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of the 

Missouri Botanical 

Volume XLIII 
iD 5:6 ¡A 

With 11 plates, 91 figures, and 4 maps 

Published — at Galesburg, Illinois, by the Board of Trustees of 
the Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, Mo. 

Entered as second-class matter at the post-office at Galesburg, Illinois, 
under the Act of March 3, 1879. 

Mre@eva! "ToTANIEXT 

of the 

Missouri Botanical Garden 

A Quarterly Journal containing Scientific Contributions from the 
Missouri Botanical Garden and the Henry Shaw School of Botany of 
Washington University in affiliation with the Missouri Botanical 


The ANNALS OF THE MissourRI BOTANICAL GARDEN appears four times 
during the calendar year: February, May, September, and November. Four 
numbers constitute a volume. 

Subscription Price .......$10.00 per volume 
Single Numbers ___.___-_-__ 2.50 each 

Contents of previous issues of the ANNALS OF THE MissourI BOTANICAL 
GARDEN are listed in the Agricultural Index, published by the H. W. Wilson 


A Revision of the Genus Erechtites (Compositae) SA Sec into 

Senecio and A E. Belcher 

The Australian and New Zealand Species of Pittosporu 

bert C. Cooper 

The Cultivated Beans of the Prehistoric Southwest 

Lawrence Kaplan 

A ee of Rauvolfia, with Particular Reference to the American 
pe Aragula Sathyanarayana Rao 

A New Fossil Plant from the New LT Shale, with Some Comments 
on the Origin of Land Vascular Plants 

Part 1. Crocalophyton, A Soest Transitional Sea-Land Plant... 
ry N. Andrews and Karen S. Alt 

Part 2. Some Comments on the MR of Land Vascular Plants 
and the Taxonomic Position of Crocalophyto Mes SES 

ry N. Andrews 
A Note on the Nodal Anatomy of Ankyropteris er eae EE 
ry N. Andrews 
Some Lichens of Tropical Africa. IL. Ussea Carroll W. Dodge 

General Index to Volume XLIII 


I= 85 









The publication of this paper was made pook through a special subvention from 

the od fund of the National Academy of Scienc 

Errata in Vol. XLIII:— 

Page 299, line 8—Insert "T:" before Stork. ` ` 

Page 309, caption of fig. 11—Castaneda's number should be goo. 
Page 316, line 8—After “RB,” insert "S,". 

Page 347, line 1—For rbombofae, read rbonbofae. 

Page 354, last line, "illustration" should read "specimen". 

Page 382, 14 lines from bottom, Pereoensis should read hereroensis. 
Page 385, line 28, “mm.” should read "cm." 

Page 394, line 5, "annulatus" should read "annulata". 


Emeritus Director 

Associate Director 

Mycologi Acting Curator of pe m 
ROBERT E. Woop SON, JR., Honorary Research oe 
Senior Taxonomist : 
Henry N. — Dendrologi 
Paleobotan E F. mg 
RoLLa M. Se earch Associate 
Assistant, Curator of the Vë D. Dwyer, 
Her! Research Associate 
Curato " Museum of Librarian and Editor 
Economic Plants of Publications 
Oscar E. SEN; 
Business Manage 
Second Vice-President 
Bishop of the Diocese of e id of the Academy of 
Missouri Science of St. Louis 
Kë the "Bard pie Mi (been of Washington 
we mere of St. : rsity 

Mayor oy a City of St. Tob 

Oscar E. GLAESSNER, Secretary 

Volume XLIII Number 1 

of the 

Missouri Botani 

of the 

Missouri Botanical Garden 

A Quarterly Journal containing Scientific Contributions from the 
Missouri Botanical Garden and the Henry Shaw School of Botany of 
Washington University in affiliation with the Missouri Botancal 


The ANNALS or THE Missournr BOTANICAL GARDEN appears four times 
during the senem: year: February, May, September, and November. Four 
numbers constitute a volume. 

ipm Price rS per volume 
Single Numbers 2.50 each 
Contents of re issues of the ANNALS OF THE Missourr BOTANICAL 
GARDEN are listed in the Agricultural Index, published by che Ft H W. Wilson 


of the 

Missouri Botanical Garden 

Vol. 43 FEBRUARY, 1956 No. 1 



This paper is an outgrowth of a study of the botanical collection of the United 
States of America Typhus Commission, India-Burma Field Party, which collection 
is now part of the U. S. National Herbarium. It was made by the author and others 
from June to November, 1945, in the vicinity of Ledo, Assam, and Myitkyina, 
Burma, mostly from the immediate environs of military camp-sites as part of an 
investigation of the epidemiology of severe outbreaks of scrub typhus in those areas. 

Although a preliminary report of the botanical studies was made to the Com- 
mission in 1946, it was never published and the final evaluation of the role of plants 
in these epidemics has been deferred pending more accurate identification of the 
species involved, This has been much more difficult than anticipated, because there 
is no adequate modern floristic treatment of the area from which the plants came. 

A further complication has been the unsatisfactory nomenclatural status of 
many of the species which fall into the category of so-called pantropical weeds and 
are regarded by many botanists as too well known and widespread to be worthy of 
serious consideration. Detailed examination of several such “species” has led to the 
conviction that such weedy genera are quite generally in need of critical review. 

paper is part a dissertation presented to the Rackham School of Graduate Studies, 

* This 
University of Michigan, in a paral fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of 
science. e gui of Prof. H. H. Bartlett, Dr. Rogers McVaugh, and Ge of the doctoral 

The able guidance 
ittee is per te ti 

mare ch of the examination of herbarium material was carried out during the academic year 
1951-52, ES ma author was a ¿De me at Bedford na a London, and the Royal 
of the rich experiences of that year was published in 1953 

Botanic Gardens 
(Asa oo “Bull. ie SCH 13- 16). 

bed April 15, 1956. 

[Vol. 43 

The present paper deals with a complex of genera centered around the genus Erech- 
tites Raf. in the subtribe SENECIONINAE of the Compositae 

The Compositae are represented in the weedy flora of the tropics by numerous 
species, among them Erechtites hieracifolia Raf. ex DC. The fact that numerous 
specimens of the African Crassocepbalum crepidioides (Benth.) S. Moore in the 
U. S. A. T. C. collection were originally determined as Erechtites hieracifolia led to 
the discovery that most Asiatic specimens were in fact wrongly determined as the 
latter species in the major herbaria studied. An effort to clarify the status of these 
two species in the weed flora led to a critical study of the genus Erechtites in the 
New and Old World. An attempt was made to locate and compare type material 
for every binominal published in the genus, and to collate the major treatments of 
the genus. This revision has also necessitated inquiries into related genera, notably 
Senecio L., Arrbenecbtbites Mattf., Crassocephalum Moench and Gynura Cass. 
The status of the latter two genera was discussed by me in a recent paper!. 


Erecbtites was originally published by Rafinesque? in 1817, based on an un- 
named plant described by C. C. Robin,® and it contained one species, E. prealta 
Raf. Sprengel* in 1826 in effect reduced the genus to Senecio by reducing the 
species to S. bieracifolius L. Cassini? in 1827 placed Erechtites Raf. in section 
OTHONNÉES of the SENECIONEAE, with "péricline uniserie, tres-simple, nu à la 
base", because of Rafinesque’s description: ‘Perianthus . . . denudatus . 
perianthe neither caliculate nor sphacelate". Cassini had earlier (in 1820 and 1825) 
based the well-defined genus Neoceis on Senecio bieracifolius L. 

In 1831 Lessing? identified a Schiede and Deppe specimen as "Erecbtbites 
pracalta”, and cited "Senecio bieracifolius L.” and “Sonchus agrestis Sw. fl. ind. 
occ.!” as synonyms. In 1832 he published” a thoroughly revised diagnosis for 
“Erechthites Raf.”, in which the distinctive characters, including the appendaged 
style-arm apex, are clearly brought out, and reduced Neoceis Cass. to synonymy. 
He recognized two species, E. praealta Raf. and E. cacalioides (Fisch.) Less. 

De Candolle? in 1838 published “Erechtites Raf. fl. ludov. (excl. car.) ", with 
a à diagnosis much more resembling Lessing’s and Cassini’s than that by Raf- 

inesque. Neoceis became a section of Erechtites containing six species from the 
Americas. Three new sections were added by de Candolle to receive a total of thir- 

1 Kew Bull. 1955: 455—465. 
Martinique Se ra Saint Wiese pier t les années 18 

02, 1803, 1804, 1805, et 1806. Vol. III. 

* Caroli Linnaei Syst. Veg. ed des 2 565. 1826. 
5 Dict. Sci. Nat. E 
$ Linna 1831. 

T Syn. Gen. Comp. e 1832. 
Tech 6:295. 18 


teen species from Australasia, including two treated by Cassini under Neoceis and 
a number previously published as Senecio. 

It is significant that although botanists in general, other than Schultz Bipon- 
tinus and Mueller, have not openly questioned de Candolle's treatment of Erech- 
tites, de Candolle himself included in the diagnosis of each of the three Austral- 
asian sections a query as to the propriety of including it in Erechtites! Those doubts 
were fully justified. The indigenous Australasian and Indonesian species must be 
excluded from the genus Erechtites as here defined. 

Comparison of the types and other material of the American species with those 
of the Old World has led to the conviction that they are not really congeneric, 
just as de Candolle suspected. The American species, with the exception of two 
which clearly are discoid species of Senecio, agree in having the style-arm apex 
prolonged into a tuft of fused papillose hairs, which is quite similar to the somewhat 
longer appendage that helps to characterize Crassocepbalum. The native Old 

orld species, with the exceptions noted below, all agree in having the style-arm 
apex bluntly truncated or rounded, and nude or with a marginal fringe of diverging 
papillae; that is, indistinguishable from the style-arm apex characterizing the genus 
Senecio. The American material is heterogamous. Within the Australasian material 
occurs every degree of transition from the outer two rows of florets pistillate and 
filiform to all florets perfect and infundibuliform, or to outer florets ligulate and 
pistillate; in other words, there is intergradation without a break into both the 
discoid and the radiate groups of Senecio 

The name Erechtites was first ES to and must be typified by American 
material. Therefore the non-congeneric Old World species must receive another 
name. In the absence of any clear-cut distinction between the majority of these 
species and other Australasian species which have universally been referred to Se- 
necio, I have transferred them, except for six species, to that genus, to which, indeed, 
most of them were originally ascribed. The only alternative to broadening some- 
what the limits of Senecio is to set up a new and ill-defined segregate, necessarily 
impossible of separation except on minute, arbitrary, and unreliable features, a 
course which I reject. 

The return of all species of Erechtites to Senecio has twice been briefly ad- 
vocated. Schultz Bipontinus? found in a specimen of his Senecio flavus (S. Decais- 
nei DC.) from the Canary Islands some slender non-ligulate pistillate margi 
florets. On the mistaken assumption that the sole difference between Erechtites 
and Senecio was in the filiform pistillate marginal florets of the former, he swept 
s the species of Erechtites and of certain other related genera back into cio. 

Yet his figure of S. flavus in Barker-Webb and Berthelot's Flora of the Canary 
Islands!? clearly shows the style arm bluntly truncated with a corona of divergent 
hairs, indicating that it is a Senecio and not an Erechtites! Furthermore, two of the 
three otherwise identical specimens of S. Decaisnei in the Prodromus Herbarium, 

9 Flora 28:497-498. 1845. 
10 Hist, Nat. Iles Canaries 2:319. £. 107. 1836-50. 

[Vol. 43 

duplicates of those cited by Schultz, have ligulate marginal florets whereas the 
third does not, and all have senecionoid style arms. 

A somewhat similar position was taken independently by Baron Ferdinand von 
Mueller*! at one time for the Australasian species of Erechtites. He listed nineteen 
species of Senecio under cultivation in the Melbourne Botanic Garden, of which 
two, S. bispidulus A. Rich. and S. quadridentatus Labill, were revived names for 
species which both earlier and later he treated in Erechtites. His argument was 
presented by Bentham!”: “F. Mueller proposes to unite the two genera Erechthites 
and Senecio on account of those supposed intermediate species forming de Candolle's 
section Plagiotome". Bentham rejected this view, and Mueller resumed use of the 
name Erechtites. But later!?, in describing Senecio baplogynus from New Guinea, 
he stated: 

ntham and J. Hooker observed eiit hong decns II. 208), that occasionally some thin 
solely D grits occur in specie: ; hence the only characteristic which separates 
¡Erec s from that genus is enrehsble, A pss the present plant ma y be placed in either 

This applied to the Australasian material, but overlooked the nature of the style- 
arm apex which further distinguishes the American species 

Exceptions to this reduction of Old World species to Senecio are the six species 
to be referred, one for the first time, to Arrhenechthites Mattf. These species, in- 
cluding Senecio baplogynus, are well distinguished from Senecio, Erechtites, Crasso- 
cepbalum, and Gynura by their functionally staminate center florets with short 
style arms which are densely papillose on their outer faces and are not appendaged. 
The range of Arrbenecbtbites, formerly known only from the mountains of New 
Guinea, now includes the Blue Mountains of southeastern Australia 

All this leads to the problem in the Candollean treatment of Erechtites posed by 

is generic name has been accepted by all authors, and yet i rather ous to note that 

Candolle, Prodr. 6: 294. 1838, in his full eg of the genus, Pee "Erechtites Lm fl. ludov. 
(1817 p. 65 (excl. char.)’. = grand should be interpreted to Be E dx 
ae aha type E. prealta Rat. placed as a variety of E. HG er 2 "Raf. ex DC." 
In undertaking the EE of the ‘Prodromus’, de Candolle had solicited 
specimens from all and sundry, promising to give full credit for either specimens 
or names. The scrupulousness with which he carried out this promise is a chal- 
lenge to his successors and a reproach to more than one. But in this case it led him 
into difficulties. There is clear evidence in the Prodromus Herbarium that de 
Candolle originally considered the American species which he finally placed in 
Erechtites to belong to Neoceis Cass. This name in his writing appears repeatedly 

11 Catalogue of plants under es in the nem Botanical Garden, October, 1858, in 
General eebe of the Government Botanist for 1858. p. 1 is is the Cat. Hort: Melb. 
cited by am (Fl. Austral. 3:659) for | Sach Lessonii F. "Muell. 

SR E 3:659. 1866. 

13 Trans. Roy. Soc. Victoria 17:14-15. 1889. 

14 Index Rafinesquianus, p. 235. 



on the sheets of the first six species. In some instances there is no other generic 
designation except on the outside label of the cover, which of course was collated to 
agres with the published text of the ‘Prodromus.’ He probably also — Cas- 
sini’s relegation of the faultily drawn Erechtites Raf. to section OTHONNE 

This nicely settled state of affairs was rudely upset in 1830 by a Ae from 
Rafinesque, in which he placed S. hieracifolius in a new subgenus. This note, of 
crucial importance in evaluating both Rafinesque’s and de Candolle’s interpreta- 
tions of Erechtites, is reproduced here for the first time. It is found in a lengthy 
folio letter entitled: "Serie de Lettres Botaniques addressées au Prof. Decandolle de 
Genéve, par le Prof. Rafinesque de Philadelphie. N. 5. Octobre 1830 philadelphie,” 
and preserved in the library of the Conservatoire de Botanique, Genéve. The 
writing has faded somewhat, so that some words were only doubtfully deci- 
phered. These are identified by bracketed queries or reconstructions. I am greatly 
indebted to Dr. Charles Baehni, Director of the Conservatoire, for locating the 
letter for me, to him and Dr. C. E. B. Bonner for help in transcribing the passage 
in question, and to Prof. H. H. Bartlett for suggestions on deciphering it. It ap- 
pears to read as follows: 

"13. Senecio L. Il faut restituer le G. [genus] Jacobea T. pour less S. de: Së Esp. [spec cies] ont 
z rapas 3 Ae u]s [?, aopa > pieni GE 3 fids, S. G.??—Les vrais ee 

p. bieracifolius, ierg Raf. & elon ormant mon S G. [subgenus] 
Boch SZ Gen. fl. lud) Per. fol. ovals ^ aia 51 vix calic.-flosc. fem. vix [radiis 

[?, radiatis ?] filiformi[bu]s vix L5 dentat 

The intention here seems clear Bees The radiate species of Senecio are to be 
returned to Jacobea Tourn. (this is an old and recurrent argument), with S. bal- 
samitae perhaps the type of a subgenus on account of its trifid rays. The true (ie., 
discoid) species of Senecio in the United States are sufficiently distinct from the 
Old World species (as exemplified by S. vulgaris) to be placed in a separate sub- 
genus containing three species. This subgenus Erechtites of the genus Senecio as 
here redefined is so changed from the 1817 version as to be scarcely recognizable. 
Formerly it was ecalyculate, with florets hermaphroditic; now it is scarcely calycu- 
late, with feminine florets filiform. That it is still applied to the same material as 
was the original genus Erechtites is supported not only by his explicit reference to 
its former status but also by the change of gender of the original specific epithet 
to agree with the new generic name. 

This letter, in my opinion, is the one referred to by de Candolle "7 in a footnote: 
"Cl. Rafinesque in litt. 1832 [i. e., 1830] forte non immerito distinguit Erech- 
tites sp. A, hieracifolia, cds fl. lud. et elongata, sed descriptiones nullas 
edidit." The letter would seem. to be the authority for the new combination, 
"Erechtites hieracifolia (Raf. in = )”. That Rafinesque distinguished three 
species of Erechtites; namely, hieracifolia, praealta, and elongata, at least in the 
1830 letter, is scarcely accurate. What he actually did was to designate three dis- 
coid species which he regarded as together forming a subgenus of Senecio. That he 

15 Prodr. 6:294. 1838. 

[Vol. 43 

wrote nothing of their descriptions was but natural, since all three had been de- 
scribed previously, by Linnaeus, by Rafinesque (as Erechtites prealta), and by 
Pursh, respectively. 

Now that Rafinesque had identified his genus with S. hieracifolius as a sub- 
genus of Senecio, the revised diagnosis, while still leaving much to be desired, was 
recognizable as applying to the Linnaean species. I believe that de Candolle wished: 
(a) to maintain Erechtites (Neoceis) as a genus, rather than a subgenus; (b) to 
accept Erechtites in sensu 1830 rather than 1817; and (c) to credit the name to 
the original author. But the Erechtites of 1830 was unpublished. De Candolle's 
solution was to adopt the earlier and validly published name but to exclude the 
faulty diagnosis, substituting for it a new one based on that of the now super- 
fluous Neoceis Cass., which he demoted to a section. I believe de Candolle meant 
"Erecbtites Rafin . . . (excl. car.)" literally, and with justification. About the 
only feature in common between his diagnosis and the one published by Rafinesque 
is that in both the heads are described as multiflorous! 

Early references to Erechtites in floristic works for North America were erratic. 
W. J. Hooker in 1834 and Darlington in 1837 both cited “Erecthites [sic!] praealta 
Raf.—Less." as a synonym of S. bieracifolius, which Darlington, however, correctly 
described as having "heads discoid, branches of the style conic at the apex". Torrey 
and Gray in 1845 took up the Candollean treatment of Erechtites, with “E. bieraci- 
folia (Raf.)” the only species. Darlington in 1853 gave “Erechtites Rafin.”, but 
followed his own and other previous treatments in describing the capitula as discoid 
but the “florets all fertile". 

Grisebach, who, in 1861, was first to bring both the temperate and the tropical 
forms of E. hieracifolia together under one specific epithet, gave in his generic diag- 
nosis an accurate characterization of the two types of florets in the capitulum. His 
description of the style branches as conical at the summit would restrict the cover- 
age to the American species only, and indeed he did not mention the many Austral- 
asian species added by de Candolle and others. 

Baker in the ‘Flora Brasiliensis’, in 1884, gave a generic description in many 
respects excellent, but unfortunately maintained the genus in the extended sense, 
with "styli rami elongati apice truncati vel obtusissimi”. He adduced several new 
synonyms for E. hieracifolia, maintained Grisebach's varieties, but with new di- 
agnoses, and described a new species, E. ignobilis, as well as treating E. valerianae- 

folia. Gardner had earlier (in 1845 and 1848) described new species of Erechtites — 

and of Senecio from his Brazilian collections without defining the generic limits 
explicitly, His two species of Erechtites were later reduced, one to a variety, the 
other to synonymy. 

Fernald in 1917 described E. megalocarpa from Cape Cod, and at the same time 
revised Erechtites in temperate North America, establishing three varieties of E. 
bieracifolia. Cronquist in 1946 reduced E. megalocarpa to a variety of E. hieraci- 
folia, a change not recognized by Fernald, Standley and Steyermark in 1947 


published without comment E. agrestis (Sw.) as a new combination for E. caca- 
lioides Less. 

In the southern hemisphere, meanwhile, Malme in 1899 described E. missionum 
from northern Argentina, to which Chodat and Hassler soon added a var. lanceolata. 
Cabrera recently transferred Senecio leptantbus Phil., S. goyazensis Gardn., and S. 
valerianaef olius Gardn. to Erechtites. 

Thus, since 1838 numerous new species have been described as Erechtites, but 
without critical review of the whole genus. During this time considerable con- 
fusion has developed in the application of names, circumscription of species, and 
delimitation of the genus. As a further complication, there is evidence of introgres- 
sion among certain of the supposed species, the extent of which can only be deter- 
mined by field and laboratory studies yet to be made. 

. Thesearch for typifying material was mostly successful, although a few critical 
specimens are apparently lost. The lack of a type for E. prealta Raf. posed a major 
problem. The many Australasian sheets in Kew Herbarium which were annotated 

y Hooker, or Bentham, or both, in the preparation of their treatments of this 
group, were gone over carefully, and every effort was made to collate them with 
the types, particularly of A. Richard and de Candolle. Several misapplications of 
names and erroneous circumscriptions which have passed from the works o 
Hooker and of Bentham very generally into the taxonomic literature of Australasia 
have thus been detected and corrected. Numerous other adjustments in the nomen- 
clature of this long-neglected group have had to be made. 

The proper spelling of the generic name has long been debated. Rafinesque 
states that the name “Erechtites” was "one of those given by Dioscorides to the 
Senecio". But the spelling used by Dioscorides in the ‘Materia Medica’ was 
"epexÜiris" and the arguments by Bentham!? and Hegi” for using “Erechthites” 
are perfectly valid. Under the International Rules a case could be made for cor- 
recting Rafinesque's spelling as an unintentional orthographic error. If the genus 
were to be maintained in the extended Candollean sense, then the Benthamian 
spelling, widely adopted in works on Australasian botany, might well be retained. 
But since the genus should be restricted to the American species, it seems better 
to retain the original spelling of Rafinesque, used by most American authors, the 
"Index Kewensis’ and the Gray Herbarium Index, and Dalla Torre and Harms. 


The tribe sENECIONEAE may be characterized as having no latex, corollas of 
the disc florets actinomorphic, anthers ecaudate, pappus capillary (or rarely set- 
aceous) , and style arms usually with a crown of diverging pollen-presentation hairs 
near the truncated, obtuse, or papillose-appendaged apex (but not in Ligularia, 

16 Fl, Austral. 3:657. 1866. 
17 fll, Fl. Mittel Europa 6?:701. 1929. 

[Vol. 43 

Homogyne, Gynura, Cacalia (Adenostyles) , Psacalium) . 

The subtribe sENECIONINAE O. Hoffm. is further distinguished by having the 
phyllaries free or very nearly so, and the involucre uni-or biseriate, or if pluriseriate 
then with the style arms of the perfect florets truncated and penicillate or with a 
distinct crown of longer hairs. 

The following key is based on that given by Hoffman,!? but has been somewhat 
condensed and extensively modified to accommodate the following groups: Arrben- 
echthites Mattf.; Crassocephalum Moench confused with Gynura by Hoffman; 
certain erechthitoid species of Senecio, considered by him as included in Erechtites; 
and four genera revived by Rydberg!? for the North American species commonly 
referred to Cacalia: Psacalium Cass., Pericalia Cass., Mesadenia Raf., and Odonto- 
trichum Zucc. emend. Rydb. 

A. Receptacle with paleae Schistocarpha, N. 

esoe spp. >) 
AA. E without paleae. 
. Disc 

S st erile 

we: GE not Pa alike in floral composition, plants being. more or less 

or polygamo Petasites, Robinsonia, re 
CC. etiim all “alike in floral composition, plants being neither dioecious nor poly- 

D. "Herbs with leaves radical or decur 
E. — sticky-haired herbs with Ce lavet 0 cs S oer amd 
EE. s with leaves radical; scapose stems beset with scale-like leaves.............. Tussila 
DD. Under or perenn =A her bs with cauline leaves well developed, not renkon Ze F 
F. rous ius shru eege ëch fleshy 
FF. ege csset pu herbaceous or suffruticose; leaves not fleshy 
BB. Disc florets fe OS G 
ipitula wei? mm florets perfect; margin florets pistillate, with corolla tubular, 
rm, or irregularly eem A ue lat 
H. Leaves radical, cau = e lea coles Homogyne, Stilpnogyne 
HH. Leaves cauline, n ale- "ike : I 
Leaves entire, thickly crowded; branches leafy to base of capitulum.................. 

E Leaves es more or less toothed or divided, scattered -reduced-to bracts in 
orescence .............. 

BE Pistillate te florets SE 4-fid; shrubs 
JJ- pues ae filifo. 

abes crown re divergent hairs surrounding appendage % fused 


i ose 
St Sie arm pes crown of divergent hairs one truncated or roma tly 
Dein d, not pne se echthitoid species a SENECIO 
GG. Capitals "Esco with all florets perfect ee or radiate, with marginal 
tres unes ^ dor s or dy "bilabiate 


(cf. Dubautia and Raillardia 
EL ue menie dine 
. Phyllari any-seria Alciope, Culcitium, Lepidospartum 

MM. Phyllaries i or SC Ge posesa often 1-seriate, ani shorter calyo ulus " 

18 Hoffman, O., in Engl. & Prantl’s Die Nat. Pflanzenfam IV®: :286-289. 1894. 
19 Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 51: 369-378, 409—420. 1924. 

EE Erotbrix ee 

1956] ; 

N. Leaves opposite, or only the uppermost alternate 
Mallotopus, Haploestbes, Arnica, x gai 

NN. edis mem or radical 
O. Receptacle hemispherical, gie "gite arched, or flat with the center 
mër pesa al prolon 
P; SAPE radiate, LR various but not du and rees central 
ocidium, Bartlettia, Doronicum 
PE; oan discoid, receptacle flat, with center produc 
prolongation; corolla white or whitish, 
throat and long lobes; achene terete, UM 
Mesadenia (Cacalia $ Conophora DC.) 

n a conical 
with Perrin campanulate 

OO. Receptacle flat 

. Phyllaries with leaf-like appendage along midrib ........................ Lopbolaema 
QQ. Phyllaries Mire leaf-like appendages R 
R. Capitula radia S 
$. a: SE bilabiate, inner lip short, outer strap-like........ 
SS. Marginal florets ligulate, without inner lip, Raid entire or 2- t 
3-dentate e $ 
gU Dezem weng ere sed Cineraria 
TT. Achen sed but prismatic or cylindrical, 4- or 5- 
add or md to Gees ed 
U. Style arms virtually verus or at most T papillose 
below the truncated or obtuse apex, with crown of diver- 
gent hairs but See appendage ........ e speci SE Senecio 
UU. Style arms thickly hairy on most or all of the outer fac V 

V. Capitula in racemes or racemose-paniculate reen 

VV. Capitula solitary, nodding (in one species discoid) 


RR. Capitula discoid (marginal florets sometimes with anthers variably 

W. Style-arm apices with greatly prolonged, non-stigmatic, fre- 
quently recurved appendage x 
X. Appendage va Manet densely hairy on outer face; leaves 
i abire crowded basally and subpetiolate or sessile; stem 
ot vascularized; basal leaves peltate .............-.. sacalium 

ain P. 
WW. v E apices with appendage not exceeding arm in length, 
or not appenda 
Y. Style-arm apex obtuse, unappendaged, lacking crown of 
divergent hairs Z 
Z. Style arm not hairy, but oblong and rem adus 
ia L. (Adenostyles) 

ZZ. Style arm uniformly beset = “ang D uaa T 
acaliopsis, Luina, Peucephyllum 

YY. i finis apex penicillate Sc crown Ze am papil- 
rs which is sometimes indistinct re florets S 

a. Achene i cae dbge? or obovoid b 
b. Achene inverted- -pyram Psatbyrotes 
bb. Achene id. elliptic in cross-section, 10- to 15-ribbed; corolla white or whitish 
with tube long and slender, throat obsolete, lobes long-linear and extending to t throat; 
basal leaves long-petiolate 

indrical € 
c. Capitula axillary or in axillary panicles Bedfordia 
c. Capitula terminal or in terminal and axillary inflorescences d 

[Vol 43 

d. Style arms thickly hairy on all of outer surface; capitulum solitary, nodding 
E, "m " 

dd. Style arms glabrous or at most minutely papillose on outer surface e 

. Style-arm apex truncated or low-domed, not appendaged, crown of divergent 
hairs usually well developed f 

f. Corolla white or whitish, throat elongate and narrowly funnelform, lobes 
conspicuously revolute after anthesis, pappus barbellate, slightly clavate........ Pericalia 

ff. Corolla yellowish, infundibuliform, lobes usually erect, pappus not clavate 
discoid species of Senecio 

ee. Style arm acute with more or less prominent non-vascularized appendage of 

fused papillose hairs, crown of diverging papillae sometimes imperfectly formed 
or nearly wanting g 

g. Capitulum ecalyculate 

h. Apex tufted with a multiseriate crown, the conical apex slightly pro- 

longed in appendage of 3 to 6 short fused papillae; corolla deeply lobed; 
low canescent shrubs 

b Tetradymia 
hh. Style apex with essentially uniseriate crown, conical apex prolonged in 
appendage up to half as long as the style arm proper; corolla not deeply 


obed; herbs 
gg. Capitulum calyculate i 
i Style-arm appendage about as long as or longer than the style arm 
fal TS: 

ii. Style-arm appendage not more than half as long as the style arm 
j. Appendage short, conica 
Jj. Appendage ovoid, capitula large 



ErecHTITES Raf. Fl. Ludovic. 65. 1817. Type: E. prealta Raf. 

Erechthites Raf. emend. Less. Syn. Gen. Comp. 395. 1832 

Erecbtites Raf. sensu extenso DC. Prodr. 6: 295. 1838; Endl. Gen. Pl. 455. 1836-40; Dalla 
orre & Harms, Gen. Siphon. 561. 1906. 
Erechthites Raf. sensu extenso Benth. & Hook. Gen. Pl. 2:443. 1873; Hoffm. in Engl. & 
Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. IV®: 291. 1894. 

Neoceis Cass. Bull. Sci. Soc. Philomat. 1820:90. 1820; Dict. Sci. Nat. 34: 386, 1825 (pro 
majore parte). 

Senecio spp. L. et auct. 
Ptileris Raf. Am. Month. Mag. 268. 1818, nom nud.; ex Jacks. Ind. Kew. 4:657. 1895, 
nom. nud. 

Annual or with perennial rootstock; roots fibrous; aerial shoots herbaceous or 
slightly woody at base, erect, sulcate, leafy, glabrous or variously pubescent. Leaves 
alternate, subpetiolate, decurrent, or semiamplexicaul, rarely petiolate, subentire, 
serrate, variously incised or lobed, or pinnatifid, acute, glabrous or variously pubes- 
cent. Capitula calyculate, heterogamous. Involucre uniseriate, more or less flask- 
shaped; phyllaries linear or lanceolate, equal, plurinervate with margins scarious, 
connivent in aestivation and anthesis, more or less divergent in fruit, finally diver- 
gent and strongly xed. Receptacle always without paleae, inconstantly plane, 
alveolate, or fimbrillate. Marginal florets filiform, 4- or 5-fid, pistillate or some- 
times with rudimentary stamens in some, style-arm apices without marginal fringe 


of pollen-presentation hairs but with apex conic-appendaged; central florets slen- 
derly infundibuliform, 5-fid, perfect with functional ovary, style-arm apices diver- 
gent with a semi-circular crown of pollen-presentation hairs surmounted by a 
terminal appendage of fused papillose hairs more or less prominently developed, 
sometimes nearly wanting in section GOYAZENSES. Achene subcylindric to sub- 
fusiform, base inconspicuously callose-annulate, apex conspicuously callose-annu- 
late, slightly constricted below the annulus but not attenuate-rostrate, about 10- 
ribbed, ribs prominent, cartilaginous, light brown, glabrous, intercostal planes dark 
brown, sparsely puberulous. Pappus pluriseriate, subequal, capillar 

Distinguished from Crassocepbalum, Gynura, Cacalia (sensu strictiore), and 
discoid species of Senecio by the heterogamous rather than homogamous capitula, 
from radiate species of Senecio also by the corollas of the filiform marginal florets 
more or less regularly 4- or 5-fid rather than ligulate, and from erechthitoid (and 
all) species of Senecio by the style arm appendaged with fused papillose hairs rather 
than truncated or bluntly rounded; and from Arrhenechthites by the disc florets 
being numerous and developing viable embryos, rather than few or solitary and 

Includes five species: one highly polymorphic and widespread in the less- 
elevated or more humid parts of both Americas and adventive in central Europe, 
Hawaii, Indonesia, and southeastern Asia; one widespread in continental tropical and 
subtropical America and adventive through many of the tropical Pacific Islands to 
northern Australia, Sumatra, the Malay States, and southeastern China; and three 
restricted to South America; not known from Africa. Formerly considered to 
include several species with filiform pistillate marginal florets, indigenous to 
Australasia, but these, without exception, lack the terminal appendage of fused 
papillose hairs on the style-arm apex and are accordingly here excluded from Erech- 
tites, and treated as belonging in Senecio or (in one instance) in Arrhenechthites. 


Erechtites may be divided into two sections: 
ERECHTITES sectio Hieraciifoliae Belcher, sect. nov. 

Annuae, herbaceae; foliis caulinis non ultra octies longioribus quam latioribus; 
corolla lobata, non profunde fissa. 

Type: Erecbtites bieracifolia (L.) Raf. ex DC. 
ERECHTITES sectio Goyazenses Belcher, sect. nov. 

Perennes, suffruticosae; foliis caulinis decies longioribus quam latioribus vel 
eene appendicibus styli florum marginalium non obviis; corolla lobata, 

Type: pube goyazensis (Gardn.) Cabr. 

[Vol. 43 


A. Annual, herbaceous; length of cauline leaves usually not over eight times their width; 
marginal florets with style-arm appendages well developed; corolla shallowly cleft 
B. Leaf sessile, or if briefly petiolate then petiole conspicuously alate; diameter of capi- 
tulum about Ya its length; marginal florets bi- or pluriseriate; pappus white 1. E. bieracifolia 
BB. Leaf petiolate or inconspicuously alate at base. 
C. Diameter of capitulum less than V4 its length; marginal pistillate florets uniseriate 
or sub-biseriate; style-arm appendages long; corolla and pappus usually more or less 
reddis E. valerianaefolia 
CC. Diameter of capitulum Y, its length or more; marginal pistillate florets bi- or 
pluriseriate; style-arm appendage short; corolla and pappus whitish............ E. missionum 

inear-lanceolate . goyazensis 
DD. Capitulum thick, 2 cm. long, 1 cm. wide, or larger; corolla lobes deltoid 
5. E. ignobilis 


1. ERECHTITES HIERACIFOLIA (L.) Raf. ex DC. Prodr. 6: 294. 1838. 

Annual herb, 4 cm. to 2 m. tall, simple or much branched above; stem glabrous, 
setose, or pilose. Leaves alate and attenuate at base or semiamplexicaul, acute, with 
8 to 25 indistinct pinnate veins on either side, each diverging from the midrib at 
about 45^, running irregularly forward and terminating in an acute callose tooth; 
oblanceolate, oblong-lanceolate, lanceolate, or linear-lanceolate; margins subentire, 
irregularly serrate, incised-serrate, sinuate-dentate, irregularly and coarsely lobate- 
dentate, or subpinnatifid; glabrous or minutely pubescent on nerves beneath or 
sparsely to densely clothed with fine unicellular or coarse multicellular hairs up to 
5 mm. long in pilose states of var. cacalioides; membranous to subcoriaceous; lower 
ones from 1 to 10 to 30 cm. long, 0.5 to 2 to 7 cm. wide, gradually or abruptly 
reduced upwards, Inflorescence varying from a single terminal capitulum in 
depauperate specimens to decompound terminal and axillary corymbose panicles of 
50 or more capitula; branches glabrous to pilose, bracts ranging from broadly 
amplexicaul to attenuate. Capitula with bracteoles of the calyculus linear, variable 
in number and length, and glabrous or ciliolate with unicellular or multicellular 
hairs and either with or without multicellular hairs on their outer faces. Phyllaries 
8 to 11 (to 15 to 15) mm. long, 0.5 to 1.0 (to 2.0) mm. wide, broadly linear or 
oblong, entirely glabrous to sparsely setulose; apices bluntly acute to subobtuse, 
often darkened but not sphacelate, usually minutely papillose-cilioclate.  Florets 
numerous, varying from 20 to 25 (to 150 or more) ; corolla of marginal florets in 
var. bieracifolia and var. cacalioides 7.5 to 11 mm. long with throat 0.5 to 1 mm. 
long and only slightly dilated to diameter of 0.5 to 0.75 mm., 4- or sometimes 5- 
fid, lobes 0.4 to 0.5 mm. long, in var. megalocarpa similar, 10 to 12 mm. long; 
corolla of disc florets in above varieties 8 to 12 mm. long, throat 1.5 to 2 mm. 
long, slenderly campanulate, with circumference of 1.5 to 2.0 mm., 5-fid, 10- 
nerved, lobes 0.5 to 0.7 mm. long; corolla lobes in disc florets of var. megalocarpa 


11 to 13 mm. long, very slenderly campanulate, throat 1 mm. long, 5-fid, lobes 
0.75 mm. long, 0.4 to 0.5 mm. wide. Achenes strongly costate 

Species highly polymorphic, but divisible into three varieties, Widely distrib- 
uted from southern Canada to northern Argentina, but absent from the prairie, 
high montane, and Pacific coastal regions. Unknown from Africa, the Near East 
and Australasia. Its reputation as a pantropical weed rests largely on confusion 
with Crassocepbalum crepidioides (Benth.) S. Moore. 

Several departures of the foliage from the narrowly defined type have been 
given varietal or even specific rank. In fact, Erechtites itself was founded on one 
such variant. After examining a large suite of specimens, both dried and living, I 
have concluded that foliar characters do not offer a reliable basis for separation of 
varieties (nor for the establishment of formae) within this species. I have seen 
every degree of variation in the leaf from the subpetiolate oblanceolate to the 
broadly amplexicaul lanceolate state without finding at any point an obvious and 
usable discontinuity. Furthermore, I have been able to duplicate much of the 
spectrum of variation in greenhouse culture by manipulation of the environment. 
The same series of foliar variation is clearly discernible in plants both of tropical 
and of temperate habitat. 

I have based the two main varieties maintained here on features which do appear 
to be discontinuous and to show a geographical pattern. The most accessible of 
these features are the length of the calycular bracteoles and the type of pubescence. 
That it has been necessary to use so slender a distinction will perhaps in itself be 
sufficient answer to those who, without extensive examination of the full range of 
variation, would establish separate species for the extremes of the temperate and the 
tropical zones. 


A. Bracteoles of the calyculus extending less than 1⁄4 the length of the involucre; brac- 
teoles of the peduncle much shorter than the involucre; all bracteoles glabrous or beset 
with clas hairs only. 

B. Ge pitula with denuded ‘receptacles less than 1 cm. in diameter; achene 2.5 t 

long, 10-costate ] a. var. ' bieracifolia 

BB. Capitula wis desde e more than 1 cm. in diameter; achene 4 to 4.5m 
long o 20- var. Siet 

AA. Bracteles of E Pha a extending more than Y, the length of the inv volucre; bra 

teoles of the peduncle approximately as long as the involucre; all brio ciliolat 
with: ier hairs var. wf R 


ets po L. Sp. Pl., ed. 1. 866. 1753; ed. 2. 1215. 1762; ed. 3, 1215. 1764; 
L. Man «DT, ek i is var, cacalioides; non Forssk. Fl. Aegypt. 73. 1775; 
= » Walt. Fl. Carol 208. 1788, a radiate species; non Herb. Labill., which is Senecio 

inimus Desf. e E 
eren laevis Sloane, C t. Pl. Tam. 122. 1697; Nat. Hist. Jam. 255. 1707 (vol. 5, p. 1 
Sloane Herb. BM!, Rot record of temperate var. ‘hieracifolia i in the Caribbean, surely 
not in Madeira 
Anonyme Robin, Voy. Louisiane 3:435. 1807, basis of E. prealta Raf. 

(Vol. 43 

Erecbtites brealta Raf. Fl. Ludovic. 65. 1817 
enecio seminudus Bory, Ann. Gén. Soc. Phys. 1 : 303-307, pl. 12. 1819; figure pra 
Lee CS non- ica duced upper leaves. described by Fernald "for var. inte 

Neocei ‘Bieracifli (L.) Cass. eng Sci. Soc. Philom. 1820: 91. 1820; Dict. Sci. Nat. 34: 
87. 1825; type of Neoceis Cas 

Mus oie Cass. 1. 6: by desc) also e ieu to var. intermedia F 

Senecio bieracifolius E. var. gigantea Raf. Med. Fl. 2:262. 1830; by dag a very robust 

Senecio Vukotinovici Schloss. Oesterr. Bot. FR 31: 5. 1881; Schloss. ex Vukot. Rad. 
Jugo slav. Akad. 58: 85, 145. 1881 
gap sonchoides => Fl. Exsicc. So pe n. 658. 1881 UA ae on Schlosser’s 
ous; non Kunt ov. Gen. & Sp. 4: 
Erechthites —— (L.). DC. var. glabrescens O. Ktze. tea tie = 1:335. 1891, 

Brechtbites bierecifolia Raf. forma minor Waisb. Oesterr. Bot. Zeit. 45:109. 1895; said to 
he it o the typical state by “Uebergangsformen”; Waisbecker (US!) agrees 
ct é 
Prileris hirracifolia Raf. ex Jacks. Ind. Kew. 2:657. 1895; nom. n 

Erecbtites bieracifolia (L). Raf. in DC. var. typica, var. byHWlie Fern., and var. praealta 
Raf.) Fern. Rhodora 19:27. 1917; Gray's Man., ed. 8. 15 1950. 

yt y: Coope e 936. 
Seedling Morphology: Kumner, Weed S dip 381-382, 1951. 
mmon names: Fireweed; Butterweed (Ken tucky Mountains). 

Lectotype: “Senecio hieracifolius,’ 996-1 (LINN!) ?° 

Habit, stem, and foliage as in the species. Bracts subtending the peduncles and 
peduncular bracteoles usually not as long as the capitulum, often not half as long; 
calycular bracteoles linear, very short, glabrous or sometimes minutely ciliolate with 
unicellular hairs, never having coarse multicellular hairs; phyllaries (7 to) 11 to 
16 (to 21), linear, glabrous or minutely glandulose-papillose. Denuded receptacles 
(3 to) 5 to 8 (to 9) mm. in diameter. Achenes 2.5 to 3 mm. long, 0.5 mm. in 
diameter, 10-costate. 

Prince Edward Island to southeastern Saskatchewan to Minnesota, south to 
southeastern Texas, to Florida; of scattered occurrence in the West Indies from 
Cuba to Puerto Rico and possibly through the Lesser Antilles to Venezuela and the 
Guianas; an introduced weed in the Hawaiian Islands and Central Europe; pri- 
marily an occupant of recently disturbed areas in forest zones. 

CANADA. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND: Bunbury, Aug. € ders: Long & St. John 
8242 (K). QUEBEC: St. Se Estuary, Portneuf, Aug. arie-Victorin 28309 
uses Victorin 28657 e S) Ge Park Skyline Trail, 
July 1941, Senn 2078 (S). ONTARIO: Battersea, Aug. 1898, Fowler (F) ; Galt, bogs, Aug. 
1899, Umbach m a Pak. Aug. 1900, an 21827 (F) SASKATCHEWAN: 
Alameda, Drummond (K). 

a MAINE: Mt. Megunticook, Camden, Aug. 1930, Steyermark 2181 (F); 
Megunticook Lake near Tsuga Ledges’ Sept. 1946, Friesner 20982 
Cambridge, waste Get: e 22, — Smith & Steward in Pl. Exsicc. Gray 899 
var. intermedia CH, S) ; Cape Cod near Nine Mile Pond, Sept. 1898, Green- 

an 399 (K); Vastu Ter Woods. S Sept. 1915, Ripley 15816 (S); S. Dartmouth, 

Herbaria in which cited specimens are located are indicated by abbreviations recommended by 
Lanjouw alios onal Code of Bam Nomenclature adopted by the Seventh International Bo- 
ca Congress, Stockholm, 1950). 


Salter's Point, Sept. 1917, King 146 (F); — sandy field, Aug. 1930, Beattie (K, det. 
as var. praealta Fern., very depauperate). CONNECTICUT: New Haven, 1858, Eat on, (S); 
(S). i C 

arsh, Dor, 6, H Geméen 7999 (F). rithis dnt Bethlehem, pag 1832, Moser 
E FI); Philadelphia, Sept. 1849, Prior (K) ; West Chester, Darlington (K, FI) ; Dauphin, 
Sept. 1887, Small (F); Lancaster Co., near teri — 1892, Heller 8 gren i 
Strattonville, Oct. 1928, Eggleston 22838 8 (US). onto: Elyria, Gbale banks of B 
CH . 

Mosely (F); Lawrence Co., clay pit south of Blackfork, Sept. 1952, Belcher 1115, 1116, 
1117; same location, Oct. 1952, Belcher 1122 to 1140 inclusive (series to show range of 

variation, with achenes for planting). INDIANA: u 1890, Hill 116 (F); 
ells Co., near Bluffton, Aug. 1898, Deam (F); Miller, base of dune, Sept. 1900, Lansing 
119 , 2); mora, Sept. 1935, Friesner 9 Mots: Lake 

we View 
(Chicago), Sept. 1884, Oblendorf (F). MICHIGAN: New Richmond, Aug. 1910, Kauffman 
(MICH); Benton Harbor, near St. Joseph Riv., Sept. 1910, Lansing 2877 (F); o 
Sept. 1838, Houghton (MICH); Prairie Rhonde edge of rich maple woods, Sept. 1 
tows 287 (F); EN ac Co., Prentis Bay, Sept. 1916, Ehlers 22 (MICH) ; Menominee 
Co., between Cedar Riv and. Stephenson, Aug. 1933, Grass] 3005 (MICH); Drayton 
Plains, Aug. 1922, Farwell 6354 (MICH); St. Clair Co., near Port Huron, Aug. 1892, 
Dodge, (MICH); Flowerfield, Burgess 424 (F); Ann Atbor; Aug. 1862, Almendinger 
(MICH). wisconsin: Raukana, Aug. 1879, Schuette (F, upper leaves broadly amplexi- 
e most westerly gëf noted for this variant); Dane Co., N. of Cross Plains, Sep 
1916, Heddle 2667 (F); Trempealeau, Aug. 1927, Fassett 4496 (MICH). MINNESOTA: 
Center City, Aug. 1892, Taylor (S). 10wa: Decatur Co., Aug. 1898, Fitzpatrick (F). 
MISSOURI: St. Louis, 1832, Drummond (K, 2); Davis Spring, Aug. 1937, Moore 
Shelby Co., N. W. of Emdem, Sept. 1948, dk '66595 (F); N. W. of Chillicothe, 
Aug. 1951, Sparling 1325B. (F). DELAWARE: dune region between Cape Henlopen and 
Rehoboth go. Snow 72, 192 (F). MARYLAND: Relay, Aug. 1910, Jones (F). DIST. OF 
COLUMBIA: near Georgetown, Oct. 1858, Schott (F); Washington, Sept. 1897, Pieters 
(MICH, dd plant 8.5 cm. tall, one capitulum). WEST VIRGINIA: Smyth Co., Pine 
Glade Mtn., Aug. 1892, Small (F). NORTH CAROLINA: Statesville, Hyams (MICH); Hot 
Springs, Aug. 1924, Webmeyer 694 (MICH, 2). KENTUCKY: Bell Co., near Wasioto, Sept. 
1893, Kearney 502 (F); Meade Co., Otter Creek, Sept. 1950, Fen (S); about 2 mi. west 
of om on weathered shale in highwiy cut, Sept. 1952, Belcher 1118, 1118A; roadside 
nark 7 mi. E. of Vanceburg, by edge of woods, Sept. 1952. Belcher 1119 (sisde form. 
leaves ptr ARKANSAS: Bradley Co., Jersey, “bottom thickets, 8 ft. high”, Sept. 1938, 
‘Demaree 18313 (F); de banks of Saline River, Sept. 1938, Demaree 18388 (F). 
TEXAS: Harrisburg, Sept. 1875. Joor (MICH); Hocklev, 1890, Thurow (F). FLORIDA: 

i u 
); Ft. Myers, 1900, Hitchcock 142 (F); Clarcona, Nov. 1899, Meislabn 126 (US); 
Palm Beach, 1896, Hitchcock 925 e 
West INDrEs. cusa: Havana, Guanabacoa, May 1914, Ekman 618 (S); Oriente, 
Bayate. Nov. 1914, Ekman 3403 (5); Sierra Maestra, above oer Oct. 1916, sar 
8063 (S). jamaica: St. Louis, roadsides, 1850, Prior (K); Glasgow, near Tro 
1917, Harris 12637 (F). par: Dept. du Nord, cultivated field north of St. Michel, Dec. 
1925, Leonard 7741 (F); Massif pP Nord, May 1927, Ekman H8305 (S). DOMINICAN 
REPUBLIC: Santo Domingo City, at Rio Ozama, Jan. 1929, Ekman H-11375 (S). PUERTO 
RICO: waste ground, Martin Pena, March 1924, Dale (MICH); Cayey, i in ee Llano, 
Sept. m Sintenis 2412 (F, left and center specimens only, right is Sonc. 
EuRoPr. CZECHOSLOVAKIA: us prope urbem Pferov, Aug. DE rinde. FI. 
Exsic. Reipub. Bobem. Slov. 951 (S, US); Olmüvzl, Pferov, Sept. 1938, Laus (K). 
AUSTRIA: prope Purkersdorf, Sept. 1909, Keller 5102 (S); Sóchau, Waldblóssen, Aug. 

[Vol. 43 

1909, Sabransky (S), Waldrodungen, Sabransky (US); Wurmberg prope Pettau, Sept. 
1915, Maly (K, 2). HUNGARY: "ese Arad. in silvis caeduis montis Piliske, Aug. 1916, 
Kiimmerle ES Jávorka, Fl. Hun . Exsic. 588 (F, K, S, US); Reposmere, Sept. 1922, 

e" : 
silvis caediis ad Zag ormastiny, Fl. Exsic. Austro-Hung. 658 (K). RUMANIA: 
ransylvania, ad Gürscuysentinire, ie 1913, Heuzyel (S). 
AWAIHAN ISLANDS. KAU ar Hanalei, Sept. 1922, Degener 1521 (NY). o 

Honolulu, * de Ber DR 1916, Hitchcock 13716 (US); Honolulu, Tantalus 
Mountain, June 1923, Degener 1520 (NY). Morokar: Tukoo, Oct. 1916, Hitchcock 
15034 (US). west MOLOKAI: Hauakea, Pali, arid plain, April 1928, Degener 18134 (NY). 
HAWAII: Flow of 1840, Puwa [?], July 1915, Pots 1055-H (NY). 

Fernald concluded that “Erechtites hieracifolia is a very polymorphous plant 
and that much tropical American material referred to it belongs clearly to some 
other species. In the eastern United States and Canada the plant, although appar- 
ently all of one species, is very variable.” He defined Senecio bieracifolius L. as 
having auriculate-based clasping leaves, on the basis of Hermann's figure and the 
diagnosis in the ‘Species Plantarum’; and Erechtites praealta Raf. as having all 
leaves basally narrowed, on the basis of Rafinesque's description. He then stated 
that these two plants are "in their involucres and achenes clearly extremes of one 
species, but so different in foliage that they should be designated as forms or vari- 
eties”. Fernald next stated that the most common variation appeared to be neither 
of the above, but one “with the upper leaves sessile and broad at the base but very 
rapidly decreasing to small bracts below the inflorescence", which he described as a 
new variety, infermedia. From an examination of herbarium material he concluded 
that "the three plants seem to have somewhat different ranges and they are there- 
fore here treated as geographic varieties"; namely, var. fypica, var. intermedia 
Fern., and var. praealta (Raf.) Fern. This treatment he maintained without mod- 
ification in the 8th edition of ‘Gray’s Manual.’ 

Fernald's paper afforded an excellent starting point for my investigations, but 
I have to disagree with his conclusions. The tropical material is not specifically 
distinct from that of the temperate zone. His new variety intermedia has previ- 
ously been described as a species. The three states he named do not in fact have 
clearly distinct geographical ranges, but may exist side by side in the field and may 
occur in the progeny of a single plant during greenhouse culture. Finally, he 
formed a very inadequate concept of E. prealta. 

The earliest name applied to the “intermediate” state is Erechtites prealta Raf.! 
As there is no specimen surviving, it must be typified by Robin's description. This 
is of a discoid Composite some 6 or 7 feet tall; with sessile leaves 1 foot long and 4 
inches wide, oblong, attenuated toward the base, irregularly toothed, acute, glab- 
rous with the nerves underneath covered with down; the involucre "monophyllous" 
7 to 8 lines long, 3 to 4 lines in diameter, fleshy, "glanduleuse", striate, terminated 
by a score of little teeth; florets white, 5-toothed; growing in the open near woods 
and flowering in September. 

This description undoubtedly E to an Erechtites, despite omission of several 
details. It also obviously refers to a very robust specimen. The description of the 


leaf is hardly definitive. The measurements of size certainly do not apply to all of 
the leaves indiscriminately, but surely only to the lower ones. It then is reasonable 
to assume that the phrases which immediately follow these measurements; namely, 
"oblongues, plus rétrécies à la partie inférieure", also apply to these same large 
lower leaves and therefore not necessarily to those higher up which are of course 
smaller. It is a general feature of every complete dried plant of Erechtites which I 
have seen, and of all those which I have grown from seed or seen in the field, that 
the lowest leaves are basally narrowed, even to the extent of being briefly petiolate. 

This intimate association of the description of the size and of the base of the 
leaves was, however, severed by Rafinesque, who also modified the description in 
other unfortunate ways. Thus Fernald, apparently without referring to Robin's 
original description, construed Rafinesque's "foliis . . . basi attenuatis" as applying 
to all the leaves and particularly to the upper ones. He therefore placed the taxon 
praealta in varietal status, containing the plants which do have all the leaves atten- 
uated; that is, those depauperate specimens called f. minor by Waisbecker. Although 
Fernald cited no specimens for his var. praealta, all of the sheets distributed from 
the Gray Herbarium under this name which I have seen are of this depauperate 
state, scarcely one foot tall, so much at variance with Robin's description and so 
contradictory of the epithet. 

In several hundred sheets of E. bieracifolia var. bieracifolia from a dozen major 
herbaria, I have seen virtually every conceivable degree of intergradation among the 
extremes recognized by Fernald. And, like Deam,”* I have seen and collected not 
two but all three of these extremes plus other intermediate states in the same loca- 
tion, growing virtually side by side, with the variation in leaf form correlated with 
over-all size and that apparently directly related to soil fertility and moisture 

This field experience has been substantiated by four years of growing these 
plants in the greenhouse under varying conditions of moisture, fertility, and photo- 
period. These studies, still incomplete, seem to indicate that the lower nodes always 
produce leaves with attenuate, even subpetiolate, bases; that expansion of the basal 
region of the leaf begins rather abruptly about the 30th to 35th node, and reaches 
the broadly amplexicaul condition only if the sudden bolting which marks the 
transition from the vegetative to the reproductive phase is delayed beyond the 
maturation of this region. If vegetative growth is retarded by limiting either 
water or nutrients, or terminated by the onset of short days, floral initiation ap- 
pears before leaf-base expansion can occur. By varying the degree of stress applied, 
sister plants grown from achenes taken from a single capitulum of a plant with 
broadly amplexicaul bracts have been made to yield a spectrum of variants ranging 
from minute specimens only 6 cm. high and bearing four or five subpetiolate leaves 
and a single tiny capitulum to specimens over 2 m. tall and bearing hundreds o 

21 Fl. Indiana, p. 994. 1940. 

[Vol. 43 

large capitula, the lower ones on extensively ramified branches subtended by large 
broadly amplexicaul bracts. 

The "intermedia" condition arises readily in summer plants restricted in access 
to soil nutrients by being retained in 3-inch pots without additional fertilizer but 
well supplied with water. Such plants commonly show signs of nitrogen starvation 
in the lowest leaves, and fail in various degrees to develop complete tops. Their 
growth is usually good at first but later it slows down so that the critical day 
length is reached, and bolting, sharply marked by a maximal internodal length, 
occurs just after leaf-base expansion has begun. Once bolting starts, the expansion 
of leaves at the superior nodes is severely and progressively retarded, resulting in the 
familiar series of bracts and bracteoles. Furthermore, in plants undernourished at 
and after bolting, the development of floriferous axillary branches is greatly in- 
hibited and may not descend below the 40th node, whereas in well-nourished plants 
such branching may extend to or even below the 20th node. This results in the 
condition described by Fernald, of the "upper leaves sessile and broad at the base 
but very rapidly decreasing to small bracts below the inflorescence". A more 
accurate statement would be that the lower part of the inflorescence fails to de- 
velop properly, for minute capitula can usually be discerned in the axils of these 
supposedly reduced leaves, which are indeed bracts. 

The common name of var. hieracifolia is well explained by Pursh??: “This is 
one of the plants which spring up in the most remote western counties when the 
land is cleared of timber, particularly when the brushwood is burnt on the ground; 
from which circumstance it is generally known by the name of fireweed." The 
logic of the name "butterweed", by which this plant was well known to me as a 

boy in the hills of Kentucky, has eluded me. 

1b. ERECHTITES HIERACIFOLIA var. MEGALOCARPA (Fern.) Cronq. Rhodora 48: 
122. 1946. 
Erecbtites megalocarpa Fern. Rhodora 19:24. 1917. 
eaves large, 10 to 15 cm. long, 3 to 7 cm. wide, fleshy; capitula 1 cm. or more 
in diameter (pressed) and to 2 cm. long including pappus; phyllaries 16 to 21 or 
more, lanceolate, 13 to 15 mm. long; florets 100 or more, corolla lobes with brown 
margins and nerves; achenes (3.5 to) 4 to 5 mm. long, up to 1 mm. in diameter 
(i. e., twice the diameter of the achene of var. hieracifolia), subturbinate, 16- to 
TYPE: Upper and middle regions of sandy sea-beach, West Yarmouth, Mass., 
Oct. 8, 1916, Fernald, Butters & St. John 15468 (G). 
Cosst of southern New England, where it occurs along the beaches and in salt 
— ade Groton, seashore, Sept. 1927, Janssen (S); Oct. 1927, Janssen (S). 
ETTS: Yarmouth, sandy beach of Nantucket Sound, Oct. 14, 1916, Fernald es 
[ras E [nis Gray 299 (F, K, MICH, S, W; paratypes) ; x salt marsh Sion Dess of Bass 
River Light, Dennis, Sept. 1918, Fernald S Long 17636 (F, K, M 2); Bourne, inner 
edge of Mona Bod; Sept. 1929, Blake 10975 (F, K, S); Warham, Blake 1 0962 (K). 

22 Fl. Amer. Sept. 2:529. 1814. 


In reducing Fernald's species to varietal rank, Cronquist stated that he was 
unable to see any real specific discontinuity, with which I agree, and that he re- 
garded it as a "saline marsh ecotype”. Fernald apparently was not convinced, since 
he continued to treat it as a species. It may well be that this large-headed state is 
a polyploid, perhaps a simple tetraploid, of var. bieracifolia. 

Most of the specimens of var. megalocarpa which I have seen strongly resemble 
the broad-bracted state of var. hieracifolia'but have the bracts or uppermost leaves 
just below the inflorescence very broad at the base, up to as much as 5 cm. wide, It 
is therefore of particular interest that one of the specimens examined from Con- 
necticut, Janssen, Oct. 3, 1927, shows a distinct departure from this pattern, even 
as ase: by Janssen, Sept. 3, 1927. In the former, the leaves immediately 

low the inflorescence, instead of being very broadly semiamplexicaul and large, 
are much reduced in all dimensions, with the semiamplexicaul base only 1 cm. wide, 
and the medial leaves are basally attenuated instead of being broadly clasping. 
Although the specimen lacks the basal portion, it seems probable from the reduc- 
tion in the degree of branching and in the size of the branches that this October 
gathering was from a plant less robust than the others. This would accord well 
with the thesis that foliar form is largely under environmental control, not only in 
var. hieracifolia but in var. megalocarpa as well. It also reinforces the interpreta- 
tion of this taxon as being of varietal rather than of specific rank. 

lc, ERECHTITES HIERACIFOLIA var. CACALIOIDES (Fisch. ex Spreng.) Griseb. emend. 
M ee bi Ce deng P DC. var. ben zé Sieg? ex Spreng.) Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. 
61 cies incorrectly attributed t . and var. to Less.), and var. 
se ik. (Cas) eech be cir ad to DC.). 
Senecio Juve opus . Mant. Pl. 469. 1771, Type: P. Browne (LINN 996-2), non Sp. 
Pl. 886. 1753; Willd. Sp. Pl. ed. 4. 3:1974. 1800, pro parte ; 
Senecio cacaliides Fisch. ex Spreng. ëch Prov. 37. 1819; Syst. Veg. 3:565. 1826; Link, 
num. Pl. Hort. Berol. 2:325. 182 
oncbus agrestis Sw. Prodr. 110. cem excl. syn.; Fl. me Occ. 3: Eo 1806, excl. syn.; 
Willd. Sp. Pl. ed. 4. 3:1513. 1800; Spreng. Syst. Veg. 3:648. 

Neoceis carduifolia Cass. Bull. Sci. Sot. Philom. Paris 1820:91. E Dict. Sci. Nat. 

Soncbus etd ii Spreng, Neue Entdeck. 2:143. 1821; Syst. Veg. 3:648. 1826.. Type: 
Sprgl. Herb. n. 1985 

Senecio Ger Ce GER Desf. Cat. Hort. Paris. ed. 5. 177. 1829 (not 1819, as cited by 
de Cando 

i ee KSE (Fisch. ex Spreng.) pe Syn. omg Comp. 395. 1832; DC. Prodr. 


6:295. 1838 (as lie atte as to descr., not specim 
Brechiites Ar (Cass.) DC. Prodr. 6: 294. 1838; "Benth. Vidensk. Meddel. Natur- 
Forening Kjoben. 1 t 1852; Walp. Ann. Bot. Syst. 5:290. 

Erechtites Dame Walp. Rep. Bot. Syst. 2:651. 1843; Cabr. Rev. Mus. La Plata 4: 286, 
: 90. 1941; non DC. 
TAM a eren & Walp. Nov. Act. Acad. Caes. Leop. Carol. Nat. Cur. 19, 

ppl. 1:2 
Senec heben Sch. Bi >. Flora 28:498. 184 
lor roni esp Gar de. L Lond. Jour. gue 3 419. 1848. Type: Goias, Gardner 3868 an 
qs Dit ee L.) DC. var. cacalioides Less. f. pubescens O. Ktze. Rev. Gen. P 
91, nom. qi Of 4 co os cited, one at least, “Java, Sindanglaja, pro 
4488 (NY), is typical var. cacalioides. 

[Vol. 43 

— carduifolia DC. var. latifolia Klatt, Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg. 36:291. 1896, 

Cb ee Rica, San Rafaél, Pitt. 6968, not seen. 

Fe Awe at eylan var. malasica Ridl. Jour. Str. Br. Roy. Asiat. Soc. 61:24 

Gynura erte dn ei? Fl. Malay Penins. 2:190. 1923, excl. Griffith's specimens 

from Malacca, which are true Gynura. 

Gynura aspera Ridl. Jour. Male Br. Roy. Asiat. Soc. 1: Ze 1923. Type: Sumatra, Beras- 
i, Feb. 8 ("dwarf form"), Feb. 10, 1921, Ridley (K 

a agrestis (Sw.) Standl. & Steyerm. Field Mus. eu Bot. 23:265. 1947; Rydberg, 
n herb. 

Bracteoles of the calyculus long, extending to one-third to one-half the length 
of the involucre, typically ciliolate with coarse multicellular hairs; phyllaries 12 to 
14 (to 21), glabrous or sparsely and irregularly beset with multicellular hairs. 

Holotype (?): "Senecio cacalioides, Fischer, 1818, Sprgl.!, herb. n. 1687, Syst. 
III, 565, n. 176." (P! 

Very variable in habit and leaf form, showing much the same series of varia- 
tions as in var. bieracifolia, with the variations intergrading in every degree. A 
characteristic state in Florida is intermediate between var. cacalioides and var. hier- 
acifolia in that the bracteoles are long but lack multicellular hairs. Especially 
variable in Brazil, one particularly interesting state from Paraná having a distinct 
basal rosette of leaves. 

MExICO. TAMAULIPAS: Tampico de ee Bee k^ Berlandier (FI, 2); vicin- 
ity of Tampico, Jan. 1910, Palmer 107 


1899, Pringle 8187 (BM ; 9) born, Apri 0, Orcutt 3018 (F); vicinity of 
ruz, W (W). Jalisco: “Jalisco, 1886”, eque (BM); Quimixto, Nov. 

es pe 1193 (BM, F IAP. Mt. Ovando, is seh oo 1 DS 

26, , 

Matuda 16169 (F); Mandolopez, Des 1947, Matuda 1 6647 (F). TABASCO: Boc 
ber July 1939, Matuda 35 MICH). cAMPECHE: Palizada, July 1939, ‘Matude 

I SH YUCATAN: pem Vista, Xbac, Gaumer 1438 (F, S); Pocobach, 
Cae 2394 deg F). 

G : La Libertad & bizie 1933, Aguilar 207 (MICH); Lake 
Zotz, May 1933, age sis (MICH). a AZ: Coban, Jan. 1908, von Türck- 
beim 1I 1319 (BM, CH, S); dus Lee N. È of Carchá, April 1939, Standley 

(F Soso near Amatitlán, Dec. 8, Standley 61433 (F). IZABAL: 

Livingston, sandy beach, Feb. 1905, Duos 244 (M ICH). SE ATEP 

ate, N. of Antigua, Feb. 1939, Standley 64698 (F). sucHiTEPÉQUEZ: 
March 1928, Morales 1039 (F). EscuINTLA: S. R 
89624 (F). saNTA ROSA: Volca eg ecd 8000 ft., Jan. 1893, Heyde & Lux 4227 
(F), 6000 ft., Dec. 1892, ibid 4247 (K, 2). JALAPA: betwe 
Nov. 1940, Standley 76933 (F). zacapa: Sierra de las Minas, Oct. 1939, ves tip 
29638, 29719 (F). D ue Lago Retana, between Ovejero and Progreso, Nov. 

Hoops: Morazá 

e a 

4 e wur valley near Las Mesas, Feb. 1947, Williams t$ Molina 12053 (F); hills 
above Jicarito, Nov. 1950, ege 17293 (F). El Cayo: Mountain Pine ridge, Marc 
1931, Bartlett 11917 (MICH ánti i 
(FR: S 


1887, Cooper en (K, F); Ferme de Frec: July 1901, Soe 14744 (BM); Galieros, 
CUP var Aug. 1 (ee a K-154 (K); Ton dr San Ramón, Nov. 1927, Brener 
5806 (F); Tablazo, Tu LE Valerio 1090 Te Prov. San José, vicinity El Géneral, July 
1936, Skutch 2706 (K, M CH, Sy; EE de e 4500 ft., Oct. 20, 1937, “herb 
i a with erect branches se 16 [sic!] Misco AI i 
clesred of forest", Austin Smitb A-557 7 (P). PAN MA: Empire station, Nov. 1861, Hayes 
587 (BM, K); "in ruderalis prope urb. Panama", prd 444 (BM, K, P); Canal Zone, 

jue — Island, July 1931, Starry 283 (F). 
DIES. BAHAMAS: Red B we Andros, April goe Northrup (F). cusa: Her- 


eso eg 1906, Hitchcock (F); Camaguey, Tiffin, March 1909, Schafer 1090 (F); 
Havana, Puentes Grandes, April 1914, Ekman 483 (S); Ces eise ad Rio Jagua, May 
1919, Ekman 9610 (F, S), Sierra Maestra supra Daiquiré, Oct. 6, Ekman 8177 (P E 

SLE OF PINES: Pedernales Point, Feb. 1889, Millspaugh 1418 B). JAM AICA: 
(LINN 996-2); “Sonchus agrestis”, Swartz (S); Castleton Hill, July 1900, Paweh.. 8024 
(F); Castleton, April 1910, Harris 10890 (F, K). Harti: Dept. du Sud, prope Civette, 
June 1917, Ekman H-221 (S); Massif de la Geier pra des Bouquets, Terrelonge, March 

27; Hess H-7810 (S). DOMINICAN RE to. Domingo City, ad Rio Ozama, 
Jan. 1929, Ekman ues (S, very large leaves ess had eer bracts); vicinity of 
Santiago, near La Cumbre, Jan. 1946, Allard 14587 (S); Voitea u (FI). PUERTO RICO: 

Wydla, 1825,— ae Mayaguez, Oct. 1881, Sintenis 164 (K); Cayey, in monte Llano, Sept. 
1885, Sintenis 2412 (F); prope Bayamon, Pob: se e Sein 865 (S). sr. THOMAs: Riedlé 
(FI); St. Peter, Jan. 1881, Eggers 209 (K). rt. i “Spray garden” , July 1896, 
Rickseckler 474 (F). GUADELOUPE: “E. hieracifolia Rafin. Guadaloupe” (K). GRENADA: 
Ve ree St. George's, May 1905, Broadway (F). towaco: April 1913, Broadway 4463 
(S); on Hill near the river, May 1913, Broadway 4507 (F); Caroni swamp, July 1931, 
Willems "cres 

Sou RICA. FRENCH GUIANA: Acarouany, 1854, Lagotz (S). DUTCH GUIANA 
ER Dee Sipolivini R., March 1936, Rambouts 544 (K, 2). BRITISH GUIANA: 
Hyde Park, Demerara, May 1922, “ 

ren (F); 

1 ). VENEZUELA: Montevideo, C s, Ma E d (F); Bolivar, 
ran Sabana, Oct. 1944, Steyermark oe CoLomBiA: Magdalena, near Lake 
Zapatoza, Aug. 1924, Allen 277 (K); > Masta, Smith 666 (F, ei Ch ya de 

Togoromá, June 1944, Killip © Catia 39075 (F). Valle: Rio Colima, La Trogita, 
1944, Cuatrecasas 16502 (F). Cauca: la Paila, s Helton 384 (K); Popayán, Lehmann 
5224 (K), Lebmann 7598 (F, K), Lebmann 7985 (F); ad pag. El Tambo, June 1938, 
von Sneidern 1535 (S). Tolima: Ibagué André T 262 (K). Meta: Villavicencio, Dec. 
1928, Apolinar-Maria 427 (F). Vaupés: Bocas del Carurú en Casa Alvarez, Sept. 1939, 
Cuátrecasós 7009 (F). Peru. Loreto: Lower Rio Nanay, May 1929, Williams 282 (F); 
Caballo-Cocha on Amazon River, Aug. 1929, Williams 2489 (F). Ambo, 7000 ft., April 
1923, Macbride 3158 (F). Amazonas: Chacapayas, Matthews (K). Piedra Grande: 
estación near Rio Santo Domingo, Macbride 3673 (F). Junin: Satipo, A 
2841 LEL BoLivia. Reyes: Rurrenabaque am Rio Beni, 1930, Fleischmann 147 (S). La 
Paz: Apolo, April 1902, Williams 182 aa "Nord-Yungas", Milluguaya, Dec. 1917, 
prn ons 4072 (F). JU MM Sireapaya bis Yoinacachi", Dec. 1906, Bucbtien (W). 
anta Cruz: Buena Vista, July 1924, Steinbach 6208 (K). Larecipa: t 
Canale Challapampa riv.", 1860, Mandon 117 (K, det. as E. ambigua DC.; S). Casana im 
Tipuani-Tal, Sept. 1922, Buchtien 7589 Gë Brazit. Amazonas: Taperinha bei San- 
tarem, July 1927, Ginzberger 412 (F). Para: Béa Vista on Tapajós River, 1929, Dahlgren 
& Sella 137 (F); Belém, Instituto Agronomica do Norte, Oct. 1942, Blake 7755 (K). 
Pernambuco:  Tapera, Sept. 1931, Pickel (F, MICH). Bahia: “Bahia in convallibus 
humidis” (W). Goias: near Villa de Arrayas, Gardner 3868 (K, 2, syntypes of E. pores 
Gardn.). Minas Gerais: Caldas, 1845, Widgren 211 (S, 2); Lagoa Santa, Nov. 18 
Warming (S, 2). Rio de Janeiro: in locis humidis, Dec. 1831, Riedel 230 (P); ee 
between Alto de Serra and Meio de Serra, Dec. 1928, Smith 1551 (S). Sao Paulo: Camp- 
inas, March 1900, Novaes 134 (US). Paraná: Curityba, Feb. 1904, Dusén (S); Ponta 


[Vol. 43 

Grossa, March 1904, Dusén (S); lacarehy, Sept. 1908, Dusén 6583 (S); Jaguariahyva, 
June 1914, Dusén 15110 (S). Rio Grande do Sul: pr. Sio Martinho, Apr. 1893, Malme 
826 G (S); Ijuhy, April 1893, Malme 746 (S); Sao Leopoldo, 1941, Eugenio 63 (F). 
PARAGUAY: Chaco-y pr. Concepción, Hassler 7267 (S); in viciniis Caaguazú, Feb. 1905, 
Hassler 8886 (K, S); "Villa River," Jörgensen 3512 (F, S); Hassler 1405 (K); "in Para- 
guay legit Fleischer” (P). ARGENTINA. Jujuy: Quinta, prope Laguna de la Brea, June 
1901, Fries 100 (S) ; Rio Grande, Feb. 1924, Venturi 3418 (US). Tucuman: April 1928, 
Venturi 6095 (F). Sierra de Cordoba: March 1876, Hieronymus 499 (F). Misiones: 
osadas, prope "La Granja", Nov. 1907, Ekman 1106 (F, S); Apostales, San Jose, Feb. 
946, Bertoni 2722 (F). Urucuay: Dept. de Colonia, Riachuclo, Charca, April 1935, 
Cabrera 3319 (S, several plants; most southerly specimens seen). 
: INA: Kwangsi, Shang-sze Dist., Shap Man Taai Shan, May 1933, Tsang 
22219 (BM, GH, S). Siam (all det. as Gynura malasica Ridl.); Surat, Panam, March 
1927, Kerr 12413 (K); Kurabi, Kao Sataw, Kerr 12424 (K); Pattoni, Kao Kalakino, March 
1928, Kerr 14868 (K); Takinapa, Kapang, Feb. 1929, Kerr 17551 (K); Kurabi, Tambur 
Kao Panom, April 1930, Kerr 18830 (K). MALAYAN FEDERATION (all det. as G. malasi ): 
Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Damansara i 
Tanga Pass, Ridley (K); Johore, Sungai Tukong, July 1930, Spare F802 (K). BRITISH 
BonNro: Myburg Prov., Sandakan, 1921, Elmer 20159 (K, det. as Soncbus arv- 

7395 (GH, US); Island of Siberoet, Sept. 1924, Boden-Kloss 14556 (K). Java: Sin- 
danglaja, May 1875; Kuntze 4488 

» 2); Gedeh, Tjibodas, Feb. 1897, Móller (S, right-hand specimen only; left is E. 

Grisebach was apparently the first to propose combining all of the Caribbean 
material under E. hieracifolia, and to use differences in bracteole length to distin- 
guish varieties. By considering length and width of phyllaries, length and number 
of calycular bracteoles, and general pubescence, he established three varieties, in- 
cluding the typical one. Unfortunately, the number of bracteoles, upon which he 
based the tropical varieties, is not consistent, even from capitulum to capitulum on 
the same inflorescence, even on the very specimens he cited. The description of 
var. carduifolia as glabrescent is not generally applicable, the description as pubes- 
cent or as setaceous, given by Cassini, Desfontaines, and de Candolle, being much 
more appropriate. 

Despite the artificiality of his varietal limits, the epithets which Grisebach used 
for his varieties have clear priority in that rank, and at least one must be main- 
tained. Since I could not locate any authenticated material of Neoceis carduifolia, 
I have taken up cacalioides, The epithet agrestis, although clearly the first unpre- 
occupied name to be applied to the tropical material, was used only in specific rank, 
where it has priority for those that might wish to continue to separate the temperate 
and the tropical states into different species. 

Swartz described Sonchus agrestis from Jamaica.. There is no type in the strict 
sense, for Dr. Asplund informs me that there are two specimens of E. hieracifolia 
at Stockholm which were collected by Swartz in the West Indies but that the prin- 


cipal annotations are by J. E. Wikstróm. I have examined both of these sheets, 
together with a third Swartz specimen labelled by Banks as Sonchus agrestis and 
now in the herbarium of the British Museum (Natural History). Iat first believed 
that Swartz applied Sonchus agrestis to the smaller of the two specimens said to 
have been collected by him. This specimen, closely resembled by the one in London, 
has the phyllaries glabrous but only 7 or 8 in number, the bracteoles of the caly- 
culus only 2 mm. long, and the leaves attenuate and non-amplexicaul at the base. 
These lesser specimens, however, do not have tomentose, or even sub-tomentose, 
branches, nor incised-serrate leaves, nor many capitula, as described by Swartz. 
Particularly because of their glabrous phyllaries and short bracteoles these lesser 
specimens must be the typical variety, with the more depauperate specimens of 
which they agree well. Although Swartz may have included some features of these 
lesser specimens in the amplified description in his later work, the name should be 
interpreted by the earlier diagnosis, which applies better to the larger specimen with 
the multicellular hairs and other features of var cacalioides. 

Fischer in 1818 at Halle raised from Jamaican seed some plants to which he 
evidently gave the name of Senecio cacalioides. He appears to have sent a named 
specimen to Sprengel at Berlin, who gave it an excellent description in his account 
of the new introductions at Berlin and at Halle for that year. Although it is not 
clear if the specimen of "Senecio cacalioides Fischer, 1818” in Sprengel’s herbarium 
is the one actually grown by Fischer, it agrees in every respect with Sprengel’s de- 
scription, particularly in being distinctly pubescent with multicellular hairs. 

e fact that the Compositae of Sprengel’s herbarium are in the Paris Herbarium 
seems not generally known, but is of considerable importance to the synantherol- 
ogist, particularly in the interpretation of the “hort. berol.” synonyms used by de 
Candolle now that the Compositae in the general herbarium at Berlin are destroyed. 
When Sprengel’s collection was sold, the Compositae were bought by Schultz Bi- 
pontinus, whose collection of this family alone was said by Alphonse de Candolle?? 
to have numbered 50,000 specimens. His collection, containing much type mate- 
rial, was in turn acquired by Cosson, and this eventually (after publication of “La 
Phytographie") by the Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle. Sprengel's sheets are iden- 
tified by uniform tickets reading: "Sprgl.! herb. n. 
Syst. III, [page n. ], n. ". I believe that these tickets are in the 
writing of Schultz, rather than that of Sprengel. This reduces their claim to 
authenticity, and I hesitate to cite these specimens as holotypes for names that 
originated with Sprengel, particularly those from publications which preceded the 
"Systema Vegetabilum". But for those specimens which I have examined the col- 
lation to page number, species number, and description in the "Systema Veg- 
etabilum” is excellent. Link also attributed Senecio cacalioides to Fischer, but 
based his own description on a similar plant from Brazil. De Candolle later re- 
duced Link's name to Erechtites ambigua, but wrongly, the latter actually being 
the petiolate form of E. valerianaefolia. 

23 La Phytographie. p. 450. 1880. 

[Vol. 43 

Sprengel first described Sonchus occidentalis as similar to S. agrestis Sw., but 
with glabrous peduncles and leaves. In the "Systema Vegetabilum" this was revised 
to very glabrous, in greater contrast with S. agrestis. Some authors have assumed 
that these descriptions therefore apply to those virtually glabrous specimens of var. 
bieracifolia which occur scattered throughout the West Indies. But the confusion 
surrounding this epithet has been removed by discovery of Sprengel's type, or at 
least an authentic specimen, in the Paris Herbarium. This specimen is not as glab- 
rous as the descriptions indicate. With magnification the scattered stumps of 
multicellular hairs can be seen on the lower surfaces of the leaves and on the stem. 
The capitula have long calycular bracteoles which are ciliolate with multicellular 
hairs. This material of S. occidentalis thus belongs to the tropical variety. Rydberg 
apparently made a new combination in Erechtites for this species, for Degener has 
used this name on tickets on certain of his collections of Erechtites from Hawaii, 
attributing the combination to "Rydberg in herb". On comparing these and other 
Hawaiian sheets with Sprengel's specimen, I find that the Hawaiian material uni- 
formly has glabrous phyllaries, very short calycular bracteoles, peduncular brac- 
teoles less than one-half the length of the involucre, and no multicellular pub- 
escence on either type of bracteole. These characters exclude it from E. hieracifolia 
var. cacalioides, and place it in var. hieracifolia instead. 

Erecbtites bieracifolia is represented in the Orient, however, by var. cacalioides 
only, and appears to be neither widely distributed nor abundant there. Most of the 
specimens from this region which are so determined have proved actually to be 
the African Crassocepbalum crepidioides (Benth.) S. Moore. The two are readily 
distinguishable, the latter by the longer style-arm appendages, small dark-red 
achene, lyrately pinnatifid and petiolate lower leaf, and usually lacking pistillate 
marginal florets. Merrill ?* fell victim to this confusion when he wrote: “Two 
species of the American Erechtites, both with pink flowers, may be dominant wher- 
ever they have been introduced, E. hieracifolia, fig 185A, and E. valerianaefolia, 
fig. 185B." True E. hieracifolia never has pink florets, whereas C. crepidioides does, 
as numerous specimens of it incorrectly determined by Merrill as E. bieracifolia 
testify. As for the figures cited, fig. 185A is certainly E. valerianaefolia (instead of 
E. bieracifolia as stated), with its characteristic pinnatisect leaf, whereas fig. 185B 
is (C. crepidioides but shows only the subentire foliar leaves. Merrill Ze of course 
by no means alone in this misapprehension, as it is evident in nearly all of the her- 
baria which I have studied. 

Grisebach reported E. hieracifolia var. bieracifolia from Mauritius, based, I 
believe, on two specimens at Kew. One is ticketed: “Senecio? fl. roseo. Growing 
in high mountains, Mauritius. Senecio cacalioides Bojer. H. M. 188, Erecbtbites 
bieracifolia Raf.". This proved to be Crassocepbalum rubens (Jacq.) S. Moore. The 
other specimen, simply labeled “Telferin. Mauritius", and determined as E. bieraci- 
folia, was immature and poorly pressed, but appeared to be Crassocephalum sarco- 

24 Plant Life Pacific World, p. 143. 1945. 


basis (Bojer) S. Moore, vel aff. I have yet to see Erecbtites from Mauritius, 
Madagascar, or vicinity. 

hese two major varieties of Erechtites bieracifolia are not absolutely distinct; 
quite possibly they intergrade where their ranges overlap in the Caribbean basin. 
Occasional specimens of tropical material have the calycular bracteoles rather 
shorter than usual or have longer calycular bracteoles which are on first inspection 
apparently devoid of multicellular pubescence. Occasional temperate-zone speci- 
mens occur in which calycular bracteoles approach the length which characterizes 
the tropical variety. Nature continues to defy our pigeon-holes. 

Several subsidiary considerations, in my experience, may help establish or con- 
firm the varietal determination in such cases. The width of the calycular bracteoles 
is usually greater in var. cacalioides than in var. hieracifolia, to as much as twice as 
wide, even in bracteoles of the same length. In determining the length of the 
bracteoles the most reliable measurements can be obtained on capitula which have 
fully elongated but have not yet begun to expand the floret buds, as during an- 
thesis the bracteoles begin to flex. By fructescence they are quite often both 
strongly flexed (and thus apparently shorter) and appreciably withered. The 
lateral expansion of the receptacle which normally occurs during maturation of the 
achenes also tends to distort the ratio between calyculus and involucre. 

Care should be taken in examining younger parts of the inflorescence, to distin- 
guish between members of the calyculus proper, whose insertions are always upon 
the expanded torus, and the bracteoles of the peduncle and the bracts subtending 
the peduncles, Either of the last two may, before the peduncle is fully elongated, 
overlap the calyculus and appear to be a part of it. It is also true, though, that 
both of these structures tend to be longer in var. cacalioides than in var. hieracifolia. 
Indeed, length of these parts may be a helpful secondary characteristic if the pe- 
duncles are fully elongated, although a less reliable one than length of the calyculus. 

Short multicellular hairs may occur occasionally on the stems and leaves of var. 
hieracifolia, and indeed do so on the Linnaean lectotype, and often occur abundantly 
on the stem and leaves of var. megalocarpa. But I have not yet observed any 
occurring on the inflorescence of any truly temperate-zone specimen, not even on 
those Gulf Coast specimens which have the long bracteoles of the Caribbean vari- 
ety. I therefore conclude that any specimen with even remnants of multicellular 
hairs in the inflorescence is var. cacalioides. 

2. ERECHTITES VALERIANAEFOLIA (Wolf) DC. Prodr. 6: 294. 1838. 
Senecio valerianaefolius Wolf, Ind. Sem. Hort. Berol. 1825, teste Reichenb. Icon. Bot. Exot. 
59, ta š 

denaid herbaceous, subsimple to much branched above, glabrous or 
occasionally sparsely hispidulous, striate, 0.5 to 1.0 (to 2.0 or more) m. high. 
Lowest leaves petiolate, ovate-lanceolate to lanceolate, entire or serrate to irregularly 
dentate; medial leaves petiolate with narrowly decurrent wings, very deeply pin- 
nately lobed, the lobes lanceolate and serrate to irregularly incised-dentate, or 
pinnatisect with linear segments entire or minutely serrulate, or entire or subentire 

[Vol. 43 

like the lower leaves; upper leaves similar to the medial leaves but slightly reduced 
in size upward, or sometimes abruptly reduced several nodes below the inflorescence. 
Inflorescences terminal and axillary, forming a rather congested cymose panicle. 
Capitula slender, at anthesis about 10 mm. long, 3 mm. wide, scarcely ventricose, 
with linear calycular bracteoles extending to one-fourth or one-third the height of 
the involucre; involucre of 12 to 14 (to 16) phyllaries; phyllaries 7 to 8 mm. 
long, 0.5 to 0.75 mm. wide, linear and acute to acuminate, with keel flat and 4- or 
5-nerved, glabrous or rarely minutely hairy; marginal florets uniseriate or sub- 
biseriate, corolla 5-fid, with lobes 0.5 mm. long and 0.2 mm. wide, apices glan- 
dulose-thickened and incurved; style-arm apices shortly conic-appendaged. Disc 
florets more numerous than the marginal, the outer ones transitional in size and 
shape, with corolla 7 to 8 mm. long, only slightly longer and more dilated than the 
pistillate florets, the inner ones with corolla slightly longer and larger, slender, 
infundibuliform, 5-fid, with lobes 0.5 mm. long and 0.2 to 0.35 mm. wide, their 
apices glandulose-thickened; style-arm apices with conical appendage approximately 
0.05 to 0.1 mm. long. Achene cylindric, 2.5 to 3.5 mm. long, with about 10 
heavy, pale brown ribs, dark brown and entirely glabrous to minutely villous or 
hispidulous in the grooves. Pappus multiseriate, slender, rose-lilac to very pale 
reddish, rarely nearly or quite faded to white, subequalling the florets, exceeding 
the phyllaries. 

Widespread in tropical America, where it sometimes hybridizes with E. hieraci- 
folia var. cacalioides; adventive as an aggressive weed into tropical Asia, many of 
the Pacific islands, and northern Australia. 

Separable on the basis of differences in the foliage into four fairly well-marked 


A. Medial and upper cauline leaves pinnatisect or subpinnate ...... B 
B. Leaves only slightly reduced in size upward below the inflorescence 
C. Segments of the strongly pinnatisect leaves lanceolate, broad, serrate to inci 

dentate MAP Po de EC S DNI AMEND, EAA ZA f: alerianaef olia 
CC. Segments of the pinnatisect leaves linear, entire or minutely serrulate........ . f. organensis 

BB. Leaves abruptly and markedly reduced in size several nodes below the inflorescence 

5 2c. f. reducta 
AA. Medial and upper cauline leaves entire or subentire . 2d. f. prenantboides 
Senecio valerianaefolius Wolf, Ind. Sem. Hort. Berol. 1825, teste Reichenb. Icon. Bot. Exot. 
59, tab. 85. 1827; Link ex Spreng. Syst. Veg. 5:565. 1826. 
Senecio valerianaefolius Desf. Cat. Hort. Paris. ed. 3. 178, 403. 1829; by descr. florets all 
perfect, a discoid Senecio, but type (FI ex Hb. Desf. !) has marginal florets pistillate. 
ster ope valerianaefolium (Wolf) Less. Linnaea 5:163. 1830; Syn. Gen. Comp. 3 

Sonchus erythropappus Meyen & Walp. ex Walp. Nov. Act. Acad. Caes. Leop. Nat. Cur. 
19, Suppl. 1: 293. 1843. 
Senecio valerianaefolius Gardn. Lond. Jour. Bot. 4: 127. 1845. 
Gynura rosea Ridl. Jour. Str. Br. Roy. Asiat. Soc. 61: 25. 1912. 
Erechthites Gardneriana Cabr. Brittonia 7: 54. 1950. 
Neotype: "Senecio valerianaefolius ex. h. Raffeliano, 1825” (W, “collectio 
Reichenbach fil., aqu. 1889, no. 16256"). 


Medial cauline leaves 5 to 20 (to 30) cm. long, 2 to 8 (to 15) cm. wide, 
strongly pinnatisect or subpinnate with narrowly winged rachis; segments 5 to 7 on 
either side, broadly lanceolate, coarsely and irregularly serrate to incised-dentate, 
sometimes basally sublobulate. 

idely distributed from Central Mexico to Brazil and Argentina, rare in the 
Lesser Antilles; adventive in Southeastern Asia, the East Indies, Philippine Islands, 
New Guinea, Queensland, Fiji Islands, Samoan Islands, Hawaiian Islands, and else- 
ish in the Pacific as an aggressive wee 

TRAL AMERICA. Mexico: Vera Së recent clearings SE SSC Pringle 8334 
vn es ,W); Chiapas, D Siltepec, 1938, Matuda 1971 (M t. Tacana, Aug. 
1938, Matuda 2451 (MICH); MacDaniels 861 (e mS gu de m erapaz, Cobán, 
Nov. 1907, von e I] 1396 (F, S). EL Satvapor:  Ahuachapán, vicinity 
Apaneca, Jan. 1947, Standley & Padilla 2928 (F); Cerlion de 3939 m HONDURAS: 
Morazan, Standley & Molina 4138 (F). NicARAGUA: Summit of Mt. mbacho, near 
Grenada, Grant 329 (Ps Jinotega, Grant 7303 (F); Tate 181 (485) sce Tao 
10619 (F). Costa Ric San José, vicinity of El Géneral, July 1936, Skutch 2751 
(MICH, S); San Loié, 1458: Scherzer (W). PANAMA: Allen 1 367 (F); Davidson 528 

West INDIES. PUERTO RICO: headwaters, Inabón River, Jan. 1941, Otero M-111 
(MICH). LEEWARD ISLANDS: Montserrat: e Mtn., Jan. 1907, Shafer 333 (F). 
WINDWARD ISLANDS: Dominica: Hodge 777 (BM 

H AMERICA. VENEZUELA: Vogl 475 (F); Moritz e (BM). CoLomsia: Santa 
Marta, Smith 508, 664 (BM, F, S). ECUADOR: Rimba ch 277 (F). Peru: Aug. 1854, - 
Lechler 2461 (W, d BoLivia: Hacienda Simaco sobre el camino a Tipuani, Feb. 1920, 
Bucbtien 825 (BM, F S); Mapiri, April 1886, Rusby 1671 (BM, MICH); Bang 2068 (F, 
MIC no ncbet (W); Bahia i 

Agricultural College lands, March 1930, Ynes Mexia 4415 (BM, F, MICH, S). Rio de 
Janeiro: “in montosis,” 1832, Lund (G Prodr.) ; ad aquas circa Rio de Janeiro, Pohl 646 
(W); Organ Mts., open bushy places, 3000 ft., Gardner 522 (K, diseased, type of S. 
pai pls srt Gardn.). Sao Paulo: Campinas, Oct. 1904, Heimer 228 (S). Paraná: 
Passo, March 1904, Dusén (S); lacarechy, Aug. 1914, Dusén 15351 (F, S). Santa Cat- 
arina: Mueller 454 (K). Rio Grande do Sul: Canóas pr. Pórto we A Nov. 1892, 
veh 298 (S, 5) Ijuhy, April 1895, Malme 750 (S, 4); São Leopoldo, Oct. 1936, Dutra 
1 (S). Paraguay: Villarrica, ees 7489: (F, S); San "end “Hassler 3625 
(BM, W); "ad ripas Paraguay", Jan. 1873, Gilbert 1066 (K, stem flexuous) ; Hassler 
11815 (BM); Fiebrig 634 (F). agoe, Misiones, Posadas, Nov. 1907, Ekman 1103 
(F, S); S. José dos campos, Aug. 1909, Ds 299 (S). 
od JAPAN: P eun Island, Mitsume-mura, Dec. 1948, Shigetake Suzuki, 
eg: Japonicae 391088 (GH), Jan. 1949, ibid. (US). CHINA: Hainan, Sha po Shan, 
Taai Shui ravine, Aug. 1927, Tsang 682 (NY, US); Id 1933, How 70622 (GH, NY, 
US); S. W. Seven Fingers Mtn., April 1932, Liang 61669 (F, GH, NY); near Tau Ti P'o, 
April 1922, McClure 9128 (NY); Tam dist., S. of F yg. May 1929 Tsang & Fung 223 
(NY); Taam-Chau dist., Nodoa, July 1927, Mires 0 (NY, US). Maayan FEDERA- 
TION: Pahang, Cinbéron Highlands, April 1 T ekle ion 32659 (GH). (Numerous 

Gynura rosea Ridl., observed at Kew and the British Museum, by oversight were not 
listed). SUMATRA: Karo Highlands, Berastagi, June 1928, Hamel 428 (GH, NY); vicin- 
ity of Rantau Parapat, Bila, 1932, Rabmat Si Toroes 1716 (NY, US); Adian Rindang, 
Asahan, 1935, Rabmat Si Boeea 8842 (GH). Java: “Java (iter javanum secundum)”, 
Zollinger 2658 (G Deles., P); "ad rivulos pr. Gadok, 1600 ft., 12 Nov., 18—,” Zollinger 
I 3655 (W, 2); eet eg May 1875, Kuntze 4407 (NY); Gedé, Mey 1875, Kuntze 
4807 (NY); Preanger Prov., Tjiboeroem, forested middle slopes of Mt. Gedé, April 1909, 

[Vol. 43 

Palmer & Bryant 197 (US). Sarawak: without locality, native collector 727 (US). 
BritisH Nom Borneo: Mt. Kinabalu, Penataran River, July 1923, Clemens 34047 
(GH). REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES: Luzon: Sorsogon, Irosin, Mt. Bulusan, Dec. 

: ( 

Samar: Catubig River, 1916, Ramos 24422 (US). Negros: Negros Oriental, Sibulan, 
Malangco So., Sept. 1948, Edaño 6799 (GH). Balut Island, Oct. 1906, Merrill 5412 (NY, 
US). Mindanao: Todaya (Mt. Apo), Davao, May 1909, Elmer 10463 (F, NY, US); 
Agusan, Cabadbaran (Mt. Urdaneta), Aug. 1912, Elmer 13580 (F, GH, K, NY, US); 
Bukidnon, vicinity of Tanculan, July 1916, Fenix 24936 (US); Cotabato, Nutol, 1932, 
Ramos & Edaño 84871 (GH). CELEBES: “P. Boeton: Kaboengka”, Feb. 1929, Kjellberg 
238 (S). New Guinea: (N. E., Morobe, bei Salamaua, Malalo Mission, Nov. 1936, 
Clemens, cited by Mattfeld, Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 38:288). AMBOINA: Soja, Aug. 1913, 
Robinson 1836 (NY, US). 

CEANIA. AUSTRALIA. Queensland: Beaudesert, April 1907, Boorman (NSW); 
Eumundi, March 1915, White (NSW); base of Mt. Gravatt near Brisbane, Nov. 1930, 
White 6856 (NY). New South Wales: Billinudgel, May 1911, Stephenson 3 (NSW); 
Hat Head, Jan. 1953, Constable (NSW); Durimbal to Berkeley Vale, Oct. 1953, Salasoo 
(NSW). Sotomon Istanps: Guadalcanal, east fork o i è j 
16 (US). Fiji IsLanDs: Vanua Levu, Thakaundrove, hills south of Nakula Valley, Nov 
1933, Smith 333, Viti Levu, Mba, summit of Mt. Koro anitu, May 1947, Smith 4194 (US). 


Aug. 1905, Rechinger 1844 (W, 3). Hawanan ISLANDS: Hawaii, Kilauea region, July 
1929, Degener (NY); Oahu, Tantalus Mt., Honolulu, June 1923, Degener 1519 (NY 
Lanai, Kalulu, March 1916, Munro 534 (NY); West Molokai, Hauakea Pali, April 1928 
Degener 18133 (NY); Maui, east of Plinda, Oct. 1916, Hitchcock 14924 

CULTIVATED: “Senecio valerianaefolius Link, Hort. Berol.” ); "Senecio valerianae- 
folius h. p." (FI, ex Hb. Webb. ex Hb. Desf., type of S. valerianaefolius Desf., marginal 
florets 4-fid, pistillate). 


There is some question as to who actually authored the 1825 seed list, whether 
Wolf or Link, and this I have been unable to establish. Every effort to locate a 
copy of this list has so far been unsuccessful. I have been unable to learn even 
whether the first appearance of the name was accompanied by a description or not. 
If not, then the first description is the brief but sufficient paragraph by Sprengel, 
and the citation would be "Link ex Sprengel.” But Reichenbach and Lessing, who 
cite Sprengel, both credit the name to Wolf. Therefore I accept Wolf as the 
original author pending finding of the 1825 seed list. The sheet, “Senecio valeri- 
anifolius ex h. Raffeliano, 1825,” is in very excellent detailed agreement with 
Reichenbach’s description, and appears to be the original from which his pl. 85 was 
prepared. In view of the reported destruction of any type material there may have 
been of this species in the Berlin Herbarium, I designate this sheet as neotype. 

Gardner gave his S. valerianaefolius the number 2 52 in the ‘London Journal,’ 
but the corresponding specimen at Kew is Gardner 522, Organ Mts., Brazil. It is 
a monstrous specimen with the capitula mostly much distorted as if by an infection. 
(The symptoms are very similar to, if not identical with, those produced by the 
aster yellows virus.) A few capitula at the apex of the inflorescence are fairly 
normal, however, and show the typical structure of E. valerianaefolia, including 
pistillate marginal florets and a faintly colored pappus. The leaves are quite typical 
of f. valerianaefolia. Gardner’s proposed species, which is really not valid anyway 
since it is based on a monstrosity, thus reduces to E. valerianaefolia £. valerianaefolia. 


Erechthites Gardneriana Cabrera, based on it, is therefore superfluous. 

Lessing transferred S. valerianaefolius Wolf to Crassocephalum, as emended and 
greatly extended by himself. It is true that the appendage of fused papillose hairs 
which terminates the style arm of E. valerianaefolia is somewhat longer than that 
of E. hieracifolia, and might be taken to indicate intermediacy between the latter 
species and the widespread Crassocephalum crepidioides. The heavily ribbed. brown 
achene of E. valerianaefolia, however, is scarcely or not distinguishable from that of 
E. hieracifolia, whereas the characteristic achene of Crassocephalum is shorter, more 
uniformly cylindric, weakly ri and short-haired on the ribs, and reddish in 
color. The florets of Crassocephalum are tubulous, rather than filiform, and are 
more coarsely lobed. 

2b. ERECHTITES VALERIANAEFOLIA f. des cio: o gee Belcher, comb. nov. 
Erechtites organensis Gardn. Lond. Jour. Bot. 7: 420, 
Erechthites valerianaefolia var. organensis (Gardn.) Bien "Mart. Fl. Bras. 6%: 300. 1884. 

Differing from the typical form in having the leaves very finely divided, the 
segments entire or only minutely serrulate; plants usually of small stature. 

Holotype: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, "open bushy places on the Organ Mountains, 
3000 ft., March 1841", Gardner 5790 (BM!). 

Known only from subtropical Brazil and Bolivia. 

"ear cca xxu i Seer peri (S); São João, March 1910, Dusén 9349a 
(BM, K, S). Minas Ger , Vauthier 306 (G Prodr.); Caldew 1845, 
Waleres- 210 (S, 2); Caldas, wa 1973, SC III 794 (S, 3). Boma: Bridges (BM); 
Bang 2068 (BM; not F, K, which are f. valerianaefolia) 

In addition to the finely divided leaves, dier s species was characterized by 
its hairy stem, smaller capitula, and shorter achenes, hispid instead of villous. The 
hairy stem is frequently found in f. prenanthoides and not uncommonly in f. valeri- 
anaefolia from widely scattered parts of its range. As for the smaller capitula, 
those of Gardner 5790 have the phyllaries 7.5 mm. long, not 9 mm. as given by 
Gardner, but other specimens of f. organensis exceed this while numerous specimens 
of f. valerianaefolia closely approach it, so that there seems to be no useful discon- 
tinuity. Moreover, I have yet to see a truly villous achene, such as Gardner 
ascribed to E. valerianaefolia, anywhere in the genus Erechtites proper. 

Although of the three non-typical forms of the species this one comes closest 
to having a distinct geographical range, it does not replace the typical state within 
that range but occurs with it as a comparatively minor element. Nor is the mor- 
phological distinction by which it is recognized a very great one. For these reasons 
this taxon is better given the status of a form. Hasskarl” arrived at a similar 
conclusion more informally: ‘‘Misschien is E. organensis Grnd. [sic!] (Wlp. Rep. 
II. 906. 2) niets, dan eene oude of magere vorm." There remains, of course, the 
possibility that it is ecologically very distinctive, but this can not be decided on 
the basis of the very meager information which accompanies the material cited. 

25 Verh. Meded. Kon. Akad. Wet. 5:100. 1857. 

[Vol. 43 

The type was obtained at an elevation of 3000 feet in a brushy opening on the 
mountain, whereas Dusén collected it in the Paraná Valley in swampy places at 
unspecified elevations not more than three hundred miles further south (but a 
greater distance westward). Nothing is stated about the habitat of the specimens 
from Bolivia. 

2c. ERECHTITES VALERIANAEFOLIA f, reducta Belcher, forma nova. 

Folia 4 vel 5 superiora abrupte reducta, circa 2 cm. longa et 1 cm. lata, sessilia, 
pinnatifida, segmentis utrimque 4-6, lanceolatis; folia ad caulis mediam 8-10 cm. 
longa, 3.5-5 cm. lata, subpetiolata, inaequaliter dentata seu lobata, lobis distinctis 
plerumque 2 vel 3, raro 4. 

Specimina typica (syntypi 2) legit Dusén (n. 14156) in Brasilia, Paraná, prope 
Antonia opp. in locis ruderatis, 29 Aug. 1912 (S!). 

Differs from the typical form by the upper leaves being sessile, markedly reduced 
in size for several nodes below the inflorescence to as little as 2 cm. long and 1 
cm. wide, deeply pinnatifid, with 4 to 6 lanceolate lobes on either side, often much 
more dissected than the median cauline leaves, which seldom have more than 2 or 
3 distinct lobes per side but are 8 to 10 cm. long and 3.5 to 5 cm. wide and sub- 
petiolate. The plants are simple below the inflorescence and of somewhat reduced 
stature, 40 to 70 cm. tall. Capitula are comparatively few. Occurs in southern 
Brazil; also Mindanao, Philippine Islands, and has been in cultivation. 

IL: Rio de Janeiro [?], Gardner 5528 (BM); Bahia, Lockhart (BM); Ceará, June 

1929, Bolland 39 (K). PmumnuPPiNESs: Mindanao, Camaguin, 1912, Ramos 14452 (US). 

ULTIVA "Senecio valerianaefolius H. P. 
valerianaefolia DC.", ex hort. bo 

This well-marked foliage state has never been described previously, as far as I 
can discover. From the limited number of specimens of this form among quite 
numerous specimens of E. valerianaefolia, it would seem to be very infrequent in 
the field. Because of its comparatively small stature, it would seem rather more 
likely to be collected by the casual collector, who often selects individuals of a size 
easily pressed, than the somewhat larger and more succulent f. valerianaefolia. 1 
am unable to establish any valid pattern of distribution from the limited material 
seen so far. This interesting form might well be the object of careful attention 
from collectors, in order to extend the data on distribution and frequency. It 
should also be brought into cultivation along side the other forms for comparison 
and genetical analysis. 

The very diffuseness of distribution, as indicated by the quite characteristic 
specimen from Mindanao, suggests that this form may simply be the product of a 
recurring mutation. That it is fertile is implied by the two plants from the Petro- 
grad garden, which are presumably of the same progeny, and also by the two speci- 
mens from Antonina, Paraná. Both sets imply that there might be populations. 
2d. ERECHTITES VALERIANAEFOLIA forma prenanthoides (Kunth) Cuatr. in 

herb., comb. nov. 

Cacalia prenanthoides Kunth in HBK. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 4:167. 1820, folio ed. 4: 131. 
820; non A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 19: 55; 1885; E 

+» J. deParis, 1828” (G Prodr.) ; "Erecbtbites 
t. Petropolitano (K, US). 


Fees ew DC. Prodr. 6: 295. 1838, excl. sen: non Sch. Bip. Bull. Soc, Bot. 

Erecht d Es, nth. Pl. Hartw. 209. 1845. Type: Popayan, Hartweg 1160 (K!). 
Senecio albiflorus Sch. Bip. Flora 28: 498. 184 se 

praia dree (Kunth) Green xs Hieron. ex Hieron. Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 29: 
d o 28: 628. 1901, Type, Pod. e 5665 (K!); mon DC. Prodr. 
6: on 
Differs from the typical form in having all the leaves comparatively smaller, 
more or less petiolate, undivided, either merely serrate or at most the upper ones 
pinnately incised on the basal portion only; stem sparsely setaceous-hispid, leaves 
more or less scurfy-pubescent on the nerves beneath. 
Syntypes: “Cacalia prenanthoides”, Humboldt & Bonpland (P, 2 sheets, in Herb. 
Humb. & Bonpl.!). 
Of sporadic occurrence over much of the range of forma valerianaefolia. 
BraziL: Sellow (G Prodr., holotype of E. ambigu ua DC.). Rio Grande do Sul: Cruz 
Atta, April 1893, Malme 776 (S, 2). Paraná: São João, March 1910, Dusén 9349 (S, 2). 
Minas Gerais: Lagoa Santa, Warming (S); Caldas, 1866-67, Regnell 1 272 (S, complete 
plant, this sheet only; others of did number with later date are typical form); Caldas, 
April 1874, Mosén 1421 (S). COLOMBIA. Sec? ponerse Silvio Yepes Agredo 328 (F); 
ad pagum El Tambo, June 1938, von Sneidern 1531, June 1939, von Sneidern 2770 (S). 
Valle: Cordillera Occidental, Hoyo del Rio Cali, WA El Abismo, Cuatrecasas 18651 

F ecuerdo à 4 
2806 (BM). Peru: Pennell 13982 (F). Ecuapor: Pichincha, Tandapi, July 1920, 
Holmgren 825 (S); Tungurahua, Hacienda San Antonio pr. Bafios, Dec. 1937, Sydow 575 
(S); Eastern ceci ra, here of Biver ne Rimbach 492 (S); Camp E-4275 (F). 
MEXICO: Ver z, Galeotti 2242 (K, 
INA: rn tung, Kao-Yao Dist., rios Woo Shan, beside stream, July 1932 
20160 ( AINAN: Kau-en Disk: ., Chim Fung Ling, near Sam Mo Watt Kg 
April 1934, Lau 3870 (S, right only, left is id form). Samoa: Savaii, Safune, 
in rain ue along trail, May 1924, pieds 121 ( A 
L ExcLupEp: Of the several numbers of Elmer widely distributed as E. 

petiolate . all dix I have seen are small states of f. vids rianaefolia with the petiolate entire 
lower leaves carried upward higher than usual, but with the upper leaves mince pinna 
ifid. Mandon 117 (K) det. as E. ambigua is E. hieracifolia var. cacalioide 

The Humboldt & Bonpland specimens are cited as syntypes because Kunth 
included both in his description, as indicated by the two measurements given, 
"sesqui- aut bipedalis". One specimen is 18 inches long, the other totals 22 inches 
in two pieces, Kunth’s careful description of the leaves as petiolate, lanceolate- 
oblong, pinnatifid-incised toward the base, and decurrent on the petioles, makes 
clear that this name applies to the taxon with petiolate subentire leaves. The place 
of collection of the type specimens, usually precisely stated by Kunth, is for this 
species given dubiously as "Nova Hispania?" There is nothing on either syntype 
to correct this or to confirm it, unless it be the number “20” which occurs on one 
of the labels. Since this form has been collected from Mexico by others, in the 
vicinity of Vera Cruz, it may be that Mexico is the type locality, although it 
appears to be much more frequently found in Colombia. Kunth called the plant 

[Vol. 43 

a perennial, even while confessing "folia radicalia ignota". It actually appears to 
be a strict annual. 

Greenman and Hieronymus apparently were the first to recognize Cacalia pren- 
antboides as an Erecbtites. They transferred Kunth’s specific epithet to this genus, 
reasoning that since the name Cacalia prenantboides (1820) was older than Senecio 
prenanthoides A. Rich. (1832), the combination Erechtites prenanthoides (A. 
Rich.) DC. must fall and be replaced by E. Labillardieri Hieron.! Greenman and 
Hieronymus appear to have overlooked the appropriately named E. petiolata Benth. 

Erechtites ambigua DC. was reduced by Baker to Erechtites hieracifolia. This 
error apparently can be traced to a sheet laid in at Kew as the "type" of E. ambigua. 
This is Mandon 117, determined by Schultz Bipontinus?? as Erechtites ambigua in 
the list of determinations of Mandon's plants. The sheet at Kew has four specimens 
on it, all being E. hieracifolia var. cacalioides, If Baker accepted this sheet as 
authentic E. ambigua, he was fully justified in the reduction, and, indeed, it seemed 
quite logical in the light of de Candolle's ambiguous description of the leaves, which 
actually approximate those of some states of E. hieracifolia, and the flat statement 
that the pappus was white, not purpurascent. Although the pappus in the exposed 
capitula on de Candolle's holotype of E. ambigua has faded to an off-white except 
where concealed by the phyllaries, the capitula in the packet have distinctly pinkish 
pappus hairs, and de Candolle's statement is inaccurate. 

Asa Gray, on unspecified evidence, equated Cacalia prenantboides with Senecio 
runcinatus Less. (E. ? runcinata DC.) and maintained Kunth's name as the proper 
designation for the latter. Lessing’s species actually is a discoid homogamous 
Senecio with unappendaged style arms and must be maintained as a Senecio. Its 
corollas are reddish purple and do not agree at all with Gray's definition of Cacalia 
as white-flowered with deeply cleft corollas, Cacalia prenantboides A. Gray is 
thus a later homonym of C. prenanthoides Kunth. 

After I had established the above synonymy, I found a specimen in the herb- 
arium of the Chicago Museunr of Natural History, collected by Cuatrecasas in 
Colombia and determined by him as “E. valerianaefolia forma prenantboides". 
Cuatrecasas considers that this petiolate state, which he finds to be characteristic 
of the paramos, is an ecological response to the peculiar sort of xerophytic environ- 
ment found there, with intense insolation. I can not wholly agree with him, 
mainly because of those specimens, probably including Kunth's syntypes, which 
have been collected at lower elevations from distant and discontinuous points, but 
I am glad to acknowledge his previous recognition of the identity and subsidiary 
status of E. prenanthoides (Kunth) Greenm. & Hieron. ex Hieron. The possible 
ecological status of this form needs to be investigated in the experimental garden. 

3. ERECHTITES MISSIONUM Malme, Kungl. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 32: 73. 1899, 

excl. var. lanceolata Chod. & Hassl. Bull. Herb. Bois. Il; 3: 732. 1903: 

Annual herb. Stem strongly sulcate, glabrous, much branched above, to 1 m. 
high (or taller), leafy. Leaves as much as 20 cm. long and 8 cm. wide, usually 
somewhat less, approximately three times as long as wide, petiolate with the petioles 

*6 Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 12:80. 1865. 


narrowly or not at all winged, ovate to subovate, acute to briefly acuminate, irreg- 
ularly incised-serrate with acuminately callose teeth, glabrous or minutely hairy 
beneath, sometimes more or less pinnately lobed toward the base of the blade, with 
lobes long-triangular and directed forward with their principal veins diverging 
from the midrib at an angle from 45? to 60? and the sinuses rounded, the lobes 
numbering from one to four on each side. Inflorescences terminal and axillary 
cymose panicles, congested in bud, becoming diffuse at anthesis, glabrous or some- 
times with minute tightly appressed simple hairs on juvenile parts; peduncles sub- 
erect and elongating to 2.5 to 5 cm. at maturity; bracts subtending the primary 
branches much reduced in size but similar in shape to the cauline leaves, bracts of 
the secondary branches filiform, bracteoles of the peduncles 2 to 4, linear, 2 to 5 
mm. long. Capitula solitary, at anthesis about 15 mm. long including pappus hairs, 
about 5 mm. in diameter when pressed, ventricose; calycular bracteoles few, linear, 
much shorter than the involucre, glabrous or with minute simple hairs; involucre 
of 12 or 13 attenuate-subulate phyllaries 11 to 13 mm. long, 0.7 to 1.0 mm. wide 
at base, abruptly reduced to a width of 0.5 to 0.8 mm., then linear, acute, finely 
multinervate with nerves becoming indistinct toward the apex, glabrous or mi- 
nutely hairy in bud. Pistillate marginal florets in two or three rows, sometimes with 
rudimentary stamens; corolla filiform, 9 to 10 mm. long, 5-fid, with slender, acute 
lobes 0.5 to 0.6 mm. long. Disc florets hermaphroditic, more numerous than the 
marginal; corolla slenderly infundibuliform, 11 to 12 mm. long, 5-fid; lobes 0.5 
to 0.6 mm. long, slightly then abruptly tapered to an acute and slightly papillose- 
thickened apex. Style-arm apex briefly appendaged with a cone of fused papillose 
hairs which has a fringe of divergent hairs at its base in the hermaphroditic florets. 
Achene 2 to 2.5 mm. long, subcylindric, dark brown and puberulous between 
ribs. Pappus S exceeding phyllaries by about 2 mm. and equalling the 

Indigenous to dis Paraná River Basin in Argentina, Paraguay, and Brazil; also 
known from isolated stations in Peru and Venezuela, an extension of the previously 
reported range. 

BraziL: Rio Grande do Sul: Colonia Ijuhy, in "rogas" nec non juxta vias in silvas, April 
1893, Malme 744 (BM, isotype; S. holotype, 3). Paraná: Cahnon, March 1910, Dusén 9317 
(S, an E. valerianaefolia?) ; Iacarehý, 1914, " Dusén 15271 (BM, F, Si: Jaguariabyva, Nov. 
1914, Dusén 15899 (F, S); Tres Barras, Jan. 1916, Dusén 17624 (S, very immature); 
Nova Galisia, Feb. 1916, Dusén 17700 (S). PARAGUAY: ` Caaguazú, Nov. 1874, , Balansa 

Ekman 1104 (S). Peru: 1835, Matthews 1739 > YE Rizoma: “prope co odism 
Tovar", 1856-7, Fendler 1972 (K); “Bajo Cotiza, en la sombra al lado de rio", Sept. 1940, 
Vogl 417 (F). 

This species is not easily distinguished from glabrous states of E. bieracifolia, 
the most usable characters being the nature of the leaf base and the length-width 
ratio of the leaf blade. Other characters, such as relative length and width of 
capitulum, number of florets, size of phyllaries, time of flowering, etc., are of little 
value because of variation in these features within both species. There is some 

[Vol. 43 

ground for suggesting that it is the South American equivalent of E. hieracifolia 
var. bieracifolia, and should be treated as no more than a variety. This possibility 
requires investigation by hybridization experiments and other such analyses, how- 
ever, before it can be more seriously advanced. Until such studies have been made, 
the two species should be kept apart, although they are undoubtedly very closely 

Judging from the rather meager ecological data on the tickets, this species is 
largely confined to the forest edge in rather moist situations. It is worth noting 
that altitudinally it ranges from near sea-level (below 200 m.) in the Paraná Valley 
at the southern end of its range at about 30° S. latitude, to well above 1000 meters 
in the Sierra Mérida of Venezuela, at about 8? N. latitude. What its altitudinal 
location in Peru may be is not indicated, but it is perhaps somewhat higher there, 
nearer the equator. It is very unlikely that the distribution of this species is as 
disjunct as these scattered records indicate. A search for it along the eastern foot- 
hills of the Andes on the edges of the forest openings and along trail-sides at about 
the 1000-meter contour from Venezuela to Peru and gradually descending south- 
ward to Bolivia and Argentina might establish many additional stations. 

This species, aside from the original description, and the erroneous assignment 
to it of var. lanceolata by Chodat and Hassler (see below, under E. goyazensis), I 
have seen alluded to only once, by Cabrera’. This was merely a statement that it 
was one of four well-known species of Erechtites in Brazil. 

Chodat and Hassler undoubtedly must have assigned Hassler 8362 to E. mis- 
sionum as var. lanceolata because of the resemblance of the capitula. But this 
resemblance does not extend to the florets nor to the leaves, whereas in both of 
these features there is detailed agreement between the several duplicates of Hassler 

8362 and the type of E. goyazensis. The variety is to be excluded from E. mis- 

4. ERECHTITES GOYAZENSIS anon ge Een 7: 54. 1950. 
Senecio Goyazensis Gardn. Lond. Jou 
preces missionum Malme var. SC SC e KE Bull. Herb. Bois. II, 5:732. 

cobi suffruticose, 1 to 1.5 m. tall, branching from near the base, branches 
erect. Stem glabrous, leafy, with internodes only approximately 1 cm. long. Leaves 
sometimes 20 cm. long and 2 cm. wide, but usually less, with sharply and minutely 
callose-serrate margins and acuminate apices; midrib inflated beneath; lateral veins 
numerous, fine, prominent, diverging from midrib at an angle of 30? or less, glab- 
rous; lower leaves narrowly oblanceolate or rarely obovate, subpetiolate, upper 
leaves lanceolate to linear-lanceolate with semi-amplexicaul bases. Inflorescence of 
several to many capitula in a paniculate corymb from terminal and axillary branch- 
es; capitula at anthesis solitary on elongated peduncles 2 to 3 cm. long, which bear 

27 Brittonia 7:54. 1950. 


several linear-subulate bracteoles, calyculate with short linear bracteoles; phyllaries 
of the involucre 12 to 14, glabrous, linear, 9 (to 13) mm. long, acute. Florets 
rather variable, with corollas coarsely filiform to infundibuliform; the outermost 
one or two florets in each spiral series pistillate or with more or less well-developed 
staminodia, their style-arm apices rounded to shortly appendaged; inner florets all 
hermaphroditic with corolla campanulate, deeply 5-lobed; the lobes linear-lanceo- 
late, 1.0 to 1.25 (to 1.5) mm. long, 0.25 mm. wide, conspicuously papillose-thick- 
ened apically; style-arm apices appendaged above a fringe of divergent papillose 
hairs. Achene 2.5 to 3 mm. long, strongly ribbed, glabrate. Pappus white, slight- 
ly exceeding the phyllaries and subequaling the florets. 

Upper Paraná River Valley in Brazil, with an outlier in northeastern Paraguay; 
co-extensive with E. ignobilis Bak. 

BRaziL. coras: near Natividade, in shady woods, Dec. 1839 (or bushy places near 
Ville Natividade, Jan. 1840), Gardner 3300 (BM, holotype; K, 2; F ex G, fragment; 

; raph e 
1865, Reenell DI 795 (S, 4); 1844, Weddell 1603 (P ex Hb. Sch. Bip., det. as S. ignobilis). 

s&o PAULO: "in paludosis ad Mugi", Nov. 1833, Lund 844 (G. Prodr., det. as F. bieraci- 

folia). wrrHour specific DATA: Pohl 633 (K, 2); Pohl 2056 (W). PARAGUAY: Bellayis ta 
(Apa), Hassler 8362 (S); El 
BM: K, 2; Sp : Y) ): Spec e d pes 16174 (BM, K; det. as S Gore uis 

H H . uded: ll, > H . D 
but is Ee Bak. var. leptotus Cabr.). 

Cabrera gave the following reason for transferring Senecio Goyazensis Gardn. 
to Erechtites: ‘The marginal florets of this species are tubulous without anthers. 
The involucre is also typical of Erechthites.” He did not cite specimens, nor is it 
clear that he examined the type. The sheets at Kew and the British Museum 
(Natural History) had not been loaned, but Gardner 3300 appears to have been a 
very widely distributed number, and he probably saw an isotype. 

Dissection of representative capitula on the type and on other specimens reveals 
that the trend toward unisexuality of the outer florets is only partially and quite 
variably developed. Some capitula have all the series-terminating florets with 
rudimentary stamens or an occasional floret with one or two stamens polliniferous. 
Other capitula show complete abortion of anthers in the terminating florets, with 
some reduction in the next one or two florets inward in each spiral. Furthermore, 
the terminal appendage of the style arm is variable. Occasionally it is merely short- 
conic with only a few very short papillae at its tip, but with a corona of low pollen- 
presenting papillae below, while sometimes the apical papillae are more elongated 
and fused, with a much closer approach to the tuft of fused hairs which charac- 
terizes E. hieracifolia, Never have I observed a truncated or merely low-domed 
apex such as is common in Senecio and is seen in S. leptanthus Phil., which has been 
also (I believe, wrongly) reduced to Erechtites by Cabrera. 

I retain Gardner's species in Erecbtifes where Cabrera has placed it because of 
this conic and sometimes appendaged style-arm apex, and because of the size of the 
capitulum and the number of florets. In these latter features it is much closer to 
E. hieracifolia and E. missionum than it is, for example, to the erechthitoid species 

[Vol. 43 

of Senecio in Australia, which are characterized by usually much smaller heads and 
by quite abruptly truncated style arms. Finally, the large and strongly ribbed 
glabrate achene indicates closer affinity with Erechtites than with Senecio, it being 
in fact scarcely distinguishable from that of E. bieracifolia. 

The type of E. missionum var. lanceolata, Hassler 8326, has leaves rather nar- 
rower than those of Gardner 3300, but is identical with it in floral features, includ- 
ing the very deep lobing of the corolla. The difference in leaf width is bridged 
by Pohl 633, which is intermediate between these two. The several specimens of 
Gardner 3300 are not all alike, the holotype (BM) having leaves both shorter and 
wider than on the other sheets, whence the measurements in Gardner's description. 
Pohl 2056 (W) is another broad-leaved specimen which is otherwise in good agree- 

Both Gardner 3300 and Hassler 8362 have corolla lobes linear-lanceolate, 1.25 
mm. long, 0.25 mm. wide, with the apices glandulose-thickened; whereas Malme 
744 (holotype of E. missionum Malme) has corolla lobes deltoid, 0.5 mm. long and 
0.33 mm. wide, with apices only slightly thickened. Malme 744 has leaves petio- 
late, broadly lanceolate to ovate, and is irregularly toothed or subincised; whereas 
both Gardner 3300 and Hassler 8362 have leaves sessile, narrowly lanceolate, and 
regularly serrate. I am certain that the proper affiliation of Hassler’s specimen is 
with E. goyazensis rather than with E. missionum, as Chodat at first supposed. 
The sheets in the Delessert Herbarium reveal that Chodat later determined Hassler 
8362 as a small-headed form of E. ignobilis, but neither Chodat nor Schultz Bipon- 
tinus ever published this name. Actually, there is good reason to suppose that the 
name Senecio ignobilis may have originally been given by Schultz Bipontinus to a 
specimen of this taxon of Gardner's rather than to the large-headed taxon to which 
Baker later applied it, judging by specimens in his herbarium (see below, under E. 
ignobilis) . 

The affinites of E. goyazensis are much closer to E. ignobilis than to any of the 
other species of Erechtites, but the two species differ not only in the sizes of the 
several parts of the capitulum but also in corolla lobing and in leaf margin and 
venation. Were it not for these features, E. ignobilis might be simply a polyploid 
of E. goyazensis, and these differences do not exclude the possibility. The relation- 
ship of these two co-extensive perennial species might well be the subject of a cyto- 
genetic study. 

5. ERECHTITES IGNOBILIS Baker, in Mart. Fl. Bras. 63: 299. 1884. 
Senecio ignobilis Sch. Bip. in sched. ex Baker, l. c., in syn. nom. nud. 

Perennial from a woody base; shoots subherbaceous, glabrous, 40 to 80 cm. 
high (or more?), sparsely branched in the inflorescence only. Leaves rather 
crowded toward the base, margins remotely and sharply dentate, apices acute; 
lowest leaves obovate to oblanceolate, subpetiolate, 7 to 10 cm. long, 12 to 18 mm. 
wide, upper leaves lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, sessile, smaller. Inflorescence 
corymbose, consisting of a few capitula borne singly on long peduncles which 
terminate the stem and the few axillary branches; capitula 18 to 25 mm. long, 




9 to 12 mm. wide when pressed. Involucre oblong, of about 15 linear, glabrous 
phyllaries 16 to 20 mm. long, with 4- or 5-nerved keel and scarious margins, 
exceeded by both pappus and florets at full maturity; outermost one or two florets 
of each spiral-series filiform, functionally pistillate but frequently containing rudi- 
mentary stamens; remainder of florets hermaphroditic; style-arm apices shortly ap- 
pendaged; corollas 16 to 18 mm. long. Achene 4 mm. long, subcylindric, strongly 
ribbed, glabrate, dark brown; pappus abundant, white, exceeding phyllaries, sub- 
equalling florets. 

Easily distinguished from E. goyazensis by the much larger and fewer capitula. 

Lectotype: "Brasilia, ex herb. hort. Petropolitani, rec'd. 11/66, Senecio igno- 
bilis Sch. Bip. (teste Sch. Bip.) ", Riedel (K!). 

Apparently confined to the Paraná River Valley. 

AZIL. "Brasilia, etc.", Riedel Ph d ex hb. hort. Petrop., S. ignobilis Sch. Bip 

in Sch. Bip.), Brasilia", Riedel (W); “ in paludosis Yttu, Febr. 1836”, Riede 
(P, ex Hb. Sch. Bip., not det. as S. Mallet Ge GERAIS: Lagoa Santa a, 
(K, F; photograph as no. 106 ex Hb. Haun., F); Lagoa Sant Lund (S). s&o ee 
Canna [?] verde, Feb. 1849, Regnell III 796 (S). PARANÁ: Turma, Jan. 1910, Dusén 
9061 (S); Jaguariahyva, April 1910, Dusén 9698 (S, 22 cm. high, only 2 capitula) Dusén 
9727 (S), Oct. 1910 Dusén 10528 (S), Dec. 1910, Dusén 11006, Nov. 1914, Dusén 15994 
(S), Dusén 15998 (F, S). PARAGUAY: Caaguazú, Hassler 9255 (K, S, W); in regione 
fluminis Corrientes, LE E 5864 (K, G Deless., S). 

Baker described this species as an annual herb, but several specimens, including 
Riedel 379 (W), Hassler 9255 (K, W), and indeed two of the sheets at Kew deter- 

mined by Baker, including the lectotype, have stems with distinctly woody bases 
and portions of perennial rootstocks attached. 

Five collections are cited by Baker in the original description. Since no one 
specimen is designated as the nomenclatural type, all must be considered as syn- 
types. The name-bringing specimen being Riedel's, I have designated it as the 

The inclusion of Senecio ignobilis in synonymy by Baker does not constitute 
valid publication, and its association with Riedel's specimen appears to be the result 
of a curatorial error, probably at the St. Petersburg herbarium, which Baker, un- 
suspectingly perpetuated. The specimens in Schultz’s herbarium which bear this 
epithet all belong to other taxa. 

Senecio L. Gen. Pl., ed. 5, 375. 1754, et auct., in sensu extenso. 

Trees, shrubs, or herbs; the erechthitoid species mostly semi-woody perennials. 
Capitula with all florets perfect and infundibuliform, or with the marginal florets 
more slender, pistillate, and either ligulate, subligulate, or irregularly or regularly 
2- to 5-fid and sometimes with rudimentary stamens that very rarely may be pol- 
liniferous; style-arm apices truncated or low-domed, with crown of divergent papil- 
lose hairs at least in the perfect florets, and not prolonged into an appendage of 
fused papillose hairs. 

[Vol. 43 

The erechthitoid species are distinguished from true Erechtites by the style-arm 
apices truncated or low-domed rather than prolonged in an appendage of fuse 
papillose hairs, as well as by smaller and less heavily ribbed achenes and usually 
pgs capitula. Represented by numerous species in Australasia, with outlying 

pecies in New Guinea and one in Java; occasionally met with elsewhere, as S. 
imita Phil. in Chile and forms of S. flavus Sch. Bip. (S. Decaisnei DC.) from 
Arabia. Two Australasian species, S. minimus and S. glomeratus, are adventive on 
the Pacific Coast of the United States. 

De Candolle divided the Australasian species of Erechtites into three sections, 
MICRODERIS, TULODISCUS, and PLAGIOTOME. Subsequent authors have only rarely 
attempted to classify their new taxa as to section. This probably reflects the fact 
that the separations made by de Candolle are highly artificial and do not stand 
examination. In returning these species to Senecio I have not retained these sections. 
Neither is it advisable to create a new section in Senecio for these erechthitoid spe- 
cies, Although they can, for the most part, readily be separated from the other 
Australasian species of Senecio, there are within the group some species which clear- 
ly intergrade into the discoid group and others which intergrade into the radiate 
group. Therefore, pending a badly needed revision of Australasian species of Senecio 
proper, I shall refer to the heterogamous material only as erechthitoid Senecio. 

Our understanding of the relationships between the non-erechthitoid species of 
Senecio in Australasia is poorly developed, since it has not passed beyond the crude 
separation into discoid versus radiate species. The soundness of this separation has 
been questioned by virtually every competent syntherologist from the time of Lin- 
naeus to the present. For example, Bory de St. Vincent?5, in criticizing Thunberg's 
confused efforts to restore Jacobaea Tourn., claimed that Linnaeus joined (dis- 
coid) Senecio and (radiate) Jacobaea as Senecio on the premise that the presence 
or absence of ligulate florets is not a constant character even in the same individuals 
of a single species. In support of this, Bory cited his own experience of finding 
that the late autumnal flowers of several radiate species, notably Senecio Doria L. 
(Jacobaea pratensis, altissima, Limonii folio Tourn.) lacked the ligulate florets 
ordinarily so conspicuous in earlier flowerings, and so could have been classified 
into a different genus from the one to which they would have been referred some 
months earlier, if the radiate and the discoid species were separated as Thunberg 

A related situation is the existence of radiate varieties of discoid species, such 
as the not uncommon var. radiatus of S. vulgaris, the standard species of the genus, 
or the ligulate var. fallax (Greenm.) Fern. of S. pauciflorus Pursh. This latter 
species was regarded by W. J. Hooker?? as a "rayless state of S. aureus". 

Examination of a large number of specimens of S. glomeratus (E. arguta DC.) 
has revealed that in this species in particular the boundary between radiate and non- 
radiate conditions is very imperfect. A single specimen often possesses some pistil- 

28 Ann. Gén. Sci. Phys. 1:304-305. 1819. 
?9 Flora Boreali-Americana 1:332-333. 1834. 


late marginal florets so obliquely one-toothed as to be actually briefly ligulate, 
some that are irregularly bidentate, others that are irregularly 3-fid with one sinus 
twice or thrice as deep as the others, and still others that are perfectly regularly 
3-fid with shallow sinuses. The same situation has been observed, but much less 
frequently, in other erechthitoid species. 

In the folder of Senecio aureus var. subnudus at Kew there is a specimen (Great 
Slave Lake, Gates & Mellenby) which indicates that the outermost whorl of florets, 
those terminating each phyllotaxic spiral in the capitulum, is unstable in another 
direction. This is a discoid specimen which has rare marginal florets with stamens 
non-polliniferous, although the style-arm apex is clearly truncated. This is a close 
approach to the condition in Erechtites, especially in section Goyazenses, where an 
occasional marginal floret may bear a set of rudimentary stamens. It is a situation 
found over and over again in the erechthitoid species of Australasia, and is the basis 
for the statement made above concerning the intergrading of the discoid and the 
erechthitoid groups. 

Another instance of an erechthitoid Senecio is the Chilean S. leptanthus Phil., 
recently transferred by Cabrera?? to Erechtites because of its rather coarsely fili- 
form pistillate marginal florets. This has a velutinous, weakly ribbed achene and 
low-domed, non-appendaged style-arm apex and is much better left in cio. 
The significant fact is that erechthitoid states of Senecio are not confined to Aus- 
tralasia, but are also found elsewhere. This adds weight to the point made by 

genus Senecio could have slender pistillate florets. The limits of Senecio are not 

being unduly expanded or strained by the inclusion of heterogamous non-ligulate 
material from Australasia. 


A. pee 5 to 9, rarely 1 ome but not all capitula B 
ginal florets riis silia disc florets androgynomorphic but with 
Pauls abortive and style ar unded and de nsely hairy on oute Verona "e itg ae 

BB. Marginal florets pistillate or occasionally with incomplete set «eel stam 
dentate, disc florets fertile, style arms truncate, not densely hairy on gie ba KC 

1. S. bipinnatisectus 

rets not or scarcely ex bell in nu 
. Leaves scarcely or not at all dps gens oarsely and irregularly toothed, 
teeth varying in size and spacing and often denticulate; florets 5-fid, margi- 
nal florets devoid of rudi + stamens, disc florets infundib pay 
. S. biserratus 

EE. Cauline leaves auriculate, coarsely but regularly toothed, teeth almost Sen 
in size and spacing; all I ets 4- e subfiliform, and perfect, but es num 
r of stamens varying from 1 t caf esc iia 

DD. Achenes with fine white sg in hairs on sharp narrow LM esaet in 
the grooves; florets twice or more as numerous as the phyllari 

30 Not. Mus. La Plata 14 (Bot. No. 69):76. 1949. 


[Vol. 43 

F. Bo ria and regularly toothed, 8 per cm., variably arachnoid 
beneath, glabrate with age, sparsely dd or glabrete shave, ot lobe 
28 or blong Til: stem glabrate or beset wi cen Pes ute unicellular 

nimus var. minimus 
FF. Lori less regularly det ees with pre hispid geris ce in 

addition to arachnoi irs, more or less lobate, especially ied lower ones, 
Dirt to oblong; stem grise with hispid — hai 

. mimimus var. Mero 
AA. Phyllaries 11 to 13 or nips or deed a minority of capitula ih n or 10 
G. Ph 

yllaries 16 o 

c cH: iniret es Si Zeie variably 
ees irregularly “dentate or lobate, teeth or lobes use, pubescence 
ixed, hispid and arachnoid; phyllaries MEAT on inner fa 

5. S. squarrosus 
HH. Achenes long and attenuate; leaves linear-lanceolate, margin sharply 

coarse loboid teeth; pubescence 

h oe on stem, leaf, and inflorescence; phyllaries GE 
both i and outer fac 6 Ps 
GG. Phyllarie rad to 15, usually 12 or 13 I 

es only about 3 times as dius as wide; plants glabrous or nearly 

» Ace enes 1.5 to 2.0 mm. long, short-cylindric, densely and uni- 
formly covered with very short appressed Bed — d 

p to 8 cm. lon 
wide, ovate-lanceolate or broadly Ai LaS irregularly 
coarse-toothed, with sharply €— teeth, auriculate and semi- 
amplexicaul at base, entirely glabro 7. S. laceratus 
JE et d to A m m. long, hert subc ylindric, not densely and 
Se leaves oblong, 
eiert: sinuate- dentate with 3 to 5 teeth 
rous above, minutely 
4 to 5 Eu E and 1 to 1.5 

cm. wide; plant of New Guinea 

II. Leaves more than 3 times longer than wide; pubescence various ................ 
K. Se 

and stems glabrous or sparsely Bess REY when 

L "beret eege Zeite the geg long, — - 
retrorse, apical segments on upper lea orm-acum 
ae 1 cm. ia ma cu us al oasis E 40, disc flor ets 
abou m. long, subrostrate, 

m hairs on uide ribs..9. S. See SC HS 

es subentire to iie bens: with lobes broad, 

Sege pinnatifid 

henes 4 mm. long, faintly gege E or ie 
white-haired i in ~ rooves; leaves oblong-line 
ong, obtuse, s uate-den RE Fuse San or e. 

ifid; marginal florets 10 to 15, disc florets about twice as 

numerous; phyllaries 6 mm. "Bas with short-acute spices 


. Wairauensis 
MM. Achenes 3 mm. long, gege ribbed, hairs suberect on 

or beside the ribs but not in the bottom of the grooves; 
phyllaries 5 to 5.5 mm. dud ith apices abruptly nar- 
rowed and then bluntly pig be radical leaves oblan- 
ceolate, long-attenuate to subpetiolate, 3.5 cm. long an 

6 mm. wide; cauline leaves linear-lanceolate to vam 
oblong, 6 cm. long, 5 mm. wide, remotely a 

to subentire S. d SE 

rid us may z ge ci here; 
y leaves linear-lance 

(Glabrate states of S. quadridentat 
may p» zed b , with mar- 
gins minut deleite and strongly aos and phyl- 
laries reset acuminate.) 



KK. Leaves and stems conspicuous sly pubescent, hairs arachnoid or 
hispid or both combined; sometimes nearly icit at maturity 

do entire or denticulate; achenes more or less fusi- 
form, 2.5 . long or lon 
O. Leaves Do to emen to as oe, as 9 
ide; phyllaries 6.5 to 8 long, i Gr 
had then glaheatá, except ses in 2- jaa 
lower third only, apices acuminate ........ Wi E 
OO. Lower leaves oblanceolate or obovate lancet te, 

cm., 0.3 

to 12 cm. long, 1.5 to 1. cm. wide; p es 6 mm. 
long, glabrous or Kee arachnoid at jeep: -nerved, 
ratte n apices acum 13. S. gunnii 
N. Leaves toothed, D Gd Firepulcy lobed, achenes 
ver? cylindric, 1.5 to on, P 
. Rec e an As ase oe involucre lanate; leaves 
amie quu beneath, sparsely arachnoid to 
glabrate abov Q 
Q. Achene with 10 low broad ridges; apex of phyl- 
lary acute with scarious margin ............ . S. glomeratus 
QQ. Achene iioi £ extrem z narr igh thi 
ridges; ape 

acuminate eu alios locke ioci marg 
S. laticostatus 

PP. Receptacle and involucre glabrous; E "m 
strongly 2-ridged; leaves with crisped mulcicellulr 
mr beneath and his spid y fece Mort: rarely gl 
ec renge auricu 
callos di to coarsely dentate 
or echt "lob ate 
S. Hairs on upper leaf surface with mta tin 
late Zoch achenes + st D 75 mm. long........ 
6a S. bispidulus v e? EEN 
SS. Hairs on upper leaf surface with 
tuberculate bases; Portam es 1. Y^ 
Gs RS RUN ETE CE : sidan var. en "e 
RR. pow once- prse isl e Ker nts denticu 
16 hispidulus var. TH 
PPP; Receptacle and involucre gl e us or densely lan 
ate; leaf pubescence both arachnoid and hispid; 
chis usually short, various ico 
S. glom 

ratus X S. pre 

1. SENEcIo bipinnatisectus Belcher, nom. nov. 

d ëmt? F. Muell. Frag. Ate do 5: 88. 

iae F. Muell. ibid. ut synonym, nud.; non Senecio Atkinsonii C. B. 
age Chee. Ind. 207. 1876. 

Stout plant with stem strongly striate, subglabrous or sparsely short-haired, 
branched above with branches ascending, densely leafy; basal portion not seen. 
Cauline leaves and bracts pinnatisect or bipinnatisect, with segments irregularly 
denticulate or subentire, slender, markedly revolute, sessile, with pinnatisect auricles; 
lower leaves up to 10 cm. long with segments up to 5 cm. long, size gradually 
reduced upward; older leaves glabrate, younger subarachnoid beneath with a few 
glandular or tuberculate-hispid hairs above. Inflorescences decompound, corym- 

varying in expansion from very simple corymbs with 3 or 4 capitula per 
bei to repeatedly rebranched clusters 25 cm. in diameter with scores of capitula, 
axes glabrous throughout or sparsely short-haired on peduncles; peduncles with 

[Vol. 43 

several simple, subulate, erect, sometimes ciliolate bracteoles. Capitula usually with 
8 phyllaries, sometimes as many as 11 on some but not all capitula; phyllaries 6 
to 6.5 mm. long, slender, usually 2-nerved and only moderately keeled, glabrous or 
minutely glandular-pubescent, apices shortly tapered, obtuse or very slightly acute. 
Florets slightly longer than the phyllaries and equaling pappus, marginal ones pistil- 
late, filiform, 3- or 4-fid, twice or thrice as numerous as the hermaphroditic slen- 
derly infundibuliform 5-fid disc florets, Achene 2 mm. long, short-subcylindric, 
not attenuate-rostrate, dark red, ribbed, glabrous or sparsely set with very short 
white hairs especially when immature. 

Apparently confined to the Coastal Ranges of New South Wales and south- 
eastern Queensland.?! 

AUSTRALIA. NEW SOUTH WALES: Blue Mountains, Louise Atkinson (K, det. by Muel- 
ler, syntype duplicate and lectotype); Monkey Creek towards Port Jackson, Woolls (MEL, 
syntype); Sydney, Wilkes Exp. (US); "Senecio, Australasia, N. S. W.", Hugel (W); 

rushy Mountains near Gloucester, 1881, Betche (NSW); Port Macquarie, 1898, Boorman 
(NSW); Port Stacking, Feb. 1899, Camfield (NSW); Blackheath, April 1899, Maiden 
(NSW, W); Bulli Pass, 1900, Hamilton (NSW); Blackhurst, swamp, Jan. 1903, Cam- 
field (NSW); Jervis Bay, 1926, Rodway (K, NSW); Beaumont, 1935, Rodway 1687 
(K); Braidwood, 1936, Stenfield (NSW). QUEENSLAND: Blackwall Range, April 1918, 
W bite ; Candle Mountain, May 1918, White (NSW); Main Range, top of Mt. 
Mitchell, 3760 ft., White 6872 (NY). wirHouT LocaLirY: “Iter Australiense 1802 to 
1 n R. Brown 2279 (K); "Nova Hollandia, Erechtites sonchoides Cand.", Ferd. Bauer 
( S 

The new epithet refers to the characteristic deep division of the leaf and bract 
blades. As stated by Mueller, this species differs from all its erechthitoid congeners 
by the form of itsleaves. But in Senecio it resembles S. anetbifolius in its pinnat- 
isect leaves with narrow divisions. Comparison of specimens of S. bipinnatisectus 
with the type of S. anethifolius (G!) shows them to be readily distinguishable 
even in the sterile state. The leaf segments of the former are strongly revolute, ir- 
regularly denticulate, minutely tuberculate-hispid above and subarachnoid beneath, 
whereas those of the latter are slightly revolute, non-denticulate, and glabrous. 
The floral features are, of course, much more distinct, the former having mod- 
erately keeled and minutely glandular-pubescent phyllaries 6 to 6.5 mm. long, and 
marginal florets pistillate, filiform, and scarcely exceeding the phyllaries; whereas 
the latter has glabrous phyllaries 5.0 to 5.5 mm. long, and marginal florets her- 
maphroditic, infundibuliform, and much exceeding the phyllaries. I do not know 
any other Australasian species with which either of these might be confused, unless 
it might be S. bispidulus var. dissectus (Benth.) Belcher. In this variety, however, 
the leaves are only once or very imperfectly twice dissected, the segments are 
sharply angulate-lobate rather than denticulate or entire, and the pubescence is 
coarsely tuberculate-hispid. The inflorescence is, of course, unmistakably distinct 
from both the above species. 

31 The description of this and each subsequent erechthitoid species is followed by a list of speci- 
mens examined, with the herbaria in which they are found indicated by the symbols proposed by 
Lanjouw. In the case of the more commonly collected species, the list is a selected one to show 
the range of distribution and variation. Of less common species, all material examined has been 
cited. In each case the typifving specimen, if seen, is listed first. 



Mueller gave the number of phyllaries as "11 to 13”. I have not found any 
capitulum with more than eleven, and the majority had only eight. The lectotype 
at Kew does have a few heads with up to eleven. A certain amount of instability 
in the number of phyllaries seems to be common in those genera of Compositae with 
essentially uniseriate involucres, and indeed seems rather widespread in the family. 
For individual plants, however, it is usually possible to find that the modal phyllary 
number of a majority of the capitula is very close to one of the peaks of the phyl- 
lotaxic series: 8, 13, 21, etc. Further, there is generally a correlation with other 
characters of taxonomic significance, so that the use of the modal number of phyl- 
laries as an easily seen key character is valuable. Because this modal number for 
S. bipinnatisectus is 8, and seems not to reach the value of 13 assigned by Mueller, 
I have placed this species in the group with eight phyllaries. 

e number of florets per capitulum is quite variable, and little dependence 
should be placed on the exact numbers given in descriptions, as by de Candolle. 
Richard, who appears to have studied these species more carefully, omitted almost 
all reference to specific numbers of florets. Approximate numbers, however, are 
helpful, and the ratio between pistillate and perfect florets may be significant. 
For this species a representative count is sixteen pistillate to five perfect florets in 
one capitulum, a ratio of about three to one. 

Immature buds of this species closely resemble those of S. minimus in size, 
shape, number of phyllaries, and particularly in a spiraled appearance. This is 
caused by the unexpanded phyllaries running slantingly rather than lying straight 
from base to apex. The leaves also agree with those of S. minimus in having usually 
quite large auricles, and these two species are undoubtedly quite closely related. 

2. Senecio biserratus Belcher, nom. nov. 
Senecio flaccidus A. Rich. Sert. Astrolabe, 110-112. 1834; non Less. Linnaea 5: 161. 1831. 
gn sonchoides DC. Prodr. 6: 296. 1838; non Senecio sonchoides Kunth, in HBK. 
v. Gen. & Sp. 4:178. 1820. 
Erebi prenantboides Benth. Fl. etra 3: 658. 1866, pro parte, non DC.; Black, Fl. 
ustral. 4: 609-610, pl. 50, 1929, non DC. 

Ze erect, to 5 feet tall, Akan or glabrate, simple or sparingly branched 
above, leafy. Leaves rather crowded and suberect, membranous, as much as 11 
cm. long and 4 cm. wide, gradually and proportionately reduced upward, sessile, the 
lower ones slightly or much attenuated and not clasping, the upper ones auriculate 
and semiamplexicaul, all oblong to oblong-lanceolate, serrate, with irregular larger 
teeth again finely toothed, glabrous or sparsely set with rather long multicellular 
hairs. Inflorescence a corymbose panicle, open and lax at maturity, the branches, 
peduncles, calyculi, and involucres essentially glabrous; bracteoles broad, subulate. 
Involucre of 7 or 8 phyllaries; phyllaries 5 to 6 mm. long, alternately narrower and 
broader, to 1 mm. wide, keel more or less conspicuously 2-ridged with a broad or 
narrow shallow groove between, apices alternately moderately long-acute and quite 
bluntly obtuse (ie. probably actually 2-seriate), all minutely ciliolate, with a 
marked tendency to curl after achenes have been shed. Florets scarcely exceeding 
phyllaries in number. Marginal florets pistillate, filiform, 5-fid, lacking rudi- 

[Vol. 43 

mentary stamens; disc florets hermaphroditic, slenderly infundibuliform, 5-fid. 
Achene 2.5 to 2.75 mm. long, subcylindric, slightly tapered toward base, apex not 
attenuate-rostrate but slightly contracted below the apical callus, with white hairs 
in grooves between heavy low flattened ribs. Pappus and florets exceeding in- 
— by 1 to 2 mm. 

USTRALIA. TASMANIA: “N. Holl. détr. d'Entrecasteaux”, ex itin. Baudin (P. holotype); 
“Neus Hollande cote merid*, Mus. de Paris, 1821” (G Prodr., isotype?, holotype of E 

sonchoides ); Deloraine, Jan. 1902, Maiden ); unt Field East, ca 
March 1906, Maiden (NSW); Eaglehawk Neck, Nov. 1924, Lucas ( ; Hobart, near 
Myrtle Gully, Casca ope — burnt out previous summer, ca. 900 ft t 

n u: u: D 

right herb 414 ft. tall”, March 1940, Gordon (HO, leaves as much as 11 cm. long, 4 cm 
wide, coarsely lobed); Teapa Valley Adamsfield track, 1500 ft., Feb. 1943, Gordon 
(HO); Gordon, Dec. 1952, Curtis (HO). victoria: Port Fairy, W ban (NSW); Port 
Fairy, Nov. 1900, Walker 7 (NSW). NEW SOUTH WALES: Port E R. Brown 2277 
(K). New ZEALAND. SOUTH ISLAND: Canterbury, Akaroa, Raoul 30 (K); Otago, Lyall 
(K); Otago, Milford Sound, Lyall (K ex Hb. Hk. as E. prenanthoides, left- hand specimen 
only; right is S. wairauensis). STEWART ISLAND: "Ia arenosis maritimis", Thouroude (P). 
AUCKLAND ISLANDS: “Erechtites arguta var. glaberrima”, Wilkes Exped. (K, US). 

Bentham’s reduction of this perfectly good species to Erechtites Zeene 
DC. Ge, S. minimus Poir.) is unjustified, despite several points of similarity. By 
direct comparison of the types in the Prodromus Herbarium they may be separated 
rather easily by differences in achenes and leaf margins. The achene of S. biserratus 
is 2.5 to 2.75 mm. long, flat- and broad-ribbed, with hairs between the ribs; that 
of S. minimus ranges from 1.5 to 2.0 (to 2.25) mm. long, is sharply and narrowly 
ridged, and is hairy on the ridges rather than between them. The leaves of the 
former are coarsely and irregularly doubly serrate, as the new epithet indicates, 
whereas those of S. minimus are uniformly finely denticulate. Again, the former 
species is virtually glabrous except for the achene and sparse appressed hairs on 
both sides of the leaf, lacking the arachnoid pubescence on the lower surfaces of 
the leaves and on the juvenile parts which characterize the latter. 

E. prenanthoides Black, by figure and description, is S. biserratus. The figure of 
the cross-section of the achene which shows hairs only in the narrow grooves is 
critically diagnostic, as is the irregularly toothed leaf. Black gives the distribution 
simply as "South-East". If this species actually is in southeastern South Australia, 
then it should also be more generally present in Victoria, to link up with its pres- 
ence in New South Wales and Tasmania. The specimen from the Auckland Islands, 
incidentally, is the most southerly specimen of erechthitoid Senecio which I have 

De Candolle’s diagnosis of E. sonchoides, based on a specimen at Geneva, was 
formed independently of Richard’s, but agrees fairly well with it. He was uncer- 
tain of the identity, and queried Richard’s name in the synonymy. He need not 
have been so cautious. His type and that of Richard are certainly conspecific, and 
are probably a part of the same gathering, by the expedition of Baudin. From de 

andolle’s account of the small number of phyllaries and florets, it seemed E. son- 
choides might be an Arrhenechthites. Accordingly, the florets, and particularly 
the style arms of the central florets, on the type were carefully examined with the 
aid of detergent solution. The central florets are hermaphroditic, developing nor- 



mal rather than abortive achenes; the style arms are long, recurved, and stigmatic; 
the style-arm apices are squarely truncated and not papillose on either apex or 
dorsum. It is a good Senecio despite the reduced number of parts 

3. SeNEcIO kermadecensis Belcher, sp. nov. 

Perennis (?), caule herbaceo, solum versus apicem ramoso, dense foliaceo; foliis 
sessilibus late auriculatis, amplexicaulibus, vix constrictis super auriculas, ovato- 
lanceolatis, inaequaliter dentatis, acutis vel subobtusis, nonnihil scabris, subglabris, 
majoribus (infimis haud visis) 13 cm. longis, 4 cm. latis; inflorescentiis corymbosis; 
capitulis cylindricis, calyculatis; involucri squamis plerumque 6 (5 — 7), linearibus, 
glabris, 5 mm. longis; floribus paucis, numero squamis similibus, omnibus tenuiter 
filiformibus, apice vix dilatatis, 4-dentatis; staminibus 1-4 numero variante in flo- 
ribus capituli singuli, omnibus polliniferis, ramis styli truncatis, papillis marginal- 
ibus divergentibus praeditis; achaeniis subcylindricis, 2 mm. longis, 10-costatis, sub- 
appresse puberulis inter costas; pappo niveo, subsetaceo, pluriseriato. 

Specimen typicum legit W. R. B. Oliver in insula prope Novam Zeelandicam 
"Sunday Island" dicta in Archipelagine Kermadecensi. Endemica species. Speci- 
men in herbario Kewensi. 

Cheeseman, in 1925, confused this species with E. prenanthoides DC., 
and attributed to W. R. B. Oliver the statement that it was "not uncommon on 
Sunday Island" of the Kermadec Islands. Oliver's specimen at Kew, the holotype, 
bears that statement on its label. Erroneously determined as E. prenanthoides DC., 
this specimen superficially resembles that species, but is actually distinct and appar- | 
ently undescribed. 

It is remarkable in the genus for its unusual capitulum, with phyllaries 5 to 7, 
usually six, and the florets about equal in number. All florets appear to have styles 
and functional stamens, the number of stamens varying within the same capitulum 
from 4 to 1. The florets are nearly filiform, very little dilated apically, and 4-fid; 
the style-arm apices are truncate with a fringe of diverging papillae. Some achenes 
in the capitula examined were less developed than others in the same capitulum, 
suggesting partial sterility, but this appeared not to correlate with the position of 
the achene in the capitulum nor with the number of stamens. The achenes, although 
similar in size to those of S. minimus, resemble those of S. biserratus in being 
hairy between the ridges. The leaves, though resembling those of S. minimus in 
general shape, were much more broad and coarse than is typical for that species. 

Senecio kermadecensis must be regarded as a discoid Senecio of unusual interest, 
Suggesting a transition between the discoid and the erechthitoid kinds, as shown by 
the partial sterilization and the slenderness of the florets. It also suggests a transi- 
tion between Senecio and Arrhenechthites, as shown by reduction in floret number 
and possible tendency to abortion of some ovaries. Its closest affinity in the erech- 
thitoid group is not with S. minimus, as Oliver and Cheeseman thought, but with 
S. biserratus, as shown by the drastic reduction in floret number and by the acheni- 
al pubescence. I hesitated to describe it without examining more material. But 
since it raises the interesting possibility that other peculiar endemics may be 
masquerading as well-known species, it seemed desirable to call attention to it. 

[Vol. 43 

4. SENECIO MINIMUs Poir. in Lam. Ency. Méth. Bot. Suppl. 5: 130. 1817. 

Inflorescence a corymbose panicle, usually large with very many capitula, dif- 
fusely much branched, branches suberect or lax; arachnoid in bud, glabrate when 
expanded; bracts subtending the branches rapidly and progressively reduced in size 
upward, two or three bracteoles on each ultimate peduncle, capitulum with calycu- 
lus of 5 or 6 short slender inconspicuous bracteoles. Involucre of 8 phyllaries, 
rarely one or two more or less; phyllaries 6 to 7 mm. long, linear, alternately 2- 
nerved and broader with broadly obtuse apex, and 1-nerved and narrower with 
narrowly obtuse apex, glabrous or subglabrous but with apices ciliolate and slightly 
darkened or not. Florets exceeding involucre, slightly exceeded by pappus; margin- 
al florets filiform, briefly 3-, 4-fid, somewhat more numerous (ca. 12 versus 7) 
than the disc florets, which are hermaphroditic, slender, slightly expanded into a 
narrowly infundibuliform 5-fid limb. Achene 1.75 to 2.0 (to 2.25) mm. long, 
short-cylindric, dark reddish-brown or brown, with fine white subappressed hairs 
on the narrow ribs, the grooves glabrous, non-attenuate but with apex callose-an- 
nulate. Pappus white, filiform. 

4a. SENECIO MINIMUS var. minimus 

b y. 
Erechtites pumila DC. Prodr. 6: 297, 1838, said by DC. to be based on “S. pumilus Poir.”, 
ich is non existent; non Armstrong, Trans. N. Z. Inst. 13: 338. 1887. 
6. 1838; non A. Rich. (as Senecio, based on 
Gaudicbaud 4, P!, which is S. quadridentatus) ; non Greenm. & Hieron. Engl. Bot. 

:296. 1838, ut syn.; non Linn. Sp. Pl. 

Erechtites prenanthoides Hook. f. Fl. N. Z. 141. 1853, pro parte, excl. var. minor Hook. f. 

Senecio Miilleri Regel, Ind. Sem. Hort. Bot. Imp. Petrop. 31, 1863; non Kirk, Trans. N. Z. 
Inst. 15: 359. 1883; non Erechtites Muelleri Lange, Ind. Sem. Hort. Haun. 28. 1861 
[not seen]; Bot. Tidskr. II. 4: 5. 7. 3. 1874 

Senecio Warscewiczii Hort. Berol. apud Vatke, App. Ind. Sem. Hort. Bot. Berol. 21. 1875; 
B A 

non A. Br. & Bouché, Ind. Sem. Hort. Bot. Berol. App. 13. 1851; Linnaea 25: 29 
1852 (from Guat 


Senecio heterophylla [sic " Colenso, Trans. N. Z. Inst. 27: 389. 1894. 
Erecbtites Labillardieri Hieron. Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 29: 63. 1900, superfluous. 

Herbaceous plant of somewhat glabrate aspect, robust specimens exceeding 1 
m. in height, others as low as 15 cm. Stem erect, sulcate, simple or sparingly 
branched below the inflorescence or with numerous short axillary branches with 
much-reduced leaves, glabrous or sparsely set with minute white hairs. Leaves 
rather variable in size and shape, lower cauline ones on robust specimens reaching 
or somewhat exceeding a length of 10 cm., 1.5 cm. wide, size rather rapidly reduced 
upward on stem, width decreasing proportionately more rapidly than length; lower 
leaves broadly lanceolate, upper linear-lanceolate; lower portion of blade not or 
only slightly constricted, rarely subpetiolate, the base slightly to conspicuously 
expanded into clasping lobes or auricles; the reduced leaves of axillary branches 
sometimes appearing non-auriculate, subpetiolate, oblanceolate; margins evenly 
denticulate, with 5 to 8 teeth per cm., or slightly irregularly denticulate with some 
teeth a little coarser but never pinnatifid; youngest leaves densely arachnoid below, 
sparsely so above, older leaves glabrate. 



Generally distributed in temperate Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand; 
adventive weed in California and Oregon. 
ALIA. TASMANIA: "Capite Van Dieman”, Labillardiére Gr. “Senecio hiera- 
Gieres Pres Bi Mardiére , N. Holl.”, with specific epithet deleted and "minima" written 
beneath in De serps erch P, Te cio minima Enc. Sup., labii Nov. Holl." 
fragment of holot x Hb. Poir.; BM; K; G Deles.; G Prodr., "Senecio byrracifolius e e 
nova hollandia, m. A abillardiére 1808", laus of E. prenantboides DC.); G 175, 
Georgetown (K, 2), Marlborough (K), St. pores (K, NSW); Maiden, Rechocché Bay 
1908, Swanport to Swansea 1902, Port Arthur 1906, Mount Field East 1906 (all NSW); 
Russell Falls, March 1910, Cheel NSW); Lilydale, Jan. 1943, Wardrop (HO). victoria: 
` Vendu Vale, Robertson 469 (K, NSW); Dandenong Range, Mueller (K); Blacks Spur, 

e x Po c (NSW, 

W); Mt. Kembla, Nov. 1899, Fletcher (NSW); Blackhurst, à AH D. Canfield (ve in 

non-contiguous pieces, the sterile one with leaves to 16 cm. long and 4 cm. ut 
otherwise PA uent 

LAND: "New Zealand 1769-70", Banks & Solander (US); Nelson, Graham 

River, Cheeseman (US); Wairau Valley, Travers 16 (K); Colenso (K, isotypes (?) of S. 

beterobbylla) ; Hooker (W ex Hb. Sch. Bip.) ; Westland, Parvu, Jan. 1937, Lothian (K). 

UNITED STATES. CALIFORNIA: Ge Re 6 July 1931, Jones 59096 (BM); Humboldt 

Co., Trinidad, Sept. D Parks 01058 (BM, F, MICH, NSW); Marin Co., Almonte, 

edge of salt menm, July 1944, Howell 19857 (F, S). OREGON: Lane Co., Aug. 1949, 

TED: E *809 Senecio Warscewiczii” 62 Hort. Berol. (P ex Hb. Sch. Bip.); 

a, Mueller?”, Hort. Bot. Petrop., 1863 (K, isotype (?) of S. Miilleri Regel). 

I designate the piece of S. minimus at Paris as a fragment of the holotype, 
rather than an isotype, because the jagged base exactly matches the stump of a 
branch on the holotype. Poiret evidently obtained this small branch for himself 
when he described the species. All the other sheets of Labillardiére’s “Senecio 
hyeracifolius” which I cited are authentic isotypes, with the sole exception of the 
ligulate fragment on the sheet at Florence from Labillardiére’s own herbarium, 
and there are probably still other sheets in other herbaria. 

The isotype of S. Miillerii Regel was compared with the holotype fragment of 
S. minimus and found conspecific. It was unquestionably distinct from presumably 
authentic specimens of E. Muelleri Lange which were raised at Vienna from seed 
from Copenhagen and which appear to be a form in the hybrid swarm, S. hispidulus 
X S. quadridentatus. Vatke’s assumption of identity between Regel's species and 
Lange's, made in a note clarifying the status of S. Warscewiczii Hort. Berol., was 
an error. 

This is one of the most distinctive of the erechthitoid species of Senecio, and 
shows little affinity with the other species. Its closest resemblance is to S. biserratus, 
as discussed above, although the two are readily separable. Cheeseman’s statement 
that this species is “not uncommon on Sunday Island” of the Kermadecs appears 
to be based on Oliver's specimen, the holotype of S. kermadecensis. S. minimus 
is not to be included in the flora of the Kermadec Islands on this evidence. 

[Vol. 43 

4b. SENECIO MINIMUS var. picridioides (Turcz.) Belcher, comb. nov. 
Erecbtites picridioides 'Turcz. Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Mosc. 24: 200. 1851; Black, Fl. S. 

Austral. 4: 610. 1929; non Sond. & Muell. Linnaea 25: 253. 1852, which is S. runcini- 

folius Willis. 

Erechthites prenantboides DC. var. picridioides (Turcz.) Benth. Fl. Austral. 3: 658. 1866. 

Differing from var. minimus in having the stem more robust and coarse and 
beset with hispid multicellular hairs; the leaves larger, lobate, and hispid, with 
acute callose teeth; and the corollas somewhat variable in number of lobes. 

WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Swan River, 1845, Drummond 132 (K, 2; FI; all isotypes). 

I have not seen the holotype of this taxon, but the isotypes which I saw agreed 
well with the description. Dissection of florets, however, revealed much variation 
in lobing of the corollas. Pistillate florets were 2-fid, 3-fid, or 4-fid; the perfect 
florets were 3-, 4-, or 5-fid. I have not observed such variability in var. minimus. 
From hispid pubescence and callose-dentate leaves, as well as this variation in lob- 
ing, I suspect possible hybridization with S. bispidulus. But because of the great 
similarity in the other floral and the fruit characters between these specimens and 
the holotype of var. minimus 1 have maintained the varietal status given them by 
Bentham, pending further study. 

Turczaninow stated: "Species Er. senecioidi et argutae affinis." I find no 
other reference to the former, and it is presumably a nomen nudum. The Kew 
sheets of Drummond 132 have tickets reading: “Erechtites / E. sonchoidi DC. 
Prodr. / Sw. riv. Drummond”. “E. sonchoidi” is written hastily, and likely was 
miscopied by Turczaninow. 

Black maintained this taxon as a species, separate from his E. prenanthoides. 
This was fully justified, since the latter is actually S. biserratus! He gave for E. 
picridioides a wide distribution in South Australia; namely, Encounter Bay, Kan- 
garoo Island, Murray Lands, Yorke and Eyre Peninsulas, South-East. I have seen 
none of these specimens. 

5. SENECIO SQUARROSUS A. Rich. Sert. Astrolabe, 107, tab. 35. 1834. 

Erechtites Richardiana DC. Prodr. 6: 297. : 

Erechthites bispidula Benth. Fl. Austral. 3: 660. 1866, pro parte; non (A. Rich.) DC. 
838; non Black, Fl. S. Austral. 4: 610. 1929. 

Stem erect, simple, leafy, sparsely arachnoid. Leaves lanceolate-linear, 7 to 10 
cm. long, 0.8 to 1.0 cm. wide, acute, minutely to coarsely remotely toothed to sub- 
lobulate, glabrous or sparsely arachnoid beneath and somewhat scabrid above; lower 
subpetiolate, upper sessile with more or less coarsely toothed auricles. Inflorescence 
a terminal cyme of relatively few capitula, sparsely arachnoid on peduncles and 
bracteoles, Capitula about 10 mm. long, 9 mm. wide, calyculate, bracteoles of the 
calyculus linear, arachnoid, Involucre of 16 to 20 linear phyllaries 7 to 8.5 mm. 
long with arachnoid bases, hyaline margins and recurved apices. Marginal florets 
pistillate, corolla filiform, 7 mm. long, 5-fid, lobes long-acute, 0.4 to 0.5 mm. long, 
0.1 mm. wide, apices glandular, sinuses not all always of same depth. Disc florets 
hermaphroditic, corolla slightly infundibuliform, 5-fid, lobes similar to those of 
the marginal florets but slightly broader, style arms exserted. Achene 2 mm. 
long, blackish, thick-cylindric, rather thickly set with short white or tawny hairs. 



Pappus white, slightly exceeding phyllaries and florets. 

AUSTRALIA. NEW sovin WALES: Port Jackson, erreurs d A, agus frag. G 
rodr.). vicrORIA: Wendu River, in forest, Sept. 1842, Robertson 289 (K); Wendu 
Vale, Sept. 1843, Robertson 690 (K, on same sheet Wa 289 and another large-headed 
Robertson speci th indet.); in meadow between Melbourne and D t's 
Creek, O 52, Mueller (K e k., immature pens appears to be this species); ? 
Cataract Hills, 1863, Mueller (NSW). TASMA a, 4 Nov. 1844, Gunn 
(K, on same sheet specimen of Launceston, Gunn 508, which is indet. but 
definitely not this species); Launceston, "1 1844, Gunn 508 (K, a separate ber 
from the preceding) ; Van Dieman's Land, Pis 5 08 (W, rather more pubescent than the 

Kew sheets); Hobart, Nov. 1923, Lucas (NSW); Blackman’s Bay near Kingston, Nov. 
1935, Rodway 2039 (K 

The identity of S. squarrosus was completely lost, due to Bentham’s inclusion of 
it in his E. bispidula. Yet it is easily one of the most distinctive of the erechthitoid 
species, readily recognized by its large capitulum, numerous phyllaries, short 
blackish achene, and coarsely toothed leaves. The holotype agrees well with 
Richard's plate and description, including the serration of the leaves. The abscis- 
sion line (?) depicted at the base of each leaf is misleading, however. No such 
feature can now be seen on the type, and it is likely only an artist's device for 
marking the leaf base. One of the distinctive features, the number of phyllaries, 
is not described by Richard, but can be recognized in the drawing of the capitulum. 

Erecbtites bispidula Benth. is a mixture of at least two separate elements, as 
shown both by the description and by the specimens at Kew determined by Bent- 

am. Bentham mistook certain specimens of Gunn's distribution number, 508, 
to be true E. hispidula, and to these added other specimens with large capitula 
which superficially resembled them but which have long attenuate-rostrate achenes, 
hence his statement, ““Achenes slender and striate as in E. quadridentata or rather 
shorter.” A comparison of the Launceston specimen of Gunn 508, which Bentham 
determined as E. hispidula, with the types of S. hispidulus and S. squarrosus showed 
that is was identical with the latter, not the former, and has the short achene as 
shown in the figure of S. squarrosus. 

The large-headed specimens with long, attenuate-rostrate achenes are also char- 
acterized by somewhat fewer phyllaries, nearly linear subentire leaves, and cottony 
pubescence with sometimes a few hispid hairs added. It is to this group, rather 
than to S. squarrosus, that Erechtites bispidula Black applies, judging from his 
description of it as "near the preceding, E. quadridentata", and “achenes as in E, 
quadridentata”. Certainly S. hispidulus is excluded by his description, particularly 
by the dimensions given for the capitulum. The status of this group is still unset- 
tled, but a plausible suggestion is that it may represent a polyploid state of S. 
quadridentatus. It has not yet been given a name of its own by any one, and I 
have refrained from doing so until its status can be clarified. 

6. SENECIO PYROPHILUS Zoll. & Mor. ec Zoll. Nat. - en Geneeskundig Arch. v. 

Neérland’s - Indié 2: 266. 1845; Syst. Verzeichn. 125. 1854. MER occ aei 

i at. 2: 97. 1856; Koorders, Nat. Ty 
"e : Tai 60: gt bei ra ob et Java 3: 342. 1912 (as E. byrobbila 

(Zoll) Sch. Bip.). 
Erecbtbites me ERE O. EE Rev. Gen. Pl. 1: 325. 1891; »on DC. 

[Vol. 43 

Perennial, with several to many spreading, then ascending, subherbaceous shoots 
from a short woody base. Stems sulcate, arachnoid to lanate especially on younger 
portions, with erect branches, leaves crowded on the basal portion and more distant 
above. Lower leaves 6 to 9 cm. long, 4 to 6 mm. wide, linear-oblanceolate, long- 
attenuate, not auriculate, sharply callose-denticulate with occasionally a few larger 
coarse lobate teeth, subglabrous to arachnoid above, arachnoid to lanate beneath; 
upper leaves only slightly shorter, not attenuate, linear-lanceolate, briefly and nar- 
rowly auriculate just above the attachment. Inflorescences corymbose, at first 
compact, then rather lax, with peduncles elongate and distant at maturity; lanate 
when young, later glabrate; bracteoles few, scattered, linear-subulate. Capitula 
few, with calyculus and receptacle arachnoid. Phyllaries 16 to 18, long-linear, 7 
to 8 mm. long, 0.75 to 1 mm. wide; keel broad, flat, scurfy-arachnoid on entire 
length, obscurely 2-nerved with nerves narrow and only slightly darkened, scarious 
margins quite narrow, apices long-acuminate, minutely ciliolate. Marginal florets 
approximately 40, pistillate, corolla filiform, 3- to 4-fid, about 6 mm. long; disc 
florets about 20, hermaphroditic, corolla very slenderly infundibuliform, 5 to 6 
mm. long, ca. 0.3 mm. in diameter, 5-fid. Achene 4 mm. long, light olive-brown, 
narrowly subcylindric, very markedly attenuate-rostrate, nerves 5, rounded, low, 
hairs short, scabrid, subappressed in shallow grooves between the nerves. Pappus 
copious, slender, exceeding the phyllaries and subequalling the florets, niveous to 
faintly tawny. 

With somewhat the aspect of S. quadridentatus Labill. and doubtless related to 
it, but distinguished from it by denser pubescence, more numerous phyllaries 
scurfy-arachnoid all over the keel, and Ee achenes, 

JAVA: Tengger, "Senecio ,Pyrop hilus flos lutei. In arenosis epe. M. 
Tenanja-an (Tengger) 6-8000', XI.” D wie vn (P, 4 sheets, including one ex Hb. 
Sch. Bip. and annotated b kim, isotypes); Bromo, 7000’, 16 Sept. 1875, i ries 6026 
(NY, det. by him "Erecbtbites CECR DC. e E E E, byrobbila Sch, Bip. f; 
*Ost- Java: auf dem Tengger bei und oberhalb Ngadisari von 2000-2400 m. ü. m an 
den trockensten Stellen", Koorders 37403, 37404, 37780 (K, det by Koorders as E. his 
dula [sensu Benthami]); Res. Besoeki, Yang Plateau, 2100 m., 11 Aug. 1916, Koorders 
& Koorders-Schumacher 43646 (K). 

The packet on Schultz's isotype sheet bears a notation: “. . . . anth. ecaud., 
flores ex. foem., cent. hermaph.” The reduction of this species to Erechtites, attrib- 
uted by Miquel to “Schultz Bip. mss.”, doubtless was made as a result of this dissec- 
tion. Schultz appears not to have examined the style-arm apices, which in this 
material are definitely senecionoid. I do not find where Schultz himself published 
the combination, and conclude that both citations by Koorders are technically in- 
correct. In his “Exkursionsflora” he wrote of E. pyrophila: *. . . comp. Erechtites 
hispidula DC. Prodr. VI. (1837) 296; Benth., Fl Austral. III. 660. Ich halte 
diese australische Art vermutlich fur identisch mit der japanischen [sic !] E. pyro- 
phila.” In this connection he cites Koorders 37402 bis 37404 and 37780, which, 
however, he publishes as E. pyrophila. The sheets at Kew are determined as E. 
hispidula DC., a misidentification which undoubtedly arose as a direct result of 




his working at Kew with those Australasian sheets so thoroughly confused by 
Hooker and Bentham. Some components of E. hispidula Benth. do resemble S. 
byropbilus, but these are misidentified and are not S. bispidulus A. Rich. It is to 
Koorders’ credit that he never actually published the reduction implied by his 

But Koorders' provisional comment is reflected in the determinations of Com- 
positae in Diel's “Beitrage zür Flora des Sarawaket-Gebirges". In commenting on 
the determination of Keysser 40, Mattfeld?? wrote to the effect: that only a single 
Indonesian species, E. pyrophila from East Java, belonged in the New Zealand and 
Australian section of Erechtites, concerning which Koorders supposed that it was 
identical with the Australian E. hispidula, to which then Keysser's plant might also 

long, but that he, alas, lacked authentic material of E. hispidula, and so had to 
determine it as E. arguta because of its pubescence and small capitula. 

This confusion has prevented accurate identification of Keysser 40. could 

not locate duplicates, and the specimens at Berlin and Breslau presumably are 
destroyed. The characters given by Mattfeld could apply to either S. hispidulus or 
S. glomeratus (E. arguta auct.). At least one can be certain from the small capi- 
tula that Keysser's plant was not S. pyropbilus. It could, of course, be an endemic 
Although this species has somewhat the aspect of S. quadridentatus in the nar- 
row elongate leaves, long-attenuate achene, and arachnoid pubescence, it is easily 
distinguished by its coarser leaves with an occasional exserted tooth on the lower 
ones, by its 16 to 18 phyllaries, by the very short pubescence which extends over 
the entire length of the phyllary on both its faces, and by the slightly longer and 
more slender achene. It differs from S. squarrosus by the phyllaries being pubes- 
cent and lacking the reflexed apices which give the latter its name; it also has much 
longer achenes and quite different leaves. 

This species is known to me only from eastern Java, and is apparently the only 
species from Sundaland, west of ““Wallace's Line”. A careful search eastward along 
the summits of the Sunda Islands and particularly on Timor might conceivably turn 
up additional stations or, possibly, even related species. At present S. pyrophilus 
remains an interesting phytogeographical anomaly in the distribution of erech- 
thitoid Senecio. It appears to be confined to the higher mountains at and above 
2000 meters. From the notes of Zollinger and of Koorders it seems to prefer dry 
sandy habitats or volcanic ash. 

7. SENEcIo laceratus (F. Muell.) Belcher, comb. nov. 

Erecbtites lacerata F. Muell. Linnaea 25: 417. 1852. 
Erechthites eate Benth. Fl. Austral. 3: 659. 1866, pro parte; non (A. Rich.) DC. Prodr. 

An erect annual with well-developed taproot, virtually glabrous. Stem un- 
branched below the inflorescence or with a few small branches from the medial 

32 Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 62:500. 1929. 

[Vol. 43 

axils, to 30 cm. high and disproportionately thick, up to 5 mm. in diameter at the 
base, striate, densely clothed above with numerous appressed and overlapping 
leaves. Leaves up to 8 cm. long, 3.5 cm. wide, usually not over three times as long - 
as wide, ovate-lanceolate, the lower sometimes broadly oblanceolate, irregularly 
coarse-toothed, each tooth usually with several sharply acute denticulations, the 
upper leaves less irregular, auriculate and semi-amplexicual at the base, entirely gla- 
brous. Inflorescence corymbose, rather crowded and compact especially before an- 
thesis, glabrous except for occasional minute simple hairs on peduncles and brac- 
teoles; bracts subtending main axes broadly denticulate-auriculate, rapidly tapering 
to acuminately triangular; bracteoles on peduncles broadly subulate, appressed; caly- 
culus of a few short slender subulate bracteoles. Involucre of 10 to 13 phyllaries, 
much exceeded by florets and pappus; phyllaries glabrous, to 4 mm. long, 0.5 to 
0.75 mm. wide at base, apices abruptly narrowed to acute or narrowly obtuse points 
often reflexed at maturity, lower half of phyllary strongly keeled and usually with 
a very narrow median nerve more or less prominently raised above the keel surface 
but sometimes submerged in it. Capitulum of 25 to 30 florets, of which about 10 
are hermaphroditic. Marginal florets pistillate, corolla 4-, 5-fid, 3 mm. long, fili- 
form, styles slightly exserted, style-arm apices bluntly truncated. Disc florets 
hermaphroditic, corolla 5-fid, slenderly infundibuliform, 3.5 mm. long, anthers 
minutely sagittate, style-arm apices truncate. Achenes 1.5 to 2 mm. long, short- 
cylindric, light brown and angular when immature, becoming plump, dark reddish 
brown and very indistinctly ribbed when mature, whole achene except the straw- 
colored annulus covered uniformly and rather densely with very short appressed 
papillose hairs, glabrate at maturity. Pappus white, capillary, slightly exceeding 
the florets. 

Apparently confined to the interior of Australia. 

AUSTRALIA. SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Cudnaka River, Mueller (MEL, paratype, teste Willis 
[isotype?]; Basedow Range, 20 July 1889, Tietkins (MEL, det. by Muell). NORTHERN 
TERRITORY: Bagot’s Creek, Horn Expedition, 1894, Tate (K). 

Bentham included Mueller's type of E. lacerata in his E. arguía complex, pre- 
sumably because of its rather small capitula and compact inflorescence, plus the 
resemblance of its phyllaries to the larger glabrous ones of S. bispidulus, to which 
the larger part of his description of E. arguta (S. glomeratus) applies (see below). 
Mr. J. H. Willis has kindly informed me by letter that: “Bentham treated this as 
an inland, coarse and glabrous variety of E. arguía; in which he has been followed 
ever since at the Melbourne Herbarium". Mueller, at least as late as 1889, regarded 
it as a separate species, as shown by his determination of Tietkin's collection. 

is distinctive species is especially noteworthy for the proportionately greater 
width of the leaf blade, approached among erechthitoid species only by S. papuanus, 
from which it is otherwise distinct. It is also almost entirely glabrous, a feature 
readily separating it from S. glomeratus, from which it can also be distinguished 
by the entirely regular corolla of the pistillate florets and by the uniformly and 
densely hairy (immature) achene. 



The distribution can scarcely be indicated by the three specimens seen, except 
as "inland". The Tietkins and the Tate specimens are both of terminal fragments 
only; they have leaves somewhat smaller than those of the type, and are more 
mature, The description is based on all three specimens. 

8. SENECIO papuanus (Lauterb.) Belcher, comb. nov. 
nura papuana Lauterb. Fedde's Repert. Spec. Nov. 13: 242. 1 

Perennial; stem erect, leafy toward apex but lower leaves abscissed, very nearly 
glabrous, terete, striate. Leaves 4 to 5 cm. long, 1 to 1.5 cm. wide (or larger, 
below?), gradually reduced in size upwards, cuneate, oblong, sinuate-dentate with 
3 to 5 teeth on each side, acute, glabrous above, minutely short-haired on nerves 
beneath, sometimes purplish beneath; lower subpetiolate and slenderly auriculate, 
upper sessile with coarser auricles, Inflorescences axillary and terminal, corymbose, 
of two to several capitula borne singly on peduncles 1 to 5 cm. long and bearing a 
few linear acute bracteoles 3 mm. long. Capitulum 11 mm. long, 4 to 5 mm. 
wide, with calyculus of 2 to 5 linear bracteoles subapical on the peduncle. Phyl- 
laries 12 to 14, 7 to 8 mm. long, obtuse. Marginal florets pistillate, in two rows; 
corolla filiform, apex slightly expanded and 5-fid; style-arm apices slightly domed, 
without corona. Disc florets hermaphroditic; corolla slenderly infundibuliform, 
regularly 5-fid; style arms short, apices truncate and flat with corona of very short 
diverging hairs. Achene (immature) 3 to 3.5 mm. long, slenderly subcylindric, 
not attenuate-rostrate but with expanded apical annulus; pappus multiseriate, 
white, slightly exceeding phyllaries and equaling florets. 

NEA: Kaiser-Wilhelmsland, Bolan, 2400 to 3000 m., 1913, Keysser 317 
(cited by Mattfeld as in Hb. Breslau, fragment and photograph in Hb. Berlin, both 
presumably destroyed. Isotype, BM!) ; Papua, Albert Edward Mts., central part, 3680 m., 
"common weed on burnt areas", Brass 4225 (NY); Mt. Wilhelm, on open places above 
the tree-line, 11000 to 15000 ft., 5 Aug. 1953, Semple & Rayner (MEL). Other speci- 
mens reported, but not examined this author: Southeastern New Guinea, Crest o 
Owen Stanley Range, 1889, MacGregor (MEL, holotype of Senecio erechthitoides F. 
Muell., too fragmentary now to loan) ; Northeastern New Guinea, Sarawaket Mts., 2 March 
1937, Clemens 5682 (cited by Mattfeld). 

As far as is known from these five widely scattered collections, this species is 
endemic in the mountains of eastern New Guinea at elevations above 2500 meters. 
Further explorations should clarify the nature and distribution of this distinctive 
outlier, which bears so little superficial resemblance to most other erechthitoid 
species of Senecio. It is similar to S. laceratus in the proportionately very broad 
leaf, but is readily distinguished from it by the size of the capitulum, almost twice 
as large as that of S. laceratus. 

[Vol. 43 

9. SENECIO RUNCINIFOLIUS Willis, Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensl. 62: 106, pl. 7, figs. 

34-37- 1952. 

Erecbtites picridioides Sond. & Muell. Linnaea 25: 523. 1852; non Turcz. Bull. Soc. Nat. 

Mosc. 24: 200. 1851. 

Erechthites mixta Benth. Fl. Austral. 3: 659. 1866, pro majore parte; Black, Fl. S. Austral. 
10. 1929; non (A. Rich.) DC. Prodr. 6: 297, 1858. 

Herbaceous, pale green, glabrescent, 15 to 80 cm. high, young parts and leaf 
axils slightly arachnoid-pubescent. Leaves sessile, lanceolate, acuminate, largest 
12 cm. long and 4 cm. wide at base, with up to 8 more or less retrorse sinuate-lobed 
segments on each side, uppermost leaves less toothed, with very long subfiliform 
apices. Inflorescence corymbose, lax, up to 100 capitula or more, peduncles slender, 
as much as twice as long as the calyculate capitulum. Involucre minutely arach- 
noid, glabrous in fruit; phyllaries 12-14, about 10 mm. long, 0.5 to 0.7 mm. wide, 
narrowly deltoid, with obtuse or subacute non-sphaceolate apex. Marginal florets 
pistillate, about 40, corolla slenderly filiform, usually 3-fid, often with one or two 
much deeper sinuses, giving a subligulate aspect, or sometimes unequally 4-fid, 
lobes papillose, thickened. Disc florets about 13, hermaphroditic; corolla infundi- 
buliform, tube about 0.5 mm. in diameter at base of the 5 papillose-thickened lobes; 
anthers 5, about 1 mm. long, ecaudate; style arms about 0.33 mm. long, apices 
enlarged and recurved, without fused terminal papillae. Pappus silky, lustrous, at 
length exceeding florets by 2 mm. and phyllaries by as much as 5 mm. Achene 2.5 
to 3 mm. long, about 0.3 mm. in diameter, subrostrate, 9- or 10-ribbed, with short 
suberect papilliform hairs on the ribs. 

AUSTRALIA, SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Moorundee near Blanchetown, Murray River, Feb. 
1851, Mueller (MEL ex Hb. Sonder, holotype); “towards Spencer’s Gulf”, Warburton 
(ME VICTORIA: “10 mi. west of Cohuna", Aug. 1946, Vickery (NSW); Berribee 
Tank, Murray River flood plain, 31 Aug. 1948, Willis (MEL); Cohuna, 8-9-1952 (NSW 
ex , 39” tall, lower leaves to 10" long). NEW SOUTH WALES: “ ; i 
Hill", Fraser (K, syntype of E. mixta Bede ves of E 
Fraser (BM, same gathering as preceding?); Warrego River, Western Plain: , Sept. 1885, 
Betche 15 (MEL); Warrego River, 12-8-1885 (Betche ?) (NSW); junction of Murray 
and Darling rivers, 1889, Mrs. Holding (NSW ex MEL); Zara, Wanganella, Dec. 1905, 
Officer (NSW, US); Brindingabba, Arrara, 1912, Boorman (NSW, “eaten by stock 
voraciously") ; Nelia Yari (Menindee Dist.), 20 Nov. 1947, Constable (NSW de 


This is a comparatively rare plant, apparently confined to riparian habitats 
mostly in the Murray River system, and to be expected in, but not yet reported 
from its extensions into extreme southern Queensland. Its scarcity may be explained 
by the note on Boorman's specimen. 

As pointed out by Willis, this species was originally described from very depau- 
perate specimens, and under a name already preoccupied. Bentham evidently 
recognized the relationship between the type and the more robust specimen from 
Spencer's Gulf. To these he united collections by Robert Brown and by Fraser, 
and identified the whole group with E. mixta DC. His description was entirely 
original and applies well to the Fraser specimens. Neither the description nor the - 
specimens agree with Richard's type of S. mixtus, which belongs to the genus 
Arrhenechthites. ‘The “Memory Cove, R. Brown" specimen cited by Bentham as 



E. mixta appears to be "Senecio plebejus 8, Memory Cove, R. Brown 2282” (BM!). 
Too over-mature for accurate identification, it belongs in the vicinity of S. bispi- 
dulus, with glabrous achenes. It is neither S. mix£us nor S. runcinifolius, definitely. 

There should be no confusion between this species and the similarly named S. 
runcinatus Less., a true discoid Senecio from Mexico, which has a large leaf up to 
30 cm. long and 12 cm. wide with its margin closely set with callus-tipped teeth 
and the runcinate lobes at essentially right angles, instead of reflexed. Lessing's 
species was erroneously placed in Erechtites by de Candolle, but must be excluded 
from that genus. 

The material examined includes five of the six collections cited by Willis, 
through whose kindness I was able to examine them. The 1952 specimen from 
Cohuna appears to be part of a collection received by Willis after the publication 
of his paper. In a personal communication he stated that it has: "robust stems 
twice as tall as the limit fixed in my diagnosis", which was forty centimeters, I 
have emended the diagnosis accordingly. 

10. SENECIO wairauensis Belcher, nom. nov. 
HE glabrescens 'T. Kirk, Trans. N. Z. Inst. 9: 550. 1877; Student's Fl. N. Z. 
s e spiun, Man. N. Z. Fl. ed. 1. Se? Lond ed. 2. 1008. 1925; Illus. N, z H 
- 1914; non DC. Prodr. 6: 295. 
E Bes a Ts DC. var. B minor Hook. ` Fl. N. Z. 141. 1853. 

Stem herbaceous, erect, sulcate, 30 to 80 cm. tall, simple or sparingly branched 
above, glabrous throughout or with a few minute soft hairs in the grooves of the 
peduncles; leafy. Leaves suberect, crowded and overlapping, up to 15 cm. long, 5 
cm. wide, gradually reduced in size upward usually with little change in propor- 
tions, sessile, often auriculate-amplexicaul or even sagittate below an attenuated 
narrowly winged petiole, or rarely merely sessile without auricles, varying from 
oblong-linear and obtuse to broadly oblong with a large ovate terminal lobe, sinu- 
ate-dentate, sinuate-lobate, or pinnatifid with denticulate lobes, glabrous or with 
soft hairs scattered on lower surface, especially along nerves, and more sparsely on 
upper surface, wings of petiole often ciliolate, blade very thin and membranous 
when dried, often purplish beneath. Inflorescences terminal and axillary, race- 
mose in bud, becoming paniculate or subcorymbose. Capitula borne singly on 
slender peduncles of irregular length, often 1 to 2 cm. long, 3 to 8 (to 14) per 
branch, never solitary. Peduncles glabrous or with a few minute hairs in grooves; 
two or three linear-subulate bracteoles 3 to 5 mm. long on the peduncle proper, 
and one slightly longer bract subtending each peduncle. Phyllaries of involucre 
(10 to) 12 to 14, 6 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide, glabrous, shorter than florets and 
Pappus, keel bearing two broad low nerves with a narrow median fissure between 
them, margins scarious, apices shortly acute. Pistillate florets 10 to 15, hermaphro- 
ditic florets 20 to 25. Marginal florets pistillate or occasionally with some rudi- 
mentary stamens also, with style-arm apices truncate and without hairs; corolla 
4-fid, filiform, 4 mm. long. Disc florets hermaphroditic, style-arm apices truncate 
with a marginal fringe of a few short hairs; corolla 5-fid, slenderly infundibu- 

[Vol. 43 

liform. Achenes long-tapered, subcylindric, non-rostrate but with slightly expand- 
ed annulus, faintly ribbed, glabrous or sparsely white-haired in the grooves, 4 mm. 
long. Pappus very fine, capillary, white, slightly exceeding florets. 

New ZEALAND: SOUTH ISLAND: Roto Iti, Kirk 824 (K, syntype and lectotype) ; 
Wairau Gorge, 3000 ft., Cheeseman (K, extreme marginal florets 3-fid, pistillate, next 
k Di 

wh a 
S. dunedinensis) ; Canterbury, Southern Alps, 2000-4000 ft., 1862, Haast 527 (K) ; Otago, 
Lyall (K, very immature); Lake District, Hector % Buchanan 2 (K, very immature); 

i . Benth., det. as E. prenanthoides var. B, leaves very narrow 
. Hook., right specimen only, left is S. biserratus). STEWART 
ISLAND: "In arenosis maritimis", Gode , immature, peduncles lanate, det. E. arguta). 
Also reported by Cheeseman from a few localities on North Island. 

Kirk's sketchy original description of this endemic New Zealand species was 
only slightly amplified by him later. Cheeseman gave an improved description 
and a good figure. This is a well-defined, valid species which, because of its trun- 
cated and unappendaged style arm, is certainly a Senecio, not an Erechtites. The 
new epithet is based on Kirk’s identification of the original locality of Travers. 

Hooker’s diagnosis of E. prenanthoides var. minor is simply, “var. B, minor; 
foliis sinuato-lobatis subpinnatifidisve". In the description of the species, further, 
the leaves are, “all sharply toothed, lobed and pinnatifid throughout their length in 
var. B." But the two specimens cited by Hooker for this variety, "Milford Sound 
and Otago, Lyall", unmistakably are referable to this species and not to S. minimus 

— E. prenanthoides DC.). Furthermore, in Hooker's annotated copy of the 
"Flora of New Zealand’ in the library at Kew he has written, "Also Haast 132, 25”, 
in the margin beside var. minor. This sheet, determined as var. B in Hooker’s 
script, is S. wairauensis except for the right-hand specimen. 

11. SENEcIo dunedinensis Belcher, nom. nov. 

Erecbtites diversifolia D. Petrie, Trans. & Proc. N. Z. Inst. 19: 323-324. 1887; non Senecio 
diversifolius Du Mort., 1827 

slender erect herb from a perennial rootstock, unbranched or only sparingly 
branched below the inflorescence, and the inflorescence more or less branched. Stem 
shallowly sulcate, glabrescent or sparsely cottony, leafy for its entire length, the 
lower leaves slightly crowded. Radical leaves to 3.5 cm. long, 6 mm. wide, 
oblanceolate, long-attenuate to subpetiolate; cauline leaves as large as 6 cm. long, 
mm. wide, linear-lanceolate to linear-oblong, shortly attenuate to sessile but not 
clasping; margins remotely sinuate-denticulate on lower leaves, becoming sub- 
entire on upper leaves; blades glabrescent to sparsely arachnoid beneath, nowhere 
hispid. Inflorescences terminal and axillary, corymbose, with relatively few capi- 
tula, at first moderately congested, becoming very lax at full maturity, peduncles 
glabrous or sparsely arachnoid, with 2 to 6 subulate purple-tipped bracteoles 2 mm. 
long or less. Capitula calyculate; involucre of 12 to 14 phyllaries; phyllaries 5 to 
5.5 mm. long, shorter than florets and pappus, sparsely and very shortly glandular- 


pubescent, apices rather suddenly narrowed and then prolonged in a bluntly 
acuminate point, shortly ciliolate and darkened, keels basally two-ridged with a 
median nerve emerging midway and becoming more prominent as the ridges are 
reduced, margins scarious. Pistillate florets marginal in two rows, corolla 4-fid, 
lobes thick-tipped; hermaphroditic florets central, 5-fid, lobes thick-tipped. 
Achenes somewhat fusiform, slightly constricted below the expanded rim, 3 mm 
long, nerves prominent, rounded, rather narrow, grooves very narrow, hairs short, 
white, suberect on or beside the nerves but not in the bottom of the grooves. Pappus 
very fine, slender, equaling the florets and much exceeding the phyllaries. 

NEw ZEALAND. SOUTH ISLAND: Otago, Naseby, 1800 ft., Dec. 1892, W. Petrie 858 
(K, det. as "Erechtites diversifolia D. Petrie, ex Herb. W. Pere. Dunedin.") ; interior of 
Otago, D. Petrie (NSW, undated); Prov. Canterbury, 1860-61, Sinclair & Haast 132, 25 
(K, Mo hand specimen weg others being S. wairauensis) ; Canterbury, Godley River bed, 
Haast 617 (K). 

SCH did not designate a type nor cite any specimens for E. diversifolia. 1 do 
not find that any other author has designated a type, although several gatherings 
have been listed. I did not, in limited correspondence, locate a collection by Petrie 
dating from 1887 that might have served as his type. The Petrie specimen at Kew, 
collected some years later, agrees with the description and could serve as neotype if 
further search for the holotype should be unsuccessful. 

Cheeseman? reported this species on North, South, and Stewart Islands, and 
common in some places. Judging from its scanty representation in the herbaria, 
it must be rather rarely collected. I have named it S. dunedinensis in allusion to 
the type locality. Although apparently not very close to any other erechthitoid 
species, its leaf and achene suggest S. wairauensis, from which it can be distin- 
guished by its smaller capitula and shorter phyllaries. 

12. SENECIO QUADRIDENTATUS Labill. Nov. Holl. Pl. Spec. 2: 48, tab 194. 1806. 

Neoceis tomentosa Cass. Dict. Sci. Nat. 48: 458. 1827, nom. prov 

ae ee A. Rich. Sert. oe 96. 1834, non $ prenanthoides DC. 
r. 6, 1838, which is S. min 

pad ras es os M pa (Labill.) DC. ode: 6: 295. 1838, et auct. 

SE glabrescens DC. Prodr. 6: 295, 1838; non T. Kirk, Trans. N. Z. Inst. 9: 550. 

Erechtites glandulosa DC. Prodr. 6: 295. 

S landulosus Cunningh. apud Doe x Se E? IE 28:498. 1845. 

Starts glabrescens (DC.) Sch. Bip. Flora 28: 498. 

Erecbtites incana 'Turcz. Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 24: Se 

e quadridentata var. glabrescens (DC.) ub "TL Austral. 3: 660. 1866, pro 

Reid erecta F. Muell. ex Lange, Bot. Tids. 4: 6. 1874. 

Perennial; stems erect, striate, densely incanous-arachnoid to lanate when 
young, more or less glabrate later, nowhere hispid or scabrid, sparingly or much 
branched below the inflorescence, with branches suberect to erect. Leaves linear 
to lanceolate and as much as 9 cm. long and 0.3 cm. wide or sometimes the lower 

53 Man. N. Z. Fl. p. 1007. 1925. 

[Vol. 43 

ones oblong-lanceolate, sessile, attenuated toward the base, sometimes with minute 
linear and simple auricles, more or less minutely and distantly callose-denticulate, 
usually revolute, typically densely arachnoid to lanate especially when young, some- 
times becoming subglabrous especially on upper side, acute to subacuminate. Inflo- 
rescences terminal and axillary, forming corymbose cymes, slightly congested be- 
coming lax, usually densely arachnoid, sometimes glabrate; capitula calyculate with 
linear bracteoles about 2 mm. long; phyllaries of the involucre 11 to 13, 6.5 to 8 
mm. long, 0.4 to 0.5 mm. wide, at first arachnoid later glabrate towards the apices, 
2-nerved with nerves prominent on the lower third only, acuminate, ciliolate. 
Marginal florets pistillate with filiform (3-) 4-fid corolla 5.5 to 6 mm. long. Disc 
florets hermaphroditic with slenderly infundibuliform 4- (5-) fid corolla with blunt 
lobes papillose-thickened apically. Achenes 2.5 to 5 (to 4) mm. long, straight or 
slightly arcuate, more or less attenuate-rostrate, narrow grooves between broadly 
flattened ribs beset with short white subappressed hairs, reddish or olive-brown at 
maturity. Pappus multiseriate, niveous, exceeding the phyllaries by 2 mm., equal- 
ling the florets. 

AUSTRALIA. TASMANIA: "Nova Hollandia in capite Van-Dieman", Labillardiére (FI, 

een", 13 1878, Beccari (Fl); Blackman's Bay, Feb. 1929, Rodway H506 ) 
"Between Nat’l. Park and Westerway in railway cutting", 30 N 7 
TH WALES: ckson, Gaudicbaud 4 (P, holotype of S. prenantboides 

A. Rich.; G. Prodr.) ; Barham, 13 Oct. 1949, Vickery : : 
Vale, 17 ‘Nov: 1843, Roberiton 691 (K); Werribee, 24 RS 2, Morrison (K); 14 Jan. 


1924, Williamson (F, center and right; left is S. glom d Melbourne, Tooroorong, 8 
Nov. 1936, Mauritzon (S). SOUTH AUSTRALIA; “Austr. felix, Exp. Novara", Mueller 
(W); js cin meridional.", Mueller (Fl, W); Mt. Lofty ranges, Sept. 1903, Koch 
$37 (K). TERN AUSTRA LIA: Swan River, Drummond 379 (FI; K, 4 sheets; W; iso- 
types vd En incana EL urcz.); dw idis Hugel (W); Toodyay, Preiss 73, 126 (S). 

NORTH ISLAND Sait? Ps Woodhill, Kapara, Oct. 1882 
Geer US). OUTH ISLAND: Can EPA Waiau Marble Quarry, limestone cit 
Dec. 1936, Lotbian (K); Prov. Ca ee 860-61, Sinclair & Haast 321 (W); Awatere, 
Kirk 17 (US); Central Otago, Alexandra, 15 Nov. 1929, Sledge 391 (K). 

IMOR: Decaisne (P). 

This was the first of the erecthitoid species of Senecio to be published. The type 
material, including the holotype sheet which has pinned to it the manuscript draft 
of the original description plus four specimens, reveals much of the range of varia- 
tion in habit, leaf shape, and pubescence of this species. Subsequent collections 
have added to the known variation, and several extremes have received specific 
rank. There has been apparent introgression with allied species, especially S. 
hispidulus, and some such states have also been described as species, It is doubtful 
if a really satisfactory disposal of all the names in this complex can be made without 
intensive experimental investigation. | 

Richard redescribed S. quadridentatus Labill., making the corolla lobes non- 
glandular. He then described S. prenanthoides to contrast sharply with his S. 
bispidulus. But both his specimens of the former two have corolla lobes glandu- 


lose-papillose, and are in full agreement except for pubescence. The inflorescence 
of Gaudichaud 4, the holotype of S. prenanthoides, is virtually glabrous, although 
what pubescence there is, particularly on the phyllaries, is arachnoid, as on Labil- 
lardiére’s types. These extremes of pubescence are unite by specimens showing 
all intermediate degrees, and by some which show one extreme on one branch and 
the other on another. I can not justify retaining S. prenanthoides even as a form. 

The type of E. glabrescens DC., Cunningham 134 (G!), is quite comparable to 
Gaudichaud 4 in pubescence but has less revolute leaves. Broader subpetiolate 
basal leaves also give this and similar specimens a somewhat different aspect, 
although such leaves probably develop normally in this species but are usually lost 
before maturity. They certainly were present on seedlings raised from Tasmanian 
achenes furnished me by Dr. Curtis. This specimen is identical in floral details 
with the type of S. quadridentatus. 

The variety glabrescens Benth., defined by specimens determined by him at 
Kew, included not only the specimens of Cunningham 61 which accurately repre- 
sent E. glabrescens DC., but also such diverse elements as Adamson 343 and Gunn 
508 (Circular Head), which appear to be hybrids between S. quadridentatus and 
S. hispidulus A. Rich. Bentham regarded E. glandulosa DC. as a luxuriant state of 
E. quadridentata. The type, Cunningham 141 (G!), is definitely related to S. 
quadridentatus by achene, leaf shape, and lanate-arachnoid pubescence, but differs 
in being less pubescent and in having larger and auriculate leaves. I agree with 
Bentham, although the auricles may be evidence of hybridity with S. hispidulus. 

Erechtites erecta Mueller ex Lange has never been indexed as published, prob- 
ably because the name occurred in a discussion of the affinities of E. Muelleri, writ- 
ten in Danish. I am indebted to Mr. W. C. Worsdell at Kew for a translation of 
Lange’s article, from which I quote the passages pertaining to E. erecta: 

"This second name of Müller's (E. erecta) is ascribed to a plant which differs from 
that kee? — Ge Mueller E denser and longer, mei loose f over oi entire € (also 
iff and earl eaves, 

on the upper s f the leaves), by st erect, rly adpressed, narrow linea 

with sug EN eed d margins and almost dese of a, E. more rigid ye sd more 
congested on and a distinct ee - the achene. This E. erecta F. Mill., sched. pl. 
exsic aer in ]l.) agrees fairly closely with the original S. quadri- 

(no Bth. d : 
dogs Labill. fl. nov. po ae 194, and with the ‘description of the same in DC, per- 
haps answers to the nii Bth. & Müll., mpa pS vini Se ok very v": white, 
leaves mostly fuh, Pon entire SE a few r eeth’. must be n i 
most leaves on the Müller specimens are not stalked, ut San bad: iker. they are not ‘oblong’ 

linear . 

ut just narrowly 

I consider this valid publication. 

I have not seen Lange’s type, but have seen a number of sheets determined as 
E. erecta, some by Mueller himself. These specimens bear out Lange’s description, 
except that the achenes vary some in the attenuation of the neck. The differences 
between these specimens and typical S. quadridentatus are in the direction of greater 
xeromorphism, and probably are an ecological adptation to the more arid conditions 
of South Australia, from which most of the authentic material has come. Lange’s 
tentative identification, with var. Gunnii Benth. (= E. Gunnii Hk. f.) is of course 

[Vol. 43 

not supported by comparison with Hooker: type. I regard this simply as an 
extreme of S. quadridentatus, lacking sufficient discontinuity from the type to be 

13. Senecio gunnii (Hook. f.) Belcher, comb. nov. 
Erechtites Gunnii Hook. f. Lond. Jour. Bot. 6: 122. 1847; Fl. Tasm. 1: 220, tab 63. 1860. 
Erecbtbites quadridentata var. Gunnii (Hk. £.) Benth. Fl. Austral. 3: 660. 1866. 
Perennial from rhizome, annual shoots herbaceous or slightly woody at base. 
Stems erect, arachnoid to lanate but eventually glabrate. Leaves sparsely arachnoid 
and hispidulous above, moderately lanate and hispid beneath; lower ones obtusely 
oblanceolate or obovate-lanceolate, 8 (to 12) cm. long, 1.5 (to 1.8) cm. wide, 
subentire but minutely denticulate, base long-attenuate and subpetiolate, slightly 
broadened at attachment and sometimes with small auricles 1 to 2 mm. long; 
upper ones smaller, sessile, not attenuate. Inflorescences a corymbose-panicle, 
varying from rather compact to lax, branches lanate to arachnoid or eventually 
glabrate, capitula several to numerous on rather short peduncles, calyculi lanate; 
phyllaries 11 to 13, 6 mm. long, glabrous, minutely glandular-papillose, or basally 
sparsely arachnoid, more or less prominently keeled, 2-nerved, often purplish, apices 
acuminate, ciliolate; marginal florets pistillate, corolla filiform, apices of the 4 
lobes thickened-glandulose. Disc florets hermaphroditic, corolla subfiliform, 
slightly and abruptly dilated above, apices of the 5 lobes thickened-glandulose; 
anther bases obtusely lobulate. Achenes 3 mm. long, slightly arcuate, light brown, 
strongly ribbed, with short white hairs in deep grooves between the ribs or lacking, 
apex definitely attenuate-rostrate. Pappus slightly exceeding phyllaries and flo- 
rets, white. 

AUSTRALIA. TASMANIA: Marlboro, Jan. 1841, Gunn 700/1842 (K, syntype; NSW); 
Arthur’s Lakes, 17 Jan. 1843, Gunn 700 (K, syntype; NSW); 1844, Gunn 700 (K ex Hb. 
Benth.) ; Western Mountains, 18 Feb. 1843, Gunn 700 

Lake on 
Bronte Road, 27 Jan. 1949, Burbidge 3426 (HO). victoria: Yarra Yarra, Mueller (K); (?) 
Mt. St. Bernard, Jan. 1899, Walker (NSW); Mt. Hotham, Jan. 1900, Maiden (NSW); 
Buffalo Mt., 4300 ft., 19 Jan. 1913, Cambage 3753 (NSW). NEW souTH WALES: Watcha 
Road, Dec. 1893, Kretschmann (NSW); Mt. Kosciusko, Jan. 1898, Maiden (NSW); 
Thredbo River, Jan. 1899, Maiden es Forsyth (NSW); Bemberi Peak, 6100 ft., 15 Jan. 
1912, Cambage 3441 (NSW); Kosciusko, 9 March 1949 Skottsberg (NSW, S); near 
Charlotte Pass, 14 March 1949, Skottsberg 174 (S). 

In the original publication of Erechtites Gunnii, Hooker merely stated: “Hab. 
Alpine situations, Gunn.” In the ‘Flora Tasmaniae’ he cited Gunn YOO; and" ... 
Arthur's Lakes, Marlborough, etc. Lawrence, Gunn.” One sheet of Gunn 700 at 
Kew has two gatherings, "Gunn 700, Arthur’s Lakes, 17/1/45, V. D. Land", and 
"Gunn 700/1842, Marlboro, 5/1/41." Beside the former are the diagnostic figures 
drawn for plate 63 in the ‘Flora Tasmaniae”. Below the latter specimen is “Erech- 
lites Gunnii" in Hooker's script. I interpret these gatherings as the syntypes. This 
same sheet has been annotated by Bentham as the variety. 



The systematic status of S. gunnii is still somewhat uncertain. It is surely 
closely allied to S. quadridentatus. That it may be a hybrid between, say, S. 
minimus and S. quadridentatus, with perhaps some introgression into S. bispidulus, 
can not be ruled out entirely without cytogenetic study. The principal argument 
against its hybridity is its lack of variability in those features which intergrade in 
the group of putative hybrids between S. bispidulus and S. quadridentatus. On the 
other hand, Bentham may have been right in considering it a variety of S. quad- 
ridentatus. Pending further clarification, I side with Rodway?* in considering it 
a species. 

From the elevations given by the collectors, S. gunnii appears to be alpine and 
subalpine in distribution. The only other ecological datum available to me is that 
of Gunn, preserved in the type cover at Kew: “Very common on the summits of 
the Western Mountains, growing in moist places in the pasturage.” 

14. SENECIO GLOMERATUS Desf. ex Poiret in Lam. Encyc. Suppl. 5: 130. 1817. 

Senecio glomeratus Desf. Cat. Hort. Paris. 124. 1815, nomen nudum; ex Link, Enum. Hort. 
erol. 2 : 

Erechtites glomerata and vars. subincisa and polycephala DC. Prodr. 6: 297, 1838. 

Neoceis microcephala Cass. Dict. Sci. Nat. 34: 388. 1825 

Senecio argutus A. Rich. Fl. Nouv. Zél. 258, 1832; Sert. Astrolabe, 104. 1834; Endl. 

Prod. Fl. Norf. 51. 1833; non Kunth in HBK. Nov. Gen. & Spec. 4: 183, 1820. 
Erechtites arguta (A. Rich.) DC. Prodr. 6: 296. 1838; Cheesm. Man. N. Z. Fl. 364. 1906; 

ibid. ed. 2, 1007. 1925; Hook. f. Fl. N. Zeal. 1: 142. 1853, pro parte; Fl. Tasm. 1: 

219. 1860, pro parte; Benth. Fl. Austral. 3: 659. 1866, pro parte; Rodway, Tasm. Fl. 

95. 1903, pro parte; Black, Fl. S. Austral. 4: 610. 1929, pro parte. 

Senecio Lessonianus Sch. Bip. Flora 28: 498. 1845; non Steud. Nom. ed. 2, 2: 562. 1841. 
Senecio plebeius Banks & Soland. ex Hook. f. Fl. N. Z. 1: 142. 1853, ut syn., nom. nud. 
Senecio Lessoni F. Muell. Ann. Rept. Gov't. Bot. 26. 1858, mom. nud. (publ, as nom. nov. 
for “E. an , error for E. arguta?). 

Annual (?) ; stem erect, herbaceous or slightly woody at base, simple or branch- 
ing above, more or less densely arachnoid-pubescent, sometimes glabrate below, 
often sublanate on juvenile parts and inflorescences. Leaves ovate-lanceolate to 
linear-lanceolate, variable in length and width and in length-width ratio but usual- 
ly more than three times as long as wide, denticulate and revolute to irregularly and 
coarsely sharp-toothed to sinuate-lobate with obtuse sinuses and callose-denticulate 
deltoid lobes to more or less profoundly pinnatifid with long lanceolate denticulate 
or subincised acute or obtuse lobes, sessile, usually auriculate; lower leaves some- 
times subpetiolate above the auricles; sparsely arachnoid to glabrate above, more 
densely arachnoid beneath. Inflorescences terminal and axillary, forming a con- 
gested corymbose panicle, arachnoid to lanate, rarely glabrate after anthesis, capitula 
small, 5 to 7 mm. long, 2 to 3 mm. wide, borne singly or in small clusters, calycu- 
late; phyllaries 11 to 13, 3.5 to 5 mm. long, usually near 4 mm., with basal one- 
third to one-half usually densely short-arachnoid to lanate, or rarely glabrate after 
fructescence, obscurely 2- to 3-nerved, acute to acuminate, minutely ciliolate at 
the apex. Marginal florets pistillate, occasionally with rudimentary stamens, with 
corolla filiform, usually 3-fid, sometimes irregularly 2-fid and subligulate. Disc 

9^ Tasmanian Flora. pp. 94-95. 1905. 

[Vol. 43 

florets hermaphroditic, with slenderly infundibuliform corolla 4-, 5-fid, and with 
style-arm apices truncated. Achene short-subcylindric, 1.5 mm. long or less, not 
attenuate-rostrate, ribbed, with short whitish or tawny subappressed hairs between 
the ribs. Pappus white, capillary, exceeding involucre, subequalling florets. 
CULTIVATED: "Senecio quadridentatus Labill. Senecio glomeratus h. par." (FI, Hb. 
Webb. ex Hb. Desf., 2 pieces, right-hand one designated as neotype); "Senecio aggregatus 
hort. Paris., 1813" (P); “Jardin des Plantes . . . October 1816” (K ex Hb. Gay, det. as S. 

glomeratus Poir.) ; "Senecio glomeratus h. pl. 1815” (G Prodr., syntype of E. glomerata 
var. subincisa DC.). 

Bridgeport, April 1946, Wilson (HO); Somerset, Feb. 1948, Curtis (HO). WESTERN 
AUSTRALIA: "Riv. des Cygnes", iter Baudin (P); Swan River, 1839, Drummond 
Drummond 257 (W). SOUTH AUSTRALIA: “Aust i 

( ra. 
, 2, marginal florets frequently more or less ligulate, next row sometimes perfect 

ne, Nov. 1936, Mauritzon (S); Sand- 
ringham, Nov. 1936, Meebold 21799 (NSW). NEW souTH waLEs: Mt. Koscuisko, 

NEw ZEALAND. NORTH ISLAND: “Ad riv. Punakitere, Nov. 1874", Berggren (S); 
Auckland, Panmore, Kirk (F); Auckland, Cheeseman (F); Wellington, " 
sea to 2000 ft., common," March 1909, Travers (G Deless., W) 

de l'Astrolabe, détroit de Cook" (P, holotype of S. argutus A. Rich.); Lake Dist. in the 
bush, March, Hector & Buchanan 3 (K). WITHOUT SPECIFIC LOCAL : "Seneci bius" 

cino County, July 1931, Jones 29097 (BM, F); San Mateo Co., open rocky hills, Sharp 
cum es Rose 13980 (W); Humboldt County, Spruce Cove, Trinidad, Parks 24033 
» 9): 

Poiret’s description is rather difficult to apply literally to the herbarium mate- 
rial to which his epithet has been applied, the disagreement being mainly with leaf 
shape and pubescence. The name was based on a living plant, and there might 
be no holotype. I have, however, obtained from Florence a sheet with two speci- 
mens from Desfontaines’ herbarium, which is ticketed “Senecio quadridentatus 
Labillard. Compos. h. p., S. glomeratus h. Par." The latter determination is in 
the same script and ink used on the holotype of S. minimus Poir., and is, I believe, 
in Poiret’s writing. I therefore select the right-hand specimen on this sheet as 
neotype of Senecio glomeratus Desf. ex Poir. 

The two specimens have somewhat different leaf forms. The neotype approxi- 
mates Poiret’s description of the leaf as linear-lanceolate, incised or toothed, but 
clearly shows a few pinnatifid leaves near the base. The specimen on the left 
accords well with the description of S. glomeratus Desf. ex Link as petiolate and 
pinnatifid. It also agrees with a number of specimens bearing determinations as _ 




S. glomeratus Desf., most of which, like the one in the Prodromus Herbarium, were 
taken from cultivation. These two specimens are in excellent agreement in floral 
characters; both were included in the determination, and I see no basis for separat- 
ing them. Nor could I justify forming subspecific categories of this variable 
species on such an unstable basis as these foliar differences, when every degree of 
intergradation exists in the material. 

Richard based S. argutus on a scrappy specimen, little more than an inflores- 
cence, from New Zealand. The floral characters of this specimen, and of a some- 
what larger pair of branches from Richard’s herbarium, ticketed simply as “Senecio 
argutus nob., Nie Zélande", are unmistakably those of S. glomeratus. The same is 
true for the sheet of six fragmentary specimens collected by the naturalists of the 
Baudin expedition from “Nouv. Holl. détr. d'Entrecasteaux” (Tasmania), which 
Richard determined as Senecio argutus. He rightly cited these as extending the 
range of this species to Australia. 

The d'Urville specimen cited by de Candolle in the ‘Prodromus’, in contrast to 

«the one retained by Richard, has quite pinnatifid leaves but agrees with Richard's 
type and description in pubescence and floral features. This New Zealand speci- 
men forms the basis for “Erechtites arguta . . . Senecio argutus A. Rich. et 
Lesson. . . . non Kunth” in the ‘Prodromus. De Candolle also maintained E. 
glomerata as a distinct species, and even placed it in a different section of the 
genus! The holotype of his typical variety is a specimen "ex itin. Baudin", which 
is almost an exact replica of the left-hand specimen on the Baudin sheet cited by 
Richard as S. argutus. These two specimens likely are of the same gathering, 
possibly even from the same plant! 

With this merely sinuate-dentate specimen de Candolle associated two coarsely 
lobate to pinnatifid specimens as E. glomerata var. subincisa DC. This was based 
on "Senecio glomeratus Desf.! hort. Paris 1824 [sic!]. Poir. Suppl. 5. p. 130. 
Link enum, 2. p. 325. Neoceis microcephala Cass. dict. 34. p. 388. (v. v. et KI 
These specimens approach the left-hand specimen from Desfontaines' herbarium, 
but do not quite equal it in depth of lobing and slenderness of lobes. One is 
ticketed as "Senecio glomeratus h. pl. 1815", and is probably the basis for the 
exclamation mark after the basonym, since with de Candolle that meant that he 
had seen the "type". The other specimen establishes the earliest date, 1807, which 
I find for this species in cultivation. 

The type of E. glomerata var. polycephala, from Port Western on Bass Strait, 
has a somewhat larger capitulum with larger and wider bracts than usual, and three 
large leaves which are merely shallowly dentate. Although I have seen no other 
specimen which exactly duplicates this, it is definitely a part of the S. glomeratus 
complex. It is linked to the more typical state by several collections, notably the 
Travers specimen from Wellington, on which the phyllaries were 5 mm. long and 
the leaves similarly large. I therefore regard var. polycepbala as only a luxuriant 
state of S. glomeratus. 

[Vol. 43 

J. D. Hooker disregarded E. glomerata and took up E. arguta in his floristic 
papers on Australasia. In attempting to deal with the extreme polymorphism 
shown by the (hybrid) material in his herbarium,® he created four varieties of E. 
arguta for Tasmanian specimens, and later formed two varieties for New Zealand 
specimens. These specimens are at Kew, duly annotated. 

Hooker: var. a of New Zealand is typified by Akaroa, Raoul 31 (K), which 
I regard as a hybrid between S. glomeratus and S. hispidulus (probably var. scaber- 
ulus). His var. 8 of New Zealand agrees well enough with typical S. glomeratus. His 
var. B glabrata of Tasmania is typified by two mixed sheets at Kew, of which that 
part which most closely matches the brief description again appears to be another 
hybrid of the above parentage, while the other specimens are more like pure S. 
glomeratus. Hooker attributed his var. y asper to S. asper Cunn. I have failed to 
find this name published, and if it were it would be a later homonym of S. asper 
Ait. This variety is typified by Hooker 1125 and by “near Woolworth, 25 Nov. 
1836, Gunn 843”. These were compared with Richard's types, and agreed most 
closely with S. pusillus A. Rich., which I consider a depauperate state of another 
hybrid between S. glomeratus and S. bispidulus. Var 8 obovata is good S. glomera- 
643/1842", is much the same type of plant as the hybrid var. a of New Zealand. 
tus. Var. e, without an epithet, typified by “Circular Head, 11 Dec. 1837, Gunn 
Thus E. arguta Hk. f. includes both S. glomeratus and some hybrids of it with S. 

Bentham consolidated these errors by accepting as F. bispidula 3 mixed group 
of large-headed specimens including S. squarrosus, and by placing the then nameless 
specimens of S. bispidulus, along with hybrids of it with S. glomeratus, in with the 
true S. glomeratus material as E. arguta (sensu Bentbami). A large part of Ben- 
tham's description of E. arguta applies much more to S. bispidulus than to S. 
glomeratus, and some parts apply only to the former and its hybrids. 

Of modern authors, only Cheeseman seems to have had an accurate conception 
of this taxon, under the name of E. arguta DC. Neither his key to species nor 
his description reveals any confusion with S. bispidulus. Rodway followed Bent- 
ham exactly. Black similarly followed Bentham, even to the inclusion of his var. 
microcepbala, which is better treated as a distinct species (see S. laticostatus). 

15. SENECIO laticostatus Belcher, nom. nov. 

Erechthites arguta var. microcephala Benth. Fl. Austral. 3: 659. 
microcephalus Phil. 1894. 

Stem striate, arachnoid, apparently simple below the inflorescence, basal part 
unknown. Leaves to 6 cm. long, 2.5 cm. wide, pinnately lobed, lobes triangular 
to oblong, sharply toothed, base auriculate, semiamplexicaul especially upward, 
sparsely hispid and arachnoid and rough above, copiously arachnoid beneath. Inflo- 
rescence a compact corymbose panicle of numerous capitula, few or solitary on 

1866; non Senecio 

35 Lond. Jour. Bot. 6:122. 1847. 
36 Bot, Antarct. Voy. II. Fl. N. Z. 1:142. 1853. 


peduncles from 0.5 to 5 cm. long, branches striate, arachnoid, peduncles strongly 
striate, moderately arachnoid, the linear-lanceolate entire bracts virtually glabrous, 
receptacles lanate. Capitula short, comparatively broad; phyllaries of involucre 
about 12 to 13, slightly lanate at the base, glabrous at the apex, 3.5 to 4 mm. long, 
0.5 to 0.75 mm. wide at base, the center portion about 0.1 to 0.2 mm. wide between 
the scarious margins which rapidly taper toward the apex so that the apical 0.75 
to 1.0 mm. is essentially without scarious margins and is long and slenderly acumin- 
ate, even in early bud, when the phyllaries may equal or exceed 3 mm. while the 
florets are still less than 1 mm. long. Marginal florets pistillate, 20 to 25, corolla 
slender, 3- or 4-fid, 2.5 to 2.75 mm. long. Disc florets hermaphroditic, 3 or 4 in 
number, corolla 3.0 to 3.25 mm. long, thick, apex 1.5 mm. in circumference, with 
4 obtusely deltoid lobes, each 0.4 mm. wide and 0.3 mm. long, anthers 1 mm. long; 
florets at anthesis exceeding phyllaries by about 1 mm. Achene (somewhat im- 
mature) olive-green, 1.5 mm. long, cylindric, non-attenuate, glabrous, having 5 
extremely narrow thin high ridges extending its full length. Pappus hairs white, 
unequal in length but mostly equaling or slightly exceeding the phyllaries, shorter 
than the florets. 
Known to me only from the holotype collection. 

AUSTRALIA: Flats beyond the Brodribb River, Jan. 1855, Mueller (MEL holotype). 

Mueller gave to the type specimen a manuscript name in Erechtites; Bentham 
adopted his trivial as the varietal epithet. The new epithet, Jaticostatus, alludes 
to the unique fin-like ribs of the achene. The type specimen has a somewhat 
anomalous growth pattern, as though it had been broken over prior to flowering. 
The leaves are highly suggestive of the more coarsely lobate forms of S. glomeratus, 
differing unreliably in having somewhat coarser denticulations on the median lobes. 
The floral features, however, are unique, particularly the short broad 4-fid corolla 
of the few disc florets, with bluntly deltoid lobes, the short phyllaries with acumin- 
ate non-scarious apices, and the five-finned short achene. Furthermore, the ped- 
uncles of S. glomeratus are shorter and more lanate than those of S. laticostatus, and 
the involucre of the former is much more pubescent than that of the latter. 

It is possible that the type specimen is a hybrid between S. glomeratus and some 
discoid species of Senecio, in some of which there is an approach to this type of 
corolla, But I have yet to encounter any species which might have contributed 
the unique features of the phyllaries and the achene. Furthermore, the pollen 
grains are well formed, lacking the abortive grains one would expect from a wide 
cross. I have seen no other specimen of this taxon, which in itself is suspicious, 
but I see no alternative to treating it as a good species, perhaps related to but 
certainly distinct from S. glomeratus. 

16. SENECIO HisPIDULUS A. Rich. Sert. Astrolabe, 92, fab 34. 1832. 

ual herb; stem erect, simple or sparingly branched below the inflorescence, 
sometimes subscapose, glabrous or minutely puberulous or sometimes densely clo 
with crisped multicellular hairs. Leaves 3 to 7 (to 11) cm. long, 0.5 to 1 cm. 

[Vol. 43 

wide (to 2.5 cm. or more in vars. dissectus and scaberulus), linear-lanceolate to 
ovate-lanceolate, sessile, auriculate with coarsely bidentate auricles, or the lowest 
leaves sometimes subpetiolate with minute linear auricles, more or less coarsely and 
irregularly sharp-toothed, sometimes deeply pinnatisect and the segments sharply 
denticulate, densely hispid beneath with multicellular hairs, less densely to sparsely 
hispid above or sometimes glabrate, upper surface frequently roughly wrinkled or 
scabrid after drying, with the hairs subtuberculate. Inflorescences terminal and 
axillary, corymbose, usually rather congested, sometimes diffusely paniculate, glab- 
rous, minutely puberulous, or rarely hispid; bracts greatly reduced, sublinear or 
long-triangular, subentire, erect. Capitula slender, calyculate with triangular 
bracteoles about 1.5 mm. long and 0.4 mm. wide; phyllaries of involucre 11 to 13, 
4.5 to 6 mm. long, glabrous or sparsely puberulous, not arachnoid, strongly keeled 
and prominently 2-nerved, scarious on the margins, acute or acuminate; corollas 
of the filiform pistillate marginal florets usually 4-fid, a few 3-fid or 5 fid, of the 
less numerous slenderly infundibuliform perfect disc florets 5-fid, the lobes all 
obtusely papillose-thickened on the inner aspect of the apex, the style-arm apices 
truncated, Achene 1.5 to 2 mm. long, plump, cylindrical, without attenuate neck 
but with callose-annulate apex, blackish-brown with whitish subappressed hairs in 
rows of variable width between the low rounded ribs. Pappus white, exceeding 
phyllaries, subequalling the florets. 
In temperate Australia and New Zealand. 

16a. SENECIO HISPIDULUs var. hispidulus 

Senecio bispidulus A. Rich. 

Erecbtites bispidula (A. Rich.) DC. Prodr. 6: 296. 1838; non Hook. f. Fl. Tasm. 1: 220. 
1860; non Benth. Fl. Austral. 3: 660. 1866; non Rodway, Tasm. Fl. 94-95. 1903; non 
Black, Fl. S. Austral. 610. 1929. 

Erechthites arguta Benth. Fl. Austral. 3: 659. 1866, pro majore parte. 

Leaves linear-lanceolate to lanceolate, denticulate to coarsely toothed, neither 
pinnatifid nor lobed, upper leaf surfaces scabrid with subtuberculate-based hairs. 
Achenes 1.5 to 1.75 mm. long, beset with hairs in narrow rows in the grooves. 

AUSTRALIA. TASMANIA: “Senecio hispidulus No. 18. Van Diemen, 1828, Voy. Astro- 
labe" (P, holotype) ; Port Dalrymple, R. Brown 2278 (K); between National Park 
Westerway, in railway cutting, Nov. 1929, Comber 1756 (HO, 2; K); Knocklofty, Ho- 

t ee 

pinnatifid, approaching var. dissectus) ; Boyamp, Oct. 1896, Morrison (K); Midland Junc- 
tion, Dec. 1898, Morrison (US). NEW SOUTH WALES: Sydney, U. S. Expl. Exped. (US); 
Dec. 1902, Camfield (US, left-hand specimen only, right a hybrid with S. quadriden- 
fatus) ; Kiama, Harvey (K). 

NEW ZEALAND. NORTH ISLAND: Coromandel, Petrie (K, 2). SOUTH ISLAND: without 
specific data, ex Hb. T. Kirk (F). Bay of Islands, U. S. Expl. Exped. (US, aspect of var. 
bispidulus, but only 8 phyllaries, depauperate, leaf bases non-auriculate, leaves oblong or 


Senecio bispidulus is a species whose identity in Australian floras has been 
thoroughly submerged in "E. arguta”, while other taxa have masqueraded under 
its name as “E. hispidula”. 

Richard's description and figure of S. hispidulus, on the whole, agree well with 
the holotype, but erred slightly. The marginal florets are pistillate, not staminate, 
as pointed out by de Candolle, and are more usually 4-fid than 3-fid. The artist 
portrayed the leaves as entire above the bidentate auricles; actually they are rather 
regularly callose-dentate, as I found by use of detergent solution, but are so strongly 
rolled as to appear entire. De Candolle had no specimen of this taxon, but drew 
the diagnosis for the ‘Prodromus’ directly from Richard, merely correcting the 
description of the pistillate floret. 

Hooker, however, had the misfortune to receive from Gunn, and later from 
other collectors on Tasmania, a curious assortment including hybrids of S. bispidulus 
with both S. glomeratus and S. quadridentatus. The former group he referred to “E. 
arguta”, and attempted to treat them as varieties, as discussed above under S. 
glomeratus. The latter group he first distributed, in the "Florae Tasmaniae Spici- 
legium’, as unnamed varieties of E. hispidula and E. glabrescens (i. e., a glabrate 
state of S. quadridentatus). Both varieties were queried as to whether they might 
belong to the other species! 

In properly assigning Cunningham's, d'Uberville's, and his own specimens from 
New Zealand to E. bispidula in the ‘Flora Novae Zelandiae', Hooker compared them 
to this mixed Tasmanian group: "This is also a New Holland and Tasmanian plant, 
but the specimens from the latter country are wooly as well as hispid. Those figured 
by Richard have the leaves nearly entire." This concept is epitomized by the Kew 
specimen, “Circular Head, 23/11/37, Gunn 508”, which is annotated “E. glabres- 
cens DC.”, and beneath that, “E. hispidula DC.”, both in Hooker's script. (Ben- 
tham rejected this determination, and cited this specimen in the "Flora Austral- 
iensis’ as E. quadridentata var. glabrescens, which it is not, either.) This speci- 
men has the combined pubescence of S. bispidulus and of S. quadridentatus (hence, 
"Wooly as well as hispid") ; the longer phyllaries and long and attenuate-rostrate 
achene of the latter; and the bidentate auricles and callose-dentate leaf margin of 
the former. 

In the ‘Flora Tasmaniae’ Hooker merged his varieties of E. glabrescens and E. 
hispidula into what must be called E. bispidula Hk. f., non DC., and rewrote the 
description to fit the Tasmanian plants in his herbarium. To the Circular Head 
specimen he added others, which, as far as I could find at Kew, did not include 
a single specimen of typical E. bispidulus but did include the Launcestown gather- 
ing of Gunn 508, which definitely is S. squarrosus. Hooker accurately compared 
his New Zealand material with this Tasmanian mixture in the ‘Handbook of the 
Flora of New Zealand’: “This differs from the Tasmanian E. hispidula in the 
achene only 1/12 in. long and not attenuate at the top, also in the smaller glabrous 

ds and short involucral scales.” He thus correctly concluded that the two 
groups were not conspecific, and set the New Zealand material apart as a new 

[Vol. 43: 

species, E. scaberula! Actually, by direct comparison of types, E. scaberula and S. 
bispidulus A. Rich. are very similar and can only with some difficulty be separated 
into varieties. 

A careful examination of the specimens determined as E. bispidula by Bentham 
for the ‘Flora Australiensis’ reveals that the misinterpretations initiated by Hooker 
were only further entrenched. I believe that all of the specimens now remaining 
at Kew which were determined by Bentham as E. hispidula are in fact not that 
species at all. “Gunn 508 Circular Head,” he returned to E. quadridentata as var. 
glabrescens. To “Gunn 508 Launcestown” and other material of S. squarrosus he 
added other large-headed specimens collected by Backhouse and by Robertson, and 
called the lot E. hispidula (Benth., non DC.,). His description largely applies to 
S. squarrosus, which he included in the synonymy. He also included S. bispidulus, 
but wrote: “from the description, but scarcely the figure, t. 34.” As noted above, 
the plate actually is in good agreement with both specimen and description. ` 

To find S. bispidulus of Richard in the ‘Flora Australiensis’ one must look 
under E. arguta, which is described as: ‘more or less scabrous-hirsute with crisped 
hairs and occasionally with white cottony wool on the underside of the leaves and 
about the inflorescences, rarely nearly or even quite glabrous," and "involucre in 
the normal form about 3 lines long". Most of this applies to S. bispidulus rather 
than to S. glomeratus, and the second quotation quite excludes S. glomeratus! In 
effect, Bentham treated the S. bispidulus and the S. argutus of Richard as syn- 
onyms, although he did not realize it, having already mistakenly identified the 
former with S. squarrosus. j 

This confusion in E. arguta Benth. becomes even more obvious when Bentham’s 
synonymy and comment are considered. E. Bathurstiana DC., treated as a variety of 
E. arguta, is definitely related to S. bispidulus instead. S. multicaulis A. Rich. 
is, by examination of the type, unquestionably part of the S. bispidulus complex, ` 
with phyllaries 6 mm. long and entirely glabrous, but with the achenes also glab-. 
rous instead of hairy. S. apargiaefolius Walp. is most likely a hybrid of S. bispidu- 
lus with S. quadridentatus (see below). S. pusillus A. Rich, is, from the type, 
definitely a hybrid between S. glomeratus and S. hispidulus, with the characters of 
the latter predominating, and is essentially equivalent to E. arguta var. asper Hk. f. 
The non-existent S. pumilus Poir. (E. pumila DC.) is an error on de Candolle’s 
part for S. minimus Poir. 

Rodway followed Bentham closely in his treatment of Erechtites. He char- 
acterized E. hispidula as having 16 to 24 phyllaries about 4 lines long, the capitula 
few and stout. This appears to be S. squarrosus. His E. arguta, with phyllaries 
3 lines long or less, is certainly meant to include S. his pidulus as well as S. glomera- 
fus. Black also included S. bispidulus in his E. arguta, but he appears to have fol- 
lowed Hooker in part, rather than Bentham, in applying the name E. bispidula 
to the group of specimens more resembling S. quadridentatus but with larger 
slender capitula and more numerous phyllaries. E! 



16b. SENECIO HISPIDULUS var. dissectus (Benth.) Belcher, comb. nov. 
Erechthites arguta var. dissecta Benth. Fl. Austral. 3: 659. 1866. 

Erecbtites Bathurstiana DC. Prodr. 6: 297. 1838. 

Senecio Batburstianus (DC.) Sch. Bip. Flora 28: 498. 1845. 

Differing from the typical variety in having deeply pinnatisect leaves with 
obtuse sinuses, lobes 5 to 8 (to 10) on each side and broadly linear to oblanceolate, 
more or less acute-denticulate; marginal florets irregularly 3-fid, with one cleft or 
two much deeper, inner florets 4-fid. 

AUSTRALIA. NEW SOUTH WALES: “Rocky Hills in the neighborhood of Bathurst", 


A. Cunningham 135 (G Prodr., holotype), A. Cunningham 102 (K, isotype?) ; "Rocky 

(NSW); Burrinjuck, Feb. 1911, Boorman (NSW); Coonor's Creek, Barroba, Aug. 1913, 
Rupp 6 (NSW); Bell's Paddock, Black Mountain, June 1932, McKie 454 (NSW). 
VICTORIA: Wimmera, Dallachy (K, immature); Lake Albacutya, 1901, D”Alton (NSW); 
3oorman, Euroa, Dec. 1901 Williamson (NSW). SOUTH AUSTRALIA: “Austr. felix", 
Mueller (K). 

Bentham's placement of E. Bathurstiana DC. as a variety of E. arguta Benth. 
was a logical consequence of his concept of that species as virtually identical with 
S. bispidulus. It has a much closer affinity with S. bispidulus proper than with S. 
glomeratus, when the pubescence and general facies are considered. It is not impos- 
sible that genetic analysis will reveal this variety as another hybrid, with S. 
glomeratus the other parent, as is suggested by the irregular corolla of the marginal 
floret and the addition of arachnoid pubescence on the leaf over the multicellular 
crisped hairs. But the general characters are closer to S. hispidulus, and I leave it 
in that species pending further study. 

Croizat37 cited this variety (as E. arguta var. dissecta) as occurring on Lombok 
in the Lesser Sunda Islands, without giving the authority for this record. In view 
of the confusion over the identity of S. glomeratus and of S. hispidulus, 1 hesitate 
to accept this extreme extension of range until I have examined the specimen. 

16c. SENECIO HISPIDULUs var. scaberulus (Hook. f.) Belcher, comb. nov. 
Erecbtites scaberula Hook. f. Handb. Fl. N. Z. 157. 1864. 

Senecio bispidulus Cunn. Ann. Nat. Hist. 2: 121. 1838; non A. Rich. 

Erecbtites bispidula Hook. f. Fl. N. Zeal. 142. 1853; non DC. l i 

? Erechtites pumila Armst. Trans. N. Z. Inst. 13: 338. 1881, fide Kirk, Student's Fl. N. 

Z. 334. 1899; non DC. 

Leaves lanceolate, the lower oblanceolate and coarsely toothed or irregularly 
lobed, the upper surfaces beset with coarse but non-tuberculate hairs. Achenes 
2.0 mm. long, hairy in broad bands in the grooves. 

I did not see Armstrong’s type, cited as “McKenzie Country, Mr. J. F. Arm- 
strong, December 1877”. 

37 Manual of Phytogeography. p. 538. 1952. 

[Vol. 43 

New ZEALAND. SOUTH ISLAND: Akaroa (K ex Hb. Hk., lectotype); Bay of Islands, 
1853, Hooker (K, 2 sheets, syntypes) ; Dunedin, Kirk 333 (US). NORTH ISLAND: “Amon 
ferns at Wangeroo", 1833, R Cunningham (K); Wellington, open places, 1500 ft., 1909, 
Travers (W). Also reported by Cheeseman (l.c. 1007. 1925) from Stewart Island and the 
Chatham Islands. 

Neither Cunningham’s nor Hooker’s original descriptions of this taxon gave any 
clue to the distinctions between it and the typical Australian variety. Hooker 
described it as a distinct species only on the basis of differences between it and 
what he mistakenly supposed E. hispidula to be, as described above. Since in the 
description of E. scaberula Hooker cited no specimens, but referred to his treat- 
ment of 1853, the specimens cited in the earlier work must be the syntypes. The 
Akaroa specimen, presumably supplied by d’Urville, is selected as lectotype because 
it is determined in Hooker’s script as E. scaberula. The Cunningham specimen of 
this variety was not annotated by Hooker. The two sheets of Hooker’s own 
gathering are included in the syntypes because they bear his determination as E. 
scaberula. All are in good agreement. 

Dissection of a capitulum from Hooker’s specimen revealed that all 18 florets 
contained stamens, either vestigial or functional. The lobing of the corollas also 
varied considerably. Most of the florets were 4-fid, some with 4 and some with 5 
stamens, functional or not; two were 3-fid, one with 3 vestigial stamens, the other, 
non-marginal, one with 4 functional ones; only three 5-fid florets had 5 functional 
stamens each. No tendency toward ligules was discernible, the picture being 
entirely one of partial emasculation accompanied by reduction in size of corolla 
limb and number of lobes. This specimen thus offers an intermediate stage between 
the truly discoid Senecio with all florets perfect and infundibuliform, and the 
extreme erechthitoid state with all outer florets strictly pistillate and filiform. (In 
some other specimens, however, which also had staminodes in 4-fid marginal flo- 
rets, there were some corollas with some sinuses much more shallow than others, 
thus approaching the ligulate condition.) 

This variety appears to be confined to New Zealand, where it largely replaces 
the typical variety. The latter is adventive in New Zealand to some extent. The 
specimens from Coromandel, for example, were sent to Kew by Petrie with a note 
saying that they were new to the island. The determination at Kew was: "E. 
scaberula with slightly different achenes"! 

sillus A. Rich. Sert. Astrolabe, 99. 1834 

recti arguta (A. Rich.) DC. var. a Hk. f. Fl. N. Z. 142, 1853 (prob. X S. bispidulus 

var. d ; vars. B slebróta; y aspera, and ¢., Hk. f. Fl. Tasm. Spicil. 122. 1847; 

asm. 1: 219. 1860 

Senecio glomeratus and S. bispidulus appear to hybridize so freely over much 
or all of their largely overlapping range that determination of material in this 
complex is exceedingly difficult. This is a situation which urgently requires 
investigation by as many varied techniques as can be brought to bear. 



In my own determinations the following criteria have prevailed. For S. 
glomeratus Y associate arachnoid pubescence, simple auricles, lanate receptacles, 
bracts, pedicels, and phyllary bases, small capitula, short (3.5 to 4 to 5 mm.), 
obscurely nerved phyllaries, usually 3-fid pistillate florets, with slightly irregular 
corollas, and short (1.5 mm.) brownish achenes. For S. bispidulus 1 associate 
hispid multicellular pubescence, with the bases of the hairs usually subtuberculate, 
bi-dentate auricles, glabrous or minutely puberulous inflorescence, larger capitula, 
longer (4.5 to 6 mm.), strongly 2-nerved, glabrous phyllaries, usually 4-fid 
regular pistillate corollas, and slightly longer (1.5 to 2 mm.) blackish-brown 

Many specimens are intermediate in some degree in one or another or several 
of these characteristics, and I have felt obliged to call such specimens hybrids. If 
this entire complex is considered as one vast polymorphic species, which is what 
Bentham in effect did, one is left with the problem of appropriate subspecific 
categories for the many intermediate forms and the cause for such extreme 
variability is ignored. Hooker's reaction to contact with limited numbers of 
examples of these hybrid swarms was to form varieties for each; Bentham's response 
to a somewhat larger suite was to merge them. Later authors have largely followed 

Determination of specimens of S. glomeratus is further complicated by the 
rather extreme range of foliar variation of the species and by certain trends in the 
floral features as well. I strongly suspect this species of crossing rather frequently 
with S. quadridentatus, although this is much more difficult to detect because of 
their similarities in pubescence. I also suspect introgression, less commonly, with 
one or more radiate species of Senecio, but I am not sufficiently acquainted with 
these to name the probable offenders. PASE cursory examination of the material 
laid in under the several names in the discoid and the radiate groups of 
Australasian Senecio leads me to fear diis there is as much confusion of identity in 
those taxa as in the erechthitoid material! 


Erechtites tenuiflora DC. Prodr. 6: 296. 183 

(? ecio epale Walp. Linnaea 14: 309. 1840. 

Senecio tenuiflorus (DC.) Sieb. ex Sch. Bip. Flora 28: id 1845. 

Pis ed apargiaefolia (Walp.) Sond. Linnaea 25: 524. 

Erecbtites Muelleri Lange, Ind. Sem. Hort. Hafn. 28. er jour. Bot. 1874: 5, £. 3. 1874, 
The evidence of hybridization between these two species is presumptive, based 

on the existence of specimens intermediate in some particulars. Three related 

collections from Tasmania, "between National Park and Westerway, in railway 

cutting, 500 ft. alt., 30 Nov. 1929" (K!) are of especial interest: (1) Comber 

1756, the first of these, is annotated: “Erechthites arguta DC. Tall erect peren- 

nial, 2-4 ft. high with shrubby base; whole plant green; flowers yellow”. 

specimen matched precisely the holotype of S. bispidulus. (2) Comber 1757 is 

annotated: ‘‘Erechthites quadridentata DC. Tall erect perennial 2-6 ft. high 

[Vol. 43 

with a shrubby base; leaves and stems white wooly; flowers yellow". This speci- 
men is S. quadridentatus, quite typical except for slightly more glabrate phyllaries 
than usual. (3) Comber 1758 is annotated: “Erechtites tenuiflora DC. Inter- 
mediate between above numbers; 3 — 5 ft. high; involucre purple". This specimen 
is not quite identical with the type of E. tenuiflora, although the resemblance is 
quite close. The leaf is shaped like that of S. quadridentatus but is broader and 
auriculate at the base, although the auricle is not bidentate. The leaf is hispid 
above, arachnoid and hispid beneath. The stem is cottony below, glabrate above 
and on the inflorescence. The phyllaries are glabrate as in S. hispidulus but 7 to 
8 mm. long, slender, and not strongly keeled. The achenes, however, are short and 
non-attenuate. The general aspect is that of S. quadridentatus, but it has several 
of the features of S. bispidulus. It is undoubtedly a hybrid, and quite possibly 
the offspring of numbers 1756 and 1757 themselves! 

With this clearly intermediate specimen as a guide, re-examination of a large 
suite of specimens revealed numerous other individuals which were intermediate 
in various degrees in the several features in which the two species differ, and which 
I interpret as also being of hybrid origin. 

One such hybrid, which has been dignified as a species, is E. tenuiflora. The 
type material, Sieber “Fl. Novae Holl. no. 435” (BM!, G!, K!, P!), shows appreci- 
able variation among the several specimens. They agree, however, in having rather 
short phyllaries (6 rather than 7 to 8 mm. long), achenes of intermediate length 
without necks, small but definite auricles, very little arachnoid pubescence and 
more or less abundant hispid multicellular pubescence, features indicative of an 
admixture of S. quadridentatus with S. bispidulus, with the former predominating. 

Another such hybrid is E. apargiaefolia Sonder, the type of which (Fiedler's 
Section, Bebr, MEL ex Hb. Sond. !) was located for me by Mr. J. H. Willis. Its 
connection with S. bispidulus is shown in the auriculate leaf bases, the crisped 
multicellular hairs on the lower leaf surfaces beneath the arachnoid pubescence and 
the roughened and scabrous-haired upper leaf surface, the glabrous 2-nerved phyl- 
laries, and the short cylindric achene. Its relationship to S. quadridentatus is seen 
in the moderately long slender phyllaries, arachnoid pubescence, narrowly lanceo- 
late leaves, and 4-fid florets with thickened glandulose apices. It resembles E. 
tenuiflora but has a somewhat shorter achene and broader and more scabrid lower 

Sonder published E. apargiaefolia as a new combination for Senecio apargiae- 
folius Walp., although based on a different collection. Walpers’ type, cited as 
"Nova Hollandia Lhotsky legit", is supposed to be in Herb. Lucaeni at the Botan- 
ische Institut, of Kiel University. Although the greater part of the herbarium was 
saved in the destruction of the Institut during the war, it (as of 1952) was in 
temporary storage and inaccessible. Although Sonder stated that he compared 
Behr's specimen with Walper's type and found them conspecific, I have reduced 
S. apargiaefolius with a query, pending examination of the type, if it still exists. 



Walper's description actually applies very well to the Behr specimen except 
for four points: (1) the widest leaf is only 31 lines instead of 5 to 6, and is not 
repand-dentate; (2) the capitula are heterogamous, not homogamous; (3) the 
leaf base has small semi-clasping auricles and is not simply attenuate; and (4) the 
achenes are not all glabrous. The difference in leaf width may mean only that 
Walper’s specimen is larger, or, more likely, that its leaf configuration trends more 
toward that of S. bispidulus. Walpers stated: “Flores homogami tubulosi hermaph- 
roditi”. Sonder, after examining the type, wrote: ‘Flores marginales feminei 
tubulosi!”, and so transferred Walper's name to Erechtites. This is certainly true 
for the Behr specimen, and I accept it for the Lhotsky specimen until it is available 
for further study. Walpers possibly overlooked the auricles, which is easily done, 
especially if there is much arachnoid pubescence around the node. It is also possible 
that the Lhotsky specimen has auricles lacking or very slightly developed, for this 
is a very variable character. The sheets of Sieber 435, for example, vary among 
themselves from no auricles to auricles as long as 2 or 3 mm. is suggests a 
multiple-allelic character appearing in varying degrees, and is one of the lines of 
evidence in support of the hybridity of this complex. 

All the achenes in the packet on the Behr specimen are definitely hairy on their 
ridges, after the manner of S. hispidulus, and are approximately 2 mm. long. Most 
of the achenes visible in the capitula, and all of the obviously immature ones, are 
also hairy. A few achenes, however, apparently the most mature ones retained, 
are certainly glabrous. This coincides with other observed instances, both in this 
genus and others, of achenial pubescence diminishing with increasing maturity. 
Accordingly, I accept Walper's characterization as based upon the most mature and 
accessible achenes and not in actual disagreement with Sonder's type. 

My inquiry to Copenhagen concerning the type of E. Muelleri Lange went 
unanswered, but two sheets so determined and said to have been raised from seed 
from Copenhagen were included in the loan from Vienna. These agreed well with 
Lange's emended description and plate (1874), and may be presumed authentic. 
(I was unable to locate the 1861 seed list in which Lange originally published.) 
Their achenes ranged from 2.4 to 3 mm. long, and were heavily ribbed and only 
slightly attenuated. The leaves were long and rather wide, regularly denticulate 
to sinuate-dentate or with an occasional long-exserted linear-lanceolate tooth. 
phyllaries were glabrous or glabrate, the leaves variably arachnoid, mostly glabrous 
above. From these features I conclude that this represents another hybrid between 
S. bispidulus and S. quadridentatus, essentially stabilized near the latter parental 
line. The relative uniformity of these plants and their immediate ancestors is not 
necessarily an effective argument against their hybrid nature; as pointed out by 
Anderson??: “variation between [hybrid] individuals will lessen as parental comb- 
inations are approac 

I have not cited specimens of hybrid nature, except those indicated above, for 
lack of space. They are, however, quite common in all the herbaria examined. 

38 Anderson, E. Introgressive hybridization. New York. 1949. 

[Vol. 43 

ARRHENECHTHITES Mattf. Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 69: 288. 1938. 

Perennials with shoots herbaceous or suffruticose. Capitula heterogamous with 
few florets. Involucre of 5 to 8 sub-biseriate phyllaries, the narrow scarious 
margins of the exterior ones inserted into grooves beneath the lateral nerves of 
the interior phyllaries. Marginal florets pistillate, as many as or slightly more than 
the phyllaries and opposite them; corolla filiform with base inflated and more or 
less indurated, oblique and truncate at the apex, minutely and irregularly toothed, 
or subligulate; style exserted, arms short and glabrous; achene subcylindric, with 
a callose rim base at the apex and also sometimes callose-annular at the base. Disc 
florets fewer than or as many as the marginal florets, structurally perfect but 
functionally staminate, corolla with limb infundibuliform, deeply 5-lobed, lobes 
recurved; style arms erect, short and astigmatic, or style apex subentire, papillose- 
hairy over the outer faces; achene narrowly cylindric or stipiform, slightly longer 
than that of the pistillate floret, usually with abortive embryo. Pappus filiform, 
white, exceeded by disc florets. 

enus characterized by functionally staminate disc florets with = arms 
reduced, astigmatic, and papillose over the outer faces. 

rechthitoi cio differs in having all florets fertile, perfect lts with 
short erect corolla lobes and style arms glabrous except for a terminal margina 
fringe of papillae. Brachyglottis Forst. of New Zealand approaches most closely 
in composition of the capitulum, having marginal florets 8, opposite the phyllaries, 
functionally pistillate with sterile stamens; disc florets 2, apparently perfect 

Endemic in the higher mountains of New Guinea, with an extended outlier in 
the Australian Alps and Blue Mountains. Six species are known. 

Type of the genus: A. tomentella Mattf. 

A. Phyllaries 5, pistillate florets 5; disc florets solitary 

A. tomentella 
AA. than one 7 or 8, pistillate ds s as many or slightly more numerous; disc Sec more 

2. A. mixta 
- long m. long; corolla of marginal florets 
ne 4- "Zeen or ei diéca d obliquely truncated; leaves entire 

or mer nice oothe 
C. Style di vei been? scarcely bifid, clavate with shallow notch and a ec: 
papillose hairs; es 2.5 to 5 cm. long vo oe 
CC. Style of ped tins pac Uh arms erect, uniformly papillose on the outer 
Ap leaves 10 cm. lo 
D. Leaves broadly elliptical, ‘we to 15 cm. long, 4.5 to 7 mm. wide ........4. A. — 
DD. Leaves narrowly lanc Hs te, 15 cm. long or longer, Gees 3 cm. > wide 

E. Leaves acute, 15 to 16 m ea ng; disc florets 2 5 A. posa aru 
EE. Leaves ene cm. long or longer; disc florets 4 to 6 ........ 

6. A. dolichocephala 

*Modified from Mattfeld, Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 69:288-289. 1938. 


1. ARRHENECHTHITES TOMENTELLA Mattf. Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 69:290. 1938. 
Known to me only from Mattfeld's description. Apparently collected only 
Holotype: Northeast New Guinea, "Bezirk Morobe: Sarawaket, Busu Tamunac, 
an offenen Grasland, 24-2700 M. ü. M.", 31 Jan. 1937, Clemens 5251 (B, 
2. ARRHENECHTHITES mixta (A. Rich.) Foi comb. nov. 

Senecio mixtus A. Rich. Sert. Astrolabe, ier? ES 18 
Wir e mixta ~g Rich.) DC. Prodr. 6:2 gree non Benth. Fl. Austral. 3:659. 1866; 
Black, Fl. S. Austral. 4:610. 1929. 

Sinn herbaceous, erect, simple or sparingly branched, purpurascent, sparsely 
arachnoid. Leaves glabrous to sparsely arachnoid above, with sparse arachnoid hairs 
overlying numerous short strigose multicellular hairs beneath, sometimes purpuras- 
cent; lowest leaves alate-petiolate, abruptly broad-lanceolate to ovate, with large 
coarse teeth; medial léaves with attenuated portion progressively shorter and sinuses 
between teeth progressively deeper so that within 5 or 6 nodes the blade has become 
lobate to pinnatisect, the segments notably variable in size and shape, borne es- 
sentially at right angles to the midrib, more or less denticulate, shortly acuminate, 
acute, or rarely obtuse; sinuses equalling or exceeding the segments in width; leaf 
abruptly reduced below first node of inflorescence to a linear to ensiform bract; 
bracteoles of peduncle about 4 mm. long and 0.2 mm. wide. Inflorescence cymose- 
paniculate, much branched, lax; capitula solitary on elongate peduncles to 5 cm. 
long, ecalyculate but surrounded by 3 to 5 linear bracteoles 5 to 7 mm. long and 0.5 
mm. wide, which arise from the terminal 2 or 3 mm. of the peduncle; end of pe- 
duncle above bracteoles abruptly doubled in diameter from 1.0 mm. to form a very 
short receptacle. Involucre (12 to) 20 to 24 mm. long, sub-biseriate; phyllaries 
long, linear-lanceolate, tightly appressed in bud, becoming widely separated in fruit 
or sometimes adhering tightly over the undeveloped achenes to simulate an elongat- 
ed receptacle, flat-keeled, usually indistinctly 4-nerved, with mixed pubescence 
similar to that of leaf, often purplish, acute to acuminate, ciliolate; outer phyl- 
laries narrower (0.71 mm.), non-scarious, frequently edged with purple; inner 
phyllaries wider (1.25 mm.) with light scarious margin 0.3 mm. wide on either 
side; intermediate phyllaries scarious on one margin, non-scarious and sometimes 
purple-edged on the other. Marginal florets pistillate, or having corolla with the 
base about 1 mm. long and 0.4 mm. in diameter, the tube 12 to 14 mm. long, 0.2 
mm. in diameter, the oblique limb 1.0 to 1.5 mm. long, 0.4 to 0.5 mm. wide, and, 
imperfectly 2- or 3-dentate; style ege? vum exceeding the tube; style arms 
divergent at an angle between 45^ and 9 t full anthesis, about 0.5 mm. long, 
glabrous or minutely pubescent, Bac on the adaxial faces. Central florets 
2 or 3, structurally perfect but not ripening achenes, corolla about 17 mm. long, 
the tube above the incrassate base slender, 14 mm. long and 0.2 to 0.5 mm. in 
diameter, the limb 3 mm. long and 1 mm. in diameter, regularly 5-fid with lobes 
deltoid, 1 to 1.25 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide at base; anthers about 2 mm. long, 
1/2 to 2/3 exserted, minutely sagittate, the terminal portion non-polliniferous and 

[Vol. 43 

broadly flattened, 0.5 mm. long; style scarcely exserted; style arms brief, appressed, 
clavate, non-stigmatic, long-papillose over all the abaxial surfaces. Achene o 
pistillate floret fusiform to subcylindric, callose-annulate at base and apex, 6-7 
mm. long, 1 mm. in diameter in the middle, 0.5 mm. in diameter at either end, 
about 12-ribbed, brown, glabrous or with a single row of short slender hairs down 
the middle of each groove. Achene of central floret flattened, 6 mm. long, 0.2 

mm. in diameter in the middle, 0.5 mm. in diameter at either end. Pappus white, 
scarcely barbed, subequalling florets and phyllaries. 

AUSTRALIA. NEW SOUTH WALES: Port Jackson, Gaudichaud 6 e berati elh lee 

Cheel (NSW); Eskbank, Jan, 1915, Hamilton Sid ); Mt. Tomb, Gregson (NSW). 
VICTORIA: East Gippsland, spurs north of Mt. Drummer, Dec. 1937, Hunter (MEL); 
Bidwell, Feb. 1943, Hunter 9 (MEL); Genoa Peak, Ta 1947, Willis (MEL). “Australia 
orient.”, Hugel (W, very meagre specimen). 

Richard interpreted the subligulate marginal floret of this species as indicating a 
transitional form between the discoid and radiate sections of Senecio. He accur- 
ately described the unusual style arms of the central florets but did not recognize 
their uniqueness. The achenes of his specimen unfortunately were quite immature 
and he did not note the abortive development of those of the central florets. Mature 
specimens, however, show the imperfect central florets, reduced number of florets, 
and erect style arms with pubescent outer faces which together characterize Ar- 
rbenecbtbites. Y therefore transfer Richard's species to this genus, although this 
requires emending Mattfeld's diagnosis to admit pistillate florets subligulate and 
more numerous than the phyllaries, These are minor changes when the excellent 
agreement in other respects is noted. 

Mr. J. H. Willis has very kindly written as follows on the ecology of A. mixta: 
“It is a perennial with fleshy rooting system and bright reddish purple coloration on 
the stems and undersides of the leaves, and it favors well-watered stony hillsides 
in montane forests, from about 1000 to 4000 feet altitude." Inclusion of this 
species in Arrbenecbtbites extends the range of this genus, formerly known only 
from the higher mountains of New Guinea, by some 27 degrees of latitude. 

The holotype at Paris apparently has not always been recognized as such. An 
original label as S. sonchoides A. Rich. was only corrected by an anotation by Joret 
in 1949! 1 find no explanation for the earlier epithet. The specimen, although 
undoubtedly in much poorer condition now than when illustrated, is certainly the 
one from which the plate was prepared. The plate, however, fails to show that 
the phyllary margins are free to the base, even though in firm contact with one 
another in the lower half of the involucre. Also, the corolla lobe in the detail of 
the pistillate florets is shown as too short. Most of the capitula shown, and some 

of the leaves, are now gone, apparently clipped off and distributed to other her- 


Very probably the leaves and capitula of this species which were admixed with 
the fragments of S. squarrosus in the packet labeled E. Richardiana in the Prodr- 
omus Herbarium came from this specimen at Paris. De Candolle left no specimen 
identified as E. mixta in the Prodromus Herbarium, no. 15 under Erechtites being 
omitted. The diagnosis in the ‘Prodromus’ is taken entirely from Richard, except 
for the data on number of phyllaries and length of capitulum. These he must have 
derived from a study of Richard's plate, for it would seem that if he had recognizec 
the fragments mixed in with E. Richardiana he would have separated them, as I did, 
and identified them in the proper sequence. 

Bentham’s description of E. mixta resembles that of de Candolle but is original, 
based on Fraser, Piper’s Hill, New South Wales (K!). This specimen is S, runcini- 
folius, as discussed above in that connection. Black’s description, drawn from 
Bentham's, is of the same. 

3. ARRHENECHTHITES HAPLOGYNA (F. Muell.) Mattf. Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 69: 292. 


Senecio baplogynus F. Muell. Trans. Roy. Soc. Victoria 1:14. 1889. 
Erechthites haplogyna (F. Muell.) Mattf. Engl. Bot. Jahrb. a 422. 1929. 

Peduncle glabrate, narrowly and sharply ridged. Bracteole linear-lanceolate, 2 
mm. long, subtending capitulum immediately below receptacle. Capitulum 9 mm. 
long, technically ecalyculate, with sub-biseriate involucre of 8 phyllaries 6 mm. 
long, 0.7 to 1.2 mm. wide, with about 10 narrow and sharply ridged nerves, acute, 
minutely ciliolate. Marginal florets 8, almost 6 mm. long; corolla 0.7 mm. in 
diameter at inflated base, with tube 4 mm. long and gradually tapered and indur- 
ated in lower 3 mm., apically slightly expanded, irregularly and briefly 3- or 4-fid 
with one sinus much more deeply cleft than the others; style exserted, coarse; 
style arms about 0.3 mm. long, recurved, glabrous, blunt; achene (immature) 2.25 
mm. long, about 0.4 mm. in diameter. Disc florets 8; corolla 6 mm. long, in- 
fündibuliform, with inflated base indurated and 0.7 mm. in diameter, tube 3.5 
mm. long and abruptly reduced in diameter to 0.3 mm. and then gradually enlarged 
to throat diamecer of 0.5 mm., regularly 5-lobed with lobes acute and multinerved, 
2 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide; anthers 5, polliniferous, 1.75 mm. long, with bases 
obtuse and apices long-appendaged and narrower; style subequalling corolla lobes, 
almost undivided, abruptly dilated at apex to about 0.5 mm. in diameter and 
marginally papillose, probably non-stigmatic; achene very slender, about 2.5 mm. 
long and 0.2 mm. wide, immature and probably abortive. Pappus slightly tawny, 
barbellate, equalling phyllaries, exceeded by central florets but not by marginal 

Known only from a single collection in the Owen Stanley Range of New 
Guinea, Summit of Mt. Knutsford, 1889, McGregor, holotype (MEL). Material 
examined: A single capitulum of the holotype. 

The above description is based on an examination of this capitulum after moist- 
ening it with detergent solution, and is intended only to supplement Mueller's 

[Vol. 43 

This species is quite similar to A. novoguineensis (S. Moore) Mattf. Indeed, 
in transferring Mueller's species to Erechtites in 1929, Mattfeld stated that they 
might be identical. Later, in transferring them both to Arrhenechthites, he kept 
them separate on the basis of a difference in leaf size. I at first supposed that the 
species named by Moore might simply be based on a more luxuriant shade form of 
Mueller's plant, a supposition gaining some support from ecological data in the 
two reports. After comparing the florets from the two types, however, I believe 
that the following differences in floral characteristics reinforce the imperfectly 
known vegetative differences: 

A. baplogyna 

A. novoguineensis 

Central florets 

Corolla tube o 
marginal florets 


8, v corolla lobes 
m. long, 0.4 mm. wide 

Rigidly incrassate, gradually 
tapering for about 34 

its lengt 

Apparently about 2.5 mm. 
ong when mature 

2, with corolla lobes 1.5 mm. 
long, 0.35 mm. wide 

Rigidly incrassate for about V4 
to L4 its length and abruptly 
and 3 in gege eter 

About 2 mm. long 

Style-arm apex 

Extremely short, almost undivided, |0.42 to 0.45 mm. rne little or 
and abruptly dilated not at all dilate 

4. ARRHENECHTHITES MASTIGOTHRIX Mattf. Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 7: 477. 1940. 
Known to me only from Mattfeld's description. Apparently collected only 
once so far. This is the only one of the species of this genus for which Mattfeld 
explicitly stated: "Typus in Herb. Berol.". 
Holotype: New Guinea, Saruwaged Mts., Masak river, am Wasser, 1800-2400 
meters, 10 Nov. 1937, Clemens 7509 (B, destroyed). 

5. ARRENECHTHITES NOVOGUINEENSIS (S. Moore) Mattf. Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 69: 

292. 1938. 

Erechthites novoguineensis S. Moore, Trans. Linn. Soc. 9: 86. 1916. 

Marginal florets pistillate, 8 to 10; corolla base inflated and indurated, abruptly 
softened and reduced in diameter, tube slender, obliquely truncate or irregularly 
briefly toothed. Central florets 2, with 5 corolla lobes 1.5 mm. long, 0.35 mm. 
wide; anthers polliniferous; style scarcely exserted, arms only 0.42 to 0.45 mm. 
long (rather than 1 mm., as given by Moore) and slenderly clavate, nonstigmatic, 
and papillose-hairy on the abaxial sides only. 

oe known only from the type collection from dortiwestern New 

Holotype: New Guinea, Nassau Mountains, Carstensz Peak, 6551 to 7956 ft., 
27 Jan. 1913, Boden-Kloss (BM!). 

The holotype, and only, specimen is a small fragment, consisting of a short 
apical length of stem with two main leaves, their axillary (and flowering) bran- 


ches, the large terminal corymb, and an additional large leaf (detached). It agrees 

well with the generic characterization as given by Mattfeld for Arrhenechthites, 

especially the structure of the capitulum, except for one minor detail. Whereas 

Mattfeld specified that the marginal florets should be of the same number as the 

phyllaries and opposite them, the marginal florets in this specimen number from 

8 to 10 per capitulum, whereas the number of phyllaries is 8. As pointed out in the 

discussion of A. mixta, there is also in that species an excess number of marginal 

pistillate florets, for the accomodation of which I have slightly expanded the gen- 
eric limits. It appears that Mattfeld did the same by implication when he included 

Moore's species in the new genus. The supplementary description given above deals 

only with the finer structure of the capitulum, which was inadequately treated by 


6. ARRHENECHTHITES DOLICHOCEPHALA Mattf. Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 69: 289. 1958. 
Known to me only by Mattfeld's description. Apparently not again collected. 
Holotype: Northeast New Guinea, "Bezirk Morobe, Sarawaket, Busu Tamunac, 

an offenen Stellen,” 2100 to 2400 m., 30 Jan. 1937, Clemens 5287 (B, destroyed). 


In addition to the Australasian species of Erechtites which I have placed in an 
erechthitoid group of Senecio, and the three species referred to Arrhenechthites, six 
other taxa have been described as Erechtites which do not belong to that genus. One 
is a Blumea. The other five belong in Senecio; one is erechthitoid, one is radiate, 
and three are discoid. These six are discussed here. In addition, a seventh name, 
a nomen nudum, is shown to be based most probably on still another discoid Senecio. 
BLUMEA TENERA Merr. Philip. Jour. Sci. Bot. 7: 250. 1912. 
Erechthites Bukaensis Rech. & Muschl. in Rech. Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien 89: 620. 


Rechinger 4043 (W!), syntype of E. Bukaensis, has a pluriseriate involucre, 
caudate anthers, and other features of the tribe Inuleae, genus Blumea. Among the 
Indonesian sheets of Blumea at Kew was an undetermined sheet from the Solomons 
and two sheets from the Philippines which agreed with the Rechinger specimen in 
fullest detail. The Philippine sheets included Merrill 7363, isotype of Blumea 
tenera, and agreed fully with the description. This species is now seen to have a 
wide, if spotty, distribution from Luzon to the Solomons. It appears to be a low- 
growing member of the rank-grass or "cogonal" association. Further search in 
such habitats should reveal additional stations. 

Bram. LUzON: Prov. Rizal between La Loma and Maypajo, near 
Manila, Dec. 31, 1910, "in open grasslands a few meters above sea-level, not common", 
Merrill 7363 (K, isotype of Blumea tenera Merr.) ; Palawan, Taytay, May 1913, Merrill 
9397 (K). New GUINEA: “am Ramm Fluss", Jan. 1902, R. Sch K 
SOLOMON Is.: Buka, "in Alang-Alang (Imperata)”, Sept. 1905, Rechinger 4043 (W, syn- 
type of E. Bukaensis) ; New Pomerania, Simpsonhafen, Sept. 1905, Rechinger 4205, 4267 
(W, both det. as E. prenanthoides DC.). 

Merrill also cited “Merrill 679 from Culion, and For. Bur. 5874 Curran, from 
Zambales Province, Luzon, both small forms", but I have not seen them. In addi- 

[Vol. 43 

tion, Rechinger 4044, from the same station as Rechinger 4043, the other syntype 

of E. Bukaensis, is most probably B. tenera also, but I have not seen the specimen, 

which is at Vienna. 

SENECIO LEPTANTHUS Phil. Anales Univ. Chile 88:15. 1894; emend. Reiche, Fl. Chile 
4: 225-226. 1905. 

Erechthites leptantha (Phil.) Cabr. Not. Mus. La Plata 14 (Bot. No. 69): 75-78. fig. 1. 

CHILE: Prov. Antofagasta, Taltal, Oct. 1925, Werdermann 825 (K, 2); Desert of 
Atacama, 1890, Morong 1292 (K). 

I have not seen Philippi’s type (Geisse, near Caldera). The specimens cited 
above, however, agree with his description except for the achenes, which are very 
densely clothed with short blunt white hairs, rather than glabrous. This is recon- 
ciled by Reiche: “Aquenios cortamente blanco-peludos (no peludos, como se dice en 
la diagnosis original.)" Cabrera also describes the achenes as “densa y cortamente 

In Werdermann 825 the first row of marginal florets was filiform and pistil- 
late, those of the second row functionally pistillate but with rudimentary stamens, 
and those of the third and subsequent rows perfect with functional stamens. Morong 
1292 had some florets in the outermost marginal row with rudimentary stamens 
and others without, while those in the second and subsequent rows were all func- 
tionally perfect. Of more importance, all of the specimens agreed as to style- 
arm apices. The tips of the style arms in the marginal florets were blunt, without 
dorsal protruding papillae. In the perfect florets the style-arm apices were sharply 
truncate with a half-crown of moderately enlarged but non-fused papillae fringing 
the apex (cf. Cabrera, fig. 1-H). 

Cabrera transferred this species to Erechtites because of the pistillate filiform 
marginal florets. In view of the lack of the appendage of fused papillose hairs 
which characterizes Erechtites, I believe it better to return this species to Senecio. 
In structure and size of capitula it strikingly resembles erechthitoid species of 
Senecio in Australasia. This resemblance is reinforced by the unusual velutinous 
achene, quite like that of certain Australian species, which is so very different in 
shape, size, ribbing, color, and pubescence from the distinctive achene of the genus 

SENECIO glossanthus (Sond.) Belcher, comb. nov. 

Erecbtites glossantba Sond. Linnaea 25:524. 1852. 

Senecio brachyglossus F. Muell. ex Benth. and var. major Benth. Fl. Austral. 3:670. 1866; 
d es elatior Benth. 1. c.; non S. brachyglossus Turcz. Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 2411: 

Annual; stem erect, 20 cm. tall, sparingly branched above, glabrate, faintly 
striate, purplish below. Leaves 2 mm. broad at the base, alate, broader toward 
apex, bearing on either side one or more narrow lobes at an angle of from 45° 
to 60° and approximately 5 times as long as wide, their width being about one-half 
that of the rachis, the margins all minutely and irregularly callose-denticulate, 
glabrate or with occasional long coarse isolated hairs, especially along the nerves 


beneath, lower leaves sessile and neither auriculate nor clasping. Upper leaves 
similar to the lower but more lobate and smaller, with base auriculate and semi- 
amplexicaul. Inflorescence compactly cymose, capitula rather few, peduncles 
short, primary floral bracts equaling or exceeding the branches. Involucre of 8 
to 10 (to 12) phyllaries 4 to 6 mm. long, inconspicuously 2- to 4-nerved, with 
margins scarious and apex acute, sphacelate and minutely papillose; calyculus of 
6 to 8 broadly lanceolate short bracteoles, 1.5 to 2 mm. long and 0.5 to 0.6 mm. 
wide, margins laciniate, apex sphacelate; peduncles long-haired in the axils. Margin- 
al florets few, ligulate, pistillate, without rudimentary stamens; corolla tube slender, 
2.5 to 2.75 mm. long, 0.25 mm. in diameter, 4-nerved; ligule up to 2 mm. long 
and 0.5 mm. wide, 2-nerved, lanceolate, apex acute, revolute; style arms ca. 1 
mm. long, bluntly truncate or slightly rounded on apex, without encircling papil- 
lae, exserted. Disc florets perfect, about 25; corolla very slenderly infundibuli- 
form, 4 mm. long, 0.4 mm. in diameter, minutely and regularly 5-fid, teeth about 
0.3 mm. long; style arms about 1 mm. long, not exserted, apices slightly rounded, 
marginally papillose. Achene 2 to 2.5 mm. long, very densely clothed with ap- 
pressed tawny hairs about 0.5 mm. long which completely conceal the slender 
achene and extend beyond its apex. Pappus white, capillary slightly exceeding 

AUSTRALIA. S. AUSTRALIA: "ad litus sinus St. Vincent", Mueller (MEL, syntype) ; Mt. 
Lyndhurst, Sept. 1898, Koch 220 (K). victoria: Aug. 1843, Robertson 468 (K); 
Melbourne, 1854, Adamson 342 (K); Point Nepean, Mueller (K, syntype of S. bracbyglos- 
sus Var. major). WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Swan River, Drummond 44 (K); Drummond 377 
(K); Klondinin, Sept. 1932, Young (K). 

This briefly ligulate and rather variable species bridges the gap between erech- 
thitoid species with irregular corollas in the marginal florets and definitely ligu- 
late eusenecionoid species. It was assigned to Erechtites section PLAGIOTOME by 
Sonder, despite his description, “ligulis stylum aequantibus vel superantibus." i 
might indicate that he also felt the vagueness of the boundary between Senecio and 
the Australian species assigned to Erechtites. Sonder described the capitulum as 3 
lines long with about 12 phyllaries and 20 to 30 florets. Bentham described S. 
bracbyglossus as having capitula 2 lines long with about 8 phyllaries and 16 to 18 
florets, and then wrote: "var. (?) major. Flower-heads larger. Involucres about 
5 lines long with about 12 bracts. Florets also more numerous." Thus var. major 
agrees exactly with Sonder's description of E. glossantba. 

The syntype from St. Vincent's Gulf has phyllaries 6 mm. (3 lines) long, as 
stated by Sonder, but the number ranges from 8 to 10, usually 9, and never reaches 
12. The other syntype collection by Mueller, cited by Sonder as "ad agros prope 
urbem Adelaide", may be the specimen cited by Bentham for his typical variety as 
"near Adelaide, F. Mueller". If so, it probably has 8 phyllaries 4 to 5 mm. long, 
as do the other specimens at Kew which Bentham determined as typical S. brachy- 
glossus. The Pt. Nepean specimen, cited by Bentham for var. major, agrees exactly 
with the one from St. Vincent's Gulf except that it does have 12 phyllaries. Drum- 
mond 377, cited by Benthan for var. major, differs from both the above in having 

[Vol. 43 

only 8 phyllaries, much broader leaves, and the corolla merely obliquely trun- 
cated, but since the achene is characteristically pubescent I consider it a variant of 
S. glossanthus. The Wilson Promontory specimen is to be excluded from the species 
altogether, as it had a bifid ligule 2.5 mm. long, a glabrate achene with an oblique 
annulus, and leaves with broadly amplexicaul bases. Thus Bentham's var. major 
is based on a mixture of unrelated elements and should not be maintained. 

I conclude that Senecio glossantbus is best interpreted as a variable species dis- 
tinctively characterized by it unusually hairy achene. The variation of the phyl- 
laries from 8 to 12 in number, and from 4 to 6 or 7 mm. in length, may be an 
edaphic response, which would make it unwise to make varietal distinctions without 
further information 

Bentham also published a var. elatior, based on a specimen from the Blue Moun- 
tains. The type specimen at Kew and isotypes sent from Melbourne and Sydney 
agree in having the ray florets with a trifid ligule only 1 mm. long, 10 to 12 phyl- 
laries, and a leaf much larger and more dissected than that of S. glossanthus. In 
addition, their achenes are distinctively different in size, shape, and pubescence 
from those of S. glossantbus. Var. elatior is to be excluded from this species. 

SENECIO GEORGIANUs DC. Prodr. 6: 371. 1838; non Greenm. Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 

25: 803. 1938. 

Erecbtites candicans Hook. f. Lond. Jour. Bot. 6: 122. 1847. 

Hooker did not specify a type in his description of E. candicans, stating merely: 
"Hab.? (Gunn in Herb. Hook.) ". There is a sheet at Kew from Hooker's herb- 
arium on which the right-hand specimen bears the following annotation: "Van 
D[ieman's] L[and], Gunn", düneilun candicans nob." (in Hooker's script), 
and "701. Senecio Georgianus DC.". I take this to be the holotype, and it agrees 
with the description given by Hooker. Dissection of a capitulum at the bud 
stage showed it to have marginal florets 5-fid with polliniferous stamens; that is, 
it is a discoid rather than an erecthitoid Sezecio. Comparison of this specimen with 
both the isotype (K!) and the holotype (G!) of S. georgianus DC. shows them 
to be conspecific, as later concluded by Hooker and as given in the 'Index Kew- 

Senecio georgianus Greenm. was published as a new name for S. Hallii Hieron., 
1895, non Britton,,1889. Apparently Greenman overlooked the anterior Candol- 
lean name. Britton’s plant was from Wyoming, Hieronymus’ from South America. 
As far as I am aware, the latter still requires re-naming, but that I leave to students 
of Senecio of South America, if indeed they have not already done so. 

SENECIO POLYPODIOIDES (Greene) Greene ex Greenm. Monogr. Senecio, T. 1: 25. 
ics od ; Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 32: 21. 1902. 
io poly podioides Greene, Pittonia 3: 90. 1896, nom . prov 
Erebies ol poly podioides Greene, Pittonia 3: 90. 1896, nom. nov. for S. gracilipes Robins. 
Senecio gracilipes port & Greenm. Amer. Jour. Sci. 50: 156. 1895; non A. Gray, Proc. 
. 5: 14 
e poly podioides Kate & Greenm. ex Jacks. Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1:393. 1906, error. 


The isotype at Kew has functional stamens in all florets and belongs in Senecio, 
Sg MULGEDIIFOLII, where Greenman finally placed it. 

Type: Mexico, State of Oaxaca, Sierra de Clavellinas, 9000 ft., 24 Oct. 1894, 

Pringle 6010 (GH; K!). 

SENECIO RUNCINATUS Less. Linnaea 6: 410. 1831. 
hig ? runcinata (Less.) DC. Prodr. 6: 295. 1838. 

Thi cies e uniformly homogamous capitula. Not one filiform pistillate 
floret was rei among several hundred florets which I examined from scores of 
heads from many different specimens (K, BM, P, G, W, MICH). The style-arm 
apices are truncated, with a lateral whorl of stubby pollen-presentation papillae 
but with no terminal tuft of fused hairs such as characterizes the genus Erechtites 
in sensu strictiore. This species is, in fact, a discoid Senecio, section MULGEDIIFOLIL. 
Its delimitation and synonymy will be treated in a separate publicat 

Type: Mexico, Vera Cruz, “Malpays de la Joya, Novbr.”, Sobiede & Deppe 
(B, destroyed). 

ERECHTITES ELONGATA A, Gray ex Jacks. Ind. Kew. 2: 860. 1893, nomen nudum; 

DC. Prodr. 6: 294, 1838, nomen nudum. 

As pointed out in the discussion of Erechtites, this "E. elongata", in the light 
of Rafinesque's letter to de Candolle, refers most probably to Senecio elongatus 
Pursh, Fl. Am. Sept. 2: 529. 1814. This was treated by Torrey and Gray as a 
discoid form of S. aureus var. obovatus Torr. & Gray, and now appears in ‘Gray’s 
manual’ (8th ed.) as S. obovatus forma elongatus (Pursh) Fern. It is as unrelated 
as possible to E. bieracifolia. 

At least four other names have been published in Erechtites as nomina nuda. 
These are: E. senecioides Turcz. (Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 24: 201. 1851), probably 
an error for E. sonchoides, as explained on page 48; E. macroglossa Muell. (Rept. 
Gov’t. Bot. 1853, p. 15. 1853), entirely unidentified; and E. pauciflora and E. 
uniflora Raf. (Herb. Raf. 68. 1833), both of which most probably were applied 
to depauperate forms of typical E. hieracifolia. 





Previously published valid names are in ordinary type; new names and the final mem- 
bers of new combinations are in bold face type; synonyms are in italics. 

Anonyme Robin 





Ge socrpbelum valerianaefolium ` 



apargiaef olia 


var. cacalioides 
var. cacalioides 

. pubescens 
var. carduifolia 

var. glabrescens 14 
var. hieracifolia 13 
var. intermedia 14 
var. megalcarpa .—— . ———— M 
minor 14 

var. praealta 14 

r. typica 14 
Gees 19 
Hieraciifoliae 1, 13 
pispid 48, 66, 69 
ignobilis E 
ana GE 
Labillardieri 46 
lacerata 51 
leptantba 80 
macroglossa 83 
megalocar pa cH 
minima 46 
missionum 32 
mission 34 
var. lanceolata 32, 34 
mixta 54, 75 
Muelleri 71 
novoguinensis 78 
organensis 29 
pauciflora - 83 
apuana 53 
petiolata 31 
picridioides 48, 54 
poly podioides 82 
praealta 2 
realta 10, 14 
prenantboides 31, 43 46 
var. mino 55 
var. picridioides 48 
pumila 46, 69 
pyrophi 49 
quadridentata 49, 57 
var. glabrescens 57 

. Gunnii 60 
Richardiana 48 
runcinata 83 
scaberula 69 
senecioides 83 
Senecioneae 7 
ecioninae 2,8 
soncboides 43 
sulcata 19 
tenuiflora 71 
uniflora 83 
valerianaefolia 25 



f. organensis 29 

var. organensis 29 

f. prenanthoides — . 30 

f. reducta 30 

f. valerianaefolia |. 26 
Erecbibites 10 
aspera 20 
malasica 20 
papuana 53 
rosea 26 
zeylanica var. malasica o 2 26 
eis 10 
carduifolia 19 
hieracifolia 14 
microcephala 61 
idu 14 
tomentosa 57 
j 10 
bieracifolia 14 
necio 3; 37 
albifloru. 31 
zeg 71 
argutus 61 
Atkinsoniae 41 
rsti 69 
bipinnatisectus 41 
biserratus 43 
brachyglossus 80 
ar. elati 80 

ar. major 80 
cacalioides 19 
carduifolius 19 
ecaisnei 3 
diversifolius 56 
dunedinensis i 55 
elongatus 5, 83 
erechthitoides SE 29 
Fischeri 19 
flaccidus 43 
georgianus 82 
glabrescens De * 
gland 57 
— EE, 

glomeratus X hispidulus Gi, 70 
oaa — 80 
Goyazensis Se 
gracilipes 82 

beslogymaus 77 

beteropbylla 46 
hieracifolius 13, 19, 46 
var. gigantea 14 
hispidulus 65 
var. dëses 69 
var. hispidulus 66 
var. scaberulus 69 
bispidulus 66, 69 
hispidulus X quadridentatus ............ i 
ignobilis 36 
kermadecensis 45 
laceratu 51 
lactucoi 31 
laticostatus 64 
leptanthus 80 
Lessoni 61 
Lessonian 61 
microcephalus 64 
minimu: 46 
ar. minimus 46 
var. picridioides 48 
mixtus 75 
ülleri 46 
multicaulis 68 
mert? $2 
poly podioides 82 
prenantboides 57 
pumilus 46, 68 
pusillus 70 
pyrophil 49 
quadridentatus .. 57 
runcinat SE EE 
E E EE 48, 54 
$ udus a M 
ides xs A4 
a _~ 48 
tenuiflorus 71 
valerianaefolius 25, 26 
Vukotinovici i M 
wairauensis du 99 
Warscewiczii 46 
cio 10 
agrestis 19 
iliensis 19 
erythropappus 26 
laevis -B 
occidentalis 19 


 RomarE Woonson, Jay 

Berta M. TRYON, ` 

Volume XLIII Number 2 

| Annals 
of the : ae i 7 ee dex ^] 

of the 

Missouri Botanical Garden 

Vol. 43 MAY, 1956 No. 2 



Many of the Australian and New Zealand species of Pittosporum have long 
been treasured in gardens of Australia, New Zealand, France, and England, for 
their flowers, foliage and sweet scent, and several are common hedge plants and 
ornamentals in California and Florida. In addition to an aesthetic appeal, the 
species have scientific interest and potential economic value. 

The most recent inclusive treatment of Pittosporum is in the treatment of the 
family Pittosporaceae by Pritzel,! who found it was impossible to make a satis- 
factory arrangement or classification of the genus and relied upon the geographic 
distribution of the species. He wrote as follows: 

Etwa 160 Arten in den Tropen und Subtropen der östlichen Hemispháre von 

st-Afr s zu den Inseln des Pazi e befriedigende natürliche 
EAE der G di E nicht gegeben werden kann, so bleibt nichts 
anderes übrig, als sie Verbreitung zu behandeln. Ein künftiges 

System bs Gattung d EE vor allem auf die ceni zu gründen haben, und 
diese ist bei vielen Arten noch nicht genügend bekan 

He discussed and keyed the species separately i the following regions: 
Malaysia ralia Other Polynesian Islands China and Japan 
Philippine Islands Solomon Gë and Bismarck New Zealan Africa à 
New Guinea Hawaiian Islands Macronesia 

onia Fiji SI Tonga Islands India Madagascar Terr. 

The species of New Caledonia were treated by Guillaumin? in 1940, and a key 

to them was published in 19483. The Hawaiian species were revised by Sherff* in 

» Pritzel, E. In Engler & Prantl’ e Nat. Pflanzenfam. ed. 2. 18a:273-281. 1930. 
Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 87:333. 1 
ZK Aen et Synopt. Nouv. Calédonie. Wege pp. 134-136. 1948. 
* Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Bot. Ser. 22:467. 

*An investigation carried out in the "eger laboratory of the Henry Shaw School o E ad 
of Washington University, and submitted a thesis in partial fulfilment of the requirements for 
the de imi " Doctor of Philosophy. 

` t, S retine Institute and Museum, Auckland, New Zealand. 

Mars ` 19, 

Jul y (87) 

[Vol. 43 

1942. A preliminary account of the African species by Cufodontis? appeared in 
1951, and a fuller revision? in 1952. A study of the East Asian species by Gowda’ 
was published in 1951, and a criticism of this work by Lif, in connection with the 
Formosan species, followed in 1953. The species of the Malayan Archipelago will 
be revised by one of the authors of ‘Flora Malesiana'?, and those of the Central 
Pacific Islands will be dealt with in A. C. Smith's "Studies of Pacific Plants”. 
The species which occur in Australia and New Zealand are revised in this study, 
and an attempt is made to reconcile some of the divergent views of other workers. 

History or THE GENUS 

William Dampier, navigator and sometime buccaneer, was the first European 
to collect a specimen of Pittosporum in the Australasian region. Between August 
6 and September 2, 1699, he cruised along the northwest Australian coast in 
H.M.S. Roebuck, from Shark's Bay northward to 18? 21' S. latitude. The few 
specimens of plants he collected at Shark's Bay went to Dr. William Sherard and 
are preserved in the Sherardian Herbarium at Oxford, England. They were described 
by John Ray assisted by Sherard,'! and Plukenet.? Among them was the species 
we now know as Pittosporum phillyraeoides DC. Linnaeus did not list the plant 
in his ‘Species Plantarum’ (1753) and although Robert Brown examined the Shark's 
Bay collection subsequent workers did not mention it. 

The type specimens of the type species of the genus Pittosporum were collected 
by Banks and Solander, who accompanied Cook as naturalists on his first voyage 
of discovery. Between October 1769 and February of 1770 they collected four 
species in New Zealand, and in May and June of 1770 they obtained another 
species at Palm Island and Bustard Bay on the coast of Queensland, Australia. 
During the voyage Solander had written descriptions of the plants collected which 
were revised and systematically arranged prior to his death in 1782. Banks had 
prepared excellent plates to accompany his Nene. but publication was delayed 
and finally abandoned. In 1788 Gaertner!? published the description of Pitto- 
sporum from the manuscript prepared by Solander, and described and illustrated 
the fruits and seeds of two species made available to him by Banks!*. 

The subsequent history of the collection of new species in Australia and New 
Zealand, like the history of botanical discovery in these regions, may be divided 

err. Bot. Zeitschr. 98:105. 1951. 

oe —€— from Dr. C. G. G. J. Van Steenis, general editor of “Flora Malesiana”- 
Y? Personal c 

3 Hise. Pl. Vol. 3 5 and Apod: 1704. 

12 Almalth. Bot. 

13 Fruct. et Sem. A 1:286. £. 59. 1788. 

14 The five species collected by Banks and Solander were: Pittosporum tenuifolium Gaertn., P. 

umbellatum Gaertn., P. ralpbii Kirk, P. cornifolium A. Cunn., all from New Zealand, and P. ferru- 
it. from Awink 


into two periods: 1, the period of investigations by travellers or naturalists at- 
tached to voyages of discovery or survey; 2, the period of investigation by resident 
botanists. Dampier, Cook, d'Urville, Wilkes, Robert Brown, and J. D. Hooker 
are a few of the distinguished men who visited Australia and New Zealand during 
the first period. The second period followed when systematic white settlement of 
the two countries began. Bentham!5, F. M. Bailey**, Maiden?”, Lee!? and Willist? 
have dealt adequately with the Australian collectors of both periods, and J. D. 
Hooker?%, Cheeseman?! and 'Cockayne?? have given full accounts of the New 
Zealand botanists. 

The descriptions of species of Pittosporum from Australia and New Zealand 
are scattered widely in the extensive literature on the floras of these regions, but 
have been brought together from time to time by European and local workers. In 
1839 Putterlick?? recognised thirty-six species of which twelve were recorded from 
Australia and seven from New Zealand. Bentham?*, whose study was based on the 
extensive Australian collections of Robert Brown, Preiss, Sieber, Allan Cunningham, 
Ferdinand Mueller and others recognized nine species. J. D. Hooker? revised the 
New Zealand species in 1853 and again in 1864 and recognized thirteen species. 
His study was based on the extensive collections of Colenso, Sinclair, Dieffenbach, 
Buchanan, Bidwill, Richard and Allan Cunningham, Hector, Lyall, Travers, and 

Hooker was far from satisfied regarding the status of several of the species, 
and wrote?9: “I have restored the var. reflexum of Fl. N.Z, as a different species, 
but with some doubt: better specimens are wanted of both”; and again”, “It 
is with great reluctance that I add another Pittosporum to the series, already very 
difficult of discrimination, that consists of Zenuifolium, colensoi and fasciculatum.” 

Kirk?8 published a revision of the New Zealand species in 1872, based on his 
own extensive collections and field observations, He did not have access to the 
early literature on the genus, or to the important collections at the Royal Botanic 
Gardens, Kew, but in spite of these handicaps he made a very valuable contribution 

Wa Austr, 1: age o i 
Proc. Roy. io ie 8:xvii, xlv. 
17 Jour. & Proc. Roy. Soc. N.S.W. 42:60. rd Ist. Suppl. Rept. Austr. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 13: 224. 

1912. 2nd Suppl. Jour. & Proc. perte Soc. N.S.W. 55: 150. 1921 
Ea i . 

19 Vict. Nat 

25 Fl. Nov, Zel. 1: CH 1853; Handb. N.Z. Fl. p.18. 1864, and p. 725. 1867. 
SZ loc. cit. p.21. Soe 
loc. cit. p.725. 1867. 
28 N.Z. Inst. "oc PC 4:260. 1872. 

[Vol. 43 

to our knowledge of the New Zealand species. Cheeseman??, who worked under 
similar difficulties, recognized nineteen species in 1906 and twenty-three in 1925, 
but expressed doubts regarding the status of many of these entities 

The most recent study which is of importance to us is that of the small-leaved 
species of Pittosporum in New Zealand, published by Laing and Gourlay?? in 1935. 
This was based on extensive field observations and a considerable number of speci- 
mens cultivated in the authors’ gardens, and includes complete descriptions of 
seedling and juvenile stages. They observed the similarity of one of the small- 
leaved New Zealand species of Pittosporum to the Australian species of Bursaria 
but left the question of nomenclature changes to future workers. Pax?! treated 
the genus as a whole for the ‘Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien’ in 1891 and 
recognised the species described by Bentham for Australia and by J. D. Hooker 
and Kirk for New Zealand. Similarly, Pritzel3?, in the second edition of “Die 
Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien', adopted the Australian species from Bentham and 

subsequent authors, and the New Zealand species from Cheeseman, with little 

Economic Uses 

From the wealth of observation published on the uses of different species of 
Pittosporum two generalizations can be made: (1) that certain medicinal and 
poisonous properties are common throughout the range of the genus; (2) that 
these properties were known to several primitive races of people who lived in com- 
munities which were widely separated, if not completely isolated. 

The Australian aborigines soaked the seeds and pulp of the fruit of P. 
bbillyraeoides in water and used the bitter infusion internally for pains and 
sprains?, The Filipinos used a decoction of the leaves of P. pentandrum as an 
aromatic bath after childbirth, and the powdered bark of the same tree as a 
febrifuge and for bronchitis. They also used the fruits of P. resiniferum as a 
universal medicine?*, The Malayans applied the leaves and roots of P. ferrugineum 
as poultices in the treatment of malaria??, and some South African natives employed 
the bark of P. viridiflorum* as a febrifuge and as a bitter emetic. Again, on 
Réunion Island the natives used the bark and leaves of P. senacia in medicine?” 

e Malayans macerated the leaves and fruit of P. ferrugineum for fish 
poison?5, and the Javanese treated P. ferrugineum and P. javanicum for the same 

29 Man. ne Fl. pp. 51, a 1134. 1906; ed. 2, p. 486. 1925. 
:44, 1935 

30 Trans . Soc. 
um Engler & ëch: Nat. ona. 3 (2a):106. 1891. 
32 loc. cit. ed. 2 :265 30. 
aiden, For. A prr 31:161. 
34 Valenzuela, Con Santos. jour. P hilipp. ~~ a 34:34. 1947. 

ha and 
5 Burkill, Dict. Econ. Prod. Malay Pe cag 2:1763. 
36 Githens, Drug Pl. Afr. p.100. 194 
37 Niederlein, Resources Te des olen. Franc. p.55. 1902. 
38 Burkill, loc. cit. 1935 


purpose??, The Fijians used the fruits of P. arborescens, P. brackenridgei, and P. 
rbytidocarpum as a fish poison, the fruits of P. rhytidocarpum as a dye, the leaves of 
P. arborescens as a remedy for stomach troubles, and the bark and leaves of P. 
arborescens and P. brackenridgei for witchcraft. A cherished sheet of P. arborescens 
in the herbarium of the Department of Agriculture, Suva, Fiji, is from a plant 
which was "Exhibit A" at the trial of a poisoner charged with ritual murder. 

It is possible that these medicinal and poisonous properties will be of economic 
value in the future. For example, the bitter properties of P. phillyraeoides (Austra- 
lia) and P. viridiflorum (South Africa) have been mentioned. Since the dawn of 
history all sorts of virtues have been ascribed to bitter or "strong" medicine, but 
bitters still have a place in medicine as general tonics, in the control of diarrhaea, 
and in wound dressings. 

The presence of saponins has been reported by a number of workers. Klein? 
states that the following species contain the saponin “pittosporin” of unknown 
formula. He gives no reference, but the information is probably taken from 
Greshoff*!, ; 

Sino-Japanese Region Pittosporum tobira Leaves 
Madeira-Teneriff Pittosporum coriaceum Leaves and bark 
— Pittosporum densiflorum Leaves 
Malayan Archipelago Pittosporum javanicum Bark 
S Pittosporum floribundum Bark 
South Af 
i Pittosporum viridiflorum Bark 
Pittosporum erioloma Leaves 
: [aie phillyraeoides Fruit 
te Pittos rbombifolium Leaves 
Pittosporum undulatum Leaves and bark 
Pittosporum cornifolium Leaves 
New Zealand Pittosporum crassifolium Leaves 
"t Pittosporum eugenioides Leaves 
Pittosporum buttonianum Leaves 

ED tpe 
4, Hayne, Nutt. Plant. Ned. Ind. p. 688. 1927. 
a 4 Han er Pflanzenanalyse. 37:1135. 1932. 
Kew Bull. p. 414. 1909, 

[Vol. 43 

The presence of saponins probably accounts for most of the medicinal and 
poisonous properties of the species. Githens* says: 

The saponins constitute a ob large and diverse Led of teh mg have 

the property nid using foaming when added t re ER e m and P 
viridiflorum a dp Sen as piss "eee in Se ir pits countri e The " 
find an extensive use in shampoos, toothpast <n similar cosmetic prepara- 
tions. Some have no marked Sad: on the Mods, o: of them Beni 
nausea or vomiting. This is accompanied by scetur secretion in the a- 
tory passages and a greater c fluidi « of the mucus, leadin Wa f^ y jocis nan d EC 
coughs or expectorant actio nausea is often accompanied by pan? 

leading to lowering of febrile scs sa Saponins are therefore used as 
emetics, expectorants and febrifuges. Many saponins act on the gills of fi Ze 
interfere wit respira ration and are therefore eg as gus geng A few sapo- 
Omer nk locally irritant and act as purgati X escam). cause. 

Saponins have been found suitable for insecticides, but neither the Department 
of Insecticides at Rothamstead Experimental Station, England, nor the Section for 
Insecticide Investigations at the U. S, Department of Agriculture Research Station, 
Beltsville, Md., has examined any species of Pittosporum. The only information I 

ve on their insecticidal properties is to be found in “A Survey of Plants for 
Insecticidal Activity” by Heal and others??, These workers found that aqueous 
extracts of the branches, leaves, and roots of P. semacia were toxic to American 
cockroaches when injected into the bloodstream, but were inactive against German 
cockroaches and milkweed bugs. Alcohol and petroleum ether extracts of P. senacia 
— leaves were toxic to black carpet beetles, but non-toxic to other insects 
. An extract of P. viridiflorum bark was non-toxic to all insects tested. 
pedo ferrugineum of Malaya and Australia, and P. arborescens, P. bracken- 
rid gei and P. rbytidocarpum of Fiji appear, from their record as fish poisons, to be 
more promising than the species tested. 

The essential oils of several species have been examined and described, and the 
papers are listed: 

Pittosporum monticolum.................. A. 5 Faime LA Pharm. Weekblad, 
Malayan Archipel, 

I. Garcia-Reyes, in Rev. Filip, 
M Med. Farm. 28:448. 1937. 

y = Cornworth & J. C. Earl, 

Pittosporum resiniferum................ 

Australia...................... Pittosporum aadnlatun a Jour. Roy. Soc. NSW. 
72: 249. 1939. 
: C. L. Carter & W. V. Heazle- 
Pittosporum eugenioides... wood, in Jour. Soc. Chem. Ind. 
New Zealand 68: 34. 1949. 
Pittosborum tenuifolium SESS SUE A. J. Calder & C. L. Carter, 

loc. cit. 68:355. 1949. 

42 Githens, loc cit. 1949. 
53 Lloydia 13:89. 1950. 


Essential oils** usually are the source of scent in flowers, and have many uses 
as flavors and condiments in food. Frequently they have the property of checking 
bacterial growth and are used for food preservatives, and even as wound dressings. 
They are also valuable in medicine to regulate intestinal movements and for 
respiratory, kidney and urinary infections. In 1889 Maiden recommended the 
cultivation of P. undulatum on a commercial scale for its essential oil, but his 
suggestion has never been followed, and the possibilities of this and other species 
remain unexplored. 

e gum-resins of P. bicolor, P. rbombifolium and P. undulatum of Australia 
and of P. eugenioides and P. tenuifolium of New Zealand have been described by 
Maiden**, who suggested that they might be found useful in medicine. 

The iei of the Australian species have been described by Mueller*”, Bailey*? 
and Maiden*®, and the woods of the New Zealand species have been dealt with by 
Kirk5? and others. They are not available in sufficient size or quantity for com- 
mercial use but are much esteemed for special purposes. The wood of P. undulatum 
is preferred by some to any other timber for golf sticks?!, The wood of P. bicolor, 
which was once used for clubs or “waddies” by the aborigines of Tasmania, is now 
much esteemed for axe handles and billiard cues??. The replacement of ““waddies” 
by billiard cues will be deplored by all lovers of the truncheon and shillelagh. 

Pittosporum has made a small but valuable contribution to horticulture. The 
cultivation of species of Pittosporum began when P. coriaceum was brought to 
England from Madeira in 1787 and introduced into gardens by James Webster; P 
undulatum was introduced into England from Australia by Sir Joseph Banks about 
two years later; and P. tobira was sent to Kew from Canton, China, in 1804. 
Splendid living collections are maintained today at the Royal Botanic Gardens, 
Kew, the Villa Thuret, in southern France, and Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, 
California. Many Australian and New Zealand species are represented in 
collections and are grown in the surrounding districts as street trees, garden orna- 
mentals, hedge plants, and shelter trees, The Australian P. undulatum is probably 
the most widely cultivated and has been reported in gardens in Ceylon, Italy, the 
Azores, France, England, the United States (Florida and California), Bermuda, 
Hawaii, India, China, New Zealand and, of course, Australia. In the Azores it was 
introduced as a shelter tree for the orange groves and is now naturalized. In 
Bermuda and Hawaii it has also become naturalized and is an attractive addition to 
the local flora, 

Finnemore, H. The paid pp. 347-349. 1926. 
d Maren i Austr. p.292, 1889. 
ustr. Assoc. Adv. Sci. sae’. 1893. 
« * Select Cat Zeen Pl. p.258. 1881. 
pa oods. p.11. 1888. 
so Useful Nat. Pl. Austr. p.588. 1889. 
59 N.Z. 

[Vol. 43 

The widespread use of the Australian and New Zealand species in horticulture 
has been accompanied by the usual nomenclatural problems. Horticulturists have 
created, and persist in using, several specific epithets which have been ignored or 
reduced to synonymy by taxonomists concerned only with the "wild forms". I 
have attempted to solve the nomenclatural problems by citing published horti- 
cultural names in the synonymy of the species concerned and in the discussion 
following the description. 


The principal criteria for the classification of the Australian and New Zea- 
land species of Pittosporum are based on comparative morphology and geographic 
distribution. The chromosome number of only one species, the Chinese P. tobira 
(2n = 24), is known”, and the embryology of the genus has not been investi- 
gated”*, The anatomy of thirty-six species of Pittosporum, and a representative of 
each of the allied genera, Hymenosporum, Bursaria, Sollya, and Citriobatus, has 
been examined by Guenot, who commented:9? “La structure anatomique du genre 
Pittosporum s'est montrée dans les espéces que nous avons examinées d'une con- 
stance remarquable." 

Gowda”* examined the pollen of twenty-six species of Pittosporum and a 
representative of each of the other genera in the family, and found that they varied 
in size but did not show any marked difference in form and sculpture. Lucy 
Watson-Smith?" has informed me that the New Zealand species vary in size and 
thickness of the exine but generally are very much alike. In the preceding chapter 
on economic uses I mentioned that certain chemical properties of the genus are 
remarkably constant. 

A study of living and herbarium specimens has convinced me that Pittosporum 
is an assemblage of very homogeneous forms and that many of its morphological 
characters are constant throughout its range from Hawaii to South Africa. 
the evidence suggests that it is a tropical and subtropical genus which is most 
specialized and reduced at the extreme limits of its distribution, especially at the 
southern boundaries in Australia and New Zealand. 


The Australian and New Zealand species are evergreen trees and shrubs with 
verticillate and simple branching. Gowda?9 described the behaviour of the leading 
shoot as follows: 

53 Darlington, C. D. and Janaki Ammal, E. K. Chromosome atlas of cultivated plants. p. 112. 1945. 
5 Johansen, D. A. Plant embryology. p. 174. 1950 
" wen n ^i eg ibution à l'étude anatomique des Pittosporaceés. Doct. Diss. Univ. Paris. Ser. 
. 523, p.5 
56 SEN ës Zeg 32: 277. 1951. 

nal communication. 
38 loc. cit. p. 265. 


1. Vegetative in the f 
a. Producing ind Ji d in the second year and also a new 
leading vegetative shoo oots the lower axils; or 
b. Producing leafless peudoermini pa odia the second year from 
the buds congested at the apex, and also a new leading vegetative shoot 
r shoots. 
2. Vegetative and terminating in an inflorescence the first year, and the second 
year producing a new leading vairar shoot or shoots from its lower axils. 

A plant of the Australian P. undulatum was observed in the Linnaean house 
of the Missouri Botanical Garden from February 1952 until April 1953. In 
February inflorescences developed in a terminal position on leading shoots. Dur- 
ing April and May buds appeared in the axils of the leaves beneath the inflorescences, 
and some of these developed rapidly and assumed a leading position while others 
developed more slowly and formed a whorl of lateral branches. Similar behaviour 
was observed in the Chinese P. tobira and on both plants two phases of growth, 
reproductive and vegetative, were accomplished in the growing season. 

The plants bore female flowers which were not fertilized, and the dead flowers 
were forced to one side and shed when an axillary shoot assumed a leading position. 
On several branches of both po one or two axillary vegetative shoots developed 
at the same time as, an y below, the terminal inflorescences, In several 
instances one of these vegetative shoots immediately assumed a leading position and 
the inflorescence was left behind in a lateral position, On other branchlets the 
vegetative shoots formed an irregular whorl and the inflorescence was left behind 
in a terminal position. 

An examination of herbarium material of P. undulatum showed that the 
vegetative buds remain dormant in the axils of the subtending leaves when fruit 
develop and the cluster of fruit persists for some time as a terminal structure. 
Herbarium material of P. umbellatum, P. tenuifolium, P. crassifolium, P. corni- 
folium, and P. dallii showed that where a terminal inflorescence developed fruit, the 
fruit stalks were occasionally forced to one:side by the leading shoot and persisted in 
a lateral position. 

Agnes Arber®® has remarked that in shoot systems, “the subordination of 
parent shoots to lateral shoots is, indeed, quite common; it is the essential feature of 
all sympodial and cymose branching.’ 

The development of the leading vegetative shoot prior to the inflorescence 
shoot involves a change in timing which has occurred in the allied Australian genus 
Sollya. In S. heterophylla the inflorescence develops in a lateral position but is not 
subtended by a leaf. There is a leaf on the side of the shoot opposite to the in- 
florescence, however, indicating that the shoot above the inflorescence is really a 
lateral axillary structure. 

In Pittosporum divaricatum and P. crassicaule of New Zealand the branchlets 
are almost spinose, but bear leaves and occasionally an inflorescence. Spines are 

% The natural philosophy of plant form. p.94. 1950. 

l [Vol. 43 

well developed in the Australian P. o’reillyanum and the allied Australian genera 
Bursaria and Citrobatus, and their derivation from short shoots is indicated by the 
occasional presence of leaves on them. 

In the New Zealand Pittosporum divaricatum, P. crassicaule, and P. anomalum 
the flowers are borne on "arrested branchlets" which may attain several millimetres 
in length. These are lateral structures and appear to be miniature forms of the 
reproductive shoots on which the flower stalks are borne in many other species. 

In the Australian P. phillyraeoides and P. bicolor, and in the New Zealand P. 
obcordatum and P. rigidum, the inflorescence consists of a solitary flower, or a 
fascicle of flowers, which is usually borne in the axil of a leaf. Pittosporum 
phillyraeoides rarely has several flowers in a cyme, and P. obcordatum and P. 
rigidum frequently have flowers on minute arrested branchlets. The New Zealand 
P. tenuifolium and P. buttonianum bear both terminal and axillary inflorescences 
which consist of 3 fascicle of flowers or of a solitary flower. 

In all species mentioned the flowers may be considered as terminal on a shoot 
which is reduced and sometimes is represented only by the scales at the base of the 
flower stalks. Occasionally, in P. tenuifolium and P. buttonianum the shoot is well 
developed and bears a whorl of cataphylls or 1-2 leaves beneath the terminal 
fascicle of flowers, Rarely, the subtending cataphylls and leaves are suppressed 
and the inflorescence appears to be compound. Other aspects of this reduction in 
the reproductive shoot are discussed below. 

The presence of terminal inflorescences, axillary inflorescences, and of both 
terminal and axillary inflorescences is fairly constant within a species or sub- 
species and is a valuable criteron for classification. However, it must be borne in 
mind that the inflorescence may be pushed from a terminal to a lateral position by 
the development of a leading shoot. Furthermore, in some species several reduced 

forms of the fertile shoot (e-8 a cyme, fascicle, or solitary flower) may be found 
together on a branchlet. 


The life forms of the Australian and New Zealand species and subspecies, 
according to the system of Du Rietz®, are summarized in the following table: 

In compiling this table difficulty has been experienced in fitting the species 
to the various categories defined by Du Rietz. His definition of "trees" is holo- 
xyles with a distinct main trunk remaining unbranched in its lower part", and of 
"shrubs," “holoxyles higher than 0.8 m., not developing a distinct main trunk, with 
the stem branched from its basal part above or below the soil surface”. Some 
species of Pittosporum develop both a main trunk and branches from the base. 
Pittosporum undulatum, for example, when grown in an open situation usually 
has branches from the base as well as a main trunk. Difficulty has also been 
experienced with the size classes of Du Rietz. Again Pittosporum undulatum may 

9? Life forms of terrestrial flowering plants. Acta Phytogeogr. Suec. 31. 1931. 


| eg and Lord} 
Life Form Australian we Islands New. Zealand 

Tall t 
(8 - 30: m. in height) 6 É 2 2 
Low trees 
(2-8 m.) 1 2 4 3 
Dwarf trees 
(0.8 - 2 m.) 4 2 1 
High shrubs 
(2 ~ 8 m.) 4 3 2 
Ordinary shrubs 
(0.8 - 2 m.) I 
Dwarf shrubs 
(under 0.8 m.) Z ze 2 
Epiphytic shrubs i is 2 

be cited as an example: in barren exposed localities it is a shrub 2-3 m. high 
but in favorable situations it is a tree 10-30 m, tall. Similarly, P. bicolor, P. 
rbombifolium, and P. crassifolium are very variable in habit and size. 

In spite of these difficulties the summary does show: (1) that the New 
Zealand species of the series TRIVALVAE are conservative in form; (2) that the 
New Zealand species of the series BIVALVAE are more diverse in shrub forms; and 
(3) that the Australian species of the BIVALVAE are a relatively conservative group. 

The Australian species belonging to genera allied to Pittosporum have 2-valved 
fruits, and if these were included in the table the number of shrub species would be 
much higher, and the number of life form classes would be increased by the addi- 
tion of dwarf-shrubs, dwarf half-shrubs, and twiners with a woody base. 

Although the life forms of members of the Pittosporaceae have evolved along 
closely parallel lines in Australia and New Zealand, the New Zealand species are 
placed without difficulty in the genus Pittosporum while the Australian species are 
so specialized in other characters that they are classified in separate genera. A 
Possible explanation of the different rates of evolution in the two countries is given 

Laing and Gourlay*! considered that the small-leaved New Zealand species of 
the BIVALVAE are a natural group and commen 

It should first be noted that all the species dealt with . . . are highly 
rphic in length and rigidity of branchlets, leaf shape and size, and in 

species . . has also 
size and ships, from the corresponding adult plant. 
than one adult form, and the juvenile may go through many changes. 

9! Trans. Roy. Soc. N.Z. 65:46. 1935. 

[Vol. 43 

There are a number of species, however, which lie between the two extremes 
represented by Laing and Gourlay's polymorphic small-leaved section of BIVALVAE 
and the more conservative members of the BIVALVAE and TRIVALVAE. For example, 
Pittosporum turneri is a shrub or tree 2—9 m. tall, with sharply divaricating and 
matted branchlets at the juvenile stage and on the lower part of the adult stem, and 
ascending branches on the upper part of the stem. The leaves are relatively small 
below and large above, and the plant combines the distinguishing characters of the 
two sections suggested by Laing and Gourlay. 

Cockayne and Allan? recorded about 200 New Zealand species as showing 
more or less strongly marked dimorphy or even polymorphy as they progress from 
the juvenile to the adult stage, and they eet that an explanation based on 
hybridism and the "somatic segregation" in hybrids of chimaeras of various 
types might be the correct one, There is, however, no evidence to support their 


The vegetative shoot develops from a bud which is protected by cataphylls. 
The term "cataphyll"9? is used here to include both bud scales and transitional 
leaves. Usually the latest-formed cataphylls become quite leaf-like but with 
the elongation of the shoot they are shed and only a whorl of leaves near the apex 
of the shoot matures. The sequence of cataphylls from one whorl of mature 
leaves to the next is illustrated in fig. 1. for the Australian P. undulatum, the New 
Zealand P. umbellatum, and the Chinese P. tobira. 

Usually the cataphylls are missing from herbarium specimens but their scars 
have been found in most species of Pittosporum that 1 have examined. In the allied 
Australian genus H ymenosporum the cataphylls are shed, but in Sollya, Bursaria, 
Pronaya, Billardiera, Citriobatus, Cheiranthera, and Mariantbus they are retained. 

Stebbins?* and others have remarked that the presence of an apical meristem 
and the serial differentiation of organs result in two types of ontogeny; one is that 
of the various lateral appendages, starting from the time when they become dif- 
ferentiated from the apical meristem of the shoot, and the other is that of the 
embryo and seedling. Agnes Arber® pointed out that recent work by Miller and 
Wetmore®™ showed that the development of the shoot from the meristematic apex 
is merely a modification of the original pattern in the relevant part of the embryo. 
The embryo has not been investigated, but there are many observations on 
development of Pittosporum seedlings and juveniles. 

Generally variations in size and shape are more marked in seedling and juvenile 
leaves than in the cataphylls between two whorls of mature leaves, but ithe 
resemblance between the two ontogenies is marked. 


62 Jour, Ecol. 15:239, 245. 1927 
- 63 Foster, i in puc . Jour. Bot. 16:475. E 
6t Variations robin in plants. 1950. 
$5 The Gees en hy of plant a x 162. 1950. 
66 Amer. Jour. Bot. 33:1. 1946. 


A wn 






Fig.. 1. haa uence of cataphylls and leaves of three species of Pittosporum. 
Previous mature whorl of leaves at left; new whorl at right; caducous cataphylls 
indicated Greg horizontal black line. About one-third natural size. Further explana- 

tion in the te 

[Vol. 43 

The following summary of seedling, juvenile, and adult foliage in representa- 
tive Australian and New Zealand species of Pittosporum and in Billardiera longi- 
flora is based on the descriptions of Lubbock®’, Cockayne®’, Sainsbury%, Hardy", 
Laing and Gourlay™, as well as my own observations. 

Species Seedling leaves Juvenile leaves Adult leaves 
P. pbillyraeoides Entire, lanceolate- As for adult Entire, linear-oblong 
P. undulatum Entire, lanceolate- As for adult Entire, elliptic-oblong 
B. longiflora Entire, linear Trilobed, obovate Trilobed, lobes serrate, 
New Zealand 
P. tenuifolium ` ` Entire, ovate As for adult Entire, oblong-ovate 
P. umbellatum Entire, obovate Lobed, pinnatifid, Entire, elliptic 
P. divaricatum Irregularly double, Lobed, oblong or obo-  |Entire or dentate, cren- 
serrate, linear vate to linear ate or lobed, linear- 
— to linear- 
P. eugenioides Entire, — Variously notched a Entire, rd 
ellipt base, POR 

From the above summary and the descriptions given later, it is clear that 
marked changes in seedling, juvenile, and adult foliage are due to differences in 
size and general outline, and frequently to variation in the leaf margins. 

Following Arber??, I am using the term “heterophylly” to describe the occur- 
rence of two or more different types of leaf upon one individual. Heterophylly 
has been reported in almost all the New Zealand species of Pittosporum. It is slight 
in the TRIVALVAE (e.g. P. tenuifolium) but is well marked in the BIVALVAE (e.g. P. 
umbellatum and P. divaricatum). Several heterophyllous species of Pittosporum 
have been reported from New Caledonia'?, but none are known from Australia. 
The allied Australian genera, Pronaya, Marianthus, and Billardiera have species with 

$7 A contribution to our knowledge of seedlings. p. 200. 1892. 
88 N.Z. Inst. Trans. & Proc. 31:362. 1899; and M :265. 1901. 
$9 N.Z. Inst. Trans. & Proc. 54:572. 
bis Prei- ei Soc. Vict. 28: 240. 1916. 

5 Trans. . N.Z. 65: 44. 1955. 
e 7 Water plants. p.143. 1920. 

Guillaumin, in Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris 25:214. 1919. 


lobed or notched leaves, however, and their resemblance to juvenile forms of the 
New Zealand species of Pittosporum is striking. 

Distinct sun and shade forms in P. divaricatum, P. crassicaule, and P. anom- 
alum have been described by Cockayne’, and Laing and Gourlay™; and Michie has 
supplied me with sun and shade forms of P. pimeleoides var. major. It is clear from 
the records and specimens that leaves exposed to the sun tend to be entire, and that 
shaded leaves are variously lobed, toothed, and pinnatifid; but exposure and shade 
are obviously not the cause of heterophylly. Stebbins' discussed heterophyllous 
leaves from the ecological viewpoint but admitted that similar lobed and pinnatifid 
leaves in Quercus had no apparent selective value. Ashby™ studied the changes in 
size and shape from leaf to leaf on a shoot of Ipomoea caerulea and remarked: 

On the basis of these fragments of evidence it is suggested that lobing is 
determined very early in leaf ontogeny by a growth €— which changes 
. an 

in concentration or composition during development, . . which is sup- 
presed at low light intensities and also in short days with uninterrupted 

Elsewhere, he summarized past research as follows: 
p . 

some plants no correlation has been discovered between leaf shape and 
external conditions. In these plants (e.g. species of Ipomoea and Hedera) leaf 
shape is a function of the age of the plant and the position at which the leaf 
arises.  Heteroblasticl'?] development is presumably controlled by unknown 
internal factors. : 
Both leaf shape and rate of heteroblastic development are influenced by 
genes. For Gossypium the effects of some specific genes on heteroblastic 
development have already been worked out. 

In the New Zealand P. umbellatum the change from lobed and pinnatifid 
leaves is abrupt, but in P. virgatum it is gradual; in fact, lobed leaves are frequently 
found in the adult foliage. There are not two phases, juvenile and adult, in this 
species, but a series of phases in which the leaves differ markedly in size and form. 
Ross Michie, of Kaitaia, N.Z., a keen amateur botanist, has a number of plants of 
P. virgatum in cultivation on which two, three and four types of foliage are present 
at different levels on the trunk, and he observes that some plants develop entire 
leaves after the first phase of lobed and pinnatifid leaves, while others pass through 
two or three more or less distinct leaf forms before reaching the adult foliage. 

Leaf forms of juvenile and adult plants of P. umbellatum, P. virgatum, P. 
patulum, P. turneri and P. pimeleoides are illustrated in fig. 2, and measurements of 
their flowers and fruits are given in the chapter on Taxonomy. There is some 
similarity between the adult leaves of P. pimeleoides, and the juvenile leaves of P. 
patulum, P. turneri, and P. virgatum, and some resemblance between the adult 

"7 Rept. Austr. Ass. Adv. Sci. 13:219. 1912. 
75 Trans. Roy. Soc. N.Z. 65:44. 1935. 
5, Variation and evolution in plants. p.490. 1950. 
xd pe —— 49:386. 1950. 
H D 21 . . 
79 The sah heveroblastic” is used by Ashby in the sense given it by Goebel (Organographie 
der Pflanzen, ed.1. p.123. 1898) and is synonymous with "heterophyllous" in this discussion. 

[Vol. 43 

leaves of P. patulum and P. turneri and the juvenile leaves of P. virgatum. There 
is closer similarity between the adult leaves of P. virgatum and the juvenile leaves 
of P. umbellatum. In habit, P. pimeleoides is a slender shrub to 2.5 m. tall; P. 
umbellatum is a spreading tree to 10 m. tall; and P. virgatum P. patulum, and P. 
turneri are trees intermediate in height between these two extremes 

In size of inflorescence, flowers and capsules, the species show a similar 
gradient from P. umbellatum to P. pimeleoides. In other morphological characters 
and in their geographical ranges the five species are distinct; but a comparison of 
leaf forms, flowers, and capsules suggests that they may be of common origin and 
represent a series in which increase, or more probably reduction, in size has been of 
evolutionary significance. 

Flowering on semi-juvenile and shade forms has been observed in P. virgatum, 
P. turneri, P. patulum, P. pimeleoides, P. pimeleoides var. major, P. divaricatum, P. 
obcordatum, P. crassicaule, and P. anomalum, and the phenomenon is not rare in 
heterophyllous species??. The possibility that some of the reproductive juvenile 
forms have become permanently fixed during the history of Pittosporum is sug- 
gested to account for the resemblance in leaf form and leaf ontogeny, and may also 
be relevant in the comparative interpretations of plant forms in the family. In 
the diagram below I hesitantly present a representation of the hypothesis, adapted 
from De Beer*!, 


Or Ro 



Takhtajan® discussed similar phenomena in higher plants in relation to 
phylogeny, and concluded that: 

In the Miro of the organism new characters arise as hereditary changes 

of the varied stages of their development, beginning from the initials and 
acetate it ast ph The most differentiated and Boa ently, 
least plastic are the last stages of devel s. nism or org 
The | end, particularly the terminating stages, produce small in- 
significant variations only. he last phases arise séyrimeerj of the leaf, 
zy. hy of the flower, the increase and decrease in T size of the organs, 
Es anges in the — stages of development give rise to various 
kinds oe regressive pheno: well. Ha UNE set A a che I last stages of develop- 
ent Go change can mees move on deep earlier stages of 

esis. Just in this way great Pile TAE ies of the organs 
E take place. 

89 Cockayne. D eech of d bens: er Die Vegctation der Erde. ed. 2. 14:140. 1928. 
"E were ind en ed.2. 19 
82 Trans. Molotov sone Univ. ove 22: Se 1945. 



Vote in ‘the 

,$ 3 = 


Regarding embryological investigations from the standpoint of comparative 
morphology Jepsen, Mayr, and Simpson*? 


oe ap ger git noe! are agreed on recognizing a principle of the 
chrony, alter. 

e of ontogenetic stages in the phylogeny of a 
structure. Obvio ar his is gene ` a morphologist's phrasing of the Greter 
conclusion that mutation may alter the relative velocity of ontogenetic 


AES mi 

vert re AA 




2. Variation in leaf forms of five species of Piffosporum: juvenile 
at left; un Go at right. 

One fourth natural size. Further 


The basic unit of the inflorescence of Pittosporum is the cyme. In P. undu- 

latum (fig. 3) the flower-stalks bear one to four flowers. 
is the terminal one, after which flowering is frequently from the 
flower-stalk upwards, although the order is variable. 

The first flower to open 
base of each 

"7 Genetics, paleontology and evolution. p.71. 1949. 

[Vol. 43 

Fig. 3. Variation in the inflorescence of P. undulatum, 
Australia. X 114. 

Gowda** placed the series TRIVALVAE before the series BIVALVAE in his key to 
the genus as plants of the former have certain characters (e.g. large 3-valved cap- 
sules, many seeds, funicles from the base to near the apex of the capsule valve) 
from which the characters of the BrvALvAE were derived. He considered that the 
evolution of the inflorescence in the genus “is from the well branched paniculate 
[i.e. paniculiform] to the simple cymose type and eventually to the solitary flower 
with all intermediate stages present.” But none of the East Asian or New Zealan 
species of the TRIVALVAE have well-branched paniculiform inflorescences. In the 
Australian and New Zealand species the following trends have been recognised: 

1. Reduction from a cyme to a solitary flower, e.g. P. undulatum. 

2. Reduction from a fascicle to a solitary flower, e.g. P. tenuifolium. 

3. Condensation of a compound inflorescence, e.g. P. dallii. 

Presumably the spreading compound inflorescence of P. ferrugineum and its 
allies has been derived by aggregation of fertile shoots and reduction of subtending 
leaves to cataphylls or bracts. The increase in the number of flowers in the in- 
florescence has been balanced by reduction in the size of the capsule and in the 
number of seeds. 

ute. Wh 


Hairs are most common on young shoots, leaves, and inflorescences; and 
persist on petioles and undersides of leaves, pedicels, sepals and ovaries. The two 
main types in the Australian and New Zealand species are icacinaceous and mal- 
pighaceous hairs as defined by Heintzelman and Howard®. Forms intermediate 

8% Joc. cit. p.271. 1951. 
85 Amer. Jour. Bot. 35:43. 1948. 


between the two types are found. The absence of hairs, or the presence of hairs 
on parts usually bare, is a criterion for the recognition of particular species or 
subspecies. Hair color is also useful in the recognition of several species, e.g. P. 
buttonianum, although in other species it is most variable, e.g. P. bicolor. 


Kirk®* reported dimorphic flowers in several New Zealand species of Pitto- 
sporum, and Petrie? described male and female flowers of P. cornifolium. Several 
notes on the sexual behaviour of the Australian species of Pittosporum were pub- 
lished by Maiden?5, and the pollination of the New Zealand species was discussed by 


: In most of the Australian and New Zealand species I have found flowers 
which appear to be functionally unisexual. The male flowers have weakly capitate 
to truncate stigmas, long styles, slender ovaries, oblong anthers 2-4 mm. long 
borne on slender filaments. Usually the anthers are level with the stigma or 
exserted. The flowers which I think may be female have 2-, 3- or 4-lobed capitate 
stigmas, slightly shorter styles, plumper ovaries, apparently abortive, sagittiform 
anthers 1-2 mm. long, borne on filaments 1 mm. or more broad at the base, taper- 
ing distally. Usually the anthers are borne below the stigma. Flowers with oblong, 
apparently functional anthers 3-4 mm. long, capitate stigmas, and plump ovaries 
occur (i.e. hermaphroditic), as do flowers with 4 functional anthers 3-4 mm. long 
and one apparently abortive anther 1-2 mm. long. 

Ross Mitchie, of Kaitaia, N. Z., has observed the flowers of a number of 
species over a period of years and considers that some plants have female and others 
male flowers, but the female plants sometimes shed a little pollen and the males 
occasionally set a few fruit. In a letter to Dr. Woodson” I recently recorded my 
own studies as follows: 

I have observed four self-sown trees of Pittosporum më der ssp 
folium for three years in my garden at Blockhouse Bay, New Zealand, vin 
there is an acre of rapidly regenerating coastal scrub and forest. All the trees 
flower profusely in the spring (August to October) and two, which bear 
flowers with functional anthers and slender ovaries, have not set fruit. The 
other two trees, which bear flowers with aborted anthers and plump ovaries, 
are laden with fruit each autumn and the seeds germinate freely—there being 

of seedlings under both trees. 
Over the same period I have watched the behavior of planted trees of P. 
obcordatum and P. umbellatum in the Auckland Domain, adjacent to the 

useum where I work. The trees appear to be female Ae the flowers tien 
apparently ines anthers = plump zx wer fru "^ each ar 
but there a “male” in the borhood. Possibly Ka 
ege ta fr Po Gr to fertilize EC ovaries, but this irs 
ren 7 
I have received s ens of flowers and fruit from a planc. of the 
Ben an P. wire ée? een in the grounds of the Middlemore Hospital, 

near Auckland. The flowers have plump ovaries ge apparently aborted 

86 N.Z. Inst. Trans. & Proc. 4:260. 1872. 
87 N.Z. Inst. Trans. & Proc. 53:365. 1921. 

88 For, Fl. N.S.W. 7:124. 1920. 

59 N.Z. Inst. Trans. & Proc. 13:254. 1881, and 57:115. 1926. 
9? Personal comm unication. 

[Vol. 43 

anthers. The fruit are fully developed and the seeds germinate each year. 
There is no male plant of = species in the neighborhood, however, and the 
source of pollen is not known. More observations on all the Australian and 
nes. Misco species of Pittosporum are required to determine the extent of 

Cufodontis®! stressed the value of the sepals as a criterion for the recognition 
of species and subspecies and described and illustrated five types of sepal arrange- 
ment. Only four of these types are found in the Australian and New Zealand 
species of Piffosporum: 1, sepals free or slightly coherent at base, not imbricate, 
e.g. P. dallii; 2, sepals free and clearly imbricate, e.g. P. bicolor; 3, sepals coherent, 
e.g. P. melanospermum; and 4, sepals connate in a tube splitting into 2 parts, one 
1- to 2-lobed, the others 3- to 4-lobed, e.g. P. undulatum. 

Occasionally in P. phillyracoides and P. cornifolium one or two pairs of sepals 
are coherent from base to apex and the arrangement of the sepals varies slightly in 
most species examined. Size, shape, and pubescence of the sepals also vary, but 
are as valuable as sepal arrangement in the recognition of species. 

The usual number of sepals and petals is five, but extra sepals and petals have 
been found rarely in P. revolutum and P. pbillyraeoides (Australia), P. erioloma 
(Lord Howe Island), and P. crassifolium and P. umbellatum (New Zealand). 

Petal color is constant in most of the Australian and New Zealand species of 
Pittosporum and is a useful character in the classification of the species. For about 
half of the species of the genus the flower color is not known, but in the remainder 
the colors usually found are white, greenish-white, and yellow. Red or purple 
flowers have been reported in three species in New Guinea, three species in New 
Caledonia, one species in the Tonga Islands, one species in Australia, and in most 
of the species in New Zealand. In the allied Australian genera there are a number 
of species with red, purple, and blue petals, and these colors seem to be associated 
strongly with small leaves, heterophylly, and reduced forms. 


Gowda® recognized two major series in the Asiatic species which he termed 
the BIVALVAE and the TRIVALVAE, according to the carpel number. Cufodontis?? 
did not discuss valve number but it is clear from his descriptions and illustrations 
that all the species he dealt with belong to the BrvaLvaE. The character is some- 
what variable, but the group to which a species belongs can be determined if suf- 
ficient fruits are available and cognizance is taken of associated characters. 

Cufodontis?* considered that valve shape is a valuable character and recog- 
nized ge: basic types based on cross-sections of the valves: - 

. Valvae convexae—more or less ev. = convex or with a flat middle Ee 
x Valvae Ar enu M convex edges lies a concave middle 
3. Valva ae—between convex borders is a longitudinal ed je E 
4, Velas EM », but with a longitudinal groove down the dorsal thickening. 

91 Osterr. Se — 98:109. 1951. 

94 loc. cit. ein 1951. 



As the four types represent the variation in cross-sections of two-valved fruits 
it was necessary to examine as many three-valved fruits as possible to determine 
whether the classification applied to these. Generally the four basic types are 
present in the TRIVALVAE but within some species more than one valve type is 
found. A rapid survey of the valve shape throughout the range of the genus gives 
the impression that the character is useful for the recognition of the Hawaiian 
species as a whole; the capsule valves of the Hawaiian species have a distinct lon- 
gitudinal thickening with a median longitudinal groove. The character is also of 
value in the classification of species and subspecies. 

Fig. 4. Ovary sections of P. crassifolium (left) and P. engeni- 
oides (right), New Zealand. Resin canals indicated by hollow 
circles; vascular strands indicated in black. Lu 

Moore and Adams? described and figured a papery endocarp in the New 
Zealand P. dallii, P. eugenioides, and P. anomalum. Fruit of P. crassifolium and P. 
eugenioides both show (fig. 4) a more or less complete circle of large resin canals 
lying outside, rarely inside, the vascular supply which branches to all parts of the 
valve. In P. eugenioides the canals fuse more than they do in P. crassifolium and 
finally the endocarp, vascular supply, and mesocarp separate in the former species. 
Apart from the valve number and the resin canal development, no marked dif- 
ferences were found in the anatomy of the fruits of the two species. On boiling 
the fruits of P. crassifolium and P. faircbildii, Y have found the endocarp partly or 
completely free from the vascular supply and mesocarp, and the separation of the 
tissues can be effected without difficulty in several species. No great significance 
can be placed on the presence or absence of a papery endocarp, although it is a 
useful character for the recognition of P. dallii, P. eugenioides, and P. anomalum. 
Pittosporum dalli and P. eugenioides may be related but there is nothing apart 
from this character to suggest a close relationship with P. anomalum; in fact all 
three are isolated and highly specialized members of the genus. 

Gowda® used the placenta and funicles for the recognition of complexes of 

95 Trans. Roy. Soc. N.Z. 77: 250. 1949. 
96 Joc. cit. 280. 1951. 

[Vol 43 

East Asian species, and Cufodontis?" has illustrated these characters for the African 
species. In the classification of the Australian and New Zealand species they are 
valuable, although in most species there is some variation in the length and thick- 
ness of the placenta and in the size and arrangement of the funicles, Emphasis is 
placed on the placenta and funicles as characters rather than the ovules, because 
the funicles persist whereas the ovules are frequently disarranged or missing on 
herbarium material. 


The literature on the past history of the Australian and New Zealand flora 
and fauna is extensive and the conclusions of the most eminent authors frequently 
conflict. Raup?5 and Cain®® have suggested that such varying points of view 
might be unified if plant geographers would use more inductive methods. it 
this good advice in mind, I have presented below the facts I have regarding the 
distribution of Pittosporum and its allies in Australia and New Zealand. I have 
included information about the distribution of the Pittosporaceae elsewhere as I 
am convinced that the family must be studied on a world basis, not on a regional 


As at present understood the family Pittosporaceae comprises nine genera and 
about 276 species, the distribution of which is illustrated in fig. 5. 

The species were defined originally by divers botanists, and it is improbable 
that they exercised taxonomic judgment to the same degree. A semblance of 
uniformity has been introduced by the general treatments of Pax! and Pritzel!, 
but further study will undoubtedly result in some of the species being relegated to 
synonymy and others being separated into new categories. Indonesia, New Guinea, 
and the Melanesian Islands will probably yield more forms when their floras are 
better known, and the revision of the Polynesian Island species will shed further 
light on the evolution of the family in the Pacific area. 

From the figures available it is possible that the main centre of development 
is Australia (9 genera and 48 species) and that important secondary centres are 
the Hawaiian Islands (1 genus, 23 species), New Caledonia (1 genus, 46 species), 
New Zealand (1 genus, 20 species), southeast Asia (1 genus, 52 species), and 
Africa (1 genus, 10 species). 

Bentham??? Pax! and Pritzel!™ recognised two sub-families in the Pitto- 

9 Fedde's Rep. Sp. Nov. 551:27. 1952. 
98 Assoc 

101 Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pllanzenfem. ed. 2. 18a:265. 1930. 
102 In Benth. et Hook.f., Gen. Pl. 1:131. 1862. 

104 Joc. cit. 1930. 



P lean” "m b ne E i r a: 

so La kd LJ 

ee O E 

Fig. 5. World distribution of the Pittosporaceae. Figures indicate the number of Pitto- 

sporum species in that locality. Letters represent the following genera: A, Billardiera (8 

species), B, Bursaria (2 species), C, Cheirantbera (4 species), D, Mariantbus (16 species), 

d Pronaya (1 species), F, Sollya (2 species), G, Citriobatus (4 species), H, Hymenosporum 

sporaceae, the PITTOSPOREAE, characterized by woody and leathery capsules, and 
the BILLARDIEAE, distinguished by succulent berries. In the PITTOSPOREAE, the 
genus Pittosporum is wide-ranging, Hymenosporum occurs in Australia and New 
Guinea; and Mariantbus, Cheiranthera and Bursaria are known only from Australia. 
In the second subfamily, the BILLARDIEAE, the genus Citriobatus occurs in Austral- 
ia, Java, Luzon, and the Celebes, while Sollya, Billardiera and Pronaya are known, 
so far, only from Australia. The regions where members of the two subfamilies 
have been found together are Australia, Java, Luzon, and the Celebes. 

In the genus Pittosporum, the series BIVALVAE ranges from Hawaii to Africa 
and is present in all regions where the family is found, except the Ryu-kyu, Lord 
Howe, and Norfolk islands. The series TRIVALVAE is known from the mainland of 

ina, Formosa, the Ryu-kyu and Bonin islands, Japan, South Korea, New Guinea, 
New Zealand, Lord Howe and Norfolk islands, Fiji, and Hawaii. The regions 
where members of the two series of Pittosporum have been found together are 
Upper Burma and Assam, western and southwestern China, Formosa, the Bonin 
Islands, New Guinea, New Zealand, Fiji, and Hawaii. 

I do not know of any region where both subfamilies of the Pittosporaceae and 
both series of Pittosporum occur. 

[Vol. 43 

The wide-ranging members of the family and the regions in which they occur 

Hymenosporum flavum Australia, New Guinea. 
Pittosporum ramiflorum Philippines, Java 
ar. pa rviflorum New Guinea, Solomon Islands. 
eum Australia, New Hebrides, New rome Java, Sumatra, Nicobar Islands. 
P. podocarpus——C hina, Indo- o- China, Burma, India 

ceylanicum— —Ceylon, southern India. 
neelgherrense——Ceylon, es India. 


var. hainanense——Indo-China, Hainan 
napaulense——Nepal, Sikkim, Tibet, Bhotaun, Assam. 

var. rawal pindiense——Si kim, Dehra Dun, Punjab. 
floribundum ascar. 

rrii——China, Indo-China, Siam, Burma. 
johnstonianum——Ch ina, northern Burma. 


Sou." ee Kata SALA de 




ME Dadi 
A (Yon. Ethiopia, central and southern Africa. 

Gowdal% considered Piffosporum ferrugineum to be an extremely variable 
and poorly understood species, but I have found it too coherent to allow separation 
of the Australian, New Guinean, and Indonesian forms with the material available. 
At present it is the only species of Pittosporum known which extends from Australia 
to Asia but it does not reach the Asiatic mainland. Gowda! found that none of 
the eastern Asiatic species of Pittosporum occurred in Indonesia, New Guinea, or 
Australia, but Li! believed that Gowda was mistaken and that some species extend 
from Asia to Indonesia. 

I am tempted to speculate on the past land connections indicated by some of 
these ranges, but it is possible that diaspores of the species have been carried to their 
present areas by birds, hurricanes, and ocean currents. I must emphasize, too, the 
probability that these populations will undergo further revision in the future. 


The diy of Pittosporum found in Hawaii are evidently very closely related. 
Sherff198 w 

Mu SCH ot the trouble in — a — key for Hawaiian Pittospora lies in 
the fact that numerous subspecific ent ities, namely varieties and forms 

105 Jour. gne Arb. 32: 322. 1951. 
tos loc. cit. 
% Jour. Wah. Ac Ad Sci. 43:43. 
108 Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Bot. Ser. 22:472. 1942. 


(formae), occur. While these have their individual criteria by which they 
usually can be recognized, they nevertheless afford so many intermediate char- 
acters as to make en respective species seem to intergrade or even overlap. 

Similar remarks have been made regarding the species of Pittosporum which 
occur in New Zealand. J. D. Hooker has been quoted previously; Kirk! com- 
mented of P. tenuifolium, P. colensoi, and P. fasciculatum: ‘‘These forms vary 
considerably in all their parts, so that is would not be difficult to obtain a con- 
nected series of specimens which should include the whole.’ 

In the taxonomic treatment I have discussed P. ellipticum var. decorum, which 
appears to be intermediate between P. ellipticum, P. buttonianum and P. ralpbii 
and have mentioned P. intermedium, which resembles large forms of P. tenuifolium 
in foliage, while the capsule partakes of the characters of P. crassifolium and the 
sepals and petals match P. umbellatum in size and shape. 

Pittosporum rigidum, P. divaricatum, P. crassicaule, and P. anomalum contain 
a bewildering series of polymorphic and heterophyllous forms most of which occur 
in small areas at high elevations. Another series of intergrading forms occurs in 
North Auckland, and has been variously treated by different authors; I suspect 
that P. reflexum and P. pimeleoides are sun and shade forms of the same species but 
have seen too few living specimens to be certain. The large linear-leaved forms of 
P. pimeleoides resemble juvenile plants of P. virgatum, and some of the adult plants 
of P. virgatum are very similar to juvenile plants of P. umbellatum. 

The problem of intergrading forms in the Australian species of Pittosporum is 
slight. Small-leaved forms of P. undulatum have been misidentified as glabrous 
forms of P. bicolor and some are close to small-leaved specimens of P. revolutum, 
but generally the species are easily recognised by their morphological characters. 

Gowda!" indicated a number of closely allied species of Pittosporum in eastern 
Asia, the most noteworthy being P. kerrii (Siam, China), P. floribundum (south- 
ern India, Madagascar) , and P. ripicola (central and eastern Africa). Three groups 
of intergrading species are mentioned: (1) P. mapaulense, P. floribundum, and P. 
kerrii; (2) P. truncatum and P. heterophyllum; and (3) P. trigonocarpum and 
P. sabnianum. 

I have been unable to determine the frequency of intergrading forms in the 
species of Pittosporum described from other areas, and any conclusions are pre- 
mature. So far the evidence indicates that intergrading forms are more frequent 
in the Hawaiian Islands and New Zealand than in Australia and Asia. Gowda!!! 
recognised 52 species of Pittosporum in southeastern Asia, and the intergrading 
species amount to about a seventh of the total. The proportion of intergrading 
species in the New Zealand and Hawaiian species is much higher. 

Proc. 4:262. 1872. 

. Inst. Trans 
i Jour. Arnold Aeb 2 284. 1951. 
Mi Joe. 

[Vol. 43 


All species of Pittosporum in New Zealand are endemic, but only P. tenui- 
folium and P. eugenioides are found throughout the country. The other New Zea- 
land members of the TRIVALVAE and BIVALVAE occupy smaller areas. For example, 
P. turneri is known only from one locality on the Central Volcanic Plateau of the 
North Island, and a closely allied species, P. patulum, occurs in a few localities 
in the mountains of northwest Nelson, in the South Island. Pittosporum fair- 
childii is restricted to the Three Kings Islands, a group of rocks some 30 miles off 
the coast, and P. dallii is known only from one locality where about a dozen plants 
have been found. A number of the ranges of the New Zealand species are disjunct 
and most of the small-leaved heterophyllous species have been found in small 
isolated populations. For example, P. obcordatum is known only from three 
isolated localities several hundred miles apart, the total population being about 15 

All Australian species of Pittosporum are endemic, except P. ferrugineum 
which is also found in the New Hebrides, New Guinea, and Indonesia. Pittosporum 
bracteolatum is restricted to Norfolk Island and P. erioloma is known only from 
Lord Howe Island. Pittosporum bicolor is most common in Tasmania, but occurs 
in Victoria and New South Wales, An allied species, P. phillyraeoides, is found in 
every state, except Tasmania. The most widespread of the remaining species is P. 
revolutum, which extends from Queensland to Victoria, a distance of 1000 miles. 
Within this range are the areas of P. rbombifolium, P. rubiginosum, P. undulatum, 
and P. o'reillyanum. | Pittosporum venulosum is found on the coast of Queensland 
farther to the north, and P. melanospermum has been collected from the same coast 
and from the Northern Territory. No one species occupies the whole of the Aus- 
tralian continent, but the majority of species occupy relatively large areas; and all 
have continuous ranges, except possibly P. melanospermum. Furthermore, if the 
populations of Norfolk and Lord Howe islands are excluded from the Australian 
species, the number of individuals comprising an Australian species is far greater 
than the number of a New Zealand population. 


The climatic regions of Australia and New Zealand, according to Thornthwaite's 
classification!?, and the number of species of Pittosporum in each are plotted in 
fig. 6. The species of Pittosporum in the twelve climatic areas are listed below, 
each species being indicated by its number in the present taxonomic treatment. 

The concentration of Pittosporum species in eastern Australia (Queensland, 
New South Wales, and Victoria) and the relative paucity of species in central and 
western Australia, specifically the desert and steppe climate areas, is noteworthy. 
Pittosporum phillyraeoides, the only species which is found throughout southern, 
central, and western Australia, is xeromorphic as are some of the species of the 

112 Geog. Rev. 28: 433. 1933. 


Climatic type* Australian Species Norfdlk and New Zealand 
Lord Howe Islands Species 
A A'r 24, 25, 27, 30 
B A'w 24, 25,:27,/28, 29, 30 
B B'r 9, 10, 24, 26 2 $4 EE e f 
1271354413, 16, 17 
18, 19, 25,21, 22, 23, 
C Ale E 9, 28 
C Bd 9, 11, 24, 26, 29 
C B'r 9, 10; 24, 26 
C B's 9 
D A'w 9 
D BA 9 
D B's 9 
E A'd 9 (coastal only) 
E B'd 9 (coastal only) 
* The first letter of the climate type indicates the vegetation transitions due to diminished effec- 
e rainfall: (A) rain forest, (B) forest, (e mee (D) s teppe, and (E) desert. The second 
lee indicates the ee Borges due iminished temperature vi inei (A') tropical 
in forest, and (B’) temperate rain forest. e third letter Safe the seasonal distribution of 

pini (r) pn vi pirstion at all seasons, (s) scanty rainfall in summer, mr ve in winter, 
(w) scanty rainfall in winter, abundant in soke, and (d) dry at all seasons. 

allied genera which occur in the desert and steppe. The development of 
the allied genera mainly in the southern parts of Australia is linked with the 
development of the so-called Australian elements in the flora and arid periods 
in the Post-Pleistocene.!!? Stebbins!!* has presented evidence in favour of a hypo- 
thesis that environments limiting or deficient in one all-important factor, moisture, 
often have promoted rapid evolution. The variety of life-forms in the allied genera 
is strikingly different from the general uniformity of Pittosporum and may be 
the result of evolution under the stimulus of aridity. The northerly concentration 
of the New Zealand species is illustrated by grouping the species according to the 
two major geographical units. Until the close of the Pliocene period Cook Strait, 
which separates the North and South Islands, was closed and there was no barrier 
to the spread of species north and south. 

Species found in the North Island only 11 
Species found in the South Island only 2 
Species common to both islands 7 


Owing to its relatively small size, New Zealand has only one climatic type, 

M3 Crocker and Wood, in Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austr. 71:91. 1947. 
114 Amer, Nat. 86:33. 1952. 

> [Vol. 43 

but generally the North Island has warmer summers and milder winters than the 
South Island. Zotov!!5 studied the correlation between vegetation and climate in 
New Zealand and commented: 

On the continents where annual variation of temperature is great, the absolute 
minimum value of temperature—i.e. degrees of frost ay ome a very 
important limiting factor for the distribution of many species. In New Zea- 
land, however, the minimum temperature does not appear to be of importance 
or the great majority of species, since they reach their summer “limiting tem- 
perature" in places well outside the boundaries of limiting winter temperature. 

GC at aes <—|— AUSTRALIA AND 2: SE 
SW: A 
: nam 
d ied 3 
e "X S ced 5 
1 d > 13 `~ 2 
ps". 1 EX ‘ 
D ea EP'd 1 
cr WIS 8 


so lo [a TEE fool 

Fig. 6. Number of species of Pittosporum in each climatic region of Australia and New 
Zealand. For explanation see text and table on preceding page. 


On Thornthwaite's!!8 maps of climatic types the regions occupied by the 
species of Pittosporum outside Australia and New Zealand are generally in the rain 
forest, forest, or grassland classes, for effective rainfall, and in the tropical and 
temperate rain forest classes, for temperate efficiency. Over much of the range 
of the genus the isothermal difference between extreme months is relatively small. 

In the Pittosporaceae the largest plants are Pittosporum brackenridgei of Fiji 
(tree to 25 m. tall), P. undulatum of Queensland, Australia (tree to 30 m. tall), 
and P. viridiflorum of Africa (tree to 25 m. tall). These species occur in tropical 
rain forests, The smallest plants are those of Marianthus procumbens of Australia 
(a low shrub to 30 cm. tall) and its allies, Pittosporum anomalum of New Zealand 
(semi-prostrate shrub to 1 m. tall) and its allies, and P. saxicola of Western Szech- 
wan (prostrate shrub 0.3 - 2.0 m. tall) and its allies. These species are found in 

115 N.Z. Jour. Sci. Tech. 19: 474. 1938. 
M6 loc. cit. 1933. 


various habitats at the extreme northern and southern boundaries of the family 
and are dwarfed in all organs. 

In the evolution of these forms low temperatures may have been significant, 
but it is also possible that aridity has played a role. For example, the small-leaved 
xeromorphic P. pimeleoides is found on strongly leached podzolized and skeletal 
soils where Agathis australis grows or formerly grew, and the small-leaved xero- 
morphic P. divaricatum, P. rigidum, P. crassicaule, and P. anomalum occur on 
skeletal mountain and volcanic soils. 


The literature on past land connections of Australia and New Zealand is large 
(Benson!", David!!8 119, Marwick!?, Merrill?!, Oliver!??, Skottsberg!?), and the 
diastrophic paleontologic, faunal, and floristic evidence is substantial. It is generally 
accepted that there have been no land connections between Australia and Asia in 
Tertiary and recent times (David*?*, Diels!?5, Merrill?^) , and it is usually implied 
or stated that the present land area of the Australian continent has remained above 
water throughout Tertiary and Recent periods, save for temporary marginal incur- 
sions. The scanty relics of Upper Cretaceous floras are sufficient to show that 
flowering plants were established on the Australian land area prior to the Tertiary, 
and studies of more recent floras indicate that the flowering plants experienced 
significant climatic modifications in the post-Tertiary. 

I can find no reference to fossil forms of the Pittosporaceae in Australian 
paleobotanical papers. Cookson and Couper!?8 informed me that pollens of the 
Pittosporaceae are not used as indicators in Australian and New Zealand Tertiary 
pollen studies, and that their absence from published species lists has no signific- 
ance. The well-marked morphological characters of the Australian species and the 
large geographical areas of most of the populations indicate that the group has 
evolved in isolation over a comparatively long period. I suggest that these 
morphological and geographical characteristics are indicative, and perhaps typical, 
of evolution under continental conditions. 

In a recent discussion of the geological history of New Zealand with reference 
to the origin and history of the fauna and flora, Fleming? emphasized that the 
New Zealand area has long been a relatively isolated archipelago of islands. He 

117 Gedenboek, Dr. R.D.M. Verboek, etc. p.53. 1925 
115 Geology of the oo of Kael 3 SCH 1950. 
ex s, Tonto 2:72. 
15; NZ Jour. Sci. & Tech. 11: 202. 1929. 
! Far Eastern = 2:66. 1942. 

122 Your. Linn. Soc. Lond. Bot. 47: 99. 1925. 
va Plant E World 1 18:129. 1915. 
2 loc, . 15. 1950. 
e GC s on SE in honor of W. A. Setchell. p.194. 1936. 
126 loc. cit. 194 

7 David, loc. i p. 650. t rage in Austral. Jour. Sci. 15: 47. 1952; Crocker and Wood, in 

Trans. Roy Soc. S. Austr. 71:91. 
= 28 Personal communications 
Tuatara 2:72. 1949. 

[Vol. 43 

pointed out that the frequent changes in the size and relations of the islands may 
have played a significant role in the formation of races species of plants and 
animals. Marked climatic changes since the Cretaceous epoch are indicated by 
faunal changes in the fossil record!9?, and several post-glacial, climatic fluctua- 
tions are reflected in the sequence of pollens found by Von Post and Cranwell!?! 
in peat deposits and in profiles of soils studied by Raeside!?2, 

Arber??? found two dicotyledons in rocks of Jurassic or lower Cretaceous age, 
and Couper" found Angiosperm pollens in coals of early Cretaceous-Eocene age. 
Pittosporum leaves have been found in beds of lower Oligocene, lower Miocene and 
upper Pliocene age by Oliver!35, and in beds of upper Pliocene or lower Pleistocene 
age by McQueen!?6, 

In the discussion of the distribution pattern of New Zealand specids of 
Pittosporum it was noted that endemism is high, intergrading forms are common, 
and geographic ranges are small. Apparently these characteristics are the result 
of a long period of evolution in a changing and relatively isolated archipelago 
under fluctuating climatic conditions, and I suspect that they are typical of most 
species formed under insular conditions. It is possible, of course, that the differ- 
ences noted between the species of Pittosporum occurring in Australia and those 
found in New Zealand are due mainly to the continental outlook of Australian 
taxonomists and the more insular attitude of New Zealand botanists! 

In a discussion of the floras of Madagascar and New Caledonia, Good!" 
observed that the relative situations of the two groups of islands to the continents 
of Africa and Australia respectively are very similar, that the physiographic 
structure of the main islands is curiously alike, that the climatic types correspond, 
and that both possess floras with a large number of endemic species. Twenty 
World (African-Asiatic-Australian) genera have complexes of endemic species in 
Madagascar and New Caledonia, and Good cited Pittos porum as the most interest- 
ing of them, a citation which I heartily endorse. He suggested, however, that 
these curious similarities are the result of past land movements, or continental 
drift, and this I must question. If the distribution of the genus Pittosporum is 
used as evidence, the range of all species should be considered. Lists of closely allied 
species given previously link the various centers of development of the genus and 
suggest that extensive movements of the land horizontally are not required to 
explain the present distribution of the genus in Madagascar and New Caledonia. 

N.Z. Surv. Pal. Bull. 6. 1917. McQueen (Nature 175:177. 1955) said that the slab 
studied by Arber came from Upper Cretaceous beds and that the earliest New Zealand angiosperms 
are Cretaceous in age. 
us NZ. Sci. Rev. 9: 5. 1951, and N.Z. Geol. Surv. Pal. Bull. 22 (in press). 
za N.Z. Inst. Trans. & Proc. 23: 276. 1891; and 59: 287. 1928; Tuatara 3: and 1 and 8, 1950. 
187 Blumea 6: 470. 1950. : 


Chevalier!?3 considered Pittosporum to be a South Oceanic genus and 
le grande foyer de dispersion du genre Pittosporum ce sont l'Australie et 
b iles um Pacifique. Du reste, sur 10 genres que compte la famille des Pitto- 

H H 

sporées, 8 sont endémiques en Austr oe? be Lu re Pittosporum est aussi en grande 

partie pacifico-australien, le iéme e Tribeles phil. (= ane eboa Hook. 
f.) avec une unique éspéce Tribeles au iral Philo (=Chalepoa antartica 
onfiné à la partie extrêm d de l'Amérique (sud du Chili 

sporum ont essaimé des terres australes vers l'Asie, deg part, et vers bat 

d'autre part; une seul Pittosporée est parvenue en Amérique australe, à sa 

pointe extréme 

Engler!?? placed Tribeles in the subfamily EscALLONIOIDEAE of the Saxifraga- 

ceae, however, and while that family may be related to the Pittosporaceae, there is 
no certain evidence that the Pittosporaceae are represented in South America. 
Furthermore, the development of the Pittosporaceae in Australia and New Zealand 
is not evidence that the family originated in that part of the world. The deter- 
mination of the center of origin for the family must await the progress of paleo- 
botany, cytology, and possibly plant exploration. For example, further field work 
in the New Guinea-New Caledonia area is likely to yield further novelties and 
dr new light on the distribution of the Pittosporaceae. 


Methods by which a pictorialized scatter diagram is developed are explained in 
Anderson. 41 and Anderson and Gage!!?. The figures listed in Table I are the 
maximum measurements made of capsule width and the averages of the measure- 
ments made of petal length, sepal length and petal width for the taxonomic 
treatment. The averages are the means of the actual measurements made on the 

erbarium material cited in the text. 

measurements have been plotted as a pictorialized scatter diagram (fig. 
7), to facilitate an understanding of the relationships of the species and subspecies 
of Pittosporum. Petal width and capsule width were chosen as abscissa and 
ordinate respectively because they varied consistently within each species and could 
be measured accurately. The other three characters were indicated by rays from 
each dot on the diagram. The number alongside each dot refers to the species in 
the taxonomic treatment. Limits of the three grades of each character were chosen 
so that extremes associated with higher values for petal width and capsule width 
are indicated by long rays and extremes associated with lower values for petal width 
and capsule width are represented without rays. 

ull. Soc 
139 Engl. & Pg be n Pflanzenfam. ed. 2. 18a: 213. 1930. 
a A hybridization. 1949. 

d Life. 1952. 
42 Amer, edu 39:399. 1952. 

[Vol. 43 

At one extreme, the upper right-hand corner of each diagram, are the species 
with petals and sepals which are markedly long and capsules which are three-valved 
and markedly broad. In the New Zealand diagram most of the species at this 
extreme are in the series TRIVALVAE. In the Australian diagram the species numbered 
1 and 2 (P. bracteolatum of Norfolk Island and P. erioloma of Lord Howe Island) 
are in the TRIVALVAE; the other species of this extreme are in the BIVALVAE, but 
approach the TRIVALVAE closely. 

At the other extreme, the lower left-hand corner of the diagram, are the species 
with petals and sepals which are markedly short and capsules which are two-valved 
and markedly narrow. In the New Zealand diagram most of the species at this 
extreme are small-leaved, dwarf members of the BIVALVAE with small fascicles or 
solitary flowers. In the Australian diagram most of the species at this extreme are 
large-leaved tall members of the BIVALVAE with spreading compound inflorescences. 
Species numbered 12, 15, 13, 16, and 14 on the New Zealand diagram (P. umbell- 
atum, P. patulum, P. virgatum, P. turneri and P. pimeleoides respectively) show a 
proportionate reduction in all characters illustrated, from the upper right-hand 
extreme to the lower left-hand extreme, and may connect the series TRIVALVAE and 
the small-leaved dwarf members of the svarvar. The variety of leaf-forms in 
these five species has been illustrated previously and the suggestion has been made 
that the leaf forms indicate the direction of evolution in the New Zealand species. 

E N 
25 Y Y 
S 20 Eé Y 
z ^ i 
S MN v 
15 a Ki aM 
w 27 
3 AN ik Me 
a y» M T 
vu 10 108 y " 
Te. me uou ` 
5 "ne! xe 
15 20 25 30 35 15 20 25 30 35 
-106 104-80 78+ ava | 

€ D 
-5.4 52°32 302 

éi Mere Scatter r Suai of information contained in Table I, sein d Meere 

of a species of Pittosporum indicated by capsule width and by measurements petals and 

Horizontal pé petal w videh: vertical axis, capsule width. Petal length and Ev length are 

diagrammed by rays as as explained « on the diagram. Numbers beside dots refer to the position of the 
species in the taxonomic treatm 




Petal Petal Sepal Valve Capsule 
Species length width . length number| width 
mm. ` mm. cm 
1. P. bracteolatum 17.0 4.0 10.7 3 2.5 
2. P. erioloma 16.0 3.6 6.2 3 2.0 
3. P. fairchildii 11.8 3.4 5.6 3 2.5 
4. P. ellipticum 15.5 3 9.3 3 1.7 
5. P. crassifolium 13.6 3.9 9.3 3 3.0 
6. P. ralphii 14.8 3.2 8.7 3 1.3 
7. P. huttonianum 15.6 IL Ké 3 2.0 
8. P. tenuifolium 
ssp. Zenuifolium 10.8 3.6 4.5 3 2.6 
9. P. phillyraeoides 10.1 215 2.6 2 1.9 
10. P. bicolor 11.2 3.0 4.2 2 1.3 
11. P. o’reillyanum 9.2 1.4 1.9 2 12 
12. P. umbellatum 11.5 3.7 7.1 2 12 
13. P. virgatum 10.0 22 4.6 2 25 
14. P. pimeleoides 
ssp. pimeleoides 9.7 1.6 4.0 2 8 
ssp. major 
15. P. patulum 10.0 2.4 4.9 2 1.1 
16. P. turneri 8.1 1.9 4.0 2 8 
17. P. obcordatum 5.8 12 24 2 7 
18 um 9.8 2.0 3.9 2 1.0 
9. P. crassicaule 5.4 1.4 L5 2 of 
20. P. divaricatum 5.2 13 1.9 2 6 
4L P lum 1.7 1,9 2 4 
22 ornifolium 11.1 1.8 5.7 2 1.2 
23. P. kirkii 17.6 2.9 8.6 2 1.7 
24. P. revolutum 15.1 3.7 6.0 2 2.1 
25. P. rubiginosum 
ssp. rubiginosum 13.0 3.1 6.8 B 1.5 
ssp. wingii 
26. P. undul 13.7 3.8 7.9 2 1.4 
27. P. venulosum 7.9 1.9 4.1 2 1.4 
28. P. melanospermum 7.6 2.0 1. 2 1.5 
29. P. rbombifolium 6.5 1.9 1.6 2 .8 
30. P. ferrugineum 7,5 1.3 2.9 2 1.0 
31. P. dalli 8.7 3.3 5.7 2 3 
32. P. eugenioides 6.2 1.8 2.3 2 6 

Species numbered 22 and 23 (P. kirkii and P. cornifolium) are rather isolated, 
very similar in their rays, and are both epiphytic. Species numbered 31, 32 and 21, 
(P. dalli, P. eugenioides and P. anomalum), are somewhat isolated and are the 
three species in which capsules with a persistent papery endocarp are found. 

In the Australian diagram, species numbered 10, 9, and 11 (P. bicolor, P. 
bbillyraeoides, and P. o'reillyanum) show a similar proportionate reduction to that 
noted for the New Zealand P. umbellatum - P. pimeleoides group. The remaining 
Australian species fall into two groups. The first group is characterized by petals 
and sepals which are long and broad. Associated characters are few flowers and 
lobed, ellipsoid or ovoid capsules. The second group is characterized by petals and 

[Vol. 43 

sepals which are small and narrow. Associated characters are very numerous 
flowers and usually smaller globose or obovoid capsules. 

Group 1 Group 2 
24. P. revolutum 27. P. venulosum 
25. P. rubiginosum 28. P. melanospermum 

26. P. undulatum 


. P. rbombifolium 
30. P. ferrugineum 

Many years ago, Bentham!*? recognized that P. revolutum, P. rubiginosum and 
P. undulatum had characters in common, and that P. rbombifolium, P. melanosper- 
mum and P. ferrugineum had some general affinity, but, apart from his key and 
arrangement of species, he did not express his views on the relationship of the 

The significance of the pictorialized scatter diagram is that it shows a high 
degree of correlation among the characters employed, and strongly supports the 
key and taxonomic arrangement. Moreover, since the diagram is based on actual 
measurements, the results expressed therein are repeatable. 

Specimens from the herbaria of the following institutions have been studied, 
and the symbols !** employed in their citation are indicated, 
—Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. 

AK —Auckland Institute and Museum, Auckland, New Zealand. 
BH —Bailey Hortorium, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. 
BISH —Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honol u, Hawaii. 
BM ritish Museum (Natural History), London, England 
BRI —Depa t of Agriculture, Brisbane, Australia 
CANB —Division of Plant Industry, anberra, Australia 
CANTY —Canterbu useum, Christchurch, New 
CU —Wiegand Herbarium, nell University, Ithaca, N.Y 
F hicago Natural History Muse Chicago, 
GH —Gray Herbarium of Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. 
HO —University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania. 
ILL —Department of Botany, University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. 
—Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, England. 
MASS  —Departm f Botany, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Mass. 
MEL — National Herbarium of Vi toria, Melbourne, Australia. 
MO —MMissouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, Mo. 
NSW — National Herbari f New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. : 
P uséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Laboratoire de Phanérogamie, Paris. 
U —Botanical Museum and Herbarium, State University of Utrecht, Netherlands. 
UMEL —Department of Botany, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia. 
US — Department of Botany, . National Museum, Washington 25, D. C. 
Ww —Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien, Austria. 

143 Fl, Austr, 1: 110. 186 

144 Lanjouw & Stafleu, Reg. Veg. Index Herbariorum Pt. 1. The herbaria of the world, ed. 2. 



I wish to acknowledge my indebtedness to the curators of the herbaria listed 
above for the loan of specimens and other courtesies. The Director and staff of 
the Auckland Museum, and many Australian and New Zealand friends, have sup- 
plied me with specimens and information. I am also indebted to Dr. Egbert 
Walker of the U.S. National Museum and to Dr. F. Raymond Fosberg of the U.S. 
Geological Survey for sponsoring my visit to the United States. and to the Director 
and staff of the Missouri Botanical Garden, and to the Dean and staff of the Henry 
Shaw School of Botany, for many kindnesses during my stay, Finally, I must 
express my great obligation to Dr. Robert E. Woodson, Jr., of the Missouri 
Botanical Garden, who made my visit to the United States possible and for whose 
assistance and advice I cannot be sufficiently grateful. 


PrrrosPoRuM Banks & Soland. ex Gaertn. Fruct. et Sem. 1: 286. £. 59. 1787-88 
(T.: P. tenuifolium). Banks & Soland. 
Pittosporoides Banks & Soland. ex Gaertn. Fruct. et Sem. 1: 286. 1787-88, nom. nud. in 

Erect trees or shrubs, rarely prostrate or epiphytic, pubescent or glabrous, 
unarmed or spinose. Leaves alternate, occasionally subverticillate, usually entire, 
petiolate, rarely sessile. Inflorescence terminal, terminal and lateral, or axillary, 
few to many-flowered, in fascicles or in umbelliform to paniculiform cymes, or 
solitary. Sepals 5, free, coherent or rarely connate. Petals 5, free or connivent, 
tips spreading or recurved. Stamens 5, erect; anthers 2-celled, introrse. Ovary 
sessile or stipitate, incompletely 2- to 4-celled; stigma capitate to truncate; style 
usually short. Capsule globose, ovoid, or obovoid, 1-celled; valves 2 - 5, woody or 
coriaceous, with a median longitudinal parietal placenta, Seeds immersed in a resin- 
ous viscid fluid. 

The synonomy of Pittosporum is given in full by Pritzel!*5. 


Capsules 3-valved, rarely 4- or 2-valved; seeds m ee eg 
sepals pubescent rats to glabrous in P. Ber cie Norfolk Island, Lord oz 
Island, and New Zealan F E iA 
Cisia Cat ei ¡rely tkd: seeds few; sepals and petals E small ; 

minutely p r glabrous denm in P. rubiginosum, P. Arg re 

gatum). rome di Së Nee Dn 

145 Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. ed. 2. 18:273. 1930. 

[Vol. 43 



Series I. TRIVALVAE Gowda, in Jour. Arnold Arb. 32:284. 1951. 


a. Petals cream-white or yellow-green; sepals glabrous or scantily pubescent without; 
flowers terminal, 1 1-8, fascicled; capsules globose to pyriform; m usualy convex in 


transverse section with a placenta ud iio from the base to the apex. 
and Lord Howe Tile s. 


acuminate, 10.0-13.5 mm. long, 2.5-3.0 mm. broad, with a lew hairs e 
vein without, glabrous —— petals yellow- -green; capsules globose to pyri 
3.5 br 

cm. long, 1.5-2.5 cm. broad, without persistent dried sepals. Sch Mai 

bb. Shrubs to 5 m. tall; leaves acute, 3—5 cm. long, 1.0—1.8 cm. broad; REN 


rees to 7 m. tall; leaves acuminate, 5-11 cm. ime 2.0-3.6 cm. broad; sepals linear, 
he ne 


late, acute, 4—8 mm. long, 1.5—2.5 mm. broad, glabrous pace brown-tomentose 

vi s E cream-white with a reddish claw; capsules usually globose, 
diameter, often with eem ag sepals. Lord How e Hand 

A P. erioloma 

aa. ere purple, reddish-brown, or red; sepals Pubeicmt without "enatis puberulent to 

glabrous in P. tenuifolium); Aiken terminal or axillary, 1—10, fascicled or solitary; 

capsules subglobose or trigonous, rarely 2- or 4- lobed; valves convex to concave in 

transverse section with a pa acenta bearing funicles from thé base to about the midde De 

the SEN in P. fairchildit). w Zea 

terminal ies of 2-10, rarely solitary; capsules relatively large and 

di ck. 
e Capsules subglobose; valves conv 

thick a 

ex in t 
margins; flowers up to 6 per fcis d pue oae reli brown, or chocolate 
Cl bro 

d. Shrubs 3-5 m. tall; flowers 2—4; sepals lanceolate, acute, 4-7 ong, 
tomentose without vem within}: petals purple; wie eh KE pie? 
markedly shickaned apex, bearing minute funicles from the base he apex; — 
seeds black, round "Three Kings Islan P. fairchildii 
dd. m > oat m. tall; flowers 2-6; sb linear, acumin: 8-11 long 

ntose without and to near the base within; petals r silini to 

chocolate; capsules E or 2-va dt 2 valves much thickened at apex, be 

g flat- 

tened funicles up to m. long from the secl to En Lara seeds reddish-bla ck, 

irregular. North (ën rte nd, Thames and East Cape .........----- 
ce, Capsules trigonous, rarely 2- or 4-lobed; opas Co 

IP — 

. thick at margins; flowers up i E per fasci cles ëch Séi Ga to el 
H Sheubs to small trees 1-10 m. tall; leaves obovate to oblanceolate, 3-8 cm. DNE 

1-3 cm. broad, attenuate at Zong de stron ae chicken ed and revolute 

secondary veins about 5 per side; flowers ee sepals oblong to escher 
capsules 1-3 cm. 

acute, he edo gos ond withow ut ui regen va d within; 

long d broad; va y, with a placenta Ee con- 
spicuous eeng d Pees ic geass and Thames, on the coast. 



E Gr 2.5 = - m. ima leaves oblong to obovate, 4-12 cm. long, 2-4 cm 

P. crassifolium 

valves about 2 mm. thick, subwoody to cori ind: ac? a nds bearing incon- 
i and 

spicuous funicle. Wa E nui, Gate: Volcanic Plateau, East Cape 
n d in 


and in 
bb. Flowers in axilary fascicles e? 3, or errs or on very reduced lateral con if 

terminal; capsules funds small and thin 

€. Shrubs or trees to 10 m. tall; Vonig leaves, pene and sepals white-floccose- 
tomentose; flowers 1—3, usually subtended by o severa cataphylls; pedicels up 

a Ay cm. s ng; — oblong, acute; petals r e e Paien capsules — 1.2- 
ght tion. 

n diameter; valves slightly c onvex to flat in transverse 
See "island d the Coronada Peninsula. 


we? P. buttonianum 


cc. Trees to 10 m. tall; 
puberulent to glabrous; flowers 1, rarely 2-3, usually subtended by a leaf; pedice 
cm. long; t 

up to 1 sepals ovate to oblong, sub-acute to obtuse; petals usually purple, 
occasionally maroon, pink, o ite; capsules subglobose, 1.0—1.2 cm. in diameter; 
valves convex in transverse section. Throughout New Zealand ................ 8. P. tenuifolium 

PrrrosPORUM BRACTEOLATUM Endl. Prodr. Fl. Norf. p. 78. 1833. (T: 
Bauer s.n.!). 

Trees to 7 m tall; branchlets grayish-brown, the young parts sparsely tomen- 
tulose, soon glabrate. Leaves alternate, frequently crowded at the tips of the 
branches, lanceolate-oblong to oblanceolate, acuminate, acute to attenuate at base, 
entire, 5 - 11 cm. long, 2.0 - 3.6 cm. broad, dark green above, paler beneath, gla- 
brous, membranous, margins slightly revolute and undulate, costa immersed above, 
raised beneath, secondary veins 8-14 per side, anastomosing, obscure above, 
distinct beneath; petioles 4 - 9 mm. long, 1 - 2 mm. broad, sparsely tomentulose 
when young. Flowers terminal, 1 - 8, fascicled; pedicels 2 - 3 cm. long, accrescent 
and recurved in fruit, sparsely tomentulose when young, usually bearing a linear 
bract and subtended by a loose whorl of leaves and caducous, sparsely ciliolate bud 
scales about 1 cm. long. Sepals free to the base, linear, acuminate, 10.0 - 15.5 mm. 
long, 2.5 - 3.0 mm. broad, with a few hairs on the main vein without; petals linear, 
acute, 1.5 - 2.0 cm. long, 4.0 - 4.5 mm. broad, free, spreading from the base, 
yellow-green; stamens 7.5 - 10.0 mm. long, anthers linear-oblong or sagittiform, 
1.5 - 3.0 mm. long, 0.5 - 0.8 mm. broad. Pistil at anthesis slightly shorter than the 
stamens; ovary 4 - 7 mm. long, 1.5 - 5.0 mm. broad, tomentose; style 4.0 - 4.5 
mm. long; stigma truncate. Capsules globose to pyriform, 3-valved, 2.0 - 3.5 cm. 
long, 1.5 - 2.5 cm. broad, brown-tomentose, glabrate, rugose; valves convex to 
slightly sulcate in transverse section, 3 - 5 mm. thick, woody, light yellow within, 
with a conspicuous placenta bearing 2 rows of short stout funicles from the base 
to the apex; seeds about 70, reddish-black, round to irregular. 

Found only on Norfolk Island. Flowers in the winter months (June to 

NorroLk Istanp: Bauer s.m. (K); in woods, A. Cunningham 26 (K); Backhouse 
669 (K); on the margins of woods, A Cunningham s.n., 138 (K); Mueller s.n. (K); 
Maiden & Boorman s.n. (BM, K); Paterson s.n. (BM). 

A flower which may have been female had a plump ovary 7 mm. long and 5 
mm. broad, stamens 7.5 mm. long, and sagittiform, probably abortive, anthers 1.5 
mm. long. The style was missing. Flowers which may have been male had slender 
ovaries 3.5 - 4.5 mm. long, 1.5 - 2.0 mm. broad, stamens 8.5 - 10.0 mm. long, and 
linear-oblong anthers 2.5 - 3.5 mm. long. The styles were 3.5 - 4.5 mm. long and 
the stigma was truncate. 

2. PrrrosPORUM ERIOLOMA Moore & F. Muell. in F. Muell. Frag. Phyt. Austr. 7: 
139. 1871. (T.: Fullager s.n.!). 

Shrubs 2 - 5 m. tall; branchlets grayish-brown, the young parts brown-tomen- 
tose, soon glabrate. Leaves approximately verticillate, oblanceolate to obovate, 


[Vol. 43 



3X £4 L / 


Fig. 8. P. bracteolatum, P. erioloma, and 

P. fairchildii, 
acute at the apex and base, entire, or occasionally toothed or lobed when juvenile, 
3-5 cm. long, 1.0-1.8 cm. broad, dark green above, paler beneath, glabrous, coriace- 
ous, margins ciliate when young, glabrate, thickened and revolute when mature, 
costa raised above and beneath, secondary veins 7 - 9 per side, anastomosing, obscure 
above, distinct beneath; petioles 2 - 7 mm. long, 1 - 2 mm. broad, brown-tomentose 
when young. Flowers terminal, 2 - 7, fascicled; pedicels 1 - 2 cm. long, accrescent 
and recurved in fruit, brown-tomentose, subtended by a whorl of leaves and caduc- 
ous, ciliate bud scales about 3 mm. long. Sepals imbricate at base, lanceolate, acute, 
4-8 mm. long, 1.5 - 2.5 mm. broad, ciliate, glabrous without, brown-tomentose 
within; petals lanceolate-oblong, subacute, 15 - 18 mm. long, 3 - 4 mm. broad, free 
or coherent at the base, spreading from above the middle, cream-white with a 
reddish claw; stamens 7- 11 mm. long, anthers sagittiform or elliptic-oblong, 
1.5-3.5 mm. long, 0.5 - 1.00 mm. broad. Pistil at anthesis slightly shorter or 
longer than stamens; ovary 3-6 mm. long, 1 - 3 mm. broad, tomentose; style 
2.0- 4.5 mm. long; stigma 3-lobed and capitate, or truncate. Capsules globose, 
rarely subglobose or 3-lobed, 3-valved, 1.3 - 2.0 cm. in diameter, glabrous, rugose 
to slightly rugose, often accompanied by the persistent dried sepals; valves usually 
convex in transverse section, 3 - 6 mm. thick, coriaceous, light yellow within, with 
a conspicuous placenta bearing 2 rows of short stout funicles from the base to near 
the apex; seeds 11 - 23, black, round to irregular. 

Mounts Lidgebird and Gower on Lord Howe Island; most common at eleva- 
tions above 300 m, in “moss forest". Flowers during September and October. 

Loro Howe IstAND: summit of Mt. Lidgebird, Fullager s.n. (MEL); Fitzgerald 
$5. (AK); King s.n. (NSW); 600’ to 1800’, Mt. Lidgebird, McComish 136, 1364 (K, 
NSW); summit of Mt. Gower, Hedley & Dunn s.m. (NSW); 1000’, Boorman s. 
(NSW); Howe’s Island, Moore 9, 23 (K). 

Flowers with 3-lobed capitate stigmas which protrude beyond the stamens, 
broad filaments, and small sagittiform anthers may be female as the anthers appear 
to be abortive. Flowers with truncate stigmas which do not protrude beyond the 


stamens, narrower filaments, and larger elliptic-oblongoid anthers may be male as 
the ovary is small and thin. 
Vernacular name: Lord Howe Island's Hedge Laurel. 

3. PrrrosPORUM FAIRCHILDI Cheesem. in N.Z. Inst. Trans. & Proc. 20: 147. 

1887. (T: Cheeseman s.n.!). 

Shrubs 3 - 5 m. tall; branchlets gray to brownish-gray, the young parts white- 
tomentose, soon glabrous. Leaves alternate, frequently crowded at the tips of the 
branches, obovate, elliptic-obovate or elliptic-oblong, obtuse or acute at apex, acute 
at base, entire, 4 - 7 cm. long, 2.0 - 3.5 cm. broad, light green above, paler beneath, 
white- to brown-tomentose when young, soon glabrous above but tomentulose 
beneath when mature, coriaceous, revolute, costa raised, secondary veins 7 - 11 per 
side, anastomosing, distinct; petioles 3 - 8 mm. long, 0.5 - 2.0 mm. broad, white- to 
brown-tomentose. Flowers terminal, 2 - 4, fascicled; pedicels 12 - 20 mm. long, 
accrescent in fruit, brown-tomentose, subtended by a whorl of leaves and caducous 
ciliate bud scales 5 - 10 mm. long. Sepals imbricate at base, lanceolate, acute, 4-7 
mm. long, 2.0-3.5 mm. broad, brown-tomentose without, glabrous within, ciliate; 
petals lanceolate-oblong, subacute, 9- 14 mm. long, 2.5 - 4.5 mm. broad, free, 
spreading from above the middle, purple; stamens 7.0-8.5 mm. long anthers 
sagittiform or elliptic-oblong, 1.5 - 2.5 mm. long, 0.5 - 1.3 mm. broad. Pistil at 
anthesis slightly longer to slightly shorter than the stamens; ovary 2.5 - 6.0 mm. 
long, 2-4 mm. broad, brown-tomentose; style 3 - 4 mm. long; stigma weakly 
capitate to truncate. Capsules subglobose, 3-valved, 2.0 - 2.5 cm. in diameter, 
tomentose, glabrate, rugose; valves convex in transverse section, 1.5 - 2.0 mm. 
thick, coriaceous, with a conspicuous placenta bearing two rows of minute funicles 
from the base to the apex; seeds 19 - 22, black, round. 

Flowers in August. 

EW ZEALAND: THREE KINGS ISLANDs: Great Island, Cheeseman, s.n. (AK, BM, 
K); Baylis 22797 (AK); Turbott 23023 (AK); Turbott & Bell 22925 (AK); North East 
Island, Buddle 22894 (AK). 

Flowers which may be female have sepals up to 6.5 mm. long, petals up to 14 
mm. long, sagittiform anthers only about 1.5 mm. long, weakly capitate stigmas 
exserted beyond the anthers, thin styles up to 3 mm, long, and stout ovaries 6 mm. 
long and 4 mm. broad. Flowers which may be male have sepals 4-7 mm. long, 
petals 9 - 13 mm. long, elliptic-oblong anthers about 2.5 mm. long, truncate 
stigmas level with or below the anthers, thicker styles 3.5 - 4.0 mm. long, and thin 
ovaries about 3.5 mm. long and 2.0 - 2.5 mm. broad. 

Cultivated specimens from the Botanic Gardens, Cambridge (England), have 
been seen, without collector s.n. (K). 

4. Prrrosporum ELLIPTICUM Kirk, in N.Z, Inst. Trans. & Proc. 4: 267. 1872. 
(T.: Kirk s.n.!). : RA 

Pittosporum ellipticum Kirk ssp. ellipticum Kirk, loc. cit. 1872. (1: Kirk s.n.!). 

Pittosporum ellipticum Kirk var. decorum Cheeseman, Man. N.Z. Fl. ed.2. p. 491. 1925. 
(T.: Cheeseman s.n.!). 

[Vol. 43 

Trees to 8 m. tall; branchlets dark brown, covered with appressed rusty tomen- 
tum when young, ultimately glabrate. Leaves alternate, crowded at the tips of 
the branches, elliptic-oblong to ovate or obovate, acute to obtuse at apex and base, 
entire, 3.5 - 9.7 cm. long, 1.5 - 4.8 cm. broad, covered with appressed rusty tomen- 
tum when young, soon glabrate above, sparsely tomentose to glabrate beneath, 
coriaceous, margins unthickened and slightly revolute, costa raised, secondary veins 
7 - 10 per side, anastomosing, obscure above, distinct beneath; petioles 4 - 15 mm. 
long, 1.5 - 2.0 mm. broad, rusty-tomentose. Flowers terminal, 2 - 6, fascicled; 
pedicels 5 - 14 mm. long, accrescent in fruit, tomentose, subtended by a whorl of 
cataphylls and several caducous rusty-tomentose bud scales 1 - 2 mm. long. Sepals 
slightly imbricate at base, linear, acuminate, 8- 11 mm. long, 2.0 - 2.7 mm. 
broad, rusty-tomentose without and to near the base within, ciliate; petals oblance- 
olate-linear, subacute, 14.0 - 19.5 mm. long, 3.0 - 4.5 mm. broad, free, recurved 
at the tips, reddish-brown to chocolate; stamens 7.2 - 11.0 mm. long, anthers 
sagittiform to oblong, 1.2 - 3.0 mm. long, 0.5 - 1.2 mm. broad. Pistil at anthesis 
slightly shorter or longer than the stamens; ovary 2.5 - 7.5 mm, long, 1.5 - 4.5 
mm. broad, rusty-tomentose; style 1.5 - 6.5 mm. long, stigma capitate or truncate. 
Capsules subglobose, 3- or 2-valved, 1.5 - 2.0 cm. long, 1.3 - 1.7 cm. broad, rusty- 
tomentose to glabrate, slightly rugose; valves convex in transverse section, up to 
1.5 mm. thick at the margins, much thickened at the apex, almost woody, with a 
thin raised placenta fused at the base, bearing flattened funicles up to 1 mm. 
long from the base to the middle; seeds 27 - 32, reddish-black, irregular. 

Occurs in the hills in the North Auckland, Auckland, South Auckland, 
Thames and East Cape districts of the North Island of New Zealand. Flowers 
from August to November. 

__ NEw ZEALAND: NORTH AUCKLAND: Whangaroa North, Kirk s.n. (AK); Mt. Manaia, 
Kirk sn. (A, AK, GH, MO), 122 (K); same locality, Cheeseman s.n. (AK); Whangarei, 
Kirk s.n. (A), 623 (BM). AUCKLAND: Waitakere Ranges Cheeseman s.n. (AK, BISH, 
K, US); same locality, Meebold 5389 (BISH); same locality, Nihotapu, Matthews, 
LeRoy & Carse s.n. (AK); same ocality, eastern side, Bishop s.n. (AK); Titirangi Ranges, 
Cheeseman s.n. (GH, K); roadside cliff, Huia, Wood 27210 (AK); Anawhata, West 
Coast, Cranwell sn. (K). THAMES DisTRICT: Ohinemuri Gorge near Karangahake, 
Cheeseman s.n. (AK) ; same locality, Petrie s.n. (AK); Gordon Settlement, near Te Aroha, 

? AK). T CAPE: Hawai River, inland from Opotiki, Field s.n. (AK); 
3000”, Aorangi Scenic Reserve near Hikurangi, Williams s.n. (AK). 


Flowers which may be male have truncate stigmas, styles 5.0 - 6.5 mm. long, 
ovaries 3.0 - 3.5 mm. long, about 2.5 mm. broad, and long stamens with ‘oblong 
anthers up to 3 mm. long. Flowers which may be female have capitate stigmas, 
styles about 3 mm. long, ovaries 7.5 mm. long, 4.5 mm. broad, and short stamens - 
with sagittiform anthers 1.2 - 1.5 mm. long, and about 0.5 mm. broad. Male 
flowers in which the pistil is only 4 mm. long also occur. It is difficult to decide 
whether this species belongs to the TRIVALVAE or BIVALVAE; Michie** has found 
trees with 3-valved fruits but the specimens I have seen in the Waitakere Ranges 

146 Personal communication. 

1956] : 

have mostly 2-valved fruits. A yellow-flowered form is in cultivation in New 

Pittosporum ellipticum Kirk ssp. ovatum Kirk!*" is based on fruiting speci- 
mens collected at Whangaroa North over 80 years ago. Kirk!*5 also cited Cheese- 
man's specimens from the Manaia Hills and the Titirangi district, but none of these 
match the description and the type collection from Whangaroa North. The 
Whangaroa district seldom has been visited by botanists and until more material 
is available the status of the subspecies is obscure. A specimen labelled var. ovatum 
in the Herbarium of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (Kirk 105) resembles a 
broad-leaved form of P. virgatum. 

Pittosporum ellipticum Kirk var. decorum Cheeseman was based on the col- 
lectings of Cheeseman, Petrie, Downard, Field, and Williams, from the Thames and 
East Cape districts. Cheeseman wrote: 

entum, ing nd 

lateral. It has some points of agreement with P. huttonianum but never has the white 

floccose tomentum which is such a distinctive character when P. buttonianum is in 

Cockayne identified Petrie's specimens from Karangahake as P. huttonianum, 
but a comparison of the characters of P. ellipticum, Cheeseman's var. decorum, P. 
huttonianum, and P. ralphii shows that var. decorum has some characters in com- 
mon with each of the other three species. Pittosporum buttonianum and P. ellipti- 
cum are found to the north, and P. ralphii to the south of Cheeseman's var. 
decorum; and this last may possibly be representative of a heterozygous population 
derived through introgressive hybridization of the three species. Pittosporum 
buttonianum, P. ellipticum, and P. ralpbii occur mainly in areas which were not 
submerged in recent geological time. On the other hand, Cheeseman's var. decorum 
is found in localities which were beneath the sea during the Castlecliffian (upper 
Pliocene) 149, and it is possible that past geographical changes have been significant 
in the formation of the three peripheral species and the population represented by 
Cheeseman's var. decorum. 

5. Prrrosporum CRASSIFOLIUM Banks & Soland. ex A. Cunn. in Ann. Nat. Hist. 
4:106. 1839. CT: R. Cunningham s.n.!) . 
Pittosporum crassifolium var. strictum Kirk, in N.Z. Inst. Trans. & Proc. 4:266. 1872. 

Shrubs to small trees 1 - 10 m. tall; branchlets dark brown, the young parts 
White- or rusty-tomentose, becoming black. Leaves alternate, frequently crowded 
at the tips of the branchlets, obovate to oblanceolate, obtuse to acute at apex, 
attenuate at base, entire, 3 - 8 cm. long, 1 - 3 cm. broad, white- or brown-tomen- 
tose when young, soon glabrate above but densely appressed-tomentose beneath, 
coriaceous, margins thickened and strongly revolute, costa raised, secondary veins 

HINZ. ep? Goen & Proc. 4: 267. 1872. (T.: Kirk s.n.!). 
n Vë cit. 
[etui in up recie 2: 80. 1949. 

[Vol. 43 


Fig. 9. P. ellipticum. Fig. 10. P. crassifolium 

about 5 per side, anastomosing, usually obscure; petioles 4- 14 mm. long 1-3 
mm. broad, brown-tomentose. Flowers terminal, 1 - 10, fascicled; pedicels 0.6 - 
5.0 cm. long, accrescent in fruit, tomentose, subtended by a whorl of leaves and 
numerous caducous, brown-tomentose, ciliate bud scales 3 - 15 mm. long. Sepals 
imbricate at base, oblong to linear-lanceolate, acute, 7 - 11 mm. long, 1.5 - 3.0 
mm. broad, brown-tomentose without, and to above the middle within, ciliate; 
petals oblanceolate to lanceolate, subacute, 10 - 16 mm. long, 3 - 5 mm. broad, free, 
recurved at the tips, dark red to purple, becoming black on drying; stamens 5 - 9 
mm. long, anthers sagittiform or elliptic-oblong, 1 - 3 mm, long, 0.5 - 1.5 mm. 
broad. Pistil at anthesis slightly shorter or longer than the stamens; ovary 3 - 6 
mm. long, 2 - 5 mm. broad, tomentose; style 3.0 - 4.5 mm. long; stigma capitate 
and obscurely 3-lobed or truncate. Capsules trigonous, rarely 2- or 4-lobed, 3- 
valved, rarely 2- or 4-valved, 1 - 3 cm. long and broad, white- to brown-tomentose, 
rugose; valves concave in transverse section, 2 - 3 mm. thick, woody, with a 
conspicuous placenta bearing short stout funicles from the base to near the apex; 
seeds 20 - 36, black, irregular to round. 

Common on the coast of Sunday Island in the Kermadec Islands group and on 
the coast of the northern portion of the North Island of New Zealand. Flowers in 
September and October. ; 

KERMADEC ÍsLANDs: SUNDAY ISLAND: northern shore, Cheeseman s.n. (AK, K). 

N EALAND: NORTH AUCKLAND: Waya—Rum Bay, Wilkes s.n. (K); on Flat Island, 

t - AUCKLAND: Great Omaha, Kirk s.n, (A, 

GH, MO), 25 (BM); Kawau Island, Kirk s.n. (AK), 116 (K); David Island, Molesworth 
23320 (AK); coast near Auckland, Cheeseman s.n. (AK, BISH, K, NEW); same locality, 
Petrie 6417 (A, NSW); Lake Pupuke, Cheeseman s.n. (AK, GH, NSW, US); Auckland, 
bapman s.n. (A). THAMES: Tryphena Harbour, Great Barrier Island, Osborne s.m. 


(AK) Great Barrier Island, Matthews 1822 (AK); Little Ee Island, Kirk s.n. (AK), 
123 (K); Cape Colville, Kirk sm. (US); Kenn SR Bay mandel, Matthews s.n. (AK, 
"E WITHOUT DEFINITE LOCALITY: Allison s SC sg WA Bid vill 198 (K); cone 

- (K); Cunningham 43 (U); C. [Cunningham] 2 (NSW); Mueller s.n. (CU, G 
Wilkes s.n. (GH); Sinclair s.n. (BM, MO). 

Flowers which appear to be female have capitate, obscurely 3-lobed stigmas, 
styles about 3 mm, long, and plump ovaries about 6 mm. long and 5 mm. broad. 
The anthers are only about 1 mm. long, sagittiform, and the filaments are about 
4 mm. long, markedly broad at the base. In the material which I have examined 
the flowers are solitary. On Molesworth s.n. two or three fruits occur together, 
and Cheeseman”? describes female inflorescences as 1- to 5-flowered. Pedicels 
are markedly shorter at anthesis but elongate in fruit. Flowers which appear to be 
male have truncate stigmas, styles about 3.5 - 4.5 mm. long, slender ovaries about 
3 mm. long and 2 mm. broad. The anthers are 2- 3 mm. long, elliptic-oblong, 
and the filaments are 5 - 6 mm. long. In the material which I have examined the 
inflorescences are 2- to 8-flowered but Cheeseman’! describes them as 5- to 10- 
flowered. The pedicels of "male" flowers are markedly longer than those of 
“female” flowers. 

Banks and Solander collected specimens of a species of Pittosporum on the east 
coast of New Zealand in 1769 and named it P. crassifolium in herb. but did not 
publish its description and figure. Allan Cunningham applied the name to speci- 
mens collected by his brother Richard, in 1833, "on Flat Island, one of the Cavallos 
Group, and at Matauri, etc.” In the Herbarium of the Royal Botanic Gardens, 
Kew, the specimens are labelled: —‘On Flat Island, one of the Cavallos, Hamilton 
s.n. [Dr. Hamilton of H.M.S. Buffalo, Dec. 1833]; Bay of Islands, R. Cunningham 
s.n. [612]; at Matauri, opposite the Cavallos, R. Cunningham s.n. [612]". Unfor- 
tunately, these collectings were of a different species from that discovered by Banks 
and Solander, Plants similar to those collected by Banks and Solander were sub- 
sequently described as P. ralphii by Thomas Kirk (N.Z. Inst. Trans. & Proc. 3: 
161. 1871). 

Kirk!?? described P. crassifolium var. strictum from Little Barrier Island as a 
variety distinguished by having several erect fruiting pedicels clustered together, 
and smaller capsules. Solitary and clustered fruits occur on the same plants, 
however, and similar small-fruited plants, which grade into the larger-fruited form, 
have been found in a number of localities, e.g.: on Hen and Chicken Islands 
(Moore $ Cranwell s.n.!, AK) ; Poor Knights Islands (Moore & Cranwell s.n.!, AK) ; 
Great Barrier Island (Matthews s.n.!, AK); and Crayfish Island, 3 miles south of 
Helena Bay (Olsen zo!, AK). Kirk 123 (K), from Little Barrier Island, is also 
remarkable in having pedicels up to 5 cm. long but only one collection is available. 
Specimens collected on the Kermadec Islands (Cheeseman s.n.) also have markedly 

150 Man. N.Z. Fl. ed. 2. p.493. 1925. 
151 loc. cit. 1925. 
152 N.Z. Inst. Trans. & Proc. 4: 266. 1872. (T.: Kirk s.n.!). 

[Vol. 43 

narrow leaves, strict erect fruiting pedicels clustered together, and smaller capsules 
as in var. strictum. All these collections may be distinct but in the absence of 
flowers of the Kermadec plants and an adequate sample of the Little Barrier popula- 
tion they had best be left with P. crassifolium. 

Two horticultural varieties are available to gardeners, but are not different 
in any important characters. A plant with yellow flowers was found at Tryphena 
Harbour, Great Barrier Island, some years ago (Osborne s.n.!) and is known in the 
trade as var. album. A form with variegated leaves is available as var. variegatum 
(Duncan & Davies Cat, Choice Nursery Stock, 47. 1947), but is not as vigorous 
as plants with green leaves. The latter are extensively used in New Zealand, the 
south of England, Spain, and California, as ornamentals and hedge plants. 

Vernacular name: Karo. 

6. PrrrosPoRUM RAaLPHi Kirk, in N.Z. Inst. Trans. & Proc. 3:161. 1871, ex 
char. (T.: Ralph s.n.). 
Pittosporum crassifolium Banks & Soland. ex Kirk, Students’ Flora N.Z. p. 51. 1899, nom. 
j non 

Shrubs 2.5 - 4.0 m. tall; branchlets grayish-brown, white- to buff-tomentose, 
glabrate. Leaves alternate, frequently crowded at the tips of the branchlets, oblong 
to obovate, occasionally oblanceolate or elliptic, obtuse or acute at apex, acute or 
obtuse at base, entire, 4-12 cm. long, 2- 4 cm. broad white- to buff-tomentose 
when young, soon glabrate above but densely appressed-tomentose beneath, coriace- 
ous, margins unthickened, flat, or revolute, costa raised or immersed above, raised 
beneath, secondary veins about 9 - 12 per side, anastomosing, distinct in juvenile 
leaves, obscure in adult leaves; petioles 8 - 22 mm. long, 1 - 3 mm. broad, white- to 
brown-tomentose. Flowers terminal on long leading or short axillary shoots, 2 - 
10, fascicled; pedicels 6 - 14 mm. long, accrescent in fruit, tomentose, subtended 
by a single leaf or several cataphylls and tomentose bud scales 3 - 18 mm. long, 
apparently pedunculate on the shedding of leaves, cataphylls, and bud scales. Sepals 
imbricate at base, linear, acuminate, 7 - 11 mm. long, 1.5 - 3.0 mm. broad, white- 
tomentose without, tomentulose within, ciliate; petals oblanceolate-linear to 
oblong-linear, obtuse to subacute, 11-18 mm. long, 2-4 mm. broad, free, 
recurved at the tips, dark red to purple; stamens 4.5 - 9.0 mm. long, anthers sagitti- 
form to oblong, 1.0-3.5 mm. long, 0.5- 1.0 mm. broad. Pistil at anthesis 
slightly shorter or longer than the stamens; ovary 2.5 - 4.0 mm. long, 1 - 2 mm. 
broad, white-tomentose; style 2 - 5 mm. long; stigma capitate. Capsules trigonous, 
rarely 2-lobed, 3-, rarely 2-valved, apiculate, 11 - 17 mm. long, 9 - 13 mm. broad, 
white-tomentose, glabrate, rugose; valves concave in transverse section, about 2 
mm. thick, coriaceous to slightly woody, with a conspicuous placenta bearing 
minute funicles from the much-thickened base to above the middle; seeds 9 - 17, 
black, irregular to round. 

Found from Patea and Wanganui on the west coast to East Cape and Cape 
Kidnappers on the east coast of the North Island of New Zealand. Flowers from 
October to December. 




Fig. 11. P. ralphii and P. huttonianum. 


New ZEALAND: East cAPE: Hendley Station, Hodgson s.n. (AK); bridge beyond 
Okawa, Meebold 18279 (BISH); prope Tolaga, Opuragi and Totaranui, Banks & Solander 
sm. ( ; Tolaga Bay, East Cape, Banks & Solander s.n. (AK, MO, US); coast near 
Gisborne, T'ownson s.n. AK, BM); Patangata, Hamilton s.n. (AK); Havelock North, 
Meebold 4823, 5564 (BISH); Pourere, Kirk s.n. (MO); Pitane, Kirk s.n. (A, GH); 700’, 
Te Reinga Falls, near Waikaremoana, Sainsbury s.n. (AK); Wairoa, Sainsbury 164, 622, 
623, 624, 708, 709, 710, 711 (AK, MO); Waikaremoana, Cranwell & Moore s.n. (AK); 
same locality, near outlet, in forest, Oliver s.n. (AK); road bank near Te Araroa, Moore 
Ei Cranwell s.n. (AK); Mokopeka, Meebold 18280 (BISH). wANGANUI: near Taumarunui, 
Kirk s.n. (AK); Upper Wanganui River, Allison s.n. (A, NSW); Patea, ex hort., Cheese- 
man s.n. (GH); same locality, ex hort., Hector s.n. 176 (K); same locality, ex bort., Kirk 
656 (K). wirHour Locauity: Colenso 206, 344 (K); Kirk s.n. (P). 

Flowers which may be female have capitate stigmas, styles about 2 mm. long, 
and plump ovaries about 4 mm. long and 2 mm. broad. The anthers are probably 
sterile, sagittiform, 1.0 - 1.5 mm. long, and the filaments are 3.0 - 3.5 mm. long, 
markedly broad at the base, tapering distally. Flowers which appear to be male 
have weakly capitate stigmas, styles 3.5 - 5.0 mm. long, and slender ovaries 2.5 - 
3.5 mm. long, and 1 - 2 mm. broad. The anthers are oblong, 3.0 - 3.5 mm. long, 
and the filaments are 4- 6 mm. long, not markedly broad at the base. On one 
specimen (Cheeseman s.n. ex hort), several flowers were found with 4 func- 
tional stamens about 9 mm. long and one apparently sterile stamen about 6 mm. 
ong. The functional stamens had oblong anthers about 3 mm. long while the 
apparently sterile stamens had sagittiform anthers only 1 mm, long. The stigmas 
were weakly capitate, the styles long, and the ovaries slender as in male flowers. 
Godley153 has informed me that the species is dioecious. 

It has long been known that Banks and Solander collected specimens of P. 
ralphii at Tolaga Bay on the east coast of the North Island of New Zealand during 
Cook’s first voyage to the South Seas in 1769-1772, and named it P. crassifolium in 
herb, but their description and plate were never published and the name P. crassi- 
folium was later applied by A. Cunningham to specimens of another species col- 
lected by his brother, R. Cunningham, in North Auckland. Banks & Solander 
Lon, BM) consists, however, of two sheets of P. ralphii Kirk and one sheet of P. 

153 2 
Personal communication. 

[Vol. 43 

crassifolium A. Cunn (sterile). The type of P. ralphii is a collection made by Dr. 
Ralph at Wanganui about 1870 and forwarded to Kirk for description. 

A form with variegated leaves is available in the trade in New Zealand. The 
species is cultivated in England (Isles of Scilly, Penzance, Allerford, etc.). 

7. PrrrosPORUM HUTTONIANUM Kirk, in N.Z. Inst. Trans. & Proc. 2: 92. 1870. 
(T.: Kirk s.n.!). 
Pittosporum buttonianum Kirk var. fasciatum Kirk, Students’ Fl. N.Z. p. 48. 1899. (T: 

Shrubs or trees to 10 m. tall; branchlets dark brown, covered with floccose 
white tomentum when young, glabrate. Leaves alternate, frequently crowded at 
the tips of the branchlets, elliptic-oblong to obovate-oblong, acute to obtuse at 
apex and base, entire, 4.2 - 12.0 cm. long, 2.1- 5.0 cm. broad, covered with 
floccose white tomentum when young, glabrate, slightly coriaceous, margins 
unthickened, flat or undulate, occasionally revolute, costa level or sunken above, 
raised beneath, secondary veins about 12 per side, anastomosing, obscure above, 
distinct beneath; petioles 5 - 15 mm. long, 1.0 - 2.5 mm. broad, covered with ap- 
pressed white tomentum when young, glabrate. Flowers terminal and axillary, 
solitary or in fascicles of 3; pedicels up to 2 cm. long, accrescent in fruit, white- 
tomentose, usually subtended by 1 to several cataphylls and caducous tomentulose 
or glabrous bud scales 2 - 10 mm. long. Sepals slightly imbricate at base, oblong, 
acute, 6 - 9 mm. long, 2.2 - 3.0 mm. broad, covered with floccose white tomentum 
without, glabrous within; petals oblanceolate-linear, obtuse to subacute, 12 - 18 
mm. long, 3.0 - 4.2 mm. broad, free, recurved above the middle, red to magenta; 
stamens 6-10 mm. long, anthers sagittiform to oblong, 1.5 - 4.5 mm. long, 
0.8 - 1.5 mm. broad. Pistil at anthesis slightly shorter or longer than the stamens; 
ovary 2.6 - 5.0 mm. long, 1.0 - 3.5 mm. broad, white-tomentose; style 2.0 - 5.5 
mm. long; stigma weakly capitate or truncate. Capsules trigonous, 3-valved, 
rarely 2-valved, apiculate, 1.2 - 2.0 cm. in diameter, white-tomentose, glabrate, 
weakly rugose; valves slightly convex to flat in transverse section, about 1 mm. 
thick, coriaceous, with a thin placenta, fused at the base, bearing flattened funicles 
up to 1 mm, long from the base to above the middle; seeds 18 - 23, reddish-black 
to black, irregular. 

Occurs on the Great Barrier Island and the Coromandel Peninsula in the 
Bae Island of New Zealand. Flowers from October to November. 

W ZEALAND: THA: Great Barrier Mond: Kirk s.n. (A, K, US), 86 (K), 518 
(BM); Karan same bakt Kirk s.n. (AK, GH, MO); Kaiwiriki, same locality, K Kirk 
sm. (AK); timber track, Whangaparapara, same locality, Molesworth s.n. (AK); same 

i E 
Bay, Coromandel, Matthews s.n. (AK, MO); 1600', Castle Rock, Coromandel, Cheeseman 
GH); same locality, Petrie 6418 (A); same locality, Cranwell & Moore sM- 
(AK); Table Mountain behind Thames, Adams s.n. (AK); Pakirerehi, Aion sn. (AK); 
same locality, Cheeseman s.n. (US); Steeg, Hector 176 (K). 
Pittosporum huttonianum var. fasciatum was characterized by flowers in 
terminal cymes and peduncles white with floccose tomentum. The “peduncles” 
are the young shoots which have not developed a subtending whorl of leaves or 





cataphylls. This phenomenon occurs in the development of the inflorescence of 
other species and does not merit varietal status. 

Flowers which may be female have weakly capitate stigmas on styles about 
2 mm. long, plump ovaries 4.8 - 5.0 mm. long, 3.5 mm. broad, and short stamens 
6 mm. long, with sagittiform anthers 1.5 mm. long, 0.8 mm. broad. Flowers 
which may be male have truncate stigmas on styles 3.5 - 5.5 mm. long, slender 
ovaries 2.6 - 4.0 mm. long, 1 - 2 mm. broad, and stamens 6.8 - 10 mm. long with 
oblong anthers 2.8 - 4.5 mm. long, 1.0 - 1.5 mm. broad. 

8. PrrrosPORUM TENUIFOLIUM Banks & Soland. ex Gaertn. Fruct. et Sem. 1: 
286. t. 50. 1787-88. (T.: Banks & Solander s.n.!). 

Trees to 10 m. tall; branchlets grayish-brown, tomentose when young, gla- 
brate. Leaves alternate, frequently crowded at the tips of the branchlets, oblong, 
obovate or elliptical, acute to obtuse at apex and base, entire, 1.5 - 12.2 cm. long, 
1.2 - 4.7 cm. broad, green above, sometimes marked with purple, paler beneath, 
sparsely tomentose when young, soon glabrate, slightly to strongly coriaceous, mar- 
gins unthickened, flat, revolute, or undulate, costa sunken above, raised beneath, 
secondary veins 6 - 12 per side, anastomosing, obscure above, distinct or obscure 
beneath; petioles 3 - 12 mm. long, 0.5 - 2.5 mm. broad, glabrous. Flowers axillary, 
1 - 3, solitary or fascicled, subtended by a whorl of caducous bud scales, occasion- 
ally terminal on short axillary shoots and subtended by 1 - 2 cataphylls or leaves, 
and several caducous linear bracts, sessile or on pedicels up to 1 cm. long, tomen- 
tose, accrescent in fruit. Sepals slightly imbricate at base, ovate to oblong, sub- 
acute to obtuse, 3-7 mm. long, 1.4- 4.5 mm. broad; petals oblanceolate-linear 
to spathulate and clawed, obtuse, 8 - 16 mm. long, 2 - 5 mm. broad, free, reflexed 
from the middle, dark purple, maroon, pink or white; stamens 3.6 - 8.0 mm, long, 
anthers sagittiform to oblong, 1 - 4 mm. long, 0.5 - 1.0 mm. broad. Pistil at 
anthesis slightly shorter or longer than the stamens; ovary 2.5 - 4.5 mm. long, 
1 - 3 mm. broad, tomentose; style 2.0 - 3.5 mm. long, stigma capitate or truncate. 
Capsules subglobose, apiculate, 3-valved, rarely 2- or 4-valved, 9-14 mm, in 

ter, tomentose, glabrate, weakly rugose; valves 1.0 - 1.5 mm. thick, coriace- 
kd Convex in transverse section, with a placenta raised and fused at the base, 
g peg-like or flattened funicles from the base to above the middle; seeds 

6-31, ‘black, irregular. 


L cm. long, 1-3 

cm. broad, membranous to Spe coriaceous, frequently marked with Race: whee young, 
Margins often undulate als us , 2.5-5.5 long, 1.5-3. o mm. b AT 

tomentose to glabrate. Throughout New Zealand, at lower Ce erm a. P. £. fenuifolium 

1.1—4.7 cm. broad, gege: not ma purp 
acute, 4, 5-6.0 mm, long, tomentulose to slabrace: ig 
Waikato and Volcanic m hand, at higher elevations. ............ 

[Vol. 43 

8a. PrrrOSPORUM TENUIFOLIUM ssp. tenuifolium 

Trichilia monophylla A. Rich. in Less. & A. Rich. Voy. l'Astrolabe, Bot. Ess. Fl. N. Zel. p. 
306. pl. 34. 1832, ex char. & icon. (T.: d'Urville £d). 

Pittosporum translucens Hook. ex Putterl. Syn. Pittosp. p. 13. 1839, nom. nud. in synon. 

Pittosporum mayi Hort. Regel, Cat. Pl. Hort. Aksakow, p. 112. 1860, nom. nud. 

Pittosporum enderi Regel, in Gartenfl. 17: 226. £. 587. 1868, ex char. & icon. 

Pittosporum bidwillianum Regel, loc. cit. 1868, nom. nud. 

Pittosporum tenuifolium Gaertn. var. tenuifolium Kirk, Students’ Fl. N.Z. p. 47. 1899. 

Pittosporum nigricans Hort. Davy in Bailey, Cycl. Amer. Hort. 3: 1360. 1901, nom. nud. 

in synon. 

Occurs from the North Auckland district in the North Island to the Otago 
District in the South Island of New Zealand, at lower elevations than ssp. colensoi. 
Flowers from September to November. > 

New ZEALAND: NORTH AUCKLAND: Kaitaia, R. H. Matthews s.n. (AK) ; same locality. 
H. B. Matthews s.n. (AK); same locality, Kelly's Bush, R. H. Mattbews s.n. (AK, MO); 
Kaiaka, Trig Track, Carse s.n. » MO); near sea level on south bank of Oruru River, 

aipa, in remnant of Agathis forest, Cooper 36006, 36014 (AK, MASS, MO); Bay of 
Islands, A. Cunningham s.n. (BM); same locality, Wilkes s.n. (K, US); Wangaroa, R. 
Cunningham 43 (K); Maungatapere, near Whangarei, Carse s.n. (AK). AUCKLAND: 
Omaha, Kirk 83 (GH), 85 (BM); Glenfield, Birkdale, H. B. Matthews s.n. (AK, MO); 
Auckland, Hector s.n. (GH); same locality, Kirk 85 (US); same locality, Kirk 54 (AK); 
Waitakere, Cheeseman s.n. (US); Titirangi Ranges, Cheeseman s.n. (AK); 1300’, same 
locality, Meebold 5410 (BISH, K); Huia, Wood s.n. (AK). THAMES: Coromandel 
Pu d : 

Buckland, H. B. Matthews s.n. (AK). East cape: Te Whaiti, Urewera, H. B. Matt 
s.n. (AK); Lake Waikaremoana, Moore & Cranwell s.n. (AK); Wairoa South, Cheeseman 
sn. (AK); 2000’, Blowhard, Meebold 18277 (BISH); 1500’, Tongoio, Meebold 18282 
(BISH); Havelock North, Meebold 18283 (BISH). vorcawic PLATEAU: Murimohu, 
Ohakune, Attwood s.n. (AK). wamaRAPA: 70 Mile Bush, Colenso s.n. (K). WELLING- 
TON: Palmerston North, Allan s.n. (BH); Lower Hutt, Kirk s.n. (NSW); in dry woods, 
sheltered valley, Day's Bay, 150', MacDaniels s.n. (CU). MARLBOROUGH:  Kenepuru, 
Pelorus Sounds, MacMahon 205 (AK). NELSON: Maitai Valley, Mellor 27212 (AK); 
500 , same locality, near stream on damp graywacke soil, Neal 10 (BISH). CANTERBURY: 
Banks Peninsula, Kirk 54 AK); same locality, Haast 69 (K); same locality, Lyttelton 
Hills, Meebold 4739 (BISH) ; same locality, Akaroa, Belligny s.n. (GH, K); Peel Forest, 
WE 4096 (BISH); 800', Waiau River, Morrison 33 (A); Ashley Gorge, Meebold 

. T LOCALITY: Banks & Solander s.n. (AK, BM labelled “prope 
Tolaga, Opuragi, Ouhuragi, Totaranui, MO, US”); Colenso s.n. (AK), s.n., 714 (K); 
A. Cunningham 11 (CU), s:n., 615 (K); Kirk s.n. (A, MO, NSW, US); Sinclair s.n. (BM, 
MO); Raoul s.n. (A). 

Flowers which may be female have capitate, obscurely lobed stigmas, styles 
about 2 mm. long, ovaries about 3 mm. long, 2 mm. broad, stamens 3.6 - 4.5 mm. 
long, slightly shorter than the pistil, and sagittiform, possibly abortive anthers 
about 1.4 mm. long. Flowers which may be male have truncate stigmas, styles 
2.5-3.0 mm. long, ovaries 2.5-4.0 mm. long, 1.0-1.5 mm. broad stamens 
6.0 - 7.5 mm. long, slightly exceeding the pistil, and oblong, probably functional 
anthers 2 - 4 mm, long. Godley!5* has informed me that the species is dioecious. 
Vernacular names: Mapauriki (Sinclair s.n.), Kobubu, Tawbiwbi. 

154 Personal communication. 


/ ] cJ 7 


Fig. 12. P. tenuifolium ssp. tenuifolium. Fig. 13. P. £. ssp. colensoi. 

8b. PrrrosPORUM TENUIFOLIUM ssp. COLENSOI (Hook.f.) Kirk, in N.Z. Inst. 

Trans. 8 Proc. 4: 262. 1872. 
Pittosporum dide Hook. f. Fl. N.Z. 1: 22. 1853. (T.: Colenso s.n.!). 
j . in synon. 


T m tenuifolium Cie, ssp. fasciculatum (Hook.f.) Kirk, in N. Z. Inst. Trans. & 
Oc. 4: 262. 1872. 

P SE tenuifolium Gaertn. var. colensoi (Hook.f.) Kirk, Students’ Fl. N.Z. p.47. 

Piscine tenuifolium Gaertn. var. fasciculatum (Hook.f.) Kirk, loc. cit. 1899. 
P a tenuifolium Gaertn. var. fasciculatum (Hook.f.) Kirk, sub. var. cymosum 
9. j Weit: n.! 

Firiaona. buttonianum Kirk var. ër EN Kirk, loc. cit. 1899. (T.: Kirk s.n. d 
Pittosporum colensoi Hook. f. var. fasciculatum (Hook.f.) Cheesem. Man. N.Z. Fl. 

Occurs from the Waikato and Volcanic Plateau in the North Island to the 
Otago district in the South Island of New Zealand, usually at higher elevations 
than ssp. tenuifolium. Flowers in November. 

New ZEALAND:  WAIKATO: Hora Hora, Petrie 764/4 (K). TARANKI: Urenui, 
T eds sn. (AK); roadside near Tarata, Carse 764/6 (K). VOLCANIC PLATEAU: 
Rotorua, Petrie & H. B. Matthews s.n. (AK); same locality, Turner 159 (AK); ps 
locality, Kaliiruros Creek, iie 54 (AK), 2: 64 (K); Genee Plateau, Cheeseman 
(AK); near Taupo, Colen (AK), 2361 (K as P. viridum, type of P. er 
tum); in jungle filled sa dominated zë el fer near the Raurimu spiral, Moss 
Park, Walker 4 tes (MO, US); 3500', base of Ngauruhoe, Cheeseman s.n. (A K); n 
Tongariro, Kirk s (MO); same focality; Hodgkins s.n. (AK); 4000' , Ya m. west “Of 
ateau : Attwood s.n. (AK); near Haunted Whare, Waimarino, B. 
Matthews s.n (AK); MS oes Plains H. B. Mato 764/ 11 (K); same locality, 
Zotov s.n. (BH); Maki Manganui-a-te-ao, Waimarin sn. (AK); 
1200”, Ohakune, malas iren (BISH); 2000’, awe bie Meebold 18276 ind 
NELSON: between Nelson and Havelock, Sledge 2 6 (K). MARLBOROUGH: Awatere 
River, EM A Perrin s.n. (AK); same locality, Gas? s.t. (AK); same locality, 2000. 
in bush, Travers s.n. (GH). CANTERBURY: Arthurs Pass, Halpin C: 

816 (AK); 
anaka District, Hector s.n. (GH); Paradise, near Lake Wakatipu, Turner 
Wakatipu, Meebold 4442 (BISH); Soen Valley, Lake Te Anau, 800', Petrie 140 (K); 

[Vol. 43 

Chalky Bay, Lyall s.n. (K); Otago, not common N. of Dusty Bay, Hector & Buchanan 22 
. WITHOUT LOCALITY: Bell s.n. (NSW); Colenso s.n., (P. uniflorum, AK), s.n. 
(P. viride, K), 2367 (P. uniflorum, K); Dieffenbacb s.n. (K). 

Flowers which may be female have capitate stigmas, styles 1.6 - 2.0 mm. long, 
ovaries about 4 mm. long, 2.5 - 3.0 mm. broad, stamens about 4.5 mm. long, 
slightly shorter than the pistil, and sagittiform, possibly abortive anthers 1.0 - 1.2 
mm. long. Flowers which may be male have truncate stigmas, styles 3.0 - 3.5 mm. 
long, ovaries 3.0 - 4.5 mm. long, 1.5 - 2.0 mm. broad, stamens 6 - 8 mm. long, 
slightly exceeding the pistil, and oblong, probably functional anthers 2 - 3 mm. 


Vernacular name: Mountain Kobubu. 

The two subspecies of P. tenuifolium are used in New Zealand, the United 
States (California), France, southern England, and the Scilly Islands, the Channel 
Islands (Guernsey), Italy, and Australia, for hedges and ornamental trees. In New 
Zealand the two subspecies have been so mixed in plantings and so extensively 
planted that it is difficult to determine their original distribution. Furthermore, 
they intergrade and it is sometimes impossible to determine the subspecies to which 
a specimen belongs. Transplantings of trees selected from wild populations at 
different altitudes are required to determine the extent to which variation in the 
species is caused by the habitat. 

Pittosporum fasciculatum Hook. f. was established to include forms which 
have flowers in terminal and axillary fascicles. Both P. £. tenuifolium and P. t. 
colensoi occasionally have fascicled flowers, and fascicled and solitary fowers are 
frequently found together in the other species of Pittosporum with simple inflo- 
rescences. Consequently I do not think that the plants with fascicled flowers 
should be treated as a distinct species. 

Pittosporum buchanani Hook. f. was based on specimens from a plant culti- 
vated at Wellington by Buchanan and reputed to come from near Tongariro. The 
type specimen at Kew has only "New Zealand” as the locality. Specimens identi- 
fied as P. buchanani were subsequently collected, possibly at Kaitaia, by Buchanan, 
on Mt. Egmont, by Hector, and by Kirk in the Wellington district. The specimen 
at Kew, collected by Buchanan, as noted ‘... the exact place where found is un- 
certain but probably between Hokianga and Bay of Islands.” In the last 50 years 
the Kaitaia, Mt. Egmont, and Wellington districts have been thoroughly explored 
but no further specimens have been obtained. I have treated the name P. buchan- 
ani as doubtful because the specimens are too few and imperfect to determine the 
status of it. 

Pittosporum intermedium Kirk was based on specimens from a single tree on 
Kawau Island. The tree was subsequently destroyed and no others have been found. 
In describing the species Kirk!?5 wrote: 

155 N.Z, Inst. Trans. & Proc. 4: 266. 1872. 


I give this well-marked form specific rank with some hesitation; in foliage it M^ 
large forms of P. tenuifolium, while the capsule partakes of the characters of P. cras 
folium and P. ellipticum. Dr. Hooker and Mr. Colenso consider it a new species, stil 
it is possible that further observation may show the wisdom of uniting it with one 
or other of the above. I have been tempted to attribute its peculiarities to hybridisa- 

A sheet at British Museum is noted by H. H. Allen: “very probably P. ellipti- 
cum X tenuifolium”. The few specimens available to me match P. umbellatum 
in the size and shape of the sepals and petals, but lack the typical large terminal 
inflorescence and lobed capsules. I have treated the name P. intermedium as 
doubtful under the circumstances. 

The following cultivated forms of P. tenuifolium are available in New 
P. tenuifolium “garnettii”. Duncan & Davies, Catalogue of trees, shrubs 
and climbers, p. 62. 1950-51.—Leaves edged with white, flecked or tinged with 

P. tenuifolium "purpureum". loc. cit. Suppl. list 1950-51.—Leaves deeply 
tinged with purple. 

P. tenuifolium “variegatum”. loc. cit. p. 62. 1950-51.—Leaves edged with 
white or cream. 

P. tenuifolium "argenteum". loc. cit. p. 32. 1953-54.—This form has been of- 
fered for sale as P. tenuifolium “Silver Matipo”. loc. cit. p. 62. 1950-51, and p. 81. 
1954-55, but no description is given It may be the same as P, nigricans var. "Silver 
Queen” which is described (R.H.S. Dictionary of Gardening, 3: 1595. 1951), as 
having silvery-gray foliage, but I have not seen specimens of "Silver Queen”. 
Pittosporum tenuifolium "argenteum" and “variegatum” were introduced into 
cultivation prior to 1950 but the references are to the earliest dated catalogues 
Which I have found. 

Davy" lists P. nigra Hort? as a horticultural name of P. tenuifolium and 
Hector noted on a sheet in the herbarium of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew 
(Hector s.n.) that P. tenuifolium was named P. nigrum by the Sydney Botanic 
Gardens in 1862.  Lord!5? gives P. nigrescens as another horticultural name for P. 
tenuifolium. A form with markedly undulate leaves is available in Europe as 
P. mayi, and its origin and status are described in detail by Gadeceau'”*, 

5 Davy in Bailey, Cycl. Amer. Hort. 3: 1360. 190 
157 Lord, Shrubs & Trees for Australian Gardens, p. om 1948. 
158 Bull. Soc, Bot. Fr. 67: 153. 

[Vol. 43 

Serres II. BIvALVAE 

Series II. BrvaLvAE Gowda, in Jour. Arnold Arb. 32:285. 1951 


Inflorescences simple; flowers solitary or in fascicles of few to many (rarely in 3- to 

oF flowered cymes in P. peblovercidet): 
purple, red or yellow; 

r small trees 6-16 tall; branches ascending; leaves oe 

— ~ aga marked rich red to purplish-red; capsule valves cori- 
k South Wales, Victoria, and Tasma 

b. inne trees or S owers terminal and axillary; pee 
capsules to shy eect in P. obcordatum). ralia and New Zeala 
c. Plants vichout aee diverse juvenile foliage. Aus 
d. Unarmed and shrubs; flowers subterminal LT pe solitary or in 
fascicles o (x. 
Shrubs or small trees 3—10 m. tall; branches pendulous; leaves glabrous; SCH 
goo or white; capsule valves woody, 1.0—3.5 thick.  Throu a t 
tinental Australia P. Viet 
ee. Shrubs o 

aceous, less mm. thick. New 
0 "P. ` bicolor 
dd. Lecce shrubs; flowers axillary or poe on arrested es solitary. 
disc at high altitu > o'reillyemum 
ec NOS ud e t diverse juvenile Gees (juvenile and adult vues linear in 

E vw Zeala nd. 
d. Flowers Jae, uud. on normal branchlets, 1-20; capsules 6-16 mm. long; 
seeds u black, irregular. 
e. Sekten never air divaricate or matted. 
f. Trees to 8 m. tall or more; ras: emit acute; capsule valves concave or 

sulcate to convex in transverse s 
g. Trees to 10 m. tall; 0; sepals, pedicels, young leaves, and 
eeng glabrous petals Tek nias nir ¢ Ze ma usually con- 
e section. North Auckland and 12; Bee c 
gg- Tre rees to Tod Sec flowers 1-6; sepals, este Joa ha md 
rusty-tomentose; pet ly dar to purple; capsules obese! 
nire sulcate to convex de transverse section. North sd ru and 
P. virgatum 

ff. Shrubs ape 5—5.0 m. tall; sepals usually acuminate; capsule valves deed to 
weakly sulcate in transverse section. 
0.5-2.0 m. tall; male flowers 6-9, female flowers 1; petals cream 
to yellow with a red stripe; capsules ovoid, acuminate or alm P beaked ` ` 
at apex. North Auckland. . P. pimeleoides 
£g. Shrubs 1-5 m. tall; M ges Se petals purple; capsules aE SA z sub- 
globose, . P. patulum 
ee Branchlet sharply divaricatis 3 zg gees at juvenile stage or on zeg? Sieg o 
adult stem; shrubs or trees 2—9 m. tall; flowers 4—12; petals pink to part) 
ca ; Vitéinie Plateau . turneri 
terminal, on ested branchlets (terminal on od 
m), cad fascicles or solit Get capsules 4.5— 
10.0 mm. long; seeds gel der Stee to Sege round to irregu 
2—6 m. ta -obl ually piens Seier valves 
dehiscing without, leaving a persistent papery ind 
f. Adult leaves orbicular to obovate, obcordate to o obrus apex, with 2-4 
i ei " ; peti wnally ese winged; 
, inal, arres ranchlets; sepals 
Ae tomentulose; petals pale Se mc or viis capsules e 
sub-ovoid; placentas with funicles deus the base to the middl 
^. uckland, Hawkes Bay, and Canterbur 17. P. obcordatum 

ff. Adult leaves rarely orbicula ar to games obtuse to subacute at apex, with 

obscure eins; petioles without win rings; flowers cut olitary (1- 

3 in P. crassicaule), axi la ry beer? ormal or arrested branchlets; 

sepals caducous, glabrous; petals furi: capsules cordate or subg 
globose; placentas with falda near the mi 


g. Shrubs to 3 m. y agg pa ascending, not spinose; leaves obtuse at 
base; pedicels 0.5 ; flowers solitary, €— or ll on 
normal branch Let x "b: er mm. long, 1.0—1. ari d; P 
8-12 mm. lon m. broad; ovary tomentose; capsules lobose, 8— 
mm. eg Lë mm. broad. Hawkes Bay, Wellington, SS Marlborough. 

P. rigidum 

gg- Shrubs 4 to 6 m. tall; (— divaricate, almost spinose; ee acute to 

attenuate at base; icels minute; flowers 1—3, terminal iem 
arrested branchlets; sepals T “2. 5 mm. long, 0.5-1.0 . broad; petals 
3.0 long, 1.0-1.5 br osil ovary Wé ee or age 
ee "d 4. E 0 mm. men and broa 

. Shrubs to 4 main een satis — wie vain 

en dee 3.5-17.0 mm. en 

fia "rr eiee ith 1-5 welt or vibes Se des sides ibus re 

A 1 mm. broad; petals 4.0-7.5 mm. long, 1.2- 

e mm tomentulose; op su rais to globose, 
rugose. "Marlborough, Nelson Ca terbury, and Westland ....19. P. crassicaule 
hh. Shrubs 6 tall; n branches cally Heena adals leaves 
a xposed) Haesc-oblanesdla te to linear-oblon ng or ovate, 4-10 mm. long, 
broad, re, occ c i crenate; sduit leaves "dide 
usually pé 1-3 lobes ath on each side; flowers T — 
mm. long, eer mm. aderit tals 4—6 mm. long, 1.5 
mm. ih ovary glabrous; capsules im or emendi Sege 
rugose. Hawkes ay Volcanic Plateau, Nelson and ege = 
0. ». divaricatum 
ee. Shrubs completely prostrate in the open, a tangled mass up to 1 m. alli in — 
flowers solitary, terminal on short arrested branchlets; petals sti 
oblan bulles variously colored; et valves dieing A due leaving a Sa 
sis een m SN y endocarp covering the seeds. Volcanic Plateau, Nelson, and 
. P. anomalum 
bb. Sen shrubs seldom terrestrial; flowers terminal; petals yellow; eure ‘lipsoid. 

€ She spesa shrub 0.5-1.5 m. tall, polygamous et leaves obovate 
ovate-elliptic; male flowers about 10; female resi Zeg psules about 1.7 c 
ong, 1.2 cm. broad. North Auckland to Ma riborou P NES in Goa RS pa 22. P. teen 
b 1-5 m. tall, m 

nui Ee d P. kirkii 

aa. ra 

b. sules See? a ‘pertistent papery endocarp. Australia 
c. gë few (1—32), and relatively "pt sepals 4 4.0-10.5 mm. long; petals 
18 mm. long, connate or connivent in a cylindrical or urceolate tube, tips eco 
to Pins aad — lobed, woe or ov oid. Ss 
d. Shru m. tall; leaf dien or oe sepals slightly imbricate at 
GER E aei per i5 ree —2. ie 
hrubs ; branchlets je EE entose when young, glabrescent; 
bos ge cm. e Zap subcoriac eous to coriaceous, with appresse ty tomen 
eath, acute to shortly scuminat, nich corel and sust bud 
i in es to 


ose, sessile; valves woody, 2-3 mm. thick, placentas bearing funicles from 
the base to mear the apex; seeds 20-76. Queensland, New DG dag due 

Mëtt revolutum 
ee. Shrubs 1.56 m. tall; branchlets rusty-tomentose, not glabrescent; leaves 
3.5 cm. long, membranous with sparse erect r hairs beneath, rusty -tomen- 
tose on the veins, acutely ege ée to cuspidate, m argins eeneg peg 
sometimes irregularly revolute; bud scales caducous; infloresc 32- 
flowered; sepals tomentose; capsules elli psoid to ovoid, 2-valved, gef Mondo 
1.3—2.1 cm. long, minute b rugose, —— Bee — ec? T^ Tun 
f to the middle; see 

Les ANS wem | dus A8, P. rubiginosum 

dd. Shrubs or trees 5-13 m. tall; leaf ma H "markedly “undulate; frequently 

connate in a tube splitting into 2 parts, one 1- t o 2-lobed, the other 3- to 4-lobed; 

[Vol. 43 

tals white; e Ea 2-valved, 1.0—1.4 cm. in diameter. Queenslan 
mm South Wales and Vic 26. P. undulatum 
cc. pri very numerous and celatively — sepals 1.1—3.5 mm. lon tals 5 
mm. long, connivent in a cylindrical tube, or free and patent; ni dibus 

to dipl asm id. 
d. Sepals oblong to ovate, obtuse to ert capsules subglobose to spera m valved, 
rarely 3-valved, stipitate; valves woody or coriaceous, about 1 mm. 
e. Leaves lanceolate to ovate- el sepals oblong, obtuse, rusty- geed mentosé; 
capsules subglobose to ea —2 cm. long, 2- or rarely eve ed; valves 1— 
mm. thick, woody, c Y transverse section; placentas much thickened 
and fused at base, Paria E nicles about the middle; « —— to 10 m. tall; 
petals white; seeds 6—14, diia to black. Queensland............... 27. P. venulosum 
ee. Leaves oblanceolate, oblong. , Or ovate; sepals : acute to — 
white-tomentulose or gla Peri E es obovoid, E -valved; valves less than 
mm. thick, woody, pana sulcate in transverse section; placentas much thic e 
ened at base and apex and fuse s more or less completely to -— two chambers, 
bearing several funicles from the base to the middle or at t ase. 
f. Shrubs or small trees to 6 m. tall; leaves oblanceolate e oblong, entire; 
petals yellow; o. 6-15 mm, in diameter; valves with a placenta set ar- 
ing several short stout funicles esie een the bue m de — seeds 2 
black. Een eege and Northern Queensland ............ P. ee 
. Trees 13-30 tall; leaves rhombic to ovate, me apen ee petals 
amet Geer about fee mm. long, 5-8 mm. broad; valves o a 
plac "ta bearing 1 or nute fuhickn niz the base; seeds e: ack. 
cien and and si alls New South Wales 29. P. bua s 
dd. Sepals en to linear-lanceolate, acute to acuminate; capsules globose to "- 
bose, wes, a 7-10 mm. in diameter; valves coriaceous, less than 1 mm. 
thick, =. Wee placentas: with funicles from the ch to the 
beri prias: ; black; trees or shrubs 8—20 m. tall; ye — 
Quee and z Malay riens P. ferrugineum 
bb. E pd hie a pan tent papery pete sed Zealan 
; leaves coarsely serrate to entire; ME condensed, about 
sry Dé Ce white with ri ad veins; pov kerja about 15 mm. long, 9 mm. broad; 
placentas bearing about 12 funicles from the base to near the apex. Northwest 

e P. dallii 


Trees tall; leaves geng eg pes spreading, 30- to Pul qs 

petals M ier 9-10 lon mm. a placentas i 

funicles near the middle. Now. Agena im to Otag P. E 

9. PITTOSPORUM PHILLYRAEOIDES DC. Prodr. 1:347. 1824. (T.: Leschenault 


Pittosporum angustifolium Lodd. Bot. Cab. 19: t. 1859. 1832, ex icon. & char 

Pittosporum ligustrifolium A. Cunn. ex Loud. Hort. Brit. Suppl. 1: 597. 1832, nom. nud. 
ittosporum longifolium Putterh Syn. Pittosp. p.15. 1839, oi char. Ga n.). 
ittosborum roeanum Putterl. loc. cit. p.16. 1839, ex char. . 

Pittosporum ligustrifolium A. Cunn. ex Putterl. loc. cit. p. SE ME (T.: A. Cunning- 



bam s.n. [ Is.). 

Pittosporum oleaefolium A. Cunn. ex D loc. cit. p. 17. 1839. (T.: A Cunningham 
s.n. [31, 32, 143] ! Dick Harto Is.). 

pese acacioides A. Cunn REN Nat. Hist. 4: 109. 1839. (T.: R. Brown s.n. 

Pittosborum ice Lindl. in Mitch. Jour. Exped. Int. Trop. Austr. p. 97. 1848. (T.: 
Neo 273 !). 

tosporum lanceolatum A. Cunn. in Mitch. loc. cit. p. Hz 291. 1848, nom nud. 
Seet bbillyraeoides DC. var. microcarpa S. Moore in Jour. Bot. 35: 163. 1897. 
(T.: Spencer Moore s.n. !). 

Shrubs to small trees 3-10 m. tall; branches pendulous; branchlets grayish- 
brown, tomentose when young, soon glabrate. Leaves alternate, linear-oblong to 
-oblanceolate, rarely elliptic-oblong, acute and apiculate at apex, attenuate 

at base, entire, 2.5 - 12.6 cm. long, 2 - 15 mm. broad, tomentose when young, soon 


glabrate, very coriaceous, margins flat or revolute, costa raised to sunken above 
and below, secondary veins usually obscure; petioles 4- 15 mm. long, 0.5 - 1.0 
mm. broad, glabrous. Flowers pseudoterminal and axillary, 1 - 4, solitary or fas- 
cicled, rarely in 3- to 4-flowered cymes, clustered at the ends of leafy branchlets; 
peduncles and pedicels 3 - 15 mm. long, accrescent in fruit, sparsely tomentulose, 
glabrate, subtended by a single leaf and a whorl of caducous bud scales 1 - 2 mm. 
long. Sepals imbricate or coherent at base, 1 - 2 pairs occasionally fused to apex, 
lanceolate, subacute to acute, 2 - 3 mm. long, 1.1 - 2.0 mm. broad, glabrous; petals 
linear-oblong to linear-oblanceolate, sometimes slightly pandurate, obtuse, 8 - 11 
mm. long, 2.0 - 3.5 mm. broad, coherent in a cylindrical or somewhat urceolate 
tube for about two-thirds of their length, tips spreading to reflexed, yellow to 
white; stamens 4.2 - 8.0 mm. long, anthers sagittiform, ovoid or oblong, 1.0 - 
3.3 mm. long, 0.8 - 1.3 mm. broad. Pistil at anthesis slightly shorter or longer 
than the stamens; ovary 3.0 - 5.5 mm. long, 1 - 3 mm. broad, tomentose, sometimes 
Blabrate above; style 1.5 - 3.0 mm. long; stigma capitate, sometimes obscurely 
lobed. Capsules ovoid to globose, obtuse to subacute, 2-valved, rarely 3-valved, 
apiculate, 1- 2 cm. long, 9.5 - 19.0 mm. broad, glabrate, smooth, dark red or 
orange without, yellow within; valves convex to sulcate in transverse section, 
1.0 - 3.5 mm. thick, woody, with a conspicuous placenta, fused at the base, bearing 
short stout funicles from the base to above the middle; seeds 4 - 24, red, irregular. 

Occurs throughout Australia. Flowers from July to October. 

Fig. 14. P. pbillyraeoides. 

[Vol. 43 

AUSTRALIA: NORTHERN TERRITORY: 60 miles N.E.C.2. [near Merde Ranges, 
between Stuart Bluff Range and the Lander], Hill 283 (MEL); Northwest Petermann 
Ranges, Basedow 159 (K); Petermann Ranges Basedow de 1 (K); eier locali, Hill 

98 (NSW). QUEENSLAND: Burdekin ec sn. (K); rs fs ong s.n. (A 
K); on stony ridges between Aramac mé" Muttaburra, Brass v W bite T Ki between 
Bowen Downs and Mueller's Range, Birch s.n. (MEL); Texas, Boorm n. (A); Md 

Edwards s.n. (A); Barcoo, Schneider s.n. (MEL); Eidsvold, Beeroti i s.n. (A); in 
brown fine sand, Glenber, C. 40 miles S.E. Charlesville, Warrego District, Everist 3397 
(K); Barunga, north of Miles, Belson s.n. (A); in brigalow scrub in heavy soil, C. 890', 
Wandoan, Hubbard 5024 (K); Wallumbilla, Jale s.n. (A, K); Dalby, White 9032 
(A, K); Moreton Bay, Mallard s.n. (GH); Ipswich, Nernst 35 (MEL); Bumble Station, 
70 mil north of Mungindi, Cambage 4404 (NSW); 558', in heavy black soil in open 
Eucalyptus forest, Dirranbandi, Hubbard 5572 e K); Noondoo, Maranoa District, 
Everist 7 dà v K); EE epiphytic i " e Eucalypt (E. corymbosa?) near Warwick, 
E. Tbom 6 (K); Silverwood, Wbite 1712 (A); Inglewood, Boorman s.n. (NSW); 
Gonia. See s.n. Wa NEW SOUTH WALES: Moru-Mungundi District, Kerry 
s.n. (NSW); Uriseno-Thurloo Downs, Boorman s.n. (NSW); Middle Warrego, Bullock 
s.n. (MEL); between 40 and 50 miles N.W. of Collarenebri, Jackson s.n. (NSW); AD. 
pee $5. ( D; New Angledool, Paddison s.m. (A); Narrabi W., Boorman s. 

B W 
Nyngan Exp. Farm, Downing s.n. (BISH, NSW, US); Co bbora-Boomley Rd., 1700, 
quartzite in rocky scrub- pu Jobnson & Erans s.n. (NSW); Currabubula, Camb- 
age 3575 (NSW); Cobar, Hadley s.n. (NSW); Trangie, Maclean 6 (NSW); Barrier 
Range, Irvine s.n. (BM, MO); Ricken. Hill, d s.n. (NSW); in open die Mundi 
Mundi Station, Broken Hill, Constable s.n. (N xu sandy flat, "Wilmatha, Condobolin, 
Hadley 29 (A, NSW); Wralone: Boorman s.m. (NSW); same locality, House s.m. (K, 
MO); Wollongong, Wilkes s.n. (US); E. Mirrool, Campbell s.n. (NSW); in barren 
country S.W. of the Lachlan River, A. Cunningham 35 (K); in granite soil at side of = 
Ardlethan District, Constable s.n. (AK, K, NSW, US); Temona, Dwyer s.n. (MO, N W); 
junction of Dering and Murray rivers, Holding s.n. (MEL); Wagga, Helms s.n. (NSW). d 
Yenda, Searcy s.n. (NSW); without definite locality; Fraser s.m. (A, K); VICTORIA: 
Mildura, ler: s.n. (UMEL); Lower Murray River, epee s.n. (BM, GH, K, MO); 
Box Ridge, Robinvale, Murray River, Froggatt s.n. (NSW); Benjeroop, Murray River, 
C. French Jr. s.n. (NSW); Swan Hill District, C. French p s.n. (GH, MEL); Deniliquin, 
Crawford s.n. (NSW); Dimboola, d'Alton 31 (NSW); Wimmera, Mueller 18 (GH 
same locality, Williamson s.n. (NSW); same locality, Walter sm. (GH ee scrub, 
amarooka, near Bendigo, Paton s.n. (MEL); Mason C. Frencb Jr. s.n. W); ranges 
bearing S.W. from Camp 29 [vicinity of Mt. Cole, near Ararat], bi? s.n. (BM). 
Ree AUSTRALIA: Gov deum E e Basedow 112 (NSW); Elder Expedition, 
Camp 10, Helms s.n. (K, ME NSW); Musgrave Range, Lord s.n. Gei Ooldea, Ker- 
sbaw s.n. (MEL) ; Commonw anm Hill, near Ooldea, Basedow 84 (NSW); Mt. poseer 
Kocb 7 (K); Flagstaff Point, near Streaky Bay, Rogers s.n. (NSW); äre Bay, Crocker 

s.n. ( ; Port Augusta, Lea s.n. Sarl Port Lincoln, Browne C. 29 (MEL); same 
locality, Schomburgk s.n. (US); Memory Cove, near Port Lincoln, SE s.n. (NSW); 
shores of Bay III, South Coast, R ecd 5447 (BM, K, MO); 10 miles E. of Mann 

Australia, Sturt s.n. (BM); without locality, Conservator of Forest s.n. (NSW); WESTERN 
AUSTRALIA: in stream-bed, Nickol ak Gregory Expedition s.n. (MEL ); Sharks Bay, 
Mueller s.n. (MEL); barren sandy downs, Dirk Hartog's Island, A. Cunningham s.n., 
32 (K), 143 (BM); Murchison River, Oldfield s.n . (GH, K, MEL); mie Flat, Gray 
s.n. (MEL); Tabletop Hill, Northampton, Comp ll 18 (K); South Island, Houtman's 
Abrothos, Gilbert 98 (BM O); W. , S. of Geraldton, Morrison 13305 (K); 
saltbush plain south of tank vd Sech Zeng s.n. (BM); Arrino, Fitzgerald sn. 
(NSW); arid shores of Rottnest land, A. Consissbem s.n., 30 (K), 142 (BM); ™ 


arenosis sylvae orae occidentalis insulae Rottnest, Preiss 1297 (GH, MO, P); Swan River, 
Drummond s.n. (K), 31 (BM, K, MO); 57, 76 (K),76 (BM); R. des Cygnes, Drummond 
76 (P); same locality, Preiss 1297 (P); limestone rocks, face of cliff, Claremont, Andrews 
37 (BM, K); Kellerberm, Vachell s.n. (NSW); Merredim, Koch 2983 (K, MEL, NSW); 
near rock outcrop about 6 miles N.W. s Wie Bailey 182 (CANB); 70 miles N. 

of Coolgardie, C. A. W bite s.n. e: n Camp, Kurrawang, Maiden s.n. (NSW); E. 
of Kalgoorlie, Transcont. Ry. Survey, e s.n. ( ); Point Eeron; on ns dunes near 
sea, Burbidge 1962 (CANB); on "aub flat in plain, 7 miles west of Dea irt s.n. 

(CANB) ; Benner Bay, Menzel 56 ( NSW); eink definite iliy, Vim 6 (MO). 
WITHOUT LOCALITY: Exped. Baudin, Leschenault s = M); N. Holl., Lhotsky $.n. (P); 
Mitcbell s.n., 228, 229, 273 (K); [228, 229, on the B ando River near 147^ X 22^, 27', 
Mantuan Dawns bieiin Kilsyth and valley ^ Nogoa rms 1475? X 24V?.] 
Flowers which may be female have pistils slightly longer than the stamens, 
Sp capitate stigmas, styles about 1.5 mm. long, ovaries 4.0- 5.5 mm. long, 
2.5 - 3.0 mm. broad, and sagittiform to ovate anthers 1.0 - 1.5 mm. long, borne 
on filaments only 3 - 4 mm. long. Flowers which may be male have pistils slightly 
shorter than the stamens, smaller capitate stigmas, styles 3.0 - 3.5 mm. long, 
ovaries 3 - 4 mm. long, 1 - 2 mm. broad, and oblong anthers 2.0 - 5.3 mm. long 
borne on filaments 3.5 - 6.0 mm. long. Intermediate forms with large anthers 
and plump ovaries occur. 

Pittosporum phillyraeoides is grown as a hedge, windbreak, and as an orna- 
mental shrub in the United States (California, Arizona, and Florida), France, 
Australia, and New Zealand; and in the drier parts of Australia it is used as a 
stock food 

The variability of the leaves was noted by Bentham!””, who commented: 

his species, apparently spread over the whole desert country of Aus o cague 

ss confounded with any other Ar: 2 — or the pro; of 
its leaves, flowers and fruit. In some of the E are MY 
e inches long, and fully an inch aide e, bibi in in a rae a ber wie ern and s 

estern ones they attain 4 or 5 inches in length with a eg of veli 2-or. 3 gang 

In the material I have examined there is a specimen from Shark Bay, western 
Australia (Mueller s.n. MEL), with elliptic-oblong leaves about 3.5 cm. long and 
up to 1.7 cm. broad, covered with appressed tomentum beneath, but this extreme 
is connected with the more common form by a number of intermediates, and I am 
unable to define any varieties. The variability of the capsules in size and shape 
must be mentioned. Again the extremes are connected by intermediates and I am 
unable to recognize var. microcarpa S. Moore. 

Vernacular names: Butter Bush, Willow or Willow Tree, Berrigan, Locket 
Bush, Butterwood, Bell’s Orange, Quinine Tree, Weeping Pittosporum, Native 
Willow, Poison-berry Tree, Apricot Tree, West Australian Willow, Macla (Paroo 
River Blacks) , Derrine (Dubbo Blacks). 

159 Fl. Austr. 1: 113. 1863. 

[Vol. 43 

10. PrrrosPoRUM BICOLOR Hook. in Jour. Bot. 1: 249. 1834. (T.: Lawrence 


Pittosporum buegelianum Putterl. in Endl. Nov. Stirp. Dec. 43. 1839, ex char. (T.: Hügel 

Pittosporum discolor Regel in Gartenflora 1:133. 7. 15. 1852, ex icon. 

Shrubs to small trees 5 - 16 m. tall; branchlets ascending; branchlets grayish- 
brown, the young parts hoary or rusty-tomentose, soon glabrous. Leaves alternate, 
rarely subverticillate, oblong-lanceolate to linear, obtuse or apiculate at apex, acute 
or attenuate at base, entire, 2 - 7 cm. long, 3 - 18 mm. broad, glaucous-green and 
glabrous above, white-, yellow- to brown-tomentose beneath, coriaceous, revolute, 
costa and secondary nerves usually distinct above, costa distinct beneath, but 
secondary nerves obscure; petioles 2-5 mm. long, 1-2 mm. broad, tomentulose 
when young. Flowers pseudoterminal and axillary, 1 - 4, solitary or fascicled, 
clustered at the ends of leafy branchlets; pedicels 3 - 19 mm. long, accrescent in 
fruit, brown-tomentose, subtended by numerous caducous bud scales about 1 mm. 
long. Sepals imbricate at base, lanceolate, acute, 2-6 mm. long, 1-3 mm. broad, 
puberulous; petals lanceolate-oblong, subacute, 9 - 15 mm. long, 2 - 4 mm. broad, 
free or coherent at the base, spreading from above the middle, yellow with red 
veins, yellow marked with red, or reddish purple; stamens 3 - 9 mm. long, anthers 
elliptic-oblong, 1 - 3 mm. long, 0.5 - 1.0 mm. broad, Pistil at anthesis as long as 
the stamens, rarely almost twice as long; ovary 3 - 5 mm. long, 2 - 3 mm. broad, 
villous; style 1.5 - 5.0 mm. long; stigma capitate and obscurely 4-lobed on short- 
styled pistils, weakly capitate to truncate on long-styled pistils. Capsules sub- 
globose, 2-valved, rarely 3-valved, 7 - 13 mm, in diameter, tomentose, glabrate;. 
valves convex in transverse section, less than 1 mm. thick, coriaceous, with a con- 
spicuous placenta bearing short stout funicles from the base to just above the 
middle; seeds 10 - 20, yellowish-red to reddish-black, irregular. 

Fairly common from sea-level to 1300 m. in Tasmania, less common in eastern 
Kee and southern New South Wales. Flowers from July to December. 

TH WALES: Bibbenluke, near Bombala, Edwards s.n. (NSW); 

ane State E oe Beazcville LI (NSW); Brown Mountains near Littleton, Betche s.n. 
H5 g erbrook Forest, Lothian s.m. (GH); Blacks Spur, Deane s.n. 
BE NSW); same locality, Morris 1441 (NSW); Milla Milla, Clinton s.n. (NSW); 
Bonang, Baeunton s.n. (NSW); near Mt. Ellery, Merrab s.n. (MEL, NSW); Genoa 
District, Baeunton s.n. (MEL, NSW); along Dividing Range, Stirling s.n. (NSW); same 

B 4 
(NSW) ; Mt. Disappointment d Dandenong, Mueller s.n. (MEL, NSW); near Melbourne, 
Cecil 219 (K); p Gully, Staer s.n. (NSW); Emerald, ra ái. (BM); dps 
Cookson s.n. (UMEL) ; Korumburra, Baker s.n. (MEL); East Gippsland, C. French Jax 
(GH); same et Mueller s.n. (US); same E Stirling s.n. (BM); Corner Ka 
Mueller s.n. Xn W); Sealer’s Cove, pre s.n. (BM, K, NSW); near Cape Otway, Lucas 
s.n. (MEL, SY). TASMANIA: g's vd pei gas (MEL, NSW); talas Head, 

s.n. (HO); Chilton, Surrey Hills, Gunn s.n. ad May A Meus 3000-3500’, in mr 
open situations on the sides or tops of mountains, [Gunn] 651 (K); gum forest assoc 
2700', Dove Valley, Weindorfer s.n. (K); De hora e See s.n. (NSW); Deb. to to St 


Helens, Ford s.n. (NSW); near = Patrick’s River, eperdi ILI9 des NSW); same 

locality, Gunn 154 (NSW); top of Western ves 3500', Gunn 651 (K); Launceston, 

Gunn 154 (MO); same loc Mir. Gunn dog (BM. K); same d. Stuart s.n. 

(MEL, NSW); Cataract Gorge, Rupp 31 (NSW); Cora Linn, N. Esk, Gunn 154/1842 
i 0 

an. ); 
Grand s.n. (MEL); same locality, in damp shaded woods on the low shor unning- 
bam 33 (K); beech forest between Lake Huegel and Lake St. Clair, “Burbidge 3359 
(CANB); 3500’, Lake Fenton National Park, Lord s.n. (HO, K); rocky slopes above Lake 
Fenton, Mt. Field National Park, Burbidge 3280 (CANB); Maria Island, summit of 
mountain, c. 2000”, Gibbs 6395 (K); Hobart Town, Siemsen s.n. (MEL, 2225 Lenah 
valley near Hobart, White 8406 (A, BM); p prope Derwent, Brown 5448 (BM, K ; MO); 
Diabase Hill, Collins Vale in Fairy Glen, Long 1008 (HO); open places in nont forest, 
2000”, Collinsvale, Comber 1550 (K); 300’, Waterworks, Hobart, Olsen s.n. (HO); 800’, 
near waterworks, Atkinson 93 (CANB, HO, K); 1000’, z^ Peak, Hobart, Curtis s.n. 
(BH); rocky hillside above springs, Mt. Wellington, Long 3 55 (HO); Mt. Wellington, 
Gunn 154/1842 (NSW), 651/1842 SC SE locality, Verreaux 1961 (K, P); same 

locality, Maiden & E age s.n. p. Saf ers og bank, New Town side, Mt. 
Wellington, Long 375 (HO, K); AU . Wellington, ME 355 (A); 
Kangaroo Bottom, Hooker 844 eg Eder Valley, y hera 842 (K); Mt. Nelson, Rod- 
way s.n. (HO); Little Plain, Simson s.n. (AK); AS Bay, [Bligh, e Aë EI Gs 

s.n. (BM, K); Recherche Bay, Maiden. 3991 (BH, NSW). wirHouT LocaLiTY: Archer (NSW); Blyth sn. (NSW); Caley s.n. (A); Gunn 154, 651 (GH, K); Hannaford 
sn. (NSW); La Billardiére s.n. (BM, GH, MO); Lawrence s.n. (K). 

The variation in plant form and leaf size in this species was noticed by 
Hooker!, who remarked: 

One of the most rers plants in the pana eegene), dod in low grounds, a 

tree 30 - 40 feet high; with a trunk a n diameter, but gradually 
Pr stunted scrubby bush on sending t em ntains. The Shanes of habit 
characters on ascending are so gradual that I: haser rigidly define the varieties, 


of which the fo tawing are the best Lé? on low ground, branches lax, twiggy, 

with ig tnt flat, linear-obovate or oblong leaves, 1-2 inches long, with massid 
olu scendi he branches 

short, dei , robust, erec esti de e nsely eda erect, shorter, randi uh 

bla coriaceous margins very revolute, hated below with ferrugineous silky and 

The Re also vary in size and form. Flowers which may be "Tische have 
Capitate stigmas, styles 1 - 2 mm. long, plump ovaries, filaments 2- 3 mm. long, 
and possibly abortive anthers about 1 mm. long. Flowers which may be male 

ve weakly capitate to truncate stigmas, styles 3 - 5 mm. long, slender ovaries, 

filaments 3 - 5 mm. long, and functional anthers 2- 3 mm. long. Pedicels of 
female flowers are usually shorter than those of male flowers. Between the two 
extremes described, intermediate forms have been found; e.g. Lord s.n. from 3500' 
at Lake Fenton National Park has a truncate stigma, style 3 mm. long, filaments 
4.5 - 5.0 mm. long (i.e. it appears to have male flowers) but the anthers are only 
1 mm. long, apparently abortive; Olsen s.n. from 300' at the waterworks, Hobart, 
has a capitate stigma, style 1.5 mm. long, and anthers 1.5 mm. long (i.e. it appears 
to have female flowers) but the filaments are 4.5 mm. long as in male flowers. 

Pittosporum bicolor is cultivated in California and England. 

Vernacular names: Whitewood, Tallow-wood, Tolosa-wood, Dragon’s Blood 
Pittosporum (Tasmania), Cheesewood (Victoria), Banyalla (Victoria, aboriginal). 

160 EL Tasman. p. 38.. 1860. 

[Vol. 43 



i Ka m 

em ton 

—— -——— 

m 2 ae e EE | 
Fig. 15. P. bicolor. 

Fig. 16. P. o'reillyanum. 
11. PrrrosPoRUM o’REILLYANUM White, in Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensland 47:53. 
1936. (T.: White 6173!). 

Shrubs 1 - 2 m. tall; branchlets grayish-brown, spinose, brown-tomentulose 
when young, soon glabrate. Leaves alternate, sometimes clustered on arrested 
branchlets, ovate to elliptic-oblong, acute to cuspidate at apex, obtuse at base, 
entire, 2.5 - 20.0 mm. long, 2 - 5 mm. broad, green above, paler beneath, sparsely 
tomentulose when young, soon glabrate, margins flat or recurved, costa immersed 
above and beneath, secondary nerves 2 - 4 per side, anastomosing, distinct or 
obscure; petioles up to 1.0 mm. long, sparsely tomentulose when young, soon 
glabrate. Flowers axillary or terminal, on arrested branchlets, solitary; pedicels 
1 - 2 mm. long, accrescent in fruit, brown-tomentose, subtended by 1 to several 
leaves and caducous brown-tomentose bud scales 0.5-1.0 mm. long. Sepals 
irregularly connivent at the base, subulate, acute, 1.7 - 2.0 mm. long, 0.5 - 0.8 
mm. broad, tomentulose; petals linear to linear-oblanceolate, subacute to acute, 
6.0 - 9.5 mm. long, 1.2- 1.5 mm. broad, connivent in a cylindrical or slightly 
spreading tube with reflexed tips; stamens 6.8 - 7.0 mm. long, anthers oblong to 
ovate, 1.8 - 2.0 mm. long, 0.7 - 1.0 mm. broad, filaments filiform, coherent to the 
petals. Pistil at anthesis equal to the stamens; ovary 3 - 4 mm. long, 1 mm. broad, 
tomentulose; style 2.5-3.0 mm. long; stigma subcapitate, obscurely 2-lobed. 
Capsules globose, 2-valved, apiculate, 7 - 12 mm. broad, glabrous, smooth; valves 
convex in transverse section, less than 1 mm. thick, coriaceous, with a placenta 
bearing 3 - 4 strap-like funicles, up to 2 mm. long, from the middle to the base; 
seeds about 6, light red, irregular. 


Occurs at high altitudes in southeast Queensland. Flowers in September and 

USTRALIA: QUEENSLAND: very common in rain eise usually weighted down 
na masses of liverworts and mosses, 4000', Mt. Hobwee, Lam gton N National Park, White 
6173 (A, BM, K, MO); in Notbofaus Kaes 3700', Mt. Mer , MacPherson Range 

Jobnson s.n. (NSW); MacPherson Range, Perry 512 (CAN B). 

12. PrrTOSPORUM UMBELLATUM Banks & Soland. ex Gaertn. Fruct. et Sem. 1: 
286. 1.50. 1787-88. (T.: Banks & Solander s.n.!). 
Pittosporoides umbellata Soland. ex Gaertn. loc. cit. 1787-88, nom. nud. in synon. 

Small trees 4 - 10 m. tall; branchlets grayish-brown, the young parts sparsely 
brown-tomentose when young, soon glabrate. Leaves subverticillate, dark green 
above, paler beneath, glabrous, coriaceous, margins thin, flat and brown-pilose 
when young, thickened, revolute, and glabrate when mature, costa raised above and 
beneath, frequently sparsely brown- to white-tomentose at base, secondary veins 8 - 
15 per side, anastomosing, obscure above, distinct beneath. Juvenile leaves obovate 
to oblanceolate, usually crenate, lobed, or parted; adult leaves elliptic to oblong- 
lanceolate, entire, or rarely crenate, acute or acuminate at apex, acute to attenuate 
at base, 2.5 - 10.0 cm. long, 1.5 - 5.0 cm. broad; petioles 6 - 22 mm. long 1-2 
mm. broad, brown-tomentose when young, glabrate. Inflorescences terminal or 
sometimes becoming lateral on development of a leading shoot from an axillary 
bud, in umbels up to 20-flowered; pedicels 4 - 25 mm. long, accrescent in fruit, 
brown-tomentose, subtended by an approximate whorl of leaves and numerous 
caducous, glabrous, ciliate bud scales up to 12 mm. long. Sepals slightly imbricate 
at base, lanceolate, acute to acuminate, 4.5 - 9.0 mm. long, 1.5 - 3.0 mm. broad, 
sparsely ciliate; petals linear-oblong, subacute to obtuse, 11.0- 12.5 mm. long, 
2.5 - 5.0 mm. broad, loosely coherent at the base, spreading from above the middle, 
dull red; stamens 4 - 8 mm. long, anthers sagittiform to elliptic-oblong, 1 - 3 mm. 
long, 0.6 - 1.3 mm. broad. Pistil at anthesis slightly shorter or longer than the 
stamens; ovary 2.5 - 3.5 mm. long, 1 - 3 mm. broad, villous; style 3 - 4 mm. long; 
stigma capitate and obscurely 4-lobed, or truncate. Capsules tetragonous or 4- 
lobed, 2-valved, 7 - 12 mm. in diameter, green to black, sparsely pubescent; valves 
concave in transverse section, less than 1 mm. thick, with much thickened rims, 
coriaceous, with a conspicuous placenta bearing short stout funicles from near the 
base to just above the middle; seeds 9 - 14, black, irregular. 

Occasional from the North Cape to the Coromandel Peninsula, North Island 
bf New Zealand, in forest remnants on the sea coast and coastal islands. Reputed 
to occur as far south as Gisborne in Poverty Bay, but I have not seen specimens 
from south of the Thames district. 

EW ZEA NORTH KLAND: summit of Ounuwhao, 950', Spirit's Bay, 
Cooper 24478 ( AK); DE Stee near sea-level, q odo ue Spirit's Bay, Cooper 

24448 (A Spirit's Bay, does sm. (AK); 
Bay, Wilkens 53 ep flag M US); in Agatbis Greg, fore Saies, agr seti Harbour, 

Cooper 35960 (AK, MASS MO); Totara North, Whangaroa Harbour, Carse s.n. ( 
Koukoumiko, eg des fle; Raoul s.n. (P), 81 (K); Bay of Islands, Wilkes s s.n. (US); 

[Vol. 43 

same locality, A. Cunningham 29/1826 (K); same locality, Fraser s.n. (K); same locality 
and Tippona, Wilkes s.n. (K); Opua, Bay of Islands, Moore & Cranwell s.n. (AK); Helena 

Baylis s.n. (K); same locality, Turner s.n. (AK); same locality, Turbott s.n. (AK); 

aranga (Hen Island), Moore & Cranwell s.n. (AK). THAMES: Great Barrier Island, Kirk 
s.n. (AK), 90 (K); same locality, Hynes s.n. (AK); same locality, near State forest Service 
Station, Lloyd & Anderson 36309, 36310 (AK); same locality, coastal forest, Whangapara- 
para, Moleswortb s.n. (AK); Little Barrier Island, Kirk 90 (K); same locality, Cheeseman 
sn. (AK, US); same locality, Shakespeare s.n. (AK); same locality, Adams s.n. (AK); 
same locality, 1000', Turner s.n. (AK); Cape Colville, Kirk s.m. (AK); Te Moehau, near 
Stony Bay, c. 1000 - 1100', Moore & Cranwell s.n. (AK, K); Shag Bay, Coromandel 
Peninsula, Moore & Cranwell s.n. (AK, K); Coromandel, sea-level, Mackie s.n. (AK); 
Kennedy Bay, Matthews s.n. (AK); in sylvis prope Opuragi, Banks & Solander s.n. (BM); 
Mercury Bay, Kirk 6 (A, BM, GH, MO, US); North of Buffalo Beach, W better 1980 
(AK); Tapu, Thames Coast, Molesworth s.m. (AK); Thames, Cheeseman s.m. (AK); 
same locality, Adams s.m. (AK); same locality, near sea, Petrie s.m. (A). WITHOUT 
ocaLrrY: Banks & Solander s.n. (AK, MO, US); Colenso s.n. (K); A. Cunningbam 30 
(U); R. Cunningham 192, 613 (K); Hooker, 350, 351 (K); Kirk s.n. (K); Wilkes s.n. 


Fig. 17. P. umbellatum. 

Heterophylly in this species has been described and illustrated in the discussion 
of taxonomic criteria. Flowers occur which are probably female. They have 
capitate, 4-lobed stigmas which are exserted 1 - 2 mm. beyond the stamens, and 
sagittiform anthers only 1.0 - 1.5 mm. long, which appear to be abortive. The 
pedicels are usually short (4 - 14 mm.). Flowers which are perhaps male have 
truncate stigmas, styles 1.0 - 1.5 mm. shorter than the stamens, elliptic-oblong 
anthers 2 - 3 mm. long, and ovaries which are slender and appear to be abortive. 
The pedicels are usually long (10 - 25 mm.). Intermediatė forms occur with 
weakly capitate stigmas and pistils which are more or less equal in length to the 
stamens. I have not found flowers with capitate and truncate stigmas in the same 
inflorescence, or on the same specimen, but field studies are required to determine 
the significance of these morphological differences. 

A form of the species having leaves gradually narrowed below and cordate 
capsules has been described as P. umbellatum var. cordatum by Kirk in N.Z. Inst. 
Trans. & Proc. 4: 264. 1872. (T.: Kirk s.n. A, AK, GH, MO, 90K.) The original 



specimens came from the Great and Little Barrier Islands where there are several 
puzzling forms, and until further studies are made of these populations the status 
of the variety is obscure. 

A cultivated specimen from the Scilly Islands has been seen, Hill s.n. (K). 
Vernacular name: Haekar 

13. PrrrosPORUM VIRGATUM Kirk, in N.Z. Inst. Trans. & Proc. 4: 264. 1872. 
(T.: Kirk s.m. !). 

Pittosporum virgatum var. crataegifolia Kirk, loc. = a 1872. déi "dle s.n. !). 

Pittosporum virgatum var. serratum Kirk, bác: cit. 1872. (T.: Kirk s. 

plots Ag in virgatum var. sinuatum Kirk, Dti Fl. NA. p. et. 1899. (T.: Kirk 

Pon matthewsii Petrie, in N.Z. Inst. Trans. & Proc. 52: 17. 1920. (T.: Matthews 
s.n. Y). 

Small trees to 8 m. tall; branchlets brown, rusty-tomentose when young, soon 
glabrate. Leaves alternate, frequently somewhat crowded at the tips of the 
branchlets; juvenile or lower leaves linear, entire or variously lobed or parted, 
1.0 - 3.8 cm. long, 1 - 7 mm. broad, rusty-tomentose, glabrate; intermediate leaves 
lanceolate to oblong or obovate, usually lobed or parted, 1.3 - 5.2 cm. long, 0.9 - 
2.7 cm. broad; adult or upper leaves oblong, occasionally linear, oblanceolate, or 
elliptic-oblong, entire, rarely sinuate or lobed, 1.8 - 7.0 cm. long, 0.4 - 2.1 cm 
broad; margins flat to slightly undulate, sometimes a little thickened and revolute, 
costa immersed above, raised beneath, tomentose, secondary veins 7 - 9 per side, 
anatomosing, obscure above, distinct beneath; petioles 1 - 7 mm. long, 0.5 - 1.0 
mm. broad. Flowers terminal, 1 - 6, fascicled or solitary; pedicels 5 - 9 mm. long, 
accrescent in fruit, rusty-tomentose, subtended by an approximate whorl of leaves 
and several minute rusty-tomentose caducous scales. Sepals not imbricate at base, 
oblong to linear-lanceolate, acute, 3.5 - 6.5 mm. long, 1.0 - 2.5 mm. broad, rusty- 
tomentose; petals linear-oblanceolate to linear-oblong, acute, 6 - 13 mm. long, 2 - 
3 mm. broad, coherent in a tube to above the middle, tips reflexed, dark red to 
purple, rarely yellow, pink or white; stamens 4- 7 mm. long, anthers sagittiform 
or oblong-ovate, 1 - 2 mm. long, 0.4 - 1.0 mm. broad. Pistil at anthesis equal to 
or slightly longer than the stamens; ovary 2 - 4 mm. long, 1.0 - 2.5 mm. broad, 
rusty-tomentose; style 1 - 5 mm. long; stigma capitate and obscurely 2- or 4-lobed 
on short-styled pistils, truncate on long-styled pistils. Capsules subglobose to 
subpyriform, 2-, rarely 3-, valved, apiculate, 11 - 16 mm. long, 10 - 13 mm. broad, 
rusty-tomentose to BCC obscurely rugose; valves sulcate to convex in trans- 
verse section, about 1 mm. thick, coriaceous, with a thickened placenta bearing 
stout flattened funicles up to 2.5 mm. long from the base to above the middle or 
apex; seeds 1 - 16, black, irregular. 

Occurs from the hills behind Ahipara on the west coast to Coromandel 
Peninsula on the east coast of the North Island of New Zealand. Flowers in Sep- 
tember and October. 

[Vol. 43 

Fig. 18. P. virgatum. 

New ZEALAND: NORTH AUCKLAND: Kaitaia, Matthews s.n. (AK, MO); Taumata 
Mahoe, near Kaitaia, Matthews s.n. (AK); range west of Okahu, Kaitaia, Matthews s.n. 
(AK); at edge of forest, high country, Pukepoto, Matthews S Carse s.m. (AK); Whang- 
aroa, Kirk 96 (K). THAMES: Great Barrier Island, Kirk s.n. (GH), 521 (BM); same 
locality, Kirk 521 (US); same locality, Matthews & Petrie s.n. (AK); same locality, Hynes 
26568 (AK); Port Fitzroy, Great Barrier Island, Kirk s.n. (AK), 87, 88 (K); back of 
Whangarparapara, Molesworth 22171 (AK); Coromandel, Cheeseman s.m. (AK, BISH, 
GH, ); Kennedy T Coromandel, Matthews s.n. (AK, MO); Waipuna, Kennedy 

The plants recognized by Kirk as var. cra/aegifolia, var. serratum and vat. 
sinuatum are juvenile froms. The distinguishing characters of P. matthewsii from 
Kennedy Bay were stated to be the smaller and narrower linear-oblong leaves and 
the subpyriform capsules. Among the large collection left by Matthews are speci- 
mens of P. virgatum from both Kaitaia and Kennedy Bay with subpyriform cap- 
sules; and Michie has sent me material from the Kaitaia area with linear leaves 
which match those of P. matthewsii, collected at Kennedy Bay (the type locality). 
As the morphological differences are slight and both of the main populations show 
them I have not recognized P. matthewsii as a distinct population. 

The flowers are of two kinds. Flowers which may be female have capitate, 
2- or 4-lobed stigmas, styles 1.0 - 2.5 mm. long, ovaries about 4 mm. long and 2.5 
mm. broad, short stamens 4 - 5 mm. long, with sagittiform, possibly abortive 
anthers about 1 mm. long. Flowers which may male have truncate stigmas, 
styles 3.5 - 5.0 mm. long, ovaries 2.0 - 3.5 mm. long, 1 - 2 mm. broad, stamens 
5 - 7 mm. long with oblong-ovoid, apparently functional anthers 1 - 2 mm. long. 

14. PrrrosPORUM PrMELEOIDES R. Cunn. ex A. Cunn. in Ann. Nat. Hist. 4: 
108. 1839. (T.: R. Cunningham 40, 6181). 

Shrubs 0.5 - 2.0 tall, erect or prostrate; branchlets slender, brown, the young 
parts white or brown-tomentulose, soon glabrous. Leaves alternate, sometimes 
subverticillate, elliptic, elliptic-obovate, oblanceolate, linear-oblong, or linear, 
acuminate to obtuse at apex, acute to attenuate at base, entire or obscurely crenu- 
late, 0.5 - 4.3 cm. long, 0.5 - 13.0 mm. broad, pale green above, lighter beneath, 
sparsely tomentulose and ciliolate when young, coriaceous, margins thickened, flat, 


costa raised above and beneath, secondary veins anastomosing to form large areoles, 
obscure above, obscure or distinct beneath, sessile or with petioles up to 0.5 mm. 
long. Flowers terminal or sometimes becoming lateral on development of a leading 
shoot from an axillary bud; male flowers 6 - 9, fascicled; female flowers solitary; 
pedicels filiform, 2 - 9 mm. long, accrescent in fruit, puberulent, subtended by an 
approximate whorl of leaves and several caducous, glabrous, ciliolate bud scales 
2-3 mm. long. Sepals not imbricate at base, linear, acuminate, 2.5 - 5.0 mm. 
long, 0.5 - 1.0 mm. broad, glabrous; petals linear, acuminate, 7.5 - 11.5 mm. long, 
1.0 - 2.2 mm. broad, coherent in a tube to about their middle, spreading to reflexed 
above, cream to yellow with a central red stripe; stamens 2.5 - 6.5 mm. long, 
anthers sagittiform, or ovate to oblong, 0.5 - 2.0 mm. long, 0.2 - 0.8 mm. broad. 
Pistil at anthesis equal to or slightly longer than the stamens; ovary 1 - 2 mm. 
long, 1.0 - 1.5 mm. broad, villous; style 1.5 - 3.5 mm. long; stigma capitate and 
obscurely 2-lobed, or almost truncate. Capsules ovoid, 2-valved, acuminate, 6 - 
12 mm. long, 4 - 6 mm. broad, green to brown, rugose, pubescent when young, 
glabrate; valves convex in transverse section, less than 1 mm. thick, coriaceous, 
with a slightly thickened placenta bearing flattened funicles up to 3 mm. long 
from base to near the middle; seeds 7 - 17, black, irregular. 


Shrubs usually eb 0.5—2.0 m. p HV. Ca linear-oblong or uen 0.5-4.3 c. 
. lon, 

long, 0.5—9 . br vM Sepa 54.0 ong; petals 7.5-9.0 m Zeg Nort! 
Aad. $ itai. aia to the Ka i P. p. Goen 
€ prostrate; leaves dio: or Ree 9-13 mm. long, 4.5-7. e mm. broad i 
un, 1.0-2.7 cm. long and 6-13 mm. broad in shade. Beds 4. 5-5. 0 mm. mE ium 
"n 0-11.5 mm. long. North Auckland: Kerr. Point, North Cape P. p. major 

14a. PITTOSPORUM PIMELEOIDES ssp. pimeleoides 
pir un pimeleoides A. Cunn. ex Putterl. Syn. Pittosp. p. 15. 1839, ex char. (T.: R. 

ingham s.n. 
P A Re Sei R. al ex days hg Pittosp. p. 15. 1839. (T.: bri se) 
ee Sien um R. Cunn. ex A. Cunn. in Ann. Nat. Hist. 4: 108. 1839. (T.: 
ingham 40, 617 


Pittosporum radicans R. Cunn. ex A. Cunn. loc. cit. 1839. (T.: R. Cunningbam 200, 

P meet sepia R. Cunn. ex A. Cunn. var. reflexum (A. Cunn.) Hook. f. Fl. 
v. Zel. 853. 

P Baton pe ese Kirk, in N.Z. Inst. Trans. & Proc. 1: 143. 1868. (T.: Kirk s.n., 

tee arios ear bd R. Cunn. ex A. Cunn. ssp. reflexum (A. Cunn.) Kirk, in N.Z. 
ns. & Proc. 4: 265. 187 : f : 
P itosporum pra vides R. Cunn. ex A. Cunn. var. gilliesianum (Kirk) Kirk, loc. cit. 264. 

Occasional from Kaitaia to Kawakawa in North Auckland, New Zealand. 

Flowers SC March to e 
Kaitaia, H. B. Mattbews s.n. (AK); in Kauri 

ée attbews t$ Carse s.n. (AK, MO ); 


t ; , R. H. M 
ea j^ Y fore Fairburn, Man sar eg southwest of “Tape, 100’ above sea-leve ei in 
remnant of pis trai forest, Cor 36009 (AK, MASS, MO); same locality, 

[Vol. 43 

/ l / 




Fig. 19. P. pimeleoides ssp. major 
and ssp. pimeleoides. Names on map 
should read pimeleoides. 

Powell 26437 (AK); hills north of Mangonui Harbour, Cheeseman s.n. (AK, BM); same 
locality, Kirk s.n. (US), 515 (BM); a "pe near Mangonui, Cheeseman s.n 

near the head of the EO Kawa, R. Be ed 200, 619 (K, as P. SCH WITHO 
LOCALITY: Buchanan ign ¿ein ei (K); A. Cunningham 618 (K); Edgerley ey 
s.n. (K); "Auckland", Kirk (K); a Nd D woods, Hooker 352 (K); Wilkes 
s.n. (US); ora Ecce is Hai 25/2, 26 (R. Cunningbam) (W). 

Flowers which appear to be female have capitate obscurely 2-lobed stigmas, 
styles only about 1.5 mm. long, and plumper ovaries 2 mm. long by 1 mm. broad. 
The pistil is exserted 1 mm. or more beyond the stamens, which have sagittiform 
probably sterile anthers only 0.5 mm. long. Flowers which appear to be male 
have weakly capitate stigmas, styles 3.0 - 3.5 mm. long, and thinner ovaries 1.0 - 
1.5 mm. long and 0.5 - 1.0 mm. broad. The pistil is level with the anthers, which 
are ovoid, apparently functional, and 1.0 - 1.5 mm. long. The pedicels of “fe- 
male” flowers are markedly shorter than those of “male flowers”. 

The ranges of P. pimeleoides and P. reflexum are not distinct, and I cannot 
find any constant morphological characters to separate P. reflexum as a species Or 
variety. I suspect that most of the variation in leaf size and shape is caused by 
ecological factors, but have seen too few living plants to be certain. In the dis- 
cussion of P. eugenioides, later in this work, the priority of the specific names of 
A. Cunningham (Ann. Nat. Hist. 4: 108. 1839) over those of Putterlick (Syn. 
Pittosp. p. 15. 1839) is discussed. 

14b. Ze PIMELEOIDES ssp. major (Cheeseman) R. C. Cooper, stat. 

Pitostoram bimeleoides R. Cunn. ex A. Cunn. var. major Cheeseman, Man. N.Z. Fl. p.60. 
(T.: Cheeseman s.n. !). 


ay only on Kerr Point, North Cape, New Zealand. Flowers in June. 
w ZEA : NO ree Kerr Point, North Cape, Cheeseman s.n. (AK); 
same DIAM Micbie 80/45 (AK 
Kerr Point was Heres an island but now is joined to the North Island of 
New Zealand by a sand bar some 70 miles long, built probably during the Castle- 
clifian (upper Pliocene) period. Several species of plants are endemic to Kerr 
Point, but I hesitate to recognize ssp. major as a distinct species as it is very similar 
to ssp. pimeleoides in the characters of the flowers and fruits. 

15. PrrrosPoRUM PATULUM Hook. f. Handb. N.Z. Fl. p. 19. 1864 (CT: Sin- 
clair s.n. !). 

Shrubs 1 - 5.0 m. tall; branchlets grayish-brown, the young parts brown- 
tomentose, soon glabrous. Leaves alternate, 2 - 6 cm. long, 3 - 10 mm. broad; 
juvenile leaves usually longer and narrower than the adult, linear, deeply lobed to 
pinnatifid, the lobes variously toothed; adult leaves linear-oblanceolate, entire to 
crenate-serrate, obtuse to acute at apex, attenuate at base, dark green above, paler 
beneath, glabrous, coriaceous, margins flat, rarely revolute, costa raised above and 
below, side veins 10 - 15 per side, anastomosing, usually obscure when juvenile 
but distinct above when adult; petioles 2 - 7 mm. long, brown-tomentose when 
young, glabrate. Flowers terminal, 3 - 7, fascicled; pedicels 7 - 15 mm. long, 
contracted in fruit, brown-tomentose, subtended by a whorl of leaves and numer- 
ous caducous, sparsely tomentose bud scales 1 - 2 mm. long. Sepals rarely imbri- 
Cate at base, ovate-lanceolate, irregularly toothed above, acuminate, 4 - 6 mm. 
long, 1.5 - 2.5 mm. broad, glabrous; petals oblong, obtuse, 9 - 11 mm. long, 2 - 
3 mm. broad, free or coherent at the base, spreading from above the middle, purple; 
stamens 4 - 7 mm. long, anthers about 1 mm. long and broad. Pistil at anthesis 
slightly exserted; ovary 2.5 - 3.0 mm. long, 1 - 2 mm. broad, glabrous; style 1.5 - 
3.5 mm. long; stigma capitate and 2-lobed or truncate. Capsules cordate, globose 
to subglobose, 2-valved, 6 - 11 mm. in diameter, glabrous; valves convex to weakly 
sulcate in transverse section, less than 1 mm. thick, coriaceous, with a conspicuous 
placenta bearing 2 rows of short stout funicles from the base to just above the 
middle; seeds about 18 per capsule, black, irregular. 



Fig. 20. P. patulum. Fig. 21. 

[Vol. 43 

Rare and local in the northern ranges of the South Island of New Zealand. 

ZEALAND: NORTH AUCKLAND: Kerr Point, North Cape, Cheeseman s.n. (AK); 

near Collingwood, Gibbs s.n. (BM); Lake Rotoiti, Buchanan s.m. (AK); same locality, 

Cheeseman s.n. (AK); Spencer Mountains, Kirk sm. (GH MO); Spencer Mountains, 

Glacier Gully, Laing s.n. (NSW); woods, Upper Waiau, Travers s.n. (K); 5000’, same 
locality, Sinclair s.n. ( 

16. PrrrosPORUM TURNERI Petrie, in N.Z. Inst. Trans, & Proc. 55: 95. 1924. 
(T.: Matthews & Carse s.n. !). 

Shrubs or small trees 2 - 9 m. tall; branchlets dark gray or brown, sharply 
divaricating and matted at juvenile stage or on lower part of stem, fastigiate in 
adult stage or on upper part of stem, white-tomentulose when young, soon glabrate. 
Leaves alternate, clustered at the tips of short branchlets, brownish-green above, 
paler beneath, tomentulose when young, soon glabrate, coriaceous, with slightly 
thickened and revolute margins, costa obscure above, raised beneath, secondary 
veins 10 - 13 per side, anastomosing, obscure above, distinct beneath. Juvenile 
leáves orbicular, obovate, or linear, entire or variously lobed and parted, 2 - 15 mm. 
long, 1 - 5 mm. broad, adult leaves obovate to oblanceolate, obtuse to acute at 
apex, attenuate at base, entire or obscurely crenate, 1 - 4 cm. long, 6- 12 mm. 
broad; petioles 0.5 - 2.5 mm. long, 0.5 - 1.5 mm. broad, tomentulose when young, 
soon glabrate. Flowers terminal, 4 - 12, fascicled; pedicels 1 - 3 mm. long, ac- 
crescent in fruit, brown-tomentose, subtended by an approximate whorl of leaves 
and numerous caducous tomentose-ciliate bud scales 2 - 7 mm. long. Sepals 
slightly imbricate at base, lanceolate, acute to acuminate, 3.5 - 5.0 mm. long, ! - 
2 mm. broad, ciliolate, tomentulose; petals oblong, subacute to obtuse, 6 - 9 mm. 
long, 2.0 - 2.5 mm. broad, free spreading from above the middle, pink or purple; 
stamens 4.0 - 5.5 mm. long, anthers ovate-elliptic, 1.5 - 2.0 mm. long, 0.5 - 1.0 
mm. broad. Pistil at anthesis slightly shorter than or equal to the stamens; ovary 
2.5 - 3.5 mm. long, 1.0 - 1.5 mm. broad, tomentulose; style about 2 mm. long; 
stigma weakly capitate to truncate. Capsules globose, 2-, rarely 3-, valved, apicu- 
late, 5 - 8 mm. in diameter, slightly rugose; valves convex or sometimes sulcate in 
transverse section, less than 1 mm. thick, coriaceous, with a conspicuous placenta 
bearing several pairs of short stout funicles between the base and the middle; seeds 
3 - 10, black, irregular. 

Found only on the Central Volcanic Plateau of the North Island of New 
Zealand, at forest margins between Erua and Waimarino, about 1000 m. above sea- 
level. Flowers in November and December. 

ZEALAND: VOLCANIC PLATEAU: Waimarino, Matthews t$ Carse s.n. (AK, 

3000’, Erua and Waimarino, Attwood s.n. (AK, K, MO); forest margins, Waimarino, 
Allan s.n. (GH, K); on stream side near Erua, Allan s.n. (K); same locality, Moore & 


17. PrrrosPoRUM OBCORDATUM Raoul, in Ann. Sci, Nat. III, 2: 121. 1844. 
(T.: Raoul s.n. !). 

Shrubs to small trees 2 - 5 m. tall; branchlets divaricating, gray to reddish- 
brown, tomentulose when young, soon glabrate. Leaves alternate at seedling stage 
and on young branchlets, later restricted to the tips of arrested branchlets 1 - 2 
mm. long, tomentulose to glabrous, submembranous when young, coriaceous when 
adult, margins entire or crenate, flat or revolute, sparsely ciliolate, costa immersed 
above, raised beneath, secondary veins 2 - 4 per side, anastomosing, obscure above, 
distinct or obscure beneath; juvenile leaves at first oblong to elliptic, entire, 5 - 9 
mm. long, 2.5 - 4.0 mm. broad, soon linear to spathulate, variously lobed, toothed 
and parted, rarely entire, 1.3 - 3.6 cm. long, 2 - 12 mm. broad; adult leaves or- 
bicular to obovate, obcordate to obtuse at apex, attenuate at base, 4 - 14 mm. long 
and broad; petioles 0.5 - 5.0 mm. long, tomentulose to glabrous, usually narrowly 
winged. Inflorescences axillary or terminal, on minute arrested branchlets, 1- to 
5-flowered, umbelliform; pedicels up to 2 mm. long, accrescent in fruit, tomentu- 
lose, subtended by 1 - 5 leaves and numerous caducous sparsely ciliolate and tomen- 
tose bracts 1-2 mm. long. Sepals slightly imbricate at base, lanceolate-subulate 
acute, 1.5 - 3.0 mm. long, 0.5 - 1.0 mm. broad, ciliolate, tomentulose; peta 
linear-oblong, obtuse, 4.0 - 6.5 mm. long, 0.7 - 1.5 mm. broad, connate in a 
Cylindrical tube with spreading or reflexed tips, pale purple, yellow, or white, 
sometimes with a reddish-purple stripe; stamens 2.5 - 4.5 mm. long, anthers sagitti- 

orm to ovate, 0.5 - 1.0 mm. long. Pistil at anthesis slightly shorter or longer 
than the stamens; ovary 1.5 - 3.3 mm. long, 0.5 - 1.5 mm. broad, tomentose; 
style 1 - 2 mm. long; stigma capitate and obscurely 2-lobed or truncate. Capsules 
ellipsoid to subovoid, 2-valved, apiculate, with persistent sepals at base, 6.5 - 10.0 

ong, 5 - 7 mm. broad, frequently dehiscing laterally by one opening, green 
to black, slightly rugose, sparsely tomentose, glabrate; valves convex in transverse 
section, less than 1 mm. thick, coriaceous, with a slightly thickened placenta 
bearing 2 - 4 stout flattened funicles up to 1 mm. long from the base to just above 
the middle; seeds 4 - 7, reddish-black to black, irregular. 

Found in three isolated localities in New Zealand. Flowers in October and 

New ZEALAND: NORTH AUCKLAND: near Lake Tongonge, Kaitaia, H. B. Matthews 
s.n. (AK, CANTY); same locality, R. H. Matthews s.n. (AK, BM); in open on river 

ank, west of wireless station, Kaitaia, H. B. Matthews & Carse s.n. (AK, CANTY); in 
alluvial. land subject to flooding, in shade = river bank below Kaitaia, R. H. Matthews 
9 Carse s.n, (AK, MO); Kaitaia, H. B. Matthews s.n. (AK, MO); 1855 (K). EAST 
CAPE: Wairoa River, Sainsbury s.n. (AK, pos TY); Hurumua, r, Wairoa, Hodgson 
t», (CANTY). CANTERBURY; presqu'ile de Banks, Raoul s.n. (P), 8 

The type material was collected by Raoul between 1840 and 1842 at Banks 
Peninsula in the South Island of New Zealand, but the plant has not been found 
again in that locality. In 1901 R. H. Matthews found two or three plants at 
Kaitaia in the extreme north of the North Island, and about 1923 G. O. K. Sains- 
bury discovered twelve or fifteen plants near Wairoa on the east coast of the North 

[Vol. 43 

Island. The plants of these widely separated stands are not floristically d 
and Laing & Gourla!?! described the Kaitaia population as P. obcordatum v 

taiaensis but their description lacks a Latin diagnosis and is therefore invalidi 
The two authors mentioned separated the Kaitaia plants as a variety on their seed- 
ling form, but I do not consider that their evidence is adequate. Cheeseman’™ 
noted that specimens from Kaitaia had slightly larger young leaves, and Sainsbury 
pointed out that the bark of the Wairoa plants is reddish-gray rather than gray, 
but the differences in the material which I have seen are so slight that I do not 
consider that varietal names are warranted. 

The flowers of Kaitaia and Wairoa plants appear to be unisexual. Flowers 
which may be female have capitate, 2-lobed stigmas, short styles, plump ovaries 3 
mm, long, 1.0 - 1.5 mm. broad, stamens 0.5 - 1.3 mm. shorter than the pistil and 
sagittiform probably abortive anthers under 1 mm. long. Flowers which may be 
male have weakly capitate to truncate stigmas, longer styles, more slender ovaries 
1.5 - 2.5 mm. long, 0.5 - 1.0 mm. broad, stamens almost equal to or slightly longer 
than the pistil, and ovate probably functional anthers about 1 mm. long. The 
single Akaroa specimen has flowers which appear to be male. Godley!9* has in- 
formed me that the species is dioecious. 


Fig. 22. P. obcordatum. Fig. 23. P. rigidum. 

18. PrrrosPoRuM RiGmuM Hook. f. Fl. Nov. Zel. 1: 22. £. IO. 1853. (T:: 
Colenso s.n. !). 

Shrubs to 3 m. tall; branchlets erect, not interlaced or divaricating, grayish- 
brown, rusty- to gray-tomentose, glabrate. Leaves alternate, dark green above, 
paler beneath, costa raised or immersed above, raised beneath, secondary veins 
usually obscure; juvenile leaves obovate, oblanceolate, or elliptic-oblong, acute, 

6l Laing & oe in Trans. R. p Me m 65: 47. 1935. 
162 Int, Code Bot. Nomencl. 1952. 
163 Man, N.Z. Fl. pri r» vn 
165 Personal communica 


rarely obtuse at apex, attenuate at base, variously incised, toothed or crenate, occa- 
sionally entire, 5 - 13 mm. long, 3- 10 mm. broad, tomentulose, soon glabrate, 
membranous to coriaceous; adult leaves elliptic-oblong, occasionally oblanceolate 
“to obovate, rarely lanceolate, obtuse to subacute at apex, obtuse at base, entire, 
rarely toothed, 5 - 24 mm. long, 3-13 mm. broad, rusty-tomentose, glabrate, 
coriaceous, slightly revolute; petioles 1-3 mm. long, rusty-tomentose. Flowers 
terminal or axillary, solitary; pedicels 0.5 - 4.0 mm. long, accrescent in fruit, sub- 
tended by one to several leaves and a whorl of caducous brown-tomentulose bud 
scales 1 - 2 mm. long. Sepals not imbricate, lanceolate-oblong, acute, 3.5 - 6.0 
mm. long, 1.0 - 1.5 mm. broad, sparsely ciliolate with scattered hairs; petals linear- 
oblong, obtuse, 8 - 12 mm. long, 2 mm. broad, free, patent with reflexed tips, 
dingy purple; stamens 4.0 - 6.5 mm. long, anthers sagittiform or ovate, 0.6 - 1.8 
mm. long, 0.3 - 1.0 mm. broad. Pistil at anthesis slightly shorter than the stamens; 
ovary 2.0 - 2.5 mm. long, 1 - 2 mm. broad, tomentose; style 2.5 mm. long; stigma 
Capitate to truncate. Capsules subglobose, 2-valved, apiculate, 8 - 10 mm. long, 
6 - 10 mm. broad, tomentose, glabrate, rugose; valves convex in transverse section, 
less than 1 mm. thick, coriaceous, with a slightly thickened placenta bearing 1 - 5 
thick strap-like funicles up to 1.5 mm. long near the middle; seeds 3 - 9, black, 

Occurs from the East Cape of the North Island of New Zealand to Marl- 
borough in the South Island, along the mountain ranges between 650 and 1400 m. 
Flowers in November and December. 

EW ZEALAND: EAST CAPE: Mt. Hikurangi, Adams s.n. (AK); 4000’, same local- 
ity, Petrie s.n. (AK); 4300’, undershrub in Nothofagus (beech) forest, ors cy gn 
cl Moore t$ Cranwell s.n. (AK). WELLINGTON: Mt. Holdsworth, 3500’, Town 

- (BM); same locality, at forest line, Cockayne 9076 (A); same locality, Aston 3.0. 
(AK, NSW); same locality, Jones s.n. (MO); 3000'—4000', Mt. Hector, Petrie s.n. 
(AK); same locality, Attwood s.n. (AK); Mt. A sepe, Attwood s.n. (AK); Mt. 
Omega, Turner 156 (AK); Field je Moore & Cranwell s.n. (AK). MARLBOROUGH: 
s Stok urner s.n. ( ; our LOCALITY: Colenso s.n., 45, 64, 924 (K); 

T. L. Travers s.n. (K) 

The flowers are of two kinds: those which appear to be male have truncate 
stigmas, styles about 2.5 mm. long, slender ovaries 2.5 mm. long, 1 mm. broad, 
stamens 5.5 - 6.5 mm. long, and probably functional ovoid anthers 1.5 - 2.0 mm. 
long, 1 mm. broad. The flowers which appear to be female have capitate stigmas, 
styles about 2 mm. long, plump ovaries 2.0 - 2.5 mm. long, 2 mm. broad, stamens 
about 4 mm. long, and probably abortive sagittiform anthers 0.6 - 0.8 mm. long, 
0.5 - 0.5 mm. broad. 

The flowering material available is inadequate but in the specimens seen the 
male flowers had pedicels up to 4 mm. long while the female flowers had pedicels 
only 0.5 mm. long. Godley** has informed me that the species is dioecious. 

Cockayne!®* divided P. rigidum Hook. f. into two species, and kept the name 

165 Personal c 
166 N.Z. Inst. Tow k k bui: 47:111. 1915. 

[Vol. 43 

P. rigidum for the East Cape and Tararua population, as Colenso gathered the type 
material in the East Cape district. 

19. PrrTOSPORUM CRASSICAULE Cockayne ex Laing & Gourlay, in Trans. Roy. 

Soc. N.Z. 65: 50. 1935. (T.: Laing & Gourlay s.n. !). T 
Pittosporum lineare Laing & Gourlay, loc. cit. 57. 1935. in part. (quoad MacMahon 351). 

Shrubs to 4 m. tall; main branches usually erect, often closely compressed; 
branchlets divaricating, opposite or whorled at the nodes, stout, often spinose at 
the tips, white-tomentose. Leaves alternate at seedling and juvenile stage, re- 
stricted to the apex of short, stout, sometimes minute branchlets at adult stage, 
submembranous when juvenile, coriaceous when adult, green above, paler beneath, 
sparsely ciliolate and tomentulose when young, glabrate, costa slightly raised above 
and beneath or immersed, secondary veins obscure; juvenile leaves obovate to ob- 
lanceolate, variously lobed and parted, lobes irregularly dentate, 4.5 - 12.0 mm. 
long, 3 - 8 mm. broad; adult leaves linear or elliptic-oblong to oblanceolate, obtuse 
to subacute at apex, attenuate at base, entire, occasionally lobed or toothed, espe- 
cially in shade forms, 3.5 - 17.0 mm. long, 1 - 4 mm. broad; petioles 1.0 - 1.5 mm. 
long, glabrous. Flowers terminal, 1 - 3, solitary or fascicled, sessile on minute 
arrested branchlets, subtended by 1 - 6 leaves and numerous persistent tomentulose 
bud scales about 1 mm. long. Sepals imbricate at base, lanceolate-ovate, 1.2 - 1.5 
mm. long, 1 mm. broad, glabrous, ciliolate ; petals linear-oblong, obtuse, 4.0 - 
7.5 mm. long, 1.2 - 1.5 mm. broad, coherent in a cylindrical tube, tips spreading, 
later recurved, purple; stamens 1.5 - 4.5 mm. long, anthers ovate, 0.6 - 1.0 mm. 
long, 0.4 - 0.6 mm. broad. Pistil at anthesis slightly shorter or longer than the 
stamens; ovary 1.5 - 2.5 mm. long, 1 - 2 mm. broad, tomentulose; style 1 - 2 mm. 
long; stigma capitate or truncate. Capsules subglobose to globose, 2-valved, 
apiculate, 4.5 - 7.0 mm. long, 5.5 - 7.0 mm. broad, tomentulose or glabrate, rugose; 
valves convex in transverse section, less than 1 mm. t ick, almost woody, with a 
placenta thickened from the middle to the base, bearing 1 - 2 slender peg-like 
funicles near the middle; seeds 1 - 3, black, round to irregular. 

Occurs in Marlborough, Nelson, Westland, and Canterbury, mainly on the 
western side of the South Island of New Zealand. Flowers in October and 

New ND: MARLBOROUGH: Pelorus Valley, MacMabon 35 (AK). NELSON: 
500’, Maitai Valley, Cheeseman s.n. (AK); Rocky River, Bainham, Collingwood, Wall s.n. 
(CANTY); Buller Valley, Townson 445 (AK); same locality, Cheeseman s.n. (AK, MO). 
WESTLAND: 380 m. in scrub on banks of Teremakau River, near Railway Settlement, 

i . CANTERBURY: 730 m. north side of Rough 
Creek, near railway cottages, Arthur's Pass, Laing & Gourlay s.n. (CANTY); same local- 
ity, Laing s.n. (K); same locality, near Jack's Hut, Laing s.n. (K); roadside, same locality, 
Cooper 24318 (AK, US). 

Flowers which may be female have capitate stigmas, and stamens 1.5 - 1.6 
mm. long, with anthers 0.6 mm. long and 0.4 mm. broad. Flowers which may be 
male have truncate stigmas, and stamens 3.9 - 4.6 mm. long with anthers 1 mm. 


long and about 0.5 mm. broad. I cannot find any consistent differences in the 
size of the ovaries. 

NI Pac uo Hol 



Fig. 24. P. crassicaule. Fig. 25. P. divaricatum. 

20. Prrrosporum DIVARICATUM Cockayne, in N.Z. Inst. Trans, & Proc. 47: 111. 
1915. (T.: Cockayne 8551 !). 

Pittosporum divaricatum Cockayne, in N.Z. Inst. Trans. & Proc. 44: 20. t. 3. f. 2 @ t. 8. 

1912, nom nud; in Austral. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Proc. 13: 219. 1912, nom. nud. 
Pittosporum lineare Laing & Gourlay, in Trans. Roy. Soc. N.Z. 65: 57. 1935, in part. 

(quoad Laing & Gourlay s.n. 1). 

Shrubs to e m. tall; branches thick and woody, interlaced; branchlets divari- 
cating, opposite or whorled at the nodes, stout, often spinose at the tips, tomentu- 
lose when young, soon glabrate. Leaves alternate at seedling stage and on young 
branchlets, later restricted to the tips of arrested branchlets 1 - 5 mm. long, sub- 
membranous when juvenile, coriaceous when adult, green above, paler beneath, 
glabrous, costa immersed above, sunken beneath, secondary veins obscure; juvenile 
leaves oblong, obovate to lanceolate, or almost linear, margins with 1 to several 
lobes or teeth on'either side, occasionally crenate, 6 - 9 mm. long, 1 - 4 mm. broad; 
adult leaves linear-oblanceolate to linear-oblong, or ovate, acute to obtuse at apex, 
acute at base, 4 - 10 mm. long, 2 - 7 mm. broad, smaller and entire in sun, larger 
and variously dentate, crenate, or lobed in shade; petioles about 1 mm. long, 
Blabrous. Flowers terminal on short arrested branchlets, solitary, sessile or with 
minute pedicels, subtended by several leaves and caducous ciliolate bud scales about 
1 mm. long. Sepals not imbricate at base, lanceolate, acute, 1.5 - 2.5 mm. long, 
0.5 - 1.0 mm. broad, glabrous, ciliolate; petals linear-oblong, obtuse, 4 - 6 mm. 
long, 1.0 - 1.5 mm. broad, coherent in a cylindrical tube, tips spreading, purple; 
stamens 1.5 - 2.6 mm. long, anthers ovate or sagittiform, 0.5 - 1.4 mm. long, 
0.3-0.7 mm. broad. Pistil at anthesis slightly exserted; ovary 1.0- 2.2 mm. 
long, 0.5 - 1.0 mm broad, glabrous; style 1.0- 1.5 mm. long; stigma capitate to 
truncate. Capsules cordate or subglobose, 2-valved, acute and apiculate, 6 mm. 
long, 5.5 - 6.0 mm. broad, glabrous, weakly rugose; valves convex in transverse 

[Vol. 43 

section, less than 1 mm. thick, coriaceous, with a slightly thickened placenta bear- 
ing 1 - 2 pairs of peg-like funicles near the middle; seeds 1 - 6, black, round to 

Occurs from the Ruahine Range and Central Volcanic Plateau of the North 
Island to Arthur's Pass on the Main Divide of the Southern Alps of New Zealand. 
Flowers in October and vae e? 

EW ZEALAND: EAST CAPE: Pukatitiri, eastern l| of Ruahine Range, Hodg- 
son sm. (AK, CA ae VOLCANIC : arioi, vicinity of karan 
Attwood s.n. (AK, MO). WELLINGTON: Tararua Yi “ig Petrie s.n. (AK). 
BOROUGH: Picton, MacMahon s.n. (AK, NSW); Koromiko, Laing & Gourlay [The > label 
of the Kew sheet of the Koromiko plant is noted by H. H. Allan as “col. H. Jenkins end 
of Oct. 1932."] s.n. (CANTY, K). NELSON: De s ale Sainsbury s.n. (CANTY); 

angapeka River, Cheeseman s.n. (AK); 2000’, in bog forest on >- — E 
Cockayne 8551 A, 3 without locality, Bidwill 96 (K). CANT 
Morrison 39 (A, CANTY); Cass River, Kirk s.n. (GH, NSW); SSC dde SC "oni 
Creek, Arthur's E Laing & Gourlay s.n. (CANTY). 

It is with hesitation that I treat P. lineare as a synonym of P. divaricatum and 
P. crassicaule. Laing and Gourlay, the two authors of P. lineare, cultivated and 
studied the small-leaved New Zealand species of Pittosporum for many years before 
publishing their results, but in the material cited by them there appear to be two 
distinct entities: the Koromiko plants (Laing & Gourlay s.n.) which have flowers 
with sepals 2.0-2.5 mm. long, capitate stigmas, styles 1.0- 1.2 mm. long, 
glabrous ovaries 2.0 - 2.2 mm. long, and stamens about 2 mm, long; and the 
Pelorus Valley plants (MacMahon s.n.) which have flowers with sepals 1.0 - 1.5 
mm, long, truncate stigmas, styles about 1.8 mm. long, tomentulose ovaries 1.5 
mm. long, and stamens nearly 4 mm. long. The linear entire leaves of the Koro- 
miko plant give it a very different appearance from most specimens of P. divari- 
catum, but the flowers are within the range of variation of P. divaricatum, and 
similar plants with linear entire leaves and bearing the distinctive cordate glabrate 
fruits of P. divaricatum occur on the Volcanic Plateau (Attwood s.n.), and in 
cultivation (Cooper 36299). The tomentulose ovary of the Pelorus Valley plants 
is a feature of P. crassicaule, P. rigidum, and P. obcordatum, but the other char- 
acters of the flower, fruit, and foliage are similar to those of P. crassicaule. Con- 
sequently with some misgivings I have included the collection in that species. 

In the material examined there are slight differences in the size and form of the 
flowers. Flowers which may be female have capitate stigmas, ovaries 1.5 - 2-2 
mm. long, 1 mm. broad, stamens 1.5 - 2.5 mm. long and sagittiform to ovate 
anthers 0.5 - 0.9 mm. long, 0.3- 0.5 mm. broad. Flowers which may be male 
have truncate stigmas, ovaries 1.0 - 1.5 mm. long, 0.5 - 0.6 mm. broad, stamens 
about 4.0 mm. long, and ovate anthers 1.0 - 1.5 mm. long, 0.6 - 0.7 mm. broad. 

21. PrrrosPORUM ANOMALUM Laing & Gourlay, in Trans. Roy. Soc. N.Z. 65: 
54. 1935. (T.: Laing & Gourlay s.n. !). 
Shrubs, prostrate in the sun and with rigid, almost spinose branches, semi- 
prostrate in shade and forming subglobose masses up to 1 m. tall and 2 m. in 


diameter with non-spinose, interlaced branches; branchlets brownish-gray, to- 
mentulose when young, soon glabrate. Leaves alternate on juvenile plants and 
young branchlets, later restricted to the tips of arrested branchlets, oblong-linear 
to oblanceolate-linear, obtuse to subacute at apex and base, submembranous when 
young, coriaceous when adult, green in summer, brownish-red in winter, paler 
beneath, sparsely tomentulose when young, soon glabrate, costa immersed above, 
raised beneath, secondary veins obscure; juvenile leaves dentate-serrate, 8 - 12 mm. 
long, 2 - 3 mm. broad; adult shade leaves deeply doubly dentate or serrate to 
crenate, occasionally entire, 5 - 10 mm. long, 1.0 - 2.5 mm. broad; adult sun 
leaves entire, occasionally crenate, 2 - 5 mm. long, 1.0 - 1.5 mm. broad; petioles 
up to. 1 mm. long, glabrous. Flowers terminal on short arrested branchlets, 
solitary, sessile, subtended by several leaves and caducous ciliolate bud scales 2 mm. 
long. Sepals not imbricate at base, lanceolate, 2 mm. long, 0.5 - 1 mm. broad, 
glabrous, ciliolate; petals obovate to oblanceolate, obtuse to subacute, 2.5 - 4.0 mm. 
long, 1.2 - 2.0 mm. broad, spreading, creamy yellow, purple at the edges and tips; 
stamens 2 - 3 mm. long, anthers ovate to orbiculate, 0.5 - 0.8 mm. long, 0.3 - 0.8 
mm. broad. Pistil at anthesis equal to the stamens; ovary 1.0- 1.3 mm. long, 
0.8 - 0.9 mm. broad, glabrous; style 0.5 - 12.2 mm. long; stigma capitate and 2- 
lobed or truncate. Capsules ovoid, 2-valved, acute to acuminate, apiculate, 5.5 - 
7.0 mm. long, 3 - 4 mm. broad, glabrous; valves convex in transverse section, less 
than 1 mm. thick, subcoriaceous, splitting longitudinally on dehiscence and leaving 
a papery endocarp covering the seeds; placenta unthickened, bearing 1-2 short 
stout funicles about the middle; seeds 2 - 4, black, round to irregular. 

Occurs on the Central Volcanic Plateau of the North Island, and at Nelson 
and Arthur's Pass in the South Island of New Zealand. Flowers in December and 

New ZEALAND: VOLCANIC PLATEAU: shrub steppe, Mt. Hauhangatahi, Carse & 
Matthews s.n. (CANTY); Hauhangatahi, Moore & Cranwell s.n. (AK, MO); 3000’, in 
tussock near Chateau Tongariro, Mt. Ruapehu, Godley 24963 (AK). NELSON: woode 
peak, Gibbs s.n. (CANTY). CANTERBURY: 3000’, Arthur's Pass, Laing & Gourlay s.n. 
(CANTY); same locality, "Jack's Hut”, Laing s.n. (K). 

Flowers which may be female have capitate 2-lobed stigmas, styles 0.5 - 0.7 

rm LJ 

Fig. 26. P. anomalum. Fig. 27. P. cornifolium. 

[Vol. 43 

mm. long, and ovate anthers 0.5 mm. long, 0.3 mm. broad, on filaments about 
1.5 mm. long. Flowers which may be male have truncate stigmas, styles 1.0 - 1.2 
mm. long, and orbiculate anthers 0.7 - 0.8 mm. long, 0.5 - 0.8 mm. broad, on 
filaments 1.5 - 2.2 mm. long. There is little difference in ovary size in the speci- 
mens which I have seen 

22. PrrrOsPORUM CORNIFOLIUM A. Cunn. ex Hook. in Bot. Mag. f£. 3101. 
1832. (T.: A. Cunningham 616 !). 

Pittosporoides verticillata Banks & Soland. ex A. Cunn. in Ann. Nat. Hist. 4: 107. 1839, 
nom. n in 

Shrubs 0.5 -2.5 m. tall, epiphytic, rarely terrestrial; branchlets forked or 
verticillate, dark brown, glabrous. Leaves verticillate, obovate- to ovate-elliptic, - 
acute to subacuminate at apex, acute to obtuse at base, entire, 2 - 10 cm. long, 
1-5 cm. broad, light green above, paler beneath, ciliate when young, soon gla- 
brate, coriaceous with thickened slightly revolute margins, costa raised above, 
immersed beneath, secondary nerves obscure above, distinct beneath; petioles 
0.5 - 3.0 mm. long and 0.5 - 2.0 mm. broad, glabrous. Inflorescences terminal, 1- 
to 10-flowered, usually umbelliform; pedicels 2 - 15 mm. long, accrescent in fruit, 
brown-tomentose, subtended by a whorl of leaves and numerous caducous bud 
scales about 1 mm. long. Sepals not imbricate, narrow-lanceolate, acute, 4-7 
mm. long, about 1 mm. broad, spreading, sparsely puberulent; petals linear- 
lanceolate, acute to acuminate, 8- 12 mm. long, 1.5 - 2.0 mm. broad, coherent 
in a tube with reflexed tips, yellow; stamens 4 - 6 mm. long, anthers sagittiform 
to elliptic-oblong, 1 - 2 mm. long, 0.5 - 1.0 mm. broad. Pistil at anthesis slightly 
longer to slightly shorter than the stamens; ovary 1.5 - 3.0 mm. long, 0.5 - 2.0 
mm. broad, villous; style 2.5 - 4.0 mm. long; stigma capitate and 2-lobed to 
truncate Capsules ellipsoid, 2- or 3-valved, about 1.7 cm. long, 1.2 cm. broad, 
glabrate; valves convex in transverse section, less than 1 mm. thick, coriaceous, 
with a short basal placenta bearing several strap-like funicles up to 5 mm. long; 
seeds 4 - 8, black, irregular. 

Occurs from sea-level to 650 m. throughout the North Island and northern 
part of the South Island of New Zealand; common in the northern part of the 
North Island, rarer to the south. Flowers from June to September. 

x ALAND: NORTH AUCKLAND: Kaitaia, Matthews s.n. (AK, MO); Okahu, 
Kaitaia, Matthews s.n. (AK); Whangaroa, Kirk s.n. (GH); Bay of Islands, Wilkes s.n. 

(AK); Poor Knights Islands, Cranwell s.n. (AK). AUCKLAND: Te Pahi, Kirk s.n. (A); 
Omaha, Kirk s.». (AK, F, US); Leigh, Buddle 27204 (AK); same locality, Turner s.n. 
: K ); same locality, Petrie s.n. (CU); Birk- 

4 anges, Cheeseman s.n. (BISH, NSW, US); 

same locality, Petrie s.n. (NSW); epiphytic on Metrosideros tomentosa, Huia, Wood s.n. 



(AK); Titirangi, Cheeseman s.n. (GH, NSW, US), 11 (K); Auckland, Cranwell s.n. 

(AK); Buckland, Matthews s.n. (AK, MO.) rHAMESs: Cape Colville, Kirk s.n. (MO); 

Coromandel Peninsula, Adams s.n. (AK); Shag Bay, Te Mad Moore & S s.n. 

(AK, K); Pakirarahi, Adams s.n. (AK); Tararu, Kirk sn. (AK); Thames, Adams s.n. 

(US); in sylvis prope Tolaga [East Cape], Opuragi DT Bay], Banks & agio 

sn. (BM). EAST CAPE: Lake Waikaremoana, Sainsbury 15 (AK); Dra rois 
Turner 162 (AK). WANGANUI: Parapara, Mangowhero, Waimarino, Attwood s. K); 
Turakina, Allison s.n. (A, NSW). WELLINGTON: e iphytic on Leger Ped 
orest margin, Fielding, Allam s.». (BH); Mungaroa, Kirk 136 (BM); Ofungekoago; 
H d 

Kirk 130 (GH). MARLBOROUGH: terrestrial, Endeavour Inlet, Queen Charlotte Sound, 
MacMabon s.n. (AK); Tennyson va erm een Dec As (A Kier 

Tileresceices Ed e to 10 flowers appear to be male. The flowers have 
truncate to weakly capitate stigmas level with or shorter than the anthers, styles 
3.5 - 4.0 mm. long, and ovaries 1.5 - 2.0 mm. long. I think that they are male 
as the ovaries are very thin, apparently abortive, and the anthers are elliptic-oblong, 
apparently functional. Inflorescences with only 1 or 2 flowers appear to be female. 
The flowers have capitate 2-lobed stigmas level with or exserted beyond the anthers, 
styles 2.0 - 2.5 mm. long and ovaries 3 - 4 mm. long. I think that they are 
female as the ovaries are plump, apparently functional, and the anthers are sagitti- 
form and abortive. Kirk!" and Petrie!99 described the flowers of P. cornifolium 
as unisexual, and Cheeseman! regarded the plants as polygamous or dioecious. 
Field studies are required to determine the significance of the morphological 

The species was described by W. J. Hooker from material grown at the Royal 
Botanical Gardens, Kew, and from Allan Cunningham's specimens and notes made 
by him in New Zealand in 1826. Two "type" sheets in the herbarium of the 
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, bear five labels, two sterile specimens, a fruiting 
specimen and fragments of flowers. One label is dated 1826, one 1833, two 1838, 
and one is undated. As the species was described in 1832 only part of the material 
can have been available to W. J. Hooker. Fortunately the species is distinct and 
the muddle of labels and specimens does not have serious consequences. 

Vernacular name: Cornel-leaved Pittosporum. 

23. Prrrosporum KRKI Hook. f. ex Kirk, in N.Z. Inst. Trans. & Proc. 2: 92. 

1869. CT: Kirk s.n. !). 

Shrubs 1-5 m. tall, epiphytic, occasionally terrestrial; branchlets reddish- 
Purple, glabrous. Leaves subverticillate, linear-obovate to oblong-elliptic, acute 
or obtuse at the apex, acute at the base, entire, 4 - 11 cm. long, 0.7 - 
broad, pale green above, lighter beneath, glabrous, coriaceous, with Me ined and 
slightly revolute margins, costa raised above, flattened beneath, secondary veins 

d gg Students! Fl. N.Z. p. 49. 

68 N.Z. Inst. 

Trans. & Proc. 53: ei 1921. 
hice Bate ed. 2 p. 495. 1925. 

i [Vol. 43 

about 18 per side, anastomising, obscure; petioles 3 - 16 mm. long, 1 - 2 mm. 
broad, glabrous, purple. Inflorescences terminal, 3- to 10-flowered, umbelliform; 
pedicels 5 - 10 mm. long, contracted in fruit, glabrous, subtended by an approxi- 
mate whorl of leaves and by numerous caducous glabrous bud scales 1 - 2 mm. 
long. Sepals imbricate at base, lanceolate, acuminate, 6 - 10 mm. long, 1.5 - 4.0 
mm. broad, glabrous; petals oblanceolate, acuminate, 1.5 - 2.1 cm. long, 2.5 - 3.5 
mm. broad, fused slightly above the base to the middle, sharply recurved above, 
yellow; stamens 6 - 7 mm. long, anthers elliptic-oblong, 2.5 - 3.0 mm. long. 
Pistil at anthesis equalling or slightly longer than the stamens; ovary 3-4 mm. 
long, 1.5 mm. broad, tomentulose; style about 3 mm. long, stout, stigma capitate. 
Capsules ellipsoid, 2-, rarely 3-, valved, apiculate, 2.6 - 3.9 cm. long, 1.1 - 1.7 cm. 
broad, green to yellow, glabrate; valves convex in transverse section, about 1.5 
mm. thick, coriaceous, with a placenta bearing slender strap-like funicles up to 
4 mm. long, from the base for three-fourths the length of the valve; seeds about 
40, black, irregular. 

Occasional from 250 to 1000 m. in North Auckland, Auckland, Thames, 
including Great Barrier Island, and Wanganui districts of New Zealand. 

Flowers from November to January. 


2000’, ele Mangonui, Cheeseman 
s.n. (AK, K); epiphytic on a dead log, Wara- 
wara State Forest, North Hokianga, Cooper 
35572 (AK, MO); Hokianga, Petrie s.n. (K); 
same locality, Otaua, Berggren s.m. (BM); 
epiphytic ded tall tree, Waipoua kauri forest, 
coute t 419 (A); same locality, Turner 

3 (AK); same locality, Jessup 26640 (AK); 
bete. use s.n. (AK); ridge near Pu- 

tutu, Takah 

ke e side, Petrie s.n (AK, 
AUCKLAND Titirangi Ranges, Cheeseman jn 
: (AK, GH, K, US), 12 (K); Huia, Mackie 
Pech uh E sn. ( Ps ; Huia dam, epiphytic in second- 
growth Agathis australis forest, page sn. (AK). AMES: epiphytic, Kaeoruruwahine 

forest, Great Barrier Island, aves «(B GH ; MO); "2000, Great Barrier Island, Kirk 63 
(K); Cape Colville, Kirk s. (AK), same locality, 2300’, Hector s.n. (BM); same local- 
ity, Adams s.n. (AK); Miete and Thames Goldfield, 2500’, Kirk s.n. (A, AK, K), 63 
E same locality, Adams s.n. (AK); acer forest, 1500’, ^V ddivcigomet Mine, Te Aroha, 
Gemen 1298 (BM); epiphytic, c. 2000', Te Moehau, Moore & Cranwell s.n. (AK, 
zy. D ANUI: Maungaturuturu, Manager -a-te-ao, Attwood s.n. (AK) 
[epe us name: Kirk's Pittosporum. 

24. PrrrosPoRUM REVOLUTUM Aiton, Hort. Kew. ed. 2. 2:27. 1811. (T.: ex 
Hort. Kew. !). 
Wee sto — i ~ Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. 10: 298. #. 20. 1811. (TFN 
n.!—The type sheet at AEN is marked “1. New Holland. Fleming"). 
Pittosporum fomentosum Bonpl. Descr. Pl. Rar. Malm. p.56. 4.21. 1813. (Ta "Bonpland 


oo hirsutum Link, Enum. Hort. Berol. 1: 233. 1821, ex char. (T.: ex Hort. 

E feiere Aiton var. tomentosum (Bonpl.) Bailey in Queensland Agr. Jour. 
95; 19 

Shrubs to 5 m. tall; branchlets grayish-brown, rusty-tomentose when young, 
glabrescent. Leaves alternate, usually crowded at the tips of the branchlets, 
elliptic-ovate to elliptic-oblong, acute to shortly acuminate at apex, attenuate at 
base, entire, 4 - 19 cm. long, 2 - 7 cm. broad, dull green above, glabrate or covered 
with fine appressed red hairs beneath, subcoriaceous, margins thickened and revo- 
lute, occasionally undulate, costa and side veins sunken above, raised beneath, side 
veins 4-10 per side, anastomosing; petioles 5 - 18 mm. long, 1-2 mm. broad, 
rusty-tomentose.  Inflorescences terminal, rarely axillary, 1- to 11-flowered, 
cymose-umbelliform; peduncles brown-tomentose, subtended by several leaves 
and a whorl of persistent tomentose bud scales 2 - 5 mm. long. Sepals slightly 
imbricate at base, lanceolate, acuminate with recurved tips, 4 - 8 mm. long, 1.5 - 
3.0 mm. broad, sparsely tomentulose and ciliolate, glabrate; petals linear-oblanceo- 
late to linear and pandurate, spreading to reflexed at the tips, obtuse to subacute 
at apex, clawed, 12.5 - 18 mm. long, 2.5 - 5.0 mm. broad, connivent from the 
base for two-thirds their length in a cylindrical or somewhat urceolate tube, 
yellow; stamens 6.4 - 12.0 mm. long, anthers sagittiform to oblong, 1.9 - 4.0 mm. 
long, 0.5 - 1.5 mm. broad. Pistil at anthesis equal to or slightly longer than the 
stamens; ovary 3.5 - 6.0 mm. long, 2 - 4 mm. broad, tomentose; style 3.5 - 7.0 
mm. long; stigma capitate and obscurely 2- to 4-lobed. Capsules ellipsoid to sub- 
globose, 4- to 6-lobed, 2- to 4-valved, apiculate, 1.5 - 2.8 cm. long, 1.1 - 2.1 cm. 
broad, green to brown, coarsely rugose, tomentose or glabrate; valves convex to 
sulcate in transverse section, 2 - 3 mm. thick, woody, with a placenta bearing 
peg-like funicles up to 4 mm. long from the base to near the apex; seeds 20 - 76, 
red to reddish-brown, round to irregular. 

Occurs from northern Queensland to Victoria, Australia. Flowers from July 
to October, earlier in Queensland, later in New South Wales and Victoria. 

I LIA: QUEENSLAND: Dalrymple Heights, South Kennedy District, Clemens 
rubby Creek, Herberton Range, White 

Jf ; ockingham 
Y» y, Dallecky s Ss (F, MEL, MO); Herbert River, Eaton s.n. (BRI); pee ene 
Daintree e sm. (MEL); Port Mackay, Mueller s.n. (MEL); c creek alluvium, Rose 
a Gm Pialba, White s.n. (A, BRI); in scrub in sandy valley, Fraser Island, Hubber 
vi same y n. Petrie 120 (BRI); Wide Bay, Eaves s.n. ref 

E) KE Simmonds s.n. (BRI ^ 
fre country, Mudgeeraba E 41 $0 (K); Moreton Bay, vita collector s.n. 

soil, bank of 

ne ,ina pv: 
Gegen River, See POG Habban 3701 (A; BM, BRI, K); Cor- 
rumbin, Longman s.n. (K); brown loam, rain forest, 3000’, Springbrook, Macpherson 

[Vol. 43 

{ NV ds | 
em, ER 
É Y, Ss VK 

Fig. 29. P. revolutum. 

1800',  Mixinis Creek valley, Mate est sien . (NSW); eg of es 
ca. 2000’, Macpherson Range, Bailey s.n. dent ‘Tambourine M Longman & White 

(BRI); Point SE Schneider s.n. (BRI); Mt. Lindsay, border ui and New 
South Wales, White s.n. (A). NEW SE WALES: Tweed, Guilfoyle s.n. (MEL); Bruns- 
wick River, Maiden & Boorman s.n. (NSW); Stanthorpe, Davidson 158 (BRI); Richmond 
š : immon 

same "zer ës Goat oe? Cheel s.n. (NSW); ; erg in i — on river bank, Tanner 8 

Stuart s.n. (MEL); Coffs Ha ege Boorman s.n. (BISH, N SW); Mackasy Rive, Beckler 
s.n. (MEL); Hastings — Mueller (U); Gloucester Buckets, Maiden (NSW); 
same locality, bush at foot of — Gregson s.m. (NSW); Upper Wi illiams River, 
Fraser & Vickery s.n. (NSW ); same locality, WP oia in brush forest, White 11474 
(A, BRI); Bulahdelah SC Forestry Officer 20 (NSW); banks of Hunter’s, William’s 
and Paterson’s rivers, Brown 0 (BM); Hunter’s River, Brown 5450 (BM, K); Box 
Point to Kangaroo River, Maiden s.n. — ; shaded woods on the coast, qe 
District, Port Jackson, Cardunnee, A. Cun ingbam 18 (BM, K); Port Jackson, R 

Sn., 08 (BM, K, MO); same locality, Can feld s.n. (BISH, US); same locality, ‘Carey 
s.n. (GH, K); prope Sydney, Anderson (BM); Manly, Helms s.n. (NSW); Cronulla, 
Steenbobm s.n. —: near Sydney, Bede s.n. (NSW); Paramatta, Caley s.n. (A); 
Nelson's SE Boorm n. (US); poa, Compete sm. (US); Mt. Ke mbla, Se 


695 (NSW); Nepean River, without collector s.n. (K); River Grose, Brown 545 0 (BM); 

Grose Vale,Vickery s.n. (NSW); Liverpool, Moore s.n. (BM); Bulli Pass Road, Carne $ 

Hudson sm. (NSW); Cambewarra, Rodway 871 (K); near Nowra, Barnard 109 
y K 

iver, without collector s.n. (MEL). wirHouT LocALmY: N. S. Wales, Fraser s.n. (A), 
114, 115 (BM); N. S. Wales, Caley s.n. (A, BM); N. S. Wales, A. Cunningham s.n. (K); 
cote meridionale, Baudin s.n. (P) ; A. Cunningham 248, 249, 265 (U); Fleming 1 (BM); 
Macarthur s.n. (K). CULTIVATED: Jardin de la Malmaison, Bonpland s.n. (P), ex Hort. 
Kew s.n. (BM) 

Pittosporum hirtum (Willd. Enum. Hort. Berol. p. 261. 1809) is sometimes 
cited as a synonym of P. revolutum Ait. but I have not seen specimens and the 
home of the plant is given by Willdenow as the Canary Islands. 

Pittosporum revolutum is not common in cultivation but I have seen speci- 
mens from Italian, Californian, and Australian gardens, The leaves of specimens 
from New South Wales are frequently much smaller than those from Queensland, 
but the extremes are connected by numerous intermediates and I am unable to 
recognize distinct forms. 

Vernacular names: Wild Yellow Jasmine (Lagoon Pocket, Lowe 14) ; Yellow- 
flowered Brisbane Laurel; Genoa Pittosporum (Victoria). 

25. PrrrosPoRUM RUBIGINOSUM A. Cunn. in Ann, Nat. Hist. 4:108. 1832. 
(T.: A. Cunningham s.n. !). 
Pittosporum wingii F. Muell. in South. Sci. Rec. n.s. 1: 49. March 1885. (T.: Dallachy 
s. 1). 

Shrubs 1.5 - 6.0 meters tall, branchlets brown and rusty-tomentose. Leaves 
basically alternate but rather irregularly subverticillate, elliptic to lanceolate or 
oblanceolate, acutely acuminate to cuspidate at apex, attenuate at base, entire, 
6.0-33.5 cm. long, 2.5-13.0 cm. broad, dark green above, pale green 
to reddish-purple beneath, sparsely tomentose to glabrescent above, sparsely to 
densely tomentose beneath, especially on the veins, the hairs dark red and erect, 
membranous, margins flat or sometimes irregularly revolute, costa and secondary 
veins sunken above, raised beneath, rusty-tomentose, secondary veins 8 - 13 per 
side, anastomosing; petioles 2.5 - 12.0 mm. long, 1 - 2 mm. broad, tomentose. 
Inflorescences variable, consisting of a shoot 4.0 -11.5 cm. long, red-tomentose, 
subtended by a whorl of leaves and bud scales and a sequence of cataphylls which 
become foliar above, sometimes producing 1 to several solitary flowers in the 
axils of the uppermost cataphylls and sometimes being terminal, 3- to 32-flowered, 
umbelliform; peduncles and pedicels red-tomentose, accrescent in fruit, subtended 
by numerous caducous foliar to scarious bracts. Sepals free or slightly imbricate 
at base, linear-lanceolate, acute to acuminate with recurved tips, sparsely ciliate 
with scattered hairs to densely ciliaté, tomentose, 4.0 - 8.5 mm. long, 1 - 2 mm. 
broad; petals oblanceolate to linear-oblong, sometimes pandurate, obtuse to sub- 
acute, 11 - 17 mm. long, 2 - 4 mm. broad, coherent from the base to the middle in 

[Vol. 43 

a somewhat urceolate to spreading tube, or free and patent; stamens 4.5 - 11.5 
mm. long; anthers sagittiform to ovate-elliptic, 1.0 - 3.5 mm. long, 0.5 - 1.0 mm. 
broad. Pistil at anthesis slightly shorter or longer than the stamens; ovary 2.0 - 
5.5 mm. long, 1 - 3 mm. broad, villous; style 3.5 - 6.5 mm. long; stigma capitate 
and obscurely 2- or 4-lobed or truncate. Capsules ellipsoid to ovoid, 2-, or rarely 
3-, valved, 1.3 - 2.1 cm. long, 6 - 15 mm. broad, with an evident stipe 0.5 - 4.0 
mm. long, yellow to orange, densely to sparsely rusty-tomentose or glabrate, 
minutely rugose; valves convex to slightly sulcate in transverse section, less than 
1 mm. thick, coriaceous, with a placenta thickened at the base and bearing peg- 
like flattened funicles up to 2.5 mm. long from the base to about the middle; 
seeds 3 - 14, dark rusty-red to red, irregular. 


Sege 1.5—2.5 m. HH leaves sparsely rusty-tomentose to ás beneath; ri bag? 

e with scattered hairs; petals coherent to the middle i somewhat urceolat 
cylindric al ibi, pah blok al sometimes pandurate; stamens 6.0-11.5 mm. ori et 
ease capsules sparsely ceat ose to glabrate. Queensland: Cooktown to 

Pipe P irn 25a. P. r. rubiginosum 
Shrubs to 6 m. SC? leaves densely rotes tomentose beneath; sepals densely ciliate and rusty- 
tomentose; petals —€— to SEN middle in a spreading tube, linear-oblong to resin ion 
stamens 4. 16 0 mm anthers 1.5 -3.5 mm. dons: capsules densely rusty-tom . 
Bay Sat? 

25a. PrrrosPORUM RUBIGINOSUM ssp. rubiginosum 
Known from Cooktown to south of Cairns, Queensland, from near sea-level 
to 16 geg m. dies from July to mee 

LAND: sum of Mt. Cook, Endeavour River, A. Cunningbam 
26 (BM, MO); Powy Gë on des Sie of Mt. Cook, A. Cunningham 26 (K); need 
— Rose 109 (MEL, NSW); Mossman River, Sayer 186 (MEL); same locality, L 
MEL); in hillside forest in the lowlands, Daintree River, Brass & White 279 (BRI); 
i tiia Tp Daintree, k District, Blake 14996 (BRI); same locality, Brass 2220 (A, 
SH. D 

LIS ma 
Toog $ Zoch Freshwater ees near Cairns, Francis s.n. (BRI, K); same locality, 

. and 
Johnstone River, AE 9, 30, 117 (BRI); same Last eier s.n. RI, K); State 
Forest Reserve 185, Danbulla, Doggrell A.5. (BRI); Mt. Alexandra, [be 13 (BRI). 

Specimens collected near sea-level have leaves much longer than those from 
high elevations; e.g. Brass & White 279 from lowlands near the Daintree River 
has leaves 19 cm. long and 6.5 cm. broad, and Blake 14982 from 100’ above sea- 
level at The Intake, near Cairns, has leaves up to 20 cm. long and 6.5 cm. broad. 
Brass 2090 from 2500’ on Mt. Dimi has leaves up to 11.5 cm. long and 3 cm. 
broad, and White & Brass 227, from about 4000’ on Thornton Pi Peak, has leaves up 


to 10 cm. long and 4 cm. broad. Changes in leaf size are gradual and I cannot 
define distinct forms. 

The flower parts also vary in size. Flowers which may be female have capi- 
tate and obscurely 2-lobed stigmas, styles 4 - 5 mm. long, plump ovaries 4.0 - 5.5 
mm. long, 3 - 4 mm. broad, short stout filaments 4 - 6 mm. long, probably abortive 
sagittiform anthers 1 - 2 mm. long, and an almost urceolate corolla-tube from 
which the stigma is exserted. Flowers which may be male have truncate stigmas, 
styles 5.0 - 6.5 mm. long, slender ovaries 2.0 - 4.5 mm. long, 1-2 mm. broad, 
slender filaments 6 - 9 mm. long, probably functional ovate-elliptic anthers 2.5 - 
3.0 mm. long, and a tubular corolla in which the stigma is included Flower color 
is described as "white tinged with cream" (Blake 14982), and “yellow, paler 
toward the base" (Blake 15242). 

Vernacular name: Rusty Pittosporum. 

> | YS DA * 


p 5 | 
A P. geen. 

| e 



Fig. 30. P. rubiginosum ssp. rubiginosum and ssp. wingii. 
25b. Prrrosporum RUBIGINOSUM ssp. Wingii (F. Muell.) R. C. Cooper, stat. 

Pittosporum wingii F. Muell. in South. Sci. Rec. n.s. 1: 49. March 1885. (T.:Dallachy 

"een from the Atherton Tableland to Rockingham Bay, Queensland. 
Flowers in September. 

[Vol. 43 

AUSTRALIA: QUEENSLAND: top of the Coast Range, under the rocks, Rockingham 
Bay, Dallachy s.n. (GH, K, MEL MO); 800 m., Lake Barrine, Atherton Tableland, 
Kajewski 1341 (A, BRI, K, MEL, NSW). 

Variation in flower size and form has also been found in this variety. The 
Rockingham Bay flowers have truncate stigmas, styles 5 mm. long, ovaries 3 - 4 
mm. long, 2.5 - 3.0 mm. broad, filaments 5 - 7 mm. long, and probably functional 
anthers 3.0 - 3.5 mm. long. The sepals are 7.5 - 9 mm. long, and the petals 13 
mm. long. The Atherton Tableland flowers have 4-lobed stigmas, styles 3 - 4 mm. 
long, ovaries 3.5 - 4.0 mm. long, 2.5 - 3.5 mm. broad, filaments 3 - 4 mm. long, 
and apparently abortive anthers only 1.5 - 2.0 mm. long. In one flower two large 
functional anthers and three small aborted anthers were found. The sepals are 
5 - 9 mm. long, and the petals 9 - 11 mm. long. It is possible that the Rocking- 
ham Bay flowers have been collected at a later stage in development than those 
from Atherton Tableland, but the slender ovaries, larger styles, truncate stigmas, 
and functional anthers of the former suggest that the flowers are male, while the 
plumper ovaries, shorter capitate stigmas, and apparently abortive anthers of the 
latter suggest that the flowers are female. 

26. PrrrosPORUM UNDULATUM Vent. Descr. Pl. Nouv. Jard. Cels, #. 76. 
[1802 ]1"° ex char. & icon. 

Shrubs or trees 5 - 13 m. tall; branchlets gray, the young parts tomentose, 
soon glabrate. Leaves alternate, elliptic-oblong to oblanceolate, acuminate at apex, 
attenuate at base, entire, 6 - 16 cm. long, 1.5 - 5.0 cm. broad, green above, paler 
beneath, tomentulose when young, glabrate, membranous, margins undulate or 
flat, sometimes recurved, costa sunken or raised above, raised below, secondary 
nerves about 12 per side, anastomosing, distinct; petioles 7 - 26 mm. long, 1 - 2 
mm. broad, tomentulose when young, glabrate. Inflorescences terminal, 4- to 15- 
flowered, subumbelliform; peduncles and pedicels 1.9 - 3.1 cm. long, accrescent 
in fruit, tomentose; peduncles subtended by a whorl of leaves and numerous 
caducous, brown-tomentose, ciliolate bud scales 1 - 2 mm. long. Sepals frequently 
connate in a tube which splits into 2 parts, one 1- to 2-lobed, the other 3- to 4- 
lobed, lanceolate, acuminate, 6.5 - 10.5 mm. long, 1.2 - 2.5 mm. broad, tomentulose, 
faling before the petals; petals linear-oblanceolate to linear-oblong, obtuse, 11 - 
17 mm. long, 3 - 4 mm. broad, coherent at the base, spreading to recurved above, 
white; stamens 5 - 11 mm. long, sometimes reduced to sterile rudiments 0.5 - 1.0 
mm. long; anthers lanceolate-oblong to sagittiform, 2.5 - 5.0 mm. long, 1.0 - 1.5 
mm. broad. Pistil at anthesis slightly shorter or longer than the stamens; ovary 
4 - 6 mm. long, 1.8 - 4.0 mm. broad, tomentulose; style 2.0 - 4.5 mm. long; 
stigma capitate and obscurely 2- to 4-lobed or almost truncate. Capsules sub- 
globose, 2-valved, 10 - 14 mm. in diameter, yellow to brown, smooth to slightly 
rugose, glabrous; valves convex in transverse section, less than 1 mm. thick, 

170 W. T. Stearn (Jour. Soc. Bibl. Nat. Hist. 1:199-201. 1939) gives the dates of publication of 
this work as 1800-1802, 7.76 being published in 1802. 


coriaceous, with a placenta thickened at the base and bearing 2 - 3 rows of short 
stout peg-like funicles from the base to just above the middle; seeds 12 - 22, red 
to dark red or black, irregular. 

Occurs from the Macpherson Range, in southern Queensland, to the Victorian 
Alps, along the ranges of New South Wales. Flowers in August and September. 

Fig. 31. P. undulatum. 

USTRALIA: QUEENSLAND: Bunya Mts, Bailey s.n. (BRI, NSW); same locality, 
White s.n. (BRI); same EH a s.n. (BRI); 2800', at edge of scrub in partial 
shade, perd Mistake, Hubbard 5225 (A, K); same locality, "Shirley s.n. (A); Eumundi, 
Si ü í ; n in 

, Sou 
SÉ s.n SW "itd: localit 
GE ele locality adi onds sm. (A); near Canungra, Brass s. (NSW); 
. Park, Moore És. (BRI); Beechmont, White 6179 (BRI); Acacia Creek via 
Killarney, Been 129 (NSW); near Emu Vale, Macpherson Range, Francis s.n. (BRI); 
ingham's Gap, Bailey s.n. (BRI); on Rhyolite at edge of rain forest in wet sclero- 
phyll forest, ca. u— Nixon's Creek, Upper Falls, je cpherson Range, Jobnson 106 
(N NEW SOUTH WA s in n. 
= SCH Tilba, Bate 9 edge near Tentafield, Stuart s.n. (K); Conjola, Heron 
sm. (N ; Lismore, Maiden 17 (U); New England, Stuart s.m. dues d) in bed of 
creek, ca. pé. miles N.N.E. of Boggabi, towards Nandewar Range, Swain s.n 

Barraba, Kifford s.n. (NSW); Hastings iie Beckler s.n. d U); Gloucester Buckets, 

t branch, Tisi 5451 
; occasional in pae 
on granite, 690 m., Ruby Creek, Mt. Werong, ca. 30 Se south ot Oberon, Johnson & 
Constable s.n. (K, N ur Ci upper reien River; Fraser & Vickery s.n. (A, BISH, BH, 
MO, NSW, US); on old sand dunes, peninsula north of the entrance to Tuggerah, via 

[Vol. 43 

woods on the sea-coast, NH Port P A. NOM s.n. (K); de Séi Port 
zeg Brown 5451 (BM); Port Jackson District, Brown 5451 (K, MO); same locality, 
Siemssen 97 (MEL); same locality, Steel s.n. (NSW); same locality, Helms s.n. (BRI); 
same locality, Camfield s.n. (MO) ; near Sydney, Weber s.n. (NSW); rs Set 
s.n. (NSW); Petersham, Steel s.n. (AK); Sydney, Haswell s.n. (BRI); same pelin 

Backhouse s.n. (BM); same locality, Wilkes s.n. (K, US); same locality, McWilliam 
(K); same locality, Verreaux 406 (K); Illawarra, Macarthur 26 (K); pá, Mountain, 
Maiden s.n. (NSW); Sugar Loaf Mountain, Braidwood, Baeunton s.m. (M SW); 
Queanbeyan, Breakwell s.n. (NSW); 1200’, between Nowra and Kangaroo v Wi 
bewarra Range, Rod way Á 690 (A, K); Nowra, Rodway 361, 847 (K); Shoslhavt River, 
Wingello, Murphy 9 (NSW); Comerong Is., same localiey, Rodway 874 (K); Candelo, 
White s.n. (MEL); Bud. n" Father s.n. (A); same locality, Mueller s.n. (MEL). 
VICTORIA: Genoa River, Reader s.s. (MEL); Broadrib, or Broadribb River, Mueller s.n. 
(K, MEL); in rupibus prope Bachan ad flumen E Mueller s.n. (MEL); Snowy 
River, Mueller s.n. (K, MEL); Stony Creek, Smith s.n. (MEL); East Gippsland, M Mueller 
s.n. (GH, MEL); Dead-Cock Creek, E. of Lindenow, Green s.n. (MEL); in small es 
gully above sea cliff, Mt. Martha, E. Port Phillip, Johnson s.n. (NSW); in moist and- 
stone gully, Epping, Ford s.s. (NSW); Wilson's property, near oes Serzlecki 
anges, without collector s.n. MED. WITHOUT DEFINITE LOCALITY: Australia, Ver- 
reaux 48 (BM), 44P (P, US); East Australia, Schomburgk s.n. (M EL); | South Australia, 
cbe ei s.n. (NSW); Australia, Lbofsky s.n. (BM); Australia, Sieber 221 (A, BM, 
» Be O); . Wales, A. Cu de ws or "Anderson and otbers 321 (U); 

N. ` Wales, Caley s.n. (B M). 

Pittosporum undulatum is widely cultivated as an ornamental, hedge, or 
shelter plant, and I have seen specimens from New Zealand, Australia, Chile, 
Colombia, Bolivia, Jamaica, Bermuda, the United States (California and Florida), 
the Azores, the Canary Islands, France, Israel, India, Ceylon, China, and Hawaii. 
It has become naturalized in Bermuda, the Canary Islands and Hawaii. A form 
with variegated leaves is available in the trade in Australia"! and a small-leaved 
plant, labelled ““Pittosporum hybrid," and “a glabrous-leaved form of P. bic 
have been collected from the Strzlecki Ranges, Victoria, (without collector s.n. 
MEL) and from South Australia (Schomburgk s.n. NSW). The last form is 
connected with the large-leaved plants by intermediates, and I am unable to 
recognize it as a distinct variety. According to Bentham,"? the height of P. 
undulatum is "about 40 feet, or according to M'Arthur 60 to 90 feet". Recent 
collectings are from smaller trees, but a plant at East Alameda Plaza, Santa Bar- 
bara, California, is stated to be about 60 feet tall and 50 feet in crown diameter 
(Moran 2349 BH), so it is possible that trees of 60 to 90 feet were found in the 
early days of Australian botany. 

The variation in the morphology of the flower has been described and illus- 
trated by Maiden,173 Gowda,!"4 and Cufodontis. Flowers which may be female 

171 Pittosporum undulatum "variegatum", commonly known as the Variegated Sweet Pittosporum 
deel Shrubs and Trees for Australian Gardens. p.34. 1948). 

115 Österr. Bot. Zeitschr. 98: 114. 1951. 


have capitate obscurely lobed stigmas, styles 2 - 3 mm. long, and ovaries 4.0 - 4.5 
mm. long and 2 - 3 mm. broad. The stamens are rudimentary, gland-like structures 
0.6 - 1 mm. long. Flowers which may be male or bisexual have weakly capitate 
to truncate stigmas, styles 3.0 - 4.5 mm. long, ovaries 3.5 - 5.0 mm. long, 1.5 - 
2.0 mm, broad, stamens 8.5 - 11.0 mm. long, and functional anthers 3.5 - 5.0 
mm. long and 1.0 -1.5 mm. broad. Intermediate forms occur in which the stamens 
are reduced, the most remarkable being Ford s.n. in which the stamens vary in 
length from 5 - 7 mm. in the same flower. Flowers also occur with 1 - 2 extra 
sepal lobes, and petals. 

Vernacular names: Wave-leaved Pittosporum, Cheesewood, Engraver's wood, 
New South Wales Box Tree, New South Wales Mock Orange, Native Laurel, 
Victorian Laurel, Sweet Pittosporum (Victoria), Wallundundeyren, Bart-Barb 

27. PrrrosPoRUM VENULOSUM F. Muell. Frag. Phyt. Austr. 6: 186. 1868. (T.: 

Dallacby s.n. !). 

Trees to 10 m. tall; branchlets gray, rusty-tomentose when young, soon 
glabrate. Leaves alternate to subverticillate, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, acute 
to acuminate at apex, attenuate at base, entire, 4.5 - 10.5 cm. long, 1.7 - 4.2 cm. 
broad, rusty-tomentose when young, especially on costa, glabrate, coriaceous, 
margins undulate, irregularly revolute, costa immersed or sunken above, raised 
below, secondary veins 8 - 12 per side, anastomosing, distinct; petioles 6 - 21 mm. 
long, 1 - 1.5 mm, broad, rusty-tomentose when young, soon glabrate, Flowers 
terminal, in umbelliform cymes; peduncles subtended by a loose whorl of leaves 
and by numerous caducous rusty-tomentose bud scales 2 - 6 mm. long; peduncles 
and pedicels accrescent in fruit, rusty-tomentose, soon glabrate. Sepals not im- 
bricate, oblong, obtuse, 4.0 - 4.5 mm. long, 1.5 - 2.0 mm. broad, ciliate, rusty- 
tomentose without, glabrous within; petals oblong, obtuse, 8 - 11 mm. long, 1.5 - 
2.0 mm, broad, free, spreading at the tips, white; stamens 4-5 mm. long, 
anthers sagittiform, 2.0 - 2.5 mm. long, 0.5 - 1.0 mm. broad. Pistil at Ge: 
longer than the stamens; ovary 4.0 - 4.5 mm. long, 2 mm. broad, rusty-tomentose 
style 1.5 - 2.0 mm. long; stigma capitate, obscurely 4-lobed. Capsules ll 
to obovoid with an evident stipe, 2-, rarely 3-, valved, apiculate, 1 - 2 cm. long, 
1.0 - 1,4 cm. broad, glabrate, rugose; valves convex in transverse section, 1 - 2 
mm. thick, woody, with placentas much thickened and fused at the base, bearing 
6-8 peg-like funicles up to 2 mm. long about the middle; seeds 6-14 per 
capsule, reddish-black to black, irregular. 

Occurs in the coastal ranges of Queensland, between Rockingham Bay and 

ast Range, at edge of scrub, M Bay, 

Ka s.n. ». (BM, x, MEL, NSW); ae Range, Francis s.n. (BRI ; rare, at 

edge of light rain forest on rather steep hillsides, Byfield near Keppel Bay, White 8142 (A, 
BRI) ; Mt. Spec, White 8974 (A, BH). 

I have not seen adequate flowering material and have described the inflores- 

cence from immature specimens. 

[Vol. 43 


Fig. 32. P. venulosum. Fig. 33. P. melanospermum. 

28. ME MELANOSPERMUM F, Muell. Frag. Phyt. Austr. 1: 70. 1859. 
(T.: Holt s.n. 
cue y siae Bailey, in Queensland Agr. Jour. 1: 451. 1897. (T.: Barclay- 
Pitlostoreá SEH Domin, in Bibliog. Bot. 22: 718. 1925. (T.: Schultz 758 !). 
Shrubs or small trees to 6 m. tall; branchlets reddish-gray, glabrous. Leaves 
alternate, sometimes crowded, oblanceolate to oblong, rarely obovate, obtuse to 
acuminate or mucronate at apex, attenuate at base, entire, 4 - 14 cm. long, 1.1 - 
4.5 cm. broad, glabrous, coriaceous, margins thick, flat to slightly undulate, costa 
immersed above, raised below, secondary veins 13-18 per side, anastomosing, 
raised on both surfaces; petioles 1.4 - 4.0 cm. long, 1 mm. broad, glabrous. Flowers 
terminal, very numerous, in spreading paniculiform cymes; peduncles subtended 
by an approximate whorl of 3 - 4 leaves and minute caducous bud scales, and 
bearing branches which are subtended by caducous cataphylls, and which are again 
divided, the ultimate divisions each bearing several pedicels; peduncles, branches, 
and pedicels accrescent in fruit, white-tomentulose, soon glabrate. Sepals slightly 
imbricate to coherent in a shallow cup, ovate, subacute to acute, 1.5 - 2.5 mm. 
long, 1 - 2 mm. broad, white-tomentulose becoming glabrate; petals obovate to 
lorate, obtuse, 7 - 9 mm. long, 2.0 - 3.5 mm. broad, free, patent, yellow; stamens 
6.5 - 10.5 mm. long, anthers elliptic-ovate, 1.5 - 2.0 mm. long, up to 1 mm. broad. 
Pistil at anthesis slightly shorter than the stamens; ovary 2.5 - 3.5 mm. long, 
0.5 - 2.0 mm. broad, white-tomentose, on a glabrous stipe about 1 mm. long; 
style about 1.5 mm. long; stigma truncate. Capsules obovoid to subglobose, 2- 


valved, apiculate, 6 - 15 mm. in diameter, frequently with a stipe 0.5 - 1.5 mm. 
long, glabrate, brownish-yellow; valves convex to sulcate in transverse section, 
less than 1 mm. thick at sides, coriaceous, with a placenta much thickened at base 
and apex, and occasionally fused to form 2 chambers, bearing several short stout 
peg-like funicles between the base and middle; seeds 2 - 6, black, irregular. 
Known from northern Queensland and the Northern span 
ALIA: NORTHERN TERRITORY: Arnhem’s ec Mueller deve north E 

AND: Cape Y Yotk: Pesini: Eier At Hann 98 (K); Walsh River; 
Barclay-Millar s.n. (A, BM, BRI, K); common in rain forest, 500 m., Lake Barrine, 
Atherton Tableland, Kajewski 1352 (A, BRI, P). 

29. PrrTOSPORUM RHOMBIFOLIUM A. Cunn. ex Hook. Icon. Pl. 7: 7. 62I. 1844. 
(T.: A Cunningham 29 !). 

Trees 13 - 30 m. tall; branchlets light brown, glabrous. Leaves alternate, 
sometimes crowded at the tips of the branchlets, rhombic to ovate, acuminate to 
obtuse at apex, attenuate at base, coarsely serrate to entire, 4 - 10 cm. long, 1.5 - 
7.0 cm. broad, glabrous, coriaceous, margins frequently flat or revolute, costa 
sunken above, raised beneath, secondary veins about 12 - 14 per side, anastomos- 
ing, raised above and below; petioles 0.9 - 2.7 cm. long, 1 - 2 mm. broad, glabrous. 
Flowers terminal, many, in spreading umbelliform cymes; peduncles and pedicels 
up to 5 cm. long, accrescent in fruit, glabrous, peduncles subtended by a single 
leaf and 1 or 2 minute caducous bud scales. Sepals coherent at base, ovate, acute 
to subacute, 1.1 - 3.0 mm. long, 0.5 - 2.0 mm. broad, glabrous; petals elliptic to 
oblanceolate, obtuse to subacute, 5.5 - 8.5 mm. long, 1.5 - 3.0 mm. broad, free, 
patent, white, with short claws; stamens 5.5 - 8.0 mm. long, anthers lanceolate, 
1.7 - 2.4 mm. long, about 1 mm. broad. Pistil at anthesis slightly shorter than 
the stamens; ovary 3.5 - 4.0 mm. long, 1 - 2 mm. broad, short-stipitate, tomen- 
tulose; style 0.5 - 1.0 mm. long; stigma truncate. Capsules subglobose to obovoid, 
2-valved, obtuse to apiculate at apex, stipitate at base, 5 - 10 mm. long, 5 - 8 mm. 
broad, yellow, slightly rugose, glabrous; valves convex to sulcate in transverse 
section, less than 1 mm. thick, coriaceous, with a conspicuous placenta more or 
less fused to form 2 chambers and bearing 1 - 2 minute funicles near the base; 
seeds 1 - 3, black, irregular. 

Occurs from northern Queensland to northern New South Wales, Australia. 
jenes in November, December and January. 

USTRALIA: QUEENSLAND: Canaan Valley, near digna: gs 973 jem 
NSW); T ooloom Range, Maiden s.n. (NSW); Rockhampton, Thozet s.m. (MEL); sam 
locality, Ou 87 Ze (MEL) ; in red, sandy loam, 12 ac east of Emerald, ere 
District, Everist 2522 (BRI); in mixed soft-wood forest, Guluguba, €— dE rios. 
White 1146 (BRI); Son een Brisbane and Dawson, Moeller a s.n. (K); Dawson Rive 
Mueller s.n. (MEL); Gladstone, Bailey s.n. (NSW); Mt. Perry, Keys s.n. (BRI); Eidsvold, 

d laville, 50 wed ; of Bundaberg, Bancroft s.m. (BRI); pari 
of Ka Sape: — Seet ct? , Simon (BRI); Maryborough, Young s.n. (BRI, 

NSW); Wide Be Bay, Bidwill 52 pe in he sub-xerophytic mixed scrub, Roma, White 

[Vol. 43 

9522 (A, BRI); Yalebone Creek via Rome, McKenzie s.n. (BRI); in "ringed" brigalow 
scrub, Chinchilla, Beasley 27 (BRI); Blackbutt eta Shirley s.n. (A); Yarraman, 
Clemens 5.5. (BRI); Crow’s Nest, Kenny s.n. (BRI); same locality, Clemens 43747 (A); 
Crystal Brook, Bowenville, Fuller s.n. (NSW); Moreton Bay, A. Cunningham s.n. (GH); 
Brisbane, Bailey s.n. (BRI, NSW); in shaded woods on the banks of the Brisbane River, 
A. Cunningbam 29 (BM, BRI, K); same locality, A. Cunningbam s.n. (MEL); same 
locality, White s.n. (NSW); Enoggera, near Brisbane, Boorman s.m. (NSW); Ipswich, 
Nernst 34 (MEL); Beau-desert, Brass s.n. (A); Roberts Plateau, Lamington dinge 
€ SE 6045 (A); Milford, Fassifern District, ety el 2024 (A dree" 
, White 1903 (A, BRI); Acacia Creek, prés arney, Dunn. 136 (N Y) 
Pubs ark, Shirley s.m. (NSW); in regrowt d? in-forest margin, ca. Wei 
O'Reillys, Lamington National Park, Smitb t$ Webb 361 2 (BRI); common in a rain 
forest, Unumgar, near Mt. Lindesay, NSW-Q border, White 12507 (BRI). NEW SOUTH 
ALES: Tweed, Guilfoyle s.n. (MEL); Burringbar, Betche s.m. 


Richmond River, Watts s.n. (NSW); Clarence River, vitiaat calicis sm. (NSW 

The plant is useful as an ornamental tree, and I have seen cultivated speci- 
mens from California, Florida, Queensland, New South Wales, and South Australia. 

Vernacular names: White Myrtle, Diamond-leaf Laurel, Rhombus-leaved 
Queensland Laurel, Burrawingee. 

^U EH m 450 a 
x 7 - 
d $ 
i 2 
LS ` 
S e 
AL Es d Ww RS 
e - iee MA 
= far "9 Es 
i be rhe Th Zë 
| AS CTS A e 
+ De, een p t t WX S KR , e 
e erg e he SE EE 
dä Ki J pa £ ^ d AD Rn 
> E 3 Ser Ce r5 + 
jijé A S e Ve 
` Aad D 
ó Ai E m p d 
. lu 2 i $ d£ 
MOE | KN / 
| Aly 
^ L Se R 
Ka GE 
P SS a 

Fig. 34. P. rbombifolium. Fig. 35. P. ferrugineum. 


30. PrrrOsPORUM FERRUGINEUM Aiton, Hort. Kew. ed.2. 2: 27. 1811. (T.: ex 
bort. Kew. !). 
deng "wë A. Cunn. in Ann. Nat. Hist. 4: 109. 1839, as tinifolium. (T.: A. 
nning 2.1). 
oia Qvatifolium F. Muell. Frag. Phyt. Austr. 2: 78. 1860. (T.: ary s.n. $ 
Pittosporum MUT Domin, in Fedde. Repert. Sp. Nov. 11: 201. 1912. (T. 
R. Brown 5449 !). 

Trees or shrubs 8-20 m. tall; branchlets grayish-brown, rusty-tomentose 
when young, glabrate. Leaves alternate, frequently crowded at the tips of the 
branchlets, elliptic to elliptic-ovate or obovate, acute to acuminate or occasionally 
obtuse at apex, attenuate at base, entire, 4.8 - 11.5 cm. long, 2.0 - 5.5 cm. broad, 
green above, paler beneath, rusty-tomentose when young, soon glabrate except on 
costa, margins flat or recurved, costa sunken above, raised below, secondary nerves 
4 - 8 per side, anastomosing, obscure above, raised beneath; petioles 1.2 - 2.2 cm. 
long, rusty-tomentose when young, glabrate. Flowers terminal or axillary, many, 
in subumbelliform cymes; peduncles and pedicels 1.5 - 4.0 cm. long, rusty-tomen- 
tose; peduncles subtended by 1 to several leaves and a whorl of ciliolate bud scales 
about 1 cm. long; pedicels subtended by 1 to several caducous bracts 2 - 4 mm. 
long. Sepals free or coherent at the base, linear to linear-lanceolate, acuminate, 
2.5 - 3.5 mm. long, 0.6 - 1.2 mm. broad, sparsely tomentulose and ciliolate; petals 
linear to oblanceolate-linear, 7 - 9 mm. long, 1.2 - 1.5 mm. broad, coherent in a 
cylindrical tube with recurved tips, yellow; stamens 4.0 - 6.5 mm. long, anthers 
oblong, 0.5 - 2.0 mm. long, 0.3 - 0.6 mm. broad. Pistil at anthesis slightly shorter 
or longer than the stamens; ovary 3 - 4 mm. long, 0.8 - 2.0 mm. broad, tomentu- 
lose; style 1.2 - 2.0 mm. long; stigma capitate and 2-lobed to almost truncate. 
Capsules globose, 2-valved, about 7 - 10 mm. in diameter, slightly rugose, glabrous; 
valves convex in transverse section, less than 1 mm. thick, coriaceous, with a 
placenta thickened at the base, bearing 2 rows of short, stout, peg-like funicles 
from the base to just above the middle; seeds 15 - 16, black, irregular. 

Occurs mainly on the coast, from Cape York to Rosedale, Queensland; also 
found in Malaysia from the Solomon to the Nicobar Islands. Flowers in Australia 
from fj to August. 

fiy and, Hill 12, T (K); same locality n dry ridges, Mueller s.n. (K); Cape 
ity, Duis s.n. » MEL, E US); Vrilya Point, J. F. Bailey s.n. (RD on banks 
of the Endeavour Rives: A A. Cunningham : 27, 117 (BM); Endeavour Ridge, at some dis- 

ance from the sea, A. Cunniighem s.n. (K), 27 (MO), 117 Zen it) d e ; — Mp 

ees 4 (MEL al in rain forest, 4 (BRI, 
sane local y, Sayer s ^. (BM); bo botanic r e, Cairns, Ki 10560 BRE, MEL); 

Port se owed M acGillivray 105 (BM) ; Rate Cree » Priétpiné, Moree) Zen mei, o" 
(K); Pioneer River, Mackay, Griffiths s.m. (MEL, NSW); Port Mackay, Dietrich 

[Vol. 43 

1299 (MEL); scrub, Pilot Station, Mackay, Griffiths s.n. (BM, BRI); in rocky wa 
gullies, and in thickets on the hills, Percy dom. A. Cunningbam s.n. (K); koala 
nd, R. 

Court s.n. (BRI); Keppel Bay, R. Brown 5449 (BM, K); Rockhampton, Fitzroy River, 
Dallachy s.n. (U); in remnants of light rain forest along Archer Creek, near Rockhamp- 
ton, Wbite 12216 (BRI); rare, pcs of d ranges, Gracemere, O’Shanesy 1824 
(MEL); Crocodile Creek, Capricorn, Bowman 96 (MEL); Curtis Island, Mueller s.n. 
(NSW); Gladstone, Hedley 13 GRD Bustard Ba. J. B. [Banks & Solander] s.n. (BM); 
common on sandhills near beach, Rosedale, Dovey 140, 153, 1010 (BRI). WITHOUT 
LOCALITY: New Holland, Banks & Solander s.n. (MO); East Coast, R. Brown s.n. (BM, 

» MO); east coast of Queensland, Mueller s.n. (NSW). curTIvATED: ex hort. K 
Se? (BM). 

Flowers which may be female have capitate and 2-lobed stigmas, ovaries 
about 2 mm. broad, and stamens about 4 mm. long with anthers only 0.5 mm. 
long and 0.3 mm. broad. Flowers which may be male have weakly capitate to 
truncate stigmas, ovaries about 1 mm. broad, and stamens about 6 mm. long wit 
anthers about 2 mm. long and 0.5 - 0.6 mm. broad. Intermediate forms occur 
with weakly capitate stigmas, and stamens 4 - 6 mm. long. 

Vernacular name: Rust-leaved Pittosporum. 

31. PrrrosPoRUM DALLI Cheesem. Man. N.Z. Fl. p. 1134. 1906. (T.: Dall 


Small trees 4 - 6 m. Se branchlets gray, the young parts brown and puberu- 
lent. Leaves alternate, lanceolate-elliptic to oblong-elliptic, rarely obovate, obtuse, 
acute Or acuminate at apex, acute to attenuate at base, coarsely serrate to entire, 
5 - 10 cm. long, 2 - 4 cm. broad, dark green above, paler beneath, glabrous, 
coriaceous, the margins thin, flat, and ciliolate when young, thickened, slightly 
revolute and glabrate when mature, costa raised above and beneath, the secondary 
veins 14 - 18 per side, anastomosing, distinct above and beneath; petioles sparsely 
puberulent when young, glabrate, 3 - 18 mm. long, 1 - 3 mm. broad. Flowers 
terminal, about 40, in condensed umbelliform cymes; peduncles subtended by an 
approximate whorl of leaves and by caducous glabrous ciliate bud scales 15 - 21 
mm. long; peduncles and pedicels 4-angular, up to 2 cm. long, accrescent in fruit, 
white-tomentose, each peduncle bearing 1 to many pedicels subtended by caducous, 
glabrous, linear bracts up to 1 cm. long. Sepals not imbricate, linear, 5 - 6 mm 
long, about 0.5 - 1 mm. broad, glabrous; petals obovate, obtuse, 8 - 9 mm. Lag 
3.0 - 3.5 mm. broad, free, spreading from the base, white with red veins; stamens 
7 - 8 mm. long, anthers elliptic-oblong, reflexed, 2 - 3 mm. long, up to 1 mm. 
broad. Pistil at anthesis longer than the stamens; ovary glabrous, about 3 mm 
long, 1 mm. broad; style about 2 mm. long; stigma truncate. Capsules ellipsoid, 

2-valved, about 15 mm. long, 9 mm. broad, green to black, glabrate; valves 
convex in transverse section, less than 1 mm. t ick, coriaceous, with a slightly 
thickened placenta bearing alternate flattened and peg-like funicles, up to 2 mm. 
long, from the base to near the apex, dividing longitudinally into a woody meso- 
carp, which is shed on dehiscense, and a persistent membranous endocarp covering 
a cone-shaped mass of viscid seeds; seeds about 25, dark red, somewhat trigonal. 


New ZEALAND: NELSON: mountains, near Collingwood, Dall s.m. (AK); same 
locality, 3500', Gibbs s.n. (A, AK, BM), 1854 (K). 

Eleven trees have been found at Specimen Creek and Snow's Valley, near 
Boulder Lake, northwest Nelson. Others are reputed to occur in the vicinity, but 
as the locality is isolated and difficult to visit, the size of the population is not 
known. I suspect from their appearance that the flowers of the material available 
are male and that female flowers have not been collected. 

Cheeseman!?% described the foliage as sharply and coarsely serrate from 
the flowering and fruiting specimens available to him ( Dall s.n., Gibbs s.n.). 
At Duncan & Davis Nursery, New Plymouth, cultivated plants have serrate 
leaves on the lowermost branches and as the lower cataphylls on new shoots. At 
the crown of the trees and at the apex of new shoots the leaves are entire. The 
species is cultivated as a rarity in New Zealand and England. 

Fig. 36. P. dallii and P. eugenioides. 

32. PrrTOsPORUM EUGENIowEs A. Cunn. in Ann. Nat. Hist. 4: 106. 1839. 

(T.: R. Cunningham s.n and 614 !). 

Pittosporum microcarpum Putterl. Syn. Pittosp. p. 15. 1839, ex char. (T.: A. Cunning- 

am s.n.). 

P ittosporum enkianthoides R. Cunn. & Hueg. in Putterl. loc. cit. p. 7- 1839, nom. nud. 
in : 

Pittosporum umbellatum A. Cunn. in Putterl. loc. cif. 1839, nom. nud. in synon. 

Pittosporum elegans Raoul, in Ann. Sci. Nat. III, 2:121. 1844. (T.: Raoul s.n. !). 

Trees 6 - 13 m. tall; branchlets brown, glabrous. Leaves alternate, fre- 
quently crowded at the tips of the branchlets, oblong-elliptic to elliptic, subacute 
to acute at apex and base, entire, occasionally notched at base in juveniles, 5 - 15 
cm. long, 2 - 4 cm. broad, glabrous, light green above, paler beneath, subcori- 
aceous, margins often undulate, the costa raised, the secondary veins 20 - 30 per 
side, anastomosing, obscure above, distinct beneath; petioles 0.8 - 1.8 cm. long, 1 - 
2 mm. broad, glabrous. Flowers terminal or sometimes becoming lateral on 
development of a leading shoot from an axillary bud, 30 - 70, in spreading um- 

lliform cymes; peduncles subtended by an a 
caducous, glabrous bud scales 1.0-1.7 cm. long; peduncles bearing branches 
which are again divided to bear 1- 8 pedicels, branches and pedicels subtended 

176 Man, N.Z. Fl. ed.2. p.496. 1925. 

[Vol. 43 

by caducous, glabrous, linear bracts about 1.5 mm. long; peduncles, branches, and 
pedicels sparsely tomentose, accrescent in fruit. Sepals not imbricate, lanceolate, 
1.5 - 3.0 mm. long, 0.5 - 1.0 mm. broad, glabrous; petals oblong, subacute to 
obtuse, 5 - 7 mm. long, 1.5 - 2.0 mm. broad, free, spreading from the base, yellow; 
stamens 3.0 - 5.5 mm. long; anthers sagittiform to elliptic-obovate, 1 - 2 mm. long, 
up to 1 mm. broad. Pistil at anthesis slightly shorter or longer than the stamens; 
ovary 1.5 - 3.0 mm. long, 1 - 2 mm. broad, tomentulose; style 1 - 3 mm. long; 
stigma capitate and obscurely 2-lobed or truncate. Capsules ellipsoid, 2-, rarely 
3-, valved, acuminate, 9 - 10 mm. long, 5 - 6 mm. broad, green to black, glabrate; 
valves convex in transverse section, less than 1 mm. thick, coriaceous, with a 
slightly thickened placenta bearing near the middle 2 - 4 flattened and peg-like 
funicles up to 1 mm. long, dividing longitudinally into a coriaceous mesocarp, 
which is shed on dehiscence, and a membranous endocarp covering the seeds; seeds 
1 - 8, reddish-black to black, irregular. 

Known from the North and South Islands of New Zealand. Flowers from 
August to November. 

New ZEALAND: NORTH AUCKLAND: Oruru, near Kaitaia, Matthews s.n. (AK); 
Kaitaia, Matthews s.n. (AK, MO); Onawero Bay, Wangaroa, R. Cunningham s.n., 614 
(K, as P. microcarpum R. Cunn.); in coastal forest remnants on Parua Bay Road, near 


Whangarei, Carse s.n. (AK) — aroa, em Kirk s.n. (AK); Hender- 
son, Cheeseman s.n. (AK, GH, US); Waitakere, Matthews s.m. (AK); same locality, 
Mackie s.n. ( ; Anawhata, Ke north of Piha, Mackie s.m. (AK) subtropical rain 
forest, Titirangi, Chapman s.n. (A); in second growth Agatbis australis KE forest, 
Huia, Manukau Harbour, Wood s.n. (AK). THAMES: Kennedy Bay, Matthews s.n. (AK, 
MO); Coromandel, Cheeseman s.n. (AK, BISH, GH, NSW); Table Mo eee Adams 
s.n. (AK); Kaueranga, Adams s.n. (AK). VOLCANIC PLATEAU: : ixed forest, 
Ohakune, MacDaniels p.599 (CU); Ruapehu, Attwood s.n. (AK); Ohakune River, 
Crompton s.n. A. WELLINGTON: York Bay, Meebold € (BISH). NELSON: 
Waimea woods, Monro 66 (K); Nelson, L. Travers s.n. (K); n Mountain, Mellor s.n. 

eee MO); Foxhill, "Kirk Ag (BM). CANTERBURY: presqu ea de v prie Raoul s.n. (GH, 
US); Akaroa, Raoul 83 (K); same locality, Belligny s.n. (GH); "Banks Peninsula, 
Së 296 (GH, US); Lyttelton Hills, <i 4745 (BISH). WESTLAND: cd en Flat, 
Grey City, R. H. [Helms] s.n. (BM, MO). oraco: Dunedin, Hector s.m. (K); near 
Dunedin, Thomson s.n. (AK); bush, Dunedin Belt, Watt s.n. (K); Mokopeka, Meebold 
5497 (BISH); in mixed forest, T dim Hills, Anderson 210 (A, F, K, MO, US). WITH- 
OUT LOCALITY: A. Cun 2D s.n. e U); Bidwill s.n. (E); Brown Hr qM 

Flowers which are probably female have 2-lobed capitate stigmas slightly 
exserted, plump ovaries about 3 mm. long, 1.5 - 2.0 mm. broad, and sagittiform 
anthers which appear to be abortive. Flowers which are probably male have 
truncate stigmas slightly below the stamens, slender ovaries 1.5 - 2.0 mm. long, 
about 1 mm. broad, and elliptic obovoid anthers which appear to be functional. 
Godley has informed me (personal communication) that the species is diocious. 

I am indebted to Mr. W. T. Stearn of the Bristish Museum of Natural History, 
London, for the following note on the priority of Cunningham's names over those 
of Putterlick. 


That part of Allan Cunningham's paper "Florae Insularum Novae Zelandiae pre- 
cursor" which deals with Pittos sr a was published in Annals of Natural äm 
Vol. 4, dated 1840, on the titlepage, vite Aloys Putterlick's eier bye 

arum (Vienna) is dated AR and hence would appear to have prio 
assumption J. do A. Franco in € x ` Broter Ao "s se (1951) m “replaced ge 
enerally accepted name Pittospora enioides by e microcarpum Putterl. 

This is not Ca only example of beans PB pore temas the two publications. 
Hence it has seemed dude able to bees mp "ut rei Lag eet Cunning- 
ham's paper (pages 106—111) was published i w. 

dated ‘October 1839' both on Ay wrapper and on S 45a D ndon * publication it was 


received by the Linnean Society LB 14 Jan. 1840; “this suggests that it may 
s end ds of the 

other Viennese 
source of information has been found. However, information abo ut Leem? pub- 
1 i ig, t l-org erman 
Thus the Fig Heit "x catalog of J. C. Hinr ichs IV ecidich. neuer 

ished une 

d December 1839. Mor recise evidence is give the weekly Allgemeine 

w publication. Even allowing as much as six weeks for the announcement of its 
Pinis to hs sent to Leipzig d Friederich Beck, Putterlick’s work would still be 

antedated b ningham's. No evidence has been found, despite extensive search, 
to Së Lë Putterlick's came um rlier. Hence it can be accepted as published 
at the same time, in which event Cunningham" es 0 be retained, h 

do y] Hooker T was the first to unite the species of Cunningham and 
Putterlick (cf. Int. Code . Nom. 1952, art. 67), Cunningham's pa u 
on oe 1839 can be accepted as having pron over Putterlick's Synopsis, 
takin ember 1839 as the date of issue for this ccordance with the only 

g N 
definite etii ribi. ` Both procedures confirm the arabllehed nomenclature. 

The type sheet at Kew bears three labels: 

1. "Pomaderris microcarpa, Wangaroa, N. Zeal'd. R. Cunningham.” 

2. “Pittosporum microcarpum. R.C. (non. Putt.). (P. eugenioides A.C. 
Mss.). I gave it the Baron with this name. fl. non. vid. at Onewero Bay, Wanga- 
roa, New Zealand, R. Cunningham. 1833. 

3. "Taken from Herb. A. Cunningham, No. 614. P. umbellatum Gaert. 
(Putt.). Pittosporum eugenioides A. Cunn. Fl. N. Z. 1-22. Ann. Nat. Hist. 
V. iv. p.106. New Zealand. R. Cunningham 1833." The sheet is cited as "R. 
Cunningham s.n. and 614" to identify it. Presumably "the Baron" is Baron von 
Huegel whose collectings of Pittosporum were described by Putterlick. 

Pittosporum eugenioides is commonly cultivated as a hedge-plant and orna- 
mental tree in the United States, southern England, France and New Zealand, and 
I have seen specimens from Portugal (Franco s.n. K). The plant distributed by 
C. E Baker of California as P. undulatum, “one of the most valuable species of 
the genus for garden and hedge planting” (Economic Plants of the World. No. 
119.) is P. eugenioides. (A, CU, MASS, MO, NSW). A form with meen 
leaves has been available in the trade for many years as var. variegata. 
man??? recorded that the abundant fragrant flowers were formerly used by de 


V Man, N.Z. Fl. ed.2. p.496. 1925. 

[Vol. 43 

Maoris who mixed them with fat and applied them to their bodies, and the essen- 
tial oil present might be suitable for the perfume trade. 

Vernacular names: Mapau, Tarata, Lemon Matipo, Lemonwood, Lemon Tree. 
Tarata is the name preferred by modern writers. 


Pittosporum cect Dom. in Bibl. Bot. 22: 713. 1925. I have not seen 
a specimen of this speci 

Pittosporum nanum m Hook. in Comp. Bot. Mag. 1: 275. 1835 — Mariantbus 
procumbens (Hook.) Benth. Fl. Austr. 1: 117. 1863. 

Pittosporum procumbens Hook. in Comp. Bot. Mag. 1: 275. 1835. = Mari- 
anthus procumbens (Hook.) Benth. Fl. Austr. 1: 117. 1863. 

Pittosporum parviflorum Putterl in Lehm. Pl. Preiss. 1: 189. 1844-5. I 
have not seen a specimen of this species but the drawings preserved at Vienna and 
generously lent by the Director of the Naturhistorisches Museum do not represent 
a species of Pittosporum. 


talicized numbers refer to the collectors’ numbers, s. n. (sine numero) to besseren 
collections parenthetical numerals indicate the sb of the species or subspecies 
the key. 

Adams, J. s.n. (7); s. m. ipit n. (12); — F. M. & Simmonds, J. H. zg 
s. n. 

(18); s.m. (2); - (23); 

(32). Beier y P s.n». (30 
Allan, H. H s.m. (8a); s.n. (16); s.m. Baker, E RN (10); s . n. (26). 

(22). Bancroft, T. L. s.n. (9); s. n. (25a); 5. f- 
Allison, K. s.n. 0); a t. (6); s. m. (22): SO .n. (30). 
Anderson, anks, J. & Solander, As C. s.m. (6); 5 
Anderson, A. W. Ü THES 210 (32). jte s. n. (12); s.n. (22); s. n. (30). 
Anderson, J. e£ al. 321 (26). Barnard, C. 109 24). 
Andrews, C. 37 (9). Basedow, H. 84, 112, 159, 171 (9). 
Archer, W. H. s. ». (10). Bate, M. 94 (26). 
Armstrong, J. fy f n audin, e k a (24). 
Aston, B. C. Seen s. n. (18 Bauer, F. s.7. 

Atkinson, C. L "v. 24); s.m. (26 Baylis, G. T. S. 22707 (3); s. n. (12). 
Atkinson, E. EAS HW OVI E Belales; RUD» : 
Attwood, J. E. s.n. (8a); s n. (8b); s 

= 11 5 
a9; s.m. dies ». A085 de. (22); e^. 
n. (23)3 s.n. (32). ee Dee E 
B pS. w.». (23). 

Backhouse, J. 669 (1); s.s. (26). d M 
Baeunton, = = (t0); > (24) 5 SM. SE 9). 

(26); s «tilo Beuzeville, W. A. a de. LI (10 
Bailey, F. M. 182 (9); s.m. (24); s. Bidwill, d G 98 (5); 96 (20); = 

I3, 20 (25a); s.m. (26); s. n. 25) (22); s 8 (24); 52 (29); 
s. n. (30). (32). 


Birch, GN: 
y 53 (4). 

——. 14982, 14996, 15242 (25a); 

s: fi. (10). 


5 3. (9) 

014 (30). 
Bligh, Wiles & Smith. 
n. (10 

S s. n. (24). 
Ss (2); SER. (9) 525.8 

iin L. ^ 2090, 2220 (252); s. n. (26); 

Brass, L $ & White, C. T. 44 (9); 279 

owl s. n. (26). 
Brown, F t & E. D. W. e? (32); 
Brown, R. 7 (9); 5448 (10); s 
M raid (24); s (26); s. n., 5449 (30 
wne, J. S. (9 
SCH án, Fe? 

Wa T s. n. (15). 
Buddle, G. A. pe (3); 27204 (22). 
Bullock, P:S. 3m O 
Burbidge, N. T; 1962 (9); 3280, 3359 (10). 

Calaby, Sa (9 

Caley, G. s.m. (10); s.m. (24); 5.” 

Cambage, R. H. 3573, 4404 (9); 3821 

Ca rafeld, LN s.m. (24); s. n. (26). 
Campbell, W. D. s.n. (9). 
rey, —. e». 
Carne & Hudson. 
e Fi. E ($2); "Si (8b); s 
(12); s. m. (32). 
Carse, H. & Matthews, H. B. s.n. (21). 

Cecil, Lady. 2109 (10 
Chapman; V. f LM (4); s. n. (32). 
Cheel, E. s. s. (24). 

Cheeseman, T. F. s.s. (3); s.n. (4); 5 
(5): s (63: Ss ae s. n. (82); 
sa (8b); s.m. (12); s (13); sn 
(142); s.m. (14 (15); s.m. 
(19); s (20); s Wie S-n., I2 
(23); s. n. (32). 

erus M. S. s.n. (24); s.m. 43747 

Clinton, S. F. s.m. (10). 

Cocks & E (18); 8551 (20); 
421 (22); 6419 (23 

Colclough, ^ iy 5 $ 

Colenso, W. s.m. (5); 206, 344 (6); $- Ms 


mber, H. F. 1550; 1833 (10). 

Conservator of Forest. s.n. 
Mo: ( 

Constable, E 
ookson, I. s. n. (10). 
Cooper, 6006, 36014 (8a); 24448, 

C. oí 
ut 35960 (1 p 36009 CAM ; 24318 

Cranwell, n. (6); 
$. fi. (2); 5. fi. wir 

Crawford, G. A. s.m. ai 

Crocker, R. L. s. 5. (9). 

Crompton, W. s.n. (32). 

Cunningham, A. s.n., 26, p e s. = 
II, O15 (8a); s. n., 30, 3 

143 (9); 33 (10); AL CH dg 
618 (14a); s. n., ÓI, 616 (22); d 246, 

Curtis, W. M. 
Daemel, E. s.n. (30). 
Daintree, . n. (24). 

Dall, J. s. ». (31). 
s.n. (24); s. m. (25b); s.m. 

(27)55. ". 3 
D'Alton, St. E. 31 (9). 
I son, 8 (24) 

I5 : 
e, H. s.n. (9); s. n. (10). 
SE E. s.n. (8b). 
$. H. (24) 5 Fed i 1299 (30). 

Dietrich, A. 

Doggrell, R. H. A.5 

Dovey, L. G. 55 Pun 140, 153, IOIO 

Down OHNE s. n. (4). 

Downing, R. Ehe 

Drummond, la n., 31, 57, 76 (9 ). 

Dunn, W. 129 Gei 136 (29). 

Dwyer, J. s.n. 

Eaton, H. G. s.n. (24) 
aves, SCH, eie 

Edgerly, . s.m (14a). 

Edwards, E 2 m. (9); 5 10). 

Everist, S. E ' 786, 3307 (9): pee (29). 

Father, OR. (26). 

Fawcett, H. C. s.n. (24) 

Fenby, R. C. s.n. (24). 

Field, H. C. s.m. (4). 

Filtzalan, E. s. n., 77 (25a). 


i hae oF e n. (9). 

Ford, "N. E EX - Q0); s. n. (26). 

Forest Officer. 20 ier 

xO 35.1. A En 

Fraser, R 

Fraser, C. (9) s. Mss kg IIe (24). 

Fraser, L. be Vickery, y: (24): 5. m. 

French, C Kë 

French, C., Jr. sn (9); s. m. (10) 

Froggatt, W. s Ké 

Fullager, J. s.s. (2). 

Fuller, R. H s. 2. (29). 

€ F G k*-$);s5x:(10)) 65». 

Gibbs Gë 6393 (10); 1296 (23). 
Gilbert, e? 
Godley, E. 2 ` 24963 

, D. A. & Smith, ` ^ 142 (24). 
Gray, Oo 3» UD, 

n, W.H 
Gregory Expedition. s.n. (9). 
Gregson, I. s. 24 
Griffiths, H. L. s.n. 
Guilfoyle, W.R. Wa (24) s s. 

Gunn, R. C. 5», 154 eer 650, 
651, 651/1842 (10). 

Haast, J. 69 (8 
Hadle ey, H. $ we b (9); s. n. (24). 
Seni 1591 

n. (6). 

+. s.n. (24). 
H (27); 366 (30). 
ëch? S.G. s.m. (10). 

176 (5 

6 (7); s.n. 
n. infia ia s 

pe ie 6 rt 

Hectic; $ & Buchanan, J. 22 (8b). 
Hedley, C. 13 (30). 

Hedley, C 

[Vol. 43 


Holding, ios 82): 

Holt, È 5 

Hooker, J. D. 842, 844 (10); 350, 351 
(12); 191, 352 (14a); s. n. (22). 

Hort. Kew. s.n». (24); s. n. (30). 

-n. (9). 
Hubbard, C. E. 5024, 5572 (9); 3701, 
Hm 4278, 4466, 4815 (24); 5225 


ynes, P. 

eweli, —. 

66 (8b). 
26567 ir s. n. (12); 26568 


Jackson LS £9). 

Tenis. T. Eo (23). 

Jeban, LAS LM Ki s.n. (24); 
. (25a) ; s. n., 106 (26 

perg La AS & Conable: E.F £% 

ae He (IR). 

enny, 24); 
erry, s. f. gt 

Kershaw, J. A. s.n. (9) 
eys, LL 29). 

ripe. e $: n: m 

King, >=" n. (2); s. n. (10). 
Kirk, T. s.n., SC 623 (4); s. n., 25, 110, 
123 (5); s.m, Ó56 (6); s. m., "86, 167, 
194, 518 (7); 54, 83,85, s. n. (8a); 54 
564, s.n. (8b); s. n., 6, 12); S. n., 
4^ 88, cado 521 dex S. N., BU 515, 538; 

(14a); s. (15); ,7 (20); 5S. ts 
130, 136 (22); $. f, e 362 s.n. 

Koch, M. 7, 2983 (9). 

La Bien A H H 1.9 (10). 
` Laing, R. M ` 05); s.n. (19); s. 

Gourlay, H. W. s”. 

Lawren e n. (10 

Tea tf, 3. L5» 6 s. n. (30) 

Le Gra nat 

i ern ,& Carse, H. s. n. (4) 
nault, coh m. (9). 

ec FE dw eu kx. (25), 


s: Be m (91 
Lloyd, R. C. & ANH J. 36309, 36310 

Long, F. H. 355, 375, 1008 (10). 
Longman, H. A. s.n. (9); s. n. (24). 



Longman, H. A. & White, C. T. s.n. 
(24); s. n. (26). 

Lord, E. E. ta (9); s. n. (10). 

Lothian, N. sn. (9); s. n. (10). 

Lowe, H. r4 (24 

Lucas, ——. s.m. Qo; $5, (25a). 

Lyall, ——. s.n. (8b). 

Lyne, £f. is 

MacArthur, W. s.n. A iim 6 (26). 

MacDaniels, L. H. . (8a); 1225 (8b); 

MacGillivray, J. I, 105 (30). 
s. n. 

Mackie, N (42); 5,16, (22); tet 
2415.58 ui 

Maclean, n. (29 

MacMahon, J 205 (83); 35 (19); $. f. 
(20); s. n. (22 

Maiden, J. H E 3991 (10); s 
(24): GG 7 Q9: Rs (2 

"oen J.H. & rman, e) L cA dji 

Maiden, rf H. & Cambage, R. H. s.n. 

TA TEE oe 

Matthews, H. B. 1822, s.n. (5); s 
(2); SR (01: 5. e MEE I (8b); s. s.n. 

. (14a); s. n., 1855 

5.8, (13) ta: n. (16) r.a. (17). 
Matthews, H. B., Leroy, E. & Carse, H. 
s. n. (4). 
Matthews, H. B. . pap D. 
Matthews, H. J. (8b). 
Matthews, R. H. s.n. en s.n. SEN 
Matthews, R. H. & Carse, H. s.n. (143); 
sn. (17). 
McComish, J. D. 136, 136« (2). 
McKenzie, C. s.n. (29) 

s, n. (19); 

McWilliams, .- Sci. (26). 
Meebold, A. 5389 m ; perta 18280, 
4823, 5 4730, 5410, 

5564 (6); 4096, 
5845, 18277, 18282, 18283 (8a); 4442; 
18276 (n 5289 (22); 4745, 5497» 
Mellor, T. M 27212 v s. n. (32). 
Menzel, O. E 
Merrah, E. s.n. (10). 
Michael, N. 9, 30, E (25a); 973, 2024 
(29) ; s. n., 1484 (3 
Michie, R. H. dn SC 

Milligan, E : n. (10). 
' Mitchell, s. n., 228, 229, 273, (9)- 

Molesworth, B. 23320 (5); s.m. 

(7); s. n. a»: AC (13). 
Monro, D 
Moore, C ed 23 (2); jud (24); s. 5 
(26); s 29). 
yer L. B. & Cranwell, L. M. s.n. 0 
(6); s.m. (8a); s." (8b); s. 
(12) s.n. (16)3 s. m. (18); s. m. eg 
n. (22); s; m. (23). 
00 pe, Spencer, e (9). 
Moran, R. 2 
orris, A. s.m. SCH 1441, (10). 
orrison, A. T aie 14338 (9). 
Morrison, EN 39 (20). 
Mould iG. We 26). 
Mueller, F. s.n. (1 , 16 

); s.n. (5); 
(9); s.n., ILIQ (10);1 Ew QA ^ n. 
(26); s. n. (28); s. m. (29); s.m. (30). 
Murphy, 9 (26). 

eal, M. C. ro (8a). 
SE J. 35 (är 34 (29). 
Oldfield, A. s.n. (9). 
Oliver, W. R. B. s. n. (6). 
Olsen, IO (5); E (12) 
Olsen, A. M. s.n. (10 

Osborne, ——. s.n. (5). 
O'Shanesy, P. A. 87/9 (29); 1824 (30). 
A. s " ). 

n 95. (1); s. 9. (10). 

RS. (093 6417 (5); 6418 (7); 
(8a); Era i R 4/4 (8b); s.n. 
SCH s.n. (18); s. m. (20); s”. C22); 
Petrie b. E Matthews, H. B. s.n. (8b); 
eue; Y. En 120 (24). 
Powell, H. 26437 (142). 
Preis, L. 1297 (9). 
Prime, H. s. ii (24). 

. n. (10). 
Rodway, F. A. 871 , 875, 912, 1204, 1954 
(24); 361, Sap, 874,1 1690 (26). 
od L: kw (10): 

R. . Inst. Hort. 
Rupp, H. MR 5. #. "Qu y er, 


Sainsbury, G. O. K. s. »., 164, 622, 623, 

624, 708, 709, 710, 711 (6); s.n. (1 
s. n. (20); 15 (22). 

St. John, P. R. H ve (25). 

Sayer, W. s.n. (10); s.n., 186 (25a); 

Schneider, s £950) s: 

Schomburgk, s. n. (9) ; s. n. (26) 
chultz, 26, 758 (28) 

Searcy, —— (9) 

Shakespeare, 25 

Shirley, J. s.n. (26); s. n. (29) 

ieber, F. W. 2, 26). 

Siemssen, T. s.n. SE 97 (26). 

Simmonds, v (24); s.m. (26); 
Ed M. 

Simon, M. H. 37 (29) 

Simpson, A. s.n. (10). 

5 (5); 5. 8. TEE E 5 


Sledge, V. A. 266 (8b); 74 (22). 
mith, C. s.n. 

ict L. S. & Webb, E J. 3612 (29). 

Staer, J. s. n. (10). 

Steel, T. s $ 

Steenbohm, L. s.n. (24) 

Stirling, J. sn (10). 
uart s.n. (10); s.m. (24); s.m. 

Sturt, n. (9). 

Swain, E. H. S. s.n. (26). 

Tanner, H. 8 (24); $. n. (29). 

Taylor, T. W. s. 2. (9). 

Thon. E. 16 (9 

Thomson, G. M. s.n. (32) 

Thozet, A. s.n. (29) 

Toogood, B. 9 GEI 

Ko ez Ké (6); 669, 670 (8a); 

- (18); 7s (19). 
Tieren: L 


n (3 
Travers, W. T. E n. (8b); SC (18). 

[Vol. 43 


Turbott, E.G. 23023 e n. (12). 
Turbott, E. G. & Bell, L. C. 22925 (3). 
159, 816 (8b); s.n. (12); 
(16); 156, s.t. (18); Ej TOR 
804 (22); 793 (23). 

Turner, E 

Vachell, F. H. s.n 
er — 

1961 (10); 46, 44P, 406 

Vickers; E ose (9): S (24). 

Walker, E. H. 4316 (8b); 5364 (12); 

Wall, A. s.m. (19). 

Walter, C. ee (9); 5.8. (1077 MB 

Waterhouse, F. s.n. (9) 
att, M. ) 

Watts; Wo. W: s.m. (29). 
eber, (26). 

Weindorfer, G. s.n. (10) 

Whaite, T. H. 695 (24). 

Whetter, : o (12) 

White, C. A. s.m. (9). 

White, C. T. va 9032 (9); 6406 (10); 

pines (11); 1370, s.n., 11474 (24); 
1255, 10618 (25a); 3570, 6179, 9026, 
s. n. (26); 8142, 8974 (27); s. n., 1146, 
1903, 6045, 9522, 12507 (29); 10560, 
12216 (30). 
White, C. T. & Brass, L. J. 227 (252). 
Wien s.n. (5); s. n. (8a); s.m. (9) 
; $. ft. (14a) ; s. n. (22); 5% 

(2 6). 
Williams, G. T. 
Williamson, H. B. s.n. (9). 

27210 (4); s" (82); 4 

s. n. (4). 

Wood, K. 

(22): $056 (23) A OX. 
Woolls, W. s.m. (9). 
Young, J. E. s. #. (29) 

Zotov, V. D. s.n. (86). 




Italicized words are aboriginal (Australian) or Maori (New Zealand) ; numerals refer 

to the species or subspecies 

Apricot Tree, 9 

KEE leaved roo. 22 

e, 9 
e chef Laurel, 29 
n's Blood Pittosporum, 10 

Engraver's Wood, 26 
Genoa Pittosporum, 24 
Haekaro, 12 
Karo, 5 
Kirk's Pittosporum, 23 

obubu, 8a 
Lemon Matipo, 32 
Lemon Tree, 32 
Lemonwood, 32 
Locket Bush, 9 
Lord dus Island's Hedge Laurel, 2 

number recognized in this thesis. 

Mountain pa 8b 

New South Wales Mock OH. 26 
Poison-berry Tree, 9 
Quinine Tree, 9 
Rhombus- leaved ege Laurel, 29 

rg Wood, 1 

wild Yellow Jasmine, 24 
Lei Brisbane Laurel, 24 


combinations are in bold face type; synonyms are in italics, and previously 

published Geet accepted names are in ordinary 

Marianthus procumbens e 182 
Pittosboroides — cs 121 
umbellata p P yd 
meea Dor RI 
acioi as E OU 
angustifolium A rn AA 
alum o EDO 

bi ee EE _.. 144 
BIVALVAE des ih n 1 
bidwillian E ER 
Beggen Ee EE 
these a MN 
collicarpen ii 10% 
colensoi do PE 
var. fasciculatum -.——————— 135 
cornifolam o EE LT 

crassifolium EE Y dí 
var. uod oe qeu 
var. $ a A ss MAS 
ar. "variegatum" .— — —— — 130 
crassifolium | ——————— 130 
renulat A DI 
allii — rs f dept uique 27 8 
iscolor — EE MM 
divaricat PR A e d 
eege — e 133 
elegans |  ———— ——————————— i? 
elliptic SE ee EE 
ssp. ellipticum — ————————— 125 
var. "` LL M 125 
ssp. ovatum .————————7— 127 
var. ovatum een 127 



ligustrifolium ` — 






. “Silver Queen” 

wire itane 

var. kaitaiaensis 

var. gilliesianum 
ssp. major 

var. major 

ssp. pimeleoides 

var. reflexum 


Trichilia monopbylla _. 

[Vol. 43 


rocumbens —- 

var. jomenioniss - o A 
rhombifolium Adel n 

var. E EE E 
A A 
te 4 a sc iN Sabre 
Seit Gen EE x 
var. cordabim . — ——— ee 

waiforem LLL ee 

Venulosum Loa ee uud 
Werticilata. s S s sss SD 
var. crataegifolia 
var. seratum 
var. nnuadlum = ————————— 
viride _ Eua sats 
derris microcarpa een 

A aa 


Formerly Associate Curator of tbe Museum, Missouri Botanical Garden 

Beans, corn, and squash were the basic cultivated plants of pre-Columbian 
North America. There is no monograph on prehistoric beans, and the history of 
their distribution and a description of their variations have not been published. 
Although prehistoric collections are few as compared with those of corn, a study 
of available material can contribute significantly to the history of agriculture in 
North America. 

Apart from horticultural, agricultural, and other practices which create or 
modify ecological conditions so that domesticated plants and weeds might survive, 
man exercises conscious and unconscious varietal selection. Patterns of selection 
are set by culture-based criteria, and attitudes towards plants and selections are 
made within the limits of plants available and primary factors such as geography 
and climate. 

The roles of plant geography, ecology, and of human culture in shaping the 
species composition and distribution of beans are taken up in the first part of this 
paper. The factors which determine the kinds of plant materials available for this 
sort of study are also discussed. Descriptions of the materials and their distributions 
in the Southwest are subsequently given, with discussions of the part they play in 
the history of cultivation and variation in beans. 

Acknowledgments:—The author wishes to express his gratitude to the Chicago 
Natural History Museum and the Missouri Botanical Garden for the use of their 
research facilities, and to Dr. Hugh C. Cutler, Associate Director of the Missouri 
Botanical Garden, who proposed this study and contributed many useful sug- 
gestions. "Travel in the Southwest was made possible by Dr. Cutler and the 
University of Chicago where the author was enrolled as a graduate student. 
Grants from the University of Chicago and the Chicago Natural History Museum 
aided field work in Mexico. This study could not have been completed without 
the cooperation of the institutions (listed in the explanation of Table VII) which 
made their collections available. 


For purposes of this study beans are defined as the seeds of cultivated plants 
belonging to the genus Phaseolus. Bentham (1841) placed this genus with other 
trifoliolate genera in the papilionaceous tribe, PHASEOLINAE, sub-tribe EUPHASE- 
OLEAE, but separated it from other genera of the sub-tribe by the coiled keel 
characteristic of Phaseolus flowers. 

* An at the Wope? wi Chicago, pena Natural History Museum 
and the Missouri Botanical Garden, and submitted as a thesis in partial fulfillment of the require 
TOn for the degree of Doctor of Tlaky in = ae t of B ës University of Chicag 

** Department of Botany, University of Chica (189) 

investigation carried out 

[Vol. 43 

The genus Phaseolus contains approximately 180 species (Ditmer e£ al., 1937) 
distributed throughout the tropics and warm temperate regions of the World 
(Bailey, 1949). Distinctions between the Old and New World cultivated species 
are several, indicating long separation and independent evolution as cultigens 

(See Table I). 


Old World New World Authority 
Flower color Usually yellow Red, rose, violet, white | Bailey, 1949, 
(may be yellow-tinged) | Piper, 1926 
Seed size Small Large (teparies small) 
Testa pattern Little variation Highly varied 
s Narrow r : Hedrick, 1931 
Flower morphology Left keel petal with | Left keel petal without | Piper, 1926 
horn-like process | horn-like process 
Growth habit Annual Annual or perennial Piper, 1926 
Cercospora cruent Susceptible Resistant Piper, 1926 
Gloeosporium lindemutbianum| Resistant Susceptible 

Another distinguishing character which might be added is the geographical 
distribution of species included in the genus. According to Ditmer (Ditmer ef al., 
1937) 126 species of Phaseolus occur in the Americas; 54 are natives of South 
Asia and East Africa; only two species are indigenous to Australia, and but one 
assigned to Europe. 

As a result of the facile development of cool-temperature ecotypes and their 
acceptability as food, the range of the cultivated beans of the New World has been 
extended to the regions of Asia and Europe for which the Asiatic species have 
proven too thermophilic (Ditmer eż al., 1937). Photoperiodic adaptability (Allard 
and Zaumeyer, 1944) has apparently also contributed to the wide latitudes avail- 
able to cultivation of the New World types. The Asiatic species, on the other 
hand, have not proved as successful for dry edible beans in the Americas as the 
highly productive and familiar common and lima beans. The mung bean, Phase- 
olus aureus, used in the sprouted form in oriental cookery, is the only Old World 
bean to have been grown in quantity in the United States. These beans were 
cultivated in Oklahoma to supply domestic needs for sprouting beans during the 
1940's when Asiatic supplies were cut off. 

Phaseolus vulgaris, the common garden bean, or kidney bean of Anglo-America, 
is frequently confused with the "cow pea” or “black-eyed bean," Vigna sinensis 
of Asiatic origin, which also provides green immature pods and dry seeds used for 
human food. The snap beans, both green and wax-podded, and field beans also 


may usually be referred to P. vulgaris. In Mexico they are known as the frijol, in 
Colombia as the frisol, the names of Spanish origin having largely replaced the 
indigenous terms in these countries and elsewhere in Latin America. The numerous 
Spanish or English horticultural varieties are usually multinominal and are based 
upon seed characters such as color, color pattern, shape, supposed derivation of 
original seed (as Mexican Red, Hidatsa Red), use (as Navy Bean), productivity, 
growth habit, precocity, and the like. 


The cultivated beans which were domesticated in the New World are repre- 
sented by four species. A brief history of their origins is given below. 

Phaseolus vulgaris L. (Sp. Pl. 723. 1753), Kidney or Common Bean: This 
highly variable species was considered by Linnaeus to be Asiatic in origin. De 
Candolle (1886) was convinced that the common beans are native to the New World 
but, because he was uncertain of the validity of archaeological evidence, placed 
them among plants of doubtful origin. The use of archaeological material in the 
demonstration of the New World origin of common beans is indicated below. 
Ivanov, according to Bukasov (1930), assigned the common beans to the Mexican- 
Guatemalan highlands region on the basis of varietal diversity. 

McBryde (1945) and Burkart (1943) reported Phaseolus species which they 
considered were non-domesticated forms of the cultivated common bean. Collec- 
tions of similar kinds from the Mexican plateau and Guatemala also exist, the 
descriptions of which have not as yet been published. The only such material 
Which has been investigated experimentally is that of Burkart and Brücher (1953). 
They found beans from Honduras and Argentina to be sexually compatible with 
cultivated varieties of P. vulgaris, but not with those of P. coccineus or P. lunatus. 
The floral characters were similar to those of P. vulgaris. The Argentinian collec- 
tions were from uninhabited (at the present time) high mountain valleys and 
were not thought to be escaped forms. The chromosome number in root tips of 
both the Central and South American material was 22, as in other members of 
the tribe. Burkart proposed the following nomenclature for Phaseolus vulgaris as 
now underst 

P. vulgaris L. sensu amplissimo 
P. vulgaris subsp. aborigineus Burkart 
P. vulgaris subsp. cultigenus Burkart (all cultivated varieties) 
It would seem likely that a number of the so-called "wild P. vulgaris” types might 
have had an influence on what are known as the cultivated common beans by way 
of hybridization. 

There is little doubt that the common beans were domesticated in the New 
World from a form or forms not yet specifically known, and it is probable that 
the highlands of Mexico and Central America which show the greatest diversity 
of cultivated forms (Ditmer et al., 1937) were the center from which domesti- 

; [Vol. 43 

cated varieties spread first throughout agricultural Indian-America, and later to 
the other continents. 

Phaseolus lunatus L. (Sp. PI. 724. 1753), Lima Bean:—Ames (1939) cited 
Bentham as having referred the origin of the lima bean to Brazil but stated that 
it is not known there in the wild state. Mackie (1943) concluded that Guatemala, 
as the center of varietal diversity and the region from which a wild bean (con- 
sidered by him to be P. lunatus) has been collected, is the place in which lima beans 
were first domesticated. 

Phaseolus coccineus L. (Sp. Pl. 724. 1753), Runner Bean or Scarlet Runner 
Bean:—Runner beans are not definitely known from any reliably dated archae- 
ological site of pre-Hispanic America. The scarlet runners which have been found 
in the Southwest are cultivated on a small scale by the Hopi or have been found 
in caves and reported as viable. Whiting (1950) made reference to the oral 
traditions concerning these supposedly ancient beans; when planted, they were 
supposed to have sprouted and produced crops of the edible dry seeds. The author 
has heard from individuals in the Southwest that progeny of seeds taken from old 
cave habitations are of the large white type (R 1, Tables IV and V) and are said, 
when cooked, “to taste like mashed potatoes.” It is more than probable that the 
limits of duration of viability would preclude any considerable age being assigned 
to these collections. 

The reports of Ivanov (Bukasov, 1930) and of Ditmer (1937) of distribution 
of P. coccineus limited to southern Mexico and Guatemala, and other reports (cit 
below) of the occurrence of P. coccineus as a weed in fields of cultivated common 
beans in the same region indicate that this region is a center of domestication for 
this species. 

Phaseolus acutifolius A. Gray (Pl. Wright. 1:43. 1852), Tepary Bean:—The 
cultivated forms of this species, described as P. acutifolius var. latifolius (Freeman, 
1912), are known mainly from two centers: one is that of the Indian populations 
of southern Arizona (Freeman, op. cit.); the other, found by Russian botanists, is 
the Pacific Coast of Chiapas in southern Mexico (Bukasov, of. cit.). Although 
Freeman proposed the Sonoran Desert region as the probable center of domestica- 
tion of the tepary bean, Bukasov stated only that Mexico is the center of origin. 
The question of origin of the tepary bean will be discussed again in this paper. 

The greatest diversity among the cultivated beans was found by Russian in- 
vestigators (Bukasov, op. cit., p. 510) in southern Mexico and Guatemala. They 
thought that the highlands of these regions saw the earliest domestication among 
the Maya, with subsequent adoption by lowland peoples, along with corn and other 
cultigens. Bukasov, according to Ditmer (1937), maintained that contact be- 
tween Mexico and Peru did not come until a relatively late date and that on the 
arid coast of Peru a second center of origin for large-seeded, cultivated P. vulgaris 
was established. Prehistoric common beans of the Ica valley (Table VII, collec- 



tion numbers 225-231) are larger than those found in archaeological sites of other, 
non-Peruvian cultures; but so are the lima beans, and Cuzco maize (collections of 
Hugh C. Cutler) is larger-kerneled than any other race. It would seem at least 
possible that ancient Peruvians had a predilection for large-seeded crops and, 
through selection, developed large-seededness to the extent of the genetic poten- 
tiality of each variety. 

Wild species of Phaseolus are abundant throughout the warmer regions of the 
Americas, especially North America (Piper, 1926). Coincident with this distri- 
bution may be found not only the greatest number of forms of the common bean, 
but also the ranges of species which have likely had influence in building the 
polymorphic character of P. vulgaris. 

Bukasov (1930) and others reported the common occurrence of Phaseolus 
coccineus as a tolerated, useful weed in plantings of the common bean in Chiapas 
—a situation which may be expected to persist in Guatemala. This species, 
although observed by the author while in Mexico in 1954 in abundance in the 
markets of towns situated at higher elevations in Chiapas, is not seen in the lowland 
tierra caliente, The “tropical black complex,” indicated by Freytag (unpublished 
thesis) to be the source of variability of the common bean in Central America, 
certainly extends its influence at least into the tropical lowlands of Mexico. In 
other regions of ancient bean cultivation, such as the arid Southwest, other hybrid- 
izing species probably have had little influence on the common bean because of 
the low rate of outbreeding in P. vulgaris under arid conditions. 

For a review of the systematics and synonymy of the cultivated beans, as well 
as their recorded history and appearance in the herbals, the reader is referred to 
Van Eseltine's discussion in “The Vegetables of New York” (Hedrick, 1931, pp. 
3-16) and to Burkart’s (1943) diagrams of seed types of all cultivated bean 


Although of importance to the present problem, the precise geographical and 
ethnic limits of the Southwest region are not easily determined. The question of 
how to define the Southwest, whether in terms of distribution of subsistence 
patterns, geography, ecology, or other criteria remains a matter for open discussion 
among anthropologists and other specialists. This is evidenced by Kirchhoff's 
recent paper (1954) and the comments of Kroeber, Beals, and Sauer. Kirchhoff 
considers the '* . . . Greater Southwest areally to include Central, Southern and Baja 
California, the Great Basin, Arizona, New Mexico, Southern Coastal Texas and 
Northern Mexico south to the Sinaloa and Panuco rivers.” Ecologically and 
culturally he distinguishes arid America with a gathering population from coexist- 
ing Oasis America and farming peoples. 

The difficulties in presenting a definitive boundary scheme for this region are 
discussed by C. Sauer following Kirchhoff's article. He reviews the vast areas of 
the Greater Southwest for which the archaeological record remains virtually un- 
examined and for which there is still little information on migrations of peoples, 

[Vol. 43 

diffusions of agricultural techniques and crops, and cultural data, including 
descriptive and analytic linguistic materials. He suggests that Kirchhoff's classi- 
fication is essentially an ecological one, based upon geographic considerations, and 
that only more information will enable classification in cultural terms and reveal 
the relationships underlying the culture history of the region. 

For purposes of this paper, the Southwest region includes the present states of 
Arizona and New Mexico, and parts of Utah, Colorado, Texas, Nevada, California, 
and northern Mexico. 


Geology and archaeology give evidence of the presence of non-sedentary human 
cultures in the Southwest at least 15,000 years ago. Some time before 300 B.C. 
differentiations appear in the archaeological record which show that these hunting 
and gathering peoples had begun to develop along somewhat divergent cultural 

In southern Arizona, the most arid portion of the Southwest, the prehistoric 
cultural development has been termed the "Hohokam." It is not clear at what 
time agriculture became established in this region, nor is it known whether it was 
preceded or followed by pottery. However, agriculture was well established by 
300 B. C., and irrigation reached a high development among the Hohokam. The 
contemporary Pima and Papago tribes live in the area once inhabited by the 

Peoples living to the east and northeast of the Hohokam, in what is now New 
Mexico, have been called the “Mogollon,” and their region included the best- 
watered and most mountainous sections of the Southwest. Corn and squash culti- 
vation was established among the Mogollon as early as 2,000 B. C., and pottery 
did not appear until considerably later. The Indians now occupying the Mogollon 
area are of the Apache group. 

In northern Arizona and the Four-Corners region of Arizona, Colorado, New 
Mexico, and Utah emerged the “Anasazi” culture. The Anasazi of pre-pottery 
times have been called the “Basketmakers,” and their successors, who made 
pottery, have had their culture history divided into four "Pueblo" periods. Pottery 
came to the Anasazi later than to the other groups; corn and squash agriculture 
were pre-ceramic among the Basketmakers and appear not to have been derived 
directly from the Mogollon or Hohokam. The Hopi, the Zuni, and Rio Grande 
Pueblos continue the Anasazi Pueblo tradition. The Navajo, who, like the related 
Apaches, were late arrivals to the Southwest, also occupy much of the Anasazi area. 

Entering the Pueblo Southwest in the 16th century, the Spaniards found a few 
concentrations of farming peoples inhabiting a large area which formerly supported 
a more disperse population. These concentrations probably began with the droughts 
of the 13th century and the destruction of agricultural land as a result of arroyo 
cutting when more reliable water sources, such as those of the seeps and springs of 
the Hopi mesas, were sought. Religious and political domination by the Spaniards 


brought about rebellions and migrations of refugees which augmented the normal 
contact among native peoples and certainly led to the introduction and exchange 
of crop varieties. 

Contemporary Southwest Indian peoples, who are to varying degrees the heirs 
and continuers of the cultures of pre-Hispanic and pre-Anglo-American times, 
continue the cultivation of many ancient crops in addition to relatively recent ones. 

Use and Preparation of Beans:—It has been pointed out that, with the possible 
exception of the tepary, the centers of origin of American beans must be sought 
outside the area of prehistoric occupation with which this paper is concerned. It 
follows that beans entered this region as cultigens by diffusion and with the plants 
came modes of use and cultivation. i 

Carter has observed (1945) that boiling of dry beans without preliminary 
soaking is the common practice among native southwestern peoples in modern 
times. This practice has been similarly observed in many parts of Mexico by the 
author and is probably a very early form of preparation. Laborious preparation 
of foods is common in modern non-industrialized societies; witness the stone- 
grinding of corn in tortilla-making and the grating and leaching of mandioca. 
But these are basic starch crops. Were beans important or favored enough to 
warrant the protracted stone-boiling in woven baskets and high fuel consumption 
necessary in pre-pottery times? 

Carter (1945, p. 75) thought it likely that, if bean culture did begin in pre- 
pottery times, the use was probably as a green vegetable. It is worth while here 
to consider the possible uses of beans by prehistoric Indian groups. 

The green pods of common beans have been used among native peoples of 
Indian America; in Mexico they are called ejote, a word of Nahuatl origin (Santa- 
maria, 1942). Pod beans as used by ancient Americans, however, were certainly 
not like the string or snap bean of today. The earliest string beans of low fiber 

century (Hedrick, 1931). No stringless bean is known to have been contributed 
by Indian agriculture. 

The use of the immature fruits of the common bean is described by Waugh 
(1906) for the Iroquois of Canada, in which the boiled pods were chewed and the 
fibrous remains ejected. That this pattern of consumption, or one like it, might 
have been expected among the southwestern peoples is evident from the finds o 
masticated vegetable fiber masses in many archaeological sites of the region. Most 
of these so-called quids have been described as agave or mescal quids, but for the 
most part they have been reported by persons unfamiliar with the identification 
of fragmentary plant remains. However, remains of this type have been exam- 
ined by Cutler (Martin e£ al., 1952) for Tularosa Cave and by Kaplan (unpub- 
lished) for Cordova Cave, two Mogollon sites with pre-pottery remains, and in 
Tularosa Cave, with beans associated with the pre-pottery remains. Only one of 
the hundreds of fibrous wads proved to have been a bean pod. There is no reason 

[Vol. 43 

to believe that masticated indigestible fibers from bean pods would not have been 
expectorated on the cave floor as were the wads of agave, yucca, cactus stems, and 
certain unidentified fruits, probably asclepiads. The conclusion that bean pods in 
the early levels of these sites were not extensively used is inescapable. The possi- 
bility of removal of the "strings" before cooking, however, cannot be excluded. 
Shelling and cooking of immature seeds would not be more difficult than the 
preparation gf the immature pods in a pre-pottery technology. 

That peoples of Indian America relied upon beans rather than animal. foods as 
a source of protein is well known. Linton (1940) discussed the role of a balanced 
diet in culture history and pointed out that in Indian America starch and protein 
crops (beans) have been used, in contrast to other parts of the world where starch 
crops and animal food, or other kinds of legumes, have provided the balance. D. B. 
Jones e£ al. (1938) indicated the complementary nature of bean and corn amino 
acids in providing dietary protein needs. 

The adequacy of beans as a protein source depends ultimately upon their 
utilization and preparation. The protein value of immature beans as given by 
Chatfield and Adams (1940) is highest for (almost mature) green-shell lima 
beans, 7.5 per cent of the total weight, while in green snap beans there is less than 
3 per cent protein. For several commercial North American mature dry-shell 
varieties tested, protein was 22 per cent of the total. In addition, the green 
products are quite low in fuel value while the mature seeds are high. When mature 
and dried, beans are at the most useful stage, for then they can be employed by an 
otherwise protein-poor economy and also can be relatively easily stored. 

Soils.—Tolerance of a wide variety of soils, if they are well-drained, is char- 
acteristic of cultivated American beans in general. The species differ, however, in 
response to alkali, acid, and saline soils, and these different responses have probably 
influenced the distribution of beans in the Southwest. Acid soils are not encoun- 
tered in the arable Southwestern lands, while alkaline soils are more common in 
poorly drained alluvial lands of the southern and southwestern parts of the region 
(U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearbook, 1938, p. 110). The irrigation practices of the 
ancient Hohokam may well have contributed to alkalinity in these soils. Hendry 
(1918) indicated the low tolerance of commercial P. vulgaris varieties to alkalinity 
and considered P. acutifolius varieties as moderately tolerant. 

Saline soils (.02 per cent NaCl) affect bean growth (Wadleigh e£ al., 1943) by 
increasing the severity of drought conditions. The superior drought resistance of 
tepary beans is well known, while common beans are severely affected by a rel- 
atively few days of wilting. The small-seeded limas or sieva beans are character- 
istically more resistant to aridity and high-temperatures than are the large-seeded 
limas (Mackie, 1943). That salinity has been a factor in Indian agriculture, at 
least in the area of the Hohokam, is attested to by the Pima practice of tasting 
soil preparatory to planting (Heintzelman in Emory, 1859, p. 112). If salt were 
detected, the soil was considered unfit for agriculture. It is probable that salinity 


below the threshhold of detection by human taste is sufficient to influence plant 
growth by altering water relations under drought. Many of the sites selected as 
acceptable could have been salty enough to intensify the effect of arid conditions. 

Irrigation.—Emory (1859), in his survey of the Mexican-U. S. boundary, 
noted that little agriculture could be engaged in without water supplied in addition 
to the seasonal precipitation. To meet the water requirements the Pima and 
Papago (Castetter and Bell, 1942) have employed irrigation systems, drawing 
water from the Gila River as did the earlier Hohokam peoples. Halseth (1936), 
by aerial survey, found about 125 miles of ancient irrigation canals in the Salt 
River Valley and other canals about half that extent in the Gila Valley. Some of 
the canals are more than ten miles long, and all ruins associated with them were 
Hohokam in culture. The very high temperatures and high evaporation rates 
characteristic of southern Arizona may be supposed to have encouraged the cultiva- 
tion of teparies rather than other beans despite irrigation and flood-water farming. 

Extensive irrigation by canals has not been shown to be characteristic of farm- 
ing among the Basketmaker and Pueblo peoples to the north, and the author is 
unaware of any irrigation in use in prehistoric Mogollon cultures. Some irrigation 
is practiced by the Hopi of Moencopi according to Whiting (1950, p. 10), who 
implies that this was learned from the Mormons. The terraced gardens observed 
by the author at the Hopi village of Hotevilla were irrigated by hand, and Whiting 
indicates that this is the general practice among the Hopi. According to him, 
neither corn nor bush-type beans planted in the same or separate fields in sandy 
washes and alluvial soils by the Hopi and the Navajo are irrigated except by 
occasional flood water. 

Effect of Daylengtb.—Carter (1945) has stated that the majority of native 
Southwest beans are bush types, and the observations of Whiting (1950) and 
others that field-grown beans are planted apart from corn would substantiate this. 
Allard and Zaumeyer (1944) have studied the photoperiodic responses of many 
strains of cultivated species of Phaseolus and found that the bush types of P. vul- 
garis are mostly day-neutral in their flowering and vegetative responses. Day- 
lengths used in their study were comparable in range to those of the latitudes of 
the Southwest. The semi-determinate or semi-pole types studied by them exhibited 
more positive reactions to photoperiod than the bush types. The twining habit of 
the semi-pole varieties was emphasized by long days and accompanied by a delay 
_in flowering, while shorter-day treatment was correlated with earliness and the 
determinate habit. Thus varieties which were determinate at lower latitudes might 
well have taken on vining characters when introduced to the Southwest. It is 
apparently precisely this factor which prevents the semi-pole California Pink and 
Pinto varieties from entering the northern part of the western range where the 
delay in flowering would mean injury because of early frosts. 

While many of the pole types were shown by Allard and Zaumeyer (1944) 
to be short-day, they proved to be mostly day-neutral for flowering. This type 

[Vol. 43 

remained twining at all daylengths so that the varieties would be expected to be 
twining even under conditions of short days when the semi-pole would be de- 
terminate. The lima beans tested were all day-neutral while runner beans were 
long-day. Allard and Zaumeyer did not include tepary beans in their work. 

Planting dates to take advantage of the limited precipitation and of flood 
waters, or to avoid frost periods, might have been adjusted without difficulties 
arising from new photoperiodic relations. The diffusion of some bean varieties 
within the Southwest may have been impeded by photoperiodic reactions, but there 
is strong evidence from experimental and field studies that this environmental 
factor does not restrict bean distribution within this area. 

Vegetal Remains of the Prehistoric Southwest.—Much of the Southwest region 
is arid, and many of the ancient peoples lived in caves, shelters, or houses which 
have remained relatively dry. For this reason perishable materials have been better 
preserved than in more humid areas such as in the Mississippi Valley and other parts 
of the eastern United States. Even in less-protected Southwestern ruins fires often 
occurred at or soon after the time of abandonment, frequently charring and 
preserving vegetal materials. 

Collections of prehistoric vegetal materials have been studied and reported upon 
by various authors. Some of these studies have only provided descriptions of the 
materials found at particular sites; others have related their descriptions to other 
collections and other aspects of Southwestern culture. Among the latter, Carter's 
(1945) studies have been most comprehensive for remains of cultivated plants. 
He theorized that the division between Hohokam and Anasazi corn and a change 
in corn types is a result of Mexican and later Eastern (United States) influences. 
Some question exists as to the extent of the Eastern influences in the corn of the 
prehistoric Southwest. The steady reduction of the percentage of maize cobs 
with high row-numbers reported by Cutler (Martin e£ al, 1952) for the more 
recent periods (especially 200—400 A. D.) of Tularosa Cave appears to be a pattern 
for the entire Southwest. Nickerson has recently (1954) provided evidence on 
the basis of anatomical characters to show the similarity of maize from widely 
distributed Southwestern sites. 

Beans recovered from archaeological sites have received the attention of bot- 
anists and students of human culture.  Farlier studies were directed toward 
demonstrating their place of origin by their presence in undisputed pre-Columbian 
ruins. Jones (1952) has adequately discussed the historical phase of prehistoric 
beans. He has shown that a mixed collection of charred seeds, later described as | 
both Pbaseolus vulgaris and P. acutifolius, found in Canyon de los Muertos, Ari- 
zona, was used by Ludwig Wittmack in 1888 to demonstrate conclusively the 
American origin of the garden or common bean, P. vulgaris. More recently beans 
dating from prehistoric times have been described from sites in the Southwestern 
United States in relation to migrations and diffusion of culture traits and other 
aspects of culture history. Most of this discussion has been of a highly general 
nature, and little attempt to classify bean types on a subspecific level has been made. 


It is hypothesized that the distribution of beans in the prehistoric Southwest 
will show a relationship to the cultural subdivisions which have been recognized 
by archaeological studies, The distribution patterns can be expected to reveal 
something of the antiquity and history of beans as cultivated plants in this region. 


The data presented in this paper were collected from materials studied at or 
obtained on loan from museums and universities where they had been deposited 
by archaeologists and ethnologists active in the field of Southwestern prehistory. 
A trip! to the Southwest during the summer of 1953 enabled the author to study 
materials in museums of that region; the institutions visited are given in Table 
vm. In the course of this field work, observations were made of Hopi and Navajo 
cultivated lands. Further observations during field work? in rural Mexico in 1953 
and 1954 contributed to the author’s understanding of comparative native 
American farming and food habits. 

Modern archaeological excavations are carried out with careful regard for the 
position of artifacts recovered and their relation to dates of occupation and culture 
change. Vegetal materials obtained from excavations are to a greater or lesser 
degree artifacts and can sometimes be dated reliably with respect to their associa- 
tions with other material for which dates have been established. Cutler (Martin 
et al., 1952) has pointed out the value of large samples of plant materials, such as 
corn cobs, in describing a specific class of vegetal remains occurring in a particular 
time level of a prehistoric site. One advantage of a large sample is that it mini- 
mizes the influence of extraneous material which may have been brought in from 
other levels by rodents or by human disturbance such as burials in the fill. Beans, 
unlike corn, seldom have a waste or by-product which can accumulate in the debris 
of a cave or dwelling over a period of years. Threshing of dry beans, as has been 
described in historic times among Indians in the Southwest ( Whiting, 1950; 
Castetter and Bell, 1942), is carried out in flat cleared areas well removed from 
habitation. The bean seeds arrive at the habitation ready for the pot or storage 
with nothing to be discarded except, perhaps, the culls. The practice of threshing 
beans in the field from the dry picked pods or from piles of the harvested whole 
plants is widespread in Indian America. It is reported from coastal Peru (Gillin, 
1945) as well as from the southwestern United States, and for representative climatic 
regions of Mexico (Brand and Nunez, 1951; Foster, 1946; Kelly and Palerm, 
1950), where it was observed by the author in 1954. A clue as to why pods are 
occasionally encountered in some abundance in prehistoric occupied sites is pro- 

1Supported in part by a Wychwood Fellowship in the Department of Botany, University of 
Chicago. ui 

2 Supported in part by a Chicago Natural History Museum Fellowship in the Department of 
Botany, University of Chicago. 

[Vol. 43 

vided by Kelly and Palerm (1950) referring to the hand shelling of beans during 
rainy weather when the pods cannot be rendered fragile by drying. Also, small 
amounts of beans may be brought in and shelled by hand for daily use before t 
main harvest or threshing. These practices, if carried on in the shelter of the 
dwelling, could account for the large numbers of pods described by V. H. Jones 
(Steen and Jones, 1941) and materials recently excavated from caves in Tamauli- 
pas, Mexico, by R. S. MacNeish. 

e uncharred bean seeds, fortunately for the archaeologist and botanist, have 
escaped being eaten or have been left after being used in connection with burials 
or ceremonial practices. The beans of Tularosa Cave, for example, were dispersed 
throughout the debris and were probably seeds which had been dropped acciden- 
tally. Some of these seeds may have been moved from their original positions by 
rodent or human activity, as mentioned above, but the collection as a whole can 
be said to characterize the period of occupancy of the site. Notwithstanding the 
tact that there are sites (see Table VII) where time sequence of bean collections 
has been fixed with some certainty, the emphasis in this paper is on the larger time 
and cultural units and their relation to the regional history of agriculture. Thus 
the individual collections which we have before us obtain greater significance as 
they are considered with related collections in the Southwest. Dates or cultural 
affiliation for each collection are taken from published or otherwise indicated data 
based on standard methods and nomenclature used in Southwestern archaeology. 

Samples obtained have been generally small, or at least of smaller numbers than 
desirable. Samples always suffer in some degree from subjectivity in treatment. 
The vegetal materials were collected by persons who, through lack of specialized 
training in the recognition of plant materials and working under trying field 
conditions, often may have failed to recognize and obtain all the material available. 
Of the various classes of prehistoric cultivated plant materials, corn cobs, because 
of their size and durability, are most easily recognized, while squash and bean seeds 
are less noticeable. This is particularly true with scattered charred materials: 
squash seeds become frustratingly fragile, and beans, losing their seed coats, occur 
as elusive, single cotyledons. Beans are most readily collected when observed in 
conjunction with larger artifacts, such as ceramic vessels or fragments of more 
immediate interest to the archaeologist or his hired diggers. Laborious screening 
of the fine debris which usually fills long-abandoned ruins is the most effective 
technique for the recovery of seeds. Flotation also is useful in the separation of 
charred materials from less buoyant debris. : 


As each collection was received it was first examined for state of preservation; 
that is, was it desiccated and in good condition, partially decayed, charred? Then 
all bean material was separated from contaminants. The state of preservation 
determined the number of characters which could be used for diagnosis, and 
accordingly a classification was made using as many as possible of the characters 


discussed below. The divisions were made first on the basis of species and then 
into types of the species. The latter were the smallest divisions, and each putative 
type was treated as a population which was described in its entirety or from a 
random sample of its best-preserved units. 

The term “type” is used here in a sense which is coordinate with “variety” as 
used in such publications on bean classification as "Garden Beans” (Irish, 1901), 
“American Varieties of Garden Beans” (Tracy, 1907) or “The Vegetables of New 
York: Beans” (Hedrick, 1931). “Variety” in these works, although not specif- 
ically defined, is taken to mean sexually propagated generations of plants which 
retain characteristics enabling the separation of one such continuum from another 
of the same species. Thus the characteristics used would be subspecific and, in 
a cultivated plant, are those which affect its usefulness or recognition. An 
example of the first kind of character might be precocity or disease resistance, and 
of the second, seed-coat pattern. Since only a relatively few of the cultivated 
beans are recorded to have been developed under recent cultivation, the term 
“horticultural variety” is not much used. In agricultural practice bean-seed 
characters, along with agronomic characteristics, are much used in classifying the 
varieties. The nature of the present study precludes the use of agronomic char- 
acteristics; seed characteristics are relied upon. This makes it uncertain, at best, 
to include the materials treated here with the named varieties used in the above- 
mentioned works or as listed in seed catalogues. For this reason the series of types ` 
described for Southwestern beans cannot have formal taxonomic standing but are 
Presented as entities with which new materials may be compared. 

Cardenas (unpublished thesis), Freytag (unpublished thesis), and others have 
presented certain correlations between seed and vegetative characters, but these 
are largely of a general nature not always useful in determining the nature of the 
parent plant if only the seed is available. Pending further studies which will 
enable more certainty in correlations of this sort, one can state similarities between 
the seed types and the named varieties. 

Diagnostic Characters.—Because of their large size and frequently distinctive 
colors and markings, the seeds have been extensively used in the classification of 
bean species and varieties. Hedrick (1931) and Bukasov (1930) have dealt 
sufficiently with the synonymy and history of bean classification. 

Diagnostic characters of bean seeds have been studied individually from the 
standpoints of their genetics, physiology, and anatomy. The genetics of seed-coat 
coloration and variegation has been shown by Lamprecht (1939b), Smith ( 1939), 
and others to be quite complex. Smith found that six color genes plus modifiers 
were responsible for the red testa color of the common bean variety Red Kidney 
and that in other varieties no linkage was found among ground color, variegation 
color, and extent of eye color. Glossiness of seed coat was reported by Prakken 
(1937) as appearing to be genetically independent of factors for color and varie- 
gation of seed coat and pod and vegetative characters in crosses of P. vulgaris 

[Vol. 43 

varieties. However, as far as I am aware, no one has studied the dull testas of P. 
acutifolius seeds which is a diagnostic character of that species. 

Shaw and Norton, according to Kooiman (1931), distinguished two classes of 
color in bean-seed coats, a red-and-purple, and a yellow-black. The pigments of 
the second were only slightly soluble in alcohol and alkali. 

Use of the character of color quality introduces the problem of dealing with 
color change over time. Hedrick (1931) recognized this problem and chose to 
describe seed-coat color as it appeared in the first year subsequent to harvest. It is 
common to find dark brown specimens in old collections labeled “yellow beans,” 
or to find familiar varieties of quite a different (dark) color than the fresh seed 
of the same variety. Skalinska (cited by Kooiman, 1931) showed that yellow and 
yellowish pigments oxidize to brown in vitro. 

It is possible to divide color change into two physiological periods, that of 
ripening and during dry dormancy. Very young seeds are green and may remain 
so or may be tinged with green through maturity, as in French horticultural and 
certain greenish-white tepary beans. Loss of the chlorophyll may be accompanied 
by whiteness or lack of color which may persist or be quickly replaced by light 
tints of what would probably be the color at maturity. Coloring is first noticeable 
in the eye ring and then appears in the other parts of the testa, but darkening 
earlier with proximity to the placenta. Where there is patterning, it occurs as a 
sort of "developing out" process, reminding one of the development of a latent 
image on photographic paper. Streaks, spots, or other forms of variegation appear 
as islands of coloration on a light ground which itself may become colored subse- 
quently. The color change which occurs during this period is largely quantitative, 
as indicated previously, but may proceed to a point where it appears to be quali- 
tative. In the tropical black P. vulgaris the young rose-colored testa changes by 
the time of maturity to a purple so deep as to give the effect of black. 

Subsequent to ripening, the rate of color change in the dry bean is slower but 
may be accelerated under certain conditions. The darkening of the light pink 
ground color of the seed coats of “Mexican pinto” (Type C13) beans has been 
observed to occur at a differential rate when the seeds were exposed to strong 
sunlight for several months. The sides of the seeds exposed to sunlight were much 
darker than the sides not so exposed. Samples of seeds which had been stored at 
room temperature for fifty to sixty-five years failed to show any color change 
when maintained at a temperature of 60° C. for thirty days, suggesting that 
limits of normal change had been reached at some time during this period. 

It is sometimes difficult to distinguish what the color of the seed coat might 
be were it not for opacity. Thus, among black beans it is difficult to determine the 
nature of the blackness, The Hopi “Blue Dye” beans (Type C29), for example, 
are very dark blue while other “blacks” may be dark purples. In this study the 
use of color in the classification of seed types has been made with a realization of 
the changes in color which have undoubtedly occurred; nevertheless, all designa- 
tions are based upon color quality at the time of examination. The larger color 


Indian Southwest Mexico* Peru* U. S. Commercial* * 
3 o a * à 
SG m E of 
9 E 3 [29 
"ol uu RER 
CES, | 
< [3 5 ola 
Number of types 19 6 7 162 43 117 
Per cent 65 55 70 65 67 56 50 
Number of types 11 5 3 3 84 34 118 
Per cent 37 5 45 1.30. | 35 33 44 50 

* Ditmer, e£ al. (1937). 
** Hedrick (1931). 

categories have been used rather than an exact description which would be 
subjective and not too meaningful. 

Seed size in beans has been estimated (Kooiman, 1931) to be the result of the 
action of many genes which apparently affect the various dimensions equally. Thus 
within a population of seeds which have been selected for uniformity, the ratios 
between the dimensions of the larger seeds and those of the smaller seeds may be 
expected to vary little, providing all have reached normal maturity at the time of 
harvest and were grown under similar conditions. Within a given pod the largest 
seeds usually occupy a medial position and the smaller seeds are at either extremity. 
It would be well, then, to obtain seed samples for measurement from the entire 
contents of fully matured pods. Seed measurements, considered as reflections of 
the size and shape of seeds, represent the most useful set of criteria for the quanti- 
fication of variation in these organs. But it should be recognized that seed 
dimensions may be differently affected by environmental conditions. Bean growers 
in humid eastern lands who plant disease-free rom western arid lands note 
that the beans that they harvest are shorter and less flat than those which they 
planted (Hardenburg, 1942). 

Prominence of the radicle and plumule located on the ventral (adaxial) margin 
of the seed, just anterior to the hilum, lends an apiculate appearance which is more 
frequent in some varieties than others. The extremes or ends of the seed are 
rounded in the lateral view, or one or both extremes of the seed may be truncate 
or appear to be flattened. If only one end is truncate, it is the posterior end and 
the apiculation may still be seen at the other extreme. In the pod, seeds are borne 
on the placenta along the ventral surface, with the growing parts of the embryo 
toward the apex. The scar, formed by abscission of the placenta and seed, is 
oriented longitudinally on the ventral margin of the seed, with the micropyle at 

[Vol. 43 

L gre o characters of seeds: A, reniform; B, apiculate anterior end; 

aie ends; D, entire; E, testa venation radiating from hilum of lima bean; F, e A 

G, truncate ends; H, flecked pattern; I, eyed; J, bsstciliatlly striped. 
the anterior end closest to the growing parts, and the paired elevated peaks 
of the testa, the caruncle, at the posterior end. It has been suggested that 
truncate seeds in Phaseolus are the results of: (a) interference by intralocular 
parenchyma tissue; (b) abutment of the seeds themselves. The first explanation 
assumes that mechanical pressure of the parenchyma is sufficient to limit the 
growth of a maturing seed and that it exerts its influence in some varieties but 
not others. In the second, truncate seeds are characteristic of some of the tepary 
beans the seeds of which are not at all appressed in the pod 

Technique.—All measurements of seed dimensions were taken with a vernier 
caliper and are given in the metric system. Each dimension was measured to give 
the maximum result so as to standardize the method and make repetition easier. 
In the actual measuring of length, for example, the apical anterior end was placed 
against the stationary jaw of the caliper and the sliding jaw closed until the 
posterior end was contacted. The jaws were then tightened to the extent that, 
when rotated on the apical end of the seed, the basal end would just slip by, 
neither sticking nor passing freely the surface of the movable jaw. An adequate 
degree of precision is obtained in this manner. Each seed was measured in e 
length from anterior to posterior extreme, in width from ventral to dorsal margin, 
and in thickness from one lateral surface to the other. 



P. vulgaris P. acutifolius P. lunatus P. coccineus 
Dimensions (cm.) 
Length 1.85—.74 1.20—.66 1.80—1.14 2.39—1.46 
Width 1.08—.49 78—44 1.29— .85 1.48-1.13 
Thickness .85-.34 56-.27 0- 35 1.21- 72 
Form Various but seldom cuboid Semi-spherical or flat, often | Reniform, especially in larger- — usu ally semi-round 
cuboid with sharply trun- seeded grou ms sma m cross-section, ends round 
owes nds ed pi w with 
or and md 
cate, anterior end equo 
in dorso-ventral plan 
Seed coat 
Venation Reticulate or not apparent Not apparent Parallel and branching Not apparent 
radially from hilum 
Glossiness Very glossy to moderately Dull Glossy to dull Highly glossy 
after polishing dull 
Caruncle* Two prominences separate Same as P. vulgaris Prominences joined Same as P. vulgaris 
Ring** Elevated Little elevated Elevated Elevated 
Size Not proportional t to seed size, | Same as P. vulgaris 

Roughly proportional to 
seed size 

remains small in large- 

seeded ty 

Same as P. vulgaris 

* See fig. 2. 
** Margin of testa 

encircling hilum. 




[Vol. 43 

In many cases among the archaeological collections it was possible, owing to 
the fragmentary or charred nature of the material, to measure only a few of the 
seeds in a collection. 

It is possible to obtain a surface impression of the bean seed using any one of 
several acetone or ethyl acetate soluble plastics or Duco cement.  Microscopic 
examination of a number of such impressions from seed coats of varieties of the 
four species dealt with here failed to show consistent differences which could be 
used in the classification of see 


The use of scatter diagrams was adopted for graphic presentation of the data, 
as this method (Anderson, 1949, pp. 81-101) facilitates the comparison of sev- 
eral classes of data simultaneously. The source and size of each collection and its 
measurements are given in Table VII, as well as the number with reference to the 
typing system discussed previously. In Table IV the qualitative data—color, 
variegation, and form—are listed for each type. Table V includes the maximal, 
minimal, and median dimensions for each and the numbers of all collections repre- 
sented by each type. Tables IV and V, along with figs. 1 and 2, provide all 
the characteristics of each type. A summation of species characteristics for 
Southwestern beans is found in Table III. 

Association of Seed Characters.—The scatter diagrams (figs. 3-13) show that 
in the collections studied greater size in either seed length or width is associated 
with larger size in the other dimension. The degree of seed thickness has a less 
regular association with either of the other two dimensions than they have with 
one another. It may also be noted that variegated seed-coat patterns in the 
common bean also tend to accompany large seeds. 

Seeds of the two principal species of Phaseolus dealt with here, Phaseolus vul- 
garis and Phaseolus acutifolius var. latifolius, form a discontinuous distribution 
readily seen in the scatter diagrams. Although this discontinuity is a reflection of 
seed dimensions, except for the patternless, or phenotypically patternless, white 
seeds common to both species, the color patterns are discontinuous also. It is the 
symbols mainly of the small white (Type C 6) seeds of P. vulgaris which cluster 
below the dimensional modes of this species and are found within the range of P. 
acutifolius, in the lower left-hand portion of the diagrams. 

In addition to the small white type, the two curious small red (Type C20) 
and small flecked red (Type C12) P. vulgaris types overlap the teparies in size 
range. These were classed with Phaseolus vulgaris with some misgivings. How- 
ever, should further study prove them to be variants of P. acutifolius rather than 
P. vulgaris, two interesting aspects will remain, First, the Murder House (Collec- 
tion Number 195d) beans are from an area of tepary importance and common beans 
as well as lima occurrence; the other (Collection Number 206) are from the “North- 
ern Periphery,” an area of which the cultural and agricultural affinities are not 
yet well defined. Second, the seed characters show similarities to those of both 


x i4 JN 

3 2 
? 4 
A B C 
Phaseolus vulgaris P. acutifolius P. lunatus 
(or P. coccineus) var. latifolius 

2. Variation in hilum form: 1, micropyle; 2, placental scar; 3, hilum ring; 
i lunatu 

4, A cid Note incomplete separation of caruncle ridges in P. lunatus 
species to a greater extent than is usual It is true that among white-seeded 
varieties it may be quite difficult to distinguish between P. vulgaris and P. acuti- 
folius seeds, but this is not the case with the darker-colored and patterned seeds. 
It would be most interesting if viable seed of these types could be obtained and 
sown, to examine the vegetative characters of the plant. 

The Earliest Bean Remains.—The earliest well-dated beans reported from 
Southwestern sites are those of the Mogollon in the pre-pottery or prior to 1 A. D. 
occupation level of Tularosa Cave (Martin e£ al., 1952). This singular discovery 
offers sharp contrast to pre-pottery cultures of the Anasazi and Hohokam. In the 
Anasazi and Hohokam areas beans have not been found in cultures reliably dated 
as prior to Basketmaker III (ca. 500 A.D.) and from early Hohokam sites. In 
Tsegi Canyon in Northern Arizona, a prepottery Basketmaker site (Kidder and 
Guernsey, 1919), investigators failed to find beans, but they reported corn and 
other vegetal remains which evidence good preservation of artifacts of this sort. 
Beans, as well as squash and corn, were found in Tsegi Canyon sites subsequent 
to the introduction of pottery. Jones and Fonner reported fully on the vegetal 
remains of a number of Basketmaker II sites near Durango, Colorado (Morris, 
1954), but they did not describe any beans. Gladwin’s (1937) excavations at 
Snaketown, a Hohokam ruin now the site of a Pima Indian settlement, uncovered 
carbonized corn in houses dated at about 500 A. D. at the earliest. The only beans 
from this site were charred tepary and common beans dated at about 1000 A. D., 
which would correspond to Pueblo II in the Anasazi. The identification of these 
remains was made by Volney Jones (Castetter and Bell, 1942). 

As has been indicated previously, in the quest for bean remains we are looking 
primarily for the very materials which the prehistoric Indians would have least 
wanted to leave behind, In times of food scarcity, single beans dropped on the 
floor of the dwelling may have been carefully retrieved. The most that can be 
said then of the occurrence of beans in the early periods is that, if present, they 
were not plentiful. 


Type Color Ground Gloss* * Eye ring Anterior Posterior Three- Varietal 
pattern color end end dimensional similarity 
SCH Self Orange-red +++] Dark Truncate Truncate Cylindrical, 
to dark entire 
C2 Self White +- Indistinct Round Round Subreniform, 
C3 Self Dark +4 Indistinct Subapiculate Round Reniform, Large Red 
red-brown o round flat Kidney 
C5 Faint mottle Dark ++ Dark Apiculate Round Entire 
Ce Self White +-+ Indistinct Subapiculate Round Entire 
C Self Cream to +++] Indistinct Subapiculate Round Entire, flat 
C8 Self Dark red d Indistinct Subapiculate Round Entire, flat 
C9 Self White -+ Indistinct Subapiculate Round Entire, 
C10 Self Dark ++ Indistinct Subapiculate Round Subreniform, 
red-brown cylindrical 

* C refers to common bea 

a dint. 

n (P. Kam mp vulgaris) types. 



EF 1A] 




Brown fleck 

and stripe 

Red or tan 

Red or tan 




Self or 
dark fleck 
Dark fleck 


Pale violet 

to violet- 


White to 
White to 
Dark red 
Dark red 
Dark red- 

















to apiculate 

Round to 
to apiculate 
Round to 





Round to 











Entire, flat 
to reniform 

Entire, semi- 

Garrapata or 
eg s cattle 
; Vaquita 
Red Mexican 
China Red Eye; 

Golden Wax 

Vayo (Bayo) 




TABLE IV (Continued) 

Type lor Ground Gloss* * Eye ring Anterior Posterior Three- Varietal 
pattern color end end dimensional similarity 
C21 Self Dark red MR Indistinct Round Round ntire, 
C22 Self Yellow, +++] Dark Round Round Entire, Bolitas 
brown, semi-round 
C21 Self Brown +++] Dark Round Round Entire, 
y semi-round 
C24 Brown eye- White +++] Indistinct Subapiculate Round Entire, Dwarf Golden 
pattern semi-round Wax 
C25 Violet Pale violet +++] Indistinct Subapiculate Round ire, 
stripes semi-round 
C26 Dark red Red qe Indistinct Round Round Entire, flat 
C27 Self White +++] Indistinct Round Round Entire, semi- 
C28 Self Pink +++] Dark Subapiculate Round Entire, flat 
C29 Self Black (dark 44 Indistinct Round Round Entire, flat 
blue) to flat 
C30 Self Black +++ | Indistinct Apiculate Round to Entire, 
truncate cylindrical 
"Li Self Dark purple +H Indistinct Round to Truncate Entire 
L2 Self White ++ Indistinct Round Round Entire 

*L refers to lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus) types. 



EF 'I0A] 

Dark fleck 

Dark fleck 

and stripe 

Light tan eye 



Black fleck 

Self or 
brown fleck 


Black flecks 
almost com- 
pletely cover 
Dark fleck 

Purple mottle 
and fleck 


Dark red 

Dark brown 



Orange-brown | 




White, violet 

+++ + 

+ + 












to round 














to roun 







Entire, flat 
Entire, flat 
Entire, flat, 






*T refers to tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius) = 
to runner bean (Phaseolus coccineus 

*R refers 



[Vol. 43 

The Mogollon furnishes a situation which may help to explain both the spotty 
occurrence of early beans in other areas and the clear regional differentiation of 
varieties in later times. The peoples of Cordova and Tularosa Caves (Martin ef al., 
1952) were contemporaries living in the Reserve, New Mexico, region. They 
shared many basic cultural traits, but the people of the Cordova Cave site relied 
more upon hunting than did those of Tularosa Cave. Bean remains were relatively 
abundant in the latter site, but only a single bean and one pod fragment were found 
in Cordova Cave, and vegetal materials from other pre-1200 Mogollon sites indi- 
cate non-importance of bean cultivation. If the same kind of distribution—few 
bean-growing and many non-bean growing communities contemporaneous in the 
same region—occurred in the Basketmaker Anasazi region, it may be said that 
early Basketmaker beans have not yet been found but that they do exist. With 
greater attention on the part of persons trained to recognize and identify charred 
seeds and other remains, more Basketmaker beans and those of other pre-pottery 
peoples might be recovered. 

Varietal Change.—On the basis of seed characters the earliest beans of Tula- 
rosa Cave do not differ in any way which could be interpreted as part of an 
evolutionary sequence from the most recent beans of Tularosa Cave, despite the 
difference of over 1,000 years. This is generally true of Southwestern bean remains. 
Changes in cultivated prehistoric beans of the Southwest which are correlated with 
time changes are those which show the introduction of new species or varieties 
from an older to a newer region or culture. The question of evolutionary change 
in beans under domestication may be reopened with the anatomical study of bean- 
pod remains. However, it can be said that the apparent lack of change of beans 
under domestication in the Southwest is further indication that development from 
the wild kinds occured elsewhere or outside of the Southwest, and at an earlier date. 

Bean Preparation.—Among the beans collected from contemporary Indian 
peoples there is in the Museum of Anthropology of the University of California at 
Berkeley a sample (Collection No. 117a) of parched beans labeled “parched small 
white P. vulgaris" obtained from Yuma Indians? A collection of more than one 
quart of common beans from Kiet Siel, a Pueblo III ruin in Tsegi Canyon, northern 
Arizona, was examined at the Museum of Northern Arizona and found to have 
been lightly toasted. This sample, as well as the preceding one, emits a character- 
istic odor; seeds which obviously were originally white are tanned irregularly, and 
cotyledons of the white seeds which have the most tanned testas are browner than 
those of less tanned lighter seeds. Seeds of this collection are described in Table 
VII Nos. 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194a, 194b. 

3 These, however, are teparies (Type T 3) rather than common beans. 

1956] ` 


Range of Measurements (cm.) 
Median of Measurements 
Maximum Minimum 
> S. ae Fe Seen SLU äi SE E E 
d TR) Ron eh ETT > " 
Cl 1.69 94 67 1.05 61 48 1.30 71 57 
C2 1.49 .87 Set .64 A4 1.25 73 55 
C3 1.67 92 66 | 1.07 .68 42 1.43 80 57 
C5 1 95 203 11.15 76 1.35 85 57 
Ce 1.28 75 55 79 50 37 9 60 48 
1.35 90 .68 | 1.15 73 50 1.29 87 51 
C8 1.61 | 1.03 56 | 1.43 91 49 1.49 99 54 
C9 1.50 68 1.05 66 6 1.3 3 
C10 1.69 80 70 | 1.61 79 .65 | 2 seeds | 2 seeds seeds 
sep. coll. | sep. coll. | sep. coll. 
Cll 1.73 97 SCT .66 45 8 
Clia 16 78 en | 1 71 44 12 seeds 
sep. coll. | sep. coll. | sep. coll 
C12 89 63 .50 52 34 .84 6 48 
C13 1.71 89 .68 1.08 67 41 1.26 78 .54 
C14 1.76 95 .68 | 1.04 65 39 1.32 .81 56 
C14a 1.26 92 .74 | 1.03 66 55 1.16 28 64 
C15 1.38 84 59 | 1.07 65 42 1.08 .65 43 
Cie 1.22 70 59 .00 68 .57 | 2 seeds | 2 seeds | 2 seeds 
C17 1.65 92 1.11 64 43 1.41 81 
C18 1.70 Az. .67 36 68 47 1 76 54 
C19 1.65 90 59 | 1.33 70 44 1.50 72 51 
C19a 1.85 94 .67 | 1.39 63 49 1.58 85 58 
C20 94 62 45 .87 56 40 93 59 43 
C21 1.25 86 26 1 1.19 80 .62 1.20 82 69 
C22 1.38 .83 .66 | 1.03 63 1.22 24 55 
C23 1.38 78 57 95 .60 42 1.0 8 
C24 151 | 1.08 .85 | 1.26 75 63 1.44 93 73 
C25 1 seed 1.14 86 68 
C26 1.54 .84 4t 1148 74 E 1.58 80 48 
C27 58 42 77 36 9 53 39 
C28 1.41 86 78 | 1.00 ee A3 1.18 74 50 
C29 1.54 87 .60 | 1.10 70 E 1.26 76 52 
C30 1.34 62 69 1.34 .60 seeds | 2 
Li 1.64 | 1.16 .60 | 1.29 .90 40 1.47 1.03 53 
L2 1.58 | 1.11 58 | 1.18 85 41 37 d 52 
L3 1.80 | 1.20 i. 1.37 95 42 1.58 1.08 55 
L4 1.76 | 1.29 35 LESE 1.60 49 1.62 1.14 52 
Ls 1.48 | 1.04 gh ae hE gh Gaui | 35 1 91 44 
T1 .67 552 37 
T2 As 70 54 27 
T3 1.19 | .70 | ap 87 | .57 37 | 100 e 43 
T4 1.20 78 45 .81 50 31 1.03 67 Al 
T5 1.05 | .69 At a AT SM 8 ep 39 
Te 95.1 «ue bos bib ws 30 .84 55 Al 
H iil bol 4 Bia 1.02 ei A2 
T3 .82 55 36 
R1 2 S 120 | 14€ | 120 |. 94 | 1.90 1.28 1.13 
R2 Mer v & 1114 isi 72| 1 1.32 98 

4 [Vol. 43 

West (1947) reports an interesting practice of certain Tarascan Indians which 
may be related to this problem. A variety of P. coccineus, grown only by the 
more conservative people and tended mainly by the women in their house gardens, 
is used in special dishes, among which is a pinole made with a special "black maize.” 
The corn is said to be toasted, but the preparation of the beans prior to grinding 
is not indicated. "This practice was not found among non-Indian (Ladinoized) 
residents of the area. 

Whiting (1950) reported that the Hopi parch white and mottled teparies 
before cooking. This treatment of the white tepary (or in its absence, "other 
white beans") is noted in connection with the breaking of a ritual fast by priests. 

Although the material from Kiet Siel, which, according to tree-rings dates back 
to as early as 1106 A. D. and as late as 1221 A. D. (McGregor, 1934), contains 
the oldest sample of parched beans yet seen, parching may be supposed to have been 
practiced earlier and may well have formed the basis of dry-bean use for protein in 
pre-pottery times. 

Parching of dry mature beans for use in such foods as pinole may have once 
been important and widespread, but now parching has been all but superseded by 
boiling. Ritual food preparations, such as those referred to above, may be the 
most likely conditions under which an ancient manner of food use might be 
retained although reinterpreted. 


Tepary Beans.—The greater importance of tepary bean cultivation in the most 
arid region of the Southwest, that of the Pima and Papago (Hohokam), has been 
shown among the contemporary Indians by Freeman (1912), and Castetter and 
Bell (1942). Fewer tepary varieties than the forty described by Freeman were 
encountered in the collections available for this study. However, collections from 
the Pima and Papago and the Colorado River tribes (Table VII and figs 3-13) 
substantiate the extensive use of teparies by these tribes in recent historic times. 

Efforts by the author to obtain teparies in 1953 and 1954 on the Pima and 
Papago Reservation at Sells and Ajo, Arizona, and from trading posts on the 
Cocopa Reservation were unsuccessful. Local residents said that droughts of recent 
years and availability of the popular pink beans (Type C26) may explain the 
general decline of old bean varieties among the Indians. 

As the agronomic, botanic, and ethnologic writings on the tepary invariably 
refer to the drought and heat resistance of this species, some of the problems re- 
lating to the history of its domestication should be discussed. 

Freeman (1912) first reported the superiority of yield of teparies over common 
bean varieties under dry-land and irrigated conditions in Arizona. Good yields 
under dry-land conditions have been obtained as far north as Colorado, where the 
Redfield tepary out-yielded the high-producing Pinto common bean (Brandon, 
1943). The paucity of prehistoric tepary bean remains outside of the southern 


Arizona-New Mexico region is not to be explained by any unsuitability of varieties 
of this species to the northern, Anasazi, region. 

If the tepary bean is a domesticate of the Hohokam or other peoples of the 
Sonoran Desert region, then its involvement with the history of these people may 
help to account for its importance among them, while the restricted occurrence in 
the Anasazi and Mogollon may be attributed to partial unacceptability of teparies 
to peoples long accustomed to common beans. If, on the other hand, tepary beans 
were domesticated far in the south of Mexico, they must have found acceptance 
among many peoples who were familiar with common beans, and probably lima 
and runner beans as well, before reaching the Southwest. Although early Hoho- 
kam archaeological sites are not good ones for the preservation of vegetal materials, 
distribution patterns of teparies (Table VI) suggest their late introduction and 
diffusion in the Southwest. 

The question of origin of the tepary bean will be solved neither by De Can- 
dolle’s criterion of the location of related forms in the wild state nor by Vavilov’s 
“center of varietal diversity” hypothesis nor will studies of archaeological 
materials supply all the needed information to elucidate the role of the tepary bean 
in Southwestern prehistory. It is necessary to know the source of variability and 
the history of domestication of this plant. 

Freeman (1912) supposed that the tepary bean was domesticated from very 
small, angular-seeded, broad-leafed indigenous forms (P. acutifolius var. latifolius) 
growing in the watered canyons of the Sonoran Desert and that selections from 
these types yielded the many varieties which he recognized among contemporary 
cultigens. Freeman made no estimate of the time period necessary for the great 
increase in seed size and change in form from the wild to the domesticated forms 
nor were the mechanics of the change indicated. Carter (1945) accepted Free- 
man’s hypothesis, and used the element of time as an argument for greater antiq- 
uity of man in the Southwest. Castetter and Bell (1942) rejected Freeman's 
conclusion on the basis of the great difference in size and form between the 
cultivated and the non-cultivated P. acutifolius var. latifolius, and on the fact 
that the earliest prehistoric beans which they had seen in no way resemble any of 
the non-cultivated beans but can be equated with modern cultivated varieties. 
The latter view concerning the identity of the prehistoric and modern materials is 
supported by data presented in this paper (Table VII). It would be strange 
indeed if beans of the already-high agricultural cultures which supply the earliest 
material of this sort were to be of a primitive type. Cultivation under irrigation 
of the small, angular-seeded wild teparies (Castetter and Bell, 1942) did not change 
the seed characters. : 

Selection and cultivation without accompanying or preceding changes in the 
germ-plasm could hardly account for the differences between Southwestern culti- 
vated and indigenous teparies. A source of change might be mutation, but seed 
Size is not a single-gene character; rather it appears, as indicated previously, to be 
the result of interaction among several genes directly, while dd other characters 
are involved indirectly. The rates of mutation at these loci are not known, ee 
extremely careful selection and breeding, as well as a very long time, wo 

[Vol. 43 


Prehistoric Contemporary 

San Juan Anasazi 
Mesa Verde 
Northern Arizona 

Verde Valley 
Colorado River 

Northern Periphery 
Arizona Piman 


X | Rio Grande Pueblos 



X X 
XXX |Hopi 

XXXXXXXXX | Mogollon 

AA u 






d Q 


Té x 
T8 x 


* C refers to common bean (Pbaseolus vulgaris) $ o li : 
types; L, to lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus) types; 
T, to tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius) types; R, to runner bean (Pbaseolus coccineus) types. 


probably be necessary for the effect of any such mutations to be expressed pheno- 
typically. A more likely source of variability in tepary beans is hybridization with 
some other related species. This process is certainly suggested by Freytag’s demon- 
stration (unpublished thesis) of the effect of introgressive hybridization in common 

Unfortunately, very little genetic or even breeding work has been done on 
teparies, and no interspecific crosses have been reported. Teparies in the Southwest, 
and probably common and lima beans as well under arid conditions, are almost 
entirely self-fertilizing owing to very early pollination in the unopened flower bud. 
A thorough study of cultivated and non-cultivated P. acutifolius and P. acutifolius 
var. latifolius and suspected hybridizing species is necessary to indicate what the 
source or sources of variability in this species might be. Also of importance would 
be the determination of the geography and ecology of hybridization in this species. 

Soutbwestern and Otber Bean Assemblages Compared.—The grouping of bean 
types presented in Table II suggested that large geographic areas have character- 
istic bean assemblages. At present, it is not possible to give more significance to 
the distributional patterns other than to indicate that they exist. Whether the 
cultural or natural agencies shaping the distribution are selective or non-selective 
is likewise obscure; however, some of the selective factors which might be worthy 
of further investigation are discussed below. Data are drawn from Southwestern 
materials examined by the author, from the reports of the Russian investigators 
(Ditmer e£ al., 1937), and from Hedrick's study (1931) of the United States 
commercial beans. 

It will be noted that never does the percentage of variegated-seeded forms 
exceed that of the corresponding self-colored forms. The highest percentage of 
variegated forms, 50 per cent in the United States, reaches that figure largely 
because of the great diversity and number of variegated forms among the bush 
snap beans. Many of these are introductions from Europe, and the needs of the 
canning industry and available year-round markets have stimulated the use of 
many varieties with differing horticultural characteristics. Diversity in seed 
characteristics here is incidental. Among the bush snap beans described by Hedrick 
(about 127 named varieties), 55 per cent have variegated seed coats. In all other 
varieties there are considerably fewer variegated forms than there are self-colored 
ones. The percentage of strictly prehistoric types of the Southwest most closely 
approximates Peruvian distribution, while the totals for the Southwest, including 
prehistoric, contemporary, or both periods combined, are most like the Mexican dis- 
tribution and very little like the 1:1 ratio for the United States. The high percent- 
age of self-colored beans, which occurs only in contemporary Southwestern Indian 
cultures, and the fact that few of these are found as field beans in other more humid 
parts of the United States, indicate an influx during historic times of self-colored 
beans. The trend in the Southwest thus has been toward absolute and percentage 
reductions in the numbers of variegated bean types and a corresponding increase 

[Vol. 43 

in self-colored types which are dry shell beans, except for the Hopi “Black” string 
bean (Type C30). The importance of the Pinto or Garrapata bean (Type C13), 
a variegated dry shell bean, is also recent. 

Freytag (unpublished thesis) states that Latin American beans used in the 
dry-shell stage over a wide area are likely to be self-colored and not of an unusual 
shape, while variegated or odd-shaped dry-shell types are of restricted distribution. 
These selective factors are apparently not operative in snap beans as such beans 
are consumed before seed maturity. This seems to be true in the United States, 
as variegated dry beans, with the exception of the pinto varieties which are used 
for Mexican or Texas style dishes, are of quite restricted distribution. 

Interpretations of Bean Distribution: — 

Three fairly distinct regions can be outlined in the prehistoric Southwest for 
the cultivation of beans. So far as is possible, the source of beans, the dates of 
their introduction, cultural affinities, and movements within the Southwest will 
be indicated. 

It was hypothesized that the distribution of cultivated beans in the prehistoric 
Southwest would show a diversity resulting from differing climatic and ecological 
conditions and from differences in culture history. The influence of the environ- 
ment and some ethnobotanical factors such as food preparation have already been 
discussed. A division of the Southwest following three main cultural groupings 
was adopted for the organization of bean distributions into regions. These regions 
can be compared with those of other plant materials and culture traits. 

I. Mogollon:— 

Although beans are known only from a few sites in a limited area of the 
Mogollon, it is evident that the cultivation of the common bean in this area 
preceded the introduction of pottery. The number of pre-pottery beans from 
Tularosa Cave is small but the prepottery context is clear, and it may be stated 
that by 300 B. C. common beans, along with maize and pepo squash, were being 
cultivated by Mogollon Peoples. 'The number of communities or settlements 
cultivating beans at this time cannot be estimated, but it is probable that it was 
not large, as none of the Mimbres River sites nor Cordova Cave, which is even 
closer to Tularosa Cave, show any evidence of important bean cultivation. The 
open sites of Higgins Flat and Hinkle Park, which appear to be immediately sub- 
sequent to and in the same cultural tradition as the Tularosa Cave, indicate that 
bean culture continued with common types similar to those of Tularosa Cave and 
may indicate a greater extent of bean growing. Since tepary beans do not occur 
in the Mogollon before 1100 A. D. (Higgins Flat), they may be regarded as intro- 
ductions from the Hohokam; there seems to be no prior association of P. acuti- 
folius in the Mogollon with Cucurbita pepo of which abundant remains were found 
in Tularosa Cave. 


2. Hobokam:— 

As noted previously, vegetal materials are absent in most early Hohokam sites. 
While this lack may be due to poor conditions of preservation, beans first appear 
in the Sacaton phase, or about 1,000 A. D. at Snaketown. The charred tepary and 
common beans identified by Volney Jones are said by Castetter and Bell (1942, 
P. 32) to constitute these remains, and may be the earliest record of tepary beans 
in the whole Southwest as well as in the Hohokam. Not enough evidence is avail- 
able at present to warrant conclusions as to approximate dates for the introduction 
of cultivated beans to the Hohokam, nor is it possible to say whether beans were 
utilized in pre-pottery times in this region. Since the distinguishing feature in 
Hohokam beans seems to be that they are tepary varieties, which may repre- 
sent a response to climatic rather than cultural factors, a long history of selection 
for varietal preference need not be hypothesized. The climatic conditions of 
southern and southwestern Arizona would quickly encourage the cultivation of 
tepary beans after their introduction. If domestication of the tepary occurred in 
the region of the Hohokam, it is not now possible to estimate when the cultivated 
varieties emerged as different enough from the indigenous forms to be differentiated 
from them. The Hohokam ruins which have provided the best bean material are 
later than 1,000 A. D., and usually they show the influence of the Anasazi in 
several aspects of culture. Montezuma's Castle (1300 A. D., Collection Nos. 201— 
205a), located in the Verde Valley, central Arizona, is listed by Carter (1945, 
P. 24) as a Pueblo III, Little Colorado River site, among those sites demonstrating 
the advance of Curcurbita moscbata from the Mesa Verde region to the south and 
west into the area of the Hohokam. In this site only have been found uncharred, 
definitely identifiable bean remains representing the three species known to occur 
in the prehistoric Southwest. A mixture of bean assemblages of the Hohokam and 
Anasazi are evident in the teparies, and limas from the Hohokam and the charac- 
teristic striped violet common bean (Type C11) of the Anasazi. Other sites of 
the Verde Valley evidence the influence of the Anasazi bean types rather than 
those of Mogollon. 

The lima bean appears to be characteristic of the Hohokam. Mackie (1943) 
has the theory that lima beans entered the Southwest by way of western Mexico 
and the Colorado River tribes into the Hohokam area. He discounts the likelihood 
of the eastern Mexico-Sierra Madre Oriental corridor as unsuitable because of 
excessively humid conditions. Mackie also finds that the Hopi lima beans and the 

ans of eastern United States Indian groups are identical and suggests that the 
eastern limas are an extension across the Mississippi Valley of the Hopi varieties. 
Carter considers that the absence of native archaeological lima beans east of the 
Hopi mesas until Pine Bluffs, Arkansas, necessitates an eastern Mexico- Texas 
corridor to the east. I have found, in undated excavated material from Sunny 
Glen Cave, Texas (Anonymous, 1932), and in sites from Tamaulipas, Mexico, 
(specimens and personal correspondence from McNeish, in 1955), extensive re- 
mains of common bean pods and a few seeds. The lima bean pods found among 

[Vol. 43 

the vegetal remains from Tamaulipas strengthen the eastern Mexico corridor 

Lima beans are known from relatively few prehistoric Southwestern sites; these 
are discussed by Steen and Jones (1941) and mapped by Carter (1945).* The 
sites from which these beans are known are in the Verde Valley which shows 
an admixture of Hohokam with other cultures. However, since the lima beans 
are found neither in the Mogollon nor northern Anasazi sites, their relationship to 
the Hohokam seems clear. 

3. Anasazi:— 

In the scatter diagrams the bean remains of the Mesa Verde pueblos are sep- 
arated from those of the northern Arizona Anasazi to emphasize varietal diversity. 
In this study only two types are recognized as present among the Mesa Verde 
pueblos, and the larger number of types found in the ruins of northern Arizona. 
The frequency of occurrence of the striped, violet common bean, type C11, in 
both the northern Arizona and Mesa Verde Anasazi, and its rarity elsewhere 
unifies these two regions with regard to bean distribution. 

Collections of beans from Zion National Monument in southeastern Utah ex- 
amined at the Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan, provide evidence 
which helps to clarify the relationship of Northern Periphery beans to those of the 
Anasazi. Although the stratigraphy has been disturbed, habitation of the site 
probably extended from Basketmaker II times until about 1150 A. D. (correspond- 
ence from A. H. Schroeder to Volney H. Jones). Among these well-preserved 
beans are to be found: types C11, C15, C12, C19a, and possibly C1—collection 
numbers 232—236 respectively. 

Jones" description (Brew, 1946) of charred beans (limas, common beans, and 
others whose dimensions fell within those for Southwestern teparies) from the 
Alkali Ridge site in teint Utah may indicate early agricultural influence 
from the south. e the beans of Mesa Verde in southwestern Colorado—an 
occupied area ee many cultural affinities with Alkali Ridge (Brew, 1946)— 
are all common beans, none of which even in the charred condition could be 
mistaken for lima beans or teparies, Northern Periphery and Anasazi beans do not 
correspond completely. The presence of the small red, flecked bean, type C12 in 
the Zion material (the small charred seeds found by Jones in the Alkali Ridge 
collection may be of this type), links the Verde Valley (collection no. 162a) with 
southeastern Nevada Virgin River sites (collection nos. 206, 206a), said by Reed 
(1954) to be Pueblo II outliers of Anasazi culture, and with southeastern Utah. 

The Verde Valley and Anasazi, then, appear to have had beans in common with 
those of the Northern Periphery. Although Northern Periphery materials dis- 
cussed in this paper are probably earlier than the Anasazi beans, which are mostly 

4 The charred seeds cited by Carter as those of lima beans he Hodges site in south-central 
Arizona are actually Canavalia ensiformis, as paipeir by the scr bilem which are about half the 
length of the entire seed. 


from Pueblo III, there is little to indicate a direct movement of agricultural 
complexes to the Anasazi from the south by way of Nevada and Utah. However, 
it does seem evident that the characteristic bean—C11—of the Anasazi did derive 
from the Northern Periphery or, at least, although rare in the Anasazi, was 
common to both regions in pre-pottery times. 

In Basketmaker III times (Wormington, 1955) and later culture periods, many 
traits point to a close relationship between the Northern Periphery and the San Juan 
Anasazi. Among such evidence is the Central Mexican type of corn found in 
prehistoric sites of southeastern Utah (Wormington, op. cit.). This type of corn 
was described from the vegetal remains of Alkali Ridge by Anderson (1944) and, 
with other artifacts, strongly suggest Mexican influence. However, neither 
Nickerson (Wormington, 1955) nor Carter (1945) believed the corn to have 
come directly through the Arizona Pueblo, Mogollon, or Hohokam areas, but both 
authors consider a plains route as a likely alternative. The high row-number corn 
of many early Southwestern sites, however, may indicate an early widespread 
distribution of the Central Mexican corn. Evidence provided by bean remains 
supports early southern rather than eastern agricultural influence. 

The Existence of Bean Areas.—T wo theories may be advanced for the existence 
of bean areas and their coincidence with culture areas in the Southwest. 

One theory would involve an early introduction of beans to the Mogollon and 
a later introduction to the Anasazi of varieties distinct from those found in t 
Mogollon and unlike those found in the Hohokam, Thus the late introduction 
to the Anasazi would not have come by way of either of these two regions and 
therefore hardly could have come from Mexico directly except by way of eastern 
Mexico and Texas. There are no dated remains to support this. An indirect route 
from the Mexican-Central American center by way of the Caribbean, the Gulf 
Coast, and eastern United States cannot yet be properly evaluated, but in the 
opinion of the author this remains an unlikely route for reasons of cultural affin- 
ities and plant geography. 

A more likely theory would assume the early entrance and widespread distribu- 
tion of beans throughout the Southwest but their adoption and culture by a 
relatively small number of communities. This might explain both their presence 
and their rarity in Basketmaker sites. The early beans thus could have been both 
widespread and varietally more uniform than indicated by the later materials. 
These later materials, as yet the only ones available to us, would have come from 
a time postdating an intensification of bean culture, a time more likely to have 
left bean remains simply because more people were growing them. During the 
period between the introduction or introductions of beans to the Southwest and 
the beginning of their more general cultivation, differentiation of types on the 
basis of local or regional cultural preferences and regional climatic and edaphic 
conditions would have occurred. 

[Vol. 43 


Early Spanish and later Anglo-American contacts brought new plants to the 
Indian farmers, some of which became important and sometimes basic crops. 
During the historic period contact among Pueblo peoples has been of more than a 
casual or even trading nature, and introductions of Peruvian beans by way of 
California and United States commercial varieties have occurred. 

I. Hopi Beans:— 

The assemblage of Hopi bean types (Table VI and fig. 9) appears to be most 
closely related to that of the Verde Valley among the prehistoric groups. Beans 
of the Verde Valley are the most diverse of the prehistoric groups and seem to be 
composed of types which had come from the northern Anasazi, the Hohokam, and 
the Reserve, New Mexico, Mogollon area. The mixture of types and species found in 
the Verde Valley is not to be found in any one of the three great culture groupings 
discussed in this paper. 

In addition to the “old” beans which appear to have come down to the Hopi 
from Verde Valley peoples, newer varieties which do not appear in the archae- 
ological record have been adopted by the Hopi. These new varieties have had 
several sources. The Pinto beans (Type C13) as known in the United States are 
only a few variants of the Garrapata or tick bean group, which is highly diverse 
and well distributed in northern Mexico (Collections of Oficina de Estudios 
Especiales, Secretaria de Agricultura y Ganaderia, Chapingo, Mexico). The occur- 
rence in the Verde Valley (Collection number 164) of the only prehistoric col- 
lection of Pinto beans indicates a distribution limited to a single variety of the 
Garrapata group as well as a rather restricted range of cultivation. The highly 
important and widespread Pinto bean varieties now in use among most Southwest 
Indians probably represent historic introduction of Garrapata varieties from 
Mexico as well as a possible expansion of cultivation of the Verde Valley type 
The arrival of these beans among the Hopi and other Indians may have been early, 
with the Spanish missionaries, or with later Mexican contacts. 

Two other types which have become important in the contemporary Southwest 
but which are absent in prehistoric collections are the Pink and Bayo types (Types 
C28 and C17, respectively) both of which are found among the Hopi. Hendry 
(1918) states that the Pink bean is Chilean in origin, and that a translation of its 
northern Mexican name is "White man's bean." The date of introduction of the 
Pink bean is not known, and whether it arrived overland by way of Mexico, or 
sailing vessel by way of California, is equally obscure. The Bayo types which are 
found among the Zuni and the Hopi are said by Hendry to have come to California 
prior to 1850 in sailing vessels from Chile and to have become well established in 
the Southwest. These also have become widespread in western Mexico. 

2. Zuni Beans: — 

It is probable that the collections of Zuni beans studied are less complete than 
those of the Hopi, and the same may be said for other contemporary Southwestern 


groups. The Zuni types, without important exception, may be the same as the 
Hopi types (See Table VI) of common beans. The fact that only one tepary 
type and no lima beans occurred among the Zuni indicates less influence of the 
Verde Valley, and ultimately Hohokam bean assemblage, upon the Zuni than on 
the Hopi. 

3. Rio Grande Pueblo Beans:— 

From the scatter-diagrams it may be seen that the common beans of the Rio 
Grande Pueblos are, as a group, smaller and less-variegated than the other common 
bean groups (figs. 3-13). There is no information concerning prehistoric beans 
of the Rio Grande peoples, but it may be that during the long Spanish rule of the 
Rio Grande Pueblos these beans were introduced from Mexico. 

4. Navajo Beans:— 

It has been often said that Navajo agriculture was derived from the Pueblos, 
particularly from the Hopi. There is nothing in the Navajo bean assemblage to 
indicate that Navajo beans were not derived from the Hopi or, in the case of the 
newer beans (e.g. the Pinto), from the same source as that of the Hopi. 

5. Piman and Yuman Beans:— 

Beans of the Arizona Piman and Colorado River Yuman peoples are most like 
those of that part of the Verde Valley which was probably most influenced by the 
Hohokam. There can be little doubt that the tepary beans of the Piman and 
Yuman groups are directly related to beans of the ancient Hohokam. If lima 
beans were a prehistoric Hohokam crop, as is believed by the author, one would 
expect them to have persisted at least among the Pima. However, little remains 
of the traditional crop varieties. It is extremely difficult to obtain corn of older 
non-commercial types from the Pima, and beans other than the commercial types 
are even harder to find. In addition to the difficult farming conditions of recent 
drought years, it is probable that the importance of cash-cropping among these 
people since the mid-nineteenth century has operated against retention of the older 
crops, especially the poorly marketable tepary bean and dark-colored lima beans. 


A complex assortment of varieties of Phaseolus vulgaris began to enter the 
Southwest at least 2,000 years ago. Their appearance in the archaeological record 
of the Mogollon in west-central New Mexico was prior to the introduction of 
pottery, while in the Anasazi area of northern Arizona the bean record begins at 
about the same time as the introduction of pottery, and in the Hohokam of south- 
ern Arizona, subsequent to pottery. The existence of well-defined prehistoric bean 
areas and the probability that beans were prepared for eating by parching and 
grinding in early non-pottery times suggest that beans were cultivated in the 
Southwest for a longer time than indicated by the now available archaeological 

: [Vol. 43 

materials. The parching and grinding of mature bean seeds may have been prac- 
ticed by relatively few communities in a given area for a long time before culture 
changes which are not now precisely known stimulated the general adoption of 
beans. The early but restricted use would have afforded ample time for the 
differentiation and selection of varieties characteristic of particular areas. 

Lima beans probably entered the Southwest by way of both the Sonoran and 
eastern Mexican corridors but at a later date than the common beans; their earliest 
record is found in 13th or 14th century ruins. Lima beans remained restricted to 
the central and north-central parts of Arizona and nowhere became as important 
as common beans. 

Phaseolus acutifolius appeared as an important bean only in extremely arid 
southern Arizona, having come into use by the Indians of that region sometime 
prior to 900 A. D. There is insufficient evidence as yet to locate the center of 
domestication of the tepary bean; it may have been a domesticate of Sonoran 
Desert Indians or of peoples in the southern part of Mexico. 

The presence of P. coccineus in prehistoric Southwest cultures has not been 
established, and its contemporary cultivation, limited to the Hopi, does not indicate 
a position of importance for these beans. 

The absence of change indicative of evolution under domestication in prehistoric 
beans is attributed in part to the fact that the center of origin of the cultigens 
represented is far removed from the Southwest, and in part that beans were culti- 
vated previous to the period for which archaeological material is available. 

Among the prehistoric cultures, large, variegated common beans with a high 
frequency of a violet bean (Types C11 and C11a, which is distinctly or indistinctly 
longitudinally striped) are characteristic of the prehistoric Anasazi cultural divi- 
sion. e tepary bean is of greatest importance in the Hohokam region, while 
the Mogollon culture division is characterized by large-seeded non-variegated 
common beans and the absence of the striped violet bean of the Anasazi. Central 
Arizona, including the Verde Valley, shows evidence of the bean influence of the 
Hohokam and Anasazi and has the most varied assortment of beans, with common, 
lima, and tepary beans present. 

he prehistoric source of the contemporary Hopi beans appears to have been 
the Verde Valley while the beans of the Pima and Papago tribes came from southern 
Arizona. In addition to the prehistoric bean types, contemporary Southwestern 
Indians have acquired beans from Mexico, Peru, and from commercial seed sources 
in historic times. 


1. Collections of cultivated beans from contemporary Southwest Indian 
peoples and bean remains from prehistoric sites in the same area were studied. 

2. On the basis of external seed morphology and anatomy a series of cultivated 
bean types is described in tabular and graphic forms. The types have about the 
same taxonomic significance as named horticultural varieties. Thirty-two common 


bean (P. vulgaris) types are recognized and described for the Southwest. Of these, 
thirteen have been found only among prehistoric remains, ten occur only in con- 
temporary collections and nine have been found among both prehistoric and con- 
temporary collections. Eight tepary bean (P. acutifolius var. latifolius) types are 
recognized from prehistoric and contemporary collections, and five lima bean (P. 
lunatus), and two runner bean (P. coccineus) types are recognized and described 
from contemporary collections only. 

3. Using the criteria for classification of bean types as presented in this paper, 
new materials may be compared to the existing Southwestern types. With this 
basis for comparison bean collections from different cultural and temporal con- 
texts can be related and the history of bean domestication, variation, and use 
patterns may come to be better understood. 

4. Bean areas are defined on the basis of distribution of the types; prehistoric 
and contemporary divisions are made according to temporal distribution. The 
areas outlined correspond to Indian cultural divisions and to climatic conditions. 

5. It is suggested that parching and grinding of mature bean seeds was an 
early method of preparation for food and that the role of beans in the diet was as 
à source of protein to supplement animal and complement maize protein. 


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k ei te / Oo, —U PEES 
Ga | ) ( ) 





Fig. 3, Mogollon 
5, b, 219; c, 224; d, 208; A 209; f, 212; g, 210; h, 218; i, 214; j, 220; k, 222; 1, 216: 
m, I *« 225; o, 221; p, 217; q, 

Fig. 4, Verde Valley, Arizona (Anasazi-Hohokam) 
» 205a; b, 195a; c, 195, 196; à hei e, 195b; f, 185; g, 162; h, 201; i, 164; j, 195; 
k, 162d; E 186; m, 204; n, 203; o, 

T i 
o5 EA 
On O7 Ou T 
OO 3 
<= oo 
9 S 
A 8 188 9 eg 
Oe S 
“Ov S 
Da Ou -Oc S 
On Os 
KÉ wë Qo E 
e Oa. Q 
u AO YT ss 

: [9s6t ‘£p IOA] 

Fig. 4 

Fig. 3 

2, S 
^ aal 
© ] g 
O. 6 

Eë R d 







3 nox T 8 PL PF F^ *, ^ 5 




-Os £ 
^ a 









Ta ce aq = 8" ¢ 5$ FF 3 






© z 
On dd, 
2 œ 
e) 0.: do 
a q” " 
cres cx qp. E 89 EW 
wd — —  — e . ae 
Gef? > 
PTT ^ = S$ | RS 
a v T^c EE 


[Vol. 43 

Fig. 9. Hopi 

—43b; b—17a; c—42; d—16, 24, 29; e—31a; f—35; g—35a; h—31, 32, 34; ds oe 

46, 55; k—49c; l—17b; m—19; n—57; o—14, 56, 58, 59; P ; q—26; r—27, s—33; 

t—18, 43, 44; u—22; v—23; w—37, 38; x—36; y—40, 41; z— 





Po 2 
Ong E3 
P 3 
Ee E E ES 
J0 9 Ep Wu CR 


[Vol. 43 

Fig. 12. Arizona Piman 
a—142, 156; b—11, 94; c—11a, 87, 108, 137; d—10, 82, 116, 130; e—110. 

Fig. 13. Colorado River Yunan 

27; b—15a; c—126; d—149; e—143, 144, 145, 148, 150; f£—134, 135, 136; g—3, 121, 
122, sn 133, 147, 158; h—117. 



ee e 
Da Ov ee 
9 E 
de e 
oe 2 «X 25-5 XI 3 
Jui os o s ie de. EE, a — 
CG $ 
ER dd 
de 2 


[Vol. 43 


The funt: giten are used: 
rind — rind Foundation, Dragoon, 
rm — Miss "pe Anthropology, ndo California, Berkeley, Calif. 
C.N.H.M. — Chicago N Sage? History Museum, Chicago, Ill. 
Denver — Denver Museum of Natural History, Zoe SE 
Lab. of Anth. — Laboratory of deest Ab Santa N. M. 
Mesa Vadis Mesa Verde Museum, Mesa e d Pak, Colo. 
Mic Ethnobotanical eme ee of Anthropology, University of Michigan, Ann 
Auber, Mich. 
M.N.A. — Museum of A neis — 1 Ariz. 

Tuc son — Arizona State Museum, Tucso: 
Univ. — Department Ss Anthropology, University e kag Tucson, Ariz. 
Commonly Soe abbreviations are used f of s F. B.M. refer to Pueblo 
and Sie ker periods of the Pecos EH Zoe CR "Site, culture, and date 
Collection numbers followed by an asterisk are collections inclu oq = pn scatter distant. 
fis number eeds measured, if ed than the entire collection, esis under 
"Number id s een of seeds." Pertinent notes on museum labels are SA Cad pre collection. 
of seed (cm.) 
ection a : 
3 source and Site, culture and date SS Kë 
E number GË Sá i 
a AU re) E -á 
Zo a EIE 
3 M.N.A Havasupai. 1940 6 i| 78} 57] CH 
M 1047/4559 fees vasu Canyon, | 3 51.581 44] TS 
6a Berke. 3—7867 Prin Lower Colorado 1 J8| .55| .43| P. acutif olius 
River. Con 
6b »" 3-2976 Same as 6a 1 94| .56| .40 v 
6c " 3-2982 "mom 1 90| eil .25 si 
éd e 3-2983 eek E 1 82| .60| .38 is 
6e * 3~2984 A 1 91 | .61| .37 d 
éf xi 1~62242 Cave near Jacumba, San (1) $24.58 | 35 T 
Diego Co., Calif. 
Date unknown 
6g > 1-62241 Same as 6f (1) Atl 69) 37 z 
6h e 1~62240 EE (1) Dif .61 | .37 2 
éi a 1-62243 NUN (1) .80| .55| 40 “i 
S » 2~17461 Sia Binatone tas M. Contemp. | (5) 70) 353} 271 Li? 
ped from cult. 
8 M 2-17537 Dem Pueblo, N.M 2 1.06| .69| .43| T 4 
9 T 2-17419 Acomita Pueblo, N. M. (5) 147 | 78) 50; Cl 
10* gs 2-17281 Pima, Santan, Ariz. (5) 75| .52| 39| Té 
n" AS 2-17330 Papago, Ariz. Contemp. (5) 122| .77| .55| C 28 
11a* * 2~17288 Pima. Ariz. Contemp. (5) Al 64) A5| TS Co 



12* Berke. 2-17765 Gourd Cave, Nitair, L4] 0211641 C14 

bie = Canyon, n. Ariz. 

13 " 1776 Sam 4 1.44 | .74| .54| P. vulgaris 

14* M.N.A. 771/1744 Hopi SC Surv. 1935 (10) 138) SEL x CH 

15a* = Havasupai. Contemp. 4 1.56|1.10| .62| L 4 

display cas 

16* NA 771/1730 Hopi Crop Surv. 1935 (10) L42| 59811 6E]- C 11 

17 " 771/1751 M a " " 10) 1.14| 861468 | -C 25 

17a Berke.  2-17694 Hopi 4 1471 94 Ww €4 

17b* de -17577 5 1,38] 791 46] C 26 

18* M.N.A. 1046/3935 Contemp (10) 4,26 | 4761252 | 029 

19* » 1/1810B Hopi Crop Surv (10) 1.38] .80| .60| C 3 

20 T 2744 -— See Ariz. 1.44| .66| .48| P. vulgaris 

21 3 725/2745 idi Crop Surv. Moencopi,| 3 1.60} .82] .75 d 

241 S 771/1806 Hopi Crop Surv. 1935. (10) HE 339] 64 
“Similar to robust” 

23* 2 771/1809a Hopi Crop Surv. (10) 1.16] .81| .65| C 14a 
** Jacob's cattle" 

24* > 756/745 Hopi Crop Su 8 1.37| .80| .63| C 11 
First Mesa, Ariz 

25 2 771/1741 Hopi Crop S 4 n23| 77] 22| P vulgaris 
"string bean" 

26* d 771/1809B | Hopi Crop Surv. 1935 9 1371344 36) C 14 
** Jacob's cattle" 

27* x 771/1771 Hopi Crop 5 1221 72] 351 C2 

28* E 771/1823B id e (5) 1.28| .80| .55| C 2 

29* 1 1046/3939 Zeg Pres Ariz. (10) 148| .79| .59| C 11 

30 x 771/1827 Hopi Crop S (10) 1.38| .74| .54| P. vulgaris 
"ze aapa bean” 

31* ? 771/1781 Hopi Crop $ (10) 1.60|1.08| .54| L 3 
pes dion. lima" 

3la*| Berke. 2-17591 Hopi 3 51 9| MILS 

32* M.N.A. 756/B.729 | Hopi Crop Surv. (10) 1.58) 1.08] .55| L 3 

33* ? 771/1835 malnm (10) 1.61|1.14| .52| L 4 

d li 

E " 771/1768A | Hopi Crop Surv. 10 1.57} 1.02] .56| L 3 
“brown lima” 

35* * 771/1825 Hopi Crop Surv (10) 1.42 | 1.00 | .53| L 2 
“white lima” 

35a Berke. 2-17592 Hopi Crop Surv 4 147|1.05| .54] L 1 

36° N.A. 771/1727 | Hopi Cr (10) 1.03 | .68| .39| T 4 
“mottled tepary” 

e? e 771/1808 Crop Surv. (10) Olt 351 3581 T7 
“black tepary' 

38* A 756/B727 Hopi Crop p Se (10) 1.04] .68] 39| T 7 

39* a 771/1807 M A (10) ie S61 Abi T 3 

40° x 771/1758 wool E (10) 1.00| .66| .42| T 3 

41* » 756/728 DI » 2 (10) J .64 42 T 3 

42° * 771/1742 wo LM (5) 1.49 | .83| .47| C 29 
“dark blue bean” 

EA: * 771/1838 Hopi Crop Surv. (10) 1221 262 .$4| C 29 
“Hopi blue dye bean” 

43b*| Berke. 2-17635 Hopi Crop Surv. 2 £34) Sit 33} C50 

44 M.N.A. 771/1769 "moo (10) 1.30| .76| .50| C 29 

45% e 1046/3940 DE Td (5) 1.90|1.33|1.13| R 1 

46* y 906/E250A Rech NR A 1.87|1.18| .94| R 1 

46a a 771/1772 mou MOM 2 1.62| .80| .59| C 18 

49 5 725/B2740 e Lu. * 3 197|121| 77| R 2 

49b 3 854/2845 n Ne 4 2.20 | 1.40 | 1.07] R 2 

49c* ad 906/E250B » » » 5 1.99|1.32| .98| R 2 

[Vol. 43 

TABLE VII (Continued) 
q of seed (cm.) 
Collection ER tos 
u source and Site, culture and date $'8 2 tp 
A La >» 3 or type 
E Sa 13815] 4 
339 & ... E 
50* M.N.A. 771/1801A Hopi Crop Surv. (10) 1404 824 5601 Gir 
yellow beans” 
51 = 1046/3936 a n (10) 1.34] .74| .56 28 
52 S 1046/4670 wo HW M (10) 1.42| .82| .50 17 
53 A 771/1809D Honko e (10) 1.41 | .82| .54| P. vulgaris 
54* x 771/1770 CO, X (10) 1.41| .80| .51| C 17 
55* a 906/E250A DEE 3 05|1.28|1.14 | R 1 
56* e 1046/3934 Won e 8 1581.78] S41 C ID 
57* > 771/B1730 » M 13 138] 6L 56] C M 
“purple string bean” 
58* 771/B1731 Hopi Crop Surv. (15) 1351 76.571 013 
59* = 771/1731 E ae (15) 1.45 | .82| .64| C 13 
60 " 771/1837 Hg 9 n (15) 145| .82| .58| C 17 
61” Berke.  2-17407 Zuni. Ojo Caliente, N. M. | 2 1.10| .69| .46| C 28 
Conte oo 
62* js 2-173588 "sb: N M. Cont (5) 1.04 7| 38| T4 
63* Mesa Verde 417/345 cig Ve Mesa eng, 5 2| 74| .58| C 11 
64* x 3324/275 cis Canyon, Mesa Verde. | 2 15-27 | 1 G2 
64a y 3441/298 Square Se House, 3 127] 761581 C] 
S i L a Verde. P. III 
= Hi Tees as 64a 5d. 78 63| C 11 
66 2848/171 Step House, Mesa Verde. 10 (8) [155 7 371 Cl 
67" " 2488/86 Same ss 66 Y pint [1.42 | .82| .59| C 11 
68a Amerind 992K Kukendahl, s.e. Ariz. : 0 e 1.20| .64| — | P. vulgaris, 
near Nogales. 1200- 4 char reniform 
1450 A. D. rag. subapiculate. 
single cotyle- 
destroyed by 
68b 5 ap Same as 68a 4 frag. 89| .62| .43| P. vulgaris, 
possibly C12 
20 or 27, 
affected by 
69 » 1049 »  » » 1 frag. 1.31 721]: -— Similar to 681 
» charred 
70a P/501B(2) | S. Ariz. 16th cent. 2 1.56| .97 | .53 | P. lunatus 
70b » » sk oe an DI 5 .80 .50 .38 Probably a 
charred small-seeded 
: P. vulgaris 
70c » » » » » 1 55 .87 .55 P. vulgaris, 
charred entire, ends 




M.N.A. N.A.862 









2-217771 441A 



Site unknown 

Dead Man's Fort, Ariz. 
P. II 

gri dt M. Contemp. 
ourd e Nitair 
usi nyon, n. Asie. 

Pima. Santan, Ariz. 
Zuni, N. M. Contem 
Cave, S. Francisco ET 
N. M. Undated 
eed E Ariz. 

Pima. ede Ariz. 
Ge: Ss Nitair, Bes 
on, n. Ariz II 
Near ar en N N. M. 
Zuni. Ojo Geng N. M. 
Navajo. Jeddito, Ariz. 

Turkey House, Casa 
Grande, Ariz. Hoh 
Same as 99 
Acomita Pueblo, N. M. 

Navajo. Jeddito, Ariz. 

Con: ` 
Truchas, N. M. Contemp. 






Probably C 6 

ike C 19a, 

but smaller 

rounded ends 

P. vulgaris 
Ends flat 

[Vol. 43 

TABLE VII (Continued) 
ER of seed (cm.) 
i ak : DE Species 
3 source and Site, culture and date EK á 
a 5 > E or type 
3 A "5 = E) 
Z 23 |$ 3/3 
Ze |i || P 
106* Berke. 2-17434 Acomita Pueblo, N. M. (5) 1.32 | .81| .62| C 14 
107* d: 2-17701 Chimayo, N. M. E (5) 1.22] .78| .60| C 22 
108* Je 2-17326 Papago, ies nea (5) 80] 355] 9| E 
Mex. bord. EE 
109* i 2-174435 TEEN E N. M. (5) 1.00| .65| .46| T 3 
110* ei 2-17327 Papago. Big Fields, Ariz. (5) 88| .65| .3| T 4 
111* = 2-17389 Zuni, N. M. Contemp. (5) 1.12] .78| .64| C 142 
112* " 2-17479 Cochi Pueblo, N. M. (5) 1.08| .69| .51| C 23 
: Contemp. 
114* : 2-17703 Cordola, N. M. Contemp. | (5) 1.28] .80| .60| C 13. 
115 x " " ^ » (5) 1.11 | .72| .53| P. vulgaris 
116* 3 2-17332 Papago, Ariz. Contemp. (5) 8 54| 41| T 6 
117% Y 2-17230 Yuma, Ariz. Contem 4 Zei 452] 42| € 27 
117a " 2-17728 " ags. T 6 
"parched small Med P. | parched 
ne ari is eaten thus o 
118* = 2—17344 etus Jeddito, Ariz. (5) 34.83] 237 | <2 
S weg. 
eg " 2-17341 SEH as (5) 120473] 50[|[. C2 
120 2-17390 A. OK Clm. N. M. (5) 1:27 82 801 C23 
121* og 2-17262 Cocopa, Somerton, Ariz. (5) 86| .60| .46| T 6 
122" e 2-17249 Mohave, P » Parker, Ariz. (5) 84| .61| .47| T 6 
123* o 2-17345 Maisch Jeddito, Ariz. (5) 1.24) 731 Sf] GH 
124* 2-17778 Navajo, Twó =. Hills, (5) 116/74) 531 622 
125* : 2-17387 Zuni, Ojo Deeg NM | (5) 1.44] 93| .73| C 24 
e = 2-17272 Havasupai, Ariz. Soop 3 1.20]..68 | .531| G6 
ane $ 2-17232 tem 6) 1.41| .72| .53| C 18 
28 2-17346 Navajo, — Ariz. (5) 88| .60| .45| T 6 
Ws oen 
au a ica Sam (5) 1.34| .77| .58| P. vulgaris 
130 2-17310 Piss rise Ariz. (5) 76| .56| .41| Té 
131 E 2-17754 Kiet Siel, Tsesi SCH 1.43 | .97| .62| P. vulgaris o 
n. Ariz. charred frags. of 
131a M 2i Same as 131 85| .45| .43| P. acutifolius 
132* ” charred ? 
2-17248 Mohave, Parker, Ariz. (10) 89| .60| .46| T 6 
133* " Kante 
2-17235 Yuma Indians, (10) A61 127] A1 L8 
134* 2: Ariz. Contemp. 
2-17261 Cocopa, Somerton, Ariz. (5) 89| .62| M| T 4 
Contemp. IE 


135* Berke. 2-17261 Same as 134 (5) 10331 21] -AL F 
136* = " (5) 261.651 381 1.4 
137* g 2-17337 Papago, Ariz. Contem (10) $9] .60] AE. TS 
138* 3 2-17756 Tusigoot, near Clarksdale, 5 0| .45| .32| P. acutifolius 
., Verde Valley charred 
view den ens 
1392 T 2-17414 Acomita Pueblo, N. M. (5) 1.45| .90| .56| C 14 
140* E 2-17342 Navajo, Jeddito, Ariz. (5) 131] 057-531 C 43 
141 ” » Same as 140 (5) La dl. © 22 2 
142* y 2-17318 Papago, Ariz., near (5) 1321::801:.491 C 13 
Mex. bord. Conte 
143* 3 2-17271 Havasupai, Ariz. Contenp (10) 95051 60] . MI T5 
144" ES 2-17247 gcc veia Ariz. (5) 7| SU 35] T 9 
145* y 2-17250 eem (5) 961 «601 0l T3 
146* " 2-17401 Zuni, Ojo Caliente, N.M. | (5) 1.43] .76| .54| C 18 
147* d 2-17267 Walapai, Pes Peach onam (5) a4] 59] 451 T 6 
148* xi ," a (5) SV]. TS 
149 xc 2-17233 uma Indians Ariz. (5) 1211:.97| 45 |. L 2 
150* x 2-17260 Cocopa, Somerton, Ariz. (5) 1. A TS 
151* * 2-17405 Zuni, Ojo Celiente, N. M. (5) 1.32| .81| .60| C 11 
iis : Contemp. 
2-17409 Same as 152 (5) 1.23 | .82| .54| C 14 
153* 1 2-17406 (5) 10521 861 Est 
154* 3 2-17410 (5) 1.48 | .83 | .57| C 17 
155 eg 2-17704 Cordel, N N. M. Contemp. | (9) 1.10] .71| .55| C 22 
156* uf 2-17324 Papaso, B Big Fields, Ariz. (5) 1.26| .78| .54| C 13 
157* z 2-17418 Acomita Stier N. M. (5) 1.23| .71| eil C 22 
158* a 2-17231 T" Tadians, Ariz. (5) .82 | .56| .41| T 6 
159 M.N.A. 695/NA2519 ae Siel Tesi Canyon, 1 1.51 | .85 | .64| P. vulgaris 
P. Il charred 
160* y 621/405 ach) ‘Pueblo Little 1 1.14 | .72| .61| C 14 
M18 "es 1000—1200 
161 " 712/NA2520.32 Turkey pen. Tsegi Canyon | 6(3 im- |1.42 | .82| .61| ClorC ll 
162* jx 692/ A86b eg? ouse, Verde 1 1.16| .78| .60| C 11a 
Valley, pod 1100- 
162a* » » Sam 1 BA 62 .48 C 12 
164* A 514/1814A. pa Kee n.e. of H 91] .58| 34| C 13 
Ré Flagstaff, Ariz. 1000— 
1200 A. D. 
165 "  561/NA739.18| Walnut Canyon, Cliff 3 39] 82) 58) C3? 
Sinagua, P. III 
166 ^ — 583/117-U- ; 2 2.67 | 1.66 | 1.09 slis 
3/117-U-26| No inf bere 
167a | Lab. Anth. 30/1343 | Cave on S. Francisco R., 8 (5 .87| el .43| T6 
adi arched) 
167b » ” Same as 167a 1 .98 | .60 43 638! 
RA: oe 

[Vol. 43 

TABLE VII (Continued) 
$ 2 
E of seed (cm.) 
Collection 2 i : 
9 source and Site, culture and date KK a. mes 
2 a > 40 or type 
E number 32 A gl? E 
z EE W 1312 
EI Ki i=] wen ud 
Ze EE ele 
168 365131. Vial 2 Sunny Glen Cave, 12 1.359) 317.61) C9 
Big Bend, Tex 
oe prehist 
169 e AT : Sam 20 (10) | 1.38 sro] 31] C3 
170 1 .07 0| .58| C 14a 
171 Tucson Rm er Ari. Pt. of Pines. Ca.1qt. | 1.05| .64| .54| P. vulgaris 
Y. Ca. 1280 A.D. (15) 
172 » d S Same as 171 30 |1.50| .80| en T 
173 » » » » » » 3 47 72 68 Lid 
174 " G.P.11071 Gila Pueblo excavations 3 .28 | .74| .58 $ 
175 a S 74 4 LITT EE es 
176 sid G.P.16962 Bon 2 120} 22] 9741] — 
177 ” Ll ” E » 2 E Fa .61 48 
177a » » » c» 1 1.37 .90 56 Py Iunatus, Li? 
178 » DI Te Ee 1 id -TE A8 Igaris 
179 T G.P.11084 nas 4 1.46 | 78| .67| ” 
181 T G.P.11055 — Se 2 1.54| .82| .64| ” 
182 » sis» $e 1 1.14 75 47 de 
183 z G.P.11032 s e ad 2 1511021 EL... 
184 > G.P.11046 wis der ded 1 tati Cr ar 
185* ve G.P.19691 "n MM 1 1.23 80| .47| C9 
186* DI » » D DI 2 .8 .60 45 T 6 
187 4 H.899 Hodges #793, s.e. Ariz. 6 -|1.70|1.10| .71| Canavalia 
H.959 Pre 1300. Hohokam charred iformis 
H.111 (Called “lima 
H.1115 ” by 
Carter, 1945) 
188* M.N.A. 695/NA2519| Kiet Siel, Tsegi Canyon, H 1.38| .88| .62 11 
n. Ariz. P. III, 1274- parched 
1286 A. D. 
189* " E Same as 188 (10) 1.47| .84| .57| C 19 or 198 
190* » » » 5 5 (11) £55 81 61 C 11 
di d parched 
191* » » wio (15) 1.25 71 Si Cz 
192* 2 » ur Obr. vg 1.35 83 55 C 14 
193* » » noc d. roy» 58 | 1.02 .54 CGS 
194a xd F "aon 16 1.58| .85| .58| C 19a 
194b* » » nm nm » ee 1.40 .81 57 Gi 
195a* > 692/A85 Murder House, Lay 1.46 | .84| .58| C 18 
ge Verde Valley, Fe? 
P. IM 


195b* M.N.A. 692/A85 Same as 195a 1 134] 22] 58] C 14à 
195c* A x T te i 1 127] J1 | OU 
195d E a qu 1 951 641.391 C 20 \ 
196 2 A E 2 145] 2] «MIL 
197 "  712/NA2730.4| Dry cave, Tsegi-ot- 1 L24| .671 54] C 5 ? 

: ES sosi. B.M.I. frag. 
198 909/NA2520.13| "Turkey Cave, Tsegi 1 1491 28] 655] C 11 
Canyon, Ariz. 
P. I- 
199* " 712/NA2519M97| Kiet Siel, Tsegi Canyon. 3612610351 Ci 
z parched 
200 z " M97b| Same as 199 1.48 | .82 | .55| P. vulgaris 
200a* R » M97c 2 133] 2215971 Ge 
01 Tucson mae s ciae Verde 4 .94| .59| .42| C 20 
ca. 13 
éi * Same as 201 1 RD EDAD Ti 
Sé, = i : a 1 a2] IN T 3 
sar E ee 3 .85| .54| 40| T 6 
fos * E 8 144] oh [eos Ld 
ance : : 1 Al] 29] .e1| C.H 
6 Univ. Ariz. B.P.6004 Rock Shelter, Overton, ca. 100 .$1] 4535] 391] G I2 
4590 Nev. P. II (15 
i : parched) 
206a Univ. Ariz. B.P.5990 € — Virgin R., .09| .71| .44| C lla 
207* Denver 7146 nie se. Utah. B.M| 1 1.51| .75| .49| C 3 
208* C.N.H.M. Eu pem w. cent. 3 15641] 741 311 C 19 
x = oes as as 208 2 155] .871 .359| C3 
eed A 2 1.48 | .80| .56| C 5 
n H noH 1 »1341 561.47] GE 
2 Higgins Flat, nea 6 frags. | 1.50] .59| — | C 12 
e, N. M. After charred 
e > 00 Fa D. SE 
See as 212 60 85| .44| — | P. acutifolius 
214* » (4) 
Tularosa Cave, p Re- 2 1461 .98] .521 C 8 
serve, N. M. M lon. 
ini A 300 B. C.-1100 A. D. 
Se 2 Same as 214 2 tél 711 .4] C 19 
ns E » » » 4 1.29 | .8 51| C7 
mat ££. Ow UM 4 99 .60 .48 [o 6 
18 » » m» ^ 1 1.50| .88| .60| C 9 
219* » Pe In a 2 1.635) 661 781 C 10 
220* ” wo a 1 13501 701,581 C1 
221* » ».- » 2 £111 91] .58 C 16 
222* se SE d 19 1491 4 soi 05 
223* » an ^» nm 11 1.19 .80 55 C 15 
224* ” e i | 1 1.65 9 ,59 C3 
225 Berke. — 4—4821 Ica Valley, Peru. Early 20 lbs. |2.47| 1.37] .61| P. lunatus 
Nazca. 200 A. D. (5) Yellow-tan to 
226 ^^ 4-7255B San Nicolas, near Supe, IN o6] 39] Ee 
Peru. Middle Supe. E Dark purple 
227 » » erën (5) 1.8] .92| .76| P. vulgaris 
' Dark 

[Vol. 43 

TABLE VII (Continued) 
3 of d (cm.) 
Collection d Speci 
9 source and Site, culture and date DS 2 pe 
a be ka o» o or type 
E number EXE le |as 
z Eg ERCE 
EI x] & . KZ 
GEI a ee 
228 Berke. ^ 4—7255B pee E (5) 1.50 | .80 | .62 | P. vulgaris 
with blac eye 
extending ant. 
229 ig e EE (5) 1.51| .95| .64 | P. vulgaris 
Red ground, ca. 
cov: T 
s black and 
ant. mottle 
230 js E fuse c Sev- 2.83|1.53| .75| P. lunatus 
eral Yellow-brown 
un- self, some with 
dred black ant. 
(5) mottle 
231 E: 4-7269 EET 1 1.80| 1.26 | .93| P. lunatus 
232 Mich. 4445 c-3, c-4 Zion Natl. Mon., s.e. Utah | (19) 1235] 22] 56 | e E 
4452 c-1, c-2 
233 ^" sd eN 6 Same as 232 (14) BAG 1771530] Col 
234 "o 4445 b uod ue (12) .88| .57| .38| C 12 
"n : b 
235 c-2, 4 deis ox 5(3) |139| .63| .63| C 19a 
236 a ana 5, 6 Buren (2) 1.34| .70| en 
1.49| 72 Giz 



Common and runner bean types. Slightly less than natural size. 

ANN. Mo. Bor. GarD., Vor. 43, 1956 PLATE 1 

S I9 0 196 


ANN. Mo. Bor. GarD., Vor. 43, 1956 PLATE 2 


[Vol. 43, 1956] 


T 1-T 8. Tepary types; L 1-L 5. lima bean types. Seeds slightly less than natural 

A. Dried pods and beans, type C11, Mesa Verde, Colorado. Pueblo III. 
B. Charred beans, in situ. Point of Pines, Arizona. 



Emeritus Director 
GEORGE T. Moore 

Associate Director 

Mycologi cting Curator of Herbarium 
enior Taxonomist 


Dendrologi E 
Arce F. TRYON, 
ee M. TRYON, Research Associate 
eg, Curator of the ; HN D. DWYER, 
barium Research Associate 
Curator Museum of 

» Librarian and Editor 
Economic Plants 

of Publications 

Business Manager 


` President 
Second Vice-President 
; EUGENE $ oe . 
Leicester B. Faust RucHamp J. Lock woop 
Henry HrircHcock A. WESSEL Seance 
RORERT pianinas SMITH 


Bi IUR C. LICHTENBERGER, — o Smarror Pen : 
shop. at | E ue S 
PELA A Duce pu. ES : "Scenes of St Louis vet 
James F. Moret, e ES Eege A. H smm - 
EE of the ge Board of ar Chance rm de 
Education of St. Louis University : : 

Rani R. Teo, 2 
aa _ Mayor of the City ot St. Laia CE 

i - Volume XLIII a Number 3 

be <- WK TE 
po er te UD EL 

(0 Missouri Botanical 

of the 

Missouri Botanical Garden 

Vol. 43 SEPTEMBER, 1956 No. 3 



Rauvolfia is one of the apocynaceous genera that long has awaited a taxonomic 
revision. Since the inception of the genus by Plumier! in 1703 with two species, 
the literature has accumulated an abundance of novel specific epithets, based fre- 
quently on insufficient material and often due to misconceived synonymy. The 
‘Kew Index’, including all the supplements, lists about 175 names for the world, 
_ While the Kew and the Gray Indices together account for about 90 names for the 
New World alone. An inadequate comprehension of the generic characteristics 
also has led to the proposal of new genera, such as Opbioxylon, Cyrtosiphonia, 
Dissolaena and Heurckia, to include the Asian and New Caledonian Rauvolfias. 
Bentham and Hooker correctly recognized the synonymy of these genera with 
Rauvolfia. Plants belonging to other genera, and even other families, in the past 
have been described as Rauvolfias. Thus Ruiz and Pavon? described several species 
of Citharexylum, a genus of Verbenaceae, as species of Rauvolfia. 

Alphonse de Candolle,3 in his treatment of Apocynaceae for the ‘Prodromus’, 
included 23 species of Rauvolfia and, for the first time, provided lists of dubious 
and excluded species, even though he maintained Ophioxylon as a distinct genus. 

umann’s* much later account for the ‘Pflanzenfamilien’ recognized about 45 
species for the world, but the taxonomic treatment necessarily was brief and 
sketchy. Pichon® estimated about 110 species for the world in a brief synopsis of 

P mier, C. Plant. Am. Gen., p. 19. 1703. 
Ruiz & Pavon, Fl. Peruv. et Chil. 2:26. 1799. 
DC. in D 

SE Schum. in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. 41-2:153-154. 1897. 
Pichon, M., in Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 94:32-39. 1947. 
* An investigation carried out in the graduate laboratory of the Henry Shaw School of Botany of 
Washington University, and submitted as a thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the 
ree of doctor of philosophy. 
** Department of Botany, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. 

Issued October 31, 1956. 

[Vol. 43 

the genus, and included an analytical key and brief Latin diagnosis of the fourteen 
sections. Pichon's treatment has badly suffered from the fact that he had not 
examined more than half the species which he listed. Apart from these, no com- 
prehensive monograph of the genus for the world exists. 

As far as the New World species are concerned, the most outstanding account 
is that of Mueller-Argoviensis.? This, however, was limited to about 11 species 
of Brazil. Markgraf's” essay on the relationships of the American Rauvolfias was 
more comprehensive and included a discussion of the geography and taxonomy of 
the tropical American species and provided a E to distinguish the species. 
He recognized 34 species, including 7 new of his o 

Like several other related members of the BE Plumeroideae, several 
species of Rauvolfia contain alkaloids of considerable pharmacological importance. 
The Asian Rauvolfia serpentina recently has attained phenomenal publicity in this 
regard. This naturally has resulted in the extension of interest in these plants to 
a far wider informed public 

The present revision of the genus in the New World was begun in September 
of 1954. It is based on a critical study of more than 2,000 herbarium specimens, 
and also a handful of plants grown in the greenhouse of the Missouri Botanical 
Garden. Even though the living plants did not yield any statistically significant 
data, they played a very important role in suggesting the growth and variation 
pattern of the species concerned. 

Fully realizing that the American Rauvolfias are only a small cluster of the 
world species and cannot therefore be studied entirely by themselves I have given 
some time to a critical evaluation of Pichon’s fourteen sections. I have examin 
all the specimens which he had for study, and more, although it must be confessed 
that I too have not been able to examine material for all the species. Any authori- 
tative and detailed presentation of the taxonomy of the extra-American Rauvolfias 
will have to await more extensive study. 

I have reduced the fourteen sections of Pichon to nine, the American Rauvolfias 
comprising two of these sections and including 34 species, grouped under four 
series and three subseries. 


The Minim monk and pioneer Caribbean botanist, Charles Plumier, founded the 

genus Rauvolfia in 1703 to commemorate Leonhart Rauwolf, a German drug-plant 

collector who had widely traveled in the eastern countries. Plumier briefly diag- 

nosed two species: Rauvolfia tetraphylla angustifolia and Rauvolfia tetraphylla 

Linnaeus,? in adopting the genus, described one species and held another simply 

as a variety. Thus originated a confusion concerning the identity of the two 

ë Muell.-Arg., J., in Mart. Fl. Bras. 61:30—34. 1860. 
ER F., in Fedde, Rep. Spec. Nov. 20:111—122. 1924. 
ort. Cliff. 75 1737. 


original species of Plumier. Rendle,? who was fortunate in having all the relevant 
original material at the British Museum, has related the entire story and has ably 
untangled the complex question of synonymy. The description of Rauvolfia tetra- 
phylla in the ‘Hortus Cliffortianus’ was based on Ehret’s drawing of a plant that 
Linnaeus had seen growing in the Chelsea Garden (pl. 3, fig. 3). Linnaeus wrongly 
equated this with Rauvolfia tetraphylla angustifolia of Plumier and considered 
Plumier’s second species merely a variety. He repeated this error in the first edition 
of the ‘Species Plantarum’. This must have been due evidently to the very brief 
diagnosis of Plumier on which Linnaeus had to depend in deciding synonymy of 
his Rauvolfia tetraphylla. In 1775 Burmann's edition of Plumier’s ‘Plantarum 
Americanarum Genera’, containing illustrations of both of Plumier’s species, was 
published (pl. 3, fig. 1). Jacquin, apparently unaware of Burmann’s work, pub- 
lished in 1760 three names: R. nitida, R. hirsuta, and R. tomentosa, and later, in 
1763, gave descriptions for them with an illustration for R. tomentosa (pl. 3, 
fig. 2). His R. nitida was synonymous with Rauvolfia tetraphylla angustifolia of 
Plumier, and R. hirsuta and R. tomentosa were conspecific and identical with Rau- 
volfia tetrapbylla latifolia of Plumier and Rauvolfia tetraphylla of Linnaeus. 
Apart from Jacquin’s illustration of R. tomentosa, I have studied a specimen from 
Jacquin’s herbarium at Vienna, annotated in his own handwriting as Rauvolfia 
tomentosa, which proves the correctness of the above dispositions. 

The fact that Linnaeus had become aware of his earlier mistake and that he 
had also seen the descriptions and illustrations of the two species in Burmann’s 
edition of Plumier is indicated in the second edition of the ‘Species Plantarum’. In 
this Linnaeus described £wo species: Rauvolfia nitida and Rauvolfia canescens. 
Linnaeus was correct in citing Rauvolfia tetraphylla angustifolia of Plumier in 
synonymy with Rauvolfia nitida, and Rauvolfia tetraphylla latifolia of Plumier 
with Rauvolfia canescens. In establishing this new name did not realize that 
it was conspecific with his earlier Rauvolfia tetraphylla. 

Jacquin’s Rauvolfia hirsuta was allegedly based on the reference to the same 
specimen of Patrick Browne on which Linnaeus based his R. canescens. Hence it 
is a just cause for surprise as to why Linnaeus should have ignored Jacquin’s prior 
name, even if he had considered the Patrick Browne specimen (pl. 3, fig. 4) dis- 
tinct from the one of Ehret's drawing on which his R. tetraphylla was founded. 
The Linnaean name R. tetraphylla has priority over Linnaeus later name of R. 
canescens, and is the equivalent of Plumier’s second species Rauvolfia tetraphylla 
latifolia. R. nitida of Jacquin is equivalent to Plumier’s first species Rauvolfia 
tetraphylla angustifolia. 

Another question of some concern is that of orthography. Plumier used the 
Latin version of Rauwolf’s name and called the genus Rauvolfia. The fact that 
Rauwolf himself was inconsistent about the spelling of his name, once spelling it 
Leonhardt Rauwolff and at another time Leonhard Rauwolf, should not concern us 

? Rendle, A. B., in Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond. 149:106. 1937. This contains references to all the 
pertinent literature. 

[Vol. 43 

very much here. Linnaeus himself was faithful to the original spelling in all his 
editions of the ‘Genera’ and the ‘Species Plantarum’. However, Burmann”? ha 
used three different spellings in quick succession, even in the same page, thus: 
Rawolfia, Rauwolffia, and Rauwolfia. In the seventh edition of Linnaeus’ “Genera 
Plantarum’ under Reichard, the name was spelled Ravwolfia in the text and Rau- 
wolfia in the index. The eighth edition under Schreber used Rauwolfia and there- 
after Willdenow, Alphonse de Candolle, Bentham and Hooker, and Schumann have 
all used the altered spellin 

Woodson,! who at first used the original spelling and later came to prefer the 

corrected” spelling of Rauwolfia, recently has recounted the story of inconsistency 

in the spelling.!? In that account, however, he has clearly indicated that though 
the spelling Rawwolfia is contrary to the requirement of the International Code of 
Nomenclature, yet he preferred the altered spelling in view of popular usage in 
that form and particularly because the publication was meant for non-botanical 

As mentioned earlier, the spelling Rauwolfia transgresses Article 82 of the 
International Code of Botanical Nomenclature.13 In this work the original spelling 
of Plumier, Rauvolfia has been consistently used. 


Habit: Plants of Rauvolfia, except R. purpurascens of Panama, which Stand- 
ley has described rather incredibly as a vine, are undershrubs, shrubs, or trees. 
Most of them are moderately good-sized shrubs, only a few being either puny under- 
shrubs or big trees. The smallest one, appropriately named R. nana, of northern 
Rhodesia in Africa, attains a height of only 15 cm. 

Amongst the American species, almost all species belonging to section RAU- 
VOLFIA are shrubs scarcely exceeding a height of about 2 m. The majority of species 
of section MACROVOLFIA, on the other hand, are sturdier and more robust shrubs 
or trees. R. linearifolia is the smallest, hardly reaching a height of 5 dm. Amongst 
the arboreal species, R. praecox is the tallest, reaching a height of about d m. 
Most of the other species have an intermediate habit that can be described at times 
as shrubs, and at other times as trees. 

All the plants are lactescent, particularly in the aerial parts. In R. tetrapbylla, 
R. littoralis, and R. serpentina, roots at any stage of their growth have failed, in 
my experience, to show latex exudation, when cut. But all the other parts above 
the hypocotyl exude a milky latex on wounding. 

Brancbes: Branching is usually whorled, often rather densely so. The branches 
are usually terete, rarely angular or even winged to some extent, as in the African 

1, Burmann, ys DN Plant. em Geng er 252.1755) $ 
11 Woodson, R. E., in Ann. a 1930; in N. Amer. Flora 29%:134-138. 122% 
"Serien et T goo e Lë Chemistry id tiere Little, Brown & s 
Boston. In 
"inge Code E Bot. Nomencl. p. 43. 1952. 


R. macrophylla. Except in several species of section RAUVoLFIA, where the young 
twigs are variously pubescent, the branches are glabrous, and in most species 
lenticellate to varying degrees. 

Nodes: The nodes are emphatically marked by the pectinate glands that usu- 
ally are present in the leaf axils, as well as by leaf scars. Except in members of 
series LATIFOLIAE of section MACROVOLFIA, where the terminal nodes are very 
short and condensed, unlike the more distantly spaced nodes further down, the 
nodes of all the species are fairly evenly and distantly spaced. However, a con- 
densation of the terminal nodes is evident also in R. sellowii, a member of series 
ANGUSTIFOLIAE. A similar situation exists in the Hawaiian species and in the 
African R. macrophylla and R. caffra. This condensation of the terminal nodes, 
often accompanied by foliage only at the tips of twigs, gives a characteristic 
appearance to these species. 

Leaves: ‘The leaves are whorled, the number in a whorl being variable in dif- 
ferent species and sometimes even in the same species. There is also an inconsistency 
in the shape, size, and indument of the leaves, even in the same species. In spite 
of this, leaves offer some fairly reliable characteristics for the taxonomic diagnosis 
of the different species. 

The leaves of a given whorl are more or less anisophyllous. They are petiolate 
or sessile, simple, entire, and ovate, elliptic, lanceolate, obovate, or oblanceolate in 
outline, The venation is pinnately reticulate, the secondary veins and the vein 
network extremely variable in clarity on the two surfaces. The secondary veins 
are mostly arcuate and often unite at the margins to form a marginal vein. How- 
ever, in species such as R. nitida, R. sarapiquensis, and R. pentaphylla the secondary 
veins are transverse or almost so. 

The leaves are either membranaceous or coriaceous. All the species included in 
section RAuvoLriA have membranaceous leaves, whereas the species in the other 
sections have leaves of variable texture, from membranaceous to coriaceous. The 
two surfaces usually are opaque, but in species such as R. cubana, R. salicifolia, R. 
braecox, and R. nitida, the upper surface is lustrous and the lower opaque. Though 
there is a certain amount of difference in the emphasis of the green color on the 
two surfaces, the upper being usually dark and the lower varying shades of light 
green, and although Markgraf!* has used this as a key character, my experience 
with fresh and dry leaves of identical species has shown that no reliance can be 
placed on this character. The leaves are glabrous except for some species of section 
RAuvoLrFia, where one or both surfaces exhibit pubescence to varying degree. 

The leaves are variable in size. Like certain species of Asia and New Caledonia, 
the three Cuban species, R. cubana, R. salicifolia, and R. linearifolia, have rather 
narrow leaves, the last having the narrowest leaves of all the species. With the 
exception of a few species which may possess rather narrow leaves at times, most 
of the species have comparatively broad leaves. 

——— \ 
14 Markgraf, F., in Fedde, Rep. Spec. Nov. 20:113-118. 1924. 

[Vol. 43 

The petiole varies considerably in length. In most of the species it is short and 
becomes obscured by the gradual decurrence of the lamina. In R. fraecox and R. 
sellowii, however, the leaves have fairly long and quite distinct petioles. The 
petiole usually is entirely glabrous, but in species of section RAUVOLFIA it has also 
either a sparse or dense glandular covering. 

Stipules and Glands: As in other members of Apocynaceae, the nodal region 
in Rauvolfia is marked by a distinctive ring, and the leaf axil is provided with a 
number of pectinate glands. ere has been some difference of interpretation of 
the nature of these glands. The two observers holding diverse opinions on t 
score, Woodson and Pichon, have based their conclusions on an observation of more 
extensive material than was possible for me.  Woodson!? has held, following 
Gluck's original interpretation, that these appendages are "doubtless in the cate- 
gory of stipules”. Pichon,!? in a lengthy discussion of the stipules and glands of 

Fig. A. Rauvolfia littoralis. Twig showing stipules and glands. 

APocyneceie, has concluded that the glands are in the nature of foliar appendages 
"sui generis" and are distinct from the stipules. There is an obvious bc in our 
knowledge of the morphology and physiology of these glandular appe 
I have studied the nodal region in living plants of R. viale K ere, 
and R. serpentina with special interest. In the first two species, in addition to the 
numerous pectinate glands in the leaf axils as well as on the petioles, there are 
distinct stipules at each node. These stipules are interpetiolar in position, subulate 
or linear, and are about 2 mm. long. They are deciduous and leave a minute scar 
on the node (text-fig. A). In R. serpentina, the leaf axil does not exhibit many 
glands, but lateral to the petiole minute subulate structures are clearly observable 
which are obviously stipules. I have noted similar interpetiolar stipular structures, 

zx 15 Woodso & Moore, i in Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 65:148. 1938. 
Pichon, M, in Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. II Ser. 1:467-473. 1949. 



in addition to the ubiquitous gs in young shoots of R. cubana preserved in 
alcohol. Furthermore, in all members of series LATIFOLIAE, there are prominent, 
deciduous bud-scales which keng are stipular structures. In Rauvolfia at 
least, examination of both the glands and the stipules leads to the conclusion that 
the two appendages, although associated, are distinct. 

Inflorescence: The inflorescence is terminal. There is no recent discussion in 
the literature on the position of the inflorescence either in Rauvolfia or any of its 
close relatives in the family. However, some observations and interpretations have 

n made in certain genera of the allied family Asclepiadaceae. Bugnon,!' in a 
study of the inflorescence in Gomphocarpus fruticosus, summarized the three prin- 
cipal views on the position of the inflorescence. The three views are: (1) The 
inflorescence is a sympodium. (2) The inflorescence is an axillary branch. (3) 

Rauvolfia ioi mie Inflorescence as it appears 
di ud as it is interpreted (right). 

The inflorescence is one branch of a dichotomy. On the basis of his studies, Bugnon 
has rejected all three views and has put forward a rather ambiguous interpretation 
of his own. Holm,}8 on the other hand, in his studies on the inflorescence of species 
of Sarcostemma, has preferred the classical interpretation of Payer and others, and 
has held the inflorescence to be a sympodium. 

have studied carefully the development of the inflorescence in living plants 
of R. tetraphylla. The vegetative shoot sooner or later ends in a simple dichasium. 
By the time the terminal flower-bud is ready to blossom, one of the axillary buds 
in the subjacent leaf whorl becomes active and soon develops a vigorous shoot. In 
this process the originally terminal cyme is gradually pushed to one side and the 
axillary shoot increasingly veers to assume a terminal position (text-fig. B). The 
inflorescence thus becomes interpetiolar in position after this spatial transposition. 
Holm has pointed out that the lateral sliding of the inflorescence of Sarcostemma 

Je la Bugnon, F., in Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 102:105-114. 1955. 
18 Holm, R., in Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 37:485—486. 1950. 

[Vol. 43 

occurs alternately at successive nodes and as the result the inflorescences appear 
to be in two rows. In R. tetraphylla, however, the situation is further complicated 
by the leaves being in whorls of four. There is no constancy or visible pattern in 
the order in which axillary buds at any given node develop, or the relationship of 
the inflorescence to any one axillary bud in the whorl. Commonly, however, only 
one of the axillary buds in the whorl is developed, be it associated with a smaller 
or a larger leaf. Yet occasionally two, three, or even all four axillary buds develop, 
in which case the terminal nature of the inflorescence is left in no doubt whatever. 
Although these observations have been made in only the living plants of one species, 
a careful study even of herbarium material of the rest of the species confirms the 
view that the inflorescence is primarily terminal. 

The most generalized type of inflorescence in Rauvolfia is the dichasium. 
Woodson,!? in a discussion of the inflorescences of Apocynaceae and their phylo- 
genetic significance, concluded that a reduction has taken place in the originally 
complex inflorescence. This trend is also evident in the inflorescence of Rauvolfia. 
The most complex type of inflorescence is the "aggregate dichasium". A wide 
range of variation is exhibited within this type alone, in numerous species, by differ- 
ences in the degree of branching of the peduncle and the relative proportions of 
the branches. A further contributing factor is the nature of the ultimate cymule, 
which may be umbelliform or corymbiform. 

The reduction trend is perhaps best exemplified by the species of section Rau- 
VOLFIA. A species such as R. littoralis has much-branched, multiflorous inflores- 
cences. On the other hand, a closely related species, R. tetraphylla, possesses few- 
flowered, mostly unbranched inflorescences. The fact that even within a single 
species such as R. tetraphylla or R. ligustrina the two extremes from a much- 
branched, multiflorous, to an unbranched, pauciflorous condition is not uncommon 
contributes further to the idea of reduction in the evolution of the inflorescence. 
Incidentally, much value was formerly attached to the inflorescence patterns as 
key characters, but the variation noticed in this study renders them valueless. A 
pauciflorous inflorescence is also present in species such as R. macrantha and 
R. paucifolia, both belonging to the essentially pluriflorous section MACROVOLFIA. 

The peduncle in different species is variable in length and in degree of branch- 
ing. It is usually glabrous, but in the species of section RAUVOLFIA, it may be 
variously pubescent. 

The pedicel is usually distinct and of varied length. In some of the African 
and Asian species, however, it is much reduced or often even wanting. 

Flower: As in the other genera of Apocynaceae, the flower in Rauvolfia is 
regular, bisexual, tetracyclic, and pentamerous, usually pedicellate, rarely sessile as 
in some African and Asian species. It is relatively small, except in several species 
species the flowers often exude a pleasant odor. 

19 Woodson, R. E., in Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 22:1-42. 1935. 



Calyx: The calyx is usually green, synsepalous, and mostly campanulate with 
the lobes usually imbricate in aestivation. The lobes vary considerably in size, 
shape and texture. In all the American species they are considerably shorter than 
the corolla. They are ovate to lanceolate in shape, with the apex varying from 
acute to obtuse or rounded. They are eglandular within and usually glabrous 
without, except in section RAUVOLFIA where the calyx is variously pubescent with- 
out. In some species of section MACROVOLFIA, they are either ciliate or glandular- 
dentate at the margin. 

Corolla: The corolla is sympetalous and of varied shapes: urceolate, campanu- 
late, salverform, or infundibuliform. It is usually white, but some of the species 
show either lilac or rosy hues or are even variously spotted. 

The corolla-tube is generally cylindrical, sometimes constricted at the throat, 
and sometimes dilated. It is usually glabrous without and variously pubescent 
within, The extent of pubescence in the tube, the relative proportion of the tube 
to the corolla-lobes, on the one hand, and to the calyx-lobes, on the other, and the 
region of constriction and dilatation, all offer fairly reliable taxonomic criteria. 

The corolla-lobes are sinistrorsely contorted in aestivation. They are ovate, 
obovate, elliptic or oblong in outline with acute or obtuse apices. In species of 
section ENDoLoBus, the apices are inflexed in the bud. 

Stamens: The stamens are epipetalous, five in number and fairly uniform in 
all the species. The anthers are ovate, acute or apiculate, and slightly varying in 
size in different species. They are free from each other and the stigma. The 
thecae are fully fertile and enclose free spherical or subspherical, triculpate pollen 
grains. The connective in species of sections MACROVOLFIA, OPHIOXYLON and 
OPHIOXYLANTHUS appears to be projecting in the form of a conical hump on the 
dorsal surface of the anther, just at the point of attachment with the filament. 
There is a distinct filament in all the species, though it may vary in length from 
species to species. 

Pistil: The pistil is superior, bicarpellary, the ovary being variously syncarpous 
or apocarpous. The ovary is of various shapes: globose, cylindrical, ovoid or obo- 
void. Each locule encloses one or two anatropous ovules, on an axile or ventral 

The style is simple, linear or columnar, glabrous except in the African R. 
vomitoria, where it is villous at the base. 

The stigma-head is prominent and variously shaped: depressed-capitate, calyp- 
triform, tympaniform or sub-mitriform. Miers?? was the first to use the term 
“clavuncle” to describe the stigma-head of Apocynaceae. The stigma-head possesses 
a basal ring or collar, a contracted or expanded median region, and a distal indusium 
encircling the biapiculate apex. Pichon has used the term “strophium” to indicate 
the median region of the stigma-head. Much of the variation in the shape of the 
stigma-head in the several species is brought about by a difference in the relative de- 

?? Miers, J. Apoc. S. Am. p. 2. 1878. 

[Vol. 43 

velopment of the three regions and the presence or absence of hairy induments on 
them. I have noticed in R. tetraphylla a frequent clustering of masses of pollen 
grains around the base of the apiculate tip and in the depression formed by the distal 
indusium, an observation in consonance with that of Miers. However, it is not 
possible to conclude from this observation whether the depression itself is truly 
receptive or if it is the apiculate tip that is so. As there is some confusion in 
the precise use of the term “clavuncle”, I have preferred to use the simpler term 

The shape of the stigma-head differs with the age of the flower and becomes 
distorted in the pressed herbarium specimens. This renders the use of the stigma- 
head valueless as 3 taxonomic character. 

The disc is annular or cupuliform, usually shorter than the ovary which it 
encircles. It is usually entire. 

Woodson,” in an elaborate study of the floral anatomy of 39 genera and 60 
species of Apocynaceae, commented on the inconsistency in the vascular pattern, 
particularly in the calyx of R. nitida (referred to as R. tetraphylla in that paper). 
He also pointed out the carpelloid nature of the disc or nectary. 

In a taxonomic treatment it is not my intention to digress in an account of the 
floral anatomy. However, I was able to make a few observations concerning 
flower-buds of R. tetraphylla and R. cubana which Dr. Woodson had kindly pre- 
served for me. After a study of whole cleared mounts, hand and microtome 
sections of flower-buds of these two species, no inconsistency in the vascular pattern 
of the calyx was observed. In both there is a ring of five sepal traces, each of 
which gives off two lateral traces just prior to entering the calyx-lobe. The corolla 
and the stamens each have a typical and consistent vascular pattern. The traces 
to the disc emerge as branches of traces going up to the two carpels, bearing out 
the carpelloid nature of the disc. Also, I could find no evidence for Boke’s” 
interpretation of the corolla-tube as being partly receptacular in origin. 

Fruit: The fruit of Rauvolfia is a drupe. It is variously syncarpous or apo- 
carpous. The calyx is persistent on the fruit in all the species and the pedicel 
tends to become stouter in the fruit. The fruit is comparatively small, syncarpous 
and globose in all species of section RauvoLria. In the species of other sections, 
however, it is rather large and variously syncarpous or apocarpous. The biggest 
fruit is that of the Amazonian R. paraensis, about 40 mm. in diameter, while the 
smallest perhaps is that of the Bahian R. blanchetii, about 6 mm. in diameter. 

The fruit is either rounded or somewhat flattened, The two lobes in hemi- 
syncarpous fruits or the drupelets in the apocarpous fruits differ considerably in 
their mutual relationship as well as in shape. They may either be parallel or 
divergent to differing degrees. These characters offer trustworthy taxonomic 
criteria for specific diagnosis. With the gradual ripening of the fruit there is a 
change in the color of the pericarp from green to red and black. This is true for 
almost all the species. The exocarp is usually thin and membranaceous. The 

$, Woodson & Moore, in Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 65:147. 1938. 
Boke, N. H., in Am. Jour. Bot. 35:422-423. 1948 


mesocarp is fleshy, rarely slightly fibrous, and the endocarp stony. R. linearifolia, 
the dwarf undershrub of eastern Cuba, has fruits with unusually thin pericarps 
resembling superficially a follicle more than a drupe. The stone is usually scle- 
rotic, with a smooth or rugose outer surface and a smooth inner surface. It is 
generally ovoid, with a stout basal region and a rather flattened distal region. The 
stone also offers some reliable key characters. In all the species there is a tendency 
towards the abortion of one of the carpels during development. Although a con- 
siderable number of extra-American species possess apocarpous fruits, R. sellowii 
is the only American species on which they occur. 

Seed: The seed is albuminous and is usually symmetrically ovoid. In R. nitida 
of section MACROVOLFIA and in all the species of section RAUVOLFIA the seed is 
slightly gibbous. This is true also in several African and Asian species. The 
seed-coat is membranaceous and easily separable from the endocarp, on the one 
hand, and the albumen, on the other. The albumen is carnose, entire, and fairly 

The embryo is typically dicotyledonous, either erect or slightly to strikingly 
arcuate. Usually it is about as long as the seed, with the terete hypocotyl about 
equal to the usually ovate, obtuse cotyledons. 

Seedling: I have observed germination in the seeds of R. tetraphylla, R. lit- 
toralis, and R. serpentina. Owing to the sclerotic endocarp, they require from ten 
to thirty days for the first signs of germination. e radicle emerges first, and 
three to four days later the crook of the plumule appears and soon becomes erect 
and disentangles the cotyledons from the still-persisting endocarp and seed-coat. 

he cotyledons expand and serve as the first pair of green leaves for the seedling. 
In R. tetraphylla and R. littoralis the cotyledonary leaves are ovate and obtuse, but 
in R. serpentina they are orbicular, rounded, or slightly emarginate. Only pairs of 
decussate leaves are produced in the subsequent two or three nodes of the actively 
growing seedlings. The fourth node, however, almost invariably exhibits the 
characteristically whorled phyllotaxy of the adult plant. The plants of R. tetra- 
bbylla appear to be precocious and flower when they are about four months old. 

Anatomy: The literature contains very little reference to the anatomy of 
Rauvolfia. Metcalfe and Chalk?? have remarked briefly on the anatomy of Apo- 
cynaceae. The recent importance of the roots of Rauvolfia, from the point of 
view of the pharmacognosists, has required a precise knowledge of their anatomy 
for accurate determination of the species and for detection of adulterants. 

Woodson?* has recently reported on the anatomy of about twenty Rauvolfia 
species, of which nine are American. At least in one example there is no verifiable 
herbarium material available, resulting in a certain amount of doubt. Even as the 
cytologists are increasingly depositing specimens of plants which they investigated 
in an herbarium, it is strongly recommended that anatomists hemists 
T "erer 2:914. 1950. Oxford. 

24 Tu E p . Ke €— A e rmacology. Little, Brown & Co., 
Boston. In prin: 

[Vol. 43 

too realize the advantage of preparing herbarium specimens for resolving future 
questions of identity. 

In a genus characterized by copious latex, surprisingly, no laticiferous tubes 
have been observed in Rauvolfia roots even though artifacts simulating latex tubes 
have been noticed in the Asian R. serpentina and R. cambodiana. This is in keep- 
ing with the observation of excised roots of living plants. 

The roots are tetrarch and in the mature state have metaxylem to the exclusion 
of the pith. The outer bark is of varying thickness and consists of phloem and 
phellem. The bark may be flaky or indefinitely ribbed. The color of the bark 
also varies in relation to the color of the soil in which the roots grow. The sec- 
ondary phloem is characterized by the presence of sclerotic cells, either in the form 
of prominent bands or of scattered nests of few to many cells, The xylem consists 
of vessels, tracheids, and xylem parenchyma. Growth rings are not present in many 
of the species. The diameter of the vessels varies considerably, offering a reliable 
guide for species determination. 

The phloem and xylem characteristics show a trend—possibly phylogenetic— 
indicative of a transition from the arboreal to the sub-herbaceous habit. The 
phloem exhibits a change from strongly radially arranged sieve cells collapsible on 
desiccation in the arboreal species, to weakly radial, non-collapsible sieve cells in 
the shrubby species. There is a parallel change in the prominence of the sclerotic 
nests of the phloem. An associated change has been noticed in the xylem, the 
tracheary wedges consisting roughly of about 50 per cent of the volume in the 
arboreal species and 25 per cent or less in the shrubs. The vessels in the arboreal 
species are wide, as much as 250 in diameter, while those of the least ligneous 
shrubs are as narrow as 20u. To what degree phylogenetic value can be attached 
to these trends is an open question. Based as the study was on only about 20 
species for the world, it is not surprising that Woodson has “failed to associate 
definite anatomical characteristics with Pichon's fourteen sections". 


The multiplicity of specific names for essentially similar plant populations of 
Rauvolfia has been due to an inadequate awareness of the range of variability. 
Many of the species, particularly in the New World, show variation in leaf and 
inflorescence characters which has led astray earlier students of the genus. R. 
mollis, from Mato Grosso, and R. paraensis and R. pentaphylla, from the Amazon 
area, offer examples for such variation to a limited degree. R. macrophylla, R. 
caffra of Africa, and R. verticillata of Asia, also have caused much taxonomic 
confusion by their variability. e 

Two of the American species that have been the cause of vexatious problems of 
synonymy are R. tetraphylla and R. ligustrina. Fairly abundant material of these 
two species has afforded me an opportunity for a statistical analysis of variation 
in some measureable characters. A perusal of the literature provided me with a 
list of characters that had attracted the attention of the earlier students. These 


characters are: leaf number per whorl, leaf shape and size, degree of anisophylly, 
degree of clarity of the vein network, leaf indument; peduncle length and degree 
of branching; flower number per peduncle; corolla-tube length and fruit size. Of 
these, the characters that I have measured are indicated by their mean values in the 
following chart (p. 266). 

At first I obtained data for small populations restricted to narrow areas. As 
these data did not reveal any pattern of variation, as a matter of convenience I 
divided the populations into three major areas: Antilles, Central America, and 
South America. The variability in leaf shape in R. tetraphylla is erratic and cannot 
be correlated with any other character. The ideograph and the accompanying 
mean values (fig. 1 of chart) show to what extent the measured characters of these 
populations are alike. An evident variable character is the pubescence of the leaf. 
The Central American populations have an overwhelmingly large number of 
glabrous plants; the Antillean are the most pubescent; while the South American 
populations are intermediate with puberulent leaves. This is true in spite of the 
disparity in the sample size from the three areas. However, in each of these regions 
it is not unusual to encounter plants exhibiting the extreme conditions of pubes- 
cence. Because of inconsistency in the variability of these populations, I would 
not consider according even subspecific rank to them 

The second species analyzed, R. ligustrina, indicates a quantitative variation in 
leaf size in the three areas (fig. 2 of chart). Here again a disparity in the sample 
size makes the conclusion somewhat uncertain. 

In R. tetraphylla, Y was able to note the trend in variation and to compare my 
data from herbarium material with data from plants growing in the greenhouse. 
I have observed one plant each from Costa Rica, Cuba, and the Dominican Re- 
public, and about twenty plants from Lucknow and the Anamalai hills, both 
introduced in India?5 from the Antilles. 

A study based only on herbarium material cannot be expected to provide an 
explanation for this variability in these two species. However, it may be signifi- 
cant that these two species are widespread and have been well known to man and 
associated with his environment. As to what extent variability is inherent in these 
species and to what extent it may be due to extraneous agents can only be resolved 
by carefully planned cytogenetic experiments. The large-scale cultivation of R. 
tetraphylla plants in some areas, and their spreading as weeds in India, and more 
recently in Australia, should also afford ideal opportunity for a detailed field study 
of variation in this species. 

Hybridization: Herbarium material is not ideal for providing conclusive data 
regarding hybridization. Howevgr, often specimens which could not be re 
with certainty to one of two sympatric species pointed to the possibility of intro- 
gression. Several such specimens were encountered, particularly of R. tetraphylla 
Populations. R. fefrapbylla is sympatric, in the range of its distribution, with 
three closely related species: R. ligustrina, R. littoralis, and R. viridis. The fre- 

25 Voigt, J. O. Hort. Suburb. Calcut. Cat. Pl. p. 202. 1845. 

[Vol. 43 

Gen Largest Smallest Leaf indument p —_— Fruit 
Reri lea ea —— 
— ren x b'dth | eth x b'dth | Glabr. Puber. | Pubes. [P| lovers | sone [Breadth 
: (cm.) (cm.) (cm.) (mm.) | (mm.) 
1. Antilles 7 | 59X2.6 | 3.0 X 1.8 PIS bhi 5 64 | 72 
2. Cent. America |255 | 6.2 X 2.9 | 3.0 Xx 1.8 |220 | 35 0 | 13 5 GEES 
3. So. America 47 6X2.8 | 3.4 X 1.4 39 4 $ 5 64 1 735 
Rauvolfia tetrapbylla 
Sample Largest Smallest Length | Number| Length of Fruit 
: size leaf ea ` = Geng Caceres faite 
Region Fe x b’ath | eth x b'dth uncle Eger tube Height Breadth 
(cm.) (cm.) (cm.) (mm.) (mm.) (mm.) 
1. Cub H 423516 E eg E Er? 5 3.0 5.6 6.5 
2. Cent. America 15 3.0 X 2.0 | L8X 1.3 1.3 7 3.0 5.6 6.7 
3. So. America 9 PORTEL 12 13 6 3.0 SS 6.4 
Rauvolfia ligustrina 

Chart showing variation in two species of Rauvolfia 


quency of fruits with abortive embryos in many of these examples indicates a 
genetic abnormality and lends further support to the possibility of hybridization. 

An instance of what, in my opinion, is very possibly a complex hybrid has 
been described as a distinct species, R. mollissima Mfg. The original description 
of this species is based on two specimens: Tonduz 13940 from Costa Rica, and 
Karsten 17b from Colombia. I have examined both specimens. Of the two, the 
Tonduz specimen inclines more toward R. littoralis in leaf shape and size, inflores- 
cence branching, and flower number, though to a large extent, particularly in leaf 
indument, it resembles the other suspected parent, R. tetraphylla. Similarly, the 
Karsten specimen, while resembling R. tetraphylla, still indicates a close approach 
in those characters to R. viridis. I have treated R. mollissima as a synonym of R. 
tetraphylla. The situation is obviously complicated by a complex, interbreeding 
involving several back-crosses. Also, I have strongly suspected hybridization in 
R. paraensis and R. sprucei. I am recording these opinions with the hope that they 
will stimulate further observations in the field. 

Economic Uses 

The many names existing for several Rauvolfia species throughout the world 
testify to man's familiarity with these plants. I have listed the known common 
names separately under each species. 

The most significant use of Rauvolfia plants has been in the healing of certain 
chronic human ailments. The raw roots of the Asian Rauvolfia _serpentina have 
been used for several centuries in treating intestinal disorders and in heart an 
nervous conditions. Recent biochemical and clinical investigations have amply 
proved the efficacy of the chemical contents of the roots in alleviating high blood 
pressure and in calming excitable subjects. The invaluable nature of the chemical 
contents naturally has led to an extensive investigation of the substances involved, 
not only in the famed Asian species but also in many of the related ones. 

Much information on the botany and chemistry of Rauvolfia serpentina is 
available and I do not propose to duplicate it here. Monachino?? has a detailed 
contribution on the botany of the species, while the New York Academy of Sci- 
ences? has published a symposium on the chemistry, pharmacology, and clinical 
nature of the active alkaloid, reserpine, the most valuable of about 30 alkaloids so 
far isolated from the roots of R. serpentina. Furthermore, Feuell?* has a more 
general account of several important Rauvolfia species which is particularly 
valuable for its exhaustive bibliography. 

With the recent pharmacological vindication of the early claims from folk-lore 
of the curative properties of serpentina roots, attention has now been directed to 
some related species. Several additional species have been found to contain the 
reserpine in exploitable quantities. Almost all commercially extracted reserpine is 

26 Monachino, J., in Econ. Bot. pud 

"7 Miner, Re W. (editor). Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sel sc 1-140. 1954. 
28 Feuell, A. J., in Colon. Pl. & An. Prod. 5:1-33. 1955. 

[Vol. 43 

now obtained from the African R. vomitoria and the circum-Caribbean R. tetra- 
bbylla. A detailed account by Schittler?? of the chemistry of the several species 
so far investigated is expected in a forthcoming publication. 

In America R. tetraphylla and R. nitida have been much used in indigenous 
medicine. The decoction of the bark and leaves has been used as a gargle and in- 
ternally administered in intestinal disorders and in syphilitic infections. The bark 
has been further used as an unguent on skin eruptions. The fruits are reputedly 
poisonous. In Nicaragua the fruits of R. tetraphylla have been used as a source of 
ink and a black dye. 

Standley?? and Roig y Mesa?! have recounted these numerous uses for the two 
species in Central America and in Cuba respectively, while Descourtilz?? has given 
a picturesque account of the deleterious properties of R. nitida, which he refers to 
as R. canescens. An accurately colored illustration of the plant in the text leaves 
no doubt regarding the identity of the species. A confusion on this count has led 
Feuell to attribute all properties of R. nitida, described by Descourtilz, to R. canes- 
cens, which is identical with R. tetraphylla of Linnaeus. 

Apart from the medicinal importance, some of the arboreal species are useful 
as sources of timber. Record and Hess,33 however, do not attach much importance 
to the value of Rauvolfia as a source of timber. They describe the wood as of fine 
texture, easily worked, but perishable in contact with the ground. Monteiro da 
Costa mentions the use of R. pentaphylla wood for “furniture and turnery work.” 
R. nitida has been introduced into Florida and has been recommended as an efficient 
wind-break on the seashore. 

R. salicifolia and R. cubana bushes, with their glistening coriaceous leaves and 
fragrant flowers, invite serious consideration as ornamental plants in tropical and 
subtropical gardens and parks. 


I will confine myself here to a general discussion of the geography of the genus. 
Data concerning the ecology and distribution of individual species have been in- 
cluded with the descriptions, while the accompanying maps indicate areas which 
could be accurately plotted on the outline maps with the help of the 'Lippincott's 
Gazetter of the World' and an assortment of large-scale maps published by the 
National Geographic Society and other such agencies. 

auvolfia is a pantropical genus, with a distribution extending to the 30th 
parallel in the north as well as the south. In addition to tropical America, there 
are numerous species in Africa, Asia, and in several of the Oceanic islands. How- 

29 Schittler, H., in Woodson et al, Rauwolfia: Botany, Chemistry and Pharmacology. Little, 
Brown & Co. Boston 

. In press. 
` Standley, P. C. LM and shrubs of Mexico. In Contr. Smithson. Inst. 23:1153. 1924. 

m: Roig y Mesa, J. T. Plant. Medicin. Aromat. Venen. de Cuba. p. 631. 1945. Havana. 
Descourtilz, M. E. Fl. Med. Ant. 3:151. 8 

33 Record, S. J. & Hess, R. W. Timbers of the World. p. 66. Yale Univ. Press. 1943. 




nar NR RO 
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RR Sp vd LF 
Y 2 a 5 Tai gun 
9 2 NAT vi | 
ae as N ele) SC Ze : ge 
PR "unm ; So 
i ZS me qe 
EL died 

MAP 1 
Distribution of Rauvolfia throughout the world. (All outline maps used in this paper 
are from Goode's Series of Base Maps, University of Chicago Press.) 

| [Vol. 43 

ever, it is not native to Australia where R. tetraphylla, the American species, has 
been introduced and has now become naturalized in a small area in Queensland 
(Map 1). The distribution pattern of the sections and the species suggests three 
or four centers of differentiation. In each of the major land areas there are one or 
two widely distributed species. Significantly, these are also widely variable and 
have broad tolerances to varied environment. In America, R. tetraphylla and R. 
ligustrina are the two “wide” species. In Africa, R. caffra, R. macrophylla and 
R. vomitoria are fairly widespread, while in Asia R. densiflora and R. verticillata, 
closely followed by R. serpentina, have a wide distribution. 

The American R. tetraphylla flourishes equally well in much-exposed, sunny, 
sandy soils near the seashore and in wet and marshy, shady grasslands at elevations 
of about 2000 m. The Asian R. serpentina is similarly characterized by a wide 
ecological range. Such traits should make these two commercially useful species 
easy for domestication and large scale cultivation. 

The distribution of the sections and the world species can also be obtained 
by a reference to Map 1. The large number of species that are endemic is rather 
unusual. Willis** has stated that he has no doubt whatever that in the great 
majority of cases endemics are simply the early stages of dispersal of species which 
as yet have not had the time nor the opportunity to spread far. In Rauvolfa, 
however, evidences of comparative morphology, and to some extent of anatomy, 
points to the contrary. It is the widespread species that are relatively the most 
advanced, while the endemics are relatively primitive from the standpoint of 
comparative morphology. 

The problem of plant distribution is an ever-present challenge to the botanist. 
Particularly in a genus such as Rauvolfia, with no fossil history for the genus nor for 
almost the entire family, an attempt to solve the problem is fraught with disillu- 
sion and disappointment. It is perhaps for this reason that both Pichon and Wood- 
son, though they have included considerable information on the geography of many 
genera, have not attempted to integrate the information and present ideas on the 
origin and area of the family. 

In the past, with an innocent belief in the existence of innumerable convenien 
land bridges or in the drifting apart of the originally concentrated land masses, it 
was fairly easy to advance hypotheses concerning various problems of plant dis- 
persal. Thus Macfarlane, with an unquestioned belief in land bridges, had no 
further difficulty in believing that many of the apocynaceous genera had their 
origin in West Africa, from where they migrated to America, on the one hand, 
and to Asia, on the other. Both Good?* and Schmidt? have recently reviewed 
such ideas in plant and animal geography respectively. Schmidt has pointed out 

5 Willis, J. C. The birth and spread of plants. In Boissiera 8:509. 1949. : 
"4 Macfarlane, John M. The Evolution and Distribution of Flowering Plants. Philadelphia. 1933- 
ES Ronald, in “ tury of Progress in the Natural Sciences." Calif. Acad. Sci. p. 747. 
37 Schmidt, Karl P. ibid. p.767. 1955. 





e qued des 



e 4.R.VIRID 


T ^| © 7.R-MOLLIS | 


MAP 2 
Distribution of eight species of the section RAUVOLFIA 





ei3RSPRUCE — | 

_Aá%$4+ —À 


Distribution of eight species of series LATIFOLIA of the section MACcROVOLFIA 

[Vol. 43 


that there is no evidence from geology to support the past existence of land bridges 
other than what are present today, and he gives evidence from geodesic studies to 
disprove the idea of continental drift. 

It cannot therefore be either through land bridges or drifting continents that 
the spread of Rauvolfia from the place of its birth can be explained. Plant dis- 
persal commonly is effected by animals and birds. Here again there is very little 
information available concerning Rauvolfia. Biswas38 has noted that fruits of R. 
serpentina are eaten by birds and scattered by them. The brightly colored fruits 
of the other species may similarly be attractive to birds. Many species, not only in 
America but also in Africa and Asia, have a distribution following rivers and 
streams. The stones of Rauvolfia are hard and can withstand considerable buffet- 
ing in water currents. It may well be that birds and water currents together are 
responsible for the wide dispersal of the genus. 

Another tempting problem is that of the center of origin of the genus. Can? 
has recently made a critical evaluation of the several critera, first used by Adams,*? 
as indicators of the center of origin of a genus or species. In the absence of evi- 
dence from several sources such as Paleontology, Cytology and Zoogeography, the 
only recourse is to appeal to the present distribution and comparative morphology 
of the species. Some supporting evidence may be obtained from the distribution 
data of related genera, for example, Aspidosperma, Plumeria, Tabernaemontana, 
Thevetia, and Vallesia. Of these, only Tabernaemontana has a pantropical distri- 
bution, while the others are almost exclusively New World genera. 

I have estimated about 80 species of Rauvolfia for the world, with 34 species 
in the western hemisphere and the remaining 46 species distributed fairly equally 
in Africa and Asia in the eastern hemisphere. Species concentration and the maxi- 
mum number of endemics are evident in tropical America. The eight species of 
section RAUVOLFIA are the most advanced while the species constituting section 
Macnovorria include an assemblage variously primitive and advanced. Thus spe- 
cies concentration, species differentiation, and distribution pattern of related genera 
all indicate the possibility of tropical America being the birthplace of the genus. 


Rauvolfia is generically distinct, with its whorled leaves, terminal cymose 
inflorescences, relatively small flowers with eglandular calyx and esquamellate 
corolla, and the ovary with one or two ovules developing into one-seeded variously 
connate or free drupelets. However, within the genus, the frequent morphological 
parallelism in the several species of the major land areas makes a clear-cut classi- 
fication of the sections slightly difficult. .A comparison of the flowers of R. ser- 
bentina and R. vomitoria (figs. C and D), with those of R. grandiflora (fig. 23) 
and R. praecox (fig. 32) respectively will best exemplify this situation. 

38 Biswas, K., in Sci. & Cult. 18:579. 1953. 
wei? St anle ey x: Foundations of Plant Geography. — 14. New York. 1944. 
40 Adams, Charles G., in Biol. Bull. 3:115-131. 

[Vol. 43 
. 274 


4 4 LA 

23-R-GRANDIFLORA" ~~ |" 



aQ 27.R.STEYERMARKIIL Leet Je k x 
€ 28.R.NITIDA e SCH - 
: a H L f | 
ai al 1 1 ee 


e 34. GE 

begleede T-4--J 



MAP 4 
Distribution of eighteen species of series ANGUSTIFOLIAE of section MACROVOLFIA 


Comparative morphology, combined with the geography of the species, serves 
to produce a reasonably satisfactory key reflecting the natural relationships amongst 
the species. Some of the characters that provide necessary taxonomic criteria are: 
shape and size of the corolla and the extent of pubescence within, the position and 
proportion of the anthers in the corolla tube, the dorsal surface of the anthers, and 
the extent of carpellary cohesion in the ovary and in the fruit. None of these 
characters solely can be used in delimiting a section. 



St Mac YA 
CON Vg Ai 
S NE () N aS jl 
wa ^ NS > AS 
1077 NS 
u^ 4 


Ce e o EE QUE ass nr UE SEH os | 


Fig. C. Rauvolfia serpentina Benth. 

[Vol. 43 

A survey of the above-mentioned and other features in all the species lead to 
the conclusion that advance in the genus has taken a path of simplification by 
reduction. Section MACROVOLFIA, with 26 species, exhibits these various char- 
acters at different stages of development. Species of series LATIFOLIAE, most of 
them confined to the Amazon valley, are prominent by their comparatively broad, 
terminally clustered leaves and fairly large flowers. The fruit, however, is very 
variable. It is large and fully fused in R. paraensis and R. pentaphylla, while it is 
half-fused in the closely related R. sprucei and R. macrantba. In series ANGUSTI- 
FOLIAE again, R. grandiflora, with its large flowers and deeply inserted anthers and 
hemisyncarpous fruits, is at one end of the scale, while R. sellowii, with its short 

A mem. s 



SS Le. 
Ce \ 
We E 
Kë A 
E Ga 

y AS 


ee MÀ 





Fig. D. Rauvolfia vomitoria Afzel. 


flowers and free drupelets, occupies the other end. All the other species can be 
appropriately placed between these two extremes. R. nitida, with its short flowers 
and syncarpous fruits and slightly arcuate embryos, represents a further step in the 
evolutionary progress of the genus. In all the other species of section Macro- 
VOLFIA and in most of the species of the other sections, except CYRTOSIPHONIA, 
the embryo is straight. In several species in each of the sections this tendency for 
a curved embryo is noticeable. What advantage this imparts to the species is a 
matter of speculation. 

Section RAUVOLFIA, containing mostly undershrubs with variously pubescent 
or glabrous, membranaceous leaves, tiny flowers in comparatively poorly branched 
inflorescences, and syncarpous fruits with convolute embryos, represents the most 
advanced group. 

The African species forming section AFROVOLFIA, the Malaysian species form- 
ing section CYRTOSIPHONIA, and the Hawaiian species forming section OcHRosi- 
omes, all show morphological features extraordinarily similar to the species of 
section MacRovoLriA. Likewise, species of section ENDoLoBus of Africa and 
Madagascar show close relationship with AFRovoLFia as well as with Macro- 
VOLFIA, except that in species of section ENDOLOBUS the corolla-lobes are inflexed 
in the bud. Also the two African species, R. oreogiton and R. volkensii, consti- 
tuting section OPHIOXYLANTHUS, with large flowers and the anthers inserted 
almost halfway down the tube, are in proximity with species of the Asian section 

The species of Hawaii and New Caledonia appear to be evolving in their own 
fashion. They are less related to the species from the major land masses. Sherff,*! 
in a provisional classification of the Hawaiian Rauvolfias, recognized seven species, 
mainly based on variation in leaf characters but to some extent on calyx and 
corolla size. Obviously, some factor is influencing a reduction in the size of calyx 
and corolla. My own experience with the other Rauvolfia species makes me cau- 
tious in attaching much taxonomic value to leaf characters in founding new species. 

The Hawaiian species show some relationship with the species of section Mac- 
ROVOLFIA of America. They appear to be intermediate between species of series 
LATIFOLIAE and series ANGUSTIFOLIAE, having generally broad leaves with a strong 
tendency to persist only at the terminal nodes, fairly large flowers with character- 
istic foliaceous calyx-lobes, and a rather large corolla. Unlike MACROvOLFIA, the 
Hawaiian species, constituting the section OCHROSIOIDES, have anthers with smooth 
backs. In this they resemble the African species of section AFROVOLFIA. is 

The New Caledonian species, constituting the section HEURCKIA, are distinct. 
They have strikingly coriaceous leaves 4-6 in a whorl, and the flower with leathery 
calyx-lobes and twisted corolla. The stigma-head has no distinct collar, but the 
two apiculate lobes are very prominent. The fruit is apocarpous in all the species 
and the drupelets are strongly divergent. 

*! Sherff, Earl E., in Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Bot. 23:321-331. 1947. 

[Vol. 43 

My proposed classification of the sections is based on that of Pichon.* As I 
have indicated above, no one character can be given undue weight in delimiting 
the sections. In my opinion, Pichon's classification suffers from this defect. He 
has given much importance individually to the extent of fusion of the fruits, the 
size of the leaves, and the size of the disc around the ovary. 

As I have shown above, even in very closely related species the fruit may remain 
in different degrees of fusion. For example, of the three Cuban species, R. lineari- 
folia shows fruits fused only at the base and the lobes divergent, while R. cubana 
and R. salicifolia have fruits more than two thirds fused and lobes parallel. Fur- 
thermore, all three species have narrow leaves, but they have very close relationships 
with the rest of the American species. 

Referring to the Asian Rauvolfias, Pichon** himself has stated that his section 
OPHIOXYLON differs from DissoLAENA only in having slightly fused fruits. Con- 
sequently, I have merged DissoLAENA with OPHIOXYLON. On the same basis, I 
PHONIA, and amongst the American sections HEsPEROVOLFIA and MACROVOLFIA. 
Another section which disappears is CRYPTOGYNE, characterized by species with 
broad discs concealing the ovary. Except for this, the two species of this section, 
R. amsoniaefolia and R. chaudocensis, have many characters in common with the 
species of section CYrTOSIPHONIA. Hence, I have included CrYPTOGYNE with 
CYRTOSIPHONIA. ile I have examined representative specimens for most of the 
species, I have not been able to study any specimens for species of section OPHI- 
OXYLANTHUS, nor at least three of the species included in section OPHIOXYLON. 
I would therefore not claim any finality for this proposed classification of the 
sections. A further examination of the material for the species I have mentioned 
may very likely lead to a recasting of the system. 


I am grateful to the people and the government of the United States of Amer- 
ica for the award of a Fulbright Fellowship during 1953-54, which enabled me to 
visit this country and to spend a year of graduate study at Cornell University, 
Ithaca, New York. I am greatly indebted to Dr. Robert E. Woodson, Jr., of the 
Missouri Botanical Garden, for much understanding kindness and generosity and 
considerable guidance in the course of this investigation. My thanks are due to 
the Ciba Pharmaceutical Products Inc., for the grant of a fellowship during the 
tenure of which this work was completed. It is also a pleasure to acknowledge 
the various privileges and facilities accorded to me by Dr. Edgar Anderson, the 
director, and other authorities of the Missouri Botanical Garden where this researc 
has been carried out. My fellow students have rendered me much help by testing 
and discussing the taxonomic keys. I should like to express my thanks to the 
curators of the various herbaria who have lent specimens for my study, and to 

#2 Pichon, M., in Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 94:31—39, 1947. 
43 Pichon, in Mem. Mus. Nat. d'Hist. Nat. 27:235. 1948. 


Dr. K. N. Kaul, director of the National Botanic Garden, Lucknow, India, and 
Dr. Jorge León of Instituto Interamericano de Ciencias Agrícolas, Turrialba, Costa 
Rica, for seeds of R. tetraphylla from those areas. Finally, I appreciate very much 
the editorial assistance of Miss Nell Horner in the preparation of the manuscript. 

This study is based on herbarium specimens from the following herbaria. The 
abbreviations for them are taken from Lanjouw & Stafleu’s ‘Index Herbariorum’ 
part I (Regnum Vegetabile, vol. 2, 2nd. ed., 1954). 

—Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 
EAP —Escuela Agricola Panamericana, Tegucigalpa, Honduras 

—Conservatoire et Jardin Botanique, Genéve, Switzerland. 
GH —Gray Herbarium of Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 
K —Herbarium, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, England. 

L Bieta) Leiden, Netherlan 

M —Botanishe Staatssammlung, München, Germany 

MO issouri Botanical Garden, St s, Mi 

NY New York Botanical Garden, New York, 

—Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, bonas. de Phanérogamie, Paris, 


RB —Jardim Botanico Rio 9 Goss Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 

S —Naturhistoriska Riksmuseum, Botanical Department, Stockholm, Sweden. 

UC —Herbarium of the Uaec: of California, Berkeley, California. 

UPS — Institute of Systematic Botany, Botanical Garden and Botanical Museum of the 
University of Uppsala, ebe Sweden 

US —National Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. 

Ww —Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien, Aust 


Rauvorri [Plum.] L. Sp. Pl. ed. 1. 208. 1753; Gen. Pl. ed. 5. 98. 1754; 
Pichon, in Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 94:32. 1947. L. Gen. Pl. ed. 7 (Reichard). 118. 
1778 (as RAvworriA). L. Gen. Pl. ed. 8 (Schreber). 160. 1789; L. Sp. Pl. 
ed. 4 (Willdenow). 1217. 1798; A. DC. in DC. Prod. 8:336. 1844; Benth. 
& Hook. Gen. Pl. 2:637. 1876; K. Sch. in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. 
45:153. 1895 (as RAUWOLFIA). 

Miser a Sp. Pl. ed. 1. 1043. 1753. 

Dissolaena Lour. Fl. ch. 137. 1790. 

Cyrtosipbonia Mig. Fl. Ind. Bat. 2:401. 1856. 

Heurckia Muell.-Arg. in Flora 55:168. 1870. 

Lactescent shrubs or trees with dichotomous or verticillate branches, the nodes 
with small interpetiolar deciduous stipules and persistent glands confined to the 
leaf-axils or ascending the petiole. Leaves whorled, 3-5 at each node (opposite in 
seedlings), petiolate or sessile, simple, entire, penninerved, membranaceous or cori- 
aceous, glabrous or pubescent, often anisophyllous. INFLORESCENCES terminal or 
lateral and interpetiolar, often geminate, 2-, 3- or 4-chotomously branched, bracte- 
ate, few- to many-flowered dichasia. FLOWERs pedicellate or sessile; calyx cam- 

[Vol. 43 

panulate, 5-lobed, the lobes eglandular within; corolla salverform, infundibuliform, 
urceolate or campanulate, usually white, glabrous externally and variously villous 
internally, the lobes 5, equal, sinistrorsely contorted, the apices usually just over- 
lapping in the bud, rarely inflexed; stamens 5, epipetalous, the anthers free from 
each other and the stigma, included, fully fertile, the filament slender, short, the 
pollen-grain spherical or subspherical, triculpate; pistil 2-carpellary, superior, the 
ovary apocarpous or variously syncarpous and bilocular, with 1—2 ovules on a 
ventral or axile placenta, the disc annular or cupuliform, entire or dentate, the 
style single, slender, usually glabrous, rarely villous at the base, the clavuncle or 
the stigma-head conspicuous, cylindrical, calyptriform or sub-mitriform, obscurely 
bi-apiculate. FRUITS apocarpous or variously syncarpous drupes, often only one 
carpel developing, 1-seeded, the seeds stout or flat, with a membranaceous testa and 
a linear hilum, albuminous, the albumen carnose, entire, easily separable from the 
testa, the embryos nearly as long as the seeds, or half as long, straight or slightly 
to deeply arcuate, the cotyledons 2, flat, fleshy, ovate, obtuse, the hypocotyl terete, 
about as long as the cotyledons. 
TYPE SPECIES: Rauvolfia tetraphylla L. 


A. Leaves with glands in the axil and on the petiole. Corolla-tube urceolate. Fruits fully 
syncarpous, globose; embryo U-shaped. Antilles, Central America, and South America. , 
AA. Leaves with glands in the axil only. Corolla-tube salverform, infundibuliform, or 

campanulate. Fruits apocarpous or variously syncarpous, globose or bilobed; embryo 

B. Corolla-lobes not inflexed in the bud. 
C. Throat of the corolla-tube very narrowly pilose within (a ring of less than 1 mm.), 
above the anther-tips. 
D. Anthers clearly dorsifixed. Stigma-head with distinct collar. Fruits apocarpous 
or variously syncarpous, the drupelets slightly divergen 
E. Anthers with a callosity at the back; filaments short and indistinct. Antilles, 
ntral America, and South America... Sect. II. MACROVOLFIA 
EE. Anthers with a smooth back; filaments slender and distinct. 
: ers 6 to 8 times shorter than the corolla-tube. 
G. Corolla-tube 7-12 mm. A waii. Sect 
GG. Corolla-tube 2-6 mm. long. Tropical Africa and Madagascar. 


FF. Anthers 2 to 4 times shorter than the corolla-tube. Southeast Asia and 
i G 

apocarpous ew Caledonia..................... Sect. VI. HEURCKIA 
CC. Throat of the corolla-tube pilose in a fairly broad band within (from 2 to 6 mm.), 
above the anther-tips. 
H. Ovary apocarpous or syncarpous only at the base. Fruits apocarpous 
or syncarpous only at the base, the drupelets divergent. Southeast 
Asia and Malaysia... Sect. VII. OPHIOXYLON 
HH. Ovary syncarpous almost to its middle. Fruits syncarpous almost to 
tip, the drupelets parallel. East Africa.....Sect. VIII. OPHIOXYLANTHUS 
frica and Madagascar. 

BB. Corolla-lobes deeply inflexed in the bud. Tropical 


EES EES Us Up odus, 



A. Leaves oem — — in oe eng si on the petiole, acopio pes ca 

or pubesce F mall, corolla- mm. long (4-5 mm. in R. andii). 
iie fil faeit KS 8 mm. ve Ma 18 mm. in R. littoralis), globose. Em 
E. ped I. Racecar 
B. en ate hg arely 3 ^ B. the kasoe leaf at each node "on cm. g. 
resa ces SE mes shorter than the iated large leaf............. Ser. 1. TETRAPHYLLAE 
BB. Leaves 3 at eac h mode, Se 4, the largest let s each qe 3-5 cm. long. Inflores- 
cences about as long as the associated l r TERNIFOLIAE 
AA. Leaves with mene ve glands Ger | ^ e axil, Pp apa te or coriaceo 
glabrous. Flowers large, corolla-tube 4—24 mm. long. Fruits apocarpous or Sege 

syncarpous, 0 mm. SC? bilobed (globose in R. paraensis ae R. uer veka Em- 
hm straig Sect. II. MaAcROVOLFIA 
Flo AM twigs leafy only at the tips; bud-scales or their scars present immediatly 
above each node, the current gro deg Piper, of but one verticillate node. 
— Dco. as edi as Lt Jin times in R. polypbylla), obtuse to tounde d 
es Flowering a le dy duod "ge: bud-scales or their scars usually a — lane 
nodes, the current growth consisting of several verticillate nodes, es 34 
ons mes as hos as broad (about twice as ah ng in R. steyermarkii), tac ied 
ate at both ends or at least at the base. Talora terminal or lateral 



$ ANISOPHYLLAE Mgf., in Fedde, Rep. Spec. Nov. 20:113. 1924. 
$ AMEROVOLFIA Pichon, in Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 94:32, 38. 1947. 
SERIES 1. TETRAPHYLLAE A. S. Rao, ser. nov 
Tee quaternata rarius ternata vel quinata in quoque nodo, folio majore 5-16 
mm. longo. Inflorescentiae folio majore 2- vel 4-plo breviores. Species typica: 

R. tetraphylla L. 

A. othe parece anisophyllous, the smallest leaf of each node qus si as long as the 

arg Inflorescences mostly later eil x-lobes acute, ct or ri 
B. a. leaves at the node narrow, 3 to 4 times as long as b rod, Tanceoate, glabrous, 
distinctly petiolate. Sef ane Aa oo MUS Oy Lean i 
BB. Largest leaves at the node broad, about twice as long as broad, ovate, ovate-elliptic, ahr 
obovate, Ke or pie indistinctly pone Inflorescences condensed, wit 
be = pan Calyx-lobes acute, obtuse, or roun : 
iech acuminate, E dedu at the base , glabrous or E 
ER nt. Inflorescences -branched, 16- to many-flowered. 
hus o oun, Cara Riss a o Colombia, Ecuador, and Venue SH 2. R. littoralis 

CC. Leaves ovate or ovate-elliptic, acute or obtuse, abruptly Suen at the 
glabrous or pubescent. Inflorescences unbran ched, or rarely 1- nta xir x 
to Tä cont p acute. Mexico to Colombia, xo eis m en $ 
AA. Leaves lightly anisophylious: the SS "leaf of each node erg id more than half as 
ge, as the largest Inflorescences mostly terminal. Calyx-lobes acuminate or 

tic, 2-3 times as long as broad, secondary veins arcuate. 
eaves ovate ege gg 7 Colombia, gege and Lesser pue! gen A. R. viridis 
Leaves narrowly elliptic, 4—5 times as long as broad, secondary veins transverse. P 
Corolla-tube 3-5 mm. long. Northeastern Brazil 

[Vol. 43 

Ee V.C b 


ut o 4 


Fig. 1. Rauvolfia woodsoniana Standl. (Brenes 6801) 


RAUVOLFIA WOODSONIANA Standl. in Field Mus. Nat. Hist.—Bot. 18:942. 
1938. (T.: A. M. Brenes 6801!) 

Plants with 2-, 3-, or 4-chotomous branches. Twigs slender, faintly angular, 
glabrous, the nodes with pectinate glands in the leaf-axils and the base of petioles. 
LEAVES strikingly anisophyllous, in whorls of 4 or sometimes 3 at each node, shortly 
petiolate, the larger leaves lanceolate, gradually tapering at both ends, 7-12 cm. 
long, 2-3 cm. broad, the smaller leaves narrowly ovate-elliptic to lanceolate, 1.5- 
4.0 cm. long, 1.0-1.5 cm. broad, membranaceous, glabrous, the secondary veins 
delicate, indistinct on the upper surface, but distinct on the under surface, 7-10 
pairs, arcuate; petioles distinct, 4-8 mm. long. INFLORESCENCEs lateral, inter- 
petiolar, 1, or 2-3 at the nodes, several-flowered; peduncles relatively slender, 2—4 
cm. long, 2-, 3., or 4-chotomously branched, the branches divergent, minutely 
bracteate; pedicels slender, 2-3 mm. long. FLOWERS small; calyx deeply 5-lobed, 
the lobes ovate, rounded, minutely ciliolate, about 1.5 mm. long, glabrous; corolla 
broadly urceolate, the tube 2~3 mm. long, about 1.5 mm. in diameter at the base, 
glabrous without, but pilose within near the throat and around the stamens, the 
lobes rotund, about 1.5 mm. long; stamens 5, inserted near the throat, the anthers 
Ovate, acute, about 1 mm. long, the filament distinct, about 0.5 mm. long; ovary 


bi-carpellary, syncarpous, subspherical, about 1.5 mm. high, about 1.5 mm. in 
diameter, glabrous, the ovules 2 in each locule on an axile placenta, the disc annular, 
about 1 mm. high, the style slender, about 1.5 mm. long, glabrous, the stigma-head 
subcapitate, about 0.5 mm. high, faintly biapiculate. FRUITS not seen. 

Flowering in April. La Calera de San Ramon, Costa Rica. 

This species is easily separated from its related species by its lanceolate leaves 
and the loose inflorescences with slender, elongated peduncles. 

Costa RICA. ALAJUELA: San Ramon, Brenes 6801 (EAP, F). 

2. RAUVOLFIA LITTORALIS Rusby, Descr. New Sp. S. Am. Pl. 84. 1920. (T.: 

H. H. Smith 1905!) 

R. multiflora Riley, in Kew Bull. 1927:124. 1927. (T.: L.A.M. Riley 125!) 
R. macrocarpa Standl. in Trop. Woods 16:11. 1928, nomen; in Publ. Field Mus.—Bot. 

4:254. 1929. (T.: Cooper & Slater 200!) 

Shrubs and trees with milky latex, up to 9 m. tall. Branches dichotomous, 
terete, glabrous, sparingly lenticellate, the nodes with slender, interpetiolar decid- 
uous stipules and glands in the leaf axils and on petioles. Leaves whorled, strik- 
ingly anisophyllous, 4 or rarely 5 at the nodes, shortly petiolate, usually obovate, 
rarely ovate-elliptic or broadly elliptic, acute to acuminate, gradually tapering at 
the base, rarely abruptly so, the largest leaves 6-16 cm. long, 3-6 cm. broad, the 
smallest leaves 1-4 cm. long, 0.5-2.0 cm. broad, membranaceous, glabrous or 
rarely minutely puberulent, the secondary veins distinct on both surfaces, arcuate, 
10-12 pairs; petioles 2-8 mm. long. INFLORESCENCES terminal or lateral, inter- 
petiolar, paired at the nodes, several- to many-flowered; peduncles relatively stout, 
1.5—4.0 cm. long, 2-, 3- or 4-chotomously branched, minutely bracteate; pedicels 
slender, 2-4 mm. long. FLOWERS small; calyx deeply 5-lobed, the lobes ovate, 
obtuse or rounded, about 1 mm. long, glabrous; corolla broadly urceolate or almost 
campanulate, white, the tube stout, 2-3 mm. long, 1.5-2.0 mm. in diameter at the 
base, glabrous without, villous within almost to the base, throat densely pilose, the 
lobes orbicular, 1.0—1.5 mm. long, glabrous or rarely ciliate at the margin; stamens 
5, inserted near the throat, the anthers ovate, acute, about 1 mm. long, the filament 
distinct, about 0.5 mm. long; ovary bicarpellary, syncarpous, subspherical, about 
1.5 mm, high, 2.0 mm. in diameter, glabrous, the ovule 1 in each locule on an 
axile placenta, the disc annular, about 0.5 mm. high, the style columnar, about 2 
mm. long, glabrous, the stigma-head depressed-capitate, about 0.5 mm. high, 
faintly biapiculate. rRurrs spherical or subspherical, 8-15 mm. in diameter, green 
at first but changing as they ripen from pale red to deep red and black, 2-seeded, the 
stones ovate, stout and prominently ridged at the base, flattened and smooth above; 
seeds ovate, albuminous, with a membranaceous testa, the albumen copious, carnose, 
the embryo strongly arcuate, the cotyledons ovate, obtuse, 2-3 mm. long, the 
hypocotyl terete, about equal to the cotyledons in length. 

Chiefly near sea-shore from 10 to 100 m. altitude. In thickets and somewhat 

[Vol. 43 


Fig. 2. R. littoralis Rusby (H. H. Smith 1905) 

swampy areas. Flowering and fruiting from June to September. Costa Rica to 
Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. 

Common Names: Colombia—Anguito, Contra Solita, and Cruceto. Panama—Fruta 
del Diablo. 

This species is obviously closely related to R. tetraphylla L. It can d 
distinguished by the usually glabrous, obovate leaves with acuminate apex and 
very distinct, strongly arcuate secondary veins, and by the usually geminate, many- 
flowered inflorescences. 


Riley, in describing R. multiflora, mentions that it is distinct from all other 
Central American species. He may not have seen either Rusby's description or 
representative specimens of R. littoralis. Except that the leaves are slightly smaller, 
R. multiflora does not show any other significant difference from the type of 
Rusby's R. littoralis. Standley has described R. macrocarpa only on fruiting mate- 
rial. I have obtained material from the type locality, through the kindness of 
Mr. A. M. Bouché, and have given particular attention to the fruits. R. littoralis 
fruits profusely, and occasionally giant fruits have been noticed. It may also be 
significant that seeds of R. macrocarpa which I have dissected were found sterile. 
I am convinced, therefore, that the type specimen of R. macrocarpa is only an 
abnormal specimen of R. littoralis. I am accordingly putting it in synonymy. 

MBIA: siehe" Baranoa, Dugand 4549 (US); Barranquilla, vicinity of Las 

Pendales, Elias 1543 (F, MO, US). Bottvar: Manati, Dugana 591 (F). MAGDALENA: 
Magdalena, Dugand & Beien E tc (F); Santa Marta, Smith 1905 (A, F, G, GH, L, MO, 
P, S, US), 1906 (A, F, G, GH, L, NY, P, S, US). VALLEE DEL cauca: Coli Soto Herrera 
941 (US). 

Costa RICA. PUNTARENAs: San Rafael de Esparta, León 4499 (MO). 

Ecuapor. MANABI: El Recreo, Eggers e aem 15568 (F, K, M, MO, S, US). 

PANAMA. CANAL ZONE: Cocoli, Riley 125 (MO, US); G. Whit e 120 (MO); Mira- 
oe: Gorgas Memorial Lab., P. White 130 (MO , US), west end of island, vicinity of lake, 

7 (MO). cuimiQur: Progreso, Cooper & Slater 200 (A, F, US). 

3. RAUVOLFIA TETRAPHYLLA L. Sp. Pl 208. 1753. (T.: Linn. Hb., photo 


. hirsuta Jacq. Enum. Pl. Carrib. ae 1760; Select. Stirp. Am. Hist. 47. 1763, ex char. 

. tomentosa Jacq. l.c. ex char. et ici 

. canescens L. Sp. Pl. ed. 2. 303. EE ex char., non R. canescens Descourt. Fl. Ant. 
oct sie IA 

subpubescens L. Mant. 2:345. 1771, ex char. 

bei bl 4:805. 1819, ex cbar. 
eteropbylla R. & S. geg Veg. (T.: Bertero s. n.!) 

latifolia var. minor Muell.-Arg. l.c. 396 (in ër as to > Jameson 514!) 

heterophylla var. puberula A. Gray, in Pr 5:187. 1861, nom. nud. 
odontophora Heurck & Muell.-Arg. in Hack. "oh eh 150. 1870. (T.: Spruce 

canescens var. intermedia Mgf. in Fedde, Rep. Spec. Nov. 20:115. 1924, in clave. 
canescens var. GER léi Le, in clave. 

. mollissima Mgf. (T.: Tonduz 13940!) 

. hirsuta var. glabra elt: -Arg.) Woodson, in Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 26:299. 1939. 

apo PRRUPMM. pan 

Sub-shrubs and shrubs with milky latex, 0.5-1.5 m. tall; branches 2-, 3- or 
4-chotomous, terete, softly pubescent to glabrous, the nodes with interpetiolar, 
linear, deciduous stipules and pectinate glands in the axil and on the petiole. 
LEAVES in whorls of 4, rarely 3 or 5, strikingly anisophyllous, shortly petiolate, 
very variable in shape, ovate, ovate-elliptic, or oblong-elliptic to obovate-elliptic, 
acute to obtuse and broadly acute to obtuse at the base, the largest leaves at the 
node 5-15 cm. long, 2-4 cm. broad, the smallest 1-4 cm. long, 0.8—3.0 cm. broad, 

[Vol. 43 

membranaceous, glabrous to tomentulose on both surfaces, secondary veins distinct 
to obscure, arcuate, 5-12 pairs, the vein network distinct or obscure, extremely 
close-knit when distinct; petiole 2-5 mm. long. INFLORESCENCES terminal and 
lateral, few- to rarely many-flowered; peduncles slender, 1-4 cm. long, rarely 2- to 
3-branched, glabrous to puberulent, minutely bracteate, the pedicels slender, 2-5 
mm. long, glabrous to puberulent. Flowers small; calyx deeply 5-lobed, the lobes 
ovate, acute, about 1 mm. long, glabrous to puberulent without and glabrous 
within, corolla urceolate, white, the tube slender, 2-3 mm. long, glabrous to puberu- 
lent without and rather densely villous within near the throat, the throat slightly 
constricted, the lobes obovate to subrotund, rounded, about 1 mm. long; stamens 

Fig. 3. Rauvolfia tetraphylla L. From living plant at the Missouri Botanical Garden. 


5, included, inserted near the throat, the anthers ovate, acute, about 1 mm. long, 
the filament about 0.5 mm. long; ovary 2-carpellary, syncarpous, subspherical, 
about 1.5 mm. high and 2 mm. in diameter, the ovules 1—2 in each locule on an 
axile placenta, the disc annular, 0.5 mm. broad, the style slender, 1.5—2.0 mm. long, 
glabrous, the stigma-head subcapitate, about 1 mm. high, obscurely bi-apiculate. 
FRUITS spherical to subspherical, 5-8 mm. in diameter, glabrous, gradvally turning 
from green to red and black as they ripen, 2-seeded, the stones ovoid, flattened 
ventrally, convex dorsally, distinctly rugose; seeds ovate, slightly curved, albu- 
minous, testa membranaceous, the albumen carnose, the embryo deeply arcuate, 
the cotyledons cordate-ovate, obtuse, 2.0—2.5 mm. long, the hypocotyl terete, about 
as long as the cotyledons. 

Plants of extremely varied habitat, near road-sites, in waste places, on hills, on 
lake banks, on rocky cliffs, in dry fields and in hedges, in moist rich soil in full sun 
or under shade of trees; at altitudes from sea-level to about 2,000 meters. Flower- 
ing and fruiting practically throughout the year. I have noticed in the green- 
house, young plants scarcely 3—4 months old bearing flowers. Greater Antilles, 
Mexico to Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela. 

Common Names: Colombia—Anguito, Cruceto, Venenito. Costa Rica—Chalchupa, 
Cobataco, Guataco. El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Panama—Amatillo, Comida de Culebra, 
Guataco, Hierba de San Jose, and Señorita. Mexico—Coralilla, Corazillo, and Corralio. 

R. tetraphylla can be distinguished from its related species by its very unequal 
leaves with usually obscure secondary nerves, the mostly lateral few-flowered in- 
florescences much shorter than the leaves, and the small flowers with acute calyx- 
lobes. It has been often confused with R. nitida Jacq., particularly in the Antilles, 
but differs from it in having dull leaves with few arcuate secondary veins, the 
inflorescences with slender, rarely branched peduncles, and the flowers with acute 

The confusing nomenclatorial history of R. tetraphylla and its clarification by 
Rendle have already been discussed. The extremely variable leaf characters have 
occasioned the publication of several specific names for this polymorphic species. 
I have made a statistical analysis of variation in this species. Any study based on 
the herbarium material alone or a few plants from the greenhouse cannot be con- 
clusive. R. tetraphylla offers a very interesting example for extensive observation 
in the field and in the botanical garden. This species has been known to have been 
introduced to India in the last 150 years, and to Australia in the last 50 years or 
less, and in both countries it has become naturalized. Considering the paucity of 
information on the behavior of introduced plants in their new homes, a detailed 
botanical study of this species in these regions should be of great interest. 

BARBADos: St. George, Jordan's estate, Barrow 154 (NY); Goodding 380 (NY). 

*5 Voigt, l. c. 

[Vol. 43 

Cub AMAGUEY: Camaguey to Santayana, Britton 2401 (NY), N. L. 8 E. G. 
Britton s Powell A E (MO, US); Cayo eee Shafer 2847, 2853 (NY, US); vicin- 
ity e Tiffin, 2886 (NY, US). Havana: Havana, Baker 5130 (NY, US); vicinity of 
— r, Britton, Earl & Wilson 6234 (NY), Britton, E "em & Gager 6276 (NY), Palmer 

& Riley 840 (US), Ekman 348, 825, 944 13419, 16892 (S), Leon 1337, 5201 (NY), 
Shafer 173 (NY), Van Hermann 908 (NY, US), e 1369 (NY); Santiago de las 
Vegas, Cook 91 (US). ISLE OF PINES: Kibri Gerona, Curtiss 517 (A, G; GH, L, M, 

OI (P); vicinity of Daiquiri, Britton & Cowell 12688 (NY); ët Eggers 5411 (P); 
SU iso de Cuba, Havard 68 (NY), Leon 138, A Ria ), Gonzalez d a sn 
O); Pico Toduin) south slopes, lg IOIO (US); Yara to Gëtt, Shafer 123 30, : 
12366, along Río Canto, 1647 (NY, US), Underwood & ag 130 (NY); precise locality 
nown, Ekman 5679, 7063, 0760 (S). PINAR DEL RIO: Bay of Mariel, Britton & 
Earle (ee panes Corrientes Bay, Britton & Cowell 9976, 99764 (NY); vicinity of 
Gu Britton & Cowell 9749 (NY), Shafer Veer “MO, NY, US); Herra- 
dura, = de z E G. Britton, Earle & Gager 632 23 (NY, US), Van Hermann 06 (NY, 
US); Los Acostos, Zanna cate 5272 (NY); vicinity of Sumidero, Shafer I pae (NY, P, 
US). SANTA CLARA (LAS VILLAs): Cienfuegos, Combs 81 (GH, MO, NY, P, US), Hodge 
& Howard 4139 (GH), Jack 4661 (A, US), 5232, 5555 (A, P), 7297 (A); "Jagua, How- 
ard, Briggs, et al. 253, 392 A ON v de Së Leon E (NY). PRECISE LOCAL- 

, MC sf, `W). 
M cR REPUBLIC: Late pat Fuertes 238 (GH, L, P, NY, S, US, VeL 

A. EA ). 
Abe Ekman 8535 (S, US); E ME Ekman 10452 (S, US); En- 
. Leonar 

Gonaives, Nash & Taylor 1522 (NY); Tortue Island, La Vallée, E 

s.n. (A, GH, US); precise locality unknown, Jaeger s. n. (GH, M, P, > UPS, Me 
unica: precise locality unknown, Boos s. n. (W); Swartz s. n. (M, S, W). 
SAINT THOMAS: precise locality not known, Perrin s. n. (NY). 
TRINIDAD: Trinidad Botanic Garden la psa 3 570 P S); road to Galera Point, 

(S); St. 
O). topaco: Thiebaut 1223 (P e 


BRITISH HONDURAS: Beine: Gentle 36 (F); Corozal, Gentle 495 (MO); El Cayo and 
vicinity, Chanek 120 (F). 

Costa Rica. GUANACASTE: camino de Concepción, Echeverria 4166 (UC); El Coyo- 
lar, Standley s. n. (US); Fadl, Echeverria a (UG 3E ES Kupper 1424 (M); 
e de Cabello, age 15695 (F); Isla de San Lucas, Quinos (F); La Cruz, M 

I (MO, UC, US); Las ee Send & Sie 46663 (US). yo (US) ; Los Loros, 
i 21467 (F ). PUNTARENAs: Puntarenas, Beetle 26225 (UC, Ek Brenes 12365 (E), 
Howell 10155 (US), León 502 (F), Maxon & Harvey 7857 (US), W. W. & H. E. Rowlee 
123, 124 (US); Stork 528 (US), 3397 (F); San José, Tonduz 13916 (P, US); precise 
locality not known, Kru koff s. n. (MO); Canton de Osa, vicinity of La gäe, Allen 5287 
(P, UC, US), vertiente del Pacifico, P. Birlley fl. 17342 (US). 
ATEMALA. ALTA VERAPAZ: La L d. ned 2493 €: 3399 (MO, S), 



Mercedes Aguilar 138 (A, ne CHIMALTEN. Patzún, Heyde & Lux 6417 (G, F, 
MO, US). ESCUINTLA: -Anubis, near Obispo enscher 12371, 12601 (F), Escuintla, 
Pacheco s. s. (F), Pedro Pirales 2046 (US), See Ruan S) ; Chichipin, Morales 

o 544 (U 
Ruano 551 (US); San José, Standley 64227 (F); Las Fianzas, Salas 36 (US). GUATE- 
MALA: Ruebl s.n. (MO, US), Merck & Co. s.m. (MO). HUEHUETENANGO: Agua 


Caliente hoer J. M. & M. T. Greenman 5958 (MO); vicinity of Cuilco, 
Steyermark 50757 (F); Nentón, Ce de "e e chumatanes, Steyermark 51431 (F, MO). 
e 'xillerman $059 (F). APA: Jutiapa, Standley 75129 (F, MO), 

Sen o (F): TALHULEU: Ayutla, bad: 68829 (F); Reüilkaleut Bernoulli & Cario 
1835 (S), Standley 66786. san marcos: Ocós, Steyermark 37825 (F), Río Naranjo, 
Rojás 175 (US). santa rosa: Chicquimulilla, southeast, Standley 7885 , MO); 

7684 (US), Deam 6287 (A, F, MO, US, W); trail between Rio Hondo and waterfall, 
neat 29489 (F, MO); Zacapa, anie d 72027 (F), 73654 (F, MO). 

COMAYAGUA: mayagua, Williams & pre 14680 (F), Standley : 
Chacon I (F); El Bano, J. Sei Rodrigue 2320, 2 200 (F). conrEs: Barbar 
Molina 3800, 3867 (F); La Lima, Johansen 37 (F, MO, US), Williams & Molina ipis 
(F); Progreso, near San Pedro Sula, KE 69 (F); ps Pedro Sula, dern aye 333 (A); 
FRANCISCO MORAZAN: between Suya ves do capte Standley 14200 (F); pr magne 
Fogg 21751 (MO); Río oa Gam 1600 (F), Williams 8 Molina 13266 (F, MO, 
US); Zamorano, Molina 30 (F), J. Valerio Rodrigues 230 (F), 1241 (F), milo I aen 
3896 (F), Williams 14070 an OLANCHO: ity of egene yeh 18186, 18374 
(F). VALLE: Amapala, J. Valerio ici Soe (F, MO); vicinity of y iir Stand- 
e 20765 (US). Yoro: Aguan River valley, ió et al. 8078, 8655 (F, MO, P, S, 

ech SALVADOR. AHUACHAPAN: vicinity of pen Standley 20219 (US). 
LIBERTAD: vicinity of pecans pets 23332 (US); near Comasagua, Carlsom 260 (F, 
UC), 552 (F). La UNION: Acajutla, Stork, Eyerdam > Beetle agri (A, P, UC), Stand- 
ley 21935 (S, US); vicinity of is Union; Beetle 26262 (A, MO, P, UC, US), Standley 
20783 (S, US); Laguna de Maquigue, Standley 20981 (US). RAN SALVADOR: Apulo, 
Williams oi Molina 16760 (F, US); along the road from San Martin to ri zd Ilopango, 
Standley 22558 (US); vicinity of Tonacatepeque, Standley 19529 (US); o de San 
Jacinto, near San Salvador, Standley 20601 (US), Velasco 9006 (US), mida Calderón 
36 Me SANTA ANA: vicinity of Metapán, Standley & Padilla Y 5033 (F). sa 

vicinity of San Vicente, Standley 21309 Gei precum —— 
Stendley 21935 (S, et Stork, Eyerdam & Beetle 8732 (A, P, UC), of A 
Standley 23440 (US); Nahuizalco, Hartman 20, 63 (S); Sobionste, Sadis EA (US). 

NICARAGUA.  CARAZO: vicinity of Toae, Standley 8490 (F). CHINANDEG 
Ameyer, Maxon, Harvey & Valentine 7104 (US) Maxon et al. 71 56 (US); Chichigalpa, 
Standley 11306, 11396 (F). CHONTALES: Juigalpa, Standley 9376 (F). DA: 
Granada, Baker 173 (MO, UC), 608, 846, (US), Levy 214 (P, W), Maxon e e? 7613 


ESTELÍ: vicinity of co Standley 20402 (F). MANAGUA: Managua, Chaves 88 (A), 
Garnier 328 (MO), J. M. & M. T. Greenman 5687 whee Maxon et al. 7221 (US), d one 
7545 (US); Laguna de Mane Maxon et al. 7740 (US); Cosiguina Volcano, owell 
I0257 Za A Ometepe Island, Lake Nicaragua, Shimek d Smitb 73 (US), C. L. "idle in s. f. 
( seid PRECISE LOCALITY ep Si ne s. n. (P). 

ana oucbé s.n. (MO), i 57 X Fo vios ae 
oe (A. US): Jaa Diaz, Siti. por (US) ; Panama City, enm 
5145 (MO); Panama Vieja, Asplund s. n. (UPS), Panama Vieja to » Bella mu. Als 831 
(F, MO, " US); Taboga Island, Standley 27100, 27851 (US), Woods. Allen & Seibert 
1530 (A, MO). 

Manzanillo, Eyerdam & Beetle 8711 (A, MO, P, UC), Palmer 1030 (US), West 351 5 
(UC); Paso del Rio, Emrick 186 (F). incu Acapulco, ter s.n. (US); 

[Vol. 43 

pulco, sea cliffs, Clark 7172 (MO); eT C. L. Smitb 6018 (A, MO, P); e 
J.N.S . Rose & Painter 9305 (MO, US); Mazatlán, Stork & Horton 8606 (MO, P, 
UC); Sen. Dus Hinton 10874 (A, MO, P); p Coyuca, Hinton et al. 5799 (F); 
south of Taxco, Clark 7105 (MO). jJaLisco: La Palma, Jones (MO, US). Mexico: 
Amatepec, Matuda 31291 (MO); Tamacaltepec, Hinton Leg (F, MO, US), Hinton et al. 
3582 (US), Hinton 3826 (P); San Luis de Tu rrubales, S. Jimenez Canossa 2 (F); Maria 
Nurs. Island, Octavis Solis 89 (US), Mason 1839 ( US); Mexico, NR 89 (W). 
MICHOACAN: Apatzingan, Hinton 12028 (US), Leavenworth 475 (F, MO), Lender 
EI Hoogstraal 1352 (F, MO). wnayarīit: Acaponeta, Rose, Eë Sg & Russell 14280 
(US); beo of ZE b peg S. ig P SCH US). sAN Luis Potosi: Rascon, 
Purpus 5300 US); Tamaso le 5068 (G); Tamazunchale, Kenoyer 
s.n. (MO), SE 5038 (UC); Valles, redi q (MO), Vines 3326 (US). SINA- 

A: Culiacán, Brandegee s.n. (UC, US); «e del $. n. nd Mosen 

E 3 ns Ortega 7013 (F, P), 7210 (F, MO, P),7 360 (F), 7482 (MO), Rose 
14032, s. n. (US) ; Rosario, Rose 1575, 14622 (US) ; San Ce Ortéga 4023, 4126 (US); 
Santa Fe, Dani 4678 (US). EH Tlaxcoapan, Hahn s.n. (P); pmi Lyon- 
net 2185, 2655 (US). .vERA CRUZ: Antigua, hes 6143 (F, MO, UC, US); Ojapa, 
Orcutt 5193 (MO, US); Papantla, ee 15135 (MO, UC, (UN Pueblo Viejo, Palmer 
I (F, MO, US); Rio de SE Maria, Pd Se (UC, US); Rinconada, Ross s. n. 
(MO); San Francisco, C. L. Smith 1 336 (UC); Vera Cruz, Galleotti 7114 (P); Warten- 
berg, near Cartoyuca, Case, 1858 (P). oaxaca: Cuicatlán, Conzatti 3991 (US), 
Nelson 1872 (US); Oaxaca, Arson s.n. (L, S), Conzatti 2165 (F), Lä um (G), 
4861 (M, MO, P, UC, US, W); San Geronimo, Purpus 7147 (A, F, MO, UC, US); 
bere Orcutt 3455 (F, MO, US) ; Tomelin A es Smitb $55 i UC, Ver Tux- 
tepec, Martinez-Calderón 90 (MO, UC, US). Yuc AN: Campeche, Fogg 21757 (MO), 
C. L. Lundell 900 (F, MO, UC, US); Cabal, Sem 16 (F); Chichankanab, Gaumer 
4490 (F), 1869 (A, F, MO, UPS, US); Bx ©: L. e A. A. Lundell 7464 (MO, US), 
Steere 1104 (MO), 1 363 (F); Izamal, Geumer. 610 (A, F, MO); Mérida, Schott 431 (F); 
"pd locality not known, Lundell 4768 (A, F), Foss 21765 (MO), Gaumer 24047 (F, 


Britis Guiana. Georgetown Botanical Garden, Gre, & Persaud s. n. (F). 

COLOMBIA. BOLIVAR: Cartagena, Billberg 205 (S), Cufodontis 31 (W), Killip 8 
Smith 14161 (A, GH, US), Schott 851 (F); Cienaga, D R. Castaneda 984 (MO); Tur- 
D U CA: 


Cespedel $.9». (P), T: $.". (P). HUILA Ais » Perez Arbelaez 735 (MO, US). 

GDALENA: E qe near Codici zi, Haacht 2316 (A, M O, US), Pittier 1574 (US); 
Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Barkley 18 C 511 (MO); Sears Marta, Bertero s. n. (P), 
Juan Giacometto 1027 (MO), "Purdie e 407 (P), H. H. Smith 1648 (A, F, GH, L, MO, P, 
S, US), 1649 (F, GH, MO, P, US), 1654 (P), 2097 (A, F, GH, L, MO, P, S, UC, US). 
SANTANDER: Santander, J. A. Molina & Barkley 18 S 256 (MO). PRECISE LOCALITY UN- 

N W). 

CUADOR. GUAYAs: Salao, Eggers 14535 (M, S, US); Guayaquil, Anderson s. n. (S); 
Asplund 5125 (P, UPS, US), Jameson 514 (G), Spruce 6302 (P, S, m" ANABI: Manabi, 
Laid 20 MO, US), Solis 10641 (F); Savana ad Zë Mille 989 (F 

MAZONAS: Bagua, Dik: s.n. (MO). LAMBAYEQUE: dus Ramon | 
Ferreyra 7610 Katie Lopez Miranda 288 (MO, SH Pell, Soukup 4198 (US). LIBER- 
tad, A. Raimondi 741 (MO). Santa Lucia, Ule 6805 (L)- 

tunm e geg tween Cauchaque and Buenos ge dan mon Ferreyra 10949 (MO). 
SAN MARTIN: Huallaga, cerca a Bella Vista, Ramon Ferreyra 10085 (MO). 

VENEZUELA. ARAGUA: H. Pittier 14038 US). DISTRITO FE : Caracas and 
Puerto Cabello, near El Ca E. Pittier 75 (US); Catia and Las Trincheras, E. Pittier 8 
(US); Curucuri Valley near Maiquetia, CN Pittier 13388. (A, F, MO, P, US); Curucuri 


vicinity, H. Pittier 10282 (GH, US); between Caracas and La Guaira, Rose 21920 (US); 
La Guaira, Curran & Haman 854, 886 (GH, US). Lara: Carora, Jahn 179 (US); Rio 
Tocuyo, M ema 314 (US). Mrmipa: El Molino, ebe. 56218 (F, MO); Tovar, 
Fendler 2206 (GH); MIRANDA: Chaco, Williams 11189 (F). TRUJILLO: La Cerba, Reed 
961 (US); La Concepción, Reed 1094 (US); San ig se Mendoza, H. Pittier 1 3329 
( US). ZULIA: Isla San Carlos, Curran & Haman $00 US). northern Venezuela, 
Gg eid not known, Curran & Haman 784 (GH), 29 (GH, US), Goudot s. n. (P). 
MADRAS: Madras, Woodward s.n. (MO). UTTAR PRADESH: Dehra Dun, 
Bhatnagar s.n. (MO); Lucknow, Hiralal s. n. (MO), otodan s. 1. (MO). 
AUSTRALIA. QUEENSLAND: iot pi near Rockhampton, Rass s.n. (A), Stan- 
dish s. n. (A), cult. C. S. I. R. O. 5428 (MO). 

4. RAUVOLFIA virIDIS R. & S. Syst. Veg. 4:805. 1819. (T.: Humboldt & Bon- 
pland s. n., photo !) 

R. psycbotrioides H. B. K. Nov. Gen. et Sp. 3:231. 1819. we aged 69!) 

R. nitida Lam. Enc cyc. Tab. 2:304. 1819, non R. nitida Jacq. 

R. lamarkii A. DC. in DC. Prodr. 8:337. 1844. (T.: Postal S: 9., SÉ !) 

: latifolia A. DC. in DC. Prodr. 8:339. 1844. (T.: Sieber 74!) 
R. latifolia var. minor Muell.-Arg. in Linnaea 30:396. 1860. (T.: Sieber 2681) 

R. lanceolata Griseb. Fl. Br. W. Ind. 408. 1864, nom. nud., non R. lanceolata A. DC. 

Es 5% ck 

ei 2 
MU Sr 
| g 527) 

ee Z 

Fig. 4. Rauvolfia viridis R. & S. (Humboldt 69) 

[Vol. 43 

Shrubs up to 2 m. tall; branches terete, puberulent when young, but glabrous 
later, the nodes with very few pectinate glands in the axil and on the petiole. 
LEAVES slightly anisophyllous, quaternate, or rarely ternate, shortly petiolate, ovate 
or broadly ovate-elliptic, acute to acuminate at the tip, tapering at the base, the 
largest leaves 5-15 cm. long and 3-5 cm. broad, the smallest leaves 2-4 cm. long 
and 1.5-3.0 cm. broad, membranaceous, glabrous above and minutely puberulent 
beneath generally or along the midrib and the secondary veins, the secondary veins 
particularly distinct beneath, sharply arcuate, 8—15 pairs, the tertiary veins and the 
veinlets forming a distinct network; petiole 2-8 mm. long. INFLORESCENCES ter- 
minal or rarely lateral, several- to many-flowered; peduncles slender, 1-4 cm. long, 
2- or 3-branched, glabrous or puberulent, minutely bracteate, the pedicels slender, 
2-4 mm. long. FLOWERs small; calyx deeply 5-lobed, the lobes ovate, acuminate 
or cuspidate, 1.0—1.5 mm. long, glabrous; corolla tubular or narrowly urceolate, 
white, the tube slender, 2.5-3.0 mm. long, glabrous or rarely scantily puberulent 
without and poorly pilose within near the throat, the throat slightly constricted, 
the lobes ovate, obtuse, 2.0—2.5 mm. long, about 1 mm. broad, glabrous; stamens 
5, included, inserted near the throat, the anthers ovate, acute, about 1 mm. long, 
the filament distinct, about 0.5 mm. long; ovary 2-carpellary, syncarpous, sub- 
spherical, about 1.5 mm. high and 2.0 mm. in diameter, the disc annular, 0.5 mm. 
wide, the style slender, 1.5-2.0 mm. long, the stigma-head depressed-capitate, 0.5 
mm. high, obscurely bilobed. rom spherical or subspherical, slightly flattened, 
5—7 mm. in diameter, glabrous, 2-seeded, the stones ovate, flat ventrally, convex 
dorsally, distinctly rugose; seeds ovate, slightly curved, albuminous, testa sub- 
membranaceous, the albumen fleshy, the embryo deeply arcuate, the cotyledons 
ovate, obtuse, 2-3 mm. long, the hypocotyl terete, about as long as the cotyledons. 

Scattered shrubs from near sea-level to about 1000 meters altitude, on coral 
cliffs and along hill-sides on sandy shady beaches, near mangrove swamps but on dry 
soil. In arid meadow regions at higher altitudes. Flowering and fruiting from 
April to October. Lesser Antilles, Colombia and Venezuela. 

Common Names: Colombia—Cruceto, Mata Penos, and Venenito. Lesser Antilles— 
Antigua Balsam, Bitterbush, Billyache, Bois Lait and Milky Bush, Snakeberry Tree. Vene- 
zuela—Bole de Berraco. 

This species can easily be distinguished from its related species by the 
slightly anisophyllous leaves with the very distinct vein network and the mostly 
terminal inflorescences, with the corolla-tube and the lobes almost equal in the 
flowers. It can also be distinguished from R. nitida Jacq. by its usually broad 
leaves with deeply arcuate secondary veins, the slender peduncles and the acuminate 

McVaugh* has recently shown that Roemer & Schultes’ name, R. viridis, has 
the priority over the more familiar Kunth's name, R. psycbotrioides. 
Markgrafí? was correct in his recognition of the identity of R. latifolia A. DC 

45 McVaugh, R., in Taxon 4:84. 1955. 
16 Markgraf, F., in Fedde, Rep. Spec. Nov. 20:114. 1924. 


with R. lamarkii A. DC., but yet he maintains R. lamarkii as distinct from R. 
psychotrioides mainly perhaps on geographical grounds. The characters that Mark- 
graf used in his key for separating the two species, such as short- and long-acu- 
minate, glabrous or hairy on the midrib, the pilosity in the throat of the corolla, 
the shape of the stigma-head, all intergrade and cannot be used. The distribution 
of the species from Puerto Rico to Venezuela and Colombia is nothing unusual. 

ANTIGUA: Box 872 (MO, UC, US), Aria 342 (M, W). 
605 (US). 

GRENADA: Belair, Beard 1201 (GH, S, US), Broedwey s. n. (GH, MO, NY, P); La 
Pointe, Eggers 6461 (A, P, US); ap side of Chatham Bay, C. P. Cooper III 202 

GUADELOUPE: Le Moule, H. Steble 951 (NY), 981 (P), H. 8 M. Steble 6994, 7022 
(US). PRECISE LOCALITY UNKNOWN: Bena 533 Ze, zë 6 (P), 2614 (GH, MO, 
NY, US), Forstrom 807 (S), Perrotet s. n. jf d xs 211 (PX LG Richard $. n. 

QUE: Case Pilote, Hahn 1503 Se S), Mouret 226 (P); St. Anne, H. & M. 
sii dE (US); Valle des Pierre, Hahn 1459 (G E G, GH, NY, P, US). PRECISE LOCALITY 
KNOWN: Duss 1225 (NY, US), Sieber E ei W). 

“Mow SERRAT: a 46 (NY, US). 

PUERTO Rice: CULEBRA ISLAND: Britton & Wheeler 60a ( US). GUAYAMA: 
ig Goll et al. 5 7 (NY). HuMacao: Fajardo lighthouse, ellen 1186 (NY, US), 
Sintenis 1194 (GH, M, P, S, US), 1195 (P). MAYAGUEZ: Guanica, Fogg 21775 (MO). 

PONCE: Ponce to Playa, Las Cucharas, N. L. 8 E. G. Britton & Marble 1951 (GH, US); 
Cayo Muertos, N. L. Britton, Cowell & Stewardson Brown 5048 (N ). SAN JUAN, 
San Juan, Sintenis 2806 (L); precise locality unknown, Plée 610 (P), ‘Sergent 195 (US), 
Underwood & Griggs 628 (NY, US). Kee: ISLAND: Cerra Encanta, Shafer 2541, 
vicinity of Isabela Segunda, Shafer 2560 (NY, US). 

St. BARTHELEMY: Forström s. n. (S), Goes s. n. (S, UPS), Questol 228. (NY), 907 

Crom: A. E. Ricksecker 407 (GH, MO, NY, UC, US), J. J. Ricksecker 333 (P), 
E 284 (US), 208 (GH, NY, P), 350 ( (GH). 
T. Eustatius: Boldingh 1235B (L), q e 
ST. Jan: Bethania, hillside woods, N. L. Brit SN M de I93 (NY, US). 
j Y). 


Sr. Thomas: Bórgeson 27B6B (S), 66B (NY), N. L. 8 E. G. Britton 6 Shafer 124 
(NY), N. L. & E.G. Britton & Marble 401, 1206 (NY, US), Eggers 183 (G, L, M, P, UPS), 
Eggers s. n. (GH, W), Ebrenberg s. n. (MO), Jelmarsson s.n. (S), Holton s.n. (NY), 
Poiteau s. n. ES 

Sr. Vincent: HH & G. W. Smith 557 (GH, NY). 

TRINIDAD: Sieber 268 (MO, P, W); roBAco: Broadway s.n. (GH, MO, P, US); 
Buccoo Point, Goente 298 (MO). 

VIRGIN Let. EEN Gorda, Fisblock 75 (NY). 

Bour ron 

Tico: Barranquilla, Dugand 125,958 (F), 4822 (MO), Dugand 

g eo pon 3217 (US), Elias 14,189 (US), Paul C34 (US); Puerto Colombia, 

Elias 1014 (F). BOLIVAR: Cartegena, Dugand & Jaramillo 3374 (US), Heriberto 38, 354 

(US), Sa s. n. (F). MAGDALENA: Santa Marta, Espina 47 (US), Perez-Arbelaez 4816, 
5860 (US). 

VENEUZELA. ARAGUA: Ocumare, H. Pittier 14035 (US), Williams 10170 (F). cara- 

BOBO: road from Puerto Cabello to San Felipe, H. Pittier 8872 (GH, US); Maracay, Vogel 

[Vol. 43 

1305 (M). DISTRITO FEDERAL: Caracas, Curran t$ Haman 1093 (GH, US). MIRANDA: 
Guatire, H. Pittier 7644 (GH, US); Santa Lucia, Holt 548 (P); prim locality not 
own, H. dali E de '(GH, P, US). monacas: Río Caribe, C wis & Haman 
1269 (GH UC). Nueva ESPARTA: Isle Margarita, Johnston 135 (F, G, GH, UC, 
US, W), Hon o Ce së 43 (F, GH, MO, P, US). sucre: Cristóbal Colón n, Broadway 
103, 109 (GH, US); Cumaná, se n t 69 (P); southwest of Cuchivano, Steyermark 
62789 (F, MO). YARACUY: en o San Filipe, Steyermark 55855 (F). ZULIA: 
Perija, Tejira 13 (GH, US); d. Fendler 612 (K, GH, MO); precise locality not 
nown, Kuntze v74 (F). 
5. RAUVOLFIA MORICANDI A, DC. in DC. Prodr. 8:340. 1844. (T.: Blanchet 

Plants with branches ternate or quaternate, cylindrical or obscurely angular, 
glabrous. LEAVES ternate or rarely quaternate, slightly anisophyllous, sparsely 
glandular at base, short-petiolate, narrowly elliptic, caudate-acuminate, gradually 
attenuate at both ends, entire, 3-8 cm. long, 1.0—2.5 cm. broad, submembrana- 
ceous, glabrous, dark green above and pale green beneath, secondary veins delicate, 
indistinct above, distinct beneath, transverse, many; petioles 2-8 mm. long. 1N- 
FLORESCENCES terminal, 6- to 15-flowered, peduncles slender, 1-3 cm. long, 2- or 
3-branched, bracteate, bracts minute, pedicels filiform, 4-6 mm. long. FLOWERS 
small; calyx deeply 5-lobed, the lobes deltoid, acuminate, about 1 mm. long; 
corolla salverform, the corolla-tube slender, 4-5 mm. long, about 1 mm. in di- 

e itm. 





e SS 

Fig. 5. Rauvolfia moricandii A. DC. (Blanchet 1007) 


ameter at the base, glabrous without, sparsely villous within along the upper half, 
the throat constricted, the corolla-lobes ovate, obtuse, 2.0—2.5 mm. long, about 1 
mm. broad; stamens 5, inserted near the throat, the anthers ovate, acuminate, the 
filaments short, about 0.5 mm. long; pistil bicarpellary, hemisyncarpous, the ovary 
subspherical, about 1 mm. high and about 1 mm. in diameter, with 2 ovules in 
each locule on an axile placenta, the disc annular, narrow, about 0.5 mm. high, 
the style common, columnar, 2.0—2.5 mm. long, glabrous, the stigma-head sub- 
cylindrical, about 1 mm. high, obscurely biapiculate. FRUITS not observed. 

Northeast Brazil: Bahia. 

This must be a comparatively rare species. Amongst all the material borrowed 
from the different herbaria, including that of the Rio de Janeiro garden, I have not 
come across any more specimens of this species. The paucity of the petiolar glands, 
the rather long corolla-tube, and the hemisyncarpous ovary, characteristic of this 
species, are exceptional to the section to which it is presently assigned. It is con- 
ceivable that with the study of more material this species may well be shifted to 
the section MACROVOLFIA. 

BRAZIL. BAHIA: precise locality not known, Blanchet 1007 (G). 

SERIES 2. TERNIFOLIAE A. S. Rao, ser. nov. 

Folia in quoque nodo ternata rariusve quaternata, folio majore 3—5 cm. longo. 
Inflorescentiae folium majorem subaequantes. Species typica: R. ligustrina R. & S. 


A. Leaves mucronulate, the largest leaf at each node less than twice as long as broad. 
Twigs, leaves and peduncles with a afa pubescence. goin. Sieg Brazil. z 
BE R. blancbetii 
AA. Leaves acute, the largest leaf at each node mops than twice as long as broad. Twigs, 
leaves, and peduncles glabrous or with a whitish pubesce: 

B. Leaves (at Mp: t the young ones), young twigs, me? iade with a whitis 

cence, rarely Greg Inflorescences spreading; peduncles 2- or 3 grange ge? 
5-8 mm. long. Calyx-lobes ovate, acute. Paraguay and south-central Brazi 

. mollis 

BB. Les ves, young twigs, and peduncles pubes or leaves puberulent along the ai 
only beneath. erbe "un gested; peduncles unbranched or rarely 1- to 
debat pedicels 2-4 e Calyx- Lew anceolate, acuminate. uba; 
Mexico to Colombia, Bolivia, + Gi and i aioe a Brazil 8. R. ligustrina 
6. RAUVOLFIA BLANCHETTI A. DC. in DC. Prodr. 8:340. 1844. T.: Blanchet 

2718!, 2769!) 

Shrubs; branches 2-, 3- or 4-chotomously branching, terete, fuscous-pubescent, 
the nodes with very few axillary glands ascending the petiole. LEAVES ternate to 
quaternate, slightly anisophyllous, shortly petiolate, ovate to ovate-elliptic, acute, 
mucronulate, abruptly attenuate at the base, 1—4 cm. long, 1-3 cm. broad, mem- 
branaceous, glabrous to puberulent above and pubescent beneath, the secondary 
veins 4-8 pairs, rather indistinct, the vein network hardly distinct; petioles 1-3 
mm. long. INFLORESCENCES terminal and lateral, few-to many-flowered; peduncles 
slender, dichotomously branching, 1-3 cm. long, puberulent, the pedicels slender, 

[Vol. 43 

Fig. 6. Posdb blanchetti A. DC. (Blanchet 2718) 

2-4 mm. long, puberulent. FLOWERs small; calyx deeply 5-lobed, the lobes ovate, 
acute, about 1.5 mm. long, glabrous; corolla tubular or indistinctly urceolate, the 
tube slender, 2-3 mm. long, glabrous or rarely puberulent without, densely villous 
within near the throat, the throat scarcely constricted, the lobes ovate to sub- 
rotund, obtuse, 1.5—2.0 mm. long, the stamens 5, included, inserted near the throat, 
the anthers ovate, acute, about 1 mm. long, the filaments distinct, about 0.5 mm. 
long; ovary 2-carpellary, syncarpous, spherical, about 1.5 mm. in diameter, the 
ovules 1-2 in each locule on an axile placenta, the disc annular, about 0.5 mm. 
broad, the style columnar, 1.5-2.0 mm. long, glabrous, the stigma-head subcapitate, 
about 0.5 mm. high, obscurely bilobed. rmurrs spherical when young, 2-seeded. 

I have not seen ripe fruits. Mueller-Argoviensis!! has depicted mature fruits 
in his illustration of R. blanchettii. The fruits are obviously like those of the other 
members of this section. 

47 Mart. Fl. Bras. 61: tab. 9, fig. 1. 1860. 


This species can be distinguished from all the related species by its fuscous- 
pubescent twigs, the mostly ternate, ovate-elliptic, mucronate-tipped, puberulent 
leaves, the inflorescences mostly few-flowered and with dichotomously branching, 
pubescent peduncles, and flowers with ovate, acute calyx-lobes. 

Plants of northeastern Brazil. 

BRAZIL. BAHIA: Monte de la Jacobine and Villa de pate Blanchet 2718 (G, F, P), 
n (G); Joazeiro, Martinus 2370 (M). ESPIRITO SANTO: Itapemirim, Glaziou 11183 

7. RAUVOLFIA morus S. Moore, in Trans. Linn. Soc. Ser. II. 4:393. 1895. (T.: 
S. Moore 950, photo!) 
R. divergens Mgf. in Fedde, Rep. Spec. Nov. 20:115, 119. 1924. (T.: Fiebrig 4664!) 

Shrubs 1-2 m. tall; branches di- or trichotomous, terete, glabrous, or with a 
whitish pubescence, the nodes with a few axillary glands ascending the petiole. 

Fig.7. Rauvolfia mollis S. Moore (E. Hassler 7400) 

[Vol. 43 

LEAVES ternate to very rarely quaternate, slightly anisophyllous, shortly petiolate, 
ovate-elliptic to narrowly elliptic, acute, attenuate at the base, 1-5 cm. long, 
0.5—3.0 cm. broad, membranaceous to subcoriaceous, glabrous above, generally 
puberulent to puberulent only along the midrib beneath, the secondary veins and 
the vein network obscure; petiole 1-5 mm. ong. INFLORESCENCES terminal and 
lateral, few- to many-flowered; peduncles glabrous to puberulent, slender, 1—4 cm. 
long, dichotomously branched, the branches usually divergent, minutely bracteate, 
the pedicels slender, 5-8 mm. long, glabrous to puberulent. FLOWERs small; calyx 
deeply 5-lobed, the lobes ovate, acute, 1.0-1.5 mm. long, glabrous or ciliate; corolla 
urceolate, white; the tube slender, 2.0—3.5 mm. long, glabrous without, villous 
within near the throat, the throat a little constricted, the lobes obovate to rotund, 
rounded, 1.0-1.5 mm. long; stamens 5, included, inserted near the throat, the 
anthers ovate, acute, about 1 mm. long, the filament distinct, about 0.5 mm. long; 
ovary 2-carpellary, syncarpous, subglobose, about 1.5 mm. in diameter, the ovules 
1-2 in each locule on an axile placenta, the disc annular, about 0.5 mm. broad, the 
style columnar, 1.5-2.0 mm. long, glabrous, the stigma-head depressed-capitate, 
constricted in the middle, about 0.5 mm. high, obscurely bilobed. Frurrs spherical 
to subspherical, 4—6 mm. in diameter, glabrous, 2-seeded, the stones ovoid, flat ven- 
trally, bulged dorsally, distinctly rugose; seeds ovate, slightly curved, albuminous, 
the testa membranaceous, the albumen carnose, the embryo deeply arcuate, the 
cotyledons ovate, obtuse, 2.0—2.5 mm. long, the hypocotyl terete, about as long as 
the cotyledons. i 

In dry fields and in inundated secondary forests. Flowering from September to 
December; fruiting from December through February. Paraguay and central- 
southern Brazil. 

R. mollis can easily be mistaken for the more widespread R. ligustrina. How- 
ever, it can be distinguished by the often whitish pubescence of its twigs, leaves, 
and peduncles, by the more branched, conspicuously divergent inflorescences, and 
the flowers with ovate calyx-lobes. 

The leaf shape and the whitish pubescence of the twigs, leaves and peduncles 
are extremely variable. This is particularly evident in a suite of specimens of 
Malme from the type locality of R. mollis. The type specimen of R. divergens 
Mgf. does not indicate any distinctive character to justify its retention as a distinct 
species. Iam, therefore, merging it with R. mollis. 

AZIL. MATO GROSSO: Corumba , ; 
Cuyaba, Malme 2679, 26794 (S); Santa ook Gg e E EE 
(UPS), A 2885 (S). RIO DE JANEIRO: Rio de Janeiro, Dusén 139 (S). 

RAGUAY. BOQUERON (CHACO): 21° latitude, Fiebrig 1278 (G, P, S), 1350 (G, P); 
between Rio Apa and Aquidaban, Fiebrig 4634 (G, K); Villa Sana, Fiebrig 4664 (G, GH» 

: M, S); San Genaro, Isla Margarita, Meyer 18.600 (MO). PRECISE LOCALITY UNKNOWN: 
Anisits 2230, 2655 (S), Hassler 7400 (A, G, MO, P, $, UC, W). 


Fig. 8. Rauvolfia ligustrina R. & S. (Humboldt 1480) 

8. RAUVOLFIA LIGUSTRINA R. & S. Syst. Veg. 4:805. 1819. (T.: Humboldt 8 

Bonpland s. n.) 

R. ternifolia H. B. K. Nov. Gen. et Sp. 3:232. 1819. (T.: Sot 1480!) 

R. parvifolia Bert. ex Spreng. Syst. 1:834. 1825. (T.: Bertero s. n. 

R. parvifolia var. cubana A. DC. in DC. Prodr. 8:340. 1844, nom. P 

> barvifolia var. tomentella Maell. -Arg. in PRE 30:394. og a Sieber 326!) 
R. alphonsiana Muell.-Arg. l.c. (T.: Poeppig s. n.!) 

R. indecora Woodson, in Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 24:12. 1937. (Stork 2800!) 

Shrubs 1-3 m. tall; branches dichotomous, terete, glabrous, the nodes with 
axillary glands ascending the petiole. Leaves ternate, slightly anisophyllous, 
shortly petiolate, ovate to ovate-elliptic, acute to acuminate and broadly acute to 
rarely obtuse at the base, the largest leaves at the nodes 3-5 cm. long, 1-5 cm. 
broad, the smallest 1—3 crn. long, 0.5—1.5 cm. broad, membranaceous, glabrous or 
puberulent along the midrib beneath, secondary veins distinct, arcuate, 4-10 pairs, 

[Vol. 43 

the vein network obscure; petiole 1-3 mm. long. INFLORESCENCES terminal and 
lateral, few- to rarely many-flowered; peduncles slender, 1-3 cm. long, 2- or 
rarely 3-branched, the secondary peduncles rather congested, glabrous, or minutely 
puberulent, the pedicels slender, 2-4 mm. long, glabrous. FLOWERS small; calyx 
deeply 5-lobed, the lobes lanceolate, acuminate, 1.5—2.0 mm. long, glabrous; co- 
rolla urceolate, white, the tube slender, 2.0-3.5 mm. long, glabrous without and 
pilose within near the throat, the throat slightly constricted, the lobes ovate to ` 
subrotund, rounded, 1.0-1.5 mm. long; stamens 5, included, inserted near the 
throat, the anthers ovate, acute, about 1 mm. long, the filament distinct, 0.5 mm. 
long; ovary 2-carpellary, syncarpous, subspherical, about 1.5 mm. high, 2 mm. in 
diameter, the ovule 1 in each locule on an axile placenta, the disc annular, 0.5 mm. 
broad, the style columnar, 1.5—2.0 mm. long, glabrous, the stigma-head calyptri- 
form, about 1 mm. high, obscurely bilobed. FRurts spherical to subspherical, 5-7 
mm. in diameter, glabrous, 2-seeded, the stones ovoid, flattened ventrally, convex 
dorsally, distinctly rugose; seeds ovate, slightly curved, albuminous, testa mem- 
branaceous, the albumen carnose, the embryo deeply arcuate, the cotyledons ovate, 
obtuse, 2.0-2.5 mm. long, the hypocotyl terete, about as long as the cotyledons. 

Chiefly in moist situations, near sea-shore in coastal thickets, in river plains, 
savannas, and wet meadows; from sea-level to 1000 m. altitude. Flowering and 
fruiting from April to September. Cuba; Mexico to Colombia, Bolivia, Vene- 
zuela, Surinam, and northeastern Brazil. 

Common Names: Brazil, Maranhoa—Paratudo; Paraiba—Mamao de pri Colombia 
—Contra and Venenito. El Salvador—San Jose. Mexico—Chirillo and Venen 

R. ligustrina can easily be recognized by its ternate, mostly ovate-elliptic, 
acuminate leaves, the rather congested, mostly few-flowered, lateral inflorescences, 
and the flowers with lanceolate, acuminate calyx-lobes. 

Roemer & Schultes’ name, R. ligustrina, has priority over the Kunthian name 
R. ternifolia, as shown by McVaugh.!8 The several specific names here are mainly 
due to an inadequate appreciation of variation in leaf characteristics. Markgraf, 
while correctly recognizing the identity of R. alpbonsiana with R. parvifolia, still 
maintained the distinction between R. parvifolia and R. ternifolia. He has used as 
his key characters leaf size and inflorescence flower-number. Similarly, Woodson 
differentiates his R. indecora “by its nearly isophyllous, subsessile leaves, which are 
minutely puberulent beneath, and its larger drupes.” These characters, however, 
are very variable and do not help in maintaining the distinctions. 


CUBA. HAVANA: Havana, Baker 2640 (NY, UC), Leon 7191 (MO, NY), Leon 8 
Roca 7251, 7252 (MO, NY), Van Hermann 673 (NY), Wilson CR (A, G, NY, P, UC, 
US, W). MATANZAs: Matanzas, Alain wee (MO), Baker 2421 ORIENTE: A 
Wier omg 5927 (S). PINAR DEL RIO g 1733 (NY), Shafer La (MO, NY, US). 

CLARA (LAS VILLAS): CE Cok 180 (GH, MO, NY, P, US); Sagua, N. L. 

18 McVaugh, R., in Taxon 4:84. 1955. 


Britton & Wilson 306, 369 (NY), Howard 5582 (GH, NY); Santa Clara, Baker 4063 
(NY, UC » US), Ekman 16850 (S), Leon 9223, 9447 (MO). PRECISE LOCALITY UN- 

D: ru . Britt E 
Broadway Mii (G), 2680 (G, US), 9010 (A, MO), 9265 (A, G); St. Augustine, Baker 1 
(MO). PRECISE LOCALITY UNKNOWN: Sieber 326 (P, MO), Trinidad Botanical Garden 
2772 (US). 
Costa Rica, GUANACASTE: Bebedero, Brenes 12579 (F); Nocoya, Jorge León 4286, 

L SALVADOR. LA PAZ: La a We? IQ (US). La UNION: Laguna de Maquigue, 
Standley 20910 (US). sAN MIGUE a de Olomega, Standley 20996 (US), Tucker 
949 (US). sowsoNATE: Acajutla, Pre di Calderón 1654 (US). 
GUATEMALA. ESCUINTLA: San Jose, Kellerman 4570 (US), Standley 64198 (F, 
o» Merck & Co. s.n. (MO). SUCHITEPEQUEZ: south of Tiquisate, Steyermark 47806 

XICO. CHIAPAS: Paderon, Matuda 16273 (F, MO), 16927 (F), 2734 (A, oi 
Us), 2687 (A, F, MO). oaxaca: Oaxaca, Mitede extra 5 (MO). jaLisco: Tuxpá 
Mexia 1042 (A, F, G, MO, P, UC, US). 

Bot mia, BEN o Madre de Dios, Kublmann 581 Vu junction of R. Beni and 
R. Madre de Dios, es 2388 (F, GH, MO, W), 2389 (F, GH, P 
BRAZIL. n HIA: Bahia, RB 47482 (RB). ceara: Ceara, Allemáo 974 (P), Drouet 
2707 (F, GH, S, US), Ducke s. n. (RB), Hoehne 7544 (F). MARANHAO: Ducke s. n. 
(RB), Hoebne 3430 (F); near Lorenda, ten $ 2047 (A, F, G, M, MO, S, US). PARA: 
Montelegre, ide bnt 3 (P, RB, S, US). Panama: J. C. de M Mord 890 (MO), Xavier 103 

MO). PER : Fernando de Noronha, Mosley s. n. (P), Ridley, Lea 6 Ramage 83 
(GH); Pernambuco, Gardner 1063 (G, GH, S, US, W). piauí: Netto 40 (F). 
CoLom ATLANTICO: Dugand 4541 (US), Dugand & Bariga 2307 (US), Elias 


1425 (F, MO, P US): Río "Kë Dugand E Jaramillo SC: 3262 (US); Barran- 
quilla, Elias oe (E, G, MO, US). BOLIVAR: SE Otto 804 (W ) ; Florencia, Perez 
Arbelaez 636 (US); San Martin, Curran 28, 75 (GH, US), 408 (GH), Dugand 528 (F, 

O); Río "Tucarsics; foothills of Sierra Nevada, Sage 1025 (MO); San Pedro Alejan- 
drino, R. R. Castañeda 74 (F); Monteira, Zainum, Molina t$ Barkley BO. 115 (MO, US), 
Pond] 4140 (GH, MO,U 

SURINAM: Surinam River, Focke 1287 See 

VENEZUELA. ARAGUA: Maracay, Vogel 1455 (M). DISTRITO FEDERAL: Betel, Clar- 
endon 67 (US); around Caracas, H. Pittier pes (G, US); Losa, Tamayo 197 (MO). 
MERIDA: Tovar, Fendler 2347 (G, GH, MO, P, US). 

Section II. MACROVOLFIA (Pichon) A. S. Rao, emend. 
$ GRANDIFLORAE Met. in Fedde, Rep. Spec. Nov. 20:116. 1924. 
$ HESPEROVOLFIA Pichon, in Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 94:32, 33. 1947. 
SERIES 3. LATIFOLIAE A. S. Rao, ser. nov. 
Rami floriferi apice foliosi, cataphyllis super quoque nodo manifestis, hoc aucto 
nodo verticillato unico. Folia ca. bis longiora quam latiora (usque ter longiora in 
R. polyphylla) basi obtusa vel rotundata.  Inflorescentiae terminales. ci 

typica: R. polyphylla Benth. 

[Vol. 43 

A. Calyx-lobes ovate. Corolla-tube 6—8 mm. lon 
B. Tari ovate or ovate-elliptic. Peduücles NE to or up to 4 times as long as the 

e ban membranaceous or subcoriaceous, 1.5—2.5 cm. broad, petioles 1.0—1.5 cm. 

Peduncles slender, 3—4 times as long ps petio oles. Northeastern Brazil...9 R. DE 
CC. Leaves delicately membranaceous or strik T coriaceous, 3—6 cm. broad, petioles 
2.0—3.5 cm. long. Peduncles stout, as hind as he petioles or up to 2.5 times as long 
D. Leaves strikingly coriaceous. Peduncles as =% as, or 1.5 times longer than, the 
petioles, pedicels 0.8—1.0 cm. long.  Corolla-tube lilac-colored, 1.5—2 times a 

long as the corolla-lobes. Venezuela 10. R. pachyphylla 
DD. Leaves delicately membranaceous. Peduncles 2.0—2.5 times as long as the petioles 
pedicels 0.3—0.5 cm. long. Se tube cv and as long as or 1.25 times longer 

than the corolla-lobes. Colombia 11. R. leptophylla 

BB. Leaves lanceolate. Peduncles shorter than the petioles. Northwestern Brazil. 

R. polyphylla 

AA. — —— or reen — 10-24 m 
with 5 rs of distinctly arcuate ahead veins 8—12 mm. apart 
n "Petioles 1; ES : A “Tons od 20-to many-flowered. Calyx- lobes 
eum 1.0-1.5 m er 
G. Leaves mostly SCH adi e, membranaceous. Anthers 2.0-2.5 mm. long; 
ovary ida. easy Fruit bilobed, reniform. Weer yes il 
and Peru 

R. feig 
GG. € mostly at node, subcoriaceous.  Anthers 1.0-1.5 mm. je 
geed "ric globose. Northwestern Brazil 14. R. “paraensis 
FF. Em 4 5-1.0 cm. long. ' Inflorescences 1- to 5-flowered. Calyx-lobes 
lanceolate, 2.5-3.5 mm. long. Northwestern hol. and Peru.....15. R. furem 
EE. Leaves with 12-20 pairs a scarcely arcuate or almost transverse mo sb 
mm. apart. Northwestern Brazil R. pentaphylla 

9. RAUVOLFIA MATTFELDIANA Mgf. in Fedde, Rep. Spec. Nov. 20:117, 120. 
1924. (T.: Ule 7114!) 

Shrubs 2-5 m. tall; branches 2-, 3- or 4-chotomous, terete to slightly 4-angled, 
sparsely lenticellate, glabrous, the base of young branches with caducous catap ylis 
2-3 mm. long, about 1 mm. broad, the nodes with pectinate glands confined to the 
axil. LEAVES in verticils of 4 or 5 at the tips of twigs, slightly anisophyllous, short- 
petiolate, ovate-elliptic, acute to acuminate, attenuate at the base, the largest leaves 
4-7 cm. long, 1.5-2.5 cm. broad, the smallest 2-4 cm. long, 1.0-1.5 cm. broad, 
membranaceous to subcoriaceous, glabrous, secondary veins and the vein network 
obscure above but distinct beneath; petioles slender, 1.0-1.5 cm. long. INFLORES- 
CENCEs terminal, lax, comparatively few-flowered, corymbose; peduncles slender, 
2-4 cm. long, usually geminate, 2- to 3-branched, minutely bracteate, the bracts 
subulate, about 2 mm. long, the pedicels slender, 10-15 mm. long, glabrous. 
FLOWERS rather small; calyx deeply 5-lobed, the lobes ovate, acute, 1.5-2.0 mm. 
long, glabrous; corolla tubular, slender, 6-7 mm. long, glabrous without and pilose 
within along the upper half, the throat not constricted, the lobes linear-ovate, 
obtuse, 3—4 mm. long, 1.5-2.5 mm. broad; stamens 5, included, inserted near 

t, the anthers ovate, apiculate, 1.5—2.0 long, with a callosity on the back at 
the point of insertion, the filament obscure; ovary 2-carpellary, hemisyncarpous, 
obovoid, about 2.5 mm. high and 2 mm. in diameter, the ovules 1—2 in each locule 
on a ventral placenta, the disc annular, about 0.5 mm. broad, the style columnar, 
3.0-3.5 mm. long, glabrous, the stigma-head cylindrical, a little narrowed in the 


middle, obscurely bilobed. Frurrs deeply bilobed when young, 2-seeded. 

In the fields near hilly areas; flowering in November. Northeastern Brazil. 

The terminal verticils of rather small leaves with the distinct vein network 
beneath, the few-flowered, slender-peduncled inflorescences, the rather long pedicels 
of the fairly small tubular flowers, are characteristics which help in distinguishing 
this species from its related species. 

BraziL. BAHIA: Bahia, Serra de Sincora, Ule 7114 (G, L). MINAS GERAES: Minas 
Geraes, Tapanahoacanga, Pohl 3462 (W). 

Fig. 9. Rauvolfa mattfeldiana Mgf. (Ule 7114) 

[Vol. 43 

Fig. 10. Rauvolfia pachyphylla Met. (Ule 8736 photo, and 

Pittier 9465). 
10. RAUVOLFIA PACHYPHYLLA Mgf. in Fedde, Rep. Spec. Nov. 20:117, 121. 1924. 

(T.: Ule 8736, photo!) 

Aspidosperma quadriovulatum Pitt. in Bol. Cient. y Tecn. Mus. Com. Venez. 1:66. 1925. 

(T.: Pittier 9465!) 

Shrubs 1-2 m. tall; branches 2- or 3-chotomous, terete, prominently lenticel- 
late, the nodes with many distinct, pectinate glands confined to the axil and with 
a verticil of cataphylls or their scars immediately above. LEAVES 4-6 at node 
usually at the tips of twigs, long-petiolate, elliptic to obovate-elliptic, acuminate, 
abruptly attenuate at the base, 10-15 cm. long, 5-7 cm. broad, strikingly cori- 
aceous, glabrous, the secondary veins distinct on both surfaces, 6-8 pairs 10-15 
mm. apart, arcuate, faintly joining at the margin to form a marginal vein on either 
side; petioles stout, 2-3 cm. long. INFLORESCENCES terminal, many-flowered; 
peduncles 2-3, dichotomously branched, stout, 3-4 cm. long, glabrous, minutely 
bracteate, the pedicels stout, 8-10 mm. long, glabrous. FLowErs rather small; 
calyx 5-lobed, the lobes ovate, acuminate, glandular-dentate at the margin, about 
1.5 mm. long, 1 mm. broad, the corolla tubular, lilac to dark violet in color 


(Ule), about 7 mm. long, 2 mm. in diameter, glabrous without, pilose within 
near the throat, the throat a little constricted, the lobes ovate, obtuse, about 4 mm. 
long, 3 mm. broad; stamens 5, included, inserted near the throat, the anthers ovate, 
acuminate, about 1 mm. long, the filament obscure; ovary 2-carpellary, syncarpous, 
with 2 ovules in each locule on an axile placenta, the disc annular, the style colum- 
nar, the stigma-head cylindrical, constricted at the two ends, biapiculate. 

Between rocks, amongst undershrubs, 900 to 1,600 m. altitude. Flowering 
May, June. Venezuela and Mount Roraima in British Guiana. 

The type specimen of R. pacbypbylla is presumably lost in the general de- 
struction of the Berlin Herbarium. However, the type photo which I had for 
comparison includes Markgraf's drawings of the flower dissections. This was 
helpful in tracking down the identity of Pittier's Aspidosperma quadriovulatum. 
Woodson* had already determined this as a Rauvolfia 

VENEZUELA. BOLIVAR: Ptari-Tepui, southeast-facing slopes, Steyermark 60022 (F). 
DISTRITO FEDERAL: quebrada de San Lázaro, near Caracas, H. Pittier 9465, 11062 (US). 

11. Rauvorria leptophylla A. S. Rao, spec. nov. 

Arbor circa 15 m. alta; ramulis sparse lenticellatis griseis plus minusve quad- 
rangulatis basi ramulorum novorum caducis ibique cataphyllis praeditis. FOLIA 

d T) 
SET £ 

Fig. 11. Rauvolfia leptophylla A. S. Rao (R. R. Castañeda 309) 

e Woodson, R. E., in Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 38:129. 1951. 

[Vol. 43 

tenuissima in apices ramulorum 5-verticillata glabra late elliptica inaequalia, major- 
ibus 9—12 cm. longis 4-5 cm. latis, minoribus 5-6 cm. longis 3.0—3.5 cm. latis, 
nervis 9—15 in utroque latere arcuatis; petiolo 2.0-3.5 cm. longo eglandulo. mN- 
FLORESCENTIAE terminales corymbosae multiflorae, pedunculis binis 5—6 cm. longis 
glabris, pedicellis 3—5 mm. longis gracilibus. FLORES majusculi; calycis lobis 1.5- 
2.0 mm. longis circa 1 mm. latis glabris; corollae tubo flavido 6—7 mm. longo extus 
glabro intus in dimidio superiore praesertim supra insertionem staminum piloso, 
lobis lineari-ovatis obtusis, 4-5 mm. longis 1.0—1.5 mm. latis; staminibus 5 inclusis 
sub faucibus insertis, antheris ovatis acutis circa 1 mm. longis subsessilibus; ovariis 
bicarpellatis semiconnatis obovoides circa 2.5 mm. altis 2.0 mm. diametro 4- 
ovulatis; disco annulare circa 0.5 mm. alto, stylo 3.0—3.5 mm. longo, clavunculo 
calyptriformi circa 1 mm. alto, obtuse bilobato. FRUCTUS desunt. l 

Trees about 15 m. tall; branches terete or faintly 4-angular, sparsely lenticel- 
late, glabrous, the base of young branches with caducous cataphylls, the nodes with 
pectinate glands confined to the leaf axils. LEAVES in verticils of 5 at the tips of 
twigs, slightly anisophyllous, long-petiolate, elliptic, acuminate, attenuate at the 
base, the largest leaves at the node 9—12 cm. long, 4—5 cm. broad, the smallest 5-6 
cm. long, 5.0—3.5 cm. broad, delicately membranaceous, glabrous, secondary veins 
9-15 pairs, arcuate, equally obscure on both surfaces; petiole stout, 2.0-3.5 cm. 
long. INFLORESCENCEs terminal, many-flowered, corymbose; peduncles slender, 
5-6 cm. long, usually geminate, 2- or 3-branched, glabrous, minutely bracteate, 
the pedicels slender, 3-5 mm. long, glabrous. FLOWERS rather large, calyx cam- 
panulate, deeply 5-lobed, the lobes ovate, acute, 1.5-2.0 mm. long, about 1 mm. 
broad, glabrous; corolla salverform, yellowish, the tube slender, 6—7 mm. long, 
glabrous without, villous within along the upper half, scarcely constricted at the 
throat, the lobes linear-ovate, obtuse, 4-5 mm. long, 1.0-1.5 mm. broad; stamens 
5, included, inserted near the throat, the anthers ovate, acute, about 1 mm. long, 
subsessile; ovary 2-carpellary, hemisyncarpous, obovoid, about 2.5 mm. high, 2 
mm. in diameter, the ovules 2 in each locule on an axile placenta, the disc annular, 
about 0.5 mm. high, the style columnar, 3.0—3.5 mm. long, glabrous, the stigma- 
head calyptriform, about 1 mm. high, obscurely bilobed. Fruits not seen. 
ds oe MAGDALENA: San Sebastián de Rábago, Romero R. Castaneda 900, TYPE 
12. RAUVOLFIA POLYPHYLLA Benth. in Hook. Jour. Bot. 3:241. 1841. (T: 

Robert Schomburgk 891!) 

R. eo var. connivens Benth. ex Muell.-Arg. Mart. Fl. Bras. 61:31. 1860. (T: 
R. polyphylla var. divergens Benth. ex Muell.-Arg. Le, (T.: Spruce 1837!) 

Trees or shrubs with di- or tri-chotomous, terete to slightly quadrangular, 
glabrous branches, the nodes with pectinate glands confined to the axil. LEAVES in 
verticels of 4—5 at the tips of twigs, slightly anisophyllous, long-petiolate, ovate- 
lanceolate, acute to acuminate at the tip, obtuse to abruptly attenuate at the base, 


the largest leaves 11-15 cm. long, 3-5 cm. broad, the smallest 4-6 cm. long, 1-3 
cm. broad, membranaceous, glabrous, secondary veins 5—10 pairs, arcuate, equally 
evident on both surfaces; petioles fairly slender, 1-3 cm. long. INFLORESCENCES 
terminal, few-flowered, corymbose; peduncles slender, 10-15 mm. long, glabrous, 
bracteate, the bracts linear-lanceolate, about 1.5 mm, long, the pedicels slender, 2-5 
mm. long, glabrous. FLOWERS white, odorous; calyx deeply 5-lobed, the lobes 

Fig. 12. Rauvolfia polyphylla Benth. (R. Spruce 3821, and 1896) 

[Vol. 43 

ovate, acute to acuminate, 1.5-2.0 mm. long, 1.0-1.5 mm. broad, glabrous; co- 
rolla tubular, white, a little dilated near the throat, 6-8 mm. long, glabrous with- 
out, villous within along the upper half, rather densely near the anther tips, the 
lobes linear-ovate, obtuse, 4-5 mm. ong, 2.0—2.5 mm. broad; stamens 5, included, 
inserted near the throat, the anthers ovate, acute to acuminate, 1.0—1.5 mm. long, 
with a dorsal callosity at the point of insertion, the filament about 0.5 mm. long; 
ovary 2-carpellary, fused at the very base, obovoid, about 2.5 mm. high, 2 mm. in 
diameter, the ovule 1 in each locule on a ventral placenta, the disc annular, about 
1 mm. broad, the style linear, 3.0—3.5 mm. long, glabrous, the stigma-head cylin- 
drical, constricted at the two ends, about 1 mm. high, obscurely bilobed. FRUITS 
deeply bilobed, compressed, pear-shaped, 15—19 mm. long, 14-15 mm. broad, 
glabrous. e 

Chiefly near dry river beds and on the banks of streams; flowering from 
September to November and fruiting in December. Northern Brazil and Guiana 


This species can easily be recognized by its ovate-lanceolate leaves and the 
peduncles much shorter than the petioles. 

The two varieties, obviously based on the characters of the leaves and the fruits, 
do not deserve to be maintained, as both the characters are variable and are of no 
taxonomic significance. 

B : AMAZONAS: Mañaos, Río Taruma, Igapo ad ripas infra cataractum minorum, 
Ducke 626 (F, MO, RB, US); Cucuhy, Rio Negro, Igarape Macacumy, Ducke s. n., RB 
30117 (RB); secus Río Negro, inter Barcellos et San Gabriel, Spruce 1896 (P, W); inter 
Barra et Barcellos, Spruce 1837 (G, GH, MO, W); ad flumen Guainia et Río Negro supra 
ostium flumini Cusquiari, Spruce 3621 (P, W); Brasilia australis, without precise locality, 
Riedel s. n. (G, P). 

Guiana: Robert Schomburgh 891 (W). 

13. RAUVOLFIA SPRUCEI Muell.-Arg. in Mart. Fl. Bras. 61:34. 1860. (T.: Spruce 


R. lauretiana Woodson, in Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 18:541. 1931. (T.: G. Klug 35!) 

. Trees 8-25 m. tall; branches terete, sparsely lenticellate, bark dark brown, 
crackled or longitudinally striated, the nodes with glands confined to the axil. 
LEAVES in whorls of 4, rarely 3 or 5, at the tips of twigs, slightly anisophyllous, 
long-petiolate, ovate to rhombic-ovate, acute to acuminate, abruptly attenuate at 
the base, the largest leaves 9—15 cm. long, 5-8 cm. broad, the smallest leaves 5-8 
cm. long, 3-5 cm. broad, membranaceous, glabrous, the secondary veins 7-10 pairs, 
arcuate, rather obscure above, very distinct beneath; petioles stout, 1.5—3.5 cm. 
long. INFLORESCENCEs terminal, many-flowered; peduncles 1—4 cm. long, dichoto- 
mously branched, the secondary peduncles often longer than the primary peduncle, 
glabrous, bracteate, the bracts ovate, acuminate, about 1.5 mm. long, the pedicels 
slender, 5-12 mm. long, glabrous. FLOWERS conspicuous; calyx deeply 5-lobed, 
the lobes broadly deltoid, broadly acute to obtuse, 1.0—1.5 mm. long, about 2 mm. 
broad, the margin minutely ciliate, glabrous; corolla tubular, whitish with crimson 


Fig. 13. Rauvolfia sprucei Muell.-Arg. (Spruce 1732, Mexia 6415) 

streaks, 12-20 mm. long, about 2 mm. in diameter, glabrous without, sparsely 
pilose within near the throat, the throat scarcely dilated, the lobes obovate, obtuse, 
5-8 mm. long, 3-5 mm. broad; stamens 5, included, inserted a little below the 
throat, the anthers ovate, acuminate, 2-3 mm. long, with a callosity on the back 
at the point of insertion, subsessile; ovary 2-carpellary, hemisyncarpous, cylindrical, 
about 3 mm. high, 2 mm. in diameter, sulcately marked, the ovules 2 in each locule 
on an axile placenta, the style filiform, 5-12 mm. long, glabrous, the stigma-head 
calyptriform, about 1.5 mm. high, biapiculate. FRUITS reniform, bilobed when 
both carpels develop, but often ovoid, with only one carpel developing, 20-25 mm. 
high, 14—16 mm. broad, the stones ovate, compressed, faintly rugose, 19-24 mm. 

[Vol. 43 

long, 9—15 mm. broad, the seed ovate, albuminous, the testa membranaceous, the 
albumen fleshy, the embryo erect, about as long as the seed, the cotyledons ovate, 
obtuse, 5-9 mm. long, 3-5 mm. broad, the hypocotyl terete, as long as the coty- 
ledons, superior. 

Trees on the banks of rivers and overflowed creeks; 100—110 m. altitude. Flow- 
ering from September to October; mature fruits in January. Northwest Brazil 
and northern Peru. 

R. sprucei is closely allied to R. paraensis, and indeed it is often difficult to 
distinguish one from the other. However, R. sprucei usually bears leaves in 4's, 
the leaves are quite membranaceous, and more often rhombic-ovate. The peduncle 
is regularly dichotomous in branching, and very often the secondary peduncles are 
longer than the primary peduncle. The anthers are longer, the ovary sulcately 
marked. The fruits are reniform, bilobed. 

AMAZONAS: Barra, Spruce 1732 ës GH, K, W) Ilha de Bacaba, Fróes 21307 
(F, x mouth «€ La uge e GH DS A, G, M, MO, S UC, US); 
Ex adi 5107 (NY, S); Mishuyacu, near 
Iquitos, Klug 35 "(US), gms Tuer Mexia 6415 (GH, K, MO, S, US); Tarapoto, 
Spruce 3856 (K, W). 
14. RAUVOLFIA PARAENSIS Ducke, in Arch. Jard. Bot. Rio de Janeiro 4:167. 
1925. (T.: Ducke, RB 43!) 

R. amazonica Mgf. in Notizblatt 9:960. 1926. (T.: Ducke, RB 917 & RB 11, 395!) 

Trees up to about 20 m. tall; branches trichotomous, terete, sparsely lenticel- 
late, the nodes with pectinate glands confined to the axil, Leaves in whorls of 5, 
rarely 2, 3, 4, or 6, at the tips of twigs, slightly anisophyllous, long-petiolate, ovate 
to ovate-elliptic, acute to acuminate, abruptly attenuate at the base, the largest 
leaves 9-18 cm. long, 5-9 cm. broad, the smallest leaves 8-12 cm. long, 3-7 cm. 
broad, membranaceous to subcoriaceous, glabrous, the secondary veins 6-10 pairs, 
arcuate, more distinct beneath; petioles stout, 1.5—4.5 cm. long. INFLORESCENCES 
terminal, many-flowered; peduncles geminate, 2- or 3-chotomously branched, 2-18 
cm. long, glabrous, bracteate, the bracts ovate, acute, about 1 mm. long, the 
pedicels slender, 5-10 mm. long, glabrous. FLOWERS conspicuous; calyx deeply 
5-lobed, the lobes broadly deltoid, acute, about 1.5 mm. long, 2 mm. broad, gla- 
brous; corolla tubular, white with scarlet streaks (according to Ducke), 12-20 
mm. long, about 2 mm. in diameter, glabrous without, sparsely pilose within near 
the throat, the throat a little dilated, the lobes ovate, obtuse to rounded, 3-6 mm. 
long, 2—4 mm. broad; stamens 5, included, inserted near the throat, the anthers 
ovate, acute, 1.0-1.5 mm. long, with a callosity on the back at the point of in- 
sertion, subsessile; ovary 2-carpellary, hemisyncarpous, cylindrical, 2.5-3.5 mm. 
high, about 2 mm. in diameter, smooth, the ovules 2 in each locule on an a 
placenta, the disc annular, about 1 mm. broad, the style filiform, 6-15 mm. long, 
glabrous, the stigma-head drum-shaped, about 1 mm. high, bilobed. FRUITS glo- 
bose, 3—4 cm. in diameter, 2-seeded, one of them often abortive, the stones fusi- 


Fig. 14. Rauvolfia paraensis Ducke (Ducke RB 43) 

form, compressed, rugose, 3.0—3.5 cm. long, about 1 cm. broad, the seed elliptic, 
albuminous, the testa membranaceous, the albumen carnose, the embryo about 
half as long as the seed, erect, the cotyledons ovate, obtuse, 4-5 mm. long, 2.0-2.5 
mm. broad, the hypocotyl terete, equal in length to the cotyledons. 

Trees in non-inundated primary forests; flowering from September to January, 
ripe fruits in May. Northern and northwestern Brazil. 

Common Name: Brazil, Pará—Gogo de Guariba. 

This species is closely related to R. sprucei and R. pentaphylla. It differs from 
the former in having mostly elliptic, coriaceous leaves in 5's; the primary peduncles 
usually much longer than the secondary peduncles; the flowers with shorter anthers 
and smooth ovaries and the fruits globose. It differs from the latter species in 
having fewer distinctly arcuate secondary veins and slightly larger fruits. 

[Vol. 43 

Markgraf has differentiated his new species R. amazonica from R. paraensis 

2. Blatter 3 zu bis 4, gróber, lingliche-elliptisch (vorn kurz zugespitzt), mit 6 bi 
Paar os Kronzipfel Y bis V5 s Een wie die Kronróhre; Fruchtknoten 

oppelt so hoch wie die stumpfen Kelchzip R. paraensis 
3. Blatter zu 3, Tore 2 vorn E d mit 5 bis 8 Paar Seitennerven; Kron- 
zipfel etwa 94 46 lang wie die Kronróhze, Ne doppelt so hoch wie die 
spitzen Kelchzipfel R. amazonica 

I have examined a good number of Ducke's specimens from the Rio de Janeiro 
Garden Herbarium and elsewhere. I have measured and analyzed the leaf and 
flower characteristics on which Markgraf has based his R. amazonica. I find a 
considerable variation in the number of leaves per node, their shape and structure 
clearly varying with age of the twigs. There is a similar variation in the flower 

In view of this, I agree with Ducke, who collected and described R. para- 
ensis, in including R. amazonica (RB 917, 11395) under that name. Hence, I am 
merging R. amazonica with R. paraensis. 

BRAZIL. AMAZONAs: Borba (Rio Madeira), Ducke 74 (A, F, MO, US), 30115 Ge 
Esperança, ad ostium fluminis Jauary, Ducke 1118 (K, MO, RB, US); Santa Izabel, R 

egro, Ducke 23950 (A, RB, S, US); Sao Paulo de Olivença, basin of Rio So lo 

Krukoff 8996 (A, F, MO, P, US). PARA: vi y Ducke 785 (F, MO, US), 43 (RB, US); 

Boa Vista, Rio Tapajos, Ducke 11391 (RB, S, US); Macajubim, Ducke 11395 (RB); 

Santa Izabel, Estrada de Ferro do Braganca, Dscke A (G, P, RB, S, US); Juruty Velho 

(Civ. Para), Ducke 2159F (G, with 917, P, RB, S, US); Villa Rave: Rio TE. Pires 


RINAM. Bro nsweg, Zaandam 6885 (L), Lanjouw 1255 (S, MO); precise locality 
not known, RB ani 35, 27412 (RB). : 
15. RAUVOLFIA MACRANTHA K. Sch. ex Markgraf, in Fedde, Rep. Spec. Nov. 20: 

117,120. 1924. (T.:Ule 5174!) 

R. micrantha K. Sch. ex Ule in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 40:136. 1907. (nom. nud., sphalm). 

Shrubs up to 6 m. tall; branches 2-, 3-, or 4-chotomous, terete, glabrous, the 
bark longitudinally wrinkled, the nodes with axillary glands. LEAVEs in whorls o 
4, slightly anisophyllous, short-petiolate, ovate to broadly ovate-elliptic, acute to 
acuminate at the tip, abruptly attenuate at the base, the largest leaves 8-10 cm. 
long, 4—7 cm. broad, the smallest 3—6 cm. long, 2-4 cm. broad, membranaceous, 
the secondary veins 5—7 pairs, arcuate, distinct on both surfaces; petioles slender 
0.5-1.0 (1.5) cm. long. INFLORESCENCES terminal, few-flowered; peduncles 
geminate, slender, 1-3 cm. long, bracteate, the bracts lanceolate, about 1.5 mm. 
long, the pedicels slender, 5-8 mm. long, glabrous. FLOWERS conspicuous; calyx 
deeply 5-lobed, the lobes lanceolate, acuminate, 2.5—3.5 mm. long, glabrous; co- 
rolla salverform, white (Ule), 15-20 mm. long, about 2 mm. in diameter, glabrous 
without, villous within for more than half of the upper part, a little dilated near 
the throat, the lobes ovate, broadly acute to obtuse, 5-6 mm. long, 3-4 mm. 
broad; stamens 5, inserted about 3 mm. below the throat, in the region of the 
dilatation, the anthers linear-ovate, acuminate, 2-3 mm. long, with a dorsal callosity, 


Fig. 15. Rauvolfia macrantha (Ule 5174 and Krukoff 6698) 

subsessile; ovary 2-carpellary, almost apocarpous, cylindrical, about 2.5 mm. high, 
2 mm. in diameter, glabrous, the ovules 2 in each locule on a ventral placenta, the 
disc annular, about 1 mm. broad, the style linear, 10-12 mm. long, glabrous, the 
stigma-head cylindrical, narrowed at the two ends, about 1.5 mm. high, obscurely 
bilobed. FRurrs obcordate, deeply bilobed, often only one carpel developing, then 
ovoid, rounded, 2.5—3.5 cm. high, about 2.5 cm. broad, 2-seeded, the stones elliptic, 
a little flattened, faintly rugose, 2.0-2.5 cm. long, about 1 cm. broad, the seed 

[Vol. 43 

elliptic, compressed, albuminous, the testa membranaceous, the albumen fleshy, the 
embryo as long as the seed, the cotyledons ovate, obtuse, 5-6 mm. long, 3-4 mm. 
broad, the hypocotyl terete, equal in length to the cotyledons. 

In high forest, on river banks; flowering August to November; mature fruits 
in December. Northwestern Brazil. 

R. macrantba is closely related to R. sprucei but can be distinguished from it 
and all the other related species by its few-flowered inflorescences with short, 
slender peduncles and the flowers with lanceolate, acuminate calyx-lobes, and the 
obcordate fruits. 

BRAZIL. AMAZONAS: Japura, Ducke 6772 (RB); uu ars erage! near Livra- 
mento, on immediate shore of river, Kru of e (A, MO, S, US); Sao Paulo de Olivenca, 
near Palmares, Krukoff 82 262, 8422 (A, F, G, MO); bein of creek, o. Krukoff 8871 
(A, F, G, MO, US) ; Marary, wé Juruá, Ule 5174 (G, L). 

16. RAUVOLFIA PENTAPHYLLA (Hub.) Ducke, in Arch. Jard. Bot. Rio de Janeiro 
3:244. 1922. (T.: Ducke 11038!) 

Couma pentapbylla Hub. in Bol. Mus. Goeldi 7:124. 1913, nom. nud. 
R. duckei Mgf. in Fedde, Rep. Spec. Nov. 20:121. 1924. (T.: Ducke 16544!) 

Trees about 25 m. tall; branches verticillate, terete, glabrous, the nodes with 
prominent axillary glands. Leaves in 5's, slightly anisophyllous, short-petiolate, 
ovate to obovate-elliptic, acute to acuminate, abruptly attenuate at the base, the 
largest leaves 10-15 cm. long, 4-6 cm. broad, the smallest 4-7 cm. long, 2-5 cm. 
broad, firmly membranaceous to coriaceous, the secondary veins 12-20 pairs, trans- 
verse, very little curved at the margins and uniting to form marginal veins, equally 
distinct on both surfaces; petioles stout, 1.5—3.0 cm. long. INFLORESCENCES 
terminal, many-flowered; peduncles geminate, stout, 3-6 cm. long, bracteate, the 
bracts ovate, acute, about 1 mm. long, the pedicels slender, 2-6 mm. long, glabrous. 
FLOWERS conspicuous, odorous (Ducke); calyx deeply 5-lobed, the lobes ovate, 
acute, about 1.5 mm. long, 2 mm. broad, glabrous; corolla infundibuliform, white 
with purplish streaks (Ducke), the tube slender, 12-18 mm. long, about 2 mm. in 
diameter, glabrous without, villous within near the throat, the throat a little 

ilated, the lobes ovate, obtuse, 6—12 mm. long, 3-5 mm. broad; stamens 5, in- 
serted near the throat, the anthers ovate, acute, 1.0-1.5 mm. long, with a dorsal 
callosity,, subsessile; ovary 2-carpellary, hemisyncarpous, cylindrical, about 2.5 mm. 
, 2 mm. in diameter, glabrous, the ovule 1 in each locule on an axile placenta, 
the disc annular, about 1 mm. high, the style columnar, 10-15 mm. long, glabrous, 
the stigma-head cylindrical, bulged in the middle, BET bilobed. FRUITS sub- 
globose to globose, 2.5-3.0 cm. in diameter, 2-seeded, the stones elliptic, 2.0-2.5 
cm. long, about 1 cm. broad, faintly rugose, the seed slightly compressed, albu- 
minous, the testa membranaceous, the albumen carnose, the embryo erect, the 
cotyledons elliptic, 4-5 mm. long, 2.5-3.0 mm. broad, the hypocotyl terete, equal 
in length to the cotyledons. 


Fig. 16. Rauvolfia pentaphylla Ducke (Ducke 11038) 

In non-inundated forests; flowering from June to December; mature fruits in 
March, April. Northern Brazil. 

Common Names: Brazil, Amazonas—Itapeua Grande, Marfim, and Muira Jussara. 
Ducke has pointed out that the last name is also used for Aspidosperma duckei, which is 
a tree resembling R. pentaphylla. 

This species very much resembles R. paraensis, but can be distinguished by its 
leaves with numerous, quite transverse secondary veins, and the smaller fruits. As 
in R. paraensis, here also there is considerable variation in the leaf and flower 
Characteristics. Hence, there is no reason for the continued distinction of R. 
duckei. Ducke has cited several numbers in his original description. Of these ; 
have not seen 11032, but 11038 I find well represented in the several herbaria. 

[Vol. 43 

The Macbride type photograph collection includes a photo of Ducke 11038 from 
the Berlin Herbarium. I am, therefore, designating Ducke 11038 (RB) as the 
type of R. pentaphylla. 

L. AMAZONAs: Mañaos, eg 492 (A, F, MO, US), Ducke RB 22426 (P, RB, 
T "Dicho RB 23941 (RB, S, US). amará: Porto Platon, Rio Araguari, Pires & Silva 
4784 (MO). PARÁ: up ees Black 47-9 “942 (NY); Cajutuba, M. da Costa 273 (F, MO); 
Gurupa, Ducke 11038 = 3298 (G, P, RB, US), Ducke 16544 = RB 13299 (G, P, 
RB, US). 

SERIES 4. ANGUSTIFOLIAE A. S. Rao, ser. nov. 

Rami floriferi prorsus foliosi, cataphyllis non manifestis, hoc aucto nodis verticil- 
latis pluribus. Folia 3- vel 4-plo longiora quam latiora (ca. 2-plo longiora in R. 
steyermarkii) basi attenuata. Inflorescentiae aut terminales aut laterales. Species 
typica: R. grandiflora Mart. 


A. e linear or obovate, 0.2—2.5 cm. broad. Corolla-tube 8-20 mm. Eis constricted 
End due cor Se debs dana. obtuse. Cuba series 1. CUBANAE 
AA. L ellip broad.  Corolla-tube long, constricted a t the 

cete ep ve PW acute. Andes of Pers Eo x e Argent 

Subedi 2. ANDINAE 
AAA. Leaves obovate or ege: 3—7 cm. broad Kees less than 3 cm. Pe d in R. 

weddelliana ez R. paucifolia, but not obovate). rolla-tube 4—20 mm. long, not 
constricted at ër A corolla bei Fais acute or obtuse. Greater Audits and 
northern Mi ons c South Americ Subseries 3. pmi 

SUBSERIES 1. CUBANAE A. S. Rao, subser. nov. 

Folia linearia vel obovata 0.2-2.5 cm. lata. Corollae tubus 8-20 mm. longus, 
faucibus constrictis; lobis obovatis obtusis. Species typica: R. cubana A. DC. 


A. Hohen subshrubs 1—5 dm. tall. Leaves linear. Corolla purplish-violet; calyx-lobes 
naceous, acuminate. Fruits deeply 2-lobed, the lobes acute or slightly beaked. 
Geer R. linearifolia 
AA. Woody shrubs 2-8 m. tall. Lezves obovate Corolla white; calyx-lobes ën 
obtuse. Fruits bilobed at the top, the lobes obtus or broadly acute, but not beaked. 
B. Leaves mostly 4-nate. Cor etal 8-10 mm. long, Bier in the throat, the lobes 
alf as long et 18. R. 

hal long as the tu salicifolia 
BB. Leaves mostly 3-nate. QE Ae 12-20 mm. long, villous in the throat, ui lobes 
almost as long as the tube, Western provinces of Cuba and the Isle of Pines...19. R. cubana 

17. RAUVOLFIA LINEARIFOLIA Brit. & Wils., in Mem. Torr. Bot. Club 16:94. 
1920. (T.:Sbafer 1754!) 

Shrubs 1—5 dm. tall; branches slender, terete, 2-chotomously branching, gla- 
brous, the nodes with minute glands confined to the leaf-axils. LEAVES in whorls 
of 3, scarcely anisophyllous, shortly petiolate, linear, acute to acuminate, attenuate, 
at base, 2-6 cm. long, 0.2—0.5 cm. broad, membranaceous, the midrib distinct on 
both surfaces but the secondary veins obscure; petioles slender, 1-3 mm. long. 

1956] : 

Fig. 17. Rauvolfia linearifolia Brit. & Wils. 
(Ekman 9552). 

INFLORESCENCES terminal, few-flowered, cincinnate; peduncles slender, 1-5 cm. 
long, glabrous, bracteate, the bracts lanceolate, about 1.5 mm. long, the pedicels 
slender, 2-5 mm. long, glabrous. FLOWERS conspicuous; calyx deeply 5-lobed, the 
lobes lanceolate, 1.5-2.0 mm. long, glabrous; corolla salverform, pale purplish- 
violet (Ekman), the tube slender, 8-10 mm. long, about 1.5 mm. in diameter at 
the base, glabrous without, villous within along the top half, constricted at the 
throat, the lobes ovate-elliptic, obtuse to rounded, 4-5 mm. long, 1.5-2.5 mm. 
broad; stamens 5, inserted near the throat, the anthers linear-ovate, about 1.5 mm. 
long, the filament about 0.5 mm. long; ovary 2-carpellary, connate at the base, 
obovoid, about 1.5 mm. high and 1.5 mm. in diameter, the ovule 1 in each locule 
on a ventral placenta, the disc annular, about 1 mm. high, the style linear, 5-6 mm. 
long, glabrous, the stigma-head drum-shaped, about 1 mm. high, obtusely bilobed. 
FRUITS deeply bilobed, the lobes widely divergent, flattened, semi-lunate, acuminate 
or slightly beaked, 9-12 mm. long, 2.5-3.0 mm. broad, the stones elliptic, smooth, 
the seed elliptic, flattened, albuminous, the testa membranaceous, the embryo erect, 
smali (probably abortive), the cotyledons elliptic, rounded, about 1 mm. long, 0.5 
mm. broad, the hypocotyl terete, equal in length to the cotyledons. 

On limestone hills and in the savannas; flowering from April to September; 
ripe fruits in October and November. Oriente Province in Cuba. 

[Vol. 43 

Rauvolfia linearifolia is the shortest of all the American Rauvolfias. It is 
characterized by its narrow, linear leaves, the few-flowered, slender-peduncled in- 
florescences, the flowers with lanceolate calyx-lobes, and the compressed, widely 
divergent, slightly beaked fruits. In all the fruits analyzed the embryos were very 
small and indicated abortive development. The plants appear to propagate more 
often vegetatively from the root-stocks. The plants of this species are endemic, 
and apparently rare in Cuba. 

UBA. ORIENTE: Sierra de Nipe, Ekman 1733, 5013, 5939, 0552, 9085, 15304 (S); 
Seer 1754 (NY). 
18. RAUVOLFIA SALICIFOLIA Griseb. in Mem. Am. Acad. N. S. 8:519. 1863. (T.: 

Wright 13861) 

Shrubs or trees up to 8 m. tall; branches 2-, 3- or 4-chotomous, terete, glabrous, 
the nodes with distinct pectinate glands in the leaf-axils. Leaves in whorls of 4, 
scarcely anisophyllous, shortly petiolate, narrowly obovate to oblanceolate, broadly 
acute to obtuse, cuneate at the base, 2-7 cm. long, 1-2 cm. broad, coriaceous, 
slightly lustrous above, opaque beneath, the midrib distinct on both surfaces but 
the secondary veins obscure; petioles slender, 3-8 mm. long. INFLORESCENCES 

LEUR i02 10,3 RE eme TER im 

Fig. 18. Rauvolfia salicifolia Griseb. (Wright 1386) 


terminal, few-flowered; peduncles rather stout, 2-6 cm. long, glabrous, bracteate, 
the bracts ovate, acute, about 1 mm. long, the pedicels rather stout, 2-4 mm. 
long, glabrous. FLOWERS conspicuous; calyx campanulate, deeply 5-lobed, the 
lobes occasionally unequal, ovate, obtuse, about 1.5 mm. long, 1 mm. broad, coria- 
ceous, the margin minutely glandular-dentate; corolla salverform, white (Wright), 
the tube slender, 8-10 mm. long, about 1.5 mm. in diameter at the base, glabrous 
without and within near the throat and sparsely villous below the stamens, con- 
stricted at the throat, the lobes oblique-obovate, rounded, 5-6 mm. long, 3.0-3.5 
mm. broad; stamens 5, inserted near the throat, the anthers ovate, acute, about 1 
mm. long, subsessile; ovary 2-carpellary, hemisyncarpous, obovoid, about 2.5 mm. 
high, 2 mm. in diameter, the ovules 2 in each locule on an axile placenta, the disc 
annular, about 1 mm. high, the style linear, 5-6 mm. long, glabrous, the stigma- 
head subcapitate, about 1 mm. high, obscurely bilobed. Frurrs obcordate, slightly 
bilobed, the lobes obliquely obovate, obtuse, broadly acute to obtuse, 13-14 mm. 
long, 6-8 mm. broad, the stones slightly flattened, faintly rugose, the seed albu- 
minous, the testa membranaceous, the albumen fleshy, the embryo about half as 
long as the seed, erect, the cotyledons ovate-elliptic, 3.0-3.5 mm. long, 1.5-2.0 
mm. broad, the hypocotyl terete, equal in length to the cotyledons. 

On limestone hills, in open forests and amongst Pines; flowering from June to 
November; ripe fruits in January and February. Oriente province in Cuba. 

Common Name: Cuba, Oriente—Corazon de Paloma. 

Rauvolfia salicifolia is closely related to R. linearifolia and R. cubana. It can 
be distinguished from the former by its broader, obtuse, coriaceous leaves, the 
rather stout peduncles with white flowers, the calyx-lobes stiff and obtuse, and 
the fruits which are obscurely bilobed and obtuse. It can be distinguished from 
the latter by its narrower and longer leaves, and smaller flowers with the corolla- 
lobes about half as long as the tube. Like R. linearifolia, this species is endemic to 
Oriente province, Cuba. 

CUBA. ORIENTE: Alain 3310, 3319, 3673 (MO), Carebia 3823 (NY), Clement 3566, 
3605, 4390 (MO), Ekman 3322, 3514, 4147, 6145, 6688, 9078 (S), 6329 (P, S), Howard 
5942 (GH, NY, US), 6104 (GH, MO, NY, UC), Corta 2.038 (W), Leon 8 dn 
23046 (MO), Leon, Clement 3 Alain 22523 (MO), Leon, Victorin $ Clement gh d 
(MO), Roig 65 (MO), Shafer 3529, 3687 (GH, NY), 4238 (GH), 8144 (NY), 9304 
(NY, US), Wright 1386 (G, GH, MO, P, S, W), 2946 (G, GH, MO, P, S). 

19. RaAuvoLriA CUBANA A. DC. in DC. Prodr. 8:339. 1844. (T.: Sagra 535, 

Shrubs or small trees, 2-5 m. tall; branches 2- or 3-chotomous, terete, glabrous, 
the nodes with distinct pectinate glands limited to the leaf-axils. LEAVEs in whorls 
of 3, scarcely anisophyllous, shortly petiolate, obovate, obtuse, cuneate at the base, 
1-6 cm. long, 1-2 cm. broad, coriaceous, lustrous above, opaque beneath, the mid- 
rib distinct on both surfaces but the secondary veins obscure; petioles 2-4 mm. 

[Vol. 43 

long. INFLORESCENCES terminal, few-flowered; peduncles slender, 2-5 cm. long, 
glabrous, bracteate, the bracts ovate, acute, about 1 mm. long, the pedicels slender, 
6-11 mm. long, glabrous, FLoweERs rather large; calyx deeply 5-lobed, the lobes 
ovate, obtuse, 2-3 mm. long, 1.0—1.5 mm. broad, coriaceous, the margins glandular- 
dentate; corolla salverform, white, odorous (R. de la Sagra), the tube slender, 12- 
20 mm. long, about 2 mm. in diameter, glabrous without, villous within near the 
throat and along the base of the stamens, constricted at the throat, the lobes obovate- 
elliptic, rounded, 10-14 mm. long, 5-7 mm. broad; stamens 5, inserted near the 
throat, the anthers ovate, acute, 1.0-1.5 mm. long, the filament about 1 mm. long; 
ovary 2-carpellary, hemisyncarpous, cylindrical, about 2.5 mm. high, 2 mm. in 
diameter, the ovules 2 in each locule on an axile placenta, the disc annular, about 
1 mm. high, the style filiform, 10-14 mm. long, glabrous, the stigma-head cylin- 
drical, about 1 mm. high, 2-apiculate. Frurrs broadly obcordate, bilobed, the 
lobes obovate, flattened, broadly acute to obtuse, 10-12 mm. high, 5-7 mm. broad 
(often only one carpel developing, then the fruit ellipsoid), the stones faintly 
rugose, the seed albuminous, the testa membranaceous, the albumen fleshy, the 

Fig. 19. Rauvolfia cubana A. DC. (Wright 2047) 


embryo erect, a little more than half as long as the seed, the cotyledons elliptic, 
about 3 mm. long, 2 mm. broad, the hypocotyl terete, as long as the cotyledons. 

On limestone hills, in savannas and in swampy regions along river banks; 
flowering from April to August; ripe fruits in October to December, western Cuba, 
and the Isle of Pines. 

Rauvolfia cubana resembles R. salicifolia very much but can be distinguished 
from it by its larger flowers with the calyx-lobes larger, the corolla-lobes about as 
long as the tube and the throat villous, and the broadly obcordate, smaller fruits. 
'R. cubana also is an endemic of Cuba, but confined to the western provinces and 
the Isle of Pines. 

CUBA. Havana: N. L. Britton, Cowell & C. de LaTerre 13345 (NY), Ekman 10022, 
12583 (S), Leon 5208 (NY), Leon, Ekman et al, 9096 (NY), Leon & Roca 7712 (NY), 
L. C. Richard 13 (P), Roig 3 (NY), Shafer 72 (NY). PRECISE LOCALITY UNKNOWN: 
Sagra ^ 815 (P), Wright 2947 (G, GH, MO, NY, P, S, US, W). ISLE OF PINES: 
L. Britton t$ Wilson 14876 (GH, NY, US), Ekman 11642 (S), fenes 212, 615 (GH, 
NY, US), Killip 44082 (US). PINAR DEL Alo; N. L. Britton eC ll 9987 (NY), N. 
E. G. Britton & Gager 7014 (NY, US), N. L. Britton $ Gager sa lh (US), Leon & 
Charles 4914 (NY). SANTA CLARA (Las VILLAs): N. L. Britton, Earle & Wilson 4599 
NY), N. L. Britton & Wilson 5744 (US), Combs 245 (G, GH, MO, NY, P), Ekman 
17069 (S), Ties 7540 (A, NY, S, US), 8684 (A, NY, S), Leon 9246 (NY), Van Her- 

mann s. 
SUBSERIES 2. ANDINAE (Mgf.) A. S. Rao, stat. nov. 
$ ANDINAE Mgf. in Fedde, Rep. Spec. Nov. 20:118. 1924. 
A. Leaves 3 times as long as broad. Corolla-tube 5-6 mm. long, the throat villous; calyx- 
lobes cuspidate, the margin entire. Andes of Bolivia and northern vers ina.....20. R. schueli 

AA. Leaves 4 times as long as broad. Corolla-tube 8—12 mm. ee the oat et 
al Per $ à 

yx-lobes lanceolate, the margin Geet -dentate. Andes o andina 

20. RAUVOLFIA SCHUELI Speg. in Physis 3:337. 1917, ex char. (T.: Spegazzini 
$. n.) 

R. boliviana Met. in Fedde, Rep. Spec. Nov. 20:122. 1924. (T.: Hieronymus & Lorentz 

962, photo!) 

Shrubs or small trees 2—6 m. tall; branches 2-, 3- or 4-chotomous, terete, 
sparsely lenticellate, the bark grayish and slightly wrinkled longitudinally, the 
nodes with glands confined to the leaf-axils. LEAVES in whorls of 3 or 4, scarcely 
anisophyllous, long-petiolate, elliptic, acuminate, attenuate at the base, 4-12 cm. 
long, 1-4 cm. broad, membranaceous to subcoriaceous, opaque on both surfaces, 
the secondary veins many, arcuate, rather obscure above and more distinct beneath; 
petioles 1-2 cm. long. INFLORESCENCES terminal, many-flowered, corym 
peduncles slender, 2-4 cm. long, glabrous, bracteate, the bracts ovate, acute, about 
1 mm. long, the pedicels slender, 3-6 mm. long, glabrous. FLOWERS conspicuous; 
calyx deeply 5-lobed, the lobes cuspidate, acuminate, about 2 mm. long; corolla 

[Vol. 43 

Fig. 20. Rauvolfia schueli Speg. (Venturi 9634) 

salverform, white, fragrant (Pearce), the tube slender, 5-6 mm. long, about 1.5 
mm. in diameter, glabrous without and sparsely pilose within near the throat, 
constricted at the throat, the lobes ovate-oblong, acute, 3.0—3.5 mm. long, about 
1 mm. broad; stamens 5, inserted near the throat, the anthers ovate, acute, about 1 
mm. long, subsessile; ovary 2-carpellary, hemisyncarpous, ovoid, about 2 mm. high, 
1.5 mm. broad, the ovules 2 in each locule on an axile placenta, the disc annular, 
about 0.5 mm. high, the style linear, 3.0-3.5 mm. long, glabrous, the stigma-head 
cylindrical, with a hairy corona at the base, about 0.5 mm. high, 2-apiculate. 

I have not seen any fruits. Spegazzini has described the drupes as reniform, 
about 10 mm. in diameter and 5-6 mm. high, blue-black. Markgraf has described 
the mericarps as subglobose, 2-seeded, 5 mm. broad, 7 mm. high, black. 

Densely branching shrubs or small trees in open woods and in sandy loam; 
flowering from May to October. The Andean regions of Bolivia and northern 

CoMMON NAME: Bolivia—Lecheron del Monte. 

I have not seen Spegazzini’s type of R. schueli. All efforts to locate the speci- 
men in the important herbaria of Argentina have been in vain. However, Dr. 

1956] e 

Theodoro Meyer of the National University of Tucumán, who has collected the 
species from both type localities and has studied them extensively, informs me that 
he considers R. boliviana of Markgraf synonymous with R. schueli. Evidently 
Markgraf was unaware of Spegazzini's species when he described R. boliviana. I 
agree with Dr. Meyer and am including R. boliviana under R. schueli. 

TINA. JUJUY: San Pedro, near Río Lavagin, southeast of San Pedro de pier. 
omnid 3 Beetle 22524, ` (GH, UCL); Sierra de Santa Barbara, Venturi 9634, (GH, S). 
SALTA: Yaquiasmé, Meyer 18.003 ( 

Borivia: precise locality not known, Pearce s. n., K. no. 2253/54 (K). 

Fig. 21. Rauvolfia andina Met, (Weberbauer 7112) 

21. RAuvoLFIa ANDINA Met, in Fedde, Rep. Spec. Nov. 20:122. 1924. (T.: 

Weberbauer 7112!) 

Shrubs 5-7 m. tall; branches terete, sparsely lenticellate, the bark gray, slightly 
wrinkled, the nodes with glands confined to the leaf-axils. LEAVES in w 
3 or 4, scarcely anisophyllous, long-petiolate, elliptic-oblong, acuminate, attenuate 

[Vol. 43 

at the base, 8—20 cm. long, 2-5 cm. broad, membranaceous, the secondary veins - 
many, obscure above, a little more distinct beneath; petioles 2-3 cm. long. 1N- 
FLORESCENCES terminal, many-flowered, corymbose; peduncles stout, 1—5 cm. long, 
glabrous, bracteate, the bracts ovate, acute, about 1 mm. long, the pedicels slender, 
ong, glabrous. FLOWERs relatively large; calyx deeply 5-lo 
lobes lanceolate, acuminate, 2.0-2.5 mm. long, the margin glandular-dentate 
corolla salverform, white, the tube slender, 8—12 mm. long, about 1.5 mm. in 
diameter at the base, glabrous without and within near the throat, but sparsely 
villous below the stamens, constricted at the throat, the lobes linear, acute, 5-6 
mm. long, 1.0—1.5 mm. broad; stamens 5, inserted near the throat, the anthers 
ovate, acute, about 1.5 mm. long, subsessile; ovary 2-carpellary, hemisyncarpous, 
cylindrical, about 2.5 mm. high, 2 mm. in diameter, the ovules 2 in each locule on 
an axile placenta, the disc annular, about 1 mm. high, the style linear, 7-8 mm. 
iie glabrous, the stigma-head cylindrical with a hairy corona at the base, about 
1 mm. , 2-apiculate. 

I have seen no fruits. Markgraf has described the fruits as obcordate, 1 cm. 
high, 1 cm. broad, about 0.5 cm. thick, red in the immature state, and 2-seeded. 

On rocky and stony soil in river valleys, 1200-1700 m. altitude; flowering in 
April and May. Andes of Peru. 

PERU. CAJAMARCA: Cajamarca, cerca a San Miguel, camino 
Ferreyra 7086 (US); Jača, pls of the R. Bade sar near E arg pates 
7112 (GH, US); 

SUBSERIES 3. GRANDIFLORAE (Mgf.) A. S. Rao, stat. nov. 

$ GRANDIFLORAE Mgf. in Fedde, Rep. Spec. Nov. 20:116. 1924. 


A. Corolla-tube 10—20 mm. long, 2-3 times as long as the corolla-lobes, inflated 2-3 mm. 
below the orifice 
B. Leaves oblance der < aa elliptic, 5-20 cm. long. Peduncles any- 
flowered. Corolla- 2.5—3.0 times as long as the een SCC fin or 
agp pre 1.0-1.5 m 
Leaves distinetly pe ZE coriaceous,  Corolla-tube 10-12 mm. ae Frui 
reniform. Colombia and Peru Ce senctorum 
CC. Leaves obscurely pails, membranaceous. Corolla-tube 12-20 mm. ie ruits 
obcordat astern Brazil. 23. R. grandiflora 
BB. Licet horae o or elliptic, 2—4 cm. long. Peduncles 1- to 6-flowered. Corolla-tube 
abou as long as ‘the Teire a calyx-lobes lanceolate, 2.5-3.0 mm. long. 
a Brasil 24. R. peucifolia 
AA. Corolla-tube 4—9 m about as long as or 1.5 times as long as the RARE lobes 
(except in R. pol dE mi) not inflated or inflated immediately at the orifice 
ves sessile or with petioles 2-10 mm. lon 
E. Leaves sessile or with petioles 2—4 mm. l rolla-tube 8—10 mm. lon; 
. Leaves membran: Sieg ovate to ablong-ovate, ee gem Brazil. 

R. — 

. Leay tay ves pp broadly or narrowly elliptic; petioles 2-4 mm. 
South-central Seit: Ld BT 36. ve 

EE. Leaves with petioles 5-10 mm. long. Corolla-tube 4-7 mm. long. 


G. Leaves prophe attenuate at the base, upper surface opaque, secondary 
veins distinct, 4-5 mm. apart. Inflorescences longer than the subtending 
leaf, with SE or quaternately divided peduncles. — Calyx-lobes 
oblong-ov vate, obtuse. Venezuela BF KR. b pk 

. Leaves gradually attenuate " m base, upper surface lustrous, with. si 
disti nct secondary 1- . apart, or 
obscure onda e Wi 

peduncles, pue as deos as the subtending leaf. Calyx-lobes ovate, acute 


H. Laon 


mostly in voie z a ëmge upper surface lustrous with in- 

erable secondary v . apart. Pedicels stout, 4-8 mm. 
long; calyx-lobes LOMA. Acte R. nitida 
HH. Leaves mostly in whorls of E disci or obovate, upper po 
opaque with obscure secondary veins.  Pedicels slender, 10-15 mm. 
long; calyx-lobes acute. 
I. Leaves membranaceous or subcoriaceous. Cymules d An gat 
tube about 2 times as long as the corolla-lobes; ovary f E 
base, Nube Brazil ei hunk 
II. Leaves coriaceou ymules corymbose; corolla- = Fog as long 
^ the rollos ovary e almost to the 
Sr e Génie oupe and Dominica R. biauriculata 

DD. Leaves e prole 12-40 mm. lon, 

J. Leaves obovate or pe BRS coriaceous, opaque on both 
K. Dave usually in whorls of 4, obovate, secondary zeg arcuat 

yx-lobes acute; corolla purpurascent. Panama... T 3 Eeer 
in wh 

n whorls o 
veins transverse. Calyx-l obes obtuse; corolla white. 
Cost ica £N. qum 
JJ. Leaves elliptic, coriaceous or membranaceous, opaque on both 
urfaces or lustrous abcve. 
L. Leaves coriaceous, lus A Seconda xn - MENT 
peduncles slender. Corolla slende 
diameter at the base, reddish- vets calya-lobes T 
long. Ovary ioca arpous. and Bolivia....... i ri "praecox 
LL. Leaves membranaceous, opaque on iod s urfaces. Seconda 
"ed tertiary peduncles stout. Coro lla abe stout, about 1.5 
. in diameter at the base, white; calyx-lobes about 1.5 mm. 
va Ovary apocarpous. Deg ve eet 34. R. sellowii 

2. RAUVOLFIA SANCTORUM Woodson, in Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 18:543. 1931. 
(T.: Killip & Smith 15392!) 

Trees 3—4 m. tall; branches slender, drooping, terete, the bark olive-gray, gla- 
brous, the nodes with pectinate glands confined to the leaf-axils. LEAVES in whorls 
of 5, rarely 4, slightly anisophyllous, long-petiolate, elliptic to elliptic-oblanceolate, 
acuminate, cuneate at the base, 8—20 cm. long, 3-8 cm. broad, coriaceous, the 
secondary veins equally prominent on both surfaces, many, arcuate; petioles stout, 
1-3 cm. long. INFLORESCENCES terminal, solitary or paired, few-flowered; 
peduncles slender, 2-5 cm. long, glabrous, bracteate, the bracts ovate, acute, about 
1 mm. long, the pedicels slender, 4-8 mm. long, glabrous. FLOWERS conspicuous; 
calyx deeply 5-lobed, the lobes ovate, acuminate, about 1.5 mm. long; corolla 
infundibuliform, white, the tube slender, 10-12 mm. long, about 1.5 mm. in 
diameter, glabrous without and within the orifice, but distinctly pilose near the 
tip and base of the stamens, the throat dilated 2-3 mm. below the orifice, the lobes 

[Vol. 43 

Fig. 22. Rauvolfia sanctorum Woodson (Killip & Smith 15392) 

obovate-oblong, about 4 mm. long, 2 mm. broad; stamens 5, inserted 2-3 mm. 
below the orifice, the anthers ovate, acuminate, about 2 mm. long, subsessile; 
ovary 2-carpellary, connate at the base, obovoid, about 3 mm. high, 2 mm. broad, 
the ovule 1 in each locule on a ventral placenta, the disc annular, about 1 mm. 
high, the style slender, 4-5 mm. long, glabrous, the stigma-head broadly drum- 
shaped, about 1 mm. high, obscurely bilobed. Frurrs reniform, 2-seeded, the lobes 
13-15 mm. high, 7-9 mm. broad, the stones broadly ellipsoid, a little compressed, 
faintly rugose, the seed albuminous, the testa membranaceous, the albumen fleshy, 
the embryo erect, the cotyledons ovate, obtuse, about 4 mm. long, 2 mm. broad, 
the hypocotyl terete, as long as the cotyledons, superior. e 

In dense forests, along the slopes of hills, 100 to 1500 m. altitude; flowering 
and fruiting November to December. Colombia and Peru. 

This is closely related to R. grandiflora but differs from it by its stout- petioled, 
somewhat leathery leaves, the few-flowered inflorescences, and the kidney-shaped 
fruits. The geographical distribution is also different. 

OLOMBIA. SANTANDER: northern slopes of Mesa de los Santos, Killip & Smith 15315 
(GH, NY, US), 15392 (A, GH, MO, NY, S, US). 
Peru. LORETO: Mishuhuaca near Iquitos, Killip & Smith 29928 (US). 
23. RAUVOLFIA GRANDIFLORA Mart. ex A. DC. in DC. Prodr. 8:341, 1844. (T.: 
Martius 908!) 

R. affinis Muell.-Arg. in Mart. Fl. Bras. 61:34. 1860. (T.: Sellow s. n., photo!) 
R. affinis var. subulata Muell.-Arg. l. c. ex char. (T.: Sellow 315) 

a PS 


Fig. 23. Rauvolfia grandiflora Mart. ( Martius 908) 

[Vol. 43 

Shrubs 1—6 m. tall; branches 2-, 3- or 4-chotomous, terete, glabrous, the nodes 
with pectinate glands confined to the leaf-axils. Leaves in whorls of 3 or 4, 
slightly anisophyllous, shortly petiolate to subsessile, obovate to oblong-lanceolate, 
acuminate, cuneate at the base, 5-15 cm. long, 1.5—4.5 cm. broad, membrana- 
ceous, the secondary veins equally evident on both surfaces, several, arcuate; 
petioles slender, 2-5 mm. long, or absent. INFLORESCENCES terminal and lateral, 
few- to many-flowered; peduncles slender, 1-4 cm. long, glabrous, the pedicels 
slender, 8-12 mm. long, glabrous. rrowrms relatively large; calyx deeply 5-lobed, 
ovate, acute to acuminate, about 1.5 mm. long; corolla salverform, white to pale 
violet (fide Mendes Magalhaes), the tube slender, 12-20 mm. long, about 2 mm. 
in diameter at the base, glabrous without and within near the orifice, but villous 
at the tip'and near the base of the stamens, the throat dilated from 3-4 mm. 
below the orifice, the lobes ovate, obtuse, 4-8 mm. long, 2-3 mm. broad; stamens 
5, inserted 3—4 mm. below the orifice, the anthers ovate, acuminate, about 2 mm. 
long, subsessile; ovary 2-carpellary, fused at the very base, obovoid, about 2.5 
mm. high, 2 mm. in diameter, the ovules 1—2 in each locule on a ventral placenta, 
the disc annular, about 1 mm. high, the style columnar, 8-12 mm. long, glabrous, 
the stigma-head cylindrical, about 1.5 mm. long, obscurely bilobed. Frurrs ob- 
cordate, 2-seeded, the lobes ovoid, 15-20 mm. long, 10—15 mm. broad, (often 
only one carpel developing, then the fruit ovoid), the stones ovoid, slightly com- 
pressed, faintly rugose, the seed ovate, albuminous, the testa membranaceous, the 
albumen fleshy, the embryo as long as the cotyledons. 

Near river banks and on road-sides. Flowering from September to December; 
ripe fruits in January and February. Eastern Bazil. 

This species can be distinguished from the very closely related R. sanctorum 
by its membranaceous, extremely short-petioled, almost sessile leaves, the more 
open and many-flowered inflorescences and the obcordate fruits. 

There is considerable variation in the size and number of leaves per node, as 
also in the branching of the peduncles and the relative proportion between the 
corolla-tube and the lobes of the flowers. In view of this, I see no justification 
for separate recognition of R. affinis, and R. affinis var. subulata, both of Mueller- 
Argoviensis. I am hence treating them as synonymous with R. grandiflora. 

BRAZIL. BAHIA: Blanchet 105 (P), 211 (G), 2314 (G, P) ; Muritiba, Blanchet 3468 
(W). EsPIRITO SANTO: Rio Doce, Kuhlman 121 (RB); Goitacozes, Rio Doce, Kuhlmann 
6 (RB); Minas GERAEs: Belo Horizonte, Governador Valadares, Mendes Magalbaes 
4-431 (MO). PERNAMBUCO: Dois Irmáos, Rio Garca, Autenour 27 (RB); RIO DE 
JANEIRO: Rio de Janeiro, Baretto 4014 (F), Glaziou 639 (P), 7751 (P), Horto Florestal, 
x: sep e th tege 42421 (RB); Santa Maria Magdalena, T 
ino » SŁ. Hilaire b?r F, P, : N: Martius 
908 (G, GH, L, M, MO, P. v). 97 ( US). PRECISE LOCALITY NOT KNOW 










A, i W) 

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SEA NS es 
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Fig. 24. Rauvolfia paucifolia A. DC. (Blanchet 2920) 

24. RauvoLriA PAUCIFOLIA A. DC. in DC. Prodr. 8:340. 1844. (T.: Blanchet 


s ?; branches 2- or 4-chotomous, slender, terete or slightly 4-angular, 
lenticellate, the nodes relatively distant, with pectinate glands confined to the 
leaf-axils. Leaves in whorls of 4 or sometimes 3, slightly anisophyllous, shortly 
petiolate to subsessile, elliptic or obovate, acuminate, attenuate at the base, 2-4 
cm. long, 1-2 cm. broad, membranaceous, the secondary veins 6—10 pairs, arcuate, 
distinct on both surfaces; petioles slender, 2-4 mm. long, or absent. INFLORES- 
CENCES terminal or lateral, few-flowered; peduncles slender, 0.5—2.0 cm. long, 
glabrous, minutely bracteate, the pedicels slender, 8-12 mm: long, glabrous. 
FLOWERS relatively large; calyx deeply 5-lobed, the lobes lanceolate, acuminate, 
2-3 mm. long; corolla salverform, the tube slender, 10-12 mm. long, about 2 
mm. in diameter at the base, glabrous without and within near the orifice, but 
villous at the tip and near the base of the stamens, the throat dilated 2-3 mm. 
below the orifice, the lobes ovate, obtuse, 4-5 mm. long, 2.0-2.5 mm. broad; 
stamens 5, inserted 2-3 mm. below the orifice, the anthers ovate, acute, about 
1 mm. long, subsessile; ovary 2-carpellary, fused at the very base, subglobose, 

[Vol. 43 

about 2.5 mm. in diameter, the ovules 2 in each locule on a ventral placenta, the 
disc annular, about 1 mm. high, the style columnar, 3-4 mm. long, glabrous, the 
stigma-head subcapitate, about 1 mm. high, obscurely bilobed. FRUITS not 
On hills near rivers and streams; flowering during September. Eastern Brazil. 
Rauvolfia paucifolia is easily distinguished from all its related species by its 
slender branches with rather distant nodes and fairly small leaves, and the very 
few-flowered short inflorescences. 
BrazIL. BAHIA: Jacobina, Serato do Rio Sao Francisco, Blanchet 2920 (G, W). 
ESPIRITO SANTO: Serra do Itabapoana, Glaziou 11182 (P). . 
25. RAUVOLFIA sESSILIFOLIA S. Moore, in Jour. Bot. (Brit.) 42:103. 1904. (T.: 
Robert 494, photo!) 

Plants with slender, terete, lenticellate, glabrous branches, the nodes with 
glands confined to the leaf-axils. Leaves in whorls of 3 to 4, scarcely anisophyl- 
lous, sessile, ovate to ovate-oblong, acute to shortly acuminate, narrowed at the 
base, 5-8 cm. long, 2-4 cm. broad, membranaceous, the secondary veins 10—16 
pairs, slightly arcuate, evident above, obscure beneath. INFLORESCENCES ter- 
minal and lateral, many-flowered, corymbose; peduncles slender, about 3 cm. 
long, glabrous, bracteate, the bracts subulate, about 2 mm. long, the pedicels 
slender, about 5 mm. long, glabrous. FLOWERS conspicuous; calyx deeply 5- 
lobed, the lobes ovate, acute, about 1 mm. long; corolla salverform, the tube 
slender, about 10 mm. long, glabrous without and within, except near the sta- 
mens, pilose; stamens 5, inserted near the throat, the anthers linear, about 1.5 
mm. long; ovary 2-carpelled, oblong, obtuse, about 2 mm. high, the disc annular, 
about 1 mm. high. Frurrs not known. 

Flowering in September. South-central Brazil. 

According to Spencer Moore, R sessilifolia is closely related to R. weddelliana, 
but differs from it by its ovate or ovate-oblong sessile leaves, its shorter pedice 
and the corolla-tube about twice as long as the lobes. 

26. RAUVOLFIA WEDDELLIANA Muell.-Arg. in Mart. Fl. Bras. 61:32. 1860. (T: 
Weddel 2966!) 

R. elliptica Malme, in Bihang till K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. Afd. TIL 2419:13, 1899. (T.: 
me 1444B!) 

Shrubs or subshrubs 0.5—1.0 m. tall; branches few, slender, terete, glabrous, 
not lenticellate, the nodes with pectinate glands confined to the leaf-axils. 
LEAVES in whorls of 3 to 4, scarcely anisophyllous, shortly petiolate, broadly to 
narrowly elliptic, acute to short-acuminate, narrowed at the base, 5-11 cm. long, 
1-4 cm. broad, subcoriaceous to coriaceous, the secondary veins 12-18 pairs, 
slightly arcuate and meeting on either side to form a delicate marginal vein, 
a little obscure above, more distinct beneath; petioles slender, 2-4 mm. long. 


INFLORESCENCES terminal and lateral, geminate or ternate, many-flowered, co- 
rymbose; peduncles slender, 3—4 cm. long, glabrous, bracteate, the bracts lanceo- 
late, about 2 mm. long, the pedicels slender, 5-12 mm. long, glabrous. FLOWERS 
conspicuous; calyx deeply 5-lobed, ovate, acute, about 2 mm. long, corolla 


p t 
T A. 





aT | 




Fig.25. Rauvolfia weddelliana Muell.-Arg. (Hassler 10696) 

[Vol. 43 

salverform, roseate (fide Hassler), the tube slender, cylindrical, 8-9 mm. long, 
about 2 mm. in diameter at the base, glabrous without, villous within near the 
throat and near the stamens, the lobes ovate, broadly acute to obtuse, 4—5 mm. 
long, about 2 mm. broad; stamens 5, inserted near the throat, the anthers ovate, 
acute to acuminate, about 2 mm. long, subsessile; ovary 2-carpellary, hemisyn- 
carpous, subspherical, about 2 mm. in diameter, the ovules 2 in each locule on an 
axile placenta, the disc annular, about 1 mm. high, the style columnar, 3-4 mm. 
long, glabrous, the stigma-head subturbinate, about 1 mm. high, obscurely 
bilobed. Fruits reniform, 2-seeded, the lobes obovoid, 14-16 mm. long, 10-13 
mm. broad, often only one carpel developing, then the fruit obovoid, the stones 
distinctly rugose, the seeds obovate, albuminous, the testa membranaceous, the 
albumen fleshy, the embryo about as long as the seed, erect, the cotyledons ovate, 
obtuse, about 4 mm. long, 3 mm. broad, the hypocotyl terete, about 5 mm. long. 

In dry fields and on slopes of hills; flowering from September to February; 
ripe fruits in March and April. South-central Brazil and Paraguay. 

This species resembles R. paucifolia to some extent, but can be distinguished 
from it by its elliptic leaves and long-peduncled, many-flowered inflorescences. 

My study of the two type sheets respectively of R. weddelliana and R. ellip- 
tica confirms what Spencer Moore had already concluded, that R. elliptica is 
conspecific with R. weddelliana. Mueller-Argoviensis has cited, in his original 
description, two specimens: Riedel 637 and Weddell 2966. All the Riedel sheets 
that I have examined are unnumbered but I have no doubt that these sheets are 
isotypic with what Mueller has mentioned. However, the prominently lenticel- 
late twigs with oblanceolate leaves, and the flowers with very short corolla-tube 
and lobes make this referable to R. babiensis rather than R. weddelliana. Accord- 
ingly, I am designating for R. weddelliana, Weddel 2966 (P) as the type. 


d MATO GROSsO: Santa Anna da Chapada, Malme 1444B (S), Malme s.n. (G, 
S, UPS, US); SC locality not known, Robert s. n. (MO); between Goyaz and cud. 
Weddell 2966 (P 

PARAGUAY. a AY: Sierra de mm Hassler 5044 (A, G, MO, P, S, UC, W); 

Sierra de Aman. Hassler 10696 (G, P, W); Cerro Torin, Meyer 18. 541 (MO). 

27. RAUVOLFIA STEYERMARKu Woodson, in Fieldiana: Bot. 28?:502. 1953. (T-: 
Steyermark 57428!) 

Shrubs about 6 m. tall; branches verticillate, terete, glabrous, profusely lenti- 
cellate, the nodes with distinct pectinate glands confined to the leaf-axils. 
LEAVES in whorls of 3 to 5, scarcely anisophyllous, shortly petiolate, elliptic to 
obovate-elliptic, shortly acuminate, obtuse at the base, 5-10 cm. long, 3-4 cm. 
broad, subcoriaceous, the secondary veins many, 4—5 mm. apart, slightly arcuate, 
equally evident on both surfaces; petioles stout, 5-10 mm. long. INFLORESCENCES 
terminal, 3- or 4-nate, much branched, many-flowered; peduncles stout, 4-5 cm. 
long, glabrous, bracteate, the bracts ovate, acute, about 1 mm. long, the pedicels 
stout, 3-5 mm. long, glabrous. rrowrms relatively small; calyx deeply 5-lobed, 


the lobes oblong-ovate, obtuse, about 2 mm. long, corolla salverform, greenish- 
white, fragrant (fide Steyermark), the tube slender, 5-6 mm. long, about 1 mm. 
in diameter at the base, glabrous without, villous within near the throat and the 
stamens, the lobes oblique-ovate, rounded, about 2.0-2.5 mm. long, about 1.5 
mm. broad; stamens 5, inserted near the throat, the anthers ovate, acute, about 
1 mm. long, the filament about 1 mm. long; ovary 2-carpellary, apocarpous, 
obovate, about 2 mm. high, 1.5 mm. in diameter, the ovules 2 in each locule on 
a ventral placenta, the disc annular, about 1 mm. high, the style columnar, 2.5- 
3.0 mm. long, glabrous, the stigma-head subcapitate, about 1 mm. high, obscurely 
bilobed. FRUITS not known. 

Miro = 


EA e H 

N ini 



Fig. 26. Rauvolfia steyermarkii Woodson (Steyermark 57428) 

[Vol. 43 

Along river banks, at altitudes between 1820 and 2130 meters; flowering in 
July. Venezuela. 

Rauvolfia steyermarkii is easily distinguished by its verticillate branches, bear- 
ing at their tips the ternate or quaternate, profusely flowered inflorescences. 

ELA. TACHIRA: between Tabor and Villapaez, along Río Tachira, by Colom- 

EE Cni idee boundary, Steyermark 57428 (F, MO). 

28. RAUVOLFIA NITIDA Jacq. Enum. Pl. Carrib. 14. 1760; Select. Stirp. Amer. 
47. 1763, ex char., not R. nitida Lamarck, 1819. 

R. angustifolia Salisb. di 146. Pes nom nud. 

R. nitidissima Steud. Nom. Bot. ed. 1. 682. 1821, nom. nud. 

R. canescens Descourt. Fl. dt bye 1827, ex one et icon., not R. canescens L. 1762. 

R. lanceolat oe Ger in DC. Prodr. 8:337. 1844. (T.: Wydler 290!), not R. lanceolata 

R. nitida Ke Fl. Mex. 53. 1887, ex char. 

Shrubs or trees 2-15 m. tall; branches 2-, 3- or 4-chotomous, terete, the bark 
eros gray, prominently lenticellate, the nodes with pectinate glands confined 

e leaf-axils. LEAvEs in whorls of 4, rarely 2, 3, or 5, ovate-elliptic to oblong- 
Sëch acute to shortly acuminate, gradually to abruptly attenuate at the base, 
3-15 cm. long, 2—5 cm. broad, subcoriaceous, the secondary veins many, almost 
transverse, distinct on both surfaces, the upper surface lustrous, the lower opaque; 
petioles 5-10 mm. long. INFLORESCENCEs terminal and lateral, few- to many- 
flowered, corymbose; peduncles stout, repeatedly dichotomously branched, 1—4 cm. 
long, glabrous, minutely bracteate, the pedicels stout, 2-5 mm. long, glabrous. 
FLOWERS relatively small; calyx deeply 5-lobed, the lobes broadly ovate, obtuse 
to rounded, about 1.5 mm. long; corolla salverform, white (fide J. G. Jack), the 
tube stout, 5-6 mm. long, about 1.5 mm. in diameter at the base, glabrous with- 
out, villous within along the upper half, the lobes broadly ovate, rounded, 3-4 
mm. long, 2-3 mm. broad; stamens 5, inserted near the throat, the anthers ovate, 
acute, about 1.5 mm. long, subsessile; ovary 2-carpellary, hemisyncarpous, sub- 
globose, about 2 mm. in diameter, the ovules 2 in each locule on an axile placenta, 
the disc annular, about 1 mm. hi gh, the style columnar, about 3 mm. long, 
glabrous, the stigma-head subcapitate, about 1 mm. high, obscurely biapiculate. 
FRUITS subglobose, faintly emarginate, 10-12 mm. long, 15-18 mm. broad, 2- 
seeded, the stones ovoid, stout at the base, compressed above, faintly ridged, the 
seed ovate, slightly curved at the base, albuminous, the testa chartaceous, 
albumen fleshy, the embryo about as long as the seed, the cotyledons ovate, obtuse; 
slightly curved at the tip, about 4 mm. long, 2 mm. broad, the hypocotyl terete, 
about as long as the cotyledons. 

On sandy and stony soil, on hills, in the forests and in pastures, at altitudes 
from sea-level to 600 m. Flowering from September to March; ripe fruits in 
March and April. The West Indies. 


Fig. 27. Rauvolfia nitida Jacq. (A. A. Heller 6190) 

Common Names: Bois Lait, Glass Wood, Juan Primero, Lechoso, Palo del Leche, 
Palo del Rey, Sucheli Blanco. 

This species is easily recognized by its glistening, elliptic leaves with in- 
numerable close-knit secondary veins, and the inflorescences with repeatedly 
dichotomously branching, stout peduncles carrying innumerable small white 
flowers on stout short pedicels. 

Rauvolfia nitida is one of the two species that Plumier originally founded 
under the trinomial Reuvolfia tetraphylla angustifolia. Since Linnaeus’ time much 

[Vol. 43 

confusion has occurred on the synonymy of this species. Rendle”? has ably clari- 
fied this situation. Recently, however, Feuell?! has been led to a fresh error in 
mistaking Descourtilz's R. canescens (= R. nitida) for R. canescens L., and has 
consequently ascribed the poisonous properties of R. mifida to R. canescens. 
ave seen two specimens from the Trinidad Botanical Gardens. These are 
obviously the same that Cheesman?? refers to in his account of Apocynaceae. 
Since there has been no further collection of R. nitida from Trinidad, Cheesman 
has concluded that this is a doubtful record. 
UNITED STATES. FLORIDA: Miami, Coconut Grove, Fennell 651 (MO) (Cultivated). 
BaHaMas: Brace Hm RN NEW PROVIDENCE: Delaport, N. L. Britton & Brace 
306 (A, GH, MO, NY 
CUBA. HAVANA: pe SC 3696 (Ru: Sagra s.n. (P, W). ISLE oF PINES: N. L. 
Britton & Wilson 14864 (NY, US). MarANzas: Matanzas, N. L. & E. G. Britton & 
(eas (NY). ORIENTE: Baracoa, Ekman C eg (S), 5145 (P, S), Leon 11863, 12143 
); Bayate, Ekman 6112 (S); Cupey, Ekman 6325 (S); Papayo, Ekman ae 4 (S); 

i ui, Ekman 9390 (S). SANTA CLARA (LAS VILLAS): Cienfuegos, Combs f GH, 
MO, NY, P, US), Jack 5089 (A, S, US), 5154 (A, P, US); Soledad, ër p. ër? P), 
5427, 5685 (A, P, US), 5653 (A), 6735 (UŠ), 7426 (A, S, US), Howard 6591 (GH 

TA Mina Carlota, Howard ps (GH, MO, NY, UC, US), 5604 (GH, NY). seta 

OCALITY UNKNOWN: Rugel 751 (NY), Wright s.n. (S — 1364 (G, GH, MO, 
NY. P, US), 400 (S), TN € ep. P). Ak 
MAICA I Mountains, below Berurcks, Parkins 1195 (A, GH), hillside, Potsdam 
to ious Leap p, N. L. Britton 1131 (NY), Santa Cruz Mountains, Harris S), 
TOR (NY), 9743 (NY, US); Tepe near Troy, Harris 11071 (NY, US), 11113 (NY, 
eege Ge eg Azua, J. N. Rose 4054 (NY, ku ; Barahona, Sek 318 (GH, 
E , Von Turn ckbeim 2831 (GH, L, MO, P, S, US, W); PAIS 
Salt e A G, ae ie 126 (US), 160 (GH); eg + Abbott s. 

5); Higuey, R. A dide 9770 (GH, MO, NY), Higuey to Gato, 
Taylor 449 (NY); Ces SE R. A. Howard 12140 uet Santiago de los 
Caballeros, Jimenez 2706 (MO); Sierra: del Pala, Eggers 1900 (L, M, P). PRECISE LOCAL- 
ITY UNKNOWN: Ead ers 2518 (NY, U s Ekman ¡Po S US), pee s. n. qu Sagra 

. (P), Von Tuerckbeim 2692 (M, NY pi 3485 L, M, MO, NY, P, S, US, W), 
1385bis (GH), Valeur 678 (MO, NY, P, S, US), Wright 2:9 (US), Wright, Perry 8 
Brummel 407 (US). 

UERTO (ies HUMACAO: Coamo to Caguas, N. L. Britton $ Cowell 1380 (NY); 
vicinity of Coamo Springs, N. L. A E. G. Britton & Brown 6424 (NY, P, US), 6481 (NY), 
Underwood & Griggs 460 (NY, U ; Humacao, Blanner 50 (P); near San Germán, Miller 
1626 (US); abode, Sintenis Zeie (G, M, P, S). AcUADILLA: Rincon, Sintenis 5680 (L, P). 
GUAYAMA: Guayama, Kuntze 511 (NY); Cayey, Sintenis 2372 (G, L, MO, P); Jobos, Goll 
H 7 ak 8 us MAYAGUEZ: Monte Mesa, N. L. xus & Hess 2716 (NY, US); Río de 

522 (US); road from Yauco to Guayanilla, Underwood e iggs 509 (NY, US). sAN 
JUAN: Bayamon, Tbe Hellers 403 (A, NY, US), Sintenis Hm (GH, M, NY, S, US), 
endle, A. B., Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond. 3; 
S M + I "ia Colon. P e de er ee 
52 Cheesman, , in Mor t Trinidad tá See 23:153. 1947. 


I194bis (G); Vue Pena, Stevenson me (US), Point Cangrejos, Stevenson 522 (US). 

PONCE: Ponce to Penuelas, N. L. & E. G. Britton & Marble 1 1753 (GH, MO, NY, US); 

Penuelas, Sintenis 4786 (M, S, US, Y); fal Heller 6190 (A, GH, L, MO, GE P, Ab 

VIEQUES ISLAND: Santa Maria to Caballo Colorado, Me tan 2680, 2684 (NY ONA 

"oie Stevens 6318 (NY). PRECISE LOCALITY UNKNOWN: Ch 200 ^ in Plée 
T ds Roe s.n. (P), L. C. Richard s. n. (P), stes n. 

OIX: SÉ KEEN Garden, Raunkiaer s. n. (U enzon s. n. (MO), A. E. Rick- 
bd eg (GH, MO, NY, UG, US), J. J. Kier 428 (MO, P, US); frederickated, 
J. N. Rose 3515 (NY), Thompson 98 (GH, NY), 803, 876 (S). 

j S). 
Pearl to Bonne Resolütión, E. G. Britton % Marble 1325 (MO, NY, 
US); near e Solbjeck. Eager s.n. (S); Signal Hills, Eggers 385 (G, L, M, P, US, W). 
PRECISE LOCALITY U ww: Bertero s. n. (M), Krebs s.n. (NY), L. C. Richard s.n. 
(P), SER (UP > 
IRGIN ISLANDS t. John, Morrow 167 (US); Tortola, Belmont sand dunes, Fishlock 
430 (NY), Shafer 1136 1178 (NY, US), N. L. 8 E. G. Britton & Kemp 80 (NY). 
NTILLES (WEsT IES): precise locality unknown, Swartz s. n. (S), Sessé & Mogino 
675, 1449 (F), Ridley n. (P), Vabl 5209 (L). 
UADELOUPE: “rapes n. (L) 
MARTINIQUE: Plée s js 
. — TRINIDAD: Trinidad Bolas Garden Herb. 1931 (US); woods of Chaguanas, Prestoe 
1448 (NY). 

29. RAUVOLFIA BAHIENSIS A. DC. in DC. Prodr. 8:339. 1844. (T.: Blanchet 

Plants with trichotomous, rarely dichotomous, terete, glabrous, prominently 
lenticellate branches, the nodes with distinct pectinate glands confined to the 
leaf-axils. Leaves in whorls of 3, oblanceolate to obovate, shortly acuminate, 
cuneate at the base, 3-12 cm. long, 1.0—4.5 cm. broad, subcoriaceous, the sec- 
ondary veins barely visible on both surfaces; petioles 5-10 mm. long. INFLOR- 
ESCENCES terminal, geminate or ternate, few-flowered, umbellate; peduncles 
slender, 3-4 cm. long, glabrous, minutely bracteate, the pedicels slender, 10—15 
mm. long, glabrous. FLOWERS relatively small; calyx deeply 5-lobed, the lobes 
Ovate to deltoid, acute, about 2 mm. long; corolla infundibuliform, the tube 
slender, 6-7 mm. long, about 2 mm. in diameter at the base, glabrous without, 
densely villous nearly to the base within, the lobes ovate, broadly acute, 4-5 mm. 
long, about 2 mm. broad; stamens 5, inserted near the throat, the anthers subulate, 
about 2 mm. long, subsessile; ovary 2-carpellary, free nearly to the base, obovoid, 
about 2.5 mm. high, about 2 mm. in diameter, the ovules 2 in each locule on a 
ventral placenta, the disc annular, about 1 mm. high, the style columnar, 3—4 
mm. long, glabrous, the stigma-head subcapitate, about 1 mm. high, obscurely 
bi i own. 

Near river banks and on road-sides; flowering during December. Eastern Brazil. 

The densely lenticellate, trichotomous, terete twigs, with the terminal, prom- 
inently umbellate inflorescences carrying long-pedicelled flowers, serve to distin- 
guish this species from the related Rauvolfias. 

[Vol. 43 


Fig. 28. Rauvolfia babiensis A. DC. (Blanchet 3186) 

BRAZIL. , BAHIA: basin of Rio Santa Ana, road to Pontal, Krukoff 12698/63 (NY); 
precise locality not known, Blanchet 3186 (G, W); Riedel s. n. (G, GH, P, W). 
30. RAUVOLFIA BIAURICULATA Muell.-Arg. in Linnaea 30:396. 1860. (T.: Sieber 
s. n. !) 

Shrubs or trees 3-9 m. tall; branches 2- or 3-chotomous, terete, glabrous, the 
bark gray, wrinkled longitudinally, slightly lenticellate, the nodes with distinct 
pectinate glands in the leaf-axils only. Leaves in whorls of 3, rarely 4, shortly 
petiolate, oblanceolate to obovate, shortly acuminate to caudate, cuneate at the 
base, 5-12 cm. long, 2.0—3.5 cm. broad, coriaceous, the secondary veins obscure on 
both surfaces, the two surfaces opaque; petioles 5-10 mm. long. INFLORESCENCES 
terminal, few-to many-flowered, corymbose; peduncles repeatedly 2-branched, 


Fig. 29. Rauvolfia biauriculata Muell.-Arg. (Eggers 674) 

slender, 3-5 cm. long, glabrous, minutely bracteate, the pedicels slender, 5-10 mm. 
long, glabrous. FLowers relatively small; calyx deeply 5-lobed, the lobes deltoid, 
acute, about 1.5 mm. long, the margin minutely glandular-dentate; corolla salver- 
form, roseate (fide Howard), the tube slender, 4-6 mm. long, about 1 mm. in 
diameter at the base, glabrous without, villous within along the upper half, the 
lobes obliquely oblong-elliptic, obtuse, 4-5 mm. long, 2-3 mm. broad; stamens 5, 
inserted near the throat, the anthers ovate, acuminate, about 2 mm. long, subsessile; 

[Vol. 43 

ovary 2-carpellary, fused almost to the top, obovoid, about 2.5 mm. high, 2 mm. 
in diameter, the ovules 1 in each locule on an axile placenta, the disc annular, 
about 1 mm. high, the style columnar, about 3 mm. long, glabrous, the stigma- 
head cylindrical, about 1 mm. high, obscurely bi-apiculate. FRUITS obcordate, 
2-seeded (often only one carpel developing, then the fruit ellipsoid and 1-seeded), 
the lobes ellipsoid, 12-15 mm. long, 5-8 mm. broad, the stones distinctly rugose, 
the seed albuminous, the testa membranaceous, the albumen fleshy, the embryo 
erect, the cotyledons ovate, obtuse, about 3 mm. long, 2 mm. broad, the hypocotyl 
terete, about as long as the cotyledons. 

In dense humid forests, on hills, at altitudes between 500 and 800 m. Flower- 
ing from June to December; ripe fruits in January to March. Antilles: Dominican 
Republic, Dominica, and Guadeloupe. 

CoMMON NAME: Bois Lait-montagne. 

Rauvolfia biauriculata resembles greatly R. bahiensis, but can be differentiated 
from it by its slightly lenticellate, wrinkle-barked twigs with markedly leathery 
leaves, and the terminal dichotomously branching peduncled, corymbose inflores- 
- cences bearing flowers with the corolla-tube almost as long as the lobes. 

I have seen the two Ritter and Sieber specimens that Mueller has cited in his 
description. The Sieber sheet carries distinctly the annotation "Trinitas." How- 
ever, Cheesman?? considers this a doubtful record, as he has found no evidence 
for the occurence of this species in Trini 

ANTILL DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: precise locality unknown, Ritter s.m. (W). 
DOMINICA: ‘Placa Valley, Eggers 674 (G, GH, L, M, P, UC, US, W). GUADELOUPE: 
ort Baines Jaunes, Stehle, Quentin et Bena 5601 (US), Steble 702 (US); trail from St. 
Cloud to Soufriére above Baines Jaunes, Howard 11794 (MO); Grand Bois, Quentin 726 
). PRECISE LOCALITY UNKNOWN: Duss 8 (P), 2544 (GH, MO, NY, UPS, US), L. C. 
Richard s. n. (P). a lieber s.n. (W). 
31. RAUVOLFIA PURPURASCENs Standl. in Trop. Woods 16:11. 1928; Field Mus. 
Publ. Bot. 4:255. 1929. (T.: G. P. Cooper 516!) 

Stout liana?; branches subterete, glabrous, the bark wrinkled longitudinally, 
scarcely lenticellate, the nodes with distinct pectinate glands confined to the leaf- 
axils, LEAvEs in whorls of 4, long-petiolate, obovate, broadly acute to shortly 
acuminate or obtuse, cuneate at the base, 5-16 cm. long, 3-7 cm. broad, membrana- 
ceous to coriaceous, the secondary veins several, arcuate, joining at the margins 
to form marginal veins, distinct on both surfaces, the two surfaces opaque; petioles 
stout, 12-20 mm. long. INFLORESCENCES terminal, lax, few- to many-flowered, 
paniculate; peduncles slender, 3—6 cm. long, glabrous, minutely bracteate, the 
pedicels slender, 3-6 mm. long, glabrous. FLOWERs relatively small; calyx deeply 
5-lobed, the lobes ovate, acute, about 2 mm. long; corolla salverform, purpurascent 
(fide G. P. Cooper), the tube slender, 6-7 mm. long, about 1 mm. in diameter at 
the base, glabrous without, villous within near the throat and the stamens, the lobes 

9? Cheesman, E. E., in Flora of Trinidad and Tobago 23:153. 1947. 


Fig. 30. Rauvolfia purpurascens Standl. (Cooper 516) 

obovate, broadly acute to obtuse, 5-6 mm. long, 2-3 mm. broad; stamens 5, in- 
serted near the throat, the anthers ovate, acute, about 1.5 mm. long, subsessile; 
Ovary 2-carpellary, hemisyncarpous, cylindrical, about 3 mm. high, 2 mm. in di- 
ameter, the ovules 2 in each locule on an axile placenta, the disc annular, about 1 
mm. high, the style columnar, 3—4 mm. long, the stigma-head subcapitate, about 
1 mm. high, obscurely bi-apiculate. FRUITS unknown. 
Flowering from January to March. Panama: Cricamola Valley. The branches 
bearing whorls of 4 long-petioled, obovate leaves with distinct, arcuate secondary 
veins, and the terminal, loose, paniculate inflorescences distinguish R. purpurascens 
from the related species of Rauvol fia. 
^ outil BOCAS DEL TORO: region of Almirante, Cricamola Valley, Cooper 516 (F, 
» US). 

[Vol. 43 


Fig. 31. Rauvolfia sarapiquensis Woodson (Skutch 3556, and Mora s. n.) 

32. RAUVOLFIA SARAPIQUENsIs Woodson, in Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard, 28:271. 1941. 
(T.: Skutch 3556!) 

Trees about 15 m. tall; branches terete to subangular, the bark dark gray, 
glabrous, the nodes with distinct pectinate glands confined to the leaf-axils. LEAVES 
in whorls of 3, long-petiolate, oblong-oblanceolate to oblong-elliptic, shortly acu- 
minate, attenuate at the base, 15-25 cm. long, 4-7 cm. broad, coriaceous, the 
secondary veins several, almost transverse, equally evident on both surfaces, the 
two surfaces opaque; petioles stout, 1.5—2.5 cm. long. INFLORESCENCES terminal, 
ternate, many-flowered, corymbose; peduncles stout, 5-6 cm. long, 2- or 3- 
branched, glabrous, minutely bracteate, the pedicels stout, 4-5 mm. long, glabrous. 


FLOWERS relatively small; calyx deeply 5-lobed, the lobes broadly ovate, obtuse, 
about 2 mm. long, fleshy; corolla salverform, white (fide Skutch), the tube stout, 
5-7 mm. long, about 1.5 mm. in diameter at the base, glabrous without, villous 
within near the throat and the stamens, the lobes elliptic to ovate-elliptic, obtuse, 
about 4 mm. long, 2 mm. broad; stamens 5, inserted near the throat, the anthers 
ovate, acute, about 1 mm. long, the filament about 1 mm. long; ovary 2-carpellary, 
hemisyncarpous, obovoid, about 2.5 mm. high and 2 mm. broad, the ovules 2 in 
each locule on an axile placenta, the disc annular, about 1 mm. high, the style 
linear, about 2 mm. long, glabrous, the stigma-head subglobose, about 1 mm. high, 
obscurely bilobed. Frurrs slightly bilobed, the lobes obovate, about 18 mm. high, 
8 mm. broad, the stones distinctly rugose, the seed albuminous, the testa membran- 
aceous, the albumen fleshy, the embryo erect, the cotyledons oblong, obtuse, about 
5 mm. long, 2 mm. broad, the hypocotyl terete, about as long as the cotyledons. 

On hill slopes at altitudes of about 1500 m.; flowering in February. Costa Rica. 

The oblong-elliptic, rather leathery leaves with almost transverse secondary 
veins, and the many-flowered, much-branched inflorescences distinguish this species 
from the rest of the Central American species of Rauvolfia. 

osta Rica. Vara Blanca de Sarapiqui, north slope of central Cordillera, between 
Poas and Barba volcanoes, Skutch 3556 (A, MO, US); Buena Vista de San Carlos, H. B. 
Mora s. n. (MO). 
33. RAUVOLFIA PRAECOX K. Sch. ex Markgraf, in Fedde, Rep. Spec. Nov. 20:112. 
1924. (T.: Ule 62561) ; ex Ule in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 40:400. 1908, nom nud. 

Trees 15—30 m. tall; branches subangular to terete, 2-, 3- or 4-chotomous, the 
bark gray, lenticellate, the nodes with distinct pectinate glands confined to the leaf- 
axils. LEAVEs in whorls of 3 or 4, long-petiolate, narrowly elliptic, acute or acu- 
minate to obtuse, attenuate at the base, 5-15 cm. long, 2—5 cm. broad, coriaceous, 
the secondary veins several, slightly arcuate, meeting at the margins to form two 
marginal veins equally evident on both surfaces, the upper surface lustrous, the 
lower opaque; petioles slender, 2-3 cm. long. INFLORESCENCES terminal, often at 
the tips of defoliated twigs, many-flowered, paniculate; peduncles ternate, 2- or 5- 
branched, 2-4 cm. long, glabrous, minutely bracteate, the pedicels slender, 6—9 
mm. long, glabrous. FLOWERS relatively small; calyx deeply 5-lobed, the lobes 
ovate, acuminate, about 1 mm. long; corolla salverform, reddish-violet (fide Ule), 
the tube slender, 5-7 mm. long, about 1 mm. in diameter at the base, glabrous 
without, scantily pilose within near the throat and the stamens, the lobes ovate, 
broadly acute to obtuse, 4-6 mm. long, about 2 mm. broad; stamens 5, inserted 
near the throat, the anthers ovate, acuminate, about 1 mm. long, subsessile; ovary 
2-carpellary, hemisyncarpous, obovoid, about 2 mm. high, 1.5 mm. broad, the 
ovules 2 in each locule on an axile placenta, the disc annular, about 1 mm. 
high, the style linear, 3-5 mm. long, glabrous, the stigma-head cylindrical, about 
1 mm. high, obscurely bilobed. FRUITS not seen. 

[Vol. 43 

Fig. 32. Rauvolfia praecox K. Sch. (Ule 6256) 

On river banks in dense forests; flowering from July to October. Bolivia, Peru 
and Western Brazil. 

CoMMON NAME: Bolivia—A margo. 
Rauvolfia praecox has been confused in the past with R. sellowi, ma 
eastern Brazilian in its distribution. It can be distinguished by its long-petioled, 

glistening, elliptic leaves and the terminal inflorescences with a profusion of 
reddish-violet, slender flowers. 


BRAZIL. AMAZONAS: near mouth of Rio Embira, tributary of Rio Taracua, lat 7.30° 
s., long. 70.15? w., Krukoff 5018 (A, F, G, M, MO, P, S, US). 
LIVIA. SANTA CRUZ: Sara, Buena Vista, banks of Rio Surutu, Steinbach 6536 (A, 
F, M, MO, S, US), 656r (F, G, MO, S, UC, W). 
PERU. LORETO: Iquitos, Ule 6256 (G, L). 

Fig. 33. Rauvolfia sellowi Muell.-Arg. (Weir 173) 

34. Rauvorri seLLown Muell.-Arg. in Mart. Fl. Bras. 61:34. 1860. (T. 

Sellow 238) 

[Vol. 43 

Trees with branches verticillate, terete, the bark gray, longitudinally wrinkled, 
the internodes short, the nodes with distinct pectinate glands confined to the leaf- 
axils. LEAvEs in whorls of 4, long-petiolate, oblong-obovate to oblong-elliptic, 
obtuse-acuminate, attenuate at the base, 6—20 cm. long, 3—6 cm. broad, membran- 
aceous, the secondary veins several, arcuate, equally evident on both surfaces, the 
upper surface greenish, the lower dull grayish green; petioles slender, 2-3 cm. long. 
INFLORESCENCES terminal, ternate, many-flowered, corymbose; peduncles stout, 
3-5 cm. long, 3- or 4-branched, glabrous, minutely bracteate, the pedicels slender, 
3-5 mm. long, glabrous. FLOWERS relatively small; calyx deeply 5-lobed, the lobes 
broadly ovate, acute, about 1.5 mm. long; corolla salverform, white (fide Sellow), 
the tube stout, 5—7 mm. long, about 1.5 mm. in diameter at the base, glabrous 
without, scantily villous within near the stamens, the lobes ovate, broadly acute 
to obtuse, 2~3 mm. long, about 1.5 mm. broad; stamens 5, inserted near the throat, 
the anthers ovate, acute, about 1.5 mm. long, subsessile; ovary 2-carpellary, apo- 
carpous, subglobose, about 2 mm. high, 1.5 mm. in diameter, the ovules 2 in eac 
locule on a ventral placenta, the disc annular, about 1 mm. high, the style linear, 
3-4 mm. long, glabrous, the stigma-head cylindrical, about 1 mm. high, obscurely 
bilobed. rnurrs apocarpous, drupelets ellipsoid, 12-16 mm. long, 7-10 mm. broad, 
the stones distinctly rugose, the seed ellipsoid, albuminous, the testa membrana- 
ceous, the albumen fleshy, the embryo about as long as the seed, erect, the cotyle- 
dons ovate, obtuse, about 7 mm, long, 3 mm. broad, the hypocotyl terete, about 
as long as the cotyledons. 

In dense forests on hill slopes, flowering from September to December; ripe 
fruits in February to March. Southeastern Brazil. 

Rauvolfia sellowii is distinguished by its twigs with short internodes, the 
oblong-elliptic membranaceous leaves, the much-branched many-flowered inflores- 
cences, and the ellipsoid apocarpic fruits. 

BRAZIL. MINAS GERAES: Cidade de Caldos, Henschen 866 (F, US). PARANA: Cap 
bove Dusén 7631 (S). RIO DE JANEIRO: Rio de Janeiro, Glaziou 2915, 604. 5 (P), 
SAO PA AULO: REN Ari F biman 7995 (UC), To 1457 &), Sao 
E Mello & Mos (S). PRECISE LOCALITY UNKNOWN: rcbell 4678 (K), 
Glaziou s. n. (P), Regnell 111866 P, S, UPS, US), Sellow s. n. (K), d 173 (K). 


Rauvolfia arborea Larrañaga, Escritos D. A. Larrañaga, Atlas 1: pl. 132. 1927 
(Publ. Inst. Hist. Geog. Uruguay) 

Rauvolfia bilabiata Larrañaga, Escritos D. A. Larrañaga, 2:85. 1923. 

Neither the illustration of the first species nor the description of the second is 
sufficient to refer the above two to any known species. 

Rauvolfia oppositiflora Sessé & Moc. in La Naturaleza, Ser. 21:32. 1888. The 
description is insufficient to refer this to any known species. 

1956] a 

Rauvolfia rhomhofiae Mgf. in Notizblatt 15:384—385. 1941. I have not been 
able to examine any representative material of this species. From the original 
description, I am inclined to treat it as synonymous with R. sanctorum Woodson. 


Rauvolfia dentata Tafalla, ex D. Don, in Edinb. New Phil. Jour. 10:237. 1831 

Rauvolfia flexuosa Ruiz & Pav. Fl. Peruv. 2:26. 1799 = CITHAREXYLUM 
FLEXUOSUM (R. & P.) D. Don, in Edinb. New Phil. Jour. 10:237. 1831. 

Rauvolfia glabra Cav. Icon. 3:50, tab. 207. 1794 = VALLESIA DICHOTOMA 
Ruiz & Pav., Fl. Peruv. 2:26. 1799. 

Rauvolfia laevigata Roem. & Schult. Syst. 4:805. 1819 = MALOUETIA JAS- 
MINOIDES A, DC. in DC. Prodr. 8:379. 1844. 

Rauvolfia longifolia A. DC. l. c. 338 = Tonpuzia LONGIFOLIA (A. DC.) 
Met in Fedde, Rep. Spec. Nov. 20:112. 1924. 

Rauvolfia lycioides Cav. in Anal. Cienc. Nat. 5:69. 1802. This is a species 
of Citharexylum according to my observation of the type specimen from the Paris 

Rauvolfia macrophylla Ruiz & Pav. Fl. Peruv. 2:26. 1799 = CITHAREXYLUM 
RETUSUM D. Don, in Edinb. New Phil. Jour. 10:237. 1831. 

Rauvolfia oppositifolia Spreng. Neue Entdeck. 3:33. 1822 = TABERNAE- 
MONTANA OPPOSITIFOLIA (Spreng.) Urb. Symb. Antill. 4:493. 1910. 

Rauvolfia pubescens Roem. & Schult. Syst. 4:805. 1819 — CITHAREXYLUM 
MOLLE Jacq., fide Index Kewensis. 

Rauvolfia spinosa Cav. in Anal. Hist. Nat. 1:43. 1799; Icon. 6:16, tab 520. 
1801. My observation of the type from the Madrid Herbarium indicates that this 
is also a species of Citharexylum. 

Rauvolfia stenophylla Donn. Sm. in Bot. Gaz. 44:115. 1907 = TONDUZIA 
LONGIFOLIA (A. DC.) Mgf. in Fedde, Rep. Spec. Nov. 20:112. 1924. 

Rauvolfia strempelioides Griseb. Cat. Pl. Cub. 170. 1866 = STREMPELIOPSIS 
STREMPELIOIDES (Griseb.) Benth. in Benth. & Hook. Gen. Pl. 2:702. 1866. 


(sine numero) to unnumbered 

talicized numerals refer to collectors’ numbers, s. n. 
d to the species conserved in 

lecti Merentheriesl numerals refer to the ibas assigne 

this re 
Abbott, W. L. s.m. (28). Allemáo, F. 974 (8). 
Aguilar, M. H. 138 (3). Allen, P. He ais EC us 
Alain, Br 8 (8 IO, 3319, 3673 Anderson, N. J. 
o. 4075 (8); 3310, 3319, 3 Anis, ) D. NH | 
Alexander, R. G ein. puoi E. ret 735 i 4816, 5860 
ard, H. A. 14627 (28). (4): 63 

E inis Ch. s.s. (28). Arson, — 


Asplund, E. s.n., 5125 (3). 
Autenour, —. 89627 (23). 

Baker, C. F. 173, 215, 608, 667, 846, 
5130 (3). 
Baker, R. E. D. 1, 2421, 2640, 4963 (8). 

Bangham, W. N. 333 (3). 

1 (5). 
EA K Zug 26262 (3). 
jene, e 5337 (4). 
Benzon, P. sn (28). 
Bernoulli, C. S. & Cario, R. 1835 (3). 
Bertero, C. - s. n. (3) ; s. n. (28). 

n. (3). 

Blanchet, J. S. 1007 (5); 2716, 2769 (6); 
105, 211, 2314, 3468 (23); 2920 (24); 
186 (29). 

Blanner, —. 50 (28). 
Bórgeson, F. 668, 23615, 27565 (4). 
NEST t 1235; 23618 (4). 

E ). 

I (1); 12365, 15695, 

21467 ( 2 1259 (8). 

gem, AT A (28). 

= ps eed y 21306: (28y; 

NEN. L. & E. G. 28). 

Britton, N. L. & S ond W. E. 2460 

Britton, N. L., & E. G., & Earle, F. S. 9749 

ud N. L. & E. G., Earle, F. S. & Gager, 
C. S. 0p03 (3). 
Britton, N. L. & E. G., & Kemp, J. F. $9 

Britton, N. L. & E. G., & Marble, D. 401, 
Sud 2 E 3 (28). ha 
& Sha et A. 549 
G); a ^s EN 96 (2 
Britton, N. L. & dx Powel, —. I327I 

Britton, N. L. & Cowell, J. F. 9976, — 
12688 gu 254, 351 (4); 9087 ( 
Zen 28). 

Britton, N. L., Cowell, Ze F., & Carlos de. 
La Terre 13345 (19 


[Vol. 43 

Britton, N. L., Cowell, J. F., & Stewardson 
Brath, M. "5048 (4); 4571, 6424, 6481 

, F. S., & Gager, C. S. 

Britton, N. L. & Earle, F. S. 7562 
Britton, N. L., Earle 
ad sth ). 
ritton, N. L., Earle, F. S., & Wilson, P 
x 34 (3); 4599 (19). 
i Gager, C. S. 7328 (19). 
He s, W. E. 2716 (28). 
Britton, N. L. Stevens, F. L., & Hess, W. 

SS ^ 

Britton, N. L. & Wheeler, W. M. ei (4). 

Britton, N. L. & Wilson, P. 32 306, 
369 (8); STH: Hr gue 24864 Em 

Broadway, W. E. 229 (3); sn 
103, 109 (4); 2566, "2680, 0010, 9265 

Burchell, W.J. 4678 (34). 

e D 348 (3); 1654 (8). 
Ger cai oe 3823 (18). 


Car . » 552 (3). 
Carvalho, O. de 6 (8). 
ipt R. R. 984 (3); 74 (8); 900 

Greg Bro. 57 a): 

ark, O M. 
erede Bro. 35 
Combs, R. 31 

, 3605, 4390 (18). 
(3); 180 eg 245 (19); 

Constantine, D. 2257 (24h 
Conzatti, C. 2165, 3991 (3). 
Send O.F. gr (3). 

ook, O. F. & Doyle, C. B. 654 (3). 
ee P. 202 (4); 516 Gi dë 


Cowell, e F. oos (28). 
Sale R.Q (Astralia) 5428 (3). 

dëse: O 30 

854, 866 (3); Hm rug: 
Curtiss, A. H. 
aaepe B. E. & Persaud, A. C. s. t. (3)- 
Deam, C. C. 6267 (3). 


EC —., Britton, N. L., & Brace, L. J. 

Dias, R. de 63 (8). 

Diag, A. 5.1 (3): 

Drouét, F. 2707 (8). 

Ducke, A. s.n., 23 (8); 626, RB30117 (12); 
74, 785, 917, 1118, 21 59F, 11391, 11395, 
23050, RB3or15 (14); RB$36, 
(15); 492, 11038 = RB13208, 16544 = 

Dugand, A. 5 
4822 (4); 528, 1025, 45. ) 
Dugand, A. & Bar G. 2307 
Dugand, A. 8 Jaramillo, R. 3213, 3217, 
3374 (4); 2748, 326 
Dugand, A. & Peten, —. Ce ). 

Dusén, P. 139 (7); 7631 (34). 
Duss, P. 6, 1225, 2614 d 8, 2544 (30). 

Echeverria, J. A. 284, 4166 (3). 

Eggers, H. 15531 = 15568 (2); 5411 (3); 
6461 (4 4); s. n., 183, 1900, 2518 (28); 
74 (30). 

Kate CA uw 138 (311,3 

o. E. L. 348, 825, 944, 5679, 6301, 
7963, 8535, 8575, 9760, 10452, 12465, 
13419, 16892 (3); 5927, 16859 i 
1733, 5013, 5939, 9552, 9085, 1530 
(17); 3322, 354 4147, 6145, GE: 

8, 9078 (18); 10922, 11842, 12583, 
17069 (19); H.919, H.4427, 4440, 5145, 

6112, 6325, 9324, 9390, 14294 (28). 

Elias, Bro. 1543 (2); 1014, 14189 (4); 

1076, 1425 

Emrick, G. M. 186 (3). 

Espiña, R. (4). 

Eyerdam, W. E 434 (3). 

eet J Serie: A. 8711 (3); 

22524 ( 

Fairchild, D. 
Favrat, — 

Fendler, x 636, 2206 (3); 612 (4); 2347 

32. (287. 

Fennell, LL. 651 428). 
Ferreyra, ke P ace 10085, 10949 (3); 

Mexia, Y. 5208 (3 
Fiebrig, K. 1278, 1350, 4034, is (7). 
Fishlock, W. C. 75 (4); 430 (28). 
Focke, W. O. 1287 (8). 
Förström, —. Pes r807 (a) 
Fogg,.]. M. 21751, 21757, 21759, 
mes ind (3); 21775 (4); 21770 

Freeman, W. G. 8879 (3). 
Fróes, R. de L. 27307 (13). 
Fuertes, M. 238 (3); 318 (28). 

Ga "ofi H. EE (f): 

Gucómeito, De PM (3 >). 
1183 fy 639 (23); 1182 

4); S-n., 1045, 2915, 6045 (34). 
8. (4). 

. 517 (4); 517 (28)? 

—,. s.m. (3). 

Goodding, L. N. 340 (3). 
Goudot, M. ng, (3). 
Greenman, J. M. & M. T. 5145, 5687, 

5958 (3) 

Hahn, L. s.n. (3); 1459, 1503 (4). 
Harris, W. E, 5850, 9743, 11071 (28). 
H nn 353. 

Havard, V. (3). 

Heller, A. A. 1186 au p (28). 
Heller, Mr. & Mrs. A. A 3 (28) 
Henschen, 866 34). 

Heriberto, lo, 36, 3 54 (4). 
Herrera, 41 

Heyde, H. T. & Lux, E. 641 2 (3) 
Hinton, G. B. 724, 3826, pros 12028 

Hinton, G. E et al. 3582, 5799, 6018 (3). 
Hiralal, —. s.n. (3). 

EE Kë H. "674 (4). 

H , W. H. & Howard, R. A. 4139 

€ ? 
Hoehne, F. C. 4280 (7); 3430, 7544 (8). 
Holt, —. 545 (4 ) 

Holton, J. F. s.n. (4). 
eng "Horesal "RBÓI277, RB62875 (23). 

un. 5582 (8); 5942, 6104 
(18); A 6501; 12140 (28); 11794 
Howard, R. A. & E. S. 9760, 9770 (28). 
Howard, —, Briggs, —, et al. 253, 392 

Howell, J. T. 10155, 10257 (3). 
Humboldt, A. von 69 (4). 

Jack, 4661, ts pee 7297 0); 
ees p (19); 49 ims 5154» 
5427, 5685, 6735, Mee i 

Jaeger, E. C. e (3). 
Jahn, A. 179 SUR 

aed $, de de 2706 (28). 
Ji (3). 

35 (4). 
66, er? (3). 

Johnston, J. R. 
Jones, M. E. 

Karsten, H. 77^ (3). 
sv W. A. 8059 (3); 4560, 4570 
“Ken A nL.A. 3:66 AÓ41 (3). 

mith, A. C. 14161, 14191 
(3); 15315, 15302, 29928 (22). 
Klug, G. 35 (13). 

i ( 8). 
Faits; B. A. = DI 2047 (8); E 
6698, 8262 2, 
8871 (15); 12608/63 (29); 5018 d». 
NT $1 (8); 121, 6448, 
T (23); 7995 (3 4). 

ara, O: V74 (4); 511 (28). 
Kupper, W. 1424 (3). 

Lanjouw, J. 1255 (14). 
Leavenworth, W. C. cf (3). 
Bra W. C. & Hoogstraal, H. 
Leon, E 138, 1337, 5201, 9563, 12366 
(3); 7191, 9223, 0447 (8); 5208, 9246 
(19); » 3696, 11863, 12143 (27). 

Leon & Charles, Drok, 14 (1 

Leon & Clement, Bros. 23046 (1 

Leon, Clement, & Alain, E^ 5 (18). 

Leon, [ds , et al 

Leon, » & Roca, M. QUE 7252 (8); 
7712 ve 19). 

Leon, Victorin, & Clement, Bros. 

M J. 4499 (2); 502 (3); 4286, 4287 

Leonard, E. C. 872, 4145, 8914, 9912 (3); 
3230, 3367, figs i e 
Leo eis CX see n., 13705 (3); 
274, 12452, rii 13290, 14275, 
14826, 15590 (28). 
M P. SA x 

Lundell, C. L. 900, 2493, 3399, 4768 (3). 
Lundell, C. L. & A. A. 1464 (3 ^ut o 
Lyonnet, E. 2185, 2655 (3). 

[Vol. 43 


E een i Hs 30 (3); 
Malme, G. A. Ze 267995, 2736 (7); 


Martines- rM G. go (3). 

Martius, K. F. P. von e (6); 908 (23). 
den Ze Lu 

Matuda, E. 16423, bs 16896, 31291 
E Extra 5, 2687, 2734, 16273, 16297 

dg W.R.& sag A D. 7657 (3). 
xon, W. al. 7104, 7156, 7221, 
7282, 7545, 7613, 7740 (3). 

Mello, J. C. & Mosen, T. CT s. n. (34). 
Mendes Magalhaes, —. 4.431 (23). 
Merck & Co. s. n. (3); 

n. (8). 
Mexia, Y. 940 (3); pod T 6415 (13). 
Meyer, T. 18.600 (7); 18.003 (20); 18.- 
541 (26). 
Mille, L 989 (39: 
Miller, G. S 1626 (28 
Miller, O. O. & TEE LO 43 (4). 

266 (3). 
Molina, A. 30, 3866, 3867 (3). 

Molina, A. & Barkley, F. A. 1808256 

eh. R. t 551 

Mutnsción. W. C. 12371, 12601 (3). 

Nash, G. V. 892 (28). 
Nash, G. V. & Taylor, N. 1522 (3); 1525 
Nelson, E. W. 1872 (3). 
Netto, A. 40 (8). 
Octavis Solis, —. 89 (3). 
Comité C R. SE 5103 (3). 
a, J. G. 4023, 4126, 4167, 4678; 
pu 7210, mo 7372, 7482 (5). 
Otto, E. 804 

pe». M. Lx (3); 
Palmer, E. s. n., 86, 106, 421, 1030, 1437» 

1430 (3). 
Palmer, W. died: A 840 (3). 
Parkins, LR 17105 (28). 
ie Bro. C34 EN 

arce, —. S.M., Pie in s 
nell, F. W. E 3); 4140 ( 
denis P. 2046 (3). 

n. (3). 

n. (4). 
Pires, J. M. Ss 4021 (14). 


Pires, J. M. & Silva, N. T. 4784 (16). 

Pittier, E. $, B 

Pittier, H. I5 , 10282, 13329, 
14038 (3); 5970. 7844, 8872, 
14035 (4); 9717 (8); 9465, 

Plée, A. 610 w; : n. (28). 


Prestoe, —. ). 
Pringle, C. a 4580, 4861, 5068 (3). 
Purdie, 40 

Purpus, C. A. 2016, 5309, 6143, 7147 (3): 

Questol, A. 
Quinos, R. M. 789 (3). 

Quentin, R. P. E (4); 726 (30). 
228 (4). 
Raimondi, A. 

s. 4. (4); 73 CIDE 4 

n. (30). 
secker, A. E. 407 (4); 362 (28). 
SE Jl. 333 (4); 428 (28). 

Ridley, H. CONS Ye T. L & Ramage, G. 


"S L sm. (12); s.m. (28); s." 

Rijgersmaa, H. E. s.n. (4). 

Riley, L. A E 125 


o, Jardim Botanico de 47482 

(8); 21835; série 4). 

itter, —,. 30). 

Robert, A. s.m. (26). 

Roig, J. T. 1733 (8); 65 (18); 3 (19). 

Rojas, T. 175 (3 

Rose, J. N. 1575, 14032, 14622, 14680, 
dane (3); 3515, 4054 $9 

Rose Painter, J. H., & Rose, J. S. 

930 5 (3). 
Rose, 1 N., Standley, P. C., & Russell, P. 
G. 14280 As MÀ 
Ross, G. B. s.s. (3). 
Kee? w- Y. & H. E. 123, 124 (3). 
MM. V. D 
ugel, F. ech (3); 751 (27). 
Rusby, H. H. 2388, 2389 (8). 

r ie la s.n. (3); 414, 815 (19); 
S. n. 

Saint H A. de b? 197 (23). 

Salas, G. 363 (3). 

Sargent, F. H. 195 (4); 522 (28). 


Schiffino, J. 126, 160 (28). 

Schomburgk, Robt. $91 (12). 

Schott, A. 431,851 (3); s. n. (4). 

Sellow, RS ERA S 

Sessé, M., Mociño, J. M., et al. 5066, 5067 

(3); 675, 1449 (28). 

Shafer, J. A. 173, 1647, 2847, 2853, 2886, 

3 . 

Shimek, B. & Smith, GL 230 is 
sc? F. W. 74, 268 7M de (8); s. "t. 


Simmonds, H. G. 3). 

gier P. II HE Ze 05, 2806 (4); 1193, 
1193 bis, 2372, 3372; 3835, 5036, 5680 


Skutch, x d 3556 (32). 
Smith, Q L. sA, 127, 055 1336, 

Smith, H. H. 1905, 1906 (2); 1648, 1649, 


Srivatsava, G. S. na (3) 

Standish, M. s.n. [o 
E 1304, 3806, 8078, 
9376, 11306, Ga 14200, 
8374, 20402, 20601, 20783, 
21309, 21935, 

68829, 73654, 
78703, Josi (3); 20910, 120996, 6 

Steg , P. C. & Cha ae ; Km 1. 

Scaler p.c. diis a EH 

Standley, P. Valerio, R. 46663 
466689 (3) 

Stanford, L. R. 6938 (3). 

e ere, W. C. Se 9. 

cda M. 16 (3). 

ate ah 951, 981 (4); 702 (30). 

S M. 6164 > 9994, 7002 (4). 

: E 3). 

2 (2 s 
Steyermark, J. A. : x CH n ao 
50757, 51431, 5021 ( , 
(4); 47806 (8); 60022: (10); 57428 

Stork, H. E. 528, 3397 (3)- 


Stork, H. E., & Perso, W. J., & Beetle, 
A.A 8732 

SC? E. & Horton, ©. A 8606 (3). 
Sürngar, V. E.R 
Swartz, O. s.m. (3); sn, EOM 

Tamayo, F. T. 314 (3); 197 (8). 
Taylor, N. 449 (28). 

Thi — 1223 (3). 

Thompson, J. B. 284, 298 (4); 98, 803, 
$76. D). 

Tonduz, A. po 13940 (3). 

Triana, J. J. 

Trinidad Bot. aes 3570 (3)5:2772.(8); 

1931 (28). 

Tucker, —. 040 (8). 

Ule, E. 6805 (3); 7114 (9); 5174 (15); 
6256 (33). 

Underwood, L. M. & Earle, F. S. r30 (3). 

Underwood, L. M. & Griggs, R. F. 628 
(4); 460, 599 (28). 

Vahl, M. 5209 (28). 
Valerio, R. d DN 2320, 2399 (3). 
Vitas EIL 28): 
Van GER OR P 706, 908 (3); 673 

6 (3). 
Vogel, P. C. s (4); 1455 (8). 

[Vol. 43 _ 


Von Jacquemont s.n 
on Türckheim, H. 
3485 (28). 
Wawra, H. 

Weberbauer, A. (21). 
HA SS ans (26). 

1385 bis, 2692, 2831, 

; 130, I37 (2). 
Williams, L. O. 11189, 14070 (3); 10170 

Vilis L-O, 

& Molina, A. 12470, 
13266, 14680, 16760 (3). 
Wilson, P. des (3); 1345 (3 E 
len, & Seibert, 

Wright, C 2942 : E ); 2943, 2944 
(8); 1386, 2046 ds); 2947 pes ih, 
397, 400, 1383, 1384? (28). 

Wright, C., Perry, C. C., & Brummel, H. 
219, 407 (28). 

Wiillschaegel, H. e 342 (4). 

Wydler, H. 290 (28). 

Xavier, L. 103 (28). 

Yuncker, T. G., et al. 8078, 8655 (3). 

Zaandam, —. 6885 (14). 

Zainum, J. B., Molina, A., & Barkley, F. A. 

II5 (8) . 
Zanna Gutia, —. 

5272 (3). 






6. blescbeti A DG. 
7. mollis S. Moore 
8. ligustrina R. & S 


type indicates accepted, preéxisting names; 
^ E und subgeneric categories are in CAPIT 


21. andina Mgf. 

weddelliene- Muel. Ted. 
27. steyermarkii Woo 

2 : 
34. sellowii Muel.-Arg. 


Huercki ia 



biauriculata REO OIN OIN CU 

boliviana — — — ——— ——— 

pueda NE EE 

flexuosa — — ————— 

var. glabra  ————————— 


italics indicates synonoms; bold face 


[Vol. 43, 1956] 


petaphsda — — 5 ee 314 
polyphylla ` — 306 
var. connivens __ 306 

var. divergens 306 
aecox 343 
bata 291 
pubescens 347 
purpurascens 340 
Sect. RAUVOLFIA 281 
rhonhofia 347 
salicifolia TIR 
sanctorum 325 
sara piquen sis 342 
schulei 215921 
sellowii Baur. 
sessilifolia 330 
inosa _. 347 

cel Se 
stenophylla 347 
steyermarki oe 
strem pelioides C SA7 
subpubescen 285 
ternifo. a 299 
Ser. TERNIFOLIAR ..— ——— 499 
tetraphylla AE 7 A 
Ser. ease EE 281 
tomentos Eco ue ue 
Klee 291 
weddelliana —— — |; 5209 330 
wood ix cR TL TI ARE 
Rauwolfia ON 
Rerwolüs  — =a o o 279 
Strempeliopsis strempelioides --------------—-- 47 
Tabernaemontan eeN E 347 
Tondurza longifolia — — .—— Sua 347 
Vallesia dichotoma -ae = 347 

ADDENDUM: To the list of Beie Species" on p. 

Reuvolfia brasiliensis Spreng 


346 add: 
Due to insufficient ere both 

A. DeCandolle and Mueller- Ate have. also treated this as a dubious specie 


Historical illustrations of Rauvolfia (see page 255) 

pu t. 

Plate 236 from Burmann's edition of Plumier's 'Plant. Amer. Gen.' 


Fig. 2. Illustration of R. tomentosa from Jacquin (Obs. Bot. pl. 36. 1763). 

Ehret's drawing of a plant in the Chelsea Garden on which Linnaeus based 

Fig. 3 
his R. tetraphylla. 

Fig. 4. Patrick Browne's illustration of R. canescens in the Linnean Herbarium. 

ANN. Mo. Bor. Ganp., Vor. 43, 1956 P 3 

` qm A 
$ G: y + RIA a 

S Aaivelfie tomentosa 





Emeritus Director 
Grorce T. MOORE 


Mycologist of Herbarium 
ior ds m Honorary c M sociate 
HENRY N. ANDREWS, Dendrologist ; 
Faléohotanist Arce F. TRYON, 
Rorra M. TrYO R x 
Assistant Gerster ‘of the Ion D. Dwyer, 
Herbarium Research Associate 
Hoer C. CUTLER, E Next C. HORNER, 
Curator Museum of Librarian and Editor 
Economic Piants of Publications 
Business Manag 

Second. Vice-President 
Eucene PETTUS 
Leicester B. FAUST - 


Volume XLIII Number 4 

E. Annals 
mi | | ef the s; e 

.. Missouri Botanical | 

of the 
Missouri Botanical Garden 

A Quarterly Journal containing Scientific Contributions from the 
Missouri Botanical Garden and the Henry Shaw School of Botany of 
Washington University in affiliation with the Missouri Botancal 


"The ANNALS OF THE Missourr BOTANICAL GARDEN appears four times 
during the calendar year: February, May, September, and November. Four 
numbers constitute a volume. 

Subri ës E Zeng > per volume 
Single Numbers 0 each 

Contents of previous issues of the ANNALS or THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL 
-GARDEN are listed in the Agricultural Index, published by the H. W. Wilson 
Company. : 

of the 

Missouri Botanical Garden 

Vol. 43 NOVEMBER, 1956 No. 4 




The Devonian-Mississippian black shales of the east-central states have yielded 
in recent years a fossil flora that is remarkable in the unique and diversified nature 
of the plants. Within this broader area the New Albany shale of Kentucky and 
Indiana has produced an exceptional wealth of plant fossils. It is noteworthy that 
SO great a variety of plant groups has been described since the collections from 
this area and horizon are not abundant. Few, if any, of the plants composing the 
flora are known with a completeness that is in any way satisfactory, yet in spite of 
the fragmentary nature of the specimens, they reveal plants that are novel in their 
morphology and anatomy and disclose major taxonomic groups hitherto unknown. 
The additional fact that several competent paleobotanists have not found it pos- 
sible to agree on the affinities of certain constituents of the flora is indicative of 
its exotic nature. 

It is the purpose of the present paper to record a distinctive and particularly 
problematical new member of the flora from a locality in Kentucky. In view of 
its perplexing taxonomic status a discussion follows (Part 2) dealing generally 
with some of the problems of the evolution of land plants which seem to be 
inextricably related to the particular problem of our fossil’s affinity. 

The geology of the New Albany shale has been dealt with in the comprehensive 
study by Campbell (1946) and the fossil plants of the area with which we are 
Concerned have been described by Read and Campbell and by Hoskins and Cross. 
It seems unnecessary to review these previous paleobotanical studies although we 

* The publicatión-of this investigation was aided by a grant from the National Science Foundation. 
** Henry Shaw School of Botany of Washington University. St. Louis, Mo. 
ued December 22, 1956. (355) 

[Vol. 43 

have included in the "Literature Cited" section a fairly complete list of the con- 
tributions on the subject. 

The reader will perhaps agree, if from only a casual glance at the illustrations, 
that a few additional words of introduction may be justified. Our study of this 
fossil has proven to be a fascinating if somewhat precarious venture; fascinating 
in that it is anatomically the most unique fossil that has ever come into this 
laboratory, and precarious in that its affinities remain, at the conclusion of our 
studies, quite uncertain. Suggestions are offered on later pages concerning its 
possible position in the plant kingdom, but, quite admittedly, these are speculative 
although we hope that these speculations may prove to be of some significance. 

It was evident from an initial inspection of the fossils that the cellular organi- 
zation was highly unique, so much so in fact that consideration was given to the 
possibility that it was of animal origin. However, detailed studies of the cellular 
structure have left no doubt as to its plant nature, and other botanists who have 
been kind enough to examine our preparations have agreed on this point. 
Description: — 

The following description is based on two specimens that were collected several 
years ago by Mr. Charles B. Read (U. S. Geological Survey) from the New Albany 
shale at a locality near Boston, Kentucky. . We are indebted to Dr. S. H. Mamay, 
who is in charge of the Geological Survey's Paleozoic plant collections, for kindly 
placing the two specimens in our hands for study. The specimens and all figured 
slides are now preserved in the collections of the U. S. National Museum. 

Since the two specimens are very nearly identical in size and form and 
the surfaces revealed, under low magnification, apparently identical anatomical 

— aid 

Tp SS 


-fig. 1. Puen profile through xt-fig. 2. Longitudinal section through 
eran U.S.N.M. No. 40 Gu? showing Zog ern axis showing the stratified or- 
surfaces from whic thin tions were ganization of the fossil. Strands are shown 
ami in black. 


structure, only one (No. 40797) was used in the preparation of thin sections. 
Later it proved to be necessary to make a longitudinal cut through the second 
specimen (No. 40798) and a study of this left no doubt as to the validity of the 
original supposition that both represent the same species. 

The specimens are conical (pl 4, fig. 1) being about 12 cm. tall, and the 
diameters of the more or less oval base measure approximately 5.5 by 11.5 cm. 
Externally the specimens are of a light grayish color, irregularly but not deeply 
pitted. The irregularly broken aspect of their basal structure suggests that we are 
dealing with the terminal portion of a trunk or branch of some sort. It may be 
noted, however, that the horizontal orientation of the supposedly conducting tissue 
offers some reason to believe that the specimens represent complete or nearly com- 
plete plants; this possibility will be discussed on a later page. 

Text-fig. 1 presents in profile the plan that was followed in studying specimen 
No. 40797. Numerous transverse and longitudinal sections were prepared from 
the A, B, C and D blocks, sufficient to insure a representative coverage of the 
internal structure. 

Although the preservation of the specimens is excellent the original plant 
material has been highly replaced by phosphate of the calcium-magnesium group. 
This lack of a sufficient mineral-organic differential, combined with the fact 
that the specimens are rather soft and porous, prevented the use of the peel tech- 
nique. No difficulty was encountered, however, in preparing ground thin sections. 
The blocks to be sectioned were allowed to stand in melted resin for a few minutes 
before affixing to the slide. The only particular caution found to be necessary 
Was very careful grinding in the last stages due to the softness of the petrifaction. 

The general organization of the fossil, which has been given the new generic 
name Crocalophyton is shown diagrammatically in text-figs. 2 and 3. The speci- 
mens are composed of but two tissues, one consisting of ray-like strands made up 
of transversely elongated cells, the strands being enclosed in a thick-walled, nearly 
isodiametric parenchyma. Whether the term parenchyma is appropriate may 
questioned; it is at least as fitting as any that we are aware of. The strands are 
shown in black in both figures. Text-fig. 3 is taken from the lower surface of 
the B1 block. The figure was prepared from four transverse sections taken from 
B1A, B1B, B1C and B1D as shown in text-fig. 1. After each section was photo- 
graphed, the strands were inked; the four photos were then pasted together and a 
tracing prepared of the entire cross-section. Text-fig. 2 is a diagram of the ar- 
rangment of the same tissue system in a median longitudinal surface; this was 
prepared from a free-hand sketch of the surface as it appeared under a binocular 
microscope. It may be noted that these figures are intended to show the approx- 
imate organization of the larger strands and that the photos should be relied upon 
for a precise portrayal of their structure and pattern of organization. 

[Vol. 43 

Text-fig. 3. General organization of the strands in transverse section prepared from the 
basal surface of the B 1 block. 

The Strands:— 

The term strand is applied to the highly unique ray-like tissue system 
of the fossil. The cells composing the strands are transversely elongate 
and pitted; they are presumed to have functioned as a radially con- 
ducting system and are tentatively thought to be a primitive tracheidal 
or sub-tracheidal cell type. 

In their organization the strands, as shown in text-fig. 3, tend to radiate from 
the central part of the specimen toward the periphery; this is, however, only a 
very general tendency. It will help to clarify the nature of this curious tissue if 
we glance next at fig. 3, which is a photograph of a representative portion of the 
cross-section. It shows an area of approximately 1.0 X 1.5 cm. considerably 
enlarged. A comparison of this with text-fig. 3 reveals the fact that the latter 
does not include the numerous smaller strands that occur in many parts of the 

There are few strand terminations in the central part of the fossil although 
occasionally the smaller ones end blindly. They form for the most part a continuous 
and hiehly complex anastomosing system; a few continue to the extreme periphery 
of the fossil and some end abruptly within a few millimeters of the periphery. 

The strands vary from one to nine cells wide and are vertically elongate sheet 
or ray-like structures. One must, as in the case of wood rays, observe tangential 
and radial sections in order to acquire an understanding of their 5-dimensional 
structure. While they present a superficial similarity to the wood rays of a conifer 
or dicotyledon it is evident from text-fig. 3 and fig. 5 that they are by no means 
comparably oriented, 

Referring to fig. 3 (pl. 4) it will be noted that two lines have been drawn in 
the lower right portion of the photo. When a longitudinal section is prepared in 
the “A-A” plane (referred to as tangential) the rays appear as shown in fig. 4 (an 


appreciably higher magnification than fig. 3) ; and longitudinal sections prepared 
in the “B-B” plane (referred to as radial) reveal the rays as shown in fig. 5. 

The strands are about 1 cm. high and, as shown in the longitudinal profile 
(text-fig. 2), they are distinctly stratified. Thus a transverse section taken 
between the strand areas will reveal no strands. Most of them terminate blindly 
although a few continue to the periphery of the specimen (text-fig. 3). The tor- 
tuous pattern of the strands is emphasized in fig. 2 (and parts of fig. 3) where 
they present a circular pattern in transverse view. 

There is no externally delimiting tissue. The only evidence which suggests 
that the original surface of the fossil is intact is the close similarity of the two 
specimens. It is of course possible that some outer tissue or tissues was lost prior 
to fossilization. 

Detailed Structure of the Strands:— 

Any transverse section (figs. 3, 6, 7) clearly reveals the variation in the width 
of the strands which may take place within a few millimeters due to the anasto- 
mosing pattern of this tissue and to the frequent intercalation of parenchyma cells. 

Text-fig. 4. Representative portions from 
several strands showing shape of strand cells. 

One of the most striking characteristics of the strands is the órganization of the 
cells in very nearly perfect vertical rows; this is clearly shown in tangential 
sections (fig. 4). The cells are transversely elongate, their length appearing to be 
extremely variable. In tangential view the strand cells are approximately square, 
being 38 p in diameter, while their length, as observed in cross-section (figs. 6, 7), 
varies between 105 and 230 p. Some cells, however, have been followed for a 
considerably greater distance without any evidence ef terminations, but where 
they have been observed they are for the most part transverse. Representative 
Portions of strands are shown in text-fig. 4 where figures A, B and E were drawn 

[Vol 43 

from strands in transverse section and figures C and D from radial sections. While 
some of the cells possess a tapering end, transverse or only slightly oblique end 
walls are more usual. 

he pitting in the strand cells is particularly interesting. In our initial suite 
of slides many of the cells displayed obscure striations that were suggestive of 
some sort of wall sculpturing but it was not until several radial sections were 
examined with considerable care that clearly defined pits were found. Knowing 
then what to look for they were found in several slides and we are reasonably 
confident that the pitting is uniform on both the transverse and radial walls of 
most or all of the strand cells. In fig. 5a and 5b are shown portions of two par- 
ticularly well-preserved strand cells in radial view, and the structures which are 
interpreted as pits appear in two rows wherever they have been observed with 
clarity. Text-fig. 5 shows pitting in cells from two selected areas. No indication 


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xt-fig. 5. Pitting in the "radial" 
S bei SÉ strand cells. 

of a border has been noted and the slightly angular outline renders them somewhat 
distinct from the bordered pits of most vascular plants. 
The Parencbyma:— 

The only cell type other than the strand cells is the tissue enclosing the strand 
cells which has been referred to as parenchyma. This consists of cells which are 
variable only within rather narrow limits and are for the most part isodiametric; 
rarely are these cells more than twice as long as broad. A representative portion 
of the parenchyma is shown in fig. 10. The transverse diameter of the parenchyma 
cells (fig. 10), based on measurements of 140 cells, was found to vary between 


45 and 122 y, with an average of 80 p; in longitudinal view (fig. 9) their length, 
based on measurements of 70 cells, varies from 52 to 165 p, with an average of 
100 p. 

The above figures are based on what is termed, as a matter of convenience, 
"ordinary" parenchyma, referring to the relatively large areas where the paren- 
chyma is not associated intimately with the strands (fig. 3) or with the purely 
parenchymatous “inter-strand” portions of the specimen (text-fig. 2). The paren- 
chyma between closely associated strands consists of cells that are slightly elongated 
vertically and arranged in regular rows, assuming an organization comparable with 
that of the strand cells. Fig. 11 shows a representative portion of such paren- 
chyma between two strands appearing at the extreme left and right edges of the 
photo. Parenchyma cells in such areas also may show a tendency to be elongated 
transversely; this is evident between some of the strands illustrated in fig. 3. 

Aside from these structural variations, which certainly are not extreme when 
compared with the generally bizarre characteristics of the fossil, there is no evidence 
to suggest any appreciable differences in the functional nature of the tissue. 

The walls of the parenchyma cells are rather thick, being approximately 6-7 p. 
This character may appear exaggerated due to the difficulty of distinguishing, in 
the photos, between the actual cell wall and the mineral layer in the periphery 
of the lumen. 

Although we have stated that the parenchyma and strands constitute the only 
two cell types, one other structure may possibly be distinct, It may be noted that 
all of the photos which include any appreciable quantity of the fossil (figs. 3, 4, 
8) display open areas or apparent breaks. In a very few instances we have observed 
structures which suggest that some sort of secretory areas may be present. It is 
apparent, for example in fig. 12, that the central cells are in an advanced stage of 
disintegration but whether this cavity is a secretory structure or simply decay 
cannot be determined for sure. In only two or three cases we have observed that 
the parenchyma cells are radially aligned (fig. 13) in such areas. These are so 
few that it is problematical as to whether any significance can be attached to them. 

Tbe Ontogeny of Crocalophyton:— ; 

The arrangement of the strand cells and closely associated parenchyma in very 
nearly perfect vertical rows (figs. 4, 11) seems to imply meristematic activity of 
some sort. Judging from the characteristic alignment of these cells they were 
formed by an apical meristem which laid down, successively, the strand and inter- 
strand layers or, at an early stage in the plant’s development, several meristematic 
areas were differentiated. Whether the strands may be termed “xylary” is certainly 
debatable. The cells are perhaps best termed “pre-tracheidal”; they are elongate 
and pitted and probably served as conducting elements but the organization and 
orientation of the strands can only be said to be unique. ; 

If the argument presented in Part 2 is in any way valid the organization of the 
fossil is not as surprising as may at first appear. Meristematic activities are perhaps 

[Vol. 43 

more varied in plants than is generally realized, and it is more than likely that the 
algae, from which we suppose land vascular plants arose, experimented rather widely 
in this way and in some cases succeeded. 

Without necessarily implying a brown algal ancestry for any of the dominant 
pteridophytic groups of the Devonian it is difficult to study living representatives, 
such as Pterygophora with its stipe of radially aligned cells, “annual rings," and 
its trumpet cells (Smith, 1939), without visualizing tendencies that were used to 
advantage in the creation of a land flora. 

With reference to the habit of land vascular plants it is evident that xylary 
systems evolved along many different lines. Of particular interest here is Schizo- 
podium davidi (Harris, 1929) from the Devonian of Australia. It is described as 
having an outer wood zone "intermediate between primary and secondary wood", 
the tracheids being cubical, vertically elongate, radially elongate or tangentially 
elongate; and apparently not formed by a clearly defined cambial meristem. This 

"outer xylem" may be considered a fumbling attempt (probably one of many) of 
the plant to produce secondary wood. Crocalophyton may be looked upon as a 
plant in which a unique, and apparently unsuccessful, mode of meristematic activ- 
ity made its appearance. It is perhaps most aptly summarized in the words of one 
botanist who examined our illustrations, as a "kind of foolish experiment" that was 
involved in the evolution of land plants. 

Crocalophyton readi! gen. et sp. nov. 

Diagnosis of tbe Genus and Type Species: Conical-shaped structure, about 12 
cm. tall with a roughly oval base measuring approximately 5.5 X 11.5 cm.; 
stratified in a plane perpendicular to the long axis and consisting of strand- 
parenchyma bands alternating with parenchyma bands; strands about 1 cm. high, 
generally radiating from the center but forming a highly irregular system fre- 
quently branching and anastomosing and contorted to the extent of forming a 
loop, or series of loops, 1-9 cells wide (transverse), with the cells arranged in 
vertical rows; strand cells horizontally elongated with mostly transverse end walls 
and two rows of apparently simple pits in the longitudinal walls. 

Type specimen: United States National Museum, No. 40797. 

Locality: near Boston, Kentucky. 

Horizon: New Albany shale; Upper Devonian or lowermost Mississippian. 

Affinities: On the basis of our own observations and the opinions of specialists 

familiar with the various cryptogamic groups, Crocalophyton shows no evident 

relationship to any known thallophyte, bryophyte or pteridophyte. Since its affin- 
On the assumption that this was a plant that lived ina h a transitional between strictly 

aquatic or dry land, the be _ of the generic name is taken f Greek krokale, meaning 

h or seashore; the s c name is in recognition of Charles B. Read's studies of the New Albany 
shale plants. 


ities are so very vague we have felt that nothing is to be gained at the moment by 
setting up any new taxon such as a family or order. A more detailed consideration 
of the possible relationships of the fossil is included in Part 2. 



In his introduction to a consideration of the problems of Jurassic paleobotany 
Harris (1947) made the following comment: 

t of the “problems” of paleobotany are those questions which we feel we would like to 

be able to answer e: cannot because our knowledge is incomplete. Such problems are often 

ephemeral. In time some are answered; some are left aside by progress because they cease to 

bei interesting, or are ru realized to be meaningless; 

I would supplement this with a paleobotanical proverb that has been attributed to 
D. H. Scott, although most paleobotanists must have felt at one time or another, 
that: “fossil plants frequently create more problems than they solve". This is not 
intended as a facetious comment; it points to the great complexity and diversity 
of organization that existed in many groups and we are forcefully reminded on 
occasion of the necessity of altering our concepts of the lines of racial origin and 
development within a group. 

The problem of the origin of vascular plants has been with us for a long time; 

it is not one of the ephemeral ones and if it is solved, at least in part, it will have 
proved to have been a multi-faceted problem involving development along several 
(or many) morphological lines. Many of us have become accustomed to look 
upon Rhynia as the primitive land plant; there is now concrete evidence to suggest 
that it is a primitive vascular plant representing a particular line of pteridophytic 
evolution. In the following pages I should like to discuss what seems to me to 
the nature of the problem; this is essentially a review although it may possibly 
assist in clarifying the issues that are involved. The discussion is also aimed specifi- 
cally at the question as to just why Crocalophyton does not conform to any tax- 
onomic category in the plant kingdom. 
.. The structure of Crocalophyton is quite unlike that of any known alga. The 
possibility that it might be a member of the Phaeophyta was considered, but the 
organization of the strands could be correlated in no way with the anatomy of any 
brown alga. Several competent algologists have examined the illustrations and 
have readily agreed that the plant has no place in the algae. As to the vascular 
cryptogams there is equally little to choose from. Crocalophyton is unique in 
the ray-like organization of the strands with their radially elongated, pitted cells 
arranged in vertical rows. The pits show no evidence of a border, and the shape 
of the cells is not closely comparable with that of a tracheid. 

Thus, lacking any clues that might suggest affinities with a known group of 
Plants it can be considered only on its own merits. 

[Vol. 43 

On the supposition that the strands constitute a conducting tissue of sorts a 
guess may be made as to the plant's mode of life. The stratification of the strands, 
being separated by rather broad bands of distinctly non-conducting tissue (the 
parenchyma), combined with the radial elongation of the strand cells, would seem 
to imply that whatever transport capacity the strands served was primarily trans- 
verse rather than longitudinal. It is also unlikely that such a plant could have 
attained any great height if it existed in a strict land habitat. If we next assume 
that it lived submerged at a depth of as much as several fathoms, as do some of the 
Phaeophyta, the trunk might have attained a considerable length but in such a 
habitat it is difficult to understand why so profusely developed a conducting system 
was needed. Since plants do seemingly strange things that do not always conform 
with our understanding of their "needs", this possibility need not be entirely 
ruled out. 

If we postulate next an intermediate habitat, approximately in the tidal zone,” 
a possible case for the strands may be made. A relatively short but stout trunk 
attached to the rocks between low and high tide marks, and perhaps even somewhat 
beyond the latter, lacking a root system or any other specialized organ of water 
intake, would necessarily have to depend upon the absorption of water by the 
surface of the trunk. Assuming a fairly strong absorption capacity for the exterior 
surface the strand system could have readily conducted the water throughout the 

The assumption that Crocalophyton is a primitive semi-land plant, yet can be 
assigned to no living or fossil group, would seem to call for further explanation. 
Two general problems may have some real bearing on the subject. The first is the 
gap that exists between the earliest land vascular plants and the algae from which 
they are presumed to have evolved. The second, and I believe correlative, problem 
is the evolutionary pattern that exists in any major group of plants, Briefly, 
the concept that I wish to explore is that any large group (lycopods, articulates, 
“ferns”, psilophytes, etc.) is highly polyphyletic and the transitional members 
between it and the group(s) above it, if it so evolved, may be expected to be 
correspondingly varied. 

As a starting point, a few comments might be made on the origin of the algae 
as well as their pre-Paleozoic and early Paleozoic record. The earliest record of 
structurally preserved thallophytes is that reported by Tyler and Barghoorn (1954) 
wherein they describe fossils that are tentatively assigned to the blue green algae 
and “simple fungi” from rocks in southern Ontario that are dated as being in the 
ZE of 1300 million years and possibly much older. These authors note that, 
“Since the pre-Cambrian flora with which we are dealing comes from near the base 
of the Gunflint formation, it seems likely that age may approach 2 billion years.” 

? It has been called to my attention that the present discussion implies an origin of land vascular 
plants from marine algae. I wish to acknowledge this criticism and indicate that the evolution of 
D $b . + tionally 

hina plants from plants of fresh water habitats or waters of varying salinity is not inten 


Another recent contribution suggests an even greater age for the algae. In 
1941 Macgregor described supposed algal remains from Rhodesia in rocks which 
have been dated as "at least 2,600 million years" and possibly in excess of 2,700 
million years. Since they are not structurally preserved I feel that a considerable 
element of doubt surrounds these Rhodesian algae; so far as I am aware, the Tyler 
and Barghoorn report gives us the oldest authentic date of a structurally preserved 
plant on the earth. 

Before returning to the algae, for the purpose of my argument, a few words on 
the earliest records of vascular plants will be interpolated here. The earliest un- 
questioned record of such a flora is the mid-Silurian one (Baragwanathia, etc.) 
described by Cookson and Lang from Australia. It is evident that these plants 
were separated by a broad gulf of evolution from any algal ancestors. 

Recently Krishtofovich (1953) has reported a supposed lycopodiaceous plant 
from the Middle Cambrian of the Aldan Mountain range in Siberia. The plant 
remains were associated with trilobites (believed to correspond to the Paradoxides 
forchhammeri zone of Western Europe) and according to the author, “Conse- 
quently the geological age of the find constitutes no doubt whatever.” 

Krishtofovich’s Aldanophyton antiquissimum is represented by shoots up to 13 
mm. wide and 8.5 cm. long which are covered with microphyllous leaves up to 
9 mm. in length. "In places a thin rod-conducting bundle may be traced as far 
as the base of the enations (leaves)”. Comparison is drawn with other early 
lycopods such as Drepanophycus and Baragwanathia although sporangia were not 
found in Aldanaphyton. 

There have been several accounts of spores from the Cambrian which are pur- 
ported to be those of land vascular plants. Several Indian investigators (Jacob 
et al., 1952, 53a, '53b) have described spores and wood fragments from the Middle 
and Upper Cambrian of Kashmir, Spiti, and other Indian localities. As many as 43 
different spore types are recorded including those referable to Equisetalean plants, 
“other primitive pteridophytes” and the Pteridospermae. These authors are insistent 
that their preparations are free of contamination and, although I am prepared to 
accept the existence of vascular plants in pre-Silurian times, the occurrence of the 
Pteridospermae in the Cambrian is a matter that will require more substantial proof. 
Naumova (1949) reports a considerable assemblage of spores from the lower 
Cambrian blue clay of the Estonia-Latvia-Lithuania area (details of locality are not 

Since the approximate date at which vascular plants first appeared has some 
bearing on this discussion the high degree of complexity that already existed in the 
lowermost Mississippian and Devonian seems significant. 

3 Although I have had access to the original publication it is in Russian with no summary SCH 
other language; I am indebted to Dr. Harlan P. Banks, who kindly supplied me with an English 

[Vol. 43 

Largely as a result of Florin's important contributions, we are particularly well 
informed on the evolution of the cordaite-conifer line and certain associated groups. 
With reference to the origin of this assemblage Florin (1949) notes: 

The Ginkgoinae, Cordaitinae, Coniferac and Taxinae undoubtedly belong to the same 
natural plant group of higher order, . . . but they constitute parallel evolutionary lines which 
probably were already separated from each other in Upper Devonian or Lower Carboniferous 
times. At all events, a clear differentiation can be seen as far back as the available fossil 
records go. [pp. 101-102]. 

Judging from its stem anatomy the well-known and widely distributed Devonian 
Callixylon is in all probability a coniferophyte and possibly a rather highly special- 
ized member of the group; the fact that it was a large forest tree would suggest 
that the coniferophytes may date back to an earlier period than the Devonian. 

It is also pertinent to note the early appearance of heterosporous ferns, specifi- 
cally Archaeopteris latifolia (Arnold, 1939) from the Upper Devonian (possibly 
upper Chadakoin) of Pennsylvania, and Stauropteris burntislandica (Surange, 
1952) from the Lower Carboniferous (Calciferous Sandstone series) of Pettycur, 
Scotland. Just how these plants fit into the general stream of "fern" evolution is 
problematical but there can be little doubt that they represent the culmination of 
a long period of evolution of land vascular plants. 

It is perhaps not surprising to find that the angiosperms are not to be excluded 
from this general retrenchment in time of so many major groups. Under the new 
binomial Sanmiguelia lewisi, Brown (1956) has reported leaves from the Dolores 
formation (Middle to Late Triassic) of Colorado. They are alternate, large, 
pleated, monocotyledonous, and closely resemble those of a palm. If this apparent 
relationship is correct Sanmiguelia is the earliest angiosperm on record and suggests 
a Paleozoic origin for the group. 

In view of the evidence, direct and indirect, cited above I do not find it difficult 
to accept land vascular plants in the Cambrian as a possibility or even a probability. 

Next to be considered is the status of the algae during the approximate time 
when plants were becoming established on the land. A few records based on fairly 
well-preserved plants indicate the presence of several modern groups of algae in the 
Devonian. These include smaller algae referable to the Chroococcaceae, Ulotricha- 
ceae and Desmidiaceae from the Onondaga chert of New York (Bashnagel, 1942); 
Charophyta from the Lower Devonian Downtonian beds (Croft, 1952) of west 
Podolia (borders of Poland and Russia) ; fossils referable to the brown and red algae 
from New York (Fry and Banks, 1955) ; and the remarkable fungi and algae from 
the Rhynie chert (Kidston and Lang, 1921). There is abundant evidence that such 
diversity, comparable with that of today, existed long before the Devonian—Fenton 
(1946); Fenton and Fenton (1939); Johnson (in Smith, 1951); Pia (in Hirmer, 
1927); Walcott (1919), and numerous other references cited by them. 

The vast period of time that the algae existed prior to the advent of land 
plants, even assuming their existence in the Cambrian, is somewhat startling. In a 


chart* recently prepared by the U. S. Geological Survey the beginning of Cambrian 
time dates back 520 million years and the mid-Silurian about 340 million years. 

Accepting the mid-Silurian "Baragwanatbia flora” as the oldest authentic record 
of vascular plants and subtracting this (340 million years) from the figures of 
Holmes or Tyler and Barghoorn cited above we find the algae existed from 960 to 
1360 million years before the advent of land vascular plants. If we accept Krishto- 
fovich's report of a Siberian lycopod from the Cambrian the figures are decreased by 
another 100 to 200 million years, but we are still faced with the apparent possi- 
bility that the algae existed for one billion years before migration to the land was 

Unless land vascular plants did evolve much earlier than mid-Silurian times, 
and by “much earlier” I imply at least several hundred million years, the obvious 
and baffling question is why was the transition from an aquatic to a land habitat 
so long delayed? This query is not a new one, and I allude to it only to present 
two theories that may constitute a fresh approach whether or not they 
contribute to the solution: One, that there existed prior to Silurian (or Cam- 
brian?) times environmental conditions that rendered the transition difficult or 
impossible. Two, that there was a great diversity of plant form involved in the 
transition and that plants of the Rhynia type represent a successful arrival in but 
one of many different lines that made the try. 

As to the environmental factor, I have been intrigued with a suggestion by 
Rachel Carson in “The Sea Around Us’. Assuming a closer proximity of the Moon 
to the Earth in pre-Paleozoic times she postulates that the action of the tides may 
have been vastly greater than at present creating a littoral zone, surrounding the 
oceans, of such turbulence as to render the landward migration impossible. There 
are obvious difficulties to accepting this as a significant explanation but it is at 
least thought-provoking. 

The second factor mentioned above, namely, the diversity of plant form that 
may have been involved in the sea-land transition, may have a real bearing on the 
taxonomic position of Crocalophyton. 

Evolution in certain major groups, such as the lycopods or articulates, has been 
a process of extreme polyphylesis once the basic morphology of the group was 
established. The guess may be hazarded for larger groups, such as the conifero- 
phytes or angiosperms, that they were polyphyletic from the start. The early land 
plants (excluding clearly defined representatives of the lycopods or articulates) 
present a highly complex assemblage; some may be justifiably classified as psilo- 
phytes while others do not fit with any degree of comfort into any major category 
and seem to imply a highly polyphyletic origin from the algae. 

Few writers of text-books now portray the “family tree” of the plant kingdom 

4 Prepared from the Report of the National Research Council, Committee on the Measurement of 
Geologic Time, 1949-50. iis 
5 See p. 158 of the original Oxford University Press edition. 

[Vol. 43 

as a great central trunk from which secondary branches progressively arise. Such 
diagrammatic representations of evolution have passed out of favor because the 
trunk of the tree failed to materialize, and I think it is clear that this failure was 
simply due to the fact that the trunk never existed. Although I suspect that this 
thesis could be successfully argued for any major group I will confine myself to 
plants with which I have some special interest and which bear on the problem of 

It is becoming apparent, even in non-paleobotanical circles, that the term 
"psilophyte" cannot be defined with any degree of precision. From the seemingly 
simple (one might say classical) example of Rhynia a considerable diversity of 
morphology is now known; this has been dealt with briefly but effectively by Miss 
Leclercq (1954). The complexity in stelar anatomy that exists in Devonian and 
lowermost Mississippian plants is perhaps not so well known. I refer particularly 
to the stelar pattern in Rhynia, Asteroxylon and the assemblage of more compli- 
cated forms including Pietzschia, Steloxylon, Siderella, Cladoxylon, Xenocladia, 
and Periastron. 

The problem of relationships among certain of these Devonian and Mississippian 
fossils is a perplexing one, but, since in some stems only anatomy is known while in 
others our information is more or less limited to the gross morphology, any postu- 
lated relationships are obviously tentative. It is, however, instructive to contrast 
the stelar anatomy of plants of the Rhynia type with the more complex polystelic 
fossils such as Steloxylon and Xenocladia. The fragment of the stem of Xeno- 
cladia described by Arnold (1952a) from the Middle Devonian of New York 
measures approximately 1 X 5 cm. in cross-section (suggesting a stem of about 10 
cm. diameter) and includes more than 40 steles. Several fragmentary specimens of 
Steloxylon have been collected from the New Albany shale, the largest of which are 
about 3 X 6 cm. and are composed of several dozens of steles. The contrast 
between plants of this sort and those possessing slender monostelic stems presents 
a deep and broad chasm to be spanned by any evolutionary bridge. It is possible 
that they may have originated from an earlier, indeed much earlier, common land 
plant ancestor but since there is no evidence to support this it seems at least equally 
reasonable to postulate separate ancestry prior to establishment of the land habit. 

Taking size and form relationships into consideration, if an early land plant 
were originally large we might expect to find either a large stelar unit or severa 
centers of stelar organization. 

Prototaxites is an example of an early (possibly land) plant with longitudinally 
aligned conducting cells throughout the trunk. This does not in any way imply 
a brown algal ancestry for the groups that were successful in accommodating 
themselves to the land habitat, but I believe it does present potentialities for a 
conducting system wholly different from the Rbynia type. 

Crocalophyton affords evidence that a plant of large diameter (as compared 
with the Rhynia type) did exist and it apparently possessed an extensive apical 


meristem of a somewhat indecisive character. Conducting cells that are “almost 
tracheids” were formed but in a very irregular fashion and apparently not con- 
stantly, as is evinced by the vertical stratification of "vascular" and non-vascular 
tissues. Briefly, it may be concluded that Crocalophyton is an early land plant 
wholly different from the classical Rhynia. 

We are accustomed to look upon Rhynia as “typical” or as a central type of the 
psilophytes; at least it seems to occupy this position in most general accounts and 
texts. I believe it occupies this position chiefly because of the excellence and com- 
pleteness of the preservation. What we do know to be a fact is that the early 
vascular plants were, by Devonian times and probably earlier, a highly complex 
assemblage. It would seem to follow that these plants were highly polyphyletic; 
they were radiating out in many directions a few of which became definable as 
lycopods, articulates, coenopterids, etc. There can be no doubt that we have only 
a fragmentary picture of this polyphyletic plan; discoveries of the future may or 
may not clarify the path followed by the more successful groups of the Carbonif- 
erous but they will certainly add to the complexity of the polyphylesis that is 
already evident. 

It seems clear that once a distinctive pattern of organization is established it 
may radiate in many directions, and there may or may not be a conspicuous channel 
which leads to another basic pattern. It is evident that the articulates and ferns 
(and I should think to a somewhat lesser degree the lycopods) diversified rapidly 
in many directions, although it would seem to be more difficult to define what we 
mean by a fern than an articulate because of a greater ang rot: in the former 

The degree of morphological diversity that has existed in the algae is enormous, 
and it is very likely that they were highly diversified in pre-Cambrian times. 
point, therefore, that I have attempted to lead to is that in all probability several 
(or many) groups of algae participated in the attempt to conquer the land. May 
we possibly explain the diversification of morphology and anatomy that exists in 
the early lycopods, articulates, the “psilophytes”, as well as the many that “do not 
fit" as representing numerous lines of evolution from the algae rather than just 
three or four? I believe this viewpoint receives support from other "groups 
plants that defy classification. I allude here to fossils such as Profosalvinia and 

Arnold (1954) notes: 

ition = äere? deen in the plant kingdom is unknown, but it had evolved 
being conn 

The posi 
vel [8] c rable t t of the lower bryophytes. . . ot cria ea 
xai Protosalvinia during Devonian time was a 

have underlined the word level. There subtle distinction between classing 4 plant as 
SE of the Bryophyta and saying that it has d that level. 

[Vol. 43 

With reference to Profofaxites, the relations of this curious plant have recently 
been reviewed by Arnold (1952b) in a contribution which includes a description 
of a beautifully preserved new species. Not only is the taxonomic position of 
Prototaxites very much in doubt but its habitat is as well; suggestions of various 
authors place it anywhere from the deep sea to a land habitat. 

As to Crocalophyton I can only conclude that it represents a curious effort, one 
of a great many, in the struggle to evolve a vascular flora. Very possibly it or its 
immediate descendants reached a dead end; at any rate it has no known contem- 
poraries with which it may be closely compared. 

Acknowled gement:— 

Because of the exceptional problems involved in the matters of anatomical 
interpretation. and the establishment of natural affinities we have called upon 
authorities in several fields for advice. Their suggestions have been most helpful 
and of not a little comfort although the authors assume responsibility for the 
tentative conclusions that have been reached. We are particularly indebted to: 
James M. Schopf, Charles J. Felix, Gilbert M. Smith, G. F. Papenfuss, and Johannes 
Proskauer. Special thanks are due Sergius H. Mamay for kindly placing the 
specimens in our hands for study and for assistance during the course of the 

Literature Cited: — 

Arnold, C. " Aog Petrified wood in the New Albany shale. Science 70:581— 
———————, (1939). Observations on fossil Pim from the Devonian of eastern Nd America. IV. 
mut Univ. a Mus. Paleont. 5:272-314. 
E Ibid. VI. Xenocladia che Arnold. Ibid. 9:297-309. 
,(1952b). A ren of Prototaxites from the Kettle Point black shale of Ontario. Palae- 
ontographics 93B:45—56. 
» (1954) Fosil. sporocarps of the genus Protosalvinia Dawson, with special reference to P. 
furcata (Dawson) comb. nov. Svensk Bot. Tidskrt. 48:292—300. 
Bonae RA A. (19 M M microfossils from the Onondaga chert of central New York. Buffalo 
Soc t. Sci, Bull. 173: 
Brown, Rus Went vie Palmlike plants from the Dolores formation (Triassic) in southwestern 
Colorado. U. S. Geol. Survey, Prof. P. Paper 274-H:205— 
Campbell, Guy (1946). New Albany shale. Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull. 57:829—908. 
Croft, W. H. (1952). A new perei (Charophyta) from the Downtonian of Podolia. Bull. 
Brit. Mus. br Hist., Geol. 1:1 
Cross, A. T., and J. H. Hoskins ( iS E Devonian-Mississippian transition flora of ms 
United States. Compte Rendu Trois. Conger. Strat. et Geol. Carb MUN Heerlen, pp. 113-122 
Darrah, W. C. (1937). Spores of Cambrian plants. Science 86:154—15 
Elkins, Sa uo G. R. Wieland (1914). Cordaitean wood from A Indiana black shale. Amer. 
ci :68—78 
Fenton, C. L. (1946). Algae of the Pre-Cambrian and early Paleczoic. Amer. Midl. Nat. 36:259- 

» and M. A. Fenton (1939). Pre Cambrian and Paleozoic algae. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 

50:89—126. : ^ 
Florin, R. ie i^ The morphology of Trichopitys heteromorpha Saporta, . . . Acta Horti Bergiani 
Fry, W. L., and H. P. Banks (1955). Three new genera of algae from the Upper Devonian of New 

York. Jour Paleont d 37-44. 

Ghosh, A. K., and A e (1955). Did vascular plants exist in Cambrian times? Nat. Inst. Sci. 

India (New Deli), Bull 7:298-303. 


Harris, T. M. (1929). poeseos davidi Ke ie e nov.—a new type of stem from the Devonian 
ocks of Australia. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lon :395-4 

————, (1947). The prob Kaes of pardos plc Bol. €— Geol. Portugal 6:1—32. 

Hirmer, M. (1927). Handbuch der Palaeobotanik. 

Holmes, A. (1954). The oldest dated minerals of the 0 shield. Nature 173:612-6 

Hoskins, J. H., and A. T. Cross (1951). is structure and classification of four plants Fon the 
New Albany shale Amer. Midl. Nat. 46:684—716. 

The petrification flora of the Devonian-Mississippian black shale. The 

Pal bereet Sé 215-238. 
coh, 2 C. Jacob, and R. N: —M atit: Evidence for the existence of vascular land 
plants in the Cambrian. Current 
(1953b). MAE nd tracheids ng vascular plants from the Vind- 
ben. system, India: The advent of vascular plants. Nature 172:166— 
Kidston, R., and W. H. Lang (1921). On Old Red sandstone Ens slowing structure, from the 
atm Pen bed, Aberdeenshire. Part V. The Thallophytes, etc. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 

Krishtofovich,. A. (1953). estu of Lycopodium (Lycopodiaceae) in the Cambrian deposits of 
iberia. E cad. Sci. U. S. SS R. 919:1377—1379. (Russian text) 

Ladd, H. S., and R Se: 956). Fossils lift the veil of time. Nat. Geog. Mag. 109:363-386. 

een. e (1954). ga aa psilophytes a starting or a resulting point? tnt Bot. Tidskr. 48: 

Macgregor, e? M. diei A pre-Cambrian algal limestone in southern Rhodesia. Trans. Geol. Soc. 
South Africa 43:9-15 
Tee C. N. (1949). _ (Spore of the Lower Cambrian.—in Russian]. Acad. Sci. U.R.S.S, Bull. 
r. No. 4, pp. 4 
Read, c. B. (1935). A Kee flora from Kentucky. Jour, Po 10:215—2 
» (1936). The flora of the New bad shale. Part tichnia Letzte a new repre- 
eol. Surv. Prof. ewe res H:149- 
1937 bue fora of de New nnda shale. Part 2. The ed Hr and their rela- 
tionships. U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper 186-E:81-91. 
* and G. C. Campbell (1939). Preliminary account of the New Albany shale flora. Amer. 
1 Nat. 21:435-453 
Smith PE e oe: The comparative histology of some of the Laminariales. Amer. Jour. Bot. 
Smith, = = SÉ : pi Manual - Phycology. Chronica Bot. Co. 375 pp. Waltham, Mass. 
Tyler, S. A., and E Barghoorn (1954). Occurre e =F structurally preserved plants in Pre- 
mbrian ay 3 the C Ca dn n shield. Science 119:6 
o K. R. (1952). e morphology of ee qoia Zeng P. Bertrand and its mega- 
rangium Se fateris R. Scott. Phil. London 237B:73-91. 
Valeo C. D. (1919). Cambrian geology and eent IV. E 5. Middle Cambrian algae. 
mithson. Misc. Coll. 675:217-260. 

[Vol. 43, 1956] 


Crocalophyton readi Andrews and Alt 
Fig. 1. Specimen No. 40798 (U.S.N.M.), approximately natural size. 

Fig. 2. Detail of transverse section showing looped form of strands. 23X. Slide 

All figured slides are preserved in the Paleobotanical collections of the Hee 
States National Museum. Slide numbers noted herein indicate the position from which they 
were prepared as indicated in text-fig. 1 

Ann. Mo. Bor. Garb., Vor. 43, 1956 PLATE 4 








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Ann. Mo. Bor. GARD., Vor. 43 

[Vol. 43, 1956] 


Crocalophyton readi Andrews and Alt 

ig. 3. Transverse view through a representative portion of a strand zone. Line A-A 
indica cates orientation of “tangential” section (see fig. 4); line B-B indicates orientation of 
“radial” section (see fig. 5). 14X. Slide B1C,b1. 

[Vol. 43, 1956] 


Crocalopbyton readi Andrews and Alt 
Fig. 4. Strands in tangential view. 40X. Slide A2-2, s2. 


Ann. Mo. Bor. Garp., Vor. 43, 1956 

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ANN. Mo. Bor. Garp., Vor. 43, 1956 





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[Vol. 43, 1956] 


Crocalophyton readi Andrews and Alt 
Fig. 5. Strands in radial view. 32X. Slide A2-1, st. 
ag 5A, 5B. Pitting in radial walls of strand cells. About 600X. Slide A2-1, s2. 

ES, 6, 7. Detail of strands in transverse section. 75X: fig. 6, Slide B1-B, b1; fig. 7, 
Slide. ree tl. 

[Vol. 43, 1956] 


Crocalopbyton readi Andrews and Alt 

Fig. Longitudinal view showing occasional distortion of the normal “radial” align- 
ment of strands. 34X. Slide A2-2, s2. 

Aun. Mo. Bor. Garp., Vor. 43, 1956 PLATE 8 

a 5 antes 



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ANN. Mo. Bor. GARD., Vor. 43 

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[Vol. 43, 1956] 


Crocalopbyton readi Andrews and Alt 
Fig. 9. Parenchyma in longitudinal section. 100X. Slide A2-2, t2. 
Fig. 10. Parenchyma in transverse section. 100X. Slide A2-2, t2. 

Fig. 11. Parenchyma associated with strands; tangential section. 100X. Slide Dy, s1. 

[Vol. 43, 1956] 



Crocalopbyton readi Andrews and Alt 
Areas possibly of a secretory nature. For further explanation see text. 
Fig. 12. 77X. Slide DY, bi. 
Fig. 13. 27X. Slide B1-B, b2. 

ANN. Mo. Bor. Garp., Vor. 43, 1956 






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Considerable interest has been centered in the Carboniferous genus Ankyropteris 
Since it presents, so far as I am aware, the earliest known instance of axillary 
branching. A comprehensive understanding of the genus may be gained from the 
works of Scott (1912), Holden (1930), Read (1938), Baxter (1951) and others 
cited in these papers. It is the purpose of this note to supplement the description 
of A. glabra Baxter (1951) with particular reference to the nodal anatomy. 

The specimen of A. glabra described here was found in the same collection of 
coal balls from which Baxter obtained the type specimen,— the Indiana No. 5 coal 
about 10 miles north of Booneville, Indiana. This species was delimited from pre- 
viously described species of Ankyropteris on the basis of the lack of multicellular 
bairs and the origin of the axillary branch from the stem above the point of 
departure of the leaf trace. When compared with conceivably related species I 
believe the difference is actually more clear cut. In A. grayi Scott, for example, 
the stele is much more angular, the central mixed pith is more conspicuous, and the 
trace at the point of departure from the stem stele is triangular, being quite in 
contrast to the more or less round (in transverse section) trace of A. glabra. Sim- 
ilar differences clearly delimit A. glabra from A. corrugata (Holden, 1930). 

On the basis of the type specimen Baxter pointed out that in A. glabra the 
petiole ( phyllophore) trace departs from the stem before the axillary stele, the 
atter remaining attached to the stem stele for another centimeter. In contrast 
to this, in A. grayi a single triangular trace departs from the stem stele and then 
divides into two, one trace becoming differentiated into the petiole trace and the 
other into the axillary branch trace. 

The specimen under consideration consists of a stem about 12 cm. long bearing 
the basal portion of two petioles and associated branches. The internodal distance 
is 7 cm., corresponding to that cited for the type specimen. Since the anatomy of 
the two nodes differs somewhat from each other as well as from the type specimen 

it may be convenient to consider them separately. 

Node 1.—The node is identified by the departure from the stem stele of a 
strand or “common trace” (pl. 11, figs. 1, 2) that is of essentially the same or- 
ganization as the stem stele itself, differing only in its smaller size. It is not until 
this is distinctly separate (fig. 3) that it shows evidence of differentiating into a 
leaf trace and an axillary branch stele. In fig. 4 the two are separate, the leaf trace 
being a slender, tangentially elongated strand and the axillary branch trace being 
more or less circular in transverse section. The leaf trace next divides into two 
essentially equal strands one of which passes off to the right, as shown in fig. 5, 

* Henry Shaw School of Botany of Washington University. St. Louis, Mo. 

Issued December 22, 1 (379) 

; [Vol. 43 

and the other presumably develops into the main petiole strand, although preserva- 
tion beyond this point is very poor. The significance of this early division of the 
petiole trace is not clear. It may possibly be interpreted as a dichotomy of the 
rachis, as is known in certain of the sphenopterid fronds and in Telangium affine. 

Node 2.—The departure of the common trace at first follows the same pattern 
described above; that is, it separates from the stem stele and then becomes differ- 
entiated into an axillary branch stele and petiole trace (fig. 6). The latter, starting 
as a tangentially elongated bar, develops into the characteristic H-shaped Ankyrop- 
teris leaf (phyllophore) trace (fig. 7). 

It is then apparent that the xylary nodal structure presented by this specimen 
compares more closely with that described for A. grayi Scott than for A. glabra 
Baxter. Since the specimen described here was obtained from the same coal ball 
collection from which Baxter obtained A. glabra and the two compare closely in 
every other way, there was apparently a certain degree of variation in the nodal 
anatomy. Since this difference, although of considerable anatomical interest, is not 
sufficient to warrant a distinct specific entity, it seems desirable to emend Baxter's 
specific diagnosis: 

ANKYROPTERIS GLABRA Baxter, emend. Andrews. 

Stem oval in transverse section, approximately 14 X 9 mm.; stele 5-lobed, 
consisting of very narrow discontinuous rays of small tracheidal cells surrounded 
by much larger tracheids. Cortex a narrow inner zone of thick-walled cells and a 
broad outer zone of thin-walled parenchyma; aphlebiae numerous; surface of plant 
glabrous. Petiole (phyllophore) trace of the di-upsilon type. Axillary branch 
stele arising either from the stem above the point of departure of the petiole trace 
or from the division of a common trace. 

Origin: Identical with that cited for the type specimen by Baxter (1951, p. 440). 

Literature Cited:— 

Baxter, Robert W. (1951). Amkyropteris glabra, a new American species of the Zygopteridaceae. 
Amer. Jour. Bot. 38:440—452. 

Holden, H. S. (1930). On the structure and affinities of Ankyropteris corrugata. Phil. Trans. Roy. 
. Lond. 218B:79-114, 

Read, C. B. (1938). A new fern from the Johns Valley shale of Oklahoma. Amer. Jour. Bot. 25: 

Scott, D. H. (1912). On a Palaeozoic fern, the Zygopteris Grayi of Williamson. Ann. Bot. 26:39- 

Ankyropteris glabra Baxter 
_ Figs. 1-5. Stages in the departure of a petiole trace and axillary branch in Node 1. 
Fig. 6. Stem stele, branch stele, and trace of Node 2. Fig. 7. Petiole trace at a slightly 
higher level than shown in fig. 6. Peel preparations as follows: fig. 1, 888 B-t16; fig. 2 
B-t4; fig. 3, C-b2; fig. 4, C-b6; fig. 5, C-b10; fig. 6, G-b6; fig. 7, G-b13. 

Ann. Mo. Bor. Garp., Vor. 43, 1956 PLATE 11 

Ki haer sei 
Vet oa 
\e "2 



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Through the kindness of Sir Edward Salisbury, Director of the Royal Botanic 
Gardens at Kew, I have had an opportunity to study a large accumulation of 
unnamed Tropical and South African lichens, of which nearly half belong in the 
genus Usmea. At about the same time I received a smaller collection from the 
East African Herbarium at Nairobi, Kenya, through the kindness of Dr. Bernard 
Verdcourt. I also wish to express my appreciation of the courtesies of Mr. 
Hamilton, then Acting Curator of the Herbarium of the Art Galleries of the 
Glasgow Corporation, for permission to study types in the Stirton Herbarium, and 
of Dr. John Ramsbottom and the late Miss Annie Lorrain Smith at the British 
Museum, during my stay in these institutions while a John Simon Guggenheim 
Memorial Foundation fellow in 1930. I am also indebted to Dr. I. Mackenzie Lamb 

or permission to study specimens at the Farlow Herbarium, and to Dr. Ove Alm- 
born for a few African specimens. 

Most of the species previously reported by Motyka! were represented in these 
collections as well as several previously undescribed species. On microscopic study, 
I have transferred a few of Motyka's species to other sections or subsections and 
have rewritten my key? to include the new species. Wherever there might be 
ambiguity, as when a species is somewhat intermediate between sections, I have 
included it in both. Since some of the South African species also occur in Tropical 
Africa and the present collections contain some material from South Africa and 
Madagascar, I have also included species reported by Motyka from those regions, 
i. e. all species of the African continent and of the adjacent islands south of 15° 
N. latitude. 

Where I have seen specimens, the colors are recorded from comparison with 
Ridgway (Color standards and color nomenclature. 44 pp. 53 pl. Washington, 
D. C. 1912). Measurements of the cortex, algal layer, medulla, and axis should 
nOt be taken too literally, as proportions of these parts are more constant in a 
given species than the absolute measurements, It should also be remembered that 
the thickness of the medulla as given by Motyka includes the algal layer as well 
as the medulla proper. In groups with a thick medulla, the thickness of the algal 

1 ` ` ; i k i 1936-3 

VE Unocsin Miniont ad Lacum Tana er Sema a R. Pichi- 
anno 1937 lectae. cree = 83-404, GE E E ee EE Milos 
Florist. Geobot. 12:25—37. 1954. 

novae vel minus cognitae generis Usnea [1.]. Frag. S 
D Carroll W. Some lichens of Tropical Africa [I]. Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 40:271—401. 


* Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, Mo. 
Issued December 22, 1956. 


[Vol. 43 

layer does not make much difference in the final ratios of the medulla to cortex 
or axis, but it does in a few species with a thin medulla, as the algal layer shows 
less variation in thickness from species to species than the other structures. As 
far as possible transverse sections of a branch were made just above the first 
dichotomy or branch, or, if an articulate species, from the middle of the first joint 
above the first branch. If the basal portion of the plant were missing, I sectioned 
the basal end of the portion available. As apothecia are often few and apothecial 
structures are quite constant throughout the genus, I have seldom sectioned the 

The species numbers in the following key are those used in the present mono- 
graph to be continued in the next number of the Annars (Vol. 44, No. 1), and 
the new taxa herein described are numbered as in the key. 


. Algae osa — grayish green, sometimes drying yellowish, rigid, 
s 250-1150 u in diameter; medulla compact, usually thinner euer 


ie EE o o EE 

1. Algae Trebou eg 
2. Bs Geer nee a e spinules may grow out im situ as short pseudoramuli 

EE 3 

2. Thallus clearly ramulose and fertile; exciple reticulate-rugose; axis hollow... 7 

3. Apothecia present, i marinn cilia rare, distant; surface of the thallus ote aan 4 

3 A pochi absen EE 5 
4. Apo pem 0 mm. in diameter, almost eciliate; thallus not spinulose, up to 8 cm. tall; 

uua. Erde S Khoder . cervicornis Dodge 
4. Ads 3—5 (—6) mm. in diameter, cilia rare, short, subdistant; alte spinulose- 

isidiose SÉ small papillae; axis solid; corticole; S. Sudan and K EUR 

Phage Steiner 
5. Axis — Meine not eroded; thallus up to 8 cm. tall; soredia SO te, Vue on 

n pes t appearing farinose after iida a are shed; conical Uganda, Ze 
tal orediosula Müll. Arg. in Motyka 

Axis very slighely ee surface longitudinally erode E and so esoe angular, compose 

of interwoven strands es thick-walled hyphae; thallus 3—4 cm. tall; soralia 
» farinose, sotedia dark fuscous;: sario ii ensi tie 
5. Axis lacerate with many small de ics surface smooth; torte internodes short below and 
above, longer in mid-portion, tips recurved, surface minutely verrucose, each 
verruca producing a single isidium; both een and corticole; Kenya an 
(on ar seruis E dep MC IMMUNE ET 4. U. nutans Dodge 


. Axis hallow, loosely stuffed with brown hyphae; thallus branched near the base, ultimat 
nches 7 cm. long, densely isidiose-spinulose throughout; mass pube. 

EE pute e Dodge 
6. deer es or csi yellowing; thallus sparingly dichotomous, 4 cm. d 
; Southwest Africa U. Me eoensis (Vainio) Darb. 
6. Medalla K E Ka isses a dichotomous, 3 cm. tall, 0.5—0.7 n diameter 
uthwes U. seniors n (Vainio) Darb. 
7. Aporhecia up to ge mm. in decet enen ESCH along the ridges; geraden 
owded, 2 mm. long; disc white nose; ramuli dense t aleng 
a: dini TIN mc? a large cavity; oP we Us a ee gees Dodge 
ro hohe 5-7 (-10) mm. in diameter; exciple not ra ramulose; marginal e not een d, 
long; disc buify brown, n muli irregularly dis 

» i : ot prui 
m. hee axis 0.75 mm. in diameter, poc nic A narrow; saxicole; K 

Tan Liechte nsteinti ” Steiner 
8. Axis holes or sans stuffed in larger branches thecia ciliate, rarely eciliate; 
thallus smooth or papillate, not aie TAN Seats i isidiose. e Subg. EUMITRIA 4 

8. Axis solid, rarely somewhat lacerate or with a very narrow ek cavity. 

....Subg. EUUSNEA 2 


9. Thallus distinctly angled or at least with papillae in de rows 10 
3. e: s terete, not an ngled nor with papillae in dense Fos, EE 11 
lus olive green, 2- to ege Sen? d; cortex continuous, larger ramuli smooth; soredia 

isidiose along ridges beu the rare dins coastal Kenya, Tanganyika. 
E ci d ee ea I JU. cristata Motyka 
10. me — te olive below, shading through Isabella color to chamois above; 
reolat KS — ramuli foveolate, sparsely papillate below; EE "à 

Sé qa mm. in diameter, exciple smooth or papillate with geen id ech mou 
RN 8. boragéeng e 
11. Cavity narrow, or axis lacerate and cavity more or less stuffed with Zeg SE 
1l. Cavity very wide and distinct, usua ally not sti Ee is 
12. Thallus ESCH piter: eg a pia irregular m inc SCH ES branches 
perpendicular, strai ee: r irre deu flexuous, tall, 2 mm. in diameter, 

tapering pisci ro to gen eg slightly tide deren Angola. 2; 

Vel witschiana EE 

iooth; .. S Dosis ord HUM AAA E Marc im t 
Lx Medalla. rose; ramuli long, slender, perpendicular, dense; apothecia 
iameter, teca alau: sec? flesh-color, marginal cilia few an nd e geg 
Bechuanaland, LCERATINAR), eseu U. MN Vainio 

13. pud whites press 4—5 mm. ees thick, sparse to dense, appres mea to the branches; 
ote b to 10 mm. in diameter, exciple and margin REP Kenya, Tangan- 

. U. Liecbtensteinii Steiner 


14. Thallus cams sorediose. ....... AAA O NP 
di A E 
15. Medulla pe qeda iod sely filled; thallus 20 cm. long; Congo, Kenya........-.--- U. elata MM. 
15. Medulla white, cavity densely filled with yellow hyphae; thallus 30 cm. long; ss pns. 
16. Soredia granulose, isidiose from E tubercles over the whole plant.............. ria Motyka 
16. Soredia on capitiform tubercles, mm. in diameter, mostly on the Zeie: branches. 
ee ad vdd EE U. s f. bisorediata Morro 
17. Thallus fertile, eg Sgr Ge EE, 
12 Thallus aale aire EE » 
18. Branches sli ira inflated; apothecia 7-10 (-15) mm. in ne iets exciple —_ 
papillate to e gl cilia rare; disc pruinose; medulla rose; Cameroons 
be frm y SUR 

18. po not dd: apothecia up to mm. 
ucose and venose-rugulose; deos cilia dst: de cinnamon; medulla white, 
ees ros S o 2. medio-efricans Dodge 
18. Branches not inflated; apothecia 1-2 mm. in diameter; exciple convex, smooth, mar- 
ginal cilia dos; disc carneous, hie pena m medulla white; i is de nana Dodge 

19, Thallus. i3 .2 mm. in diameter, r e below, nude above; St. Helena, 
iode and south to Réunion............—.—-- et U. E Ine ^Zahlbr. 
19. Thallus 2 sm. in diameter, ramulose throughout... dis 

in reenish ashy, la p e on tubercles, especially on the ramu 
U. B Bailey 1 “Morya 

20. Thallus remaini 
20. Thallus Les Mars ei wn to russet t with paler ramuli 
tuberc ingle minute isidia, not sorediose; teoria 
21. Thallus og or Posi spoil flaccid, base n ot blackened. pice diste cicer ATAE 22 
21. Thallus terete or an ually more rigid; base often Machine EE : 
22. Tha 


ite to pale S KR d 
22. Thallus darker colored, 9 cm. or less tall, somewhat fruti re but rat de accid....24 
23. Thallus white, green-punctate, 14 cm. long (incomplete), 1 1.5 mm. in diameter, summits 
es laceous; apothecia 2 mm. in diameter, lateral on ts branches, estat A 
Africa (AMABIL €: e de Uo s Mauer ee U. primitiva s 
23. Thallus Ee clay color, partly somewhat fuscous, 20-30 cm. long, not MAN 

h thecia and soredia unknown [ue 
immi oe eo aie "versicolor Motyka 

24. Thallus “fatt E 3c cm. 1. tall, 2 mm. in n diameter; aposhecia =p? to 2 E mm. in diam 
densely ciliate; Ethiopia... . U. complanata (Müll. re Moryka 

24. Thallus not distinctly flattened; SET EE EE 


[Vol. 43 

25. Thallus up to 12 cm. tall, 2 mm. in diameter, acutely rugose; Ethiopia to Tanganyika. 
16. U. corrugata wäi 

25. Thallus Pe cm. tall, not acutely rugose 
26. Branch bey ely -— ose; sor redia in farinose eege Ethiopia to Comoro Islands 
(see also f. ech cilia Motyka) U. pulverulenta (Müll. Arg.) Moryka 
26. Branches sparsely eg irregularly ramulose; b. idiom on low ridges, cortex = 
t€ branches not areolate; French Guinea, Angola to S. Africa, pers acu an 
Islands J. leprosa UM 
27. Thallus Sëch with pseudocyphellae but not papillate, inflated, (10—) 2 cm. lon 
ery la ART facul dE 28 
27. Thallus M or, if articulate, without pseudocyphellae, often fruticose, papillate, 
and ramul 

` Thala up to 60 c cm. lon . in diameter, pale stramineous; joints 4—10 2 o 
m. long, only slightly s ramuli 10 mm. long; isidiose on nee join 
others; Eritrea to Tanganyika 18. U. flav Vescehs Wen 
28$; TB db (10—) 25-60 cm. lo: ong, e ramulose or etai an occasional ENZ 
29. Leite" ze elevated, praia uous; thall gem e 
29. Pseud penis not elevated, rather inconspicuous; hallas usually fuscescent in the 
arium 31 
30. Thallus foveolate, 40-60 cm. lon, mm. in diameter; joints 5 (—10) mm. long; 
alon SS? idges; pale di *cephalodia" often present; — Somaliland 
19. U. praelonga Stirton 
30. Thallus Se up to 40 cm. long, 2 mm. in diameter, joints 0.3-20 mm = is 
apothecia 5 (-10) mm. in diameter, marginal cilia few; en aen Leone to 


U. psendocyphellata Motyka 
31. Thallus up to 30 cm. long, 2.5 mm. in diameter, relatively Cer? Geen up to 7 

long, curved; Sierra Leone to St. Helena 21: Ui pecli « Moryka 

sf. es 10-40 cm. lon 8» flaccid, joints 10-30 mm. long, nearly straight 
. Thallus smooth or only s slightly deformed eg 
o». Thallus foveate to 34 

. Thallus 15-25 cm. rat ze -4 mm. in diameter, stramineous or pale stramineo-fuscous; 
ecia 5-7 mm. in ta exciple smooth, marginal cilia dense cres long 

. Africa and Madagas U. fle Ka Stirton 
33. Thallus up to 60 cm. long, 1 up to mm. in diameter, lurid fuscous, summits long, capilla- 
ceous; apothecia rare, 2-4 mm. in diameter, exciple lacunose, a cilia pes 
but long; Kenya = Nyasaland, d Angola U. vesiculata Motyka 
33. Thallus 20 cm. long, 1 mm. in diameter, sepia, summits cream bu E joints soto ef 
inflated; RE and soredia unknown; Tanganyika to S. Africa ren: NE 
AMOENAE) Gen "Motyka 
33. Thallus KSE 10-15 cm. long, 0.5 mm. in diameter, summits emo a s Ses 
ose; Ethiopia to Tanganyika as: U. - inuta Motyka 
This boas to scrobiculate on ien? pa (25-30 X 4-5 mm.), smooth o 
maller joints (5-10 X 1-1.4 mm.) with small ice of isidioee sor soria on "p. ie er 
kenger iuri bud. ramuli 5 mm. gm on eg branches; corticole; 
opia and Kenya 24 o ve? Sex arii Dodge 

oo foveolate, pe fuscous, up to 20 cm. long, 
apillaceous; soredia pale sulfur eer N in ee d perar Kenya, ; Tan 
a and Con 25. U. terrestris "Motyka 
34. Thallus partly Seles to rugose on larger joints, not on pa 20 cm. long; jo: 

o 10 X 2 mm. alternating with short joints 0.3 mm. in diameter e SE 
uscous; no read quer no apothecia nor Sr “known; Kenya, 
ganyika ( RUBIGIN: abrir SCENS Stein) Motyka 

34. Thallus longitudinally rugose, lurid fuscous, up to Piae to 4 mm 
diam ameter, summits pes M, more densely had ed ire ipod eii 5m 
in diam eter, marginal cilia few; Et hiopia 26. U. rugosa a Moerka : 
` Thallus e either persistently stramineous, yellow soon becoming fuscous in the herbar- 
ium; cortex thin, papery, or, if thicker, very Keess gc H wale uiris and lax 
(o often relatively thinner and more com the STRAMINEAE, 
- Thallus ashy green, rarely red or, if stramineous, ‘hee papillate or Pe er Berens 
and very late fuscous in the herbari SE 
36. Thallus ridi iin ; elongate, rather flaccid, mostly more than 20 cm. long. 

36. Thallus short, under 15 cm. long, fruticose and usually more rigid..............—.... GLABRATAE 46 


37. Thallus samih pale yellow or pale ee subarticulate, usually eramulose; parte 

ery ly fertile in U. gracilis Ach OENAE 39 

37. Thallus st stramineous when fresh, soon Seen in the herbarium, abundantly E bu 58 
+ Thallu 41 
Thallus cialis rugose to ig ae sulcate ATAE 43 

39. has weg pale fuscous in the herbar in diameter; gun bs See? the 

in Senn K—; Ethiopia to epe ig "Madagascar to Rév 
SR: Zeg Ach, 
39. Thallus keng stramineous, 0.6 mm. cr less in diameter; medulla dier yide 

s, K red; Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda nioana s zai 
39. Thallus. E P rd in the herbarium, 1' mm. or more in diameter, more oar summit: 

aceous, medulla K— or yellow........... 

40. Ramuli p to small di in upper portions of the branches; joints Server 2 
ength, to 1.3 mm. in diameter, many inflated, clearly annula - me 
yellow; ri Helena and Fernando Dosser io cle ch 
40. Ramuli very rare or absent, not in clusters; thallus 1 mm. in diam Je jo 
1-3 (-10 m. long, not constricted nor siet less annulate; medulla 
Kenya to S. "Afri EE ap UE moniliformis docta 
41. Thallus rose or copper-rose, medulla K—, 30 cm. long, 2-3 (—4) mm. in diameter; i 
arly ramulose; no apothecia nor soredia known; saxiole Ethiopi iU. saxatilis Motyka 
41. Thallus bicai fuscous, sorediose, medulla x » alle ot ARS AD A AO 
42. Tha lus 1 m. long, 0.8 mm. i di tacts joints not constricted at crack 
pw opi diated Ste thick, gea continuous in cracks, K yeilow then 
ITY Dery, BEE E U. dasypogoides Nyl 
42. su a Ze cm. long, 2.5 mm. in diameter, soft, sober d articula Es 
surface indistinctly and minutely papillate; medulla K y then red; oom 
- Rodriguez, Comoro, — and S i. Ve tue . U. stram E Arg. 
42. Thallus 30—35 (—60?) mm . long, es up to 2 mm. in diameter below, 
capillaceous above, indistinctly geste dite with oblon ridses, eem 
lla ese apothecia rare, 2-3 mm. in cene omg slightly e 
th few marginal cilia; soredia on ramuli; Zeg Veg Ro anda and jme 
EEN exasperata (Mill. zen a 
43. Thallus Rasy Ve vi eg and CHERCHE are? Se cm mm. in diamet 
tely on some joints, eire y tips capillaceous, Rudy 
apothecia lateral on secondary 

br CANT ramuli pur but irregularly dis 
; Egypt be Ethiopia p vk Kenya 

1 m. 
capillaceous; a rare and i regul rly on e ¿e 
i i geg ve 
43. Thallus more than 55 cm. long, about 1.5 mm. in diameter, longitudinally Zeg 
ow, thin, tops farinose, not su ulcate between ridges; r: uE irre edt y disposed, up 
o 30 mm. long, tuberculate, forming isidiose Seat 


U. fusca Motyka 

34. U. derer p 

43. Thallus more angled and -— sulcate between ridges on larger branches. POUR UM 
43. Thallus art rticulate, r -fusc nating joints 2 mm. and very short; 0. j mm. 
oy , some joints or foveate, others smooth; no apothecia soredia 
a, Uganda, rs (RUBIGINEAE) +-.--0+-+--7 9s U. erubescens (Stein) Motyka 
ig restado thallus over 40 em. long, ac acutely angled and 

Ze rugose, dud de foveate between es; 

mm. long. i u , thick below with obtuse tips; apot 

known; isidiose soredia on tubercles od some ramuli; S ve TOES 

44. Branches 1.3 mm. or less in diameter; apothecia about 10 n diameter... 
45. Branches 1.3 mm. in eter, arpa up to 60 cm. cte eu pa and sulcate; 
ii Sg base thick, tips acute; summits ts densely 

ramuli irregularly cuore d g, base t > d: pare ci: 

EE nidi dd 

dic. U a to 
45. Braha 0.5 mm. in erc? er, Bac ieu 13 cm. long, ay diet Le 
uli disposed along the whole thallus, 3-10 mm =. itorm; 
angan ipe o Sout 3 Africa............ Se, 1 U. flactida Oral. o ign e Monks 
3 nedulla lax, Soe eg 
- Thallu "ssburicilee bebe ramulose; med x ëng e ramis me d 

[Vol. 43 

46. I with abundant spinules; medulla lax, fertile (also sorediose in U. zs 
tirt ton) CABRIDAE 56 

46. Thallus persistently yellow-stramineous, sorediate and sparingly fertile; SSC thick 

46. Thallus palei GE yellow (becoming fuscous in U. incrassata), sterile (fertile in U. 
s [LONGISSIMAE ] Bel ch m sg be referred here); medulla dense under 
Seng becoming lax near the axis; eramulose, SSEOLEUCAE 59 
47. Thallus eine m. long, minutely verrucose, sonieries mes with reticulate ridges, are er js 
nde appearance; eramulose (sometimes isidiose soredia develop im sifu bo 
dense clusters of pseudoramuli); terricole; Cameroons..................--- 39 U. erricola das 
47. Thallus vie 15 cm. tall, very indistinctly papillate, papillae cylindric; ramuli tae 
long, very slender; Tanganyika, Uganda and N. Rh SE 
40. U. on iip Glo? Arg.) Motyka 
47. Thallus up to 15 cm. tall, with distinct rugi but nearly terete; ramuli irregularly disposed, 
variable in length and thicker; Tanganyika, Sidi and Mada eiit 

U. usambarensis => 

47. lo Vues Aes much under 10 cm 
thallus 2.5 cm. tall, esu branched, persistently pale stramineous, 

dulla K— ; SSC isidiose in minute soralia; South Africa....... U. delicata Vainio 
a Your Seege dense 49 

49. “Thales 7-10 cm. tall, 2 (-2.5) mm. in diameter, fuscous; moe K red; soredia white 

o ye sii in tubercles; Congo to Cape of Good Hope............. : vob nn Laurer 
49. Thallus. KA to iS tall, 1-1.5 mm. in diameter, old gold to Tsabelline, sedili Ky 
Set. then fuscescent (red fuscous); soredia isidiose; ien cif 
Unida os Africa; Madagascar (U. pete Motyka, p. p.) 

3 0% jg brun Vainio 
49. Tu d cm. tall 1 mm. in diameter, fuscous; medulla K—; soredia in ven 
rcles Ven to Tanganyika 4 riw na Mocyks 
50. Thala 7e m. diameter, rose to coppe nals aed K 
tinctly yellowish fuscescent; soredia in slightly elevated oblong soralia; A Afric 
ES asii “Motyka 

50. Thallus up to To cm 

tall, 1.5 (- 2) mm. in diameter, ashy green to taw Lo 
.medulla K—; soredia io in LE hemispheric soralia, Kr ming "Rino 
eroons, Angola, and Uganda y; ie umanii i Motyka 
51. Branches vom cylindrie, Ken ee inflated; D di. up to 
diameter; Uga 46. U. s Mice Morii 
51. Branches GEES bed, more or less closely EE 
52; AM = indy pus gros ossly papi leie branches foveate and dE apotheci: 
spem r; Mauritius, Réunion, and South Africa........... U. fusc Seral Motyka 
Thallus s eerste papillate; spore = eh Jarger KEE in 7 iech Ste iod ud 53 
53. tz 3—5 cm. tall, olive fuscous in the herbarium; Apos JE. n diam 
xciple Ser marginal cilia Go ; Cameroons to South Africa..... i U. su ect Steiner 

S cou. go 
2 mm. in diameter, way olive wi ie cinnamon- “buff, See ram 
11-12 mm. in diameter, exciple minutely verrucose with sad ds dal 
an rm concrescent axis and ramuli; marginal cilia distant, Ade 
a 49 

53. Thallus. > cm. tall, 2 

. ble prod es Dodge 

53. Thallus SE cm. "t eg fuscous in the herbarium; apothecia 10-15 m 
mm. in = — sa Dag Gute ha ^ recat 

54. SEA upt 

hoi DOLO abundan allus . tall, u 
in diameter, dark few. ramuli E rare des irregularly dispos os 
Uganda GER (acta) KE 

54 pothecia up to 10 mm. in diameter 
55, Thallus Ru to 10 cm. tall, 2 mm. in diameter; exciple smooth to spinulose; Tanganyika 
Comoro Islands.. U. blepbarea Motyka 
55. Thallus. de 7 cm. long, 1 mm. in diameter; exciple smooth to fo Sa marginal < ilia 
distant, 5 mm. long; Fernando Po, Congo, South Africa, and Madag 

e UL. ld Stirton 
55. ims ` cm. tall, 1 mm. in diameter; exciple smoot th, ra d marginal cilia 
merous, co Soe thick, almost inflated; Ethiopia to Tan a. 
51-U. dits MOMS f. perstrigosa Motyka 


56. Thallus 9—30 cm. long, 1.5 mm. in diameter; tito a dispersed over most of 

the branches, spine s no ; apothecia 7 m n diameter, exciple smooth to 
foveolate with short dade. ipd cilia fv, pres Gees o Cape of Good 
Hope $2 U. sulle Stirton 
sorediose; apothecia eg 47 
57. ae about 30 cm. long, n diameter; spinules ET SECH perpendicular, 
variously curved, the Mais "brc apothecia bur n diameter; exci n 
ned smooth, marginal cilia dense, variously curved An branched, u up to 
; Tanganyika to et of Good Hope and inicie ats te te 3, U. ëch Steiner 
s7: Ca boul 5 cm. tall, 1.2 mm. in diameter; ramuli 3 mm. long; Goen to K 
esia and Se Marques Sa erspinosa Motyka 

58. Thallus about ër cm. tall, branches up to 2 mm. in diameter, sfr to 
ile; An Motyka 

58. Thallus S to 8 cm. tall, 1.5-2 mm. in diameter; ramuli rare; speci 3 
diameter; Madagascar S Mauritius e Piko Motyka 
58. — cm. tall, 0.5-1.2 mm. in parias ierra — inline branches 
mulate sir ; apothecia m. in diameter; Madagascar........... soleuca Laien 
59. Both fertile and sorediose (see no. pe above, U. gricors eb and U. stead 
59. Sorediose only. 60 
59. Fertile e ilius up to 60 cm. long, about 1 mm. in diameter, etat with ën 
short branches or ramuli eua. edits y holdfasts, chamois to deep colon 
buff; apothecia 3-5 mm. in diameter, St smooth, eciliate p 

SE maniensis Dodge 

60. Eure z: cm. long, persistently osseoleuco-stramineous, 0.6—0.8 mm. in diam 
Me. Motyki 

60. Thallus e re cm, Gage long; primary branch 3 mm. m dismetet, secondary 
oe 1-) 1 m. in diameter, becoming fuscous in dii petens Zei lla 
the ke g eee Tee 

61. Thallus die dicati un r late becomin E iud cou: the herbarium; medulla thick, hu ta 
thin; irregularly branched, secun Sr Che or sub-smooth, apices vehi 
thick Ll ee EE ITICAE 62 

61. Thallus eres never fuscous; — relati "r thin, compact; cortex thick, often 
horny (so gogo? scaling and or less ecorticate) ; branching more + regular. E2143 
62. Thallus. Mike ut pseud d oet an ado ege? PE E E ADOCARPEAE 64 

62. Thallus with PER RO SP oe Ge Een 
t ra: 

64. Tila, ir To um GE rate, rather rigid below, abia subrugose 
and subfoveate on smaller branches; sterile; Eritrea (BARBATAE, C pr 

EE 7. U. syriaca ceder 
dione in U. Ledien M Asis 
tuberculate yer papill 
U. fila sap Wen 


65. Thallus mm. in di inter becoming ferr óo-fuscow 
st Ne ramulose; soredia PER Jan Ca 2 o vg ud d 
65. Thallus 1 -2 mm. in diameter, olive-green, verruculose-papilla ate; apothecia u 
verruculose, sorediose; marginal ge? few or 

E ito Eius D SUD M ue aui e NUN EH U. par ese Moka 
65. To e - mm. in diameter, m ashy stramineous, foveolate, ok pa — 
minute, cylindric; eramulose; Cape of Good Hope. U. cornea Motyka 
66. Exciple smooth « or slightly verrucose or ruguleeg- EE 7 
66. Exciple RT Werer tt 68 
66. Exciple Sage pA pies 10 mm. in diameter; thallus 7 cm. tall, citrine dra 
to re olive buff; ramuli close, the shorter 1-3 mm. long, smooth, the gres T 
o mm, long, Ee E in tuberculate soralia; Cameroons to 
Ue apa 13 Motyka 

n— Had 

67. pare der 10 (-1 5) mm. in diameter; thallus u up to 15 cm. tall, scpia mag ro 
herbarium; -— subdistant on larger branches, closer on oder cis, 
E mm. long, t a smooth, the longer somewhat a but 

sorediate; Prema to Angel, seenen U. bispida Motyka 

[Vol. 43 

67. CR 5 mm. in diameter; thallus 10 cm. tall, Saccardo's umber and buffy brown; 
wood-brown to avellaneous, subdistant, 5 ez er a Eritrea to South 

As 61. U. ochrophora Stzbgr. in oe 
67. ee up to 9 mm. in eme Se about 5 cm. tall, buy clive to yellow 
e; eramus Sudan to Tan 62. U. Rer pnr Dodge 
68. Thallus about ng, warm sepia Verona brown; ramuli 1-10 mm. te? ag 
shorter M the dree subescala but not cies igi» 5— 
in diameter; papillae gece tiform; dees rea to Tanganyika....... ts rien Motyka 
68. Thallus 5 cm. tall, light brownish-olive to Isabelline; ramuli iq disposed, 2— 
ong, smooth; ene up to Gs mm. in diameter; Sierra Leone, Angola a nd 
4. U. sentata Motyka 
69. Thallus o pale fuscous, white-spotted, cortex hard; ee D (2-15) m 
er; esorediose; ec pia and Sudan albomaculata Motyka 
69. Thallus becoming fusco-sepia, o mall pseudocyphellae white, cortex Bik apot othec 

Bareer eeh sulfur yellow on slenderer branches; Ethio; 
U ABAT Moyka 
69. E dirty ashy-greenish becoming pale fuscous or yellowish, = small pseudo- 
yphellae AEA cortex soft; apothecia 10 mm. in diameter; Ethio 

obtusata Motyka 

70. Ramuli dense, pale fusc 51b. U. SS e pesii pasel Motyka 
70. Ramuli less dense, eeng mias: branches yellowish-fuscous. 
51a. U. obtusata f. — M 
St Thallus olive green; branches up to 2.5 mm. in diameter € thick Sot 
isidiose in punctiform Se Cape Verde, Camercont; C 

TE pila Steiner 
71. Thallus sepiaceous fuscous or stramin eo-yellow; medulla up to 3000 D thick 72 
72. Branches 2-3 (-5) mm. thick, papillae in low ridges; soredia in ridges at summits 


din, estaba Ethiopia U. Flotowii "Zahlbr. 
72. Branches 2 mm. eter, stramineo-yellow, verrucae hemispheric, SCH distrib- 
uted or in dien Zen soredia single, ovoid-spinuliform in Se uliform soralia, 
white; Madagasc po aia Motyka 
72. Branches 2 mm. in seg Gs vicarii papillate, SG CNA topi flattened; 
à un ose; apothecia 10 mm. in diameter, exciple farinose-spot rd ia and 
E EE 68 erpentaria Motyka 

73. Miel: A thin, white, o ue thallus fruticulose or, if over 20 cm. ap ees cortex 

reddish or reddish-macul 
73. Medulla thicker, Gage rose or, E white, thallus over 25 cm. long, pendent; cortex 
not reddish nor reddish maculate 
74. Thallus a usually densely ramulose, 3 er eg tall, fruticose............... DENSIROSTRES 
74. Thallus red or reddish-maculate, -fruticose or pendents soou an a RUBIGINEAE 
75. Thallus saxicole, caespitose, 5 cm. tall, unbranched or or geg së only at the base 76 
75. Thallus corticole, sparingly branched above the b. 79 
76. Sparingly ramulose, branches few, Fe pliye ies green, rather lee ur sum- 
mits incurved; rpm. to South Afri U. capensis Motyka 
76. ge ramulose; b ranches several times s dichotomous at base, tips wi ramuli black- 
ecia rare, mm. in diameter, esorediose; Southwest Africa, Tangan- 
iac Melina: er Mauritius Gestion? with U. transvaalensis). 
E U. pulvinata dins 
76. Eramulose; axis solid or slightly lacerate, surface longitudinally e eed im ewhat 
vom composed of interwoven strands of thick-walled hyphae; soralia farinose, 
> dark O A EE 27 
2 Medulla . K= or slightly e thallus sparingly ere Se cm. tall, 1 mm 
r; Southwest A a (Vainio) Darb. 
77. Medulla K red; thallus et dichotomous, 3 cm. tall, 0. i 7 mm 
Ost Anh uu U M (Vainio) pus 
78. Sterile and sore dices tcp i E EIN RA TED Ee TEPORE, Ee 
78. Apothecia present..... puri 
79. Thallus about 5 cm. L pale glaucous green, rigid, 1.5 mm. in diameter, closely sym- 
ially br cd, ramuli dense, 1-2 (-5) mm. dica redia isidiose aeg 

soralia in upper p. = a as from low ere ansia apis i 
Aid iio oksa U. myrioclada (Müll. As y 


79. Tolles ege? 8 cm. tall, pale stramineous, m. in diameter, divergently branched; 
muli dense but somewhat ir Ke "aiser nd isidiose in "P tuber 
culifo rm fons gc roded and Spam Madagascar... ambigua Motyka 
79. Thallus. de cm. long, 0 m. in diameter below, ego nute SCH tubercles 
muli ME disco 10-30 mm. ‘Tong; Togo, Donde Po, and i" Helena. 
72. v pamm Motyka 
80. Soredia dM covering tubercles, appearing spinulose when tuber cles crowded 
an wën Bee Se pe are "vet thallus 5-6 cm. tall, between gg olive = 
and tea is m r; ramuli 2-5 (-5 i MU cip ome den 
sober i s er gege in WE See still immature) ; denied x Us putet p 
80. Soredia absent 
81. Thallus 8-10 cm. tall, 2 mm. in diameter; ramuli not abundant; papillae verruciform; 
apothecia up to 20 mm. in diameter; Kenya to Cape of Good Hope. 


eer Motyka 

5. U. pict 
81. Thallus up to 7 cm. dro 1 (-1.8) mm. in diameter; ramuli dense but fragile, eir 
Ca 0.2 . from the branch and thus appearing very des “papilla 
d. haben Dodge 


s cia LI E in diameter; Keny 
81. Thallus r cm. tall, in diameter, dei y covered with spinules 0. E 
easily rn "off pus the thallus pooR: pue e; Mem m s mm. 
diameter; Congo, Angola, Kenya and N Cs forie Weck 
82. Thallus pendent, pae m. long, flaccid, ipdn 
82. Thallus erect, 4—12 c RS rigid 
83. Thallus densely ramulose, ess in n tubercles on upper portions, isidiose, olive Les in- 
distinctly A e in diameter; Kenya, S. Africa and Réu 
EA AE AE U. horridula (Mal. E Motyka 
83. Thallus EE ramulose, res soredia in foster on ds low rtion 
Senn ole Reis -maculat in diameter, acutely pesar e 


ta ws of concrescent ze pilliform Err Kenya Pm 78. U. Dalei ëss 
83. Thallus sto or agen ráre ramuli... concen 
hallus m. long, 1 mm. in Ce soredia isidiose; thallus reddish nemah 
. spilota Stirton 

red-spo Cape of (e Hope... 

84. Thales 20 cm. long, 2 mm. in di 
th Foe eolate and rugose; fairy an 
WË a erubescens (Stein) Motyka 


85. gen E reddish fuscous spotted with greenish fuscidulous, 
nches about 1.5 mm. in diameter; apothecia a small, Mines ierit rugulose, 

aie f eK n d ika, Gasen Islands a EN agasc 
olive fuscous; Kenya, Tanganyi yrs n d Monks 

Geesse eege EE KEE A 

—€— 2 md idit 
e o ad ee PH m rtm mt 

e Thallus 10-12 cm. ges EEN gi 
Thallus only 4-6 cm. tall..........—..———ámn007 Eege ER 88 
87. Thallus u cm. Ria olive ash y green, deep red-spot Se ^ ` pe n di X" tim 
oad fari ali th f part o the thallus; medula —; 
ge P U. bicolorata s Motyka 

d eroons an ind Reng PRA A A 
87. Thallus Ma cm. tall, russet below shading to Mibi t above, up to 0.9 
eter; soralia small with one to a few isidia, s es conuent and sene S e 
fa diced after the E are shed; Ges EE U. U. spilotoides Dodge 
88. Tm. 6 cm. tall, red or orange latericious, 1.5 mm. in in dia E n 
es on des more br. ramuli; medulla ek e 
Page y. parce n e) Monks 
e; medulla Kenner 

uds rió 

89. "T Il enish s STRE 2.5 Gate? ter, tips e Mic Metis eege 
reis seis yi E ..83. U. Meyeri (coim Motyka 

as EE 
89. Thallus hy go oodd 6 mm. in diameter, tips Ce not blackened; och sa xicole 
corticole; Sudan to S. Africa and aes ET I EARE maculata Stirton 

90. Thallus. SE or or cioe terete, more vias “1 mm. in 
diamete dip uto branched, pale green (coppery fuscous in U. — T RR 

90. Thallus "in cross ción; al at | re ER longitudinally Sen, more 

yo angular diameter, unfrequently branched; green, ra rarely subfuscous.........-- GONIODES 96 

"e terete or only very erai "longitudinally rugose, rarely sa er grayish 
partly decortica NGISSIMAE 98 



[Vol. 43 

91. Medulla rose; thallus 5-8 cm. tall 
91. Medulla white —— 25 cm. or more long, pendent, sparsely and irregularly papillate or 
ul at 

92. Axis with a narrow cavity; thallus 1 mm. in diameter; ramuli dense, 2 mm. long; 

apothecia 7 mm. in diameter, See rugose; Kenya to Bechuaneland. 
85. U. acanthera Vainio 

92. Axis Rer thallus 1.2—1.3 mm. in diameter; ramuli rather close, 5-10 (215) m 
sterile; isidia abundant, often single c or in q groups on verrucae, mostly 

=Š ramuli - small branches; Morocco and Sierra Leone....... 6 U. marocana — 
93. Thallus. 25 « cm. long, becoming owe Slain? N (-1.5 wi mm. in diameter; ramuli 
shor diens Wei St. H U abi Motyka 
93. Thallus P cms ore long 

mm. in diameter, exciple smooth to subfoveolate, subglaucous; 
dia r; ramuli dense, the larger branched; tubercles large; 

94. deles apochesa I 
de «in 

ni Kc Cap Vert, Ss? Angola, Tanganyika, and S. Africa. 


U. amplissima Stirton 

94, € medulla K, at Sg one reddening or fuscesc 
95. Thallus mm. in diameter, cortex areolate, uneven, tu 
ae d on tubercles isidiose, finally farinose; medul Cap 
ood Hope and Mauritius U. distensa Stirton 
95. Thallus i mm. Se diameter, ded s often subseriate; soredia isidiose, cl Rt 
ucae, e: medulla = ern reddening; Congo and Ken ng o Cape of G 
car and Mauritius ontorii ncs 

Hope , Ma romo: 
96. Thallus 4 dee emp in transverse section, about 30 cm. long, ay green pee 
olive buff, t 

eem eed tdm i 
la K red; e 

-2 mm. in diameter, flattened at eem axils and ther 
ide; zeien about 5 mm. long, I backs of ridges, up to 10 m shee near Se 
summits; apothecia o 15 mm. in diameter, exciple ragore-reticulat and sub- 

Gezmec eem pe to Cape of Good Hope and Madagasc 
90. U. goniodes Stirton 

96. Thallus with more — € than 50 cm. long 
97. Ridges high and more or less alate. 98 
97. Ridges lo lust e ra 99 
98. TM 50 cm. long, 1 . in i diameter, pale olivaceous green, — Peer og 

ctured; almost order. Kenya, Uganda, ure pem dam 
c E ou E U. E boreotler (Vainio) Moyli 
98. Thallus up to 100 cm. € —3 mm. ai diameter, eyed sh green He d weg 
sulcate between with minute white tubercles and papillae; ipie iis 15 mm. long 

dtu more or less bheifad, giros ceed ate € sp inulose; Con, 
T J. goniodes v. menn DeSmet & ee 

99. Fertile; ramuli up to 40 mm. long; Bas Congo 
99. Sterile; ramuli 5-10 (-20) m m. long; axis 1-2 mm. in diameter 
100. Thallus 200 cm. long, 5 mm. in diameter, dirty ashy green, with tubercles a? Ze 
papil ae; ramuli 20-40 mm. long, slender, very fragile; Sue 10 mm. 
— ques uneven; Congo. U ipa Mn 
100, Thallus - or more long, 1-2 mm. in diameter, grayish green; ridges corticate o 
ith a Zen isidiose Sen plane eme the ridges with isidiose tubercles; la ul 
bed 10-20 (-40) mm. long, 0.4—0.6 mm. in diameter, more or less isidiose- 
tuberculate; true ramuli slenderer, 0.2-0.3 mm. i e 
apothecia up to 15 mm. in dia meter; exciple smooth; marginal cilia few or 
disc chalky Shyla Cong 92. U. Fe EH Duvign. 
101. Thallus 100-110 cm. long, 1.6 mm. in eue ameter, dark olive buff; ramuli 4-10 (-20) 

. long; s Reie nen on tubercles; Niseni: French Guinea Jesu ali anda, 
Tanganyika, Transvaal. eg Motyka 
101. Thallus 70 cm. or more deg P? i m. in diameter, grayish green, summits ema; 
A acked with idos tubercles along the cracks; ramuli GE 
ong, isidiose- See ate; Soe: s Feier 
102. Geer well developed, on Semea branches, continuous or arole, Green scalin Gë 
X soon scaling of o the EE ed 

103. Mie axes " iudi in places, Ld diieuie longitudinally ru ru Sen EE 
103. Main axes nearly terete, at least not flattened except in the axils -..105 


mm. in diameter, flattened in places t e, da 
; ramuli irregularly mm (e 

104. er in 100 cm. long, 0 
e buff; medulla DCH rose, K reddening; 
pes ase, tips often blackened; SE 3-4 m n diameter, plane; exciple 
cl ghtly impressed; marginal cilia about 12, Weer in length; eg carneous 
ensely — Sierra Leone to Cameroons eig iei Motyka 
104. Thallus or more long, 1-2 mm. in diameter, slightly GH in place 
irregula d ad oper pieni Stunt cked; medulla s s ydiovi 
li close, . long, the longer sparsely isidiose; apot mm. in 
ameter, concave; e SN with cracked, Steng cortex; ma ch EN few 
y short; disc chalky white; Congo........-.--- Alsteeniana ia Daven: 
105. Thallus. efe ashy, more than 20 cm. long, n diameter; ramuli sparse, irregu- 
arly disposed, 10—30 mm bor: white tubercles, each bearing a ien de medulla 
erna Helena...7 de A yngei Win 

whi te, K inte 
105. tage stramineous gree 

than 60 cm. long, 
ff; ramuli 10-20 mm. dE apothecia 3-5 mm. in saei aptare sm 
Tanganyika and Nyasaland................... e 96. ies Dodge 
106. T more than 80 cm. eg g, 1.2-1.5 mm. in diameter, terete, yellow stramin ou 
muli 10 (-20) mm. long, cu SN geng cia 2-4 mm. in dia e exci iple 
ooth, eciliate; Zare r and Maude eere tn eburnea Motyka 
106. Thallus sry green, 50 cm. or more long, 0. in di er; cortex ar es 
ari ose from beicon de scars. of fallen dem 

y smooth to very slightly pit tted; marginal c ilia 
98. savanarum dec 

in dreemen exciple near 
few d Cái EES B 
Thallus only bos " Een, longo ouai Ee 
ne Kë about n diameter, terete; ramuli m mm. long, the longer 
anched, s subpapillate bearing minute Wee axis Suh yellow hyphae: M Mada- 
gascar we? lag: EE igena Motyka 
107. Thallus about .in ditis terete with a Negeri low ridges p iving a 
contorte P rance); ramuli irregula r, 10— subhelically twisted, 
tuberculate; Së not seen; axis s wit th dark is zen. e age n Good Hope, 
Ma agascar, Mauritius, and Réunion... . U. contorta Jatta 
hië IE branches 0.5-1 mm. in donee ramuli 10-20 (-30) mm. has UT MEENTE c MSN 109 
mary branches 0.4-0.6 mm. in diameter; ramuli 3-10 (-15) mm. Jong, nent 10 
nches 1 mm. in diameter; ramuli 10-20 (-30) mm. 
S. Rhod 
101. U. € Motyka 

i». That ls Los buff where corticate, $n 
g, close; medulla K bright dell? Congo, Sudan to 
EE branches 0.61 mm. in diameter, surface ru 

109. Thallus "par green or grayish yellow, branches 0.6-1 m 
ostly decorticate with spinules up to 3 m i ier d uli 10-20 mm. long, jon 
er dies Gr Dog "steil eG 
Se eee oie SO eS U. elata Duvign. 

Fiet simple or forked, gni long 

buff, — wholly decori 
—8 mm. 

110. Pei ema keel corticate; ramuli deep olive 
.4-0.6 mm. iameter; ramuli 3-10 (-15) mm. long, close; apotheci 
in diameter, sis ane; exciple smooth t o sublacunose, giereg cilia few, ‘a mm. 
long; disc carneous, lightly pruinose; miden to S. Africa, — redu 
EEN U. richodeoides Vainio 
110. TM d apis green; axils and base of ramuli somewhat ix tte taies 
até, tartareous; ra uli 3-10 mm. long, close, tips black; ci jar 
St mm. in diameter, concave; exciple rugulose; marginal cilia abundant, up t 
A — nn 
ameter; cortex areolate 

m. long; dise white; g 
cm. or more long, 0.5 mm. in di 
sling e sometimes farinose from coalescent scars of fallen isidia; ramuli 
—5 mm. long, dense lateral branches tuberculate-isidiose; renes ES 
m. in — sech nearly smooth to slightly pitted; C cilia few 
CU. sevenarem Davies. 

iiie ON 

[Vol. 43 

1. Usnea cervicornis Dodge, sp. nov. 

Type: Southern Rhodesia, Makoni Inyanga District, summit of Forest-Hill 
Kop, 1700 m., on shaded rock face, Frederick Eyles 827, at Kew. | 

Thallus erectus, ad 8 cm. altitudine, 2 mm. diametro, teres, ad axillas com- 
planatus, olivaceo-alutaceus; cortex areolatus, subfoveolatus, minute et irregulariter 
papillatus, papillis apicibus nigratis; eramulosus. Apothecia lateralia, 8 mm. di- 
ametro, margine crenato, eciliato aut cum 1-2 ciliis ad 8 mm. longitudine, ca. 0.5 
mm. diametro, subinflatis, apicibus obtusis; discus brunneo-alutaceus, epruinosus. 

4. Usnea nutans Dodge, sp. nov. 

Type: Kenya, Northern Frontier Province, Mt. Kulal, 1935 m., on exposed 
rock, P. R. O. Bally 5686, at Kew. 

Thallus erectus vel decumbens, rigidus, ca. 8 cm. altitudine, cinnamomeo- 
alutaceus ad obscure olivaceo-alutaceus in ramis ultimis; hapteron 5 mm. diametro, 
cum decem vel pluribus ramis perpendiculariter dichotomis, curvatis, apicibus re- 
curvis nutantibusque, teretibus, laevibus; cortex inferne annulatus subareolatusve, 
superne minute verrucosus; isidia singula; eramulosus, rami ultimi nutantes, laeves, 
apicibus nigris. Apothecia non visae. 

5. Usnea Dodomae Dodge, sp. nov. 

Type: Tanganyika, Dodoma Prov., Mt. Mpwapwa, 1610—1935 m., saxicole, 
P. J. Greenway 2432, in East African Herb. 

Thallus erectus vel decumbens, 10 cm. altitudine, rigidus in virgultis densis ex 
gompho communi flavo, brunneo-olivaceus, Isabellinusve ad melleus in ramis ulti- 
mis; rami 1.5 mm. diametro ad basim nigricantem ad 2 mm. diametro sub di- 
chotomo primo, rami ultimi ad 7 cm. longitudine, flexuosi, eramulosi; cortex 
inferne fractus et subareolatus, superne laevis; isidia spinulosa fere totam plantam 
tegentia. Apothecia non visa. 

6. Usnea pulvinulata Dodge, sp. nov. 

Type: Uganda, Kigezi, Kasatoro forest, 1935-2560 m., on trees, I. R. Dale L39, 
at Kew. 

Thallus fruticosus, erectus, ad 5 cm. altitudine, ramis 1 mm. diametro, obscure 
olivaceo-alutaceus, dichotome vel sympodialiter ramosus, internodiis brevibus, pul- 
vinulum hemisphericum formans; cortex inferne nigricans, annulatim fractus sub- 
areolatusve, superne laevis; densissime ramulosus, ramuli acuminati, 0.5-3 mm. 
longitudine, recti; medulla inferne rubra. 

Apothecia subterminalia, ad 15 mm. diametro, primum cupulata dein subplana; 
excipulum tenuiter scrobiculatum, rugis ramulosis; cilia marginalia caespitosa, Ca. 
2 mm. longitudine, apicibus acuminatis; discus laevis, juventute dense albo- 
pruinosus dein rufus vel subaurantiacus. 


8. Usnea subcristata Dodge, sp. nov. 

Type: Tanganyika, Kondoa District, Swaga-swaga Hill, summit, 1775 m., on 
shrubs, chiefly Trichalisia cacondensis, B. D. Burtt $97. 

Thallus rigidus, fruticosus, erectus, 7-8 cm. altitudine, inferne pallide brunneo- 
olivaceus, superne Isabellinus vel melleus; rami basi 2 mm. diametro ad 3 mm. 
expansi dein ad 1 mm. sub apotheciis, tenuescentes, angulati, papillati; cortex sub- 
areolatus; rami secundarii 1-1.5 mm. diametro, axi principali similes; ramuli 1-15 
mm. longitudine, minores sublaeves, majores foveolati, apicibus rotundatis. 

Apothecia terminalia, plana, ad 20 mm. diametro, excipulo laevi vel papillato 
radialibus cum rugis; cilia marginalia subdistantia in duobus ordinibus disposita, 
extera crassa, dichotoma, intera 1-2 mm. longitudine, apicibus acutis; discus 

vinaceo-alutaceus, pruinosus. 

10. Usnea nana Dodge, sp. nov. 

Type: Uganda, Kigezi, Kasatoro, Kabale River, 2256 m., corticole, I. R. Dale 
L43 p. p. min. 

Thallus fruticosus, erectus, ad 4 cm. altitudine, olivaceus, dichotome ramosus, 
teres, ad 1 mm. diametro superne tenuescens, dense ramulosus; ramuli 1-2 (—4) 
mm. longitudine, curvati, apicibus obtusis, raro dichotomi. 

Apothecia sessilia in ramis tenuibus secundariis, cupulata, 1 (-2) mm. diametro, 
excipulo laevi; cilia marginalia caespitose radiantia, 1 mm. longitudine; discus 

concavus, carneus, albo-pruinosus. 

12. Usnea medio-africana Dodge, sp. nov. 

Type: Uganda, Kigezi, Mafuga, 2400 m., on trees, I. R. Dale L41, at Kew. 

Thallus erectus, subrigidus, circa 5 cm. altitudine, 1.5 mm. diametro, super 
basim semel aut bis dichotome ramosus, obscure brunneus, ramulis olivaceo- 
alutaceis; teres vel subrugosus vel subfoveolatus; ramuli densi, 5-7 mm. longi- 
tudine, fragillimi, laeves, apicibus acutis nigricantibus. 

Apothecia subterminalia, ad 20 mm. diametro, plana; excipulum foveatum, 
minute verrucosum, radiantibus cum rugis ex ramulis concrescentibus formatis; 
cilia marginalia longitudine variabili, ad 8 mm. longitudine; discus cinnamomeus, 

leviter albo-pruinosus. 

13. Usnea brunnescens Dodge, sp. nov. 

Type: Uganda, Kigezi, Mafuga, 2400 m., on trees, I. R. Dale L41, at Kew. 

Thallus erectus, fruticosus, rigidus, ad 10 cm. altitudine, fusco-brunneus, 
ramulis cinnamomeo-alutaceis; basi bis vel ter dichotomus, ca. 2 mm. diametro, ad 
0.3 mm. tenuescens in apicibus obtusis; cortex inferne impressus subareolatusque, 
sublaevis, superne dense verrucoso-papillatus; ramuli 1-3 mm. longitudine, in 
ordinibus verticalibus, majores sparse verrucosi, singulis cum isidiis. 

[Vol. 43 

24. USNEA ARTICULATA (L.) Hoffm. subsp. aethiopica Dodge, subsp. nov. 

Type: Ethiopia, below Debra Erki, on fir, Schimper 18, 21 Oct. 1850. det U. 
articulata v. intestiniformis Ach. by Müller Argau at Kew. 

Thallus pendens, flaccidus, plus quam 25 cm. longitudine, brunneus; basis 1 
mm. diametro, 8 mm. longitudine, annulatus, non nigricans; dichotome ramosus, 
ramis articulatis, articulis irregularibus, curvatis, cucumiforibus, 4-5 mm. di- 
ametro, 25-30 mm. longitudine, foveatis vel scrobiculatis, pseudocyphellatis, vel 
subrectis, 1-1.4 mm. diametro, 5-10 mm. longitudine minutis cum pseudocyphellis; 
rami terminales, tenues, fere non articulati, dense ramulosi, ramulis 5 mm. longi- 
tudine isidio-sorediosis. 

34. UsNEA cameroonensis Dodge, sp. nov. 

Type: Cameroons, Miss Cheeseman L3, at Kew. 

Thallus pendens, flaccidus, plus quam 55 cm. longitudine, axes principales brun- 
nei vcl cinnamomei, ramulis olivaceo-alutaceis; articulati, dichotome ramosi; axillis 
complanatis, articulis ca. 10 mm. longitudine, 1 (-1.5) mm. diametro, non 
conspicue inflatis, longitudinaliter rugosis, rugis tenuibus acutis, dorsis fractis 
farinosisque; ramuli irregulariter dispositi, ad 30 mm. longitudine, basi subarticu- 
lati inflatique, ad apicem acutum tenuescentes, tuberculati deformatique; soredia 
isidiosa. Apothecia non visa. 

36a. USNEA DECIPIENS Motyka var. Rhodesiana Dodge, var. nov. 

Type: Southern Rhodesia, Matopos District, top of high granite hill, 1610 m., 
on tree, Frederick Eyles 1023, at Kew. 

Thallus pendens, subflaccidus, plus quam 30 cm. longitudine, Isabellinus, in- 
frequenter dichotome ramosus, nec articulatus nec annulatus, longitudinaliter et 
subreticulate rugosus, rugis subacutis, dorso fracto, inter rugas sulcatus, 1 mm. 
diametro, superne tenuescens sed sine summitatibus capillaceis; ramuli caespitosi, 
3-15 mm. longitudine; tubercula farinosa sorediosa. 

39. Usnea terricola Dodge, sp. nov. 

Type: Cameroons, Mamoquilles, 2450 m., terricole among mosses and Sfereo- 
caulon sp., Miss Cheeseman 25, at Kew. 

Thallus fruticosus, subrigidus, 8-10 cm. altitudine, cinnamomeo-alutaceus, 
axibus principalibus irregulariter nigro-maculatis, summitatibus obscure olivaceo- 
alutaceis; basis nigra, dense dichotoma, ramis inferne 1 mm. diametro in medio ad 
2-3 mm. dilatatis, dein superne ad 0.5 mm. tenuescentibus; articulatis, articulis 5- 
20 (-30) mm. longitudine, apicibus constrictis, basalibus sublaevibus, minutis cum 
pseudocyphellis; cortex fractus, rugis sulphureo-farinosis, isidiosis cum sorediis; 
superne articulis plus minusve minute verrucosis, rugis plus elevatis et subreticu- 
latis, soraliis majoribus elevatis, sorediis isidiosis. Apothecia non visa. 


49. Usnea blepharoides Dodge, sp. nov. 

Type: Tanganyika, Kilimanjaro, at upper limit of forest, 3000 m., G. Geilinger 
4417, at Kew. 

Thallus fruticosus, pauci-ramosus, prostratus vel suberectus, ca. 9 cm. longi- 
tudine, subarticulatus, inferne 2 mm. diametro, ad 1 mm. diametro sub apotheciis 
tenuescens, subverrucosus, axibus fulvo-olivaceis, ramulis ciliisque cinnamomeo- 
alutaceis; ramuli subdistantes, 4-5 (-10) mm. longitudine, curvati, basi subarticu- 
lati inflatique, sparse papillati, apicibus acuminatis. Apothecia sessilia, geniculata, 
subplana; excipulum minute verrucosum; cilia marginalia distantia, ad 10 mm. 
longitudine, acuminata; discus planus, carneus, tenuiter albo-pruinosus. 

62. Usnea subfoveata Dodge, sp. nov. 

Type: Uganda, Bunyoro, Busingoro, on bark of Jacaranda, I. R. Dale Lóg. 

Thallus fruticosus, erectus, rigidus, 5 cm. altitudine, flavo-ochraceus, dense di- 
chotomus, articulatus, articulis 1-1.5 mm. diametro, 10 mm. longitudine, apicibus 
constrictis; rami secundarii teretes, subfoveati, papillati in rugis; isidia singula vel 
bina in apicibus papillarum; eramulosus. Apothecia subterminalia, ad 9 mm. di- 
ametro, cupulata, dein plana; excipulum laeve vel verrucosum et subimpressum; 
cilia marginalia distantia, ad 1.5 mm. longitudine, medio inflata, apicibus subacutis; 
discus concavus dein planus, ochraceo-alutaceus, tenuiter albo-pruinosus. 

73. Usnea Gossweileri Dodge, sp. nov. 
Type: Angola: Cuanza Sul, Amboim, Capir near the Carloaongo River, 1000 
m., on dead trees, J. Gossweiler 9991. 
allus erectus, fruticosus, 5-6 cm. altitudine, 
podialiter, superne dichotome ramosus; rami ca. 1 mm. diametro, annulati, dense 
verrucosi-tuberculati, teretes; soralia super tuberculos insidentia, isidiosis cum 
sorediis; ramuli 2-3 (-5) mm. longitudine, irregulariter dispositi, breviores laeves, 
Apothecia rara, sessilia, 3 mm. diametro; excipulum 
1-2 mm. longitudine, conica; discus carneus 

olivaceo-alutaceus, inferne sym- 

longiores minute tuberculati. 
laeve; cilia marginalia subdistantia, 


76. Usnea isabellina Dodge, sp. nov. 

Type: Kenya, Northern Frontier Province, near Buna, summit of Ajao hill, 
1030 m., on bushes, I. R. Dale L77. 

us erectus, rigidus, 7 cm. altitudine, isabellinus; rami 1-1.8 mm. diametro, 
dichotome ramosi, teretes; cortex laevis, annulatim fractus subareolatusque; ramuli 
densi fragiles, 2-4 mm. longitudine, crassi, subverrucosi sed non sorediosi; apicibus 
subnigricantibus; summitates ad 4 cm. longitudine, tenues. Apothecia rara, ca. 
5 mm. diametro, lateraliter sessilia, plana vel subconvexa; excipulum laeve, sub- 
rugosumve; cilia marginalia distantia, fragilia, longitudine variabilia, plus quam 
3 mm. longitudine, ramulis similia; discus avellaneus, tenuiter albo-pruinosus. 

[Vol. 43 

78. Usnea Dalei Dodge, sp. nov. 

Type: Kenya, Northern Frontier Province, near Buna, summit of Ajao hill, 
1030 m., on bushes, I. R. Dale L70, at Kew. 

Thallus pendens, subrigidus, plus quam 16 cm. longitudine, inferne aurantiaco- 
cinnamomeus, superne obscure olivaceo-alutaceus, roseo-maculatus; basi subnigri- 
cans annulatusque; dichotome ramosus, axibus principalibus ca. 1 mm. diametro 
ad apicibus tenuescentibus, acute angulatus ex tuberculis papilliformibus concres- 
centibus, inter rugis sulcatis, dense ramulosus in rugis corticatis; ramuli 4 (-15) 
mm. longitudine, curvati flexuosive, tuberculati, cum spinulis paucis; summitates 
tenues, non ramosae nec capillaceae. 

82. Usnea spilotoides Dodge, sp. nov. 

Type: Kenya, Chyulu hills, H. D. van Someren, in E. African Herb. 

Thallus procumbens aut pendens, subrigidus, ca. 10 cm. longitudine, fulvus, 
ramulis pallide olivaceo-alutaceis; sympodialiter ramosus, ad 0.9 mm. diametro, ad 
summitates subcapillaceas tenuescens; inferne articulatus, articulis subinflatis, 
apicibus constrictis, longitudine variabili, minute albo-verrucosus, sorediis isidiosis; 
ramuli subdistantes, ca. 1 mm. longitudine, laeves, apicibus acutis; summitates 
fragiles, ad 20 mm. longitudine, apicibus acuminatis. Apothecia non visa. 

83a. UsNEA MEYERI var. chondroclada (Steiner) Dodge, comb. nov. 
Usnea chondroclada Steiner, Verhandl. Zool. Bot. Ges. 53:228. 1903. 

96. UsNEA amaniensis Dodge, sp. nov. 

Type: Tanganyika, East Usambara, Amani-Maramba, 1030 m., growing in 
festoons on the topmost branches of tall evergreen rain-forest trees, P. J. Greenway 
4151, ex Herb. E. African Agr. Res. Sta., Amani. 

Thallus prostratus, ramis tenuioribus pendentibus, rigidus, plus quam 60 cm. 
longitudine, flavo-alutaceus, basi nigrescens, dichotome ramosus, 1 mm. diametro, 
superne ad summitates capillaceas tenuescens, teres, laevis; cortex annulatim fractus; 
ramuli 10-20 mm. longitudine, tenuissimi, recti vel curvati, fragiles, apicibus 
acuminati minute tuberculati. Apothecia in ramulis sessilia, cupulata dein fere 
plana, eciliata; excipulum laeve; discus fuscus, albopruinosus. 

(To be continued) 


Ers scientific names of pua and the final members of new combinations are printed 

bold face type; synonyms and page 
prs and all other jurati in peii 

numbers having reference to figures and plates, in 

ipo Tropical, Some lichens of, II, Usnea, 

HE EE antiquissimum, 3 
Algae, evolution of vascular Su from, 


Alt, Karen S, Henry N. Andrews and: A 

of land vascular plants. P 
es a new transitional. sea- d Ta 

nie: nodal, of — glabra 
Baxter, A note on the, 
Anasazi sites, 194; best: dedu in, 2 

transitional sea-land plant, 355; Part 2 
me comments on the origin gen land 
vascular plants an 
tion of Crocalophyton, 363; 
the medal anatomy of puse midi e zeit 
Ang MM early record of, 366 
Ankyropteris, 379; corrugata, 379; glabra, 
M ei 350i grayi, 379 

Ano 3 
Archaeological sites: beans found in, 194, 

hice latifolia, 366 
Arrhenechthites, 74; — 79; 
Le 77; egre , 78; mixta, 
uin 78; tomentella, 24,95 
AME qua eead ees , 304 
TE Erichthitoid speciés of Senecio 

Seiren climatic regions of, 112; geo- 
logic history of, 115 

Australian and New Zealand species of 
Pittosporum, 87 


Basketmakers, nails of the, 194 

Bean types: black-eyed, 190; common, 191, 
4 90; kidney 

: bri 192, 214, 251 

48, 2 
preparation of, 195; charts Moni vari- 
ation in, 220—23 

Belcher, Robert O.: A revision of the genus 
s tites (Compositae), with inquiries 

Mere an Arrhenechthites, 1 
ag a eh 365 


Eé: ges aia 30 

Callix 366 

Ca sibi. planta, 365 

Citharexylum dentatum, 347; flexuosum, 
347; molle, 347; retusum 

e eech Senecio and Ar- 

Er: a 

The Australian and 
New Zealand species of Pittosporum, 
Cordaite-conifer line, evolution e ded 366 
Couma pentaphylla, 314 
Crassocephalum valerianaefolium, 26 
Croc gt phyton, A new transitional sea-lan 
raid "fom & = Baga cone shale, 355; 

Conifers phytes, evolution of the, 3 
Cooper, Robert 


Crocalopkytón D radii, 36 2 Sag 
Cyrtosipbonia, 279 

Daylength, effect of, on habit of beans, 197 
evonian-Mississippian shales, fossil flora of, 

Dodge, C Med William xm lichens of 

tropical Africa. II, Usnea, 



Economic uses: of species of prm. 
d > species ipe juvet, dd 
uon Aden pte 365 
Erechthites, 1 
gt me “(Composiae), A revision of the 
en ies into Senecio and 
pad esta tin See ; index to species of, 

so Sieten of Senecio in Austral- 
<2 239 
Zen dr iod recalar plants, 363 

Ferns, heterosporous, early occurrence of, 

Fossil plant, a new, from the New Albany 


Gynura aspera, 20; malasica, 20; papuan 
53; rosea, 26; zeylanica var. palates: 20 


Hohokam culture in the Southwest, 194; 
beans of the, 21 

Hybridizacion 1 in Rauvolfia, 264 
Kaplan, Lawrence: The arre beans of 
the prehistoric Southwest, 189 
Kentucky, a new fossil Wa from, 355 

Land vascular plants, origin of, 355, 363 

Lichens of tropical Africa. II. i ea, 381 

Lycopodiaceous Steeg eis 365 

Malouetia jasminoides, 347 
Marianthus procumbens, 182 

the Southwest, 194; 
ans of the, 207, 218, 229 

N a 
Navajo beans, 223, 233, 236 

[Vol. 43 


Neoceis, 10; carduifolia, 
14; micr rocepbala, 61; 

New LC mg shale, a new fossil plant from, 

19; bieracifolia, 
rigidula, 14; to- 

New — and Australian species of Pit- 

Nodal. pese of Ankyropteris glabra 
Baxter, 379 

Ophioxylon, 279 

sonó A new fossil plant from the 
w Albany shale, with some comments 
on ida gem e de vascular para ce 
A note on al anatomy of A 
ropteris g Sibi Baires 379 

Phaseolus, 189; acutifolius, 192, var. lati- 
folius, 192, 206, 207; coccineus, 192, 206 
207; lunatus, 192, 207; vulgaris, 191, 
206, 207, subsp. aborigineus, 191, subsp. 
ioliseaies, 191 

Phylogeny of Pittosporum, 98 

Piman beans, 22 

Pittosporaceae, distribution of, 

Pittosporoides, 121; umbellata, 

Pittosporum: Aiscroliim mey a Zealand 
species of, 87; interrelations of species of, 
117; index of species, 187; index of ver- 
nacular names, 187; Gase of, 121 

Pomaderris microcarpa, 1 

Prehistoric Southwest, d der beans of 

e, 189 
rotein, beans as a source of, 196 

Prototaxites, 368 

Pretopbytm evolution of, 363 
Pteridospermae in Cambrian time, 565 

FR bieracifolia, 14 


Rao, Aragula Sathyanarayana: A revision of 
Rauvolfia, with particular reference to 

phy, 268; index to species, 353; relation- 
pue 273; variation and hybridi 

Rauvolfia v x medicinal use of, 267 

Rauwolfia, 2 

Rhynia, vg 

Rio Grande Pueblo beans, 223, 233 



Sanmiguelia lewisii, 366 

izopodium diese 362 
Sea-land plant, a new transitional, 355 
Senec ecio and ebe E 

Senecio, Erechthitoid species of, in Austra- 
lia, e index to species, 85 

Senecio, 10 

Senecioninae key to the, 8 


Soncbus Mond. 19; brasiliensis, 19; eryth- 
ropappus, Za laevi 13; occiden tabs, 19 

Southwest, culture ry of, 
ay si dine Cultivated ius of the, 


Stauropteris burntislandica, 366 
Strempeliopsis strempelioides, 347 

Tabernaemontana oppositifolia, 347 
Tonduzia longifolia, 
Trichilia monopbylla, 134 


Usnea in Africa south of 15? N., 381; key 
to, 382; new taxa, 392 


amaniensis, 396; art culata 

; subcristata, 393; 
subfoveata, 395; terricola, 39 


Vallesia dichotoma, 34 
ariation: x sch bod) beans, 229-2390; in 
Vascular ge: And: E of, 563 
Verde Valley beans, 2 
Vernacular names of ide of Pittosporum, 

Xenocladia, 368 

Yuman beans, 223 


Zuni beans, 222, 236, 238