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Volume 47:6 November / December 2006 

Our First Foreign 
Fungus Foray 

by Bob and Barbara Sommer 

Troubled by restrictions on local 
collecting? Afraid of being arrested 
and fined? Tired of finding familiar 
fungi in the same locations every 
year? Too much competition in 
nearby woods? 

If you answered yes to any of 
these questions, advertisements for 

Continued on page 2 

Digital Photo Contest Winners Inside 

Walt Sundberg leads a beginner's foray. Note the film crew on hand to record the event. 
Photo by B. Bunyard. 

NAMA Goes to CanadaReturns with 
Marvelous Tales to Tell! 

Jasper National Park, Hinton, Alberta, and the warm hospitality of our 
Edmonton hosts. Wow, what a treat! This year NAMA traveled north to the 
upper reaches of the Canadian Rockies at the invitation of the Edmonton 
Mycological Society. The long trip was well worth the effort as the facilities 
were superb—a forestry training center, comfy quarters, outstanding food 
(plentiful, very tasty, and very healthy) with a profile of the Jasper area 
Rockies only 45 miles to the west when we looked out a window or ate 
lunch on the outer deck. The weather also cooperated: warm, sunny with 
rain before we arrived and again near departure time. It's a shame that only 
140 members attended, as the site, weather, mushrooms, and programs 
were well worth the effort to get there. 

The local coordinators, led by Martin Osis and Melanie Fjoser, and other 
members, planned a field-trip-jammed weekend to a very wide variety of 
habitats from near-prairie to high-elevation habitats, both dry and wet. We 
also visited peaty bog and fen areas, learning the difference between them, 
and finding many mushrooms and viewing interesting plants along the way 
We were also educated on the behavior necessary in case we shared space 
with either brown (grizzly) or black bears and/or moose. (A little black bear 
would visit the campus where we were staying.) 

Dr. Cathy Cripps of Montana State University a former student of Dr. 
Orson Miller Jr., was Chief Mycologist, assisted by Drs. Markus Thormann, 

Continued on page 3 

In this issue: 

President's Message . 2 

Forays and Announcements . 3 

Fungi in the News . 4 

Book Review . 5 

Digital Photo Winners . 6, 7 

GSMS Foray Registration . 9 

ink from Spores . 10 

Mushroom of the Month . 12 


The Mycophile, November/December 2006 


(_y he NAMA foray in Hinton, Alberta, was a huge success. The facilities 
were more than adequate, and what can I say about the meals? It's safe to 
say that I gained a few pounds on this trip! The meals alone were worth the 
registration fees. The mushrooms even cooperated, piling up on the collec¬ 
tion tables in great numbers. I want to thank all of those who helped make 
the foray such a great success. A special thanks to Martin Osis, Melanie 
Fjoser, and all of the other members of the Edmonton Mycological Society 
who worked hard to pull this off. Also to Louis Galick, who first approached 
NAMA about coming to Alberta. 

Foray 2007 in West Virginia promises to be another success. If next 
year's rains come as they have this year, the mushrooms should be abun¬ 
dant. A walk through the woods this past weekend yielded mushrooms in 
every direction. 

Several items were discussed at the Trustees' meeting in Hinton. 

Among these was the financial condition of NAMA, which remains stable at 
this time. Our year ended June 30th and resulted in a small profit for the 
Organization. The archiving of NAMA materials with the New York Botani¬ 
cal Gardens is nearly ready for submission. As you have noticed, Mcllvainea 
has returned. Thank you, Britt and Judith. Two new clubs have become affi¬ 
liated with NAMA, one in Alaska and the other in Mexico. Again this year 
the officers and trustees were challenged to contribute to NAMA's Endow¬ 
ment Fund, and, as usual, they rose to the challenge, donating over $1,000 
of their own money to this cause. Many other issues too numerous to go 
into here were discussed during the meeting, making for a full day. Many 
thanks need to be bestowed upon the members who serve and participate in 
these meetings. If you ever have the opportunity to attend a NAMA Trust¬ 
ees' meeting, you will see that these are truly dedicated individuals. 

Continued on page 10 


Please send your new address, 
two weeks before you move, to 
Ann Bornstein 

NAMA Membership Secretary 
336 Lenox Avenue 
Oakland, CA 94610-4675 
< > 

Otherwise —you may not be getting 
your newsletter for a while. Each 
issue, several Mycophi/es are 
returned as undeliverable because of 
no forwarding address on file. NAMA 
is charged seventy cents for each 
returned or forwarded newsletter. 

NAMA is a 501(c)(3) charitable 
organization. Contributions to support 
the scientific and educational activi¬ 
ties of the Association are always 
welcome and may be deductible as 
allowed by law. Gifts of any amount 
may be made for special occasions, 
such as birthdays, anniversaries, and 
for memorials. 

Special categories include 
Friend of NAMA: $500-900 
Benefactor: $1000-4900 
Patron: $5000 and up 
Send contributions to 

Judith McCandless, Treasurer 
330 Wildwood Place 
Louisville, KY40206-2523 

The Sommers in Costa Rica, continued from page 1 

Bob sketched this 
pantoleucus while Rolf Singer 
paced impatiently waiting to 
put this rare specimen into his 

foreign tours in mycology news¬ 
letters will begin to look appealing. 
Some read like recruiting posters for 
the US Army: Travel to distant 
places. Find exotic mushrooms. Pick 

Not surprisingly, our first foreign 
fungus foray was also the most 
memorable. Psychologists call this a 
"primacy effect," like a first sighting 
of an Amanita muscaria. You don't 
forget when and where you found it, 
who was with you, and your emo¬ 
tional state at seeing firsthand what 
has so far been only illustrations in 
field guides and drawings on 
psychedelic posters paired with 
witch's brew and frogs. Recognition 
was instantaneous. Yes, there really 
are statuesque crimson mushrooms 

Continued on page 11 

The Mycophi/e is published bimonthly 
by the North American Mycological 
Association, 6615 Tudor Court, 
Gladstone, OR 97027-1032. 

NAMA is a nonprofit corporation; 
contributions may be tax-deductible. 
Web site: 

Isaac Forester, NAMA President 
RO. Box 1107 

North Wilkesboro, NC 28659-1107 

< > 

Judy Roger, Executive Secretary 
6615 Tudor Court 
Gladstone, OR 97027-1032 

< > 

Britt Bunyard, Content Editor 
W184 N12633 Fond du Lac Avenue 
Germantown, Wl 53022 

Judith Caulfield, Production Editor 
927 Lansing Drive 
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464 

The Mycophile, November/December 2006 



Gulf States Mycological 
Society Winter Foray 

St. Francisville, Louisiana 
December 1-3 

For details and registration form see 
page 9 in this Mycophile. 

37th Annual Fungus Fair 

Oakland, California 
December 2-3 

Each year the Mycological Society of 
San Francisco hosts one or two 
mushroom shows (traditionally 
called "fungus fairs"). At the show 
you will see hundreds of species of 
fungi on display along with exhibits 
on ecology mycophagy, toxicology, 
and cultivation. Bring your 

collections to our identification table 
for a free ID! The Fair will be held 
at the Oakland Museum, Natural 
History Section, 10th & Oak Streets, 
Oakland, CA. For additional details, 
see the MSSF website. 

Great news ... 

Welcome Back, Tom Volk ! And 
finally, it was great to see Tom Volk 
at a recent fall foray sponsored by 
my home club, the Wisconsin Myco¬ 
logical Society. In spite of the water¬ 
logged conditions, Tom was climbing 
hills with renewed energy—thanks 
to his new heart—in a way reminis¬ 
cent of a teen-ager. I know I speak 
for all of us when I say that I'm 

Canada Foray cont. from page 1 

from University of Alberta (president 
of the Edmonton Society) and 
Leonard Hutchison of Lakehead 
University in Ontario. The fungi 
were so numerous that many 
knowledgeable attendees also 
pitched in to help identify and record 
the specimens. Hope Miller was in 
attendance, to the delight of all, and 
helped with the recordings. 

Hope brought along a large stack 
of Dr. Miller's and her newest book 

Martin Osis, our Edmonton coordinator. 
Photo by Maggie Rogers. 

and held a signing. There was a 
rush to purchase the available copies 
for her signature. 

The programs and seminars 
offered the usual wide range of 
topics, this time with special empha¬ 
sis on northern boreal and high 
elevation habitats. 

I think a lot of the audience was 
surprised by the tenacity and abun¬ 
dance of fungi in some rather 
austere habitats—above treeline, 
near glaciers, and other very non- 
fungal appearing habitats. The lead- 
off program Thursday night was 
about a local Model Forest Project 
and study by a multitude of resource 
users, investigating how resources 
can be extracted without harming 
the wildlife or upsetting nature's 
balances. Methinks that information 
should be widely distributed and 
implemented by the parallel agencies 
in this country. 

The Trustees' Meeting was 
enlightening. Three new affiliated 
clubs were recognized and wel¬ 
comed: Kenai Peninsula Mycological 
Society of Soldatna; Bay Area Myco¬ 
logical Society of Oakland;, and 
Myco Aficionados of Mexico in Tlax- 
cala. All the groups had had inter¬ 
actions with NAMA beforehand but 
are now truly affiliated. Welcome! 

looking forward to seeing more of 
him at future forays. 

And sad news . . . 

Elsie Louise Knighton, 88, passed 
away Oct. 21, 2006 in Portsmouth, 
Ohio. A native of Portsmouth, she 
was born April 2, 1918 to the late 
Joseph Webb and Frances Mae 
Hudson Webb. Elsie was preceded 
in death by her husband Harry S. 
Knighton on May 26, 1999. 

Harry, founder of NAMA, and 
Elsie were very active members of 
NAMA and organized many of the 
annual Forays. Elsie was secretary 
of NAMA for many years. 

Allein Stanley. Photo by Maggie Rogers. 

We shared a moment of silence 
remembering the lives of Dr. Bill 
Cibula and Dr. Orson K. Miller, Jr. 

The Mushroom Dyers commit¬ 
tee expressed a need for a wider 
variety of new supplies of dye 
mushrooms. They would like to ask 
all those who find some of these 
special fungi to collect and ship 

Continued on page 8 


The Mycophile, November/December 2006 


The big news, of course, is the 
recent NAMA Annual Foray in 
Alberta. It was a lot of fun, and the 
food was probably the best I've 
enjoyed at any foray. The scenery 
was incredible, the mushrooms 
abundant and diverse, the wildlife 
amazing (while there or on the road, 
my family saw every major large 
mammal species in North America, 
including mountain lions), and as 
Martin promised, there were no 
bugs! I could go on and on, but other 
space within this issue is devoted to 
reviews of the foray. However, I 
would like to personally thank all 
the members of the Edmonton Club 
for the hospitality, and especially to 
those members who were camping 
with my family at Cache Per cot. 
Thanks for the great stories around 
the campfire. And thanks for tolerat¬ 
ing the late night antics of some of 
us—you know who you are! 

From the Daily Telegraph in England 
comes one more reason to disdain 
those pathogenic Oomycetes. In 
England horse chestnut trees are 
being attacked by what could be the 
severest threat to an arboreal species 
since Dutch elm disease. Many trees 
in southern England that were 
already suffering from the effects of 
European leaf miner moths, which 
attack horse chestnut leaves, now 
face a more serious problem: a new 
form of bleeding canker that causes 
lesions on the bark and can destroy 
the tree. As many as 10% of 
Britain's 500,000 horse chestnuts 
have been infected; an estimated 
3,000 have died. Canker, which is 
caused by two fungi akin to potato 
blight, was long thought to be under 
control, with only four or five cases 
a year. However, as the new millen¬ 
nium began, the number started to 
soar, and it became clear that a new 
form of the disease had arisen. 
Although the pathogen is not 
specifically named in the article, my 
guess is that it is Phytophthora 
ramorum. This oomycete "fungus" 

was recently described in North 
America, where it was shown to 
cause of Sudden Oak Death (SOD), 
and it is now recognized as a serious 
threat to a wide variety of trees. A 
different strain of this pathogen is 
found in Europe. Investigations are 
ongoing, and the biology of the 
pathogen is still being worked out. 

In the latest issue of the journal 
Mycologia (98[3j: 365-73) a team of 
researchers led by Paul Tooley, of 
the USDA at Fort Detrick in Mary¬ 
land, has published the results of 
one such study. The paper, "Growth 
and sporulation of Phytophthora 
ramorum in vitro in response to 
temperature and light," sheds light 
on fundamental growth habits of 
this economically important oomy¬ 
cete. Phytophthora ramorum, recently 
found in the U.S., is causing con¬ 
cern for hardwood forests and the 
nursery industry. In an effort to 
identify some of the environmental 
limitations to growth and sporula¬ 
tion, the researchers conducted a 
laboratory study of four U.S. and 
three European isolates. On V8 
media, isolates grew when incu¬ 
bated at a wide range of temperature 
and uv light conditions. P. ramorum 
tolerated a broad range of tempera¬ 
ture and light conditions, which 
suggests why it is capable of estab¬ 
lishment in a wide geographic area 
and is so adaptable—and such an 
invasive threat. 

More news from the United King¬ 
dom, this time from the Daily Mail: 
An exotic mushroom dubbed "the 
elixir of long life" could be the latest 
weapon in the fight against cancer. 

A group of scientists has found that 
extracts of the medicinal fungi 
Phellinus linteus can help in treating 
prostate cancer. Previous studies 
also have suggested that the mush¬ 
room extracts found on wild mul¬ 
berry trees can be effective in 
treating liver, stomach, and lung 
cancer as well as other serious 
conditions. The rare mushroom, 

known as "Song gen" in China and 
"Meshimakobu" in Japan, has long 
been known for its medicinal 
properties. Sometimes marketed as 
"the elixir of long life," it has been 
used in Oriental medicine since 
ancient times. 

Speaking of eating mushrooms . . . 

Be careful what you pick and where 
you pick them. An article by L. 
Cocchi et al. in the latest issue of the 
journal Food Chemistry (98[2j: 277- 
84), entitled "Heavy metals in edible 
mushrooms in Italy," warns of 
eating mushrooms contaminated 
with toxic compounds. In this study 
the distribution of arsenic, cadmium, 
lead, mercury, and selenium was 
investigated in 1194 samples of 60 
species of common, edible mush¬ 
rooms collected mainly in the 
province of Reggio Emilia, Italy. The 
quantitative determination of heavy 
metals (mg/kg dry weight) was 
carried out by spectrophotometry, 
with the exception of mercury, 
which was determined by atomic 
absorption spectroscopy. The amount 
of arsenic accumulated in the 
samples studied was generally 
modest. Sarcosphaera eximia, on the 
other hand, may contain arsenic 
concentrations reaching 1000 mg/kg 
dry weight. Within the Agaricus 
subgenus Flavoagaricus, only Agari¬ 
cus nivescens contains amounts of 
cadmium inferior to the allowed 
maximum level. The cadmium 
levels in samples of Amanita 
caesarea , Boletus edulis, and Boletus 
pinophilus exceeded the maximum 
amount allowed. (Bad news for 
Italians—you know how fond they 
are of the porcini!) The content of 
cadmium in Agaricus macrosporus is 
roughly 50 times the maximum 
weekly dose recommended by the 
World Health Organization. The 
average amount of lead present in 
all samples was, in general, below 
the maximum allowed concentra¬ 
tion. Agaricus bitorquis, Agaricus 

Continued on page 8 

The Mycophile, November/December 2006 



Common Edible and Poisonous 
Mushrooms of New York, by Alan E. 
and Arleen R. Bessette. 2006; 
Syracuse University Press. ISBN 0- 
8156-0848-9 (paper); 108 pp. $24.95. 

The latest offering from NAMA 
members and prolific book-producers 
Alan and Arleen Bessette is a slim 
but attractive guidebook offering 
advice for those interested in eating 
the wild mushrooms of New York 
state while staying out of the 
emergency room. 

A brief five pages of introductory 
material include mushroom basics, 
how to collect mushrooms for the 
table, how to make a spore print, 
and how to identify mushrooms 
using this book. This section is 
followed by a picture "key" to ten 
main morphological groups of mush¬ 
rooms: boletes, chanterelles, corals, 
false morels, gilled fungi, giant puff¬ 
balls, Hypomyces, morels, polypores, 
and toothed fungi. For each group, a 
one-sentence description is provided 
along with two example photographs 
and page references to the species 
treatments in the main text. 

Fungi in the News, cont. from page 4 

arvensis, Agaricus essettei, Agaricus 
albertii, B. pinophilus, Clitocybe 
geotropa, and Macrolepiota rachodes 
had high contents of mercury that 
were within the range 5-10 mg/kg 
dry weight. Mushrooms in general, 
but species in the B. edulis group in 
particular, were rich in selenium. So 
it's not simply what you eat, but it's 
also where you pick it! 

From the latest issue of Mycological 
Research (110[7]: 811-20) comes a 
paper by Marc Stadler et al. of 
Germany that looks at "Changes in 
secondary metabolism during 
stromatal ontogeny of Hypoxylon 
fragiforme." Of course, Hypoxylon 
fragiforme is that ubiquitous crusty 

The bulk of the book comprises 
the species descriptions, separated 
into edible and inedible/poisonous 
ones. Typically, the treatments 
appear on a two-page spread and 
include a generously sized photo¬ 
graph. As we've come to expect 
from the Bessettes, the photos are 
uniformly excellent, showing the 
essential features in an attractive 
fashion. The text includes the 
scientific and common names, a list 
of key ID features, fruit body 
description, time and place of 
fruiting, edibility, and brief com¬ 
ments. Twenty species are featured 
in the edibles section and ten in the 
inedibles section. Additionally, 11 
edible species are mentioned in 
comments and illustrated in the 
picture key at the front of the book. 
Two more edible species are men¬ 
tioned in comments but not illus¬ 
trated. Most of the species range 
well beyond New York state. 

The book concludes with guide¬ 
lines for preparing and eating wild 
mushrooms, a selection of seven 
illustrated recipes, glossary, list of 
recommended readings (of the ten, 

little pustule that occurs by the 
thousands on fallen trees and is 
likely one of the most common 
fungal fruitbodies found in the 
forest. Stromata of Hypoxylon 
fragiforme were studied during the 
vegetation period, and a number of 
chemical compounds were extracted 
and analyzed. Specifically, extracts 
were assayed for their nematicidal 
effects against the roundworm 
Caenorhabditis elegans and their 
antimicrobial activities against the 
bacteria Bacillus subtilis, Yarrowia 
lipolytica and various filamentous 
fungi. The results confirmed data in 
the literature on broad-spectrum 
non-selective activities of secondary 
metabolites in biological systems. 
Most interestingly, laboratory 
cultures of Hypoxylon mainly pro¬ 

nine are by the Bessettes), and 
separate indexes to common and 
scientific names. 

The strength of the book is its 
quality of presentation; it is well 
illustrated, attractive, informative, 
clearly written, and free of misspell¬ 
ings and typographical errors. 
However, it doesn't deliver enough 
to justify its price—only a bit over 
100 pages (many of them half white 
space) and about 40 species covered, 
nearly all of which you would find 
in many existing guides. If you're 
an eastern mushroomer with at least 
a few books—for instance the 
Audubon guide and the Bessettes' 
Mushrooms of Northeastern North 
America— this volume will be largely 
superfluous. It will be most attrac¬ 
tive to hikers and park visitors with 
a casual interest in mushrooms, or 
novice pot-hunters, perhaps as a gift 
for that friend of yours interested in 
joining you in your hobby. 

—Steve Trudell 
Seattle , Washington 

duced dihydroisocoumarin deriva¬ 
tives, of possible interest to the 
pharmaceutical industry. The 
authors discuss the possible biologi¬ 
cal functions of secondary metabo¬ 
lites in the family Hypoxyloideae. 

It's great to see Mushroom the 
Journal getting back on schedule. 

The summer issue was a treasure 
trove, as always. Especially note¬ 
worthy were articles on "Mushroom¬ 
ing around the World" (a lengthy 
tour of Tibet in search of the elusive 
caterpillar fungus), an "Existential 
Mushroom" (you'll never guess 
which one!), a photo essay entitled 
"Napolean as a Mushroom" and a 
great story by Bob Sommer on fairy 

Continued on page 8 


The Mycophile, November/December 2006 

The Mycophile, November/December 2006 


Documentary Awards 

On the Internet: 

To view) all the digital photos that won 
awards or honorable mention, go to 
and select the Photo Album entitled 

06 Awards. 

First Place: 

Crucibu/um laeve by David C. Work.A 

Second Place: 

Lepiota rachodes by Charles Fonaas.B 

Third Place: 

Phaeolus schweinitzii byRichMably.C 

Honorable Mention: Craterellusfallax by Noah M. Siegel; 
Ascocoryne sarcoides by Rich Mably; Cantharellus cibarius by 
Noah M. Siegel; Ca/ocybe carnea by Noah M. Siegel; 
Coprinopsis lagopus by Donald F. Bryant; Laccaria laccata by 
Noah M. Siegel; Lysurusperiphragmoides by Ron J. Meyers; 
Agaricus by Charles Fonaas; Cortinarius by Noah M. Siegel; 
Spinel/us fusiger on Mycena leptocephela by Donald F. Bryant 

Pictorial Awards 

First Place: 

Cortinarius vanduzerensis by Noah M. Siegel (see p. 1).D 

Second Place: 

Amanita jacksonii by Noah M. Siegel .E 

Third Place: 

Young Polypore by David C. Work.F 

Honorable Mention: C/avu/inopsis fusiformis by 
Noah M. Siegel; Marasmiussiccus by David C. Work; Reflections 
in a Mushroom by Robert L. Kaplan; Amanita muscaria pileus by 
Donald F. Bryant; Fiammuiina ve/utipes by David C. Work; Slime 
Taking Over the World by Noah M. Siegel; Spring Beauties 
Morchella e/ata and C/aytonia caroiiniana by Noah M. Siegel; 
Trichaptum biformis by David C. Work 

Judges' Option Commendations 

Leaf Impression in a Toothed Fungus by Robert L. Kaplan 

Gnat on Mycena aurantiodiscus by Rich Mably. 

Siamese Twins by Ronald J. Meyers.J 


The Mycophile, November/December 2006 

l O 

Canada Foray, continued from page 3 

Cathy Cripps of Montana State U with her husband, Don Bachman 

them to the Chairs, Viola and Melanie Spock. Some 
regions of the country have more than others, and they 
would appreciate any that can be sent their way. 

The Mycophagy Committee, headed by Ursula 
Pohl, also asked that members send her good dried 

Fungi in the News, continued from page 4 

ring mushrooms. In Bob's article we learn the origin of 
the name Marasmius oreades and, more amazingly, we 
find out that there is downhill skiing in Kansas! Of 
course, there are also crosswords, word puzzles, 

Maggie Rogers, and numerous other reasons to pick up 
your own copy! 

Minnesota Mushroom Poisoning —A tragic case of 
mushroom poisoning occurred recently in Minnesota. 
The state Health Department there reports that seven 
members of a Hmong community in the Twin Cities 
were hospitalized September 9 after eating poisonous 
mushrooms they picked in St. Paul's Keller-Phalen 
Regional Park. A 10-year-old girl died on September 15; 
two others were still hospitalized in intensive care as 
this issue went to press. All the other members of the 
family were recovering. Minnesota Mycological Society 
experts Ron Spinosa and Anna Gerenday were called to 
the hospital to identify a specimen that was brought in 
with the patients. The mushrooms were confirmed to 
have been that of the Eastern American Destroying 
Angel (Amanita bisporigera ), which can easily be mis¬ 
taken for nonpoisonous mushrooms, especially the 
paddy straw mushroom, Volvariella volvacea, popular in 
Southeast Asian cuisine. Anna recently told me that 
this case has kept her very busy, and she recently gave 
a presentation at a poison control center to help educate 
the public on identification of poisonous mushrooms. 

specimens for the cooking session or bring with them 
to the forays. It is very difficult to collect enough in her 
area for such large groups, and her once abundant 
supply is depleted. 

The Photographic Committee announced that, with 
the popularity of digital cameras and demise of film/ 
slides, there is now only one category for slides, while 
the digital section is being expanded. Watch for a 
formal announcement and contest entry rules in 

It was decided that previous years' Mycophiles will 
be available online at the website. 

Many other topics were discussed and will be 
published when the actual minutes are published. 

At the general meeting on Saturday night, the 
recipients of the NAMA Awards were announced: 

Contributions to Amateur Mycology 

Dr. Michael Beug, Toxicology Chair, longtime member, 
professor (retired), mentor, and all-around great guy. 

Knighton Award 

Richard "Dick" Dougall of the Western Pennsylvania 
Mycological Society, for his teaching, identifying, and 
promoting the society in his region. 

President's Award 

Ann Bornstein, Membership Secretary, for her many 
years of service. 

The official invitation to next year's Annual Foray 
was given. I hope to see all of you in 2007 at Pipestem, 
West Virginia. As for 2008? . . . Oddsmakers are betting 
on McCall, Idaho—Dr. Orson Miller's own stomping 
grounds! Watch for more information as plans develop. 

—Judy Roger 


The Journal of Wild Mushrooming 

4 issues (1 yr) = $25; 12 issues (3 yrs) = $65 (save $10) 
For 20 years, MTJ has provided information of 
value to those who like to hunt, name, cook, study, 
and photograph wild mushrooms. We're proud of 
the job we do of reviewing books of interest to 
the amateur mycologist. Our Letters column lets 
you speak out and contact others to seek that 
special book or sell that historic mushroom basket. 
So check us out at 

www. mushroomthejournal. com 

The Mycophile, November/December 2006 


"In the Footsteps of Audubon" 

NAMA REGIONAL FORAY December 1-3, 2006, in St. Francisville, Louisiana 

Located on a bluff above the Mississippi River 
floodplain, St. Francisville has a long and colorful 
history. Once a burial ground for Spanish monks and 
later a major port between New Orleans and Natchez, it 
is now known for its history, close proximity to the 
Tunica Hills, and elegant antebellum homes. We plan 
to foray in the Hills and on the grounds of some of the 

John James Aububon spent 23 months in the area 
as a tutor and painted 80 of his North America bird 
folios here. The Oakley House, where he tutored, is the 
centerpiece of the Audubon State Historic Site. Geologi¬ 
cally, St. Francisville lies on loess soil bluffs, which 
were created by powerful dust storms during the 
Glacier Period. It is botanically diverse and is the most 
southern location of morels along the Gulf Coast. 

Foray headquarters will be the Best Western-St. 
Francis Hotel on the Lake, U.S. Hwy. 61 at LA Hwy. 

10. Guest mycologists will be Drs. Patrick Leacock and 
Kentaro Hosaka, both with the Field Museum of 
Natural History in Chicago. Pat's specialty is the genus 
Lactarius, and Kentaro is an expert on the Hysteran- 
giales, which include the stinkhorns, Gomphus, and 
various groups of false truffles. Both mycologists will 
give presentations and assist with mushroom identifi¬ 

St. Francisville is located on Hwy. 61, about 60 
miles south of Natchez, MS, and about 40 miles north 
of Baton Rouge. RV camping is available. The nearest 
airports are in Baton Rouge and New Orleans, LA, and 
Jackson, MS; major carriers serve them. 

Registration is limited to 50 people and/or 35 rooms. 
Cost of the foray is $230 for a single or $155 per person 
for a double (total $310). These prices include registra¬ 
tion, lodging, and meals except Saturday lunch. You 
must be a NAMA or GSMS member to attend. 


Deadline for Registration November 22, 2006, or when rooms are filled. 



City, State, Zip _ 

Phone: (_)_E-mail:_ 

Single EH Double EH Couple EH NAMA member EH GSMS member EH 

Name of preferred roommate(s) _ Please find me a roommate EH 

Registration Fees 

Single occupancy: $230. $ 

Double occupancy: $310 ($ 155 per person). $ 

I prefer King bed EH Two double beds EH Total. $ 

Make checks or money orders payable to Gulf States Mycological Society (GSMS). 

Mail to Patricia Lewis, RR 2 Box 194 L, Newton, TX 75966. Questions? Call Pat at (409) 423-3776 
or e-mail < > . 

We will be traveling frequently until October 23, so expect late responses. Also, sorry in advance for not 
getting this into The Mycophile sooner. 


The Mycophile, November/December 2006 

The Production of 
Ink from the 
Spores of Fungi 

by Rolf Singer 

Many mushrooms produce spores 
with dark pigments that may be 
used for producing ink for calligra¬ 
phy and printing. Species so em¬ 
ployed are found in the genera 
Lycoperdon, Bovista, Pisolithus, Poly- 
saccum, and Scleroderma among the 
Gastromycetes; also species of the 
Ustilaginea [rusts], Elaphomycetales 
[truffles], and even Myxomycetes 
[slime molds]. But until now no 
experiments have been carried out 
to study the serviceability and 
usefulness of such inks. 

More than 100 years ago the 
French mycologist [Jean Baptiste 
Francois] Buillard [1752-93] recom¬ 
mended the dung-loving species of 
Coprinus [Inky Caps] for producing 
ink. Herein is reported the satisfac¬ 
tory results obtained using inks 
prepared from Coprinus atramentarius 
[the Alcohol Inky Cap] and Coprinus 
comatus [the Shaggy Mane or 
Lawyer's Wig], which are commonly 
found in gardens and other rich 

In the Soviet Union many 
mushrooms with a cap possess 

interesting possibilities. Coprinus 
species have gills that are very close 
together and the edges of which are 
not perpendicular to the stem even 
upon maturity, and because of that 
the spores do not fall downward to 
be spread by the wind. Instead, the 
gills deliquesce or dissolve and 
become smeared upon passing 
animals, which spread the spores. 

C. atramentarius and C. comatus 
are the largest inky cap species 
common in Europe and Asia. As an 
edible mushroom, C. comatus is good 
but it does not make as black an ink 
as C. atramentarius. Thus, this report 
will limit discussion to the latter. 

C. atramentarius has a cap that is 
gray-brown, furry, with central 
flakes or scales upon the surface. 
The cap is striate and shaped like an 
egg or a bell 5-10 cm in diameter. 
The gills are at first white, then 
brown, and finally black and melted 
together. The entire cap becomes an 
inky liquid. The spores are ellipsoid 
7.5-11 x 4.5-6.5 microns; the stem 
white and hollow; the inferior ring 
or annulus about the stem soon 
disappears. The trama or flesh of the 
mushroom is white to gray brown 
and without odor. It fruits in dense 
clusters from May to November. 

[This description abridges the 
technical diagnosis in the original]. 

With regard to making ink it is 
important to collect the mushroom 
before it is fully deliquescent and 
thus too old. On the other hand, if 
the harvested material is not devel¬ 
oped enough, then the quality of the 
ink will be bad. One must filter the 
fungal liquid through thick mesh 
cheesecloth and then decant and 
discard the top clear layer of liquid 
above the dark residue of the spores. 
This separates the unpigmented 
material from the spores. 

The inky deposit is quite gritty, 
and therefore one should add gum 
arabic to promote adhesion. [Histori¬ 
cally, gum arabic— a water soluble 
gum obtained from several species 
of the acacia tree—was used to 
increase the viscosity of ink or to 
make it flow well, to prevent it from 
feathering, and to suspend the 
coloring matter.] 

The native ink has two features: 

(1) it has an unpleasant smell, and 

(2) it tends to separate and form a 
hard precipitate. Therefore, in 
addition to gum arabic, a perfume 
such as clove oil is incorporated, 
which also helps preserve the ink. 
Before using a pen with a nib, shake 
the ink in the bottle. 

Spore ink produces a pleasant 
black-brown color similar to Chinese 
inks. The ink may be saved for as 
long as eight years. As a natural 
science exercise, students could 
prepare ink for themselves for use 
in school. 

Herbarium slides of spore prints 
are very stable, and the spore ink is 
permanent. The shape of the spores 
in the ink is constant, and it is easy 
to look at the paper with a micro¬ 
scope to confirm that a signature on 
an important document agrees with 
the original ink. Oxalic acid from 
sorrel does not destroy or bleach the 
pigment of the spores, and therefore 
spore ink ensures protection against 
forgeries employing detergents or 
acids to erase the writing. Indeed, 
inks produced from different mush¬ 
rooms could be used as “finger¬ 
prints" to uniquely identify different 

Priroda [Nature] No. 1 January 1938, 
pp 121-23. Translated from the 
Russian by Elena Sivan-Loukianova. 
Transcribed by Dean Abel (from 
Symbiosis, newsletter of the Prairie 
State Mushroom Club, and reprinted 
here with permission of the author). 

Ike's Message, cont. from page 2 

Membership continues to be a 
concern; it stayed fairly level during 
the past year. I encourage each of 
you to talk about NAMA to your 
fungal friends and other members of 
your clubs. The more people in¬ 
volved in NAMA, the more we can 
grow and continue to promote 
programs and literature for the 
advancement of mycology in North 
America, not to mention that we'll 
just have more fun the more of us 
there are. —Ike 

The Mycophile, November/December 2006 


The Sommers in Costa Rica, cont. from page 2 

with white flecks on the cap, a ring on the stipe, and a 
raggedy annulus. No need for a spore print. Our first 
response was a mixture of surprise that mushrooms 
like this existed in local woods (we had not seen them 
before) and satisfaction from making the correct 

Coming early in our mushrooming careers, our 
first foreign fungus foray to Costa Rica set a high 
standard. The trip was organized in 1986 by Manny 
Salzman of Fungophile with logistical support from the 
Organization for Tropical Studies. Experts were the 
creme de la creme of professional mycology—Rolf 
Singer, Greg Mueller, and Jean Love—plus faculty from 
the local university and major figures in amateur 
mycology—Gary Lincoff and David Arora. Also in the 
group was Sara Freedman, author of Celebrating the 
Wild Mushroom; mushroom historian Steven Thomas; 
one professional forager; two retired army colonels, 
three M.D.s; and a gaggle of Ph.Ds. As they say in 
New York City, everyone was there, and you should have 
been there, too. 

Costa Rica promotes ecotourism, with more of its 
land in national parks and reserves than any other 
country in the world. At the conjoining of the Northern 
and Southern Hemispheres, Costa Rica contains fauna 
and flora from both. We encountered naturalists from 
fields we didn't know existed (when you met a young 
person carrying a notebook, you asked, "What's your 
critter?") and learned about tropical snakes, frogs, leaf- 
cutter ants, monkeys, and bats. David Arora and Steve 
Thomas led an after-dark expedition with flashlights 
and headlamps in search of nocturnal insects. 

Best of all, from the standpoint of mushrooming, 
was that picking was legal, both in national parks and 
on private land. We stopped the bus alongside grassy 
fields, clambered over fences without fear of being 
shot, and gamboled through cow paddies in search of 
Psilocybe cubensis. We collected in dry tropical low¬ 
lands, in soggy rain-soaked woods, and in high cloud 
forests, ever respectful of habitat. 

Memorable moments 

• Discovering several new species and having the 
technical expertise in our group to make a preliminary 

• Observing interactions between experts by training 
(professional mycologists), experts by experience (noted 
authors of field guides), and advanced amateurs with 
expertise in other fields. Each had something to con¬ 
tribute to the ongoing dialog. 

• Realizing that experts weren't the best mushroom 
finders. Lost in discussions of nomenclature and 
structure, they were more interested in one another 
than in nearby fungi, and name-dropping became a 
potlatch ceremony ("Here is my gift to you; what can 
you give me in return?"). 

Whs this the first North American forest 
sighting of a Shiitake? 

• Observing how professional mycologists used dehy¬ 
drators to prepare herbarium specimens. Bob [Sommer], 
who painted watercolors of unusual mushrooms, had to 
rescue several models from the gas chambers. He 
painted a rare Veloporphyrellus pantoleucus he had 
collected [see page 2]; meanwhile, Rolf Singer impa¬ 
tiently paced outside the room demanding he surrender 
his model to science. Art was clearly a lesser activity. 

• On the tree-studded lower slopes of the Poas volcano, 
Barbara's discovering what appeared to be a Shiitake 

(Lentinula edodes ), possibly the first wild sighting in the 
Western Hemisphere of this choice edible. 

• Meeting a young woman who drew blood from bats. 
Humankind was taking revenge! We saw her sweeping 
the forest floor with a broom at dusk. She repeated this 
ritual at dawn, each time counting the number of seeds 
within a defined grid. Her goal was to compare nightly 
seed dispersion by bats with daytime dispersion by 

• Seeing how easily a false rumor can spread in the 
mycology world. Nine years after the foray (!) a critical 
article appeared in a mushroom periodical purporting to 
describe habitat destruction by our group. The article 
was written by a person who had not been on the tour, 
and it was based on his discussion with another person 
who had not been on the tour. 

• Exchanging photographs, sketches, collection lists, 
and recollections with other participants after we 
returned home. We have gone on other foreign forays 
since then, but Costa Rica remains the most salient 
because it came first. The trip greatly strengthened our 
interest in mushrooming. We never travel anywhere 
without David or Gary in the boot. 


The Mycophile, November/December 2006 

North American Mycological Association 

336 Lenox Avenue 
Oakland, CA 94610-4675 

Address Service Requested 


PERMIT NO. 1260 
CHAS. WV 25301 

Newalsttar of the Nortti American M ynalogioal Association 

Mushroom of the Month 

The Provincial mushroom for Alberta, 
Leccinum boreale. For details on the 
2006 Summer Foray, dig into this issue. 
Photo courtesy of Ron Meyers. 

The Mycophile, November/December 2006