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Conducted and published for the Club, by 






The New England Botanical Club, fuc. 

Botanical Museum, Oxford St., Cambridge 38, Mass. 

Ad t. 




Conducted and published for the Club, by, 



Associate Editors 

Vol. 64 January-March, 1962 No. 757 
Change of Editor-in-Chief. Reed C. Rollins .............. re 1 

Chromosome Numbers of Dyssodia (Compositae-Tagetinae) 
and Phyletic Interpretations. 

Marshall C. Johnston and B. L. Turner vicccccsccscccsssssscsscesssscceass 2 
The Parasitic Behavior of Melampyrum lineare and a Note 

on its Seed Color. Martin A. Piehl ................. eren eene nnne 15 
Further Notes on the Distribution of Bidens connata vars. 

pinnata and gracilipes. Earl Edward Sherf uoco 23 
The Annual Species of Houstonia in Illinois. 

Robert H. Mohlenbrock and Leo E. Halbig ......... eet 28 
Watercress in the New World. Peter S. Green ...... ce ay" 
A New Species of Scirpus in the Northeastern United States. 

A Survey of the Algae of Lake Quinsigamond. ' 

Tang Shih-Chen Auyang eee eene 49 

Che Nem England Botanical Club, Ine. 

Botanical Museum, Oxford St., Cambridge 38, Mass. 

CONTENTS: — continued 

Nomenclatural Notes on Two Southeastern Rhynchosias. 

Robert L. Wilbur coececccccesssssccccscccccccecceccseeseeeceesssnnneceaeeeesausauaeeeeeeees 60 
The Occurrence and Hybrid Nature of an Enchanter’s 

Nightshade in Ohio. Tom S. Cooperrider ................ esses. 63 
The Taxonomy of Setcreasea ovata. 

Shamin A. Faruqi, R. P. Celarier and K. L. Mehra ............. 68 
The Varieties of Luzula acuminata. John E. Ebinger .............. 74 
The Occurrence of Spirodela oligorrhiza in the United States. 

Edwin H. Daubs cecccccccccccccccccsscscccsssscccessscssesescscesscceeesseseusesecenseeese 83 

Paspalum fimbriatum in the United States.Donald J. Banks.... 85 
The Genus Anonymos and its Nomenclatural Survivors. 

Daniel B. Ward ..... esee ettet tnter nennen 87 
John Bachman and the Happoldt European Journal (Review). 
Joseph. EWAN viccececsscsessccessescescceeseccessccesscseessecssecessccessssesseceseecseeeeuss 92 

RHODORA.—A quarterly journal of botany, devoted primarily to the 
flora of North America and floristically related areas. Price, $6.00 
per year, net, postpaid, in funds payable at par in United States 
currency in Boston; single cepies (if available) $1.80. Back vol- 
umes 1-58, with a few incomplete. can be supplied at $5.00 per 
volume. Volume 59— available at $6.00. Somewhat reduced rates 
for complete sets can be obtained upon application. 

Scientific papers and notes, relating directly or indirectly to the 
plants of North America, will be considered by the editorial com- 
mittee for publication. Articles concerned with systematic botany 
and cytotaxonomy in their broader implications are equally accept- 
able. All manuscripts should be double-spaced throughout, Please 
conform to the style of recent issues of the journal. Illustrations 
can be used only if the cost of engraver's blocks is met through the 
author or his institution. Forms may be closed five weeks in advance 
of publication. Extracted reprints, if ordered in advance, will be 
furnished at cost. 

Address manuscripts and proofs to Albion R. Hodgdon, 
Pept. of Botany, Nesmith Hall, University of New Hampshire, 
Durham, New Hampshire. 

Subscriptions and orders for back issues (making all remittances 
payable to RHODORA) should be sent to Albert F. Hill, Botanical 
Museum, Oxford Street, Cambridge 38, Mass. 

Second Class Postage Paid at Boston, Mass. 

Manufactured by 
Lexington, Mass, 




Vol. 64 January-March, 1962 No. 757 


Since the founding of Rhodora in 1899, there have been 
but three principal editors. B. L. Robinson started the jour- 
nal and was Editor-in-Chief for thirty years. M. L. Fernald 
succeeded Robinson in 1929 and served until his death in 
1950. It might appear to some that this long period, 
together with the eleven years I have served in this same 
capacity, established a tradition that the head of the Gray 
Herbarium also be Editor-in-Chief of Rhodora. However, 
there is no inherent reason why this should be the case even 
though there has always been a very close association be- 
tween the Gray Herbarium and the New England Botanical 
Club. This association has existed from the founding of the 
Club, and we are hopeful that it will continue undiminished 
far into the future. 

Over the years there has been a steady expansion of the 
geographical area to which Rhodora pertains. At first, New 
England and the Maritime area of Canada were uppermost 
in the minds of both contributors and receivers of the jour- 
nal. Later, Gray’s Manual area was thought of in this con- 
nection. Now, we think in terms of the North American 
Flora as a frame of reference when considering manuscripts 
and there is only a loose adherence to this area. Expansion 
in a different direction has also occurred. Systematic 
Botany is now widely considered to include most aspects of 
evolutionary botany, cytotaxonomy, experimental taxono- 
my, cytogeography and genecology and Rhodora has regu- 
larly accepted papers that reflect this greater breadth of 
view of the subject. 


Rhodora [Vol. 64 

With this issue, the journal begins as a quarterly. It is 
anticipated that the coverage will be roughly what it has 
been in recent years. Also, it is expected that the number 
of printed pages per volume will be proximately 376, about 
the same as recent volumes. To carry the journal forward, 
the Council of the New England Botanical Club has named 
Professor Albion R. Hodgdon, Chairman of the Department 
of Botany, University of New Hampshire, as Editor-in- 
Chief. Associate Editors are listed on the front cover. 

It is a pleasure for me to turn over the reins of Rhodora 
to Professor Hodgdon and to wish him every success in this 
new undertaking. 

Added to my own efforts in editing Rhodora during the 
past eleven years have been those of a number of Club 
members acting in the capacity of Associate Editors. To 
these men, I should like to express publicly my apprecia- 
tion. — REED C. ROLLINS. 


The genera Dyssodia Cav., Nicolletia Gray, Leucactinia 
Gray, Chrysactinia Gray, Porophyllum Adans., Lescaillea 
Griseb., Pectis L., Tagetes L., and Adenopappus Benth. 
together constitute a natural group characterized by the pos- 
session of oil glands and aromatic oils, and by the arrange- 
ment of the principal phyllaries in two subequal series and 
often united into a cup. This group, whose naturalness has 
not been questioned, has on the one hand been given tribal 
status as the Tagetinae or Tageteae (Cassini, 1829, 1834; 
Rydberg, 1915) and at the other extreme has been sub- 
merged in the Heliantheae in the broader sense (Cronquist, 
1955), but it has usually been included in the Helenieae? as 
the subtribe Tagetininae (Bentham, 1873; Hoffmann, 1894; 

Of the genera included, Dyssodia in the very broad sense 
of Hoffmann (1894) and of this paper, is the most diverse 

‘Supported in part by National Science Foundation Grant 9025. 

"That the tribe Helenieae is artificial (polyphyletic) has been suggested so often 
it scarcely bears repetition (Bentham, 1873; Small, 1919; Leonhardt, 1949; Cronquist. 
1955; ete.). For suggestions as to the true affinities of certain included genera see 
Cronquist (1955), Turner (1956), Rock (1957), Turner and Johnston (1961), Turner, 
Ellison and King (1961), and Raven and Kyhos (1961) and papers cited by them. 

1962] Johnston and Turner — Dyssodia 3 

from the standpoint of both morphology and cytology. 
Among its species, we find some plants which show combina- 
tions of the most specialized traits, and others which show 
combinations of the least specialized traits of the entire 
group. The ancestry of the other genera might well have 
comprised plants which would be placed in the genus Dysso- 
dia, if they persisted today. Dyssodia, then, is of primary 
interest for an elucidation of phylogeny of the subtribe. The 
present paper tabulates the few chromosome counts for the 
genus already published along with the numerous original 
ones (Table 1). The counts are presented within the frame- 
work of a possible classification of the genus proposed by 
Rydberg (1915). 

Chromosome counts newly reported in the present paper 
were made from pollen mother cell squashes as outlined by 
Turner and Johnston (1961a). The microscopy was partly 
the work of Dr. W. L. Ellison and Mr. A. M. Powell, to whom 
we are much obliged. Camera lucida drawings were made at 
an initial magnification of ca. 2,000 diameters, and selected 
drawings are presented in Fig. 1-8. Voucher specimens 
(Table 1) are deposited in The University of Texas Her- 
barium. The determinations are our own. 


Chromosome counts are reported for 45 populations of 
Dyssodia representing 17 species (Table 1). The gaps in our 
chromosomal knowledge are obvious. Most of these are due 
to the general unavailability of the taxa concerned. How- 
ever, we may point out such a glaring omission as D. papposa 
which occurs from southern Ontario to southern Mexico, and 
is one of the most abundant roadside annuals in the high- 
lands of Mexico. The deficiencies stem from the difficulty 
encountered in attempting to get usable bud material in this 
genus as compared to the ease of obtaining usable material 
for some other Helenieae. Upwards of 250 bud-collections of 
Dyssodia have been received, from which are derived the 45 
new counts presented here. The technical difficulties may 
partly be related to an abundance of oil in the buds which 
seems to interfere with proper fixation of the nuclear 

4 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

material, and partly to a propensity of the chromosomes to 
clump or fragment at meiosis. Perhaps a really thorough 
populational sampling, especially in the critical sections 
Thymophylla and Hymenatherum, may have to await the 
development of better techniques for working with meiotic 

The section Dyssodia, containing the type species D. 
papposa, has a base of x — 13. These are plants of the Mexi- 
can highlands showing such unspecialized traits as retention 
of a calyculum and separate principal phyllaries. Our con- 
cept of D. pinnata includes D. subintegerrima Lag., and our 
concept of D. papposa (Johnston, 1956a) is likewise more 
inclusive than that of Rydberg (1915). 

Syncephalantha, a Central American segregate, is obvi- 
ously part of Dyssodia from a morphological point of view 
and its chromosome base of x — 13 supports such a treat- 

The section Clomenocoma is primarily southern Mexican 
and Central American, with at least two Peruvian species. 
The only counts reported are from two species which are 
anomalous in their ecogeography in that they occur in the 
Sonoran Desert. The base number, x = 13, is what one 
would expect when the relatively unspecialized character of 
the taxon is considered. It is probably that the whole section 
is on a base of x — 13. 

Dyssodia porophylla and D. cancellata, both placed in the 
genus Lebetina by Rydberg, are morphologically very close 
to Dyssodia and also show a base of x — 13. They are wide- 
spread annual weeds in Mexico. 

For Dyssodia acerosa of the section Aciphyllaea we have 
conflicting reports, one from the southwestern United States 
of n = 12 (Raven, et al., 1961), four of our own tentative 
counts of n = ca. 13, and one clear, unequivocal count of 
n = 8. This is a widespread desert species of southwestern 
United States and far south into Mexico that is fairly uni- 
form morphologically. It may also be added that in an other- 
wise very difficult genus, this is one of the species we have 
found most difficult to work with cytologically, and that 
these preliminary data only serve to whet our curiosity. 

1962] Johnston and Turner — Dyssodia 5 

Plants of the sections Gymnolaena and Adenophyllum of 
southern Mexico show combinations of some of the least 
specialized habits and involucres to be found in Dyssodia. It 
is perhaps from among these sections that we may find 
species most closely resembling the ancestral types for the 
entire genus. Unfortunately, we have no chromosomal in- 
formation for either of these sections. 

Dyssodia tagetoides, endemic to Texas and Oklahoma 
(Johnston, 1956a), and placed in the monotypic genus Dyso- 
diopsis by Rydberg, remains unknown cytologically in spite 
of several attempts to obtain counts. 

The section Thymophylla comprises several species of low 
perennial herbs and shrublets of the dry areas of Mexico, 
Arizona, New Mexico and western Texas, showing certain 
specializations such as fusion of the principal phyllaries 
into a cup and suppression of the calyculum. The section is 
of special interest for several reasons, not the least of these 
being that in the vicariad Dyssodia Belenidium — D. Thur- 
beri it shows the bicentric geography, northern Argentina 
— northern Mexico, which parallels the geographic distribu- 
tions of so many other plants (I. M. Johnston, 1940; Garcia, 
Soto, and Miranda, 1961; etc.) and which may indicate an 
antiquity of perhaps tens of millions of years (Croizat, 
1952). Although D. Thurberi is morphically identical to D. 
Belenidium (Johnston, 1956a and 1956b), we here list the 
names separately because of the report that 2n — 32 in D. 
Belenidium, whereas we have found that n = 13 in the single 
population of D. Thurberi from which we have been able to 
obtain countable chromosomes. The further discovery of the 
number n = 13 in three other species of this section leads to 
a suspicion that the report for D. Belenidium may be in 
error and at least needs confirmation. 

Dyssodia pentachaeta, in the inclusive sense (Johnston, 
1956a), is rather polymorphic and might be broken into 
several species satisfactorily. Extensive population sam- 
pling for cytological data is desirable, but the six counts 
here reported do not offer much hope that chromosome num- 
bers per se will be helpful in an elucidation of the taxonomy. 
Moreover, we have found D. pentachaeta one of the most 

6 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

difficult species from which to obtain countable material. 
The preliminary indication of two levels of ploidy in the 
somewhat polymorphic taxon D. setifolia (sensu Johnston, 
1956a) also indicates that further sampling is desirable. 

The section Hymenatherum is closely related to section 
Thymophylla. Even so ardent a proponent of segregate 
genera as Rydberg (1915) placed them together, in the 
genus Thymophylla. The species of section Hymenatherum 
show a greater specialization than those of any others of the 
genus. They are all annuals of the Texano-Mexican dry 
areas, some of them being much reduced ephemeral desert 
annuals. The calyculum is entirely suppressed and the in- 
volucral fusion proceeds so far that in several species the 
individual phyllaries are scarcely discernible. Furthermore 
the base chromosome number x — 8 prevails among these 
plants. These facts, together with the additional character 
that most of the section Thymophylla have strictly opposite 
leaves and branches whereas Hymenatherum shows an al- 
ternate arrangement, at least in the upper parts of the stems, 
might lead to the resurrection of Hymenatherum to the 
generic level. But other evidence militates against such a 
move, viz. the evidence presented here that in Dyssodia 
tenuiloba the group is dibasic with one population clearly 
showing n = 13, another n = 8, and observations by the 
senior author of a group of plants which were probably the 
result of hybridization between D. tenuiloba and D. penta- 
chaeta, at one locality just south of Monterrey, Nuevo León 
(unfortunately, the station has now been obliterated by en- 
largement of a gravel pit). 

Dyssodia micropoides, a species of depressed annuals with 
a clearly defined distribution largely restricted to the dry 
limestone piedmont of Coahuila and Nuevo León (Johnston, 
1956a), has been something of an orphan, with no clear line 
of descent within the genus. Rydberg (1915) placed it, as 
the genus Gnaphaliopsis, immediately following his genus 
Thymophylla. The discovery of n = 8 for this taxon sug- 
gests that the species might best be placed near or with the 
section Hymenatherum. 

The rare species, Dyssodia neomexicana, deserves special 

1962] Johnston and Turner — Dyssodia 7 

comment for several reasons, one being that the present 
report extends the known distribution several hundred miles 
to the south. The species has previously been reported from 
Chihuahua, from the type locality in southwestern New 
Mexico, and from Apache County, Arizona. The plants are 
ephemeral annuals with opposite leaves below, alternate 
above, and an involucre very much like that of D. aurea of 
the section Hymenatherum except for larger size and the 
constant presence of a calyculum of a few linear bractlets. 

v* dq hi N^. 

? VY "ANE 
e 50 "o E 
<> D e 
CN ¢ è 
7 8 Se 
Fic. 1-8. Camera lucida drawings of the meiotic chromosomes of Dyssodia spp. 
Fig. 1. D. micropoides (n = 8). Fig. 2. D. neomexicana (n=7).— Fig. 8. D. 
Treculii (n — 16). Fig. 4. D. tenuifolia (n = 8).— Fig. 5. D. acerosa (n — 8). 
Fig. 6. D. aurea (n = 8). Fig. 7. D. tagetiflora (n = 13). — Fig. 8. D. decipiens 

(n = 13). (X ea. 2000). 

8 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

Rydberg (1915) placed the species in his monotypic genus 
Trichaetolepis, next to his segregate genus Dysodiopsis. We 
list the species among Hymenatherum largely because of 
lack of any other place to put it and because of the discovery 
of the low number of n = 7, which stands alone in the genus. 

The “gap” between x = 8 and x — 12, 13 in this genus has 
been mentioned by Turner, ef al. (1961) and compared to 
gaps in such genera as Aster, Chrysopsis, Gutierrezia and 
Inula. The idea that the present gap in Dyssodia is the result 
of inadequate sampling must not be rejected summarily. But 
dismissing it momentarily, we might suggest another ex- 
planation. The gaps, at least in some genera, not including 
Dyssodia, have been explained as the result of aneuploid loss 
to fairly low numbers (ca. 5) from an ancestral base of 
x = ca. 9 (this hypothesis, or a modification of it, has been 
presented by several authors, Stebbins, et al., 1953; Huzi- 
wara, 1958; Raven, et al., 1960, etc.). On the other hand, 
Turner, et al. (1961) think it more plausible to postulate a 
fairly low ancestral base for the family (x = 4 or 5) and 
to consider the probability that in various phyletic lines we 
may detect aneuploid loss or gain in series both from the 
ancestral base and from derivative multiples of it. At any 
rate, regardless of the true etiology, we would like to 
reiterate the absence of any known mechanism to explain 
differential survivorship (i.e., natural selection) of certain 
chromosome numbers as compared to other chromosome 
numbers in the same phyletic or in the same aneuploid 
series. Nor does it appear likely that such a mechanism will 
suddenly come to light as a deus ex machina for the 
aneuploid-reduction loss hypothesis, or as an explanation 
of the situation in Dyssodia. 

The gap in the Dyssodia series which includes numbers of 
n — 9, 10, 11, is not strictly comparable to the gap of x — 6, 
7 and/or 8 in the genera named above. In the latter genera 
the counts clustering at 9 and 10 are very nearly double those 
clustering at 4 and 5, whereas in Dyssodia the higher bases 
of « — 12, 13 are not double the common lower base of 
i = 8. If we postulate an ancestral base x = 8 we must ex- 

1962] Johnston and Turner — Dyssodia 9 

plain away a new “gap” of x — 14, 15, and if we postulate 
an ancestral base of x — 7, we must explain the present 
rarity of n = 7 and n = 14. Furthermore, in Dyssodia the 
gap occurs not simply between species or species groups but 
even within groups of plants so similar morphically that they 
have been considered to constitute a single species (e.g., D. 
Belenidium, D. tenuiloba, and D. acerosa). If one assumes 
an ancestral basic chromosome number of x — 4 for the 
genus Dyssodia, then much of the difficulty in explaining the 

Section or species group: 

(genus) z 
1h DYSSODIA x. 13 
X*7,8,12,13 m 
D.acerosa X: 8,12,13 
D. micropoides X: 8 
© D. neomexicana 1] 
LE 12 
PECTIS (genus) 
LESCAILLEA (tenus?) i? 
on NICOLLETIA (genus) 
x: 10 

14,5 ee T 


Fic. 9. Hypothetical phyletic relationships among genera, sections, and species of 
the genus Dyssodia and related genera. 

10 Rhodora [Vol. 64 


Voucher specimens Chromosome Nos. 
Taxa and/or literature reference n 2n 
Sect. Dyssodia 
D. papposa (Vent.) Hitche." 
D. tagetiflora Lag. QUERÉTARO: 8 mi. n. of Queré- 
taro, Johnston 4026A. 13 (Fig. 7) 
” OAXACA: Oaxaca, King 2942. 13 
” VERA CRUZ: 10 mi. sw. of No- 
gales, King 2337. 13 
D. pinnata (Cav.) Rob. SAN LUIS POTOSI: La Capilla, 
Roek M-452. 13 
” TAMAULIPAS: 11 mi. s. of Palmil- 
las, Johnston 5622. 13 
” MEXICO: 10 mi. w. of Toluca, 
King 3591. 13 
" MEXICO: Rte. 55, 3 mi. from 
junction with Rte. 57, Powell 
& Edmondson 582. 13 
” MEXICO: Rte. 57, 29 mi. s. of toll- 

gate, Powell & Edmondson 584. 18 
Sect." [Genus Syncephalantha 

D. decipiens (Bartl.) OAXACA: 10 mi. n. of Oaxaca, 
M. C. Johnston" King 2490. 13 
” OAXACA: 3 mi. se. of Oaxaca, 
King 3468. 13 
” OAXACA: 9 mi. nw. of Oaxaca, 
King 3514. 13 
B CHIAPAS: 19 mi. ne. of Las 
Cruces, King 3445. 13 (Fig. 8) 
Sect. Clomenocoma (Cass.) 
O. Hoffm. 
D. grandiflora DC." 
D. Jelskii Hieron." 
D. remota Blake“ 
D. montana (Benth.) Gray‘ 
D. squarrosa Gray“ 
D. speciosa Gray" 
D. aurantia (L.) Rob.* 
D. Cooperi Gray Raven and Kyhos (1961) 26 
D. porophylloides Gray Raven and Kyhos (1961) 13 

Sect." [Genus Lebetina Cass.] 

1962] Johnston and Turner — Dyssodia 11 
Voucher specimens Chromosome Nos. 
Taxa and/or literature reference n 2n 
D. cancellata (Cass.) Gray AGUASCALIENTES: 4 mi. s. of 
Aguascalientes, Rock M-465. 13 
d DURANGO: 47 mi. n. of Durango. 
Powell & Edmondson 956. ca. 13 
H TAMAULIPAS: 5-6 mi. nw. of 
Ocampo, King 3957. 13 
D. porophylla (Cav.) Cav. GUANAJUATO: 18 mi. w. of Sala- 
manca, Johnston 5949. 18 
Sect. Gymnolaena DC." 
D. oaxacana Greenm. 
D. serratifolia DC. 
D. integrifolia Gray 
D. Seleri Rob. & Greenm. 
Sect. Adenophyllum (Pers.) 
O. Hoffm." 
D. coccinea Lag. 
Sect. Aciphyllaea DC. 
D. acerosa DC. Raven and Kyhos (1961) 24 
2 TEXAS: Crockett Co., 25 mi. w. of 
Ozona. Johnston 6407. 13 
" TEXAS: Val Verde Co., Del Rio, 
Johnston 6489. 13 
" TEXAS: Brewster Co., Elephant 
Mesa, Johnston 6423. 131 
" TEXAS: Brewster Co., 14 mi. e. of 
Marathon, Johnston 6454. 8 (Fig. 5) 
" COAHUILA: 5 mi. w. of Saltillo. 
Powell & Edmondson 517. 13° 
Sect." [Genus Dysodiopsis 
(A. Gray) Rydb.]* 
D. tagetoides T. & G. 
Sect. Boeberastrum Gray* 
D. littoralis Brandg. 
D. anthemidifolia Benth. 
D. concinna (A. Gr.) Rob. 
Sect." [Genus Urbinella Greenm.]* 
D. Palmeri (Greenm.) Macbr. 
D. Gentryi M. C. Johnston 
Sect. Thymophylla (Lag.) 
O. Hoffm. : 
D. tephroleuca Blake* 
D. setifolia (Lag.) Rob. var. COAHUILA: Carneros, Johnston 
setifolia 4186. 26 

12 Rhodora [Vol. 64 
Voucher specimens Chromosome Nos. 
Taxa and/or literature reference n 2n 
” SAN LUIS POTOSI: 8 mi. w. of Rio- 
verde, Johnston 5649. 26 
D. setifolia (Lag.) Rob. var. TAMAULIPAS: 11 mi. s. of Palmil- 
setifolia las, Johnston 5629. ca. 26 
" NUEVO LEÓN : 41 m. s. of Saltillo, 
Rock M-27 4. ca. 26 
D. setifolia var. Greggii (Gray) 
M. C. Johnston* 
D. aurantiaca (Brandg.) Rob.* 
D. Belenidium (DC.) Macl. Covas and Schnack (1946) 32 
D. Thurberi (Gray) A. Nels. TEXAS: Brewster Co., 1 mi. n. of 
Black Gap, Johnston 6443. 13 
D. Hartwegii (Gray) Rob. SAN LUIS POTOSI: 11 mi. e. of 
San Luis Potosí, Johnston 
4040a. 26 
” DURANGO: 57 mi. ne. of Durango, 
King 3761. ca, 26 
D. pentachaeta (DC.) Rob. NUEVO LEON: 30 m. s. of Saltillo, 
sensu lato Ellison 51. 13 
» COAHUILA: 5 mi. w. of Allende, 
Johnston 4169. 13 
D. pentachaeta (DC.) Rob. COAHUILA: 5 mi. w. of Saltillo, 
sensu lato Powell & Edmondson 516. ca. 13 
D. pentachaeta (DC.) Rob. SAN LUIS POTOSI: 8 mi. w. of Rio- 
sensu lato verde, Johnston 5648. 13" 
D. pentachaeta (DC.) Rob. TEXAS: Brewster Co., 8 mi. w. of 
Marathon, Johnston 6449. 13° 
» TEXAS: Pecos Co., southern tip 
of co., Johnston 6457. ca. 13 
" TEXAS: Kinney Co., 8 mi. e. of 
Brackettville, Johnston 6490. 13° 
Sect. Hymenatherum (Cass.) 
O. Hoffm. 
D. tenuiloba (DC.) Rob. TEXAS: Webb Co., Laredo, John- 
ston 5466. 13e 
” TEXAS: Brooks Co., 8 mi. e. of 
Falfurrias, Johnston 5467. 8e 
D. Wrightii (Gray) Rob. TEXAS: San Patricio Co., 3 mi. n. 
of Sinton, Johnston 5468. 8 
» TEXAS: Goliad Co., 1 mi. w. of 
Refugio Co. line, Johnston 5471. 8 


TEXAS: Refugio Co., 2 mi. n. of 

Aransas River, Johnston 5469. ca. 8 

1962] Johnston and Turner — Dyssodia 13 
Voucher specimens Chromosome Nos. 
Taxa and/or literature reference n 2n 
D. Treculii (Gray) Rob. TEXAS: Val Verde Co., Del Rio, 
Johnston 6488. 16 (Fig. 3) 
D. texana Cory* 
D. mutica M. C. Johnston Johnston (1960) 8 
D. aurea (Gray) A. Nels. var. 
D. aurea var. polychaeta (Gray) COAHUILA: Bolsón de Mapimí, 
M. C. Johnston Rock M-484. 8 
a COAHUILA: 10 mi. e. of San 
Pedro de las Colonias. Powell & 
Edmondson 520. 8 
CHIHUAHUA: 14 mi. n. of Parral, 
Powell & Edmondson 972. 8 
” CHIHUAHUA: just east of Chi- 
huahua City, Powell & Edmond- 
son 1018. 8 (Fig. 6) 
D. anomala (Canby & Rose) 
D. tenuifolia (Cass.) Loes. SAN LUIS POTOSI: 7 mi. e. of San 
(Incl. D. Neaei (DC.) Rob. Luis Potosí, Johnston 4041. 8 (Fig. 4) 
and D. diffusa (Gray) Rob.) Same locality, Johnston 5638. 8 
D. neomexicana (Gray) Rob. MEXICO: 36 mi. s. of tollgate 
north of Mexico City, Powell & 
Edmondson 588. Te (Fig. 2) 
Sect." [Genus Gnaphaliopsis DC.] 
D. micropoides (DC.) Loes. NUEVO LEON: w. of Monterrey, 
Rock M-496. 8 
" NUEVO LEON: 26 mi. s. of Sa- 
binas Hidalgo, Johnston 5455. 8 
di COAHUILA: San Lázaro, John- 
ston 4184. 8 (Fig. 1) 

"No nomenclatural combination has been published for this taxon at the proper 
rank. Formal changes in status are not deemed appropriate for this contribution, but 
must await a formal taxonomic treatment. 

>bDyssodia decipiens (Bartl.) M. C. Johnston, comb. nov., based on Syncephalantha 

decipiens Bartl., Ind, Sem. Hort. Goett. 1836: 6. 


*No chromosome counts have been made or reported for this taxon. 
4One or two fragments were also seen. 
eThis count was quite clear and unequivocal. 

obvious gap is removed. Thus taxa with n — 8 would be 
tetraploid; n = 12, hexaploid; and taxa with n = 7 and 13 
aneuploid derivatives from such taxa. The fact that at least 

14 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

one species, D. acerosa, has chromosome numbers n = 8, 12, 
13 might be explained by the hypothesis of Turner, et al. 
(1961) that the Compositae showed a very rapid and ex- 
plosive evolution while still at the predominately diploid level 
of x — 4 and 5, most of the generic lines being formed at 
that time. Surviving diploid taxa, in that they are for the 
most part not buffered against mutational change (Stebbins, 
1950) and are thus more prone to rapid evolution, should 
be relatively more specialized. 

The data and some of our speculations are summarized in 
Fig. 9. We can do no more at present than to pose the prob- 
lems and remark that at the very least the picture must 
tantalize the would-be phylogenist. — THE PLANT RESEARCH 


BENTHAM, G. 1873. Notes on the classification, history and geograph- 
ical distribution of Compositae. Jour. Linn. Soc. Lond. 13: 335-557. 
CassINI, H. 1829. Tableau synoptique des Synanthérées. Ann. Sci. 
Nat. (Paris) 17: 387-423. 
. 1884. Opuscules phytologiques. vol. 3. Paris. 

CROIZAT, L. 1952. Manual of Phytogeography. 587p. The Hague: 
Uitgerif Dr. Junk. 

CRONQUIST, A. 1955. Phylogeny and taxonomy of the Compositae. 
Amer. Mid. Nat. 53: 478-511. 

GARCIA, E., C. SOTO, AND F. MIRANDA. 1961. Larrea y clima. Anal. 
Inst. Biol. Mex. 31: 133-171. 

HOFFMANN, O. 1894. Compositae [in] Engler and Prantl, Natürl. 
Pflanzenfam. 4(5) : 87-875. 

HuziwARA, Y. 1958. Karyotype analysis in some genera of Composi- 
tae. V. The ehromosomes of American Aster species. Jap. Jour. 
Genetics 33: 129-137. 

JOHNSTON, I. M. 1940. The floristic significance of the shrubs com- 
mon to the North and South American deserts. Jour. Arnold Arb. 
21: 356-363. 

JOHNSTON, M. C. 1956a. The Texas species of Dyssodia (Composi- 
tae). Field & Lab. 24: 60-69. 

.1956b. A further note on Texas species of Dys- 

sodia (Compositae). Field & Lab. 24: 104. 

. 1960. Dyssodia mutica (Compositae), new species. 
Southwest. Natural. 5: 225-226. 

LEONHARDT, R. 1949. Phylogenetisch-systematische Betrachtungen. 
I. Betrachtungen zur Systematik der Compositen. Oesterr. Bot. 
Zeitschr. 96: 295-324. 

1962] Piehl — Melampyrum lineare 15 

RAVEN, PETER H., O. T. SOLBRIG, D. W. KyHos, AND R. SNOW. 1960. 
Chromosome numbers in Compositae. I. Astereae. Amer. Jour. 
Bot. 45: 124-132. 

, AND D. W. Kvnos. 1961. Chromosome numbers in 
Compositae. II. Helenieae. Amer. Jour. Bot. 48: 842-850. 

tock, H. F. L. 1957. A revision of the vernal species of Helenium 
(Compositae). Rhodora 59: 101-116, 128-158, 168-178, 203-216. 

RYDBERG, P. A. 1915-1916. Carduaceae: Tageteae. No. Amer. FI. 
34: 147-216. 

SMALL, J. 1917-1919. The origin and development of the Com- 
positae. New Phytol. 16: 157-177, 198-221, 253-276, 1917. 17: 13- 
40, 69-94, 114-142, 200-230, 1918. 18: 1-35, 65-89, 129-176, 201-234, 

STEBBINS, G. L. 1950. Variation and evolution in plants. 643 p. New 
York: Columbia University Press. 

, J. A. JENKINS. AND M. S. WALTERS. 1953. Chromo- 
somes and phylogeny in the Compositae, tribe Cichorieae. Univ. 
Calif. Publ. Bot. 26: 401-430. 

TURNER, B. L. 1954. A cytotaxonomic study of the genus Hymeno- 
pappus (Compositae). Rhodora 58: 163-186, 208-242, 250-308. 

, W. L. ELLISON, AND R. M. KiNG. 1961. Chromosome 
numbers in the Compositae. IV. North American species, with 
phyletie interpretations. Amer. Jour. Bot. 48: 216-223. 

, AND M. C. JoHNSTON. 1961. Chromosome numbers in 
the Compositae-III. Certain Mexican Species. Brittonia 13: 64-69. 



Parasitism has been described for several members of the 
genus Melampyrum, the cow-wheats (Scrophulariaceae), 
beginning with M. arvense of Europe (Decaisne, 1847). To 
my knowledge, however, a parasitic existence has not been 
substantiated for M. lineare, the single North American rep- 
resentative of the genus. Fraysse (1906) ascribes to Hein- 
richer (1904) the assertion that all species of the genus are 
parasitic; however, the latter actually said (p. 412), “Alle 
untersuchen Arten der Gattung Melampyrum sind para- 
sitisch (M. arvense, barbatum, nemorosum, silvaticum, pra- 
tense)”, and no reference was made to M. lineare. Shreve 

1Contribution from the University of Michigan Biological Station. 

16 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

et al. (1910) failed to find parasitic connections for M. 
lineare in Maryland but state that this plant was reportedly 
parasitic farther north’, and Pennell (1935) whose studies 
included field observations makes no mention of parasitism. 
The lack of information concerning this species' parasitism 
has received comment previously (Beauverd, 1916; Marie- 
Victorin, 1935). 

While studying the parasitism of Comandra, Pedicularis, 
and other angiosperms, I have had occasion to examine M. 
lineare for comparative purposes. The majority of my ob- 
servations were made during the spring and summer of 
1957, 1958, and 1960 in the Mackinac Straits region, Michi- 
gan. Here M. lineare often occurs in dense clumps several 
decimeters across, suggesting seeding from one or more 
plants which previously grew nearby. Its characteristic 
habitat is open woodland, including both sandy, often dry 
Sites under conifers and more mesic aspen stands. Rarely it 
oecurs in bogs. 

This species is an opposite-leaved annual, which in the 
study area is usually about 2 dm. tall at flowering, with con- 
siderable variation in height. In contrast to achlorophyllous 
holoparasites, e.g., Orobanche spp., there is no suggestion of 
the parasitic habit in the aerial parts of such semiparasites 
— the plants are green and the leaves are not proportion- 
ately smaller than those of many autotrophs. The whitish 
root system is shallow, consisting of a poorly defined pri- 
mary root which is surpassed by some of the several lateral 
roots. There are comparatively few root hairs, a condition 
which has also been described for the European M. pratense 
(Koch, 1887). The excavated root system gives the appear- 
ance of extending only a few centimeters into the soil; how- 
ever, the slender rootlets break easily, obscuring its full 
extent. This breakage explained my failure to find parasitic 
connections in the initial excavations. Minute swellings on 
the roots were nonetheless detected, and upon close examina- 
tion some were found attached to fragments of foreign plant 
tissue. Later excavation was facilitated by selecting plants 

*Additional information was not given by Shreve et al. as to when, where, and by 
whom this observation was made. 

1962] Piehl — Melampyrum lineare 17 

in loose, dry sand, and after repeated attempts involving 
careful brushing away of sand, a thread-like rootlet was 
found attached to a host root by a near-microscopic, hemi- 
spherical enlargement — the haustorium. Subsequently, it 
was determined that haustoria develop on essentially all 
plants of M. lineare, and that rhizomes as well as roots are 
parasitized. By ordinary excavation with a trowel the 
fragile parasite roots leading to connections were severed, 
leaving the haustoria attached to the host, and thus destroy- 
ing direct evidence of parasitic connections. The delicate- 
ness of the attachments has undoubtedly contributed to the 
lack of observations on the parasitic behavior of this species. 

The haustoria are developed laterally along the parent 
root, although at times they appear terminal because root 
growth beyond the haustorium has been arrested. A similar 
development is known for other semiparasites (Herbert, 
1923; other authors). Often several haustoria develop in 
close succession from a single parasite root (Plate 1265, C). 
Unicellular, epidermal hairs develop from just above the dis- 
tal end of some haustoria and may reach down to, or even 
extend for some distance over, the surface of the host root 
or rhizome (Plate 1265, D). Their development appears to 
be associated with the early ontogeny of the haustorium. 
Presumably they function as ordinary root hairs for a short 
time, and later may aid (very slightly) in superficial attach- 
ment of the haustorium to the host. Similar hairs occur on 
other species, e.g., M. pratense (Knorz, 1848; Koch, 1887). 

Anatomically, the haustorium consists of an outer region 
of loosely-organized, sometimes partly-collapsed, parenchy- 
matous cells, and a central region of compact, densely-proto- 
plasmic cells. Through the latter region pass one or a few 
vessels, leading to the distal, invading portion, and eventual- 
ly effecting direct continuity between the xylem of the para- 
site root and that of the host. I plan to discuss further 
anatomical details in a later report. 

The haustoria are nearly circular in surface view and are 
ca. 0.5 (0.2-1.4) mm. in diameter, depending somewhat on 
the size and nature of the root or rhizome parasitized. The 
smaller haustoria are produced from fine rootlets with dia- 

18 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

meters down to 0.1 mm. and are attached to host rootlets of 
about the same thickness. In general, host organs are Ca. 
1 mm. in diameter, although on occasion those of greater 
thickness are attacked. Among the largest observed were 
roots of large-toothed aspen (Populus grandidentata) 5 mm. 
in diameter, while those of blackberry (Rubus cf. alleghe- 
niensis) and the rhizomes of bracken (Pteridium aquilinum) 
were nearly as large. A maximum number of 26 haustoria 
per linear centimeter of host root was recorded for aspen 
roots of this size. Since this count was made from preserved 
material, even more haustoria may have been present which 
were unavoidably dislodged during collection. On the rough- 
ened bark of these relatively large aspen roots, haustoria 
tended to form in the furrows rather than on ridges, and 
were often insecurely attached. When sectioned, these haus- 
toria were found to have penetrated a part of the compara- 
tively thick bark but had not reached living tissue. 
Apparently the thickness and other characteristics of the 
bark of some hosts limit the size of roots which can be suc- 
cessfully attacked. When attached to larger host organs, 
haustoria have a slightly concave, sucker-like distal surface, 
while on smaller organs they are often clasping, as they 
partly enclose the host. Haustorial roots tend to grow paral- 
lel to large organs (Plate 1265, E), while they often contact 
smaller ones at an angle. 

Haustorial connections to 12 species have been detected. 
These are taxonomically distributed over two phyla, in one 
of which three classes and two subclasses are involved. Eight 
of the hosts are dicots, but these belong to several generally 
diverse families. The species to which attachments have 
been found follow: 

Sphagnum capillaceum (Weiss) Schrank? 
Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn Amelanchier cf. arborea 

Pinus resinosa Ait. (Michx. f.) Fern. 

Carex pensylvanica Lam. Rubus cf. allegheniensis Porter 
Populus grandidentata Michx. Gaultheria procumbens L. 
Betula papyrifera Marsh. Melampyrum lineare Desr. 
Quercus rubra L. Diervilla lonicera Mill. 

3Although very little material was available for identification, Prof. H. L. Blomquist 
believes it belongs to this species. 

Plate 1265. Haustorial connections of Melampyrum lineare. A. pem attached 
to a Pinus resinosa root, X 14. B. Haustorial connection to Sphagnum capillaccum 
(pointer), X 12. C. Closely suecessive haustoria on a Populus grandidenta root, X 12. 
D. Single haustorium showing exceptionally strong development of hairs; a few hairs 
prolonged over the host root (pointer), X 36. E. Isolated haustoria formed from 
Melampyrum roots paralleling an unusually large host root (Populus grandidentata), 
X 9. F. Self-parasitic connection (pointer), connections to dead roots and humus 
(small black particles), X 12. 

20 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

Undoubtedly many more hosts can be added with further 
observation. The host ranges reported for several European 
species of Melampyrum are limited to gymnosperms and 
angiosperms (Heinricher, 1924). Heinricher also states that 
these cow-wheats differ from each other somewhat in their 
ability to grow on certain hosts. 

Occasionally, I have found cases of intraspecific para- 
sitism, where connections are formed to other individuals of 
M. lineare growing nearby. Furthermore, self-parasitism, 
involving other roots of a single individual, has been ob- 
served (Plate 1265, F). In general, the external features 
of attachment and penetration are the same here as in cases 
involving other species. 

My single observation of Sphagnum as a host was made 
at (Inverness) Mud Lake Bog, Cheboygan County, Michi- 
gan, where haustoria were found attached to the lower 
achlorophyllous portion of the moss some distance below the 
mat surface (Plate 1265, B). Whether this should be con- 
sidered a case of true parasitism is questionable, for al- 
though the upper portion of the moss was alive, the part to 
which haustoria were attached may have consisted wholly of 
dead cells. Attachments to a bryophytic host have not pre- 
viously been recorded for a parasitic angiosperm. 

' [In addition I have found numerous cases of what appears 
to be saprophytism, for the haustoria were attached to dead 
fragments of plant tissue (Plate 1265, F). These fragments 
can often be recognized as dead and sometimes partly de- 
cayed roots, and occasionally as other organs. In some in- 
stances haustorial connections were formed to unidentifiable 
humus particles. Those roots still intact, as well as the 
Sphagnum mentioned above, could have died subsequent to 
invasion ; however, this is not possible for the already much- 
decayed material. Thus, living tissue is not a prerequisite 
for attachment. Whether substances are obtained from the 
dead material is unknown. This observation of attachments 
to dead tissues agrees with those of M. pratense (Knorz, 
1848; Koch, 1887) ; however, these workers believed this 
species formed attachments to dead material only, and de- 
scribed it as saprophytic rather than parasitic. Attachments 

1962] Piehl — Melampyrum lineare 21 

of M. pratense to living plants as well have since been re- 
ported (Sperlich, 1902). 

I have frequently observed some individuals of M. lineare 
in a wilted condition in nature, and as collectors soon learn, 
this species is one of the first to wilt, even when kept in a 
vasculum. I suspected that those plants which wilted easily 
had relatively few haustorial connections, and subsequent 
examination of their roots tended to verify this. This pro- 
pensity to wilt, and if the drought continues, to succumb, is 
consistent with the observation that this species tends to be 
morphologically unadapted to xeric conditions; paradoxical- 
ly, however, it frequents dry sandy habitats. The partial 
heterotrophy of this plant may well be vital to its success 
under such conditions. 

An observation concerning seed color in M. lineare seems 
worthy of inclusion here. Although the seeds have been 
described as blackish* (Pennell, 1935; Fernald, 1950), I 
have repeatedly noted that they are beige or tan with a 
lighter colored tip (elaiosome according to Gislén, 1949) 
when released from the capsules. Ungerminated seeds found 
at or near the soil surface early the following spring are 
similarly colored, suggesting that the blackening is not a 
normal after-ripening change. However, seeds from her- 
barium specimens from various parts of the range are 
almost always blackish, and apparently form the basis for 
previous descriptions. Reference to seeds of my own speci- 
mens which were recorded as beige in the field showed that 
they had blackened after the specimens were dried and 
pressed, and germination attempts indicated such seeds 
were inviable. Also, some specimens blacken throughout 
when dried, a phenomenon which is rather common in both 
the Euphrasieae and Buchnereae sensu Pennell. Whether 
such a color change occurs in seeds of the European species 
is unknown, but if it does, an interesting etymological situa- 
tion arises when one considers the generic name. 

Although previously known for European members of the 

4Pennell describes them as brown or dark brown to blackish for ssp. pectinatum 
which is not known from northern Michigan. 

22 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

genus, parasitism is substantiated for the first time for 
Melampyrum lineare Desr. from studies in Michigan. Sub- 
terranean connections of this seemingly wholly autotrophic 
angiosperm are established by extremely fine roots bearing 
minute haustoria. Invasion of the host root or rhizome 
ordinarily effects direct connection between the xylem of 
the host and that of the parasite. The hosts are taxonomical- 
ly diverse — dicots, monocots, conifers, ferns, and in one 
instance, a bryophyte. Melampyrum lineare can also be 
self-parasitic. In addition, it forms attachments to dead 
plant parts and humus. 

Descriptions of the seeds of M. lineare as blackish are 
believed based on dead, dried material which has blackened 
after collection. Mature seeds in nature have been observed 
to be beige or tan. 


I wish to acknowledge the helpful suggestions of Profes- 
sors W. S. Benninghoff, Rogers McVaugh, W. H. Wagner, 
Jr., and E. G. Voss of the University of Michigan in connec- 
tion with the preparation of the manuscript. — DEPARTMENT 


BEAUVERD, G. 1916. Monographie du genre Melampyrum L. Mém. Soc. 
Phys. Hist. Nat. Genéve 38:291-657. 

DECAISNE, J. 1847. Sur le parasitisme des Rhinanthacées. Ann. Sci. 
Nat. Bot. III, 8:5-9. 

FERNALD, M. 1950. Gray's Manual of Botany, 8th Ed. American Book 
Co., New York. 

FRAYSSE, A. 1906. Contribution à la biologie des plantes phanéro- 
games parasites. Thesis, Univ. Paris, 178 pp. Soc. Anonyme de 
l'Imprimerie Générale du Midi. 

GISLÉN, T. 1949. Problems concerning the occurrence of Melampy- 
rum arvense in Sweden. Oikos 1:208-234. 

HEINRICHER, E. 1904. Melampyrum pratense L., ein in gewissen 
Grenzen spezialisierter Parasit. Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 22:411- 

. 1924. Methoden der Aufzucht and Kultur der para- 
sitischen Samenpflanzen. In Abderhalden, E., Ed., Handbuch der 
biologischen Arbeitsmethoden. Abt. 11, Teil 2:237-350. 

HERBERT, D. 1923. Phanerogamic parasites. Philip. Agric. 11:17-18. 

1962]: Sherff — Distribution of Bidens connata 23 

KNoRZ, DR. 1848. Über den von Hrn. Decaisne angegebenen Para- 
sitismus der Rhinanthaceen. Bot. Zeit. 6:239-241. 

KocH, L. 1887. Über die direkte Ausnützung vegetabilischer Reste 
durch bestimmte chlorophyllhaltige Pflanzen. Ber. Deutsch. Bot. 

Ges. 5:350-364. 
MaRIE-VICTORIN, F. 1935. Flore Laurentienne. Imprimerie de la 

Salle, Montréal. 

PENNELL, F. 1935. The Scrophulariaceae of eastern temperate North 
America. Monogr. Acad. Phila. 1:1-650. 

Plant Life of Maryland. Md. Weather Service, Baltimore. 

SPERLICH, A. 1902. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Inhaltsstoffe in den 
Saugorganen der grünen Rhinanthaceen. Beih. Bot. Centr. 11: 




Fassett (Rhodora 30: 31-35, Plate 160. 1928) listed the six 
varieties of Bidens connata Muhl. known to him in the State 
of Wisconsin: vars. typica (connata), fallax, petiolata, 
ambiversa, anomala, and pinnata. For the last of these, var. 
pinnata Wats., he listed but two collections from Wisconsin, 
these from Polk County (see also Aldrich & Fassett, Science 
70: 45. 1929). Subsequently he collected, either alone or with 
some of his students, numerous specimens of var. pinnata 
from various other counties in northwestern Wisconsin. 
Through the kindness of Dr. H. Iltis of the Department of 
Botany of the University of Wisconsin, I have been permit- 
ted to examine those specimens critically. Moreover, in early 
September of 1961, I made visits to some of the localities 
where Fassett had collected and this permitted me to observe 
the living specimens in their native habitats. Suites of speci- 
mens were obtained to distribute to herbaria. As a contribu- 
tion to the study of Wisconsin's flora, there follows here a 
condensed list of all Wisconsin specimens of var. pinnata 
studied by me. My own collections may be found represented 
in the Herbarium of the Chicago Natural History Museum 
(F) ; the others are in the Herbarium of the University of 

24 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

CHIPPEWA COUNTY: N. C. Fassett, John Budd, & C. L. Brynildson 
22695, sandy shore of Bass Lake, 12 miles north of Bloomer, Oct. 2, 
1949. BARRON COUNTY : W. T. McLaughlin 1020, sandy shore of Crystal 
Lake, Comstock, Aug. 29, 1929; McLaughlin 1021, sandy shore of 
Horseshoe Lake, Turtle Lake, Aug. 28, 1929; McLaughlin 1055, sandy 
shore of Silver Lake, Cumberland, Aug. 29, 1929. POLK COUNTY: N. C. 
Fassett 7891, sandy shore of Bass Lake, 9 miles west of Luck, Sept. 23, 
1928; Fassett & L. R. Wilson 4016, sandy shore of Poplar Lake, Osceo- 
la, Sept. 4, 1927 (3 sheets) ; W. T. McLaughlin 1024, sandy shore of 
Pine Lake, Star Prairie; McLaughlin 1026, narrow sand strip, Twin 
Lake, Amery, Aug. 25, 1929; McLaughlin 1030, grass-invaded shore, 
small pond, Star Prairie, Aug. 26, 1929. WASHBURN COUNTY: N. C. 
Fassett 7900, sandy shore of Shell Lake, Shell Lake, Sept. 22, 1928; 
Fassett 7901, same place and date; Fassett 7906, sandy shore of Silver 
Lake, Lampson, Sept. 15, 1928; Fassett 7907, sandy shore of small lake 
2 miles northeast of Sand Lake, 12 miles northwest of Minong, Sept. 6, 
1928; Fassett 7911, wet, sandy shore of Sand Lake, 12 miles northwest 
of Minong, Sept. 6, 1928; Fassett 7912, at water's edge, sandy shore of 
Wood Lake, 12 miles northwest of Minong, Sept. 6, 1928; Fassett 
11971, sandy shore of same lake, same date; Fassett 17644, bog, Devil's 
Lake, Sarona, Sept. 14, 1935 (2 sheets) ; Fassett 17645, sandy shore of 
Bass Lake, Sarona, Sept. 14, 1935; Fassett & W. T. McLaughlin 10891, 
shore of Mathews Lake, Trego, Sept. 11, 1929; Fassett & McLaughlin 
10892, shore of Cable Lake, Spooner, Sept. 12, 1929; Fassett & Mc- 
Laughlin 10893, sandy shore of McKinley Lake, Trego, Sept. 12, 1929; 
Fassett & McLaughlin 10894, shore of Cable Lake, Spooner, Sept. 12, 
1929; Fassett & MeLaughlin 10895, sandy shore of Horseshoe Lake, 
Minong, Sept. 12, 1929; Fassett & McLaughlin 10896, shore of McLain 
Lake, Minong, Sept. 12, 1929; Earl E. Sherff XY 6002, sandy and stony 
east shore of Silver Lake, south of Minong, Sept. 1, 1961; Sherff 
XY6002, sandy west shore of Shell Lake, Shell Lake, Sept. 1, 1961; 
Sherf XY 6004, sandy shore of Little Long Lake, west of Spooner, 
Sept. 1, 1961; Homer Stevens 187, bog beyond “Hogin’s” on Route M, 
Aug. 28, 1947. BURNETT COUNTY: N. C. Fassett 1214, sandy shore of 
Devil's Lake, Webster, Sept. 6, 1929; Fassett 7898, sandy shore of Long 
Lake, Hertel, Sept. 19, 1928; Fassett 7899, sandy shore of Crooked 
Lake, Siren, Sept. 19, 1928; Fassett 7902, sandy shore of Clear Lake, 
Siren, Sept. 19, 1928; Fassett 7904, shore of Hanscon [Hanscomb] 
Lake, Webb Lake, Sept. 21, 1928; Fassett 7905, sandy shores of Long 
Lake and Sucker Lake, Webb Lake, Sept. 21, 1928; Fassett & J. W. 
Thomson 18715, shore of Fish Lake, south of Webb Lake, Sept. 17, 
1957; W. T. McLaughlin 1018, sandy shore of Clear Lake, Siren, 
Aug. 21, 1929; McLaughlin 1019, sandy shore of Conners Lake, Web- 
ster, Aug. 19, 1929; McLaughlin 1025, sandy shore of Macaboyne Lake, 
Webb Lake, Aug. 18, 1929; McLaughlin 1028, sandy shore of Devil's 
Lake, Webster, Sept. 1, 1929; McLaughlin 1032, sandy shore of Fish 
Lake, Webb Lake, Aug. 17, 1929; McLaughlin 1033, sandy shore of a 

1962] Sherff — Distribution of Bidens connata 25 

small lake, Webb Lake, Sept. 11, 1929; McLaughlin 1035, sandy shore 
of Ham Lake, Webster, Sept. 10, 1929; McLaughlin 1036, sandy shore 
of Long Lake, Webb Lake, Sept. 11, 1929; McLaughlin 1037, sandy 
shore of Sucker Lake, Webb Lake, Sept. 11, 1929; McLaughlin 1038, 
sandy shore of small lake north of Sand Lake, Gaslyn, Sept. 4, 1929; 
McLaughlin 1039, sandy shore of Loon Lake, Danbury, Sept. 3, 1929; 
McLaughlin 1040, sandy shore of Oak Lake, Gaslyn, Aug. 24, 1929; 
McLaughlin 1041, sandy shore of Long Lake, Hertel, Aug. 15, 1929; 
McLaughlin 1042, sandy shore of Birch Island Lake, Birch Island, 
Aug. 17, 1929; Earl E. Sherff XY 6005, sandy shore of Crooked Lake, 1 
mile north of Siren, Sept. 2, 1961, a form approaching in its foliage 
var. gracilipes Fern.; Sherf XY 6007, sandy shore of Benach Lake 
(N. W. corner of sect. 29, tshp. 40N., R.15W.), +27 miles (by road) 
northwest of Spooner, Sept. 2, 1961; Sherf XY 6008, sandy shore of 
Mallard Lake, Sept. 2, 1961; Sherff XY 6009, sandy shore of small lake 
near Mallard Lake, Sept. 2, 1961; Sherff XY6010, very abundant on 
sandy north shore of North Sand Lake, northwest of Gaslyn, Sept. 2, 
1961. BAYFIELD COUNTY: N. C. Fassett 7884, sandy shore of McDonald 
Lake, Barnes, Sept. 11, 1928; Fassett 7894, same place and date; Fas- 
sett 7903, sandy shore of Pigeon Lake, west of Drummond, Sept. 3, 
1928; Fassett 7914, sandy shore of Lake Ruth, Iron River, Sept. 3, 
1928; Fassett 7915 (1-2 meters from water, sandy shore of) and 7916 
(at water's edge of) Island Lake, Barnes, Aug. 29, 1928; Fassett 7946, 
muddy shore of Lake Ellison, Barnes, Sept. 2, 1928; W. T. McLaughlin 
1017, sandy shore of Lake Ruth, Iron River, Sept. 13, 1930; Earl E. 
Sherf XY 6001, sandy south shore of Pigeon Lake, west of Drummond, 
Sept. 1, 1961. DOUGLAS COUNTY: G. H. Conklin, sandy shore of White- 
fish Lake, Aug. 11, 1929; N. C. Fassett 7892, sandy shore of Wilderness 
Lake or Pattangel Lake,* Barnes, Sept. 15, 1929; Fassett 7897, sandy 
shore of Murray Lake, 12 miles east of Solon Springs, Sept. 2, 1928; 
Fassett 7908, under eaves of shed on sandy shore of Loon Lake, 
Wascott, Sept. 6, 1928 (2 sheets, "a" and '"b"); Fassett 7909, wet, 
sandy shore of Whitefish Lake, Wascott, Sept. 6, 1928; Fassett 7910, 
same place and date; Fassett 11970, sandy shore of Halfway Lake, 
Gordon, Aug. 18, 1929; W. T. McLaughlin 1016, sandy shore of Simms 
Lake, Sept. 13, 1930; McLaughlin 1027, sandy shore of Halfway Lake, 
2 miles south of Gordon, Sept. 13, 1930. 

Particular notice was given the var. pinnata specimens in 
the live state to see if there were transitions to the less com- 
pound types of leaves characteristic of B. connata var. 
gracilipes Fern., a variety found in similar habitats, edges of 
sandy lake shores, at various localities in Wisconsin and 

*Fassett’s label gives the location for the lakes as Sect. 6, T. 45 N. R. 8 W. im 
Douglas County, but Barnes itself is across the county border in Bayfield County. 

26 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

often interspersed with var. pinnata. No definite transitions 
of var. pinnata into var. gracilipes were found. 

As previously stated in my revisional treatment of Bidens 
(Sherff, The Genus Bidens, Bot. Ser. Field Mus. Nat. Hist. 
16: 262. 1937), the var. pinnata was known to range geo- 
graphically through parts of Minnesota (where the type 
had been collected at Richfield in Hennepin County) and 
Wisconsin. On several trips in the autumn of 1961 to lakes 
in western Michigan, I was unable to find var. pinnata, even 
though the lakes possessed sandy shores identical with those 
of the Wisconsin habitats. So far, then, as I have been able 
to determine, var. pinnata is limited to Minnesota and Wis- 

Special attention was given the same season also to the 
occurrence of the var. gracilipes Fern. This variety is ex- 
tremely interesting in the matter of its distribution. As was 
stated in my above-cited monograph of Bidens (p. 261), the 
type of var. gracilipes was a plant collected at Harwich, far 
out on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. A few other specimens 
were found, ranging from Maine to Connecticut. From the 
known facts at that time, therefore, var. gracilipes seemed 
to be an endemic variety of the northeastern United States. 
The researches of Fassett upon the Wisconsin Flora, how- 
ever, revealed the presence of the variety at numerous sites 
in Wisconsin. Some specimens were cited by him in the 
paper referred to above (Rhodora /oc. cit.) and many addi- 
tional ones were collected by him later on, either singly or 
in the company of his students, and deposited in the herbari- 
um of the University of Wisconsin. It was my privilege to 
examine all of these recently and to confirm his determina- 

Subsequent to Fassett's publications, Mr. and Mrs. Hanes, 
in their Flora of Kalamazoo County, Michigan (page 259. 
1947) cited var. gracilipes for Kalamazoo County, Michigan. 
Later, I myself cited (Brittonia 11: 190. 1959) a Hanes 
specimen for the same county. Again, in Rhodora of May, 
1961, I cited material, C. W. Bazuin 4282, from the "sandy 
shore of Wolf Lake, 3-4 miles east of Muskegon, Michigan," 
a habitat "roughly seventy miles farther north and twenty 

1962] Sherff — Distribution of Bidens connata 27 

miles farther west than the habitat" where the Kalamazoo 
County specimen had been collected. Unfortunately the last 
two papers had been compiled with the thought of collab- 
orating in the production of a new Flora of Michigan, which 
authorities at the University of Michigan contemplate pub- 
lishing (vide Mich. Flora Newsletter no. 7, Univ. of Mich., 
Nov. 25, 1960) and thus I inadvertently described the Wolf 
Lake habitat as being "the farthest point west at which the 
variety .... was known to occur." The words “in Michigan" 
should have been added after “west” of course, to indicate 
a cognizance of the many habitats known to occur for the 
variety in Wisconsin. — Having the entire United States in 
mind, then, we may put Wisconsin as marking the western 
limit of distribution for var. gracilipes. Indeed, from the 
comparative abundance of var. gracilipes specimens in Wis- 
consin, it seems very probable that Wisconsin was the real 
center of origin for the variety, and that specimens found in 
New England states had originally grown there from 
achenes transported from the west, presumably with the 
aid of their retrorsely barbed aristae. 

Returning to the occurrence of var. gracilipes in Michigan, 
I have been able, in the autumn of 1961, to find specimens of 
it growing in a seemingly discontinuous distribution begin- 
ning with Kalamazoo County at the south and extending 
northeastwardly into Ionia County, thence northwestward 
into Kent County and Muskegon County, thence far north- 
northeastward into Lake County, to a point (Wolf Lake) 
some seven miles north of Baldwin. Ample material was 
obtained for herbarium specimens and was turned over to 
the Chicago Natural History Museum for accession and dis- 
tribution to other institutions. A list of exsiccatae by coun- 
ties follows: 

KALAMAZOO COUNTY: E. E. Sherff XY6016, sandy north shore of 
Eagle Lake,* Oct. 5, 1961: Sherf XY 6017, sandy shore of east side of 
Eagle Lake, same date. IONIA COUNTY: Sherf XY 6015, sandy spot on 
north shore of Jordan Lake, Lake Odessa, Sept. 29, 1961. KENT COUN- 
TY: Sherf XY6012, sandy shore of Long Lake, east of Kent City, 
Sept. 18, 1961. MUSKEGON COUNTY: Sherff XY 6013, sandy southwest 

*This and the next references are to the Eagle Lake southwest of Oshtemo. 

28 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

shore of Wolf Lake, Sept. 18, 1961. LAKE COUNTY: Sherf XY6011, 
sandy east shore of Wolf Lake, +7 miles north of Baldwin, Sept. 6, 

Throughout my examinations of var. gracilipes in the field 
at the above-mentioned Michigan habitats, attention was 
paid to the foliar variations in the direction of var. pinnata. 
Such variations were found to be rare. In the suite num- 
bered XY6016, composed of some twenty or more small, 
depauperate plants, two were found to have several leaves 
each with two pairs of slenderly lanceolate lateral leaflets 
or pinnae, instead of a single pair of broader ones. Ap- 
parently this was the maximum extent to which var. gra- 
cilipes approached var. pinnata. To summarize, then, while 
the var. pinnata, as stated earlier, was not found to inter- 
grade into var. gracilipes, the latter variety was found, 
though very rarely, to offer a slight approach in leaf-form to 
var. pinnata. There was no indication, however, that the two 
varieties were not distinct or worthy of being accorded 


The genus Houstonia in northeastern North America is 
represented by two well-defined groups. One group contains 
delicate, vernal-flowering annuals with single-flowered 
peduncles, salverform corollas, and globular seeds. The 
other contains coarser, summer-flowering perennials with a 
compound inflorescence, funnelform corollas, and rather 
flattened seeds. 

This paper is concerned with the annual vernal species in 
Illinois. A subsequent paper will be devoted to the perennial 

Four or five species of the annual bluets occur in north- 
eastern North America. (The discrepancy arises from the 
status of H. faxonorum Fern. or H. caerulea var. faxonorum 
Pease and Moore). Three of these are attributed to Illinois 
in varying degrees of abundance by different workers. 

1962] Mohlenbrock and Halbig — Houstonia 29 

Houstonia serpyllifolia Michx., from the mountains of Penn- 
sylvania south to Georgia, does not occur in Illinois. 

A check of any manual concerning the Illinois flora would 
lead one to believe that H. caerulea, H. pusilla, and H. 
minima are more common than is actually the case. 

The latest treatment on distribution of Illinois vascular 
plants is that by Winterringer and Evers'. These workers 
list H. caerulea from ten Illinois counties along the eastern 
border and the southern fourth of the state. The present 
study reveals that five of the six reports from southern 
Illinois are based on misidentifications. The sixth report 
from St. Clair County late last century is likely a case of 
mixed labels since the collector often was guilty of this. 

Winterringer and Evers attribute H. minima to 17 Illinois 
counties, including 3 in the southern tip of the state. Our 
study shows H. minima to occur in 17 counties, but to be 
absent in the extreme southern counties of Jackson and 
Saline. Records from these counties are based on misidenti- 
fications for H. pusilla. 

Houstonia pusilla is limited in Illinois to the southern one- 
third of the state. The present study has enabled us to fill in 
most of the gaps in its distribution in southern Illinois. 

Since all three species are reported to occur in southern 
Illinois with seeming regularity, the senior author thought 
it strange that on his many field trips and those of his col- 
leagues and students, no authentic material of two of these 
— H. caerulea and H. minima — showed up in the collec- 

During the spring of 1961, the junior author made vast 
collections of annual bluets throughout southern Illinois. 
These were studied intensively before being pressed for the 
herbarium. In the entire collection of several hundred speci- 
mens, there appeared no H. caerulea and no H. minima. All 
specimens were unquestionably H. pusilla. 

Why, then, are there so many apparently erroneous re- 
ports of H. caerulea and H. minima? There is general agree- 
ment among field botanists that each species has a distinctive 

'Winterringer, G. S. and R. A. Evers. 1960. New Records for Illinois Vascular 
Plants. Illinois State Museum, 135 pp. 

30 Rhodora [Vol. 64 
field recognition character. Houstonia caerulea is distin- 
guished by the yellow eye or center in each flower, while 
the other species basically have a dark, usually reddish eye. 
A hurried glance at the flower either of H. pusilla or H. 
minima might reveal a yellow center, due to the presence of 
pollen on the mature anther, and thus this may account for 
the erroneous reports of H. caerulea in southern Illinois. 
Anyone familiar with the larger, pale-flowered H. caerulea, 
with its conspicuous yellow center, could never confuse this 
species with any other. 

Houstonia minima sometimes is recognized in the field by 
its tiny stature. In our study, we have found H. pusilla as 
dwarfed as 1 cm. tall, during anthesis. Local naturalists, on 
being shown this specimen, immediately respond with H. 
minima. The only valid criterion to distinguish H. minima 
and H. pusilla is not stature, but relative length of calyx to 
corolla. Houstonia minima has a calyx equalling the corolla 
tube in length, while H. pusilla has a calyx barely half the 
length of the corolla tube. Although no specimens of H. 
minima were discovered in the field in southern Illinois dur- 
ing this study, there exists an authentic specimen in the 
University of Illinois herbarium of this species from John- 
son County. Efforts to relocate this population have failed. 

Since most modern manuals fail to give complete descrip- 
tions of H. caerulea, H. pusilla, and H. minima, it seems 
desirable to present descriptions in this paper. 

1. Flowers pale blue or lilac, with a broad, pale yellow center; corolla 
tube 5-10 mm. long; capsule 3-4 mm. wide .................. 1. H. caerulea. 
1. Flowers purple, with a small dark, usually red, eye; corolla tube 
3-5 mm. long; capsule 2-3 mm. wide. 

2. Calyx lobes 1.2-1.9 mm. long, half as long as corolla tube ............ 

2. Calyx lobes 2.0-3.5 mm. long, equalling the corolla tube ................ 
3. H. minima. 

1. Houstonia caerulea L. Sp. Pl. 105. 1753. 

Slender, tufted annuals; stems erect, flexuous, rather sparsely 
branched, to 15 em. tall (in Illinois), glabrous or rarely puberulent ; 
rosette leaves obovate to elliptic to spatulate, obtuse to subacute at 
apex, 4-15 mm. long, 2-6 mm. broad, glabrous or short hairy; petiole 
1-6 mm. long, glabrous or sparsely puberulent; cauline leaves much 

1962] Mohlenbrock and Halbig — Houstonia 31 

reduced, 2-7 mm. long, 1-3 mm. broad; peduncles filiform, 2-7 em. long, 
glabrous or nearly so; bracts resembling the cauline leaves; sepals 
oblong, acute, 1.0-2.5 mm. long, glabrous; corolla salverform, pale blue 
to lilac to rarely nearly white, with a large yellow center (eye), the 
tube 5-10 mm. long, glabrous, the flower 10-15 mm. wide; capsule bi- 
lobed, flattened, 3-4 mm. wide, broader than long. 

Habitat. — Open woods and fields. 

General Range. — Nova Scotia to Wisconsin south to Missouri and 

Illinois Range. — Four eastern border counties; absent from the 
extreme south. 

Date of Flowering in Illinois. — April 7 to May 17. 

2. Houstonia pusilla Schoepf, in Reise 2:306. 1788. 

Houstonia patens Ell. Bot. S. C. & Ga. 1:191. 1816. 

Usually tiny, tufted annuals; stems erect, stiffer than the preceding, 
1-12 cm. tall, glabrous; rosette leaves ovate to elliptic, subacute to 
acute, 5-10 mm. long, 3-7 mm. broad, glabrous and usually scaberulous 
along the margins; cauline leaves smaller and narrower; petiole 1-3 
mm. long, glabrous; peduncles 1-4 cm. long, glabrous or nearly so; 
bracts resembling the upper cauline leaves; sepals linear to narrowly 
oblong, acute, 1-2 mm. long, glabrous; corolla salverform, deep purple, 
usually with a dark reddish center (eye), the tube 3-5 mm. long, about 
twice the length of the calyx, glabrous, the flower 4-8 mm. wide; 
capsule bilobed, flattened, 2-3 mm. wide, slightly longer than broad. 

Habitat. — Xeric sandstone bluffs, open woods, fields, and pastures. 

General Range. — Virginia to Missouri south to Texas and Florida. 

Illinois Range. — The southern one-third of the state, north to 
Montgomery County. 

Date of Flowering in Illinois. — March 22 to May 4. 

Five-merous flowers sometimes occur. 

3. Houstonia minima Beck, in Am. Journ. Sci. 10:262. 1826. 

Tiny, tufted annuals; stems erect, 1-7 cm. tall, glabrous; rosette 
leaves ovate to elliptic, subacute to acute, 5-7 mm. long, 2-5 mm. broad, 
glabrous and usually scaberulous along the margins; cauline leaves 
smaller and narrower; petiole 1-3 mm. long, glabrous; peduncles 1-4 
cm. long, glabrous or nearly so; bracts resembling the upper cauline 
leaves; sepals lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, acute, 2-4 mm. long, 
glabrous or scaberulous; corolla salverform, deep purple, usually with 
a dark reddish center (eye), the tube 3-5 mm. long, barely longer than 
the calyx, glabrous, the flower 3-6 mm. wide; capsule bilobed, flattened, 
2-3 mm. wide, slightly longer than broad. 

Habitat. — Open woods and fields. 

General Range. — Illinois tc Kansas south to Texas and Arkansas. 

Illinois Range. — Essentially the western counties, although one 
record from Richland County. 

Date of Flowering in Illinois. — April 6 to May 19. — SOUTHERN 

32 Rhodora [Vol. 64 


Fifteen years ago Howard and Manton (1946) put on 
record the existence of both a diploid and tetraploid species 
of watercress and distinguished them under the names 
Nasturtium officinale R. Br. (diploid, 2n = 32) and N. uni- 
seriatum Howard & Manton (allotetraploid, 2n — 64). The 
following year, Airy Shaw (1948) elucidated the nomencla- 
ture and showed that the name N. microphyllum Boenn. ex 
Reichb. should be used for the tetraploid on grounds of 
priority. Since this date it has become widely accepted that 
on a world basis Nasturtium is not distinguishable generical- 
ly from Rorippa and the names of the watercresses then 
become R. nasturtium-aquaticum (L.) Hayek (N. officinale 
R. Br.) and R. microphylla (Boenn.) Hyland, whilst for 
simplicity of reference the sterile triploid hybrid between 
the two species has been given the name R. X sterilis Airy 
Shaw (Shaw 1951). 

Both species are natives of Europe, but both have been 
introduced into the New World, presumably because of their 
use and value as a salad. Airy Shaw (1948) first recorded 
the existence of the tetraploid in Canada and the U.S.A., 
and Green (1955, p. 297-8) added further New World records 
and noted the existence in the U.S. A. of the sterile hybrid 
as well. A recent examination of the material in the Gray 
and New England Botanical Club Herbaria however, has 
indicated that watercress is far more widely distributed than 
had at first been expected, and it became apparent that the 
two species have not been distinguished in American litera- 
ture. To take the two major Floras in the north-east: 
Gleason (1952) continued to describe Nasturtium as mono- 
typic in 1952, and the figure he published is clearly that of 
the diploid species. Fernald (1950), however, distinguished 
a var. microphyllum of N. officinale, but it is clear from his 
description, and from annotations he made on specimens in 
the two herbaria just mentioned, that whilst his concept of 
var. microphyllum is very close to the tetraploid species it 
is not entirely coincident, and his figure, labeled as N. offici- 

1962] Green — Watercress in the New World 33 

nale, shows fruit clearly recognizable as those of Rorippa 
microphylla. In the two handbooks for the identification of 
North American aquatic plants: Muenscher (1944) has one 
species, which he calls N. officinale, and his illustration is 
clearly that of the tetraploid. Fassett (1940 and 1957) 
recognizes four named forms based on vegetative characters 
but he does not mention the name microphyllum. Murley in 

Fic. 1. Fruit and inflorescence of: A, Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum (L.) Hayek; 
B, R. microphylla (Boenn.) Hyland. Half natural size, 

her review of the “Seeds of the Cruciferae of North-eastern 
North America” (1951) only considers the one species, as 
Nasturtium officinale, and gives a beautiful illustration of a 
seed of the diploid (her fig. 8). 

There is no doubt that both Rorippa nasturtium-aquati- 
cum and R. microphylla are vegetatively both very variable. 

34 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

For certain and easy distinction it is necessary to use charac- 
ters of the fruit. In fact, unless the plants are in fruit it is 
difficult to differentiate between the two species (see Howard 
& Lyon 1950). In R. nasturtium-aquaticum the siliquae are 
10-15(-20) mm. long and relatively stout, whereas in R. 
microphylla they are longer, (14-) 17-26, mm. long, and more 
slender (Fig. 1). The fruits are also borne on slightly shorter 
pedicels in R. masturtium-aquaticum where they are 
6-15(-18) mm. long compared with (6-)10-20 mm. in R. 
microphylla. A field character is further provided by the 
fact that the seeds appear in R. nasturtium-aquaticum to 

Fic. 2. Individual seed of: A, Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum (L.) Hayek; B, R. 
microphylla (Boenn.) Hyland. 
lie in two rows in the pod, whereas in R. microphylla they lie 
in a single row, (hence the epithet wniseriatum proposed by 
Howard & Manton for the tetraploid) but this character has 
to be used with caution. A character of sure value, however, 
is provided by the reticulations, or areolae, on the seed coat, 
which in R. nasturtium-aquaticum are large, and number 
about 35 on any one side of the ripe seed, whilst in R. micro- 
phylla there are about 150 and these are consequently much 
smaller (Fig. 2). It is interesting in this connection that a 
photograph of seeds of R. nasturtium-aquaticum is given in 
one of the plates bound in the center of the 1961 yearbook of 

1962] Green — Watercress in the New World 35 

the U. S. Department of Agriculture. If plants to be identi- 
fied have not reached the fruiting stage then it is possible to 
distinguish between the species on pollen grain size (Green 
1955) and stomatal index (Rowson in Howard & Manton 
1946) but the methods are somewhat time consuming. 

The hybrid Rorippa X sterilis is, as its name suggests, 
easily distinguished by its sterility. The fruits do not devel- 
op properly and only an occasional, non-viable, seed is pro- 
duced. Furthermore, examination of the pollen grains in, 
for example, a drop of lactic acid, shows that the pollen too 
is sterile, the grains being very variable in size and the 
majority of them crumpled and abortive. In fact to be 
certain of the hybrid it is usually advisable to examine the 
pollen, for occasional plants of the parental species set little 
seed from the first flowers to open and, especially in R. 
microphylla, the plant may set very little seed at all if grow- 
ing under crowded conditions etc. 

Because of the variability of vegetative characters the 
epithet microphylla is misleading; leaf shape and size are of 
no value in distinguishing the species and their hybrid. 
Large-leaved specimens are found with fruits of R. micro- 
phylla, and depauperate specimens with small leaves are, as 
often as not, found to be R. nasturtium-aquaticum. A variety 
siifolia has been described within R. nasturtium-aquaticum 
and was recognized by Fernald (1950) along with so-called 
var. microphylla. In it the leaflets are more or less oblong 
and elongate as opposed to roundish to oval, especially in the 
case of the terminal leaflet, but such leaves are frequently 
found in the diploid, tetraploid and hybrid and have no 
taxonomic significance, at least at the rank of variety. 

The distribution of watercress in the U.S. A. and im- 
mediately adjacent territories as reflected in the collections 
of the Gray and New England Botanical Club Herbaria is 
shown in Fig. 3 (one or two records have been added from a 
hasty examination of the collections in the herbarium of 
the New York Botanical Garden made during a recent brief 
visit). It will be seen that Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum is 
far more widespread than both R. microphylla and the 
hybrid, which, apart from two records in Idaho and Oregon, 

36 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

are restricted to eastern Canada and northeastern United 
States. How many times watercress has been introduced 
from Europe is unknown, but in view of the esteem in which 
it has long been held as a salad in England, France and 
Germany, it is suspected that it has been brought across the 
Atlantic many times, the first occasion probably having 
taken place more than 200 years ago. Even from Utah there 

@ nasturtium-aquaticum, A microphylla 

X sterilis, O unidentified watercress 

Fic. 3. Distribution map of the watercresses in the U.S.A. and adjacent territories. 
In the north-east several closely adjacent records may be represented by a single 
is a specimen in the Gray Herbarium collected by E. Palmer 
as long ago as 1875 which bears a note “introduced from 
France by J. E. Johnson” and one may believe that the 
introduction to the eastern states took place long before this, 
although the earliest specimen I have seen was collected in 
1847 from Niagara, New York. The diploid, R. nasturtium- 
aquaticum, is far more widespread than the tetraploid 
species and is recorded from almost every state. Muenscher 
(1944) published a map in which it is recorded from every 

1962] Green — Watercress in the New World di 

state but six and I have seen material from three of these six 
in the course of this investigation. It is debatable whether 
watercress was intentionally introduced to every state where 
it now occurs and although it frequently has the appearance 
of a native plant and is often found remote from any habita- 
tion, it must be borne in mind that it commonly grows on 
muddy stream banks and seed may be relatively easily trans- 
ported over long distances embedded in mud attached to the 
feet of birds, and broken portions of the plant can easily 
be carried down stream once it is established in a particular 
river or stream. The records of R. microphylla and the 
hybrid in the west almost certainly represent separate intro- 
ductions and it is not without significance perhaps that at 
least in recent times the watercresses which are grown 
commercially in Britain (see Howard 1947) are the diploid, 
R. nasturtium-aquaticum, which is the most widespread in- 
troduction, and the hybrid. It is possible too that diploid 
R. nasturtium-aquaticum is more able to flourish in the 
warmer more southern states, and this is suggested by its 
distribution outside the United States, whereas the tetra- 
ploid is probably the hardier species and the one more able 
to survive the rigorous winters in the north-east. No doubt 
the examination of watercress material in other herbaria 
and the painstaking measurement of pollen grains in 
material showing only flowers would increase our knowledge 
of the detailed distribution of the species but it is felt that 
sufficient indication of the total range is given by the map 
(fig. 3) and by the citation of the specimens below, to draw 
the attention of botanists in America to the existence of the 
two species and how they may be distinguished. 

In Central America, the West Indies and South America 
only material of Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum in the strict 
sense has been seen. There are three sheets of apparently 
sterile plants from Cuba in the Gray Herbarium, but exami- 
nation of the pollen shows that the grains are fully formed 
and not largely crumpled and abortive as in the hybrid, R. 
X sterilis. However, the fruits seem undeveloped and empty, 
yet in each case the whole plant appears small and the leaves 
reduced, with few pinnae; it is felt that further comment on 

38 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

their identity should be reserved until more is known of the 
conditions under which they were growing. Schulz (1934, 
p. 41) recorded Nasturtium officinale var. microphyllum 
from Chile, but this identification was apparently based on 
leaf shape alone and in this investigation only the diploid 
has been seen with certainty from Chile, or for that matter, 
from the whole of South America. 


Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum (L.) Hayek 
(Nasturtium officinale R. Br.) 

CANADA. British Columbia: Comox, July 18, 1915, J. M. Macoun 

UNITED STATES. Maine: Cumberland Co., Yarmouthville, Yar- 
mouth, Aug. 1904, Kate Furbish (NEBC). Vermont: Rutland Co., Rut- 
land, June 15, 1892, Willard W. Eggleston 1. Massachusetts: Berkshire 
Co., Pittsfield, Sept. 23, 1899, R. Hoffmann; Norfolk Co., Dedham, 
Purgatory Swamp, June 27, 1897, J. M. Greenman 260; Nantucket 
Co., Nantucket, Polpis, June 1, 1900, M. A. Day 2 (GH, NEBC). Rhode 
Island: Newport Co., Block Island, June 24, 1917, R. P. Marshall 
(NEBC). Connecticut: Fairfield Co., Bridgeport, June 3, 1902, E. H. 
Eames (NEBC) ; Hartford Co., Southington, June 30, 1898, L. Andrews 
311; Litchfield Co., Woodbury, June 12, 1909, E. B. Harger 5548 
(NEBC) ; New Haven Co., North Branford, Aug. 5, 1914, E. B. Harger 
6415 (NEBC); New London Co., Franklin, June 18, 29, 1915, R. W. 
Woodward. New York: Niagara Co., Niagara Falls near Table Rock, 
June 1847, John A. Lowell; Wayne Co., Newark, Aug. 31, 1872, E. L. 
Hankenson. Pennsylvania: Berks Co., Hamburg, July 19, 1892, C. D. 
Lippincott; Chester Co., 1858-1864, S. P. Sharples; Lebanon Co., 
Miners Village, May 30, 1889, A. A. Heller. Delaware: New Castle 
Co., Centreville, May 20, 1865, A. Commons. Maryland: Montgomery 
Co., shores of Potomac, June 6, 1881, John Donnell Smith. W. Virginia: 
Munroe Co., Sweet Springs, Sept. 15, 1903, E. S. and Mrs. Steele 315; 
Pocahontas Co., Minnehaha Spring, July 31, 1930, W. V. U. Botanical 
Exped. Virginia: Botetourt Co., E. Buchanan, along the Otter Rd., 
May 17, 1892, John K. Small; Page Co., Luray, Stony Man Mountain 
and vicinity in the Blue Ridge, Aug. 12, 1901, E. S. and Mrs. Steele 
161. North Carolina: Avery Co., Cranberry, on US 19E, June 17, 1958, 
Harry E. Ahles & J. A. Duke 43572; New Hanover Co., Carolina Beach, 
April 18, 1938, R. K. Godfrey & M. F. Buell 3542. Florida: Sarasota 
Co., Sarasota, March 31, 1943, Anne E. Perkins. Michigan: Wash- 
tenaw Co., edge of Fleming Creek, 434 mi. east of Ann Arbor, F. J. 
Hermann 6950. Ohio: Portage Co., Garrettsville, July 18, 1896, R. J. 
Webb 156. Indiana: Tippecanoe Co., 0.5 mi. s.w. of Lafayette, west 

*Specimens in the Gray Herbarium unless otherwise stated. 

1962] Green — Watercress in the New World 39 

bank of Wabash River valley, June 2, 1945, Ray C. Friesner 18859. 
Kentucky: Jefferson Co., near Beuchel, July 5, 1939, M. Seargent 49; 
Wayne Co., Beaver Creek, s.w. of Monticello, July 12-14, 1937, L. B. 
Smith & A. R. Hodgdon 3868. Tennessee: Davidson Co., Nashville, 
June 14, 1960, Howard S. Gentry 18589. Wisconsin: LaCrosse Co., 
Bohemian Creek, Thomas A. Hartley 778 (Ny). Illinois: Kane Co., 
Elgin, June 9, 1911, Earl E. Sherff; McHenry Co., McHenry, June 25, 
1860, George Vasey 2105. Minnesota: Dakota Co., railroad near Nicols, 
Sept. 19, 1941, J. W. Moore, E. K. Butters & D. Jenkins 15113. Iowa: 
Fayette Co., Fayette, Aug. 1894, B. Fink. Missouri: Clay Co., Ran- 
dolph, June 20, 1897, Kenneth K. MacKenzie (NY). South Dakota: 
Fall River Co., Black Hills, Hot Springs, June 14, 1892, P. A. Rydberg 
531. Nebraska: Dundy Co., Rock Creek Park, Aug. 3, 1945, Walter 
Kiener 19417; Redwillow Co., 8 miles west of McCook, July 31, 1945, 
Walter Kiener 19411. Kansas: Riley Co., 1896, J. B. Norton 613. 
Oklahoma: Carter Co., between Ardmore and Springer, April 29, 1961, 
Reed C. Rollins 61156; Comanche Co., Fort Sill, June 16, 1916, Mrs. 
J. Clemens 11601; Ellis Co., on edge of Wolf Creek near Shattuck, 
June 10, 1914, R. L. Clifton 3200K; Love Co., 2 miles s.w. of Bomar, 
June 23, 1953, G. J. Goodman & E. L. Rice 5686. Texas: Brewster Co., 
Leoncita Springs, Kokernot ranch, April 30, 1948, Barton H. Warnock 
& F. M. Churchill 7725; Gonzales Co., Cottonwood Springs, April 16, 
1934, V. L. Cory 8271; Jeff Davis Co., Limpia Canyon 10 miles north 
of Ft. Davis, June 13, 1941, R. R. Innes & Brunelle Moon 1095; Kerr 
Co., Kerrville, May 14-21, 1894, A. A. Heller 1753; Real Co., Prade 
Ranch, headwaters of Rio Frio, April 18, 1959, R. C. Rollins & D. S. 
Correll 5940; Travis Co., Austin, May 15, 1872, Elihu Hall 14; Val- 
verde Co., along the Rio Grande from Brownsville to El Paso, Devil's 
River, April 20, 1919, H. C. Hanson 523. Montana: Gallatin Co., Boze- 
man, July 10, 1902, W. W. Jones. Idaho: Ada Co., Boise, Aug. 19, 1911, 
June A. Clark 257; Canyon Co., Falk's Store, July 7, 1910, J. F. Mac- 
bride 327; Teton Co., Victor, July 11, 1901, E. D. Merrill & E. N. Wil- 
cox 1015; Nez Perce Co., Upper Ferry, above Lewiston, Clearwater 
River, June 2, 1892, J. H. Sandberg, D. T. MacDougal & A. A. Heller 
298. Wyoming: Albany Co., Laramie, Sept. 30, 1984, Aven Nelson 
1152; Crook Co., Sand Creek near Beulah, June 21, 1950, C. L. Porter 
5349; Platte Co., Sibyllee Creek, July 18, 1945, C. L. Porter 3692. 
Colorado: La Plata Co., T. 34 N., R. 8 W., Aug. 14, 1937, Marion Own- 
bey 1439. Utah: Cache Co., half mile west of Logan, July 30, 1940, 
Bassett Maguire 20099; Salt Lake Co., Salt Lake City, 1869, Sereno 
Watson 6; Utah Co., Spring Lake, 1875, E. Palmer. Nevada: Clark 
Co., Willow Springs, Aug. 6, 1935, I. W. Clokey 5481; Mineral Co., 
Corey Canon. Wassuk Mts., June 27, 1919, Ivar Tidestrom 10084; 
Ormsby Co., King's Canon, June 11, 1902, C. F. Baker 1057. New 
Mexico: Colfax Co., vincinty of Ute Park, Sept. 10, 1916, Paul C. 
Standley 14611; Grant Co., Fort Bayard Watershed, Stephen's Ranch, 
Oct. 22, 1905, J. C. Blumer 112; San Miguel Co., near Pecos, Aug. 20, 

40 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

1908, Paul C. Standley 5129; Sierra Co., Berendo Creek, May 20, 1904, 
O. B. Metcalfe 907; Socorro Co., Mogollon Mts., on or near the west 
fork of the Gila River, Aug. 25, 1903, O. B. Metcalfe 606. Arizona: 
Coconino Co., Painted Desert, Tuba Oasis, July 15-20, 1920, W. N. 
Clute 107; Yavapai Co., 6 miles east of Prescott, June 29, 1928, Carl B. 
Wolf 2375. California: Inyo Co., White Mts., Roberts Ranch, Wyman 
Creek, July 21, 1931, Victor Duran 3140; Los Angeles Co., Claremont, 
May 28, 1910, J. D. Taylor 133; Marin Co., Tomales Point, one mile 
west of Indian Beach, May 24, 1941; H. L. Mason 12424; Mono Co., 
Lakeview Spring, 6.5 miles from Bridgeport-Sweetwater Highway, 
Aug. 3, 1945, Ira L. Wiggins & R. C. Rollins 546; Monterey Co., Pacific 
Grove, July 1, 1905, C. P. Smith 1005; Riverside Co.; Santa Anna 
River at Chino Creek, May 28, 1933, L. C. Wheeler 1747; Santa Clara 
Co., Palo Alto estate, May 4, 1894; Siskiyou Co., near the Box Canyon 
of the Sacramento near Mt. Shasta City, July 12, 1940, W. B. Cooke 
15321; Stanislaus Co., Modesto, July 13, 1935, R. F. Hoover 686. 
Oregon: Curry Co., Port Orford near Battle Rock, June 4, 1928, J. W. 
Thompson 4480; Klamath Co., near Ft. Klamath, Aug. 7, 1894, J. B. 
Leiberg 665. Washington: Spokane Co. Clark Springs, Spokane, 
July 8, 1902, F. O. Kreager 124; Walla Walla Co., Waitsburg, May 25, 
1897, R. M. Horner B54; Whitman Co., Wawawai, June 4, 1892, Lake 
& Hull 477. Alaska: Manley Hot Springs, near the Tanana River, 
Sept. 15-19, 1949, Edith Scamman 5798. 

MEXICO: Chihuahua: vicinity of Chihuahua, May 1-21, 1908, 
Edward Palmer 184. Coahuila: Saltillo, June 1898, Edw. Palmer 223; 
Durango: Durango, July 25, 1944, C. V. Morton 44191. Hidalgo: 
Pachuca, near Zerezo and below Parque Nacional El Chico, May 12, 
1947, H. E. Moore 2793. Jalisco: Guadalajara, May 15, 1901, C. G. 
Pringle 8494. Michoacan: Zitácuaro, Sept. 5, 1935, Geo. B. Hinton et 
al. 11848. Mexico: Vallee de Mexico, June 4, 1865-6, Bourgeau 18. 
Puebla: Huauchinango, sand along Rio Necaxa, March 27, 1945, A. J. 
Sharp 45369. 

CUBA. Santa Clara Prov., Mina Carlota, southeast of Cumanay- 
agua, Sierra de San Juan, March 21-23, 1938, H. A. Senn 332. Oriente 
Prov., 1856-1857, C. Wright 7. 

HAITI. San Michel to Marmelade, Aug. 6, 1905, George V. Nash & 
Norman Taylor 1472 (NY). 

DOMINICA. Prov. San Juan, El Cercado, Juan Santiago, Hondo 
Valle, Sept. 1, 1946, R. A. € E. S. Howard 8743. 

PUERTO RICO. Adjuntas, in mont “Cienega”, April 11, 1886, P. 
Sintenis 4116. 

VENEZUELA. Near Tovar, 1854-1855, A. Fendler 20. 

COLOMBIA. Dept. of Cundinamarca, Bogota, Oct. 4-8, 1917, 
Francis W. Pennell 2348. 

ECUADOR, Prov. Canar, near village of San Marcos, Azogues, 
April 1, 1945, Francisco Prieto E2479. Prov. Chimborazo, Canon of 
the rio Chanchan near Huigra, May 7-14, 1945, W. H. Camp E3153. 

1962] Green — Watercress in the New World 41 

PERU. Dept. Lima, Prov. Chancay near Supe, Sept. 4, 1938, Alan 
A. Beetle & O. B. Horton 9064. Dept. of Cusco, Pisae, April 30, 1925, 
Francis W. Pennell 13718. Dept. of Junin, Oroya, 1919, Margaret 
Kalenborn 60. 

CHILE. Prov. Aconcagua, Valle de Marga-Marga, 1930-32, Felix 
Jaffuel & Anastasio Pirion 3265. Prov. Atacama, Dept. Copiapó, vicini- 
ty of Copiapó, Nov. 16, 1925, Ivan M. Johnston 4992. Prov. Coquimbo, 
Dept. Elqui, El Colorada, 70 km. on road from Rivadavia to Laguna, 
tributary dam of Laguna River, Feb. 16, 1940, R. Wagenknecht 18501. 
Prov. Osorno, Puerto Octay, A orillas del lago Llanquihue, Nov. 29, 
1939, Hugo Gunckel 9323. Prov. Santiago, Penalobu, Jan. 2, 1927, 
G. Looser 79. Prov. Valdivia, Rinihue, Feb. 12, 1933, Hugo Gunckel 

BRAZIL. S. Leopoldo, Oct. 1940, J. Eugenio Leite 1794. S. Rosa, 
Sombrie, S. Catarina, Oct. 11, 1944, R. Reitz C767. 

BOLIVIA. Dept. Cochabamba, Cuidad de Cochabamba garten, 
Dec. 26, 1928, José Steinbach 8788. Dept. La Paz, La Paz, Oct. 10, 
1921, Otto Buchtien 244. 

URUGUAY. Dept. Motevideo, Cerro Casabo, Sept. 1926, G. Herter 
443 (80926). 

ARGENTINA. Prov. Buenos Aires, Partido de Tornquist, Sierra de 
la Ventana, Albra de la Ventana, Nov. 7, 1938, A. L. Cabrera 4693. 
Prov. de Cordoba, Unquillo, 1926, C. Bruch. Prov. of Tucuman: Dept. 
Famaillá, Rio Colorado, Sept. 1919, S. Venturi 415. Terr. de Rio Negro, 
Region del Lago Nahuel Huapi, Basiloche, Feb. 5, 1940, A. L. Cabrera 

Rorippa microphylla (Boenn.) Hyland. (Nasturtium microphyllum 

(Boenn.) Reichb., N. wuniseriatum Howard & Manton) 

CANADA. Newfoundland: Waterford River between Waterford 
Bridge and St. John's, Aug. 1, 1911, M. L. Fernald & K. M. Wiegand 
5482. Ontario: Simcoe Co., Collingwood, Baie Georgienne, Aug. 26, 
1933, F. Marie-Victorin, F. Rolland-Germain, & René Meilleur 45069; 
Bruce Co., Mouth of Pine River, 6 mi. south of Kincardin, L. Huron, 
June 19, 1948, J. H. Soper & H. M. Dale 3952. 

UNITED STATES. New Hampshire: Strafford Co., along Oyster 
River, near Northwood-Durham turnpike, July 4, 1943, A. R. Hodgdon 
4565 (NEBC). Vermont: Bennington Co., Arlington, July 3-4, 1908, 
W. W. Eggleston 3229 (NY). Massachusetts: Barnstable Co., Harwich,. 
the head of Allen’s Harbor Creek, Aug. 6, 1919, M. L. Fernald & 
Bayard Long 18502; Berkshire Co., North Adams, June 25, 1913, 
M. L. Fernald & Bayard Long 9553 (GH, NEBC) ; Essex Co., Newbury- 
port, “The Gully”, July 31, 1940, R. C. Bean (NEBC); Franklin Co., 
Greenfield, July 25, 1911, C. H. Knowlton (NEBC); Middlesex Co., 
Waltham, 1861, Wm. Boott; Norfolk Co., Wrentham, near north end 
Archers Pond, Sept. 18, 1897, F. G. Floyd 374 (NEBC) ; Plymouth Co., 
West Hingham, July 25, 1888, Walter Deane (NEBC); Suffolk Co.,. 
Jamaica Plain, Arnold Arboretum, Bussey Brook, June 27, 1927, E. J.. 

42 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

Palmer 28003 (A). Rhode Island: Providence Co., Goosenest Brook, 
Wickford Junction, July 31, 1909, Thomas Hope (NEBC). New York: 
Tompkins Co., Ithaca, Dwyer's Pond, July 29, 1918, E. L. Palmer 564; 
Cortland Co., Inlet to Mud Pond, McLean Wild Life Preserve, July 29, 
1932, W. C. Muenscher 17921. Michigan: Emmett Co., Pickerel Lake, 
east of Petoskey, July 6, 1933, H. A. Gleason 100. Idaho: Blaine Co., 
Picabo, July 3, 1916, J. F. Macbride & Edwin B. Payson 3009. Oregon: 
Hood River, May 28 & July 1885, W. N. Suksdorf 506. 

Rorippa X sterilis Airy Shaw 

(Rorippa microphylla X R. nasturtiwum-aquaticum) 

UNITED STATES. New Hampshire: Strafford Co., Durham, near 
Madbury Line, Aug. 1, 1943, A. R. Hodgdon 4569 (NEBC). Connecticut: 
Fairfield Co., Bridgeport, June 19, 1896, E. H. Eames; Hartford Co., 
East Hartford, June 3, 1893, C. A. Weatherby (NEBC); New Haven 
Co., Oxford, July 21, 1896, E. B. Harger 200 (NEBC). Michigan: Mac- 
kinac Co., Mackinac Island, July 30, 1924, F. W. Hunnewell 9308. 
Idaho: Owyhee Co., Flint Creek, July 30, 1910, J. F. Macbride 492. 

Two final comments are thought to be of value. Airy Shaw (1948) 
recorded R. microphylla from California, however, he considered both 
of the records he gave to be doubtful, and one, based on Copeland 368 
from Jonesville, Butte Co., was found (Green, 1955) on examination 
of the pollen grains not to be a watercress at all. Examination of a 
duplicate of this in the Gray Herbarium, and comparison there with 
the extensive collections from North America shows that it is a rather 
depauperate specimen of Cardamine breweri S. Wats. 

Finally, whilst not strictly concerning the watercresses of the New 
World, the opportunity was taken to examine the material in the Gray 
Herbarium from Japan. Previous examination of Japanese material 
(Green, 1955) in the herbaria at Edinburgh and Kew showed all the 
flowering specimens to be R. X sterilis alone. Three further collections 
in the Gray Herbarium have now been seen and they too are each of 
them the hybrid. (Hondo: June 2, 1929, K. Shiota 1044; May 19, 1935, 
K. Shiota 8437. Shikoku: June 2, 1935, I. Yogo 9557). It is interest- 
ing to see, however, that Kitamura and Murata (1961) list Nasturtium 
officinale R. Br. and illustrate (their fig. 86 (i)) a typical fruit of the 
diploid; their coloured illustration (plate 42) however, shows only 
flowers and has no fruits. — ARNOLD ARBORETUM OF HARVARD UNIVER- 

Fassett, N. C. 1940. A Manual of Aquatic Plants: 237. 
1957. A Manual of Aquatic Plants, ed. 2: 257. 
FERNALD, M. L. 1950. Gray’s Manual of Botany, 8th edn.: 716. 
GLEASON, H. A. 1952. The New Britton and Brown Illustrated Flora 
of the Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada, 2: 38. 
GREEN, P. S. 1955. Pollen Grain Size in Nasturtium and Cakile. 
Trans. Proc. Bot. Soc. Edinb. 36: 289-304. 

1962] Schuyler — A new Species of Scirpus 43 

Howarp, H. W. 1947. Wild and Cultivated Watercress Types. Agri- 
culture, 53: 453-456. 

HowaRD, H. W. AND A. G. Lyon. 1950. The Identification and Dis- 
tribution of the British Watercress Species. Watsonia, 1: 228-233. 

HowaARD, H. W. AND I. MANTON. 1946. Autopolyploid and Allopoly- 
ploid Watercress with the Description of a New Species. Ann. Bot. 
II. 10: 1-13. 

KITAMURA AND MURATA. 1961. Coloured Illustrations of Herbaceous 
Plants of Japan (Choripetalae): 177. 

MUENSCHER, W. C. 1944. Aquatic Plants of the United States: 254. 

MURLEYv, MARGARET R. 1951. Seeds of the Cruciferae of Northeastern 
North America. Amer. Mid. Nat. 46: 1-81. 

ScHULZ, O. E. 1934. Neue Cruciferen aus Südamerica. Notizbl. Bot. 
Gart. Berlin, 12: 39-41. 

Suaw, H. K. Airy. 1948. The Botanical Name of the Wild Tetraploid 
Watercress. Kew Bull. 1947: 39-46. 

1951. A Binary Name for the Hybrid Watercress. 

Watsonia, 2: 73-75. 



While collecting leafy species of Scirpus in the Connecti- 
cut River valley through Vermont, Massachusetts, and 
Connecticut during the summer of 1960, I was surprised to 
find a population of plants which did not conform to any 
descriptions in the standard manuals for this region (Fer- 
nald, 1950; Gleason, 1952). Vegetatively the plants ap- 
peared very similar to Scirpus atrovirens Willd., which is 
widespread in eastern North America. However, an exami- 
nation of the comparatively large achenes and rigid perianth 
bristles revealed some striking differences from S. atro- 
virens, and later, other differences were discovered. Also, 
more specimens of this taxon were found in herbarium fold- 
ers containing specimens of S. atrovirens and its relative, S. 
polyphyllus Vahl. Because of its well-marked distinctions 
from previously recognized species of Scirpus, I herein de- 
scribe it as a new species. 

IT am indebted to the curators of the following herbaria where I visited or obtained 
loans: Gray Herbarium, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth College, New York 
State Museum, Wiegand Herbarium, New York Botanical Garden, Pennsylvania State 
University, Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, U.S. National Museum, Uni- 
versity of Michigan, and Missouri Botanical Garden. 

44 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

Scirpus ancistrochaetus sp. nov. 

Culmi 0.8-1.2 m. alti, foliis inferioribus usque ad 8 mm. (10 mm.) 
latis. Spiculae glomeratae; squamae spicularum vix mucronatae, illis 
medianis 1.55-1.90 mm. longis. Setae 6, 1.1-1.7 mm. longae, rigidae, 
fere usque ad basim dentibus retrorsis crassis acribus armatae. Fruc- 
tus 1.10-1.35 mm. longi, fere omnes obovati, parte supra cavum seminis 
lenta et crassa. 

Plants perennial, producing flowering culms from short, woody, 
underground rhizomes; lateral buds of the rhizome producing erect 
shoots which break through the subtending leaf sheaths. Flowering 
culms 0.8-1.2 m. tall; lower leaves up to 8 mm. (rarely 10 mm.) wide, 
40-60 times as long as wide; uppermost leaf 3-5 mm. in width, 30-50 
times as long as wide; lowermost involucral bract 3-5 mm. in width, 
5.5-17.0 em. in length. Inflorescence rays up to 6.3 em. long, bearing 
clusters of brown spikelets. Scales slightly mucronate, those from the 
central portion of the spikelet 1.55-1.90 mm. long. Bristles 6, 1.1-1.7 
mm. long, rigid, armed almost to the base with thick-walled, sharp- 
pointed, retrorse teeth. Stamen number variable, between 0 and 3. 
Styles 3-parted, up to 1.35 mm. long. Fruits yellow-brown, 1.10-1.35 
mm. long, mostly obovate, the portion above the seed cavity tough and 
thickened. “Oil layer" of the seed with cell walls inconspicuous as a 
result of abundant pits. 

TYPE LOCALITY: VERMONT: Windham Co.: 5 mi. n. of Bellows Falls, 
e. side of rt. 5, small population along margin of pool, July 3, 1960, 
A. E. Schuyler 3051 (MICH, type) ; Aug. 11, 1960, A. E. Schuyler 3298 
(MICH); Aug. 12, 1961, A. E. Schuyler 3445 (MICH). 

of Fleetville, east of Lake Kewanee (Windfall Pond), clump in mud- 
hole on margin of wet woods, July 29, 1946, S. L. Glowenke 8052 (NYS, 
PAC). [Lackawanna Co.?:] Near Carbondale, Mud Creek, Aug. 1, 1897, 
D. L. Topping (us). Blair Co.: Bald Eagle Valley, 1865, J. R. Lowrie 

Vegetatively S. ancistrochaetus may be distinguished 
from S. atrovirens by its narrower leaves, more ascending 
inflorescence rays, and larger, slightly mucronate scales. 
The flowers of S. ancistrochaetus have 6 perianth bristles 
which are rigid and barbed almost to the base with thick- 
walled, sharp-pointed, retrorse teeth; flowers of S. atro- 
virens have a variable number of perianth bristles (usually 
4-6) which are delicate and often wrinkled, and the thin- 
walled, round-tipped, retrorse teeth are concentrated 

2After submitting this manuscript, I found a specimen of S. ancistrochaetus from 
New York State: Washington Co.: W. Ft. Ann, Mt. Nebo, 1800 ft., wet place, Sept. 13, 
1900, S. H. Burnham (cv). 

1962] Schuyler — A new Species of Scirpus 45 



Scirpus ancistrochaetus scivayler TYPE 
ES in A eel 

PLATE 1266. Type specimen of Scirpus ancistrochaetus. 

46 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

toward the tip of the bristle. The achenes of S. ancistro- 
chaetus are about 1.25 mm. long and the portion above the 
locule is tough and thickened; achenes of S. atrovirens are 
about 1 mm. long and lack a tough, thickened portion above 
the locule. Some of these characteristics of S. ancistrochae- 
tus and S. atrovirens are illustrated in figure 1. 

Scirpus polyphyllus and S. ancistrochaetus have achenes 
which are almost the same length, but those of S. polyphyllus 
tend to be wider and less obovate. Also, S. polyphyllus may 
be distinguished from S. ancistrochaetus by its more mucro- 
nate scales and longer, more delicate bristles. 

The bristles of S. ancistrochaetus are almost identical with 
those of S. sylvaticus L. of the Old World and its North 
American counterpart, S. expansus Fern. However, these 
species are easily distinguished from S. ancistrochaetus by 
their wider leaves, more branched inflorescences, blacker 
scales, and three-angled achenes. Many of the cells outside 
of the midrib in the scales of S. ancistrochaetus contain an 
orange pigment while these same cells in the scales of 5. 
sylvaticus and S. expansus either contain a black pigment or 
lack pigment altogether. The achenes of S. ancistrochaetus 
are more plano-convex, with the dorsal angle not very con- 

Some other interesting specimens have been turned up 
which appear to be robust forms of S. ancistrochaetus. 
Superficially the seeds appear to be normal, but closer exami- 
nation reveals that they do not contain an embryo or an 
endosperm. A cytological examination of meiosis might 
prove very useful in ascertaining the relationship of this 
type to typical S. ancistrochaetus. It is known only from 
one locality: PENNSYLVANIA: Clinton Co.: 4 mi. n. of Logan- 
ton, in bog, Sept. 13, 1940, H. A. Wahl 876 (GH, CU). 

Hybrids between S. ancistrochaetus and S. atrovirens are 
morphologically intermediate between the two parents and 
have abortive seeds. Some of their characteristics are illus- 
trated in figure 1, between those of the two parents. The 
criteria of assessing the hybrid nature of these plants are 
quite similar to those found in the study of S. peckii (Schuy- 
ler, 1961). Hybrids have been found in two localities: VER- 

1962] Schuyler — A new Species of Scirpus 47 

MONT: Windham Co.: 5 mi. n. of Bellows Falls, e. side of 
rt. 5, growing between populations of S. ancistrochaetus and 
S. atrovirens along margin of pool, Aug. 12, 1961, A. E. 
Schuyler 3453 (MICH). PENNSYLVANIA: Centre Co.: 314 mi. 
s. of State College, Musser’s Gap, June 13, 1914, A. R. Bech- 
tel (PAC). 

The distribution of S. ancistrochaetus and its hybrid with 
S. atrovirens in Pennsylvania (see figure 2) appears to be 
correlated with the western limits of the ridge and valley 
region. Some localities (Bald Eagle Valley and the Connecti- 
cut River valley) indicate that this species may occur pri- 
marily in lowland habitats in hilly country. The habitats, 
themselves, appear to be wetter than those of S. atrovirens. 

fi d d 
09 09 | 


Figure 1: 1. Bristle tips, x 47. 2. Bristle teeth, x 190. 3. Seales, x 8.5. 4. Fruits 
with inclosed seeds (stipled), x 16. 
In the Vermont locality, S. ancistrochaetus occurs along the 
margin of a pool and S. atrovirens occurs a short distance 
away from the margin. Herbarium labels on the Pennsyl- 
vania specimens also suggest a wetter habitat. 

Because of the floristic affinity between Asia and North 
America in the genus Scirpus (Raymond, 1959), it was con- 
sidered possible that S. ancistrochaetus also occurs in Asia. 
However, neither Koyama (1958) nor Raymond (1957, 
1959) has mentioned or described any plants closely resem- 
bling S. ancistrochaetus. 

The occurrence of S. ancistrochaetus in isolated localities 
in a region where the flora is relatively well known suggests 
that it may be a relict species. It is possible that in regions 

48 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

where it does not now exist, it has made a permanent imprint 
on our flora through hybridization. For example, even 
though the F, hybrids with S. atrovirens that I have dis- 
covered appear to be highly sterile, the possibility still re- 
mains that some individuals may be partially fertile and 
backcross with either parent. The backcross individuals may 
be extremely rare and quite sterile, but fertility may be 


FIGURE 2: Distribution of Scirpus ancistrochactus, including its robust form and its 
hybrid with Scirpus atrovirens. 

gradually restored as the backcross individuals acquire more 
and more genes from one of the original parents, in this case 
S. atrovirens. These fertile individuals which result from 
backerossing would make this original parent appear more 
polymorphic. I think that most taxonomists would agree 

1962] Auyang — Algae of Quinsigamond 49 

that S. atrovirens is morphologically variable; and Hicks 
(1928) has indicated that there is also substantial cytological 
variability. Some of this variability could be due to past 
hybridization of S. atrovirens with S. ancistrochaetus. — 

I am grateful to P. A. Hyypio and S. J. Smith for their help in 
connection with my field work during the past three summers; and to 
E. G. Voss and W. H. Wagner, Jr. for their help with the manuscript. 

FERNALD, M. L. 1950. Gray's Manual of Botany. 8th ed. American 
Book Co., New York. 

GLEASON, H. A. 1952. The New Britton and Brown Illustrated Flora 
of the Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada. The 
New York Botanical Garden, New York. 

Hicks, G. C. 1928. Chromosome studies in the Cyperaceae with 
special reference to Scirpus. Bot. Gaz. 86: 295-317. 

KovAMa, T. 1958. ‘Taxonomic study of the genus Scirpus Linné.” 
Jour. Fac. Sci. Tokyo Bot. 7: 2771-366. 

RAYMOND, M. 1957. Some new cr critical Scirpus from Indo-China. 
Nat. Canad. 84: 111-150. (Mém. Jard. Bot. Montréal 48:111-150). 

. 1959. Additional notes on some S. E. Asiatic Scirpus. 
Nat. Canad. 86: 225-242. (Mém. Jard. Bot. Montréal 54: 225-242). 

SCHUYLER, A. E. 1961. Evidence for the hybrid origin of Scirpus 
peckii. Rhodora 63: 237-243. 



This study of the fresh water algae of Lake Quinsigamond, 
Worcester, Massachusetts, was undertaken in order to iden- 
tify the species, to investigate their distribution, and to 
compare the results with those of G. E. Stone in his paper 
“Flora of Lake Quinsigamond” published in 1900. 

Stone listed 81 genera and 331 species of algae, excluding 
Diatoms, in his paper; the Desmids (including placoderm 
and saccoderm types) were the largest group, totalling 150 

1Portion of a thesis submitted to the Department of Biology, Clark University, in 
partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Master of Arts. The thesis was 
undertaken under the direction of Dr. Vernon Ahmadjian. 

*Present address: Department of Natural History, Taiwan Normal University, 
Taipei, Republic of China. 

50 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

species. The author found 86 genera and 217 species of 
algae, excluding Diatoms, in which only 66 species of Des- 
mids were found. This great difference in the number of 
Desmid species can be explained possibly by the fact that 
external environment factors have changed during the past 
60 years, and have inhibited the growth of these algae. 

Probably as a result of these environmental changes, the 
author was not successful in collecting any species of Chara 
and Nitella, of which Stone found 5 and 6 species, respec- 
tively. On the other hand, tremendous quantities of Hydro- 
dictyon, which was not listed in Stone’s paper, were found 
by the author. 

Thirty-nine genera listed by Stone were identified by the 
author. However, 42 genera which Stone found were not 
found by the author, while 47 genera, excluding Diatoms, 
not listed by Stone were collected and identified by the 
author. These figures show that the algal flora of Lake Quin- 
sigamond has changed greatly due to factors which will 
require more detailed investigation by future workers. 

The lake was described by Stone as follows: “Lake 
Quinsigamond which is situated near Worcester is one of 
the largest lakes in Massachusetts, and is about six miles 
long, hardly exceeding one-half mile in width, although in 
many places it is from fifty to one hundred feet or more in 
depth. It runs in a northerly and southerly direction along 
the edge of one of the geological dividing lines of the 
State which separates the central highlands from the less 
elevated areas of our seaboard. The immediate surroundings 
on the lake consist geologically of sand and gravel and 
probably the greater portion of the basin itself is made up of 
this material, over which there is spread a considerable 
mass of decomposed matter, the results of centuries of 
vegetable and animal decay. While a considerable portion 
of the basin of the lake is too deep to give rise to much vege- 
table life, there are vast areas of shallow water which are 
especially adapted to a profusion of vegetable forms, thus 
making it one of the best collecting grounds in Massachu- 

PROCEDURE — The field work for this thesis started in 

1962] Auyang — Algae of Quinsigamond 51 

January, 1960. At that time, except for the northern inlet 
from which water flows into the lake, the whole lake was 
frozen with seven inches of ice covered with knee-deep 

71°45) | 
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52 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

snow. In the beginning of April, ice on the lake gradually 
started to melt from north to south. By April, 5th, all of the 
ice had melted completely. While the lake was frozen, algae 
were collected within the limits of the northern inlet and 
samples were taken from a hole about 2 ft. in diameter dug 
through the ice in the middle of the lake. During the warm- 
er, ice-free months, collections were made periodically either 
by walking along the lake shore or using a boat to travel to 
various parts of the lake. 

DISTRIBUTION — Lake Quinsigamond can easily be divided 
into sections with the aid of four bridges; naming them 
from north to south, they are North Causeway Bridge, 
Lincoln Bridge, Causeway Bridge and Blackstone Bridge 
(Fig. 1). 

1). At the North Causeway Bridge, Draparnaldia was 
very abundant. The water there was clear and running and 
its temperature was about 1.5 C° when collections were 
made. Draparnaldia was found attached to small stones 
under the bridge. In the quiet water near the shore many 
specimens of Tetraspora were found. Planktonic collections 
in this area contained large numbers of desmids, diatoms 
and several species of Pediastrum in early spring. 

2). Under Lincoln Bridge there were a few big rocks on 
which Ulothrix, in the vegetative stage, was collected in the 
early months of spring, when the water was 4.0 C°. The 
abundance of Ulothrix decreased gradually, disappearing al- 
most entirely in the early summer. Collections in late spring 
also contained Zygnema, in the vegetative stages, inter- 
mingled with Spirogyra, Tolypothrix, Oscillatoria and 

From late summer to fall the region between these two 
bridges was covered by a mat of Hydrodictyon, Spirogyra 
and other filamentous algae. 

3). On the east side of Causeway Bridge, the clear water 
ran slowly and contained Stigeoclonium attached to sub- 
merged aquatics growing near the shore in late spring. At 
the same time, about two miles south of the bridge and also 
on the east shore, Vaucheria was found in fruiting stages in 
the shallow, sandy bottom. 

1962] Auyang — Algae of Quinsigamond 53 

North and south of this bridge as far down as Blackstone 
Bridge on the east bank, the red alga Batrachospermum was 
found in scattered localities. This alga grew in clusters on 
small stones near the shore and produced fruiting bodies in 

On the west shore, half a mile south of the bridge, the 
water near the shore and farther away from it contained 
abundant nets of Hydrodictyon. Collections from the sur- 
face water as well as below contained this alga, after 
the beginning of June. 

4). The water north of the Blackstone Bridge and espe- 
cially just beneath the bridge contained abundant specimens 
of species of Polycystis, Coelosphaerium and Anabaenopsis. 
A small dam south of the bridge retarded the water flow, 
and probably caused the great accumulation of these forms 
under it. The “water bloom” of this region was observed 
in the fall. 

Generally speaking, the filamentous green algae such as 
Spirogyra, Mougeotia and Oedogonium were widespread and 
long-lasting in occurrence. Mostly the vegetative stages 
were observed and only few of these algae were in reproduc- 
tive stages when collected. 

Lyngbya, a filamentous blue-green alga, was collected 
from May to autumn in many regions but especially at the 
Lincoln Bridge, where great masses were found in the fall. 

The many other algae, unicellular, colonial and multicellu- 
lar which are recorded in other parts of this paper were of 
widespread occurrence, either in the plankton, attached to 
submerged objects, or free floating on the surface. The 
vegetative stages of these algae and occasionally the repro- 
ductive stages were observed in fresh collections. 


Amphora ovalis Kiitzing A. faleatus var, acicularis 
Anabaena limnetica G. M. Smith (A. Braun) G. S. West 

A. variabilis Kützing Aphanocapsa grevillei (Hass.) 
A. viguieri Denis & Frémy Rabenhorst 

Anabaenopsis elenkinii Miller Aphanochaete repens A. Braun 

Ankistrodesmus convolutus Corda Aphanothece clathrata G. S. West 
A. faleatus (Corda) Ralfs A. microscopica Nageli 


A. stagnina (Spreng.) A. Braun 
Asterionella formosa Hassall 

A. gracillima (Hantzsch) Heiberg 

Batrachospermum vagum (Roth) 
C. A. Agardh 

Bulbochaete repanda Wittrock 

B. scrobiculata (Tiff.) Tiffany 

Bumilleria sicula Borzi 

Caloneis silicula (Ehrenb.) 

Cleve var, inflata (Grun.) Cleve 

Calothrix stellaris Bornet & 

Ceratium hirundinella (O.F.M.) 

Characiopsis acuta (A. Braun) 

Chlamydomonas angulosa Dill 

C. mucicola Schmidle 

C. polypyrenoideum Prescott 

C. snowii Printz 

C. sphagnicola Fritsch & Takeda 

Chlcrella ellipsoidea Gerneck 

C. vulgaris Beijerinck 

Chlorococcum humicola (Nàg.) 

Chroococcus limneticus 

Closterium acerosum (Schrank) 


. calosporum Wittrock 

. dianae Ehrenberg 

. didymotocum Ralfs 

. ehrenbergii Meneghini 

. incurvum de Brébisson 

. lagoense Nordstedt 

lanceolatum Kützing 



. leibleinii Kiitzing 

. lunula (Müller) Nitzsch 

. moniliferum (Bory) Ehrenberg 
. turgidum Ehrenberg 

. sigmcideum Lagerheim & 


Coelastrum microporum Nägeli 
Coelosphaerium dubium Grunow 


naegelianum Unger 

Coleochaete orbicularis 


[Vol. 64 

C. scutata de Brébisson 

C. soluta (de Bréb.) Pringsheim 

Cosmarium biretum de Brébisson 
var. trigibberum Nordstedt 

C. broomei Thwaites 

C. botrytis Meneghini 

C. dentiferum Corda 

C. formosulum Hoffman 

C. formosulum var. nathorstii 

(Boldt) W. & G. S. West 

C. granatum de Brébisson 

C. margaritatum Roy & Biss. 

C. monomazum Lundell 

C. nitidulum DeNotaris 

C. orbiculatum Ralfs 

C. panamense Prese 

C. protractum (Nàg.) DeBary 

C. pseudoconnatum Nordstedt 

C. punctulatum de Brébisson 

C. quadrum Lundell 

C. reinforme (Ralfs) Archer 

Cosmocladium hitcheockii (Wolle) 

G. M. Smith 

Crucigenia truncata G. M. Smith 

Cyclotella bodanica Eulenstein 

C. bodanica var. stellata 

C. comta (Ehrenb.) Kützing 

Cymbella aspera (Ehrenb.) Cleve 

C. tumida (de Bréb.) Van Heurck 

Desmidium swartzii C. A. Agardh 

Diatoma hiemale (Lyngbye) 
Heiberg var. mesodon 
(Ehrenb.) Grunow 

D. vulgare Bory 

Dinobryon sertularia Ehrenberg 

Dictyosphaerium pulchellum Wood 

Draparnaldia glomerata (Vauch.) 
C. A. Agardh 

D. judayi Prescott 

Epithemia turgida (Ehrenb.) 

Euastrum elegans (de Bréb.) 

E. pulchellum de Brébisson 

E. verrucosum (Ehrenb.) Ralfs 

Euglena gracilis Klebs 


E. spirogyra Ehrenberg 

Fragilaria capucina Desmazieres 

F. construens (Ehrenb.) Grunow 

F. crotonensis Kitton 

F. crotonensis var. prolongata 

Gloeocystis ampla (Kiitz.) 

G. gigas (Kütz.) Lagerheim 

G. major Gerneck ex 

G. vesiculosa Nägeli 

Golenkinia paucispina W. & 
G. S. West 

Gomphoneis herculeana (Ehrenb.) 
Cleve var. robusta (Grun.) 

Gomphonema acuminatum 

G. constrictum Ehrenberg 

Gonatozygon kinahani (Arch.) 

Gymnodinium fuscum (Ehrenb.) 

G. palustre Schilling 

Hormidiopsis ellipsoideum 

Hyalotheca dissiliens (J. E. 
Smith) de Brébisson 

Hydrodictyon reticulatum (L.) 

Kirchneriella lunaris (Kirch.) 
Moebius var. irregularis 
G. M. Smith 

Leptosira mediciana Borzi 

Licmophora gracilis (Ehrenb.) 

L. paradoxa (Lyngbye) 
C. A. Agardh 

Lyngbya epiphytica Hieronymus 

T, latissima Prescott 

L. majuscula (Dill.) Harv. 

L. wollei Farlow 

Merismopedia punctata Meyen 

Melosira italica (Ehrenb.) 

M. juergensii C. A. Agardh 

Auyang — Algae of Quinsigamond 


Micrasterias americana (Ehrenb.) 

M. apiculata (Ehrenb.) 

M. apiculata var. fimbriata 
(Ralfs) Nordstedt f. spinosa 
(Bissett) W. & G. S. West 

M. radiata Hassall 

M. rotata (Grev.) Ralfs 

M. truncata (Corda) de Brébisson 

Microspora willeana Lagerheim 

Microthamnion kuetzingianum 

Mougeotia capucina (Bory) 
C. A. Agardh 

M. floridana Transeau 

M. genuflexa (Dillw.) 
C. A. Agardh 

M. laetevirens (A. Braun) 

M. parvula Hassall 

M. reinschii Transeau 

M. robusta (de Bary) Wittrock 

M. scalaris Hassall 

Mougeotiopsis calospora Palla 

Navicula anglica Ralfs 

Netrium digitus (Ehrenb.) 
Itsigsohn & Roth 

Nostoc muscorum C. A. Agardh 

Oedogonium borisianum (Le Cl.) 

O. capillare (L.) Kützing 

O. crenulatocostatum Wittrock 

O. grande Kützing var. 
aequatoriale Wittrock 

O. laeve Wittrock 

O. plusiosporum Wittrock 

O. pringsheimii Cramer 

Oócystis pusilla Hansgirg 

Oscillatoria cortiana Meneghini 

O. curviceps C. A, Agardh 

O. ornata Kützing 

O. prolifica (Grev.) Gomont 

O. splendida Greville 

O. tenuis C. A. Agardh 

Pandorina morum (Muell.) Bory 

Pediastrum biradiatum Meyen 


P. boryanum (Turp.) Meneghini 

P. boryanum var. longicorne 

P. duplex Meyen 

P. duplex var. clathratum 
(A. Braun) Lagerheim 

P. duplex var. rotundatum Lucks 

P. duplex var. rugulosum 

P. ehrenbergii A. Braun 

P. tetras (Ehrenb.) Ralfs 

P. tetras var. tetraodon (Corda) 

Penium margaritaceum (Ehrenb.) 

de Brébisson 
P. digitus (Ehrenb.) Itsigsohn & 
Peridinium cinctum (Müll.) 
Phacus longicauda (Ehrenb.) 
Phormidium nareanum Grunow 
Pinnularia nobilis Ehrenberg 
Planktosphaeria gelatinosa 
G. M. Smith 
Pleurotaenium coronatum (de 
Bréb.) Rabenhorst 
P. maximum (Reisch) Lund 
P. trabecula (Ehrenb.) Nàgeli 
Polycystis aeruginosa Kützing 
P. incerta Lemm. 
Pleurococcus vulgaris Nägeli 
Protoderma viride Kützing 
tadiofilum flavescens G. S. West 
Rhizochrysis limnetica 
G. M. Smith 
Rhizoclonium hieroglyphicum 
(C. A. Ag.) Kützing 
R. hieroglyphicum var. hosfordii 
(Wolle) Collins 
R. hookeri Kützing 
Scenedesmus abundans (Kirch.) 
S. abundans var. brevicauda 
G. M. Smith 
S. acutiformis Schroeder 













[Vol. 64 

. arcuatus Lemmermann var. 
platydisca G. M. Smith 

. armatus (Chod.) G. M. Smith 
var. major G. M. Smith 

. bijuga (Turp.) Lagerheim 

. brasiliensis Bohlin 

. denticulatus Lagerheim 

. dimorphus (Turp.) Kützing 

. longus Meyen 

. longus var. minutus 
G. M. Smith 

. obliquus (Turp.) Kützing 

. quadricauda (Turp.) de 

. quadricauda var. longispina 
(Chod.) G. M. Smith 

orastrum americanum (Bohlin) 

phaeroceptis schroeteri Chodat 

pirogyra cleveana Transeau 

. ellipsospora Transeau 

. hydrodictya Transeau 

. jugalis (Fl. Dan) Kiitzing 

. mirabilis (Hass.) Kützing 

. nitida (Dillw.) Link 

submaxima Transeau 

pirotaenia condensata Brébisson 

pirulina duplex Wolle 

pondylosium pulchellum Arch. 

taurastrum alternans de 

. avieula de Brébisson 

. brevispinum de Brébisson var. 
tumidum G. M. Smith 

. cerastes Lund 

. crenulatum (Delp.) Nägeli 

. dickiei Ralfs var. maximum 
W. & G. S. West 

. dilatatum Ehrenberg 

. furcigerum de Brébisson 

. gracile Ralfs 

. grande Bulnheim 

. leptocladum var. denticulatum 
G. M. Smith 

. odontatum Wolle 

. orbieulare (Ehrenb.) Ralfs 

. paradoxum Meyen 


S. subgrande Borge var. minus 
G. M. Smith 

Stauroneis acuta W. Smith 

Stigeoclonium flagelliferum 

S. nanum Kützing 

Surirella elegans Ehrenberg 

S. splendida (Ehrenb.) Kiitzing 

Synechocystis aquatilis 

Synedra ulna (Nitzsch) 

S. ulna var. aequalis (Kütz.) 

Synura uvella Ehrenberg 

Tabellaria fenestrata (Lyngb.) 

T. floceulosa (Roth) Kützing 

Tetraédron limneticum Borge 

Tetraspora cylindrica (Wahl.) 
C. A. Agardh 

Auyang — Algae of Quinsigamond 


T. lubrica (Roth) C. A. Agardh 
.etrastrum staurogeniaeforme 
(Schroeder) Lemmermann 
Volypothrix conglutinata Borzi 
T. distorta Kützing 
lanata Wartmann 
Trachelomonas crebea (Kellicott) 
Tribonema bombycinum (C. A. 
Ag.) Derbés & Solier 
Ulothrix tenerrima Kützing 
U. zonata (Weber & Mohr) 
Vaucheria ornithocephala 
C. A. Agardh 
V. sessilis (Vauch.) DeCandolle 
Westella linearis G. M. Smith 
Xanthidium antilopaeum (de 
Bréb.) Kützing var. polymazum 
Zygnema insigne (Hass.) Kützing 

The following is an alphabetical list which shows the genera found 
by both Stone and the author, and those found only by Stone or by the 


Stone and author Stone Author 
Anabaena Arthrodesmus Anabaenopsis 
Aphanochaete Bambusina Ankistrodesmus 
Batrachospermum Botrydium Aphanocapsa 
Bulbochaete Calocylindrus Aphanothece 
Calothrix Chaetophora Bumbilleria 
Closterium Chara Ceratium 
Coelastrum Characium Characiopsis 
Coelosphaerium Chlamydococcus Chlamydomonas 
Coleochaete Chroolepus Chlorella 
Cosmarium Cladophora Chlorococcum 
Desmidium Clathrocystis Chroococcus 
Dictyosphaerium Conferva Cosmocladium 
Draparnaldia Craterospermum Crucigenia 
Euastrum Cylindrocapsa Dinobryon 
Euglena Cylindrospermum Golenkinia 
Gloeocystis Dimorphococcus Gonatozygon 
Hyalotheca Docidium Gymnodinium 
Lyngbya Eremosphaera Hormidiopsis 
Micrasterias Gloeotrichia Hydrodictyon 
Microthamnion Gonium Kirchneriella 

58 Rhodora [Vol. 64 
Nostoc Hapalosiphon Leptosira 
Oedogonium Hydrurus Merismopedia 
Oscillatoria Isactis Microspora 
Pandorina Leptothrix Mougeotia 
Pediastrum Mesocarpus Mougeotiopsis 
Penium Mesotaenium Netrium 
Pleurococcus Nephrocytium Oócystis 
(Protococcus) Nitella Peridinium 
Rhizoclonium Ophiocytium Phacus 
Scenedesmus Palmella Phormidium 
Sorastrum Pleurocarpus Planktosphaeria 
Spirogyra Polyedrium Pleurotaenium 
Stigeoclonium Porphyridium Protoderma 
Staurastrum Raphidium Polycystis 
Tetraspora Rivularia Radiofilum 
Tolypothrix Schizochlamys Rhizochrysis 
Ulothrix Seytonema Sphaerocystis 
Vaucheria Sirosiphon Spirotaenia 
Xanthidium Sphaerozosma Spirulina 
Zygnema Stauraspermum Spondylosium 
Tetmemorus Synechocystis 
Volvox Synura 


Diatoms excluded from above lists. 

DISCUSSION — It is possible that some of the differences in 
the algae collected by Stone and the author may be due to 
the fact that Stone listed algal names now regarded as 
synonymous. This may be one explanation as to the great 
difference in the number of species listed by the author. 
However, the difference in the number of Desmid species, 
especially, cannot be due solely to differences in nomencla- 
ture. The reason why the number of species, especially 
Desmids, decreased between 1900-1960 could be because the 
environmental conditions in Lake Quinsigamond have 

The chief environmental factors are light, temperature, 
chemical composition and pH of water. The first two factors 
were not recorded in Stone's paper. Therefore, there is no 
way to compare and discover what changes have occurred 

1962] Auyang — Algae of Quinsigamond 59 

in these two factors from 1900 to 1960. However, there is 
at least one external environmental factor which has been 
introduced on the lake during this 60-year period, and that 
is the presence of motor boats. Outboard motor boats de- 
posit a film of oil on the surface of the lake. This oil is then 
moved, by the motion of waves, to the shores or coves. These 
coves are the best habitats for the planktonic Desmids. If 
the water is covered with an oily film, atmospheric oxygen 
cannot dissolve into the water and as a result the respiration 
of Desmids will eventually cease. This unfavorable environ- 
ment probably inhibited growth of certain Desmids. 

Five species of Chara and six species of Nitella were found 
by Stone. The author was not successful in collecting any 
species of these genera. One possible reason is that “Chara 
thrive best in clear, hard water (Smith 1950)." The Health 
Department of Worcester stated that in 1945 the water in 
Lake Quinsigamond was quite soft, the hardness being 23. 
It may be that the water today exhibits an even lower degree 
of hardness due to factory pollutions (personal communica- 
tion, Health Department, Worcester, Mass.). However, this 
fact has not been substantiated either by the Worcester 
Health Department or by the author. Another possible 
reason is that there are many ducks on the lake and they 
feed upon these algae. 

The range of pH values of water samples in Lake Quinsig- 
amond was 6.5-7.8. However, there was one exception, 
namely, the water sample taken from the west shore, one 
half mile south of Causeway Bridge. This water in which 
tremendous quantities of Hydrodictyon were found has a 
pH of 9.0 in June. It is interesting to note that this finding 
supports the following statement: 'Hgydrodictyon may be 
used as an index organism for a high pH (Prescott, 1951).” 


PRESCOTT, G. W. 1951. Algae of the Western Great Lakes Area. 
Cranbrook Inst. of Sci., Bull. No. 31, pp. 1-946. 

SMiTH, G. M. 1950. Freshwater Algae of the United States. Mc- 
Graw-Hill, N. Y. 

STONE, G. E. 1900. Flora of Lake Quinsigamond. F. S. Blanchard 
and Co., Printers, Worcester, Mass. pp. 1-12. 

60 Rhodora [Vol. 64 



In 1834 Nuttall described what he considered to be a new 
genus of legumes from Florida naming its only species 
Pitcheria galactoides. Almost all authors since, including 
Bentham (Gen. Pl. 1: 543. 1865) and Taubert (in Engler 
and Prantl’s Nat. Pfl. III. 3: 373. 1894), have treated it as a 
species of Rhynchosia. Burkart (Darwiniana 11: 268, 269. 
1957) also concluded that it did not merit generic rank and 
that it had close affinities with species in the Antilles and 
South America. He noted that the name most commonly 
employed under Rhynchosia was illegitimate, being a later 
homonym of R. galactioides (H.B.K.) DC. This later homo- 
nym is, of course, illegitimate even though the prior species 
with the earlier name has long been considered a member of 
the genus Calopogonium. Burkart therefore provided a new 
name, R. pitcheria. 

However, Bertoloni in an often overlooked paper named 
this species Lespedeza cytisoides more than one hundred 
years earlier. In spite of Bertoloni's unfortunate decision as 
to the generic placement of this as well as many other species 
described by him from the Southeast, there can be no doubt 
as to the identity of the species as it was fully described and 
accompanied by a full-page plate. Asa Gray in his review 
(Am. Jour. Sci. II. 14: 114-115. 1852) of Bertoloni's contri- 
bution unhesitatingly assigned the name to the synonymy 
of Pitcheria galactoides. Therefore the following new combi- 
nation is required for this Gulf Coast endemic: 

Rhynchosia cytisoides (Bert.) comb. nov. 
Pitcheria galactoides Nutt., Jour. Acad. Phil. I. 7: 94. 1834. 
Rhynchosia galactioides (Nutt.) Endl. ex Walp., Repert. Bot. Sys- 
tem. 1: 790. 1842 but not R. galactioides (H.B.K.) DC., Prodr. 2: 387. 
Lespedeza cytisoides Bert., Mem. Acad. Sci. Bologna 2: 278. 1850. 
Rhynchosia pitcheria Burkart, Darwiniana 11: 268. 1957. 

1Grateful acknowledgment is made to the National Science Foundation for a grant 
of research funds to Duke University (NSF-Grant 5636) which made the present study 

1962] Wilbur — Southeastern Rhynchosias 61 

The binomials most recently employed for the erect, uni- 
foliolate Rhynchosia of the southeastern Coastal Plain have 
been either R. simplicifolia (Walt.) Wood or R. reniformis 
(Pursh) DC. Since neither of these names is fully in accord 
with the current International Code, a brief discussion seems 

The most widely used name, R. simplicifolia (Walt.) 
Wood, is a later homonym of R. simplicifolia (H.B.K.) DC., 
and hence is not legitimate (Art. 64.2). 

Recently Turner (The Legumes of Texas, p. 255. 1959) 
has taken up R. reniformis (Pursh) DC. for this species. 
However Pursh published this as Glycine reniformis with 
Trifolium simplicifolium Walt. listed in synonymy. There 
was no presently acceptable reason why Pursh should not 
then have taken up Walter’s epithet as Glycine simplicifolia 
H.B.K. was not published until 1823 or nine years after 
Pursh’s publication. Hence G. reniformis Pursh is an illeg- 
itimate name as it was superfluous when published (Art. 

The desirability of Article 64.1 has been recently chal- 
lenged by both Furtado (Taxon 9: 147-150. 1960) and Holt- 
tum (Taxon 10: 33-34. 1961). Furtado’s long campaign 
against this portion of the Code has now entered its third 
decade having been rejected most recently by the Montreal 
Botanical Congress. Holttum argues that “a number of well- 
known and long used names, which under Art. 64.1 have 
been regarded as unusable, could be used" if this portion 
of the Code were eliminated and botanists relied instead 
upon typification and priority to rule unaided. This is no 
doubt true but it is certain also that the elimination of this 
provision would change the names of a very large number 
of plants to which botanists have become accustomed in the 
more than thirty years that the present provision has been 
in effect. As Fosberg points out (Taxon 8: 65. 1959) Art. 
64.1 is indeed “a two-edged sword." Without wishing to 
debate the original merits of our Art. 64.1, I believe it now 
would serve stability better to retain the primary strictures 
of this provision. 

Fortunately however, for the sake of at least some stabili- 

62 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

ty, Article 72 permits the retention of one of the binomials 
by which this unifoliolate Rhynchosia has been known in the 
past. There was no epithet available in 1825 that could have 
been transferred by DeCandolle into Rhynchosia but the 
binomial R. reniformis then published by him need be no 
more considered as a new combination than are Desmodium 
rotundifolium or D. lineatum. All three of these names were 
first published by DeCandolle who cited as synonyms names 
which were later homonyms. All are or should be credited 
solely to DeCandolle with no parenthetical authority. The 
synonymy of the species is listed below. 

Rhynchosia reniformis DC. 

Trifolium simplicifolium Walt., Fl. Car. 184. 1788. 

Glycine tomentosa var. ó monophylla Michx., Fl. Bor. Am. 2: 63. 1803, 

Glycine reniformis Pursh, Fl. Am. Sept. 486. 1814. nom. illegit. (Art. 

Arcyphyllum simplicifolium (Walt.) Ell, Jour. Acad. Phil. I. 1: 
371. 1818. 

Glycine monophylla (Michx.) Nutt., Gen. N. Am. Pl. 2: 115. 1818, 
not Linnaeus, Mant. 1: 101. 1767. 

Glycine simplicifolia (Walt.) Ell., Sk. Bot. S. C. & Ga. 2: 234. 1823, 
not G. simplicifolia H.B.K., Nov. Gen. et Sp. 6: 419. 1823. 

Rhynchosia reniformis DC., Prodr. 2: 384. 1825. 

Rhynchosia tomentosa var monophylla (Michx.) T. & G., Fl. N. Am. 
1: 284. 1838. 

Phaseolus reniformis (Pursh) Eaton & Wright, N. Am. Bot. 353. 

Psoralea alnifolia Bert., Mem. Acad. Sci. Bologna 2: 274. 1850. 

Rhynchosia simplicifolia (Walt.) Wood, Class-Book 321. 1861, not 
DC., Prodr. 2: 389. 1825. 

Dolicholus simplicifolius (Walt.) Vail, Bull. Torrey Club 26: 114. 

1962] Cooperrider — Enchanter’s Nightshade 63 



Floristic work by the writer! and one of his students in 
northeastern Ohio during the summer of 1960 yielded two 
collections of Circaea canadensis Hill, making it possible to 
add this species with certainty to the known state flora. 
Schaffner (1932) noted that this species had been reported 
for the state but that he had seen no specimens. The state 
is not cited as part of the species range in either of the two 
regional manuals (Fernald, 1950; Gleason, 1952), but its 
known occurrences in neighboring states of Pennsylvania, 
West Virginia, and Michigan make its presence here not un- 
expected. Examination of the Circaea specimens in the Her- 
barium of The Ohio State University’ disclosed one earlier 
collection: Ash Cave, Hocking County, E. A. Albaugh & Len. 
Stephenson, Summer, 1930. This is a fragmentary specimen 
originally identified as C. lutetiana L., but is undoubtedly C. 
canadensis. This station, located in southeastern Ohio, has 
not yet been visited by the writer. 

The two newly discovered stations are in the extreme 
northeastern part of the state. The original collections from 
both have been added to the Herbarium of Kent State Uni- 
versity. The collection data are: 

(1) Open wooded slope; east side of Brewster Road and north of 
Chagrin River where the two cross; Bainbridge Township, Geauga 
County. W. D. Hawver 1123, July 25, 1960. (2) Moist, rocky, wooded 
valley of Mill Creek at “Cassey’s Springs” area, 2 miles NNW of 
Mesopotamia, Mesopotamia Twp., Trumbull County. Tom S. Cooper- 
rider 7924, Aug. 11, 1960. 

The nature of C. canadensis has been the subject of past 
conjecture, Gleason (op. cit.) noting that it is often consid- 
ered a hybrid between the other two species Circaea in this 
area: C. alpina L. and C. quadrisulcata (Maxim.) Franch. 

1This field work was supported by a Kent State University Summer Faculty Research 

?Appreciation is expressed to Dr. Clara Weishaupt, curator of the herbarium, for 
the loan of these specimens. 

64 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

& Sav. Fernald (1917), however, decided that the “range 
of the three species does not coincide and there is little to 
suggest hybrid characters”. Field examination of the two 
newly discovered Ohio stations for C. canadensis, and meas- 
urements in the herbarium on a sample of ten or more 
specimens of this taxon from each location suggest that a 
re-evaluation of Fernald’s arguments is appropriate. 

Both stations in northeastern Ohio were studied in the 
summer of 1961. They are remarkably similar. Each is 
centered in a deep ravine of the type known locally as a 
“hemlock gorge". In each ravine, all three taxa of Circaea 
are growing. At the head of both ravines, a small stream 
falls over a sandstone cliff about 20 feet in height. C. alpina 
grows on or near the cliff in a moist, north-facing situation, 
usually on dripping, mossy ledges. Colonies of C. canadensis 
are in the rocky, wooded valley a few hundred feet down- 
stream from the cliffs. In both valleys, some plants of C. 
quadrisulcata grow within a few feet of the C. canadensis 
plants. C. quadrisulcata is more abundant, however, in the 
dry, upland woods bordering the ravines. The proximity of 
the three taxa at these two stations would negate any argu- 
ment against hybridization based on spatial separation. 

That C. canadensis is generally intermediate in morpho- 
logy between the other two species is apparent from casual 
observation (Plate 1267, Fig. 1) More specifically, its inter- 
mediacy with regard to: 

stature, length of corolla lobe, 
length of leaf, length of anther, 

length of leading raceme, length of fruit pedicel, and 
width of calyx lobe, thickness of fruit 

has been noted previously (Fernald, 1950; Gleason, 1952). 
Cursory measurements on Ohio specimens indicate that it 
is also intermediate, both in range of variation and in mean, 
with respect to: 

number of internodes above roots, length of disk above hypanthium, 

position of longest internode, length of calyx lobe, 
length of longest internode, w dth of corolla lobe, 
width of leaf blade, length of filament, and 

length of flower bud, size of pollen grain. 

1962] Cooperrider — Enchanter’s Nightshade 65 

Stebbins (1950, p. 26) has reasoned on a genetic basis that 
“the larger the number of characters in which a particular 
plant can be found to be intermediate betweeen its putative 
parents, the greater is the probability of its hybrid origin". 
The large number of morphologically intermediate charac- 

PLATE 1267 

Fic. 1. Habit of representative plants. Left, Circaea quadrisulcata; center, C, 
canadensis; right, C. alpina (al X 1/6). Fic. 2. Fruiting racemes collected from 
Geauga Co., Sept. 9, 1961. Left, C. alpina; center, C. canadensis; right, C. quadrisul- 
cata (al X !4). Fic. 3. C. quadrisulcata, six pollen grains that stained with aniline 
blve (X 100). Fic. 4. C. canadensis, three pollen grains that did not stain with 
aniline blue (X 100). Fic. 5. C. alpina, three pollen grains that stained with aniline 
blue, one that did not (X 100). 

66 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

ters in this case supports the notion of hybrid origin of C. 

Failure of fruit to set on C. canadensis is relevant. This 
feature is noted by Gleason (op. cit.), but not by Fernald 
(1917, 1950). Careful searching of the plants of C. cana- 
densis in northeastern Ohio disclosed none with even a 
single fruit set in early September, 1961. Nearby plants of 
the other two species had set fruit abundantly (Fig. 2). 
Plants of all three taxa moved into garden culture in Spring 
of 1961 showed a similar pattern, both C. alpina and C. 
quadrisulcata set fruit abundantly ; plants of C. canadensis, 
observed until killed by frost, set no fruit. 

Fresh pollen of plants from each of the two stations in 
northeastern Ohio was stained with aniline blue in lacto- 
phenol (Fig. 3-5), a technique described by Lawrence (1951, 
p. 71) and Long (1959) as a test for fertility and, hence, 
possible hybridity. Pollen taken from two to six plants of 
each taxon from these two stations gave the following re- 

1. For C. alpina, of 747 grains counted, 592 (79%) stained dark 
blue and 155 (21%) took no blue stain. 

2. For C. quadvrisulcata, of 1000 grains counted, 791 (79%) stained 
dark blue and 209 (21%) took no blue stain. 

3. For C. canadensis, of 2036 grains counted, 11 (0.5%) stained 
dark blue, 173 (8.5%) showed a dark blue spot on the body of the 
grain, and 1852 (91%) took no blue stain. 

Assuming only those grains which stained completely to be 
“good”, this count reveals that while the amount of good 
pollen produced by C. alpina and C. quadrisulcata is 79%, 
that of nearby plants of C. canadensis is less than 1%. A 
second generalization by Stebbins (1950, p. 27) on the 
nature of interspecific hybrids is pertinent. “If the plant is 
completely healthy and growing in company with its puta- 
tive parents, then the discovery of a high-proportion of 
well-filled pollen grains in the latter and 50% or more of 
empty ones in the suspected plant is strong evidence that 
this plant is a hybrid between the two forms that are partly 
isolated from each other genetically." 

1962] Cooperrider — Enchanter’s Nightshade 67 

On the basis of spatial proximity, morphological inter- 
mediacy, and sterility, as indicated by failure of fruit to 
set and production of only a small percentage of good pollen, 
it seems reasonable to conclude that these plants of C. cana- 
densis in northeastern Ohio are indeed interspecific hybrids 
of C. alpina x C. quadrisulcata. 

In connection with the planning of further study of the 
matter, it is noteworthy that a similar, or perhaps the same, 
situation exists in Europe in C. intermedia Ehrh., which 
Fernald (1917) considered conspecific with C. canadensis. 
C. intermedia has been variously considered as a Form of 
C. alpina, a Form of C. lutetiana, an interspecific hybrid 
between the two, and as a distinct species (Hegi, 1908; 


FERNALD, M. L. 1917. The identity of Circaea canadensis and C. 
intermedia. Rhodora 19:85-88. 

. 1950. Gray's Manual of Botany. 8th ed. American 
Book Co., New York. 

GAGNEPAIN, F. 1916. Revision du genre Circaea. Bull. Soc. Bot. 
France 63:39-43. 

GLEASON, H. A. 1952. New Britton and Brown Illustrated Flora of 
Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada. Lancaster 
Press, Lancaster, Pa. vol. 2. 

HEGI, G. 1908. Illustrierte Flora von Mittel-Europa. vol. 5, part II. 

LAWRENCE, G. H. M. 1951. Taxonomy of Vascular Plants. Macmillan 
Co., New York. 

Long, R. W. 1959. Natural and artificial hybrids of Helianthus Maxi- 
miliani X H. grosseserratus. Amer. Jour. Bot. 46:687-692. 

SCHAFFNER, J. H. 1932. Revised catalog of Ohio vascular plants. 
Ohio Biol. Survey, Bull. 25. Ohio State University, Columbus. 

STEBBINS, G. L., JR. 1950. "Variation and evolution in plants. Colum- 
bia Univ. Press, New York. 

68 Rhodora [Vol. 64 


Setereasea ovata is a variable taxon which has frequent- 
ly been confused with S. brevifolia (Torr.) Sch. et Sydow. 
Johnston (1944) in an attempt to clarify the differences 
between S. brevifolia and S. buckleyi Jtn. mentioned speci- 
mens from the Chisos and Davis Mts. of Texas as S. brevi- 
folia, but actually referred them to S. ovata. On the other 
hand, Rose (1899) included S. ovata as a synonym of S. 
brevifolia. This confusion is primarily due to the similarity 
of leaf shape of these two species. Also, morphological stud- 
ies have shown that S. ovata is very similar to S. pallida 
Rose in its floral characters. 

S. pallida differs from S. brevifolia in possessing oblong- 
elliptic leaves, broad membranous connectives and glabrous 
ovaries, whereas S. brevifolia possesses elliptic-ovate leaves, 
narrow and thick connectives and pubescent ovaries. For 
a clear-cut differentiation of the two species, the following 

descriptive material should be helpful. 
S. pallida: stem more or less 40 cm. tall; leaves oblong-elliptic; 
sepals 3; petals 3; stamens 6, epipetalous, connectives broad and 

membranous; ovary glabrous. 

S. brevifolia: stem more or less 40 cm. tall; leaves ovate-elliptic; 
sepals 3; petals 3; stamens 6, epipetalous, connectives narrow and 
thick; ovary pubescent. 

S. ovata was originally described by Coulter (1890) as 
Tradescantia leiandra var. ovata. S. brevifolia was also des- 
cribed as a variety of T. leiandra by Torrey (1859). Rose 
(1899) gave generic rank to this group of plants, charac- 
terized by having connate corollas and epipetalous stamens, 
under a new genus Treleasea. Treleasea being the name 
of an already described fungus, Schumann and Sydow 
(1899), changed it to Setcreasea. The rank of various spe- 
cies described by Rose in the treatment of Schumann and 
Sydow remained the same, and, as mentioned before, Rose 
had included var. ovata as a synonym under S. brevifolia. 

The original description of Torrey (1859) for var. brevi- 

IDeceased December 23, 1959. 

1962] Faruqi, Celarier and Mehra — Setcreasea ovata 69 

folia indicates a pubescent ovary. The colored plate 
included by Rose in his publication shows the same. These 
facts and others lead us to believe that both Rose and Johns- 
ton did not study the internal structures of S. ovata and pre- 
sumed it to be S. brevifolia because of the close resemblance 
of the leaves in each case. 

All of the taxa of Setcreasea that were studied experi- 
mentally in our laboratory show a vegetative mode of 
reproduction and a high degree of self-incompatibility. How- 
ever, inter-specific hybridization is common. Even triploid 
hybrids are quite vigorous and are vegetatively normal. 
Therefore, the designation of specific rank to a new taxon 
should be made only with caution. However, the species 
S. ovata was found to be an exception to the generic tenden- 
cy toward easy interspecific hybridization. We could not 
produce any hybrids involving either S. brevifolia or S. 
pallida. A single hybrid was produced by using S. purpurea 
as a female parent. The details of the crossing data are 
given in Table 1. 

S. jawmavensis Matuda according to the type descrip- 
tion is another species that comes very close to S. ovata. 

Attempted Cross Pollina- Swollen Seed Seedlings Plant 
tions ovary Set 
S. ovata X S. pallida 17 1 2 none none 
S. ovata X S. purpurea 11 9 32 none none 
S. pallida X S. ovata 65 48 6 none none 
S. purpurea, X S. ovata 22 11 29 1 1 
S. brevifolia X S. ovata 12 6 ii none none 

2n 28 

These species are similar in their floral structures. The 
type specimen of S. jaumavensis is a fragment of Rozhyn- 
sky’s collection number 260, dated December 14, 1931, and is 
supposed to be in the herbarium of the New York Botani- 
cal Garden. This specimen has been misplaced, consequent- 
ly it is at present unavailable. We came across another 
fragment of Rozhynsky’s collection 260 from the herbarium 
of the Chicago Natural History Museum determined as 
Tradescantia semisomna. A very careful study of floral 

70 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

parts showed a fused corolla and epipetalous stamens, the 
criteria used to separate the genus Setcreasea from Trade- 
scantia, This plant is found to be similar to S. ovata both 
in floral and vegetative structures, consequently a doubt 
arose regarding the validity of S. ovata as a separate 
species. On the basis of the type description, the leaves of 
S. jaumavensis are broadly lanceolate and pubescent. In 
Rozhynsky 260 from the Chicago Natural History Museum 
the leaves are ovate and glabrous. The difference in leaf 
shape should not be too seriously considered due to the fact 
that in this specimen there are only two upper leaves pres- 
ent which may not represent a normal mature leaf. But 
the absence of leaf pubescence provides a very good reason 
to believe that Rozhynsky 260 from the Chicago Natural 
History Museum is not S. jawmavensis, rather it appears 
to be part of a mixed collection. Dr. Matuda (personal 
communication) is in agreement with the authors’ opinion 
that S. ovata is distinctly different from S. jawmavensis, 
specially in leaf pubescence. 

These studies point out that S. ovata is a distinct taxon 
which is not easily confused with any of the three species, i.e. 
S. pallida, S. brevifolia or S. jawmavensis. It certainly 
deserves specific rank. 

S. ovata (Coulter) Faruqi, Celarier and Mehra, stat. nov. 

Based on Tradescantia leiandra var. ovata Coulter, Contr. 
U. S. Nat. Herb. 1: 50, 1890. 

Plant perennial with underground rhizome; aerial stem usually 
erect, great variation in the height of the plant, 20-30 em. or more; 
leaves elliptic or ovate; inflorescence terminal subtended by two leafy 
bracts; pedicel pubescent; calyx 3; corolla 3, pink; stamens 6, 
epipetalous, connectives broad membranous; ovary glabrous. 

TYPE: Texas. Neally 1889 (US). 

TEXAS: Chisos Mts. Brewster Co. Hinckley 7-31-1940 (GH) ; Hinckley 
1113 (F); Havard 78 (GH, US) ; Warnock T 574 C (GH, US, F); Warnock 
643 (US); Sperry 1476 (GH, US); Moore & Steyermark 3228 (GH, MO, 
F); Mueller 7854 (F, US, MO, MICH); Young 122 (MO); McDougall 33 
(GH) ; Birdmine Hill, East of Alpine, Warnock 21589 (MO, F) ; Railroad 
at Rio Grande, Eggert 1737023 (MO); Devils River, Clark 4138 (MO). 

MEXICO: Coahuila: North of Cañon de Cienegas, White 1899 (MICH); 
Villa Acuna, Wynd and Mueller 624 (GH, MO); Muzquiz, Wynd and 
Mueller 335, (GH, US); Soledad, SW of Monclova, Palmer 2014 (GH); 

1962] Faruqi, Celarier and Mehra — Setcreasea ovata 71 

Sierra de la Encantada, Rancho Buena Vista, Stewart 1438 (GH); 
Sierra del Pino, Head of Cañon Ybarra, Stewart 1257 (GH); Sierra de 
las Cruces, Stewart 1109 (GH); Cuatro Cienegas, Marsh 2049 (GH). 
Nuevo León: Sabinas Hidalgo, Leavenworth 43 (F). 

Morphologically this species is very closely related to S. 
pallida. The production of a hybrid with S. purpurea also 
points out a relationship. The indecisiveness of negative 
results from crossing as stated by Rollins (1953) for gen- 
era is valuable as well for the species relationship. The 
production of a hybrid indicates its relationship with S. 
purpurea, while it does not negate a potential relationship 
to S. pallida. We may point out that there also exists a close 
relationship between S. pallida and S. purpurea. Both S. 
ovata and S. purpurea used as parents are tetraploids with 
2n = 24 chromosomes, while S. pallida is a diploid. From 
the crosses involving this tetraploid, S. purpurea, and S. 
pallida it is also concluded (unpublished) that S. pallida has 
contributed one genome to the tetraploid S. purpurea. S. 
purpurea. has also been reported in diploid condition (Bose, 
1959). The relationships between these three morpho- 
logically closely related species cannot be fully understood 
without more experimental evidence especially involving 
diploid S. purpurea. Superficially S. ovata looks very much 


Fic. 1, Leaf shape in S. pallida; Fic. 2-4. Leaf shape variation in S. ovata; Fic. 
5-6. S. brevifolia. Figures represent half of the actual leaf size. 

72 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

like a segmental allotetraploid between two ecotypes of S. 

S. ovata was once described as a variety of S. leiandra but 
morphological data do not provide any basis for a direct 
relationship between the two species. Our studies indicate 
that S. leiandra is a somewhat specialized species directly 
related to one of the more primitive species, S. australis. 
The line of evolution here is apparently different from that 
of S. purpurea, S. pallida and S. brevifolia. S. ovata and S. 
brevifolia were included as varieties of S. leiandra at the time 
when the genus Setcreasea did not exist. The early refer- 
ence indicates a broad group relationship rather than a 
direct close one. 

The most characteristic feature of S. ovata is the presence 
of a very strong underground rhizome. This provides a 
very efficient method of vegetative reproduction. The other 
experimentally known species of this genus also possess a 
vegetative mode of reproduction. These species, as pointed 
out earlier, are easily crossed, but they lack an underground 
rhizome. In the latter, only aerial branches in contact with 
soil for a period of time are able to produce roots. This 
method is by no means efficient enough to colonize an area. 

Whether strong vegetative reproduction is a direct out- 
come of polyploidy or if it has evolved through selection 
cannot be answered without further experimentation and 
field study. Absence of a rhizome in herbarium specimens 
may not necessarily mean its absence in nature. It may 
be due to incomplete collection. It may only be said that a 
capacity for vegetative propagation is present in the near 
relatives, a condition preliminary to efficient vegetative 
reproduction, as pointed out by Darlington (1956). 

Within S. ovata a range of variation in leaf shape is found 
from narrowly elliptic to ovate. Superficially it looks like 
a range of variation that would be expected of intermediates 
between S. pallida and S. brevifolia (fig. 1-6). From the 
available data it does not seem to be the result of introgres- 
sion involving these two species. First of all, no tetraploid 
S. pallida has been reported, and S. ovata is not a triploid. 
On the basis of experimental evidence from crossing data 

1962] Faruqi, Celarier and Mehra — Setcreasea ovata 73 

a free exchange of genes with S. brevifolia does not seem to 
be probable. One way this variation could be explained is 
through mutations as found in Cyrilla (Thomas, 1960). 

Thanks are extended to the curators of the Gray Herbarium 
of Harvard University, Cambridge; United States National 
Herbarium, Washington, D. C.; Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis; 
Chicago Natural History Museum, Chicago, and Herbarium of the 
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor for the loan of the herbarium 
specimens. The authors are also indebted to Mr. Robert M. Ahring, in 
charge of U.S.D.A. Seed Testing Laboratory, Stillwater, for the 
germination tests on hybrid seeds. A critical review by Professor 
Reed C. Rollins, Director, Gray Herbarium, Harvard University, 
Cambridge, Mass., and helpful suggestions of Professor Jack R. 
Harlan, Department of Agronomy, and Dr. J. M. J. de Wet Depart- 
ment of Botany, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma 
are highly appreciated. — DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY AND PLANT 


BosE, SMRITIMOY. 1959. A cytological study of Setereasea purpurea 
Boom and of an aneuploid taxon of S. brevifolia (Torr.) Rose. 
Dissertation Abstract. 20 (4): 1132. 

COULTER, J. M. 1890. Upon a collection of plants made by G. C. 
Nealley, in the region of the Rio Grande, in Texas, from Brazos 
Santiago to El Paso County. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 1: 29-61. 

DARLINGTON, C. D. 1956. Chromosome Botany. George Allen and 
Unwin Ltd. London, pp. 1-186. 

JonNsTON, I. M. 1944. Plants of Northern Mexico, III. Jour. Arn. 

(AEDs 25: 54. 

MATUDA, E. 1955. Las Commelinaceas Mexicanas. Anal. Inst. Biol. 
Mex. 26: 303-432. 

RoLLiNs, REED C. 1953. Cytogenetieal approach to the study of 
genera. Plant genera — their nature and definition. A symposium. 
Chronica Botanica. 14: 133-139. 

RosE, J. N. 1899. Treleasea, A new genus of Commelinaceae. Contr. 
U.S. Nat. Herb. 5: 207-208. 

1903. Studies of Mexican and Central American Plants 
— No. 3. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 8: 1-55. 

1911. Studies of Mexican Central American Plants — 
No. 7a. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 13: 291-312. 

SCHUMANN, K. ET Sypow (1899) 1901. In Just, Bot Jahrb. 27 (1) : 452. 

THomas, J. L. 1960. A monographic study of the Cyrillaceae. Contr. 
Gray. Herb. 186. 114 p. 

Torrey, J. 1859. Botany of the Boundary. In Emory, U. S. and Mex. 
Bound. Survey. 29-270. 

74 Rhodora [Vol. 64 



The woodrush, Luzula acuminata, is confined to the east- 
ern United States and Canada where it is of rather sporadic 
occurrence. This early-blooming species is usually restricted 
to moist open woodlands but is occasionally found 
along roadsides and in other open areas. It was not until 
the work of Rafinesque (1840) that the specific distinctions 
between this North American species and the European 
species L. pilosa were noticed. Even here Rafinesque men- 
tions that this North American species, L. acuminata, is 
perhaps L. pilosa. Before this time the American species 
was combined with L. pilosa, although Schultes and Schultes 
(1829) and Hooker (1840) considered it a variety of L. 

Watson (1879) also considered that the North American 
species was specifically distinct and, apparently unaware of 
Rafinesque's earlier name, proposed for it the name Luzula 
carolinae. Later, Fernald (1903), also apparently unaware 
of the earlier name by Rafinesque, proposed the name L. 
saltuensis for the North American species. In contrast, 
he considered L. carolinae to represent a local species of 
the Carolina mountains, similar to the Asiatic species L. 

There has been a difference of opinion concerning the 
treatment of the Luzula acuminata complex. Some authors 
have treated this complex as being one species, others as two 
species and others as varieties of one species. In most 
instances the two entities are recognized as varieties and 
both Fernald (1950) and Gleason (1952), in the two major 
floras of the northeastern United States, treat the species 
in this manner. In both cases the two varieties are sepa- 
rated on the basis of the number of secondary pedicels in the 
inflorescence though Fernald (1950), also mentions that 
the color of the perianth may differ. 

The author would like to thank Dr. John R. Reeder for his helpful criticisms during 
the progress of this study and the preparation of the paper. I am also grateful to 
the curators of the Gray Herbarium (GH) and of the United States National 
Herbarium (vs) for the loan of herbarium material. 

1962] Ebinger — Varieties of Luzula acuminata 75 

Jones (1950) used the binomial Luzula saltuensis in his 
flora of Illinois since he does not agree with Fernald regard- 
ing the name L. acuminata. Jones (1951) suggests that 
this name should be rejected as a nomen dubium because, 
in his opinion, Rafinesque’s description is ambiguous. He 
objects to the fact that Rafinesque described the North 
American plant as having glabrous leaves that are less than 
three inches long; an inflorescence which is congested and 
not exceeding the leaves; and flowers that are small. 

When considering fruiting material the objections of 
Jones are well founded; however, with respect to flowering 
material Rafinesque’s description is correct. The leaves 
in young material, particularly the cauline ones, are less 
than three inches long and quite glabrous except for the 
silky marginal hairs that are usually present in all Luzula 
species. Also, some specimens of this species have been 
found that are completely glabrous. In young flowering 
material the inflorescence is congested and does not exceed 
the leaves and the flowers are small. In my opinion the 
description by Rafinesque is not correct when fruiting 
material is considered, but is when young flowering material 
is used. Furthermore, the fact that Rafinesque states that 
the inflorescence is corymbose and that the plant is closely 
related to L. pilosa, excludes any other Eastern North 
American species of Luzula. 

Though Rafinesque’s description leaves no doubt as to 
which species he was referring, it is impossible to determine 
with certainty which of the two entities (acuminata or caro- 
linae) he was describing. However, the fact that he men- 
tions that the type locality is boreal America indicates he 
was referring to the northern variety (var. acuminata). 
Furthermore, this same interpretation was made by Fer- 
nald (1944) when he considered the northern entity to be 
variety acuminata and reduced Luzula carolinae S. Wats. to 
a variety of L. acuminata. Along with this confusion con- 
cerning the correct name there is some lack of agreement as 
to whether one or two species are involved. In this paper 
it will be shown that there is only one species in this com- 
plex, but that there are two varieties that can be separated 

76 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

and that each has a distinct geographic distribution. 

The basis of this study was herbarium material, and 
more than 200 collections from Northeastern United States 
and Canada were studied. The herbarium specimens were 
examined for the characters mentioned below and a diligent 
search was also made for any additional morphological 
criteria which might be of significance. For determination 
of anther and filament lengths flowering material was used 
since after the pollen is discharged there is a slight decrease 
in anther size. For all other measurements and observations 
mature fruiting specimens were studied. Finally, the results 
obtained were plotted on a map to show the geographic 
distribution of the two varieties. 

All material used in this study was obtained from the 
U.S. National Herbarium (Us), the Gray Herbarium (GH), 
and the Yale University herbarium (YU). 


To separate the two varieties of Luzula acuminata, Fer- 
nald (1938) used the relative lengths of the filaments and 
anthers, the length of the bracts at the base of the inflores- 
cence, the color of the perianth segments, and the forking 
rays of the inflorescence. The present study has revealed 
that most of these characters are completely unreliable: in 
fact, the only usable trait is the forking rays of the inflores- 
cence (secondary pedicels that develop just beneath the 
flowers to form a compound corymb). 

The anther and filament of every flowering specimen was 
measured and it was found that there is no appreciable 
difference in the two series. In variety carolinae the aver- 
age filament length is 0.5 mm and the anther length is 1.2 
mm, while in variety acuminata the average length is 
0.4 mm for the filament and 1.4 mm for the anther. Not 
only are the lengths very similar, but the variation over- 
laps so that it is impossible to distinguish between the two 
series by using this character. 

Measurements were also made of the bract at the base of 
the inflorescence. In both varieties the length is nearly the 
same and it is always shorter than the fruiting inflores- 

1962] Ebinger — Varieties of Luzula acuminata 77 

cence. Fernald (1938) mentions that the type of variety 
carolinae has the inflorescence overtopped by an erect frond- 
ose bract. Upon careful examination of this type specimen 
(Gray and Carey, July 1841), it was found that the frondose 
bract, mentioned by Fernald, is actually the upper cauline 
leaf. Above this leaf is a small bract that does not overtop 
the inflorescence. 

Fernald (1938) also mentions that castaneous perianth 
segments are common in variety carolinae. A number of 
specimens of this variety do have castaneous sepals and 
petals, but this character is also found in some specimens 
of variety acuminata and therefore cannot be used to sepa- 
rate the two entities. Also, some specimens of variety 
carolinae have stramineous to light brown  perianth 
segments, a characteristic which is common in variety 

The only reliable character found to separate the two 
varieties is the number of forking rays, i.e. secondary pedi- 
cels, in the inflorescence. In variety acuminata the number 
of primary pedicels in the corymbose inflorescence varies 
from 7 to 16 with an average of 10 or 11. Secondary pedicels 
are usually lacking in this variety, but occasionally one or 
two are found. When secondary pedicels occur they are 
restricted to one or two of the primary pedicels. Also, they 
are usually restricted to one inflorescence of the specimen 
while the other inflorescences lack secondary pedicels. In 
variety carolinae, in contrast, the inflorescence is always a 
compound corymb with the number of primary pedicels 
varying from 9 to 18 and with an average of 12 or 13. 
In all the inflorescences of a specimen of this variety, many 
of the primary pedicels have at least one secondary pedicel 
growing from them. Sometimes 2, 3 or 4 secondary pedicels 
are found on one or more of the primary pedicels. The 
average number of secondary pedicels found in an inflores- 
cence of this variety is 8 or 9 but some inflorescence have 
as many as 20. Since variety acuminata sometimes has a 
few secondary pedicels in the inflorescence the ratio of the 
number of secondary pedicels to the number of primary 
pedicels was used as a means of separating the two varieties. 

78 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

In scoring this character the primary and secondary 
pedicels in all of the inflorescences of each specimen were 
counted. From this count the ratio of the number of sec- 
ondary to primary pedicels was found and the results were 
then plotted on a map (Fig. 1) to determine if the two 

o 0.0 TO OI 
e Oo! TO O3 

e. ABOVE 0.3 
b ONE 

Fic. I. Map showing the distribution of Luzula acuminata war. acuminata and 
Luzula acuminata var. carolinae. The open circles indicate specimens of variety 
acuminata, the darkened circles indicate specimens of variety carolinae and the half 
darkened circles indicate specimens that are intermediate between the two varieties 
with respect to the ratio of the number of secondary pedicels to primary pedicels, 
The bars radiating from the circles indicate the number of secondary pedicels that 
are present on any one of the primary pedicels of the inflorescence. 

series have different geographic distributions. On this map 
an open circle indicates that the ratio is between 0 and 0.1 
while a half darkened circle indicates a ratio between 0.1 

1962] Ebinger — Varieties of Luzula acuminata 79 

and 0.3 and a completely darkened circle indicates that the 
ratio is greater than 0.3. 

The number of secondary pedicels on any one primary 
pedicel is also indicated on the map. This character is shown 
by the bars radiating from the circle. A bar radiating from 
the left of the circle indicates that at least one primary 
pedicel in the inflorescence has one secondary pedicel grow- 
ing from it, while a bar radiating from the top of the circle 
indicates that at least one primary pedicel has two secondary 
pedicels growing from it, and a line radiating from the right 
indicates that three secondary pedicels are present on at 
least one primary pedicel. 

As can be seen from the map, variety carolinae has a 
southern distribution which extends from Alabama and 
Georgia, west to the Mississippi River, and north to southern 
Ohio and Pennsylvania. In contrast, variety acuminata has 
a more northern distribution. The southern boundary of this 
variety is southern Ohio and Pennsylvania, and in the west 
it extends to South Dakota and Manitoba, Canada. It is 
also common in southeastern Canada and the New England 

In general, the region of high variability between the two 
varieties includes the states of Ohio, Pennsylvania, southern 
New York, West Virginia, Maryland and New Jersey. In 
this region of high variability there are numerous inter- 
mediate plants as well as some plants that are typical of both 
varieties, Excluding this region of high variability the two 
varieties are fairly constant in their characters. Variety 
carolinae, which is represented by the darkened circles with 
several bars radiating from them, is the southern variety. 
Of the 50 specimens studied from this area all but six have 
a ratio greater than 0.3. Of these six specimens, five have 
a ratio between 0.1 and 0.3 and the remaining specimen has 
a ratio of 0.0 and should be referred to variety acuminata. 
Also, most of the southern specimens have 2, 3 or more 
secondary pedicels growing from at least one primary 
pedicel in an inflorescence. 

The northern variety (acuminata) is not as constant in 
its characters, but there can be no doubt in distinguishing 

80 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

the two series. Of the 125 specimens studied from this 
region, 92 lack secondary pedicels. In the remaining 33 
specimens, only eight have a ratio of secondary pedicels to 
primary pedicels between 0.1 and 0.3 while the remainder 
have a ratio of less than 0.1. No specimens were found with 
a ratio greater than 0.3. Also, of the 33 specimens that have 
secondary pedicels, only five have more than one secondary 
pedicel growing from any of the primary pedicels of the 
inflorescence, and in most cases no more than one secondary 
pedicel was found in an inflorescence. 

The secondary pedicels found in the southern variety do 
not seem to be a result of a longer growing season. Even 
in young flowering specimens the flowers on the secondary 
pedicels are as well developed as the flowers on the primary 
pedicels, and both produce seed at nearly the same time. 
This indicates that the existence of secondary pedicels is not 
a result of the environment but that it is a genetically con- 
trolled factor. 


Since the results of this paper show that there are two 
varieties in this complex, a short taxonomic treatment of the 
two will be undertaken. This should help to clarify the 
nomenclature of the varieties since in the past there has been 
confusion as to the correct name. 

Luzula acuminata Raf. Autikon Bot. 193. 1840 
var. acuminata 
Luzula pilosa (L.) Willd. var. B. Americana Schultes & 

Schultes Syst. Veg. 7:262. 1829. 

Luzula pilosa (L.) Willd. var. &. Hook. Fl. Bor.-Am. 2: 188. 


Luzula saltuensis Fern. Rhodora 5:195. 1903. 
Juncoides saltuense (Fern.) Heller, Muhlenbergia 6:12. 


Juncoides pilosum (L.) Coville var. michiganense Farwell, 

Rep. Mich. Acad. Sci. 20:170. 1918. 

Juncoides pilosum (L.) Coville var. saltuense (Fern.) Far- 

well, Rep. Mich. Acad. Sci. 20:170. 1918. 

Luzula carolinae S. Wats. var. saltuensis (Fern.) Fern. 

Rhodora 40:404. 1938. 

1962] Ebinger — Varieties of Luzula acuminata 81 

This is the northern variety and can be separated from 
the more southern variety by the lack of secondary pedicels 
in the inflorescence. In specimens where secondary pedicels 
exist the ratio is always less than 0.3 and rarely is there 
more than one secondary pedicel to any one primary pedicel. 

Luzula acuminata Raf. var carolinae (S. Wats.) 
Fern. Rhodora 46:5. 1944 
Luzula carolinae S. Wats. Proc. Am. Acad. 14:302. 1879. 
Juncodes carolinae (S. Wats.) O. Ktze. Rev. Gen. Pl. 2:724. 


This variety has a much more southern distribution than 
variety acuminata. It can be distinguished from the more 
northern entity by the larger number of secondary pedicels 
in the inflorescence. Usually some of the primary pedicels 
have two or more secondary pedicels growing from them. 


The above results show conclusively that there is a distinct 
difference between the two varieties and that each has a 
definite geographic range. Variety acuminata has a more 
northern distribution than variety carolinae and can easily 
be separated from the latter by its lack of secondary pedicels 
in the inflorescence. In the specimens of variety acuminata 
that do have secondary pedicels the ratio of these to the 
primary pedicels is always less than 0.3 and in most cases 
there is no more than one secondary pedicel to any of the 
primary pedicels. Just the opposite condition exists in the 
southern variety (carolinae). Here a ratio above 0.3 is 
always found and the ratio is sometimes greater than 1.0. 
Also most specimens of this southern variety have two or 
more secondary pedicels on some of the primary pedicels 
of the inflorescence. 

In the region of high variability between the two series 
are a number of specimens that are difficult to place tax- 
onomically. The large amount of variability in this region 
as well as the specimens of the northern variety that have 
secondary pedicels show that the two series intergrade into 
each other. This variability indicates that only two varieties 
are involved and that they are not separate species. 

82 Rhodora [Vol. 64 


FERNALD, M. L. 1903. The American Representatives of Luzula 
vernalis. Rhodora 5:193-196. 

1938. Noteworthy Plants of Southeastern Virginia. 

Part I. Rhodora 40:364-424. 

1944. Overlooked Species, Transfers and Novelties 

in the Flora of Eastern North America. Rhodora 46:1-21. 

1950. Gray's Manual of Botany. ed. 8. New York, 
American Book Co. Ixvi+ 1632 pp. (Luzula pp. 416-420). 

GLEASON, H. A. 1952. The New Britton and Brown Illustrated Flora 
of the Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada. 3 Vol. 
Lancaster, Lancaster Press. (Luzula 1:400-402). 

Hooker, W. J. 1840. Flora Boreali-Americana. 2 Vol. (Luzula 

JoNES, G. N. 1950. Flora of Illinois. Notre Dame, Univ. of Notre 
Dame Press. vi4-368 pp. (Luzula p. 96). 

1951. On the Nomenclature of Luzula saltuensis. 
Rhodora 53:242-244. 

RAFINESQUE, C. S. 1840. Autikon Botanikon. (Luzula p. 193). 

ScHULTES, J. A. & SCHULTES, J. H. 1829. Systema Vegetabilium. 
T:(Luzula pp. 254-279). 

WATSON, S. 1879. Contributions to American Botany. II. Descrip- 
tion of some new species of North American plants. Proc. Amer. 
Acad. 14:288-302. 

REPRESENTATIVE SPECIMENS: Luzula acuminata Raf. var. acuminata 
UNITED STATES: South Dakota; E. J. Palmer 37562 (GH). Minnesota: 
Butters & Abbe 10 (GH); J. W. Moore 21601 (us); J. B. Moyle 387 
(us); Pease & Bean 26387 (GH); Rosendahl 4966 (GH); Rosendahl & 
Butters 4614 (GH). Iowa: Thorne 10005 (us). Wisconsin: Colby 4472 
(us); Fassett 2751 (GH) 2744 (GH). Michigan: Farwell 2559 (GH), 
4817 (GH), 4864 (GH), 5421 (GH). New York: A.J. Eames 290 (GH); 
Haberer 962 (GH); House 8817 (GH), 9346 (GH), 21354 (GH), 22402 
(GH); MeVaugh 4066 (GH); Muenscher & Bachtel 104 (US) ; Phelps 
282 (GH, US); Wherry & Muenscher 15308 (GH); Wiegand 1968 (GH). 
Pennsylvania: Fogg 12124 (GH). Maryland: Hermann 14936 (US). 
Virginia: Hunnewell 18931 (GH). New Jersey: Long 31981 (GH), 
37425 (GH), 37478 (GH). Connecticut: Ebinger 90 (vv); Parker 
5492 (YU); Weatherby 2403 (vU). Massachusetts: Hill & St. John 
1698 (YU). New Hampshire: Bissell 1498 (vU); Edmondson 4189 
(GH); A. H. Moore 3408 (us). Maine: Fellows 1768 (US), 2368 (vs); 
Fernald 85 (GH, US, YU), 2510 (GH); Ricker 180 (US); St. John & 
Nichols 2203 (vv, US). Indiana: Deam 44268 (GH). CANADA: Ontario: 
Hosie, Losee & Bannan 1512 (GH); Dutilly & Lepage 36312 (US) ; 
Montgomery 1069 (GH); Soper 2652 (GH). Quebec: Chrysler 1181 
(Us); Collins, Fernald & Pease 5462 (GH); Dutilly & Lepage 15036 
(GH); Rouleau 1689 (GH); Rousseau 2621 ( GH, us); St. John 1824 

1962] Daubs — Spirodela oligorrhiza 83 

(GH); Marie-Victorin 28491 (GH); Marie-Victorin & Rolland-Germain. 
25793 (GH, US), 27117 (GH), 29264 (GH), 45674 (GH), 47459 (GH). 
Prince Edward Island: Fernald & St. John 10988 (GH). Nova Scotia: 
Bissell & Linder 20733 (GH); Fernald & Long 23583 (GH); Long & 
Linder 20732 (GH), 20735 (GH); Nichols 79 (YU), 542 (YU, GH) ; Pease 
& Long 20734 (GH, US). Newfoundland: Pease & Edgerton 27216 

Luzula acuminata Raf. var. carolinae (S. Wats.) Fern. UNITED 
STATES: Alabama: Harper 3703 (GH, US), 3956 (US). Georgia: Allard 
81 (US), 82 (US); Cronquist 4979 (GH); D. Eyles 6863 (GH); Harper 
2056 (GH, US), 2062 (GH, US); Hermann 10186 (GH); Muenscher & 
Smith 2954 (GH). South Carolina: House 1847 (us); E. J. Palmer 
35405 (GH). North Carolina: Correll 5020 (GH); Godfrey 3414 (GH), 
3814 (GH); Godfrey, Campana & Fox 48070 (GH); Godfrey & Fox 
50307 (GH); Godfrey, Fox & Woods 49111 (GH); Godfrey & White 
7013 (GH, US); Gray & Carey (July, 1841) (GH-HOLOTYPE); House 
4130 (US); Hunnewell 10272 (GH), 14188 (GH). Tennessee: Hunine- 
well 15158 (GH); Nease 194 (US). Kentucky:Mecinterr & Shacklette 
615 (US). Ohio: Leonard 551 (US), 552 (US). West Virginia: Dickey 
244 (GH); Fosh 1034 (US). Virginia: Fernald & Long 6958 (GH), 
6959 (GH), 6960 (GH), 6961 (GH), 7787 (GH), 7788 (GH), 14526 (an); 
Fernald, Long & Abbe 14123 (GH); Fernald, Long & Pease 11657 (GH, 
US), 11658 (GH); Grimes 3400 (GH). 



Spirodela oligorrhiza (Kurz) Hegelm. of the Lemnaceae 
was first reported and described by Kurz (1867) from India 
under the binomial Lemna oligorrhiza. Shortly thereafter 
Hegelmaier (1868) transferred the species to the genus 
Spirodela, and reported its further occurrence in Australia 
and Java. At the same time he also described and named 
four varieties. Later (1896) he gave each of these varieties 
species status. 

The species remained unreported outside of this Far 
Eastern area until Saeger (1934) recorded it from two 
locations in Missouri. The first of these was made by him 
in Swope Park, Kansas City, and the second by F. H. Woods 
from a pond in southwestern Missouri. It is also reported 
that this pond contained goldfish, indicating the probability 

Department of Botany, University of Illinois, Urbana. 

84 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

that the plant was introduced from commercial supply 
sources for domestic aquaria. More recently, Mason (1957) 
has reported the plant as occurring in the vicinity of Ber- 
keley, California, but without a specific location, and this 
appears to be another instance of the same nature as 
reported by Saeger. 

Within the past few years however, a considerable number 
of new collections from widely separated areas have been 
made. The author has collected this species from six loca- 
tions in Florida, two in Louisiana, and from one in Illinois. 
The voucher specimens for these collections are in the Her- 
barium of the University of Illinois. Also from Florida five 
collections were reported (personal communication) by 
Professor R. K. Godfrey and Richard D. Houk. 

The specific citations for my own collections are as follows: FLORIDA. 
— PASCO CO., small pond south of Mazaryktown along U.S. highway 
41, Feb. 1, 1961, Daubs 651; SARASOTA CO., drainage ditch along Fruit- 
ville Road east of Sarasota, Feb. 3, 1961, Daubs 666; HILLSBOROUGH 
CO., ditch along U.S. 301 north of Tampa, Feb. 9, 1961, Daubs 670; 
PASCO CO., pond north of Dade City along U. S. 301, Feb. 9, 1961, Daubs 
671; SUMTER CO., ditch along roadside near junction of U. S. 301 and 
Fla. Rd. 42, Feb. 9, 1961, Daubs 672; MARION CO., pond near U. S. 301 
between Ocala and Pedro, Feb. 9, 1961, Daubs 673. LOUISIANA. — ST. 
CHARLES PARISH, ditch along U. S. 90, 1/2 mile east of Bouette, May 31, 
1961, Daubs 782; LA FOURCHE PARISH, ditch along U.S. 90, between 
Raceland and Houma, May 31, 1961, Daubs 786. ILLINOIS. — ALEX- 
ANDER CO., Horseshoe Lake, Nov. 24, 1960, Daubs 545; same location, 
June 2, 1961, Daubs 803. 

From California, Dr. L. R. Heckard of the Jepson 
Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley, reports 
(personal communication) a collection of S. oligorrhiza from 
Millerton Lake, Bacigalupi and. Heckard 7693, Apr. 30, 1961, 
"most certainly naturally occurring" and further remarks, 
“There must be many more localities in California". 

This recent plethora of reports is probably not due to any 
sudden widespread dissemination of the species but rather 
to the failure of potential collectors to identify it from eye 
level, confusing it with Lemna minor, to which it is usually 
similar in size. It can be easily separated from any of the 
Lemna species through the possession of more than one root, 

1962] Banks — Paspalum fimbriatum 85 

usually 2-4, and from S. polyrrhiza which usually has 5-many 
roots, and is orbicular to obovate in shape, as well as usually 
much larger in size. It would appear that S. oligorrhiza, 
most probably introduced as indicated, has now become well 
established in many areas, and will doubtless continue to 
spread throughout the area to which it is adapted. The 
plant is not known to produce the familiar overwintering 
turions found in S. polyrrhiza, but it flowers rather readily 
and the seeds may provide an adequate overwintering form 
for those areas too cold for vegetative survival. 
HEGELMAIER, F. 1868. Die Lemnaceen. Leipzig. 
1896. Systematische Ubersicht der  Lemnaceen. 
Bot. Jahrb. 21:268-305. 
Kurz, S. 1867. Enumeration of Indian Lemnaceae. Jour. Linn. 
Soc. Bot. 9:264-268. 
Mason, H. L. 1957. A flora of the marshes of California. Univer- 
sity of California Press, Berkeley. 
SAEGER, A. 1934. Spirodela oligorrhiza collected in Missouri. Bull. 
Torr. Bot. Club 61:233-236. 


While searching for plants of the Setacea group of the 
genus Paspalum in southern Florida, I found several plants 
of Paspalum fimbriatum HBK. growing under natural 
conditions. This annual species is very distinct because of 
its winged spikelets. It has not been previously reported as 
occurring in the continental United States. According to 
Chase (1929), the species has been collected in Panama, 
the West Indies, northern South America, and the Hawaiian 

Erdman West! of the University of Florida reported 
receiving recently for identification a sample of fimbria- 
tum which had been collected in a lawn near Homestead, 
Dade County, Florida by F. C. Craighead on Sept. 7, 1961 
(FLAS 82141). West remarked that Paspalum fimbriatum 
had been planted in the “old grass garden" at Gainesville 
and was collected Aug. 19, 1922 by W. E. Stokes (FLAS 3545) 

1Personal communication. 

86 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

but it apparently had not persisted as it was not collected 
again. According to Swallen', Smithsonian Institution, and 
Godfrey’, Florida State University, no U.S. specimens are 
on file in their herbaria. Thus, these Florida collections are 
probably the first of this species for the continental United 

My first collection was made on Plantation Key on Sept. 
9, 1961. Later that day another collection was made near 
Florida City, approximately 39 miles from the first site. 
The following day a single plant was collected near Home- 
stead approximately 7.2 miles northwest of the second site. 

It is possible that this species could be a relict. However, 
since it had not been discovered previously even though con- 
siderable plant collecting has been done in Florida, it appears 
that the species may be a new immigrant. It seems probable 
that the light winged seeds could have been carried from 
the West Indies by recent hurricanes. Botanists should look 
for the species to more adequately determine its distribution. 

My collections of Paspalum fimbriatum (all from Florida) are as 

Roadside on dry coral, Plantation Key, Monroe Co. Associated with 
Paspalum caespitosum Fliigge and Paspalum ciliatifolium Michx. Sept. 
9, 1961. D. J. Banks 1223; Miami oolitic limestone 3.2 miles south of 
Florida City on U. S. Highway no 1, Dade Co. Associated with Paspa- 
lum caespitosum Flügge. Sept. 9, 1961. D. J. Banks 1242; Miami 
oolitic limestone, approximately 2 miles northwest of Homestead, Dade 
Co. Associated with Chloris petraea Swartz, Paspalum caespitosum 
Flügge, and Paspalum pubescens Muhl. Sept. 10, 1961. D. J. Banks 

Specimens are being deposited in the herbaria of the Chicago 
Natural History Museum, Florida State University, University of 
Florida, University of Georgia, Harvard University, Missouri Botani- 
cal Garden, New York Botanical Garden, and the Smithsonian Institu- 


CHASE, AGNES. 1929. The North American Species of Paspalum. 
Contrib. U. S. Natl. Herb. 28:235. 

1962] Ward — The Genus Anonymos 87 



Thomas Walter, in his pioneer descriptive study, Flora 
Caroliniana (1788), named and described over 300 species 
which he believed to be new to science. A majority of these 
species truly were new, and Walter’s names are of familiar 
occurrence in articles dealing with the flora of the south- 
eastern United States. 

Among his many new species Walter detected representa- 
tives of what he considered to be undescribed genera. He 
recognized 32 of these new genera and placed in them 52 
species, about half also new, the rest transfers from other 
genera. He named four of these genera, containing eight 
species, in a conventional manner, while he modestly labeled 
the remaining 28 with the ambiguous pseudonym 

Although there has never been doubt that Walter intended 
Anonymos to be merely a provisional generic name, there 
has been dispute as to whether the specific epithets published 
under this name were available for transfer to more precisely 
defined genera. In the United States, following the lead of 
M. L. Fernald and S. F. Blake, modern authors have treated 
Walter’s epithets as legitimate and have recognized their 
transfer to other genera. But in June, 1950, the Nomencla- 
ture Section of the VIIth International Botanical Congress 
(Stockholm) decreed otherwise, voting that all “binary 
combinations of a specific epithet with the word Anonymos" 
were illegitimate. 

legitimacy of the epithets used by Walter in connection 
with the provisional name Anonymos means, of course, that 
they are not available for transfer to other genera and 
Walter cannot properly appear in the conventional author 
citation of the legitimate name.' But illegitimacy does not 
mean that the same epithet cannot be used for the same 

1The Code (Art. 23) does permit the optional inclusion of Walter's name if enclosed 
in brackets. An alternative and perhaps preferable method of full citation is the use 
of "ex" beween Walter’s name and that of the publishing author (Rec. 46A). 

88 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

species by a later author; if an epithet from an illegitimate 
name is used again in a different genus it is treated, not as 
a transfer, although that may have been the intent of the 
later author, but for all practical purposes as a new epithet. 

Even preceding the vote against Anonymos it was realized, 
as has recently been pointed out again by Wilbur (Rhodora 
63:37. 1961), that many of Walter’s epithets were transfer- 
red to other genera by J. F. Gmelin in his Systema Naturae, 
published in 1791 and 1792, before other authors had occa- 
sion to re-describe and rename the same plants. Gmelin, it 
is true, often failed to provide a specific description, but this 
requirement for valid publication is fulfilled in the case of 
monotypic genera by the generic description, abstracted 
from Walter, and in all cases by reference to Walter and the 
appropriate specific description. Often validation is further 
secured by the existence of specimens which may be taken 
to be types in the John Fraser collection on deposit at the 
British Museum. The familiar epithets of Walter, then, 
remain available for those plants where they have been 
used in the past, the only changes occurring in the author 

A few of the epithets transferred by Gmelin resulted in 
the formation of unfamiliar synonyms such as Mattuschkia 
aquatica, not recognized by him to be based on the long 
known Saururus cernuus L. But 19 of Walter’s Anonymos 
epithets, together with a twentieth omitted by Gmelin but 
picked up by Willdenow, survive to the present in the correct 
names of members of the Southeastern flora. With the 
expectation of providing a convenient source for determining 
the proper citation for these names, the following list has 
been prepared. 

Agalinis setacea (J. F. Gmel.) Raf., New Fl. 2: 64. 1837, replaces 
A. setacea (Walt.) Raf. (syn. Gerardia setacea (Walt.) J. F. Gmel.; 
Gerardia rejected for conservation, Taxon 10:124. 1961). Basonym 
(Gerardia setacea J. F. Gmel, Syst. 2:928. 1792) is inadequately 
described (“G. foliis setaceis, caule ramosissimo, floribus terminali- 
bus"), but is validated by reference to Walter (Fl. Carol. 170. 1788). 

Burmannia capitata (J. F. Gmel.) Mart., Nov. Gen. Sp. 1:12. 1823, 
replaces B. capitata (Walt.) Mart. Basonym (Vogelia capitata J. F. 
Gmel., Syst. 2: 107. 1791) lacks specific description, but is validated 

1962] Ward — The Genus Anonymos 89 

by generic description and by reference to Walter (Fl. Carol. 69. 

Crotalaria rotundifolia J. F. Gmel., Syst. 2: 1095. 1792, replaces 
C. rotundifolia (Walt.) Poir. in Lam. (syn. C. maritima Chapm.). 
Description is inadequate for separation from C. angulata Mill. (*Cr. 
foliis rotundatis integris pilosis sparsis, caule subdecumbente"), but is 
validated by reference to Walter (Fl. Carol. 181. 1788) and by 
Walter's type (photo, Rhodora 50: plate 1107. 1948). C. rotundifolia 
Poir. in Lam. is a later homonym; Poiret (Enc. suppl. 2: 402. 1812) 
described a quite different plant and made no reference to Walter or 

Cynoctonum sessilifolium J. F. Gmel., Syst., 2: 443. 1791, replaces 
C. sessilifolium (Walt.) J. F. Gmel. Description is inadequate (“C. 
foliis sessilibus"), but is validated by reference to Walter (Fl. Carol. 
108. 1788). 

Dioscorea quaternata J. F. Gmel, Syst. 2: 581. 1791, replaces 
D. quaternata (Walt.) J. F. Gmel. Description is brief but diagnostic. 
Reference is made to Walter (Fl. Carol. 246. 1788). 

Elytraria caroliniensis (J. F. Gmel.) Pers., Syn. Pl. 1: 23. 1805, 
replaces E. caroliniensis (Walt.) Pers. (syn. E. virgata Michx.). 
Basonym (Tubiflora caroliniensis J. F. Gmel., Syst. 2: 27. 1791) lacks 
specific description, but is validated by generie description and by 
reference to Walter (Fl. Carol. 60. 1788). 

Houstonia procumbens (J. F. Gmel.) Standley, N. Am. Flora 32: 26. 
1918, replaces H. procumbens (Walt.) Standley (syn. H. rotundifolia 
Michx.). Basonym (Poiretia procumbens J. F. Gmel. Syst. 2: 263. 
1791) has inadequate description (^P. caule procumbente"), but is 
validated by reference to Walter (Fl. Carol. 86. 1788). 

Lachnanthes tinctoria (J. F. Gmel.) Ell., Sketch Bot. S. C. & Ga. 1: 
47. 1816, replaces L. tinctoria (Walt.) Ell. Basonym (Heritiera tinc- 
torium J. F. Gmel, Syst. 2: 113. 1791, “tinctorum”) lacks specific 
description, but is validated by generic description and by reference 
to Walter (Fl. Carol. 68. 1788). 

Liatris graminifolia Willd., Sp. Pl. 3: 1636. 1803, replaces L. gra- 
minifolia (Walt.) Willd. Description is adequate. Reference is made 
to Walter (Fl. Carol. 197. 1788). 

Lithospermum caroliniense (J. F. Gmel.) MacM., Metasp. Minn. Val. 
438. 1892, replaces L. caroliniense (Walt.) MacM. (syn. L. gmelinii 
(Michx.) Hitche.). Basonym (Batschia caroliniensis J. F. Gmel., Syst. 
2: 315. 1791) lacks specific description, but is validated by generic 
description and by reference to Walter (Fl. Carol. 91. 1788). 

Micranthemum umbrosum (J. F. Gmel.) Blake, Rhodora 17: 131. 
1915, replaces M. umbrosum (Walt. Blake (syn. M. orbiculatum 
Michx.). Basonym (Globifera wmbrosa J. F. Gmel., Syst. 2: 32. 1791, 
*"umbros") lacks specific description, but is validated by generic de- 
scription and by reference to Walter (Fl. Carol. 63. 1788). 

Nymphoides aquatica (J. F. Gmel.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 2: 429. 1891 

90 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

(as “Nymphodes aquaticum”; Hill (Brit. Herb. 77. 1756) originally 
spelled the genus “Nymphoides” and treated it as feminine, the gender 
advised by Rec. 75A of the International Code,) replaces N. aquatica, 
(Walt.) Kuntze. Basonym (Villarsia aquatica J. F. Gmel., Syst. 2: 
447. 1791) lacks specific description, but is validated by generic de- 
scription and by reference to Walter (Fl. Carol. 109. 1788). 

Petalostemon pinnatum (J. F. Gmel.) Blake, Rhodora 17: 131. 1915, 
replaces P. pinnatum (Walt.) Blake (syn. P. corymbosum Michx.). 
Basonym (Kuhnia pinnata J. F. Gmel., Syst. 2: 375. 1791) has inade- 
quate description (“K foliis pinnatis"), but is validated by reference 
to Walter (Fl. Carol. 103. 1788). 

Planera aquatica J. F. Gmel., Syst. 2: 150. 1791, replaces P. aquatica 
(Walt.) J. F. Gmel. Specific description is lacking, but name is vali- 
dated by generic description and by reference to Walter (Fl. Carol. 
230. 1788). 

Ruellia caroliniensis (J. F. Gmel.) Steud., Nom. Bot. ed. 2. 2: 481. 
1841, replaces R. caroliniensis (Walt.) Steud. (syn. R. hybrida Pursh). 
Basonym (Pattersonia caroliniensis J. F. Gmel., Syst. 2: 925. 1792) 
lacks specific description, but is validated by generic description and 
by reference to Walter (Fl. Carol. 168. 1788). 

Seymeria cassioides (J. F. Gmel.) Blake, Rhodora 17:134. 1915, 
replaces S. cassioides (Walt.) Blake (syn. S. tenuifolia Pursh). 
Basonym (Afzelia cassioides J. F. Gmel., Syst. 2: 927. 1792) lacks 
specific description, but is validated by generic description and by 
reference to Walter (Fl. Carol. 171. 1788). 

Trilisa odoratissima (J. F. Gmel.) Cass., Dict. Sci. Nat. 55: 310. 
1828, replaces T. odoratissima (Walt.) Cass. (T. odoratissima 
(Michx.) Cass.). Basonym (Chrysocoma odoratissima J. F. Gmel., 
Syst. 2: 1204. 1792) is questionably adequate (‘‘Chr. foliis radicalibus 
ovato-oblongis; caulinis oblongo-lanceolatis laevibus, floribus corymbo- 
sis"), but is validated by reference to Walter (Fl. Carol. 198. 1788). 

Trilisa paniculata (J. F. Gmel.) Cass., Dict. Sci. Nat. 55: 310. 1828, 
replaces T. paniculata (Walt.) Cass. (T. paniculata (Michx.) Cass.). 
Basonym (Chrysocoma paniculata J. F. Gmel., Syst. 2: 1204. 1792) is 
recognizably described (“Chr. foliis lanceolatis adscendentibus, caule- 
que viseoso simplici pilosis, paniculata terminali"), and is supplement- 
ed by reference to Walter (Fl. Carol. 198. 1788). 

Uvularia caroliniana (J. F. Gmel.) Wilbur, Rhodora, 63:39. 1961, 
replaces U. pudica (Walt.) Fern. (syn. U. puberula Michx.). Basonym 
(Erythronium carolinianum J. F. Gmel, Syst. 2: 546. 1791) lacks 
specific description, but is validated by reference to Walter (“Anony- 
mos pudic", Fl. Carol. 123. 1788). 

Zornia bracteata J. F. Gmel., Syst. 2: 1096. 1792, replaces Z. brac- 
teata (Walt.) J. F. Gmel. Specific description is lacking, but name is 
validated by generic description and by reference to Walter (Fl. Carol. 
181. 1788). 

1962] Ward — The Genus Anonymos 91 

The remaining 24 new names, of the 44 created by Walter 
by the combination of an epithet with Anonymos, appear 
not to have been used as basonyms by later authors. This 
neglect is justified since all are either (a) synonyms of 
earlier names, (b) homonyms resulting from the improper 
application of an earlier name, or (c) not clearly identifi- 
able. They are listed and tentatively identified below, to 

complete the disposition of Walter’s Anonymos epithets. 

aquatic[a] (p. 127) 
aquatic[a] (p. 137) 
caroliniensis (p. 164) 

caroliniens[is] (p. 188) 

caroliniensis (p. 263) 
ciliat[a] (p. 197) 

corymbos[a] (p. 139) 

erect[a] (p. 86) 
erect[a] (p. 170) 

flava (p. 170) 
frondos[a] (p. 139) 
frutescens (p. 186) 
ligustrin[a] (p. 139) 
pedicularis (p. 170) 

petiolat[a] (p. 108) 
pilos[a] (p. 197) 

purpurea (p. 170) 
quinat[a] (p. 246) 

ramos[a] (p. 198) 

repens (p. 110) 
repens (p. 160) 
sagittalis (p. 181) 
sempervirens (p. 98) 

Saururus cernuus L. 

Decodon. verticillatus (L). Ell. 

probably Verbena canadensis (L.) Britt. 

Amphicarpa bracteata (L.) Fern. 

possibly Hydnum erinaceus Bull. 

possibly Liatris although not so recognized 
by Gaiser (Rhodora 48:165-183, 216-382, 
393-412. 1946) 

possibly Vaccinium myrsinites Lam., or V. 
tenellum Ait., not Vaccinium corymbosum 
L. according to range given by Camp 
(Brittonia 5:260. 1945) 

Houstonia caerulea L. 

identified by Pennell (Scroph. of E. Temp. 
N. A., 473. 1935) as either Agalinis 
(Gerardia) linifolia (Nutt.) Britt., A. 
obtusifolia Raf., or A. tenella Pennell 

Aureolaria flava (L.) Farw. 

Gaylussacia frondosa (L.) Torr. 

Wisteria frutescens (L.) Poir. in Lam. 

Lyonia ligustrina (L.) DC. 

probably  Awreolaria pectinata 

Cynoctonum mitreola (L.) Britt. 

possibly Liatris although not so recognized 
by Gaiser (op. cit.) 

Agalinis purpurea (L.) Pennell 

probably Dioscorea quaternata J. F. Gmel., 
according to Anderson (Rhodora 36:345. 

possibly Liatris although not so recognized 
by Gaiser (op. cit.) 

Dichondra carolinensis Michx. 

Phyla nodiflora (L.) Greene 

Crotalaria sagittalis L. 

Gelsemium sempervirens (L.) Ait. f. 


92 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

uniflor[a] (p. 198) probably  Carphephorus _ bellidifolius 
(Michx.) T. & G. or C. tomentosus 
(Michx.) T. & G. 


NOTE: After the manuscript for the above paper was submitted to 
the editor, Dr. R. L. Wilbur of Duke University very generously made 
available to me his independently prepared manuscript on the same 
subject. I have made a few changes and corrections in the present 
paper, as suggested by his studies and our subsequent correspondence. 
A new combination proposed by Dr. Wilbur has been left for his later 
treatment. — D. B. W. 

— Reverend John Bachman is remembered as a close asso- 
ciate of Audubon for he ably assisted in the writing of both 
Birds of America and Quadrupeds, and the two families were 
united by Bachman's two daughters marrying Victor and 
John Woodhouse Audubon. Less familiar is Bachman's own 
interest in botany. In 1835 he published a fifteen-page check- 
list of 1030 species entitled Catalogue of Phanerogamous 
plants and. ferns, native or naturalized, found. growing in 
the vicinity of Charleston, South-Carolina. When Hooker's 
friend, William A. Bromfield, visited America, ne spent 
about five weeks in Charleston in 1847 and often saw Bach- 
man. On February eleventh Bromfield “went to Rev. Dr. 
Bachman’s to look over Elliott's herbarium with Mr. Ravenel 
of St. John's who has made an extensive collection of the 
species about the place. Dr. Bachman drove me out 8 miles 
from Charleston to look for Ulmus alata in flower." Some 
of Bachman's specimens are lodged at the Academy of 
Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, via the Short Herbarium, 
and others are in the Durand Herbarium at Paris, but his 
own herbarium, along with a valuable library (including a 
copy of Catesby's Natural History), was burned in Colum- 
bia, whence it had been moved for safe-keeping, at the time 
of Sherman's raid. 

Bachman at twenty-five had come to Charleston from 
Pennsylvania in 1815 and the following year married Harriet 
Martin, daughter of a Charleston parson. Harriet's sister 
was Maria Martin who drew many botanical backgrounds 

1962] Ewan — The Happoldt European Journal 93 

for Audubon’s bird plates. After Harriet’s death the Rev- 
erend Bachman married Maria. 

Though it is not evident from the title! this “Contribution” 
from the Charleston Museum contains much of interest to 
any reader with a curiosity about South Carolina natural 
history. The index is helpful though not exhaustive. More 
valuable in some connections than the journal is the eighty- 
nine page biography of Bachman prepared by Professor 
Claude H. Neuffer, of the Department of English, University 
of South Carolina, who “discovered” and edited the journal. 

Christopher Happoldt (1823-1878), soldier-surgeon, was 
a protegé of Reverend John Bachman, and the journal kept 
by young Christopher, aged fifteen, concerned a six months’ 
tour of Europe, June 5 to December 27, 1838, while acting as 
a travelling companion during Bachman's convalescence on 
a recuperative sea voyage. Bachman was nearing the zenith 
of an active scientific life, all the while fulfilling his duties 
faithfully as minister at St. John’s Lutheran Church. He 
had assisted Audubon assiduously during several years past. 
There are 134 references to Bachman’s aid in Ornithological 
Biography alone. To combat a general debility enhanced in 
part by a mild attack of cholera in 1836, it had been decided 
that a tour of Europe, including a chance to visit Audubon 
then busily working in Edinburgh with Macgillivray, would 
be refreshing for the pastor. Leaving Charleston on the 
Chicora for Liverpool, young Happoldt and Reverend Bach- 
man arrived at No. 4 Wimpole Street, the Audubons’ London 
Home, to be greeted by Lucy and the family, and to be off for 
Edinburgh within two weeks. So begins what amounts to a 
lively if somewhat repetitive diary by a frank young man 
viewing the European scene. 

Upon completing his medical education abroad, Dr. Hap- 
poldt practiced in Charleston and edited the local medical 
Journal and Review. However this was not to last long 
because, on his wife’s insistence, he moved to Morgantown, 
North Carolina, and passed from the professional spotlight 
to the obscurity of a country doctor. He later served the 

Christopher Happoldt Journal. Edited by Claude Henry Neuffer. Charleston 
Museum, Charleston, S. C., 1961. p. 214 [plus 14 unnumbered index pp.] $5.00 ppd. 

94 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

Confederacy, and then the citizens of Vicksburg when a 
yellow fever outbreak struck that river city. There he died 
“the victim of the disease he had fought against so valiantly 
in order that others might live." 

The Happoldt diary is of particular interest for its fleeting 
glimpses of personalities and places. There is Dr. Frank 
Buckland of Oxford; the Prince of Massena, a devotee of 
natural history; “Prof. Braum of Carlsbruche" [Heinrich 
Georg Bronn, 1800-1862, who translated Darwin’s Origin] ; 
Dr. J. C. Faber of Charleston and James Trudeau of New 
Orleans, both then visiting Paris; and such institutions as 
the Jardin des Plantes in Paris and Knowsley Hall near 
Liverpool where Bachman met the Earl of Derby for whose 
zoo he had transported live anhingas across the Atlantic! 
Yes, they saw the Queen in London town, attended by the 
royal family, and her some 1500 Swiss guards “all mounted 
on black horses." 

Young Christopher sampled dolphin roe for dinner and 
pronounced it “certainly very fine.” At Regent Park Zoo 
there were three thousand persons on Sunday, July 8th, 
"not," as he observed, “for the purpose of seeing the animals 
but the company." In true adolescent form, Christopher 
paled at the succession of museums, and when Bachman 
visited the Tower, he did not go “because he did not like to 
see everything twice." However, his sage verdict finally 

“I find it a great use to Travel, the man who remains home 
all his life, has no idea of mankind; either of the Improve- 
ments of the world." — JOSEPH EWAN, TULANE UNIVERSITY. 

Volume 63, No. 756, including pages 327-367, was issued January 22, 1962 


Ju. 11 1962 




Conducted and published for the Club, by 


Associate Editors 

Vol. 64 April-June, 1962 No. 758 
Comment from the New Editor. A. R. Hodgdon .................... 97 
Some Additions to the Flora of Grand Manan Island, New 
Brunswick, A. R. Hodgdon and Radcliffe B. Pike ............ 98 
Cytological Observations of Polygala in Eastern North 
America. Walter H. Lewis and Shirley A. Davis ............ 102 
Synthesis of Aster Herveyi. Leonard J. Uttal .................. ei RLS 
Three Misidentified So-Called Cordilleran Species in Eastern 
North America. Muf Dahl... erase erii EE TM 
Additions to the Bryophyte Flora of Keweenaw County, 
DEMNM. P. DEGPPIAOM. ...0500.0c0cccosnnsssseabsanusiesesaseninn nese RS 121 
Contribution to the Fungus Flora of Northeastern North 
America. Howard E. Bigelow and Margaret E. Barr ........ 126 

(Continued on Inside Cover) 

Che Nem England Botanical Club, Inc. 

Botanical Museum, Oxford St., Cambridge 38, Mass. 

CONTENTS: — continued 
The Noseburn (Tragia, Euphorbiaceae) of Western Texas. 

Morahodt OM ohneton 5. 34... dipsa chives peers oer eie eie nee 137 
A New Species of Haplopappus, Section Blepharodon. 
Zay CI DEBERE. coepere vcevseeseransmeasinngsaboevestines tbe RR erint 142 
Agropyron Hybrids and the Status of Agropyron Pseudo- 
repens. MONAT WA Pohl 21222 staa iG E eset ss 143 

Chromosome Numbers for Some Angiosperms of the South- 
ern United States and Mexico. Walter H. Lewis, 

H. Larry Stripling and Richard G. Ross ................ eee 147 
Glandularity in Rubus Allegheniensis Porter. 
A. R. Hodgdon and Frederic Steele ........................... cesses 160 

Fifteenth Report of the Committee on Plant Distribution ...... 168 
Occurrence of Species of Polycarpaea Lam. (Caryophylla- 

ceae) in North America. Olga Lakela ..................... esee 179 
A New Station for Pinguicula Vulgaris in Ontario. 

Nd OD LAB S N AEE N a rotat lidiqatersn iden caido E noia 182 
Hyptis Radiata (Labiatae) an Illegitimate Name. 

Lloyd H, SRRQUE LL iki moescnsesssccevincsémparsdiseunizssssinecintendeaealbdlbedews 184 
Makers of North American Botany. Joseph Ewan ............... 186 

RHODORA.—A quarterly journal of botany, devoted primarily to the 
flora of North America and floristically related areas. Price, $6.00 
per year, net, postpaid. in funds payable at par in United States 
currency in Boston; single cepies (if available) $1.80. Back vol- 
umes 1-58, with a few incomplete. can be supplied at $5.00 per 
volume. Volume 59— available at $6.00. Somewhat reduced rates 
for complete sets can be obtained upon application. 

Scientific papers and notes, relating directly or indirectly to the 
plants of North America, will be considered by the editorial com- 
mittee for publication. Articles concerned with systematic botany 
and cytotaxonomy in their broader implications are equally accept- 
able. All manuscripts should be double-spaced throughout. Please 
conform to the style of recent issues of the journal. Illustrations 
can be used only if the cost of engraver’s blocks is met through the 
author or his institution. Forms may be closed five weeks in advance 
of publication. Extracted reprints, if ordered in advance, will be 
furnished at cost. 

Address manuscripts and proofs to Albion R. Hodgdon, 

Pept. of Botany, Nesmith Hall, University of New Hampshire, 
Durham, New Hampshire. 

Subscriptions and orders for back issues (making all remittances 

payable to RHODORA) should be sent to Albert F. Hill, Botanical 

Museum, Oxford Street, Cambridge 38, Mass. 

Second Class Postage Paid at Boston, Mass. 

Manufactured by 
Lexington, Mass. 



Vol. 64 April-June, 1962 No. 758 


It should be pointed out that the January-March 1962 
number of Rhodora was edited entirely by Professor Reed 
Rollins, who volunteered to continue his services during the 
critical period of transition. This seems to have been a 
wise solution, because much of the editing of this number 
had been accomplished when the change in editors was made. 
I much appreciate Professor Rollins’ willingness to help out 
in this way to bridge the gap. 

It is particularly reassuring to me to have nearly all of the 
experienced editorial board continuing to serve, for much 
of the quality of the journal is attributable to their critical 
attention and judgment. 

Since Rhodora, for the first time, is being edited at some 
distance from Cambridge, it was felt that the selection of a 
new associate editor from my colleagues at the University 
of New Hampshire would do much to facilitate my work. 
Mr. Radcliffe Pike, who has worked with me for many 
years in botanical investigations, has consented to serve on 
the board. 

Professor Rollins, in my opinion, during his twelve years 
as editor has very wisely broadened Rhodora, both as to 
geographical coverage and the range of subject matter. But 
because of this very broadening, the Gray’s Manual Area 
and New England should continue to provide abundant 
material for new insights and interpretations. It is hoped 
that botanists interested in the more local area will have a 
resurgence of activity in the years ahead. — A. R. HODGDON 


98 Rhodora [Vol. 64 



The Vascular Flora of Grand Manan was excellently pre- 
sented by Weatherby and Adams in 1945 (1) and has served 
as an admirable source of reliable information relating to 
our current floristic study of the nearby Wolf Islands and 
other islands in the Bay of Fundy.* 

In connection with our work a number of questions had 
arisen that bore directly on Grand Manan, so in July 1961 
we visited Grand Manan and Long Island for parts of two 
days and in August returned for three days of active bot- 
anizing on the main island as well as on Outer Wood and 
White Head Islands. One of our main projects was to 
determine whether a considerable number of taxa that we 
had found on the Wolf Islands but which Weatherby and 
Adams had not reported from Grand Manan, actually were 
absent there. This turned out to be true so far as our 
observations and collections were concerned, thus confirming 
our opinions that a fairly thorough canvass had been made 
of the Grand Manan flora. However, as a by-product of 
our work, a number of new records were compiled as well 
as one somewhat questionable record confirmed. These 
additions will now be considered along with a few problems 
that still invite further study. 

Lycopodium tristachyum Pursh.-—On the evening of 
August 21 while on our successful search for Pinus resinosa, 
we encountered a dry somewhat sandy area with a sparse 
growth of Vaccinium myrtilloides, Kalmia angustifolia, 
Rhododendron canadense and associated species. Here we 
found a few individuals of this clubmoss with its charac- 
teristically deeply embedded rhizomes. Though lacking 
strobili there seems to be no question about its identity. 

*This research is part of a project entitled ‘‘Floristic and Phytogeographie Investiga- 
tions of the Wolf Islands and other islands in, the Bay of Fundy which was supported 
by a grant from the Central University Research Fund of the Graduate School of the 
University of New Hampshire. 

Published with the approval of the Director of the New Hampshire Agricultural 
Experiment Station as Scientific Contribution No. 285. 

1962] Hodgdon and Pike — Grand Manan Flora 99 

Specimens of this and other taxa listed here as additions 
to the flora of Grand Manan, unless especially noted, are 
deposited in the Gray Herbarium and in the Herbarium of 
the University of New Hampshire. 

Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carr. — Hemlock was included in 
the “Flora” on the strength of Allan Moses’ report of a 
single tree in the ravine of Dock Brook. There is little 
reason to doubt this record but we were unable to find any 
hemlock trees though we scrutinized Dock Brook and its 
environs carefully except for a short lower section. It is 
perhaps more surprising that hemlocks are not more preva- 
lent on Grand Manan. It is of some significance certainly 
that, during our search for Red Pine, on August 21 we 
collected a branch of Rhododendron canadense with its 
leaves conspicuously infected with a rust which has been 
identified by Dr. Avery Rich, Plant Pathologist at the 
University of New Hampshire as Pucciniastrum myrtilli 
(Schum.) Arth. The alternate host of this rust is Tsuga 
canadensis. Presumably further search for hemlock should 
be carried on in this part of the island. This specimen of 
rust is in the mycological herbarium at the University of 
New Hampshire. 

Pinus resinosa Ait. — Weatherby and Adams loc. cit. p. 
77 placed this taxon in their list of “Doubtful and Unveri- 
fied Records" attributing it to Perkin's list. They stated of 
this record as follows ‘‘very likely correct, though the soils 
of Grand Manan are not such as the red pine prefers." 

We first heard of the possible occurrence of red pine in 
July from Mrs. Earl Green of Grand Harbour. She told 
us that her father a Mr. Cheney knew of some “different 
pines" and that she could find someone to direct us to 
specimens of them. We much appreciate her assistance in 
providing us with the services of Terrance Ingalls, a very 
energetic and intelligent boy from Grand Harbour, who on 
August 21, led us to a number of fine trees of Pinus resinosa 
a short way inland from Grand Harbour. There were sev- 
eral scattered trees of good size varying from one to two 
feet dbh. Seedlings were observed in the vicinity of the 

100 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

larger trees but no intermediate small specimens were 
noted. These pines were scattered over a sufficiently wide 
area to lead one to hope that some of them may continue 
to survive there for many years to come. 

Eleocharis tenuis (Willd.) Schultes var. tenuis. To- 
ward the end of our unsuccessful search for hemlocks along 
Dock Brook we didn't want to return empty handed so our 
attention wandered to other things. In a moist opening along 
a wood-road we saw a fine growth of Eleocharis growing 
with Juncus articulatus. After very careful examination 
our specimens, which are in good fruiting condition, prove 
to be E. tenuis var. tenuis. E. elliptica Kunth resembles E. 
tenuis in some of its vegetative characteristics and in its 
general appearance and it has been collected on Grand 
Manan. The achenes of the two species are very distinct, 
those of E. elliptica being pronouncedly yellow while those 
of E. tenuis are olivaceous and smaller. The tubercule also 
is less compressed in E. tenuis. We compared our material 
carefully with the specimen of E. elliptica from Grand 
Manan and with reliable specimens of both E. elliptica and 
E. tenuis in the New England Botanical Club Herbarium. 

Betula papyrifera Marsh var. cordifolia (Regel) Fernald. 
— Weatherby and Adams loc. cit. p. 41 listed no variety of 
this species nor made any comment about its variability on 
Grand Manan. Fernald's treatment of the series Albae in 
eastern North America (2) appeared at about the same 
time that the Grand Manan Flora first came out in the 
autumn of 1945. For this reason Mr. Weatherby may not 
have been stimulated to study birches very closely during 
the years preceding this when he was actively investigating 
the flora. Most of the Betula papyrifera of Grand Manan 
is whitish barked but in 1955 the junior author noted a 
birch of this variety with dark bark and abundant catkins 
along the road to the Whistle House. At that time the area 
was densely wooded. 

On August 23, 1961 we revisited this locality, which had 
been lumbered for the conifers in the interim, finding many 
of the birches in question with abundant catkins, dark 

1962] Hodgdon and Pike — Grand Manan Flora 101 

bark and leaves mostly cordate-based. We took specimens 
from ten trees which we hope to study later along with 
similar population samples which we have from the Wolf 
Islands and Lubec, Maine. 

Thlaspi arvense L. — A specimen in fruit with no leaves 
was collected by us at Dark Harbour on August 22, 1961. We 
have noticed in examining the Weatherby and Adams list 
that several very common and widespread weeds and intro- 
duced plants have not yet been reported. This and the taxon 
to follow will help to augment the list of introductions. 
Specimens of these are to be found in the herbarium at the 
University of New Hampshire. 

Raphanus raphanistrum L. forma sulphureus (Babey) 
Hayek. — Since Weatherby and Adams often reported con- 
spicuous forms in other groups it is appropriate to record 
this one which we collected at Dark Harbour. 

Rubus canadensis L. — Weatherby and Adams loc. cit. 
p. 52 state that R. canadensis L. is “the common high-bush 
blackberry of the island.” In August 1955 the junior author 
and Dr. Donald L. Craig of Kentville, Nova Scotia (3), who 
then was working with R. canadensis at the University of 
New Hampshire, spent several days on Grand Manan 
searching for good material of that species. Following the 
interpretation of Bailey (4) and that of Fernald (5) of 
R. canadensis, good material was conceived of as being 
essentially without prickles, comparable in this respect to 
the usual specimens of R. canadensis that are so common in 
northern New England and in cooler mountainous areas 
farther to the south. Surprisingly a very small percentage 
of the specimens seen in the summer of 1955 qualified as 
typical Rubus canadensis. Most of the plants were of vary- 
ing degrees of prickliness, in this respect fitting either R. 
amicalis Blanch. or R. elegantulus Blanch. as these are in- 
terpreted by Fernald (5). But it is to be noted that 
Weatherby and Adams, loc. cit. p. 53 relied on Bailey for 
the identification of their blackberries. Bailey’s treatment 
of R. canadensis in 1944 was a peculiar one particularly in 
the light of his usual tendency to split the species as finely 

102 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

as possible. After a preliminary delineation of R. canadensis 
as an essentially smooth blackberry, he combined R. elegan- 
tulus with it as only “a small and usually slender phasis” 
(see Bailey loc. cit. p. 475). The Grand Manan plants 
present a particular problem because they combine the 
prickliness of R. elegantulus and R. amicalis with the 
features that are commonly associated with F. cana- 
densis including large size and strongly racemose inflores- 
cences. Except for the degree of prickliness, most of the 
bigger plants certainly resemble R. canadensis. 



1. WEATHERBY, C. A. AND JoHN ADAMS. 1945. A list of the Vascular 
Plants of Grand Manan, Charlotte County, New Brunswick, Con- 
trib Gray Herb. CLVIII. 

2. FERNALD, M. L. 1945. Notes on Betula in eastern North America. 
Rhodora 47: 303-329. 

3. CRAIG, DONALD L. 1959. The Cytology and Breeding Behavior of 

Rubus canadensis L., Thesis, University of New Hampshire. 

BAILEY, L. H. 1944. Gent. Herb. Vol. V Fasc. VII pp. 465-476. 

. FERNALD, M. L. 1950. Gray's Manual of Botany. Eighth ed. p. 832. 





For a genus of over 450 species, of which no fewer than 
200 are described in North and Central America, only 15 
species of Polygala have been studied cytologically. No 
New World species are included in this meager total. 

Unfortunately, the Polygala material is not particularly 
favorable for study. At meiosis the greatest difficulty is 
the low number of pollen mother cells formed in each 
anther, giving few figures for observation when a satis- 
factory stage is obtained. Under these circumstances, we 
have found that much more fixed bud material must be 

"Undergraduate Research Participant, National Science Foundation G-12059. 

1962] Lewis and Davis — Polygala 103 

collected for results than is usual for most genera. When 
to this need is added the paucity of plants at any one locality, 
particularly for those species endemic to the Mexican high- 
lands where the greatest number of North American species 
occur, it is apparent why this feature limits chromosomal 
research. The meiotic process also is a hindrance. Although 
prophase I appears to be of unusually long duration, we 
agree with Glendinning (1960) that diakinesis is deceptive 
in that some chromosomes are still very poorly stained. The 
most satisfactory stages between prometaphase I and telo- 
phase I, however, are completed in very short periods of 
time which markedly decrease the chance of locating satis- 
factory figures. Complete restitution nuclei are formed only 
to be followed in rapid sequence by the phases of meiosis II. 
Finally the chromosomes of most species are very small and 
high in number. 

A list of reported chromosome numbers in Polygala has 
been compiled (Table 1). Five of the 15 species have been 
examined by two or more authors, but except for P. myrti- 
folia L. none of these has been given the same chromosome 
number. This is perhaps the best illustration of the techni- 
cal difficulties to be encountered in Polygala. The 3 African 
species listed have a basic number of x — 19 which are 
according to Larsen (1959) secondary diploid species prob- 
ably of tribasic origin from 6 + 6 + 7 stocks. The single 
Asian species, P. japonica Houtt., has n — 21 chromosomes 
and may be a hexaploid species with a base of x — 7. As 
many as 75% of the European species counted have basic 
numbers of x — 17. As noted in Table 1, the reports are 
not unanimous for species considered in this series, but 
the numerous counts from several localities made by Glen- 
dinning (1960) outweigh the evidence of earlier authors. 
It cannot be overruled, however, that chromosmal races may 
exist for a single species, so that P. amara L. may have an 
^ — 14 race in eastern Europe (Baskay, 1956; Skalifiska 
et al, 1959) and an « — 17 race in western Europe 
(Glendinning, 1960). The remaining European species have 
basic numbers of x — 7, 8, and 23 (Table 1). 

Of other genera in the Polygalaceae records exist for only 

104 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

4 species, one each in Atroxima, Bredemeyera, Carpalobia, 
and Securidaca. These are A. liberica Stapf., 2n = 18 
(Mangenot and Mangenot, 1957) B. colletioides Phil., 2n = 
14 (Covas and Schnack, 1946), C. lutea G. Don, 2n = 20 
(Mangenot and Mangenot, 1957), and S. longipedunculata 
Fres., 2n = 32 (Mangenot and Mangenot, 1958; Miege, 

From 39 collections of immature flower buds made from 
localities in the eastern United States and Mexico, chromo- 
some numbers for 24 species of Polygala are reported. The 
buds were fixed in the field in modified Carnoy’s solution 
(4: 3: 1) and shortly thereafter were stored in the refrig- 
erator for periods up to 6 months before squashing in 1% 
acetic-orcein. The results are mostly from the study of 
pollen mother cells or more rarely from premeiotic mitosis. 
The chromosome number reported for each species is when 
possible based on the study of more than one plant from 
several localities. Voucher specimens were obtained for 
each collection. A complete set has been filed at the Southern 
Methodist University herbarium (SMU), except for a few 
which are deposited elsewhere as indicated in Table 2. 
Duplicates of most collections are filed at the University of 
Texas herbarium (TEX). We wish to thank the curators 
of these herbaria for accepting specimens for permanent 
accession and we especially appreciate receiving fixed mate- 
rial of 3 species from Dr. Robert Kral, Virginia Polytechnic 
Institute, Blacksburg. 


The gametic chromosome numbers for 24 species of 
Polygala are listed by sections (Blake, 1924) in Table 2. 
Most of the data are based on distinct figures giving defi- 
nite counts, although the numbers for a few species are 
only approximations. With rare exceptions (P. praetervisa 
Chod., fig. 11), meiotic behavior was regular. The chromo- 
somes of all species were found to be generally small with 
the smallest in the sections Hebeclada (fig. 5), Monninopsis 
(fig. 15), and Timutua (fig. 3, 10, 11, 14), and the largest 

1962] Lewis and Davis — Polygala 105 

in the section Timutua (fig. 2, 7-9). Chromosomes of indi- 
vidual karyotypes often varied from very short to inter- 
mediate in length as shown by the mitotic chromosomes of 
P. reducta Blake (fig. 13). 

The most striking result was the diversity of chromosome 
numbers for such a small fraction of species. Numbers 
ranging from 2n — 16 for P. scoparia HBK. to 2n — ca. 104 
(108) for an undescribed Mexican species related to P. alba 
Nutt. represent both the lowest and the highest numbers 
known in the genus. Basic numbers were equally as variable. 
The species are separable into a primary aneuploid series 
with basic numbers of x — 6(12), 7(14), 8, and 10, and a 
secondary basic series of x — 15, 17, and 23. Probably the 
closely related P. cruciata L. and P. chapmanii T. & G. with 
^ — 18 and 36, respectively, represent species in still an- 
other series of x — 9, but until further research reveals the 
existence of species with 9 haploid chromosomes or until 
some other evidence is presented, all species having chro- 
mosome multiples of 6 are grouped in the x = 6(12) line. 

Common to species in the sections Monninopsis and 
Timutua, the basic number of x — 17 includes about 30% 
of the species studied. The tetraploid species are slightly 
more common than the diploids. The basic number of x = 6 
was also shared by species in these sections. Species with 
x = T are distributed in 3 sections, Eurhinotropis, Hebe- 
clada, and Timutua, which illustrates a greater degree of 
morphological diversity than do species of other basic series 
in eastern North America. The x — 8 and 10 lines are repre- 
sented by one species each in the sections Monninopsis and 

Since at least 4 primary basic numbers are reported for 
Polygala, the secondary dibasic and tribasic lines may have 
arisen in a number of ways. The x — 15 group, common to 
2 species in the section Microthrix, could have formed from 
species with » — 7 and 8 or, providing stronger evidence 
is found for the existence of an x — 9 series, 6 and 9 chro- 
mosomes. In view of the chromosomal diversity recorded 
by this small sample, it is not inconceivable that these species 
are unibasic polyploids at the 6x and 12z levels of an x = 5 

106 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

series. There is less doubt that the x — 17 series is of 
dibasie origin and it may have formed by hybridization of 
species with 7 and 10 or 8 and 9 haploid chromosomes. The 
single species with x = 23, P. nuttallii T. & G., is most prob- 
ably of tribasic origin and numerous combinations exist in 
species of the same section to give the necessary chromo- 
somal complement. Without experimental evidence and 
with only limited counts in the genus as a whole, it is far 
too speculative at the present time to suggest definite 
origins for the secondary lines. 

The levels and frequencies of ploidy exhibited by the 24 
North American species are summarized as follows: pri- 
mary diploids, 5% ; secondary diploids, 21% ; primary poly- 
ploids, 5396; and secondary polyploids, 21%. Since the 
secondary diploids are probably all amphidiploids, this gives 
a total polyploid frequency of 95% or a markedly higher 
one than the average of 30-35% estimated for the angio- 
sperms in general (Stebbins, 1938). These data are tabu- 
lated in Table 3 by basie chromosome number, except that 
species no. 4 (Table 2) is omitted. 


Although the total number of species studied is only 39, 
it is sufficiently large to show the importance of polyploidy 
in addition to hybridization and aneuploidy in the phylogeny 
of Polygala. The numerical modifications have been so 
extensive, however, that they have obscured the original 
chromosome number of the genus. The most frequent num- 
ber, x = 17, can be derived from several primary lines and 
gives no direct evidence of the composition of the original 
complement. The numbers of x — 7, 8, 9, and 10, in four 

Figures 1-16. Chromosomes of Polygala, drawn with the aid of a camera lucida at 
X 2300 reduced by ca. 1/3 in reproduction. Fig. 1. P. alba, n — 12, Lewis 5537; fig. 
2. P. chapmanii, n — 36, Lewis 5690; fig. 3. P. cruciata, n — 18, Lewis 5692; fig. 4. P. 
curtissii, n —20 (1 side of metaphase II), Kral 13817; fig. 5. P. grandiflora, n = 14, 
Lewis 5680; fig. 6. P. scoparia, 2n = 16, Lewis 5753; fig. T. P. mariana, n = 17, Lewis 
5625; fig. 8. P. nana, n = 34, Lewis 5654; fig. 9. P. nuttallii, n = 23, Kral 13791; fig. 
10. P. polygama var. obtusata, m — 28, Lewis 5621; fig. 11. P. praetervisa, n = 48 
(as 46u-+1m1+11), Lewis 5667; fig. 12. P. ramosa, n = 34 (1 side of anaphase I), 
Lewis 5691; fig. 13. P. reducta, 2n = 30, Lewis 5757; fig. 14. P. rugelii, n = 34, Lewis 
5681; fig. 15. P. scoparioides, n = 17, Lewis 5545; fig. 16. P. verticillata var. isocycla, 
n = 17 (1 side of metaphase II), Lewis 5628. 


Lewis and Davis — Polygala 


108 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

other polygalaceous genera are too limited to suggest a 
trend. Even though the series with x — 7 includes just 7 
species, they are native to Asia, Europe, and North America, 
to give in total the most extensive distribution of any series. 
In addition, these species are classified in 5 sections and 
represent the most diverse morphology of any series. Fur- 
ther research may suggest a different conclusion, but the 
evidence now available supports « = 7 as the original basic 
number for Polygala and probably for the family. The 
origin of the x — 6 line can be postulated on the basis of 
chromosomal loss and the x — 8, 9(?), and 10 groups by 
chromosomal gain from 7. 

A suggestion of the antiquity of the primary aneuploid 
lines is found in the widespread occurrence of the x = 17 
stock in the modern flora. A majority of the European and 
southeastern North American species now known have this 
number in common. It is reasonable to speculate that the 
species with x = 17 had a single origin and that migration 
around the North Atlantic, when it was effectively possible 
in the early Tertiary (Axelrod, 1960), established the 
group in both continents. Alternately, the number could 
have arisen independently, but the chance of forming a 
derived stock twice with both giving rise to parallel lines 
of descent of about equal significance and success in two 
continents seems much less probable. If the x = 17 series 
had formed in either Europe or North America by the early 
Tertiary, then the basic aneuploid differentiation must have 
occurred in the Cretaceous or earlier. The great antiquity 
of the primary series may account to some extent for the 
loss of most of the diploid species (1 out of 39 species) and 
for the high level of polyploidy reached by the x = 6 (162) 
and 7 (12a) groups. In the secondary aneuploid lines, un- 
questionably of more recent origin, about one-half of the 
North American species are diploids and all polyploids are 

AxELROD, D. I. 1960. The evolution of flowering plants. Evolution 

1962] Lewis and Davis — Polygala 109 

After Darwin. Vol. 1, Evolution of Life. The University of 
Chicago Press. 

Baksay, L. 1956. Cytotaxonomical studies on the flora of Hungary. 
Budapest. Magyor Nem Muz. Evkàn 7: 321-334. 

BLAKE, S. F. 1924. Polygala, in N. Am. Fl. 25: 305-370. 

CONTANDRIOPOULOS, J. 1957. Nouvelle contribution a l'étude caryolo- 
gique des endemiques de la Corse. Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 104: 533-538. 

Covas, G., and B. SCHNACK. 1946. Numero de cromosomas en antó- 
fitas de la región de Cuyo (Republica Argentina). Rev. Argent. 
Agron. 13: 153-166. 

GLENDINNING, D. R. 1955. La cytologie de Polygala chamaeburus L. 
Bull. Soc. Neuchatel. Sci. Nat. 78: 161-167. 

1960. Cytology of Polygala. Nature 188: 604- 


HAGERUP, O. 1932. Uber Polyploidie in Beziehung zu Klima, 
Okologie und Phylogenie Chromosomenzahlen aus Timbuktu. 
Hereditas 16: 19-40. 

LARSEN, K. 1956. Chromosome studies in some Mediterranean and 
South European flowering plants. Bot. Not. 109: 293-307. 

1959. On the cytological pattern of the genus Polygala. 
Bot. Not. 112: 369-371. 

LóvE, A., and D. LóvE. 1944. Cyto-taxonomical studies on boreal 
plants. III. Some new chromosome numbers of Scandinavian 
plants. Ark. Bot. 31A: 1-22. 

MANGENOT, S., and G. MANGENOT. 1957. Nombres chromosomiques 
nouveaux chez diverses dicotylédones et monocotylédones d'Afrique 
occidentale. Bull. Jard. Bot. Bruxelles 27: 639-654. 

1958. Deuxième liste de nombres 
chromosomiques nouveaux chez diverses dicotylédones et monoco- 
tylédones d'Afrique occidentale. Bull. Jard. Bot. Bruxelles 28: 

MATTICK, T. 1950. in G. Tischler, Die Chromosomenzahlen der 
Gefasspflanzen Mitteleuropas. 'S-Gravenhage, The Netherlands. 

MiEGE, J. 1960. Nombres chromosomiques de plantes d'Afrique 
occidentale. Rev. Cyt. Biol. Vég. 21: 373-384. 

SKALINSKA, M., R. CzaPik, M. PioTrROWICZ, et al. 1959. Further 
studies in chromosome numbers of Polish angiosperms (dicoty- 
ledons). Act. Soc. Bot. Polon. 28: 487-529. 

STEBBINS, G. L. 1938. Cytological characteristics associated with the 
different growth habits in the dicotyledons. Am. Jour. Bot. 25: 

SUZUKA, O. 1950. Chromosome numbers in pharmaceutical plants. I. 
Rep. Kihara Inst. Biol. Res. 4:57-58. 

WurrrF, H. D. 1938. Chromoscmenstudien an der Schleswig-Hol- 
steinischen Angiospermen-Flora II. Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 56: 

110 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

Table 1. Chromosome numbers reported for the Old World Polygala. 

Taxon n 2n Author 
P. myrtifolia L. 19 is Larsen (1959) 
P. myrtifolia L. e. ca. 38 Glendinning (1960) 
P. triflora L. 19 "x Hagerup (1932) 
P. virgata Thunb. var. 

speciosa (Sims) Chod. D. 38 Larsen (1959) 
P. japonica Houtt. D. 42 Suzuka (1950) 
P. alpestris Rchb. 17 ca. 34 Glendinning (1960) 
P. alpina Perr. & Song. + ca. 34 Glendinning (1960) 
P. amara L. 14 EM Baksay (1956) 
P. amara L. subsp. 

amarella Cr. 17 34 Glendinning (1960) 
P. amara L. subsp. 

brachyptera (Chod.) Hay. . . 28 Skalinska et al. (1959) 
P. calcarea Schultz 17 34 Glendinning (1960) 
P. chamaebuxus L. e. 38 Mattick (1950) 
P. chamaebuxus L. 22,23,24  .. Glendinning (1955) 
P. chamaebuxus L. e. ca. 46 Glendinning (1960) 
P. comosa Schkr. M 28-32 Mattick (1950) 
P. comosa Schkr. e. 28 Larsen (1956) 
P. comosa Schkr. 17 34 Glendinning (1960) 
P. major Jacq. e. 32 Mattick (1950) 
P. nicaensis Risso subsp. 

corsica, Graebn. s 34 Contandriopoulos (1957) 
P. serpyllifolia Hose. 17 34 Glendinning (1960) 
P. vayredae Costa ss 28 Glendinning (1960) 
P. vulgaris L. 24-28 Js Wulff (1938) 
P. vulgaris L. D. ca. 70 Live & Love (1944) 
P. vulgaris L. . . 28,32, ca. 56 Mattick (1950) 
P. vulgaris L. 34 68 Glendinning (1960) 

Table 2. Chromosome numbers for 24 North American species of 

Taxon Gametic 
Number (n) Voucher 
Section Eurhinotropis 
P. tweedyi Britt. ca. 14 TEXAS. San Patricio Co., 2.1 miles NW 
of Mathis, Lewis & Jones 5583 (1).° 
Section Hebeclada 

P. grandiflora Walt. 14 FLORIDA. Glades Co., 8.6 miles SE of 
Palmdale, Lewis 5680 (3). 

1962] Lewis and Davis — Polygala 111 

Taxon Gametic 
Number (n) 

Section Microthrix 

P. ovatifolia Gray 28-30" 

P. reducta Blake 
P. scoparia HBK. 

P. scoparioides Chod, 

P. sp. (Ll) 

Section Timutua 
P. alba Nutt. 

P. boykinii Nutt. ca. 

P. chapmanii T. & G. 

P. cruciata L. 

P. curtissii Gray 

P. lutea L. 

P. mariana Mill. 

P. nana (Michx.) DC. 














TEXAS. San Patricio Co., 2.1 miles NW 
of Mathis, Lewis & Jones 5586 (1). 
NUEVO LEON. 15.2 miles E of Hwys. 57 
and 60 junction, Lewis 5757 (2). 
NUEVO LEON. 11 miles E of Hwys. 57 
and 60 junction, Lewis 5753 (4). 
TEXAS. Brewster Co. Big Bend Na- 
tional Park, Chisos Mts., Lewis 5545 
(1); Panther Junction, Lewis 5466 

NUEVO LEON. 9.9 miles E of Hwys. 57 
and 60 junction, Lewis 5746 (1, US). 

TEXAS. Brewster Co., Big Bend Na- 
tional Park, Lewis & Oliver 5455 (2); 
Culberson Co., North McKittrick Can- 
yon, Lewis 5537 (2). 

FLORIDA. Dade Co., Homestead, Lewis 
$676 (1). 

MISSISSIPPI. Hancock Co., 0.5 miles W 
of St. Louis Bay & Hwy. 90, Lewis 
5690 (2). 

MISSISSIPPI. Hancock Co., 6.2 miles 
ENE of Pearl River and Hwy. 90, 
Lewis 5692 (3); viRGINIA. Brunswick 
Co. 10.5 miles WNW of Emporia, 
Kral 13633 (2, VPI). 

VIRGINIA. Southampton Co., 8 miles E 
of Emporia, Kral 13817 (2, VPI). 
MISSISSIPPI. Hancock Co., 0.5 miles W 
of St. Louis Bay and Hwy. 90, Lewis 
5689 (1). 

TEXAS. Hardin Co., Kountze Lookout 
Tower, Lewis 5629 (2); Jasper Co., 50 
yds. S of Hwys. 96 and 1004 junction, 
Lewis 5625 (1); Polk Co., 3 miles SW 
of Barnum, Lewis 5633 (2); San Au- 
gustine Co., 0.7 miles SW of Boykin 
Spring entrance and Hwy. 68, Lewis 
& Oliver 5511 (1). 

FLORIDA. Citris Co., 0.4 miles N of 
Citris Co.-Hernando Co. line and Hwy. 
19, Lewis 5654 (2); TEXAS. Jasper Co., 

112 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

Taxon Gametic Voucher 
Number (n) 
50 yds. S of Hwys. 96 and 1004 junc- 
tion, Lewis 5623 (2) ; Newton Co., 4.7 
miles S of Newton, Lewis 5619. 

P. nuttallii T. & G. 23 VIRGINIA. Nansemond Co., N of Cle- 
opus, Kral 13791 (1, VPI). 
P. polygama Walt. 28 TENNESSEE. Polk Co. 1 mile N of 
var. polygama Hwys. 64 and 30 junction, Lewis 5640 
P. polygama Walt. 28 GEORGIA. Henry Co. 10 miles N of 
var. obtusata Chod. Griffen, Lewis 3648 (3); TEXAS. Har- 

din Co., 1.4 miles SE of Votaw, Lewis 
5631 (2); Newton Co., 2.5 miles N of 
Burkeville, Lewis 5616 (1), 2.8 miles 
S of Newton, Lewis 5621 (1). 

P. praetervisa Chod. 48 FLORIDA. Monroe Co., Big Pine Key, 
Lewis 5667 (1). 
P. ramosa Ell. 34 MISSISSIPPI. Hancock Co., 6.2 miles 

ENE of Pearl River and Hwy. 90, 
Lewis 5691 (4). 

P. rugelii Shuttlw. 34 FLORIDA. Glades Co., 8.6 miles SE of 
Palmdale, Lewis 5681 (1). 

P. verticillata L. 17 TEXAS. Hardin Co., Kountze Lookout 

var. isocycla Fern. Tower, Lewis 5628 (3); Nocogdoches 

Co., 0.6 miles E of Martinsville, Lewis 
5723 (1); Panola Co., 2.3 miles NE of 
Pinehill, Lewis 5720 (2). 

P. sp. (2)” ca. 42" NUEVO LEON. 11 miles E of Hwys. 57 
and 60 junction, Lewis 5754 (1, US). 

P. sp. (83)* ca. 36 OAXACA. N of Huaguapan de Leon, 
Oliver 136 (1, US). 

P. sp. (4)" 52-54" COAHUILA. 3.1 miles N of Los Llanos, 
Lewis 5728 (2, US). 

P. sp. (4) ca. 52° NUEVO LEON. 15.2 miles E of Hwys. 57 

and 60 junction, Lewis 5755 (1, US). 

aBased on the somatic number of premeiotic cells. 
"Probably represent new species to be discussed in a subsequent paper. 
*Number of plants examined for the chromosome number. 

Table 3. Basic chromosome numbers and levels of ploidy with numbers 
of species by sections for 23 North American species of Polygala. 

Basic Ploidy Number of Section 
number species 
x=6 Ax 2 Monninopsis, Timutua 

6x 1 Timutua 

1962] Uttal — Aster Herveyi 113 

12x 2 Timutua 
16x 1 Timutua 
x= 4a 3 Eurhinotropis, Hebeclada, Timutua 
8x 1 Timutua 
12x 1 Timutua 
2-8 2x 1 Monninopsis 
x = 10 4x 1 Timutua 
x = 15 2x 1 Microthrix 
Ax 1 Microthrix 
2=17 2x 8 Monninopsis, Timutua 
4x 4 Timutua 
x = 23 2x 1 Timutua 


Long suspected to be a hybrid between Aster spectabilis 
Ait. and A. macrophyllus L.1, A. Herveyi Gray can now be 
reported as so in fact. The putative parents have been 
artificially crossed and resulting progeny compare satisfac- 
torily with naturally occurring A. Herveyi. Subsequent 
reference to this plant will be as A. X Herveyi Gray. 

A. spectabilis is a coastal plain species from Massachu- 
setts to South Carolina?*. A. macrophyllus is a species of the 
eastern North American upland. The two are allopatric 
except in a few counties of southeastern New England and 
eastern Long Island. Here the two ranges impinge ecologi- 
cally and physiographicall, and here occur the hybrid 
swarms of A. X Herveyi. A specimen from Plainfield, New 
Jersey collected in 1909, now in the New York Botanical 
Garden Herbarium, indicates that sympatry between the 
parent species existed in parts of the New York metropoli- 
tan area before its development. 

A. spectabilis and A. macrophyllus are both present in the 

1Fernald, M. L. 1950. Gray’s Manual of Botany, 8th. Ed.: 1430. 
?Southern limit based on information from North Carolina herbaria. (Harry E. 

Ahles, pers. com.) 

114 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

vicinity of Sag Harbor, Suffolk County, Long Island. A. X 
Herveyi occurs here in colonies among which there is a 
central clone of robust plants surrounded by smaller clones 
of plants of diminishing stature. Apparently introgressive 
clones occur consisting of plants intermediate between the 
hybrid and either of the parents. These can not be assigned 
satisfactorily to any category involved. Marked variation 
in vegetative vigor is evidenced by different clones in sim- 
ilar sites. The hybrid swarms of Long Island are similar to 
those on the mainland as reported by Hervey*. 

The intermediate nature of the hybrid is most graphically 
manifested by the basal leaves and the similar ones of the 
characteristic vegetative tufts. In A. macrophyllus, these 
leaves are quite large, ovate, serrate or crenate, cordate, and 
long-petioled. In A. spectabilis, comparative leaves are 
much smaller, lanceolate to narrowly ovate or obovate, entire 
or remotely serrate, the blade tissue gradually tapering to 
the short petiole. In A. X Herveyi, these leaves are vari- 
ously intermediate in size, broad to narrowly ovate, serrate 
or crenate, with the blade rounded to the petiole. The blade 
is sometimes subcordate or cordate, in which case, blades 
with rounded bases are prevalent on neighboring plants. 

Characters of the A. macrophyllus parent seem to pre- 
dominate in the hybrid: leaf serration, naked petioles, 
usually appressed involucral bracts. Perhaps for this reason, 
extremes of A. macrophyllus have, on occasion, been called 
A. Herveyi. 

Sometimes the squarrosity of the involucral bracts of 
A. spectabilis comes through slightly in hybrids. In such 
cases, it tends to be accompanied by the deep purple-blue 
and long rays characteristic of A. spectabilis. 

The A. spectabilis parent used in the artificial crossing 
experiment originated in Riverhead, Suffolk County, Long 
Island, New York. The A. macrophyllus parent, of the typi- 
cal variety, originated from Main Top Mountain, Amherst 
County, Virginia. Crossings were made in my garden in 
Madison Heights, Virginia. The A. spectabilis was planted 

*?Hervey, E. W. 1916. Rhodora 18: 183-184. 

1962] Uttal — Aster Herveyi 115 


PLATE 1267. Representative leaves from the vegetative tufts of synthetic A. X 
Herveyi. The range of naturally occurring variation is artificially duplicated. 

116 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

in the ground while the A. macrophyllus was kept in a pot 
for mobility. Both were kept in individual cheesecloth tents 
to prevent entomophilous contamination of heads. 

Working on the presumption that both putative parents 
are self-incompatible (other Aster species tested are’, and 
populations of parent species are characteristic of out- 
breeders), flower heads of both were pressed together to 
effect pollination. These heads produced abundant plump 
achenes. Certain heads not pollinated and left to themselves 
produced only shriveled achenes. 

Ripe achenes were sown in flats kept outdoors over winter. 
Sprouting was sparse in late fall; abundant the following 
April. Eight F, plants bloomed the first fall (1961) and 
were made into herbarium sheets. Seven of these, with a 
sheet each of the parents, were sent to the Gray Herbarium 
for preservation. An eighth F, sheet was sent to the New 
York Botanical Garden Herbarium. Many additional F, 
plants, vegetative in 1961, are expected to bloom in 1962. 
Specimens of these can be supplied upon request. 

The high degree of variation prevailing in progeny 
resulting from multiple crossings of the same parents 
indicates highly complicated parental genetic makeup. This 
is in keeping with the extensive variability of the parents, 
especially of A. macrophyllus. 

Tests of F, seed will have to wait another season. Obser- 
vations from the field indicate F, fertility is impaired. 

For a genus with so many sympatric outbreeding species, 
in an era of so much disturbed habitat, Aster has a remark- 
able paucity of described hybrids. This is an area meriting 
closer inspection; perhaps it is the key to better under- 
standing of certain “difficult” taxa. 

To the venerable naturalist of Orient, New York, Mr. 
Roy Latham, for introducing me to the Long Island hybrid 
swarms, and for supplying me with A. spectabilis; to Dr. 
Reed C. Rollins, Director of the Gray Herbarium, for 
verifying my work, to Mr. Joseph Monachino, of the New 

4Fryxell, P. A. 1957. Bot. Review 23(3): 169. 

1962] Dahl — Cordilleran Species 117 

York Botanical Garden, and Dr. Harry E. Ahles, of the 
University of North Carolina Herbarium, for valued assis- 
tance, I express my sincere appreciation. 




Since the work of Fernald (1925) the cordilleran species 
in eastern North America have attracted considerable atten- 
tion. With increasing exploration, expecially of the formerly 
little-known areas around Hudson Bay and the Canadian 
Arctic Archipelago, many species previously considered as 
cordilleran disjuncts have been shown to have a more or 
less continuous area across the continent (Raymond, 1950). 
Many of the remaining cordilleran disjuncts are serpen- 
tinicolous species, halophilous species or species with adap- 
tations to long-distance dispersal (light wind-dispersed 
spores or seeds, hooks on the fruits, etc.). Only a very 
limited list of species with no adaptations to long-distance 
dispersal remains as cordilleran disjuncts and it will be 
shown below that the records of three of them are based 
upon misidentifications. 

1. Agrostis rossae Vasey was reported from Newfound- 
land at Bonne Bay by Fernald (1933 p. 203) based on a 
specimen collected by K. P. Jansson. The specimen is kept 
in the Gray Herbarium and consists of two culms, 18 and 20 
cm. high, and attached basal tufts of leaves, the leaves being 
about 1 mm. broad. Dead leaves from the previous year 
testify the plant to be perennial thus corresponding to the 
Rocky Mountain A. variabilis Rydb., the name A. rossae 
Vasey being reserved for an annual plant restricted to hot 
springs in Yellowstone Park, Wyoming (Chase 1950 p. 342 
and 346). The panicle is narrow, almost spikelike, with 

1Contribution from the Herbarium of the University of Colorado Museum. 

118 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

spikelets near the base of the lower branches. In these 
characters the Newfoundland plant compares well with 
Rocky Mountain A. variabilis. 

However, in some important characters the Newfoundland 
plant differs from A. variabilis. Most important is the 
presence of a palea a little more than half the length of the 
lemma, while in true A. variabilis the palea is minute or 
absent. In the Newfoundland plant the ligule on the culm 
leaves is 0.3-0.4 mm. long and on the sterile shoots about 0.6 
mm. and rather transversely cut. In Rocky Mountain A. 
variabilis the ligule of the culm leaves is 1.3-2.0 mm. long, 
somewhat acute and continuing downwards as a hyaline 
margin of the sheath. Thus it is evident that the Newfound- 
land plant neither belongs to A. variabilis nor to A. rossae 
s. str. 

In the characters of the palea and the ligule the New- 
foundland plant compares well with the European A. tenuis 
Sibth. and it was found in an area where a European ele- 
ment in the flora is strongly pronounced. Lindroth (1957) 
has shown how many of these species became introduced 
during the early fishing trade between Europe and New- 
foundland. A. tenuis is a highly variable species, usually 
with a more spreading panicle and higher culms than the 
Newfoundland plant, but the Newfoundland specimen comes 
well within the range of variation in these respects of the 
European A. tenuis. 

2. Carex filifolia Nutt. was recorded by Delabarre (1902 
p. 192) from Nachvak in Labrador, the identification being 
accredited to Fernald. The specimen is kept in the herbar- 
ium of Brown University, R. I. The material consists of two 
culms, 10 and 13 em. high, with no leaves or rooting parts 
attached, and carry spikes about 1 cm. long with an upper 
staminate part and a lower pistillate part. The pistillate 
flowers are badly infected by smut; no intact perigynia are 

Two species come in question for identification of the 
scanty material, the cordilleran C. filifolia Nutt. and the 
cireumpolar C. rupestris All; the latter is well known to 

1962] Dahl — Cordilleran Species 119 

occur in Labrador. The culms are slightly higher than 
average for C. rupestris in the area, but well within the 
range of variation of the species. The best character 
separating the two species is that the perigynia are hairy 
in C. filifolia and glabrous in C. rupestris. The hairs on the 
perigynia may sometimes be seen even in smut-infected 
flowers of C. filifolia; no such hairs were observed in the 
Nachvak plant, but this is not entirely reliable. There are, 
however, other indications that the Labrador plant belongs 
to C. rupestris rather than to C. filifolia. 

a. In C. filifolia the lower pistillate bracts are gibbous at 
base forming a broad sac, and the bracts have a very wide 
hyaline margin only the central part being brownish. In 
C. rupestris and the Nachvak specimen the lower pistillate 
bracts are not gibbous at base and are brown over most of 
the area. 

b. In C. rupestris and the Nachvak specimen the upper 
part of the culm is sharply triangular, often with scabrosely 
toothed margins and also in the middle and lower part of the 
culm the triangular outline can be seen. In C. filifolia the 
culms are round or very obtusely triangular and rarely 
scabrosely toothed. 

c. The smut on the specimen has been examined by Dr. 
D. S. O. Savile, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, who 
writes: “Smut is Cintractia caricis (Pers.) Magn. affin. v. 
caricis closely matching many specimens on C. rupestris 
including Ungava peninsula. Smut on C. filifolia is quite 

Thus, it is almost certain that the collection from Nachvak 
in Labrador belongs to C. rupestris and can on no account, 
with confidence, be assigned to C. filifolia. 

9. Polygonum bistortoides Pursh has been recorded from 
southwestern Newfoundland by Fernald (1950 p. 580). The 
Specimen was collected by A. S. Pease and M. S. Edgerton 
on July 10th, 1939 in rills and open meadows in the Cape 
Anguille Mts., Millville, and is kept in the Gray Herbarium. 
It consists of four basal leaves with no fruiting or flower- 
ing stems and does not look very similar to material of 

120 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

P. bistortoides collected in the Rocky Mountains. The leaves 
are long, 16-22 cm. with long stipes, 12-22 cm. Such long 
leaves can sometimes be found also in the Rocky Mountains. 
A comparison of leaves of the same length from the Rocky 
Mountains with the collection from Newfoundland gives a 
number of significant differences which can be summarized 

as follows: 

Polygonum bistortoides 
Rocky Mountains 

Leaves (2)3-4(4.5) cm. broad. 
Central nerve 0.5-2(3) mm. broad, 

First order sidenerves 0.4-1.4 cm. 
Epidermis even, hairy or pruinose 

Microscopic circular glands on the 

Marginal leaf-cells longitudinally 
oriented, brown, with narrow lu- 

*Polygonum bistortoides" 

Leaves 2-3 cm. broad. 

Central nerve 2-3.5 mm. broad, 
showing a number of separate 
vascular bundles. 

First order sidenerves 1.5-2 cm. 

Epidermis scabrosely papillose or 
wrinkled, neither hairy nor pru- 

Glands lacking. 

Marginal leaf-cells isodiametric, 
hyaline, margin finely dented or 

mina, margin smooth, curving eroded, plane. 


Thus it is evident that the Newfoundland collection does 
not belong to P. bistortoides. In all characters outlined above 
it compares better with a species of Rumex, particularly of 
the group Avillares. Especially the characters of the central 
nerve and the leaf margin serve to discriminate between the 
two genera. It is not easy to assign the material to any 
particular species of Rumex although Rumex pallidus might 
be a good guess. 

I am indebted to the curator of the Gray Herbarium and 
to Professor Church, Brown University, R. I. for loan of 
specimens, to Dr. D. S. O. Savile, Ottawa for identification 
of a smut and to Dr. W. A. Weber, University of Colorado 
for placing herbarium facilities at my disposal and for 
stimulating discussions. — AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE OF NOR- 

1962] Hermann — Bryophyte Flora 121 


CHASE, A. 1950. Manual of the grasses of the United States by A. S. 
Hitchcock, 2nd ed. Washington. 

DELABARRE, E. B. 1902. Report of the Brown-Harvard expedition to 
Nachvak, Labrador in the year 1900. Bull. Geogr. Soc. of Phila- 
delphia 3: 65-212. 

FERNALD, M. L. 1925. Persistence of plants in unglaciated areas of 
Boreal America. Mem. Am. Acad. 15(3) : 237-342. 

1933. Recent discoveries in the Newfoundland flora. 

Rhodora 35: 1-16, 47-63, 80-107, 120-140, 161-185, 230-247, 265-283. 

1950. Gray's Manual of Botany, 8th ed. New York. 

LINDROTH, C. H. 1957. The faunal connections between Europe and 
North America. New York. 

RAYMOND, M. 1950. Esquisse phytogéographique du Québec. Mem. 
Montreal Bot. Gard. 5: 1-147. 



The Keweenaw Peninsula, on Lake Superior in northern- 
most Michigan, became botanically renowned with the pub- 
lication in 1935 of Fernald’s paper, Critical Plants of the 
Upper Great Lakes Region of Ontario and Michigan (2). 
In this paper Professor Fernald discussed at length an 
impressive assemblage of species among the vascular plants, 
known principally from the Rocky Mountains and the Pacific 
coast but occurring also in isolated colonies on the Keweenaw 
Peninsula and a few other restricted areas, possibly unglaci- 
ated during the Pleistocene, far east of their principal range. 

In 1937 and 1938 Dr. W. C. Steere published noteworthy 
papers on the bryophytes of the Keweenaw Peninsula (10, 
11) in which he pointed out that many of the mosses and 
hepatics occurring on the Peninsula paralleled the disjunct 
distribution of the Cordilleran, Pacific coast and arctic 
vascular plants enumerated by Fernald. Western and arctic 

1Forest Service Herbarium, Division of Range, Wildlife Habitat and Recreation 
Research, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. 

122 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

elements in the flora of Isle Royale (which is also part of 
Keweenaw County) have likewise been known as a result 
of Ruthven’s ecological survey (7) and of a fairly recent 
survey of the bryophytes of the island (13), in which 
account was taken of earlier reports by Holt (6) and 
Cooper (1). 

That the bryophyte flora of Keweenaw is still incompletely 
known, however, was pointed out by Steere and was attested 
by the results of a few days’ collecting by the writer around 
Copper Harbor, on the peninsula, and Rock Harbor, on the 
island, during August 1960. Because the bryophytes of 
Michigan as a whole (12), and of the Isle Royale and the 
Keweenaw Peninsula in particular, are comparatively well- 
documented it seems worth while to record here the few 
additions (which include three genera new to the State) 
to the known flora that turned up in 1960. 

The writer is grateful to Howard Crum and Margaret 
Fulford for help in the identification of critical species, and 
to A. LeRoy Andrews he is indebted for determination of 
the Sphagnum and Bryum. Robert R. Ireland kindly gave 
permission to include the record of his collection of Tricho- 
don cylindricus made in 1961. 

Species new to the flora of Michigan, based on Steere, 1947 
(12), are indicated in the following list with an asterisk. 
All of the species listed, with the exception of Andreaea 
rupestris, are new to either the Keweenaw Peninsula or Isle 
Royale according to the most recent reports ( 12,13). Speci- 
mens have been deposited in the U. S. National Herbarium, 
Washington, D. C. and duplicates in the herbarium of either 
the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor or Michigan State 
University, East Lansing, and the National Herbarium of 


Lophozia quadriloba (Lindl.) Evans. On conglomerate shore of Lake 
Superior at edge of woods, Copper Harbor, 16354. Although this 
species is not included in the most recent list (12) of Michigan bryo- 
phytes, it has been subsequently reported from Copper Harbor by 
Schuster (8) in his account of Minnesota hepatics. 

1962] Hermann — Bryophyte Flora 123 

Andreaea rupestris Hedw. On granitic outcrop, Mt. Bohemia, just 
west of Lac La Belle, 16218. This moss is not new to either the Kewee- 
naw Peninsula or Isle Royale but additional records are noted here 
because of its rarity in the State. As pointed out by Steere (10) it has 
previously been known in. Michigan from only a single locality on Isle 
Royale and from one each in Keweenaw and Marquette Counties. 

Encalypta procera Bruch. Abundant on conglomerate bluff at edge 
of woods along Mandan Road (US 41), 1 mile south of Copper Harbor, 
16236. (Determination verified by Seville Flowers). The geographical 
distribution of this species is given by Flowers (3) as “Alaska to 
Montana, Idaho and Washington. Common in British Columbia. Also 
in Ontario, Greenland, Northern Europe and Asia." It was reported 
from Isle Royale by Cooper (1), however, in 1913. 

Heterocladium squarrulosum (Voit) Lindb. Base of gneiss outcrop 
near shore of Lake Superior, Copper Harbor, 16151; moist conglom- 
erate slope, gorge of Manganese River, 1% mile south of Copper Harbor, 
16163. Apparently the only previous Michigan record for this species 
is from the Porcupine Mountains, Ontonagon County. 

*Oreoweisia serrulata (Funck) De Not. On moss-covered crest of 
conglomerate shore of Lake Superior, Devil's Washtub, 115 miles west 
of Copper Harbor, 16133; crevice in conglomerate shore of Lake Supe- 
rior, Fort Wilkins, Copper Harbor, 16225. Also occurring on Isle 
Royale as noted below. Although Grout (5) refers to this moss as 
being a rare plant in North America (and a calciphile), unlike most 
of the other Keweenaw novelties it is not predominantly western or 
arctic in its distribution but is known also from eastern North America 
and in the mountains as far south as Tennessee and Kentucky. 

Orthotrichum sordidum Lesq. & James. On trunk of sugar maple in 
woods near Lake Manganese, 1 mile south of Copper Harbor, 16101; 
on trunk of ash, Silver Creek, 412 miles east of Eagle Harbor, 16138. 

"Trichodon cylindricus (Hedw.) Schimp. (Ditrichum cylindricum 
(Hedw.) Grout). On soil along road up Mt. Bohemia, alt. 867 ft., 
just west of Lac La Belle, R. R. Ireland, Jr. 5364, Aug. 21, 1961 (US). 
This is another farwestern species which is evidently a glacial relic in 
Michigan. Grout (5) gives its range as “western North America, 
Yukon to Montana, Nevada and Washington." 

"Trichostomum tenuirostre (Hook. & Tayl.) Lindb. (T. cylindricum 
(Bruch) C. Muell) Moist crevices in conglomerate shore of Lake 
Superior, Fort Wilkins, Copper Harbor, 16118. An earlier, but evi- 
dently unreported collection, from Keweenaw County by W. C. Steere 
and A. J. Sharp was recently noted in the University of Michigan 
Herbarium by Mrs. Jennie Dieterle and called to the writer's atten- 
tion. It was collected on Mt. Bohemia, September 1, 1937. Like 
Oreoweisia this is a species of widespread distribution, occurring as 
far south as the mountains of North Carolina and Arizona. 

124 Rhodora [Vol. 64 


Cephaloziella striatula (Jens.) Douin. With Lophozia ventricosa 
on vertical face of saturated tussock of Scirpus caespitosus in rock 
pool, Scoville Point, 1632542. Not recorded from Michigan in Steere's 
list (12), and ascribed only to Greenland, Alaska, British Columbia 
and Europe by Frye and Clark (4), but Schuster (8) reports the 
species (as C. subdentata Warnst.) from Minnesota, Michigan (Che- 
boygan County), Maine, New Hampshire and New York. 

Scapania paludicola Loeske & K. Muell. In bed of Empetrum at edge 
of rock pool, Scoville Point, 16328%. 

Amblystegium serpens (Hedw.) BSG. On conglomerate near shore 
of Rock Harbor, 16261. 

Andreaea rupestris Hedw. On vertical face of basalt boulder along 
trail to Scoville Point, 16325; on basalt boulder along trail to Hidden 
Lake, 16333. Previously known on Isle Royale only from Passage 
Island (13). 

Anomodon attenuatus (Hedw.) Hiiben. In shallow cave below Mon- 
ument Rock, 1634512. It seems remarkable that no species of this 
usually very common genus has previously been reported from the 

Bryum cuspidatum (BSG.) Schimp. Crevice in trap rock shore of 
Rock Harbor, 16281. A questioned report of B. affine (Bruch.) Lindb. 
in Thorpe and Povah’s list (13) might be referable to B. cuspidatum. 

Calliergon giganteum (Schimp.) Kindb. On Thuja log near Hidden 
Lake, 16335. 

Cynodontium schistii (Wahl.) Lindb. On vertical face of boulder in 
shade, Monument Rock, 16349. 

Dichodontium pellucidum (Hedw.) Schimp. Crevice in trap rock 
shore of Rock Harbor, 16275. 

Grimmia alpicola Hedw. On trap rock shore of Rock Harbor, 16262 
and 16282. Only var. rivularis Brid. has been previously recorded 
from Isle Royale. 

Grimmia apocarpa Hedw. var. stricta (Turn.) Mitt. Extensive mat on 
trap rock shore of Rock Harbor, 16260. Only the typical form of the 
species has been reported from Isle Royale, although G. ambigua and G. 
conferta, also reported, are now commonly treated as additional 
varieties of the polymorphic G. apocarpa. 

Mnium punctatum L, var. elatum Schimp. Crevice in conglomerate 
shore of Rock Harbor, 16273. The variety has not been previously 
reported from the island. 

Oreoweisia serrulata (Funck) De Not. On trap rock shore of Rock 
Harbor, 16280. 

Orthotrichum obtusifolium Brid. On trunk of aspen, upper shore of 
Rock Harbor, 16274 and 16284; on trunk of mountain ash, trail to 
Scoville Point, 16324. 

1962] Hermann — Bryophyte Flora 125 

Orthotrichum sordidum Lesq. & James. On trunk of aspen, shore of 
Rock Harbor, 1627312. 

Pylaisia selwynii Kindb. On trunk of aspen, trail to Scoville Point, 

Rhytidium rugosum (Hedw.) Kindb. In bed of Empetrum at edge 
of rock pool, Scoville Point, 16331. 

Sphagnum dusenii C. Jens. In Chamaedaphne bog, Raspberry Island, 

Tortella fragilis (Drumm.) Limpr.? Crevices in trap rock shore of 
Rock Harbor, Scoville Point, 16315. 


1. Cooper, W. S. 1913. A list of mosses collected upon Isle Royale, 
Lake Superior. Bryologist 16: 3-8. 

2. FERNALD, M. L. 1935. Critical plants of the upper Great Lakes 
region of Ontario and Michigan. Rhodora 37: 197-222, 238-262, 
272-301, 324-341 

3. FLOWERS, S. 1938. Encalyptaceae, in A. J. Grout: Moss Flora of 
North America 1: 137-145. 

4. FRYE, T. C. and L. CLARK. 1937-1947. Hepaticae of North 
America. Univ. of Washington Publ. Biol. 6:1-1022. Seattle, 

5. GRoUT, A. J. 1928-1940. Moss Flora of North America, 3 vols. 
Newfane, Vt. 

6. Hott, W. P. 1909. Notes on the vegetation of Isle Royale, Michi- 
gan. Rep. Mich. Geol. Surv. 1908: 217-248. 

7. RUTHEVEN, A. G. 1906. An ecological survey in the Porcupine 
Mountains and Isle Royale, Michigan. Ann. Rep. Geol. Survey 
Mich. 1905. 

8. SCHUSTER, R. M. 1953. Boreal Hepaticae, a manual of liverworts 
of Minnesota and adjacent regions. Am. Midl. Nat. 49: 257-684. 

9. STEERE, W. C. 1937. Bryophytes of the Porcupine Mountains, 
Ontonagon County, Michigan. Pap. Mich. Acad. 22: 183-200. 

10. . 1987. Critical bryophytes from the Keweenaw 
Peninsula, Michigan. Rhodora 39: 1-14, 33-46. 

11. . 1938. Critical bryophytes from the Keweenaw 
Peninsula, Michigan, II. Ann. Bryol. 11:145-152. 

12. . 1947. The bryophyte flora of Michigan. Pap. 

Mich. Acad. I. 31: 33-56. 
18. THORPE, F. J. and A. H. PovaH. 1935. The bryophytes of Isle 
Royale, Lake Superior. Bryologist 38: 32-46. 

*A collection of this species from Alger County (pockets in dry sandstone ledge, 
Pictured Rocks, 9 miles northeast of Munising, 1609115) evidently represents the first 
recorded from that county. 

126 Rhodora [Vol. 64 



Field work in Massachusetts during 1960 and 1961, and 
studies of specimens collected in previous years throughout 
the northeast, have revealed some agarics and pyrenomy- 
cetes which seem worthy of description. The fruiting of 
several other fungi is reported as well in order to extend 
knowledge of their distribution. Two new combinations are 
proposed: Clitocybe morgani (Peck) Bigelow and Phae- 
ostoma sphaerophila (Peck) Barr. 

We wish to express our appreciation to Stanley J. Smith, 
Senior Curator of Botany, New York State Herbarium, and 
to Dr. Clark Rogerson, Curator of Fungi, New York Botan- 
ical Garden, for the opportunity of studying the type mate- 
rial of several of the species discussed. Dr. Alexander H. 
Smith, Director, University of Michigan Herbarium and Dr. 
Kenneth A. Harrison, Research Station, Kentville, Nova 
Scotia have helped in loan of specimens. We gratefully 
acknowledge the financial support of the Faculty Research 
Council, University of Massachusetts. Field work in Massa- 
chusetts during 1958, 1959, and 1960 would not have been 
possible without the assistance of the Council. Our research 
in the fall of 1961 has been supported by National Science 
Foundation Grant G 19534. 

The colors cited in the descriptions of agarics are from 
Ridgway, R. 1912. Color standards and color nomencla- 
ture. Washington, D. C. 


Amanita parcivolvata (Peck) Gilbert, in Bresadola, Icon. Myc. 27, 
suppl. 1: 226. 1941. 

Amanitopsis parcivolvata Peck, Bull. Torrey Club 27: 610. 1900. 

Pileus 5-8.5 em. broad, convex to plane, margin striate, disc shal- 
lowly depressed in age, surface with yellow (“maize yellow", “buff 
yellow”) coating, powdery or somewhat floccose, glabrescent near dise, 

ay. Rhodora 62: 186-198. 1960. Contribution from the Department of Botany, Univer- 
sity of Massachusetts, Amherst. 
?Mrs. Howard E. Bigelow. 

1962] Bigelow and Barr — Fungus Flora 127 

margin appendiculate with yellow-floccose patches at first, soon 
appressed, ground color orange-yellow (“light orange yellow’) or 
darker; flesh thin, firm, concolorous with pileus or paler, odor none, 
taste not known. 

Lamellae free, distant from stipe, close, moderately broad (up to 1 
cm.), light yellow (“massicot yellow”, “straw yellow"), edges dentate 
to crenate from particles of partial veil. 

Stipe 8-15 em. long, 5-10 mm. in diameter at apex, 1-2.5 cm. at base, 
base clavate to subbulbous, fragments of universal veil forming orange- 
yellow floccose patches on base of stipe, whitish beneath, apex and 
median portion of stipe concolorous with lamellae, fibrillose or fur- 
furaceous from remains of partial veil, yellow, powdery to flocculent, 
central, stuffed or hollow. 

Spores 10-13 x 6-8 y, elliptical, smooth, not amyloid, white in mass; 
basidia 32-46 x 8.5-13 u, 4-spored; cystidia: cheilocystidia and pleuro- 
cystidia present but scattered, basidioid to saccate, 15-21 y. in diameter, 
smooth ; pileus tissue: surface often with cells from veil, broadly fusoid 
to cylindrical or saccate, 7.5-50 y, in diameter, walls smooth or slightly 
roughened, thin or slightly thickened, cuticle thin, hyphae cylindrical, 
3-5 y in diameter, trama thin, hyphae cylindrical to inflated, 1.5-11 
u in diameter, clamp connections present, scattered laticiferous hyphae 
present; gill trama bilateral, hyphae cylindrical to inflated, 5.5-15.5 y. 
in diameter. 

Solitary, on soil or humus in open hardwoods of beech, birch, and 

Material examined: Bigelow 9232, D.A.R. State Forest, Goshen, 
Massachusetts, Sept. 1, 1960; 9778, Conway, Sept. 5, 1961; 9956, 
Conway, Oct. 9, 1961. 

A. parcivolvata appears to be typical of a more southern agaric 
flora, but does appear in the northern states in small quantity upon 
occasion. Hesler (1960) has published a photograph of the species. 

Pilát (1954) lists A. parcivolvata as a synonym of Amanita 
muscaria. The two species are quite distinct by the nature of the veils. 
In A. parcivolvata both veils are powdery and very fragile, never 
forming warts or a persistent, membranous annulus as in A. muscaria. 

Cantharellus minor Peck, N. Y. State Cab. Rep. 23: 122. 1872. Plate 

Pileus 5-30 mm. broad, convex at first, becoming plane with a nar- 
rowly decurved margin and the disc slightly depressed, finally infundi- 
buliform with the margin arched and undulate, even, glabrous, 
yellow-orange to orange when moist (“orange”), fading to pale 
orange-buff or pale orange; flesh concolorous with pileus, thin, no 
odor or taste when fresh, at times developing fragrant odor like 
Cantharellus cibarius after drying. 

Lamellae decurrent (unevenly), distant, very narrow, forked, not 

128 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

intervenose, edges even, somewhat thickeed, straight, concolorous with 
the moist pileus (“orange”). 

Stipe 1.5-2.5(-5) em. long, 3-7(-9) mm. thick at the apex, base 
attenuated, central, hollow, glabrous, compressed and furrowed at 

PLATE 1268. Cantharellus minor Peck X 1. 

times, often curved and flexuous, concolorous with moist pileus or 
paler (“deep chrome"), not fading, base slightly more yellowish where 
embedded in humus. 

Spores 6-11.5 x 4-6 u, usually broadly elliptical or elliptical to oblong, 
at times bent on apicular side, smooth, not amyloid, light yellowish- 
orange in mass; basidia (34-)39-65 x 4.5-8.5 u, 4-spored; cystidia not 
differentiated; pileus tissue: light yellow-orange or yellow in KOH, 
pigment dilute in cell contents, cuticle thin and indistinct, hyphae 
mostly cylindrical, 2.5-5.5 u in diameter, tramal hyphae cylindrical 
to inflated, 3-12(-16) u in diameter, clamp connections present; gill 
trama interwoven, hyphae mostly cylindrical, 1.5-4.5 y in diameter. 

Scattered to gregarious, on humus, in open hardwoods, particularly 
of beech and maple. July to August. 

Material examined: Bigelow 3755, Madawaska, Maine, Aug. 2, 1956; 
7015, Amherst, Massachusetts, July 23, 1958; 7080, Amherst, July 24, 
1958; 7229, Amherst, July 30, 1958; 7549, Mt. Tom State Reservation, 
Holyoke, Aug. 19, 1958; 8888, Williamsburg, July 14, 1960; 9052, 
Conway State Forest, Conway, Aug. 9, 1960; 9524, Amherst, July 14, 
1961; 9542, Amherst, July 18, 1961; 9587, Conway State Forest, Con- 
way, July 23, 1961; 9622, Pittsfield- State Forest, Pittsfield, July 26, 

1962] Bigelow and Barr — Fungus Flora 129 

1961; 9632, Conway State Forest, Conway, July 27, 1961; 9661, New 
Salem, Aug. 2, 1961; C. H. Peck, Greenbush, New York, July (type of 
C. minor). 

The position of this fungus, is difficult to determine. It resembles 
C. cinnabarinus Schw. in stature, but C. cibarius Fr. in color. On 
the other hand, there is a waxy quality which first led me to try 
and determine it in Hygrophorus. Possibly, C. minor occupies an 
intermediate position between the two genera, but certainly the colored 
spore deposit indicates a closer relationship to Cantharellus. 

Of uncertain relationship is Cantharellus Friesii Quélet which occurs 
in Europe. According to the literature this species seems very close 
to C. minor. 

Clitocybe morgani (Peck) Bigelow, comb, nov. 

Cantharellus morgani Peck, Bot. Gaz. 7: 43. 1882. 

Cantharellus olidus Quélet, Ench. Fung. p. 138. 1886. 

Cantharellus rosellus Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rep. 42: 24. 1889. 

Clitocybe olida (Quél.) Konrad, Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 45: 60. 1929. 

Hygrophoropsis olida (Quél.) Métrod, Rev. de Myc. 14, Suppl., p. 15. 


Material examined: Bigelow 3432, near Guerette, Aroostook Co., 
Maine, July 23, 1956; 3569, July 26, 1956; 3594, 3626, July 29, 1956; 
3704, Aug. 1, 1956; 4442, Aug. 28, 1956; J. Dearness, 2696, Kilworth 
woods, near Toronto, Ontario, Sept. 14, 1928; K. Harrison 191, Heigh- 
bury, Nova Scotia, Oct. 10, 1932; 2466, Glenmont, Sept. 28, 1953;3984, 
Waternish, Guysborough Co., Sept. 5, 1957; 3985, Cape Split, Kings 
Co., Sept. 1, 1958; 4630, Sept. 1954; 4631, Aspen, Antigonish Co., 
Sept. 2, 1956; 4641, Glenmont, Kings Co., Oct. 11, 1952; 4642, Casey's 
Corner, Kings Co., Oct. 12, 1952; 4643, Ayleford Lake, Kings Co., Oct. 
10, 1952; A. P. Morgan, Vermont (type of Cantharellus morgani) ; 
C. H. Peck, North Elba, New York, September (type of Cantharellus 

Formerly, this agaric was treated by most investigators under the 
name Clitocybe olida. A complete description based on specimens from 
Oregon and Washington has been published by Smith (1944). How- 
ever, recent study of type material in the Peck Herbarium at Albany 
reveals that Cantharellus morgani is identical, necessitating a new 
combination in Clitocybe. The dried carpophores of the type agree in 
all observable details with specimens determined as Clitocybe olida 
from several localities in North America. Peck’s description also com- 
pares favorably in most respects with that of Cantharellus olidus 
Quélet. Peck did not mention any odor for C. morgani, but this discrep- 
ancy does not seem serious in view of the collaborating evidence of 
other field characters and microscopic features. 

Clitocybe morgani appears confined to a coniferous habitat, particu- 
larly spruce and fir in the northeastern region. The distribution of 

130 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

the species in North America is broader than, previously known though 
fruiting seems abundant only in certain restricted localities. Besides 
the collections cited above I have had also the opportunity to examine 
material deposited at the University of Michigan Herbarium from 
Colorado, Idaho, Michigan, Oregon, and Washington. 

D — 

PLATE 1269. Laccaria trullisata (Ellis) Peck. X 1/2. 

Laccaria trullisata (Ellis) Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Bull. 157: 90. 1912. 
Plate 1269. 

Agaricus trullisatus Ellis, Bull. Torrey Club 5: 45. 1874. 

Clitocybe trullisata (Ellis) Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 5: 195. 1887. 

Pileus 2.5-6 cm. broad, convex to plane with an incurved margin, 
even, disc depressed at times, surface dry, matted-fibrillose to scaly, 
areolate and cracked at times, color often irregular, streaked and 
mottled, with various shades of brown and buff (“vinaceous buff”, 
“avellaneous”, “fawn”, “army brown”, “wood brown”, “russet”, 
“mikado brown”, “tawny”, “cinnamon brown”, “cinnamon”); flesh 
rather thick, soft, concolorous with pileus or lamellae, no odor or 

Lamellae adnate to decurrent (unevenly), subdistant to distant, 
broad (up to 12 mm.), not forked or intervenose, color purplish when 
young (“vinaceous purple”, “slate purple”, “deep slate purple”, “dark 
lavender”), rufous in age (nearest “army brown”, “sorghum brown”), 
pruinose at times, edges even, thick, brittle. 

Stipe 2-10 cm. long, 5-20 mm. thick at apex, tapering upward from 
a long clavate or clavate-bulbous base, deeply embedded in sand, often 

1962] Bigelow and Barr — Fungus Flora 131 

compressed, solid-stuffed, central, surface fibrillose-streaked above, 
reddish brown (“tawny”, *russet", “mars brown”, “cinnamon brown"), 
base purplish and concolorous with young lamellae, often with purplish 

Spores 11.5-19 x 6-7 y, elliptical to oblong, finely punctate under 
oil immersion, not amyloid, white in deposit; basidia 42.5-60 x 10-13 u, 
mostly 4-spored, occasionally 2-spored, sterigmata 4.5-7.5 x long; 
cheilocystidia present in some sections, basidioid to broadly cylindrical 
or broadly fusoid, 14-19 » broad, 31-46 u long, protruding beyond 
hymenium 15-30 y; pileus tissue: cuticle brownish in KOH, pigment 
dilute in cell contents or in slightly thickened walls, cuticular hyphae 
interwoven, numerous end cells protruding beyond surface, cylindri- 
cal or subclavate, hyphae mostly cylindrical, 5.5-11.5 » in diameter, 
trama hyaline, hyphae 7.5-14.5 y, in diameter, cylindrical to inflated, 
clamp connections large and abundant; gill trama regular to sub- 
parallel, hyphae mostly cylindrical, 4-8 y, in diameter. 

Solitary, scattered, or subcespitose. In sand, near open white pine. 
September to October, 

Material examined: Bigelow 6314, North Sunderland, Massachu- 
setts, Sept. 24, 1957; 7837, Sept. 25, 1958; 9342, Sept. 22, 1960; 9792, 
Sept. 6, 1961; 9922, Northfield, Oct. 7, 1961. 

Abundant fruitings of L. trullisata are common on certain dunes 
along the Connecticut River valley. While associated with white pine 
in this region, this agaric occurs under jack pine on the Lake Superior 
shore of northern Michigan, 

The spores of this species are reported as smooth in the literature. 
However, under the oil immersion lens there are very fine punctations 
at least on some of the spores. These markings are difficult to observe 
and it was not possible to tell if they were protrusions or pits. The 
presence of some ornamentation lends support for maintaining this 
species in Laccaria. 

Lentinus haematopus Berkeley, Grev. 1: 33. 1872. 

Material examined: Bigelow 3401, Guerette, Aroostook Co., Maine, 
July 20, 1956;4060, Aug. 16, 1956. 

This species, unusual because of the curious red coating on the stipe, 
has been reported from a variety of locations in the northeast. It 
seems widely distributed but fruits seldom and then only in small 
numbers. I know of collections from Vermont, New Hampshire, 
Ontario, New York, Michigan, and Saskatchewan, as well as the new 
records cited above. Solitary specimens were found on birch or maple 
logs in both Maine collections. A complete description and photograph 
are found in Overholts (1934). 

Mycena urania (Fr.) Gillet, Champ. Fr. 1: 279. 1878. 

Agaricus uranius Fries, Syst. Myc. 1: 144. 1821. 

Material examined: Bigelow 5256 and 5257, Mt. Albert, Gaspé Parc, 
Quebec, July 7, 1957. 

132 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

Numerous carpophores were found on wet moss near a stream by 
the Park Headquarters at Mt. Albert, Quebec. This species is noted 
as rare by Smith (1947), in his monograph of Mycena. Previous 
records from North America are from Michigan, North Carolina, and 

Tricholoma davisiae Peck, Bull. Torrey Club 27:611. 1900. 

Melanoleuca davisiae (Peck) Murrill, N. Am. Fl. 10: 14. 1914. 

Pileus 10-13 cm. broad, obtuse conic at first, becoming plane with a 
slight broad umbo, margin narrowly incurved, even, sinuate or lobed 
at times, somewhat elevated and recurved in places when old, surface 
dry, radiate-fibrillose on the disc, fibrillose-scaly at the margin, ground 
color dull yellow, fibrils smoky gray; flesh whitish, moderately thick 
on the disc, thin at the margin, odor and taste farinaceous. 

Lamellae sinuate, close, broad, yellow but bruising reddish, edges 
uneven, undulate. 

Stipe 10-11 cm. long, 2-4 cm. thick at apex, base abruptly tapered, 
central, solid-stuffed, surface silky fibrillose, white but bruising reddish. 

Spores 6-7.5 x 4.5-5.5 u, subglobose to elliptical, smooth, not amyloid, 
white in mass; basidia 21.5-30 x 5.5-7.5 y, 1-, 2-, and 4-spored; cheilo- 
cystidia present, clustered or scattered, obtuse or clavate, sometimes 
pedicellate, smooth, hyaline or with yellowish contents in KOH, 23-36 y. 
long, 6-15 y in largest diameter, two-celled at times, pleurocystidia 
also present at times but rare, size and shape same as cheilocystidia ; 
pileus tissue: cuticle pale yellowish in KOH, pigment apparently in 
slightly thickened walls or as very fine encrustation, hyphae cylindrical 
to somewhat inflated, 4.5-18 y in diameter, cells short, 11.5-84.5 
v. long, trama hyaline, hyphae cylindrieal or somewhat inflated, 
4-13 y in diameter, smooth, walls thin, cells short to long, clamp 
connections absent; gill trama regular to subparallel, broad, hyphae 
cylindrical to inflated, 3-12 » in diameter. 

Gregarious, on humus at roadside in mixed woods. September to 

Material examined: Bigelow 9288, Conway State Forest, Conway, 
Massachusetts, Sept. 18, 1960; 9381, Sept. 29, 1960; H. C. Davis, Fal- 
mouth, Maine, November, 1899 (type of Tricholoma davisiae). 

As far as I have been able to determine, this is the first record of 
fruiting for this species since the original description based on speci- 
mens found in Falmouth, Maine. The Massachusetts collections cited 
above were found growing along a roadside in a mixed woods of beech, 
birch, maple, pine, and hemlock, 

T. davisiae is a striking species by virtue of the colors and size of 
carpophore as well as the microscopic characteristics. Particularly 
noteworthy is the cuticular structure of the pileus and the presence 
of cystidia on the lamellae. The cuticle, composed of very short cells, 
cannot be considered “hymeniform”, for the cells are recumbent and 
apparently form from the fibrils on the cap surface. The cystidia 

1962] Bigelow and Barr — Fungus Flora 133 

usually do not protrude beyond the basidia to any great extent, but 
they are conspicuous by their diameter and frequent two-celled nature. 
One-spored basidia were observed upon occasion but they did not attain 
the size of the cystidia. Cheilocystidia were not difficult to locate in 
the Massachusetts collections, but pleurocystidia seemed less frequent 
than in the type collection. 

Xeromphalina kauffmanii A. H. Smith, Pap. Mich. Acad. I. 38:81. 

Material examined: Bigelow 9605, Pittsfield State Forest, Massa- 
chusetts, July 27, 1961. 

The type collection and additional material of this species were 
found on oak stumps during late spring and early summer in Michigan 
according to Smith (1953). The Massachusetts collection is small in 
number of carpophores and was found on a birch stump. 

Figs. 1, 2. Ophiodothella vaccinii Boyd: 1, ascus, 2, two spores, on the right showing 
a pseudoseptum in Melzer’s reagent. Figs. 3-5. Phaeostoma sphaerophila (Peck) 
Barr, comb. nov.: 3, habit of fungus over black knot, 4, asci and hypha from centrum, 
5, ascospores, those on the right showing scattered protrusions. Figs. 1, 2, 4, 5, X 1500; 
fe. S x 15. 

Ophiodothella vaccinii Boyd, Mycologia 26: 465. 1934. Figures 1, 2. 
Material examined: Barr 2855, Mt. Toby, Leverett, Massachusetts, 
Oct. 20, 1960; W. H. Davis 2884, Leverett, Oct. 20, 1922 (as Rhytisma 

134 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

vaccinii Schw.) ; E. S. Boyd, Athens, Georgia, April, 1933 (cotype of 
Ophiodothella vaccinii). 

This fungus appears to be predominantly southern in distribution. 
Most of the herbarium specimens examined were from Georgia, Mis- 
sissippi, and South Carolina, on Vaccinium arboreum. The Davis 
specimen cited above was on V. stamineum, and although immature 
was identical with my collection on V. corymbosum. 

My collection was immature when gathered but after four days in 
moist chamber produced asci and spores. It agrees in most respects 
with Boyd's (1934) detailed description and with authentic material 
of the species. Smaller leaf spots, lack of a conidial stage, and only 
partial development of a second beak in the Massachusetts material 
were the differences noted. Boyd's description should be correeted in 
one respect. There is no amyloid reaction (I+) in the ascus, as she 
stated, but the inner perithecial wall turns blue in Melzer's reagent. 

Boyd suggested that Ophiodothella should be placed in the Clypeo- 
sphaeriaceae, because of the development of a clypeus. However, the 
sphaeriaceous structure, immersed perithecia, and stroma of super- 
ficial blackened clypeus and light-colored hyphae within the substrate, 
all agree with the Polystigmataceae of modern authors. O. vaccinii 
and the other species of Ophiodothella which I have examined are 
quite closely related to Polystigma, Phyllachora, and Diachora of the 
Polystigmataceae, differing chiefly in the filiform or cylindrical spores. 
O. vaccinii appears to be particularly closely related to Diachora 
onobrychidis (Fr.) J. Mueller, the type of that genus (Arx and 
Mueller, 1954). Both fungi have immersed perithecia, blackened crusts 
in epidermal layers, hymenium in an equatorial band at the sides, and 
inner perithecial wall amyloid in Melzer’s reagent. Diachora appar- 
ently has only a single beak, and the spores are ellipsoid and one- 
celled. O. vaccinii differs from the other species of Ophiodothella in 
the equatorial arrangement of asci and the frequent occurrence of 
two beaks on the perithecium. 

Fhaeostoma sphaerophila (Peck) Barr, comb. nov. Figures 3-5. 

Periconia sphaerophila Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Rep. 34:50. 1881. 

Sporocybe sphaerophila (Peck) Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 4: 609. 1886. 

Perithecia 200-400 & in diameter, globose, with beaks 200-300 yj. 
long (up to 1 mm. at times), 80-100 y. in diameter near base, tapering 
to 50-60 y at truncate apex, thickly grouped in patches over surface 
of ascostromata of Apiosporina morbosa, superficial on a thin basal 
stroma of compacted brown hyphae; perithecial wall 27-40 y wide at 
sides, 55-75 y wide at base, composed of numerous layers of slightly 
compressed, polygonal brown cells, inner wall tissue of hyaline to 
yellowish layers of compressed cells, 10-15 y wide, wall of beak of 
blackish-brown, parallel rows of elongate cells, canal periphysate, wall 
roughened externally by protruding hyphae and discharged spores. 

1962] Bigelow and Barr — Fungus Flora 135 

Asci 11-16.5 x 6.5-10 y, ovoid, with a delicate stalk of variable length, 
wall single, thin, deliquescent, 2-spored, numerous, arising from 
interior of centrum wall, interspersed with short, broad, septate 

Spores 6-10 x 4.5-6.5(-7.5) u, oblong to doliform in side view, ovate 
in end view, hyaline becoming light brown, pigment concentrated in 
a broad band across the middle of cell, leaving ends hyaline, one-celled, 
wall double, thick and brown at sides, hyaline over ends, at times, 
especially when mounted in Melzer’s reagent, bearing scattered low 
hyaline protrusions over surface, usually remaining in pairs after 
deliquescence of ascus wall. 

Hyperparasitic on ascostromata of Apiosporina morbosa (Schw.) 
Arx, on various species of Prunus. 

Material examined: Barr 2099, Lake Munroe, Mt. Tremblant Park, 
Quebec, July 24, 1957; 2164, July 29, 1957; 2839, Conway State Forest, 
Conway, Massachusetts, Sept. 18, 1960; C. H. Peck, Edmond’s Pond, 
Adirondack Mts., New York, July, 1880 (type of Periconia sphaero- 

I first became aware of the ascomycetous nature of this fungus on 
studying the Quebec and Massachusetts specimens. Type material of 
Periconia sphaerophila is likewise an ascomycete with well-developed 
perithecia and delicate, deliquescent asci, agreeing in all respects with 
my collections. Additional records of the species were obtained from 
herbarium collections of Apiosporina morbosa at the Universities of 
Massachusetts and Michigan. These are: W. G. Solheim 622, Mycoflora 
Saximontanensis Exsiccata, Williams Canyon, Manitou Springs, Colo- 
rado, Dec. 22, 1949; V. M. Spaulding, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1879; 
E. Bartholomew 2335, Fungi Columbiani, Long Pine, Nebraska, Oct. 
12, 1906; A. H. Povah, Dells, Wisconsin, May, 1929. From the scattered 
distribution records thus obtained, it seems that Phaeostoma sphaero- 
phila must be of frequent occurrence on the common black knot disease 
of plums. The species is readily recognized in the field by the rough, 
spiny surface caused by the long protruding beaks over the otherwise 
smooth knot. 

The superficial perithecia with carbonaceous dark wall, long beak, 
thin-walled asci, and one-celled brownish spores are characteristic of 
the genus Phaeostoma Arx and Mueller (1954). Doguet (1955) dis- 
cussed the fungus, as Melanospora sphaerophila Sacc. He noted that 
this name was given on the label of Reliquiae Farlowianae 56, but he 
could not discover if Saccardo had actually published the combination. 
I was also unable to find valid publication of the combination. Accord- 
ing to Doguet's description, Reliquiae Farlowianae 56 is identical with 
specimens which I have examined. Doguet observed the similarity in 
shape of the ascospores of this species and Melanospora barbata (Fr.) 
Dur. and Mont. (cf. Barr, 1959), but recognized that the carbonaceous 

136 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

walls of the perithecia differed entirely from the soft, thin wall of 

Within the genus Phaeostoma, P. sphaerophila differs from the three 
previously described species in habit, in two-spored asci, and in dif- 
ferently shaped ascospores. P. vitis (Fckl) Arx and Mueller, the 
type species, occurs on rotting roots of various plants such as Vitis 
and Humulus, has four-spored asci and spores which are 5-6 x 3-4 y, 
ellipsoid to ovoid, with a germ pore at the lower end. P. juniperina 
(Elis and Everh.) Arx and Mueller occurs on species of Juniperus 
and forms gall-like growths on twigs. It has six- to eight-spored asci, 
with ellipsoid to globose spores 3-4 y in diameter, and a small germ 
pore. P. lagenarium (Pers. ex Fr.) Munk develops on old fruiting 
bodies of Polyporus. The asci are four-spored, the spores 13-16 x 7-10 
u with apiculus and germ pore at each end. 

The recent publication of Wehmeyer's Monograph of Pleospora and 
its segregates (1961) is of great value in the determination of these 
fungi. Included here are records of three species of Pleospora, to 
extend our knowledge of the distribution of these fungi. 

Pleospora calvescens (Fr.) Tul., Sel. Fung. Carp. 2:266. 1863. 

Additional synonym:  Leptosphaeria eutypoides Peck, N. Y. St. 
Mus. Rep. 38:105. 1885. Type material from the Peck Herbarium 
at Albany, collected by C. H. Peck, on dead stems of Chenopodium 
album, W. Albany, New York, May, 1884, agrees in all respects with 
Wehmeyer's description of P. calvescens. The spores are three-septate 
and lack a vertical septum, which undoubtedly influenced Peck in his 
choice of the generic name. 

Pleospora laricina Rehm, Hedwigia 21:121. 1882. var. laricina. 

On branches of Cornus florida, Amherst, Mass., Aug. 10, 1959, Barr 

Pleospora straminis Sacc. and Speg., Michelia 1:407. 1879. 

On overwintered stalks of Zea mays, North Amherst, Mass., April 
29, 1959, Barr 2549. This collection has spores somewhat broader 
(10.5-15 u.) than does P. straminis, and approaches P. pulchra Kirschst. 
in that respect. However, the spores are shorter than in P. pulchra, 
have fewer septa, and are less strongly asymmetrical. Both species 
occur on reddish spots on the substrate, as does my collection. 

On leaves of Carex sp., Mt. Albert, Gaspé Parc, Quebec, July 11, 
1957, Barr 2020. Although the substrate was not reddened, this collec- 
tion is otherwise identical with that on Zea, and with Wehmeyer's 


ARX, J. A. VON and MUELLER, E. 1954. Die Gattungen der amero- 
sporen Pyrenomyceten. Beitr. Kryptogamenfl. Schweiz 11(1): 1- 

1962] Johnston — Noseburn 137 

Barr, M. E. 1959. Northern Pyrenomycetes I. Canadian Eastern 
Arctic. Contr. Inst. Bot. Univ. Montréal 73: 1-101. 

Bovp, E. S. 1934. A developmental study of a new species of Ophio- 
dothella. Mycologia 26: 456-468. 

DoGuET, G. 1955. Le Genre “Melanospora”. Botaniste 39: 1-313. 

HESLER, L. 1960. Mushrooms of the Great Smokies. U. of Tenn. 
Press, Knoxville. 289 pp. 

OvERHOLTS, L. O. 1934. Mycological notes for 1933. Mycologia 26: 

PILAT, A. 1954. Mushrooms. H. W. Bijl, Amsterdam. 342 pp. 

SMITH, A. H. 1944. Unusual North American agarics. Am. Midl. 
Nat. 32: 669-698. 

1947. North American Species of Mycena. U. of 

Mich. Press, Ann Arbor. 521 pp. 

1953. New and rare agarics from the Douglas Lake 
region and Tahquamenon Falls State Park, Michigan, and an 
account of the North American species of Xeromphalina. Pap. 
Mich. Acad. I. 38: 53-87. 

WEHMEYER, L. E. 1961. A world monograph of the genus Pleospora 
and its segregates. U. of Mich. Press, Ann Arbor. 451 pp. 



Widespread in the arid grasslands and brush of northern 
Mexico, north to Arizona, Colorado, and Kansas, occur the 
humble, nondescript, stinging herbs which the English- 
speaking natives usually call stinging-nettle, and the 
Spanish-speaking natives chichicastle, a term also loosely 
applied to several stinging herbs. A more specific name, 
applied by some cowmen in western Texas, is noseburn, an 
allusion to the effect of the plants on stock. Noseburns are 
often quite abundant in grazed grasslands, and are among 
that great retinue of noxious, toxic or unpalatable plants 
which flourish under the abusive practices of overstocking 
which are the rule rather than the exception in the range- 
lands of western Texas. Noseburns can be recognized 
among our other genera of this family by the weak, trailing 
or even vine-like stem, the stinging hair, the serrate leaf, 

138 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

and especially the placement of the short androgynous 
raceme which is actually terminal, but in development is 
quickly surpassed by the branch from the axil of the im- 
mediately subtending leaf, and thus appears nodal (it has 
been described as axillary, though it rises on the opposite 
side of the stem from the leaf). 

The habit, leaves, inflorescences, and flowers of our nose- 
burns are somewhat variable. On the basis of combinations 
of various quantitative characters such as texture of style 
and narrowness of leaf the German monographers Mueller 
Argoviensis (1866: 930-935) and Pax and Hoffman (1919: 
33-52), the latter of whom tended to follow the former 
slavishly and uncritically, have discerned at least 9 taxa, 
species and varieties, among our noseburns. Even more 
curiously, they distribute these taxa into two different sec- 
tions of the genus. A synoptic key to these sections may 
appear more or less as follows, and I say “more or less” 
because the species descriptions given by these authors 
contradict the characters given for the more inclusive taxa, 
and I have had to compile and modify to obtain a clearer 
picture: . 

Stamens (1—)3(— rarely 4); filaments free or united at the very 
base; rudiment very small or rarely absent; staminate calyx 3- 
parted or less commonly 4-parted; pistillate calyx 6-parted or 
rarely fewer-parted ................ eene Tragia Sect. Tragia. 

Stamens (3 —)4 — 6(— 8 or even rarely 20); filaments commonly 
coherent; rudiments small or absent; staminate calyx 4- or 
5-parted; pistillate calyx 5- or 6-parted .............. eee 
NERA Tragia Sect. Leucandra (Klotzsch) Muell. Arg. 

Perhaps their haste, governed by the magnitude and ambi- 
tiousness of their task, and the paucity of American material 
available to them, can explain their acceptance of such weak 

Exomorphic studies of a large amount of material in the 
herbarium and in the field in many parts of Mexico and 
western and southern Texas permit the following state- 
ments. The number of stamens is usually 3, but varies to 
4 even in the same raceme. The staminate calyx is usually 

1962] Johnston — Noseburn 139 

3-lobed, but again varies to 4-lobed even in the same raceme. 
Often, after a raceme has produced a number of staminate 
flowers, the meristematic tip ceases to produce normal 
flowers, and does not elongate further, but produces a 
terminal “flower ”, probably representing the monstrous 
joining of 2 or more flowers, with 5 or more sepals and 5 to 
6 or more stamens (such “flowers” could have been the 
basis of species and varieties of the “Sect. Leucandra" in 
our area). Our noseburns commonly have the filaments 
coherent basally around a minute central rudiment. The 
pistillate calyxes are usually 6-lobed but sometimes only 5- 
lobed. The various quantitative characters used by the 
monographers to distinguish species and varieties occur in 
every conceiveable combination and recombination. No 
combination of such traits shows the broadscale geographic 
restriction upon which a subspecies or variety could be 
founded. Furthermore, the variability in our noseburns is 
not greater than that encountered in many weedy wide- 
Spread species of a number of other genera and families. 

Our noseburns belong to a single species. Among the 
congeries of names thus thrown together, the one with 
priority is Tragia nepetifolia. MeVaugh (1961: 202-203) 
says that this name has been “loosely interpreted,” and that 
further study is needed. A study of material from near the 
type locality, in the state of Hidalgo, convinces me that the 
referral of our noseburns to T. nepetifolia by Harrington 
(1954) and Shinners (1958 and 1961) and other writers of 
floras does not represent a loose or incorrect interpretation. 
The synonymy and typification are as follows: 

Tragia nepetifolia Cav. Icones Pl. 6: 87, t. 558, f. 1. 1801. 

Between Ixmiquilpan and Zimapán, Hidalgo, Sessé and/or Mocino 
(MA?, F?). If no authentic herbarium material exists, the original 
illustration will serve as type. Cavanilles misspelled the name “nepe- 
taefolia." T. ramosa Torr. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. 2: 245. 1828. Sources of 
the Canadian River, James exs. 407 (NY?). T. nepetaefolia var. ramosa 
(Torr.) Muell. Arg. DC. Prodr. 15(2) : 934. 1866. T. angustifolia Nutt. 
Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n.s. 5: 172. 1835. On the prairies of Red 
River, in arid situations, prebably Choctaw County, Oklahoma, Nuttall, 

end of May, 1819 (BM?, apparent isotype seen labeled merely “Red 
River, Arkansas," PH). T. teucriifolia Scheele, Linnaea 25: 586. 1853. 

140 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

New Braunfels, Comal County, Texas, Lindheimer, July-Sept., 1846 
(B?). Blankinship (1907: 148) indicates that the type collection has 
the exs. No. 522 (Lindheimer field No. 299); but the material which 
reached Scheele probably was not numbered the same as Blankinship’s 
series at MO. T. nepetaefolia var. teucriifolia (Scheele) Muell. Arg. 
DC. Prodr. 15(2) : 934. 1866. T. scutellariaefolia Scheele, Linnaea 25: 
587. 1853. New Braunfels, Comal County, Texas, Lindheimer in July 
1846 (B?) ; Blankinship (1907: 148) says the type is numbered exs. 521 
(Lindheimer 298). T. stylaris var. angustifolia Muell. Arg. Linnaea 
34: 180. 1865. The type bore the same exsiccatae number as the last. 
T. nepetaefolia var. scutellariaefolia (Scheele) Muell. Arg. DC. Prodr. 
15(2): 934. 1866. T. ramosa var. ? leptophylla Torr. Bot. Mex. Bound. 
p. 201. 1859. “Near Howard’s Springs; Bigelow; No. 1796, Wright.” 
T. stylaris var. leptophylla (Torr.) Muell. Arg. Linnaea 34: 181. 1865. 
T. nepetaefolia var. leptophylla (Torr.) Shinners, Southw. Nat. 6: 101. 
1961. T. stylaris Muell. Arg. Linnaea 34: 180, 1865. Novo Mexico, 
"Wright 776”, according to Mueller, but this is probably Fendler 776, 
as listed by Torrey (1859: 201), “On the upper Rio Grande, New 
Mexico," and the type also of Tragia stylaris var. (alpha) latifolia 
Muell. Arg. Linnaea 34: 180. 1865. T. nepetaefol’a var. latifolia Muell. 
Arg. DC. Prodr. 15(2): 934. 1866. Novo Mexico [probably western 
Texas], Wright exs. 1794; Mueller also cites three Mexican collecticns, 
Aschenborn, Hartweg 82, and Virlet d'Aoust 121 (all G?). T. nepetae- 
folia var. amblyodonta Muell. Arg. DC. Prodr. 15(2) : 934. 1866. Novo 
Mexico [probably western Texas], Wright exs. 1793 (G?). T. amblyo- 
donta (Muell. Arg.) Pax & K. Hoffm. Pflanzenr. IV 147 IX (Heft 68), 
p. 51, 1919. T. scandens M. E. Jones, Extr. Contr. West. Bot. 18: 49. 
1933, non Muell. Arg. 1865, synonymy fide C. V. Morton, Contr. U. S. 
Nat. Herb. 29: 108-109. Guaymas, Sonora, M. E. Jones 23300, Jan. 26, 
1927 (POM). [Morton's synonymy must be regarded as tentative.] 
Tragia nepetaefolia var. angustifolia Muell. Arg, DC. Prodr. 15(2): 
934. 1866. Texas, Berlandier 2542 (G?). The specimen was taken 
between Matamoros and Goliad, southern Texas, in April or May, 1834. 

Perennial herbs 5-35 cm. tall with short white rigid stinging hairs; 
taproot 1-5(-12) mm. thick, brownish-white, often contorted; stems 
few to many from the woody crown, the lower parts often buried, 
brownish-white, resembling branched rootstocks; lower aerial stems 
1-2 mm. thick, 5-50 em. long, often purplish-green basally, green to 
grayish-green distally, weak and trailing or decumbent or even erect 
(ours never twining), profusely alternately branched; branches not 
greatly diverging; internodes 0.6-3(-9) cm. long. Leaves alternate; 
blades linear-lanceolate to deltoid or even reniform, with or without 
weak hastate lobes basally, or even ovate, 1-4.5 em. long (or slightly 
longer in Val Verde County specimens), 0.7-6(-9) times as long as 
broad, apically acute, basally truncate to cordate, marginally sharply 
serrate, thin, green, pubescent; petioles slender, 2-10(-15) mm. long 

1962] Johnston — Noseburn 141 

(or to 30 mm. in Val Verde County) on lower leaves and often at an 
angle to the blade, 1-2(-4) mm. long on upper leaves, parallel to 
blade; stipules lanceolate, acute, entire, ca. 1-2.5 (-3.3) mm. long, 
green but persistent and drying brown, glabrate. Flowers monoecious, 
in androgynous ascending peduncled racemes 1.5-5 em. long, at the 
nodes opposite the leaves (actually terminal and quickly surpassed by 
the branch from the axil of the subtending leaf, this branch parallel 
to the previous internode, thus appearing as a continuation of a single 
main stem); peduncles 1-10 mm. long; the single, lowermost node 
pistillate, the remainder 3-20-- nodes staminate, with internodes 0.5- 
1.8 mm. long; bracts oblanceolate, subcucullate, ca. 1-2 mm. long, 
acute, pubescent, entire. Staminate flowers: pedicels slender, 0.6-2 
mm. long, with zone of abscission near middle, the lower part persis- 
tent; sepals 3-4 (usually 3 but varying even on same raceme), valvate 
in bud, oblanceolate to narrowly obovate-oblong, 1-1.7 mm. long, 
glabrous or sparingly pubescent dorsally, spreading or reflexed at 
anthesis; petals none; glands none; stamens 3-4, usually 4 but varying 
even en same raceme [note that the terminal “flower” (probably rep- 
resenting the monstrous joining of 2 or more flowers and not noticed 
until the raceme is considerably elongated) sometimes has 5+ sepals 
and 5-6+ stamens, as contrasted with the truly axillary flowers, and 
as described for T. stylaris]; filaments thickened and fleshy, ca. 0.4-0.5 
mm. long, connate basally; rudiment none or a minute central eminence 
between the connate portions of the filaments. Pistillate flowers: pedi- 
cels ca. 1 mm. long, elongating to 2-3 mm. in fruit; sepals 5-6, usually 6, 
imbricate in bud, elliptic-lanceolate, ca. 1-1.5 mm. long at anthesis, 
ca. 2-2.5 mm. long in fruit, acute, entire, hispid dorsally; petals 
and glands none; ovary nearly round, densely long erect hispid; 
styles 3, connate a third their lengths, 2-4 mm. long, entire, papillate- 
fungoidal on the adaxial surface, coiling outward apically after 
anthesis, often reddish or purplish. Capsules distinctly roundly tri- 
coccous, ca. 3.5-4 mm. long, ca. 6-7 mm. broad, densely erect-hispid; 
columella slender, whitish, 2-2.4 mm. long, with 3 long interlocular 
points apically. Seeds nearly spherical, ca. 2.7-3.5 mm. long, when 
mature brownish black with tawny tinge or mottling; surficially smooth 
but not shiny; ecarunculate, 

These plants occur from Veracruz, Hidalgo, San Luis 
Potosí, and Zacatecas, north to Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, 
and Arizona; and perhaps much farther south and east (cf. 
MeVaugh 1961 : 202-203). They occur in a great variety of 
circumstances, but are particularly abundant in grasslands 
at moderate elevations and have been collected at elevations 
up to 8000 feet in the Guadalupe Mountains of Culberson 

142 Rhodora [Vol. 64 


BLANKINSHIP, J. W. 1907. Plantae Lindheimerianae Part III. Misscuri 
Bot. Gard. 18th Annual Rep. 123-224. 

HARRINGTON, H. D. 1954. Manual of the Plants of Colorado for the 
Identification of the Ferns and Flowering Plants of the State. 
Denver: Sage Books. x, 666 p. 

McVaucu, R. 1961. Euphorbiaceae Novae Novo-Galicianae. Brit- 
tonia 13: 145-205. 

MUELLER ARGOVIENSIS, J. 1866. Euphorbiaceae (pars). DC., Prodr. 
15 (2) : 189-1286. 

Pax, F. and K. HOFFMANN. 1919. Euphorbiaceae-Crotonoideae- 
Acalypheae-Plukenetiinae. Pflanzenreich IV 147 IX (Heft 68, pars 
primus). 108 p. 

SHINNERS, L. H. 1958. Spring Flora of the Dallas-Fort Worth Area 
Texas. Dallas: Privately published. v, 514 p. 

1961. Tragia nepetaefolia var. leptophylla instead 
of var. ramosa (Euphorbiaceae). Southwest. Nat. 6:101. 

ToRREY,J. 1859. Botany of the Boundary in Emory, Wm. H., Report 
on the United States and Mexican Boundary Survey, Washington. 
II: 270. 



Haplopappus texensis sp. nov. 

Herba perennis 3-7 dm. alta; caulibus pluribus (vel unica), erectis, 
striatis, tomentosis vel glabratis in maturitate; foliis alternis, sessili- 
bus, ad 7 em. longis et 1.3 em. latis, oblanceolatis, lobis dentibusque 
ad apeces spinuloso-mucronatis, insuper in maturitate sparse tomen- 
tosis vel glabratis, subtuse tomentosis; capitulis pluribus, cymosis; 
disco dia. 5-8 mm., receptaculis fimbriatis; phyllariis anguste lanceo- 
latis, acuminatis, ad apeces spinulosis, dorsis tomentosis, ca. 5 mm. 
longis et 1 mm. latis; radiis 22-28, 1-1.5 cm. longis; disci corollis glabris, 
5.5-6 mm. longis; achaeniis turbinatis, pubescentis, 2.4-2.8 mm. longis; 
pappis 6-6.8 mm. longis. 

Perennial herb, 3-7 dm. tall, stems one to several, erect, striate, 
tomentose or glabrate with age; leaves alternate, sessile, up to 7 cm. 
long and 1.3 cm. wide, oblanceolate, the basal ones lobed, the median 
ones dentate, lobes and teeth spinulose-mucronate, sparsely tomentcse 
above or glabrate with age, tomentose below; heads several, cymosely 
arranged; disc diam. 5-8 mm., receptacle frimbriate; phyllaries nar- 
rowly lanceolate, acuminate, tomentose on the backs, spinulose at the 

1962] Pohl — Agropyron Hybrids 143 

tips, about 5 mm. long and 1 mm. wide; rays 22-28, 1-1.5 cm. long; 
disc corolias glabrous, 5.5-6 mm. long; pappus 6-6.8 mm. long. Chro- 
mosome number n = 4. 

TYPE: Brooks County, Texas, sandy soil along railroad right-of- 
way about 7.5 miles south of Falfurrias, Jackson 2938-1 (KANU), 
August 7, 1959. 

Haplopappus texensis is thus far known only from the 
type locality where several hundred plants were observed. 
A number of plants have been under cultivation since the 
species was first collected in late August of 1957. Numerous 
attempts to cross the species with morphologically related 
taxa of the Blepharodon section of Haplopappus have been 

On gross morphological characters, H. texensis may be 
distinguished from related perennial species by its erect 
growth habit, greater height, and less deeply divided leaves. 

Field work pertinent to this study was supported by National Science Foundation 
Grant G-7111. 



A number of specimens of Agropyron from Iowa (listed 
in Table 1) have rhizomes similar to those of A. repens (L.) 
Beauv. or A. smithii Rydb., but bear narrow spikelets with 
enlarged, persistent glumes, resembling those of the cespi- 
tose A. trachycaulum (Link) Malte. Examination of these 
specimens shows that they have low seed set, ranging from 
0-67% in the specimens examined. Pollen from these speci- 
mens was mounted in lacto-phenol and cotton blue. It was 
found that the pollen of each of these specimens was col- 
lapsed, shrunken, and without stainable contents. (See 
Figure 1). 

Journal paper J-4249 of the Iowa Agricultural and Home Economic Expt. Station, 
Ames. Project 1136. The facilities of the Iowa State University Herbarium, supported 
by the Industrial Science Research Institute, were used in this study. The author wishes 
to acknowledge the loan of specimens from the U. S. National Herbarium, Jason R. 
Swallen, Head Curator, and from The Gray Herbarium. 

144 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

Figure Legend 
Fig. 1-2. Pollen of Agropyron hybrids: Fig. 1. MeDill 295 (repens X trachycaulum) 
Fig. 2. Rydberg 2018 (Type of A. pseudorepens) 

Hubbard (1954) reported male-sterile hybrids of A. 
repens with other species in Great Britain. He stated that 
A. repens is self-sterile. Gillett and Senn (1960) have also 
found self-sterility in the American rhizomatous species, A. 
smithii Rydb. Many of our weed infestations of A. repens 
probably have originated from single seeds, followed by 
extensive vegetative spread. The absence of pollen of other 
genetic strains of A. repens near such a colony would make 
crossing with other species quite probable. Since A. trachy- 
caulum is the only other common species of Agropyron in 
Iowa, and since the pollen sterile plants are morphologically 
similar to A. trachycaulum, the latter is probably the male 
parent of these putative hybrids. Since the hybrids were 
detected by the presence of rhizomes, other specimens of 
similar origin but lacking rhizomes may have been un- 
detected. This cross may have occurred much more fre- 
quently than we are able to tell from herbarium records. 

These pollen-sterile specimens key to A. pseudorepens 
Scribn. and Smith in Hitchcock’s Manual. Fernald (1933) 
regarded this “species” as belonging to A. trachycaulum, 

1962] Pohl — Agropyron Hybrids 145 

var. majus (Vasey) Fern. Beetle (1952) designated it as 
A. trachycaulum, var. majus, f. pseudorepens (Scribn. & 
Smith) Beetle. 

The material of A. pseudorepens in the U. S. National 
Herbarium was examined. The type specimen (Rydberg 
2018, from Kearney, Nebraska ; U.S. 556663) bears rhizomes 
and has leaf blades strongly ridged above. The glumes are 
broad, strongly ridged, and nearly as long as the spikelets. 
Morphologically, the type is intermediate between A. trachy- 
caulum and A. smithii. Pollen taken from the anthers of 
the type specimen is collapsed and shrunken (See Fig. 2). 
The type of A. pseudorepens is therefore a probable male- 
sterile hybrid of A. trachycaulum and A. smithii. Both 
species are known from Nebraska. The name A. pseudo- 
repens, if used, should be applied only to such hybrids. It 
is not applicable to the Iowa hybrids, which are of other 

Examination of other rhizomatous specimens of “A. 
pseudorepens" from the collections of the U. S. National 
Herbarium, cited in Table 2, revealed many instances of 
total pollen sterility. Such specimens may also represent 
hybrids of various rhizomatous species of Agropyron with 
the widespread A. trachycaulum. 

Table 1. Agropyron repens X A. trachycaulum in Iowa 

Specimen % seed set Pollen 
Mason City. August 12, 1922 0 sterile 
L. H. Pammel, 

(ISC 106233) 

Dickens, Clay Co. 67 sterile 
J. Fults 2908 (ISC) 

Dickinson Co., August 1921, 11 sterile 
R. I. Cratty, 

(ISC 97682) 

Hayden Prairie, — sterile 

Howard Co., R. C. McDill 295 

July 9, 1952 (ISC) 

Kossuth Co., Wesley Twp., 33 sterile 
July 21, 1951, R. W. Pohl 7136 (ISC) 

[Vol. 64 







S19AOJ ou :o[Lr9o3s ÁApojo[duro^) 

SasdoAivd ON 00T 
sasdoAred ON 00T 

(se[dures uleis Qop-00I) UeT[od e[rre3s 27 

(SQ) 617 193undH ^g Y Sujgiti "q ‘suing 0} IAY SAATIS 
Uo Gdoe.() 

(SN) 666€ 1oxieq "4 7M "gejsse[jg 

jo ‘a rur ST “SIW OOSIOUBAY ueg 

(SA) Ir-0£8 tepeoryas P Surppoon 

‘soy euoed y J990 LEYIN Mojeq Sutadg 


(SA) 6680T P S680T X»09uo3H 'S ^V “A'N Que 

(SA) 9861 ‘9T Amf 'uogpog "T ^f ‘ewypeyy 
eqr y 

(SA) TOGT 'L'Say 'uogooM “yReg IN ATTY 

(SA) TETT Waeng pf "euopep3epy 1eoN 

(SA) SSTLT PIpouəg Y əuəsıy ‘sowely so 

(SA) TS8T ‘87 PO “MOLesIg "JW ^f ‘sour taddog 

(SN) 688S 9seu)) səu3y ‘uoue esorep 

(SA) LPT SWERM "V I] 3uesstioq 

(SA) TESST £əssəg 3 Ieəys 'epraq Uroydəəyg 

(SA) FF6 SYPYHD “C ‘SAL 9SpoT xeog 

(SA) FF ‘Sh SUIWIMID Y SWEM "qouv;p peoq 

(SA) T03 Woy 'S "V “d‘N 9uojsao[[9A 'uinquse M IW 

(SA) (HdALOdOL) gig IVS "] ') *Aourvey 

(SQ) (HdAL) 810% S3eqp&q "y "qd ‘Aourvay 


,8S49da4opnosd. uo4fido4D y,, ut &3i[1103S uo[[Ooqd `Z AQEL 

1962] Lewis, Stripling & Ross — Chromosome Numbers 147 

BEETLE, A. A. 1952. New names for Wyoming wheatgrasses. 
Rhodora 54: 195-196. 

FERNALD, M. L. 1933. Agropyron, Sect. Goularda in Eastern North 
America. Rhodora 35: 161-185. 

GILLETT, J. M. and H. A. SENN. 1960. Cytotaxonomy and infraspe- 
cific variation of Agropyron smithii Rydb. Can. Journ. Bot. 38: 

HUBBARD, C. E. 1954. Grasses, pp. 77-83. Penguin. Hammonds- 

SCRIBNER, F. LAMSON and J. G. SMITH. 1897. Native and introduced 
species in the genera Hordeum and Agropyron. U.S.D.A. Div. 
Agrostology Bull. 4:V:23-36 



Chromosome numbers are reported for 34 families 
including 57 genera and 73 species and varieties collected 
in the southern United States and Mexico. The chromosomes 
of one family, Turneraceae, and of 17 genera are given for 
the first time. The new generic reports include those for: 
Brunnichia (Polygonaceae), Cnidoscolus (Euphorbiaceae), 
Cliftonia (Cyrillaceae), Piriqueta (Turneraceae), Rotala 
(Lythraceae), Samolus (Primulaceae), Halesia (Styraceae), 
Cynoctonum (Loganiaceae), Sabatia (Gentianaceae), Bon- 
amia (Convolvulaceae), Pyenanthemum (Labiatae), Bacopa, 
Buchnera, Lindernia, Mecardonia, Trigiola (Scrophulari- 
aceae), and Sphenoclea (Campanulaceae). In addition, the 
first definite chromosome numbers are recorded for Apios 
(Leguminosae) and Utricularia (Lentibulariaceae). Among 

1I wish to acknowledge the partial support from grant RG-6305, Division of General 
Medical Sciences, Public Health Service, issued to Dr. R. K, Godfrey, Florida State 
University, and to thank Dr. M. Y. Menzel for her help during my part of this study. 

"Undergraduate Research Participant during 1960-61, Stephen F, Austin State 
College, under the direction of the senior author (National Science Foundation, 

148 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

the 73 species and varieties listed, 53 are new chromosome 
reports, 4 conflict with previous results, and 16 are verifi- 
cations of earlier counts. 

The families are listed according to Cave (1956-60), 
except that the Smilacaceae and the Krameriaceae are 
separated from the Liliaceae and the Leguminosae, respec- 
tively. The genera and species are reported alphabetically 
within families. For each taxon the following data are 
given: (a) an asterisk after the name if this is the first 
reported number or if it is at variance with a previous 
record; (b) somatic and/or gametic numbers from pre- 
meiotic cells and/or PMCs, unless otherwise indicated; 
(c) figure number if the chromosomes are illustrated ; 
(d) voucher with locality, collector, and citation of her- 
barium where deposited; (e) number of plants studied when 
more than one; and (f) name of taxonomist who determined 
voucher if not by the authors. When pertinent a brief dis- 
cussion and reference to earlier work is also added. 

Most of the chromosome numbers were obtained from 
PMC meiosis and premeiotic mitosis of immature buds fixed 
in the field. Occasionally, root tips, pretreated for 2-3 hours 
in paradichlorobenzene, and pollen mitosis served as the 
basis for the chromosome reports. For some species plants 
from more than one locality were sampled and when possible 
more than one from each population. All material was fixed 
in modified Carnoy’s (4: 3: 1) and stained in either 1% 
acetic-orcein or 1% iron aceto-carmine. Chromosomes were 
drawn with the aid of a camera lucida originally at X 2300 
and reduced by ca. 2/5 in reproduction. 


Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) Schultes*: n = 5 (pollen mitosis), fig. 1. 
Texas. Panola Co., Lake Murvaul, Hull 7 (SMU). 


Xyris elliottii Chapm.*: (1) n= 9. Florida. Citrus Co., 0.4 miles 
N of Citrus-Hernando Co. line, Lewis 5653 (VPI). (2) n= 9, fig. 2. 
Florida. Glades Co., 8.6 miles SE of Palmdale, Lewis 5684 (vPI). 
Determined by Dr. Robert Kral. 

1962] Lewis, Stripling & Ross — Chromosome Numbers 149 

X. torta Sm.: n = 9, fig. 3. Virginia. Augusta Co., ca. 2.5 miles 
SW of Sherando, Kral 13394 (vPI). Determined by the collector. 
Verification of Lewis (1961) for a plant allied to X. torta but thought 
to represent a new taxon. 


Commelina erecta L. var. angustifolia (Michx.) Fern.*: n = 30, fig. 
4. Texas. Nacogdoches Co., 1.4 miles NW of Nacogdoches, Stevens 10 

C. diffusa Burm. f.: 2n = 30, fig. 5. Texas. Nacogdoches Co., 
Nacogdoches, Stevens 17 (SMU, TEX). Verification of Simmonds 
(1954), but not that of Morton (1956) who found 2n = 28 chromosomes 
for west African material. 

C. virginica L.*: n = 30. Texas. Nacogdoches Co., Angelina River 
and Hwy. 21, Stevens 16 (SMU, TEX). 

Tradescantia navicularis Ortgies*: n = 24 (first pollen mitosis), 
fig. 6. MEXICO. Nuevo Leon. 15.2 miles E of Hwys. 57 and 60 junction, 
Lewis 5756 (SMU). Determined by Dr. Harold E. Moore, Jr. Darl- 
ington (1929) reported » — 16 (4x) for this taxcn, which suggests 
that our material is part of a hexaploid race or that Darlington's 
plant was a second species. This is the first record of T. navicularis 
from Nuevo Leon. 

T. ohiensis Raf.: n — 12 (first pollen mitosis). Arkansas. St. 
Francis Co., 1.5 miles N of Goodwin, Lewis 5611 (SMU). Verification 
of the 4x race recorded by Anderson and Sax (1936) under T. 
canaliculata Raf. 

T. reverchoni Bush: n — 12 (first pollen mitosis). Texas. Nacog- 
doches Co. 2 miles NE of Nacogdoches, Stevens 9 (SMU, TEX). 
Verification of Brown et al. (1951); 

Smilax glauca Walt.*: 2n — 32. Texas. Nacogdoches Co., Angelina 
River and Hwy. 21, Ross 70 (SMU, TEX). Jensen (1937) recorded 
n = 14 chromosomes for S. glauca which on the basis of this count, 
and for others of closely related species, seems to be in error. 
S. bona-nox L.*: 2n — 32, fir 7. Texas. Panola Co., 2.3 miles NE of 
Pinehill, Lewis 5718 (SMU, TEX); 2 plants studied. 

Ipheion uniflorum (Graham) Raf. 2n = 12 (root tips). Bulbs 
received from Dr. L. H. Shinners, originally from the Oakhurst 
Gardens, Arcadia, California, Lewis 5434 (SMU). Verification of Saez 
(1949) under Brodiaea. 
Phoradendron bolleanum (Seem.) Eichl.*: 2n = 28. Texas. Brewster 
Co., Big Bend National Park, Lewis & Oliver 5452 (SMU). Without 

150 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

pretreatment the metaphase chromosomes vary in length from 13.4 y 
to 33.6 y. for the longest pair. Bowden and Speese (1957) noted the 
exceptional length of chromosomes for P. flavescens [= P. serotinum 
(Raf.) M. C. Johnst.] even after pretreatment for 24 hours. 

Brunnichia cirrhosa Gaertn.*: n = 24, fig. 8. Texas. Nacogdoches 
Co., 1 mile E of Martinsville, Oliver 62 (SMU). 

Phytolacca americana L.: n = 18. Texas. Nacogdoches Co., Stephen 
F. Austin Experimental Forest, Ross 82 (ASTC). Verification of 
2n — 36 by Suzuka (1950). 
Claytonia virginica L.: (1) n — 12, fig. 9. Kentucky. Warren Co., 
0.7 miles NW of Petros, Lewis 5606 (SMU); 2 plants studied. (2) 
n — 36, fig. 10. Kentucky. Green Co., 1.4 miles NW of Greensburg, 
Lewis 5602 (sMU); 2 plants studied. PMC meioses of both plants 
from the first population were regular, but those from the second 
population were highly abnormal in behavior. The following config- 
urations from two plants were noted at metaphase I: 351 > 21. 
341 + 41,831 61, 3211+ 81, 3411 + 1 rr +11, 3380 7 lum FRI 
3011 + 1101 + 71, and 3211 + 11v + 41. These variations in chromo- 
some number and in meiotic behavior are not surprising in view of the 
results of Rothwell (1959) and of Lewis (1962). 

Aquilegia canadensis L. var. australis (Small) Munz*: 2n = 14, 
fig. 11. Florida. Jackson Co., 3 miles N of Marianna, Mitchell 27 
(FsU) ; 2 plants studied. This variety is known only from the Marianna 
Red Hills region of Florida. 

Isopyrum. biternatum (Raf.) T. & G.*: 2n = 14, fig. 12. Florida. 
Jackson Co., 3 miles N of Marianna, Mitchell 1 (FSU) ; 2 plants studied. 

Cocculus carolinus (L.) DC.: n = 39. Texas. Nacogdoches Co., 
Nacogdoches, Ross 42 (SMU). Verification of Bowden's (1945) 2n — 78. 

Cardamine bulbosa (Schreb.) B.S.P.*: 2n — 64. Texas. Shelby Co., 
2 miles SW of Timpson, Lewis 4998 (SMU). 

Lesquerella purpurea (Gray) Wats.*: n — 9, 2n — 18, fig. 13. Texas. 
Brewster Co., Big Bend National Park, Ross 50 (SMU, TEX). 


Ribes echinellum (Cov.) Rehd.* (Grossularia echinella | Cov.) : 
2n — 16, fig. 14. Florida. Leon Co. Tallahassee, cultivated, Stripling 
779 (FSU). The Florida gooseberry is endemic to the Lake Miccosukee 
region in Jefferson Co.; this plant was studied after transplanting to 

1962] Lewis, Stripling & Ross — Chromosome Numbers 151 


Apios americana Medic.*: n — 11, fig. 15. Texas. Nacogdoches Co., 
Nacogdoches, Redus 15 (SMU); 2 plants studied. This number does 
not agree with that found by Atchison (1949), and reported under 
the synonym A. tuberosa Moench., and undoubtedly her number of 
2n — ca. 40 refers to another taxon. The basic number for Apios is 
x = 11. 

Centrosema virginianum (L.) Benth.*: (1) n = 9, fig. 16. Texas. 
Naccgdoches Co., Nacogdoches, Redus 1 (SMU, TEX); 2 plants studied. 
(2) n=9. Texas. Nacogdoches Co., Angelina River and Hwy. 21, 
Redus 13 (TEX): 2 plants studied. These counts add a new basic 
number of « = 9 to the genus, a number rare in the Leguminosae. 

Desmodium canescens (L.) DC.: n = 11, fig. 17. Texas. Nacogdoches 
Co., Nacogdoches, Redus 9 (SMU, TEX). Verification of Young (1940). 

Erythrina herbacea L.: 2n = 42. Texas. Nacogdoches Co., Nacog- 
doches, Lewis & Oliver 5234 (ASTC). Verification of Atchison (1947). 

Galactia macreei Curtis*: n — 10, fig. 18. Texas. Nacogdoches Co., 
Nacogdoches, Redus 6 (SMU). 


Krameria lanceolata Torr.: n — 6. Texas. San Patricio Co., 5 miles 
SE of Mathis, Lewis & Jones 5589 (SMU). Verification of Turner 
(1958). At anaphase I, the longest chromosome measured 24.6 y, the 
shortest 10.0 » and the six averaged 17.3 u. As noted by Turner, 
these chromosomes are among the longest known in the dicotyledons 
although those of Phoradendron bolleanum given. above are even 
greater in length. 

Cnidoscolus texanus (Muell. Arg.) Small*: n — 18, fig. 19. Texas. 
Nacogdoches Co., Nacogdoches, Ross 66 (SMU). 
Croton capitatus Michx. var. lindheimeri (Engelm. & Gray) Muell. 
Arg.*: 2n —20 (root tips), fig. 20. Texas. Nacogdoches Co., Nacog- 
doches, Lewis 4994 (ASTC). 


Cliftonia, monosepala (Lam.) Sarg.*: (1) n = 10, 2n = 20, fig. 21. 
Florida. Leon Co., 15 miles SW of Tallahassee, Stripling 100? (FSU); 
2 plants studied. (2) 2n — 20. Florida. Jefferson Co., 1.5 miles SW 
of Wacissa, Stripling 1004 (FSU); 2 plants studied. (3) n = 10. 
Florida. Leon Co., Branch Bay, near Silver Lake, Godfrey 60543 
(FSU). (4) 2n — 20. Florida. Wakulla Co., Spring Hill Road, SW of 
Tallahassee, Godfrey 60544 (FSU). There are no previous counts for | 
this family other than a report of n = 20 in most cells of Cyrilla 
racemiflora L. (Thomas, 1960). Thomas noted fast deterioration of 
fixed buds and this was found to be true for Cliftonia. Our best 
results were obtained no later than 2-4 days after fixation. 

152 Rhodora [Vol. 64 


Hypericum sp. *: n = 9, 2n = 18, fig. 22. Florida. Washington Co., 
Adams & Tyson 833 (FSU); 2 plants studied. A new specific name 
will be given to this collection by Dr. P. Adams, DePauw University. 

H. microsepalum (T. & G.) Gray* [Crookea microsepalum (T. & G.) 
Small]: (1) n — 9, 2n — 18, fig. 23. Florida. Wakulla Co., 4 miles N 
of Sopchoppy, Stripling 772 (Fsu). (2) 2n —18. Florida. Leon Co., 
6 miles S of Tallahassee, Stripling 786 (FSU). 


Viola walteri House: 2n — 20 (root tips), fig. 24. Texas. Nacog- 
doches Co., Nacogdoches, Lacey 3 (SMU, ASTC). Verification of Gershoy 


Piriqueta glabrescens Small*: n = 7, fig. 25 as 611 + 21. Florida. 
Collier Co., 7.1 miles E of Napes, Osborne 62 (FSU, SMU); 3 plants 
studied, mostly with 711. Determined by Dr. C. M. Rogers. 

P. tomentosa HBK.*: n — 7, fig. 26. Florida. Monroe Co., Big Pine 
Key, Osborne 66 (FSU); 3 plants studied. Determined by Dr. C. M. 


Rotala ramosior (L.) Koehne*: n — 16, fig. 27. Texas. Angelina 

Co., Angelina River and Hwy. 59, Lewis & Oliver 5273 (SMU). 


Samolus parviflorus Raf.*: n = 13, 2n = 26, fig. 28. Louisiana. St. 
Mary Par., 8.7 miles NW of Boyeau Vista, Oliver 261 (sMU) ; 2 plants 


Halesia diptera Ellis. var diptera*: 2n = 24, fig. 29. Florida. Leon 
Co., Tallahassee, cultivated, Stripling 732 (FSU). 

H. diptera Ellis. var. magniflora Godfrey*: 2n — 24, fig. 30. Florida. 
Leon Co., Tallahassee, cultivated, Stripling 730 (FSU). 

H. tetraptera Ellis.* [H. parviflora Michx., not H. carolina (tetrap- 
tera) as listed in Darlington & Wylie (1956), cf. Godfrey (1958) ]: 
2n —24, fig. 31. Florida. Leon Co., Tallahassee, cultivated, Stripling 
716 (FSU). 


Menodora scabra Gray*: n — 11, fig. 32. Texas. Brewster Co., Big 
Bend National Park, Ross 52 (SMU, TEX). This number does not agree 
with that of Taylor (1945) who found 2n = 44 chromosomes. Perhaps 
2x and 4x races exist for the species. 

Cynoctonum mitreola (L.) Britt.*: n = 10, 2n = 20. Texas. Liberty 

1962] Lewis, Stripling & Ross — Chromosome Numbers 153 

Co., 4 miles E of Cleveland, Ross 73 (SMU, TEX); 2 plants studied. 
Determined by Dr. L. H. Shinners. 

Sabatia campestris Nutt.*: (1) n = 13, fig. 33. Texas. Brazos Co., 
College Station, Lewis 5494 (SMU). (2) 2n = 26. Texas. Nacogdoches 
Co., Nacogdoches, Lewis & Oliver 5233 (SMU). 


Bonamia humistrata (Walt.) Gray*: n = 14, fig. 34. Texas. Panola 
Co., Sabine River and Hwy. 59, Lewis & Oliver 5318 (SMU). Some 
PMCs were observed with 13 11 + 21 and still others with a trivalent 
at metaphase I. 

B. pickeringii (Torr.) Gray*: (1) n —14, fig. 35. Texas. Rusk Co., 
3.1 miles N of Cushing, Lewis & Oliver 5279 (sMU). At least 50% 
of the PMCs had 1311 + 21. (2) 2n = 28. Texas. Nacogdoches Co., 
0.5 miles W of Nacogdoches, Lewis & McDaniel 5509 (SMU). 

Jacquemontia abutiloides Benth.*: 2n — 18. MEXICO. Baja California 
Sur. 3 km. S of Miraflores, Lewis 5339 (SMU); 2 plants studied. 
Determined by Dr. L. H. Shinners. 


Pycnanthemum albescens T. & G.*: n = 33-36. Texas. Liberty Co., 
2 miles E of Cleveland, Ross 61 (SMU). 

Salvia reflexa, Hornem.*: n — 10, fig. 36. MEXICO. Nuevo Leon. 9.9 
miles E of Hwys. 57 and 60 junction, Lewis 5750 (SMU, TEX). Deter- 
mined by Dr. L. H. Shinners. 

Scutellaria cf. integrifolia L.*: 2n = 32, fig. 37. Florida. Sarasota 
Co., 12 miles E of Sarasota, Stripling 754 (FSU); 2 plants studied. 

Stachys tenuifolia Willd.*: n = 16, fig. 38. Texas. Nacogdoches Co., 
Stephen F. Austin Experimental Forest, Ross 56 (SMU, TEX). 


Nicotiana glauca Graham: 2n = 24. MEXICO. Baja California Sur. 
1.4 km. W of San José del Capo, Lewis 5354 (SMU). Verification of 
Goodspeed (1923). 


Bacopa monnieri (L.) Pennell*: 2n — 64, fig. 39. Texas. Harris Co., 
2 miles E of Humble, Lewis 5497 (SMU). 

Buchnera americana, L.*: 2n — ca. 42. Texas. Jasper Co., 50 yards 
S of Hwys. 96 and 1004 junction, Lewis 5623 (SMU). 

Gratiola ramosa Walt.*: (1) n — 7, 2n — 14, fig. 40. Florida. Levy 
Co., 1 mile SW of Otter Creek, Stripling 734 (FSU) ; 2 plants studied. 
(2) n— 7, 2n = 14. Florida. Wakulla Co., 3 miles E of Carabelle, 
Stripling 781 (FSU); 2 plants studied. 

G. aurea Muhl.*: 2n = 28, fig. 41. Georgia. Cook Co., Little River 
bridge and Hwy. 76, Adams 588 (FSU); 3 plants studied. 

154 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

G. brevifolia Raf.*: (1) n = 14, 2n = 28, fig. 42. Florida. Leon Co., 
7 miles SW of Tallahassee, Stripling 794 (FSU); 3 plants studied. 
(2) 2n = 28. Florida. Gadsden Co., 3 miles W of Ochlockonee River 
bridge and Hwy. 90, Stripling 777 (Fsu). (3) 2n = 28. Florida. 
Jefferson Co., 4.5 miles E of Monticello, Stripling 795 (FSU); 2 plants 
studied. (4) n = 14, 2n = 28. Texas. Liberty Co. 4 miles E of 
Cleveland, Ross 77 (SMU, FSU); 2 plants studied. 

G. virginiana L.*: n —8, 2n — 16, fig. 43. Florida. Leon Co., 6 miles 
SE of Tallahassee, Stripling 705 (FSU); 3 plants studied. 

These counts represent a part of a detailed study of the Gratiolas 
(s. 1.) now in progress. A new basic number of x — 7 is reported for 
the genus and includes G. ramosa, G. aurea, and G. brevifolia in the 
section Gratiolaria while G. virginiana in the section Nibora belongs 
to a second line with x — 8 chromosomes. 

Lindernia dubia (L.) Pennell*: n — 16, 2n — 32, fig. 44. Texas. San 
Augustine Co., 8.2 miles SE of San Augustine, Lewis et al. 5500 (FSU). 

Mecardonia acuminata (Walt) Small*: 2n = 42+ 2. Texas. 
Cherokee Co., Angelina River and Hwy. 21, Lewis et al. 5505 (SMU). 

Scoparia dulcis L.*: n = 10, fig. 45. Texas. Liberty Co., 2 miles 
E of Cleveland, Ross 62 (SMU, TEX). Raghaven & Srinivasan (1940) 
recorded a tetraploid number of 2n = 40. 

Tragiola pilosa (Michx.) Small & Pennell*: (1) 2n = 22, fig. 46. 
Florida. Taylor Co., 9 miles W of Perry, Stripling 883 (FSU) ; 2 plants 
studied. (2) 2n — 22, Florida. Levy Co., 11 miles NW of Dunnellon, 
Stripling 876 (FSU). 

Veronica persica Poiret: 2n — 28, fig. 47. Florida. Leon Co., Talla- 
hassee, Stripling 788 (FSU); 3 plants studied. Beatus (1936) recorded 
this number for V. persica in Europe, but there is some doubt as to 
the exact species he examined. Although not previously examined 
cytologically from the United States, our data verify counts from 
Canadian (Mulligan, 1959) and Icelandic (Lóve & Love, 1956) 

Utricularia inflata Walt.*: (1) n — 9, 2n = 18, fig. 48. Florida. 
Leon Co., 1 mile E of Ochlockonee River and Hwy. 90, Godfrey 59374 

Fic. 1-14. Chromosomes of angiosperms, X 1350. Fig. 1. Eleocharis obtusa, Hull 7, 
n = 5, with 3 degenerating nuclei; fig. 2. Xyris elliottii, Lewis 5684, n = 9; fig. 3. 
X. torta, Kral 13394, n — 9; fig. 4. Commelina erecta var, angustifolia, Stevens 10, 
n = 30; fig. 5. C. diffusa, Stevens 17, 2n = 30; fig. 6. Tradescantia navicularis, 
Lewis 5756, n = 24; fig. 7. Smilax bona-now, Lewis 5718, 2n = 82; fig. 8. Brunnichia 
cirrhosa, Oliver 62, n = 24; fig. 9. Claytonia virginica, Lewis 5606, n = 12; fig. 10. 
C. virginica, Lewis 5603, n = 36 (29 II + 814 2 III) ; fig. 11. Aquilegia canadensis var. 
australis, Mitchell 27, 2n = 14; fig. 12. Isopyrum biternatum, Mitchell 1, 2n = 14; 
fig. 13. Lesquerella purpurea, Ross 50, 2m — 18; fig. 14. Ribes echinellum, Stripling 
779, 2n — 16. 

1962] Lewis, Stripling & Ross — Chromosome Numbers 155 

* e e o9 [^4 
<7 e * "3 n 4 o9? 
A ® $ d Q^ 
N i "ou € 5 9 ð ^ o 
$9 e v o € 
e -" e * Ed 
Vii » e 
aes tu \ P % 
* I, Ţ E e 
5, = Let 
CN pe af y T. 

0 e., rs * Ur 

U eMe 79 
M nr ^t v di d Xi 

156 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

(Fsu); 3 plants studied. (2) 2n = 36, fig. 49. Florida. Leon Co., 4 
miles W of Tallahassee, Reinert 2 (FSU); 2 plants studied. The 
previous numbers reported for Utricularia (cf. Darlington & Wylie, 
1956) are all approximations, viz., 2n — 36-40 or ca. 40 chromosomes. 
Our data establish x = 9 as a basic number for the genus and also 
record U. inflata as having 2x and 4x races. 


Justicia lanceolata (Chapm.) Small*: (1) n= 14, fig. 50. Texas. 
Angelina Co., Angelina-Nacogdoches Co. line and Hwy. 301, Lewis & 
Oliver 5320 (SMU). (2) n — 14. Texas. Angelina Co., Angelina River 
and Hwy. 7, Lewis & Oliver 5325 (SMU). (3) n= M +1, 2n = 29, 
fig. 51. Texas. Panola Co., 0.7 miles NE of Sabine River and Hwy. 59, 
Lewis & Oliver 5309 (SMU). The single plant from the third locality 
consistently had 1411 + 11 at meiosis I and an extra chromosome in 
the mitotie plates. The chromosome was small but not heteropycnotic. 


Sphenoclea zeylanica Gaertn.*: n = 12. Texas. Nacogdoches Co., 
Angelina River and Hwy. 59, Oliver 357 (SMU, TEX). Determined by 
Dr. L. H. Shinners. 


Cirsium  horridulum  Michx.*: (1) 2n = 34, fig. 52. Florida. 
Franklin Co., near Alligator Point, Godfrey 59335 (Fsu); 2 plants 
studied. (2) 2n = 34. Florida. Leon Co., 21 miles SW of Tallahassee, 
Stripling 697 (FSU); 2 plants studied. 

Elephantopus caroliniamus Raeusch.: n — 11. Texas. Nacogdoches 
Co., Angelina River and Hwy. 21, Ross 72 (SMU, TEX). Verification 
of Baldwin & Speese (1955) as 2n = 22. 

Fig. 15-38. Chromosomes of angiosperms. X 1350. Fig. 15. Apios americana, Redus 
15, n= 11; fig. 16. Centrosema virginianum, Redus 1, n — 9; fig. 17. Desmodium 
canescens, Redus 9, m = ll; fig. 18. Galactia macreei, Redus 6, n = 10; fig. 19. 
Cnidoscolus texanus, Ross 66, n — 18; fig. 20. Croton capitatus, Lewis 4994, 2n — 20; 
fig. 21. Cliftonia monosepala, Stripling 1007, n — 10; fig. 22. Hypericum sp., Adams 
& Tyson 833, m —9; fig. 23. H. microsepalum, Stripling 772, n = 9; fig. 24. Viola 
walteri, Lacey 3, 2n = 20; fig. 25.  Piriqueta glabrescens, Osborne 62, n=T7 
(611 + 21); fig. 26. P. tomentosa, Osborne 66, n = T; fig. 27. Rotala ramosior, Lewis 
& Oliver 5273, m — 16; fig. 28. Samolus parviflorus, Oliver 261, n — 13; fig. 29. 
Halesia diptera var. diptera, Stripling 732, 2m — 24; fig. 30. H. diptera var. 
magniflora, Stripling 730, 2m = 24; fig. 31. H. tetraptera, Stripling 716, 2n = 24; 
fig. 32. Menodora scabra, Ross 52, n= 11 (1 side anaphase I); fig. 33. Sabatia 
campestris, Lewis 5494, n — 13; fig. 34. Bonamia humistrata, Lewis & Oliver 5318, 
n = 14; fig. 35. B. pickeringii, Lewis & Oliver 5279, n = 14; fig. 36. Salvia reflexa, 
Lewis 5750, n = 10; fig. 87. Scutellaria cf. integrifolia, Stripling 754, 2n = 32; fig. 
38. Stachys tenuifolia, Ross 56, n — 16. 

1962] Lewis, Stripling & Ross — Chromosome Numbers 157 

e Y» IN 
ce M MN " » d ER 
a ce l6 17 aw 
e 7 ig 
A "v, 

t» ê (e ays "n | i 
- 5 re ae LIT 

e è e, 6 
I9 W^ 20 2l 


"uni ni TES rj. n 

& *, 4 oO 

Ø L| e» 4 é » <= 
to 8 f, t ^ -— 2. d 
ue . 
22 23 24 25 
a ?o * & 

e xe e? Sue 

e “00 o AS X ete, p: e AAA $ 
- * 56 27 ^ "oo * Sue 

28 29 30 
&? te ? 

e , e 
PS REPE CA <= 4 
ea” ae e ees e i a p *2 Y 
ej Es NV vy! 2^ 

e 31 32 ios ae 

du. . | 9-4 e s SU 
"o om ee © clane 3 » e 

158 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

Liatris acidota Engelm. & Gray: n — 10. Texas. Liberty Co., 4 
miles E of Cleveland, Ross 76 (SMU, TEX). Verification of Gaiser 

Perityle sp.*: n — 19. MEXICO. Baja California Sur. 14 km. N of 
La Paz, Lewis 5351 (SMU). 

P. palmeri Wats.*: n — 19, fig. 53. MEXICO. Sonora. 2.8 miles N 
of Guaymas, Lewis 5334 (SMU). 

Silphium asperrimum Hook.*: (1) n= 8, 2n = 16, fig. 54. Texas. 
Smith Co., 1 mile N of Bullard, Stripling 510 (FSU) ; 2 plants studied. 
(2) 2n — 16. Texas. Nacogdoches Co., 3 miles S of Nacogdoches, 
Stripling 586 (FSU). 

S. compositum Michx.*: n = 7, 2n = 14, fig. 55. Florida. Lafayette 
Co., between Fletcher and Cross City along Hwy. 351, Stripling 798 
(FSU) ; 3 plants studied. — STEPHEN F. AUSTIN STATE COLLEGE, NACOG- 


ANDERSON, E. AND K. Sax. 1936. A cytological monograph of the 
American species of Tradescantia. Bot. Gaz. 97: 433-476. 

ATCHISON, E. 1947. Studies in the Leguminosae. I. Chromosome 
numbers in Erythrina L. Amer. Jour. Bot. 34: 407-414. 

1949. Studies in the Leguminosae. IV. Chromosome 

numbers and geographical relationships of miscellaneous 

Leguminosae. Jour. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 65: 118-122. 

BALDWIN, J. T. JR. AND B. M. SPEESE. 1955. Chromosomes of 
Elephantopus and of Pluchea in the range of Gray’s manual of 
botany. Amer. Jour. Bot. 42: 123-125. 

1957. Phoradendron 

flavescens: chromosomes, seedlings, and hosts. Amer. Jour. Bot. 
44: 136-140. 

BEATUS, R. 1936. Die Veronica-Gruppe Agrestis der Section Alsinebe 
Griseb., ein Beitrag zum Problem der Artbildung 1. Zeitschr. 
Indukt. Abst. Ver. 71: 3553-381. 

Fics. 39-55. Chromosomes of angiosperms, X 1350. Fig. 39. Bacopa monnieri, 
Lewis 5497, 2n = 64; fig. 40. Gratiola ramosa, Stripling 734, 2n = 14; fig. 41. G. 
aurea, Adams 588, 2n = 28; fig. 42. G. brevifolia, Stripling 794, n =14; fig. 43. G. 
virginiana, Stripling 705, 2n = 16; fig. 44. Lindernia dubia, Lewis et al. 5500, n = 
16; fig. 45. Scoparia dulcis, Ross 62, n = 10; fig. 46. Tragiola pilosa, Stripling 883, 
2n = 22; fig. 47. Veronica persica, Stripling 788, 2n = 28; fig. 48. Utricularia inflata, 
Godfrey 59374, n = 9; fig. 49. U. inflata, Reinert 2, 2n = 36; fig. 50, Justicia lanceola- 
ta, Lewis & Oliver 5320, n = 14; fig. 51. J. lanceolata, Lewis & Oliver 5311, n = 14 
+1 (14 1 +11); fig. 52. Cirsium horridulum, Godfrey 59335, 2n = 34; fig. 53. Perityle 
sp., Lewis 5351, n = 19; fig. 54. Silphium asperrimum, Stripling 510, 2n = 16; fig. 55. 
S. compositum, Stripling 798, n = 7. 

1962] Lewis, Stripling & Ross — Chromosome Numbers 159 

44 45 

e 43 

160 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

Bowben, W. M. 1945. A list of chromosome numbers in higher 
plants. II. Menispermaceae to Verbenaceae. Amer. Jour. Bot. 
32: 191-201. 

A cytological study of Tradescantia reverchoni Bush, Bull. Torrey 
Bot. Cl. 78: 66-69. 

CAVE, M. S. (editor) 1956-60. Index to Plant Chromosome Numbers 
for 1956-60. 

DARLINGTON, C. D. 1929. Chromosome behavior and structural 
hybridity in the Tradescantiae. Jour. Genet. 21: 207-286. 

AND A. P. WYLIE. 1956. Chromosome Atlas 
of Flowering Plants. MacMillan Co., New York. 

GaAISER, L. O. 1949. Chromosome studies in Liatris. I. Spicatae and 
Pycnostachyae. Amer. Jour. Bot. 36: 122-135. 

GERSHOY, A. 1934. Studies in North American violets. III. Chromo- 
some numbers and species characters. Vt. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 
367: 1-91. 

GopFREY, R. K. 1958. Some identities in Halesia (Styracaceae). 
Rhodora 60: 86-88. 

GOODSPEED, T. H. 1923. A preliminary note on the cytology of 
Nicotiana species and hybrids. Svensk. Bot. Tidsk. 17:472-478. 

JENSEN, H. W. 1937. Meiosis in several species of dioecious mono- 
cotyledoneae I. The possibility of sex-chromosomes. Cytologia, 
Fujii Jub. Vol. 96-103. 

LEWIS, W. H. 1961. Chromosome numbers for three United States 
species of Xyris. Southwest. Nat. 6: 99-100. 

1962. Aneusomaty in aneuploid populations of Clay- 
tonia virginica. Amer. Jour. Bot. (in press) 

LóvE, A. AND D. LévE. 1956. Cytotaxonomical conspectus of Icelandic 
flora. Act. Hort. Gotob. 20: 65-290. 

MoRTON, J. K. 1956. Cytotaxonomic studies on the Gold Coast 
species of the genus Commelina Linn. Jour. Linn. Soc. 60: 507-531. 

MULLIGAN, G. A. 1959. Chromosome numbers of Canadian weeds. 
II. Canad. Jour. Bot. 37: 81-92. 

PENNELL, F. W. 1935. The Scrophulariaceae of eastern temperate 
North America. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Monographs 1: 

RAGHAVAN, T. S. AND V. K. SRIMIVASAN. 1940. Studies in the Scro- 
phulariaceae. I. The cytology of Angelonia grandiflora C. Morr. 
and some related genera. Cytologia 11: 37-54. 

ROTHWELL, N. V. 1959. Aneuploidy in Claytonia virginica. Amer. 
Jour. Bot. 46: 353-360. 

SAEZ, F. A. 1949. Los cromosomas de Brodiaea uniflora. Lilloa 19: 

SIMMONDS, N. W. 1954. Chromosome behaviour in some tropical 
plants. Heredity 8: 139-150. 

19692] Hodgdon and Steele — Glandularity in Rubus 161 

SUZUKA, O. 1950. Chromosome numbers in pharmaceutical plants I. 
Rep. Kihara Inst. Biol. Res. 4:57-58. 

TAYLOR, H. 1945. Cyto-taxonomy and phylogeny of the Oleaceae. 
Brittonia 5: 337-367. 

THoMas, J. L. 1960. A monographic study of the Cyrillaceae. Contr. 
Gray Herbarium 186: 1-114. 

TURNER, B. L. 1958. Chromosome numbers in the genus Krameria: 
evidence for familial status. Rhodora 60: 101-106. 

YounG, J. O. 1940. Cytological investigations in Desmodium and 
Lespedeza. Bot. Gaz. 101: 839-850. 



For the past 4 years we have been studying the black- 
berries of New Hampshire and nearby parts of Maine and 
Vermont. This was started as a floristic study to determine 
what taxa occur in New Hampshire and where in the State 
each is found. 

Fernald (1) quoted in part here, has the following to say 
about the classification of Rubus Subgenus Eubatus which 
embraces the Blackberries, ‘“‘Taxonomically a most difficult 
group. Our few original wide-ranging, essentially unvary- 
ing and ancient species have greatly commingled producing 
sometimes localized but rapidly spreading offspring . . ." 
We have assumed as Fernald apparently did from what he 
stated farther on in this long footnote, that certain of the 
multitude of species that have been described are of a dif- 
ferent order taxonomically from the others. 

One of our primary objectives has been to determine 
which of our species in New Hampshire may be character- 
ized as well-marked. Unquestionably one of the most clearly 
defined is the one in question here, Rubus allegheniensis. It 
has an extensive range and possesses some taxonomic char- 
acters that are recognized readily in the majority of speci- 
mens though considerable diversity is displayed in some 

1Published with approval of the Director of the New Hampshire Agricultural Experi- 
ment Station as Scientific Contribution No. 290. 

162 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

of its features. We have come to be suspicious of the terms 
“unvarying” or “essentially unvarying" as applied to any 
wide ranging species of blackberry known to us. A study 
based on populations more than on individuals seems to lead 
inevitably to a broader and more inclusive interpretation 
of the well established taxa in Rubus. Since many of the 
less well-marked species are characterized by features that 
seem to us to fall within the proper limits of variation of 
the better defined ones we suggest that eventually there 
should be a marked reduction in the number of accepted 
species in the Subgenus Hubatus. 

This paper presents evidence to show that Rubus alle- 
gheniensis has been interpreted too narrowly in respect to 
its glandularity. This should make it possible for more 
effective use to be made of Fernald’s key to the Section 
Alleghenienses (2) by changing some of the statements 
there. At present, with many specimens, the key is quite 
unworkable if followed literally, and therefore, in our 
opinion, needs to be corrected. The first major division of 
the key is concerned with glandularity of the primocanes. 
We note the following statements, “axis of primocane 
(except sometimes at expanding tip) without or essentially 
without stipitate glands on the internodes or among the 
prickles” contrasted to “axis of primocane bearing several 
to very many long stipitate glands among the prickles.” 
Four New England species thus are distinguished from R. 
allegheniensis by having glandular primocanes. Of these 
only one, R. ravus Bailey, is stated in the key to have long 
cylindric racemes of flowers, in this respect resembling R. 
allegheniensis. In using the key let us assume that a speci- 
men is found to occur in the Section Alleghenienses; if it 
has evident glands on the mature primocanes and in addi- 
tion has its flowers in well-developed racemes, the specimen 
will be identified in the key as R. ravus rather than R. alle- 
gheniensis. One would also have trouble getting by the 
first statement in the key in L. H. Bailey's treatment of 
Rubus (3) which, in part at least, seems to have served 
as a model for the key in Gray's Manual. 

1962]  Hodgdon and Steele — Glandularity in Rubus 163 

For many years we have been confused by these keys, a 
major difficulty being that much material, at least in North- 
ern and Central New England, has glands on the mature 
primocanes and yet in other ways fits R. allegheniensis. 
R. ravus is an excessively prickly and glandular taxon of 
localized occurrence. We don't at present have convincing 
evidence that it is a good species. In herbaria it is repre- 
sented from only a few localities but recent field observations 
and collections by us indicate it to be of occasional occur- 
rence, though it may be widespread. The material to be 
discussed below resembles R. ravus only in having glands 
on the primocanes and by having more or less elongated 
racemes. Except for the glandular primocanes, there would 
certainly be no hesitancy about calling all of these specimens 
R. allegheniensis. 

In 1953 the junior author made some observations of a 
colony of R. allegheniensis in Sandwich, New Hampshire. 
In the middle of June it was noted that all of the primo- 
canes in the colony, which had not then reached full growth, 
were heavily glandular. Collections made from the colony 
at weekly intervals indicated that the glands tended to dis- 
appear as the canes matured. A rather dense pubescence 
remained on the primocanes of this particular colony. Since 
1951 the senior author frequently has collected specimens 
which have the characteristics of R. allegheniensis except 
that they have noticeable glands on the primocanes. At first 
he was inclined to call these R. ravus but glandular plants 
occurred so often and these had such varying numbers of 
glands that a very different explanation was suggested. 
These observations thus impelled us to undertake a syste- 
matic study of gland-occurrence on the primocanes of R. 

Collections of 10 primocanes were made from each of 9 
colonies in different localities in New Hampshire and from 
one in southern Maine between the dates of July 15 and 
November 11, 1959. These colonies were selected entirely 
without regard for glandularity. The colonies were all 
vigorous, consisting of well-grown primocanes and flori- 

164 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

canes intermixed. Since the canes in each colony grew in 
close proximity, it was thought that in many of the colonies 
the canes were genetically similar, having arisen from the 
same single rootstock. Sections about 30 cm. long were 
collected; these were taken from about the middle of full- 
sized primocanes. The attempt was made to distribute the 
collecting somewhat uniformly throughout each colony. The 
stands ranged in size from 20 or 30 square metres down 
to stands that barely yielded 10 primocanes for our study. 

The results of counts of glands are shown in Fig. 1; 35% 
of the plants fell in the class of less than 100 glands per 
decimeter and therefore, compared with heavily glandular 
stems, might be considered as essentially without glands 
though it is to be noted that they are still fairly obvious 
under 10X magnification down to fewer than 50 per deci- 
meter. The matter of glandularity then can become im- 
portant subjectively, depending on the diligence with which 
one searches for glands, also the quality of lens used and 
the interpretation of what is meant by the phrase “essen- 
tially without glands." Assuming that any condition fewer 
than 100 glands per decimeter may fit the requirement of 
R. allegheniensis of relative glandlessness, we were left 
with 65% of the canes, including at least 2 from each colony 
and all of them from one, which had more than 100 glands 
per decimeter — certainly enough to notice and to create 
doubt and confusion when trying to use the key. In 7 of 
the colonies one or more canes had more than 500 glands 
per decimeter, a situation which could hardly be ignored 
by any critical observer. Of considerable interest is the 
variation in glandularity within any particular colony. Some 
of the colonies almost certainly were from common root- 
stocks. Yet all displayed some differences between canes 
and 6 of the colonies had markedly different numbers of 
glands on most of their canes. Many questions and unsolved 
problems are suggested by these data. 

Because of some of the questions raised in this study, a 
canvass was made of readily available herbarium specimens 
to find out if the results noted in New Hampshire and 

1962] Hodgdon and Steele — Glandularity in Rubus 165 

71359 HH 1558 



L Be Ed RH 

789 101i |213 

T2759 7 2| 60 

nN N 
nN < 
< = 
Q Q 
T 72859 © 8 4 60 
Q 4L 
< wW L 
eral — 
Pd — 
Ww A 
z < 
< Q 
e ee Q HHH 
= 2 
95 59 9 8 60 
Ó Ó 
N N 
a dq) 
= 2 
=) =) 
Fa Z 
HA {4} 4444444 

9 9 59 lO 23 60 
[1-14 [LLLI 

Fig. 1. Frequency distribution of numbers of glands in Rubus allegheniensis. 

166 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

southern Maine might be expected elsewhere in the range 
of the species. Unfortunately, many herbarium specimens 
of blackberries are quite useless for critical study, lacking 
either floricanes or primocanes and often without growth- 
habit notes. In addition, young primocanes collected at the 
time of flowering tend to give an unfair impression of 
glandularity. Nonetheless a sufficient number of good speci- 
mens were available in the Gray Herbarium and the herb- 
arium of the New England Botanical Club, as well as the 
University of New Hampshire collection and the private 
collection of the junior author to give us a more general 
picture. Table 1 summarizes the data on primocane glands 
as best it could be determined from the aforementioned 
herbaria. From outside of New England and particularly 
from the southern parts of the range the specimens avail- 
able were few and mostly inadequate in that frequently 
they lacked good primocanes. Similar field and herbarium 
studies of R. allegheniensis should be carried out in areas 
other than New England to provide a more complete analysis 
of glandularity in this species. A glance at some specimens 
from the Maritime Provinces of Canada indicated that we 
might expect to find considerable glandularity there. 

Table 1. — Glandularity in Herbarium Material of R. allegheniensis 
Numbers of primocanes in classes based on 
number of glands per decimeter. 

Location more than 
0-99 100-199 200-299 300-399 400-499 500 

Maine 11 3 2 0 1 5 

New Hampshire 38 10 6 8 5 10 

Other New 

England States 5 5 — 4 2 3 

States other than 

New England 21 2 2 1 3 1 

From the table we see that slightly more than half of the 
primocanes are relatively glandless with fewer than 100 
glands per decimeter, this being considerably more than in 
our population samples. It is evident however that, in most 
parts of the range, there would be specimens to cause per- 
plexity and confusion when using the key. In states other 

1962] Hodgdon and Steele — Glandularity in Rubus — 167 

than New England most of the heavily glandular specimens 
came from the northern tier of states. If diminished glandu- 
larity is partly a function of development, it might be that 
the longer growing period of the more southern parts of the 
range may contribute to a reduction in glands. Though not 
shown in the table, entirely glandless specimens constituted 
only a minor proportion of the primocanes in herbarium 

The var. neoscoticus Fernald of Rubus allegheniensis is 
interpreted by Bailey (4) as being glandular, though this 
character is ignored in Fernald’s handling of it in Gray's 
Manual. Our glandular specimens definitely do not fit this 

In the Harvard Herbarium an examination was made of 
sheets of the supposedly glandular species of Section Alle- 
ghenienses including R. ravus Bailey, R. glandicaulis 
Blanch., R. frondisentis Blanch. and R. sceleratus Brainerd. 
The typical plants of these were not only heavily glandular 
with 1,500 or, more frequently, 2 or 3,000 or more glands 
per decimeter but differed also in character of armature, the 
prickles in some cases being thin and acicular and in others 
broad-based but very abundant. 

Bailey in Gentes Herbarium makes a more satisfactory 
separation of R. ravus and the other very glandular species 
than does Fernald in that he takes the accompanying arma- 
ture into consideration. As a substitute for the primary 
divisions of the key to the Section Alleghenienses (2), we 
suggest that the following be used: 

Mature primocanes with none or few glands or only moderately 
glandular (0-1200 per dm.) along with few to many stiff broad-based 

Mature primocanes with numerous glands (1500-5000 per dm.) 
along with many bristles or slender prickles or exceptionally broad- 
based prickles, the prickles if broad-based, abundant and almost con- 

Many of the taxa in the very glandular group appear to 
be hybrids with an admixture of R. setosus or to show intro- 

gression with that species. 

168 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

Specimens of primocane and voucher material used in 
the population studies have been placed in the University 
of New Hampshire Herbarium. 

The authors wish to thank the curators of the Harvard 
Herbarium and the New England Botanical Club Herbarium 
for their permission to consult these collections freely. 


1. FERNALD, M. L. 1950. Gray’s Manual, 8th edition (footnote on p. 


2. . 1950. Gray's Manual, 8th edition (footnote on p. 

3. BAILEY, L. H. 1944. Gent. Herb. V. 508-512. 

4. . 1944. Gent. Herb. V. 509. 


The fourteenth report included the Dicotyledoneae from 
Papaveraceae through Platanaceae. The present report 
deals with the genus Carex of the Cyperaceae. 

The data for these reports have been compiled from the 
material found in the herbarium of the New England Botan- 
ical Club, in the Gray Herbarium, and in the herbarium of 
the Peabody Museum at Salem. 


The sign + indicates that an herbarium specimen has 
been seen, the sign — that a reliable printed record has been 
found and the sign * is used for those plants which are not 
native in the New England area. 

Me. N.H. Vt. Mass. R.I. Conn. 
Carex abdita Bickn. + + ao + + + 
Carex abscondita Mackenz. de + + + 
*Carex acutiformis Ehrh. + 

1962] Committee on Plant Distribution 169 

Me. N.H. Vt. Mass. R.I. Conn. 
Carex adusta Boott + 
Carex aenea Fern. + 
Carex aestivalis M. A. Curtis 
Carex alata T. & G. 
Carex albolutescens Schwein. 
Carex albursina Sheldon 
Carex alopecoidea Tuckerm. + 
Carex amphibola Steud. var. rigida 
(Bailey) Fern. 
Carex amphibola var. turgida Fern. 
Carex angustior Mackenz. 
Carex annectens Bickn. 
Carex annectens var. xanthocarpa 
(Bickn.) Wieg. 
Carex aquatilis Wahlenb. var. altior 
(Rydb.) Fern. 
Carex arcta Boott 
Carex arctata Boott 
Carex argyrantha Tuckerm. 
Carex artitecta Meckenz. 
Carex artitecta var. subtilirostris 
F. J. Herm. 
Carex atherodes Spreng. 
Carex atlantica Bailey 
Carex atratiformis Britt. 
Carex aurea Nutt. 
Carex Backii Boott 
Carex Baileyi Britt. 
Carex Barrattii Schwein. & Torr. 
Carex Bebbii Olney 
Carex Bicknellii Britt. 
Carex Bigelowii Torr. 
Carex blanda Dew. 
Carex brevior (Dew.) Mackenz. 
Carex bromoides Schkuhr. 
*Carex brunnea Thunb. 
Carex brunnescens (Pers.) Poir. 
Carex brunnescens var. sphaerostachya 
(Tuckerm.) Kükenth. 
Carex bullata Schkuhr. 
Carex Bushii Mackenz. 
Carex Buxbaumii Wahlenb. 
Carex canescens L. 
Carex canescens var. disjuncta Fern. 
Carex canescens var. subloliacea Laestad. 
Carex capillaris L. 
Carex capillaris var. major Blytt 
Carex capitata L. 
*Carex caryophyllea Lat. 
Carex castanea Wahlenb. 
Carex cephalantha (Bailey) Bickn. 
Carex cephaloidea Dew. 
Carex cephalophora Muhl. 
Carex chordorrhiza L.f. 
Carex Collinsii Nutt. 
Carex communis Bailey 


++ ++ 


+ ++++ 

+++ + + +++ ++ 




+++ ++ ttt + + F+t]t+ + +444 ++++++ 
+++ + 
+++ +++ 

[+ + ++++++ +++++ 

++ + ++ 
++ + + 
++ ++++ 

HHHH + HHHH ++ + F4+4+4+4+4+ ++H+++ 
+ +4+4+4 

+ Ft + +++ ++ + ++ +++ 

+ +++++ 

+ +++ + 

++ +/+ 

++ +444 

170 Rhodora 

Carex comosa Boott 
Carex conoidea Schkuhr. 
Carex convoluta Mackenz. 
Carex X copulata (Bailey) Mackenz, 
Carex Crawei Dew. 
Carex Crawfordii Fern. 
Carex crinita Lam. 
Carex crinita var. brevicrinis Fern. 
Carex crinita var. gynandra (Schwein.) 
Schwein. & Torr. 
Carex crinita var. minor Boott 
Carex crinita var. Porteri (Olney) Fern. 
Carex crinita var. simulans Fern. 
Carex cristatella Britt. 
Carex cumulata (Bailey) Mackenz. 
Carex Davisii Schwein. & Torr. 
Carex debilis Michx. 
Carex debilis var. interjecta Bailey 
Carex debilis var. Rudgei Bailey 
Carex debilis var. strictior Bailey 
Carex deflexa Hornem. 
Carex demissa Hornem. 
Carex Deweyana Schwein. 
Carex diandra Schrank 
Carex digitalis Willd. 
Carex disperma Dew. 
Carex eburnea Boott 
Carex elachycarpa Fern. 
Carex Emmonsii Dew. 
Carex exilis Dew. 
Carex festucacea Schkuhr. 
Carex flaccosperma Dew. var. glaucodea 
(Tuckerm.) Kükenth. 
Carex flava L. 
Carex flava var. fertilis Peck 
Carex flava var. gaspensis Fern. 
Carex foenea Willd. 
Carex folliculata L. 
Carex formosa Dew. 
Carex Garberi Fern. var. bifaria Fern. 
Carex gracilescens Steud. 
Carex gracillima Schwein. 
Carex granularis Muhl. 
Carex granularis var. Haleana (Olney) 
Carex Grayii Carey 
Carex Grayii var. hispidula Gray 
Carex gynocrates Wormsk. 
Carex X Hartii Dew. 
Carex Haydenii Dew. 
Carex hirsutella Mackenz. 
*Carex hirta L. 
Carex hirtifolia Mackenz. 
Carex Hitchcockiana Dew. 
Carex hormathodes Fern. 
Carex hormathodes X straminea 

+++ +4+4++4+4++4+ + + ++++ 

+ + + +4444 

+ ++ +++ 

+++ +4445 


++ +++ 

+++ ++ 

[++ +++ +4 +4+4+4+4+4+4+4++4+ 




++ ++4++4+4++4+4+4+4+/4+ +++++ 

++ +++ +4+44+44| 

++ +++ 

++ +4+++8 


+H +++ +++ +++ +++ ++H+++H +++ F444 ++ +++ 4444+ 


[Vol. 64 
R. I. Conn. 
+ + 
"I + 
+ T 

-+ + 
+ + 
+ + 
T + 
— + 
+ E 
+ + 
T + 
+ + 
+ + 
-+ + 
— T 
— + 
+ + 



Committee on Plant Distribution 

Houghtonii Torr. 

Howei Mackenz. 

hystricina Muhl. 

incomperta Bickn. 

interior Bailey 

intumescens Rudge 

intumescens var. Fernaldii Bailey 
Josselynii (Fern.) Mackenz. 
katahdinensis Fern. 

X Knieskernii Dew, 

lacustris Willd. 

laevivaginata (Kükenth.) Mackenz. 
lanuginosa Michx. 

lasiocarpa Ehrh. var. americana Fern. 

laxiculmis Schwein. 

laxiflora Lam. 

lenticularis Michx. 

lenticularis var. albi-montana Dew. 
lenticularis var. Blakei Dew. 
leporina L. 

leptalea Wahlenb. 

leptonervia Fern. 

limosa L. 

livida (Wahlenb.) Willd. var. 

Grayana (Dew.) Fern. 


Longii Mackenz. 

lupuliformis Sartwell 

lupulina Muhl. 

lupulina var. pedunculata Gray 
lurida Wahelenb. 

Mackenziei Krecz. 

mainensis Porter 
Merritt-Fernaldii Mackenz. 
mesochorea Mackenz. 
Michauxiana Boeckl. 
Mitchelliana M. A. Curtis 
molesta Mackenz. 

Muhlenbergii Schkuhr 
Muhlenbergii var. enervis Boott 
nigra (L.) Reichard 

nigra var. strictiformis (Bailey) Fern. 

nigromarginata Schwein. 
normalis Mackenz. 

novae-angliae Schwein. 
oligocarpa Schkuhr 

oligosperma Michx. 

X Olneyi Boott 

ormostachya Wieg. 

oronensis Fern. 

paleacea Wahlenb. 

pallescens L. var. neogaea Fern. 
panicea L. 

pauciflora Lightf, 

paupercula Michx, 

paupercula var. irrigua (Wahlenb.) 


+ otttttt ++ HHHH FF+FF+EHH+4EF+44444448 


+ ++++4+4++ + ++ ++ 






+ + 

+ +++++ +++ ++ +444 

+++ + +++ + +4+444+4+44 

I +++ + + 

+ ++4++4+ 

+ ++ + 

+++ BEP 




+++ ++ +t+4+4++ 44444444 

+ +++ +Ht44+ +4+4+4+4+44/4 


R. I. Conn, 
+ + 
— + 
+ + 
+ + 
+ + 
+ + 
+ + 
+ + 
+ + 
+ + 
+ + 
+ + 
+ + 
+ + 
+ + 
+ + 
+ + 
+ + 
+ + 
+ + 
+ + 
+ + 
+ + 

172 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

N.H. Vt. Mass. R.I. Conn. 


Carex paupercula var. pallens Fern. 

Carex Peckii Howe 

Carex pedunculata Muhl. 

Carex pensylvanica Lam. 

Carex pensylvanica var. distans Peck 

Carex plantagianea Lam. 

Carex platyphylla Carey 

Carex polymorpha Muhl. 

Carex prairea Dew. 

Carex prasina Wahlenb. 

Carex praticola Rydb. 

Carex projecta Mackenz. 

Carex Pseudo-Cyperus L. 

Carex X pseudohelvola Kihlm. 

Carex radiata (Wahlenb.) Dew. 

Carex rariflora (Wahlenb.) Sm. 

Carex retroflexa Muhl. 

Carex retrorsa Schwein. 

Carex Richardsonii R. Br. 

Carex rosea Schkuhr 

Carex rostrata Stokes 

Carex rostrata var. ambigens Fern. 

Carex rostrata var. utriculata (Boott) 

Carex salina Wahlenb. var. kattegatensis 
(Fries) Almq. 

Carex salina X stricta 

Carex saxatilis L. var. miliaris (Michx.) 

Carex saxatilis var. rhomalea Fern. 

Carex scabrata Schwein. 

Carex scirpoidea Michx. 

Carex Schweinitzii Dew. 

Carex scoparia Schkuhr 

Carex scoparia var. tesselata Fern. & Wieg. 

Carex seorsa Howe 

Carex X setacea Dew. + 

Carex silicea Olney 

Carex sparganioides Muhl. 

*Carex spicata Huds. 

Carex Sprengelii Dew. 

Carex squarrosa L. 

Carex sterilis Willd. 

Carex stipata Muhl. 

Carex straminea Willd. 

Carex striatula Michx. 

Carex stricta Lam. 

Carex stricta var. strictior (Dew.) Carey 

Carex styloflexa Buckl. 

Carex Swanii (Fern.) Mackenz. 

Carex tenera Dew. 

Carex tenera var. echinodes (Fern.) Wieg. 

Carex tenuiflora Wahlenb. 

Carex tetanica Schkuhr 

Carex tincta Fern, 

Carex tonsa (Fern.) Bickn. 


++ + + ++ + ++++++++ 

+tt+] + ++ ++ +++++ 
++ 44 

++ ++ + ++ +4+4+4+4+44+4+ 


+ + ttt + +tt++t+tt+++++++++3 

++ + +++ ++ + ++ +4+4+4+4+4+4+4++44+ 


++ +++ 
+ ++ 

++ +4 |+ 

+ +444 

++ +4+4+4+4++4++4+4++4++4+ ++ + 
++ ++ 4+ + 4+ + + + 

++ ++ 
ttt Ftt4+4+t+4t+++t+4+4+44+ ++ + 

++ +) 4+ ++ 

++ + ++ ++ 
+++ | 


1962] Committee on Plant Distribution 173 


s. R. I. Conn. 

Carex torta Boott 

Carex tribuloides Wahlenb. 

Carex X trichina Fern. 

Carex trichocarpa Muhl. 

Carex trisperma Dew. 

Carex trisperma var. Billingsii Knight 

Carex Tuckermani Boott 

Carex typhina Michx. 

Carex umbellata Schkuhr 

Carex vaginata Tausch 

Carex vesicaria L. 

Carex vesicaria var. distenta Fries 

Carex vesicaria var. jejuna Fern. 

Carex vesicaria var. monile (Tuckerm.) 

Carex vesicaria var. Raeana (Boott) Fern. 

Carex vestita Willd. 

Carex virescens Muhl. 

Carex viridula Michx. 

Carex vulpinoidea Michx. 

Carex Walteriana Bailey var. brevis Bailey 

Carex Wiegandii Mackenz. 

Carex Willdenowii Schkuhr 

Carex Woodii Dew. 


++++++ + + + +++ 
+ ++++++4++++ MR 
TE + BA +4+4++4++ +4 

To HEFEI ete toe TER 
lL++4++ + + ++ 

|+t++t++ + + + F4+4+4+4+4+ ++ 

++ +++ 


Carex was treated by Prof. M. L. Fernald in Rhodora 
4:218-230. Since then the number of specimens available 
for study has become very much larger and also there has 
been a considerable change in nomenclature. It consequently 
seemed desirable to reevaluate the genus in the light of the 
more abundant material. At the conclusion of his report 
Prof. Fernald added “Suggestions for Special Observations”. 
It is interesting to note that in at least half the species cited, 
the extension of range that he anticipated has been con- 

In contrast to the previous reports the number of intro- 
duced species is insignificant. There are only seven in our 
New England area and of these, two were not included in 
Prof. Fernald’s list. 

The geographical areas are in general the same as'in the 
previous reports. 

I. GENERALLY DISTRIBUTED. — Carex angustior, C. canescens var. dis- 
juncta, and var. subloliacea, C. cephalantha, C. crinita and var. gynan- 
dra, C. debilis var. Rudgei, C. intumescens, C. lasiocarpa var. 
americana, C. leptalea, C. limosa, C. pallescens var. neogaea, C. rostrata 
and var. utriculata, C. stipata, C. striata, C. tenera, C. trisperma and 
var. Billingsii, C. vulpinoidea. 

174 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

Carex limosa apparently is absent from southern New Hampshire, 
southern Connecticut and all of Rhode Island. C. tenera is largely 
absent from Aroostook County, Maine with only one station at Fort 
Fairfield, is represented by only one specimen each in Plymouth County 
at Bridgewater and in Barnstable County at Provincetown, and is 
absent from Rhode Island. 

Ia. GENERAL, EXCEPT CAPE COD. — Carex arctata, C. bromoides, C. 
brunnescens var. sphaerostachya, C. communis, C. conoidea, C. Dewey- 
ana, C. disperma, C. flava. and var. fertilis, C. Haydenii, C. hystricina, 
C. lacustris, C. leptonervia, C. pedunculata, C. projecta, C. scabrata, 
C. tribuloides, C. vesicaria and vars. monile and jejuna. 

Carex bromoides is infrequent north of 45°. C. brunnescens var. 
sphaerostachya is not yet known from Rhode Island or southern Con- 
nectieut. C. conoidea has not been found on. Nantucket. C. Deweyana 
has not yet been reported from Rhode Island or southern Connecticut 
and only two stations are known in eastern Massachusetts. C. flava, 
C. hystricina, C. pedunculata and C. projecta are absent from Plymouth 
and Bristol counties in Massachusetts and from Rhode Island. C. 
scabrata belongs in this category except for a single specimen from 
Sandwich, Massaehusetts. C. tribuloides occurs on Cape Cod but only 
at Woods Hole and Falmouth, Massachusetts. 

KENNEBEC RIVER. — Carex torta belongs here but it seems to avoid all 
the coast from the Quinnipiack River in Connecticut northeastward. 

Carex abdita, C. convoluta, C. Buxbaumii, C. gracillima, C. interior, 
C. stricta var strictior. Although absent from Cape Cod there is a 
specimen of C. abdita from Martha's Vineyard. C. convoluta is rare 
north of 45°. C. Buxbaumii is a rather uncommon species with only 
one station in New Hampshire at Columbia in Coos County, and three 
in Vermont. In southern New England it seems to be concentrated 
west and north of Boston. There is one specimen of C. interior from 
Nantucket. Carex stricta var. strictior, although a rich woods species, 
is represented by two specimens from Martha's Vineyard annotated 
by K. K. Mackenzie. 

IIa. NORTHERN — NOT OR NOT MUCH SOUTH OF 43°. — Carex aenea, 
C. arcta, C. atratiformis, C. Backii, C. canescens, C. crinita var. minor 
and var. simulans, C. demissa, C. gynocrates, C. Houghtonii, C. lenti- 
cularis and var. Blakei, C. Michauxiana, C. paupercula and var. 
irrigua, C. Peckii, C. scirpoidea, C. tenuiflora, C. vesicaria var. Raeana, 
C. Wiegandii. C. atratiformis is infrequent and chiefly calcicolous. 
Although C. Backii is a northern species it is not represented by any 
specimen north of 45^. C. demissa is adventive along the coast in 
southern Connecticut. C. gynocrates apparently is restricted to the 
caleareous areas of northern Maine with no station south of 45°. 

1962] Committee on Plant Distribution 175 

C. scirpoidea is found chiefly in mountainous areas. C. tenuiflora is 
apparently a species of basic soils and is rare in New England. 

fordii, C. deflexa, C. intumescens var. Fernaldii, C. novae-angliae, C. 
oligosperma, C. ormostachya, C. pauciflora, C. paupercula var. pallens, 
C. Pseudo-Cyperus, C. retrorsa, C. tincta. C. intumescens var. Fernaldii 
is absent from Rhode Island and is known from a single station, Cole- 
brook, in northwestern Connecticut. C. ormostachya and C. tincta 
have their southernmost stations chiefly in western Massachusetts. 
C. pauciflora, south of 43°, occurs at several stations in western Massa- 
chusetts and at one in Norfolk in northwestern Connecticut. C. 
retrorsa, south of 43°, is confined to and is frequent in western New 

III. ARCTIC-ALPINE. — Carex Bigelowii, C. brunnescens, C. capil- 
laris, C. capitata, C. lenticularis var. albi-montana, C. katahdinensis, 
C. mainensis, C. rariflora, C. saxatilis var. miliaris and var. 
rhomalea. C. Bigelowii is found on some of the lower mountains in 
northern New England and thus is not exclusively arctic-alpine. 

IVa. SOUTHERN — GENERAL SOUTH OF 45?.— Carex artitecta, C. 
comosa, C. cumulata, C. Emmonsii, C. folliculata, C. lupulina, C. lurida, 
C. Merritt-Fernaldii, C. pensylvanica, var. distans, C. scoparia, C. 
tonsa. C. artitecta is very sparsely represented in the three northern 
states. C. cumulata is absent from Massachusetts west of the Connecti- 
cut River except for stations at Sheffield and Mt. Washington. North 
of 43° C. Emmonsii is entirely coastal except for one station at Burling- 
ton, Vermont. C. tonsa is very sparsely represented in the three north- 
ern states. 

EAST OF THE KENNEBEC RIVER. — Carex annectens and var. xanthocarpa, 
C. blanda, C. Howei. C. annectens var. xanthocarpa is local with only 
seven stations. 

COUNTY. — Carex atlantica, C. digitalis, C. pensylvanica, C. Swanii, 
C. umbellata, C. virescens. 


NOR IN WASHINGTON COUNTY.— Carex brevior, C. cephalophora, C. 
foenea, C. laxiflora, C. lupulina var. pedunculata, C. normalis, C. platy- 
phylla, C. prasina, C. radiata. C. cephalophora is local north of 43^. C. 
lupulina var. pedunculata occurs on both Martha's Vineyard and 
Nantucket but not on Cape Cod. 

laevigata, C. laxiculmis, C. Muhlenbergii and var. enervis, C. vestita. 
C. Muhlenbergii has numerous stations in extreme southwestern Maine 

176 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

and southeastern New Hampshire and two stations in Vermont. C. 
Muhlenbergii var. enervis apparently prefers more basic soils. 

MASSACHUSETTS. — Carex alata, C. bullata, C. Longit. C. alata is 
confined to eastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island. 

Carex aestivalis, C. flaccosperma var. glaucodea, C. polymorpha, C. 
retroflexa, C. seorsa, C. aestivalis is absent from Rhode Island and is 
local in northeastern Connecticut, 

WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS. — Carex abscondita, C. Bicknellii, C. fes- 
tucacea, C. straminea, C. striatula. C. festucacea is infrequent. C. 
striatula is local with only six stations. 

Davisii, C. nigromarginata. 

VALLEY. — Carex Baileyi, C. cristatella, C. gracilescens, C. hirsutella, 
C. squarrosa. C. Baileyiis largely confined to Vermont, save for one 
station at Cheshire in western Massachusetts and one at Franconia, 
New Hampshire. C. cristatella occurs chiefly in western New England 
but with isolated stations in eastern Massachusetts and New Hamp- 
shire. C. gracilescens is occasional on basic soils near Boston and 
occurs at a single station in Coos County and one in Grafton County, 
New Hampshire. The Boston and Providence stations for C. squarrosa 
doubtless represent waifs. 

VIIIa. COASTAL PLAIN PROPER. — Carex Mitchelliana, C. Walteriana 
var. brevis. 

VIIIb. COASTAL PLAIN EXTENSIONS. — Carex albolutescens is a 
southern coastal plain species that also occurs at Westwood, Massa- 
chusetts and at two stations in southeastern New Hampshire. 

THE SOUTH, IF IN THE EAST MOSTLY NORTH OF 45°. — Carex albursina, 
C. alopecoidea, C. amphibola var. rigida and var. turgida, C. capillaris 
var. major, C. castanea, C. Crawei, C. eburnea, C. elachycarpa, C. flava 
var. gaspensis, C. formosa, C. Garberi var. bifaria, C. granularis, C. 
Grayii, C. Hitchcockiana, C. Josselynii, C. lupuliformis, C. oligocarpa, 
C. Schweinitzii, C. tetanica, C. trichocarpa, C. typhina, C. vaginata. 

The majority of these calciphiles occur only in the limestone area of 
western New England. C. alopecoidea has one station at Vassalboro, 
Kennebee County, Maine. C. amphibola war. turgida is of more 
northern. distribution than var. rigida which has not been reported 
north of 43? 30". C. capillaris var. major, C. Garberi var. bifaria, C. 
elachycarpa, C. flava var. gaspensis and C. Josselynii are restricted 
to the calcareous regions of Aroostook County, Maine. C. castanea 
occurs in limy areas in both western and northern New England. 

1962] Committee on Plant Distribution 177 

C. Crawei has been reported from only four stations, two in the 
Aroostook Valley and two in the upper Housatonic Valley in Connecti- 
cut. C. trichocarpa is absent from most of Vermont. Apparently the 
only station east of the Connecticut River for C. typhina is the one 
at Leeds, Maine. 

aquatilis var. altior, C. aurea, C. Bebbii, C. cephaloidea, C. diandra, 
C. granularis var. Haleana, C. hirtifolia, C. lanuginosa, C. plantaginea, 
C. prairea, C. rosea, C. sparganioides, C. Sprengellii, C. Tuckermani. 
C. aurea in our area is not necessarily a cacliphile. C. Bebbii is infre- 
quent and is not reported from Rhode Island or eastern Connecticut. 
C. cephaloidea, C. hirtifolia and C. sparganioides are rich woods plants 
not collected north of 45?. C. plantaginea is an inland species with no 
stations on the coast. It is rare north of 45°. 

Xa. MARITIME IN VICINITY OF COAST.— Carex hormathodes, C. 
Mackenziei, C. paleacea, C. salina var. kattegatensis, C. silicea. A 
hybrid of C. hormathodes and C. straminea has been found on Nan- 
tucket. C. Mackenziei is northern and has not been reported south of 
York County, Maine. C. paleacea is northern extending southward to 
Plymouth, Massachusetts. C. salina var. kattegatensis is also northern 
and is absent scuth of Boston. A hybrid of C. salina var. kattegatensis 
and C. stricta is reported from Arlington and Medford, Massachusetts. 

Xb. MARITIME WITH INLAND STATIONS. — Carex nigra and var. 
strictiformis. The latter has a similar distribution, but is much less 

XI. MISCELLANEOUS. — Carex adusta, C. artitecta var subtilirostris, 
C. atheroides, C. Barrattii, C. chordorhiza, C. Collinsii, C.x copulata, 
C. crinita var. brevirostris and var. Porteri, C. debilis and var. inter- 
jecta and var. strictior, C. exilis, C. Grayii var. hispidula, C.x Harti, 
C.x Knieskernii, C. livida var. Grayana, C. mesochorea, C. molesta, 
C.x Olneyi, C. oronensis, C. praticola, C.x pseudohelvola, C. Richard- 
sonii, C. rostrata var. ambigens, C. salina x stricta, C. scoparia var. 
tesselata, C.x setacea, C. sterilis, C. tenera var. echinoides, C.x trichina, 
C. vesicaria var. distenta, C. viridula, C. Willdenowii, C. Woodit. 

C. adusta occurs only east of the Penobscot River near the ccast. 
C. artitecta var. subtilirostris has only one station at Malden in east- 
ern Massachusetts. C. atheroides has only one station at Rockland, 
Maine and is possibly a waif. C. Barrattii and C. Collinsii are southern 
in distribution reaching their northeastern limit in Connecticut and 
Rhode Island. C. chordorrhiza is a northern species and very local, 
occurring only in eastern Maine and western Vermont. C.x copulata 
is reported from four stations, Grafton, New Hampshire; Newfane, 
Vermont; Sandisfield, Massachusetts, and Waterford, Connecticut. 
C. crinita var. brevirostris occurs only at Cohasset, Massachusetts; 
Providence, Rhode Island, and Bridgeport and Danbury, Connecticut. 

178 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

C. erinita var. Porteri has two stations, Monhegan, Maine, and Han- 
cock, Vermont. C. debilis has been found on Martha's Vineyard and 
Nantucket only. C. debilis var. interjecta has three stations in New 
Hampshire, one at South Burlington, Vermont, seven in Massachusetts 
and one in Connecticut. C. debilis var. strictior has one station in 
Maine at Brownville, eleven in New Hampshire, one at Willoughby, 
Vermont and one at Bellingham, Massachusetts. C. exilis is con- 
centrated in northeastern Massachusetts but otherwise has only widely 
scattered stations. C. Grayii var. hispidula has two stations, Hartford 
and Middletown, Connecticut. C.x Hartii has seven scattered stations 
in New England. C.x Knieskernii is represented by only five stations 
in our whole area. C. livida var. Grayana, a calcicolous species, is 
placed here as in all New England there are only six stations, two in 
Aroostook County, Maine, one in western Vermont and three in 
northeastern Massachusetts. C. mesochorea is cited in Gray's Manual 
from Massachusetts but no specimen has been seen. C. molesta has only 
four stations in New England, Concord, Massachusetts; Ferrisburg, 
Vermont, and Bethlehem and Southington, Connecticut, C.x Olneyi 
has twelve stations in southeastern New England. C. oronensis seems 
to be endemic along the lower Penobscot River in Maine. C. praticola 
is a northern species at its southern limit with two stations only in 
northern Maine, at Island Falls and Masardis, both in Aroostook 
County. C.x pseudohelvola has two stations in extreme southeastern 
Maine at Moose Island and Pembroke. C. Richardsonii is represented 
by a single station at Mt. Equinox in Manchester, Vermont where it 
is abundant. C. rostrata var. ambigens has three stations, at St. 
Francis, Maine and Monterey and Springfield, Massachusetts. C. 
salina x stricta was collected in 1858 at Medford and in 1887 at Arling- 
ton in eastern Massachusetts. C. scoparia var. tesselata has three 
stations on the Maine coast east of the Penobscot River. C.x setacea 
is apparently a hybrid with only four stations in our area. C. sterilis 
has one station at Presque Isle in northeastern Maine and three in 
Connectieut. C. tenera, var. echinoides has three stations only, one at 
South Hero, Vermont and two in Connecticut at East Hampton and 
North Canaan. C.x trichina has been collected at two stations in the 
Aroostook Valley, Maine at Chapman and Fort Fairfield. C. vesicaria 
var. distenta has only ten widely scattered stations. Perhaps this 
should be recognized only as a form and not as a good variety. C. 
viridula is placed in this category as it is in part coastal and in part 
inland chiefly calciphile. Possibly this species requires further study. 
C. Willdenowii has four stations only in New England, one at Sudbury 
in western Vermont, two at Malden and Randolph in eastern Massachu- 
setts and one at East Haven in southern Connecticut. C. Woodii has 
two stations only at Salisbury and New Milford in extreme western 

1962] Lakela — Polycarpaea 179 

XII. INTRODUCED SPECIES. — Carex acutiformis, C. brunnea, C. 
caryophyllea, C. hirta, C. leporina, C. panicea, C. spicata. C. acuti- 
formis is reported only from the vicinity of Boston. C. brunnea has 
been collected but once — at Salem, Massachusetts. — 




Plants unknown to the author were discovered in a margi- 
nal area of sandhill off Overlook Drive, adjacent to the 
business district of Temple Terrace, Tampa, Florida. The 
plants, reminiscent of Paronychieae, were localized in open- 
ings of the vegetation, prevailingly of grasses and compo- 
sites, and a few dwarf live oak. Their compact clusters 
of silver white cymes in late anthesis and in fruit, gave a 
touch of luster to the nondescript background. Collection no. 
23410 was made October 15, 1960. Subsequently, nos. 24530, 
August 7, and 24779, October 18, 1961, were collected from 
the same site. 

In the meantime, a search of the area revealed a wider 
distribution, east of Overlook Drive and 56th Street. The 
plant is well established on a grassy terrace adjoining the 
grounds of Temple Terrace School southside, and in the 
margin of a field about 1 block north of the school. Its 
sporadic occurrence was discovered in the area embracing 
largely the abandoned Henderson Hillsborough Internation- 
al Airport, extending over two miles northwest from Temple 
Terrace. There it is surviving in grassy and weedy vege- 
tation along the old runways and road boulevards. Collec- 
tion no. 24916, March 18, 1962 consists of post-mature 
plants with clusters of cymes, faded in everlasting fashion. 

Discovery of the novelty raised the question of its specific 
identity. Dr. Carroll E. Wood, Jr., referred it tentatively to 
Polycarpaea corymbosa (L.) Lam. (Achyranthes corym- 

180 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

bosa L. Sp. Pl. 205. 1753). The species with pantropic dis- 
tribution was based on a Ceylon plant. An intensive study 
and investigation ensued. Specimens were sent to the Royal 
Botanie Garden, Kew, where they were critically examined 
in comparison with Kew materials from the various conti- 
nents by Messrs J. P. M. Brennan and Peter Taylor. Accord- 
ing to their esteemed report the Florida plant is different 
from P. corymbosa, the Asian-African taxon, but it differs 
less from P. brasiliensis Camb., the South American taxon. 
Since the identities of the above named taxa seem to be in 
need of an overall survey, the status of the Florida plant 
remains in question. However, it seems appropriate at this 
time to report the occurrence of Polycarpaea in North Amer- 
ica. Meanwhile a study of the Florida plant is underway 
with hopes of gaining a better understanding of characteris- 
tics and affinities in relation to these known taxa. 

It may suffice to point out the habit and the more promi- 
nent characteristics of the South American and the Old 
World taxa studied in collections. P. brasiliensis Camb., in 
St. Hilaire Fl. Brasil. merid. II. 132. (1829), a plant of 
Brazil, described without citations of particular specimens, 
is distinguished by thick, fusiform radix giving rise to sev- 
eral stems. Chodat et Hassler, in Bulletin de L'Herbier 
Boissier (2weSer.) 3:190 (1903) treated Paraguayan plants 
as P. corymbosa var. brasiliensis, with a diagnostic state- 
ment, “Herba perennis, radix lignosa napiformis —” citing, 
Hassler Y-aca, Dec., n. 6691 & Apa. Dec., n. 8123, (F, GH, 
US). The leaves in South American specimens are strongly 
revolute, appearing filiform, with deeply cleft stipules pro- 
longed to long filaments, and a terminal bristle to 3 mm. 
long. The radix is often lacking in herbarium specimens 
and the plant may be too young for a thickened crown; 
however, the leaf character may be an aid in identification. 

P. corymbosa (L.) Lam., Rohrbach in Mart. Fl. Bras. 
XIV. 2 (1872) p. 254, t. 58, fig. 1, is representative of the 
Old World taxon, an annual plant with slender tap root, 
stems to 30 cm. tall, with internodes usually longer than the 
leaves, strict or more or less diffusely branched. The leaves, 

1962] Lakela — Polycarpaea 181 

despite the pubescence, with short terminal bristles and 
slightly revolute margins, are similar to those of the Florida 
plant. The collection of Cooley and Siyambalagstenne from 
Dambulla, Ceylon, 14-1-57, (USF), the type region, well 
conforms to the description of the species. The ten mounted 
plants bear a strong resemblance to those of China, India 
and Africa. These, like the South American plants, retain 
the cotyledonary fascicles and the basal leaves of the lower 
nodes almost through the flowering period. In the Florida 
plant they are lost in preanthesis. Therefore a conclusion 
of its identity cannot be made before the plant as a whole 
is understood. To verify the occurrence of Polycarpaea in 
North America the plant is herewith described. 


Upright annual herb 6-10 (14) cm. tall; taproot to 25 cm. long, with 
relatively few secondary roots; stem profusely branched through the 
upper half to two-thirds of its length; internodes 5-15 mm. long, 
scintillescent and reddish under the loose white pilosity, or glabrate; 
nodes with singular swellings of yellowish fatty parenchyma, em- 
bracing the axils of leaves with stipules, floral bracts and to a lesser 
extent those of the sepals; leaves linear, with revolute margins, 1-2.5 
em. long, 1-1.5 mm. wide, opposite, appearing verticillate with axillary 
fascicles, glabrous, fleshy, essentially sessile, excepting a few, in the 
cotyledonary node, 1-nerved, the nerve prominent below and termi- 
nating in a bristle about 1 mm. long, and, like the internodes, scintil- 
lescent and becoming reddish; stipules scarious, cleft, the points 
prolonged to filaments, 8-5 mm. long; inflorescence leafy, cymes 
dichasial, compound, terminating the numerous branches; floral bracts 
scarious, entire or cleft, overlapping the pedicels; flowers lustrous- 
white, 2.8-3.1 mm. long, perigynous; hypanthium short, crater-like, 
reddish within in anthesis; sepals scarious glabrous, lanceolate-acute, 
dorsally rounded, margins convex in outline, with a reddish-orange, 
deltoid, median basal spot; petals ovate, to 1 mm. long, entire or erose 
at tips, rose pink, fading to orange, connate with the stamen bases 
around the rim of the hypanthium; filaments subulate, curved inward, 
.4 mm. long, anthers white, oblong closely surrounding the stigma in 
bud; pistil in anthesis 1 mm. long, the short stipe centered within 
the hypanthium base; stigma consistently nearly sessile, or with style 
.13 mm. long, minutely papillose, 3-fid; capsule 1.5 mm. long, usually 
shed without the stipe, 3-valved, bronzed, the valve margins yellow, 
the stigma with style often short-persistent to a strand of inner tissue 
of one of the valves; ovules 7, amphitropous, seeds subreniform, com- 

182 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

pressed, brownish, .3 mm. long when mature; before fully mature, the 
thin integuments clearly reveal the transparent endosperm with the 
curved embryo around the convex margin; cotyledons accumbent. 
Flowers, late August to November; ripe seeds to Jan. Known only 

from Tampa. 

For citations and loans of herbarium materials, the author 
is indebted to Dr. C. Earle Smith, Jr., Chicago Museum of 
Natural History (F); Dr. C. E. Kobuski, Gray Herbarium 
(GH) ; Dr. J. R. Swallen, United States National Herbarium 
(US) ; Dr. James D. Ray, Jr., University of South Florida 
(USF); to Drs. G. Taylor and C. L. Hubbard of Roya! 
Botanic Garden, Kew, for report of study. — UNIVERSITY 

— Pinguicula vulgaris L. is an amphi-atlantic species which 
has an uneven distribution both in Europe and North Amer- 
ica. In the New World it is a boreal species which extends 
across Canada from Newfoundland to British Columbia and 
Alaska and south into northern New York, New Hamp- 
shire, Vermont, Minnesota, Michigan, Montana, Washing- 
ton and Oregon. In Ontario P. vulgaris has been known for 
many years from the James Bay lowlands, Lake Nipigon 
and the north shore of Lake Superior, and the Bruce Penin- 
sula which separates Georgian Bay from Lake Huron. A 
map of its distribution as known to Hultén is given in 
Kungl. Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar, Fjarde 
Serien Band 7. Nr.1:231. 1958. 

In the southern part of its range in northern New York 
State, this species is found only on wet limestone cliffs of 
deep cool ravines such as occur at Ithaca and the Finger 
Lakes. A similar situation was found in Wellington County, 
Ontario, near Elora, where the Grand River cuts through 
the Guelph Formation of Silurian limestone (dolomite). 

1Contribution No. 181 from the Plant Research Institute, Research Branch, Canada 
Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. 

1962] Cody — Pinguicula 183 

While botanizing on August 16, 1958, with Dr. W. G. 
Dore along the floor of the ravine cut out by the river, a 
a peculiar green was noted on the cliff on the opposite side 
of the river. Fast water along most of the base of the cliff 
made it difficult to get near, but it was possible to reach the 
water’s edge on the north side of the river by climbing 
down a steep well-wooded slope nearby. We were then able 
to work along the foot of the slope to the cliff face. From 
there we could see the peculiar light yellowish-green leaves 
of Pinguicula vulgaris. The plants were very numerous, 
rooted in wet moss on what appeared to be a permanently 
wet and dripping rock face. By dint of much stretching we 
were able to secure eight plants, enough to make one her- 
barium sheet. All but one of the plants collected were 
sterile. The fertile plant bore an almost mature capsule. 
The data are as follows: ONTARIO: Wellington Co., Elora 
Glen, Grand River, in wet moss in bright sun, numerous 
but inaccessible on southfacing cut of gorge, Cody & Dore, 
11046 (DAO). 

An examination of specimens in the University of Toron- 
to Herbarium revealed another apparently unreported col- 
lection from along the Grand River some 30 miles to the 
south: Brant Co., Glen Morris, R. F. Cain s.n., 8/6/29 

Elora Glen and Glen Morris are approximately half way 
between the Bruce Peninsula, where Pinguicula vulgaris 
has been collected frequently, and the sites in northern New 
York. It is not far from the fault of the Niagara Escarp- 
ment which runs from the Bruce Peninsula into New York 
at Niagara Falls. This then might be the route by which 
this species reached northern New York and it is possible 
that other sites for Pinguicula vulgaris might be found in 
similar situations along the escarpment or where streams 
have cut through the sedimentary rock nearby. Such situa- 
tions might possibly be found in the Niagara Gorge, along 
the Jordan River, at Credit Forks and along the Rocky 
Saugeen River. — W. J. Copy. 

184 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

Hyptis radiata Willd., Sp. PI. (ed. 4) 3 pt. 1: 84, 1800, was 
published as a new name for Clinopodium rugosum L., Sp. 
Pl. (ed. 1) 2: 588, 1753 (Willdenow of course cited ed. 3, 
with page no. 822, but the name originates in the first edi- 
tion). Because the epithet rugosum was available for use 
under Hyptis but was not retained, the binomial Hyptis 
radiata is automatically illegitimate by present rules. Be- 
cause of the validly published Hyptis rugosa Benth., Lab. 
Gen. et Sp. p. 86, 1832, the Linnaean epithet cannot now be 
transferred to Hyptis. In Carl Epling’s “Synopsis of the 
genus Hyptis in North America” (Fedde Repert. Sp. Nov. 
34: 73-130, 1933), the only available name seemingly is H. 
latidens Urban, 1926, three other binomials published by 
Gandoger in 1918 being listed as “nomina” only (1. c. p. 
118). This is not correct, for Gandoger supplied Latin 
diagnoses in the form of keys, and cited specimens, so that 
all three of his names were validly published (Bull. Soc. Bot. 
France 65: 66, 1918). The identity of these will be dis- 
cussed later. 

The hitherto unidentified Pyenanthemum ? alatum Rafin- 
esque, Fl. Ludov. p. 40, 1817, has never been listed in any 
synonymy under Hyptis, although Rafinesque himself 
thought it might really belong to that genus. Here is his 

116. Pyenanthemum ? alatum Raf. — Foliis oblongis, 
acutis, dentatis, subtus tomentosis, longe petio- 
latis, petiolis alatis, capitulis longe peduneulatis, 
involueris 13 phyllis, alternis longioribus. Raf. 
— Monarde bouton Rob. p. 388. Stems four feet 
high, four angular, grooved and branched, leaves 
green above, flowers white, unfolding gradually. 
Faintly aromatic and bitter: vulgar name herbe à 
bouton; Robin owns it has four stamina: but 
says it has all the other characters of Monarda. 
It is perhaps a Hyptis. 

Anyone who has seen the Gulf Coast Hyptis radiata will 
recognize at once that it is exactly what Rafinesque de- 

1962] Shinners — Hyptis radiata 185 

scribed. Since his specific epithet has not been used under 
Hyptis, and is much older than those of Gandoger and 
Urban, the correct name for H. radiata becomes H. alata 
(Raf.) Shinners, comb. nov., based on Pyenanthemwum ? 
alatum Raf., quoted above. 

Of the three species published by Gandoger (all on the 
same page), the first, H. floridana, was described as ‘‘pubes- 
cens, caulis copiose setoso-muricatus, folia basi rotundata 
deltoidea, bracteae florales calyce breviores, sepala vix 14 
mm. longa. — Florida, ad Jacksonville ( Williamson!)." The 
pubescent and muricate stem, broad leaf blades, small floral 
bracts, and very short calyx teeth are all perfectly charac- 
teristic of H. mutabilis (A. Richard) Briquet, and H. flori- 
dana Gandoger is to be listed as a synonym of that species 
rather than of H. alata, (H. radiata). Gandoger's other two 
species are discussed together separately from H. floridana, 
and are plainly forms of H. alata. The third is the common 
and widespread type, identical with H. radiata Willd. and 
Pycnanthemum ? alatum Raf.: “Involucri phylla capitulum 
villosum superantia, caules ad angulos hispiduli, folia late 
oblonga. — America sept., Mississippi ad Biloxi (Tracy n. 
61!) et ad Mendenhall (ejusdem n. 8751!)." The first num- 
ber cited is adopted as lectotype of H. Tracyi. I have seen 
only topotype material (Demaree 28392, SMU). : 

Gandoger’s second species, H. leiocephala, was a more 
glabrous and narrow-leaved form: “Involucri phylla capi- 
tulo glabro breviora, caules ad angulos glabri, folia anguste 
oblonga. — Florida, ad Jacksonville (Keeler! Leggett!)." 
This sounds very similar to H. latidens Urban, Fedde 
Repert. Sp. Nov. 22: 368, 1926, from Cuba, considered by 
Epling only a form of H. radiata not worthy of recognition. 
Because the extremes are so different in appearance, be- 
cause the narrow-leaved one is geographically segregated, 
and because it is a significant piece of evidence about the 
history of the Southeastern flora, I think that the formal 
designation of a variety is justified. Not having seen either 
Gandoger’s or Urban’s specimens, I prefer to supply an 
entirely new name based on material I have examined: 

186 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

Hyptis alata var. stenophylla Shinners, var. nov. Caulis (nodis excep- 
tis) glaber vel subglaber. Folia caulina angusta plerumque laminis 
lanceolatis vel lineari-lanceolatis paucidenticulatis vel subintegris. 
TYPE: northwest of Loxahatchee in the Corbitt Wildlife Management 
area, Palm Beach Co., Florida, R. Kral 5657, 3 Sept. 1957 (holotype 
SMU, isotype FSU). “Frequent on moist to wet sandy peat of broad 
marsh and grass-sedge meadows.” The leaf blades of these specimens 
are linear-lanceolate and subentire. In the following they are lanceo- 
late and mostly few-toothed. All are from lower peninsular Florida. 
CHARLOTTE CO.: 15 miles north-northwest of Fort Myers, Kral 7502 
(FSU). Caloose Experimental Range, southeastern Charlotte County, 
William P. Adams 218 (FSU). COLLIER CO. vicinity of Lake Trafford, 
about 3 miles west of Immokalee, Adams 208 (FSU). One mile south of 
Ochopee, Richard S. Mitchell 630 (FSU). DADE CO.: 5 miles west of 
Naranja, F. H. Sargent 6451 (SMU). 

As indicated above, H. leiocephala Gandoger and H. lati- 
dens Urban are very probably synonyms of var. stenophylla 
rather than of var. alata. Unless it is desired to recognize 
two species, the precise disposition of these names is of no 

I am greatly indebted to Dr. R. K. Godfrey for the loan of 
herbarium material from Florida State University. — 


Who are the Makers of North American Botany ? — When 
Dumas Malone and his associates organized the Dictionary 
of American Biography they posed the simple criterion when 
selecting the persons to be included: Did the botanist infiu- 
ence the American scene? Certainly not only the innovators 
but those who developed the science should be included. 
The DAB includes forty botanists? that are not mentioned 
by Humphrey. They are: 

1Makers of North American Botany. By Harry Baker Humphrey. Edited by Robert 
R. Humphrey. Ronald Press, New Pork. $6.00 xi + 265 pp. 1961. 
?See DAB Index volume, 373. 1943 and Supplements I and II. 

1962] Ewan — Book Review 187 

W. P. C. Barton,’ W. D. Brackenridge, Robert Bridges, S. B. Buckley, 
Henry James Clark, John Clayton, Manasseh Cutler, Stephen Elliott, 
B. T. Galloway, F. H. Knowlton, Arthur Hollick, Henry Kraemer, 
Adam Kuhn, J. G. Lemmon, F. J. Lindheimer, Thomas Meehan, Ezra 
Michener, Elisha Mitchell, John Mitchell (d. 1768), Charles T. Mohr, 
J. S. Newberry, John Alsop Paine, Andrew Parmentier, F. P. Porcher, 
T. C. Porter, John L. Riddell, J. N. Rose, J. T. Rothrock, H. H. Rusby, 
P. A. Rydberg, H. P. Sartwell, J. L. E. W. Shecut, C. W. Short, 
George Thurber, Edward Tuckerman, L. M. Underwood, Thomas 
Walter, David White, E. H. Wilson, Charles Wright. 

Certainly no two authors would select the same “makers 
of North American botany" but most, if not all, of the fore- 
going DAB biographees might be expected in a book 
described as “invaluable for biographical reference." Some 
other ‘makers’ that come to mind are David Hosack, who 
patronized botany and founded the Elgin Botanic Garden ; 
Bernard M'Mahon, author of the first gardeners' guide to 
be printed in this country ; Eugene Waldemar Hilgard, soil 
scientist and pioneer agronomist; John Belling, cytologist 
and stain technologist; Edward Palmer, ethnobotanist and 
zealous collector in remote regions of Mexico and the West; 
Almira Lincoln Phelps, student of Amos Eaton, author of 
an influential textbook used in women’s colleges ; David Fair- 
child, pioneer in the field of plant introduction, author of 
The World was my Garden, one of the best botanical story 
books of the century ; Wilhelm Seifriz, geobotanist, physiolo- 
gist, pioneer in protoplasmic studies; Edward Wilbur Berry, 
productive paleobotanist, whose knowledge of fossil plants 
surpassed many botanists' knowledge of living floras! and 
Alice Eastwood, whose seeds of enthusiasm for botany were 
sown in thousands of minds for over seventy years! 

Dr. Humphrey did not live to see his book published and 
it was brought to print by his son who added a few sections 
to the account of 122 botanists. Regrettably the reference 
value is diminished by at least 94 typographical errors in 
the citation of names, dates, and bibliographical references 

*Absence of Benjamin Smith Barton from the DAB is notable in view of his impor- 
tant role in fostering colonial botany. See Jeannette E. Graustein, Penna. Mag. Hist. 
and Biog. 85:423-438. Oct. 1961, for the latest "informed judgment" on Professor 

188 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

to render the book unreliable. This is partly failure to read 
proofs carefully, but there are many inconsistencies in the 
citation of references which were surely in the original 

Humphrey was evidently unaware of a number of impor- 
tant studies of some of the botanists he considered. How 
can he write of Rafinesque and not make use of Merrill’s 
essays? Of Bartram, and not use Francis Harper’s? Of 
Benjamin Smith Barton and of Muhlenberg and many other 
Philadelphia figures, and not use Pennell’s contributions” 
He paid too little attention to the formative influences in 
the lives of the ‘makers!’ An index would have served as a 
guide to the influence of mentor on student, to contempor- 
aries, such as John Belling, now lost within accounts. The 
outstanding contribution of the botanist is too often 
smothered in the recitation of medals and memberships. 
Humphrey’s garland of botanical worthies is not a book of 
recollections written for the uninitiated reader browsing 
for pleasure. He wrote impersonally as if he feared intimacy 
even for those colleagues in his old United States Depart- 
ment of Agriculture whom he must have met almost daily. 
His prose is without relief in the recital of facts. 

Only a few factual errors have been noticed. “Rev. Dr. 
[Zaccheus] Collins" mentioned as a Philadelphian who 
befriended F. A. Michaux was neither a minister nor a 
physician but a merchant. The oft-repeated misalliance of 
Audubon with Albert Kellogg has been corrected by Profes- 
sor Geiser(1). 

More numerous are the fallacious interpretations that 
appear all through the book. For example, to say E. L. 
Greene *had more than a casual interest" in Pittonia and 
Erythea, — journals which he had founded — is a singular 
understatement. Lewis David von Schweinitz's herbarium 
*became the property of the Academy of Natural Sciences 
of Philadelphia," it is true, but the lamentable scheme of 
von Schweinitz in discarding the collectors' original labels 
in favor of his own copied tickets is not mentioned. Hum- 
phrey's statement conveys the impression that this collection 

1962] Ewan — Book Review 189 

of “approximately twenty-three thousand species” is valu- 
able when in fact its value was seriously impaired (2). Hum- 
phrey infers that Sargent illustrated his Silva with 740 
plates by his own hand when they were the work of Charles 
E. Faxon, a high point in American botanical illustration. 
Again and again the works of botanists are cited as 'solo 
flights’ when rather they were co-authored by others who 
go unnoticed. Thus some notable events in American botany 
are missed altogether such as when Wilfred Robbins and 
Richard Holman created a winning text which was to outsell 
all competitors for nearly thirty years. It was recently 
revised by professors Weier and Stocking. Pursh is said to 
have worked on a flora of Canada making “several important 
botanical excursions,” and assembling “important collec- 
tions." Both are misleading statements, certainly not sup- 
ported by the evidence which I presented in the paper that 
Humphrey cited. Pursh worked desultorily, frustrated part- 
ly by ill health brought on by discouraging lack of support 
for western exploration and by alcoholism. The few surviv- 
ing Canadian collections (which evidently were thought 
unworthy of mounting by Lambert, Pursh’s patron) give 
no impression of his former sharp eye for novelties and 
overlooked range extensions seen in his Virginia and New 
York collections. Nuttall’s trip up the Missouri River with 
John Bradbury is misleadingly reported by Humphrey. 
Graustein’s papers, overlooked by Humphrey, should be 
consulted regarding this relationship (3). William T. Horna- 
day, not D. T. MacDougal, wrote Campfires in Desert and 
Lava. Humphrey confused facts about Dr. Engelmann. The 
collected Botanical Works of Engelmann were a reissue of 
his many scattered papers, the original “notes, drawings, 
and data” of which are to be found in the sixty volumes 
preserved at the Missouri Botanical Garden. Amos Eaton 
never held a faculty appointment at Yale; in fact, he himself 
wrote that he had been ‘‘a mere learner at Yale.” McAllis- 
ter’s Amos Eaton would have set Humphrey right on this 
point. Elias Durand’s herbarium presented to the Jardin 
des Plantes represented a selection of one or a few sheets 

190 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

of each species described from North America, — often 
removed from the Philadelphia Academy’s collections! — to 
make up what Durand called the Herbarium Boreali Ameri- 
canum. Agnes Chase and F. W. Pennell have recorded these 
facts(4). Jane Colden prepared notable descriptions of New 
York state plants, though her drawings were indeed indiffer- 
ent. Together they fortify Humphrey's decision to include 
this remarkable young woman in the garland of North 
American botanists(5). To call T. S. Brandegee “‘one of the 
first pioneer plant collectors of the West" is to overlook the 
roll of honor drawn up by Alice Eastwood (6) which includes 
Collignon, Mocino, Haenke, Menzies, Chamisso, Vosnesen- 
sky, Douglas, Hartweg, Jeffrey, etc., — all prior to Brande- 
gee in the West! There is no doubt of the importance of 
Brandegee in the extent and excellence of his collecting but 
Humphrey does not make this clear. 

Notable is the considerable number of men who rose from 
amateurship to make a permanent mark in American botany. 
If an early motivation in the lives of these ‘makers of North 
American botany’ were sought in these sketches, it would 
be the appeal of the American outdoors. Sense of explora- 
tion played an important part in the formative years of 
botanists who ultimately were to enter the experimental 
laboratory as well as in those who were to leave their 
largest contribution in field botany.— JOSEPH EWAN, TULANE 

1. Field and Lab. 27:94. 1959. 

2. F. W. Pennell in Bartonia 16:1-8. 1935. 

3. Chronica Botanica 14:1-88. pls. 68-79, 1951; Mo. Hist. Soc. Bull. 
12: 249-252. 1956. 

4. Bartonia 17: 33-39, and 40-45. 1936. 

5. Anna Murray Vail in Torreya 7: 21-34. 1907. 

6. Calif. Hist. Soc. Quart. 18: 335-346. 1939. 


OCT 4 1962 




Conducted and published for the Club, by 



Associate Editors 

Vol. 64 July-September, 1962 No. 759 
Ernest Jesse Palmer. 1875-1962. 
Clarence E. Kobusli coo. cccccccscssescovcacsscscocins suanomscsielttsec 0 (eRmeeninas 195 
Some Observations on Flowering in Ruellia (Acanthaceae). 
Robert W. Long and Leonard J. Uttal sen 200 
Dryopteris Dilatata (Hoffm.) A. Gray in North America. 
Donald M. Britton ..saaeeusieeceeereesecescoten DERI NER. 207 
On Pinguicula Macroceras Link in North America. 
ccc scurcoseeveceesncccesssesesecccasacersenpecoiiesessig imma 212 
Holosteum Umbellatum L., An Angiosperm New to Michigan. 
'sscque CLIQ. VOpUlAe ooo sé sind sacvevsscessoseeceescudecestelsitcensster tonne S Do 
Two New Species of Polygala From Northern Mexico. 
BED UII ui eceiteseteieesecocetictceecioes ertt HD e A 225 

(Continued on Inside Cover) 

The Nem England Botanical Club, Ine. 

Botanical Museum, Oxford St., Cambridge 38, Mass. 

y Se 

CONTENTS: — continued 

The Aquatic Form of Alisma Subcordatum Raf. 
Richard W. Rhoades „csser 227 

Mazus Reptans (Scrophulariaceae) in Maryland. 
Lloyd H. Shinners cocccccccccccccccccccccccccssccccccceseccceesacccccecescecceeeseceeees 229 

Studies in the Guttiferae, II. Taxonomic and Distributional 
Observations on North American Taxa. 
Preston Adams -oecccccccccccccccsccecssecececcecessessesssecessceeesecsessusecesececeees 231 

The Use of Vapor Fractometry in the Analysis of Some New 
England Hops. Edward L. Davis and Richard L. Burns ... 243 

Chromosome Numbers in the Compositae. VI. Additional 
Mexican and Guatemalan Species. 

B. L. Turner, M. Powell and R. M. King ....... e 251 
Chromosome Numbers in Mexican and Guatemalan Com- 


J. H. Beaman and B. L. Twrner eee ees 271 

Chromosome Counts of Two Thymelaeaceae. 
Lorin I. Nevling, Jv. |t eene terere etre 277 

Zizaniopsis Miliacea from Illinois. 
Glen S. Winter ringer eee eee 283 

A Note on the Ascription of Elymus Arenarius to Illinois. 
G. Neville Jones voicccccecsscccccccceeeeccsseessstscccccsseceessitsesesessertuceceececees 284 





Vol. 64 July-September, 1962 No. 759 


Ernest Jesse Palmer died at Webb City, Missouri Febru- 
ary 25, 1962 in his 87th year. This marked the end of a long 
and in many ways remarkable career in the fields of botany 
and allied sciences. 

He was born in Leicester, England April 8, 1875 and in 
1878, when he was three years old he and his sister, Louise, 
were brought to this country by their parents, Amos and 
Annie Palmer, who settled temporarily near Warrensburg, 
Missouri in Johnson County. 

At the age of 14, his father, responding to the stories of 
quick wealth offered by the mining opportunities in the 
southwestern part of Missouri, moved his family to Webb 
City and built a home for them at 321 South Main Street. 
The wealth never materalized! Throughout the rest of his 
life, although he spent many of his years away from Webb 
City, the Palmer home was maintained and after retirement 
Palmer moved with his family and lived out the rest of his 
life there. 

In this mining area, young Palmer did find a wealth of his 
own liking. It was here that he began his studies of natural 
phenomena. In the piles of waste material from the mines, 
fossils of plants and animals caught his fancy and as in all 
boys of his age the collecting instinct came to the fore. He 
developed a very keen instinct for unearthing the most inter- 
esting artifacts. In later years at the Arnold Arboretum 

*This article on the life of Mr. Palmer will be published also in the current volume 
of the Journal of the Arnold Arboretum. Included in the Journal will be a bibliogra- 
phy of Mr. Palmer’s published papers compiled by Mrs. Lazella Schwarten and Mrs. 
Ernest Palmer. 


196 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

he was always “picking up” Indian arrowheads and other 
Indian deposits. This was easy for him — but not neces- 
sarily for others. I can recall his telling me of a spot in the 
Arboretum where arrowheads were in abundance. I hurried 
to the exact location but found nothing. The next day we 
went out together — and sure enough, he picked up several 
more artifacts. Eventually two attractive trays of Palmer’s 
finds in the Arboretum were mounted and have been on dis- 
play there ever since. 

His formal education was broken off suddenly while he 
was attending high school. A physical collapse of his father 
made it necessary for him to leave school and seek employ- 
ment. This was undoubtedly a severe blow to his pride 
because he wanted an education above all things. He loved 
study and research — and he intended to continue it at all 
costs. Just recently I learned from an article by Marcia W. 
Kershaw, a Special Correspondent, of the St. Louis Post- 
Dispatch that Palmer managed to study Latin and Greek at 
old Webb City Baptist College. I had often wondered where 
he obtained his profound knowledge of these languages, 
especially Latin which he used so ably in his original techni- 
cal descriptions of new species of plants. Mrs. Kershaw's 
article brought to light many other facets of Mr. Palmer's 
career which were previously unknown to me and I am very 
thankful to her for her assistance. 

All his life he had managed to study not only the Natural 
Sciences but also English literature, mathematics, economies 
and poetry until he was considered very proficient in each of 

The portrait which accompanies this article is very recent 
and shows Mr. Palmer at his desk with a copy of his pub- 
lished book of poems entitled, “Gathered Leaves, Green, 
Gold and Sere." These poems, I understand are truly 
gathered leaves, "leaves" which had been lying around in 
various places during the years and were gathered together 
by his wife and published through her efforts when Palmer 
was eighty-three years old. 

His scientific papers were noted not only for his Latin des- 
criptions but also for the fine phrasing which he always 

1962] Kobuski — Ernest Jesse Palmer 197 

employed. He wrote so well and so easily that often he 
found it necessary to delete whole paragraphs from his 
papers because he considered the contents “unscientific.” It 
was a pity — because everyone would have enjoyed reading 

Although he was dedicated to the life of a naturalist it 
was not until his meeting with Benjamin Franklin Bush, 
also from Missouri, that he tried his wings and ventured 
away from his home setting. When Bush died in 1937, Pal- 
mer published a resumé of his life in “The American Mid- 
land Naturalist.” On re-reading this biography one cannot 
help but be struck by the similarity in the early backgrounds, 
the interests and, in fact, the entire careers of the two men. 

In 1901, Bush, then a collector for the Arnold Arboretum, 
visited the Palmer home and spent a week there using it as 
a base for his botanical collections. Bush was especially 
interested in obtaining specimens of Crataegus for C. S. 
Sargent, then director of the Arnold Arboretum, and when 
he departed from Webb City he left with Palmer a supply 
of dryers for further collections. Thus at the age of 25 
Palmer began his life long interest in Crataegus and his 
association with Sargent and the Arnold Arboretum. For 
the next twelve years he collected extensively in his home 
area concentrating on the flora of Missouri and it was not 
until 1913, when he was 38, that he became associated with 
the Missouri Botanical Garden. Two years later at the age 
of 40 he began his many collecting trips to the southwest 
under the aegides of both the Missouri Botanical Garden and 
the Arnold Arboretum. 

Palmer began publishing as early as 1910, at which time 
his first paper, “Flora of the Grand Falls Chert Barrens” 
appeared in the Transactions of the Academy of Science, 
St. Louis. During the next ten years he published seven 
papers, mostly on ferns. In 1920, while still a collector-at- 
large he sent in from Webb City to the newly organized 
Journal of the Arnold Arboretum his first of many papers 
to be published by this Harvard University publication. Two 
more papers were published in this journal before he came 
to Jamaica Plain in 1921 as a regular staff member. He 

198 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

retained this status at the Arnold Arboretum for twenty- 
seven years, until he retired in 1948. 

My personal association with Palmer began in 1927. By 
that time he was firmly established at the Arboretum as a 
collector-botanist. Since he was away so much of the time 
on his many collecting trips and since he was still a bachelor 
he maintained personal quarters in a rooming house. 

He was a very busy man during this period. He managed 
to make a collecting trip nearly every year, usually alone, 
occasionally with a single companion. Upon his return from 
these trips his time was spent identifying his specimens, 
making up sets for distribution, and writing occasional 
papers — and getting ready for his next trip. He once men- 
tioned to me that he had hopes of collecting in all the states 
of the Union. At the time he had nearly accomplished his 
intentions. If I recall correctly he said that there were only 
two states in which he had not made “official” collections — 
and as one might suspect one of them was surprisingly close 

The greater portion of his collections were made in the 
southwestern United States. However, he always maintained 
his interest in the Missouri flora and in 1935 there appeared 
in the Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden the 385 page 
article by Palmer & Steyermark," An Annotated Catalogue 
of the Flowering Plants of Missouri." This catalogue is more 
complete than is usually found in such a publication. The 
first seventy-five pages are devoted to the botanical history, 
terrain, climate, plant regions etc. of the state. Under the 
actual listing of the taxa may be found the habitat and a 
record of the counties wherein specimens of each entry had 
been collected. A footnote states that an earlier publication 
of the ferns and fern allies of Missouri published by the 
same authors three years earlier in the American Fern 
Journal should be considered supplementary to the 1935 

A recent letter to me from Julian Steyermark, the junior 
author of the above two publications mentions that his latest 
publication “Flora of Missouri" which has been in press 

1962] Kobuski — Ernest Jesse Palmer 199 

since 1959 is being dedicated to E. J. Palmer. Palmer had 
hoped to see the book and knew of the proposed dedication. 

In 1930, when he reached the age of 55 he surprised us 
all by getting married. We had thought of him as a con- 
firmed bachelor. He married Elizabeth McDougal, a bac- 
teriologist at the Massachusetts State Laboratory which is 
located along side the Arnold Arboretum. Naturally, a great 
change took place in Palmer’s life. He eventually set up a 
very fine home in one of the houses belonging to the Arnold 
Arboretum in Jamaica Plain. He and his wife had three 
children, Ernest Macdougal Palmer born in 1931, Grace 
Elizabeth Palmer in 1932, and Theodore Windle Palmer in 

Palmer possessed a physique that defied age. He was the 
slender, wiry type and at the time of his retirement and 
departure from Jamaica Plain for Webb City could outlast 
any of us on a collecting trip. Although I did not see him 
again I understand from his long letters and from various 
conversations with others that he continued his same brisk 
manner in everything which he undertook. His letters show 
that when he retired he merely transferred his activities 
from Massachusetts to Missouri. In a letter to me in Febru- 
ary 1955 he says: “Of course we miss many friends there 
[Jamaica Plain], and I miss many of the associations at the 
Arboretum. But I have never been sorry that I retired when 
I did, for my life on the whole has been quite happy here. I 
have never been busier at any time or interested in more 
things. In April I will pass another anniversary — and you 
can figure it out as the records show that I was born in 1875. 
It is hard for me to believe it as I still feel as strong in body 
and mind — so far as I can tell — as I did at fifty. I can 
easily walk ten miles any day ; and I think I could climb a 
good sized tree, if there was anything at the top of it that 
I wanted badly enough. . . . Steyermark and I are still 
working actively on the Flora of Missouri. . . . Specimens 
of Crataegus, Quercus and other genera keep coming to me 
for determination or revision. . . . Other collections in my 
museum also occupy much time. . . . I have agreed to talk 
to a joint meeting of all the Garden Clubs of Carthage at the 

200 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

public library. While I do not solicit or particularly enjoy 
speaking engagements, I fill them occasionally. . . . It is so 
fine and warm today that I think I will go fossil hunting this 
afternoon.” For a man retired and eighty years old 
he certainly was enjoying life to the fullest, doing exactly 
what he wanted to do — and he seemed so well equipped to 
do it! 

During his life time Ernest Palmer joined many scientific 
organizations, among them: the American Fern Society, the 
American Association for the Advancement of Science, the 
American Society of Plant Taxonomists, the Boston Mineral 
Club, the Botanica] Society of America, the Missouri Ar- 
chaeological Society, the New England Botanical Club (past 
president 1944-1945), and the St. Louis Academy of Science. 




During the past four years the authors have been making 
systematic observations on transplants and natural popu- 
lations in Ruellia, commonly referred to as “wild petunia”. 
Although primarily tropical and subtropical in distribution, 
this genus is represented in eastern United States by 11 
species of low, perennial herbs with opposite leaves and 
large blue or lavender, funnelform flowers. 

Ruellia is a difficult genus for the taxonomist because of 
the absence of reliable characters in certain species. Twenty 
varieties and forms have been described in R. caroliniensis 

*Present address, Department of Biological Sciences, University of South Florida, 
Tampa, Florida. 

*We wish to thank the following persons for their courtesy in supplying us with 
Ruellia materials for greenhouse cultures: Drs. J. T. Baldwin, R. E. Woodson, R. K. 
Godfrey, W. H. Duncan, J. D. Ray, G. S. Winterringer, Mr. K. E. Bartel and Mrs. 
T. C. Lacey. Voucher specimens for these cultures are deposited in the Herbarium of 
the University of South Florida, 

1962] Long — Flowering in Ruellia 201 

(Walt.) Steud. and R. humilis Nutt. (Fernald, 1945; Tharp 
and Barkley, 1949) largely on the basis of minor character 
differences. Fernald did much to clarify the nomenclature, 
but his classification of eastern species is complex and dif- 
ficult to use. It is now apparent that a major cause of this 
is a poor understanding of the reproductive biology of these 
plants. Monographic treatments of Ruellia have been based 
almost entirely on herbarium specimens, and no attempt 
made to investigate plants in culture or extensively in the 

This report attempts to clarify the relationship of cleis- 
togamy to normal flower-production (chasmogamy) and to 
describe the reproductive behavior of certain eastern U. S. 
species as far as they have been investigated. Four species 
are included in this discussion, all except one having been 
observed in both garden and greenhouse cultures, and in the 
field. In these species the following kinds of breeding 
Systems have been observed: obligate and facultative 
cleistogamy, the latter condition either coincident with 
chasmogamy or sequential; obligate and facultative chas- 
mogamy ; chasmogamy involving normal-sized corollas, and 
these either long-styled, medium-styled, or short-styled ; 
chasmogamy involving small-sized corollas, called here 
"miniatures", that are approximately half as long as normal 
flowers; facultative proterogyny was regularly observed 
in some greenhouse plants, although synanthesis is usual in 
Ruellia; finally, polygamy was noted in two species discussed 
in this paper, involving apetalous, pistillate flowers in one 
and staminate, petaliferous flowers in the other. 

Ruellia strepens L. (5 natural populations examined, Ohio 
and Virginia; 3 greenhouse cultures, Ohio and Virginia). 
This species has been studied the most extensively of all 
and is perhaps the best known one to taxonomists because 
of its wide distribution in the Middle West. It is readily 
separable from other eastern species by means of its lanceo- 
late calyx lobes ; other species have linear or setiform sepals. 
Ruellia strepens is remarkably uniform between and within 
populations. Chasmogamous flowering begins in late April 
and continues to mid-July, followed by small, greenish- 

202 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

yellow cleistogamous flowers produced from late June to 
the first frost and borne in sparse to congested subsessile, 
axillary glomerules. Plants occasionally do not produce any 
flowers for a period between reproductive phases. 

Ever since Gray (1878) formalized a varietal status for 
cleistogamous plants of R. strepens, differences of opinion 
have existed as to the nature of such plants. Chapman 
(1884) reported late flowers sometimes set fruit in the bud. 
McCoy (1937), after observing a single garden transplant, 
reported cleistogamy sequential to chasmogamy in the same 
individual. Nevertheless, recent monographers (Fernald, 
ibid.; Tharp and Barkeley, ibid.) have continued to describe 
cleistogamous specimens as either forma cleistantha (Gray) 
S. McCoy or var. cleistantha Gray. We have observed hun- 
dreds of plants of R. strepens in a total of 5 populations. 
In all instances cleistogamy regularly follows chasmogamy 
except that young plants appear to be exclusively cleisto- 
gamous in their first year of flowering. In addition, green- 
house cultures of plants collected during the chasmogamous 
phase later produced cleistogamous flowers. Immediate 
environmental factors strongly influence the production of 
flower-types. Thus, cleistogamy is precocious in sear, open 
habitats, whereas chasmogamous flowering is prolonged by 
shade, moisture, and rich soil. Moreover, cleistogamous 
plants may revert to chasmogamy as a result of prolonged 
cool or cloudy weather. Also, chasmogamy may coincide 
with cleistogamy for a period of time. Greenhouse cultures 
of this species have never flowered chasmogamously, even 
in May and June, but produce only closed flowers; garden 
transplants produce both chasmogamous and cleistogamous 

The earliest flowers of R. strepens apparently are seldom 
pollinated and thus rarely form seeds. Observations of 
natural populations reveal that, although abundantly pro- 
duced, chasmogamous flowers are infrequently visited by 
insects. Early seed-production is mostly destroyed by 
Lepidopterous larvae, but insect-depredations taper off in 
early autumn. Plants thus appear to produce seed abun- 
dantly in their autumnal cleistogamous phase. Although 

1962] Long — Flowering in Ruellia 203 

Fernald noted the low seed-production of chasmogamous 
flowers, and the correspondingly high production of cleis- 
togamous ones, he failed to explain why his open-flowered 
variety appeared to be more common than the closed- 
flowered variety. 

Three kinds of chasmogamous flower-structures have been 
observed in this species: (1) early chasmogenes with anthers 
about the throat orifice and with the stigma much exserted 
on a long style; (2) a later-appearing chasmogene, but one 
which may appear coincidentally among earlier flowers, with 
anthers and stigma borne at approximately the same level; 
(3) a less common type, with a short style resulting in the 
stigma being below the level of anthers. Thus, partial 
heterostyly exists in R. strepens which, even in chasmoga- 
mous flowers, tends to favor inbreeding. Open-flowers last 
only part of the day; ordinarily anthesis occurs soon after 
sunrise and corollas fall from the receptacle shortly after 
noon. Ruellia strepens apparently is a habitually inbreeding 
species with very few biotypes, these hardly dissimilar 
morphologically, resulting in homogeneous populations. 

Ruellia caroliniensis (Walt.) Steud. (10 natural popula- 
tions examined, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, 
Virginia; 11 greenhouse cultures, Virginia, Kentucky, 
Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina). This 
species has been described as the most perplexing Ruellia 
of eastern North America (Fernald, ibid.). Field work has 
been carried out in Virginia, North and South Carolina, 
and Florida. In this region a number of varieties and forms 
have been described by Fernald, none of which is accepted 
by Gleason (1952). Judging from the variations in green- 
house and garden transplants, R. caroliniensis is apparently 
the most racially complex member of the genus in North 
America. Few, if any, of these races may deserve taxonomic 
recognition, but definite taxonomic evaluations can not be 
made at this time. Although the species varies widely, 
plant-to-plant variability within populations is negligible. 
The interpopulation variability of R. caroliniensis probably 
is correlated with the wide range of habitats in which this 
species can be found. 

204 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

Both chasmogamous and cleistogamous flowers are pro- 
duced in a manner essentially similar to R. strepens. Chas- 
mogamous flowers are produced abundantly in the spring 
but apparently rarely set fruits. Cleistogamous flowers, 
previously unreported for this species, occur in the summer 
and early autumn with abundant seeds produced. In R. 
caroliniensis races have been grown in the greenhouse that 
form only chasmogamous flowers, but if hand-pollinated, 
produce normal fruits with seeds that germinate readily. 
Short-styled and long-styled flowers occur in the same indi- 
vidual with long-styled flowers predominant. One green- 
house race was quite variable, producing staminate flowers, 
“miniature” flowers, and exhibiting proterogyny occasion- 
ally. Another race produced only cleistogamous flowers. 

Ruellia humilis Nutt. (2 natural populations examined, 
Ohio and Virginia; 10 greenhouse cultures, Illinois, Texas, 
Kansas, and Ohio). This species, occurring primarily in the 
prairies and plains of central United States, has been segre- 
gated into a number of varieties. Fernald reports cleis- 
togamy as rare, but observations show the reverse to be 
true. Flowering may be chasmogamous or cleistogamous, 
sequentially or coincidentally. Cleistogamous flowers are 
produced more abundantly in all races as the season pro- 
gresses. Chasmogamous flowers with the long-exserted 
stigmas predominate, but one greenhouse culture occasion- 
ally produced short-styled ones. This same race regularly 
formed chasmogenes and cleistogenes simultaneously rather 
than sequentially as is generally true for the species. In R. 
humilis greenhouse observations revealed that, although 
pollinators were absent, chasmogamous flowers usually 
formed fruits. This was owing to the manner in which the 
corolla was shed from the receptacle, resulting in the epi- 
petalous stamens coming in contact with the exserted stigma. 
This same mechanism was observed in other species but not 
so regularly as in R. humilis. 

Ruellia pedunculata Torr. (6 greenhouse cultures, Texas) 
This is a remarkably stable species, morphologically, that 
characteristically produces long-stalked blue, lavender or 
white flowers. It is distributed widely in Texas, the Ozark- 

1962] Long — Flowering in Ruellia 205 

ian uplands and into southern Illinois. The reproductive 
systems of this species, as reflected by the kinds of flowers 
produced, are among the most complex of any investigated 
this far. 

Cleistogamy occurs regularly in all greenhouse cultures 
along with open-flowers, although apparently this has not 
been noted before. The closed-flowers measure about 1.0 em. 
long, are white with greenish-brown tips, and may occur 
coincidentally with open flowers or sequentially with open 
flowers. Evidentally, here, as in R. humilis and R. carolini- 
ensis there exist at least two races differing in the timing 
of flower-production. Partial heterostyly, similar to that in 
R. strepens, occurred frequently in one race. Long-styles 
measure 2.5-3.0 cm. long and short-styles only 1.0-1.5 cm. 
long, well within the throat of the corolla and below the 
stamens. Long-styled flowers failed to form fruits when 
protected from insects and not hand-pollinated. Short-styled 
flowers always formed fruits. 

A fourth kind of flower appeared in two cultures. This 
was an apetalous, pistillate flower with a short-style. That 
this was not merely a cleistogamous flower that had shed 
the corolla was established by repeated observations. The 
occurrence of these unisexual flowers was sporadic but 
coincident with open-flowers. All classes of flowers were 
functional and could form normal fruits, but apparently in 
nature the species is habitually self-pollinated. 

No field work has been possible with R. pedunculata as 
yet, but observations reported here are based on 80 green- 
house transplants distributed in 11 different races. There 
is relatively little morphological variation within and 
between these races despite the fact that most of the col- 
lections came from regions of sympatry with R. caroliniensis 
and R. humilis. Ruella pedunculata can be hybridized with 
these two species but natural hybrids are unknown at the 
present time. 


Breeding experiments with greenhouse and garden cul- 
tures are in early stages and only preliminary results have 
been obtained (Long, unpubl.), but apparently all classes 

206 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

of flowers in these four species are functional and can form 
fruits with viable seeds. Field observations, however, indi- 
cate that Ruellia species are habitually self-pollinated. The 
relatively small amount of morphological variation in R. 
strepens and R. pedunculata suggests that outcrossing 
seldom takes place. On the other hand, Long (1961) adduced 
evidence from herbarium samples and hybridization experi- 
ments that crossing of R. humilis and R. caroliniensis prob- 
ably does occur and that at least some of the apparent 
intergraduation between these species may be attributed 
to natural hybridization. More detailed and extensive 
observations are needed on species thus far only partially 
investigated, such as R. ciliosa, R. heteromorpha and R. 
purshiana as well as on numerous North American species 
as yet poorly known. Apparently, however, R. strepens, R. 
caroliniensis, R. humilis, and R. pedunculata are examples 
of plants that are functionally autogamous but with many 
of the typical flower structures of allogamous ones.—DEPART- 


CHAPMAN, A. W. 1884. Flora of the Southeastern United States. 
University Press, Cambridge, Mass. 

FERNALD, M. L. 1945. Ruellia in the Eastern United States. Rhodora 
47: 1-88; 47-63; 69-90. 

GLEASON, H. A. 1952. The New Britton and Brown Illustrated 
Flora, Vol. 3, New York. 

GRAY, A. 1878. Synoptical Flora of North America. Vol II - Part I. 
New York. 

Loc, R. W. 1961. Convergent patterns of variation in Ruellia 
caroliniensis and R. humilis (Acanthaceae). Bull. Torrey Bot. 
Club 88: 387-396, 

McCoy, S. 1937. A cleistogamous Ruellia. Am. Bot. 43: 22-23. 

THARP, B. C. and F. A. BARKLEY. 1949. Genus Ruella in Texas. 
Am. Midl. Nat. 42: 1-86. 

1962] Britton — Dryopteris dilatata 207 



Taxonomic authorities have differed widely in their inter- 
pretation of the species of Dryopteris in North America 
which resemble the old world Dryopteris dilatata (Hoffm.) 
A. Gray. Fernald (1) considered the fern that is found in 
the Appalachians north to Quebec and Labrador, and yet 
resembles D. dilatata superficially, to be a variety of D. spin- 
ulosa (O. F. Miill.) Watt, namely D. spinulosa var. ameri- 
cana (Fischer) Fernald, whereas Morton in Gleason (2), 
refers to this entity as D. austriaca (Jacq.) Woynar var. 
austriaca. There has been similar disagreement concerning 
the species found in Montana and Oregon north to Alaska, 
although Taylor (3) employs the latter designation for the 
common form in British Columbia. 

In a recent article in Brittonia, Wagner and Hagenah (4) 
have suggested that not only are the eastern and western 
entities separate species, but that within the range of Gray's 
Manual, D. spinulosa var. americana should be further sep- 
arated into two species. Some evidence for the latter separa- 
tion is found from Walker (5) who reported that D. spinu- 
losa var. americana, (D. campyloptera (Kunze) Clarkson) 
from Vermont and also Quebec is tetraploid (4X) (x=41), 
whereas Wagner reports that ferns in Michigan previously 
referred to as var. americana are diploid. I am in full agree- 
ment with these cytological findings because last spring I 
studied 12 collections of var. americana from Jefferson 
Notch and Mt. Washington, New Hampshire collected by 
R. and A. Tryon and all were tetraploids (Tryon 5684, 5689- 
5700 June 25, 1961). In 1960, I studied 11 collections of var. 
americana from Mile 80, north of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario 
and these were all normal diploids (2X) (B373-383 June 23, 

However, I take strong exception to the authors' sugges- 
tion that the Lake Superior diploid cannot be identified with 
western D. austriaca var. austriaca although both are di- 
ploid. The cytological argument is quite circuitous. Walker 

208 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

(5) has named the diploid species of dilatata of the old 
world, D. assimilis S. Walker, and has considered that mor- 
phologically and cytologically D. maderensis Alston is insep- 
arable from D. intermedia (Muhl.) A. Gray. (There is nor- 
mal meiotic pairing between the chromosomes of maderensis 
and intermedia). In the two hybrids studied from a cross 
between D. maderensis X D. assimilis, Walker (5) found 
that there was also normal pairing but that ca. 40% of the 
spores aborted. He concluded on the basis of chromosomal 
homologies that intermedia and assimilis represented the 
same ancestral genome. Walker further suggested that 
"morphological similarity between the Vancouver diploid 
and D. assimilis suggests that they represent the same 
genome and possibly the same species." This conclusion was 
fortified by the fact that the progeny of the cross of the 
Vancouver diploid with the United Kingdom tetraploid 
dilatata gave the same cytological picture as the cross D. 
assimilis (2X) X D. dilatata (4X) namely ca. 41 pairs and 
41 single chromosomes in meiosis. Wagner and Hagenah 
(4) found one hybrid between the putative parents D. inter- 
media and the Lake Superior diploid and report that there 
is little or no chromosomal pairing between the genomes of 
this plant, although the number of cells studied and the num- 
ber of clear meiotic plates analysed is not given. According- 
ly, they contrast Walker's cross (two plants) of D. maderen- 
sis—intermedia X D. assimilis with their one hybrid of D. 
intermedia X Lake Superior diploid, and conclude that if 
D. assimilis is identical with the Vancouver diploid then the 
Vancouver diploid is unlike the Lake Superior diploid. How- 
ever, as yet we have no direct comparisons between these 
diploids. What is needed are hybrids between (a) the Lake 
Superior diploid and the western diploid (b) the Lake 
Superior diploid and D. assimilis and (c) the Western di- 
ploid and D. intermedia. It should also be evident that many 
more plants should be studied cytologically before reaching 
sweeping conclusions from meiotic analysis of one or two 
plants, some of which are hybrids of putative parents. 
Although a cytotaxonomist is apt to be impressed with 
the evidence presented by Walker (5) to consider D. ma- 

1962] Britton — Dryopteris dilatata 209 

derensis Alston and D. intermedia (Muhl.) A. Gray as con- 
specific, there has as yet been no adequate taxonomic treat- 
ment to substantiate this conclusion. 

It would seem extremely hazardous to put too much 
emphasis on pairing in spite of its great usefulness in 
genome analysis. D. intermedia and D. assimilis are mor- 
phologically separable and yet show good pairing, hence 
would be one species using this latter criterion alone. In 
fact this would leave D. assimilis Walker, D. maderensis 
Alston, D. austriaca var. austriaca in British Columbia, and 
D. intermedia as being all the same ancestral genome and 
the same species on the basis of genome analysis. The Lake 
Superior diploid, however, which so closely resembles the 
British Columbia diploid in morphology, and must be closely 
related, is then considered to be an entirely different species 
merely on its pairing behaviour with intermedia. 

Two pieces of cytogenetic evidence should be kept in mind 
to temper the use of the criterion of chromosome pairing. 
One is the finding in wheat that pairing is under genetic 
control and governed by the presence or absence of genes 
for synapsis (6). If this should prove to be true in Dryop- 
teris, the basis of genome analysis would be invalidated. 
The other point may be related, and concerns races of 
Asplenium trichomanes in Ontario (7). These races are 
morphologically extremely similar and yet one is diploid 
and the other is tetraploid without multivalent pairing at 
meiosis. If the latter is an autotetraploid with four identical 
genomes as it appears on morphological grounds, then why 
are only bivalents formed? It would seem that the tetra- 
ploid has become effectively “diploidized.” A similar situa- 
tion to this was found to be present in Pellaea ternifolia 
which had both diploid and tetraploid sexual races which 
formed only bivalents at meiosis (8). 

It should be stressed that all hybrids found in the wild 
are given parentage on the basis of their intermediate 
morphology between putative parents. The interesting plant 
(Wagner 9434) assigned to D. *dilatata" (Lake Superior 
diploid) X D. intermedia is described by Wagner and 
Hagenah (4) cursorily as an intermediate, and one has no 

210 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

way of knowing whether it is the result of an average or 
typical Lake Superior diploid X an average or typical inter- 
media, or for that matter whether it could not be an atypical 
intermedia X an atypical D. marginalis. A further possi- 
bility is that this plant (Wagner 9434) is a hybrid of a 
glandular Lake Superior “dilatata” X marginalis, since the 
illustrations of the authors' look similar. The point is, that 
nothing is known of the characteristics of the parents except 
as they are represented in the hybrid. In this case, “the leaf 
form was intermediate" although “the previous year's leaves 
were green and persistent." 

The morphological data given by Wagner and Hagenah 
(4) for the western diploid is extremely scanty. There is no 
mention of the number of specimens examined or where 
they might have been from. The findings are summarized in 
six lines and concern such variable features as petiole scales 
and leaf blade shape. 

The authors (4) disregard the plant geographical evi- 
dence. One can assemble quite an impressive array of 
species in the Lake Superior basin that are of Cordilleran 
affinities. Stebbins (9) lists ten species found even further 
east in the Bruce Peninsula, Ontario, that may be considered 
Rocky Mountain types. Butters and Abbe (10) list four 
western American types in a table of 70 rare species found 
in Cook County, Minnesota. Among the ferns of the Lake 
Superior basin, Cystopteris montana, Woodsia scopulina, 
and Cryptogramma crispa are considered to have western 

Accordingly, when the geographical, morphological and 
cytological evidence is reviewed critically, one can only con- 
clude that the western diploid, D. dilatata (D. assimilis), 
and the Lake Superior diploid, D. dilatata (D. spinulosa var. 
americana) have not as yet been shown to be distinct and 
separate species. 

Concerning the eastern tetraploid, D. campyloptera Clark- 
son, Wagner and Hagenah (4) suggest that this might be an 
allotetraploid of D. intermedia X Lake Superior diploid. An 
alternative suggestion that it is an ancient autotetraploid of 
the Lake Superior diploid which in turn is a diploid “D. 

1962] Britton — Dryopteris dilatata 211 

dilatata" (D. assimilis) cannot be disregarded on the avail- 
able evidence. D. campyloptera which now forms only 
bivalents could be analagous to the tetraploid race of Asplen- 
ium trichomanes. 

One is confronted in Dryopteris with the larger problem 
of what is a species? Wagner is a proponent of biological 
species, but critical criteria for separating species are few 
in the Dryopteris spinulosa complex. All the species are 
apparently able to cross with one another, consequently this 
is of little use as a limiting criterion, although much used 
for genome analysis. Morphology by itself, has so far failed 
to give a clear picture (e.g. Lake Superior diploid vs. D. 
campyloptera of the Appalachians). Instead, the practice is 
to return to the morphological evidence after the cytogenetic 
analysis is completed. Geographical distribution is of value 
to delimit a sexually interbreeding natural population even 
though the boundary between species is often obscured by 
disjunct ranges such as the amazing one shown by Poly- 
stichum scopulinum. Also with some calcicolous species of 
ferns, it may well be, that distribution is limited by lack of 
suitable habitats e.g. some Woodsias. Cytology has been 
extremely useful, but it is felt that too much emphasis on 
the criterion of homology, when so little is known about the 
true nature of pairing and chiasma formation at zygotene of 
meiosis, is apt to lead to false conclusions. — DEPARTMENT 



1. FERNALD, M. L. 1950. Gray's Manual of Botany, American Book 
Co, New York. 

2. GLEASON, H. A. 1952. Illustrated flora of the northeastern United 
States and adjacent Canada. New York Botanical Garden, New 

3. TAYLOR, T. M. C. 1956. The ferns and fern-allies of British Co- 
lumbia. Handbook No. 12, British Columbia Provincial Museum, 
Victoria, B. C. 

4. WAGNER, W. H. JR. AND DALE J. HAGENAH. 1962. Dryopteris in 
the Huron Mountain Club area of Michigan. Brittonia 14: 90- 

212 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

5. WALKER, S. 1961. Cytogenetic studies in the Dryopteris spinulosa 
complex-II. Amer. Jour. Bot. 48:607-614. 

6. RILEY, R., AND V. CHAPMAN. 1958. Genetic control of the cyto- 
logically diploid behaviour of hexaploid wheat. Nature 182:713- 

7. BRITTON, DONALD M. 1953. Chromosome studies on ferns. Amer. 
Jour. Bot. 40:575-583. 

8. TRYON, ALICE F. AND DONALD M. BRITTON. 1958. Cytotaxonomic 
studies on the fern genus Pellaea. Evolution 12:137-145. 

9. STEBBINS, G. L. JR. 1935. Some observations on the flora of the 
Bruce Peninsula, Ontario. Rhodora 37:63-74. 

10. BUTTERS, FRED K., AND ERNST C. ABBE, 1953. A floristic study 
of Cook County, Northeastern Minnesota. Rhodora 55:21-55, 63- 
101, 116-154. 161-201. 



Link, 1820, described a new species of Pinguicula under 
the name P. macroceras, based on a sheet collected by Pallas 
in Unalaschka and later on preserved under no. 422 in the 
herbarium of Willdenow at Berlin. Reichenbach (1823) 
gave a picture of P. macroceras in his “Icones” (tab. 
LXXXII, fig. 169-170) ; but Chamisso (1831) demonstrated 
that it represented his own P. microceras, a plant of Unalas- 
chka too. 

In Willdenow's herbarium existed two other specimens of 
Pinguicula, both collected by Pallas and first mentioned by 
Link (1820) under the names P. camtschatica and P. dau- 
rica. Ledebour (1847/49) was acquainted with this fact, 
but related the two specimens to P. macroceras, which should 
be *P. vulgari et leptocerati maxime affinis et vix diversa". 
Herder (1871/72) followed him, but asserted that P. macro- 
ceras would be only a big-flowering form of P. vulgaris! 

Nowadays most botanists treat it as P. vulgaris, the Japa- 
nese writing P. vulgaris var. macroceras Herder, while only 
a few authors attribute the rank of species to P. macroceras 
(Rydberg 1917, 1922, 1954; Komarov 1950, 1951; Boivin 

1962] Casper — Pinguicula macroceras 213 

In several papers Hultén (1949, 1958, 1960) discusses the 
problem and says: “It is ... hardly possible to separate 
them’’— i.e. P. macroceras and P. microceras —“specifically 
from the European plant" — P. vulgaris — “although the 
length and form of spur and lips are very different in some 
cases". (Hultén 1958, 230). Recently Ernst (1961) relates 
P. macroceras, P. camtschatica, P. daurica and P. micro- 
ceras to P. vulgaris. 

In a former paper (Casper, 1962) I first gave an account 
of my own views on the point in question. Now further 
studies on specimens in American herbaria enable me to 
confirm the meaning of Boivin (1948, 220) who wrote: “... 
P. macroceras est certainement spécifiquement distinct du 
P. vulgaris". 

According to Link (1820) P. macroceras is characterized 
by the following diagnosis: “scapo foliisque glabris, calcare 
turbinato corollae laciniis longiore". 

Unfortunately the type-specimen of Pallas was lost dur- 
ing World War II at Berlin and therefore, is not available 
for comparative studies (cf. Hultén, 1960). But there is no 
doubt that the specimens collected later by several botanists 
at the same locality are equivalent to those of Pallas: their 
flowers are typically long-spurred, and the long spur is the 
main characteristic in the diagnosis of P. macroceras given 
by Link. 

Tables 1 and 2 reproduce the quantitative analysis of the 
length of spur (SPL) and corolla (C-L). Dried material of 
P. vulgaris from all parts of its area with particular consid- 
eration of Scandinavian specimens and of P. macroceras 
from the American part of its distribution was measured. 
These tables show the exact numerical composition of the 
investigated material. 

Corolla lobes of the lower lip subobovate-oblong, more or less cover- 
ing each other, or at least touching; lower lip of the calyx split up to 
half of its length. 
Length of the corolla (15) 18-27 (36) mm. (spur included), length 
of the spur (3) 6-9 (11) mm. .................. eee eder eee eee tn eor tn etna trae eaa s ana enaaS 
oio x DESEE PEE DOAHDDR ERU RATEM P. macroceras LINK var. macroceras 
Length of the corolla (10) 14-22 (29) mm. (spur included), length 

[Vol. 64 



%00T ro 6*0 AH 69 IST 6‘LZ P92 SCT 0% ro 
989 Z G 6 LE L6 OST TFI 28 IT Z SESMA 'q 
%00T 8'g 9ST SPE ZZE 8T Ze - vo - - "S's 
88% IT LE 66 Z6 68 6 : I - - SRIƏJOIDLU 'q 
25001 9% 86 6'8ec 9'ec ecl 9'8 c9 a9 oP rc TS 
61P II If OOT 66 TS 9g 92 9c 6I OT Selad019RUL ‘d 
euruns OT 6 8 L 9 G i4 € Z I yy) — ww 
(TdS) Inds sy} Jo yysueT] :[[ alavy 
25001 - - vo I'I SP OT eT PZZ 8'6I 9I 18 AT 
6g€ - " Z 9 9% LG v8 CTT LOT 98 LY 6 sues[na 'q 
25001 8*0 9‘T eg “Pe 196 2% Or FS ro 30) - - ‘S's 
v86 G 6 &% 69 €L 69 86 ST I Z - - $*9192012€UI 'q 
/,001 c0 Ez 79 9LT ZIZ foe FET 78 Gg ar c0 co Ts 
OTP Z 6 cS eL 98 c8 €9 $8 FI LI Z I SBIIIOIIVUL 'q 
ZI IT OT 6 8 L 9 g Y g Z I MD 
BUIUINS Z€  Ig/0g 62/86  Le/96 €c/vcG 87/77 137/07 61/81  LI/9T SII SIZI M Ur 
(1-0) *i[0100 ay} Jo u33uo'T. :[ TIIVL 

1962] Casper — Pinguicula macroceras 215 

of the spur 1-3 (5) mm.; lobes of the lower lip of the calyx almost 
entirely separated. A plant relatively frequent on the Aleutian 
Islands P. macroceras var. microceras (CHAM.) CASPER 
Corolla lobes of the lower lip oblong, not covering nor touching each 
other; lower lip of the calyx split up to 2/3 ef its length; length of 
the corolla (10) 14-21 (29) mm. (spur included), length of the spur 
ADT BER ETI or iscsereriner étaient sereno ci b ERR P. vulgaris L. 

It is at once apparent from a study of figure 1 that there 
is a really quantitative difference between P. macroceras and 
P. vulgaris with regard to the length of spur and corolla. 
Link, therefore, was right in characterizing P. macroceras 
as a species very different from P. vulgaris by means of the 
length of its spur. In P. macroceras the spur measures (1) 
6-9 (11) mm., the corolla (15) 18-27 (86) mm. (spur includ- 
ed), in P. vulgaris the spur (1) 3-6 (10) mm,, the corolla 
(10) 14-21 (29) mm. (spur included). 

Other characteristics also distinguish P. macroceras from 
P. vulgaris. The typically obovate large, broad rounded 
lobes of the lower lip of the corolla of P. macroceras were 
seen already by Ledebour (1847/49), who enlarged Link's 
diagnosis by this data. In most cases the lobes more or 
less cover one another (fig. 2). As opposed to these facts 
the corresponding lobes of P. vulgaris have an oblong form 
and are distinctly separated from one another (fig. 3). 

In P. macroceras the two lobes of the lower lips of the 
calyx are oblong and grown together only to the half of 
their length. P. vulgaris has a smaller calyx and the lobes 
of the lower lip are grown together to 2/3 of their length. 

The geographical distribution of P. macroceras reaches 
from Japan and Kamtschatka over the Aleutian Islands to 
the Pacific coast regions of North America (Casper, 1962) : 
the area of an amphi-pacific plant. The map (fig. 4) shows 
exactly the known distribution in North America. The 
records are based on the study of specimens in herbaria. 
From the Aleutians over Pacific-Alaska, British-Columbia, 
Alberta, Washington, Montana, Oregon its area extends 
south into Northern California (Del Norte County). The 
northern and eastern borders of the area are not sufficiently 
known. Further studies are necessary to clear up especially 







Rhodora [Vol. 64 




——— P vulgaris L. 
——-—- P macroceras LINK s.l. 
—7—" P. macroceras LINK s.s. 1 
- e 
A \ 
l_e. \ j 
j^ -— NS ^u 
P4 SA, \ 
Ly \ \ 
voy NN 
fo, NN 
z^ J No 
. a N 
Pus "d 
r a 
— 37 P 4 4 
5 6 8 9 10 
Gk— CL 
P. vulgaris L. 

——— P. macroceras LINK s.l. 

—:—" P macroceras LINK ss. 1 

1962] Casper — Pinguicula macroceras 217 


Figure 2 (above) Figure 3 (below) 

218 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

the contact-zone with P. vulgaris, which is distributed in 
America from Labrador to Nome and Coronation Gulf, but 
is not known from the most eastern parts of Asia (Casper, 

A peculiar problem is associated with the name P. micro- 
ceras Chamisso. The author described the plant as follows: 
*... species unalaschcensis alpina, nana, iam cornu brevi, 
laciniis corollae multo breviore . . ." (1831, 568). Mainly it 
was the small acute conical spur — the type specimen shows 
a spur of 1.5 mm. length — that induced Chamisso to sep- 
arate his plant from P. macroceras or P. vulgaris. The other 

Pinguicula macroceras LINK 

Map of distribution in Northern America 

( Attu- Isl. not drawn!) 


Figure 4 

1962] Casper — Pinguicula macroceras 219 

characteristics are similar to those in P. macroceras. Figure 
1 shows two curves concerning P. macroceras. The first one 
— P. macroceras s.s. — excludes all microceras types from 
the Aleutians, the second one -— P. macroceras s.l. — 
includes these types. It is apparent that in the case of P. 
macroceras s.l. the curve is depressed and displaced to the 
left by the microceras-material. But the particular charac- 
ter of the curve in relation to P. vulgaris is not changed. 

Evidently P. microceras is a short-spurred form of P. 
macroceras, restricted to “the mountains and . . . arctic 
places, while macroceras types prevail more to the south" 
(Hultén, 1949: 1425; Casper, 1962). Already Chamisso 
(1831) understood P. microceras as "alpin" as opposed to 
the "subalpin-montanen" P. macroceras. Hultén (1949: 
1425) is right in his statement, that “all the transitions 
exist between P. macroceras and P. microceras. But when 
he states that “... the same variation in the form and size 
of the flower can be observed in material of P. vulgaris from 
other parts of its range, for instance from Scandinavia . . ." 
he is mistaken as figure 1 shows. The curves confirm 
Hultén's own words: “It should be admitted, however, that 
plants approximating to the two extreme forms are more 
common on the Aleutians than they are in Scandinavia” 
(1960: 328). “All the transitions" concern only P. macro- 
ceras and P. microceras, but not P. vulgaris! The short- 
spurred microceras-type belongs to P. macroceras but never 
to P. vulgaris. 

P. macroceras Link is a good species, sufficiently distin- 
guished from P. vulgaris by its long spur, its obovate round- 
ed lobes of the lower lip of the corolla and its deeply 
separated lobes of the lower lip of the calyx. Its area is 
typical amphi-pacific. Chromosome numbers are not known. 

ALASKA. Aleutians: Adak Id. (CHI 1162067), (DS 374181). 
Amchitka Id. (Us 173872). Atka. Id. (MIN 355434, DS 243871). Attu 
Id. (MO 1705350), Bassett Creek (MO 1304358), Cape Khlebnikof (Uc 

"The list includes only half of the whole material studied. 

220 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

7303384). Kuiu Id., Washington Bay (MIN 530054). Unalaska (UC 
081604), Tliuliuk Lake (vc 081605). Kodiak Id.: Olga Bay (TRT 
91769), Red River, Alitak (US 220252). Raspberry Id., Port Vita 
(MIN 525347), Eagle River, Juneau (DAO 11226) Hinchinbrook Id., 
Cordova (pS 150701). Glacier Bay (uc 533512). Yakutat (MO 
822106). New Metlakatla (Mo 1764214). Baranoff Id. (Mo 1764215). 
Muir Glacier (Mo 1764216). Chumagin Ids: Popoff Id. (Mo 1764220). 
Windham Bay (Mo 17464221). 

BRITISH COLUMBIA. Log Cabin (v 12025). Ogilvie Mts. (V 
12225). Prince Rupert (v 6330). SW Gowgaia Bay (v 34881). Goose 
Island (v 21541). Vancouver Island: Mt. Splendor (v 11034), Gordon 
River (MO 1764210, DS 20540), Port Hardy (UBC 23524), Moat Lake 
(v 29750), Forbidden Plateau, Meadow Lake Stream (v 15821), Uclue- 
let (V 4586), Henderson Lake (v 4584), Mt. Joan (V 15910), Cowichan 
Lake, N.E. shoulder Mt. Landalt (v 23690 + 28691), Mt. Arrowsmith 
(v 22882), Strathcona Park, Mt. Rooster Comb (v 10473). Coast, 
Cypress Creek (UBC 24652), Lillocet (v 5971). Cheam (V 4588). 
Fairmont H. Springs (v 13980). Canal Flat (v 15343). Kootenay, 
Gray Creek, Clarke's Pt. (v 12978, UBC 5691). Coast, Hollyburn Ridge 
(UBC 62839), between Black Mt. and Hollyburn (DAO 11259). Whistler 
Pass (UBC 5692). Dam Mt. Goat Lake (UBC 5693). Kaslo, White 
Water Mine (UBC 5694). Haffner Creek, Marble Canyon Campground 
(DAO 11261). Hat Creek Valley, Marble Mts. (WTU, herb. J. W. 
Thompson 17197). Cassiar, Ingenika River (UBC 51290). Tenquille 
Lake (UBC 83843), Finch Ridge (UBC 48506). Atlin District, Nakina 
Lake (DAO 11262), Lake Atlin (UBC 51295, UC 494021). Yohs National 
Park, Emerald Lake (UBC 65608), Twin Falls (MIN 267961), Sorrent 
fan (MIN 241875), Sir Donald Trail (MIN 241874). Selkirk Mts., Low- 
er Sandford Morains (MIN 241873). Victor Lake, 11 mi. W. of Revel- 
stoke (Ds 352516). Columbia Valley, Albert Canyon (UBC 74339). 

ALBERTA. Banff (v 26321, DAO 11188), Middle Springs (DAO 
11190), Sulfur Mt., (MIN 241872), Bow River (DAO 11458), Hillsdale 
Cabin (VT), between the Mistaya and Bow River Valleys (UC 707445). 
Jasper, Lake Beauvert (TRT 124265). Lake Louise (v 26323). Selkirk 
Flora, Waterfall at gorge of Columbia (PH 526504). 

WASHINGTON. Olympic National Forest: Deer Lake (WTU 
110683), Heart Lake (WTU 33020), Mt. Angeles (WTU, herb. J. W. 
Thompson 24361), Mt. Colonel Bob Lookout (WTU, herb. J. W. Thomp- 
son). Mount Baker National Forest: Mt. Baker, Boulder Glacier 
(WTU 32274), Mt. Baker Lodge, Bagley Lake (wTU, herb. J. W. 
Thompson 24361), Mt. Hermon (uc), Skagit River Gorge, Newhalem 
(MIN 357710), Skagit Pass (WTU 16083), Mt. Higgins (UC 518084), 
Baldy Peak (Mo 1764206). Mt. Rainier (MO 1764208), Van Trump 
Park (wTU 88707), Comet Falls (wTU 37612), above Main Cowlitz 
Glacier (MO 1764204). Kittitas Co.: Mt. Stuart (MIN 191336), North 
Fork of Teanaway River, Wenatchee Mts. (BH 4453), Iron Peak (UC 

1962] Casper — Pinguicula macroceras 221 

931294), Fish Lake (WTU 75350, UC 710875). Cascade Mts., Stevens 
Pass (UC 185022). Okanogan Co.s Horse Shoe Basin (vT). Snohomish 
Co.: Mt. Dickerman (Mo 1027818), Columbia Peak, N of Monte Cristo 
(WTU 35468). Yakima Region (UC 173684). 

MONTANA. Glacier National Park: N of Logan Pass (vc 028325), 
Grinnell Lake (UCLA 40261), Grinnell Falls (WTU 129482), Iceberg 
Lake (CHI 953072, 953073). 

OREGON. Wallowa Co.: Ice Lake, bog (WTU, herb. J. W. Thompson 
8179), on trail from Wallowa River (ILL, herb. G. N. Jones 7497). 
Josephine Co.: near Kerby (UC 76680), other side of Tennessee Pass 
(MO 925823). 

CALIFORNIA. Del Norte Co.: French Flat, Gasquet, Smith River 
(UC 501348), near Camps (MO 1261851), Douglas Park, 9 mi. E of 
Crescent City (DS 179461), Rock Creek Lodge (WTU 183910). 


BouviN, B. 1948. In Nat. Canad. 75: 220. 

CASPER, J. 1962. “Revision der Gattung Pinguicula in Eurasien” — 
Fedde Rep. 66, in press. 

CHAMISSO, A. DE. 1831. “De plantis in expeditione Romanzoffiana 
observatis . . ." — Linnaea 6: 545-592. 

Ernst, A. 1961. “Revision der Gattung Pinguicula” — Bot. Jahrb. 
80, 2: 145-194. 

HERDER, F. DE. 1855-1859. “Lobeliaceae, Campanulaceae . . . Sero- 
phulariaceae a Cl. D-re G. Radde annis in Sibiria orientali collec- 
tae" — Acta Horti Petrop. 1 (1871/72): 378. 

HULTÉN, E. 1949. Flora Alsaka Yukon IX: 1425. 

1958. The Amphi-Atlantic Plants. 230. 
1960. Flora of the Aleutian Islands in Tüxen, R., Flora 
et Vegetatio Mundi Vol. I. Weinheim: 327-328. 

JONES, G. N. 1936. “A Botanical Survey of the Olympic Peninsula, 
Washington" — Univ. Wash. Publ. Biol. 5: 233. 

LEDEBOUR, C. F. 1847-1849. Flora Rossica. Stuttgart. 

Link, H. F. 1820. Jahrb. Gewächs. 1, 3: 54. 

Moss, E. H. 1959. Flora of Alberta. London. 

RYDBERG, P. A. 1917. Flora of the Rocky Mountains. I ed.; II ed. 

STANDLEY, P. C. 1921. “Flora of Glacier National Park Montana" 
— Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 22, 5: 410. 

222 Rhodora [ Vol. 64 



In May 1958 I collected what I felt was an “unusual chick- 
weed” at the then recently acquired 200-acre tract for the 
new University of Michigan Botanical Gardens on Dixboro 
Road, 4 miles northeast of Ann Arbor. After identifying 
this plant as Holosteum umbellatum, the jagged chickweed, 
I suspected it to be an interesting find since there were no 
Michigan specimens in the University Herbarium. 

Several months later my attention was called to a speci- 
men of Holosteum being accessioned by the herbarium. This 
collection was made at Ann Arbor in 1949 by the late L. H. 
Jordal (no. 1498)", and appears to have been the first Michi- 
gan record. Whether or not Jordal realized that his collec- 
tion was a record has not been determined, but the evidence 
at hand suggests he did not. In April 1961 I searched for 
Jordal’s locality and found a good stand of Holostewm on 
cultivated soil in the general vicinity. 

I have checked for records of this species in published 
local floras and at other herbaria in the state (see below). 
An additional collection was found in the herbarium of 
Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti. the specimens hav- 
ing been taken from the lawn near Pierce Hall on the 
campus of that institution by Richard A. Giles, 5 April 
1955. I visited this site in May 1961 and found the plant 
both in lawn turf and in the adjacent open soil. Also, upon 
revisiting my original locality in 1960, 1961, and 1962, I 
found this species each year, and although actual numbers 
were not recorded, there appeared to be some increase in 
the number of plants. Specimens of each of my collections 
will be deposited in the University of Michigan Herbarium 
(Piehl 5846, 6029, 6101, 6102). 

"The observations reported herein were made while the writer was engaged in 
doetoral studies in the Department of Botany, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. 

"It is of interest that this collection is from the old botanical gardens, a 40-acre 
tract on Iroquois Drive in Ann Arbor. However, it is very unlikely that the Holosteum 
was transported from that site to the new locality, since the transfer of the gardens' 
plants had not begun at the time of my collection. 

1962] Piehl — Holosteum umbellatum 223 

Holosteum, a native of Europe, is well distinguished from 
our other chickweeds by its pale, generally glaucous foliage, 
its non-cleft but often jagged or emarginate petals, and by 
its umbellate inflorescence. Because some of the flowers open 
before the pedicels have elongated fully, the umbellate na- 
ture of the inflorescence may be obscure when flowering 
begins. The inflorence become distinctly umbellate later, 
however, and as has been recorded (Fernald, 1950), some of 
the pedicels actually become reflexed in fruit, although they 
are described by Britton and Brown (1897) as erect and are 
illustrated as such in the most recent edition of The Illus- 
trated Flora (Gleason, 1952). None of the above manuals 
mentions the fact that the very delicate, somewhat hyaline, 
white or rarely pinkish petals are persistent, although they 
become hidden by the more rigid, scarious-margined sepals. 
A poorly-defined basal rosette is formed by large specimens, 
but it is lacking from the smaller plants. Although the stems 
tend to be somewhat decumbent, they are not trailing like 
those of some species of Cerastium and Stellaria. 

I suspect that Holosteum is often overlooked due to its 
rather unusual phenology. It begins to flower in early April 
at Ann Arbor, and perhaps earlier depending on the season, 
but unlike the common chickweed, Stellaria media, it flowers 
and fruits for a relatively short time and is, itself, ephem- 
eral. In early May I have observed both dehisced and de- 
veloping capsules as well as flowers. By mid-May, however, 
the foliage yellows, and the entire plant soon dries and easily 
escapes detection. Thus, specimens of Holosteum are likely 
to be found over a period of only a few weeks, the plant 
apparently passing most of the collecting season in the form 
of seeds. 

The precociousness of Holosteum caused me to doubt that 
the plant was, strictly speaking, an annual, as some of the 
manuals indicate (e.g. Gleason, 1952). During the winter 
1961-62 I visited the Dixboro Road locality at a time when 
most of the snow had melted and found numerous seedlings 
which apparently had developed the previous autumn. Holo- 
steum thus behaves as a winter annual. Whether some seeds 
also germinate the following spring is not known. The leaves 

224 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

(not meaning the cotyledons) of the seedlings are spatulate 
or oblanceolate to oblong, the lamina narrowing in some 
cases nearly to the extent of making the leaves petioled, and 
some have a tiny black fleck at the very apex. They tend to 
have a thicker epidermal covering and to be more succulent 
than the leaves formed the ensuing growing season. The 
shape of the cauline leaves, in contrast, is from oblong to 
ovate, and they are sessile. The over-wintering leaves of the 
seedlings, which soon yellow and dry as growth is resumed 
the following spring, are not found on the majority of her- 
barium specimens, and are omitted from most descriptions. 
Elongation of the stem and the appearance of the inflores- 
cence occurs rather rapidly and will take place at relatively 
low temperatures.* 

The occurrence of Holosteum in southern Michigan indi- 
cates that its range is still being expanded, and that it 
should be looked for by early-ranging botanists elsewhere 
in the Midwest. Previous to the Michigan collections report- 
ed herein, the jagged chickweed was recorded as far west as 
Ohio and Kentucky by Fernald (1950), while earlier it was 
known at first only from the vicinity of Lancaster, Penn- 
sylvania (Gray, 1856), and later from New Jersey and 
Pennsylvania to Georgia (Robinson and Fernald, 1908). 

I wish to acknowledge the cooperation received from 
curators of the following herbaria: Cranbrook Institute of 
Science, Eastern Michigan University, Michigan State Uni- 
versity, The University of Michigan, and Wayne State Uni- 


Britton, N. L., AND A. BROWN. 1897. An illustrated flora of the 
northern United States, Canada, and the British Possessions, 
Vol. 2. Scribner's, New York. 

FERNALD, M. L. 1950. Gray's manual of botany, 8th Ed. American 
Book Co., New York. 

GLEASON, H. A. 1952. The new Britton and Brown illustrated flora, 
Vol. 2. The New York Botanical Garden, New York. 

3Specimens kept at a constant 40°F in March before spring growth had begun under- 
went elongation of the stems and enlargement of the flower buds. 

1962] Lewis — Polygala 225 

GRAY, A. 1856. Manual of the botany of the northern United States, 
2nd Ed. George Putnam and Co., New York. 

RoBINSON, B. L., AND M. L. FERNALD. Gray's new manual of botany, 
7th Ed. American Book Co., New York. 



In an earlier paper on the cytology of Polygala (Lewis 
& Davis, Rhodora 64: 102-113, 1962), reference was made to 
five collections thought to represent four new species. 
Using the keys and descriptions of Blake (N. Am. Fl. 25: 
305-370, 1924), species numbered 3 (Oliver 136) and 4 
(Lewis 5728, 5755) could be placed with P. alba Nutt. and 
the var. suspecta Wats. The chromosome number of P. alba 
in Texas was reported as n — 12 whereas those for number 
3 from Oaxaca and number 4 from Coahuila and N uevo Leon 
were recorded as n = ca. 36 and n = 52-54, respectively. 
Although wide differences in chromosome number are not 
unknown for a single species, these counts, when considered 
in conjunction with the known heteromorphism of individ- 
uals now included under P. alba (Dr. M. C. Johnston, 
University of Texas, personal communication), strongly 
suggest that more than one species is involved. Additional 
cytotaxonomic study should be completed, however, par- 
ticularly with the Mexican forms in the complex, before 
the naming and describing of new taxa will be purposeful. 
Consequently, only those plants represented by numbers 
1 and 2 will be presented. 

Polygala shinnersii W. H. Lewis, sp. nov. 

Caules e radice tenui perenni plures 1.5-2.0 dm. alti. Folia inferiora 
mediocriaque verticillata spatulato-obovata, suprema alterna linearia. 
Racemi cylindrici acuminati 6-8 mm. diametro; flores candida purpureo- 
cristati; sepala lanceo-elliptica 1.0-1.2 mm. longa; alae obovatae 2.9-3.3 

"This study was supported by the National Science Foundation G-21818. 
I am indebted to Dr. Lloyd H. Shinners, Southern Methodist University, for the 
translations to the Latin. 

226 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

mm. longae. Capsulae ovales 2.6-3.2 mm. longae; semina pilosa 2.4-2.7 
mm. longa, arillorum lobae duae linearo-ellipticae 1.6-1.8 mm. altae. 

Stems several from slender perennial root, erect, angular, 1.5-2.0 
dm. tall; leaves 4-6 in whorls to middle of stem or beyond, usually 
shorter than the internodes, spatulate-obovate, 6-13 mm. long, 2-3 mm. 
wide, the upper alternate, linear. cuspidate, 13-21 mm. long, 1.5-2.0 
mm. wide, glabrous; peduncles 2.2-4.2 cm. long; racemes dense, cy- 
lindrical, acuminate, 6-8 mm. thick; pedicels 0.2-0.3 mm. long; flowers 
white with purple crests; sepals lance-elliptic, acuminate, 1.0-1.2 mm. 
long; wings obovate, 2.9-3.3 mm. long, 1.7-2.0 mm. wide; keels 2.7-3.0 
mm. long, the crest of 4 lobes on each side; capsules oval, 2.6-3.2 mm. 
long, 2.2-2.6 mm. wide; seeds cylindrical, pilose, 2.4-2.7 mm. long, 1.2- 
1.5 mm. wide; arils 1.6-1.8 mm. high, the 2 linear-elliptic lobes ap- 
pressed; chromosome number 2n — ca. 84. 

Holotype: MEXICO: Nuevo Leon: 11 miles E of junction of High- 
ways 57 and 60, Lewis 5754 (US). Rare in open pine woods, 2 Sept. 
1961. Known only from the type locality. 

Although keying to the section Timutua, P. shinnersii is not closely 
related to other species in the section. In habit it has a striking resem- 
blance to that of Galium. 

Polygala vergrandis W. H. Lewis, sp. nov. 

Caules e radice annua plures puberuli 3-8 cm. longi. Folia alterna 
linearia. Racemi cylindrici acuminati 2.5-4.0 mm. diametro; flores 
candida viridi- et purpureo- venosi; sepala lanceo-elliptica 1.0-1.5 mm. 
longa; alae obovatae 1.8-2.2 mm. longae. Capsulae oblongae 2.5-3.0 
mm. longae indehiscentes loculo superiore alato inferiore exalato; 
semina pilosa 2.0-2.4 mm. longa, arilli 0.6-0.9 mm. alti, lobis duabus 
appressis (in seminibus e loculo inferiore deficientibus). 

Stems several from a long slender annual root, 3-8 cm. long, erect 
or ascending, slender, densely puberulous; leaves alternate, linear, 4-8 
mm. long, 1 mm. wide, acuminate at apex, l-nerved below, margins 
somewhat revolute; peduncles 3-6 mm. long; racemes cylindric, acu- 
minate, dense, 2.5-4.0 mm. thick, the axis 10-15 mm. long; bracts lanceo- 
late, deciduous, 1.0-1.3 mm. long; pedicels 0.3-0.5 mm. long; flowers 
white, green- and purple- veined; sepals lance-elliptic, subacuminate, 
1.0-1.5 mm. long; wings obovate, 1.8-2.2 mm. long, 0.6-0.9 mm. wide, 
obtuse at apex; keels 1.6 mm. long, the crest of 2 lobes on each side; 
capsules oblong, rounded at both ends, light green, 2.5-3.0 mm. long, 
1.2-1.5 mm. wide, the upper cell larger, winged, the lower wingless, 
indehiscent; seeds cylindrical, curved, pilose, 2.0-2.4 mm. long, 0.5 mm. 
wide, seeds of lower cell somewhat smaller; arils 0.6-0.9 mm. high, 2 
robes appressed, wanting in seed from lower cell; chromosome number 

n = 24, 

Holotype: MEXICO: Nuevo Leon: 9.9 miles E of junction of High- 
ways 57 and 60, Lewis 5746 (US). Rare on rocky edge of hill, 2 Sept. 
1961. Known only from the type locality. 

1962] Rhoades — Alisma subcordatum 227 

Characteristics of the section Monninopsis nearest P. scoparioides 
Chod., but the resemblance to this species is not close. — STEPHEN F. 



Alisma subcordatum is a common species of marsh or 
aquatic herb of temperate North America and usually grows 
emersed with ovate or eliptical aerial leaves. In the fall of 
1958 a botany class at the University of New Hampshire 
collected a specimen growing in 11% feet of water which 
had narrow-lanceolate floating leaves. Subsequently other 
plants with floating leaves were collected in the vicinity of 
Durham, N. H. While a deep water form of the European 
Alisma plantago-aquatica is recognized (Arber 1920, 1925), 
apparently most authors do not recognize a similar form 
in the American species. Muenscher (1944), Fassett (1957 |» 
Fernald (1950) and Hendricks (1957) do not mention a 
deep water form, but Pierce (In Gleason 1952, vol. 1, p. 88) 
states that plants growing in relatively deep water or where 
the water level varies have longer, laxer, ovate-lanceolate to 
linear leaves. 

The following experiments were conducted in the green- 
house to test the response of plants to varying depths of 
water. Seeds were stratified at 5^ C. for 60 days according 
to the recommendations of Crocker and Barton (1952), and 
were then germinated in sand under water. On April 1 the 
seedlings were transplanted to muck soil in battery 
jars, about 20 Seedlings per jar. The water levels were 
adjusted to 2 em (10 jars), 12 cm (4 jars) and 25 cm (2 
jars). Nothing more was done to the plants except to 
maintain the water level. By early July, four to six plants 
in each jar with 2 or 12 cm of water had produced aerial 
leaves and inflorescences In addition, the plants grown in 
12 em of water produced floating leaves. Plants grown in 
25 cm of water, however, produced only floating leaves. 

228 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

During the course of development from seedling to flower- 
ing stage, Alisma subcordatum produces three types of 
leaves. Seedlings possess a cluster of several gramineous, 
primary leaves, 3.5 em in length which are usually sub- 
merged. As the plants mature they next produce petioled, 
narrow-lanceolate, juvenile leaves. If emersed, the later 
juvenile leaves develop into ovate, aerial leaves, but if sub- 
mersed, the later juvenile leaves retain their narrow form, 
the petioles elongate, and the blades float on the surface 
of the water. 

The next phase of the experiment was designed to test 
the effect of a raised water level on the development of plants 
which previously had been grown in shallow water. Four 
of the ten jars which had been maintained at the 2 cm 
level were used. The water level was raised to 25 cm in 
two of these. Inflorescences were removed from the plants 
in one of these jars and also from the plants in one of the 
jars with 2 cm of water. The status of each jar was then as 

No. 1 25 cm water; inflorescences not removed 

No. 2 25 cm water; inflorescences removed 

No. 3 2 em water ; inflorescences not removed 

No. 4 2 em water; inflorescences removed 

A month later the plants in jars 1 and 2 had produced 
only floating leaves. Those in jar 2 also produced reduced 
inflorescences. The plants in jars 3 and 4 produced new 
aerial leaves and new inflorescences. 

The plants which had been grown continuously in 12 cm 
of water produced aerial leaves, floating leaves and flowers 
throughout the summer. Plants growing in 25 cm of water 
from the beginning produced only floating leaves during the 
entire period of observation. 

Similar observations on the growth of Alisma plantago- 
aquatica have been made by Arber (loc. cit.). This species 
also commonly occurs in shallow water and produces aerial 
leaves. The aerial leaves are preceded by submerged, “band- 
shaped", primary leaves and usually by “swimming leaves” 
as well. In moderately deep water, only submerged and 

“swimming leaves" are produced. These “swimming leaves” 

1962] Shinners — Mazus reptans 229 

appear to be equivalent to the juvenile or floating leaves 
observed in the present study. 

The plants used in this experiment were the smaller- 
flowered, more southern species Alisma subcordatum. 
Although not recognized very widely by botanists, the 
aquatic form of this species probably occurs rather com- 
monly. This experiment has shown that plants of Alisma 
have the ability to produce floating leaves if submersed at 
any time during their period of development. 

Specimens cited: in 1 to 1% feet of water, old reservoir, Durham, 
Strafford County, N. H. R. W. Rhoades and A. R. Hodgdon. 16 Oct. 
1958 (NH); in 2 feet of water, Hepler's Pond, Madbury, Strafford 
County, N. H. R. W. Rhoades. 1 Nov. 1959 (N.H.). 



ARBER, A. 1920. Water plants. Cambridge, England. 
1925. Monocotyledons. University Press, Cambridge. 

CROCKER, W. and L. V. BARTON. 1952. Physiology of seeds. Chronica 
Botanica Co. Waltham, Mass. 

FassETT, N. C. 1957. A manual of aquatic plants (Revision ap- 
pendix by E. C. Ogden). University of Wisconsin Press. Madison. 

FERNALD, M. L. 1950. Gray's Manual] of Botany, 8th ed. American 
Book Co. New York. 

HENDRICES, A. J. 1957. A revision of the genus Alisma (Dill) L. 
Amer. Midl. Nat. 58: 470-493. 

MUENSCHER, W. C. 1944. Aquatic plants of the United States. 
Ithaca, New York. 

PIERCE, J. H. 1952. Alismaceae. In Illustrated flora of the northern 
United States and adjacent Canada by H. A. Gleason. New York 
Botanical Garden, 

MARYLAND. — Mazus reptans N. E. Brown, Bot. Mag. t. 
8554, 1914, is a freely stoloniferous, mat-forming perennial 
with flowers half again as large as those of the non-stoloni- 
ferous, annual M. japonicus (Thunb.) Kuntze. The latter 
Species is the only one hitherto reported as wild in the 

230 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

United States, first by Small in the second edition of his 
Flora of the Southeastern United States (1913, p. 1365, as 
M. rugosus), from southern Louisiana. It is not mentioned 
in his Manual of the Southeastern Flora (1933). In Pennell’s 
Monograph of the Scrophulariaceae of Eastern Temperate 
North America (Phila. Acad. Monog. 1: 197, 1935), it is 
cited from Pennsylvania, the District of Columbia, and Ore- 
gon as well as Louisiana. More recently Fernald (Gray’s 
Manual, 8th ed., p. 1275, 1950) reports it from “Pa. to Mo. 
and La.; Pacific Slope,” and Gleason (The New Britton & 
Brown Illustrated. Flora 3: 215, 1952) says “cultivated for 
ornament and tending to escape in lawns,” without locality. 
Gleason's description of it as “a ereeping perennial" and 
“cultivated for ornament" cannot apply to M. japonicus. 
Dr. Arthur Cronquist informs me that the New York Bo- 
tanical Garden has a specimen of M. reptans “as a lawn 
weed on the Cornell campus in Ithaca," New York, evidently 
the basis for Gleason's remarks. It can now be reported that 
M. reptans is genuinely naturalized in MARYLAND, Cal- 
vert Co.: moist clay cliffs with Liquidambar Styraciflua & 
Cryptotaenia canadensis, Scientists’ Cliffs, District No. 1, 
Frank C. Seymour 16,697, 24 July 1946 (SMU). *Forming 
a mat in dense shade." Plant past flowering. This species 
is not treated in Hui-Lin Li’s “The genus Mazus (Scrophu- 
lariaceae),” Brittonia 8: 29-38, 1954; his revision actually 
treats only species known from China. Brown says that the 
plant comes from the Himalayas. Presumably it is confined 
to the eastern portion, since the account of the genus in 
Pennell’s The Scrophulariaceae of the Western Himalayas 
(Phila. Acad. Monog. 5: 33-35, 1943) does not include it. 

Plants of M. reptans received from Rocknoll Nursery, 
Morrow, Ohio, in late March, 1961 (in bloom on arrival), 
survived in my yard in Dallas, Texas, to bloom again in the 
spring of 1962, with more deeply colored and showier corol- 
las than the previous year. They are growing in calcareous 
clay in shade, and require constant watering during our hot, 
dry summers. N. E. Brown spoke of it as flowering ‘‘almost 
continuously from early spring to late autumn” under culti- 
vation in England, but that is not the case under Dallas con- 

1962] Adams — Guttiferae 231 

ditions. It is surviving a second summer here (July, 1962), 
but like last year shows no sign of blooming after the spring 
season. The potential area which this species may occupy is 
evidently very great. It should be watched for as an escape 
elsewhere in the United States and southern Canada. 

Mazus japonicus is an annual weed which, like several 
others, both alien and native (e.g. Cardamine pennsylvanica, 
Stachys floridana, Youngia japonica), is being spread all 
through the South in shipments of ornamental shrubs, 
especially azaleas and camellias. There are specimens in the 
SMU Herbarium from Alabama (Baldwin Co.), Arkansas 
(Clark Co.), Florida (Liberty Co.), Louisiana (Lafayette, 
Ouachita, and St. Tammany parishes; Pennell knew it from 
East Baton Rouge and Orleans parishes), and Texas (Dal- 
las, Harrison, and Jefferson counties). The Dallas plants 
seem to have been killed out by the abnormally severe winter 
of 1961-1962, with repeated severe freezes (down to 17? F.), 
but further observation will be needed to confirm this. — 



This contribution is a miscellany of observations which 
have accumulated during recent studies of the Guttiferae in 
North America. Included are comments on the delimitation. 
of the Guttiferae, a re-evaluation of the generic status of 
Sanidophyllum Small, the relegation to synonymy of a few 
specific epithets, some notes on geographic distribution of 

‘Financial support of these studies was provided by the Fernald Fund for Field 
Study in Systematic Botany at Harvard University, established by Mr. F., W. Hunne- 
well of Wellesley, Massachussets, and a research grant (RG-6305) to Dr. R. K. 
Godfrey of Florida State University from the Division of General Medical Studies, 
Public Health Service. 

?Present address: Department of Botany and Bacteriology, DePauw University,. 
Greencastle, Indiana. 

232 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

several species, and a brief survey of some of the systematic 
problems discernible in the family. 


The Englerian concept of the Guttiferae as comprising 
five subfamilies is being followed in my studies. Some recent 
authors, including Lawrence (1951) and Hutchinson 
(1959), have split the group into two families, elevating 
Engler's Hypericoideae to the familial level (Hypericaceae). 
This restricted concept was used by me in earlier studies 
(Adams, 1957, 1959). Recent investigation of the relevant 
genera by Dr. Norman K. B. Robson at Kew strongly sug- 
gests that a re-evaluation of the claim of the Hypericaceae 
to family rank is necessary (Robson, personal communica- 
tion). I agree with Dr. Robson that if Engler’s Hypericoi- 
deae is elevated to the family level then it would appear 
that the other four subfamilies must be made into families 
also. This is clearly undesirable because of the close interre- 
lationship which these groups appear to have with one 
another. The Hypericoideae seem to be related to the Calo- 
phylloideae and to the Clusioideae through Hypericum 
(Lawrence, 1951; Robson, personal communication). The 
other members of the H ypericoideae are T riadenum (eastern 
North America and Japan), Vismia (tropical America), 
Cratoxylon (Indomalaysia), Eliaea, Psorospermum, Endo- 
desmia, and Haronga. (The last three genera are native to 
tropical Africa and/or Madagascar.) One of Small’s generic 
segregates, Sanidophyllum, of southern Florida, U. S. A., is 
best included within Hypericum (see below). 


The genus Sanidophyllum was established by Small in 
1924 to accommodate a single species, S. cumulicola Small. 
Plants of this taxon are wiry herbaceous perennials which 
grow in the Pinus clausa scrub in Highlands Co., Florida. 
Commonly, several stems arise from an elongated taproot 
near or just below ground level. The stems die back to 
ground level each winter but the rootstocks survive for 
several years. New growth each spring is due to the forma- 

1962] Adams — Guttiferae 233 

tion of young shoots from these rootstocks. On the juvenile 
stems the leaves are densely crowded and tend to be more 
or less closely appressed, the whole presenting a striking 
bryoid appearance. As the stems elongate the internodes 
become much longer at successively higher levels. Much of 
the photosynthetic function is apparently carried on by the 
stems since the leaves are greatly reduced in size compared 
to other Hypericum species, excepting H. gentianoides. The 
slender, sharply ascending stems with their tiny scale-like 
leaves suggested to Small a species of Cathartolinum 

Recent intensive studies of the floral anatomy and taxono- 
my of Hypericum and several of the generic segregates 
(Robson, 1956; Adams, 1962) have demonstrated that a 
re-evaluation of the status of these groups is necessary. 
While the anatomy of the flower in Sanidophyllum cumuli- 
cola has not been investigated, comparative morphological 
study of these plants as well as their relatives in Hypericum 
Sect. Brathys strongly suggests that this species represents 
merely an extreme evolutionary development within this 
section of Hypericum. Morphological features common to 
Sanidophyllum and certain species of Hypericum (especially 
many of those in Sect. Brathys) include perennial habit, 
much-reduced scale-like leaves which lack an articulation 
at the base, clear glands in the leaves, sepals, and young 
stems, 5 slightly unequal sepals which are non-articulated 
at base, 5 slightly asymmetrical yellow petals whose with- 
ered remains persist long after anthesis, long-persistent 
stamens, 3 filiform-elongate styles which are seperate to the 
base and somewhat spreading at anthesis, capitate stigmas, 
3-carpelled gynoecium, parietal placentation, and dark 
brown seeds with a finely reticulate testa. 

In its morphology as well as its ecology Sanidophyllum 
cumulicola seems to be most closely related to H. gentian- 
oides (L.) BSP, a plant found over much of eastern United 
States. The leaves of both are considerably reduced in 
surface area, with those of the latter species being noticeably 
smaller than the former. Plants of both species possess 
slender wiry stems ; those of H. gentianoides are often much- 

234 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

branched, presenting a bushy appearance in contrast to the 
relatively few-branched aspect of S. cumulicola. The wide- 
spread H. gentianoides is an annual, even in peninsular 
Florida, while the very local S. eumulicola is definitely peren- 
nial. The inflorescence in both species is basically dichasial, 
the pattern typical of Hypericum. The flowers of H. gentian- 
oides are considerably smaller in size than those of S. cumu- 
licola. AM these features suggest a fairly close relationship. 

Both of these plants are adapted to dry habitats. Sanido- 
phyllum cumulicola grows in the sand of the scrub in asso- 
ciation with Pinus clausa, Paronychia pulvinata, Polygonella 
basiramia, Prunus geniculata, Ceratiola ericoides, and other 
species. It is most abundant in *blow-out" areas where the 
moisture is more abundant and the competition from other 
sand scrub species is less severe. Hypericum gentianoides 
also grows in sandy soil, often becoming very abundant in 
turkey oak-pine scrub (especially following clearing by 
man), fallow fields, moist hollows in coastal dunes, rock 
outcrops, and roadside embankments. Both of these species 
are closely related to H. drummondii (Grev. & Hook.) T. & 
G., a plant of the southern United States. 

Sanidophyllum cumulicola is related, although much less 
closely, to Hypericum fuertesii Urb. of Hispaniola. Plants of 
this West Indian species have much-reduced leaves which 
are strongly ascending and crowded. The inflorescence of 
H. fuertesii is much less floriferous, however, and is often 
reduced to a 3-flowered dichasium or even a single flower. 
It is an inhabitant of high elevations (6,000-8,000 feet) 
while S. cumulicola grows at only a few hundred feet. Other 
relatives of this species comprise the H. pauciflorum complex 
in Mexico and Central America (see below). 

The reduction of Sanidophyllum to Hypericum makes 
necessary the following combination : 

Hypericum (Sect. Brathys) cumulicola (Small) P. Adams, 
comb. nov., based on Sanidophyllum cumulicola Small, Bull. 
Torrey Club 51:391. 1924. 

The limited distributional area of this species is being 
diminished at an alarming rate. The sand scrub lands of 
central and southern Highlands County, Florida, are rapidly 

1962] Adams — Guttiferae 235 

succumbing to the bulldozer and the citrus grove. Studies 
of the ecology and cytology need to be made before the 
species becomes extinct. 


Hypericum aphyllum Lundell, Am. Midl. Nat. 29:477. 
1943. TYPE: British Honduras, Toledo District, Monkey 
River, near Jenkins Creek, Gentle 4175 (Holotype, MICH, 
not seen; isotype, GH). 

Lundell distinguished this species from Hypericum gen- 
tianoides (L.) BSP, a plant of eastern United States, pri- 
marily on seed characters. The seeds of H. aphyllum were 
Said to be shorter and the testa smoother than in H. gen- 
tianoides. Also, the number of Seeds per capsule is twice 
that of H. gentianoides, according to Lundell. Two speci- 
mens from Florida were assigned to the new species also. 
My examination of many collections of H. gentianoides from 
throughout its range indicates that seed characteristics are 
highly variable. There is a tendency for the seeds to be 
shorter and the testa smoother in specimens from the south- 
ern portion of the range, with those of some collections 
(e.g. those cited by Lundell and others) much resembling 
those of H. aphyllum. Study of an isotype of that species 
strongly suggests that, upon consideration of the entire 
morphology of the plant, the claim of H. aphyllum to specific 
status is highly questionable. Dr. A. J. Sharp wrote upon 
the isotype sheet in 1950 that H. aphyllum is "doubtfully 
distinct" from H. gentianoides. I think that a thorough 
analysis of seed variation within the latter species ought to 
be made before recognizing the British Honduran plant as 
a separate taxon. 

Hypericum pringlei Watson, Proc. Am. Acad. 25:143. 
1890. TYPE: Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Sierra Madre, near Mon- 
terey, Pringle 3012 (GH). 

The type specimen of H. pringlei compares readily with 
numerous specimens of H. perforatum L. from western 
United States as well as from other regions. In my opinion 
Watson's species is conspecific with H. perforatum. 

Hypericum terrae-firmae Sprague & Riley, Kew Bull. page 

236 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

12. 1924. TYPE: British Honduras, Peck 321 (Holotype, K, 
not seen; isotype, GH). 

Sprague and Riley noted that their Hypericum terrae- 
firmae is "the representative on the mainland of the Cuban 
H. styphelioides A. Rich." However, they made no mention 
of the features which they used to separate the mainland 
plant. An isotype of H. terrae-firmae is hardly distinguish- 
able, if at all, from many Cuban specimens of H. stypheli- 
oides, a species originally described in 1845 (Ess. Fl. Cuba. 
237). Although the Cuban plants exhibit considerable varia- 
tion, especially in leaf size and shape, I am unable to find 
any basis for taxonomic segregation of the Honduran speci- 
mens. I first questioned the claim of H. terrae-firmae to 
recognition in 1959 while doing casual study of the West 
Indian-Central American specimens of the genus at the Gray 
Herbarium. Recently, Dr. Louis O. Williams has independ- 
ently arrived at the same conclusion, judging from his anno- 
tation of the isotype at the Gray Herbarium. It seems clear, 
therefore, that the plant of British Honduras can be readily 
assigned to the earlier-named H. styphelioides. 


Since the publication of distribution maps for the species 
in the generic segregate Ascyrum (Adams, 1957) some note- 
worthy range extensions or corrections have come to my 
attention. These species were transferred to Hypericum by 
Adams and Robson (1961). 

HYPERICUM STRAGULUM Adams & Robson (Ascyrum mul- 
ticaule Michx.). Mr. W. E. Buker, an associate of the Carne- 
gie Museum in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, has written me 
that plants of this species have been collected in several 
counties of southwestern Pennsylvania. These collections 
(not seen by me) include the following: Bedford Co., south 
of Silver Mills, Henry & Buker 5/19/51; Fayette Co., 
Ohiopyle, Shafer 9/1/01, and Bright 9/6/1915; Greene Co., 
1.5 miles east of Mt. Morris, Beer, Henry & Buker 8/8/51. 
All of these specimens are in the Herbarium of the Carnegie 
Museum, according to Mr. Buker. 

At the time I published the revision of Ascyrum men- 

1962] Adams — Guttiferae 201 

tioned above, Hypericum stragulum was not known to grow 
in South Carolina. In September of 1958 I collected it five 
miles northwest of Walhalla in Oconee County (Adams 1 60, 
FSU). Diligent search in adjacent counties will do doubt 
reveal other stations. 

HYPERICUM HYPERICOIDES (L.) Crantz (Ascyrum hyperi- 
coides L.). The disjunction in range which was thought to 
exist (Adams, 1957) in Mexico between southern Nuevo 
Léon and eastern Hidalgo, a distance of some 300 km, 
has been virtually eliminated by two recent collections. A 
station in the state of San Luis Potosi, about 50 miles east 
of the city of that name, was reported by Rzedowski & 
Rzedowski (1957). Plants of this species have been collected 
also in the state of Tamaulipas about 40 miles north-north- 
west of Aldama (the Sierra de Tamaulipas range) by Dr. 
R. L. Dressler (2408, GH). 


During recent studies of North American Hypericum I 
have become aware of several taxa which are in need of 
critical evaluation. I believe that a brief discussion of these 
groups will be of interest, especially to the workers current- 
ly engaged in floristic studies. This is presented with the 
hope that other botanists, especially graduate students in 
search of thesis problems, will be enticed to study these 
plants. In addition, the naming of new taxa, especially in 
Mexico, is discouraged until thorough knowledge of the 
variation present within these groups is forthcoming. 


The Mexican-Central American members of Hypericum 
Sect. Brathys comprise a most variable group, judging from 
study of the specimens at the Gray Herbarium, the U. S. 
National Herbarium, and the Herbarium of the University 
of Texas. At least seventeen species have been described but 
several of these appear to represent only ecotypic variation. 
The great altitudinal diversity (from sea level to at least 
12,000 feet) present in Mexico and Central America is most 
certainly correlated with much of the observable variability. 

238 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

The taxa which belong to the so-called H. pauciflorum com- 
plex include the following: H. brevistylum Choisy, H. denti- 
culatum HBK, H. eastwoodianum Johnston, H. fastigiatum 
HBK, H. gnidioides Seem., H. hintonii Bullock, H. hondur- 
asense Keller, H. longibracteatum Keller, H. paniculatum 
HBK, H. pauciflorum HBK, H. paucifolium S. Wats., H. 
pinetorum Standley, H. pratense Cham. & Schl., H. schaff- 
neri S. Wats., H. silenoides Juss., H. submontanum Rose, 
H. uliginosum HBK, and H. woodsonii Standley. These 
plants are related to the United States species H. cumulicola 
(Small) P. Adams, H. denticulatum Walt., H. drummondii 
(Grev. & Hook.) T. & G., and H. gentianoides (L.) BSP. 
Finally, the very distinctive H. setosum L., a plant of the 
United States Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain, is clearly a 
member of this complex also. Its pilose stems and leaves 
and ciliate sepals, not present in any other Hypericum in 
North America, are probably an independent evolutionary 

Research in this complex should include field observations 
on growth form, perennation, altitudinal effects upon the 
plant body, and chromosome counts, as well as the usual 
examination of herbarium specimens. Pending the comple- 
tion of at least a synoptic treatment of these taxa I would 
strongly advise against the publication of putative hitherto 
undescribed taxa. To continue to add to an obviously over- 
burdened synonymy seems to be most unwise. 


Another group within Hypericum which is obviously in 
need of intensive study is the H. punctatum complex of Sect. 
Hypericum, as currently circumscribed (Keller, 1925). At 
least six species are recognized, including H. formosum 
HBK, H. graveolens Buckley, H. mitchellianum Rydberg, H. 
pseudomaculatum Bush, H. punctatum Lam., and H. scouleri 
Hook. These taxa are morphologically very similar and, 
therefore, presumably closely related. One of these, H. for- 
mosum, is a plant of high elevations from British Colombia 
southward through western United States and Mexico into 
Guatemala. The United States plants of this species are 

1962] Adams — Guttiferae 239 

classified either as a separate taxon, H. scouleri Hook., or as 
a variety. Many specimens of H. formosum, especially from 
Mexico and Guatemala, are practically identical with, if not 
indistinguishable from, those of H. pseudomaculatum, a 
plant of the Ozarkian region of Arkansas. Specimens of 
these two species compare readily with those of H. graveo- 
lens, a plant endemic in the Blue Ridge mountains of western 
North Carolina at high elevations. The Ozarkian H. pseu- 
domaculatum has been considered to be a variety of H. 
punctatum, a plant widespread over much of eastern North 
America (Fernald, 1950). Hypericum mitchellianum, also 
endemic in the Blue Ridge mountains, is doubtfully distinct 
from H. punctatum. In fact, both possess an unusual ring 
formation of the chromosomes during meiosis (see below). 
Both H. graveolens and H. mitchellianum grow in close asso- 
ciation at Mt. Mitchell, North Carolina. 

At least two members of the Hypericum punctatum com- 
plex are highly interesting cytologically. During meiosis the 
sixteen diploid chromosomes become attached end-to-end, 
forming a ring. Such unusual behavior is often indicative of 
structural hybridity (Stebbins, 1950). This phenomenon 
was first reported by Hoar (1931) in Massachusetts plants. 
During my studies I have observed ring formation in plants 
of this species from North Carolina and Tennessee. I have 
also observed this abnormal cytological condition in several 
collections of H. mitchellianum. In the one collection of H. 
pseudomaculatum which I have been able to study (courtesy 
of Dr. Paul L. Redfearn) no evidence of meiotic irregularity 
was noted. This is taken to be further evidence supporting 
the specific distinctness of these plants from H. punctatum. 
No chromosome studies are available for H. formosum. 

For the cytologically-inclined systematist the Hypericum 
punctatum complex presents a most intriguing problem. 
Several questions arise. For instance: Is the ring formation 
found in plants of H. punctatum throughout its geographic 
range? Is this condition actually absent in H. pseudomacula- 
tum? Would intensive study reveal its presence in H. grave- 
olens and H. formosum? What is the relationship between 
“true” H. formosum and the western United States H. 

240 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

scouleri? Would careful study show that perhaps the Ozark- 
ian H. pseudomaculatum is really conspecific with the Mexi- 
can H. formosum? What is the relationship, if any, between 
H. punctatum (a ring-forming plant) and these three taxa? 
Is the endemic H. mitchellianum worthy of taxonomic recog- 
nition and, if so, what is its relationship to H. punctatum? 
Could it be merely a high altitude ecotype of H. punctatum? 
These are merely a few of the more obvious questions which 
come to mind; doubtless many other problems exist within 
the H. punctatum complex. 


This highly polymorphie group within Sect. Brathys of 
eastern North America has long been a puzzle to botanists. 
The species limits are not at all clear. At least five are 
generally recognized, including H. boreale (Britt.) Bickn., 
H. canadense L., H. gymnanthum Engelm. and Gray, H. 
majus (Gray) Britt., and H. mutilum L. The taxonomic 
difficulties may well be due to extensive hybridization, as 
suggested by Fernald (1950). The principal taxonomic 
characters (at least those currently in use) are in the vege- 
tative body, especially the leaves. Since these plants fre- 
quently grow on soils of varying wetness it is not at all 
unlikely that the habitat may affect the commonly-used 
characteristics. I have observed one species, H. mutilum, at 
many stations in northern Florida and southern Georgia 
and have noticed great variation in size and habit of the 
plants and in the size of the leaves. The presence of vegeta- 
tive reproduction is an additional complicating factor, ren- 
dering the collection of poulation samples most difficult. 

Numerous problems are suggested by even a cursory 
examination of the herbarium material and the literature. 
For example: Does hybridization actually occur? If so, is 
H. dissimulatum Bickn., as suggested by Fernald (1950), 
really “an unusually constant and recurrent hybrid" of H. 
boreale or H. mutilum and H. canadense? What is the status 
of Fernald's three varieties of H. mutilum? I can detect 
little, if any, geographic localization of any of them, except- 
ing perhaps var. latisepalum which seems to be restricted 

1962] Adams — Guttiferae 241 

to the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain. What is the status of 
Fernald’s varieties magninsulare and galiiforme of H. cana- 
dense? Both appear to me to be merely responses to unusual 
habitat situations and perhaps not worthy of taxonomic 


An interesting problem involving variation within Hyper- 
icum denticulatum Walt. is discernible. According to Fer- 
nald and Schubert (1948) this species of the eastern United 
States comprises three varieties, each with some degree of 
geographic localization. One of these, var. denticulatum, 
grows on the Atlantic Coastal Plain from New Jersey south- 
ward to at least South Carolina. Fernald and Schubert's 
map also shows a station on the Cumberland Plateau in 
central Tennessee, a disjunction of at least three hundred 
miles from the nearest South Carolina locality. A second 
variety, recognitum, is principally a plant of the upland and 
mountainous areas from southeastern Virginia, through the 
inner Piedmont of North Carolina to northeastern Alabama 
and northward into southern Indiana and West Virginia. 
Fernald and Schubert's map shows an occasional station 
near the Fall Line in South Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama. 
The third variety, acutifolium, is scattered about the south- 
eastern United States, with occasional stations on the outer 
Piedmont of Virginia and North Carolina, the Coastal Plain 
of South Carolina and adjacent southeastern North Carolina, 
northern Florida, the outer Piedmont of Georgia and adja- 
cent Alabama, and the Cumberland Plateau of Tennessee. 

Leaf shape was the principal feature used by Fernald and 
Schubert (1948) to distinguish these three varieties. In one, 
var. acutifolium, all or at least the middle and upper leaves 
were described as “narrowly linear or linear-lanceolate" 
while in a second, var. denticulatum, the leaves were “nar- 
rowly to broadly ovate, oval or oboval." These two extremes 
in leaf shape can be recognized fairly easily. The var. recog- 
nitum is very obscure, however, the leaves appearing to be 
intermediate between the two extremes. Fernald and Schu- 
bert acknowledged that “the three varieties may merge" and 

242 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

that “nondescript individuals can be found.” In fact, two 
of these taxa, var. acutifolium and var. recognitum, may 
even grow closely associated within the same habitat, judg- 
ing from Fernald’s annotations on herbarium material. 
Obviously, therefore, H. denticulatum is in need of careful 
and intensive study, especially in the field. It is not unlikely 
that some differentiation may have occurred, rendering the 
plants of the Coastal Plain slightly distinct from those of 
the Piedmont and the mountains. However, I think that the 
variation picture within this species is not so easily under- 
stood as Fernald and Schubert’s analysis would suggest. 


ADAMS, PRESTON. 1957. A revision of the genus Ascyrum (Hyperi- 
caceae). Rhodora 59:74-95. 

1959. The taxonomy of Hypericum section Myri- 

andra (Hypericaceae). Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, Harvard 


1962. Studies in the Guttiferae. I. A. synopsis of 
Hypericum section Myriandra. Contributions from the Gray Her- 
barium of Harvard University 189:1-51. 

and N. K. B. RoBsON. 1961. A re-evaluation of 
the generic status of Ascyrum and Crookea (Guttiferae). Rhodora 

FERNALD, M. L. 1950. Gray’s Manual of Botany. Ed. 8. American 
Book Co., New York. 

and B. G. SCHUBERT. 1948. Studies of American 
types in British herbaria. Part IV. Rhodora 50:205-208. 

Hoar, C. S. 1931. Meiosis in Hypericum punctatum. Bot. Gaz. 92: 

HUTCHINSON, J. 1959. The Families of Flowering Plants. Vol. 1. 
Ed. 2. Oxford University Press. London. 

LAWRENCE, G. H. M. 1951. Taxonomy of Vascular Plants, The 
Macmillan Co., New York. 

RZEDOWSKI, J. and G. C. RZEDOWSKI. 1957. Notas Sobre la flora y la 
vegetación del estado de San Luis Potosí. VI. Acta Cientifica 
Potosina 1:199-218. 

STEBBINS, G. L. 1950. Variation and Evolution in Plants. Columbia 
University Press. New York. 

1962] Davis and Burns — Analysis of Hops 243 



In recent years a number of articles have been published 
on the use of chemical characteristics in taxonomic studies 
(e.g. Turner and Alston, 1959; Alston and Irwin, 1961). 
These examples have shown that chemical analysis can be 
extremely useful in areas where extensive morphological or 
taxonomic information has been accumulated. Not only may 
the chemical analysis “solve” certain taxonomic problems, 
but it may also serve to substantiate conclusions formed 
originally on morphological features alone and in this way 
give greater credence to studies which have been based 
heavily upon qualitative rather than quantitative observa- 

We are reporting here the use of a very sensitive method 
of chemical analysis, vapor fractometry, as it is applied 
to the problem of subspecific variations in the hops plant, 
and its correlation with morphological studies which have 
been done previously. The genus Humulus is a small one 
consisting of two distinct species, one a perennial and the 
other an annual. Several attempts have been made to dis- 
tinguish two or more separate species of the perennial hops. 
The difficulty of this separation, from herbarium material, 
has been considered in detail (Davis, 1957). Within the 
perennial species, Humulus lupulus L., it is clear that there 
are variants, but these are not distinct enough to justify 
specific rank. After a study of cultivated hops from through- 
out the world, and wild hops of North America, the perennial 
hops were divided into “complexes” which represent approx- 
imately varietal differences. The differences between these 
complexes were based upon cytological and morphological 
features. Such features as the angularity and scar occur- 
ring on the cone axis; pubescence, dentation and lobing of 
the leaf; venation of the cone bract; and pairing of the sex 
chromosomes have been used. It is stil premature to 

1This research was supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation, 

244 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

attempt to delimit these complexes in a definite way. Addi- 
tional studies since 1957 have shown the complexity of the 
situation. Neve’s work on hops chromosomes (1956, and 
personal communications) make it necessary to withhold 
final judgement as to chromosome types which might fit 
American, Continental and English complexes of hops. 
Work is being done at present upon the cytological features 
of the hops in the American Rockies and this should lead 
to more positive conclusions. 

A comparison of morphological features and alpha acid 
content among cultivated varieties suggests that there is a 
difference in the proportion of humulone and cohumulone 
between the different morphological groups. Rigby (1956) 
and Howard and Tatchell (1955) classified hops according 
to the cohumulone content of the humulone complex and 
made 4 groups with approximately 20%, 30%, 40% and over 
40% cohumulone. Examination of morphological features 
of many of these varieties show those with 20-25% cohumu- 
lone to correspond very closely to the Continental complex ; 
those with 26-35% cohumulone to the English complex, and 
those with cohumulone of 36% and above to the American 
type. Considerable caution must be used in drawing these 
comparisons. It is necessary to establish that these chemical 
differences are not due to environmental conditions. Fortu- 
nately, extensive evidence indicates that although the abso- 
lute amounts of these substances are changed by the 
environment, the relative proportions are not. Commercial 
samples of the same variety, grown in very different habitats 
and in different seasons have fallen into the same chemical 
groups (Howard and Tatchell, 1956). Additional plant by 
plant studies over a number of years, already in progress, 
will be desirable to confirm this, but present evidence favors 
the stability of the chemical characteristics. A more funda- 
mental problem is related to drawing conclusions about a 
correlation of structural features and chemical tests based 
upon the kind of samples which have been examined so far. 
Neve and Weston (1958) have very clearly stated this 
problem in relation to the resins and oils in hops. The 
cultivated varieties of hops are not a random sample. It is 

1962] Davis and Burns — Analysis of Hops 245 

not surprising that as a result of selection there are certain 
common characteristics within each of the three major 
groups of cultivated varieties, both in chemical and morpho- 
logical features. These cultivated plants represent a very 
small fraction of the variation within the species. Also, 
within each group some common genetic background must 
occur, although their ancestry is very incompletely known. 
Working in the experimental fields at the Hops Research 
Station at Corvallis, Oregon, with the morphological com- 
plexes referred to earlier, the senior author found that 
among the many hundred of crosses there were many plants 
which would not fit easily into any of the three complexes 
suggested. The difficulties were much greater than had been 
observed among collections of wild hops throughout North 
America. Although this topic will be developed more fully 
in a later paper, it is clear that under natural conditions 
many of the potential hops types do not survive, and that 
there are strong forces limiting the variants within wild 
plants. For example, it was shown previously (Davis, 1957) 
that the wild hops of the midwestern United States are 
remarkably uniform, but that hops in the Rocky Mountains 
and New England are extremely variable. Only the Ameri- 
can type has so far been found in the midwest, but apparent 
variants of Continental and English hops occur in the West- 
ern and Eastern parts of North America. Valuable as the 
morphological analysis has shown itself to be, we have had 
a considerable desire to find some other method of approach 
to determine if the heterogeneity in wild hops is real and 
related to that occurring among cultivated plants and not 
due to a weakness in the morphological classification itself. 
Cytological studies are being conducted, but because of the 
very limited information on chromosome types in wild 
American hops it is impossible to interpret the results at 
this time. Another alternative is offered by the humulone 
complex of substances which have been shown to be differ- 
ent in American and European cultivated hops. We have 
indicated that this method of analysis, which is firmly 
established in respect to the chemical procedure, still 
requires study before its biological and genetical value can 

246 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

be established beyond any possible doubt, but that there is 
much information which justifies its use at present. 

The wild hops of New England are particularly fascinat- 
ing because in addition to their botanical variation they 
present an intriguing problem due to historical circum- 
stances. It is not certain that hops are native to New 
England. Cultivation in the New England Colonies occurred 
so early (probably with English hops) that there is a ques- 
tion as to whether wild hops are exclusively escapes from 
cultivation or a mixture of wild and escaped plants. Asa 
Gray (1886) refers to wild hops scattered on banks of 
Streams from Canada west to New Mexico, but he is not 
clear about New England where he notes that all cultivated 
plants are undoubtedly of European origin. Nuttall (1847 ) 
is certain that hops are native to the Rocky Mountains, but 
did not commit himself on New England. During Revolu- 
tionary days, New England and particularly the Connecticut 
River Valley, was the center of hops cultivation in the 
United States. There can be no doubt that English hops 
were grown here and had ample opportunity fifty to two 
hundred years ago to become established. Our previous 
analysis of New England hops, from herbarium material, 
has shown the leaf pubescence pattern typical of English 
hops to be by far the most common, but in at least some 
characteristics all three complexes are represented. As we 
gradually learn more about the hops now wild in New 
England we will know whether they are related to English 
hops only, or to Continental and American hops as well. 
Chemical analysis should contribute significantly to this 


The determination of the relative proportions of humu- 
lone, cohumulone and adhumulone in the alpha acids was 
first done by the technique of Verzele and Govaert (1955) 
by separating the humulone complex on a silica gel column, 
followed by the determination of the relative amount of 
each compound with a Beckman Du spectrophotometer, 
measuring absorbancy at 276 my. This procedure did permit 
a separation of the individual components, but it proved 

1962] Davis and Burns — Analysis of Hops 247 

very difficult to replicate the results quantitatively. A much 
more exact method, developed by Rigby, Sihto, and Bars 
(1960) involves extracting from the hops cones the alpha 
acids, precipitating them as a lead salt, pyrolyzing the salt 
to break off isobutyric, 2-methylbutyric, and isovaleric acid 
from the molecules of cohumulone, adhumulone and humu- 
lone respectively. Rigby has shown that this technique gives 
results very similar to that from a separation of the humu- 
lone complex by the much more time consuming counter- 
current distribution technique. The fatty acids were then 
esterified with isopropyl alcohol, and the isopropyl esters 
separated on a chromatographic column (type R, Perkin- 
Elmer) at 100°C, and a helium gas flow rate of 120 ml/min, 
using a Perkin Elmer vapor fractometer, Model 154. The 
details of the extraction and preparation of the fatty acid 
esters are to be found in Methods of Analysis of Assoc. of 
Agric. Chemists (1945) and Rigby, Sihto, and Bars, (1960). 
The relative quantity of each component was determined by 
calculation of the areas under the curves for each acid, as 
recorded by the fractometer recorder, and the results report- 
ed as a percentage of the total alpha acid. 


Several hops plants were collected from Massachusetts 
and Maine and their morphological and chemical character- 
istics determined. Other plants from Vermont, Maine and 
Massachusetts produced such a poor yield of cones that it 
was impossible to analyze the alpha acids and the morpho- 
logical analysis of these plants has not been included in this 
study. For comparative purposes commercial samples of 
Idaho Seedless hops (a Late Clusters type) and cones from 
a plant of Late Clusters grown in Amherst are included. 
Late Clusters belongs to the American complex of hops. 
Table I contains the results of the chemical analysis. Three 
tests were run on each hop. Table 2 shows the results of 
the examination of morphological features. In each table, 
the sample is assigned to a “type” in the last column. The 
details of the morphological analysis is found elsewhere 
(Davis, 1957). 

248 Rhodora [Vol. 64 


Comparison of the tables for morphological and chemical 
analysis shows that when the cohumulone scale is established 
as indicated, there is an exact correspondence between 
morphological and chemical types. The scale was estab- 
lished prior to this study, after comparing the work on 
cultivated varieties referred to above. It does not imply, 
for example, that all plants cultivated or wild, bearing the 
designation American, are of origin within North America. 
Such a conclusion could only be drawn at the completion of 
an extensive study. Rather, the terms American, Contin- 
ental, and English were chosen because, of the wild and 
cultivated plants studied, these designations were the most 
descriptive of their center of distribution. It may be neces- 
sary to add additional designations for other parts of the 
world, or to establish several complexes for the large areas 
like North America. The more important goal is to establish 
a chemical analysis that will support morphological investi- 
gations. These preliminary results are very encouraging in 
this respect. 

The hops from Biddeford, Maine were found growing in 
sand near the coast and could not have been in cultivation 
at any time. Those from Windsor, Massachusetts lined a 
fence near fields long deserted. They certainly had not been 
cultivated where they were growing, but might have escaped 
from cultivation in this area in recent times. The collection 
from Dalton, on the other hand, was of plants which had 
been used for brewing within the last 25 years. 

Chemical analysis shows the Dalton hops to be strikingly 
similar to the cultivated Late Clusters, such as is grown in 
Idaho. The sources of its roots are unknown, but it is not 
unreasonable to suggest that they were obtained commercial- 
ly from a supplier of cultivated hops, and not brought into 
cultivation from the wild state. The hops from Maine and 
Windsor, which may have been seedlings from cultivated 
plants of several generations ago are similar to English 
cultivated types. In morphological features they resemble 
the oldest herbarium material of New England hops. 

With a continued examination of hops about which 

1962] Davis and Burns — Analysis of Hops 249 

detailed information on their history is available, we should 
be able to answer the question as to whether or not American 
type hops in New England are only of recent origin with 
as much certainty as is possible in this kind of taxonomic 
problem. Perhaps most important, these preliminary 
chemical tests confirm our previous observations of a 
morphological variation in New England wild hops which 
corresponds to the variation between cultivated hops 
throughout the world, and gives additional support to the 
use of morphological evaluation in tracing the evolution of 


Percentage of 

cohumulone adhumulone humulone TYPE* 
Idaho Seedless 49.2 8.7 42.1 
(1961 crop) 48.6 8.4 43.0 
46.8 10.4 42.8 

average 48.2 9.2 42.6 American 

Late Clusters 

(Amherst) 36.1 14.9 49.0 
37.8 15.7 46.5 
37.6 13.2 49.2 

average 37.2 14.6 48.2 American 
Dalton, Mass. 46.0 10.5 43.5 
47.9 8.6 43.5 
45.6 12:2 42.2 

average 46.5 10.4 43.1 American 
Windsor, Mass. 32.2 13.0 54.8 
32.5 12.8 54.7 
35.7 13.2 51.1 

average 33.5 13.0 53.5 English 
Biddeford, Maine 29.6 13.1 57.3 
24.9 12.9 62.2 
24.8 12.8 62.4 

average 26.4 12.9 60.6 English 

*The designation is based upon a scale for cohumulone of: Continental, 20-25%; 
English, 26-35%; American, 36% and over. 

[Vol. 64 



"(1961) Staeq jo s1aded 94} ut punoj aq 0j oie sdoy ysysuq pue ugvonosury əy} jo suorjduosop PALPA + 

ys3uq A[uo suroA 92-06 6-L .0€T-,0gT j10gg | sdoy ysysuq 
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9»2ue2seqnq Uo suortejue(q[ uo suroA Áj11e[nduy eos perg 
ƏdÁL sdoH 
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6 Fav 

1962] Turner, Powell & King — Chromosome numbers 251 


and Tentative Methods of Analysis. Washington 4, D. C. 

ALSTON, R. E. AND H. S. IRwIN. 1961. The comparative extent of 
variation of free amino acids and certain “secondary” substances 
among Cassia species. Am. Jour. Bot. 48: 35-39. 

Davis, E. L. 1957. Morphological complexes in hops (Humulus lupu- 
lus L.) with special reference to the American race. Ann. Missouri 
Bot. Gard. 44: 271-294. 

Gray, ASA. 1886. American Druggist 15: 111. 

Howarp, G. A. AND A. R. TATCHELL. 1956. Evaluation of hops. New 
approach to the detailed analysis of hop resins. J. Inst. Brew. 
62: 20-27. 

Neve, R. A. 1958. Sex chromosomes in the hop Humulus lupulus. 
Nature 181: 1084-1085. 

NEVE, R. A. AND E. W. WESTON. 1958. Resin and oil relationships 
in hops. J. Inst. Brew. 64: 247-248. 

NUTTALL, T. 1847. Descriptions of plants collected by William 
Gambel in the Rocky Mts. and upper California. Jour. Acad. Phil. 
N.S. 1:182. 

RigBy, F. L. 1956. Recent advances in the chemistry of hop con- 
stituents and their significance in brewing technology. Technical 
Proceeding Master Brew. Assoc. of Am. 69: 9-16. 

RiGBy, F. L., E. SIHTO AND A. Bars. 1960. A rapid method for the 
detailed analysis of the alpha acid fraction of hops by gas 
chromatography. J. Inst. Brew. 66: 242-249. 

TURNER, B. L. AND R. E. ALSTON. 1959. Segregation and recombina- 
tion of chemical constituents in a hybrid swarm of Baptisia 
laevicaulis X B. viridis and their taxonomic implications. Am. 
Jour. Bot. 46: 678-686. 

VERZELE, M. AND F. GOVAERT. 1955. Analysis of the *Humulone 
Complex" by a chromatographic partition procedure. Wallerstein 
Lab. Commun. 18: 181-190. 



The present contribution is essentially a continuation of 
several papers, the latest of which (Turner et al., 1961a) 

252 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

dealt with chromosome counts from species of southern 
Mexico and Guatemala. 

Chromosome counts were made from pollen-mother-cell 
squashes as outlined by Turner and Johnston (1961). 
Voucher specimens (table 1) are deposited at the University 
of Texas Herbarium; these were collected during the year 
1961. The tribal and subtribal arrangements listed in table 
1 follow those of Hoffmann (1894). 

While most of the identifications are our own we would 
like to acknowledge the kind assistance of Dr. Kittie Parker 
and Dr. Arthur Cronquist for the identification of certain 
difficult taxa. 

EUPATORIEAE — Eupatorium (x = 10, 17). Chromosome 
counts for the 7 species listed in table 1 are consistent with 
the basic numbers obtained for the approximately 40 other 
species examined (Turner et al., 1961b). E. pycnocephalum 
(n = 10, 20), a widespread, highly variable species, appar- 
ently consists of diploid and tetraploid races, some of these 
being in close proximity to each other (cf. King 4242 and 
4243A, table 1). 

Piqueria (x — 12, 11). The 2 species listed in table 1 
are diploid with » — 12; Turner and Johnston (1961) have 
reported one other species, P. laxiflora, to be diploid with 
n = 11. 

Mikania cf. gonzalezii (n — 17) is the second species of 
the genus to be counted. Other workers have reported the 
widespread species, M. scandens, to be diploid with 2n = 38 
(Darlington and Wylie, 1956) or 2n — 36 (Mangenot and 
Mangenot, 1958). 

Chromosome counts for the species of Ageratum (n — 10, 
20), Brickellia (n = 9) and Oxylobus (n = 16) are consis- 
tent with the basic numbers obtained for these genera by 
other workers (Turner et al., 1961a ; Gaiser, 1953; Beaman 
et al., 1962). The chromosome count for Trichocoronis 
wrightii (n — 15) is a first report for the genus. 

ASTEREAE — Aster bimater (n — 5) is related to A. lima 
Lindl.; it apparently belongs to the Section Aster (subsec- 
tion Homophylli) as treated by Gray (1886). Chromosome 

This study was supported by National Scienee Foundation Grant 9025, 

1962] Turner, Powell & King — Chromosome numbers 253 

numbers on a base of « = 5 occur in the sections Oxytripo- 
lum (annuals and biennials) and Aster (perennials) of the 
genus Aster. In the former section only counts of n = 5 
or 10 are known while the latter has species with both n = 5 
and n= 9. A. exilis var. australis (n — 5) belongs to the sec- 
tion Oxytripolum; several additional counts of the species 
(all n = 5) were reported by Turner et al. (1961b; cited as 
A. subulatus Michx.). 

Erigeron (x = 9) — The chromosome numbers of the 
several species listed in table 1 are consistent with the basic 
number obtained for numerous other taxa (Montgomery 
and Yang, 1960). E. scaposus with n = 9II, 1811, and 
27 (91I and 91) is a widespread, variable species, apparently 
consisting of diploid, tetraploid and triploid races. 

Psilactis (x — 4, 9, 8?). Chromosome counts for the 2 
species listed in table 1 are particularly interesting in that 
they parallel the multibasic condition found in Aster (Tur- 
ner et al., 1961b). Meiotic figures of P. brevilingulata with 
n = 9 appeared to be unequivocal for at least one collection 
(King 2939) but for the other collections listed the counts 
might have been 8II and 2 fragments as indicated for the 
Powell and Edmondson collection (the 2 “fragments” taking 
less stain than the well defined bivalents, but occurring 
together at meiosis as if they were pairing). As in Chrysop- 
sis (x = b, 4 and 9) and in Aster (x — 5 and 8, 9) the 
species of Psilactis with the lower basic number has rela- 
tively large chromosomes. Psilactis is composed of only 4 
or 5 species, these restricted to the southwestern United 
States and Mexico. It is a closely knit group of doubtful 
affinity ; Gray in his original description of the genus placed 
it “between Dieteria [= Machaeranthera] and Aster, 
except from the want of pappus in the ray. . . ." Super- 
ficially, at least in habit, the species centering about P. 
brevilingulata and P. asteroides appear closest to the genus 
Aster, section Aster or Oxytripolium, both of which, as 
indicated above, have species with n = 5. However, an inclu- 
sive morphological study of Psilactis (Turner & Horne, un- 
published) shows the relationship of Psilactis to be closer to 
Machaeranthera, particularly through P. coulteri which is a 

254 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

good match for Machaeranthera parviflora Gray, as indi- 
cated by Gray in his original description of this latter 

Chromosome numbers for the species of Haplopappus, 
Heterotheca, Machaeranthera, Solidago and Xanthocepha- 
lum (table 1) are consistent with the basic numbers pre- 
viously reported for these genera (Turner, 1961b; Darling- 
ton and Wylie, 1956; Solbrig, 1961). 

INULEAE — Chromosome counts for the species of Gna- 
phalium (n = 7, 14) and Pluchea (n = 10) are consistent 
with the basic numbers reported for these genera by previ- 
ous workers. 

HELIANTHEAE — Melampodinae — Polymnia (n= 16, 17). 
Mr. J. E. Wells of Ohio State University is currently study- 
ing the genus and has found yet other species with n = 15 
(personal communication). Chromosome counts for Ber- 
landiera (n = 15), Parthenium (n = 18) and Dugesia (n = 
18) are consistent with counts reported for these genera by 
previous workers (Turner and Johnston, 1956; Turner et al., 

ZINNINAE — Heliopsis buphthalmoides (n — 28). A col- 
lection of this species from Oaxaca, Mexico was reported to 
be diploid with n = 14 by Turner ef al. (1961b). Fisher 
(1957) reported counts for 6 other taxa of the genus; all 
were diploid with n — 14. Philactis is a genus with perhaps 
2 or 3 species. P. nelsonii (n — 28) is probably a tetraploid 
on a base of x — 14 since the genus is closely related to 

Zinnia maritima (n = 13). Previous published counts 
for species of Zinnia have been n — 10, 11, 12, 19, and 21 
(Torres, 1961). The meiotic figures for Z. maritima. were 
particularly clear (Fig. 11). A collection of Z. angustifolia 
from San Luis Potosi was reported as diploid with » — 11 
by Turner et al. (1961b) ; the Nayarit collection of this 
species (table 1) was found to be diploid with n = 12, agree- 
ing with counts obtained for the species by Torres (personal 
communication). Zinnia is obviously a multibasic taxon 
with x = 10, 11, 12, 13, 19 and 21. (The latter two counts 
are probably derived through amphiploidy or else through 

1962] Turner, Powell & King — Chromosome numbers 255 

aneuploid loss and gain respectively from a tetraploid on 
a base of z — 10.) 

Sanvitalia (x —8). A number of chromosome counts 
have been reported for this genus; all have been diploid or 
tetraploid on a base of x = 8 (Turner et al., 1961a ; 1961b). 

The subtribe Zinninae, as treated by Hoffmann (1894), 
includes only 6 genera: Philactis (including Grypocarpha; 
Blake, 1930), Heliopsis, Aganippea, Tragoceros, Sanvitalia 
and Zinnia. Five of the 6 genera have been counted and 
basic chromosome numbers of x = 8, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 
have been established (excluding the chromosome counts of 
a presumed polyploid origin). At least two obvious hypothe- 
ses may be tentatively proposed to account for this sequence 
of numbers: (1) That the genera have been derived through 
progressive aneuploid gain from an ancestral base of # = 8 
or else the reverse has occurred from an ancestral base of 
z — 14. In either case one would have to assume that, con- 
trary to the situation in many other composite genera, the 
hypothetical taxa on a base of x = 9 were lost from the 
sequence. Another hypothesis may be proposed which avoids 
this difficulty, this being that x — 4 is the ancestral basic 
number of the subtribe, the numbers n = 8, n = 12 being 
tetraploid and hexaploid respectively, chromosome numbers 
of n = 11, 10 and 13, 14 being derived through both aneu- 
ploid gain and loss.? 

VERBESININAE — Aldama dentata Less. (Not Aldama 
dentata Llave & Lex.) This species has been treated as 
belonging to the genus Sclerocarpus by several workers 
where it is called S. schiedianus because of the earlier name, 
(S. dentata (Llave & Lex.) B. & H. ex Hemsl.). Morpho- 
logically Aldama dentata Less. is quite different from 
Sclerocarpus proper, lacking the conspicuous clawed rays of 
the latter genus and possessing in addition rather distinct 
achenes and involucral bracts. As indicated in table 1, 

3Any number of alternate numerical hypctheses could be proposed, one of the most 
provocative being that suggested by Sató (1960). He postulates that the ancestral 
chromosome number ("protokaryotype") for the plant kingdom might be xz = 2, 
presumably the major phyletic lines becoming established on this base. Obviously 
with such a low basic number one could assume, on numerical grounds at least, that 
ail higher numbers are polyploids from such a base, the odd numbers simply being 
aneuploid derivatives, 

256 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

Aldama dentata. Less. has a chromosome number of m = 17, 
while true Sclerocarpus has chromosome numbers of n —11, 
12 and 14 (table 1). Aldama dentata Less. appears to be 
closest to species of the genus Rhysolepis (the generic name 
Aldama, being based on Aldama dentata Llave & Lex., is 
synonymous with Sclerocarpus). It differs from Rhysolepis 
in being a smaller plant with less pronounced and fewer 
involucral bracts and smaller flowers, but they are very 
much alike in floral morphology. While the species of 
Rhysolepis (only 2 have been described) have not been 
examined for chromosome numbers, what appears to be an 
undescribed species (King 3645) has a number of n = 17. 

In any case, some disposition of Aldama dentata Less. 
(— Sclerocarpus schiedianus) should be made other than its 
inclusion in Sclerocarpus; in our opinion, this is suggested 
by both the morphological and chromosomal evidence. 

Sclerocarpus (x — 11, 12, 14). This genus is in much 
need of critical revision (Mr. Feddema of the University of 
Michigan is currently undertaking such a study). The 
species are quite variable, both morphologically and chrom- 
osomally. Turner (1960a) previously reported the chromo- 
some number of S. uniserialis (n = 12) ; this species is 
apparently closely related to S. dentatus which, as indicated 
in table 2, has populations and/or individuals with chromo- 
some numbers of both n = 11 and 12. 

Spilanthes (x — 13). Chromosome counts of the several 
collections listed in table 1 indicate that S. americana 
(n — 13, 26, 39) consists of diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid 
races and/or taxa. One other species, S. decumbens, has 
been reported as diploid with n = 13 (Darlington and Wylie, 

Viguiera. (x — 8, 17, 18). Heiser and Smith (1955) and 
Heiser (1960) reported counts of n = 18, 17 and 8 for 
species of this genus. Turner (1960) and Turner et al. 
(1961) reported several counts of V. dentata as n = 17. V. 
longifolia (n. = 8), table 1, is closely related to V. multiflora 
which Heiser and Smith reported as n = 8. In our opinion 
the lower number is probably a relictual feature, perhaps 
being the same as or close to the ancestral diploid number 

1962] Turner, Powell & King — Chromosome numbers 257 

of the phylad which gave rise to Viguiera and related genera. 
It will be interesting to see if this chromosomal hiatus holds 
as additional species are examined. Blake (1918) recognized 
143 species for the genus but to date only 7 species have 
been counted. 

Wedelia (x = 11, 12). The only previous chromosome 
report for this genus has been that of Turner and Irwin 
(1960) for the South American W. brasiliensis (Spreng.) 
Blake (n= 29 + 1). The genus, as presently circum- 
scribed, is multibasic and apparently includes polyploids. 

Zexmenia (x — 10, 11, 14). Heiser and Smith (1955) 
have reported one other species, Z. frutescens (Mill.) Blake, 
to be diploid with » — 11. With only 5 of the approximately 
30 species reported to date (table 1), it appears likely that 
additional basic numbers will be added to this multibasic 

Chromosome counts for Helianthus (x — T), Pery- 
menium (x = 15), Tithonia (x =17) and Verbesina 
(x = 16, 17, 18) are consistent with the basic numbers 
reported for these genera by other workers (Darlington and 
Wylie, 1956; Turner et al., 1961a ; 1961b). 

The chromosome counts for species of Hymenostephium 
(n = 17), Iostephane (n = 17), Notoptera (n = 15), Podo- 
chaenium (n = 17), and Salmea (n = 18) are first reports 
for these genera. Beaman and Turner (unpublished) have 
obtained chromosome numbers of n = 9 for other species of 
Jaegeria, thus the two species with n = 18 (table 1) are 

COREOPSIDINAE — Coreopsis mutica (n= ca. 24, 26). 
This species is a shrub up to 3 meters high; while the counts 
are only approximate they do indicate the species to be 
tetraploid since most taxa in the genus are on a base of 
x = 12, 13, 14 (Turner, 1960b). Chromosome counts for 
the species of Dahlia (n = 18) and Cosmos (n = 12) are 
consistent with the basic numbers established by other work- 
ers (Darlington and Wylie, 1956). 

GALINSOGINAE — Calea integrifolia (n = ca. 16) — Tur- 
ner et al. (1961b) reported a chromosome count of n = ca. 
17 for this species. No certain count could be made from the 

258 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

present collection, but the meiotic figures appeared to be 
n = 15 or 16, the latter count being obtained more fre- 
quently. The chromosome count for C. trichotoma (n — 18) 
is the first unequivocal count for the genus. 

Sabazia sp. nov. (n = 18) — Turner and Johnston (1961) 
have reported the only other species count, S. humilis (n — 

Galinsoga parviflora (n — 8, 16). This species has here- 
tofore been reported as diploid with » — 8 (Haskell and 
Marks, 1952) ; the 6 collections from southern Mexico and 
Guatemala listed in table 1 were tetraploid, while the 2 
collections from Central Mexico were diploid. Haskell and 
Marks recognized 2 species in the G. parviflora complex in 
the British Isles (both introduced) : G. ciliata (Raf.) Blake 
(n = 16) and G. parviflora (n — 8). Fernald (1950) 
recognized 4 species as belonging to the complex in the 
northeastern United States maintaining both G. parviflora 
and G. ciliata. Most authors have distinguished between the 
latter 2 taxa by a combination of technical features such 
as stem pubescence, absence or presence of a pappus on the 
ray florets, etc. (Fernald, 1950; Clapham et al.; etc.). The 
several characters used to distinguish these 2 taxa are, in 
our opinion, slight and while they might hold for the intro- 
duced populations in Britain, they do not hold singly or in 
combination for the Mexican material (nor apparently for 
the material from temperate North and South America, 
although there is a tendency for more glabrate forms in 
temperate latitudes; specific recognition of such races hard- 
ly seems warranted in view of the widespread, weedy nature 
of the taxon). 

HELENIEAE — Schkuhria anthemoides (n = 20). Chromo- 
some counts for 2 South American species, S. pinnata 
(n —10) and S. multiflora (n = 11), have been reported by 
other workers (Darlington and Wylie, 1956). As indicated 
in table 1, the North American populations of S. pinnata 
are apparently tetraploid. 

Perityle microglossa (n = ca. 46 + 4). The chromosome 
number of a Texas collection of this species was reported 
as n = 36 by Turner and Ellison (1960). 

1962] Turner, Powell & King — Chromosome numbers 259 

Galeana pratensis (n — 9). This is the first chromosome 
count reported for the genus. 

SENECIONEAE — S. imparipinnatus (n = 23). Chromo- 
some counts for most species of the genus Senecio have been 
en a base of x = 5; however at least 2 other species are 
known with counts of n = 23 (Turner et al., 1961b). 

Neurolaena lobata (n — 11). Counts for this genus have 
not been reported previously. 

MUTISIEAE — T'rixis radialis (n — 27). Only 11 of the 
approximately 66 genera in the tribe Mutisieae have been 
counted. Including Trixis, 4 of the 11 are unibasie with 
x — 27; the unusually high basic number is apparently poly- 
ploid in origin, presumably from an ancestral base of 
x = 9 (the haploid number, n = 9, is not known in those 
members of the tribe studied to date, but the Australian 
genus T'richocline has been reported as n — 18). 


Chromosome counts for species of Piqueria (n = 12), 
Mexican and Guatemalan Compositae representing 133 taxa 
(131 species and 2 varieties) distributed in 66 genera. 
Counts of approximately 700 of the species are reported for 
the first time including the following genera: Calea, x = 18; 
Galeana, x —9; Hymenostephium, x — 17; Iostephane, 
x = 17; Jaegeria, x — 9; Neurolaena, x = 11; Notoptera, 
x = 15; Philactis, x = 28; Podochaenium, x = 19; Psilactis, 
€ = 4, 9, (8?) ; Rhysolepis, x = 17; Salmea, x = 18; Trago- 
ceros, x = 11; Trichocoronis, x = 15; Trixis, x = 27; and 
Wedelia, x — 11, 12. 

Chromosome counts for species of Piqueria (m = 12), 
Mikania (n = 17), Polymnia (n = 17), Zinnia (n= 13), 
Sclerocarpus (n —11, 14), Wedelia (n=11, 12) and 
Zexmenia (n — 10, 14) differ from the reported basic num- 
bers as determined from other species in these genera. 
When appropriate the chromosomal information has been 
related to systematic problems. BOTANY DEPARTMENT AND 


260 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

M $ T ~ #3 9 

18 19 

Fig. 1-33. Meiotic chromosomes of species of Compositae. — Fig. 1. Ageratum 

corymbosum (n = 10 + 6 fragments) — Fig. 2. Eupatorium morifolium (n — 10) — 
Fig. 3. Eupatorium petiolare (n — 11) — Fig. 4. Eupatorium pycnocephalum (n = 20) 
- Fig. 5. Eupatorium pycnocephalum (n = 10) — Fig. 6. Piqueria pilosa (n — 12) — 
Fig. 7. Trichocoronis wrightii (n = 15) — Fig. 8. Machaeranthera gymnocephala 
(n = 4) — Fig. 9. Psilactis cf. asteroides (n = 4) — Fig. 10. Polymnia ef. apus (n = 16) 
- Fig. 11. Zinnia maritima (n = 13) — Fig. 12. Iostephane heterophylla (n = 11) — 

Fig. 13. Podochaenium eminens (n = 19) — Fig. 14. Salmea scandens (m — 18 + 2 


1962] Turner, Powell & King — Chromosome numbers 261 

* e 5 


fragments) — Fig. 15. Sclerocarpus dentatus (n = 11) — Fig. 16. Sclerocarpus dentatus 
(n = 12) — Fig. 17. Sclerocarpus cf. divaricatus (n = 11) — Fig. 18. Sclerocarpus cf. 
frutescens (n —12) — Fig. 19. Sclerocarpus cf. phyllocephalus (n = 11) — Fig. 20. 
Sclerocarpus sessilifolius (n = 14) — Fig. 21. Spilanthes americana (n = 26 + 4 frag- 
ments) — Fig. 22. Wedelia filipes (n — 11) — Fig. 23. Zexmenia cf. aurea (m = 10) 
— Fig. 24. Zexmenia costaricensis (n = 11) — Fig. 25. Zexmenia pringlei (n = 14) — 
Fig. 26. Zezmenia virgulata (n = 11) — Fig. 27. Sabazia sp. nov (n = 8) — Fig. 28. 
Galeana pratensis (n = 9) — Fig. 29. Schkuhria anthemoides (m = 20) — Fig. 30. 
Neurolaena lobata (n = 11) — Fig. 31. Senecio imparipinnatus (n = ca. 23) — Fig. 32. 
Arctotis stoechadifolia (n = 9) — Fig. 33. Triris radialis (n = 27). x ca. 2000. 



[Vol. 64 



Vernonia, karwinskiana Hort. 
n=17+1 HIDALGO: 9 m. 
ne. of Jacala. King 4210. 


Ageratum corymbosum Zucc. 

n — 10 CHIAPAS: 23 m. se of 
Comitán. King 3045. 

n —10* (Fig. 1) PUEBLA: 4 
m. w. of Izücar de Matamoros. 
King 2923. 

n — 10* OAXACA: 14 m. ne. 
of Huajuapan de Leon. King 

Ageratum houstonianum Mill. 
n = 10 GUATEMALA: 4 miles 
south of Coban. King 3311. 
n — 10 MORELOS: 11 miles 
south of Cuernavaca. King 


Agera'um latifolium Cav. 

n =10 HIDALGO: 12 m. sw. 
of the Hidalgo-San Luis Po- 
tosi state border along route 
85. King 4226. 

n —10 PUEBLA: 6 m. sw. of 
the Puebla-Veracruz state 
border along route 130. King 

Ageratum paleaceum (Gay) 
Hemsl. var. nelsonii Rob. 

n — 10° CHIAPAS: 7 m. e. of 
the Chiapas-Oaxaca border 
along route 190. King 2751. 

Ageratum cf. paleaceum (Gay) 
Hemsl. var. paleaceum 

n =11 +1 CHIAPAS: 22 m. 
s. of Las Cruces. King 3112. 

Ageratum cf. tomentosum 
(Benth.) Hemsl. 

n — 10 CHIAPAS: 10 m. e. of 
the Oaxaca-Chiapas border 
along route 190. King 2981. 

Brickellia robinsonii Nels. 


m. w. of Xilitla. King 4292. 

Eupatorium cf. aschenbornia- 

num Sch. 

n =20° GUATEMALA: 7 m. 
w. of Quezaltenango. King 

Eupatorium betonicum Hemsl. 

n — 10 MORELOS: 4 m. w. of 
Izücar de Matamoros. King 

Eupatorium cf. gracilicaule 

n — 10 CHIAPAS: 24 m. se. 
cf Comitán. King 3037. 

Eupatorium morifolium P. Mil- 

n = 10 (Fig. 2) SAN LUIS 
POTOSI: 6 m. ne. of Xilitla. 
King 4248. 

Eupatorium petiolare Moc. 

Near waterfall at E] Salto. 
King 3919. 

n —17 (Fig. 3) HIDALGO: 
5 m. n. of Actopan. King 

Eupatorium pycnocephalum 

n = 20 (Fig. 4) HIDALGO: 
12 m. sw. of the Hidalgo-San 
Luis Potosi state border along 
route 85. King 4224. 

6 m. ne. of Xilitla. King 4242. 

near waterfall at El Salto. 
King 3875. 

n = 20 VERACRUZ: 7 m. s. 
of Tampico el Alto. King 

n = 20 VERACRUZ: 10 m. s. 

“Indicates one to several fragments. 


of Cerro Azul. King 4119. 

n = 20 VERACRUZ: 38 m. s. 
of Acayucan. King 2452. 

Eupatorium cf. pycnocephalum 

7 —10 (Fig. 5) SAN LUIS 
POTOSI: 6 m. ne. of Xilitla. 
King 42424. 

Eupatorium quadrangulare DC. 

near waterfall at El Salto. 
King 3853. 

Mikania cf. gonzalezii Rob. & 

n=17 VERACRUZ: 5 m. w. 
of Tuxpan. King 4128. 

Orylobus glanduliferus | (Sch.- 
Bip.) Gray 

n=16 GUATEMALA: 4 m. 
e. of Totonicapan. King 3216. 

Piqueria pilosa H. B. K. 

n —512 MEXICO STATE: 8 
m. n. of San Francisco Cheje. 
King 3581. 

n — 12 (Fig. 6) 9 m. ne. of San 
Francisco Cheje. King 3569. 

Piqueria trinervia Cav. ` 

n= 12 CHIAPAS: 19 m. e. of 
San Cristóbal de Las Casas. 
King 2821. 

Trichocoronis wrightii Gray 

n =15 (Fig. 7 TAMAULI- 
PAS: 2 m. ne. of Altamire. 
King 4034. 


Aster bimater Standl. & Stey- 

n —5 GUATEMALA: 6 m. s. 
of Huehuetenango. King 3423. 

Aster exilis var. australis Gray 

* —5 GUATEMALA: 3 m. e. 
of Quezaltenango. King 3205. 

"n —5 GUATEMALA: 3 m.s. 
of  Huehuetenango. King 

m=5 SINALOA: 4 m. w. of 
El Palmito. Powell & Ed- 

Turner, Powell & King — Chromosome numbers 263 

mondson 909. 

Baccharis glutinosa Pers. 
n=9 OAXACA: 1 m. n. of 
Tamazulapan. King 2935. 

Baccharis serraefolia DC. 

m=9 SAN MARCOS: 4 m. 
e. of San Marcos. King 3159. 

Chrysopsis ef. villosa (Pursh.) 

n —9 DURANGO: City limits 
Durango. King 3725. 

Conyza canadensis L. 

n —9 PUEBLA: 20 m. nw. of 
Tehuacan. King 2640. 

Conyza coronopifolia H. B. K. 

n=9 CHIAPAS: 1 m. e. of 
San Cristóbal de Las Casas. 
King 2838. 

Conyza sophiaefolia H. B. K. 

n —59 GUATEMALA: 3 m. e. 
of Quezaltenango. King 3206. 

Erigeron delphinifolius Willd. 

"n -— ca. 9 DURANGO: City 
limits of Durango. King 3726. 

n=9 DURANGO: 4 km. n. 
of Durango. King 3780. 

Erigeron heteromorphus Rob. 

Waterfall near El Meco. M. 
C. Johnston 5116. 

Erigeron cf. karvinskianus DC. 

n = ca. 27 GUATEMALA: 
Between Solola and Pana- 
jachel. King 3224. 

Erigeron repens Greenm. 

n =9 VERACRUZ: 10 m. & 
of Tampico el Alto. King 

Erigeron scaposus DC. 

mnm =9 PUEBLA: 0.5 m. sw. of 
Tehuacan. King 2311. 

m=18 OAXACA: 6 m. s. of 
Tamazulapan. King 2938. 

Erigeron cf. scaposus DC. 

n - —18 MEXICO STATE: 4 
m. ne. of San Francisco 
Cheje. King 3575. 


Erigeron cf. scaposus DC. 

11 m. e. of the Mexico-Mich- 
oacan state border along 
route 15. King 93597. 

Erigeron cf. scaposus DC. 

n=9 OAXACA: 21 m. n. of 
the junction with route 190. 
King 3498. 

Erigeron. sp. 

» —9 TAMAULIPAS: 9m. s. 
of Ciudad Victoria. King 

Haplopappus stoloniferus DC. 

n=4 CHIAPAS: 5 m. e. of 
San Cristóbal de Las Casas. 
King 2805. 

Heterotheca inuloides Cass. var. 

n=9 OAXACA: 40 m. se. of 
Oaxaca. King 2897. 

Machaeranthera gymnocephala 
(DC.) Shinners 

n-—4 DURANGO: 15 m. sw. 
of Durango. King 3738. 

n= (Fig. 8) MEXICO 
STATE: 19 m. w. of Toluca. 
King 3594. 

Machaeranthera tanacetif olia 
(H. B, K.) Nees. 

n-—4 CHIHUAHUA: 14 m. 
sw. of Chihuahua City. Powell 
& Edmondson 976. 

n-— 4 DURANGO: 13 m. n. of 
Durango. King 3754. 

Psilactis asteroides Gray 

"n — 4 DURANGO: City limits 
of Durango. King 3728. 

Psilactis cf. asteroides Gray 

n= (Fig. 9) MEXICO 
STATE: 22 m. w. of Toluca. 
King 8595. 

Psilactis brevilingulata Sch.-Bip. 

m=ea. 9 (81-2 frags?) 
MEXICO STATE: 10 m. w. 
of Toluca. Powell & Edmond- 
son 799. 


[Vol. 64 

m=9 OAXACA: 6 m. s. of 
Tamazulapan. King 2939. 

n — ca. 9 OAXACA: By the 
ruins at Monte Alban. King 

n=ca. 9 QUERETARO: 18 
m. s. of San Luis de la Paz. 
Powell & Edmondson 573. 

Solidago velutina DC. 

n-—9 DURANGO: 71 m. ne. 
of Durango. King 3762. 

Solidago wrightii Gray 

n=9 DURANGO: 24 m. sw. 
of Durango. King 3742. 

Xanthocephalum gymnosper- 

moides (Gray) Benth. & 

n-—6 CHIHUAHUA: 0.5 m. 
w. of Cuahutemoc. Powell & 
Edmondson 1000. 

Xanthocephalum hwmile 
(H.B.K.) Sch.-Bip. 

m. n. of San Francisco Cheje. 
King 3586. 

m —4 MEXICO STATE: 42 
km. s. of Mexico City. King 

m= 4 MORELOS: 15 m. n. of 
Cuernavaca. Powell & Ed- 
mondson 736. 


Gnaphalium leptophyllum DC. 
n = 7 MEXICO STATE: 8m. 
e. of the Mexico-Michoacan 
state border along route 15. 

King 3598. 

n=7 GUATEMALA: Just 
west of San Marcos. King 

Gnaphalium cf. leptophyllum 

n = ca. 14 GUATEMALA: 1 
m. w. of Quezaltenango. King 

Pluchea odorata (L.) Cass. 

n —10 HIDALGO: 12 m. sw. 


of the Hidalgo-San Luis Po- 
tosi state border along route 
85. King 4228. 

Pluchea purpurascens (Sw.) 

n =10 NAYARIT: Behind the 
beach at San Blas. King 3697. 


Subtribe Melampodinae 

Berlandiera lyrata Benth. 

n — 15 DURANGO: City limits 
of Durango. King 3730. 

Dugesia mexicana Gray 

Mexico City area. Powell & 
Edmondson 604. 

n =18 PUEBLA: 14 m. w. of 
Puebla. King 3561. 

. Parthenium tomentosum DC. 

"m — 18 OAXACA: 23 m. se. of 
Oaxaca. King 3482. 

Polymnia cf. apus Blake 

n = 16 (Fig. 10) NAYARIT: 
1m. n. of Tepic. King 3688. 

Polymnia maculata Cav. 

7 m. ne. of Xilitla. King 4427. 

Polymnia cf. maculata Cav. 

n — 17 GUATEMALA: 1m.s. 
of Coban. King 3306. 

Polymnia oaxacana Sch.-Bip. 

n=ca. 16 GUATAMALA: 2 
m. w. of Santa Cruz Verapaz. 
King 3338. 

Subtribe Ambrosinae 

Ambrosia cf. cumanensis 
H. B. K. 

n — ca. 36 MICHOACAN: 21 
m. e. of Jiquilpan. King 3643. 

Ambrosia peruviana Willd. 

n=18 GUATEMALA: 4 m. 
s. of Coban. King 3313. 

SUBTRIBE Zinninae 

Heliopsis buphthalmoides 
(Jacq.) Dunal. 

n =28 GUATEMALA: 9 m. 
s. of Salama. King 3263. 

Turner, Powell & King — Chromosome numbers 265 

n = ca. 28 CHIAPAS: 10 m. 
e. of Teopisca. King 3030. 

Philactis nelsonii (Greenm.) 

n = ca. 28 CHIAPAS: 2 m. w. 
of Chiapas-Oaxaca border 
along route 190. King 2878. 

n= 28 CHIAPAS: 21 m. ne. 
of Las Cruces. King 3446. 

Sanvitalia cf. procumbens Lam. 

n—8 CHIAPAS: 12 m. e. of 
Cintalapa. King 2984. 

Sanvitalia procumbens Lam. 

n= 8 PUEBLA: 22 m. ne. of 
Tepeaca. Powell & Edmond- 
son 639, 

Sanvitalia sp. nov. 

n-—8 OAXACA: 1 m. n. of 
Tamazulapan. King 2929. 
Tragoceros americanum (Mill.) 


m —11 JALISCO: 16 m. s. of 
Guadalajara. King 3658. 

Tragoceros mocinianus Gray 

n = ca. 11 JALISCO: 45 m. w. 
of Sahuayo. Powell & Ed- 
mondson 850. 

Tragoceros schiedeanus Less. 

n =11 JALISCO: 45 m. w. of 
Sahuayo. Powell & Edmond- 
son 848. 

Zinnia angustifolia H. B. K. 

»1-—12 NAYARIT: 8 m. se. 
of Tepic. King 3672. 

Zinnia elegans Jacq. 

"1 —12 GUERRERO: 5 m. n. 
of Ocotito on the Chilpan- 
cingo Acapulco highway. 
Johnston 5988. 

Zinnia leucoglossa Blake 

n=11 DURANGO: 14 m. sw. 
of Durango. King 3739. 

Zinnia maritima H. B. K. 

n — 13 (Fig. 11) GUERRERO: 
10 m. e. of Acapulco. King 

Zinnia peruviana (L.) L. 


n —12 OAXACA: 1 m. se. of 
Oaxaca. King 3466. 

Zinnia tenella Rob. 

n — 11 or 12 DURANGO: 15 
m. sw. of Durango. King 

SUBTRIBE Verbesininae 

Aldama dentata Less. 

n — 11 OAXACA: 9m. nw. of 
Oaxaca. King 3516. 

n — 17 NAYARIT: City limits 
of Tepic. King 3668. 

n — 17 MORELOS: 5 m. se. of 
Yautepec. King 2912. 

n=17 PUEBLA: Just se. of 
the Morelos-Puebla border. 
King 2919. 

m — 17 VERACRUZ: 19 m. se. 
of Poza Rica. King 4137. 

n =17 VERACRUZ: 1m. s. 
of Cuitlahuac. King 2677. 

m — 17 OAXACA: Along route 
190, just south of Etla. King 

Helianthus laciniatus Gray 

n = 17 DURANGO: City limits 
of Durango. King 3756. 

Hymenostephium sp. 

n = ca. 17 NAYARIT: 11 m. 
se. of Tepic. King 3675. 

Iostephame heterophylla var. 
dicksonii (Lindl.) Sharp 

n=17 (Fig. 12) SINALOA: 
1-2 m. sw. of the Sinaloa- 
Durango border. King 3721. 

m — 17 DURANGO: 24 m. sw. 
of Durango. King 3741. 

Iostephame trilobata Hemsl. 

n — 17 OAXACA: 10 m. ne. of 
Oaxaca. Powell & Edmond- 
son 676. 

Jaegeria hirta Less. 

m=18 GUATEMALA: Be- 
tween Solola and Panajachel. 
King 3236. 

Jaegeria pedunculata H. & O. 

"«-— 18 NAYARIT: 5 m. se. of 


[Vol. 64 

Tepic. King 3670. 

Notoptera tequilana (Gray) 

n — ca. 15 JALISCO: 26 m. 
nw. of Tequila. King 3664. 

Perymenium ef, asperifolia 
Sch.- Bip. 

n = ca. 45 OAXACA: 5m. n. 
of the junction with route 
190. King 3488. 

Perymenium cf. chalarolepis 
Rob. & Greenm. 

n — 15 1 m. w. of San Marcos. 
King 3138. 

Podochaenium eminens (Lag.) 

n — 19 OAXACA: Along route 
175, 10 m. n. of the junction 
with route 190. King 3494. 

n — 19 (Fig, 13) SINALOA: 5 
m. sw. of the Sinaloa-Dur- 
ango border along route 40. 
King 3720. 

Rhysolepis sp. nov. 

n-— 17 MICHOACAN: 2 m 
e. of Zamora. King 3645. 

Salmea scandens (L.) DC. 

n — 18" (Fig. 14) SAN LUIS 
POTOSI: 2 m. w. of Xilitla. 
King 4309. 

Sclerocarpus dentatus (Llave & 
Lex.) Hemsl. 

n —12 COAHUILA: 37 m. s. 
of Monclova. Powell & Ed- 
mondson 506, 

n = 11 (Fig. 15) OAXACA: 49 
m. w. of Tehuantepec. King 

n = 12 (Fig. 16) OAXACA: 1 
m. ne. of Huajuapan de Leon. 
King 3533. 

n —12 TAMAULIPAS: 2 m. 
ne. of Altamira. King 4086. 
m =12 VERACRUZ: 4 m. n. 

of Tampico el Alto. King 
n-— 12 VERACRUZ: 3 m. s 


of Naranjos. King 4118. 

Just north of the San Luis 
Potosi-Hidalgo state border. 
King 4233. 

Sclerocarpus cf. divaricatus 
(Benth.) Hemsl. 

^ = 11 (Fig. 17) VERACRUZ: 
20 m. s. of Acayucan. King 

Sclerocarpus cf. frutescens 

n — 12 (Fig. 18) OAXACA: 1 
m. n. of Tamazulapan. King 

Selerocarpus cf. phyllocephalus 

n = 11 
km. w. 

n = 11 (Fig. 19) CHIAPAS: 
Along the railroad track to 
Tapachula at the village of 
Soconusco. King 3126. 

Sclerocarpus cf. phyllocephalus 

n — 12 CHIAPAS: 5 m. ne. of 
Las Cruces. King 2440. 

Sclerocarpus sessilifolius 

"n — 14 (Fig. 20) NAYARIT: 
8 m. se. of Tepic. King 3673. 

Spilanthes americana Hieron. 

"n —ca. 26 SAN LUIS PO- 
TOSI: 6 m. ne. of Xilitla. 
King 4245. 

n — 25 +1 VERACRUZ: 5m. 
n. of Tampico el Alto. King 

n = ea. 13 PUEBLA: 6 m. sw. 
of the Puebla-Veracruz state 
border along route 130. King 

"n — ca. 26 HIDALGO: 14 m. 
ne. of Jacala. King 4222. 

»n 250 Xm 201) VERA. 
CRUZ: 9 m. sw. of Tuxpan. 

of Escuintla. King 

Turner, Powell & King — Chromosome numbers 267 

King 4132. 

n — ca. 26 VERACRUZ: 25 m. 
se. of Poza Rica. King 4139. 

n — ca. 26 MORELOS: 5 m. 
se. of Yautepec. King 2913. 

Spilanthes americana cf. var. 
stolonifera (DC.) Moore 

n = ca. 39 MICHOACAN: 21 
m. e. of Jiquilpan. King 3642. 

Tithonia longeradiata (Berl.) 

n =17 GUATEMALA: 10 m. 
s. of Quezaltenango. King 

Verbesina erocata (Cav.) Less. 

n —18 MORELOS: 11 m. s. 
of Cuernavaca, King 4159. 

Verbesina hypargyrea Rob. & 

m= ca. it, CHIAPAS: I8 m. 
se. of Comitán. King 3044. 

n —17 OAXACA: 41. m. w. 
of Tehuantepec. King 3456. 

"n —517 COAHUILA: 14 m. s. 
of Saltillo. Powell & Ed- 
mondson 538. 

Verbesina seatonii Blake 

n —517 MEXICO STATE: 9 
m. ne. of San Francisco 
Cheje. King 3567. 

Viguiera grammatoglossa DC. 

n —17 OAXACA: 27 m. n. 
of the junction along route 
190. King 3504. 

Viguiera  longifolia (Rob. & 
Greenm.) Blake 
^ —8 CHIAPAS: Wet fields 

just west of San Cristóbal de 
Las Casas. King 2993, 
Wedelia filipes Hemsl. 
n —11 GUATEMALA: Near 
Panajachel. King 3239. 

n —11 (Fig. 22) GUATE- 
MALA: Near Panajachel. 
King 3240. 

Wedelia parviceps Blake 
" —12 GUATEMALA: 9 m. 


n. of Salama. King 3283. 
Zexmenia cf. aurea (DC.) 
B. & H. 
n — 10 (Fig. 23) JALISCO: 17 
m. nw. of Tequila. King 3663. 
Zexmenia costaricensis Benth. 
n-—11 (Fig. 24) ALTA VERA- 
PAZ: 11 m. w. of San Cris- 
tóbal Verapaz. King 3347. 
Zexmenia pringlei Greenm. 
n —14 (Fig. 25) OAXACA: 
Just s. of the Oaxaca-Puebla 
border along route 125. King 

Zermenia virgulata Klatt 
n-—11 (Fig. 26) GUATE- 

MALA: 10 m. s. of Huehue- 
tenango. King 3392. 

SUBTRIBE Coreopsidinae 

Coreopsis mutica DC, 

n — ca. 26 CHIAPAS: 13 m. 
e. of San Cristóbal de Las 
Casas. King 2813. 

m — ea. 24 CHIAPAS: 14 m. 
w. of San Cristóbal de Las 
Casas. King 3082. 

Cosmos diversifolius Otto 

n=12 OAXACA: 30 m. nw. 
of Oaxaca. King 3525. 

n —129 OAXACA: 29 m. nw. 
of Oaxaca. King 3523. 

Dahlia dissecta S. Wats. 

n —18 MEXICO STATE: Sa- 
vannah-like forest on route 

190 at Llano Grande. Rock 

Dahlia scapigera (A. Dietr.) 
L. & O. 

n —18 PUEBLA: 14 m. w. of 
Texmelucan. King 3564. 

SUBTRIBE Galinsoginae 

Calea integrifolia (DC.) Hemsl. 

n = ca. 16 PUEBLA: 5 m. ne. 
of Villa Juarez. King 4143. 

Calea nelsonii Rob. & Greenm. 

m = ca. 18 CHIAPAS: 10 m. e. 
of the Oaxaca-Chiapas bor- 


[Vol. 64 

der. King 2982. 

Calea cf. trichotoma D. Smith 

n —18 CHIAPAS: 23 m. se. 
of Comitán. King 3043. 

Galinsoga parviflora Cav. 

n — ca. 16 CHIAPAS: Just w. 
of San Cristóbal de Las 
Casas. King 2991. 

n-— 16 GUATEMALA: Along 

National Route 1, between 
Solola and Panajachel. King 

n —16 GUATEMALA: Along 
National Route 1, between 
Solola and Panajachel. King 

n = 16 MICHOACAN: 2m. n. 
of Zitacuaro. King 3603. 

n =16 MICHOACAN: 5 m. 
w. of Morelia. Powell & Ed- 
mondson. 825. 

m -— 16 OAXACA: 12 m. ne. 
of Oaxaca. Powell & Edmond- 
son 684. 

n-—8 MEXICO: 10 m. w. of 
Toluca. Powell & Edmondson 

n=8 PUEBLA: 10 m. e. of 
Puebla. Powell & Edmondson 

Sabazia sp. nov. 

n = 8 (Fig. 27) OAXACA: 21 
m. n. of the junction with 
route 190. King 3499. 

Galeana pratensis (H. B. K.) 


n = 9 (Fig. 28) JALISCO: 12 
m. nw. Guadalajara. King 

n=9 GUATEMALA: 15 m. 

s. of Rabinal. King 3363. 
Schkuhria anthemoides var. 
wislizeni (Gray) Heiser 
n = 20 (Fig. 29) OAXACA: 
17 m. se. of Nochistlan. King 


1962] Turner, Powell & King — Chromosome numbers 269 

Schkuhria pinnata var. 
virgata (Llave) Heiser 

n=21+1 GUATEMALA: 8 
m. s. of Huehuetenango. King 

n —ca. 20 GUATEMALA: 1 
m. s. of Huehuetenango. King 

Perityle microglossa Benth. 

n — ca. 46 + 4 SAN LUIS PO- 
TOSI: Near the waterfall at 
El Salto. King 3877. 


Chrysanthemum parthenium 

n=9 OAXACA: 10 m. n. of 
the junction with route 190. 
King 3495. 


Neurolaena lobata (L.) R. Br. 

"n —11 (Fig. 30) SAN LUIS 
POTOSI: 2 m. w. of Xilitla. 
King 4276. 

Schistocarpha bicolor Less. 

n=8 VERACRUZ: 5 m. ne. 
of Villa Juarez. King 4144. 

n —8 HIDALGO: 9 m. sw. of 
the Hidalgo-San Luis Potosi 
state border along route 85. 
King 4230. 

m. generally ne. of Xilitla. 
King 4241. 

Senecio cobanensis var. 
sublanciniatus Greenm. 

n= ca. 65 GUATEMALA: 11 
m. s. of Salama. King 3270. 

Senecio confusus Britton 

n=—45+5 SAN LUIS PO- 
TOSI: 2-3 m. w. of El Na- 
ranjo. King 3973. 

Senecio conzatii Greenm. 

n—=20 OAXACA: Along route 
175, 12 m. n. of the junction 
with route 190. King 3496. 

Senecio deformis Klatt 

7^-— ca. 20 DISTRITO FED- 

ERAL: El Zarco on route 15, 
outside Mexico City. Rock 

m =20 MEXICO STATE: 8 
m. n .of San Francisco Cheje. 
King 3583. 

n —20 MEXICO STATE: 11 
m. e. of the Mexico-Michoacan 
state border along route 15. 
King 3596. 

Senecio hirsuticaulis Greenm. 

17 m. e. of Ciudad del Maiz. 
Johnston 5104. 

Senecio imparipinnatus Klatt 

n = ca. 23 (Fig. 31) TAMAU- 
LIPAS: 4 m. s. of Ciudad 
Monte. King 3845. 

Senecio picridis Schaur. 

"n-—20 GUATEMALA: 11 m. 
w. of Quezaltenango. King 

m=20 MORELOS: 3 m. s. 
of the Morelos-Federal Dis- 
trict border along route 95. 
King 4151. 

Senecio salignus DC. 

n = 30 HIDALGO: 1 m. e. of 
Pachuca. King 4148. 

n= 30 MEXICO STATE: 9 
m. sw. of the pyramids at 
Teotihuacan. King 4149. 

Senecio toluccanus DC. 

m = 20 MEXICO STATE: 9 
m. ne. of San Francisco 
Cheje. King 3574. 

Cacalia sp. 

n = ca. 30 JALISCO: 21 m. 
se. of Guadalajara. King 

Cacalia sinuata Llave & Lex. 

n= 30 DURANGO: 6 m. sw. 
of Durango. King 3734. 

Cacalia cf. tussilaginoides 
H. B. K. 

m — ca. 25 JALISCO: 3 m. nw. 
of Guadalajara. King 3659. 

270 Rhodora [Vol. 64 
Arctotis stoechadifolia Berk. n— 27 SAN LUIS POTOSI: 
n=9 (Fig. 32) GUATE- Near the waterfall at El 
MALA: 6 m. ne. of Quezal- Salto. King 3904. 
tenango. King 3210. n = 27 (Fig. 33) SAN LUIS 
MUTISIEAE POTOSI: 2 m. w. of Xilitla. 
Trixis californica Kellogg King 4291. 

w. of Chihuahua City. Powell 
& Edmondson 1004. 

Trixis radialis (L.) Kuntze 

n = ca. 27 CHIAPAS: 9 m. e. 
of Tuxtla Gutierrez. King 

Lactuca pulchella (Pursh) DC. 

n -171 GUATEMALA: 9 m. 
w. of San Cristóbal Verapaz. 
King 3346. 


BEAMAN, J. H., D. C. D. DEJoNG AND W. P. STOUTAMIRE. 1962. Chro- 
mosome studies in the Alpine and subalpine floras of Mexico and 
Guatemala. Am. Jour. Bot. 49: 41-50. 

BLAKE, S. F. 1918. A revision of the genus Viguiera. Contr. Gray 
Herb. 54: 1-205. 

1930. Notes on certain type specimens of American 
Asteraceae in European herbaria. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 26: 

CLAPHAM, A. R., T. G. TUTIN AND E. F. WARBURG. 1952. Flora of the 
British Isles. Cambridge. 1591 p. 

DARLINGTON, C. D. AND A. P. WYLIE. 1956. Chromosome atlas of 
flowering plants. p. 519. Macmillan Co., New York. 

FERNALD, M. L. 1950. Gray's Manual of Botany. Eighth edition. 
American Book Co. New York, 632 p. 

FisuER, R. T. 1957. Taxonomy of the genus Heliopsis (Compositae). 
Ohio Jour. Sci. 57:171-191. 

GAISER, L. O. 1953. Chromosome studies in Kuhniinae (Eupatorieae). 
I. Brickellia. Rhodora 55: 253-267. 

GRAY, A. 1886. Compositae. Synoptical flora of North America. 2nd 
ed., 1^: 48-455, 

HASKELL, G. AND G. E. Marks. 1952. Chromosome ecology of British 
Galinsoga species. New Phytol. 51: 382-387. 

HEISER, C. B. AND D. M. SurTH. 1955. New chromosome numbers in 
Helianthus and related genera (Compositae). Proc. Indiana Acad. 
64 : 250-253. 

Heiser, C. B. 1960. Documented chromosome numbers of plants. 
Madrono 15: 219-221. 

HOFFMANN, O. 1894. Compositae. I» K. Engler and A. Prantl, Die 
Natürlichen Pflanzenfam. IV (5):87-391. 

MANGENOT, S. AND G. MANGENOT. 1958. Deuxième liste de nombres 

1962] Beaman and Turner — Chromosome numbers 271 

chromosomíques nouveaux chez diverses dicotylédones et monoco- 
tylédones d'Afrique occidentale. Bull. Jard. Bot. Bruxelles 28: 

MONTGOMERY, F. H. AND S. YANG. 1960. Cytological studies in the 
genus Erigeron. Canad. Jour. Bot. 38: 381-386. 

Sato, D. 1960. The protokaryotype and phylogeny in plants. Sci. Pap. 
Coll. Gen. Educ., Univ. Tokyo 10: 303-327. 

SOLBRIG, O. T. 1961. Synopsis of the genus Xanthocephalum. Rhodora 
63: 151-164. 

Torres, A. M. 1961. Hybridization studies in Zinnia. Am. Jour. Bot. 
48:549. (Abstract) 

TURNER, B. L. 1960a. Documented chromosome numbers of plants. 
Madrono 15: 219-221. 

.1960b. Meiotic chromosome numbers in Texas species 

of the genus Coreopsis (Compositae-Heliantheae). Southw. Nat. 

5: 12-15. 

AND W. L. ELLISON. 1960. Chromosome numbers in the 
Compositae. I. Tex. Jour, Sci. 12: 146-151. 

AND H. S. IRWIN. 1960. Chromosome numbers in the 
Compositae. II. Meiotie counts for fourteen species of Brazilian 
Compositae. Rhodora 62: 122-126. 

, J. BEAMAN AND H. F. L. Rock. 1961a. Chromosome 
numbers in the Compositae. V. Mexican and Guatemalan species. 
Rhodora 63: 121-129. 

, W. L. ELLISON AND R. M. KING. 1961b.. Chromosome 
numbers in the Compositae. IV. North American species, with 
phyletic interpretations. Am. Jour. Bot. 48: 216-223. 

and M. C. JOHNSTON. 1961. Chromosome numbers in 
the Compositae. III. Certain Mexican species. Brittonia 13: 64-69. 



The chromosome numbers reported here were obtained 
from bud material collected by Beaman in the summer of 
1960. The counts were made by Turner (except in Seiges- 
beckia which Beaman examined) from pollen mother cell 
squashes as outlined by Turner and Ellison (1960). The 
voucher specimens were determined by Beaman, except 

Supported by National Science Foundation grants G-9025 and G-9045. 

272 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

Helianthella quinquenervis which was determined by Dr. 
C. B. Heiser, Jr., and they are deposited in the Michigan 
State University Herbarium. A nearly complete set is also 
in the Herbarium of the University of Texas. All material 
studied is listed in Table 1. 


EUPATORIEAE — Piqueria pilosa (n=12). Turner, Powell, and 
King (1962) reported two other collections of this species as n=12. 

ASTEREAE — Erigeron coronarius (n=18). Diploid counts of n 
—9 were obtained by De Jong and Longpre (unpublished) in two 
Durango collections of this species. E. coronarius as presently under- 
stood is polymorphic, and further study may indicate that the varia- 
tions are correlated with chromosomal races. 

Xanthocephalum linearifolium (n=4). The count in this collection 
was noted by Solbrig (1961) who reported counts for three species of 

HELIANTHEAE — Bidens triplinervia var. macrantha (n=12). 
Tetraploid and hexaploid populations of this widely distributed and 
variable taxon occur on the Guatemalan volcanoes of Pleistocene or 
recent age (Beaman, De Jong, and Stoutamire, 1962). This diploid 
material comes from the older, non-volcanie Sierra de los Cuchuma- 

Jaegeria petiolaris (n—9). Turner, Powell and King (1962) 
have found two other species (J. pedunculata Hook. & Arn. and J. 
hirta Less.) with n=18. The present report establishes the tetraploid 
nature of the other counts. 

Calea sp. ? (n—16). Turner et al. (1961 (1962) have reported 
approximate counts of n —16, 17, and 18 for several other species, and 
they have obtained a definitive count for only one species, C. tricho- 
toma with »-—18. The generic determination of our material may 
possibly be in error; if it belongs to the genus Calea, it is apparently 

Siegesbeckia nudicaulis (n=15), S. repens (n—15), S. triangularis 
(n—15). The first two of these species are very restricted endemics, 
while the latter is more widespread and may be conspecific with S. 
orientalis (sens. lat.) in which Diers (1961) found »—15. 

HELENIEAE — Microspermum debile (n=12). This is the first 
count reported in this small and little collected genus. 

SENECIONEAE — Werneria nubigena (n=50). Counts in 13 
species of Werneria, including a count of 2n=212+8 in W. nubigena, 
were reported by Diers (1961). All but one species he investigated had 
somatic numbers of 100 or higher. 

Meiotic chromosome counts are reported for 25 species of 

1962] Beaman and Turner — Chromosome numbers 273 

Mexican and Guatemalan Compositae. These include the 
first counts published for 16 taxa. The first report is given 
for the genus Microspermum (n—12). A count of n=9 was 
found for Jaegeria petiolaris, thus establishing the tetra- 
ploid nature of previous chromosome reports of »—18 for 
this genus. Numbers consistent with established basic num- 
bers or previously reported counts were found in Piqueria, 
Erigeron, Grindelia, Heterotheca, Xanthocephalum, Heli- 
anthella, Sanvitalia, Siegesbeckia, Viguiera, Florestina, Hel- 
enium, Cacalia, Senecio, Cirsium, and Hieracium. Numbers 
differing with previously reported counts or basic numbers 
were obtained in Bidens triplinervia var. macrantha (n= 
12), Calea sp. ? (n=16), and Werneria nubigena (n—50). 

^e £9388 «Vti Pete 

1 2 

Figs. 1-4. Meiotie chromosomes of selected species, approximately X 2000. Fig. 1. 
Jaegeria petiolaris (n—9). Fig. 2. Calea sp. ? (n—16). Fig. 3. Microspermum debile 

(n—12). Fig. 4. Werneria nubigena (n—50). 

274 Rhodora [Vol. 64 


Chromosome studies in the alpine and subalpine floras of Mexico 
and Guatemala. Amer, Jour. Bot. 49: 41-50. 

DrERS, L. 1961. Der Anteil an Polyploiden in den Vegetationsgürteln 
der Westkordillere Perus. Zeitsch. für Botanik 49: 437-488. 
SoLBRIG, O. T. 1961. Synopsis of the genus Xanthocephalum (Com- 

positae). Rhodora 63: 151-164. 

TURNER, B. L., AND W. L, ELLISON. 1960. Chromosome numbers in 
the Compositae. I. Meiotic chromosome counts for 25 species of 
Texas Compositae including 6 new generic reports. Texas Jour. 
Sei 12: 146-151. 

TURNER, B. L., W. L. ELLISON, AND R. M. KING. 1961. Chromosome 
numbers in the Compositae. IV. North American species, with 
phyletic interpretations. Amer. Jour. Bot. 48: 216-223. 

TURNER, B. L., AND M. C. JoHNSTON. 1961. Chromosome numbers in 
the Compositae — III. Certain Mexican species. Brittonia 13: 64- 

TURNER, B. L., M. POWELL, AND R. M. KING. 1962. In press. Chrom- 
osome numbers in the Compositae. VI. Additional Mexican and 
Guatemalan species. Rhodora 64: 251-271. 

TABLE 1. Summary of collections studied. 

Taxon Locality n chromosome number 

Piqueria pilosa H.B.K. State of Mexico. Nevado de To- 12 
luca, northwest side of mtn., ca. 
3715 m. alt. Beaman 3471. 
Erigeron coronarius Greene State of Mexico. 5 kilometers 18 
north of Atlacomulco, ca. 2500 
m. alt. Beaman 8370. 
State of Mexico. 6 kilometers 18 
north of Atlacomulco; ca. 2500 
m. alt. Beaman 3358a. 
Nuevo Leon. Cerro Potosí, sum- 6 
mit of mtn., ca. 3650 m, alt. Bea- 
man 3340. 
State of Mexico. 3 kilometers 9 

E. scaposus DC. 

Grindelia inuloides Willd. 

Heterotheca inuloides Cass. 

var. inuloides 

Xanthocephalum lineari- 
folium (DC.) 

southeast of Amecameca; ca. 2500 
m. alt. Beaman 3474. 

Distrito Federal, Mexico. At La 
Cima Station between Mexico and 
Cuernavaca, 3035 m. alt. Beaman 


1962] Beaman and Turner — Chromosome numbers 


Bidens triplinervia var. 
macrantha (Wedd.) 

Helianthella quinquenervis 
(Hook.) A. Gray 

Jaegeria petiolaris Robins. 

Calea sp. ? 

Sanvitalia procumbens 

Siegesbeckia nudicaulis 
Standl. & Steyerm. 

S. repens Robins. & 

S. triangularis Cav. 

Viguiera hemsleyana Blake 


Florestina pedata (Cav.) 

Helenium hoopesii A. Gray 

Guatemala. Dept. of Huehueten- 
ango. Between Tojiah and Chem- 
al at Km. 319.5 on Ruta Nacional 
9 N, ca. 3380 m. alt. Beaman 

Nuevo Leon. Cerro Potosi, near 
summit of mtn. on northeast side, 
ca. 3600 m. alt. Beaman 3339. 
Michoacan. In large llano ca. 4 
kms. southeast of Cerro San An- 
dres, ca. 10 kms. (straight line 
distance) north of Ciudad Hidal- 
go, ca. 2930 m. alt. Beaman 4245. 
Guatemala. Dept. of Huehuetan- 
ango. Between Tojiah and San 
Juan Ixcoy at Km. 323.5 on Ruta 
Nacional 9 N, ca. 3200 m. alt. 
Beaman 3956. 

Puebla. 1.5 miles west of Cha- 
chapa, ca. 2300 m. alt. Beaman 

Guatemala. Dept. of Huehueten- 
ango, between Tojiah and San 
Juan Ixcoy at Km. 324.5 on Ruta 
Nacional 9 N, ca. 3140 m. alt. 
Beaman 3844. 

Oaxaca. Llano de las Flores, on 
the Oaxaca-Valle Nacional high- 
way 20 kilometers east of Ixtlan, 
ca. 2870 m. alt. Beaman 3699. 
Guatemala. Dept. of Huehueten- 
ango, between Tojiah and San 
Juan Ixcoy at Km. 323.5 on Ruta 
Nacional 9 N, ca. 3200 m. alt. 
Beaman 3849. 

Oaxaca. On the Oaxaca-Valle 
Nacional highway, 8 miles east 
of Ixtlan, ca. 3600 m. alt. Beaman 

Puebla. 1.5 miles west of Cha- 
chapa, ca. 2300 m. alt. Beaman 

Nuevo Leon. Cerro Potosí, sum- 



9 (Fig. 1) 

16 (Fig. 2) 








Microspermum debile 

Cacalia peltata H.B.K. 

Senecio conzattii Greenm. 

S. iodanthus Greenm. 

Werneria nubigena H.B.K. 

Cirsium skutchii Blake 

Hieracium mexicanum Less. 

H. selerianum Zahn 

Rhodora [ Vol. 

mit of mtn., ca. 3650 m. alt. Bea- 
man 3347. 

Oaxaca. On the Oaxaca-Valle 
Nacional highway, on Cerro Pe- 
long, 25.5 miles east of Ixtlan, ca. 
2950 m. alt. Beaman. 3663, 

Puebla. 5.3 miles southwest of 
San Salvador el Seco; ca. 2500 m. 
alt. Beaman 3619. 

Oaxaca. Llano de las Flores, on 
the Oaxaca-Valle Nacional high- 
way 20 kms. east of Ixtlan, ca. 
2870 m. alt. Beaman 3700. 
Michoacan. Summit of Cerro San 
Andres, ca. 12 kms. (straight line 
distance) north of Ciudad Hidal- 
go, 3589 m. alt. Beaman 4241. 
Guatemala. Dept. of Huehueten- 
ango. Between Tojiah and Chem- 
al at Km. 319.5 on Ruta Nacional 
9 N, ca. 3380 m. alt. Beaman 


Guatemala. Dept. of Huehueten- 
ango. Between Tojiah and Chem- 
al at Km, 319.5 on Ruta Nacional 
9 N, ca. 3380 m. alt. Beaman 

State of Mexico. Iztaccihuatl, 
south side of mtn. at La Joya, ca. 
3990 m. alt. Beaman 3501. 

Guatemala. Dept. of Huehueten- 
ango. Between Tojiah and Chem- 
al at Km. 317.5 on Ruta Nacional 
9 N, ca. 3400 m. alt. Beaman 



12 (Fig. 3) 




50 (Fig. 4) 


1962] Nevling — Thymelaeaceae 277 


The earliest reports of chromosome numbers in the 
Thymelaeaceae were published shortly after the turn of this 
century, as incidental remarks, in discussions of endosperm 
formation, embryo sac development, and parthenogenesis. 
Chromosome numbers for nearly forty taxa, in seven genera, 
have been reported, a small percentage considering that 
several hundred species in fifty-five genera are recognized. 
The authors of these reports understandably have had little 
interest in the family as a group and, therefore, rarely have 
correlated their data with the taxonomic system. Domke’s 
(1934) realignment of the classification down to the generic 
level has increased taxonomic interest and research of both 
the revisionary and floristic types. His broad study is based 
primarily on anatomy and morphology and makes no 
attempt to include the meager cytological data then avail- 
able. There have been few opportunities, since that time, to 
profitably apply cytological information to taxonomic prob- 
lems because of the nature of the groups under study, i.e., 
revisionary investigations have been limited to genera which 
are cytologically unknown. 

Although the chromosome counts are restricted, with a 
few exceptions, to the larger and more accessible genera, 
ie. Daphne, Pimelea, and Wikstroemia, even these few 
reports have demonstrated an interesting biological com- 
plexity to the family and some of the accompanying taxo- 
nomic consequences.  Horticulturists, cytologists, and 
taxonomists, for example, for considerable time have known 
Daphne odora Thunb. to be sterile. Osawa (1913) attempted 
to explain this lack of seed development but he misdeter- 
mined the chromosome number and succeeded only in pre- 
cipitating a series of papers on the subject. Okura and Kono 
only recently (1959) elucidated fully the cytological situa- 
tion (allotriploidy) which is the basis of the sterility. 
Cruickshank (1953) discovered, in the Australasian genus 
Pimelea, an interesting polyploid series ranging from diploid 
to hexaploid species, some gynodioecious, others dioecious, 

278 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

which will have to be given serious consideration when that 
group is revised. Apogamy has been reported in the taxo- 
nomically troublesome genus Wikstroemia, a genus closely 
related to, if not congeneric with Daphne. It is suspected in 
a number of species on the basis of aborted pollen but has 
been demonstrated only in W. indica C. A. Mey. (Fagerlind, 
1940). Some of the difficulties in this genus may stem from 
this phenomenon. There has been a recent trend toward 
reporting chromosome numbers and coórdinately shifting or 
erecting additional taxonomic categories to accommodate 
newly uncovered chromosome-number patterns. This pro- 
cedure, often accomplished with complete disregard for 
other factual data and lacking overall perspective of the 
taxonomic continuity of the group, while hailed in some 
quarters as a “miracle drug" to "cure" taxonomy is, in 
reality, a placebo. 

It is difficult to obtain living material of this family, 
excepting the horticulturally important species of the genus 
Daphne. Observations of cytological importance can be 
made only on living material, necessitating the accumulation 
of this type of data whenever it is available. During the 
past year I have been fortunate to obtain living material of 
Daphne blagayana Freyer, an Old World species, and 
Daphnopsis americana (Mill.) J. R. Johnston, a New World 
species. Somatic chromosome numbers for these species are 
reported here for the first time. 

Daphne blagayana Freyer, 2n — 18 (Nevling 101, A). 
This low, spreading, Old World species with handsome 
terminal inflorescences of creamy white flowers (see Curtis 
Bot. Mag. 124: t. 7579. 1898) is native to subalpine woods 
of Roumania, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Albania, and Bulgaria. 
It is related to several other species of horticultural interest 
such as D. collina Smith, D. sericea Vahl, and D. petraea 
Leybold. In Europe it is cultivated and considered to have 
two "forms" (Hodgkin, 1961) one of which flowers two 
weeks earlier (March in Great Britain) than the other. 
During the fall of 1961, the Arnold Arboretum was fortu- 
nate to receive six rooted shoots from the Arboretum Volcji 
Potok, Radomlje, Yugoslavia. These shoots were collected 

1962] Nevling — Thymelaeaceae 279 

from wild plants which had layered naturally in a habitat 
of perpetual shade on the cool, moist, north-facing slopes of 
low hills. 

Inasmuch as pollen mother cells were not available for 
examination, root tips were selected, placed in a saturated 
aquaeous solution of paradichlorobenzene for two hours, 
rinsed, fixed in three parts absolute ethyl alcohol and one 
part glacial acetic acid for 30 minutes; hydrolized in 1 N. 
hydrochloric acid at 55° C. for 20 minutes, rinsed, stained 
in leuco-basic fuchsin for two hours and squashed. In such 
preparations a somatic chromosome number of 18 was 
observed repeatedly. All stages in division were observable. 

It may seem unusual that the chromosome number of this 
well-known species has not been reported previously as there 
are several papers devoted to its embryo-sac development. 
These papers, however, are pre-1900, and apparently little 
attention has been given this species in recent years, except 
by horticulturists. The chromosome number 2n» = 18 has 
been reported for nine of ten species of Daphne, the only 
exception being the previously mentioned D. odora, a tri- 

Daphnopsis americana (Mill. J. R. Johnston, 2n = 18 
(Nevling 102, A). This New World species of dioecious, 
small trees is distinguished from other members of the 
genus by the large, dichotomously branching, terminal inflor- 
escences. It is the most widespread and complex of the 
genus Daphnopsis with seven subspecies (Nevling, 1959). 
Daphnopsis americana ssp. caribaea (Griseb.) Nevl. has the 
most extensive geographical distribution of any of the sub- 
species, ranging from Nicaragua south through Costa Rica 
and Panama to Colombia, eastward across northern Vene- 
zuela, and north through the Lesser Antilles to Puerto Rico. 
Immature fruiting material of this subspecies (R. & E. 
Howard 15258, A) was collected, in 1960, from an isolated 
tree, on a rockslide, on the north slope of Mt. Eagle, St. 
Croix. Cuttings and mature fruiting inflorescences from 
this isolated tree were forwarded in February, 1961. The 
pure white drupes were ovoid, about 8 mm. long and 6 mm. 
in diameter with a fleshy outer layer and an inner fibrous 

280 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

one. The extensive fleshy layer, containing compound rhom- 
boidal crystals of calcium oxalate, is lost in the drying 
process of preparing herbarium specimens. The pseudo- 
monomeric ovary contains a single bi-integumented ovule; 
the inner integument forms a dark, hard, seed coat while 
the outer integument forms an outer membranaceous layer. 
All cuttings failed to strike but a half-dozen seedlings were 
obtained from less than a dozen seeds, the first germinating 
in two and one-half months and the last after five months. 
The sex of seedling plants has not yet been determined. 

Root tips from the seedlings were examined cytologically 
after various methods of treatment, including that used for 
Daphne blagayana. Except for the treatment outlined below, 
the chromosomes were unsuitable for study due to insuffi- 
cient chromosomal contraction and poor staining. Root tips 
were placed in water at 10° C. for 15 hours, fixed and hydro- 
lized as in Daphne blagayana, rinsed, stained and squashed 
in aceto-carmine. A somatie chromosome number of 18 
was observed repeatedly, with all stages of division being 
observable and appearing normal. Since this is the first 
chromosome count to be reported for a member of the 
Thymelaeaceae from the New World it is interesting to note 
that it fits the base number of nine as previously reported 
in the family. 

I am indebted to Ing. Igo Ora&, Director Emeritus of the 
Voleji Potok Arboretum, for plants of Daphne blagayana, 
and to Mr. A. J. Oakes, Research Agronomist of St. Croix, 
for cuttings and fruits of Daphnopsis americana, ssp. cari- 
baea. The editorial suggestions of Drs. C. E. Wood, Jr., and 
W. R. Ernst, which have substantially contributed to the 
organization of this note, are appreciated by the author. 
Special thanks are due to Mr. Alfred Fordham, Propagator 
of the Arnold Arboretum, for his sympathetic handling of 
the research materials, without which this paper would 


CRUICKSHANK, R. H. 1953. Chromosome numbers in the genus 
‘Pimelea? Proc. Roy. Soc. Tas. 87: 13-16, figs. 1-4. 

1962] Santamour — Chromosome Number in Maples 281 

DoMKE, W. 1934. Untersuchungen iiber die systematische und geo- 
graphische Gliederung der Thymelaeaceen. Bibliot. Bot. 27(111): 

FAGERLIND, F. 1940. Zytologie und Gameotophyten bildung in der 
Gattung Wikstroemia. Hereditas 26: 23-50. 

HopGKIN, E. 1961. Daphnes. Jour. Roy. Hort. Soc. 86: 481-488. 

NEVLING, L. L, JR. 1959. A revision of the genus Daphnopsis. Ann. 
Missouri Bot. Gard. 46: 257-358. 

Okura, E. AND M. Kono. 1959. Cytogenetical consideration of 
Daphne odora Thunb. based on its karyotype. Biol. Jour. Okayama 
Univ. 5: 51-56. 

Osawa, I. 1913. On the development of the pollen grains and 
embryo sac of Daphne, with special references to the sterility of 
Daphne odora. Jour. Coll. Agric. 4: 237-264, pls. 25-27. 

MAPLES. — Striped maple (Acer pensylvanicum L.) and 
mountain maple (Acer spicatum Lam.) are both common 
species throughout the Northeast. Their ranges, which ex- 
tend west to Minnesota and south in the mountains to north- 
ern Georgia, are similar. Although both species may attain 
small tree size, they are of little commercial importance for 
timber and have attracted only mild interest as ornamentals. 
Neither species has been investigated cytologically. 

The writer has collected both species for chromosome 
studies from several northern localities. Striped maple 
collections were from Mifflin and Luzerne Counties in Penn- 
sylvania, and Hampshire County, Massachusetts. Mountain 
maple was collected in Hennepin County, Minnesota; Dela- 
ware County, Pennsylvania; and Middlesex County, Massa- 

Entire inflorescences were removed from the trees during 
the spring, and were fixed for 24 hours in 3:1 alcohol-acetic 
with a few drops of ferric chloride added. Storage was in 
75 percent ethyl alcohol at 10°C. Standard aceto-carmine 
smear techniques on pollen mother cells were used in the 
chromosome studies. 

It was found that, for both species, meiosis took place 
before the bud scales had fully separated. Chromosome 

282 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

counts for all material gave n — 13, and no marked meiotic 
irregularities were noted. Thus both species appear to be 
diploid over the northern portion of their ranges. 

Of the 10 species of maple native to the United States 
for which chromosome numbers are now available, 8 are 
diploid and only red and silver maples are polyploid. — 

AND IRESINE. — During recent field work I found one of the 
Umbelliferae that is new to the Illinois flora, an additional 
stand of Dicliptera brachiata (Pursh) Spreng., and one of 
Iresine rhizomatosa Standl., both species rare in Illinois. 

Limnosciadium pinnatum (DC.) Math. & Const. is a plant 
of wet places that ranges from Louisiana and Texas, north 
to southeastern Kansas and southwestern Missouri. On 
July 14, 1960, I spent some time collecting plants east of 
Fayetteville, a small community in southeastern St. Clair 
County, about 25 miles southeast of East St. Louis. One 
of my collections from a roadside ditch east of the Kaskaskia 
River was Limnosciadium pinnatum. This site is almost 
300 miles northeast of the range in southwestern Missouri. 
Herbarium specimens, in the herbarium of the Illinois 
Natural History Survey (ILLS) and the University of 
California (UC), have the following label data: 

Roadside ditch, east of Fayetteville, St. Clair County, 
Illinois, July 14, 1960, R. A. Evers 65864. 

In a previous article (Rhodora 58:49-50) I reported the 
occurrence of Dicliptera brachiata in southern Illinois, east 
of Joppa, Massac County. That collection was made in 1951. 
On subsequent trips to this locality I failed to find this 
species but did discover a stand of another plant rare in 

II wish to thank Dr. Lincoln Constance, University of California, Berkeley, for 
identifying the specimen. 

1962] Winterringer — Zizaniopsis 283 

Illinois, Iresine rhizomatosa. On September 2, 1960,while 
botanizing the bluffs and floodplain of the Ohio River east 
of Cave-in-Rock, Hardin County, I found a sizable stand of 
D. brachiata at the base of the bluff. This locality, the 
second for this species in Illinois, lies over 40 miles north- 
east of the Massac County site. On October 12, 1961, I 
revisited the ravine east of Joppa and once more collected 
D. brachiata. The two recent collections have the following 
label data: 

Base of wooded bluffs, east of Cave-in-Rock, Hardin 
County, Illinois, September 2, 1960, R. A. Evers 67398. 
Wooded ravine, east of Joppa, Massac County, Illinois, Octo- 
ber 12, 1961, R. A. Evers 72015. 

The herbarium sheets of Iresine rhizomatosa in the Sur- 
vey herbarium have the following data: 

Wooded ravine, east of Joppa, Massac County, Illinois, 
September 23, 1952, R. A. Evers 35975; September 12, 1961, 
R. A. Evers 71286. 

This species formed a colony about one meter in diameter 
and was very conspicuous along the bank of the intermittent 
stream in the ravine. — ROBERT A. EVERS, ILLINOIS NATURAL 

perennial, aquatic grass Zizaniopsis miliacea (Michx.) Döll 
& Aschers. has not been previously reported as an estab- 
lished species in Illinois according to information available 
to the writer. The natural range of this southern wild rice 
or water-millet is through most of the southern and south- 
eastern states including Tennessee, Kentucky and Missouri. 
The present locality of the Illinois station for Zizaniopsis 
miliacea is in Montgomery County near Hillsboro. In this 
locality the plants grow in marginal patches and isolated 
clumps in shallow water around the shore of Lake Hillsboro. 
The first specimens were called to the writer’s attention by 
Mr. A. C. Lopinot of the Illinois Department of Conserva- 
tion. Mr. Lopinot requested identification of the broad- 

284 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

leaved grass which he found growing with Typha latifolia 
and Leersia oryzoides. 

Lake Hillsboro is an artificial lake of about 100 acres 
created in 1917 as a source of water supply for the town. 
Mr. Paul Graden of Hillsboro revealed that the grass, Z. 
miliacea, had been growing, to his knowledge, around the 
lake for perhaps 20 years. Further inquiry did not reveal 
how the original plants or seeds arrived or if they had been 
planted; but they are certainly persisting, and continued 
survival seems likely. We do not know if this grass arrived 
in the locality by natural or other means, and the fact that 
it has persisted and become naturalized seems worthy of 
reporting. Only a few culms bore inflorescences and, grow- 
ing as it does with Typha latifolia, it may have been easily 
overlooked. Verification of identity was made by Dr. Jason 
Swallen. Specimens are deposited in herbaria of the follow- 
ing: Illinois State Museum, Springfield, Illinois Natural 
History Survey, Urbana, and the U. S. National Museum, 
Washington. Collection data ase are follows: Montgomery 
Co., Illinois, near Hillsboro. Shallow water along the margin 
of an artificial lake. Oct. 4, 1961, G. S. Winterringer, 18526, 
18527 (ISM), 18515 (US), and 18516 (ILLS). — GLEN S. 

ILLINOIS. — In recording the recent discovery of Elymus 
arenarius in Wisconsin (Rhodora 62: 199-201, 1960), the 
authors say “The taxonomic confusion surrounding Elymus 
mollis and E. arenarius has been carefully and thoroughly 
elucidated by Bowden (1957). All Illinois collections of E. 
mollis cited by Jones (1955), who followed Hitchcock & 
Chase (1950) are E. arenarius.” 

There is, so far as I am aware, no taxonomic confusion 
surrounding E. mollis, an American species, and the Eurasi- 
an E. arenarius, although it is a fact that some specimens of 
the latter species sometimes have been misidentified as E. 
mollis. As early as 1918 Miss Edna Mosher had correctly 

1962] Jones — Elymus Arenarius 285 

named the grass as E. arenarius, and cited what is so far as 
I know the first collection of it in Illinois: “Wilmette, Killip, 
June 1916.” This report was repeated by Pepoon in 1927. 

Of course, like practically everyone else who has written 
anything on Gramineae of the United States during the last 
quarter of a century, we generally “followed” Hitchcock or 
Hitchcock & Chase. In this instance, however, the reference 
is not particularly apt, as instead of “following” Hitchcock 
& Chase we pointed out the true taxonomic identity of the 
European lyme-grass that is establishing itself on sand 
dunes around the south end of Lake Michigan. This identity 
was abundantly proved and demonstrated by the Canadian 
botanist, Dr. W. M. Bowden, two years later. — G. NEVILLE 

Volume 64, No. 758, including pages 97-190, was issued June 27, 1962 
Volume 64, No. 759, including pages 191-285, was issued September 28, 1962 


JAN 1 1963 




Conducted and published for the Club, by 




Ln Edit 




Vol. 64 October-December, 1962 No. 760 
Studies in the Iridaceae, VII Robert C. Foster ......... eere 291 

Chromosomal Races in Eastern North American Species of 
Hedyotis (Houstonia) Walter H. Lewis and Edward E. 

Terrell osccccccecseseoccesscodcsscescasdesonscdocnaccdccunedcieetssteneecceedh cocuse TT PEDES 313 
A new Crucifer from the Great Slave Lake Area of Canada 

Reed C, Rollina..... LLL errrreeteskeessssaeeicee meh es cO DEI 324 
Two New Varieties and a New Combination in Rudbeckia 

Robert E. Perdue, Jr. reru 328 
A New Species of Setcreasea from Mexico Shamin A. 

F'arugi, K. L. Mehra and R. P. Celarier ...0..0scnssssmnels 329 
The Parasitic Behavior of Dasistoma macrophylla 

Martin. A. Piehl ..cccsscecccscssarecccssarccossosccesstacsooeetoes e ECT TTE DENEN 331 

(Continued on Inside Cover) 

The Nem England Botanical Club, Ine. 

Botanical Museum, Oxford St., Cambridge 38, Mass. 

CONTENTS: — continued 

Heteromorphic Pollen Grains in Polymnia T. Richard Fisher 

and James R. Wells ......... eese enn 336 
Changes in Flora of the Machias Seal Islands Radcliffe B. 

Pike and A. R. Hodgdon ............. sse ee 340 
The Ferns and Fern Allies of Chihuahua — Book Review 

Rolla M. Tryon eese eene eene 347 
A note on X Cyperus Weatherbianus Marcel Raymond ........ 349 
An Albino Form of Vaccinium macrocarpon 

Frank C. MacKeever essem eene eene 350 
Juniperus horizontalis in New Hampshire 

A. R. Hodgdon and F. L. Steele sss BOL 
Cyperus ferruginescens in Vermont Richard J. Eaton ........ 352 
An Unusual Rubus Frederick L. Steele ............... 353 
Western Plants in Northern Illinois Egbert W. Fell ........ 354 

Additions to the Flora of Illinois Robert H. Mohlenbrock, 
James E. Ozment and George W. Folkerts ccccccccccccscccceeeees 356 

Nostoc parmeliodes in Massachusetts Edgar E. Webber ........ 358 



Vol. 64 October-December, 1962 No. 760 



In view of the fact that the genera Mastigostyla and Car- 
denanthus have been treated piecemeal by me in three dif- 
ferent publications, it seems desirable to give them unified 
treatments, with complete keys, and adding two more species 
to Mastigostyla. A treatment of Anomalostylus, fuller than 
that given in the original publication, is included. Finally, 
there are some notes on the genus Trimezia, with the descrip- 
tion of two new species, some miscellaneous notes, and des- 
criptions of three novelties in the genus Sisyrinchium. 

Aside from specimens in the Gray Herbarium (GH), 
material has been seen from the U. S. National Herbarium 
(US), the New York Botanical Garden (NY), the Missouri 
Botanical Garden (MBG), the Chicago Natural History 
Museum (F), the University of California (UCAL), and 
the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (PHIL). 
To the administrative officers of these herbaria, I am indebt- 
ed for the opportunity of seeing this material. 


Reasons for believing Mastigostyla distinct from Cypella 
were given in detail in Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 155: 22-23 
(1945). Additional material, both of Mastigostyla and 
Cypella, seen since that time has strengthened the view there 

!Gray Herbarium, Harvard University. 


292 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

expressed. This may be recapitulated briefly as follows: 
Mastigostyla has a short but definite perianth-tube, with the 
base of the flower infundibuliform; the long stamen-fila- 
ments are either completely united or nearly so, while the 
anthers are free from the style; the style-arms are bifid to a 
point well below the stigmas; the inner tepals are greatly 
reduced, far more so, proportionately, than in any species 
of Cypella. 

Mastigostyla I. M. Johnst. in Contrib. Gray Herb. (n. s.) no. 81: 
85 (1928); Diels in Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. (ed. 2) 15a: 
498 (1930), as synonym of Cypella; Macbride in Field Mus. Pub. Bot. 
13: 716 (1936), as synonym of Cypella; Foster in Contrib. Gray Herb. 
no. 155: 22-23 (1945) and no. 161: 15 (1946). 

Bulbous, caulescent or acaulescent herbs. Basal leaves few, linear; 
cauline leaves 1-2. Stem simple or branched. Spathes firm-textured, 
usually subequal, or the outer shorter, 1-4-flowered, the slender pedi- 
cels usually not exserted at anthesis. Flowers infundibuliform at the 
base, with a short perianth-tube (usually 2 mm. long) ; the two series 
of tepals markedly dissimilar in size and shape, the outer larger than 
the inner. Stamen-filaments united in a column, the anthers sessile, 
or nearly so, on the column, opposite the style-arms. Style as long 
as the column, more or less wing-margined above; style-arms bifid 
below the transverse stigmas, the crests (2 per style-arm) more or 
less petaloid or flagelliform, decurrent on the abaxial faces of the 
style-arms. Capsule oblong-ellipsoid; seeds small, angulate. 

Type-species: M. cyrtophylla I. M. Johnst. 

a. Length of style, style-arms and -crests less than 15 mm. 
b. Spathes immediately subtended by 1-2 cauline leaves. 

c. Spathes subtended by 2 cauline leaves; style-crests 0.5 mm. 
long; inner tepals oblanceolate, 8 mm. long; Argentina............. 

c. Spathes subtended by 1 cauline leaf; style-crests 1-2.5 mm. 
long; Bolivia. 

d. Style-crests 1 mm. long; inner tepals linear or narrowly 

elliptic, 7 mm. long, not over 1 mm. wide. 2. M. brevicaulis. 

d. Style-crests about 2.5 mm. long; inner tepals ovate, 5.5 mm. 

long, 2.5 mm. wide. .......... eee 3. M. potosina. 

b. Spathes not subtended by cauline leaves. ............ 4. M. Johnstonii. 
a. Length of style, stvle-arms and -crests more than 15 mm. 

e. Spathes subtended by cauline leaves, the plants appearing 

acaulescent. ...........sseeeeeeeeee nennen I enne nennen nnns 5. M. Hopp. 
e. Spathes not subtended by cauline leaves, the plants obviously 

f. Style-crests more or less flagelliform, more than 2 mm. long. 

1962] Iridaceae — Foster 293 

g. Spathes ventricose; inner tepals to 1.4 em. long. oo... eee 
Hooded ETT 6. M. cyrtophylla. 

g. Spathes not ventricose; inner tepals shorter. 
h. Outer tepals obovate-spatulate, 3 cm. long; inner tepals 

i. Basal leaves to 50 cm. long, 4 mm. wide; inner tepals 
Woo Mr RETIRO ONU 7. M. gracilis. 
i. Basal leaves to 29 em. long, 1-2 mm. wide; inner tepals 
repro ur o 4 PRENNENT Deu 8. M. Joergensenii. 
h. Outer tepals oblong, to 2.2 em. long; inner tepals narrowly 
BL EYES CR rt oM NEL OM e 9. M. peruviana. 

f. Style-crests elliptic-lanceolate, 2 mm. long. .. 10. M. Cardenasii. 

1. Mastigostyla Cabrerae R. C. Foster in Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 
171: 25 (1950). Bulb ovoid, about 2.5 em. high and 1.5 em. wide, the 
outer tunics thin, dark-brown. Stem for the most part subterranean, 
3-7 em. long, simple. Basal leaves mostly reduced to brown sheaths, 
rarely 1 produced, filiform, acute, to 10 cm. long and 0.5 mm. wide; 
cauline leaves 2, subtending the spathes, the lower one 12-22 cm. 
long, 2 mm. wide, linear, long-attenuate, acute, glabrous, the upper 
similar but shorter, to 6 cm. long. Spathes subequal or the outer 
longer, 2.5-3 cm. long, the outer one acuminate, obtuse, the inner one 
suboblong, broad at the apex, obtuse, 1-2-flowered. Ovary oblong- 
ellipsoid, glabrous, 7 mm. long. Flowers lilac-colored, obscurely spot- 
ted; outer tepals obovate-spatulate, to 2 cm. long and 5 mm. wide, 
long-unguiculate, rounded at the apex; inner tepals oblanceolate, 8 
mm. long and about 1 mm. wide, the base of the claw glandular- 
tumescent. Stamen-column 8 mm. long; anthers linear, 4 mm. long. 
Style equal to the column in length; style-arms ca. 3 mm. long, bifid 
for about 1.5 mm., the style-crests much reduced, about 0.5 mm. long. 
Capsule and seeds not seen, 

Known only from ARGENTINA. SALTA: San Antonio de los 
Cobres, Jan. 29, 1944, A. L. Cabrera, no. 8255 (type, GH). 

The great reduction of the style-crests is a notable feature 
of this species. Other species with flowers of about the same 
size, M. brevicaulis, for instance, have very much longer 

2. M. brevicaulis (Baker) R. C. Foster in Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 
161: 16 (1946). Nemastylis brevicaulis Baker, Handbk. Irid. 113 
(1892). Bulb ovoid, to 2.5 cm. high, about 1 cm. in diameter, the 
tunies brown, membranous. Basal leaves 1-2, 20-30 cm. long, 3-4 
mm. wide, linear, plicate, acute, glabrous; cauline leaves 1-2, 8-30 cm. 
long, 2-4 mm. wide, the uppermost usually subtending the spathes. 
Stem simple, to 20 cm. tall, terete, glabrous. Spathes herbaceous, sub- 
equal, to 3 em. long, the outer acute, 1-3-flowered; pedicels filiform, not 
exserted at anthesis. Ovary ellipsoid-turbinate, to 5 mm. long, glab- 
rous. Flowers blue; outer tepals long-unguiculate, oblanceolate, some- 
what acute, to 1.8 cm. long and about 5 mm. wide; inner tepals 7 mm. 

294 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

long, 0.75-1 mm. wide, glandular-tumescent at the base, linear or 
lance-linear, acute. Filament-column 6 mm. long; anthers 4 mm. long, 
deeply retuse at the apex. Style 7 mm. long; style-arms 2 mm. long, 
bifid for 1 mm. below the stigmas, the style-crests petaloid, rather 
than flagellar, 1 mm. long. Immature capsule turbinate, about 8 mm. 
long; seeds not seen. 

Known only from BOLIVIA. La Paz: LARECAJA: vic. Sorata; colle 
Ullontiji, 2700 m. alt., Jan.-Apr., 1859, Mandon 1224 in part (isotype, 
NY); MURILLO: near La Paz, 3000 m. alt., Jan. 14, 1907, Buchtien no. 
819 (US). 

As explained when the transfer was originally made, the 
type-number contains a mixture of Cypella and Mastigo- 
styla. The isotype at New York agrees well with the original 
description and, for that reason, the name has been limited 

to the Mastigostyla element. 

3. M. potosina, spec. nov. Bulbus ovoideus, 2 cm. altus, 1 cm. latus, 
tunicae brunneae, tenues. Folia basalia 2 (in specimine incompleta), 
2 mm. lata; folia caulina ad 10 em. longa, 2 mm. lata, acuta, glabra. 
Caulis simplex, glaber, 3-6 em. altus. Spathae subaequales vel exterior 
parum brevior, ad 3.5 em. longae, acutae, herbaceae, 2-fl., pedicelli 
glabri, filiformes, anthesin non exserti. Ovarium oblongum, ad 6 mm. 
longum, glabrum. Flores caerulei, perianthii tubus ad 1 mm. longus; 
tepala exteriora longe unguiculata, obovata, 1.8 em. longa et 6 mm. 
lata, apice truncato-obtusa, breve mucrcnulata; tepala interiora ovata, 
5.5 mm. longa et 2.5 mm. lata, acute vel subacuta. Staminum columna 
circa 9 mm. longa; antherae 4.5-b mm. longae, connectivus latus et 
pertenuis. Stylus columnam longitudine aequans; styli rami et cristae 
ad 1.4 em longi, 2.5-3 mm. bifidi. Capsula seminaque ignota. 

BOLIVIA: Potosi: between Potosí and Camargo, in sandy, rocky 
soil, 3800 m., Feb. 1949, Cárdenas no. 4265 (type, GH). 

This species is most closely related to M. brevicaulis but 
can be readily distinguished by longer style-crests and short- 
er and broader inner tepals. 

4. M. Johnstonii R. C. Foster in Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 155: 25 
(1945). Bulb ovoid, 1-2.5 em. high, 6-10 mm. in diameter, the tunics 
dark-brown, membranous. Basal leaves absent, or 1 rudimentary 
sheath at the base of the stem; cauline leaf borne on the stem about 
4-8 cm. below the inflorescence, lance-linear, attenuate at base, acute, 
plicate, glabrous, at least 15 cm. long and 3-5 mm. wide. Stem simple, 
terete, glabrous, 10-20 em. long. Spathes herbaceous, the outer 3.4- 
4.4 cm. long, acuminate, acute, the inner 3.2-4 cm. long, rather obtuse, 
retuse, 1-3-flowered, the pedicels 2.5-3.5 em. long. Ovary ellipsoid, 
glabrous, to 8 mm. long. Flowers violet; outer tepals at least 1.8 
cm. long and 6 mm. wide, long-unguiculate, obovate; inner tepals much 
reduced, 5-6 mm. long, about 2 mm. wide, ovate-oblanceolate, acute, 
the very short claw tumescent, apparently glandular. Stamen-column 

1962] Iridaceae — Foster 295 

6 mm. long; anthers nearly sessile on the column, 5 mm. long. Style 
as long as the column; style-arms and appendages 6 mm. long, the 
arms entire for 3 mm. and then bifid. Mature capsule and seeds not 

cia Las Pavas, 3200 m. alt., Dec. 3, 1926, Venturi, no. 4636 (type, GH; 
isotype, US); Estancia Santa Rosa, 3600 m. alt, Dec. 13, 1925, 
Venturi, no. 6500 (US). 

In habit, this species most closely resembles M. brevicaulis, 

but by the technical details of the flower it can readily be 
separated. The inner tepals are ovate to oblanceolate, rather 
than linear to lance-linear, and the style-arms and style- 
crests are much longer, with the crests more nearly flagelli- 
form. From M. brevicaulis it differs further in that the 

spathes are not immediately subtended by cauline leaves. 

5. M. Hoppii R. C. Foster in Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 155: 24 (1945). 
Cypella Hoppii Diels ex Macbride in Field Mus. Pub. Bot. 13:717 
(1936), nomen invalidum (without Latin diagnosis). Bulb ovoid to 
subglobose, 1.5-2 cm. high, 1-1.5 em. wide, the tunies dark-brown. 
Basal leaf solitary, shorter than the stem, 3.5-5 cm. long, mostly 
sheathing; cauline leaves 2, immediately subtending the inflorescence, 
the lower to 18 em. long, spathiformly clasping at the base, the linear- 
attenuate blade acute, 1-2 mm. wide, the upper leaf similar, 2.5-7 em. 
long, 1-1.5 mm. wide. Stem simple, terete, glabrous, 3-7 cm. tall. 
Spathes herbaceous, subventricose, the outer to 2 cm. long, acute, 
the inner to 2.5 em. long, obtuse, 2-4-flowered, the pedicels shorter 
than the spathes, even in fruit. Ovary oblong, glabrous, about 5-6 
mm. long. Flowers violet; outer tepals to 2.5 cm. long, the blade 
about 8-10 mm. wide, obovate, obtuse, unguiculate; inner tepals re- 
duced, much smaller than the outer. Stamen-column to 1 cm. long, 
anthers 4-5 mm. long. Style as long as the column; style-arms and 
appendages about 7 mm. long. Capsule oblong-ellipsoid, rather sharply 
trigonous, about 1 cm. long; seeds dark-brown, angulate, 1.5-2 mm. 

Known only from PERU. AREQUIPA: Arequipa, Hopp (type, Berlin, 
not seen; photo GH, F); open gravelly soil above Arequipa, 2500- 
2600 m. alt, Apr. 7-16, 1925, Pennell, no. 13173 (GH, NY); above 
Arequipa, 2500 m. alt., Apr. 7-16, 1925, Pennell, no. 13180 (F, PHIL). 

No flowering material has been seen by me. The descrip- 
tion given has been drawn up from the excellent photograph 
of the type and from fruiting material collected by Pennell. 

6. M. cyrtophylla I. M. Johnst. in Contrib. Gray Herb. (n. s.) no. 
81: 85 (1928). Cypella cyrtophylla (Y. M. Johnst.) Diels in Engler 
& Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. (ed. 2) 15a: 498 (1930); Macbride in 
Field Mus. Pub. Bot. 13: 716 (1936). Bulb ovoid, to 3 em. high, 1.5-2 
cm. wide, the membranous tunics dark-brown. Basal leaves 1-2, re- 

296 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

duced to brownish sheaths, or if produced, to 30 cm. long, 1 mm. wide, 
linear, acute, glabrous; cauline leaves 1-2, to 30 cm. long, 2-4 mm. 
wide, exceeding the inflorescence, the uppermost reduced. Stem occa- 
sionally simple, but usually 1-2-branched well above the base, terete, 
glabrous, to 30 cm. long. Spathes herbaceous, drying with a purplish 
tinge, somewhat ventricose, subequal or the outer shorter, to 4 cm. 
long, several-flowered, the filiform pedicels not exserted at anthesis. 
Ovary oblong, glabrous, 4 mm. long. Flowers clear blue or violet, 
sometimes with darker spots; outer tepals long-unguiculate, the blades 
spreading, to 3 em. long, 1.2 em. wide, obovate, the apex obtuse; 
inner tepals more or less linear-oblanceolate, to 1.4 em. long, 1.5 mm. 
wide, acute. Filaments entirely united, 8 mm. long; anthers to 6 mm. 
long. Style as long as or a little longer than the stamen-column; style- 
arms 5 mm. long, bifid for about 3 mm. below the stigmas, the flagelli- 
form crests to 8 mm. long. Capsule and seeds not seen. 

Known only from PERU. AREQUIPA: southern slopes of Chachani 
Mt., north of Arequipa, 2440-3660 m. alt., March, 1920, Hinkley & 
Hinkley, no. 16 (type, GH); open sandy soil above Arequipa, 2500- 
2600 m. alt, Apr. 7-16, 1925, Pennell, no. 13172 (GH, NY), and 
Pennell, no. 13173a. (PHIL, F); alrededores de Arequipa, 2400-2500 
m. alt., Mar. 31, 1949, Vargas, no. 8102 (GH); cerros de Tura, 2575- 
2620 m. alt., Mar. 28, 1949, Vargas, no. 7962 (GH); Yura, 2700 m. alt., 
Mar. 8, 1914, Weberbauer, no. 6838 (GH, F, US, NY). 

Although the original description of this species gave 
details of capsule and seeds, these details were taken from 
Pennell, no. 13173, a specimen which I now consider to 
belong to M. Hoppii. The very long flagelliform style-crests 
of M. cyrtophylla represent the most extreme development 
of that structure in the genus. 


i. M. gracilis, spec. nov. Bulbus ovoideus, 2.5 cm. altus, 1.5 cm. 
latus, tunieae atrobrunneae, membranaceae. Folia basalia 1-2, ad 50 
cm. longa et 2-3 mm. lata, glabra, acuta, plicata; folia caulina 1-2, 4-14 
em. longa, 2 mm. lata. Caulis simplex vel 1-ramosus, teres, glaber, 
ad 26 em. longus. Spathae subaequales, vel exterior parum brevior, 
ad 4 em, longae, exterior acuminata, acuta, herbacea, interior apice 
obtusa et membranacea, 2-4-fl., pedicelli filiformes, glabri, anthesin 
non exserti. Flores caerulei, perianthii tubus ca. 1.5 mm. longus; 
tepala exteriora longe unguiculata, obovato-spathulata, subobtusa, ad 
3 cm. longa et 8 mm, lata; tepala interiora oblanceolata, acuta, ad 10 
mm. longa et 2 mm. lata. Staminum columna ad 1 em. longa; antherae 
ad 6 mm. longae. Stylus columnam longitudine aequans; styli rami et 
cristae ad 9-10 mm. longae, rami 4 mm. bifidi. Capsula immatura 
oblongo-ovoidea, 1.3 cm. longa; semina non visa. 

BOLIVIA: COCHABAMBA: MIZQUE: Chaguarani, in sandy red clay, 
2700 m. alt., Mar. 31, 1939, Eyerdam, no. 25081 (type, UCAL; isotype, 

1962] Iridaceae — Foster 297 

Most closely related, probably, to M. Joergensenii, M. 
gracilis has a habit of growth which is much more open than 
that of its rather stiff congener. Its basal leaves are longer 
and wider, and the inner tepals longer than those of M. 


8. M. Joergensenii R. C. Foster in Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 171: 26 
(1950). Bulb small, ovoid, to 2 cm. high, 9-10 mm. wide, the tunics 
brown, membranaceous. Basal leaves usually reduced, with 1 pro- 
duced, to 28 cm. long and 1-2 mm. wide; cauline leaves 2, to 15 em. 
long and 2 mm. wide, linear, acute, glabrous. Stem 1-2-branched well 
above the base, terete, glabrous, to 22 cm. long. Spathes herbaceous, 
subequal or the outer more or less shorter, to 4.8 cm. long, 3-4-flowered 
the filiform pedicels not exserted at anthesis. Ovary oblong-ellipsoid, 
to 5 mm. long, glabrous. Flowers blue or purple; outer tepals long- 
unguiculate, to 3 cm. long, the blade about 8 mm. wide, narrowly 
obovate or spatulate, obtuse; inner tepals to 7 mm. long, 2 mm. wide, 
oblanceolate, subacute, the base glandular-tumescent. Filaments 
almost entirely united, 1.2 cm. long; anthers linear, 8 mm. long. Style 
about 1.4 em. long; style-arms 5 mm. long, bifid for 2 mm. below the 
stigmas; style-crests about 4 mm. long, subflagelliform. Capsule and 
seeds not seen. 

Known only from ARGENTINA. CATAMARCA: Andalgalá [no fur- 
ther data available], Jörgensen (type, US no. 921640). La RIOJA: 
Chilecito: Sierra de Famatina, camino a La Mejicana, 2550 m. alt., 
Feb. 5, 1927, Parodi, no. 8012 (GH). 

In its size, this species suggests M. Cardenasii, but it is 
easily distinguished by its more or less flagelliform style- 
crests, narrower outer tepals, and by being branched well 

above the base. 

9. M. peruviana R. C. Foster in Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 171: 25 
(1950). Bulb ovoid, to 2 cm. high and 1.5 cm. wide, the thin smooth 
tunies dark-brown or blackish-brown. Basal leaves 1-2, 8-19 cm. long 
and 1-3 mm. wide, linear, acute, glabrous; cauline leaf 1, exceeding 
the inflorescence, 6-12 cm. long, to 2 mm. wide. Stem simple, terete, 
glabrous, 2-9 cm. long. Spathes subequal, 3 cm. long, not ventricose, 
2-flowered; pedicels to 2.5 em. long. Ovary obovoid, 8 mm. long, 
glabrous. Flowers blue; outer tepals about 2.2 cm. long, 6-7 mm. 
wide, long-unguiculate, the blade oblong, the apex obtusely rounded; 
inner tepals 8-9 mm, long, 2 mm. wide, narrowly elliptie, acute, the 
claw basally tumescent. Filaments united for 9 mm., free for 1 mm.; 
anthers 5 mm. long. Style 1 cm. long; style-arms 4 mm. long, bifid 
for 2 mm.; style-crests flagelliform, about 6 mm. long. Capsule and 
seeds not seen. 

Known only from PERU. APURIMAC: ANDAHUAYLAS: quebrada 2 
km. east of Andahuaylas, among grass, sand and clay, 3050 m. alt., 
Feb. 23, 1939, Stork & Horton, no. 10726 (type, F; isotype, UCAL). 

298 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

Since M. peruviana is obviously caulescent and the single 
cauline leaf does not immediately subtend the spathes, it 
can readily and quickly be distinguished from the dwarf 
M. Hoppii. From M. cyrtophylla it is distinguished by its 
short unbranched stem, smaller flowers, and nonventricose 

10. M. Cardenasii R. C. Foster in Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 155: 23 
(1945); Foster in Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 161: 16 (1946). Bulb 
ovoid, 2-2.5 em. high, 1.5 em. in diameter, the dark-brown membranous 
tunies prolonged upwards in a collar around the base of the stem 
and leaves. Basal leaves 1-2, to 15 cm. long, 1.5 mm. wide, linear, 
acute, glabrous, finely ribbed; cauline leaf 1 (or none), the base 
spathiformly sheathing the stem, equaling or exceeding the inflores- 
cence. Stem simple or branched near the base, 5-30 cm. long, terete, 
glabrous. Spathes herbaceous, firm-textured, to 4.5 cm. long, the 
outer with the margins basally united for 6-7 mm., acuminate, acute, 
the inner spathes equal to or longer than the outer, with broad hyaline 
margins, acute, 2-4-flowered; pedicels filiform, shorter than the spathes 
at anthesis. Ovary obovoid-ellipsoid, glabrous, about 8 mm. long. 
Flowers dark-blue, with darker spots; outer tepals long-unguiculate, 
obovate-spatulate, obtuse, to 3 em. long and 1.5 em. wide; inner tepals 
5 mm. long, 1 mm. wide, narrowly elliptic-lanceolate, acute. Stamen- 
column to 1.2 cm. long, the filaments then free for 1-2 mm.; anthers 
linear, 6 mm. long. Style about as long as the stamen-column; style- 
arms and style-crests 1 cm. long, bifid for 5 mm., the stigmatic pro- 
jections about 1.5 mm. long, the elliptic-lanceolate petaloid crests about 
2 mm. long. Immature capsule ellipsoid-obovoid, to 1 em. long; seeds 
not seen. 

PERU: Cuzco: Saxaihuaman, 3400 m. alt., March, 1943, Cárdenas, 
no. 2337 (type, GH). BOLIVIA: COCHABAMBA: TARATA: Huayrapata, 
near Anzaldo, 3900 m. alt., in open sandy loam, April, 1944, Cárdenas, 
no. 2491 (US). 

On the basis of present knowledge, the other species of 
this genus seem to be rather narrowly endemic. Consequent- 
ly, it is of interest to find this species occurring in Pert 
near Cuzco and in the department of Cochabamba in Bolivia. 


Although much of the material seen was originally deter- 
mined as Nemastylis, Cardenanthus differs from that genus, 
as well as from all but two other American bulbous genera, 
in having a definite perianth-tube. Usually short in itself, 
in relation to the size of the flowers, the tube is a rather 
marked element of the floral morphology. From Ewurynotia 

1962] Iridaceae — Foster 299 

it differs not only in size but also in having divided style- 
arms, not simple style-arms as is true of that genus. From 
Mastigostyla, which it closely resembles in habit and vege- 
tative characters, it differs in having the stigmatic area 
apical or lateral downward from the apex, not transverse 
at the base of style-crests. The general structure of the style 
and stamens associates the genus unmistakably with Tigri- 
dia and its allies. 

Cardenanthus R. C. Foster in Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 155: 3 (1945) 
and no. 161: 13-15 (1946). 

Plants small, bulbous, subacaulescent or appearing so. Leaves few, 
narrowly linear. Inflorescence subsessile, the spathes terminal, flowers 
shortly pedicellate. Flowers basally infundibuliform, perianth-tube 
present, short, the tepals very unequal in size and shape, the outer 
much larger. Stamens opposite the style-arms, the filaments united 
in a column inserted at the apex of the perianth-tube; anthers sessile 
or subsessile on the column. Style filiform, three-branched, the branches 
bifid, canaliculate, apically stigmatose. Capsule oblong-ellipsoid; seeds 
small, numerous. 

Type-species: C. boliviensis R. C. Foster. 

a. Inner tepals glandular-tumescent at base or apex of claw; perianth- 
tube over 3 mm. long 
b. Inner tepals 6 mm. long or less, 1 mm. wide, or less. 
c. Perianth-tube 4 mm. long. 
d. Inner tepals oblanceolate, 1 mm. wide; style-arms 2 mm. 

long, bifid for 1 mm. ................... eee 1. C. orurensis. 

d. Inner tepals linear, less than 0.5 mm. wide; style-arms 3.5 
mm. long, bifid ea. 2 mm. ............... 2. C. boliviensis. 

c. Perianth-tube 7-8 mm. long ................. 3. C. longitubus. 

b. Inner tepals more than 6 mm. long, the narrowly linear or oblan- 
ceolate blade 1.5 mm. wide. 
e. Staminal column ca. 1 cm. long; outer tepals 8 mm. wide, ........ 
mE 4. C. peruvianus. 
e. Staminal column ca. 7 mm. long; outer tepals ca. 4 mm. wide. 
une TERRIER. 5. C. Shepardae. 
a. Inner tepals not glandular-tumescent; perianth-tube not over 2 mm. 
f. Inner tepals to 3.5 mm. long, widest at the base. ................ e 
er T P———— ÁHORREREREUNEE 1 6. C. tunariensis. 
f. Inner tepals to 8 mm. long, widest above the middle. 
g. Inner tepals narrowly oblanceolate, 1 mm. wide. 7. C. Venturi. 
g. Inner tepals obovate-spatulate, 3 mm. wide. ...... 8. C. Vargasii. 
1. Cardenanthus orurensis R. C. Foster in Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 
161: 14 (1946). Plant nearly acaulescent, the bulb ovoid, 2-2.5 cm. 

300 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

high, 1-2 cm. wide, the tunics brown or blackish-brown, rather thin. 
Basal leaves 1-2, much reduced, 2-4 cm. long, little more than fuscous 
or straw-colored sheaths, rarely 1 produced basal leaf present, to 12 
em. long, 1 mm. wide; cauline leaves 2, subtending the spathes, the 
lower one 13-15 em. long, 1.5-2 mm. wide, linear, acute, several-nerved, 
glabrous, the upper leaf similar, 3.5-5 cm. long, 1 mm. wide. Outer 
spathe to 2 cm. long, herbaceous or submembranaceous, acute, the 
inner spathe to 2.4 cm. long, apically truncate, 1- (rarely 2-) flowered; 
pedicels to 6 mm. long. Ovary oblong, glabrous, 5-7 mm. long. Flowers 
blue or blue-purple; perianth-tube 4 mm. long; outer tepals to 1.2 cm. 
long and 6 mm. wide, shortly unguiculate, obovate, apically somewhat 
cbtuse; inner tepals to 4-4.5 mm. long, 1 mm. wide, narrowly elliptic 
or oblanceolate, acute, the base of the claw glandular-tumescent. 
Staminal column 5 mm. long; anthers linear, 3 mm. long. Style as 
long as the column; style-arms 2 mm. long, bifid for 1 mm. Capsule 
and seeds not seen. 

Known only from BOLIVIA. ORURO: CERCADO: Hacienda Huanca- 
roma, near Eucaliptus, 3000 m. alt., Feb. 19-27, 1934, Hammarlund, 
no. 94 (type, NY). 

A second specimen, in fruit, from which the details of 
capsule and seeds have been drawn for the generic charac- 
terization, may belong here or with the next species. It is 
Asplund, no. 6362 (US), from Uyuni, in the Department of 
Potosí, collected at 3700 m. alt., Mar. 25, 1921. 

2. C. boliviensis R. C. Foster in Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 155: 4 
(1945) and no. 161: 14 (1946). Plant seemingly acaulescent, but with 
a 2-4 cm. underground stem, the bulb ovoid, 2 cm. high, 1 cm. wide. 
Basal leaves absent; cauline leaves 2, immediately subtending the 
spathes, the lower to 9 em. long, 1 mm. wide, the upper to 4 cm. long, 
1 mm. wide, linear, acute, glabrous. Spathes herbaceous, the outer 
1.5-2 em. long, the inner 2-2.5 cm. long, obtuse, retuse, 2-3-flowered, 
the flowers subsessile. Ovary ellipsoid, glabrous, about 3 mm. long. 
Flowers blue; perianth-tube to 4 mm. long; outer tepals to 1.4 cm. 
long, 4-5 mm. wide, ovate, acuminate to the subobtuse apex; inner 
tepals to 5 mm. long, linear, the base of the claw glandular-tumescent, 
the enlarged portion to 0.75 mm. long, the blade about 0.33 mm. wide, 
not acuminate, blunt at the apex. Staminal column 5 mm. long; 
anthers 5 mm. long. Style about 8-9 mm. long; style-arms 3.5 mm. 
long, bifid for more than half their length, the stigmatic area ciliate. 
Capsule and seeds unknown. 

Known only from BOLIVIA. Potosi: Potosí, 4000 m. alt., Jan. 1932, 
Cárdenas, no. 124 (type, GH). 

Unlike other members of the genus, in this species the 

blade of the inner tepals seems to be completely linear, with 
a blunt apex. 

3. C. longitubus R. C. Foster in Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 171: 23 

1962] Iridaceae — Foster 301 

(1950). Bulb ovoid, to 1.5 em. high, 1 cm. wide, the thin tunics dark- 
brown. Leaves basal, several, the outermost reduced to ventricose 
cataphylls, the inner 3-4 long-sheathing, the narrowly linear, strongly 
recurved, glabrous, acute blades to 10 cm. long, 1 mm. wide (or less), 
the midrib and edges thickened. Stem mainly subterranean, simple, 
terete, glabrous, to 3 em. long. Spathes equal or unequal, the outer 
to 2.2 em. long, abruptly acuminate, the inner nearly as long, or some- 
what shorter, obtuse, 1-2-flowered, pedicel filiform, glabrous, to 6 mm. 
long. Ovary narrowly ellipsoid, 6 mm. long, glabrous, trigonous. 
Flowers light purple, sometimes with darker streaks; perianth-tube 
to 7-8 mm. long, narrowly cylindrical, abruptly ampliate at the apex; 
outer tepals long-clawed, obovate, to 1.5 cm. long, the somewhat acute 
blade to 6 mm. wide; inner tepals linear, acute, to 6 mm. long, 
slightly less than 1 mm. wide, with a tumescent patch about 1.5 m 
above the base. Staminal column 5 mm. long; anthers linear, 4-5 m 
long. Style 1.4 cm. long; style-arms 1 mm, long, bifid for 0.5 m 
Mature capsule and seeds not seen. 

Known only from BOLIVIA. La PAZ: PACAJES: Rosario, 4100 m. 
alt., Jan. 13, 1921, Mrs. R. B. Shepard, no. 235 (type, GH; isotype, 

Growing in wet sandy soil, this species can be distin- 
guished from its congeners by the longest perianth-tube and 
the longest style in the genus. 

4. C. peruvianus R. C. Foster in Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 171: 24 
(1950). Bulb ovoid, to 2 cm. high, 1.5 em. wide, the thin tunics dark- 
brown. Basal leaves 1-2, to 28 cm. long and 0.5-1.5 mm. wide, plicate, 
glabrous, very acute; cauline leaves 1-2, to 25 cm. long, 1.75 mm. wide, 
immediately subtending the spathes. Stem simple, mostly subterran- 
ean, 2.5-4 em. long. Spathes about equal, or the outer somewhat 
longer, to 3 em. long, obtuse, 1-2-flowered, the glabrous pedicels to 7 
mm. long. Ovary truncately ellipsoid, glabrous, to 7 mm. long. Flowers 
pale violet with darker spots; perianth-tube 4 mm. long; outer tepals 
to 1.8 em. long, 8 mm. wide, obovate-spatulate, somewhat obtuse; inner 
tepals to 8 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide, oblanceolate, acute, the claw short 
and glandular-tumescent. Staminal column to 10 mm. long; anthers 
3.3.5 mm. long. Style to 1.1 cm. long; style-arms 2.5 mm. long, bifid 
for 1.5 mm., wide, conduplicate. Capsule and seeds unknown. 

Known only from PERU. TACNA: TARATA: Candarave, 2900-3000 
m. alt., Mar. 11-13, 1925, Weberbauer, no. 7387 (type, F). 

Growing in open shrubbery, this close relative of C. Shep- 
ardae can be distinguished from it by the longer style, longer 
staminal column, less bifid style-arms, and broader outer 

5. C. Shepardae R. C. Foster in Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 155: 5 

(1945). Bulb ovoid, 1.5 cm. high, 0.5-1 cm. wide. Basal leaves 1-2, 
to 4 em. long, 1 mm. wide, glabrous; cauline leaf single, subtending 


302 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

the spathes, itself somewhat spathiform, to 2.7 em. long, 1 mm. wide, 
subfaleate. Stem mostly underground, 1-1.5 em. long. Spathes her- 
baceous, the outer to 2.2 cm. long, acuminate, acute, the inner to 2.5 
cm. long, tapering to a blunt retuse apex, 2-flowered, the pedicels about 
4 mm. long at anthesis. Ovary about 5 mm. long, ellipsoid, glabrous. 
Flowers light purple; perianth-tube to 4 mm. long; outer tepals ca. 
1.5 em. long, ea. 4 mm. wide, oblanceolate-spatulate; inner tepals ca. 
1 em. long,1.5 mm, wide, linear or narrowly oblanceolate, with an oval 
glandular patch on the claw 4 mm. above the base. Staminal column 
ca. 7 mm. long; anthers 4 mm. long. Style as long as the column; 
style-arms 2.3-4 mm. long, bifid nearly to the base. Capsule and seeds 

Known only from eastern PERU. PUNO: HUANCANE: Umuchi, in 
sandy places, 3125 m. alt., Dec. 10, 1919, Mrs. R. S. Shepard, no. 99 
(type, GH). 

Through an unfortunate error, presumably in typing the 
manuscript, the original description stated that the length 
of the staminal column was 1.1 cm. ; this has been corrected 
in the description given above. 

6. C. tunariensis R. C. Foster in Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 155: 5 
(1945) and in no. 161: 15 (1946). Nemastylis nana sensu Rusby, non 
S. Watson, in Mem. Torr. Bot. Club, 6(1) : 125 (1896), in part. Plant 
subacaulescent, the ovoid bulb to 2 em. high, about 1 em. wide. Basal 
leaf solitary, 7-12 cm. long, 1 mm. wide; cauline leaf solitary, sub- 
tending the spathes, 4-8 cm. long, 1 mm. wide, acute, glabrous. 
Spathes herbaceous, the outer to 3 cm. long, acute, acuminate, the 
inner 1.7-2.6 cm. long, subobtuse, 2-flowered, the pedicels to 1.3 em. 
long. Ovary ellipsoid, glabrous, 4 mm, long. Flowers blue or purple; 
perianth-tube to 2 mm. long; outer tepals 1 em. long, the blade 4 mm. 
wide, oblanceolate; inner tepals to 3.5 mm. long, 1 mm. wide at the 
base, narrowly lance-deltoid, acuminate, acute, eglandular. Staminal 
column 5 mm. long; anthers 3-3.5 mm. long, nearly sessile on the 
column. Style as long as the column; style-arms 1.5 mm. long, bifid 
almost to the base. Capsule and seeds unknown. 

Known only from BOLIVIA. CocHABAMBA: CERCADO: near snow- 
line, Mt. Tunari, 1891, Bang, no. 1042 (type, GH; co-types US, MBG). 

Although the available material of this species is scanty 
and poor, it seems established that the inner tepals lack the 
glandular-tumescent area and are broadest at the base. 

7. C. Venturii R, C. Foster in Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 155: 6 (1945). 
Bulb ovoid, 1.5-2 cm. high, 1-1.5 cm. wide. Basal leaves 1-2, to 10 em. 
long, 1 mm. wide, acute, glabrous; cauline leaf solitary, subtending the 
spathes, to 6.5 cm. long, 1 mm. wide. Stem mostly underground, 1-2 
em. long. Spathes herbaceous, to 2.5 cm. long, subequal or the inner 
somewhat shorter, the outer acute, the inner obtuse, 2-flowered, the 
pedicels to 5 mm. long at anthesis. Ovary ellipsoid, glabrous, about 

1962] Iridaceae — Foster 303 

4 mm. long. Flowers blue; perianth-tube 2 mm. long; outer tepals to 
1.5 em. long, 3 mm. wide, oblanceolate-spatulate, subobtuse; inner te- 
pals 8 mm. long, 1 mm. wide, narrowly oblanceolate, acute, not glandu- 
lar-tumescent. Staminal column 7 mm. long; anthers sessile on the 
column, 2.5 mm. long. Style as long as the column; style-arms 1.5 mm. 
long, bifid for 0.5 mm. Capsule and seeds unknown. 

Known only from northern ARGENTINA. Jusuy: HUMAHUACA: 
Cerro La Soledad, 3500 m. alt., Jan. 25, 1928, Venturi, no. 9025 (type, 
GH; isotype, US). TUCUMÁN: CHICLIGASTA: Estancia Santa Rosa, 
4600 m. alt., Dec. 13, 1925, Venturi, no. 4065 (US). 

Since the original publication of this species, another col- 
lection has been seen, which strengthens my feeling of its 


8. C. Vargasii R. C. Foster in Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 171: 24 
(1950). Bulb small, more or less globose, about 1 cm. in diameter, the 
brown, thin membranous coats prolonged upward in a collar. Basal 
leaves several, basally long-sheathing, the sheaths reaching nearly to 
the middle of the spathes, the blades sharply reflexed outward above 
the sheaths, to 6 cm. long, 2 mm. wide, plicate, lance-linear, acute, 
glabrous. Stem mostly subterranean, simple, to 1.5 cm. long, cauline 
leaves apparently absent. Spathes subequal, to 1.8 cm. long, acute, 
or the inner subobtuse, 1- (rarely 2-) flowered, the flowers shortly 
pedicellate, the pedicels only a few mm. long. Ovary oblong-ellipsoid, 
glabrous, to 5 mm. long. Flowers white, with violet lines; perianth- 
tube to 1.5-2 mm. long; outer tepals spatulate, to 1.2 cm. long, the 
obtuse, retuse blade 6 mm, wide, the apical indentation crenulate; inner 
tepals unguiculate, the claw 2 mm. long, not glandular-tumescent, the 
obovate-spatulate blade 6 mm. long, 3 mm. wide, obtuse. Filaments 
completely united, the tube 4 mm. long; anthers 2.3 mm. long. Style 
6 mm. long; style-arms 1.5 mm. long, bifid almost to the base, broad, 
conduplieate, with an internal central ridge and a minute tubercle at 
each secondary sinus. Capsule and seeds not seen. 

Known only from PERU. PuNo: CARABAYA; pampa de Lacka, 
Macusani, 4360 m. alt., Feb. 15, 1948, Vargas (leg. E. P.), no. 7135 
(type, GH). 

The broad inner tepals and the lack of cauline leaves serve 
to distinguish this species from its relatives. The most note- 
worthy difference, aside from the color of the flower, is the 
presence of small tubercles at the secondary sinuses of the 
style-arms. These have not been noted in other members of 

the genus. 

Until recently, the species treated here as belonging to 
Anomalostylus have been considered to belong to Cypella. 

304 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

The principal difference between the two genera is the 
strange development of the style in Anomalostylus. Not 
only are the style-arms suppressed, as is rarely true in 
Cypella, but the style-crests are fused in such a manner that 
three apical lobes, alternate with the stamens, are produced. 
Actually, however, the stamens are opposite the transverse 
stigmatic areas, so that there can be no question of the rela- 
tionship of Anomalostylus and Cypella. 

Anomalostylus R. C. Foster in Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 165: 110 

Bulbous, perennial, caulescent herbs, the bulbs probably rather 
large, Basal leaves several, cauline leaves few. Inflorescences terminal 
on the main axis and branches, the flowers long-pedicellate in herba- 
ceous spathes. Flowers crateriform, the tepals basally connate, but 
a perianth-tube absent, the two series of tepals dissimilar in size and 
shape. Filaments free or slightly united at the base; anthers apically 
and adaxially adherent to the style-wings below the stigmatic areas. 
Style long-cyathiform, strongly trialate, style-arms completely obso- 
lete, the three sides of the style produced above the stigmas as low, 
semi-orbicular, or truncately deltoid, retuse lobes, these alternate with 
the stamens; stigmatic tongues two above each stamen, transverse, 
small, faleate, fimbriate-papillate, the stigmatic area apparently con- 
tinued along the inner edge of each lobe to the retuse apex. Capsule 
and seeds unknown. 

Type-species: A. crateriformis R. C. Foster. 

a. Leaves and spathes densely pruinose. ........... ees 1. A. grandis. 
a. Leaves and spathes not pruinose. 

b. Basal leaves to 80 cm. long and 1.8 cm. wide; pedicels shorter 
than inner spathe at anthesis; filaments 5-6 mm. long. ................ 

b. Basal leaves to 40 em. long and 4-5 mm. wide; pedicels equaling 
the inner spathe at anthesis; filaments 3-4 mm. long ................ 

1. Anomalostylus grandis (Kranzl.), comb. nov. Cypella grandis 

Kranzl. in Fedde, Rep. Spec. Nov. 14: 295 (1916). Bulb large, ovoid, 
7-8 em. high and 4 em. wide, the tunics verrucose (fide Kranzlin). 
Basal leaves about 4, linear-attenuate, acute, stiff, with numerous fine 
veins, pruinose, to 60 em. (80 em. fide Kranzlin) long, to 1.8 cm. wide; 
cauline leaves 3-4, appressed against the stem, overlapping or subim- 
bricate, pruinose, acute, thick, very firm-textured, the lowest to 20 em. 
long (45 em. fide Kránzlin), two-thirds sheathing, the up- 
per leaves reduced to more or less sheathing, spathiform, cari- 
nate bracts. Stem terete, glabrous, branched, nearly 70 cm. tall. 
Spathes pruinose, nearly equal, the outer a few millimeters shorter 

1962] Iridaceae — Foster 305 

than the inner, to 6 cm. long (8 em. fide Kranzlin), broad, rather 
abruptly acute, carinate, rigid, finely veined, the inner similar but 
truncate at the somewhat membranous apex, 2-3-flowered; pedicels 
stcutish, glabrous, well-exserted from the spathes at anthesis. Ovary 
oblong-clavate, to 2 cm. long, glabrous. Flowers yellow (fide Krünz- 
lin); outer tepals oblong-obovate, without marked differentiation be- 
tween blade and claw, the inner face of the lower portion rather 
sparsely glandular-pubescent, about 4 cm. long and 1.8 cm. wide 
(6 cm. x 2.5 cm., fide Kranzlin), the rather blunt apex somewhat 
penicillate; inner tepals about 2 cm. long and 1 em. wide (3 cm. x 8 
mm., fide Kranzlin), with a well-marked, long, spatulate-naviculate 
claw, the margins more or less densely glandular-cilate, somewhat 
erect or spreading, but inflexed and with a broad pubescent arc at 
that point, the oblong-ovate blade strongly deflexed, not glandular- 
ciliate, with a broad pubescent patch in the center. Filaments very 
slightiy united at the base, 4 mm. long; anthers linear, 8-9 mm. long, 
adnate to the style about 2 mm. below the sinuses. Style 1.5 cm. long, 
filiform for about 4 mm., then dilating and becoming oblong-cyathi- 
form upward, the three apical lobes rounded, about 5 mm. broad at 
the base and 2 mm. high. 

Known only from PARAGUAY. Sierra de Amambay, January, Hass- 
ler (coll. Rojas) no. 10,001 (type, not seen; photo, GH, F); in the 
neighborhood of the Río Alto Paraná, 1909/10, Fiebrig, no. 6273 (GH, 
US); Cordillera de Altos, Oct. 8, 1902, Fiebrig, no. 224 (F). 

This stiff erect plant with firm-textured leaves is easily 
distinguished from the other two species by the heavily 
glaucous or pruinose leaves and spathes, by the sheathing 
cauline leaves, which conceal most of the upper portion of 
the stem, and by the very thick texture of the flowers. 

2. A. crateriformis R. C. Foster in Contrib. Gray Herb. no. 165: 
111 (1947). Bulb incompletely known, probably large. Basal leaves 
several, to 80 cm. long and 1.8 cm. wide, linear, acute, glabrous, not 
prvinose, striate with numerous fine veins, the central vein distinctly 
more prominent than the rest; cauline leaves 2-4, the lowermost 12-42 
cm. long, basally sheathing, the upper ones successively reduced, but 
not concealing the stem. Stem 1-3-branched, terete, glabrous. Spathes 
herbaceous, rather naviculate, the outer striate, carinate, abruptly 
acute, 3.5-4.5 em. long, the inner slightly longer, truncate, several- 
flowered; pedicels shorter than the inner spathe at anthesis, rather 
slender, glabrous, ultimately elongating. Flowers apparently yellow; 
outer tepals obovate, to 3.5 em. long and 2.2 em, wide, without well- 
marked differentiation between blade and claw, the basal portion 
with 8-9 ridges and very sparse puberulence on the inner surface, the 
apex of the blade retuse with a short, blunt, penicillate apiculus; 
inner tepals to 2.5 cm. long and 1 em. wide, the spatulate-naviculate 
claw flushed and streaked with blue or purple, much darker than the 
outer tepals (at least in dried material), densely glandular-ciliate, 

306 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

the iuner face glandular-pubescent, erect or somewhat spreading, 
somewhat inflexed at the apex, the strongly reflexed blade yellow, with 
a broad U-shaped pubescent patch and 2 round or oval pubescent 
patehes in the center, these sometimes confluent, the apex rather blunt 
and penicillate. Filaments united at the base for 1 mm., 5-6 mm. 
long; anthers 7-11 mm. long, adherent to the style 1-2 mm, below the 
sinuses. Style enlarged upward almost from the base, 1.4-1.5 em. 
long, the low, rounded or subdeltoid, apieal lobes 3-4 mm. wide at 
the base and 1.5 mm, high. 

BRAZIL: PARANA: Serrinha, ad marg. viae ferreae, Oct. 14, 1909, 
Dusén, no. 8705 (type, US; isotype, NY); MINAS GERAIS: 1865-66, 
Regnell, III, no. 1214 (US); Arceira, Feb. 24, 1951, A. Macedo, no. 
3212 (US); Rio GRANDE DO SUL: Estancia L. Gomez (Neu-Württem- 
berg), 500 m. alt., Oct. 18, 1904, Bornmüller, no. 302 (GH). PARA- 
GUAY: in the campo Estancia Primera, January, 1932, Jorgensen, no. 
4537 in part (as to NY, PHIL). 

As was pointed out in the original description, this plant 
is almost certainly the one figured by Larranaga, Escritos, 
Atlas, 1: t. XII (1927). It has been sufficiently distinguished 
from A. grandis, and from A. coriifolius it may be separated 
by its larger size, thicker leaves, pedicels shorter than the 
spathes at anthesis, longer filaments, and by the much thick- 
er texture of the tepals and style. 

3. A. coriifolius (Baker), comb. nov. Cypella coriifolia Baker in 
Bull. Herb. Boiss. (ser. 2) 3: 1103 (1903). Bulb incompletely known 
but apparently large. Basal leaves several, to 40 em. long, 4-5 mm. 
wide, linear, acute, glabrous, not pruinose, rather thick and rigid, 
densely and finely nerved, the mid-nerves hardly more prominent than 
the rest; cauline leaves 2-3, the lower-most partly sheathing, 7-20 
cm. long, 3-7 mm. wide, the upper ones mostly sheathing, spathiform, 
but not concealing the upper portion of the stem. Stem 2-3-branched, 
terete, glabrous, to 66 em. tall. Spathes herbaceous, finely veined, 
rather stiff, unequal, the outer to 4 cm. long, long-acute, the inner 
somewhat longer, truncate at the apex, several-flowered; pedicels 
slender, equaling the inner spathe at anthesis, glabrous. Ovary 
oblong-ellipsoid, to 7 mm. long, glabrous. Flower pale yellow, tinged or 
spotted with blue at the base within; outer tepals not well-differen- 
tiated into claw and blade, obovate-spatulate, the apex retuse with a 
very short penicillate mucro, to 3.2 cm. long and 1.5 em. wide, the 
basal portion sparsely glandular-puberulent and about 8-ridged on the 
inner face; inner tepals somewhat shorter, the margin, except the 
upper half of the blade, glandular-ciliate, the claw narrow at the 
base, then widening considerably, becoming spatulate-naviculate, the 
inner face with about 5 ridges and sparsely puberulent, erect or 
somewhat spreading but inflexed at the apex, with a dense, broadly 
U-shaped, pubescent blotch at the base of the strongly reflexed, 

1962] Iridaceae — Foster 307 

broadly ovate (8-9 mm. wide) blade, with a semi-lunate patch in the 
center of the blade, the apex rather blunt and shortly penicillate. 
Filaments slightly united at the base, 3-4 mm. long; anthers 6-7 mm. 
long, adnate to the style about 2 mm. below the sinuses. Style 1.2 cm. 
long, filiform at the base but soon becoming cyathiform, the 3 apical 
lobes semiorbicular or truncately deltoid, about 2.5 mm. wide at the 
base and 1.5 mm. high. 

Known only from PARAGUAY. In the campo Hiaty, January, 1930, 
Jorgensen, no. 4532 (US, NY, MBG, F, PHIL); in the campo Tapytu, 
March, 1931, Jorgensen, no. 4537 in part (as to US, MBG). 

This species is admittedly close to the preceding, but 
seems distinct. To the points of differentiation mentioned 
in the discussion of A. crateriformis, the increased glandu- 
lar-ciliation of the inner tepals of A. coriifolius may be 



For a number of years, the binomial Tritonia riparia Cor- 
demoy, Fl. lle Réunion, 161 (1895), has seemed to me to be 
a “spook.” It seemed highly unlikely that a true Tritonia 
should be found native on the island of Réunion. Dr. E. P. 
Phillips, Gen. S. Afr. Fl. Pls. (ed. 2) 218 (1951), says of the 
generic distribution: “between 40 and 50 species in South 
Africa, found mostly in the southwestern districts of the 
Cape Province, but extending from Namaqualand through 
the coastal area into Natal; found also in the Transvaal.” 
But that is a far cry from Réunion. There is in the Gray 
Herbarium a sheet from Réunion, collected by G. de L’Isle, 
no. 562, from one of the localities cited in the original publi- 
cation of the species, “Ravine séche, St. Benoit." The plant 
seemed strangely familiar in appearance and dissection soon 
showed that it is the widespread and common Caribbean 
irid, Trimezia martinicensis (Jacq.) Herb. As a result, the 
binomial Tritonia riparia becomes an additional synonym of 
Trimezia martinicensis, a name already well-burdened with 

Within the past few years I have had more than one 
inquiry as to the correct spelling of the generic name Tri- 
mezia, my correspondents pointing out that the original 
spelling was Trimeza. This is correct. The generic name 
was spelled Trimeza when it was published by Salisbury in 

308 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

Trans. Hort. Soc. 1: 308 (1812). However, this name was 
published as a nomen nudum and must, therefore, be disre- 
garded. The first valid use of the name known to me is 
Herbert’s in Bot. Reg. 30: Misc. p. 88 (1844), where he 
used the spelling Trimezia. Since Herbert gave a generic 
character, there can be no question of the validity and legiti- 
macy of the publication. Therefore, Herbert’s spelling, Tri- 
mezia, rather than Salisbury’s spelling, Trimeza, must be 

Again in response to inquiry, it should be noted that the 
binomial Trimezia martinicensis (Jack.) Herb. was made 
in the description of T. meridensis Herb. in Bot. Reg. 30: 
Misc. p. 88 (1844), where Herbert wrote “Caetera ut in T. 
Martinieensi." In the brief English discussion which fol- 
lowed, he referred to “This plant, handsomer than the old 
species, long called Iris Martinicensis. . . ." Consequently, 
there can be no doubt concerning the basionym of T. mar- 
tinicensis. Since the two binomials, T. martinicensis and T. 
meridensis, were thus published simultaneously, as well as 
simultaneously with the validation of the generic name, it 
becomes necessary to select one of them as the type-species 
of the genus. Since T. martinicensis is based on the much 
older and well-understood name of Jacquin, I am designating 
it as the type-species. The second species, T. meridensis, is 
not well-understood (indeed, there is considerable question 
as to what it is, as well as to whether it represents merely a 
local variant of T. martinicensis or is a distinct species) , and 
it seems to me ill-advised to select a doubtful concept as the 
type of the genus. 

Trimezia lutea (Klatt), comb. nov. Cypella lutea Klatt in Mart. 
Fl. Bras. 3(1): 522 (1871). Marica bulbosa Klatt in Abh. Naturf. 
Ges. Halle, 16: 374 (1882). Neomarica bulbosa (Klatt) Sprague in 
Kew Bull. 1928: 281 (1928). 

It is obvious from an excellent photograph of Martius, no. 
437, from Minas Gerais, Brazil, which may be chosen as the 
lectotype, that Cypella lutea Klatt is unquestionably a Tri- 
mezia. It differs from T. martinicensis in having the single 
cauline leaf close to the apex of the stem, with the inflores- 
cence appearing pseudolateral in some instances. The root- 
stock, however, is completely characteristic of Trimezia, 

1962] Iridaceae — Foster 309 

resembling a small bulb or corm, with the outer tunics split 
into parallel fibers. No other genus of New World irids 
possesses such a rootstock, and for that reason Cypella lutea 
Klatt is here transferred to Trimezia. The name Marica 
bulbosa was merely a renaming by Klatt when he trans- 
ferred the plant to Marica, because of the existence of 
Marica lutea Herb. But Herbert's name was apparently a 
nomen provisorium and must be disregarded. In any case, 
it could not bar the use of the epithet lutea in Trimezia. 

BRAZIL: MINAS GERAIS: Ouro Preto, Martius, no. 437 (lectotype; 
photo GH). COLOMBIA: Meta: Rancho Menegua, 100 km. SE of 
Villavicencio, Helen Schieffer, no. 816 (GH). 

Trimezia Martii (Baker), comb. nov. Marica Martii Baker, 
Handbk. Irid. 63 (1892). Neomarica Martii (Baker) Sprague in Kew 
Bull. 1928: 281 (1928). 

From the description of the rootstock, it seems clear that 
Marica Martii is a Trimezia. Since it seems distinct from 
other species of the martinicensis-complex, I am retaining 
it as a separate species, at least for the present. 

Trimezia fistulosa, spec. nov. Perennis, breve rhizomatosa, rhi- 
zoma ad 3-4 em. crassum, foliis vetustioribus vestitum, haec deinde 
in fibris parallelibus. Folia basalia plura, perfistulosa et tubulosa, per- 
recurvata, ad 20 cm. longa et 6-8 mm. in diametro, glabra. Scapus ad 
15 em. altus, glaber, folia caulina absentia. Spathae plures, terminales, 
spatha infima ad 2 cm. longa, acuta, spatha suprema ad 3.5 cm. longa, 
obtusa, apice hyalina et subcrenulata. Pedicelli 3-4, spathas anthesin 
aequantes. Ovarium glabrum, oblongum, ad 8 mm. longum. Flores 
fructus seminaque ignota. BRAZIL: MINAS GERAIS: Serra do Cipó, 
1800 m., Aug. 5, 1936, W. A. Archer, no. 3675 (type in U. S. Nat. 
Herb.; isotype in herb. U. S. Nat. Arb.) ; Serra do Cipó, Santa Luzia, 
km. 118, Aug. 23, 1933, Mello Barreto, no. 3040 (F); Diamantina, 
Glaziou (photo, GH). 

To describe a new irid without flowers, fruit or seeds may 
appear somewhat rash. Yet the rootstock is that of a Tri- 
mezia (in the Lansburgia group), and the leaves are unique 
in American irids. Thick, firm-textured, strongly recurved 
and tubular-fistulose, they leave no alternative to describing 
the plant as a new species. According to a handwritten note 
on the Glaziou specimen, the flowers are yellow, which 
accords with the attribution to Trimezia. When flowers are 

available for study, it is possible that this plant may prove 

310 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

to represent an undescribed genus. For the time being, 
however, I prefer to leave it in Trimezia. 

Trimezia Steyermarkii, spec. nov. A T. martinicensi foliis longis 
et latis, caule ramoso, et rhizomate crasso magnoque differt. Rhizome 
to 4 em. wide and 4 cm. long. Leaves ensiform, thin-textured, the 
midrib prominent, to 60 cm. long and 2 cm. wide, occasionally a little 
wider. Spathes obviously terminal and not pseudolateral, several- 
flowered, herbaceous, thin-textured, unequal, the outer spathe about 
2 em. long, the inner to 3 cm. long, or a little longer. Pedicels 
glabrous, equaling the spathes at anthesis. Ovary glabrous, more or 
less clavate, less than 1 em. long. Flowers yellow with purple or 
brown-purple bands, probably not over 3 cm. in diameter. Style and 
stamens those of Trimezia, Fruit and seeds unknown. GUATEMALA: 
ALTA VERAPAZ: Pansamala, 4100 ft., J. D. Smith, Pl. Guat. no. 1786 
(US); along Quiché highway about 12 km. west of San Cristóbal, 1100 
m., in dense mixed forest, Standley, no. 89752 (F, GH); wooded slope 
near Río Ievolay, near Hacienda Yaxcabnal, 5 mi. NW. of Cubilgüitz, 
250-300 m., Steyermark, no. 44690 (F, GH) ; between Hacienda Yax- 
cabnal alonga Río Ievolay and Rio Apia, 6-8 mi. NW of Cubilgüitz, 
210-250 m., Steyermark, no. 45011 (F, GH); vicinity of Rio Dolores, 
near Dolores, 1-2 mi. NE. of Cubilgüitz, 290-300 m., Steyermark, no. 
44827 (F, GH); Coban, 1500 m., von Tuerckheim in J. D. Smith, Pl. 
Guat. no. 96 (US); Coban, 1400 m., von Tuerckheim II, no. 760 (US); 
von Tuerckheim (US no. 933767) ; Huehuetenango: cafetal of Finca 
Soledad, 5 mi. SE. of Barillas, Sierra de los Cuchumatanes, 1150 m., 
Steyermark, no. 49539 (type, GH; isotype, F). 

No satisfactory material is available at the moment for 
dissection, and so floral details cannot be given. Bud-dissec- 
tion shows, however, that the plant is a Trimezia. Most of 
the material cited was originally determined as Neomarica. 

In addition to the Guatemalan material cited, there are 
two additional collections from southern Mexico which prob- 

ably belong here. 

Oaxaca: Lalana, 1000 m., Chinantla, Teotalcingo, Galeotti no. 5380 
(US). CmiaPAS: Chicharras, 1000-2000 m., E. W. Nelson, no. 3756 


In the treatment of the family Iridaceae in Macbride's 
Flora of Peru (Field Mus. Pub. Bot. 13(1) : 707-717 [1936]), 
the genus Eleutherine is not included. Consequently, it was 
a matter of great interest to discover a sheet of Eleutherine 
bulbosa (Mill. Urban in a small but important suite of 

1962] Iridaceae — Foster Bil 

specimens sent to the Gray Herbarium by Dr. César Vargas 
C. The data for the specimen are as follows: PERU: Cuzco: 
CONVENCION: Quillabamba, Granja de Misiones, 1040 m. 
alt., enero-marzo, 1947, Vargas, no. 6347. 

Through the kindness of Dr. Vargas, an isotype of Cypella 
Goodspeediana Vargas (Vargas, no. 2509) has been pre- 
sented to the Gray Herbarium. Its appearance is not typical 
of Cypella and a bud-dissection showed unmistakably that 
it is a Cipura. The following transfer is thus necessary. 

Cipura Goodspeediana (Vargas), comb. nov. Cypella Goodspeediana 
Vargas in Revist. Univ. Cuzco, 33 (no. 87) : 171 (1945). 

During determinative work, over a period of years, three 
apparently undescribed species of Sisyrinchium have been 
noted. Their descriptions follow. 

Sisyrinchium bromelioides, spec. nov. Herba perennis, rhizomatosa, 
rhizoma subcrassum, breve. Folia basalia ad 110 cm. longa et 2 cm. 
lata, minute denseque papillosa, marginibus tenuibus; folia caulina 
nulla. Caulis ad 60 cm. altus (ad 2 m. fide Rambo), ancipitus, bractea 
terminzlis ad 8-9 cm. longa. Inflorescentia terminalis non pseudolat- 
eralis, ad 30 em. alta, multiramosa, bracteis acutis, firmis obtecta, 
bracteae usque ad 2 cm. longae; spathae firmae, acutae, ad 1.5 cm. 
longae, raro longiores, pluriflorae. Pedicelli tenues, spathas anthesin 
subexcedentes, glabri. Ovarium turbinatum, glabrum, ad 2 cm. 
longum. Perianthium flavum, atrolineatum; tepala subaequalia, ellip- 
tica, acuta, ad 9 mm. longa et 2.5 mm. lata. Filamenta ad 3 mm. 
longa, 1 mm. basi coalita; antherae lineares, 2.5 mm. longae. Stylus 
1.5 mm. longus, styli rami 3 mm. longi. Capsula subglobosa, ad 6 mm. 
alta; semina complanato-globosa, ad 2.5 mm. lata, brunneo-nigra, 
sublucentia, irregulariter foveolata. BRAZIL: Rio GRANDE DO SUL: 
S. Leopoldo, in wet or marshy places, 17 Dec. 1948, Rambo, no. 38856 
(GH); S. Leopoldo, Nov. 1941, Leite, no. 2032 (type, Arnold Arbore- 
tum); Vila Oliva, pr. Caxias, 2 Jan. 1946, Rambo, no. 33939 (GH). 

The closest relatives of this new species are S. macroce- 
phalum R. Grah. and S. Wettsteinii Hand.-Mazz. From both 
it differs in its larger size, smaller flowers, and, above all, 
in the inflorescence, which is very large, open, diffusely 
branched, with bracts covering most of the branches. The 
spathe-clusters are extremely numerous, appressed against 
the branches when young and becoming more divergent in 
maturity. It is probably the tallest species in the genus, 
since Father Rambo noted that the flowering stem may reach 
2 meters in height. The specific epithet was chosen to show 
the striking resemblance to some bromeliad inflorescences. 

312 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

Sisyrinchium deflexum, spec. nov. Herba perennis, tota glabra, 
rhizomatosa, rhizoma tenue, breve. Folia basalia nulla; folia caulina 
ad bracteas acutas, spathiformes, convolutas reducta, ad 2.5 cm. 
longa. Caulis simplex, ad 3.5 dm. altus. Spathae ad bracteas caulinas 
persimiles, ad 2.5 cm. longae, acutae, 1-florae. Pedicelli spathas anthe- 
sin excedentes, in fructu multo elongati et perdeflexi. Ovarium ad 2 
mm. longum, turbinatum vel oblongum. Perianthium pallide flavum, 
non lineatum; tepala subaequalia, elliptica, subacuta, ad 8 mm. longa 
et 2 mm. lata. Filamenta circa 2.5 mm. longa, ad basin 1 mm. coalita; 
antherae lineares, 2-2.5 mm. longae. Stylus ad 2 mm. longus, styli 
rami circa 2 mm. longi. Capsula subglobosa, 3 mm. in diametro; 
semina immatura 1 mm. lata. PARAGUAY: in campo, Paso Yobay, 
Dec. 1938, F. Schade (type, GH). 

Beyond saying that this species is apparently a member of 
the Marchio-vaginatum complex, it is rather difficult to make 
any statement about relationships. It is distinctive in the 
complete similarity of cauline leaves and spathes, the latter 
being 1-flowered. Nowhere else in the genus have I seen 
solitary pedicels so strongly deflexed at maturity. 

Sisyrinchium Reitzii, spec. nov. Herba perennis, tota dense pubes- 
cens, rhizoma tenue, breve vel breve substoloniferum. Folia basalia 
nulla; folia caulina ad bracteas acutas, spathiformes, convolutas 
reducta, ad 2.5 em. longa. Caulis simplex, ad 30 cm. altus. Spathae 
ad bracteas caulinas persimiles, ad 1.5 cm. longae, acutae, 1-florae, 
vel raro 2-florae. Pedicelli spathas anthesin aequantes, glabri, in 
fructu nec elongati nec deflexi. Ovarium glabrum, subglobosum, ad 
1.5 mm. longum. Perianthium flavum, non lineatum; tepala subae- 
qualia, ad 8 mm. longa et 3 mm. lata, elliptica, apice breve mucronata. 
Filamenta ad 2.5 mm. longa, basi 1.5 mm. coalita; antherae lineares, 
2 mm. longae. Stylus circa 2 mm. longus, styli rami circa 2 mm. longi. 
Capsula matura seminaque ignota. BRAZIL: Sâo PAULO: Santo 
Amaro, 15 Apr. 1932, Hauff, no. 18 (GH) ; SANTA CATARINA: Morro do 
Iquererim, Campo Alegre, 1400 m., 5 Sept. 1957, Reitz & Klein, no. 
4872 (type, US), 1500 m., 18 Oct. 1957, Reitz & Klein, no. 5228 (US). 

Like S. deflexum, S. Reitzii is a member of the Marchio- 
vaginatum complex. Superficially, it bears a strong resem- 
blance to S. deflexwm. It differs, however, in the dense, 
short, grayish pubescence which covers leaves, stems and 
spathes. Sometimes the spathes are 2-flowered, rather than 
1-flowered, but the pedicels are neither elongate nor deflexed 
in fruit. It has been named in honor of Father Raulino Reitz, 
the leading student of the flora of the state of Santa Cata- 
rina in Brazil. 

1962] Hedyotis — Lewis and Terrell 313 



In a phylogenetic study of the North American species of 
Hedyotis (including Houstonia) (Rubiaceae), Lewis (1962 
b) reported diploid and tetraploid races in populations of H. 
caerulea, H. polypremoides (Gray) Shinners, and H. pur- 
purea. Reference was made to a more extensive study of 
the occurrence of infraspecific polyploidy. The purpose of 
this paper is to report these findings. 

Chromosome numbers of 116 collections of species in 
the H. caerulea and H. purpurea groups were determined. 
P. M. C. meiosis or somewhat less frequently mitosis was 
studied in immature flower buds fixed in the field. The 
methods used to prepare slides were identical to those des- 
cribed for Hedyotis (Lewis, 1962b). In addition, represent- 
ative permanent slides were mounted in euparal. Voucher 
specimens for each collection are filed in the herbaria of the 
U.S. National Museum (US), the Southern Methodist Uni- 
versity (SMU), or Indiana University (IND; one collec- 

The nomenclature of the H. purpurea complex follows the 
revision by Terrell (1959) except that the taxa are treated 
under Hedyotis rather than Houstonia (Lewis, 1961). This 
does not imply acceptance of Hedyotis by Terrell. 


The chromosome numbers of Hedyotis purpurea, H. longi- 
folia, H. canadensis, H. nuttalliana ( — Houstonia tenuifolia 
Nutt.), H. caerulea, and H. michauxii ( = Houstonia serpyl- 
lifolia Michx.), are listed with voucher data and, in 
parentheses, the number of plants examined. Although the 
chromosome numbers of several collections were published 
by Lewis (1962b), as indicated by an asterisk, they are in- 
cluded for completeness and as a basis for mapping. 

"This study was supported by a grant to the first author from the National Science 
Foundation (G-9800). 

314 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

1. H. purpurea (L.) T. & G. 

la. H. purpurea var. purpurea 

n — 6. SOUTH CAROLINA: Edgefield Co., 4 miles WSW of Owdoms, 
Terrell & Barclay 3430 (3). TEXAS: Newton Co., 2.8 miles S of 
Newton, Lewis 5620 (5)*. 

n = 6, n —12. TENNESSEE: Polk Co., 0.5 mile N of Hwys. 64 & 
30 junction, Lewis 5638 (4 2n, 2 4n). 

n = 12. GEORGIA: Gilmer Co., 3.9 miles NE of Ellijay,Lewis 5645 
(3). MARYLAND: Montgomery Co., Wheaton, Terrell 3525 (4). NORTH 
CAROLINA: Guilford Co., Guilford College, Terrell 3244 (1)*: Jackson 
Co., summit of Whitesides Mountain, Terrell & Barclay 3472 (3); 
Macon Co., SE of Highlands, Terrell & Barclay 3463 (2); Standing 
Indian Wildlife Management Area, Terrell & Barclay 3478 (2). 
TENNESSEE: Cheatham Co., near Kingston Springs, Terrell & Barclay 
3360; Cumberland Co., 1.5 miles W of Ozone, Terrell & Barclay 3516 
(3); Polk Co., 2.5 miles E of Hwys. 64 & 30 junction, Lewis 5643 
(atypical) (4); Sullivan Co., near Sullivan-Carter Co. line & Hwy. 
19E, Terrell & Barclay 3524 (8). VIRGINIA: Sussex Co., along Notto- 
way River W of Homeville, Terrell 3636 (2). 
lb. H. purpurea var. calycosa (Gray) Fosberg 

n — 6. TENNESSEE: Wilson Co., Cedars of Lebanon State Park, 
Terrell & Barclay 3339 (5); W border of Lebanon, Terrell & Barclay 
3340 (6). 

n — 12. ALABAMA: Franklin Co., 7 miles E of Russellville, Terrell 
& Barclay 3499 (3); just E of Russellville, Terrell & Barclay 3361 
(2) ; Jackson Co., 3 miles W of Scottsboro, Terrell & Barclay 3485 (3). 
MISSISSIPPI: Carroll Co., 1.5 miles E of Carrolton, Lewis 5634 (atypi- 
cal) (3). TENNESSEE: Maury Co., 16 miles NW of Lewisburg, Terrell 
& Barclay 3351 (4)*; Meigs Co. 7 miles S of Decatur, Terrell & 
De Selm 3246 (1). 
le. H. purpurea var. montana (Small) Fosberg 

n = 6. TENNESSEE-NORTH CAROLINA: Carter Co.-Mitchell Co., 
summit of Roan Mountain, Terrell & Barclay 3615 (2). 

2. H. longifolia (Gaertn.) Hook. 

2a. H. longifolia var. longifolia 

n = 6. MASSACHUSETTS: Middlesex Co. Horn Pond, Woburn, 
E & B Terrell 3595 (3). 

n-—6, n= 12. MINNESOTA: Chisago Co. St. Croix River at 
Taylors Falls, Likhite, July 1961 (2 2n, 5 4n). 

n = 12. ONTARIO: Norfolk Co., Turkey Point, C & M Heimburger, 
15 July 1961 (1). 
2b. H. longifolia var. compacta (Terrell) Lewis 

n —6. GEORGIA: Meriwether Co. 5 miles W of Greenville, 
Terrell & Barclay 3410 (2). NORTH CAROLINA: Alexander Co., base 
of Rocky Face Mountain, Terrell 3257 (1)*. SOUTH CAROLINA: Abbe- 
ville Co., E side of Savannah River, Terrell & Barclay 3424 (atypical) 
(1); Anderson Co., ca. 11 miles NNE of Anderson, Terrell & Barclay 

1962] Hedyotis — Lewis and Terrell 315 

3451 (2); Lexington Co., ca. 10 miles S of Columbia, Terrell & Barclay 
3444 (atypical) (3). VIRGINIA: Augusta Co., 11 miles NE of Hwys. 
42 & 250 junction, E & B Terrell 3569 (3); Frederick Co., 2 miles 
WNW of Gore, E & B Terrell 3539 (2); Page Co.-Madison Co. line, 
Milepost 47, Skyline Drive, Shenandoah Natl. Pk., E & B Terrell 3577 
(3); Rappahannock Co., Hazel Mountain Overlook, Shenandoah Natl. 
Pk., Terrell 60-11 (2) (no voucher); Shenandoah Co., 4.5 miles SW 
of Jerome, E & B Terrell 3567 (3). Another collection is quite atypi- 
cal: GEORGIA: Dade Co., Lookout Mountain, Terrell & De Selm 3254 


n — 12. MARYLAND: Frederick Co., Boonesboro Mountain Rd. & 
Hwy. 40 junction, E & B Terrell 3533 (4). SOUTH CAROLINA: Edge- 
field Co., near Hwy. 378 & 67 junction, Terrell & Barclay 3429 (3). 
VIRGINIA: Augusta Co.-Albemarle Co., 0.4 miles S of Milepost 97, 
Skyline Drive, Shenandoah Natl. Pk, E & B Terrell 3570 (3); 
Bedford Co., Milepost 90, Blue Ridge Parkway, Terrell 3250 (2); 
Reckingham Co.-Greene Co., Sandy Bottom Overlook, Skyline Drive, 
Shenandoah Natl. Pk., E & B Terrell 3573 (2). WEST VIRGINIA: 
Pendleton Co., 5 miles N of Hwy. 33 & Spruce Knob rd. junction, 
E & B Terrell 3545 (3). 
2c. H. longifolia var. glabra (Terrell) Lewis 

n — 6. NORTH CAROLINA: Jackson Co., summit of Whitesides 
Mountain (type locality), Terrell & Barclay 3473 (3); Macon Co., 
near Highlands, Terrell 3255 (1)*; Slick Rock, SE of Highlands, 
Terrell & Barclay 3464 (2). 

3. H. canadensis (Willd. ex R. & S.) Fosberg 

n = 6. TENNESSEE: Cheatham Co., near Kingston Springs, Ter- 
rell & Barclay 3358 (4). 

n — 12. INDIANA: Clark Co., 4 miles NW of Henryville, Terrell 
3251 (1)*. TENNESSEE: Marion Co., below Hales Bar Dam, Terrell & 
Barclay 3480 (3). ONTARIO: Bruce Co., Bruce Peninsula, Red Bay, 
Heimburger & Price, 11 June 1961 (2). 

4. H. nuttalliana Fosberg 

n — 6. ALABAMA: Randolph Co., ca. 5 miles W of Wedowee, Ter- 
rell & Barclay 3397 (4); Saint Clair Co., 0.5 mile W of Hwys. 35 & 53 
junction, Terrell & Barclay 3391 (3). ARKANSAS: Montgomery Co., 
11.5 miles WSW of Norman, Lewis 5169 (2)*. GEORGIA: Heard Co., 
3 miles SW of Franklin, Terrell & Barclay 3401 (5). NORTH CAROLINA: 
Stokes Co., Hanging Rock State Park, Terrell 3243 (1)*. OKLAHOMA: 
Leflore Co., Lake Wister State Park, Lewis 5161 (2)*. SOUTH CAR- 
OLINA: Lexington Co., ca. 4 miles E of Lexington Co.-Saluda Co. line, 
Terrell & Barclay 3445 (3). VIRGINIA: Shenandoah Co., 2.6 miles E 
of Liberty Furnace, E & B Terrell 3560 (3). 

5. H.caerulea (L.) Hook. 
5a. H. caerulea var. caerulea 
n= 8. ALABAMA: Blount Co., ca. 3 miles E of Cullman, Terrell 

316 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

& Barclay 3387 (3); Randolph Co., ca. 5 miles W of Wedowee, Terrell 
& Barclay 3398 (8); Saint Clair Co., 0.5 mile W of Hwys. 85 & 53 
junction, Terrell & Barclay 3392 (8); Talladega Co., 2-3 miles W of 
Talladega Co.-Clay Co. line & Hwy. 77, Terrell & Barclay 3396 (2). 
ARKANSAS: Clark Co., 2.4 miles SE of Alpine, Lewis 5171 (3) *: Dallas 
Co., 1.9 miles S of Ouachita, Lewis 5172 (3)*; Hot Spring Co., 1.5 
miles NE of Donaldson, Lewis 5613 (1). GEORGIA: Gilmer Co., 3.9 
miles NE of Ellijay, Lewis 5646 (1). INDIANA: Brown Co., near 
Trevlae, Heiser & Ellis 4763 (IND) (3). KENTUCKY: Logan Co., 1.3 
miles SW of Auburn, Lewis 5602 (2); Metcalf Co., 3.1 miles E of 
Wisdom, Lewis 5605 (4). NORTH CAROLINA: Alleghany Co., 2 miles 
NE of Blue Ridge Parkway & Hwy. 21 junction, Terrell 3242 (2); 
Jackson Co., ca. 4 miles E of Cashiers, Terrell & Barclay 3455 (3); 
Macon Co., Nantahala River & Hwy. 64, Terrell & Barclay 3479 (3). 
SOUTH CAROLINA: Lexington Co., ca. 4 miles E of Lexington Co.- 
Saluda Co. line, Terrell & Barclay 3446 (3). TENNESSEE: Cheatham 
Co., near Kingston Springs, Terrell & Barclay 3359 (3); Stewart Co., 
12.9 miles WSW of Dover, Lewis 5601 (2); Kentucky Lake & Hwy. 
79, Lewis 5610 (2). 

n — 9. ARKANSAS: Hot Spring Co., 3.6 miles NNE of Hwys. 67 
& 210 junction, Lewis 5612 (2). 

n — 16. CONNECTICUT: Litchfield Co., 1-1/2 miles S of junction 
112 & 7, Salisbury Twp., Terrell 3662 (1); Tolland Co., 3 miles S of 
Rockville, Terrell 3663 (2); near State Line Pond, Terrell 3664 (3). 
MAINE: York Co., North Berwick, E & B Terrell 3591 (1). MARYLAND: 
Frederick Co., Catoctin Creek & Hwy. 17, E & B Terrell 3538 (1); 
Montgomery Co., Wheaton Regional Park, Terrell 3526 (2). MASSA- 
CHUSETTS: Franklin Co., 3 miles S of Northfield, Terrell 3667 (3); 
Worcester Co., 1/2 mile N of Hardwick, Terrell 3665 (3). NEW HAMP- 
SHIRE: Cheshire Co., 3 miles E of Winchester, Terrell 3666 (1) ; Coos 
Co., lower slopes of Mount Washington (alt. 2500 ft.), E & B Terrell 
3589 (2); Grafton Co., Hanover, Fosberg 39838 (2). NORTH CAROLINA: 
Guilford Co., Guilford College, Terrell 3231 (5)*; Stokes Co., NW of 
Francisco, Terrell 3239 (1)*. PENNSYLVANIA: Franklin Co., 0.5 mile 
N of Richmond Furnace, Terrell 3629 (2) ; Juniata Co., 5 miles NE of 
East Waterford, Terrell 3628 (4); Perry Co., 1 mile SE of Sherman- 
dale, Terrell 3627 (3). SOUTH CAROLINA: Edgefield Co., ca. 4 miles 
WSW of Owdoms, Terrell & Barclay 3431 (2). TENNESSEE: Cumber- 
land Co., 7 miles SE of Mayland, Terrell & Barclay 3514 (3); Knox 
Co., Knoxville, De Selm, 1 May 1962 (1). VERMONT: Windham Co., 2 
miles W of Brattleboro, Terrell 3668 (2). VIRGINIA: Hanover Co., 2 
miles NW of Doswell, Terrell 3631 (2); Page Co.-Madison Co., Big 
Meadows, Shenandoah Natl. Pk., E & B Terrell 3575 (2). wEST VIR- 
GINIA: Tucker Co., 8 miles S of Davis, E & B Terrell 3544 (2); 1-2 
miles N of Thomas, E & B Terrell 3540 (1). ONTARIO: Toronto (intro- 
duced), Heimburger, 5 May 1961 (4) (omitted from map in Fig. 2). 

n = 24. VIRGINIA: Sussex Co., along Nottoway River W of Home- 
ville, Terrell 3634 (1). 

1962] Hedyotis — Lewis and Terrell 317 

5b. H. caerulea var. faxonorum (Pease & Moore) Fosberg 
n — 16. NEW HAMPSHIRE: Coos Co, below summit of Mount 
Washington (alt. 6000 ft.), E & B Terrell 3586 (4). 

6. H. michauxii Fosberg 

n — 16. NORTH CAROLINA: Macon Co., Standing Indian Wildlife 
Area, Terrell & Barclay 3477 (3); Transylvania Co., 0.5 mile N of 
Davidson River & Hwy 64 junction, Terrell & Barclay 3460 (4). 
TENNESSEE: Monroe Co., Cherokee National Forest, De Selm, 1 May 
1962 (3). TENNESSEE-NORTH CAROLINA: Carter Co.-Mitchell Co., sum- 
mit of Roan Mountain, Terrell & Barclay 3520 (5). 

n — 24. NORTH CAROLINA: Alleghany Co., 2 miles NE of Blue 
Ridge Parkway & Hwy. 21 junction, Terrell 3241 (1)*. 

7. Putative hybrids or intergrading collections 
"a. H. longifolia—H. purpurea 

n — 6. SOUTH CAROLINA: McCormick Co., 2.5 miles NW of Mount 
Carmel, Terrell & Barclay 3425 (1) (< longifolia). 

n = 12. GEORGIA: Elbert Co., 2 miles W of Hwys. 72 & 79 junc- 
tion, Terrell & Barclay 3423 (2) (< longifolia); Rabun Co., ca. 7 
miles S of North Carolina-Georgia line & Hwy. 28, Terrell 3147 (1); 
Walton Co., 4 miles NE of Monroe, Terrell & Barclay 3420 (2) 
(< longifolia). TENNESSEE: Cumberland Co., 2 miles NW of Mayland, 
Terrell & Barclay 3513 (3) (< purpurea). 

Tb. H. canadensis > — H. purpurea 

n — 12. INDIANA: Clark Co., 4 miles NW of Henryville, T'errell 
$252 (1). 

Te. H. caerulea—H. michauxii 

n — 16. WEST VIRGINIA: Tucker Co., just above Blackwater Falls, 
E & B Terrell 3542 (5). 


The basic chromosome number of Hedyotis purpurea, H. 
longifolia, H. canadensis, and H. nuttalliana is x — 6. The 
basic chromosome number of H. caerulea and H. michauxii 
is x = 8. These data agree with the morphological evidence: 
the first four species are closely related and were included 
by Terrell (1959) in the H. purpurea group; the last two 
species are so alike that herbarium material sometimes is 
difficult to distinguish. 

A dash, —, is used here to indicate morphological intergradation. The second author 
prefers to use this symbol instead of X, as in this case additional knowledge about 
the species is needed to attribute their intermediacy to hybridization. He believes 
that botanists should restrict the use of X to instances in which evidence of hybridi- 
zation has been thoroughly studied. 'The symbols > and < were used by others (cf. 
Li, 1957; Hardin, 1958). For example, H. canadensis > —H. purpurea denotes speci- 
mens which intergrade but are more similar to the former species. 

318 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

In H. purpurea (Fig. 1) our sampling indicates that tetra- 
ploid populations are in the great majority. The only known 
2n populations are in the southern part of the range. One 
population included both 2n and 4n individuals. The sam- 
pling is not sufficient to show any geographic separation of 
chromosomal races, if such exists. Var. montana, the only 
known stations for which are on Roan Mountain and Grand- 
father Mountain, is diploid at the former station (not shown 
in Fig. 1). 

In contrast to H. purpurea, H. longifolia has almost twice 
as many 2n populations as 4n. These are found in the north 

- Kens 

/ O 
| O 
O FIG. | 
\ ^ H PURPUREA & @ 
-—t- vor. purpurea @ 
-— —— var. calycosa O O 

Q 4 / - x 
L phy Y o 
^ ? | A 

Figure 1. General'zed range (enclosed by dashed line) of H. purpurea and locations 
of diploid and tetraploid collections. Var. montana not shown. New England distribu- 
tion of var. calycosa not shown. 


1962] Hedyotis — Lewis and Terrell 319 

as well as in the south, and one population in Minnesota con- 
tains individuals with both chromosome numbers. Var. gla- 
bra, restricted to the southern Appalachians, is diploid on 
the basis of three collections. 

Plants of H. canadensis from only four localities were 
studied but these included samples from the extremes of the 
species range in Tennessee and Ontario. On the basis of the 
small sample, the tetraploids prevail over the diploids in a 
proportion similar to that for H. purpurea. With both 2n 
and 4n races in Tennessee, no geographic separation of the 
forms is apparent. Only 2n individuals were found among 
plants of H. nuttalliana from 8 stations in 7 states, from 
Virginia to Oklahoma. This sample is sufficiently large and 
widespread to indicate that tetraploid individuals must be 
rare in H. nuttalliana if they exist. Infraspecific polyploidy 
is probably unimportant in the recent evolution of the spe- 
cies. On the basis of the frequency of diploidy and tetra- 
ploidy, with the high frequency of tetraploidy representing 
the higher stage of evolution, the species in the x = 6 group 
can be ranked from the simplest to the most specialized as: 
H. nuttalliana (2n only), H. longifolia (2n:4n = 2:1), H. 
purpurea and H. canadensis (2n:4n = 1:3). Using this 
criterion, H. nuttalliana is the least evolved species of the 
series, a position corroborating the results of Lewis (1962b) 
based chiefly on morphological evidence. 

Among 45 collections of H. caerulea var. caerulea sampled 
from a wide area of the species range, 18 were diploid (n = 
8), 25 were tetraploid (n = 16), one was aneuploid (n = 
9), and one was hexaploid (n = 24). Thus, this species con- 
sists predominantly of 2n and 4n populations, with the latter 
slightly outnumbering the former in our sample. The base 
number is x — 8. The chromosomal races appear to have 
partly distinct distributions: the diploid race is widely dis- 
tributed in the southern United States (Fig. 2) and in our 
sample occurs only south of the glacial boundary. Only 
tetraploids are known in New England, but they do occur 
also in certain parts of the South. The single collection of 
var. faxonorum, a variety restricted primarily to higher 
altitudes in the White Mountains, was tetraploid. 

On the basis of a single population of H. michauxii, Lewis 

320 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

(1962b) reported the species as hexaploid. Additional sam- 
pling has shown, however, that 4n and 6n races exist, the 
former occurring much more frequently. The species is 
limited in distribution to the higher regions of the southern 
and central Appalachians, a distribution interestingly asso- 
ciated with the finding of two polyploid races and no diploid 
forms in a subgenus where “pure” polyploid species are 

In the P. M. C.’s of all plants examined, bivalent formation 
and separation by and large were regular. Occasionally 1 to 
3 quadrivalents were observed at metaphase I in the 4n 
plants (e.g., H. purpurea, Terrell & Barclay 3351; H. caeru- 


@ 2n 

e. eo^ 
° T 6n 
A @ 

- — 

C ls UN EN, 

Figure 2, Generalized range (enclosed by dashed line) of H. caerulea and locations 
of diploid and polyploid collections. The single aneuploid (n = 9) collection not shown. 

1962] Hedyotis — Lewis and Terrell 321 

lea, Terrell 3627), but these were exceptional. Spindle dis- 
turbances were not observed. In one cell, a plant of H. 
caerulea (Lewis 5610) had 2n —15, but all other mitotic 
cells had 2n = 16 and in the P. M.C.'s & —8. Although 
statistical data are not available, plump, well-stained pollen 
grains were noted for most diploids and tetraploids. If the 
fertility of the tetraploids was decreased markedly in com- 
parison with the diploids it was not apparent from observa- 
tions of pollen. 

Seven collections were of intermediate or intergrading 
morphology. Certain of these are putative hybrids. As no 
definite evidence of hybridization is available, we are using 
a dash (—) to connect the two names. This is intended to 
indicate intergradation without necessarily suggesting hy- 
bridization as its cause. In the seven collections diploid and 
tetraploid populations were found, with the latter more 
frequent. Of the five collections of H. purpurea — H. longi- 
folia, a diploid (Terrell & Barclay 3425) had regular pairing 
at metaphase I as did all P. M. C.'s examined from the tetra- 
ploid individuals of T. & B. 3420 and 3513. Only mitosis was 
observed in the other two collections of H. longifolia — H. 
purpurea. and in H. canadensis — H. purpurea. Meiosis in 
H. caerulea — H. michauxii was regular; this population is 
not thought to be of hybrid origin. Pollen was more or less 
normal in individuals of the seven collections. In general, 
the chromosome data indicate that chromosome number per 
se is no barrier to hybridization in these species within each 
ploidy level, i.e. 2 = 6 and x = 8. The chromosome numbers 
in the H. purpurea group are entirely compatible with the 
data from morphology expressed in the taxonomic treatment 
of this group by Terrell (1959) but the few admittedly pre- 
liminary chromosome counts listed in the same paper should 
be ignored. 

As more cyto-population research is completed, it becomes 
apparent that varying chromosome numbers for a species 
are much more common than hitherto suspected. In the 
Rubiaceae alone, where very few cytological studies have 
been completed, infraspecific polyploidy has been recorded 
for species of 13 genera, particularly in the Rubieae (Fager- 
lind, 1937; Ehrendorfer, 1961), Coffea and Coprosma (cf. 

322 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

Darlington & Wylie, 1956), Bouvardia (Lewis, 1962a), and 
Hedyotis subg. Oldenlandia (Lewis, 1959, 1962b). 

In Hedyotis subg. Edrisia, in which the species under dis- 
cussion are classified, chromosome numbers of 25 species are 
known (Lewis, 1962b). Of these, seventeen species are 
diploid, four species are diploid and tetraploid, one species 
is diploid, tetraploid, and hexaploid, two species are tetra- 
ploid, and one species is tetraploid and hexaploid. Twenty- 
three species are euploid and two have recorded aneuploid 
individuals. Thus six species or 24% of the North American 
species studied have infraspecific polyploidy, 4% exhibit 
infraspecific aneuploidy, and 4% exhibit both infraspecific 
polyploidy and aneuploidy. All of these species are hetero- 
stylous perennials and with one exception are herbaceous. 
No chromosomal plasticity is known among the eight annual 
species of the subgenus or among the species having only 
short-styled flowers. This suggests a certain correlation in 
the subgenus between the heterostylous species constructed 
for outbreeding and the perennial habit with the occurrence 
of infraspecific polyploidy and aneuploidy. 

The distributions of the diploid and tetraploid races of 
H. caerulea, H. purpurea, and H. longifolia may be grouped 
into two categories, viz., those with different geographic dis- 
tributions and those without such tendencies. As an example 
of the first kind, the Zn race of H. caerulea occupies a south- 
ern range while the 4n race has a more northern distribu- 
tion. Possibly the tetraploid race colonized areas drastically 
altered by glaciation in the northern region of the species’ 
present range, while the ancestral race remained predomi- 
nantly south of the glacial boundary (cf. Stebbins, 1950). 
It also appears that the 4n race is now successfully compet- 
ing with the 2m race somewhat south of the southern limits 
of the last glaciation. The high altitude distribution and the 
polyploid races of H. michauxii also suggest the colonization 
of less favorable environments by a polyploid species. That 
this tendency is not universal, even for species in the same 
subgenus, is suggested by the infraspecific distributions for 
H. purpurea and H. longifolia. Their diploid and tetraploid 
races are about equally distributed and do not appear to have 

1962] Hedyotis — Lewis and Terrell 323 

either peripheral or central concentrations although we did 
not sample their entire ranges. 

When herbarium specimens from all of these collections 
were compared, tetraploid and diploid (and hexaploid) 
plants of each taxon looked just alike; there were no observ- 
able gross morphological differences in plants of different 
ploidy levels and it is clear that these are autopolyploids. 
Five out of the six species had polyploid populations. Auto- 
polyploidy is an essential feature of the evolution of the H. 
caerulea and H. purpurea groups. 


We appreciate the assistance of those who contributed material for 
cytological study, viz., Drs. H. R. De Selm, F. R. Fosberg, M. 
Heimburger, C. B. Heiser, and V. N. Likhite. Special appreciation 
is due Dr. A. S. Barclay for assistance in the field. — STEPHEN F. 


DARLINGTON, C. D. and A. P. WYLIE. 1956. Chromosome Atlas of 
Flowering Plants. The Macmillan Co., New York. 

EHRENDORFER, F. 1961. Evolution of the Galium multiflorum com- 
plex in western North America. I. Diploids and polyploids in this 
dioecious group. Madrono 16: 109-122. 

FAGERLIND, F. 1937. Embryologische, Zytologische und Bestaéu- 
bungsexperimentele Studien in der Familie Rubiaceae nebst 
Bemerkungen über einige Polyploiditátsprobleme. Acta Hort. 
Berg. 11: 195-470. 

HARDIN, J. W. 1958. The annotation of introgressants. Taxon 7 
(2) : 52-53. 

Lewis, W. H. 1959. Chromosomes of east Texas Hedyotis (Rubi- 
aceae). Southwest. Nat. 3: 204-207. 

. 1961. Merger of the North American Houstonia and 

Oldenlandia under Hedyotis. Rhodora 63: 216-223. 

1962a. Chromosome numbers in North American 

Rubiaceae. Brittonia 14: 285-290. 

1962b. Phylogenetic study of Hedyotis (Rubiaceae) 
in North America, Amer. Jour. Bot. 49: 855-865. 

Li, HurLiN. 1957. A symbol for introgressants. Taxon 6(8): 

STEBBINS, G. L. 1950. Variation and Evolution in Plants. Colum- 
bia University Press, New York. 

TERRELL, E. E. 1959. A revision of the Houstonia purpurea group 
(Rubiaceae). Rhodora 61: 157-180, 188-207. 

324 Rhodora [Vol. 64 



A general problem of classification in the Cruciferae re- 
sults from the lack of sharp definitive boundaries between 
the genera in some sections of the family. This problem has 
long been recognized. The situation is readily understood 
and should perhaps even be expected because of the rela- 
tively short evolutionary history of the family. However, an 
understanding of the situation does not alleviate the torment 
that ensues whenever an unknown species is found that does 
not quite fit well-established genera. The uncertainty as to 
which genus might be involved requires that all possible 
genera be carefully checked and studied to determine wheth- 
er or not the species has been described in any one of them. 
This in itself is a much longer and more laborious process 
than if the species were clearly referable to a well known 
and well defined genus. Furthermore, the unknown species 
is usually not closely related or readily comparable to a 
known species and thus the comparative procedures usually 
employed in fitting such a species into a classificatory scheme 
are not applicable. 

For over a year, we have been periodically concerning 
ourselves with material of just such an unknown species. 
Four collections of it were made by John W. Thieret and 
Robert J. Reich, along the Yellowknife Highway near Great 
Slave Lake of northwestern Canada, during June and July 
of 1961. A fifth collection was made in August, 1962, by 
Thieret. The plants grow in marshy to wet situations and 
develop relatively large lateral roots. The petiolate basal 
leaves with more or less crenate margins are reminiscent of 
Armoracia aquatica or possibly horseradish, Armoracia 
rusticana, but there the similarity stops. The long, slender, 
wide-spreading pedicels suggest Rorippa nasturtium-aqua- 
ticum. However, other features, such as the undivided 
leaves and uniseriate seeds, make a close association of the 
plant in question with watercress untenable. All charac- 
teristics considered, the new species does fall more nearly 
within the group of species making up Rorippa than any 

1962] New Crucifer — Rollins 325 

Plate 1271. Silhouette photograph of two fertile specimens and one sterile specimen 
of Rorippa crystallina, X 2/5. The specimen at right and the sterile specimen make 
up a part of the holotype sheet. 

326 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

other genus known to me, even though no single species can 
readily be singled out for easily handled comparative pur- 

An interesting feature of the new species is the basis for 
the specific epithet chosen, crystallina.! Relatively large 
crystals of calcium oxalate are found in the inner tissues of 
the fleshy leaves, the stems, pedicels and fruits. These crys- 
tals occupy several adjacent cells and are large enough to 
erupt the leaf-surface when the plants are pressed flat in 
drying them for specimen purposes. According to Metcalfe 
and Chalk? calcium oxalate crystals are rare in the Cruci- 
ferae. These authors indicate that crystals are present in 
Crambe and Sisymbrium but Rorippa is not mentioned as a 
genus in which calcium oxalate crystals have been observed. 
The number and distribution of crystals in Rorippa crystal- 
lina is variable. These crystals may be clustered or widely 
spaced, associated with or near vascular bundles, or remote 
from them. There is no evident association with vascular 
trace endings in the leaves. In the larger basal leaves, the 
crystals are more prominent and more numerous on the 
lower side of the leaf than on the upper. They are more 
numerous per unit of area in the smaller cauline leaves than 
in the basal leaves and give a pustular appearance to the 
leaf-surface, both above and below. Generally, they are 
more prominent on the lower surface than on the upper. 

Rorippa crystallina Rollins, sp. nov. Plate 1271 

Perennial, glabrous throughout; roots thick, often well-developed 
laterally; stems one to several, erect to decumbent, glabrous, 1-4 dm. 
long, arising below an active fascicle of leaves, unbranched except in 
the inflorescence; basal leaves borne on short shoots,fascicled, petiolate, 
ovate to narrower, obtuse, shallowly and coarsely dentate, blade 4-10 
(-20) em. long, 1.5-4 (-6) cm. wide, cuneate at base, petioles 3-8 
(-12) em. long, winged above; lower cauline leaves petiolate, narrowly 
oblanceolate, obtuse, 4-6 cm. long, 4-10 mm. wide, dentate, toothed 
or lobed, petiole winged; upper cauline leaves sessile, overlapping, 
lanceolate to nearly oblong, narrowed at base, entire to sparsely 
dentate, thick when fresh; all leaves more or less pustular on both 

1I am indebted to Professors I. W. Bailey and Adriance S. Foster for cleared leaves, 
tests for calcium oxalate and shared observations on the material. My appreciation 
goes to Dr. John W. Thieret for providing ample material upon which this study is 

2Anatomy of the Diocotyledons, Vol. 1, p. 82. 1950. 

1962] New Crucifer — Rollins 327 

surfaces from the presence of relatively large crystals present in the 
mesophyll; individual stems terminated by a short raceme 5-10 (-15) 
cm, long, occasional flowering branches just below main inflorescence; 
sepals yellowish-green, non-saccate, broadly oblong, 4-5 mm. long; 
petals spatulate, whitish, sometimes tinged below with light lavender, 
6-8 mm. long, ca. 3 mm. wide; stamens tetradynamous. anthers ob- 
long, ca. 1 mm. long; fruiting pedicels slender, spreading at right 
angles to somewhat ascending, 12-18 mm. long, slightly enlarged at 
apex; siliques terete, 1.5-2.5 cm. long, widely spreading to somewhat 
ascending, nearly sessile or with a short thick gynophore less than 
0.5 mm. long; valves with a central inconspicuous branching nerve; 
styles ca. 1 mm. long; stigmas slightly bilobed with lobes over the 
replum; ovules 10-15 in each loculus; funiculi free, rather spongy; 
septum with a prominent central nerve-like area extending full length 
down the middle, cells of the septum prominent, usually hexagonal; 
seeds plump, broadly oblong, wingless, 1.5-2 mm. long, ca. 1.2 mm. 
broad; seed-coat finely reticulate-colliculate, covered with a mucilagi- 
nous sheath, buff-colored when dry, beak curved into a short hook, 
funiculus detached at hilum leaving a circular scar, funicular append- 
age absent; cotyledons accumbent. 

Herba perennis caespitosa glabra, caulibus erectis vel decumbentibus 
1-4 dm. longis; foliis pustulatis, basilaribus fasciculatis petiolatis, 
laminis ad basim cuneatis ovatis vel anguste-ovatis dentatis 4-10 cm. 
longis, 1.5-4 em. latis; foliis caulinis inferne crassis petiolatis anguste 
oblanceolatis dentatis vel lobatis; foliis caulinis superne sessilibus 
crassis integris vel sinuato-dentatis obtusis; sepalis nonsaccatis 
obtusis 4-5 mm. longis; petalis spathulatis albis vel albido-lilacinis 
6.5-8 mm. longis; pedicellis in fructu divaricatis tenuis 12-18 mm. 
longis; siliquis teretibus divaricatis 1.5-2.5 cm. longis; stylis ca. 1 mm. 
longis; seminibus oblongis immarginatis 1.5-2 mm. longis; cotyledoni- 
bus accumbentibus. 

Type in the Gray Herbarium collected in a Carex marsh at mile 
23 N., along the Mackenzie River - Yellowknife Highway, northwest 
of Great Slave Lake, District of Mackenzie, Northwest Territories, 
Canada, July 10, 1961, John W. Thieret and Robert J. Reich 7512. 

Other specimens studied, all from the same general area, and 
deposited in the Gray Herbarium: mile 23.8 N., June 14, 1961, 
Thieret and Reich 6637; mile 35 N., July 7, 1961, Thieret and Reich 
7413; mile 16.5 N., July 9, 1961, Thieret and Reich 7484; mile 23.5 N., 
Aug. 9, 1962, Thieret 9085. — GRAY HERBARIUM, HARVARD UNIVERSITY. 

328 Rhodora [Vol. 64 



Rudbeckia nitida Nutt. var. texana Perdue var. nov. Folia integra, 
crenata, dentata, vel serrata, dentibus (si adsint) numerosis crebris 
10 vel pluribus quoque in margine; folia basalia anguste vel late ellip- 
tica vel spatulata. Discus 2.0-4.5 cm. altus, achaenia 5.0-7.5 mm. 

Leaves entire, crenate, dentate, or serrate, teeth abundant if present, 
basal leaves narrowly to broadly elliptic, or spatulate, blade 10-15 em. 
long, 3-6 cm. wide, sharply or broadly acute, attenuate below to a long 
slender petiole; disk conical to conic-cylindrical, 2.0-4.5 cm. long; 
achenes 5.0-7.5 mm. long. 

TYPE: In prairie along railroad, 6 miles S. of Stowell, Chambers Co., 
Texas. L. H. Shinners 7710, May 15, 1945 (SMU). 

DISTRIBUTION: Low open areas along roadsides and in fields; south- 
eastern Texas to central Louisiana. 

This is a morphologically distinct variety separated geo- 
graphically from R. nitida var. nitida of eastern Georgia and 
northeastern Florida by more than 400 miles. The abun- 
dently toothed, crenate, dentate, or serrate leaves of R. 
nitida var. texana readily distinguish it from the eastern 
variety. The latter characteristically bears leaves with 4 to 
8, distantly and more or less equally spaced small dentate 
teeth on each margin. 

Considerable justification could be offered to support the 
description of this variety as a new species. On the other 
hand, the conservative treatment I have applied to this and 
related Rudbeckias provides a better arrangement for indi- 
cating the relationships of the taxa. 

Rudbeckia laciniata L. var. bipinnata Perdue var. nov. Folia caulina 
inferiora et mediocria bipinnatifida vel pinnatisecta, segmentis vel 
foliolis 5-7, pinnatifidis, segmetis ultimis lanceolatis. Discus globosus 
vel ovoideus 1.5-1.9 cm. altus. 

Stems 0.6-1.5 m. high, mostly slender, the peduncles rarely more 
than 1.5 mm. in diameter; basal leaves not seen, lower and middle 
stem leaves petiolate, bi-pinnatifid or pinnately divided into 5 or 7 
irregularly pinnatifid leaflets or segments, the ultimate divisions 
lanceolate, entire or coarsely toothed, upper stem leaves similar but 
with fewer divisions, sessile, the uppermost merely 3-lobed or entire 

— "Robert E. Perdue, Jr. Botanist, Crops Research Division, Agricultural Research 
Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Beltsville, Maryland. 

1926] Setcreasea — Faruqi, Mehra and Celarier 329 

and ovate; heads mostly 8-15; rays 4.0 (3.5)-5.0 cm. long; disks glo- 
bose to ovoid, 1.5-1.9 em. long; achenes 4-6 mm. high. 

TYPE: Swampy open woods along Mud Creek, valley of Fall Creek, 
Dryden, Tompkins Co, New York, MacDaniels & Eames 1293, 

August 10, 1913 (GH). 
DISTRIBUTION: Moist open or partly shaded sites: stream banks, 

meadows, borders of woodland, open woods, etc.; Massachusetts and 
New Hampshire to eastern Pennsylvania and Maryland. 

R. laciniata var. bipinnata is intermediate between the 
common R. laciniata var. laciniata of the eastern United 
States and Canada, with which it intergrades imperceptibly, 
and R. laciniata var. digitata (Mill.) Fiori of the northern 
half of the Atlantic coastal plain. From var. laciniata the 
new variety is distinguished by its bipinnatifid leaves with 
narrowly lanceolate or linear-lanceolate ultimate segments. 
From var. digitata it is distinguished by its larger disks 
(1.5 cm. or more high) and longer rays (3.5 to 6.0 cm. 

Rudbeckia occidentalis Nutt. var. montana (Gray) Perdue, comb. 
nov. Based on R. montana Gray, Proc, Amer. Acad. 17: 217 (1881- 




The authors came across a new species of the genus Set- 
ereasea from Mexico, collected by Edward Palmer, first 
identified as S. pallida, but later as “S. palmeri” probably by 
Rose, who, it seems, did not get a chance to describe it. Rose 
(1891) did report another new species, Tradescantia pal- 
meri, from Edward Palmer's collections of Mexico. Though 
the genus Setcreasea was separated from Tradescantia at a 
later date (Rose 1899, 1903, Schumann et Sydow 1899) on 
the basis of fused corolla and epipetalous stamens, the 
species T. palmeri should not be confused with this new 
species, because 7'. palmeri is in no way similar to it. 

1At present: Cameron State Agricultural College, Lawton, Oklahoma. 

7At present: Division of Botany, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, 

Deceased December 23, 1959. 

330 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

On the strength of its dense-woolly trichomes on leaf, leaf 
sheath, and pedicel, in combination with thick connective, 
and pubescent ovary, we believe that the present taxon is a 
new species. The name “S. palmeri” is not taken into con- 
sideration to avoid a nomenclatural confusion. 

Setcreasea lanceolata Faruqi, Mehra & Celarier, sp. nov. 

Herba perennis, caulibus subramosis, erectis, glabratis, foliis lanceo-. 
latis, pilosis, vaginis pilosis, usque 1.8 cm longis, calycibus pilosis, 
ovario piloso. 

Perennial herbs, 20-25 em high; rhizomes creeping; roots arising 
from the underground nodes, fleshy and slender; aerial stems few, 
succulent, erect or slightly decumbent, glabrous, striate when dry, the 
internodes 5.5-8 cm long, those bearing inflorescences 6.8-10.2 em long; 
lamina sessile, lanceolate, oblong or rarely elliptic, 10-15 cm long, 
2.5-3 em wide, acute at the apex, sheath prominent, up to 1.8 em long, 
both the lamina and the sheath dense-woolly; inflorescences terminal 
subtended by 2 leaf-like bracts, bracts lanceolate, the outer 4.0 em 
long, 2.0 cm wide, the inner 1.8 em long, 2.0 cm wide; flowers several, 
pedicellate, the pedicels 6.0 mm long, woolly; sepals subequal, elliptic, 
5.5 mm long, 2.0 mm wide; corolla "purple white with a bar of purple 
color in the center of the limb’, gamopetalous, the tube conspicuous, 
2.0 mm long; stamens 6, epipetalous, subequal, filaments barbate, the 
connective thick and broad; ovary tricarpellary and pubescent; stigma 
capitate, 3-lobed; fruit a three-chambered capsule; seeds dark gray 1-2 
in each locule. 

Mexico: San Louis Potosi, Edward Palmer 135 (GH type, US). 


Setcreasea lanceolata may show a superficial resemblance 
to S. hirsuta Markgraf (1952). It differs from S. hirsuta 
in its densely pubescent leaves, sepals and ovary. According 
to Markgraf's description S. hirsuta is pubescent only at leaf 
bases while its calyx and ovary are glabrous. 

In spite of the differences in size and shape of leaf, and 
pubescence of leaf and calyx, S. lanceolata shares two very 
important characteristics with S. brevifolia, i.e., highly 
pubescent ovary and thick connectives. The evolutionary 
pattern indicates, that in the genus Setcreasea leaf size and 
shape have undergone many more changes than ovary and 
stamen. Thus, similarities of connectives and ovary may 
indicate a closer ancestral relationship of S. lanceolata and 
S. brevifolia than any other species of this genus. 

^Annotation on the herbarium sheet. 

1962] Dasistoma — Piehl 331 

The authors are thankful to the curators of the Gray Herbarium 
of Harvard University and United States National Herbarium for the 
loan of the herbarium specimens, and to Dr. Shiu Ying Hu of Arnold 
Arboretum, Harvard University, for reading the manuscript. — 

MARKGRAF, F. 1952. Eine neu Setereasea aus Mexico. Mitt Bot. 
Staatssam München. 5: 166-167. 
Rose, J. N. 1891. List of plants collected by Dr. Edward Palmer 
in Western Mexico and Arizona in 1890. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 

1: 91-127. 
1899. Treleasea, A new genus of Commelinaceae, Contr. 

U. S. Nat. Herb. 5: 207-208. 
19083. Studies of Mexican and Central American Plants 

No. 3. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 8:1-55. 
SCHUMANN, K. ET Sypow (1899) 1901. In Just, Bot. Jahrb. 27(1) : 452. 



The first and perhaps only reference to the parasitic 
behavior of Dasistoma macrophylla (Nutt.) Raf. appears 
to be that of Pennell (1928), who in the course of his pri- 
marily taxonomic studies of the Scrophulariaceae observed 
parasitic attachments to buckeye, Aesculus glabra, Willd., in 
Indiana. In the same paper he lists Dasistoma as one of the 
genera which may be restricted to a single host. That he 
had probably not learned of additional hosts in the years 
shortly after this observation is indicated by the fact that 
he stated simply that Dasistoma “is parasitic upon the roots 
of Aesculus" (Pennell, 1935, p. 405). 

Further information on this point has been recently re- 
ceived from Professor Edgar T. Wherry of the University 
of Pennsylvania who relates an incident when Pennell noted 
disagreement in the ranges of Dasistoma and Aesculus 

1Facilities for this study were provided by the Department of Botany, University of 
Michigan, Ann Arbor, where the author was engaged in doctoral studies. 

332 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

glabra in Indiana, he communicated with C. C. Deam, saying 
that he felt further study would show that Aesculus was 
present wherever Dasistoma was. After further considera- 
tion of the range of Aesculus in that state, Deam agreed that 
this was true. Thus, it would appear that Pennell felt this 
species was an obligate parasite on Aesculus. A parallel situ- 
ation has been carried in the literature for many years with 
regard to the host specificity of Buckleya distichophylla 
Torr., which is claimed to be restricted to hemlock, Tsuga 
(e.g., see Fernald, 1950). Such (presumed) highly special- 
ized host-parasite relationships are to be doubted when one 
considers that all other chlorophyllous parasites? of the 
Scrophulariaceae and Santalaceae that have been studied in 
some detail are known to parasitize a number of hosts. 

The present study was made to determine if Dasistoma 
does in fact parasitize other plants as well, thereby making 
it possible (if it is an obligate parasite) for it to grow in 
areas where Aesculus is absent. Further, within the Scro- 
phulariaceae, observations on parasitism are lacking for the 
tribe Buchneriae, to which Dasistoma belongs, except for 
some species of Gerardia L. (Agalinis Raf.). Most previ- 
ous observations are for the members of the Euphrasiae. 
None of the several manuals consulted (e.g., Fernald, 1950; 
Gleason, 1952) which cover the range of this species have 
included the fact that this relatively little known plant is 

As Pennell (1928, 1935) has indicated, there have been 
long-term differences of opinion and confusion concerning 
the placement of this species as to genus. It was given the 
name Dasistoma (aurea) by Rafinesque (1819), who later 
(1837) apparently gave it a new name Dasistema (auricu- 
lata). Bentham (1846) altered the spelling to Dasystoma, 
but misidentified Rafinesque’s description, applying the 
name not to this plant but to Aureolaria Raf. Nuttall (1818) 
placed it in his genus Seymeria, where it has been main- 
tained in some recent works (e.g., Fernald, 1950). I have 

*Such photosynthetic parasites which obtain only a portion of their total nutrition 
from hosts are often referred to as semi-, half-, or partial parasites. Present knowledge 
concerning the role of parasitism in the life of such plants indicates that although 
they may persist for a limited time without hosts, parasitism is necessary for optimum 
development and sexual reproduction. 

1962] Dasistoma — Piehl 333 

followed Pennell who treated it as a monotypic genus, Dasis- 

Dasistoma macrophylla is a robust, yellow-flowered herb 
becoming 1-2 m. tall, and bearing large, dissected or pinna- 
tifid lower leaves and narrower upper leaves which are mere- 
ly toothed. Although it is described as an annual (Pennell, 
1928; Gleason, 1952), the plants studied appeared to be 
biennial, or perhaps even perennial. Its roots are much 
larger than those I have examined for any of the truly 
annual parasitic Scrophulariaceae. Young, rosette-forming 
plants were found in the autumn that would presumably 
develop into flowering individuals the following summer, as 
I have noted for the related Awreolaria pedicularia (L.) 
Raf. The common name bestowed upon Dasistoma, mullein- 
foxglove (Fernald, 1950), is probably less well known and 
certainly more confusing than the scientific name. 

This species is limited to the central states, ranging from 
northwestern Georgia to northeastern Texas, north to east- 
ern Nebraska, southern Wisconsin, and northern Ohio. The 
observations discussed here were made in October, 1959 in 
Mercer County, Kentucky, 5 miles northeast of Shakertown 
near U.S. Route 68, in hilly, conifer-hardwood woodland 
over limestone. The associated species apparent at that sea- 
son were Juniperus virginiana L., Ostrya virginiana (Mill.) 
K. Koch, Quercus cf. muehlenbergu Engelm., Q. rubra L., 
Carya sp., Ulmus americana L., Celtis tenuifolia Nutt., Cer- 
cis canadensis L., Acer saccharum Marsh., Fraxinus quad- 
rangulata Michx., Panicum sp., and Aster shortii Lindl. 

Parasitic connections were detected to the roots of two 
species: American elm (Ulmus americana) and sugar maple 
(Acer saccharum), with additional connections to what was 
probably a third, unidentified, woody host. Since numerous 
haustoria are formed by a single plant, simultaneous connec- 
tions to two or more different hosts is the rule (Figs. A and 
C). Self-parasitic connections to the roots of the same or 
other individuals of Dasistoma were almost as frequent as 
those to foreign roots. In addition to their surprisingly high 
frequency (other root parasites have far fewer), some of 
the self-parasitic connections were unusual in that they 
lacked a distinct haustorium, the connection being suggestive 

334 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

of simple root grafting. Perhaps further observations will 
determine whether such occurrences, which may be of con- 
siderable ecological significance, are common in such plants. 

The root system of Dasistoma resembles that of many 
parasitic Scrophulariaceae in that it is whitish or light tan 
when fresh, but will blacken quickly upon drying. The usu- 

B trimit 




Plate 1272 

Figures A-C. Parasitic connections of Dasistoma macrophylla. A. Haustoria of a 
single plant on roots of American elm (e) and sugar maple (m). Both large and 
relatively small haustoria are visible at the right on maple (pointers); near the 
center, three haustoria produced in rather close successsion on elm are indicated. At 
the right the crown and large roots of the parasite are concentrated about roots of 
maple. B. Dasistoma root (above) paralleling a maple root to which primarily single 
haustoria have attached (pointer). Another haustorium is visible at the extreme right 
(parasite root has been severed just beyond). C. Haustoria of a single Dasistoma root 
attached both to elm and maple roots. Distal to the point of attachment, a marked 
decrease in the diameter of the maple root is visible, X 2.5 

1962] Dasistoma — Piehl 335 

ally disc-like haustoria, which are commonly hemispherical 
in vertical outline and from circular to broadly oblong in 
surface view, ranged from 0.5-6.0 mm. in width. 

Dasistoma haustoria differ rather markedly from those 
of such members of the Euphrasiae as Melampyrum lineare 
Desr. (Piehl, 1962) and Pedicularis canadensis L. (Piehl, 
in press) in the following ways. They are larger on the 
average and lack the epidermal hairs found on some haus- 
toria of these species. Also, they are produced from large 
as well as fine roots, and more frequently form attachments 
to larger (diameters up to 7 cm.) host organs. The larger 
haustoria-bearing roots, particularly, remain intact during 
excavation, making the observation of connections consider- 
ably easier. Another distinctive feature involving an abrupt 
decrease in the diameter of maple roots distal to the haus- 
torium was noted occasionally (Fig. C) ; in an extreme case 
the development of the distal portion of roots 2.5 mm. in 
diameter had been arrested completely so that the host root 
appeared to terminate at the haustorium. The crown and 
large roots of Dasistoma differ from the above Euphrasiae 
in being concentrated near rather large host roots (Fig. A), 
the parasite roots sometimes tending to partly surround 
them in a manner which has its most extreme expression 
(in temperate North America) in certain non-green para- 
sites, e.g., Epifagus. The haustoria tend to simulate those 
of the Euphrasiae in the mode of attachment to and pene- 
tration of host organs, and also in being produced both 
singly and in close succession. 

It is the author’s opinion that further study would show 
that a number of other species, the majority of them woody, 
serve as hosts as well. It remains to be determined if her- 
baceous plants also act as hosts, and if so, whether the 
parasite would grow as well if restricted to such plants as 
grasses, a situation which would involve smaller, but perhaps 
more numerous haustoria. — SANTA BARBARA BOTANIC GAR- 

BENTHAM, G. 1846. In De Candolle, Prodromus . . ., Vol 10. Paris. 
FERNALD, M. L. 1950. Gray's Manual of Botany, 8th Ed. American 
Book Co., New York. 

336 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

GLEASON, H. A. 1952. The New Britton and Brown Illustrated 
Flora, Vol. 3. The New York Botanical Garden, New York. 
NuTTALL, T. 1818. The Genera of North American Plants, Vol. 1. 
The author, Philadelphia. 

PENNELL, F. W. 1928. Agalinis and allies in North America, I. 
Proc. Acad. Phila. 80: 339-449. 

1935. The Scrophulariaceae of eastern temperate 
North America. Monogr. Acad. Phila. 1: 1-650. 

PrEHL, M. A. 1962. The parasitic behavior of Melampyrum lineare 
and a note on its seed color. Rhodora 64: 15-25. 

RAFINESQUE (-SCHMALTZ), C. S. 1819. Jour. de Phys. 89: 99. 

1836. New Flora and Botany of 

North America ..., Vol. 2. 



During the course of a biosystematic study of the genus 
Polymnia, it was discovered that one population (Wells 254) 
of P. laevigata Beadle contained an extremely high percent- 
age of different pollen shapes and sizes. This collection was 
taken from a population 5 miles southeast of Monteagle, 
Tennessee on U. S. Route 41. The plant was transplanted to 
the greenhouse and all pollen samples were taken from the 
living plant. This station was made known from previous 
collections of Ford and Russell for the University of Ten- 
nessee in 1946. Flowering heads were preserved in 3 parts 
95% ethyl alcohol and 1 part acetic acid. The immature 
pollen was stained with aceto-carmine and studied for over- 
all shape and number of nuclei. Aniline blue in lactophenol 
was used to study stainability of the mature pollen grains. 
Voucher slides are on deposit at The Ohio State University. 


From observation of several hundred pollen grains, five 
morphological types were easily discerned as follows: 

1Publication 675, The Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, The Ohio State 
University, Columbus 10, Ohio. 

1962] Polymnia — Fisher and Wells 337 

1. uninucleate and spherical (fig. 2, 3, 5) 

2. binucleate and elliptical (fig. 4) 

3. trinucleate and kidney bean-shaped (fig. 3) 

4. trinucleate and ovoid (fig. 4) 

5. quadrinucleate and spherical (fig. 2, 5) 

The above morphological forms were placed in four 
groups based on the number of nuclei in each pollen grain 
(table 1). In a sample of 500 randomly selected pollen 
grains, the uninucleate condition had a frequency of 68% 

Plate 1273 

Figures 1-6. Photographs of Polymnia laevigata showing plant and various pollen 
forms. Fig, 1. Immature plant. Figs. 2-5. "Variable nuclear condition and mor- 
phologic forms of pollen. Fig. 6. Mature pollen, large and small spheres. Large 
spherical pollen grains in figures 2, 5, and 6 are 25g in diameter; small uninucleate 
spherical forms are 15u in diameter. 

338 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

and the grains were about 15, in diameter. This is the con- 
dition normally observed in other populations of this species. 
The trinucleate condition was the least observed condition, 
only 1.4% of the sample. 

It is a common practice in taxonomic studies to use pollen 
stainability using aniline blue and lactophenol, as an index 
of pollen viability. Since this stain often obscures nuclear 
detail, rendering an exact count of nuclei uncertain, the pol- 
len was grouped into two categories; namely, “large” and 
“small.” The “large” group included quadrinucleate and 
trinucleate forms. The “small” group included the uninucle- 
ate and binucleate forms. There were a few instances in 
which the size of the pollen and its orientation made group- 
ing difficult but familiarity with the material was thought to 
have avoided such miscalculation. The results of this treat- 
ment are shown in table 2. 

From a random sample of 500 pollen grains, 77.5% fell 
into the “small” group and proved to be 94% stainable. The 
large pollen grains represented by 22.5% of the total sample 
were 88% stainable. In other words, the frequency of stain- 
ability among the smaller pollen grains was higher than for 
the larger. Ordinarily, when such a stainability test is 
applied to large and small pollen, the smaller pollen usually 
fails to become stained. 


Dimorphie pollen has been reported previously. Lee 
(1961) in Tripogandra grandiflora observed two types of 
pollen from the same flower; namely, hemispherical, fertile 
grains and elongate, sterile grains. Erdtman (1952) noted 
two pollen shapes in two different plants of Primula farin- 
osa. Punnett (1923) reported round pollen versus long 
pollen in different plants of Lathryus odoratus. Clark 
(1940) observed variation in the number of nuclei in pollen 
of Zea mays. 

In P. laevigata, both anomalies are combined within the 
same plant: that is, variation in the number of nuclei and 
the shape of pollen grains. Moreover, there are not just 2 
shapes of pollen (dimorphism) but 4 distinct shapes. 

1962] Polymnia — Fisher and Wells 339 

This assemblage of pollen forms coupled with variation 
in number of nuclei is termed “heteromorphic pollen.” To 
the authors’ knowledge, this term has not been used previ- 
ously. No meiotic abnormalities were observed using the 
aceto-carmine squash technique. The gametic chromosome 
number is n — 15. First generation hybrids have been ob- 
tained involving P. laevigata and P. canadensis but only one 
hybrid resulted from 38 attempted crosses using this plant 
(Wells 254) as the pollen parent. 

Two reasonable explanations can be proposed to account 
for this heteromorphic pollen. First, failure of wall forma- 
tion at the completion of meiosis II would account for a 
pollen grain with four nuclei. Second, and we believe more 
plausible, an erratic precocious division of the microspore 
nucleus. This population of Tennessee plants will be revisit- 
ed and an attempt made to secure more material for a 
thorough developmental study. 


One population representative of P. laevigata was found 
to contain 4 kinds of pollen grains in respect to number of 
nuclei and four kinds in respect to shape. If large and small 
spheres are considered separately, there are 5 kinds of pollen 
grains. The smaller sized pollen were uninucleate ; the larger 
quadrinucleate. A term suggested for this type of pollen 
found on the same plant is “heteromorphic pollen." Although 
no explanation for this condition is known, two theories are 
proposed ; namely, failure of wall formation at the termina- 
tion of meiosis II and erratic precocious divisions of the 
microspore nucleus. 


CLARK, F. J. 1940. Cytogenetic studies of divergent meiotic spindle 
formation in Zea mays. Amer, Jour. Bot. 27: 547-558. 

ERDTMAN, G. 1952. Pollen morphology and plant taxonomy. Chron- 
ica Botanica Co. 539 p. 

LEE, R. E. 1961. Pollen dimorphism in Tripogandra grandiflora. 
Baileya. 9(2) : 53-55. 

PUNNETT, R. C. 1923. Linkage in sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus). 
Jour. Gen, 13: 101-125, 

340 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

Table 1. The number and frequency of nuclei per pollen 
grain from a random sample of 500 grains. 

number frequency 
BEEN Loss 940. (68% ) 
Dc ccccsvssesussussussusivsnesuesucsuciesnsstesussussucecsuesusssecseesesuesuecteanenentens 58 (11.6%) 
"NNNM 7 (14%) 
A cseescessenncoveacsassstssusspuntnssisesutvapussinsnosserpnsseassoeansescaneastatoseensis 95 (19%) 
Total 500 (100%) 

Table 2. The stainability and frequency of small and large 
pollen from a random sample of 500 grains. 

stainabi lity f requ ency 
small pollen m MEM 

+ stain  ..eeseeee emen ne nennen nnne nennen nenne 366 (94% ) 

— stain essen nme Henne en nn nnn nennen nnn nnne ens 23 ( 6%) 

Total 389 (100% ) 

large pollen 

+ stain  .eeeee emen nmn nennen n hhnneeen enne innen 98 (88.3% ) 

— Stain eene eene nnn nnne nennt enne nennen nnns 13 (11.7%) 

Total 111 (100% ) 



Machias Seal Islands, at the entrance to the Bay of Fundy, 
have occupied a prominent place in ornithological literature 
ever since 1603 when they were named Les Isles des Perro- 
quets or the Parrot Islands by Champlain. A number of 
studies were made here by Audubon, and at the present time, 
a bird sanctuary is maintained by the United States Govern- 

IThis research is part of a project entitled “Floristic and Phytogeographic Investi- 
gation of the Wolf Islands and Other Islands in the Bay of Funly," which was sup- 
ported in part by a grant from the Central University Research Fund of the 
Graduate School of the University of New Hampshire and in part by a grant from 
the Society of the Sigma Xi. 

Published with the approval of the Director of the New Hampshire Agricultural 
Experiment Station, as Scientific Contribution No. 300. 

?Department of Horticulture and Botany, University of New Hampshire, Durham, 
N. H. 

1926] Machias Seal Islands — Pike and Hodgdon 341 

ment. Observations of plant life on these islands, when 
made, seem to have been buried in ornithological writings 
or have gone unpublished, as practically nothing appears 
in botanical journals or records. 

As part of a phytogeographic survey of Islands of the 
Bay of Fundy, a short visit was made by the senior author 
to the Machias Seal Islands on 29 August 1960. The islands 
are hardly more than ledges, with only the larger one hav- 
ing any real soil or obvious terrestrial vegetation other than 
lichens and a few halophytic plants of rock-crevices. 

These islands lie about ten miles off Cutler, Maine, and 
can be reached by small boats when the “Bay” is reasonably 
calm. Botanizing is more pleasant after the nesting season 
is over and the birds have departed sometime in August. 
Only the larger island was visited, the smaller one, called 
Gull Rock, being practically inaccessible; however, observa- 
tions were made from the boat with binoculars. No trees or 
evidence of any trees nor any woody plants of any sort oc- 
cur on these islands, not even the matted or prostrate shrubs 
such as Juniperus horizontalis, Empetrum nigrum, or Vac- 
cinium Vitis-Idaea. Herbaceous plants in great vigor, how- 
ever, occupied every available niche in 1960. Asters in spec- 
tacular profusion, in full bloom at the time, dominated the 
flora of the island and were easily the most conspicuous ele- 
ment of the vegetation. Many of the plants stood breast- 
high and individual clones varied from six to twenty feet 
across. The flowers were mostly in shades of blue and violet 
with some plants varying to pinkish or nearly white. Sen- 
tinels of matured Coelopleurum and Rumex obtusifolius 
were scattered throughout, with clumps of yarrow, the foli- 
age so gigantic as to be almost unrecognizable. Plants of 
Iris versicolor with leaves six feet tall were noted. The extra- 
ordinary vigor and lushness of the herbage doubtless was 
due to the continual rain of guano during the early growing 
season, combined with the high humidity of the Fundian 
atmosphere. The only other conspicuous kind of vegetation 
was the well-kept lawn near the lighthouse which, at the 
time of the visit, was carpeted with euphrasias in full flow- 
er. During the short stay on the island on August 29, a total 

342 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

of 34 species was collected as shown in the accompanying 

The following year, a chance clue led to an exchange of 
communication with Dr. R. T. Clausen, who called our at- 
tention to a record of collections and a survey made in the 
years 1947-48 by Oscar Hawksley (Bird-Banding XXVIII 
No. 2 April 1957) as part of an investigation of the nesting 
habits of the Arctic Tern. In two years, 41 species of plants 
were collected. Hawksley stated on page 4, “an attempt was 
made to collect all the species of vascular plants on the is- 
land." Since his list was remarkably different in many re- 
spects from our list of 1960, a further survey was made to 
reconcile the two. On September 17, 1962, therefore, the 
senior author, this time with two experienced assistants, 
carefully combed the island. At the same time, a complete 
sampling of the aster clones was made for a later population 

Sixty-two species as well as other minor taxa were col- 
lected, a marked increase over either previous list, but 
twelve species of Hawksley’s list were still missing. The 
obvious procedure at this point would be to carefully study 
Hawksley’s herbarium specimens, which we were informed 
were deposited in the Wiegand Herbarium at Cornell Uni- 
versity. Unfortunately, the Curator, Dr. Clausen, reports 
that these are missing or perhaps were not left there. Not 
wanting to postpone this paper indefinitely, we prefer to 
proceed with our discussion of the Machias Seal Islands now, 
and in the event that this collection does come to light, 
make any necessary corrections in the list at that time. 

The most noteworthy fact about the Machias Seal Island 
flora is the remarkable difference over an eighteen year pe- 
riod, which may be explained by any of the following rea- 
sons. The lists may be imperfect, resulting from fragmen- 
tary collecting or collecting only at one season. On the other 
hand, weed species may have come and gone or new ones 
arrived recently on an island that is so much visited. The 
climatic factors of one year may provide different growing 
conditions from another. The effect of domestic animals 
may have been most drastic, particularly in earlier years. 

1926] Machias Seal Islands — Pike and Hodgdon 343 

The interaction of the plants and the usually heavy breeding 
population of birds may result in periodic fluctuations of 
dominance of certain plant species. 

Hawksley lists twelve species that we have been unable 
to find, while we are reporting 36 species not found by him. 
Several of Hawksley’s twelve are species that might be ex- 
pected, Carex brunnescens, C. silicea, Urtica dioica, Iris 
Hookeri, Rumex crispus, Lathyrus palustris, and Euphrasia 
canadensis, for example. But it is to be noted that a speci- 
men of Urtica viridis Rydb. collected by Mrs. A. H. Norton 
is present in the Herbarium of the New England Botanical 
Club. Certainly these two nettles might easily be confused. 
It is also of interest that A. H. Norton (Rhodora 15:138, 
1913) in recording observations of Iris Hookeri, made the 
following comment: "this plant ..... abounds on most of 
the islands (excepting Machias Seal Island) east of Petit 
Manan Point" A particular search for this species was 
made both in 1960 and 1962, but without success. Of 
course, it may exist in a precarious state of balance with 
other more vigorous vegetation. Rumex mexicanus may 
easily be confused with R. pallidus. Our material in good 
fruit proves to be the latter. Cerastium vulgatum was col- 
lected on both recent visits and occurs there in some abun- 
ance, and it could be that C. viscosum was confused with it. 
Although similar in general appearance, the common plant 
of seacoasts and low marine islands is Potentilla Egedei var. 
groenlandica rather than P. anserina. Coelopleurum luci- 
dum, when immature, might be confused with Heracleum; 
we have not seen it on other small islands in the Bay of 
Fundy where Coelopleurum is common. The much greater 
list of 1962 may be explained in part by the advantages of 
getting more species in maturity and at a time when birds 
did not interfere with collecting and with the growth and 
development of plants. 

The phenomena of plant succession and vigor were close- 
ly observed by Hawksley as they seemed to have direct bear- 
ing on his population study of Artic terns. He noted a num- 
ber of vegetational changes, some of the more violent of 
which were influenced by man and his domestic animals. 

344 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

In 1944 there were 40 sheep on the island. In Hawksley’s 
words (p. 85), “the vegetation ..... was close-cropped and 
much of it was destroyed completely." Recovery was ap- 
parent by 1946, and the following year the plant growth 
reached a height of 40 inches. A decline started in 1947 
again with the aid of sheep (only four) and continued into 
1949 with Rumex Acetosella and grasses replacing much 

Curiously enough, little mention is made of asters, which 
eleven and thirteen years later were the dominant herbage 
on much of the island. Even though asters would not have 
been in bloom during the months of Hawksley’s visits, yet 
it would have been hardly possible to have ignored them 
when preparing a detailed vegetation map such as he made 
(Fig. 2, p. 63). He collected only one aster, and this species 
appears to be the minor one in the aster complex which was 
such a major feature in 1960 and 1962. One can only specu- 
late as to what led to the appearance and rapid dominance 
of these asters. 

Certain conclusions from this study bearing on island 
flora seem to be warranted. Even on a limited and isolated 
island, the composition of the flora under some conditions 
can apparently change to a considerable degree in a matter 
of only a few years. As a result of this work, one is led to 
wonder just what constitutes a definitive flora. The dynam- 
ics of floristic and vegetative change along with the uncer- 
tainty of making entirely complete collections show the dan- 
ger involved in assuming a “flora” to be finished. 

All specimens collected on the two visits in 1960 and 1962 
are to be found in the Herbarium of the University of New 

1947-48 1960 1962 

Osmunda cinnamomea L. X X 
Festuca rubra L. var. rubra X X 
Puccinellia paupercula (Holm) Fern. & Weath. 

var. alaskana (Scribn. & Merr.) Fern. & Weath. X 
Poa annua L. X X 
Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. var. subulatum 

(Schreb.) Reichenb. X X 

1926] Machias Seal Islands — Pike and Hodgdon 345 

Agropyron repens var. subulatum forma 
Vaillantianum (Wulf. & Schreb.) Fern. X 
Agropyron repens var. subulatum forma 
setiferum Fern. 
Elymus arenarius L. var. villosus Mey. X 
Calamagrostis canadensis (Michx.) Nutt. var. 
Calamagrostis canadensis var. robusta Vasey 
Agrostis alba L. 
Agrostis alba var. palustris (Huds.) Pers. 
Phleum pratense L. 
Carex canescens L. var. canescens 
Carex brunnescens (Pers.) Poir. 
Carex scoparia Schkuhr 
Carex silicea Olney 
Carex hormathodes Fern. 
Carex paleacea Wahlenb. 
Juncus bufonius L. 
Juncus bufonius var. halophilus Buchenau & Fern. 
Sisyrinchium montanum Greene 
Iris Hookeri Penny 
Iris versicolor L. 
Urtica viridis Rydb. collected by 
Mrs. A. H. Norton, July 27, 1902 (NEBC). 
Urtica dioica L. 
Rumex mexicanus Meisn. 
Rumex pallidus Bigel. X 
Rumex orbiculatus Gray X 


bd bM Mx 
bd bd be 
bd bébé bd bd bd db bd bd bet pd pd 

p P rn 

p P 

Rumex crispus L. 

Rumex Acetosella L. 

Polygonum aviculare L. var. littorale (Link) 
W. D. J. Koch X 

Atriplex patula L. var. patula 

Atriplex glabriuscula Edmondston X 

Spergularia marina (L.) Griseb. 
var. leiosperma (Kindb.) Gürke 

Arenaria lateriflora L. 

Stellaria media (L.) Cyrillo 

Stellaria graminea L. 

Cerastium vulgatum L. X 

Cerastium viscosum L. 

Ranunculus repens L. var. villosus Lamotte 

Ranunculus acris L. 

Thalictrum polygamum Muhl. 

Capsella Bursa-pastoris (L.) Medic. 

Sedum Rosea (L.) Scop. 

Potentilla norvegica L. 

p v 

pA pr 

pA pA pA pA pA pd pA pA pA rA pA pA po pdo PA A 

pP do XM 

346 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

Potentilla anserina L. X 
Potentilla Egedei Wormsk. 

var. groenlandica (Tratt.) Polunin X X 
Trifolium pratense L. X 
Trifolium repens L. X X X 
Trifolium hybridum L. X 
Vicia augustifolia Reichard X X 
Vicia Cracca L. X X 
Lathyrus palustris L. X 
Callitriche verna L. X 
Impatiens capensis Meerb. X X X 
Viola Mackloskii Lloyd subsp. pallens 

(Banks) Baker X X 
Carum Carvi L. X X 
Ligusticum scothicum L. X X X 
Coelopleurum lucidum (L.) Fern. X X 
Heracleum maximum Bartr. X 
Lycopus uniflorus Michx. X X 
Euphrasia Randii Robins. X 
Euphrasia canadensis Townsend X 
Euphrasia americana Wettst. X X 
Rhinanthus Crista-galli L. X X X 
Plantago major L. X X 
Plantago juncoides Lam. var, decipiens 

(Barneoud) Fern. X X 
Galium tinctorium L. X X 
Aster foliaceus L. (complex) X X 
Aster johannensis Fern. X X X 
Aster umbellatus Mill. X 
Gnaphalium uliginosum L. X 
Achillea borealis Bong. X 
Achillea lanulosa Nutt. X X 
Matricaria matricarioides (Less.) Porter X X 
Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. X X 
Cirsium arvense forma albiflorum (Rand & Redf.) 

R. Hoffman X 
Hypochoeris radicata L. X 
Leontodon autumnalis L. X 
Taraxacum erythrospermum Andrz. X 
Taraxacum officinale Weber X X 
Sonchus asper (L.) Hill X 

1962] Book Review — Tryon 347 

attractively prepared volume merits special attention for it 
is the first comprehensive modern treatment of the rich 
pteridophyte flora of Mexico. The authors have both collect- 
ed extensively in the state of Chihuahua, with the particular 
purpose of augmenting the previous collections and phyto- 
geographic knowledge. Together, they have collected all but 
18 of the species. They are to be congratulated on the 
thoroughness of their work and the accurate presentation of 
their results. 

Although 120 species are known from Chihuahua, and an 
additional 6 from adjacent areas are treated, the authors 
recognize that the fern flora is still incompletely known. 
Additional species will be discovered as collecting continues 
in many less accessible areas, especially the isolated mesic 
barrancas of the western Sierra Madre Occidental. How- 
ever, the basic explorations have been completed. The 
authors are to be commended in bringing out their work at 
this time so that it may fill a long-standing need. 

The introduction surveys the collecting activities in the 
state of Chihuahua, the vegetation, geology, physiography, 
climate and the ecology and distribution of the pteridophy- 
tes. There is also a discussion of the typical structure and 
life-history of ferns, their cultivation and economic uses. A 
list of the known chromosome numbers of Chihuahuan 
species is a useful supplement. The principal text presents 
the pertinent nomenclature, a careful and complete descrip- 
tion and the ecology and distribution of the 138 taxa recog- 
nized. Each species is illustrated; a number of them 
adequately for the first time. Keys are provided as an aid 
in identification and these, in combination with the excellent 
illustrations and the frequent discussions of characters make 
the book one of unusual utility. The appendix is devoted to 
comments on the species to be expected in Chihuahua, a 

JFerns and Fern Allies of Chihuahua, Mexico, by Irving W. Knobloch and Donovan 
S. Correll (illustrated by Phoebejane Horning and Jane Roller) i-xiv, 1-198, t. 1-57. 
(Contrib, Texas Res, Found, vol 3) Texas Research Foundation, Renner, Texas. 
1962. $10.00, 

348 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

gazetteer, a glossary of terms, a bibliography and an index. 
The gazetteer will be useful to many botanists concerned 
with the location of often obscure place-names in Chihuahua. 

From my own point of view, it is refreshing that the 
classification adopted is a highly realistic one. I refer par- 
ticularly to the recognition of the Polypodiaceae in the broad 
sense, to the generic treatment of the Cheilanthoid ferns and 
to the use of the category variety (rather than species) for 
important but subordinate taxa. Such practice is a depar- 
ture from the tendency of many authors to accept, uncritic- 
ally, some of the more recent but unsubstantiated views on 

The pteridophyte flora of Chihuahua, as one expects, is 
primarily a xeric one. This is emphasized by the predomi- 
nance of the genera characteristic of arid lands in the 
Americas. Cheilanthes is represented by 23 species, Notho- 
laena by 15, Selaginella by 11 xeric ones and Pellaea by 9. 
The truly mesic element consists of about 12 species and it 
is confined to the barrancas of the Sierra Madre Occidental. 
This is a tropical element which mostly reaches its north- 
western limit in Chihuahua. Representative species of this 
element are: Dennstaedtia distenta, Trichomanes radicans, 
Hymenophyllum tunbridgense, Adiantum Poiretii, Thelyp- 
teris rudis and Dryopteris parallelogramma. This book will 
be useful for a considerably larger area than the single state 
it covers. Fifty-nine of the species also occur in southern 
California, Arizona or New Mexico and 110 of them occur 
elsewhere in Mexico. Of these, 85 extend southward to 
central Mexico and 61 to southern Mexico or beyond. Eleven 
species are known in Mexico only from Chihuahua. Five of 
these are endemic and the remainder occur in the United 

tative treatment and it can be recommended to all botanists 
with an interest in ferns or with a broader interest in the 
flora of arid regions. It will also be an important reference 
for those concerned with any portion of the flora of Mexico 
or the southwestern United States. — ROLLA M. TRYON, GRAY 

1962] X Cyperus Weatherbianus — Raymond 349 

1962, Mr. Richard J. Eaton, a member of the Club Commit- 
tee on Plant Distribution which is preparing reports on the 
distribution of Cyperaceae in New England, asked me while 
I was at the Gray Herbarium to examine the type of X Cy- 
perus Weatherbianus Fern., a putative intergeneric hybrid 
between Cyperus dentatus Torr. and Rhynchospora capitel- 
lata (Michx.) Vahl. This plant had been puzzling me for a 
long time, for Cyperus and Rhynchospora belong to different 
tribes. Other cyperologists had some doubt too. For in- 
stance, in his monograph of the genus Cyperus (Pflanzen- 
reich IV. 20(Heft 101): 251. 1936) the late G. Kükenthal 
commented as follows: 

*Nota. C. Weatherbianus Fernald in Rhodora XX. (1918) 190, t. 
CXXV, fig. 1-5 a cl. Fernald pro prole hybrida bigenerea, nempe 
Cyperus dentatus Torr. X Rhynchospora capitellata Vahl sumptus 
mihi dubius esse apparet, parentibus indicatis in systemate Cy- 
peracearum admodum distantibus. Sed specimina originalia non vidi. 

Crescit in Massachusetts: Sandy shore of Simmons Pond (C. A. 
Weatherby, Fernald und Long n. 16287) ." 

A close look at the type of X Cyperus Weatherbianus 
Fern. shows that this plant has very little, if any, Cyperus 
influence in its make-up. First, the stem is nodose, and the 
scales of the fascicled spikelets are three ranked. These 
two characters eliminate the genus Cyperus, which has only 
basal leaves and two-ranked spikelets. After studying all 
the possibilities, I am convinced that the plant is the result 
of a cross between Rhynchospora capitellata (Michx.) Vahl 
and Dulichium arundinaceum (L.) Britton, Rhynchospora 
having provided the three-ranked colored scales, whereas 
Dulichium contributed the shape and the distribution of the 
fascicles emerging from the leaf-sheaths of the stem, as well 
as the subulate tubercle of the achene. 

This finding is of great phylogenetic importance, for the 
real position of the genus Dulichium in the family Cyper- 
aceae is still a debatable point. Whereas Kiikenthal (Bot. 
Jahrb. 75: 485-488. 1952) placed it amongst the Rhyncho- 
sporoideae, Fernald (Gray’s Manual of Botany, ed. 8. 248) 
squeezed it between Cyperus and Eleocharis, and Schultze- 
Motel (Willdenowia 2(2): 173. 1959) created a new tribe, 
Dulichieae, to accommodate this unusual monotypic genus. 

550 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

This new evidence shows that Dulichium rightly belongs to 
the Rhynchosporoideae. It is strange that the late Professor 
Fernald after having originally described his intergeneric 
hybrid in 1918 with the scales spirally arranged, changed 
his mind in 1950 and in the Gray’s Manual stated clearly, 
"the spikelets with many distichous scales." They are de- 
cidedly three ranked. 

I do not think it necessary to transfer X Cyperus Weath- 
erbianus to any other genus, for only one tussock has been 
found, that from Cape Cod. It is sufficient that we assume 
the probable correct identity of this odd individual and 
emphasize its phylogenetic importance. It is a chance, sterile, 
intergeneric hybrid that will probably never duplicate itself, 
so the problem of giving it a distinct name does not arise. — 

ROCARPON. — A colony of albino berried plants was 
found on the west shore of Tom Nevers Pond, Nantucket 
Island, Massachusetts, on September 11, 1958. Two sets of 
specimens were collected of this plant, which were assigned 
the collection number N2. Because of the difficulty of getting 
into the area, and due to a previous coronary, I have never 
returned to it. The small colony extended from the shore 
into a large area covered with plants bearing very dark red 
berries of large size. The albino berries were about three 
quarters of the size of the red berries. The set of fruit was 
about equal. There was a definite contrast between the plants 
due to the lighter foliage and the white berries of the albino 
plants. Thus, from high ground, these plants appeared to be 
massed in such a way as to resemble a slice of pie, the apex 
being furthest from the shore. The albino berries were near- 
ly spherical, whereas the red berries were decidedly oblong. 
A few of the larger and older berries had a tendency to form 
“a blush" on their surfaces which were more exposed to the 

When I was certain that this was definitely a colony of 
albinos, I envisioned marketing the red and white berries 

1962] Albino Vaccinium — MacKeever 351 

packaged together. An eye pleasing and picturesque product, 
to say the least. However, sauce made from the berries was 
of an amber color, insipid, and much like the flavor of a sour 
blackberry. (And — I know how to make a delicious cran- 
berry sauce!) 

On August 31, 1962 I had the good fortune to find another 
colony of these albinos. Some of the fruits were almost pure 
white but the majority were of a pale, cream color. The 
fruits on the uppermost portions of the plants, unlike those 
found previously, rarely showed any signs of a “blush.” The 
prominent remains of the calyces were persistent on the 
somewhat constricted blossom ends of the berries — not 
fugacious as in most cranberries. Specimens from this colony 
will be distributed under my collection number N695. 

This white berried plant is an albino fruited form of 
Vaccinium macrocarpon Aiton, and it should not be confused 
with the white berried V. oxycoccos L., forma leucocarpum 
Ascherson and Magnus. 

Vaccinium macrocarpon Aiton, forma eburnea MacKeever. Differt ab 
planta typica in fructis eburneis. This form is similar to the species 
except for its albino fruits. The type specimen, N2, was collected by 
Frank C. MacKeever, at Tom Nevers Pond, Nantucket Island, Mass., 
on September 11, 1958, and is deposited in the herbarium of the New 
York Botanical Garden. An isotype is in the herbarium of the Museum 
of Natural Science, Nantucket, Mass. — FRANK C. MACKEEVER, NEW 



A colony of this plant occurs at Holt’s Ledge in Lyme, 
Grafton County. This was called to our attention by Pro- 
fessor James Poole of Dartmouth College with whom we 
had the pleasure of visiting the area on June 23, 1959. 
Professor Poole does not know who discovered this colony. 
He collected specimens from it at the time of his first visit 
to the station on October 21, 1937, but he informs us that 
there are records of collections by earlier botany classes 
as far back as 1930. On our June, 1959, visit we were able 
to find the juniper again after brief searching. 

Only 2 small mats of it were seen; neither one more than 

352 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

3 or 4 feet across, and each probably consisting of only a 
single plant. They were growing on shelves near the crest 
of the high and steep ledge. It is possible that there were 
other remnants of this meager colony farther down on more 
inaccessible shelves of the ledge, but we were satisfied, for 
the time being at least, to find these small plants. This 
colony has more than passing interest because, aside from 
the well known station on Mt. Equinox in southwestern Ver- 
mont, it is the only known inland station in New England, 
but unlike the Vermont locality there seemed to be no 
calcareous rock in the Holt’s Ledge area, nor any plants 
present that might be thought of as of calcareous affinity. 

Specimens have been deposited in the Herbaria of the 
University of New Hampshire, Dartmouth College and the 
New England Botanical Club. 

This is the first verified record of this plant from New 
Hampshire. Bean, Hill and Eaton (Rhodora 63: 348) cor- 
rectly excluded it from the state on the basis of the then 
available published information. — A. R. HODGDON and F. 

early September, 1961, I collected a Cyperus on the grassy 
shore of the Connecticut River in Vernon, Vermont, at the 
southeast corner of the state. Subsequently I referred it to 
C. ferruginescens Boeckl. This species is rare in New Eng- 
land and hitherto known in New England only from three 
riparian stations near Hartford, Connecticut. There were 
no specimens in the Club Herbarium (N.E.B.C.) and only 
four sheets in the Gray Herbarium. My collection, Eaton 
5088, at Vernon, Windham County, Vermont, September 7, 
1961, represents a significant extension of range, north ward. 
Mr. F. C. Seymour and Dr. Marcel Raymond have kindly 
examined it and concur in the determination. It has been 
placed in the herbarium of the New England Botanical Club. 

There is some question whether C. ferruginescens deserves 

1962] Cyperus Ferruginescens — Eaton 353 

specific rank or is better treated as a variety of C. odoratus 
L. In New England it seems distinct morphologically as 
well as in respect to range and habitat preference. Here it 
appears to be confined to alluvial soils well removed from 
salt water, whereas C. odoratus is generally found in saline 
or brackish situations, and only along the coast as far 
northeastward as Essex County, Massachusetts. Elsewhere 
in North America the former is conspicuously inland in its 
distribution, whereas the latter is primarily coastal as far 
west as the mouth of the Mississippi River. There is some 
overlap in range northward along the edges of the Missis- 
Sippi River valley and particularly beyond its western side 
(South Dakota, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas, and thence 
westward to Southern California). Furthermore, C. odor- 
atus is semi-cosmopolitan (North and South America, east- 
ern Asia), whereas C. ferruginescens is confined, I believe, 
to North America. Unless close study has demonstrated 
the existence of intergrading forms in the areas of overlap, 
it seems better to maintain them as separate species. RICH- 

AN UNUSUAL RUBUS. The subgenus Eubatus of the genus 
Rubus contains such a variable assemblage of entities that 
it is not unusual to find a plant that cannot be identified. 
However, the blackberry to be described in this note pre- 
sents some unusual features. On July 21, 1961 in the town 
of Altamount, New York, I found a Rubus with an unusual 
inflorescence in an old field near the edge of a bog. The 
flowers were small, about the size of a blossom of R. hispi- 
dus, but many were of a type often referred to as “double”, 
with 10-15 petals of various sizes, apparently representing 
altered stamens. This plant did not fit any blackberry des- 
cribed in Gray’s Manual, Eighth Edition, but seemed to fall 
in the section Tholiformes, and in the key came closest to the 
group that included R. biformispinus, R. grandidens and R. 
arcuans. However, it differed from all of these plants in 
several ways. It seemed more probable that it was of hybrid 

354 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

In an effort to determine the putative parents, eight 
samples of primocanes and floricanes were collected and 
growth habit notes made for each one individually. Later 
various measurements were made. The following character- 
istics were noted: growth habit from trailing to doming to 
erect up to 214’; armature consisting of stiff prickles, acicu- 
lar prickles, bristles and glands, length of longest prickle 
up to 5 mm., number of all types of armature combined from 
200 to 800 per dm.; primocane leaflets uniformly dull, sub- 
coriaceous, length from 5.5 to 7.0 cm., number of leaflets 
ranging from 3 to 5, ratio of width to length from .65 to .8, 
broadest part of leaf at the middle or well above the middle; 
inflorescence resembling R. hispidus or R. setosus. 

On the basis of these characters it was not possible to 
form a positive conclusion as to the origin of the blackberry. 
The leaflet shape and number seemed to be derived from R. 
hispidus, the armature from R. elegantulus and R. setosus. 
Other characters could have come from one or more of these 
three species, all of which were in the vicinity. Extensive 
field observations have convinced me that these species 
hybridize frequently. 

A specimen of this blackberry has been deposted in the 
Herbarium of the University of New Hampshire. 


number of western plants are established on a gravel bluff 
prairie, known locally as Bell Bowl prairie, in southern 
Winnebago County, in Greater Rockford Airport a few miles 
south of Rockford, Illinois. They can be divided into two 

One group is composed of annual or perennial plants that 
are being spread by seed and are found over the county and 
over the state. Among them are such more or less common 
species as Agropyron smithii Rydb., Froelichia gracilis Moq., 
Solanum rostratum Dunal, Artemisia dracunculoides Pursh 

1Contribution of the Evelyn I. Fernald Memorial Herbarium of Rockford College. 

1962] Plains Plants — Fell 355 

and Ratibida columnifera (Nutt.) Wooton & Standl. They 
are now widespread and their presence here does not require 
any special comment. 

The other group is made up of the following perennials 
which have a number of peculiarities in common. Poa arach- 
nifera Torr. is found elsewhere in the county in connection 
with highway shoulder seeding (Fell, 1955) but on Bell 
Bowl prairie it does not have the appearance of having been 
planted nor of spreading except by stolons. Buchloé dacty- 
loides (Nutt.) Engelm. (buffalo grass) is reported by Jones 
(1958) as having been collected recently by V. H. Chase in 
Peoria County 110 miles south of us. In Bell Bowl it occurs 
in several patches each about 10 feet in diameter. It is 
spreading by stolons. Chloris verticillata Nutt. (windmill 
grass) is credited to the same collector from the same area 
by Jones & Fuller (1955). With us it grows in a number of 
patches none of which is more than two feet in diameter. It 
produces viable seed abundantly but does not seem to be 
spreading by this means. Carex praegracilis W. Boott and 
C. stenophylla Wahl. var. enervis (C. A. Mey.) Kiikenth. 
(C. eleocharis Bailey) have been previously commented 
upon (Fell, 1958). They produce seed sparingly and seem 
to reproduce only vegetatively. Schrankia nuttallii (DC.) 
Standl. (sensitive briar) was collected by Francis McDonald 
in the Peoria area in 1903 according to Jones & Fuller (l.c.). 
On Bell Bowl prairie it produces flowers but no seeds were 

None of the above plants are recorded otherwise than as 
mentioned from Illinois so the presence of all of them here 
in a small area, a gravel bluff one half mile long, is a matter 
of interest. This is particularly true because of their absence 
from the numerous other prairie patches in the county that 
furnish the same type of habitat (Fell and Fell, 1956), dry 
gravel hills or bluffs exposed to the prevailing westerly 
winds, which are from the north in winter and from the 
south in summer. If they are natives they are relics of dying 
populations. This is suggested somewhat by their poor re- 
production by seed. It seems unlikely that all these plants 
could have been growing in this vicinity a hundred years 
ago and some of them not have been found by so active a 

356 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

collector as M. S. Bebb. Another possible explanation of 
their being here is the fact that this area was within Camp 
Grant during World War I and this particular tract was an 
important remount station and trench warfare training cen- 
ter. The numerous horses and mules were shipped here from 
the west of the Mississippi River as was also hay and straw 
in bales for use as bedding and in making ramparts for the 
trenches and effigies for bayonet practice. These shipments 
may have served as transports for the seed of these plains 
plants. The ones that reproduce readily by seed here have 
become disseminated, the others have stayed where they 
were originally introduced. — EGBERT W. FELL.’ 

FELL, E. W. 1955. Flora of Winnebago County, Illinois. Nature 
Conservancy, Washington, D. C. 
1958. New Illinois Carex records. Rhodora 60:115- 

and GEORGE B. FELL. 1956. The gravel hill prairies of 
Rock River valley in Illinois. Ill. Acad. Sci. Trans. 49: 47-62. 
Jones, G. NEVILLE. 1958. Buchloé dactyloides in Illinois. Rhodora 
60: 259-260. 
and GEORGE D. FULLER et al. 1955. Vascular plants 
of Illinois. Univ. of Ill. Press and Ill. State Museum. 

?Dr, Egbert W. Fell died on July 16, 1960. 

barium studies in Illinois continue to add to the number of 
species known from that State. As has been the situation 
for the past six or seven years, many of the additions are 
native species rather than adventives or incidental waifs. 

All specimens cited are deposited in SIU, except that of 
Agrimonia microcarpa which is in MO. 

Paspalum lentiferum Lam. A large colony of this southern grass 
occurs in a semi-swampy roadside ditch near Karnak in Pulaski 
County. Considerable similarity exists between this species and the 
southeastern P. boscianum. The stramineous fruit distinguishes P. 
lentiferum. The fact that the southern Illinois station is several 
hundred miles from the nearest known station would seem to indicate 
an adventive status for this species, although the marshy situation 
simulates its natural habitat, 

1962] Flora Illinois— Mohlenbrock, Ozment & Folkerts 357 

Pulaski Co.: low roadside diteh, near Karnak, S. Boyce s.n. 

Rhynchospora macrostachya Torr, This giant horned rush, which 
closely resembles R. corniculata and under which name it was dis- 
tributed, has its only station in a swamp north of Pulaski in Pulaski 
County. The long bristles which greatly exceed the achenes readily 
distinguish this species from R. corniculata. The nearest station to 
the Illinois locality is in southern Missouri. Some of our specimens 
attain a height of nearly one meter. Rhynchospora corniculata is 
usually a taller species in Illinois. 

Pulaski Co.: north of Pulaski, July 12, 1955, R. Mohlenbrock and 
J. Voigt 5542. 

Carex nigromarginata Schwein. This species belongs to the diffi- 
cult $ Montanae, which is represented in Illinois by seven species. 
Of these, Carex emmonsii, C. physorhyncha, and the present species 
have been found within the last four years. Carex migromarginata, 
because of its partially hidden spikelets and its persistent, shreddy 
leaves, is very similar to C. umbellata and C. abdita. It is distin- 
guished by its much narrower perigynia. 

Union Co.: cherty soil, Pine Hills, W. Ashby & R. Kelting s.n. 

Cydonia oblonga L. The quince is an Asiatic shrub which rarely 
escapes from cultivation. On the top of Atwood Ridge in Union 
County occur two shrubs of this species along a trail. Although no 
other indication is evident of previous habitation, the area must have 
been the site of an old homestead. The finding of these shrubs in an 
otherwise wild area is surprising. 

Union Co.: along trail, Atwood Ridge, May 27, 1957, Steyermark, 
Voigt, & Mohlenbrock s.n. 

Agrimonia microcarpa, Wallr. A collection of this species (labeled 
A. platycarpa) from near Cahokia in the latter part of the nineteenth 
century is the sole record of this species from Illinois. This specimen 
apparently has been overlooked in the past. The Illinois station marks 
the northwest limit of the range of this species. It closely resembles 
A. parviflora, but is distinguished by its smaller fruits (up to 3 mm 
long) and its fewer leaflets (5). 

St. Clair Co.: near Cahokia, in 1877, H. Eggert s.n. (MO). 

Polygala sanguinea L. f. albiflora (Wheelock) Millsp. The white- 
flowered form of the common Polygala sanguinea occurs in a rather 
large colony in a railroad prairie near Elkville. The "typical" form 
is abundant in the same area. 

Jackson Co.: railroad prairie, one-fourth mile south of Elkville 
along Route 51, July 2, 1962, G. Folkerts s.n. 

Euphorbia dictyosperma Fisch. & Mey. This western species was 
found on a limestone ledge at the edge of a hill prairie near Fults in 
Monroe County. Only a few specimens were observed. The beautiful, 
intricately reticulated fruit distinguishes this species from the similar 
E. obtusata. 

Monroe Co.: limestone ledge, near Fults, J. Ozment s.n. 

Vaccinium stamineum L. This species has been sought in southern 

358 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

Illinois for several years since it is known from Indiana and Missouri. 
It finally has been found on a xeric sandstone bluff at Hayes Creek 
Canyon, where it occurs with the very abundant Vaccinium arboreum. 
The senior author was attracted to the two shrubs of V. stamineum 
because of the much paler color of the foliage. Our specimens, with 
the branchlets and leaves glabrous, belong to var. neglectum (Small) 

Pope Co.: sandstone blufftop, Hayes Creek Canyon, May 19, 1962, 
R. Mohlenbrock 14914. 

Infrequently Collected Southern Illinois Plants 

Phragmites communis Trin. The most southern records of this 
species in Illinois previously are from St. Clair County (Eggert in 
1877) and Effingham County (Voigt in 1960). These stations are 
over one hundred miles from the locality reported here. At this 
Franklin County station, a huge colony exists. 

Franklin Co.: around pond, near Christopher, August 1, 1962, C. 
Bollwinkel & J. Richardson s.n. 

Poa palustris L. A collection of this primarily northern species 
from a low woodland in the Pine Hills of Union County marks the 
first record from southern Illinois. The nearest station is in Fulton 
County, over two hundred miles distant. 

Union Co.: low woodland, Pine Hills, August, 1961, W. Ashby & 
R. Kelting s.m. 

Potentilla millegrana Engelm. This species, which is distinguished 
from P. norvegica var. monspeliensis by possessing 10-15 stamens, has 
been found in a disturbed woods in Jackson County. The only previous 
record of this species from Illinois is a collection (H. Eggert in 1877) 
from National Stockyards, St. Clair County. 

Jackson Co.: open woods, Thompson’s Woods, Carbondale, August 
3, 1962, G. Folkerts s.n. 

Tragia cordata Michx. This semi-twining plant had been collected 
twice on the banks of the Ohio River at Golconda, Pope County, by 
S. A. Forbes and E. J. Palmer. Now Hardin County can be added to 
its distribution. 

Hardin Co.: limestone bluff, near Shetlerville, J. Ozment s.n.— 

the algae of Worcester County are few, the most recent 
being those of Auyang (1) and the author (6). Particular 
interest is aroused, therefore, when a rather erratically 
occurring alga (3) is located in the county. 

In September, 1961 Dr. Burton Gates of Clark University 

1962] Nostoc Parmelioides — Webber 359 

collected growths of Nostoc from granite rocks in Keyes 
Brook, East Princeton, Mass. While instructing in the sum- 
mer session at Clark, I became interested in learning more 
about this alga, for it appeared to be restricted to this habi- 
tat and location. The water temperature at several collecting 
trips was 22? to 23? C., and the pH a constant 8.3. Exposure 
ranged from full sun to partial shade. Specimens were sent 
to Mr. William Daily (2), and the alga was determined to 
be Nostoc parmelioides Kuetz. 

Tilden (5) records collections of this alga made between 
1851 and 1898 from five states, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, 
Wyoming, Nevada, New York, and from Canada. 

Drouet (3) considers it to have “a peculiar distribution 
in North America." He has records of it from the following 
stations: Connecticut (Goshen, 1895; Mt. Carmel, 1891; 
Hamden, 1932; Quinebaug River, 1893), Quebec in 1930, 
New Jersey (Delaware River, 1941; Saxton Falls, 1953, 
1958), Indiana in 1934, Nebraska in 1948, and then numer- 
ous locations from the Rocky Mountains westward. 

Fralick (4) at the Farlow Herbarium has seven collec- 
tions of this species from Connecticut, Wisconsin, and fur- 
ther west. 

The collections by Gates in 1961, then, appear to be a first 
for this species not only in Worcester County, but also in 

Several trips to East Princeton were made by the author 
in July, 1962, and specimens of Nostoc parmelioides are on 
deposit at the following institutions: Academy of Natural 
Sciences, Philadelphia, Pa., Butler University, Indianapolis, 
Ind., Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., Dartmouth College, 
Hanover, N. H., Farlow Herbarium, Harvard, Cambridge, 
Mass., Michigan State University, E. Lansing, Mich., Uni- 
versity of Massachusetts, Amherst, Mass. — EDGAR E. WEB- 

1 AUYANG, S. C. 1960. Survey and Taxonomy of the Algae of Lake 
Quinsigamond. M.A. Thesis. Clark Univ.; Rhodora 64: 49-59. 
2 DaiLvy, W. A. Dept. of Botany. Butler Univ. Indianapolis. Per- 
sonal Communication. 

360 Rhodora [Vol. 64 

3 Drouet, F. Academy of Natural Sciences. Philadelphia. Personal 

4 FRALICK, R. A. Farlow Herbarium, Harvard Univ. Personal Com- 

5 TILDEN, J. 1910. Minnesota Algae. Minneapolis. 
6 WEBBER, E. E. 1961. The Ecology of Some Attached Algae in 
Worcester County, Massachusetts. M.S. Thesis. Cornell Univ. 

Volume 64, No. 760 including pages 291-379, was issued December 31, 1962 

Errata for Rhodora Volume 64 

p. 33. Caption to Fig. 1. 
Transpose Rorippa nasturtium — aquaticum and R. microphylla 

p. 40 line 38, for DOMINICA read DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 

p. 172 Carex plantagianea read Carex plantaginea 

p. 173 line 45, C. striata read C. stricta 

p. 175 line 44, C. laevigata read C. laevivaginata 

p. 177 line 9, C. Sprengellii read C. Sprengelii 

p. 177 line 27, C. chordorhiza read C. chordorrhiza 

p. 177 line 28, C. crinita var. brevirostris read C. crinita var. brevi- 


Index to Volume 64 



New scientific names and combinations are printed in bold face type 

Acer pensylvanicum 281; sac- 
charum 333; spicatum 281 
Achillea borealis 346; lanulosa 

Achyranthes corymbosa 179 

Aciphyllaea 4, 11 

Adams, Preston, Studies in the 
Guttiferae, II Taxonomic and 
distributional observations on 
North American taxa 231 

Additions to the Bryophyte flora 
of Keweenaw County, Michigan 

Additions to the flora of Grand 
Manan Island, New Brunswick, 
Some 98 

Adenopappus 2 

Adenophyllum 9, 11 

Adiantum Poiretii 348 

Aesculus glabra 331 

Afzelia cassioides 90 

Agalinis linifolia 91; obtusifolia 
91; purpurea 91; setacea 88; 
tenella 91 

Agaricus trullisatus 130; uranius 

Ageratum corymbosum 260, 262; 
houstonianum 262; latifolium 
262; paleaceum var. nelsonii 
262; cf. paleaceum var. palea- 
ceum 262; cf. tomentosum 262 

Agrimonia microcarpa 356, 357; 
parviflora 357; platycarpa 357 

Agropyron Hybrids and the Sta- 
tus of Agropyron pseudorepens 

Agropyron pseudorepens 143, 144, 
145, 146; repens 143, 144, 145; 
repens var. subulatum 344; re- 
pens var. subulatum forma 
setiferum 345; repens var. sub- 
ulatum forma  Vaillantianum 
345; smithii 143, 145, 354; tra- 

chycaulum 143, 144, 145; tra- 
chycaulum var. majus 144, f. 
pseudorepens 145 

Agrostis alba 345; alba var. pa- 
lustris, 345; tenuis 118; varia- 
bilis 117, 118; rossae 117, 118 

Aguilegia canadensis var. austra- 
lis 150, 154 

Aldama dentata 255, 256, 266 

Algae, of Lake Quinsigamond, A 
survey of the 49 

Alisma plantago-aquatica 227, 
228; subcordatum 227, 228, 

Amanita muscaria 127; parcivol- 
vata 126, 127 

Amanitopsis parcivolvata 126 

Amblystegium serpens 124 

Ambrosia cumanensis 265; peru- 
viana 265 

Amelanchier arborea 18 

Armoracia aquatica 324; 
cana 324 

Amphicarpa bracteata 91 

Amphora ovalis 53 

Anabaena limnetica 53; variabi- 
lis 53; viguieri 53 

Anabaenopsis elenkinii 53 

Andreaea rupestris 122, 123, 124 

Ankistrodesmus convolutus 53; 
faleatus 53; var. acicularis 53 

Annual species of Houstonia in 
Illinois, The 28 

Anomalostylus coriifolius — 304, 
306, 307; crateriformis 304, 
305, 307; grandis (comb. nov.) 
304, 306 

Anomodon attenuatus 124 

Aphanocapsa grevillei 53 

Aphanochaete repens 53; clathra- 
ta 53; microscopica 53; stag- 
nina 54 

Apios americana 151, 156; tuber- 



osa 151 

Apiosporina morbosa 134, 135 

Aquatic form of Alisna subcorda- 
tum Raf., The 227 

Arctotis stoecladifolia 261, 270 

Arcyphyllum simplicifolium 62 

Arenaria lateriflora 345 

Artemisia dracunculoides 354 

Ascyrum hypericoides 237; multi- 
caule 236 

Asplenium trichomanes 209 

Aster bimater 252, 263; exilis var. 
australis 253, 263; foliaceus 
346; Herveyi 113, 114; X Her- 
veyi, 113, 114, 155 Pl. 1267; 
johannensis 346; lima 252; ma- 
crophyllus 113, 114, 116; shortii 
333; spectabilis 113, 114, 116; 
subulatus 253; umbellatus 346 

Asterionella formosa 54; gracil- 
lima 54 

Atriplex glabriuscula 345; patula 
var. patula 345 

Atroxina liberica 104 

Aureolaria flava 91; pectinata 91; 
pedicularia 333 

Auyang, Tang Shih-Chen, A sur- 
vey of the Algae of Lake Quin- 
sigamond 49 

Baccharis glutinosa 263; serrae- 
folia 263 

Bachman, John and the Happoldt 
European Journal 92 

Bacopa monnieri 153, 158 

Banks, Donald J., Paspalum fim- 
briatum in the United States 

Barr, Margaret E. and Howard 
E. Bigelow, Contribution to the 
Fungus Flora of Northeastern 
North America. II 126 

Batrachospermum vagum 54 

Batischia caroliniensis 89 

Beaman, J. H. and B. L. Turner, 
Chromosome Numbers in Mexi- 
can and Guatemalan Composi- 
tae 271 


[Vol. 64 

Bean, R. C., A. F. Hill and R. J. 
Eaton, Fifteenth Report of the 
Committee on Plant Distribu- 
tion 168 

Berlandiera lyrata 265 

Betula papyrifera 18; var. cordi- 
folia 100 

Bidens connata var. ambiversa 
23; var. anomala 23; var. fallax 
23; var. gracilipes 25, 26, 27, 
28; var. petiolata 23; var. pin- 
nata 23, 25, 26, 28; var. typica 
(connata) 23; triplinervia var. 
macrantha 272, 273, 275 

Bigelow, Howard E. and Margar- 
et E. Barr, Contributions to the 
Fungus Flora of Northeastern 
North America. II 126 

Boeberastrum 11 

Bonamia humistrata 153, 156; 
pickeringii 153, 156 

Bredemeyera colletioides 104 

Brickellia robinsonii 262 

Britton, Donald M., Dryopteris 
dilatata (Hoffm.) A. Gray in 
North America 207 

Brunnichia cirrhosa 150, 154 

Bryophyte Flora of Keweenaw 
County, Michigan, Additions to 
the 121 

Bryum affine 124; cuspidatum 124 

Buchloé dactyloides 355 

Buchnera americana 153 

Buckleya distichophylla 332 

Bulbochaete repanda 54; scrobi- 
culata 54 

Bumilleria sicula 54 

Burmannia capitata 88 

Burns, Richard L. and Edward L. 
Davis, The Use of Vapor Frac- 
tometry in the Analysis of 
Some New England Hops 243 

Cacalia peltata 276; sinuata 269; 
tussilaginoides 269 

Calamagrostis canadensis 
var. robusta 345 

Calea integrifolia 257, 268; nel- 


1962] Index to Volume 64 363 

sonii 268; trichotoma 272, 258, 

Calliergon giganteum 124 

Caloneis silicula var. inflata 54 

Calothrix stellaris 54 

Cantharellus cibarius 127; cin- 
nabarinus 129; Friesii 129; 
minor 127, 128 Pl. 1268, 129; 
morgani 129; olidus 129; rosel- 
lus 129 

Capsella Bursa-pastoris 345 

Cardamine bulbosa 150; pennsyl- 
vanica 231 

Cardenanthus boliviensis 299, 300; 
longitubus 299, 300; orurensis 
299; peruvianus 299, 301; Shep- 
ardae 299, 301; tunariensis 299, 
302; Vargasii 299, 303; Ventu- 
rii 299, 302 

Carex abdita 168, 174, 357; 
abscondita 168, 176; acutifomis 
168, 179; adusta 169, 177; aenea 
169, 174; aestivalis 169, 176; 
alata 169, 176; albolutescens 
169, 176; albursina 169, 176; al- 
opecoidea 169, 176; amphibola 
var. rigida 169, 176; var. tur- 
gida 169, 176; angustior 169, 
173; annectens 169, 175; var. 
xanthocarpa 169, 175; aquatilis 
var. altior 169, 177; arcta 169, 
174; arctata 169, 174; argyran- 
tha 169, 175; artitecta 169, 175; 
var. subtilirostris 169, 177; ath- 
erodes 169, 177; atlantica 169, 
175; atratiformis 169, 174; 
aurea 169, 177; Backii 169, 174; 
Baileyi 169, 176; Barrattii 169, 
177; Bebbii 169, 177; Bicknellii 
169, 176; Bigelowii 169, 175; 
blanda 169, 175; brevior 169, 
175; bromoides 169, 174; brun- 
nea 169, 179; brunnescens 169, 
175, 343, 345; var. sphaeros- 
tachya 169, 174; bullata 169, 
176; Bushii 169, 176; Buxbau- 
mii 169, 174; canescens 169, 
174; var. canescens 345; var. 

disjuncta 169, 173; var. subloli- 
acea 169, 173; capillaris 169, 
175; var. major 169, 176; capi- 
tata 169, 175; caryophyllea 169, 
179; castanea 169, 176; cepha- 
lantha 169, 173; cephaloidea 
169, 177; cephalophora 169, 175; 
chordorrhiza 169, 177; Collinsii 
169, 177; communis 169, 174; 
comosa 170, 175; conoidea 170, 
174; convoluta 170, 174; X co- 
pulata 170, 177; Crawei 170, 
176; Crawfordii 170, 175; crini- 
ta 170, 173; var. brevicrinis 
170, 177; var. gynandra 170, 
173; var. minor 170, 174; var. 
Porteri 170, 177, 178; var. si- 
mulans 170, 174; cristatella 170, 
176; cumulata 170, 175; Davisii 
170, 176; debilis 170, 177, 178; 
var. interjecta 170, 177, 178; 
var. Rudgei 170, 173; var. 
strictior 170, 177, 178; deflexa 
170, 175; demissa 170, 174; De- 
weyana 170, 174; diandra 170, 
177; digitalis 170, 175; disper- 
ma 170, 174; eburnea 170, 176; 
elachycarpa 170, 176; eleocharis 
355; Emmonsii 170, 175, 357; 
exilis 170, 177, 178; festucacea 
170, 176; filifolia 118, 119; flac- 
cosperma var. glaucodea 170, 
176; flava 170, 174; var. fertilis 
170, 174; var. gaspensis 170, 
176; foenea 170, 175; folliculata 
170, 175; formosa 170, 176; 
Garberi var. bifaria 170, 176; 
gracilescens 170, 176; gracil- 
lima 170, 174; granularis 170, 
176; var. Haleana 170, 177; 
Grayii 170, 176; var. hispidula 
170, 177, 178; gynocrates 170, 
174; X Hartii 170, 177, 178; 
Haydenii 170, 174; hirsutella 
170, 176; hirta 170, 179; hirti- 
folia 170, 177; Hitcheockiana 
170, 176; hormathodes 170, 177, 
345; hormathodes X straminea 


170; Houghtonii 171, 174; 
Howei 171, 175; hystricina 171, 
174; incomperta 171, 175; in- 
terior 171, 174; intumescens 
171, 173; var. Fernaldii 171, 
175; Josselynii 171, 176; katah- 
dinensis 171, 175; X Kniesker- 
nii 171, 177, 178; lacustris 171, 
174; laevivaginata 171, 175; la- 
nuginosa 171, 177; lasiocarpa 
var. americana 171, 173; laxi- 
culmis 171, 175; laxiflora 171, 
175; lenticularis 171, 174; var. 
albi-montana 171, 175; var. 
Blakei 171, 174; leporina 171, 
179; leptalea 171, 173; lepto- 
nervia 171, 174; limosa 171, 
173, 174; livida var. Grayana 
171, 177, 178; Longii 171, 176; 
lupuliformis 171, 176; lupulina 
171, 175; var. pedunculata 171, 
175; lurida 171, 175; Macken- 
ziei 171, 177; mainensis 171, 
175; Merritt-Fernaldii 171, 175; 
mesochorea 171, 177, 178; Mich- 
auxiana 171, 174; Mitchelliana 
171, 176; molesta 171, 177, 178; 
Muhlenbergii 171, 175; var. en- 
ervis 171, 175; nigra 171, 177; 
var. strictiformis 171, 177; nig- 
romarginata 171, 176, 357; 
normalis 171, 175; novae- 
angliae 171, 175; oligocarpa 
171, 176; oligosperma 171, 175; 
X Olneyi 171, 177, 178; ormo- 
stachya 171, 175; oronensis 171, 
177, 178; paleacea 171, 177, 545; 
pallescens var. neogaea 171, 
173; panicea 171, 179; pauci- 
flora 171, 175; paupercula 171, 
174; var. irrigua 171, 174; var. 
pallens 172, 175; Peckii 172, 
174; pedunculata 172, 174; pen- 
sylvanica 18, 172, 175; var. dis- 
tans 172, 175; physorhyncha 
357; plantaginea 172, 177; 
platyphylla 172, 175; polymor- 
pha 172, 176; praegracilis 355; 


[Vol. 64 

prairea 172, 177; prasina 172, 
175; praticola 172, 177, 178; 
projecta 172, 174; Pseudo- 
Cyperus 172, 175; X pseudo- 
helvola 172, 177, 178; radiata 
172, 175; rariflora 172, 175; 
retroflexa 172, 176; retrorsa 
172, 175; Richardsonii 172, 
177, 178; rosea 172, 177; rostra- 
ta 172, 173; var. ambigens 172, 
177, 178; var. utriculata 172, 
173; rupestris 118, 119; salina 
var. kattegatensis 172, 177; 
salina X stricta 172, 177, 178; 
saxatilis var. miliaris 172, 175; 
var. rhomalea 172, 175; scab- 
rata 172, 174; Schweinitzii 172, 
176; scirpoidea 172, 174; sco- 
paria 172, 175, 345; var. tessel- 
ata 172, 177, 178; seorsa 172, 
176; X setacea 172, 177, 178; 
silicea 172, 177, 343, 345; spar- 
ganioides 172, 177; spicata 172, 
179; Sprengelii 172, 177; squar- 
rosa 172, 176; stenophylla var. 
enervis 355; sterilis 172, 177, 
178; stipata 172, 173; straminea 
172, 176; striatula 172, 176; 
stricta 172, 173; var. strictior 
172, 174; styloflexa 172; Swanii 
172, 115; tenera 172, 173, 174; 
var. echinodes 172, 177, 178; 
tenuiflora 172, 174; tetanica 
172, 176; tincta 172, 175; tonsa 
172, 175; torta 173, 174; tribu- 
loides 173, 174; X trichina 173, 
177, 178; trichocarpa 173, 176; 
trisperma 173; var. Billingsii 
173; Tuckermanni 173, 177; 
typhina 173, 176; umbellata 
173, 175, 357; vaginata 173, 
176; vesicaria 173, 174; var. 
distenta 173, 177, 178; var. 
jejuna 173, 174; var. monile 
173, 174; var. Raeana 173, 
174; vestita 173, 175; virescens 
173, 175; viridula 173, 177, 178; 
vulpinoidea 173;  Walteriana 


var. brevis 173, 176; Wiegandii 
173, 174; Willdenowii 173, 177, 
178; Woodii 173, 177, 178; 

Carpalobia lutea 104 

Carphephorus bellidifolius 92; to- 
mentosus 92 

Carum Carvi 346 

Casper, S. Jost, On Pinguicula 
macroceras Link in North 
America 212 

Celarier, R. P., Shamim A. Fa- 
ruqi and K. In Mehra, A New 
Species of Bel irenaea from 
Mexico 329 

Celarier, R. P., K. L. Mehra and 
Shamim Faruqi, The Taxonomy 
of Setcreasea ovata 68 

Celtis tenuifolia 333 

Centrosema virginianum 156, 157 

Cephaloziella striatula 124; sub- 
dentata 124 

Cerastium viscosum 343, 345; vul- 
gatum 343, 345 

Ceratiola ericoides 234 

Ceratium hirundinella 54 

Cercis canadensis 333 

Characiopsis acuta 54 

Chenopodium album 136 

Chlamydomonas angulosa 54; 
mucicola 54; polypyrenoideum 
54; snowii 54; sphagnicola 54 

Chlorella ellipsoidea 54; vulgaris 

Chloris petraea 86; 

Chlorococcum humicola 54 

Chromosomal Races in Eastern 
North American Species of 
Hedyotis (Houstonia) 313 

Chromosome Counts of Two Thy- 
melaeaceae 277 

Chromosome Numbers of Dysso- 
dia (Compositae-Tagetinae) 
and Phyletic Interpretations 2 

Chromosome Numbers for Some 
Angiosperms of the Southern 
United States and Mexico 147 

Chromosome Numbers in the 


Index to Volume 64 


Compositae. VI Additional 
Mexican and Guatemalan Spe- 
cies 251 

Chromosome Numbers in Mexican 
and Guatemalan Compositae 

Chromosome Numbers in Striped 
and Mountain Maples 281 

Chroococcus limneticus 54 

Chrysactinia 2, 9 

Chrysanthemum parthenium 269 

Chrysocoma odoratissima 90; pa- 
niculata 90 

Chrysopsis villosa 263 

Cintractia caricis var. caricis 119 

Cipura Goodspeediana comb. nov. 

Circaea alpina 63, 64, 65, 66, 67; 
canadensis 63, 64, 65, 66, 67; 
intermedia 67; lutetiana 63, 67; 
quadrisulcata 63, 64, 65, 66, 67; 
Pl. 1267 

Cirsium arvense 346; forma albi- 
florum 346; horridulum 156, 
158; skutchii 276 

Claytonia virginica 150, 154 

Cliftonia monosepala 151, 156 

Clinopodium rugosum 184 

Clitocybe morgani 126, 129; olida 
129; trullisata 130 

Clomenocoma 4, 9, 10 

Closterium acerosum 54; calos- 
porum 54; dianae 54; didymoto- 
cum 54; ehrenbergii 54; incur- 
vum 54; lagoense 54; lanceolat- 
um 54; liebleinii 54; lunula 54; 
moniliferum 54; turgidum 54; 
sigmoideum 54 

Cnidoscolus texanus 151, 156 

Cocculus carolinus 150 

Cody, W. J., A New Station for 
Pinguicula vulgaris in Ontario 

Coelastrum microporum 54 

Coelosphaerium dubium 54; nae- 
gelianum 54 

Coleochaete orbicularis 54; scuta- 
ta 54; soluta 54 


Coelopleurum lucidum 343, 346 

Commelina diffusa 149, 154; erec- 
ta var. angustifolia 149, 154; 
virginica 149 

Contribution to the Fungus Flora 
of Northeastern North Ameri- 
ca. II 126 

Conyza canadensis 263; coronopi- 
folia 263; sophiaefolia 263 

Cooperrider, Tom S., The Occur- 
rence and Hybrid Nature of an 
Enchanters Nightshade in 
Ohio 63 

Coreopsis mutica 257, 268 

Cornus florida 136 

Cosmarium biretum var. trigib- 
berum 54; botrytis 54; broomei 
54; dentiferum 54; formosulum 
54; var. nathorstii 54; grana- 
tum 54; margaritatum 54; mo- 
nomazum 54; nitidulum 54; 
orbiculatum 54; panamense 54; 
protractum 54; pseudo conna- 
tum 54; punctulatum 54; quad- 
um 54; reinforme 54 

Cosmocladium hitchcockii 54 

Cosmos diversifolius 268 

Crookea microsepalum 152 

Crotalaria angulata 89; maritima 
89; rotundifolia 89; sagittalis 

Croton capitatus var. lindheimeri 
151, 156 

Crucifer from the Great Slave 
Lake Area of Canada, A New 

Crucigenia truncata 54 

Cryptozramma crispa 210 

Cryptotaenia canadensis 230 

Cyclotella bodanica 54; var. stel- 
lata 54; comta 54 

Cydonia oblonga 357 

Cymbella aspera 54; tumida 54 

Cynoctonum mitreola 91, 152; 
sessilifolium 89 

Cynodontium schistii 124 

Cypella coriifolia 306; cyrtophyl- 
la 295; Goodspeediana 311; 


[Vol. 64 

grandis 304; lutea 308, 309 

Cyperus dentatus 349; ferrugines- 
cens 352, 353 

Cyperus ferruginescens in Ver- 
mont 352 

Cyperus odoratus 353; X Cyper- 
us Weatherbianus 349, 350 

X Cyperus Weatherbianus, A 
note on 349 

Cyrilla racemiflora 151 

Cystopteris montana 210 

Cytological Observations of Poly- 
gala in Eastern North America 

Dahl, Eilif, Three Misidentified 
So-called Cordilleran Species 
in Eastern North America 117 

Dahlia dissecta 268; scapigera 

Daphne blagayana 278, 280; col- 
lina 278; odora 277, 279; pet- 
raea 278; sericea 278 

Daphnopsis americana 278; ssp. 
caribaea 279, 280 

Dasistoma macrophylla 331, 388, 
334 Pl. 1272 

Dasistoma macrophylla, The Par- 
asitic Behavior of, 331 

Daubs, Edwin H., The Occurrence 
of Spirodela oligorrhiza in the 
United States 83 

Davis, Edward L. and Richard L. 
Burns, The Use of Vapor Frac- 
tometry in the Analysis of 
Some New England Hops 243 

Davis, Shirley A. and Walter H. 
Lewis, Cytological Observations 
of Polygala in Eastern North 
America 102 

Decodon verticillatus 91 

Dennstaedtia distenta 348 

Desmidium swartzii 54 

Desmodium canescens 151, 156; 
lineatum 62; rotundifolium 62 

Diachora onobrychidis 134 

Diatoma hiemale, var. mesodon 
54; vulgare 54 


Dichodontium pellucidum 124 
Dichondra carolinensis 91 
Dicliptera brachiata 282, 283 
Dictyosphaerium pulchellum 54 
Diervilla lonicera 18 
Dinobryon sertularia 54 
Dioscorea quaternata 89, 91 
Ditrichum cylindricum 123 
Dolicholus simplicifolius 62 
Draparnaldia glomerata 54; ju- 
dayi 54 
Dryopteris assimilis 208, 209, 210, 
211; austriaca, var. austriaca 
207, 209; campyloptera 210, 
211; dilatata 207, 208, 209, 210, 
211; intermedia 208, 209, 210; 
maderensis 208, 209; marginal- 
is 210; spinulosa 207; var. 
americana 207, 210; parallelo- 
gramma 348 
Dryopteris dilatata (Hoffm.) A. 
Gray in North America 207 
Dyssodia acerosa 4, 7, 9, 11, 14; 
anomala 13; anthemidifolia 11; 
aurea 7; var. aurea 13; var. 
polychaeta 13; aurantia 10; 
aurantiaca 12; Belenidium 5, 9, 
12; cancellata 4, 11; coccinea 
11; concinna 11; Cooperi 10; 
decipiens 7, 10, 13; diffusa 13; 
Gentryi 11; grandiflora 10; 
Hartwegii 12; integrifolia 11; 
Jelskii 10; littoralis 11; micro- 
poides 6, 7, 9, 13; montana 10; 
mutica 13; Neaei 13; neomexi- 
cana 6, 7, 9, 13; oaxacana 11; 
Palmeri 11; papposa 3, 4, 10; 
pentachaeta 5, 6, 12; pinnata 4, 
10; porophylla 4, 11; porophyl- 
loides 10; remota 10; Seleri 11; 
serratifolia 11; setifolia 6; var. 
Gregii 12; var. setifolia 11, 12; 
speciosa 10; squarrosa 10; sub- 
integerrima 4; tagetiflora 7, 10; 
tagetoides 5, 11; tenuifolia 7, 
13; tenuiloba 6, 9, 12; tephro- 
leuca 11; texana 13; Thurberi 
5, 12; Treculii 7, 13; Wrightii 

Index to Volume 64 


Dysodiopsis 5, 8, 11 
Dugesia mexicana 265 
Dulichium arundinaceum 349 

Eaton, R. J., R. C. Bean and A. 
F. Hill, Fifteenth Report of the 
Committee on Plant Distribu- 
tion 168 

Eaton, Richard J., Cyperus Fer- 
ruginescens in Vermont 352 

Ebinger, Jchn E., The Varieties of 
Luzula Acuminata 74 

Eleocharis elliptica 100; obtusa 
148, 154; tenuis, var. tenuis 100 

Elephantopus carolinianus 156 

Eleutherine bulbosa 310 

Elymus arenarius 284, 285; var. 
villosus 345; mollis 284 

Elytraria caroliniensis 89; virgata 

Empetrum nigrum 341 

Encalypta procera 123 

Enchanter’s Nightshade, The Oc- 
currence and Hybrid Nature of, 
in Ohio 63 

Epithemia turgida 54 

Erigeron coronarius 272, 274; 
delphinifolius 263; heteromor- 
phus 263; karvinskianus 263; 
repens 263; scaposus 253, 263, 
264, 274 

Erythrina herbacea 151 

Erythronium carolinianum. 90 

Euastrum elegans 54; pulchellum 
54; verrucosum 54 

Euglena gracilis 54; spirogyra 55 

Eupatorium aschenbornianum 
262; betonicum 262; gracili- 
caule 262; morifolium 260, 262; 
petiolare 260, 262; pycnocephal- 
um 252, 260, 262, 263; quad- 
rangulare 263 

Euphorbia dictyosperma 357; ob- 
tusata 357 

Euphrasia americana 346; cana- 
densis 343, 346; Randii 346 

Evers, Robert A., Illinois Flora: 


Notes on Limnosciadium, Dic- 
liptera and Iresine 282 

Ewan, Joseph, John Bachman and 
the Happoldt European Journal 
92; Makers of North American 
Botany (Review) 186 

Faruqi, Shamim A., K. L. Mehra 
and R. P. Celarier, A New Spe- 
cies of Setcreasea From Mexi- 
co 829; The Taxonomy of Set- 
creasea ovata 68 

Fell, Egbert W., Western Plains 
Plants in Northern Illinois 354 

Ferns and Fern Allies of Chihua- 
hua 347 

Festuca rubra, var. rubra 344 

Fifteenth Report of the Commit- 
tee on Plant Distribution 168 

Fisher, T. Richard and James R. 
Wells, Heteromorphic Pollen 
Grains in Polymnia 336 

Flora of Illinois, Additions to the 

Flora of the Machias Seal Islands, 
Changes in 340 

Florestina pedata 275 

Folkerts, George W., Robert H. 
Mohlenbrock and James E. Oz- 
ment, Additions to the Flora of 
Illinois 356 

Foster, Robert C., Studies in the 
Iridaceae, VII 291 

Froelichia gracilis 354 

Fragilaria capucina 55; constru- 
ens 55; crotonensis 55; var. 
prolongata 55 

Fraxinus quadrangulata 333 

Further Notes on the Distribution 
of Bidens connata vars. pin- 
nata and gracilipes 23 

Galactia macreei 151, 156 

Galeana pratensis 259, 261 

Galinsoga ciliata 258; parviflora 
258, 268 

Galium tinctorium 346 

Gaultheria procumbens 18 


[Vol. 64 

Gaylussacia frondosa 91 

Genus Anonymous and its nom- 
enclatural Survivors, The 87 

Gelsemium sempervirens 91 

Gerardia setacea 88 

Glandularity in Rubus Allegheni- 
ensis Porter 161 

Globifera umbrosa 89 

Gloeocystis ampla 55; gigas 55; 
major 55; vesiculosa 55 

Glycine monophylla 62; renifor- 
mis 61, 62; simplicifolia 62; to- 
mentosa 62 

Gnaphaliopsis 6, 13 

Gnaphalium leptophyllum 
uliginosum 346 

Golenkinia paucispina 55 

Gomphoneis herculeana, var. ro- 
busta 55 

Gomphonema acuminatum 55; 
constrictum 55 

Gonatozygon kinahani 55 

Grand Manan Island, Some Addi- 
tions to the Flora of 98 

Gratiola aurea 153, 158; brevifolia 
154, 158; ramosa 153, 158; vir- 
giniana 154, 158 

Green, Peter S., Watercress in the 
New World 32 

Grimmia alpicola 124; apocarpa, 
var. stricta 124 

Grindelia inuloides 274 

Grossularia echinella 150 

Gymnodinium fuscum 55; palus- 
tre 55 

Gymnolaena 5, 11 


Halbig, Leo E. and Mohlenbrock, 
Robert H., The Annual Species 
of Houstonia in Illinois 28 

Halesia carolina 152; diptera, var. 
diptera 152, 156; var. magni- 
flora 152, 156; tetraptera 152, 

Haplopappus stoloniferus 
texensis (sp. nov.) 142, 143 

Happoldt European Journal, John 
Bachman and the (Review) 92 



Hedyotis caerulea 313, 315, 317, 
320, 321, 322, 323; var. caerulea 
315, 319; var. faxonorum 317, 
319; canadensis 313, 315, 317, 
319, 321; longifolia 313, 314, 
317, 318, 319, 321, 322; var. 
compacta 314; var. glabra 315, 
319; var. longifolia 314; mich- 
auxii 318, 317, 319, 321, 322; 
nuttaliana 318, 315, 317, 319; 
polypremoides 313; purpurea 
313, 314, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 
322, 323; var. calycosa 314, 
318; var. montana 314, 318; 
var. purpurea 314 

Hedyotis (Houstonia), Chromoso- 
mal Races in Eastern North 
American Species of 313 

Helenium hoopesii 275 

Helianthella quinquenervis 272, 

Helianthus laciniatus 266 

Heliopsis buphthalmoides 254, 265 

Heracleum maximum 346 

Heritiera tinctorium 89 

Hermann, F. J., Additions to the 
Bryophyte Flora of Keweenaw 
County, Michigan 121 

Heterocladium squarrulosum 123 

Heteromorphie Pollen Grains in 
Polymnia 336 

Heterotheca inuloides, var. inu- 
loides 264, 274 

Hieracium mexicanum 276; seleri- 
anum 276 

Hill, A. F., R. J. Eaton and R. C. 
Bean, Fifteenth Report of the 
Committee on Plant Distribu- 
tion 168 

Holosteum umbellatum 222 

Holosteum Umbellatum L., an 
Angiosperm New to Michigan 

Hodgdon, A. R. and Radcliffe B. 
Pike, Changes in Flora of the 
Machias Seal Islands 340; Some 
Additions to the Flora of Grand 
Manan Island, New Brunswick 

Index to Volume 64 



Hodgdon, A. R. and F. L. Steele, 
Glandularity in Rubus Alle- 
gheniensis Porter 161, Juniper- 
us Horizontalis in New Hamp- 
shire 351 

Hops, The Use of Vapor Frac- 
tometry in the Analysis of 
Some New England 243 

Hormidiopsis ellipsoideum 55 

Houstonia caerulea 29, 30, 91; 
var. faxonorum 28; faxonorum 
28; minima 29, 30, 31; procum- 
bens 89; pusilla 29, 30, 31; ro- 
tundifolia 89; serpyllifolia 29, 
313; tenuifolia 313 

Humulus lupulus 243 

Hyalotheca dissiliens 55 

Hydnum erinaceus 91 

Hydrodictyon reticulatum 55 

Hygrophoropsis olida 129 

Hymenatherum 6, 8, 9, 12 

Hymenophyllum tunbridgense 348 

Hypochoeris radicata 346 

Hypericum aphyllum 235; boreale 
240; brevistylum 238; cana- 
dense, 240; var. galiiforme 241; 
var. magninsulare 241; cumuli- 
cola 234, 238; denticulatum, 238, 
241, 242; var. recognitum 241, 
242; var. acutifolium 241, 242; 
var. denticulatum 241; dissimu- 
latum 240; drummondii 284, 
238; eastwoodianum 238; fasti- 
giatum 238; formosum 238, 239, 
240; fuertesii 234; gentianoides 
233, 234, 235, 238; gnidioides 
238; mraveolens 238. 239; gym- 
nanthum 240; hintonii 238; 
hondurasense 238; hypericoides 
237; longibracteatum 238; ma- 
jus 240; microsepalum 152, 156; 
mitchellianum 238, 239, 240; 
mutilum 240; var. latisepalum 
240; paniculatum 238; pauci- 
florum 234, 238; paucifolium 
238; perforatum 235; pinetor- 
um 238; pringlei 235; pratense 


238;  pseudomaculatum 238, 
239, 240; punctatum 238, 239, 
240; schaffneri 238; scouleri 
238, 239, 240; setosum 238; 
silenoides 238; stragulum 236, 
237; styphelioides 236; sub- 
montanum 238; terrae-firmae 
235, 236; uliginosum 238; 

woodsonii 238 

Hyptis alata 185; var. stenophylla 
186; floridana 185; latidens 184, 
185, 186; leiocephala 185, 186; 
mutabilis 185; radiata 184, 185; 
rugosa 184 

Hyptis Radiata (Labiatae) an 
Illegitimate Name 184 

Illinois Flora: Notes on Limnosci- 
adium, Dicliptera and Iresine 

Iostephane heterophylla 260; var. 
dicksonii 266; trilobata 266 

Ipheion uniflorum 149 

Iresiine rhizomatosa 282, 283 

Iridaceae, Studies in the, VII 291 

Iris Hookeri 343, 345; versicolor 
341, 345 

Isopyrum biternatum 150, 154 

Jackson, Ray C., A New Species 
of Haplopappus, Section Ble- 
pharodon 142 

Jacquemontia abutiloides 153 

Jaegeria hirta 266, 272; peduncu- 
lata 266, 272; petiolaris 272, 
273, 275 

Johnston, Marshall C., The Nose- 
burn (Tragia, Euphorbiaceae) 
of Western Texas 137 

Johnston, Marshall C. and B. L. 
Turner, Chromosome Numbers 
of Dyssodia (Compositae-Tage- 
tinae) and Phyletic Interpreta- 
tions 2 

Jones, Neville G., A note on the 
Ascription of Elymus Arenari- 
us to Illinois 284 

Juncus articulatus 100; bufonius 


[Vol. 64 

345; var. halophilus 345 

Juncoides carolinae 81; pilosum 
var, michiganense 80; saltuense 
80; var. saltuense 80 

Juniperus horizontalis 341; vir- 
giniana 333 

Juniperus Horizontalis in New 
Hampshire 351 

Justicia lanceolata 156, 158 

Kalmia angustifolia 98 

Keweenaw County, Michigan, 
Additions to the Bryophyte 

Flora of 121 

King, R. M., B. L. Turner and M. 
Powell, Chromosome Numbers 
in the Compositae. VI Addi- 
tional Mexican and Guatemalan 
Species 251 

Kirchneriella lunaris, var. irregu- 
laris 55 

Kobuski, Clarence E., Ernest 
Jesse Palmer, 1875-1962 195 

Krameria lanceolata 151 

Kuhnia pinnata 90 

Laccaria trullisata 130 Pl. 1269, 

Lachnanthes tinctoria 89 

Lathryus odoratus 338; palustris 

Lactuca pulchella 270 

Lakela, Olga, Occurrence of Spe- 

cies of  Polycarpaea Lam. 
(Caryophyllaceae) in North 
America 179 

Labetina 4, 9, 10 
Leersia oryzoides 284 
Lemna minor 84; oligorrhiza 83 
Lentinus haematopus 131 
Leontodon autumnalis 346 
Leptosira mediciana 55 
Leptosphaeria eutypoides 136 
Lespedeza cytisoides 60 
Lesquerella purpurea 150, 154 
Lewis, Walter H., Two New Spe- 
cies of Polygala from Northern 
Mexico 225 


Lewis, Walter H. and Edward E. 
Terrell, Chromosomal Races in 
Eastern North American Spe- 
cies of Hedyotis (Houstonia) 

Lewis, Walter H., H. Larry Strip- 
ling and Richard G. Ross, 
Chromosome Numbers for Some 
Angiosperms of the Southern 
United States and Mexico 147 

Lewis, Walter H. and Shirley A. 
Davis, Cytological Observations 
of Polygala in Eastern North 
America 102 

Liatris acidota 158; graminifolia 

Licmophora gracilis 55; paradoxa 

Limnosciadium pinnatum 282 

Lindernia dubia 154, 158 

Liquidambar Styraciflua 230 

Ligusticum scothicum 346 

Lithospermum caroliniense 89; 
gmelinii 89 

Long, Robert W. and Leonard J. 
Uttal, Some Observations on 
Flowering in Ruellia (Acantha- 
ceae) 200 

Lophozia quadriloba 122; ventri- 
cosa 124 

Luzula acuminata 74, 75; var. 
acuminata 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 
82; var. carolinae 76, 77, 78, 79, 
81, 83; carolinae 74, 75, 81; var. 
saltuensis 80; pilosa 74, 75; var. 
B americana 80; plumosa 74; 
saltuensis 74, 75, 80 

Lycopodium tristachyum 98 

Lycopus uniflorus 346 

Lyngbya epiphytica 55; latissima 
55; majuscula 55; wollei 55 

Lyonia ligustrina 91 

Machaeranthera gymnocephala 
260, 264; parviflora 254; tenace- 
tifolia 264 

Machias Seal Islands, Changes in 
Flora of the 340 

Index to Volume 64 


Mackeever, Frank C., An Albino 
Fruited Form of Vaccinium 
macrocarpon 350 

Makers of North 
Botany 186 

Marica bulbosa 308, 309; lutea 
309; Martii 309 

Mastigostyla brevicaulis 292, 293, 
294, 295; Cabrerae 292, 293; 
Cardenasii 293, 297, 298; cyrto- 
phylla 292, 293, 295, 296, 298; 
gracilis 293, 296, 297; Hoppii 
292, 295, 296, 298; Joergensenii 
293, 297; Johnstonii 292, 294; 
peruviana 293, 297, 298; poto- 
sina 292, 294 

Matricaria matricarioides 346 

Mattuschkia aquatica 88 

Mazus japonicus 229, 230, 231; 
reptans 229, 230; rugosus 230 

Mazus  reptans  (Scrophularia- 
ceae) in Maryland 229 

Mecardonia acuminata 154 

Mehra, K. L., R. P. Celarier, and 
Shamim A. Faruqi, A New Spe- 
cies of Setcreasea From Mexico 
329; The Taxonomy of Setere- 
asea ovata 68 

Melanoleuca davisiae 132 

Melanospora barbata 135; sphae- 
rophila 135 

Melampyrum arvense 15; barba- 
tum 15; lineare 15, 16, 17, 18, 
20, 21, 22, 335, Pl. 1265; nemo- 
rosum 15; ssp. pectinatum 21; 
pratense 15, 16, 17, 20, 21; sil- 
vaticum 15 

Melosira italica 55; juergensii 55 

Menodora scabra 152, 156 

Merismopedia punctata 55 

Mexico, A New Species of Setcre- 
asea from 329; Two New Spe- 
cies of Polygala from North- 
ern 225 

Michigan, Holosteum umbellatum 
L. An Angiosperm New to 222 

Micranthemum  orbiculatum 89; 
umbrosum 89 



Micrasterias americana 55; apicu- 
lata 55; var. fimbriata f. spin- 
osa 55; radiata 55; rotata 55; 
truncata 55 

Microspermum debile 272, 273, 

Microspora willeana 55 

Microthamnion kuetzingianum 55 

Mikania gonzalezii 252, 263; scan- 
dens 252 

Mnium punctatum var. elatum 124 

Mohlenbrock, Robert H., James 
E. Ozment, and George W. Fol- 
kerts, Additions to the Flora of 
Illinois 356 

Mohlenbrock, Robert H. and Leo 
E. Halbig, The Annual Species 
of Houstonia in Illinois 28 

Mougeotia capucina 55; floridana 
55; genuflexa 55; laetevirens 
55; parvula 55; reinschii 55; 
robusta 55; scalaris 55 

Mougeotiopsis calospora 55 

Mycena urania 131 

Nasturtium microphyllum 32, 35, 
41; officinale 32, 33, 38; var. 
microphyllum; 32, 38; uniseri- 
atum 32, 34, 41 

Navicula anglica 55 

Neomarica bulbosa 308; Martii 

Netrium digitus 55 

Neurolaena 259; lobata 261, 269 

Nevling, Lorin I., Jr., Chromo- 
some Counts of Two Thyme- 
laeaceae 277 

New Species of Scirpus in the 
Northeastern United States, A 

New Species of Haplopappus, Sec- 
tion Blepharodon, A 142 

New Station for Pinquicula vul- 
garis in Ontario, A 182 

Nicotiana glauca 153 

Nostoc muscorum 55; 
lioides 359 

Nostoc parmelioides in Massachu- 



[Vol. 64 

setts 358 
Nomenclatural Notes on Two 
Southeastern Rhynchosias 60 
Noseburn  (Tragia,  Euphorbi- 
aceae) of Western Texas, The 
Note on the Ascription of Elymus 
arenarius to Illinois, 284 
Notoptera tequilana 266 
Nymphoides aquatica 89 

Occurrence and Hybrid Nature of 
an Enchanter's Nightshade in 
Ohio, The 63 

Occurrence of Species of Poly- 
corpaea Lam. (Caryophylla- 
ceae) in North America 179 

Occurrence of Spirodela oligorr- 
hiza in the United States, The 

Oedogonium borisianum 55; capil- 
lare 55; crenulatocostatum 55; 
grande var. aequatoriale 55; 
laeve 55; plusiosporum 55; 
pringsheimii 55 

Oócystis pusilla 55 

Ophiodothella vaccinii 133, 134 

Oreoweisia serrulata 123, 124 

Orthotrichum obtusifolium 124; 
sordidum 123, 125 

Oscillatoria cortiana 55; curviceps 
55; ornata 55; prolifica 55; 
splendida 55; tenuis 55 

Osmunda cinnamomea 344 

Ostrya virginiana 333 

Oxylobus glanduliferis 263 

Ozment, James E., George W. 
Folkerts and Robert H. Mohlen- 
brock, Additions to the Flora 
of Illinois 356 

Palmer, Ernest Jesse, 1875-1962 

Pandorina morum 55 

Parasitic Behavior of Dasistoma 
Macrophylla, The 331 

Parasitic Behavior of Melampy- 
rum Lineare and a Note on its 


Seed Color, The 15 

Paronychia pulvinata 234 

Parthenium tomentosum 265 

Paspalum boscianum 356; caespi- 
tosum 86; ciliatifolium 86; fim- 
briatum 85, 86; lentiferum 356; 
pubescens 86 

Paspalum fimbriatum in the 
United States 85 

Pattersonia caroliniensis 90 

Pediastrum biradiatum 55; bory- 
anum 56; var. longicorne 56; 
duplex 56; var. clathratum 56; 
var. rotundatum 56; var. rugu- 
losum 56; ehrenbergii 56; tetras 
56; var. tetraodon 56 

Pedicularis canadensis 335 

Pellaea ternifolia 209 

Penium digitus 56; margaritace- 
um 56 

Perdue, Robert E., Jr., Two New 
Varieties and a New Combina- 
tion in Rudbeckia 328 

Periconia sphaerophila 134, 135 

Peridinium cinctum 56 

Perityle microglossa 258, 269; 
palmeri 158 

Perymenium asperifolia 266; 
chalarolepis 266 

Petalostemon corymbosum 90; 

pinnatum 90 

Phacus longicauda 56 

Phaeostoma juniperina 136; lage- 
narium 136; sphaerophila 126, 
133, 134, 135, 136; vitis 136 

Phaseolus reniformis 62 

Philactis nelsonii 254, 265 

Phleum pratense 345 

Phoradendron bolleanum 149, 151 

Phormidium nareanum 56 

Phragmites communis 358 

Phyla nodiflora 91 

Phytolacca americana 150 

Piehl, Martin A., Holosteum um- 
bellatum L., An Angiosperm 
New to Michigan 222; The Par- 
asitic Behavior of Dasistoma 
macrophylla 331; The Parasitic 

Index to Volume 64 


Behavior of Melampyrum line- 
are and a Note on its Seed 
Color 15 

Pike, Radcliffe B. and A. R. Hodg- 
don, Changes in Flora of the 
Machias Seal Islands 340; Some 
Additions to the Flora of Grand 
Manan Island, New Brunswick 

Pinus clausa 232, 234; resinosa 
18, 19, 98, 99 

Pinguicula camtschatica 212, 213; 
daurica 212, 213; macroceras 
212, 218, 214, 215, 216, 218, 219; 
var. macroceras 212, 213; var. 
microceras 215; microceras 212, 
213, 218, 219; vulgaris 182, 183. 
212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 218, 219 

Pinguicula Macroceras Link in 
North America 212 

Pinnularia nobilis 56 

Piqueria laxiflora 252; pilosa 260, 
263, 272, 274; trinervia 263 

Piriqueta glabrescens 152, 
tomentosa 152, 156 

Pitcheria galactoides 60 

Planera aquatica 90 

Planktosphaeria gelatinosa 56 

Plant Distribution, Fifteenth Re- 
port of the Committee on 168 

Plantago juncoides, var. decipiens 
346; major 346 

Pleospora calvescens 136; larici- 
na, var. laricina 136; pulchra 
136; straminis 136 

Pleurococcus vulgaris 56 

Pleurotaenium coronatum 56; 
maximum 56; trabecula 56 

Pluchea odorata 264; purpuras- 
cens 265 

Poa annua 344; arachnifera 355; 
palustris 358 

Podochaenium eminens 260, 266 

Pohl, Richard W. Agropyron Hy- 
brids and the Status of Agropy- 
ron pseudorepens 143 

Poiretia procumbens 89 



Pollen, Heteromorphic Grains in 
Polymnia 336 

Polycarpaea brasiliensis — 180; 
corymbosa 179, 180; var. brasi- 
liensis 180 

Polyeystis aeruginosa 56; incerta 

Polygala alba 105, 106, 111; var. 
suspecta 225; alpestris 110; al- 
pina 110; amara 103, 110; ssp. 
amarella 110; ssp. brachyptera 
110; boykinii 111; calcarea 110; 
chamaebuxus 110; chapmanii 
105, 106, 111; comosa 110; cru- 
ciata 105, 106, 111; curtissii 
106, 111; grandiflora 106, 110; 
japonica 103, 110; lutea 111; 
major 110; mariana 106, 111; 
myrtifolia 103, 110; nana 106, 
111; nicaensis, ssp. corsica 110; 
nutallii 106, 112; ovatifolia 111; 
polygama, var. obtusata 106, 
112; var. polygama 112; prae- 
tervisa 104, 106, 112; ramosa 
106, 111; reducta 105, 111; ru- 
geli 106, 112; sanguinea f. 
albiflora 357; scoparia 105, 106, 
111; scoparioides 106, 111, 227; 
serpyllifolia 110; —shinnersii 
225, 226; triflora 110; tweedyi 
110; vayredae 110; vergrandis 
226; verticillata 106; var. iso- 
cycla 112; virgata, var. speciosa 
110; vulgaris 110 

Polygonella basiramia 234 

Polygonum aviculare, var. littor- 
ale 345; bistortoides 119, 120 

Polymnia apus 260, 265; canaden- 
sis 339; laevigata 336, 337 Pi. 
1273, 338, 339; maculata 265; 
oaxacana 265 

Polymnia, Heteromorphie Pollen 
Grains in 336 

Polystichium scopulinum 211 

Populus grandidentata 18, 19 

Potentilla anserina 343, 346; 
Egedei. var. groenlandica 343, 
346; millegrana 358; norvegica 


[Vol. 64 

345; var. monspeliensis 358 

Powell, M., R. M. King, and B. 
L. Turner, Chromosome Num- 
bers in the Compositae. VI Ad- 
ditional Mexican and Guate- 
malan Species 251 

Primula farinosa 338 

Protoderma viride 56 

Prunus geniculata 234 

Psilactis asteroides 253, 260, 264; 
brevilingulata 253, 264; coul- 
teri 253 

Psoralea alnifolia 62 

Pteridium aquilinum 18 

Puccinellia paupercula, var. alas- 
kana 344 

Pucciniastrum myrtilli 99 

Pycnanthemum ? alatum 184, 
185; albescens 153 

Pylaisia selwynii 125 

Quercus muehlenbergii 333 
Quercus rubra 18, 333 

Radiofilum flavescens 56 

Ranunculus acris 345; repens var. 
villosus 345 

Raphanus raphanistrum forma 
sulphureus 101 

Ratibida columnifera 355 

Raymond, Marcel, A Note on X 
Cyperus Weatherbianus 349 

Rhinanthus Crista-galli 346 

Rhizoclonium hieroglyphicum 56; 
var. hosfordii 56; hookeri 56 

Rhoades, Richard W., The Aqua- 
tic Form of Alisma subcorda- 
tum Raf. 227 

Rhododendron canadense 98, 99 

Rhynchosia galactoides 60; pitch- 
eria 60; reniformis 61, 62; sim- 
plicifolia 61, 62; tomentosa var. 
monophylla 62 

Rhynchospora capitellata 349; 
corniculata 357; macrostachya 

Rhytidium rugosum 125 

Rhytisma vaccinii 133 


Ribes echinellum 150, 154 

Rollins, Reed C., A New Crucifer 
from the Great Slave Lake 
Area of Canada 324 

Rorippa crystallina sp. nov. 325 
Pl. 1271, 326; microphylla 32, 
33, 34, 35, 37, 41, 42; nasturti- 
um-aquaticum 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 
37, 38, 42, 324; var. siifolia 35; 
X sterilis 32, 35, 37, 42 

Ross, Richard G., Walter H. Lewis 
and H, Larry Stripling, Chro- 
mosome Numbers for Some An- 
giosperus of the Southern 
United States and Mexico 147 

Rotala ramosior 152, 156 

Rubus, An Unusual 353 

Rubus allegheniensis 18, 161, 162, 
163, 164, 165, 166; var. neosco- 
ticus 167; amicalis 101, 102; 
arcuans 353; biformispinus 353; 
canadensis 101, 102; elegantu- 
lus 101, 102, 354; frondisentis 
167; glandicaulis 167; grandi- 
dens 353; hispidus 353, 354; 
ravus 162, 163, 167; sceleratus 
167; setosus 167, 354 

Rudbeckia laciniata var. bipinnata 
328, 329; var. digitata 329; var. 
laciniata 329; var. montana 
329; nitida var. nitida 328; var. 
texana 328 

Rudbeckia, Two New Varieties 
and a New Combination in 328 

Ruellia (Acanthaceae), Some Ob- 
servations on Flowering in 200 

Ruellia caroliniensis 90, 200, 203, 
204, 205, 206; ciliosa 206; hete- 
romorpha 206; humilis 201, 204, 
205, 206; hybrida 90; peduncu- 
lata 204, 205, 206; purshiana 
206; strepens 201, 202, 203, 204, 
205, 206; var. cleistantha 202; 
forma cleistantha 202 

Rumex Acetosella 344, 345; cris- 
pus 343, 345; mexicanus 343, 
345; obtusifolius 341; orbicu- 
latus 345; pallidus 343, 345 

Index to Volume 64 


Sabatia campestris 153, 156 

Sabazia humilis 258 

Salmea scandens 260, 266 

Salvia reflexa 153, 156 

Samolus parviflorus 152, 156 

Sanidophyllum cumulicola 232, 
233, 234 

Santamour, Frank S., Jr., Chro- 
mosome number in striped and 
mountain maples 281 

Sanvitalia 265; procumbens 265; 

Saururus cernuus 88, 91 

Scapania paludicola 124 

Scenedesmus abundans 56 

Scenedesmus abundans var. brevi- 
cauda 56; acutiformis 56; ar- 
cuatus var. platydisca 56; arm- 
atus var. major 56; bijuga 56; 
brasiliensis 56; denticulatus 56; 
dimorphus 56; longus 56; lon- 
gus var. minutus 56; obliquus 
56; quadricauda 56; quadri- 
cauda var. longispina 56 

Schistocarpha bicolor 269 

Schkuhria anthemoides 258, 261; 
anthemoides var. wislizeni 268; 
multiflora 258; pinnata 258, 269 

Schrankia nuttallii 355 

Schuyler, Alfred E., A New Spe- 
cies of Scirpus in the North 
Eastern United States 43 

Scirpus ancistrochaetus 44, 45. 46, 
47, 48, 49, Pl. 1266; atrovirens 
43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49; caespito- 
sus 124; expansus 46; peckii 46; 
polyphyllus 43, 46; sylvaticus 

Sclerocarpus dentatus 256, 261, 
267; divaricatus 261, 267; fru- 
tescens 261, 267; phyllocephalus 
261, 267; schiedianus 255, 256; 
sessilifolius 261, 267; uniserialis 

Scoparia dulcis 154, 158 

Scutellaria integrifolia 153, 156 

Securidaca longipedunculata 104 

Sedum Rosea 345 


Senecio cobanensis var. sublanci- 
niatus 269; confusus 269; con- 
zatii 269, 276; deformis 269; 
hirsuticaulis 269; imparipinnat- 
us 259, 261, 269; iodanthus 276; 
picridis 269; salignus 269; to- 
luccanus 269 

Setcreasea, A new species from 
Mexico 329 

Setcreasea australis 72; brevifolia 
68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 13, 330; buck- 
leyi 68; hirsuta 330; jaumaven- 
sis 69, 70; lanceolata 330; leian- 
dra 72; ovata 68, 69, 70, 71, 72; 
pallida 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 329; 
palmeri 329, 330; purpurea 69, 
71, 72 

Setcreasea ovata, The Taxonomy 
of 68 

Seymeria cassioides 90; tenuifolia 

Sherff, Earl Edward, Further 
notes on the Distribution of 
Bidens connata vars. pinnata 
and gracilipes 23 

Shinners, Lloyd H., Hyptis Radi- 
ata (Labiatae) an Illegitimate 
Name 184; Mazus reptans 
(Scropulariaceae) in Maryland 

Siegesbeckia nudicaulis 272, 275; 
orientalis 272; repens 272, 275; 
triangularis 272, 275 

Silphium asperrimum 158; com- 
positum 158 

Sisyrinchium  bromelioides 311; 
deflexum 312; macrocephalum 
311; montanum 2345; Reitzii 
312; Wettsteinii 311 

Smilax bona-nox 149, 165; glauca 

Solanum rostratum 354 

Solidago velutina 264; wrightii 

Some Observations on Flowering 
in Ruellia (Acanthaceae) 200 

Sonchus asper 346 

Sorastrum americanum 56 


[Vol. 64 

Spergularia marina, var. leiosper- 
ma 345 

Sphaeroceptis schroeteri 56 

Sphagnum capillaceum 18, 19; 
dusenii 125 

Sphenoclea zeylanica 156 

Spilanthes americana 256, 261, 
267; var. stolonifera 267; de- 
cumbens 256 

Spirodela oligorrhiza 83, 84, 85; 
polyrrhiza 85 

Spirogyra cleveana 56; ellipsos- 
pora 56; hydrodictya 56; ju- 
galis 56; mirabilis 56; nitida 
56; submaxima 56 
Spirotaenia condensata 56 

Spirulina duplex 56 

Spondylosium pulchellum 56 

Sporocybe sphaerophila 134 

Stachys floridana 231; tenuifolia 
153, 156 

Staurastrum alternans 56; avicula 
56; brevispinum, var. tumidum 
56; cerastes 56; crenulatum 56; 
dickiei, var. maximum 56; dila- 
tatum 56; furcigerum 56; gra- 
cile 56; grande 56; leptocladi- 
um, var. denticulatum 56; odon- 
tatum 56; orbiculare 56; para- 
doxum 56;  subgrande, var. 
minus 57 

Stauroneis acuta 57 

Steele, Frederic L., An Unusual 
Rubus 354 

Steele, F. L. and A. R. Hodgdon, 

Glandularity in Rubus Alle- 
gheniensis Porter 161; Juni- 
perus Horizontalis in New 
Hampshire 351 

Stellaria graminea 345; media 

223, 845 

Stigeoclonium flagelliferum 57; 
nanum 57 

Stripling, H. Larry, Richard G. 
Ross and Walter H. Lewis, 
Chromosome Numbers for Some 
Angiosperms of the Southern 
United States and Mexico 147 


Studies in the Guttiferae. II Tax- 
onomic and Distributional Ob- 
servations on North American 
Taxa 231 

Surirella elegans 57; splendida 57 

Survey of the Algae of Lake 
Quinsigamond, A 49 

Syncephalantha 4, 9, 10 

Synechocystis aquatilis 57 

Synedra ulna 57; var. aequalis 57 

Synthesis of Aster Herveyi 113 

Synura uvella 57 

Tabellaria fenestrata 57; floccu- 
losa 57 

Taraxacum erythrospermum 546; 
officinale 346 

Taxonomy of Setcreasea ovata, 
The 68 

Terrell, Edward E. and Walter 
H. Lewis, Chromosomal Races 
in Eastern North American 
Species of Hedyotis (Housto- 
nia) 313 

Tetraédron limneticum 57 

Tetraspora cylindrica 57; lubrica 

Tetrastrum staurogeniaeforme 57 

Thalictrum polygamum 345 

Thelypteris rudis 348 

Thlaspi arvense 101 

Three Misidentified so-called Cor- 

dilleran Species in Eastern 
North America 117 
Thymelaeaceae, Chromosome 

Counts of Two 277 

Thymophylla 5, 6, 9, 11 

Tithonia longeradiata 267 

Tolypothrix conglutinata 57; dis- 
torta 57; lanata 57 

Tortella fragilis 125 

Trachelomonas crebea 57 

Tradescantia canaliculata 149; 
ohiensis 149; leiandra var. 
ovata 68, 70; navicularis 149, 
154; palmeri 329; reverchoni 
149; semisomna 69 

Tragia amblyodonta 140; angus- 

Index to Volume 64 


tifolia 139; cordata 358; nepe- 
taefolia var. amblyodonta 140; 
nepetaefolia var. angustifolia 
140; nepetaefolia var. latifolia 
140; nepetaefolia var. scutel- 
lariaefolia 140; nepetaefolia 
var. teucriifolia 140; nepetifolia 
var. ramosa 139; ramosa 139; 
ramosa var. ? leptophylla 140; 
scandens 140; scutellariaefolia 
140; stylaris 140, 141; stylaris 
var. angustifolia 140; stylaris 
var. (alpha) latifolia 140; sty- 
laris var. leptophylla 140; teu- 
criifolia 139 

Tragiola pilsoa 154, 158 

Tragoceros americanum 265; mo- 
cinianus 265; schiedeanus 265 

Tribonema bombycinum 57 

Trichaetolepis 8 

Trichocoronis wrightii 252, 260, 

Trichodon cylindricus 122, 123 

Tricholoma davisiae 132 

Trichomanes radicans 348 

Trichostomum cylindricum 123; 
tenuirostre 123 

Trifolium hybridum 346; pratense 
346; repens 346; simplicifolium 
61, 62 

Trilisa odoratissima 90; panicu- 
lata 90 

Trimezia fistulosa 309; lutea 308; 
Martii 309; martinicensis 307, 
308, 310; meridensis 308; Stey- 
ermarkii 310 

Tripogandra grandiflora 338 

Tritonia riparia 307 

Trixis californica 270; 
259, 261, 270 

Tryon, Rolla M., The ferns and 
fern allies of Chihuahua 347 

Tsuga canadensis 99 

Tubiflora caroliniensis 89 

Turner, B. L. and J. H. Beaman, 
Chromosome numbers in Mexi- 
can and Guatemalan Composi- 
tae 271 



Turner, B. L., M. Powell and R. 
M. King, Chromosome numbers 
in the Compositae — VI Addi- 
tional Mexican and Guatemalan 
species 251 

Turner, B. L. and Marshall C. 
Johnston, Chromosome num- 
bers of Dyssodia (Compositae 
— Tagetinae) and Phyletic In- 
terpretations 2 

Two new species of polygala from 
Northern Mexico 225 

Typha latifolia 284 

Ulmus americana 333 

Ulothrix tenerrima 57; 

Urtica dioica 348, 345 

Urtica viridis 343, 345 

Use of Vapor Fractometry in the 
Analysis of Some New England 
Hops, The 243 

Uttal, Leonard J., Synthesis of 
Aster Herveyi 113 

Uttal, Leonard J. and Robert W. 
Long, Some Observations on 
Flowering in Ruellia (Acan- 
thaceae) 200 

Utricularia inflata 154, 158 


Uvularia caroliniana 90; pube- 
rula 90; pudica 90 
Vaccinium arboreum 134, 358; 

corymbosum 134; macrocarpon 
351; macrocarpon forma ebur- 
nea 351; macrocarpon, An Al- 
bino Fruited Form of 350; 
myrsinites 91; myrtilloides 98; 
oxycoccos forma leucocarpum 
351; stamineum 134, 357, 358; 
stamineum var. neglectum 358 

Vaccinium tenellum 91; Vitis- 
Idaea 341 

Vapor Fractometry, The Use of 
in The Analysis of Some New 
England Hops 243 

Varieties of Luzula acuminata, 
The 74 


[Vol. 64 

Vaucheria ornithocephala 57; ses- 
silis 57 

Verbena canadensis 91 

Verbesina crocata 267; 
gyrea 267; seatonii 267 

Vernonia karwinskiana 262 

Veronica persica 154, 158 

Vicia augustifolia 346 

Vicia Cracca 346 

Viguiera dentata 256; grammato- 
glossa 267; hemsleyana 275; 
longifolia 256, 267; multiflora 

Villarsia aquatica 90 

Viola walteri 152, 156 

Vogelia capitata 88 


Ward, Daniel B., The Genus 
Anonymous and its Nomencla- 
tural Survivors 87 

Water Cress in the New World 32 

Weber, Edgar E., Nostoc parme- 
lioides in Massachusetts 358 

Wedelia brasiliensis 257; filipes 
261, 267; parviceps 267 

Wells, James R. and T. Richard 
Fisher, Heteromorphic Pollen 
Grains in Polymnia 336 

Werneria nubigena 272, 273, 276 

Westella linearis 57 

Western Plains Plants in north- 
ern Illinois 354 

Wikstroemia indica 278 

Wilbur, Robert L., Nomenclatural 
notes on two Southeastern 
Rhynchosias 60 

Winterringer, Glen S., Zizaniop- 
sis miliacea from Illinois 283 

Wisteria frutescens 91 

Woodsia scopulina 210 

Xanthidium antilopaeum var. 
polymazum 57 
Xanthocephalum gymnosper- 

moides 264; humile 264; line- 
arifolium 272, 274 
Xeromphalina kauffmanii 133 

LOT iil 

00341 3868 
1962] Index to Volume 64 379 

Xyris elliottii 148, 154; torta 149, Zinnia angustifolia 254, 265; ele- 
154 gans 265; leucoglossa 265; 
maritima 254, 260, 265; peruvi- 
ana 265; tenella 266 
Zea Mays 136, 338 Zizaniopsis miliacea 283, 284 
Zexmenia aurea 261, 268; cos- Zizaniopsis miliacea from Illinois 
taricensis 261, 268; fratescens 283 
257; pringlei 261, 268; virgu- Zornia bracteata 90 
lata 261, 268 Zygnema insigne 57 

Youngia japonica 231