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September/October 1982 

Los Angeles County Department of Arboreta and Botanic Gardens 

ie WAS A SUMMER Of learning, hard 
work and fun for the 10 students 
who advanced their horticultural 
skills at the Los Angeles State and 
County Arboretum during the 1982 
internship program sponsored by 
he California Arboretum Founda- 


Michael Kerry summed up the 
students’ attitude when he said, “In 
school you can learn a_ certain 
amount of it, but you can’t say 
enough for practical experience.” 

And practical experience is what 
the intern program was all about. 
The interns, Kerry, Brenda Pudwill 
and Ron Rindone from Mt. San An- 
tonio College; Lynndelee Sharpton, 
Paul Youngren and Amy Drooks 
from California Polytechnic Univer- 
Patricia Smith, Roz- 
and Margo Patterson 
from California Polytechnic Univer- 
sity, San Luis Obispo; and Louis 
Randall from the University of Cali- 
fornia, Davis, were exposed to as 
many aspects of the Arboretum’s 
gardening procedures as possible in 
10 weeks. 

Major projects and improvements 
undertaken with the direction of 
John Provine, superintendent, 
cluded the construction of a retain- 
ing wall along the sidewalk north 


of the Hall of Environmental Edu- 
cation, installation of a drip irriga- 
tion system in the old-fashioned rose 
garden and renovation of the jungle 
garden. General maintenance work 
included propagation and green- 
house management, soil preparation, 

watering, fertilization, pruning, 
weeding, clearing, planting and 

The interns got valuable practical 
experience while they provided the 

Laurie Schenden 

manpower necessary tq, complete 
these time-consuming projects that 
the small garden staff could not find 
time for. 

Each of the interns had some pre- 
vious horticultural work experience 
before their internships, but all 
agreed that it was an exceptional 
opportunity to work in such diversi- 
fied areas. 

“There’s much more 
Lynndelee Sharpton said. 

“And we 



Gordeiins interns get a ride to their next assignment Wee Bill Neuauie 
of t 

member » Arboretum s 

staff. During 
the interns w or in most sec i of the Arboretum. 

their 10-week training program, 

Regional edition of Garden 


LuAnn B. Munns 

were able to ask questions, not just 
be expected to do it and not ask 

The were instructed 
each area by a supervisor, usually 
the crew chief, on the work to be 
done, methods to use and safety pre- 
cautions to take. 

“It’s just as much for the meee 
visors,” Mr. 
learning process for them to oe 
with the interns and instruct them, 
not just leave them with a job.” 

The first week, supervisor Ralph 
Gutierrez instructed the interns on 
the practices and procedures of the 
tree crew, demonstrating tree climb- 
ing equipment, chain saws, hand 
saws, a chipper and safety. 

In eight days intermittently spent 
in the nursery, the interns learned 
from Bill Hawkinson about propa- 
gation and greenhouse management. 

ere are so many different and 
unusual plants here,” said Amy 

interns in 

rovine said. 



Ma zal “Paterson (left) eas the types of plans 
tl Youngren are carryin 

(cen ter) and Pati 
in the South A elo Section. 

Drooks. “They just stick with the 
basics in school.” 

The second week began with the 
interns splitting into groups of five. 
The group in the rose garden re- 
moved the obsolete drip irrigation 
system, then reworked and updated 
it. Finally, they installed used brick 
in sand for access walks. The other 
group dug a trench next to the side- 
walk along the Hall of Environmen- 
tal Education, laid bricks and built 
the wall of railroad ties. 

They also extended the flagstone 
walk, begun by interns last year, 
along the north side near the dye 
plants section of the Herb Garden. 

Tony Gonzalez, a senior gardener, 
supervised other work in the Herb 
Garden including irrigation proced- 
ures. The interns learned the cor- 
rect use of a soil probe, a hollow 
pipe which extracts a 3-foot deep 
soil sample, and the specific sprink- 
ler heads used for different areas. 

ts that Louis Randall 
g to the students’ landscaping project 

Joe Erby, another senior gardener, 
taught the interns corrective pruning 
techniques and methods for deter- 
mining when to prune in the various 
geographical sections to make room 
for nursery plants ready for the field. 
He also demonstrated fertilizer types 
and application rates for different 

Next, the interns supervised DPSS 
workers for the two weeks spent 
clearing and replanting in the jungle 
garden. The jungle garden work 
also included amending and _pre- 
paring the soil, grading, installing 
the watering system and repairing 

As part of a long-term project the 
interns located, labeled and charted 
plants and trees on the Arboretum 
grounds. Each intern also spent a 
day in the Herbarium identifying 
plants from various manuals and 
monographs and pressing and 
mounting them. 

he Arboretum benefits from the 
intern programs, not only because 
of the extra manpower, according to 
Mr. Provine, but because it is an 
opportunity to find new employees. 

Several students from last year’s 
program have gone on to jobs in re- 
lated fields or further study. Carla 
Hawke quit her job as secretary 
after her Arboretum internship to 
major in horticulture at Cal Poly, 
Pomona. Denise DePew works full 
time at Stewart’s Orchids in San 
Gabriel, one of the largest orchid 
growers in the world, and Mamie 
Mitchell is employed at the South 
Coast Botanical Nursery in Redlands 
while working on her master’s de- 

The intern program has been pat- 
terned after the practical work re- 
quirements for an American Associ- 
ation of Botanical Gardens and Arbo- 
reta horticulture diploma. By setting 
objective standards, the AABGA di- 
ploma recognizes the importance of 
both training and experience in de- 
veloping capable professional gar- 



dation elected a new slate of 

officers headed by John Shepherd 

as president at the annual meeting 

June 17. 

John S. Shepherd 

Mr. Shepherd, a member of the 
CAF board of trustees since 1979, 
has built his career around plant 
related activities. He is president 
emeritus of Calavo and is emeritus 
director of the California Avocado 
Society where he currently serves as 
publications editor. His continuing 
involvement with California agri- 
culture includes acting as consultant 
to several other agribusinesses. 

During his term of office, Mr. 
Shepherd plans to lead a team effort 
to sharpen the focus of CAF. “The 
Foundation has grown to a consid- 
erable size,” he said. “Now it’s time 
to bring a business orientation to it 
in the interest of better serving the 

Mr. Shepherd believes that the 
difficulty of operating an arboretum 
during financially stressful times 
makes extensive long-range planning 

“We will have to decide where 
and how we go,” he said. “The or- 
ganization must develop a pattern 
so the public interests will be best 

Mr. Shepherd, a third generation 

Californian, lives in Altadena with 
his wife. They have two grown 

Other CAF officers elected at the 
meeting are Nancy (Mrs. James) 
Anderson, first vice-president; Ce- 
celia (Mrs. John) Grivich, second 
vice-president; and Kirk Evans, sec- 

After the meeting, each member 
received a coleus cultivar or a Lag- 
erstroemia faurei shrub for the 
annual plant distribution. 



South African Interpretive Cen- 
ter and various landscaping im- 
provements in the last two years 
has changed what was once barren, 
open ground into an exotic South 
African garden. 

he framework that houses the 
colorful displays and_ informative 
guide to the unique trees and plants 
of South Africa was built by the 

Laurie Schenden 

Galbraith Construction Company. 
The wood-beam structure, funded 
by the Hancock Park Garden Club 
and the California Arboretum Foun- 
dation, harbors four 4 by 8-foot glass 
covered viewing panels, each show- 
ing different plant forms and 
selected drawings and photos. 

Visitors to the South African sec- 
tion can explore over 200 varieties of 
plants that provide year-around 
color while learning from the Inter- 
pretive Center more about the con- 
tinent they represent. 

Featured on the west panel are 
gazanias, colorful perennials that 
bloom intermittently throughout the 
wild poppies; and geraniums. 
These represent groundcovers, per- 
ennials and annuals from South 

The trees and shrubs panel de- 
scribes the Cape chestnut, a_ tree 
with large lilac flower clusters, and 
the Senegal date palms located at 
the Arboretum entrance gate. The 
unique baobob tree or monkey- 
bread tree, called “a carrot planted 
upside down” by David Livingstone, 


A peacock perches on a wooden bench, part of the rugged framework that 
supports sing slatted roof and display panels of the South African Interpre- 
tive Cer 


is sketched in the detailed display. 

Calla lillies, gladiolus, hemanthes 
sparaxis, watsonias and pregnant 
onion (Ornithogalum caudatum) en- 
hance the South African section with 
colorful blooms and unexpected 
shapes, described on the bulb and 
bulb-like plants panel. 

The fourth panel contains a color- 
coded map of South Africa and mis- 
cellaneous South African plants such 
as the bird of paradise, the official 
flower for the city of Los Angeles, 
and cycads, the most primitive seed 

Between the four panels are shad- 
ed benches built into the structure 
for visitors to relax and enjoy the 
serene beauty of the secluded South 
African surroundings. 

Laurie Schenden 

the many Sot 
the new Avenue etive center. 

The plants, trees and groundcov- 
ers throughout the garden are label- 
ed for easy identification. Some are 
very conspicuous, such as the aloes. 
Tree form aloes are planted on and 
around the mounds east and south 
of the Interpretive Center. Ground- 
hugging forms with stalks of bright 
orange-red flowers grow as a 
groundcover south of the center 
along the tram road. 

The attractive foliage and interest- 
ing forms of podocarpus trees stand 
out south and southwest of the cen- 
ter. African daisy (Osteospermum) 
cultivars near the garden entrance 
along the east tram road flaunt a 
variety of colors, many striped with 
different shades of orange, yellow, 
purple, blue or brown. Also near 

Aloes aia ilies of the-Nile pms sp.) are among 
1 African native plants that grow arounc 
Display panels help visitors 

the entrance are __ lily-of-the-Nile 
(Agapanthus) with round clusters of 
blue or white flowers nodding on 
stems to five feet tall. 

Two of the newly planted ground- 
covers on the mounds around the 
Interpretive Center are brilliant ice 
plants (Lampranthus) and gerbera, 
an elegant and sophisticated daisy. 

The plants in the South African 
section adapt well to Southern Cali- 
fornia’s climate and can withstand 
drought better than most plants in 
the other geographic sections of the 

The South African Interpretive 
Center is the third of six planned 
centers that will provide visitors 
with a guide through the plant col- 
lections of the Arboretum. 

idertiond these pee | that are so W ell adapted to the 
Southern California climate 


(LASCA continues after page 32) 

Leonid Enari 

the tulip tree 

ILLIONS OF vistrors to Mount 

Vernon, the home and tomb 
of George Washington, have passed 
beneath a magnificent 120-foot high 
tree, unaware of its name and its 
history. It is a tulip tree (Lirioden- 
dron tulipifera) and it was estab- 
ished more than 200 years ago on 
February 28, 1785 along with the 
Declaration of Independence. Rec- 
ords tell us that George Washington 
transplanted the tree to its present 
location from a nearby woodland as 
a young sapling nine or ten years 
of age. 

The tulip tree or tulip, yellow 
poplar, white poplar, popple, canoe- 
wood or whitewood, as it is some- 
times known, is at home throughout 
the eastern United States from New 
England west to Michigan and 
south to central Florida and Louisi- 
ana. It is most abundant and 
reaches its largest size in the val- 
leys of the lower Ohio Basin and on 
the mountain slopes of North Caro- 
lina, Tennessee, Kentucky and West 
Virginia. It also occurs naturally in 
southern Ontario, Canada. 

For non-botanists it might be 
difficult to understand that the tulip 
tree and the southern magnolia are 
related, but they are. Both have the 
same number of sepals, petals, sta- 
mens and pistils in their flowers. 
Both have their pistils of one carpel 
and both have much elongated re- 

ceptacles (the flower part to which 
sepals, petals, stamens and _pistils 
are attached). Tulip trees belong to 
the genus Liriodendron and are 
members of the magnolia family, 
Magnoliaceae. In addition to the 
American species, Liriodendron tu- 

The tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera) is easily identified by leaves that 
look as if their tips had been snipped off and by flowers that resemble tulips. 

lipifera, there is another species, L. 
chinensis, in China. It differs from 
its American cousin only in small 

In the Cretaceous period, the 
genus Liriodendron with several 
species was widely distributed in 


North America and Europe. During 
the Tertiary period it continued to 
exist with one species extending 
over eastern North America and 
Europe until the advent of glacial 
ice restricted its range in America 
and destroyed it in Europe. 

Tulip trees grow under a variety 
of climatic conditions. Tempera- 
ture extremes vary from moderately 
severe winters in southern New Eng- 
land to almost frost-free winter 
months in central Florida. Within 
its range, the average annual mini- 
mum and maximum temperatures 
vary between —20° and F 
Rainfall in the same area varies from 
30 inches to more than 80 inches in 
restricted areas of the southern Ap- 
palachians. It prefers moderately 
moist, well-drained, loose soils where 
it is usually associated with other 
species requiring the same growing 
conditions. Trees growing with tulip 
trees in various locations are bass- 
wood, white ash, American beech, 
yellow birch, cucumber tree, black 
cherry, bald cypress, flowering dog- 
wood, American elm, black gum, 
sweet gum, eastern hemlock, hick- 
ory, red maple, sugar maple, south- 
ern magnolia, northern red oak, rec 
oak, white oak, Virginia persimmon, 
loblolly pine, sassafras, black wal- 
nut, and some others. 

The tulip tree is one of the largest 
and most beautiful trees of the 
North American forests. It some- 
times obtains, under favorable con- 
ditions, a height of 160 to 190 feet, 
with a straight trunk eight to 10 
feet in diameter destitute of branch- 
es for 80 to feet from the 

The leaves of the tulip tree are 
squarish in shape and with two or 
three pointed, paired lobes on each 
side. They are pale green when 
appearing in spring, 
color in summer and finally turning 
into a rich, rejoicing gold before 
falling in autumn. 

deepening in 

The showy, large, cup-shaped and 
tulip-like flowers are borne singly 

at the end of the new growth in 
spring. Their color is yellow and 
light green or orange and light 
green. Each flower has three sepals, 
six petals, many stamens and many 
pistils. The petals are in two sets. 
The pistils, each formed from one 
carpel, are closely arranged around 
the axis. The flowers are the fav- 
orite source of nectar for honeybees, 
and it has been suggested that the 
number of viable seeds is directly 

LuAnn B. Munns 

This fine ee tree renee TaileeEES J pansy of the Research 

is 45 fee 

related to the number of bees visit- 
ing the flowers. A mature tree yields 
up to four pounds of one of the most 
flavorful of honeys. 

The fruit is an elongated cone 
composed of many dry, one-seeded, 
winged fruits called samaras_ by 
botanists and seeds by horticulturists 
and gardeners. Although the tulip 
tree is a prolific seed bearer, only a 
few seeds per cone are fertile; the 
rest are empty, nonviable seedcoats. 



Lack of fertilization because of in- 
effective pollination is believed to 
be a principal cause for empty seed- 
coats. As the cones dry, the indi- 
vidual seeds are scattered by the 
wind to distances equal to four or 
five times the height of the trees. 
The cones mature from early August 
in the northern part of the range to 
late October in the South. 

The tulip tree is seldom, if ever, 
propagated other than by seeds. 
When the seeds are sown in autumn, 
they generally come up the follow- 
ing spring, but when they are sown 
in spring or the beginning of sum- 
mer, they remain a year in the 
ground before germinating. Seed 
stored and sown in the spring need 
pregermination treatment to over- 
come this dormancy. Cold, moist 
stratification of seed in bags of peat 
moss or sand and peat moss for 60 
to 90 days has proved to be most 

The wood of the tulip tree is light, 
soft, easy to work and is used for 
making boxes, crates, sashes, doors, 
shelving, furniture, musical instru- 
ments, veneer, etc. It also makes 
good hat blocks in the hat industry, 
because it does not absorb moisture 
present during the steaming process. 
The pioneers used tulip tree logs for 
building houses, wells and canoes. 
The canoes were made by hollowing 
out logs to extreme thinness. Such 
a canoe, 60 feet long, was made by 
Daniel Boone. He then piled his 
family and his gear into it and sailed 
down the Ohio into Spanish terri- 
tory away from ungrateful Kentucky 
when his fortunes there ran low. 

At the Los Angeles State and 
County Arboretum, Liriodendron 
tulipifera can be seen in quadrats 
1/3, 1/4, 1/7, H/8 and L/6. All these 
trees were planted in 1963. L. chin- 
ensis in quadrat H/6 was planted in 

Dr, Enari recently retired as senior 
biologist at the Arboretum after a 
-year career with the Department. 

Southern California 
Flora and Garden 

OCTOBER 30 through NOVEMBER 7, 1982 

10. am: to 5 pm. 

20,000 square feet of exhibit space 
filled with floral displays, 
garden settings, 

a nursery trade show 

ADMISSION: $3.50 per person 

(Price includes admission to the Arboretum and Exposition) 

Friday, October 29, 1982 - 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. 
$7.50 per person (Free to CAF Members)’ 


Bill Ross 

Members of he Southern Colferma: Gardex aa cele- 
Oth anniversary during a meeting 
June Il in the Sunset Demonstration Home Gardens 

brated the group’s 


meets nine times a year 
formation for future Sunset magazine articles and books. 

at the Arboretum. This advisory group of plant industry 

to provide in- 


SEPTEMBER 10, 11, a 
. to 4:30 p.m. 
Cactus eee Succ salent tee 
Valley Cactus & 

to a 
; Concert and Picnic 
$8.50 for adults, children under 12 

Arcadia Rotary Club 
SEPTEMBER 18, 19 — 

Hd Show 
American Ivy Society 
SEPTEMBER 25, 26 — 
10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 

9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 

rece Show 
Akebono Bonsai oat Mae So. reo 
OCTOBER 9, 10—9 a o 4:3 
auisnalbate Tuber ‘Sale 
Southern Ca lif. Hemerocallis & 

att Fork and 

ate nb aw to 4:30 p.m. 

Ik sit Hoseki K 
o5 p.m. 
fog Garden 
garden settings, 

Southern California Flom a 

Exposition Exhibits 

ae Rama plo 

vents sponsored by Coons 
a ase Foundatio 



a.m. to 4 p.m. 
Art Show 

Ne paintings “2 canvas by 
Charles Knec 
OCTOBER 16, 17 —9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 
nnual Plant Sale 
,17— = a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 

tique Ca 
Horseless Patines pes of So. Calif. 
OCTOBER 30, ae 9a to 4:30 

Glendale Chrysanthemum ey 
Events sponsored by Desc 
Gardens Guild 


GARDEN, Palos Verdes Peninsula 
Dahlia Growi Demonstration 

Dick Kohlschreiber, dahlia expert 

gaa tbat 19—2p 
Talk — Shade Plan 
Speaker from Are Goren 
en 26 — 
— Cool Season "Flow ers 
Dan " Zilla from Elwood Nursery 

Pam Miesel from Crest Nursery 
ae ls —2 

Demonstration — Pine Cone & 

ese iaed _ ths 

uzy Seaman 


Demonstration — Bias 


Silver tig ne Club 
OCTOBER 24 — 2 p.m 

Slide show on world- famous 

OCTOBER 30, 31—10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 

Bonsai Show 

South Coast Bonsai Association 
NOVEMBER 6, 7 — Sat. 12 to 4:30 a 

Sunday 9 a.m. to 4:30 p 

chid Show 
Scare Bay Orchid gees 

fragt versenee 4—2p 
alk — —  Bawcialls 

Joe Cithins 
cai ated 28 — 2 p.m 
alk — Winter — in Local Gardens 
in Morton, Palos des 
Audubon Society 
Events sponsored ss South Coast Botanic 
Garden Foundatio