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M U D P I E 

n o. i 7 

Museum and University Data, Program and Information Exchange 


The third annual cram-cour se in programming the time-shared 
computer using the language BASIC will be given on July 5, 1971. 

The entire day will be devoted to ins truction in the language, 
and July 6 will be used for al lowing those who attended the course 
to use the teletypes in the Museum of Natural History to submi t 
and test programs they have written. The course is aimed at the 
complete neophyte in computer work ; no background or experience 
of any sort is necessary. Individuals with some knowledge of 
programming or previous work with time-shared computers are wel¬ 
come to attend, of course , but it might be a bit boring. 

The course will be given in the National Museum of Natural 
History, Washington, D. C ., probably in the divisional library 
for Reptiles and Amphibians, unless the group gets too large for 
that room. The library is in Room 207 , West Wing. The session 
will start at 9:00 A.M. It would help if anyone planning to 
attend would notify J. A. Peters, Division of Reptiles and 
Amphibians, National Museum of Natural History, Wash., D.C., 

20560, as soon as possible, so we can know how many people to 


You will find enclosed with this issue of MUDPIE another 
paper on a computer topic, written by a Smithsonian staff member, 
Thomas Waller, of the Division of Invertebrate Pal eontology. 

The compartmentalized mailing lists of the Museum of Natural 
History are such that papers on computer use cannot be distrib¬ 
uted to interested people. The lists are structured to accomo¬ 
date our divisions, so all people on the invertebrate paleon¬ 
tology list got this paper, whether interested in computer 
applications or not, but people in other areas and on other 
lists will not get it unless they request it. Since MUDPIE 
is sent to people who have either expressed an interest in 
its purposes, or requested a reprint of a computer paper, 
it seemed appropriate to suggest that a supply be made avail¬ 
able to cover the MUDPIE mailing list. The press agreed, 
and you have a copy of Waller's paper as a result. If you 
have no use for it please pass it on to someone who does 
(and suggest that they write in for MUDPIE, as well), or 
send it back to me.—JAP. 

- 2 - 


The following excerpt from a letter to a colleague here at 
the Smithsonian is self-explanatory: 

"Enclosed is a copy of MUDPIE no. 15, which describes Dr. Wilsons 
Monograph on the use of GIPSY in Palynology. If you read the last 
paragraph, you will note that the author of the newsletter happily 
pointed out the misspelling of Permian in the Monograph. I think 
it somewhat ironic (perhaps a touch of poetic justice) that, ex¬ 
cept where quoted from the Monograph, the word GIPSY is spelled 
incorrectly. The spelling chosen in the newsletter may be indic¬ 
ative of how the system is used in some cases, however, with all 
respect to Dr. Wilson, I believe the 'I' spelling would be more 
closely associated with his use of the system." /s./ Robert W. 
Shields (U. Okla. Med. Comp. Center). 

My old boss, Norman Hartweg, used to say that if you do 
everything right all the time no one will ever notice, but do 
something stupid, and it will immediately be brought to your 
attention. At leas t I now know that some one out there is 
reading this stuff!—JAP. 


This committee is a subordinate arm of the International 
Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU), and is called CODATA for 
short. It is primarily concerned with the compilation of criti¬ 
cally selected numerical and other quantitative scientific data, 
as, for example, "standard heats of formation of water and 
carbon dioxide, (or) standard entropies at 25 degrees C of 
selected elements," (from Newsletter no. 1). The feeling of the 

committee that there was not much data like this in biology is 
reflected in their first bulletin, which documents "Automated 
Information Handling in Data Centers," and has no biological 
centers listed at all. In Newsletter no. 5, however, a paper 

is included entitled "Critically evaluated data in the biolog¬ 
ical sciences," by R. L. Zwemer and P. L. Altman, who have 
worked with the Biological Handbooks Series. This apparently 
reminded the committee that they had sort of forgotten about 
biology, and at their meeting in Naples in November, 1970, 

P. Altman was appointed the representative of the International 
Union of Biological Sciences on CODATA. 

The committee publishes both a newsletter and irregularly 
issued bulletins. The former deals with miscellaneous infor¬ 
mation ; the latter is usually a vehicle for a single subject, 
often a report of a "task group" of the committee. CODATA has 
also published the "International Compendium of Numerical Data 
Projects," 1969, xxiii + 295 pp., which sells for $13.20. I 
have not seen this volume, and cannot comment on it. 

The newsletter is available on request and free of charge 
from: CODATA Central Office, Westendstrasse 19, 6 Frankfurt/Main, 

Federal Republic of Germany.—JAP. 



That is what W. Simon calls a new high speed real-time inter¬ 
pretive language developed for use by biologists, and built for 
operation in a PDP-8 with 4K of memory, requiring DEC tapes. The 
language is currently available through the Division of Biomath¬ 
ematics, University of Rochester School of Medicine, 260 Critten¬ 

den Blvd, Rochester, NY 14620. Although currently only adapted 
to the PDP-8, it is expected to be functional on the PDP-12 in the 
near future. The purpose of Dr. Simon in developing the new 
language was two-fold: 

1) To increase the use of small computers by biologists 
by making it easy for them to learn the fundamentals 
of computing, 

2) To circumvent the problems of machine language use, 
which was all that had been avai1able on the PDP series 

The technique used in the new language is explained in a short 
note in "Medical and Biological Engineering," vo1. 8, 1970, pp. 

203-205. A bench mark program took 22 seconds to run in FOCAL, 

7 secs in DEC FORTRAN, 6 secs in SNAP (another Simon language), 

and only 2 secs in the "Rochester Ultimate Weapon." —JAP. 


Volume 1, number 1, of a new journal with the title above 
appeared in August of 1970. As usual, when people talk about 
" biology and medicine," they are thinking of biology i_n medicine. 
There clearly isn't going to be too much here to interest the 
ecologist or systematist, although the editor writes, on p. 1, 
that "the purpose of this journal is to establish an international 
forum for the exchange of knowledge in the rapidly developing 
field of computer use in medicine and the biosciences." In a 
long list of possible subj ect matter to be covered, including 
such things as Application of Quantum Chemistry to Molecular 
Configurations or Functional-force Analysis Applied to Dental 
Prostheses and other Dental Problems (or maybe you prefer 
"Computer Aids to Morality," whatever that means), we also find 
the following MUDPIE possibilities: Taxonomy and Classification 
Methods; Information Exchange among Research Workers; Applications 
of Computers to Data Processing in the Biomedical Sciences; 

Special Purpose Computers for Data Processing; and Computer 
Programming of Pattern-recognition Analysis. I miss any refer¬ 
ence to the possibilities of inter-institution time-shared 
networks, establishment of common data banks or mutual access 
storage, and so on. A couple of papers from this first issue 
are listed below in the "Literature" section.—JAP. 



C. A. Bull and R. Shank have completed a survey of the Smith 
sonian's activities in data collecting, and have summarized their 
results in an unpublished report entitled "Non-conventional File 
Structure Data-collecting Projects in the Smithsonian Institution 
A Survey, Winter 1960 - Spring 1969." The "non-conventional" 
designation is for techniques other than simple alphabetical cat¬ 
alogues or lists which will facilitate rapid handling of data, 
from key-sort to computer. Interest was in proj ects furthering 
research or educational functions as opposed to housekeeping. 

A total of 49 projects were identified, and each is described. 

Some of the findings are: 

Twenty-three proj ects are using or anticipate using some 
sort of machine assistance in storage and retrieval. 

More pro j ects in biology are using automatic means to store 
and retrieve data than are proj ects in the physical 
sciences, history and technology. 

In every case, the highest level of satisfaction with new 
systems and methodology can be found where the curator 
and researcher was heavily involved in system design 
and output control. 

The most critical factor is the validity of the data entered 
and the positive relationship of the degree of expertise 
of the person making the entry with the reliability of 
the entry. 

In assessing the requirements for making their systems viable 
most people who were conducting proj ects felt the need for 
manpower with subj ect knowledge more than the need for 
electronic muscle. 

If anyone would like to know more about the survey, a few 
copies of the report are available for distribution. Write 
to MUDPIE for a copy.--JAP. 



(NASA Information System) 

The NASA Information System, commonly known as RECON, is 
a package of programs for creating, maintaining and querying 
data files. It consists of two major subsystems. The first 
is a batch system which provides for file creation and main¬ 
tenance, batch query and prepares output for publication. The 
second, RECON, is a communication control program, language 
analyzer and search program which permits multi-programmed 
query from a remote console. 

The system operates on variable length data records 
composed of fixed header information followed by a variable 
number of tagged, variable length fields which may be repeated 


(i.e., the same field type may occur more than once in a record). 
Data files are described to the system via Data Description 
Tables and hence the system is data independent. 

The system provides for maintenance and use of a thesaurus 
for query expansion and for data validation and also permits 
use of tables for data element conversion to code during file 

The system was written under contract for NASA. It is 
operational but is being extended and improved. It operates 
on the IBM 360/50 under the MFT operating system. The batch 
program was written in assembly language. RECON was written 
in PL/I except for the mas ter I/O control program which was 
also written in assembly language. 

FILE ORGANIZATION — The primary file is made up of data 
records stored sequentially in accession number order. Each 
record is composed of a header containing fixed length fields 
of information which are standard for all records in the file. 

The header is followed by a series of tagged, variable-length 
fields with the possibility of repeating a particular tag 
within the record as many times as is necessary. There is, 
however, no hierarchy in the sense that a set of fields may be 
related to each other and repeated as a set relative to the 
header. The record size is unlimited. The file is stored on 
a data cell at NASA. It is stored using a specially codecal 
variable length ISAM access method. 

When a file is first defined to the system through a data 
description table, any field, whether in the header or in the 
tagged part of the record may be designated for creation of an 
inverted index. These inverted indexes are stored on disc. 

The system also maintains a thesaurus of legal descriptors 
used for validation during file maintenance. This file also 
contains "see" and "see also" references and narrower and broader 
terms. It can be used to expand a query and is available to the 
requestor at a terminal for browsing. 

FILE MAINTENANCE — In the file maintenance operation, fields 
in existing records can be altered, records can be deleted from 
the file and new records can be added to the data base. These 
are added at the end of the master file. Inverted indexes are 
maintained by the system as changes occur. Data validation 
through thesauri and encoding of data via table look-up is also 

RETRIEVAL — The system operates in either of two modes for 
retrieval: batch or on-line. In the batch mode, records may be 

selected based upon a Boolean combination of any fields in the 
record regardless of whether they have been designated as inverted 
indexes. In this mode also, the query output can be sorted before 
being presented to the requestor. 

In the on-line mode only inverted index fields may be used as 
terms in the selection logic in order that only qualifying records 
be accessed from the data cell. No sorting of data is permitted. 

- 6 - 

Data records may be formatted for output on the XX 1403 
printer equipped with an upper/lower case chain, for the Linotron 
at GPO and for the Photon 713. — Harriet R. Meadow. 


CHECKS-—A demonstration program for use with time-shared 

computers, in BASIC. Written and available from 
Larry Morse, Biological Laboratories, Harvard Univ., 
Cambridge MA 02138. Program lists TOTAL CREDIT, 


Abrams, M. E. Medical Computing. Elsevier, 52 Vanderbilt Ave., 

New York NY 10017, 1970: xi + 396. (A series of short papers 

presented at the conference on medical computing held in 
Birmingham, Jan., 1969. Re-inforces the notion that medicine 
and systematics have a lot in common when it comes to computer 

Crovello, T. J. Analysis of character variation in ecology and 

systematics. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, vol. 

1, 1970 : 55-99. 

Goodall, D. W. Statistical plant ecology. Annual Review of 
Ecology and Systematics, vol. 1, 1970: 99-125. 

Ohnacker, G. & W. Kalbfleisch. CCBF — A System for the Computer 
Processing of Chemical and Biological Facts. Angewandte 
Chemie-International Edition in English, vol. 9, 1970: 

pp. 605-610. (Primarily a chemical system for storage of 

structural formulae. Biological data is that associated 
with results of dosage tests.—JAP) 

Solow, B. Computers in cephalometric research. Computers in 
Biology and Medicine, vol. 1, 1970: 41-51. 

Walters, R. F., K. P. Brin, F. Roth, J. T. Morrison & C. Renoud. 
Information support systems for experimental investigation. 
Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 1, 1970: 75-86. 

June, 1971 

Division of Reptiles and Amphibians 
National Museum of Natural History 
Washington DC 20560 
