ephedra in, 40:215. 

Texas, Paronychia in central and western, 46: 

Texas plants, New names and new combina- 
tions for, 38:404. 

Texas plants, Notes on, 41:561. 

Texas, Some new plants from, 39:417. 

Texas, The genus Palafoxia in, 48:84. 

Texas, The habitat for Astrophytum asterias 
in, 35:224. 

Texas, The perennial Helenium of the Ed- 
wards Plateau of, 45:109. 

Texas, The Senecio on the coastal dunes of, 

Texas, The Wild Cherry of the Carrizo Sands 
of, 45:325. 

Texas, Three Junipers of western, 38:182. 

Texas, Two new varieties of early spring 
plants, a Ranunculus from Missouri and a 
Heterotheca from, 30:200. 

Thalictra and their Old World allies, Ameri- 
can, 46:337, 391, 453. 

Thalictrum polycarpum S. Wat., a disputed 
name, 40:317. 

Thalictrums, Two northeastern, 2:230. 

Thamnolia in Maine, The occurrence of, 2: 

TuHarr, B. C.—Tradescantia edwardsiana, nov. 
sp., 34:57-59, 1 fig. 


Contributions from the Cryptogamic 
Laboratory of Harvard University.— 
LV. Mycological notes, 5:97-108, pl. 46. 

The Fungi which cause plant-disease, 
[Review], 16:79-80. 

Lincoln Ware Riddle, 23:181-184. 

Thelypteris fragrans, The southern variety of, 

Thelypteris palustris, A study of, 31:27. 

Thelypteris, Schmidel's publication of, 31:21. 

Thermopsis mollis in eastern Massachusetts, 
47 :01. 

Thesium Linophyllon in North Dakota. a 
first record for North America, 46:490. 

Thetford, Vermont, Ferns of a deep ravine in, 

Thistles, east and west, The Pasture, 12:211. 

Thlaspi perfoliatum in Maryland, Carex di- 
visa, Teesdalia nudicaulis and, 36:412. 

TuoMPsoN, Emma J.—Botanizing in central 
Connecticut, 13:77-79. 

TuHompson, J. WiLLIAM—Notes on the flora 
of the State of Washington,—I, 34 :236-239; 
—1I, 36:8-13; —III, 37:417-421. 


ae Henry Davm—[Herbarium of], 3: 


THonPE, HeatHer G.—Alchemilla pratensis 
in Erie County, New York, 45:27. 

Turone, ALviN L.—Recent contributions to 
the flora of Wisconsin, 33:139-140. 

Thuja occidentalis, Lithological factors limit- 
ing the ranges of Pinus Banksiana and, 21: 

THURBER, GEoncE—[Herbarium of], 3:244. 
Tiarella and Mitella, Some anomalous plants 
of, 8:90. 
Tiarella cordifolia, A dimorphism in, 13:192. 
Tiarella cordifolia L., forma parviflora, n. f., 
Notes on Peltandra, Rafinesque, 12:47- 
50, pl. 83. 
Populus virginiana Fouger., 13:195-199. 
The Typhae of Maryland and Virginia, 
Notes on the flora of Maryland and Vir- 
ginia, —I, 15:101—106; —II, 16:201—209, 
13 figs. 
Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carr., 20:185—188. 
Geranium divaricatum in the United 
States, 34:207. 
Botanical notes, 36:309-312. 
TILDEN, JosePpHINE E.—Hydrocoleum Hol- 
deni, nom. nov., 3:254. 
Tillaea aquatica on Long Island, 37:301. 
Tillaea in Nantucket, 14:201. 
Titton, GEoRG H. 
An addition to the Fern-flora of Vermont, 
Scrophularia leporella at Willoughby, 7: 

Tipularia discolor in Dukes County, Massa- 
chusetts, 32:114. 

TITHERINGTON, RoBERT J.—A new station for 
Epipactis Helleborine in New Hampshire, 

Tiverton, Rhode Island, Some plants of, 10: 

Toadstools, An afternoon outing for, 2:191. 

Tomato, Branched Broom-rape upon, 3:295. 

Torrey & Gray’s Flora of North America, Two 
editions of, 8:232. 

Torrey and Schweinitz: a correction and a 
discrepancy, Barratt, 23:300. 

Torrey, G. S. 

Two yellow-fruited shrubs, 16:91-92. 

The varieties of Cardamine oligosperma, 
17 :156-158. 

Drosera rotundifolia, var. comosa in Con- 
necticut, 33:144. 

Torrey, JoHN—[—— ——, a Story of Ameri- 
can Botany], Review of a book by Roparns, 
A. D., 45:28. 

Torrey, JosePH, Dr—Raising mushrooms in 
a cellar, 3: 57-58. 


Euphorbia glyptosperma in Massachu- 
setts, 44:15-16. 
Modiola caroliniana 


in Massachusetts, 


Torrey, RaymMonp H.—Dactylina arctica in 
the United States, 39:152. 
A comment on the use of the term Lab- 
rador in natural history, 13:236—237. 
The old stumps at Blanc Sablon, 18:185- 
Toy, C. H.—Etymology of Anemone, 1:41- 
Tradescantia edwardsiana, nov. sp., 34:57. 
Tradescantia ozarkana, Irregularities in the 
floral parts of, 39:46. 
Tradescantia, Two of Rafinesque’s species of, 
Tradescantia Wrightii in New Mexico, 37:454. 
Tragopogon dubius in Indiana, 45: 413. 
Tragopogon major, a correction, 45:117. 
Trailiella intricata Batters, 30: 196. 
Trametes subrosea, nom. novum, Fomes 
roseus (A. & S.) Cke. and, 25:214. 
Transfers, Minor forms and, 38:233; 47:144. 
Transfers, New species, varieties and, 40:331, 
Transfers, Nomenclatorial, 18:152. 
Transfers, Three, 40:136. 
Translocation of characters in plants, On, 7: 
13, 21. 
Travels of Asa Gray in Western Virginia, 
1843, 42:344. 
Tree Flowers of Forest, Park and Street, Rog- 
ers's, [Review], 38:74. 
Tree Willows at Fort Kent, Maine, 3:277. 
Trees, A Bulletin on Shade, 10:217. 
Trees, An Illustrated Key to the, [Review], 
Trees and Shrubs, A Handy Book on, [Re- 
view], 17:103. 
Trees and shrubs in western Connecticut, The 
distribution of certain, 2:34. 
Trees and shrubs of the southeastern United 
States, Notes on, 25:179. 
Trees and shrubs of southeastern North Amer- 
ica, Notes on, 24:77. 
Trees and shrubs of western Cheshire County, 
New Hampshire, Notes on, 3:232. 
Trees, Fruit Key to Northeastern, [Reply to 
a review], 50:36. 
Trees, Fruits of, [Review], 49:83. 
Trees in Winter, New England, 
Trees of Indiana, Deam’s, [Reviews], 21:188; 
Trees of New England, Handbook of the, 
[Notice], 4:40. 
Trees of New England, Leavitt's Forest, [Re- 
view], 35:108. 
Trees of North America, Sargent's Manual of 
the, [Review], 7:139. 
Trees, Some new or little known forms of New 
England, 9:109. 
Tricholoma portentosum, 2:243. 
'Trientalis americana, Aerial runners in, 3:216. 
Trientalis and Rubus, Some points of nomen- 
clature in, 11:236. 
Trifolium hybridum and its Var. elegans, 45: 



Trifolium pratense, Our varieties of, 45:331. 

Triglochin palustris and Montia lampro- 
sperma in Maine, Notes on, 35:291. 

Br as maritima, Some variations of, 5: 

Trilisa occur in Virginia? Does, 46:148. 

Tli Catesbaei and T. nervosum Ell., 46: 

Trillium cernuum, Variations in, 25:189. 

Trillium erectum, var. blandum, var. nov., 40: 

Trillium grandiflorum, Dissemination by "E 
of the seeds of, 42:194; in Maine, 29:15; 
New Hampshire, 36: 376; Observations i in 
1940 on the dissemination by ants of the 
seeds of, 43:206; Tetramerism in, 30:105. 

Trillium nervorum Ell., Trillium Catesbaei 
and, 46:14. 

Trillium, Notes on the flora of Tennessee: the 
genus, 36:119. 

Trillium of southeastern Virginia, The Dwarf, 

Trillium ovatum Pursh, Teratology in, 13:189. 

Trillium rectistamineum, a valid species of 
the southeastern United States, 22:78. 

Trillium, Teratology in, 12:163. Trillium un- 
dulatum, Some teratological forms of, 10: 
21; More teratological forms of, 10:214; 
Tetramerism in, 29:223. 

Trillium undulatum Willd., forma Cleaveland- 
icum (Wood), comb. nov., 45:517. 

Triodanis and Specularia, Generic status of, 

Triodanis versus Specularia, 48:209. 

Triodia from Oklahoma, A new, 40:243. 

Triosteum aurantiacum, A new variety of, 

Triosteum perfoliatum and related species, 
Notes on, 25:199; in Massachusetts, 6:179. 

Triphora, A new variety of, 42:55. 

Tripsacum dactyloides in Massachusetts, 32: 

Trisetum and Graphephorum, Notes on, 8: 

Trisetum in America, The genus, 30:209, 237. 

Trisetum in Andover, Massachusetts, The 
genus, 5:289. 

Trisetum spicatum in eastern America, The 
representatives of, 18:195; in Pennsylvania, 
Discovery of, 21:128; Note on, 31:255. 

Trisetum spicate, Note on, 31:255. 

TRUMAN, Harry V. 

Pollen of Sparganium americanum and S. 
androcladum, 33:141-142. 

Further note on Verbena stricta forma 
albiflora, 40:244—245. 

Tryon, R. M, Jr. 

The varieties of Convolvulus spithamaeus 
and of C. sepium, 41:415—423, pls. 557, 
558. (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. CXXVI). 

A revision of the genus Pteridium, 43: 
1-31, 37-67, pls. 650-653. (Contrib. 
Gray Herb. no. CX XXIV). 

The Ferns and Fern Allies of Louisiana, 
[Review], 44:484—485. 



and Moors, J. W.), Notes on aqua- 
tic and prairie vegetation in southwest- 
ern Minnesota, 48:113-116. 

(Boourr, L. E. 'and ——), A study of 
Elymus in Minnesota, 50:80-91. 
Tsuga americana (Mill.) Farwell, a final word, 

Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carr., 20:185. 

[Herbarium of], 3:242. 285. 

[Letter of —— to Carey], 40:277. 
Tufts College, [Herbarium of], 3:285. 
Tumble-weed, Baptisia tinctoria as a, 3:34. 
'Tumble-weeds, 3:18. 

Twigs, The weight of ice-covered, 11:32. 

'TwiNiNa, ALFrep—[Flora of Northeastern 
Pennsylvania], Review of, 21:172. 

Type locality of Sphagnum Faxoni, The, 10: 

Type locality, Shortia galacifolia in its, 49: 

Type material, Cotype, syntype and other 
terms referring to, 45:481 

Type of Baptisia tinctoria, The, 39:414. 

Type of Carex umbellata, The, 44:288. 

Type of Cassia marilandica, The, 39:410. 

Type of Celtis occidentalis, The, 50:155. 

Type of Fuirena squarrosa, The, 40:396. 

Type of Galium circaezans, The, 39:449. 

Type of Rudbeckia hirta, The, 50:172. 

Type of Scirpus glaucescens, Willdenow’s, 32: 

Type of Sophora villosa, The, 50:200. 

Type of Teucrium canadense, The, 35:392. 

Type of the genus Alsine, The, 21:7. 

Type of the genus Lepidospartum, The, 40: 

Type of the genus Panicum, 13:173. 

Type specimens in Elliott’s herbarium, A list 
of, 44:249. 

Types in British herbaria, Studies of Ameri- 
can, 50:149, 181, 217. 

Types in the group of Acalypha virginica, 
Rafinesque, 43:96. 

Types of North American Violets, The older, 

Types s of some American species of Elymus, 

TA Teratologic, 43:85. 

Typhae of Maryland and Virginia, The, 13: 

Typical Goodyera repens in New England, 2: 

Typical Lycopodium complanatum, An ex- 
tension of range for the, 4:154. . 

Typification of Acalypha virginica L., The, 

Typification of Linnean species as illustrated 
by Polygala verticillata, On the, 41:378. 

Typification of Scirpus capitatus L., The, 32: 

Ulmus americana, The indigenous variations 
of, 47:132. 

Ulothrichaceae and Chaetophoraceae in the 
United States, The, [Review], 5:72. 


Ulvaceae of North America, The, 5:1. 

Umbelliferae of New England, Notes on the, 

Umbelliferae, Phanerotaenia, a new genus of, 

Understanding, Imagined wisdom without, 
[Critique], 46:312. 

Unpberwoop, Jay G. 

(——, Perkins, G. H. and Grirrin, D. 
I.), Vermont Botanical Club, Summer 
meeting, 14:162. 

Phlox divaricata in Vermont, 15:79. 

(——, WHEELER, L. A. and Ruca, H. G.), 
The joint summer meeting of the Ver- 
mont Botanical and Bird Clubs, 15: 

Unisema, Pontederia versus, 27:76. 

United States, A new variety of Iva ciliata 
from Indian Rock-shelters in south-central, 

United States, A station for Hymenophysa 
pubescens in the eastern, 39:190. 

United States, Amsinckia in the northeastern, 

United States and adjacent Canada, The Cra- 
taegi of the northeastern, 10:73. 

United States and Canada, Andropogon scop- 
arius in the, 19:100. 

United States and Canada, A revision of the 
perennial species of Geranium of the, 45: 

5, 32. 

United States and Canada, The Lady Ferns of 
the eastern, 19:181. 

United States and Canada, The spores of the 
genus Lycopodium in the, 36:13. 

United States and Mexico, Cyperus oxylepis 
in the, 40:358. 

United States and the West Indies, Rhyncho- 
spora, section Eurhynchospora, in Canada, 
the, 46:89, 159, 207, 255. 

United States, Astrophytum asterias in the, 
34 :227. 

United States, Bartonia iodandra, a species 
new to the, 2:55. 

eee Callitriche stagnalis in eastern, 

United States, Cladonias collected by S. F. 
Blake in the western, 33:135. 

United States, Coccomyxa in the, 39:366. 

United States, Cortinarius cyanites in the, 27: 

rae States, Cyperus pilosus Vahl in the, 

United States, Dactylina arctica in the, 39: 

United States exclusive of southern Florida, 
Euphorbia subgenus Chamaesyce in Can- 
ada and the, 43:95, 168, 223. 

United States, Falcaria Rivini, a plant new to 
the, 25:12. 

United States, Ferns of Northeastern, [Re- 
view], 38:345. 

United States, Geranium divaricatum in the, 
34:207. - 

United States, New species and forms from 
the central and southern, 35:44. 


United States, Notes on the Compositae of 
the Northeastern, —I. Inuleae, 47:182; 
—II. Heliantheae and Helenieae, 47:396; 
—III. Inuleae and Senecioneae, 48:116; 
—IV. Solidago, 49:69; —VI. Cichoreae, 
Eupatorieae and Astereae, 50:28. 

United States, Notes on the vascular plants 
of the northeastern, 10:29. 

United States, Further notes on the vascular 
plants of the northeastern, 10:64. 

United States, Notes on trees and shrubs of 
the southeastern, 25:179. 

United States, Occurrence of Pythium gracile 
in the, 29:37. 

United States, Ornamental Shrubs of the, 
[Review], 12:207. 

United States plants chiefly from the Chicago 
region, Records of, 34:174. 

United States plants, Miscellaneous notes on, 

United States, Plants of southern, 42:1. 

United States, Polygonum caespitosum, var. 
longisetum in the, 34:146. 

he States, Ruellia in the eastern, 47:1, 
47, 69. 

United States, Stenanthium in the eastern, 

United States, Studies in the genus Najas in 
the northern, 38:333. 

United States, The first recorded occurrence 
of Distichlis spicata in the Central Interior 
of the, 42:22. 

United States, The spores of the genus Sela- 
ginella in North-Central and Northeastern, 
37 :342. 

United States, 'The Ulothricaceae and Chaeto- 
phoraceae of, [Review], 5:72. 

United States, Trillium rectistamineum, a 
valid species of the southeastern, 22:78. 
United States, Two new Myriophyllums and 

a species new to the, 21:120. 

United States, Viola chinensis in the eastern, 

University of Maine, [Herbarium of], 3:285. 

University of Minnesota Herbarium, Notes 
from the, —I, 40: 275; —II, 43:553. 

University of Oklahoma, Notes from the 
(Bebb) Herbarium of the, —I, 40:425; —II, 

University of Vermont, [Herbarium of], 3: 

University of Vermont, The Pringle and Frost 
herbaria at the, 4:171. 

University of Wisconsin, Notes from the Her- 
barium of the, (see: Wisconsin, Notes from 
the Herbarium of the University of). 

Untersuchungen in der Gattung Amsinckia, 
[Review], 34:189. 

Unwelcome invader, An, 16:166. 


Desmodium glabellum 
Connecticut, 35:38-39. 

Epipactis latifolia in New Hampshire, 44: 

Uromyces on Carex, Two new species of, 12: 

in northeastern 


Urtica gracilis and some related North Ameri- 
can species, 28:191. 

Usage, 29:26. 

Utah, A new Cardamine from the Uinta 
Mountains, 36:409. 

Utah, A new Juncus from, 40:69. 

Utricularia fibrosa in Massachusetts, 19:38. 

Utricularia inflata var. minor in Canada, 47: 

Utricularia minor in Holbrook, Massachusetts, 
4:42; in Vinnicunnet, Massachusetts, 4:102. 

Utricularia purpurea, About, 42:24. 

Utricularia subulata in Plymouth, Massachu- 
setts, 30:35. 

Utricularias, Aquatic, 41:113. 

Utricularias in Quebec, Distributional notes 
on certain aquatic, 42:52. 

Uvularia perfoliata in Louisiana, 37:58. 

Vacciniaceae, Notes on, 33:193. 

Vaccinium atrococcum forma leucococcum, 
a correction, 24:228. 

Vaccinium caespitosum on Mt. Katahdin, Pol- 
lination of the Ericaceae: VI., 44:187. 

Vaccinium corymbosum, Double flowers in 
the Wild Swamp Blueberry, 36:233. 

Vaccinium macrocarpon, Vaccinium Oxycoc- 
cus and, 4:234. 

Vaccinium myrtilloides, Note on Michaux’s, 

Vaccinium Oxycoccus and V. macrocarpon, 4: 

Vaccinium pennsylvanicum, A teratological 
form of, 29:237; Autumnal flowering of, 2: 
224; Pollination of, 39:60. 

Vaccinium uliginosum and its var. alpinum, 
25:23; at a low altitude, 1:172. 

Vaccinium vacillans, A pubescent variety of, 

Vaccinium Vitis-Idaea, The American variety 
of, 14:231. 

Vacciniums in New England, Albino fruits of, 

Valerianella, a correction, 41:80. 

Valerianella in New England, 4:195. 

Valerianella in North America, 40:185. 

Valerianellas of North America, Additional 
notes on the, 40:465. 

Vallisneria americana, The diagnostic char- 
acter of, 20:108. 

Vasey, Georce—[Some inadequately char- 
acterized species of], 36:346-348. 

Vegetable matter from sandy shores, On balls 
of, 7:41; 11:149. 

Vegetation, A Handy Guide to Aquatic and 
Marsh, [Review], 47:395. 

Vegetation, Changes in the Woods Hole algal, 

Vegetation in northwestern Wisconsin, The 
postglacial history of, 40:137. 

Vegetation in southwestern Minnesota, Notes 
on aquatic and prairie, 48:113. 

Vegetation of artificial lakes in northwestern 
Arkansas, 48:329. 

Vegetation of northern Cape Breton, Nich- 
ols's, [Review], 21:171. 


Vegetation of Plymouth three hundred years 
ago, The, 3:17. 

Vegetation of the Athabasca-Great Slave Lake 
region, The distribution of affinities of the, 

Vegetation of the Virgin Islands, An un- 
authorized publication on the, 28:66. 

Verbascum phlomoides in Iowa, 49:67. 

Verbena hastata, Pollination of, 41:184. 

Verbena prostrata, an invalid name, 38:271. 

Verbena stricta forma albiflora, Further note 
on, 40:244. 

Verbena stricta and Helianthus mollis in 
Massachusetts, 'The occurrence of, 6:88. 

Vermont, A few noteworthy plants from 
southern, 34:31. 

Vermont, A hybrid Asplenium new to the 
flora of, 8:12. 

Vermont, A hybrid between Shagbark and 
Bitternut Hickory in southeastern, 50:60. 

Vermont, A new hybrid Fern from, 6:75. 

Vermont, A second station for Arenaria mac- 
rophylla in, 7:156. 

Vermont, A second station for Cyperus Hough- 
toni in, 5:191. 

Vermont, A third station for Cyperus Hough- 
tonii in, 14:40. 

Vermont, A white-leaved Hemlock in, 19:273. 

Vermont, Addenda to the flora of, 6:137. 

Vermont, An addition to the Fern-flora of, 6: 

Vermont, Anagallis arvensis and caerulea in, 


Vermont and New Hampshire plants in the 
Middle Connecticut Valley, Some, 4:129. 
Vermont and New Hampshire, Soil tests of 
Ericaceae and other reaction-sensitive fa- 

milies in northern, 22:33. 

Vermont and New Hampshire, Two new spe- 
cies of Rubus from, 8:95. 

Vermont and Quebec, A new Geum from, 8: 

Vermont, Arceuthobium pusillum on a new 
host in, 2:8. 

Vermont, Baptisia australis in, 2:172. 

Vermont Botanical and Bird Clubs, Meetings 
of the, 4:138; 9:108; 11:124; 15:79; 17:143; 

Vermont Botanical Club, Meetings of the, 1: 
77; 2:88; 3:65; 4:64, 138, 189; 5:120, 236; 
6:63, 164; 7:59; 8:23; 9:108; 10:55; 11:27, 
124; 12:100, 206; 13:87, 237; 14:161, 204; 
15:79, 203; 16:78, 198; 17:86, 143; 18:71; 
21:144, 191; 22:184; 24:220. 

Vermont, Botanical notes from northern, 32: 

Vermont, Carex flava var. gaspensis in, 21: 

Vermont, Daphne Mezereum in, 2:142. 

Vermont, Dicentra eximia in, 48:272. 

Vermont, Dicksonia pilosiuscula, forma schiz- 
ophylla in, 7:99. 

Vermont, Euphrasia canadensis in, 25:84. 

Vermont, Excursion to southern, 27:211. 

Vermont, Ferns of a deep ravine in Thetford, 


Vermont, Festuca octoflora in, 15:187. 

Vermont, Flora of, [Review], 3:40. 

Vermont, Flora of Willoughby, 6:93. 

Vermont, Flora of Woodstock, [Review], 34: 

Vermont for Cyperus Houghtonii, A third sta- 
tion in, 14:40. 

Vermont, Further information regarding the 
occurrence of Dryopteris Filix-mas in, 9: 

Vermont, Glyceria acutiflora in, 13:92. 

Vermont, Grasses and Sedges of Woodstock, 
[Review], 42:143. 

Vermont Grasses rediscovered, Two, 12:40. 

Vermont, Habenaria psycodes, var. ecalcarata 
in, 22:31. 

Vermont Helvelleae with descriptive notes, 
A list of, 1:59. 

Vermont, Hydrastis canadensis L. in, 1:200. 

Vermont, Information desired concerning 
paou doubtfully ascribed to the flora of, 

Vermont, Kalmia latifolia in, 1:136. 

Vermont, Lappula deflexa in, 18:138. 

Vermont, Lathyrus tuberosus in, 3:230. 

Vermont, Lycopodium complanatum near 
Hartland, 13:211. 

Vermont Mosses, Notes on, 4:180. 

Vermont Myxomycetes with notes, List of, 1: 

Vermont, Nephrodium Filix-mas in, 8:22. 

Ye New or rare plants from Pownal, 

Vermont, New stations for Ferns in, 10:196. 

Vermont, Note on the report of Scirpus nanus 
from, 11:84. 

Vermont, Notes on a species of Cyathus com- 
mon in lawns at Middlebury, 2:99. 

Vermont, Notes on the flora of Swanton, 31: 

Vermont, November flowers in northern, 21: 

Vermont peat-bog, Some interesting Mosses 
from a southern, 6:43 

Vermont, Phlox divaricata in, 15:79. 

Vermont, Plants new to, 11:198. 

Vermont plants, New stations for two, 9:227. 

Vermont plants, Notes on, 2:88. 

Vermont, Pogonia affinis in, 4:216. 

Vermont, Polymnia canadensis in, 2:70. 

Vermont, Rediscovery of Podostemon cerato- 
phyllus in, 9:220. 

Vermont, Russula emetica in, 2:71. 

Vermont, Six weeks’ botanizing in,—I, 15: 
153; —II, 15:200; —III, 16:38. 

Vermont, Solidago calcicola in, 14:54. 

Vermont, Some cases of poisoning by Cypri- 
pedium spectabile in, 4:94. 

Vermont, Some Orchids of eastern, 2:171. 

Vermont, Some traits of Epipactis in, 19:38. 

Vermont, Spiraea salicifolia in Alburg, 16:96. 

Vermont, Stellaria aquatica in, 10:200. 

Vermont, The Dwarf Mistletoe at Bradford, 

Vermont, The Orchidaceae of a series of 
swamps in southern, 2:114. 


Vermont, The Pringle and Frost herbaria at 
the University of, 4:171. 

Vermont, The Saniculas of western, 1:7. 

Vermont, Three plants new to the flora of, 7: 

Vermont, Two ferns new to the flora of, 7:103. 

Vermont, Two Grasses rediscovered, 12:40. 

Vermont, University of, [Herbarium of], 3: 

Vernonia altissima Nutt., var. taeniotricha, 
var. nov., 19:167. 

Vernonia fasciculata Michx., var. corymbosa 
(Schwein.) comb. nov., 40:220. 

Vernonia georgiana, a new species related to 
V. oligophylla, 12:171. 

Vernonia, Notes on, 38:369. 

Vernonia oligophylla, Vernonia georgiana, a 
new species related to, 12:171. 

Veronica alpina, The North American varie- 
ties of, 41:447. 

Veronica Anagallis-aquatica L., Glandularity 
on, 19:60. 

Veronica Chamaedrys, Further stations for, 

Veronica Chamaedrys in New England, 4:107. 

Veronica in America, Some belated correc- 
tions to my revision of, 34:149. 

Veronica in North and South America, 23:1, 

Veronicas, Two northeastern, 4:191. 

Vibrissea circinans (Pers.) Massee, Correction 
in regard to, 1:91. 

Viburnum acerifolium L., forma Collinsii, f. 
nov., 47:264. 

Viburnum dentatum L., 42:1. 

Viburnum edule and its nomenclature, 43: 

Viburnum, On the names of some species of, 

Vicia Cracca and its relatives in North Ameri- 
ca, 38:187. 

Vicia for New England, A new, 2:225. 

Vicia lathyroides in eastern Virginia and new 
to North America, 43:207. 

Vicia sepium in New Brunswick, 49:288; in 
Canada, 50:144. 

Vicia tetrasperma var. tenuissima in America, 


[Les Lycopodinées du Québec], Review 

of, 28:18-19. 

[Les Equisétinées du Québec], Review 
of, 30:79-80. 

[Les Gymnospermes du Québec], Review 
of, 31:19-20. 

[Le Dynamisme dans la Flore du Qué- 
bec], Review of, 32:11-15. 
[Les Spadiciflores du Québec], Review 
of, 34:119-120. 
[Flore Laurentienne], Review of, 37:305- 
About Utricularia purpurea, 42:24. 
[Biographical sketch], 48:265-272. 
Vienna Congress, On the Rules of Botanical 
Nomenclature adopted by the, 9:29. 


Vineyard Sound, Notes on two rare Algae of, 


Vinnicunnet, Massachusetts, Utricularia minor 
in, 4:102. 

Viola arenaria DC. indigenous to North 
America? Is, 15:106. 

Viola arvensis in New England, 5:155. 

Viola Brainerdii, Viola renifolia and, 14:86. 

Viola Brittoniana at Concord, Massachusetts, 

Viola chinensis in the eastern United States, 

Viola cucullata in Missouri, 42:199. 

Viola emarginata in Massachusetts, 16:76. 

Viola, Hybridism in the genus, 6:213; —II, 
8:6; —III, 8:49. 

Viola, Mendel's law of dominance in the hy- 
brids of, 9:211. 

Viola novae-angliae in the Penobscot Valley, 

Viola pallens with pure white petals, 11:164. 

Viola pedata, A striking color form of, 13:172. 

Viola pedata, Extended range of, 15:18. 

Viola pedata forma rosea, Regarding, 14:22. 

Viola primulifolia in Berkshire County, Mas- 
sachusetts, 28:132. 

Viola renifolia and V. Brainerdii, 14:86. 

Viola rostrata, An albino, 17:180. 

Viola rotundifolia on Long Island, 37:421. 

Viola rotundifolia, Seed dispersal of, 4:183. 

Viola, Seed-throwing of, 4:230. 

Viola Selkirkii in Colorado, 16:94. 

Viola Selkirkii in Connecticut, 15:225. 

Viola septentrionalis in British Columbia, 17: 

Violet, A new hybrid, 11:14. 

Violet, Another hybrid between a white and 
a blue, 11:115. 

Violet from New England, A new, 6:226. 

Violets and Violet hybrids in the District of 
Columbia and vicinity, The, 8:117. 

Violets in Connecticut, Late-blooming, 27:51. 

Violets, Notes on New England, 6:8; —II, 7: 
1; —III, 7:245. 

Violets of northeastern America, Notes on 
new or rare, 15:112. 

Violets, The older types of North American, 

Virgin Islands, An unauthorized publication 
on the vegetation of the, 28:66. 

Virginia, A century of additions to the flora 
of, 42:355, 419, 503. 

Virginia, A globose form of Pitch Pine (Pinus 
rigida) in, 42:308. 

Virginia, A new species of Houstonia from the 
Cedar Barrens of Lee County, 46:306. 

Virginia, A station for Cheilanthes alabamen- 
sis in Giles County, 41:137. 

Virginia, A white-flowered Desmodium from, 

Virginia, Additions to and subtractions from 
the flora of, 49:85, 121, 145, 175. 

Virginia, Amelanchier in southeastern, 43:559. 

Virginia and its variety laciniata in Massachu- 
setts, Betula populifolia in, 44:236. 


Vigil and Maryland plants, Notes on, 36: 

Virginia and new to North America, Vicia 
lathyroides in eastern, 43:207. 

Virginia and the Carolinas, Chrysopsis gram- 
inifolia and allies in, 44:464, 

Virginia, Another century of additions to the 
flora of, 43:485, 559, 635. 

Virginia, Botanical specialties of the Seward 
Forest and adjacent areas of southeastern, 
47 :93, 149, 191. 

Virginia Coastal Plain, Some interesting 
plants of the, 24:148. 

Virginia, Crataegus viridis L. in, 12:93. 

Virginia Creeper, Self-strangulation in the, 3: 

Virginia? Does Bartonia verna grow in, 48: 


Virginia? Does Gordonia grow in, 49:151. 

Virginia? Does Trilisa occur in, 46:148. 

Virginia, Further notes on Coastal Plain ele- 
meni in the bogs of Augusta County, 42: 

Virginia? Is Dichromena latifolia in, 49:124. 

Virginia, Juncus polycephalus not known 
from, 49:130. 

Virginia, Last survivors in the flora of tide- 
water, 41:465, 529, 564. 

Virginia, Local plants of the Inner Coastal 
Plain of southeastern, 39:321, 379, 433, 465. 

Virginia, Midsummer vascular plants of south- 
eastern, 37:378, 423. 

Virginia, Najas Muenscheri and other species 
of Najas in eastern, 49:233. 

Virginia, Notes on the flora of Maryland and, 
—I, 15:101; —II, 16:201. 

Virginia, Notes on the flora of Roanoke 
County, 46:69, 135. 

Virginia, Noteworthy plants of southeastern, 
40:364, 434, 467. 

Virginia, Nuphar sagittifolium in, 44:396. 

Virginia, Panicum ensifolium and allies in 
southeastern, 39:387. 

Virginia, Plants from the outer Coastal Plain 
of, 38:376, 414. 

Virginia, Rhynchosia in eastern, 44:421. 

Virginia, Some local plants of, 31:256. 

Virginia, Spiraea latifolia var. septentrionalis 
in, 48:112. 

Virginia, The Dwarf Trillium of, 45:396. 

Virginia, The hybrid Oak, x Quercus Rudkini, 
at Arlington, 44:262. 

Virginia, The Seashore State Park, a part of 
Cape Henry, 45:105. 

Virginia, The seventh century of additions to 
the flora of, 44:341, 416, 457. 

Virginia, The Typhae of Maryland and, 13: 

Virginia, Three days of botanizing in south- 
eastern, 37:129, 167. 

Virginia, Two Ferns new to, 44:191. 

Virginia, Two introduced Grasses new to, 36: 

Virginia 1843, Travels of Asa Gray in west- 
ern, 42:344. 

INDEX ro VoLUMEs 1-50 

Virginian, Baccharis glomeruliflora presum- 
ably not, 49:189. 

Virginian botanizing under restrictions, 45: 
357, 445, 485. 

Virginian estuaries, Najas in the, 49:105. 

Virginian, Liatris elegans, not, 49:187. 

Virginian occurrence of Kalmia hirsuta doubt- 
ed, 49:158. 

Virginian Peltandra, A, 50:56. 

Virginian record of Oxypolis filiformis, The, 

Virginian, So-called Rumex Britannica, not a, 
47 :133. 

Vitis from New England, A new, 19:144. 

Vitis Labrusca, A rare variety of, 22:183. 

Volvaria, Remarks on, 4:5. 

Volvaria volvacea in Lawrence, Massachu- 
setts, 4:3. 


Notes from southeastern Wisconsin, 34: 

Phymosia remota in captivity, 34:207-209. 

Notes from southeastern Wisconsin—Il. 
35 : 252-256. 

A new binomial in Juncus, 49:120. 


(CLausEN, R. T. and——), Plants of cen- 
tral Pennsylvania, 41:28-34. 

Notes on plants of central Pennsylvania, 
47 :41-46. 

Wafer-ash of the Georgia Sand-hills, Ptelea 
mollis var. cryptoneura, a, 13:80. 

Waldsteinia in Maine, 24:124. 

Waldsteinia fragarioides in Maine, A third 
station for, 35:322. 

Walker Prize in Economic Botany, [Notice], 

Walking-fern in Worcester County, Massa- 
chusetts, The, 2:14. 

WALLACE, ALEXANDER—[ The Heather in Lore, 
Lyrie and Lay], Review of, 6:24. 


An unexpected addition to the flora of 
western Massachusetts, 40:424. 

Some recent additions to the flora of 
Berkshire County, Massachusetts, 41: 

More Berkshire plants, 44:332—334. 


[Some neglected names in Walter’s Flora 
Caroliniana], 17:129-137. 

[Some species of], 50:190—-208, 217—229, 
pls. 1103-1115. (Contrib, Gray Herb. no. 

Watters, FRANK—Anomalous flowers of Po- 
gonia verticillata, 18 :252-253. 
Warp, H. A 

A new station for Gaylussacia brachycera, 
22: 167-168. 

Some rare introductions near Harrisburg, 
Pennsylvania, 32:28. 

Warp, MARTHA E. 

Mimulus moschatus in Massachusetts, 6: 

Galax aphylla introduced in Massachu- 
setts, 21:24. 


WanE, RoBERT À. 

(Harrison, A. K., FonsEs, F. F., KNowr- 
TON, C. H. and ——), Reports on the 
flora of the Boston district, —I, 9:81—86. 

Salix incana at Castine, Maine, 10:56. 

Another station for Centaurea diffusa, 12: 

WanNSsTORF, CanL—Sphagnum Faxonii, an ad- 
dition to the flora of New England, 10:40- 

Washington, A new variety of Polygonum 
from, 40:359. 

Washington and Michaux, 17:49. 

Washington and Oregon, The occurrence of 
Phragmites communis in western, 33:170. 

Washington-Baltimore Checklist, The new, 
[Review], 50:15. 

Washington County, Maine, Littorella amer- 
icana in, 33:79. 

Washington County, Maine, Solidago and 
Aster in, 33:159. 

Washington, Lathyrus Nissolia, a recent intro- 
duction in the State of, 23:246. 

Washington, Notes on the flora of the State 
of,—I, 34:236; —II, 36:8; —III, 37:417. 

Waterbury, Connecticut, Blewitt's Flora of, 
[Review], 29:240. 


Interesting plants of Oklahoma, 42:499- 

(Horxins, M. and ——), Notes on Okla- 
homa plants, 45:113-117. 

A new species of Haplopappus from 
southwestern Texas, 45:351-353. 

A new species of Anulocaulis from south- 
western Texas and adjacent New Mexi- 
co, 47 :329-332. 

A new species of Euphorbia from Okla- 
homa, 50:63-64. 

Distributional notes and some minor 
forms from Oklahoma, 50:91-98. 

Waters, C. E. 

Asplenium ebeneum proliferum, 5:272- 
275. 1 fig.: 6:210—211. 

[Ferns, a Manual for the Northeastern 
States], Review of, 6:23. 


Panicum Commonsianum in Connecticut, 

An extreme form of Botrychium virginia- 
num, 8:47-48. 

A color form of Potentilla pumila, 11: 

(Graves, C. B., Eames, E. H., BissELL, C. 
H., Anprews, L., Harcer, E. B. and 

[Catalogue of the Flowering 
Plants and Ferns of Connecticut grow- 
ing without Cultivation], Review of, 

Old-time Connecticut botanists and their 
herbaria,—I, 16:83-90. 

Two extensions of range in Gramineae, 

(FERNALp, M. L. and ——), The genus 
Puccinellia in eastern North America, 
18:1-23, pls. 114-117. (Contrib. Gray 
Herb. no. XLVI). 




Staminody of the petals in Amelanchier, 
18 :48—49. 

Some western species of Puccinellia, 18: 

(—— and Brake, S. F.), Galium pilosum 
and its varieties, 18:190-195. 

Concerning Linum intercursum Bicknell, 

(Harcer, E. B., Graves, C. B., Eames, E. 
H., Bissett, C. H., AwpnEWS, L. and 

), Additions to the flora of Connec- 
ticut, 19:105-110, 119—130, 224—232, 245- 

Color forms of Impatiens biflora, 19:115- 

(KNowrroN, C. H., Rietey, W. S. and 
——), Reports of the Committee on 
floral areas, 20:181-185, 193-197. 

Long Pond, 21:73-76. 

Further notes on Impatiens biflora, 21: 
98-100, 6 figs. 

An omission in the preliminary list of 
New England Ranunculaceae, 21:104. 

Changes in the nomenclature of the 
Gray’s Manual Ferns, 21:173-179. 

Habenaria psycodes, var. ecalcarata in 
Vermont, 22:31-32. 

(KNowrroN, C. H., Riy, W. S. and 
— —), Second report of the Committee 
on floral areas, 22:80—89. 

Varieties of Pityrogramma triangularis, 
22 :113-120. 

A European Primrose in New England, 

(FERNALpD, M. L. and ——), Equisetum 
fluviatile or E. limosum? 23:43-47. 

A form of Ilex opaca, 23:118-119. 

Old-time Connecticut botanists and their 
herbaria,—II, 23:121-125, 171-177. 

(KNowrroN, C. H., Rey, W. S. and 
——), Third report of the Committee 
on floral areas, 23:209—220. 

Barratt, Torrey and Schweinitz: a correc- 
tion and a discrepancy, 23:300-301. 
A new species of Eleocharis from Massa- 

chusetts, 24:23-26. 

(FERNALD, M. L. and ——), Varieties of 
Geum canadense, 24 :47—50. 

(Hanagn, E. B., Graves, C. B., Eames, E. 
H., BissgLL, C. H. and ——), Additions 
to the flora of Connecticut, Series 2, 

Some critical plants of Atlantic North 
America, 25:17-23. 

The identity of Carex gynandra Schwein., 

Two more wool-waste plants from West- 
ford, Massachusetts, 26:38—39. 

Another Davenport Fern herbarium, 26: 

A new Satureja from Florida, 26:80-81. 

A note on Stellaria pubera Michx., 26: 

Gaura parviflora Dougl., var. lachnocarpa, 
n. var., 27:14-15. 

(KNowrroN, C. H. Rey, W. S. and 
——), Fourth report of the Committee 
on floral areas, 27:56—66. 

Inconstancy in color-forms of Hepatica 
americana, 27:131-132. 

A new Magnolia from West Florida, 28: 

(——, KNowrroN, C. H. and Bran, R. 
C.), Fifth report of the Committee on 
floral areas, 28:43-46. 

A new North American variety of Cystop- 
teris fragilis, 28:129-131. 

On Solidago rigida L. and the application 
of old botanical names, 28:138-145. 
Equisetum pratense in Berkshire County, 

Massachusetts, 29:32. 

The group of Acalypha virginica in east- 
ern North America, 29:193-204. 

Tetramerism in Trillium undulatum, 29: 

A teratological form of Vaccinium penn- 
sylvanicum, 29:237—238. 

Blewitt’s Flora of Waterbury, Connecti- 
cut, [Review], 29:240. 

( , KNuowrroN, C. H. and Bran, R. 
C.), Sixth report of the Committee on 
floral areas, 29:247-253. 

Additions to the Flora of Worcester 
County, Massachusetts, [Review], 30: 

A note on the genus Paspalum in New 
England, 30:133-135. 

A variety of Hypericum canadense, 30: 
188-190, 1 fig. 

(FERNALD, M. L. and ), Schmidel’s 
publication of Thelypteris, 31:21-26, pl. 
179. (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 

(FERNALD, M. L. and ——), Proposed 
amendments to the International Rules 
of Botanical Nomenclature, 31:91-96. 

(——, KNowrToN, C. H. and BEAN, 
R. C), Seventh report of the Commit- 
tee on floral areas, 31:106-118. 

Two variants of Ranunculus recurvatus, 

Deam's Grasses of Indiana, [Review], 32: 

(FERNALD, M. L. and ——), Some new 
plants from the Gaspé Peninsula, 33: 
231—240, 1 fig. 

Hiteheock's “Field Work for the local 
Botanist,” [Notice], 33:244—245. 

On the nomenclature of Elodea, 34:114- 

Anacharis densa on Long Island, 34:151- 

(FEeRNALD, M. L. and ——), Bartonia, a 
comedy of errors, 34:164—167. 

(FERNALD, M. L. and ——), Pinus Strobus 
L., f. prostrata (Mast.) comb. nov., 34: 

(FERNALD, M. L. and ——), Picea glauca, 
forma parva, 34:187-189. 

(FERNALD, M. L. and ), Abies bal- 
samea (L.) Mill, forma hudsonia 
(Bosc) comb. nov., 34:190—191. 

INDEX TO VoLUMEs 1—50 409 

(FERNALD, M. L. and ——), Picea rubens 
Sarg. f. virgata (Rehder) comb. nov., 

An addition to the wool-waste flora of 
eastern Massachusetts, 34:214-215. 

Panicum dichotomiflorum, var. purita- 
norum in New Hampshire, 35:68. 

Walter Deane, 35:69-80 (with portrait). 

Aristida longespica in Connecticut, 35: 

(—— and Griscom, L.), Notes on the 
Spring flora of the Coastal Plain of 
South Carolina north of Georgetown, 
36:28-55, 1 fig. 

Epifagus virginiana (L.) Bart., forma 
pallida, n. f., 36:59. 

Small’s Manual of the Southeastern Flora, 
[Review], 36:235-237. 

(FERNALD, M. L. and ——), Some inade- 
quately characterized species of George 
Vasey, 36:346-348. 

A Flora of the Niagara Frontier, [Notice], 
37 : 163-164. 

A new variety of Cystopteris fragilis and 
some old ones, 37:373-378, pl. 383. 
Collinsia parviflora in New England, 37: 


Rogers’ Tree Flowers of Forest, Park and 
Street, [Review], 38:74-75. 

Small's “Ferns of the Vicinity of New 
York,” [Review], 38:163-164. 

A further note on Solidago rigida, 38:195— 

(——, Kwnowtrton, C. H. and Bran, 
R. C.), Eighth report of the Committee 
on plant distribution, 38:263-271. 

Wiley's Ferns of Northeastern United 
States, [Notice], 38:345. 

A Memorial Volume to Cyrus Guernsey 
Pringle, [Notice], 38:455. 

The typification of Acalypha virginica L., 

(Wieaanp, K. M. and ), The nomen- 
clature of the verticillate Eupatoria, 
39:297—306, pls. 466—468. (Contrib. Gray 
Herb. no. CXVIII). 

Wherry's Guide to Ferns, [Review], 40: 

( and Braxg, S. F.), On certain plant 
records from Hillsboro, New Hamp- 
shire, 41:34-36. 

Certain plant records from Hillsboro, 
New Hampshire; a correction, 41:138— 

Two new combinations in Stewartia, 41: 

Rafinesque types in the group of Acalypha 
virginica, 42:96. 

Grasses and Sedges of Woodstock, Ver- 
mont, [Review], 42:143-144. 

A pelorie flower in Gerardia tenuifolia, 

Lachnanthes in Nova Scotia, 43:36. 

Deam's Flora of Indiana, [Review], 43: 

Gnaphalium obtusifolium, var. micraden- 
ium in New Hampshire and South 
Carolina, 43:211. 

Subspecies, 44:157-167. 

Two weeks in southwestern Nova Scotia, 

A list of type specimens in Elliott’s her- 
barium, 44:249-262. (Contrib. Gray 
Herb. no. CXLI). 

Apocynum sibiricum, var. cordigerum in 
New England, 44:331-332. 

A Check-list of Kentucky Plants, [Re- 
view], 45:278. 

An unusual habitat for Cuscuta compacta, 

( and Stone, M. W.), A plea for the 
elimination of unnecessary nomencla- 
tural changes, 46:201-204. 

Vegetative reproduction in Carex tribu- 
loides and C. projecta, 47:39-40. 

Linum catharticum in New Brunswick, 

Utricularia inflata, var. minor in Canada, 
47 :235. 

Bingham’s Flora of Oakland County, 
Michigan, [Review], 47:200. 

Impatiens Roylei versus I. glandulifera, 
48 :412-414. 

Asplenium montanum in south-central 
Massachusetts, 50:20. 

Weber, WILLIAM A. 

Potamogeton Hillii in Berkshire County, 
Massachusetts, 42:95. 

Geranium Bicknellii earlier than G. ne- 
morale, 44:91-92. 

Webera proligera in Amesbury, Massachu- 
setts, 3:91. 
Wesster, Horis 

Notes on some fleshy Fungi found near 
Boston, 1:13. . 

Notes on Calostoma, 1:30-33. 

Fungus notes, 1:57—58. 

Fungi in greenhouses, 1:83-84. 

Hydnum Caput-Medusae, 1:108-110. 

A peculiar state of Polyporus pergame- 
nus, 1:136-137. 

Morchella bispora, 1:156-157. 

Lepiota rhacodes, 1:224-227, pl. 11. 

Unusual variations of two common 
Agarles, 2:32-33. 

Dr. Burt’s note on Russula emetica, 2: 

Note on Peziza rapulum, 2:106. 

Naucoria Christinae, 2:127-130. 

Boleti collected at Alstead, New Hamp- 
shire, 2:173-179. 

An afternoon outing for toadstools, 2: 

Tricholoma portentosum, 2:243-246. 

Boleti collected at Alstead, New Hamp- 
shire —additional notes, 3:226-228. 

Remarks on Volvaria, 4:5-7. 

Certain eaters of Mushrooms, 4:77-79. 

Clathrus columnatus in Lawrence, Massa- 
chusetts, 4:134—135. 

A form of the Bitter Boletus, 4:187-188. 


A new mushroom for the market, 4:199. 

A beautiful Pluteolus, 5:197—199. 

Another mushroom book, [Review], 11: 

A rash mycophagist, 17:30-32. 

Installation of the Peck Testimonial Ex- 
hibit, 19:236. 

Two recent publications about mush- 
rooms, [Review], 23:87—88. 


Cleistogamy in Linaria canadensis, 2:168- 

Crepis virens in eastern Massachusetts, 4: 

Wesster, Ruru M. 

(—— and Wirsow, A. R.), Fossil evidence 
of wider post-Pleistocene range for 
Butternut and Hickory in Wisconsin, 
tf 400-414, 1 fig.; — A reply, 46:149- 


Weed-balls, Water-rolled, 11:151. 

Weed growth and unusual rainfall, 17:224. 

Weed in New York State, Euphorbia Esula 
as a, 32:100. 

Weed in the Penobscot Valley, The “King 
Devil,” 4:61. 

Weed in Rhode Island, Solidago tenuifolia, a, 

Weed in the Sudbury River, Lemna minor as 
an aggressive, 49:165. 

Weed near Lakewood, New Jersey, Jasione 
montana, a conspicuous, 21:105. 

Weed of potential importance in Florida, 
Pseudo-elephantopus spicatus, a, 50:280. 

Weeds, Chenopodium carinatum and other . 

unusual, 30:158. 
Weeds growing in Amherst, 17:29. 
Weeds in an old garden, Some, 35:145. 
Weeds in Milton, Massachusetts, Unusual, 
Weeds new to Milton, Massachusetts, Two, 
Weeds of northern New Hampshire, Certain 
railroad, 11:30. 
Wordi of Connecticut, Some introduced, 6: 
Weeds, Two rare, 39:208. 
Weedy Crucifers, On two, 42:302. 
Weedy Polygonum in Pennsylvania, A dan- 
gerous, 50:64. 
Weigela rosea, Note on, 10:131. 
Note on Poria fatiscens, 25:163-165. 
Fomes roseus (A. & S.) Cke. and Trametes 
subrosea, nom. novum, 25:214—220. 
Wellesley College, [Herbarium of], 3:286. 
Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts, Hieracium 
florentinum at, 15:116. 
Wellesley, Massachusetts, Galium trifidum at, 
Wellesley, Massachusetts, Some rare plants 
from the vicinity of, 11:82. 
Wellesley, Massachusetts, The occurrence of 
Centipeda minima in, 40:219. 
Wells, Some Maine Rubi, The Blackberries 
of the Kennebunks and, —I, 8:146; —II, 
8:169; —III, 8:212. 


Wenprte, WiLLIAM—[Notice of death], 6:209- 
WENTWORTH, L. A—Two plants new to the 
flora of Lynn, Massachusetts, 5:256-257. 
Wesleyan University, [Herbarium of], 3:286. 
West Campton, New Hampshire, Habenaria 
Hookeriana oblongifolia in, 3:237. 

West, Guapys F.—A _ post-Wisconsin record 
of Fraxinus nigra, 37:20-22, pl. 324. 

West Indies, Miscellaneous species of North 
America and the, (Eleocharis), 39:255. 

West Indies, Rhynchospora, section Eurhyn- 
chospora in Canada, the United States and 
the, 46:89, 159, 207, 255. 

West Peabody, Massachusetts, The American 
Lotus at, 33:230. 

West Virginia, Erucastrum Pollichii in, 26:22. 

West Virginia, Menyanthes trifoliata in, 12: 

West Virginian variety of Polygonum cili- 
node, The, 16:165. 

Westfield, a clerical error, The record of color 
varieties of Gratiola at, 9:195. 

Westford, Massachusetts, Achillea tomentosa 
at, 10:127. 

Westford, Massachusetts, Alchemilla praten- 
sis found at, 9:92. 

Westford, Massachusetts, Dracocephalum thy- 
miflorum a casual plant at, 13:212. 

Westford, Massachusetts, Further wool-waste 
plants at, 15:172. 

Westford, Massachusetts, Lonicera semper- 
virens established in, 4:40. 

Westford, Massachusetts, Some further plants 
found on wool-waste at, 19:132. 

Westford, Massachusetts, Two more wool- 
waste plants from, 26:38. 

Westford, Massachusetts, Wool-waste plants 
at, 18:143. 

Westford, Two more foreign plants found on 
wool-waste at, 17:32. 

Wetmore, Ratpu H. 

Plants of the Hamilton Inlet and Lake 
Melville region, Labrador, 25:4-12. 

( and Deuse, A. L.), The Aster 
novae-angliae, Aster amethystinus, 
Aster multiflorus complex, 41:190—192. 

WHEELER, Jonn ApAMS—I[Herbarium of], 3: 

New stations for two Vermont plants, 

A new station for Rubus idaeus var. ano- 
malus, 14:205. 

(UxpEnwoop, J. G., —— and Ruca, H. G.), 
'The joint summer meeting of the Ver- 
mont Botanical and Bird Clubs, 15:79- 

Aristida basiramea in Maine, 31:78-79. 

Scirpus Peckii in Maine, 32:133. 


Ranunculus neglectus (Greene) comb. 
nov,. 39:51-52. 

Berberis amplectans (Eastw.) comb. nov., 

Notes on Euphorbia, 39:496. 

Three transfers, 40:136. 


The names of three species of Brassica, 
40 :306-309. (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 

Polygonum Kelloggi and its allies, 40: 
309-317, 1 fig. (Contrib. Gray Herb. 
no. CX XII-V). 

Thalictrum polycarpum S. Wats., a dis- 
puted name, 40:317-320. (Contrib. 
Gray Herb. no. CXXII-VI). 

The type of the genus Lepidospartum, 
40:320—323, 2 figs. (Contrib. Gray Herb. 
no. CXXII-VII). 

Euphorbia subgenus Chamaesyce in Can- 
ada and the United States, exclusive of 
southern Florida, 43:95-154, 168—205, 
223-286, pls. 654—668. (Contrib. Gray 
Herb. no. CXXXVI). 


Observations on the cytology of Sebacina 
globospora, n. sp., 37:121-128, 1 fig., pl. 

Note on the periodic fruiting of Coprinus 
micaceus, 37 :223—224. 

Notes on New England Algae,—I. Cyclo- 
nexis and Actidesmium, 41:133-137, 7 
figs.; —II. Some interesting New 
Hampshire Algae, 44:175-187. 

Marine Algae of the Monterey Peninsula, 
[Review], 47:63—64. 

Wuerry, Epaar T. 

Soil tests of Ericaceae and other reaction- 
sensitive families in northern Vermont 
and New Hampshire, 22:33-49. 

The soil reactions of Spiranthes cernua 
and its relatives, 23:127-129. 

Soil reaction of Saxifraga Aizoon on Mt. 
Katahdin, 29:139-140. 

Heuchera hispida Pursh rediscovered, 35: 


[Guide to Eastern Ferns], Review of, 

Remarks on the name Phlox nivalis, 43: 

The relationship of Lilium michiganense, 
44 :453-456, 1 fig. 

White Blackberry, The, 1:205. 

Wam, Donatp—(St. Joun, H. and ——), 
The genus Galinsoga in North America, 22: 

WmurirE, JamMes—Salvia sylvestris in County 
Peel, Ontario, 19:39—40. 

White Mountain Flora, A, [Review], 27:52. 

White Mountains, A new alpine Willow from 
the, 19:221. 

ic Mountains, A northern Solidago in the, 

White Mountains, Arenaria stricta in the, 17: 

White Mountains, Dicranoweisia crispula in 
the, 21:207. 

White Mountains, Nardus stricta in the, 21: 

White Mountains, Nuttall and Pickering in 
the, 20:39. 

White Mountains, Potentilla tridentata, f. 
aurora in, 34:12. 


White Mountains, Streptopus oreopolus in 
the, 29:76. 
White Pine, Dwarf Mistletoe on, 37:268. 
White Pine in Middle Tennessee, The, 27:27. 
White Sassafras, Nuttall’s, 15:14. 
White Weed, Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum 
and the American, 5:177. 
WnurrNEY, LueLLA C.—List of Vermont Myxo- 
mycetes with notes, 1:128-130. 
[A revision of the genus Listera], Review 
oL 2 curb 
Some varieties of Potamogeton and 
Spiraea, 2:102-104. 
Some notes on Galium, 6:21-22. 
Gray’s Manual of Botany, Seventh Edi- 
tion, [Review], 10:193-196. 
Tubers on the roots of Eleocharis inter- 
stincta and E. quadrangulata, 11:29. 
Some rare plants from the vicinity of 
Wellesley, Massachusetts, 11:82-84. 
Recognition of Corylus rostrata and Cory- 
lus americana, 11:107. 
Lathyrus palustris, var. pilosus (Cham.) 
Ledeb. in Massachusetts, 11:108. 
The extension of some ranges in eastern 
Massachusetts, 12:38-39. 
(FERNALD, M. L. and ), A synopsis of 
the species of Arctium in North Ameri- 

ca, 12:43-47. 

(Fernatp, M. L. and ——), Two new 
Galiums from northeastern America, 

(FERNALD, M. L. and ——), The North 
American variations of Juncus effusus, 

(FEenNALD, M. L. and ——), A summer's 
botanizing in eastern Maine and west- 
ern New Brunswick, 12:101-121, 133- 
146, pl. 84. 

(FERNALb, M. L. and ——), Notes on 
some northeastern species of Spergu- 
laria, 12:157-1063. 

(Fernan, M. L. and ), The varia- 
tions of Lonicera caerulea in eastern 
America, 12:209-211. 

(FEeRnNALD, M. L. and ——), The represen- 
tatives of Erigeron acris in northeastern 
America, 12:225—227. 

The affinities of a certain boreal variety 
of Galium, 12:228-230. 

(Fernatp, M. L. and ——), Some boreal 
species and varieties of Antennaria and 
Anaphalis, 13:23-27. 

(FERNALD, M. L. and ), A boreal va- 
riety of Fragaria virginiana, 13:106. 
(FERNALD, M. L. and ), Cornus cana- 
densis var. intermedia in eastern Ameri- 

ca, 13:107—108. 

(FERNALD, M. L. and ——), Epilobium 
palustre, var. longirameum, 13:188. 

(Frrnatp, M. L. and ——), Salix calci- 
cola, a little known northern Willow, 

(FenNALD, M. L. and ——), A new varie- 
ty of Juncus balticus, 14:35-36. 



(FERNALD, M. L. and ), A blunt- 
spiked variety of Carex scoparia, 14: 

The genus Amelanchier in eastern North 
America, 14:117-161, pls. 95, 96. 

(FERNALD, M. L. and ——), A northeast- 
ern variety of Chelone glabra, 14:225- 

(Fernatp, M. L. and ——), Alchemilla 
alpina and A. vulgaris in North Ameri- 
ca, 14:229-234. 

Notes on Amelanchier, 14:239-241. 

(FERNALD, M. L. and ), The varia- 
tions of Luzula campestris in North 
America, 15:38-43. 

(FERNALD, M. L. and ——), A northern 
variety of Erigeron ramosus, 15:59-61. 

(FERNALp, M. L. and ), Two new 
Carices from Newfoundland, 15:133- 


(FERNALD, M. L. and ), Calamagros- 
tis Pickeringii Gray, var. debilis (Kear- 
ney) n. comb., 15:135-136. 

(Fernatp, M. L. and ——), The genus 
Pmpetrum in North America, 15:211- 

(Fernatp, M. L. and ), The genus 
Ruppia in eastern North America, 16: 
119-127, pl. 110. 

(FerNaLD, M. L. and ——), The genus 
Euphrasia in North America, 17:181- 
201. (Contrib. Gray Herb. no. XLIV). 

A new species of Eragrostis of the Old 
World and North America, 19:93-96. 

Some species and varieties of Elymus in 
eastern North America, 20:81-90. 

A new variety of Triosteum aurantiacum, 

(FERNALD, M. L. and ——), Some new 
species and varieties of Poa from east- 
ern North America, 20:122-197. 

Napa in Lactuca canadensis, 22:9- 

A new species of Spergularia, 22:15-16. 

Eupatorium purpureum and its allies, 22: 

Additional notes on Amelanchier, 22:146— 

(FERNALD, M. L. and ——), Studies of 
some boreal American Cerastiums of 
the section Orthodon, 22:169-—179. 

Amelanchier amabilis, a new name, 23: 

The genus Echinochloa in North Ameri- 
ca, 23 :49-65. 

Variations of Carex annectens, 24:73-74. 

Notes on some East-American species of 
Bromus, 24:89-92. 

Carex laxiflora and its relatives, 24:189- 

(Eames, A. J. and ——), Variations in 
Trillium cernuum, 25:189-191. 

Notes on Triosteum perfoliatum and re- 
lated species, 25:199-203. 

(FERNALD, M. L. and ——), Notes on 
some plants of the Ontario and St. Law- 
rence Basins, New York, 25:205-214. 

Some changes in nomenclature, 26:1-5. 

Oxalis corniculata and its relatives in 
North America, 27:113-124, 133-139. 

Some changes in nomenclature, 27:186- 

Oxalis, a correction, 28:67. 

Aster lateriflorus and some of its relatives, 

Aster paniculatus and some of its rela- 
tives, 35:16-38. 

(—— and Wearuersy, C. A), The no- 
menclature of the verticillate Eupa- 
toria, 39:297-306, pls. 466—468. (Contrib. 
Gray Herb. no. CXVIII). 

WiLncox, Atice W.—(——, Howe, I. A., 
SHIELDS, M. A. and Barca, W. E.), The 
field meeting of the Vermont Botanical and 
Bird Clubs, 17:143-144. 

Wir», Levi—Baptisia australis in Vermont, 2: 

Wild Cherry of the Carrizo Sands of Texas, 
The, 45:325. 

Wild Dilly of Florida, The name of the, 49: 

Wild garden, Notes of a, 2:159. 

Wild Lettuce from eastern Massachusetts, A 
new, 1:12. 

Wild Parsnip, Virulence of the, 4:188. 

Wild Strawberry, A new color form of a, 31: 

Wild Swamp Blueberry, Vaccinium corym- 
bosum, Double flowers in the, 36:233. 

Wirpr, CnanLorrE Ewprcorr—Betula glandu- 
losa at a low altitude in New Hampshire, 

Witey, Farma A.—[Ferns of Northeastern 
United States], Review of, 38:345. 

Wilkes Exploring Expedition, The botanical 
and other papers of the, 14:57. 

Willdenow’s herbarium, Carex foenea, C. 
straminea and C. albicans in, 40:325. 

Willdenow’s Species Plantarum and Michaux’s 
Flora Boreali-Americana: dates of publi- 
cation, 44:147. 

Willdenow's type of Scirpus glaucescens, 32: 

Witte, N.—New forms of green Algae, 1:149- 
WintEv, Henry—[Herbarium of], 3:287, 
Williams College, [Herbarium of], 3:287. 
Myosotis collina in New England, 1:11- 
New England Botanical Club, 1:37-39. 
Bartonia iodandra, a species new to the 
United States, 2:55-57, pl. 15. 
Two Erodiums at Tewkesbury, Massachu- 
setts, 3:35. 
Extended ranges in Cyperus and Hiera- 
cium, 3:36-37. 
A comparison of the floras of Mt. Wash- 
ington and Mt. Katahdin, 3:160-165. 
Tree Willows at Fort Kent, Maine, 3:277— 

[Herbarium of], 3:287. 
Some extensions of range, 3:296. 


Preliminary lists of New England plants, 
—VIII, 4:15-22. 
Two noteworthy Carices at Sudbury, 
Massachusetts, 4:167—168. 
Notes on the flora of Franklin County, 
Massachusetts, 12:168—170. 
Notes from my herbarium, 13:71. 
Castanea pumila in eastern Massachu- 
setts, 13:90. 
The annual meeting of the New England 
Botanical Club, 15:1-3. 
A new form of Lilium philadelphicum, 
15 :217-218. 
George Golding Kennedy, 21:25-35 (with 
[Biographical sketch], 33:1-18. 
WirLiAMS, Louis O.—Spiranthes michuacana 
in Arizona, 41:138. 
Williamstown, Some plants about, 1:24. 
WiLLIS, ADALINE—Josselyn Botanical Society 
of Maine, 20:110. 
Wits, LENA—Josselyn Botanical Society of 
Maine, 25:99-100; 26:112. 
Willoughby, Additional notes from, 6:148. 
Willoughby, Scrophularia leporella at, 7:119. 
Willoughby, Vermont, Flora of, 6:93. 
Willow, An anomalous alpine, 7:185. 
Willow from the Cóte Nord, Quebec, A new, 
Willow from the White Mountains, A new 
alpine, 19:221. 
Willow of the Penobscot Valley, A handsome, 
Willow, Salix calcicola, a little known north- 
ern, 13:251. 
Willows at Fort Kent Maine, Tree, 3:277. 
Willows of boreal America, Some, 16:169. 
Willows of eastern America, Some new, 9:221. 
Willows or making new sections in the genus 
Salix, Studying, 49:37. 
Wits, Franx J.—On the edibility of Clito- 
cybe illudens, 1:186-187. 
Witson, L. R. 
The identity of Lycopodium porophilum, 
The spores of the genus Lycopodium in 
the United States and Canada, 36:13- 
19, pls. 275-277. 
The postglacial history of vegetation in 
northwestern Wisconsin, 40:137-175. 
(—— and Wesster, R. M.), Fossil evi- 
dence of wider post-Pleistocene range 
for Butternut and Hickory in Wiscon- 
sin, 44:409-414, 1 fig.; —A reply, 46: 
Windsor, Nova Scotia, Some Mosses from, 
Wineland the Good, Notes on the plants of, 
Wineland the Good, Philological aspects of 
the plants of, 15:28. 
Wisconsin, A natural Cypripedium hybrid 
from, 34:97. 
Wisconsin, Arabis viridis in Oklahoma and, 


Wisconsin, Bidens connata and its varieties 
in, 30:31. 

Wisconsin, Elatine triandra in, 36:351. 

Wisconsin, Epilobium paniculatum var. sub- 
ulatum in, 43:335. 

Wisconsin, Fossil evidence of wider post- 
Pleistocene range for Butternut and Hick- 
ory in, 44:409; —A note on, 45:107; —A 
reply, 46:149. 

Wisconsin, Notes from southeastern, 34:18; 
—IlI, 35:252. 

Wisconsin, Notes from the Herbarium of the 
University of, —I, xxix. 227-234; —II, xxx. 
31-35, pl. 160; —III, xxx. 205-207; —IV, 
xxxi. 49-53; —V, xxxii. 57-59; —VI, xxxiii. 
72-75; —VII, xxxiii. 224-228; —VIII, xxxiv. 
95-96; —IX, xxxv. 199-203; —X, xxxv. 387- 
391; —XI, xxxvi. 349-352; —XII, xxxvii. 
88-113, pl. 328; —XIII, xxxviii. 94—97; 
—XIV, xxxviii. 187-191; —XV, xxxix. 377- 
379; —XVI, xxxix. 459-461; —XVII, xli. 
367-377, 4 figs.; —XVIII, xli. 524—529. 

Wisconsin, Recent contributions to the flora 
of, 33:139. 

Wisconsin, The Legumes of, [Review], 41: 

Wisconsin, The postglacial history of vegeta- 
tion in northwestern, 40:137. 

Wisdom without understanding, Imagined, 
[Critique], 46:312. 

Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, Pogonia affinis 
in the vicinity of, 31:242. 

Wolffia columbiana in Concord, Massachu- 
setts, 41:42. 

Wolffia columbiana in Massachusetts, Records 
of, 5:287. 

Wolffia in Massachusetts, 36:240. 

Wolffiella floridana in Massachusetts, 40:76. 

Wolffiella lingulata in Louisiana, 35:226. 

Woop, CARROLL E., Jr. 

Two ferns new to Virginia, 44:191—192. 

Notes on the flora of Roanoke County, 
Virginia, 46:69-86; 135-142. 

Setaria Faberi in North Carolina, 48: 

Wood Yukon Expedition of 1939-1941, Bo- 
tanical collections of the, 45:305. 

Wood’s botanical publications, Unlisted new 
names in Alphonso, 50:101. 

Woods Hole, A new Erythrotrichia from, 20: 

Woods Hole algal vegetation, Changes in 
the, 35:150. 

Woods Hole, An important publication on the 
biology of, [Review], 15:152. 

Woods Hole Laboratory, Notes from the, 
—1915, 18:90; —1917, 20:141; —1921, 23: 
249; —1928, 30:193; —1932, 35:147. 

Woods Hole, Massachusetts, a study in suc- 
cession, Reforestation at, 7:121. 

Woods Hole, Massachusetts, Notes on Oedo- 
rm and Bulbochaete in the vicinity of, 

Woods Hole, Massachusetts, Notes on the 
flora of, 3:87. 


Woods Hole, Massachusetts, Oedogonium in 
the vicinity of, 36:197. 

Woods Hole, Massachusetts, The submarine 
Chamaecyparis bog at, 11:221. 

Woodsia alpina in North America, The so- 
called, 47 :145. 

Woodsia glabella in Maine, 5:286. 

Woopson, RoBERT E., Jr. 

The identity and nomenclature of Apocy- 
num androsaemifolium L., 34:30-31. 

(—— and Hupricnut, L.), Tradescantia 
Wrightii in New Mexico, 37 :454-455. 

A new Amsonia from the Ozarks of Ar- 
kansas, 45:328-329. 

Woodstock, Vermont, A Flora of, [Review], 

Woodstock, Vermont, Grasses and Sedges of, 
[Review], 42:143. 

Woopwarp, Marcus—[Leaves from Gerard’s 
Herbal], Notice of, 33:212. 

Woopwarp, NorMan P. 

An occurrence of Nicotiana rustica in 
Massachusetts, 14:206—207. 

The Date-Palm as a ruderal plant in 
Massachusetts, 29:51-52. 

(Porter, D. and ——), Notes on the flora 
of Worcester County, Massachusetts, 
37 :80-88. 

(Porter, D., ——, Primer, G. H. and How- 
ARD, F. H.), Notes on the flora of Wor- 
cester County, Massachusetts, —II, 42: 

Woopwarp, R. W. 

Two noteworthy plants of New Haven, 
Connecticut, 6:89-90. 

Notes on two Connecticut Grasses, 6: 

Some plants rare or hitherto unrecorded 
in Connecticut, 7:68-69. 

An extension of range of Eatonia pubes- 
cens, 7:138-139. 

Notes on two species of Sporobolus, 8:23. 

Notes on Connecticut plants, 9:10-11. 

Stellaria aquatica in Vermont, 10:206. 

Observations on some plants of eastern 
Connecticut, 13:68-70. 

Extended ranges of some Connecticut 
plants, 15:94—96. 

Cyperus Grayii in Rhode Island, 15:100. 

Juncus dichotomus in Rhode Island, 15: 

On variation in Arenaria lateriflora, 15: 

Paspalum in eastern Connecticut, 16:136. 

Station for fruiting Euphorbia Cyparis- 
sias, 16:167-168. 

Forms of Arenaria lateriflora, 16:179-180. 

Bidens connata petiolata, 17:234. 

Some Connecticut plants, 20:97—98. 

Some Rhode Island Grasses, 20:116. 

A Salix rostrata hybrid? 20:132. 

Two Festuca varieties, 21:72. 

Some Connecticut plants, 21:114-116. 

Further notes on Philotria, 21:218—219. 

Panicum albemarlense in Connecticut, 22: 



WoopwonTH, R. H. 

Interesting plants of northern Labrador, 

Woody plants of Brooklin, Maine, 12:173. 

Woody Plants of Maine, [Notice], 47:143. 

Woody plants of Rhode Island, Some, 41:314. 

Woody species of Hypericum, 42:8. 

Wootson, G. A. 

A third New England station for Asple- 
nium ebenoides, 3:248-249. 

A new station for Asplenium ebeneum 
Hortonae, 5:257. 

Wool-waste, Astragalus contortuplicatus on, 

Woolwaste at Westford, Massachusetts, Some 
further plants found on, 19:132. 

Woolwaste at Westford, Two more foreign 
plants found on, 17:32. 

Wool-waste flora of eastern Massachusetts, 
An addition to the, 34:214. 

Wool-waste plants, Additional, 30:20. 

Wool-waste plants at Lawrence, Massachu- 
setts, 3:92. 

Wool-waste plants at Westford, Massachu- 
setts, 18:143; —Further, 15:172. 

Wool-waste plants from Westford, Massachu- 
setts, Two more, 26:38. 

Worcester County, Massachusetts, Additions 
to the flora of, —I, 1:42; —II, 1:201; —III, 
3:185; [Review], 30:20. 

Worcester County, Massachusetts, Aquilegia 
canadensis forma Phippenii in, 31:36. 

Worcester County, Massachusetts, Further 
notes on the flora of, 2:201. 

Woreester County, Massachusetts, New rec- 
ords for, 36:7. 

Worcester County, Massachusetts, Notes on 
the flora of, 37:80; —II, 42:40. 

Worcester County, Massachusetts, The Walk- 
ing-fern in, 2:14. 

Xanthium strumarium in Massachusetts, 14: 

Xolisma, Pollination of the Ericaceae: Cham- 
aedaphne and, 37:157. 

Xyris montana in eastern Massachusetts, 29: 

Yale University, [Herbarium of], 3:287. 

Yale University Forest School, [Herbarium 
of], 3:288. 

on Botrychium lanceolatum in the, 


Yonc, M.—[Catalogue d'arbres, arbustes et 
plantes herbacées d'Amérique], Notice of, 

York County, Maine, Notes on some rare 
plants of, 37 :415. 

York County, Maine, Some noteworthy plants 
of, 38:452. 

Youna, AARON, Jr. 

[Herbarium of], 3:69. 
[—— and the botanical survey of Maine], 
37:1-16 (with portrait). 

Youna, Hersert ANDREw—[Herbarium of], 



Youna, O. R.—(Movrz, J. B., Nersen, E. 
L. and ——), Vegetation of artificial lakes 
in northwestern Arkansas, 48:329—330. 

Young's Chronicles, Concerning the plants 
mentioned in, 4:81. 

*Ysle es Couldres," The *Coüdres" of the, 45: 

Yucca filamentosa, The identity of, 46:5. 

Yukon expedition of 1939-1941, Botanical col- 
lections of the Wood, 45:305. 

Zannichellia in arctic North America, Notes 
on the occurrence of Zostera and, 34:90. 
Zannichellia palustris, an additional record, 

iP PH 


Zen kert, C. A—[The Flora of the Niagara 
Frontier Region], Review of, 37:163-164. 

Zigadenus elegans, Zigadenus glaucus and, 37: 

Zigadenus glaucus and Z. elegans, 37:256. 

Zinnia vs. Crassina, 28:40. 

Zizania, A study of the genus, 26:153. 

Zizania in Manitoba, Notes on the northern 
range of, 37 :302. 

Zizia aurea, A new variety of, 2:225. 

Zostera and Zannichellia in arctic North 
America, Notes on the occurrence of, 34:90. 

Zostera colonies, Epidemic among, 35:186. 

Zostera in 1932, Disappearance of, 35:152.